r UC-NRLF $B 23 2Sfl CHARTER OF THE City and County of San Francisco As Amended in 1903, 1907, 1911, 1913, 1915^917 and 1919. Published by. Authority of ths Board of Supervisors JOHN S. n.'NTNIGAN, Clerk ■t!l Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation fflfpb7tiv\AAA/:arcffh^ CHARTER OF THE '.''.■'.'■ '•' • CITY AND COUNfY OF SAN FRANCISCO PREPARED AND PROPOSED BV THE BOARD OF FREEHOLDERS Elected December 27, 1897, in pursuance of the provisions of Section 8, Article XI, of the Constitution of the State of California. Ratified by Vote of the People. :\ray 26, 1898. Approved by the Legislature of the State, January 26, 1899. In full Force and Effect, January 8. 1900. AVitli Amendments adopted at Special Election, December 4, 1902. (in effect February 5, 1903). Amendments adopted November 5, 1907 (in effect November 22 and November 23, 1907), and Amendments adopted November 15, 1910, (in effect February 17, 1911). Amendments adopted December 10, 1912, (in effect March 28, 1913). Amendments adopted March 16, 1915, (in effect April 1, 1915). Amendments adopted November 7, 1916, (in effect January 18, 1917). Amendments adopted November 5, 1918, (in effect January 17, 1919). Published by authority of the Board of Supervisors. JOHN S. DUN^^IGAN, Clerk. SHANNON-CONMV, S09 SANSOMF ST. Board of Freeholders President : JOSEPH BRITTON. JEROME A. ANDERSON, JAMES BUTLER, H. N. CLEMENT, A. COMTE, JR., ALFRED CRIDGE, L. R. ELLERT, ISIDOR GUTTE, P. H. McCarthy, JOHN NIGHTINGALE, JR. JOHN C. NOBMANN, JOSEPH O'CONNOR, LIPPMANN SACHS. EDWARD R. TAYLOR, A. W. THOMPSON. Secretary : J. RICH'D FREUD. CHARTER OF THE City and County of San Francisco Provided for by Section 8 of Article XI of the Constitution of the State of California ,•.-•.:- Proposed by a Board of Freeholders, elected December 27, 1897. Ratified by the Electors, May 26, 1898. Approved by the Legislature, January 26, 1899. (Statutes 1899, page 241) In full force and effect January 8, 1900. Amended at a special election held December 4, 1902. Amendments approved by the Legislature, February 5, 1903. (Statutes 1903, page 586) Also amended at the municipal election, held November 5, 1907. Amendments approved by the Legislature (special session), November 22 and 23, 1907. (Statutes 1909, page 29) Also amended at a special election held November 15, 1910. Amendments approved by the Legislature, February 17, 1911. (Statutes 1911, page 1661) Also amended at a special election held December 10, 1912. Amendments approved by the Legislature, March 28, 1913. (Statutes 1913, page 1602) Also amended at a special election held March 16, 1915. Amendments approved by the Legislature, April 1, 1915. (Statutes 1915, page 1807) Also amended at a general election held November 7, 1916. Amendments approved by the Legislature, January 18, 1917. (Statutes 1917, page 1708) Also amended at a general election held November 5, 1918. Amendments approved by the Legislature, January 17, 1919. (Statutes 1919) AETICLE I. BOUNDARIES, RIGHTS AND LIABILITIES. Name and Powers of City and County. Section 1. The municipal corporation known as the City and County of San Francisco shall remain and continue a body politic and corporate in name and in fact by the name of the City and County of San Francisco, and by that name shall have perpetual succession ; may sue and defend in all courts and places and in all matters and proceedings; may have and use a common seal and 747501 2 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. alter the same at pleasure; may purchase, receive, hold and enjoy real and personal property; receive bequests, gifts and donations ^^of all ^J^inds.of property, in fee simple, or in trust for charitable ^a^nd other purposes, and do all acts necessary to carry out the ^purposes. of . such ^ gifts, bequests and donations, with power to ■ inati^ge, isell,; I'ease, .or otherwise dispose of the same in accordance with the terms of the gift, bequest or trust. Boundaries. Sec. 2. The boundaries of the City and County of San Fran- cisco are hereby declared to be those set forth in Section Thirty- Nine Hundred and Fifty of the Political Code of California. Rights. Sec. 3. The City and County of San Francisco shall continue, under this Charter, to have, hold and enjoy all property, rights of property, rights of action of every nature and description of the existing municipality and is hereby declared to be the successor of the same. Actions by or Against tlie City and County. Sec. 4. Suits, actions and proceedings may be brought in the name of the City and County for the recovery of any property, money or thing belonging thereto, in law or equity, or dedicated to public use therein, or for the enforcement of any rights of, or contracts with, the City and County, whether made or arising or accruing before or after the adoption of this Charter. All exist- ing suits, actions and proceedings in the courts or elsewhere, to which the City and County is a party, shall continue to be carried on by or against the City and County. Liability for Damages by Reason of Defective Sidewalks, Etc. Sec. 5. No recourse shall be had against the City and County, or any board of officers thereof, for damage or loss to person or property suffered or sustained by reason of the defective condition of any sidewalk, street, avenue, lane, alley, court or place, none of which has been finally accepted by the Super- visors of the city and county as by law, or as in this charter pro- vided, nor shall there be any recourse against the City and County, or any board or officer thereof, for damage to person or property suffered or sustained by reason of accident on any such sidewalk, street, avenue, lane, alley, court or place; but in any such case the person or persons on whom the law may have imposed the obligation to repair such defect in any such sidewalk, street or public highway, shall be liable to the party injured for the damage suffered or sustained. When any portion of the roadway of a public street in the City and County which has been accepted by the Supervisors as provided by law, shall be in such defective condition as to endanger persons or property in the use thereof; or when any public sewer is defective or in want of repair, it shall be the duty of the Article I. Boundaries, Rights and Liabilities. 3 Board of Public Works to cause any such defect in such roadway or in such sewer to be remedied or repaired. And, if through the official negligence of the said Board such defect remains unrem- edied or unprotected, and in consequence thereof damage or loss to person or property is sustained or suffered, the said Board shall be liable to the party injured for the damage sustained; provided tliat a notice in writing directing attention to the exist- ence of such defect, and specifying the particular street and block thereof whereon or wherein such defect exists, shall have been served upon the said Board at least five days before such damage shall have been sustained: and provided further that there are at such time funds available to the said Board for repairing or remedying such defects. — As amended November 15, 1910; approved by the Legislature February 17, 1911 (Statutes, 1911, page 1661). 4: Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. ARTICLE II. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. CHAPTER I. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Legislative Power. Section 1. The legislative power of the City and County of San Francisco shall be vested in a legislative body, which shall be designated the Board of Supervisors. Such body is also des- ignated in this Charter, the Supervisors. Supervisors: Term. Qualifications. Sec. 2. The Board of Supervisors shall consist of eighteen members, all of whom shall hold office for two* years and be elected from the City and County at large. Each one must be at the time of his election an elector of the city and county, and must have been such for at least five years next preceding his election. Each Supervisor shall receive a salary of two hundred dollars a month. Every person who has served as Mayor of the City and County, so long as he remains a resident thereof, shall be entitled to a seat in the Board of Supervisors and to participate in its debates, but shall not be entitled to a vote nor to any compensation. — As amended November 15, 1910; approved by the Legislature February 17, 1911 (Statutes, 1911, page 1661). Quorum. Sec. 3. A majority of all the members of the Board shall con- stitute a quorum, but a less number may adjourn from day to day and compel the attendance of absent members in such man- ner and under such penalties as the Board may prescribe. Powers of the Board of Supervisors. Sec. 4. The Board shall : Appointments. 1. Appoint a Clerk, Sergeant-at-Arms and, when authorized to do so by ordinance, such additional clerks and other assistants as may be deemed necessary. Rules. 2. Establish rules for its proceedings. Journal. 3. Keep a journal of its proceedings, and allow the same to be published. The ayes and noes shall on demand of any member be taken and entered therein. Decorum. 4. Have authority to punish its members for disorderly or contemptuous behavior in its presence. *Term made four years: Section 38a, Article XVI. Article II, Chapter I. Legislative Department. 5 Presiding Officer. Sec. 5. The Mayor shall be the presiding officer of the Board of Supervisors. In the absence of the Mayor the Board shall appoint a presiding officer pro tempore from its own members, who shall have the same right to vote as other members. Meetings: Time and Place. Sec. 6. The Board shall meet on Monday of each week, or if that day be a legal holiday, then on the next day. The Board shall not adjourn to any other place than to its regular place of meeting, except in case of great necessity or emergency. The meetings of the Board shall be public. Clerk of the Board: Duties and Powers. Sec. 7. The Clerk of the Board, when requested to do so, shall administer oaths and affirmations, without charge, in all matters pertaining to the affairs of his office, and shall perform such services as may be prescribed by the Board. He shall have the custody of the seal, and of all leases, grants and other documents, records and papers of the City and County. His signature shall be necessary to all leases, grants and conveyances of the City and County. Ordinances: Enactment and Passage. Sec. 8. Every legislative act of the City and County shall be by ordinance. The enacting clause of every ordinance shall be in these words: **Be it ordained by the People of the City and County of San Francisco as follows." No ordinance shall be passed except by bill, and no bill shall be so amended as to change its original purpose. Bills and Resolutions: Final Adoption. Sec. 9. No bill shall become an ordinance, nor resolution be adopted, unless finally passed by a majority of all the members of the Board and the vote be taken by ayes and noes and the names of the members voting for and against the same be entered in the Journal. Revision and Amendment. Sec. 10. No ordinance shall be revised, re-enacted or amended by reference to its title; but the ordinance to be revised or re-enacted, or the section thereof amended, shall be re-enacted at length as revised and amended. Subject and Title. Sec. 11. An ordinance shall embrace but one subject, which subject shall be expressed in its title. If any subject be embraced in an ordinance and not expressed in its title, such ordinance shall be void only as to so much thereof as is not expressed in its title. 6 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. Reconsideration: Francliises. Sec. 12. When a bill is put upon its final passage in the Board and fails to pass, and a motion is made to reconsider, the vote upon such motion shall not be acted upon before the expiration of twenty-four hours after adjournment. No bill for the grant of any franchise shall be put upon its final passage within ninety days after its introduction, and no franchise shall be renewed before one year prior to its expiration. Every ordinance shall, after amendment, be laid over for one week before its final passage. Advertisement of Bills and Resolutions. Sec. 13. Every bill or resolution providing for any specific improvement, or the granting of any franchise or privilege, or involving the lease, appropriation or disposition of public prop- erty, or the expenditure of public money, except sums less than two hundred dollars, or levying any tax or assessment, and every ordinance providing for the imposition of a new duty or penalty, shall, after its introduction, be published in the official news- paper with the ayes and noes, for at least five successive days (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) before final action upon the same. If such bill be amended, the bill as amended shall be advertised for a like period before final action thereon. But in cases of great necessity the officers and heads of departments may, with the consent of the Mayor, expend such sums of money, not to exceed two hundred dollars, as shall be necessary to meet the requirements of such necessity. Veto of Separate Items by the Mayor. Sec. 14. If any bill be presented to the Mayor containing sev- eral items appropriating money or fixing a tax levy, he may object to one or more items separately, while approving other por- tions of the bill. In such case he shall append to the bill at the time of signing it a statement of the item or items to which he objects and the reasons therefor, and the item or items so objected to shall not take effect unless passed notwithstanding the Mayor's objection. Each item so objected to shall be separately recon- sidered by the Board in the same manner as bills which have been disapproved by the Mayor. When Ordinances Take Effect. Sec. 15. No ordinance shall take effect until ten days after its passage unless otherwise provided in such ordinance. Approval or Disapproval of Mayor. Sec. 16. Every bill and every resolution as hereinbefore pro- vided, which shall have passed the Board and shall have been duly authenticated, shall be presented to the Mayor for his approval. The Mayor shall return such bill or resolution to the Board within ten days after receiving it. If he approve it he shall sign it and it shall then become an ordinance. If he dis- Article 11, Chapter 1. Legislative Department. 7 approves it he shall specify his objections thereto in writing. If he does not return it with such disapproval within the time above specified, it shall take effect as if he had approved it. The objec- tions of the ^layor shall be entered at large in the Journal of the Board, and the Board shall, after five and within thirty days after such bill or resolution shall have been so returned, reconsider and vote upon the same. If the same shall, upon reconsideration, be again passed by the affirmative vote of not less than fourteen members of the Board, the presiding officer shall certify that fact on the bill or resolution, and when so certified, the bill shall become an ordinance with like effect as if it had been approved by the ^layor. If the bill or resolution shall fail to receive the vote of fourteen members of the Board it shall be deemed finally lost. The vote on such reconsideration shall be taken by ayes and noes and the names of the members voting for and against the same shall be entered in the Journal. Deposit of All Ordinances. Sec. 17. All ordinances and resolutions shall be deposited with the Clerk of the Board, who shall record the same at length in a suitable book. Repeal of Ordinances. Sec. 18. No ordinance shall be repealed except by ordinance adopted in the manner hereinbefore set out, and such ordinance shall be presented to the Mayor for his approval as hereintofore provided. Demands for Payment of Money. Sec. 19. Except as provided in Chapter III of Article III of this Charter, all demands payable out of the treasury must, before they can be approved by the Auditor or paid by the Treasurer, be first approved by the Board of Supervisors. All demands for more than two hundred dollars shall be presented to the Mayor for his approval, in the manner hereinbefore provided for the passage of bills or resolutions. All resolutions directing the pay- ment of money other than salaries or wages, when the amount exceeds five hundred dollars, shall be published for five successive days (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) in the official news- paper. Section 20. Repealed hy amendment November 15, 1910; approved hy the Legislature Fehruary 17, 1911 (Statutes, 1911, page 1661.) Section 21. Repealed hy amendment Novemher 15, 1910; approved hy the Legislature Fehruary 17, 1911 (Statutes,- 1911, page 1661). Amendments to Charter by Petition. Sec. 22. Whenever there shall be presented to the Supervisors a petition signed by a number of voters equal to fifteen per centum 8 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. of the votes cast at the last preceding State or municipal election, asking that an amendment or amendments to this Charter, to be set out in such petition, be submitted to the people, the Board must submit to the vote of the electors of the City and County the pro- posed amendment or amendments. The signatures to the petition need not all be appended to one paper. Each signer shall add to his signature his place of resi- dence, giving the street and number. One of the signers of each such paper shall make oath before an officer competent to admin- ister oaths that the statements made therein are true and that each signature to such paper appended is the genuine signature of the person whose name purports to be thereto subscribed. The Board of Election Commissioners must make all necessary provision for submitting the proposed amendment or amendments to the electors at a special election to be called by it, and shall canvass the vote in the same manner as in other cases of election. All the provisions of the Constitution of the State embracing the subject in this section provided for are hereby expressly made applicable to such proposed amendment or amendments. But if at any time there shall be no constitutional provision or provisions under which this Charter may be amended, then the aforesaid amendment or amendments must be submitted by the Board of Election Commissioners to the vote of the electors of the City and County at the election which next ensues after such petition is filed with the Supervisors, if any such election is not to be held within sixty days after the filing of such petition. The tickets used at such election shall contain the words "FOR THE AMENDMENT" (stating the nature of the proposed amend- ment) and "AGAINST THE AMENDMENT" (stating the nature of the proposed amendment). If a majority of the votes cast upon such amendment or amend- ments shall be in favor of the adoption thereof, the Board of Elec- tion Commissioners shall, within thirty days from the time of such election, proclaim such fact, and thereupon this Charter shall be amended accordingly. Section 23. Repealed hy amendment November 15, 1910; approved hy the Legislature February 17, 1911 ; in effect January 8, 1912 (Statutes, 1911, page 1661). CHAPTER II. POWERS OF THE SUPERVISORS. Section 1. Subject to the provisions, limitations and restric- tions in this Charter contained, the Board of Supervisors shall have power : Local Laws. 1. To ordain, make and enforce within the limits of the City and County all necessary local, police, sanitary and other laws and regulations. Article II, Chapter II. Legislative Department. 9 Use of Streets. 2. Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, or in the Con- stitution of the State of California, to regulate and control for any and every purpose, the use of the streets, highways, public thoroughfares, public places, alleys and sidewalks of the City and County. Permits for Spur Tracks on Streets. 3. To permit the laying down of spur or side tracks and run- ning of cars thereon for industrial purposes only, for the purpose of connecting warehouses, manufactories or other business indus- tries and enterprises with the Belt Line of railroads along the water front or other lines of railroad which now or may here- after enter the City and County, subject to such regulations and conditions as may be prescribed from time to time by said Board of Supervisors ; such tracks to be used for transportation of freight only, and not to be used as a main line or a part thereof; and also for the purpose of excavating and filling in a street or portion of a street or the adjoining land, and for such limited time as may be necessary for such purpose and no longer. Such tracks must be laid level with the street and must be operated under such restrictions as not to interfere with the use of such streets by the public. All permits granted under the pro- visions hereof shall be revocable at the pleasure of the Board of Supervisors. All spur or side tracks laid down and in use on the first day of July, 1907, shall be deemed to have been laid down and to be in use by permission of the Board of Supervisors, sub- ject to the provisions of this section. — As amended November 5, 1907; approved by the Legislature November 23, 1907 (Statutes Special Session, 1907, page 55). Street Sweepings. 4. To empower street railway companies, under such condi- tions as the Board may see fit to impose, to convey street sweep- ings and offal to the public parks. Fire Limits. 5. To fix the limits within which wooden buildings or struc- tures shall not be erected, placed or maintained, and to prohibit the same within such limits. Such limits when once established shall not be changed except by extension. Nuisances. 6. To provide for the abatement or summary removal of any nuisance and to condemn and to prevent the occupancy of unsafe structures. Passenger Vehicles. 7. To regulate the use of hackney carriages and public pas- senger vehicle^, and to fix the rates to be charged for the trans- portation of persons or personal baggage. 10 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. Public Pound. 8. To provide a public pound and to make all necessary rules and regulations in the matter of animals running at large, and for the custody and destruction of the same. Morgue. 9. To provide and maintain a morgue. Places for Detention. 10. To provide for places for the detention of witnesses and persons charged with insanity, separate and apart from places where criminals or persons accused of public offenses are impris- oned. Prisons, Hospitals and Almshouses. 11. To establish, maintain and regulate, and change, discon- tinue and re-establish City and County jails, prisons and houses of detention, punishment, confinement and reformation, hospitals and almshouses. Acquire Property. 12. To purchase or acquire by condemnation such property as may be needed for public use. • Water, Heat, Light, Power, Etc. 13. Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, to regulate and control the location and quality of all appliances necessary to the furnishing of water, heat, light, power, telephonic and tele- graphic service to the City and County, and to acquire, regulate and control any and all appliances for the sprinkling and clean- ing of the streets of the City and County, and for flushing the sewers therein. Regulation of Public Utility Rates. 14. To fix and determine by ordinance in the month of Feb- ruary of each year, to take effect on the first day of July there- after, the rates or compensation to be collected by any person, company or corporation in the City and County, for the use of water, heat, light, power or telephonic service, supplied to the City and County, or to the inhabitants thereof, and to prescribe the quality of the service. — As amended November 5, 1907; approved by the Legislature November 23, 1907 (Statutes Special Sessions, 1907, page 55). License Taxes, Exemption. 15. To impose license taxes and to provide for the collection thereof; but no license taxes shall be imposed upon any person who, at any fixed place of business in the City and County, sells or manufactures goods, wares or merchandise, except such as re- quire permits from the Board of Police Commissioners as pro- vided in this Charter, Article II, Chapter II. Legislative Department. 11 Fines and Penalties, 16. To prescribe fines, forfeitures and penalties for the breach of any ordinance ; but no penalty shall exceed the amount of five hundred dollars or six months' imprisonment, or both. Fees. 17. To fix the fees and charges for all official services not otherwise provided for in this Charter. Fourth of July. Memorial Day. 18. To allow not to exceed two thousand five hundred dollars in any year for the celebration of the anniversary of our National Independence, and not to exceed five hundred dollars in any year for the observance of Memorial Day. Cruelty to Animals. 19. To appropriate such sums as may be paid into the treasury from fines collected on conviction of persons charged with cruelty to animals, and to authorize the payment of the same or some part thereof to any society that shall efficiently aid in such con- victions. Interpreters' Compensations. 20. To provide for the payment of compensation to the inter- preters appointed by the Judges of the Superior Court to inter- pret testimony in criminal cases in said Court or the Police Court, or upon inquests and examinations. Such compensation shall not exceed one hundred dollars a month for each interpreter. Rewards to Catch Criminals. 21. To offer rewards not exceeding one thousand dollars in any one instance for the apprehension and conviction of any per- son who may have committed a felony in the City and County, and to authorize the payment thereof. Sewer System Fund. 22. To provide in the annual tax levy for a special fund to be used in the construction of a general system of drainage and sewerage. Official Seals. 23. To provide a Seal for the City and County, and Seals for the several departments, boards and officers thereof, and a Seal for the Police Court. Hours and Wages of Laborers. 24. To fix hours of labor or service required of all laborers in the service of the City and County, and to fix their compensa- tion; provided that eight hours shall be the maximum hours of labor in any calendar day, and that the minimum wages of labor- ers shall be three dollars a day. — As amended November 15, 1910: approved by the Legislature February 17, 1911 (Statutes, 1911, page 1661). 12 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. Boulevards. 25. To set apart as a boulevard or boulevards any street or streets, or portions of a street or streets, over which there is no existing franchise for any street railroad. Tunnels. 26. To construct or permit the construction of tunnels, under such rules and regulations as the Board may prescribe. Regulation of Street Railways. u. To regulate street railroads, tracks and cars; to permit Kwo or more lines of street railways, operated under different managements, to use the same street, each paying an equal portion for the construction and repair of the tracks and appurtenances used by said railways jointly for such number of blocks consecu- tively, not exceeding ten blocks, to fix, establish and reduce the fares and charges for transporting passengers and goods thereon ; to regulate rates of speed, and to pass ordinances to protect the public from danger or inconvenience in the operation of such roads. — As amended December 4, 1902; approved hy the Legis- lature February 5, 1903 (Statutes, 1903, page 586). Entry to the City of Steam Railroads, 28. To allow any transcontinental or other railroad company having not less than fifty miles of road actually constructed and in operation to enter the City and County with its road and run its cars to the water front at the most suitable point for public convenience. No exclusive right shall be granted to any railroad company ; and the use of all such rights shall at all times be sub- ject to regulation by the Supervisors. Every ordinance granting such right shall be upon the condi- tions that said company shall pave and keep in repair the street from curb to curb in such a manner and with such material as may from time to time be prescribed by the Supervisors, and that such company shall allow any other railroad company to use in common with it the same track or tracks, each paying an equal portion for the construction and repair of the tracks and appur- tenances used by such railways jointly. Conveyance of Lands. 29. To convey lands in accordance with the provisions of the Act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled ''An Act to expedite the settlement of land titles in the City and County of San Francisco, and to ratify and confirm the acts and proceedings of certain of the authorities thereof," approved March 14, 1870. Trusts. 30. To provide for the execution of all trusts confided to the City and County. Article II, Chapter II. Legislative Department. 13 Vacant Lots. 31. To transfer from one department of the City Government vacant and unused lots of land to another department. Lease of Lands of the City. 32. To provide for the lease of any lands now or hereafter owned by the City and County; but all leases shall be made at public auction to the highest responsible bidder at the highest monthly rent, after publication of notice thereof for at least three weeks. No lease shall be authorized except by ordinance passed by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of the Board, and approved by the Mayor, and no lease shall be made for a longer period than twenty years. Sale of Useless Property. 33. To provide for the sale at public auction, after advertising for five days, of personal property unfit or unnecessary for the use of the City and County. Purchase of Property. 34. To provide for the purchase of property levied upon or under execution in favor of the City and County ; but the amount bid on such purchase shall not exceed the amount of judgment and costs. Mayor's Contingent Fund. 35. The Supervisors must appropriate annually to the Mayor thirty-six hundred dollars as and for a contingent fund, for which he need furnish no vouchers. To Aid Indigent and Exempt Firemen. 36. To allow not to exceed the sum of five thousand dollars a year for the relief of aged, indigent and infirm exempt firemen who served in the Volunteer Fire Department between the years 1850 and 1866. — As amended December 4, 1902; approved hy the Legislature February 5, 1903 (Statutes, 1903, page 586). Giving Permit to Panama-Pacific International Exposition. 37. The Board of Supervisors shall pass such ordinances gov- erning the use and closing of streets, the erection, use, alteration, demolition and control of buildings and structures of every nature and description; the installation, use and control of plumbing, water, gas, steam, sewerage and other pipes and instrumentalities; the use and control of electric light, power, and other wires, con- duits, generating, transmitting and other apparatus; the erection and maintenance of steam boilers, steam, gas, and other engines and apparatus; the maintenance and control of fire and police protection, and governing any and every other matter necessary, proper or expedient for the safety, convenience and welfare of the public within that portion of the City and County 5f San Fran- cisco which has been or may be selected as the site for the holding 14 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition. The provisions hereof, and the ordinances adopted hereunder, shall supersede all conflicting provisions of this Charter, and all conflicting provisions of any ordinance heretofore passed, so far as the same apply to the site herein specified, until the first day of January, 1917; provided, that no ordinance passed by virtue of any provision herein contained shall be operative outside of the limits of the site hereinabove specified. ^i\^et(; subdivision added hy amendment December 10, 1912, approved by the Legislature March 28, 1913 (Statutes, 1913, page 1602). Bureau of Supplies. 38. To provide for and regulate the purchase, storage and distribution of all supplies for the various offices and departments, and may provide for the establishment of a Bureau of Supplies, and the employment of a Chief of such bureau, with necessary employees and salaries therefor. The Bureau so established may furnish all supplies and materials required by any officer or depart- ment of the City and County. — New subdivision, added by amend- ment December 10, 1912, approved by the Legislature March 28, 1913 (StaMites, 1913, page 1602). Form of Demands. 39. To prescribe the forms in which demands against the treasury shall be made and presented, and the forms in which war- rants shall be drawn by the Auditor and delivered for the payment thereof. — New subdivision added by amendment December 10, 1912, approved by the Legislature March 28, 1913 (Statutes, 1913, page 1602). Uniform System of Accounting. 40. To prescribe a uniform system of accounting for the various offices and departments. — New subdivision added by amendment December 10, 1912, approved by the Legislature March 28, 1913 (Statutes, 1913, page 1602). Records, Documents and Files. 41. To prescribe forms, methods and facilities for keeping the records, documents and files in any office or department of the City, and County, unless otherwise provided by general laws. — New subdivision added hy amendment December 10, 1912, approved by the Legislature March 28, 1913 (Statutes, 1913, pa^ge 1602). Planning Commission. 42. To provide by ordinance for the establishment of a City Planning Commission, which shall devise plans for the improve- ment and beautification of San Francisco. Members of said Plan- ning Commission shall receive no compensation and shall not be subject to any prohibition forbidding officials from holding more than one office or position. The Board of Supervisors shall pre- scribe the duties of said Commission, the number and qualifica- Article II, Chapter II. Legislative Department, 15 tions of the members thereof, and in general shall enact all legisla- tion not expressly forbidden by this Charter or by general law necessary or incident to carrying into execution the propositions for which said City Planning Commission is instituted. — New subdi- vision added by amendment December 10, 1912, approved by the Legislature March 28, 1913 (Statutes, 1913, page 1602). Public Aquarium. 43. To accept gifts of buildings, properties and moneys for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a public aquarium, and to appropriate from the general fund of the City and County not less than twenty thousand dollars annually for the support and maintenance of a public aquarium. — New subdivision added by amendment, November 7 , 1916, approved by the Legis- lature January 18, 1917 (Statutes, 1917, page 1708). Steinhart Aquarium. Subdivision 43-A. The devise and bequest of Ignatz Steinhart, deceased, of the sum of $250,000 for the erection and completion of an Aquarium to be located in Golden Gate Park in the City and County of San Francisco for the use and enjoyment of the people of the City and County of San Francisco, the management, super- intendence and operation of which is to be in charge and under the direction of the California Academy of Sciences of San Francisco, is hereby accepted, said devise and bequest being as follows : "It being my earnest desire, to provide the citizens of San Francisco with an Aquarium to be erected in the Golden Gate Park of said City, and to be called the ' Steinhart Aquarium ' ; and provided such an Aquarium has not heretofore been constructed or placed in operation by me or any other party or parties, I hereby give, devise and bequeath to the California Academy of Sciences of San Francisco, the sum of ($250,000) two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, for the erection and completion of an Aquarium to be located in the Golden Gate Park of said City of San Francisco, and adjacent or adjoining to the new buildings and museum of said Academy of Sciences in said Park and Subject to the following conditions: I. Said Aquarium as aforementioned, to be called the Stein- hart Aquarium, and a bronze bust or statue of my brother Sig- mund Steinhart, now deceased, but joint donor with me, to be erected and displayed in some convenient place in said Aquarium building. II. The location, plans and specifications as also of the appur- tenances and installations therein, to be submitted to my executors and to be approved by same. III. The final cost of said Aquarium not to exceed to my estate the sum of said $250,000 aforementioned, to be certified to by the original officials of said Academy of Sciences and the architect selected for the construction of said Aquarium. 16 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. IV. The management, superintendence and operation of said Aquarium to be in charge and under the direction of said Acad- emy of Sciences; and I expect that the necessary funds for the maintenance and operation of said Aquarium will be furnished by the City of San Francisco for the benefit of the inhabitants thereof or others, who may enjoy said Aquarium or derive knowledge and information therefrom. In case, however, during my lifetime an Aquarium should have been erected and exist, in said Golden Gate Park, then said be- quest of $250,000 is to be null and void and hereby cancelled. And in lieu thereof, I hereby give, devise and bequeath to said Academy of Sciences the sum of ($150,000) one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, for the enlargement and extension of the Aquarium then existing. I would suggest that a Terrarium and Exhibit of Insects be installed in said enlarged Aquarium. Loca- tion plans and specifications for the latter, are likewise to be approved by my executors, and conditions and clauses I to IV heretofore mentioned, should as far as feasible and practical' apply to said bequest of $150,000 for said enlargement and exten- sion of said Aquarium. ' ' The Board of Supervisors is hereby empowered to pass any ordinance necessary to carry into full force and effect the terms, conditions and provisions of said devise and bequest, to accept any further gifts of money, properties or buildings for the exten- sion or support of said Steinhart Aquarium, under the manage- ment, superintendence and operation of the California Academy of Sciences of San Francisco and to authorize the expenditure of such sum of money as shall be appropriated from the General Fund of the City and County of San Francisco under the pro- visions of Subdivision 43, Section 1, Chapter II, Article II of the Charter through the California Academy of Sciences of San Fran- cisco for the support and maintenance of said Steinhart Aquarium under such regulations as said Board of Supervisors may prescribe by Ordinance. — New subdivision added hy amendment November 5, 1918, approved hy the Legislature January 17, 1919 (Statutes,^ 1919). Equalization Board. Sec. 2. The Supervisors shall constitute the Board of Equali- zation of the City and County. The Clerk of the Supervisors shall be Clerk of the Board of Equalization by virtue of his office. Finance Committee: Duties and Powers. Sec. 3. The Board of Supervisors shall appoint from its mem- bers a committee consisting of three to be denominated Finance Committee, and shall fill all vacancies in the Committee. The Committee shall investigate the transactions and accounts of all officers having the collection, custody or disbursement of public money, or having the power to approve, allow, or audit demands Article II, Chapter II. Legislative Department. 17 on the treasury ; shall have free access to any records, books and papers in all public offices; shall have power to administer oaths and affirmations, and to examine witnesses, and compel their at- tendance before them by subpoena. The Committee may at any time visit any of the public offices and make its examinations and investigations therein without hindrance. The Committee must, at least once in every six months, exam- ine the official bonds of all City and County officers, and inves- tigate the sufficiency and solvency of the sureties thereon, and report in writing the facts to the Mayor. Such report shall specify each bond with the sureties, and the amounts for which each surety is bound, and state whether or not they are sufficient and solvent. Upon such report the Mayor shall take such action as shall be necessary to protect the City and County, and may require new bonds when necessary, and he may suspend any officer till a sufficient bond is filed and approved. Expert Books of Quasi-Public Corporations. Misdemeanors in Office. Sec. 4. The Finance Committee shall have power, and it shall be its duty to examine the records and examine and expert the books of account of all persons, companies or corporations that are required to pay a portion of their gross receipts into the treas- ury; and shall likewise, as an aid to the fixing of rates for fur- nishing water and light to the City and County and to the inhab- itants thereof, have like power, and it shall be its duty, to examine the records and examine and expert the books of account of any and all persons, companies or corporations so furnishing water or light. In the exercise of its functions, the concurrence of two mem- bers of the Committee shall be deemed sufficient. The Committee shall keep a record of its proceedings with the names of the wit- nesses examined and a substantial statement of the evidence taken. If, from the examination made by the Committee, it shall appear that a misdemeanor in office, or a defalcation, has been committed by an officer, the Committee shall immediately report to the Mayor, who, if he approve the report, shall take such proceedings against such officer as are authorized by law, and may suspend him pend- ing such proceedings. Any police officer shall execute the process and orders of the Committee. No Exclusive Franchise. Sec. 5. No exclusive franchise or privilege shall be granted for laying pipes, wires or conduits. Street Railway Franchises: Method of Granting. Sec. 6. The Board of Supervisors shall have power to grant authority for a term not exceeding twenty-five years to construct and operate street railways upon, or over, or under, the streets or parts of streets of the City and County not reserved for boule- vards or carriage driveways, upon the following conditions and in the following manner and none other : 18 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. Upon application being made to the Board for any such fran- chise, it shall by resolution determine whether such franchise or any part thereof should be granted, and at said time shall deter- mine on what conditions the same shall be granted additional to those conditions provided in this Chapter. After such determina- tion, it shall cause notice of such application and resolution to be advertised in the official newspaper of the City and County for ten consecutive days. Such advertisement must be completed not less than twenty nor more than thirty days before any further action is taken by the Board on such application. The advertisement must state the character of the franchise sought, the term of its proposed continuance, and the route to be traversed; that sealed bids will be received up to a certain hour on a day to be named in the advertisement; and a further statement that no bids will be received of a stated amount, but that all bids must be for the payment to the City and County in lawful money of the United States of a stated percentage of the gross annual receipts of the person, company or corporation to whom the franchise may be awarded, arising from its use, operation, enjoyment or possession. Every bidder shall file with his bid a bond executed to the City and County, with at least two good and sufficient sureties to be approved by the Mayor in a penal sum prescribed by the Super- visors, and set forth in such advertisement, conditioned that such bidder will well and truly observe, fulfill and perform each and all of the conditions, terms and obligations of the franchise for which said application was made in case the same shall be awarded to him, and that in case of the breach of any of the conditions of such bond, the whole amount of the penal sum therein named shall be taken to be liquidated damages, and that as such shall be recoverable from the principal and sureties on such bond. At the next regular session after the expiration of the time stated in such advertisement up to which such bids will be re- ceived, the Board must open such bids and award the franchise to the person, company or corporation offering to pay the highest stated percentage of the gross receipts arising from the use, oper- ation, possession or enjoyment of the franchise for which such application was made. But no award shall be made, nor any such application granted, unless the stated percentage offered to be paid for the franchise shall be at least three per centum of such gross receipts during the first five years of the period for which the franchise is to be granted, four per centum of the gross receipts during the next succeeding ten years, and five per centum of the gross receipts during the next succeeding ten years. Except as in this section otherwise provided, bidding for such franchises must be in accordance with the provisions of this Charter in relation to bids made to the Board of Public Works, so far as such provisions may be applicable. The Supervisors may reject any and all bids, and may refuse to grant a franchise for any part of the route for which application was made. Every Article II, Chapter II. Legislative Department. 19 ordinance making such grant shall require the concurrence of three-fourths of all the members of the Board of Supervisors, as shown by the ayes and noes, and the approval of the Mayor, and at least ninety days shall intervene between the introduction and final passage of any such ordinance. It shall require a vote of five-sixths of all the Supervisors to pass the ordinance notwith- standing the objections of the Mayor. If any bid be accepted, the franchise must be granted upon the express condition, in addition to the conditions required by this Charter, and such other conditions as may be prescribed by the Supervisors, that the per centum of the gross receipts of the rail- way shall be paid into the treasury on or before the tenth day of the next ensuing month after such gross receipts shall have been earned ; and upon the further condition that the whole of the rail- way shall be continuously operated, and that at the end of the term the road-track and bed of such railway and all its stationary fixtures upon the public streets, shall become the property of the City and County ; and that the grantees w^ill, within one hundred days after the date of such grant, commence the construction of such raihvay, and continuously thereafter, in each and every* month until the completion thereof, expend in such construction at least the sum of three thousand dollars. The failure to comply with any of said conditions shall work an immediate forfeiture of such franchise and the road or track constructed thereunder. There shall be no power in the Super- visors to relieve from such forfeiture or from any of said condi- tions. On or before the tenth day of each month after said re- ceipts shall have been earned, the President and Secretary of said railway company shall make and file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors a sworn statement of the gross receipts of such railway for the preceding month. In granting any such franchise the Board of Supervisors shall impose such other lawful conditions as it may deem advisable, and must expressly provide that the franchise shall not be re- new^ed or regranted, and that the Board shall at all times have the power to regulate the rates of fare to be charged by those using, operating, possessing or enjoying the franchise, and that the Finance Committee of the Board shall at all times be permitted to examine and expert their books as to such gross receipts. All moneys received for such franchises and in payment of the said per centum shall be credited to the General Fund. Electric Power and Lighting Franchises. Conditions and Manner of Granting Same. Sec. 7. The Supervisors shall have no power to grant fran- chises or privileges to erect poles or wires for transmitting elec- tric power or for lighting purposes along or upon any public street or highway of the City and County except upon all the con- ditions and in the manner, including competitive bidding and pay- 20 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. ment of a percentage of gross receipts, hereinbefore set out, and upon the further condition that the Board shall at all times have the right to regulate the charges of any person, company or cor- poration using, enjoying or possessing such franchise or privilege. When, on the expiration of any street railroad franchise, it shall be deemed inexpedient by the Board to use any of the prop- erty reverting to it by reason of such expiration in the operation of a street railroad, then the Board shall have power to lease such property to any person, company or corporation after the notice, on the terms, and in the manner above provided as to the granting of street railroad franchises, as far as the same may be applicable. But no ordinance authorizing such lease shall be passed prior to ninety days next preceding the expiration of such franchise. Any ordinance granting a franchise or authorizing a lease under the provisions of this section shall be in force from and after the expiration of thirty days from the date of its signature by the Mayor, or from and after the expiration of thirty days from the date of its passage by the Supervisors over his objections, unless within said thirty days a petition signed by a number of the electors of the City and County equal to fifteen per centum of the votes cast at the last preceding election, shall have been filed with the Supervisors, asking that said ordinance be submitted to the vote of the people. In such case said ordinance shall be submitted at the next election to the vote of the electors of the City and County, and unless said ordinance shall at said election receive in its favor a majority of the votes cast thereon it shall have no force or effect for any purpose. If a majority of the votes be in favor of such ordinance, the Board of Election Com- missioners shall, on the conclusion of the canvass of the vote thereon, proclaim such fact, and upon such proclamation said ordinance shall have full force and effect as of the date afore- said. Said petition and submission shall be made in accordance with the provisions of section twenty of Chapter I of this Article. [Note — For further conditions relating to franchises see Sec- tions 7a, 7b, 7c, Chapter II, Article III.] Claims for Damages Against tiie City. Sec. 8. All claims for damages against the City and County r^nst be r»r'>sentRd to the Bo«rd of Supervisors and filed with the Clerk within six months after the occurrence from which the damages are claimed to have arisen; otherwise there shall be no recovery on any such claim. Sales of Certain Lands and Procedure Tlierefor. Sec. 9. The City and County of San Francisco shall have power to sell all lands owned by the City and County between Ninth street and Eighteenth street, lying in what was formerly Mission Creek, and any and all lands that may be hereafter ac- quired, excepting lands for parks, squares and children's play- Article II, Chapter II. Legislative Department. 21 grounds, and the Board of Supervisors of said City and County may by ordinance determine that the public interest or necessity demands the sale of such lands so owned or held by the City and County. ^uch ordinance must describe the lands to be sold, and the terms of sale, which must be for cash in United States gold coin. The land may be sold in one parcel or in subdivisions, as the Supervisors may, in such ordinance, determine, and sales shall be made by the Mayor, as hereinafter provided. Every such sale must be at public auction, unless the Super- visors shall, in and by such ordinance, determine that all or a por- tion of such lands shall be sold at private sale. When a sale at public auction is to be had, the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors must give notice thereof by publishing the same in the official newspaper, and one other daily newspaper published in the City and County, at least three weeks succes- sively next before the sale, which said notice shall describe the lands to be sold, with common certainty. Such sales at public auction must be made in the City and County, and must be between the hours of 9 o'clock in the morn- ing and 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and must be made on the day named in the notice of sale, unless the same is postponed. When it shall have been determined by the Supervisors, as hereinbefore provided, that the sale of such lands shall be at pri- vate sale, a notice shall be published in the official newspaper, and one other daily newspaper published in the City and County, for two weeks successively next before the day on or after which the sale is to be made, and the land and tenements to be sold must be described therein with common certainty. The notice must state a day on or after which the sale will be made, and must state that all bids or offers will be received by the Mayor of the City and County, at his office. The day last referred to must be at least fifteen days from the first publication of notice ; and the sale must not be made before that day, but must be made within six months thereafter. The bids or offers must be in writing, and must be filed with the Mayor, at his office. No sale of real estate at private sale shall be confirmed by the Supervisors as hereinafter provided, unless the sum offered shall be at least 90 per cent of the appraised value thereof, to be fixed and determined as next hereafter provided. An appraisement of such lands shall be made and filed with the Supervisors, within three weeks after the final passage of the ordinance hereinbefore mentioned, by the Mayor, the Assessor, and the chairman of the Finance Committee of the Supervisors, who are hereby constituted a board of appraisement for such pur- pose. When a sale shall have been made by the Mayor, at public auc- tion or at private sale, as hereinbefore provided, he shall require 22 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. from the person to whom the property is sold a deposit amount- ing to 10 per cent of the sum bid. He shall immediately there- after, at the next meeting of the Supervisors, report the fact of such sale to the Supervisors, with a statement of the sum bid, and the name of the bidder, with a request that the Board confirm such sale. The Clerk of the Supervisors shall immediately thereupon give notice by publication in the official newspaper, and one other daily newspaper published in the City and County, that at a meet- ing of the Supervisors, to be held not less than twenty, nor more than thirty days, from the first publication of such notice, that such sale has been made, the amount for which the property has been sold, and the name of the purchaser. Such notice shall also contain a statement that at such meeting, if an offer of 10 per cent more in amount than that named in said notice shall be made to the Supervisors, in writing, by a responsible person, the Super- visors will confirm such sale to such person, or order a new sale, as hereinafter provided. At such meeting, if it appears to the Supervisors that the sum bid is not disproportionate to the value of the property sold, and that a greater sum cannot be obtained, or if an increased bid, as hereinbefore mentioned, be made and accepted the Board of Su- pervisors may, by an ordinance,- passed by an affirmative vote, of at least fifteen of its members, confirm such sale, and direct con- veyances to be executed by the Mayor. A certified copy of such ordinance shall be recorded in the County Recorder's office in the County in which the property is situated. The Board of Supervisors may, in its discretion, confirm or re- fuse to confirm any sale. In the event of the refusal of the Board of Supervisors to con- firm the sale all proceedings taken as hereinbefore, provided, for the sale of the lands shall be void and of no effect. If the sale is confirmed by the Board of Supervisors, convey- ances must thereupon be made by the Mayor to the person to whom the sale shall have been so confirmed, and shall be deliv- ered to him upon payment of the balance of the purchase price. Such conveyances shall be in the name of the City and County, and shall be effective to convey all the right, title and interest of the City and County in and to the lands therein described, to the grantee therein named. — Neiv section added hy amendmenty adopted November 5, 1907 ; approved hy the Legislature November 23, 1907 (Statutes Special Session, 1907, page 39). Civic Center and Sale of Relief Home Property. iSec. 10. The Board of Supervisors may acquire, land in the district bounded by Market street, Golden Gate avenue and Frank- lin street, for the purpose of establishing a Civic Center, and when it appears to the advantage of the City and County so to do it may acquire land in excess of the actual requirements, and may Article II, Chapter II. Legislative Department. 23 dispose of any such excess in exchange for other lands within such district or for the purpose of acquiring additional lands or for the erection of structures thereon. It may convey to the State of California a parcel of land in such district for the purpose of the erection of a state building thereon and in consideration therefor may receive from the State any parcel of land in such district now owned by the State ; and with the consent of the Board of Trustees of the Public Library and reading rooms it may exchange parcels of land with the said Board of Trustees, and upon such exchange said Board of Trustees is hereby authorized to relinquish control of such land as may have been heretofore set apart for its use. It may authorize the erection of an auditorium by the Panama-Pacific International Exposition Company, or of an opera house, museum, or other structure, provided the ownership of such structure shall always be vested in the municipality. The Board of Supervisors, in the manner provided in the pre- ceding section, may sell a portion of the Relief Home tract not adapted to public use. being a portion of the Rancho San Miguel and generally described as lying southerly and westerly from the lands of the Spring Valley Water Company. The proceeds arising from such sale shall be used exclusively for the purchase of other lands adjoining such Relief Home tract. — New section added hy amendment December 10, 1912; approved hy the Legislature March 28, 1913 (Statutes, 1913, page 1602). Sale of Outside Land School Lots. Sec. 11. Whenever the Board of Education shall by Resolution determine that any of the lots of land located westerly of Arguello Boulevard, formerly First avenue, and the southerly projection thereof, reserved for school purposes by the committee on Out- side Lands appointed by the Board of Supervisors under the pro- visions of Ordinance No. 800, approved by the Mayor and the President of the Board of Supervisors on January 14, 1868. and confirmed by Act of the Legislature and approved March 27, 1868, are inadequate or unsuitable for school purposes or for use as sites for school buildings and that the public interest or necessity demands the sale thereof, said Board may recommend to the Mayor that such sale be made. If the Mayor shall concur in said recom- mendation he shall report the same to the Board of Supervisors and said Board shall make such sale in the manner provided in Section 9 of this Chapter. The proceeds arising from such sale shall be used exclusively for the purpose of purchasing lands for school purposes or sites for school buildings or for additions to existing sites for school purposes. — As amended November 5, 1918; approved by the Legislature January 17, 1919 (Statutes, 1919). 24 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. CHAPTER III. CONTRACTS. Manner of Purchasing Supplies and Awarding of Contracts. .Section I. All contracts for goods, merchandise, stores, sup- plies, subsistence or printing for the City and County, as well as for all subsistence, supplies, drugs and other necessary articles for hospitals, prisons, public institutions and other departments not otherwise specifically provided for in this Charter, must be made by the Supervisors, with the lowest bidder offering adequate security, after publication for not less than ten days in the official newspaper; and no purchase thereof or liability therefor shall be made or created except by contract. Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, the Board must determine annually what goods, merchandise, stores, supplies, drugs, subsistence and other necessary articles will be needed by the City and County for the ensuing year, and it shall have no power to purchase or to pay for the same unless the provisions in this Charter provided as to competitive bidding for supplies are strictly followed, and no contract shall be made for any of the same unless upon such competitive bidding. All proposals shall be accompanied with a certificate of deposit or certified check on a solvent bank in the City and County of ten per centum of the amount of the bid, payable at sight to the order of the Clerk of the Supervisors. If the bidder to whom the con- tract is awarded shall for five days after such award fail or neglect to enter into the contract and file the required bond, the Clerk shall draw the money due on such certificate of deposit or check and pay the same into the treasury ; and under no circum- stances shall the certificate of deposit or check or the proceeds thereof be returned to such defaulting bidder. Notices for proposals for furnishing the aforesaid articles shall mention said articles in general and shall state that the conditions and schedule may be found in the office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors; and shall also state that such articles are to be delivered at such times, in such quantities, and in such manner, as the Supervisors may designate. Any bidder may bid separately for any article named. The award as to each article, shall in all cases be made to the lowest bidder for such article, and Avhere a bid embraces more than one article, the Supervisors shall have the right to accept or reject such bid or the bid for any one or more articles embraced therein. In the case of contracts for subsistence of prisoners, the advertisement for proposals shall specify each article required, the quality thereof, the quantity for each person, and the existing and probable number of persons to be supplied. No article or articles provided for in this section shall have been made in any prison. The Supervisors shall require bonds with suf- ficient sureties for the faithful performance of every contract. Article II, Chapter IIL Legislative Department. 25 The Clerk of the Supervisors shall furnish printed blanks for all such proposals, contracts and bonds. All bids shall be sealed and delivered by the bidder to the Clerk of the Supervisors, and opened by the Board at an hour and place to be stated in the advertisement for proposals, in the presence of all bidders who attend, and the bidders may inspect the bids. All bids with alterations or erasures therein shall be rejected. All articles so supplied shall be subject to inspection and rejection by the Supervisors and by the person in charge of the office, institu- tion or department for which the same are supplied. Every contract for work to be performed within the State of California at the expense of the City and County or paid for out of moneys deposited in the Treasury, whether such work is to be done within or outside the limits of the City and County, and whether such work be done directly by or under such contract duly awarded, or indirectly by or under subcontract, subpartnership, day labor, station work, piece work, or any other arrangement whatsoever, must provide: (1) That in the performance of the contract, eight hours shall be the maximum hours of labor on any calendar day, and that the minimum wages or compensation of persons performing labor in the execution of such contract, sub- contract, subpartnership, day labor, station work, piece work or other arrangement, shall be three dollars per day; (2) that any person performing labor in the execution of such contract shall be a citizen of the United States or have declared his intention of becoming such; (3) that preference in the performance of labor under such contract or other arrangement shall be given to per- sons who shall have actually resided in the City and County and shall have so resided for the period of one year next preceding the date of their engagement to perform labor thereunder. The fore- going provisions designated (1), (2) and (3) must also apply to persons performing labor in the commissary or other auxiliary de- partment of labor conducted in the course of the execution of such contract or any part thereof; and the said provisions shall also apply in any work done for or by the City and County or by any officer, board or commission thereof, when such work is to be done at the expense of the City and County or paid for out of moneys deposited in the Treasury. Any contract for work to be performed under the provisions of this Section which does not comply with the provisions thereof, shall be null and void, and any officer who shall sign the same shall be deemed guilty of misfeasance and upon proof of such misfeasance shall be removed from office. — As amended November 7, 1916; approved hy the Legislature January 18, 1917 (Statutes, 1917, page 1708). Contracts for Official Advertising. Sec. 2. All contracts for official advertising shall be let annually in like manner by the Supervisors to the lowest responsible bidder publishing a daily newspaper in the City and County, which has a bona fide daily circulation of at least eight thousand copies, and 26 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. has been in existence at the time of letting such contract for at least two years. In inviting proposals therefor, such advertising shall not be classified and no proposal shall be acted upon which offers to do such advertising at different rates for different portions thereof. Such advertising shall be construed to mean the advertising and publication of all official reports, orders, ordinances, messages, reso- lutions, notices inviting proposals and all notices of every nature relating to city work. No part or kind of such advertising shall be charged or contracted for at a higher rate than any other part or kind of the same is charged or contracted for, except in the case of the delinquent tax list. The newspaper to which the award of such advertising is made shall be known and designated as the ' ' official newspaper. ' ' The advertising of the delinquent tax list shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder on a separate bidding from all other official advertising. No board, department or officer shall make any publication which is not expressly authorized by this Charter or by the Supervisors. Stationery Supplies. Sec. 3. The Clerk of the Supervisors shall annually, under the direction of the Supervisors, advertise for proposals for supply- ing the various departments, officers and offices of the City and County with all stationery and supplies in the nature of station- ery, assessment books, minute books, blank books and the print- ing of blanks. The contracts for stationery shall be separate from those for printing. Notice for proposals for supplies shall require a greater or less quantity to be delivered at such times and in such manner as the Supervisors may designate. The advertisement for bids for paper shall state the w^eight, quality and size of the various kinds re- quired, and that for printing shall enumerate the various letter heads, tax bills, tax receipts, court notices, and all blanks, papers and documents now used or hereafter required in any and all de- partments of the City and County, including the forms, papers and blanks now used or hereafter required by the courts of the City and County. The forms for all printing shall be consecutively numbered, and each form and blank shall be known as No. (specifying the number). Such advertisement shall be published for at least ten days, and shall require the bidders to state the price at which each article will be furnished, printed or manufactured, as the same may be required from time to time during such period, and the amount of the bond that will be required as security for the per- formance of the contract. No stationery furnished to any officer or department shall con- tain the name or names of the officer or officers constituting the liead of the department or board. The contract or contracts must Article II, Chapter III. Legislative Department, 27 be made with the lowest bidder offering adequate security, quan- tity and quality being considered. The Clerk of the Supervisors shall have rooms in the City Hall for the custody of such stationery, and when pureliased the same shall be delivered to him, and he shall issue and distribute the same to the various departments as required. He shall keep accounts in detail, charging himself with all goods received, and crediting himself with the goods delivered upon order or requisition as hereinafter provided. When any of such supplies are required for any department, the Clerk of the Super- visors shall issue the same after the requisition for such articles has been made by the head of such department and approved by the Mayor. All requisitions for printing shall be made in a similar manner. The Clerk shall report monthly in writing to the Supervisors in detail, the amount of all paper, blanks, books, stationery and print- ing ordered by and delivered to any department or officer. Collusion With Bidder Constitutes Misfeasance. Sec. 4. Any officer of the City and County, or of any depart- ment thereof, who shall aid or assist a bidder in securing a con- tract to furnish labor, material or supplies, at a higher price or rate than that proposed by any other bidder, or who shall favor one bidder over another, by giving or withholding information, or who shall wilfully mislead any bidder in regard to the character of the material or supplies called for, or who shall knowingly accept materials or supplies of a quality inferior to that called for by the contract, or who shall knowingly certify to a greater amount of labor performed than has been actually performed, or to the receipt of a greater amount or different kinds of material or supplies than has been actually received, shall be deemed guilty of misfeasance and shall be removed from office. Execution, Signing and Registration of Contracts. Sec. 5. All contracts provided for in this Chapter must be in wTiting and executed in the name of the City and County by the Mayor. All such contracts must be countersigned by the Clerk of the Supervisors, and registered by number and date in a book kept by him for that purpose. When a contractor fails to enter into the contract awarded to him or to perform the same, new bids must be invited, and a contract awarded as provided herein in the first instance. When the Supervisors believe that the prices bid are too high, or that bidders have combined to prevent com- petition, or that the public interest will be subserved thereby, they may reject any and all bids and cause the notice for pro- posals to be re-advertised. Lighting Contracts. Sec. 6. No contract for lighting streets, public buildings, places or offices, shall be made for a longer period than one year, nor shall any contract to pay for gas, electric light or any illuminat- 28 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. ing material at a higher rate than the minimum price charged to any other consumer, be valid. Demands for lighting public build- ings shall be presented monthly to the board or department using or having charge thereof, and shall specify the amount of gas, electric light or illuminating material consumed in such building during the month. Bond of Contractors. Sec. 7. Every contractor, person, company, firm, or corpora- tion, to whom is awarded a contract for the execution or perform- ance of any building, street, excavating or other mechanical work for the City and County, the expense of which is payable out of municipal funds or out of funds specially made available for any such work, or of any street work or street improvements in the City and County, the costs and expenses of which, in whole or in part, are assessable upon property in private ownership, shall before entering upon the performance of such work, file with the board or officers by whom such contract was awarded, a good and sufficient bond, to be satisfactory to such contracting board or officers, in a sum not less than one-half of the total amount payable by the terms of the contract; such bond shall be executed by the contractor and either at least two sureties who shall each justify in the amount required for said bond, or when there are more than two sureties, such sureties may justify in an amount which in the aggregate shall equal double the amount of said bond, or by cor- porate surety, or sureties, as provided by law, in the amount speci- fied in the bond, and shall be made to inure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies, firms, or corporations, who furnish materials, provisions, provender or other supplies, or teams, or mo- tor or other vehicles, or machines used in, upon, for or about the per- formance of said work, or who perform work or labor thereon of any kind, and must provide that if the contractor, person, company^ firm, or corporation, or his or its subcontractor, fails to pay for any materials, provisions, provender or other supplies, or teams, or motor or other vehicles, or machines, used in, upon, for or about the performance of the work contracted to be done, or for any work or labor done thereon of any kind, that the surety or sure- ties will pay the same in an amount not exceeding the sum speci- fied in the bond. Any materialman, person, company, firm, or corporation, fur- nishing materials, provisions, provender or other supplies, used in, upon, for or about the performance of the work contracted to be executed or performed, or any person, company, firm, or cor- poration renting or hiring: teams, or motor or other vehicles, or machines, for or contributing to said work to be done, or any per- son who performed work or labor upon the same, or any person who supplied both work and materials, and whose claim has not been paid by the contractor, company, firm, or corporation, to whom the contract has been awarded, or by the subcontractor of Article II, Chapter III. Legislative Department. 29 said contractor, company, firm, or corporation, may within ninety days from the time such contract is completed and the work there- under accepted by the contracting board or officers, or in case the contract be abandoned before the completion of the work con- tracted to be done, then within ninety days after such abandon- ment, file with the board or officers by whom such contract was awarded, a verified statement of such claim, together with a state- ment that the same, or some part thereof, has not been paid. If such claim be so filed, a copy thereof shall be served on the surety or sureties on the bond of such contractor, company, firm, or cor- poration, filed as herein provided. At any time within six months after the filing of such claim, the person, company, firm, or cor- poration filing the same may commence an action against the surety or sureties on the said bond in this section specified and required, for the recovery of the amount due on said claim, to- gether with the costs incurred in said action, and a reasonable attorney fee, to be fixed by the court, for the prosecution thereof. — New section added hy amendment November 7, 1916; approved by the Legislature January 18, 1917 (Statutes, 1917, page 1708). 30 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. ARTICLE III. FINANCE AND TAXATION. CHAPTER I. LEVYING OF TAXES. Estimates of Annual Requirements in Each Department, Section 1. On or before the first Monday of April in each year the heads of departments, offices, boards and commissions of the City and County shall send to the Supervisors an estimate in writing of the amount of expenditure, specifying in detail the objects thereof, required in their respective departments, offices, boards and commissions, including a statement of the salaries of their subordinates. Duplicates of these estimates shall be sent at the same time to the Auditor. Auditor's Annual Estimate of the City's Requirements and Revenue. Sec. 2. On or before the first Monday of ]\Iay in each year the Auditor shall transmit to the Supervisors an estimate of the probable expenditures of the City and County government for the next ensuing fiscal year, stating the amount required to meet the interest and sinking funds for all outstanding funded debts, and the wants of all the departments of the municipal govern- ment in detail, and showing specifically the amount necessary to be apportioned to each fund in the treasury; also an estimate of the amount of income from fines, licenses and other sources of revenue, exclusive of taxes upon property, and the probable amount required to be levied and raised by taxation. Supervisors to Make Annual Budget. Sec. 3. The Supervisors shall meet annually between the first Monday of May and the first Monday of June, and by a vote of a majority of all the members thereof make a budget of the amounts estimated to be required to pay the expenses of con- ducting the public business of the City and County for the next ensuing fiscal year. The budget shall be prepared in such detail as to the aggregate sum and the items thereof allowed to each department, office, board or commission, as the Supervisors shall deem advisable. Before finally determining upon the budget, the Supervisors shall fix such sufficient time or times as may be necessary to allow the taxpayers to be heard in regard thereto, and the Supervisors shall attend at the time or times so appointed for such hearing. Mayor May Veto Items. Sec. 4. Any item in said budget may, within ten days, be vetoed in whole or in part by the Mayor, and it shall require fifteen votes of the Supervisors to overcome such veto. Action thereon must be taken before the last Monday of June. After the final estimate is made in accordance herewith, it shall be signed by the Mayor and the Clerk of the Supervisors, and the Article III, Chapter I. Finance and Taxation. 31 several suras shall then be appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year to the several purposes and departments therein named. The esti- mate shall be filed in the office of the Auditor. Annual Tax Levy. Sec. 5. The Supervisors must cause to be raised annually ac- cording to law, and collected by tax, the amounts so appropriated, less the amounts received from fines, licenses and other sources of revenue. Demands Upon the Treasury. Sec. 6. Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, no money shall be drawn from the treasury unless in consequence of appro- priations made by the Supervisors and upon warrants duly drawn thereon by the Auditor. Warrants. Sec. 7. No warrant shall be drawn except upon an unexhausted specific appropriation. Appropriation for Urgent Necessities. Sec. 8. The Supervisors may appropriate $100,000 a year for urgent necessities not otherwise provided for by law. No money shall be paid out of this appropriation unless authorized by a live-sixths vote of all the members of the Board of Supervisors, and approved by the ^layor. — As amended November 5, 1907 ; approved by the Legislature November 23, 1907 (Statutes Special Session, 1907, page 37). One-Twelfth Limit on Monthly Expenditures. Registration of Demands and Agreements. Sec. 9. It shall not be lawful for the Supervisors, or for any board, department, officer or authority having power to incur, authorize or contract liabilities against the treasury, to incur, authorize, allow, contract for, pay or render payable in the present or future, in any one month, any expenditure, demand or demands, against any appropriation, which, taken with all other expendi- tures, indebtedness or liability made or incurred up to the time in such month of making or incurring the same, shall exceed one- twelfth part of the amount of the appropriation for the fiscal year. When any board, department or officer having power to incur liabilities against the treasury shall make any agreement for ob- taining supplies or having labor performed, such department, officer or board shall register such agreement by number and date, and all demands arising under such agreement shall be payable in the order of such registration. Such department, board or officer must inform the person with whom it is proposed to make such agreement of the amount of money available or likely to be avail- able in the fund from which such demands are payable. If, at the beginning of any month, any money remains unex- pended in any appropriation which might lawfully have been expended during the preceding month, such unexpended sum or 32 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. sums, except so much thereof as may be required to pay all un- paid claims upon such appropriation, may be carried forward and expended in any succeeding month of such fiscal year; but not afterwards, except in payment of claims lawfully incurred during such fiscal year. Appropriations provided to meet the expense of elections; for the support and maintenance of the Assessor's and Tax Collector's departments; and for urgent necessities, shall be exempt from the provisions of this section. Indorsement of Auditor Upon Contracts. Sec. 10. No contracts made the expense of whose execution is not provided by law or ordinance to be paid by assessments upon the property benefited, shall be binding or of any force, unless the Auditor shall indorse thereon his certificate that there remains un- expended and unapplied, as herein provided, a balance of the appropriation or fund applicable thereto, sufficient to pay the estimated expense of executing such contract, as certified by the Board or officer making the same; provided, that where the ex- pense of executing such contract is to be paid entirely from the proceeds of bond issues, the requirements of this section may be satisfied through an indorsement by the Auditor that a sufficient number of bonds have been set aside to be sold as payments under the contract fall due, and from the proceeds of which sale the estimated expense of executing such contract may be paid, as cer- tified by the board or officer making the same. This requirement shall not apply to work done, or supplies furnished, involving the expenditure of less than two hundred and fifty dollars, unless the same is required by law to be done by contract at public letting. The Auditor shall make such indorsement upon every such con- tract so presented to him, if there remains unapplied and unex- pended such amount of money or bonds so specified by the officer making the contract, and thereafter shall hold and retain such amount of money or bonds for the purpose of paying the expense incurred until the contract shall be fully performed. If bonds are withheld, arrangements shall be made prior to the Auditor's in- dorsement for the sale of such bonds in such amounts and at such periods of time as will enable the Treasurer to make payments in cash under such contract as such payments fall due and are approved. The Auditor shall furnish weekly to the head of each department a statement of the unexpended balances of the appro- priation or bonds set aside for his department. — As amended No- vember 5, 1918; approved by the Legislature January 17, 1919 (Statutes, 1919.) Tax Levy: When Made. Sec. 11. On or before the third Monday in September of each year, the Supervisors shall levy the amount of taxes for City and County purposes required to be levied upon all property not exempt from taxation. The amount should be sufficient to provide for the payment during the fiscal year of all demands upon the treasury authorized to be paid out of the same; but such levy, exclusive of Article III, Chapter I. Finance and Taxation. 33 the State taxes and the tax to pay the interest and maintain the sinking funds of the bonded indebtedness of the City and County, and exclusive of the tax to pay for the maintenance and improve- ment of the parks, squares and public grounds of the City and County, shall not exceed the rate of one dollar on each one hundred dollars valuation of the property assessed. The Supervisors in making the levy shall apportion the taxes to the several funds. — As amended March 16, 1915; approved hy the Legislature April 1, 1915 (Statutes, 1915, page 1807). Apportionment of Revenue. Sec. 12. In making the apportionment the Supervisors shall take into account and apportion to the several funds the income and revenue estimated to arise during the fiscal year from licenses, fees, and other sources, but the income to pay the interest on the bonded indebtedness and to provide for the sinking funds shall always be provided for out of the tax on property; provided, that whenever any bonded indebtedness shall have been incurred for the acquisition of any of the public utilities named in Article XII of this Charter, the surplus earnings of any such utility for the fiscal year may be applied upon the interest and sinking fund of the bonded indebtedness of such utility for the succeeding fiscal year. — As amended November 5, 1907; approved hy the Legislature November 23, 1907 (Statutes Special Session, 1907, page 35). Limit of Taxation. Sec. 13. The limitation in Section 11 of this Chapter upon the rate of taxes shall not apply in the case of any great necessity or emergency. In such case the limitation may be temporarily sus- pended and the rate of taxes be increased so as to enable the Super- visors to provide for such necessity or emergency. No increase shall be made to provide for such necessity or emergency in the rate of taxes authorized to be levied under Section 11 of this Chapter, unless such increase be authorized by ordinance passed by the unanimous vote of the Supervisors and approved by the Mayor. The character of such necessity or emergency shall be recited in the ordinance authorizing such action, and be entered in the journal of the Board. Nor shall the limitation in Section 11 of this Chapter upon the rate of taxes apply in the case of taxes levied by ordinance passed by at least fifteen Supervisors and approved by the Mayor for any of the following purposes, to-wit: To meet the cost of elections, to pay any demands, salaries, expenses or other obligations imposed upon the City and County of San Francisco by a legislative or constitutional enactment of the State of California or of the United States ; to meet any increase in demands, salaries, expenses or other obligations imposed upon the City and County of San Francisco by any measure hereafter passed by direct vote of the people of the City and County of San Francisco; to meet the expense or cost of schools or of the school department; to meet the cost of construc- tion and repair of streets, sewers, or of buildings for the police, 34 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. fire, health or school departments or detention home; to meet the cost of maintaining public libraries and of purchasing books there- for. Provided, however, that the limitation of Section 11 of this Chapter upon the rate of taxes shall not be exceeded in any one fiscal year by more than 65 cents on each one hundred dollars valuation of the property assessed except in the case of a great necessity or emergency hereinabove mentioned or except for the purpose of meeting the cost of elections, or paying any demands, salaries, expenses or other obligations imposed upon the City and County of San Francisco by legislative or constitutional enactment of the State of California or of the United States, or for the pur- pose of meeting any increase in demands, salaries, expenses or other obligations imposed upon the City and County of San Fran- cisco by any measure hereafter passed by direct vote of the people of the City and County of San Francisco, or to meet the cost of maintaining public libraries and the purchase of books therefor. Nothing in this section shall authorize the incurring of liabilities against the treasury not allowed by law, or which cannot be paid out of the income and revenue provided, collected and paid into the proper fund as its proportion of the same for such fiscal year, or permit liabilities or indebtedness incurred in any one fiscal year to be a charge upon or paid out of the income or revenue of any other fiscal year. — As amended March 16, 1915 ; approved hy the Legislature April 1, 1915 (Statutes, 1915, page 1807). Municipal Revenues and Bonds. Sec. 14. The Supervisors shall fix the amount of municipal revenues and provide for the collection thereof. They shall from time to time provide for the payment of the interest and principal of the bonds for which the City and County is liable. Disbursements. Sec. 15. The Supervisors shall authorize the disbursement of all public moneys, except as otherwise specifically provided in this Charter. Surplus Money to Surplus Fund. Sec. 16. At the close of each fiscal year, if all demands against each fund have been paid or satisfied, and all disputed or con- tested demands finally adjudicated, the Supervisors shall direct the Treasurer to transfer all surplus moneys to a fund to be called the Surplus Fund, except such surplus moneys as are in the several interest and sinking funds, in the Common School Fund, in the Park Fund, the Library Fund, the Police Relief and Pension Fund, in the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund, and in such other funds the disposition of whose surplus moneys is in this Charter otherwise provided for. Payment of Taxes May Be Postponed. Sec. 17. The taxes levied for City and County purposes shall be payable at the times prescribed by general law and may be paid Article III, Chapter II. Finance and Taxation. 35 in installments and shall become delinquent at the times and in the manner as provided by general law, but the Supervisors by an ordinance passed prior to the second ^londay in October of any calendar year, may provide that the delinquent date of the first installment of such taxes for- the then current fiscal year shall be postponed until the second ^londay in January next, and when such an ordinance shall have been passed in any calendar year the first installment of taxes for the then current fiscal year shall not become delinquent until the second ^Monday in January next, and any notice published by the Tax Collector shall specify the delin- quent date so postponed by ordinance of the Board of Supervisors. — Neiv section added by amendment March 16, 1915; approved hy the Legislature April 1, 1915 (Statutes, 1915, page 1807). CHAPTER II. THE SEVERAL FUNDS. Separate Funds. No Division. Section 1. The income and revenue paid into the treasury shall be at once apportioned to and kept in separate funds. It shall not be lawful to transfer money from one fund to another or to use the same in payment of demands upon another fund. The provisions of this section shall not apply to fees paid into the treasury and placed temporarily to the credit of the Unap- propriated Fee Fund under the provisions of Chapter III of this Article. Designation of the Several Funds. Sec. 2. The several funds in the treasury authorized by law at the time this Charter takes effect, or provided for by this Charter, shall continue therein so long as there shall be occasion therefor; and the moneys therein, or which may belong thereto, shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which the same were raised except as otherwise provided in this Charter. The General Fund shall consist of moneys received into the treas- ury and not specially appropriated to any other fund. The Park Fund shall consist of the moneys annually appor- tioned to said Fund by virtue of the tax provided for in this Charter for the maintenance, preservation and improvement of the parks, squares, avenues and public grounds of the City and County; of all moneys accruing from rents of buildings under the jurisdiction of the Park Commissioners; and of all moneys coming into the hands of said Commissioners whether from dona- tions or otherwise. Out of said Fund shall be paid all the ex- penses of every kind for the preservation, maintenance and im- provement of the parks, squares, avenues and public grounds of tlie City and County. The Library Fund shall consist of the moneys annually appor- tioned to said Fund by virtue of the tax provided for in this Char- ter for the maintenance of Library and Reading Rooms, and the purchase of books therefor. Out of said Fund shall be paid all 36 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. the expenses necessary to the maintenance of »uch Library and Reading Rooms and the purchase of books therefor. Surplus Fund and Purposes for Which It May Be Used. Sec. 3. The Surplus Fund shall consist of the moneys remain- ing at the end of any fiscal year in any other funds (except the Common School Fund and the other funds by this Charter other- wise expressly provided for) after all valid demands, indebted- ness and liabilities against said funds incurred within such fiscal year have been paid and discharged; provided, that all disputed or contested claims payable out of such funds have been finally adjudicated. The Surplus Fund shall be used for the purposes and in the order following: 1. In payment of any final judgment against the City and County. 2. In liquidation and extinguishment, under such regulations as the Supervisors may adopt, of any outstanding funded debt of the City and County. 3. To be carried over and apportioned among the funds and used in the ensuing fiscal year as part of the income and revenue thereof. Special Deposit Fund. Sec. 4. The Special Deposit Fund shall consist of: 1. All moneys paid into court and deposited with the Treasurer by the County Clerk. 2. All moneys received by the Public Administrator and depos- ited by him with the Treasurer. 3. All moneys deposited with the Treasurer on special deposit. The moneys in the Special Deposit Fund shall be paid out in the manner prescribed by law. Funds to Be Carried Forward. Sec. 5. Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, any moneys remaining at the end of the fiscal year in any interest and sinking fund or a fund provided by a special bond issue for a specific purpose, the Common School Fund, the Park Fund, the Library Fund, the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund, Police Relief and Pension Fund, and the Public' Building Fund shall be carried forward and apportioned to said respective funds for the ensuing fiscal year. Payment of Unpaid Demands. Sec. 6. Any demand against the treasury or against any fund thereof remaining unpaid at the end of the fiscal year for lack of money applicable to its payment, may be paid out of any money which may subsequently come into the proper fund from delin- quent taxes or other uncollected income or revenue for such year. Such demands shall be paid out of such delinquent revenue, when collected, in the order of their registration. Article III, Chapter II. Finance and Taxation. 37 Redemption of Outstanding Bonds. Sec. 7. When there shall be to the credit of any sinking fund in the treasury a sum not less than twenty thousand dollars which may be applied to the redemption of any outstanding bonds to which such fund is applicable, which are not redeemable before their maturity, it shall be the duty of the Mayor, Auditor and Treasurer to advertise for thirty days, inviting proposals for the, surrender and redemption of the bonds. After such advertisement the money in such Sinking Fund, or such portion thereof as may be required therefor, shall be awarded to the person or persons offering to surrender said bonds for the lowest price. Upon such award, when duly audited, the Treas- urer shall, upon the surrender of the bonds, pay the amount to the person or persons to whom the same was awarded. No bid for the surrender of any of the bonds shall be accepted which shall require a greater sum of money for their redemption than the then worth of the principal and interest of the bonds, calculated with interest, not exceeding four per centum per annum. City May Purchase. Section 7a. All franchises for street railways or franchises for railways crossing any street granted under this Charter shall be subject to the right of the City and County, upon the payment therefor of a fair valuation plus the bonus hereinafter mentioned to purchase and take over the tangible property and plant includ- ing leases of any real property necessary to such plant owned by the grantee of any franchise granted under this Charter, his or its successors or assigns and used in the exercise of such franchise. Such valuation shall not include any value of the franchise, or right of way through the streets or any earning power of such property. The valuation shall include as part of the costs of the plant, interest on actual investments during the period of con- struction prior to the commencement of operation. If the pur- chase be made within ten years from the time the franchise is granted, the City and County shall pay to the grantee, his or its successors or assigns, in addition to the amount of such valuation, a sum or bonus not less than ten per centum nor more than twenty per centum in the discretion of the arbitrators hereinafter pro- vided for, of the actual cost of construction of the road and of the actual cost of all other tangible property owned by the grantee, his successors or assigns, in use, and usable for the purposes for which the franchise was granted. If the purchase be made more than ten years after the granting of the franchise then the said bonus shall be ten per cent. Such valuation shall be made and the proceedings therefor initiated upon call for same by ordi- nance passed by the Board of Supervisors or the electors. On the passage of such an ordinance the Mayor shall within thirty days appoint two arbitrators and forthwith notify the owner of said franchise of their appointment by written notice addressed as follows: "To the owner of the franchise for (inserting the name of the franchise)'* and left at the office of the company operating or owning the said franchise; and call upon such owner 38 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. in such notice to appoint within thirty days two arbitrators and notify the Mayor of their appointment. Such arbitrators shall meet and appoint a fifth arbitrator and shall make the valuation provided for herein. In the event that such arbitrators shall be unable to agree on a fifth member within ten days from the date of the appointment of the last arbitrator so appointed, they shall request the Justices of the Supreme Court of California to name one of their number to act as such arbitrator. If the said Justices refuse, or fail for fifteen days, to appoint one of their number to serve as such fifth arbitrator, then each of the arbi- trators theretofore appointed shall propose a person to serve as such fifth arbitrator. The names of the persons so proposed shall be written on slips, and at a time and place designated not less than twenty-four hours in advance by the Mayor, one slip shall be drawn by lot by the Mayor in open meeting, in the same manner that the names of jurors are drawn from the jury box, and the person whose name is so drawn shall be the fifth member of the Board of Arbitration. If the arbitrators for the owner of the franchise refuse or neglect for five days to propose such names the Mayor shall act as fifth arbitrator. The life of no franchise granted under this Charter shall extend beyond thirty days after such notice to the owner of the franchise shall have been served as above, unless he shall have appointed such two arbitrators within such period. If any arbitrator shall die, be declared incompetent, absent himself from the State or otherwise become unable to act on such board, the vacancy shall be filled in the manner in which he was originally appointed. Upon the filing of the decision of said arbitrators, the Board of Supervisors shall submit to the quali- fied voters in the manner provided for the acquisition of any pub- lic utility, the acquisition of said franchise, plant and property and the issuance of bonds for payment therefor. If two-thirds of the electors voting on the proposition shall approve the same, then and not otherwise, the amount of the valuation so determined and any bonus payable hereunder, shall be paid to the owner of said franchise and railroad as soon as said bonds are sold and the prop- erty and plant shall become the property of the City and County. Such bonds may, with the consent of the owner and at the discre- tion of the Board of Supervisors, be taken at not less than par by the said owner in payment for said utility. The Mayor shall tender such moneys or the said bonds to said owner and unless within ten days thereafter he shall accept the same, and transfer said prop- erty to the City and County, the said franchise shall thereupon ex- pire and all liability of said City and County to pay the above money or bonds or any sum whatsoever for such properties shall cease. Upon the acceptance of such money or bonds, the said franchise shall be extinguished. Wages and Hours of Employees. Sec. 7b. Every franchise shall provide that employees of the person or company or corporation operating a street railroad shall be paid not less than $3 a day and that eight hours shall be the maximum hours of labor in any calendar day, the same to be Article III, Chapter HI. Finance and Taxation. 39 completed within ten hours. Provided, that nothing in this sec- tion shall be construed to prohibit overtime employment, wages for such employment to be paid at one and one-half times the said rate of wages proportionate to each hour of such extra service. Penalties. Sec. 7c. Failure to comply with any of the conditions pre- scribed by this Charter, or any other lawful conditions which may be inserted in the grant of franchise, shall work an immediate for- feiture of the franchise and the road and track constructed there- under. There shall be no power in the Board of Supervisors to relieve from such forfeiture or from any such condition. — Sections 7a, 7h and 7c added hy amendment November 15, 1910; approved by the Legislature February 17, 1911 (Statutes, 1911, page 1661). [Note — Sections 7a, 7b and 7c were probably intended as amendments to Chapter II, Article II, but the petition calling for their submission expressly stated that they were to be added to Chapter II of Article III.] CHAPTER III. THE CUSTODY OF PUBLIC MONEYS. All Moneys to Be Paid Into the Treasury. Disbursement. Section 1. All moneys arising from taxes, licenses, fees, fines, penalties and forfeitures, and all moneys which may be collected or received by any officer of the City and County, or any depart- ment thereof, in his official capacity, for the performance of any official duty, and all moneys accruing to the City and County from any source, and all moneys directed by law or this Charter to be paid or deposited in the treasury, shall be paid into the treasury. All officers or persons collecting or receiving such moneys must pay the same into the treasury. No officer or person other than the Treasurer shall pay out or disburse such moneys, or any part thereof, upon any allowance, claim or demand. No Fees Allowed to Salaried Officers or Employees. Sec. 2. Salaried officers shall not receive nor accept any fee, payment, or compensation, directly or indirectly, for any services performed by them in their official capacity, nor any fee, pay- ment, or compensation, for any official service performed by any of their deputies, clerks, or employees, whether performed during or after official business hours. No deputy, clerk, or employee of such officers shall receive or accept any fee, compensation or pay- ment, other than his salary as now or hereafter fixed by law, for any work or service performed by him of any official nature, or under color of office, whether performed during or after official business hours. All Fees to Be Paid to Treasurer. Sec. 3. Every fee, commission, percentage, allowance, or other compensation authorized by law to be charged, received, or col- lected by any officer for any official service, must be paid by the officer receiving the same to the Treasurer in the manner herein provided. 40 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. Dally Delivery of Fees to Treasurer. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of every officer authorized by law to charge, receive or collect any fee, commission, percentage, allow- ance, or compensation for the performance of any official service or duty of any kind or nature, or rendered in any official capacity, or by reason of any official duty or employment, to deliver the same to the Treasurer at the expiration of each business day. The Treasurer shall thereupon deliver to such officer a receipt for the money so paid, which shall show the amount of money received, the day and hour when paid, the name of the officer paying the same, the nature of the service performed, and the name and official designation of the person by whom the service was per- formed; and like entries shall be made upon the stub of such receipt, which shall be kept by the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall place all such moneys in a fund to be designated the "Unap- portioned Fee Fund," which is hereby created, and shall keep such fund as other funds in the treasury are kept, and shall be liable on his official bond for all money so received. Official Receipts. Sec. 5. The Auditor or other proper officer must prepare and deliver from time to time to the Treasurer, and to every officer authorized by law to charge- any fee, commission, percentage, allowance, or compensation, for the performance of any official service or duty, as many official receipts as may be required, charging therewith the Treasurer or other officer receiving them. Such official receipts must be bound into books containing not less than one hundred such receipts, and numbered consecutively, beginning with number one in each class required for each officer for each fiscal year, and provided with a stub corresponding in number with receipt. When the books containing receipts are exhausted by the officer receiving them, he shall return the stubs thereof to the Auditor or other proper officer, in whose custody they shall remain thereafter. Treasurer's Receipts. Sec. 6, When a receipt, as herein provided, is issued by the Treasurer, he must state therein the date of payment, the name of the person making the payment, the amount of such payment, the nature of the service for which the charge is made, and the name and official designation of the officer performing the service, and shall make corresponding entries on the stub of each receipt. Receipts of Other Officers. Sec. 7. When any receipt is issued by any officer other than the Treasurer as herein provided, he shall state therein the day and hour of the delivery to him of the Treasurer's receipt, the nature of the service therein described, and the amount charged therefor, and the name of the person by whom such receipt is delivered to him, and shall make corresponding entries on the stub to which such receipt is attached. Article III, Chapter III. Finance and Taxation. 41 Treasurer's Monthly Report. Sec. 8. On the first day of each month the Treasurer must make to the Auditor a report under oath of all moneys received by him during the preceding month, showing the date and num- ber of the receipt on which the money was received, the amount of each payment, by whom paid, the nature of the service, and the name and official designation of the officer performing the service. At the same time, or oftener, if required by the Auditor, the Treasurer shall exhibit to the Auditor all official receipts re- ceived by him during the previous month, and all official receipts remaining in his hands, unused or not issued, at the close of busi- ness on the last day of the preceding month. Monthly Reports and Exhibits of Officers. Sec. 9. On the first day of each month every officer authorized by law to charge any fee, commission, percentage, allowance or compensation, must make to the Auditor a report under oath of all official receipts issued by him during the preceding month, showing the date and number of each receipt, to whom issued, the nature of the service for w^hich the charge was made, and the amount of such charge; and must at the same time or oftener, if required, exhibit to the Auditor, or other proper officer, all the Treasurer's receipts deposited with him during the preceding month, and all receipts remaining in his hands, unused or not issued, at the close of business on the last day of each preceding month. Settlement of Accounts. Sec. 10. Upon receiving the reports prescribed by sections eight and nine of this Chapter, the Auditor shall examine and settle the accounts of each officer, and apportion such moneys to the fund or funds to which they are appropriated by law, and certify such apportionment to the Treasurer, who shall thereupon trans- fer from the ''Unapportioned Fee Fund" the amounts so certified, and credit each fund entitled thereto with the proper amount so apportioned. Mileage. Monthly Statements. Sec. 11. Every officer who is by law allowed to charge and collect mileage for the service of process, or other like service, shall at the end of each month prepare and deliver to the Auditor a statement showing each process served, the title of the cause, the name of the deputy or other subordinate officer who made the service, the number of miles actually traveled in making such service, the exact day whei» such service was made, and between what hours of the day, and such statement shall be verified by the oath of such officer. The Auditor shall examine such statement, and issue his warrant upon the Treasurer for such amount of money as will reimburse such officer for his lawful expenses in making such service. Such warrant shall be paid by the Treas- urer, without further approval, out of the ' * Unapportioned Fee Fund." No extra mileage shall be charged or allowed for service 42 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. of two or more processes served on the same trip by the same deputy or deputies, except for extra mileage actually traveled in serving additional process. All mileage charged in violation of this section shall be disallowed by the Auditor, and all amounts disallowed for any reason shall be apportioned as other moneys in the ''Unapportioned Fee Fund." Employment of Extra Assistants. Sec. 12. When an officer, legally authorized to employ a per- son other than one of his deputies or assistants at a stated com- pensation fixed by law, has employed such person, and in pursu- ance of such employment such person has rendered the service for which he was employed, such officer shall, at the end of each month, prepare and deliver to the Auditor a statement vei^ified by the oath of such officer, showing the case or instance in which such service was performed, for whom performed, the name of the person so employed, by whom the service was performed, the amount of the charge therefor, the time actually employed in per- forming such service, and the dates of the beginning and ending of the period during which such person was so employed. The Auditor shall thereupon examine such statement, and if he finds the same correct, he shall audit and allow the verified demand of such person so employed and performing the service for the sum or sums so earned by him for such service, and the Treasurer shall pay such demand so audited and allowed, without further approval, out of the ' ' Unapportioned Fee Fund." Allowance of Salaries Fixed by Law. Demands Against Common School Fund. Sec. 13. The demand of the Auditor for his monthly salary shall be audited and allowed by the Mayor. All other demands on account of salaries fixed by law, ordinance, or this Charter, and made payable out of the treasury, may be allowed by the Auditor without any previous approval. All demands payable out of the Common School Fund must, before they can be allowed or paid, be previously approved by the Board of Education. De- mands payable out of the treasury for salaries, wages, or com- pensation of deputies, clerks, assistants, or employees, in any office or department, must, before they can be audited or paid, be first approved in writing by the officer, board, department or authority under w^hom, or in which, such demand originated. All other demands payable out of any funds in the treasury, must, before they can be allowed by the Auditor, or recognized, or paid, be first approved by the department, board or officer, in which the same has originated, and in all such cases must be approved by the Supervisors. Every demand against the City and County shall, in addition to the other entries and indorsements upon the same required by this Charter, show: 1. The ordinance or authorization under which the same was allowed. 2. The name of the board, depart- ment or authority authorizing the same. 3. The fiscal year within Article III, Chapter IV. Finance and Taxation. 43 which the indebtedness was incurred. 4. The appropriation pro- vided to meet the demand. 5. The name of the specific fund out of which the demand is payable. Each demand shall have written or printed upon it a statement that the same can only be paid out of the income and revenue provided, collected and paid into the proper specific fund in the treasury for the fiscal year within wliieh the indebtedness was incurred, and shall refer to Chapter II of this Article, and be numbered with reference to the fund out of which it is payable. Sec. 14. Whenever any person has, or has received, moneys or other personal property belonging to the City and County, or has been intrusted with the collection, management or disburse- ment of any moneys, bonds, or interest accruing therefrom, belong- •ing to or held in trust by the City and County, and fails to render an account thereof to, and make settlement w4th, the Treasurer within the time prescribed by law; or, when no par- ticular time is specified, fails to render such account and make such settlement, or who fails to pay into the treasury any moneys belonging to the City and County upon being required to do so by the Auditor, within twenty days after such requisition, the Auditor must state an account with such person, charging twenty- five per centum damages, and interest at the rate of ten per centum per annum from the time of such failure. A copy of such account in any suit therein is prima facie evi- dence of the things therein stated. In case the Auditor cannot for want of information state an account, he may in any action brought by him aver that fact, and allege generally the amount of money or other property which is due to or which belongs to the City and County, The City Attorney must prosecute all ac- tions that- may be brought under this section within ten days after notification by the Auditor. CHAPTER IV. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS. Monthly Payment of Salaries. Limitation Upon Demands. Revival of Claims. Section 1. The salaries and compensation of all officers, includ- ing policemen and employees of all classes, and all teachers in the public schools, and others employed at fixed wages, shall be pay- able montlily. Any demand upon the treasury accruing under this Charter shall not be paid, but shall be forever barred by limi- tation of time, unless the same be presented for payment, prop- erly audited, within one month after such demand became due and payable; or, if it be a demand which must be passed and approved by the Supervisors or Board of Education, or by any other Board, then within one month after the first regular meet- ing of the proper Board held next after the demand accrued; or, unless the Supervisors shall, within six months after the demand accrued as aforesaid, on a careful examination of the facts, resolve that the same is in all respects just and legal, and the presenta- 44 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. tion of it, as above required, was not in the power either of the original party interested or his agent, or the present holder, in which case they may by ordinance revive such claim; but it shall be barred in the same manner unless presented for payment within twenty days thereafter. No valid demand arising subsequent to the claim which may be revived as aforesaid shall be rendered invalid by reason of such revival exhausting the fund out of which subsequent claims might otherwise be paid. Such revived claim shall take rank as of the day of its revival. Article IV, Chapter I. Executive Department. 45 ARTICLE IV. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. CHAPTER I. THE MAYOR. Qualifications. Term. Salary. Appointees In His Office. Salaries. Section 1. The chief executive officer of the City and County shall be designated the Mayor. He shall be an elector of the City and County at the time of his election, and must have been such for at least five years next preceding such time. He shall be elected by the people and hold office for two* years. He shall receive an annual salary of six thousand dollars. He may appoint a Secre- tary, who shall receive an annual salary of twenty-four hundred dollars; an usher, who shall receive an annual salary of nine hun- dred dollars; and a stenographer and type- writer, w^ho shall re- ceive an annual salary of nine hundred dollars. All of said ap- pointees shall hold their positions at the pleasure of the Mayor. Mayor's Duties. Sec. 2. The Mayor shall vigilantly observe the official conduct of all public officers and the manner in which they execute their duties and fulfill their obligations. The books, records and official papers of all departments, officers and persons in the employ of the City and County shall at all times be open to his inspection and examination. He shall take special care that the books and records of all departments, boards, officers and persons are kept in legal and proper form. When any official defalcation or wilful neglect of duty or official misconduct shall come to his knowledge, he shall suspend the delinquent officer or person from office pending an official investigation. The ^layor shall from time to time recommend to the proper officers of the different departments such measures as he may deem beneficial to public interest. He shall see that the law^s of the State and ordinances of the City and County are observed and enforced. He shall have a general supervision over all the depart- ments and public institutions, of the City and County, and see that they are honestly, economically and lawfully conducted, and shall liave the right to attend the meetings of any of the Boards provided for in this Charter, and offer suggestions at such meetings. He shall take all proper measures for the preservation of public order and the suppression of all riots and tumults, for w^hich purpose he may use and command the police force. If such police force is insufficient, he shall call upon the Governor for military aid in the manner provided by law, so that such riots or tumults may be promptly and effectually suppressed. •Term made four years: Section 38a, Article XVI. 46 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. Execution of Public Contracts and Agreements. Actions to Annul For- feited Franchises. Postpone Franchises. Sec. 3. The Mayor shall see that all contracts and agreements with the City and County are faithfully kept and fully performed. It shall be the duty of every officer and person in the employ or service of the City and County, when it shall come to his knowledge that any contract or agreement with the City and County, or with any officer or department thereof, or relating to the business of any office, has been or is about to be violated by the other contract- ing party, forthwith to report to the Mayor all facts and informa- tion within his possession concerning such matter. A willful failure to do so shall be cause for the removal of such officer or employee. The Mayor shall give a certificate on demand to any person re- porting such facts and information that he has done so, and such certificate shall be evidence in exoneration from a charge of neglect of duty. The Mayor must institute such actions or proceedings as may be necessary to revoke, cancel or annul all franchises that may have been granted by the City and County to any person, com- pany or corporation which have been forfeited in whole or in part or which for any reason are illegal and void and not binding upon the City. The City Attorney, on demand of the Mayor, must institute and prosecute the necessary actions to enforce the provisions of this section. The Mayor shall have power to postpone final action on any franchise that may be passed by the Supervisors until such pro- posed franchise shall be ratified or rejected by a majority of the votes cast on the question at the next election. Offices and Vacancies Not Provided in Charter. Sec. 4. The Mayor shall appoint all officers of the City and County whose election or appointment is not otherwise specially provided for in this Charter or by law. When a vacancy occurs in any office, and provision is not otherwise made in this Charter or by law for filling the same, the Mayor shall appoint a suitable person to fill such vacancy, who shall hold office for the remainder of the unexpired term. Ex-Offlcio President of Supervisors. Sec. 5. The Mayor shall be President of the Board of Super- visors by virtue of his office. He may call extra sessions of the Board, and shall communicate to them in writing the objects for which they have been convened; and their acts at such sessions shall be confined to such objects. President Pro Tern. Vacancy In Mayoralty. Sec. 6. When and so long as the Mayor is temporarily unable to perform his duties, a member of the Board shall be chosen President pro tempore, who shall act as such, Mayor. When a vacancy occurs in the office of Mayor, it shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Supervisors. Article IV, Chapter 11. Executive Department. 47 CHAPTER II. THE AUDITOR. Qualifications. Term. Salary. Duties. Section 1. The head of the Finance Department of the City and County shall be designated the Auditor. He shall be an elector of the City and County at the time of his election and must have been such for at least five years next preceding such time. He shall be elected by the people and hold office for two* years. He shall receive an annual salary of four thousand dollars. The Auditor must always know the exact condition of the treasury and every demand upon it. He shall be in personal attendance at his office daily during office hours. He shall be the general accountant of the City and County, and shall receive and preserve in his office all accounts, books, vouchers, documents and papers relating to the accounts and contracts of the City and County, its debts, revenues and otlier financial affairs. He shall give informa- tion as to the exact condition of the treasury and of every appro- priation and fund thereof, upon demand of the IMayor, the Super- visors, or any committee or members thereof. Appointees. Qualifications. Salaries. Sec. 2. The Auditor shall appoint a Deputy Auditor, who shall possess the qualifications required of the Auditor, and who shall receive an annual salary of twenty-four hundred dollars. The Auditor may also appoint two assistant deputies, w^ho shall each receive an annual salary of fifteen hundred dollars, and two clerks, who shall each receive an annual salary of twelve hundred dollars. He may employ such number of extra clerks during the time their services may be necessary for the lawful discharge of his official duties, as the Board of Supervisors may designate. Such extra clerks shall each receive a salary not to exceed one hundred dollars a month for the time they shall be actually employed. The Auditor shall be allowed to expend not exceeding eighteen hundred dollars a year for counsel and attorney's fees. Demands Must Be Audited. Sec. 3. The Auditor shall keep an account of all moneys paid into and out of the treasury, and the Treasurer shall pay no money out of the treasury except upon demand approved by the Auditor. Any ordinance or law providing for the payment of any demand out of the treasury or any fund thereof (whether from public funds or from private funds deposited therein) shall always be construed as requiring the auditing of such demand by the Au- ditor before the same be paid. Demands to Be Numbered and Recorded. Sec. 4. He shall number and keep an official record of all de- mands audited by him, showing the number, date, amount, name of the original holder, on what account allowed, against what appropriation drawn, out of what fund payable, and, if previously ♦Term made four years: Section 38a, Article XVI. 48 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. approved or allowed, by what officer, department or board it has been so approved or allowed. It shall be misconduct in office for the Auditor to deliver a demand with his official approval until this requirement shall have been complied with. Approval of Demands. Sec. 5. The Auditor shall approve no demand unless the same has been allowed by every officer, board, department and com- mittee required to act thereon. Auditor Must Deduct Debits from Demands. Sec. 6. No demand shall be allowed by the Auditor in favor of any corporation or person in any manner indebted to the City and County, except for taxes not delinquent, without first deduct- ing the amount of any indebtedness of which he has notice; nor in favor of any person having the collection, custody or disburse- ment of public funds, unless his account has been presented, passed, approved and allowed as herein required; nor in favor of any officer who has neglected to make his official returns or reports in the manner and at the time required by law, ordinance, or the regulations of the Supervisors; nor in favor of any officer who has neglected or refused to comply with any of the provi- sions of law regulating his duties, nor in favor of any officer or employee for the time he shall have absented himself without legal cause from the duties of his office during office hours. The Auditor must always examine on oath any person receiving a sal- ary from the City and County touching such absence. The Auditor may require any person presenting for settlement an account or claim for any cause against the City and County to be sworn before him touching such account or claim, and when so sworn, to answer orally as to any facts relative to the justice of such account or claim. Moneys placed in the Special Deposit Fund shall not be subject to the provisions of this section. Demands Must Be Indorsed by Auditor. Sec. 7. Every demand upon the Treasurer, except the salary of the Auditor, must before it can be paid, be presented to the Auditor, who shall satisfy himself whether the money is legally due, and its payment authorized by law, and against what appro- priation payable and out of what fund it is payable. If he allow it, he shall endorse upon it the word ''Allowed," with the name of the fund out of which it is payable, and the date of such allow- ance, and sign his name thereto. No demand shall be approved, allowed, audited or paid unless it specify each special item, date and amount composing it, and refer by chapter and section to the provisions of this Charter authorizing the same. Register of Warrants. Sec. 8. The Auditor shall keep a register of warrants, showing the funds upon which they are drawn, the number, in whose favor, for what service, the appropriation applicable to the pay- ment thereof, when the liability accrued, and a receipt from the Article IV, Chapter III. Executive Department. 49 person to whom the warrant is delivered. He shall not allow any demand out of its order, nor give priority to one demand over an- other drawn upon the same specified fund, except for the purpose of determining its legality. Payments for Work Outside of City. Sec. 9. The Supervisors may by ordinance authorize and pro- vide for the payment through the agency of any regularly licensed bank in the State of California of wages, salaries or compensation due to any person or persons engaged on public work of the City and County outside of the limits thereof. In such cases, payrolls covering such wages, salaries or compensation must be first ap- proved by the board or officer in charge of such outside work and forwarded to the Auditor for his audit and approval. After ap- proving the same he shall, if so directed by such ordinance, draw his warrant for the gross amount of said payroll as approved in favor of such bank, and the Treasurer shall upon receipt of such w^arrant pay the amount thereof over to said bank for distribution to the persons entitled to the same in such manner as may by said ordinance be provided. — New section added hy amendment Novem- ber 5, 1918; approved hy the Legislature January 17, 1919 (Stat- utes, 1919). CHAPTER III. THE TREASURER. Qualifications. Term. Salary. Appointees. Salaries. Section 1. There shall be a Treasurer of the City and County, who shall be an elector of the City and County at the time of his election and who must have been such for at least five years next preceding such time. He shall be elected by the people, and hold his office for two* years. He shall receive an annual salary of four thousand dollars, which shall be in full compensation for all his services. He may appoint a chief deputy, who shall receive an annual salary of twenty-four hundred dollars, two assistant dep- uties, who shall each receive an annual salary of eighteen hun- dred dollars, and one clerk, who shall receive an annual salary of twelve hundred dollars. Duties of Treasurer. Deposit of Public Funds and Procedure Therefor. Sec. 2. The Treasurer shall receive and safely keep all moneys which shall be paid into the treasury. Except as hereinafter pro- vided, he shall not lend, exchange, use nor deposit the same, or any part thereof, to or with any bank, banker or person; nor pay out any part of such moneys, nor allow the same to pass out of his personal custody, except upon demands authorized by law or this Charter, and after they shall have been approved by the Auditor. At the close of business each day, he shall take an account of and enter in the proper book the exact amount of money on hand. At the end of every month he shall make out and file with the Mayor and publish quarterly in the official newspaper a statement of the •Term made four years: Section 38a, Article XVI. 50 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. condition of the treasury, showing the amounts of receipts into and payments from the treasury, and on what account, and out of what fund. If he violate any of the provisions of this section, he shall be guilty of misconduct in office, and be liable to removal there- from, and be proceeded against accordingly. He shall keep the accounts belonging to each fund separate and distinct, and shall in no case pay demands chargeable against one fund out of moneys belonging to another. He shall be in personal attendance at his office each day during office hours. No fees of any kind shall be retained by him, but the same, from whatever source received or derived, shall be paid by him into the treasury. All moneys paid into the treasury of the City and County may be deposited by the Treasurer, upon the written consent of the Mayor, the Auditor and the Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Board of Supervisors, in any licensed national bank or banks within this State, or in any bank, banks, or corporations authorized and licensed to do a banking business and organized under the laws of this State, provided that such bank or banks in which such moneys are deposited shall furnish as security for such deposits, bonds of the United States or of this State, or of any county, municipality or school district within this State, approved by the Treasurer and the City Attorney. The market value of the bonds furnished as security shall be at least 10 per cent in excess of the amount of the deposit secured thereby;, but the amount of the deposit shall in no case exceed the face value of the bonds furnished as security therefor. And provided that such bank or banks shall pay a reasonable rate of interest, not less than 2 per cent per an- num, on the daily balances therein deposited. The rate of interest shall be fixed annually as herein provided in the month of January of each year on all deposits to be made for such year; provided that the rate of interest for the year ending December 31st, 1907, may be fixed as herein provided within ten days after this section goes into effect. The rate of interest shall be fixed by the Treasurer, the Auditor and the Mayor, and the same reported in writing to the Board of Supervisors immediately. Said rate of interest shall be a reasonable rate and not less than 2 per cent per annum on the daily balances deposited; and the rate of interest so established for each year as herein provided, shall be the uniform rate of interest required from all banks receiving: deposits from the City and County for that year. Interest on all moneys deposited as herein provided for shall belong to the City and County and shall be paid quarterly into the general fund of the City and County except where the law or this Charter other- wise directs. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive from the bank in which the deposit is made, a receipt or receipts in duplicate, showing the date and amount of deposit and rate of interest to be paid thereon, one copy of which said Treasurer shall keep on file in his office and he shall file one copy with the Auditor. Article IV, Chapter III. Executive Department. 51 The Treasurer shall keep a record in his office, which shall be open to public inspection, showing at all times the amount of money on deposit in all banks in which the same is deposited, and dates of deposit; also a record of all banks making application for the deposit of the public funds. The total amount of public moneys on deposit in any bank shall not at any time exceed 50 per cent of the paid-up capital stock of such depository bank or banks. The Treasurer shall not have on deposit at any one time more than 10 per cent of the public moneys under his control and available for deposit in any bank while there are other qualified banks requesting such deposits; provided, that the Treasurer shall not be required to deposit pub- lic moneys in any bank outside the City and County. The receipt issued by any bank for deposits made therein, to- gether with the bonds held as security therefor, shall be held by the Treasurer and be recognized and counted as cash to the amount recited in the receipt by the officers required by law to count the same. Deposits, with interest thereon, shall be subject to withdrawal on demand of the Treasurer, conjointly with that of the Mayor, and any bank receiving the deposit of public moneys, may, at any time, return the same to the Treasurer, together with interest to date of return and it shall be the duty of the Treasurer, upon receiving the return of such deposit, to immediately return to such bank all bonds held as security for the deposit returned. When the Treasurer withdraws his deposit, he shall return, on the demand of the bank, such bonds as were held as security for the deposit or portion thereof withdrawn. Should any bank fail to pay any public moneys held on deposit as herein provided, the Treasurer (with the written consent of the ]\Iayor) may, after ten days written notice to such bank, proceed to sell at public or private sale such of the bonds held by him as security as he may see fit; provided, however, that he shall sell no bonds for less than their face value except at public sale, after ten days printed notice in the official newspaper. The proceeds of such sale, after paying all expenses, shall be credited to the account of the bank which deposits the bonds as collateral. Any bank failing to make payment may, at any time before the sale of the ])onds is completed, stop such sale by repaying all the moneys de- posited with it, together with any expense that may have been in- curred by the Treasurer as the result of such failure. Should the proceeds of any such sale fail to fully repay any deposit, the bal- ance remaining unpaid may be collected in an action at law in the name of the City and County. The Treasurer shall not be responsible for any loss of public moneys resulting from the deposit thereof when made in accord- ance with the provisions of this act. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to safely keep all evidence of indebtedness issued by banks for deposits made therein and bonds deposited as security and the Treasurer shall be responsible for such evidence of in- 52 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. debtedness and for bonds held as security therefor, together with the interest thereon and the proceeds of any sale of such bonds; and the Treasurer shall be responsible to such bank for the safe return of the securities furnished by it to the Treasurer. The expense of transportation of moneys to or from the treasury to such depositaries shall be borne by such depositaries. Nothing in this section contained shall prevent the City and County from buying bonds or otherwise investing its money in any manner now provided by law or this Charter and nothing herein contained as to the disposition of interest and public moneys de- posited shall apply to any -money received or held by the City and County wherein any law or this Charter provides for the payment of interest or profit thereon into any particular fund. — As amended November 7, 1916; approved by the Legislature January 18, 1917 (Statutes, 1917, page 1708). Joint Custody Safe. Auditor and Treasurer Joint Custodians. Sec. 3. For the better security of the moneys in the treasury, there shall be provided a joint custody safe in which shall be kept the moneys of the City and County. Said safe shall have two combination locks, neither one of which alone will open the safe. The Treasurer shall have the knowledge of one combination and the Auditor of the other. The- Auditor shall be joint custodian with the Treasurer of all funds in the joint custody safe ; but shall have no control over them except to open and close the safe in conjunction with the Treasurer, when requested to do so in his official capacity, and shall not be held responsible on his official bond for any shortage which may occur in the treasury. The gold shall be kept in bags containing twenty thousand dol- lars each, and the silver in bags containing one thousand dollars each. To each bag shall be attached a tag showing the nature and amount of coin contained therein. Each bag shall be sealed with the seal of each custodian. There shall be kept in the safe a joint custody book, showing the amount and description of all funds in the safe, and when- ever any amounts are withdrawn, the Auditor and Treasurer shall make the proper entry in the joint custody book and initial the same. If on account of sickness or urgent necessity the Auditor is unavoidably absent the Deputy Auditor shall perform his duties. The estimated amount of money required daily for the paj^ment of demands against the treasury shall be taken from the joint custody safe and kept in another safe ; and the money therein shall be balanced daily at the close of business hours. Original and Duplicate Receipts. Sec. 4. The Treasurer, on receiving any money into the treas- ury, shall make out and sign two receipts for the money. Such receipts shall be alike, except upon the face of one of them shall appear the word "Original," and upon the face of the other shall appear the word "Duplicate." Such receipts shall be numbered and dated, and shall specify the amount, on what account and Article IV, Chapter IV. Executive Department. 53 from what person or officer received, and into what fund or on what account paid. The Treasurer shall enter upon the stubs of such receipts a memorandum of the contents thereof, and deliver the receipt marked "Original'* to the person or officer paying such money into the treasury, and forthwith deliver the receipt marked ''Duplicate" to the Auditor, who shall write upon its face the date of its delivery to him, and charge the Treasurer with the amount specified therein, and file the receipt in his office. Demands Must Specify Items. Unauthorized Demands. Sec. 5. No demand shall be paid by the Treasurer unless it specify each several item, date and amount composing it, and refer by title, date and section to the law, or ordinance or provision of this Charter authorizing the same ; but the allowance or approval of the Auditor, or of the Supervisors, or of any department, board or officer, of any demand which is not authorized by law or this Char- ter, and which upon its face appears not to have been expressly made payable out of the funds to be charged therewith, shall afford no warrant to the Treasurer for paying the same. Cancellation of Paid Demands. Register of Unpaid Demands. Sec. 6. Every lawful demand upon the treasury, audited and allowed as in this Charter required, shall in all cases be paid upon presentation, if there be sufficient money in the treasury applicable to the payment of such demand, and on payment cancelled with a punch, cutting the word "Cancelled" therein, and the proper entry thereof made. If, however, there be not sufficient money so applicable, then it shall be registered in a book kept for that purpose by the Treasurer. Such register shall show the special number given by the Supervisors or other authority and also by the Auditor to each demand presented, also when pre- sented, the date, amount, name of original holder, and on what account allowed and against what appropriation drawn and out of what specific fund payable. All demands shall be paid in the order of their registration. Each demand upon being so registered shall be returned to the party presenting it, with the endorsement of the word * ' Registered, ' ' and dated and signed by the Treasurer ; but the registration of any demand shall not operate to recognize or make valid such demand if incurred contrary to any of the provisions of this Charter. CHAPTER IV. THE ASSESSOR. Term, Salary, Appointees and Salaries. Section 1. There shall be an Assessor of the City and County, who shall be an elector of the City and County at the time of his election, and who must have been such for at least five years next preceding such time. He shall be elected by the people and hold office for four years. He shall receive an annual salary of eight thousand dollars, which shall be in full compensation for 54 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. all his services. He may appoint a chief deputy, who shall receive an annual salary of twenty-four hundred dollars ; one cashier, who shall receive an annual salary of eighteen hundred dollars; six assistant deputies, who shall receive an annual salary of eighteen hundred dollars each; twenty-one clerks, who shall each receive an annual salary of twelve hundred dollars; and during four months of the year not more than one hundred clerks, who shall each be paid at the rate of not more than one hundred dollars a month during the time of their employment. — As amended De- cember 4, 1902; approved hy the Legislature February 5, 1903 (Statutes, 1903, page 586). Duties. Sec. 2. The Assessor shall assess all taxable property within the City and County at the time and in the manner prescribed by the general laws of the State. CHAPTER V. THE TAX COLLECTOR. Qualifications. Term. Salary. Appointees. Salaries. Extra Clerks. Compensation. Section 1. There shall be a Tax Collector of the City and County, who shall be an elector of the City and County at the time of his election and who must have been such for at least five years next preceding such time. He shall be elected by the people and hold office for two* years. He shall receive an annual salary of four thousand dollars, which shall be in full compensation for all his services. He may appoint one chief deputy, who shall receive an annual salary of twenty-four hundred dollars; one cashier, who shall receive an annual salary of twenty-four hun- dred dollars; fifteen deputies, who shall each receive an annual salary of fifteen hundred dollars; and extra clerks, who shall each be paid at the rate of not more than one hundred dollars a month during the time of their employment, but the total amount of payment for such extra clerks shall not exceed thirty-six thousand dollars a year. Tax Collector's Powers and Duties. Sec. 2. The Tax Collector must collect all licenses which may at any time be required by law or ordinance to be collected within the City and County. He shall be charged with all taxes levied Upon real and personal property within the City and County, upon the final settlement to be made by him according to law or this Charter. He shall pay into the treasury, without any deduc- tion for commissions, fees or charges of any kind or on any ac- count, the full amount of all taxes, assessments and moneys re- ceived by him and not previously paid over, including all moneys paid under protest, and money received for taxes paid more than once, and for street assessments. He shall also be charged with, and be debtor to the City and County for the full amount of all ♦Term made four years: Section 38a, Article XVI. Article IV, Chapter V. Executive Department 55 taxes due upon the delinquent tax list delivered to him for collec- tion, unless it appear to the satisfaction of the Supervisors ex- pressed by resolution, that it was out of his power to collect the same by levy and sale of property liable to be seized and sold therefor. City Attorney to Collect Delinquent Taxes. Sec. 3. On request of the Assessor or the Tax Collector the City Attorney shall commence and prosecute actions for the col- lection of taxes. — As amended December 10, 1912; approved by the Legislature March 28, 1913 (Statutes, 1913, page 1602). Licenses in Charge of Tax Collector. Sec. 4. He shall examine all persons liable to pay licenses, and see that licenses are taken out and paid for. In the performance of their official duties, he and his deputies shall have the same powers as police officers in serving process and in making arrests. He may demand the exhibition of any license for the current term from any person, firm or corporation engaged or employed in the transaction of any business for which a license is required; and if such person, firm or corporation shall refuse or neglect to ex- hibit such license, the same may be revoked forthwith by the Tax Collector. Auditor to Sign Licenses. IVIontiily Statement of Licenses. Sec. 5. The Auditor shall from time to time deliver to the Tax Collector such City and County licenses as may be required, and sign the same and charge them to the Tax Collector, specifying in the charge the amounts thereof named in such licenses respect- ively and the class of licenses, and take receipts therefor, and the Tax Collector shall sign and collect the same. The Tax Collector shall once in every month, and oftener when required by the Auditor, make to the Auditor a report under oath of all licenses sold and on hand, and of all amounts paid to the Treasurer, and shall also in that regard comply with the regulations which may be prescribed by the Supervisors. At the time of making such report, the Tax Collector shall exhibit to the Auditor all licenses on hand and the Treasurer's receipts for all moneys paid into the treasury. CHAPTER VI. THE CORONER. Qualifications. Term. Salary. Duties. Morgue. Section 1. There shall be a Coroner of the City and County who shall be an elector of the City and County at the time of his election and who must have been such for at least five years next preceding such election. He shall be elected by the people and hold office for two* years. He shall receive an annual salary of four thousand dollars. He. shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by law or ordinance. He shall have the control and ♦Term made four years: Section 38a, Article XVI. 56 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. management of the Morgue of the City and County under such ordinances as the Supervisors may adopt. Appointees. Salaries. Sec. 2. He may appoint an autopsy physician who shall receive an annual salary of twenty-four hundred dollars; a chief deputy, who shall receive an annual salary of twenty-four hundred dollars ; three assistant deputies, who shall each receive an annual salary of fifteen hundred dollars; a stenographer and typewriter, who shall receive an annual salary of eighteen hundred dollars; and a messenger, who shall receive an annual salary of nine hundred dollars. CHAPTER VII. THE RECORDER. Qualifications. Term. Salary. Appointees. Copyists. Compensation. Section 1. There shall be a Recorder of the City and County who shall be an elector of the City and County at the time of his election and who must have been such for at least five years next preceding such election. He shall be elected by the people and shall hold office for two* years. He shall receive an annual salary of four thousand dollars. He may appoint a chief deputy, who shall re- ceive an annual salary of twenty- four hundred dollars; five as- sistant deputies, who shall each receive an annual salary of eighteen hundred dollars; nine clerks, who shall each receive an annual salary of fifteen hundred dollars; one machinist, who shall receive an annual salary of fifteen hundred dollars; one messenger, who shall receive an annual salary of twelve hundred dollars. He may also appoint as many copyists as he may deem necessary, who shall receive not more than six cents for each one hundred words actually written ; but no copyist shall be paid a greater compensation at this rate than amounts in the aggregate to one hundred and twenty-five dollars a month. — As amended November 15, 1910; approved by the Legislature February 17, 1911 (Statutes, 1911, page 1661). Custodian of Public Records. Duties. Sec. 2. The Recorder shall take into his custody and safely keep all books, records, maps and papers deposited in his office. Upon demand and payment of the fees prescribed therefor by law or by ordinance, he must furnish to any one applying therefor a copy of any such book, record, map or paper, certified under the hand and seal of his office. When any papers are presented for filing or re- cording, he or his deputies shall write on the margin of each paper so presented the number of folios, the amount paid for recording the same, and shall number consecutively all instruments and docu- ments filed in his office. He shall also perform all other duties at the time and in the manner prescribed by the general laws of the State. ♦Term made four years: Section 38a, Article XVI. Article IV-A. Weights and Measures. 57 ARTICLE IV-A. DEPARTMENT OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES AND DEPUTIES. Section 1. The Sealer of Weights and Measures shall be ap- pointed by the Board of Supervisors. The Sealer may appoint such deputies and employees as may be allowed him by Ordinance of the Board of Supervisors. The salaries of the Sealer, his depu- ties and employees shall be that as fixed by law. The Sealer and his deputies shall have all the powers conferred upon Sealers of Weights and Measures and their deputies by the general laws of the State and they shall perform all of the duties prescribed by such laws and such additional duties as may be prescribed by Ordinances of the Board of Supervisors. Civil Service Provisions. ' Sec. 2. The provisions of Article XlII of the Charter shall apply to the Sealer, his deputies and employees, and, for the pur- poses of said Article, the Board of Supervisors shall be deemed the appointing department as to the Sealer, and the Sealer the appoint- ing officer as to his deputies and employees. Any person who has served as Sealer of Weights and Measures of the City and County of San Francisco for a continuous period of six months imme- diately prior to the approval of this amendment by the Legisla- ture and who shall be actually serving as Sealer at the time of the approval of this amendment by the Legislature, and any person who has served as a deputy or employee of such Sealer for a like period and who shall be actually serving as such deputy or em- ployee at the time of the approval of this amendment by the Legis- lature, are hereby declared to be appointed within the provisions of said Article XIII to the office or position in which he may be then serving and shall be entitled to all the benefits of said Article thereafter. Subject to State Laws. Sec. 3. Nothing in this Article contained shall be in anywise construed as curtailing or affecting the powers and jurisdiction of the State Superintendent of Weights and Measures over the Sealer of Weights and Measures of the City and County and his deputies as the same are now or may hereafter be conferred upon the State Superintendent of Weights and Measures by the general laws of the State. — Article IV-A added hy amendment November 7, 1916; approved by the Legislature January 18, 1917 (Statutes, 1917, page 1708). 58 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. ARTICLE V. LEGAL DEPARTMENT. CHAPTER I. THE SUPERIOR COURT JUDGES. Court Interpreters. Section 1. The Judges of the Superior Court of the City and County may appoint not to exceed five interpreters of foreign languages, who shall act as such interpreters in criminal actions and proceedings in all the courts in the City and County, and in examinations before Coroner's juries. Court Stenographers, Compensation. Sec. 2. The stenographers in the Criminal Departments of the Superior Court shall each receive an annual salary not exceeding twenty-four hundred dollars, which shall be in full compensation for all services, including > transcription and all stationery used by them. CHAPTER II. THE CITY ATTORNEY. Salary. Term. Qualifications. Section 1. There shall be an Attorney and Counselor of the City and County, who shall be styled City Attorney, and Avho shall receive an annual salary of five thousand dollars. He shall be elected by the people and shall hold office for the period of two* years. He must be at the time of his election an elector of the City and County and qualified to practice in all the courts of this State, and he must have been so qualified for at least ten years next preceding his election, during five years of which he must have been an actual resident of the City and County. He shall devote his entire time and attention to the duties of his office. Duties. Sec. 2. He must prosecute and defend for the City and County all actions at law or in equity, and all special proceedings for or against the City and County; and whenever any cause of action at law or in equity or by special proceedings exists in favor of the City and County he shall commence the same when within his knowledge, and, if not within his knowledge, when directed to do so by resolution of the Supervisors. He shall give legal advice, in writing, to all officers, boards and commissions named in this Charter, when requested so to do by them, or either of them, in writing, upon questions arising in their separate depart- ments involving the rights or liabilities of the City and County. He shall not settle or dismiss any litigation for or against the City and County under his control unless upon his written recom- mendation he is ordered to do so by the Mayor and Supervisors. ♦Term made four years: Section 38a, Article XVI. Article V, Chapter II. Legal Department. 59 Records of City's Legal Proceedings. Sec. 3. He sliall keep on file in his office all written communi- cations and opinions given by him to any officer, board or depart- ment; the briefs and transcripts used in causes wherein he ap- pears; and bound books of record and registry of all actions or proceedings in his charge in which the City and County is inter- ested. Delivery of Records to Successor. Sec. 4. He shall deliver all books and records, reports, docu- ments, papers, statutes, law books and property of every descrip- tion in his possession, belonging to his office, or to the City and County, to his successor in office, who shall give him duplicate receipts therefor, one of which he shall file with the Auditor. Appointees. Assistants. Clerks. Salaries. Sec. 5. The City Attorney may appoint four assistants, the first of whom shall receive an annual salary of thirty-six hundred dollars; the second an annual salary of three thousand dollars; the third an annual salary of twenty-four hundred dollars, and the fourth an annual salary of eighteen hundred dollars. He may also appoint a chief clerk, who shall receive an annual salary of eighteen hundred dollars; an assistant clerk, who shall receive an annual salary of nine hundred dollars; a stenographer and type- writer, who shall receive an annual salary of nine hundred dol- lars; and a messenger, who shall receive an annual salary of nine hundred dollars. An officer of the Police Department shall be permanently detailed by the Chief of Police for the purpose of doing the detective work necessary in preparing and prosecut- ing the litigation of the office, who shall continue to serve on such detail during the pleasure of the City Attorney. The assist- ants and the chief clerk must each, at the time of his appoint- ment, be qualified to practice in all the courts of this State, and must have been so qualified at least two years next preceding his appointment. The assistants, clerks, typewriter and messenger shall be appointed by the City Attorney, and shall hold their offices at his pleasure, and the specific duties of each shall be prescribed by him. CHAPTER III. THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Term, Qualifications and Salary. Section 1. The District Attorney shall be elected by the peo- ple and shall hold office for two* years. He shall be an elector of the City and County and must at the time of his election be quali- fied to practice in all the courts of this State, and must have been so qualified for at least five years next preceding his election. He shall receive an annual salary of five thousand dollars. •Term made four years: Section 38a, Article XVI. 60 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. Powers and Duties. Sec. 2. The District Attorney shall have all the powers con- ferred, and shall discharge all the duties imposed upon, the Dis- trict Attorneys of counties by the general laws of this State, and in addition thereto shall attend, institute and conduct, on behalf of the people, all prosecutions cognizable in the Police Court of the City and County. He shall draw all complaints and warrants in said Police Court, prosecute all forfeited recognizances therein, and all actions for the recovery of fines, penalties, and forfeitures accruing to the City and County; deliver receipts for money or property received in his official capacity, and file duplicates there- for with the County Treasurer; file with the Auditor on the first Mondays of January, April, July and October in each year, an itemized statement under oath showing all moneys received by him in his official capacity during the preceding three months ; keep a register of his official business in which must be entered a note of every action, whether criminal or civil, prosecuted officially by him, and of the proceedings therein; and give, when required, without fee, advice to the Board of Police Commission- ers, the Chief of Police, the Board of Health and the Coroner, upon matters relating to the duties of their respective offices. Appointees. Assistants. Salaries. . Duties. Sec. 3. He may appoint seven Assistant District Attorneys to aid him in the discharge of his official duties, three of whom shall act as prosecutors in the Superior Court, and shall each receive an annual salary of thirty-six hundred dollars, and four of whom shall act as the prosecuting attorneys of the Police Court, and shall each receive an annual salary of twenty-four hundred dollars. When any of the assistants of the District Attorney acting as such prosecuting attorneys in the Police Court are not actually engaged in work connected with prosecutions therein, they shall be at the call of the District Attorney for any service connected with his department. The assistants must each, at the time of his appointment, be qualified to practice in all the courts of this State, and must have been so qualified for at least two years next preceding his appointment. The District Attorney may also appoint one chief clerk, who shall receive an annual salary of eighteen hundred dollars; one assistant clerk, who shall receive an annual salary of twelve hundred dollars; and one stenographer and typewriter, who shall receive an annual salary of nine hun- dred dollars. To Purchase Property on Execution Sales. Sec. 4. The District Attorney may, in the name of the City and County, bid for and purchase property at execution sales under judgments for the recovery of fines, penalties or forfeitures accruing to the City and County. Article V, Chapter IV. Legal Department. 61 CHAPTER IV. THE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. Powers and Duties. Allowed Fees for Compensation. Section 1. The Public Administrator shall be elected by the people, and he shall hold office for two* years. He shall have all the powers conferred, and shall discharge all the duties imposed upon, the Public Administrators of counties by the general laws of this State, except as in this Charter otherwise specifically pro- vided. He shall be entitled to all such fees as may be allowed by law to the Public Administrators of the counties of the State in full compensation for all his services. CHAPTER V. THE COUNTY CLERK. Term. Powers and Duties. Clerk of Police Court. Salary. Section 1. The County Clerk shall be elected by the people and shall hold office for two* years. He shall have all the powers conferred, and shall discharge all the duties imposed upon, the County Clerks of counties by the general laws of this State, and in addition thereto shall attend and act as Clerk of the Police Court, keep the dockets and registers thereof, and take charge of and safely keep all books, papers and records which may be filed or deposited in his office pertaining to the Police Court. He shall receive an annual salary of four thousand dollars. Appointees. Salaries. Cashier. Courtroom Clerks. Register Clerks. Copyists. Police Court Clerks. Sec. 2. To aid him in the discharge of his official duties, the County Clerk may appoint a Chief Register Clerk, who shall receive an annual salary of twenty-four hundred dollars ; a Cashier, who shall receive an annual salary of eighteen hundred dollars; twelve Court Room Clerks for the Superior Court, who shall each receive an annual salary of fifteen hundred dollars; five Register Clerks, who shall each receive an annual salary of eighteen hun- dred dollars; ten Assistant Register Clerks, who shall each receive an annual salary of fifteen hundred dollars; sixteen copyists, who shall each receive an annual salary of twelve hundred dollars; and four Clerks for the Police Court, who shall each receive an annual salary of fifteen hundred dollars. Copies of Papers. Charges. Sec. 3. For copies of papers furnished and certified by him, he shall charge not more than eight cents for each one hundred words. For certifying copies, which are not prepared by him, he shall be entitled to charge twenty-five cents and also forty cents an hour for the time exceeding one hour necessarily occupied in comparing such copies. He must certify all papers presented to him which are copies of any document, paper or record, or por- tions thereof, in his custody. ♦Term made four years: Section 38a, Article XVI. 62 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. CHAPTER VI. THE SHERIFF. Term. Salary. Powers and Duties. Section 1. The Sheriff shall be elected by the people, and he shall hold office for two* years. He shall receive an annual salary of eight thousand dollars, which shall be in full compensation for all official services required of him by law; but said salary shall be exclusive of the compensation received by him from the State for the delivery of prisoners to the State prisons, and insane per- sons to the State asylums for the insane. He shall have all the powers conferred, and shall discharge all the duties imposed upon the Sheriffs of counties by the general laws of this State. Appointees. Salaries. Sec. 2. He may appoint the following deputies and employees, who shall each respectively receive the following annual salaries: One Under Sheriff, twenty-four hundred dollars; one Attorney, eighteen hundred dollars; one Chief Bookkeeper, eighteen hun- dred dollars; two Assistant Bookkeepers, fifteen hundred dollars; ten Office Deputies, fifteen hundred dollars; fourteen Bailiffs, twelve hundred dollars; one Chief Jailer at Branch Jail Number One, eighteen hundred dollars'; ten Jailers at Branch Jail Num- ber One, twelve hundred dollars; one Superintendent of Branch Jails Numbers Two and Three, eighteen hundred dollars; sixteen Guards at Branch Jail Number Two, six hundred dollars; one Matron at Branch Jail Number Three, nine hundred dollars; six Guards at Branch Jail Number Three, six hundred dollars; one Commissary to act for all jails, fifteen hundred dollars; one Driver of Van, nine hundred dollars; and one Bookkeeper for all said Branch Jails, fifteen hundred dollars. Duties of Deputies. Sec. 3. The Sheriff may designate the services to be performed by his deputies. CHAPTER VII. THE JUSTICES' COURT. Justices of the Peace. Salaries. Chief Clerk, Deputies. Section 1. The Justices of the Peace shall each receive an annual salary of twenty-four hundred dollars, except the Presiding Justice, who shall receive an annual salary of twenty-seven hun- dred dollars. They shall appoint a Chief Clerk who shall hold office for two years, and receive an annual salary of twenty-four hundred dollars. The Chief Clerk may appoint five deputies, each of whom shall receive an annual salary of twelve hundred dollars. ♦Term made four years: Section 38a, Article XVI. Article V, Chapter VIII. Legal Department. 63 CHAPTER VIII. THE POLICE COURT. Four Judges. Term. Salary. Qualifications. Departments. Presiding Judge. Sessions of Court. Section 1. There is hereby created and established in and for the City and County of San Francisco a Court to be known as the Police Court of the City and County of San Francisco. Said Court shall consist of four Judges, who shall be elected by the people and hold office for four years. They shall each receive an annual salary of thirty-six hundred dollars. They shall be electors of the City and County at the time of their election, and must have been such for at least five years next preceding such time. Xo person shall be eligible to the office of Judge of the Police Court who is not at the time of his election qualified to practice in all the Courts of this State, and who has not been so qualified for at least five years next preceding his election. The Court shall be divided into departments known at Department Number One,. Department Number Two. Department Number Three, and Department Number Four. The Judges of such Court may hold as many sessions of the Court at the same time as there are Judges thereof. The Judges who shall be elected at the first election under this Charter shall so classify themselves by lot that two of them shall go out of office in two years and two of them in four years. They shall choose from their number a Presiding Judge, who shall serve for one year. The Presiding Judge shall assign the Judges to their respective departments; but any of the Judges may preside in any of the departments in the absence or inability of the Judge regularly assigned thereto. The judgments, orders and proceedings of any session of the Court held by any one or more of the Judges shall be equally effectual as if all the Judges had presided at such session. Jurisdiction. Violation of Ordinances, Other Misdemeanors and Felonies. Powers In Criminal Actions. Sec. 2. The Police Court of the City and County of San Fran- cisco shall have: First — Exclusive jurisdiction of all prosecutions for the viola- tion of ordinances of the Board of Supervisors. Second — Concurrent jurisdiction with the Superior Court of all other misdemeanors and of the examination of all felonies com- mitted in the City and County. Third — Said Court, or any Judge thereof, shall have the same powers in all criminal actions, cases, examinations and proceed- ings as are now or may hereafter be conferred by law upon Jus- tices of the Peace. 64 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. Proceedings, How Conducted. Sec. 3. Proceedings in said Court shall be conducted in accord- ance with the laws of this State regulating proceedings in Jus- tices' and Police Courts and appeals to the Superior Court; and said Court or any Judge thereof shall have the same power in all criminal actions, cases and proceedings as are now or may be hereafter conferred by the general laws of this State upon Justices of the Peace; provided, that: First — No case shall be dismissed or fine imposed until the tes- timony for the prosecution shall be taken. Second — Any defendant who neglects to file his statement on appeal within ten days after sentence shall lose his right to appeal, unless good cause for the delay be shown by affidavit. Press of business on the part of defendant's attorney shall not be deemed good cause for delay. Unless the District Attorney shall file amendments to the proposed statement on appeal within five days after the same shall have been filed and served, the proposed statement on appeal shall be the statement on appeal. The Judge before whom the case was tried shall settle the statement on appeal within five days after the District Attorney shall have filed his amendments to the proposed statement. Third — Any person who shall solicit or importune any of said Judges, either before or after judgment, to dismiss a case, or mitigate a sentence, unless the same be done in open court, shall be guilty of a contempt of court. Fourth — A complaint may be demurred to on the ground that it does not set forth the offense charged with suoh particularities of time, place, person and property as to enable the defendant to understand distinctly the character of the offense complained of, and the complaint may be amended by permission of the Court after a demurrer is sustained. Fifth — A defendant in custody shall have the right to be tried before a defendant on bail, and felonies shall be heard before mis- demeanors. Sixth — The Judges of said Court shall try all cases as speedily as possible, and must refuse continuances after the first calling of a case for trial except upon affidavit showing good cause therefor. Seventh — Other than lawfully authorized surety companies, no person shall be eligible to be a bondsman for any defendant on trial in the Police Court, or on appeal from a judgment therein, except he take an oath that the property specified in the under- taking is in the City and County of San Francisco, and that he is worth the amount specified, exclusive of property exempt from execution, and exclusive of all demands for which he may become liable by reason of the forfeiture of any appeal or bail bonds for which he is surety. Article V, Chapter VIII. Legal Department. 65 District Attorney Must Attend. Sec. 4. The District Attorney, either in person or by his Assistants, must be present at the session of the Court and attend to the prosecution of all cases coming before it, and make out all complaints and warrants for the arrest of persons charged with crime to be prosecuted in said Court. Warrant and Bond Clerks. Salaries. Qualifications. Duties. Form of Bonds, Bail. Sec. 5. The District Attorney shall appoint a Warrant and Bond Clerk who shall receive a salary of twenty-four hundred dollars a year, and three Assistant Warrant and Bond Clerks, each of whom shall receive a salary of fifteen hundred dollars a year. No person shall be appointed a Warrant and Bond Clerk who is not at the time of his appointment qualified to practice in all the Courts of this State. The Warrant and Bond Clerk shall keep his office open continuously night and day for the transac- tion of business; shall draw complaints in actions in the Police Court, and approve the same with his written signature; shall have the custody of all bail bonds and appeal bonds taken in the Police Court ; shall examine the sufficiency of every bail bond and appeal bond taken in the Police Court and make a return thereon, within forty-eight hours after such bond shall have come into his possession, in the following form: **I, , Warrant and Bond Clerk of the City and County of San Francisco, have examined the within bond and find it good in law. I have examined the record of the City and County of San Francisco, and find the property, its own- ers and incumbrances herein described, to be correct according to said records. (Signed , Warrant and Bond Clerk)." The Warrant and Bond Clerk shall endorse upon the bond the time when it was issued by him, or when it came into his posses- sion. He may issue bail bonds and appeal bonds when the liability thereof does not exceed two thousand dollars,, and order the dis- charge from custody of the persons for whom the bonds are issued; and he may take cash bail to the extent in any one case of one thousand dollars. He must account for and pay to the Treasurer all moneys received as bail in the manner that the County Clerk is required by law to account for and pay moneys received as fees. No Clerk of the Police Court shall ever take bail or order the release of any one charged with an offense. Fixing Bail. Sec. 6. In the matter of fixing bail and ordering the release of prisoners the Warrant and Bond Clerk shall be subject to the Judges of the Police Court, and any violation of a valid order of any of said Judges shall be a contempt of Court. 66 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. Office Always Open. Sec. 7. For any failure to keep the office of the Warrant and Bond Clerk open continuously he shall be immediately removed from office by the District Attorney or by the Mayor. Who May Accept Ball. Sec. 8. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person other than a Judge of some Court in the City and County, or other than said Warrant and Bond Clerk, to receive bail money for defendants or to order their discharge. Service of Papers, Sec. 9. All demurrers to complaints, notices of motion, state- ments and bills of exception on appeal to the Superior Court, must be served upon the Assistant District Attorney acting in the Department of the Court in which the case is set for hearing, or heard or tried. Clerk of Police Court. Duties. See. 10. The County Clerk shall be the Clerk of the Police Court, and he must be present either in person or by deputy at all sessions of the Court in the departments thereof ; call the daily calendar of the departments, and keep full and complete records of all cases in the Court and the disposition made thereof by the Court. Stenographers. Duties. Sec. 11. The Police Judges may appoint not more than two competent stenographers who shall attend the sessions of the ^ under any tunnel, subway or viaduct constructed or acquired under the provisions of this Chapter. Two or more lines of street rail- ways operated under different managements may use the same tun- nel, subway or viaduct for the entire length thereof and for five consecutive blocks approaching e^ch end thereof, each management paying an equal portion of the expense for the construction, main- tenance and repairs of the tracks and appurtenances used by said railways jointly. The City and County in the operation of a muni- cipal railway may use any such tunnel, subway or viaduct either singly or jointly with any privately operated railway for the entire length thereof and for any number of blocks approaching each end thereof; and in case of joint use of tracks shall pay an equal por- tion of the expense for the construction, maintenance and repairs of the tracks and appurtenances used by said railways jointly. Sec. 6. Two or more tunnels to be constructed in pursuance of one general plan may be so constructed under one proceeding and any or all acquisitions Or condemnations of lands or easements or rights of way therein and any property necessary and convenient for the same may be acquired or condemned in the same proceed- ings and the property benefited may be assessed for the costs, dam- ages and expenses thereof according to the benefit from such gen- eral plan. This Chapter amended December 10, 1912; approved hy the Legislature March 28, 1913 (Statutes, 1913, page 1602). 124 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. ARTICLE YII. , PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES. CHAPTER I. THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. Directors. Salary. Term. Section 1, The School Department shall be under the control and management of a Board of Education composed of four School Directors, who shall be appointed by the Mayor, and who shall give their entire time to the duties of their office. They shall each re- ceive an annual salary of three thousand dollars. They shall not be less than thirty years of age and must have been residents of the City and County for at least five years prior to their appoint- ment. The Board shall never be so constituted as to consist of more than two members of the same political party. The term of office of the Directors shall be four years. Those first appointed shall so classify themselves by lot that they shall respectively go out of office at the expiration of one, two, three and four years. President. Secretary. Salary. Sec. 2. The Board shall org'anize by electing one of its number President, who shall serve for one year and until his successor is elected. The Board may elect a Secretary who shall not be a mem- ber of the Board, and who shall receive an annual salary of eighteen hundred dollars. Meetings. Rules. Sec. 3. The Board shall meet at least once a week and at such other times as it may determine. It shall establish rules for its proceedings; but the concurrent vote of a majority of its members shall be necessary to transact business. In every instance where a power is exercised under this Article by the Board the vote thereon shall be taken hy ayes and noes and entered in the minutes of the Board. CHAPTER II. SCHOOLS. School Department. Section 1. The School Department shall comprise all the public schools of the City and County and shall include primary and grammar schools and may include evening, deportment, technical, cosmopolitan, high and normal schools. Night Schools. See. 2. Adults shall be entitled to free instruction in the evening schools ; but no child under fourteen years of age shall be admitted to such schools. Article VII, Chapter III. Public Schools and Libraries. 125 CHAPTER III. POWERS OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. Powers of Board of Education. Section 1. In addition to the powers conferred by the general laws of the State, the Board of Education shall have power : Establish and Change Schools. 1. To establish and maintain public schools as provided in this Article, and to change, modify, consolidate or discontinue the same as the public welfare may require. Teachers. Salaries. Promotion and Dismissal. 2. To employ such teachers and persons as may be necessary to carry into effect its powers and duties; to fix, alter and ap- prove their salaries and compensation, and to withhold for good and sufficient cause the whole or any part of the wages, salary or compensation of any person or persons employed as aforesaid; and to promote, transfer and dismiss teachers; but no teacher in the department at the time of the adoption of this Charter, or who shall be hereafter appointed, shall be dismissed from the de- partment, except for insubordination, immoral or unprofessional conduct, or evident unfitness for teaching. All promotions of teachers shall be based solely on merit and successful teaching. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the Board from removing teachers holding only special certificates or serving a probationary term. Charges against teachers must be formally made by the Superintendent after due investigation, and shall be finally passed upon by the Board after giving the accused teacher due hearing. Certificates. 3. To grant, to renew and, for the causes mentioned in Section 1, Subdivision 2 of this Chapter, to revoke teachers' certificates. Rules and Regulations. 4. To establish and enforce all necessary rules and regulations for the government and efficiency of the schools and for carrying into effect the school system; to remedy truancy; to compel the attendance at school of children between the ages of six and four- teen years who may be found idle in public places during school hours. Investigate Charges. 5. To investigate charges against any person connected with or in the employ of the School Department, and to take testimony in such investigations. Hold and Lease Property. 6. To receive, to take on lease and to hold in trust for the City and County any real estate belonging to or claimed by the School Department. To hold in trust all personal property that may have been or may hereafter be acquired by the School Department. Pro- 126 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. vided, however, that the Panama-Pacific International Exposition Company (a corporation organized under the laws of the State of California, March 22, 1910) is authorized to assume and take over the management and control, and have the exclusive possession and use, of any lands belonging to or claimed by the School Department or by the City and County, which are situate westerly from Twen- tieth avenue, and not in actual use, for the purposes of an exposi- tionto celebrate the completion of the Panama Canal, such manage- ment and control, possession and use, to terminate not later than one year after the closing of such exposition.^ — As amended Novem- ber 15, 1910; approved by the Legisla^ture February 17, 1911 (Stat- utes, 1911, page 1661). Census Marshals. 7. On or before the first day in April in each year, to appoint School Census Marshals, and notify the Superinlendent of Com- mon Schools of such appointments. Any Census ]Marshal found incompetent may be discharged by the Superintendent of Com- mon Schools. Should the Board fail or neglect to fill the vacancy so caused within three days thereafter by the appointment of a person competent to perform the duties of Census ^larshal, such vacancy may be filled by the Superintendent of Common Schools. Actions. 8. To sue in the name of the City and County for lots, lands and property belonging to or claimed by the School Department. To prosecute and defend all actions at law or special proceedings or suits in equity concerning the enjoyment and possession of such lots, lands and property. To require the services of the City Attor- ney in all actions, suits and proceedings by or against the Board of Education. Disbursement of IVIoneys. Segregation of Fund. 9. To establish regulations for the disbursement of all moneys belonging to the School Department or to the Common School Fund, and to secure strict accountability in the expenditure there- of ; to provide for the prompt payment, on not later than the fiftli day of every month, of all salaries due and allowed officers, teachers and other employees of the School Department. For this purpose the Auditor shall annually segregate so much of the Common School Fund as shall not exceed tw^enty-eight dollars for each pupil in average daily attendance in the Public Schools of the City and County during the preceding fiscal year. The amount so seg- regated shall not be applied to the payment of any demand against such Common School Fund during any fiscal year other than for salaries, until all salaries for that fiscal year have been fully paid or provided for. The Board shall ascertain and transmit to the Auditor on or before the first Monday in April of each year an estimate of the amount required for such segregation within such limit of twenty-eight dollars. Article VII, Chapter III. Public Schools and Libraries. 127 Demands to Be Filed and Signed. Salary Roll. 10. All demands payable out of the Common School Fund shall be filed with the Secretary of the Board of Education, and after they have been approved by the Board, they shall be signed by the President of the Board and the Superintendent and sent to the Auditor. Every demand shall have endorsed upon it a certificate, signed by the Secretary, of its approval by the Board of Educa- tion, showing the date thereof, and the law authorizing it by title, date and section. Every person in the employ of the School De- partment entitled to a salary therefrom shall receive a warrant for the amount due and approved by the Board, signed by the Presi- dent and Secretary thereof. The entire monthly salary roll of the Department shall be made up by the Secretary of the Board, and after being duly audited by the Finance Committee thereof and approved by a majority of all the members of the Board, shall be endorsed in the same manner as other demands. The salary roll so audited, approved and endorsed, shall be immediately trans- mitted to the Auditor not later than the third day of every month for comparison with the individual salary warrants issued in the manner above provided; but payment shall be made only on the individual warrants issued in accordance herewith. Leasing of School Property. 11. To lease to the highest responsible bidder, for the benefit of the Common School Fund, for a term not exceeding thirty-five years any real property of the School Department not required for school purposes ; but no lease shall be made except after advertise- ment for bids for at least sixty days in the official newspaper and one other daily newspaper of general circulation, published in the City and County, and by an affirmative vote of at least three mem- bers of the Board of Education and approved by an ordinance of the Board of Supervisors, passed by a vote of at least fifteen of its members, and approved by the ]\Iayor; and provided that at the expiration of the term of said lease all buildings and improvements erected shall revert to and become the property of the School De- partment of the City and County. — As amended November 5, 1907; approved by the Legislature November 23, 1907 (Statutes Special Session, 1907, page 55). Trust Funds. 12. To receive and manage property or money acquired by bequest or donation in trust for the benefit of any school, educa- tional purpose or school library; to carry into effect the terms of any bequest not in conflict with the general laws or this Charter; and to sell such personal property as shall no longer be required for use in the schools. All moneys realized by such sales shall be at once paid into the treasury to the credit of the Common School Fund. 128 Chaf'ter of the City and County of San Francisco. Proposals for Supplies. Provisions Governing Proposals. Sec. 2. The Board shall annually, before the first day of May, make a list of supplies estimated to be required by the School De- partment for the ensuing fiscal year, stating in clear and explicit terms the quantity and kind of articles needed and how and when they shall be delivered, and shall invite proposals for furnishing the same by advertising therefor for at least ten days in the official newspaper. The provisions of Article II, Chapter III, of this Charter, in regard to the advej:-tising for proposals, the affidavit and security accompanying the same, the presentation and opening of proposals; the awarding of contracts and the security for the performance thereof, shall, so far as the same can be made applicable, apply to all proposals and contracts made, awarded or entered into for fur- nishing supplies to the School Department. Any contract made in violation of any provision of this Article shall be void. Annual Report to Supervisors. Sec. 3. The Board shall, during each year, transmit to the Supervisors a report in writing for the preceding fiscal year, stating the number of schools within its jurisdiction, the length of time they have been kept open, the number of pupils taught in each school, the average daily attendance of pupils in all the public schools, the number, names and salaries of teachers, the dates of their appointments and the character of the certificates held by them, the amount of money drawn from the treasury by the Department during the year, distinguishing the State fund from all others, the purpose for which such money has been ex- pended, with particulars, and such other information as may be required by the State Superintendent, the Supervisors or the Mayor. Schedule of Salaries. Sec. 4. The Board shall, between the first and twenty-first days of May of each year, adopt a schedule of salaries for the next en- suing fiscal year for teachers and all employees of the School De- partment. CHAPTER IV. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. Member of Board. Salary. Section 1. The Superintendent of Schools of the City and County shall be elected by the qualified electors thereof at each gubernatorial election. He shall be by virtue of his office a member of the Board of Education. He shall receive an annual salary of four thousand dollars. — As amended March 16, 1915 ; approved hy the Legislature April 1, 1915 (Statutes, 1915, page 1807). Article VII, Chapter IV. Public Schools and Libraries. 129 Deputy Superintendents. Sec. 2. The Superintendent shall appoint four Deputy Super- intendents. The number of such deputies shall not be increased until the average daily attendance shall have reached forty-five thousand, when the Superintendent shall appoint one additional deputy and thereafter he shall appoint one deputy for each addi- tional eight thousand children in average daily attendance. If from any cause a vacancy occurs in the office of Deputy Super- intendent, such vacancy shall be filled by the Superintendent. Term of Deputies. Sec. 3. Of the Deputy Superintendents first appointed, the Superintendent shall appoint two for two years and two for four years. All Deputy Superintendents subsequently appointed shall hold office for four years. Qualifications of Deputies. Sec. 4, Such deputies must have had at least ten years' suc- cessful experience as teachers, and shall have been residents of the City and County at least five years preceding their appointment. Duties of Superintendent. Sec. 5. In addition to the duties imposed by the general laws of the State, it shall be the duty of the Superintendent : Enforce Rules. 1. To observe and enforce all rules and regulations of the Board of Education and to see that no religious or sectarian books or teachings are allowed in the schools. Annual Report to Board. 2. To report to the Board of Education annually, on or before the twentieth day of August, and at such other times as the Board may require, all matters pertaining to the condition and progress of the public schools of the City and County during the fiscal year, with such recommendations as he may deem proper. Recommendations. 3. To inform the Board of the condition of the schools, school houses and of other matters connected therewith, and to recom- mend such measures as he may deem necessary for the advance- ment of education in the City and County, and for the care and improvement of the property of the School Department. Visit All Schools. 4. To visit and examine, with the assistance of his deputies, all the schools at least twice a year, and determine their standing and classification. To recommend rules for the promotion of pupils from grade to grade, from school to school, and for the transfer and the graduation of pupils. Studies and Text-Books. 5. To recommend to the Board the courses of studies, the text- books and books for supplementary use in the public schools and 130 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. the purchase of such apparatus, books, stationery and other class- room supplies as may be required in the schools. Standing of Schools. 6. To report to the Board once a month upon the standing of schools examined by him and his deputies. City Board of Examination. Powers. Sec. 6. The Superintendent and his Deputies shall constitute the City Board of Examination, and shall have power : To Examine Applicants. 1. To examine applicants, and to prescribe a standard of pro- ficiency which will entitle the person examined to receive : a. A high school certificate, valid for six years, which shall authorize the holder to teach any primary, grammar, or high school in the City and County. &. A City certificate, grammar grade, valid for six years, which shall authorize the holder to teach any primary or gram- mar school in the City and County. c. A City certificate, primary grade, valid for two years, which shall authorize the holder to teach any primary school in the City and County. They shall report the result of the examination to the Board of Education, and the Board shall thereupon issue to the successful candidates the certificates to which they shall be entitled. Special Certificates. 2. To recommend applicants for special certificates valid for a period not to exceed six years, upon such special studies as may be authorized by the Board of Education. Revocation of Certificates. 3. For immoral or unprofessional conduct, profanity, intem- perance, or evident unfitness for teaching, to recommend to the Board of Education the revocation of any certificates previously granted by the Board. Recommend City Certificates. 4. To recommend the granting of City certificates, and the renewal thereof, in the manner provided for the granting and re- newal of County certificates by County Board of Education in sec- tion seventeen hundred and seventy-five of the Political Code. CHAPTER V. SCHOOL TAX LEVY. Annual Estimate. Limit of Aggregate Amount. Section 1. The Board of Education shall, on or before the first Monday of April in each year, report to the Supervisors an esti- mate of the amount which shall be required during the ensuing fiscal year for the purpose of meeting the current annual expenses of public instruction in the City and County specifying the amount Article VII, Chapter VL Public Schools and Libraries. 131 required for supplies to be furnished pupils, including text-books for indigent children; for purchasing and procuring sites; for leasing rooms or erecting buildings; for furnishing, fitting up, altering, enlarging and repairing buildings; for the support of schools organized since the last annual apportionment; for the salary of the School Directors, Superintendent, Deputy Superin- tendents, and all other persons employed in the School Depart- ment, and for other expenditures necessary for the administration of the Public School system ; but the aggregate amount so reported for any one year shall not exceed the sum of thirty-two dollars and fifty cents for each pupil, who in the fiscal year immediately prior thereto actually attended the schools entitled. to participate in the apportionment thereof. Common School Fund. Sec. 2. The Supervisors at the time and in the manner of levy- ing and collecting other City and County taxes shall levy and cause to be collected for the Common School Fund a tax which, added to the revenue derived from other sources, shall produce an amount of money which shall not exceed thirty-two dollars and fifty cents for each pupil in attendance during the preceding fiscal year, as ascertained and reported by the Board of Education. Extraordinary Expenditures. Sec. 3. In case of extreme emergency or great calamity, such as disaster from fire, riot, earthquake or public enemy, the Board of Education may, with the approval of the Mayor or Super- visors, incur extraordinary expenditures in excess of the annual limit provided for in this Charter, for the repair and construction and furnishing of school houses in place of those so injured or de- stroyed. The Supervisors may, by ordinance, cause to be trans- ferred to the Common School Fund, from moneys in any fund not otherwise appropriated, sufficient money to liquidate such expen- diture, and provide for the same in the next tax levy of the City and County. CHAPTER YI. SCHOOL HOUSES AND LOTS. New School Houses. Plans and Estimates. Section 1. When any locality in the City and County is un- provided with sufficient school accommodations, the Board of Edu- cation may, by resolution, make a requisition upon the Board of Public Works for plans and specifications and estimates for a new school house, specifying the number of class rooms needed, the lo- cation of the proposed school house, the date on which it should be completed, the amount of money in the School Fund available for the purpose, and such other information as will enable the Board of Public Works to prepare the necessary plans, specifications and estimates of cost for such school house. If such plans, specifications and estimates are approved by the Board of Education they shall be endorsed ''Approved," with the 132 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. date of such approval, by the President and Secretary thereof, and returned to the Board of Public Works, which shall proceed with- out delay to have such school house constructed and completed in accordance therewith. When such school house is completed, the Board of Public Works shall notify the Board of Education to examine the same, and if it has been built in accordance with the plans and specifications and within the estimated cost thereof, the Board of Education shall accept and take possession of it. Repairs by Board of Public Works. Sec. 2. When any school house, building, fence or other prop- erty belonging to, or connected with or under the control of, the Board of Education, needs repairing, altering or improving, the Board shall notify the Board of Public Works, specifying in gen- eral terms the work to be done. The Board of Public W^orks shall cause the same to be done forthwith, if the cost thereof shall not exceed two hundred and fifty dollars ; otherwise the Board of Pub- lic Works shall submit plans, specifications and estimates of cost to the Board of Education for its approval, and if approved as pro- vided in section one of this Chapter, the Board of Public Works shall cause the same to be done, and if done in accordance with the plans and specifications, and within such estimate, the same shall be accepted and shall be paid for out of the Common School Fund. Purcliase of Lots, Sec. 3. When it is necessary to purchase a lot for the use of the School Department, the price paid for such lot shall not exceed the market value of adjacent property of equal size and similarly situated. Any school building hereafter constructed shall have a clear space of at least ten feet around the same. CHAPTER VII. PUBLIC LIBRARY AND READING ROOM. Board of Trustees. How Constituted. Section 1. The Public Library and Reading Rooms of the City and County shall be under the management of a Board of twelve Trustees, one of whom shall be the Mayor of the City and County, who shall be a member of the Board by virtue of his office. The Board of Trustees of said Library and Reading Rooms in office at the time this Charter shall take effect shall continue to constitute the Board of Trustees of said Public Library and Reading Rooms; and all vacancies therein shall be filed by said Board. None of said Trustees shall receive any compensation for his services. Library Fund. Amount of Tax. Sec. 2. The Supervisors shall, for the purpose of maintaining such Library and Reading Rooms and such branches thereof as the Board of Library Trustees may from time to time establish, Article VII, Chapter VII, Public Schools and Libraries. 133 and for purchasing books, journals and periodicals, and for pur- chasing or leasing real and personal property and for constructing such buildings as may be necessary, annually levy a tax on all property in the City and County not exempt from taxation which shall not be less than one and one-half cents nor more than two and one-half cents upon each one hundred dollars assessed valuation of said property. The proceeds of said tax shall be credited to the Library Fund. Gifts and Bequests to Library Fund. Sec. 3. All revenue from such tax, together with all money or property derived by gift, devise, bequest or otherwise, for the purposes of the Library, shall be paid into the treasury and be designated as the Library Fund and be applied to the purposes herein authorized. If such payment into the treasury should be inconsistent with the conditions or terms of any such gift, devise or bequest, the Board shall provide for the safety and preserva- tion of the same and the application thereof to the use of the Library and Reading Rooms, in accordance with the terms and conditions of such gift, devise or bequest. Title to Vest in City and County. Sec. 4. Th6 title to all property, real and personal, now owned or hereafter acquired by purchase, gift, devise, bequest or other- wise, for the purpose of the Library and Reading Rooms, when not inconsistent with the terms of its acquisition, shall vest in the City and County, and in the name of the City and County may be sued for and defended by action at law or otherwise. Powers of Board, Officers and Employees. Sec. 5. The Board shall take charge of the Public Library and Reading Rooms, and the branches thereof, and of all real and per- sonal property thereunto belonging or that may be acquired by loan, purchase, gift, devise or otherwise, when not inconsistent with the terms and conditions of the gift, devise or bequest. It shall meet for business purposes at least once a month, and at such other times as it may appoint, in a place to be provided for the purpose. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the trans- action of business. It shall elect one of its number President, w^ho shall serve for one year and until his successor is elected, and shall elect a Librarian and Secretary and such assistants as may be nec- essary. The Secretary shall keep a full account of all property, money, receipts and expenditures and a record of all its proceed- ings. Powers of Board. Sec. 6. The Board, by a majority vote of all its members to be recorded in its minutes with the ayes and noes, shall have power ; 134 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. Rules and Regulations. 1. To make and enforce all rules, regulations and by-laws neces- sary for the administration, government and protection of the Library and Reading Rooms and branches thereof, and all prop- erty belonging thereto, or that may be loaned thereto. Administer Trusts. 2. To administer any trust declared or created for such Library and Reading Rooms and branches thereof, and provide memorial tablets and niches to perpetuate the memory of those persons who may make valuable donations thereto. Appoint and Remove Assistants. 3. To define the powers and prescribe the duties of all officers; determine the number of and elect all necessary subordinate offi- cers and assistants, and for good and sufficient cause to remove any officer or assistant. Purchase Books. 4. To purchase books, journals, publications and other personal property. Payments From Library Fund. 5. To order the drawing and payment upon vouchers, certified by the President and Secretary, of money from the Library Fund for any liability or authorized expenditure. Fix Salaries. Buildings. 6. To fix the salaries of the Librarian and Secretary and their assistants; and, with the approval of the Supervisors expressed by ordinance, to erect and equip such building or buildings, room or rooms, as may be necessary for the Library and Reading Rooms and branches thereof. Branches. 7. To establish such branches of the Library and Reading Rooms as the growth of the City and County may from time to time demand. Supervisors May Authorize Use of Real Estate for Library Purposes. Sec. 7. The Supervisors shall have power to appropriate and authorize the use, either in whole or in part, of any real estate belonging to the City and County, for the purpose of erecting and maintaining a building or buildings thereon to be used for the Library and Reading Rooms, or branches thereof, and may appro- priate the whole or any portion of any public building belonging to the City and County for such use. Article VIII, Chapter II. Police Department. 135 AETICLE VIII. POLICE DEPARTMENT. CHAPTER I. ORGANIZATION. Consists Of. Section 1. The Police Department shall consist of a Board of Police Commissioners, a Chief of Police, a Police Force, and of such clerks and employees as shall be necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this Article. Term of Members. Sec. 2. All members of the Police Department shall hold office during good behavior, subject to the provisions hereinafter set forth relating to promotions, suspensions, dismissals and disrate- ments. Qualification of Members. Sec. 3. No person shall become a member of the Department unless he shall be a citizen of the United States, of good charac- ter for honesty and sobriety, able to read and write the English language, and a resident of the City and County for at least five years next preceding his appointment. Every appointee to the Department shall not be less than twenty-one nor more than thirty-five years of age, must possess the physical qualifications required for recruits of the United States Army, and before his appointment must pass a satisfactory medical examination under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Board of Police Commissioners. In making appointments of members of the Department, the Board shall never regard the political or religious preferences or affiliations of any candidate. CHAPTER II. POLICE COMMISSIONERS. Appointed by Mayor. Salary. Section 1. The Police Department shall be under the manage- ment of a Board of Police Commissioners consisting of four mem- bers who shall be appointed by the ]\Iayor, and each of whom shall receive an annual salary of twelve hundred dollars. No person shall be appointed such Commissioner who shall not have been an elector of the City and County for at least five years next preced- ing his appointment. Political Affiliations. Term. Sec. 2. The Board shall never be so constituted as to consist of more than two members of the same political party. The term of office of the Commissioners shall be four years. Those first appointed shall so classify themselves by lot that they shall re- spectively go out of office at the expiration of one, two, three and four years. 136 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. Successors in Office. Sec. 3. The Commissioners shall be successors in office of the Police Commissioners holding office in the City and County at the time this Charter shall go into effect by virtue of appointment under any statute or law of this State. President. Secretary. Salary. Sec. 4. The Police Commissioners shall organize by electing one of their number President, who shall hold such office for one year. The Board shall appoint a Secretary, who shall receive an annual salary of fifteen hundred dollars. The sessions of the Board shall be public, except that executive sessions may be held whenever deemed proper by the Board. The Board shall meet at least once a week in the rooms of the Police Department, or in case of public emergency at such place as the Board may select. The Secretary must keep minutes of its proceedings; and in every case where a power is exercised by the Board under this Article the ayes and noes thereon shall be entered therein. CHAPTER III. POWERS OF BOARD. Powers of Commissioners. Section 1. The Board of Police Commissioners shall have power : Appoint and Dismiss. 1. To appoint, promote, suspend, disrate or dismiss any mem- ber of the Department in the manner hereinafter provided. Rules and Regulations. 2. To prescribe rules and regulations for the government, dis- cipline, equipment and uniform of the Department, and from time to time to alter or repeal the same, and to prescribe penalties for the violations of any of such rules and regulations. All such rules and regulations must be reasonable. Permits for Sale of Liquor. Hearing of Persons Refused Permits. 3. To grant permits to any person desiring to engage in the sale of liquor in less quantity than one quart, and to grant per- mits to any person engaged in the business of selling liquor to be drunk on the premises, and to revoke any; such permit when it shall appear to the Board that the business of the person to whom such permit was given is conducted in a disorderly or im- proper manner. Without such permit none of such persons shall engage in the business of selling liquor. If the Board refuse to grant such permit, or propose to revoke any permit that has been granted, the person who is refused such permit or whose permit it is proposed to revoke, shall be entitled to be heard before the Board in person, or through counsel, and to have, free of charge, all reasonable facilities at the hearing. Such permits shall not be granted for more than three months at one time, and they shall Article VIII, Chapter III. Police Department. 137 distinctly state the name of the person to whom the same is given and the description of the premises where such business is to be carried on. Such permits shall at all times be subject to inspection by any member of the Department. Complaints to revoke permits granted by the Board must be in writing, signed by the person making the same and filed with the Secretary of the Board ; and a copy thereof certified by the Secretary must be served upon the party complained against, at least five days before the time set for the hearing of the complaint. Special Police Officers. 4. At its discretion, upon the petition of any person, firm or corporation, to appoint, and at pleasure to remove, special police officers. Such officers shall be subject to all the rules and regula- tions of the Board. Sale and Disposition of Unclaimed Property. 5. To provide for the care, restitution or sale at annual public auction of all unclaimed property that may come into the possession of the Property Clerk, and to direct the destruction of such prop- erty as shall consist of implements, weapons, property or any other article, matter or thing used in the commission of crime. Police Matrons. 6. To appoint Police Matrons for the care of female prisoners and to provide rules and regulations for the government of the same. Police Surgeon. 7. To appoint a Police Surgeon, who shall receive an annual salary of fifteen hundred dollars. Investigations of Police Department. 8. The Board shall, of its own motion, and without the filing or presentation of any complaint, have power to initiate and con- duct investigations of all matters affecting or relating to affairs of the Police Department or the discipline of the- members thereof, and for the conduct of such investigations, shall have power to take and hear testimony touching the matters under investigation, ad- minister oaths and affirmations, and upon such investigations, and upon the trial or hearing of all matters, jurisdiction to try or hear which is given by this Charter to said Board, shall have power to issues subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses, and the produc- tion of books, papers and documents pertinent to the matter under investigation, or to said trial or hearing. Whenever any person subpoenaed to appear and give t<^stimony or to produce such books, papers or documents as required by such subpoena, shall refuse to appear or testify before said Board, or to answer any questions which the majority of said Board shall decide to be proper and pertinent, he shall be deemed in contempt of said Board, and it shall be the duty of the President of said Board to report the fact 138 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. to the presiding judge of the Superior Court of the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, who shall thereupon issue an attachment in the form usual in said Superior Court, di- rected to the Sheriff of said City and County, commanding said Sheriff to attach such person and forthwith bring him before said presiding judge of said Superior Court. On the return of said attachment, and the production of the person attached, the said presiding judge shall have jurisdiction of the matter, and the per- son charged may purge himself of the contempt in the same way, and the same proceedings shall be had, and the same penalties may be imposed and the same punishment inflicted as in the case of a witness subpoenaed to appear and give evidence on the trial of a civil cause before a Superior Court of the State of California. Any member of said Board shall have power to issue any subpoena here- in provided for. — New subdivision added hy amendment December 10, 1912; approved by the Legislature March 28, 1913 (Statutes, 1913, page 1602). Permits Other Than Liquor. 9. To grant or refuse to grant permits to any person engaged or desiring to engage in business as a pawnbroker, peddler, junk- shop keeper, dealer in second-hand merchandise, auctioneer and in- telligence office keeper, and such other characters of business or callings as may hereafter be required by ordinance enacted by the Board of Supervisors to obtain permits from this Board, and to revoke any such permit where it shall appear to the Board that the business or calling of the person to whom such permit was granted is conducted in a disorderly or improper manner, or that the place where such business is being conducted or maintained is not a proper or suitable place in which to conduct or maintain such busi- ness or calling. Before granting any such permit or revoking a permit already granted, the applicant or person holding such per- mit shall be entitled to be heard before said Board in person or by counsel. Such permit shall distinctly state the name of the person to whom the same is given, the character of business or calling to be conducted and a description or designation of the premises where, such business is to be so conducted. Such permits shall at all times be subject to inspection by any member of the Depart- ment. Complaints to revoke permits granted by the Board must be in writing, sig^ned by the person making the same and filed with the Secretary of the Board; and a copy thereof certified by the Secretary must be served upon the person holding such permit, who shall be given reasonable notice of the time set for the hearing of the complaint. — New subdivision added by amendment Novem- ber 5, 1918; approved by the Legislature January 17, 1919 (Stat- utes, 1919). Special IVIeetings. Sec. 2. The President may convene the Board for special meet- ings. The Secretary of the Board shall be the official custodian of all records and official documents of the Board. Article VIII ^ Chapter IV. Police Department. 139 CHAPTER IV. THE CHIEF OF POLICE. Term. Salary. Powers. Duties. Section 1. The Chief of Police shall be appointed by the Board of Police Commissioners and hold office for the term of four years, lie shall receive an annual salary of four thousand dollars. He shall have control, management and direction of all members of the Department in the lawful exercise of his functions, with full power to detail any of them to such public service as he may direct, and with like power to suspend temporarily any member of the Depart- ment. In all cases of such suspension, he shall immediately report the same to the Board, with the reasons therefor in writing. He shall maintain and enforce law and rigid discipline so as to secure complete efficiency of the Department. He shall, subject to the directions and orders of the Commissioners, have control of such of the prisons of the City and County as are not by the general law^ under the control of the Sheriff. Powers and Duties. Riots. Sec. 2. In the suppression of any riot, public tumult, disturb- ance of the public peace, or organized resistance against the laws or public authority, the Chief of Police shall, in the lawful exercise of his functions, have all the powders that are now or may be con- ferred on Sheriffs by the laws of the State. Chief Executive Officer of the Department. Sec. 3. The Chief of Police shall be the chief executive officer of the Department. He shall be chargeable with and responsible for the execution of all laws and ordinances and the rules and regulations of the Department. He shall see that the orders and process issued by the Police Court and such other orders and pro- cess as may be placed in his hands are promptly executed, and shall exercise such other powders connected with his office as may be provided for in the general rules and regulations of the Com- missioners. Law Books in Office. Sec. 4. The Chief of Police shall keep a public office, in which he shall have the Statutes of this State and of the United States, and all necessary works on criminal law. In case of his temporary absence, some competent member of the Department, by him desig- nated for that purpose, shall be in attendance at all hours of the day and night ; and in such case he shall make known to such mem- ber of the Department where he can be found. Bailiffs in Police Court. Appointees. Salaries. Sec. 5. The Chief of Police shall detail one or more of the mem- bers of the Department to attend constantly on the Police Court and to execute its orders and process. He shall detail at his pleas- ure members of the Department to act as his Chief Clerk, Assistant Clerks, Prison Keepers and Property Clerk. Said Chief Clerk 140 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco, and said Property Clerk shall each receive an annual salary of two thousand six hundred and forty dollars.- — As amended Novem- ber 5, 1918; approved by the Legislature January 17, 1919 (Statutes, 1919), Contingent Fund. Total Disbursements. Sec. 6. The Chief of Police may from time to time disburse such sums for contingent expenses of the Department as in his judgment shall be for the best interest of the City and County, to be paid out of the contingent fund allowed the Department. The aggregate of all such sums shall not in any one fiscal year exceed the sum of ten thousand dollars. Provision shall be made by the Supervisors for such contingent fund in the annual tax levy. The Commissioners shall allow and order paid out of such contingent fund, as contingent expenses of the Police Department, upon orders signed by the Chief of Police, such amounts as may be required. Control Over Pawnshops, Peddlers, Etc. Sec. 7. The Chief of Police shall possess powders of general police inspection, supervision and control, over all pawnbrokers, peddlers, junk-shop keepers, dealers in second-hand merchandise, auctioneers and intelligence office keepers. All persons engaged in said callings must first procure permits from the Commissioners. In the exercise of such power the Chief may by authority in writ- ing from time to time empower members of the Police Department, when in search of property feloniously obtained or in search of suspected offenders, or in search of evidence to convict any person charged with crime, to examine the books and the premises of any such person. Any such member of the Police Department, when thereunto empowered in writing by the Chief of Police, may examine property alleged to have been pawned, pledged, deposited, lost, strayed or stolen. CHAPTER V. SUBORDINATE OFFICERS. Salaries of. Section 1. Subordinate officers of the Police Department shall consist of Captains, who shall each receive an annual salary of two thousand six hundred and forty dollars; Lieutenants, who shall each receive an annual salary of two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; Sergeants, who shall each receive an annual salary of one thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars; and corporals, who shall each receive an annual salary of one thou- sand eight hundred dollars. — As amended November 5, 1918; approved by the Legislature Janunry 17, 1919 (Statutes, 1919). Captains' Duties. Sec. 2. There shall be one Captain for each one hundred police officers. The duties of Captains shall be defined by the rules and Article VIII, Chapter VI. Police Department. 141 regulations of the Commissioners and by the orders of the Chief of Police. Lieutenants* Duties. Sec. 3. There shall be one Lieutenant for every fifty police officers. The duties of Lieutenants shall be defined by the rules and regulations of the Commissioners, by the orders of the Chief of Police, and by the orders of their respective Captains. Sergeants' Duties. Sec. 4. There shall be as many Sergeants as in the judgment of the Commissioners may be advisable, not to exceed one Sergeant for every ten police officers. The duties of Sergeants shall be defined by the rules and regulations of the Commissioners, the orders of the Chief of Police, and the orders of their respective Captains and Lieutenants. Corporals' Duties. Sec. 5. There shall be as many Corporals as in the judgment of the Commissioners may be advisable. The duties of the Cor- porals shall be defined by the rules and regulations of the Commis- sioners, the orders of the Chief of Police, and the orders of their respective Captains, Lieutenants and Sergeants. Detectives. Captain of Detectives. Sec. 6. The Chief of Police may detail for detective duties such members of the Department as he may select, not to ex- ceed twenty-five. He shall designate a Captain of Police to act as Captain over the officers so detailed, who shall receive an an- nual salary of three thousand dollars. Such Captain shall rank as Captain of Detectives, and his duties shall be defined by the Commissioners and by the Chief of Police. The members so de- tailed shall be known and ranked as Detective Sergeants. Each of said Detective Sergeants shall receive an annual salary of one thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars. They may be re- moved at any time from such detail by the Chief of Police. Their duties shall be defined by the rules and regulations of the Com- missioners, by the orders of the Chief of Police, and by the orders of the Captain of Detectives.^ — As amended November 5, 1918; approved hxj the Legislature January 17, 1919 (Statutes 1919). CHAPTER VI. POLICE OFFICERS. Police Force: Number and Salaries. Section 1. The police force of the City and County shall not ex- ceed one police officer for each five hundred inhabitants thereof. Police officers shall each receive an annual salary of one thousand seven hundred and four dollars. — As amended November 5, 1918; approved by the Legislature Januai^ 17, 1919 (Statutes 1919). 142i Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. Police Patrol Drivers. Sec. lyo. In addition to the Police Force provided for in Sec- tion 1 of this Chapter, there shall be not to exceed three Police Patrol Drivers for each Police Company, each of which drivers shall receive an annual salary of not less than $1464; and said Police Patrol Drivers shall, for the purpose of receiving a pension, be considered a part of the Police Force, and shall be subject to the provisions and entitled to the benefits of Chapter X of Article VIII of the Charter. — New section added hy amendment November 5, 1918; approved hy the Legislature January 17, 1919 (Statutes 1919). Property of Prisoners. Sec. 2. Every Police Officer shall, upon the arrest of any person charged with the commission of crime, search the person of such offender, and take from him all property and weapons, and forthwith deliver the same to the prison-keeper, who must deliver the same to the Property Clerk, to be by him kept until other disposition be made thereof according to law. Ex-Offlcio Health Officers. ,Sec. 3. Police Officers shall be health officers by virtue of their office. CHAPTER VII. PROMOTIONS, SUSPENSIONS, DISMISSALS AND DISRATEMENTS. Promotions. Section 1. All promotions in the Department shall be from the next lowest rank, seniority of service and meritorious public service being considered. Violation of Rules. Sec. 2. Any member of the Department guilty of any offense, or violation of rules and regulations, shall be liable to be punished by reprimand, or by fine to be fixed by the Commissioners, or by dismissal from the Department ; but no fine shall ever be imposed at any one time for any oft'ense exceeding one month's salary. Fair Trial Before Dismissal or Punishment. Sec. 3. No member of the Department shall be subject to dis- missal for any cause, or to punishment for any breach of duty or misconduct therein, except after a fair and impartial trial before the Commissioners upon a verified complaint filed with the Board setting forth specifically the acts complained of, and after such reasonable notice to him of the time and place of hearing as the Board may by rule prescribe. The accused shall be entitled upon such hearing to appear personally and by counsel ; to have a public trial ; and to secure and enforce free of expense to him the attend- ance of all witnesses necessary for his defense. Article VIII, Chapter VIII. Police Department. 143 CHAPTER VIII. UNCLAIMED AND STOLEN PROPERTY. Lost, Stolen or Unclaimed Property. Section 1. All property or money taken under suspicion of having been stolen or feloniously obtained, the result of crime or constituting the proceeds of crime, and all property or money taken from intoxicated or insane persons, or other persons inca- pable of taking care of themselves, or property or money lost or abandoned that may in any way come into the possession or cus- tody of any member of the Department, or of any Criminal Court or Judge of the City and County, shall be delivered to the Prop- erty Clerk, who shall enter in a Record Book, to be kept by him for that purpose, a full and explicit description of the same, together with the name of the person or persons from whom re- ceived, the names of any claimants thereto, the time of the seizure and the final disposition thereof. Property of Innocent Persons to Be Returned. Sec. 2. When property or money taken from any person ar- rested, or otherwise under suspicion of having been feloniously obtained, or of being the proceeds of crime, is brought with the claimant thereof and the person arrested before a Court for exami- nation and adjudication, and the Court shall adjudge that the person arrested is innocent of the offense alleged, and that the property or money belongs to him, it shall order such property or money returned to the accused, and the Property Clerk shall thereupon deliver such property or money to him personally, but not to his attorney or agent. If upon such hearing the accused shall be held for trial or examination, such property or money shall remain in the custody of the Property Clerk until the dis- charge or conviction of the person accused. Unclaimed Property to Be Sold, When. Sec. 3. All unclaimed property and money that has been in the custody of the Property Clerk for one year shall be sold at public auction (with the exception of firearms and other deadly weapons, which must be destroyed by Property Clerk), fifter having been five times advertised in the official newspaper; and the proceeds of such sale shall be paid into the treasury to the credit of the Police Relief and Pension Fund. In no case shall such property be sold or disposed of until the neces- sity for the use thereof as evidence has ceased. The proceeds of property taken from insane persons shall not become part of such Fund until after the expiration of three years from the time the same is paid into the treasury, but the Commissioners and the Chief of Police shall, during such period, make diligent inquiry to ascertain the person or persons to whom the same should by right be payable. — As amended March 16, 1915; approved by the Legislature April 1, 1915 (Statutes, 1915, page 1807). 144 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. Property as Evidence in Court. Sec. 4, If any property or money in the custody of the Prop- erty Clerk be required as evidence in any Court, it shall be deliv- ered to any officer who shall present an order in writing to that effect from such Court, and the Clerks of such Court shall be responsible for the safe delivery of such property or money to the Property Clerk. Duty of Property Clerk. Sec. 5. All valuables and money in the custody of the Property Clerk shall be deposited by him, for safe keeping, with the Treas- urer, in such manner and subject to such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Board. CHAPTER IX. PRESENT POLICE FORCE. Constitution of the Force. Section 1. All members of the present Police Force in good standing in the Department at the time this Charter goes into effect, and the Park Police, shall continue therein without Civil Service examination ; but all new appointments and all promotions made after this Charter shall go into effect shall be subject to and governed by Article XIII of this Charter. CHAPTER X. POLICE RELIEF AND PENSION FUND. Pension Fund. Board of Trustees. .Section I. In order to continue in force and make effectual pensions already existing in favor of the Police Force, a Fund is hereby created to be known and designated as the Police Relief and Pension Fund. The Board of Police Commissioners and its successors in office shall constitute a Board of Trustees of said Fund. Qualifications Requisite to Pensioners. Monthly Pension. Sec. 2. The Board of Police Commissioners may, by a unani- mous vote, retire and relieve from service any aged, infirm or disabled member of the Department who has arrived at the age of sixty-five years, and who, upon an examination by two regularly certified practicing physicians appointed by the Commissioners for that purpose, may be ascertained to be by reason of such age, infirmity or other disability, unfit for the performance of his duties. Such retired member shall receive from the Police Relief and Pension Fund a monthly pension equal to one-half of the amount of the salary attached to the rank held by him three years prior to the date of his retirement. No such pension shall be paid unless such person has been an active member of the Department for twenty years continuously next preceding his retirement, and the same shall cease at his death. Article VIII, Chapter X. Police Department. 145 Physical Disabilities. Annual Pension. Sec. 3. Any member of the Department who shall become physically disabled by reason of any bodily injury received in the performance of his duty, upon his filing with the Commissioners a verified petition setting forth the facts constituting such dis- ability and the cause thereof, accompanied by a certificate signed by the Chief of Police, the Captain of the Company to which he belongs, and by two regularly certificated physicians of the City and County recommending his retirement upon a pension on account of such disability, may be retired from the Department upon an annual pension equal to one-half the amount of salary attached to the rank which he may have held three years prior to the date of such retirement, to be paid to him during his life and to cease at his death. In case his disability shall cease his pension shall cease, and he shall be restored to the service in the rank he occupied at the time of his retirement. Family of Member Killed in Service: Monthly Pension to Widow, Chil- dren and Parents. Sec. 4. The Commission shall, out of the Police Relief and Pension Fund, provide as follows for the family of any officer, member or employee who may be killed or injured while in the performance of his duties, and who shall have died within three (3) years from the date of such injury, and the receipt by such officer, member or employee of any relief under this Chapter dur- ing his lifetime shall not bar the said family from the benefits of this section. First — Should the decedent be married, his widow shall as long as she may remain unmarried be paid a monthly pension equal to one-half of the salary attached to the rank held by the decedent at the time of his death. Second — Should the decedent leave no widow, but leave an orphan child or children under the age of sixteen years, such children shall collectively receive a pension equal to one-half of the salary attached to the position held by their father at the time of his death until the youngest attains the age of sixteen years. Third — Should the decedent leave no widow and no orphan child or children, but leave a parent or parents depending solely upon him for support, such parents, so depending, shall collec- tively receive a pension equal to one-half of the salary attached to the position held by the decedent at the time of his death, during such time as the Commissioners may unanimously determine its necessity. Fourth — Any member or members of the family of the deceased claiming to be entitled to a pension under the provisions of this section, shall file a verified petition therefor with said Commission, which petition shall thereafter be heard by said Board, upon such reasonable notice to the petitioner or petitioners of the time and 146 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. place of such hearing, as said Board may by rule or order pre- scribe. Said petitioner or petitioners shall be entitled, upon such hearing, to appear personally and by counsel. Upon such hear- .ing any interested person shall have the right to introduce testi- mony relative to the matters set forth in said petition. . The judg- ment of said Commissioners respecting said application shall be final, unless in determining said application said Commissioners commit a clear abuse of discretion. — As amended November 7, 1916; approved hy the Legislature January 18, 1917 (Statutes, 1917, page 1708). Forfeiture of Pensions. Sec. 5. Any person receiving a pension as aforesaid from the Police Relief and Pension Fund, who shall be convicted of felony, shall become dissipated, an habitual drunkard, or shall become a non-resident of this State, shall forfeit all right to said pension. Death After Ten Years' Service. Sec. 6. When any member of the Department shall, after ten years' service, die from natural causes, then his widow, and if there be no widow, then his children, or if there be no widow or children, then his mother, if dependent upon him for support, shall be entitled to a sum equal to the. amount retained by the Treasurer from the pay of such deceased member and paid into the Relief and Pension Fund; but the provisions of this section shall not apply to any member of the Department who shall have received any pension under the terms of this Chapter. Rules and Regulations. Sec. 7. The Commissioners shall make rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this Chapter and to enforce compliance therewith on the part of the members of the Department. It shall make up an estimate every year of the amount required to pay all demands on the Police Relief and Pension Fund for the succeeding fiscal year, and certify the same to the Supervisors in connection with and as a part of the annual appropriation for the Police Department. Rewards for Heroic Conduct. Sec. 8. The Commissioners may, on notice to the (5hief of Police, reward any member of the Department for conduct which is heroic or meritorious. The form or the amount of such reward shall be discretionary with the Board; but it shall not exceed in any one instance one month's salary. Meetings. Record of Proceedings. List of Pensioners. Sec. 9. The Board of Police Pension Fund Commissioners shall hold quarterly meetings on the first Mondays of April, July, Octo- ber and January of each year, and upon the call of its President. It shall issue warrants, signed by its President and Secretary, to the persons entitled thereto, for the amount of money ordered paid to such persons from the Relief and Pension Fund. Each warrant shall state for what purpose the payment is made. Article VIII, Chapter X. Police Department. 147 The Board of Police Pension Fund Commissioners shall keep a public record of its proceedings. It shall at each quarterly meet- ing send to the Treasurer and to the Auditor a written or printed list of all persons entitled to payment from the Relief and Pension Fund, stating the amounts of such payments, and for what granted. Such list shall be certified and signed by the President and Secre- tary of the Board. The Auditor shall thereupon enter a copy of such list upon, a book to be kept for that purpose, which shall be known as The Police Relief and Pension Fund Book. All war- rants signed by the President and Secretary of the Board shall be presented to the Auditor, and be audited and ordered paid by him out of said Fund. Powers of Board. Secretary. Sec. 10. The Board of Police Pension Fund Commissioners shall possess the powers vested in the Board of Police Commis- sioners to make rules and regulations for its guidance. It may appoint a Secretary, and provide for the payment from said Fund of all its necessary expenses, not exceeding fifty dollars for any one month, including the salary of the Secretary and printing. No compensation shall be paid to any member of the Board for any duty required or performed as Police Relief and Pension Fund Commissioner. Sources of Revenue. Sec. 11. The Supervisors shall annually, when the tax levy is made, direct the payment into the aforesaid Fund of the following moneys : 1. Not less than five nor more than ten per centum of all moneys collected and received from licenses for the keeping of places where spirituous, malt or other intoxicating liquors are sold. 2. One-half of all moneys received from taxes or from licenses upon dogs. 3. All moneys received from fines imposed upon members of the Police Department for violation of law or the rules or regulations thereof. 4. All proceeds of sales of unclaimed property. 5. Not less than one-fourth nor more than one-half of all moneys received from licenses from pawnbrokers, billiard hall keepers, dealers in second-hand merchandise, and from junk stores. 6. All moneys received from fines for carrying concealed weapons. 7. Twenty-five per centum of all fines collected in money for violation of any ordinance. 8. All rewards to members of the Police Department, except such as shall be excepted by the Commissioners. 9. The Treasurer shall retain from the pay of each member of the Police Force two dollars a month, which shall be forthwith paid into the Police Relief and Pension Fund. No other or further 148 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. retention or reduction shall be made from such pay for any other fund or purpose unless the same is herein authorized. Policemen on Special Detail. Sec. 12. When a request is made for regular policemen to be detailed at any place of amusement or entertainment, ball, party, or picnic, the party or person making such request shall first deposit two dollars and fifty cents for each man so detailed with the Prop- erty Clerk of the Department, who shall give him a receipt for the same, and such sum shall be at once paid into the treasury to the credit of the Police Relief and Pension Fund. Auditor's Report on Pension Fund. Surplus. Sec. 13. On the last day of June of each year, or as soon there- after as practicable, the Auditor shall make a report to the Super- visors of all moneys paid out of such Fund during the previous year, and of the amount then to the credit of such Fund. The surplus then remaining in such Fund exceeding the average annual amount paid out of such Fund during the three years next preced- ing shall be transferred to and become a part of the Surplus Fund, and shall be no longer under the control of the Board or subject to its order. Payments provided for in this Chapter shall be made quarterly upon proper vouchers. When in any one year a deficiency shall exist in such Fund, such deficiency shall be provided for and made good by the Supervisors in their next ensuing tax levy. Article IX, Chapter I. Fire Department. 149 AETICLE IX. FIRE DEPARTMENT. CHAPTER I. ORGANIZATION AND POWERS. Board of Four Commissioners. Appointed by Mayor. Salary. Section 1. The Fire Department shall be under the manage- ment of a Board of Fire Commissioners, consisting of four mem- bers, who shall be appointed by the ^layor, and each of whom shall receive an annual salary of twelve hundred dollars. No person shall be appointed a Fire Commissioner who shall not have been an elector of the City and County for at least five years next preceding his appointment. Political Affiliations. Term. See. 2. The Board shall never be so constituted as to consist of more than two members of the same political party. The term of office of the Commissioners shall be four years. Those first appointed shall so classify themselves by lot that they shall respec- tively go out of office at the expiration of one, two, three and four years. Successors in Office. Sec. 3. The Commissioners shall be successors in office of the Fire Commissioners holding office in the City and County at the time this Charter shall go into effect by virtue of appointment under any statute or law of this State. Organization. President. Secretary. Salary. Meetings. Sec. 4. The Commissioners shall organize by electing one of their number President, who shall hold office for one year. The Board may appoint a Secretary who shall perform such duties as the Board may prescribe. He shall receive an annual salary of twenty-four hundred dollars. The Board shall meet at least once a week, and as often as the business of the Department may require, and all its meetings shall be public. Powers of Board. Sec. 5. The Board shall organize the Department, create and establish such fire companies as it may deem necessary, prescribe the number and duties of the officers, members and employees of the Department, and the uniforms and badges to be worn by them; have control of all the property and equipments of the Depart- ment, and exercise full power and authority over all appropria- tions made for the use of the Department. Qualifications of Firemen, Mechanics and Others. Sec. 6. All persons appointed to positions in the Department must at the time of their appointment be citizens of the United States, not less than twenty-one nor more than thirty-five years 150 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. of age, of good character for honesty and sobriety, and able to read and write English; they must have been residents of the City and County at least five years next preceding the date of their appointment; they must pass a medical examination under such rales and regulations as may be prescribed by the Commissioners, and must, upon such examination, be found in sound bodily health ; provided, hoivever, that the age limit herein prescribed shall not apply to engineers and pilots of fireboats, to engineers, mechanics and employees of the auxiliary fire system or of the corporation yard, or to clerks in the office of the Commission; but the age of such persons in this proviso named shall, at the time of their appointment, be not less than twenty-one nor more than fifty-five years; and, provided further, that employees and appointees in this proviso named shall not be subject to nor derive any benefit from the provisions of Chapter VII of this Article relating to Firemen's Relief Fund. — As amended November 15, 1910; approved hy the Legislature, February 17, 1911 (Statutes, 1911, page 1661). Trial Before Dismissal. Sec. 7. No officer, member or employee of the Department shall be appointed, transferred or removed because of his political opinions, nor shall he be transferred or dismissed except for cause, nor until after a trial before the Commissioners. Powers and Duties of Commissioners. Sec. 8. The Commissioners shall see that the officers, members and employees of the Department faithfully discharge their duties, and that the laws, ordinances and regulations pertaining to the Department are carried into effect. The Board shall make such rules and regulations as may be necessary to secure discipline and efficiency in the Department, and for any violation of such rules and regulations may impose reasonable fines upon the officers, members and employees of the Department, or may suspend any of them for such reasonable time as the Board may by rule pre- scribe. Such fines shall be deducted from the monthly warrants of the officers, members and employees upon whom they are imposed, and shall be transferred by the Treasurer to the Fire- men's Relief and Pension Fund. Duties of Clerk and Commissary. Sec. 9. The Clerk and Commissary of the Fire Department Corporation Yards shall not deliver any supplies or stores of the Fire Department except upon an order signed by the Chief Engi- neer and the Secretary of the Commissioners; but during a confla- gration, such material or apparatus as may be required for the purpose of extinguishing such conflagration may be withdrawn from said Corporation Yards by order of the Chief Engineer, or by any officer in charge of the force of the Department at such conflagration. Article IX, Chapter II. Fire Department. 151 No Other Employment. Sec. 10. No member or employee of the Fire Department shall be engaged in any other employment. Two Platoon System. Sec. 11. Each period of twenty-four hours shall be divided into two tours of duty, to-wit: from eight o'clock a. m. to six o'clock p. m., and from six o'clock p. m. to eight o'clock a. m. The uniform force of the Fire Department shall be divided into two platoons, the officers and members assigned to which shall alternate on the tours of duty at intervals of not more than one week. No officer or member shall be required to remain on duty for more than fourteen consecutive hours, except when changing from one tour of duty to the other, or in case of a conflagration requiring the services of more than one-half of the force of the Department. The foregoing section shall take effect, and be in force, from and after the first day of January, 1919. — New Section added hy amendment November 7, 1916; approved hy the Legislature Janu- ary 18, 1917 (Statutes, 1917, page 1708). CHAPTER II. DUTIES OF THE COMMISSIONERS. Reorganization of the Department. Section 1. The Board of Fire Commissioners shall immedi- ately after their appointment and qualification proceed to reor- ganize the Fire Department in conformity with the provisions of this Charter. In so doing the Board shall make its appointments of officers and members from the persons constituting the force in the service of the Fire Department at the time this Charter goes into effect. Such officers and members shall not be required to pass any Civil Service examination. All future appointments and promotions shall be made subject to the provisions of Article XIII of this Charter. If any reduction is made in the force of the Department, the Commissioners may temporarily discharge those persons whose discharge shall be most conducive to the efficient reorganization of the Department; but in case of a subsequent increase of the force, those temporarily discharged shall be reap- pointed without Civil Service examination and assigned to the same rank in which they were at the time of their discharge. Fair Public Trial Before Dismissal. Sec. 2. No officer, member or employee of the Department shall be dismissed or transferred except for cause, nor until after a trial. The accused shall be furnished with a written copy of the charges against him at least three days previous to the day of trial. He shall have the right to appear in person and by counsel and examine witnesses in his behalf. All witnesses shall be examined under oath, and all trials shall be public. 152 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. Salary During Disability. Sec. 3. When any officer, member or employee of the Depart- ment shall become temporarily disabled by reason of injuries received while in the actual performance of his duty therein so as to incapacitate him from performing his duty, the Commissioners shall allow his salary during the continuance of such temporary disability. Performance of Contracts. Sec. 4. The Commissioners shall see that all contracts awarded and work done for the Department are faithfully performed, and shall, upon the awarding of any such contract, exact an adequate bond for the prompt and faithful performance of the same. . The provisions of Article II, Chapter III, of this Charter in regard to the advertising for proposals, the affidavit and security accompanying the same, the presentation and opening of pro- posals, the awarding of contracts and the security for the perform- ance thereof, shall, so far as the same can be made applicable, apply to all proposals and contracts made, awarded or entered into for furnishing supplies to the Fire Department. Any con- tract made in violation of any of the provisions of this Chapter shall be void. CHAPTER III. THE CHIEF ENGINEER. Duties of Chief Engineer and Assistants. Section 1. The Board of Fire Commissioners shall appoint a Chief Engineer, who shall be charged with the special duty of superintending the extinguishment of fires. The Chief Engineer shall be the chief executive officer of the Fire Department, and it shall be his duty and that of the Assistant Chief Engineers and of the Battalion Chiefs to see that all laws, orders, rules and regula- tions in force in the City or County, or made by the Commissioners concerning the Fire Department, are enforced. Powers of Chief Engineer. Sec. 2. The Chief Engineer may suspend any subordinate officer, member, or employee of the Department for incompetency, or for any violation of the rules and regulations of the Fire Department, and shall forthwith report in writing such suspension, with his reasons therefor, to the Commissioners for their action. He shall diligently observe the condition of the apparatus and workings of the Department and report in writing thereon at least once a month to the Board and make such recommendations and suggestions respecting the same as he may deem proper. In the absence or inability of the Chief Engineer, an Assistant Chief Engineer shall perform his duties. Destruction of Buildings. Sec. 3. The Chief Engineer, or, in his absence, the Assistant Chief Engineers, or, in their absence, any Battalion Chief in charge, Article IX, Chapter V, Fire Department. 153 may, during a conflagration, cause to be cut down or otherwise removed any buildings or structures for the purpose of checking the progress of such conflagration. Chiefs' Operators. Sec. 4. The Chief Engineer may detail for duty as Chiefs' Operators such members of the Department as he may select, not to exceed one such Operator for each Chief, Assistant Chief and Battalion Chief. The members so detailed shall be known and ranked as Chiefs' Operators. Each of said Chiefs' Operators shall receive an annual salary of fifteen hundred dollars. They may be removed from such detail at any time, by the Chief Engineer. — Section added by amendment November 5, 1907 ; approved hy the Legislature November 22, 1907 (Statutes Special Session, 1907, page 22). CHAPTER IV. FIRE COMPANIES. Fire Companies, of Whom Composed. Section 1. Each Steam Fire Engine Company shall be com- posed of not more than one Captain, one Lieutenant, one Engi- neer, one Driver, one Stoker and six Hosemen. Each Hook and Ladder Company shall be composed of not more than one Captain, one Lieutenant, one Driver, one Tillerman and eight Truckmen. Each Chemical Engine Company shall be composed of not more than one Captain, one Lieutenant, one Driver and one Hoseman. Each Water Tower Company shall be composed of not more than one Captain, one Lieutenant, one Driver, and one Hoseman. Each Fire Boat Company shall be composed of not more than one Captain, one Lieutenant, two Pilots, two Engineers, three Firemen and twelve Hosemen. — As amended November 5, 1907 ; approved by the Legislature November 22, 1907 (Statutes Special Session, 1907, page 22). CHAPTER V. FIRE MARSHAL. Marshal and Assistant. Section 1. The Board of Fire Commissioners, on the written recommendation of the Board of Directors of the corporation known as the Underwriters' Fire Patrol of San Francisco, may appoint such persons as may be recommended by said Board of Directors as Fire Marshal and Assistant Fire Marshal. Vacancies occurring in the office of Fire Marshal or Assistant Fire Marshal shall be filled in the same manner. The salaries of said Fire Mar- shal and of his assistant and deputies shall be fixed and paid by said Board of Directors of said Underwriters' Fire Patrol of San 154 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. Francisco, and in no event shall the City and Coun.ty be liable therefor or for any part thereof. Duties. Sec. 2. The Fire Marshal, or, in case of his disability, the Assistant Fire Marshal, shall attend all fires which may occur in the City and County, and he shall take charge of and protect all property which may be imperiled thereby. Powers. Sec. 3. The Fire Marshal may call upon policemen during the time of any fire for the purpose of protecting property until the arrival of the owner or claimant thereof, and in case the owner or claimant of such property does not take charge of the same within twenty-four hours the Fire Marshal may have such prop- erty stored at the owner 's or claimant 's expense. Powers and Duties of Fire Marslial. Sec. 4. The Fire Marshal shall be charged with the enforce- ment of all laws and ordinances relating to the storage, sale and use of oils, combustible materials and explosives, together with the investigation of the cause of all fires. In all cases where there is reason to believe that fires are the result of crime or that crime has been committed in connection therewith, the Fire Marshal must report the same in writing to the District Attorney. The Fire Marshal shall also have the care of, and may sell, subject to the orders of the Board of Fire Commissioners, all property saved from fire for which no owner can be found, and at once pay the amount realized from any such sale into the treasury. He shall exercise the functions of a police officer. Deputies. Sec. 5. The Fire Marshal shall have power to appoint deputies for inspecting buildings, but such deputies shall receive no com- pensation for their services from the City and County. CHAPTER VI. FIRE WARDEN. Safety of Buildings. Section 1. The Chief Engineer, Assistant Chief Engineers, Battalion Chiefs and the Fire Marshal shall constitute a Board of Fire Wardens, with power to inspect and report to the Board of Public Works as to the safety of buildings and other structures within the City and County. CHAPTER VII. FIREMEN'S RELIEF FUND. Board of Trustees. Section 1. In order to continue in force and make effectual pensions already existing in favor of firemen, a fund is hereby Article IX, Chapter VII. Fire Department. 155 created to be known and designated as the Firemen's Relief Fund. The" Board of Fire Commissioners of the City and County and its successors in office shall constitute a Board of Trustees of said Fund. The Board shall be known as the Board of Fire Pension Fund Commissioners. Tax for Relief Fund. Sec. 2. There shall be annually levied, collected and appor- tioned to the Firemen's Relief Fund a tax sufficient to meet and pay all demands upon said Fund, for the purposes set out in this Chapter. Retirement. Pensions. Sec. 3. The Commissioners shall, upon the application, duly verified, of any officer or member of the Fire Department who shall have served as an active member of the Fire Department for twenty-five years continuously next preceding the date of said application, or, of any officer or member of the Fire Department who shall have reached the age of fifty-five years, and shall have served as an active member of the Fire Department for twenty years continuously next preceding the date of said application, retire and relieve from service such officer or member; provided, also, that the Commissioners may, by a unanimous vote, retire and relieve from service any aged, disabled or infirm officer or member of the Fire Department who has arrived at the age of sixty years, and has served as an active member of the Depart- ment for twenty years continuously next preceding such age, and who upon examination by two regularly certificated practicing physicians, appointed by the Commissioners for that purpose, may be ascertained to be by reason of such age, infirmity, or other dis- ability, unfit for the performance of his duties. Such retired officer or member shall receive from the Firemen's Relief Fund a monthly pension equal to one-half the amount of the salary attached to the rank held by him for three years prior to the date of his retirement, and the same shall cease at his death. — As amended November 5, 'l907 ; approved by the Legislature Novem- ber 22, 1907 (Statutes Special Session, 1907, page 21). Physical Disabilities. Annual Pension. Sec. 4. Any member of the Fire Department who shall become physically disabled by reason of any bodily injury received in the performance of his duty, upon his filing with the Commissioners a verified petition setting forth the facts constituting such dis- ability and the cause thereof, accompanied by a certificate signed by the Chief of the Fire Department, the Captain of the Company to which he belongs, and by two regularly certificated physicians of the City and County, recommending his retirement upon a pen- sion on account of such disability, may be retired from the Depart- ment upon an annual pension equal to one-half the amount of salary attached to the rank which he may have held three years 156 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco, prior to the date of such retirement, to be paid to him during his life and to cease at his death. In case his disability shall cease his pension shall cease, and he shall be restored to the service in the rank he occupied at the time of his retirement. Family of Member Killed. Pension to Widow, Children and Parents. Sec. 5. The Commissioners shall, out of the Firemen's Belief Fund, provide as follows for the family of any officer, member or employee of the Fire Department who may be killed or injured while in the performance of his duty, and who shall have died within one year from the date of such injury, and the receipt by such officer, member or employee of any relief under this Chapter, during his lifetime shall not bar the said family from the benefits of this section. First — Should the decedent be married, his widow shall as long as she may remain unmarried be paid a monthly pension equal to one-half of the salary attached to the rank held by the decedent at the time of his death. Second — Should the decedent leave no widow, but leave an orphan child or children under the age of sixteen years, such children shall collectively receive a pension equal to one-half of the salary attached to the position held by their father at the time of his death until the youngest attains the age of sixteen years. Third — Should the decedent leave no widow and no orphan child or children, but leave a parent or parents depending solely upon him for support, such parents, so depending, shall collectively receive a pension equal to one-half of the salary attached to the position held by the decedent at the time of his death, during such time as the Commissioners may unanimously determine its neces- sity. Fourth — Any member or members of the family of the deceased claiming to be entitled to a pension under the provisions of this section, shall file a verified petition therefor with said Commission, which petition shall thereafter be heard by said Board, upon such reasonable notice to the petitioner or petitioners of the time and place of such hearing, as said Board may by rule or order prescribe. Said petitioner or .petitioners shall be entitled, upon such hearing, to appear personally and by counsel. Upon such hearing any interested person shall have the right to introduce testimony relative to the matters set forth in said petition. The judgment of said Commissioners respecting said application shall be final, unless in determining said application said Commissioners commit a clear abuse of discretion. — As amended November 7, 1916; approved hy the Legislature January 18, 1917 (Statutes 1917, page 1708). Forfeiture of Pensions. Sec. 6. Any person receiving a pension from the Firemen's Relief Fund, who shall be convicted of felony, or who shall become Article IX, Chapter VII. Fire Department. 157 dissipated, an habitual drunkard, or who shall become a non-resi- dent of this State, shall forfeit all right to said pension. Rules and Regulations. Sec. 7. The Commissioners shall make rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this Chapter and to enforce compliance therewith on the part of the members of the Department. It shall make up an estimate every year of the amount required to pay all demands on the Firemen's Relief Fund for the succeeding fiscal year, and certify the same to the Supervisors in connection with and as a part of the annual appropriation for the Fire Department. Meetings. Record of Proceedings. List of Pensioners. Sec. 8. The Board of Fire Pension Fund Commissioners shall hold quarterly meetings on the first Mondays of April, July, Octo- ber, and January of each year, and upon the call of its President. It shall issue warrants signed by its President and Secretary, to the persons entitled thereto, for the amount of money ordered paid to such persons from the Firemen's Relief fund. Each warrant shall state for what purpose the payment is made. The Board of Fire Pension Fund Commissioners shall keep a public record of its proceedings. It shall at each quarterly meet- ing send to the Treasurer and to the Auditor a written or printed list of all persons entitled to payment from the Relief Fund, stating the amounts of such payments and for what granted. Such list shall be certified and signed by the President and Secretary of the Board. The Auditor shall thereupon enter a copy of such list upon a book to be kept for that purpose, which shall be known as the Firemen's Relief Fund Book. All warrants signed by the President and Secretary of the Board shall be presented to the Auditor, and be audited and ordered paid by him out of said Fund. Powers of Board. Secretary. Sec. 9. The Board of Fire Pension Fund Commissioners shall possess the powers vested in the Board. of Fire Commissioners to make rules and regulations for its guidance. It may appoint a Secretary and provide for the payment from said Fund of all its necessary expenses, not exceeding fifty dollars for any one month," including the salary of the Secretary and printing; but no com- pensation shall be paid to any member of the Board for any duty required or performed as Fire Pension Fund Commissioner. Sec. 10. All firemen who were retired under the provisions of the law prior to January 1, 1900, shall be entitled to receive from the Fund in this Chapter provided for, the sum of forty-five dollars a month, from and after July 1, 1911. — Section added hy amend- ment Novemher 15 y 1910: approved hy the Legislature February 17, 1911 (Statutes, 1911, page 1661). 158 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. CHAPTER VIII. SALARIES AND VACATIONS. Fire Department. Salaries. Section 1. The officers and members of the Fire Department shall receive annual salaries as follows: Chief Engineer, five thousand dollars; First Assistant Chief Engineer, thirty-six hun- dred dollars; Second Assistant Chief Engineer, three thousand dollars; Battalion Chiefs, each, twenty-seven hundred dollars; Superintendent of Engines, twenty-seven hundred dollars; the Clerk and Commissary of the Corporation Yards, eighteen hundred dollars; Captains, each, eighteen hundred and sixty dollars; Lieu- tenants, each, seventeen hundred and ten dollars; Engineers, each, sixteen hundred and eighty dollars; Drivers, Stokers, Tillermen, Truckmen and Hosemen, for the first year of service, each, twelve hundred dollars ; for the second year of service, each, thirteen hun- dred and twenty dollars; and for the third year of service, and thereafter, each fourteen hundred and forty dollars; Hydrantmen, each, twelve hundred dollars; Superintendent of Horses, eighteen hundred and sixty dollars; Draymen, each, twelve hundred dol- lars; Watchmen, each, twelve hundred dollars; Hostlers, each, twelve hundred dollars ; Pilots of Fire Boats, each, twenty-one hun- dred dollars ; Engineers of Fire Boats, each, twenty-one hundred dollars; Firemen of Fire Boats, each, twelve hundred dollars. Salaries of Officers, Members and Employees. Sec. 114. The officers, members and employees mentioned in Section 1 of this Chapter, who receive an annual salary of eighteen hundred and sixty dollars or less, shall during the five years com- mencing July 1, 1919, receive and be paid the sum of twenty dol- lars per month in addition to the salaries therein specified; pro- vided, further, that the amount of the pension as set forth in Sec- tions 3, 4 and 5 of Chapter VII, Article IX of this Charter, shall be computed and based upon the amount of salary of each officer, member and employee of the Fire Department in effect before this amendment; the purpose of this amendment being to increase the salary of each officer, member and employee herein mentioned for the period specified herein, but not to increase the pensions men- tioned in Sections 3, 4 and 5 of Chapter VII, Article IX over or above the amounts provided before the adoption of this amend- ment. — New section added hy amendment November 5, 1918; approved hy the Legislature January 17, 1919 (Statutes, 1919). Vacations. Sec. 2. Each officer and member of the Fire Department shall be allowed, during each year of his service, a vacation of not less than fifteen days' duration, and also leaves of absence of not less than twenty-four hours' duration, not less times than once in each week. Said vacations and leaves of absence to be without loss of pay. — Chapter amended November 5, 1907 ; approved hy the Legis- lature November 22, 1907 (Statutes Special Session, 1907, page 20). Article IX, Chapter IX. Department of Electricity. 159 CHAPTER IX. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICITY. How Constituted. Section 1. There is hereby created a Department of Electricity, which shall have charge of the construction and maintenance of the Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph and Telephone Systems, and shall be under the control of a joint Commission composed of the Board of Fire Commissioners and the Board of Police Commis- sioners. Chief Electrician. Salary. Sec. 2. There shall be appointed by the Board of Fire Com- missioners and Board of Police Commissioners, acting in joint session, a practical and skilled Electrician, and who shall have general supervision of the Department of Electricity. He shall receive a salary of three thousand dollars per annum. Employees, Department of Electricity. Sec. 3. The Joint Commission may appoint such assistants and other employees as may be necessary to efficiently maintain, extend and repair the Department of Electricity at all times. All appoint- ments shall be made subject to the provisions of Article XIII hereof. The number and compensation of all such assistants and other employees of the Department of Electricity shall be fixed annually by the Supervisors, but no compensation to any of such persons shall be greater than is paid in similar employments. Any person who, under a classification of positions by the Civil Service Commission, has been appointed in conformity with Article XIII of this Charter, and who has served the probation period required by said Article, is hereby declared appointed within the provisions of Article XIII to said position so classified. — As amended Novem- ber 5, 1907 ; approved hy the Legislature November 23, 1907 (Stat- utes Special Session, 1907, page 59). Jurisdiction. Sec. 4. The Fire Department and the Police Department shall each have sole control over its own systems and wires. Citizens May Connect With System. Sec. 5. Any citizen, firm or corporation may, for the purpose of police and fire protection, be connected with the Police or Fire Signal System, or Telephone or Telegraph System, upon making fair payment for the connection and use of the same. Such rates of payment shall be fixed by ordinance of the Supervisors; but no connection shall be made so as to interfere with the use of the main line. Supervise Electrical Wires and Appliances. See. 6. The Department of Electricity is also charged with the duty of enforcing all the rules, regulations, orders and require- ments made by ordinance of the Supervisors in regard to the inspection and supervision of electrical wires and appliances, and the currents for furnishing light, heat or power in and upon streets and buildings in the City and County. 160 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. ARTICLE X. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH. How Constituted. Section 1. There shall be a Department of Public Health under the management of a Board of Health. The Board shall consist of seven members, all of whom shall be appointed by the Mayor, and three only of whom shall be physicians. Said physicians shall be regularly certificated physicians of the City and County at the time of their appointment, and must have been such for at least five years next preceding their appointment. The members of the Board shall serve without compensation. They shall elect one of their members President, and shall adopt such rules and regula- tions as may be necessary for the government of the Board. — As amended November 5, 1907 ; approved by the Legislature November 23, 1907 (Statutes Special Session, 1907, page 58). Terms of Office of Health Board. Sec. 2. The appointed members of the Board, excepting those first appointed, shall hold office for seven years. Those first ap- pointed under this Charter shall so classify themselves by lot that one of them shall go out of office at the end of one year; one at the end of two years ; one at the end of three years ; one at the end of four years; one at the end of five years; one at the end of six years; and one at the end of seven years. Within thirty days after the ratification of this amendment by the Legislature of the State of California, the offices of the then incumbent members of the Board of Health shall become vacant, and the Mayor shall thereupon proceed to appoint a Board of Health pursuant to the provisions of the preceding section. — As amended November 5, 1907 ; approved by the Legislature November 23, 1907 (Statutes Special Session, 1907, page 59). Powers and Duties of Board. Sec. 3. The Board shall have the management and control of the City and County Hospitals, Almshouses, Ambulance Service, Municipal Hospitals, Receiving Hospitals, and of all matters per- taining to the preservation, promotion and protection of the lives and health of the inhabitants of the City and County; and it may determine the nature and character of nuisances and provide for their abatement. It shall have the sanitary supervision of the municipal institu- tions of the City and County, including jails, schoolhouses and aD public buildings; of the disposition of the dead; of the disposition of garbage, offal and other offensive substances. Except as provided in Article II, Chapter III, of this Charter, it shall have the exclusive control and disposition of all expendi- tures necessary in the institutions under its immediate control. Article X. Department of Public Health. ' 161 Enforce Ordinances of Supervisors. Sec. 4. The Board shall enforce all ordinances, rules and regu- lations which may be adopted by the Supervisors for the carry- ing out and enforcement of a good sanitary condition in the City and County; for the protection of the public health; for deter- mining the nature and character of nuisances and for their abate- ment; and for securing the proper registration of births, deaths and other statistical information. It shall from time to time sub- mit to the Supervisors a draft of such ordinances, rules and regu- lations as it may deem necessary to promote the objects mentioned in this section. Appointees. Salaries. Duties. Sec. 5. The Board may appoint such ofiScers, agents and em- ployees as may be necessary for the proper and efficient carrying out and enforcement of the purposes and duties of the Board, and may fix their salaries and prescribe their duties. All appointments in the Department shall be made under the provisions of Article XIII of this Charter, and no person so appointed by the Board shall be removed without cause. City Hospital Physician. Sec. 6. The Board may appoint a Resident Physician of the City and County Hospital, who must be a regularly certified physi- cian, and who must have been a resident of the City and County for at least five years next preceding his appointment. He shall devote his time exclusively to the duties of his office. Physicians and Surgeons for City Hospital. Sec. 7. The Board shall appoint for the City and County Hos- pital at least two visiting physicians and at least two visiting sur- geons, who shall receive no compensation for their services, but who shall have the privilege of teaching students in their hospital wards. Any student who is actively engaged in the study of medi- cine shall have the benefit of clinical instruction in any of the hos- pital wards. Inebriates. Sec. 8. The Board may set aside one ward in the City and County Hospital for the treatment of confirmed inebriates. Internes to City Hospital. How Appointed and Controlled. Sec. 9. The Board may appoint such undergraduates and other internes to the City and County Hospital as it may deem necessary. They shall be appointed after a competitive examination by the Board in any or all branches of medicine and surgery, and shall receive board and lodging free for their services. They shall be under the control and direction of the Resident Physician, who may remove any of them for neglect of duty, or for other good and sufficient cause, subject to an appeal to, and final decision by, said Board. 162 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. Salaries. Sec. 10. The Board shall fix annually the salaries of all officers and employees of the Board. Such compensation shall not exceed salaries paid for similar services in private institutions of like character. Limit to Number of Employees. Sec. 11. The ratio of employees to inmates of any institution under the care of the Board shall not exceed that maintained by private institutions of like character. Article XI, Chapter I. Department of Elections. 163 AETICLE XI. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS. CHAPTER I. BOARD OF ELECTION COMMISSIONERS. Appointed by Mayor. Term. Salary. Qualifications. Section 1. The conduct, management and control of the regis- tration of voters, and of the holding of elections, and of all mat- ters pertaining to elections in the City and County, shall be vested exclusively in and exercised by a Board of Election Commissioners, consisting of five members, who shall be appointed by the Mayor, and shall hold office for four years. Each of the Commissioners shall receive an annual salary of one thousand dollars. Each mem- ber of the Board must be an elector of the City and County at the time of his appointment and must have been such for five years next preceding such time. Those first appointed must, immediately after their appointment, so classify themselves by lot that one shall go out of office at the end of one year, one at the end of two years, one at the end of three years, and two at the end of four years. The Mayor shall not make any appointment upon the Board at any time before thirty days prior to the time when such appointee is to take office. Two of the five members first appointed shall be chosen from each of the two political parties casting in the City and County the highest vote for Governor or electors of President and Vice-President, as the case may be, at the last preceding gen- eral election. The fifth member shall be chosen from the political party casting the third highest such vote at such election, if there be such third party, and if not, then at the discretion of the Mayor. Upon the expiration of the term of office of any Commissioner, the appointee must be chosen from the same political party as the re- tiring Commissioner, consistently with the foregoing provisions as to equal representation • at all times of the two political parties casting the highest vote at the general election last preceding the appointment in question as prescribed in this section. Not to Take Part in Politics. Sec. 2. No member of the Board, nor Registrar, nor Deputy Registrar, shall, during his term of office, be a member of any convention the purpose of which is to nominate candidates for office : nor be eligible to any other municipal office during the term for which he shall have been appointed, or for one year thereafter; nor act as officer of any election or primary election ; nor take part in any election except to vote and when acting as Election Com- missioner, at which time he shall perform only such official duties as may be required of him by law and by this Charter. 164 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. President. Registrar of Voters, Salary. Term. Secretary. Duties. Sec. 3. The Commissioners shall organize within ten days after their appointment by choosing one of their number President. In case of failure to agree, he shall be selected by lot. He shall hold office for one year, and until his successor is chosen. The Board shall appoint a Registrar of Voters, who shall receive an annual salary of twenty-four hundred dollars. The Registrar shall be the Secretary of the Board, and shall keep a record of its proceed- ings, and shall execute all orders and enforce all rules and regula- tions adopted by the Board. The term of office of Registrar shall be four years. Clerks. Salaries. Sec. 4. The Board may appoint such other clerical assistants as may be necessary at a salary not to exceed one hundred dollars a month each for the time actually employed. The Board shall, by resolution adopted by a majority vote of all its members and enter- ed upon its minutes, designate the service to be rendered by such assistants and the time for which they shall be employed. The time of employment of such assistants shall not be extended except by like resolution of the Board, and when a salary shall have been once fixed it shall not be increased. This section is subject to the provisions of Article XIII of this Charter. Sec. 5. All provisions of the General Laws of this State, includ- ing penal law^s, respecting elections, not inconsistent wdth the pro- visions of Chapter II hereof, shall be applicable to all elections held in the City and County of San Francisco. All provisions of the General Laws of this State respecting the registration of voters shall be applicable to such registration in the City and County. The Board of Election Commissioners must provide for precinct registration, so far as it can do so under the Constitution and the Laws of the State. — As amended November 15, 1910; approved by the Legislature February 17, 1911 (Statutes, 1911, page 1661). CHAPTER II. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. When Held. Officers to Be Elected. Section 1. There shall be held in the City and County of San Francisco on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November in 1917, and every second year thereafter, an election to be known as the "municipal election," at which the electors of the city shall choose such officers as are required by this Charter to be elected at that time, to-wit, as mentioned in Section 38a of Article XVI of this Charter, and two Police Judges in the year 1917, for a term of four years, and two Police Judges every second year thereafter for a term of four years, and an Assessor in the year 1919 and every four years thereafter, for a term of four years. The Superin- tendent of Public Schools shall be elected for four years, and the Justices of the Peace for four years, at the same time that members of the Legislature are elected. Article XI, Chapter II. Department of Elections. 165 When Office Is Taken. Sec. 2. The officers elected at any general municipal election under this Charter shall take office at noon on the first Monday after the first day of January next following the said election; ex- cept that the terms of incumbent officers shall not be affected by this provision and the officers first elected hereunder shall take office on the expiration of the terms of the incumbents. Nomination and Election of Officers. Sec. 3. The mode of nomination and election of all elective offi- cers of the City and County to be voted for at any general or special election, including recall elections, shall be as provided in the following sections, and not otherwise : Condition of Candidacy. Sec. 4. The name of the candidate shall be printed upon the ballot when a declaration of candidacy and certificates of not less than ten nor more than twenty sponsors shall have been filed on his behalf, in the manner and form and under the conditions here- inafter set forth. Method of Nomination. Sec. 5. The nomination of candidates shall be made in the fol- lowing manner : (a) The candidate, not more than fifty days before the munici- pal election in November, shall file w^ith the Registrar of Voters a declaration of his candidacy, in the following form ; DECLARATION OF CANDmACY. I hereby declare myself a candidate for the office of to be voted for at the municipal election to be held in the City and County of San Francisco on the day of November, A. D. , and declare the following to be true : Name in full Present residence address What different business or occupation have you followed during the past three years ? Have you ever had any special training or experience in the line of work which you would be called upon to perform in case of your election to the office for which you are a candidate? If so, state what training or experience, and when, in not over 50 words. Signed All blanks in said form must be filled out and the Registrar shall not accept for filing any declaration unless all blank? are so filled. The declaration shall be subscribed before the Registrar of Voters. The Registrar of Voters shall forthwith certify to the said sub- scription and its date and retain and file the declaration. 166 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. (b) The candidate shall pay to the Registrar of Voters at the time of filing his declaration of candidacy the sum of twenty dol- lars. (c) After said declaration shall have been signed, certified and filed, and not later than thirty days before said election in Novem- ber, not less than ten nor more than twenty sponsors for the said candidate, who are electors for the City and County, qualified to vote at the said municipal election, shall appear before the Regis- trar of Voters and shall certify under oath, to the qualifications of the said candidate, in a certificate as follow^s: State of California, 1 r SS City and County of San Francisco J The undersigned sponsor for who has declared his candidacy for the office of , to be voted for at the municipal election to be held in the City and County of San Fran- cisco on the day of November, A. D , being first duly sworn, deposes and says : That in my opinion my knowledge of the said is sufficient to warrant my urging his election to the office of in the City and County of San Francisco, and that he is fully quali- fied mentally, morally and physically for the said office and should be elected to fill it; that I am a qualified elector of said City and County, and am not at this time a signer of any other certificate nominating any other candidate for the above-named office, or, in case there are several places to be filled in the above-named office, that I have not signed more certificates than there are places to be filled in the above-named office ; that my residence is at No street, San Francisco, and that my occupation is State of California, City and County of San Francisco The above was subscribed, sworn to before me, read to me by the deponent, the said signature verified by me, and the said certificate filed this day of , A. D Registrar of Voters. The blanks in said certificate for the name of the candidate and the office, the date of the election, the address and occupation of the sponsor shall be filled out and the certificate read by the Regis- trar of Voters, subscribed and sworn to by the sponsor before him, and his signature forthwith verified by the Registrar by compari- son with the signature of the sponsor's registration as a voter. The Registrar's certificate shall thereupon be filled out and the document retained by him and filed. Forms of Certificates, Etc. Sec. 6. (a) It shall be the duty of the Board of Election Com- missioners to furnish a sufficient number of forms for such candi- Article XI, Chapter 11. Department of Elections. 167 dates' declarations and such sponsors' certificates. In the event the Registrar shall refuse to file such declaration or certificate, he shall forthwith designate in writing on the declaration or certifi- cate the defect thereof, or other reason for refusing to file the same, and shall return the same to the party tendering it. No defect in any declaration or certificate presented to the Registrar shall prevent the filing of another declaration or certificate within the period allowed for presenting the declaration or certificate. (b) Each certificate must contain the name of one signer thereto and no more. Each signer must be a qualified elector, must not at the time of signing a certificate have his name signed to any other certificate for any other candidate for the same office, or, in case there are several places to be filled in the same office, signed to more certificates for candidates for that office than there are places to be filled in such office. ^ Declarations and Certificates to Be Preserved. Sec. 7. The Registrar of Voters shall preserve in his office, for a period of four years, all candidates' declarations, and all sponsors' certificates filed in accordance with this section. Official Pamphlets — Candidate's Statement. Sec. 8. (a) The Board of Election Commissioners shall cause to be printed in pamphlet form herein designated for the purposes of this chapter as the official pamphlet the Proclamation of the Mayor and statements of candidates described in subdivision (b) of this section. (b) If the candidate desires he may file with the Board of Elec- tion Commissioners not less than thirty days before the said elec- tion a statement of not more than one hundred w^ords, setting forth any facts he may deem pertinent to the question of his qualifica- tions for the office for which he is a candidate, and such statement shall be printed in the official pamphlet, upon the payment of a fee of ten dollars. Additional words, not to exceed two hundred, may be added by the candidate to such statement, for which he shall pay an additional fee of fifteen dollars for each one hundred words or fraction thereof. (c) A copy of the official pamphlet shall be enclosed and circu- lated with the sample ballot and sent to each registered voter. The Board of Election Commissioners shall furnish, at least ten days before the said election, copies of the official pamphlet to registered voters on application to its office. All fees received by the Regis- trar of Voters in conformity wuth this chapter shall be paid over to the Treasurer of the City and County of San Francisco and credited to the general fund. Mayor's Proclamation. Sec. 9. Immediately after the declarations of candidacy and ten sponsors' certificates have been filed, the Registrar of Voters shall enter the names of the candidates in a list, with the offices to be 168 Charter of the City and County of Sa7i Francisco. filled, and shall, not later than twenty-five days before the elec- tion, certify such list to the Mayor as being the list of candidates nominated as required by this Charter. The Mayor shall forthwith issue a proclamation calling the election provided for in Section 1 of this Chapter, setting forth the offices to be filled, designating the term thereof, and the certified list of candidates for each office, and file the same with the Kegistrar of Voters. The Mayor's proclama- tion shall then be published in the official pamphlet immediately preceding the first of the candidate's statements. Said proclama- tion shall conform in all respects to the general State laws govern- ing the conduct of municipal elections now or hereafter in force except as herein provided. Printing of Ballots. Sec. 10. The Registrar of Voters shall cause the ballots to be printed and bound and numbered as provided for by State law, except as otherwise required in this Chapter. The ballots shall contain the list of names and the respective offices, as set forth in the proclamation, and shall be substantially as hereinafter pro- vided. Heading and Directions to Voters. (a) General (or recall, as the case may be) municipal election, City and County of San Francisco. Instructions to Voters: To vote for any candidate stamp a cross (X) in one of the squares to the right of the candidate's name. Vote your first choices in the first column, your second choices in the second column, your third choices in the third column. Vote First Choice for as many candidates as there are offices to be filled. Vote Second Choice, if any, for the same number. Vote Third Choice, if any, for the same number. Do NOT VOTE more THAN ONE CHOICE FOR ANY ONE CANDIDATE. To vote for a person whose name is not on the ballot, write name of such person in the blank space provided for such purpose. If you wrongly mark, tear or deface this ballot, return it to the inspector of elections and obtain another. Arrangement of Offices on the Ballot. (b) The offices to be filled shall be arranged in the follow- ing order: The Mayor, Police Judges, District Attorney, City Attorney, Assessor, Auditor, County Clerk, Sheriff, Treasurer, Tax Collector, Recorder, Public Administrator, Coroner, arranged in one or more columns, and the Supervisors in a column or columns separate from the others. Article XI, Chapter 11. Department of Elections. 169 Every Nominee on Ballot. (c) The name of every candidate who has been duly and regularly nominated shall be placed on the ballot under the title of the office for which he is a candidate; provided, that a candidate whose nomination has been completed, may, not less than thirty days before a municipal election and not less than twenty-five days before a recall election, withdraw as a candidate by filing with the Registrar of Voters, his withdrawal, naming the office; such withdrawal must be signed and sworn to by the person withdrawing, and no withdrawal at any later date shall be of any force or effect. Rotation of Candidates' Names. Sec. 11. The ballots for the Assembly district of the City and County designated by the lowest number shall have the names of each group of candidates for an office or offices arranged in alphabetical order, according to the family name of the candi- date. In the Assembly district designated by the next higher number the groups of names shall be the same as in the dis- trict designated by the next lower number, save that the last candidate in the group in the preceding district shall be placed at the beginning of the group, the succession of names to be other- wise unchanged, and so on, rotating the names in this order through- out all the Assembly districts. In the event that the number of candidates in any group shall exceed the number of Assembly districts in the City and County, then the total number of candidates in such group shall be divided by the number of Assembly districts and the quotient, if an integral number, or if fractional then the next higher integral number shall be the number of candidates to be taken from the end and placed at the beginning of such a group in each successive Assembly district ; the rotation then being in this manner, to-wit: if there be fifty-six candidates for Super- visors and twenty Assembly districts, numbered from twenty-five to forty-four, the fifty-fourth, fifty-fifth and fifty-sixth candidates in the group of the twenty-fifth district will be the first, second and third candidates, respectively, in the group in the twenty-sixth district. Spaces for Name and for Voting Cross. Sec. 12. (a) The candidate's name shall be printed in 8-point Roman capital type and shall be enclosed by lines above and below, three-eighths inch apart. Three three-eighths inch squares shall be provided at the right of the name of each candidate, wherein the voter may stamp a cross for that candidate as his first, second or third choice, and at the top of each column of candidates the three columns of squares shall be designated "First Choice," "Second Choice" and "Third Choice" respectively. 170 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. Blank Spaces for Additional Candidates. (b) Three-eighths inch spaces shall be left below the printed names of candidates for each office equal in number to the number to be elected, wherein the voter may wTite the name of any per- son or persons for whom he may wish to vote. Other Requirements of Ballot. Sec. 13. All ballots shall be precisely of the same size, quality, tint of paper, kind of type, and color of ink, so that without the number it would be impossible, in each Assembly district to distinguish one ballot from another; and the names of all can- didates printed upon the ballot shall be in type of the same size and style. A column or columns may be provided on the right hand side for Charter amendments or other questions to be voted upon at the municipal elections, as provided for under the Charter. Voting Machines. Sec. 14. In the event of the use of voting machines, the ballot shall be arranged on the machines in the same form in each Assembly district as provided for the printed ballot. No Party Designation. Sec. 15. No party name or political designation or descriptive matter concerning the candidate shall appear on the ballot. Form of Ballots. Sec. 16. Except as to the order of names of candidates, the ballots shall be printed in the form designated by the Board of Election Commissioners. Sample Ballots. Sec. 17. The Registrar of Voters shall cause to be printed ballots identical w4th the ballot to be used in each Assembly district at the election and shall furnish copies of the same on applica- tion to registered voters at his office at least ten days before the date fixed for such election, and shall mail to each voter entitled to vote at such election a copy of the ballot to be used in his district, so that all said sample ballots shall have been mailed at least eight days before said election. Boards of Election. Sec. 18. The Registrar of Voters shall, at each municipal or special municipal election, prepare lists for and select and appoint for each election precinct a precinct board of election officers to hold and conduct such election at the precinct for which said board is appointed. Such board shall consist of four persons — one inspector, one judge and two clerks, who shall perform all the duties. r-equired by law at such polling place, except as in this Chapter provided. In constituting such precinct board the Regis- trar shall have the power to excuse persons appointed whenever he is satisfied any such person ought to be excused, and to substi- tute new appointees in all cases when any person appointed shall Article XI, Chapter II. Department of Elections. 171 be excused or found disqualified or incompetent by the said Regis- trar of Voters, down to the time when the Registrar of Voters shall send the final inspector's list of such election officers to the inspector, which list shall be his final order of appointment. Canvass of Returns and Determination of Results of Election. Sec. 19. (a) The ballots cast at any given precinct shall not be counted at the polling place, but as soon as the polls are closed, the precinct election officers shall not open the ballot box except as may be necessary to close the mouth of the box, and see that the ballot box is correctly locked again without any ballot being removed or added and seal the same and separately seal the key in the manner provided by printed instructions from the Registrar of Voters, and as soon as said election officers have certified, signed and sealed the other packages or envelopes as required by law, such ballot box and key and packages shall be sent by not less than two of said precinct election officers to the office of the Registrar of Voters and there delivered to the Registrar, and until so delivered it shall be unlawful for such officers so conveying the same to allow any other person or persons to have possession of said ballot box or key or packages. Such officers shall proceed as continuously as possible to the office of the Registrar of Voters. Immediately upon the delivery of such ballot box to the Regis- trar of Voters or his deputy, said Registrar shall cause each such box to be plainly labeled with the correct number of the precinct in which such ballots were cast. The Registrar of Voters shall in such manner as he shall deem best calculated to provide competent persons, select and provide as many persons as he liiay deem necessary for the counting, tallying and certifying of returns of the vote cast in each precinct, and such persons shall have the qualifications required for election officers at State elections, save that all persons who are employed in the Department of Elections, or who report for service from the Civil Service of the City and County, shall, if not a candidate at such election, be qualified, save that none of the persons so selected need reside in a particular precinct. The persons so selected and provided shall be segre- gated by the Registrar of Voters or his deputies into counting boards respectively to consist of three persons each, and each such selected counting board shair proceed to count and tally such ballots by precincts separately under the direction of the Registrar of Voters or his deputies or such superintendents as the Registrar of Voters may direct, in the same manner provided by law for counting, tallying and certifying ballots at State elections except as herein otherwise provided. The form of tally sheets shall be provided and determined by the Registrar of Voters, and there shall be a certificate at the end thereof to the effect that the foregoing is the corrects result of the election in such precinct, and such certificate shall be signed by the three persons who com- pleted such tally list and return. The Registrar of Voters or any deputy empowered by him by writing may excuse or dismiss any person from any such counting board at pleasure and enforce 172 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. such order and substitute any person so provided by the Registrar of Voters in the place of any person so excused, dismissed, or who absents himself from said counting board. Any person acting on any such counting board who shall refuse to obey any lawful order of the Registrar or his deputy shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor. The tally sheets shall be in duplicate, kept by two clerks, and one copy upon the completion thereof shall be sealed and signed, across the flap in the manner provided by the laws of the State of California for sealing tally lists w^here votes are counted at the precinct, and the other tally list shall remain open for inspection in the office of the Registrar of Voters. The returns so sealed shall be securely kept by the Registrar until produced before the Board of Election Commissioners for official canvass in the manner provided by law. The Registrar of Voters shall fix the compensation to be paid to each member of such respective counting boards for counting, tallying, completing and certifying such votes and returns, which compensation shall not exceed five cents to each member of such board respectively for each ballot so counted, tallied, completed and certified, and such claims and demands when certified by the Registrar or his deputy and presented to the Board of Election Commissioners shall be allowed in open session, and the Auditor shall audit and the Treasurer pay such claims out of the general fund. Except as herein otherwise provided, the provisions of trie laws of the State of California applicable to State elections or State election officers, and such laws relating to the official canvass and declaration of the result of State election returns shall apply to the counting, tallying, certifying, sealing, custody and official canvass of the ballots and returns counted and returned under the provisions of this Chapter. If there shall not be room enough in the Department of Elections for the counting of said votes, the Registrar of Voters may cause such counting to proceed in any place under the control of the City and County which may be obtained by him for such purpose, provided, that a notice of the location of such place be conspicuously displayed in the Depart- ment of Elections. Said votes shall be counted in a place open to the public, and the boards counting the same shall enter the total number thereof on the tally sheets provided therefor. They then shall count and enter the number of the first, second and third choice votes for each candidate on said tally sheet and make returns thereof to the Board of Election Commissioners as herein required. The canvass must be public, in the presence of bystanders and must be continuous, without adjournment, until completed and the result thereof is declared. Any candidate shall be entitled to a representative among the bystanders. The provisions of this Chapter relating to counting the ballots shall not apply to a special municipal election at which a proposi- tion or propositions, or question or questions, only is, or are, voted upon; but the ballots at all such special elections shall be counted at the respective polling places and returned by the pre- cinct election boards under the laws applicable to such elections. Article XI, Chapter II. Department of Elections. 173 (b) If a ballot contain more than one vote for the same candi- date, only the one of such votes highest in rank shall be counted. If a ballot contain either first or second or third choice votes for any office in excess of the number of places to be filled for such office no vote for that office in the column showing such excess shall be counted. (c) Paragraph (b) of this section shall be printed conspicuously on the tally sheet. (d) Candidates receiving a majority of the first choice votes for any office shall be elected. If the full number of candidates to be elected do not receive such a majority of the first choice votes for such office, a canvass shall then be made of the second choice votes received by those candidates for said office who are not elected by first choice votes; said second choice votes shall be added to the first choice votes received by such candidates and candidates who by such addition shall receive a majority shall be elected. (e) If by the count of either first choice votes or first and second choice votes, as above provided, more candidates than there are offices to be filled shall receive a majority, the candidate or candidates equal in number to the number of offices to be filled having the highest vote shall be elected. (f ) If the full number of candidates to be elected do not receive a majority by adding first and second choice votes, as above directed, a canvass shall then be made of the third choice votes received by those candidates for said office who are not elected, either by first choice votes or by adding first and second choice votes. Said third choice votes shall be added to the first and second choice votes received by such candidates, and the candidates, equal in number to the number of offices remaining to be filled, who re- ceive the highest number of votes by said addition shall be elected. (g) The above subdivisions (d), (e) and (f) shall be applied and carried out in the making of the official canvass and the declaration of the official result. — As amended Novemher 5, 1918; approved bij the Legislature January 17, 1919 (Statutes, 1919). Ties. Sec. 20. A tie between two or more candidates shall be decided in favor of the one having the highest number of first choice votes. If they are also equal in that respect then the highest number of second choice votes shall determine the result. If this does not decide, then the tie shall be determined by lot, under the direction of the Board of Election Commissioners. Majority Defined. Sec. 21. A majority vote for any candidate for an office where but one is to be elected shall be deemed to be more than one-half of the total number of first choice votes cast for all candidates for such office. 174 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. A majority vote for a candidate for an office where a group is to be elected shall be more than one-half of the number secured by dividing the total of first choice votes cast for all candidates for such office by the number of places to be filled. Failure of Persons Elected to Qualify. Sec. 22. If a person elected fails to qualify, the office shall be filled as in this Charter provided for a vacancy in such office. Informalities of Election. Sec. 23. No informalities in conducting municipal elections shall invalidate elections if they have been conducted fairly and in substantial conformity to the requirements of this Charter. Salary of Registrar. Sec. 24. From and after the first day of July, 1917, the annual salary of the Registrar of Voters shall be fixed by resolution of the Board of Election Commissioners of the City and County of San Francisco. Any provision of this Charter contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions of this section is hereby repealed. "Entire Vote"— How Computed. Sec. 25. After the election 'of a Mayor for a full term at an election held under and pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter, the w^ords ''entire vote for all candidates for the office of ]Mayor" as used in the initiative Chapter III of Article XI of this Charter and the w^ords "entire vote cast for Mayor" as used in the refer- endum Chapter IV of Article XI of this Charter and as used in the recall Chapter V of Article XI of this Charter, shall in each respective case where such words are so used be deemed to mean the total of first choice votes cast for all candidates for Mayor for a full term at an election held under this Chapter. — Chapter II amended November 7, 1916; approved hy the Legis- lature January 18, 1917 (Statutes 1917, page 1708). CHAPTER III. THE INITIATIVE. Acts of Supervisors and Legislative Acts. Section 1. The registered voters shall have power to propose by petition and to adopt or to reject at the polls, any ordinance, act or other measure which is within the power conferred upon the Board of Supervisors, or any legislative measure which is within the power conferred upon any other Board, Commission or Officer. Such ordinance, act or other measure may be proposed by filing with the Board of Election Commissioners a petition' setting forth said measure in full, signed by registered voters of the City and County as many in number as the percentages herein- after required of the entire vote for all candidates for the office of Mayor cast at the last preceding regular municipal election. Article XI, Chapter III. Department of Elections. 175 Signatures. Sec. 2. The words "registered voters" as used in this chapter, shall mean qualified votei*s whose names appear on the records of registration for the current or next preceding year. The signatures to the petition need not all be appended to one paper, but said petition may be presented in section. The number of signatures to each section shall be at the pleasure of the person soliciting signatures to the same. Any qualified voter of the city and county is competent to solicit signatures and make the affidavit of verification to said signatures. p]ach signer to said petition shall add to his or her signature his or her place of residence, giving the street and number, and there shall be also added by the said solicitor such other matter as is authorized by this section. Every section of such petition shall be verified by the person soliciting such signatures by his or her affidavit, which affidavit shall be in the following form, with the blank spaces properly filled in: "STATE OF CALIFOKNIA, 1 rss. City and County of San Francisco ^ ( ), being duly sworn, deposes and says that ....he is the person who in person solicited each and every signature to the annexed section of said petition, and that deponent has with pen and ink or indelible pencil, numbered each such signature seriatim, commencing with number 1. That no person signed said petition upon said section except in the pres- ence of deponent. That said section has not been left at any time where any person could sign the same except in the personal pres- ence of deponent. That each and every signature to said section was made in the personal presence of deponent, and that to the best of his ( ) knowledge and belief each signature is the genuine signature of the person whose name purports to be there- unto subscribed. That deponent was at the time of soliciting such signature, and now is, a duly qualified voter of the said city and county." Said affidavit shall be subscribed by the person making such affidavit and sworn to by such person before a person authorized to take such oath to such affidavit. Each section of such petition must be prepared substantially in accordance with the require- ments of this chapter, and all signing, not made, numbered and verified substantially in accordance with the requirements of this chapter shall be disregarded. The Registrar of Voters shall print sample sheets for signing such petition, in blank, and sample blank affidavits of verification, and furnish a copy of each to any person desiring to get up a petition. The affidavit herein provided for shall be at the end of each section. The solicitor of such signatures, before his affidavit is taken, must number each signature upon the section seriatim, beginning with number 1, at the right hand of the residence oppo- site to each signature to such section in a column to be made for 176 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. that purpose; such numbering must be with pen and ink or indel- ible pencil. There shall also be to the left hand of such signatures, a column at least one inch wide, in blank headed "Precinct," and to the left of that, an additional blank space, substantially one-half inch wide, to admit of such abbreviations as the Registrar shall deem necessary to the expeditious mode of verification of such pe- tition. All precincting shall be done by the office of the said Reg- istrar, but no section or signature shall be rejected, because pre- cincts have been inserted elsewhere, before filing. Any signer to a petition may withdraw his name from the same by filing with the Registrar of Voters a verified revocation of his signature before the filing of the petition. No signature can be revoked after the peti- tion has been filed. The Registrar of Voters, or his deputy shall indorse on said petition the names of three persons who filed said petition, and the date of the filing of the same at the time of filing said petition. Unless and until it be proven otherwise by official investigation by the Registrar of Voters, it shall be presumed that the petition filed conforms to all legal requirements, and contains the signatures of the requisite number of registered voters, and after an election based thereon, the sufficiency of such petition shall not be questioned. — As amended November 7, 1916; approved hy the Legislature January 16, 1917 (Statutes, 1917, pa,ge 1708). Verification. Sec. 3. The Registrar of Voters shall have fifteen (15) days after the filing of such petition, and the same time after receipt by him of a Charter amendment petition in which to verify the same and certify the result thereof in the manner provided by this sec- tion. Within such time, the Registrar of Voters shall finally deter- mine from the records of registration whether or not said petition is signed by the requisite number of electors entitled to vote. If any signature be called in question, the said Registrar of Voters shall mail notice to such purported signer, stating that his or her name is attached to such petition and citing him or her to appear before said Registrar of Voters forthwith, naming the time and place. Said citation shall inclose a blank affidavit, denying that the person signing such affidavit signed such petition, and said citation shall also contain a statement, that a blank affidavit deny- ing that such person signed such petition, is enclosed, and that if such person does not desire to attend in person to deny his signa- ture he may swear to such affidavit of denial before any officer authorized to take oaths, and mail the same to the Registrar of Voters, and that if he does not so attend and deny such signature in person, or by making and mailing such affidavit of denial, that his purported signature to such petition will be treated as genu- ine. Unless said purported signer shall appear when cited and deny his signature under oath before said Registrar, or his deputy, or unless the Registrar of Voters shall receive such sworn affidavit of denial of such signature, before the time when by this chapter the Article XI, Chapter III. Department of Elections. Ill said Registrar must, as aforesaid, make such final determination, such signature must be counted as genuine. The Registrar shall keep a list of the names of all purported signers who appear before him and deny their signatures under oath, and also file and keep such affidavits, for at least five years. The Board of Supervisors shall make necessary appropriation of money, and the Board of Election Commissioners shall allow to the Registrar of Voters all the extra help he may require for the pur- l^ose of examining and making invqstigation of such petition. The Registrar of Voters, upon the completion of such examination and determination, shall forthwith attach to said petition his certificate properly dated and showing the result of said examination, and shall forthwith mail a copy of said certificate to the respective per- sons endorsed by him on said petition as filers thereof. If by said certificate the petition is shown to be insufficient, it may be amended by additional signatures within twenty days after the date of said certificate, in the same manner in all respects as required for the original petition. "Within ten days after the filing of such amended or supplemental petition, the Registrar of Voters shall make like examination and determination of the amended or supplemental petition, and attach and mail a like certificate. If upon the exam- ination and certification of such original petition, or such original and supplemental petition, it shall appear that a sufficient number of qualified voters have signed such petition to require an election to be held thereon, the Registrar of Voters shall, if a special election is required to be held upon such petition, require the Board of Elec- tion Commissioners to meet in not less than five days after the date of his certificate that such petition is sufficient, and if no regular meeting of the Board of Election Commissioners is set within such required period, the Registrar of Voters is authorized and required to issue a call for a special meeting of said Board to convene within the required time, and at such meeting of the Board, or any of the meetings of the Board within said required time, said Registrar of Voters shall report the sufficiency of such petition to said Board of Election Commissioners and exhibit a certificate or certificates attached to said petition, or amended petition, or both, and said Board shall, if said certificate show the petition sufficient, call an election as required. If, however, after the examination of said petition and any amended or supplemental petition, or after the expiration of the time when the supplemental petition is permitted to be filed, said petition is shown insufficient, the Resristrar of Voters shall report such insufficiency to the Board of Election Commis- sioners at their next regular meeting after the fact of such insuffi- ciency shall have become final, and exhibit his certificate or certifi- cates so attached to such petition or petitions. A petition finally insufficient does not prevent a new proceeding. The words 'Hast precediner regular municipal election", or "last preceding general municipal election", wherever the same occur in Chapters III. IV or V of said Article XI of said Charter, mean the last municipal election at which a mayor for said city and county 178 Charter of the City mid County of San Francisco. was elected for a full term. — As amended Novemher 7, 1916; approved hy the Legislature January 18, 1917 (Statutes, 1917, page 1708). Ten Per Centum for Special Election, Sec. 4. If the petition accompanying the proposed measure be signed by registered voters as many in number as ten per cent of the said entire vote, and contains a request that said measure be submitted forthwith to a vote of the electorate at a special elec- tion, then the Board of Election Commissioners shall forthwith call a special election, which shall be held at a date not more than thirty days from the date of calling the same, at which said meas- ure, without alteration, shall be submitted to a vote of the elec- torate. Four Per Centum for General Election. Sec. 5. If the petition be signed by registered voters as many in number as four per cent but less than ten per cent of the said entire vote, or if for any reason any measure proposed by a peti- tion signed by registered voters as many in number as ten per cent of said entire vote has not been submitted at a special election as provided in Section 4 of this Chapter, then, in either event, such measure or measures, without' alteration, shall be submitted by the Board of Election Commissioners to a vote of the electorate at the next general State or municipal election that shall occur at any time after thirt}^ days from the date of the certificate of sufficiency attached to the petition accompanying such measure. — As amended November 7, 1916; approved hy the Legislature January 18, 1917 (Statutes, 1917, page 1708). Form of Ballot. Majority Vote. Sec. 6. The ballots used when voting upon said proposed meas- ure shall contain a general statement thereof, foUow^ed by the words ''Yes" and "No," so arranged that the voter may indicate his choice upon the ballot. If a majority of the qualified electors voting on said proposed measure shall vote in favor thereof, it shall go into effect ten days after the declaration of the official count. Competing and Conflicting Measures. Repeal. Sec. 7. When there are two or more measures proposed to secure the same general purpose, the Board of Election Commis- sioners shall so declare, and shall have the ballots so printed that the voter (first) can choose between any measure or none, and (secondly) can express his preference for any one. If a majority of the votes on the first question is affirmative, then the measure receiving the highest number of votes shall become law, and the others shall fail of passage. In case two or more measures are tied for the highest vote, they shall be resubmitted at the next ensuing general election. If there is a conflict between two or more measures or between two or more Charter amendments Article XI, Chapter III. Department of Elections. 179 adopted at the same election, then the measure or Charter amend- ment receiving the highest affirmative vote shall prevail. No ordi- nance or measure approved by the electorate under the provision of this Chapter shall be subject to veto, or be amended or repealed except by vote of the electorate, unless such ordinance or measure shall otherwise provide. Elections. Sec. 8. All arrangements for an election under this Chapter shall be made and the same shall be conducted, returned, and the results thereof declared, so far as practicable, in all respects as are municipal elections, and State penal laws applicable to general elections shall apply to elections held hereunder ; provided, if there be any conflict of provisions, this Chapter shall control. Any number of proposed measures, ordinances, referendum petitions, or other measures, may be submitted on one petition and may be voted upon at the same election in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter ; provided, that there shall not be held under this Chapter more than one special election within a period of six months. Measure to Be Mailed to Voters. Sec. 9. Whenever any measure is required by this Charter to be submitted to the voters of the City and County at any election, the Board of Election Commissioners shall cause the measure to be printed, in substantially the same form as the latest municipal edition of this Charter, and th^y shall enclose a printed copy thereof, in an envelope with a sample ballot, and mail the same to each voter, at least five days prior to the election. Arguments to Be Mailed to Voters. Sec. 10. If said proposition be submitted upon an initiative petition of the registered voters, the persons filing said petition shall have the right to present to the Board of Election Commis- sioners, at any time tw^enty-five days prior to said election, copies of printed arguments favoring said proposition : if said proposi- tion be submitted by the Mayor, or by the Board of Supervisors, or by one-third of the Board of Supervisors, or by persons filing a referendary petition, they shall have a similar right to present copies of printed arguments; said arguments shall be printed in substantially the same form as the latest municipal edition of this Charter, and shall not exceed ei«:ht pages in length upon each proposition. Any person, committee or organization opposing any proposition may each present, in like manner and of the same form and amount and within the same time, printed arguments opposing said proposition. Copies of said arguments either for or against, shall be presented eaual in number to five per cent in excess of the total number of registered voters. The Board of Election Commissioners shall cause one copy of each of said argu- ments to be bound wnth their copy of the measure or amendment which is to be mailed to each voter as required by Section 9 of this Chapter. 180 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. Election Is Mandatory. Sec. 11. If any measure proposed by petition or upon which a referendum vote is requested by petition, in accordance with the provisions of this Charter be not submitted to the voters at or within the time elsewhere specified in this Charter, such petition shall remain in force until such measure shall be submitted to a vote, and no bond issue, or other measure proposed by the Board of Supervisors shall be submitted to the voters unless at the same election, or prior thereto, there shall be submitted to the voters the measures upon which a vote is requested by petition, if any vote be so requested upon which a vote has not been taken at or within the time elsewhere specified in this Charter. This section is pro- hibitory and mandatory. Charter Amendments. Sec. 12. The provisions of this Chapter, unless prohibited by the State Constitution, shall apply to the proposal, submission and adoption of Charter amendments. Declarations of Policy. Sec. 13. Any declaration of policy or principle of legislation may be submitted to the electors in the manner provided for the submission of ordinances ; and when approved by a majority of the voters voting at any election, it shall thereupon be the duty of the Board of Supervisors or other legislative body to enact an ordi- nance or ordinances to carry such policies or principles into efi'ect, subject to the referendum provisions of Chapter IV of Article XI of this Charter. Special Election Fund. Sec. 14. In the first annual budget to be hereafter adopted by the Board of Supervisors, said Board shall appropriate not less than fifty thousand dollars, to be known as the special election fund, to be used exclusively for defraying the cost of verifying petitions and other expenses of special elections initiated by peti- tion of the electorate, including recall elections. In the event of the expenditure of any of said fund, the Board of Supervisors in the next succeeding annual budget shall appropriate a sum suffi- cient to replete said Special Election Fund. Substantial Compliance. Sec. 15. A substantial compliance with the provisions of this Chapter shall be sufficient for the holding of an election hereunder and the approval or rejection of any measure submitted thereat. Repeal of Present Provision. Sec. 16. Section 20 of Chapter I, of Article II of said Charter, relating to initiative petitions, is hereby repealed. I Article XI, Chapter IV. Department of Elections. 181 . CHAPTER IV. THE REFERENDUM. Public Utilities. Section 1. Every ordinance or other measure involving the lease or sale of anj- public utility, or the granting of a new fran- chise for the operation of any public utility whose franchise has expired or is about to expire, must be referred and submitted to the vote of the electors of the City and County at the election next ensuing not less than sixty days after the adoption of such ordi- nance, and shall not go into effect until ratified by a majority of the voters voting thereon. Referendum by Supervisors. By Mayor. Sec. 2. Any ordinance which the Supervisors are empowered to pass may be submitted by a majority of the Board at a general election or at a special election called for the purpose, said election to be held not less than thirty days from the date of the call. Any such ordinance may be proposed by one-third of the Supervisors or by the Mayor, and when so proposed shall be submitted to the electors at the next succeeding general election. Referendum by Electors. Sec. 3. No ordinance passed by the Supervisors granting any public utility franchise or privilege, or authorizing the lease or sale of any lands, or authorizing the purchase of lands of more than fifty thousand dollars in value shall go into effect until the expiration of sixty days from the date it becomes final: (a) by approval of the Mayor; (6) or without his approval by the expira- tion of the time prescribed by this Charter within which he may disapprove it; or (c) by its passage by the Board of Supervisors over his objections in the event of such disapproval. At the end of such sixty days such ordinance shall be in force and effect, unless within such period there shall be filed with the Election Commis- sioners a petition signed by registered voters equal in number to five per cent of the entire vote cast for Mayor at the last preceding regular municipal election, requesting that such ordinance be sub- mitted to the electors. In case such petition is filed, such ordi- nance shall not go into effect until approved by a majority of the voters voting thereon at a general or special election. Regulations Governing Petitions. Sec. 4. A petition asking that any ordinance be submitted to the electors shall conform to the provisions of Sections 2 and 3 of Chapter III of this Article (the initiative), which are hereby made a part hereof. Time of Elections. Sec. 5. If a petition be filed more than sixty days and less than ninety days prior to a general election, it shall be submitted 182 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. at such general election. Otherwise it shall be submitted at the next 'general election or at a special election called prior thereto, as the Supervisors shall decide. Elections — How Conducted. Sec. 6. Sections 6, 7, S, 9, 10, 11 and 15 of Chapter III (the initiative), so far as applicable, shall govern elections held under the authority of this Chapter. Majority Vote. Sec. 7. If a majority of the votes cast on any ordinance or measure so referred to the electors, as herein provided, shall be in favor thereof, it shall go into effect ten days after the determina- tion of the official count; otherwise it shall be repealed and rejected. Substantial Compliance. Sec. 8. A substantial compliance with the provisions of this Chapter shall be sufficient for the holding of an election here- under and for the approval or rejection of any measure submitted thereat. Repeal. Sec. 9. Section 21 of Chapter I of Article II of this Charter is hereby repealed. CHAPTER V. THE RECALL, Elected Officials. Ten Per Centum. Statement of Grounds. Section 1. The holder of any elective office may be removed or recalled b}^ the electors. The procedure to effect such removal or recall shall be as follows : A petition demanding the election of a successor to the person sought to be removed or recalled shall be filed with the Board of Election Commissioners. Such petition shall be signed by registered voters equal in number to at least ten per cent of the entire vote cast for Mayor at the last preceding general municipal election ; provided, that not less than seven thousand nor more than fifteen thousand signatures of such elec- tors shall be required on such petition. Said petition shall contain a statement of the grounds on which the removal or recall is sought, which statement is intended solely for the information of the electors. Any insufficiency of form or substance in such state- ment shall in no wise affect the validity of the election and pro- ceedings held hereunder. No recall petition shall be filed against any officer until he has actually held his office for at least four months. Signatures. Verification. Sec. 2. Said petition shall be in all respects in accordance with the provisions of Sections 2 and 3 of Chapter III (the initiative) of Article XI of this Charter, which sections are hereby made part Article XI, Chapter V. Department of Elections. 183 hereof, and shall be examined and certified as provided by said sections last mentioned. — As amended November 7, 1916; approved by the Legislature January 18, 1917 (Statutes, 1917, page 1708). Special Election. Sec. 3. Unless the petition shall be found insufficient in the number of signatures of registered voters attached thereto, within the time provided for examining and certifying the result of the examination of said petition, the Board of Election Commission- ers shall, within the time provided therefor, order and fix a date for holding the said election, said date to be not less than thirty- five nor more than fifty days after the date of the order fixing the date of said election; provided, however, that where the office has become vacant by death, resignation or otherwise, between the time of the filing of the petition and the fixing of a date for an election, no recall election shall be held. Such vacancy shall be filled in the manner provided by this Charter. If a vacancy occur in said office after a date for holding said election has been fixed, as herein pro- vided, the election shall nevertheless proceed as in this Chapter provided. — As amended November 7, 1916; approved by the Legis- lature January 18, 1917. (Statutes, 1917, page 1708.) Several Removals at One Election. Publication. Sec. 4. One petition is competent to propose the removal and election of one or more elective officials. One special election is competent for the removal and election of one or more elective offi- cials. The Board of Election Commissioners «hall make or cause to be made due publication of notice of said election. Nominations. Sec. 5. The Registrar of Voters shall in any recall election place upon the ballot the name of the incumbent whose removal is thus sought, unless such incumbent shall file in writing a request that his name do not appear. Any person may be nominated for any office sought to be filled at such recall election by filing the declaration of candidacy and the certificates of not less than ten or more than twenty sponsors in the form provided in Chapter II of this article for the general municipal election. Such declaration and certificates shall be filed with the Registrar of Voters not less than twenty-five nor more than thirty-five days before the date set for the recall election. — .4^ amended November 7, 1916; approved by the Legislature January 18, 1917 (Statutes, 1917, page 1708). Sample Ballot. Printed Statements. Sec. 6. Upon the sample ballot there shall be printed in riot more than three hundred words the reasons for demanding the recall of the officer as set forth in the recall petition, and upon the same ballot in not more than three hundred words the officer may justify his course in office. 184 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. Form of Ballot. Election. Sec. 7. Elections for the recall or removal of an elected officer shall be conducted as provided in Chapter II of this article for the election of officers at the general municipal election, and the ballots shall be prepared, cast and counted in the manner therein pre- scribed. — As amended November 7, 1916; approved by the Legis- lature January 18, 1917 (Statutes, 1917, page 1708). Removal. Successor. Second Recall. Sec. 8. If some other person than the incumbent receive the number of votes required to constitute an election the incumbent shall thereupon be deemed removed from office and the person so elected shall succeed him upon taking the oath of office. The suc- cessor of the official so removed shall hold office during the unex- pired portion of the term for which such official was elected, unless sooner recalled under the provisions of this Chapter. If the incum- bent receive the number of votes necessary to constitute an elec- tion, he shall continue in office; and it shall require not less than double the number of signatures provided in Section 1 of this Chapter to initiate a second election for his recall ; and if reelected at such second recall election it shall require not less than three times the number of signatures provided in Section 1 of this Chap-< ter to initiate a third election for the recall of such officer during the term for which he was elected. — As amended November 7, 1916 ; approved by the Legislature January 18, 1917 (Statutes, 1917, page 1708). Reimbursement for Election Expenses. Sec. 9. If the incumbent receive a majority of the votes at such recall election, he shall be reimbursed out of the Special Election Fund for his expenses in such recall election; provided, that such payment shall not exceed the amount he is permitted to spend under the Purity of Elections Act now in force. Vacancies. Disqualification. Sec. 10. In the event of a vacancy occurring in any such office between the date of the filing of such petition with the Board of Election Commissioners and the holding of such election where such petition is found sufficient, such vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as other vacancies occurring in such office, but the person selected to fill such vacancy shall hold such office only until the person elected in accordance with the provisions of this Chap- ter shall qualify. No person who has been recalled from an elective office, or who has resigned from such office while recall proceedings were pending against him, shall be appointed to any office within two years after such recall or resignation. ' Substantial Compliance. Sec, 11. A substantial compliance with the provisions of this Chapter shall be sufficient for the holding of an election, and for the removal and election of any officer thereunder. Article XI, Chapter Y. Department of Elections. 185 Repeal of Present Provisions. Sec. 12. Section 23 of Chapter I of Article II of said Charter, relating to the recall of elected officials, is hereby repealed. In Effect January 8, 1912. See. 13. This Chapter shall go into effect January 8, 1912.— Chapters III, IV and V added by amendment November 15, 1910; approved by the Legislature February 17, 1911 (Statutes, 1911, page 1661). 186 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. ARTICLE XII. ACQUISITION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES. Intention of the People. It is hereby declared to be the purpose and intention of the peo- ple of the City and County that its public utilities shall be grad- ually acquired and ultimately owned by the City and County. To this end it is hereby ordained : Plans and Estimates of Cost of Construction. Cost of Water Works, Sources of Supply. Supervisors to Negotiate for Acquisition. Section 1. Whenever the Board of Supervisors by ordinance, as hereinafter provided, shall determine that the public interest or necessity demands the acquisition, construction or completion of any public utility or utilities by the City and County, or whenever the electors shall petition the Board of Supervisors, as provided in Section 3 of this Article, for the acquisition of any public utility or utilities, the Board of Supervisors must procure from the Board of Public Works, through the City Engineer, plans and estimates of the cost of original construction and completion, by the City and County, of such public utility- or utilities. In securing estimates of the cost of original construction and completion of water works, by the City and County, the Board of Supervisors must procure, as hereinabove specified, and place on file plans and estimates of the cost of obtaining from such sources as the Board of Supervisors may designate as available, a sufficient supply of good, pure water for tliQ City and County. — As amended December 4, 1902; approved hy the Legislature Fehruary 5, 1903 (Statutes, 1903, page 591). Offers for the Sale of Utilities. Sec. 2. Before submitting propositions to the electors for the acquisition by original construction or condemnation of public utilities, the Board of Supervisors must solicit and consider offers for the sale to the City and County of existing utilities, in order that the electors may have the benefit of acquiring the same at the lowest possible cost thereof. — -45 amended December 4, 1902; ap- proved by the Legislature February 5, 1903 (Statutes, 1903, page 591). Petition of Electors. Duty of Supervisors. Duty of Clerk. Mayor May Also Submit Proposition. Two Alternative Propositions. Supervisors May Proceed at Once. Power of Supervisors. Sec. 3. Whenever a petition or petitions, each signed by elec- tors of the City and County equal in number to fifteen per Centura of all the votes cast in the City and County at the last preceding general election, shall be presented to the Board of Supervisors, setting forth that the signers of such petition or petitions favor the acquisition of the public utility or utilities therein named, it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to imme- Article XII. Acquisition of Public Utilities. 187 diately proceed to examine and verify the signatures to such peti- tion or petitions, and to certify the result of such examination to the Board of Supervisors. If the required number of signatures be found to be genuine, the Clerk shall transmit to the Mayor an authentic copy of such petition or petitions, without the signatures thereto. Upon receiving a certificate of the Clerk that the petition or petitions contain the required number of genuine signatures, it sliall be the duty of the Board of Supervisors to procure, in the manner specified in Section 1 of this Article, plans and estimates of the cost of original construction and completion of each public utility named in such petition or petitions. Thereafter, the Board of Supervisors shall formulate for sub- mission to the electors of the City and County at a special election called for the purpose, a separate proposition for the acquisition of each public utility named in such petition or petitions. The ]\Iayor shall also have the right to formulate and submit to the electors, at such special election, a proposition for the acquisi- tion of each public utility named in such petition or petitions, sep- arate from the proposition therefor formulated by the Board of Supervisors. All propositions formulated under the provision of this Section shall be completed within six months after the filing of such peti- tion or petitions. Nothing in this Section shall be so construed as to prohibit the Board of Supervisors from responding to the aforesaid petition or petitions of the electors requesting the acquisition of any public utility or utilities by proceeding at once, without the submission of propositions to the electors as aforesaid, to pass an Ordinance de- claring its determination, as provided in Section 5 of this Article, to acquire the same, and from proceeding thereafter to secure the acquisition thereof, as hereinafter provided. — As amended Decem- ber 4, 1902; approved hy the Legislature February 5, 1903 (Stat- utes, 1903, page 591). Supervisors to Call Special Election When and for What Purpose. Acquisition Through Annual Revenues. Majority of Electors to Decide. Acquisition Through Bond Issues. Board to Undertake Proceedings When. Two-Thirds Vote of Electors to Decide. Sec. 4. At the next regular meeting after the completion of the proposition or propositions for the acquisition of the public utility or utilities named in such petition or petitions, the Board of Super- visors by Ordinance, as hereinafter in Section 6 provided, shall call a special election, at which the propositions of the Board of Super- visors and of the Mayor, if he formulate any, shall be submitted to the electors of the City and County. When the cost of any public utility or utilities named in such petition or petitions can be paid out of the annual revenues of the City and County in addition to the other necessary expenses there- 188 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. of, each proposition therefor, submitted to the electors, shall specify the cost of the utility therein proposed for acquisition by the City and County, the proposed method and manner of payment thereof, and the Board of Supervisors shall submit therein to the electors the question whether the same shall be acquired upon such terms. A majority of the electors voting at such special election shall be necessary to accept such proposition. At as early a date after the determination of the result of such special election as the Board of Supervisors shall deem for the best interests of the City and County, it shall undertake proceedings and enter into such negotiations and contracts as may be necessary for the acquisition of any public utility or utilities named in any prop- osition or propositions accepted by a majority of the electors voting at such special election. If, however, the cost of any public utility or utilities, named in any petition or petitions of the electors, shall so far exceed the annual revenues of the City and County, in addition to the other necessary expenses thereof, as to render it necessary to incur a municipal bonded indebtedness therefor, each proposition for the acquisition of such public utility or utilities shall specify the amount of the bonded indebtedness necessary therefor and the rate of interest thereon, and the Board of Supervisors shall submit to the electors, at such special election, the question whether such bonded indebtedness shall be incurred. At least two-thirds of the electors voting at such special election shall be necessary to secure the acquisition of such public utility or utilities and to warrant the issuance of municipal bonds therefor. — As amended December 4, 1902; approved by the Legislature February 5, 1903 (Statutes, 1903, page 592). Ordinance of Intention to Be PublisFiecl Two Weeks. Duty of Board Wlien Cost Can Be Paid Out of Annual Revenues. Incurring of Municipal Bonded Indebtedness. Sec. 5. Whenever the Board of Supervisors shall determine that the public interest or necessity demands the acquisition, construc- tion or completion of any public utility or utilities, it shall spe- cifically declare such determination by an Ordinance, which shall also direct the Board of Public Works to procure and file plans and estimates of the cost of original construction and completion of such public utility or utilities. Such Ordinance shall be published for at least two weeks in the official newspaper. When the cost of such public utilities, or any of them, can be paid out of the annual revenues of the City and County in addition to the other necessary expenses thereof, the Board of Supervisors shall, as soon after the filing of the plans and estimates of cost thereof as it may deem for the best interests of the City and County, enter into such negotiations and contracts as may be nec- essary for the acquisition of the same. Article XII. Acquisition of Public Utilities. 189 If, however, the cost of such public utilities, or any of them, shall so far exceed the annual revenues of the City and County in addi- tion to the other necessary expenses thereof, as to render it neces- sary to incur a municipal bonded indebtedness therefor, the Board of Supervisors shall, at any regular meeting held within eight weeks after the filing of the plans and estimates of cost thereof, by Ordinance, as hereinafter in Section 6 of this Article provided, call a special election, at which shall be submitted to the electors a proposition or propositions for the acquisition of such public utility or utilities. Such propositions shall specify the amount of the bonded indebtedness necessary for the acquisition of the utility or utilities therein named and the rate of interest thereon, and the Board of Supervisors shall submit to the electors the question or questions whether such bonded indebtedness shall be incurred. At least two-thirds of the electors voting at such special election shall be necessary to warrant the issuance of municipal bonds for the acquisition of such public utility, or any of them. — As amended December 4, 1902: approved by the Legislature February 5, 1903 (Statutes, 1903, page 593). Ordinance Calling Special Election. Questions to Be Submitted. Sec. 6. Whenever, under the provisions of this Article, it shall be necessary to call a special election for the purpose of submitting to the electors a proposition or propositions for the acquisition of public utilities, the Board of Supervisors shall pass an Ordinance calling such special election for such purpose. At such special election all propositions for the acquisition of public utilities, formulated under the provisions of this Article, may be submitted to the electors of the City and County. No ques- tion except the acquisition of public utilities and the incurring of municipal indebtedness therefor shall be submitted at such special election. — As amended December 4^ 1902; approved by the Legis- lature February 5, 1903 (Statutes, 1903, page 594). Ordinance for Special Election Shall Set Forth What. Bonded Indebted- ness. Sec. 7. The Ordinance calling such special election shall set forth the purposes for which the election is called, the estimated cost of each utility proposed for acquisition by the City and County, the proposed method and manner of payment thereof, and shall fix a day on which such special election shall be held, the man- ner of holding such election and the manner of voting for or against each proposition thereat submitted to the electors; and, if it shall be necessary to incur a municipal indebtedness for any utility or utilities therein proposed for acquisition by the City and County, the Ordinance shall specify the objects and purposes for which such indebtedness is proposed to be incurred, and that bonds of the City and County shall issue for the payment of the cost of such utility or utilities, as in such Ordinance set forth (if the proposi- tion or propositions therefor be accepted by the electors).* Such 190 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. election shall be held as provided by law for holding elections in the City and County. — As amended December 4, 1902; approved hy the Legislature February 5, 1903 (Statutes, 1903, page 594). Publication of Ordinance for Ten Days. Notice of Election for Fourteen Days. Sec. 8. Such Ordinance shall be published daily for at least ten days in the official newspaper. At the expiration of said ten days the Supervisors shall cause to be published daily for not less than two weeks in the official newspaper a notice of such special election. Such notice shall specify the purpose for which the indebtedness is to be incurred, the number and character of the bonds to be issued, the rate of interest to be paid, and the amount of tax levy to be made for the payment thereof. — As amended December 4, 1902; approved by the Legislature February 5, 1903 (Statutes, 1903, page 594). Limit of Indebtedness. Sec. 9. No indebtedness shall be incurred for the acquisition of any public utilities under the provisions of this Article, which, to- gether with the existing bonded indebtedness of the City and County, shall exceed at any one time fifteen per centum of the assessed value of all real and personal property in the City and County; provided, that any bonded indebtedness which may be incurred under the provisions of Section 29a of Article XVI of the Charter, in aid of an exposition to celebrate the completion of the Panama Canal, shall be exclusive of the bonded indebtedness of the City and County limited by this Section. — As amended November 15, 1910; approved by the Legislature February 17, 1911 (Statutes, 1911, page 1661). Bonds for Acquisition of Public Utilities. Form, Denomination. How Sold. Proceeds of Sale: to What Applied. Unsold Bonds. Unsold Bonds Heretofore Issued. Registered Bonds. Sec. 10. The bonds issued under the provisions of this Article shall be of such form as the Supervisors in the ordinance calling the election therefor shall determine ; but such bonds shall be pay- able, interest and principal, in gold coin of the United States. The interest on such bonds shall not exceed 5 per cent per annum, and they shall be redeemed at such times and in such amounts as the Supervisors shall determine, as set forth in the ordinance calling the special election; provided, that redemption of such bonds shall begin in not more than eighteen years and shall be completed in not more than seventy-five years from the date of the issue. The bonds so issued shall be exempt from all taxation for muni- cipal purposes and shall be issued in denominations of not less than ten dollars and not more than one thousand dollars, and preference in the sale and allotment thereof shall be given to subscribers for the smallest amounts and the lowest denominations. The Supervisors shall fix the times and places at which the pay- ment oi. interest or principal may be made. Article XII. Acquisition of Public Utilities. 191 Such bonds when issued may be sold by the Supervisors from time to time, as required, and in such quantities as they may deter- mine. When such bonds are offered for sale they shall be adver- tised in the official paper and otherwise if so ordered by the Super- visors and sealed proposals for the purchase of the whole or any part thereof offered shall be opened at the time specified in such adver- tisements. All proposals for the purchase of such bonds shall be accompanied by a deposit of 5 per cent of the amount bid in lawful money of the United States or by a deposit of a certified check payable to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the City and County for a like sum; provided, that no deposit need exceed the sum of ten thousand dollars, and that no deposit need be given by the State of California, which money or check shall be forfeited by the bidder in case he fails to accept and pay for the bonds bid for by him if his bid is accepted. Bonds shall be sold to the highest bidder for not less than par, but the Supervisors shall have the right to reject any or all bids made for the purchase thereof. If less than the amount of bonds offered shall be sold, the Supervisors may, with the concurrence of fourteen members and the Mayor, place such unsold bonds on sale at the City Treasury, or at branches thereof established by the Treasurer for public convenience; and such bonds may be sold to any applicant at such prices as may be fixed by the Supervisors; provided, that such prices shall not be less than par and accrued interest. The proceeds of any sale of bonds shall be placed in the treasury to the credit of the proper fund, and shall be applied exclusively to the purposes and objects mentioned in the ordinance authorizing their issue until such objects are fully accomplished; after which, if any surplus remains, such surplus may be transferred to the general fund, except that if such surplus exceeds the sum of two thousand dollars, then such surplus and the whole thereof shall be transferred to the appropriate fund or funds to pay the interest and maintain the sinking fund or provide for the retirement of the bonded indebtedness in connection with which such surplus re- mains. If the bonds or any of them offered for sale shall remain unsold the Supervisors may so declare, and may, with the concurrence of fourteen members and the Mayor, cancel such unsold bonds; pro- vided, that no bonds shall be canceled as aforesaid unless the same have been offered for sale by advertisement, as above provided, at least three separate times at intervals of not less than thirty days; and, provided, that no such bonds shall be canceled by the Super- visors as aforesaid for which par or above has been bid by any bona fide responsible bidder or bidders. The provisions of this Section, regarding the cancellation of un- sold bonds, shall apply to any bonds that have been heretofore issued or to any bonds that have been heretofore authorized by a vote of the electors of the City and County under this Section or under Section 29 of Article XVI of this Charter, and that remain 192 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. unsold after efforts to sell the same shall have been made as above provided. Whenever the owner of any coupon bond, or of any bond pay- able to bearer, already issued or hereafter issued by the City and County shall present any such bond to the Treasurer with a request for the conversion of such bond into a registered bond, such Treas- urer shall cut off and cancel the coupons of any such coupon bond so presented, and shall stamp, print or write upon such coupon bond or such other bond payable to bearer, so presented, either upon the back or upon the face thereof, as may be convenient, a state- ment to the effect that the said bond is registered in the name of the owner, and that thereafter the interest and principal of said bond are payable to the registered owner. Thereafter, and from time to time, any such bond may be transferred by such registered owner in person, or by attorney duly authorized, on presentation of such bond to Treasurer, and the bond be again registered as before, a similar statement being stamped, printed or written thereon. Such statement stamped, printed or written upon any such bond may be in substantially the following form : (Date — giving month, year and day.) This bond is registered pursuant to Charter of the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, in the name of (here insert name of ow^ner), and the interest and principal thereof are hereafter payable to such owner. Treasurer. After any bond shall have been registered as aforesaid, the principal and interest of such bond shall be payable to tjie regis- tered owner. Such Treasurer shall keep in his office a book or books w^hich shall, at all times, show w^hat bonds are registered and in whose names, respectively. — As amended November 5, 1907 ; approved hy the Legislature November 22, 1907 (Statutes Special Session, 1907, page 15). Supervisors to Sell Library Bonds. Sec. 10a. The Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to sell certain bonds authorized at an election held September 29, 1903, and described as ''Library Bonds," dated July 1, 1904, below the par value thereof, such price, however, not to be less than that which will net the purchaser four and one-half per cent per annum according to the standard table of bond values. The signatures of the officers in office at the time such bonds were dated affixed to such bonds shall be sufficient to establish their validity. — New Section added by amendment December 10, 1912; approved by the Legislature March 28, 1913 (Statutes, 1913, page 1602). Signatures. Coupons. Sec. 11. Such bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and the Treasurer, and shall be countersigned by the Auditor. The coupons shall be numbered consecutively and signed by the Treasurer, and Article XII. Acquisition of Puhlic Utilities. 193 the bonds and coupons shall be payable at the office of the Treas- urer. — ^5 amended December 4, 1902; approved by the Legislature February 5, 1903 (Statutes 1903, page 595). Levy of Tax to Pay Annual Interest on Bonds. Sec. 12. At the time of levying the municipal tax, and in the manner provided for such tax levy, the Supervisors shall levy and collect annually a tax sufficient to pay the annual interest on such bonds, and also such part of the bonded municipal indebtedness as will fall due within the succeeding fiscal year, and as may be neces- sary to provide for the sinking fund payments of the next succeed- ing fiscal year; provided, that when the interest and sinking fund payments for any fiscal year on the bonds issued for any public utility can be met out of the surplus earnings of such public utility for the preceding fiscal year, no tax shall be levied for such purpose. Such taxes shall be in addition to all other taxes levied for munici- pal purposes, and shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as other municipal taxes are collected. — As amended November 5, 1907; approved by the Legislature November 22, 1907 (Statutes Special Session, 1907, page 17). Penalty for Failure to Enforce This Article. Sec. 13. A neglect or refusal on the part of the Supervisors to comply with the provisions of this Article shall constitute cause for the removal from office of any member or members of the Board guilty of such neglect or refusal. — As amended December 4, 1902; approved by the Legislature February 5, 1903 (Statutes, 1903, page 596). Power to Acquire Public Utilities. Sec. 14. The City and County shall have power to acquire, con- struct or complete any public utility from funds derived from taxes levied for that purpose, or from funds derived from the sale of bonds issued for that purpose, as is provided in this Charter, and may operate, maintain, sell or lease the same, subject to the other provisions and limitations of this Charter. Acquisition of Lands for Water Purposes. See. 15. The Supervisors shall have power, in the name and for the benefit of the City and County, to acquire by purchase or con- demnation, subject to the conditions and limitations in this Charter and the general laws of the State prescribed, any lands situated within the State of California necessary for constructing or main- taining canals, aqueducts, reservoirs, tunnels, flumes, ditches, or pipes for conducting or storing water for the use of the City and County, or the inhabitants thereof. Disposition of Receipts From Public Utilities. Sec. 16. 1. Whenever any public utility shall be operated by the City and County, the receipts from such utility shall be paid daily into the city treasury, and maintained in a special fund set 194 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. aside for such utility. The Supervisors may, from time to time, make appropriations from such funds for the following purposes: (a) For the payment of the operating expenses of such utility; (b) For repairs and reconstruction; (c) For payment of interest and sinking fund on the bonds issued for the acquisition or construction of such utility ; {d) For extensions and improvements; (e) For a reserve fund. Reserve Fund. 2, Whenever the Reserve Fund shall exceed one-half of the pay- ment for operating expenses in the preceding fiscal year, the Super- visors shall have the power to appropriate such excess to the General Fund. Books of Account. 3. The City and County, when owning any public utility, shall keep the books of account for such public utility distinct from other City and County accounts, and in such manner as to show the true and complete financial results of such municipal owaiership, or ownership and operation, as the case may be. Such accounts shall be so kept as to show the actual cost to the City and County of the public utility owned; all costs of maintenance, extension and improvement ; all operating expenses of every description, and, in case of such municipal operation, the amounts set aside for Sinking Fund purposes. If any service shall be furnished for the use of such public utility without charge, the accounts shall show as nearly as possible the value of such service, and also the value of such sim- ilar service rendered by the public utility to any other municipal department without charge; such accounts shall also show reason- able allowances for interest, depreciation and insurance, and also estimates of the amount of taxes that would be chargeable against such property if owned by a private corporation. The Supervisors shall cause to be printed annually for public distribution a report showing the financial results, in form as aforesaid, of such munici- pal ownership and operation. The accounts of such public utility, kept as aforesaid, shall be examined at least once a year by an expert accountant, who shall report to the Supervisors the result of his examination. Such expert accountant shall be selected in such manner as the Supervisors may direct, and he shall receive for his services such compensation, to be paid out of the income or revenues from such public utility, as the Supervisors may prescribe. — >S^ec- tions 14, 15, 16 added hy amendment adopted November 5, 1907 ; approved by the Legislature November 23, 1907 (Statutes Special Session, 1907, page 37). Article XIII, Civil Service. 195 AETICLE XIII. CIVIL SERVICE. Appointment and Removal of Commissioners. Section 1. The Mayor shall appoint three persons as Civil Service Commissioners, who shall constitute the Civil Service Com- mission. The persons so appointed shall, before taking office, make under oath, and file in the office of the County Clerk, the following declaration: "I am opposed to appointments to the Civil Service as a reward for political activity, and will execute the duties of Civil Service Commissioner in the spirit of this declaration." The term of one Commissioner shall terminate at twelve o'clock noon, July 1, 1915; the term of another shall terminate at twelve o'clock noon, July 1, 1917, and the term of another shall terminate at twelve o'clock noon, July 1, 1919. On the expiration of the term of any such Commissioner the ^layor shall appoint a successor with like qualifications to serve as a Commissioner for a term of six years. Each of the Commissioners shall receive an annual salary of twelve hundred dollars. The Commissioners may be removed from office in the same manner as are elective officers of the City and County, and not otherwise. The Supervisors shall appropriate annually not less than twelve thousand five hundred dollars for the expenses of the Commission, and not less than five thousand dollars additional for the inspection service provided in Section 14 of this Article. — As amended December 10, 1912; approved by the Legislature March 28, 1913 (Statutes, 1913, page 1602). Schedule. This amendment shall take effect upon its ratification by the Legislature; provided, that the provisions of Section 1 with respect to the appointment of Civil Service Commissioners shall take effect on the dates specified as follows : The term of the successor to the Commissioner whose term expires January 8, 1913, shall expire July 1, 1915 ; the successor to the Commissioner whose term expires January 8, 1914, shall be appointed for the term ending July 1, 1917, and the successor to the Commissioner whose term expires January 8, 1915, shall be appointed for the term ending July 1, 1919. — Adopted December 10, 1912; approved by the Legislature March 28, 1913 (Statutes, 1913, page 1602). Classified Service. Sec. 2. The Commissioners shall classify, in accordance with duties attached thereto, all places of employment in or under the offices and departments of the City and County, not exempted under Section 11 of this Article, or which may be created hereafter and not specifically exempted by this Charter. The Commissioners may grade, and from time to time regrade, the positions covered by any class, in accordance with salaries and duties, to the end that like salaries shall be paid for like duties. The Commissioners may from time to time provide by rule for the manner in which 196 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. such positions shall be filled. New positions when created shall be classified, graded and filled in accordance with these provisions. Before any new position is created, the authority creating such position shall secure from the Civil Service Commission the proper designation of such position, and the title of such position shall correspond with the classifications adopted in accordance with the provisions of this Section. In other than the Bureaus of Engineering and Architecture no appointee shall hold a position carrying a salary above the maximum established for the grade for which he has qualified except by securing such promotional rating as the Commission shall direct. Any classification or grading may be amended or abolished by the Commission, and classes calling for similar qualifications may be consolidated, but persons who have been appointed from any such class shall retain any position lawfully held thereunder so long as such position is maintained unless removed in accordance with the provisions of Section 12. The places of employment not exempted shall constitute the classified civil service of the City and County, and no appointment to any such place shall be made except in accord- ance with the provisions of this Article and the rules adopted thereunder by the Civil Service Commission. — As amended Decem- ber 10, 1912; approved hy the Legislature March 28, 1913 (Stat- utes, 1913, page 1602). Rules of Commissioners. Sec. 3. The Commissioners shall make rules to carry out the purposes of this Article, and for examinations, appointments, pro- motions and removals, and in accordance with its provisions may from time to time make changes in the existing rules. All rules and all changes therein shall be forthwith printed for distribution by the Commissioners. Examination of Applicants. Sec. 4. All applicants for places in the classified civil service shall be subjected to examination, which shall be public, com- petitive and free. Such examinations shall be practical in their character, and shall relate to those matters only which will fairly test the relative capacity of the persons examined to discharge the duties of the positions to which they seek to be appointed, and shall include, when appropriate, tests of physical qualifica- tions, health, and of manual or professional skill. Examinations. Sec. 5. The Commissioners shall control all examinations, and may, whenever an examination is to take place, designate a suit- able number of persons, either in or not in the official service of the City and County to be examiners ; and if in the official service it shall be a part of their official duty, without extra compensation, to conduct such examinations as the Commissioners may direct, and to make return and report thereof to the Commissioners. The Commissioners may substitute any other person, whether in or not in such service, in the place of any one so selected, or may Article XIII, Civil Service. 197 themselves act as such examiners. Applicants for positions in the mechanical trades and occupations may, in the discretion of the Commission, be rated solely on experience and physical quali- fications, which may be demonstrated by such evidence and in such manner as the Commission may direct; and the applicants may be submitted to such further tests as the Commission may require. Examination of laborers shall relate only to physical qualifications and experience, and laborers establishing their fit- ness shall rank upon the register in order of priority of applica- tion. No question in any examination shall relate to political or religious opinions or affiliations. — As amended December lOf 1912; approved by the Legislature March 28, 1913 (Statutes, 1913, page 1602). Notice of Examinations. Sec. 6. Notice of the time, place and general scope of every examination shall be given by the Commissioners by publication for two weeks preceding such examination in the official news- paper, and such notice shall also be posted by the Commissioners in a conspicuous place in their office for two weeks before such examination. Such further notice of examination shall be given as they may prescribe. Registers of Each Class of Positions. Sec. 7. From the returns of the examiners, or from the exam- inations made by the Commissioners, the Commissioners shall pre- pare a register for each grade or class of positions in the classi- fied service of the City and County of the persons whose general average standing upon examination for such grade or class is not less than the minimum fixed by the rules of the Commissioners, and who are otherwise eligible. Such persons shall take rank upon the register as candidates in the order of their relative excellence, as determined by examination, without reference to priority of time of examination. Provision for tlie Disabled. Section lYo. When a civil service employee other than mem- bers of the Police and Fire Departments who has served three years in his position has become incapable through age, accident or other disability of satisfactorily performing the duties of the positions covered by the class in which he has qualified, the Civil Service Commission may, in its discretion, at the request of the appointing power, authorize his transfer to another class whose duties are within his capacity, and may, by a unanimous vote order that he be preferred for appointment to a designated posi- tion ; but such position shall be one having a smaller compensa- tion than the position from which he may be transferred, and the compensation shall not be increased subsequent to his appoint- ment thereto. — Netv Section added by amendment December 10, 1912; approved by the Legislature March 28, 1913 (Statutes, 1913, page 1602), 198 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. Promotions, Basis of. Sec. 8. The Commissioners shall provide for promotion in the classified service on the basis of ascertained merit and standing upon examination; and shall provide, wherever practicable, that vacancies shall be filled by promotion. All examinations for pro- motions shall be competitive among snch members of the next lower rank, as established by the Commissioners, as desire to submit themselves to such examinations. The Commis- sioners shall submit to the appointing power the names of not exceeding three applicants having the highest rating for each promotion. — As amended December 10, 1912; approved by the Legislature March 28, 1913 (Statutes, 1913, page 1602). Duty of Heads of Departments — Candidates Highest on Register. Sec. 9. Whenever a position classified under this Article is to be filled, the head of the department or office controlling such position shall notify the Commission of that fact, and the Com- mission shall then certify to the appointing officer the name and address of one or more candidates in the discretion of the Commis- sion, but not exceeding three, standing highest upon the register for the class or grade to which the position belongs. In making certification for employment sex shall be disregarded, except when some statute, the rules of the Commission, or the appoint- ing power specifies sex. The Commission shall not certify the name of any person who in the judgment of the Com- mission is not of good moral character, or who has secured a place upon the eligible lists by fraud, concealment of fact, or by violation of the rules of the Commission ; and having certified such person shall cancel such certification ; and the Commission shall remove the name of any such per- son from all civil service registers. — As amended December 10, 1912; approved by the Legislature March 28, 1913 (Statutes, 1913, page 1602). Appointments on Probation. Conditions of Discharge. Temporary Appointments. Sec. 10. The appointing officer shall notify the Commissioners of each position to be filled separately, and shall fill such place by the appointment of one of the persons certified to him by the Com- missioners therefor. Such appointment shall be on probation for a period to be fixed by the rules of the Commissioners ; but such rules shall not fix such period at exceeding six months. The Com- missioners may strike off names of candidates from the register after they have remained thereon more than two years. At or before the expiration of the period of probation, the head of the department or office in which a candidate is employed may, by and with the consent of the Commissioners, discharge him upon assign- ing in writing his reason therefor to the Commissioners. If he is not then discharged his appointment shall be deemed complete. To prevent the stoppage of public business, or to meet extraordi- nary exigencies, the head of any department or office may, with Article XIII, Civil Service. 199 the approval of the Commissioners, make temporary appointments, to remain in force not exceeding sixty days, and only until regular appointments, under the provisions of this Article, can be made. Departments Governed by This Article. Sec. 11. Subdivision A. The provisions of this Article shall apply to the following offices and departments of the City and County. The County Clerk, the Assessor, the Tax Collector, the .Sheriff, the Auditor, the Recorder, the Treasurer, the Coroner, the Clerks and Stenographers of the Justices' and Police Courts, the Board of Public Works, the Police Department, the Fire Department, the Board of Election Commissioners, the Board of Health, the Department of Electricity, the Board of Supervisors, the Civil Service Commission, and all boards and departments controlling public utilities, but the following deputies, clerks and employees in said offices and departments shall be exempted there- from: the Chief Deputy of the County Clerk; the Chief Deputy and the Deputy designated as the Cashier of the Assessor; the Chief Deputy and the Cashier of the Tax Collector ; four Deputies of the Sheriff designated as the Under-Sheriff, the Chief Book- keeper, the Attorney, and the Cashier; the Deputy Auditor; the Chief Deputy of the Recorder; four employees of the Treasurer designated as the Cashier, the Chief Deputy, one Assistant Deputy designated as a Bond Deputy, and one Clerk; the Chief Deputy and the Autopsy Physician of the Coroner; the City Engineer; the Secretary of the Board of Public Works ; the City Architect ; the Registrar of the Board of Election Commissioners; the Jus- tices' Clerk; the Chief of Police; the Chief Engineer and Secre- tary of the Fire Department; the Chief of the Department of Electricity ; the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors ; all physicians appointed by the Board of Health; persons appointed by the Mayor under the authority of this Charter; the Chief Deputy and the head of any Bureau or Department created by this Char- ter or by ordinance : the Chief Examiner and special examiners appointed by the Civil Service Commission, and persons employed by the Commission to exercise the authority conferred by Sec- tion 14 of this Article ; the Manager or Superintending head of each public utility; attorneys and physicians employed to per- form duties included in their profession; persons employed by the Board of Supervisors for temporary service in positions requiring high technical skill ; persons employed in positions hav- ing a confidential relation to the head of the Department in which the employment is held, but not more than one such position shall be established in any Department; persons employed on public w^orks outside the City and County. Any person who has served in any position in the office of the Assessor, the Coroner, the Recorder, the County Clerk, the Sheriff, the office of the Justices' Clerk, the Board of Supervisors or the Treasurer for a period of one year continuously prior to the approval of this amendment and who shall be actually employed in any of said 200 Charier of the City and County of San Francisco. offices at such time is hereby declared to be appointed within the provisions of Article XIII of this Charter to the position to which he may be assigned and shall be entitled to all the benefits of said Article thereafter. Preference for Qualified Employees. Subdivision B. The following persons securing standing on the eligible lists in examinations shall be preferred for appoint- ment : 1. Persons employed in the operating service of the Geary Street, Park and Ocean Railroad Company on May 5, 1912, such preference to be solely for employment in the Municipal Railroad service ; 2. Persons employed in the operating service of any public utility acquired by the city who have been so employed for not less than one year; and such persons so employed at the time a public utility is acquired by the city shall continue in their posi- tions. Appointments Under This Article. All officers, courts, boards or heads of departments vested in this Charter with the power to appoint deputies, clerks, stenog- raphers or other employees of any designation whatsoever shall make appointments only in accordance with the provisions of this Article and the rules adopted thereunder and any appoint- ment not so made shall be void. — As amended December 10, 1912; appi^oved by the Legislature March 28, 1913 (Statutes, 1913, page 1602). Dismissals for Cause Only — Trials and Suspensions. Sec. 12. No person employed in the classified civil service shall be removed or discharged except for cause, upon written charges, and after an opportunity to be heard in his own defense. Pending the hearing of such charges, the appointing officer or department may suspend the person so accused, but such suspen- sion shall not be valid for more than thirty days upon any charge unless the hearing thereon shall be delayed beyond such time by the act of the person so accused. When such charges are filed with the appointing officer or officers of the department in which the employee serves, such officers shall publicly hear and deter- mine such charges. The finding of such officers shall be final unless, within a period of thirty days therefrom, the employee so tried appeals to the Civil Service Commission against such finding. The appeal must be in writing, and must briefly state the reasons upon which it is based. The Commission may confirm the finding, or may require the officers to present in writing the grounds for discharge or dismissal, and may require the submis- sion of additional evidence ; and may thereupon make such order as it deems just. The order or decision of the Civil Service Com- mission upon such appeal shall be final, and shall forthwith be enforced by the appointing officers. If the Civil Service Com- Article XIII, Civil Service. 201 mission shall reverse or alter the finding of the appointing officer, it may, in its discretion, order that the employee affected shall be paid his salary from the time of his discharge or suspension. The Civil Service Commission may hear and determine charges filed by any citizen, or by the authorized agents of the Commis- sion acting under the power conferred by Section 14 of this article, when the appointing power neglects or refuses to act. The appointing officer or officers of a department may, for dis- ciplinary or penal purposes, suspend a subordinate for a period not exceeding thirty days, and such suspension shall carry with it the loss of salary for the period of suspension. Removal or discharge for cause may be upon any of the following grounds : Incompetence ; habitual intemperance ; immoral con- duct; insubordination; discourteous treatment of the public; inattention to duties. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to persons employed in the operating department of any public utility. — As amended December 10, 1912; approved by the Legislature March 28, 1913 (Statutes, 1913, page 1602). Notice of Appointments, Promotions op Changes. Sec. 13. Immediate notice in writing shall be given by the appointing power to the Commissioners of all appointments, per- manent or temporary, made in such classified civil service, and of all transfers, promotions, resignations, suspensions or vacancies from any cause in such service, and of the date thereof; and a record of the same shall be kept by the Commissioners. When any place of employment is created or abolished, or the compensation attached thereto altered, the officer or board making such change shall immediately report in writing to the Commissioners. Duties of Commissioners. Sec. 14. The Commissioners shall investigate the enforcement of the provisions of this Article, and of its rules, and the action of the examiners herein provided for, and the conduct and action of the appointees in the classified service in the City and County and may inquire as to the nature, tenure and compensation of all places in the public service thereof. Annual Report of Commissioners. Sec. 15. The Commissioners shall, on or before the fifteenth day of January in each year, make to the Supervisors a report showing their acts, the rules in force, the practical effects thereof, and suggestions for the more effectual accomplishment of the pur- poses of this Article. The Mayor may require a report from the Commissioners at any time. Chief Examiner. Secretary. Duties. Salary. Sec. 16. The Commissioners shall employ a Chief Examiner who shall, under their direction, superintend any examination held in the City and County under this article, and who shall per- form such other duties as the Commissioners may prescribe. The Chief Examiner shall be Secretary of the Commission by virtue 202 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. of his office. He shall keep minutes of its proceedings, preserve all reports made to it, and keep a record of all examinations held under its direction. He shall receive an annual salary of twenty- four hundred dollars. Supplies and Employees. Sec. 17. The Supervisors shall furnish the Commission with suitable offices, office furniture, books, stationery, blanks, heat and light, and shall provide for the payment of such other expenses as may be necessarily incurred in carrying out the provisions of this Article. The compensation of special examiners employed under Section 5 and of the investigators employed to perform the duties set forth in Section 14 shall be fixed by the Commission. The Commission may employ such permanent assistants as may be necessary, at such salaries as the Supervisors may fix upon the recommendation of the Commission. The compensation and sal- aries herein provided for shall be paid out of the appropriations specified in Section 1. — As amended December 10, 1912; approved by the Legislature March 28, 1913 (Statutes, 1913, page 1602). No Aid, Hindrance, Fraud or Collusion Permitted. Sec. 18. No p.erson or officer shall by himself, or in co-opera- tion with other persons, defeat, deceive or obstruct any person in respect to his or her right of examination; or falsely mark, grade, estimate or report upon the examination or proper stand- ing of any person examined hereunder, or aid in so doing ; or make any false representations concerning the same, or concern- ing the person examined; or furnish to any person any special or secret information for the purpose of either improving or injuring the prospects or chances of any person of being ap- pointed, employed or promoted. Verification of Pay Rolls. Sec. 19. The pay rolls or demands for salaries, wages or com- pensation of all deputies, assistants, clerks and employees of every class or description, without regard to the name or title by which they are known, for each department, board, office or bureau sub- ject to the provisions of this Article, shall be transmitted to the Civil Service Commission before presentation to the Auditor. The Commission shall examine said pay rolls or demands and shall approve the demands of all persons appointed or employed in accordance with the provisions of this Article. The pay rolls or demands thus approved, with notation of any item thereof dis- approved, shall be then certified by the Commission and trans- mitted by it to the Auditor. The Auditor shall not approve and the Treasurer shall not pay any demand or warrant for salary, wages or compensation unless said demand shall have been approved by the Civil Service Commission. — As amended December 10, 1912; approved by the Legislature March 28, 1913 (Statutes, 1913, page 1602). Article XIII, Civil Service. 203 Penalty for Violation. Sec. 20. The Commissioners shall have power to institute and prosecute legal proceedings for violations of any of the provisions of this Article. Standing of Eligibles Mustered Into Army or Navy. Sec. 21. Persons who have been mustered into the Army or Navy of the United States since April 6, 1917, after having acquired standing on a register of candidates in accordance with the provisions of this article shall be granted a leave of absence in accordance with the following provisions: 1. If such person has been appointed to a permanent position he shall be entitled to resume such position upon the expiration of his leave. This provision includes appointments on probation. If any rights accrue to an appointee by reason of seniority, the term of service in the Army and Navy shall be reckoned a part of his service under the City and County. 2. Candidates not under appointment shall retain their places upon the register of eligibles and upon presenting an honorable discharge from the Army or Navy shall be preferred for appoint- ment, in the order of standing upon such register at the time of enlistment, before candidates securing standing through examina- tion held subsequent to the enlistment of such candidate. Leave of absence granted hereunder shall be for the terms of service in the Army or Na\T, and for such time thereafter as may be provided by the rules of the Civil Service Commission; but all such leave of absence shall expire two years after the proclamation of the President of peace between the United States and the German Empire. Leave of absence granted under this section may be cancelled by the Civil Service Commission on filing of certificate of honorable discharge from the Army or Navy of the United States. — Xew section added by amendment November 5, 1918; approved by the Legislature January 17, 1919 (Statutes, 1919). 204 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. ARTICLE XIV. PARK COMMISSIONERS. Jurisdiction of Section 1. The lands designated upon the map of the outside lands of the City and County, made pursuant to order No. 800, by the word "park," extending from Stanyan Street to the Pacific Ocean, and known as Golden Gate Park ; also the land fronting on Haight Street, designated on said map by the word "park," and known as Buena Vista Park ; also the lands designated on said map by the word "avenue," extending from Baker Street westward until it crosses Stanyan Street; also that certain highway bounded on the west by the Pacific Ocean, and designated upon said map as "great highway;" also Mountain Lake Park; also Seal Rocks, as ceded to the City and County of San Francisco by Act of Congress ; and all the other parks and squares in the City and County, and all the grounds surrounding public buildings in the City and County, and all parks and squares and public pleasure grounds hereafter acquired by the City and County, shall be under the exclusive management of a Board of Commissioners who shall be known and designated as Park Commissioners, except that children's play- grounds and recreation centers outside of Golden Gate Park, shall, to the extent of their use as such playgrounds and recreation cen- ters, be under the exclusive management and control of the Play- ground Commissioners; provided, that the Panama-Pacific Inter- national Exposition Company (a corporation organized under the laws of the State of California, March 22nd, 1910) is authorized to assume and take over the management and control, and to have the exclusive possession and use, of that portion of Golden Gate Park westerly from Twentieth Avenue, as extended, for the purposes of an exposition to celebrate the completion of- the Panama Canal, such management and control, and possession and use, to terminate not later than one year after the closing of such exposition. — As amended November 15, 1910; approved hy the Legislature Febru- ary 17, 1911 (Statutes, 1911, page 1661). Successors In Office. Sec. 2. The Commissioners shall be successors in office of the Park Commissioners holding office in the City and County at the time this Charter shall go into effect by virtue of appointment under any statute of this State. Five Commissioners. Appointed by Mayor. Term. Sec. 3. The Commissioners shall be five in number, one of whom must be an artist. They shall be appointed by the Mayor for a term of four years, and shall receive no compensation for their services. They shall so classify themselves by lot that one of them shall go out of office at the end of one year, one at the end of two years, one at the end of three years, and two at the end of four years. Article XIV,^Park Commissioners. 205 Commissioners. Organization. President. Secretary. Duties. Contracts. Sec. 4. The Commissioners shall organize by electing one of their number President, and they may elect a Secretary who is not a member of the Board. The Board shall establish rules and regula- tions for its government and for the performance of its duties, and for the conduct of its officers and employees, and shall require ade- quate bonds from all of them, except laborers, for the faithful per- formance of their duties in such sums as may be fixed by it. Such bonds shall be approved by the Mayor and filed in the office of the Auditor. The person elected President shall hold his office for one year, or until his successor is elected. The Board must hold regular meetings at least once in two weeks, and as many special meetings as it may deem proper. Three of the Commissioners shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. No contract shall be entered into author- izing the expenditure of money without the approval of four of the Commissioners. Every contract exceeding five hundred dollars in amount shall be open to public competition, unless the Board shall determine in any given case to have the w^ork done by day's labor. All the provisions of the Article in this Charter on the Department of Public Works relating to contracts shall be applicable to all con- tract work ordered by the Commissioners. Park Ordinances. Sec. 5. The Commissioners may adopt ordinances for the regu- lation, use and government of the aforesaid parks, squares, avenues and grounds not inconsistent with the laws of the State of Cali- fornia or with this Charter. Such ordinances shall, wdthin five days after their passage, be published for ten days, Sundays excepted, in the official newspaper. Any person violating any of such ordinances shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished therefor, on conviction, in any court of competent jurisdiction. None of such ordinances shall be valid unless it receives the vote of four members of the Board, No ordinance shall be passed at the same meeting at which it is introduced, or at any other than a reg- ular meeting. Such ordinances shall take effect in not less than ten days after their adoption. Commissioners to Have Full Control of Parks and Squares. Sec. 6. The Commissioners shall have the complete and exclu- sive control, management and direction of the aforesaid parks, squares, avenues, and grounds, and the exclusive right to erect, and to superintend the erection of buildings and structures thereon ; and to that end may employ and appoint superintendents, laborers, sur- veyors, engineers, and other officers and assistants, and prescribe and fix their duties, authority and compensation. They shall have the exclusive management and disbursement of all funds legally appropriated or received from any source for the support of said parks, squares, avenues and grounds. 206 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. The Board may accept from donors suitable articles for the Museum and Art Gallery situate in the aforesaid Golden Gate Park, and shall manage and control said Museum and Art Gallery. Except as provided in Section 9 of this Article, nothing in this Section shall be so construed as to authorize the Commissioners to lease any part of any of said parks, squares, avenues and grounds to any person, company or corporation for any purpose ; or to permit any person, company or corporation to build or maintain any struc- ture on any part of said parks, squares, avenues or grounds ; but this shall not inhibit the Board from leasing, for a period not greater than one year, such buildings as may be constructed by itself for the use of the public to such person, company or corporation who shall undertake to serve such use ; and in every such lease the Board shall reserve the right to enter at all times into and upon the premises so leased, and shall make the condition that the buildings so leased shall be used for park pleasure purposes only. No such building shall be constructed by the Board except it be within the objects and purposes for which said parks, squares, avenues and grounds were dedicated to the public. Nothing, however, in this Section contained shall inhibit the Board from permitting the use of a limited portion of any one of the aforesaid parks or squares for the purpose of conducting thereon a Fair or Exposition, under such conditions and restrictions as may be necessary to conserve the integrity of said parks and squares, and for a period not greater than six months, and so as not to interfere with the use of any of the same by the public for park-pleasure purposes ; but no such permission shall ever be granted except such Fair or Exposition be of National, State or Municipal importance. None of the moneys in, or appropriated to, the Park Fund shall be used for the purposes of any such Fair or Exposition. Fire Alarm Station in Jefferson Square. Section 6a. The Board of Supervisors shall have power and authority to select and set aside by ordinance, in that certain square or park known as Jefferson Square, bounded on the north by Eddy Street, on the south by Golden Gate Avenue, on the east by Gough Street, and on the west by Laguna Street, a suitable and convenient site upon which may be erected by competent authority a central station for the fire alarm and police telegraph and telephone sys- tems, said station when erected to be under the control and man- agement of the joint commission of the Department of Electricity, and said joint commission shall have power and authority, when said station is erected, to maintain across said square or park the necessary conduits, wires and lines leading to said station. — Neiv Section added hy amendment December 10, 1912; approved by the Legislahire March 28, 1913 (Statutes, 1913, page 1602). Park Police. Sec. 7. The Chief of Police shall, on the request of the Commis- sioners, detail such members of the Police Force of the City and Article XIV, -Park Commissioners. 207 County for service in said parks, squares, avenues and grounds as may be necessary for the enforcement of the law and for the proper observance of the ordinances of the Commissioners; and the Com- missioners may provide a place of detention within either of said public places, in which the persons arrested for violating any of the ordinances of the Board may be detained temporarily. Donations, Legacies and Bequests. Sec. 8. Tlie Board may receive donations from persons and cor- porations and legacies and bequests for the improvement of said I)arks, squares, avenues, and grounds. All moneys that may be derived from such donations, legacies and bequests shall, unless otherwise provided by the terms of such gift, legacy or bequest, be deposited in the treasury of the City and County to the credit of the Park Fund. The same may be withdrawn therefrom and paid out in the same manner as is provided for the payment of moneys legally appropriated for the support and improvement of such ]iarks, squares, avenues and grounds. If the moneys derived from such gifts, bequests or legacies shall at any time exceed in amount the sum necessary for immediate expenditures on said parks, squares, avenues and grounds, the Board shall invest all or a part of the same in interest-bearing bonds of the United States, or of the State of California, or of any municipality thereof. State Exposition Building. Sec. 9. The Board may lease to the State of California, on such terms as it may deem proper, a plot of ground in Golden Gate Park, not more than seven hundred feet square, on which said State may erect and maintain an exposition building, in which may be exhib- ited the products of the several counties of the State, and in which the collection made by the State Mining Bureau may be maintained and exhibited: but said lease shall be upon the express condition that ho fee shall ever be charged for admission to said building. Works of Art Must Be Approved by Commissioners. Commissioners to Pass Upon Public Structures. Monuments. Sec. 10. Hereafter no work of art shall become the property of the City and County by purchase, gift or otherwise, unless such work of art or design of the same, together with a statement of the proposed location of such work of art, shall first have been sub- mitted to and approved by the Commissioners ; nor shall such work of art, until so approved, be erected or placed in or upon or allowed to extend over or upon, any street, avenue, square, park, municipal building or other public place belonging to the City and County. The Board may require a complete model of the proposed work of art to be submitted. The term "work of art" as used in this Sec- tion shall apply to and include all paintings, mural decorations, stained glass, statues, bas-reliefs or other sculptures, monuments, fountains, arches or other structures of a permanent character, intended for ornament or commemoration. No existing work of art 208 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. in the possession of the City and County shall be removed, relocated or altered in any way without the similar approval of the Board. When so requested by the Mayor, or the Supervisors, or the Board of Public Works, or the Board of Education, the Board of Park Commissioners shall act in a similar capacity, with similar powers, in respect of the designs of municipal buildings, bridges, approaches, gates, fences, lamps or other structures erected or to be erected upon land belonging to the City and County, and in respect of the lines, grades and plotting of public ways and grounds, and in respect of arches, bridges, structures and approaches which are the property of any corporation or private individual, and which shall extend over or upon any street, avenue, highway, park or public place belonging to the City and County. This Section shall not be so construed as to impair the powers of the Park Commissioners to refuse their consent to the erection or acceptance of public monuments or memorials or other works of art of any sort within any park, square or public place in the City and County. Tax for Park Purposes. Limits. Sec 11. The Supervisors . shall provide all necessary money for the maintenance, preservation and improvement of said parks, squares, avenues and grounds, and to that end shall annually levy a tax on all property in the City and County not exempt from taxation, which shall not be less than five cents nor more than seven cents upon each one hundred dollars assessed valuation of said property. IViuseum Building in Golden Gate Park. Sec. 12. The California Academy of Sciences, an institution for the advancement of science and maintenance of a free museum, duly incorporated under the laws of the State of California, is hereby granted permission to erect and maintain in Golden Gate Park a museum building, consisting of one or more structures, as it may find necessary for the purposes contemplated, which said building is to become the property of the City and County of San Francisco, but to be used exclusively thereafter by the said California Academy of Sciences, under such proper rules and regulations as it may prescribe, as a free museum, open to the public, and for admission to which no admission fee shall ever be charged. The plans for the proposed museum building and any addition thereto must be approved by the Board of Park Commis- sioners, and said Board of Park Commissioners is hereby author- ized and directed to set apart such portion of Golden Gate Park, convenient to public access and satisfactory to said California Academy of Sciences, as may be necessary for said building, suf- ficient grounds being allotted to secure the safety of the same from fire. — New Section added by amendment November 15, 1910; approved by the Legislature February 17, 1911 (Statutes, 1911, page 1661). Article XIV, Park Commissioners. 209 Temporary Use of Lobos Square for Exposition. Sec. 13. Notwithstanding anything in this Article contained, the Board of Park Commissioners are hereby authorized and directed to transfer to the Panama-Pacific International Exposition Company (a corporation organized under the laws of the State of California March 22, 1910), the exclusive possession, use, man- agement and control of Lobos Square, such management, control, possession and use to be for the purposes of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition and to terminate not later than one year after the closing of such exposition. — New section added by amend- ment December 10 y 1912; approved hy the Legislature March 28, 1913 (Statutes, 1913, page 1602). 210 Charter of the City and County of Sa7i Francisco. AETICLE XIV-A. PLAYGROUND COMMISSIONERS. Children's Playgrounds, Management of. Section 1. All children's playgrounds now owned by the City and County, and all children's playgrounds that shall hereafter be acquired by the City and County, and all public recreation centers, other than those located in Golden Gate Park shall be under the management and control of a Board of Commissioners, which shall consist of men and women, and shall be known and des- ignated as the Playground Commissioners. No person shall be appointed such Commissioner who shall not be at the time of his or her appointment a resident of the City and County, and who shall not have been such at least five years prior thereto. Commissioners. Sec. 2. The Commissioners shall be seven in number, five of whom shall be appointed by the Mayor for the term of four years. Three of the members appointed by the Mayor shall be men and two of them shall be women. The President of the Board of Educa- tion shall be ex-officio the sixth member of the Commission, and either the President of the Park Commissioners or the Superin- tendent of Golden Gate Park, as the Park Commissioners in writ- ing may appoint, shall be ex-officio the seventh member. The Park Commissioners may at any time, by resolution served upon the Playground Commissioners, change their ex-officio member of said Commission, provided that such ex-officio member be always either their President or said Superintendent. None of said Commission- ers shall receive any compensation for his or her services. Organization. Rules. Sec. 3. The Commissioners shall organize by electing one of their number President, who shall hold office for one year or until his or her successor is elected, and they may elect a Secre- tary who is not a member of the Board. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The Board shall hold regular meetings at least once in two weeks, and as many special meetings as it may deem proper. The Board shall establish rules and regulations for its govern- ment and for the performance of its duties, and for the conduct of its officers and employees, and shall require adequate bonds from all its officers and employees, except laborers, for the faithful per- formance of their duties^ and in such sums as may be fixed by it, such bonds shall be approved by the Mayor and filed in the office of the Auditor. Rules and Regulations. Sec. 4. The Commissioners shall adopt rules and regulations for the government of the aforesaid playgrounds not inconsistent with the ordinances of the City and County of San Francisco, the laws of the State of California or with this Charter. Article XIV -A, Playground Commissioners. 211 Powers of Commissioners. Sec. 5. The Commissioners shall have complete and exclusive control, management and direction of the aforesaid playgrounds and recreation centers, and the exclusive right to erect and to super- intend the erection of buildings and structures thereon, and to that end they may employ superintendents, surveyors, engineers, laborers and other employees and assistants and prescribe and fix their duties, authority and compensation. They shall have the exclusive management and disbursement of all funds legally appro- priated or received from any source for the support and equipment of the aforesaid playgrounds and recreation centers, provided, that such management of any real or personal property or moneys acquired by loan, gift, devise or bequest, is not inconsistent with the terms and conditions of the loan, gift, devise, or bequest. The Commissioners may purchase in the name of the City and County of San Francisco lands to be used as children's playgrounds and recreation centers, with any moneys legally appropriated for such purpose or acquired by gift, legacy or bequest for such purpose. May Receive Donations. Sec. 6. The Board may receive donations from persons and corporations, Tind legacies and bequests for the purchase, improve- ment and equipment of playgrounds and recreation centers. All moneys that may be derived from such donations, legacies and bequests shall, unless otherwise provided by the terms of such gift, donation, legacy or bequest, be deposited in the treasury of the City and County to the account of the Playground Fund of the General Fund. The same may be withdrawn therefrom and paid out in the same manner as is provided for the pay- ment of moneys legally appropriated for the support and improve- ment of such playgrounds and recreation centers. If such moneys shall at any time exceed in amount the sum necessary for imme- diate expenditure on said playgrounds or recreation centers the Board may invest all or part of the same in interest-bearing bonds of the United States, of the State of California or of any munici- pality therein. Police Detail. Sec. 7. The Chief of Police shall on request of the Commis- sioners detail such members of the Police Force of the City and County for service in said playgrounds and recreation centers as may be necessary for the enforcement of the law and the city ordinances and the proper observance of the rules and regula- tions of the Commissioners. Supervisors May Set Aside Other Lands. Sec. 8. The Supervisors shall have the power to set apart either absolutely or for a definite period of time, any land not improved with any public buildings belonging to the City and County other than land under the exclusive control and management of the Park Commissioners, and land acquired by the issue of bonds for other 212 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. specific purpose, for use as children's playgrounds and recreation centers, and the same shall, when so set apart for such use, be under the exclusive control and management of the Playground Com- missioners. Park Commissioners May Set Apart Other Parks. Sec. 9. The Park Commissioners shall have power to set apart either absolutely or for a definite period of time such parks and squares or portions thereof as they may see proper, other than Golden Gate Park and the Mission Park, for use as children's playgrounds and recreation centers, and the same shall, when so set apart for such use, be, to the extent of that use, under the exclusive control and management of the Playground Commissioners. Appropriation for Support. Sec. 10. The Supervisors shall, for the purchase, development, equipment and maintenance of the aforesaid playgrounds and recreation centers, annually appropriate to the Playground Com- missioners at the time of making the Budget such amount as may in their judgment be necessary or proper, and the funds so appro- priated shall be credited to the Playground Fund of the General Fund, and the Playground Commissioners shall have the exclusive management and disbursement of the same. The Secretary shall keep a full account of all property, money, receipts and expenditures and a record of all proceedings of the Commissioners. The votes of all its members shall be recorded in the minutes with the ayes and noes. Article XIV- A added as an amendment November 5, 1907; approved hy the Legislature November 22, 1907 (Statutes Special Session, 1907, page 56). Article XV, Bonds of Officials. 213 AETICLE XV. BONDS OF OFFICIALS. Officers to Give Bonds. Approval by Mayor and Auditor. Section 1. Officers of the City and County, before entering upon the discharge of their official duties, shall respectively give and execute to the City and County such official bonds as may be required by law, ordinance, or this Charter. When the amount of any bond is not fixed by law or by this Charter, it shall be fixed by an ordinance of the Supervisors. All bonds, excepting those of the IMayor and Auditor, must be approved by the Mayor and Auditor; the bond of the Mayor must be approved by the Auditor, and the bond of the Auditor must be approved by the Mayor. The approval of every official bond must be indorsed thereon, and signed by the officers approving the same, after examination of the sureties, as hereinafter provided. Upon the approval of a bond it must be recorded, at the expense of the party giving the bond, in the office of the Recorder, in a book kept for that purpose, entitled Record of Official Bonds. The bond of the Auditor shall be filed and kept in the office of the County Clerk. The bonds of all other officers shall be filed and kept in the office of the Auditor. Bonds of City and County Officers. Premium for Bonds. Sec. 2. The following officers shall respectively execute official bonds to the City and County, with sureties, in the following sums : Mayor, twenty-five thousand dollars ; Auditor, fifty thousand dol- lars; Treasurer, two hundred thousand dollars; Tax Collector, one hundred thousand dollars ; Assessor, fifty thousand dollars ; County Clerk, fifty thousand dollars; Recorder, ten thousand dollars; Sheriff, fifty thousand dollars ; Coroner, ten thousand dollars ; City Attorney, ten thousand dollars; District Attorney, ten thousand dollars; Public Administrator, fifty thousand dollars; Superinten- dent of Public Schools, five thousand dollars ; each Commissioner of Public Works, twenty-five thousand dollars; Clerk of the Super- visors, ten thousand dollars ; each Supervisor, five thousand dollars ; each School Director, five thousand dollars; each Fire Commis- sioner, ten thousand dollars; each Police Commissioner, five thou- sand dollars; each Election Commissioner, ten thousand dollars; the Property Clerk of the Police Department, ten thousand dollars ; the Warrant and Bond Clerk, ten thousand dollars. In all cases of elective officers, officers appointed by the Mayor, and officers whose bonds are fixed by the Charter, the premium or charge for such bond shall be paid by the City and County; provided, hoicever, that no premium or charge shall exceed one- half of one per cent per annum on the amount of such bond. — As amended November 5, 1907; approved hy the Legislature November 23, 1907 (Statutes Special Session, 1907, page 37). 214 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. Bonds Must Contain Certain Conditions. Sureties. Sec. 3. City and County officers shall not be accepted as surety for each other on official bonds. Every bond shall contain a con- dition that the principal will faithfully perform all official duties then, or that may thereafter be, imposed upon or required of him by law, ordinance, or this Charter, and that at the expiration of his term of office he will surrender to his successor all property, books, papers, and documents that may come into his possession as such officer. Such bond must also be executed by two or more sureties who shall each justify in the amount required for said bond ; but when the amount of the bond is more than five thousand dollars, the sureties may become severally liable for portions of not less than twenty-five hundred dollars. When there are more than two sureties, such sureties may justify in an amount which in the aggregate shall equal double the amount of said bond. Qualifications of Sureties. Sec. 4. Every surety upon an official bond, other than lawfully authorized surety companies, must make an affidavit, which shall be endorsed upon such bond, that he is a resident and freeholder in the City and County, and worth in property situated in the City and County, exclusive of incumbrances thereon, double the amount of his undertaking over and above all sums for which he is already liable or in any manner bound, whether as principal, indorser or surety, and whether such prior obligation or liability be conditional or absolute, liquidated or unliquidated, due or to become due. All persons offered as sureties on official bonds may be examined on oath as to their qualifications by the officers whose duty it is to approve the bond. Additional Bond. Sec. 5. When under any of the provisions of this Charter, or of any ordinance, an official bond shall be required from an officer, the Supervisors may, by resolution, require an additional bond, whenever, in the opinion of such board, such bond or any surety thereto becomes insufficient; and such additional bond shall also be required when a surety to a bond shall die or cease to be a resi- dent of the City and County. Liability. Sec. 6. Every officer shall be liable on his official bond for the acts and omissions of his deputies, assistants, clerks, and em- ployees, appointed by him, and of any and each of them, and every official bond shall contain such a condition. Bonds of Deputies and Employees. Sec. 7. Every board, department or officer may require of their deputies, clerks or employees bonds of indemnity with sufficient sureties for the faithful performance of their duties. Article Xy/> Miscellaneous. 215 ARTICLE XVI. MISCELLANEOUS. "City and County" Defined. Section 1. The words ''City and County" whenever they occur in this Charter mean the City and County of San Francisco; and every department, board and officer, wherever either one of them is mentioned in this Charter, means a department, board or officer, as the ease may be, of the City and County of San Francisco. Qualification to Hold Office. Sec. 11/2 . No political, religious or partisan qualification shall hereafter be required for election or appointment to any office under the City and County. The right to hold any office or position shall not be limited by sex. Any provision of this Charter in conflict with this section is hereby repealed. — Neiv section added by amend- meiit, December 10, 1912; approved by the Legislature March 28, 1913 (Statutes, 1913, page 1602). Employees to Be Residents, Except Experts. Sec. 2. All persons appointed to office, position or employment under the City and County must be citizens of the United States, and must, during their respective terms of office or employment actually reside in the City and County, and must have so resided for the period of one year next preceding their appointment; pro- vided, that positions requiring expert or technical training may, by resolution of the Board of Supervisors approved by the Mayor, be exempted from this condition, and there shall be imposed in lieu thereof a certification of training and experience. Appointees whose duties are performed outside the City and County shall not be subject to the requirements of this section. All provisions of the Charter in conflict w^ith this section are hereby repealed. — As amended December 10, 1912; approved by the Legislature March 28, 1913 (Statutes, 1913, page 1602). No Absence From the State. Sec. 3. No officer of the City and County, except members of the Police Department acting under orders of the Chief thereof, shall absent himself from the State, except by permission of the ^layor and the Board of Supervisors. Violation of this section shall be sufficient cause for the removal of any offi- cer violating the same. — ^5 amended November 15, 1910; approved by the Legislature February 17, 1911 (Statutes, 1911, page 1661). No One Shall Hold Two Salaried Offices. Sec. 4. Any person holding a salaried office under the City and County, whether by election or appointment, who shall, during his term of office, hold or retain any other salaried office under the government of the United States, or of this State, or who shall 216 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. hold any other salaried office connected with the government of the City and County, or who shall become a member of the Legis- lature, shall be deemed to have thereby vacated the office held by him under the City and County. Limit of Subordinates and Supplies. Sec. 5. No department, board or officer shall, under any cir- cumstances, employ more subordinates than are specifically pro- vided for in this Charter or buy supplies beyond the sum furnished therefor by the Supervisors. Shall Not Be Interested in Contracts or Supplies or Property of the City. Sec. 6. No Supervisor and no officer or employee of the City and County, shall be or become, directly or indirectly, interested in, or in the performance of, any contract, work, or business, or in the sale of any article, the expense, price or consideration of which is payable from the treasury ; or in the purchase or lease of any real estate or other property belonging to, or taken by, the City and County, or which shall be sold for taxes or assessments, or by virtue of legal process at the suit of the City and County. If any person in this section designated shall, during the time for which he was elected or appointed, acquire an interest in any contract with, or work done for, the City and County, or any department or officer thereof, or in any franchise, right or privi- lege granted by the City and County, unless the same shall be devolved upon him by law, he shall forfeit his office, and be for- ever after debarred, and disqualified from being elected, appointed or employed in the service of the City and County; and all such contracts shall be void, and shall not be enforceable against the City and County. Promises or Valuable Consideration Prohibited. Sec. 7. No officer or employee of the City and County shall give or promise to give to any other person, any portion of his compensation, or any money, or valuable thing, in consideration of having been, or of being, nominated, appointed, voted for, or elected to, any office or employment; and if any such promise or gift be made, the person making such gift or promise shall forfeit his office and employment, and be forever debarred and disquali- fied from being elected, appointed or employed in the service of the City and County. Bribing Prohibited. Sec. 8. Any officer of the City and County who shall, while in office, accept any donation or gratuity in money, or other valuable thing, either directly or indirectly, from any subordinate or em- ployee, or from any candidate or applicant for any position as employee or subordinate under him, shall forfeit his office, and be forever debarred and disqualified from holding any position in the service of the City and County. Artticle XVl^ Miscellaneous. 217 Annual Reports. Sec. 9. Every department, board and commission provided for in this Charter, except the Supervisors, shall render to the Mayor within one month after the end of each fiscal year a full report of all the operations of such department or board or commission for such year. Vacancies Defined. Sec. 10. An office becomes vacant when the incumbent thereof dies, resigns, is adjudged insane, convicted of felony, or of an offense involving a violation of his official duties, or is removed from office, or ceases to be a resident of the City and County, or neglects to qualify within the time prescribed by law, or within twenty days after his election or appointment, or shall have been absent from the State without leave for more than sixty consecu- tive days. Liability for Illegal Payments. Sec. 11. Every officer who shall approve, allow or pay any demand on the treasury not authorized by law, ordinance or this Charter, shall be liable to the City and County individually and on his official bond for the amount of the demand so illegally approved, allowed or paid. Custody of Records. Sec. 12. The departments, boards, commissioners and officers provided for in this Charter shall be entitled to the possession of all papers, books, documents, maps, plats, records and archives in the possession or under the control of those respectively who are superseded in office under this Charter by such department, boards, commissioners and officers. Books and Records Open to Inspection. Sec. 13. All books and records of every office and department shall be open to the inspection of any citizen at any time during business hours. Certified copies or extracts from said books and records shall be given by the officer having the same in custody to any person demanding the same, and paying or tendering ten cents a folio of one hundred words for such copies or extracts; but the records of the Police Department shall not be subject to such inspection except permission be given by the Police Commis- sioners or by the Chief of Police. Office Hours. Sec. 14. The Treasurer shall keep his office open for business every day, except legal holidays, from nine o'clock in the forenoon until four o'clock in the afternoon. Except wherp otherwise pro- vided for by law, or by this Charter, all other public offices shall be kept open for business every day, except legal holidays, from half-past eight o'clock in the forenoon until five o'clock in the afternoon ; and, in addition thereto, from the first day of Novem- ber until the last Monday of December in each year the office of 218 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. the Tax Collector shall be kept open until nine o'clock in the evening. Disqualifications. Sec. 15. No person shall be eligible to or hold any office, or be clerk or deputy in any office or department, who has been found guilty of malfeasance in office, bribery or other infamous crime, or who in any capacity has embezzled public funds. Fiscal Year. Sec. 16. The fiscal year mentioned in this Charter shall com- mence on the first day of July and end on the thirtieth day of June following. All Moneys to Be Paid to Treasurer. Sec. 17. All moneys, assessments and taxes belonging to or collected for the use of the City and County, coming into the hands of any officer of the City and County, shall immediately be deposited with the Treasurer for the benefit of the funds to which they respectively belong. If such officer for twenty-four hours after receiving the same shall delay or neglect to make such deposit, he shall be deemed guilty of misconduct in office and may be removed. Suspensions and Removals. Sec. 18. Any elected officer, except Supervisor, may be sus- pended by the Mayor and removed by the Supervisors for cause ; and any appointed officer may be removed by the Mayor for cause. The Mayor shall appoint somie person to discharge the duties of the office during the period of such suspension. Procedure After Suspension of Elected Officer. Sec. 19. "When the Mayor shall suspend any elected officer he shall immediately notify the Supervisors of such suspension and the cause therefor. If the Board is not in session, he shall imme- diately call a session of the same in such manner as shall be pro- vided by. ordinance. The Mayor shall present written charges against such suspended officer to the Board and furnish a copy of the same to said officer, who shall have the right to appear with counsel before the Board in his defense. If by an affirmative vote of not less than fourteen members of the Board of Supervisors, taken by ayes and noes and entered on its record, the action of the Mayor is approved, then the suspended officer shall thereby be removed from office ; but if the action of the Mayor is not so approved such suspended officer shall be immediately reinstated. Removal of Appointed Officer by the Mayor. Sec. 20. "When the Mayor shall remove an appointed officer from office, he shall immediately notify the Board of Supervisors of such removal, and furnish it a statement of the cause therefor, which statement shall be entered in the record of its proceedings. Removal of Appointed Deputies or Employees. Sec. 21. Unless otherwise provided by law or by this Charter, any officer, board or department authorized to appoint any dep- Article XVI, Miscellaneous. 219 uty, clerk, assistant or employee, shall have the right to remove any person so appointed. Appointments to Be in Writing in Duplicate. Sec. 22. All appointments of officers, deputies and clerks to be made under any provision of this Charter must be made in writing and in duplicate, authenticated by the person or persons, board or officer making the same. One of such duplicates must be filed with the Secretary of the Civil Service Commission and the other with the Auditor. Classification by Lot to Be Recorded and Filed. Sec. 23. Whenever it is provided in this Charter that the mem- bers of any board, department or commission shall so classify themselves by lot that their terms of office shall expire at different times, such members shall, on the day of making such classifica- tion, cause the same to be entered in the records of their proceed- ings, and a copy thereof, certified by the Secretary thereof and signed by all of said members, shall be filed with the Clerk of the Supervisors. In every case such classification must be made at the first meeting of the Board. Powers of Officers and Boards to Administer Oaths, Issue Subpoenas and Hear Testimony. Sec. 24. Every officer and every member of any board or com- mittee provided for in this Charter shall have the power to admin- ister oaths and affirmations, and every such board, officer or com- mittee shall have the power to issue subpoenas, to compel by sub- poena the production of books, papers and documents, and to take and hear testimony concerning any matter or thing pending before any such board, officer or committee. If any person so subpoenaed neglect or refuse to appear, or to produce any book, paper or document, as required by such subpoena, or shall refuse to testify before any such board, officer or committee, or to answer any question which any officer or a majority of such board or com- mittee shall decide to be proper or pertinent, he shall be deemed in contempt, and any such board, officer or committee shall have power to take the proceedings in that behalf provided by the gen- eral laws of this State. The Chief of Police must, on request of such officer or of any member of any such board or committee, detail a police officer or officers to serve such subpoenas. Official Newspaper. Sec. 25. All publications provided for in this Charter must be made in the official newspaper only. Franchises Not in Use Forfeited. Sec. 26. All franchises and privileges heretofore granted by the City and County which are not in actual use or enjoyment, or which the grantees thereof have not in good faith commenced to exercise, are hereby declared forfeited and of no validity, unless said grantees or their assigns shall, within six months after this 220 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. Charter takes effect, in good faith commence the exercise and enjoyment of such privilege or franchise. Ordinances Repealed. Sec. 27. All ordinances or resolutions for the improvement of any street for which no contract shall have been entered into at the time this Charter takes effect are hereby repealed. Ordinances Continued. Sec. 28. All ordinances, orders and resolutions of the Super- visors of the City and County in force at the time this Charter takes effect, and not inconsistent therewith, shall continue in force until amended or repealed. Bonded Indebtedness, How Incurred. Disposition of Proceeds of Sale of Bonds. Sec. 29. When the Supervisors shall determine that the public interest requires the acquisition of any land or lands or the con- struction or acquisition of any permanent building or buildings, improvement or improvements the cost of which, in addition to the other expenses of the City and County will exceed the income and revenue provided for" the City and County for any one year, they must, by ordinance, submit a proposition or propositions to incur a bonded indebtedness for such purpose or purposes to the electors of the City and County at a special election to be held for that purpose only. All provisions of this Charter, as the same shall read at the time of submitting such propositions to the electors, providing for the acquisition of public utilities, so far as the same are applicable, shall apply to the manner of submitting such proposition or propositions, to the issuance, character and reg- istration of said bonds and to the time when, and the kind of money in which said bonded indebtedness shall be payable. The proceeds of any sale of bonds shall be placed in the treas- ury to the credit of the proper fund and shall be applied exclu- sively to the purposes and objects mentioned in the ordinance authorizing their issuance until such objects are fully accom- plished, after which, if any surplus remains, such surplus may be transferred to the general fund, except that if such fund exceeds the sum of two thousand dollars then such surplus and the whole thereof shall be transferred to the appropriate fund or funds to pay the interest and maintain the sinldng fund or provide for the retirement of the bonded indebtedness in connection wdth which such surplus remains. — As amended November 5, 1907 ; a^pproved hy the Legislature November 22, 1907 (Statutes Special Session, 1907, page 17). Bonds for Street and Other Public Work. Revolving Fund. Sec. 291/^. A municipal indebtedness may be incurred and bonds may be authorized to be issued therefor by the voters for the purpose of facilitating the performance of street or any other kind of public work, or opening of streets, or acquisition of prop- Article XVI, Miscellaneous. 221 erty for any of the aforesaid purposes, the cost of which is to be assessed upon private property benefited thereby; provided, that said cost shall in the aggregate exceed the sum of five hundred thousand dollars. To authorize such indebtedness the Supervis- ors shall adopt a resolution declaring the necessity therefor and at an}^ time thereafter may call an election for the purpose of sub- mitting to the electors the proposition of authorizing the issuance of bonds and the incurring of the indebtedness. Such election may be held at the same time as any other election, or otherwise, as the Supervisors may determine, but if held at the same time as is a general State or municipal election separate ballots may be used and the paper on which the ballots are printed shall be dis- tinctively different from that used for the election of officers. The principal and interest on such bonds may be paid from the fund herein provided for or as other bonds of the City and County are redeemed and paid in the discretion of the Supervisors. The full faith and credit of the City and County shall be pledged for the punctual payment of the principal and interest. Such indebted- ness shall be no part of the debt limited by Section 9 of Article XII of the Charter. The maximum rate of interest shall not exceed five per centum per annum and the principal shall be pay- able at any time after ten years and within twenty years from their date, as may be determined by the Board of Supervisors. If more than two-thirds of the voters voting at such election shall vote in favor of the incurring of the indebtedness, then such bonds may be issued as herein provided. The bonds so authorized shall be sold in such amounts and at such times as the Supervisors may direct and the proceeds arising from such sale shall be placed in a special fund known as the public work revolving fund. Thp moneys in such fund shall be used to pay the cost of any public improvement, the cost of which (or any portion thereof) has been or may be assessed against private property benefited thereby, or may be used to pay the principal or interest on the bonds issued as herein provided. All sums paid on account of such assessment shall be placed to the credit of such fund. Interest shall be charged on all such assessments at the rate of six per centum per annum, from the date of the acceptance of the work for the payment of which the assessments were imposed. Such assessments when exceed- ing $25 may be paid in not more than ten annual installments. The Supervisors shall, by proper legislation provide for carrying into effect the provisions of this section. — New section added hy amend- ment December 10, 1912; approved hy the Legislature March 28, 1913 (Statutes, 1913, page 1602). Bonds May Be Issued for Exposition. Sec. 29a. 1. The Supervisors are hereby empowered and directed, without further authority, to incur a bonded indebted- ness, of the City and County, in an amount of five million dollars, and to issue municipal bonds therefor, the proceeds of said bonds to be granted and turned over to the Panama-Pacific International 222 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. Exposition Company (a corporation organized under the laws of the State of California March 22, 1910), to be used and disbursed by said exposition company for the purposes of an international exposition to be held in the City and County of San Francisco to celebrate the completion of the Panama Canal. 2. The bonds issued under the provisions of this section shall be in such form as the Supervisors in the ordinance providing for such bonded indebtedness shall determine ; provided that such bonds shall be issued, sold, redeemed, registered and converted in accord- ance with the provisions of Sections 10, 11, 12 and 13, of Article XII of the Charter, as they now read, so far as said Sections are applicable. 3. The proceeds of any sale of such bonds shall be payable immediately by the Treasurer of the City and County to the Treasurer of said Panama-Pacific International Exposition Com- pany, upon the demand of such Treasurer of said exposition company, without the necessity of the approval of such demand by the Auditor of the City and County, or other authority, the same to be used and disbursed by said Panama- Pacific International Exposition Company for the purposes of of such exposition. — New section added hy amendment November 15, 1910; approved hy the Legislature February 17, 1911 (Statutes, 1911, page 1661). Duties of Subordinates. Sec. 30. Every assistant deputy or other subordinate of any board, department or officer, shall discharge any of the duties per- taining to such department, -board or office as his chief may assign him to. Ineligibility to Office. Sec, 31. No member of the Board of Police Commissioners and no member of the Board of Fire Commissioners shall be eligible to any elective office while he is a member of such Board, or for one year thereafter. Members of the Police or Fire Departments Not to Participate in Politics or Conventions. Sec. 32. No member of the Board of Police Commissioners and no member of the Board of Fire Commissioners, and no officer, sub- ordinate or employee of the Police Department or of the Fire Department, shall be a member of any partisan convention the pur- pose of which is to nominate candidates for office; nor shall either of them directly or indirectly electioneer, by soliciting votes or otherwise, for or against any candidate for office at any election, or for or against any candidate for nomination before any political convention, or for or against any candidate or delegate to such con- vention at any primary election ; nor shall either of them be a mem- ber of any committee, club, or organization, the purpose of which is to nominate or endorse candidates for office at any election ; nor in Article XVI, Miscellaneous. 223 auy way attempt to influence or control such committee, club or organization, while nominating or endorsing said candidates; nor take any part in the control, management or distribution of the political patronage of any public ofi&cer; nor shall any member of either of said Boards, or any officer, subordinate or employee of either of said departments directly or indirectly attempt to control or in any manner influence the action of any officer, subordinate or employee of either of said departments at any general, special or primary election. And no officer, subordinate or employee of either of said departments shall levy, collect or pay any amount of money as an assessment or contribution for political purposes. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be removed forthwith from his office or employment. If the violation be by a member of either of said Boards the Mayor must remove such member ; and if by an officer, employee or subordinate of either of said departments, then the Board whose officer, employee or sub- ordinate has been guilty of such violation, must remove such officer, employee or subordinate ; and if such Board fail or refuse to make such removal, then the Mayor must remove all members of the Board who have so failed or refused. Pay for Actual Service. Sec. 33. No deputy, clerk or other employee of the City and County shall be paid for a greater time than that covered by his actual service. Salaries Full Compensation. Sec. 34. The salaries provided in this Charter shall be in full compensation for all services rendered, and every officer shall pay all moneys coming into his hands as such officer, no matter from what source derived or received, into the treasury of the City and County within twenty-four hours after receipt of the same. Additional Clerks or Employees. Sec. 35. When any officer, board or department shall require additional deputies, clerks or employees, application shall be made to the Mayor therefor, and upon such application the ^layor shall make investigation as to the necessity for such additional assist- ance; and if he find the same necessary he may recommend to the Supervisors to authorize the appointment of such additional depu- ties, clerks or employees; and thereupon the Supervisors, by an affirmative vote of not less than fourteen members, may authorize such appointments and provide for the compensation of such ap- pointees, subject to the limitations contained in this Charter, and subject to the provisions of Article XIII thereof. First Appointments by Mayor. Beginning and Expiration of Terms of Office. Sec. 36. At any time between the first day of December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, and the first day of January, in the year nineteen hundred, the person, who, at the election held under this Charter in the month of November next preceding, has been elected the Mayor of the City and County, 224 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. shall make all the appointments provided by this Charter to be made by him, and all the persons so appointed shall thereupon qualify as in this Charter provided, and shall take office at the hour of noon on the first Monday after the first day of January in the year nineteen hundred, and all boards, commissions and officers of the City and County holding by appointment under existing laws shall hold office no longer than said last aforesaid time. Balances in the Several Funds to Be Transferred' to Their Successive Funds Under the Charter. Sec. 37. The balance remaining in the School Fund at the time this Charter takes effect shall forthwith be transferred to the Common School Fund created by this Charter. The balance remaining in the Library Fund at the time this Charter takes effect shall forthwith be transferred to the Library Fund created by this Charter. The balance remaining in the Park Improve- ment Fund at the time this Charter takes effect shall forthwith be transferred to the Park Fund created by this Charter. The balance remaining in the Unapportioned Fee Fund at the time this Charter takes effect shall forthwith be transferred to the Unapportioned Fee Fund created by this Charter. The balance remaining in the Police Relief and Pension Fund at the time this Charter takes effect shall forthwith be transferred to the Police Relief and Pension Fund created by this Charter. The balance remaining in the Surplus Fund at the time this Charter takes effect shall forthwith be transferred to the Surplus Fund created by this Charter. The balance remaining in the Special Deposit Fund at the time this Charter takes effect shall forthwith be transferred to the Special Deposit Fund created by this Charter. The balance remaining in the General Fund at the time this Charter takes effect, the balance remaining in the Street Light Fund at the time this Charter takes effect, the balance remaining in the Street Department Fund at the time this Charter takes effect, the balance remaining in the Police Contingent Fund at the time this Charter takes effect, the balance remaining in the Pound Fee Fund at the time this Charter takes effect, and the balance remaining in the Special Fee Fund at the time this Char- ter takes effect, shall each and every of them be forthwith trans- ferred to the General Fund created by this Charter. Out of the said General Fund shall be paid, as in this section herein- after provided, all the expenses of the various departments of the City and County, except such expenses as are by this Charter to be paid out of the Funds specifically provided for the payment of such expenses. For the six months ending on the thirtieth day of June, in the year nineteen hundred, each and every of said departments shall expend the moneys set apart to each of them by the Board of Supervisors of the existing municipality. So much of said moneys set apart by said Board of Supervisors to the Superintendent of Public Streets, Highways and Squares for the fiscal year ending on said thirtieth day of June, in the year nineteen hundred, as shall remain unexpended at the time \ Article XVI, Miscellaneous. 225 this Cliarter takes effect, shall be expended during said six months by the Board of Public Works in the operations of the department committed to its cliarge. All the expenses of the City and County which are not to be paid out of specific funds shall be paid during said six months out of the General Fund. Should the moneys set apart by the Board of Supervisors of the existing municipality to any department of the City and County become or be exhausted at any time during said six months, or should any department created by this Charter have no money specifically provided for it during said six months, then in each such case the expenses thereof shall be paid out of the General Fund, notwithstanding anything contained in Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 1 of Article III of this Charter. Such pensions as may accrue to firemen under Article IX of this Charter during said six months shall be paid out of the General Fund. The existing municipality mentioned in this section is the existing municipality of the City and County of San Francisco, and the several funds which are to be transferred as in this section provided are funds of said existing municipality. All the funds of said existing municipality not mentioned in this section, and which are author- ized by law, shall be continued in the treasury until the necessity for their continuance ceases. Balances of Unnecessary Funds. Sec. 38. When the necessity for maintaining any Fund of the City and County in existence at the time this Charter takes effect has ceased to exist, and a balance remains in such Fund, the Super- visors shall so declare by ordinance, and upon such declaration such balance shall be forthwith transferred to the General Fund. Terms of Officers. Sec. 3Sa. The term of office of the Mayor, County Clerk, Auditor, District Attorney, Sheriff, Coroner and nine of the eighteen Supervisors shall be four years, commencing January 8, 1912, and the term of office of the Tax Collector, Recorder, City Attorney, Public Administrator, Treasurer and nine of the eight- een Supervisors shall be two years until the eighth day of January, 1914, and thereafter shall be four years. Thereafter all the terms of the officers herein named shall be four years. The nine Supervisors receiving the hisrhesl number of votes at the municipal election held in 1911 shall be the Super- visors whose terms shall be four years from January 8, 1912, and the terms of the nine Supervisors receiving the next highest num- ber of votes at said municipal election shall be two years from January 8. 1912: provided that if it should be impossible to deter- mine the highest number of votes by reason of others having received the same number of votes, then those so tied shall choose by lot the four-year term. At each general municipal election officers shall only be chosen to succeed those whose terms expire in the month of January next following. The provisions of this sec- tion shall be deemed to be amendatory of all other provisions in the Charter relating to the terms of the officers herein named, whether 226 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. heretofore existing or contained in sections amended in other respects concurrently with the adoption of this amendment. — New section added hy amendment November 15, 1910; approved by the Legis- lature February 17, 1911 (Statutes, 1911, page 1661). Sec. 41. It is hereby expressly provided that all amendments to the Charter submitted and adopted concurrently herewith that create new positions or change the designation of any officer or employee, or which increases the compensation of any officer or employee, shall not take effect until July 1, 1911.^ — New section added by amendment November 15, 1910; approved by the Legis- lature February 17, 1911 (Statutes, 1911, page 1661). Sec. 42. Except as otherwise provided, all amendments to the Charter submitted and adopted concurrently herewith, or that may be hereafter adopted, that increase the salary of any officer or employee shall not take effect until the end of the fiscal year in which such amendment is ratified by the Legislature of the State of California. — Neiv section added by amendment March 16, 1915 ; approved by the Legislature April 1, 1915 (Statutes, 1915, page 180.) Pensions of Policemen or Firemen Absent in Army or Navy. Sec. 43. Absence of any officer or member of the Police or Fire Departments of the City and County of San Francisco from service in either of said departments caused by reason of the service of such officer or member in the military or naval forces of the United States in any war in which the United States is now or may become en- gaged, shall not be deemed to be such an absence from service in either of said departments as shall break the continuity of service required of such officer or member to entitle him to a pension as pro- vided in this Charter, but the period of such absence in such military or naval service shall not be deemed service in either of said depart- ments. — Neiv section added by amendment November 5, 1918; ap- proved by the Legislature January 17, 1919 (Statutes, 1919). SCHEDULE. Publication of Charter, and Ratification at Special Election. This Charter shall be published for twenty days in The San Fran- cisco Call and in the Daily Report, daily newspapers of general circulation in the City and County of San Francisco, and after such publication, viz. : on Thursday, the twenty-sixth day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, it shall be submitted to the qualified electors of said City and County of San Francisco, at a special election which shall be held on that day, for the sole purpose of voting upon the adoption of the same ; and if a majority of the qualified electors of said City and County vot- ing at said election shall ratify the same it shall be submitted to the Legislature of the State of California for its approval or rejection. If the Legislature shall approve the same, it shall take effect and be in force, except as hereinafter otherwise provided, on and after the hour of noon on the first Monday after the first day of January, in the year nineteen hundred, and shall thereupon become the Charter Article XVI, Schedule. 227 and organic law of the City and County of San Francisco, and shall supersede the existing Charter of said City and County, and ail amendments thereof, and all laws inconsistent with this Charter. The form of ballots at said election shall be as follows : For the New Charter, YES. For the New Charter, NO. For the sole purpose of the election of the oflficers directed in this Charter to be elected by the people, this Charter shall take effect on and after its approval by the Legislature, and the election of such officers shall be managed, conducted and controlled by the Board of Election Commissioners in and for said City and County in office at the time of such election. And for the sole other purpose of the Mayor elected under this Charter making the appointments provided in this Charter to be made by him, and of the qualification of the persons so appointed, this Charter shall take effect on the first day of December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine. Be It Known, That the City and County of San Francisco, con- taining a population of more than two hundred thousand inhabi- tants, on the twenty-seventh day of December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, and under and in ac- cordance with the provisions of Section 8, of Article XI, of the Constitution of this State, did elect the undersigned a Board of Fifteen Freeholders, to prepare and propose a Charter for said City arid County; and we, the members of said Board, in pur- suance of such provisions of the Constitution, and within a period of ninety days after such election, have prepared and do propose the foregoing, signed in duplicate, as and for the Charter for said r'ity and County of San Francisco. In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands in dupli- cate, this twenty-fifth day of March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight. JOSEPH BRITTON, President, JEROME A. ANDERSON, JAMES BUTLER, H. N. CLEMENT, A. COMTE, Jr. ALFRED CRIDGE, L. R. ELLERT, TSIDOR GUTTE, P. II. McCART?IY, JOHN NIGHTINGALE, Jr. JOHN C. NOBMANN, JOSEPH O'CONNOR, LIPPMANN SACHS, EDWARD R. TAYI.OR, A. W. THO^rPSON. Attest: J. RTCIT'D FREUD, Sfcrciary. 228 Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. City and County of San Francisco. State of California, This is to certify that we, James D. Phelan, Mayor of the City and County of San Francisco, and Thomas J. Glynn, County Recorder of said City and County, have compared the foregoing proposed and ratified Charter with the duplicates mentioned there- in, and find that the same is an exact copy thereof ; and we further certify that the facts set forth in the preamble preceding said Charter herein are true. Dated, San Francisco, Cal., December thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. JAMES D. PHELAN, Mayor of the City and County of San li^rancisco. THOS. J. GLYNN, County Recorder of the City and County of San Francisco. INDEX ABANDONMENT OF STREETS ABATEMENTS OF NUISANCES ABOLISH, Position ^-.»...„ Unnecessary funds ABSENCE, Chief Engineer, Fire Department Chief of Police Deduction from salary for From State, For more than sixty days creates vacancy When permitted Leave of, Firemen Military service Pension rights, policemen or firemen on military service Sunervisors from meetings ABUSE OF DISCRETION, by commissioners ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, May erect museum in Golden Gate Park Steinhart Aquarium ACCEPTANCE, Bids for supplies Board of Public Works, Certificate Of public work Bribe to official from subordinate Defective work prior to, liability Fountains Inferior materials by officer Monuments Paintings Park Commission Progressive payments on contracts before School houses Statues Streets, By ordinance of Supervisors Conditional Entire width of roadway, block or crossing.... Register kept by Board of Public Works Sewer, gas and water pipes to be laid before W^orks of art ACCIDENTS, Claims for damages Employees disabled through ACCOUNTS, Auditor, Custodian of To examine and settle City's money or property, recovery Corporations' books, ^xperting Section or Subdivision Page 27 96 6 9 13 201 38 225 2 152 4 139 6 48 10 217 3 215 2 158 21 203 43 226 3 4 5 156 12 208 43a 15 1 24 16 92 22 77 8 216 5 2 10 207 4 27 10 207 10 207 10 207 21 77 1 132 10 207 23 94 23 94 23 94 23 94 23 94 10 207 8 20 71/^ 197 1 47 10 41 14 43 4 17 230 Index ACCOUNIS (Continued) Subdivision Page Finance Committee, control 3 16 Libraries, Public 5 133 Method of keeping in Auditor's office 3-4 47-48 Playgrounds 10 212 Public Service Corporations, investigating 4 17 Public utilities, how kept 3 194 Stationery supplies 3 27 Storekeeper 32 98 Street Railways, experting 6 19 Treasurer to keep separately 2 50 Uniform system, prescribing 40 14 ACQUISITION, Bond issue 29 2*^0 Excess of actual requirements, land 10 22 Franchise, street railway, purchase 7a 37 Property for public use 12 10 Public Library property 4 133 Public utilities 1-16 186-194 Sewer construction, land for 6 111 Streets, land for opening, &c 1-19 100-109 Subway, tunnel and viaduct construction, land for 2 121 Water supply, land for 15 193 Water works and sources 1 186 (See altso Purchase, Condemnation.) ACTIONS, Attorney's fees in 15 90 Bank, deposit of public funds 2 51 Board of Education 8 126 City and County of S'an Francisco 4 2 City Attorney, Keep register and records 3 59 Prosecute and defend 2 58 Civil service provisions, violation 20 203 Condemnation, Cases having precedence 16 108 Opening, etc., of streets 16 108 Property for public use 12 10 Continuances, Police Court 6 64 Costs, recovery 15 90 Delinquent taxes, collection , 3 55 Dismissals, Police Court 1 64 District Attorney 2 60 Franchises, forfeiture of 3 46 Injuries 5 2 Lien, street assessment 12 88 Materialman, amount unpaid on contract 7 29 New street assessment, enforcing lien 12 88 Paving, railroad tracks 24 95 Police courts 2 60 Police court, rules 3 64 Public libraries 4 133 Recovery, City's money or property 14 43 Public property 4 2 Speedy trial 6 64 Street assessments 15 90 Street assessments 17 9^, Streets, excavation, lien 9 72 ACTS, Initiative of the people 1-16 174-180 Of emjiloyees, officers liable for • 6 214 Index 231 ACTUAL SERVICE, payment only : ADDITIONAL, Assistants, employment of Bonds of officials Clerks, Supervisors Employees, procedure Initiative petition, signatures to ADOPTION, Ordinance, etc., by people Resolutions ADULTS, evening schools ADVERTISING, Amended bill of resolutions, five days Affidavit of publisher of official newspaper Appeal from street assessment, five days Award of contract, public work, five days Bidder to pay Bids, new, for Bills and resolutions Bonds, Election Redemption of, thirty days Sale of Change of grade. Notice of assessment Notice, ten days Objections to, five days Charter in two daily newspapers Closing of streets, notice Contracts for public work, five days Cost of, to be collected Daily, legal holidays excepted Delinquent assessments, Change of grade Sale of property Delinquent tax list Fire Department contracts Franchises, street railways Included under incidental expenses Lease of city lands Leasing of school property, notice, sixty days Official, Contracts In official newspaper Uniform rates What consists of Opening of streets, assessments on, ten days Ordinances of Supervisors Park ordinances Personal property, sale of, five days Printing, proposals for, ten days Prohibited, unless authorized Proposals for public work Public utilities, acquiring, ordinance of intention.. Repaving, on change of grade, awards of contract.. Resolutions, before final passage Sale, City and County personal property Lands, notice, three weeks Section or Subdivision Page 33 223 12 42 5 214 1 4 35 223 3 177 1 174 9 5 2 124 13 6 26 96 14 89-90 17 74 9 116 5 27 13 6 8 190 7 37 10 191 12 117 7 115 8 115 220 27 9fi 14 73 14 105 26 96 12 117 14 105 2 26 4 152 6 18 26 96 32 13 11 127 2 25 25 219 2 26 2 26 13 104-105 13 6 5 205 33 13 3 26 2 26 15 73 5 188 9 116 13 6 33 13 9 21 232 Index ADVERTISING (Continued) S^ubdwrsfon Page School Department supplies, ten days 2 128 Stationery supplies 3 26 Streets, Cleaning and sprinkling proposals 29 97 Improvement resolution 3 79 Opening, etc., of, ten days 3 101 Opening, notice to show cause 10 104 Work, notices and resolutions 26 96 Supplies, proposals for, ten days 1 24 Waived in case of urgent necessity 14 73 ADVICE, City Attorney to departments 2 58 District Attorney to certain departments 2 60 AFFIDAVITS, Bid for public work 16 73 Contractor, no private agreement 6 82 Initiative Petition, Denial of signature 3 176-177 Verification of signatures 2 175 Official bonds 4 214 Street work notices 26 96 AFFIRMATIONS, Clerk of Supervisors to administer 7 5 Finance Committee administering 3 17 Officers administering 24 219 AGE, Employee disabled through 714 197 Fire Department members 6 149-150 Pensions, Fire Department 3 155 Police officers 3 135 Retiring on pension 2 144 School directors 1 124 AGREEMENTS, Contractor, no private 6 82 Mayor, supervision of 3 46 Supplies or labor, registering 9 31 ALARM SYSTEM, Central station 6a 206 Fire and police 5 159 ALLEYS, Assessment, street work 5-7 84-85 Defective, liability, damage 5 2 Excavations in, proceedings 9 71 Grade changes 1 112 Included under term "street" 26 95 Opening, extending, widening, etc 1 100 Open public street, defined 1 77 Repairs to prior to acceptance 16 91 Use, control by Supervisors 2 9 ALMSHOUSES 3 160 Establishment, maintenance of 11 10 ALTERATIONS, Bids for supplies 1 25 Works of art 10 208 AMBULANCE SERVICE 3 160 AMENDMENTS, Bills 8 5 Charter, Approval by Legislature 1 Constitutional provisions 22 8 Index 233 AMENDMENTS (Continued) Subd!wsU)'n Page Elections 1 Legislature, approval by, dates 1 Petition for election 22 7-8 Supervisors, majority vote 22 8 When to take effect 41 226 Civil Service classifications 2 196 Complaint, Police Court 4 64 Initiative petition 3 177 Ordinances 10 5 Procedure ?, 122 Street improvement applications 2 78 AMUSEMENT PLACES, police office? detailed to.... 12 148 ANIMALS, Cruelty to, fines 19 11 Running at large, prevention 8 10 ANNUAL, Budget 1-4 30 Reports 9 217 Tax levy 5 31 APPARATUS (See Equipment) APPEALS, Bonds on 5 65 Civil Service Commission against dismissal 12 200 Police Court 2 64 Police Court, service of papers 9 66 Street assessment k 4 81 Street assessment to Supreme Court 12 88 APPLIANCES, Cleaning streets 13 10 Electric, charge of Department of Electricity 6 159 Street sprinkling and cleaning 29 97 APPLICATIONS, Additional deputies, clerks, etc., to Mayor 35 223 Franchise grant 6 18 Pension, Fire Department 3 155 Street improvements 2 77 Street railway franchises 6 18 APPOINTMENTS, Additional employees, when and how 35 223 Arbitrators, franchise purchase 7a 37 Auditor, by 2 47 Bailiffs 2 62 Board of Education 1 124 Board of Health 5 161 Board of Public Works 1 68 By Mayor, All those not otherwise specified 4 46 Under new charter, when to be made 36 223-24 Census marshals 7 126 Certified list, must be made from 10 198 Chief, Department of Electricity 2 159 Chief of Police 1 139 Citizenship requisite 2 215 City Attorney 5 59 City Engineer 11 72 Civil Service, Commissioners 1 195 Employees prior to charter amendment with- out examination 11 199-200 Notice to Commissioners 13 201 Rules 3 196 234 Index Section or APPOINTMENTS (Continued) Subdivision Page Clerk to Supervisors 1 4 Compensation for obtaining, prohibited 7 216 Coroner 2 56 County Clerk 2 61 Department of Electricity 2-3 159 Disqualified official or employee, when 6 216 District Attorney 3 60 Election Commission 1 163 Elections Department 4 164 Emergency 10 198 Finance Committee 3 16 Fire Commissioners 1 149 Fire Marshal 1 153 Geary street railroad employees preferred for lib 200 Health Department 5 161 In writing in duplicate 22 219 Interpreters in Courts 1 58 Jail employees .•—. . 2 62 Janitors, public buildings 4 71 Justices' Court l 1 62 Justices of Peace to act as Police Judges 12 66 Laborers, by priority of application 5 197 Municipal Railway, preference for former em- ployees : lib 200 Park Commission 3 204 Police, Commissioners '. 1 135 Matrons 4 137 Officers 3 135 Surgeon 7 137 Political qualifications not required for 1^/. 215 Public Works Board, heads of departments and employees 13 73 Registrar of Voters 3 164 Residence in city 2 215 San Francisco Hospital 6-9 161 School Directors 1 124 Stealer, weights and measures .-. 1-2 57 Sergeant-at-Arms 1 4 Sex to be disregarded, when 9 198 Sheriff 2 62 Special Police officers 4 137 Storekeeper 32 98 Successors to suspended officers 18 218 Superintendent of Schools 2 129 S'uspension, during period of 18 218 Supervisors' employees 1 4 Teachers 2 125 Temporary, limited to sixty days 10 198-199 Vacancy, Mayor to fill 4 46 Warrant and Bond Clerks 5 65 APPORTIONMENT, Balances to ensuing fiscal year 5 36 Receipts by Auditor 10 41 Taxes : 11 23 APPRAISEMENTS, sale of City lands 9 21 APPROACHES, Approving designs of 10 208 To tunnels, land for 2 122 Index 236 Section or Subdivision Page APPROPRIATIONS, Advertising, official 13 6 Aquarium, public 43 15 Budget 4 31 Cruelty to animals, fines 19 11 Demands to specify 7 48 Elections, special fund 14 180 Exempt firemen, relief 36 13 Firemen's relief fund 7 157 Fourth of July celebration... 18 11 Initiative petition, investigating 3 177 Law Library 1 67 Library purposes, city real estate for 7 134 Mayor's contingent fund 35 13 Memorial Day celebration 18 11 Money to be drawn only by " 6 31 One-Twelfth Limit, Exemptions 9 32 On expenditures from 9 31 Parks 6 205 Playgrounds 10 212 Police Relief and Pension Fund 7 146 Public utility earnings, out of 1 194 Steinhart aquarium 43a 16 Tax levy to meet 5 31 Unexpended Balances, Action by Auditor 10 32 Certificate by Auditor 10 32 Monthly 9 31 Weekly statements 10 32 Urgent necessities fund 8 31 Veto separate items by Mayor 14 6 Warrants drawn only upon unexhausted 7 31 APPROVAL, Amendments to Charter by Legislature 1 Arches 10 207 Auditor's monthly salary 13 42 Bas-reliefs ...1 10 207 Bonds, Board of Public Works 4 68 Franchise bid :. 6 18 Official 1 213 Charter by Legislature 226-227 Common School Fund, demands on 13 42 Demands 19 7 Auditor 3 47 Board of Education 10 127 Civil Service Commission 19 202 Departments, etc 13 42 Salaries 13 42 Supervisors 19 7 Head of department prior to Auditor doing so 4-5 48 Deposit of public funds, security 2 50 Designs 10 208 Fences 10 208 Fountains 10 207 Franchise grant 6 19 Gates 10 208 Illegal demands, penalty 11 217 Lamps 10 208 ^m tndet APPROVAL (Continued) Subdivision Page Lease on city lands 32 IS Memorials 10 207-208 Monuments 10 207 Mural decorations, by Park Commissioners 10 207 Official bonds 1 213 Ordinances by Mayor 16 6 Ornamental structures, etc 10 207 Paintings, by Park Commissioners 10 207 Park employees' bonds 4 205 Pay rolls by Civil Service Commission 19 202 Plans, public buildings 6 71 Requisitions, supplies 3 27 School house plans 1 131 School lot lease il 127 Sculpture 10 207 Statues 10 207 Streets, new : 28 97 Subdivision maps 28 96 Tax limit, suspension of 13 33 Urgent necessities, expenditures for 8 3L Works of art 10 207 AQUARIUM, public 43 15 AQUEDUCTS, water supply, lands for 15 193 ARBITRATORS, franchise; purchase by City 7a 37 ARCHES, approval 10 207 ARGUMENTS, initiative election 10 179 ARMY, Policemen and firemen retain pension rights 43 226 Reinstatement of eligibles drafted into 21 203 ARRESTS, In parks 7 207 Police Court warrants 4 65 Tax collector and deputies 2 54 ART GALLERY, Academy of Sciences 12 208 Gifts to and control over , 6 206 ART, WORKS OF, acceptance and location 10 207 ASSEMBLY DISTRICTS, rotation of names on ballot 11 169 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS, Objections by property owners 4 102 Opening, etc., streets 7 103 Opening, widening, etc., of streets 2 101 Petition, property owners 4 79 Property owners doing street work 19 75 Resolution of intention 2 101 Street grade changes 1 112-113 ASSESSMENT ROLL, Assessor making 2 54 Change of grade , 11 117 Opening, etc., of streets 12 104 ASSESSMENTS, Advertising 13 6 Assessor, charge of 2 54 Books and stationery 3 26 Bridge construction 2 122 Bridges 1-4 121-123 Change of grade 11-17 117-120 Closing, etc., of streets 1-19 100-109 Jndex 237 ASSESSMENTS (Continued) SuMivrsfon Pago Collections, By Board of Public Works 14 105 By Tax Collector 2 54 Deposit daily in treasury 17 218 Deficiency in fund 16 109 Delinquent 13-14 105 Delinquent, change of grade 12 117 Districts (see Assessment Districts) Error not affecting validity 9 103 Fifty per cent of value 8 83 Fund, special 8 107 Interest on 29V. 221 Grade change 5 114 Limitation on 8 83 New. making _ 11 104 Opening, etc., of streets 1-19 100-109 Ordinances levying 13 6 Political purposes, for 32 223 Redemption, property sold on delinquent 1 105 Revolving fund 29^2 221 Roll, assessment 12 104 Sewers and drains 2 83 Sewers on street conditionally accepted 23 94 Streets (see Streets) Subways 1-4 121-123 Supplementary assessment 18 109 Surplus in fund 18 109 Ten-year installment payments 1 100-101 Tunnels 1-4 121-123 Viaducts 1-4 121-123 ASSESSOR, Assess property as prescribed by law 2 54 Ballot, arrangement of office on 10b 168 Election, To office 1 53 When 1 164 Employees, Appointment of 1 54 Extra 1 54 Salaries 1 54 Under civil service and exempt 11 199 Exnenditures. one-twelfth limit on, exempted 9 32 Official bond 2 213 S^alary of 1 54 Sale of city lands, Board of Appraisement 9 21 Term of office 1 53 ASSISTANTS. Chief Engineer, Fire Department 1 158 City Attorney 5 59 Department of Electricity 3 159 District Attorney 3 60 Extra, employment of 12 42 Libraries, Public 3-6 134 ATTENDANCE, Auditor, daily at office 1 47 Fire Marshal, at fires 2 154 Meetings, compelling , 3 4 Schools, compelling 4 125 Treasurer, daily 2 50 238 Index Section or Subdivision Page ATTORNEYS, City Attorney 1 58 District Attorney 1 59 Exemption from civil service 11 199 Fees, recoverable by contractor in street assess- ment action 15 90 Police Court rules ' 64 Police officer's trial 3 142 Special for Auditor 2 47 Special for Sheriff 2 62 Warrant and Bond Clerk 5 65 AUCTION, Lands owned by City 9 21 Unclaimed property 3 143 AUCTIONEERS, Permits 9 138 Supervision of, Chief of Police 7 140 AUDITOR, Absence of employees 6 48 Accountant of City and County 1 47 Accounts, How kept 3-4 47-48 Of officers, adjusting monthly 8-10 41 Action to recover City's money or property 14 43 Appointments, By : 2 47 Filed with 22 219 Approve demands, shall not, when 4 48 At office daily 1 47 Attorney, allowance for snecial '^ ^7 Ballot, arrangement of office on 10b 168 Bonds, Auditor, amount 2 213 Auditor, approval by Mayor 1 213 Board of Public Works 4 68 Official, approval of 1 213 Official, filed with 1 213 Park employees 4 205 Playground employees 3 210 Redemption of 7 37 Budget estimates 1-2 30 Certificate of, on contracts 10 32 Civil service, employees under except chief deputy 11 199 Claimant to be sworn as to claim 6 48 Common school fund, segregation annually for salaries 9 126 Contracts, Endorsement on 10 32 Payments due on 10 32 Counting boards, elections 19 172 Demands, Action in order of registration 8 48 Allowing , 13 42 Drawn by 6 31 Endorsing 7 48 Form of : 39 14 Not allowable, when 5-6 48 Numbering and recording 4 47 On Treasury, must know every 1 47 On Treasury to be audited by 3 47 Judex 239 AUDITOR (Continued) Subdivision Paee Deposits of public funds in banks 2 50 Deputies 2 47 Deputy, chief, appointment, etc 2 47 District Attorney, statements 2 60 Election by people 1 47 Election of. at what time 1 164 Election officers 19 172 Endorse "Allowed" on approved demands 7 48 Extra assistants, payment, demands of 12 42 Extra clerks 2 47 Firemen's Relief fund 8 157 Four-year term 38a 225 Head of Finance Department of City 1 47 Interest rate on deposits in banks 2 50 .Joint custodian of public funds 3 52 Licenses to Tax Collector, delivery 5 55 Mileage fees, examining claims 11 41 Number and .record demands 4 48 Office for two years, hold 1 47 Official bonds, approval of 1 213 Outside of City, payments for work 9 49 Park employees' bonds 4 205 Pay rolls, certification by Civil Service Commis- sion 19 202 Playground employees' bonds 3 210 Police Relief and Pension Fund..: 9 147 Police Relief and Pension Fimd report 13 148 Receipts, Reports on and investigations into 41 Stubs, custody of 5 40 To officers, furnishing blank 5 40 Register of demands, keeping official 8 48 Safe, joint custody 3 52 Salaries, Auditor's 1 47 Auditor's 13 42 Deductions from for absence 6 48 Demands, allowing 13 42 Demands, approval by Civil Service Com- mission before action by 19 202 School Department, Funds 9 126 Salary roll 10 127 Shortage in treasury, not responsible for 3 52 Sickness, chief deputy to represent 3 52 Teachers' salaries 9 126 Treasurer's Monthly report ". 8 41 Receipts 4 53 Treasury, Must know condition of 1 47 State condition of to whom 1 47 Unexpended balances 10 32 Warrants, • Forms in which to be drawn 39 14 To be drawn by 6 31 Withholding money to meet contract payments. ... 10 32 AUDITORIUM, Erection in Civic Center 10 23 Ownership to be vested in municipality 10 23 240 Index Section or Subdivision Page AUXILIARY FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM, Age limit not applying to employees 6 150 Pension benefits not applying to employees 6 150 AVAILABLE SOURCES OF WATER S^UPPLY 1 186 AVENUES, Control of Board of Public Works 1 70 Defective, liability, damages 5 2 Grade changes 1 112 Opening, extending, widening, etc 1 100 Repairs to prior to acceptance 16-17 91-93 Subway, tunnel and viaduct construction 1 121 Works of art 10 207 AWARDS, Bonds, redemption of 7 37 Contracts, change of grade 9 116 Contracts for supplies 1 24 Fire Department contracts 4 152 Franchise, street railway 6 18 Lowest bidder 1 24 Official advertising, contracts 2 25 Public Work contracts 17 73 Street rvipair contract 16 92 AYES AND NOES (See Voting) B BADGES, Fire Department 5 BAGGAGE, transportation of 7 BAGS, gold and silver kept in 3 BAIL MONEY 5 BAILIFFS, Appointed by Sheriff 2 Police Court 14 BALANCES, Auditor, weekly statements 10 Carrying forward to ensuing fiscal year 5 Contract, unexpended appropriation to meet 10 Street excavation deposits 9 Surplus fund, transfer to 16 Transfers, new charter 37 Unnecessary funds 38 BALLOTS (See Elections) BANKS, Deposit of public funds in 2 Work outside of city 9 BAS-RELIEFS, approval 10 BATTALION CHIEFS, Fire Department 1 BELT LINE, spur tracks 3 BENEFITS, Assessment, crossings, etc., not at right angles.... 2 Assessment, opening, etc., of streets 1 Change of grade 3 Opening, etc., of streets 6 Street assessment 11 BEQUESTS, Art Gallery 6 City and County of San Francisco 1 Museum, articles for 6 Playgrounds , 6 140 9 52 65 62 67 32 36 32 71 34 224 225 50-52 49 207 158 9 78 100 114 102 87 206 2 206 211 I^dex 241 BEQUESTS (Continued) Subdivision Page Public Library 3-4 133 Public parks 8 207 Public schools 12 127 Steinhart, Ignatz 43a 15 BIDS, Accepting, power of Supervisors 1 24 Advertising, cost of, bidder to pay 9 116 Affidavit, genuine 16 73 Alterations or erasures therein 1 25 Alterations or erasures therein 16 73 Bidder to make only one bid 16 74 Board of Public Works, Public work contracts 17 74 Repairs to streets 16 92 Bond sale 10 191 Bonds, redemption of _ 7 37 Certified check accompanying 1 24 Certified check accompanying 16 74 Change of grade 9 116 Collusion, Affidavit 16 73 By officers 4 27 Penalty 18 75 Competitive, supplies 1 24 Delivery to Clerk of Supervisors 1 25 Failure of bidder to enter into contract 1 24 Failure of contractor 5 27 Fire Department supplies 4 152 Forfeited check 9 116 Franchises, street railways 6 18 Incidental expenses to be paid by contractor 9 116 Lease, school property 11 127 Lowest bidder, award to 1 24 Official advertising 25 Opened before bidders 1 25 Park contracts 4 205 Printed forms 73 Printing 3 26 Public utility bonds 10 191 Public work, advertisement and notice 15 73 Readvertising for 5 27 Rejection of 1 24 Repairs to streets 16 91 Sale of city lands 9 21 School Department supplies 2 128 Separate for certain articles 1 24 Stationery for public offices 3 26 Street cleaning and sprinkling 29 97 Supplies for departments 1 24 BILLS, Advertising of 13 6 Amendment not to change original purpose 8 5 Failure to pass 12 6 Final passage 12 6 Franchise grants 12 6 Motion to reconsider ;... 12 6 Ordinance, passage by 8 5 Publication of 13 6 BIRTHS, registration by Board of Health 4 161 242 Index Section or BLOCKS, Subdivision Page Defined 26 95 Five blocks, each end of tunnel, etc., joint use of tracks 5 123 New subdivisions 28 96 Quarter block 26 95 Ten blocks, joint use of tracks 27 12 BOARDS, Board of Appraisement 9 21 Board of Arbitration 7a 37 Board of Education (See Education, Board of) Board of Election Commissioners (See Elections) Board of Equalization, members of 2 16 Board of Fire Commissioners (See Fire Depart- ment) Board of Fire Pension Fund Commissioners 1 155 Board of Freeholders 227 Board of Health (See Health Department) Board of Police Commissioners (See Police De- partment) Board of Park Commissioners (See Parks) Board of Playground Commissioners (See Play- grounds) Board of Police Pension Fund Commissioners 1 144 Board of Public Works (See Public Works, Board of) Board of Supervisors (See Supervisors) Bonds, official 2 213 Books, Compelling production of 24 219 Open to public 13 217 Budget estimates 1 30 City Attorney to advise 2 58 City Planning Commission 42 14 Civil Service Commission (See Civil Service) Civil Service, employees under and exempt 11 199 Classification of members 23 219 Custody of records 12 217 Demands, approval 13 42 Department of Electricity, joint 1 159 Deposit daily of moneys collected 17 218 Election officers, precincts 18 170 Employees, Number, how limited 5 216 Removal of employees 21 218-219 Liabilities on Treasury, contracting 9 31 Mayor, supervision by 2 45 Public Library Trustees (See Libraries) Reports, annual, to Mayor 9 217 Salary demands, approval 13 42 Seals for 23 11 BOATS (See Fire Boats) BONDS, Additional, may be required of officials 5 214 Appeal 5 65 Assessor, official 2 213 Auditor, official 2 213 Bail 5 65 Bequests, parks, investment 8 207 Bids, redemption of 7 37 Index 243 Tiz-wxTf-wa //-. X- jx Section or BONDS (Continued) Subdivision Page Board of Education, official 2 213 Board of Public Works, Commissioners 2 213 Officers and employees 4 68 Cancellation, unsold bonds 10 191 Change of grade bid 9 116 City Attorney, official 2 213 City buying 2 52 Clerk, Board of Supervisors, official 2 213 Commissioners 2 213 Contractors for public works 15 73 Contracts, Board of Public Works 21 76 For supplies 1 24 Payments on 10 32 Conversion, coupon to registered bond 10 192 Coroner, official 2 213 Countersigning of 11 192 County Clerk, official 2 213 Coupons on 10-11 192 Denominations 10 190 Deposit of public funds in banks 2 50 Deputies, etc., may be required to give 7 214 District Attorney, official : 2 213 Flection 6-8 189-190 Election Commissioners 2 ?13 Exempt from taxation 10 190 Exposition 29a 221-222 Fire Commissioners 2 213 Fire Department contracts 4 152 Forfeited and prosecuted on 9 116 Form of 10 190 Franchise bid, street railway 6 18 How sold 10 190-192 Indebtedness, How incurred 29 220 Limit of 9 190 Interest, Above dollar limit 11 33 Funds for 2 30 Payment 12 193 Rate 10 190 Supervisors to provide 14 34 Liability, Head of department 6 214 Officers 6 214 Library, Supervisors authorizea to sell below par 10a 192 Limit. Of indebtedness 9 190 Outside of 291/, 221 Mayor, official 2 213 Officers 1 213 Official, Amounts of 2 213 Approved, executed, record of 1 213 Bonds 3 17 Conditions in 3 214 Examination by Finance Committee 3 17 Panama-Pacific International Exposition 9 190 •244 Index BONDS (Continued) Subdivision Page Panama -Pacific International Exposition 29a 221-222 Par, For sale under 10a 192 To be sold at not less than 10 191 Parks Department employees 4 205 Payable at treasury 11 193 Playground employees 3 210 Police Commissioners 2 213 Police Court actions 7 64 Preference to smallest subscribers 10 190 Premium on, to be paid by City and County 2 213 Printing contracts 3 26 Proceeds from sale of 10 191 Proceeds from sale of 29 220 Property Clerk, Police Department 2 213 Public Administrator, official 2 213 Public buildings and improvements 29-291/. 220-221 Public Utility, Acquisition of 4-16 188-193 Earnings paying interest and sinking fund... 1 194 Recorder, official 2 213 Redemption, Above dollar limit 11 33 Proposals : 7 37 Supervisors to provide for 14 34 Registering of 10 192 Revolving fund 29i/. 221 Sale by Supervisors 10 191 School Directors, official 2 213 SherilT, official 2 213 Signatures of officials : 11 192 Special elections 6-8 189-190 Storekeeper 32 98 Street improvement 29V2 220-221 Street railway franchise, purchase 7a 38 Superintendent of Public Schools, official 2 213 Supervisor, each, official 2 213 Supervisors, majority vote 7a 38 Sureties on, number of, worth of, etc 3-4 214 Surplus fund, liquidation of 3 • 36 Surplus over issue, transfer of 10 191 Tax Collector, official 2 213 Tax for payment of : 12 193 Treasurer, Liability on official 4 40 Official 2 213 Unsold bonds, sale by Treasurer 10 191 Warrant and Bond Clerk, Police Department 2 213 BONDSMEN, Police Court actions 6 64 BONUS, franchise street railway, purchase by City.... 7a 37 BOOKS, Accounts, Auditor, charge of 1 47 City Attorney 4 59 Committees, etc., compelling production of 24 219 Contracts, entering 5 27 Custody of records 2 56 Departmental supervision by Mayor 2 45 Finance committee examining 3 16 Index !>4; V*. t- ^ . Section or BOOKS (Continued) Subdivision Law Books, Chief of Police 4 City Attorney 4 Open to public 13 Police Commission ordering production of 8 Police Court .' 1 Public Libraries 2 Public utilities owned by City 3 Religious or sectarian 1 Storekeeper " 32 Street railways, experting 6 Superintendent of Schools, purchasing 5 Surrender of by official 3 Text books, school 5 Transfer of, when charter takes effect 12 BOULEVARDS, Control of Board of Public Works 1 Franchises, street railways, barred 6 Street railroads 25 Supervisors, power to designate 25 BOUNDARIES, Assessment district 5 City and County of San Francisco 2 BRANCH LIBRARIES, establishing 7 BRIBERY. Disqualifies for office 15 Prohibited 8 BRIDGES, Approaches 10 Assessment to meet cost 1-4 Designs, approval of 10 Five blocks approaching each end, joint use of tracks 5 Levying assessment 2 Purchase or condemn lands 2 Street railway over, operation municipal or pri- vate, singly or jointly 5 Supervisors ordering construction 1 BUDGET, Auditor's estimate 2 Contents, and action on , 3 Elections, special fund 14 Estimates by departments .*. 1 Filed with Auditor 4 Firemen's Relief Fund 7 Hearing, taxpayers 3 People, vote of, added liabilities 13 Playgrounds /. 10 Police Relief and Pension Fund 7 Signed by officials 4 Supervisors, Majority vote 3 Making 3 Vote to overcome veto 3 Tax levy to provide for 5 Veto in whole or part by Mayor 3 BUENA VISTA PARK, Jurisdiction, Park Commis- sion —. 1 Page 139 59 217 137 61 133 194 129 98 19 130 214 129 217 70 17 12 12 81 2 134 218 216 208 121-123- 208 123 122 121 123 121 30 30 180 30 31 157 30 33-34 212 146 30 30 30 30 31 30 204 246 Index BUILDINGS, Subdivision Page Construction of, supervision 5 71 Department of Electricity, supervision 6 159 Destruction to checl^ conflagration 3 152-153 Electrical wires and appliances 6 159 Encroachments on sidewalks of, prohibited 1 70 Fire limits .•. 5 9 Heat, supervision 6 159 Lighting, supervision 6 159 Moving through streets, permits for 1 70 Panama-Pacific Exposition .'. 37 13 Parks 6 205 Playgrounds 5 211 Public buildings (See Public Buildings) State building, Civic Center 10 23 State exposition building, Golden Gate Park 9 207 Streets, use of, material for construction 1 70 Unsafe structure, Supervisors, power -.. 6 9 Wooden, restriction within certain limits 5 9 BUREAUS, Supplies 38 . 14 Weights and Measures 1-3 57 BUSINESS, Permits by Police Commissioners 9 138 Exemptions from license taxes 15 10 C CALENDAR, Arrests 13 66 Police Court 10 66 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, Bequest, Ignatz Steinhart 43a 15 Museum in Golden Gate Park 12 208 CANALS, water supply, lands for 15 193 CANCELLATION, Bonds unsold 10 191 Coupons on bonds 10 192 Paid demands ; 6 53 CANDIDATES, Bribing prohibited 8 216 Civil Service positions, certifying 9 198 Municipal officers 1-12 165-170 Policemen and firemen to abstain from helping.... 32 222 Recall electioi;! 5 183 CANVASS OF RETURNS, municipal elections 1^ 171 l'^^ CAPPING, included under what 26 95 CAPTAINS, Fire Department 1 153 Of detectives 6 141 Of police 1-2 140 CARRIAGES, hackney, regulation of 7 9 CARRIERS, regulation of 7 9 CARS, Permits, spur tracks 3 9 Regulation of, in streets 27 12 CAUSE, Fire Department, only reason for dismissal 7 150 Health Department, no removal without 5 161 Of all fires, investigation 4 154 Removal only for, civil service provision 12 200 Suspensions and removals of officers 18-20 ' 218 ^Index 247 Section or Subdivision Page CELEBRATIONS, appropriations for 18 11 CELLARS, under sidewalks, permits 1 70 CENSUS MARSHALS, school 7 126 CERTIFICATES, Acceptance of work 22 77 Assessments, completion of 13 105 Auditor, indorsement on contract 10 32 City Engineer, by : 11 72 Civil Service certification 9 198 County Clerk, documents 3 fil Credits to owners for grading 9 85 Election returns 19 172 False, labor performed or supplies furnished 4 27 Initiative petition 3 177 Xew Charter by Board of Freeholders 227 Paving, railroad tracks 24 95 Pay rolls by Civil Service Commission to Auditor 19 202 Pension, F^re Department 4 155 Pension, Police Department 3 145 Public utilities, acquisition, petition 3 187 Resolution of intention, opening, etc., of streets.... 3 101 Revocation of 3 130 Sale on delinquent assessments 3 106 Sponsors, candidates for office 5-6 166-167 Street assessments 11 72 Street repair, completion 16 92 Teachers' 3 125 Teachers' 1-4 130 CERTIFIED CHECK (See Check) CESSPOOLS, Crossing, hearing of objections 4 80 Expense of, assessment 2 83 Included in term "improvement" 26 95 Public Works Board, charge of 2 70 CHANGE, Assessment roll, change of grade 11 117 Bid for public work 16 74 Fire limits 5 9 Street grades 1-17 112-121 Street improvement applications 2 78 CHARGES, City Engineer 12 73 Firemen, against 2 151 Hearing by Civil Service Commission 12 200 Official bonds 2 213 Police officer, fair trial 3 142 Street railway ". 27 12 Supervision of officer 19 218 Teachers 2 125 Written charges filed with department 12 200 CHARTER OF CITY AND COUNTY, Amendments (See Amendments) Approval of by Legislature 226-227 Board of Freeholders 227 Constitutional section providing for 1 Full force and effect, date 1 Publication of : 226 Special election upon 226 Supersedes what laws 227 When, becomes operative 226-227 248 Index Section or Subdivision Page CHECK, Bid for public work, accompanying 16 74 Bond sale 10 191 Certified, accompanying bid 1 24 Change of grade bids 9 116 . Contract, Board of Public Works 21 76 Guarantee of bidder entering into contract 16 92 Repairs to streets, bid - 16 92 Return to bidder .". 17 74-75 CHEMICAL ENGINE COMPANIES, of whom com- posed 1 153 CHIEFS, Department of Electricity 2 159 Engineer, Fire Department (See Fire Department) Of Police (See Police Department) CHILDREN, Attendance at school 4 125 Evening schools, not admitted to 2 124 Indigent school children 1 131 Pension, Fire Department.. , 5 156 Pension, Police Department 4 145 CITATION, initiative petition, signer of 3 176 CITIZENSHIP, Contracts for City and County 1 25 Essential to employment by City and County 2 215 Fire Department members 6 149 CITY AND COUNTY HOSPITAL (See Health De- partment) CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO, Actions for or against 4 2 Bequests 1 2 Boundaries 2 2 Charter of (See Charter) Civic Center buildings, ownership 10 23 Damages, defective work, liability 5 2 Investing its money ' 2 52 May receive bequests and gifts 1 1 Municipal corporation, may hold property 1-3 1 Name 1 1 Powers 1 1 Public property and rights of 3 1 Purchase of property delinquent on assessments... 3 106 Rights 3 2 Road track and bed reverting to 6 19 Seal of. in whose custody 7 5 Term defined 1 215 CITY ATTORNEY, Actions, prosecute or defend 2 58 Advice in writing to departments, etc 2 58 Assistants and clerks 5 59 Ballot, arrangement of office on 10b 168 Board of Education, conduct proceedings for 8 126 Bond, official 2 213 Books, etc., to be delivered to successor 4 59 Civil Service, exemption from 11 199 Contracts for Board of Public Works, drawn by.... 21 76 Delinquent taxes, collection 3 55 Deposit of public funds, approving security for 2 50 Devote entire time to duties of office 1 58 Duties in reference to suits 2 58 Index 24P CITY ATTORNEY (Continued) s^uMi^sfon Page Election, qualifications, term, salary 1 58 Election of, at what time 1 164 Four-year term for 38a 225 Franchises forfeited, actions to annul 3 46 Legal advice to offices, boards, etc 2 58 Litigation, when may settle 2 58 Opinions, file of 3 59 Police officer on detail in office of 5 59 Qualifications, assistants 5 59 Residence prior to taking office 1 58 Records to be kept 3 59 Recovery of City's money or property 14 43 Salaries, emplovees 5 59 CITY BOARD OF EXAMINATION, members of, pow- ers and duties 6 130 CITY ENGINEER, Appointed by Board of Public Works 11 72 Civil Service, exempt from 11 199 Fees of, to be paid into Treasury 12 65 Grading credits 9 85-86 Municipally owned public utilities, work on 8 71 Office held at pleasure of Board of Public Works.. 11 72 Powers and duties 11-12 65 Public Utilities, Estimate of cost 1 186 Municipally owned, work on 8 71 Salary of 12 72 Serve City exclusively 12 72 Street assessments 11 72 Water works and sources, estimates 1 186 CITY PLANNING, commission, establishment of 42 14 CITY PROPERTY, Abandoned street 27 96 Bond issue for acquisition 29 220 Civic Center 10 22 Lease of 32 13 Leasing of school property 11 127 Library purposes, authorizing use for 7 134 Mission Creek lands, sale of 9 20 Officials not to be interested in sale or lease 6 216 Public Libraries 4 133 Sale of 9 20 Street work in front of 8 83 Transfer to other departments 31 13 Tunnels, subways and viaducts, lands for 2 122 CIVIC CENTER, Auditorium, erection of 10 23 Library, land for 10 23 Opera house, erection of 10 23 State building 10 23 Works of art, approval by Park Commissioners 10 207 CIVIL SERVICE, Abolishing or amending classifications 2 196 Abolishing position, notice to Commission 13 201 Actions, Commission may prosecute, for violation 20 203 Additional deputies and employees to those in Chaiter, procedure for employing 35 223 Appeal against removal 12 200 Appointee not to have salary above his grade 2 196 250 Index CIVIL SERVICE (Continued) Subdivision Page Appointments, Emergency, limited to 60 days 10 198 Must be made from persons certified 10 198 Notice to Commission 13 201 Notice to Commission 22 219 Sex to be disregarded, when 9 198 To be in writing in duplicate 22 219 Void unless in accordance with Civil S'ervice provisions 11 200 Appropriations for 1 195 Army, eligibles mustered into, resume position 21 203 Board of Health, all appointees 5 161 Certification of appointment, procedure 9 198 Changes in position 13 201 Charges against employee, filed by whom 12 200 Citizenship required of all appointees except experts, etc 2 215 Classification of positions according to duties 2 195-196 Classified Service, Employees, time of Charter amendment in- cluded in without examination 11 199 Promotions in 8 198 Commissioners, Act as examiners 5 197 Annual report of .: 15 201 Appointment, oath, removal, term, salary, qualifications 1 195 Compensation in consideration of appointment prohibited 7 216 Competitive examination 4 196 Consolidating classification 2 196 Creating position, notifying Commission 13 201 Demands for salaries must be approved by Com- . mission 19 202 Department of Electricity 3 159 Departments governed by 11 199 Deputies, clerks and employees exempt from 11 199 Disabled employee, transfer to position with lower salary 1^2 197 Discourteous treatment of public 12 201 Dismissal, Appeal against 12 200 During probation 10 198 Disqualification, Acceptance of gift from subordinate 8 216 Bribery, malfeasance, embezzlement, etc 15 218 Election returns, counting boards 19 171 Elections department 4 164 Eligible Register, Military service, reinstatement on 21 203 Placing on and classification 7 197 Three names highest on to be certified 9 198 Emergency appointments limited to sixty days 10 198-199 Employees, Actual service required 33 223 Of Commission, salaries, etc 17 202 Under Civil Service rules 11 199 Index 251 CIV'IL SERVICE (Continued) SuMhTsi^nn Page Examinations, Boards, appointments, duties 5 196 Control vested in Commission 5 196 Laborers, priority of application 5 197 Mechanics, rating on experience 5 197 Notice of time, place and scope to be pub- lished 6 197 Practical in character..: 4 196 Public, competitive and free 4 196 Waived, present employees. Charter amend- ment 11 199 Examiner, chief, appointment, duties, salary 16 201 Examiners, Designating 5 196 Exempt from Civil Service '11 199 Special, compensation of 17 202 Exempt from, positions 11 199 Expenses, office rooms, etc 17 202 Experts and others, exempt from citizenship and residence requirements 2 215 Fees not allowed 34 223 Fire Department 1 151 Fraud, Not to be permitted in examinations 18 202 Removal from register for 9 198 Geary street railway employees preferred for ap- pointment 11 200 Gift, For position debars from office.... 7 216 To public officers prohibited 8 216 Grading and regrading positions according to sal- aries and duties 2 195 Grounds for removal 12 200 Health Department, all appointees 5 161 Increases in salaries 2 196 Investigation of public service by Commission 14 201 laborers, priority of registration of application... 5 197 Liability of officers for illegal payments 11 217 Mechanical trades, applicants, how rated 5 197 Names of candidates stricken from register, whom 10 198 Navy, service in, reinstatement 21 203 New positions, designation and title 2 196 Notice, Of appointments, transfers, etc 13 201 Of time, etc.. for examinations 6 197 Of position to be filled 9-10 198 Oaths, all officers have power to administer 24 219 One year's service qualifies without examination, when 11^ 199 Outside city, persons employed, exempt 11 199 Overtime pay not to be allowed for more time than actually served 33 223 Pay rolls must be certified by Commission 19 202 Police Department 1 144 Positions, how filled 9 198 Preference for, what employees lib 200 Probation of candidates for appointment 10 198 252 Index CIVIL SERVICE (Continued) Subd!??sL Page Promotions, Basis of 8 198 Not exceeding three names to be certified 8 198 Notice to Commission 13 201 Ratings govern salary increases 2 196 Vacancies in classified service to be filled by 8 198 Public examination 4 196 Public utility employees to be retained 11 200 Purposes of, not to be defeated 18 202 Qualifications, Appointees to Fire Department 6 149-150 Appointees to Police Department 3 135 To hold office or position, general IV2-2 215 Registers of eligibles, names may be .removed from at end of two years 10 198 Registration of successful applicants in examina- tion 7 197 Removal, For cause only, procedure 12 200 From eligible register for fraud, etc 9 198 Grounds for, incompetence, intemperance, etc 12 200 Provisions not to. apply to public utility em- ployees 12 201 Report, annual to Supervisors 15 201 Residence required, except experts, etc 2 215 Resignations, notice to Commission 13 201 Rules, adopt and print for distribution 3 196 Salaries, Actual service only 33 223 Commissioners 1 195 Commission's permanent assistants 17 202 Demands, verification 19 202 Increases are dependent upon promotion rat- ings 2 196 In full compensation for all services 34 223 Like salaries for like duties 2 195 Lost during suspension period 12 201 Sealer, weights and measures 2 57 Secretary of Commission, appointment, duties, salary : 16 201 S'ex, Does not limit right to hold office 1^4 215 To be disregarded in certificate for appoint- ment, when 9 198 Special examiners, pay of 17 202 Suspension, Notice to Commission 13 201 Of subordinates for discipline 12 200 Temporary Appointments, For six.ty days 10 199 Notice to Commission 13 201 Transfer, Notice to Commission 13 201 Of disabled employee to position having smaller compensation 714 197 Treasurer not to pay salary unless approved by Commission 13 202 Trials by Commissiou ,..,.,, ....--—. 12 201 Index 253 Section or CIVIL SKRVICE (Continued) Subdivision Page Two salaried positions cannot be held 4 215-216 Vacancies, Notice to Commission — 13 201 To be filled by promotion 8 198 Verification of pay rolls by Commission 19 202 Violations of civil service provisions, prosecution 20 203 Weights and Measures Department 2 57 CLAIMS, Auditor to require oath 6 48 Damage, change of grade 2 114 Damages, for, when to be presented 8 20 Funds available against 9 31 Materialmen, bill not paid 7 28 Pension, Fire Department 5 156 Pension, police member's family 4 145-146 Presentation for payment 1 43 Revival of 1 44 Treasurer only officer to pay 1 39 Waiver of by failure to petition 2 114 CLASSIFICATION, Civil Service 2 195-196 Members of boards and commissions 23 219 CLEANING, Public buildings 4 71 Streets, Board of Public Works, special charge of 29 97 Contracts 29 97 Corporation store yard 32 98 Districts 29 97 Labor and materials 29 97 Supervisors to regulate appliances 13 10 CLERK, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (See Super- visors) CLERKS (See Employees) CLOSING OF STREETS 1-20 100-110 COBBLE STONES 32 98 COLLECTIONS, Advertising, cost of 14 105 Check, street repair bid 16 92 County Clerk 1 67 Delinquent assessments 14 105 Delinquent taxes 2-3 55 Failure to account for 14 43 Law library 1 67 Licenses 2 54 Street assessments 8 107 Treasury, Daily deposit in 17 218 Payment into 1 39 Taxes - _ 2 54 Tolls for wharfage * 2 112 Tunnel, subway a^nd viaduct assessments 2 122 COLLUSION, Bids for public work 16 73 Civil service examination, prohibited 18 202 Penalty for 18 75 With bidders on contracts 4 27 254 Index Section or Subdivision Page COMBINING PROCEEDINGS 6 123 COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL, enforcement of laws.... 4 154 COMMEMORATION WORKS, approval 10 , 207 COMMENCEMENT, Of work, contract specifying 21 76 Repairs to streets 16 92 Street assessment suit 15 90 COMMISSARY, Fire Department corporation yard.... 9 150 COMMISSIONS, Abstain from taking part in politics 32 222 City Planning 42 14 Civil Service under and exempt 11 199 Classification of members 23 219 Custody of records 12 217 Deposit daily of moneys collected 17 218 Official bonds - 2 213 Reports, annual to Mayor '. 9 217 (See Boards) COMMITTEES, Compelling production of books, etc 24 219 Finance . Committee 3 16 COMMON SCHOOL FUND, Approval of demands 13 42 Balance to ensuing fiscal year 5 36 Demands, How paid 10 127 Approval by Board of Education 13 42 Emergency, additional funds 3 131 Money from bequests or sales of property 12 127 Money from leases 11 127 Outside dollar limit 13 33 Regulations for disbursement of 9 126 Repairs of school houses paid out of 2 132 Surplus in not to go to surplus fund 16 34 Tax levy 2 131 Teachers' salaries to be paid from 9 126 Transfers of money to 3 131 COMMON USE OF TRACKS 27-28 12 COMPANIES, Fire Department 1 153 COMPENSATION (See Claims, Fees, Salaries) COMPETITION, Bidders combining to prevent , 5 27 Bids for supplies 1 24 Civil Service examinations '. 4 196 Park contracts 4 205 Promotion examinations 8 198 Street cleaning and sprinkling 29 97 COMPLAINTS, City Attorney 2 58 Condemnation, opening, etc., of streets 16 108 District Attorney 2 60 Liquor permits 3 137 Police Court 3 64 Revoke permits. Police Commission 9 138 Warrant and Bond Clerk 5 65 Index 255 Section or Subdivision Page COMPLETION. Contract affidavit 6 82 Contract specifying 21 76 Progressive payments on contracts before 21 77 Public utility enterprise 14 193 Repairs to streets 16 92 School houses 1 132 Unimproved portion of street 8 85 COMPROMISE, litigation by City Attorney 2 58 CONDEMNATION, Easement 16 108 Error not affecting validity 9 103 Excess land over actual requirements 10 22 Lands, combining proceedings 6 123 Precedence in court 16 108 Property for public use 12 10 Private property for street improvement 1 100 Public utilities by City 1-16 186-194 Sewers, lands for 9 111 Stay of proceedings, order of court 16 109 Streets, lands for opening, etc 1-19 100-109 Subway, tunnel and viaduct construction, lands for . 2 121 Unsafe structures 6 9 Water supply, lands for 15 193 CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE OF STREETS 23 94 CONDUITS. Board of Public Works, control of 7 64 Franchise, no exclusive for laying 5 17 CONFLAGRATION, Destruction of buildings to check 3 153 Material or apparatus for 9 150 CONFLICTING TITLES 9 103 CONNECTIONS, fire and police alarm system 5 159 CONSOLIDATION. Civil Service classifications 2 196 Schools : 1 125 CONSTITUTION OF CALIFORNIA, Charter amendments 22 8 CONSTRUCTION. Board of Public Works, Control over , 1 70 Supervision, public buildings 6 71 Bridges 1 121 Building, supervision 5 71 Drains 1-8 110-111 Fire alarm system 1 159 Fire Department buildings, supervision 6 71 Harbors 1 112 Interest during 7a 37 Library buildings 6 134 Municipal public utilities, control of 8 71 Parks, structures in 6 20^^ Police telegraph and telephone system 1 159 Public Buildings, Bonds for 29 220 Supervision 6 71 Public libraries 2 133 Public utilities 1 186 256 Index Section or CONSTRUCTION (Continued) Subdivision Page Railroad tracks ..— 1 70 School Houses, Emergency 3 131 Supervision 6 71 Sewers 1-8 110-111 Street railway commencement 6 19 Subways, tunnels, viaducts 1 121 Water works and sources, estimates 1 186 Wharves 1 112 CONTEMPT, Police Commission 8 137 Police Court 3 64 Warrant and Bond Clerk 6 65 CONTINGENT EXPENSES (See Incidental Ex- penses) CONTINGENT FUND, Mayor 35 13 CONTINUANCE, Police Court cases 6 64 Positions, former employees of a public utility.— lib 200 Proceedings by Board of Public Works 4 80 Street opening proceedings 5 102 CONTINUOUS OPERATION, franchise provision 6 19 CONTRACTOR, Bond to be filed by.—-. 7 28 Failure, carrying out of private contract, street work 19-20 75 Failure on contract 5 27 Failure to pay bills 7 28 Street assessment, demanding payment 13 88 Suing owner, necessary street assessment 15 90 Warrants, street assessments 12 88 CONTRACTS, Acceptance of work 22 77 Accepting bid, power of Supervisors 1 24 Advertising, cost, bidder to pay 9 116 Auditor, indorsement on 10 32 Awarding of 1 24 Bidder failing or refusing to enter into 16 92 Bids, Rejected and proposals readvertised 5 27 To be opened before bidders 1 25 Board of Public Works, Record and copies of 6 69 Work under direction and to satisfaction of.. 22 77 Bond, Board of Public Works 21 76 Of contractor 7 28 Change of grade 9 116 Citizenship of person performing labor 1 25 City Attorney to draw 21 76 Commencement of work, specifying 21 76 Completion of work, specifying 21 76 Contents, what : 21 76 Copies of, disposition 21 76 Countersigned by Clerk of Supervisors 5 27 Day labor, Board of Public Works, option of 9 72 Deposits to be made with bids 1 24 Eight-hour day 1 25 Excavation of streets 9 72 Index 257 CONTRACTS (Continued) i^^^^i^ Page Exceeding $250, subject to restrictions 10 32 Executed in name of City 5 27 Extensions of time 21 76 Failure of contractor 5 27 Fire Department, provisions governing 4 152 Funds available against 9 31 Hours of labor, maximum 1 25 Incidental expenses to be paid by contractor 9 116 Lighting streets and public buildings 6 27 Lowest bidder, award to 1 24 Materialmen, claim of 7 28 Materials, street work 31 98 Mayor, supervision of 3 46 Minimum wage 1 25 Municipally owned public utilities, work on 8 71 Official advertising 2 25 Officials not to be interested in 6 216 Parks, provisions governing 4 205 Patented pavement 26 96 Penalty for aiding bidders 4 27 Printing 3 26 Prisoners, supplies for . 1 24 Private contracts, street improvements 19 75 Progressive payments on 21 77 Property owners, street work 19 75 Public utilities, municipally owned, work on 8 71 Public work 14-22 73-77 Railroad tracks, paving 24 95 Readvertising for bids 5 27 Registering 9 31 Rejecting bid, power of Supervisors 1 24 Repairs to streets 16 91 Repaving, regrading, sewering, etc., change of grade 9 116 Residence in city _ 1 25 School supplies „ 2 128 Signatures, Board of Public Works 21 76 Stationery 3 26 Storekeeper 32 98 Street, Cleaning and sprinkling 29 97 Excavations 9 71 Repairs 16 91 Urgent repairs 30 97 Work, property owners 19 75 Sub-contractor, failure of 7 28 Supplies for departments 1 24 Triplicate, in 21 76 Under five hundred dollars without advertising... 14 73 Unfinished portion private street contract, relet- ting 20 75 Violation of, report 3 46 Withholding money to meet payments 10 32 Writing, to be in 5 27 CONVEYANCE, Lands, by Supervisors 29 12 ^ale of City lands 9 22 Signature, Clerk of Board of Supervisors 7 5 258 Index Section or Subdivision Page COPIES, COPYING, Contracts, Board of Public Works 21 7G County Clerk's office, charges for 3 61 Public records, price of, etc 13 217 Records, Board of Public Works 21 94 COPYISTS, County Clerk 2 61 Recorder, compensation 1 56 CORONER, Appointments . by 2 56 Ballots, arrangement of office on 10b 168 Civil Service, employees under and those exempt 11 199 Deputies, assistants and salaries 2 56 District Attorney to advise 2 60 Duties as prescribed by law 1 55 Election, qualifications, term, salary 1 55 Election of, at what time 1 164 Four-year term for 38a 225 Interpreters at examinations 1 58 Morgue, to have management of 1 55 Official bond 2 213 CORPORALS OF POLICE 1-5 140-141 CORPORATION STORE, YARD, Age limit not applying to Fire Department em- ployees 6 150 Fire Department 9 150 Pension benefits not applying to employees 6 150 CORPORATIONS, Finance Committee examining books, etc 4 17 Opening streets, deposits 9 71 Percentage of gross receipts, payment to City 4 17 CORPSES, disposition of 3 160 COST, Advertising, collection 14 105 Change of grade 3 114 Franchise, street railway 7a 37 Public utility construction 1 186 School houses 2 132 Street assessment action 15 90 Streets, opening, extending, etc 1 100 Subway, tunnel and viaduct construction 2 122 Water works and sources 1 186 COUNSEL, Auditor's 2 47 City Attorney 1 58 District Attorney 1 59 COUNTING OF BALLOTS 19-21 171-174 COUNTY CLERK, Auditor's bond filed with 1 213 Ballot, arrangement of office on 10b 168 Civil service employees under with one exception 11 199 Clerk of Police Court 10 66 Copies of documents 3 61 Copyists 2 61 Court moneys for special deposit fund 4 36 Deputies, assistants, clerks and their salaries 2 61 Election, term, salary, powers and duties 1 * 61 Election of, at what time 1 164 Fees for copying and certifying 3 61 Index 259 COUNTY CLERK (Continued) SubdiJfsro'n Page Four-year term for 38a 225 Law library, moneys collected under act 1 67 Official bond 2 213 Police Court Clerk appointed by 2 61 Records, Police Court actions 10 66 COUNTY JAIL, Jailers, guards, etc., appointment and salaries 2 62 Supervisors to maintain 11 10 COUPONS, Cancellation of 10 192 Numbering and signing 11 192 Payable at Treasury 11 193 COURTS, Bailiffs, appointment _ 2 62 Clerks, appointment of 2 61 Condemnation cases having precedence 16 108 Interpreters, compensation 20 11 Interpreters for 1 58 Justices' 1 62 Moneys paid into 4 36 Orders, condemnation suits 16 108-109 Order to produce property as evidence 4 144 Police Court 1 63 Reporters, compensation 2 58 Stationery and printing 3 26 Stay of proceedings 16 109 Superior Court 1 58 CREDITS, grading 9 86 CRIME, fires as result of 4 154 CROSSINGS, Alley crossing main street, assessment 5 84 Grades 26 95 Hearing objections 4 80 Included in term "street" 26 95 Main street crossings, assessment 3 84 CRUELTY TO ANIMALS, prevention 19 11 CULVERTS, Hearing of objections 4 80 Included under what 26 95 CURBS, Bids and contracts, change of grade 9 116 Crossing, hearing of objections 4 80 Included in term "improvement" * 26 95 CURRENT, control over 6 159 CUSTODY, Accounts 1 47 Animals running at large 8 10 Bail bonds 5 65 Ballots _ : 19 171 Board of Public Works, street, etc., records 8 69 Election returns 19 172 Financial affairs 1 47 .loint custody safe 3 52 Lost, stolen or unclaimed property » 1 143 Moneys in treasury 3 52 Ordinances _ 17 7 Police Commission records 2 138 Property Clerk, certain property 1 143 Public moneys 39 260 Index CUSTODY (Continued) Sub"div"sul^n Receipt stubs 5 Records 7 Records by Recorder 2 Seal 7 Storekeeper 32 D DAILY, Auditor, attendance at office 1 Fees, payments into treasury 4 Street work notices, etc., published 26 Treasurer to take account of money on hand 2 DAMAGES, Change of grade 3 City and County, liability, defective work 5 Claims, when to be presented 8 Opening, etc., of streets 6 Order of Court to pay judgment 16 S'ewer construction 7 Streets, opening, etc 7-8 Subway, tunnel and viaduct construction 2 Waiver of claim 2 DATA, public improvements 10 DAY LABOR, Excavations in streets 9 Parks, work in 4 Street cleaning and sprinkling 29 Urgent repairs to streets under $500 30 DAY OP REST 2 DEAD, disposition of 3 DEATHS, Board of Health provide registration of 4 Firemen, pension to family 5 Pension ceasing at 2 Policemen in discharge of duties 4 DEBTS, Auditor, supervision over 1 Deduction from demands .— . 6 Funded (See Sinking Fund, Bonds) Limit of indebtedness 9 DECISIONS, Board of Public Works 4 Civil Service Commission, charges 12 Pension, Fire Commissioners 5 Supervisors 5 DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY, Officers, munici- pal elections 5 DEDICATION, Approval and recording of subdivision maps 28 Streets 1 Streets 26 DEDUCTIONS, Absence from office, from salary 6 Affidavit by contractor 6 Assessment, from rent 20 Debits from demands 6 DEEDS, delinquent assessments 12 DEFALCATION, Finance Committee reporting to Mayor 4 Suspensions from office for 2 Page 40 5 56 5 98 47 40 96 49 114 2 20 102 108 111 103 122 114 72 72 205 97 97 158 160 161 156 144 145 47 48 190 80 200 156 102 165 96-97 77 95 48 82 93 48 118 17 45 Judex 261 DEFAULT (See Failure) DEFECTIVE. Declaration of candidacy Sidewalks, etc.. liability, damage Street assessment proceedings Titles, lands for opening streets DEFENDANTS, rights, Police Court DEFICIENCY, Change of grade fund Street assessment fund DELINQUENT, Assessment, opening, etc.. of streets Tunnel, subway and viaduct assessments DELINQUENT TAXES, Advertising of list City Attorney to bring action Collection by Tax Collector When When collected, how can be used DEMANDS, Allowance by Auditor 7 Appropriation, unexhausted specific, to be drawn only on 6-7 Approval, By Board of Education 10 , By departments and officers 13 By Mayor 19 By proper board before Auditor 5 By Supervisors 19 Penalty for illegal 11 Auditor. Must know every 1 Own monthly salary 13 Recording, etc 4 To approve and audit all 3 Authority for, to be shown 13 Barred, when 1 Cancellation of paid ones 6 Common school fund 10 Deductions from 6 Delinquent revenue, payment out of 6 Disputed, adjudicated 16 Election officers 19 Exceeding $500, resolutions to be published five days 19 Exceeding $200. to be approved by Mayor 19 Extra assistants 12 Finance Committee ' 3 Firemen's Relief fund 8 Form of 39 Fund, specific, to be shown 13 Illegal, approval of, penalty 11 Income for current fiscal year only, to be paid out of 13 Indebtedness to city to be deducted from 6 Itemization of 5 Lighting public buildings 6 Mileage fees 11 Money to be drawn only by 6 No invalid, to be paid ,...,...„..,..,....,...,..,..., 13 Section or Subdivision Page 5 165 5 2 12 88 19 109 3 64 15 119 16 109 14 105 2 122 2 26 3 55 2 55 17 35 6 36 48 31 127 42 7 48 7 217 47 42 47 47 42 43 53 127 48 36 34 172 7 7 42 16 157 14 42 217 43 48 53 28 41 31 34 262 Index DEMANDS (Continued) Subdivision Numbering by Auditor 4 One-twelfth limit on 9 Ordinance authorizing, etc., to be cited on 13 Outside of city, work 9 Payment of street assessment 13 Police relief and pension fund 7 Presentation for payment within one month 1 Presented to Auditor 7 Priority over another not allowed 8 Register of, kept by Auditor 8 Registration, to be acted upon in order of 9 Revival of, when 1 Salaries, Approval 13 Payable monthly 1 Verification by Civil Service Commission 19 School funds 9 Specific, must be 7 Street work, by contractors 12 To show what, before Auditor allows 4 Transfer from one fund to another not lawful 1 Treasurer, Only officer to pay 1 Requisites for payment 5 To make payments only by , 2 Unauthorized 5 Unpaid, Payment of (» Register 6 DEMURRERS, Police Court 4 Police Court appeals 9 DENIAL, initiative petition, signature 3 DENOMINATIONS', public utility bonds 10 DEPARTMENTS, Increase through people. Legislature, etc 13 Records, keeping of 41 Stationery for 3 Supplies 38 Supplies, contracts for 1 Uniform system of accounting 40 (S'ee also Boards and Heads of Departments) DEPOSIT, Bond sale '. 10 County Clerk 4 Daily in Treasury, collections by departments 18 Interest rate 2 Ordinances and resolutions with clerk of S'uper- visors 17 Property Clerk, money and valuables 5 Public Administrator 4 Public moneys in banks 2 Sale of City lands 9 Special deposit fund 4 DEPOSITS OF PUBLIC FUNDS, Action to recover 2 Bank returning at any time 2 Bank to furnish receipt showing 2 By Treasurer, with written consent 2 47 31 42 49 89 146 43 48 49 48 31 44 42 43 202 126 48 88 48 35 39 53 49 53 36 53 64 66 176 190 33 14 26 14 24 14 191 36 218 50 7 144 36 50-52 22 36 51 51 50 50 Index 2G3 DEPOSIT OF PUBLIC FUNDS (Continn(*d) In any bank not to exceed fifty percent of capital stock Interest on into general fund Interest rate Not to exceed face value of security Receipts for to be counted as cash Record by Treasurer Sale of security by Treasurer Security for Withdrawal of DEPUTIES (See Employees) DESIGNS, approval of DESTRUCTION, Animals running at large Buildings to check conflagration Unclaimed property Weapons, by Property Clerk DETECTIVES, Police Department DETENTION, Houses of. establishment ..... Witnesses and insane persons, places for DIRECTORS, school DISABILITY, Civil Service provision Foremen Mayor Pension claim Pension. Fire Department Salary during DISAPPROVAL (See Objections) DISBURSEMENTS (See Expenditures) DISCHARGE (See also Dismissal) Military service Police Court defendants Warrant, street assessment DISCOURTEOUS TREATMENT OF PUBLIC DISCRETION, Abuse of by Commissioners FMre Commissioners Police Commission Supervisors, change of grade Supervisors, tunnel, etc., construction DISMISSAL, Appeal to Civil Service Commission By appointing officer on charges Civil Service Commission, consent of Civil Service provision Fair trial before Firemen, not without cause Grounds for Health Department, not without cause Litigation by City Attorney Police Commission, powers Police Court Police Department Soliciting judge to dismiss case Teachers DISQUALIFIED, Official, when Employee, how Section or Subdivision Page 2 51 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 51 2 51 2 51 2 50 2 51 10 208 8 10 3 153-154 5 137 3 143 6 141 11 10 10 10 1 124 IVi 197 3 152 6 46 3 145 4 155 3 152 21 203 8 66 13 89 12 201 5 156 5 156 4-5 141 16 119 2-4 122 12 200 12 200 10 198 12 200 3 142 2 151 12 201 5 161 2 58 1 136 1 64 3 142 3 64 2 125 6-8 216 15 218 264 indeoi) Section or Subdivision Page DISRATEMENT, police member 3 142 DISSIPATED, Forfeit right to police pension 5 146 Forfeiture of pension, Fire Department 6 156-157 DISTRICT ATTORNEY, Advice to certain officers 2 60 Appeals, Police Court 9 66 Assistants and clerks 3 60 Ballot, arrangement of office on 10b 168 Board of Health, opinions to 2 60 Civil service, exemption from 11 199 Complaints and warrants, making out 4 65 Coroner, opinions to 2 60 Duties of 2 60 Election, qualifications, term, salary 1 59 Election of, at what time 1 164 Fires as result of crime 4 154 Four-year term for 38a 225 Official bond 2 213 Police Commission and Chief, opinions to 2 60 Police Courts, assistants as prosecuting attorney 3 60 Police Court, conduct cases in 2 60 Powers of •. 2 60 Property levied upon for fines, purchase of 4 60 Qualifications, assistants 3 60 Receipts for money, etc 2 60 Salaries of staff 3 60 Superior Court, assistants to prosecute in 3 60 Warrant and Bond Clerk, appointment of 5 65 DISTRICTS, Assessment (See Assessment Districts) Street cleaning and sprinkling 29 97 DITCHES, water supply, lands for 15 193 DIVIDEND, surplus, street assessment 18 109 DOCKAGE TOLLS 2 112 DOCUMENTS, Committees, etc., compelling production 24 219 Custody of 7 5 Recording 2 56 Surrender of by officials 3 214 DOG LICENSES, police pension fund 11 147 DOLLAR LIMIT, tax levy 11 33 DONATIONS (See Gifts) DRAFTED EMPLOYEES, reinstatement 21 203 DRAINS, Board of Public Works, charge of 2 110 Board of Public Works devising general pystem.. 1 110 Construction, Board of Public Works regulating.... 1-2 70 Connections, permits 4 110 Crossing, hearing of objections 4 80 Expense of, assessment 8 83 Included in term "improvement" 26 95 Ordinances 110-111 Rules and regulations 3 110 DRAYMEN, Fire Department 1 153 DRIVERS, Fire Department - 1 153 Police patrol iy2 142 ^Index 265 DRUNKENNESS, Forfeit right to police pensions Forfeituie of pension, Fire Department Ground for removal Ward. City and County Hospital DUTIES, Auditor Board of Health Board of Public Works Bond, official, condition in Captains of police Chief Engineer, Fire Department Chief of Police City Engineer Civil service classification Civil Service Commission, chief examiner and secretary Clerk, Board of Supervisors Coroner Corporals of police County Clerk District Attorney Finance Committee Fire Commissioners Fire Marshal Injury in discharge of Library employees _ Lieutenants of police Mayor Opening, etc., of streets Public Administrator Recorder Registrar of Voters Sergeants of police Sheriff Sheriff's deputies Storekeeper S'uperintendent of Schools Supervisors to enact in compliance with initiative election Tax Collector Treasurer Warrant and Bond Clerk Weights and Measures Department Section or Subdivision Page 5 146 6 156-157 12 201 8 161 1 47 3 160 7 69 3 214 2 140-141 2 152 1-7 139-140 11 72 2 195 16 201-202 7 5 1 55 5 141 1 61 2 60 3 16 8 150 2-4 154 4 155 3 134 3 141 2 45 6 102 1 61 2 56 o 164 4 141 1 62 3 62 32 98 1-6 129-130 ' 13 180 2 54 2 49 5 65 1 57 E EARNINGS (See also Revenue) Public utility 16 193-194 Public utilities, municipal 12 33 EASEMENT, Condemning 16 108 Tunnel construction 2 121 EDUCATION, BOARD OF, Acceptance of school houses 1 132 Actions at law 8 126 Approval of demands on school funds 10 127 Attendance at schools, compelling 4 125 Bequests 12 127 266 Index EDUCATION, BOARD OF (Continued) s^ubdi^rsrjn Page Buildings, construction and repair 1-2 131-132 Census marshals, appointment of 7 126 Charges against teachers 2 125 Charges, investigating 5 125 Class rooms, number of 1 131 Common School Fund (See Common School Fund) Composed of four school directors 1 124 Demands, filing and signing 10 127 Designs, approval of 10 208 Directors, Age, qualifications, term, salary 1 124 Appointed by Mayor 1 124 Entire time to duties ..— 1 124 Official bond 2 213 Politics 1 124 Disbursement of school money 9 126 Establish and change schools i 125 Extra expenditures, incurred when 3 122 Hold and lease land for school purposes 6 125 In charge of School Department 1 125 Lots, leasing of 11 127 Lots, purchase of 3 132 Meetings .• 3 12'4 Outside lands school lots, value of 11 23 Personal property 6 125 Powers in addition to general laws 1 125-127 President 2 124 Report, Superintendent of Schools 2 129 Report, yearly to Supervisors 3 128 Rules and regulations 4 125 Salaries, Prompt payment of 9 126 Roll 10 127 Schedule each year 4 128 School houses, requisition on Board of Public Works 1 131 Secretary, salary 2 124 Superintendent of Schools a member of 1 128 Supplies, proposals for 2 128 Teachers' certificates 3 125 Teachers, control over 2 125 Truancy, remedying 4 125 Trust funds 12 127 Voting 3 124 EIGHT-HOUR DAY, Contracts for City and County 1 25 Laborers 24 11 Public officers 14 217 Street railway franchise 7 138-139 EIGHTEENTH STREET, sale of lands 9 20 ELECTIONS, ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT, Acquisition of public utilities 4 187 Appropriations, special 14 180 Assembly districts, rotation 11 169 Assessor 1 53 Ballots, Alphabetical order of names ' 11 169 Arrangement of offices on 10a 168 Charter amendments, space for 13 170 Choice, first, second, third 10a 168 Jndex 267 ELECTIONS, ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT (Cont'd) sSmsuIh Page Counting of 19 171-172 Every nominee on 10c 169 Form of 16 170 Heading on 10a 168 Identical in size, quality, tint, type and ink color 13 170 Initiative petition 6 178 Instructions to voters 10a 168 Municipal elections 10a 18S Names of candidates in same size type and style 13 170 No party designation to appear on 15 170 Printing of 10 168 Rotation of candidates' names 11 169 Sample ballots 17 170 Spaces to be provided 12 169 What shall contain 10 168 Writing choice in 10a 168 Boards of election officers, precinct 18 170 Bonds, Election not to take precedence of initiative election 11 180 Public improvements 29 220 Public utilities 5-15 188-193 Street improvement 291/. 221 Street railway purchase 7a 38 Budget appropriation 14 180 Candidates for Office, Additional, space on ballot 12b 170 Conditions 4 165 Declaration of candidacy 5 165 Fees to be paid by 5b 166 Nomination, method of 5 165 Rotation of names 11 169 Sponsors for 5 166 Statements of : 8 167 Time of filing declaration 5 165 Withdrawal of 10c 169 Canvass of returns 19 171-173 Charter amendments 1 Charter amendments 22 7-8 Charter amendments 12 180 Charter, new 226 City Attorney 1 58 Civil Service provisions governing 4 164 Commissioners, Abstain from political acts 2 163 Action, amendments by petition 22 8 Appointment by Mayor 1 163 Control and management of elections 1 163 Demands, election officers 19 172 Five members to constitute board 1 163 Majority vote 4 164 Meeting at call of Registrar 3 177 Official bonds 2 213 Politics governing appointments 1 163 President of Board 3 164 Qualifications, term, salary, classification of.... 1 163 Secretary of Board 3 164 268 Index ELECTIONS, ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT (Cont'd) s^uMivLuIn Page Coroner 1 55 Counting of ballots 19 171-174 County Clerk i 61 District Attorney 1 59 Employees, Duties, compensation, etc 4 164 To be under Civil Service 4 164 "Entire vote" 25 174 Expenditures, one-twelfth limit on, exempted 9 32 Failure of persons elected to qualify 22 174 Fees, Candidates' declaration 5b 166 Candidates' statement 8 167 Fire Department to abstain from any acts in con- nection with : 32 222-223 Franchise 3 46 Fund, special 14 180 General laws of State governing 5 164 Increase in salaries 4 164 Informalities not invalidating 22 174 Initiative (See Initiative) Instructions to voters 10a 168 Judges, Police Court 1 63 Laws governing .'. 4 164 Library employees 3 134 Machines, voting 14 170 Majorities, first, second, third choices 19 173 Majority vote defined 21 173-174 Management and control of elections 1 163 Mayor 1 45 Municipal, Provisions governing 1-25 164-174 What officers elected at 1 164 When to be held 1 164 Officers 38a 225 Officers elected under Charter, take office 2 165 Pamphlets, official 8 167 Petition, initiative of the people 1-16 174-180 Police Department to abstain from any acts in connection with 32 222-223 Printing of ballots 10 168 Precincts, Appointment of boards 18 170 Counting by 19 171 Delivery of ballot bpxes to Registrar 19 171 Incompetent officers, removal 18 171 Registration, to be provided for 5 164 Sealing ballot boxes and keys 19 171 Proclamation for municipal 9 168 Public Administrator 1 61 Recall (See Recall) Recorder 1 56 Referendum (See Referendum) Registrar of Voters, Abstain from political acts 2 163 Appoint precinct boards 18 170 Appointment of, term, salary, duties 3 164 Ballot boxes, delivery to 19 171 Candidates for municipal office ,.. 5-12 165-170 , Index 269 ELECTIONS, ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT (Cont'd) tfuWivrsrj^ii Page Certificates to be preserved 7 1G7 Counting of ballots 19 171-172 Declarations of candidacy 5 1G5 Declarations to be preserved 7 167 Deputies abstaining from politics 2 163 Duties of 3 164 Exempt from (jivil Service 11 199 Fees received by to be paid into Treasury.... 8 167 Initiative petition 2-3 176 17/ List of candidates and vacant offices certified to Mayor 9 167-168 Refusal to file 6 167 Rules, enforcing 3 164 Salary to be fixed annually 24 174 Secretary of Board of Election Commission- ers 3 134 Tally sheets 19 171-172 Withdrawal of candidates 10c 169 Registration governed by general laws 4 164 Returns, canvass of 19 171-173 Salaries, Clerks 4 164 Commissioners 1 163 Once fixed cannot be increased 4 164 Registrar of Voters 3 164 Sample ballots 17 170 Sheriff 1 62 Special Elections, Acquisition of public utilities 3-4 187 Calling and when, percentage 4 ITS Issue of bonds, proceedings 4-10 187-190 Municipal 19 172-173 Statements of candidates 8 . 167 Street improvement bonds 29M» 221 Street railway franchise, purchase 7a 38 Superintendent of Schools 1 128 Tally sheets 19 171-172 Tax Collector 1 54 Tax limit suspension 13 33 Ties 20 173 Treasurer 1 49 Two-thirds of vote, when necessary 4 188 Vote highest in rank, count only 10b 173 Voting machines 14 170 Withdrawal of candidate 10c 169 ELECTRIC POWER, Acquisition of plants 1 186 Department of Electricity to enforce ordinances.. 6 159 Franchises, granting 7 19 Location, quality, rates 13 10 Offers for sale of plant to city 2 186 Percentage of receipts 7 20 Poles, erection of, franchises ^. 7 19 Public buildings, lighting 6 28 Rate fixing by Supervisors 14 10 Rates to be uniform , 6 28 Wires, Franchises 7 19 Board of Public Works regulating 1 70 270 Index Section or ELECTRICITY, DEPARTMENT OF, Subdivision Page Appointment of assistants, salaries 3 159 Chief, Appointment, qualifications, salary 2 159 Exempt from Civil Service 11 199 Civil Service provisions 3 159 Connection with the system by citizens 5 159 Employees of, salaries 3 159 Enforcing ordinances on wires and current 6 159 Fire alarm station, Jefferson Square 6a 206 Fire alarm system 1-5 159 Inspection and supervision of wires 6 159 Joint commission to control, how constituted 1 159 Police telegraph and telephone system 1-5 159 Salaries fixed annually by Supervisors 2-3 159 ELEVENTH STREET, sale of lands 9 20 ELIGIBLE LIST, Army or navy, employees mustered into 21 203 Preparation of 7 197 Removal from 9-10 198 EMBEZZLEMENT, disqualifies for office 15 218 EMERGENCY, Civil Seivice appointments 10 198 Public improvements without advertising 14 73 School Department expenditures 3 131 Tax rate limit 13 33 EMINENT DOMAIN (See Condemnation) EMPLOYEES, Absence from duties 6 48 Acts of, officers liable 6 214 Actual service, payment only for 33 223 Additional to those in Charter, procedure for employing 35 223 Appeal to Civil Service Commission 12 200 Army, eligibles mustered into, resume positions.... 21 203 Assessor 1 54 Auditor 2 47 Board of Public Works 3 68 Board of Public Works, control of heads of de- partments 13 73 Board of Supervisors 1 4 Bonds, official 7 214 Bribe, prohibited 8 216 Bribery disqualifies 15 218 Bureau of supplies 38 14 Charges for removal 12 200 Chief of Police , 4 139 Citizenship requisite.. 2 215 City Attorney 5 59 Civil Service, Departments, under and those exempt 11 199 Prior to Charter amendment without exam- ination ,, 11 199-200 Qualifications ' 2 195 Cleaning and sprinkling of streets 29 97 Compensation for appointment prohibited 7 216 Contracts, not to be interested in 6 216 Contract violation, duty to report 3 46 Coroner 2 56 County Clerk 2 61 Jndex 271 EMPLOYEES (Continued) sSivLfJn Paee Department of Electricity 3 159 Disabled, how provided for TM; 180 Discharge of, consent of Civil Service Commis- sion 10 198 Discourteous treatment of public 12 201 ■ Dismissals, appeal against 12 200 Disqualified, when 15 218 District Attorney 3 60 Drafted, reinstatement 21 203 Duties of, as assigned by heads of departments.... 30 222 Eight-hour day 24 11 Elections department 4 164 Embezzlement disqualifies 15 218 Extra, Assessor 1 54 Auditor 2 47 Employment of 12 42 Tax Collector 1 54 Fees, nrohibited from receiving 2 39 P^re Department 1 153 Fire Department cornoration yard 9 150 Franchises, prohibited from being interested in.... 6 216 Gifts to officials prohibited 8 216 Increases in salary 41-42 226 Initiative petition, extra, examining 3 177 Janitors 4 71 Justices' court 1 62 Laborers 24 11 Lease by or to City, interest in nrohibited 6 216 Legislature, cannot become a member of 4 216 Libraries 3-6 134 Limit as to number on departments, etc 5 216 Mayor 1 45 Mileage fee statements 11 41 Military service, leave of absence and reinstate- ment 21 203 Minimum wage 24 11 Municipal railway, preference for former em- ployees lib 200 Navy, service in, reinstatement 21 203 Number of, limited to Charter provisions 5 216 Official bonds 7 214 Outside of City, payment 9 49 Outside City, public work 2 215 Overtime pay 33 223 Parks 4-6 205 Playgrounds 3-5 210-21 1 Police Court 2 61 Political qualifications not required for appoint- ment IVs 215 Promotion, civil service provision 8 198 Public buildings 4 71 Public utility taken over by City, retained lib 200 Purchases by City, interested in, prohibited 6 216 Qualifications necessary 2 215 Recorder 1 56 Removal only for cause, civil service provision.... 12 200 Removals, when and how 21 218-219 Residence in City 2 215 272 Index Section or EMPLOYEES (Continued) Subdivision Page Salaries, Actual services only 33 205 Approval of demands 19 202 Monthly payment 1 43 Sales to or by City, interest in prohibited 6 216 School Department 10 127 Sex to be disregarded, when : 9 198 Sheriff 2 62 Street sprinkling and cleaning 29 97 Streets, urgent repairs 30 97 Superintendent of Schools 2 129 Superior Court 2 61 Tax Collector 1 54 Treasurer 1 49 Two positions cannot be held 4 215-216 Warrant and Bond Clerks 5 65 Weights and Measures Department 1 57 EMPLOYMENTS, exemption from licenses 15 10 ENACTING CLAUSE, ordinance 8 5 ENACTMENT, laws by Supervisors 1 8 ENCROACHMENTS, sidewalk, prohibited 1 70 ENGINE COMPANIES, of whom composed 1 153 ENGINEERS, Fire Department 1 153 EQUALIZATION, BOARD OF, members 2 16 EQUIPMENT, Cleaning and sprinkling of streets 29 97 Corporation store yard 32 98 Library buildings 6 134 Playgrounds 10 212 Public utilities, municipally owned 8 71 Superintendent of Schools purchasing 5 130 ERASURE, bids for public work 16 74 ERECTION OP POLES, Board of Public Works regulating 1 70 ERRORS', street assessment proceedings 12 88 ESTIMATES, Annual budget 2 30 Assessment, opening, etc., of streets 6 103 Change of grade 2-3 114 Pensions, Fire Department 7 157 Pensions, Police Department 7 146 Public improvements 10 72 Public utilities, construction 1 186 School Department salaries 9 126 School houses 1 131 Street excavations 9 71 Street improvements 2 78 Water works and sources, cost 1 186 EVENING SCHOOLS 2 124 EVIDENCE, Affidavit of publisher of official newspaper 26 96 Certificate, street repair 17 93 Condemnation of lands, opening of streets 16 108 Copies, records of Board of Public Works 21 94 Deed for delinquent property 7 107 Property as, production 4 144 Search for 7 140 Index 273 Section or Subdivision Page EXAMINATIONS, Bonds, official 3 17 Chief of Police 7 140 Citv Board of Examination 6 130 Civil service 3-6 196-197 Coroner 1 58 Employees prior to Cliarter amendment, no exam- ination 11a 199 Finance Committee 3 16 Fire Department, present members, none 1 151 Initiative petition 3 177 Offices, public 3 17 Promotion for 8 198 Public service corporations 4 17 Public utilities, accounts 3 194 Superintendent of Schools 4 129 Teachers' certificates 1-4 130 Water company's books 4 17 EXAMINERS, for Civil Service appointments 5 196 EXCAVATION, St)ur tracks, hauling 3 9 Streets (See Streets) EXCEPTION, Improvements by owner excepted from order for street work 9 86 Official advertising, legal holidays 26 96 EXCESS LANDS, purchase or disposal of 10 22 EXCHANGE, Excess lands purchased 10 23 Library, nublic. Civic Center 10 23 State building, Civic Center 10 23 EXCLUSIVE, Charter provisions not 33 98 Charter provisions not 17 119-120 Charter provisions not 1 121 Franchise, none to be granted 5 17 Rights to operate, tunnel, subway or viaduct 5 123 EXECUTION, Contracts 5 27 Finance Committee's orders 4 17 Sales under judgments 4 60 Street assessment lien 15 91 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS (See Mayor, Auditor, Treasurer, Assessor, Tax Collector, Coroner, Recorder) EXEMPT FIREMEN, relief 36 13 EXEMPTION, Civil Service, what departments and employees.... 11 199 Experts from resid'ence qualification 2 215 License taxes 15 10 One-twelfth limit on expenditures 9 32 Taxation, public utility bonds 10 190 EX-MAYOR, seat. Board of Supervisors 2 4 EXPENDITURES, Advertising, official 13 6 Appropriations, only against specific 6 31 Auditor's annual estimate 2 30 Board of Education 9 126 Board of Health 3 160 Budget estimates by departments 1 30 274 Index Section or Subdivision Page EXPENDITURES (Continued) Change of grade 16 119 Chief of Police 6 140 Constitutional enactments increasing 13 33 Definition of, in street work 26 96 Firemen's relief fund 8-9 157 General fund, out of 37 224 Incidental expenses (See Incidental Expenses) Law library 1 67 Legislative enactments increasing 13 33 Libraries, public 5 133 Library trustees 5 134 Limit to tax levy for City's 11 33 Not to be met from revenues of another year 13 34 One-twelfth limit, exemptions 9 32 One-twelfth limit on 9 31 Park fund 2 35 Parks : 6 205 People, vote of, increase in 13 33-34 Playground Commission 5 211 Public utility, operation 1 194 School purposes, limit of 1 130-131 Schools 9 126 Steinhart aquarium.: 43a 16 Street railway construction, franchise provision.... 6 19 Streets, Opening, extending, etc 1 100 Urgent repairs to 30 97 Work 33 98-99 Subway construction 2 122 Supervisors, majority vote 8 31 Supervisors to authorize all 15 34 Tax levy to meet 11 32 Tax limit suspension 13 33 Treasurer only officer to disburse public moneys.. 1 39 Tunnel construction 2 122 Under five hundred dollars, contracts let without advertising 14 73 Under two hundred dollars 13 6 Unexpended monthly balances, ,...., ,.., 9 31 Urgent necessities fund , 8 31 Viaduct construction ,. 2 122 EXPENSES (See Expenditures, Incidental Expenses) EXPERTS, Accounts, public utilities 3 194 Exempt from Civil Service rules 11 199 Exempt from residence qualifications 2 215 Finance Committee 4 17 Municipally owned public utilities 8 71 EXPIRATION, Franchise, purchase by City 7a 38 Franchise, submission to people 1 181 Of term, officials surrendering property 3 214 EXPLOSIVES, enforcement of laws by Fire Marshal 4 154 EXPOSITION (See Panama Pacific Exposition) EXTENSIONS, Public utility 1 194 Streets, proceedings 1-19 100-109 EXTENSION OF TIME, Contracts 21 76 Supervisors, majority vote ,„„„,,,,,,„„,., 21 76 ^ndex 275 EXTRA, Assessor, clerks Assistants, employment of Employees, Auditor Initiative petition, help Sessions of Supervisors, calling. Tax Collector, clerks F FAILURE, Account of City's money or property, to make Bank, rules on deposits of funds Bidder to enter into contract Bill to pass Contract for supplies, to enter into Contractor Contractor to pay for materials Elected candidates, qualifying Officer to make reports or returns, action by Auditor Property owners, contract, street work 19-20 Reporting violations Subcontractor Supervisors enforcing provisions To petition waives claim FAIR, when permitted in parks FALSE CERTIFICATE, labor performed or supplies furnished FAMILY, Fireman, receiving pension Police officer, receiving pension FARES, Power to regulate street railroad Street railway, regulation by Supervisors FAVOR, one bidder over another FEES, City Engineer County Clerk, for copies, etc., of records Daily payment into treasury Daily payment into treasury Deputies, clerks, employees to receive none Election, candidates for office Election, candidates for office Mileage fees Officers, monthly report by Official services Public Administrator Recorder Salaried officers to receive none To be paid into Treasury and none retained Transfer of funds Treasurer, Liable on official bond for Monthly report Payment to Unapportioned fee fund FELONY, Forfeit right to public nension Forfeiture of pension. Fire Department Reward for conviction of Section or Subdivision Page 1 54 12 42 2 47 3 177 5 46 1 54 14 43 2 51 16 92 12 6 1 24 5 27 7 28 22 174 6 48 . 19-20 75 3 46 1 28 13 193 2 114 6 206 4 27 5 156 4 145 27 12 6 19 4 27 12 72 3 61 4 40 17 218 2 39 5b 166 8 167 11 41 9 41 17 11 1 61 2 56 2 39 34 223 1 35 4 40 8 41 3 39 4 40 5 146 6 156 21 11 276 Index Section of Subdivision Page FENCES, Approving designs 10 208 Areas on sidewalks 1 70 FIFTEENTH STREET, sale of lands 9 20 FIFTY PER CENT OF VALUE, assessing 33. 99 FILES, methods of, prescribing 41 14 FINAL PASSAGE, Bill granting franchise, ninety days after intro- duction 12 6 Bills and resolutions 9 5 Franchise, bill granting 12 6 Franchise grant, street railway 6 19 Ordinance, amending 12 6 FINANCE (See Taxes. Funds, Revenue, Expenditures) FINANCE COMMITTEE, Concurrence of two members sufficient 4 17 Defalcations 4 17 Deposit of public funds in banks 2 50 Duties and powers 3 16 Official bonds, investigating 3 17 Orders of, execution 4 17 Percentage of gross receipts, payment by corpor- rations 4 17 Public service corporations, books experting 4 17 Sale of City lands, appraisement 9 21 Street railway company's books, experting 6 19 FINES, Carrying concealed weapons, police pension fund 11 147 Cruelty to animals 19 11 District Attorney, actions by 2 60 Fire Department members and employees 8 150 Income from, estimate 2 30 Judgments, execution sales 4 60 Ordinances, violation of 16 11 Ordinances, violation of 11 147 Police Court 1 64 Police Department members, police pension fund 11 147 FIRE, Alarm system '. 1-4 159 Alarm system 6a 206 Commissioners (See under Fire Department) Limits 5 9 Marshal 1-5 1 53-154 Protection system 6 150 Wardens 1 154 FIRE BOATS, Age limit not applying to employees 6 150 Composition of companies 1 153 Pension benefits not applying to employees 6 150 Salaries of emnlovees 1 158 FIRE DEPARTMENT, Absence, military service 43 226 Age limit 6 149-150 Alarm system 1-5 159 Alarm system 6a 206 Alternating on tours of duty 11 151 Apparatus needed 9 150 Appointments and dismissals for cause 7 150 Battalion chiefs 1 158 Boats (See Fire Boats) 4ndejt 277 FIRE DEPARTMENT (Continued) s^uMMsuTn Page Buildings, Destruction to check fire 3 153 Inspection of 1 154 Repairs, etc.. suspension tax limit 13 33-34 Captains 1 153 Charges against members 2 151 Chemical engine companies, of whom composed... 1 153 Chief Engineer, Absence or inability 2 152 Assistants, salaries 1 158 Chief e.xecutive officer of department 1 152 Exemption from Civil Service 11 199 Opeiators for : 4 153 Powers and duties of , 1-3 152-153 Recommendations and reports 2 152 Rules, enforcing 1 152 Salary 1 158 Sti'-pensions by 8 150 Civil Service, Employees under 11 199 Examinations not to apply to present mem- bers 1 151 Clerk and commissary, corporation yard 9 150 Clerks, commissioners' office 6 150 Commissioners, Abuse of discretion 5 156 Appointed by Mayor 1 149 Composition of. as to politics 2 149 Department of Electricity, joint control 1 159 . Duties 8 150 Four members to constitute board 1 149 Ineligible to any elective office 31 222 Management of department 1 149 Meetings 4 149 Official bonds 2 213 Political affiliations 2 149 Powers 8 150 Qualifications, term, salary 1-2 149 Successors in office of who 3 149 Those first appointed, classification 2 149 Companies, Engine, hook and ladder, tower, etc 1 153 Establishing of 5 149 Contracts, provisions governing 4 152 Corporation store yard 9 150 Day of lest 2 158 Destruction of buildings to check confiagration 3 153-154 Disability, salary during 3 152 Discharge, temporary, redaction in force 1 151 Dismissal, when 2 151 Draymen 1 158 Drivers 1 153 Duties of members 5 149 Duty, hours on 11 151 Employees 1 153 Engineers 1 153 Engine companies, composition 1 153 Exempt firemen, relief 36 13 Fines on members, how deducted and applied 8 150 278 Index Section or Subdivision Page FIRE DEPARTMENT (Hontinned) Fire boats (See Fire Boats) First Assistant Chief Engineer 1 158 Hook and ladder companies, composition 1 153 Hosemen 1 153 Hostlers 1 158 Hours of duty 11 151 Hydrantmen 1 158 Increase in salaries IV^ 158 Inspection of buildings 1 154 Leaves of absence 2 158 Jefferson Square fire alarm station 6a 206 Lieutenants 1 153 Marshal 1-5 153-154 Materials or apparatus needed, conflagration 9 150 Members, Citizens 6 149 Disabled, when allowed salaries 3 151 Duties 5 149 May be dismissed when 2 151 May be pensioned when 3-4 155 Not to be removed except for caase 7 150 Number of 5 149 Qualifications : 6 149 Salaries 1 158 To be engaged in no other employment 10 151 Trial before dismissal 7 150 Military service, absence on 43 226 Money belonging to 5 149 Officers, salaries 1 158 Operators, Chief's 4 153 Organization of 5 149 Pension^, Absence, military service 43 226 Age requisite 3 155 Ceasing on disability ceasing 4 156 Certain employees not to receive 6 150 Certificate of disability 4 155 Commissioners' meetings, records, powers, duties, proceedings 8-9 157 Death within one year of injury 5 156 Dissipated or drunkard 5 156-157 Estimated annual amount for relief fund 7 157 Expenses, limit 9 157 Family receiving 5 156 Felony, forfeiting 6 156 Fund (See Firemen's Relief and Pension Fand) Forfeiture of 5 156-157 Hearing on claim 5 156 Increase in salaries not affecting l^^ 158 Injury in discharge of duties 4 155 Judgment of Commissioners final unless abuse of discretion 5 156 List of liabilities 8 157 Non-resident forfeiting 6 157 One-half of salary 3 155 Orphan receiving 5 156 Parents receiving 5 156 Pensions prior to 1900 10 157 Period of service 3 155 ^ndex 279 Section or Subdivision Page FIRE DEPARTMENT (Continued) Petition of heirs 5 156 Receipts during lifetime not barring family.... 5 156 Rules and regulations 7 157 Secretary to Pension Board 9 157 Widow while unmarried 5 156 Pilots, fire boats 1 153 Platoon system, two 11 151 Politics, Abstaining from 32 222 Assessment for 32 223 Commissioners 2 149 Interference, cause for removal 32 222 President of board 4 149 Property belonging to 5 149 Qualifications of appointees 6 149-150 Reduction in force 1 151 Reorganized, when : 1 151 Rest day 2 158 Rules and regulations 8 150 Salaries, Commissioners 1 149 During disability 3 152 Graded by length of service 1 158 Increase in li^, 158 Officers, members, employees 1 158 Secretary 4 149 Second Assistant Chief Engineer 1 158 Secretary to board 4 149 Signal system 5 159 Stokers 1 153 Supplies, how and when delivered 9 150 Superintendent of Engines : 1 158 Superintendent of Horses 1 158 Suspensions 8 150 Tillermen 1 153 Tours of duty 11 151 Trials, public 2 151 Truckmen 1 153 Two platoon system 11 151 Uniform force 11 151 Vacations 2 158 Volunteer firemen, relief 36 13 Wardens, fire, who constitute 1 154 Watchmen 1 158 Water tower companies, of whom composed 1 153 FIRE MARSHAL, Appointing dej)uties 5 154 Appointment of and assistants 1 153 Attendance at all fires 2 154 Charge of and protect property 2-3 154 City not liable for salary of „ 1 153-154 Enforcing laws and ordinances 4 154 Investigate cause of all fires 4 154 May sell property saved, when 4 154 Police officer, exercising functions of 4 154 Powers, duties, salary 1-5 153-154 Report when crime suspected 4 154 Vacancies in office of 1 153 280 Index Section or Subdivision Page FIREARMS, Destruction by Property Clerk 3 143 Fines for carrying concealed 11 147 To be taken from prisoners 2 142 ■ FIREMEN'S RELIEF AND PENSION FUND, Balance to ensuing fiscal year 5 36 Budget appropriation.— 7 157 Commissioners, meetings, records, powers, duties, proceedings 8-9 157 Condition of, reported quarterly., 8 157 Creation of 1 154 Estimate of amount annually required 7 157 Expenses, limit 9 157 Fines on members 8 150 Forfeiture of pension : 6 156-157 Payments from 8 157 Surplus in not to go to surplus fund 16 34 Tax levy, to meet all demands of 2 155 FIRES, Destruction of building to check 3 153 Fire Marshal to investigate cause 4 154 Material or apparatus needed 9 150 Result of crime 4 154 FISCAL YEAR, Budget of amounts estimated 3 25 Commences and ends, when 16 218 FIVE BLOCKS, street railway through tunnel, sub- way or viaduct, each end thereof 5 123 FIXING, Bail , 6 65 Fees and charges, official service 17 11 Rate of interest, deposits of public funds 2 50 Rates, by Supervisors 14 10 Street width and grade 1 77 FLUMES, water supply, lands for 15 193 FLUSHERS, sprinkling of streets 29 97 FLUSHING SEWERS, regulation by Supervisors 13 10 FORECLOSURE, lien, street assessment 12 88 FORFEITURE, Check accompanying bid 17 75 Check or bond, change of grade bid 9 116 Check, street repair bid 16 92 Deposit, bond sale 10 191 Franchises, actions 3 46 Franchises not in use 26 219-220 Judgments, execution sales 4 60 Ordinances, violation of 16 11 Pension rights, fireman 5 156-157 Pension rights, police officer 5 146 Street railway franchise 6 19 FORMS, demands 39 14 FOUNTAINS, approval of 10 207 FOURTEENTH STREET, sale of lands 9 20 FOURTH OF JULY, appropriation for celebration 18 11 FRANCHISES, Advertising bill granting 13 6 Advertising for bids 6 18 Additional conditions to be imposed 7a 37 Application for 6 . 18 Arbitrators, appointment of 7a 38 Index 281 FRANCHISES (Continued) S^rbdiv"sron Page Award by Supervisors 6 18 Bids for 6 18 Bill, final passage, ninety days after introduction.. 12 6 Bonds, purchase of street railway 7a 38 Bonus, purchase by City 7a 37 Boulevards 6 17 City may purchase _ 7a 37 Conduits, pipes, mains, wires, no exclusive for laying 5 17 Eight-hour day 7b 39 Election, purchase 7a 38 Election, submission at 3 46 Electric power, granting : 7 19 Exclusive, not to be granted 5 17 Expiration, Offer by City to complete purchase 7a 38 Submission to people 1 181 Forfeiture, Actions 3 46 Penalty 7c 39 Street railway 6 19 When declared 26 219-220 Labor, wage and hours 7b 39 Lighting, granting 7 19 Minimum wage 7b 39 Ninety days before final passage 6 109 Not in use, declared forfeited 26 219-220 Officers prohibited from being interested in 6 216 Operation continuous 6 19 Ordinance granting time before final action 12 6 Overtime employment 7b 39 Paving of streets, power to compel 28 12 Penalty for failure to comply with conditions 7c 33 Percentage of receipts 6 18-19 Petition, ordinance referred to vote of people 7 20 Postponement of final action for vote of people 3 46 Power, granting 7 19 Public utility, submission to people 1 18l Purchase by City 7a 37 Railroads 28 12 Referendum, ordinance granting 7 20 Referendum to the people 1 181 Renewal of..... 6 19 Roadbed and tracks reverting to City 6 id Steam railroads, power to grant 28 12 Street railways 6 17 Supervisors, majority vote 6 19 Time required before renewal 12 6 Valuation, purchase by City 7a 37 Vote of people 7 20 Wages and hours of employees 7b 38 Wires for power '. 7 19 FRAUD, Civil Service examinations, prohibited 18 202 Civil Service provision 9 198 FREEHOLDERS, BOARD OF, Certification of Chaiter 226 Charter proposed by 1 282 ^ Index Section or Subdivision Page FREIGHT, spur tracks, hauling 3 9 FRONTAGE, City and County property, work, payment for 8 83 Owners of major part of, improving street 19 75 United States property, work, payment for 8 83 FUNDED DEBT (See Sinking Fund, Bonds) FUNDS, Apportionment by Supervisors 11-12 33 Apportionment of revenues 1 35 Auditor, supervision over 1 47 Available against contracts 9 31 Bail moneys 5 65 Balances (See Balances) Budget (See Budget) 1-4 30 Change of grade assessments 12 118 City and County investing 2 52 Common school fund (See Common School Fund) Constitutional enactments 13 33 Continuity of 2 35 Custody, public moneys 1-14 39-43 Demands (See Demands) Deposit daily in Treasury 17 218 Deposit of moneys in bank 2 50-52 Designation of :. 2 35 Disbursement of by Supervisors 15 34 Drainage purposes, special 22 11 Earnings of utilities to be transferred to certain.. 16 193-194 Elections, special 14 180 Finance Committee 3 16 General Fund (See General Fund) Gold in bags 3 52 Joint custody safe 3 52 Library 2-3 133 Licenses, collection and payment into Treasury.... 2 54 Legislative enactments.... 13 33 Mayor's contingent 35 13 On hand. Treasurer to take account daily 2 49 Parks 6 205 Playgrounds 5 211 Police Relief and Pension 1-13 144-148 Provision for, from January to June 30, 1900 37 224 Public Utilities, Acquisition of 4 187-188 Earnings 1 194 Municipal 12 33 Receipts, apportionment by Auditor 10 41 Redeeming bonds for construction of buildings 29 220 Reserve fund, public utility 1-2 194 Revolving 291/2 221 School Department 1 130-131 School lots, proceeds from sale 11 23 Separate 1 35 Silver in bags 1 3 52 Sinking funds (See Sinking Funds) Special deposit 4 36 Street assessment 16 109 Street work 8 83 Supervisor to fix and collect revenues 14 34 Surplus fund (See Surplus Fund) Surplus in certain, to pay outstanding bonds 7 37 Index 283 Section or FUNDS (Continued) Subdivision Patre Surplus, street assessment 18 109 Subway construction 2-4 122 Taxes, Apportionment of, to the several 11-12 33 Collection and payment into Treasury 2 54 Levy : 5 31 Transfer from one to another, not lawful 1 35 Transfer of old to new 37 224 Treasurer, Monthly report 8 41 To keep accounts of each fund separate 2 50 To receive and safely keep 2 49 Tunnel construction 2-4 122 Unapportioned fee fund 4 40 Unexpended Balances, Action by Auditor 10 32 Monthly 9 31 Urgent necessities 8 31 Use for any purpose than that specified barred 2 35 Viaduct construction 2-4 122 When cease to exist 38 225 G GARBAGE, Board cf Health, supervising, disposition 3 160 Board of Public Works, to dispose of 7 71 GAS, Acquisition of plants by City 1 186 Financo Committee, examining books, etc 4 17 Franchises, granting 7 19 Mains, regulating laying 1 70 Offers for sale of works to City 2 186 Pipes to be laid before acceptance of street 23 94 Pipes, power to regulate 13 10 Public buildings, lighting 6 28 Rates to be uniform 6 28 Rates, Supervisors to fix yearly ^..... 14 10 Regulation of by S^ipervisors..... 13 10 GASOLINE, enforcement of laws by Fire Marshal 4 15^ GATES, aDproving designs 10 208 GENERAL FUND, Bond issue surplus 10 191 Check accompanying bid forfeited, paid into 17 75 Check, street repair work 16 92 Consists of what 2 35 Delinquent on assessment, purchase of property.... 3 106 Forfeited check 9 116 Interest on deposits 2 50 Payments out of 37 224 Reserve fund, public utilities 2 194 Street improvements, what expenses paid 8 83 Tearing up streets, expenses to be deposited in 9 71 Transfer of what previous funds to 37 224 GENERAL LAWS OF STATE, govern all elections 5 164 GENUINE, l)id for public work 16 73 GIFTS, Aquarium, public 43 15 Art gallery 6 206 City and County of San Francisco 1 2 For positions debars from office 7 216 284 Index GIFTS (Continued) From subordinates, prohibited Museum Playgrounds Public libraries Public parks Schools * Steinhart, Ignatz GLASS', stained, approval GOLD TN RAGS GOLDEN GATE PARK, Art Gallery and Museum, Academy of Sciences Gifts and control over Jurisdiction, Park Commission Panama-Pacific Exposition may use part of Playgrounds State of California, lease of ground to Steinhart Aquaiium GRADES, Assessment Bids on work Change of, proceedings relating to Charter provisions not to be exclusive Civil Service classification Cost may be paid out of treasury Credits to owners Crossings Delinquent assessments Distribution of assessment Estimate by Board of Public Works of benefits, etc. Estimate of damages by owner Expense of, how assessed Included under term "improvement" Intermediate streets, relation to main streets New assessment Notice of assessment Notice of filing of report Objections and hearing .<. Owners doing front of their lots Park Commission Partially graded or improved, proceedings Payment of damages .". Payment to contractor Plans and specifications for regrading, etc Posting of notices Powers of Supervisors Powers of Supervisors Proceedings Provisions for repaving, resewering, etc Publication of resolution Public ways and grounds Report of Board of Public Works Resolution of intention Supervisors, Fixing Majority vote : Ordering changes by ordinance Supplementary assessment Ungraded portion of street, proceedings not stayed by objections , ,. 4 Spction or Subdivision Page 8 216 6 206 6 211 3-4 133 8 207 12 127 43a 15 10 207 3 52 12 208 6 206 1 204 1 186 9 210 9 207 43a 15 1-11 113-117 9 116 1-17 112-121 17 120 2 195 16 119 9 85-86 26 95 12 117 10 116-117 3 114 2 114 2 83 26 95 26 95 8 115 12 117 7 115 8 115 9 85 10 208 4 80 13 118 14 119 9 116 1 113 1 113-114 17 120 1-17 112-121. 1 113 1 113 10 208 6 114-115 1 112 1 77 17 120 17 119-120 15 119 80 Index 285 Section or Subdivision Page GRANTS, Custody of 7 5 Electric power and lighting franchise 7 19 Franchises 12 6 Liquor peimits 3 136 Permits by Police Commission 9 138 Signature. Clerk of Supervisors 7 5 Street railway franchises 6 17 Streets in new subdivisions 28 96 Teachers' certificates 3 125 GRATUITY, official prohibited from accentin? 8 216 GREAT HIGHWAY, jurisdiction, Paik Commission... 1 204 GROUNDS, PUBLIC (See Parks) H HACKNEY CARRIAGES, regulation of 7 9 HAND S"\VEEPING OF STREETS, preference 29 97 HARBORS, Built and repaired by Board of Public Works 1 112 May be leased, but not sold 2 112 Tolls for wharfage and dockage 2 112 Under control of Supervisors 1 112 HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS, Approval, demands 4-5 48 Board of Public Works appointing 13 73 Discharge of employees, consent of Civil Service Commission * 10 198 Dismissal of employees 12 200 Duties of employees 30 222 Liability for acts of deputies 6 214 Notice to Civil Service Commission of position to be filled 9 19S Requisitions 3 27 HEALTH, protection of 3-4 160-161 HEALTH DEPARTMENT, Abatement of nuisance 3-4 160-161 Almshouses 3 160 Ambulance service 3 160 Appointments, all under Civil Service 5 161 Births, registration of 4 161 Board of Health, Appointed by Mayor 1 160 Appointments, officers and employees 5 161 Classification as to holding po^ition^ 2 160 Draft of proposed rules or ordinances to be submitted to Supervisors by 4 161 Expenditures, control over 3 160 Ordinances, enforcing 4 160 Powers and duties 3-4 160-161 President of 1 160 Qualifications of members of 1 160 Rules and regulations adopted by 1 160 Serve without compensation 1 160 Seven members to constitute 1 160 Term of office seven years 2 160 Buildings. rei)airs, etc.. suspension tax limit 13 33-34 City and County Hospital (San Francisco Hospital), Control of Board of Health 3 160 Internes may be appointed for 9 161 Ward in. for treatment of inebriates 8 161 286 Index Section or Subdivision Page HEALTH DEPARTMENT (Continued) Civil Service provisions 5 161 Dead, disposition of 3 160 Deaths, registration of 4 161 Dismissal, not without cause 5 161 District Attorney to advise... 2 60 Duties prescribed by Board of Health 5 161 Employees of, number, how determined 11 162 Garbage, disposition of 3 160 General powers to regulate 1 8 Hospitals, control over 3 160 Jails, sanitary supervision of 3 160 Management of Board of Health 1 160 Nuisances 3-4 160-161 Offal, disposition of 3 160 Officers and employees 5 161 Physicians exempt from Civil Service 11 199 Police officers also health officers 3 142 Protection, lives and health 3 160 Public buildings, sanitary supervision 3 160 Receiving hospitals 3 160 Registration of births, deaths, etc 4 161 Relief Home 3 160 Salaries fixed by Board of Health 5-10 161-162 Sanitary supervision Of municipal institutions 3 160 Schools, sanitary supervision 3 160 Street improvement applications.... 2 77 Vital statistics 4 161 HEARINGS, Appeal from street assessment 14 89 Assessment district objections 5 81 Budget 3 30 Change of grade 8 115 Civil Service Commision, charges 12 200 Closing of streets 27 96 Liquor permits, refusals 3 136 Objections, owners, street crossing assessment.... 4 80 Opening, etc., of streets 4-5 102 Pension claim, Fire Department 5 156 Pension claim, police member's family 4 145-146 Permits. Police Commission 9 138 Police Commission 3 136 Police officer, charges 3 142 HEAT (See Steam Heat) HEIRS, Firemen, pension 5 156 Police member, pension 4 145 HEROIC CONDUCT, reward for 8 146 HETCH HETCHY, Board of Public Works, charge of construction, operation, etc 8 71 Payment for work on 9 49 Power of Supervisors to acquire lands 15 193 HOLIDAYS, official advertising excepted on 26 96 HOOK AND LADDER COMPANIES, Of whom composed 1 153 FOSRMEN. Fire Department 1 153 HOSPITALS, Charge of Board of Health 3 160 Receiving .- 3 160 Regulation and maintenance of 11 10 Judex 287 HOSPITALS (Continued) SubtlivFsrJn Page San Francisco Hospital, Medical students given facilities in 7 161 Resident physician for 6 161 Visiting physicians and surgeons for 7 161 Students, privileges 7 161 Supplies, contracts for 1 24 HOSTLERS, Fire Department 1 158 HOURS OF LABOR, Fire Department 11 151 Power to regulate 24 11 Public offices 14 217 Street railway franchise 7b 38-39 HYDRAXTMEN, Fire Department 1 158 ILLEGAL PAYMENTS, penalty 11 217 IMPROVEMENTS, How provided, when exceed revenues of city 29 220 Lessee, school lot, reverting to city 11 127 (See also Streets, Public Work) INCIDENTAL EXPENSES, Bidder to pay 9 116 Change of grade : 9 116 Chief of Police 6 140 Contracts for City and County 1 25 Deductions from warrant 12 88 Included in street assessment 7 82 Police Department 6 140 INCOME, Apportionment to funds by Supervisors 12 33 Auditor's annual estimate 2 30 Public utilities, municipal 12 33 INCOMPETENCE, ground for removal 12 201 INCREASE, In salaries 4 164 In salaries IV2 158 In salaries 41-42 226 Liabilities, vote of people, legislature or constitu- tional 13 13 Tax rate 13 33 INDEBTEDNESS, Bank, deposits of public funds 2 51 Deduction from demands.... 6 48 Limit of 9 190 (See Bonds, Debts, Liabilities) INDEPENDENCE DAY, celebration of 18 11 INDIGENT, Exempt firemen, relief 36 13 School children 1 131 INDUSTRIAL, spur tracks 3 9 INEBRIATES, ward, San Francisco hospital 8 161 INFERIOR SUPPLIES, acceptance by officer 4 27 INFORMALITIES, elections 23 174 INITIATIVE, Affidavit of verification 2 175 Additional signatures 3 177 Any number of measures, etc., may be submitted on one petition 8 179 288 Index Section or Subdivision Page INITIATIVE (Continued) Appropriation 3 177 Arguments 10 179 Ballots, form of 6 178 Bond issue election not to take precedence of 11 180 Budget appropriation 14 180 Certificate by Registrar. 3 177 Charter amendments 7-12 178-180 Citation to signer 3 176 Commissioners calling election 3 177 Commissioners calling special election 4 178 Competing and conflicting measures 7 178 Conflict in provisions of law, charter controlling.... 8 179 Declarations of policy 13 180 Denial of signature 3 176-177 Disregard, irregular signatures 2 175 Election, Laws governing 8 179 Mandatory 11 180 When to be held 3 177 Extra help 3 177 General election, when, percentage 5 178 Go into effect ten days after official count 6 178 Highest number of votes 7 178 Insufficiency of petition 3 177 Mailing printed measure and sample ballot 9 179 Majority vote 6 178 Not more than one special election within six ♦ months 8 179 Petition, filing of 1-2 174-176 Petition, form of 2 175-176 Precincting 2 176 Sample ballot 9 179 Sample sheets, etc 2 175 Signatures to petition 2-5 175-178 Soliciting signatures 2 175 Sufficiency of petition 3 177 Supervisors' duty to fulfil election mandate 13 180 Supplemental petition 3 177 Ties, resubmission 7 178 Validity presumed until otherwise proved 2 176 Verification of petition by Registrar 3 176-177 Vetoing, amending or repealing power vested in people 7 179 Voter expressing preference in similar measures.... 7 178 Withdrawal of signature 2 176 INJURY, death from 4 145 INNOCENT PERSONS, return of property by police... 2 143 INQUESTS, interpreters, compensation 20 11 INSANE PERSONS, Property taken from 1 143 TeniDorary detention 10 10 INSPECTION, Books and records of departments by public 13 217 Electrical wires and appliances 6 159 Fire Wardens, buildings 1 154 Included under incidental expenses 26 96 Liquor permits 3 137 Permits, Police Commission 9 138 Police Department records 13 217 Index 289 Section or Subdivision Page INSTALLMENTS, Assessments, opening, etc., of streets, ten years 1 100-101 Payment not to exceed twenty-five per centum of assessed valuation 33 99 Street assessments 33 99 Taxes, payment of 17 35 Tunnel, subway and viaduct assessments 2 122 INSTITUTIONS, Health Department 3 160 Sanitary supervision of municipal 3 160 (See Public Buildings, Libraries, Schools, Jails) INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS 10a 168 INSUFFICIENT SIGNATURES, initiative petition.... 3 177 INTELLIGENCE OFFICE KEEPERS, Permits 9 138 Supervision of Chief of Police.. 7 140 INTEMPERANCE (See Drunkenness) INTEREST, balance to ensuing fiscal year 5 36 Bonds, purchase of public utilities 5 189 Bonds, tax levy to pay 12 193 Budget provisions 2 30 Construction period, purchase by city 7a - 37 Delinquent assessments 13 105 Deposits of public funds 2 50 Installment payments 33 99 Official in contracts, etc., prohibited 6 216 Opening, etc., of streets 1 101 Payments, street assessments 33 99 Public Utilities, Bonds 10 190 Earnings 1 194 Municipal, earnings 12 33 Revolving fund „ 291/2 221 Street assessments 15 90 Street improvement bonds 29^! 221 Supervisors to provide for 14 34 Surplus, Earnings, paying 12 193 In bond issue 10 191 Not to go to surplus fund 16 34 Taxes, property, to meet : 12 33 Tax levy, above dollar limit 11 33 Tunnel, subway and viaduct assessments 2 122 INTERLINEATION, bids for public work 16 74 INTERNES, San Francisco Hospital 9 161 INTERPRETERS, Appointment, Superior Court 1 58 Coroner's jury examinations 1 58 Salaries, limit of 20 11 Superior and Police Courts 20 11 INTERSECTIONS, hearing of objections 4 80 INTOXICATED PERSONS (See Drunkenness) INVALIDATE, Elections, informalities 23 174 Recall elections 1 182 Street improvement assessment 14 90 INVESTIGATIONS, Bonds, official 3 17 Civil Service Commission 13 201 Coroner 1 58 Finance committee 3 16 Fire Marshal, cause of all fires 4 154 290 Index Section or Subdivision INVESTIGATIONS (Continued) Initiative petition 3 Mayor, of officers, etc., 2 Offices, public 3 Police Department 8 Public service corporations 4 INVESTMENTS, By City and County 2 Bequests, parks, in bonds 8 ITEMS, Budget .-. 3-4 Demands to specifiy 5 Dollar limit, excluded from 11-13 Veto separate items in bill 14 J JAILS, Jailers, guards, etc., appointment and salaries 2 Power to provide and maintain.. 11 Sanitary supervision of 3 JANITORS, appointment 4 JEFFERSON SQUARE, fire alarm station 6a JOINT, Custody safe .-. 3 Repair of track by railroads 28 Use, S'treets by street railroads 27 Tracks, five blocks 5 Tracks, ten blocks 27 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS, Ayes and noes, Supervisors 3 Objections by Mayor to bills 16 Tax limit, suspension of 13 Vote on reconsideration 16 JUDGES (See Superior Court, Justices' Court and Police Court) Appointment of interpreters 1 Election of, at what time : 1 Interpreters for, when may be appointed 1 Police Court 1 Reporters for 2 Soliciting, to dismiss case 3 JUDGMENTS, Condemnation, opening, etc., of streets 16 Execution sales 4 Lien, street assessment 12 Order of Court to pay 16 Surplus fund, payment out of 3 JUDICIAL OR LEGAL DEPARTMENT (See separate offices) JULY FOURTH, celebration of 18 JUNK DEALERS, permits 9 JUNK SHOP KEEPERS, supervision of Chief of Police 7 JURIES, Coroners' 1 JUSTICES' COURT, Chief clerk and deputies 1 Civil Service, employees under except the Clerk.... 11 . Election of, at what time 1 Justice acting as Police Judge 12 Salaries, justices 1 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE (See Justices' Court) Page 177 45 17 137 17 52 207 30 53 33 6 62 10 160 71 206 52 12 12 123 12 4 7 33 7 58 164 58 63 58 64 108 60 88 108 36 11 138 140 58 62 199 164 66 62 -Index 291 Section or Subdivision K KILLED IN SERVICE, Fireman 5 Policeman 4 (See also Death) L LABOR, Claim, unpaid bill 7 Cleaning of streets 29 Contracts for City and County 1 Contract for, registering 9 Day labor 9 Eight-hour day 24 Hours of labor (See Hours of Labor) Overtime employment 7b Minimum wage (See Minimum Wage) Wages of laborers under street railway franchises 7b LABORERS, Civil Service, priority of registration 5 Cleaning and sprinkling of streets 29 Hours and wages for public service 24 Urgent repairs to streets 30 LAMP DESIGNS, approving 10 LANDS, Acquiring in excess of actual requirements 10 Acquisition (See Acquisition) Appraisements 9 Bond issue for acquiring 29 City and County, owned by (See City Property) Civic Center, site for 10 Condemnation (See Condemnation) Conveyance by Supervisors 29 Easement, condemning 16 Leasing of (See Lease) Library purposes, authorizing use for 7 Mission Creek, sale 9 Park Commissioners, control what 1 Playground Commission, purchase 5 Private sale 9 Public libraries 4 Purchase (See Purchase) Relief Home tract, sale and purchase 10 Sale of (See Sale) Sale by City and County 9 School lots, Outside Lands 11 Sewer construction, purchase for 6 Streets, for opening, etc 1-19 Subway, tunnel and viaduct construction 2 Supervisors, majority vote on sale 9 Titles, conveyance by Supervisors 29 Water supply, acquisition for 15 LANES, Assessment, street work 5-7 Defective, liability, damages 5 Excavations in, proceedings 9 Grade changes 1 Included under term "Street" 26 Opening, extending, widening, etc 1 Open public, defined 1 Repairs to, prior to acceptance 16 Page 156 145 28 97 25 31 72 11 39 38 197 97 11 97 208 22 21 220 22 12 108 134 20 204 211 21 133 23 20 23 111 100-109 121 22 12 193 84-85 2 71 112 95 100 77 91 292 Index Section or Subdivision LAW LIBRARY, Act continued in force 1 County Clerk, collections 1 Provision for maintenance of 1 LAWS, Chief of Police charged with enforcement of 3 Fire Marshal charged with enforcement of 4 General laws governing elections 5 Local enactment by Supervisors 1 Mayor to enforce 2 LAYING, Pipes, conduits, mains, etc., no exclusive franchise 5 Pipes, regulating 1 Tracks, Board of Public Works regulating 1 Wires for lighting and power, regulating 1 LEASE, Board of Education 6 Custody of 7 Lands owned by City 32 Majority vote of Supervisors 11 Officials barred from interest In 6 Park, buildings in 6 Parks, part of, restrictions 6 Public utility, submission to people 1 Referendum, ordinance authorizing 7 Reversion of buildings and improvements by lessee to city 11 School real property not needed 11 Signature, Clerk of Supervisors 7 State of California, exposition building in Golden Gate Park 9 Street railway roadbed and tracks 7 Wharves, provision for 2 LEGAL ADVICE, City Attorney to all departments • 2 District Attorney to give certain officers 2 LAW BOOKS, Chief of Police 4 City Attorney 4 LEAVES OF ABSENCE, Fire Department 2 From State 3 Military service 21 Without loss of pay 2 LEGACIES (See Bequests) LEGAL DEPARTMENT (See under separate headings) L'EGISLATIVE ACTS, By ordinance 8 Initiative, action by people 1-16 Power vested in Supervisors 1 LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT (See Supervisors) LEGISLATURE, Amendments to charter, approval Charter, approval of Land titles act 29 Officer or employee cannot become a member of.. 4 LESoiiill/, Deducting assessment, etc., from rent 20 School lot, improvements by, reverting to city 11 Page 67 67 67 139 154 164 8 45 17 70 70 70 125 • 5 13 127 216 206 206 181 20 127 127 5 207 20 112 58 60 139 59 158 215 203 158 5 174-180 4 1 226-227 12 216 93 127 Index 293 T tPtr-v Section or L»tj\Y, Subdivision Paeo Political purposes 32 223 School tax 1 130 Street assessments 9 83 Tax, when made and limit (See Taxes) 11-13 32-33 LIABILITY. LIABILITIES, Board of Public Works 5 3 City and County of San Francisco, damages, defective work 5 2 City Attorney, advice 2 58 Firemen's relief fund 8 157 Funds available against 9 31 Illegal demands, penalty 11 217 Legislative and constitutional enactments in- creasing 13 33 Not to be paid from funds of another year 13 34 Not to exceed monthly proportion 9 31 Officer for acts of deputies 6 214 Pensions, Police Department 9 147 People, vote of, increase in 13 33-34 Private contracts, city 22 77 Treasurer on official bond 4 40 LIBRARIES, Actions at law 4 133 Bequests, etc., in aid of 3 133 Books and publications, purchase 13 34 Books and publications, purchase 2-4 133-134 Branches, establishing 7 134 Buildings, erecting and equipping 2-6 133-134 City property may be used for, when 7 134 Civic Center, land for 10 23 Expenditures 2 35 Fund, Balance to ensuing fiscal year 5 36 Consists of what 2 35 How created and applied 2-3 132-133 Payments upon, how ordered 5 134 Proceeds of tax levy 2 133 Revenues paid into 2-3 133 Gifts 3 133 Law library 1 67 Librarians 5 133 Maintenance, suspension tax limit 13 34 Managed by twelve trustees 1 132 Memorial tablets, donors 5 133 Offcers and assistants, appointment and removal 3 134 Payment by vouchers 5 134 Personal property 4 133 Powers and duties of trustees and assistants 5-6 34-1^5 President 5 133 Purchasing or leasing property 2 133 Real estate 4 133 Rules, regulations of library and branches 1 134 Salaries of assistants 6 134 Secretary 5 133 Surplus in funds not to go to surplus fund 16 34 Tax levy for 2 133 Trustees. Continued in office 1 132 Meetings and proceedings 5 133 Quorum 5 133 Serve without salary 1 132 294 Index Section or LIBRARIES (Continued) Subdivision Trust for, administration 2 Vacancy in Board of Trustees, how filled 1 LIBRARY BONDS, sale of 10a LICENSES, Auditor to deliver to Tax Collector 5 Collections by Tax Collector 2 Examination of, by Tax Collector 4 Exhibition of 4 Income from, estimate 2 Police Relief and Pension Fund, payment into 11 Revocation of, by Tax Collector, when 4 Supervisors to impose and provide for collection.. 15 Tax Collector to make monthly report on 5 LIENS, Actions to enforce 15 Bond of contractor 7 Lessee, street work expense 20 New street assessment 12 Street excavation expense 9 Warrants, street assessments 12 LIEUTENANTS, Fire Department 1 Police Department 1-3 LIGHTING, Acquisition of plants by City 1 Appliances, location and quality 13 Board of Public Works, charge of 3 Department of Electricity, supervision 6 Finance Committee examining corporations' books, etc 4 Franchises, granting 7 Lamp designs, approving 10 Offers for sale of plants to City 2 Percentage of receipts 7 Poles, erection of, franchises 7 Public offices, bills for : 6 Rates to be established 14 Streets and public buildings, contracts for 6 Streets, parks, etc 3 Supervisors, power to regulate 13 Uniform rates, contracts 6 Wires for power, franchises 7 LIMIT, Assessed valuation 33 Bonded indebtedness 9 Demands, presentation of 1 Dollar limit, taxation 11 Employees, number of 5 Expenditures, monthly 9 Extensions of time, contracts..... 21 Fire limits 5 Park tax 11 Progressive payments on contracts 21 School tax levy 1 Street assessments 8 Street improvements, special provision 33 Street work ordinance 33 Supplies, officers buying ...:. 5 Taxation, City and County purposes 11-13 Tax rate, sixty-five cents over dollar 13 Temporary appointment? 10 Paee 134 132 192 55 54 49 55 30 147 55 10 55 91 28 93 88 72 88 153 140-141 186 10 ■ 70 159 17 19 208 186 20 19 28 10 27 70 10 27 19 99 190 43 33 216 31 76 9 208 77 131 83 99-100 99 216 33 34 198-199 . Index 295 Section or Subdivision LINES, public ways and grounds 10 LIQUOR, Licenses, police pensions 11 Police Commission may grant permits 3 LITIGATION, City Attorney settling 2 LOBOS SQUARE, use for exposition 13 LOCAL, laws, enactment by Supervisors 1 LOCATION, water, heat, light, etc., services 13 LOST PROPERTY 1-3 LOTS, Method of assessing for street improvements 9 Ownership, ignorance of 9 School lots 11 School lots 3 Transfer to other departments 31 LOWEST BID, Bonds, redemption of 3 Change of grade 9 Contracts for supplies 1 Official advertising 2 Repairs to streets , 16 Stationery supplies 3 M MACADAMIZING, included under what 26 MACHINERY, Cleaning and sprinkling of streets 29 Corporation store yard 32 MAILING, initiative petition 9 Notice, Change of grade 13 Protestants, assessment district 5 Opening, etc., of streets 4 Street improvements 4 Resolutions of intention _ 3 Sample ballots 17 Street work notices 26 MAINS, Franchise, no exclusive for laying 5 Laying in streets. Board of Public Works regulat- ing 1 MAINTENANCE, Accepted streets 23 Fire alarm system : 1 Playgrounds 10 Police telegraph and telephone system 1 Public buildings 6 Public utilities 8 Public utilities 14 Sewerage and drainage systems 7 MAJORITY, Frontage, street work 19 Frontage, street work 4 MAJORITY VOTE, Amendments to charter 22 Bills and resolutions, passage 9 Bonds, street railway purchase 7a Bonds unsold 10 Budget 3 Paee 208 147 136 58 209 8 10 143 83-84 103 127 132 13 37 116 24 25 92 27 95 97 98 179 118 81 102 80 79 170 17 94 159 212 159 71 71 193 71 75 79 o 38 191 30 296 Index MAJORITY VOTE (Continued) Subdivision Page Change of grade ordinance 17 120 Counting of ballots 19-21 171-173 Extension of time on contracts 21 76 Franchise grant 6 19 Initiative petition 6 178 Library trustees 6 133 Public utilities, acquisition of 4 188 Referendum elections 1-9 181-182 Sale of City lands 9 22 School lot lease 11 127 Sewer, Construction 8 111 Cost exceeding certain unit 2 78 Lands for 6 111 Street, Improvements, ordering 2 78 Opening, widening, etc 1 100 Work, Supervisors ordering 33 98 Suspension of officer 19 218 Tunnel, subway and viaduct construction 1 121 Urgent necessities fund, expenditures from 8 31 MANHOLES, Crossing, hearing of objections 4 80 Included under what.....". 26 95 MANUFACTURERS, License taxes 15 10 Patented pavement 26 95-96 MAPS, Assessment district 5 82 Board of Public Works, custody 8 69 Street assessment 2 78 Subdivisions, new 28 96 MARSHAL, fire 1-5 1 53-1 54 MATERIALS, Board of Public Works, satisfaction of 22 77 Bond of contractor , 7 28 Claim of materialmen against contractor 7 28 Cleaning of streets 29 97 Corporation store yard 32 98 Failure of contractor to pay for 7 28 Officer accepting inferior, penalty 4 27 Public utilities, municipally owned 8 71 Sewer construction 2 110 Specifications, in accordance with 22 77 Storekeeper 32 98 Urgent repairs to streets 30 97 Use of street in building construction 1 70 MATRONS, Branch jail, appointment 2 62 Police, appointment 4 137 MAYOR, Acquisition, public utilities 3 187 Acting Mayor, provision for 6 46 Additional deputies, etc., recommend, when 35 223 Agreements, performance of 3 46 Appointed officer, removal of 18-20 218 Appointments, During period of suspension 18 218 Of deputies 1 45 Officers not otherwise specified 4 46 Under new charter, when 36 223-224 . Index 297 MAYOR (Continued) SubdivLfo'n Page Arbitrators, franchise purchase 7a 37 Auditor's salary, auditing 13 42 Ballot, arrangement of office on 10b 168 Board of Education, appointment 1 124 Board of Health, appointment of seven members.. 1 160 Board of Public Works, appointment 1 68 Bonds, Franchise bid, approval 6 18 Mayor, amount, approval by Auditor 1-2 213 Official 3 17 Official, approval of 1 213 Redemption of 7 37 Signing of , 11 192 Unsold, sale of 10 191 Budget 4 30 Charges against suspended officer 19 218 \Ciii^ executive officer of City 1 45 Civil Service Commission, Appointment 1 195 Report 15 201 Contingent fund 35 13 Contracts to be executed by 5 27 Contracts to be supervised by 3 46 Defalcation by officers 4 17 Defalcation, suspension for 2 45 Demands, approval of 19 7 Deposit of public funds 2 50 Designs, approving .'. 10 208 Disability of, who to act as Mayor 6 46 ,^^PtrttBS, and supervision of municipality 2 45 Elected officer, suspension 18-20 218 Election Commissioners, appointment of 1 163 V.-Election of 1 45 ^.,^lection of, at what time 1 164 Employees 1 45 Employees, removal of, when 3 46 Ex-Mayors entitled to seat with Supervisors 2 4 Fire Commissioners, appointment of 1 149 Four-year term for 38a 225 Franchises. Annulling of, action on 3 46 Grant, approval 6 19 Postponement for final action 3 46 Purchase 7a 37 Interest rate, deposits of public funds 2 50 Justice of Peace acting as Police Judge 12 66 Laws, enforcement of 2 45 Lease of city lands 32 13 Library and reading rooms, trustee 1 132 Litigation, dismissal 2 58 Military aid, may call for, when 2 45 Official Bonds, Approval of 1-2 213 Approval of 2 213 Mayor's 2 213 Report to and action on 3 17 Officers, Removal 18-20 218 Suspension 3 17 Suspension 2 45 Suspension 18-20 218 298 Index Section or MAYOR (Continued) Subdivision Page Ordinances, Approval 16 6-7 Disapproving 16 6 Enforcement of 2 45 Parts of, objection to 14 6 Submitted to referendum by 2 181 Outside lands, school lots, sale of 11 23 Park Commissioners, appointment 3 204 Park employees' bonds 4 205 Playground Commissioners, appointment 2 210 Playground employees' bonds 3 210 Police Commissioners, appointment 1 135 President of the Board of Supervisors 5 46 Presiding officer, Board of Supervisors 5 5 Proclamation for municipal elections 9 168 Public utilities, acquisition, action on 3 187 Qualifications 1 45 Referendum, ordinance 2 181 , Removal of appointed officers 18-20 218 /Reports, annual, by departments 9 217 Requisitions, supplies 3 27 Riots, suppression of - 2 45 Salary of 1 45 Sale of City lands :. 9 21 School lot lease 11 127 Secretary to 1 45 Street railway franchise, purchase 7a 37 Supervisors, extra sessions of, may call 5 46 Supervisors, extra sessions of, may call 19 218 Suspension of Officers, In certain cases 2 45 When 18-19 218 Tax limit, approved suspension of, when 13 33 Term of office 1 45 Treasurer's report on condition of treasury 2 49 Urgent necessities, expenditures 8 31 Vacancy in office of, how filled 6 46 Veto, Annual budget, how and when 4 30 Separate items 14 6 Votes for office, how computed 25 174 Warrant and Bond Clerk, removal 7 65 MEDICINE, STUDY OP, privileges, San Francisco hospital 7 161 MEETINGS, Absence from 3 4 Attendance, compelling 3 4 Board of Education 3 124 Board of Public Works : 5 69 Board of Supervisors 6 5 Budget ■ 3 30 Election Commission, special, call of Registrar 3 177 Finance Committee 4 17 Fire Commission 4 149 Fire Pension Fund Commission 8 157 Mayor, attendance at 2 45 Park Commission 4 205 Playgrounds Commission 3 210 Police Commission 4 136 Police Pension Fund Commission 9 146 Public .,-,-., 6 5 . Index 299 Section or Subdivision Pnge MEMBERS, Board of Equalization 2 16 Board of Supervisors .- 2 4 Finance Committee 3 16 Fire Department 1 151 Police Department 3 135 MEMORIAL DAY, appropriation for celebration of. .. 18 11 MEMORIALS, Erection 10 207-208 Tablets, donors 5 l33 MERIT, promotion for 1 142 MILEAGE FEES 11 41 MILITARY AID, may be summoned, when 2 45 MILITARY SERVICE, Leave of absence, reinstatement 21 203 Pension right. Policemen and Firemen 43 226 MINIMUM WAGE, Contracts, performance of 1 25 Laborers 24 11 Street railway franchise 7b 38-39 MISDEMEANOR, Finance Committee reporting to Mayor ^ 4 17 MISFEASANCE BY OFFICERS, contracts 4 27 MISSION CREEK, sale of lands by City and County.. 9 20 MISSION PARK, playground 9 212 MODIFICATION (See Change)' MONEYS (See also Funds) Action to recover City's .' 14 43 All collected must be paid to Treasurer 34 223 Auditor, Approval for payment of 3 47 To hold, due on contract 10 32 Warrant necessary to draw 6 31 Bail, accounting for 5 65 Change of grade assessments 12 118 City and County investing , 2 52 Collections of, paid into treasury 1 39 Court moneys 4 36 Custody, public moneys 1-11 39-41 Daily requirement to meet demands 3 52 Deposited daily in treasury, all to be 17 218 Deposit in banks 2 50-52 Disbursement of 15 34 District Attorney 2 60 Gold and silver, how to be kept •. 3 52 Licenses, collection and payment into treasury.... 2 54 Lost, stolen or unclaimed 1-5 143-144 On hand. Treasurer to take account daily 2 49 Only to be drawn by appropriations 6-7 31 Property Clerk depositing with Treasurer 5 144 Receipts for deposits counted as cash 2 51 Street assessments 8 107 Taxes, collection and payment into treasury 2 54 Treasurer, Monthly report 8 41 Receipts 4 52 Receive and safely keep 2 49 300 Index MONTHLY, Demands, presented within one month Expenditures, limit : License reports Salaries, payable Treasurer's report on condition of treasury MONUMENTS, approval by Park Commission MORGUE, Coroner to control and manage Provision for by Supervisors MOTION TO RECONSIDER MOUNTAIN LAKE PARK, Jurisdiction, Park Com- mission MOVING, buildings through streets MOVING PICTURES, police officer detailed to MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP, Acquisition of public utilities Financial results of Intention of the people Public interest demanding Street railways Water works and sources MUNICIPAL RAILWAY, - Board of Public Works, charge of construction, operation, etc : Geary street railroad employees preferred for appointment Tunnel, subway or viaduct, joint or single opera- tion MUNICIPAL UTILITIES, Board of Public Works, control of construction and operation 8 Data, plans, estimates to be furnished by Board of Public Works 10 Experts 8 MUNICIPALITY (See City and County) MURAL DECORATIONS, approval by Park Commis- sion 10 MUSEUM, Academy of Sciences 11 Gifts and control over 6 N NAVY, Pension right, policemen and firemen 43 Service in, reinstatement 21 NEGLECT, NEGLIGENCE, Board of Public Works 5 Contract for supplies, to enter into 1 Defective street or sewer 5 Of duty, suspension from office for 2 Officer, To make daily deposits in Treasury 17 To make reports or returns, action by Auditor 6 To qualify within prescribed time 10 Repair to streets, making 18 Reporting violations 3 Supervisors enforcing public utility provisions 13 NEGOTIATIONS, acquisition of public utilities 4 Section or Subdivision Page 1 9 5 1 2 10 43 31 55 43 49 207 1 9 12 55 10 6 1 1 12 . 1-25 204 70 148 164-174 1 3 ' i 7a. 1 186 194 186 186 37 186 ' 8 71 lib 200 5 123 71 72 71 207 208 206 226 203 3 24 3 45 218 48 217 93 46 193 188 Index 301 NEW, Assessment Assessment, street Streets and subdivisions Subdivisions Positions, creation Positions, designation NEWSPAPER, Official advertising ^ 13 Official newspaper (See Official Newspaper) NINETY DAYS, Claim of materialmen 7 Final passage, franchise grant 12 Franchise, street railway, final passage 6 NINTH STREET, sale of lands 9 NOES (See Voting) NOMINATION, Officers, municipal elections 5 Recall election 5 NON-RESIDENCE, Civil Service provision 2 Creates vacancy in office 10 Forfeit right to police pension 5 Forfeiture of pension. Fire Department 6 NON-SECTARIAN, schools must be 1 NOTICES, Advertising, official 2 Affidavit of publisher of official newspaper 26 Appeal from street assessment 14 Assessment for repaving on change of grade 12 Assessment on opening, etc., of streets 13 Award of contract by Board of Public Works 17 Bids rejected and proposals readvertised 5 Board of Public Works, Posting and publishing all notices 6 Special meetings 5 Bond election 8 Census marshals, appointment of 7 Changes of Grade 1 Objections to, by mail 8 Payment of damages 13 Report 7 To be posted 1 City Attorney by Auditor, as to money due City..... 14 Civil Service Commissioners, appointments, etc 13 Civil Service examinations 6 Cleaning and sprinkling streets 29 Closing of streets, application 27 Completion of school house 1 Contract for public work, posting and publishing.. 14 Defective street, what to contain 5 Franchise purchase 7a Funds available against liabilities 9 Heads of departments to Civil Service Commis- sion 9 Improvement of streets, posted along streets 3 Leasing of City lands 32 Materialmen, bill not paid 7 Mayor, to, violation of contract with City 3 Objections to assessment district, by mail 5 Objections to opening, etc., of streets 4 Section or Subdivision Page 11 104 12 88 28 96 28 96 41 226 2 196 29 6 19 20 165 183 215 217 146 156-157 129 26 96 89-90 117 104 73 27 69 69 190 126 113 115 118 115 112 43 201 197 97 96 132 73 3 37 31 198 79 13 28 46 81 102 302 Index NOTICES (Continued) S^bdwfs Opening, etc., of streets, report on 10 Owner, award of damages 15 Owners may do work within ten days after post- ing of 19 Paving between railroad tracks 24 Pension hearing, claim by police member's family 4 Permits, Police Commission, complaints 9 Posted or served, how 26 Posting and mailing of ». 3 Proposals for public work, to contain what 15 Protestants to improvement of streets, to be mailed 4 Published in official newspaper 26 Recall election 4 Removal of appointed officer 20 Repairs to streets, bids for, to be posted three days, to specify what 16 Repairs to streets, written to owner 16 Repaving, awards of contract, on change of grade 9 Sale of lands owned by City 9 School houses, repair of 2 Street railway franchises 6 Street work, publication 26 Supplies, Proposals for, to contain what 1 Quantity and manner of delivery 3 Suspension of officer ' 19 Taxes, delinquent date 17 To pay money due City within twenty days 14 Treasurer to send bank before sale of bonds held as security 2 Trial of police officer 3 NUISANCES, Abatement of, by Board of Health 3-4 Supervisors, abatement and removal of 6 NUMBERS, Coupons on bonds 11 Documents recorded 2 Initiative petition 2 Treasurer's receipts 4 O OATHS, All officers may administer 24 Auditor, by 6 Board of Public Works Commissioners adminis- tering 6 Civil Service Commission 1 Clerk of Supervisors to administer 7 Finance Committee, administering 3 Initiative petition 2 Opening, etc., of streets 6 Petition, charter amendments.. 22 Police Commission 8 Service, notices. Board of Public Works 22 Sponsors, candidates for office 5 OBJECTIONS, Assessment district .,... 5 Board of Public Works, street improvement 2 Change of grade 8 n Pasre 104 108 75 94 145-146 138 96 79 73 80 96 183 218 84 91 116 21 132 18 96 21 23 218 35 43 51 142 160-161 9 192 56 175 52 219 48 102 195 5 17 175 102 8 137 94 166 81 78 115 Index 303 OBJECTIONS (Continued) S^uMivrsron P»e*. Closing of streets 27 96 Hearing of 4 80 Opening, etc., of streets 4-5 102 Ordinances by Mayor 16 6 Overruling by Board of Public Works 4 '80 Overruling by Supervisors...'. 5 102 Owners, street improvement 4 79 Sale of City lands, by Supervisors 9 22 Subway, tunnel and viaduct assessment 2 122 Unimproved portion of street 4 80 OCCUPANCY, unsafe structures, preventing 6 9 OFFAL, Conveyance to parks 4 9 Board of Health supervising disposition 3 160 OFFENSIVE SUBSTANCES, disposition of 3 160 OFFERS FOR SALE, public utilities to City 2 186 OFFICES (See Boards, Departments) Ballot, arrangement on 10b 168 Books and records, open to public 13 217 Budget estimates 1 30 Civil Service emoloyees under and exempt 11 199 Employees, number, how limited 5 216 Finance Committee visiting and inspecting 3 17 Hours open for business 14 217 Officers elected to take office when 2 165 Police officers, tenure of during good behavior 2 135 Stationery for 3 26 Supplies, contracts for 1 24 Term of office (See Term) Vacancy, appointment by Mayor 4 46 OFFICERS (See under official titles) Absence from duties 6 48 Absence from State, limitation on 3 215 Accounts, examination by Auditor 10 41 Acts of employees, liable for 6 214 Additional deputies, provisions for 35 223 Annual reports to Mayor 9 217 Appointed, when and how removed 18-20 218 Appointment by Mayor where not otherwise spe- cified 4 46 Appointments of, to be in duplicate 22 219 Bonds. Additional 5 214 Conditions in 3 214 To be given by 1 213 Books and Records, Open to inspection 13 217 To be delivered to successors 12 217 Bribing, Prohibited 8 216 Disqualifies ' 15 218 Charges, hearing 12 200 Citizenship requisite to appointment 2 215 Collusion with bidders 4 27 Compensation for election or appointment pro- hibited 7 216 Compensation limited to salaries only 3 39 Contract violation, duty to report 3 46 Contracts, not to be Interested in 6 216 Copies of records, etc., price certified .♦. 13 217 304 Index OFFICERS (Continued) SuMi^i'si'o'^ti Pace Custody of records 12 217 Default in accounting for City's money, etc 14 43 Demands, approval of 4-5 48 Deposit daily of moneys collected 17 218 Dismissing employees 12 200 Disqualified, when * 6-8 216 Duties, condition in official bond 3 214 Election of 1-12 165-170 Election of, when to take office 2 165 Election only of successors to those whose terms expire in January following 38a 225 Embezzlement disqualifies 15 218 Experts, when 2 215 Extra assistants, employment of 12 42 False certifying on contracts, penalty 4 27 Pees, etc., to be paid into treasury 3 39 Fees, prohibited from receiving 2 39 Finance Committee investigating 3 16 Four-year term : 38a 225 Franchises, prohibited from being interested in. ... 6 216 Gratuities, penalty for accepting 8 216 Hours, office 14 217 Illegal payments, penalty 11 217 Increases in salary 41-42 226 Ineligible for office, when 15 218 Interest in contracts, etc., penalty for 6 216 Lease by or to City, interest in prohibited 6 216 Legislature, can not become a member of 4 216 Liability for acts of deputies 6 214 Liability for illegal payments .* 11 217 Liabilities on treasury, contracting 9 31 Materials or supplies, accepting inferior, penalty 4 27 Mayor to supervise official conduct of..... 2 45 Mileage fees, etc., report of 11 41 Misfeasance, removal 4 27 Moneys collected by, to be paid into treasury 1 39 Monthly reports of all official receipts 9 41 Neglect to make report, etc., action by Auditor 6 48 Neglect to qualify within prescribed time after election or appointment causes vacancy.... 10 217 Nomination of 1-12 165-170 Not depositing funds collected, penalty for 17 200 Not to hold other salaried offices 4 215-216 Oaths, power to administer 24 219 Purchase by City, interested in prohibited 6 216 Recall of elected 1-13 182-185 Receipts, official 5 40 Residence for one year required 2 215 Residence outside city, when 2 215 Removal of 18-20 218 Removal of deputies by, when and how..,. 21 218-219 Salary, Demands, approval 13 42 Monthly payment 1 43 Withheld from, for not making returns 6 48 Sale to or by City, interest in prohibited 6- 216 Sealer, weights and measures 1 57 Seals to be provided for 23 11 Stationery for, not to contain printed names of—. 3 23 Supplies for, how limited 5 216 Surrender, books, documents, etc 3 214 Index 305 OFFICERS (Continued) slTbdivufJn Page Suspensions, By Maj^or 2 45 By Mayor 18-20 218 Employee 12 200 Terms of (See Term) Treasurer's receipts 4 53 Two salaried offices, penalty for holding 4 215-216 Vacancies in office of, how 10 217 Violation of duty, report to Mayor 3 46 OFFICIAL, Advertising, contracts 2 25 Bonds (See Bonds) Fees and charges, fixing 17 11 Newspaper (See Official Newspaper) Pamphlets, municipal election 8 167 Reports, annual of each department 9 217 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER, Advertising bills and resolutions 13 6 Affidavit of publisher 26 96 Bond election 8 190 Bonds, sale of 10 191 Change of grade, notice of assessment 12 117 Circulation requisite 2 25 Closing of streets 27 96 Delinquent assessments 1 105 Existence, period 2 26 Grade changes 1 113 Official advertising 2 26 Opening of streets, notice 13 104 Park ordinances ?. 5 205 Sale of City lands 9 21 School Department supplies 2 128 School property lease 11 127 Streets, opening, closing, etc., notice 3 101 Street work notices, etc 26 96 Supplies^ proposals for 1 24 Treasurer's report on condition of treasury 2 49 OFFICIALS (See Officers) OILS, enforcement of laws by Fire Marshal 4 154 OMISSIONS OF EMPLOYEES, officer liable for 6 214 ONE-TWELFTH ACT, expenditures '9 31 OPEN PUBLIC STREETS (See Streets) OPENING OF STREETS 1-19 100-109 OPERA HOUSE, erection and ownership 10 23 OPERATING EXPENSES, public utility 1 194 OPERATION. Exclusive right 5 123 Municipal public utilities, Board of Public Works control of 8 71 Public utilities 14 193 Street railway, continuous 6 19 Street railway through tunnel, subway or viaduct 5 123 OPERATORS, Chief's, Fire Department 4 153 OPINIONS, City Attorney rendering 2 58 City Attorney to keep file of 3 59 District Attorney to certain departments.... 2 60 ORDERS, Advertising, official 2 26 Change of grade 17 120 Court to pay judgment 16 108 306 Index ORDERS (Continued) Subdivision Paee New assessment to be made 11 104 Police Court, execution of - 3 139 Property as evidence, production 4 144 Street Improvements 1 77 Street work by Supervisors 33 99 Tunnel, subway and viaduct construction 1 121 ORDINANCES, Acceptance of streets 23 94 Acquisition of lands and municipal buildings 29 220 Additional employees 35 223 Adoption of by people 1 174 Advertising of 13 6 Advertising, official , : 2 26 Amendment, laid over one week after. 12 6 Amendments to 10 5 Approval by Mayor, how valid without 16 6-7 Assessments, streets 33 99 Ayes and noes 9 5 Board of Health to submit draft of 4 161 Board of Public Works, control over 9 70 Bonds, Public improvements 29 220 Official 1 213 Public utility acquisition 4 188 Bridge construction 1 121 Change of grade, ordering 17 119-120 Chief of Police charged with execution of 3 139 Citation of. in presenting demands 13 42 City Planning Commission 42 14 Claims, revival of i 1 44 Closing of streets 27 96 Delinquency of taxes 17 35 Demands, ordinance authorizing to be cited on 13 42 Department of Electricity to enforce 6 159 Deposited with Clerk of Supervisors 17 7 Disapproval by Mayor 16 6 Dockage tolls 2 112 Drains 3 110 Election, bond issue, public utilities 6-8 189-190 Electric power rates, power to fix 14 10 Enacting clause 8 5 Existing in force under new charter 28 220 Exposition bonds 29a 222 Extending of streets 1 100 Final passage 9 5 Fire alarm station, Jefferson Square 6a 206 Fire Marshal charged with enforcement 4 154 Franchise grant 6 19 Franchise grant, ninety days lapse after intro- duction 12 6 Franchise, street railway, purchase by City 7a 37 Health, enforced' by Board of Health 4 161 Heating rates, power to fix 14 10 Initiative, passage by 1-16 174-180 Initiative, when goes into effect 6 178 Installments, payment for street assessments 33 99 Lease of City lands 32 13 Legislative acts of the City 8 5 Lighting rates, power to fix 14 10 Majority of Supervisors necessary to adopt 9 5 Index 807 ORDINANCES (Continued) sSIJrsrJn Paee Materials, street work contracts 31 98 Mayor, Must be presented to for approval of 16 6 Objection to part of by .- 14 6 Referendum 2 181 To enforce 2 39 Municipally owned public utilities, work on 8 71 Nuisances, abatement of 4 161 Official bonds 1 213 Opening of streets 1 100 Outside of City, payment for work.... 9 49 Park Commissioners may pass certain 5 205 Panama-Pacific Exposition 37 13 Panama-Pacific Exposition bonds 29a 222 Parts of ordinances, objection to 14 6 Passage by bill 8 5 People acting on by initiative 1-16 174-180 Petition, Franchise grant to vote of people 7 20 Of electors (initiative) 1-16 174-180 Submission to people (referendum) 1-9 181-182 Power rates, fixing 14 10 Progressive payments on contracts 21 77 Publication of 13 6 Public Utilities, Acquisition, special election 4-7 187-189 Acquisition, Supervisors passing without sub- mission to people 3 187 Municipally owned, work on 8 71 Rates, power to fix 14 10 Submission to people 1 181 Railroad tracks, paving 24 94 Railroads paving streets 28 12 Rates, power of Supervisors to fix 14 10 Recorded by Clerk of Supervisors 17 7 Re-enactment 10 5 Referendum, ' FYanchise grant 7 20 To the people 1-9 181-182 When goes into effect , 7 182 Rejection of by people 1 174 Repeal, By ordinance approved by Mayor 18 7 For street improvements 27 220 Referendum election 7 182 Revision of 10 5 Revival of claims 1 44 Sale of lands owned by City 9 21 Sanitation 4 161 School lot lease 11 127 Sewers and drains 3 110 Sewers, lands for 9 111 Sixty days before becoming final 3 181 Special elections for issue of bonds .* 6-8 189-190 Squares and grounds, government of 5 205 Steam heat rates, power to fix 14 10 Steinhart Aquarium — 43a 15 Straightening of streets 1 100 im Index ORDINANCES (Continued) iahdWis'lon Streets, Assessments 33 Cleaning and sprinkling 29 Improvement full width 25 Improvement, ordering 2 Improvement, ordering 33 Opening, widening, etc 1 Paving by railroads 28 Railroad franchise, purchase 7a Railways 27 Street Railways, Purchase of franchise 7a Regulation 27 S'ubject to be expressed in title 11 Subway construction 1 Supervisors, Duty to enact in accordance with initiative election 13 Power to enact and enforce 1 Referendum 2 Take effect, when 15 Taxes, delinquency of 17 Tax limit, suspension of 13 Telephone rates, power to fix 14 Title of to embrace entire subject 11 Tolls for wharfage 2 Tunnel construction 1 Veto, separate items 14 Viaduct construction 1 Violation of. Fines 11 Jurisdiction, Police Court 2 Penalties for 16 Void if subject not expressed in title 11 Vote of people, franchise grant 7 Water rates, power to fix 14 Wharfage tolls '. 2 Widening of streets 1 ORNAMENTAL WORKS, approval 10 ORPHAN, Fireman, pension 5 Receiving police pension 4 OUTSIDE CITY, Acquisition of lands for water supply .'- 15 Appointees exempt from residence restriction 2 Exempt from Civil Service rules of persons so em- ployed 11 Payments for work 9 OUTSIDE LANDS, sale of school lots 11 OVERCOMING VETO, budget 4 OVERRULING, By Board of Public Works 4 By S'upervisors 5 OVERTIME PAY, Actual service only 33 Street railway franchise 7b OWNERS (See Property Owners) OWNERSHIP, Buildings, Civic Center 10 Ignorance of 9 Page 99 97 95 78 98 100 12 37 12 37 12 5 121 180 8 181 6 35 33 10 5 112 121 6 121 147 56 11 5 20 10 112 100 207 156 145 193 215 199 49 23 30 80 102 223 39 23 103 Index 809 Section or Subdivision Page P PAINTINGS, approval by Park Commission 10 207 PAMPHLETS, official, municipal election 8 167 PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITION, Auditorium, erection of 10 23 Bonds in aid of, may be issued 29a 221-222 Bonds in aid of not within debt limit 9 190 Closing certain streets 20 110 Control within exposition site 37 13 May use certain school lots 6 126 May use portion of Golden Gate Park 1 204 S'lipervisors to pass ordinances for 37 13 Use of Lobos Square temporarily 13 209 Use of portion of parks 6 206 PAPER, weight, quality, etc 3 26 PAR, Bonds for sale under 10a 192 Bonds to be sold at not less than 10 191 PARALLEL STREET, new street distant from 28 97 PARENTS, Firemen, pension 5 156 Police officer, receiving pension 4 145 PARKS, PARK COMMISSION, Academy of Sciences may erect museum 12 208 Appointment of superintendents, surveyors, engi- neers, etc 6 205 Arches, approval 10 207 Art gallery, gifts and control over 6 206 Art works, acceptance and location 10 207 Bequests, receiving 8 207 Bonds, investing surplus of bequests in 8 207 Buena Vista Park, jurisdiction of Commission 1 204 Buildings, Commission superintending erection 6 205 Leasing for use of public 6 206 Commissions, Appointed by Mayor 3 204 Appropriations for parks, etc., to be expended by 6 205 Approving works of art 10 207 Classification of 3 204 Compensation, receive none 3 204 Designs, approving 10 208 Exclusive control of parks, squares 6 205 Fund, consists of what 2 35 Fund, used for what purpose 2 35 Lands under control of .* 1 204 Meetings 4 205 Number of members of 3 204 Place of detention for persons arrested 7 207 President and Secretary 4 205 Quorum 4 205 Represented on Playground Commission 2 210 Successors to 2 204 Term of office, four years 3 204 Competitive bids for contracts 4 205 Contracts, provisions governing 4 205 Day labor, work by 4 205 Donations 2 35 Donations 8 207 310 Index • PARKS, PARK COMMISSION (Continued) sifbdivi'sfon Paee Expenditures 2 35 Exposition or fair, when may be permitted 6 206 Fountains, approval by Commission 10 207 Fund, Balance to ensuing fiscal year 5 36 Consists of what 2 35 Disbursement of 6 205 Used for what purposes 2 35 Gifts, receiving .'. 8 207 Golden Gate Park, Jurisdiction over 1 204 State, exposition building 9 207 Great Highway, jurisdiction 1 204 Jefferson Square, fire alarm station 6a 206 Jurisdiction of Commission 1 204 Lease of any part of parks, restriction 6 206 Legacies, receiving 8 207 Lighting, Board of Public Works, control 3 70 Lobos Square, use for exposition 13 209 Memorials, erection 10 207-208 Mountain Lake Park, jurisdiction 1 204 Monuments and mural decorations, approval 10 207 Museum, gifts and control over 6 206 Offal, conveyance to..- 4 9 Ordinances for government of '5 205 Paintings, approval 10 207 Playgrounds, lands may be set apart for 9 212 Public buildings, jurisdiction over grounds sur- rounding 1 204 Rents 2 35 Rules and regulations 4 205 Salaries of employees 6 205 Sales of lands, specifically excepted 9 20 Sculpture, approval by Commission 10 207 S'eal Rocks, jurisdiction 1 204 Squares, jurisdiction 6 205 State of California, legse of ground to 9 207 Statues, approval..,.. 10 207 Surplus in fund not to go to surplus fund 16 34 Sweepings, street, for '. 4 9 Tax for support of 11 208 Tax levy, above dollar limit 11 33 Works of art, acceptance and location oL 10 207 PARTISAN (See Politics) PASSAGE, Bills and resolutions 8 5 Bills or resolutions disapproved by Mayor 16 7 Ordinance by bill 8 5 PASSENGER, rates and vehicles 7 9 PATENTED PAVEMENT, transfer of rights 26 95 PATROL DRIVERS, salary, pension IV. 142 PAVING, Accepted streets 23 94 Changes of grade 1 113 Expense of, how assessed 2 83 Patent, prohibited, unless 26 95 Railroads, assessment for proportion 3 83 Railroads 28 12 Railroad tracks, procedure 24 94 What term includes 26 95 ^Index 311 Section or Subdivision Page PAWNBROKERS, Permits 9 138 Supervision of Chief of Police 7 140 PAWNED PROPERTY, search by police officers 7 140 PAYMENTS, Bonds 11 193 Changes of grade 13-14 118-119 Claims 1 43 Contractor demanding street assessment 13 88 Coupons ; 11 193 Delinquent assessments — 2 106 Demands on presentation 6 53 Demands, presentation for, within one month 1 43 Firemen's Relief Fund 8 157 General fund, out of :.... 37 224 Illegal, penalty 11 217 Installments, street assessments 33 99 Judgment, damages, opening, etc., of streets 16 108 Library Fund 5 134 Police Relief and Pension Fund 9 146 Progressive, on contracts 21 77 Public moneys into treasury 1 39 Salaries, monthly 1 43 Streets, Opening, etc., damages 15 108 Work done 8 83 Work done, part or whole, out of City's reve- nues 2 101 Taxes 17 34 Treasurer, demands 5 53 Treasurer, only by demand 2 49 Tunnel, subway and viaduct assessments 2 122 PAYROLLS. School Department 10 127 Verification by Civil Service Commission 19 202 Work outside of City 9 49 PEDDLERS, Permits - 9 138 Supervision of Chief of Police 7 140 PENALTY, Collusion in making bid 18 75 Collusion with bidders 4 27 Delinquent assessment 2 106 Illegal payments 11 217 Ordinances, violation of 16 11 Repairs to streets, refusal to make 18 93 Soliciting judge to dismiss case 3 64 Street railway franchises 7c 39 PENSIONS (See Fire Department, Firemen's Relief Fund, Police Department, Police Relief and Pension Fund) PEOPLE, VOTE OF, Acquisition of public utilities 2 186 Added liabilities 13 33-34 Initiative 1 174 Recall : 1 182 Referendum 1 181 PERCENTAGE, Election, initiative petition 4-5 178 Limit of indehtedness 9 190 312 Index PERCENTAGE (Continued) s^,bdiv?sron Page Redemption, property sold for delinquent a-.sess- ment 5 107 To be paid into treasury 3 39 PERCENTAGE OF RECEIPTS', Finance Committee experting books • 6 19 Payment by corporations > 4 17 Payment, date fixed 6 19 Street railway franchises 6 18 PERMITS, Auctioneers 9 138 Board of Public Works 1 70 Building material, use of street 1 70 Buildings through streets, moving 1 70 Businesses and callings 9 138 Cellars and vaults under sidewalks 1 70 Excavation of streets 9 71 Intelligence office keepers 9 138 Junk dealers 9 138 *Junk shop keepers 7 140 Liquor, sale of 3 136 Pawnbrokers 9 138 Peddlers 9 13$ Police Commission 3 136 Police Commission hearings 9 138 Sale of liquor less than quart 3 136 Second hand dealers 9 138 Sewer connections 4 110 Spur and side tracks 3 9 Street excavations 8-9 71 Temporary fences 1 70 PERSONAL PROPERTY, City and County, sale 38 13 Public libraries 4 133 Recovery of City's 14 43 Schools, sale 12 127 School department 6 125 Sewer construction, purchase for 1 111 PETITIONS, Acquisition of public utilities 3 186 Amendments to Charter 22 7-8 Change of grade 2 114 Closing of streets 27 96 Failure to make waives claim 2 114 Franchise grant, vote of people 7 20 Initiative of the people 1-16 174-180 Pension, Fire Department 5 156 Pension, Police Department 3 145 Police officer's family for pension 4 145 Referendum, public utility measure 3 181 Signatures to 2-3 175-177 Street assessment 4 81 Street improvement 4 79 PHYSICAL TEST, police officers 3 135 PHYSICIANS, Board of Health 1 160 Exempt from Civil Service 11 199 San Francisco Hospital 6-7 161 PILING, included under what..... 26 95 PILOTS, fire boats 1 153 Index 313 Section or Subdivision Page PIPES, Acceptance of street, to be laid before 23 94 Acquisition of lands for 15 193 Conditional acceptance of street, when 23 94 FYanchise, no exclusive for laying 5 17 Laying in streets, Board of Public Works 1 70 PLACES OF AMUSEMENT, police officer detailed to 12 148 PLANKING, included under what 26 95 PLANS, Change of grade 9 116 Public buildings 6 71 Public improvements 10 72 Public utility construction„ 1 186 School houses 1 131 Water works and sources 1 186 PLATOON SYSTEM, TWO 11 151 PLAYGROUNDS, Bonding employees 3 210 Budget provision 10 212 Commission, Appointed by Mayor 2 210 Disbursement of funds 5 211 Meetings, organization, quorum, president 3 210 Powers of 5 211 Park Commission represented on Board 2 210 Terms and qualifications of 2 210 Voting 10 212 Donations 6 211 Employees 3 210 Expenditures 10 212 Lands for, Park Commission may set apart 9 212 Purchase 5 211 Supervisors may set aside 8 211 Management of 1 210 Police detail for 7 211 Rules of 3-4 210 Sales of lands, specifically excepted 9 20 Secretary, appointment 3 210 Secretary, duties of 10 210 Structures, erection 5 211 PLEADINGS, City Attorney 2 58 District Attorney 2 60 Police Court 64 PLOTTING, public ways and grounds 10 208 POLES, regulating erection 1 70 POLICE, Chief (See Police Department) Commissioners (See Police Department) Judges (See Police Court) Laws, enactment 1 8 Officers (See Police Department) Pensions (See Police Department).. Powers, Tax Collector and deputies 4 55 POLICE COURT, Attorneys practicing in, must be qualified 16 67 Bail bonds 5 65 Bailiffs, police officer attending as 14 67 Bondsmen in actions in 7 64 314 Index Section or POLICE COURT (Continued) Subdivision Page Calendar, calling 10 66 Calendar of arrests 13 66 Chief of Police, detail to attend 5 139 Civil Service, employees under 11 199 Clerks appointed by County Clerk 2 61 Clerks, duties 10 66 Complaint, amending 4 64 Concurrent jurisdiction with Superior Court 2 63 Contempt of Court 3 64 County Clerk to act as clerk of 1 61 Creation of 1 63 Demurrers to complaint 4 64 Dismissal of cases restricted 1 64 District Attorney to conduct cases in 4 65 District Attorney to prosecute all actions In 2 60 Divided into departments 1 63 Exclusive jurisdiction of what 2 63 Four judges to constitute 1 63 Interpreters, compensation 20 11 Judgments by 1 63 Judges, Ballot, arrangement of office on 10b 168 Election, at what time 1 164 Election, qualifications, terms, salaries 1 63 Powers of 2-3 63-64 Terms of those elected in 1898 17 67 Jurisdiction of 2 63 Justices of Peace may act in, when 12 66 Orders of, execution 3 139 Papers on appeal, how served 9 66 Presiding judge of 1 63 Proceedings, rules governing 3 64 Prosecuting attorneys for 4 65 Release of prisoners 5 65 Right of appeal, when lost to defendant 2 64 Rules and regulations by judges 15 67 Seal of 23 11 Sessions 1 63 Soliciting judge to dismiss case 3 64 Settlement on appeal, judge to settle 2 64 Stenographers, appointment, compensation, etc... 11 66 Testimony to be taken before case dismissed or fine imposed 1 64 Trial of cases, in what order 5 64 Trial of cases, prompt and steady 6 64 Warrant and Bond Clerk 5-8 65-66 POLICE DEPARTMENT, Age, members 3 135 Aged and infirm members, retirement 2 144 Amusement places, etc 12 148 Appointments, Civil Service, present and future 1 144 Powers of Commissioners 1 136 Regardless of religion or politics 3 135 Auctioneers, permits 9 138 Bailiffs, Police Court 5 139 Buildings, repairs, etc., tax limit suspension 13 33 Businesses or callings, permits 9 138 Captain of Detectives 6 141 Captains, number, duties 1-2 140 index 315 POLICE DEPARTMENT (Continued) SuwJvrsfJn Page Charges against members, fair trial 3 142 Chief of Police, Absence, substitute 4 139 Appointment, term, salary 1 139 Calendar of arrests 13 66 Chief clerk 5 139-140 Chief executive officer of department 3 139 Civil Service, exempt from 11 199 Control, manage and direct police force 1 139 District Attorney to advise 2 60 Fund for contingent expenses 6 140 Law books and regulations 4 139 Ordinances, execution of 3 139 P6wers and general duties of 1-7 139-140 Suppression of riots 2 139 Suspension temporarily of policemen 1 139 Chief Clerk 4 139-140 City Attorney's office, officer detailed to 5 59 Civil Service, members under 11 199 Civil Service to govern new appointees only 1 144 Commissioners, Appointed by Mayor 1 135 Ayes and noes 4 136 Classification of 2 135 Department of Electricity, joint control 1 159 Ineligible to any elective office, when 31 222 Management of department 1 135 Meetings 4 136 Official bonds , 2 213 Political interference, cause for removal 32 222 Powers of :.. 1-7 ' 136-137 Present, succeeded by 3 136 President of board 4 136 Qualifications, term, salary 1-2 126 Restriction as to political party * 2 135 Sessions and executive sessions 4 136 Trustees, Police Relief and Pension Fund 1 144 Consists of what _ 1 135 Contingent fund 6 140 Corporals, salary, number, duties 1-5 140-141 Detectives, detail, number, salary, etc 6 141 Disbursements 6 140 Dismissals, trial, how conducted 3 142 Dismissing or disrating members, power of Com- missioners 1 136 District Attorney to advise 2 60 Execution of laws and process 3 139 F^nes on members 2 142 Fire Marshal, exercising functions of police officer 4 154 Health officers, police officers are by virtue of office 3 142 Hearings, By Commissioners 8 137 Liquor permits 3 136 Heroic conduct, reward 8 146 Innocent, insane and intoxicated persons, prop- erty taken from 1-2 143 Intelligence office keepers, permits 9 138 Investigation of matters in department 8 137 Jefferson Square, signal station 6a 206 316 Index POLICE DEPARTMENT (Continued) s1fbdiv"si*on Page Junk shop keepers 9 138 Lieutenants, salary, number, duties 1-3 140-141 Liquor, sale of, permits 3 136 Lost property 1 143 Matrons, appointment of 6 137 Mayor, command of, in certain cases 2 45 Members, Officers, Appointment, promotion, suspension, dismis- sal 1 136 Fining 2 142 Hold office during good behavior 2 135 Physical test 3 135 Proportion to inhabitants 1 141 Qualifications, age, character 3 135 Salaries 1 141 Special officers 4 137 Subordinate officers 1-6 140-141 Trial before dismissal or punishment 3 142 Two dollars a month to pension fund 11 147 Meritorious public service 1 142 Military service, absence on 43 226 Money, lost, stolen or unclaimed 1-5 143-144 Organization of 1-3 135 Parks, service in ;. 7 206-207 Patrol drivers IVo 142 Pawnbrokers, permits 9 138 Pawned property, supervision over 7 140 Peddlers, permits 9 138 Pensions, Absence, military service 43 226 Active member for twenty years 2 144 Age requisite 2 144 Basis of payment 2 144 Ceasing, when 2-3 144-145 Children, orphan, parents, family, receiving.... 4 145 Commissioners, powers, meetings 9-10 146-147 Death after ten years service, amount paid in 6 146 Death from injury within three years 4 145 Disabled members, when may be pensioned.... 2-3 144-145 Each member, two dollars a month to fund.... 11 147 Family of member killed in service 4 145 Forfeiture of right to 5 146 Fund (See Police Relief and Pension Fund) Hearings by Commissioners 4 145-146 Injury in discharge of duty 3 145 Killed in service 4 145 Qualifications requisite 2 144 Revenue, sources of 11 147 Rules and regulations 7 146 Unanimous vote of trustees 2 144 Widow receiving 4 145 Permits for sales of liquor 3 136 Permits, inspection of 9 138 Physical test, members 3 135 Playgrounds, detail for 7 211 Police Court, detail to 5 139 Politics, Abstaining from 32 222 Assessment for 32 223 Interference, penalty 32 223 Preferences, appointments without regard to.. 3 135 Index 317 POLICE DEPARTMENT (Continued) s^fbdiWsrJn Page Present members continued 1 144 Prisons 1 139 Promoting members, powers of Commissioners.... l 136 Promotions, how made 1 142 Property, As evidence 4 144 Clerk (S"ee Property Clerk) Lost, stolen or unclaimed 1-5 143-144 Punishment of members 2-3 142 Records not subject to inspection except by per- mit 13 217 Relief and Pension F\ind 1-13 144-148 Religious preferences, appointments without re- gard to 3 135 Retiring members from service 2 144 Reward for heroic conduct 8 146 Rules and regulations for government 2 136 Salaries, Captains, lieutenants, sergeants and corporals 1-6 140-141 Chief of Police 1 139 Chief's appointees 5 139-140 Commissioners 1 135 Detectives 6 141 Monthly payment 1 43 Officers 1 141 Patrol drivers 1% 142 Secretary 4 136 Sale of unclaimed property 3 143 Search and keep property of prisoners 2 142 Second hand dealers, permits 9 138 Secretary, custodian of records 2 138 Seniority of service 1 142 Sergeants, salary, number, duties 1-4 140-141 Service, Restoration to , 3 145 Retirement from 2 144 Signal system 5 159 Special meetings 2 138 Special officers, appointment of, when 4 137 Stolen property 7 140 Subordinate officers 1-6 140-141 Subpoenas, detail to serve 24 219 Surgeon, appointment, salary 7 137 Suspending members, powers of Commissioners.... 1 136 Telephone and telegraph system 1-5 159 Telephone and telegraph system : 6a 206 Tenure of office during good behavior 2 135 Trials by Commissioners 8 137 Unclaimed property 1-5 143-144 Violation of rules 2 142 Weapons 2-3 142-143 POLICE RELIEF AND PENSION FUND. Amusement places, fee for detail 12 148 Annual report of, by Auditor 13 148 Balance of ensuing fiscal year 5 36 Basis of pension : 2 144 Budget appropriation 7 146 Creation of 1 144 Deficiency, provided for In tax levy 13 148 Expenses of Commission 10 147 List of liabilities quarterly 9 147 318 Index POLICE RELIEF AND PENSION FUND (Cont'd) sSi^rsro^'n Page Patrol drivers li/^ 142 Sources of revenue, fines, licenses, etc 11 147 Surplus in not to go to surplus fund 16 34 Surplus of, how applied 13 148 Trustees of. Police Commissioners 1 144 Two dollars a month from pay of each member... 11 147 Unclaimed property, proceeds from sale 3 143 Warrants on 9 146 POLITICS, Assessment or levy forbidden 32 223 Board of Public Works, Commissioners 1 68 Election Commission 1-2 163 Fire Commissioners 2 149 Fire and Police Departments, abstaining from 32 222-223 Fire Department members 7 150 Not essential to appointment li^ 215 Police Commissioners 2 135 Police Department appointments 3 . 135 Registrar of Voters and deputies abstaining from 2 163 School directors 1 124 PORTALS OF TUNNELS, lands for 2 122 POSITIONS, Abolishing, reporting to Civil Service Commission 13 201 Army or navy, eligib'les mustered into, reinstate- ment 21 203 Changes in 13 201 Compensation for obtaining, prohibited 7 216 Continuance in, former employees of public utility lib 200 Creating 13 201 How filled 9 198 New, creation 41 226 Notice of vacancy to Civil Service Commission 9-10 198 POSTING, Changes of grade notices 1 113 Notices, Board of Public Works : 14-17 73-74 Notices, repairs to streets 16 91 Opening, etc., of streets, notices 3 101 Street improvement resolution 3 79 Street work notices 26 96 POSTPONEMENT, Sale of delinquent assessments 3 106 Taxes, delinquency 17 35 POUND, providing and regulation 8 10 POWER, Acquisition of power plants by City 1 186 Department of Electricity to enforce ordinances.... 6 159 Franchises 7 19 Offers for sale of plant to City 2 186 Percentage of receipts 7 20 Poles and wires for, franchises 7 19 Rate fixing by Supervisors 14 10 Supervisors, regulating 13 10 Wires, laying, regulating 1 70 POWERS, Acquisition of lands for water purposes 15 193 Finance Committee 3 16 Fire Marshal 3-4 154 Judges, Police Court 2-3 63-64 Legislative, vested in Supervisors 1 4 Index 319 POWERS (Continued) s^u'bdlvrsrjn Of boards, commissions, departments, officers (See under respective departments and officers) Public Administrator 1 Public service corporations, investigating 4 Rate fixing 14 Sewer construction 2 State Superintendent of Weights and Measures 3 Streets, Changing grades 1 Opening, extending, etc 1 Supervisors ordering improvements 33 PRECEDENCE, Bond issue election not to take precedence of ini- tiative election 11 Change of grade warrants 15 Condemnation suits 16 Payment of demands by Auditor 9 Payment of demands by Treasurer 6 Payment, warrants, opening, etc., of streets 17 PRECINCTS, Board of election officers 18 Initiative petition 2 Registration 5 PREFERENCE, Appointment, eligibles discharged from military service 21 Geary street railway employees for appointment.... 11 Public utility bonds, smallest subscribers 10 Sweeping of streets by hand 29 Voter expressing in similar initiative measures 7 PREMIUM, official bonds 2 PRESIDENT, Board of Health 1 Board of Public Works 2 Board of Supervisors 5-6 Election Commission 3 Library Trustees 5 Park Commission 4 Playground Commission 3 Police Commission 4 PRINTING, Advertisement for bids 3 Ballots 10 Bids for public work 16 Candidates' statements 8 Contracts for 1 Forms for 3 Included under incidental expenses 26 Initiative petition 2 Recall election 6 Requisitions for 3 PRIORITY, demand, one over another (See Prefer- ence) 8 PRISONERS, Delivery by Sheriff to State prisons , 1 Police officer to search and take belongings from.. 2 Release of 5 Page 61 17 10 110 57 112 100 98-99 180 119 108 31 53 109 170 176 164 203 200 190 97 178 213 160 68 46 164 133 205 210 136 26 168 73 167 24 26 96 175 183 26 49 62 142 65 320 Index PRISONS, Subdivision Paee Control of Chief of Police 1 139 Establishment, maintenance of 11 10 State 1 62 Supplies, contracts for 1 24 PRIVATE CONTRACTS, City not liable for any portion of expense 22 77 Owners, street improvements 19 75 Unfinished portion of work, reletting 20 75 PRIVATE SALE, City lands 9 21 PROBATION, Appointment on 10 198 Department of Electricity employees 3 159 PROCEDURE, PROCEEDINGS, Additional employees 35 223 Board of Public Works 6 69 Board of Public Works instituting 4 81 Board of Supervisors 2 4 Bond issue, public utilities 5-15 188-193 Bridge construction 1-6 121-123 City Attorney instituting or defending 2 58 Closing streets 1-19 100-109 Combining proceedings 3 122 Continuance of 5 102 Delayed by objections of owners 4 79 Delinquent assessments, opening of streets 14 105 Deposit of public funds in banks 2 50 Dismissals 12 20 District Attorney 2 60 Errors in 14 90 Extending streets 1-19 100-109 Finance Committee 4 17 Fire Pension Fund Commissioners 8 157 Franchise, street railway, purchase by City 7a 37 Harbor and wharf construction, etc 1 112 Journal of proceedings 2 4 Library Trustees 5 133 Opening streets 1-19 100-109 Police Court 3 64 Police Pension Fund Commissioners 9 147 Positions, filling 9-10 198 Public utilities, acquisition of 1-16 186-194 Public work contracts 14 73 Railroad tracks, paving 24 94 Recall of officers 1 182 Repairs to streets 16 91 Sale of lands owned by City 9 20 Sewers, condemnation of property 9 111 Stopped by objections 5 102 Streets, Assessment lien action 15 91 Charter provisions not exclusive 33 98 Excavations 8 71 Grades, change of.: 1-17 112-121 Opening, extending, straightening, widening, etc 1-19 100-109 Subway, tunnel and viaduct construction 1-6 121-123 Suspensions 12 20 Unimproved portion of street 4 80 PROCLAMATION, municipal elections 9 168 Index 321 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, »fuMiv?8ron Page Exempt from Civil Service 11a 199 Municipally owned public utilities 8 71 PROGRESSIVE PAYMENTS, on contracts 21 77 PROMISES, for appointment or position 7 216 PROMOTION, Civil S'ervice, Basis 8 198 Notice of 13 201 Rules 3 196 Examinations for 8 198 Meritorious public service 1 142 Police Commission, powers 1 136 Police Department 1 142 Pupils, schools 4 129 Seniority of service 1 142 Teachers 2 125 PROPERTY, Action to recover City's 14 43 As evidence in court 4 144 City and County (See City Property) Condemnation, opening of streets 1 100 Damages to, liability 5 2 Delinquent assessments, sale of 14 105 District Attorney to purchase at execution sales.... 4 60 Fire Marshal, charge of and protect 2 154 Fire Marshal, saved from fire, sale 4 154 Levied upon or under execution, purchase 34 13 Lost 1 143 Method of assessing for street improvements 9 83-84 Officials surrendering on expiration of term 3 214 Ownership, ignorance of 9 103 Pawned property 7 140 Prisoners' 2 142 Property Clerk have custody of unclaimed, lost or stolen 1 143 Public use, power to condemn 12 10 Sale on delinquent assessments 1 105 Sewer construction, acquisition 9 111 Sold on execution, lessee redeeming 20 93 Stolen 1-5 143-144 Tunnel, subway and viaduct construction 2 122 Unclaimed 1-5 143-144 Vested in City and County 3 2 PROPERTY CLERK, Appointment of and salary 5 139-140 Custody of lost, stolen or unclaimed property 1 143 Deposit of money and valuables with Treasurer 5 144 Destruction of firearms 3 143 Fees for detail of policeman 12 148 Money to be returned to accused, when 2 143 Official bond 2 213 Property of prisoners 2 142 PROPERTY OWNERS, Appeal to Supervisors, street assessment 4 81 Applications, street improvements 2 77 Change of grade, estimate of damages 2 114 Closing of streets 27 96 Conflicting titles 9 103 Defined 19 93 Doubt as to ownership 9 103 322 Index PROPERTY OWNERS (Continued) slfbdiWsfon Page Grading credits 9 85-86 May do street work or let contract 19 75 Obligation on, to repair street until acceptance 16 92 Opening, etc., of streets, objections 4-5 102 Protest, street improvements 4 79 Repairs to street not yet accepted 16 91 Sewer construction 7 111 Tunnel, subway and viaduct assessments 2 122 Unimproved or ungraded portion of street 4 80 Work done by excepted from assessment 9-10 86 PROPOSALS, Bonds, redemption of.. 7 37 Bond sale 10 191 Fire Department, provisions governing 4 152 For supplies 1 24 Penalty for collusion 18 75 Public work 15-17 73-75 School Department supplies 2 128 Stationery supplies 3 26 PROSECUTION, . Actions by City Attorney 2 58 Board of Education 8 126 District Attorney...... 2 60 Forfeited bond, change of grade 9 116 Police Court 2 63 Repairs to streets, penalty 18 93 PROTECTION, Lives and health 3-4 160-161 Property by Fire Marshal 2-3 154 PROTESTS (See Objections) PUBLIC, Aquarium 43 15 Books and records of departments 13 217 Civil Service examinations 4 196 Discourteous treatment of the 12 201 Funds (See Funds) Grounds, ways and places. Control by Supervisors 2 9 Government of 5 205 Lines, grades and plotting 10 208 Health protection of 3-4 160-161 Improvement bonds 29-29yo 220-221 Institutions (See under appropriate titles) Interest and convenience 4 81 Lands (See Lands) Library and reading rooms (See Libraries) Meetings, Board of Public Works 5 69 Meetings of Supervisors 6 5 Moneys (See Moneys) Property (See Property) Schools (See Schools) Service, investigation by Civil Service Commis- sion 13 201 Use, Acquisition of property for 12 10 Building in park 6 206 Judex 323 Section or Subdivision Page PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. Ballot, arrangement of office on 10b 168 Election, at what time 1 164 Election, term, powers, etc.^ 1 61 Fees for compensation 1 61 Pour-year term for 38a 225 Moneys of, special deposit fund 4 36 Official bond ^ 2 213 PUBLIC BUILDINGS, Approaches, approving designs 10 208 Arches, bas relief, commemorative, mural and or- namental works, approval 10 207 Bond issue for construction 29 220 Civic Center, sites for 10 23 Cleaning of, by Board of Public Works 4 71 Construction and repair of 6 71 Construction of, when exceeding revenue of City.... 29 220 Contracts for lighting 6 27 Designs, approval of 10 208 Employees 4 71 F^re Department buildings, construction and re- pair 6 71 Fountains 10 207 Fund, balance to ensuing fiscal year 5 36 Janitors 4 71 Lamp designs 10 208 Libraries, public 6 134 Lighting of 6 27 Monuments and memorials 10 207-208 Paintings, acceptance by Park Commission 10 207 Park Commission, jurisdiction over grounds sur- rounding 1 204 Plans, approval 6 71 Repairs, supervision ^ 6 71 Repairs, tax limit suspension 13 33 Sanitary supervision -. 3 160 School houses 1-2 131-132 School houses, construction and repair 6 71 Sculpture, statues, stained glass ^ 10 207 State building. 10 23 Works of art 10 207 PUBLIC UTILITIES, Accounts of, books to be kept 3 194 Acquisition, Election 4 187 Neglect or refusal to enforce charter provi- sions 13 193 Of lands for water works 15 193 Ordinance of intention 5 188 Out of annual revenue 4 187-188 Petition ^ 3 186 Public interest demanding 1 186 Soliciting offers to sell 2 186 Submission by Mayor and Supervisors to people 4 187 Submission to vote of people 3 186 Supervisors passing ordinance without sub- mitting to voters 3 187 Appropriations from earnings 1 194 324 , Index PUBLIC UTILITIES (Continued) Sul^diWskTn Page Board of Public Works, Control and superintend City owned utilities.. 8 71 Plans and estimates 1 186 Supervising work in streets 1 70 Bonds, Denominations, form, interest, redemption 10 190 Exempt from taxation 10 190 Ordinance 6-8 189-190 Sale of 10 191 Special election 5-8 189-190 Civil Service, employees under 11 199 Completion of 14 193 Cost exceeding annual revenue 4-5 188-189 Cost paid out of annual revenue 4-5 187-188 Earnings 16 193-194 Earnings, municipally owned, disposition in tax levy 12 33 Election, Majority vote, when 4 188 Mayor submitting separate proposition 3 187 Ordinance calling special election 6-8 189-190 Questions to be submitted 6 189 Separate proposition for each utility 3 187 Supervisors calling special 4 187 Supervisors to submit 3 187 Two-thirds of votes 4 188 Employees, former, to be retained lib 200 Estimates from Board of Public Works 10 72 Estimates for, procured through City Engineer 1 186 Extensions out of earnings 1 194 Finance Committee examinicfg books, etc 4 17 Franchise, submission to people 1 ISI Funds 16 193-194 Improvements out of earnings 1 194 Indebtedness, limit on 9 190 Interest out of earnings 1 194 Lease of, submission to people 1 181 Limit of indebtedness 9 190 Maintenance by City 14 193 Mayor submitting proposition to people 3 187 Municipal ownership, intention of the people 186 Municipally owned, control over 8 71 Neglect of Supervisors to carry out provisions 13 193 Negotiations, Supervisors entering into 4-5 188 Offers for sale to City 2 186 Opening streets, deposits 9 71 Operating expenses, payment of 1 194 Operation by City 14 193 Ordinance calling election 6-8 189-190 Ordinance of intention 5 188 Percentage of gross receipts, payment to City 4 17 Petition for acquisition of 3 186 Plans and estimates of cost of construction 1 186 Power to acquire 14 193 Purchase by City 7a 38 Purchase of existing, to be considered 2 186 Rate fixing by Supervisors 14 10 Receipts from, accounting of, used how 16 193-194 Reconstruction and repairs out of earnings 1 194 Referendum to the people 1 181 Reserve fund 1 194 Index 325 PUBLIC UTILITIES (Continued) s^.MMsfon Pace Sale by City 14 193 Sale of, submission to people 1 181 Sinking fund out of earnings 1 194 Special election 4-8 187-190 Street excavations 9 71 Submission to the people 1 181 Supervisors, Failure to enforce Charter provisions 13 193 Power to regulate 13 10 Submitting proposition to people 3 187 Surplus earnings 12 ' 193 Taxes, Acquisition from current 4-5 188 Levy to acquire 14 193 Levy to meet interest and principal 12 193 Water works and sources, estimates of cost 1 186 PUBLIC WORK. Acceptance of work 22 77 Board of Public Works, control over 9 70 Contract, to be done by 14 73 Data, plans, estimates, Board of Public Works 10 72 Designs, approval of 10 208 Incidental expenses (See Incidental Expenses) Outside of City 9 49 Penalty for collusion in bids for work 18 75 Private contracts 19 75 Public utilities municipally owned 8 71 Under five hundred dollars without advertising 14 73 Urgent necessity without advertising 14 73 PUBLIC WORKS, BOARD OF, Acceptance of streets 23 94 Acceptance of work 22 77 Adjourned meetings, business at 5 69 Advertisement for proposals for public work 15 73 Affidavit by contractor 6 82 Appeal, street assessment 14 ' 89 Applications, street improvements 2 77 Appointees of 13 73 Assessment district 5 81 Assessment, Grade change 5 114 How made in special cases 10 86 Method of, establishing 10 87 Not to exceed certain amount 8 83 Roll 12 104 To be authenticated 11 87 Warrants for 12 87-88 Ayes and noes 5-6 69 Bids for public work 16 73 Bonds, employees 4 68 Building construction, supervision of 5 71 Building material, use of street 1 70 Buildings through streets, moving 1 70 Cellars under sidewalks 1 70 CHianges in street grades 1-17 112-121 Check accompanying bid 17 74-75 City Attorney to draw contracts 21 76 City Engineer, appointment of 11 72 /^ Civil Service, employees under 11 199 Cleaning of streets 29 97 ^^6 index PUBLIC WORKS, BOARD OF (Continued) s^uMi?"si'o''n Paee Cleaning of streets 3 70 Cleaning, public buildings 4 71 Closing of streets 3-19 101-109 Commissioners, Administering oaths 6 102 Appointed by Mayor 1 68 Compensation, duties, bonds 3-4 68 Different political parties 1 68 Duties 7 69 Official bonds 2 213 Qualifications, salary, term 1 68 Restriction upon occupation 1 68 Conduits, control of 7 71 Construction, public buildings 6 71 Construction, regulating 1 70 Contracts, Awarding of 17 74 Extensions of time on 21 76 For unfinished work, reletting of 20 75 Must exempt City of liability 22 77 Public work to be done by 14 73 Control of, matters under 9 70 Copies of records 21 94 Corporation store yard.... 32 98 Credits to owners for grading 9 86 Custody of maps, surveys, contracts, etc 8 69 Data, plans, estimates to be furnished by 10 72 Day labor, excavations 9 72 Decision final and conclusive 4 80 Deed for delinquent property 6 107 Defective street or sewer, repair 5 3 Deficiency in fund 16 109 Designs, approval of 10 208 Disapproval, street improvement 2 78 District, assessment 5 81 District, for street improvements 11 87 Drainage system, devising 1 110 Drains, regulating construction 1 70 Encroachment on sidewalk of structure, prohibited 1 70 Equipment, sprinkling of streets 29 97 Erection of poles 1 70 Estimate, Change of grade 3 114 Public improvements 10 72 Street improvements 2 78 Excavating streets, permits for 9 71 Expenses of, year ending June 30, 1900 37 224 Experts, municipally owned utilities 8 71 Extending streets 6 102 Extension of time, contracts 21 76 Failure, carrying out private contract, street work 19-20 75 Fire Department buildings, construction and re- pair 6 71 Fire Wardens, report 1 154 Foreclosure of lien, street assessment 12 88 Garbage, disposal of 7 64 Gas mains, regulating laying 1 70 Grade changes 1-17 112-121 Grading credits 9 85-86 Hand sweeping of streets, preference 29 97 Index 327 PUBLIC WORKS. BOARD OF (Continued) s^iMW^rjii Page Harbor, construction and repair 1 112 Head of each department, appointment of 13 73 Hearing of objections 4 80 Janitors, public buildings, appointment 4 71 Liability, negligence, defective street 5 3 Lien, street assessment, foreclosure 12 88 Lighting streets, etc 3 70 Machines 29 97 Majority of board acting 8 108 Materials, street work 31 98 Meetings of, etc., to be public 5 69 Method of assessment, establishing 10 87 Municipally owned public utilities, work on 8 71 Notices (See Notices) New assessment, making 11 104 Objections, property owners 4 79 Opening and awarding bids 17 74 Opening of streets 3-19 101-109 Overruling objections 4 80 Owners, street work 19 75 Parks, lighting, control over 3 70 Penalty for collusion of bidders 18 75 Permits, granting 1 70 Pipes, regulating laying of 1 70 Plans, public improvements 10 72 Poles, erection of, regulating 1 70 Posting of notices 3 101 Powers, Of board 7 69 To regulate, what 9 70 Sewer construction 2 110 Street improvements 4 80 Power wires, laying 1 70 President of board 2 68 Private contracts, street improvements 19 75 Proceedings, instituting 4 81 Professional services, engaging 8 71 Progressive payments on contracts 21 77 Property owners, contract, street work 19 75 Proposals for public work, details of 16 73 Protest, property owners 4 79 Public buildings, Cleaning of 4 71 Construction and repair 6 71 Lighting 3 70 Public improvements or utilities, data on 10 72 Public utilities, estimate of cost 1 186 Public utilities, owned by City, present and future, control of 8 71 Public work by contract 14 73 Publishing and posting notices, etc 6 69 Railroad track construction, regulating 1 70 Railroad tracks, paving 24 94 Record of contracts and proceedings 6 69 Records same validity as other records 21 94 Refuse, disposal of 7 71 Regrading, bids and contracts 9 116 Regulation of, what 9 70 Rejection of bids 16 92 Repairs on streets not accepted ; 16-17 91-93 Repairs, public buildings 6 1\ 328 Index PUBLIC WORKS, BOARD OF (Continued) s^bdwrsi'o'^ti Page Repaying, bids and contracts 9 116 Resolution of intention 10 86 Rules and regulations 4 68 Salaries 3 68 School houses 1-2 131-132 School houses, construction and repair 6 71 Secretary to Board (See Secretary Board of Public Works) Appointment of 3 68 Civil service, exempt from 11 199 Duties 6 . 69 Session for hour, bids 16 92 Sewage, disposal of 7 71 Sewers, Connection, permit 4 110 Construction, etc ' 2 110 Defective, repair 5 3 Lands for 9 111 Regulating construction 1-2 70 Sidewalk, encroachment on, prohibited 1 70 Sidewalks not yet accepted, repairs 16 91 Sprinkling of streets, charge of 3 70 Squares, lighting, control over 3 70 Steam heat mains, regulating laying 1 70 Storekeeper 32 98 Store yard, corporation , 32 98 Straightening of streets ' 6 102 Streets, Assessment, releasing 13 89 Defective, repair 5 3 Excavations 9 71 Grades 1-17 112-121 Improvement applications, action on 2 78 Moving buildings through 1 70 Opening, closing, etc 3-19 101-109 Railway track construction, regulating 1 70 Refuse, disposal of 7 71 Use of, building material '...... 1 70 Work, property owners 19 75 Subdivision maps 28 96 Subpoena witnesses, power to 4 114 Succeed certain officers and commissions 7 69 Superintendence of, matters under 9 70 Superintendents, engineers, employees 3 68 Supplementary assessments 18 109 Sweeping of streets 29 97 Tearing up streets, proceedings 9 71 Technical services, municipal utilities 8 71 Telegraph and telephone poles, regulating 1 70 Temporary fences 1 70 Titles, conflicting 9 103 Track construction, regulating 1 70 Unfinished portion, private street contract, re- letting 20 75 Ungraded or unimproved portion of street, pro- ceedings 4 80 Urgent repairs to streets 30 97 Use of streets, building material 1 70 Vaults under sidewalks, permits 1 70 Warrants for assessments 12 87 Index 329 >^ PUBLIC WORKS, BOARD OF (Continued) s^ulKlivrsUn. Paeo Water mains, regulating laying 1 70 Water works and sources, estimates of cost 1 18G Wharves, constructing and repairing.. 1 112 Widening streets 3-19 101-109 Wires for lighting and power, regulating 1 70 Witnesses, power to subpoena 4 114 Work to be let, how 14 73 Work under direction and to satisfaction of 22 77 PUBLICATION (See Advertising) PUPILS, SCHOOL, promotion* 4 129 PURCHASE, Arbitrators, appointment of 7a 38 Books for libraries 2-4 133-134 Civic Center, land for 10 22 Cleaning and sprinkling of streets, equipment 29 97 District Attorney, property at execution 4 60 Excess land over actual requirements 10 22 Franchise, street railways 7a 37 Lands, combining proceedings 6 123 Officials barred from interest in 6 216 Playground Commission, lands 5 211 Property delinquent on assessments, City and County shall 3 106 Property for public use 12 10 Property levied upon or under execution 34 13 Public library property 4 133 Public utilities by City 1-16 186-194 Relief Home, lands for ._, 10 23 School lot 3 132 Sewer construction, land for 6 111 Storekeeper : 32 98 Street railway franchise - 7a 37 Streets, lands for opening, etc 1-19 100-109 Superintendent of Schools, by 5 130 Supplies 38 14 Supplies for departments .'. 1 24 Tunnel, subway and viaduct construction, lands for 2 121 Valuation, basis of 7a 37 Water supply and sources, lands for 15 193 Q QUALIFICATIONS, Attorneys attending Police Court 16 67 Candidates for office 8 167 Citizenship '. 2 215 For office : IKj 215 Judges, Police Court 1 63 Of commissioners and officers (See under re- spective officers and departments) Officer within prescribed time after election or appointment 10 217 Residence in city 2 215 Warrant and Bond Clerk 5 65 QUALITY, Inferior, acceptance by officer, penalty 4 27 Water, heat, light, etc., services and appliances.... 13 10 330 Index r\TTi-YT.TTn/r Section or QUORUM, Subdivision Page Board of Supervisors 3 4 Library Trustees 5 133 Park Commission 4 205 Playground Commission 3 210 R RAILROADS, Acquisition by City 1 186 Assessment, street work T. 7-8 82-83 Common use of tracks 28 12 Construction under supervision of Board of Pub- lic Works 1 70 Entering City 28 12 Franchises, no exclusive granted 28 12 Joint use of tracks, five blocks each end of tun- nel, etc 5 123 Lien for street work 7 83 Purchase by City 2 186 Recovery, street work done by contract. 24 95 fcipur tracks 3 9 Street improvements, to pay for 7-8 82-83 Streets, paving and repair 28 12 Streets, paving and repair 24 94 Tunnel, subway and viaduct 5 123 RANK, promotion from next lowest 1 142 RATES, Advertising, olTicial 2 26 Interest on deposits of public funds 2 50 Lighting, uniform 6 28 Passenger and baggage 7 9 Public utilities, power of Supervisors to fix 14 10 Street railways 27 12 Taxes 11-13 33 READING ROOMS (See Libraries) REAL ESTATE (See Lands, City Property) REBATE, affidavit by contractor 6 82 RECALL, Disqualification 10 184 Examination and certification of petition 2 182-183 Filing of petition 1 182 How conducted 7 184 Incumbent, Continuance in office 8 184 Removal from office 8 184 Second and third recall elections of 8 184 Initiative provisions govern 2 182 Name of incumbent on ballot 5 183 Nominations 5 183 Officer must have held office four months 1 182 Printed statements 6 183 Procedure 1 182 Reimbursement of incumbent for expenses 9 184 Sample ballot 6 183 Several removals at one election 4 183 Signatures, number required 1 182 Special election * 3 183 Successor to office 8 184 Time of election 3 183 \acancy in office 3, 10 183, 184 Index 331 RECEIPTS, Section or . ^. Subdivision Puge Action upon 8-10 41 Auditor to furnish officials 5 40 Deposits of public funds 2 50 District Attorney 2 • 60 Duplicate, issuance in 4 52 Officers, monthly reports 9 41 Official, consist of what 6-7 40 Other officers than Treasurer 7 40 Percentage of payment by corporations 4 17 Public utility earnings 16 193-194 Street assessments 12 117 Street railways, percentage to city 6 18 Stubs 4-7 40 Treasurer issuing 4-6 40 Treasurer's 4 52 Treasurer's monthly report 8 41 RECEIVING HOSPITAL (See Hospitals) RECOMMENDATIONS, Chief Engineer, Fire Department 2 152 Closing of streets 27 96 Railroad tracks, paving ;. 24 94 Sewerage and drainage 1 110 Street grades, change of 1 112 Street improvement applications 2 78 Superintendent of schools 3 129 RECONSIDERATION, Bills or resolutions, objection by Mayor 16 7 Motion to reconsider 12 6 RECORDER, Ballot, arrangement of office on 10b 168 Bond, official 2 213 Civil Service, employees under 11 199 Copyists 1 56 Custodian of public records 2 56 Deputies 1 56 Duties of 2 56 Election, qualifications, term, salary 1 56 Election of, at what time 1 164 Fees 2 56 Four-year term for 38a 225 RECORDING, Ordinances and resolutions by Clerk of Supervis- ors 17 7 Subdivision maps 28 96 RECORDS, Auditor, charge of financial 1 47 Board of Public Works 21 93 Bonds, official 1 213 Certificate, repair to streets 17 93 City Attorney 3 59 County Clerk 10 66 Custody of 12 217 Custody of Recorder 2 56 Demands by Auditor 4 47 Departmental, supervision by Mayor 2 45 Deposits of public funds 2 51 Finance Committee, access to 3 17 FMre Pension Fund Commissioners 8 157 Keeping of by departments 41 14 Lost, stolen, or unclaimed property 1 143 332 Index RECORDS (Continued) SubdivfsrJn Page Open to inspection 21 94 Open to inspection 13 217 Police Commission 2 138 Police Court 1 61 Police Court actions 10 66 Police Department 13 217 Supervisors to provide method and facilities 41 13 Warrants, street assessments 12 88 RECOVERY, City's money or property 14 43 Costs of action 15 90 Deposits of public funds 2 51 District Attorney to prosecute actions 2 60 Paving, railroad tracks 24 95 Street assessment 15 90 RECREATION CENTERS 1 210 REDEMPTION, Delinquent assessments, change of grade 12 118 Delinquent assessments, property sold on 1 105 Exposition bonds 29a 222 Property sold on execution by lessee 20 93 Public utility earnings 1 194 Revolving fund .". 291^ 221 Street improvement bonds 29^2 221 Supervisors to provide for .— 14 34 Surplus earnings paying 12 193 Surplus fund 3 36 Surplus in bond issue 10 191 Surplus in sinking fund for 7 37 Tax levy above dollar limit 11 33 Tax levy to pay 12 193 RE-ENACTMENT, Ordinance 10 5 REFERENDUM, By Mayor at next general election 2 181 By six Supervisors at next general election 2 181 By Supervisors at general or special election 2 181 Franchise grant 7 20 How conducted 6 182 Initiative provisions governing 4-6 181-182 Majority vote 7 182 Matters submitted to people 1 181 Measure goes into effect ten days after count 7 182 Percentage of signatures requisite 3 181 Petition filed within sixty days of ordinance be- coming final 3 181 Time of elections 5 181-182 REFUND, surplus, street assessment 18 109 REFUSAL, Bidder to enter into contract 16 92 Liquor permits 3 136 Sale of city lands, by Supervisors 9 22 Supervisors to enforce provisions 13 193 To pay assessment 15 90 Treasury to pay demands 5 53 REFUSE, street, disposal of 7 71 REGISTER, Accepted streets 23 94 Actions by City Attorney 3 59 Board of Health , 4 161 Index 333 REGISTER (Continued) slMivLron Page District Attorney, actions 2 60 Police Court 1 61 Warrants by Auditor 8 48 REGISTRAR OF VOTERS (See Elections) REGISTRATION, Births and deaths 4 161 Bonds 10 192 Civil Service, successful applicants 7 197 Contracts 5 27 Contracts for labor or supplies .-. 9 31 Precinct registration 5 164 Unpaid demands 6 53 Voters (See Elections) REGRADING, Bids and contracts, change of grade 9 116 Civil Service 2 195 REINSTATEMENT, After discharge from military service 21 203 REJECTION, Bids by Board of Public Works 17 74 Bids by Supervisors 5 27 Bids for supplies 1 24 Bond bids 10 191 Franchise bids 6 18 Ordinances, etc., by people 1 174 RELEASE, prisoners on bail 5 65 RELETTING, unfinished portion, street contract 20 75 RELIEF FUNDS, Fire Department 1 155 Police Department 1 144 RELIEF HOME 3 160 RELIEF HOME TRACT, Supervisors may sell part and purchase other land 10 23 RELIGION, Appointments in Police Department without re- gard to 3 135 Books or teachings not allowed in schools 1 129 Qualification not essential to election or appoint- ment 1% 215 REMOVAL, Absence from State of Officer 3 215 Appeal to Civil Service Commission 12 200 Appointed officers, when and how 18-20 218 By appointing officer on charges 12 200 Civil Service, Commissioners 1 195 Register, names from 9-10 198 Restrictions 12 200 Rules 3 196 Detective sergeants 6 141 Deputies, clerks, employees, etc 21 218-219 Elected officers, when and how 18-19 218 Fire Department members 7 150 Grounds for 12 201 Health Department, not without cause 5 161 Library employees ?. 134 Officers for misfeasance 4 27 Officers neglecting to make daily deposits in treasury 17 218 334 Index REMOVAL (Continued) S^ubdwfsfon Page Recall of officers 1-13 182-185 Supervisors, neglect to enforce provisions 13 193 Teachers 2 125 Works of art, approval necessary 10 208 RENEWAL, Franchise grant 6 19 Franchise, time required 12 6 Teachers' certificates 3 125 RENT, Deduction from assessment 20 93 Lands owned by City 32 13 REPAIRS, Accepted streets 23 94 Board of Public Works, supervision 6 71 Defective street or sewer.... 5 3 Drains 2 110 Fire Department buildings, supervision 6 71 Harbors 1 112 Lessee deducting payment from rent 20 93 Materials, contracts for 31 98 Public buildings 6 71 Public Utilities 1 194 Railroad assessment, street work 3 83 Railroads, streets 28 12 Railroad tracks, street work 24 94 Refusal to make 18 93 School houses : 2 132 School houses, emergency 3 131 Sewers 2 110 Sidewalks not yet accepted 16 91 Streets, Bids 16 92 By railroads 28 12 Notices to owners 16 91 Penalties, refusal to make 18 93 Tax limit suspension 13 33 Under five hundred dollars without advertising.... 14 73 Urgent necessity, payment 8 83 Urgent street 30 97 Wharves ". 1 112 REPAYING, bids and contracts, change of grade 9 116 REPEAL, Ordinance, initiative petition 7 179 Ordinance, referendum election 7 182 Ordinances 18 7 REPORTERS, Police Court 11 66 Superior Court 2 58 REPORTS, Advertising, official 2 26 All officers must render annual 9 217 Assessment district 5 82 Board of Education 3 128 Board of Public Works 6 69 Bonds, official 3 17 Change of grade 6 114-115 Chief Engineer, Fire Department 2 152 Civil Service Commission 15 201 Contracts, violation of 3 46 Index 335 Section or Subdivision Page REPORTS (Continued) Fire Wardens, buildings 1 154 Licenses 5 55 Officer, failure to make, Auditor's action 6 48 Police Relief and Pension Fund 13 148 Public utilities owned by City 3 194 Receipts, monthly by officers 9 41 School Department .• 3 128 Stationery supplies 3 27 Streets, opening, etc 7-8 103 Superintendent of Schools 2 129 Treasurer, on condition of treasury 2 49 Treasurer to Auditor 8 41 REQUISITIONS, School houses 1 131 Stationery and printing 3 27 Storekeeper 32 98 RESERVE, school lots, outside lands 11 23 RESERVE FUND, Public utility 1-2 194 RESERVOIRS, water supply, lands for 15 193 RESIDENCE, Ceasing to be a resident creates vacancy in office 10 217 City Attorney, prior to taking office 1 58 Contracts for City and County 1 25 Fire Department members 6 150 Non-resident, forfeit right to police pension 5 146 Officers and employees of City and County, essen- tial requisite 2 215 Pension, Fire Department, essential 6 157 Playground Commission 1 210 Police officers 3 135 Positions exempt from restriction 2 215 Surety on official bond 4 214 RESIGNATIONS, notice to Civil Service Commission 13 201 RESOLUTIONS, Acceptance of work 22 77 Adoption „ 9 5 Advertising 13 6 Advertising, official 2 26 Approval by Mayor 16 6 Assessment, street work 10 86 Board of Public Works, Acceptance of work 22 77 Street assessment 10 86 Street improvements 3 79 Changes of grade 1 112 Closing of streets 2 101 Deposited with and recorded by Clerk of Super- visors 17 7 Disapproval by Mayor .— 16 6 Extending of streets .^ 2 101 Franchises, street railways 6 18 Intention, of 10 86 Passage, Supervisors 9 5 Straightening of streets 2 101 336 Index RESOLUTIONS (Continued) sSw?s?on Page S-treets, Assessment 10 86 Grade changes 1 112 Improvements, Board of Public Works 3 79 Improvement bonds 29i/4 221 Opening, closing, widening, etc 2 101 Work, publication 26 96 Street railway franchises 6 jl8 REST DAY 2 158 RETURNS, Municipal elections, canvass of 19 171-173 Warrant, street assessment 13 89 REVENUE (See also Finance, Taxation) Apportionment of 1 35 Apportionment to funds by Auditor 10 41 Auditor's annual estimate 2 30 Auditor's supervision over 1 47 Collection, Supervisors to provide for 14 34 Custody of 1-14 39-43 Demands to be paid out of income for current fiscal year only 13 43 Deposited daily in Treasury, to be 17 218 Expenses not to exceed yearly 13 34 Fees , 3 39 Libraries, public 5 133 Limit of, as to tax levy , 11 33 Officers, monthly report by 9 41 Parks 6 205 Payments into treasury 1 39 Percentage to city, payment by corporations 4 17 Police Relief and Pension Fund 11 147 Public utilities, acquisition of out of annual 4 187-188 Public utility earnings 16 193-194 Receipts, official .* 5-7 40 Street railways, percentage to city 6 18 Streets, opening, closing, etc., payment out of City's current 2 101 Supervisors to fix amount 14 34 Surplus fund, used as revenue ensuing fiscal year 3 36 Tax Collector, collections by 2 54 Treasurer's monthly report 8 41 Treasurer to receive and safely keep 2 49 REVERSION, Buildings, etc., erected, school lot lease 11 127 Roadbed and tracks, street railway, to City 6-7 19-20 REVISION, ordinance 10 5 REVIVAL, claims 1 44 REVOCABLE PERMITS, spur tracks 3 9 REVOCATION, Licenses 4 55 Liquor permits 3 136 Permits by Police Commission 9 138 Teachers' certificates 3 125 REVOLVING FUND, how created and for what pur- pose 29^ 221 REWARDS, Felons, apprehension 21 11 For heroic conduct, police member 8 146 Police pension fund 11 147 RICHMOND DISTRICT, school lots, sale of 11 23 Index 337 RIGHTS, City and County of S"an F^a^cisco City Attorney, advice Franchise, purchase by City Patented pavement RIGHTS OF WAY, tunnels, etc RIOTS, Chief of Police, suppression Mayor, suppression ROADBED, Forfeiture, f i anchise penalty Lease on reversion to City Reverting to City ROLL (See Assessment Roll, Pay Rolls) RULES, Board of Education Board of Health Board of Public Works Civil Service Fire Department Libraries, public Nuisances, abatement of Park Commission Pension, Fire Department Pension, Police Department Playgrounds Police Court Police Department Sanitation Sewers and drains Supervisors, proceedings Section or Subdivision 3 2 7a 26 2 2 2 7c 7 6 4 Page 2 58 37 95 121 139 39 39 20 19 125 1 4 160 68 3 8 196 150 1 134 4 161 4 205 7 7 157 146 3-4 15 210 67 2 136 4 161 3 110 2 4 s SAFES, Treasurer's and joint custody SALARIES (See under separate officers and depart- ments) Actual service, only for time covered by Approval by heads of departments Auditor to approve after action by Civil Service Commission Auditor to pass demands for Board of Public Works, control of heads of de- partments Budget estimates Civil Service Commission, verifying demands Civil Service, grading and regrading Common school fund Deductions from for absence Demands, Civil Service Commission approving Deputies proportionate to actual service Disability, during Fees, Public Administrator Graded by length of service , ..... Hosemen, hostlers and hydrantmen Increase in Increase in Increase in 41-42 In full compensation for all services 52 33 223 13 42 19 202 13 42 13 73 1 30 19 202 2 195 9 126 6 48 19 202 33 223 3 152 61 158 158 IK' 158 164 42 226 34 223 338 Index SALARIES (Continued) Subdivision Page Interpreters, courts : 20 11 Judges, Police Court a 1 63 Like salaries for like duties 2 195 Monthly payment 1 43 Outside of City, payments 9 49 Patrol drivers 1% 142 Payrolls, verification 19 202 School Department 10 127 School Department 4 128 Schools, prompt payment 9 126 Teachers 2 125 Two salaried positions cannot be held 4 215-216 Urgent repairs to streets 30 97 Warrant and Bond clerks 5 65 Weights and Measures Department 1 57 SALE, Appraisements 9 21 Auction, City lands 9 21 Bonds 10 191 Certificate of 3-4 106 City and County property 33 13 Delinquent on assessments, property 14 105 Deposit by purchaser 9 22 Exposition bonds '. 29a 222 Fire Marshal : 4 154 Lands owned by City and County.... 9 20 Laws, enforcement of 4 154 Library bonds 10a 192 Liquor 3 136 Mission Creek lands 9 20 Notice, advertising 9 21 Officials barred from interest in 6 216 Private sale, City lands 9 21 Proceedings, lands owned by City 9 20 Public improvement bonds 29 220 Public utilities. Bonds 10 191 Submission to people 1 181 To City 2 186 Relief Home lands 10 23 Salvaged property 4 154 School lots, outside lands 11 23 School personal property 12 127 Security, deposits of public funds 2 51 Street assessment lien 15 91 Street improvement bonds 291^ 221 Supervisors, majority vote 9 22 Tunnel, subway and viaduct assessments delin- quent 2 122 Unclaimed property 5 137 Unsold bonds 10 191 Wharves, prohibited 2 112 SALVAGED PROPERTY, sale of 4 154 SAMPLE BALLOTS 17 70 Initiative petition 9 179 Recall election 6 183 SAN FRANCISCO (See City and County of San Francisco) SAN FRANCISCO HOSPITAL (See Health Depart- ment) , Index 339 Section or Subdivision Page SAN FRANCISCO LAW LIBRARY (See Law Li- brary) SANITATION, Board of Health, supervision 3 160 Enforcing ordinances 4 161 Laws, enactment 1 8 Municipal institutions 3 160 SCHEDULE, Salaries 4 128 Supplies 1 24 SCHOOL LOTS (See Schools) 11 23 SCHOOLS, Acceptance of school houses 1 132 Attendance, compelling 4 125 Board of Education (See Education, Board of) Buildings, construction and repair 1-2 131-132 Buildings to have clear space of ten feet around them 3 132 Census marshals 7 12G Certificates of teachers 3 125 Certificates, special 2 130 Charges against teachers 2 125 City Board of Examination 6 130 City certificates 4 130 Class rooms, number of 1 131 Common School F^ind (See Common School Fund) Consolidating 1 125 Contracts, provisions governing 2 128 Demands, approval 13 42 Demands, filing and signing 10 127 Department, what comprised in 1 124 Designs, approving 10 208 Directors, appointment 1 124 Directors, official bonds 2 213 Disbursement of funds 9 126 Emergency expenditures 3 131 Employees, charges against 5 125 Establishing and changing 1 125 Evening schools 2 124 Examination of teachers 1 130 Funds, balance in, excepted from surplus fund 16 34 Funds, outside dollar limit 13 33 Houses, construction and repair 6 71 Houses, requisition on Board of Public Works 1 131 Leasing of real estate 11 127 Lessee, improvements by, reverting to City 11 127 Lots, Panama Pacific Exposition may use 6 126 Purchase of 3 132 Sale of, outside lands 11 23 Personal property 6 125 Powers, Board of Education 1 125 Promotion of pupils 4 127 Religious or sectarian books or teachings in, for- bidden 1 129 Repairs, etc., how secured .: 2 132 Report of Board of Education 3 128 Report, Superintendent of Schools 2 129 Revocation of certificates 3 130 340 Index SCHOOLS (Continued) SuMwfskTn Page Salaries, Of teachers, amount to be raised 9 126 Prompt payment of 9 126 Roll 10 127 Schedule 4 128 School directors 1 124 Secretary to Board of Education 2 124 Superintendent of Schools 1 128 Teachers :. 2 125 Sanitary supervision, Board of Health 3 160 . Standing of 6 130 Studies, course of 5 129 Superintendent of (See Superintendent of Schools) Supplies 2 128 Tax levy for support of., 1 130 Tax limit suspension, expenses, buildings, etc 13 33 Teachers (See Teachers) Text books 5 129 Transfer of pupils 4 127 Truancy, remedying 4 125 Trust funds 12 127 SCULPTURE, approved by Park Commission 10 207 SEAL, bags of gold and" silver 3 52 Ballot boxes 19 171 City and County of San Francisco 1 1 Custody of 7 5 Each department to be provided with 23 11 Election returns 19 172 Tally sheets and tally returns 19 171-172 SEAL ROCKS, jurisdiction, Park Commission 1 204 SEALER, weights and measures 1-2 57 SEARCH, for evidence and stolen property 7 140 SECOND HAND DEALERS, Peimits 9 138 Supervision of Chief of Police 7 140 SECRETARIES, Board of Education 2 124 Board of Public Works 3 68 Civil Service Commission 16 201 Fire Commission 4 149 Mayor 1 45 Park Commission 4 205 Playground Commission 3 210 Police Commission : 4 136 Public Libraries : 5 133 SECRETARY, BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, Appointment and salary 3 68 Bond and check, contracts 21 76 Change of grade 9 116 Delinquent assessments on change of grade 12 117 Notice, paving, railroad tracks 24 94 Objections of owners 4 79-81 Recording bids 16 92 Record of transactions..... 6 69 Street cleaning proposals 29 97 Warrants, street assessments 13 89 SECTARIAN BOOKS OR TEACHINGS 1 129 SECURITY, deposits of public funds 2 50 SENIORITY OF SERVICE, „,„-,.,„- 1 142 Index Ml SEPARATE, Bids, advertising delinquent tax list FMnds Funds by Treasurer Items, veto by Mayor Sale on delinquent assessments Stationery contracts for printing SERGEANTS OF POLICE .' SERVICE, Actual payment only for Investigation by Civil Service Commission Meritorious public Military Military, reinstatement in position Notices, Board of Public Works Period requisite, pension. Fire Department Restoration to Retiring police officers from Salary graded by length of Seniority of Street work notices Water, health, light, etc., regulation SESSIONS, Extra, of Supervisors, Mayor calling Police Commission Police Court SETTLEMENT, litigation by City Attorney SEVENTEENTH STREET, sale of lands SEWERS, Acceptance of streets, to be laid before Assessment, portion of street Bids and contracts, change of grade Board of Public Works, charge of Changes of grade Condemnation of property Conditional acceptance of street Connections, permits Construction and repair Construction, regulating Control of Cost exceeding five dollars per foot, authority nee essary Crossing, objections, property owners Damages Defective, liability, damages Disposal of sewage Expense of, how assessed Flushing, regulation of Ordinances Recommendations, Board of Public Works Rules and regulations Special fund for Supervisors, majority vote Tax limit suspension for repairs, etc SEX, Office or position not limited by To be disregarded in appointment, when Serf ion or SubdivisioE 1 Page 2 26 1 35 2 50 14 6 3 loe 3 26 1-6 140-141 33 223 14 201 1 142 43 226 21 203 22 94 3 155 3 145 2 144 1 158 1 142 26 96 13 10 5 . 46 4 136 1 63 2 58 9 20 23 94 8 85 9 116 2 110 1 113 9 111 23 94 4 110 5,8 111 1-2 70 2 110 2 78 4 80 7 111 5 2 7 71 2 83 13 10 6,8 111 5 111 3 110 22 il 8 111 13 33 1% 215 9 198 342 Index Section or Subdivision Page SHERIFF, Attachment, person in contempt of. Police Com- mission 8 138 Attorney, appointment of 2 62 Ballot, arrangement of office on 10b 168 Civil service, employees under and those exempt.. 11 199 Compensation from State 1 62 Deputies, employees, salaries 2 62 Designates duties of deputies 3 62 Election, at what time 1 164 Election, term, salary, powers, duties 1 62 Four-year term 38a 225 Official bond 2 213 SHORTAGE IN TREASURY 3 52 SIDE TRACKS, permits by Supervisors 3 9 SIDEWALKS, Assessment to meet work on 2 83 Bids and contracts, change of grade 9 116 Cellars and vaults under, permits 1 70 Changes of grade 1 113 Defective, liability, damages 5 2 Encroachments on, prohibited 1 70 Objections, property owners 4 80 Obligation on owner to repair, etc., until accepted 16 92 Repairs to prior to acceptance 16-17 91-93 Use, control by Supervisors 2 9 SIGNAL SYSTEMS— Fire and Police 1-5 159 SIGNATURES, Bonds 11 192 Clerk, Board of Supervisors 7 5 Contracts, Board of Public Works 21 76 Coupons on bonds 11 192 Library bonds 10a 192 Petition, Acquiring of public utilities 3 187 Charter amendments 22 8 Initiative of people 2-3 175-177 Referendum petition 3 181 SILVER IN BAGS 3 52 SINKING FUNDS, Balance to ensuing fiscal year 5 36 Budget provision 2 30 Disposition of accumulated moneys in 7 37 Proposals for redemption of bonds 7 37 Public utilities, municipal, earnings 12 33 Public utilities, municipal, earnings 1 194 Street improvement bonds 29^/^ 221 Supervisors to provide for 14 34 Surplus earning paying 12 193 Surplus fund, liquidation of 3 36 Surplus in bond issue 10 191 Surplus in not to go to surplus fund 16 34 Tax levy, above dollar limit 11 33 Tax levy to provide for 12 193 SITES, Civic Center 10 22 Panama Pacific Exposition 37 13 Schools, proceeds from sale of school lot 11 23 SIXTEENTH STREET, sale of lands 9 20 index 343 SIXTY DAYS. slrbdivis'ii Amendments to Charter, election 22 Ordinance becoming final 3 SOCIETY, Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 19 SOURCES OF WATER SUPPLY 1 SPECIAL, Deposit fund 4 Elections (See Elections). Meetings, Police Commission 2 Supervisors 5 Police officers 4 SPECIFICATIONS. Change of grade 9 Contracts, Board of Public Works 21 Materials in accordance with 22 Repairs to streets 16 School houses 1 Street cleaning 29 SPEED street railways 27 SPONSORS FOR CANDIDATES, municipal elections 5c SPRINKLING STREETS, Board of Public Works, charge of 3 Proposals for 29 Regulations by Supervisors 13 SPUR TRACKS, permits by Supervisors 3 SQUARES (See Parks), Jurisdiction. Park Commission 6 Lighting, Board of Public Works, control 3 Ordinances by Park Commission 5 Sales of lands, specifically excepted 9 Works of art 10 STAINED GLASS, Approval 10 STATE, Absence from 3 Building, Civic Center 10 Employees prohibited from holding another of- fice under 4 Prisons, delivery by Sheriff 1 Taxes above dollar limit 11 Weights and Measures, Superintendent of 3 STATIONERY, Advertisement for bids, form for 3 Contracts for 3 How furnished to officers, etc 3 Names of officers not to appear thereon 3 Paper, weight, quality, etc 3 Requisitions for 3 Superintendent of schools purchasing 5 STATISTICS, vital 4 STATUES, approval by Park Commission 10 STEAM HEAT. Mains, regulating laying 1 Rate fixing by Supervisors 14 Supervisors power to regulate 13 STEAM RAILROADS (See Railroads) STEINHART. IGNATZ, bequest, Aquarium 43a STENOGRAPHERS (See Superior and Police Courts. City Attorney, Coroner, District Attorney, Mayor) STOKERS, Fire Department 1 Page 8 181 11 186 138 46 137- 116 76 77 91 131 97 12 166 70 97 10 9 205 70 205 20 207 207 215 23 215 62 33 57 26 27 26 26 27 130 161 207 70 10 10 15 153 344 Index Section or Subdivision Paee STOLBN PROPERTY, search bv police officers 7 140 STONE COBBLES AND BLOCKS 32 98 STORAGE, Fire Marshal, enforcement of laws 4 154 STOREKEEPER, appointment and duties 32 98 STORES, CORPORATION YARD, Board of Public Works 32 98 Fire Department 9 150 STRAIGHTENING STREETS, proceedings 1-19 100-1^9 STREET RAILWAYS, Acquisition by City 1 186 Assessment, street work 7a 82-83 Board of Public Works, superintending construc- tion 1 70 Bonds, purchase by City 7a 38 Boulevards 6 17 Common use of tracks 27 12 Construction, commencement 6 19 Eight-hour day 7b 39 Election, purchase 7a 38 Expenditure on construction, monthly 6 19 Fares, regulation by Supervisors 6 19 Finance Committee, experting books 6 19 Franchise, Additional conditions in 7a 37 Failure to comply with condition, penalty... 7c 39 Forfeiture of 6 19 Wages of employees, provision for 7b 38 Joint use of tracks and streets 27 12 Joint use of tracks, five blocks each end of tun- nel, etc 5 123 Labor, wage and hours 7b 39 Lease, property reverting to City 7 20 Lien for street work 7 83 Majority vote of Supervisors, purchase 7a 38 Minimum wage 7b 39 Municipal ownership 7a 37-38 Offers for sale to City 2 186 Operation, continuous 6 19 Overtime employment ..: 7b 39 Paving 24 94 Percentage of receipts 6 18 Power to regulate _ 27 12 Purchase by the City 7a 37-38 Rates of fare, regulation 27 12 Recovery street work done by contractor 24 95 Roadbed and tracks reverting to City 6-7 19-20 Speed, regulating 27 12 Street improvements, to pay for 7-8 82-83 Streets, paving and repairing 28 12 Sweepings, streets, conveyance to parks 4 9 Ten-block provision, joint use 27 12 T;mnel, subway or viaduct 5 123 STREETS, Abandonment of 27 96 Acceptance of. City maintaining after 23 94 Conditions precedent to 23 94 Owners must do repairs prior to 16 91-92 Resolution and certificate by Board of Pub- . lie Works 22 77 Index 345 STREETS (Continued) Subdivision Paee Acquisition of lands for opening, etc 1 100 Advertisement for proposals 15 73 Advertisement waived if under five hundred dol- lars 14 73 Affidavit by contractor 6 82 Affidavit of publisher of official newspaper 26 96 • Appeal, assessment 4 81 Appeal from assessment for improvements 14 89 Applications for improvements, action upon 2 77 Assessments, (Note — Street improvements assessable upon private property are provided for in Ordi- nance No. 4720 (New Series), approved November 26, 1918, in pursuance of pro- visions of Section 33 of Chapter II of Ar- ticle VI of the Charter (pages 98-99).) Amending 14 90 Appeal to Supervisors 14 89 Appeal to Supreme Court 12 88 Closing of streets 1 100 Collection of 14 105 Completing unimproved portion of street 18 85 Completion of contract 7 82 Contractor suing for recovery 15 90 Defect in 12 88 Deficiency in fund 16 109 Delinquent 13-14 105 Districts (See Assessment Districts) Error not affecting validity 9 103 Exception from work, done 9-10 86 Fifty per cent of value 33 99 Foreclosure of lien 12 88 Fund, special 8 107 Grade change 5 114 Grading credits 9 85-86 Hearing objections 4 80 How levied - 9 83-84 Installment payments 33 99 Lien on property 12 88 Lien on railroad 7 83 Limit of 8 83 Map, Board of Public Works to Supervisors 2 78 New assessments by Board of Public Works.. 12 88 Notices (See Notices) Opening, closing, extending, widening, etc 6-14 102-106 Ordinance authorizing 1 100 Ordinance authorizing 17 120 Owners protesting , 4 79 Payment of 13 88-89 Railroads to pay proportion 7-8 82-83 Refusal to pay 15 90 Resolution of intention 10 86 Revolving fund 29^ 221 Roll, assessment 12 104 Sale on execution 15 91 Supplementary assessment 18 109 Surplus in fund 18 109 Ten-year installment payments 1 100-101 Uniform rate per front foot 3 84 Warrants for 12 87 346 Index STREETS (Continued) Subd!?rsrJn P.^e Awarding of contracts 17 74 Benefits, estimate 11 87 Bids for street work 16-17 73-75 Block, defined 26 95 Board of Public Works, Authentication by 11 87 Decision final and conclusive 4 80 Establishing method of assessment 10 87 Opening, closing, widening, etc 6 102 Powers 4 80 Release from assessment _ 13 89 Superintendence of 1 70 Work under direction and to satisfaction of.. 22 77 Bonds for improvements 29% 220-221 Bonds of contractors 21 76 Boulevards, designation 25 12 Bridge construction 1-6 121-123 Building material, use of 1 70 Cellars under, permits 1 70 Certificate of acceptance 22 77 Changes of grades (See Grades) 1-17 112-121 Charter provisions not exclusive 33 98 City Attorney to draw contracts 21 76 City, improvements" to be paid for by 2 78 City property, work in front of 8 83 City's revenue to meet expenses, whole or part.... 2 101 Cleaning, Board of Public Works, charge of 3 70 Contracts 29 97 Regulation 13 10 Closing of. Action necessary 27 96 Assessment 2 101 Condemnation of lands 16 108 Less than forty feet in width 27 96 Panama-Pacific Exposition 20 110 Petition by owners 27 96 Proceedings for 1-19 100-109 Procedure 27 96 Supervisors acquiring jurisdiction 5 102 Cobble Stones 32 98 Completion of work 6-7 82 Condemnation, lands for opening, etc 16 108 Conditional acceptance of 23 94 Conflicting titles 9 103 Continuing proceedings 4 80 Contractor, Affidavit 6 82 Bond : 21 76 Failure of 20-21 75-76 Contracts, All work by 14 73 Awarding of 17 74 City Attorney to draw 21 76 Private 19 75 Reletting 20 75 Waived if under five hundred dollars 14 73 Written except in case of urgent necessity.... 14 73 Control of Board of Public Works 1 70 Corporation store yard 32 98 Index 347 STREETS (Continued) s^fbdiv"8ron Page Cost, Ordinance 33 98 Payable in ten annual installments 33 98 Whole or part, out of City's revenues 2 101 Credits to owners for work done 9 85-86 Crossings, Grades 26 95 Hearing objections 4 80 Work, how assessed 2 78 Culverts : 26 95 Day labor, excavations 9 72 Dedication of 26-28 95-97 Deed for property delinquent on assessment 6 107 Defective, liability, damages 5 2 Defective titles 19 109 Definitions 26 95-96 Delinquent, Assessments, change of grade 12 117 Property on assessment 14 105 Department of Electricity, supervision 6 159 Districts (See Assessment Districts) Dividend, surplus assessment 18 109 Division of expense 8 83 Electrical wires and appliances 6 159 Encroachment on, prohibited 1 70 Estimate, Board of Public Works 2 78 Excavation of, permits for 9 71 Exclusive, charter provisions not 33 98 Expense, Defined 26 96 Ordinance ordering 33 98 Whole or part, out of City's revenues 2 101 Extending of 1-19 100-109 Failure of contractor or owner.. 20-21 75-76 Flushers, sprinkling of 29 97 Foreclosure of lien 12 88 Franchises, street railways 6 17 Frontage, owners of major part of, improving 19 75 Funds 12 118 Gas pipes to be laid before acceptance 23 94 Grades, changes of (See Grades) 1-17 112-121 Hearing, Objections, improvements 4 80 Objections, opening, etc., of streets 4-5 102 Improvement of, Advertising for proposals 15 73 Assessments to pay for (See Assessments un- der Streets) Contract for 14 73 Definition of 26 95 Ordinance ordering 33 98-99 Ordering, majority vote of Supervisors 2 78 Procedure 1-33 77-99 Incidental expenses (See Incidental Expenses) Installment payments, ten years 1 100-101 Installments, payment of improvements by 33 99 Joint use of tracks and streets by street railways.. 27 12 Judgment, lien 12 88 Jurisdiction, Supervisors acquiring 5 102 Lands for opening of 6 102 348 Index STREETS (Continued) SuWi^^shTn Pace Lessee, lien 20 93 Lessee may deduct payment from rent 20 93 Lien, foreclosure of 12 88 Lien on railroad 7 83 Lighting contracts 6 27 Limitations, special provision 33 99-100 Macadamizing 26 95 Main street, defined 26 95 Major part of frontage, Objections, petition, owners 4 79 Owners of, improving 19 75 Manholes 26 95 Materials for, corporation store yard 32 98 Modification of grades 1-17 112-121 New assessment by Board of Public Works 12 88 New streets and subdivisions 28 96 Not exclusive, charter provisions 33 98 Notices (See Notices) Objections, property owners. Improvements 4 78-79 Opening, closing, widening, etc 4 102 Obligation on owner to repair, etc., until accept- ance 16 92 Opening of 2 101 Assessment •. 6-14 102-106 Duties of Board of Public Works 6 102 In new subdivisions 28 96 Lands for 6 102 Objections and hearing 4 102 Payment for damages 15 108 Power of Supervisors 1 100 Proceedings 1-19 100-109 Resolution of intention 2-3 101 Open Public, Approval and recording of map 28 96-97 Closing of street, ceasing status as 27 96 Defined 1 77 Width and distance from parallel street 28 97 Ordering, majority vote of Supervisors 33 98 Ordinances, Change of grade 17 120 Opening, widening, etc 1 100 Ordering work or improvement 33 98-99 When repealed 27 220 Owners, Defined 19 93 Grading in front of their lots 9 85 Majority frontage, one-half, two-thirds 4 79 May improve streets, when 19 75 Protesting 4 79 Ownership, ignorance of 9 103 Panama-Pacific Exposition 37 13 Panama-Pacific Exposition 20 110 Parallel street, distance from 28 97 Partially graded or improved, proceedings 4 80 Patented pavements, not to be used, when 26 95 Payment, Assessment by installments 33 99 For work 8 83 For work 33 98 Progressive 21 77 Index 349 STREETS (Continued) s^rbdwrsrjn Permits, use, opening, etc., granting, regulating.... 1 Piling 26 Pipes, laying of 1 Pipes to be laid before acceptance 23 Planking 26 Poles, erection of 1 Posting of notices 3 Posting of notices 3 Power wires, laying 1 Powers, Board of Public Works 4 Powers, Supervisors 33 Private contracts. City not liable for expense 22 Improvements 19 Proceedings, Board of Public Works Instituting 4 Excavation of streets *9 Improvement of streets 3-4 Limitation 33 Opening, widening, etc 1 Sale of delinquent property on assessment.. 14 Stayed by objections of owners, but con- tinued on petition 4 Supervisors' power to order special 33 Progressive payments 21 Property owners (See Owners under Streats) Proposals , l 15 Prosecution in name of people 18 Provisions in Charter on improvements not exclusive 33 Publication, notices and resolutions 26 Quarter block 26 Railroads, Paving and repairing 28 Paving and repairing 24 To pay proportion 7-8 Rebate, affidavit by contractor 6 Recommendation, Board of Public Works 2 Redemption of delinquent property on assess- ment 1 Refuse, disposal of 7 Reletting unfinished portion of contract 20 Repairs, Advertising waived if under five hundred dollars 14 Board of Public Works entering into contract 16 Collection of expense 9 Prior to acceptance 16-17 Urgent 30 Resolutions, Of intention 2 Of intention 3 Publication 26 Revenues of City to meet expenses, whole or part - 2 Roll, assessment 12 Sale of delinquent property, Certificate of 1 Money paid to Treasurer 8 Page 70 95 70 94 95 70 79 101 70 80 98 77 75 8T 71 78-80 99-100 100 105 79 98-99 77 73 93 98 96 95 12 94 82-83 82 78 105 71 75 73 91 72 91-93 97 101 79 96 101 104 105 107 350 Index STREETS (Continued) S^uMwfs Service of notices 26 Sewer to be laid before acceptance 23 Sprinkling of, charge of 3 Spur and side track permits 3 Stone blocks, cobbles 32 Straightening, proceedings 1-9 Street railways, joint use 27 Structure encroaching on, prohibited 1 Subdivision maps 28 Subway construction 1-6 Superintendence of Board of Public Works 1 Supervisors (See Supervisors) Supplementary assessment 15 Sweeping 29 Tax limit suspension for repairs, etc 13 Ten-block provision, joint use, by street railways 27 Ten year installment payments 33 Ten year installment payments 1 Terms, definition of 26 Titles, conflicting 9 Travel, restoration of 2 Tunnel construction 1-6 Unfinished portion, private contract, reletting.... 20 Ungraded or unimproved portion of, proceedings 4 United States, work done in front of property of 8 Urgent necessity. Advertising and contract waived 14 Payment 8 Urgent repairs 30 Use of, Building material 1 Joint, by street railways 27 Supervisors regulating 2 Validity of records 21 Vaults under, permits 1 Viaduct construction 1-6 Warrants for arrests 12 Water pipes to be laid before acceptance 23 Widening of 1-19 Width of, At least forty feet 28 Improving full width of 25 Supervisors fixing 1 Work in front of city property 8 Works of art 10 STRUCTURES (See Buildings) STUBS, Entries on.....' 4-7 Treasurer's receipts 4 STUDENTS, San Francisco hospital, privileges 7 STUDIES, courses of 5 SUBCONTRACTORS, failure to pay bills 7 SUBDIVISIONS, approval and recording of maps 28 SUBJECT, Ordinance, expressed in title 11 SUBMISSION TO THE PEOPLE, Acquisition of public utilities 2 Initiative 1 Recall 1 Referendum 1 or ion Paffp 96 94 70 9 98 100-109 12 70 96 121-123 70 119 97 33 12 99 100-101 95-96 103 122 121-123 75 80 83 73 83 97 70 12 9 93 70 121-123 87 94 100-109 97 95 77 83 207 40 52 161 129 28 96-97 5 186 174 182 181 Index 351 Section or Subdivision SUBORDINATES (See Employees) Limited to Charter provisions 5 Officers, Police Department 1 SUBPOENAS, Police Commission 8 Policemen to be detailed to serve 24 Power to issue by every officer 24 SUBSISTENCE, supplies 1 SUBWAYS, Approaches, approving designs 10 Assessment to meet cost 1-4 Damages, costs and expenses 2-4 Exclusive right to operate, except by City, for- bidden 5 Five blocks approaching each end, joint use of tracks 5 Installment payments 2 Levying assessment ^ 2 Ordinance authorizing 1 Payment of costs and expenses out of treasury.. 4 Purchase or condemn lands 2 Street railway through, operation, municipal or private, singly or jointly 5 Supervisors ordering construction 1 Two or more lines of street railway using 5 SUITS (See Actions) SUNSET DISTRICT, school lots, sale of 11 SUPERINTENDENT, of Weights and Measures, State 3 SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, Census marshals 7 Charges against teachers 2 City Board of Examination, self and deputies constituting 6 City certificates 4 Deputies, appointment, qualifications, term 3-4 Election of, at what time 1 Election of, at what time 1 Election, when 1 General duties 1-6 Member of Board of Education 1 Official bond 2 Purchase of apparatus, etc 5 Recommend studies and text books 5 Recommendation of measures 3 Religious or sectarian books or teachings, for- bidding 1 Report annually to Board of Education 2 Report standing of schools 6 Revocation of certificates 3 Rules and regulations of Department, observing and enforcing 1 Salary 1 Teachers' certificates, examination for 1-4 Visit and examine schools twice yearly 4 SUPERIOR COURTS, Appeals, Police Court 9 Attachment, person in contempt of Police Couit 8 Bailiffs, appointment 2 Page 216 140 137 219 219 24 208 121-123 122 123 123 122 122 121 122 121 123 121 123 23 57 126 125 130 130 129 128 164 128 129-130 128 213 130 129 129 129 129 130 130 129 128 130 129 66 138 62 352 Index Section or SUPERIOR COURTS (Continued) Subdivision Page Clerks, appointed by County Clerk 2 61 District Attorney's assistants prosecutors in 3 60 Interpreters, compensation 20 11 Interpreters for -. 1 58 Reporters, compensation 2 58 Street assessment action 12 88 SUPERVISORS, Abatement of nuisances 4 161 Absence from meetings 3 4 Absence from State of officer 3 215 Acceptance of streets 23 94 Accounting system, uniform 40 14 Acquisition, Excess land over actual requirements 10 22 Land for Civic Center 10 22 Lands for opening, etc., of streets 1 100 Lands for water purposes 15 193 Public utilities 1 186 Acts of, initiative of the people 1 174 Additional deputies, etc., when authorized 35 223 Advertising, official - 2 25 Advertising, stationery supplies 3 26 Alleys, use of, control 2 9 Almshouse, maintenance 11 10 Animals, cruelty 19 11 Animals running at large 8 10 Appeal, street assessment 14 89 Appointment, clerks, etc 1 4 Apportionment of revenue to funds 11-12 33 Appropriations, public utilities 1 194 Approval of demands 19 7 Assessment, Appeal 14 89 District 5 82 District, opening, etc., of streets 7 103 Roll 12 104 Attendance at meetings, compelling 3 4 Auditor's extra clerks, designation of 2 47 Awarding of contracts for supplies 1 24 Ayes and noes (See Votes) 3 4 Baggage rates, fixing 7 9 Ballot, arrangement of offices on 10b 168 Bids for supplies 1 24 Bids rejected, when 5 27 Bills, passage 9 5 Board of Education, report 3 128 Board of Health to submit draft of ordinances.... 4 161 Board members (Supervisors), > Absence from meeting 3 4 Consists of eighteen members 2 4 Elected at large from City and County 2 4 Election of, at what time 1 164 Four year term 38a 225 Interest in contracts, penalty 6 216 Mayor, one acting as 6 46 Meetings, time and place 6 5 Members of Board of Equalization 2 16 Official bond 2 213 Power over members 4 4 Index :ir)3 SUPERVISOKS (Continued) i^^^Zf:. Pa.. Ouplifications 2 4 Removal for neglect to enforce provisions i:^ 193 Salary of 2 4 Term of o Limit in single month 9 Payment in order of presentation 6 Payment or refusal to pay 5 Registration of 6 Deposits of public funds 2 Disbursement, public moneys, only officer 1 Duplicate receipt for money 4 Duties of 2 Election fees 8 Election of 1 Election of. at what time 1 Election officers 19 Employees : 1 Exposition bonds 29a Extra assistants, payment,- demands of 12 Fees, etc., collected to be paid to 3 File monthly and quarterly statements 2 Fire Marshal depositing moneys.. 4 Firemen's relief fund 8 Four-year term for 38a Joint custody safe, control with Auditor 3 Liabilities on, restriction 9 'Liability on official bond 4 Mileage fee statements 11 Misconduct in office, when ' 2 Moneys, All to be paid to 1 Daily account of 2 Drawn from only by demand 6 Received monthly, report 8 Transfer from unapportioned fee fund 10 Official bond 2 Official receipts, furnishing 5 Office hours, daily 14 Outside of City, payments for work 9 Outstanding bonds, when to pay for 7 Panama-Pacific Exposition bonds 29a Payment of demands. Supervisors and Auditor approving before 19 Payments only by demand : 2 Pay rolls, certification by Civil Service Commis- sion 19 Police relief and pension fund 9-11 Property Clerk depositing money with 5 Public Administrator, deposits by 4 Qualifications 1 Receipts, issuing of and entering on stubs 4-8 Redemption money, property sold for delinquent assessment , 5 Registrar of voters, fees 8 Report monthly to Auditor 8 Safes to be kept 3 Salary demands, approval by Civil Service Com- mission before action by 19 Salary of 1 Shortage in 3 Special deposit fund 4 Street assessments 8 Streets, opening, etc., warrants and judgments.... 15-16 Page 47 31 53 53 53 50-52 39 52 49 167 49 164 172 49 222 42 39 49 154 157 225 52 31 40 41 50 39 49 31 41 41 213 40 217 49 37 222 7 49 202 147 144 36 49 40-41 107 167 41 52 202 49 52 36 107 108 Index 365 TREASURER, TREASURY (Continued) Subdivision Surplus fund 16 Tax Collector's collections to be paid into 2 Term of office 1 Tunnel, subway and viaduct construction costs, payment out of 2-4 Unappoitioned Fee Fund 10-12 Unauthorized demands 5 Unpaid demands, register 6 TRIALS, By appointing officer on charges 12 Fire Department members 6 Police Commission 8 Police Court 5 Police officer 3 TRUANCY, remedying 4 TRUCKMEN, Fire Department * 1 TRUSTEES, Firemen's relief fund 1 Police relief and pension fund 1 Public Libraries 1 TRUST FUNDS, schools 12 TRUSTS, Execution by Supervisors 30 Libraries, public 2 TUNNELS, Acquisition of lands for 15 Amending ordinance and procedure 3 Approaches, approving designs 10 Approaches and portals, lands for 2 Assessments to meet cost 1-4 Combining procedure 3 Damages, costs, etc., expenses 2-4 Exclusive right to operate, except by City, for- bidden 5 Five blocks approaching each end, joint use of tracks 5 Installment payments 2 Levying assessment 2 Municipal Railway through 5 One proceeding, two or more tunnels 6 Ordinance authorizing 1 Payment of costs and expenses out of treasury 4 Purchase or condemn land 2 Restoration of street travel 2 Street railway through, operation municipal or private, singly or jointly 5 Supervisors, Majority vote 2 Ordering construction 1 Power to construct 26 Two or more lines of street railway using 5 TWELFTH STREET, sale of lands 9 TWO PLATOON SYSTEM 11 TWO POSITIONS, employee holding 4 U UNANIMOUS VOTE, Police Commission, pensions 2 Tax limit, suspension of 13 Paere 34 54 49 122 41-42 53 53 200 150 137 64 142 125 153 155 144 132 127 12 134 193 122 208 122 121-123 122 122 123 123 122 122 123 123 121 122 121 122 123 122 121 12 123 20 151 216 144 33 366 Index Section or Subdivision Page UNAPPORTIONED FEE FUND, Creation of 4 40 Extra employees, payment of 12 42 Mileage fees, to be paid out of 11 41 Transfers from by Treasurer 10 41 Transfer of funds 1 35 UNAUTHORIZED DEMANDS 5 53 UNCLAIMED PROPERTY 1-5 143-144 UNDERGROUND, power wires, pipes and mains, lay- ing 1 70 UNDERWRITERS' FIRE PATROL 1 153 UNEXPENDED, Appropriations 7-9 31 Auditor, weekly statements 10 32 Balance of appropriations on contract 10 32 Balances, transfer at time of new charter 37 224-225 Monthly balances 9 . 31 UNEXPIRED TERM, appointment by Mayor 4 46 UNFINISHED PORTION, private street contract, re- letting 20 75 UNGRADED PORTION OF bTREET, proceedings not stayed by objections 4 80 UNIFORM, Lighting rates 6 28 System of accounting 40 14 UNIFORMS, Fire Department 5 149 UNIMPROVED PORTION OF STREET, proceedings 4 80 UNITED STATES OP AMERICA, work done in front of property of 8 83 UNMARRIED WIDOW, pension 4 145 UNNECESSARY FUNDS 38 225 UNPAID BILL, claim 7 28 UNPAID DEMANDS, Payment out of delinquent revenue when collected 6 36 Register of 6 53 UNSAFE STRUCTURES, Supervisors, power... 6 9 UNSOLD BONDS, sale of 10 191 UNUSED LOTS, transfer to other departments 31 13 URGENT NECESSITIES, Appropriation for 8 31 Expenditures, one-twelfth limit on, exempted.. 9 32 Public improvements without advertising 14 73 Street work 8 83 Supervisors, majority vote 8 31 Tax rate limit 13 33 URGENT REPAIRS TO STREETS 30 97 USE, Franchises not in, forfeited 26 219-220 Joint, of tracks, five blocks 5 123 Joint, of tracks, ten blocks 27 12 Library purposes, city real estate for 7 134 Patented pavement 26 95 Public use, buildings in parks 6 206 Streets (See Streets) UTILITIES (See Public Utilities) Index 367 VA^^AiNL/l, Subdivision Page Absence from State for more than sixty days cre- ates 10 217 Appointment by Mayor to fill 4 46 Census Marshal 7 126 Civil Service Commission, notice to 9-10 198 Civil Service Commission, notice to 13 201 Civil Service, how filled 8 198 Finance Committee 3 16 Fire Marshal 1 153 In municipal offices, what constitutes 10 217 In office of Mayor, how filled 6 46 Neglect to qualify within prescribed time after election or appointment causes 10 217 Recall election 3-10 183-184 Resident, ceasing to be, causes 10 217 Two positions held by employee, causes 4 216 VACANT LOTS, transfer to other departments 31 13 VACATIONS, Fire Department, without loss of pay.... 2 158 VALIDITY, Elections, informalities 23 174 Error not affecting 9 103 Initiative petition 2 176 Library bonds 10a 192 Recall election 1 182 Street improvement assessment 14 90 VALUABLES, Property Clerk, deposit 5 144 VALUATION, Cost, plus 7a 37 Fifty per cent of, assessing 33 99 Interest during construction 7a 37 Lands for opening streets 6 102 Street railway franchise 7a 37 VAULTS, under sidewalks, permits 1 70 VEHICLES, Supervisors regulating use of 7 9 VERIFICATION, initiative petition 3 176-177 VETO, Budget '. 4 30 Ordinance, initiative petition 7 179 Overcoming, vote necessary 4 30 Separate items in bill 14 6 VIADUCTS, Approaches, approving designs 10 208 Assessment to meet costs, damages and expenses 1-4 121-123 Exclusive right to operate, except by City, forbid- den 5 123 Five blocks approaching each end, joint use of tracks 5 123 Installment payments 1-2 121-122 Payment of costs and expenses out of treasury 4 122 Purchase or condemn lands 2 121 Street railway over, operation municipal or pri- vate, singly or jointly 5 123 Supervisors ordering construction 1 121 VIOLATION, Contracts 3 46 Order, Police Judges 6 65 Ordinances, Fines 11 147 Penalties 16 11 Police Court jurisdiction 2 63 368 Index VIOLATION (Continued) S^uSsfon Page Regulations, contracts for public work 16 74 Rules, Police Department 2 142 Treasurer, handling of funds 2 50 VITAL STATISTICS, registration 4 161 VOID, Bid in case of collusion 18 75 Contract, failure to complete within time 21 76 Contract for public work, violation of regulations 16 74 Ordinance, where subject not expressed in title.... 11 5 VOLUNTEER FIREMEN, relief 36 13 VOTING, Amendments to charter 22 8 Ayes and noes, Board of Education 3 124 Board of Public Works 5-6 69 Board of Supervisors 3 4 Board of Supervisors 9 5 Entry, Journal of Proceedings 3 4 Franchise grant 6 19 Library Trustees 6 133 On reconsideration 16 7 Police Commission 4 136 Bills and resolutions, Supervisors 9 5 Board of Education .....' 3 124 Board of Supervisors 3 4 Budget 3 30 Change of grade ordinance : 17 120 Counting of ballots 19-21 171-173 "Entire vote" 25 174 Extensions of time on contracts 21 76 Franchise grant 6 19 Franchise grant to vote of people 7 20 Franchise, purchase .^ 7a 38 Initiative petition 6 178 Instructions to voters _ 10a 168 Lease of City lands , 32 13 Library Trustees 6 133 Machines, voting 14 170 Majority vote (See Majority Vote) Mayor, office of, how computed 25 174 Motion to reconsider 12 6 Municipal elections 1-25 164-174 Pensions, Police Department 2 144 People, Acquisition of public utilities 2 186 Franchise grant 7 20 Initiative 1 174 Recall 1 182 Referendum 1 181 Playground Commission 10 212 Police Commission 4 136 Recall 1 182 Reconsideration of bill or resolution 16 7 Referendum elections 1-9 181-182 Registration of voters 5 164 Sale of City lands, vote of Supervisors 9 22 Sewer, Construction 8 111 Cost exceeding certain unit 2 78 Lands for 6 111 Index 869 VOTING (Continued) s^ubdiWsfJn Page Street railway franchise, purchase 7a 38 Streets, Improvement of, ordering 2 78 Opening, widening, etc 1 100 Work, Supervisors ordering 33 98 Suspension of officer 19 218 Tax limit suspension 13 33 Tunnel, subway and viaduct construction 1 121 Two-thirds of, when necessary 4 188 Unanimous vote 2 144 Urgent necessities fund, expenditures from 8 31 Veto, overcoming 4 30 W WAGES (See Salaries, Minimum Wage, and under re- spective offices and departments) WAIVER, claim for damages 2 WARDENS, FIRE 1 WARRANT AND BOND CLERK, Authority to issue bail bonds 5 Contempt of court, release of prisoners 6 Deputies and salaries 5 Office of, to be kept open continuously 5 Official bond 2 Penalty for other persons to receive bail money 8 Release of prisoners, power 5 Subject to order of Police Judges, when 6 WARRANTS (See Demands) District Attorney 2 Firemen's relief fund 8 Form of 39 Police relief and pension fund 9 School Department employees 10 Street assessments 12 Streets, opening, etc 8 WATCHMEN, Fire Department 1 WATER, Board of Public Works, plans, estimates, of water- works 10 Finance Committee examining books, etc 4 Locationr and quality 13 Offers for sale of works to City 2 Pipes, regulating laying of 1 Pipes to be laid before acceptance of street 23 Plans and estimates of cost for acquisition of sup- ply 1 Power of Supervisors to acquire lands for supply.. 15 Rates for use 14 Sources of supply, estimates 1 Supervisors, power to regulate 13 Works, estimate of, for what purpose made 1 WATER TOWER COMPANIES, of whom composed.. 1 WEAPONS, Destruction by Property Clerk 3 Fines carrying concealed 11 To be taken from prisoners , 2 114 154 65 65 65 65 213 66 58 65 60 157 14 146 127 87-88 107 158 72 17 10 186 70 94 86 193 10 186 10 186 153 143 147 142 370 Index WEIGHTS AND MEASURES DEPARTMENT, Appointments in Civil Service provisions Duties and powers, Sealer and deputies State la,ws, subject to WHARVES (See Harbors) Built and repaired by Board of Public Works Control of Supervisors May be leased but not sold : Tolls for wharfage and dockage WIDENING OF STREETS WIDOW, Pension, Fire Department Police officer, receiving pension while unmarried WIDTH OF STREETS, Acceptance, entire width Closing, less than forty feet Supervisors fixing WIRES, Department of Electricity enforcing ordinances.... Fire alarm system Franchise, no exclusive for laying Franchises, granting' Jefferson Square, fire alarm station Police telephone and telegraph system WITHDRAWAL, Candidates for office Deposits of public funds "... Initiative petition, signatures from Moneys from joint custody safe WITHHOLDING MONEY, Contract, to meet Debits from demands From teachers WITNESSES, Change of grade Detention of, places for Finance Committee, examining Opening, etc., of streets Police Commission hearings WOODEN BUILDINGS, Fire limits, fixing -. Unsafe structures, Supervisors, power WORK (See Public Work) WORKS OF ART, acceptance and location 10 Section or bubdivisiou Page 1-2 57 2 57 1 57 3 57 1 112 1 112 2 112 2 112 1-19 100-109 5 156 4 145 23 94 27 96 1 77 6 159 4 159 5 17 7 19 6a 206 4 159 10c 169 2 51 2 176 3 52 10 32 6 48 2 125 4 114 10 10 3 17 6 102 8 137 5 9 6 9 20^ i '■ THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST BATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO S1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. SEP an 4CLP OCT 10 KOV 25 1932 FEB 27 1933 MAI APR id^yji OCT ^9 ^^^' 4AN 4 \m 5 J936 JH.. 'i l,.IHl.! NOV 291937 APfi 18 1940 iOjan'52LU 1 1 Dec '62 J j LD 21-50m-8,'32 LD 21A-50m-ll,'62 (D3279sl0)476B General Library ^ University of California Berkeley YC 09789 /^ 747501 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY