UC-NRLF pP S 3523 O46 Z669 1918z BANG 111 lib U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES Ilollingcr Corp. pll 8.5 in Jark 4H ay &. University of California Berkeley THE PETER AND ROSELL HARVEY MEMORIAL FUND Citwa to Jark IConbnn How sad the Valley of the Moon must seem, Since the glow of your genius is fled ! I look to where its hilltops amesthyne Smile down upon the Valley you are dead ! Broken, alas ! our minstrel lyre's deep pow'r And lost that living gold, that vibrant wire. Men call'd your genius thrilled along the chord In deep, warm tones of inspirative fire, And claim 'd its harmony for Life's brave song. It seems as if some rare, exquisite dream Were banish 'd by gray Dawn's opening door. Must we look on the world, now that you seem Forever lost the silence where you sang? It seems so strange, God's sunlight on the hills, And in your vale the shadow of a cloud. Once but a vale, a-song with laughing rills, And the low blue hills lay between us ; now To reach you I must span Eternity. Oh, singer of my loved valley, Bold sailor of the gray-green sea, I think my soul hears you singing through The star-depth of God's mystery. in Sonoma, Spanish rose of history, In changing beauty stretching to the sea : Within thy vale, whose guarding foothills seem To hide the splendor of some vanished dream, Lingers a spell that haunts the heart of me. Deep shadows falter in that heart of thine, And all thy golden valley seems a shrine To him we lost : beside our London's tomb, Thy flowers spread the glory of their bloom; Here sunlight chalices its amber wine; And all fair things, obedient to thee, Now honor him forever lost to thee, But by love's recompense still seeming thine; The robe he wore this Hour E'er the Divine Is clasp 'd in thy bronze heart's deep memory. Thy gentle winters veil his tomb with mist: An ocean's gift (as friend with friend keeps tryst) Thy clouds draw near, a vestal argosy, To do him honor through the azure day, Floating in beauty past the heights sunkist, And when the west is red with sunset flame, Their rose and purple bring his dearest fame. Bronze hills are his eternal monument, Unveiled where the morning-mists are rent By swords of gold, their glory speaks his name. He sang thy earth wih genius-magic's breath, So now thou liftest him near heav'n, in death And ev'ry eye beholds thy love of him. Oh, heart of Faith, we kneel, with eyes tear-dim With sorrow, at thy shrine to mourn his death Find benediction in a vale which gives Eternal honor to a life that lives Forever near the heart-strings of the strong Through his Life's courage, and his brave Life-song. So have we Faith, knowing his soul still lives. 75 Hollinger Cc pH8.5 Hollinger Corp. pH8.5