TP 754- A/4 UC-NRLF INVESTIGATION Of the Conditions Governing the Choice of a Proper Quality Standard for Artificial Gas with Conclusion and Recommendation of the JOINT COMMITTEE ON CALORIMETRY of the PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION and GAS CORPORATIONS in the SECOND PUBLIC SERVICE DISTRICT NEW YORK STATE TP 75-+ /V-f CONTENTS. Page Title Page 1 Joint Committee's Letter Submitting Its Report to the Commission.... 5 Report of Joint Committee 7 APPENDIX A 15-19 Origin of Investigation 15 Organization of Committee 15 Classification of Companies Making Tests Table 2 16 Definition of Heating Value of Gas (Footnote) 17 Calorimetric Tests, Number Reported by Each Company, Table II. .. 18 Photometric Tests, Number Reported by Each Company, Table III. 18 20-41 ....... 20 npany, 20 r with ximum Errata sheet will be found opposite Page 94 Units 22-39 ie and 41 42-60 nating 42 Unenriched Coal Gas 42 Recent Development in Coal Gas Manufactured 44 Coke Oven Gas 45 Carburetted "Water Gas 46 Effect of Distribution on the Heating and Illuminating Value 47 Compression and Transmission Tests on Enriched Coke Oven Gas. . 54 Laboratory Experiments, Compression and Freezing Carburetted Water Gas 56 Heating Value Calculated by Analysis 56 Comparison of Continuous and Intermittant Operation 59 Comparison of Efficiency of Open Flame and Mantle Burners 59 APPENDIX D 61-62 Standards in Other Places 61 APPENDIX E 63-67 Calorimetry 63 Photometry 65 Instruments Used in Investigation and Calibration Work of Public Service Commission 66 Efficiencies of Calorimeters Determined by Public Service Commission 67 APPENDIX F 69_ 81 Reprint of Pamphlet, "Calorimetric Rules, Regulations and Specifi- cations ' ' Used During Investigation 69 APPENDIX G : 82-94 Reprint of Pamphlet, "Plan of Calorimetric Investigation and Explanation of Test and Report Forms" Used During Investigation 82 M259795 TP /V-f CONTENTS. Page Title Page 1 Joint Committee's Letter Submitting Its Report to the Commission.... 5 Report of Joint Committee 7 APPENDIX A 15-19 Origin of Investigation 15 Organization of Committee 15 Classification of Companies Making Tests Table 2 16 Definition of Heating Value of Gas (Footnote) 17 Calorimetric Tests, Number Reported by Each Company, Table II. .. 18 Photometric Tests, Number Reported by Each Company, Table III. 18 APPENDIX B 20-41 Tabulation of the Results of the Investigation 20 Monthly Averages Heat Units and Candle Power of Each Company, Table P7 20 Plant Data and Graphical Illustration of Table IV., Together with Average Annual Heat Units and Candle Power and Maximum and Minimum Variations Occurring Each Month in Heat Units and Candle Power 22-39 Chart Showing Indefinite Relation Between Heating Value and Illuminating Value in Manufactured Gas 41 APPENDIX C 42-60 Manufacturing and Distribution with Reference to Illuminating Value and Heating Value 42 Unenriched Coal Gas 42 Recent Development in Coal Gas Manufactured 44 Coke Oven Gas 45 Carburetted "Water Gas 46 Effect of Distribution on the Heating and Illuminating Value 47 Compression and Transmission Tests on Enriched Coke Oven Gas . . 54 Laboratory Experiments, Compression and Freezing Carburetted Water Gas 56 Heating Value Calculated by Analysis 56 Comparison of Continuous and Intermittant Operation 59 Comparison of Efficiency of Open Flame and Mantle Burners 59 APPENDIX D 61-62 Standards in Other Places 61 APPENDIX E 63-67 Calorimetry 63 Photometry 65 Instruments Used in Investigation and Calibration Work of Public Service Commission 66 Efficiencies of Calorimeters Determined by Public Service Commission 67 APPENDIX F 69-81 Reprint of Pamphlet, "Calorimetric Rules, Regulations and Specifi- cations" Used During Investigation 69 APPENDIX G : 82-94 Reprint of Pamphlet, "Plan of Calorimetric Investigation and Explanation of Test and Report Forms ' ' Used During Investigation 82 M259795 March 6, 1913. Honorable F. W. STEVENS, Chairman, Public Service Commission, Second District, Albany, New York. Sir: On December 8, 1909, your Honorable Commission issued a circular to cor- porations engaged in furnishing or distributing coal gas, water gas and mixed gas within your jurisdiction, and appointed February 1, 1910, as a date for conference to interchange views on the necessity for a calorific standard and all questions necessary and incidental thereto. On February 1, 1910, the representatives attending appointed a committee to co-operate with the Commission in the consideration of these questions, and thereupon your Honorable Commission appointed representatives to meet with this Committee. After a preliminary meeting on the same date, the represen- tatives of the companies and of the Commission organized as a "Joint Com- mittee on Calorimetry. " Since that date the investigation of this subject has continued and the history of the work and matters relating thereto will be found in the report transmitted herewith. In accordance with our instructions: "If there is anything in yoflr conclusion that requires the action of this Commission in any way, we shall expect that it shall be reported to us, and we will take it into consideration as to whether it is the proper thing for the Commission to do," we would respectfully direct your attention to paragraphs 12, 26, 35, 37 and 41, of the report herewith. We have the honor to be, Very respectfully yours, W. R. ADDICKS, Chairman. T. R. BEAL, M. J. BRAYTON, H. H. CROWELL, J. C. DeLONG, A. H. ELLIOTT, J. B. KLUMPP, C. F. LEONARD, WM. McCLELLAN, W. T. MORRIS, R. M. SEARLE, C. H. STONE, C. H. B. CHAPIN, Secretary. REPORT OF JOINT COMMITTEE ON CALORIMETRY. 1. The first commercial distribution of artificial gas for illumination was in open luminous flames and quite naturally its quality was stated in terms of the most convenient unit at hand the candle. With the introduction of the much more efficient mantle burner, and the increasing use of heating devices, the heating value of the gas became important. As a result, scientific men in both Europe and America have recognized that to continue the use of the candle power (illuminating) standard was, for modern conditions, illogical and unsatisfactory, and in lieu thereof have advocated the adoption of a heat unit standard. More than four years ago the Public Service Commission of the Second District of the State of New York noted the trend of development, and started an investigation of the actual conditions existing throughout the Second District. This led to the appointment of a Joint Committee on Calorimetry, composed of representatives of the Commission and of the Gas Corporations of the State. 2. This Committee, after three years of continuous research and investiga- tion, having had the assistance of the laboratories of the Commission and of tests made at sixteen gas plants in the State, and the results of numerous experiments conducted elsewhere to aid it in its conclusions, now makes its report. 3. The object constantly in mind has been the selection of a standard for artificial gas which will enable the consumer to obtain the most value for the least money, and will enable the Company to obtain its profit at the smallest expense to the consumer. The interests of the consumer and the Company are one. This one interest demands a standard which will fit in with present eco- nomic conditions, which will permit the most efficient use of modern invention and which will conserve resources instead of wasting them. 4. The yielding of the open flame burner, the only device requiring the gas to have an illuminating value, is the first reason for suggesting a standard based on the heating value. The mantle burner is from four to eight times as efficient as the open flame burner, and its use reduces the cost of lighting to the consumer. As is well known, the light is obtained by heating a mantle of rare earths to incandescence. The gas needs only heating value because the burner is merely a heater for the mantle. 5. As in all heating devices the burner is adjusted so that the gas is com- pletely burned and shows a blue or almost colorless flame. Consumers, if properly informed, would substitute mantle burners for open flames in prac- tically every case. In addition to the greater economy there is greater safety in many cases arid more effective illumination always. 6. In addition to modern gas lighting devices which require heating value only in the gas, there is a rapidly growing demand for gas for cooking and heating purposes. Artificial gas is being supplied in increased amounts for melting, tempering, metal finishing, drying, gas engines and hundreds of other industrial uses. Inventors are actively at work designing apparatus which will greatly increase this use. Heal storage furnaces for heating buildings economically with gas are proposed. Indeed it seems to be true that it only needs the design of proper gas-using apparatus to make gas the most economic means of transporting the heat content of coal. Under such circumstances to give artificial gas an expensive and unnecessary illuminat- ing value is illogical and indefensibly wasteful. 7. The illuminating quality in gas, which, with the disappearance of the open flame burner becomes unnecessary, may become a costly feature if it must be added to the gas by a special process of enrichment. This enrichment is usually made by means of a petroleum oil which for a number of years was worthless for anything else and consequently was very cheap. But the enor- mous growth in the demand for gasoline for automobiles and motor boats has stimulated chemists to invent processes by which the enriching oils hereto- fore used by gas companies can be turned into light oils suitable for internal combustion engines. 8. Inventors of oil engines are perfecting their devices rapidly, which results in much more extended direct use of oil for power generation. Oil used in this way commands a higher price than when used for gas enrichment. The United States and other governments are resorting to increased use of oil fuel for war vessels, and their needs are so paramount that price is not a critical factor. (Reference: "The Production of Petroleum in 1911," U. S. Geological Survey, 1912.) 9. This sudden demand for enriching oil products by the people for pleasure and industrial purposes, and by governments for power purposes, and the consequent rise in the selling prices, has within a year increased the cost of manufacturing water gas from 10 to 15 cents per thousand cubic feet. In addition there is every reason to believe that the present price of oil is by no means the maximum, so that cost may operate in the future to require that enrichment be kept to a minimum. It was the presence of a large and cheap supply of enriching oil that made water gas commercial after the manufacturing apparatus had been made practical from 1877 to 1882. It is probable that the high price of enriching oils will make carburetted water gas useful chiefly for peak demands and as a reserve to retort gas and oven gas, which need no enrichment if heating value only be required. 10. The present rise in the price of oil would result in a condition seriously affecting the price of gas to the consumer if it were necessary for artificial gas to 'continue to have the present high illuminating value. Fortunately the availability of the mantle burner modifies the seriousness of the situation. It may be argued that gas oil has risen in price before and afterward dropped. It must be added, however, that the price never returns to its previous low figure. Moreover, as shown above, the present rise is due to plainly apparent and quite natural causes, and it does not appear that these causes will abate in force. 11. In passing it may be stated that water gas must be enriched to be practical for community use. Retort gas (so-called "coal gas") has ample heating value and illuminating value to be distributed without enrichment to the community. Run of oven gas (by-product from coke ovens) has a large heating value without enrichment, but in candle power is materially lower than retort gas. 12. It should also be noted that whatever reasons there may have been in the past for different standards for coal gas, mixed gas and carburetted water gas (16, 18 and 20 candle power in New York State, Second District), they certainly are without force now, and only one standard is necessary or desirable. 13. Mere increased cost, though important and almost compelling, is not alone the cause for a change from a candle power to a heat unit standard. As a matter of fact, when this Committee was appointed this feature could not have been in any degree a reason for changing the standard. The present standard actually retards the extension of gas service and as a direct conse- quence retards the development of communities. 8 14. Present development in gas distribution falls into two classes first, distribution in comparatively densely populated large territories such as cities, with closely attached suburbs; and second, distribution of gas from one large central plant to a number of more or less distant communities with intervening territory in which there is little or no demand for gas supply. In either case the present candle power standard is a burden. This is for the reason that because of temperature and pressure changes and friction in mains a part of the enrichment added to a gas to give it illuminating power drops out during transmission, and the loss becomes more and more serious as the distance of transmission increases. Higher pressures are necessary if the gas is to be transmitted economically for a long distance and it is impossible to avoid some exposure to low temperature. As a result either the gas must be given excessive candle power at the plant, or it must be enriched after transmission so that the gas distributed after transmission may be up to standard. In 'either case it is sometimes difficult to make the operation of the system satisfactory and the cost increases to an amount which makes such distribution often commercially impracticable. 15. Within single areas or communities, extension of service is possible so far as the present law is concerned which requires inspections to be made about a mile from the works. This does not mean, however, that the same quality of gas can be supplied economically at the center and on' the outskirts. The company undertaking to give standard service at all points must of necessity spend much more on its manufacturing and distribution cost because the average candle power must be higher in order to make up the loss. 16. In the case of one large central plant distributing gas to a number of more or less distant and separate communities, the burden is especially heavy, for but one quality of gas can be ordinarily distributed from the plant. The long distribution system with its higher pressure and exposure to low tem- perature entails a very great loss in candle power during transmission. In addition, the operation is likely to be difficult, because the enriching oils which condense in the system must be taken care of in larger pipes, traps and other devices and the labor cost of operation is increased on account of the maintenance and operation of these extra devices. With the increased cost of enriching oil it is probable that such extended distributions will not be possible without a serious increase in the selling price. 17. Too small a community cannot support a gas plant of its own, if first-class service is to be given, ample financial support secured and adequate business and engineering superintendence supplied. For a long time the same conditions obtained in the supply of electricity but the problem of supplying the smaller community has been solved by the develop- ment of high-tension, long-distance transmission of power. By this means any number of small communities and intervening farm territory can be served from one large central station. High-pressure gas distribution bears the same relation to the gas industry as high-tension transmission bears to the electric industry. 18. As shown later, the loss in heat units in transmission due to pressure or low temperature is very much less than the loss in candle power. A heat unit standard not very different from the heat unit value of gas at present supplied would permit gas distribution over long distances under pressure at a loss which would be in no sense burdensome. Such a result would permit, as soon as development could take place, gas service to many small villages and towns which it is quite impossible to supply under present conditions. 19. A further reason why a change from a candle power standard to a heat unit standard is desirable rests on a broad economic policy. Even though oil were not increasing in price the present standard spells waste. It is a waste of resources and it is wasteful of money. Conservation of resources would demand that there should be no unnecessary resort to the use of oil for gas enrichment. It is wasteful to maintain a standard beyond what is re- quired for efficiency and when the standard means an unnecessarily high cost. The public wants the best gas for the least money and it is to the business advantage of the Company to supply the demand. The present standards, under existing conditions, do not assist in attaining this desirable end. 20. Summarizing then, the movement toward a heat unit standard is based on three important factors : 1. Modern appliances for the use of gas require that it have heat- ing value only. The open flame burner is rapidly disappearing on account of its inefficiency and expense. 2. The present candle power standard seriously impedes desirable distribution in extended communities and for long distances, and as a consequence retards cpmmunity development. The rising price of enriching oils adds to the difficulty. .3. The present standards are wasteful of resources and unduly bur- densome on the consumer and the Company. 21. In order to obtain accurate information on which to base the choice of a proper standard, particularly with reference to the needs of New York State, the Committee turned to a number of gas corporations of the State for assistance. Laboratories for calorimetrical measurements were established at sixteen different plants of the State and regular daily tests started. The in- struments were checked first at the laboratory of the Public Service Commis- sion at Albany. The cost of the apparatus and the expense of the tests were all carried as operating expenses of the plants where the tests were made. Constant attention had to be given by the Company's officers and their employees to the investigation, and the expenditure of time and money was not small. Result's of this work make up the most valuable data that the Com- mittee has in this report. In Appendix B will be found tabulations and curves showing the results obtained by the various Companies with comments and discussion in considerable detail (see also Appendix C). The monthly reports of the Companies summarizing their daily tests when received by the Commit- tee were scrutinized closely for errors and critical features. Every effort possible has been made by the Committee to make sure that the work was being done with uniformity and accuracy. The co-operation of the traveling gas inspectors of the Commission was of marked assistance in this respect. As a final test on this point, a demonstration was held at Amsterdam, N. Y., at which all the calorimeter operators of the various Companies making tests were present. This gave an opportunity for a further demonstration in regard to uniformity and accuracy. The Committee feels confident that the results are accurate within one per cent. 22. Certain other important facts demonstrated by this experimental work should be mentioned. 23.. It is known that a calorimetrical laboratory can be established at comparatively small expense. 24. Calorimetric measurements can be made with great accuracy by men with no special scientific training except experience in and attention to proper operating directions. 25. The calorimeter as a practical instrument is more accurate than the photometer. There is no uncertain feature in connection with its use as there is with the type of burner and standard unit of light used with the photometer. 26. From the test results no law could be discovered showing a relation between the candle power and the heat unit value of artificial gas. The Com- 10 mission's preliminary investigation indicated this, but the results, involving 6,738 calorimetric and 9,167 photometric observations, obtained by the Committee make it a demonstrated fact.* For this reason it would be very difficult indeed to state the heat value of artificial gas of a quality equal to the State standard for candle power inasmuch as the Companies generally distributed gas above the legal standard, in some cases as much as 17 per cent. For the information of the Committee, however, two plants were operated close to the State standard. As the results in Appendix B show, gas meeting the State standard of candle power would have approximately a monthly average of 585 B. t. u. ** The question immediately arises as to whether this value should not be taken for the heating value standard of gas to be distributed in New York State. The several steps in the reasoning necessary to properly answer this question are important. 27. It is desirable that a new standard shall not differ greatly from the heating value of gas of the present legal standard. To have it materially less would require the distribution and use of a larger volume of gas in order to get the same useful effect. This in turn would necessitate radical changes in the selling price annoying to both consumers and Companies without benefit to either. 28. To meet a heat unit standard of 585 B. t. u. means that most Companies must enrich the product during a portion of each twelve months. 29. There are a variety of combination methods of making artificial gas from gas coal, anthracite coal, bituminous coal and; oil, which are discussed in Appendix C. 30. Any enrichment is expensive and it has been shown above that it is becoming more and more so with the increasing price of oil. It is safe to pre-, diet that if the present price of oil continues, carburetted water gas will no longer occupy the important position that it has for some years past in the gas industry. Indeed, the idea is now taking firm hold that, owing to the oil situation, with the practically inexhaustible supply of gas coal now in sight, the gas industry must depend upon coal gas of some sort for the bulk of its output and use water gas as a reserve. In any case excessive enrich- ment is useless and unsatisfactory, especially in connection with modern gas appliances. Gas unnecessarily enriched interferes with manufacturing pro- cesses, and when distributed to the consumer deposits carbon in burners and mantles and, as heretofore stated, the .illuminants drop out in transmission, especially under pressure and at low temperature. Other things being equal, it will be to the advantage of consumers and manufacturers if enrichment is reduced to a minimum. 31. As shown later, with the most modern horizontal retort settings and machine stoking, coal gas from high-grade gas co;als and with, high yields of gas per ton of coal, without enrichment, varies in heat units from approximately 550 to 600 B. t. u. monthly average. If the general use of carburetted water gas as a staple product becomes impossible on account of the very high price of enriching oils, and must be replaced by retort or oven gas, and if the heat unit standard is set at such a point that the manufacturer will need the highest grades of coal in order to meet this standard or else be compelled to use high-priced enriching oils, it is obvious that the price of these higher grade coals will rise so that the very object of the change * Note Chart Appendix B, pages 40-41. ** B. t. u. is the accepted abbreviation for the British thermal unrt, which is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound (avoidupois) of pure water from 39.1 F. to 40.1 F. The variation in the quantity of heat necessary to raise the temperature of a pound of water one degree F. is so slight for any temperature between 32 and 212, that in general the B. t. u. may be safely taken as the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of one pound (avoidupois) of water one degree F. 11 will be defeated. It is interesting to quote here from Bulletin 6 of the Bureau of Mines of the United States, published in 1911: "In a consideration of the various means whereby more eco- nomical and more efficient use may be made of the fuels in the United States, the possibility of obtaining for the production of illuminating gas other and cheaper fuels than the Pennsylvania coals demands at- tention. For the Government, as well as for private corporations and the householder, there can be no more economical and efficient way of using some coals than through the medium of illuminating gas. In the stove, gas reduces the labor cost of heat production and lessens the drudgery of the kitchen ; burned in the Welsbach mantle, it is an excellent and cheap illuminant. In addition, the coke that remains after the gas has been recovered furnishes a smokeless fuel that has about the same heating value as anthracite. Hence any investiga- tions that will indicate how local coals through proper treatment may be substituted for the higher priced and rapidly vanishing Pennsylvania gas coals will bring about lower prices for both gas and coke, and will also aid to conserve for use in metallurgical processes the coking coals of Pennsylvania and of other States. ******* "There are few well-developed coal fields in this country that furnish coal satisfying all the requirements of illuminating-gas manu- facture. Most of the coal used hitherto has come from Western Pennsylvania, the quantity supplied by other fields being relatively small. The introduction of gas-coals from new or little-known dis- tricts, because of the lack of necessary testing stations and of scien- tific study of the complex process of gas manufacture, has been dif- ficult." 32. We must, therefore, think that it would be inadvisable to set the standard for artificial gas so high that the best coals only could be used. The standard should be placed so that average coals may be used without enrich- ment, and thus give the very greatest economic value to the consumer at the lowest cost. 33. Certain methods of operation are now being discussed that may be desirable, or even become compulsory under conditions which seem to be ap- proaching. The disposition of the coke resulting from the manufacturing of coal gas has been in the past a serious problem to some Companies, and at a time when coke was used in cooking ranges since discarded for more desirable gas ranges. For this and other reasons it may be desirable in the future to manufacture a mixed coal and carburetted water gas, using substantially all of the coke as fuel in the water gas sets. If this becomes a general practice it may be desirable to lower the standard. Coke oven gas in which the coal is carbonized primarily to obtain coke for industrial purposes and the gas a by-product is also being considered in many places. Run-of-oven gas would require excessive enrichment if the present standard was in force. It is quite probable that should this coke oven gas be distributed in larger quantities it would be desirable to reduce the standard. Present data from these various processes show that it might be necessary to fix the standard at 525 B. t. u. or even lower. 34. It is difficult indeed, in view of the uncertainty as to just how fast certain changes in the conditions governing gas manufacture and distribu- tion will take place, and as to what the final situation will be, to determine the proper value at which to set the standard. It has been shown that some time in the future the standard may have to be 525 units or lower. It has also been shown that, at present, the monthly average, even with the best coals and highest grade plants, may be as low as 550 units. All plants, of various sizes and locations, cannot become highest grade plants, at least immediately, and 12 the smaller plants never. The best coals are not available to all, and if the demand is increased the price will rise. Notwithstanding these facts it is believed that the standard adopted must be close to the heat unit value of the present standard gas. 35. Taking all these conflicting factors into consideration, it is the judgment of the Committee that a total heat value not exceeding 570 British thermal units monthly average measured at the point where the gas leaves the manufacturing plant, corrected to a temperature of 60 F., and to a pressure of 30 inches of mercury, as measured by the rules of the Committee accompanying this report, is the standard which will best serve the interest of the people of New York State. 36. The standard suggested above is referred to the standard atmo- spheric cubic foot, i. e., at 30 inches barometer and 60 F. It will be perceived that the only time a consumer would get the standard number of heat units would be when his meter was at 60 F. and the barometer was at 30 inches. Such conditions cannot obtain, however, with localities at different heights above sea level and with meters located in all kinds of places giving different and varying temperatures. Therefore, some average conditions must be chosen. These might be the average annual barometer and temperature if they could be obtained for each locality and a "local cubic foot" might be fixed on. these terms. All such "local cubic feet" could then be required to have the standard number of heat units. This would be possible for a group of localities not varying too much from a certain average altitude. It would be very inconvenient however. A certain mass of coal gives a certain mass of gas at best economic yield, and the volume of the gas is solely dependent upon pressure and temperature. Therefore, if a "local cubic foot" is used, operators would operate differently at different altitudes and temperatures, even though using the same coals, oils and machinery. A comparison of detail methods of operation, the study of proper amounts of oil and steam, temperature of various parts of the sets or benches and other features, are sufficiently complex now without making them more so by introducing accidental atmospheric conditions. There could not be even a mere comparison of results by State authorities and others interested, in order to increase efficiency, until the results were brought to a common basis. In a State having largely different altitudes several stand- ards might be required owing to the impossibility of making a uniform commercial gas in all cases. The operators would still have to observe the daily barometer and temperature, and make corrections to the "local cubic foot." The only suggested advantage discernible is that the consumers everywhere throughout the region or State in question would get the same number of heat units in the yearly average "local cubic foot." "What they get from day to day will vary by the same amounts under any system. All features considered, it will be much more satisfactory to fix the requirement in terms of the atmospheric standard cubic foot, i. e., at 30 inches barometer and 60 F. The average "local cubic foot" sold will then contain slightly different num- bers of heat units according to the height of the locality above the sea and to the climatic conditions. In New York State these differences are unimportant. 37. The conditions governing the use of the standard are important. Gas manufacture is not an exact science but is a complex operation including a number of distinct processes. Quality of coal, methods of firing, tempera- ture of retorts, the human factor, the failure or breakdown of parts of the plant, and other factors not easily controlled, make it impossible for a Gas Company to deliver an absolutely uniform product. This points to the necessity of applying the standard as an average for a reasonable length of time. A month has been adopted elsewhere and is recommended for New York State. If a Company falls below the standard for a few days it 13 will then be necessary for it to produce above the standard, at an economic loss, in order to have its monthly average satisfactory. In order to protect the public against improper management by which there would be wide departures from the standard, should a minimum value be set? It is not necessary that this minimum be set too close to the monthly average, as there is a financial loss to a Company if it departs too far from it. The cheapest and best operation for both Company and consumer will obtain by a close adherence to the standard. A wide departure due to careless operat- ing means an increase in operating cost which will not be to the Company's profit. A 5 per cent, deviation for not exceeding three consecutive days would be adequate protection to the consumer. In extraordinary conditions due to failure to obtain supplies or to accident in the plant, the Commission might properly suspend the operation of the standard in its discretion. 38. As a matter of fact even a properly fixed minimum is of little prac- tical importance. Well-managed companies would never reach it except under circumstances absolutely beyond their control. The saving and satisfaction in operating close to the monthly average is very great and induces good manage- ment. A management continually inefficient and incompetent would be exposed in so many ways that a change would eventually come through reorganization or new ownership. 39. Penalties have been used in an attempt to compel good management, but as a rule, experience has shown them to be ineffective. The difficulties of placing the blame on the proper persons and conditions, of proper legal phrasing, of collecting the penalties, of fixing equitable penalties and penalties that are real, the fact that through carelessness they so frequently fall into disuse, the opportunity that exists for abuse and persecution all operate against the effectiveness of a penalty system. Continual and broad publicity is very much better. The greatest force in the country to-day is public opinion. No company could ignore or withstand the effect of frequently published state- ments that its product was not up to a prescribed standard. A weekly publica- tion of tests, for example, would keep the public informed, would keep the company active in good management, would prevent careless and irresponsible complaints, and would prevent abuse and criticism. 40. It is reasonable to ask what disadvantage there will be, if any, to persons using flat flame burners if a standard is fixed according to heating value only. It is fair to exclude from consideration all persons who continue to use flat flame burners through indifference to their own interests. That a smaller and smaller number of people are doing this is evident from the results reported by Gas Companies in regard to the reduction in the num- ber of consumers using open flames. Mantle burners have become so cheap and the saving is so great that in a short time no one will use open flame burners except for some peculiar reason. The cases will be remarkably few where open flame burners will be thought desirable, but for those who feel that they must use them it may be stated positively that any artificial gas hav- ing the heating value recommended in the above standard would have sufficient illuminating power, though at times lower than at present, to make the gas useful in locations suitable to open flame burners. The use of a very small percentage of the gas for such a purpose should not prevail against the general usefulness of the whole product. 41. The Committee recommends, therefore, that no candle-power stand- ards be considered in connection with the heat unit standard heretofore recommended. 14 APPENDIX A HISTORY OF COMMITTEE AND ITS WORK 1. In August, 1908, an investigation was started by the Public Service Cqmmission, Second District, N. Y., through its Division of Light, Heat 'and Power "into the subject of the calorific power and illuminating power of the coal gas, carburetted water gas, and mixed coal and earburetted water gas supplied." (Page 21, Third Annual Report.) 2. This examination, as stated in the Third Annual Report of the Com- mission, was of a preliminary nature, and was completed in October, 1909, and the data embodied in a report by the Chief of Division of Light, Heat and Power. 3. On December 8, 1909, notice was sent by the Commission to all the gas companies operating in the Second Public Service District of a conference to be held on February 1, 1910, in reference to this subject. 4. In December, 1909, following the receipt of this notice and report,- the Empire State Gas and Electric Association appointed a Committee to investi- gate the matter as thoroughly as might be done prior to the hearing of Febru- ary first. This Committee held a number of meetings, discussed the matter contained in the report and such other data as was available, but was unable to arrive at any definite conclusion in the 'very limited time at its disposal. 5. At the hearing on February 1, 1910, after some general discussion, a vote was taken on the question as to whether or not the investigation started by the Commission should be continued. The result of the vote being in the affirmative, the Chairman of the Commission suggested the appointment by the representatives of the gas companies present, of a Committee to co-operate with the Commission's representatives. This suggestion having met with the ap- proval of all those present, a recess was declared, during which the companies held a meeting and elected as their representatives : W. R. Addicks, T. R. Beal, J. C. DeLong, W. T. Morris, M. W. Offutt, R. M. Searle. 6. Upon the continuation of the conference the Chairman of the Com- mission named as its representatives : H. C. Hazzard, H. H. Crowell, C. H. Stone: The persons above named convened after adjournment of the hearing and voted to hold the first regular meeting in the Capitol, Albany, on Friday, February 11. 7. On February 11, 1910, the Committee appointed as above outlined, met and elected H. C. Hazzard, Chairman, and C. H. B. Chapin, Secretary. It was voted that the Committee should be known as the Joint Committee on Calorimetry. 15 8. Since its original appointment, the personnel of the Committee has undergone some changes. The Commission has appointed William McClellan and C. F. Leonard as its representatives, H. H. Crowell and C. H. Stone hav- ing severed their connection with it. H. H. Crowell continued to serve upon the committee, and C. H. Stone resigned, but by unanimous invitation con- tinued to sit with the committee and was later re-elected a member. M. "W. Offutt resigned as a member of the Committee and M. J. Brayton was elected in his place. Dr. A. H. Elliott and J. B. Klumpp were elected additional members of the Committee. H. C. Hazzard having resigned from the service of the Commission, thereupon resigned from the Committee, and W. R. Addicks was elected Chairman. 9. At the commencement of the investigation, the Committee deemed it desirable to secure the co-operation of Companies in different parts of the State and operating under different conditions of manufacture and distribu- tion of gas. Ten Companies decided to purchase calorimeters and make such tests as the Committee desired. Before the conclusion of the investiga- tion additional Companies joined in the work, so that the Committee had results from sixteen plants located in widely separated parts of the State to aid it in its conclusions. 10. Statistics are given in Table I showing the kind of gas made by these Companies, the magnitude of the daily output, and the date of beginning of tests. Companies are designated by number instead of by name throughout the report. (For further information regarding the different Companies see Appendix B.) TABLE I. Company Number. Class. Kind of Gas. Tests Started. 1 A Coal gas, enriched. Oct. 1, 1911. 2 D Coal gas, enriched. Aug. 1, 1911. 3 A Carburetted water gas. Aug. 1, 1911. 4 A Carburetted water gas. Aug. 1, 1911. 5 C Carburetted water gas. Aug. 1, 1911.* 6 B Carburetted water gas. Aug. 1, 1911. 7 B Carburetted water gas. Aug. 1, 1911. 8 C Carburetted water gas. Aug. 1, 1911. 9 A Carburetted water gas. Aug. 1, 1911. 10 B Carburetted water gas. Oct. 1, 1911. 11 A Mixed coal and carb 'd water gas. Aug. 1, 1911. 12 A Mixed coal and carb 'd water gas. Aug. 1, 1911. 13 C Mixed coal and carb 'd water gas. Aug. 1, 1911. 14 C Mixed coal and carb 'd water gas. Apr. 1, 1912. 15 A Carburetted water gas. Oct. 1, 1912. 16 B Carburetted water gas. Feb. 1, 1912. *Tests discontinued November 30, 1911, and calorimeter moved to another plant. Class A Companies having a maximum daily send-out of over 1,000,000 cubic feet. Class B Companies having a maximum daily send-out from 500,000 to 1,000,000 cubic feet. Class C Companies having a maximum daily send-out from 100,000 to 500,000 cubic feet. Class D Companies having a maximum daily send-out of under 100,000 cubic feet. 16 11. At the meeting of the Committee in February, 1910, it was deemed advisable to prepare specifications for calorimeter installations and rules for their operation. This work, which was done by a sub-committee, was com- pleted and adopted by the full Committee on May 6, 1910, and printed for dis- tribution under the title ' ' Calorimetric Eules, Regulations and Specifications." Copies were furnished to all Gas Companies operating in New York State. This pamphlet is divided into six general sections as follows : I. Heating Value of Gas (Definition).* II. Primary Standard To be maintained at the laboratory of Commission at Albany (Specifications). III. Secondary Standard To be used in checking Calorimeters of Gas Companies in situ (Specifications). IV. General Specifications and Recommendations for Calorimeter Installations by Gas Companies. V. Directions for Operating Calorimeter. VI. Suggestion of Several Types of Calorimeters Suitable to Use when Checked by the Primary Standard Adopted. 12. Following the adoption of these specifications, the Public Service Commission, Second District, purchased necessary instruments and equipped a laboratory where the instruments of the different Companies could be cali- brated. 13. The delays in delivery of instruments were considerable, so that the calibration of the companies' calorimeters at the State laboratory was not com- pleted until early in 1911. It was deemed wise by the Committee to allow a preliminary period after the instruments were finally installed for the com- panies' operators to become acquainted with the methods of testing before asking that the results be submitted to it for inspection. 14. During this preliminary period forms were prepared to be used by the companies in recording their daily readings and in submitting the results each month to the Committee. 15. Observations of the results obtained during the first few months of testing prompted the Committee to prepare a second pamphlet which was printed under the title "Plan of Calorimetric Investigation and Explanation of Test and Report Forms." A copy of this pamphlet was furnished each com- pany engaged in the investigation. Amended forms for recording and report- ing daily readings and works data were also prepared. 16. This second pamphlet, which was tentatively adopted January 6, 1912, treated in further detail the following subjects: 1. The making of daily Calorimetric tests and the recording daily of certain works data. 2. The submitting to the Committee monthly the results of the daily tests and of monthly averages and details of works data. 3. The furnishing to the Committee of information regarding oper- ating conditions, and apparatus and methods in use. 17. Beginning with August 1, 1911, and ending October 31, 1912, a period of fifteen months, reports have been regularly received by the Committee and each month tabulated by the Secretary so that copies could be in the hands of each member of the Committee for individual study. During this period 6,738 Calorimetric tests and 9,167 photometric tests were reported as shown in Tables II and III respectively. * The definition of the heating value of gas adopted by the Committee for the purposes of this report and the investigations conducted is as follows: "The heating value of a gas is the total heating effect produced by the complete combustion of a unit volume of the gas, measured at a temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit, and a pressure of 30 inches of mercury, with air of the same temperature and pressure, the products of combustion also being brought to this temperature. "In America the unit of volume is the cubic foot and we recommend that the heating value be stated in terms of British Thermal Units per cubic foot of gas." 17 TABLE H. CALOEIMETEIG TESTS i-H (M h O h Company rH 4-T oo ,0 a 3 b CD X5 t-4 CD t> 3 a EH & t-t o3 ^ >, > 1 ptember h O -t-i 4f p ^*^ "o o 614 13.7 March 646 20.4 647 21.1 626 18.3 626 16.5 616 H 612 14.9 April 636 20.8 647 20.9 626 18.6 605 18.6 641 16.4 637 & 612 13.5 May 628 21.5 642 20.8 633 18.4 634 19.4 656 16.9 651 M 601 14.7 June 624 19.7 631 20.6 620 18.4 623 18.5 642 16.6 662 -u 610 15.3 July 610 19.9 617 20.3 635 18.6 618 18.6 638 17.0 646 fc 593 14.3 August 614 19.7 628 20.4 627 18.4 618 18.9 645 16.8 644 591 13.7 September 612 19.8 622 20.5 621 18.4 611 18.7 653 17.0 646 595 14.2 October 623 20.4 633 20.5 625 18.5 603 18.4 650 17.8 618 592 13.1 Min. Ave. B t. u. and C. P. same month 610 19.9 590 21.3 611 18.2 , 603 18.4 626 16.5 616 591 13.7 2. The results of the tests throughout the entire period are shown graph- ically in the following pages. Data in regard to the works and operation of the various Companies are also given. 3. The charts were prepared to show the variations in the quality of gas, both daily and from month to month. There are separate diagrams for the heating value and the illuminating value. 4. The zero line represents the average for a complete year, except when tests did not cover so long a period. In each case the actual figure represented by the zero line is given, and the months included in the average are stated. The average for each month is shown by a heavy line indicating the percentage of variation above or below the yearly average. The cross-sectioning repre- sents the extreme high and low variation of any daily readings during such month in percentage of the monthly average. 5. The illuminating values and their variations from the yearly and monthly average are shown according to the same method in the second diagram. 6. A careful study of these diagrams indicates that the percentages of variation in heating values from day to day and from month to month are considerably less than the percentages of variation in illuminating values, that the variations in monthly averages for the two measures of quality do not parallel one another and that there is no definite relation between them. 21 COMPANY NO. 1 Works Kind of coal % screened Pennsylvania gas coal. Class A Table I. Page 16. Duration of charge 4 hours. Operation Coal gas plant with water gas auxiliary, not in use daily. One holder housed, six exposed. Yield per Ib. coal-^.79 to 4.94 cu. ft. (cor.) Tests Tests made at works. Coal gas enriched with oil gas. Type of calorimeter Junkers American Meter Co. Temperature of atmosphere not reported each month, prob- able range during period of tests from to 100 F. Curves Zero lines represent average heating power or illuminating power for period October 1, 1911, to September 30, 1912, excepting February, 1912, for which month no tests were reported. Average heating power=652 B. t. u. Average illuminating power=17.2 C. P. VARIATIONS IN HEATING POWER OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. 10% 10% VARIATIONS IN ILLUMINATING POWER OCT. NOV. DEO. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. 20% 10% 10% 20% 22 COMPANY NO. 2 Works Coal gas plant. Class D Table I. Page 16. Holders exposed. Horizontal retorts. One-half depth furnace. Operation Enricher cannel coal 8.57 to 9.23 Ibs. 'per 100 Ibs. coal carbonized. Kind of coal Pennsylvania. Duration of charge from 5 hrs. 35 min. to 7 hrs. 26 min. Yield per Ib. coal December to July 4.78 to 5.25 cu. ft. (cor.) Tests Tests made at office. Type of calorimeter Junkers. No photometric tests reported. Temperature of atmosphere ranged from 10 to 102 F. Curves Zero line represents average heating power for 12 months August 1, 1911, to July 31, 1912. Average heating power 645 B. t. u. VARIATIONS IN HEATING POWER AUQ. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. 10% 23 COMPANY NO. 3 Works Carburetted water gas plant. Class A Table I. Page 16.' Holders exposed. Generators 7' 6" and 12' sets. Operation Enricher 34 to 35 B. gas oil 3.68 to 4.48 gals, per M. (cor.) Kind of fuel Anthracite grate coal. Generator fuel per M. (cor.) 31.55 to 37.44 Ibs. Hours per day works operation from 10 to 24. Tests Tests made at works. Type of calorimeter Junkers. Temperature of atmosphere ranged from 16 to 98 F. Curves Zero lines represent average heating power or illuminating power for period August 1, 1911, to July 31, 1912, except- ing April, 1912, for which month no tests were reported. Average heating power=640 B. t. u. Average illuminating power=22.6 C. P. VARIATIONS IN HEATING POWER AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. 10% 10% VARIATIONS IN ILLUMINATING POWER AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. 20% 10% 10% 20% 24 COMPANY NO. 4 Works Carburetted water gas plant. Class A Table I. Page 16. Holders exposed. Generators U. G. I. Improved Lowe up and down steam, 7' 6" and 8' 6" sets. Air and steam meters. Operation Enricher Gas oil 3.80 to 4.19 gals, per M. (cor.) Kind of fuel Broken anthracite. Generator fuel per M. (cor.) 29.7 to 35.7 Ibs. Hours per day works operation from 4.5 to 23.8. Tests Tests are made at works laboratory. Samples of gas taken from outlet of street main governor. Gas has been exposed to atmospheric temperature in storage holder and relief holder. Type of calorimeter Junkers, 1910 American Meter Co. Type of photometer U. G. I. 60" Bar. Edgerton Standard. No. 7 Bray burner. Temperature of atmosphere ranged from 4 to 97 P. Curves Zero lines represent average heating power or illuminating power for 12 months August 1, 1911, to July 31, 1912. Average heating power=634 B. t. u. Average illuminating power 22.4 C. P. VARIATIONS IN HEATING POWER AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. 10* 10% VARIATIONS IN ILLUMINATING POWER AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. 20% 10% 10% 20% T 25 Works Tests Curves COMPANY NO. 5 Carburetted water gas plant. Class C Table I. Page 16. Relief holder housed. Tests made at a test station one-half mile from works. Type of calorimeter Sargent. Temperature of atmosphere ranged from 27 to 97 F. during period of tests. Note. This calorimeter was moved during December and Jan- uary to plant of Company No. 16. Zero lines represent average neating power or illuminating power for four months August 1, 1911, to November 30, 1911. Average heating power=627 B. t. u. Average illuminating power 20.5 C. P. VARIATIONS IN HEATING POWER AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. 10% VARIATIONS IN ILLUMINATING POWER AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. 20% 10% 20% 26 COMPANY NO. 6 Works Carburetted water gas plant. Class B Table I. Page 16. Holders 1 housed, 1 exposed, Works A ; 1 exposed, Station B. Generators U. G. I.' Standard up and down steam, 6' sets. Operation Enricher Gas oil 3.59 to 4.11 gals, per M. (cor.) Kind of fuel Anthracite grate. Generator fuel per M. (cor.) 27.31 to 30.48 Ibs. Hours per day works operation from 9.18 to 22.45. Tests are made at works (A). Tests Tests are also made at outlying station (B). See next page. Samples of gas, works A, taken at outlet of station governor. Type of calorimeter Junkers. Type of photometer U. G. I. Standard 60" Bar. Edgerton Standard checked by Pentane lamp. No. 7 lava tip burner. Temperature of atmosphere ranged from 20 to 108 F. Curves Zero lines represent the average heating power or illuminating power for 12 months August 1, 1911, to July 31, 1912. Average heating power 628 B. t. u. Average illuminating power=23.3 C. P. TESTS AT WORKS VARIATIONS IN HEATING POWER AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. 10% 10% VARIATIONS IN ILLUMINATING POWER AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. 20% 10% 10% 20% 27 Tests Curves COMPANY NO. 6. (Continued.) Works and operating data given on preceding page. Tests made at outlying testing station (B). Samples of gas taken from inlet side of the governor on the outlet of exposed storage holder. For course of gas from works see map on page 48. Type of calorimeter Junkers American Meter Co. Type of photometer U. G. I. Standard 60" Bar. Pentane lamp standard. No. 7 lava tip burner. Zero lines represent average heating power or illuminating power for 10 months January 1 to October 31, 1912. Average heating power=:624 B. t. u. Average illuminating power=20.5 C. P. For further information see Appendix C, page 49. 10% TESTS AT OUTLYING STATION VARIATIONS IN HEATING POWER JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. 10% VARIATIONS IN ILLUMINATING POWER JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT OCT. 20% 10% 10% 20% 28 COMPANY NO. 7. Works Carburetted water gas plant. Class B Table I. Page 16. Holders exposed. Generators Western Gas Const. Co., 7' 6" sets. Operation Enricher 34 B. gas oil 3.06 to 3.84 gals, per M. (cor.) Kind of fuel Anthracite coal. Generator fuel per M. (cor.) 31.7 to 35.4 Ibs. Hours per day works operation from 7.5 to 20.7. Tests Tests are made at works. Samples of gas taken from outlet of station governor. Gas has been exposed to atmospheric temperature in city holder. Type of calorimeter Junkers. Type of photometer Suggs-Letherby open type. Standard Hefner lamp burning imported Amylacetate. Burner Argand F. Temperature of atmosphere ranged from 20 to 95 F. Curvei Zero lines represent average heating power or illuminating power for 12 months August 1, 1911, to July 31, 1912. Average heating power 621 B. t. u. Average illuminating power=22.7 C. P. VARIATIONS IN HEATING POWER AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. 10% VARIATIONS IN ILLUMINATING POWER AUG. if> fXPQseo on arno&e II I ] STAT/OA/ tions is much more in illuminating value (20.7%) than it is in heating value (6.05%). Heating Illuminating October 1912. Value, Value, 0. P. B. t. u. Uncompressed gas 629 22.2 Compressed gas 619 Delivered gas 23y 2 miles 607 17.6 Loss per cent 3.5 20.7 November. Uncompressed gas 31 21.3 Compressed gas 627 Delivered gas 23% mi ls 577 16.9 Loss per cent 8.6 20.7 Average loss per cent 6.05 20.7 46. This is in accordance with the expectations, as it is apparent that the decrease in quality is due to the deposition of the unfixed or light oil vapors that are removed from the gas by pressure, and by the low temperature and scrubbing action of the jnains. 47. To further confirm these results, at the request of the Committee, investigations were also made under the direct supervision of one of its mem- bers, on carburetted water gas, manufactured in a large city, in another State, compressed pressure varying from ten to twenty pounds and delivered to several outlying districts. These districts consisted of two smaller cities, sev- eral small boroughs and small settlements on both sides of a large river. A large portion of this territory is so situated that the inhabitants would have been unable to obtain gas under any other conditions. The high pressure is reduced and the gas supplied to the two cities through low pressure distribu- tion systems, but the boroughs and small settlements are directly supplied by high pressure which is reduced on the consumers' premises. An outline map page 53 shows the general plan of the system. 48. The gas as manufactured at A averaged about 22 candle power. At the time of the investigation the gas was compressed to about 16 to 20 pounds pressure, as shown in the tables, and then delivered through a high pressure system, consisting of 9,700 feet of 6" and 1,875 feet of 4" main, to a second testing station, B. From this point the 4" high pressure main is continued across the river for a distance of 16,625 feet, to a third testing station, C. 49. In crossing the river the main is exposed for a considerable distance, and acquires the temperature of the river water, which at the time of the test approximated 50 P. 50. At Station A, where the gas was compressed, tests were made before and after compression. At Station B tests were made on the gas direct from the high pressure lines before entering the low pressure system. At Station C the gas was tested directly from the high pressure lines. 51. In order to obtain samples of the same gas, the capacity of the mains and the estimated rate of consumption was determined, and the lag was calculated. 52. To determine the illuminating value of the gas, tests were made on standard 60" bar photometers at Stations A and B, and on a 60" portable photometer at Station C, ten candle power pentane lamps being used as standards. 53. The heating value of the gas was read on new calorimeters of the American Meter Company, which were compared with each other just previous to testing. All instruments and accessories were tested and calibrated before 52 Di5~rr?iBL/r/orOiOOO' li i 09 i ^ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOia5OiO>OiOiO5O5O5OiOiC:C3OlG5O5O5OiOlO5 M o M i ti !(M(M(MO5OiO5CS I OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO5O5O5O)OiOiOiOiC5O5O5C5 05 u5oooginoico?oO5cocoocooojeoioO5(Miocoi iTfiCDOsociTjHi^oco to-oo COCO^T^-^lOlOkOCO^Ot^l^-t^t^OOOOOOOiOOSOOOOi-HiHrHCvltMCvlCvl OOOOOOOOOOCXDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOO5O5O3O>O5O5O5OiOlO5O5 05 ; OOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOaDOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXDC5O5O3O5CiO5C5O5O5O5 05 ; OOaDQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOCOQOODOOO5C5O5OJOiOSO5C5C5 loaoicOM^-^^-^iOlOlOWtOtOb-t-^b-tXDOOOOOJOSOSOSOOOr-lTHr- li i ~p OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXDCOOOODOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOO>O5O>ClOiO5O5 GO n iooacoooooocooDoooooooooooooooooocooooocoooooccoooocioiOJOiOiOi CO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOCOOODOOODOOOOOOOOOOOiOJOlOiOS OOOOOOOO05050505050505050505GIDXCOGIDCeGIOCCXGID(X)b>b-b- 90 C5 ^^ 'O ^^ ^5 C> ^2 ^^ O< ^^ G> ^5 C5 O 1 O C) ^5 C 5 Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi O5 OS O^ OS OS ^5 ^5 O> O ^5 (O ^5 ^O ^5 ^^ ^^ ^2 ^^ ^5 ^^ ^^ O ^5 ^^ O 1 ^^ C* O O ^5 GOrHcOOOarH^I^OSCCOIQODC^CQLOOOOC os os ososososososososososososososososososOi OSOSOSOSOsOSOSOi ososososo-ososds osososososososos osososososososos os os os os os os os OS OS OS OS OS 91 STEM CORRECTION In general, all corrections are determined for total immersion, i. e., for the condition where both bulb and stem of the thermometer are at the same temperature. If, however, the stem is emergent into space, either hotter or colder than the temperature of the bulb, a stem correction must be applied to the observed reading. This so-called stem correction may be considerable if the number of degrees emergent and the difference of temperature between the bath and the space above it are large. It may amount to more than 68 F. for measure- ments made with a mercury thermometer at 752 F. For the glass of which this thermometer is made the stem correction may be computed from the following formula : Stem correction=0.000088 x n (T 1). n=number of degrees emergent from the bath. T=temperature of bath, t mean temperature of the emergent stem. The mean temperature, t, may be approximately measured by means of a small auxiliary thermometer suspended near the emergent stem, or by sur- rounding the latter with a small water jacket and taking the temperature of the water with the auxiliary thermometer, or, more accurately, in the way suggested by Guillaume, by exposing an exactly similar stem and capillary mercury thread beside the emergent stem, and thus measuring its mean temperature. This is also conveniently carried out with the "thread Thermometer" (Fadenthermometer) of Mahlke, in which the expansion of the mercury in the capillary tube (bulb) is measured on a still finer capillary stem. Example Suppose that the observed temperature was 85 and the thermometer was immersed to the 32 mark on the scale, so that 53 of the mercury column projected out into the air, and the mean temperature of the emergent column was found to be 70 F., then Stem correction^ .000088 x 53 (8570). =r0.07 As the stem was at a lower temperature than the bulb, the thermometer read too low, so that this correction must be added to the observed reading to find the reading corresponding to total immersion, i. e., 85.00 + 0.07 = 85.07 F. This correction must be considered in addition to any correction shown by the certificate accompanying the thermometer. For further information in regard to this subject see "The Correction for Emergent Stem of the Mercurial Thermometer," published by the U. S. Bureau of Standards as Reprint No. 170. 92 RE JOINT COMMITTEE ON CALORIMETRY 2ND P. S. C. DIST. N. Y. (NKI or COMPANY) GAS MAKING RECORDS Apparatus in use.. Send oul . cu. h. uncorrected .. M " . corrected Work, itarted (Irt Wart on) at ; * m ~ p.m. Worb ihul down (la* run of) at m ' p. m. Duration intermediate shutdowns. .'..'..... hri. Total worb operation :..;.......... hn. COAL GAS Yeild per Ib. coal uncorrected gas T cu. ft. Enricher per 100 Ibi. coal carbonized., corrected " " Kind of eoncner Duration of charge - WATER CAS ',, Oil per M uncorrected gas gal. Generator fuel per M uncorrected gai.. " corrected gas " corrected gai MIXED GAS CALORIMETER TESTS TIME OF TEST BAROMETER ROOM TEMP. TEMPERATURE OF WATER ' I'm in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 TEST 1 TEST 2 TEST 3 CANDLE POWER PRESSURE Inlet Water Outlet Water Inlet Water Outlet Water Inlet Water Outlet Watet Meter Inlet Burner Inlet C. P. C. P. in. in. Minimum Temperature to which CM hat been lubiected before Te* TEST 1 TEST 2 TEST J ' Exhaust temperatu Gas Total piessuse corr Correction factor... cu h cu. ft. cu ft . -- clion in in in Corrected (G) cu. It, cu. ft. cu. h, Weigh! water and " pail empty Ibs. Ibs. ..Ibs. (W) .. .. .. TEST 1 x..lOOO= B. t.u. 17 18 19 20 TEST 3 x ...1000= B. l.u. .-. AVERAGE = .-..B. t.u. . Average NOTE. For explanation of use of this fotm.see j "Plan of Calorimetric Investigation Thermom and Explanation of Test and Report j - Forms," Joint Committee on Calori- ij rnetry. Jan. 26. 1912. ! l o,,,,,^ i Rise in le average tempera mperarure (T).. Sip*!.. ..Approved.. The actual size of this Form is B l / 2 " x 11" 93 RE JOINT COMMITTEE ON CALORIMETRY 2ND P. S. C. DIST. N. Y. SUMMARY MONTH OF GAS MAKING RECORDS Coal Gas Made ' , t Uncorrected CU. ILJ Corrected Daily Send Out, Maximum .. , I Uncorrected <=" n j Corrected Carburetted Water Gas Made , ( Uncorrected (Corrected Minimum . . .. I Uncorrected Mixed Gas Made .. ( Unconected (Corrected 4 Average ., ! Uncorrected (Corrected Gas enriched (yes or no) Hours per day works operation, maximum hours '" " (how) .- , '" " ii .. ,,.' .; average , . Ave. yield per Ib. coal uncorrecteJ gas. corrected gas Kind of coal.... COAL GAS cu. ft. Ave. enricher per 100 Ibs. coal cardonized Ibs.... gals. Kind of enricher.... Ave. duration of charge Ave. oil per M uncorrected gas. corrected gas... Kind of oil WATER GAS ..gals. Ave. generator fuel per M uncorrected gas. .. " corrected gas Kind of fuel ... RESULTS OF TESTS DAY AT WORKS AT TEMP. OF ATMOSPHERE Mm. Tit" Q* B. T. . * Readings C .P. ludhifs M,. T.... G..' B. T. u. .,-lnp C. P. I,.**. Mu.MUM M. 1 r 2 3 : ' '" 4 * a ""* a ' '"' 7" "'.'.IZ '" ': a .pro " """'12 V- - 13 "" 14 """'16 c . ie '~"" a " 17 18 ::::::: .3 " 2O - ; * 21 """7" " 22 * * 23 *"..^^ 24 """'26 """26 27 28 as 30 -" '. 31 "WSSSST Avtrate HZ" (MOTE: For eiplanmion of UK of thi. form Ke "Plan ol Calorimetric Invertigatioi. and Explanation ol Tert and Report Form.," Joint Committee on Calorimetry. Jan. 26. 1912 Remarks.... " ! Sgned.. ...Approved The actual size of this Form is 8 ft" x 11" 94 ERRATA CONTENTS "Classification of Companies Making Tests" under Appendix A is given in Table I not Table 2 16 Insert "Introductory Observations Relation to the Study of Appendix B" 19 PAGE 19 paragraph 2, second sentence, reading "The information derived by the test * '" should read "The information derived from the test." PAGE 19 paragraph 4, reading "It should be noted that a percentage variation from a standard by, for example," etc. should read "It should be noted that a percentage variation from a standard of, for example," etc. PAGE 20 paragraph 1, reference in first line is to page 18. PAGE 21 In connection with table, note that the present standard for mixed coal and carburetted water gas is 18 candle power and for enriched coal gas 16 candle power. PAGE 22 Diagram showing th variations in heating power, symbol at left of centre line of diagram should be "O" instead of/'fc". PACK 38 In diagram "Variations in heating power" same correction. PAGE 40 paragraph 9, second sentence, reading "Possibly if all the tests were plotted and the values weighed," etc., should read, "Possibly if all the tests were plotted and the values weighted." PAGE 49 paragraph 44, reading "Plate III shows how the main is exposed," should read, "Drawing on page 51 shows how main is exposed," etc. The words "(See Page 51)" at the end of this paragraph should be omitted. PAGE 52 The page opposite Page 52 with drawing should be numbered 53. PAGE 56 paragraph 69, third sentence reading "No serious losses in heating value were found to take place in pressures up to ten inches of water" should read, "No serious losses in heating value were found to take place with pressures up to ten inches of water." PAGE 57 paragraph 73, the symbol for carbon monoxide should be "CO" not "Co". H2 should be H 2 and CH4 should be CH 4 PAGE 58 paragraph 76, last line of page reading "as a means of accuracy determining," etc., should read, "as a means of accurately determining." PAGE 59 paragraph 81, second line, the comma at the end of the line should be stricken out and a comma inserted before the word "at". PAGE 60 paragraph 83, first sentence reading "It will be observed that the efficiency of the mantle burner was equally good with either 20 candle power carburetted water gas or with 14.38 candle power in enriched coal gas," should read, "It will be observed that the efficiency of the mantle burner was equally good with either 20 candle power carburetted water gas or with 14.38 candle power unenriched coal gas." PAGE 61 The standard in Dallas, Texas, is 633 at 32 F, not 650. The standard in Milwaukee, Wis. is 600 gross and not 635 gross. PAGE 62 paragraph 10, last line, figure "51.6" should be "516." PAGE 63 paragraph 2, in the fourth line there should be a semi-colon instead of a comma after the word "graduates" and in the last line there should be a comma after the word "excluded". PAGE 64 paragraph 6, the first line after the table, reading "In every case the corrections in Table B," etc., should read, "In every case the corrections in part b of the table." PAGE 67 paragraph 27, the word "later" should be inserted after the words "two year," in next to the last line. PAGE 67 Table The thre THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY