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Mr , vbdOS ANGEL* https://archive.org/details/calendarofpatent16grea 5 r— <^ 3?. J S = CALENDAK OF THE PATENT ROLLS, PRESERVED IN THE PUBLIC RE COED OFFICE. PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF THE DEPUTY KEEPER OF THE RECORDS. EDWAKD III. VOL. XVI. A.D. 1374—1377. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY'S PRINCIPAL SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE HOME DEPARTMENT. LONDON : PRINTED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE By THE HEREFORD TIMES LIMITED, Maylord Street, Hereford. 1916. To be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from WYMAN and SONS, Limited, 29, Breams Buildings, Fetter Lane, E.C., and 54, St Mary Street, Cardiff ; or H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE (Scottish Branch), 23, Forth Street, Edinburgh E. PONSONBY, Limited, 116, Grafton Street, Dublin; or from the Agencies in the British Colonies and Dependencies, the United States of America and other Foreign Countries of T. FISHER UN WIN, Limited, London, W.C. Price Seventeen Shillings and Sixpence. / CONTENTS. Page Preface -------- v Corrigenda yii Calendar --------- 1 General Index - - 511 ( v ) PREFACE. The present volume forms part of a series of Calendars of the Patent Rolls from the reign of Edward I. to that of Henry VII., the object and character of which are explained in the Preface to the first volume for the reign of Edward III. (a.d. 1327-1330). The text has been prepared, under my immediate supervision, by Mr. M. C. B. Dawes, B.A., of this Office. Mr. Dawes has also compiled the index, with assistance from Mr. A. E. Stamp, M.A., of this Office. H. C. MAXWELL LYTE. Public Record Office, 6 August, 1915. ( vii) CORKIGENDA. P. 17, I. 16, for Routon read Ronton. P. 234, I. 14, for Duff eld read Driffeld. P. 377, I. 13 from foot, for high bailiwick read upper bailey. CALENDAR OF THE PATENT ROLLS 48 EDWARD III.— Part II. 1374. Membrane 25. Aug. 29. Whereas lately John Knyvet, the chancellor, — at the suit of Robert Westminster. Hayle, ' bocher,' who suggested that he and John de Harleye, John Donclent and John de Obdon, clerk, lately bound themselves by their writing to John de Bedewardyn in 200L, which writing was enrolled in the Chancery, and, although the writing was made to secure the observance of certain conditions contained in an indenture between the said parties and for no other reason, and was delivered for safe keeping to a third party, Richard de Piryton, canon of the church of St. Paul, London, the said John de Bedewardyn, planning to harass Robert, forged another bond for 200Z. agreeing in all respects with the former, had it endorsed as if it were true and acknowledged in the Chancery and impleaded him therewith before the sheriffs of London, — summoned Richard de Piryton with the first writing and the sheriffs with the forged writing to be before him at Westminster, and there, before himself, John Cavendissh, chief justice of the King's Bench, and other justices and clerks of the Chancery, had the writing which was exhibited before the sheriffs diligently examined, and because it seemed to the court on examination that the said writing, not being endorsed in the Chancery manner, was counterfeit, it was arrested and delivered to William de Burstall, keeper of the rolls of the Chancery, to be kept until further order ; and afterwards, to wit, on 7 August in the king's forty-eighth year, the said John de Bedewardyn came before the chancellor at Westminster and there, in the presence of Thomas Beauchamp, ' chivaler,' and John de Blockele, one of the barons of the Exchequer, said that he did not acknowledge that the said forgery and deception had been done by him or with his assent, renounced, willingly and not under compulsion, all right which might accrue to him by the said deed, prayed that it might be cancelled and annulled, and, although not guilty, submitted to the king's grace, saving always his action by virtue of the other deed in the keeping of the said Richard ; the king, having had sufficient information that the said deed was not forged of the malice of John de Bedewardyn, and for 20s. paid by him, has pardoned him the said forgery and deception. Aug. 30. Ratification of the estate of John de Bedewardyn, alias John Smyth, Westminster, as prebendary of the prebend of Bullyngehope in the cathedral church of Hereford, which he has of the king's collation, notwithstanding any revocation thereof. By p.s. Wt. 18915. — H.T. Ltd.— 375. E 1 2 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS 1374. Membrane 25 — cont. Sept. 6. James Botiller, earl of Ormond, staying in Ireland on the king's Westminster, service, has letters nominating John de Kyngesfold and William Rikhill as his attorneys in England for one year. W. de Burstall received the attorneys before the departure of the earl from England. Aug. 9. Pardon to John de Brampton of the king's suit for the death of Westminster. John de Spoford, whereof he is indicted or appealed, and of any consequent outlawry ; as the king is informed that he killed him in self-defence. By p.s. Sept. 14. Presentation of Richard de Holm to the church of Little Billyng, Westminster, in the diocese of Lincoln, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the priory of St. Andrew, Norhampton, being in his hand on account of the war with France. Sept. 16. Pardon to Roger de Ines juxta Wygan of the king's suit for the Westminster, death of Roger de Turton, whereof he is indicted or appealed, and of any consequent outlawry. By p.s. Sept. 16. Mandate to the dean of the king's free chapel of St. Mary, Hastynges, Westminster, to assign a stall in the choir and a place in the chapter to John de Harleston, whom William, bishop of Chichester, has on the king's presentation admitted to the prebend of Bui wart heth in their chapel, void by the resignation of William de Grisley. Sept. 19. Ratification of the estate of Master Henry Piel as archdeacon of Westminster. Norhampton. By p.s. Sept. 23. Presentation of Thomas Sibille, vicar of the church of Ambresley, Westminster, in the diocese of Worcester, to the vicarage of the church of Bekford, in the same diocese, in the king's gift by reason of the alien priory of Newent being in his hand on account of the war with France ; on an exchange of benefices with William Fevre. Sept. 23. Revocation of the protection with clause volumus, dated 22 February Westminster, last, to John Houk of Bristol, who was to have gone on the king's service in the company of William de Nevill, one of the king's admirals then at sea, as the men-at-arms and others who then went on such service have returned from the voyage. Oct. 3. Ratification of the estate of John Kirketon as parson of the church Westminster, of Holy Trinity in the king's court, York. Oct. 6. Revocation of the protection with clause volumus lately granted Westminster, at the signification of the king's son Edmund, earl of Cambridge, to Hugh Braundys, who was to have gone on the king's service to Brittany in the company of the earl ; as the said earl has testified by a bill remaining in the office of the privy seal that he does not wish Hugh to go with him. By bill of p.s. Sept. 20. Promise to pay William Strete and Adam Porteloue 3,648/. for Westminster, certain causes agreed on by the king and council ; and grant that they may take 760L thereof of the fifteenth granted by the commonalty / 48 EDWARD III.— Part II. 3 1374. Membrane 25 — cord. of the realm in the last parliament for the next year in the parts of Lyndeseye, co. Lincoln, at the Purification and Whitsun, 700Z. of the fifteenth in the county of Suffolk at the said feasts, 1,7232. of the fifteenth in the county of Norfolk at the said feasts, and the remaining 4652. of the fifteenth in the parts of Kesteven, co. Lincoln, at the said feasts, by the hands of the collectors of the said fifteenth in the said counties and places according to the effect of tallies levied at the receipt of the Exchequer ; and that no assignment of the said fifteenth be made in retardation of the said payments. Mandates in pursuance to the said collectors. Licence for George Byger of Bordeaux to sell by retail in Colcestre 9 tuns and a pipe of wine which he has lodged there for sale at a reasonable price, to wit, a gallon for 6d., as he dares not sell the same by retail without the king's licence because he is not a freeman of the town ; provided the wine be sound and drinkable. Oct. 10. Appointment, during pleasure, of Robert Bealknapp as chief Westminster, justice of the Common Bench, taking the accustomed fee. By K. Mandate in pursuance to the justices of the Bench. [Foedera.] Oct. 11. Mandate to Hugh de Wombewell, keeper of the rolls of the Common Westminster. Bench lately appointed by William de Fyncheden, late chief justice, to deliver by indenture to Robert all rolls, records and processes touching the office in his keeping. Mandate to the said Robert to receive the same. Oct. 9. Westminster. Membrane 24. Aug. 8. Writ of aid, directed to the tenants of the archbishopric of Westminster. Canterbury, in favour of Thomas Newe, parson of the church of Godmersham, William Topclyve, John de Wodhull, clerk, Simon de Burgh, Richard Tangemere, clerk, and William Tydecombe, to whom the king has committed during pleasure the keeping of the archbishopric, void by the death of William, the last archbishop, and in the king's hand, and of the temporalities thereof. Aug. 11. Presentation of Thomas de Neweton, chaplain, to the church of Westminster. Estwode, in the diocese of London, in the king's gift by reason of the late voi dance of the priory of Priterwelle. Vacated because surrendered, and nothing thereof was done. Aug. 6. Presentation of Robert Scot, warden of a chantry in the church of Westminster. St. Paul, London, for the soul of Michael de Northburgh, sometime bishop of London, to the church of Redelynggewelde, in the diocese of Canterbury, in the king's gift by reason of the keeping of the land and heir of Thomas de Veer, late earl of Oxford, who held in chief, being in his hand ; on an exchange of benefices with Edmund Montpellers. By p.s. Aug. 17. Presentation of William Dole, parson of the church of Marsevelde, Westminster, in the diocese of Chichester, to the church of St. George by Estchepe, London ; on an exchange of benefices with John Swetomon of Pencrich. 4 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1374. Membrane 24 — cord. July 9. Grant to the king's servant, John Mayheu, of 2 messuages and Westminster. 26 acres of land in Farnham, co. Buckingham, late of Simon Schynnore, and a messuage and 13 acres of land in the same town late of John Berwyn, all which were taken into the king's hand by occasion of an alienation which Thomas de Furnyvall, deceased, who held the premises in chief as parcel of his manor of Farnham, made thereof to the said Simon and John Berwyn respectively without the king's licence, as the king is informed by Richard Lescrop, the treasurer ; to hold for as long as they shall remain in the king's hand for that cause during his lifetime. By p.s. Aug. 26. Grant for life to Nicholas Curteys, in consideration of service Westminster, rendered by him to the king's son Lionel, late duke of Clarence, of the office of the ' hay ward wyk ' of the manor of Asshetesford, co. Kent, taking such fees and liveries as William Yong, the last hay- ward, took ; provided that he perform the office in person or by sufficient deputy. By p.s. Sept. 3. Pardon to Isabel Normavyle of the king's suit for having at Westminster. Burgh, co. Leicester, stolen goods of Robert de Burgh, whereof she is indicted or appealed, and of any consequent waiver. By p.s. Sept. 5. Grant to Richard Maycous and Thomas Cook, for 20s. paid to Westminster, the king, of all the goods late of William Grantham, which have come into the king's hands as forfeit because William was lately outlawed in the county of Northampton at the suit of Thomas atte Bakhous in a plea of trespass. By C. July 5. Inspeximus and confirmation of letters patent of Thomas, bishop Westminster, of Durham, dated at Durham by the hand of John de Kyngeston, the bishop's clerk, on 5 August in the twenty-third year of his pontificate, granting for life to John Chaundeler the office of parker of his park of Evenwode and of his other woods pertaining thereto, taking Id. daily for his wages ; and also pasture for 6 cows with their issue of one year old within the said park, fees of all trees felled or uprooted by ordinary winds, and branches and fees of trees granted, as other parkers have taken. By p.s. Sept. 6. Grant for life to John de Tydemerssh of a yearly rent of 4 marks Westminster, out of the manor of Bastilden, co. Berks. By p.s. Sept. 15. Presentation of John Busard, vicar of the church of Great Bentele, Westminster, in the diocese of London, to the church of Dounham, in the same diocese, in the king's gift by reason of the keeping of the land and heir of Thomas de Veer, late earl of Oxford, who held in chief, being in his hand ; on an exchange of benefices with John Whitechirche. Sept. 16. John Vise, staying in England, has letters nominating Walter Westminster. Somerey and William Tirell of Dublin as his attorneys in Ireland for one year. W. de Burstall received the attorneys. Sept. 20. Pardon, at the supplication of Thomas Frouwyk, to Richard Westminster. Trandel of South Mymmes of the king's suit for having broken the house of Stephen Hodesdon of La Barnet and carried away 20 marks 48 EDWARD III.— Part II. 1374. Membrane 24 — cord. of gold and silver therefrom, whereof he is indicted or appealed, and of any consequent outlawries. By p.s. Sept. 18. Promise to pay Richard Lyouns, citizen of London, 3,323L 15s. 6d. Westminster, at Christmas and Easter next ; and the king wills that Richard, who is farmer of the subsidy of 6d. of the pound and 2s. of each tun of wine granted in the last parliament by the magnates and com- monalty of the realm, and also of the custom of 3d. of the pound for the present year, to wit, until Christmas next, shall take the said sum out of that farm according to the effect of tallies levied at the receipt of the Exchequer for as long as he shall be farmer as above, and in case he have not the farm after Christmas, he and his executors shall take any arrears of the said sum out of the said subsidy and custom according to the form of tallies likewise levied at the receipt of the Exchequer ; and no decrease or diminution of the said subsidy and custom shall be granted or any grant be made in diminution of the said sum. Sept. 30. Grant, for life or until other order, to Philip la Vache, one of the Westminster, knights of the king's chamber, of 501. yearly at the Exchequer. By p.s. Vacated because surrendered, as Richard II, on 28 August in his tenth year, granted the said Philip 501. out of the issues of the county of Bedford. Oct. 4. Presentation of John Russell, chaplain, to the vicarage of the Westminster, church of St. Laurence, Newerumneye, in the diocese of Canterbury, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the abbot of Pontigny being in his hand on account of the war with France. Oct. 5. Ellis Archer, chaplain, staying in England, has letters nominating Westminster. Geoffrey Forstall and David Archer as his attorneys in Ireland for one year. Oct. 4. Licence for John atte Halle of Great Yarmouth to load 300 quarters Westminster, of barley and 200 quarters of oats in the ports of Lenn, Welles, Blakeneye or Great Yarmouth, and take them to Norway for herring, fish and other merchandise to be bought there and brought into the realm. Oct. 9. Ratification of the estate of Robert Norreys as vicar of the church Westminster, of Much Marcle, in the diocese of Hereford. Membrane 23. Aug. 23. Notification that the king, — being certainly informed by the council Westminster, that certain persons, by the procurement and mediation of Richard Lyons and John Pyel, have paid for him to the company of the Bardi 8,780 marks 9s. (of which sum the king has acquittance under the seals of Peter de Bardes and Gauteron de Bardes, attorneys of the same company), in part payment of a larger sum owed by the king, and also, by mediation of Richard and John, have acquitted the king of 1,219 marks 4s. 4:d. due by him to divers persons, and also have loaned to him, by the procurement and mediation of the same, 9 <\000 marks in nobles delivered in the receipt of the Exchequer 6 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS- 1374. Membrane 23 — cont. on the day of these presents by the hands of Richard and John, whom the lenders wish to be their attorneys for the receipt of the said loans, — has commanded the said Richard and John to be such attorneys, and to receive the said sums, which amount to 20,000/., as follows, to wit, 10,000/. of the customs and subsidies in the port of London, 5,000Z. in the port of Kyngeston-upon-Hull, 4,000/. in the port of Boston, 1,000 marks in the port of Great Yarmouth and 500 marks in the port of Ipswich, that is to say, in each of the said ports 25s. from each sack of wool leaving the port, woolfells and hides in proportion, to be taken by indenture between them and the customers of the ports ; and the king wills that one part of the cocket seal in the port of London remain with the said John, and one part of the cocket seal in the other ports remain with Richard, until they be paid in full. Also, because the king is certainly informed that Richard and John are only middlemen in this bargain, he wills that no arrest, forfeiture or hindrance be made by him or others, or at the suit of others, upon the said sum or any parcel thereof for any felony, trespass, misdeed or debt of the said Richard, John or other persons ; and in case either or both of them die before they be paid in full, a moiety of the arrears thereof shall be paid to their assigns respectively. Also the king promises that no decrease or abridge- ment of custbm or subsidy shall be granted to any in shipment of wools, hides or fells henceforth in any ports until the said sum be paid, and that neither Richard and John, nor any of their men, shall be charged to account in the Exchequer for the receipt thereof, and that the customers in the said ports shall have sufficient warrant to deliver to Richard and John, or their attorneys, one part of the cocket and the said custom until the whole sum be paid, and that the said customers shall be discharged upon their account in the Exchequer by virtue of the indenture or acquittance of the said Richard and John, and that these last shall have sufficient warrant of the great and privy seal for the receipt of the said sum. And the king wills that this patent shall remain with Richard and John for their acquittance and defence in respect of all damages and losses by all people touching this bargain and all other bargains made by their mediation for the king's aid. And Alexander, archbishop of York, Simon, bishop of London, Thomas, bishop of Durham, William, bishop of Winchester, Edward, prince of Wales, John, king of Castile and Leon, duke of Lancaster, Edmund, earl of Cambridge, Richard, earl of Arundel, Edmund de Mortymer, earl of March, Thomas, earl of Warwick, Hugh, earl of Stafford, William Montagu, earl of Salisbury, John, lord of Nevyll, William, lord of Latymer, Guy de Brian, ' chivaler,' John Knyvet, chancellor, Richard Lescrop, treasurer of England, Nicholas de Carreu, keeper of the privy seal, Sir John Cavendissh, Richard Stury, 'chivaler,' William Tauk, baron of the Exchequer, and William Dytton, clerk of the privy seal, promise as far as in them lies that the premises shall be loyally accomplished. French. Sept. 16. Exemplification of the said obligation. French. Westminster. Oct. 8. Presentation of John Haselok to the church of Stratford by Westminster. Salesbury, in the dicoese of Salisbury, in the king's gift by reason 48 EDWARD III.— Part II. 7 1374. Membrane 23 — cont. of the temporalities of the priory of Lyre being in his hand on account of the war with France. Oct. 6. Presentation of John de Kendale to the church of Fladbury, in Sheen. the diocese of Worcester, in the king's gift by reason of the voidance of the bishopric of Worcester. By p.s. Sept. 20. Promise to pay Michael de la Pole 1,800/., for certain causes Westminster, agreed upon by the king and council, to be taken as follows, 750/. of the tenth last granted by the clergy of the realm in the diocese of York at the Purification and Midsummer next, 500/. of the fifteenth granted by the commonalty of the realm in the last parliament in the East Riding, co. York, at the same feasts, and the remaining 550/. of the said fifteenth in the county of Northampton at the same feasts, according to the effect of tallies levied at the receipt of the Exchequer. The king, moreover, wills that no assignment of the said tenth and fifteenth be* made in retardation of the payment of the said sum. Mandates in pursuance to the collectors of the said tenth and fifteenth in the diocese and counties mentioned. Oct. 10. In compassion for the estate of Brother Miletus Andree, prior of Westminster, the priory of La Munstre in Cornwall, a cell of SS. Sergiusand Bacchus by Angers, who is so burdened by want that the rents and profits of the priory, although sparingly dispensed, scarce suffice for the sustenance of himself and a fellow-monk, notwithstanding which, because neither he himself nor his fellow-monk know the English or Cornish tongue, he has found an English secular chaplain to serve the parish church annexed to the priory, the king has granted him the keeping of the priory and all the lands and possessions pertaining thereto, now in his hand on account of the war with France, together with the issues thereof from Michaelmas last, for as long as the said priory, lands and possessions shall remain in his hand for that cause, provided that he have with him a fellow-monk and a secular chaplain as above to maintain divine service, and that he sustain the house and buildings pertaining to the priory, pay any tenths con- tingent thereon and support all other charges pertaining thereto. Membrane 22. Sept. 20. Promise to pay John de Hedyngham and Thomas de Barton Westminster. 3,000/. for certain causes agreed upon by the king and council, 1,000/. thereof to be taken of the tenth last granted by the clergy of the realm in the diocese of Norwich at the Purification and Midsummer next, 800/. of the said tenth in the archdeaconries of Lincoln, Stowe and Leycestre at the same feasts, 800/. of the customs and subsidies in the port of Cicestre, to wit, of each sack of wool 25-5., and the remaining 400/. of the like customs and subsidies in the port of Suthampton, according to the effect of tallies levied at the receipt of the Exchequer. And the king wills that no grant of the said tenths, customs and subsidies be made in retardation of the said payment. Mandates in pursuance to the collectors of the said tenths, customs and subsidies in the said diocese, archdeaconries and ports. s CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1374. Membrane 22 — cont. Oct. 6. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Robert Cheddre of Westminster. Bristol and William Cheddre of Bristol to the prior and convent of Wytham, of the Carthusian order, of 14 messuages, 4 shops and 6 acres of land in Bristol and the suburb thereof, not held of the king, which are of the yearly value of 121. Ss. 4d. as is found by an inquisition taken by William de Canynges, mayor of Bristol and escheator therein, to find a secular chaplain to celebrate divine service daily in the church of Cheddre and do other works of charity there and in the priory of Wytham according to the ordinance of the donors, to hold in satisfaction of 15/. of the 30/. of land and rent which the prior and convent had the king's licence to acquire by two letters patent dated 16 January in the twenty-third year and 20 March in the thirty-sixth year respectively. Oct. 8. Presentation of John Fraunkeleyn, vicar of the church of Great Westminster. Bernyngton, in the diocese of Worcester, to the church of St. Andrew, La Wyche, in the same diocese, in the king's gift by reason of the priory of Derhurst being in his hand on account of the war with France ; on an exchange of benefices with Matthew atte Yate. Oct. 9. John Malwayn and Elizabeth, his wife, staying in England, have Westminster, letters nominating Robert Talbot and Richard Giffard as their attorneys in Ireland for two years. William de Burstall, clerk, received the attorneys. Sept. 22. Licence for the alienation in mortmain to the minister and Westminster. Trinitarian friars of Modyngden, co. Kent, in satisfaction of 20/. of the 30/. of land and rent which they had the king's licence, dated 23 March in the twenty-first year, to acquire, of the following messuages &c, not held in chief, which are of the yearly value of 7/. 185. HJcZ. as is found by an inquisition taken by Nicholas Heryng, late escheator in the said county : — by John Wilde, parson of the church of Bokelond, 100 acres of land, 250 acres of wood, and lid. of rent in Cranbroke and Benyndenne ; by John Parmenter, John Mascal and William Waterman, a messuage, 104 acres of land, 10 acres of pasture, 2\ acres of wood, 9£c£. of rent and a rent of a quarter of barley, a hen and three parts of a hen in Osprenge and Preston next Faverisham ; by William Benge, a messuage and an acre of land in the same towns of Osprenge and Faverisham ; by William Waterman and William Bysshop, 16 acres of land in Sutton Valence ; and by John Parmenter, 2s. lOd. of rent in Stapilherst. Oct. 11. Appointment, during pleasure, of William Genet as steward of the Westminster, hundreds of Kyngeston, Burhull, Cowerne, Bodenham and Stretford, co. Hereford, in the king's hand by reason of the nonage of the heirs of Humphrey de Bohun, late earl of Hereford, who held in chief. Oct. 10. Grant to John de Harewode of the prebend of Collewych in the Westminster, cathedral church of Lichfield. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to R. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. The like to the dean and chapter of the said church. 48 EDWARD III.— Part II. 9 1374. Membrane 22 — cont. Oct. 6. Appointment, during pleasure, of William Genet as steward of Westminster, all rents, farms, issues and profits of all the lordships, manors and lands of Brekent, Haye, Huntyton and Caldecotes in the parts of Wales, in the king's hand by reason of the nonage of the heirs of Humphrey de Bohun, late earl of Hereford, who held in chief, and to execute all things pertaining to the office of steward, taking in that office as other stewards have taken. Oct. 13. Presentation of Thomas Asshford to the church of Herleston, in Westminster, the diocese of Lincoln, in the king's gift by reason of the priory of Lenton being in his hand on account of the war with France. Oct. 11. Pardon to John Aubrey, late sheriff of London, of the king's suit Westminster, for the death of John de Bryghtwell, whereof he is indicted or appealed, and of any consequent outlawry. By K. The like to the following for the same death : — Henry de Morton, late servant of the said John Aubrey. John Bysouth, late servant of the same. By K. Pardon, at the supplication of the earl of Stafford, to Henry son of William son of Emma del Byggyng of the king's suit for the death of John Webstere of Hethcote, whereof he is indicted or appealed, and of any consequent outlawry. By p.s. The like -to Thomas Grenewey of the county of Stafford for the death of Richard Bykur of Stone, ' taillour,' at the supplication of the said earl. By p.s. The like to William Hipper of Waynbrige for the death of John de Kendale, at the supplication of the king's son, the earl of Cambridge. By p.s. Oct. 14. Presentation of Richard Amys, monk of the monastery of St. Mary, Westminster. Lonlay, of the Benedictine order, who has been presented by Sampson Seins, monk and vicar general in England of the abbot and convent of the said monastery, to the priory of Stoke Courcy, cell of Lonlay, which is now void by the death of the last prior and in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the said monastery being in his hand on account of the war with France, to J. bishop of Bath and Wells, for admission to the priory. Oct. 11. Grant to Robert Bealknap, chief justice of the Common Bench, Westminster, that he may the more fittingly maintain his estate, of 40£. yearly at the Exchequer, beyond the accustomed fee which he takes from the king, for as long as he shall remain in the said office. By K. Membrane 21. Oct. 11. Presentation of John de Wortham to the church of Fyndon, in Westminster, the diocese of Chichester, in the king's gift by reason of the keeping of the land and heir of John de Moubray of Axiholm, who held in chief, being in his hand. By p.s Oct. 11. Grant to Thomas de Morton, one of the king's archers, of the keeping Westminster, of the parks of Sneed and Peen pertaining to the manor of Hembury, 10 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1374. Membrane 21 — cont. co. Gloucester, in the king's hand by reason of the voidance of the bishopric of Worcester, to hold as John Burgeys held them during his life, and for as long as the said manor and parks shall be in the king's hand for that cause. By p.s. Oct. 12. Appointment of Nicholas Heryng as steward and surveyor of all Westminster, the castles, manors, lands, liberties and hundreds of the king's honours in the county of Kent, and to hold courts, leets and ' laudaies ' in the same and all pleas accustomed to be held therein, do full justice to all, take for the king's use fines, ransoms and amercements of free tenants, tenants in ' gavelkynde,' bond tenants and tenants at will for trespasses and all other causes, and charge the bailiffs and other ministers therewith, and to do all things pertaining to his said office. By K. Oct. 13. Pardon to William Potyn of his outlawry in the husting of London Westminster, for non-appearance before the justices of the Bench to answer Robert Dykeswell touching a plea that he render him an account of the time when he was his receiver ; he having now surrendered to the Flete prison as Robert Belknap, chief justice, has certified. Oct. 14. The like to John Smyth, late vicar of the church of Assheton, out- Westminster, lawed in the county of Wilts at the suit of Henry Pak, chaplain, touching a plea of debt of 12 marks. Oct. 15. The like to Thomas Howessone of Comberton, outlawed in the Westminster, county of Hertford at the suit of John Reymond touching a plea of debt of 10Z. Oct. 15. The like to Robert Lakere and Clarice, his wife, outlawed and Westminster, waived in the county of Southampton at the suit of John Tannere touching a plea of trespass. The like to Thomas son of Thomas de Fisshelak, outlawed in the county of York at the suit of Thomas de Balne of Staynford touching a plea that he render him a horse worth 40s. The like to Robert Willico of St. Neots of the county of Huntingdon, outlawed in the husting of London at the suit of William Tonge touching a plea of debt of 20Z. against him and John Willico of Suthzevill of the county of Bedford. Oct. 16. The like to Nicholas Cundale, outlawed in the county of Buckingham Westminster, at the suit of Hugh Chastelon, ' chivaler,' touching a plea of trespass. The like to Simon Smyth of Witteneye, outlawed in the county of Middlesex at the suit of Roger Legat touching a plea of trespass. Oct. 18. The like to Alan Belle of Walpol, outlawed in the county of Westminster. Cambridge at the suit of Thomas Peye of Wysebeche touching a plea of debt of 40s. Oct. 20. The like to Henry Cauntebrigg, ' marehaunt,' outlawed in the Westminster, county of Southampton at the suit of John Polymond touching a plea of debt of 10 marks. 48 EDWARD III.— Part II. 11 1374. Membrane 21 — cont. Oct. 23. The like to Ralph Prentys, outlawed in the county of Wilts at Westminster, the suit of Thomas Portman of Salisbury touching a plea of debt of 60s. Oct. 24. The like to William Dyere, outlawed in the county of Somerset Westminster, at the suit of Guy de Briane, ' chivaler,' touching a plea of trespass. Oct. 21. The like to Gregory Blaunket of Bristol, outlawed in the county of Westminster. Somerset at the suit of Richard Stoweye of Welles touching a plea of debt of 4:1. 7s. 5d. Nov. 4. The like to John Avener, vicar of the church of Stoke by Newerk, Westminster, outlawed in the husting of London at the suit of Raymund Pelegrym, clerk, touching a plea of debt of 20 marks. The like to Thomas Cauce, outlawed as above for a debt of 20 marks 10s. Nov. 9. The like to John Chapman of Eston in Cliveland, outlawed in the Westminster, county of York at the suit of Hugh de Ardern of Great Driffeld touching a plea of debt of 20/. Nov. 10. The like to Robert de Wyncheburne of Eykeryng, outlawed in the Westminster, county of Nottingham at the suit of Richard de Byngham, ' chivaler,' touching a plea of debt of 10/. Nov. 16. The like to Robert Kirkeham of Elm, outlawed in the county of Westminster. Cambridge at the suit of Thomas Howe of Leveryngton, chaplain, touching a plea of debt of 4/. 4s. Nov. 19. The like to Thomas Virly son of Roger Virly of Norwich, outlawed Westminster, in the husting of London at the suit of Robert Wytton, citizen and draper of London, touching a plea of debt of 160Z. Nov. 21. The like to William Botilstan, citizen and merchant of York, out- Westminster, lawed in the county of Lincoln at the suit of Walter Bakester of Grymesby, touching a plea of debt of 12/. 6s. Sd. The like to Ralph Northgate of Aylesbury, outlawed in the county of Lincoln at the suit of Geoffrey le Scrop, canon of the church of St. Mary, Lincoln, touching a plea of debt of 40/. Nov. 24. The like to Richard Bocher of the county of Kent, outlawed in the Westminster, husting of London at the suit of Andrew de Shaldeford, executor of the will of Simon atte Grene, late citizen and skinner of London, touching a plea that he render him 50s. Nov. 21. The like to John Pountfreyt, chaplain, outlawed as above at the Westminster, suit of Richard Vincent, parson of the church of St. Be net Shorhogge, London, touching a plea of debt of 16/. 12s. Nov. 22. The like to Peter son of Emma de Walsokne, outlawed as above Westminster, at the suit of Adam Honyter of Wysbeche touching a plea that he render him 13 sheep, worth 40s. 12 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1374. Membrane 21 — cont. Nov. 26. The like to Robert Corbet, ' chivaler,' and Alice, his wife, outlawed Westminster, and waived as above at the suit of John, bishop of Bath, and Walter Fryland, clerk, touching a plea of debt of 80Z. The like to Robert Corbet, the younger, knight, and Alice, his wife, daughter and heir of John de Langeton, knight, of the county of Hertford, outlawed and waived as above at the suit of Ralph, parson of the church of St. Andrew, London, and John de Morton, clerk, executors of the will of William atte Folde, late citizen and fishmonger of London, touching a plea that they render them 12 marks. The like to William de Kenwalgraves, outlawed in the county of York at the suit of Walter de Frothingham of York, ' mercer,' touching a plea of debt of 60s. The like to John de Walkyngton, outlawed as above at the suit of the same touching a plea of debt of 60s. The like to William de Walkyngton, ' mercere,' outlawed as above at the suit of the same touching a plea of debt of 60s. Membrane 20. Oct. 12. Inspeximus and confirmation, at the request of Roger Dalyngrugge, Westminster, kinsman and heir of John de Ratynden, of a charter of warren, dated 25 November, 32 Edward I, on behalf of the said John. \Calendar of Charter Rolls, 1300-1326, p. 38.] By fine of J mark paid in the hanaper. Oct. 12. Grant to Thomas Barkere, chaplain, of the wardenship of the hospital [Westminster. ]of St. John in the suburb of Shrouesbury. By p.s. Oct. 14. Inspeximus and confirmation, for 20s. paid in the hanaper by the Westminster, abbot of Gloucester, of letters patent of Henry [II], dated at Worcester, as follows : — H. rex Anglorum et dux Normannorum et Aquitannorum et comes Andegavorum, vicecomiti et ministris et 4 burgensibus suis de Gloecestria, salutem. Concedo et confirmo abbati et monachis Sancti Petri Gloecestr^ aquam de Fulebroc que currit per abbaciam suam, totam, liberam et quietam. Quare volo et precipio ne quis ejusdem cursum aque retardare vel distrahere vet ipsis monachis inde injuriam facere presumat super x. libras forisfacture. Teste Petro de Mar\ apud Wygorniam. Oct. 16. Grant to the king's serjeant, Roger de Lewerye, of all the goods Westminster, late of Thomas de Langedon, late master of the king's barge of London, who by judgement rendered in the king's court was drawn and hanged for sedition, and whose goods are forfeit to the king for that cause ; except those goods whereof the king has been answered. By p.s. Oct. 16. Inspeximus and confirmation of letters patent of the abbot and Westminster, convent of Bordesleie, dated at Bordesleye on Thursday the feast of St. Laurence, 48 Edward III, granting to John atte Wode, knight, and Lucy, his wife, a yearly rent of 20 marks for life out of their 48 EDWARD III.— Part II. 13 1374. Membrane 20 — cont. manors of Holeweie, co. Worcester, and He well, co. Warwick, and all their other lands in those counties, to be taken at Michaelmas and Easter in the church of their abbey, with proviso for distraint if the rent be in arrear for two months. Oct. 18. Licence for the prior of Bath to load 6 horses, 12 carcases (cassas) Westminster, of oxen, 24 bacon pigs and 200 salt fish in the port of Waterford in Ireland and bring them to England to make his profit thereof. By C. Oct. 18. Presentation of Henry de Upton, chaplain, to the church of Westminster. Westoncorbet, in the diocese of Winchester, in the king's gift by reason of the keeping of the land and heir of John de Bohun, ' chivaler,' who held in chief, being in his hand. Oct. 14. Pardon to John Elmruge of Aldenham of the king's suit for the Westminster, death of John Mayheu, the elder, and Thomas Skynner of Corf, whereof he is indicted or appealed, and of any consequent outlawries. By p.s. The like to the following for the same deaths : — Thomas Gerard of Corf, Gilbert Martyn of Knyghteston, John Strete of Aldenham and William Fraunk of Criche, the younger. By the same writ. Grant for life to Edmund de Tettesworth of the keeping of the smaller piece of the seal for recognisances of debts in the city of Canterbury according to the form of the statute lately made for the merchants at Acton Burnell, taking the fees limited by the statute ; with power to execute the office by deputy. By p.s. Oct. 23. Licence, for 100 marks paid to the king by John Plays, ' chivaler,' Westminster, for the alienation in mortmain by him of 20/. of rent out of his manor of Wetyng, co. Norfolk, not held of the king, to the prior and convent of Bromhelle. Oct. 22. The abbot of Fourneys, staying in England, has letters nominating Westminster. John de Cokeram, his fellow-monk, and William Syncok of Draughda as his attorneys in Ireland for one year. He has other letters nominating John de Bolton of Fourneys and Henry Bonde of Beaubek as his attorneys as above. The prior of Conyngesheved received the attorneys by writ. Oct. 20. Presentation of John Whittyl, parson of the church of Hatteclyf, Westminster, in the diocese of Lincoln, to the vicarage of the church of Lymbergh Magna, in the same diocese, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the abbey of Aunay being in his hand on account of the war with France ; on an exchange of benefices with William de Parva Cotes. Oct. 20. Westminster. Oct. 24. Licence for Thomas de Etton to impark 1,000 acres of land and Westminster, wood at Gillyng in Rydale, co. York, provided that they be not within the metes of the forest. By p.s. 14 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1374. Membrane 20 — cont. Oct. 21. Pardon to Richard Milner, 4 mercer,' of the king's suit for the death Westminster, of William Coke, ' mariner,' of Yarmouth, whereof he is indicted or appealed, and of any consequent outlawry. By p.s. Oct. 22. Pardon to Thomas de Felton and Joan, his wife, of their trespass Westminster, in acquiring for life from the king's firstborn son, the prince, the manor of Kirketon in Lyndeseye, held in chief, with all lands, profits, revenues and emoluments pertaining thereto (reserving to the prince knights' fees, advowsons, wards, marriages, reversions, forfeitures and escheats), and entering therein without licence ; and grant that they may retain the same. By p.s. Oct. 21. Pardon to Richard Cokyn of the king's suit for the death of Richard Westminster, de Stafford, parson of the church of Worthyn, whereof he is indicted or appealed, and of any consequent outlawry. By p.s. Oct. 27. Presentation of William Norman, chaplain, to the vicarage of the Westminster, church of Montacute, in the diocese of Bath and Wells, in the king's gift by reason of the advowsons of the priory of Montacute being in his hand on account of the war with France. Oct. 22. Presentation of Richard Tannessovere, chaplain, to the vicarage of Westminster. Kerdeforth, in the diocese of Chichester, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the priory of Arundell being in his hand on account of the war with France. Oct. 20. Geoffrey son of Richard de Cogan, staying in England, has letters Westminster, nominating John Ridelesford as his attorney in Ireland for one year. Th. de Newenham, clerk, received the attorney. Oct. 27. Pardon to Roger Pope of Flittewyk of the king's suit for the death Westminster, of John Carpenter of Flittewyk, whereof he is indicted or appealed, and of any consequent outlawry. By p.s. Membrane 19. Oct. 10. Commission to Robert Plummere of London to collect in the city Westminster, and suburbs of London and in the county of Middlesex the subsidy on cloths for sale lately granted to the king by the prelates, magnates and commonalty of the realm in return for the remission by him of the forfeitures of the alnage of cloths pertaining to him within the realm ; also to seal all such cloths on which the subsidy has been paid, make proclamation against the sale of unsealed cloth, search nouses, shops and other places, take as forfeit any unsealed cloths exposed for sale and retain them according to the form of an indenture between him and the king. By bill of the treasurer. Sept. 26. Grant for life to Joan de Seyntcler of all the tenements late of Otto Westminster, de Grandissono, ' chivaler,' in the parishes of St. Margaret Patens and St. Dunstan in ' le Est,' London, lately forfeit to the king because Otto, who held them of the king, alienated them in mortmain without licence, which tenements Thomas Spigurnel, deceased, held for life of the king's demise. By p.s. 48 EDWARD III.— Part II. 15 1374. Membrane 19 — cont. Oct. 11. Pardon to Henry atte Marche of Wycombe of the king's suit for Westminster, the death of William Cary of Wycombe, whereof he is indicted or appealed, and of any consequent outlawry. By p.s. Sept. 18. Alice late the wife of Hugh son of Edward le Despenser, ' chivaler,' Westminster, staying in England, has letters nominating William Ilger and William Lumbard as her attorneys in Ireland for one year. W. de Burstall received the attorneys. Oct. 14. Presentation of Thomas Saresyne, parson of the church of Bodyngton, Westminster, in the diocese of Lincoln, to the church of Stoutesbury, in the same diocese, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the priory of St. Andrew, Norhampton, being in his hand on account of the war with France ; on an exchange of benefices with William Sprout. Sept. 4. Grant to the king's serjeant, William Coteller, one of his porters, Westminster, of the keeping of the lands late of John Barde, who held in chief, which are extended at 5 marks yearly, to hold during the minority of Durand, his son and heir, together with the marriage of the latter, and so from heir to heir, provided he find fitting sustenance for such heir and support the real services and other charges incumbent on the land. By p.s. Oct. 16. Pardon, at the request of Alan de Buxhull, to Robert de Illeye Westminster, of the king's suit for the death of Geoffrey Shirreve, whereof he is indicted or appealed, and of any consequent outlawry. By p.s. Oct. 12. Grant to John Ederyk, usher of the receipt of the Exchequer, of Westminster, the keeping of 60s. of rent in Magor in Wales of the inheritance of William son of Henry Mortymer, kinsman and heir of Hugh Mortymer, ' chivaler,' which are in the king's hand by reason of the idiotcy of William, to hold for as long as they shall remain in his hand on that account. By p.s. Oct. 10. Presentation of Peter de Barton to the chapel of Immere, in the Westminster, diocese of Salisbury. Oct. 16. Inspeximus of a charter, dated at Mylan, 3 March, 38 Henry III., Westminster, and witnessed by John de Plessetis, earl of Warwick, Geoffrey de Lozignan and William de Valencia, the king's brothers, Peter de Sabaudia, John de Grey, Robert Walerand, William de Grey, Nicholas de Sancto Mauro, Ralph de Bakepuz, William Gernun and others, granting to William de Cantilupo and his heirs free warren in all their demesne lands in England ; and confirmation thereof at the request of William la Zouche of Haryngworth, ' chivaler,' now tenant of the said lands. By fine of J mark paid in the hanaper. Oct. 18. Grant for life to John Culvere of the keeping of the park of Writtele, Westminster, taking 2d. daily for his wages out of the issues or farm of the manor of Haveryng. By p.s. Oct. 15. Grant for life to the king's serjeant-at-arms, Robert de Langedon, Westminster, of 20 marks yearly at the Exchequer beyond the 40 marks yearly granted him by letters patent dated 1 April in the king's forty-sixth year. By p.s, 16 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1374. Membrane 19 — cord. Oct. 22. Presentation of Thomas de Neuton to the church of Thurcaston, Westminster, in the diocese of Lincoln, in the king's gift by reason of the priory of Ware being in his hand on account of the war with France. By p.s. Oct. 20. Mandate to all sheriffs &c, — pursuant to the statute published Westminster, at Westminster that no foreigner of the realm be distrained in any cities, boroughs, towns, fairs or markets for a debt whereof he is not debtor or pledge, — not to molest William Lumbard of Waterford in Ireland or his servants. Membrane 18. Oct. 19. Pardon to John de Beverleye of Wilberfosse *of his outlawry in the Westminster, county of York for non-appearance before the king to answer Thomas de Thorp of Pokelyngton touching a plea of trespass ; he having now surrendered to the Marshalsea prison as John Cavendissh, chief justice, has certified. Oct. 16. The like to William Grantham and John atte Brigge, outlawed in Westminster, the county of Northampton at the suit of Thomas ' othe Bakhous ' touching a plea of trespass. Nov. 28. The like to Philip Walles, outlawed in the county of Hertford for Westminster, non-appearance to answer the king and William atte Dale, clerk, wherefor he withdrew from the service of the latter without licence before the end of his term. Dec. 28. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Robert Beleknappe, Eltham Manor, knight, of the manor of Sharstede by Roucestre, 23 acres of land, 80 acres of pasture and an acre of wood in Chetham and Woldeham, and a moiety of the manor of Lydesynge, whereof the manor of Shar- stede, except 20 acres of land, is held of the king by knight service as of the honour of Creveqoer, 8 acres of land are held of the king as of the honour of Leybourne, and the remainder is held of other lords, to the prior and convent of Roucestre at a rent of 22 marks, to find a monk to celebrate divine service daily in their cathedral church according to an ordinance to be made by Robert, so that they do the services due from the premises to the king and others. By p.s. Oct. 20. Revocation of the late presentation of the king's clerk, William Westminster, de Lokyngton, to the church of Lesseby, in the diocese of Lincoln ; as it appears by evidence shown before the learned of the king's council that the right of presentation does not at present belong to the king. Oct. 21. Exemplification, at the request of Francus de Hale, of letters patent, Westminster, dated 1 February, 26 Edward III., in his behalf. [Calendar of the Patent Bolls, 1350-1354, p. 239.] Sept. 26. Grant, for life or until further order, to Agnes Lavender of 100s. Westminster, yearly at the Exchequer. By p.s. Oct. 23. Presentation of Walter Frelond, parson of the church of Cristine Westminster. Malford, in the diocese of Salisbury, to the church of Aldyngton, in 48 EDWARD III.— Part II. 17 1374. Membrane 18 — cont. the diocese of Canterbury, in the king's gift by reason of the voidance of the archbishopric of Canterbury ; on an exchange of benefices with Thomas Alston. By p.s. Oct. 20. Presentation of William de Parva Cotes, vicar of the church of Westminster. Lymbergh Magna, in the diocese of Lincoln, to the church of Hatteclyf, in the same diocese, in the king's gift by reason of the priory of West Ravendale being in his hand on account of the war with France ; on an exchange of benefices with John Wittyl. By p.s. Ratification of the estate of the king's clerk, William Brian, as parson of the church of Sutton Mareys, in the diocese of Lincoln. Oct. 24. Pardon to Thomas de Nerford, knight, of the king's suit for having, Westminster, with others, on Thursday after the Purification in the king's forty- second year, entered the manor of Anne de Leyre at Brumleye and abducted her against her will, whereof he is indicted or appealed, and of any consequent outlawry. By K. Oct. 20. Presentation of Roger de Routon, chaplain, to the church of Westminster. Donyngton, in the diocese of Coventry and Lichfield. Oct. 23. Presentation of John Raufe to the church of Glemesford, in the Westminster, diocese of Norwich, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the bishopric of Ely being lately in his hand. By K. Oct. 24. Presentation of John Tykton to the church of Cattewyk, in the Westminster, diocese of York, in the king's gift by reason of the alien priory of Pontefract being in his hand on account of the war with France. Oct. 19. Exemption for life of Robert de Teye, ' chivaler,' from being put Westminster, on assizes, juries or recognitions, and from appointment as mayor, sheriff, escheator, coroner, or other bailiff or minister of the king, against his will. By p.s. Oct. 27. Pardon, at the supplication of the king's son, John de Montfort, Westminster, duke of Brittany, to John Wodeward, for good service to be rendered by him in the duke's company m the next voyage of war beyond seas, of the king's suit for the death of Roger Stokes and for the rape of Margery de Pynyngton, whereof he is indicted or appealed, and of any consequent outlawries. By p.s. MEMBRANE 17. Oct. 21. Mandate to Thomas de Illeston, escheator in the county of Kent, Westminster, to deliver the manor of Cobhambury and the other lands in his baili- wick which are in the king's hand as parcel of the temporalities of the bishopric of Rochester to Thomas de Brintone, late monk of the church of Norwich, who has been provided to be bishop by the pope in the room of Thomas, deceased. By K. The like to Nicholas Seymour, escheator in the county of Northampton. Oct. 21. Writ de intendendo to the tenants of the bishopric. By K. Westminster. [Fwdera.] Wt. 18915. E 2 18 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1374. Membrane 17 — cont. Oct. 23. Grant to the bishop of all the issues and profits of the said manor Westminster, and temporalities since the last voidance of the bishopric. By K. [Fcede?~a.] Oct. 24. Exemplification, at the request of the abbot and monks of St. Peter's, Westminster. Gaunt, of a charter, dated 24 July, 11 Edward II., in their favour. [Calendar of the Charter Bolls, 1300-1326, p. 359.] Oct. 24. Inspeximus, and confirmation to Roger Dalyngrugge and Walter Westminster, de Flynton, now tenants of the manor of Lesseby and lands in Lesseby and Bradel, and their heirs, of a charter, dated 26 December, 19 Henry III., granting to John son of Geoffrey de Nevill a fair at Lesseby and a warren in his demesne lands of Lesseby and Bradele. [Calendar of the Charter Bolls, 1226-1257, p. 190.] For J mark paid in the hanaper. Oct. 21. Exemption for life of William Baud, ' chivaler,' from being put on Westminster, assizes, juries or recognitions, and from appointment as mayor, sheriff, escheator, coroner or other bailiff or minister of the king, against his will. By p.s. Oct. 25. Licence, for 20£. paid to the king by Alice late the wife of Thomas Westminster, de Heselarton, knight, for the alienation in mortmain by her of the manor of Barenton, not held of the king, to William de Gotham, master of the collegiate house of St. Michael, Cantebrigge, and the scholars of the house, to find one scholar beyond the number now dwelling therein. Oct. 20. Ratification of the estate of Nicholas de Preston as vicar of the Westminster, church of Warthecop, in the diocese of Carlisle. Oct. 27. The like of William de Chuselden as prebendary of the prebend of Westminster. Holburn in the cathedral church of St. Paul, London. By p.s. MEMBRANE 16. Oct. 27. Whereas the king lately granted licence for William de Feriby, Westminster, late parson of the church of Stokesleye, to alienate in mortmain 20 marks yearly of rent issuing from his lands in York, Hothum, North- cave, Melton, Feryby, Swanlond and Elveleye, whereof a messuage in York is held of the king and the remainder is held of others, to five chaplains, to wit, two in the church of St. Peter, York, two in the chapel of St. James, Melton, and one in the church of Northferiby, to celebrate divine service according to his ordinance, and now the said William has prayed the king that, whereas he has granted the said 20 marks of rent — not being sufficient for the sustenance of five chaplains — issuing out of all the said lands, except the said messuage in York then alienated by him, to three chaplains only, to wit, one in the church of St. Peter and two in the said chapel, to celebrate divine service as above, he will be pleased to grant him licence to charge 2 messuages in York, held of the king in burgage, which he acquired after the king's said licence, with the said rent in place of the messuage so alienated ; the king, for 40s. paid by the said William, has granted such licence. 48 EDWARD III.— Part II. 19 1374. Membrane 16 — cont. Oct. 30. Presentation of William de Dalton, chaplain, to the church of Westminster. Penederyn, in the diocese of St. Davids, in the king's gift by reason of the keeping of the land and heir of Humphrey de Bohum {sic), late earl of Hereford, who held in chief, being in his hand. Presentation of the same William to the church of Saint Kenedere, in the same diocese, void &c. as above. Oct. 28. Grant to John Dirland, chaplain, of the chantry in the free chapel Westminster, within the castle of Pleshey, in the king's gift as above. Oct. 30. Grant to the king's clerk, Alan de Ake, prebendary of the prebend Westminster, of Pendeford in the free chapel of Tetenhale, of the prebend of Perton in the same chapel, in the king's gift by reason of the late voidance of the deanery of the chapel ; on an exchange of benefices with Thomas Dufford. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the dean and college of the chapel. Grant, on the like exchange, to the said Thomas of the prebend of Pendeford, in the king's gift as above. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance as above. Oct. 26. Presentation of Thomas Davy to the church of Estwode, in the Westminster, diocese of London, in the king's gift by reason of the late voidance of the priory of Priterwell. Nov. 1. Presentation of Richard de Kynardby to the church of Penedryn, Westminster, in the diocese of St. Davids, in the king's gift by reason of the keeping of the land and heirs of Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex, who held in chief, being in his hand. Nov. 3. John de Toftes of Co ventre, staying in England, has letters Westminster, nominating William Prentys of Coventre as his attorney in Ireland for one year. Th. de Newenham received the attorney. Oct. 24. Exemption for life of John Waryn of Purle from being put on Westminster, assizes, juries or recognitions, and from appointment as mayor, sheriff, escheator, coroner or other bailiff or minister of the king, against his will. By p.s. Oct. 29. Exemplification, at the request of the abbot of Wardon, of the Westminster, transcript of the foot of a fine levied in the court of Henry III at Nottingham on the Morrow of the Purification, in his twenty-fourth year, between Isabel de Hoghton, Geoffrey de Bello Campo and Joan, his wife, Ralph de Sancto Amando and Ascelina, his wife, plaintiffs, and Hugh son of Baldwin Wak, tenant, of a third part of four parts of 4 carucates of land in Depinge [and] Estdepinge, a third part of four parts of 3 carucates of land in Brunne, and a third part of four parts of 3 carucates of land in Skeldingho, whereby the plaintiffs recognise the premises to be the right of Hugh, in return for which recognition Hugh grants to Isabel 4Z. 8s. 10Jd of rent in Wynchendon and Chestrefeud, to wit, lis. l\&. in Wynchendon by the hand of the abbot of Nuttle of the rent of 16Z. which the abbot used to render him, and lis. 9d. in Chestrefeud to be taken yearly of the ovens and market of Chestrefeud, to Geoffrey and Joan 4:1. 8s. lOJd. of rent in 20 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1374. I Membrane 16 — cont. Wynchendon out of the tenement which the said abbot previously held of Hugh therein, and to Ralph and Ascelina SI. of rent in Wynchendon out of a like tenement, and all the plaintiffs shall render Hugh Id. at Easter every year at Brunne. Nov. 8. Pardon to Thomas Nurris of Mumby of the king's suit for the death Westminster, of William Lailyk of Farlesthorp ; as the king has learned by the record of William de Wychyngham and Thomas de Ingelby, justices appointed to deliver the gaol of Lincoln castle, that he killed him in self-defence. Nov. 5. Presentation of Roger Gerveys to the church of Grymmesby, in Westminster, the diocese of Lincoln. By p.s. MEMBRANE 15. Inspeximus and confirmation of letters patent (in French) of Simon, bishop of London, and John de Appelby, dean, and the chapter of the church of St. Paul, London, dated 8 September, 1364, granting to Henry Chasteleyn, the bishop's esquire and chamberlain, the office of parker of his park of Crondone for life, taking daily 3d. sterling and every year at Christmas a robe of the suit of the bishop's esquires or 13s. 4d, and all branches and crops blown down by the wind and all crops and branches of oaks and other trees granted by the bishop or his successors, pasture for 3 oxen, cows or other beasts of that nature and for 3 foals, and pannage and pasture for 4 swine in the park except in time of fawning (founesoun), in return for which he shall well and loyally keep the park and collect all agistments of the park and pastures and pannage of the swine within and without the park ; and in time of voidance of the see he shall answer for the issues to the dean and chapter ; and if he fail in performing his office and be convicted of such failure, and do not make reasonable amends to the bishop in the following month, then the bishop and his successors, and in time of voidance the dean and chapter, may resume the office into their hands and dispose thereof at their pleasure. For \ mark paid in the hanaper. Nov. 2. Presentation of William de Dalton, chaplain, to the church of Westminster. Wermyngton, in the diocese of Coventry and Lichfield, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the abbey of Lyre being in his hand on account of the war with France. Nov. 1. Whereas lately by covenant with the king Robert de Knolles, Westminster, knight, undertook to lead a certain number of men-at-arms and others in the war with France, and by pretext thereof the king granted him certain lands, which were afterwards by advice of the council resumed into the king's hand because Robert did not fulfil his part of the covenant, and whereas Robert afterwards submitted to the king's grace and was admitted thereto at the instant asking of the king's sons, Edward, prince of Wales, and John, king of Castile and Leon, duke of Lancaster, and other magnates, saving the king's right to the lands so resumed ; the king has pardoned him his suit for all seditions, adherences to the king's enemies, receivings of the said enemies and assent, council and all favours shown to them within and without the realm, all disobediences, takings of towns, castles, Oct. 29. Westminster. 48 EDWARD III.— Part II. 2! 1374. Membrane 15 — cont. fortresses and prisoners surrendered without licence, breakings of truces and safe conducts, sales of castles, cities, boroughs, towns, manors, hamlets, lands, rents, services and prisoners in England, France, Brittany, Gascony and elsewhere to the king's enemies and others, all challenges and impeachments of counterfeiting, breaking or violating the king's seal, failure to take the number of men-at- arms and others undertaken by him, all felonies, homicides, arsons, robberies, trespasses, concealments, false counsels, forestalleries, confederacies, conspiracies, ambidextries, allegiances, maintenances, falsities, oppressions, usuries, extortions, collusions, deceptions, assemblies, excesses, damages and grievances, all other matters perpetrated by him against the king's crown, royal dignity and majesty, and the common law, statutes, proclamations and pro- hibitions, all disobediences and trespasses to any of the king's lieutenants, officials or ministers in the governance, leading or diminution of men-at-arms at the wars, treason, slaying or other mischance due to his default, all takings of ships, barges, boats and other vessels at sea [or] in port in time of truce in England and else- where, and all captures of goods in the vessels, deaths, takings of prisoners and ransoms in time of war and peace ; and all consequent outlawries. He has also remitted to him all debts and accounts of money received by him of imprest and from revenues, issues or ransoms of prisoners, cities, boroughs, towns, manors, hamlets, lands, rents and services, whether from the commonalty of the country or from individuals, and all actions of covenant, receipts of customs, subsidies, payments of gold and silver by bond, indenture, promise, order or otherwise, all profits pertaining in any way to the king for the aforesaid causes, and all amercements, fines, issues forfeit and other charges wherewith he is or could be charged, so that he, his heirs, executors or terre-tenants be not in any way impeached of the premises. By K. and C. Nov. 4. Presentation of John de Grantham to the church of Sundresshe, Westminster, in the diocese of Canterbury, in the king's gift by reason of the voidance of the archbishopric of Canterbury. By p.s. Oct. 26. Licence, at the supplication of William de Debenham and for 100s. Westminster, paid to the king by John Bole, parson of the church of Alby, Robert Grigge, clerk, Thomas de Wroxham and Richard Smyth, for the said William to enfeoff John, Robert, Thomas and Richard of the lands in Tatyngton and Wilbeye granted him by letters patent dated 5 June, 43 Edward III, provided that the feoffees pay any rent due therefrom to the heirs of Robert de Ufford, late earl of Suffolk, and sustain the charges incumbent on the premises. Nov. 6. Revocation of the protection with clause volumus for one year Westminster, lately granted to John de Houton of Great Yarmouth, who was to have gone on the king's service to the parts of Calais to stay there in the munition of the castle of Sandegate ; as the king is certainly informed that he makes no preparations and does not intend to go. Nov. 8. Pardon to John Banak of the king's suit for the death of John Westminster. Lyon of Haydon, the younger ; as the king has learned by the record of Robert de la Mare and his fellows, justices appointed to deliver the gaol of the castle of Old Sarum, that he killed him in self-defence. 22 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1374. Membrane 15 — cont. Nov. 3. Presentation of John Penreth of Stanerne to the vicarage of the Westminster, church of Walberton, in the diocese of Chichester, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the alien priory of Bosgrove being in his hand on account of the war with France. MEMBRANE 14. Oct. 25. Pardon, at the supplication of the king's daughter, the queen of Westminster. Castile and Leon, duchess of Lancaster, to John son of John de Aynesworth of the king's suit for the death of Geoffrey del Holt, whereof he is indicted or appealed, and of any consequent outlawry. By p.s. Oct. 22. Pardon to Thomas de Felton of his trespass in acquiring for life Westminster, from the king's firstborn son, the prince, the castle, town and lordship of Haverford (except fees and advowsons, escheats and forfeitures, and the house in which courts are held in Haverford, and except the intrinsec and foreign courts held there every fortnight and month), and the prises of wine within the port of Mulleford and 8/. lis. 3d. yearly of the issues of the said intrinsec and foreign courts, all held in chief, and entering into the castle, town and lordship and taking the prises and money aforesaid without licence ; and grant that he may retain the same. By p.s. Oct. 25. Pardon to Adam son of Robert de Hodirsale, for good service to be Westminster, rendered to the king beyond seas in the company of his son, the duke of Brittany, of the king's suit for the death of Adam del Threllefale, whereof he is indicted or appealed, and of any consequent outlawry. By p.s. Oct. 23. Pardon, in like terms, at the request of the king's son, John, duke of Westminster. Brittany, count of Montford and earl of Richemond, to William Todde of Nidderdale, for good service to be rendered by him beyond seas in the duke's company, of the king's suit for the death of John del Stene of Nidderdale. By p.s. Oct. 29. Presentation of Robert de Faryngton to the chantry of Menacudel Westminster, in the chapel of St. Michael situate in the churchyard of St. Austell, Cornwall, together with the rectory of the church of St. Clether annexed or appropriated thereto, in the diocese of Exeter, in the king's gift by reason of the priory of Tywardrayth being in his hand on account of the war with France. Oct. 28. Presentation of John Baron, chaplain, vicar of the church of Westminster. Estgrenewich, in the diocese of Rochester, to the church of Duddyng- hurst, in the diocese of London, in the king's gift by reason of the keeping of the land and heir of Thomas de Veer, late earl of Oxford, who held in chief, being in his hand ; on an exchange of benefices with John Frere. Nov. 1. On the petition of the prior and canons of Elsyngspitel, London, Westminster, shewing that William de Bristowe, citizen and white-tawyer of London, bequeathed in his last will a messuage within Neugate in the parish of St. Sepulchre, London, and 2 messuages in the parishes of St. Mary, Aldermanbury, and St. Mary-le-Bow, London, to William, his son, 48 EDWARD III.— Part II. 1374. Membrane 14 — cont. and his heirs and assigns, to find a chaplain to celebrate divine service daily in the church of St. Mary, Alder manbury, London, for his soul and the souls of his relations, friends and benefactors, and afterwards his said son alienated the premises to Simon, his brother, to find the said chantry, and Simon, a citizen of the said city, bequeathed the same in his last will to be sold by his executors to find the said chantry ; and praying the king to grant licence for William de Eynesham and ■ Benedict Walkelyn, the said executors, to grant in mortmain to them, the said prior and canons, the said messuages, held of the king in burgage, which are worth beyond the sustenance of the said chaplain 4^. yearly as is found by an inquisition taken by Adam de Bury, late mayor and escheator in London, to find the said chantry ; the king has granted licence for the said executors to alienate the premises in mortmain to the prior and canons in satisfaction of 4s. of the 201. of land and rent which they had the king's licence to acquire. Nov. 2. Whereas Simon Chynnore, deceased, and John Chynnore lately Westminster, acquired in fee 2 messuages and 26 acres of land in Farnham, parcel of the manor of Farnham, from Thomas de Furnyvall, who held the manor in chief, and entered therein without licence, on account of which trespass the premises were taken into the king's hand ; the king, for 6«s. Sd. paid by John, has pardoned him the trespass and restored to him the premises. Oct. 30. Presentation of John son of Peter le Smyth of Lechamsted to the Westminster, church of Cotesford, in the diocese of Lincoln, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the priory of Okebourne being in his hand on account of the war with France. Sept. 4. Pardon, at the supplication of Godfrey de Roos, keeper of the Westminster, castle of Oudrewyk, to Thomas le Vikeresbrother of Scharclyf of the king's suit for the death of Walter de Elmeton, chaplain, whereof he is indicted or appealed, and of any consequent outlawry. By p.s. Oct. 28. Pardon to John Baldewyn of Handesworth of the king's suit for Westminster, the death of William Syueker of Ekyngton, whereof he is indicted or appealed, and of any consequent outlawry ; as the king is informed that he killed him in self-defence. By p.s. Oct. 29. Pardon, at the supplication of the king's son John, duke of Brittany, Westminster, count of Montfort and earl of Richemund, and for good service to be rendered by Roger son of Richard Alone of Flete in the said duke's company beyond seas, to the said Roger of the king's suit for having broken a chest of Roger Crispe of Flete and taken away therefrom 201. in money by tale on Monday after Martinmas in the king's forty- sixth year, whereof he is indicted or appealed, and of any consequent outlawries. By p.s. Oct. 30. Whereas lately Robert de Grondwell, vicar of the church of Nether- Westminster, bury and Bemenstre, made petition to the king shewing that, whereas he lately obtained that vicarage of the pope's collation and the king by letters patent ratified his estate therein, nevertheless, at the untrue suit of one Brian Sloman, chaplain, who suggested that the vicarage was void and in the king's gift, the king presented Brian thereto, CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1374. Membrane 14 — cont. by pretext of which presentation he has been removed therefrom, and praying the king to revoke the said presentation, whereupon the king ordered the sheriff of Dorset to summon Brian to be before him in the Chancery in the quinzaine of Michaelmas last to shew cause why his presentation should not be revoked, on which day the sheriff returned that he had summoned Brian as above by John Merkant and Richard Wayte ; and because the said Brian did not come on that day, although solemnly called, the king has thought fit to revoke the said presentation. MEMBRANE 13. Presentation of Robert atte Hethe, parson of the church of Geddyng, in the diocese of Norwich, to the church of Aisseleye, in the same diocese, in the king's gift by reason of the keeping of the land and heir of the earl of Oxford, who held in chief, being in his hand ; on an exchange of benefices with Henry Grene. Nov. 10. Writ of aid on behalf of Thomas Maidenston, William Hwe and Westminster. John Elfere whom the king's yeoman, William Hervy, to whom the king lately granted the office of the alnage of woollen cloths for sale in England, has deputed before the king in Chancery to exercise the office in his place in the county of Kent. By testimony of the said William Hervy. Nov. 15. Commission to the sheriff of Middlesex to arrest labourers for the Westminster, enclosure of the king's park of Istelworth, and for the cleansing of the dykes around the park, deliver them to Nicholas Bertelot, parker there, and John Godefray, reeve of the manor of Istelworth, appointed surveyors of the said works, and arrest all contrariants and commit them to prison until the king give further order touching their punishment. Commission to the said Nicholas and John to survey the said works and fell wood and underwood without waste within the park for the said enclosure. Nov. 16. Presentation of Philip de Hertford, parson of the church of Aspeden, Westminster, in the diocese of Lincoln, to the vicarage of the church of Ware, in the diocese of London, in the king's gift by reason of the alien priory of Ware being in his hand on account of the war with France ; on an exchange of benefices with Peter de Wynestede. Whereas Nicholas Russell, clerk, was put out of the king's protection for non-appearance before the justices of the Bench to answer the king touching certain contempts and misdeeds perpetrated by him, whereof he was impeached ; because he is now prepared to stand to right and has surrendered to the Flete prison as Robert Bealknap, chief justice, has certified, the king has admitted him to his peace and protection. Nov. 17. Pardon, at the supplication of the king's son John, duke of Brittany, Westminster, count of Montfort and earl of Richemond, to Richard Bosevilman of Horsfall, for good service to be rendered by him beyond seas in the duke's company, of the king's suit for the death of Robert de Derlay Nov. 12. Westminster. Nov. 17. Westminster. 48 EDWARD III.— Part II. 25 1374. Membrane 13 — cont. of Wirkesburgh and Thomas del Hill of Wirkesburgh, and for having, with Thomas Dodeman son of Thomas Dodeman of Gildesom, robbed the said Robert and Thomas del Hill of certain goods, whereof he is indicted or appealed, and of any consequent outlawries. By p.s. Pardon in like terms to Robert son of John Abraham of Algerkerke for the death of William Ropere, the younger, of Suterton. By p.s. Nov. 20. Presentation of Roger Wyke, parson of the church of St. Nicholas, Westminster. Hereford, in the diocese of Hereford, to the vicarage of the church of Bridestowe, in the same diocese, in the king's gift by reason of the lands and possessions in England of the alien abbey of Lyre being in his hand on account of the war with France ; on an exchange of benefices with Adam Dunre. Nov. 20. Commission to William Cole, Stephen Derneford, John Sampson, Westminster. Roger Boswynes, Robert Possebury, Geoffrey Conches, John Weston, William Trerys, William Gille, Morice Berde, William Bourewe, the younger, and Humphrey Passour, burgesses of Plymmoutht, in consideration of the damage and disgrace which might happen to the town and the country adjacent by invasion of enemies through lack of good governance, to survey and correct all defects in the town and port whereby peril might arise through hostile attacks, fortify them by all means, array the men of the town to resist the king's enemies, do all other things necessary for the town's safety, and arrest all rebels and contrariants and commit them to prison until the king order otherwise touching their punishment ; saving always the rights and privileges of the lords of the town. By C. Nov. 24. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Thomas de Beverston Westminster, and John Godwot to the abbot and convent of St. Peter's, Gloucestre, of 2 messuages and a carucate of land in Gloucestre and Haukesbury, not held in chief, which are of the yearly value of 33s. 4d. as is found by an inquisition taken by John ap Rees, escheator in the county of Gloucester, to find two torches burning daily in the abbey church before the high altar at high mass, to hold in full satisfaction of the 20Z. of land and rent which the said abbot and convent had the king's licence to acquire. Nov. 24. Writ de intendendo, directed to the tenants of the lordship of Powys, Westminster, on behalf of Richard Darundell, ' chivaler,' to whom the king on 20 July last committed the keeping of the manors and lands late of John de Cherleton of Powys, knight, who held in chief, together with the issues thereof from the time of John's death, until the full age of his heir. Nov. 27. Presentation of Walter Herman, parson of the church of Assh, Westminster, in the diocese of Winchester, to the church of Nyton in the Isle of Wight, in the same diocese, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities in England of the alien abbey of Lyre being in his hand on account of the war with France ; on an exchange of benefices with the king's clerk, William de Redenesse. 26 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1374. Me?nbrane 13 — cont. Oct. 15. Grant during pleasure to John Corbet, one of the foresters of Westminster. Wyndesore forest, of 3d. daily for his wages out of the issues of Wyndesore castle. By p.s. Vacated and surrendered, because Richard II., on 27 June in his twelfth year, granted him the said 3d. daily for life. Nov. 1. Grant as above to Stephen Forester, keeper of the park of Foly Westminster. Johan in the forest of Wyndesore, of 2d. daily of the same issues. By p.s. Oct. 15. The like to John Saleman, one of the foresters of Wyndesore forest, Westminster, of Id. daily of the same issues. By p.s. Oct. 15. Grant to Robert de Beleknappe, chief justice of the Common Bench, Westminster, of 2 tuns of Gascon wine in the port of London by the hands of the king's butler, one at Martinmas and one at Easter, every year for as long as he shall remain in the said office. By p.s. MEMBRANE 12. Nov. 8. Presentation of Edward Morgan, chaplain, to the church of St. Westminster. Michael in Southstrete, Wylton, in the diocese of Salisbury, void by the resignation of Peter de Melkesham. Nov. 7. Pardon to Thomas son of Walter de Dodeston of the king's suit Westminster, for the death of John son of John ap Cadogan of Great Wylaston, whereof he is indicted or appealed, and of any consequent outlawry. By p.s. Nov. 10. Inspeximus and confirmation of a charter of Richard, sometime Westminster, count of Poitou and earl of Cornwall, witnessed by Andrew de Kardinan, Reynold de Valle son of William, William son of Richard, Randolph le Sor, Nicholas de Houton, Roland de Pudiford and others, granting to the church of St. Petroc, Bodmin, and Baldwin, prior, and the canons there, 40s. of rent which the burgesses of Bodmin were accustomed to render him or his attorneys in the borough of Bodmin, and the wood of Kyngeswode and Kelliwitho, in exchange for the manor of Teesno, to hold to them and their successors free and quit of all secular service and exaction. For 20s. paid in the hanaper. Nov. 8. Grant for life to Edmund de Chesthunt, one of the king's falconers, Queenborough. of the manor called ' Le Bruses * in Totenham, which Thomas de Hethe, ' chivaler,' lately held for life of the king's gift. By p.s. Nov. 12. Whereas lately the king by letters patent granted licence for John Westminster, de Mohun of Donesterre, ' chivaler,' and Joan his wife to enfeoff Simon, bishop of London, and others of the castle of Donesterre and the manors of Mynhed and Culveton, and by other letters patent granted licence for the said feoffees to grant the premises to any secular persons whom Joan should wish to name, and afterwards Richard, earl of Arundell, one of the feoffees, released his right in the premises to his co-feof¥ees without the king's licence ; the king, for \ mark paid by the said bishop, Aubrey de Veer, ' chivaler,' and John de Burgherssh, the remaining feoffees 3 has pardoned the said trespass. 48 EDWARD III.— Part II. 27 1374. Membrane 12 — cont. Oct. 14. Licence, for 40 household security and licence to do so, whereby he, now that he has withdrawn from the priory, dares not return there for fear of death, and many of his servants have for fear withdrawn from his service, felled his trees and carried them away, and assaulted John Toynton, his fellow- monk, and his men and servants. For 20s. paid in the hanaper. Membrane 30d. March 8. , Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Cavendissh, Roger Westminster, de Kirketon, Roger de Fulthorp, Giles Daubeneye, Thomas atte Hoo, John Holt and John Camel, on complaint by Thomas de Stapelho that Gilbert Aleyn, John Whitbred, Richard Cook of Seuelesho, John Smyth, chaplain, Robert Feltwell, Adam Messager, and others, besieged him and his servants for a great time in his dwelling-places at Luton and Shitlyngdon, co. Bedford, assaulted them there, carried away his goods at Totyngdon and Tilbrok, depastured and trod down with cattle his crops and grass at Shitlyngdon, and uttered such threats against him and his men and servants that he dares not come to his own for fear of death and cannot find servants to serve him. By the chancellor because at another time he made fine for 1 mark. Commission to Roger de Fulthorp, Roger de Wylasham, Geoffrey de Hunden and Thomas Pynchebek to make inquisition by the oath of good men of the lordship of Werk in Tyndale and the liberty of the same touching all felonies, trespasses and oppressions committed against the king and his people from the day when the lordship and liberty came into the king's hand by the death of his late consort, queen Philippa, lady of Tyndale, until 23 April in the forty-seventh year, on which day the king by letters patent committed the same to his son Edmund, earl of Cambridge. At the instance of the earl's council. March 21. Westminster. 50 EDWARD III.— Part I. 319 1376. Membrane 30d—cont. March 23. Commission de walliis et fossatis to Nicholas Heryng, John Godewot, Westminster. William Symme of Uppecherche, Richard Frogenhale and Adam Elys, in the marsh of Motteneye pertaining to the manor of Quenes- courte, co. Kent. May 30. The like to the abbot of Stratford, Nicholas Carreu, William Halden, Westminster. John Aubrey, John Bampton, William Rikhull and Roger Germeyn, along the shore of the water of Thames from Stratford atte Bowe as far as the town of Berkyng, co. Essex. June 5. The like to William de Wauton, ' chivaler,' Roger Mareschall, Westminster. Thomas de Belhous and Roger Germayn, at Westthurrok, co. Essex. July 14. The like to Roger de Fulthorp, William son of William Skipwyth, Westminster. John de Brakenholm, Thomas de Thurkill and John de Sadyngton, between the waters of Ouse and Derwent in the county of York. Membrane 29d. March 4. Commission to John de Cavendissh, Thomas Sakevill, John de Westminster. Aylesbury, John de Bermyncham, John Holt, Thomas atte Lude, John Tyryngham, John Olneye and William de Barton, to keep the peace, pursuant to the statutes of Winchester, Northampton and Westminster, in the county of Buckingham ; and to hear and determine all felonies, trespasses, forestalleries and regrateries, abuses of measures and weights, and delinquencies against the ordinances and statutes of labourers, and to inspect and determine processes and indictments begun before the said John Olneye and his fellows, late keepers of the peace and justices of oyer and terminer in the said county, which have not yet been determined. April 3. Commission to Richard Lyons and John Leycestre to make Westminster, inquisition by the oath of good men dwelling within the Tower of London touching all falsities and deceptions committed in the king's money and the coining (cunea) of the same within the Tower. By C. Membrane 28d. May 8. Commission to John Joce, John, lord of Staunton, John Gayner, Westminster. John Aure, John Ketford, Edward White and Richard Brayn, to arrest Nicholas Wyget, outlawed in the county of Gloucester for non-appearance before the king to answer Agnes late the wife of Philip Wyget touching an appeal of the death of her said husband, who is lurking in divers parts of the realm to evade justice ; and to bring him before the king to be delivered to the keeper of the Marshalsea of the King's Bench to be imprisoned there until delivered according to law and the custom of the realm. Membrane 26d. April 8. Commission to Peter de Veel, John Sergeant and Edmund de Brugges, Westminster, reciting that, whereas the king learning that there was great scarcity of corn in the counties of Gloucester, Worcester and Warwick on account of the excessive taking away and embracery of the same by English merchants, by divers writs lately charged the sheriffs of 320 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1376. Membrane 26d — cont. those counties to cause proclamation to be made that no such merchant should buy or embrace any corn except such as was necessary for his own expenses and the expenses of his household, or take the same from those counties, he now learns that, notwithstanding such proclamation, the scarcity prevails more than ever owing to the same causes ; and appointing them to find by inquisitions who have taken corn from there since the proclamation was made. April 16. Commission to Thomas de Sewale, escheat or in the counties of Westminster. Huntingdon, Bedford and Buckingham, Henry Englys and John Wauton, to make inquisitions in those counties touching all lands, rents and services alienated in mortmain, and any such, held in chief, alienated to any one without the king's licence ; and also touching all confederacies, false alliances, purprestures and oppressions committed in the same counties. By C. Commission to John Deveros, sheriff of Hereford, John Oldecastel, Henry Cachepol, John Joce and Robert Cole, to arrest William Cary, canon of the priory of Bruton of the order of St. Augustine, who is now a vagabond in secular habit to the scandal of his order, and have him delivered to his prior to be chastised according to the rule of his order. April 22. Westminster. Membrane 25d. ■ May 8. Commission to Thomas de Lathom, Adam de Hoghton, and Thomas Westminster, de Suthworth, knights, and Richard de Houghton, to make inquisition in the county of Lancaster touching all extortions, oppressions, falsities, damages, grievances, excesses, champerties, ambidextries and other misdeeds done against the king's people in that county. Membrane 24d. May 20. Commission to John de Gray of Codenore, Henry le Grey, Alfred Westminster. Sully, Ralph de Braylesford, Nicholas de Knyvyngton, Peter de Legh, Ralph de Stathum and William de Sallowe, sheriff of Derby, to arrest in the said county William de Morton, Roger de Morton, John de Morton, Stephen de Bruggewode and Roger de Crossele, indicted of felonies, who having formed a confederacy and gathered to themselves other malefactors to prevent the friends of Thomas Whelok, lately killed by them, from daring to prosecute them for their punishment, threatening to kill them and other of the king's lieges, wander about in the county committing intolerable damages ; and to take security of them to do no injury to the friends of Thomas or any other of the king's people ; and, if they refuse to make such security, to commit them to the county gaol until they do, certifying the king thereof from time to time when they take such security. By C. The like to Hugh, earl of Stafford, James de Audeley, William Trussell, Thomas de Ardern, John de Verdon, John de Oldyngton and Nicholas de Stafford, sheriff of Stafford. By the same C. The like to Adam de Hoghton, Thomas de Sutheworth, Geoffrey de Workesley, John Mascy, Richard son of John de Radclyf, Thurstan de Holand, Ralph de Radclyf of Chaderton and the sheriff of Lancaster. By the same C. 50 EDWARD III.— Part I. 321 1376. Membrane 23d. May 20. Commission of oyer and terminer to Thomas de Ingelby, Roger de Westminster. Kirketon, Robert de Swillyngton, William Mirifeld, William de Nesfeld and John Dent, on complaint by the king's son John, king of Castile and Leon and duke of Lancaster, that Thomas Mundvill and others brjke his parks and hedges at the town of Pontefract, Tikhill, Kr.aresburgh and Sledburn in Bouland, co. York, and entered his free clmces and warrens there, hunted in these, felled his trees, fished in his stews and several fisheries there, dug in his turbaries there, carried away the turves thereof, fish, trees, brushwood of the hedges and other goods, deer from the parks and chaces, and hares, conies, pheasants and partridges from the warrens, took away 20 horses and 20 oxen, worth 40/., waived there by some thieves and pertaining to him according to liberties granted to him and former lords of the said towns and his manors therein as ' wayf,' trod down and consumed with cattle his grass, and assaulted his men, servants and tenants, whereby the latter have withdrawn from their holdings. Membrane 22d. May 20. Commission to Hugh Cheyne, sheriff of Wilts, Richard atte Halle Westminster, of North Okebourne, John Balle, Henry atte Lake and Robert atte Lake, to arrest John Whiteside of Chiselden, outlawed in the county of Sussex for non-appearance before the king to answer Alice de Compton touching a plea of trespass, who is lurking in divers parts of the realm so that he cannot be brought to justice ; and to bring him before the king on the octaves of Midsummer. The like to Nicholas atte Crouche, sheriff of Kent, William Lambyn, Geoffrey Robyn and Thomas Taverner, to arrest Thomas Sullefene of Mynstre, outlawed in the said county at the suit of Alice as above. Membrane 2ld. May 12. Commission to Henry de Gray of Shirland, Richard de Vernoun, Westminster. John de la Pole and John Foucher, to make inquisition in the county of Derby touching all the articles in a petition shewn before the king and council on behalf of his first-born son Edward, prince of Wales, which the king sends to them under his seal. By C, at the suit of the prince's council. May 13. Commission to William de Nevill, admiral of the king's fleet from Westminster, the mouth of the Thames towards the north, William de Aton, Thomas de Ingelby, Roger de Fulthorp, William de Erghom and Robert de Acclome, deputy of the said admiral, to make inquisition by the oath of good men of the county of York touching a plaint of the burgesses of Scardeburgh to the king containing that, whereas among liberties granted to them by charters of the king's progenitors, kings of England, and his confirmation, in aid of the payment of the farm of their town, it was granted that they might improve the wastes lying within the precincts of the town, and there is a waste, called ' Sandes,' lying between their town and the quay, and they and their ancestors have built on this for the most part and they hold their market and fair on the remainder, and have been accustomed to make executions of debts, trespasses and other contracts there by the bailiffs and minis- ters of the town, they are now newly prevented from making their Wt. 18915. ¥ 21 322 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1376. Membrane 21d — cont. profit of the waste or such executions by the said admiral's lieutenants, who assert that the waste should pertain to the king. May 20. Commission to Roger de Wylasham, Thomas atte Ook of Bergham Westminster, and William Berard, to make inquisition in the county of Suffolk touching all persons concerned in the death of John de Wylasham, killed at Bresete. Membrane 20d. May 15. Commission of oyer and terminer to Michael de la Pole, ' chivaler,' Westminster. Master Geoffrey le Scrope, John de Stafford, clerk, Roger de Kirketon, Henry Asty, William Bussy, Thomas de Kidale, Robert de Morton, J ohn Poucher and John de Boys on complaint by the citizens of Lincoln, for themselves and merchants of the city of York and the towns of Notyngham, Kyngeston-upon-Hull and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and other merchants, as also for the commonalties of divers counties, whereby it has come to the king's ears that a dyke called ' Fosdyke,' extending from the water of Trente to the city of Lincoln, by which ships and boats with merchandise and victuals used to pass to and from that city, is now obstructed by some of those parts who have meadows and pastures on both sides of the dyke taking their cattle in the summer across the dyke to pasture, and also by grass growing therein in unusual quantity and the rising of the sand there, so that there now is no passage for ships and boats. May 18. Commission to Robert de Preston and the mayor and bailiffs of Westminster, the city of Dublin to find by inquisition by the oath of good men of their city and of the county of Dublin whether, as the king is informed, Richard de Heghgrene of Dublin, deceased, was a bastard and died without heir of himself, and whether he held lands and rents in the city of the king in chief, as in burgage, whereby such ought to pertain to the king as his escheats. May 28. Commission of oyer and terminer to William la Souche of Haryng- Westminster. worth, William la Souche, the younger, Roger de Fulthorp, Ralph de Ferrers, Gervase de Clifton, William Flam vy 11 and William de Burgh, in the county of Leicester, on complaint by Thomas Walshe, ' chivaler,' that William de Clune, abbot of Leycestre, William Elys and John Colyngham, his fellow-canons, Robert de Lokynton of Barowe, Thomas Whytyngham, Robert Pulter of Leycestre, John del Bakhous of Leycestre, John de Beby, Richard 'the Selereresman of Leycestre,' and others, lay in wait for him at Leycestre and assaulted him, fished in his several fishery at Anlep, carried away his fish and assaulted his men and servants. For 20s. paid in the hanaper. Membrane I9d. May 14. Association of Richard Holdych and Thomas Caus of Hokham in Westminster, the commission of the peace and of oyer and terminer to William de Ufford, earl of Suffolk, and his fellows, in the county of Norfolk. May 13. The like of Stephen de Derby of Langton in the commission of the Westminster, peace &c. to William de Monte Acuto, earl of Salisbury, and his fellows, in the county of Dorset, 50 EDWARD III.— Part I. 323 1376. Membrane 19d — cont. May 29. The like of John Gildesburgh in the commission of the peace &c. Westminster, to Robert Bealknap and his fellows, in the county of Essex. The like of Thomas de Rokeby, John de Dent and William de Blakeden, in the commission of the peace &c. to John, king of Castile and Leon and duke of Lancaster, and his fellows, in the North Riding, co. York. June 20. The like of Alvered Sulny in the commission of the peace &c. to Westminster, the said king and his fellows, in the county of Derby, in the room of Godfrey Foljeambe, who is dead. June 9. The like of William de Stapulton and John de Denton in the Westminster, commission of the peace &c. to Roger de Clyfford and his fellows, in the county of Cumberland. June 29. The like of Robert Waryn in the commission of the peace &c. to Westminster. John de Cavendissh and his fellows, in the county of Huntingdon. July 16. The like of Geoffrey Hunden in the commission of the peace &c. Westminster, to John, king of Castile and Leon and duke of Lancaster, and his fellows, in the county of Hertford. Nov. 18. The like of Roger de Wolferston and William Berard in the commis- Westminster. sion of the peace &c. to William de Ufford, earl of Suffolk, and his fellows, in the county of Suffolk. May 20. Commission to Hugh, earl of Stafford, James de Audeley, William Westminster. Trussell, Thomas de Ardern, John de Verdon, John Oldyngton and Richard de Peshale, sheriff of Salop, to arrest William de Morton, Roger de Morton, John de Morton, Stephen de Bruggewode and Roger de Crossele, indicted of felonies. [See m. 24d.] By C. May 30. Commission of oyer and terminer to Ralph, baron of Greystok, Westminster. Thomas de Ingelby and William de la Vale, on complaint by Thomas de Alta Ripa that William de Aton, ' chivaler,' and others, burned his houses at New Malton and Old Malton, co. York, carried away his goods and 24Z. in money by tale, and so threatened him that he has not dared to go to those towns to make his profit of his lands and tenements there. MEMBRANE ISd. Commission to Thomas Elys and Arnold Broun to arrest John de Sandewico, monk of the abbey of St. Augustine, Canterbury, of the order of St. Benedict, who is now a vagabond in secular habit, and have him delivered to his abbot to be chastised according to the rule of his order. By the chancellor, on the testimony of the bishop of Winchester. June 12. Commission to Richard Nowell, archdeacon of Hereford, and Henry Westminster, de Shipton, clerk, to make a visitation of the king's free chapel within the castle of Bruggenorth ; as it is said to be greatly deficient in its houses and other buildings, as well as in its books, vestments and June 19. Westminster. 324 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1376. Membrane 18d — cont. ornaments, by want of care and neglect of the wardens and ministers, and the number of chaplains that ought to be there is said to be diminished and its lands and goods wasted : and to correct all defects found there and punish delinquents according to their deserts, without, however, proceeding so far as the removal of any person, and to do all things that belong to a visitation. June 26. Commission to Roger de Fulthorp, John Ask, John de Kirkeby, Westminster. John de Surflete, Robert de Ledes, John Lascelles and Richard Drax, to keep the statute of Edward I, [Westminster the Second cap. 47] against taking of salmon out of season, in the waters of Humbre, Ouse, Trent, Done, Eire, Derwent, Querf, Nydde, Yore, Swale and Tese, in the counties of York, Nottingham and Lincoln ; and to find by inquisition the names of those who are delinquents in this and punish them as the act provides. Membrane \5d. June 27. Commission to Henry Percehay, John de Beaumond, John de Westminster. Affeton, William de Brightle and John Assh, to make inquisition in the county of Devon touching an information that John Dobba, William Coula, John Vicary and other evildoers broke the park of Chetelhampton, late of Edward le Despenser, who held in chief, which is in the king's hand among other lands of the said Edward by his death and the nonage of his heir, hunted in it, felled the trees and underwood thereof and carried away the trees, as well as deer from the park ; and to send their inquisition into the Chancery without delay. July 4. Commission of oyer and terminer to Robert Bealknap, Walter de Westminster. Perle, Robert de la Mare and Philip Fitz Waryn, on complaint by Maud Wodehous of Hasshebury that Joan late the wife of John Roche, Robert, parson of the church of Stratfeld Say, and others, at Over- weston, co. Wilts, broke her close and house, drove away 12 oxen, worth 20 marks, carried away her goods and assaulted her men and servants. By the chancellor because sealed at another time by fine of J mark. Membrane I4d. Commission to Michael de la Pole, Roger de Fulthorp, Gerard de Usflete, Gilbert de Culwen, escheator in the county of York, and Peter de Grymesby, to make an inquisition ad quod damnum in the said county touching a petition to the king by the mayor, bailiffs and commonalty of Kyngeston-upon-Hull that, inasmuch as their town is situated on the shore of the water of Humbre on a salt soil, and in dry seasons the inhabitants and their beasts suffer much for lack of fresh water, he will grant them licence to make a dyke 10 feet wide, whereby a full and constant stream of fresh water may be had for their town from the town of Anlaby, where there is abundance of such water, on the north side of the king's highway between the said towns, which way is everywhere 40 feet wide, as is said, and to narrow the said way to that extent, without impeachment or offence of the king or any other, on condition that thenceforward it be not lawful for any to make any gutter or conduit across the said way to diminish the course of the water of the dyke, and that the mayor, bailiffs and June 10. Westminster. 50 EDWARD III.— Part I. 325 1376. Membrane 14d — cont. commonalty and their heirs and successors be bound to cleanse and repair the dyke at their own charges whenever necessary. Juno 12. Commission of oyer and terminer to Henry de Percy, Roger de Westminster. Clifford, Ralph, baron of Graystoke, Thomas Musgrave, Roger de Kirketon, Roger de Fulthorp, Gilbert de Culwen, Robert Moubray and James de Pykeryng, on complaint by John de Derwentwatre, sheriff of Cumberland, for the king and himself, that, whereas William de Rouclyf, who was lately indicted before him in his tourn at Carlisle for divers felonies and was irrepleviable, having been taken and com- mitted to the king's gaol of the castle of Carlisle until he should be de- livered according to law and the custom of the realm, broke the prison and got out, and on immediate pursuit by the sheriff, by his bailiff John Knaresdayll, was taken again at his command and returned to the said prison, Richard de Salkeld, John del Kychyn, Thomas 'Jakson Wilkokson ' and others, armed, assaulted the said sheriff when holding his tourn with his ministers in the castle of Carlisle, according to his office, because he refused to release the said William from prison by mainprise, and also assaulted the said John Knaresdayll for his re- capture of William, and the sheriff's other men, servants and ministers assisting him in the execution of his office, and maimed some of them. By C. June 20. Commission to Andrew de Tyndale and William Lylye, king's ser- Westminster. jeants-at-arms, John Popham, Nicholas de Hatfeld, John Vendour and John de Stokton, reciting that whereas the king, understanding that Peter de Stapelton, clerk, caused John de Moreton, Robert de Moreton and John Saundesson to be cited to answer in an alien court without the realm upon their lay fee in Whitbern, and there prosecuted a plea thereof, and did and procured many other things to the prejudice of the king and his crown and to the damage of the said John, Robert and John, lately charged the sheriff of Northumberland, by writ, to summon the said Peter at Whitberne to be before the justices at Westminster a month after Easter to answer the king touching the contempt and the said John, Robert and John of their damages, according to the ordinance and agreement made in such case by the common counsel of the realm, and for non-appearance on the day appointed in the writ he was put out of the king's protection, and whereas the king now understands that he is a fugitive from justice in divers counties, he has appointed them to arrest him and bring him before the justices. June 20. Commission to W. bishop of London, Thomas, bishop of Ely, A. Westminster, bishop of St. Davids, R. bishop of Salisbury, and W. bishop of Chichester, to settle the dissensions lately arisen between the masters and doctors of theolog}^, of canon and of civil law, and of the faculty of arts, and the bachelors and scholars of those sciences, on account of some statutes relating to the form and responsions of the bachelors of canon and of civil law newly published in the university of Oxford. [Fosdera.] Granted in Pari, with the assent of the said prelates. July 1. Association of Roger de Brokholes in the commission of oyer and Westminster, terminer to Adam de Hoghton, William de Nessefeld, Thomas Molyneux, John de Faryngton and Gilbert de Berburn and to Matthew 326 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1376. Membrane 14d — cont. de Rixton, now deceased, touching delinquents against the ordinances and statutes of labourers in the county of Lancaster. Membrane lid. July 12. Commission of oyer and terminer to Roger de Fulthorp, John Westminster. Derwentwater, Thomas de Whitrigge, Robert de Bampton, William de Lancastre, William de Stapelton and Robert de Ormesheved, on complaint by William de Whitlawe of Penreth that Hugh de Louther, knight, John de Louther, Robert de Louther, William son of Hugh de Louther, John de Berwicz, and others, assaulted him and carried away his goods at Penreth, co. Cumberland. For J mark paid in the hanaper. The like, on complaint by John le Servant ' bon skarlet,' as above. For \ mark paid in the hanaper. The like, on complaint by John Dobynson of Penreth, as above. For \ mark paid in the hanaper. The like, on complaint by Thomas Tewer, as above. For \ mark paid in the hanaper. Membrane lOd. July 9. Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Cavendissh, Ralph Westminster, de Ferrers, ' chivaler,' John de Burgh, ' chivaler,' William Moigne, ' chivaler,' John Holt, John de Midelton and Nicholas Styuecle, on complaint by the king's kinswoman Margaret Mareschale, countess of Norfolk, that Hugh la Zouche, ' chivaler,' William Tamworth, parson of the church of Drayton, John Clerk, Adam Hobuldod, Henry Weginale, chaplain, John Thorpe, Stephen Wannesworth, John Dornale, Henry Dornale, Richard Andrewe, Robert Andrewe, John Roke, the younger, and others, armed and with burning torches, dug by night in her several soil at Fenstanton, co. Huntingdon, and made dykes in the soil, fished in her several fishery there, and carried away fish, the earth thrown up out of her soil, and other goods, and assaulted her men and servants. For J mark paid in the hanaper. Membrane 9d. July 10. Commission of oyer and terminer to Thomas de Ingelby, Roger Westminster, de Kirketon, Roger de Fulthorp, John Fitz William, Thomas Ughtred, John Conestable of Halsham, John de Hothom, John Bygod and Robert de Morton, on complaint by Peter de Malo Lacu that Richard atte Asshe of Doncastre, Richard de Edlyngton of Doncastre, Richard Hare, Roger de Bolton, Robert Scotte of Raynsate, John Foxholes of Langetoft, Robert de Levenyng, John Bertrom of Kilton, William Rayne, Robert son of Robert de Acclom, Robert Wascelyn of Bridsall, Geoffrey Danyell, John Wastell, chaplain, Alan Penok of Whiteby, Roger 'the paryssheprestman of Acclom,' Thomas de Messyngham of Doncastre, and others, broke his parks at Seton, Rosyngton and Helagh in Swaldale, and entered his free warrens at Baynton, Bridsall, Lokyn- ton, Doncastre and Mulgreve, co. York, hunted in these, felled his trees and carried them and other goods away, with deer from the parks and hares, conies, pheasants and partridges from the warrens, and assaulted his men and servants. For 20s. paid in the hanaper. 50 EDWARD III.— Part I. 327 Membrane sd. Commission of oyer and terminer to Robert de Bealknap, Hugh Segrave, Richard Acton, Thomas Hungerford, John de la Mare, Henry Percehay and Walter de Clopton, on complaint by the dean and chapter of the cathedral church of Wells that Henry Hacch of North- cory, John Sty ward of Kyngesbury, Hugh Caucy, Peter Jevelton, John Erneshill, William Mey, chaplain, William Spenser, John Veele, Hugh Othery, Walter Walssh, John Chaumbre, Richard son of Walter Lywere, Thomas Mylys, Thomas Tresawel, William Wodhele, Walter Veele, Roger Pound, Roger Norice, Richard Templere, John Mileward, Walter Proute, John Dauwe, William Brussheford, and others, entered their free warren at Northcory, co. Somerset, hunted therein, fished in their several fishery, carried away fish and other goods, with hares conies, pheasants and partridges from the warren, trod down and consumed with cattle their crops and grass there, made a dyke and walls on their soil whereby the water descending there, hindered from its ancient course, inundated their land, meadow and pasture adjoining, and they lost the profit thereof for a great time, while many of their cattle were in danger in the dyke, assaulted their men and servants and so threatened them, as well as their bailiffs and ministers of their manor of Northcory, that the men and servants dared not stay in their service and the bailiffs and ministers dared not hold their manor court, make execution of judgements rendered in the court, or make their other profits. For 20d. daily of the issues of the county of Northampton which he now takes at the king's will. By p.s. April 6. Mandate in pursuance to the sheriff of Northampton. Westminster. April 3. Pardon to John son of Henry Pers of Longlalleford of the king's Westminster, suit for the death of William Chaynell of Longelalleford ; as the king has learned by the record of Thomas de Ingelby and his fellows, late justices appointed to deliver the gaol of Warrewyk, that he killed him in self-defence. March 29. Grant for life to the king's esquire, Robert de Neuton, of a yearly Sheen. rent of 20 marks which Thomas de Alberton, deceased, lately took of the wapentake of Langebergh, co. York, and which came into the 446 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1377. Membrane 23—cont. king's hands as escheat because Thomas, who held it of the king in fee simple, died without heir. By p.s. April 9. Pardon to John Conyngesby, late buyer for the household, of the Sheen. following sums due from him to the king, to wit, 40/. of the third penny of oxen and muttons whereof he was in arrear between 13 February, 43 Edward III, and 17 June following, 493Z. 65. Sd. of the like third penny whereof he was in arrear between 28 June, 45 Edward III, and 27 June, 47 Edward III, 266/. 65. Sd. of the like third penny whereof he was in arrear between 28 June, 47 Edward III, and 30 September, 48 Edward III, and 282/. 5s. of the like third penny whereof he was in arrear between 1 October, 48 Edward III, and 14 October, 49 Edward III ; and discharge of him, his executors and terre-tenants of the said sums. By p.s. April 8. Grant to the prior and convent of the house of the Salutation of Sheen. the Mother of God, of the Carthusian order, by London, of a tun of wine yearly of the king's alms in the port of London. By p.s. April 2. Grant that the mazer cup called ' Edward,' and 39 other mazer Sheen. cups which the king lately caused to be delivered to the prior and convent of the order of Friars Preachers dwelling within the king's manor of Childernelangele, shall remain for ever in their house within the manor of the king's gift ; provided they be never eloigned there- from. By p.s. April 17. Appointment of Thomas Stake, lieutenant of the forest of Bere, Westminster, co. Southampton, to provide and fell in the said forest and elsewhere in those parts great timber and fuel for the repair of the castle of Porchestre, and fuel for the lime-kiln there, and to carry the timber and fuel to the castle. Membrane 22. April 5. Grant in fee to the king's serjeant, William Beyford, of the manor Westminster, of Stathern, co. Leicester, which was granted to him for life by letters patent dated 22 May, 44 Edward III. By p.s. April 8. Grant, for life or until other order, to Geoffrey de Herdeby, of the Sheen. order of the Friars Hermits of St. Augustine, master in theology, of 50 marks yearly of the farm of the city of London. By p.s. April 4. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by William de Wenlok, clerk, Westminster, to the prior and convent of Wenlok of 11 messuages in Wenlok, not held in chief, which are of the yearly value of 26s. Sd. as is found by an inquisition taken by John de Perton, late escheator in the county of Salop, to hold in satisfaction of 40s. of the 20 marks of land and rent which the prior and convent had the king's licence to acquire. April 10. Whereas by letters patent the king lately granted to John de Westminster. Salesbury the keeping of the lands and the marriage of the heir of William Vavasour of the county of York ; he has now granted him the said keeping and marriage from heir to heir, provided that he find fit sustenance for such heir and support the real services and other charges incumbent on the lands. By p.s. 51 EDWARD III. 447 1377. Membrane 22 — cont. April 12. Presentation of John de Mist ret on to the hospital of the Holy Ghost Westminster, and St. Mary Magdalene, Sandon, in the diocese of Winchester, in the king's gift for certain causes. April 3. Whereas the king lately ordained that, beyond the number of twenty Sheen. friars of the order of Friars Preachers dwelling within the manor of Childernlangele, twenty others friars chaplains of that order should dwell there to celebrate divine service for the souls of the king's progenitors, the king and the king's heirs ; he has now granted to the prior and convent of the said Friars Preachers 200 marks yearly at the Exchequer for the sustenance and vesture of the said twenty friars, as he granted them a like sum for the first twenty, until he shall have granted in mortmain to the prioress and sisters of the house of the order of Sisters Preachers, Dertford, 200 marks yearly of lands, rents or benefices, to pay the said sum to the prior and convent. By p.s. March 29. Grant, for life or until other order, to Richard Fode of 10/. yearly Westminster, at the Exchequer in lieu of a like grant to him by letters patent, surrendered, of 10 marks yearly when the king promoted him to be serjeant harbinger of the cart and sumpter-horses. By p.s. Vacated because surrendered, and he has other letters patent, dated 3 June in this year, of the keeping of the manor of Stratton, co. Wilts. April 17. Pardon to Nicholas Powere of his outlawry in the county of Middlesex Westminster, for non-appearance before the justices of the Bench to answer Robert Reydyng touching a plea that he render him an account of the time during which he was his receiver ; he having now surrendered to the Flete prison as Robert Bealknap, chief justice, has certified. The like to John Davy, chaplain, outlawed as above at the suit of Felicia Lange touching a plea that he render her chattels to the value of 10/. April 16. The like to Simon Percy, outlawed in the county of Dorset at the Westminster, suit of Edmund Barnabe for a debt of 60s. April 12. The like to William Culhom, chaplain, outlawed in the county of Westminster. Norfolk at the suit of Thomas de Swafham for a debt of 26/. April 18. The like to Beatrice Twygg, waived in the husting of London at Westminster, the suit of Reynold Paye, ' cordewaner,' for a debt of 54s. 4d. April 20. The like to Thomas Hoye, outlawed in the county of Middlesex Westminster, at the suit of Geoffrey Caproun touching a plea of trespass against him and others. The like to John Pampiloun, outlawed as above at the suit of the same. The like to Richard Kirich, outlawed as above at the suit of the same. April 18. The like to Nicholas Amys, outlawed in the husting of London at Westminster, the suit of Henry de Berkhampstede touching a plea that he render him an account of the time during which he was his receiver. 448 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1377. Membrane 22 — cont. April 24. The like to Robert Clerk of Bert on Stacy, outlawed in the county Westminster, of Warwick at the suit of Walter, prior of Kenille worth, and Thomas de Merston, his fellow-canon, executors of the will of John de Merston Boteler, touching a plea that he render them 20Z. April 24. The like to John Rees of Long Stratton, outlawed in the husting Westminster, of London at the suit of Simon Wynchecombe, citizen and armourer of London, for a debt of 465. 8d. April 24. The like to John Shirfeld of Salisbury, outlawed as above at the Westminster, suit of William Tyderleye, citizen and merchant of London, touching a plea that he render him an account of the time during which he was his receiver. April 28. The like to John Archere of Yaxham, outlawed in the county of Westminster. Middlesex at the suit of John Colle of Yaxham touching a plea of trespass. The like to William Syger of Estderham, outlawed as above at the suit of the same. The like to Robert Agge, outlawed as above at the suit of the same. The like to John Thomson of Yaxham, outlawed as above at the suit of the same. April 30. The like to John Tyryngton, outlawed in the county of Essex at Westminster, the suit of William Bovyngton touching a plea of trespass. April 28. The like to Edmund Willy, outlawed in the husting of London Westminster, at the suit of Thomas Walden touching a plea that he render him an account of the time during which he was his receiver. April 24. The like to William Semer of Scarburgh, outlawed in the county Westminster, of Middlesex at the suit of John Palmer of Bodecleye for a debt of 10/. April 29. The like to Peter Wyke, outlawed in the county of Southampton Westminster, at the suit of Adam Wodecok touching a plea of trespass. April 30. The like to John Stevyn of Trenosowe, outlawed in the county of Westminster. Middlesex at the suit of Walter Burgate touching a plea of trespass. The like to William Yo, outlawed as above at the suit of the same. The like to Robert Walwayn, outlawed as above at the suit of the same. Membrane 21. April 10. Whereas John Pecche of London was lately impeached in the Westminster, parliament at Westminster held on Monday after the feast of St. George last, of having received by extortion from divers of the king's lieges and others on his own authority 35. 4d. of each vessel of sweet wine sold in London, amounting to a great sum, and of having procured letters patent that none except himself should sell sweet wines in the city at retail ; and being charged therewith did not excuse himself, whereupon with the assent of parliament he was adjudged to prison, there to stay until he should make fine and ransom at the king's will and satisfy all persons damaged by such extortion ; the king, at the supplication of certain of the magnates and commonalty of the realm 51 EDWARD III. 449 1377. Membrane 21 — cont. in the last parliament, has pardoned him the said imprisonment, fine and ransom, and has restored him to his old and due estate. By K. and the great council. Vacated because otherwise below under the same date. Whereas lately, by judgment rendered in the Common Bench, the king recovered his presentation to the church of St. Mary, Waynflete, against the prioress of Stykeswolde, Walter Malet, then parson of the said church by presentation of the prioress, and Richard North of Waldneuton, then claiming a right in the church by provision of the court of Rome, by default of the said prioress, Walter and Richard, and afterwards presented Walter to the church, without any mention being made in the judgment or presentation of any title of right upon which the king ought to present, and for those causes the prioress and her convent fear that prejudice might arise to them ; the king, at the supplication of the prioress and convent, has granted that the said judgment and presentation, and the fact that no expression of title was made, and the obtaining of possession of the church, shall not be prejudicial to them, and that they shall have the advowson as they had it before the judgment and presenta- tion. By p.s. Presentation of John Symond, vicar of the church of Horton, in the diocese of Salisbury, to a mediety of the church of Acford Skyllyng, in the same diocese, in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the priory of Montacute being in his hand on account of the war with France ; on an exchange of benefices with Richard Lynham. Whereas Margery, daughter of Richard son of Richard atte Hull, brother of Hugh Coyter, kinswoman and heir of William atte Yate, son of Annabel daughter of the said Hugh, lately intruded herself without livery of court into a messuage, 4 acres of land and 3 acres of meadow in Chelleworth after the death of William, who held them in chief in his demesne as of fee on the day of his death ; and subsequently Thomas Costard acquired the premises in fee from her and entered therein without licence, whereupon they were taken into the king's hand ; the king, for \ mark paid to him by Thomas, has pardoned the trespasses committed in the matter, and has granted that he may have the premises in fee. April 17. John Twesco, patron of a taret called the Seint Nicholas of Genoa, Westminster, which was lately taken by certain of the king's subjects at sea with divers goods and merchandise of certain merchants of Genoa, brought to the port of Suthampton and afterwards delivered up with the goods and merchandise by advice of the council, has attorned before the king Lewis Gentyle of Genoa to sue for the said goods, and to demand restitution thereof, or of their value. The king has also granted that Lewis may make other attorneys in his place ; for one year. W. de Burst all, clerk, received the attorneys. April 20. Signification to W. bishop of London of the royal assent to the Westminster, election of Maud Mountagu, nun of the abbey of Berkyng, to be abbess of that place. By K. on the information of Robert Crull, clerk. April 10. Westminster. April 18. Westminster. April 17. Westminster. Wt. 18915 ? E 29 450 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1377. Membrane 21 — cont. April 18. Ratification of the estate of Ralph de Bule as vicar of the church of Westminster. Outthorn. April 20. Pardon to Thomas son of Thomas Western of Torkesay, the younger, Westminster, of the king's suit for the death of Richard de Gouteby, for which he is detained in the Marshalsea prison ; as the king has learned by the record of John de Cavendissh, chief justice, that a quarrel arose between them in a ship at Burtonstathere and Richard drew his knife on Thomas, whereupon the latter fled to the end of the ship and took a ' pollax ' in his hand for self-defence, and Richard, running hotly on the ' pollax,' fell overboard and was drowned. April 21. The prior of Llanthony by Gloucestre, staying in England, has Westminster, letters nominating Richard de Chyryton, his fellow-canon, and Thomas Chaumbre as his attorneys in Ireland for three years. John de Colyngborn received the attorneys by writ. April 20. Grant, for 10/. to be paid to the king by Henry Asty, chief baron Westminster, of the Exchequer, to him of the marriage of Robert son and heir of Alice Turvile of Spoundon, co. Derby, to whom certain lands descended by hereditary right after the death of Alice, which latter held by knight service of the heir of the son of Henry de Beaumond, who held in chief, a minor in the king's ward ; together with the forfeiture of the marriage if it should pertain to the king. By bill of the treasurer. April 23. Mandate to Thomas Bataill, escheator in the county of Essex, Westminster, to deliver the temporalities of the abbey of Berkyng to Maud Mountagu, nun of the house, whose election as abbess has been confirmed by William, bishop of London, and whose fealty the king has taken. The like to the following escheators in the counties named : — John Parker of Olney ; Bedford and Buckingham. Thomas Illeston ; Surrey and Middlesex. Nicholas Brembre ; mayor of London and escheator therein. Writ de intendendo to the tenants of the abbey. April 20. Licence, for 5 marks paid to the king by John Moyne, for him to Westminster, enfeoff Walter Payn and John Belvale of the manor of Eystanes atte Mounte, co. Essex, held in chief, and for them to grant the same to him and Joan his wife in tail, with remainder to his right heirs. April 20. Gilbert, prior of the house of St. Nicholas, Exeter, staying in England, Westminster, has letters nominating Matthew Exnyng, his fellow-monk, and John Waryner of Cork as his attorneys in Ireland for two years. The abbot of Bukfast received the attorneys by writ. Membrane 20. Feb. 15. Agreement between the king and the pope as to collations to Westminster benefices. Palace. [Fcedera ; except the form of the articles there printed. ,] April 16. Revocation of the grant, dated 10 March last, of the office or Westminster, bailiwick of chief forester of Ingelwode forest to Peter Tilioll for life ; as the king, on 22 April in his forty-ninth year, granted the office to William de Stapelton for life. By K. & C. 51 EDWARD III. 451 Membrane 20 — cont. In consideration that the House of Converts in the suburb of London, and the chapel, buildings and enclosures thereof, were almost totally ruined when first the king's clerk, William de Burst all, had the keeping thereof, by the negligence of others who had the keeping before him and did not care to dwell there, and that William in his time incurred great expenditure of his own goods on the repair thereof and in making new houses there ; the king, in order that the house, chapel, buildings, enclosures and new houses may be fittingly maintained, and at the supplication of the said William, who is now keeper of the rolls of the Chancery, has granted that after his death the house with its rights shall be annexed to the said office, and that the chancellor or keeper or keepers of the great seal shall have power at every voidance of the said office by death, resignation or change of person, to institute successively the keepers of the rolls in the said house and put them in possession thereof. By p.s. April 17. Inspeximus and confirmation, at the request of William de At on, Westminster, now tenant of the lands mentioned, of the following : — (1) Henricus, rex Anglorum, archiepiscopo Eboracensi et justiciario et vicecomiti et omnibus baronibus et fidelibus suis, Francis et Angiitis, de Eboracensi stir a, salutem. Sciatis me reddidisse et concessisse Alano filio Raginaldi Belet totam terram patris sui quam tenuit de me in capite et de quocumque tenuisset die qua fuit vivus et mortuus. Et ideo volo et precipio quod ita bene et in pace et honorifice et libere teneat in bosco et in piano et omnibus locis cum omnibus consuetudinibus suis sicut pater ejus unquam melius et honorabilius tenuit et eodem servicio. Teste, Eustachio filio Johannis, apud Udestoc. (2) Henricus, rex Anglorum, T. Eboracensi archiepiscopo et vicecomiti et omnibus baronibus et fidelibus suis, Francis et Angiitis, de Eboracensi scir a, salutem. Sciatis me concessisse et dedisse Raginaldo Belet in feodo firmam sibi et heredibus suis per c. et x. solidos per annum xj. carrucatas terre et j. boveatam in Hotona et in Prestitona et xiij. boveatas terre in Ebristitona. Et volo et firmiter precipio et (sic) bene et honorifice et libere teneat cum soca et saca et tolV et team et infangenetheof cum omnibus consuetudinibus suis cum ego ipse melius tenebam dum fuit in manu mea. Teste Rogero, episcopo Sarisburiensi, et Nigello de Albiniaco et Roberto de Bruis, apud Portesmudam. For 1 mark paid in the hanaper. April 20. Exemplification, at the request of Master Philip de Hambury, Westminster, parson of the church of Dokelynton, of a certificate on the dorse of a writ sent into Chancery by J. bishop of Lincoln, dated at Lydyngton 15 January, 1376, to the effect that, on a search of his registers and memoranda, it is found that the chapel of Cokthrop is annexed to the church of Dokelinton and has been time out of mind, and that it is not of itself a benefice with cure, and that there never was a parson admitted, instituted or inducted therein on the presentation of anyone. April 13. Whereas on 28 February last the king, with the assent of the prelates Westminster, and nobles in parliament, granted for life to John, king of Castile and Leon, duke of Lancaster, a chancery and other liberties and royal rights in the county of Lancaster, and now John de Blakburn and 1377. April 11. Sheen. 452 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1377. Membrane 20— cont. other men of the county, suing divers pleas and processes in the king's courts begun long before the said date by king's writs directed to the sheriff of Lancaster, fear that the said pleas and processes must be discontinued by virtue of the said grant, and have prayed for a remedy ; the king grants that ail writs, original and judicial, obtained before the said date, which do not concern the king and his heirs only, but concern free tenements in the county or other things perpetrated there, and which are returned or returnable before the king or the justices of the Bench or the justices of assize in that county and else- where in any of the king's courts, shall be transmitted to the earl for determination before his justices, together with the records and processes thereof and other things concerning them. By K. and the great council. March 12. Exemplification, at the request of the tenants of Crundele, of a Westminster, certificate by the treasurer and chamberlains of an extract from Domesday Book touching the land of the bishop of Winchester in the hundred of Corondel, co. Southampton. [Domesday Book, /, p. 41.] Membrane 19. April 16. Appointment of Richard de Stury and William Walssh, receiver of Westminster. Kaerdyf in Wales, to repair the castles, mills and parks there late of Edward, lord le Despenser, who held in chief, in the king's hand by reason of the nonage of his heir, up to the sum of 87Z. 10s. 3JdL, which sum has been delivered by tally to Richard of the debts of the arrears of the account of Thomas Broun, late receiver of Glomorgan. By bill of the treasurer. April 16. Pardon to Stephen Mellere of the king's suit for the death of Thomas Westminster. Noble, for which he is detained in the Marshalsea prison ; as the king has learned by the record of John de Cavendissh and his fellows, justices of the King's Bench, that he killed him in self-defence. April 17. On information that the priors of the priory of St. Frideswide, Westminster. Oxford, have bound the priory in such intolerable sums that, if they were paid, the possessions of the house would not suffice for the sustenance of the canons, so that divine worship there must needs cease and other works of piety be withdrawn, and the dispersal of the monks is feared ; the king has taken the priory with all things pertaining to it into his hand and has committed the keeping thereof, and of the manors, lands, rents, things and faculties pertaining thereto, to his son John, king of Castile and Leon, duke of Lancaster, to be disposed of to the best advantage of the priory, provided that the issues, beyond the necessary sustenance of the canons and their servants to a moderate number, be applied to the succour of the house, and has also taken the priory and its possessions into his protection, with clause nolumus ; for three years. By K. April 17. Presentation of Edmund Strete to the church of Merlawe, in the Sheen. diocese of Lincoln, void by his resignation and in the king's gift by reason of the keeping of the land and heir of Edward le Despenser, who held in chief, being in his hand. By p.s. 51 EDWARD III. 453 1377. Membrane 19 — cord. April 16. Grant to the bailiffs and good men of Gaynesburgh of pavage for Westminster, three years. April 18. Grant to the bailiffs and good men of Alnewyk, co. Northumberland, Westminster, of pontage and pavage for three years. Grant to John del Dales of Malt on, John Barbour and John Blakeman of pontage for three years in aid of the repair of the bridge of New Malt on and of the causeway leading thereto. April 20. Whereas Adam de Bury, citizen of London, was lately impeached Westminster, in the parliament held at Westminster on Monday after the feast of St. George last of having, when he was mayor of Calais and keeper or captain of the castle or fortaiice of Bavelyngham in France, received great sums of money for the safe keeping thereof but failed to apply them thereto, and of having destroyed the king's exchange in London for his own profit and made bullion in his own house there, and of many other extortions, oppressions, deceptions, damages, grievances and excesses inflicted by him on king and people both when he was mayor and keeper as above and at divers other times ; and whereas he, when called upon in the parliament to answer to the premises, committed contempt by withdrawing himself and not caring to come thither at the king's mandate, and his goods in London and the county of Kent were thereupon arrested and kept under arrest until the king should order their delivery to him by sufficient mainprise found before the king in the Chancery for answering touching the premises ; the king, in remembrance that his jubilee year is now completed and at the supplication of certain of the magnates and commonalty of the realm made in the last parliament, has pardoned Adam his contempts, if he has incurred any, and his fine and ransom, if any are due to the king, and the king's suit for all things whereof he was so accused or impeached. By K. on the information of Robert de Assheton, king's chamberlain. April 18. Pardon to Walter de Urcewyk, ' chivaler,' of his trespass in acquiring Sheen. for life from John, king of Castile and Leon, duke of Lancaster, the manor of Thoresby and the town of Scarthowe, held in chief, with all rents, courts and other appurtenances in the county of Lincoln, except knights' fees, advowsons of churches, escheats and reliefs, and entering therein without the king's licence ; and grant that he may hold the same for life. By p.s. April 27. Revocation, for certain causes moving the king and council, of the Westminster, grant to William Bret of the bailiwick of Yordeburgh, co. Lincoln, by letters dated 17 April, 45 Edward III. By C. April 26. Whereas at the time of the conquest of Calais the king granted to Windsor Castle. John FitzWautier, deceased, and his heirs, an inn or messuage in that town which was afterwards seized into the king's hand and is there now ; the king has granted the same to Walter son and heir of the said John, and his heirs, to hold by the same services as John held it, provided that he keep the watches and support the other charges incumbent thereon. By p.s. Vacated because on the French Roll of this year. 454 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1377. Membrane 19 — cont. April 28. Licence, for 100s. paid to the king by Henry Moden, Robert Cok Westminster, and Robert Cartere of Rosse, for the alienation in mortmain by them of 11 messuages, 12 shops and 40 acres of land in Rosse, not held of the king, as is found by an inquisition made by Ralph Waleys, escheator in the county of Hereford, to a chaplain to celebrate divine service daily in the church of Rosse for the soul of Master John de Rosse, late bishop of Carlisle. April 27. Pardon to Lionel Dautre, ' chivaler,' for good service to the king Westminster, and his son Edmund, earl of Cambridge, of 10 marks yearly which he is bound to render the king for the manor of Kymberworth on account of the lands late of Edward le Despenser, who held in chief, being in the king's hand by reason of the nonage of his heir, and by virtue of a demise of the said manor made to him by Edward for life. By p.s. Membrane 18. Whereas on 13 November, 47 Edward III, the king committed to William Wenlok, clerk, the keeping of a third part of the manor of Luton and of the hundred of Flitte, co. Bedford, in the king's hand by reason of the idiotcy of William de Mortymer, at a yearly rent of 80 marks, and afterwards, on 28 December last, granted the said rent to his esquire, Robert Bardolf ; now, at the supplication of William Wenlok and Robert, both of whom have surrendered their letters patent, he has granted Robert the said keeping from 28 December last for such time as the said third part shall be in the king's hand, without rendering anything therefor, provided that he find fit susten- ance in food and clothing for William de Mortymer and repair and maintain at his own costs the houses, mills and other buildings, gardens, woods and enclosures pertaining to the premises. By p.s. April 20. Presentation of John Sabyn, chaplain, to the vicarage of the church Westminster, of St. Mary, Totenesse, in the diocese of Exeter, in the king's gift by reason of the alien priory of Totenesse being in his hand on account of the war with France. April 20. Licence, for 5 marks paid to the king by Thomas de Houme of Westminster. York, for the alienation in mortmain by him of a messuage in York, held of the king in burgage, to the chaplain of a chantry lately founded by Andrew de Bossall in the church of St. Mary Castelgate, York, in aid of his sustenance and for the celebration of divine service daily for the safe estate of Thomas and Mary, his wife, and for their souls after their death. April 23. Pardon to William de Burleye, chaplain, of his outlawry in the Westminster, county of Stafford for non-appearance before the justices of the Bench to satisfy Robert de Streton, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, of a debt of 40Z. which the bishop recovered against him by judgment of the same court and also of 60s. which he likewise recovered in the same court for damages on account of the detention of the debt ; as he has now surrendered to the Flete prison, alleging that the bishop after the said judgment released to him by writing shewn before the said justices all actions, real and personal, which he could have against him, and the bishop, although warned by the sheriff of the April 15. Westminster. 51 EDWARD III. 455 1377. Membrane 18 — cont. said county and solemnly demanded in court, did not come, whereupon it was adjudged that William should go without day as to the bishop's suit ; as Robert Bealknap, chief justice, has certified. April 20. Whereas lately in the parliament convoked at Westminster on Westminster. Monday after the feast of St. George last it was objected against William Elys of Great Yarmouth that, when he was collector or farmer of petty customs and deputy of Richard Lyons, late farmer of the subsidy of 6d. of the pound, in the port of Great Yarmouth, he took by extortion by colour of his said offices at Kyrkelerode within the metes of that port 33/. from certain merchants of Scotland in a ship of Scotland laden with goods of merchants of Scotland which was driven there by tempest, against the form of the truce with Scotland, and that he took there at another time in the same way from certain foreign merchants in a ship of Prussia laden with iron, wax and other wares, which was likewise driven there by tempest, 17 nobles of gold and a last of iron called ' Osmond,' worth 10/. 4s., although the merchants were not discharging there and did not wish to do so, and that he perpetrated many other extortions, oppressions, damages and grievances while in those offices ; and also that he untruly complained to the king of John Botyld and William Coupere of Loystoft that they, with others unknown, lay in wait for him and grievously threatened him at Wykham Market, and elsewhere in the county of Suffolk, as he was carrying with him the king's money arising from the said custom and subskfy from Yarmouth to Westminster, so that at his complaint they were arrested and committed to prison ; and whereas William, being diligently examined touching the premises, denied part of them and failed to excuse himself of part, whereupon he, with the assent of the parliament, was committed to prison until he should make fine and ransom at the king's will, and 201. each were adjudged to John Botyld and William Coupere for damages, and it was likewise adjudged that William should satisfy all other persons damaged by him : the king, in consideration that William has long satisfied John Botyld and William Coupere of their damages and that Henry de Percy, one of the wardens of the marches of England and Scotland, has certified before the council that on examination by him of the said merchants of Scotland it is clear that they are well content with William and hold him to be a faithful merchant and minister of the king, acknowledging that he owes them nothing, and likewise having regard to the fact that it was found before William de Ufford, earl of Suffolk, and his fellows, justices of oyer and terminer in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, that the said William Elys is clear of guilt in the other matter of the taking of 17 nobles of gold and a last of iron, whereof he was impeached, and at the supplication of certain of the magnates and commonalty of the realm, has pardoned William the said imprisonment, fine and ransom, and his suit for the premises, and has restored him to his former estate. By K. on the information of Robert de Assheton, the king's chamberlain. April 28. Grant, at the supplication of John, king of Castile and Leon, duke Westminster, of Lancaster, that the estate, degree and place of the king's clerk, Thomas de Thelwall, one of the twelve clerks of the first degree in the Chancery, whom the duke has appointed with the king's licence his 456 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1377. Membrane 18 — cont. chancellor in the duchy, shall remain intact during his absence from the Chancery, and that he shall take from the chancellor yearly the proper robes for his degree and shall continue his place by deputy in the chancellor's inn during his absence, as has been done before in like cases. By p.s. April 28. Gift to Thomas Burbache, yeoman of the scullery of the household, Windsor. of the goods late of Walter Kember of Roucestre to the value of 16/., which are forfeit to the king on account of a felony committed there by Walter. By p.s. April 25. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by the king's kinsman, Windsor Castle.Henry de Percy, of the advowson of the parish church of Ilklay, co. York, and a yearly rent of 8 marks by the hands of the prior of Sixhill, held in chief, to the dean and chapter of the cathedral church of St. Mary, Lincoln, and for them to appropriate the church and take the rent to find three chaplains to celebrate divine service daily in the church of Lincoln for the safe estate of the king, Gilbert de Umframvill, earl of Angus, and the said Henry, for their souls after their death, and for the souls of the king's progenitors and the ancestors of the earl and Henry. By p.s. Vacated because surrendered, and Henry has other letters patent, dated 18 May, 1 Richard II, for granting the advowsons of the churches of Ovyngeham and Ilklay to the prior and convent of Hextildesham. April 17. Whereas the king lately granted in fee to John de Foxle, ' chivaler,' Westminster, a tenement in Fletstrete in the suburb of London late of Nicholas Sururgien, alias Nicholas Leche, which came into his hand because Nicholas died without heir ; he has now granted him all the issues thereof pertaining to him for that cause. By p.s. Membrane 17. April 25. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by John de Ipre, knight, Windsor Castle. of 100s. yearly of land and rent, not held in chief, ^to the abbot and convent of Cokersand. By p.s. March 6. Licence for Simon de Burgh and Joan, his wife, to enfeoff Walter Sheen Manor, de Preston, chaplain, and John Broun, chaplain, of a third part of the manor of Little Marcham and a third part of a third part of the manor of Tuxford, co. Nottingham, both held in chief, and for the said feoffees to enfeoff Robert Grethed, parson of the church of Widmerpol, and John Dyn, clerk, of the same, and for them to enfeoff David Mort, chaplain, and John Barwe, parson of the church of Stanford, of the same, and for them to enfeoff Robert de Swylyngton, knight, of the same. By p.s. April 21. Commitment for three years to Alexander Taverner of York of the Westminster, office of the gauging of wines in the city of York and the port thereof, taking the accustomed fees, so that he exercise the office by himself or by deputy and answer at the Exchequer for the forfeitures. By bill of the treasurer. April 29. Grant to David Hunte of the keeping of the park of Sobbury, late of the king's kinsman, Edward le Despenser, who held in chief, which 51 EDWARD III. 457 1377. Membrane 17 — cont. with the manor of Sobbury and other lands late of the said Edward is in the king's hand by reason of the minority of his heir, to hold for as long as the park shall remain in the king's hand for that cause, taking 2d. daily for such keeping out of the issues of the manor, according to the tenor of letters of the said Edward made in his lifetime on behalf of David. By p.s. April 30. Grant for life to John Farnham, for long service to the king and the Westminster, late queen, of 3 messuages and 20 acres of land in Tykeford, co. Buckingham, 24 acres of land in Gothurst, in the same county, and 5 acres of land and an acre of meadow in Shiryngton, in the same county, which are forfeit to the king because the prior and convent of Tykeford acquired and appropriated them in mortmain without the king's licence, and for which the king has been answered in 20s. 2d. yearly at the Exchequer ; so that he support any charges due therefrom to others. By p.s. May 1. Grant, at the request of Adam, bishop of St. Davids, the chancellor, Westminster, that in all voidances of the bishopric of St. Davids the precentor and chapter of the church of St. Davids shall have the keeping of the bishopric and of the temporalities thereof at a yearly rent of 190Z. 75. 6§d. By K. on the information of Robert de Assheton, the king's chamberlain. [Foedera.] May 2. Grant to the king's son John, king of Castile and Leon, duke of Windsor Castle. Lancaster, of the money due of the issues or farm of the lands late of John Lestrange of Blakemere from the time of his death until the time when the king granted him the keeping of the said lands. By p.s. April 10. Pardon to John Pecche of London, as above (p. 448) ; and also of Westminster, all debts, accounts and forfeitures, the 10s. of each pipe of sweet wine sold by him or his deputies or officers which he was bound to pay the king by pretext of letters patent mentioned in the above pardon, all profits pertaining to the king on account of the sale or forfeiture of any sweet wine or any contempt or trespass done to king or people in the said office or by colour thereof, and all other things whereof he was impeached or accused in parliament. By K. and the great council. May 10. Revocation of the protection with clause volumus, for one year, Westminster, granted on 3 April last to Thomas de Malo Lacu, son of Peter de Malo Lacu, the fifth, ' chivaler,' who was to have gone in the company of Thomas Ughtred, knight, keeper of the castle of Loghmaban in Scotland, to that castle ; as he makes stay in the county of York attending to his own affairs, as the sheriff of the county has certified. By C. Membrane 16. April 30. Pardon to William Wyndesore, clerk, of his outlawry in the husting Westminster, of London for non-appearance before the justices of the Bench to answer Nicholas Aire, citizen and spicer of London, touching a plea of debt of 12/. 155. ; he having now surrendered to the Flete prison as Robert Bealknap, chief justice, has certified. 458 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1377. Membrane 16 — cont. May I. The like to Hugh atte Halle, outlawed as above at the suit of John, Westminster, earl of Pembroke, touching a plea that he render him an account of the time during which he was his receiver. April 27. The like to William son of Richard Chaumberlayn, outlawed in Westminster, the county of York at the suit of Alice Chaumberlayn for a debt of 10 marks. April 29. The like to Isabel late the wife of Laurence de Lyle of Gatecombe Westminster, of the Isle of Wight, and his executrix, waived in the husting of London at the suit of William Thornhull, citizen and ' armerer ' of London, touching a plea that she render him 26 marks. May 6. The like to Laurence de Brecham, chaplain, outlawed as above Westminster, at the suit of Thomas Wyke, chaplain, for a debt of 4:01. May 6. The like to Henry Bredenwell, outlawed as above at the suit of Westminster. John Fitz Payn in a plea of debt of 20/. against him and Nicholas atte Grene, Nicholas Alkele and John Bouryng. May 6. The like to John de Selby of the county of Nottingham, outlawed Westminster, as above at the suit of John de Shrouesbury, tailor of London, for a debt of 4/. May 11. The like to John Chantenhale, alias Chatenhale, outlawed as above Westminster, at the suit of John Hockele for a debt of 60s. May 12. The like to Benedict de Redyng, outlawed in the county of Norfolk Westminster, at the suit of William de Brundale for a debt of 40 . . . . , keeper of Caversham park, 200, 202. , . . . . , keeper of Sherwood forest, Clipston and Bestwood parks, and the manor of Clipston, co. Nottingham, 349. , . . . . , king's esquire, keeper of Nottingham castle, 349. , . . . . , constable of Notting- ham castle, 417. , . . . . , Elizabeth, wife of, 99. Daudele, Daudelee. See Audeleye. Daukynson, Thomas, of Kenworth, 234. Daulyn, William, of Boughton, co. Lincoln, 125. Daundele. See Danley. Daundeley, John, knight, 289. Dauntesey, Daunteseye, John, com- missioner, 153. , , knight, 33. , . . . . , Joan wife of, 33. , Richard, of Trowbridge, 205. Daunvers, John, hospitaller, 123. , John, parson of Barnoldby le Beck, exchanged to the church of Leckhampstead, 119. , John, presented to the church of Cokethorpe, co. Oxford, 287. , Lionel, knight, 454. Dautre, Walter, prebendary of South Mailing, 84. Dauwe. See Dawe. Davenport, John de, commissioner, 311. Daventre, John, 66. , , Alice wife of, 66. , . . . ., parson of Brome, co. Suffolk, 78. , Ralph, 152. David ap Adaff, parson of Aberedw, co. Radnor, 74. David, Henry ap, Welshman, 425. , Hugh, chaplain, presented to the vicarage of Clunbury, co. Salop, 372. , John, presented to the church of Penderyn, 251. , Walter, 282. , William, provost of the house of St. Edmund, Salis- bury, 208. 576 GENERAL INDEX. Davy, Adam, 152. , of Wat ton, co. Nor- folk, 144. , Thomas, son of, 144. , John, 61, 305, 492. , John, chaplain, 447. , Nicholas, 479. , Thomas, 122, 152. , . . . . , presented to the church of Eastwood, co. Essex, 19. Dawe, Dauwe, John, 327. , John, of Stubton, co. Lin- coln, 232. Daweson, William, 47. Dax [Landes, France], prevot of. See Mountendre, William de. Dayre, John, 117. Dayvill, Dayvyll, John, commis- sioner, 136, 156, 312, 316, 317. , John, parson of Thorpe Bas- sett, co. York, exchanged to the vicarage of Leeds, co. York, 254. , John, hospitaller, 123. , William, commissioner, 143. , William, of Bilton, co. York, 247. Deal, Dale [co. Kent], church, 110. Dean, Dene [co. Bedford], parsons of, 111. Dean, Dene [co. Gloucester], forest, warden of. See Brian, Guy de. , . . . . , riding forester in. See Greyndore, Ralph. , . . . . , strife between the miners and ironworkers of, 155. , . . . . , bailiwick of Harewood in, 270. , . . . . , bailiwick of Ruardean in, 234. Dean, Little, Little Dene [co. Glou- cester], 221. Debden, Depeden [co. Essex], church. 130. Debelot, Robert, of Salthouse, co. Norfolk, 147. Debenham [co. Suffolk], 119. Debenham, William de, 21. , . . . . , keeper of Redwynd ferry, 211, 214. Deddington, Dadyngton [co. Oxford], 346. Dedham, John, monk of St. John's, Colchester, elected abbot, 130, 131. , abbot of Colchester, 131. Deeping, Depinge [co. Lincoln], 19. , Market, Estdepyng, Est- depinge [co. Lincoln], 19. , church of St. Guthlac, par- sons of, 90. Deerhurst, Derhurst, Durhurst, Dir- hurst, Dennerhurst [co. Glou- cester], alien priory of, 8, 130, 167, 168, 177, 190, 204, 268, 336, 384. Deghere, Thomas le, 113. , William, chaplain, pre- sented to the church of Hert- ingfordbury, 77. Gf. Deyere. Dekne, John, 482. Delamere, La Mare [co. Chester], forest, 374. Delfal, Robert, notary public, 292. Delham, Stephen de, 122. , Joan, wife of, 122. , Joan and Helen, daughters and heirs of, 122. Demecherche. See Dymchurch. Den, Thomas, bishop of Ferns, 132, 298, 391. Denbigh, Dynbeyth, land of, 51. Dene. See Dean. Dene, Great. See Mitcheldean. Dene, Little. See Dean, Little. Dene, Thomas, 100. , Thomas atte, 102. Deneby, Richard, prebendary of Wherwell conventual church, 168. , . . . . , ratification of estate of, revoked, 382. Denevere. See Denver. Denford, Roger de, 288. Dcngard, Geoffrey, of Southampton, 175. Dengeley, Robert, 317. Denmark, Danemarch, Danemarche, 223. , a friendly kingdom, 223. Dennerhurst. See Deerhurst. Denny, John, of Newcastle on Tyne, 254. Dent [co. York], 135. Dent, John de, commissioner, 59, 63, 64, 138, 142, 321, 323, 491. Denton, John de, 264. , . . . . , commissioner, 225, 229, 323. , . . . . , sheriff of Cumberland, commissioner, 150. , Robert de, of Kingston on Hull, 504. Denver, Denevere, co. Norfolk, 62. GENERAL INDEX. 577 Denys, Adam, 409. , Robert, 264. Depden, John de, 123. Depeden. See Debden. Depeham, Thomas, groom of the household, 382. Depenham, William, yeoman of the buttery, 405. Depford. See Deptford. Depinge. See Deeping. Deptford, Depford [co. Kent], 353. Depyng, John de, abbot of Thorney, 281. , William, purveyor for the king's horses, 71. , . . . . , harbourer of the king's horses, 238, 430. Derby, co. Derby, 88, 92, 220, 395. Derby, county, 321, 414, 409. , . . . . , collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in. See Welton, John de. , . . . . , commission of array in, 498. , . . . . , commission of the peace in, 137, 310, 314, 323. , . . . . , coroner in, 191. ....... . . . . , escheator in. See Bekyngham, John de ; Foucher, John ; Stanhope, John. , . . . . , sheriff of. See Mor- ton, Robert de ; Sallowe, William de ; Waleys, John. Derby, archdeacon of, 133. Derby, earl of. See Ferreres, Robert de. Derby, Henry de, clerk, 213, 246. , John, 229. , Stephen, commissioner, 219, 332. , Stephen de, of Langton Matravers, co. Dorset, com- missioner, 322. , Walter, commissioner, 63. , Walter, deputy butler in the port of Bristol, 362. , . . . . , mayor and escheator of Bristol, 385. Dere, Richard, 251, 394, 396, 416. , commissioner, 416. , chaplain, 338. Dereham, East, Estderham [co. Nor- folk], 448. , . . . . , vicar of, 230. , West, Westderham [co. Nor- folk], abbot and convent of, 247. Derham. See Dereham. Derham, Hugh de, presented to the church of Tingewick, 201. Derhurst. See Deerhurst. Derlay, Robert de, of Worsborough, co. York, 24. Derley, Derleye. See Darley. Derlyng, Henry, parson of Easting- ton, co. Gloucester, 431. , John, parson of the chapel of Spargrove manor, co. Somerset, exchanged to the church of Padworth, co. Berks, 166. , Walter, of Dunstable, 67. , William, 250. Derlyngton. See Darlington. Derlyngton, John de, 480. Derneford, Stephen, burgess of Ply- mouth, 25. Dersham, Geoffrey, commissioner, 144, 314, 485. Derteford. See Dartford. Dertemore. See Dartmoor. Dertemouth, Dertemuth. See Dart- mouth. Dertford. See Dartford. Dertmore. See Dartmoor. Dertmuth. See Dartmouth. Derton. See Darton. Dervvent, co. York, river, commission of sewers near, 319, 485. , preservation of salmon in, 193, 317, 501. Derwentwater, Derwentwatre, John de, sheriff of Cumberland, 325. , . . . . , commissioner, 326. Derykson, William, de Wyke, 246. Desborough, Desburgh [co. North- ampton], 46. Desmond, Dessemund, countess of, 60. , earl of, 60. Despenser, Edward le, 54, 68, 95, 198, 200, 202, 206, 209, 213, 214, 242, 302, 305, 306, 324, 381, 402, 426, 442, 443, 452, 454, 456, 459, 470, 483. , commissioner, 219. , . . . ., Anne late the wife of, 34. , , knight, 245, 251, 260. , Edward lord le, 30, 31, 45, 348, 351, 452. , Edward le, lord of Glamor gan and Morganwg, 256, 289. , . . . . , . . . . , letters patent of, 366, 371, 438. , . . . . , . . . . , Elizabeth late the wife of, 29, 246, 252, 289, 426, 442. Wt. 18915. E 37 578 GENERAL INDEX. Despenser, Edward le, lord of Gla- morgan and Morganwg — cont. , . Thomas, son of, 289, 438. , Henry le, bishop of Norwich, 32, 490, 502. , Hugh le, 34. , Hugh son of Edward le, knight, Alice late the wife of, 15. , Hugh le, Alice relict of, wife of John Trussell, 34, 35. , Philip le, 370. , Thomas le, 134, 147, 176, 281, 381, 429. , . . . . , commissioner, 499. , , knight, 421, 459. Dessemund. See Desmond. Desterny, John, 478. , . . . . , Philippa, wife of, 478. Deuddwr, Deudour, Comotdeudour [co. Montgomery], commote of, 149. , land and lordship of, 34. Deulond. See Duelond. Deuyas, William, purveyor for the household, 71, 238, 239. , . . . ., yeoman of the house- hold, 306. Devenesshire, John, 287. Devenissh, Thomas, Elizabeth late the wife of, 399. Devenshire. See Devon. Deverel, Deverellangebrigge. See Longbridge Deverill. Deveros, Deverose, John, commis- sioner, 415. , . . . . , sheriff of Hereford, 320. , Walter, commissioner, 490, 493, 496, 499. Devizes, Devises, Devyses [co. Wilts], 59. , castle, 417. , . . . . , works at, 403. , castle and town, 352. , mayor of, 404. , parson of, 404. Devon, county, 64, 226, 298, 324, 332, 333, 434. , assignment of dower to the princess of Wales in, 375. , collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in. See Beaupyne, Thomas ; Canynges, John and Simon. , commission of array in, 499. , commission of the peace in, 135, 136, 139. Devon — cont. , commission for defence of the sea-coast of, 153. , escheator in. See Mattis- ford, John de. , justices of oyer and terminer in, 146, 434. , outlawries in, 103, 184, 230, 264, 281, 357 bis. , ports in, 49. , . . . . , deputy butler in. See Asshenden, Thomas de. , . . . . , searchers in. See Passour, Humphrey ; Tail- lour, Thomas ; Trerys, William. , prise of wine in, 298. , the stannary, 376. , . . . . , commissions to coin tin found, 307, 333. , . . . . , . . . . , issues of, 343. , liberties of the stannary men, 328, 333. Devyses. See Devizes. Deye, William, 209. Deyere, John, 304. Gf. Deghere. Deyncourt, John, 63, 142. , Nicholas, 63, 64, 142. , William, 377. , , knight, 223, 377. Deystere, Thomas, 123. Didebrok, John de, chaplain, pre- sented to the church of Land- ford, co. Wilts, 248. Digby, John de, canon of Catley, 52. Digge. See Dygg. Dihewid, Dyewyt [co. Cardigan], prebend of. See Llanddewi Brefi. Dille, William, 204. Dimilton. See Dimlington. Dimlington, Dimilton [in Easington, co. York], 467. Dinas, Castle, Dynas [co. Brecon], castle, 34. Dinas Powis, Dynaspowys, co. Glamorgan, manor, 289. , church of St. Andrew, ad- vowson, 289. Dinllaen, Dynthlaen, co. Carnarvon, 374. , commote, 376. Dirhurst. See Deerhurst. Dirland, Cornelius, king's esquire, 240. , John, chaplain, warden of the chantry in the free chapel in Pleshey castle, 19. Disseford, John, king's clerk, 260. GENERAL INDEX. 579 Disserth [co. Radnor], church of, 45. Ditchling, Dychenyng, co. Sussex, 496. Dithton, Thomas, 392. Ditton, Dytton, William, clerk of the privy seal, 6. Dobba, John, 324. Dobbes, Hugh, 152. Dobyn, Nicholas, of Ragnall, co. Nottingham, 282. Dobynson, John, of Penrith, 326. Dockyng, Richard, 160. Doddinghurst, Duddynghurst [co. Essex], parsons of, 22. Doddington, Dudyngton, co. Cam- bridge, commission of sewers in, 485. [co. Kent], manor of Shar- sted in, Sharstede, 116. , Dodyngton, co. Northamp- ton, 379. , Dodyngton [co. Northum- berland], 27, 264. , . . . ., Ewart in, Eworth, 109. Dodeford. See Dodford. Dodeford, John, canon of St. Frides- wide's, Oxford, elected prior, 44, 74. , prior of St. Frides- wide's, Oxford, 407. Dodeman, Thomas, 25. , of Gildersome, co. York, 25. Dodeston, Thomas son of Walter de, 26. Dodford, Dodeford, co. Northamp- ton, manor, 178. Dodington [in Beeford, co. York], 467. Dodyngseles, John, commissioner, 499. , . . . . , knight, commissioner, 493. Dodyngton. See Doddington. Dodyngton. See Dunton. Dodyngton, Henry de, chaplain, presented to a mediety of the church of Grimoldby, 184. Dofreman, William, 409. Doget, John, 261. Doggeson, John, 329. Dokelinton, Dokelynton, Dokelyng- ton. See Ducklington. Dokesworth. See Duxford. Doketon. See Doughton. Dole, William, parson of Maresfield, co. Sussex, presented to the church of St. George by East- cheap, London, 3. Dole, William — cont. , . . . . , parson of St. George's, London, exchanged to the church of Brattleby, co. Lin- coln, 73. , . . . . , presented to the church of English Bicknor, 189. , . . . . , parson of Brattleby, co. Lincoln, exchanged to the church of English Bicknor, co. Gloucester, 276, 288. , . . . . , king's clerk, pre- bendary of St. George's, Windsor, 430. Domesday Book, extract from, 452. Don, Done [co. York], the river, commission of sewers in, 485, 496. , preservation of salmon in, 193, 317, 324, 501. Donaghmoyne, Donaghmayn [co. Monaghan], manor, 340. Donat, John, 97. Doncaster, Doncastre [co. York], 46, 326. Donclent, John, 1. Donehevede. See Dunham. Donestaplam. See Dunstable. Donesterre. See Dunster. Donilondis. See Donyland. Donington, Donyngton, Donyton [co. Salop], 90, 311. , parson of, 17, 90, 311. , Donyngton by Albrighton [co. Salop], parson of, 74. Donnington, Donyngton, Donynton [in Shaw, co. Berks], 252. Dont, William, 36. Donyland, Donilondis [in Colchester, co. Essex], 443. | Donyngton, Donynton. See Don- ington, Donnington. Donyngworth. See Dunningworth. Donyton. See Donington. Doo, John, of Mavis Enderby, co. Lincoln, 285. Dorchester, Dorcestre, Dorchestre [co. Dorset], 78. , abbot of, 220. .. , bailiffs of, 398. , church of All Saints in, 464. , hospital of St. John the Baptist in, warden of. See Brounflet, Thomas de ; Wil- flet, Richard de. Dordrecht, Durdraght [Holland], 300. Dordy, Robert, 429. 580 GENERAL INDEX. Dore [co. Hereford], abbot and convent of, 249. Dore, Robert, 29. Dorking, co. Surrey, manor of West- cott in, 195. Dorn, Dome [in Blockley], co. Worcester, 128. Dornale, Dornell, Henry, 326. , John, 326, 471. Dorn thorp, Richard, parson of Rip- pingale, 285. Dorset, county, 38, 160, 219, 235, 332, 409. , collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in. See Beaupyne, Thomas ; Canynges, John and Simon. , commission of array in, 499. , commission of the peace in, 136, 139, 322. , escheator in, commissioner, 222. , escheator in. See Syfre- wast, Walter ; Hale, John de ; More, Adam atte. , justices of oyer and terminer in, 146. , outlawries in, 102, 176, 447. , ports in, searchers in. See Chichestre, John ; Fytheler, Richard. , sheriff of, 24, 394. , See Latymere, William de. Dorstone [co. Hereford], castle and manor of Snodhill in, 444. Dottorp, Hermann, master of the Goddesknyght, 417. Douai, Doyway [Nord, France], 506. Douce, Robert, of Stevington, co. Bedford, 423. Doufbiging, Robert son of William de, of Bentham, co. York, 135. , William de, of Bentham, Christiana sometime wife of, 135. Doughton, Doketon [in Dunton, co. Norfolk], advowson of, 101. Dounbryn [Ireland], manor of, 70. Doune, la. See Down. Doune, Doun, Henry, 405. , John, 124. , , clerk, 72, 78, 437. , . . . . , . . . . , letters patent of, 128. , Roger, of Bristol, 175. , William, chaplain, presented to the vicarage of Monkland, co. Hereford, 339. Dounerwe, Walter, of Trim, 272. Dounham. See Downham. Dounham, Henry, parker of Hamp- stead Marshall, co. Berks, 134, 430. , . . . . , yeoman of the earl of Bedford's wardrobe, 430, 477. Dounom, John, 194. Douseby. See Dowsby. Douve, John, parker of Buckenham, 53. Dover, Dovre [co. Kent], 150, 313, 379. , charter dated at, 107. , castle, constable of, 408. , . . . . , constables of. See Edmund, earl of Cambridge ; Latymer, William de. , . . . . , warden of. See Asshe- ton, Robert de ; Latymer, William de. , . . . works in, 195. , . . . . , chapel of St. Mary in, archpriest of. See Beneyt, Richard. , gaugers of wines at. See Gambon, William ; Maykyn, John. , mayor of, commissioner, 54. , mayor and bailiffs of, grant of murage to, 423. , port of, 48, 49. , prior and convent of, 428. Doverdale [co. Worcester], parsons of, 190. Dovorra, Richard de, temp. Henry III, 441. Down, La Doune [in Wandsworth, co. Surrey], manor, 478. Downham, Dounham, co. Cam- bridge, commission of sewers in, 485. , Dounham [co. Essex], par- sons of, 4. Dowsby, Douseby [co. Lincoln], 497. Doxenford. See Oxenford. Doylly, John, Roesia wife of, temp. Edward I, 271. Doyway. See Douai. Draiton. See Drayton. Drakelow, Drakelowe [in Church Gresley, co. Derby], manor, 307. Draper, Henry, 260. , Stephen, of Peterborough, 228, 229. Drapier, William, of London, pre- sented to the church of Barn- ston, co. Essex, 368. Draughda. See Drogheda. GENERAL INDEX. 581 Drax, Richard, commissioner, 324. , Thomas, 160. , William, parson of Holy- well, co. Huntingdon, 464. Draycote, Thomas, parson of Laver, co. Essex, exchanged to the vicarage of West Thurrock, 362. Drayton, church of, 259. Drayton Parslow, Drayton Passe - lewe [co. Buckingham], church of, 132. , Dry, Drydrayton [co. Cam- bridge], 150. , Fen, Drayton [co. Cam- bridge], 326. , Drayton by Medbourne [in Bringhurst, co. Leicester], 267. [near Lowick, co. Northamp- ton], letters patent dated at, 71, 130, 134, 160, 162, 163, 170. Basset [co. Stafford], 37, 60, 134, 139, 141, 183, 333, 358, 485, 494, 499. Drayton, Draiton, Katharine, 264. , Nicholas de, king's clerk, claimant to the prebend of Bullingham, 432. , . . . . , king's clerk, com- missioner, 487. , . . . . , baron of the Exche- quer, 383. , . . . . , licentiate in laws, commissioner, 410. Drewe. See Dru. Dreylond, John, commissioner, 417. Driby, Dryby [co. Lincoln], 71. , church, 71. , manor, 71. Driffeld, Thomas de, 212. Driffield, Driffeld, Duffeld [co. York], 83, 234. , Great, Great Driffeld [co. York], 11. Dringhoe, Dringhou [in Skipsea, i co. York], 467. Dripole. See Drypool. Drcgheda, Draughda, Drughda, Droghda [cos. Louth and Meath], 13. , mayor and burgesses of, 305. , port, 301, 303, 304, 342. , ..... collector of customs in. See Holhurst, Thomas. Droitwich, La Wyche, Dryswych [co. Worcester], church of St. Andrew, 8, 130. , . . .., parsons of, 190, 336. | Dro mound, John, parson of Ash, co. Surrey, 217. Dronsfeld, John de, commissioner, 137, 314, 315, 331. Drop, Thomas, 312. Droughda. See Drogheda. Dru, Drewe, Dreu, Thomas, 264, 272. , commissioner, 139, 153 bis. Drughda. See Drogheda. Dryby. See Driby. Drydrayton. See Drayton. Drye Stoke. See Stoke. Drynkewater, Philip, 281. Drypool, Dripole [co. York], 467. , South Coates in, Suddcotes, 467. Dryswych. See Droitwich. Drywery, John, 468. Dublin, 4, 30, 201, 304, 322, 444. , letters patent dated at, 111, 295. , abbey of St. Thomas the Martyr by, abbot of. See Scurlag, Thomas. , archbishops of. See Mynot, Thomas ; Wykford, Robert de. , archbishopric of, guardian of the spirituality of, 175, 202. , . . . . , temporalities of, 240, 241. , , voidance of, 174, 202. , archdeacon of. See Chambre, William de la. , cathedral church of St. Patrick, 84. , . . . . , dean of. See Colton, John de. , . . . . , dean and chapter of, 175, 202. , . . . . , prebend of Finglas in, 202. , . . . . , prebend of Howth in, 430. , . . . . , prebend of Lusk in, 303. , . . . . , prebend of Swords in, 174, 258, 280, 283 bis. , . . . . , prebend of Tipper in, 120. , diocese of, 31. , mayor and bailiffs of, 110, 322. , mayor and citizens of, 303. , port of, 301, 303 bis, 304, 342. , . . . . , collector of customs in. See Holhurst, Thomas. 582 GENERAL INDEX. Dublin, county, 322. Ducklington, Dokelinton, Dokelyn- ton, Dokelyngton [co. Ox- ford], church, 451. , parson of, 451. , manor, 110. Duddeley. See Dudley. Duddeleye, Richard de, commis- sioner, 139. , . . . . , knight, commissioner, 225. Duddynghurst. See Doddinghurst. Dudley, Duddeley [co. Worcester], 225. , prior of. See Ponte Fracto, William de. Dudyngton. See Doddington. Duelond, Deulond, Roger, parson of Beaford, exchanged to the vicarage of Yarcombe, 100. , . . . . , vicar of Yarcombe, co. Devon, exchanged to the church of Meeth, co. Devon, 366, 370. Duffeld, John, of Glentworth, co. Lincoln, 380. , , Pernell, wife of, 380. Duffeld. See Driffield. Dufford, Thomas, prebendary of Tettenhall free chapel, 19. Duk, Edward le, 409. , John, of Sandford, co. Ox- ford, 300. , John, Margery, wife of, 300. Dullingham, Dullyngham [co. Cam- bridge], 90. Duly, Thomas, commissioner, 218. Dumbleton, Dumbelton [co. Glou- cester], Walter, parson of, 154. D undent [in Stone and Kidder- minster, co. Worcester], 225. Dunce, Roger de, 140. Dundalk [co. Louth], 461. Dimflys, Robert, 68. Dunham ?, Donehevede, co. Lin- coln, commission of sewers at, 485. Dunham on Trent [co. Nottingham], 68, 411. , manor, 475. , Ragnall in, Ragnyll, 282. Dunnele, Richard, 144. Dunnington, Donyngton [co. York], prebend of. See York. Dunningworth, Donyngworth [in Tunstall], co. Suffolk, manor, 299. Dunnyng, John, 127. Dunre, Adam, vicar of Bridstow, co. Hereford, exchanged to the church of St. Nicholas, Here- ford, 25. Dunsay, Joan, sister of the hospital of St. Katharine by the Tower of London, 67. Dunstable, Dunstaple [co. Bedford], 67. , charter of Stephen dated at, 466. Dunstaple, John de, chaplain, pre- sented to the chantry at the altar of St. Mary in St. Nicholas' in the Shambles, London, 88. , . . . . , . . . . , presentation of, revoked, 93. Dunster, Donesterre, Dunsterre, co. Somerset, 26, 118, 373. , castle, 26. , manor of Stanton in, Staun- ton by Dunsterre, 44. Dunstew, Dunstiwe, Dunstywe [co. Oxford], 305, 346. Dunston, Dounstone, Thomas de, merchant of Norwich, 505. , William de, merchant of Norwich, 505. Dunstywe. See Dunstew. Dunthwayt, John de, vicar of Penrith, 242. Dunton, Dodyngton [co. Bucking- ham], parsons of, 198. [co. Essex], parsons of, 233. [co. Norfolk], manor and advowson, 101. , . . . . , Doughton in, Doke- ton, 101. Dunton, John de, 177. , Paul de, chaplain, master of the hospital of Ospringe, 181, 361. Dunwich [co. Suffolk], bailiffs of, 304. , hospital of the Holy Trinity at, warden of. See Wodecok, John. , mayor of, 247. , port of, 101, 247. Durant, Robert, 83. , William, 42. Durdraght. See Dordrecht. Durham, letters patent dated at, 4. Durham, bishop of. See Hatfeld, Thomas de. , bishopric of, voidance of, 187. , diocese of, 70, 187, 305, 351, 460. GENERAL INDEX. 583 Durham, diocese of — cont. , . . . . , tenth granted by the clergy in, 36. , liberty of, subsidy granted by, not to be drawn into a precedent, 30. , priory of, prior and convent of, 112, 191. Durhurst. See Deerhurst. Dutton, William, 336, 337. Duxford, Dokesworth [co. Cam- bridge], 421. , John parson of, 263. Duyn, John, 202. , Thomas, 58. Dychenyng. See Ditchling. Dydynsale, Robert, chantry chap- lain or warden in All Saints', Newcastle-on-Tyne, 163, 188. Dyer, Dyere, Dyare, Henry, 429. , John, of Faversham, searcher in all ports in Kent, 313. , Reynold, canon of Llan- thony, 261. , Robert, of Shrewsbury, 103. , William, 11. Dyewyt. See Dihewid. Dygg, Digge, Dygge, Roger, com- missioner, 64, 149, 158. Dyk, John, commissioner, 331. Dykeswell, Robert, 10. Dyklyngton, Richard, 256. Dymchurch, Demecherche, co. Kent, park of, 232. Dymmok, John, 232. , commissioner, 137, 158, 490. , . . . . , knight, commissioner, 50. , . . . . , knight, escheator in Lincoln, 312, 367. Dymmyk, Richard, 495. Dyn, John, clerk, 456. , John, presented to the church of St. Michael, Long Stratton, 273. Dynas. See Dinas. Dynaspowys. See Dinas Powis. Dynbeyth. See Denbigh. Dyneleye, Richard de, 237. , Robert de, 237. Dyngere, Nicholas, 409. Dyngley, Dyngelee, John, hospi- taller, 123. , John de, the yoimger, 57. , Roger, 397. , . . . . , Beatrice, wife of, 397. Dynglove, Alan, 152. Dynham, John de, commissioner, 139. , , knight, 281. Dynthlaen. See Dinllaen. Dysart, co. Meath, manor, keepers of. See Lenton, Robert de ; Porter, John. Dysel, William, of Grendon, pre- sented to the vicarage of Willingdon, co. Sussex, 179. Dytton. See Ditton. Dyve, Hervey, 110. , . . . . , Elizabeth, relict of, wife of Edward de Twyford, 110. E Eagle, Eycle [co. Lincoln], 297. , manor, 424. Eakring, Eykeryng [co. Notting- ham], 11. Eardington, Erdyngton [in Quat- ford, co. Salop], prebend of. See Bridgnorth. Eardisley, Erdesley, Irdesley [co. Hereford], manor, castle and park, 57. , Bollingham in, Bolynghull, 57. , lordship, 57. Earlswood, Erleswod [co. North- ampton], park, keeper of. See Asphull, John. Eartham, Ertham [co. Sussex], pre- bend of. See Chichester. Easington, Esyngton, co. York, church of, 55. , Dimlington in, Dimilton, 467. , Out Newton in, Neuton, 467. Eastburn, Estbrun [in Kirkburn, co. York], manor, 74. East church, Estcherche in the isle of Shepeye [co. Kent], 205. Eastcotts, Cotes [co. Bedford], 433. , Harrowden in, Harwedon, 433. Easter, Good, Godythestre, Godes- tre [co. Essex], 281. , . . . . , prebend of Bowers in. See London, free chapel of St. Martin le Grand. 584 GENERAL INDEX. Easter, High, Heiestre, Heyestre, Hiestre, Haust Estre, High Estre [co. Essex], court of, 355, 408. , , manor, 279, 355, 407. , . . . . , warreners at. See Peyntour, Peter ; Warenner, Robert le. , , Old Park in, 274, 279. Eastergate, Estergate [co. Sussex], parsons of, 463. Easthampstead, Esthampsted, Yes- hampstede [co. Berks], manor, 238, 347 bis, 348 bis. Eastington, Estyngton [co. Glouces- ter], lands in, named, 431. , parson of, 431. , Alkerton in, Alcrynton, 431. Eastling, Eslyng [co. Kent], 434. , manor of Huntingfield in, 434. Easton, Great, Eystanes atte Mounte, co. Essex, manor, 450. , Great, Eston, co. Leicester, 251. Eastrington [co. York], Bennetland in, Benetland, 281. Eastry, Estree [co. Kent], vicars of, 124. Eastwood, Estwode [co. Essex], church, 3, 19. , manor, bailiff of. See Lyon, John. , . . . . , works at, 208. Eaton, Eton Tregoz [in Foy], co. Hereford, manor, 236. , Eton by Leomynistre [in Leominster, co. Hereford], 384. , Water, Eton [in Kidlington, co. Oxford], 357. Eaxsex, Geoffrey, 419. Ebberston, Ebristitona [co. York], 451. Ecchyngham. See Echyngham. Eccles, John de, 277. , Reynold de, 78, 122, 203, 277, 299. , commissioner, 51 bis, 138, 146, 157, 160 bis, 217, 311, 315, 318, 332, 502. Eccleston [co. Lancaster], 81. Eccleston, William de, chaplain, 81. Echyngham, Ecchyngham, Robert, commissioner, 410, 413, 414, 500. Eckington, Ekyngton [co. Derby], 23. Eckweek, Ekewyk [in Wellow, co. Somerset], 31. Edburton, Abberton, co. Sussex, 496. , Perching in, Perchyngge, 496. Edelesburgh. See Edlesborough. Ederyk, Edrych, John, usher of the receipt of the Exchequer, 15, 445. Edgmond, Egemundon [co. Salop], church, 260, 275. Edgware, Eggeswere [co. Middlesex], manor, 426. Edith Weston, Weston St. Edith [co. Rutland], alien priory, 70, 217. , parsons of, 70. Edlesborough, Edelesburgh, cos. Buckingham and Hertford, 255, 392. Edlyngton, Richard de, of Don- caster, 326. Edmerthorp. See Edmondthorpe. Edmond, Edmund, Adam, com- missioner, 311. , John, of Dunstew, co. Ox- ford, 305. , Richard, commissioner, 140. Edmond thorpe, Edmerthorp [co. Leicester], parsons of, 197. Edmund, earl of Cambridge, 2, 6, 39, 42, 98, 154, 188, 297, 318, 347, 354, 367, 454, 459, 474. , . . . . , letters patent of, 369, 398. , commissioner, 491. , . . . . , constable of Dover castle and warden of the Cinque Ports, 278, 332, 487. , . . . . , Isabel, wife of, 459, 475. Edrych. See Ederyk. Edward I, 56, 194. , charter of, mentioned, 328. Edward II, 105, 124, 194, 353. Edward, prince of Wales, 6, 20, 28, 36, 70, 76, 106, 192, 233, 243, 307, 321, 340, 346, 363 bis, 364, 369, 371, 378, 389, 423. , prince of Aquitaine and Wales, duke of Cornwall, earl of Chester, lord of Biscay and Castro Urdiales, letters patent of, 283, .284, 298, 307, 343. , . . . . , auditor of the accounts of. See Stokes, Richard de. , . . . ., chamber of, 308. , . . . . , usher of the chamber of. See Wiltshire, Richard. , . . . . , confessor of. See Walsham, William de. GENERAL INDEX. 585 Edward, prince of Aquitaine and Wales — cont. , . . . . , esquires of. See Berkhampstede, Henry de ; Charnels, John ; Hampton, Richard de ; Wiltshire, Richard. ., interment of, 341. , . . . . , lands &c. of, steward of. See Segrave, Hugh de. Edward, John, clerk, 482. , . . . . , king's clerk, pre- bendary of Salisbury, 189. , Walter, vicar of Evercreech, exchanged to the vicarage of Upavon, 112. Edwinstowe [co. Nottingham], Car- burton in, Carberton, 183. , manor of Clipstone in, 185. Edworth, Stephen de, knight, steward of Pembroke, 114. Eclyman, Robert, chaplain, pre- sented to the vicarage of Houghton in the Dale, co. Norfolk, 184. Effin, Effyn [co. Limerick], prebend of. See Limerick. Effyn. See Effin. Eflyngeham in Tindale [co. Cumber- land], 490. Egelton. See Egleton. Egemundon. See Edgmoncl. Eggeswere. See Edgware. Eghton. See Heghton. Egleston [in West Tyneham, co. Dorset], 408. Egleton, Egelton [co. Rutland], 105 bis. Eglingham, co. Northumberland, Shipley in, Shippeley, 59. Egloscumyn. See Eglws Cymmin. Eglws Cymmin, Egloscumyn [co. Carmarthen], parsons of, 68. Egremont, co. Cumberland, castle, 191. Eir, Eire. See Aire. Eirmyn, Eyremyn. See Ayermyn. Ekewyk. See Eckweek. Ekyngton. See Eckington. Eland, Robert de, 140. Elderton, John de, 27. Eldyndon. See Elkington. Eleham. See Elham. Elfere, John, deputy alnager of woollen cloths for sale in Kent, 24. Elham, Eleham, co. Kent, 331. , , manor, 365, 373, 396. Eling, Elyng, co. Southampton, manor, 271. , Windsor in, Wyndesore, 271. Elkington, Eldyndon [co. North- ampton], parsons of, 34. Ellebourne, Robert de, vicar of Orpington, 126. Ellerbek, Hugh, king's servant at Eltham, 358. Ellers, William in the, of Epworth, co. Lincoln, 494. Ellerton, William de, parson of St. Mary's, Stiff key, 181. Ellesford, John de, knight, 236. Ellington, Elyngton [in Masham, co. York], 227. Elm [co. Cambridge], 11. , commission of sewers in, 485. Elmdon, Elmedon [co. Essex], 61. Elme, John de, presented to the church of Beckenham, 82. Elmedon. See Elmdon. Elmebrugge, John de, 235. Elmeley, William de, clerk of the works at Nottingham castle, Bestwood ledge and Clipstone manor, 185. Elmerugge, Elmruge, Elmrugg, John, of Aldenham, 13. , John de, constable of Corfe castle, 395. , Roger, 407. , commissioner, 142, 157. , . . . . , knight, Elizabeth late the wife of, 252, 276. Elmeshale, John, parson of Great Parndon, 192. Elmestede, John de, of Hartlip, 107. Elmeston. See Elmstone. Elmeton, Walter de, clerk, 23. Elmham, William de, governor of Bayonne and seneschal of Landes, 127. , under -governor of Bayonne and seneschal of Landes, 184. , . . . . , knight, William son of, 296. Elmrugg, Elmruge. See Elme- rugge. Elmstone, Elmeston [co. Kent], church, 88 bis. Elnestowe. See Elstow. Elsham [co. Lincoln], 264. Elstow, Elnestowe [co. Bedford], 433, 436. 586 GENERAL INDEX. Elstow — cont. , abbess and convent of, 436. Elsy, Geoffrey, of Manthorpe, co. Lincoln, 67. , John, 67. Eltham [co. Kent], 358, 484. , letters patent dated at, 37, 40-42, 46, 63, 91-96, 98, 105, 107, 259, 263, 297, 431. , manor, 191, 238. , . . . . , letters patent dated at, 16, 41, 42, 44, 47, 49, 50, 91, 94-96, 107, 116, 129, 259, 272. , . . . . , chaplains in. See Monk, John ; Swetemon, John. , . . . . , farmer of. See Spal- dyng, William. , . . . . , keeper of the king's houses in. See Bataill, Ralph. , park, works in, 381. , park and warren, keeper of. See Beverlaco, John de. Eltham, Thomas de, the king's smith, 105. Elton, Elveton [in Warmingham, co. Chester], 131. [co. Nottingham], 63, 142. Elvaston, Aylwaston [co. Derby], 88. , Ambaston and Thulston in, 284. Elveleye. See Kirk Ella. Elveton. See Elton. Ely [co. Cambridge], commission of sewers in, 485. , hospital of St. John at, master and brethren of, 277, 477. Ely, archdeacon of, 172, 404. , bishop of. See Arundel, Thomas de. , bishopric of, temporalities of, 17. , . . . . , voidance of, 37. , diocese of, 37, 367. Ely, Robert de, 363. Elyng. See Eling. Elyngton. See Ellington. Elyngton, William de, knight, 424. Elynton, John, 495. Elyot, John, king's messenger, 351, 397. , Stephen, commissioner, 57. Elys, Adam, commissioner, 319. , John, of Solihull, co. War- wick, 338. Elys — cont. , Martin, parson of St. Faith's, London, 68. , Peter, porter of Leeds castle, 187. , Thomas, 141. , commissioner, 151, 219, 221, 314, 315, 323. , . . . . , mayor of Sandwich, 159. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 218. , Walter, of Dover, 379. , . . . . , searcher in all ports in Kent, 313. , , Margaret, wife of, 379. , William, canon of Leicester, 322. , William, of Hoo, co. Kent, 67. , William, of Great Yar- mouth, 455. , . . . . , . . . . , collector of customs and deputy farmer of a subsidy in the port of Great Yarmouth, 455. , . . . ., burgess of Great Yar- mouth, 472. , . . . . , farmer of subsidy and customs in Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex, 311. , . . . . , deputy butler at Great Yarmouth, 362. Elysaundre, John, chaplain, pre- sented to the church of St. Leonard by Hastings, 35. See Alisandre. Elysson, John, 151. Embleton, Emyldon [co. Northum- berland], vicar of, 317. Emele, John, Dutchman, 419. Emmesworth. See Emsworth. Empingham, Empyngham [co. Rut- land], 265. Emson, Richard, 494. Emsted, 392, 396. Emsworth, Emmesworth [in War- blington, co. Southampton], port, searchers in. See Clere, Robert ; Paye, Adam. Emyldon. See Embleton. Enfeld, Enefeld, John, 237. , . . . . , Alice daughter and heir of, 236, 237. , Thomas de, 504. , William, vicar of Hackney, exchanged to the church of Milstead, co. Kent, 166. Engayne, William, of Cumberland, 284. GENERAL INDEX. 587 Engelard, Edmund de, 502. i Engleis, Englys, Englise, Henry, commissioner, 320. , Richard, of Clevedon, com- missioner, 53. , Lenglissh, William le, chief forester of Inglewood forest, 94. Eode, William, of Chillerton, Isle of Wight, 179. Eperston, John de, mayor of Lin- coln, 489, 501. Eppeworth. See Epworth. Epsle. See Ipsley. Epworth, Eppeworth [co. Lincoln], 494. Ercall, High, Ercalwe Magna [co. Salop], manor, 403. , . . . . , vicar of, 403. , . . . . , Isombridge in, Isen- brugg, 148. , . . . . , Poynton in, Peuing- ton, 278. Ercalwe, William de, 403. Erchebaud. See Archebald. Ercher, John, 410, 413. Cf. Archer. Erdesley. See Eardisley. Erdyngton. See Eardington. Erdyngton, Erdynton, Giles de, 116. , . . . . , Elizabeth, wife of, 116. , . . . . , Thomas, son of, and Margaret, his wife, 116, 117. , Henry de, 116. , Thomas de, commissioner, 491. Erehethe. See Erith. Eresford Brigge, cos. Buckingham and Northampton, 310. Ergham, Erghom [co. York], 467. Erghum, Ergum, Erghom, Master Ralph de, commissioner, 65. , Ralph, doctor of laws, bishop of Salisbury, 208, 212, 215, 248, 290, 336, 343. , . . . . , commissioner, 325. , William de, commissioner, 321. Erith, Erehethe, co. Kent, 386. Erleswood. See Earlswood. Erlyngton. See Arlington. Ermyte, Thomas, 76. Ernald, John, 234, 336. Erneclif. See Arncliffe. Ernesby. See Arnesby. Ernesby, John, 337. , John son of John de, 424. Erneshill, John, 327. Ernysby. See Arnesby. Erringden, co. York, Wadsworth in, Waddesworth, 154. Ertham. See Eartham. Erthynglegh. See Ardingley. Erugge, Richard, 495. Eryum on Tese. See Yarm. Escryk, Johnde, of Selby, co. York, 476. Esendon. See Essendon. Esher, Essher [co. Surrey], parsons of, 234. hospital of Sandon in, 447. Esker [co. Dublin], lordship of, 123. Eskhed, John, 224. , Richard, commissioner, 224. Eslyng. See Eastling. Esmeryk, Bernard, ship-owner of Aragon, 65. Essartis, Hugh de, temp. Stephen, 466. Esseby la Zuche. See Ashby de la Zouch. Esseholt by Dunsterre. See Asholt. Essendon, Esendon [co. Hertford], 359. Essex, 63, 84, 85, 126, 144, 148, 158, 159, 192, 223, 236, 237, 258, 315, 332, 341, 369, 417, 435 bis, 482, 489, 492. , certain cloths made in, exempted from inclusion in a statute, 396. ....... collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in. See Seburgh, Richard. , commission of array in, 497. , commission of the peace in, 137, 314, 323. , commission of sewers in, 485. , escheator in. See Bataill, Thomas ; Keterich, Roger ; Welde, John atte. , issues of, 469. justices of oyer and terminer in, 146. , justices of the peace in, 118. , marshes in, commission of sewers in, 161. Essex, outlawries in, 118, 263, 264 bis, 270, 296, 357, 421 bis, 448, 472. , sheriff of, 28, 56, 57, 415. , See Bataile, John. , sheriff and barons of, letters of Stephen and Henry II to, 85. 588 GENERAL INDEX. Essex, earl of. See Bohun, Hum- phrey de. Essex, Henry de, temp. Stephen, 466. , . . . . , constable, temp. Henry II, 289. , John, 65, 142. , servant of John Cheyne, 63. , Robert, 122. , Joan, wife of, 122. Essher. See Esher. Essholt, Richard, walker, 151. Estbolton in Wensladale. See Bolton, Castle. Estbrun. See Eastburn. Estcherche. See Eastchurch. Estcheyham. See Cheam, East. Estcoker. See Coker, East. Estdepyng, Estdepinge. See Deep- ing. Estderham. See Dereham, East. Estergate. See Eastergate. Estfeld, William de, commissioner, 217. Estgrenewich, Estgrenewych. See Greenwich. Estham, Esthamme. See Ham, East. Esthampsted. See Easthampstead. Esthanyngfeld. See Hanningfield, East. Esthenereth. See Hendred, East. Estlulleworth. See Lulworth, East. Estmarcham. See Markham. Eston fin Ormesby], Eston in Clyve- land [co. York], 11, 163. , liberty of, 331. Eston. See Easton. Eston, John de, Robert son of William son of, 163. , Richard, of Willesdon, 290. Estradn, David son of John de, chaplain, presented to the church of English Bicknor, 173. Estre. See Easter. Estree. See Eastry. Eststandon. See Standen, East. Estsutton. See Sutton. Esttofte, William, 494. Estwode. See Eastwood. Estyngton. See Eastington. Estynham, John de, clerk, 409. Esyngton. See Easington. Eton, co. Buckingham, 201. , Eton by Wyndesore [co. Buckingham], parsons of, 189. Eton. See Eaton. Eton — cont. Tregoz. See Eaton. Eton, John de, clerk, 363. , William de, William servant of, 90. Etton [co. York], 467. Etton, Thomas de, 13. , commissioner, 491. , . . . . , the elder, commis- sioner, 160. , . . . . , the younger, keeper of the chase and warren of Kirkby Malzeard and Nidder- dale, 276. Euer, Ralph de, 302. , . . . . , Isabel, wife of, daughter of Aymer de Atholl, 302. , Robert de, 298, 336, 344. , commissioner, 51. , Walter de, 336. , . . . . , constable of Carlow castle, 339. Eukesbury. See Exbury. Eustace, son of king Stephen, 465. Eustace, Humphrey son of, of Bar- rington, temp. Stephen and Henry II, 85 bis. Eustas, John, of Acton, co. Middle- sex, 72. Evatte, Master Joyce, 84. Evenwood, Evenwode [co. Durham], park, parker of. See Chaun- deler, John. Everard, Martin, commissioner, 485. , Patrick, 373. , Joan, wife of, 374. , Thomas, the elder, of Wat- ton, co. Norfolk, 152. , . . . . , the younger, of Wat- ton, co. Norfolk, 144, 152, 275. Evercreech, Ever cry ch [co. Somer- set], vicars of, 112. Everdon, Philip de, dean of St. Peter's, Wolverhampton, let- ters patent of, 282. Everesle. See Eversley. Eversley, Everesle [co. Southamp- ton], church, 212. Everton [co. Bedford], vicar of, 433. Everyngham, Adam de, of Laxton, commissioner, 136, 223. Evesham, co. Worcester, 339. , abbot of, 330. , John, abbot of, 41, 339. , abbot and convent of, 109, 296. Evesham, Thomas de, deputy con- troller of customs in the port of London, 462. GENERAL INDEX. 589 Ewan, John, of Wareham, 409. Ewardeby. See Ewerby. Ewart, Eworth [in Doddington, co. Northumberland], 109. Eweas. See Ewyas. Ewehurst. See Ewhurst. Ewell, John de, commissioner, 156. Ewerby, Ewardeby, Iwardby, Iwardeby [co. Lincoln], par- son of , 126, 279, 432'. Ewerye. See Lewerye. Ewhurst, Ewehurst [co. Sussex], prebend of. See Hastings. Eworth. See Ewart. Ewyas Lacy, Eweas in Wales [co. Hereford], land of, 29. , land and lordship of, 34. Ewyas, William, vicar of Staverton, co. Gloucester, 268. Of. Deuyas. Ewys, Robert de, commissioner, 158. Exbury, Eukesbury [co. Southamp- ton], 261. Exchequer, the, 6, 44, 47, 48, 83, 94, 95 bis, 122, 129, 169, 171, 174, 185, 190, 203, 213, 214, 216, 250, 278, 295, 299, 300, 304, 334, 338, 352. 355 bis, 368, 369, 372, 381, 385, 386 bis, 395, 397, 399, 400, 402, 404, 406, 407, 408, 434, 442, 456, 457, 459, 461, 470, 473, 479. , annuities, 5, 9, 15, 16, 31, 48, 49, 77, 79, 84, 92, 100, 105, 163, 170, 174, 177, 180, 181, 183, 189, 198, 203, 204, 213, 215, 240, 246, 250, 252, 253, 255, 257, 262, 265, 267, 274, 283, 294, 296, 303, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 344, 346, 347, 349, 351, 352, 354, 357, 359, 360, 361, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 388, 389, 390, 392, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 401, 402, 404, 405, 407, 424, 438, 440, 444, 447, 458, 460, 468, 470, 471, 473, 474, 475, 476, 478, 481. , auditor of. See Gosebourn, John. , chief baron of. See Asty, Henry ; Percehay, Henry. , barons of. See Aller- thorp, Laurence de ; Blockele, John de ; Drayton, Master Nicholas de ; Tauk, William. Exchequer — cont. , chamberlains of. See Mulsho, William de ; Sib- thorp, Robert de. , clerk in, 82. , receipt of, 3, 5, 7, 36, 45, 77, 93. , . . . . , teller of. See Beau- foy, William. , . . . . , ushers of. See Bray, John ; Edrych, John. , seal of, 473. , treasurers of. See Assheton, Robert de ; Scrope, Richard le ; Wakefeld, Henry de. , treasurer and barons of, 77, 93, 94, 174, 195, 196, 383, 402, 427, 473, 479. , treasurer and chamberlains of, 309, 452. Exemptions from being put on assizes &c, 17, 18, 19, 31, 33, 43, 46, 76, 79, 83, 87, 92, 111, 114, 116, 129, 162, 165, 172, 207, 213, 256, 258, 272, 277, 287, 349, 388, 422, 428, 430, 434, 468, 482, 484. Exestre, John de, presented to the church of Patching, co. Sus- sex, 40. Exeter, collectors of customs at, 206. , farm of, 298. , mayor and bailiffs of, 49, 206, 476. , gaol delivery of, 294. , castle, gaol delivery of, 273. , port of, controller of cus- toms in. See Hadlegh, Peter. , repair of the walls of, 476, 502. , cathedral church, canons of. See Cheyne, John ; Vagges- comb, Robert. , . . . . , dean and chapter of, 360. , . . . . , treasurers of. See Broke, Robert ; Mugge William. , , prebends in, 268, 275, 276. , . . . . , prohibition of papal collations to farms of, 488. , priory of St. Nicholas, Gil bert, prior of, 450. Exeter, diocese, 22, 40, 70, 72, 93, 100, 124, 128, 165, 180, 194, 241, 268, 269, 270, 286, 294, 304, 340, 346, 363, 366, 370, 372, 373, 393, 395, 433, 437, 454, 475. 590 GENERAL INDEX. Exeter, archdeacon of. See Veruhio, Peter de. , archdeaconry of, 80. Exeter, bishop of. See Brantyng- ham, Thomas de. Exnyng, Matthew, monk of St. Nicholas', Exeter, 450. Exton, co. Somerset, 386. Exton, Nicholas, citizen and fish- monger of London, 99, 125. , . . . . , Katharine, wife of, 99, 125. , . . . . , Richard, brother of, 99. Eyam, Eywom [co. Derby], parsons of, 76. Eycle. See Eagle. Eycote [in Colesborne], co. Glouces- ter, manor, 100. Eye [co. Suffolk], alien priory of, 74, 83, 207, 211, 241. Eyford [co. Gloucester], manor and advowson, 109. Eykeryng. See Eakring. Eynesford, John de, commissioner, 139, 490, 499. Eynesham, William de, 23. , . . . . , citizen of London, 254. Eynon, Ralph ap, Joan relict of, 372. , . . . . , . . . . , Thomas son of, and Joan, his wife, 372. , Thomas ap, 240. Eynsham, Eynesham [co. Oxford], abbey, porter of, 204. Eyremyn. See Ayermyn. Eystanes atte Mounte. See Easton, Great. Eyston, John, of London, mercer, 176, 275. , William de, of Isleworth, 80, 84. , , Isabel wife of, 80, 84. Eyton, Eyton Stokkes [in Alber- bury, co. Salop], 278. Eyton, Robert de, of Morley, co. Derby, 189, 191. Eywom. See Eyam. F Fadmoor, Fadmore [in Kirkby Moorside, co. York], 316. Fagerwella. See Fairwell. Fagherwald, Richard de, 83. r Fairfax, John, parson of Prescot, co. Lancaster, 206. Fairwell, Fagerwella [co. Stafford], nuns of, charters in favour of, 182. Fakenham Magna, Fakenham Aspes [co. Suffolk], manor, 276. Fakenham, Thomas, 32. Falbek, Robert, chaplain, presented to a chantry in the church of St. Pancras, 37 bis. , presented to Swale- cliffe, co. Kent, 179. Falbergh, Henry de, 336. falcons, the king's, bearer of, 105, 196. , . . . ., purveyor for, 71, 238, 436. Fall, Stephen de, 483. Fallardeston. See Faulston. Fallewesley, John de, knight, 289. Falmer, Falmere, co. Sussex, 496. Fanford, John, 431. Fanges. See Vange. Fangfosse, John de, presented to the church of Allesley, 359. , . . . . , presented to the church of Little Compton, co. Warwick, 384. Faringdon [co. Berks], manor of Littleworth in, Worde, 259. , manor of Wadley in, Wadele, 259. , manor of Wicklesome in, Wykyngesham, 259. Farle, Richard, of Basingstoke, 119. Farlee, William de, king's clerk, 197. , . . . . , clerk, keeper of the wardrobe, 400. Farlegh, William de, 31. , Agnes, wife of, 31. See Ferlegh. Farleigh, Farle [co. Wilts], courts of the honour of, 355, 408. , Monkton, Farlegh, Munke- ton [co. Wilts], manor, 205. , . . . . , indenture of William, prior, and the convent of, 205. Farlesthorpe, Farlesthorp [co. Lin- coln], 20. Farming Woods, Fremyngwodes, Fermyngwodes [in Brigstock, co. Northampton], bailiwick, in Brigstock forest, 124. I bailiwick, in Rockingham forest, 190. Farndon. See Farringdon. GENERAL INDEX. 591 Farndon, John, serjeant-at-arms, commissioner, 158. Farnesfeld, Roger de, of Notting- ham, 113. Farney, Fermoy [co. Monaghan], lands of, 340. Farnham, 244. , co. Buckingham, 4, 23. , . . . ., manor, 4, 23. [co. Surrey], park, 237. [co. York], Scotton in, 79, 215. Farnham, John, 457. , Master William, parson of Walkington, co. York, 42. Farnhill, William, forester in the New Forest, 445. Farnyngho, Robert de, 305. Farringdon, Farndon [in Stoke Courcy, co. Somerset], 97. Faryngdon, Walter, parson of Whit- church, co. Buckingham, ex- changed to the church of Ick- ham, 116. Faryngton, John de, commissioner, 325. , Robert de, 28. , , clerk, 339. , . . . . , attorneys received by, 28, 190, 205, 338 ter, 339, 396. , . . . . , presented to the chantry of Menacuddle and church of St. Clether, co. Cornwall, 22. , . . . . , presented to the church of Harlow, co. Essex, 32. , . . . . , presented to the church of St. Dunstan in the East, London, 44. , . . . . , king's clerk, pre- bendary of Westbury col- legiate church, 195. , king's clerk, pre- bendary of Lincoln, 392. , . . . . , grant of prebend to, revoked, 393. , . . . . , presented to the church of Ivinghoe, co. Buck- ingham, 394. Fastern. See Vastern. Fastolf, Alexander, John son of, 211. , Hugh, 51, 110. , . . . . , attorneys received by, 211. , . . . . , commissioner, 222, 487, 490. , John, commissioner, 41 1,412. Fastolf — cont. , John, the younger, 211. Faucomberge, Thomas, knight, 74, 178. , Walter, commissioner, 498. , . . . . , knight, Isabel late the wife of, 74, 178. Fauconer, Faukoner, Edmund, 329. , . . . . , servant of Robert Corners, 331. , commissioner, 315. , John, yeoman of the house- hold, 307. , . . . . , purveyor for the king's horses, 238, 436. , Nicholas, keeper of the forest of Chute, 266. , Robert, Robert servant of, 196. , Thomas, 107. Fauelore, Peter, 293. Faukoner. See Fauconer. Faulston, Fallardeston [in Bishop - stone], co. Wilts, manor, 353. Fautort, John, 253. See Vautort. Favel, John, 420. Faversham, Faverisham, Favere- sham, Feversham, co. Kent, 8, 150, 313, 434. , commission of sewers at, 315. , port of, 49. , abbot of, his inn in London, 127. Fawley [co. Southampton], Hythe in, Le Heop, 261. Faxfleet, Flaxflete, Faxflete [in South Cave, co. York], manor, 180, 462. Faxton, Richard de, porter of Eyn- sham abbey, 204. Fayrthwayt, 135. Favte, Robert, 263. Fayth, la, hamlet, by Cork, 309. Fecamp, Fescambe [Seine Inferieure, France], abbey of, 128, 162, 210, 422. Feckenham, Fekenham, co. Wor- cester, 493. , manor, 493. , charter dated at, 433. , stank of, 92. , Ham Green in, Homme, 234, 336. , manor of Holloway in, Holeweie, Ho lew eye, 13, 262. Fekenham. See Feckenham. Fekenham, Robert, of the New Forest, 37. 592 GENERAL INDEX. Felbrigge, George de, 385. , king's esquire, 76, 213. , . . . . , farmer of subsidy and customs in Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex, 311. , . . . . , keeper of Colchester castle &c, 368. , . . . . , bailiff of Rochford hundred, 397. Felchone, John, merchant of the Hanse, 417. Feld, Felde, Edmund de la, chantry chaplain in St. Mary's, Here- ford, 75. , John de la, 481, 482. , . . . . , John, son and heir of, 481. , Robert, of London, 210, 399. , William de la, 122. Feldallyng. See Dalling, Field. Felde. See Feld. Feldeston. See Fieldstown. Feliskirk [co. York], Thirlby in, Tlirilby, 281. Felsa, near Meaux [co. York], 467. Felstead, Felsted [co. Essex], 360. , Blacholley in, 360. Felton [co. Northumberland], manor, 302. Felton, Hamo de, knight, 133. , commissioner, 144, 497, 502. , John de, knight, commis- sioner, 151. , Thomas de, knight, 14, 22, 94, 108, 110. , . . . . , seneschal of Gascony, 77, 93. , . . . . , seneschal of Aquitaine, 186. , . . . ., justice of Chester, 293. , Joan, wife of, 14, 94, 108, 110. , . . . . , Sibyl, daughter of, 110. Feltwell, Robert, 318. Fencotes, John de, justice of gaol delivery, 401. Fenes, William, 249. Fenham [in St. Andrew's, New- castle], co. Northumberland, 143. Fenne, William atte, bondman of the abbot of Ramsey, 107. Fenrother, Master Adam de, warden of the free chapel of St. Edmund, Gateshead, ex- changed to All Hallows the Great, London, 305. Fenrother, Master Adam de — -cont. , revocation of pre- sentation of, 426. Fenstanton. See Stanton, Fen. Fenton, Kirk [co. York], 77. Fenwyk, Robert de, 298. Ferenthe. See Frant. Ferers. See Ferrers. Feriby. See Ferriby. Ferlegh, William, 105. See Farlegh. Fermory, Richard del, of Kirkham, co. York, 45. Fermoy. See Farney. Fermyngwodes. See Farming Woods. Ferns, Femes, Ireland, bishop of. See Den, Thomas. , church of, dean and chapter of, 298. Ferrariis, Ferrers, Ferreres, Ferers, Feriers, Henry de, knight, 57, 342, 436, 437. , . . . ., Joan, late the wife of, 342 , Maud, wife of, 342, 436. , John de, knight, 173, 189, 288, 343, 349, 358. , . . . . , Elizabeth, sometime wife of, 358. , . . . . , Robert, son and heir of, 343, 350, 358. , John, commissioner, 226. , Martin, commissioner, 139, 153, 499. , Ralph de, commissioner, 62, 65, 138, 139, 148, 322, 498, 499. , . . . . , knight, commissioner, 326, 408, 491. , Robert de, earl of Derby, temp. Henry III, letters patent of, 460. , Robert de, Joan, sometime wife of, 350, 358. , William de, 169, 199. , . . . . , Henry son and heir of, 45. Ferriby, Feriby, 212. , North, Northferiby, Feryby [co. York], 18. , . . . . , church, 1 8. , . . . ., Swanland in, 18, 86. , South, Feriby [co. Lincoln], bridge of, 58. Ferrour, Ferour, Hugh, yeoman of the household, 382. , John, 84. , Richard, 221. GENERAL INDEX. 593 Ferrour, Richard — cont. , of Mitcheldean, co. Gloucester, 220, 221. , Robert, 388. , Roger, keeper of the warrens of Snettisham, co. Norfolk, and Soham, co. Cambridge, 405. , Walter, of Stone hundred, co. Somerset, 172. , William, 219, 353, 492. , of Southwark, 337. Ferry by. See Feryby. Fersfield, Fersfeld [co. Norfolk], parson of, 277. Fersheford. See Freshford. Feryby. See Ferriby. Feryby, Ferryby, Hugh de, clerk, 188. , John de, 435. , Nicholas de, clerk, 414. , Thomas de, 188. , , clerk, 337. , . . . . , presented to the church of Kippax, 420. , William de, clerk, 414. , . . . . , parson of Stokesley, co. York, 18. , . . . . , prebendary of York, 73. , canon of St. Peter's, York, 73. Fescambe. See Fecamp. Feugers. See Fougeres. Feversham. See Faversham. Fevre, William, vicar of Beckford, co. Gloucester, exchanged to the vicarage of Ombersley, co. Worcester, 2. Fieldstown, Feldeston [in Clon- methan, co. Dublin], 482. manor, 482. Fiffid, John, sheriff of London, 37. Fifhide. See Fifield Bavant. Fifhide, Fyfhide, Fyfhyde, John, 495. , . . . . , commissioner, 222. , William, 492, 495. , commissioner, 222, 333, 492. See Fiffid. Fifield Bavant, Fifhide, co. Wilts, manor, 33. Figere, John del, master of the St. John of San Sebastian, 507. Filey [co. York], Newbiggin in, Neubiging, 467. Filgrave [co. Buckingham], parsons of, 34. Fillongley, Filongleye, co. Warwick, manor, 196. Fillyngham, John, 392. Filongleye. See Fillongley. Filtz Richard. See Fitz Richard. Finchingfield, Fynchyngfeld [co. Essex], vicarage of, 167. Finckley, Fynkele [in Andover, co. Southampton], park, 38. Findon, Fyndon [co. Sussex], church, 9. Fine Roll, 40, 73. Finglas, Fynglas [co. Dublin], pre- bend of. See Dublin. Finningley, Fynyngley [co. Notting- ham], manor, 153. Fipayn, John, knight, commissioner, 65. Firsby [with Saxby], Frisby [co. Lincoln], manor and advow- son, 470. Fischus. See Fishehouse. Fishacre, Martin de, temp. Edward I, 271. Fishehouse, Fischus [in Ottringham, co. York], 467. Fisherton Anger, Fissherton by Salesbury, Fyssherton [co . Wilts], 176, 295. fishing nets, illegal, 489. Fishlake, Fisshelak, co. York, 154. Fissheburn, John de, clerk of the dioceses of Lincoln, York and Durham, 240. Fisshelak. See Fishlake. Fisshelak, Thomas son of Thomas de, 10. Fissher, Fisshere, Fysshere, John, 358, 459. , . . . . , chaplain, 437. , Nicholas, purveyor for the household, 71. , Thomas, of Frowlesworth, 424. Fissherton by Salesbury. See Fisherton Anger. Fisszare, Sir Stephen le, of Swindon, chaplain, 205. Fitelton. See Fittleton. Fitlyng, Fytlyng, Amand, canon of St. Paul's, London, guardian of the spirituality of the bishopric of London, 131, 196. , Thomas, commissioner, 139, 497. Fittleton, Fitelton, co. Wilts, 195. Fitz Alan, Richard, earl of Arundel and Surrey, 6, 26, 86, 129, 142, 155 bis, 243, 299, 374, 441, 492, 495. Wt. 18915. E 38 594 GENERAL INDEX. Fitz Alan, Richard — cont. , . . . . , keeper of Porchester town, castle and forest, 250. , . . . . , commissioner, 1 36, 137, 139, 158, 314 bis, 415, 499 bis. , . . . . , Eleanor, wife of, 243. , . . . . , Richard, son of, 299. , . . . . , Eleanor, daughter of, wife of Robert de Ufford, 299. Fitz Alayn, Thomas, 61. Fitz Andreu, Roger, 241. , . . . . , Joan, wife of, 241. Fitz Elys, John, clerk, 86. , John, ratification in favour of, revoked, 31. , John, parson of Wicklow, 84. , John, archdeacon of Glen- dalough, 84. , Robert, Margaret late the wife of, 202. , . . . . , William brother of, 202. , . . . . , . . . . , Elizabeth (Duyn) daughter of, 202. Fitz Eustace, John, 111. Fitz Eyr, John, 433. Cf. Fisszare. Fitz Herberd, Edmund, commis- sioner, 136, 219, 499. , William, 482. Fitz Johan, John, 255. , . . . . , Agnes late the wife of, 255. Fitz Moritz, Gerard, earl of Kildare, 394. , commissioner, 416. Fitz Payn, John, 458. , Cf. Fipayn. , Robert le, commissioner, 136, 139, 155, 219, 327, 332, 408, 499. , Robert, knight, 111. Fitz Piers, Baldwin, of Glenfield, Joan daughter of, 45. Fitz Rauf, Robert, 408. Fitz Richard, Ralph, 433. , Ralph, commissioner, 62. Fitz Thomas, Maurice, earl of Kil- dare, justiciary of Ireland, 244, 266. Fitz Waryn, Ivo, knight, 492. , Philip, commissioner, 141, 153, 324. , Philip, knight, 261. Fitz Wauter, Fitz Wautier, John, 453. , . . . . , Walter, son and heir of, 453. Fitz Wauter — cont. , John, of Dunham, co. Not- tingham, 411. , Thomas, archdeacon of Kil- dare, 120. , Walter, 122, 191. , . . . . , commissioner, 489. , William, commissioner, 499. Fitz William, John, commissioner, 158, 326. , Thomas, commissioner, 490, 497. , William, 30. Fladbury, Fladebury [co. Worcester], church, 7. , parson of, 262. Flamborough, Flaynburgh [co. York], 149, 150. Flamstead, Flamstede [co. Hert- ford], parsons of, 277. Flamvill, Flamvyll, Flamvyle, Robert, commissioner, 137. , William, commissioner, 322, 333, 494. Flanders, 65, 505. , Flaundres, count of, 508. , county of, 503. , lieutenant and governor of. See Juliers, William, marquis of. Flandres, Guy de, 503, 506. Flaundres. See Flanders. Flaxflete. See Faxfleet. Flaynburgh. See Flamborough. Fleccher, Richard, 416. Cf. Flechare. Flecham, John, of Shalford, co. Essex, commissioner, 415. Flechare, William le, of Bradley, co. Worcester, 251. Cf. Fleccher. Fleet, Flete [co. Lincoln], 23, 135, 138, 332, 406, 417. Flemyng, Flemmyng, Alice, 411. , Simon, 104. , Stephen, 460. , . . . . , of co. Meath, 295. , Thomas, 411. , Torinus, dyer, 150. Fleshewer, Flesshewere, John, of Wooler, 59. , Thomas, of Caythorpe, co. Lincoln, 61. Flessheman, Robert, of Norton, 302, 402. Flesshewere. See Fleshewer. Flete. See Fleet. Flete, Joan atte, 285. , Richard de, 177, GENERAL INDEX. 595 Flete — conL , William of the (Othflete), Joan wife of, 285. Flette. See Flitt. Flicham. See Flitcham. Flint, Flynt, county of, 375, 389. , . . . . , dower of the princess of Wales in, 374. Flisco, Nicholinus de, 503, 505. Flitcham, Flicham [co. Norfolk], vicars of, 74. Flitt, Flette, Flitte, co. Bedford, hundred of, 406, 454. Flitteris, Fliterys, Flyterys [in Oak- ham, co. Rutland], park, keeper of. See Gambon, William de ; Slegh, John. , works in, 105. , . . . . , . . . . , controller of. See Hyde, John atte. Flittewyk. See Flitwick. Flittewyk, David de, 473. Flitwick, Flittewyk, Fitwyk [co. Bedford], 14, 181, 473. , Priestley in, Prestelee, 181. Flixborough, Flixburgh [co. Lin- coln], church, 428. , parson of, 192. Flixton [in Folkton, co. York], 414. Flore, William, of Oakham, receiver at Oakham, 73. Florence [Italy], merchants of, 148. , merchants of the society of Bardi in, 5, 30, 181, 505. Flynt. See Flint. Flynton, Walter de, 18. Flyterys. See Flitteris. Fobbing, Fobbyng [co. Essex], 84. , ship of, 156. Fode, Richard, 473. . . . ., serjeant of the bake- house, 473. , . . . . , serjeant baker, pur- veyor for the household, 238, 239. , . . . . , serjeant harbinger of the king's horses, 447. Foderyngeye, Fodryngeye. See Fotheringhay. Foghel, John, commissioner, 500. Cf. Foughle. Fogheleston. See Fugglestone. Folde, William atte, citizen and fishmonger of London, 12. Fole, Philip, ap Ye van ap Gruffuth, 425. Foletby. See Fulletby. Foljambe, Foljeaumbe, Godfrey, commissioner, 59, 63, 137. Foljambe, Godfrey — cont. , , knight, 180, 283, 284, 323, 462. , Anina, wife of, 283, 284. Folkerthorp, Thomas de, vicar of St. Laurence Walmgate, York, exchanged to the church of Hinderwell, co. York, 165. , . . . . , controller of customs at Boston, 193, 288. Folkestone, Fulston [co. Kent], bal- linger of, officers of, 61. , vicars of, 72. , alien priory of, 72, 411. Folkton [co. York], Flixton in, 414. Folkyngham, John de, clerk, at- torneys received by, 430. Folly John, Foli Johan [co. Berks], manor, works at, controllers and surveyors of. See Hanes- worth, Robert ; Payntour, John. , park, keeper of. See Forester, Stephen. Folstowe. See Fulstow. Folvill, John, commissioner, 51. Foly Johan. See Folly John. Folyfayt, Edmund de, 114. Fontays, Richard, 212. Fontevrault [Maine et Loire,France], abbess and convent of, 205. Forcer, Thomas, 246. Ford, Forthe [co. Salop], chapel of, 154. Ford, Forde, Henry de, 31, 162. , Henry, commissioner, 139, 157. , John atte, of Hurstpier- point, 496. , Robert atte, of London, 304. , Stephen atte, 357. , Valentine atte, chaplain, prebendary of Hastings free chapel, 110, 113. Fordham, co. Cambridge, manor, 108. , John de, 196. , , clerk, 89, 90, 96. , king's clerk, pre- bendary of Lincoln, 76. , Robert de, 100. Fordingbridge, Fordyngbrigge [co. Southampton], 481. Forest on this side Trent, keeper of. See Foxle, John de. Forest, beyond Trent, keeper of. See Latymer, William. 596 GENERAL INDEX. Forests. See : Alice Holt. Needwood. Bere. Parkhurst. Braden. Pewsham. Brigstock. Porchester. Chippenham. Rockingham. Chute. Rutland. Coedtraeth. Sherwood. Dartmoor. Whittlewood. Dean. Windsor. Delamere. Wirral. Inglewood. Woolmer. Melksham. Forester, Forster, Christopher son of Edmund, of Bentham, co. York, 135. , Edmund, of Bentham, co. York, Elizabeth sometime wife of, 135. , Edmund, chaplain, pre- sented to the church of Whit- tington, co. Lancaster, 471. , Geoffrey le, temp. Stephen, 85. , Henry, citizen and mercer of London, 47. , Hugh, 87, 113. , John, 346, 409. , John, of Romsey, com- missioner, 485. , John son of William, of Beetham, co. Westmoreland, 135. , Richard, Richard le, 202, 248, 407. , . . . . , commissioner, 220. , Robert, 229, 494. , Robert son of Edmund, of Bentham, 135. , Robert son of Robert, of Tatham, co. Lancaster, 135. , Roger, 95. , Stephen, keeper of the park of Folly John, 26. , Thomas, of Burwash, co. Sussex, 421. , Thomas, of Thornton Rust, temp. Henry III, 359. , Walter, of London, 480. , William, of Fadmoor, co. York, the younger, 316. , William, of Makkeswell, presented to the church of Quendon, co. Essex, 169. , William son of John, of Old Wennington, co. Lancaster, 135. , William, Laurence son of, of Fradley, co. Stafford, 424. Formage, William, 268. Forncett, Fornesete, co. Norfolk, 53. Fornham [co. Suffolk], 144. , All Saints [co. Suffolk], 263. , parson of, 263. Forsse, John, of Devon, 434. Forstall, Geoffrey, 5. Forstebury, Robert, 195. Forster. See Forester. Forthe. See Ford. Foryate, Richard, of Shrewsbury, 103. Foss, Fosse by York [co. York], stank of, 173. Fossard, W., temp. Stephen, 465. Fossdyke, Fosdyke [co. Lincoln], between the Trent and Lin- coln, 322. Foston [co. Lincoln], 94. on the Wolds, Foston by Holderness [co. York], 369. , . . . . , advowson of, 470. Foston, Geoffrey de, presented to the vicarage of Marston-upon- Dove, 269. , Richard de, canon of Roces- ter, 159, 219. , Thomas de, clerk, 472. Fotheringhay, Fodryngeye, Foderyn- geye [co. Northampton], castle and manor, 354, 367, 474, 475. , castle, constable of. See Asphull, John. , park of, keeper of. See Asphull, John. Foucher, John, commissioner, 137, 321. , . . . . , escheator in Derby, 88, 108. Fougeres, Feugers [Ille-et-Vilaine, France], abbot of, 387. Foughle, John, of Chichester, searcher in all ports of Sussex, 494. Cf. Foghel, Fowel. Foukson, Hugh, 419. Fouldon, John de, parson of Shing- ham, co. Norfolk, 402. Fouler, Waller, 318. Foulmere [co. Cambridge], 263. Founhope. See Fownhope. Fountains [co. York], abbot of, 356. Fourbour, Geoffrey, of Boston, 277. , Stephen, his servant, 431. Fournays, Fourneys. See Furness. Fournays, Fourneys, Adam de, chaplain, 108. , Thomas, draper of London, commissioner, 66. Fournyvall. See Furnyvall. GENERAL INDEX. 597 Fowe, Ivo, Breton, 409. Fowel, Walter, 468. Cf. Foghel, Foughle. Fownhope, Founhope, co. Hereford, manor, 444. Fox, John, of Kirton, co. Lincoln, 317. , Philip, of France, 77. .., William, 379. , William, of Wilton, co. Wilts, 102. Foxholes, co. York, 414. Foxholes, John de, 414. , . . . . , Walter, servant of, 414. , John, of Langtoft, co. York, 326. , William de, smith, 297. Foxle, Foxlee, John de, 216, 262, 285 bis. , commissioner, 135, 409, 411, 496, 499. , . . . . , presented to the church of Quenington, co. Gloucester, 169. , . . . . , warden of the forest on this side Trent, 204. , , knight, 440, 456. , . . . . , . . . . , keeper of the castle of Southampton, the manor and park of Lyndhurst, the New Forest, and the hundred of Redbridge, 350. Foxton, Richard de, commissioner, 51. Foy, co. Hereford, manor of Eaton in, Eton Tregoz, 236. Foyard, Hugh, 117. Fradley, Frodeleye [in Alrewas, co. Stafford], 424. Fradswell, Fredusvall, co. Stafford, 144. Fraisthorpe, Fraisthorp [co. York], 467. Framelyngham, John de, the younger, 157. Framilode, Fromlode, co. Gloucester, manor, 416. Framlingham, Little, Framlyngham, co. Norfolk, 53. Frampton, Frompton [co. Dorset], priory, 219. , priors. See Brioto, Laurence de ; Naget, William. , . . . . , alien priory, 259. , . . . . , vicarage, 259. [co. Lincoln], parson of, 485. Frampton, Walter, of Buckland Ripers, 160. France, 21, 77, 198, 212, 241, 286, 484, 502. , arms of England and, on silver, 403. , expected invasion from, 153. , proclamation to the inhabi- tants of, 505. , war with, 117, 177, 194, 197, 232, 355, 435, 484, 492. , alien priories in the king's hand by reason of the war, 2 bis, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14 bis, 15, 16, 17 bis, 20 bis, 22 bis, 23, 24, 25, 34, 36, 40 bis, 42, 43, 44, 45, 57, 61, 68, 70 bis, 72, 73, 74, 82, 83 bis, 87, 88, 90, 91, 93, 94, 96, 98, 100, 104, 110, 112 bis, 114 bis, 119, 123, 124, 125, 127, 128, 130- 132 passim, 160, 162-169 passim, 171, 172, 173, 177, 180, 183, 184, 185, 187 bis, 188, 190, bis, 191, 197, 201, 203, 204, 207 bis, 208, 210, 211 bis, 231, 233, 234, 235, 236 bis, 241, 242 bis, 245, 246, 250, 252, 253, 254, 255, 257-259, 262, 265, 269 bis, 270, 273, 276, 280, 286, 293, 300, 302, 305, 334, 335 bis, 336, 339 ter, 340, 341, 345, 346, 353, 361, 365, 366, 368, 370, 371, 372, 373, 384, 392, 393, 394, 395, 399, 402, 411, 420, 422 bis, 425, 437, 449, 454, 463 bis, 475, 484, 488. Franceys. See Fraunceys. Franchame. See Frankham. Francheman, William, of Pilgrim Street [Newcastle on Tyne], 140. Francoly, George, shipowner of Aragon, 65. Frank, Franke, Fraunk, Peter, king's henchman, 378. , William, commissioner, 153. , William, of Creech, co. Dorset, the younger, 13. Frankelen, Geoffrey, of Long Comp- ton, 234. Cf. Fraunkeleyn. Frankham, Franchame, in Wad- hurst, co. Sussex, park, 156. Fransham, Edmund de, 502. , . . . . , commissioner, 500. Frant, Ferenthe [co. Sussex], 156. Fraunceys, Franceys, Adam, citizen of London, 84. , John, 424, 439. 598 GENERAL INDEX. Fraunceys, John — cont. , . commissioner, 161, 220. , John, groom of the kitchen, 175, 430. , Ralph de, temp. Henry III, 426. , Robert, king's carpenter, 210. , Robert, millward, of Wat- ford, 341. , Thomas, of Collingham, co. Nottingham, 297. Fraunk. See Frank. Fraunkeleyn, John, vicar of Great Barrington, co. Gloucester, exchanged to the church of St. Andrew, Droitwich, 8. Cf. Frankelen. Fraunkhome, Robert, 190. Frebody, William, forester of the New Forest, 50, 445. Fredusvall. See Fradswell. Free chapels. See : Bedford. Penkridge. Bo sham. Pleshey. Bridgnorth. St. Austell. Gateshead. Shrewsbury. Hadleigh. Stafford. London, St. Tettenhall. Martin's le Wolverhamp- Grand. ton. Frelond, Walter, parson of Christian Malford, co. Wilts, exchanged to the church of Aldington, co. Kent, 16. Freman, John, commissioner, 225. , John, of Foulmere, co. Cam- bridge, 263. Fremyngwodes. See Farming Woods. French Roll, the, 372, 378, 453. Frend, Frende, John, of Salthouse, co. Norfolk, 147. , Robert le, 105. Frendesbery. See Frindsbury. Frenssh, William, 409. See Freynsh. Frenyngham, John de, commissioner, 497. Frere, John, parson of Dudding- hurst, co. Essex, exchanged to the vicarage of East Green- wich, 22. vicar of East Greenwich, exchanged to St. Andrew's, Cornhill, London, 113. , . . . . , parson of St. Andrew's, Cornhill, exchanged to Over- stone, co. Northampton, 177. Frere — cont. , John, Carmelite friar, 228. , Katharine, sister of the hospital of St. Katharine by the Tower of London, 484. , William, of Shepton Beau- champ, 406. Frerecosyn, Robert, 219.' Freshford, Fersheford [co. Somer- set], 31. Freskeneye. See Friskney. Freskeneye, John de, parson of two parts of the church of Fullet- by, co. Lincoln, 71. Fresshefeld, John, 495. Fressheville, John, of Palterton, co. Derby, 469. Freston, John de, 51, 52. Freton, John de, clerk, 89, 113, 463. , . . . . , attorneys received by, 280, 444. , king's clerk, com- missioner, 487. Frevill, Frevyll, Baldwin de, com- missioner, 142, 416, 499. Freyn, Nicholas, 409. Freynsh, William, of Mells, co. Somerset, 342. See Frenssh. Friars, Augustinian, 393. Hermits of St. Augustine, 446. , Carmelite, 228. , . . . . , prior provincial of See Brom, Thomas. Hermits, 183. Minors, 110. Preachers, 129, 154, 163, 295, 418, 428. , Ellis, master of the order, 400. , prior and chapter pro- vincial of, in England, 444. , vagabond, to be ar- rested, 134, 159. , Trinitarian, 8. Frindsbury, Frendesbery [co. Kent], 378. Frisby. See Firsby. Friskney, Freskeneye [co. Lincoln], 71. Frismarsk, Frismersk [disappeared — co. York], 467, 498. Frithe, John atte, of Canterbury, collector of the subsidy on cloth for sale in Kent, 77. Fritheby. See Frytheby. Frocester, Froucestre [co. Glouces- ter], 45. , Edward vicar of, 431. GENERAL INDEX. 599 Frodele, Laurence, 235. Frodeleye. See Fradley. Frodsham, Frodesham [co. Chester], manor, 374. Frogenhale, Richard, commissioner, 319. Fro ill, John, escheator in Southamp- ton, 223. Froille, William, 95. Frollesworth. See Frowlesworth. Fromlode. See Framilode. Frompton. See Frampton. Frompton, Walter de, 179. , , of Bristol, 236. Frost, John, of Barton on Humber, searcher in all ports in Lind- sey, co. Lincoln, 313. , Richard, vicar of Stogum- ber, co. Somerset, exchanged to the church of Huish Champflower, 210. , Thomas, bondman of the abbot of Ramsey, 107. , Walter, commissioner, 55, 136, 151, 161, 224, 313, 316, 498, 502. , William, 239. Frothingham, Walter de, of York, mercer, 12. Froucestre. See Frocester. Frounale, John, 398. Frouwyk. See Frowyk. Frowlesworth, Frollesworth [co. Leicester], 424. Frowyk, Frouwyk, Henry, com- missioner, 491. , Thomas, 4. Fryday, Richard, vicar of Market Lavington, co. Wilts, 259. Fryland, Walter, clerk, 12. Frytheby, Frythby, Fritheby, Edmund de, 127. , , knight, 309, 343. , . . . . , Margaret late the wife of, 423. Fugglestone, Fogheleston [co. Wilts], parson of, 74. Fulbeck, Fulbek [co. Lincoln], 61. Fulbourn, Fulburn [co. Cambridge], 263. , parson of, 283. Fulbourn, Fulburn, William de, parson of Fulbourn, 283. , . . . . , keeper of the great wardrobe and attorney of the princess of Wales, 376. Fulham [co. Middlesex], parish, 72. Fulk, forester [of Cannock], temp. Henry II, 182. Fuller, John, 38. Fulletby, Foletby [co. Lincoln], parson of two parts of the church of, 71. Fulnetby [in Rand, co. Lincoln], 204. Fulston. See Folkestone. Fulstow, Folstowe [co. Lincoln], 271. Fulthorp, Roger de, commissioner, 58, 59, 64, 136 bis, 137 ter, 138 bis, 139, 140 bis, 142, 143, 145, 147, 151, 153, 154 bis, 155, 161, 217, 219, 223, 224 ter, 225, 226, 227, 229, 255, 311, 313, 314 ter, 315, 316 bis, 317 bis, 318 bis, 319, 321, 322, 324 bis, 325, 326 bis, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 411, 412, 414 ter, 416, 485 ter, 490, 491, 494, 498, 500, 501. , . . . . , justice of gaol delivery, 106, 109, 121 bis, 198. , . . . . , justice of the Common Bench, 31, 45. Furbour, John, parson of Cudlawe, co. Sussex, exchanged to the church of St. John, Southamp- ton, 340. Furness, Furneys, Fournays [co. Lancaster], 13. , abbot of, 13, 102, 205. , sands of, 205. Furnyvall, Fournyvall, Thomas de, 4, 23, 186. , William, William de, 185, 217, 363. Fuyth, Robert, 83. , . . . . , Joan daughter and heir of, 83. Fyfhyde, Fyfhide. See Fifhide. Fylers, Stephen, of Great Gransden, 288. Fymmoys, Roger, 360. Fynch, John, of Saxham, chaplain, 246. , John, of Thirntoft, co. York, 109. Fyncheden, William de, knight, 57. , chief justice of the Common Bench, 3, 103. , . . . . , justice of the Bench, 420. , . . . . , justice of gaol delivery, 106, 108. Fynchyngfeld. See Finchingfield. Fyndon. See Findon. Fynglas. See Finglas. Fynkele. See Finckley. Fynyngley. See Finningley. 600 GENERAL INDEX. Fynyngley, Henry de, parson of | Llanwenarth, 90. Fysshe, John, the king's fruiterer, 99. Fysshere. See Fissher. Fyssherton. See Fisherton. Fytheler, Richard, of Poole, searcher i in all ports in Dorset, 149. Fytlyng. See Fitlyng. Fyton, Richard, knight, commis- sioner, 225. G Gaal, John, 126. Gabrielis, Master Paul, of Spain, the king's physician, 352, 354. Gacelyn, Edmund, knight, 115. , Randolf, knight, 115. Gaddesby, Cadisby [co. Leicester], 425. Gainsborough, Gaynesburgh [co. Lincoln], bailiffs and good men of, grant of pavage to, 453. Gairgrave, William de, commissioner, 314. Galard, John, prior of Stoke Courcy, 57. Galby, William de, clerk, commis- sioner, 485. Galmyngton, John de, parson of Little Torrington, 128. Galon, Thomas, commissioner, 226, 317. Gambon, Gamboun, William, 169, 192, 194, 334, 351, 387, 394. , . . . ., yeoman of the cham- ber, 44. , . . . . , gauger of wines at Sandwich, Dover, Hastings , Winchelsea, Shoreham and Rye, &c, 244. , . . . . , king's yeoman, 349. , . . . ., yeoman of the cham- ber, 352. , . . . . , keeper of the keys of the coffers of the chamber, 360. , . . . . , king's yeoman, keeper of Flitteris park and Oakham warren, 361. | Gamel, Ralph, 419. , Thomas, of Gonerby, 241. Gamelston, Robert de, of Retford, 104. Ganyer, John, of Lydney, com- missioner, 315. Garcye, . . . . , of Castro Urdiales, master of the St. John of Castro Urdiales, 507. , Lapin, of Castro Urdiales, master of the St. Martin of Castro Urdiales, 507. , . . . . , master of the St. James of Castro Urdiales, 507. Gardener, William, of Waltham Holy Cross, 357, 472. Cf. Gardiner ; Gardyner. Gardham, Gerthom [near Etton, co. York], 467. Gardiner, John, 495. , . . . . , of Broxted, the elder, 435. Cf. Gardener ; Gardyner. Gardrobier, William, king's yeoman, 428. Gardyner, Henry, hayward, 328. Garendon, Gerondon [co. Leicester], abbot of, 69. Gargrave [co. York], Winterburn in, Wynterburn, 151. Gargrave, William de, commissioner, 498. Garland. See Gerland. Garlek, John, 379. , , Sarah, wife of, 379. Garner, John, 158. Garseton, Adam, citizen and vintner of London, 462. , . . . . , Joan, executrix of, 462. Garth, Adam de la, 115. , Thomas del, 474. Garton, co. York, Grimston in, 467. , Owstwick in, Ousbewik, 467. Garton, John de, Juliana relict of, 301. , John de, Joan, relict of, wife of Robert de Louth, 383. , John de, of Erith, citizen of London, 386, 387. , Margaret, wife of, 386. , William, of Driffield, pre- sented to the church of Monk- silver, 83. , . . . . , . . . . , parson of Monksilver, exchanged to Esher, 234. GENERAL INDEX. 601 Garwynton, Gerwynton, Garwenton, Thomas de, commissioner, 148, 158, 224, 315, 412, 417, 491. , Thomas de, of Well, co. Kent, 331, 434. Gascal, Gascall, Robert, 51, 52, 153. Gascoign, John, of Motrico, master of the St. Nicholas of Motrico, 507. Gascon Rolls, 471. Gascony, 21, 363. , seneschal of. See Felton, Thomas de. , wine of, 26, 405. Gascoyn, Master John, doctor of decrees, 290, 291. Cf. Gaskwyn. Gasethorp. See Gasthorpe. Gaskwyn, John, 141. Cf. Gascoyn. Gasthorpe, Gasethorp [co. Norfolk], church, 88. Gatacre [in Claverley, co. Salop], 278. Gat combe, Gatecombe, Isle of Wight, 458. , Thomas, parson of, 379. , Chillerton in, Chelyerton, 179. Gate, Thomas atte, 495. Gatecombe. See Gatcombe. Gateneys, John, 484. Gatesden, John de, knight, 271. Gateshead, Gatesheved [co. Dur- ham], 140. , church, 187. , chantry in, 127. , free chapel of St. Edmund, wardens of, 305. Gaudeby, Hugh de, attorneys received by, 304, 462. , . . . . , presented to the chapel of Kenwick, co. Norfolk, 468. , . . . . , commissioner, 485. Gaunt. See Ghent. Gaunt, Gislebert de, 287. , Robert de, temp. Henry I, 287. , . . . . , William, nephew of, concistor of Chester, 287. , Walter de, temp. Henry I, son and heir of Gislebert, charter of. 287. Gausehill, William de, 312. Gautby, Gouteby [co. Lincoln], parsons of, 96. gavelkind, gavelkynde, tenure in, 412. Gay, Andrew, 399. Gay — cont. , Nicholas, of Nottingham, 113. , Osbert, 60. , Richard, 431. Gayhurst, Gothurst, co. Bucking- ham, 457. Gaymer, Robert, 263. Gayner, John, commissioner, 220, 221, 319 , John, of Aylburton, co. Gloucester, 108. Gaynesburgh. See Gainsborough. Gaysle. See Gazeley. Gayt, William, chaplain, 476. Gaytford, Gayteford, John, com- missioner, 414. , Nicholas de, 220. Gayton, Geyton [co. Norfolk], 32. Gaytonthorpe, Thorp by Geyton [co. Norfolk], 32. Gaywode, Thomas, 287. Gazeley, Gaysle [co. Suffolk], vicars of, 125. Gebennis, Hugh de, lord of Arthon and Vorey, 503. Gedding, Geddyng [co. Suffolk], parsons of, 24. Geddington, Geydyngton, Gedyng- ton [co. Northampton], 34, 259, 263. wood, Getyngtonwode [co. Northampton], bailiwick of, in Brigstock forest, 124. , Geytyngton [co. NorthamjD- ton], bailiwick of, in Rocking- ham forest, 190. Gedeney, Thomas, controller of customs at Great Yarmouth, 193. Gedeneye. See Gedney. Gedney, Gedeneye [co. Lincoln], 497. Gedyngton. See Geddington. Geffray, John, or Sir John, William Smith called, 220, 221. Gegge, Thomas, commissioner, 148. Geiste. See Guist. Geldeford, John, of Waterbeach, co. Cambridge, 390. Gele, Thomas, 492. Gelle, John, of Cargo Fleet, co. York, 329. Geltsdale, Geltisdale, co. Cumber- land, 225. Genet, Jeuet, Jouet, William, steward of the hundreds of Kingston, Burghill, Cowarne, Bodenham and Stretford, co. Hereford, 8. 602 GENERAL INDEX. Genet, William — cont. , . . . . , steward of the lord- ships &c. of Brecknock, Hay, Huntington and Caldicot, 9. , . . . . , steward of Brecknock, 240, 370. , . . . . , commissioner, 496. Geneurglyn, Generglyn [co. Cardi- gan], commote of, 374. Genoa, 449. , merchants of, 148, 449. , merchants and ships of, protection for, 507. , ships of, 50, 148, 449, 507. Gentyle, Lewis, of Genoa, 449. Genue. See Janua. Genytase, John, 296. Geoffrey, chaplain of Henry II, 182. Geoffrey, John son of, de Kayng- ham, 128. Gerard, Thomas, of Corfe Castle, 13, 409. Gerelady, John, 160. Gerland, Garland, Andrew, of Elm- don, co. Essex, 61. , Isabel, of Sussex, 68, 358. Gerlethorp, Robert de, warden of the charnel chapel in the churchyard of St. Mary's, Worcester, 87, 94. Germayn, Germeyn, Roger, com- missioner, 156, 319 bis. Gernesey. See Guernsey. Gernon, Margery, 482. , Nicholas, knight, 122, 203. , Philip, 312. , Roger, 338, 340. Gernun, William, temp. Henrv III, 15. Gerondon. See Garendon. Gerseye. See Jersey. Gerthom. See Gardham. Gervase, Richard son of, de Wol- vernehampton, 282. , Warin son of, chamberlain, temp. Henry II, 85. Gervays, John, presented to the church of St. Andrew, Hert- ford, 132. , Thomas, 239. Gerveys, Roger, presented to the church of Grimsby, 20. , . . . . , king's clerk, parson of St. Mary's, Grimsby, ex- changed to Eton, co. Buck- ingham, 1 89. , William, of Rotherfield, co. Sussex, 156. Gerwynton. See Garwynton. Geryng, John, of Blakeney, 147. Geryng — cont. , Simon, 157. Geth, Thomas, 403. Getyngton, John de, clerk, 429. Geve, Richard, 416. Geydyngton. See Geddington. Geystre. See Guist. Geyton. See Gayton. Geytyngton. See Geddington. Ghent, Gaunt [Belgium], 503, 506. , captain, echevins and con- suls of, 503. , echevins of, 506. , letters patent dated at, 503- 506. , abbey of St. Peter at, abbot and monks of, 18, 345. , abbot of, 488. Gibbes, John, 205, 464. Gidding, Gyddyng [co. Huntingdon], 262. Giddyng, Roger, parson of Grave - send, 179. Giffard, Gyffard, Edmund, 113. , Edmund, of Arncot, co. Oxford, 407. , . . . . , collector of subsidy on cloths for sale in Oxford and Berks, 185. , John, vicar of Okehampton, exchanged to the vicarage of Bradpole, 124. , Richard, 8. , Robert, 106. , Robert, of Dry Drayton, bailiff of Leightonstone hun- dred, co. Huntingdon, 150. , William, 256, 435. Giffardstoke. See Stoke Gifford. Gilberd, Philip, 337. Gilbert, John, bishop of Bangor, 199, 363. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 65. , . . . . , . . . . , attorneys re- ceived by, 97. , . . . . , bishop of Hereford, 199, 216, 231, 363, 426. Gildeford. See Guildford. Gildersome, Gildesom [co. York], 25. Gildesburgh, John de, commissioner, 158, 161 bis, 323, 485. Gildesom. See Gildersome. Gildespine, Thomas, 370. Giles, William, commissioner, 307, 333. Gillamoor, Gillyngmore [in Kirkby Moorside, co. York], 316. Gille, William, burgess of Plymouth, GENERAL INDEX. 603 Gille — cont. , William, clerk, 109. Cf. Gyll. Gilleson, Thomas, 219. , Walter, 329. Gilling, Gillyng in Rydale, co. York, 13. Gillingham, Gillyngham, Gyllyng- ham, co. Dorset, manor and lordship of, 406. , . . . . , . . . . , keeper of. See Haddele, Stephen de. , . . . ., warren of, 406. , Langham in, Lange- ham, 176. , . . . . , hundred, bailiff of. See Haddele, Stephen de. Gillingham [co. Kent], manor of Lidsingin, Lydesynge, 16, 116. Gillyngmore. See Gillamoor. Gillyngmore, Richard de, chaplain, 316. Gisburn. See Guisborough. Giseburgh, Gisseburn, John de, citi- zen of York, 247. , . . . . , mayor of York, 266. See Gysburn. Giseburn. See Guisborough. Gislebert, Gislebert son of, temp. Stephen, 86. Gisors, Gysors, Thomas, citizen, vint- ner and merchant of London, 84, 197, 253. Gisseburn. See Giseburgh. Gissyng, Thomas, knight, 288. , commissioner, 502. Glamforthbrig. See Glanford Brigg. Glamorgan, Glomorgan, lord of. See Despenser, Edward le. , lordship of, 256. , parts of, castles &c. of Edward le Despenser in, 251. , receiver of. See Broun, Thomas. Glanford Brigg, Glamforthbrig [co. Lincoln], 58. Glasney, collegiate church of St. Thomas the Martyr at, pre- bend in, 211. Glaston [co. Rutland], 271. Glaston, Henry de, presented to the church of Manordivey, co. Pembroke, 127. Glastonbury, Glastyngbury [co. Somerset], abbey of St. Mary, voidance of, 127, 270. , temporalities of, 132. , , abbot of, 438. , . . . . , See Chynnok, John ; Monyton, Walter de. Glastonbury — cont. , prior and convent of, 128. Glauntfordbrigge, Simon de, arch- deacon of Glendalough, 31. Glemesford. See Glemsford. Glemesford, Thomas de, 286. Glemsford, Glemesford [co. Suffolk], 286. , church, 17. Glen Magna [co. Leicester], 265. Glen, William, of London, cord- wainer, 265. Glendalough, Glenlagh, Glendelagh [co. Wicklow], archdeacon of. See Fitz Elys, John ; Glaunt- fordbrigge, Simon de. Glenfield, Glenfeld [co. Leicester], 45. Glenlagh. See Glendalough. Glenteworth. See Glentworth. Glentham [co. Lincoln], 469. Glentworth, Glenteworth [co. Lin- coln], 380. , vicar of, 380. Glenvyll, John, of London, tailor, 492. Glesham, John, of Beckley, co. Sus- sex, 57. Glomorgan. See Glamorgan, glossary : aleye, 248. bowestrenges, 38. brongavel, 484. but tare, 45. cogware, 396. drag, 489. fleshgavel, 484. flodgates, 261, 375. fundour, 407. hiliere, 264. jakke, 38. kereseyes, 396. laudaies, 10. maleman, 388. organer, 92. ' Osmond,' iron called, 455. piastre, 235. pollax, 450. popels, 436. pypoudres, 484. shephous, 261. tangavel, 484. wunderthon, 489. Glossop, Gloshop, co. Derby, 486. Glosthorpe, Glosthorp [in Bawsey, co. Norfolk], 32. Gloucester, county, 154, 155, 159, 219, 273, 281, 310, 372, 493. , . . . . , scarcity of corn in, 319, 320. 604 GENERAL INDEX. Gloucester, county — cont. , collectors of sub- sidy on cloth for sale in. See Beaupyne, Thomas ; Canynges, John and Simon. , . . . . , commission of array in, 499. , . . . . , commissions of the peace in, 136, 138, 315, 487. , . . . . , justices of oyer and terminer in, 142, 146. , escheator in. See Brugg, Edmund de ; Rees, John ap ; Serjeant, John ; Syf re- wast, Walter. , sheriff of, commissioner, 221. , sheriff of. See Veel, Peter de. , outlawries in, 119, 231, 316, 319, 356, 422. Gloucester, Gloucestre [co. Glouces- ter], 25, 154, 176, 221, 269, 278 , farm of, 259. , grant of pavage to, 278. , bailiffs of, 489. , castle, 221. , . . . . , constables of. See Audele, James de ; Bello Campo, John de ; Veel, Peter de. , prison, 489. , Foulbrook in, Fulebroc, 12. , abbey church of St. Peter in, anniversary of Edward II in, 41. , , abbot of, 12, 416. , . . . . , Thomas, abbot of, 232. , abbot of, attorneys received by, 261. , abbot and monks of, 12. , abbot and convent of, 25, 362, 431. , church of the Holy Trinity in, 162. , , parson of, 383, 386. , church of the Friars Preachers of, 154. , courts of the honour of, 355, 408. Gloucestre, John, scholar of the king's hall, Cambridge, 192. Glovere, Richard, armourer, king's helmet -maker in the Tower, 401. Gobyoun, Thomas, of Laindon, co. Essex, 241. , Alice, wife of, 241. Godard, John, captain of the barge of Sandwich, 60. Gode Wynston. See Goodnestone. Godeberd, Robert, chaplain, pre- sented to the church of Sut- ton, co. Hereford, 187. , presentation of, re- voked, 265. Godefraney, John, of East Stour, co. Dorset, 176. Godefray. See Godfrey. Godelak, Godelake," Goodlak, Thomas, clerk, 300. , . . . . , presented to the church of Great Cressingham, 253. , . . . . , king's clerk, controller of accounts at Calais, 378. Cf. Goudelak. Godeman. See Godman. Goderich, Goderych, John, keeper of Rutland forest, 352. , John, the younger, 397. , Richard, scholar of the King's Hall, Cambridge, 192. , Simon, scholar of the King's Hall, Cambridge, 192. , . . . . , presented to the church of Newton Longville, 168, 353. Goderyngton, William, chaplain, presented to the vicarage of Tirley, co. Gloucester, 167. Godeshalve, John, citizen of Wor- cester, 230. Godestowe. See Godstow. Godestre. See Easter, Good. Godewynes, Robert, of Blakeney, 147. Godfrey, Godefray, John, 157, 160. , . . . . , of Elmdon, co. Essex, 61. , . . . . , reeve of the manor of Isleworth, 24. , Richard, of Langham, co. Dorset, 176. Godington, Godyngdon, cos. Oxford and Buckingham, manor, 30. Godman, Godeman, John, 144. , William, 304. , William, sheriff of Pem- broke, temp. Edward II, 114. Godmanchester, Gurmyncestre [co. Huntingdon], 74. Godmersham [co. Kent], parson of, 3. , vicarage, 92. Godneston. See Goodnestone. Godsoulle, William, 318. GENERAL INDEX. 605 Godstow, Godestowe [in Wolvercote, j co. Oxford], Benedictine abbey, abbess of, 271. , See Tracy, Margery ; Stretele, Agnes de. , abbey, temporalities of, 1 67. prioress and convent of, 1 30. Godwot, Godwote, Godewot, John, 25. , commissioner, 161, 319. Godwyne, John son of John, 121. Godwynston, Alan de, chantry chap- lain in Canterbury, 114. Godyn, John, Welshman, 424. Godynch, John, of West Tyneham, co. Dorset, 409. Godyngdon. See Godington. Godythestre. See Easter, Good. Gog, Robert, 429. Golafre, Goloffre, John, commis- sioner, 136 bis, 220, 498. Golclif. See Goldcliff. Goldale, Thomas de, 219. Goldcliff, Goldclif, Goldclyf, Golde- clyve, Goldeclif [co. Mon- mouth], alien priory, 68, 83, 234, 270, 273, 366, 395. Goldeclif, Goldeclyve. See Gold- cliff. Goldesburgh, Richard de, knight, 151. , Robert de, citizen of York, 474. Goldeshith, Adam, mercer, 502. Goldewell, John, 476. Goldhanger, Goldhangre [co. Essex], church, 164. Goldington, Goldyngton [co. Bed- ford], 370. Goldspur, Collespore, co. Sussex, hundred, commission of ar- ray in, 500. Goldyng, John, 258. Goldyngton. See Goldington. Goldyngton, John de, knight, John son of, 81. , Thomas de, presented to the church of Ashley, co. Cambridge, 172. Gole, Richard, 102. Goloffre. See Golafre. Gomeniz, Gomeny, Gomenys. See Gommegnies. Gomercote. See Somercotes. Gomme, William, barber, 212. , keeper of Ardres, 274. Gommegnies, Gomeny, Gomenys, Gomeniz [Nord, France], lcrd of. See Jake, John. Gomshall, Gomshelf [in Shere, co. Surrey], 164. Gondermersk [co. York], 468. Gonerby, Gonwardby, Gounwardby [co. Lincoln], 241. Gonnewardby, Nicholas, of Salis- bury, 263. Gonwardby. See Gonerby. Goodlak. See Godelak. Goodnestone, Godneston, Gode Wynston [by Faversham, co. Kent], 434. , . . . ., manor, 232. Goos, John, of Saham Toney, chap- lain, 147. Cf. Gous. Gordon, Richard, commissioner, 486. , Richard, of Dartmouth, 32. Gore [in Tunstall, co. Kent], manor, keeper of, 205. Gorey, Gurry [in Grouville, Jersey], castle, keeper of. See Rose, Edmund. Gorleston [co. Norfolk], 230. Gorlofen, Borlebevenne [in Brixton, co. Devon], 279. Goryng, William, 482. Goscelyn, William, hospitaller, 123. Goseburn, Gosebourn, John de, commissioner, 148. , auditor of the Ex- chequer, 390. Gosetrowe. See Gostrow. Gosforth, South, Southgosseforth [co. Northumberland], church, 460. goshawks, 393. Gostrow, Gosetrowe, co. Sussex, hundred of, commission of array in, 500. Gotham, William de, master of Michael House, Cambridge, 18. Gothurst. See Gayhurst. Goudale, John, 430. Goudelak, William, of Allington, co. Lincoln, 237. Cf. Godelak. Goue, Stephen, the younger, 409. Gouk, Gouke, Robert, commissioner, 141, 221. , Thomas, of Boston, 504. Gounwardby. See Gonerby. Gour, John, commissioner, 136. Gournay, Gourney. See Gurnay. Gous, Henry le, 230. Cf. Goos. Gousell, Gousel. See Goxhill. Gousell, Giles de, temp. Henry III, 370. 606 GENERAL INDEX. Gouteby. See Gautby. Gouteby, Richard de, 450. Gouus, John, 492. Gowe, John, 90. Gower, Henry, bishop of St. David's, letters patent of, 91. , John, 492. Goxhill, Gousell, co. Lincoln, manor, 370. Goxhill, Gousel [co. York], 467. Grace, Nicholas, 133. , Simon, 27. , Thomas, presented to the chapel of Topcroft, co. Nor- folk, 198. Graffham, Grofham [co. Hunting- don], parsons of, 233. Grafton Underwood, by Thrapston [co. Northampton], parson of, 262. Grainsby, Graynesby, co. Lincoln, manor, 51. Gramary, William, knight, of Bicker- ton, co. York, 459. , William, knight, 423. , . . . . , Elizabeth, wife of, relict of Thomas Chalfhunt, 423. grammar school, 80. Granby, Graneby [co. Nottingham], 63, 142. Grandissono, Otto de, knight, 14. See Grantson. Grandon, Hugh de, 356. Graneby. See Granby. Graneby, Amice, 333. Gransden, Great, Graundesden, Grantisden [co. Huntingdon], 262, 288. Grantham, co. Lincoln, 154, 194. , church, prebend of the south part of. See Salisbury. Grantham, John de, presented to the church of Sundridge, co. Kent, 21. , William, William de, 4, 16, 242. Grantisden, Great. See Gransden, Great. Grantson, Graunson, Thomas de, knight, 172, 193, 236, 274. See Grandissono. Graselak, William de, parker of Corsham, co. Wilts, 396. Gratewyk, John, 495. , William, 495. Gratton, Gretton [in Horton, co. Staff.], 272. Gratwayth [co. York], 316. Graundesden. See Gransden, Great. Graunson. See Grantson. Grave, Thomas de, of Morley, co. Derby, 191. Gravenore, Richard, commissioner, 56. Gravesend, Gravesende, Graves - hende [co. Kent], 179, 358. , park, 179. , parson of, 179. , manor, 191, 238, 347, 348 bis. , . . . . , letters patent dated at, 93, 94, 132. , works at, clerk of. See Basynges, William de. , . . . . , . . . . , controllers of. See Barler, John ; Reygner, Ellis. , . . . . , . . . . , surveyor of. See Heryng, Nicholas. Grayby, William de, parson of Adstock, 91. Grayndon, Ralph, the elder, 221. Graynesby. See Grainsby. Grayngham, Robert de, 219. Graystok, Graystoke. See Grey- stoke. Grayve, William, his servant Robert, 163. , . . . . , Robert son of, of Eston, co. York, 163. Greatford, Gretford [co. Lincoln], 237. Greenborough, Grenebergh [in Lower Halstow], co. Kent, marsh of, commission of sewers in, 161. Greenford, Little, Greneforde [co. Middlesex], parsons of, 259. Greenhow, Grenehowe, Grenhowe [in Ingleby Greenhow, co. York], liberty of, 331. Greenwich, East, Estgrenewich [co. Kent], vicars of, 22, 113. ! Greetwell, Gretewell [co. Lincoln], 55. i Gregeris, Richard, of Kent, 107. Gregory, pope, 122. j Greistok. See Greystoke. Grenacres, Richard de, 103. , Robert de, 103. Grendon, 179. Underwood, Underwode [co. Buckingham], parsons of, 437. Grendon, Edmund, of London, 435. , John de, commissioner, 311. Grene, Alan, of Elton, co. Notting- ham, 63, 142. , Edmund of the, of Luton, 231. GENERAL INDEX. 607 Grene — cont. , Henry, commissioner, 64, 499. , Henry, parson of Ashley, co. Cambridge, exchanged to Gedding, co. Suffolk, 24. , John, of Granby, co. Not- tingham, chaplain, 63, 142. , John, chaplain, presented to the church of Church Law- ford, co. Warwick, 190. , John atte, 263. , Laurence del, of Elton, co. Nottingham, 63, 142. , Nicholas atte, 458. , Nicholas, commissioner, 63, 64, 134, 136, 142, 147. , Richard de, clerk, 236. , Richard, of Foxton, pre- sented to the church of Church Lawford, co. War- wick, 163. , Richard de, knight, 204. , Simon atte, citizen and skinner of London, 11, 102, 104, 112. , Thomas, groom of the laundry, 475. , Thomas de, commissioner, 138, 499. , Thomas del, of Ackworth, co. York, 33. , William atte, vicar of East Dereham, 230. Grenebergh. See Greenborough. Greneforde. See Greenford. Grenehowe. See Greenhow. Grenewey, Thomas, of the county of Stafford, 9. Grenhagh [Ireland], manor, 70. Grenhowe. See Greenhow. Grenwod, John, 329. , , John, son of, 329. Gresby, Benedict de, clerk, 260. , parson of Sheviock, co. Cornwall, exchanged to Lidlinch, co. Dorset, 194. Greseleye, John de, commissioner, 137. , William de, parson of Hamp- ton Lucy, co. Warwick, ex- changed to St. Benet's, Paul's Wharf, London, 127. Gresford [co. Denbigh], vicar of, 351. Gresley, Church [co. Derby], manor of Drakelow in, 307. Gressalton, Nicholas de, 502. Grestain [Eure, France], abbey of, 179, i Gretewell. See Greetwell. Gretford. See Greatford. Grethed, Robert, parson of Widmer- pool, 456. Gretton [co. Northampton], manor, 386. , Grotyngton [in Cardington], co. Salop, 140. Gretton. See Gratton. Grey, Gray, Bartholomew, com- missioner, 220. , Brian de, hospitaller, 123, 244. , Henry le, commissioner, 320. , Henry de, of Shirland, com- missioner, 217, 310, 321. , Henry de, of Wilton, com- missioner, 220. , John de, temp. Henry III, 15. , John de, of Codnor, com- missioner, 137, 217, 220, 320. , Reynold de, of Ruthin, com- missioner, 137, 497. , . . . . , . . . . , knight, John son of, 358. , Roger de, knight, 68, 73. , . . . . , Adam, son and heir of, 68, 73. , Thomas son of Roger de, 164. , . . . . , Margaret and Katha- rine, sisters and heirs of, 164. , William de, temp. Henry III, 15. Greyndore, Greyndoure, Ralph, of Ruardean, the elder, 221. , . . . . , the younger, riding forester in the forest of Dean, 429. Greyne, Reynold, 192, 194. Greynham, Richard, chaplain, 350. Greystoke, Graystok, Graistok, Greystok, co. Cumberland, advowson of, 27. , Ralph baron of, 27, 187. , , commissioner, 137, 224, 311, 316, 323, 325, 328, 329, 331, 498. , William de, 27. , William, baron of, 209. Griffin ap Johan, parson of English Bicknor, co. Gloucester, ex- changed to Brattleby, co. Lincoln, 276, 288. Griffyn, Gryffyn, John, clerk, 121, 280, 283. Grigge, Grygge, Robert, clerk, 21, , Walter, 29. 608 GENERAL INDEX. Grimoldby, Grymolby [co. Lincoln], mediety of the church, 96, 184. Grimsby, Grymesby [co. Lincoln], 11, 149. , commission of sewers at, 158. , church, 20. , church of St. Mary, parsons of, 189, 293. , port of, 48, 98. , . . . . , searchers in. See Harsyk, John ; Neuton, Richard. Grimstead, Grymstede [co. Wilts], parsons of, 82. Grimston, Grumston [co. Leicester], Geoffrey, reeve of, temp. Henry III, 426. , Grymston [co. Norfolk], 32. [in Garton, co. York], 467. Gringley, Gryngeley, Gryngeleye [co. Nottingham], manor, 433, 435. Grinstead, West, Westgrenestede [co. Sussex], church, 95. Grisley, William de, prebendary of Hastings free chapel, 2. Griston [co. Norfolk], 147. Grofham. See Graffham. Gronall [co. York], 467. Grondewell, Robert de, vicar of Netherbury and Bea- minster, 23. Groosse, William, of Wrangle, searcher in all ports in Hol- land, co. Lincoln, 313. Grotyngton. See Gretton. Grove [co. Berks], 284. Grumston. See Grimston. Gryffyn. See Griffyn. Grygge. See Grigge. Grymbaud, Reyner, of Genoa, a prisoner, 134. Grymesby. See Grimsby. Grymesby, Peter de, commissioner, 55, 136, 151, 161, 313, 324. Grymmesby. See Grimsby. Grymolby. See Grimoldby. Grymstede. See Grimstead. Grymstede, John de, 82. Grymston. See Grimston. Gryngeley, Gryngeleye. See Gring- ley. Gueldres [Holland], Reynold, duke of, 503, 505. Guernsey, Gernesey, island of, 307. keeper of. See Bello Campo, Thomas de ; Calvilegh, Hugh de. Guernsey — cont. , fee of Suart, Sotovart and la Carne in, 91. Guetaria, Guytarie [Guipuscoa, Spain], 507. , ships of, 507. Guildford, Gyldeford, Gildeford, Guldeford [co. Surrey], 50, 484. , burgesses of, 484. , account of profits of the farm of, 484. , inquisition taken at, 484. , letters patent dated at, 127, 129, 133, 183. , church of St. Mary, parsons of, 40. Guilsfield {alias Cegidfa), Kekydeva [co. Montgomery], chapel, 362. Guisborough, Giseburne, Gysburn, Gisburn [co. York], 98, 121, 329, 330. , prior of, 329, 479. , See Irton, Ralph de. , servant of, 175. , prior and convent of, 98, 125, 167, 258. , priory, advowson of, 178. , . . . . , chantry to be trans- ferred to chapel of St. Mary in, 125. , Barnaby in, Bernaldby, 330. Guist, Geystre, Geiste [co. Norfolk], 32, 147. Guldeford. See Guildford. Gunton [co. Norfolk], 169, 356. , John, parson of, 356. Gurdun, Adam, temp. Edward I, 271. Gurmonchestre, John de, prebendary of Lichfield, 261. Gurmyncestre. See Godmanchester. Gurney, Gurnay, Gournay, Gornay, Gourney, Gourneye, Edmund, 247. , Edmund de, commissioner, 51, 62, 138, 144, 157, 160, 222, 315, 328, 329, 332, 490. , . . . . , justice of the peace in Norfolk, 152. , John, 318. , , knight, 264. , Matthew de, knight, 35. , . . . . , Alice wife of, relict of John de Beauchamp of Somerset, 35. Gurry. See Gorey. Guynyoneth. See Gwynionydd. GENERAL INDEX. 609 Guyon, Peter, serjeant-at-arms, 91. Guytarie. See Guetaria. Guytarie, Pirepeter de, master of the St. Mary of Guetaria, 507. , Sebastian de, master of the St. Mary of Guetaria, 507. Gwrtheyrnion, Wartlireynon [co. Radnor], land and lordship of, 34. Gwynionydd, Guynyonith [co. Car- digan], commote of, 374. Gyboun, John, grand bedel of Pem- broke county and keeper of the gate of Pembroke castle, 128. Gyddyng. See Gidding. Gydemey Robert, of Kimmeridge, 409. Gyen, Gyene, Robert, 445. , . . . . , Egelyna late the wife of, 445. , Robert, of Bristol, 87. Gyffard. See Giffard. Gylas, Walter, of Bodemynstre, 230. Gyldeford. See Guildford. Gyll, Thomas de, 85. Cf. Gille. Gyllyngham. See Gillingham. Gylot, James, parson of St. James by Winchester, exchanged to Burstow, co. Surrey, 80. Gymer, John, 412. Gymyngham, William de, chaplain, 356. Gyney, Roger, commissioner, 53. Gynnour, Walter, 495. Gysburn. See Guisborough. Gysburn, John de, commissioner, 490. , Thomas, 151. See Giseburgh. Gysors. See Gisors. H Haburgh, John de, parson of Everby, 279. Habyndon. See Abington. Hacch Beauchamp. See Hatch Beauchamp. Hacche, Hacch, Henry, of North Curry, co. Somerset, 327, 328. Hacchesham. See Hatcham. Hackney, Hakeneye [co. Middlesex], 388. , vicars of, 166. Haclut. See Hakelut. Haconeshowe, John de, 206, 207. Haddele. See Hadleigh. Haddele, Hadele, Stephen de, 478. , . . . . , bailiff of the hundred of Gillingham, co. Dorset, 406. , keeper of the manor and lordship of Gillingham, 406. , . . . . , keeper of salmon in certain rivers, 193. , . . . . , yeoman of the chanv ber of queen Philippa, 406. Hadden, Haweden [in Sprouston, co. Roxburgh], 435. Haddenham, Hadenham, co. Cam- bridge, 172, 277, 404, 477. , sewers in, 485. Haddlesey, West, Westhathelsay [co. York], 30. Haddon, Geoffrey, chaplain, pre- sented to the vicarage of Rede, co. Suffolk, 300. , Henry de, presented to the vicarage of Prees, co. Salop, 41. , John de, bailiff of Sandwich, 49. , John de, serjeant-at-arms, commissioner, 218. Hadenham. See Haddenham. Haderesham. See Hadresham. Hadfelda. See Hatfield. Hadham, Geoffrey, of London, spicer, 334. Hadlee, John, citizen of London, 36, 471. Hadlegh, Peter, controller of cus- toms at Exeter, 288. Hadleigh, Haddele, Hadle [co. Essex], letters patent dated at, 341. , castle, letters patent dated at, 475. , . . . ., works in, 473. , . . . . , constable or keeper of. See Whithors, Walter. , . . . . , porter of. See Nief , John. , . . . . , wardrober in. See Horslake, Thomas. , . . . . , chaplain of. See Cook, Robert. , . . . . , free chapel in, warden of. See Cook, Robert. Wt. 18915. E 39 610 GENERAL INDEX. Hadleigh — cont. , castle and park, keeper of. See Whithors, Walter. , . . . . , works in, clerk of. See Osbren, John. , . . . . , . . . . , controller of. See Cook, Robert. , . . . . , mills and park of, works in, clerk of. See Hannay, William. , mill, works in, 126. , park, works in, 63, 473. , manor, 238. Hadleye. See Harley. Hadresham, Haderesham, James, 184. , . . . . , citizen and fishmonger of London, 127. , John de, 235. , William de, 235. , . . . . , John, son and heir of, 235. Hagerston, Robert de, commissioner, 53. Haggeford, John, of Welwyn, co. Hertford, 78. Hagh. See Hough-on-the-Hill. Hagh, John de, 71. , . . . ., commissioner, 158 bis. , Thomas de, commissioner, 151. Hagham, John, vicar of Simonburn, co. Northumberland, ex- changed to Edith Weston, co. Rutland, 70. Haigh, Westhagh [in Kexborough, co. York], manor, 126. Haigne, John, 263. Hail Weston, Haileweston [co. Huntingdon], chapel of, 431. Hainault, arms of, on silver, 403. Ho in ton, Haynton, co. Lincoln, 158. Hake, John, parson of Cantreff, co. Brecon, exchanged to the church of Bernagh, 419. Hakelut, Haclut, John, of Key- thorpe, co. Leicester, 97. , William, keeper of Rutland forest, 352. Hakeneye. See Hackney. Hakeneye, Richard de, of London, merchant, 504. Hakes, John, 409. Haket, Thomas, commissioner, 156. Halberton [co. Devon], manor of Oburnford in, Woberneford, 75, 245. Haldan. See Halden. Haldanby, Robert de, 435. , commissioner, 219, 221, 485. Halden, Haldenne, Haldan, William de, 125, 378, 434. , William, commissioner, 223, 319. , William, citizen of London, 381. Haldenbyman, William, 494. Haldenne. See Halden. Hale, Francis de, 16. , John de la, commissioner, 136, 139, 219, 332. , John de, escheator in Somer- set and Dorset, 208, 343. See Hales. Hales, Robert, prior of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, 123, 306, 424. Hales, Hale, Stephen de, commis- sioner, 317, 328, 497. Halesowen, Halesowayn, co. Salop, abbot and convent of, 458. Halewell, John, sacristan of Shaftes- bury, 268. Halghton, John, 58. , William de, 159. , commissioner, 144. Halgton. See Halton. Halifax, co. York, 154. Halistane. See Holystone. Haliwode, Robert, knight, 122. Halle, Hugh atte, 458. , . . . . , king's farrier, 353. , . . . . , prebendary of St. David's, 122. , John, 336. , John atte, 352. , commissioner, 144. , . . . . , keeper of salmon in certain rivers, 193. , , of St. Alban's, 94. , .. .., of Wainfleet, co. Lin- coln, 480. , . . . ., of Great Yarmouth, 5. , John de, of Colchester, com- missioner, 156. , John del, 338. , Nicholas atte, 166. , Richard atte, 225, 233, 352. , commissioner, 148. , . . . . , Stephen, son and heir of, 352. , Richard, commissioner, 413. , Robert atte, 352. , . . . . , of Ogbourne St. George, commissioner, 321. , Thomas atte, keeper of the king's great horses, 79. , the younger, 79. , Thomas atte, of Desborough, 46. GENERAL INDEX. 611 Halle — cont. , Thomas atte, of Winchester, carpenter, 38. , Walter atte, 236. , William atte, 275. Hallegoud, John, 356. Hallingbury, Hallyngbury [co. Essex], manor, 355, 408. Hally, Walter, 95. Hallyngbury. See Hallingbury. Halman, William, 143. Halsham, Halsam [co. York], 136, 138, 146, 161, 326, 332, 402, 467, 498. Halsham, Robert de, commissioner, 136, 137. Halstede by St. Edmund's. See Hawstead. Halstede, John, 441. Halstow, Lower, co. Kent, marsh of Greenborough in, commission of sewers in, 161. Halstowe, John, of Tring, co. Hert- ford, 67. Halton, co. Lancaster, 224, 311. , Halgton [co. York], 126. Halton, Thomas de, parson of Slaid- burn, co. York, exchanged to Adell, co. York, 104, 183. Halnghton, John, 66. Halyngflete. See Adlingfleet. Halywell. See Holywell. Halywell, Thomas, 435. Ham, East, Esthamme, Estham [co. Essex], vicarage of, 130. , . . . . , commission of sewers at. 156. , West, Westham, co. Essex, commission of sewers at, 156. , Hamondeston [in Llantwit Major], co. Glamorgan, manor, 483. Green, Homme [in Fecken- ham, co. Worcester], 234, 336. Hamble, Hamel [co. Southampton], alien priory of, 212. Hambury. See Hanbury. Hambury, John, John de, escheator in Worcester, 128, 174, 262. , Philip de, parson of Duck- lington, 451. Hamby, Walter, 236. Hamcherche, John, of Ovington, co. Norfolk, 147. Hamel. See Hamble. Hamelak. See Helmsley. Hamely, John, commissioner, 313. Hamelyn, John, commissioner, 332. , Roger, of Blakeney, 147. Hamelyn — cont. , William, parson of Huish Champflower, exchanged to Brompton Ralph, 93. Hamenhale. See Hempnall. Hamersmyth. See Hammersmith. Hamerton [co. Huntingdon], church of, 55. Hamerwich. See Hammerwich. Hammersmith, Hamersmyth [co. Middlesex], 72. Hammerwich, Hamerwich [co. Staf- ford], 182. Hammes. See Hamsey. Hammyssh, Nicholas, chaplain, 67. Hamo, William son of, temp. Henry II, 289. Hamond, Hamound, John, swine- herd of Nottingham, 210. , Robert, 154. , William, of Bottesford, co. Lincoln, 63, 142. Hamondeston. See Ham. Hamound. See Hamond. Hamphage, Hampyng [in Avington, co. Southampton], 37. Hampstead Marshall, Hampsted Mareschal, co. Berks, manor, 430. , . . . . , indenture dated at, 392. , park, keeper or parker of. See Dounham, Henry. Hampsthwaite, Hampsthwayt [co. York], 151. Hampsturly. See Hamsterleye. Hampton Lucy, Bisshopishampton, Bisshopeshampton [co. War- wick], parsons of, 121, 127. Hampton, Richard, 308. , Richard de, esquire of Edward, prince of Wales, 307. , Richard de, esquire of John Chaundos, 307. Hampyng. See Hamphage. Hamsey, Hammes, co. Sussex, 496. Hamstall, Ridware, Ridwar Hamp- stal [co. Stafford], parsons of, 305. Hamsterleye, Hamsturley, Hamp- sturley, John de, 144, 152, 231. Hanam, John, of Bristol, 356. Hanaper, issues of, 209. , payments in the, 12, 15, 18, 20, 26, 28, 29, 35, 46, 51, 52 ter, 53, 55, 58, 59, 61, 62 bis, 63, 73, 82, 99, 107 bis, 115, 119, 122, 128, 133 bis, 612 GENERAL INDEX. Hanaper, payments in the — cont. 140, 141 bis, 142, 144 ter, 146, 148, 155 ter, 157, 158, 160, 182, 187, 188, 189, 192, 206, 220 bis, 223, 227 bis, 228, 229 bis, 240, 242, 249, 250, 257, 267, 268, 272, 279, 282 bis, 287 ter, 290, 293, 295, 306, 312, 316, 317, 318 bis, 322, 326 (6), 327 bis, 328 ter, 330, 331 bis, 342, 346, 359, 360, 369, 370, 372, 380, 383, 389, 397 bis, 410, 411, 412 bis, 414 (4), 416 bis, 433, 436, 439, 440, 441, 443, 451, 460, 468, 474, 475 bis, 482, 483, 484, 492, 493, 494 bis, 496, 502. Hanburgh, John de, parson of Ewerby, 432. Hanbury, Hambury [co. Worcester], 234, 336. Hanby, Geoffrey de, 504. , Hugh de, commissioner, 502. , Hugh de, of Kingston on Hull, 481. , . . . . , searcher in the port of Kingston on Hull and other ports, 150. Handesworth. See Handsworth. Handesworth, Robert de, parson of St. Guthlac's, Market Deeping, exchanged to Hawerby, 90. , . . . . , parson of Hawerby, 98. Cf. Hanesworth. Handley, Hanle [in Towcester, co. Northampton], hay, 204. , park, 267. Handsworth, Handesworth [co. York], 23. Hanemere. See Hanmere. Hanesworth, Robert, surveyor and controller of the works at Windsor, Wychemere, Folly John and Kempton, 109. Cf. Handesworth. Hankeford, Roger, 281. Hanlaby. See Anlakby. Hanlathson, Robert, 414. Hanle. See Handley, Hanley. Hanley Child, Hanley [co. Wor- cester], 433. Hanley, Hanle, Walter, serjeant-at- arms, 462. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 218. Hanmere, Hannemere, Hanemere, David, commissioner, 55, 135, 136 (4), 137, 138, 139 ter, Hanmere, David — cont. 142, 312, 313, 315, 316, 490, 491 bis, 496. , . . . . , justice of assize in Worcester, 270. Hannay, Hennay, William de, king's clerk, 348. , . . . . , clerk of the works at Havering, 212, 307. , . . . . , clerk of the works at Hadleigh and Havering, 444. Hannemere. See Hanmere. Hanney, John de, prebendary of St. Paul's, London, 170. See Hannay. Hanningfield, East, Esthanyngfeld [co. Essex], 421. , South, Southanyfeld, South- anyngfeld [co. Essex], 264. , . . . ., manor, 195. , West, Westhanyngfeld, co. Essex, 195. Hannynyok. See An-hunoc. Harberton [co. Devon], Sandwell in, Sandewell, 281. Harborne, Horbourn [co. Stafford], vicars of, 336. Harborough, Market, Haverbergh [co. Leicester], 212. Harby, Herdeby [co. Leicester], parson of, 280. , Herdby, co. Nottingham,296. Harcherugge. See Archerugg. Harcout, John, vicar of All Saints' and St. Peter's, Weasenham, co. Norfolk, 389. Hard, Hankin, of Denmark, chaplain, 223. , John, commissioner, 155. Hardelagh. See Harlech. Hardenesse. See Hardness. Hardenhed, William, 318. Harderwyk, James van, merchant of the Hanse, 417. Hardness, Hardenesse [co. Devon], tithing of, to be put in de- fence, 486. Hardres, Upper, Heghhardres, co. Kent, 331. Hardwick, Heredewyk [co. Cam- bridge], 231. , Hardewyk [co. Norfolk], 264. Hardy, John, 407. Hardyng, Adam, commissioner, 143 bis. , Samson, commissioner, 143 bis. , William, 318. ....... . . . . , king's messenger, 351. GENERAL INDEX. 613 Hare, Richard, 320. Harecourt, Harrecourt, William, deputy butler at Boston, 362. , . . . . , troner and pesager of wools at Boston, 213. Hareford Bridge, co. Oxford, 248. Hareford in Wales. See Haverford- west. Harescombe, Harsecombe, co. Glou- cester, 159. , manor, 159. Hareward, Robert, of Baggrave, co. Leicester, temp. Henry III, 425 Harewe. See Harrow. Harewedon, Haroudon, John de, commissioner, 56, 147. Harewell, John, bishop of Bath and Wells, 9, 12, 130, 132, 273, 370, 413, 436. , Roger, prebendary of Wells, 278. Harewode in Blakburnshire. See Harwood. Harewode, John de, prebendary of Lichfield, 8. Harewood, Harewod, bailiwick, in forest of Dean, 284. , . . . . , keepers of. See Alewy, Thomas ; Shortgrove, Thomas. Haringworth. See Harringworth. Harlech, Hardelagh [in Llandanwg, co. Merioneth], castle, 374. Harleston, co. Norfolk, 53. Harleston, Herleston, John de, 36. , prebendary of Hast- ings free chapel, 2. , commissioner, 154, 223, 417. , Roger de, commissioner, 141. Harlestone, Herleston, Harleston [co. Northampton], church, 9, 187. Harley, Hadleye [co. Salop], 140, 278. , William, parson of, 154. Harley, Harleye, John de, 1. , Robert de, 140, 154, 155. , . . . ., Joan wife of, 140, 155. Harlington, Herlyngdon [co. Bed- ford], 69. Harlow, Herlawe [co. Essex], church, 32, 40. Harlthorpe, Herel thorp [in Bub- with, co. York], 468. Harlyng. See Herlyng. Harlyngton, John de, of Northamp- tonshire, 251. Harlyngton — cont. Cf. Herlyngton. Harmeston. See Harmston. Harmondsworth, Hermodesworth, Hermoundesworth [co. Mid- dlesex], alien priory, 36, 201. Harmston, Harmeston [co. Lincoln], 94. Harnham, Oliver de, escheator in Oxford, Berks, Wilts and Southampton, 74, 118, 132, 167, 183, 195, 199, 201, 202, 208, 287. , commissioner, 153. Harnhull. See Hernhill. Harold, Henry, of Wherwell, co. Southampton, 470. , John, clerk, 178. , . . . . , Joan, daughter of, wife of Thomas Reyner, 178. , John, presented to the church of North Hill, co. Cornwall, 433. Haroudon. See Harewedon. Harpecote, Thomas, 96, 235. Harpele, Richard de, of Norwich, 356. Harpeston. See Harpson. Harpetre, Thomas, 430. Harpson, Harpeston [in Steeple, co. Dorset], 409. Harptree, West [co. Somerset], Shortcombe in, 445. Harrecourt. See Harecourt. Harringworth, Haryngworth, Har- ingworth, co. [Northampton], 15, 55, 56, 134, 135, 138, 147, 270, 278, 322, 414, 499. , manor, 271. Harrow, Harewe [co. Middlesex], 89. Harrowden, Harwedon [in East- cotts, co. Bedford], 433. Harsecombe. See Harescombe. Harsent, Harsont, Robert, 288, 355. Harsik. See Harsyk. Harsont. See Harsent. Harsyk, Harsik, John, knight, 133. , John, commissioner, 497. , John, of Boston, searcher in all ports in Holland, co. Lincoln, 149. , . . . . , searcher in all ports from Boston to Grimsby, 313. Hartburn, Hertburne [in Barmston in Holderness], co. York, 467. Hartford, Hereford [co. Hunting- don], farm of, 169. 614 GENERAL INDEX. Hartington, Hertyngdon [co. Derby], 108. Hartlaw, Hertelowe [in Shilbottle], co. Northumberland, 423. Hartlip, Hertelepe [co. Kent], 107. Harwedon. See Harrowden. Harwedon, John de, commissioner, 134, 135, 138. , . . . . , steward of the abbot of Peterborough, 229. , . . . . , justice of gaol de- livery, 265. Harwich, Herewich [co. Essex], port, 49. Harwood, Harewode in Blakburn- shire [co. Lancaster], 76. Haryngton, Haveryngton, John de, knight, 479. , . . . . , Alice, daughter and heir of, 479. , Nicholas de, commissioner, 135, 153. , Robert de, commissioner, 317, 490. Haryngworth. See Harringworth. Hascham, William, chaplain, pre- sented to the vicarage of Beeston, co. Nottingham, 346. Haseby, John, of Barton on Hum- ber, 151. Haselburgh. See Hazelborough. Haselden, Hasilden, Thomas, com- missioner, 314, 497. , . . . . , receiver of the earl of Cambridge's lands in York, 398. Hasele. See Hazel. Haselhurst, William, 218. Haselok, John, presented to the church of Stratford under the Castle, co. Wilts, 6. Hasilden. See Haselden. Hasphull. See Asphull. Hasshebury. See Ashbury. Hastang, Jolin de, 95. Hastingleigh, Hastyng Leghe [co. Kent], church, 165. Hastings, Hastynges [co. Sussex], port of, 49. , church of All Saints, 210. , church of St. Clement, 162. , church of St. Leonard by, 35. , free chapel, dean and chap- ter of, 2, 113, 432. , . . . . , dean and canons of, 170. , . . . . , dean and college of, 346. Hastings, free chapel — cont. , . . . . , prebend in, 432. , . . . . , prebend of Bulver- hithe in, 2. , . . . . , prebend of Hollington in, 130. , . . . . , prebend of Hollington, Bodiam and Ewhurst in, 170. , . . . . , prebend of Peasmarsh in, 171. , . . . . , prebend of Stone in, 110, 113. , . . . . , prebend of Wartling, Ninfield and Hooe in, 340, 346. Hastyng Leghe. See Hastingleigh. Hastynges. See Hastings. Hastynges, Hastyngges, Hastyng, Hasting, John de, earl of Pembroke, lord of Wexford and Abergavenny, 78, 127, 191, 194, 196, 200, 209, 211, 232, 245, 249, 256, 257, 286, 294, 297, 306, 340, 359, 360, 383, 405, 437, 438, 458, 459, 472, 478. , . . . . , . . . . , steward of the liberty of Bury St. Edmunds, 186, 187, 193. , . . . . , . . . . , charter of, 72. , . . . . , . . . . , letters patent of, 78, 247, 287. , . . . . , . . . . , executors of, 128, 286-7, 437. , . . . . , . . . . , Anne, wife of, 78, 195, 200, 202, 242, 396, 412, 437. , . . . . , . . . . , John son and heir of, 124, 411, 412, 425. , Laurence de, earl of Pem- broke &c, charter of, 114. , . . . . , . . . . , steward of. See Cervyngton, Oliver de. , W. de, late earl of Pem- broke, 483. , Hugh de, knight, 114. , Joan de, sister of George de Cantilupo, temp. Edward I, 270. , John de, temp. Edward I, 270, 271. , Ralph de, commissioner, 59, 221, 227, 329. , Randolph de, knight, 114. , William de, temp. Henry II, 466. , William de, 329. , William de, knight, 114. , William, commissioner, 311, 315 bis. GENERAL INDEX. 615 Hastynges — cont. , William, of Aylsham, com- missioner, 310. Hatch Beauchamp, Hacche Beau- champ, co. Somerset, advow- son, 35. , parsons of, 270. Hatcham, Hacchesham [in Camber - well and Deptford, cos. Surrey and Kent], manor, 33. Hatcliffe, Hatteclyf [co. Lincoln], parsons of, 13, 17, 40. Hatclyf, Hatteclyf, Hatclif, Nicholas de, commissioner, 50, 158, 310, 490. Hatfeld, Nicholas de, commissioner, 325. , Thomas de, bishop of Lon- don, 6. , . . . . , bishop of Durham, 64, 232. , . . . . , . . . . , letters patent of, 4, 107. , . . . . , . . . . , clerk of. See Kyngeston, John de. Cf. Haytfeld. Hatfield Broadoak, Hadfelda, Hat- feld [co. Essex], 85 bis. , Haytfeld, co. York, 154, 467. Hathewy, Thomas, 235. , . . . . , bailiff of Ruardean, 234. , . . . . , commissioner, 220, 221. Hathilsay, William de, 219. Hatley, Cockayne, Buryhattele [co. Bedford], parsons of, 110. Hatteclyf. See Hatcliffe ; Hatclyf. Hattere, Edith, 468. Hatton Grange, by Houndeslowe [in East Bedfont, co. Middlesex], 256. , letters patent dated at, 199, 201, 203, 233. , manor, chapel in, 401. Hatton, Randolf, 383. Hauberk, John, commissioner, 498. , Laurence, commissioner, 63, 64, 142, 228, 311, 333, 499. Hauekyn, John, 82. Haukere, John, of Asthall, co. Oxford, 176. Haukesbury. See Hawkesbury. Haukeswell. See Hauxwell. Haukeswyk, John de, of Ripon, 227. Haukewod, John de, knight, of Essex, 435. Haukyn, John, serjeant-at-arms, 48. , . . . ., ... ., commissioner, 152. Haukyn — cont. , Peter, John son of, of Bur- well, 99. Haukynes, Alice, 408. Haulay, Robert, commissioner, 224. , William de, clerk, 176. Haule, William, commissioner, 153. Haulegh, John, commissioner, 486. , John, of Dartmouth, 32. Hauleye, William, vicar of St. Helen's, Abingdon, exchanged to the vicarage of Carisbrooke, 422. Haumond, John, manciple of Ox- ford, 399. Haust Estre. See Easter, High. Hautboys, Adam de, clerk, 299. Hauteyn, Thomas, king's esquire, 277, 477. Hauxwell, Haukeswell [co. York], 108. Haverbergh. See Harborough, Mar- ket. Haverfordwest, Hareford, Haver- ford in Wales [co. Pembroke], 22, 304 bis, 438. , castle, town and lordship of, 22. , lordship of, 379. , . . . . , steward of. See Skyp- wyth, William de. Havering-atte-Bower, Haveryng- atte-Boure [co. Essex], 119, 241, 340. , manor, 340, 354, 361, 389. , .. .., farm or issues of, 15. , . . . . , clerk of the works at. See Hannay, William. , . . . . , surveyor of. See Tyle, Ralph. , park, keeper of. See Tyle, Ralph. , . . . . , Walter, parker of, 389. , letters patent dated at, 303, 309, 334, 336-342, 345- 355, 358-362, 364-368, 371- 374, 376, 377, 379, 381-386, 388-407, 419, 420, 422-424. , manor, letters patent dated at, 338, 343, 344, 350-352, 357, 358, 360, 362, 364, 366, 367, 369, 370, 372, 377, 379, 384-386, 388, 389, 393-396, 399-407, 427, 428. , letters of Henry II dated at, 85. Haveryng, John de, carpenter, 388. , Richard de, commissioner, 153. 616 GENERAL INDEX. Haveryngton. See Haryngton. Hawardby. See Hawerby. Hawardby, John de, bailiff of Lin- coln, 489. Hawardeby. See Hawerby. Hawardyn, Hawardyne, John, 221. , , of Little Dean, 221. Hawe, John del, of Coventry, mercer, 230. Haweburgh, John de, parson of Ewerby, 126. Haweden. See Hadden. Hawerby, Hawardby, Hawardeby [co. Lincoln], church, 34. , parsons of, 82, 90, 98, - 188. Hawkesbury, Haukesbury [co. Glou- cester], 25. Hawstead, Halstede by St. Edmunds [co. Suffolk], parson of, 246. Hawys, John, the elder, of Foston, • 94. Hay, Haye [co. Brecon], lordship of, 49G. , . . . . , auditor in. See Hunt, John. , . . . . , steward of. See Genet, William. Hay, Henry de la, knight, 57. , Thomas del, Peter son and heir of, 209. , Walter de, clerk, 482. Hayberer, Heyberare, Hayberere, William, 221. , William, commissioner, 221. , William, of Gloucester, 278. Havcroft, William, commissioner, 416. Haydon [co. Dorset], 21. Haydon, John, groom of the house- hold, 382. Hayes, Hcse [co. Middlesex], par- sons of, 173. Hayholm [in Leven, co. York], 467. Hayle, Robert de, butcher, 1. , William, of Deddington, co. Oxford, 346. Hayles [co. Gloucester], abbot and convent of, 334. Hay ling, Haylyng [co. Southamp- ton], vicar of, 266. Harm, Stephen, 272. Haynton. See Hainton. Hayt, Ralph, of Mellis, co. Suffolk, 369. Haytfeld. See Hatfield. Haytfeld, John de, presented to the church of Ugborough, 268. , . . . . , revocation of pre- sentation of, 286. Haytfeld, John de — cont. , . . . . , king's clerk, warden of the hospital of St. Thomas, Southwark, 442. Cf. Hatfeld. Hayton (by Brampton), co. Cum- berland, 229. [in York], 316, 467. Hayton, Henry de, 329, 331. ; Hay ward, Andrew, of Preston, co. Sussex, 496. , Geoffrey, 416. , William, chaplain, 481. Haywod, Haywode, Walter, Walter de, 272. , commissioner, 139, 222 bis, 223, 409, 411, 485. Hazel, Hasele [in Ubley, co. Somer- set], 445. Hazelborough, Haselburgh [in Syres- ham, co. Northampton], 267. Headington, Hedyngdon [co. Ox- ford], manor, 89. Healaugh, Helagh in Swaldale [in Reeth], co. York, 326. Heapham, Hepham [co. Lincoln], church, 344. Heathcote, Hethcote [in Biggin, co. Derby], 9. Hebbe, William, of Bassingbourn, 41. Hebbescotes. See Heppescotes. Heckmondwike, Hekmundwyk, Hek- mundwyke [co. York], 30. Hedingham, Castle, Hethyngham, Castel, Castel Hydyngham [co. Essex], 296. i chapel of St. James at, chantry in, 40. Hedbn [co. York], 467. I , commission of sewers at, 161. , Stockholm in, Stokholm, 467. Hedyngdon. See Headington. Hedyngham, John de, 7. , . . . . , citizen of London, 36. Heed, John, 278. Hegeman, William son of William, of Steeple, co. Dorset, 409. Hegh'. See Higham. Hegham. See Higham. Heghangre, Heghanre. See Ongar, High. Heghegate. See Highgate. Heghgrene, Richard de, of Dublin, 322. Heghhardres. See Hardres, Upper. Heghome. See Higham. GENERAL INDEX. 617 Heghton, Eghton, John de, controller of customs at Newcastle upon Tyne, 245, 288. Heiestre. See Easter, High. Heighley, Helegh [in Audley, co. Stafford], 44, 139, 180, 463. Heilisdon, John, 78. Hek, Margaret de, of Snaith, co. York, 30. Hekmundwyk, Hekmundwyke. See Heckmondwike. Hekmundwyk, William de, 30. Hekyngton, Richard de, 312. Helagh in Swaldale. See Healaugh. Heldygh [co. York], 83. Hele. See Crocker's Hele. Heleford, Robert, 281. Helegh. See Heighley. Helgeye. See Hilgay. Hellawe, Robert, of East Bridgford, co. Nottingham, 63, 142. Helle, John atte, of Sawbridgeworth, 492. Hellegeye, Simon, parson of Burn- ham Westgate, co. Norfolk, exchanged to the church of Bedfield, co. Suffolk, 207. Helleston. See Helston. Helmsley, Hamelak, Helmesley, co. York, 147, 280, 331, 414. , castle and manor, 280. Helperby[inBraf¥erton,co. York], 256. , manor, 69. Helpeston, John de, parson of Little Bricett, 235. Helston, Helleston in Kerrier [co. Cornwall], manor, 375. , borough, 375. Helwell, Jolin de, canon and pre- bendary of York, 242. Helyngdon, Reynold de, prebendary of St. Stephen's, Westmins- ter, 233. Hembrigg, Hembrigge, Henbrugge, Richard de, serjeant-at-arms, commissioner, 66, 142, 228. Hembury. See Henbury. Hemery, John, 86. Hemel Hempstead, Hemelhamstede [co. Hertford], vicars of, 477. Hemgrave, Hemmegrave, Edmund de, knight, 108, 146. Hemingbrough, Hemyngburgh [co. York], church, 104, 112. , parson of, 96, 104, 243. , Menthorpe in, 146. Hemmegrave. See Hemgrave. Hemmyng, William, parson of Castle Combe, co. Wilts, exchanged to Kirk Sandall, 166. Hemmyngburgh. See Heming- brough. Hempnall, Hamenhale, co. Norfolk, 122. Hempstead by Eccles, Hempstede [co. Norfolk], advowson, 277. , Hugh, parson of, and Thomas, his brother, 277. Hempstead, Hempstede [co. Sus- sex], prebend of. See Chichester. Hempston, Broad, Heremeston [co. Devon], 271. Hemyngburgb. See Hemingbrough. Hemyngburgh, Hemyngesburgh, John de, parson of Linby, co. Nottingham, exchanged to the vicarage of Youlgreave, co. Derby, 259. , . . . . , parson of Linby, co. Nottingham, 339. , . . . . , dean and sacristan of St. Mary's, Leicester, 339. , Richard de, 181. , commissioner, 501. Hemyngford, John de, commissioner, 499. Henaud, John, 484. Henbrugge. See Hembrigg. Henbury, Hembury, co. Gloucester, manor of, 9. Hende, John, of London, 435. , William, groom of the house- hold, 382. Hendred, East, Esthenereth [co. Berks], 252. , West, Westhenreth [co. Berks], vicars of, 371. Hendymon, Simon, 108. Henehurst. See Henhurst. Hengxtrugge, Hengstrig. See Hens- tridge. Henham, co. Essex, 122. Henhurst, Henehurst, co. Sussex, hundred, commission of array in, 500. Henle, John de, clerk, 244. , Thomas de, 37. Henley [co. Oxford], letters patent dated at, 128, 129, 132. Hennay. See Hannay. Hennor, Henore [in Leominster, co. Hereford], 384. Henore. See Hennor. Henrison, Henryson, Ralph, 225, 229. Henry I, 182, 289, 465. , charters of, 282, 443, 451- Henry II, letters of, 85, 289. , letters patent of, 12, 306. 618 GENERAL INDEX. Henry II — cont. , charters of, 182, 302, 466. Henry III, 198. , charters of, 15, 18, 107, 433, 443. Henry IV, letters patent surrendered to, 377, 401. Henry, duke of Lancaster, 73, 194, 367, 394, 427. Henry, John son of, de Whytewell, 273. , Richard, of Dartmouth, 32. , Robert son of, of Chadwell, co. Leicester, temp. Henry III, 426. Henry ap David, 425. Henryson. See Henrison. Hensall, Hethensale [in Snaith, co. York], 30. Henstridge, Hengxtrugge, Hengst- rig, co. Somerset, manor, 172, 382. Henton. See Hinton. Henwyk, John, chaplain, 208. Henxteworth, John, commissioner, 139, 497. Henxthull. See Hinxhill. Henxtman, Hans, 371, 424. Henysteworth. See Hinxworth. Heop, le. See Lepe. Hepham. See Heapham. Heppescotes, Hebbescotes, William de, commissioner, 137, 159, 327, 330. Herbert, John, of SahamToney, 147. , William son of, of Norbury, co. Derby, temp. Henry III, 482. Herdby. See Harby. Herdeburgh, Thomas, 384. Herdeby. See Harby. Herdeby, Geoffrey de, Austin Friar, master in theology, 446. Herdewyk, John de, commissioner, 313, 315. Herdyngton, Thomas de, commis- sioner, 498. Heredewyk. See Hardwick. Hereford, county, 68. , . . . . , issues of, 404. , . . . . , collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in. See Leyghton, William. , . . . . , commission of array in, 499. , . . . . , commissions of the peace in, 136, 139, 490. , . . . . , escheator in. /SeeBrugg, Edmund de ; Rees, John ap ; Waleys, Ralph. Hereford, county — cont. , . . . . , sheriff of. See Barre, Thomas ; Chaundos, Thomas ; Deveros, John. , . . . . , outlawries in, 103 bis, 235, 356, 358. Hereford, co. Hereford, 427, 496. , letters patent dated at, 282. , bailiffs of, 317. , castle, 317. , cathedral church of St. Mary, chancellor of. See Hereford, Nicholas de. . . . . , dean and chapter of, 216, 383, 386, 426. , . . . . , canon of, 386. , . . . ., canons of. See Bede- wardyn, Master John de ; Lexham, Master Thomas de. , . . . . , treasurers of. See Crykkelade, John de ; Up- cote, Robert. , . . . . , prebend of Bulling - hope in, 1, 279, 432. , . . . . , prebend of Cubling- ton in, 177. , . . . . , prebend of Hunderton in, 216, 386, 440, 442. , . . . . , chantry at the altar of St. Mary at the north door of, 75. , church of St. Nicholas, parsons of, 25. , archdeacon of. See Nowell, Richard. Hereford, bishop of. See Courtenay, William de ; Gilbert, John. Hereford, bishopric, voidance of, 216, 426. , .. .., temporalities of, 199. , diocese, 5, 25, 107, 169, 172, 173 bis, 187, 189, 196, 245, 265, 288, 338, 339, 349, 365, 372, 440, 442. Hereford, earl of, 240. , See Bohun, Hum- phrey de. Hereford [co. Huntingdon]. See Hartford. Hereford, Nicholas de, chancellor of Hereford cathedral, 426. Herelthorp. See Harlthorpe. Heremeston. See Hempston, Broad. Herewich. See Harwich. Herland, Hugh, manager of the king's carpentry works, 189. , William, manager of the king's carpentry works, 189. Herlawe. See Harlow. GENERAL INDEX. 619 Herlawe, Thomas, creek boatman, 69. , William, boatman, 69. Herleston. See Harlestone. Herleston. See Harleston. Herlewyn, Ralph, Thomas son of, of Snettisham, 199. Herlyng, Herlyngge, Harlyng, John or John de, king's esquire, steward of the liberty of Bury St. Edmunds, 186, 187, 193. , . . . . , . . . . , usher of the chamber, 42. , commissioner, 138, 328, 332. , . . . . , yeoman of queen Isabel, 284. , . . . . , constable and keeper of Castle Rising, 284. Herlyngdon. See Harlington. Herlyngton, John, 419. Cf. Harlyngton. Herman, Walter, parson of Ashe, co. Southampton, exchanged to the church of Niton, Isle of Wight, 25. Hermesthorp, Hermestorp, John de, king's clerk, 355. , . . . . , . . . . , warden of the hospital of St. Katharine by the Tower, 49, 67, 208, 215, 461. , . . . . , . . . . , . . . . , letters patent of, 133, 345, 483. , Margaret de, 484. Hermodesworth, Hermoundesworth. See Harmondsworth. Hernhill, Harnhull [co. Kent], 434. , commission of sewers at, 315. Heron, John, commissioner, 143, 226. , Walter, commissioner, 498. , William, knight, 298. Herst, Richard de, the younger, 410, 413. , Simon de, master of the Palmedau, 417. Hert, John, 414. , Robert, 44. Hertburne. See Hartburn. Herte, William, 146. Hertelepe. See Hartlip. Hertfordyngbury. See Herting- fordbury. Hertelowe. See Hartlow. Hertford, county, 12, 233, 315, 341. , . . . . , collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in. See Se- burgh, Richard. Hertford, county — cont. , . . . . , commission of array in, 497. , . . . . , commission of the peace in, 139, 323. , . . . ., justices of weights and measures in, 41. , . . . . , escheator in. See Bataill, Thomas ; Keterich, Roger ; Welde, John. , outlawries in, 10, 16, 41, 103, 120, 202, 231, 264, 421. Hertford, co. Hertford, 53. , castle, letters patent dated at, 284. , . . . ., works in, 441. , castle, town and honour, 359. , church of St. Andrew in, 132. , alien priory of, 132. Hertford, Philip de, parson of Aspenden, co. Hertford, ex- changed to the vicarage of Ware, 24. Hertingfordbury, Hertfordyngbury [co. Hertford], 359. , church, 77. Hertlee, Hertle, Robert, Robert de, 484. , commissioner, 228. Hertyngdon. See Hartington. Hertyngdon, Hertyngton, Adam de, clerk, 89 bis, 90, 96, 170, 180, 188, 237, 272. , , king's clerk, 169, 235, 253. , commissioner, 61. , . . . . , clerk of the works at Worldham and Wheatley, co. Southampton, 97, 98. ....... . . . . , clerk of the works at Wheatley and Langley Marish, 118. , . . . . , clerk of the works at King's Langley, 233. ....... . . . . , clerk of the works at Clarendon, 233. ...... . . . . , clerk of the works in Porchester Castle, 344. . . . , . . . . , prebendary of St. Paul's, London, 166. . . . , . . . . , prebendary of Salis- bury, 212. , . . . , . . . . , prebendary of St. George's, Windsor, 232, 390. , , dean of Stafford, 232. Hervy, John, 67. , Richard, commissioner, 58, 486. 620 GENERAL INDEX. Hervy — cont. , Richard, of Wirksworth, co. Derby, 268. , Thomas, clerk, 358. , William, 355. , . . . . , king's yeoman, alnager of woollen cloths for sale, 24, 371. , . . . . , keeper of the gaol of York Castle, 76. , William, 268, 404. , , Mary, wife of, 268, 404. Heryerd, Heryzerd, Hugh, com- missioner, 222. , . . . . , serjeant and deputy of the prince of Wales, 222. Heryng, John, chaplain, presented to the church of All Saints, Hastings, 210. , Nicholas, 206, 235. , . . . . , commissioner, 53, 54, 64, 136, 141, 144, 161, 319, 331, 411, 412, 417, 491. , . . . . , escheator in Kent, 8. , . . . . , king's steward in Kent, 10, 191, 348, 442. , . . . . , steward of Milton hundred, co. Kent, 184. , . . . . , steward of Kent, com- missioner, 159, 218. , . . . . , surveyor of the works at Gravesend, Leeds, Rushen- den, Danley and Milton, 199. Heryzerde. See Heryerd. Hese. See Hayes. Heselarton, Thomas de, knight, Alice late the wife of, 18. Hesebrigg, Donald, commissioner, 64, 316, 330, 498. , William, commissioner, 498. Hesill. See Hessle. Hesketh, Thomas de, servant of, 76. Hessewell, Thomas de, 471. , . . . . , Stephen and Richard, brothers of, 471. Hessle, Hesill [co. York], 86. , Anlaby in, 86. Heston, in Isleworth [co. Middlesex], 80, 84. Hete. See Hethe. Heth, Master Nicholas de, pre- bendary of Lichfield, 368. , Roger de la, 393. Hethcote. See Heathcote. Hethcote, James, 46. Hethe. See Hythe. Hethe, Hete, John, clerk, 366. , John, commissioner, 157. Hethe — cont. , Robert atte, or Robert de, parson of Gedding, co. Suf- folk, exchanged to Ashley, co. Cambridge, 24. , . . . . , parson of Ashley, 171. , Thomas de, knight, 26, 398. , Walter de la, of Swineshead, 73. Cf. Heythe. Hethebardwe [co. Southampton], manor, works at, 235. Hethensale. See Hensall. Hethyngham Castel. See Heding- ham, Castle. Hetkote, Roger, parker at Sheffield, 217. Heton, Alan de, commissioner, 59, 143. Hevenynges. See Heynings. Hevenyngham, John de, 164. Hevingham, Hevyngham [co. Nor- folk], 232. Hevyngham, John de, merchant of Norwich, 505. Hewell [in Tardebigg, co. Worcester], manor, 1 3. Hewer, William, 143. Hewode, Adam, keeper of Old Park and Parkhurst forest, Isle of Wight, 237. , Adam, servant of the earl of Bedford, 237, 429. Hewyssh Chaumflour, Hewysch- chaumnour. See Huish Champflower. Hexham, Hextildesham [co. North- umberland], prior and con- vent of, 456. Hexham, Hextildisham, John de, vicar of Kirkburn, 329. , Thomas de, commissioner, 51, 59. Heyberere, Heyberare. See Hay- berer. Heybray. See Highbray. Heydon [co. Norfolk], 232. Heyestre. See Easter, High. Heyford, Edmund de, vicar of Flitcham, co. Norfolk, ex- changed to the church of Bawsey, co. Norfolk, 74. Heygnesman, Roger, 222. Heyne, John, clerk, 479. Heynings, Hevenynges [in Lea], co. Lincoln, prioress and convent of, 285. Heyrewe, John, 414. GENERAL INDEX. 621 Heythe, Ralph atte, parson of a mediety of the church of Ingworth, co. Norfolk, ex- changed to Kir stead, co. Norfolk, 483. Hey worth, Robert de, clerk, 104. Hicchen, Hicchyng. See Hitchin. Hich, William, buyer for the house- hold, 435. Hiche, Robert, of Salthouse, co. Norfolk, 147. Hichecok, Richard, presented to the church of Albrighton, co. Salop, 174. , . . . . , presentation of, re- voked, 244. Hicheman, Richard, 61. Hicokes, Hicokkes, Hycokes, John, 221. , of Ruardean, 221. Hide. See Hyde. Hiestre. See Easter, High. Higham, Hegham by Rochester [co. Kent], 366. , . . . . , prioress and nuns of, 366. , Cold [co. Northampton], Potcote in, Pottoc, 270. ., Hegh' [co. Suffolk], 443. , Heghome [in Darton, co. York], 126. Highbray, Heybray [co. Devon], parsons of, 395. Highgate, Le Heghegate [co. Mid- dlesex], 476. , pavage at, 476. Highnam, co. Gloucester, the Vine- yard in, Weyneyerde, Wyne- yerde, 416. Hikke, William, of Dartmouth, 32. Hilborough, Hilburworth, co. Nor- folk, 328. Hilbourn, William de, 59. Hilburworth. See Hilborough. Hild, Reynold, Anselm son of, of Stubton, 232. Hildekirk. See Islekirk. Hilderwell. See Hinderwell. Hilderwell, William, of York, 103, 420. Hildeston. See Hindolveston. Hilgay, Helgeye [co. Norfolk], 62. Hill, North, Northull [co. Cornwall], church, 433. Hill, John of the, miller, of Grant- ham, 194. , Thomas del, of Worsborough, co. York, 25. , . . . . , Isabel late the wife of, 97. Hill — cont. , William del, of Heckmond- wike, 30. Hillary, Roger, justice of the Bench, 243, 387. Hille, John, commissioner, 64. Hilton [co. York], 329, 331. Hilton, Adam de, 434. , John de, 329, 331. , Robert de, 329, 331. Hinckley, Hynkle [co. Leicester], alien priory of, 173. , vicars of, 173. Hinderwell, Hilderwell [co. York], parsons of, 165. Hindolveston, Hildeston, co. Norfolk, 147. , Thomas, vicar of, 147. Hinton Waldrist, Henton [co. Berks], church, 120. , Cherry, Hynton, co. Cam- bridge, manor of Netherhall in, 387. Charterhouse, Henton [co. Somerset], prior and convent of, 31, 436. , . . . . , bridge of Midford in, Mitteford, 157. Hinxhill, Henxthull [co. Kent], parson of, 67. Hinxton, Hynxton, co. Cambridge, manor, 246. Hinxworth, Henysteworth [co. Hertford], advowson, 279. Hiperom. See Hipperholme. Hipper, William, of Waynbrige, 9. Hipperholme, Hiperom, co. York, 154. Hirton, Sir Henry de, temp. Henry III, 460. Hisseburn. See Hurstbourne. Hitchin, Hicchen, Hicchyng, co. Hertford, manor, 170,188,462. , Preston in, 231. Hi the. See Hythe. Hoathly, West, Westhothlegh, co. Sussex, 496. Hobkyns, William, 423. Hobuldod, Adam, 326. Hockele, John, 458. , William de, coroner of London, 37. Hockham, Hokham [co. Leicester], 322. Hoddesdon, Hodesdon [co. Hert- ford], 421. Hode, John, commissioner, 317, 485, 490. , John, of Fleet, commis- sioner, 135, 138, 332. 622 GENERAL INDEX. Hodenet, Odo de, temp. Edward I, 278. Hodesdon. See Hoddesdon. Hodesdon, Stephen, of Barnet, co. Hertford, 4. Hodirsale, Adam son of Robert de, 22. Hodnet, Hodenet [co. Salop], 278. Hodresfeld, John, 165. Hogepound, John, the elder, 90. Hogges, William atte, 495. Hoggesone, William, 333. Hoghton. See Houghton. Hognorton, John, parson of Mill- brook, exchanged to the vicarage of Alton, co. South- ampton, 473. Hogshawe, Thomas, Emmeline late the wife of, daughter of Edmund de Clyvedon, knight, 214. , . . . . , . . . . , Edmund, son and heir of, 214. Hokefeld, Geoffrey, 341. Hokenale. See Hucknall. Hokesham. See Huxham. Hokesham, Robert de, temp. Edward I, 271. Hokham. See Hockham. Hokham, William, of Wymondham, 357. Holand, Hugh, of Norwich, 247. , Thomas son of John, 04. , Thomas, knight, 316. , Thurstan de, commissioner, 320. Holandbrigge. See Bridgend. Holbcach, Hollebech, Holbech [co. Lincoln], 175, 203. Holbech, Holbeche, Thomas, com- missioner, 135. , Thomas, citizen and cord- wainer of London, 352, 384, 402. , . . . . , Katharine, wife of, 352, 384, 402. Holbek, John de, parson of Sturmer, 277. Holbem, Thomas, 434. Holborn, Holburn [co. Middlesex], prebend of. See London, St. Paul's. Holbourn, Nicholas, 102. Holbrok, John de, 168. , Thomas de, knight, 463. Holbrook, Holbrok [co. Suffolk], manor, 463. Holcote, John de, parson of With- cote, 267. Holdayn, Simon, 144. I Holden, John son of Ralph de, 158, 422. , John de, 422. Holderness, Holdernesse, co. York, commission of sewers in, 161. Holdey, Richard, of Kintbury, co. Berks, 184. Holdich, Holdych, Richard, 133. , commissioner, 157, 160, 322. Holdysworthy. See Holsworthy. Holeford, John, 496. , Richard, 496. Holeweie, Holeweye. See Holloway. Holford [co. Somerset], church, 42. , parsons of, 131. Holgrave, David, commissioner, 499. Holhurst, Thomas, 86, 88, 256, 336, 338, 344 bis, 460, 464. , . . . . , collector of customs at Dublin and Drogheda, 86. Holiwod. See Holywod. Holkham, Holkeham, John de, com- missioner, 138, 157, 315, 332, 497. Hollebech. See Holbeach. Hollesley, Hollesle, co. Suffolk, manor, 299. Hollington, Holyngton, Olynton [co. Sussex], prebend. See Hastings. Holloway, Holeweie, Holeweye by Feckenham [in Feckenham, co. Worcester], 262. , manor, 13. Hollywood, Holywod in Ireland [co. Dublin], church, chantry in, 341, 342. Holm, Holme, Adam de, temp Edward I, 271. , Richard, clerk, of London, 339. , Richard de, 317. , . . . . , presented to the church of Little Billing, co. Northampton, 2. , . . . . , presented to St. Andrew's, Holborn, 132. , Roger, chancellor of St. Paul's, London, 216. , William de, 338. , . . . . , commissioner, 332. , . . . . , the king's physician, 392 , William, of Coventry, 383. , William de, of North More- ton, co. 'Berks, 197. , Nicholas, 275. , . . . . , of Coventry, mer- chant, 272, 274. GENERAL INDEX. 623 Holm — cont. , Patrick, of Dublin, 201. Holm juxta Eccles, William de, 234. Holme Lacy, Hommelacy [co. Here- ford], 75. Holmeton. See Holmpton. Holmpton, Holmeton [co. York], 467. Holmton, William, burgess of King's Lynn, 472. Holnee, John, 495. Holsworthy, Holdysworthy [co. Devon], 64. Holt [in Medbourne, co. Leicester], 279. , Holtmarket [co. Norfolk], 230. , . . . ., church, 419. , . . . ., hundred, 427. , Le Holte [co. Worcester], 491, 498. Holt, Holte, Geoffrey del, 22. , Henry, 91. Holt, John, John de, 252. , . . . . , commissioner, 56, 63, 135 bis, 137, 138 (4), 141, 142, 144, 150, 228, 229, 314 bis, 318, 319, 326, 332, 413, 485, 494. , . . . . , justice of gaol de- livery, 74, 277, 288, 369. , , Alice, wife of, 252. , Thomas, 434. , Walter, escheator in War- wick and Leicester, 196, 379. Holton le Clay, Houtton by Grimes- by [co. Lincoln], 271. , le Moor, Houton in le More [in Caistor, co. Lincoln], 108. Holyngton. See Hollington. Holystone, Halistane [in Alwinton, co. Northumberland], prioress and convent of, 338. Holywell, Halywell [co. Hunting- don], church, 167, 184, 464. Holywod. See Hollywood. Holywcd, Holiwod, Robert de, knight, 280, 283, 341, 344. , . . . . , baron of the Ex- chequer of Ireland, 145. , . . . . , chief baron of the Exchequer of Ireland, 59. , . . . . , Nesta, wife of, 342. , . . . . , Joan, sometime wife of, 342. Homme. See Ham. Hommelacy. See Holme Lacy. Homwode, James atte, 495. , James, John son of, 495, 496. Homwode — cont. , John atte, 495. Honbergh, Fulk de, merchant of the Hanse, 417. Hone, John son of Richard de, 111. Honeybourne, Honyborn [cos. Gloucester and Worcester], 70. Hongyndaston. See Aston Magna. Honingham, Honyngham [co. Nor- folk], vicarage, 335, 346. , . . . . , vicar of, 345. Honiton, Honyton [co. Devon], advowson, 165. , manor, 165. Honours. See Crevecoeur ; Ley- bourne. Hony, William, parson of Sutton, co. Norfolk, exchanged to the vicarage of Cranbrook, co. Kent, 297. Honyborn. See Honeybourne. Honyng, John, parson of Thursford, co. Norfolk, 47. Honyngham. See Honingham. Honyngham, Thomas, master of Ospringe hospital, 361, 496, 497. Honyngton, John, commissioner, 143. Honyter, Adam, of Wisbech, co. Cambridge, 11. Honyton. See Honiton. Honyton, John, John de, com- missioner, 57, 146. Hoo, Hwo, co. Kent, 67. Hoo, Nicholas de, chaplain, pre- sented to the church of Little Blakenham, 256. , Thomas de, Thomas atte, commissioner, 139, 318. Hoode, John, of Fleet, co. Lincoln, commissioner, 417. > Hooe, Hoo [co. Sussex], prebend of. See Hastings. Hopare, John, 179. Hope Bowdler, Hopebulers [co. Salop], 278. , advowson of, 279. Hope, John, vicar of Barnstaple, exchanged to a prebend in Crediton collegiate church, 40. Hopebulers. See Hope Bowdler. Hoper, Walter, bladesmith, 102, 119. Hopkyn, William, of Bridgford, co. Nottingham, 63. , William, of Thurgarton, co. Nottingham, 65, 142. 624 GENERAL INDEX. Hopton [near Thetford, co. Suffolk], parson of, 103. Hopton, Henry de, vicar of Bishops Castle, co. Salop, exchanged to Lydham, 349. Horbourn. See Harborne. Horbury, co. York, 154. Hordere, John, 409. Hordlewedyche, 95. Hore, John, 408, 419. , . . . . , Emma, wife of, 408. , William, 408. Horemuda [co. Sussex], port of, 289. Horeston. See Horston. Horkesley, Little, Horkesleye [co. Essex], pretended prior of, 56. Hormade. See Hormead. Hormead, Hormade, co. Hertford, pavage at, 123. , Little, Hormade, co. Hert- ford, manor, 374, 475. Hormesheved, Hornesheved. See Ormesheved. Horn, Home, Henry, of Hainton, co. Lincoln, 158. , Robert, 151. , Thomas, parson of Hunting- field, 175. , William, 125. , William de, commissioner, 58, 136, 158, 161, 331, 411, 412, 434, 487, 491, 497. Hornbloweton, John, vicar of Stoke Gifford, co. Gloucester, exchanged to North Barrow, co. Somerset, 168. Hornby, Horneby, Ralph de, citizen of York, 175, 266. Robert de, 43. , Wilkin de, servant of the earl of Bedford, 477. , William de, 209. Horneshend, Hornesynd, John, chap- lain, 433, 436. , John, of Elstow, 433. Hornesheved. See Ormesheved. Horneshynd. See Horneshend. Hornsea, Hornse [co. York], 467. , Burton, Horneseburton [co. York], 467. Hornyng, William, of Norfolk, 357. Horpol, John, of Manningtree, 118. Hors, Robert, 502. Horseman, Thomas, master of the barge of Rye, 61. horses, the king's, buyers for, 71, 238, 436. , harbourers of, 238, 436. Horsfall, 24. Horsham St. Faith [co. Norfolk], alien priory, 184. Horslake, Thomas, wardrober in Hadleigh Castle, 360. Horsley, co. Derby, Horston Castle in, Horeston, 394, 427. Horsley, Adam de, parson of St. John's, Stamford, exchanged to Cockayne Hatley, 110. Horston, Horeston [in Horsley], co. Derby, castle, 394, 427. Hortesle, John de, commissioner, 57. Horton, 247. [co. Buckingham], 89. [co. Dorset], parsons of, 449. Horton, Nicholas, prebendary of Wingham collegiate church, 285. , Roger, parson of Chipping Norton, 480. , Thomas, parson of Great Billing, 163. , William de, chaplain, pre- sented to the vicarage of Stoke Courcy, 164. , William de, commissioner, 314. Horwode, Horwod, Robert, king's plumber, 265, 308. Horwood, Great [co. Buckingham], Singleborough, Sengleburgh, in, 429. Hosbrugge, co. Gloucester, 440. Hosiere, William, 304. Hospitals. See : Alleburn. Sandon. Alnwick. Shrewsbury. Bamburgh. Southamp- Bedford. ton. Bristol. Southwark. Dorchester. Strood. Ely. Westminster. London. Wisbech. Maidstone. York. O springe. Hotham, Hothum [co. York], 18, 86. Hothom, John de, commissioner, 326. Hothum. See Hotham. Hothum, John de, of Bonby, co. Lincoln, knight, 34. , John son of John de, Juetta late the wife of, 34. Hoton. See Hutton. Hoton, Hugh de, presented to the vicarage of Withernsea, co. York, 236. , Thomas de, 377, 386, 390. GENERAL INDEX. 625 Hoton, Thomas de — cont. , commissioner, 135, 220, 410, 499. , William de, chaplain, pre- sented to the church of Closworth, 131. , William de, of Newcastle on Tyne, 254. Hotona. See Hutton Bushell. Hotonbussell. See Hutton Bushel. Hotot, John, parson of St. Gabriel Fenchurch, London, 248. Hotton, John, 464. Houbourne, John de, commissioner, 59. Houcemayn, Robert, 41. Houden. See Howden. Houdenshire. See Howdenshire. Houdesone, Hugh, 383. Houedenshire. See Howdenshire. Hough on the Hill, Hagh [co. Lin- coln], alien priory, 203. Houghton in the Dale, Hoghton [co. Norfolk], vicarage, 184. on the Hill, Houton, co. Norfolk, manor, 29. , Little, Hoghton [co. North- ampton], vicarage, 131. [co. Southampton], church, 204. Houghton, Hoghton, Houton, Adam de, commissioner, 63, 158, 320, 325. , . . . . , knight, commissioner, 320. Adam de, bishop of St. David's, 47, 290, 412, 441, 500. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 325. , . . . . , . . . . , chancellor, 404, 417, 457. , Isabel de, temp. Henry III, 19. , Richard de, commissioner, 158, 320. , William de, William, 79, 95, 272, 483. , William, commissioner, 61, 139, 222 bis, 223, 332, 485, 497. , . . . . , justice of gaol delivery, 265. , William, of London, draper, 258. Houk, John, of Bristol, 2. Houme, Thomas de, of York, 454. , . . . . , Mary, wife of, 454. Hounde, John, serjeant-at-arms, 372. Houndeslowe. See Hounslow. Houndeslowe, Roger de, parson of Badger, 249. Hounslow, Houndeslowe [co. Mid- dlesex], prior and friars of the order of St. Robert at, 256, 401. Hount, William, of Fulbeck, co. Lincoln, 61. Hounte, Thomas, 464. House, John atte, commissioner, 158, 161. Household, Royal :— theft of vessels from, 400, 403. vessels lost from, 405, 406. avener. See Brantyngham, William de. barber. See Braythwayt, Nicholas de. bow bearer. See Tyle, Ralph, butler. See Neuton, Geoffrey de ; Strete, William, chief butler. See Neuton, Geoffrey de. buyers and purveyors, 71, 215, 238, 239, 435, 446. chamberlain. See Bello Campo , Roger de. king's confessor. See Syward, William ; Woderove, John, controller. See Strete, William, coroner and clerk of the market. See Leget, Helming, falconer, 473. See Chesthunt, Edmund de. king's farrier, 353. king's ferreter. See Scargill, Richard de. king's fruiterer. See Fysshe, John, grooms, 382. king's henchman, 378. king's huntsman, 162. king's messengers, 351, 397. pavilioner. See Thorneton, Thomas de. king's physician. See Bray, John ; Gabrielis, Paul, plumbers. See Horewod, Robert ; Roberd, William ; Smyth, William, king's porter, 15. scullion. See Pury, John, sewer. See Archebald, William, king's smith. See Eltham, Thomas de. steward. See Nevill, John de. king's surgeon. See Leche, John. Wt. 18915. E 40 626 GENERAL INDEX. Household, Royal — cont. yeomen, 306, 307 bis, 308, 309, 310, 334, 337, 371, 382. bakehouse, groom of, 370. , serjeant of. See Fode, Richard. , chief serjeant of. See Aleyn, Richard, buttery, clerk of. See Bernolby, Thomas. , groom of, 361. , serjeant of. See Archebald, Richard. , yeoman of, 310. , See Brantyngham, William; Depenham, William; Kent, John ; Merlawe, John de. chamber, esquires of. See Daubrichecourt, Collard ; Salesbury, John de. , grooms of. See Maheu, John ; Spaldyng, Nicholas. , keeper of the keys of the coffers of. See Gambon, William. , knights of. See Bello Campo, John de ; Vache, Philip la. , messenger of. See Stygeyn, John. , serjeant of. See Aubrey, Walter. , usher of. See Herlyng, John. , yeomen of. See Bray, John ; Gambon, William, chandlery, yeomen of. See Beyford, William, hall, marshal of. See Risce- by, W T illiam de. , usher of. See Water, Henry atte. kitchen, groom of. See Franceys, John. , page of, 404. , See Palmer, John. , yeomen of. See Brampton, Richard ; Raundes, Richard. , Cf. Kychyn, John del. larder, chief serjeant of. See Bukenham, Simon de. Cf. Lardir, William de. laundry, groom of, 475. marshalsea, 246. pantry, clerk of. See Bernolby, Thomas. poultry, groom of. See Baron, William. Household, Royal : poultry — cont. , chief serjeant of. See Ballard, Richard. , yeoman of. See Mak- keny, Robert, saucery, groom of. See Cherteseye, Robert de. , serjeant of. See Man, William. , chief serjeant of. See Sauserye, William del. scullery, serjeant of. See Cherteseye, Robert de. , yeoman of. See Bur- bache, Thomas! , chief serjeant of. See Puseye, John, spicery, groom of. See Ry vere, John de la. Houth, Nicholas, 303. Houthe. See Howth. Houton. See Houghton on the Hill, Houton in le More. See Holton le Moor. Houton, John de, skinner, 502. , John de, of Great Yarmouth, 21. , Nicholas de, temp. Henry III, 26. , Richard, deputy butler at Lynn, 362. , Thomas, commissioner, 148. 496. Houtton by Grimesby. See Holton le Clay. Hovingham, Hovyngham, [co. York], manor, 276. Hovyngeham. See Ovingham. S Hovyngham, William de, 474. 1 , . . . . , citizen and goldsmith of York, 266. How House, Howes [in Impington, co. Cambridge], 32. Howard, Robert, knight, 133, 328. , commissioner, 138, 328, 332, 485, 497. Howden, Houden [co. York], ex- chequer of the bishop of Dur- ham at, 107. , Belby in, 468. , Knedlington in, Knedelyng- ton, 77. Howdenshire, Houdenshire [co. York], 312, 316. , commission of sewers in, 485. Howe, Thomas, of Leverington, chaplain, 1 1 . Howeden, John de, 143. i Howegate. See Huggate. GENERAL INDEX. 627 Howelin ap David ap Griffyt, parson of Llanrwst, cos. Carnarvon and Denbigh, 51. Howell, Howel, Geoffrey, 239. , John, of Newcastle-on- Tyne, 431. , . . . . , Maud, late the wife of, 432. , William, 441. Howell ap Eygon, vicar of Gresford, co. Denbigh, 351. Howel ap Jevan ap Howel, pre- sented to the church of Rudry, co. Glamorgan, 260. Howessone, Thomas, of Comberton, co. Cambridge, 10. Howome, Howom, Thomas de, com- missioner, 490. , . . . . , citizen of York, 349. Howth, Houthe [co. Dublin], pre- bend of. See Dublin. Hoy, John, vicar of Cople, co. Bed- ford, 175. Ho ye, Thomas, 447. Hoyland, High [co. York], West Clayton in, 126. Huberd, John, 126. Hucknall, Hokenale [co. Notting- ham], 420. Hudson, Robert, 480. Huet, William, chaplain, presented to the chapel of Beckbury, co. Salop, 231. Cf. Huwet. Huetson, John son of Richard, of Idridgehay, 268. Hugate, Henry de, chaplain, 356. Hugel, Walter, 468. Huggate, Howegate, Huggat [co. York], 76, 467. Huggeley, Huggeleye, Thomas de, presented to the church of Martin Hussingtree, 254, 267. Hugh, Robert son of, de Astelegh, 234. Hughbody, Alan, of Leverton, co. Lincoln, 103. Hugiui, Hygon, William, surveyor of the works at Corfe Castle, 390. , . . . ., mayor of Corfe, 477. Huish Champflower, Huish Chaump- flour, Hewyschhaumfloiu* [co. Somerset], parsons of, 93, 210. Hull. See Kingston on Hull. Hull (York), river, 227, 467. Hull, John, of Dublin, 444. , Richard son of Richard atte, 449. Hull, Richard, son of Richard atte — cont. , . . . . , Margery, daughter of, 449. , Richard del, chaplain, 108. , Robert atte, chaplain, pre- sented to the vicarage of Brookland, co. Kent, 164. , Robert, scholar of the king's hall, Cambridge, 192. , Robert de, presented to the church of Toppesfield, co. Essex, 236. Hulles, William, hospitaller, 123. Humber, Humbre, river, co. Lin- coln, 145, 150, 324. , merchant of, 156. , preservation of salmon in, 193, 317, 324, 501. Humberstane, Humberstan, William, the younger, presented to the church of Harlow, co. Essex, 40. , ...... . . . . , presented to the church of Yeovil, 200. , . . . . , . . . . , revocation of presentation, 286. Humbleton, John, clerk, 177. Humet, Richard de, constable, temp. Henry II, 85. Huncote [in Narborough, co. Leicester], 288. Huncotes, John de, 92. Hunden, Geoffrey, 246, 438. , commissioner, 223, 318, 323, 332. Hunderton, Hunterton [in Hereford, co. Hereford], prebend of. See Hereford. I Hungerford, Thomas de, knight, 122, 157. , . . . . , commissioner, 1 39, 154, 157, 327, 328, 485, 487, 490 bis, 498. Hungerton [co. Leicester], Bag- grave in, Babbegrave, 425. Hunt, Hunte, David, 456. , John, 78, 392, 495. , . . . . , auditor in the lord- ships &c. of Brecknock, Can- tref Selyf, Hay, Huntington and Caldicot, 112. , Thomas, 235. , William, 53. Cf. Hount. Hunteley, Robert, commissioner, 220, 221. Hunter, John, of Whittington, co. Lancaster, Agnes sometime wife of, 135. 628 GENERAL INDEX. Huntercombe [in Nuffield], co. Ox- ford, 220. Huntercombe, John de, 189. Hunterton. See Hunderton. Huntindon [co. Hereford]. See Huntington. Huntingdon, county, 150, 225. , issues of, 170. , commission of array in, 499. , commission of the peace in, 323. , coroners in, 55. , . . . . , See Alberd, Richard. , justices of oyer and terminer in, 146. , escheator in. See Sewale, Thomas de. , sheriff of, 169, 465. , outlawries in, 264, 281, 419. Huntingdon, Huntyngdon, co. Hun- tingdon, castle, gaol delivery of, 74, 288. , gaol delivery, 288, 401. , priory of St. Mary, 431. , prior of, 169. Huntingdon, countess of. See Ley- bourne, Juliana de. Huntingfield, Huntyngfeld [in East- ling, co. Kent], manor, 434. Huntingfield, Huntyngfeld [co. Suf- folk], parson of, 175. Huntington, Huntyngton [co. Here- ford], lordship, 496. , . . . . , steward of. See Genet, William. , . . . . , auditor in. See Hunt, John. Huntspill, Hunspull Mareys, co. Somerset, manor, 86. Huntyngdon. See Huntingdon. Huntyngdon, Robert, commissioner, 55. Huntyngfeld. See Huntingfield. Huntyngfeld, William de, commis- sioner, 135, 138. , .. .., knight, 175, 178. Huntyngton, Huntyton. See Hun- tington. Huphavene. See Upavon. Hursflete, Nicholas, 494. Hurstbourne, Hisseburn [co. South- ampton], 37. Hurstbourne, Tarrant, Husseburn Tarente, co. Southampton, 43. Hurstmonceaux, Hurstmonceux [co. Sussex], parsons of, 249. Hurstpierpoint, Hurst [co. Sussex], 495, 496. Hurstpierpoint — cont. , Alexander, vicar of, 495. Hurtaund, Hurtaunt, Robert, of Watton, co. Norfolk, 144, 152. Huscard, Richard, commissioner, 501. Husee, Henry, knight, 272. , Hugh de, commissioner, 498. Husseburn Tarente. See Hurst- bourne Tarrant. Huton, Thomas de, commissioner, 146. Hutton in the Forest, Ho ton, co. Cumberland, 384. Bushell, Hotonbussell, Hotona [co. York], 451. , . . . . , parsons of a mediety of, 183. Cranswick, Ho ton Craunce- wyk [co. York], 467. , . . . . , Rotsea in, Rotse, 329. Lowcross, Ho ton [co. York], liberty of, 331. Huwet, John, 142. , Richard, of Oldbury, co. Warwick, 383. , Walter, knight, 124, 194. , , Hugh, father of, 124. , . . . ., Agnes, mother of, 124. , . . . ., Amita, wife of, 124. Cf. Huet. Huxham, Hokesham [co. Devon], 271. Hwe, William, deputy alnager of woollen cloths for sale in Kent, 24. Hwo. See Hoo. Hycokes. See Hicokes. Hyde by Winchester [co. Southamp- ton], Thomas, abbot of, let- ters patent of, 187. Hyde, John, commissioner, 413. , Hide, John atte, of Egleton, controller of the works at Oakham and Flitteris, 105 bis. Hygon. See Hugon. Hykelyngton, Robert, brother of St. John's hospital, Ely, 277, 477. Hyndon, Edmund de, 89. Hynkle. See Hinckley. Hynton. See Hinton, Cherry. Hynton, John, chaplain, presented to the church of Drayton Parslow, 132. , Thomas, groom of the household, 382. GENERAL INDEX. 629 Hynxton. See Hinxton. Hythe, He the [co. Kent], 93, 130. , . . . . , mayor and bailiffs of, commissioners, 141. , . . . . , officers of the barge of, 60, 61. ....... . . . ., commission of sewers at, 158. I Ibbotesson, John, of Kenworth, 234. Iccomb, Ikcombe [co. Gloucester], chapel of, wardens of, 204. Ichene. See Itchen. Ichyngton. See Itchington. Ickford, Ikkeford, co. Buckingham, 464. Ickham, Ikham [co. Kent], parsons of, 116. , Well in, Welle, 331, 434. Idenne, John, 410, 413, 414. idiots, 15, 81, 294. Idridgehay, Idrychay [co. Derby], 268. Iford [in Westwood, co. Wilts], 31. Iford, Master Nicholas de, 31. Ightfield, Ightfelde [co. Salop], par- sons of, 265. Ihamme. [The site of New Win- chelsea, co. Sussex], manor, 346. Ikcombe. See Iccomb. Ikham. See Ickham. Ikkeford. See Ickford. Ilbert, Ralph, 294. Ilchester, Yevelchestre [co. Somer- set], 228. , gaol, keepers of. See Peres, Roger ; Porter, Ralph. Ilcome, Henry de, 358. Ilderton, co. Northumberland, 59. , manor, 59. , Roddam in, Rodome, 59. Ilderton, Thomas de, knight, 58. , . . . . , commissioner, 59, 498. Ilford, Illeford [co. Essex], 304. Ilger, William, 15, 72, 202, 334, 344, 462 bis, 464 bis. , escheator of Ireland, 145, 240, 266, 373. Ilkeston [co. Derby], church, 98. Ilkley, Ilklay, co. York, advowson, 456. Illeford. See Ilford. Illeston, Ilston, Thomas de, com- missioner, 139, 314, 499. , . . . . , de, escheator in Kent, Surrey, Sussex, and Middlesex, 17, 54, 118, 167, 172, 174, 181, 195, 204, 208, 348, 366, 378, 388, 434, 450, 479. Illeye, Robert de, 15. Ilston. See Illeston. Ilton [co. Somerset], 228. Imber, Immere [co. Wilts], chapel, 15. , . . . . , parson or warden of. See Barton, Peter de. Imbert, Simon son of, 315. Immere. See Imber. Impington [co. Cambridge], How House in, Howes, 32. Imworth, Hugh, 369. , Richard, Richard de, 286. , Richard de, serjeant-at- arms, 156, 463. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 56, 62, 488. , . . . . , .... and keeper of the Marshalsea prison of the King's Bench, 169, 463. , . . . . , Joan, wife of, 286. Ines juxta Wygan, Roger de, 2. Inge, Hildebrand, hospitaller, 123. , Thomas, of Pewsey, William son of, 187. Ingelby, Yngelby, Henry de, pre- bendary of Darlington col- legiate church, 232. , . . . . , to be restored to Ox- ford university, 291. Ingelby, Thomas de, commissioner, 58, 59, 63, 64, 135-7 passim, 140, 141, 143, 145, 151, 154, 155, 222, 223, 224 ter, 225, 226, 227, 229, 311, 314 (4), 315, 316 bis, 317, 321 bis, 323, 326, 329, 331, 332, 411, 414 bis, 486, 489, 490, 491. , . . . . , justice of gaol delivery, 20, 30, 106 bis, 108, 109, 123, 262, 265 bis, 269, 273, 275, 282, 287, 297, 420, 424, 428, 445. , Thomas de, vicar of Bywell, co. Northumberland, 302. Ingelwode. See Inglewood. Ingeworth. See Ingworth. Ingland, Gilbert, 143. * 630 GENERAL INDEX. Inglewood, Ingelwode [co. Cumber- land], forest, 115. , . . . . , foresters in. See Brighton, Adam de ; Stirk- land, William de. , . . . . , chief foresters of. See Engleis, William le ; Stapel- ton, William de ; Tilioll, Peter. , . . . ., Penrith ward in, 236, 461. Ingmanthorpe, Ingemanthorp [in Kirk Deighton, co. York], 137, 486. Ingoldmells, Yngolmeles [co. Lin- coln], 240. Ingoldsby, Ingoldesby [co. Lincoln], 61, 62. Ingram, co. Northumberland, Reaveley in, Revele, 423. Ingrain, Robert, of Coventry, 357. Ingworth, Ingeworth [co. Norfolk], 232. , mediety of the church, parsons of, 483. Inkepenne, John, 201. Inkilmore [co. York], 467. Innocent, John, presented to the church of Borley, co. Essex, 92. Ins, John, 424. Inskysti. See Askeaton. Insula, Lisle, Lyle, John de, of the Isle of Wight, 266. , Laurence de, commissioner, 153, 332. , Laurence de, of Gatcombe, Isabel late the wife of, 458. , Maud de, 402. , Robert de, 302, 460. , , Mary, wife of, 302. , Robert de, knight, 402. , Warin de, 434. , commissioner, 135, 220, 496, 499. , William de, 420. Inygs, John, master of the St. Anthony, of Castro Urdiales, 507. Ipplepen, Ippelpenne [co. Devon], church, 387. Ipre. See Ypres. Ipre, John de, 99, 477. , , knight, 441, 456. , . . . . , steward of the house- hold, 296, 298, 347, 399, 432, 475. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 491, 496. Ipsley, Epsle [co. Warwick], 271. Ipswich, co. Suffolk, 156, 213, 288, 362. , bailiffs of, 49, 206. , port, 49. , . . . . , customs in, 93. , . . . . , customs and subsidies in, 6. , . . . . , collectors of customs at, 206. , . . . . , controller of customs at. See Martelsham, Richard de. , . . . . , deputy butler in. See Waleys, Robert. , prior and Carmelite friars of, 385. Irdesley. See Eardisley. Ireland, 2, 41, 50, 70, 85, 86, 88, 98, 125, 185, 234, 245, 251, 256, 301, 303, 304, 306, 308, 336, 337, 338, 342, 344, 388, 393, 394, 396, 415, 416, 435, 436, 444, 462, 464, 471. , attorneys in, 4, 5, 8, 13, 14, 15, 19, 28, 30, 69, 72, 97 bis, 98, 108, 120, 121, 122, 123, 129, 132, 177, 179, 190, 201, 202, 236, 246, 252, 256, 258, 260, 261, 272, 274, 275, 280, 283, 285, 301 bis, 303, 304 bis, 334, 335, 339, 342, 344, 366, 383 bis, 391, 396, 399, 424, 430, 432, 444, 450, 460 bis, 461, 462, 479, 483. , chancellor of, 145, 240, 266, 305, 306, 309, 393. , . . . . , commissioner, 59. , See Tanny, William ; Wykford, Robert de. , chancery rolls of, 295. , seal of, 31, 60, 111, 258, 295, 305, 306, 340, 342, 481. , escheator in, commissioner, 59. , See Bekenesfeld, Nicholas de ; Ilger, William ; Lorence, Edmund. , governor and guardian of. See Wyndesore, William de. , justiciary of, 309. , See Bo tiller, James le ; Fitz Thomas, Maurice. , treasurer of, 309. , See Balscot,Alexander. , Exchequer of, 207, 295, 303, 304, 340, 342, 437, 472, 481, 482. , . . . . , chamberlains of. See Boys, James de ; Walssh, Richard. \ GENERAL INDEX. 631 Ireland, Exchequer of — cont. , . . . . , treasurers of. See Colton, John, de ; Scurlagg, Thomas. , . . . . , treasurer and barons of, 86, 335, 342. , . . . . , barons of. See Holy- wod, Robert ; Karlell, William de. , . . . . , chief baron of. See Bray, Stephen ; Holiwode, Robert. , . . . . , second baron of. See Pembrok, John de. , . . . . , chancellor of. See Bache, Thomas. , . . . . , engrosser or clerk of the pipe of. See Lughtburgh, Robert. , Common Bench of, justice of. See Plunket, Richard. , justices to hold pleas following the justiciary, 60. , See Keppok, John ; Tyrell, John. , question of expenses in- curred in, 117, 120. , ordinance for the defence of, 178. , trade between, and England, to be permitted, 309. , passage of soldiers to, 336, 337. , rebels in, 340. , cloths made in, 28, 29. Irford, John de, parson of West Rasen, co. Lincoln, exchanged to Ludborough, co. Lincoln, 208. , Robert de, 197. Irland. See Ireland. Irlande, Richard de, vicar of Emble- ton, co. Northumberland, 317. Irnham [co. Lincoln], parsons of, 88. iron, called ' Osmond,' 455. Irthington, Irthyngton, co. Cum- berland, 229. , Laversdale in, Leveresdale, 328. Irthlingborough, Irtlyngburgh [co. Northampton], church of St. Peter in, to be erected into a collegiate church, 72. Irthyngton. See Irthington. Irton, Ralph de, prior of Guisborough and bishop of Carlisle, temp. Edward I, 479. Isabel, the king's daughter, countess of Bedford, 100, 128, 130, 162, 180, 237, 301, 368, 396, 429, 430, 462, 477. , . . . . , indenture of, 392. , . . . ., letters patent of, 475. , . . . . , Philippa, daughter of, wife of Robert de Veer, 368. , . . . . , fewterer of. See Cerle, Gilbert. Isabel, Queen, 124, 258, 338, 341, 342, 380, 484. , . . . ., letters patent of, 284. Isabel, Robert, 251. Isak, John, 495. Iscoed, Iscoit, co. Cardigan, com- mote of, 374. Iseldon. See Islington. Iselham, John, king's esquire, 427. Isenbrugg. See Isombridge. Isham, Robert de, 171. Isle. See Insula. Islekirk, Hildekirk [in Boltons, co. Cumberland], 94. Isleworth, Istelworth, Istilworth [co. Middlesex], 80, 84. , vicars of, 302. , manor, reeve of. See Godefray, John. , park, parker of. See Bertelot, Nicholas. , . . . . , works in, 24. , park and warren, keeper of. See Baker, Walter. , Heston in, 80. Islington, Iseldon [co. Middlesex], 476. Ismongere, Richard, servant of, 419. Isombridge, Isenbrugg [in High Ercall], co. Salop, 148. Istelworth, Istilworth. See Isle- worth. Itchen, Ichene [co. Southampton], church, 442. Itchington, Long, Ichyngton, co. Warwick, 416. Ive, William, smith, 151. Ivinghoe, Ivyngho [co. Buckingham], church, 394, 397. , parsons of, 395. Ivyngho. See Ivinghoe. Ivyngho, Robert de, citizen of Lon- don, 345. Iwardby, Iwardeby. See Ewerby. Iwerne Minster, Ywerne Minstre, Iwerne [co. Dorset], prebend of. See Shaftesbury. Ixworth, Ixeworth [co. Suffolk], priory, advowson of, 203. 632 GENERAL INDEX. J Jacob, Geoffrey, of Norwich, 356. , John, of Massingham, co. Norfolk, 356. Jake, John,, lord of Gommegnjes, captain of Ardres, 34, 283. Jakson, John, of Otley, co. York, wright, 151. , Robert, of Benwell, co. Northumberland, 140. James, Edmund, chaplain, brother of the hospital of St. Kath- arine by the Tower, London, 215. , John, 368. , commissioner, 135, 415, 499. , . . . . , receiver general of the earl of Bedford in England, 237, 477. , John, of Haverfordwest, forester of Coedtraeth and keeper of Road Wood, co. Pembroke, 438. Janua, Genue, Master Andrew de, canon of Wolverhampton, 282 bis. Janyn, Laurence, 34. , Roger, 170. Jarcunville, Andrew de, knight, temp. Henry III, 460. Jarum upon Tese. See Yarm. Jay, John, of Langton Matravers, the younger, 409. , John, chaplain, presented to the vicarage of Laxfield, co. Suffolk, 211, 241. , Walter, 481. , William, of Swineshead, 73. Jedburgh, Jedeword, Jeddeworth [co. Roxburgh], 327. , abbot and convent of St. Mary's, 490. Jedeword. See Jedburgh. Jersey, Jerseye, Gerseye, Jereseye, island, 210, 293. , warden of. See Bello Campo, Thomas de ; Cal- vilegh, Hugh de. Jeuet. See Genet. Jevan ap David, commissioner, 317. Jevelton, Peter, 327. Joan, daughter of Edward III, 508. Joan, widow of Edward, prince of Wales, assignment of dower to, 374-6. , princess of Wales, 376. Joce, Joos, John, knight, 114, 124. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 501 bis. , John, 114, 115, 281, 419. , . . . . , commissioner, 115, 220 bis, 221, 316, 319, 320, 415. , John, of the county of Gloucester, 493. , Robert, of Burton Joyce, co. Nottingham, 223. Cf. Jorce. Jod, William, chaplain, 260. Johan, Arnold, 196. , Francis, of the society of the Strozzi, 196. , Matthew, of the society of the Albertini, 196. , Nicholas, 196. Johannes, Peter, master of the St. Peter of Bilbao, 507. Johanson, William, cook, 140. Johansone, Mark, master of the Marioncogge, 417. John, King, charters of, 182, 466. , . . . . , charter of, mentioned, 198. John of Gaunt, king of Castille and Leon, duke of Lancaster, 6, 20, 36, 41, 134, 154, 224, 299, 306, 321, 340, 347, 359, 367, 373, 374, 376, 377, 393, 432, 433, 434, 435, 437, 438, 441 bis, 452, 453, 455, 457, 475. , . . . . , commissioner, 59, 63, 64, 137 ter, 138, 139 bis, 142, 217 bis, 310, 311 bis, 314 bis, 323 ter, 485, 490 bis, 491 bis. , . . . . , pardon to, 367. , . . . . , grant of royal rights in Lancashire to, 433, 451, 459. , . . . . , liberties of, in York- shire, commissions of the peace in, 314, 315. , . . . . , esquire of. See Bradeleye, Thomas de. John ap Cadogan, John son of, of Great Willaston, co. Cheshire, 26. John, David son of, de Estradu, chaplain, presented to the church of English Bicknor, 173. GENERAL INDEX. 633 John — cont. , Eustace son of, temp. Henry I, 451. , John son of, de Aynesworth, 22. , John son of, del Bek, of Heldygh, 83. , John son of, de Ernesby, 424. , John son of, de Westede, of Corston, 127. , Richard son of, de Radeclyf , commissioner, 320. , Roger son of, de Shupton in Galtres, 441. , Thomas son of, de Birne, 219. , William son of, de Burscowe, of Ryecroft, co. Lancaster, 99. , William son of, de Peytho, 414. , William son of, de Stretton, of Mickleover, 111. Johyngton, John, Hospitaller, 123. Jollan, John, of Kirkby Misperton, 106. Jolyf, Robert, 408. , Thomas, 239. , William, vicar of West Thurrock, co. Essex, ex- changed to the church of Laver, co. Essex, 362. Joop, John, 94. Joos. See Joce. Jorce, Robert son of John, 377. Cf. Joce. Josep, John, chaplain, 208, 421. Jott, John, 294. Jouet. See Genet. Jourdelay, John, 228. Joye, Edith, bondwoman of the abbot of Ramsey, 107. , Thomas, of Colchester, com- missioner, 415. Juliers, William, marquis of, 508. , . . . . , appointed lieutenant and governor of Flanders, 508. Julyan, William, admitted to the church of Ratcliffe on Soar, 152. Jupleu, Burial de, knight, 267. Jurdan, Nicholas, of London, 399. , Peter, commissioner, 501. jury of matrons, 262. Juynt, John, merchant of Norwich, 505. K Kaa, Roger, 173. Kaber, Cabergh, Caber [in Kirkby Stephen, co. Westmoreland], 176, 422. Kaerdif, Kaerdyf. See Cardiff. Kaerwedros. See Caerwedros. Kaile, Robert, commissioner, 311, 315. Kailly, Richard, clerk, 109. Kaldre. See Calder. Kampen, Camp [Holland, prov. Overijssel], ships of, 159, 218. Kardinan, Andrew de, temp. Henry III, 26. Kartell, Karlill, William, 190. , William de, clerk, 177, 344, 399. , . . . . , king's clerk, arch- deacon of Meath, 362. , . . . . , baron of the Exchequer of Ireland, commissioner, 59. See Cartel. Karleton Paynell. See Carlton, • North. Karlill. See Kartell. Karliolo, Thomas de, clerk, 443. Karnels. See Carnel. Kateryngham, Geoffrey de, parson of Sully, co, Glamorgan, ex- changed to the church of St. Peter, Wallingford, 245. Katewy. See Catewy. Katremars, Nicholas, heir of, temp. Edward I, 271. Kaversham. See Caversham. Kay ham. See Keyham. Kayingham [co. York], Salthaugh Grange in, 467. Kaylmerssh, John, parson of Tap- low, 75. Kayner, Robert, parson of Lulling- ton, co. Somerset, 31, 436. Kayngham. See Keyingham. Kayngham, John son of Geoffrey de, 128. Keal, Kele [co. Lincoln], parson of, 52. Kedale. See Kydale. Kedington, Keditone [co. Suffolk], 246. Keditone. See Kedington. Kedyngton, Robert de, 276. , commissioner, 314, 411, 412, 500. 634 GENERAL INDEX. Kegworth [co. Leicester], 273. Kegworth, Simon de, 27. , . commissioner, 315. Keiselbergh, John de, of London, 506. Kekydeva. See Cegidfa ; Guilsfield. Kelby, Walter de, citizen of Lincoln, 501. Kelde, Richard atte, 173. Kele. See Keal. Kele, Henry de, of Kirby Bellars, co. Leicester, 287. , Robert, of Coventry, 246. Kelfeld, Henry de, 73. Kelk, John de, 369. , .. .., Alice, wife of, 369. , John, of Reepham, co. Lin- coln, 55. Kellawe, Richard de, 236. Kellestern. See Kelstern. Kelling, Kellyng [co. Norfolk], 147. Kelliwitho. See Calliwith. Kells, Kenlys [co. Meath], church of, 362. Kelstern, Kellestern [co. Lincoln], 233. Kember, Walter, of Rochester, 456. Kemere, William, of Bere Regis, 409. Kemetmayn. See Commitmaen. Kemmes, John, 247. Kemmoys. See Cemmaes. Kemp, Robert, 199. Kempston, co. Bedford, manor, 195. Kemp ton, Coldekenyngton [co. Mid- dlesex], manor, works at, controllers and survej^ors of. See Hanesworth, Robert ; Payntour, John. Kenaldeferye. See Kinnards Ferry. Kendal, Kendale, Kirkeby in Ken- dale [co. Westmoreland], 135, 150, 237, 301. , grant of pontage to, 237. Kendale, Edward de, the elder, Elizabeth late the wife of, 208. , Edward de, the younger, 208. , . . . . , . . . . , Elizabeth (Croyser), wife of, 208. , Edward de, knight, Eliza- beth late the wife of, 407. , John de, 9. , , clerk, 301. , . . . . , presented to the church of Fladbury, co. Worcester, 7. , . . . . , presented to the church of Weston Longville, co. Norfolk, 45. Kendale, John de — cont. , . . . . , vicar of Lewisham, 488. , . . . . , . . . . , exchanged to a mediety of the church of Aylmerton, co. Norfolk, 345. , king's clerk, pre- bendary of Southwell col- legiate church, 439. , Robert de, knight, 159. , , Maud, wife of, 159. Kene, Hugh, clerk, 30. , John, 160. , Richard, of Stonydelph, co. Warwick, 102. , Roger, 160. , William, Joan late the wife of, 226. Kenelleworth. See Kenilworth. Kenewyk. AS'ee Kenwick. Kenilworth, Kenilleworth, Kenelle- worth [co. Warwick], Walter, prior of, 448. , prior of. See Bradeweye, Henry de ; Cherleton, Walter de. , sub-prior and convent of, 82. , canon of. See Merston, Thomas de. , temporalities of, 87. Kenlys. See Kells. Kenne, Thomas, 67. , Thomas, surveyor of the works at Clarendon, 233. Kennington, Kenyngton, co. Surrey, 38. Kent, county, 11, 53, 107, 117, 125, 141, 144, 148, 171, 191, 195, 218, 300; 341, 347, 348, 372, 381, 397, 412, 417, 418, 439, 453. , deputy alnagers of woollen cloths for sale in. See Elfere, John ; Hwe, William ; Maidenston, Thomas. , collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in. See Frithe, John atte. , commission of array in, 497. , commissions of the peace in, 136, 141, 310, 491. , justices of oyer and ter- miner in, 146. , outlawries in, 68 bis. , escheator in. See Heryng, Nicholas ; Illeston, Thomas de. , sheriff of, 411, 412. , commissioner, 141, GENERAL INDEX. 635 Kent, sheriff of — cont. , See Crouehe, Nicholas atte. , ports in, searchers in. See Bode, Philip ; Dyere, John ; Elys, Walter ; Mannyng, John ; Seford, John ; West- clyf, John ; Wynter, John. , the king's castles and manors in, 64. , king's steward in, 381. , See Heryng, Nicholas. , manors of the countess of Huntingdon in, 199, 214. Kent, Elizabeth, countess of, 405. Kent, John, 398, 495. , . . . . , yeoman of the buttery, 405. , John, of London, 300. , Richard de, citizen and fishmonger of London, 85, 253. , Thomas, of Rotherfield, co. Sussex, 156. Kentbery. See Kintbury. Kentish Town, Kentissheton [co. Middlesex], 381. Kentwode, John, commissioner, 135, 220, 496, 499. Kenwalgraves, William de, 12. Kenwick, Kenewyk [in Tilney, co. Norfolk], chapel of, 468. Kenworth, Kenworthe, 234. Kenyngton. See Kennington. Kenyngton, Master John de, clerk, 109. Kepe, John, 502. Kepewyk, Robert, 160. Keppok, John, 394. , commissioner, 416. , justice to hold pleas following the justiciary of Ireland, 145. Kerbrok. See Carbrooke. Kerdeforth. See Kirdford. Kerdeston, William de, 329. , , knight, 216, 411, 412. , William son of William de, knight, 395. Kerdyf. See Cardiff. Kerdyngton. See Cardington. Kereignon. See Castle Caereinion. Kermerdyn. See Carmarthen. Kerre, John, 242, 306. Kerselawe. See Creslow. Kertemell. See Cartmel. Kervour, Hugh, 199. Kesandbred, Geoffrey, of Weighton, co. York, Thomas son of, 173. Keseby. See Kexby. Kesseburgh. See Kexborough. Kessingland, Kessynglond, co. Suf- folk, 146. Kestevene, Ralph de, clerk, 41. king's clerk, pre- bendary of St. Stephen's, Westminster, 309. | Ketell, John, 62. , William, 38. , . . . . , of Sussex, merchant at Southampton, 37. Ketelston. See Kettlestone. Keten, Ketene, John, 272. , , clerk, 237. Keterich, Roger, commissioner, 56. , . . . . , escheator in Essex and Hertford, 78, 80, 118, 131. Keteryng, John, vicar of Hemel Hempstead, exchanged to Ridley, co. Kent, 477. , William, 423. Ketford, John, commissioner, 220, 221, 319. Ketilby, Thomas son of William de, 106. Kettering [co. Northampton], letters patent dated at, 167, 171. Kettlestone, Ketelston [co. Norfolk], manor, 101. Kevermond. See Kirmond le Mire. Kevylok. See Cyfeiliog. Keworth. See Keyworth. Kewstoke [co. Somerset], priory of Worspring in, 271. Kexborough, Kesseburgh [co. York], 126. , Birthwaite in, Birthwayt, 126. , Haigh in, Westhagh, 126. Kexbj^, Keseby [in Upton, co. Lin- coln], 364. Keyham, Kayham [co. Leicester], 426. Keyingham, Kayingham, co. York, church, 55. Keymer, Kymere, co. Sussex, 496. Keynes, Elizabeth de, 178. , John de, knight, 163. , . . . . , . . . . , Joan late the wife of, 178. , . . . . , Wencelina daughter and heir of, 178. , Lettice de, 178. , Maud de, 178. , William de, 178. Keys, Ralph, 220. , Richard, chaplain, warden of Iccomb chapel, co. Glou- cester, exchanged to the church of Little Compton, co. Gloucester, 204. 636 GENERAL INDEX. Keythorpe, Keythorp [in Tugby, co. Leicester], 97. Keyworth, Keworth, co. Notting- ham, 296. Kidale. See Kydale. Kidderminster [co. Worcester], Dun- clent in, 225. Kiddles, commission of, 159. Kidland, Thomas de, 59. Kidlington [co. Oxford], Cutslow in, Codeslowe, 357. , Water Eaton in, Eton, 357. Kilberry, Kilbery [co. Meath], par- son of, 39. Kilbourn. See Kilburn. Kilburn, Kilbourn [co. Middlesex], prioress and convent, 92, 391. Kildare, county, chief serjeant of. See Vyse, John atte. Kildare, earl of. See Fitz Thomas, Maurice. Kildare, archdeacon of. See Fitz Wauter, Thomas. Kilgarren. See Kilgerran. Kilgerran, Kilgarren [co. Pem- broke], castle, 495. Kilham, Killome [in Kirknewton, co. Northumberland], 106. , Killom [co. York], church, 222. Killeen, Killen [co. Meath], manor, 342. Killom. See Kilham. Killome. See Kilham. Killum, William de, of Berwick on Tweed, 250. Cf. Kyllum. Kilmersdon [co. Somerset], Walton in, Wauton, 271. Kilton, Culveton [co. Somerset], manor, 26. [co. York], 326. Kimberworth, Kymberworth [co. York], manor, 454. Kimmeridge, Kymerych in Purbik, co. Dorset, 327, 408, 409. Kingsbridge, Kyngesbrugg [co. Devon], 226. Kingsbury Episcopi, Kyngesbury [co. Somerset], 327, 328. , manor, 190. , Burrow in, Burgh, 228. , Southay in, Southeye, 31. , Stembridge in, Stenebrugge, 190. Kingsdown, Kyngesdoun by Por- chestre [co. Southampton], warren of, 411. Kingsey, Kyngeseye, co. Bucking- ham, manor of, 296. Kingsland, Kyngeslane, co. Here- ford, manor, 34. Kingston Abbess, Knyghteston [in Corfe Castle, co. Dorset], 13. , Kyngeston [co. Hereford], hundred, steward of. See Genet, William. on Thames, Kyngeston [co. Surrey], 380, 381. , farm of, 401. , grant of pontage for, 263. , manor of Coombe in, Combe Nevylle, 235. by Sea, Kyngeston, co. Sus- sex, 496. , searchers at. See Palfreyman, William ; Pal- yngham, William. upon Hull, 56, 167, 227, 258, 481, 504. , barge to be built at, 54, 428. , mayor of, 86. , . . . . , commissioner, 313. , mayor and bailiffs of, 49, 206. , . . . . , commissioners, 54. , merchants of, 322. , . . . . , grant of murage to, 274. , grant of pavage at, 86. , collectors of customs at, 206. , commission of array in, 502. , commission of the peace in, 313. , water supply for, 324. , successive proposals to found a hospital, an abbey of Minoresses, and a Car- thusian priory at, 470. , port, 48, 98. , . . . . , customs and sub- sidies in, 6, 93. , . . . . , deputy butler in. See Selby, Robert de. , . . . . , controller of cus- toms in. See Spicer, Walter. , . . . . , searchers in. See Hanby, Hugh de ; Spicer, Walter. , church of the Holy Trinity in, 167. , manor of Myton in, 56, 470. GENERAL INDEX. 637 Kingswear, Kyngeswere [co. Devon], to be put in, defence, 486. Kingswinford, Kyngesswynford [co. Stafford], church, 463. Kingswood, Kyngeswode [in Bod- min, co. Cornwall], wood, 26. Kinnards Ferry, Kenaldeferye [in Owston, co. Lincoln], 489. Kinneagh, alias Tintern, Kynneyth [co. Wexford], 298. , advowson, 298. Kinsaley, Kynsale, co. Dublin, 437. Kintbury, Cuntbery, Kentbery [co. Berks], 184. Kinwarton, Kynwarton [co. War- wick], parsons, 252. Kippax, Kypax [co. York], church, 420. Kirby, Kirkeby, co. Leicester, 184. Bellars, Kirkebeller [co. Leicester], 287. , Monks, Monkeskirkeby [cos. Leicester and Warwick], prior of, 400. Wiske, co. York, Newsham in, Neusom upon Wysk, 356. Kirchil. See Critchell. Kirdford , Kerdef orth, Curredef ord [co. Sussex], vicarage, 14. , vicars of, 371. Kirich, Richard, 447. Kirk Ella, Elveleye [co. York], 18. , Anlaby in, 86, 324. Kirk Deighton [co. York], Ingman- thorpe in, 486. Kirkandrews, Kirkandres [co. Cum- berland], parsons of, 275. , Kirkandres [in Borgue, co. Kirkcudbright], 428. Kirkburn, Burne, Burne on La Walde [co. York], 329. , vicar of, 329. , manor of Eastburn in, Estbnui, 74. Kirkby in Ashfield, Kirkeby on Asshefeld [co. Nottingham], 420. Lonsdale, Kirkeby in Lones- dale [co. Westmoreland], 135. Stephen [co. Westmoreland], Kaber in, Cabergh, 176, 422. Malzeard, Malasart [co. York], chace and warren of, keeper of. See Etton, Thomas de. , Azerley in, Azerlegh, 79, 215. Misperton, Kirkeby Misper- i ton [co. York], 106. Kirkby — cont. Moorside, Kirkebymores- heved, co. York, 316. , Fadmoor in, Fadmore, 316. , Gillamoor in, Gillyng- more, 316. Kirkcroglyn. See Croglin. Kirkebeller. See Kirby Bellars. Kirkeby, co. Leicester. See Kirby. Kirkeby. See Kirkby. Kirkeby in Kendale. See Kendal. Kirkeby, Kyrkeby, John, 152. , John de, commissioner, 324, 485, 501. , John de, knight, of Lan- cashire, 427. , John, of Watton, co. Nor- folk, 144. , John de, of Westmoreland, 284. , Robert de, parson of Withy- brook, 46. , Robert de, presented to the church of Kirklinton, co. Cumberland, 131. Kirkebymoresheved. See Kirkby Moorside. Kirkeham, Robert, of Elm, co. Cam- bridge, 11. Kirkelade, John de, parson of Withington, 356. Kirkeleghes. See Kirklees. Kirkelevyngton. See Kirklinton. Kirketon. See Kirton. Kirketon, Kirkton, John, parson of Holy Trinity in the king's court, York, 2. , Roger de, justice of gaol deliverv, 74, 79, 109, 121 bis, 198, 277, 288. , . . . . , commissioner, 50, 52 bis, 55, 57, 58, 59, 61, 63 bis, 64 bis, 135-143 passim, 145, 154 bis, 155, 158, 219, 220, 224 bis, 227, 229, 311, 313, 314 ter, 315, 317, 318, 321, 322, 325, 326, 327, 328 bis, 329, 330, 331, 332 ter, 416 bis, 485 bis, 489, 490, 491 bis, 494 bis. , . . . . , knight, commissioner, 50. , Thomas de, chantry warden in Lincoln cathedral, ex- changed to the church of Irn- ham, co. Lincoln, 88. Kirkham [co. Lancaster], 30. , Kyrkham [co. York], 45. 638 GENERAL INDEX. Kirkleatham, Lythum [co. York], 330. , Yearby in, Overby, 330. Kirklees, Kirkeleghes [co. York], prioress and convent of, 126. Kirkley [co. Suffolk], road of, Kyrke- lerode, 455. Kirklington, Kirtlington, co. Not- tingham, 296. Kirklinton, Kyrkelevyngton, Kirke- levyngton [co. Cumberland], church, 112, 131, 264. Kirknewton [co. Northumberland], Kilham in, Killome, 106. Kirkoswald, Kirkosewald, Kirkus- wald, co. Cumberland, 229. , manor and park, 225. , Staffield in, Staffulle, 222. Kirkton. See Kirketon. Kirkuswald. See Kirkoswald. Kirmond le Mire, Kevermond [co. Lincoln], 106. Kirskill, Creskeld in Whervesdale [in Adel], co. York, 151. Kirstead, Kyrkested [co. Norfolk], parsons of, 483. Kirtlington. See Kirklington. Kirtlington, Kirtlyngton, co. Ox- ford, 210. Kirtlyngton, Robert, groom, 370. Kirton, Kirketon in Holand [co. Lincoln], 317. Kirton, Kirketon in Lyndeseye [co. Lincoln], manor, 14. Kitson, Kytson, John, 329. , of Ormesby, co. York, 331. Knaith, Knayth [co. Lincoln], 329. Knap toft, Knaptof [co. Leicester], 61, 138. Knapton, John, of Kirkby Moorside, 316. Knaresborough, Knaresbiirgh, co. York, 321. , liberty, commission of the peace in, 314, 315. Knaresdyll, John, bailiff of the sheriff of Cumberland, 325. Knayth. See Knaith. Knebworth [co. Hertford], 472. Knedlington, Knedelyngton [in Howden, co. York], 77. Kneesall, Kneshale, co. Nottingham, manor, 355, 408. Kneeton, Knyveton [co. Notting- ham], 63, 142. Kneshale. See Kneesall. Knights Templars, 127. , charter of Henry II, in favour of the, 302. Knights Templars — cont. , master of, in England, Imbertus, temp. Henry III, 425. , See also Saunford, Robert de. Knightsbridge, Knyghtbrigg, Knyth- brugge [in Chelsea, Kensing- ton and Westminster, co. Middlesex], 81, 124, 125. Knockin, Knokyn [co. Salop], 137, 426. , lord of. See Lestrange, Roger. Knoclas. See Cnwclas. Knode, John, vicar of Ercall Magna, 403. Knoell, Thomas, 28. Knoll, John, commissioner, 486. , John, of Dartmouth, 32. , William, of Dartmouth, 32. , William, commissioner, 486. Knolle, Richard atte, 495. Knolles, Robert de, Robert, knight, 29, 101, 327, 408, 487, 494. , . . . ., general pardon to, 20, 21. . . . ., Constance wife of, 29, 101. Knot, William, 99. Knotte, Robert, of Ingoldsby, co. Lincoln, 61. Knottesford, John, 335. Knottynghull. See Notting Hill. Knottyngle, Richard, 421. Knowle, Church [co. Dorset], Creech in, Criche, 13. Knyght, John, 414. , Peter, of Withy ham, co. Sussex, 156. , W T illiam, chaplain, 75. Knyghtbrigg, Knyghtbrugge. See Knightsbridge. Knyghtcote, William, citizen and mercer of London, 301. Knyghtesbrugge, Thomas, of Lon- don, cordwainer, 231. Knyghteston. See Kingston Abbess. Knyt, Walter, of Frocester, co. Gloucester, 45. Knythbrugge. See Knightsbridge. Knyvet, John, 127, 173, 175, 179, 216, 262, 349, 359. , chancellor, 1, 6, 36, 37, 69, 134, 252, 294, 347, 392. , . . . . , . . . . , visitor of St. Stephen's, Westminster, 410. , . . . . , retained of the king's council, 407. GENERAL INDEX. 639 Knyvet, John — cont. , commissioner, 491. , , knight, 127, 175, 179, 349, 359. , .. .., Eleanor, wife of, 127, 175, 179. , . . . ., John, son of, 127. Knyveton. See Kneeton. Knyvyngton, Nicholas de, commis- sioner, 320. Kuny, Robert, 219. Kybyll, Thomas, 160. , Thomas, of Buckingham- shire, 225. Kychyn, John del, 325. Kydale, Kedale, Kidale, Thomas, commissioner, 322, 494, 497. , . . . . , knight, commissioner, 52. , . . . . , sheriff of Lincoln, commissioner, 153. Kyggel, John, 409. Kylgarren. See Cilgerran. Kyllom, John de, 414. Kyllum, Robert de, 233. , Thomas de, of Kelstern, co. Lincoln, 233. Cf. Killum. Kylvoer. See Cilfowyr. Kylyon, Richard, commissioner, 52. Kymbell, Thomas, clerk, 68. Kymberworth. See Kimberworth. Kyme, William de P 432. Kymere. See Keymer. Kymerich, Kymerych. See Kim- meridge. Kynardby, Richard de, presented to the church of Penderyn, co. Brecon, 19. , William de, 312. Kyndesdoun. See Kingsdown. Kyng, Edmund, of Weybourne, co. Norfolk, 147. , John, of Blackmanston, co. Dorset, 409. , . . . . , vicar of Broxbourne, exchanged to the vicarage of Eastry, co. Kent, 125. , Robert son of Thomas, of Boughton, co. Lincoln, 125. , Thomas, 381. Kynges Newenham. See Newnham Regis. Kyngesbrugg. See Kingsbridge. Kyngesbury. See Kingsbury. Kyngeseye. See Kingsey. Kyngesfold, John de, 2, 122, 185, 338. , William, commissioner, 499. Kyngesgrene, Peter, 51. Kyngeslane. See Kingsland. Kyngesrypton. See Ripton, King's. Kyngesswynford. See Kingswin- ford. Kyngeston. See Kingston. Kyngeston, John de, 173, 212, 290. , John de, of Sandwell, co. Devon, 281. , John, clerk, 281. , John de, clerk of the bishop of Durham, 4, 107. , John de, keeper of Chesnut Wood, co. Kent, 211. , William de, parsonof Abbots - ley, co. Huntingdon, 67. Kyngeswere. See Kingswear. Kyngeswode. See Kingswood. Kyngton, Kyngeton, Thomas, Tho- mas de, controller of customs at Southampton, 257, 288. Kynnesley, 43. Kynneyth. See Kinneagh. Kynsale. See Kinsaley. Kynslee, William, presented to the church of Stretham, co. Cam- bridge, 37. Kynwarton. See Kinwarton. Kypax. See Kippax. Kyrkebride, William, chaplain, 443. Kyrkeby. See Kirkeby. Kyrkelerode. See Kirkley. Kyrkelevyngton. See Kirklinton. Kyrkested. See Kirstead. Kyrkestede, William, parson of Barnack, 104. Kyrketon. See Kirketon. Kyrkham. See Kirkham. Kyrlond, Thomas de, 119. Kyrye, Henry, 356. Kytison, William, 225, 229. Kytson. See Kitson. L La Barnet. See Barnet. La Charite. See Charite sur Loire. La Dale. See Dale. La Devises. See Devizes. La Doune. See Down. La Fayth, by Cork, Ireland, hamlet, 309. La Mare. See Delamere. La Morende. See Moorend. 640 GENERAL INDEX. La Munstre. See Minster. La Northmoure, co. Cumberland, 225. La Pole. See Poole. La Porte. See Port Farm. La Ree of Ottemore. See Ray on Otmoor. La Roke. See Rock. La Rye. See Rye. La Whitechapelle, la Whytechapelle. See Whitechapel. La Wyche. See Droitwich. Laceby, Lesseby, Laysceby [co. Lincoln], 18. , manor, 18. , church, 16, 18. , parson of, 179. Lacy, Peter de, clerk, 121. , . . . . , prebendary of Dublin, 283. Laghe, alias Bokkele, Philip, Joan daughter of, 441. Laghfot, Richard son of Thomas de, 135. Laghmon, Richard, of Walton le Dale, co. Lancaster, 299. Laghton. See Laughton. Lailyk, William, of Farlesthorpe, co. Lincoln, 20. Laindon, Leyndon [co. Essex], 241. Lake, Henry atte, commissioner, 321. , Robert atte, commissioner, 321. Lakenham, Simon de, presented to the church of Elmstone, co. Kent, 88. Lakere, Robert, 10. , .. .., Clarice wife of, 10. Lakyngheth, Edmund de, 78. , John de, commissioner, 1 38. Lambard, John, 142. , Robert, 59. , William, of Hurstpierpoint, 495. Lambe, John, 73. Lambourne, John, 399. , Robert, presented to the church of Houghton, co. Southampton, 204. Lambruyn, William, commissioner, 499. Lambyn, Robert, 134. , Stephen, 504. , William, commissioner, 321. Lammas, Lammesse [co. Norfolk], Walter, parson of, 277. Lampadern See Llanbadarn-Vawr. Lampet, John, 122. Lamplogh, Thomas, commissioner, 222. Lamvyhangell in Gwunva. See Llanfihangel yng Ngwynfa. Lancaster, Lancastre [co. Lancaster], 336. Lancaster, county, 320, 326, 339, 423, 427. , grant of royal rights to John of Gaunt in, 433. , commissions of the peace in, 59, 63, 64, 142. , outlawries in, 67, 480. , escheator in. See Lorence, Edmund. , sheriff of, 159, 320, 427, 452. Lancaster, duchy, 459. , . . . . , chancellor of. See Thelwall, Thomas de. Lancaster, duke of. See John of Gaunt. , duchess of, 22. Lancastre, Christopher de, 284. , . . . . , commissioner, 498. , . . . ., Joan, wife of, relict of Nicholas de Layburn, 284. , John de, 181, 216, 284. , Richard, 377. , William de, commissioner, 150. 326, 414. , William de, of Coventry, 364. Lancastreshire, John de, 422. , . . . . , Agnes, late the wife of, 422. Lanceveton. See Launceston. Lancoleman. See Llangolman. Lancoydmaur. See Llangoedmor. Landereyn. See Landreyn. Landes in Aquitaine, seneschal of. See Elmham, William de. Landewy Brevy. See Llanddewi Brefi. Landford, Laneford, co. Wilts, church, 248. Landreyn, Landyran, Landereyn, John, 285. , king's clerk, pre- bendary of St. George's, Windsor, 209, 211. , . . . . , . . . . , prebendary of Glasney collegiate church, 211. , . . . . , prebendary of Hast- ings free chapel, 340, 346. Landyeare, John, of Cornwall, 434. Cf. Laundyor. Laneford. See Landford. Lanercost, co. Cumberland, Asker- ton in, 229. GENERAL INDEX. 641 Lanfant, Walter, knight, commis- sioner, 59. Cf. Lene vaunt. Langaford, Walter, 357. Langar, co. Nottingham, 63, 65, 142. , Barnston in, Barston, 63, 142. Langbaurgh, Langbergh, Langebergh [co. York], wapentake, 178, 445. Lange, Felicia, 447. Langebergh. See Langbaurgh. Langebrok, William, 31. Langedon, Robert de, Serjeant at arms, 15. , Thomas de, master of the barge of London, 12. Langefeld. See Langfield. Langeford. See Langford. Langeham. See Langham. Langelay, John de, 67. Langele Marreys. See Langley Marish. Langele, William de, Christina late the wife of, 297. Cf. Langle. Langetoft. See Langtoft. Langeton. See Langton. Langetone in Purbike. See Langton Matravers. Langetrowe. See Langtree. Langfield, Langefeld, co. York, 154. Langford, Langeford, co. Bedford, manor, 275. , Langeford [in Burrington, co. Somerset], 53, 65. Langham, Langeham [in Gillingham, co. Dorset], 176. [co. Rutland], 265. , , lordship, 134, 147. Langham, Simon de, cardinal of Canterbury, 39 1 . , Stephen, 78. , William, knight, 87. Langle, Robert de, 300, 469. , . . . . , Joan, daughter of, wife of Walter Nettleswell, 300. Cf. Langele. Langley, King's, Childernelangle, Childernelangele [co. Hert- ford], 166. , . . . . , letters patent dated at, 44, 166, 195, 206-213, 215, 307. , , manor, 166, 238. , . . . . , . . . . , letters patent dated at, 209, 216. , . . . . , manor and park, works at, 235. Wt. 18915. Langley, King's, manor and park, works at — cont. , . . . . , . . . . , . . . . , clerk of. See Hertyngdon, Adam de ; Maunesfeld, Henry de. , . . . . , . . . . , . . . . , controller of. See Rouceby, John de. , . . . . , . . . . , . . . . , surveyor of. See Parker, Richard. , . . . . , manor, Friars Preachers in, 446, 447. , . . . . , Chipperfield in, Chiperfeld, 166. Langley Marish, Langele Marreys [co. Buckingham], manor, 171, 174, 369. , . . . . , . . . . , works of, clerk of. See Hertyngdon, Adam de. , . . . . , . . . . , . . . . , controller of. See Rouceby, John de. , . . . . , park, keepers of. See Spaigne, John de ; Watre, Henry atte. Langrom, Thomas, parson of High- bray, co. Devon, exchanged to the vicarage of Christ - church by Caerleon, co. Mon- mouth, 395. Langstrothdale, Langstrothe, co. York, 59. Langtoft, Langetoft [co. York], 326. Langton, Langeton [co. Dorset ?], 168. Matravers, Langton, Lange- ton, Langeton in Purbike [co. Dorset], 322, 409. , , manor, 286, 423. , . . . . , chantry of Wilks- wood in, Wilcheswode, Wylcheswode, 394, 460. , Langeton [by Wragby, co. Lincoln], 271. [in Appleby], co. Westmore- land, 414. Langton, Langeton, John de, 104, 223. , John de, knight, of Hert- fordshire, Alice daughter of, wife of Robert Corbet, knight, 12. , John de, mayor of York, 73, 242. , Robert de, knight, Robert son of, 67. , Thomas, 54. , Thomas de, 360. , Walter de, bishop of Coven- try and Lichfield, 249. E 41 642 GENERAL INDEX. Langwith, Langwath [in Wheldrake, co. York], 227. Lank, Henry, William son of, of Empingham, 265. Lanney, Henry, 61. , John, 61. , Richard, 61. , Thomas, 61. Lanrost. See Llanrwst. Lansallos [co. Cornwall], Raphael in, Rathewell, 481. Lansant, Roger, 281. Lanteglos, Lanteglosse, Lantelges [by Camelford, co. Cornwall], church, 294, 304. , parsons of, 363, 364. Lantudenou. See Llandudno. Lanwaynarth. See Llanwenarth. Lanweyrwaterden. See Llanvair Waterdine. Lanyderne. See Llanedarn. Lardir, William de, groom of the household, 382. Lascelles, Lascels, John, 338. , commissioner, 317, 324, 485, 501. , Roger de, escheator in York, 79, 215. , Roger de,temp. Edward 1,271. Lathebury, Henry, chaplain, late chantry warden in St. Nicholas' in the Shambles, London, 88, 93. Lathom, Thomas de, knight, com- missioner, 320. Lathum, Walter de, parson of Blickling, 75. Latimer. See Latymer. Laton, John, John de, commissioner, 139, 491, 498. , Robert de, 125. Latymer, Latimer, Nicholas, 473. , Thomas de, knight, com- missioner, 414. , William, William de, 41, 117, 131, 170, 178, 180, 188. , William, commissioner, 136, 141, 310. , William, sheriff of Dorset, commissioner, 160. , William, keeper of the forest beyond Trent, 355. , William de, keeper of Becherel Castle and town, 353, 354, 361. , William, warden of the Cinque Ports, 57. , . . . . , constable of Dover Castle and warden of the Cinque Ports, 278. Latymer, William, constable of Dover Castle and warden of the Cinque Ports — cont. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 54, 60, 62, 141, 148, 149, 159, 218 , William lord of, 6, 253, 347, 441. , William de, chamberlain, 36, 37. , William lord of, chamber- lain, 39, 134. , . . . . , general pardons to, 353, 361. , William, of Danby, knight, 34. Laueraunce, Roger, 277. Laufare. See Laver. Laughton, Laghton [co. Lincoln ?], 43. Launceston, Launceton, Lanceveton [co. Cornwall], fee farm of, 375. , pleas at, temp. Edward I, 197, 198. Launde, co. Leicester, prior and convent of, 133. Launde, John de la, temp. Edward I, 475. , Thomas de la, 71. , . . . . , commissioner, 485. Laundeles, John, commissioner, 136 bis. Laundyor, William, 422. i Cf. Landyeare. I Laurence, John, of Arkesden, co. Essex, 177. i Lausele, Elizabeth, 420. , John, citizen and mercer of London, 420. Lauson, John, of Kirk Fenton, co. York, 77. Cf. Laweson. Lautee, Adam, 441. Lavender, Agnes, 16. Lavenham, William, of Bumpstead Helion, the elder, 44. Laver, Laufare [co. Essex], parsons of, 362. Laverok, John, 329. Laversdale, Leveresdale [in Irthing- ton, co. Cumberland], 328. Lavington, Market, Stepellavyng- ton [co. Wilts], vicar of, 259. Lavynton, Cecily, nun of Wherwell, elected abbess, 172. , . . . . , abbess of Wherwell, 183. Lawe, William, of Whatton, co. Nottingham, 63, 142. GENERAL INDEX. 643 Laweles, Michael, commissioner, 59. Laweley, Philip, canon of St. Chad's, Shrewsbury, 312. Laweson, Thomas, 109. Cf. Lauson. Lawford, Church, Chirchelalleford [co. Warwick], church, 163, 190. , Long, Longelalleford, Long- lalleford [co. Warwick], 445. Laxfield, Laxfeld [co. Suffolk], vicarage, 83, 211, 241. Laxton [co. Nottingham], 136, 223. Laxton, John, parson of Dunton, co. Buckingham, exchanged to All Hallows by the Wall, London, 198. Layburn, Nicholas de, Joan, relict of, wife of Christopher de Lancastre, 284. , . . . . , Margaret daughter of, 151, 181, 284. , Thomas de, 151, 181. Cf. Leybourne. Laydok, William, clerk, 422, 471. Layke, John, 143. Laynghethe, Master Adam de, 103. Laysceby. See Laceby. Laysingby. See Lazonby. Laysyngby, John de, of Rounton, co. York, 178. Lazenby [in Wilton], Wilton Lay- syngby in Clyveland, co. York, manor, 111. Lazonby, Laysingby, co. Cumber- land, 229. Le Bruses. See Bruce Castle. Le Clay. See Cley. Le Heghegate. See Highgate. Le Heop. See Lepe. Le Holte. See Holt. Le Rodhull. See Redhill. Le Spruz. See Prussia. Le Swyn. See Zwyn. Leadenham, Ledenham Braylond, co. Lincoln, manor, 285. Leake, Leek [co. Lincoln], 103. Lechamsted. See Leckhampstead. Leche, Leeche, Master David le, citizen of London, Juliana late the wife of, 371. , John, 444. , , clerk, 110. , . . . . , king's surgeon, 402. , alias Sururgien, Nicholas, 440, 456. , William, 157, 160. Leckhampstead, Lechamsted, 23. , Lekhampsted [co. Bucking- ham], parsons of, 119. Leckonfield, Lekyngfeld, co. York* 59. Ledenham Braylond. See Leaden- ham. Ledes, Robert de, commissioner, 324. , Thomas de, of Ripon, 227. Ledgate, Henry, parson of Bedfield, co. Suffolk, exchanged to the church of Burnham West- gate, co. Norfolk, 207. Ledrede, John, 172. Ledys. See Leeds. Lee, Nicholas, 190. , Robert de la, commissioner, 500. , Roger de la, commissioner, 137, 144. , . . . . , escheator in Salop and Stafford, 93, 120. , Walter atte, commissioner, 489, 497. Leeche. See Leche. Leedbeter, Thomas, 157, 160. Leeds, Ledys, Ledes [co. Kent], 358. , . . . . , castle, letters patent dated at, 301. , . . . . , . . . . , porter of. See Elys, Peter. , . . . . , castle and manor, works at, clerk of. See Basynges, William de. , . . . . , . . . . , . . . . , controllers of. See Barler, John ; Reyg- ner, Ellis. surveyor of. See Heryng, Nicholas. , manor of, 187, 191, 364. , . . . . , . . . . , porter of. See Okangre, William. , . . i . , park, parker of. See Okangre, William. , . . . . , park and warren, keeper of. See Beverlaco, John de. Leeds, Ledes [co. York], vicars of, 242, 254. Leek. See Leake, j Leek, Leke, Leyke, Andrew de, 103. , John, 336. , Simon de, commissioner, 136, 141, 153, 158, 489, 491, 498. , Simon, knight, commis- sioner, 411. Leg, John, serjeant at arms, com- missioner, 54, 64, 142. I Legat. See Leget. 644 GENERAL INDEX. Legburne, William de, of Barton, on Humber, 165. Cf. Lekeburn. Leget, Legat, Helmyng, 95, 248 bis. , . . . . , of London, 95. , . . . . , king's esquire, coroner and clerk of the market of the household, 171. , . . . . , . . . . , constable of Windsor Castle, 174. , . . . . , clerk of the recog- nisances in London, 384. , Roger, 10, 99. Legh, Peter de, 486. , . . . . , commissioner, 320. , Simon de, parson of Graff- ham, co. Huntingdon, ex- changed to the church of Dunton, co. Essex, 233. Cf. Lieghe. Leghes. See Leighs. Leghton Ston. See Leightonstone. Leicester, county, 51, 93, 110, 322, 333, 474. , collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in. See Ray, John. , commission of array in, 498. , commissions of the peace in, 138, 311, 491. , escheator in. See Holt, Walter ; Walssh, Thomas. ■ , outlawries in, 267, 288. Leicester, Leycestre, co. Leicester, 51, 94, 165, 180, 218, 312. , bailiff of. See Cook, John. , gaol, 51. , , delivery of, 273, 287, 424. , prison, 180. , justices in eyre at, temp. Henry III, 425. , cellerar of, Richard servant of, 322. , ' frarie ' of St. John in, 51. , abbey of St. Mary de Pratis in, voidance of, 34. , abbot of. See Clune, William de. , collegiate church of St. Mary of the Castle in, prebend E in, 40. , . . . . , deans and sacristans of. See Hemyngburgh, John de ; Tuttebury, Richard de. , canons of, 322. , church of St. Sepulchre in, felon protected in the pre- cinct of, 51. Leicester, archdeacon of. See Chaddesden, Master Henry de. , archdeaconry of, tenth granted by the clergy in, 7. Leicester, earl of, Robert, temp. John, 467. Leicester. See Leycestre. Leigh by Deerhurst, Durhurst [co. Gloucester], vicarage of the chapel of, 168. Leighs, Great, Great Leghes [co. Essex], Chatley in, Chateleye, 81. Leighton Buzzard, co. Bedford, 205. Leightonstone, Leghton Ston, co. Huntingdon, hundred, bailiff of. See Giffard, Robert. Leinster, Lynstre [Ireland], country of, 245. Leintwardine, Leyntwardyn [cos. Hereford and Salop], church, 33. Leiston, Simon, parson of Cheshunt, co. Hertford, 269. Leke. See Leek. Lekeburn, Peter de, temp. Edward I, 271. Cf. Legburne. Lekhampsted. See Leckhampstead. Lekyngfeld. See Leckonfield. Lemynton, Hugh de, chaplain, pre- sented to the vicarage of Carisbrooke, 190. , . . . . , vicar of Carisbrooke, exchanged to the vicarage of St. Helen, Abingdon, 422. Lench, Lenche, Richard de, 262. , Richard, surveyor of works at Feckenham, 92. , William, 191. Lenevaunt, Walter, clerk, claimant to the church of Ratcliffe on Soar, 152. Cf. Lanfant. Lengeyn, Ralph, knight, 33, 44. Lengleys, Lenglissh. See Engleis. Lenn. See Lynn. Lenne, William de, bishop of Wor- cester, 174. Lenton [co. Nottingham], indenture dated at, 286. , priory of the Holy Trinity at, Peter, prior, and the convent of, 286. , alien priory, 9, 123, 164, 187, 203, 259, 339, 346. Lenton, Robert de, of Bolsover, 109. , Robert de, keeper of the manor of Dysart, co. Meath, 295. GENERAL INDEX. 645 Leominster, Leomynistre [co. Here- ford], 384. , chapel of St. Mary in, 384. , Eaton in, Eton, 384. , Hennor in, Henore, 384. Leon, king of. See John of Gaunt. , queen of, 22. Lepe, le Heop [in Exbury], co. Southampton, 261. Lese, Richard atte, knight, com- missioner, 224. Lesseby. See Laceby. Lestrange, Lestraunge, Straunge, John, 116, 311. , John, of Blackmere, 438, 457. , . . . . , . . . . , Isabel, relict of, wife of William de Ufford, earl of Suffolk, 283. , Peter, knight, 133. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 147. , Roger, commissioner, 140, 154. , Roger, of Knockin, 426. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 137, 500. , . . . . , knight, lord of Knockin, Roger, son of, king's esquire, 426, 440. , Thomas, commissioner, 158. Letys, Edmund, vicar of Pewsey, co. Wilts, exchanged to Little Greenford, co. Middlesex, 259. Leuesham. See Lewisham. Leukenore, Thomas de, temp. Edward II, 46. Leutez, Reynold, of Barcelona, 505. Levelance, Simon, of the county of Lincoln, 435. Leven [co. York], Hayholm in, 467. Levenyng, Robert de, 326. Leveresdale. See Laversdale. Leveresdale, Robert de, 230. Leverich, Leverych, Henry, of Wal- sall, co. Stafford, 220. , John, of Fordingbridge, 481. Leverington, Leveryngton [co. Cam- bridge], 11. , commission of sewers in, 485. Leverton [co. Lincoln], 103. Leverych. See Leverich. Leveryngton. See Leverington. Leveson, Clement, of Wolverhamp- ton, 424. , Richard, of Wolverhampton, 424. , William, 424. Lewerye, Roger de, king's servant, 12. Lewes [co. Sussex], 47, 421. , John, prior of, 434. Lewete, John, 143. Lewis, the Emperor, 508. Lewisham, Leuesham [co. Kent], vicars of, 345, 388, 488. Lewyn, John, 143. , of Stocton, Ralph, servant of, 42. Lexham, Master Thomas de, doctor of decrees, canon of Here- ford, 279. Ley in Tindale [Lee, in Alston, co. Cumberland (?)], manor, 490. Leybourne, Leyburn, co. Kent, castle and manor, 347, 348 bis. , barony of the castle, 122. , honour of, 16, 116. Leybourne, Juliana de, countess of Huntingdon, 191, 199, 214, 347, 348 bis. Cf. Layburn. Leycestre. See Leicester. Leycestria, Leycestre, Leicestre, John de, chaplain, 388. , . . . . , citizen and tailor of York, 242. , John, commissioner, 56, 319. , Peter de, 29. , Robert, 56. , . . . . , Joan late the wife of, 56. , Thomas, 282. , Thomas, of Fisherton by Salisbury, 176, 295. , Walter, serjeant-at-arms, 417. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 148. Leye, 271. Leyghton, William, of Hereford, collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in Herefordshire, 427. Leyhamme, John de, 260, 273. , . . . . , John, son and heir of, 273. , . . . . , . . . . , Joan, sister and heir of, 273. Leyke. See Leek. Leynagh, Silvester, 177. Leyndon. See Laindon. Leyntwardyn. See Leintwardine. Leyre, Anne de, 17. , John, clerk, 358. Leyton [co. Essex], 125, 381. Leytthon Fossard. See Lufton. 646 GENERAL INDEX. Liccham, John, of Walsingham, 32. Licchefeld. See Lichefeld. Licchet Mautravers. See Lytchett Mat ravers. Lichefeld, Licchefeld, Aymer de, commissioner, 311, 491. , Simon de, commissioner, 491. Lichfield, Lychefeld [co. Stafford], 460. , cathedral church, dean and chapter of, 8, 261. , . . . . , prebend of Colwich in, 8, 269. , . . . . , prebend of Stotfold in, 258. , . . . . , prebend of Tarvin in, 261, 368. Liddington, Lydyngton [co. Rut- land], document dated at, 451. , prebend of. See Lincoln. Lidgate, Lydgate, co. Suffolk, manor, 195. Lidlinch, Lydelynch [co. Dorset], parsons of, 194. Lidsing, Lydesynge [in Gillingham, co. Kent], manor, 16, 116. Lieghe, John de, 248. Lighthorne, Littethurn, Littehurn, [co. Warwick], church, 128, 439. Lille, Lyle [Nord, France], magis- trates and commonalty of, 506. Lilleburn, Lillebourne, Henry de, 58. , . . . . , commissioner, 53. Lillesdon [in North Curry, co. Somer- set], 499. Lilleshall, Lylleshull [co. Salop], abbey of St. Mary, abbot of. See Norreys, Roger ; Peynton William de. , prior and convent of, 91. „ temporalities of, 93. Lilstock, Lylestok [co. Somerset], 97. Limber Magna, Lymbergh Magna [co. Lincoln], 40. , vicars of, 13, 17. Limerick, cathedral church, dean and chapter of, 309. , . . . . , canon in. See Naves- by, William de. , . . . . , prebend of Effin in, 309. , . . . . , prebend of Tully- bracky in, 334. Limerick, bishop of. See Curragh, Peter. Limington, Lymyngton, co. Somer- set, 492. Linby, Lynby [co. Nottingham], parsons of, 259, 339. Lincoln, county, 60, 141, 153, 165, 203, 332, 359, 409, 417, 435, 453, 489, 493. , issues of, 36, 204. , collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in. See Welton, John de. , justices of oyer and ter- miner in, 146. , outlawries in, 11 bis, 47, 67, 103, 176, 231, 263, 264 bis, 281, 380, 406, 480. , sessions in, 213. , escheator in. See Dym- mok, John. , sheriff of, 158. , See Kydale, Thomas de. Lincoln, parts of Holland, commission of array in, 497. , . . . . , commission of the peace in, 135, 138, 490. , . . . . , commission of sewers in, 485. , justices of oyer and terminer in, 146. , . . . . , ports in, searchers in. See Groosse, William ; Har- sik, John ; Stevenson, Richard ; Wragle, Richard son of Randolf de. Lincoln, parts of Kesteven, fifteenth granted in, 3. , . . . . , commission of array in, 497. , . . . . , commission of the peace in, 137, 490. Lincoln, parts of Lindsey, fifteenth granted in, 3. , . . . . , commission of array in, 497. , . . . . , commission of the peace in, 137, 310, 490. , . . . . , justices of oyer and terminer in, 146. , . . . . , searchers in ports in. See Askeby, Geoffrey de ; Frost, John ; Parys, John ; Wace, John. Lincoln, city, 151, 176, 280, 367. , commission of array in, 501, 502. , presentment made at, 424. , grant of pavage to, 431. , improper conversion of pavage at, 493. GENERAL INDEX. 647 Lincoln — cont. , citizens of, 322. , merchants of, 196. , mayor of. See Eperston, John de. , bailiffs of. See Hawardby, John de ; Werk, Nicholas de. , mayor and bailiffs of, 196. ....... castle, 204. , . . . . , gaol delivery of, 20, 30, 106, 108, 125. , gaol, 240. , cathedral church of St. Mary, dean and chapter of, 96, 261, 367, 456. , . . . . , sub-dean of. See Beauveyr, Master John. , . . . . , canons of. See Scrope, Geoffrey le ; Stafford, Edmund de. , . . . . , prebend of Bedford Minor in, 261. , . . . . , prebend of North Carlton cum Thurlby in, 392. , . . . . , prebend of Liddington in, 106. , . . . . , prebend of Stoke cum Coddington or Stoke Cudyng- ton in, 76, 211. , . . . . , prebend of East Stoke in, 44. , chantry in, 367. , . . . . , chantry wardens at the altar of St. Peter, 88. Lincoln, archdeacon of. See Ravenser, Richard de. , archdeaconry of, tenth granted by the clergy in, 7. Lincoln, bishop of, 72. , See Bukyngham, John de. , bishopric, voidance of, 76, 261. , diocese, 2, 9, 13, 15, 16 bis, 17 bis, 20, 23, 24, 34 bis, 40 bis, 43, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75 bis, 77, 82, 88, 90 bis, 91, 92, 93, 96, 98 bis, 110, 111, 116, 119, 121, 123, 125, 129, 131 bis, 132 ter, 162 bis, 163 ter, 167, 168, 169, 171 bis, 173, 174, 177, 179, 184, 187, 188, 189, 191 bis, 197, 198 bis, 201, 203 bis, 206 bis, 208, 233, 240, 249, 252, 253, 255, 259, 260, 272, 276, 277 bis, 283, 287, 288, 293, 309, 339, 344, 346, 351, 353, 380, 383, 394, 395, 397, 425, 428, 437, 452, 464, 465, 475, 477, 481. Lincoln, Lyncoln, Henry, commis- sioner, 418. , John, 318. , John de, presented to the church of Pertenhall, 174. , John de, presented to the church of Flixbo rough, 428. , Robert de, canon of Catley, 52. Lindfield, Lyndefeld, Lyndfeld, co. Sussex 496. Lindhurst [co. Stafford], 182. Lindridge, Lynderegge [co. Worces- ter], 393. Lineholt, Lynholt, in Ombersley, co. Worcester, wood of, 296. Linkinhorne [co. Cornwall], manor of Rillaton in, 375. Linton [co. York], Threshfield in, Tresfeld, 472. Lionel, duke of Clarence, 4, 207, 430. Lions. See Lyons. Liskeard, Liskerit [co. Cornwall], fee farm of, 375. Lisle. See Insula. Lissyngton, William de, parson of Gautby, 96. Listere, Geoffrey, 318. Lisures, Alice de, temp. Edward I, 271. Liteltoryton. See Torrington, Little. Litewerk, John, of Rye, 255. Litster, Ellis, citizen of York, 247. Littehurn, Littethurn. See Light- horne. Littlebury, Luttelbury [co.Essex],61. Littleport, Littelport, co. Cam- bridge, commission of sewers in, 485. Littleworth, Worde [in Faringdon, co. Berks], manor, 259. Littleypark, Littleheypark [in Great Waltham, co. Essex], parkers of. See Peyntour, Peter ; Warenner, Robert le. Livermere, Little, Lyvermere [co. Suffolk], church, 260. Liverpool, Lyverpole, Lyverpull [co. Lancaster], port, 396. , . . . ., arrest of ships in, 336. Liversedge, Great, Great Lyver- segge [co. York], 126. , Little, Little Lyversegge [co. York], 126. , Robert, Robert Lyversegge [co. York], 126. Llanbadarn Vawr, Lampadern [co. Cardigan], petty sessions at, I 376. 648 GENERAL INDEX. Llandaff, diocese, 68, 90, 95, 245, 260, 366, 395, 440. Llandanwg [co. Merioneth], castle of Harlech in, 374. Llanddewi Brefi, Landewy Brevy [co. Cardigan], prebend of Dihewid in, 257. Llandudno, Lantudenou [co. Car- narvon], church, 369. Llanedarn, Lanyderne, co. Glamor- gan, 289. Llanfihangel in Ngwynfa, Lamvy- hangell in Gwunva [co. Mont- gomery], parsons of, 107. Llangoedmor, Lancoydmaur [co. Cardigan], parsons of, 401, 402. Llangolman, Lancoleman [co. Pem- broke], chapel of, 294. Llanrwst, Lanrost [cos. Carnarvon and Denbigh], parson of, 51. Llanthony by Gloucester, prior and convent of, 362. , prior of, 450. , . . . . , attorney received by, 232. , priors of. See Brocworth, Simon de ; Chiriton, William de. Llanthony Prima, John, prior of, 261. Llantwit Major [co. Glamorgan], Ham in, Hamondeston, 483. Llanvair Waterdine, Lanweyrwater- den [co. Salop], vicarage of, 365. Llanwenarth, Lanwaynarth [co. Monmouth], parson of, 90. Llanwrthwl, Southlanverhudell [co. Brecon], commote of, 148. Llysworney, Lyswranny, co. Gla- morgan, manor, 247. Lochmaben, Loghmaban [co. Dum- fries], castle of, keeper of. See Ughtred, Thomas. Lockerley, Lokerle, Lokerley, co. Southampton, manor, 266, 442. Lockington, Lokynton, Lokington, co. York, 326, 467. , Aike in, Ake, 468. , Brian Mill in, Brianmilne, 468. Locton. See Lokton. Loddesford, 405. Loddiswell, Lodeswell [co. Devon], advowson of, 279. Loddon, Lodne [co. Norfolk], 329 Lodelowe. See Ludlow. Lodelowe, John de, commissioner, 55, 226, 500. , Thomas de, justice of gaol delivery, 69. Lodewyk, John, commissioner, 497. Lodne. See Loddon. Lodynton. See Luddington. Lof, John, of the county of South- ampton, 474. Lofteshom, 366, 371. Loggere, Roger, parker of Corsham, co. Wilts, 396. Loghmaban. See Lochmaben. Lokerley, Lokerle. See Lockerley. Lokington. See Lockington. Lokton, Locton, John de, commis- sioner, 136, 139, 224, 314. 322, 491, 498. Lokyngton, William de, king's clerk, presentation of, to the church of Laceby, revoked, 16. Lokyngton. See Lockington. Lokynton, Robert de, of Barrow on Soar, 322. Lombards, 439. Lombe, Geoffrey, parson of Bromp- ton Ralph, exchanged to Huish Champflower, 93. , . . . . , parson of Huish Champflower, co. Somerset, exchanged to the vicarage of Stogumber, 210. Lomere, Thomas, clerk, 366. London, 14, 51, 62, 67, 68, 71, 78, 81, 82, 83, 84, 90, 95, 101, 102, 103, 105, 119, 134, 175, 184, 210, 211, 222, 228, 231, 235, 247, 250, 251, 293, 300, 304, 307, 327, 332, 347, 357, 368, 394, 399, 408, 412, 423, 435, 441, 448, 453, 457, 458, 480, 482, 503, 504, 505, 506. , letters of Robert earl of Derby dated at, 460. , aldermen, declaration as to duration of office, 387. , See Bernes, John ; Brembre, Nicholas ; Lyons, Richard ; Pyel, John ; Twy- ford, Nicholas. , coroner, 363. , See Hockele, William de. , escheator of, 363. mayor, 90, 210, 247, 251, 357, 363, 398, 399. , mayor and escheator. See Brembre, Nicholas ; Bury, Adamde; Stable, Adam; Wal- worth, William; Warde, John. GENERAL INDEX. 649 London — cont. , mayor and sheriffs of, 49. , mayor, aldermen and citi- zens of, 389. , sheriffs of, 1, 42, 53, 89, 95, 98, 116, 127, 186, 218, 333, 363, 398. , sheriff of. See Aubray, John. , collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in. See Plummere, Robert. , troners and pesagers of wools in. See Pluket, Nicho- las ; Salesbury, William. , citizens of, 5, 11, 12, 22, 36, 42, 47, 49, 53, 67, 70, 72, 81, 84, 85, 89, 90, 99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 112, 113, 119, 120, 125, 127, 129, 156, 157, 160, 166, 176, 197, 201, 206, 231, 247, 253, 254, 258, 276, 281, 301, 337, 345, 352, 356, 357, 363, 371, 381, 384, 386, 402, 420, 448, 453, 457, 458, 462, 471, 472, 479, 480. , armourers of, 67, 120, 134, 448, 458. , baker of, 102. , butcher of, 390. , cordwainers of, 231, 265, 352, 384, 402. , . . . . , regulation of the craft of, 440. , drapers of, 11, 66, 129, 231, 258, 386. , fishmongers of, 12, 85, 90, 99, 125, 127, 231, 253, 428. , girdler of, 274. , goldsmith of, 119. , grocer of, 363. , horse merchant of, 89. , hosier of, 264. , mercers of, 42, 47, 103, 176, 275, 281 bis, 301, 356, 420, 421, 472, 480 ter. , merchants of, 84, 156, 247, 253, 281, 415, 448, 471, 480, 504 bis. , merchant of the staple of, 258. , pepperer of, 53. , saddlers of, 422. , skinners of, 11, 102, 104 ter, 112, 176, 201, 281, 334. , spicer of, 457. , stockfishmonger of, 119. , tailors of, 337, 344, 458, 492. , vintners of, 67, 84, 91, 197, 253, 276, 297, 462, 479. London — cont. , white-tawyers of, 22, 78. , woolmonger of, 119. , farm or issues of, 36, 377, 446. , fifteenth granted in, 36. , restraint on sales by aliens in, 389, 391. , seal for recognisances of debts in, 384. , pavage in aid of road to Brentford, 81, 124, 125. , document dated at, 128. , letters patent dated at, 298, 359. , barge of, master of. See Langedon, Thomas de. , the king's exchange in, 453. , husting of, 50, 412, 500. ....... . . . . , outlawries in, 10 bis, 11(6), 32 bis, 67 ter, 68 bis, 100 bis, 102-104 passim, 119 (5), 125, 175, 176 ter, 111, 196, 201, 202, 230, 231 (4), 237, 243, 260, 263, 264 bis, 265, 281(10), 356 (5), 357 bis, 420, 421(4), 422 bis, 428, 447 bis, 448 bis, 457, 458 bis, 459, 471 ter, 472, 480 bis, 481. , inn of Richard de Ravensere in the suburb, 80. , inn of the abbot of Faver- sham, 127. , inn of the earl of Pembroke, 247. , house of John de Bello Campo of Warwick, 347, 348, 350. , cathedral church of St. Paul, 134, 191. , . . . ., chest for loans estab- lished in, 75. , . . . . , ordinances made at, 292. , . . . ., chantry in, 3. , . . . . , chancellor of. See Holm, Roger. , . . . . , dean of. See Appelby, John de. , . . . . , canons of. See Fitlyng, Amand ; Peryton, Richard de ; Sardene, William de. , .. .., dean and chapter of, 20, 119, 166, 170, 385. , . . . . , prebend of Chiswick in, 385. , . . . . , prebend of Holborn in, 18. 650 GENERAL INDEX. London : cathedral church of St. i Paul — cont. , . . . . , prebend of Mapesbury in, 119. , . . . . , prebend of Rugmere in, 46. , . . . . , prebend of Wenlock's Barn in, 170. , . . . . , prebend of Willesden in, 166. , parishes and churches :— church of All Hallows the Great, 426. , parsons of, 242, 302, 305. parish of All Hallows, Barking, 297. church of All Hallows, Bread Street, parson of, 345. parish of All Hallows, Grace- church, 72. church of All Hallows at the Haywharf, 209. church of All Hallows by the Wall, parsons of, 198. church of St. Andrew, Ralph, parson of, 12. church of St. Andrew, Baynard Castle, parsons of, 350. parish of St. Andrew Cornhill, 84. church of St. Andrew Cornhill, parsons of, 113, 177. church of St. Andrew, Holborn, 132. parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, 381. church of St. Andrew Hubbard, Hubert, by East Cheap, 276. parish of St. Antonine, 429. parish of St. Bartholomew with- out Aldgate, 257. parish of St. Benet Fink, 297. church of St. Benet, Paul's Wharf, parsons of, 127. parish of St. Benet Sherehog, Shorog, 352, 384, 402. church of St. Benet Sherehog, parson of, 11. parish of St. Botolph, 214, 246. parish of St. Botolph without Aldersgate, 439. parish of St. Botolph without Aldgate, 82. parish of St. Bride, Fleet Street, 127. parish of St. Christopher, 104. parish of St. Clement Danes j without the bar of the New Temple, 422. I >ndon, parishes and churches — ■ cont. parish of St. Dunstan, 298. parish of St. Dunstan in the East, 14. church of St. Dunstan in the East, 44. parish of St. Dunstan in the West, 104. church of St. Dunstan in the West in the suburb, 104. parish of St. Dunstan by the Tower, 96, 109, 276. church of St. Faith, parson of. 68. parish of St. Gabriel, Fen- church, 248. church of St. Gabriel, Fen- church, parson of, 248. church of St. George by East- cheap, parsons of, 3, 73. parish of St. Giles of the Lepers without the bar of the Old Temple, 125, 381. parish of St. James, Garlick- hithe, 91, 297. parish of St. Laurence, Jewry, 50. parish of St. Margaret Moses, Moisy, 109. parish of St. Margaret Pattens, 14, 96. parish of St. Martin in the Vintry, 47, 478. parish of St. Mary, Alderman- bury, 22, 129. church of St. Mary, Alderman- bury, 23. parish of St. Mary-le-Bow, 22, 129. parish of St. Mary Magdalene in Old Fish Street, 77. parish of St. Mary Mounthaw, 363. church of St. Mary, Somerset, 131. , parsons of, 283. church of St. Mary, Strand, atte Stronde, 166. parish of St. Michael, Bas- sishaw, 82, 257. church of St. Michael, Bassishaw, 363. parish of St. Michael, Crooked Lane, 109. parish of St. Michael le Quern, atte Corne, 109. parish of St. Nicholas, Cold- abbey, 173, 212, 290, 363. church of St. Nicholas, Cold- abbey, parson of, 363. GENERAL INDEX. 651 London, parishes and churches — , cont. parish of St. Nicholas in the i Shambles, 92. church of St. Nicholas in the Shambles, chantry at the altar of St. Mary in, 88, 93. church of St. Olave, Silver Street, Mogwell, parsons of, 293. church of St. Pancras, chantry of the altar of St. Mary in, 37 (bis), 46. parish of St. Sepulchre, 22. parish of St. Sepulchre without Newgate in the suburb, 300, 469. parish of St. Sepulchre without West Smithfield bar, 397. parish of Holy Trinity, 298. parish of Holy Trinity the Great, 82, 257. , wards : — Aldgate, Algate, 82, 257. Bassishaw, Bassyngeshawe, 82, 257. Bishopsgate, 73. Portsoken, Portesokene, 82, 257. Queenhithe, Quenhith, 173, 212, 290. , religious houses : — hospital of St. Bartholomew, Smithfield, visitation of, 216. , master of. See Sutton, Richard de. priory of St. Bartholomew, Smithfield, 472. Charterhouse (house of the Salu- tation of the Mother of God of the Carthusian order), 386, 434, 446. cloister of the Carthusians, 380. House of Converts, to be an- nexed to the office of keeper of the rolls of Chancery, 451. , keeper of. See Bur- stall, William de. Crutched Friars by the Tower, 252. hospital of St. Giles without Old Temple Bar, William, master of, 99. , corrody in, 99. hospital of St. Katharine by the Tower, 208, 213, 215, 461, , warden of. See Hermesthorp, John de. , chantry in, 341. London, religious houses : hospital of St. Katharine by the Tower — cont. , corrodies in, 133, 345. , ' Les Cracchemulles ' and ' Le Swannest ' by, 213, 246. free chapel or church of St. Martin le Grand, 50, 363, 412, 487. , chantry called 'Northey' in, chaplains of, 425. , dean of. See Mulsho, William de ; Skirlawe, Master Walter. , prebend of Bowers in Good Easter in, 458. , writ dated at, 278. priory of St. Mary without Bishopsgate, 388. St. Mary Elsing Spittal, Elsyng- spitel, 22. abbey of St. Mary Graces by the Tower, abbot and con- vent, 48, 89, 109, 214, 246, 276, 343, 374, 429, 475. abbey of the Grace of St. Mary without Aldgate, abbess and sisters, 108. priory of Christ Church or Holy Trinity, within Aldgate, 170, 439. , Nicholas, prior of, 82, 257. , places : — Bride Lane, Brideslane in Fleet Street, 29. Bridge Street, Briggestrete, 133. Cordwainer Street, Cordewaner- strete, 129. Fleet Street, Fletestrete, Flet- strete, 127, 440, 456. Holborn, Holbourne, 39. Guildhall, Gildhall, 257. ' Kyrounlane,' 297. Lambeth Hill, Lamberdeshull, 77. Newgate, Neugate, Neudigate, 22. , prison, 53. , gaol, 218. , gaol delivery of, 69, 269. Old Jewry, inn of the wardrobe, in, 375. Paternoster Street, Paternoster - strete, 133. St. John Street without West Smithfield Bar, 381. 652 GENERAL INDEX. London, places — cont. Smithfield, East, Estsmythefeld, 214. Smithfield, West, Westsmethe- feld, 380. the Tower, 141, 220, 221 ter, 297, 461, 462, 489, 491. , under-constable of. See Chippenham, Walter. , groom of the king's arms in, 368. , king's helmet-makers in. See Glovere, Richard ; Swynley, William. , mint in, 319. , works in, 181, 189, 420. , . . . . , surveyor of. See Sleford, William de. , ' Le Swannesnest ' by, 213, 246. , ' Les Cracchemulles ' near, 213, 246. Tower Hill, le Tourhull, La Tourhull, in Estsmythefeld, 214, 246, 343. Vintry, the, 47. Wool Wharfe, Le Wollekey, 297. London, port, 26, 254, 446. , customs in, 93, 295, 301, 371. , customs and subsidies in, 6, 36, 505. , collectors of customs in, 301. controller of customs and subsidies in. See Chaucer, Geoffrey ; Culham, Thomas de ; Oxton, John de ; Oxwyk, John ; Potyn, Nicholas. , collectors and controller of customs in, 254. , deputy-butler in. See Cres- syngham, William de ; Sharpyng, William. London, diocese, 3, 4, 19, 24, 32, 40, 43, 92, 121, 124, 129, 130 ter, 164, 165, 166 ter, 167 bis, 168, 169, 170, 171, 173, 175, 185, 188, 189, 211, 233, 236, 242, 259, 274, 276, 277, 293, 302, 362, 368, 372, 392. London, bishops of. See Courteneye, William de ; Northburgh, Michael de ; Sudbury, Simon de. , bishops of, temp. Stephen and Henry II, letters to, 85. , bishopric, voidance of, 113, 119, 124, 125, 130, 166, 170, 173, 177, 185, 385. London, bishopric — cont. , . . . . , guardian of the spirituality of, 119, 130, 166, 170, 189. , . . . . , See Fitlyng, Amand. , temporalities of, 166, 175, 203. London, John, ranger of the New Forest, 48. , Thomas, of Romsey, butcher, 102. Lonedrym, Thomas, of West Tyne- ham, co. Dorset, 409. Long, Roger, citizen and vintner of London, 67. Longbridge Deverill, Deverel, De- verellangebrigge [co. Wilts], 265. Longdykson, Nicholas, 87. Longe, Robert, of Ingoldsby, co. Lincoln, 61. , William, pesager of wools at Newcastle on Tyne, 199. Longeford. See Longford. Longelalleford. See Lawford, Long. Longespee, Longespe, Richard, of Somerby, co. Lincoln, 61. , William de, earl of Salisbury, temp. John, 467. Longford, Longeford [co. Salop], manor, 28. Longstratton. See Stratton, Long. Longvilers, John, 296. Longvill Giffard. See Newton Long- ville. Lonlay-l'Abbaye [Orne, France], Benedictine abbey of St. Mary, proctor-general of, in England. See Seins, Samp- son. , . . . . , monk of, 9. Lopham, co. Norfolk, 53. Lopys, John, master of the St. Mary of Portugalete, 507. Lorchon, William, yeoman of the household, 309. Lorence, Edmund, 191. , . . . . , escheator in Ireland, 70. , . . . . , escheator in Lan- cashire, 251. Lorymer, Richard, 384. , Robert, commissioner, 55, 136, 161. Loryng, John, clerk, 118. , Nigel, knight, 118. , William, clerk, 118. Lostwithiel, Lostwythiel [co. Corn- wall], town, 375. GENERAL INDEX. 653 Lostwithiel — cont. , gaol, keeper of. See Bray, Walter. Lotegareshale. See Ludgershall. Lothingland, Ludynglond, by Yar- mouth [co. Suffolk], manor, 180. i, Luddynglond, co. Suffolk, hundred, 462. Loudham, John de, the elder, com- missioner, 498. , Thomas de, 385. Loughborough, Loughtburgh, Lught- burgh [co. Leicester], 265. , parson of, 129. Loughtburgh. See Lughteburgh. Loughton, William de, parson of Cockayne Hatley, exchanged to St. John's, Stamford, 110. Lounde, Gerard de, commissioner, 316. Lounteley, Richard, 384. Louth [co. Lincoln], 52. Louth, Hugh de, commissioner, 138, 498. Louthe, Richard de, vicar of Moul- ton, co. Suffolk, 250. , Robert de, king's esquire, 386. , . . . . , Joan, wife of, relict of John de Garton, 383, 386. Louther, Louthre, Hugh de, knight, 326. , , Robert son of, 326. , John de, 326. , Robert de, 263, 326. Louthorp, George de, presented to the church of Heapham, co. Lincoln, 344. Lovard, Loveford [in Puddletown, ^ co. Dorset], 437. Lovayne, Lovaygne, Loveyne, Nicholas de, knight, 98, 213, 246, 459. , . . . . , Margaret, wife of, relict of Henry de Beaumont, 98. Love, John, 175. , Thomas, of Thorne, co. Somerset, 230. , William, commission to, revoked, 241. Lovebote, Richard, 76. Lovecok, John, commissioner, 140. Loveden, Thomas, 470. Loveford. See Lovard. Lovehater, John, 409. Lovekyn, Adam, citizen and grocer of London, 363. , . . . . , Katharine, wife of, 363. Lovel, Lovell, Thomas, commis- sioner, 59, 160, 223, 224, 227, 416, 491. Loveryk, Thomas, of Sandwich, commissioner, 159, 218. Loveryng, Geoffrey, chaplain, pre- sented to the vicarage of Charlton, co. Wilts, 334. Lovet, Philip, heir of, temp. Edward I, 271. Lovetoft, Robert, commissioner, 499. Loveyne. See Lovayne. Lovyn, John, vicar of the prebend of Swords, co. Dublin, 258. Lowemyle, Lowemylle, John, 108, 303. Lowestoft, Lowystoft, Loystoft, [co. Suffolk], 156, 455. , manor, 462. Loxele, Robert, commissioner, 139, 314, 499. Loystoft. See Lowestoft. Lozignan, Geoffrey de, temp. Henry III, 15. Lubek, Nicholas de, merchant of the Hanse, 417. Lucas, John, master of the barge of Hythe, 60. Lucca [Italy], 508. , merchant of, 301. Luci, Lucie. See Lucy. Lucok, Robert, of Barnby, Alice daughter of, 356. Lucy, Lucye, Luci, Lucie, Geoffrey de, temp. Edward I, 271. , John, commissioner, 154, 157. , Richard de, temp. Stephen, 466. , Richard, temp. Henry II, 466. , William de, commissioner, 327, 408. Lucy, barony of, 271. Ludbo rough, Luthburgh [co. Lin- coln], parsons of, 208. Ludde, Richard, 201. Luddington, Lodynton [in Stratford on Avon], co. Warwick, 339. Luddynglond. See Lothingland. Lude, Thomas atte, commissioner, 319. Ludgershall, Lotegareshale [co. Wilts], letters of Henry II dated at, 306. Ludinggeton, 271. Ludlow, Lodelowe, co. Salop, castle, manor and town, 34. 654 GENERAL INDEX. Ludynglond by Yarmouth. See Lothingland. Luffenham, North [co. Rutland], 271. Luffewyk. See Lufwyk. Lufton, Leytthon, Fossard [co. Somerset], 271. Lufwyk, Luffewyk, John de, 285. ....... . . . . , keeper of Brigstock park, 171. , John, the younger, 259. Lughtburgh. See Loughborough. Lughteburgh, Lughtburgh, Lought- burgh, Robert, Robert de, 383, 424. , . . . . , engrosser or clerk of the pipe of the Exchequer of Ireland, 335. , William de, commissioner, 138, 489, 491. Lugwardine, Lugwardyn [co. Here- ford], manor, 444. Lugwardyn, Stephen, commissioner, 137. Luke, Nicholas, of the society of the Albertini, 196. Lullington, Lullyngton, Lollyngton, [co. Somerset], parson of, 31, 436. Lulworth, East, Estlulleworth [co. Dorset], 409. Lumbard, John, 86. , William, 15, 72, 202, 246, 344 bis, 399. , . . . . , citizen of Waterford, 16, 190, 342. , . . . . , son of Richard, citizen of Waterford, 338. Lumley, Robert de, 41. , . . . . , Ralph, brother and heir of, 41. Lure, de Lutra [Haute Saone, France], a Premonstratensian canon of, 120. Lusk [co. Dublin], prebend of. See Dublin. Lusoris, Warner de, temp. Stephen, 466. Lussy, John, commissioner, 155. Luterell, Andrew, commissioner, 490, 497. Luthburgh. See Ludborough. Luton [co. Bedford], 231, 318. , , manor, 118, 406. , . . . ., Fyneslesgrove in, 477. [co. Dorset]. See Lutton. Lutra. See Lure. Luttelbury. See Littlebury. Lutton, Luton [in Steeple, co. Dorset], 167, 327, 408, 409. Lutton, William de, 167. Lychefeld. See Lichfield. Lychefeld, Lycchefeld, Lycchfeld, Simon, commissioner, 139, 313, 315. Lychet Mautravers. See Lytchett Matravers. Lydd, Lyde [co. Kent], barge of, 61, 140. , barge of, master of. See Willes, Richard. Lydelynch. See Lidlinch. Lydeneye. See Lydney. Lydesynge. See Lidsing. Lydgate. See Lidgate. Lydham, Lydom, co. Salop, manor, 148. , parsons of, 107, 349. Lydney, Lydeneye [co. Gloucester], 108, 315. , church, 108. , Aylburton in, Aylberton, 108. Lydom. See Lydham. Lydyard, John, 86. Lydyngton. See Liddington. Lye, Reynold de, 272. , Walter de, and Agnes, his daughter, 35. Lyg, John, 158. Lygh, John de, commissioner, 153. Lyght, Richard, 248. Lyle. See Lille. Lyle, William, 358. See Insula. Lylestok. See Lilstock. Lylleshull. See Lilleshall. Lylye, William, serjeant-at-arms, commissioner, 325. Lymage, Lymyng [in Great Staughton], co. Huntingdon, manor, 195. Lymbergh Magna. See Limber Magna. Lymbergh, Tidmann, merchant of Almain, 480. Lymbourne, Lymborne [in War- blington, co. Southampton], 266. Lymbury, co. Hereford, manor, 444. Lyminster, co. Sussex, manor of Warningcamp in, Warne- camp, 129. Lymyng. See Lymage. Lymyngton. See Limington. Lynby. See Linby. Lyncesford, Richard de, canon of Beverley, 239. Lynch, John, of Shrewsbury, 492. GENERAL INDEX. 655 Lynchelade, William, citizen and mercer of London, 281. Lyncoln. See Lincoln. Lynde, John de la, 358. , Roger, of Herefordshire, 68. Lyndefeld. See Lindfield. Lyndeney, Lyndeneye, Denise, 103. ., Roger de, 103. Lynderegge. See Lindridge. Lyndesey, Lyndeseye, Hugh de, parson of Swaby, exchanged to St. Mary at Walls, Col- chester, 121. , John de, 100. , Richard de, parson of Ber- rington, co. Salop, 269. , Robert de, 435. Lyndfeld. See Lindfield. Lyndhurst, Lyndeherst, co. South- ampton, manor and park, 79. , . . . . , keeper of. See Foxle, John de. Lyndrapere, William, 423. Lynford, John de, 197. Lyngeyn, Hugh, 384. Lynham, Henry, 481. , Richard, parson of a mediety of Shilling Okeford, co. Dor- set, exchanged to Horton, co. Dorset, 449. Lynholt. See Lineholt. Lynn, Lenn, Bishop's Lenne [co. Norfolk], 121, 210, 250, 254, 458, 502. , bailiff of, 49, 206. , mayor of, 210. , . . . . , commissioner, 500. , mayor and burgesses of, 459. , burgess of, 472. , collectors of customs at, 206. , commission of array in, 500. , priory of St. Margaret in, 502. Lynn port, 5, 48, 121. , deputy butler in. See Houton, Richard. , controller of customs in. See Rollesby, Peter. Lynn, Lynne, Robert, 393. , Thomas de, carpenter, 169. , William, of Pict's Hill, co. Bedford, 433. Lynot, John, commissioner, 161. Lynsted, Lynstede, John, parson of Cawston, 175. , William de, 412. Lynstre. See Leinster. Lyntoft, John, commissioner, 222. Lynton, Geoffrey de, 160. , . . . . , Simon, servant of, 1 60. Lyon, John, of Hay don, co. Dorset, the younger, 21. , John, bailiff of Eastwood manor, 208. , Robert, vicar of Marske by the Sea, 177. Lyons, Lyouns, Lions, James, ser- jeant-at-arms, 228, 421. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 51, 148, 333. , John, commissioner, 135. , Richard, 5, 36, 297 bis, 298 bis, 343, 439, 444. , . . . ., commissioner, 65, 150, 225, 319. , . . . . , of London, farmer of subsidy, 5, 48, 49, 316, 327, 332, 455. , . . . . , citizen of London, 5, 253. , . . . . , . . . . , collector of cus- toms, 206. , . . . . , . . . . , collector of petty customs, 236, 237. , . . . . , citizen and alderman of London, 254. , . . . . , vintner of London, 296, 297. , Thomas, commissioner, 313, 499. Lyre [Eure, France], priory, 7. , abbey, 20, 25 bis, 44, 45, 87, 91, 171, 339, 361, 394. Lytchett Matravers, Lychet Mau- travers, Licchet Mautravers [co. Dorset], church, 170, 179. , parson of, 206. Lytham, Lythum [co. Lancaster], 121. Lythe, Lythum [co. York], 165. , Mulgrave in, Mulgreve, 326. Ly there, Simon, 496. Lythum. See Lytham ; Lythe ; Kirkleatham. Lytlyngton, John de, parson of Quarrington, co. Lincoln, ex- changed to the vicarage of Gazeley, co. Suffolk, 125. Lyvermere, Little. See Livermere, Little. Lyverpole, Lyverpull. See Liver- pool. Lyversegge. See Liversedge. Lywere, Walter, Richard son of, 327. 656 GENERAL INDEX. M Mabbesone, John, 213. Mabedrud, Mabudrud, co. Car- . marthen, commote of, 374. Mabely, Nicholas, of Howes, 32. Mabon, Peter, 264. Mabudrud, See Mabedrud. Mabwynion, Mabwynyan [co. Car- digan], commote of, 374. Mabwynyan. See Mabwynoin. Macclesfield, Macclesfeld [co. Ches- ter], lordship, 374. Maccordres, Henry, clerk, 460. Mache, Robert, of Bridgford, co. Nottingham, 297. Mackworth, Makworth [co. Derby], parson of, 284. Maddaford, Medenesford [in Oke- hampton, co. Devon], 273. Maddyngle, Thomas de, king's clerk, prebendary of the collegiate church of Westbury-upon- Trym, 46. , . . . . , presented to Kirk- linton, co. Cumberland, 112. , . . . . , presented to West Monkton, co. Somerset, 127. , William de, clerk, 44. Madefray, Thomas, prebendary of St. George's, Windsor, 165. Magat. See Magot. Maghtilde, Ralph, 157, 160. Magna Cotes, Richard son of Stephen son of Alan de, 91. Magna Cressyngham, Thomas de, parson of Kerstead, co. Nor- folk, exchanged to a mediety of Ingworth, co. Norfolk, 483. Magna Villa, Geoffrey de, temp. Stephen, 86. See Mandeville. Magor, co. Gloucester [now co. Mon- mouth], 15, 35. Magot, Magat, John, commissioner, 221 bis. Maheu. See Mayheu. Maidekyn, John, commissioner, 140. Maidenhead, Maydenhithe [co. Berks], 38. Maidenstan. See Maidstone. Maidenston, Maydenstone, Mayden- ston, Maydestone, Maydeston, Thomas, 81, 340. , . . . . , deputy alnager of woollen cloths for sale in Kent, 24. Maidenston — cont. , Thomas de, purveyor for the household, 238. , . . . . , yeoman of the house- hold, 335. Maidstone, Maydenstan, Maiden- stan, Maydeston [co. Kent], church, 217, 240. , parson of, 285. , hospital of St. James, 81. Maidwell, Maydenwell [co. North- ampton], 380. Maihoo. See Mayheu. Mailogres. See Majorca. Maisterman, John, of Helperby, co. York, 256. Majorca, Mailogres, 505. , merchants of, 505. Makehayt, Nicholas, commissioner, 140. , Richard, commissioner, 140. Makenade, Makenhad, William, com- missioner, 224, 315, 434. Makeneye, Makkeny, Robert, buyer for the household, 71 bis, 238, 239. , . . . . , chief buyer of the king's victuals, 255. , . . . . , yeoman of the poultry, 255. Makerell, Ralph, of Breaston, co. Derby, 421. Makesare, Thomas, parson of Okeley, co. Buckingham, 75. Makkeny. See Makeney. Makkeswell, 169. Makworth. See Mackworth. Malbusendirby. See Mavis Enderby Malbyse, Henry, parson of Wil- loughby, co. Lincoln, 71. Maldon [co. Essex], 90, 112. ....... port, deputy butler in. See Waleys, Robert. Malebroke, John, of Boston, 32. Malefant. See Malenfant. Malemayns, Thomas, knight, 290. Malenfant, Malefant, Malenfaunt, Walter, 114, 115. , William, 114. , commissioner, 501 bis. Malet, Baldwin, commissioner, 499. , Walter, parson of St. Mary's, Wainfleet, 449. , William, temp. Henry II, 466. Malewayn, Malwayn, Malewyn, John, 8, 105, 196. , . . . . , Elizabeth wife of, 8. Malgaresbury. See Maugersbury. GENERAL INDEX. 657 Malhom, Thomas de, chaplain, 126. Mailing, South, Mallyng [co. Kent], collegiate church, dean and college of, 84. , . . . . , prebend in, 84. Mallore, John, knight, 281. See Malore. Malman, John, glover, 502. Malo Lacu, Maulay, Bartholomew de, 329. , Peter de, 326. , . . . ., commissioner, 138, 498. , , the fifth, knight, 441, 457. , Thomas de, 441, 457. , commissioner, 331. Maloisel, Anthony, 505. , Peter, 505. Malore, Giles, 199. , Joan his wife, relict of Richard Baskervill, knight, 199. See Mallore. Maltby, Malteby, by Doncastre [co. York], advowson, 397. Maltby, John, vicar of Alton, ex- changed to Millbrook, co. Southampton, 473. Malteby. See Maltby. Mai ton, co. York, 59. , New [co. York], 323. , . . . . , grant of pontage at, 453. , Old, co. York, 323. Malton, John, of Burton upon Stather, 494. Malvern, Great [co. Worcester], prior and convent of, 82. , . . . . , a knight a monk of, 82. , church of St. Mary, charters in favour of, 282. , prior of, 483. , chace of, keeper of. See Bello Campo, John de. Malwayn. See Malewayn. Malyns, John, commissioner, 62, 137, 311, 497. , . . . ., justice of the peace in Bedford, 69. , . . . . , keeper of the peace in Bedford, 361. , Reynold, commissioner, 136, 140, 498. Mampton, John, of Nottingham, carter, 130. Man, John, 344. , . . . . , Joan, daughter and heir of, 344. , . . . ., of Wymondham, 318. Man — cont. , William, chief serjeant of the saucery, 252, 403. , Cf. Sauserye, Wil- liam del. , . . . . , warrener of Cam- bridge warren, 478. See Manne. Mancetter, co. Warwick, Oldbury in, Oldebury by Atherston, 383. Mandeby, John, commissioner, 502. Mandeville, Maundeville, Maunde- vyll, court of the honour of, 355, 408. Mandeville, Maundevill, Maundevyll, Richard, Eleanor late the wife of, 179. , .. .., Thomas, son of, 179. , Thomas, Thomas de, 360, 494. , . . . ., commissioner, 61, 137, 314, 332, 485, 497. See Magna Villa. Manestona. See Menston. Manne, Hugh, 416. See Man. Manningtree, Manytre [co. Essex], 118. , port, 49, 144. Mannyng, John, of Beechamwell, presented to ^e church of Shingham, co. Norfolk, 402. , John, of Dover, searcher in ports in Kent, 150. Manorbier, Maynerbiere [co. Pem- broke], castle, 495. Manordivey, Maynardeyvy [co. Pembroke], church, 127. , chapel of Cilfoywr in, Kylvoer, 294. Mansfield, Mansfeld, co. Notting- ham, manor, 389. ! Mantel, Thomas, 481. Manthorpe, Manthorp [co. Lincoln], 67. | Manton [co. Rutland], 105. manumission of villein, 263. Manyngford, Manyford, Roger, Roger de, commissioner, 136, 139, 219, 332. Manytre. See Manningtree. Mapelbek. See Maplebeck. Mapelderham. See Mapledurham. Mapesbury [in Willesden, co. Mid- dlesex], prebend of. See London, St. Paul's. Mapilton, Thomas de, parson of Frampton, co. Lincoln, 485 I Maplebeck, Mapelbek [co. Notting- I ham], 70. Wt. 18915. E 42 658 GENERAL INDEX. Mapledurham, Mapelderham [co. Oxford], church, 355. Marays, Robert, parson of Flix- borough, 192. See Mareys, Marreys. March, the, fees of the lords of, 376. March, earl of. See Mortuo Mari, Edmund de. March, co. Cambridge, commissioner of sewers in, 485. March, Marche, Henry atte, of Wycombe, 15. , John, 341. , Robert, of Kintbury, co. Berks, 184. Marchal, Marchall. See Marshal. Marcham. See Markham. Marchant, Thomas, chaplain, 101. See Markant. Marche. See March. Marcheford, Master John, presented to the church of Tarring, co. Sussex, 27. Marchford. See Marford. Marchynton, Richard, parson of St. Michael's, Bristol, ex- changed to the vicarage of Steventon, co. Berks, 277. Marcle, Much [co. Hereford], vicar of, 5. Mardefield, South, Marlefeud [in Tilton, co. Leicester], Hugh, reeve of, temp. Henry III, 426. Marden, Merdene, co. Kent, manor, 191. , Merden, co. Wilts, manor, 33. Mare, La. See Delamere. Mare, John de la, 97. , commissioner, 139, 153, 155, 313, 327, 328, 498. , . . . . , of Nunney, co. Somer- set, knight, 31, 436. , Peter de la, knight, 34. , Robert atte, the elder, of Thoresby, co. Lincoln, 197. , Robert de la, commissioner, 153, 324. , . . . . , justice of gaol delivery, 21, 36. , . . . . , knight, commissioner, 59. , Thomas de la, commissioner, 135, 499. Mareschal, Mareschall, Mareschalle, Maresshal. See Marshal. Maresfield, Marsevelde [co. Sussex], parsons of, 3. Mareys, Stephen de, knight, 86. Mareys, Stephen de — cont. , . . . . , Lucy, wife of, 86. See Marays ; Marreys. Marford, Marchford, co. Cambridge, commission of sewers in, 485. Margam, Morgan in Wales [co. Glamorgan], abbot and con- vent of, 440. Margaretting, Yenge Margrete, co. Essex, 493. Margery, Marjerie, Thomas, 275. , , of Coventry, 274. Mari, Lukinus de, lord of the St. Margaret of Genoa, 507. Mark, Peter, of the society of the Albertini, 196. Markant, Merkant, Markaunde, John, 24. , . . . . , of Saham Toney, the younger, 147. , Robert, of Saham Toney, 147. , William, of Saham Toney, 147. , William, 494. See Marchant. Markham, East, Estmarcham [co. Nottingham], 183. , Little, Marcham [co. Not- tingham], manor, 456. Marlborough, Marlebergh, co. Wilts, 429, 468. , letters of Stephen dated at, 86. , castle, town and barton of, 417. Marlefeud. See Mardefield, South. Marlow, Merlawe [co. Buckingham], church, 452. , manor, 348, 371. , Great, Merlowe [co. Bucking- ham], 120, 464. , . . . ., parson of, 351. , Little, co. Buckingham, 464. Marnham [co. Nottingham], vicars of, 242. Marnham, James de, commissioner, 500. Marny, Robert, commissioner, 161, 332, 492, 497, , Robert de, knight, 296. , . . . . , Alice, wife of, 296. , William, hospitaller, 123. Marre, Master John, doctor of theology, 491. Marreys, Denis de, 476. , John, commissioner, 156. See Marays ; Mareys. Marryk, Robert de, webster, 198. Marsevelde. See Maresfield. GENERAL INDEX. 659 Marsshal. See Marshal. Marshal of England, the, 353. Marshal, Marshalle, Mareschal, Mareschall, Maresshalle, Maresshal, Marsshal, Mar- chall, Adam, of Chigwell, 356. , Alan, servant of John de Welle, knight, 50. , Edmund, 205. , . . . . , Joan, wife of, daughter of William de Utlicote, 205. , Henry, of West Acklam, co. York, 329, 331. , John, Elizabeth late the wife of, 144. , . . . . , parson of Warfield, co. Berks, 266. , . . . . , parson of Warfield, exchanged to Arthuret, 302, 406. , . . . . , presentation of, re- voked, 302. , Margaret, 53, 202. , . . . . , lady of Seagrave and Weston, 115. , . . . . , countess of Norfolk, 299, 326, 396, 437. , Robert, commissioner, 233. , Robert son of John, 28. , Roger, commissioner, 319. , . . . . , king's esquire, 1 62. , of Bottesford, co. Lincoln, 63, 142. , Thomas, of West Chinnock, knight, commissioner, 228. , William, of Ferriby, chap- lain, presented to the church of Eversley, co. Southamp- ton, 212. Marshland, Merskland, co. Norfolk, commission of sewers in, 485. Marske by the Sea, Mersk in Clyve- land [co. York], manor, 177. vicar of, 177. Marskland, Merskland, co. York, commission of sewers in, 485, 496. Marston Moretaine, Merston, co. Bedford, parson of, 74. upon Dove, Merston by Tut- bury [co. Derby], vicarage, 250, 269. , vicar of, 272, 305. , Mersheton [co. Stafford], prebend of. See Stafford. Maisey, Merston Meisy, co. Wilts, manor, 429. Martelesham, Martelsham, Martil- sham, Richard de, 385. Martelesham, Richard de — cont. , . . . . , controller of customs at Ipswich, 193, 288. Cf. Martlesham. Marteleye. See Martley. Martell, Robert, commissioner, 136, 153, 220, 224, 314, 411, 491. , William, 427. , .... Aubrey, wife of, 427. , .. .., Geoffrey, son of, 427. Martelsham, Martilsham. See Mar- telesham. Martin Hussingtree, Merton by Sallewarp [co. Worcester], 254, 267. , church, 254, 267. Martlesham, Roger de, of Winston, co. Suffolk, 264. Cf. Martelesham. Martley, Marteleye [co. Worcester], parsons of, 367, 368. Marton, Merton [in Poulton in the Fylde, co. Lancaster], 206. by Hasewaldeford [in Chir- bury, co. Salop], 278. in Craven [co. York], parsons of, 76. in the Forest, in G pl Lres [co. York], prior of, 472. Marton, John de, of Kirmond le Mire, 106. Martyn, Geoffrey, attorneys received by, 308. , . . . . , clerk of the crown in the Chancery, 209. , commissioner, 491. , Gilbert, of Kingston Abbess, co. Dorset, 13. , John, 172. , of Bilbao, master of the St. James of Bilbao, 507. , . . . . , of Guetaria, master of the St. Martin of Guetaria, 507. Maruwe, William, John son of, of Gunton, 169. Maryot, Roger, of Hey don, co. Nor- folk, 232. Mascal, John, 8. Mascy, John, commissioner, 320. Masham, Massham, [co. York], pre- bend of. See York. , Ellington in, Elyngton, 227. Maskell, Thomas, chaplain, 409. Mason, John, webber, 102. , William, groom of the house- hold, 382. Massham. See Masham. Massingham, Massyngham, co. Nor- folk, 144, 356. 660 GENERAL INDEX. Massyngham, Geoffrey de, of Nor- folk, 216. , John de, king's clerk, pre- bendary of St. George's, Windsor, 336, , Nicholas de, 133. , commissioner, 156, 157, 310, 222. Matching, co. Essex, Ovesham in, 493. Matheu, Robert, 76. Mathrafal, Mathrawell [in Meifod, co. Montgomery], manor, 148. Matilda, queen, 465. Mattesford, Mattisford, John de, escheator in Devon, 132, 208. Matthew, Gilbert son of, of Wart- naby, co. Leicester, temp. Henry III, 426. Matthew ap Ivoun, drover, 393. Mattisford, See Mattesford. Maugersbury, Malgaresbury [in Stow on the Wold, co. Gloucester], 109. Maughfeld, John, 360. Maulay. See Malo Lacu. Mauleverer, John, knight, com- r;'"cainrier. 151. Maundeville, Maundevyll. See Man- deville. Maundeware, Edward, of Purbeck, co. Dorset, 409. Maundour, Master John, prebendary of St. Paul's, London, 385. Maunesfeld, Henry de, surveyor of the works at King's Langley, 234. Maunton, Robert, chaplain, 480. Mauny, Walter, lord of, 72. Maureward, Thomas, 252. Mautravers, John, 200. , . . . . , commissioner, 219, 332, 499. , , the elder, 60. , . . . . , Agnes late the wife of, 60, 222. , . . . . , the younger, 60. , Wencelina, 180. Mavis Enderby, Malbusenderby [co. Lincoln], 285. Mawardyn, Thomas de, knight, monk of Great Malvern priory, 82. Maxstoke, Maxstok [co. Warwick], prior of, 416. May, John, 235. , Richard, deputy butler in the port of Southampton, 199. , Robert, of Burgh, 363. Maycous, Richard, 4. Maydenhithe. See Maidenhead. Maydenstan. See Maidstone. Maydenston. See Maidenston. Maydenwell. See Maidwell. Maydeston. See Maidstone ; Maidenston. Mayheu, May ho, Maheu, Maihoo, John, 129, 468. , . . . . , king's servant, 4. , . . . . , groom of the chamber, 261, 398, 429. , . . . . , granted the 1 Raker - wyk ' of Bristol, 174. , . . . ., the elder, 13. Maykyn, John, gauger of wines at Sandwich, Dover, Hastings, Winchelsea, Shoreham and Rye, 244. Maylard, John, 264. Maymond, John, citizen and mercer of London, 472. Maynard, Maynerd, John, 106, 248. , William, 476. , . . . . , of Frant, co. Sussex, 156. Maynardeyvy. See Manordivey. Maynerbiere. See Manorbier. Maynerd. See Maynard. Mayneston, Thomas de, 235. Maynorsullen. See Silian. Meath [Ireland], country, 245. , county, 295. , . . . . , chief Serjeant of. See Wemme, William. , archdeacon of. See Kartell, William de ; Rounhey, Nicho- las. , church, dean and chapter of, 88. , bishop of. See Valle, Stephen de. , bishopric, voidance of, 88, 362. , diocese, 39. Meausa. See Meaux. Meaux, Melsa, Meausa [co. York], 467. , township, 465. , abbot and convent, 56 bis. , abbey, charters in favour of, 465-467. Meaux, Thomas de, of Billinghay, 52. See Meux. Mebourne, Stephen de, presented to the church of Asby, co. Westmoreland, 4 1 . Mechyngge. See Newhaven. Medbourne, Medburn [co. Leicester], advowson, 470. GENERAL INDEX. 661 Medbo urne — cont. , Holt in, 279. Medbo urne, Henry de, prebendary of Hastings free chapel, 130, 170. Meddelaunde [co. Cornwall], 271. Mede, Michael atte, 373. , Richard atte, 432. Medelwode, Richard de, tailor, 502. Medenesford. See Maddaford. Medford, Richard, king's clerk, prebendary of St. George's, Windsor, 165. Meer, Francis de, captain of the king's barge, 60. Mees, John, of Askrigg, 108. Meesden, Mesden, Mesdon, co. Hert- ford, manor, 374, 475. Meethe, Methe [co. Devon], parsons of, 366, 370, 371. , Crocker's Hele in, 434. Megge, William, merchant of Bordeaux, 159, 218. Meifod, Meyvot [co. Montgomery], parson of, 362. Meilhan, Mylan [Lot et Garonne, France], charter of Henry III dated at, 15. Melburn, Melbourn, 131. Melburne, Sir John de, prebendary of York, 266. Melcombe Regis, Melcoumbe [co. Dorset], 149, 237. , bailiffs of, 49, 206. , collector of petty customs at. See Chichestre, John. , port, 49. , . . . . , customs and subsidies in, 34, 206. , . . . . , controller of customs in. See Preston, William de ; Welle, Philip atte ; Welle, William atte. Melkesham. See Melksham. Melkesham, Milkesham, Peter de, parson of St. Michael's, South- street, Wilton, 26, 423. Melksham, Melkesham [co. Wilts], forest, 403. Mellefuns. See Mellifont. Mellere, Maurice, 84. , . . . ., Joan wife of, 84. , Stephen, 452. Melles [co. Suffolk]. See Mellis. Melles. See Mells. Mellifont, Mellefuns [cos. Meath and Louth], letters of Henry II in favour of, 306. Melling [co. Lancaster], Old Wen- nington in, Aldwenyngton, 135. Mellis, Melles [co. Suffolk], 369. Mells, Melles [co. Somerset], 342. , servant of the parson of, 342. Melsa. See Meaux. Melton [co. York, E.R.], 18. , chapel of St. James, 18. Melton, John, parson of Brocklesby, co, Lincoln, exchanged to St. George's, London, 73. , Robert de, clerk, commis- sioner, 312. , William de, commissioner, 498. , . . . . , sheriff of York, com- missioner, 221. Melvur, Michael, parson of Padworth, co. Berks, exchanged to the chapel of Spargrove manor, co. Wilts, 166. Menacuddle, Menacudel, chantry of, in St. Michael's chapel in St. Austell churchyard [co. Corn- wall], 22. Menston, Manestona [in Whepstead, co. Suffolk], 443. Mentemoor, Michael, 328. Menthorpe, Menthorp [in Heming- brough], co. York, 146. Menynymon, John, of Melburn, 131. Meole Brace, Meulesheacy [co. Salop], 278. Mercer, Robert, of Wooler, 59. Mercher, John, of Fulbeck, co. Lin- coln, 61. Merden, Merdene. See Marden. Mere, John de, of Ghent, 506. , Master John, commissioner, 65. , Richard, parson of Holy Trinity, Gloucester, 383. , . . . . , parson of Holy Trinity, Gloucester, and canon and prebendary of Hereford, 386. j Meres, Roger de, commissioner, 228. , . . . . , justice of gaol delivery, 401. Merewe. See Merrow. Meriet. See Meryet. Merioneth, Meryonnyth, county, 374. Merk, Henry, 315. , Theobald de, temp. Henry III or Edward I, 429. Merkant. See Markant. Merkesdale, Robert de, of Blakeney, 147. 662 GENERAL INDEX. Merkeshale, John de, 215. Merlawe. See Marlow. Merlawe, John de, yeoman of the buttery, 31. , Richard, buyer for the household, 71. , Vincent, buyer for the household, 238 bis. Merle, Thomas, 62. Merlowe. See Marlow. Merrington, West, Westmeryngton [co. Durham], prebend of. See Auckland. Merrow, Merewe [co. Surrey], parson of, 273. Mersea, West, Westmereseye, West- merseye [co. Essex], alien priory, 211. , . . . ., vicarage, 211. Mersham, John, 222. Mersheton. See Marston. Mersk in Clyveland. See Marske by the Sea. Merskland, co. Norfolk. See Marsh- land. Merskland, co. York. See Marsk- land. Merston. See Marston. Merston, Thomas de, canon of Kenilworth, 448. Merston Boteler, John de, 448. Merthyr St. Enfail, Merther in Wales [co. Carmarthen], parsons of, 198. Merton. See Marton. Merton by Sallewarp. See Martin Hussingtree. Merton [co. Surrey], prior of, 348. Meryet, Meriet, John, commis- sioner, 499. , John, knight, 35. Meryngton, Hugh de, 102. , Hugh, of Coventry, 356. , Thomas de, commissioner, 499. Meryonnyth. See Merioneth. Merywedir, John, 263. Mesden, Mesdon. See Meesden. Messager, Adam, 318. Messing, Messyng [co. Essex], 192. Messyngham, Thomas de, of Don- caster, 326. Metard, Mansus, 117. Metecalf, Richard, 160. Meteham, John de, of Ingoldsby, co. Lincoln, 61. Metham, Thomas de, commissioner, 158, 312, 316. , , knight, 126. Methe. See Meeth. Meulesheacy. See Meole Brace. Meux, John de, knight, commis- sioner, 161. See Meaux. Mevenyth, Mevenydd [co. Cardigan], commote, 374. Mey, Amy le, 100. \ , William, chaplain, 327. Meynyll, Richard de, commissioner 137. Meyre, Adam, of Hilgay, co. Nor- folk, 62. Meyvot. See Meifod. Meyvot, Matthew, notary public, 292. Michel, David, parson of Dean, co. Bedford, exchanged to Upton on Severn, 111. , Henry, 121, 280. , John, monk of St. Pierre sur Dives, nominated prior of Modbury, 93. , , Matthew, commissioner, 313, 492. , Richard, prebendary of the collegiate church of West- bury-upon-Trym, 46. , William, of Melburn, 131. Mickleover [co. Derby], 111. Middelton. See Middleton ; Mil- ton. Middelton, co. Southampton, 386. Middelton, Midelton, Midilton, Mid- dilton, Ellis de, commissioner, 61, 151, 490, 497. , . . . . , Thomas servant of, of Fulbeck, 61. , John de, 167, 168, 285. , . . . ., clerk, 414. , commissioner, 314. 326. , . . . . , parson of Kirk- andrews, co. Cumberland, ex- changed to a mediety of the church of Aikton, co. Cum- berland, 275. , Thomas de, 69. , . . . . , attorneys received by, 435. , . . . . , king's clerk, parson of Eton, co. Buckingham, exchanged to St. Mary's, Grimsby, 189. , . . . . , parson of St. Mary's, Grimsby, exchanged to St. Olave's, Silver Street, Lon- don, 293. Middlesbo rough [co. York], Cargo Fleet in, Caldecotes, 329. Middlesex county, 118, 388. GENERAL INDEX. 663 Middlesex county — cont. , outlawries in, 10, 102, 175, 288, 356, 357, 358, 421, 447 bis, 448 ter, 481. , collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in. See Plummere, Robert. , commission of kiddles in, 496. , commission of peace in, 491. , escheator in. See Illeston, Thomas. , sheriff of, 410. , . . . . , commissioner, 24. Middle ton, Middelton [co. South- ampton], prebend of. See Wherwell. Middleton [co. York], Cropton in, 316. on the Wolds, Midelton [co. York], 467. Middlewich [co. Chester], 307, 374. Midelton. See Milton ; Middleton, Middelton. Midilton. See Milton ; Middelton. Midford, Mitteford [in Hinton Char- terhouse], cos. Somerset and Wilts, bridge of, 157. Midgley, Miggelay, co. York, 154. , Warley, in Warlullay, 154. Midsomer Norton, co. Somerset, 35. , manor of Welton in, Wel- weton, 35. Miggelay. See Midgley. Milbrook, Mulbrok, co. Bedford, 181. Milcote, Mulcote [in Weston upon Avon, co. Warwick], manor, 460. . Mildenhale, John, John de, 264, 502. , Peter, citizen and skinner of London, 201. Miles, Nicholas, warden of Bam- burgh hospital, 259. Mileward, John, 327. Cf. Muleward. Milford, Mulleford [co. Pembroke], port, 501. , . . . . , prise of wines in, 22. Milisent, John, chaplain, presented to the church of Cottesbach, 171. Milkesham. See Melkesham. Mill, Thomas atte, of Salthouse, co. Norfolk, 147. See Mulle. Millbrook, Mulebrok [co. Southamp- ton], parsons of, 473. Mille, Walter, king's steward and sheriff of Pembroke, 425. Milliz, John, 235. Milne, Richard del, 221. I Milner, Adam, of Bel ton, co. Lin- coln, 79. I , Alice, 473. , John, of Syston, co. Lin- coln, 79. , John son of John, of Ows- thorpe, co. York, 87. ( , Richard, mercer, 14. , Roger, of Gateshead, 140. , Thomas, 414. , Thomas son of William, of Emsted, 392, 396. , William, of Pocklington, 76. , William son of Thomas, of Ashford, co. Derby, 28. j Milstead, Milstede [co. Kent], par- sons of, 166, 252. Milton Abbas, co. Dorset, abbey, 162. Milton, Midilton, Middelton, Mil- tone, Midelton [next Sitting- bourne], co. Kent, manor, 191. , . . . . , keeper of, 205. , . . . . , works at, clerk of. See Basynges, William de. , . . . . , . . . . , controllers of. See Barler, John ; Reygner, Ellis. , . . . . , . . . . , surveyor. See Heryng, Nicholas. , hundred of, 184, 191. , . . . . , steward of. See Heryng, Nicholas. Milverton, alias Wager, Robert, parson of St. John's, South- ampton, exchanged to Cud- lawe, co. Sussex, 340. Mimms, South, South Mymmes [co. Hertford], 4. Minchinhampton, Mynchenhampton [co. Gloucester], parsons of, 274, 276. Minehead, Mynhed [co. Somerset], 374. , manor, 26. Minster, La Munstre, co. Cornwall, alien priory, prior of. See Andree, Brother Miletus. , Mynstre [co. Kent], 68, 321. in Sheppey [Kent], manor of Danley in, Daundele, 191, 199, 214. , marsh of Danley in, commission of sewers in, 161. Lovell, Mynstrelovell [co. Oxford], alien priory, 162, 197. 664 GENERAL INDEX. Minting, Myntyng [co. Lincoln], alien priory, 96. Minton, Moneton [in Church Stret- ton, co. Salop], 278. Mirfeld, John, 472. , William de, clerk, 126. , . . . . , attorneys received by, 30, 120, 123. , commissioner, 137, 158, 224, 227, 314, 321, 332, 498. , , knight, 263. Mirourer, Philip le, of Brussels, 504. ' Misavysed, Sire Richard,' John Smith called, 221. Missenden, Great, Mussenden [co. Buckingham], abbey, 52. , . . . . , . . . . , prior of. See Thenford, William de. Missire, John, of Castro Urdiales, master of the St. Mary of Castro Urdiales, 507. Misterton, co. Nottingham, West Stockwith in, Stokketh, 104, 105. Misterton, Mistreton, John de, parson of Withcall, co. Lin- coln, exchanged to the chan- try of St. Michael in St. Austell's churchyard, 475. , . . . . , warden of the hos- pital of Sandon, co. Surrey, 447. Mitcheldean, Great Dene [co. Glou- cester], 220, 221 ter. , lordship, 372. Mitford, Mitteford, Mytford, John de, 111. , . . . . , commissioner, 53, 140, 155, 159, 330, 490. , . . . . , justice of gaol delivery, 106. See Mitteford. Miton [in Kingston-on-Hull], co. York, 470. Mitteford. See Midford. Mitteford, Hugh de, commissioner, 485, 494. See Mitford. Mitton [cos. Lancaster and York], 422. Mock, John, of Orsett, co. Essex, 309. Modbury [co. Devon], alien priory, 180, 242, 269. , . . . . , priors of. See Billeyo, Gilbert de ; Michel, John. , vicarage, 241, 269. , vicars of, 180. Moden, Henry, 454. Modyngden. See Mottingden. Mohun, John de, of Dunster, knight, 26, 118. , . . . . , Joan wife of, 26. Moigne, Henry, knight, 39. , Thomas, of Hessle, co. York, 86. , William, commissioner, 499. , , , knight, 326. , William, of Hotham, co. York, 86. Cf. Moyne. Moises, Roger, parson of Eyam, co. Derby, exchanged to Marton in Craven, 76. Mokkyng, Nicholas, scholar of the King's Hall, Cambridge, 192. Moldeson, William, of Snaith, co. York, 30. Molineux. See Molyneux. Mollescroft [in Beverley, co. York], 467. Moloundre, Thomas, parson of Brington, co. Northampton, 206. Molyneux, Molineux, Thomas, com- missioner, 311, 325. Molyns, Henry, 231. , John, 272. , William de, 273. , commissioner, 497. Momerfeld. See Morville. Monboucher, Bertram, commissioner, 64. , , knight, 298. Monek, Richard, of Wilts, 95. Monesley. See Munsley. Moneton. See Minton. Money, Robert, commissioner, 233. money, florins called ' frankes,' 281. , florins with the shield, 275, 277. Monfordbrigg. See Montford Bridge. Monge, Nicholas, 468. Mongumery, Nicholas, commis- sioner, 486. Cf. Mungomry. Monk, John, chaplain in Eltham manor, 377. , Robert, 93, 130, 183. , buyer for the house- hold, 71. See Moigne. Monkedon. See Monkton. Monkeleone. See Monkland. Monkensilver. See Monksilver. Monkeskirkeby. See Kirby, Monks. Monkland, Monklone, Monkeleone [co. Hereford], vicarage, 338, 339. GENERAL INDEX. 665 Monksilver, Monkensylver, Monken- silver [co. Somerset], church, 83. , parsons of, 234. Monkton, Monkedon [in Stoke Courcy, co. Somerset], 97. ....... West, Munketon [co. Somer- set], church, 127. , Bishop, Munketon in Ryp- shire [co. York], 227. Monmouth [co. Monmouth], alien priory, 169, 262. , vicarage, 169. Montacute, Mountagu [co. Somerset], alien priory, 14, 131, 449. , vicarage, 14. Montagu. See Monte Acuto. Monte Acuto, Mountagu, Mountague, Montagu, John de, commis- sioner, 135, 153, 222, 328, 332, 333, 499. , Katharine de, nun of Bungay, 490. , Maud de, nun of Barking, elected abbess, 449. , . . . . , abbess of Barking, 450. , Thomas de, to be restored to Oxford university, 291. , . . . . , bachelor of civil law, 491. , William de, earl of Salisbury, 6, 29, 43, 179, 353, 371, 463, 464. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 62, 65, 136, 139 bis, 322, 499. , . . . . , . . . . , letters patent of, 171, 382. , . . . . , . . . . , physician of. See Bray, Master John. Monte Caniso, Richard de, knight, 114. Monte Fichet, William de, temp. Stephen, 85. Monte Florum, Master Paul de, king's clerk, 504. Monte Magno, Mountmaing, Gabriel de, 506. , . . . . , king's merchant, 504. Montebourg, Mounteburgh [Manche, France,] abbot of, 124. Montford Bridge, Monfordbrigg, co. Salop, 28. Montford, John de, duke of Brittany, count of Montfort and earl of Richmond, 17, 22, 23, 24, 27, 30, 33, 58, 83, 89, 116, 167, 211, 297. Montignac, lord of. See Valencia, Aymer de. | Montmirail [Marne, France], lord of. See Coucy, Ingram de. Montpellers, Edmund, parson of Ringwould, co. Kent, ex- changed to a chantry in St. Paul's, London, 3. Montvirun, John, 76 Monyton, Walter de, abbot of Glastonbury, 128. Moorend, La Morende, Moresende [in Yardley Gobion], cos. Northampton and Oxford, castle and manor, 347 bis, 348, 477. , letters patent dated at, 165, 167. Mora. See Beeford Moor. Morborne, Morborn [co. Hunting- don], parsons of, 283. Morcestre, Adam, citizen of Win- chester, 189. Mordon, Moredon, Henry, serjeant at mace, commissioner, 50. , Thomas, 502. , William de, presented to the church of Little Clacton, co. Essex, 166. , . . . . , presented to the church of Charlton next Woolwich, 184. , . . . . , presented to the church of Mursley, 339. , . . . . , presented to the church of Llandudno, co. Carnarvon, 369. , . . . . , harbourer of the king's horses, 238, 436. More, Adam atte, escheator in Somerset and Dorset, 70, 437. , John, 141. , , of Hythe, 93, 130. , . . . . , of London, mercer, 103, 420. , John atte, 412. , of Shirbourne, 281. , John de la, 225, 229. , Laurence del, 269. , Robert, prebendary of St. George's, Windsor, 232, 390. , , dean of Stafford, 232. , Thomas, 54. , . . . ., of Sussex, 471. , . . . . , parson of Yardley Hastings, 186. , . . . . , exchanged to prebend of Bridgnorth free chapel, 186, 191. , . . . . , presented to the church of Tenby, 187. 666 GENERAL INDEX. More — cont. , Thomas de la, 176. , William, citizen and mercer of London, 356. , . . . . , deputy butler at Sandwich, 362. Morebattle [co. Roxburgh], Clifton in, Clifton in Tevidale, 299. Moreby, Robert de, chaplain, pre- sented to the church of Gautby, 96. Moredon. See Mordon. Morende, la. See Moorend. Moresby, Christopher de, 41. Moresende. See Moorend. Moreske, Moresk [in St. Clement's, Truro, co. Cornwall], manor, 375. Moreton, North, Northmorton [co. Berks], 197. , South, Southmorton [co. Berks], 197. Hampstead, Morton [co. Devon], 294. Moreton. See Morton. Moreux, Thomas, knight, Nicholas, servant of, 269. See Morryaux ; Murreux. Morewode, Nicholas, commissioner, 218. Morgan in Wales. See Margam. Morgan, Edward, chaplain, pre- sented to the church of St. Michael Southstreet, Wilton, 26. , Laurence, parson of St. Peter's, Wallingford, ex- changed to the church of Sully, co. Glamorgan, 245. , William, parson of Creslow, co. Buckingham, exchanged to the church of Merthyr St. Enfail, co. Carmarthen, 198. Morgannou, Morganok, Morgannok, Morg, castles of Edward le Despenser in, 251. , lord of. See Despenser, Edward le. Mo rice, John, 438. , of Harlington, co. Bedford, 69. , . . . . , claimant to Holywell church, co. Huntingdon, 465. , William, buyer for the household, 71, 238 bis. Moriceby, Christopher de, Isabel, relict of, wife of Gilbert de Culwen, 265. Morland, John, of Povington, co. Dorset, 409. Morlay, Morle. See Morley. Morle, William, lord of, 133. Morley [co. Derby], 189, 191. Morley, Morlay, Morlee, Morle, Nicholas, 211. , Richard de, of Threshfield, co. York, 472. , Robert de, commissioner, 138, 144. , William de, knight, 110. Morpath, Thomas de, Mariota late the wife of, 443. Morrey, Robert, 337. Morryaux, Thomas, commissioner, 332. See Moreux. Mort, David, chaplain, 456. Morthoe, Mortho [co. Devon], 360. , advowson of, 360. Mortimer. See Mortuo Mari. Mortlake, Mortlak [co. Surrey], park of, works at, 200. , park and warren of, keeper of. See Tyle, Ralph. Morton [co. Cumberland], 115. Morton. See Moreton Hampstead. Morton, Moreton, Henry de, 9. , . . . . , keeper of Ruardean bailiwick, 234. , John de, 320, 323, 325, 331. , , clerk, 12. , Richard de, of Scotton, co. York, 79, 215. , . . . . , Margery, wife of, relict of Thomas de Beltoft, 79, 215 , Robert de, 325, 331. , . . . . , commissioner, 63, 64, 136, 142, 149, 154, 158, 223, 322, 326, 491, 494. , , sheriff of Derby, 486. , Roger de, 320, 323. , Thomas de, of London, mercer, 421. , . . . . , king's archer, keeper of the parks of Sneed and Pen, co. Gloucester, 9. , William de, 320, 323. Mortuo Mari, Mortymer, Mortymere, Mortimer, Constantine de, knight, 114. Edmund de, earl of March, 6, 29, 33(4), 35, 37, 41, 42, 44, 116, 432, 495. , . . . . , commissioner, 487. , . . . . , marshal of England, 54. , , Philippa, wife of, 432. , Hugh de, knight, 15. , John de, chaplain, 346. GENERAL INDEX. 667 Mortuo Mari — cont. , earl of March, 33, 110. , William de, 318, 454. , William son of Henry de, 15. Mortymer. See Mortuo Mari. Morville, Momerfeld [co. Salop], prebend of. See Bridgnorth. Morwod, William de, 268. Moryn, Nicholas, presented to the church of Holy Trinity, Glou- cester, 162. Moryne, Ralph, commissioner, 501. Mosard, Maud, of Oxfordshire, 421. Mosgrave. See Musgrave. Mostel, William, 183. Motay, Reynold, chaplain, 496. Motherby, Mothirby, Thomas de, 111, 423. Motrico, Murtrico [Guipuscoa, Spain], 507. , ship of, 507. Motteneye [in Rainham], co. Kent, marsh of, commission of sewers in, 319. Mottingden, Modyngden, co. Kent, minister and Trinitarian friars of, 8. Mottrum, Adam de, bachelor in Moubray, John de, 95, 234, 250, 387. , ' le pier,' * le pere,' Elizabeth late the wife of, 232, 253. , , knight, 60, 141, 180. , John lord of, 253. , John de, of Axholme, 9. , John son 'and heir of, 204. , John son of John de, 232. , Robert, commissioner, 325. , , knight, 462. Moughtrey, Mouthtref [co. Mont- gomery], prebend of. See Aberg willy. Moulham, John, surveyor of the works at Corfe castle, 390. Moulsoe, Mulsho, co. Buckingham, manor, 357. Moulton, Multon, co. Lincoln, manor, 318. , Multon [co. Suffolk], 250. , . . . ., vicar of, 250. Mounselowe. See Munslow. Mounstre. See Munster. Mountagu. See Montacute. Mountague. See Monte Acuto. Mounteburgh. See Montebourg. Mountendre, William de, knight of Aquitaine, 471. Mountendre, William de — cont. , . . . . , afterwards provost of Dax, 471. Mounteney, John de, commissioner, 314. Mountjoye, Thomas, 256, 435. Mountmaign. See Monte Magno. Moure, Adam le, 468. Mouthtref. See Moughtrey. Moyagher, Lower, Moyaghirie, co. Meath, 178. , . . . . , church of St. Mary at, advowson of, 178. Moyne, John, 450. , . . . . , Joan, wife of. 450. Cf. Moigne. Moys, William, 141. Mucleston, Adam de, prebendary of Stafford free chapel, 460. Mugge, William, king's clerk, treasurer of Exeter cathedral, exchanged to Crewkerne, 476. Mukelton, Iseult de, 230. , John de, citizen of Wor- cester, 230. Mulbrok. See Millbrook. Mulcote. See Milcote. Mulebrok. See Millbrook. Muleward, Mulleward, Ellis, of Cux- ham, co. Oxford, 41, 49. , Henry son of William le, of Steeple Barton, co. Ox- ford, 300. , Richard, 142. , Walter, 384. Cf. Mileward. Mulgrave, Mulgreve [in Lythe], co. York, 326. Mulle, John atte, 186. , Richard atte, Richard de, of Mitcheldean, 220, 221. , William atte, 186. See Mill ; Milne. Mulleford. See Milford. Mulleward. See Muleward. Mulne, Robert atte, 363. Mulsho. See Moulsoe. Mulsho, Mulso, Henry de, 285. , , of Geddington, 263. , William de, clerk, 89, 90 96, 113, 237, 272, 346, 357. , . . . . , chamberlain of the Exchequer, 174. , . . . . , dean of St. Martin's le Grand, London, 487. Multon. See Moulton. Multon, John de, of Manton, 105. , John de, knight, 92. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 145. 668 GENERAL INDEX. Mumby [co. Lincoln], 20. Munden, Alice, 208. , . . . . , sister of the hospital of St. Katharine by the Tower, 49. , John de, 422. Mundesder, Mundesdere, Robert, 185, 363. Mundevill, William de, temp. Henry I, 287. Mundi, John, 464. Mundon [co. Essex], 443. Mundvill, Thomas, 321. Mune, Simon de, 383. Mungomry, Walter de, commis- sioner, 137. Cf. Mongumery. Munke, William, 140. Munketon. See Monkton ; Far- leigh, Monkton. Munkton, Thomas, of South Otter - ington, co. York, 481. - Munsley, Monesley [co. Hereford], 358. Munslow, Mounselowe [co. Salop], church, 245. Minister, Mounstre [Ireland], country of, 245. Munstre, La. See Minster, murage, grants of, 255, 274, 423, 430. Murreux, William, knight, com- missioner, 414. See Moreux. Mursele. See Mursley. Mursley, Mursele [co. Buckingham], church, 339. , manor of Salden in, 180, 462. Murton, co. Westmoreland, 414. Murtrico. See Motrico. Musard. See Mo sard. Musgrave, Mosgrave, Thomas de, commissioner, 58, 138, 316, 325, 498. , , knight, 67, 176. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 53, 225, 229, 414. , keeper of Berwick on Tweed, 427. Muskham, South, by Newerk [co. Nottingham], good men of, grant of pontage to, 298. Mussenden. See Missenden. Mustard, John, 27. Mutford, Richard, clerk, 57. Mutron, Adam de, 216. Mydelton. See Middelton. Mylan. See Meilhan. Mylys, Thomas, 327. Mymmes, South. See Mimms, South. Mymmes, Thomas, presented to the church of Holt, co. Norfolk, 419. Mympe, John, dyer, 256. Mynchenhampton. See Minchin- hampton. Myners, Stephen de, knight, temp. Henry III, 460. Mynhed. See Minehead. Myniot, Ralph, merchant of Nor- wich, 505. Mynot, Thomas, archbishop of Dub- lin, 110, 240. Mynsterworth, John de, knight, 488, 491. Mynstre. See Minster. Mynstrelovell. See Minster Lovell. Myntyng. See Minting. Myntyng, Alan de, of Rand, co. Lincoln, 204. Mytford. See Mitford. Myton [in Kingston-on-Hull, co, York], manor, 56. Myton-upon-Swale, Myton upon Ouse [co. York], 150. N Nabelson, Nabilson, Alexander, 216 384. Naborn, Robert, 103. Nacton, Naketon [co. Suffolk], church, 168. Nafferton, Naffreton, co. York, 59. , Wansford in, Wandesford, 467. Naget, William, late prior of Framp- ton, co. Dorset, 219. Nailstone, Nayleston, co. Leicester, manor, 196. Naketon. See Nacton. Nalle, Simon, 27. Nameur, Robert de, 275, 277. Nanfan, Henry, commissioner, 139, 152. Nansfenten. See Petherick, Little. Naples, ships of, 50, 148. Napton, Robert, 338. Narborough [co. Leicester], Huncote in, 288. Nassington, Nassyngton [co. North- ampton], 475. GENERAL INDEX. 669 Nassington — cont. , letters patent dated at, 130, 132, 160, 164, 173. Nassyngton, Robert de, abbot of Ramsey, 465. Naunton, Newynton [co. Gloucester], parsons of, 124. Navenby, Roger de, commissioner, 158. Navesby, William de, canon and prebendary of Limerick, 334. Naward. See Naworth. Naworth, Naward [in Brampton], co. Cumberland, 225. , castle, 229. Nayleston. See Nailstone. Neckenvill [in Bishops Cannings hundred, co. Wilts], 59. Nedewod. See Needwood. Nedham, John de, 69. Nedleswerthe, Richard, 495. Needwood, Nedewod [co. Stafford], forest, 460. Neet, Nicholas, 262. Neirnuyt, John, commissioner, 497. Nerford, John de, 419. , Thomas de, knight, 17. Nesebit in Tevidale. See Nisbet. Nessefeld, Thomas de, commissioner, 137. , William de, 245, 276. , . . . . , commissioner, 59, 63, 139, 153, 219, 314, 315, 321, 325, 495. , . . . ., Henry, son of, 276. , . . . . , . . . . , Margaret, sister of, 276. Nessyngwyk, Roger de, chaplain, 108. Netelbed. See Nettlebed. Netheravon, Netherhane, Nether - havene, Netherhaven, co. Wilts, 398, 468. , vicars of, 261. Netherbury, Nethirbury [co. Dorset], vicarage, 23, 24. , prebend of. See Salisbury. Netherhall, in Cherry Hinton, co. Cambridge, manor, 387. Netherhane. See Netheravon. Netherwynchyndon. See Winchen- don, Nether. Nethirbury. See Netherbury. Nettlebed, Netelbed [co. Oxford], manor, 375. Nettleswell, Walter, Joan, wife of, daughter of Robert de Langle, 300. Neuard, John, merchant of Col- chester, 421. Neubald. See Newbold Verdon. Neubiggyng, Neubiging. See New- biggin. Neubold, John de, king's clerk, 336. , , clerk, 372. Neubolverton. See Newbold Ver- don. Neubury. See Newbury. Neudegate, William, 484. , commissioner, 139, 314, 499. Neuhagh, William de, parson of Solihull, 234. Neuhaye. See Newhay. Neuhous, William, commissioner, 485. Neumarche, Hugh, commissioner, 498. Neumarchy, John, commissioner, 60, 141. Neuport, John de, presented to the church of Burton Overy, 131. , Thomas de, commissioner, 137, 226, 500. , William de, 253. Neusom upon Wysk. See Newsham. Neusted. See Newstead. Neuton, Geoffrey de, the king's chief butler, 352, 361. , John de, knight, 58. , Richard, of Boston, searcher in all ports from Boston to Grimsby, 313. , Robert de, king's esquire, 445. , Thomas de, presented to the church of Thurcaston, 16. Neuton. See Newton. Neuvill, John, lord of, French prisoner, 387. Neve, Thomas, 152. Nevenefeld. See Ninfield. Nevill, Nevyll, Alexander de, arch- bishop of York, 6, 94, 177, 224, 227. , . . . . , . . . . , letters patent of, 239, 242, 266, 359. , . . . . , . . . . , crossbearer of. See Acorn, Sir Adam de. , John son of Geoffrey de, temp. Henry III, 18. , John de, commissioner, 160, 316. , John de, John, lord of, 6. , . . . . , king's steward, steward of the household, 134, 182, 232, 250, 253 bis, 254, 255, 256, 257. 670 GENERAL INDEX. Nevill, John de, king's steward' — cont. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 62, 65. , John de, knight, 74, 366. , . . . . , . . . . , steward of Aymer de Valencia, 114. , John de, lord of Raby, co. Durham, 29. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 55, 159, 219, 329, 331, 491, 498. , brother John de, 408. , Ralph de, 366. , Ralph lord of, constable of Bamburgh castle, 143, 347. , Ralph de, lord of Raby, co. Durham, 29. , Richard, 28. , Robert de, 29. , Thomas de, 30. , , of York, 45. , William de, 389. , . . . . , king's admiral, 2. , . . . . , admiral towards the North, 321. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 62, 65. , William, hospitaller, 123. , the lady of, 408. Nevyll. See Nevill. New Forest, the, co. Southampton, 37, 39, 79. , the lodge and stank in, works at, 235. , works in, 96. New Forest, foresters of. See Bromley, Philip ; Chamber- leyn, Roger ; Farnhill, William ; Frebody, William ; Potern, John ; Stake, John. , keeper of. See Foxle, John de. , rangers of. See London, John ; Parker, William. Newark on Trent, Newerk [co. Nottingham], 298. , vicar of, 74. , church of St. Mary Magdalen in, chantry in, 44. , bridge of Haybrigge by, 298. Newbald, North, Northnewbald [co. York], prebend of. See York. Newbiggin, Neubiggyng [in Dacre, co. Cumberland], 27. , Neubiging [in Filey, co. York], 467. Newbold Verdon, Neubald, Neubol- verton [co. Leicester], par- sons of, 481. Newborough [co. Stafford], Agards- ley in, Adgaresleg', 460. Newburn, Newebourne, co. North- umberland, manor, 126. Newbury, Neubury [co. Berks], 121, 252. , manor, 42. Newcastle, Novel Chastel Lyouns [co. Dublin], lordship, 123. Newcastle on Tyne, 90, 140, 155, 210, 250, 251, 254, 431, 469. , mayor and bailiffs of, 49, 206. , merchants of, 322 , escheator in. See Acton, William de. , castle, chantry chaplains in. See Danby, John de ; Thyn- den, Robert de. , . . . ., gaol delivery of, 109. , gaol of, delivery of, 106. , Pilgrim Street, Pilgrym- stret, 140. , church of All Saints, chantry at the altar of St. Thomas in, 163. , . . . . , chantry wardens in, 188. , church of St. John the Evangelist, 432. , church of St. Nicholas, chantry of St. Thomas the Martyr in, 74. Newcastle on Tyne port, 104, 251, 357. , customs and subsidies in, 36. , collectors of customs at, 206. , controller of customs in. See Heghton, John de ; Paxton, John. , pesager of wools in. See Longe, William. , searchers in. See Red- mersshill, William ; Thorne- ton, John de. Newe, Thomas, parson of Godmer- sham, co. Kent, 3. Newebourne. See Newburn. Neweman, John, 409. See Nyweman. Newenden, John, master of the constable of Dover Castle's barge, 60. Newenham. See Newnham ; Nune- ham Courtney. Newenham, Thomas de, clerk, at- torneys received by, 14, 19, 85, 129, 246, 252, 272, 338, 344, 405, 444, 483. GENERAL INDEX. 671 Newent [co. Gloucester], alien priory, 2, 368. Newenton. See Newington. Newenton, Geoffrey, 205. Newenton longevyle. See Newton Longville. Neweport, Thomas de, commissioner, 55. , William de, commissioner, 414. Newerk. See Newark. Newerk, William de, 229. Newerumneye. See Romney, New. Neweton, Thomas de, chaplain, presented to the church of Eastwood, co. Essex, 3. Newhaven, Mechyngge, co. Sussex, 496. Newhay, Neuhaye [co. Northamp- ton], park, keeper of. See Asphull, John. Newick, Newyke, co. Sussex, 496. Newington, Newenton, Newynton, [co. Surrey], parsons of, 40, 75. Newington by Sittingbourne [Kent], manor of Tracy in, 294. Newington Lucies, manor of Lucy called Nywenton [in Newing- ton by Sittingbourne], co. Kent, 211, 271. Newland [co. York], Rusholme in, Ruceholm, 156. Newnham, Newenham [co. Bed- ford], prior and convent, 370. Regis, Kynges Newenham [co. Warwick], vicars of, 481. Newport Pagnell, co. Buckingham, Tickford in, Tykeford, 457. , Nieuport [co. Pembroke], castle, 495. Newsham, Neusom upon Wysk [in Kirby Wiske, co. York], 356. Newstead, Neusted by Gervaux [in East Witton, co. York], 201. Newtimber, Ny timbre [co. Sussex], John, parish priest of, 496. Newton Longville, Neuton Longe- vUl, Longvill Giffard, Newent- onlongevyle [co. Buckingham] alien priory, 45, 94, 168, 273, 353. , church, 168, 353. , Neuton, co. Cambridge, commission of sewers in, 485. Nottage, Neuton Notteassh, co. Glamorgan, manor and advowson, 289. , Wold, Wald Neuton, Wolde- neweton, Waldeneuton [co. Lincoln], 51, 52, 153, 449. Newton — cont. , North, Northnewenton [in North Petherton], co. Somer- set, manor, 386. , Out, Neuton [in Easington, co. York], 467. Newyke. See Newick. Newynton. See Newington. [co. Gloucester]. See Naun- ton. Newynton, Thomas, 246. Neylond, Walter, controller of cus- toms at Southampton, 193. Nichol, Nicol, Nichole, Gilbert, par- son of Eglws Cymmin, co. Carmarthen, exchanged to a prebend in Abergwilly col- legiate church, 68. , John, 464. , . . . . , forester of Blacholley, co. Essex. 360. , . . . . , keeper of the great clock in Westminster palace, 407. , Richard, 392. Nicholas, John son of, de Sutton, 67. Nidd, Nidde, river, co. York, pre- servation of salmon in, 193, 317, 324, 501. Nidderdale, Niderdale [co. York], 22, 227. , chace and warren, keeper of. See Etton, Thomas de. , forestership of, 359. Nief , John, porter of Hadleigh castle, 350. Nieuport. See Newport. Ninfield, Neuenefeld, Nyuenefeld [co. Sussex], prebend of. See Hastings. Nisbet, Nesebit in Tevidale [in Crailing, co. Roxburgh], manor, 306. Niter, Thomas, of Burrow, co. Somer- set, commissioner, 228. Niton, Nyton, Isle of Wight, parsons of, 25. Nityngale, Thomas de, of Tenbury, 433. Noble, Thomas, 452. Node, William atte, of Hertford, tanner, 53. Noers. See Nowers. Non Eton. See Nuneaton. Noneormesby. See Ormsby, North. Nonington [co. Kent], Soles in, Solys, 209. Nony. See Nunney. 672 GENERAL INDEX. Nor Marsh, Northemerssh [in Rain- ham, co. Kent], marsh, com- mission of sewers in, 161. Norbury [co. Derby], 482. Norce, John, of Emsted, 392, 396. Noreys. See Norreys. Norfolk, 63, 83, 157, 216, 223, 243, 258, 329, 332, 357, 413 bis, 417. , arrest of labourers in, 76. , fifteenth granted in, 3. , outlawries in, 176, 230, 263 bis, 264 bis, 420, 447, 458. , collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in. See Archebaud, Peter. , commission of array in, 497. , chief arrayers in, 500. , commissions of the peace in, 138, 146, 147, 310, 322, 486, 487. , justices of oyer and terminer in, 146, 455. , justices of the peace in, 152. , escheator in, commissioner, 222. , . . . . , See Rokewode, John de ; Waterden, Richard de. , sheriff of, 152. , commissioner, 51, 56, 217. , See Calthorp, Oliver de. , countess of. See Marshal, Margaret. Norfolk, John, the younger, pre- sented to the church of Kirk- linton, co. Cumberland, 264. Norhampton. See Northampton. No rice, Roger, 327. Cf. Norreys. Norman, Simon, parson of Elkington, co. Northampton, exchanged to Filgrave, 34. , Walter, 468. , William, chaplain, presented to the vicarage of Montacute, co. Somerset, 14. Norman ton [in Southwell, co. Not- tingham], prebend of. See Southwell. [co. York], church, 57. Normanton, Robert, hospitaller, 123. Normanvill, Thomas de, temp. Edward I, 479. Normavyle, Isabel, 4. Norreys, Noreys, Norys, Norreyse, Hugh, chaplain, 460. , John, 67. , . . . . , Emma late the wife of, 67. , John, knight, 247. , Richard, 336. , Robert, vicar of Much Marcle, co. Hereford, 5. , Roger, abbot of Lilleshall, 91. Cf. Norice, Norce. North, John, 435, 495. , Richard, of Wold Newton, claimant to the church of St. Mary, Wainfleet, 449. Northampton county, 65, 110, 149, 165, 251, 474. , issues of, 171, 400, 445. , fifteenth granted in, 7. , outlawries in, 4, 16, 104, 263. , commission of array in, 499. , commission of oyer and terminer in, 55. , commissions of the peace in, 135, 138. , escheators in. See Camels, John ; Seymour, Nicholas. , sheriff of, 445. Northampton, Norhampton, co. Northampton, alien priory of St. Andrew in, 2, 15, 131, 162, 164, 481. , castle, 66. , .. .., gaol delivery of, 123, 262. , gaol delivery of, 275. , vicarage of St. Sepulchre in, 481. , archdeacon of. See Pyel, Master Henry. Northbarou. See Barrow, North. Northbovy. See Bovey, North. Northburgh, Michael de, bishop of London, chantry for, 3. , . . . ., clause of will of, 75. Northburton. See Burton, Cherry. Northcave. See Cave, North. Northclyfton. See Clifton, North. Northcory. See Curry, North. Northdalton. See Dalton, North. Northdon, Roger, 481. Northemerssh. See Nor Marsh. Northerne, William, commissioner, 317. Northfeld, John, presented to the church of Stratford Tony, co. Wilts, 171. GENERAL INDEX. 673 Northfeld, John — cont. , . . . . , parson of Stratford Tony, exchanged to Cors- combe, co. Dorset, 394. Northferiby. See Ferriby, North. Northfleet, Northflete, co. Kent, 191. Northgate, Ralph, of Aylesbury, 11. Northmoor, La Northmoure, co. Cumberland, 225. Northmorton. See Moreton, North. Northnewbald. See Newbald, North. Northnewenton. See Newton, North. Northous, Robert atte, 78. Northrongeton. See Runcton, North. Northscarle. See Scarle, North. Northull. See Hill, North. Northumberland county, 51, 59, 64, 143 bis, 226, 231, 317. , issues of, 36. , illegal export of wools from, to Scotland, 53. , collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in. See Pathorn, John de. , commission of array in, 498. , commission of the peace in, 137, 330, 331. , justices of oyer and terminer in, 146. , outlawries in, 263, 264. , escheator in. See Culwen, Gilbert de. , sheriff of, 259, 325, 331. Northwelde. See Weald, North. Northwell, William de, king's clerk, keeper of the wardrobe, 504, 505. Northwode, John, of Coventry, 103. , Roger de, 79, 113. , . . . . , Emma wife of, 79. Northwyche, John de, of Kelling, co. Norfolk, 147. Norton, 206, 302, 402. Norton, Cold, Coldenorton, co. Essex, parson of, 264. , Chipping, Chepyngnorton [co. Oxford], parson of, 480. [co. Radnor], land and lord- ship of, 34. St. Philip [co. Somerset], advowson, 436. , Giles, parson of, 31. in the Moors, on ' les Mores,' co. Stafford, manor, 272. Bavant, Norton Skydemor, co. Wilts, manor, 33. Norton — cont. , King's, co. Worcester, 37. , . . . . , manor, 34. Norton, Hugh de, 302, 402. , Richard, 462. , Thomas de, presented to the church of Streatham, co. Surrey, 127. , . . . . , parson of Streatham, exchanged to the chapel of East Standon, 246. , . . . . , . . . . , presented to the church of St. Michael South Street, Wilton, 423. , Walter, 468. Norty, Walter, bondman of the abbot of St. Albans, 107. Norway, Norweye, 5, 121. Norwich, co. Norfolk, 11, 70, 247, 356, 357. , farm and issues of, 369. , bailiffs of, 357. , merchants of, 505. , monk of. See Brintone, Thomas de. , castle, 413. , . . . ., gaol of, 152. , .. .., gaol delivery of, 275. Norwich, bishop of, 216, 329. , See Despenser, Henry le ; Percy, Thomas de ; Salmon, John. , bishopric, temporalities of, 216. , . . . . , voidance of, 253. Norwich diocese, 17, 24, 42, 45, 68, 69, 74, 75, 83, 88, 94, 125, 132, 162, 168 bis, 171, 172, 181, 184, 197, 198, 207 ter, 211, 235, 241, 253, 256, 260, 269, 273, 280, 297, 300, 335, 345 bis, 346, 366, 388, 402, 419, 468, 483, 488. , tenth granted by the clergy in, 7. Norwych, John, 72. , Richard de, monk, 54. , Richard, of Orpington, co. Kent, 241. Norys. See Norreys. Nostel, Nostell, Nostelles [co. York], prior of St. Oswald's 230, 266. , Richard, prior of St. Oswald's, 494. Notley, White, Nottelee [co. Essex], vicars of, 43. Nottelee. See Notley. Notting Hill, Knottynghull, co. Middlesex, 39. Wt. 18915. E 43 674 GENERAL INDEX. Nottingham county, 141, 153, 224, 458, 474, 489. , outlawries in, 11, 68, 186, 356. , collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in. See Welton, John de. , commission of array in, 498. , commission of the peace in, 136, 491. , escheator in. See Bekyng- ham, John de. , sheriff of. See Waleys, John. Nottingham, Notyngham, co. Not- tingham, 113, 133, 489. , farm of, 84. , fine levied at, 19. , seal for recognisances of debts in, 74. , merchants of, 322. , swineherd of. See Hamond, John. , castle, constable of. See Daubrichecourt, Nicholas. , . . . . , works at, clerk of. See Elmeley, William de. , . . . . , gaol delivery of, 70. , gaol delivery of, 109, 111, 113, 269, 282, 297, 420, 428. , church of St. Peter, 164. Nottingham, archdeaconry, tenth granted by the clergy in, 36. Notton, Master John de, commis- sioner, 226. Notyngham, William de, 246. Nouseley, John, king's messenger, 351. Novel Chastel Lyouns. See New- castle. Nowell, Richard, archdeacon of Hereford, 323. Nowers, Noers, John, John de, knight, 180, 462. , John de, 142. , . . . . , commissioner, 498. , Roger de, temp. Edward I, 270. Nubbe, Nicholas, 468. Nuffield, co. Oxford, Huntercombe in, 220. Nugent, William, 482. Nuneaton, Nuneton, Non Eton [co. Warwick], 115. , prioress, prior and convent of, 77. Nuneham Courtney, Newenham [co. Oxford], manor, 165. Nunney, Nony [co. Somerset], 31, 436. Nurris, Thomas, of Mumby, co. Lincoln, 20. Nutley, Nuttele, Nuttle [in Long Crendon, co. Buckingham], abbot of, 19. , abbot and convent of, 306. Nydek, Tilman, 123. Nynory, Richard, keeper of Ban- stead park, 402. Nytimbre. See Newtimber. Nyton. See Niton. Nyuenefeld. See Ninfield. Nyweman, Henry, 408. , William, 408. See Neweman. Nywenton. See Newington. O, Roger de, 113. Oakham, Ocham, Okeham, Okham [co. Rutland], 56, 73. , letters patent dated at, 163, 164, 217. , castle, letters patent dated at, 163. , . . . . , constables of. See Rukwyk, John ; Whappe- lode, William de. , castle, gaol delivery of, 265, 273. , . . . ., works at, 105. , . . . . , . . . . , controller of. See Hyde, John atte. , castle and manor, receiver of. See Flore, William. , manor, 360. , steward at. See Warde, Simon. , warren, keepers of. See Gambon, William de ; Slegh, John. , lordship, 134, 147. , . . . . , issues of, 347. , . . . . , serf or villein of, manumitted, 263. Oakley, Great, Great Ocle [co. Northampton], 199. , Little, Little Ocle, Little Okele [co. Northampton], parsons of, 199, 255. i Obdon, John de, clerk, 1. GENERAL INDEX. 675 Oburnford, Woberneford [in Halber- ton, co. Devon], manor, 75, 245. Ocathissy, Thomas, clerk, 97. Ocham. See Oakham. Ockbrook, Okebrok, co. Derby, manor, 284. Ockendon, South, Southwokyndon [co. Essex], parson of, 296. Ocle. See Oakley. Ocle, Thomas, Thomas de, com- missioner, 159, 499. Cf. Okele ; Oklee. Ode, Ralph, 152. , William, 122. Odell, Wodhull, co. Bedford, manor, 275. , parsons of, 277. Odiham, Odyham, co. Southampton, castle, town, manor and park of, 461. Odneld, Robert, 143. Odyham. See Odiham. Odymere. See Udimore. O' Fynattha, Cornelius, 337, 338. Ogbourne St. George, North Oke- bourne, Okbourn, Okeborne [co. Wilts], 321. , church, chantry in, 245, 257. , alien priory, 23, 40, 114, 127, 203, 233, 245, 246, 252, 257, 341, 425. , prior of, 419. , See Sancto Vedasto, William de. Oghterard. See Oughterard. Ogle, Robert de, 362. Oisy [Pas de Calais, France], lord of. See Coucy, Ingram de. Ok, Ralph atte, 44. Cf. Ook. Okamton. See Okehampton. Okangre, William, parker of Leeds park, co. Kent, 189, 364. , . . . . , porter of Leeds manor, co. Kent, 364. Okbourn, Okebourne, Okeborn, Oke- borne. See Ogbourne. Okebrok. See Ockbrook. Okeburne. See Ogbourne. Okeford, Shilling, Acford Skyllyng [co. Dorset], mediety of the church, parsons of, 449. Okeham. See Oakham. Okehampton, Okhampton, Okam- ton [co. Devon], vicarage, 165. ....... vicars of, 124. , Maddaford in, Medenesford, 273. Okele, Little. See Oakley, Little. Okele, Thomas de, 235. Cf. Ocle. Okeshelf. See Oxhill. Okested. See Oxted. Okham. See Oakham. Okhampton. See Okehampton. Okholte, Walter, the younger, of Upton St. Leonard, co. Glou- cester, 45. Okie, co. Norfolk. See Acle. Oklee, John, chaplain, of South Hanningfield, 264. Okyndenne, John, 495. Olbyn, John, 92. Old Park, Oldepark, Isle of Wight, park called, 237. [in High Easter, co. Essex], parkers of. See Peyntour, Peter ; Warenner, Robert le. Oldbury, Oldebury by Atherston [in Mancetter], co. Warwick, 383. Oldecastel, Oldecastell, John de, 236. , commissioner, 136, 139, 320. Oldeman, Adam, of Carbrooke, co. Norfolk, 147. Oldyngton, John de, commissioner, 320, 323. , Thomas de, clerk, 230. Oliver, William, skinner, 176. See Olyver. Ollerton, Allerton [co. Nottingham], 69. Olney, Olneye, co. Buckingham, 37, 358, 431, 433, 436, 450, 464. Olneye, John. See Parker. , Stephanetta, 133. , Joan, younger daughter of, 133. Olveston [co. Gloucester], 177. Olynton. See Hollington. Olyver, Olyvere, John, of Croydon, co. Surrey, the elder, 86. , John, commissioner, 314. , . . . . , the younger, com- missioner, 139, 499. , of Shifnal, co. Salop, 427. , Richard, 464. , Simon, 86. , William, 361. See Oliver. Ombersley, Ambresley, Ambresleye [co. Worcester], vicars of, 2. ' , Lineholt wood in, 296. 676 GENERAL INDEX. Ongar, High, Heghanre, Heghangre [co. Essex], church, 171. , parsons of, 171, 242, 274, 276. Ook, Thomas, Thomas atte, 157, 160, 276. , commissioner, 137. , . . . . , of Barham, commis- sioner, 322, 486, 487. Opynton. See Uppington. Ordsall, Ordesale [co. Nottingham], 269. Ore, Robert, or Roger de, commis- sioner, 332, 410, 413, 414. Orell, James, 423. Orgrave, Thomas de, king's clerk, warden of St. James' hospital by Westminster, 478. Ormesby [co. Norfolk], 78. [co. York], 329, 330, 331. , manor, 330. , Eston in, Eston in Clyveland, 163, 331. Ormesheved, Hormesheved, Hornes- heved, Robert de, commis- sioner, 137, 150, 225, 229, 326, 327, 486, 498. Ormonde, earl of. See Botiller, James le. Ormsby, North, Noneormesby [co. Lincoln], 233. Orpedeman, Robert, 276. Orpington, Orpyngton, co. Kent, 126, 241. , parson of, 126. , vicar of, 126. Orreby, John de, temp. Edward I, 271. , Margaret de, 236. Orsett, Orset, Orsete [co. Essex], 294, 309. Orston, co. Nottingham, 141. , vicars of, 163. Orwell, Orewell [co. Suffolk], port of, deputy butler in. See Waleys, Robert. Osbaldwick, Osbaldewyk [co. York], prebend of. See York. Osbarn, John, 329. , . . . . , of Stockton on Tees, 331. Osbern, Osberne, Osbren, John, 473. , . . . . , bailiff of Rochford hundred, 126. , . . . . , clerk of the works in Hadleigh castle and the parks of Rayleigh, Hadleigh and Thundersley, 340. Osemound, Robert, 495. Oseneye. See Osney. Osgoldcross, Osgodcrosse, co. York, parts of, commission of sewers in, 485, 496. Osney, Oseneye, co. Oxford, charter dated at, 445. , abbot and convent of, 113, 357. Ospringe, Osprenge, Osprynge, co. Kent, 8. , hospital, master of, Thomas, 496, 497. , . . . . , See Dunton, Paul de ; Honyngham, Thomas. , . . . . , under -master and brethren of, 181, 361. Osset, co. York, 154. Ossory, bishop of. See Balscot, Alexander. Ossyngton, William de, parson of Boughton, co. Nottingham, exchanged to the vicarage of Stillington, co. York, 180. Oterton. See Otterton. Otewy, Richard, 144. Otford, Otteford, co. Kent, park, 53. Othery, Hugh, 327. Othflete. See Flete. Otley, Otteleye, co. Suffolk, manor, 195. , Otlay, Ottelay [co. York], 151, 227. Otramton. See Otterhampton. Otryngton, William de, bailiff of York, 73. Otteford. See Otford. Ottelay. Otteleye. See Otley. Otterhampton, Otramton [co. Somer- set], 97. Otterington, South, Southotryngton [co. York], 481. Otterton, Oterton [co. Devon], alien priory, 100, 366. Ottringham, Otringham [co. York], 468. , Marsh, Otringhammersk [co. York], 468. , Fishehouse in, Fischus, 467. Oudeby, John de, parson of Costock, co. Nottingham, 356. Oudrewyk. See Audruick. Ouelpenne, John de, commissioner, 415. Oughterard, Oghterard [co. Kildare], lordship, 123. , manor, 402. , Castlewarden in, Castel- warny, 402. Oundle, Undle [co. Northampton], bailiffs and good men of, grant of pontage to, 172. GENERAL INDEX. 677 Ounkle, William, commissioner, 224. | Ouresby, Adam de, fisher, of Lin- coln, 240. Ousby, Ulnesby [co. Cumberland], church, 196. , parson of, 216. Ouse, Use [co. York], river, 110, 150, 156, 158. , commission of sewers near, 319, 485, 496. , preservation of salmon in, 193, 317, 324, 501. Oustewik. See Owstwick. Oustewyk, John, vicar of Glent- worth, 380. Ousthorp. See Owsthorpe. Ouston, Hugh de, 219. Outhorn. See Owthorne. Outhorp, John, 435. , John de, citizen of Lincoln, 501. Outthorn. See Owthorne. Overby. See Yearby. Overstone, Ovestone [co. Northamp- ton], parsons of, 177. Overton, Market [co. Rutland], parsons of, 163. [co. York], Ship ton in, 350. Overweston. See Wroughton. Overwynchyndon. See Winchen- don, Upper. Ovesham [in Matching], co. Essex, 493. Oveston, Simon, presented to the vicarage of Little Houghton, co. Northampton, 131. Ovestone. See Overstone. Ovingham, Ovyngeham, co. North- umberland, manor, 126. , parson of, 126, 279, 432. , advowson of, 456. Ovington, Ovyton [co. Norfolk], 147. , . . . . , Woodhouse in, Wode- hous, 147. , Ovyngton [co. Southamp- ton], church, 403, 441. Ovyngeham. See Ovingham. Ovyngeham, Richard de, parson of Aswardby, co. Lincoln, 432. Ovyngton. See Ovington. Ovyton. See Ovington. Owen of Wales, rebel, 198. Owen ap Oweyn, 114. Owsthorpe, Ousthorp [in Pockling- ton, co. York], 87. Owston [co. Lincoln], Kinnard's Ferry in, Kenaldeferye, 489. , Ulkeston [in Stamfordham, co. Northumberland], 51. Owstwick, Oustewik [in Ross and Garton, co. York], 467. Owthorne, Outhorn, Outthorn [co. York], 467. , vicar of, 450. Oxborough, Oxeburgh, co. Norfolk, advowson, 248. Oxeney, Oxene. See Oxney. Oxenford. See Oxford. Oxenford, Doxenford, Andrew de, hayward of Sevenhampton, co. Gloucester, 431. Oxeshulve. See Oxhill. Oxford, Oxenford [co. Oxford], 79, 87, 113, 285, 290, 399. , charter dated at, 445. , seal for recognisances of debts in, 87. , commission of the peace in, 316. , mayor of, 316. , church of St. Peter le Bailey, parson of, 260. , parish of All Saints', 113. , parish of St. Edward, tene- ment called ' Cornerhalle ' in, 113. , parish of St. John, tenement called ' Grymstedehalle ' in, 113. , parish of St. Martin, mes- suage called ' Helle ' in, 113. , parish of St. Thomas the Martyr, 113. tenement called ' Battes In' in, 113. , bridge called ' Le Pety- pount ' by, 280. , Toraldesham by, 357. , hundred beyond the north gate of, 89. , Friars Preachers of, prior and convent of, 308. , priory of St. Frideswide, 121, 146, 227. , . . . . , sequestration of, 452. , . . . . , prior and convent of, 79, 105, 357, 407. , . . . . , priors of. See Dode- ford, John ; Walyngford, John de. , . . . . , temporalities of, 74. , . . . . , subprior and convent of, 27. Oxford University, chancellor of, 291, 316. , See Turk, Master John. , chancellor and masters of, person banished by, 400. 678 GENERAL INDEX. Oxford University — cont. , bedel of. See Borton, John. , proctor of. See Wakefeld, William. , disputes between the facul- ties in, 248, 290-3, 325. , dissensions in, 491, 492. , king's hall of St. Mary in, provost and scholars of, 285. , Merton Hall in, warden and college of, 113. Oxford county, 146, 176, 231, 243, 421. , collector of subsidy on cloths for sale in. See Giffard, Edmund. , commission of array in, 498. , commission of the peace in, 136, 140, 142, 157. , commission of kiddles in, 496. , outlawry in, 176. , escheator in, 407. , See Harnham, Oliver de ; Somerton, Nicholas de. , sheriff of, commissioner, 220, 227. Oxford, earls of. See Veer. Oxhill, Oxeshulve, Okeshelf [co. Warwick], church, 163. , manor, 178. Oxney, Oxene, isle of, co. Kent, Courtbroke marsh in, com- mission of sewers in, 161. Oxeney, co. Kent, hundred, commission of array in, 500. Oxted, Okested, co. Surrey, Barrow Green in, Berowe, 81. Oxton, John de, controller of cus- toms in the port of London, % 100. Oxwyk, John, controller of customs in the port of London, 192. Oylly. See Doylly. Oystrelowe. See Ystlwyf. P Pabenham, John de, of Coventry, 28. , Laurence de, 275. Pacchingges. See Patching. Pach, William, of Tyneham, co. Dorset, 409. Pachat, Robert, John son of, of Shitlington, 264. Packewod, Pakwode, John, doctor of decrees, 291, 491. Cf. Pakewod. Padbury, co. Buckingham, 129. Paddington Hastings, Padyngden [in Abinger], co. Surrey, manor, 195. Padeworth. See Padworth. Padworth, Padeworth [co. Berks], parsons of, 166. Padyngden. See Paddington. Pafforde, John, 434. , . . . . , commissioner, 307, 333, Paganne, Peter, 196. Page, Thomas, 141, 495. Pageham. See Pagham. Pagenham, Edmund, of Suffolk, 480. Pagham, Pageham [co. Sussex], port, 462. Pagham, John, John son of, 44. , Laurence de, 44. Paglesham, Pakelesham [co. Essex], parsons of, 188. Pagrave, John, commissioner, 56. Painswick, Paigneswyk, Payneswyk [co. Gloucester], 237, 433. Pak, Pakke, Henry, chaplain, 10. , . . . . , . . . . , of Somerset, 288. , William, of London, hosier, 264. Pakelesham. See Paglesham. Pakeman, Pakman, Simon, com- missioner, 138, 314. Pakewod, Henry de, of Coventry, 98. Cf. Packewod. Pakke. See Pak. Pakman. See Pakeman. Pakok, William, of Zwyn, 508. Pakwode. See Packewod. Pakyngton, William de, parson of Ivinghoe, exchanged to the church of Skirbeck and a prebend in Shaftesbury con- ventual church, 395. Pakynton, William de, receiver general of the princess of Wales, 376. Palcus, John, 414. Palet, Robert, commissioner, 136. Palfreyman, William, searcher at Kingston by Sea, 312. Palmer, Palmere, James or James le, king's clerk in the Exchequer, 82. GENERAL INDEX. 679 Palmer — cont. , John, 468. , of Butleigh, co. Somerset, 448. , of Coventry, 98. , . . . . , page of the kitchen, 172, 404. , Robert, of Kedington, co. Suffolk, 246. , Roger, 260. , William, clerk, 61, , William le, of Longbridge, Deverill, co. Wilts, 265. , William, citizen of York, 247. Palterton, Palturton [in Bolsover, co. Derby], 469. Paltok, John, commissioner, 56. Palyn, John, 496. Palyngham, William, searcher at Kingston by Sea, 312. Pampesworth, John de, of London, 506. Pampiloun, John, 447. Pampyng, Ralph, 157, 160. Panes, John, of Wick, co. Somerset, 31, 436. Cf. Panys. Panfield, Pan tf eld, [co. Essex], par- son of, 415. Panill, John de, commissioner, 65. Pan tf eld. See Panfield. Panton, Paunton [co. Lincoln], 271. Panton, Ralph, Thomas son of, of Snettisham, 199. , Thomas, 317. Panys, Simon, master of the barge of Sandwich, 60. Cf. Panes. Panytere, John, 492. Pappeworth. See Papworth. Papworth, Pappeworth [co. Cam- bridge], 162. Par, John de, parson of Rolleston, co. Nottingham, 284. Pardoner, John, 285. Pardonystre, Thomas, 489. Parham, Perham [co. Sussex], par- sons of, 463. Paris, document dated at, 477. Park, William atte, 484. Parker, Parkere, Hugh, 232. , John, of Olney, co. Bucking- ham, or John Olneye, 358. , commissioner, 138, 319. , . . . . , escheator in Cam- bridge, Hunts, Beds and Bucks, 277, 431, 433, 436, 450, 464. Parker — cont. , John le, of Poynings, co. Sussex, 496. , John, of Siston, co. Glouces- ter, 58. , . . . . , keeper of Redewynd ferry, 214, 255, 364. , . . . . , buyer for the king's falcons, 71, 238, 436. , . . . . , servant of Edmund de Arundell, 492. , Nicholas, of Kirkby Moor- side, 316. , Richard, surveyor of the works at King's Langley, 234. , Stephen, 99. , , Walter, 356. , . . . . , of Havering- atte - Bower, 241, 389. , William, ranger of the New Forest, 48. Parkham [co. Devon], parson of, 165. Parkhurst [in Carisbrooke], Isle of Wight, forest, 237. Parlesthorp. See Perlethorpe. Parliament, 290, 291, 327, 328, 332, 353, 354, 361, 389, 391, 433, 435, 439, 440, 448, 453, 455. , commission to open, 419. , commission granted in, 325. , exemption of an abbot from personal attendance, 41. , exemption from contribution to expenses of knights for, 612. , petitions in, 64, 286, 294, 295, 327, 328, 391, 396, 413, 428, 440, 489. , , exemplified, 294, 391, 396, Parlour, Ralph, 41. , Richard, 41. Parmenter, John, 8. Parndon, Great, Peryngdon [co. Essex], parson of, 192. Partriche, Walter, 385. Parva Cotes, William de, vicar of Limber Magna, co. Leicester, exchanged to Hatcliffe, co. Lincoln, 13, 17. , . . . . , parson of Hatcliffe, exchanged to a prebend in St. Mary's, Leicester, 40. Parvyng, Adam, commissioner, 222. , , knight, 187, 443. Paryet, Peter, 288. Parys, John, of Saltfleet Haven, searcher in all ports in Lind I sey, co. Lincoln, 313. 680 GENERAL INDEX. Parys — cont. , John son of Thomas de, of Kexby, 364. , Richard, presented to the church of Hastingleigh, co. Kent, 165. , Robert de, 210. , Roger de, of London, 210. , William de, temp. Edward I, 271. Passefay, John, 495. Passelewe, Passeloive, Matthew, 281. , Robert, commissioner, 314. , William, 183. Passour, Humphrey, burgess of Plymouth, 25. , . . . . , searcher in Dart- mouth, Plymouth, and all ports in Devon, 313. Patching, Pacchingges [co. Sussex], church, 40. Pate, Stephen, 329. Pateshull. See Pattishall. Patewyn, John, groom of the house- hold, 382. Pathorn, John de, of York, draper, collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in York, Northumber- land, Cumberland and West- moreland, 426. Patrik, William, parson of Undy, co. Monmouth, exchanged to the church of South Wootton, co. Norfolk, 68. Patrington, Patryngton [co. York], 227. Patryngton, John, presented to the church of Little Bradley, co. Suffolk, 168. Pattishall, Pateshull, co. Northamp- ton, manor, 275. , Ascote in, Anescote, 179. Patty, Richard, chaplain, 109. Paulfleet, Pauleflete upon Humbre, co. York, commission of sewers at, 161. Paulyn, Robert, 409. , Stephen, 409. Paunton. See Panton. Paunton by Grantham. See Pon- ton. Paunton, Baldwin de, heir of, temp. Edward I, 271. pavage, grants of, 81, 86, 96, 123, 125, 261, 278, 419, 431, 438, 453 bis, 476, 479. Pavely, John de, commissioner, 149. Pawe, Peter, 359. Paweswode, Richard, 414. Paxton, John, controller of customs at Newcastle-on-Tyne, 193. , . . . . , commission of, re- voked, 247. Paye, Adam, searcher in the port of Emsworth, 494. , Reynold, cordwainer, 447. Payn, Payne, Agnes, 433. , John, 152. , of Havering -at te- Bower, 119. , John son of, 119. , . . . . , armourer and citizen of London, 67, 134. , of Watton, co. Nor- folk, 144. , . . . . , chaplain, presented to the church of Bicknor, co. Kent, 34. , Richard, webber, 102. , Simon, 107. , Walter, 450. , William, commissioner, 136. 139, 219, 332. Gf. Paganne. Paynel, John, 264. , commissioner, 51. , of Knaptoft, com- missioner, 61, 138. , Ralph, commissioner, 409. , , knight, 421. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 52. , William, knight, 271. Payneswyk. See Painswick. Paynot, Thomas, Thomas son of, 502. Payn tour, Peyntour, John, con- troller and surveyor of the works at Windsor, Wyche- mere, Folly John and Kemp- ton, 109. , Peter, painter to the late earl of Hereford, 274, 279. , . . . . , parker of Old Park, Apechildepark and Littley-park, co. Essex, 274, 279. , . . . . , warrener at Pleshey, High Easter and Great Wal- tham, 274, 279. Pays, John, 407. , . . . . , master of the St. John of Guetaria, 507. Peasmarsh, Pesemerssh [co. Sussex], prebend of. See Hastings. Peccatum. See Pecche. Pecche, John, 101, 143, 421. , , knight, 250. , . . . . , citizen of London, 384, 448, 457. GENERAL INDEX. 681 Pecche — cont. , Peccatum, Richard, arch- deacon [of Coventry], temp. Henry II, 182. Pechecote. See Pitchcott. Pechel, William, 419. Peckebrugg, John, knight, 213, 246. , . . . . , Margaret, wife of, 213, 246. Pecok, John, parson of Alderton, co. Northampton, 65. Pedding, Poddyngg [in Ashby Wing- ham, co. Kent], prebend of. See Wingham. Pederton, John de, commissioner, 313. Pedwardyn, Thomas, canon of Catley, 52. , Walter, commissioner, 61. Peek, John, keeper of the rolls of the King's Bench, 465. ....... John, of Chichester, searcher in all ports of Sussex, 313. Peeke, John, of Cavendish, co, Suffolk, 276. Peen. See Pen. Peivre, Paulinus, heir of, temp. Edward I, 271. See Peyvere. Pekeryng. See Pickering. Pelegrini, Pelegrin, Pelegryn, Hugh, prebendary of Lincoln, 44, 211. , prebendary of Salis- bury, 241. , . . . . , parson of Maidstone, 285. Pelegrym, Raymund, clerk, 11. Pelham, John, 410, 413. Pelleham, Richard de, citizen and vintner of London, 276. , . . . . , Katharine, wife of, 276. Pelynt, Penlyn [co. Cornwall], manor, 375. Pembridge, Penbrugge, co. Here- ford, manor, 33, 34, 45. Pembroke, Penbrok, Pembrok, co. Pembroke, mayor and com- monalty of, 501. , alien priory, 68, 124, 187, 402. , charter dated at, 114. , castle and town, 495. , castle, 501 bis. , . . . . , keeper of the gate of. See Gyboun, John. , castle and county, 124, 194. , steward of. See Castell, Thomas del. Pembroke county, 501. I Pembroke county — cont. , grand bedel of. See Gyboun, i John. , king's steward of, 501. Pembroke county and lordship, threatened invasion of, 495. , steward of. See Edworth, Stephen de. , . . . . , temp. Edward II. See Symond, Richard. , steward and sheriff of. See Bereford, John de. , sheriff of, temp. Edward II. See Godman, William. , king's stewards and sheriffs of. See Castel, Thomas ; Mille, Walter. Pembroke, earls of. See Hastynges, John de, Laurence de ; Valencia, Aymer and William de. , countess of. See Sancto Paulo, Mary de. Pembroke, Pembrok, Penbrok, John, chaplain, presented to the church of St. John, Southamp- ton, 361. , John de, clerk, 334, 344. , king's clerk, second baron of the Exchequer of Ireland, 335. Pembrugge, Pembrugg, Richard de, 79, 83. , , knight, 130, 259. Pen, Peen [in Westbury upon Trym], co. Gloucester, park, keeper of. See Burgeys, John ; Morton, Thomas de. Penbrok. See Pembroke. I Penbrugge. See Pembridge ; Pem- brugg. Pencrich, Pencrych, See Penkridge. Pencrich, Pencrych, Thomas de, prebendary of Penkridge free chapel, 362, 364. , . . . . , prebendary of St. Mary's Stafford, 372. Pendeford [in Tettenhall, co. Staf- ford], prebend of. See Tet- tenhall. Penderyn, Penederyn, Penedryn, Pennyderyn [co. Brecon], church, 19 bis, 251. Penedryn. See Penderyn. Penereth. See Penrith. Peneshale, Ralph, of Stockbridge, 264. Penfetre, William son of Simon, of Somerby, 187. Penkeston, James de, 246. 682 GENERAL INDEX. Penkridge, Pencrich, Pencrych [co. Stafford], 3, 377. , free chapel, prebend of Con- greve in, 362, 364. , . . . ., college of, 186. , . . . . , dean and chapter of, 364. , . . . . , deanery, voidance of, 186. , . . . . , sacristan in. See Chestre, William. Penlyn. See Pelynt. Penmayne, Penmayn [in St. Min- ver, co. Cornwall], manor, 375. Penne, John son of Richard de, of Bromsgrove, 251. , David, prebendary of Aber- gwilly collegiate church, ex- changed to Eglws Cymmin, co. Carmarthen, 68. Pennyderyn. See Penderyn. Penok, Alan, of Whitby, 326. Penreth. See Penrith. Penreth, John de, 242, 260. , William, of Stanion, pre- sented to the vicarage of Wal- berton, co. Sussex, 22. Penrethwarde. See Penrith, Ward. Penrith, Penreth, Penereth [co. Cumberland], 242, 326. , vicar of, 242. , manor, 182. , nuisance caused by tanners at, 327. Penrith, ward, Penrethwarde, in Inglewood forest, 461. , . . . . , forest, foresters of. See Sharpe, John ; Taverner, John. Penros, John, commissioner, 141, 310, 313. Penruddok, Thomas, presented to the church of Warmington, co. Warwick, 258. Penteneye. See Pentney. Pentney, Penteneye [co. Norfolk], 62. , institution at, 69. Pepe, Henry, 409. , John, 409. , William, 409. Pepellowe. See Peppelowe. Pepelory, Thomas, 495. Peper, Pepir, Pepere, Henry, 408. , John, 195, 408. , Robert, 152. , . . . . , of Watton, co. Nor- folk, 144. , Thomas, 152. Peppelowe, Pepellowe Roger de, parson of Sutton by Shrews- bury, exchanged to the vicarage of Burbage, 172, 265. pepper, rent of, 379. Peraunt, William, groom, 370. Perbourne, Geoffrey, 337. Percehale, Richard de, sheriff of Salop, commissioner, 56. Percehay, Henry de, 247. , Henry, attorneys received by, 236, 460. , . . . . , commissioner, 57, 64, 135, 136, 139 passim, 157, 226, 310, 313 bis, 324, 327 bis, 328 bis, 332 bis, 333, 408, 488, 492. , . . . . , chief baron of the Exchequer, 170. , justice of assize in Somerset, 431. , . . . . , justice of gaol delivery, 32, 195, 273, 294. , William, commissioner, 138, 152. 316, 498. Perching, Perchyngge [in Edburton], co. Sussex, 496. Percy, Henry de, 98, 178, 256, 267, 404, 430, 456. , commissioner, 51, 53, 136, 137, 138, 139, 159, 224, 311, 325, 327, 329, 330, 332, 410, 486, 491, 498 ter. , . . . . , marshal of England, 491. , . . . . , warden of the marches, 455. , , knight, 128, 279, 286. 437. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 225, 229, 414. , Henry, lord of, 59, 126, 201, 297, 360, 369, 441. , . . . . , commissioner, 226. , . . . ., letters patent of, 111. , John, commissioner, 313, 315, 408. , John de or John, of Ormes- by, co. York, 329, 331. , Simon, 264, 447. , Thomas de, knight, 369. , bishop of Norwich, 32, 69. , W. de, temp. Stephen, 465. ,Williamde,commissioner,135. Perenell, Robert, of Antingham, co. Norfolk, 230. Perers, Pereres, Perriers, Perreres, Alice, or Alice de, 134, 153, 187, 205, 236, 477 bis, 478. GENERAL INDEX. 683 Perers, Alice — cont. , general pardon to, 364. Peres, John, of Bilbao, master of the St. Katharine of Bilbao, 507. , Roger, keeper of Ilchester gaol, 431. Perfedd, Perveth [co. Cardigan], commote of, 374. Perham. See Parham. Perham, Walter, 101, 143. Perkynson, Perkynneson, Robert, of Butterwick, co. York, 414. , William, of Dudley, 225. Perle, Perlee, Robert de, clerk, 289. ., Walter de, 111, 388, 437. , commissioner, 135, 136(4), 137, 138, 139(4), 141, 313, 315, 316, 324, 332, 416. , . . . . , justice of assize in Worcester, 270. Perlethorpe, Parlesthorp, co. Not- tingham, 459. Pernel, Thomas, chaplain, 478. Perranzabuloe [co. Cornwall], manor of Tywarnhaile, Tywarnayl, in, 375. Perreres, Perriers. See Perers. Perrot, Peter, commissioner, 501 bis. Pers, Henry, John son of, of Long Lawford, co. Warwick, 445. Perseval, Robert, of Boston, 254. Pershore, Persshore, co. Worcester, abbot and convent of, 124. , Peter, abbot of, 482. , . . . . , writing of, 35. , manor of Allesborough in, Alesbergh, 483. Person, Persoun, Henry, parson of a mediety of Danbury, co. Essex, exchanged to Birch- anger, co. Essex, 392. , John, buyer for the king's horses, 71, 238 bis. , William, 412. Persones, Stephen atte, of Withy- ham, 156. Pert, John, or John de, knight, 459. , . . . . , Ellen, late the wife of, 459. , . . . . , William, son of, 459. , Robert de, knight, 103. Pertenhall, Pertenhale [co. Bedford], church of, 174. Perton [in Tettenhall, co. Stafford], prebend of. See Tettenhall. Perton, John de, escheator in Salop, 446. Peruzzi, the, merchants of the company of, 505. ] Perveth. See Perfedd. Perwiche, Roger, 385. Peryngdon. See Parndon. Pesemerssh. See Peasmarsh. Peshale, Richard de, commissioner, 499. , , sheriff of Salop, 323. , . . . . , knight, commissioner, 312. Pestour, John, 468. Peter, John son of, de Alkham, 379. Peterborough [co. Northampton], 228, 229, 288. , abbot of, 228, 229. , . . . . , steward of. See Har- wedon, John de. , abbot and convent of. 72. Peterston, Petreston, co. Glamorgan, manor and advowson of, 289. Petham, Michael de, monk of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, elected abbot, 122. Petherick, Little, Nansfenten [co. Cornwall], parsons of, 72. Petherton, North, co. Somerset, manor of North Newton in, Northnewenton, 386. Petreburgh, John, chaplain, 476. Petreston. See Peterston. Petri, Sancho, of Castro Urdiales, master of the St. Anthony of Castro Urdiales, 507. Petworth, Petteworth [co. Sussex], 231. Petworth, Petteworth, William de, clerk, commissioner, 485 bis. Petypount, Le, bridge, called, by Oxford, 280. Peuesham. See Pewsham. Peuesye. See Pewsey. Peuington. See Poynton. Pevensey, Pevense [co. Kent], port, 399. Pewsey, Peuesye, Puseye [co. Wilts], 187. , vicars of, 259. Pewsham, Peuesham [co. Wilts], forest, 403. Peye, Thomas, of Wisbech, co. Cam- bridge, 10. Peynton, William de, canon of Lilleshall, elected abbot, 92. , , abbot of Lilleshall, 93. Peyntour. See Payntour. Peytesle. See Pict's Hill. Peyto, Peytho, Peytowe, John de, knight, 68, 414. , John, of the county of War- wick, 104. 684 GENERAL INDEX. Peyto — cont. , William, son of John de, 414. , William de, 414. Peyvere, Peyver, Thomas, 183. , of Toddington, co. Bedford, 433. See Peivre. Phelip. See Philip. Philip of Valois, de Valesio, 503, 508. Philip, Phylyp, Hugh, of East Bridg- ford, co. Nottingham, 63, 142. , William, 203. Philippa, queen, 117, 124, 133, 258, 338, 341, 342, 360, 365, 380, 393, 405, 406, 423, 478. , anniversary of, 444. , letters patent of, 431. , lady of Tindale, 318. , chamber of, yeoman of. See Haddele, Stephen de. , keeper of the car of, 400. Philipot, Philippot, John, citizen of London, 125. , . . . . , citizen and merchant of London, 281, 471. , William, carpenter, 410. , . . . . , of Withyham, co. Sussex, 156. Pichesa. See Pitsey. Pickenham, North, Pykenham Wade, co. Norfolk, manor, 29. , South, Suthpikenham [co. Norfolk], church of All Saints, parsons of, 244. Pickering, Pykeryng, Pekeryng [co. York], 223 bis. , liberty, commission of the peace in, 314, 315. Picton, Pilton [in Slebech and Boul- ston, co. Pembroke], castle, 495. Picton, John, presented to the chapels of Cilfowyr and Llan- golman, co. Pembroke, 294. Pict's Hill, Peytesle [in Stevington, co. Bedford], 433. Piddinghoe, Pydyngho, co. Sussex, 496. Piddyngton, William, revocation of presentation of, 110. Piecombe, Pycombe, co. Sussex, 496. Piel. See Pyel. Pieresson, Benedict, 140. Pigge, Walter, 419. Pikeryng, James de, commissioner, 498. Pikworth, Pykworth, John de,. par- son of Ovingham, co. North- umberland, 126, 279, 432. Pilet, William, 432. . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 151. Pilkyngton, Roger de, commissioner, 63. Pillardyngton, See Pillerton. Pillerton, Pillardyngton, co. War- wick, manor, 196. Pilley, Pilly [in Boldre, co. Southamp- ton], 274. Pilly, Richard, 274. Pilton. See Picton. Pipard, Thomas, temp. Edward I, 278 Pipe, Pipa [co. Stafford], 182. Pipewell, Pypewell [in Winchelsea, co. Sussex], 58. Pirie, Robert, of Coventry, 282. , . . . . , John and William, servants of, 282. See Pyrie. Pirly, William, 166, 199. Piryton Keynes. See Purton. Piryton, Richard de, canon of St. Paul's, London, 1. Pitchcott, Pechecote, co. Bucking- ham, manor, 373. Pitsey, Pichesa [co. Essex], 443. Place, John of the, of Kexby, co. Lincoln, 364. Plasencia, Plesanc' [Biscay, Spain], ship of, 507. Plays, John, knight, 13. See Plessetis. Plesanc'. See Plasencia. Pleshey, Plessi, Plessitz [co. Essex], document dated at, 274. , letters patent dated at, 335- 337, 343. , castle, free chapel in, chantry warden in. See Dirland, John. , castle, manor and town, 355, 407. , warreners at. See Peyn- tour, Peter ; Warenner, Robert le. Plessetis, John de, earl of Warwick, temp. Henry III, 15. See Plays. Plessi, Plessitz. See Pleshey. Plesyngton, Robert de, commis- sioner, 314. Ploket. See Pluket. Plomer, Plommer. See Plummer. Pluket, Ploket, Nicholas, citizen of London, troner and pesager of wools in London, 100, 166. GENERAL INDEX. 685 Plumbere, John, 492. Plumley, William, commissioner, 414. Plummer, Plomer, Plommer, Plum- mere, Richard, 195, 471. , Robert, 143. , . . . . , of London, collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in London and Middlesex, 14. , William, 143. Plumps tede, William de, 157. Plump ton, co. Sussex. 496. Plunket, Richard, 303, 430, 432. , . . . . , justice of the Common Bench of Ireland, 303. Plymouth, Plymmuth, Plymmouth, Plymmoutht [co. Devon], 313, 333. , burgesses of (named), 25. , commission for the defence of, 25. , port, 327, 408. , . . . . , searchers in. See Passour, Humphrey ; Tail- lour, Thomas ; Trerys, William. Plympton St. Mary [co. Devon], Woodford in, Wodeford, 278. Pocklington, Pokelyngton [co. York], 16, 59, 76. , Owsthorpe in, Ousthorp, 87. Pocok, Robert, of Barnston, co. Nottingham, 63, 142. Poddyngg. See Pedding. Podio, Master Gerard de, 508. Poignant, John, citizen of London, 90. Poitiers, Poyters [Vienne, France], battle of, 298. Poitou, count of. See Richard. Poiwyk. See Powick. Poix, Poys [Somme, France], John, lord of, 36. Pokelyngton. See Pocklington. Pokerych. See Puckeridge. Pole, La. See Poole ; Welshpool. Pole, Edmund de la, commissioner, 497. , , knight, 360. , , Maud, wife of, 360. , , Walter, son of, 360. , John de la, commissioner, 137, 139, 314, 321, 491. , . . . . , justice of Chester, 293. , Michael de la, 7, 86, 470. , commissioner, 313, 324. , . . . . , knight, commissioner, 58, 145, 322. , William de la, the elder, 470. Poley, Poleye, Ralph de, knight, 133, 329. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 156, 315. Pollesworth, Polworth, John, chap- lain, presented to the church of St. Andrew, Droitwich, 130. , . . . . , parson of St. Andrew's, Droitwich, exchanged to the church of Doverdale, co. Worcester, 190. , . . . . , . . . . , exchanged to the vicarage of Harborne, co. Stafford, 336. Polmorkyn, Roger, 471. Polstead, Polstede, co. Suffolk, 144. Polter, John, of Belbroughton, co. Worcester, 234. Polton, William de, chaplain, 240. Polworth. See Pollesworth. Polymound, John, 10. Pomeray, John, John de la, com- missioner, 153, 499. Ponde, John, 188. , John atte, of London, ' cur- reyour,' 357. Ponder, John, 258. pontage, grants of, 28, 123, 170, 172, 237, 248, 260, 263, 280, 298, 423, 425, 453 bis, 481. Ponte Fracto, William de, prior of Dudley, 354. , . . . . , prior of Wenlock, 354. See Pountfreyt. Pontefract, Poimfrayt, co. York, 321. , liberty, commission of the peace in, 314, 315. , alien priory of, 17, 183, 420. Pontesbury, co. Salop, manor, 148. Pontesbury, Richard de, 226. , . . . . , Katharine, wife of, 226. , . . . . , . . . . , Katharine, daughter of, 226. Pontigny [Yonne, France], abbot of, 5. Ponton, Paunton by Grantham [co. Lincoln], manor and advow- son, 479. Ponton, William, portioner in the church of Waddesdon, co. Buckingham, 165. Ponynges. See Poynings. Ponynges, Luke de, commissioner, 139, 153, 332. , , knight, 272. , Michael de, knight, Agnes daughter of, wife of William Bardolf, 404. 686 GENERAL INDEX. Ponynges — cont. , Thomas de, 173, 209, 424. , commissioner, 136, 497. , , knight, 165. , . . . . , Richard, brother and heir of, 187. Ponyt, Nicholas, 468. Poole, La Pole [co. Dorset], 149. Pope, the, 17, 23, 172, 174, 199, 203, 208, 240, 249, 266, 450, 479. Pope, Adam, clerk, 441. , John, servant of Edmund de Arundel, 492. , Roger, of Flitwick, co. Bed- ford, 14. Popham, John, commissioner, 325. Poppeham, Henry de, commissioner, 497. Porcestre. See Porchester. Porchester, Porchestre [co. South- ampton], castle, works in, clerk of. See Hertyngdon, Adam de. , . . . . , . . . . , controller of. See Rouceby, John de. , . . . . , . . . . , surveyor of. See Barleye, William. Porchester, Porcestre, Porchestre, co. Southampton, castle, 446. , . . . . , defence of, 353. , . . . . , porter of. See Cheyne, Thomas. , , works at, 253, 388, 435. , , . . . . , controllers of. See Rouceby, John ; Warle, William de. , castle, town and forest, keepers of. See Assheton, Robert de ; Fitz Alan, Richard de. Porkere, Edmund, chaplain, pre- sented to the Church of St. Mary, StifTkey, co. Nor- folk, 181. Port Farm in Chislett, La Porte in Chestellet, co. Kent, 224. Porta, Gregory de, merchant of Castile, 508. Portelewe, Porteloue, Adam, 2. , . . . . , presented to the church of Stratford Tony, 44. Porteman, Ralph, vicar of Leeds, co. York, exchanged to the vicarage of Marnham, co. Nottingham, 242. Porter, Henry, wardrober of the abbey of Shaftesbury, 268. Porter — cont. , John, keeper of the manor of Dysart, co. Meath, 295. , Ralph, porter of Windsor castle, 164, 369. , . . . . , keeper of Ilchester gaol, 431. Porteslade. See Portslade. Portesmuda. See Portsmouth. Porthcraghan. See Pwllcrochan. Portheraghane. See Pwllcrochan. Portman, Thomas, of Salisbury, 11. Portslade, Porteslade, co. Sussex, 496. Portsmouth, Portesmuda [co. South- ampton], charter of Henry I dated at, 451. Portugalete, Portugalat [Biscay, Spain], ship of, 507. Portyngale, Richard, 422. Possebury, Robert, burgess of Ply- mouth, 25. Possewyk, Hugh, 97, 304. Pot cote, Potto c [in Cold Higham, co. Northampton], 270. Potenham, William, 106. Potern, John, forester of the New Forest, 48. Potman, Ralph, vicar of Leeds, co. York, exchanged to the church of Thorpe Bassett, 254. Potterspury, Potterspirie, co. North- ampton, 494. Pottoc. See Potcote. Pottok, William, clerk, 32. Potyn, Nicholas, 210, 213, 246. , commissioner, 315. , . . . . , controller of customs in the port of London, 174. , William, 10. , . . . . , prebendary of South Mailing, 84. , . . . . , presented to the church of All Hallows at the Haywharf, London, 209. , . . . . , parson of All Hallows the Great, London, exchanged to High Ongar, 242. , . . . . , parson of High Ongar, exchanged to Minchinhamp- ton, 274, 276. Poucher. See Pouger. Pouchfot, Robert, 96. Pouger, Poucher, John, commis- sioner, 137, 145, 322, 490, 493, 497. , John, of West Rasen, com- missioner, 50. Poul, Nicholas, Lombard, 29. GENERAL INDEX. 687 Poulton in the Fylde [co. Lan- caster], Marton in, Merton, 206. Pound, Roger, 327. Pounder, Nicholas, of Hilton, co. York, 329. Poundstock [co. Cornwall], Wooles- don in, Wolveston, 332. Pounfrayt. See Pontefract. Pounsomby, John, groom of the household, 382. Pountfreyt, Pountefreyt, John, John de, chaplain, 11. , .. .., clerk, 68, 281. See Ponte Fracto. Pourfysche, Hugh, of Mavis Ender- by, co. Lincoln, 285. Pourse, Walter, chaplain, 420. Pouse, Thomas, of Elvaston, co. Derby, chaplain, 88. Pouwyes. See Powis. Povington, Povyngton [in West Tyneham, co. Dorset], 409. Power, Powere, Eustace son of Arnold le, 70. , John, clerk of the recog- nisances in London, 384. , Nicholas, 447. , William, vicar of West Hendred, co. Berks, ex- changed to the vicarage of Kirdford, co. Sussex, 371. Powick, Poiwyk [co. Worcester], 487. Powis, Powys, Pouwyes [co. Mont- gomery], 25, 107, 148. , lordship, 25. , . . . . , office of chief forester of, 149. , land of, 51. Powys. See Powis. Poynings, Ponynges [co. Sussex], 496. Poyns Poynz Poyntz, John, John de, knight, 58, 305. , Richard, 205. Poynton, Peuington [in High Ercall, co. Salop], 278. Poyntz, Poynz. See Poyns. Poys. See Poix. Poys, Henry, commissioner, 144. Poyters. See Poitiers. Poywyk, John, of Worcester, 270. Prage, Nicholas, serjeant-at-arms, 330. Prat, Pratt, John, 124. , , clerk, 72, 78, 200, 437. , . . . . , . . . . , letters patent of, 128. Prat, John — cont. , . . . . , chaplain, warden of the free chapel on Bedford bridge, 255. , Walter, glover, 502. Pratyman, Gilbert, 140. Prees [co. Salop], vicar of, 121. , vicarage, 41, 163. Prees, Stephen de, parson of Don- ington, co. Salop, 74. Preest, William, 90. Cf. Prest. Premonstratensian order, 120. Prendiwyk. See Prendwick. Prendwick, Prendiwyk [in Alnham], co. Northumberland, 423. Prentice, Prentys, Ralph, 11. , William, 383. , of Coventry, 19. Prescot, Prestcotes [co. Lancaster], parson of, 206. Presse, Roger, of Wareham, 409. Prest, Henry, 409. , John, of West Tyneham, co. Dorset, 409. , William, of West Tyneham, co. Dorset, 409. See Preest. Prestbury, co. Chester, Bosley in, 131. Prestcotes. See Prescot. Prestecote, John, commissioner, 64, 499. Presteign, Prestheinede [co. Rad- nor], land and lordship of. 34. Prestelee. See Priestley. Prestes, Alan atte, Beatrice late the wife of, 27. Prestewich, Nicholas, de 480. Prestitona. See Preston. Preston, 301. Preston [in Hitchin, co. Hertford], 231. next Faversham, Preston next Faverisham, co. Kent, 8. in Amounderness, Amonder- nesse [co. Lancaster], 207. [co. Sussex], 496. , Prestitona [in Pickering Lythe, co. York, disappeared]. 451. Preston, John de, commissioner, 314, 498. , of Waithe, co. Lin- coln, tasker, 197. , Nicholas de, vicar of War- cop, co. Westmoreland, 18. , Richard de, 290, 437. 688 GENERAL INDEX. Preston, Richard de — cont. . . . . , Agnes, wife of, 290. Robert de, 416. . . . . , commissioner, 322. Robert, of Derby, 395. Thomas de, 385. . . . . , commissioner, 65, 135, 138, 149, 499. , Alice, wife of, 386. Walter de, chaplain, 456. William de, controller of customs at Melcombe Regis, 193. Prestwood, Prestwod [in Wednes- field, co. Stafford], 282 bis. Preterwell, John, commissioner, 161. Pride, John, 235. Priestley, Prestelee [in Flitwick], co. Bedford, 181. Prikyer, Prykiere, William, chap- lain, presented to the church of Holford, co. Somerset, 42. , . . . ., parson of Holford, co. Somerset, exchanged to the vicarage of Worth Matravers, 131. Prille, Nicholas, 230. Prior, Thomas, commissioner, 220. Priour, Geoffrey, fisher, 300, 469. Priterwell, Priterwelle. See Prittle- well. Prittlewell, Priterwelle, Priterwell [co. Essex], alien priory, 3, 19. , temporalities of, 434. , prior of. See Ysewode, Richard. Proctour, Alan, 135. Prodde, Hugh, of Whitton, co. Lin- coln, 30. Promhull. See Broomhill Prophet, John, clerk of St. David's diocese, notary public, 292. Proute, Walter, 327. Provane, John, prebendary of Lin- coln, 106. Prudhoe, Prudhowe, co. Northum- berland, castle, 126. Pruet, Richard, 484. Prussia, Le Spruz, merchants of, 417. , ships of, 417, 455. Prykiere. See Prikyer. Puckeridge, Pokerych [in Braughing and Standon], co. Hertford, pavage at, 123, 261. Puddletrenthide, Pudelhide [co. Dorset], 437. Puddletown, Pudelton [co. Dorset], 437. , Lovard in, Loveford, 437. i Pudelhide. See Puddletrenthide. Pudelton. See Puddletown. Pudiford, Roland de, temp. Henry III, 26. Pulham, John, 94. Pulhare, John, 495. Pulko, John, 274. , . . . . , Alice, wife of, 274. Pulle, Geoffrey, 157, 160. Pulteneye, John de, knight, 214, 246. Pulter, Geoffrey, 72. , Robert, of Leicester, 322. Pungy, Walter, 414. Purbeck, Purbyk, Purbik [co. Dor- set], 409. , warren, 410. , . . . . , keepers of. See Arundell, John de ; Brocas, Bernard. Purcell, Purcelles, William, 233. , king's esquire, 352, 377, 458. Purchas, Adam, yeoman of the Chancery, 91. Purfrey, William, commissioner, 408, 416. Purleigh, Purle [co. Essex], 19. Purton, Peryton Keynes, co. Wilts, manor, 178. Purveyour, Richard, 151. Pury, John, king's scullion, 400. Puseye. See Pewsey. Puseyc, Pusy, John, 78. , . . . . , chief serjeant of the scullery, 250. , William, yeoman of the household, 335. Pusselowe, John, 28. Pusy. See Puseye. Puynand, John, 253. Pwllcrochan, Porthcraghan |[co. Pembroke], parsons of, 124, 401, 402. Pycburn, John, chaplain, presented to the church of Quarley, co. Southampton, 341. Pycombe. See Piecombe. Pycoth, Robert, knight, temp. Henry III, 460. Pydyngho. See Piddinghoe. Pye, Geoffrey, parson of {Little Petherick, co. Cornwall, ex- changed to the vicarage of Folkestone, 72. , John, of Arkesden, co. Essex, 61. Pyel, Piel, Master Henry, arch- deacon of Northampton, 2. , John, 5, 36. GENERAL INDEX. 6S9 Pyel, John — cont. , . . . . , citizen of London, 72. , . . . . , citizen and alderman of London, 254. Pygot, Bartholomew, knight, 430. , John, 296. , Ralph, commissioner, 160. , Randolf, commissioner, 153. , Richard, 46. Pyjon, Robert, of Wellesbourne, co. |Warwick, 119. Pyk, John, 260. , .. .., of Egleston, co. Dor- set, 408. Pykard, Hugh, commissioner, 62, 311. Pykenham Wade. See Pickenham, North. Pykenham, John, 78. , John son of Robert de, 480. , Thomas de, citizen and merchant of London, 480. Pykeryng. See Pickering. Pykervng, James de, commissioner, ~314, 325. , . . . . , sheriff of Westmore- land, commissioner, 150. Pykworth. See Pikworth. Pylet, Walter, 468. Pymme, John, 220. , . . . . , John son of, 220. , . . . . , servant of, 220. Pympe, William de, serjeant-at- arms, commissioner, 148. Pyn, Herbert del, temp. Edward I, 271. Pynchebek, Pyncebek, Ivo, cook, 366. , Thomas de, commissioner, 135, 138, 154, 318, 332, 485. Pynchon, John, 76. Pynder, Pyndere, Peter, of Fad- moor, co. York, 316. , Robert, of Ackworth, co. York, 33. , Walter, Peter son of, 316. Pynill, John, 173. Pynkard, Richard, of East Bridg- ford, co. Nottingham, 63, 142. Pynkeny, Pynkeney, Arnold, clerk. 109, 302. ., William, of Cossington, 88, 89. Pynkhurst, Adam, 484. Pynner, Adam, 416. Pynyngton, Margery de, 17. , Ralph de, of Lancashire, 339. Pypere, Edward, 409. Pyperwhyt, John, 409. Pypewell, See Pipewell. Pyrie, Pyrye, William, 254, 267. , William of the, of Elton, co. Chester, 131. See Pirie. Pyryton, Pyriton, John de, 45, 384. Pyshale, John de, clerk, 203, 299. Pytte, William atte, 107. Pytwell, John, vicar of Steventon, co. Berks, exchanged to St. Michael's, Bristol, 277. Q Quarley, Querle [co. Southampton], parsons of, 341. Quarre [Isle of Wight], abbot of, commissioner, 153. Quarrington, Querynton [co. Lin- coln], parsons of, 125. Quatford, [co. Salop] Eardington in, Erdyngton, 186. Quatremars. See Katremars. quayage, grants of, 110, 430, 435. Queenborough, Quenesburgh [co. Kent], 156, 358. , letters patent dated at, 26. , mayor and bailiffs of, 49, 206. , castle, porter of, Peter, 129. , . . . . , See also Chandeler, William. , . . . . , works at, clerk of, 105. , castle and town, 347, 348 bis. , . . . ., works at, 144. , collectors of customs at, 206. , port, customs in, 278. , . . . . , controller of customs in. See Welton, John de. , manor of Rushenden in, Risshyndon, Rysshyndon, 191, 199, 214. Queen's Court, Quenescourte [in Rainham], co. Kent, manor, 319. Quendon, Wenden, Quenden, [co. Essex], church, 168, 169. Quenesburgh. See Queenborough. Quenescourte. See Queen's Court. Quenington, Quenynton [co. Glou- cester], church, 169. Wt. 18915. E 44 690 GENERAL INDEX. Quenton. See Quinton. Quenyngburgh, Thomas de, 94, 180. Quenynton. See Quenington. Quereboyl, Laurence, buyer for the household, 238. Querf. See Wharf e. Querle. See Quarley. Querton, Simon de, parson of Ousby, co. Cumberland, 216. Querynton. See Quarrington. Quinton, Quenton [co. Gloucester], parson of, 460. Quortayse, John, king's servant at Leeds, co. Kent, 358. Quyltere, Matthew, 157, 160. , Michael, 157, 160. Quyneld, John, commissioner, 315. Quynfell. See Whinfell. Quyntrell, Gilbert, parson of St. Ives, co. Cornwall, exchanged to the vicarage of Modbury, co. Devon, 180. Qwydyngton. See Whittington. Qwytethong, John de, 502. R Raa, John, 329. , . . . . , of Stockton on Tees, 331. Rabace, Elizabeth (or Alice), daughter of John, 380. , Robert son of John, of Maidwell, co. Northampton, 380. Raby [in Staindrop, co. Durham], 55, 159, 219, 329, 331, 491, 498. , lords of. See Nevill. Raby, William de, hermit, 280. Rachedale. See Rochdale. Rackele, John, of Willingdon, co. Sussex, 472. Radclyf on Sore. See Ratcliffe on Soar. Raddon [in St. Mary Stow, co. Devon], 279. Raddon, John de, temp. Edward I, 279. Radecleve upon Sore. See Ratcliffe on Soar. Radeclyf, Ralph de, of Chadderton, commissioner, 320. Radeclyf — cont. , Richard son of John de commissioner, 320. Radeclyve, parson of, 390. Radenore. See Radnor. Radesrcoft, William, 470. Radeswell. See Ridgewell. Radmore, Rademora [co. Stafford], charter dated at, 182. Radnor, Radenore [Wales], castle, land and lordship, 34. Radwinter, Radwynter [co. Essex], church, 165. Raghton. See Raughton. Raghton, Eleanor de, 115. , William de, 115. Ragley, Raggeleye [in Arrow, co. Warwick], 109. Ragnall, Ragnyll [in Dunham, co. Nottingham], 282. Ragoun, John de, commissioner, 137. Rainham, Reynham, co. Kent, manor, 484. , . . . . , Motteneye marsh in, 319. , . . . . , manor of Queen's Court in, Quenescourte, 319. , . . . . , Nor Marsh in, Northe- merssh, commission of sewers in, 161. St. Mary, Great Reynham, co. Norfolk, 317. , . . . . , parson of, William, 317. Ralee, John de, 441. Ralegh. See Rothley. Ralph, John son of, de Holden, 158. , Ralph son of, de Stathum, 189. Rameseye. See Ramsey. Ramesey, Rameseye, James, citizen and fishmonger of London, 127. , Roger de, citizen and fish- monger of London, 231. Rameston, John, brother of the parson of Corfe Castle, 409. Rampston, William de, commis- sioner, 147. Rampton [co. Nottingham], 93, 120. , prebend of. See Southwell. Ramsey, Rameseye [co. Hunting- don], abbey, 464. , abbot of, 107. , bondmen of (named), 107. , See Nassyngton, Robert de. i Rand, Rande [co. Lincoln], 204. GENERAL INDEX. 691 Rand — cont. , Fulnetby in, 204. Randman, William, of Newsham, co. York, 356. , . . . . , John, son of, 356. Randolf, John, of Wicklewood, co. Norfolk, 281. , John, temp. Edward I, 197. , Peter, 221. , Robert, 409. , Richard son of, de Wragle, searcher in all ports in Hol- land, co. Lincoln, 149. Randolson, William, 443. Randulph, Richard, of Great Yar- mouth, 175. Ranton, Ronton [co. Stafford], Augustinian priory of, 113. , canon of, 120. Raphael, Rathewell [in Lansallos, co. Cornwall], 481. Rasen, West, Westrasen [co. Lin- coln], 50. . . . . , parsons of, 208. Rask, Ralph, of Weybourne, co. Norfolk, 147. Rast, John, of Kendal, 135. Ratcliffe on Soar, Radclyf on Sore, Radecleve upon Sore, co. Nottingham, manor, 358. , church, rival claimants to, 152. Ratescroft. See Rattescroft. Rathewell. See Raphael. Rathkeale, Rathgell, co. Limerick, manor, 60. Rattescroft, Ratescroft, William, commissioner, 62. , . . . ., king's yeoman, 385. Ratynden, John de, temp. Edward I, 12. Rauf, Thomas, presented to St. Martin's, Wareham, 45. , William, of Caythorpe, co. Lincoln, 61. Raufe, John, presented to the church of Glemsford, co. Suffolk, 17. Raughton, Raghton [co. Cumber- land], 115. Raulond, John, parson of Todding- ton, 433. Raulynman, John, of Newstead, co. York, 201. Raundes, Richard, 1 84. , . . . . , yeoman of the kitchen, 168. , king's clerk, pre- bendary of Chichester, 438. , , . . . . , prebendary of St. George's, Windsor, 438. Raundes — cont. , Robert, clerk, 357. Raunvill, Simon, 394. Ravendale, West, Westravendale, Ravenesdale [co. Lincoln], alien priory, 17, 34, 40, 82, 90, 98, 119, 188. Ravendale, Michael de, clerk, 178. , . . . . , attorneys received by, 28, 201, 261, 479. Ravenesholm, John de, knight, lord of Barnwell, co. Northamp- ton, 399. Ravenser, Old, Aldravenser [disap- peared — co. York], 467. Ravenser, Ravensere, John de, par- son of Algarkirk, 485. , Richard de, ldng's clerk, 80, 167, 258, 338, 350. , . . . . , commissioner, 485, 487, 496. , . . . . , archdeacon of Lincoln, 71, 97, 354, 474. , . . . . , canon of St. John's, Beverley, 239, 473. , . . . . , prebendary of Beverley 97, 239. , , , deed of, 239. , . . . . , master of the hospital of St. Leonard, York, 356. , . . . . , Robert, brother of, and Emma, his wife, 167, 258. Ravenstone,Ravenston, co. Bucking- ham, manor, 411. Raventhorp [co. York, E.R.], 467. Raventhorp, Thomas de, 146. Ray on Otmoor, La Ree of Otte- more, co. Oxford, hythe of, 157. Ray, John, of Coventry, collector of the subsidy on cloth for sale in Warwick, Leicester, Stafford and Salop, 78. , . . . . , farmer of the subsidy on cloths for sale in Coventry and Warwick, 408. , Richard, 152. , of Watton, co. Nor- folk, 144. Rayleigh, Ray lee, Reylegh [co. Essex], town and market, 420. , letters patent dated at, 305. , park, works in, 473. , . . . . , . . . . , clerk of. See Osbren, John. , . . . . , . . . . , controller of. See Cook, Robert. 692 GENERAL INDEX. Rayleigh, Reylegh [co. Essex], honour, 173. Rayne, William, 326. Raynsate, co. York, 326. Reade, Thomas, of Shrewsbury, 471. Reading, Redyng, Redynges [co. Berks], 38. , abbot and convent, 79, 350. Rearsby, Reresby [co. Leicester], • 333. Reaveley, Revele [in Ingram], co. Northumberland, 423. ' Recchemenever, Sire William,' Richard Shait called, 221. Redbridge, Rudbrigg [in Milbrook], co. Southampton, hundred, 79. , . . . . , keeper of. See Foxle, John de. Reddok, Stephen, burgess of Bristol, 335. Rede [co. Suffolk], vicarage, 300. , vicars of, 269. Rede. See Reed. Rede, Peter, commissioner, 487. , Thomas, master of the bal- linger of Folkestone, 61. Redeburgh, William, 168. Redelegh. See Ridley. Redelynggewelde. See Ringwould. Redene, John atte, 495. Redenesse, John de, commissioner, 55, 161. , Thomas de, commissioner, 496. , William de, king's clerk, parson of Niton, Isle of Wight, exchanged to Ashe, co. Southampton, 25. Redewale, John de, 504. Redewynd by Chertsey [co. Surrey], ferry of, keepers of. See Braythvvayt, Nicholas de ; Debenham, William ; Parker, John. Redhill, Le Rodhull [in Wisley, co. Surrey], 39. Redman, Redmane, Edward son of William de, of Fayrthwayt, 135. , Henry son of Christopher de, of Kirkby Lonsdale, 135. , , Maud, wife of, 135. , Matthew de, knight, 317. , William de, of Fayrthwayt, 135. Redmarerugg. See Rodmaredge. Redmersshill, William, of Newcastle on Tyne, searcher at New- castle, Berwick and Whitby, 469. Redy, Thomas, of Ingoldmells, 240. Redyng. See Reading. Redyng, Benedict de, 458. , Richard, 340. Redynges. See Reading. Ree. William atte, 188. , . . . ., Agnes, wife of, 188. Reed, Rede, co. Hertford, manor, 346. Reed, William, bishop of Chichester, 2, 113, 170, 291, 346. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 325. Reepham, Refham, co. Lincoln, 55. Rees, John, of Long Stratton, co. Norfolk, 448. , John ap, escheator in Glou- cester, Hereford and the march of Wales, 25, 57, 159. Cf. Appresse. Reeth [co. York], Healaugh in, Helagh in Swaldale, 326. Refham. See Reepham. Relegh, John de, parson of a mediety of the church of Woodford, co. Northampton, 272. Remenham, Thomas de, of Wyrardis- bury, 228. Remyston, John, parson of More Critchell, co. Dorset, 409. Cf. Rennston. Renaud, Renald, Robert, 408. , Thomas, 408. , . . . . , commissioner, 486. , . . . . , of Dartmouth, 32. Rendlesham [co. Suffolk], advowson, 463. Renery, William de, temp. Edward I, 279. Renhold [co. Bedford], Salph in, Salpho, 370. Rennston, Richard, chaplain, pre- sented to the vicarage of Rede, co. Suffolk, 269. rents, a rose, 33, 107, 111, 340, 398. 427. , pepper, 379. Repon, William de, parson of St. Martin's Micklegate,York,421. Reppes, John, knight, 230. Repton, Repyngdon, Repyndon, co. Derby, 195, 220, 375. Repyndon, Nicholas, 469. Repyngdon, John de, chaplain, 183. , . . . ., of Carburton, co. Not- tingham, 183. GENERAL INDEX. 693 Repynghale. See Rippingale. Repynghale, John de, 126, 279. , . . . . , commissioner, 225. , . . . . , the younger, com- missioner, 493. Reresby. See Rearsby. Resshemere. See Rushmere. Restwold, Ralph, 402. , , William, son of, 402. , . . . . , Richard, son of, 402. , Richard, 231. , William, 231. Retford [co. Nottingham], 104. Retford, Ralph de, commissioner, 58. , William de, parson of Grim- stead, exchanged to the vicarage of Winkfield, 82. Retherfeld. See Rotherfield. Retherheth, Retherhethe, Rether- hith. See Rotherhithe. Reve, John le, of Breadsall, co. Derby, 92. , Richard le, 261. , William, chaplain, 104. Revele. See Reaveley. Revele, Henry de, merchant of Almain, 503. Rewardene, Rewardyn. See Ruar- dean. Rewley [co. Oxford], abbot and convent, 113, 243. Reydon, Richard, vicar of Burbage, co. Wilts, exchanged to the church of Sutton by Shrews- bury, 172, 265. Reydyng, Robert, 447. Reyer, John, 103. Reygate, John de, justice in eyre, temp. Edward I, 286. Reygner, Ellis, controller of the works at Gravesend, Leeds, Rushenden, Danley and Mil- ton, co. Kent, 199. Reylegh. See Rayleigh. Reymond, John, 10. Reynald, John, mercer, 481. , William, commissioner, 161. Cf. Reynold ; Renaud. Reyner, Thomas, 178. , . . . . , Joan, wife of, daughter of John Harold, 178. Reynes, Reyns, Thomas de, 275. , commissioner, 411. , . . . . , knight, commissioner, 140. , . . . ., lieutenant of the con- stable of the Cinque Ports, commissioner, 58, 60, 62, 141, 148 bis, 149, 158. Reynham. See Rainham. Reynham, Great. See Rainham St. Mary. Reynham, Simon, citizen and mer- cer of London, 480. , William, ' organer,' 92. Reynold, Robert, 84. , William, parson of Sutton, co. Bedford, exchanged to Allesley, co. Warwick, 383. See Reynald ; Renaud. Ribbesford, co. Worcester, manor, 493. Ribchester, Ribchestre [co. Lan- caster], parsons of, 422. Ricard, Robert, 103. Richard I, charter of, 466. Richard, count of Poitou, earl of Cornwall, charter of, 26. , prince of Wales, duke of Cornwall and earl of Chester, 371, 376 bis, 389, 419, 437. Richard II, letters patent sur- rendered to, 5, 26, 50, 84, 94, 105, 183, 201, 250, 262, 334, 336, 346, 349, 351, 361, 368, 369, 386, 388, 404, 407, 420, 469. Richard, Geoffrey son of, de Cogan, 14. , John son of, son of Ralph de Boturdon, 33. , John son of, de Hone, 111. , William son of, de Dalton, 173. , William, son of, temp. Henry III, 26. , William, 230. I , . . . ., Gwenllia, wife of, 230. j Richard's Castle [co. Salop], 100, 250, 259. \ Riche, William, chaplain, presented to a chantry in Burnham abbey. 272. Richeise, John, parson of Doverdale, co. Worcester, exchanged to the church of St. Andrew, Droitwich, 190. Richemond, Richemound, Master Adam de, temp. Henry III, 359. , Richard de, commissioner, 139, 491, 498. , Thomas, 44. , Thomas de, of Thirntoft, co. York, 109. Richmond, Richemond [co. York], archdeacon of. See Cherle- ton, Master Humphrey de. ' , archdeaconry, 116. 694 GENERAL INDEX. Richmond — cont. , earl of. See Montfort, John de. , earldom of, 435. , jurisdiction of, 126. Ridelesford, John, 14. Ridesdale, Simon de, presented to the vicarage of East Ham, co. Essex, 130. Ridgewell, Radeswell [co. Essex], manor, 478. Ridley, Redelegh [co. Kent], parsons of, 477. Ridvale, Robert de, 143. Ridwar Hampstal. See Hamstall Ridware. Ridware, Richard, of Desborough, 46. Riffyn. See Ruthin. Rikedon, Rykedon, Robert, 256, 435. , commissioner, 314. 485. Rikhil, Rdkhull, Rikel, Rikill, Rykyll, Richard, 85. , William, 2, 41, 88, 185, 338, 464 bis. , commissioner, 319. See Rykyll. Rillaton [in Linkinhorne, co. Corn- wall], manor, 375. Ringmore, Ry demo re [co. Devon], 278. Ringwould, Redelynggewelde [co. Kent], parsons of, 3. Ripley, Rippele, co. Surrey, 39. [co. York], Clint in, Clynt, 151. Ripon, Rypon [co. York], 227. , letters dated at, 359. , Whitcliff in, Whitclyf in Rypshire, 227. Ripon [co. York], liberty, commis- sion of the peace in, 224. Ripon, Rypon, John de, bailiff of York, 242. , . . . . , citizen of York, 266. Rippele. See Ripley. Ripperis, Thomas, chantry chaplain in the castle of Trim, 116. Rippingale, Repynghale [co. Lin- coln], parson of, 285. Ripton, King's, Kyngesrypton [co. Huntingdon], church, 171. Risborough, Prince's, Risbergh [co. Bucks], manor, 375. Risceby, Robert de, presented to a mediety of the church of Turvey, 191. Risceby, Robert de — cont. , . . . . , parson of a mediety of Turvey, co. Bedford, ex- changed to Charwelton, 293. , William de, king's esquire, marshal of the hall of the housheold, 477. Rischerton, Robert de, 297. Rise, Thomas de, of Beverley, 146. Rishworth, Rissheworth, co. York, 154. Rising, Castle, Rysyng, Rysyngs [co. Norfolk], castle, con- stable of. See Herlyng, John de. , . . . ., lordship of, 76. Rislepe. See Ruislip. Rissheworth. See Rishworth. Risshyndon. See Rushenden. Rissington, Wick, Wykerysyndon [co. Gloucester], 109. Riston, Long [co. York], 467. Riston. See Ruston. Rither, William, of Sutton on the Forest, 264. Rixton, Matthew de, 325, 326. Road, Rode [co. Somerset], church, 193. , parson of, 31. Road Wood, Rodewode [by Tenby], co. Pembroke, wood, keeper of. See James, John. Robelyng, Adam, clerk, 41. j Roberd, William, king's plumber, 308. Robert, Adam son of, de Hodersale, 22. , Henry son of, clerk, temp. Henry III, 460. , John son of, de Pykenham, 480. , John son of, de Roderham, of South Moreton, co. Berks, 197. , Robert son of, de Acclom, 326. , Thomas son of, de Bolles- overe, 109. Robertsbridge [co. Sussex], abbot of, commissioner, 500. Robertsert, Canon de, commissioner, 65. Robertson, John, of Barnston, co. Nottingham, 63, 142. Robyn, Geoffrey, commissioner, 321. , John, 333. , . . . ., of Saham Toney, 147. , William, 99. Robyns, John son of Philip, of Wych- I bold, co. Worcester, 56. GENERAL INDEX. 695 Roce, John, 146. Rocester, Roucestre, Roucestre in Douvedale [co. Stafford], abbey of St. Mary at, abbot of, 159. , See Chese- wardyn, John ; Roucestre, Thomas de. , abbey, canon of. See Fos- ton, Richard de. , prior and convent of, 80. , temporalities of, 120. Roch, David, bailiff of Cork, 207. Rochdale, Rachedale [co. Lancaster], vicar of, 480. Roche, John, John de, John de la, commissioner, 141. , , knight, 304 bis, 377, 379, 460. , . . . . , . . . . , John son and heir of, 386. , . . . . , Joan late the wife of, 141, 324. Rocheford. See Rochford. Rocheford, John de, commissioner, 485 bis, 490, 497. , Ralph de, commissioner, 485. Roches, John, knight, 259, 390, 480. , . . . . , . . . . , Willelma, wife of, 259. Rochester, Roucestre, co. Kent, 380, 456. , city and castle, keeper or farmer of. See Burgh, Simon de. , . . . . , works at, clerk of. See Basynges, William de. Rochester, bishops of. See Brinton, Thomas de ; Trillek, Thomas. ....... bishopric of, temporalities of, 17, 117. , diocese, 22, 41, 46, 82, 113, 184, 193, 274, 345, 388, 477, 488. Rochester [co. Kent], prior and con- vent of, 16, 116. Rochford, Rocheford, co. Essex, hundred, bailiffs of. Se( Felbrigg, George ; Osbern. John ; Whithors, Walter. Rock, La Roke, co. Worcester, manor, 493. Rockingham, Rokyngham [co. Northampton], letters patent dated at, 132, 163-165, 167, 171, 175, 178, 180, 217, 218. , castle, letters patent dated at, 47, 165, 166. , . . . ., works at, 165.. Ro ckingham — cont. , forest, 132. , . . . . , bailiwicks of Brig- stock, Bulax, Farming Woods and Geddington in, q.v. , . . . . , bailiwick of King's Cliffe in, 399. Roddam, Rodome [in Ilderton], co. Northumberland, 59. Roddesworth [in Stanwell, co. Mid- dlesex], 89. Rode. See Road. Rode, John, 160. Rodeneye, Walter de, 436. , , knight, 31. , . . . ., Pernell, wife of, 31. Roderham, John son of Robert de, of South Moreton, co. Berks, 197. Rodery. See Rudry. Rodesham, Alice de, 230. Rodewode. See Road Wood. Rodhull, Le. See Redhill. Roding Abbess, Rothyng Abbesse [co/ Essex], 264. , High, High Rothyng, co. Essex, 493. Rodington. See Ruddington. Rodmaredge, Redmarerugg [? in Ashurst], co. Kent, 271. Rodome. See Roddam. Rodome, John de, 58. , Robert de, of Shipley, co. Northumberland, 59. , Thomas de, 58. , William de, 59. Rodyngton. See Ruddington. Rodyngton, Robert de, of the county of Nottingham, 474. , William de, presented to the church of St. Peter, Not- tingham, 164. Roger, archdeacon [of Derby], temp. Henry II, 182. Roger, John, presented to the church of Disserth, co. Radnor, 45. , . . . . , chaplain, presented to the church of Ovington, co. Southampton, 403. , Rogeres, Philip, vicar of St. Mary's, Great Bentley, co. Essex, 372. , . . . . , chantry chaplain in St. Michael's free chapel in St. Austell churchyard, 372. , . . . . , chaplain in St. Michael's free chapel, exchanged to Grendon Underwood, 437. , William son of, de Wryght- yngton, 99. 696 GENERAL INDEX. Rogeres. See Roger. Rokaile, Geoffrey, clerk, 113. Rokaud, John, of Thorn, co. York, prebendary of Tamworth free chapel, exchanged to the church of Brompton. co. York, 397. Roke, la. See Rock. Roke, John, the younger, 326. Rokeby, Richard, groom of the household, 382. , Thomas de, commissioner, 323. , . . . ., knight, 336. Rokel, Richard, clerk, 94. Rokele, Thomas de, merchant of Norwich, 505. Rokesburgh. See Roxburgh. Rokesle, Reynold de, 241. , . . . . , Richard son of William son of, 241. , . . . . , . . . . , Alice, wife of, 241. Rokewode, Rokwode, Rokwod, John de, commissioner, 138, 314, 332. , . . . . , of Norfolk, commis- sioner, 413. , . . . . , escheator in Norfolk and Suffolk, 195, 204, 385. , Thomas, 264 Rokhalle, in Bruisyard, co. Suffolk, manor, 463. Rokwod. See Rokewod. Rokyngham. See Rockingham. Rokyngham, William, groom of the household, 382. Rolf, John, commissioner, 500. , Richard, 126. , William, of Chichester, chapman, 420. Rollesby, Peter, controller of cus- toms at Lynn, 193. Rolleston [co. Nottingham], parson of, 284. Rome, court of, 97, 152, 172, 188, 236, 312, 382, 449, 494. Romeney. See Romney. Romeseye. See Romsey. Romeseye, John de, 427. , commissioner, 415. , Walter de, commissioner, 153. Romney, Romeneye, Romeney, Rumpney [co. Kent], 149, 313. , bailiffs of, 218. , commissioners, 159. , barge of, officers of, 60. , port, 49. I Romney, port — cont. , . . . . , deputy butler in. See Batillesford, William. , commission of sewers at, 158. ! , purveyor of fish at, 71. Romney, New, Newerumneye [co. Kent], vicarage of St. Laur- ence in, 5. Romsey, Romesey, Romeseye [co. Southampton], 102, 222, 295, 485. Romsey, Romeseye [co. Southamp- ton], 485. , abbey of, 295. Ronhale. See Runhale. Ronton. See Ranton. Ronton, Routon, Roger de, parson of Donington, co. Salop, 17, 311. ! Roo, John le, of Ashford, co. Derby, 28 Rook, Richard, 101, 143. Roos, Godfrey de, keeper of the castle of Audruick, 23. , . . . . , of Scotland, knight, 202. , . . . . , Annabel late the wife of, 203. , John, 440, , , of Beverley, 227. , . . . . , king's esquire, 95. , Master Nicholas de, 71. , Peter son of William de, 173. , Robert de, 173. , . . . . , the elder, commis- sioner, 137. , . . . . , of Gedney, commis- sioner, 497. , . . . . , of Ingmanthorpe, commissioner, 137, 486. , Thomas de, commissioner, 138, 316, 498. , . . . . , of Dowsby, commis- sioner, 497. , . . . . , of Helmsley, knight, 147, 280, 414. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 331. , . . . . , Beatrice, wife of, 280. , .. .., of Kendal, 237. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 150. , Thomas de, son of Godfrey, 203. Rooter, Roger, parson of Lydham, co. Salop, exchanged to Llan- fihangel yng Ngwynfa, 107. GENERAL INDEX. 697 Ropere, William, of Barking, 244. , . . . . , the younger, of Sutterton, co. Lincoln, 25. Rosamond, William, of Salop, 427. , Thomas, brother of, 427. Rose, Edmund, king's esquire, 81. , . . . . , keeper of Go rev castle, Jersey, 210. , Henry, chaplain, presented to a chantry in the church of Blockley, 101. , . . . . , chantry warden in Blockley church, 128, 439. , Henry, of Warkworth, 98. , John, master of the barge of Romney, 60. , Roger, of Pentney, co. Nor- folk, 62. rose, rent of. See rents. Ross, Rosse [co. Hereford], 454. , church, 454. , Old, Rosse [co. Wexford], 145. [co. York], Owstwich in, Oustewik, 467. Rosse, Master John de, bishop of Carlisle, 454. Rossington, Rosyngton, co. York, 326. Rosyngton. See Rossington. Rote, John, of Hampsthwaite, co. York, 151. Roteland. See Rutland. Rothelay, William de, presented to the church of Streatham, co. Surrey, 114. Rothele. See Rothley. Rothele, Roger, 431. Rotherfield, Retherfeld, Rotherfeld [co. Sussex], 156. , manor, 214, 442, 443, 470. , chace, 214, 442. Rotherhithe, Retherhith, Rether- heth, Retherhethe [co. Sur- rey], 358. , manor, 47, 238. , rector of, 47, 48, 89. , La Breche, Druettesmersh, and Pries temerssh in, 480. Rothewell. See Rothwell. Rothewell, John de, knight, 42. , Walter de, commissioner, 414. Rothley, Ralegh, Rothele [co. Leices- ter], court of, 426. , . . . . , manor, 426. , . . . . , soke, 425. Rothwell, Rothewell [co. York], 230. Rothyng Abbesse. See Roding Abbess. Rothyng, High. See Roding, High. Rothyng, Richard, 109. Rothynges, Thomas, constable of Carlow castle, 339. Rotsea, Rotse [in Hutton Crans- wick, co. York], 329. Rouceby, John, 272. , John de, 59. , , king's clerk, 61. 237, 385. , . . . . , . . . . , controller of the works at Clarendon, 233. , . . . . , . . . . , controller of the works at King's Langley, 233. , . . . . , . . . . , controller of the works at Worldham and Wheatley, 98. , . . . . , . . . . , clerk of the works at Wheatley and Lang- ley Marrish, 118. , . . . . , . . . . , controller of the works in Porchester castle, 253 344. , William de, 59. Roucestre, co. Kent. See Rochester. , co. Stafford. See Rocester. Roucestre, Thomas de, abbot of Rocester, 80. Rouchestre. See Rochester. Rouclif , Brian de, Ellen daughter of, 223 bis. Rouclyf, Rouclyff, Guy de, king's clerk, 114, 167, 348. , . . . . , . . . . , prebendary of Tettenhall free chapel, 400. , John de, Margery late the wife of, 223. Robert de, knight, 68. , William de, 325. Roudlond, John, clerk, 183. Rougham, William de, commissioner, 144. Rouleye. See Rowley. Rounhey, Rounheye, Nicholas, arch- deacon of Meath, 88. , chaplain, pre- sented to the church of Deb- den, co. Essex, 130. Rounton, Rungton [co. York], 178. Rous, John, John le, 383. , . . . ., commissioner, 57, 493, 499. , . . . . , clerk of the recog- nisances at Nottingham, 74. , John le, of Ragley, co. War- wick, 109. , Richard, John son and heir of, 261. 698 GENERAL INDEX. Rous — cont. , Robert, commissioner, 499. , , knight, 60. , . . . . , Joan wife of, heir of John Mautravers, the elder, 60. Rouston. See Rowston. Routh, Ruiha, Ruda [co. York], 467. , wood, 465. Routhale, John de, 103. Routhe, Amand de, 160. , John de, of the county of York, 338. Routhorn, John de, of East Bridg- ford, co. Nottingham, 63, 142. Routon. See Rowton. Routon. See Ronton. Rowley Regis, Rouleye [co. Stafford], manor, 458. Rowston, Rouston [co. Lincoln], vicars of, 253. Rowton, Ruton [in Alberbury, co. Salop], 278. , Routon [in Swine, co. York], 467. Roxburgh, Rokesburgh [co. Rox- burgh], 327. Roxburgh, Rokesburgh, county, 434. Royston [cos. Cambridge and Hert- ford], 42. , , prior of, 202. [co. York], Che vet in, Chevethe, 97. Ruardean, Ruwardyn, Rewardyn, Rewardene [co. Gloucester], 221 bis. , bailiwick, in the forest of Dean, 234. Ruceholm. See Rusholme. Ruda. See Routh. Rudbrigg. See Redbridge. Rudby in Cleveland [co. York], Sexhow in, Sexowe, 501. Rudde, Thomas, vicar of Isleworth, co. Middlesex, exchanged to the vicarage of Willingale Spain, co. Essex, 302. Ruddestan. See Rudston. Ruddington, Rodington, Rodyng- ton, co. Nottingham, 411. Rudestan. See Rudstan. Rudham, Thomas de, 389. , William de, clerk, 110. Rudry, Rodery [co. Glamorgan], church, 260. Rudstan, Rudestan, Walter, Walter de, commissioner, 312, 316. , of Hayton, com- missioner, 316. Rudston, Ruddestan [co. York], 467. Rum, Walter, temp. Edward I, 271. Ruggeley, Nicholas de, 424. Rugham, William de, commissioner, 146. Rugmere, Ruggemere [in St. Pancras, co. Middlesex], prebend of. See London, St. Paul's. Ruingeston, 271. Ruislip, Rislepe [co. Middlesex], 89. Ruk, Peter, groom of the household, 382. Ruke, Thomas, parson of a mediety of the church of Aikton, co. Cumberland, exchanged to the church of Kirkandrews, co. Cumberland, 275. Rukwyk, John, chamberlain of Sir Roger de Bello Campo, 373. , . . . . , constable of Oakham castle, 373. Rumar, W. de, temp. Stephen, 465. Rumbald, Nicholas, white tawyer of London, 78. Rumpney. See Romney. Runcton, North, Northrongeton, co. Norfolk, manor, 404. Rungton. See Rounton. Runhale, Ronhale, Master Richard, king's clerk, master or warden of the king's hall, Cambridge, 192, 197. Runham [co. Norfolk], manor, 78, 122. Rupe, Gilbert de, knight, 115. , Robert de, 114. Rupe Forti, John de, knight, 309. Rushden, Russheden [co. Northamp- ton], church, 203. Rushenden, Risshyndon, Rysshyn- don [in Queenbo rough], co. Kent, manor, 191. , . . . . , works at, clerk of. See Basynges, William de. , . . . . , . . . . , controllers of. See Barler, John ; Reygner, Ellis. , . . . . , . . . . , surveyor of. See Heryng, Nicholas. Rushmere, Resshemere [in Mutford and Lothingland hundred], co. Suffolk, 146. Rusholme, Ruceholm [in Newland], co. York, 156. Russeby, William, commissioner, 499. Russell, Russel, John, 421. , , of Seagry, 247. GENERAL INDEX. 699 Russell, John — cont. , . . . ., of Tyneham, co. Dor- set, 409. , . . . . , chaplain, presented to the vicarage of St. Laurence, New Romney, 5. . . Nicholas, clerk, 24. , Richard, of London, girdler, 274. , William, heir of, temp. Edward I, 271. Russhale, Richard de, of Wolver- hampton, 282. Russheden. See Rushden. Rust, Robert, of Blakeney, com- missioner, 156. Ruste, Thomas, of Newcastle-on- Tyne, 210. Ruston, Riston [co. Norfolk], 412. Ruston, Henry de, of Scarborough, collector of petty customs at Scarborough and Whitby, 236. , . . . . , searcher in the port of Scarborough and other ports, 149. Rutha. See Routh. Ruthin, Riffyn, Ruthyn [co. Den- bigh], 137, 358, 497. Rutland county, 56, 494. , collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in. See Wei ton, John de. , commission of array in, 499. , commission of the peace in, 136, 228. , escheator in. See Camels, John. , sheriff of. See Warde, Simon. , forest of, 105. , . . . . , keepers of. See Goderych, John ; Hakelut, William. Ruton. See Rowton. Ruton, Roger, clerk, 281. Ruwardyn. See Ruardean. Ryal, Richard, escheator in Wor- cester, 199. Rycroft. See Ryecroft. Rydel, Sir William, receiver of the abbey of Shaftesbury, 268. Rydelyngton, John, parson of Bur- stow, co. Surrey, exchanged to the church of St. James by Winchester, 80. Rydemore. See Ringmore. Rydere, John, 424. Rye [co. Sussex], 148, 151, 255, 500. Rye — cont. , farm of, 183. , mayor of. See Taillour, Thomas. , ministers of, 57. , barge of, officers of, 61. , gaugers of wines at. See Gambon, William ; Maykyn, John. , purveyor of fish at, 71. , commission of sewers at, 58, 134. , port of, 49, 65. , . . . . , deputy butler in. See Batillesford, William. Ryecroft, Rycroft [co. Lancaster], 99. Ryhull. See Ryle. Rykedon. See Rikedon. Ryle, Great, Great Ryhull [in Whit- tingham], co. Northumber- land, 423. Ryngebourn, Ryngeburn, Rynge- born, Hugh de, 50. , William, commissioner, 139, 153, 272, 332, 497. Ryngstede, Robert, citizen and mercer of London, 42. Rypon. See Ripon. Rysby, William de, commissioner, 311. Ryse, Nicholas de, 146. Rysshe, John, of Ireland, 98. Rysshyndon. See Rushenden. Ryston, William, 337. Rysum, Thomas, of Welton, co. Lincoln, 176. Rysyng, Rysyngs. See Rising, Cas- tle. Ryver, Ryvere, John de la, formerly groom of the spicery, 346, 347. , Thomas de la, commissioner, 153. , William de la, of Brafferton, 256. S Sabaudia, Peter de, temp. Henry III, 15. Saber, William, of Keyham, co. Leicester, temp. Henry III, 426. 700 GENERAL INDEX. Sabram, Nicholas de, 126. Sabrichesford, Sabrichesworth. See Sawbridgeworth. Sabyn, John, chaplain, presented to the vicarage of Totnes, 454. Sacombe, Sanecomp, co. Hertford, manor and advowson, 252. Sadeler, Sadelere, Adam le, 502. , . . . . , of Gresmarkete, 502. , Ralph, of Bilsdale Midcable, co. York, 316. , Roger, 312. , . . . . , of Bransdale, co. York, 316. Sadyngton, John de, 338. , commissioner, 319, 485, 491. Saggart, Tassagard [co. Dublin], lordship, 123. Saham Toney, Saham Tony fco. Norfolk], 147. , vicarage, 69. St. Albans [co. Hertford], 94. , abbot of, 107. , . . . ., prison of, 218. St. Asaph, bishop of. See Sprid- lynston, William de. , diocese, 107, 351, 362. St. Austell, co. Cornwall, free chapel of St. Michael in the church- yard, 437. , . . . . , chantry chaplains in, 372, 373, 475. , . . . . , chantry of Menacuddle in, 22. , manor of Tewington in, 375. St. Briavels, Breval [co. Gloucester], castle, 220. , constable of. See Brian, Guy de. St. Clare, Sisters Minoresses of the order of, 470. St. Clears [co. Carmarthen], alien priory, 114. , vicarage, 114. St. Clether [co. Cornwall], church, 22. St. Cohimb Major [co. Cornwall], manor of Talskiddy in, Tals- kedy, 375. St. Cross [Isle of Wight], alien priory of, 212. St. David's [co. Pembroke], cathedral church, advowson of, 376. , . . . . , precentor and chapter of, to be keepers of the bishopric during voidances, 457. , . . . . , prebend of Clydey in, 122. St. David's — cont. , bishop of. See Gower, Henry ; Houton, Adam de. , bishopric, voidance of, 45, 47. , diocese, 19 bis, 45, 68, 74, 114, 124, 127, 187, 198, 251, 257, 294, 401, 419. St. Edmund. See Bury St. Edmund's. St. Fagan's [co. Glamorgan], advow- son, 440. , castle, lordship and advow- son, 247. St. Faith. See Horsham St. Faith. St. Fromond [Manche, France], priory, 110. St. Ives, co. Cornwall, parsons of, 180. St. John of Jerusalem in England. hospital of, prior of, 143, 281, 412, 500. , . . . ., . . . ., John, 57. , . . . . , See Hales, Robert ; Tibertis, Leonard de. , ..... prior and brethren of, 127, 302. in Ireland, prior of, 111. , . . . . , chancellor of Ireland, 301. , See Tanny, William. St. Kenodere, St. Kenedry. See Cantref. St. Keverne [co. Cornwall], 198. St. Martin des Champs by Paris [France], priory of, 393. St. Mellion, co. Cornwall, vicar of, 441. St. Minver [co. Cornwall], manor of Penmayne in, 375. St. Neots, co. Huntingdon, 10, 419. , alien priory of, 191, 280, 293. , prior of, 427. St. Nicholas at Wade, Seint Nicholas by Sarre [co. Kent], 439. St. Olave, Seint Olof [near Norwich], co. Norfolk, ferry of, 217. St. Omer, Seint Omers [Pas-de- Calais, France], 506. St. Osyth [co. Essex], 101. Saint Pierre-sur-Dives [Calvados, France], abbey of St. Mary at, 93. St. Valery, Takkele. See Takeley. St. Wandrille [Seine Inferieure, France], priory, 112. Sakevill, Sakevyll, Sake vyle, Thomas, commissioner, 220, 319, 411, 497. GENERAL INDEX. 701 Salden [in Mursley, co. Bucking- ham], manor, 180, 462. Saleman, John, forester of Windsor forest, 26, 398. , Thomas, of Fulbourn, co. Cambridge, 263. Cf. Salman. Salerne, John, 57. , commissioner, 58. , Simon, 472. Salesbury. See Salisbury. Salesbury, Salesbirs, John de, 95, 99, 384, 446. , . . . . , king's esquire, 348, 440. , . . . . , esquire of the chamber, 95. , . . . . , commissioner, 53. , Nicholas de, presented to the church of Stanford Rivers, 170. , king's clerk, pre- bendary of St. Stephen's, Westminster, 429. , William, of Canterbury, troner and pesager of wools in London, 166. , William de, prebendary of Salisbury, 248. , . . . . , prebendary of Wher- well conventual church, 170. Salflethaven. See Saltfleet Haven. Salisbury, Salesbury [co. Wilts], 11, 38, 263, 264, 448. , draper of, 201, 257. , castle, gaol delivery of, 195. , gaol delivery of, 32. , the bishop of Salisbury's prison, 32. , house of St. Edmund, pro- vost of. See David, William. , cathedral church of St. Mary, chapter of, 76, 77, 179, 212, 248. , . . . . , dean and chapter of, 168, 200, 215. , . . . . , prebend in, 200. , prebend 'of Blewbury in, 248. , . . . . , prebend of Charmin- ster and Bere Regis in, 179. , . . . . , prebend of Major Pars Altaris in, 215. , . . . . , prebend of Nether- bury and Beaminster in, 212, 241. , . . . . , prebend of the south side of Grantham church in, 76, 77, 189. Salisbury, bishop of, 380. Salisbury — cont. , bishops of. See Erghum, Ralph ; Wyvill, Robert. , Roger, bishop of, temp. Henry I, 451. Salisbury, archdeacon of. See Cloune, Roger de. , dean of, 257. Salisbury, bishopric, voidance of, 166, 179, 200, 208, 212. , . . . . , temporalities of, 208. , . . . . , . . . . , guardians of, 208. , . . . . , guardian of the spirituality of, 179, 190, 200, 208. Salisbury, diocese, 6, 15, 16, 26, 44, 45, 46, 74, 82, 87, 88, 112, 124, 131, 166 ter, 170, 171, 172, 179, 180, 194, 208, 245 bis, 248, 257, 259 bis, 261, 266, 277, 302, 334, 345, 366, 371, 393, 395, 406, 419, 422, 423, bis, 449, 463, 464. Salisbury, earl of. See Longespee, William de ; Monte Acuto, William de. Salkeld, Richard de, 325. Sallowe, William de, commissioner, 498. , , sheriff of Derby, 320. salmon, preservation of, 193, 317, 501. Salman, John, 372. , . . . . , Bartholomea, wife of, 372. Cf. Saleman. Salmon, John, bishop of Norwich, 69. Salop county, 148, 226, 243, 311, 427. , issues of, 163. , collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in. See Ray, John. , commission of array in, 500. , commission of oyer and terminer in, 55. , commission of the peace in. 137. , escheator in. See Lee, Roger de la ; Walshale, William de. , sheriff of. See Percehale, Richard de. Salopesbire. See Shrewsbury. Salopia, Ralph de, bishop of Bath and Wells, 190, 436. Salperton, Sapurton, co. Glouc, 271. Salph, Salpho [in Renhold, co. Bed- 1 ford], 370. 702 GENERAL INDEX. Saltfleet Haven, Salflethaven [co. Lincoln], 313. Saltfleetby, Saltfletby, Shaf of Lete- by [co. Lincoln], 71, 271. Saltford, Richard de, canon of Wol- verhapton, 282. Salthaugh, Salthagh [in Kaying- ham, co. York], grange of, 467. Salthouse, Salthous [co. Norfolk], 147. Saltmersh, Thomas, commissioner, 136, 332. Saltmersk, Thomas de, justice of the peace in the East Riding, co. York, 146. Sambourn, Robert de, parson of Yeovil, 286. Sampkyn, Thomas, 126. , . . . . , of Barking, co. Essex, 83. Sampson, John, burgess of Ply- mouth, 25. , John parson of Cherring- ton, co. Gloucester, ex- changed to the chantry of St. Michael, Bradstone, co. Gloucester, 289. , Richard, buyer for the household, 71, 238. , William, 59. San Sebastian [Giupuscoa, Spain], ship of, 507. Sanchiis, Martin, of Castro Urdiales, master of the St. Mary of Castro Urdiales, 507. Sancto Albano, Gilbert de, rector of Rotherhithe, 89. , Thomas de, 102. Sancto Amando, Emery de, 122, 181. , commissioner, 157. , Ralph de, temp. Henry III, 19, 20. , .. .., Ascelina, wife of, 19, 20. Sancto Claro, Hamo de, temp. Henry I, 443. , Seint Cler, Seintcler, Seintclerc, Seint Cler, Joan de, 96. , John de, 14. , John, commissioner, 314, 492, 499. Sancto Edmundo, Thomas de, 188. Sancto Ivone, Adam de, citizen of London, 101. Sancto Johanne, Seint Johan, Edward de, commissioner, 65, 136, 137, 314, 332, 499. Sancto Johanne, Edward de — cont. ....... . . . . , keeper of the forests of Woolmer and Alice Holt, 395. , . . . . , knight, commissioner, 495. , . . . . , knight, keeper of Conway castle, 283. , . . . . , keeper of the manor of East Worldham, 395. , Seint Johan, Giles de, com- missioner, 65, 149. , William de, clerk, 304. Sancto Licio, Simon de, temp. Edward I, 271. Sancto Marciale, Hugh de, cardinal [of St. Mary in Porticu], 97. Sancto Martino, Seint Martyn, Laurence de, commissioner, 153, 498. , . . . . , knight, commissioner, 139. , justice of oyer and terminer, 43. Sancto Mauro, Nicholas de, temp. Henry III, 15. See Seymour. Sancto Neoto, Reynold de, temp. Edward I, 271. Sancto Paulo, Seint Poul, John de, prebendary of Exeter, 268, 275. , Mary de, countess of Pem- broke, 132, 180, 287, 302, 354, 366, 367, 391, 457, 472, 474, 478, 483. , . . . . , . . . . , late the wife of Aymer de Valence, 374. , Thomas de, commissioner, 143 bis. Sancto Philiberto, Seint Phylberd, John de, knight, 268, 404. Sancto Quintino, Seint Quintyn, Geoffrey de, commissioner, 409. , John de, commissioner, 498. Sancto Vedasto, William de, prior of Ogbourne St. George, 76. , . . . . , proctor general of the abbot and convent of Bee Hellouin, 76, 388. Sanctuary, 55, 425. Sandal Magna, Sandall, co. York, 154. , West Gretton in, 126. , Kirk, Little Sandale [co. York], parsons of, 166. Sandegate. See Sangatte. Sandes, Sonde. See Sandys, Sandewell. See Sandwell. GENERAL INDEX. 703 Sandewich. See Sandwich. Sandewico, John de, monk of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, 323. , Nicholas, de groom of the office of the bakehouse, 370. Sandford [by Woodstock, co. Ox- ford], 300. Sandford, Sanford, Saunford, Thomas de, commissioner, 59, 63, 64, 142, 143, 150, 486, 498. See Saunford. Sandhull, William, 301. Sandon [co. Hertford], 103. [in Esher, co. Surrey], hos- pital of the Holy Ghost and St. Mary Magdalene at, warden of. See Mistreton, John de. Sandre, Richard, commissioner, 315, Sandryngton, John, 222. Sandrys, John, 222. Sandwell, Sandewell [in Harberton, co. Devon], 281. Sandwich, Sandwych [co. Kent], 159, 218, 313. , mayor of. See Elys, Thomas. , mayor of, commissioner, 54. , bailiffs of, 206. , bailiff of. See Haddon, John de. , barge of, officers of, 60. , collectors of customs at, 206. , gaugers of wines at. See Gambon, William ; Maykyn, John. , port, 48, 49 bis. , . . . . , deputy butler in. See More, William. , parish of St. Clement in, 150. Sandys, Sandes, Sonde, John, 222 bis, 223, 228, 263. Sanecomp. See Sacombe. Sanford. See Sandford. Sangatte, Sandegate [Pas-de -Calais, France], castle, 21. Santon, John de, mayor of York, 490. , Thomas de, 125. Sapcote, Sapecote [co. Leicester], 137, 379, 490, 491, 498. , church, 379. Sapurton, co. Glouc. See Salper- ton. Sardene, William de, canon of St. Paul's, London, 429. Saresyne, Thomas, parson of Bod- dington, co. Northampton, exchanged to the church of Stuchbury, co. Northamp- ton, 15. Sark, Serk, island, keeper of. See Bello Campo, Thomas de ; Calvilegh, Hugh de. Sarre, Serre [co. Kent], ferry, 224. Sarre Wall, Serreswall [in Chislett and Sarre], co. Kent, 224. Sarum, Old [co. Wilts], castle, gaol delivery of, 21, 265. , gaol delivery of, 36. , church of St. Peter, 345. Saunby, Bertram de, commissioner, 153. Saundersone, Saunderisson, Saun- desson, John, 143, 152, 325, 331. Saunford, Robert de, master of the Knights Templars, temp. Henry III, 425. Saunford. See Sandford. Saundre, Richard, 434. , commissioner, 417. Sauserye, Sausirie, Gilbert de la, 201. , John de la, commissioner, 331. , William del, chief serjeant of the saucery, 252. , Cf. Man, William. Sauston. See Sawston. Sauston, Nicholas de, 97. Sauters [in Sutton at Hone], co. Kent, manor, 232. Sautre, Hugh, of Ware, 357. Savage, Sauvage, Arnold, commis- sioner, 65. , , knight, 294. , Ralph, of Holton le Moor, co. Lincoln, 108. , Richard, of Waterford, 258. , Robert, 381, 386. , Thomas, 159. Sawbridgeworth, Sabrichesford, Sabrichesworth, co. Hertford. 80, 492. Sawston, Sauston, co. Cambridge, manor, 188, 297, 360. Sawyer, John, of Salisbury, 38. Saxham [co. Suffolk], 246. Saxmundham, Sexmendham [co. Suffolk], 340. Say, John, of Yelbury, 305. , William de, knight, 131. , William de, temp. Edward I, 271. Sayle, Daniel de, knight, 274. 704 GENERAL INDEX. Sayour, William, purveyor for the household, 238. Sayvill, John, commissioner, 137, 314, 498. , . . . . , escheator in York, 118, 126, 350. Scaldkede, John, 263. Scales, Skales [co. Cumberland], 171. Scales, Robert de, commissioner, 55. , Roger, Roger de, commis- sioner, 135, 138, 314, 497. Scall [co. York], 151. Scarborough, Scardeburgh, Scar- burgh [co. York], 59, 236, 448, 486. , bailiffs of, 236. , grant of pavage to, 96, 479. , burgesses of, 321. , collectors of customs at, 236. , collector of petty customs at. See Ruston, Henry de. , castle, constables of. See Tempest, Richard ; Um- ! framvill, Ingram de. , port, searchers in. See Acclome, Robert de ; Ruston, Henry de. , waste called ' Sandes ' by, 321. Scarcliff, Scharclyf [co. Derby], vicar of, Thomas his brother, j 23. Scardburgh. See Scorbrough. Scardeburgh. See Scarborough. Scardeburgh, Scarsheburgh, John de, of Yorkshire, 339. , . . . . , clerk of the diocese of York, notary public, 239, 240. , Nicholas de, commissioner, 153, 414. Scargill, Skargill, Skarghill, Richard, Richard de, 344. , . . . . , king's yeoman, the king's ferreter, 180, 362. , Robert de, cutler, 146. Scarle, North, Northscarle [co. Lin- coln], 297. Scarle, John de, clerk, attorneys received by, 122, 123, 363. , . . . . , warden of a chapel in Worcester, 91. , . . . . , king's clerk, pre- sentation of, revoked, 87. , . . . . , presented to the church of Cromer, 207. , . . . . , presented to the church of Ivinghoe, 397. , Walter, commissioner, 136, 217, Scarle, Walter — cont. , , of Rutland, 474. Scarlet, Stephen, king's servant at Rotherhithe, 358. Scarnyng, Alan de, clerk, 439. , . . . . , Emma, late the wife of, 439. Scarthburgh. See Scardeburgh. Scartho, Scarthowe [co. Lincoln], 453. Scharclyf. See Scarcliff. Schrouesbury, Thomas, 337. Schynnore, Simon, 4. Scorbrough, Scardburgh [co. York], 467. Scorby, Thomas, chaplain, presented to the church of Ashley, co. Cambridge, 171. Scoreby, John de, bailiff of York, 242. Scotch Roll, the, 435, 441. Scoter. See Scotter. Scothowe, John de, of Field Dalling, 264. Scotland, 64, 202, 203, 299, 306, 435. , truce with, 306, 455. , illegal export of wool to, 53. , march of, 112. , marches of, warden of. See Percy, Henry de. , merchants of, 455. Scots, the, 112. Scot, Scotte, Henry, bailiff in Ingle- wood forest, 461. , Richard, vicar of Saham Toney, temp. Edward II, 69. , . . . . , of Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 140, 155. . , Robert, of Raynsate, 326. , . . . . , chantry warden in St. Paul's, London, presented to the church of Ringwould, co. Kent, 3. Scotter, Scoter, co. Lincoln, Walter, parson of, 285. Scotton [in Farnham, co. York]. 79, 215. Scrope, Scrop, Lescrop, Geoffrey le, commissioner, 322. , canon of St. Mary's, Lincoln, 11. , Henry, Henry le, commis- sioner, 137, 327, 498. , Richard le, commissioner, 139, 160, 220, 491, 498. , , treasurer, 4, 6, 36, 37. 84, 134. , . . . . , treasurer of the Exchequer, 169. GENERAL INDEX. 705 Scrope — cont. , Roger le, prebendary of St. Paul's, London, 119. , Thomas le, treasurer, 253. Sculthorpe, Sculthorp [co. Norfolk], advowson, 78. , manor, 78. Scurlag, Scurlagg, John, commis- sioner, 501. , Thomas, treasurer of the Exchequer of Ireland, 120. , . . . . , abbot of St. Thomas the Martyr's by Dublin, 120, 482. Scutard, Robert, 151. Seaford, Seford, [co. Sussex], 313. Seagrave, Segrave [co. Leicester], lady of. See Marshal, Mar- garet. Seagry, Segre [co. Wilts], 247. Seal, the Great, delivery of, 404, 417. Seal, Privy, clerk of. See Ditton, William. , . . . . , keeper of. See Carreu, Nicholas de. Seamer, Seiner, co. York, 59. Seamer, Semer [in Langbargh wapentake, co. York], liberty, 331. Seaton, Seton [in Sigglesthorne, co. York], 467. Seaton Ross, Seton, co. York, 320. Seavington St. Michael, Seven- hampton Michaelis [co. Somer- set], parsons of, 2G9. Seburgh, Richard, of Colchester, collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in Essex and Hertford, 427. Sechete, Sechethe. See Setchey. Sedbergh, co. York. 153. Sedgebrook, Segbrok [co. Lincoln], 27, 28. See, Peter atte, 117. Seem, Adam, of Brigstock, 134. Sees, abbey of [Orne, France], 463. Sefford, John de, knight, 286. Seford. See Seaford. Seford, John, of Romney, searcher in all ports in Kent, 313. Segbrok. See Sedgebrook. Seggefeld, Adam de, chantry chap- lain in the church of Gates- head, 127. , John de, vicar of Newark, 74. Segrave. See Seagrave. Segrave, Geoffrey de, commissioner, 63, 491. Segrave — cont. , Hugh de, commissioner, 135, 313, 315, 327, 328 bis, 333, 499. , executor of the prince of Wales, 377. , . . . . , steward of the lands of the late prince of Wales in England, Wales, Cornwall and Chester, 293. , , knight, 376. Segre. See Seagry. Segre, Simon de, knight, 264. Seighford, Sesteford [co. Stafford], vicar of, 113. Seins, Sampson, vicar general in England of the abbot and convent of Lonlay-l'Abbaye, 9. Seint Cler, Seintcler, Seintclere. See Sancto Claro. Seint Johan. See Sancto Johanne. Seint Loo, Seyntloo, Seyntlowe, Sir John de, 171. , John de, commissioner, 53. , William, of Wimpole, 355. Seint Martyn. See Sancto Martino. Seint Nicholas by Sarre. See St. Nicholas at Wade. Seint Olof. See St. Olave. Seint Omers. See St. Omer. Seint Phylberd. See Sancto Phili- berto. Seint Poul. See Sancto Paulo. Seint Quintyn. See Sancto Quintino. Sek, Nicholas, Carmelite friar, 228. Sekyndon, John de, vicar of Youl- greave, co. Derby, exchanged to Linby, co. Nottingham, 259. Selange, Roger, 44. Selby, Seleby [co. York], 87, 88, 476. , abbot of, 219. , abbot and convent of, 192, 476. Selby, Henry de, 54. , John de, of Nottinghamshire, 458. , Peter de, 157. , Richard de, citizen of York, 266. , Robert de, 338. , commissioner, 313. , . . . . , deputy butler at Kingston-on-Hull, 361. , mayor of Kingston-on- Hull, 502. Seleby. See Selby. Seler, Adam atte, 431. Wt. 18915. E 45 706 GENERAL INDEX. Seler — cont. , Thomas atte, parson of Esher, exchanged to Monk- silker, 234. Selkley, Selkeley [co. Wilts], hun- dred of, 417. Selling, Sellynges, co. Kent, manor, 35. Selveston, John de, 429. Sely, Benedict, commissioner, 58. Seman, Robert, of Saham Toney, 147. Semer. See Seamer. Semer, William de, of Scarborough, 59, 448. Semere, Peter, 484. Semperingham, Sempyngham [co. Lincoln], order of, 123. Sempyngham. See Semperingham. Senche, William, of Spalding, vicar of Honingham, co. Norfolk, 345. Sendelove, Robert, 409. Seneschal, Walter, commissioner, 52. Sengleburgh. See Singleborough. Sentlyngge. See Seyntling. Sergeant, Serjeant, Serjant, Ser- geaunt, Henry, 203, 299. , John, commissioner, 138, 154, 157, 315, 319. , . . . . , escheator in Gloucester, 109, 167, 174. , John, of Essex, 435. , Stephen, 328. , Walter, 290. , Walter of Dalby, 83. Sergeaux, Serjeaux, Cergeaux, Cer- ceaux, John, commissioner, 52. , Michael, clerk, bachelor in laws, 291. , Richard, commissioner, 139, I 152, 332. Serjant, Serjeant. See Sergeant. Serjeaux. See Sergeaux. Serk. See Sark. Serre. See Sarre. Serreswall. See Sarre Wall. Servant, John le, ' bon skarlet,' 326. services : — keeping watch at Calais, 117. rendering an ell of scarlet cloth at the king's coronation, 81. Sesteford. See Seighford. Setchey, Sechete, Sechethe [co. Nor- folk], 263 bis. Seton. See Seaton. Seuelesho. See Silsoe. Sevenhampton [co. Gloucester], manor, hayward of. See Oxenford, Andrew de. Sevenhampton Michaelis. See Seavington St. Michael. Sevenhous, John de, citizen and tailor of York, 242. Severn, river, arrest of ships in, 337. Sevyner, Adam, 267. Sewacre, Henry, of Wanborough, co. Wilts, 281. Sewale, Thomas, commissioner, 135, 138, 314. Sewall, Thomas, escheator in Bed- ford, Buckingham, Cambridge and Huntingdon, 74, 87, 118, 167, 172, 175, 195, 201, 202, 315, 320, 370, 429. , . . . . , escheator in Bucking- ham, commissioner, 225. Seward, Walter, temp. Henry 111,426. sewers, commissions of, 58, 134, 145, 156, 158, 161, 315, 319, 485, 496. Sexhampcote, John de, chaplain, presented to the church of St. Peter, Old Sarum, 345. Sexhowe, Sexowe [in Rudby in Cleveland, co. York], 501. Sexmendham. See Saxmundham. Seymour, Seymore, Nicholas, knight, 168, 193. , . . . . , escheator in North- ampton, 17. See Sancto Mauro. Seynesbury, John de, buyer for the household, 71, 238. , . . . . , presented to the church of Holywell, co. Huntingdon, 167. , . . . . , presentation of, re- voked, 184. i claimant to the church of Holywell, 464, 465. Seyntcler. See Sancto Claro. Seyntling, Sentlyngge [in St. Mary Cray], co. Kent, manor, 241. Seyntloo. See Seint Loo. I Seynt Paul. See Sancto Paulo. Seys, Diggory, knight, commissioner, 495. Shackleford, Shakelford [co. Surrey], 273. Shadell, Denise, 107, 270. , Edward, 107, 270. Shadworth, John, 157, 160. Shaf of Leteby. See Saltfleetby. Shaftesbury [co. Dorset], conventual church of, prebend of Iwerne Minster in, 395, 419. GENERAL INDEX. 707 S haf tesbury — cont. , abbess and convent of, 287, 355, 368. , abbey of St. Edmund at, Joan, abbess, and the convent of, letters patent of, 268. , rent of toll, pleas &c. in, 368. Shait. See Shayt. Shakelford. See Shackleford. Shakill, John, 317. Shakyliston, Richard, 188. , , Isabel, wife of, 188. Shaldeford. See Shalford. Shaldeford, Andrew de, 11, 102, 104, 112. Shalford, Shaldeford [co. Essex], 415. Shardelowe, Sherdelowe, John de, commissioner, 314, 411, 412, 497. , Thomas, 42. , Thomas de, commissioner, 136, 491, 497. , . . . . , coroner and king's attorney in the King's Bench, 29. Shareshull, Thomas, groom of the household, 382. , William de, knight,, 113. Sharpe, John, forester of Penrith ward in Inglewood forest, 236. Sharpyng, William, deputy butler at London, 362. Sharstede. See Shawsted. Shaw [co. Berks], Donnington in, 252. Shawe. John, groom of the house- hold, 382. , Richard, prebendary of St. George's, Windsor, 206, 212. ....... . . . . , prebendary of St. Stephen's, Westminster, 206, 212. Shawsted, Sharstede by Roucestre [in Chatham, co. Kent], manor, 16, 116. Shayt, Shait, Richard, 221. of Ruardean, co. Gloucester, 220, 221. , Richard, called Sir William Recchemenever, 221. Shebbear, Sheftbeare, co. Devon, manor court, 405. Sheen, Shene [co. Surrey], 357. , letters patent dated at, 7, 39, 69, 110, 166, 174, 184, 187, 189, 211, 233, 248, 425, 426, 430, 431, 434, 435, 438- I Sheen, letters patent dated at — cont. 447, 452, 453, 462, 463, 468- 471, 475-479, 481-484. I , manor, 238. , . . . . , letters patent dated at, 430, 433, 436, 438, 439, 441, 442, 456, 459, 470, 472-474, 476, 478, 479, 483, 484, 491. , manor, keeper of. See S wanton, John de. Sheepwash, Shepwayssh [co. Devon], 64. I , manor, 64. Sheffield, Sheffeld, co. York, 217. , castle, 217. J , castle and manor, 186. , Walkley in, Walkelay, 186. Shefford [co. Bedford], 402. Shefford, John, yeoman of the household, 335. Sheftbeare. See Shebbear. Shelf anger [co. Norfolk], 53. Shelf ord, Great, co. Cambridge, manor, 195. Shelford, Henry, chaplain, presented to the vicarage of Bulbridge, co. Wilts, 166. Shelton, John, carter, 103. Shene. See Sheen. Shengham. See Shingham. Shepard, Walter, 221. Cf. Shepherd. Sheperde, John, of Ham Green, co. Worcester, 234, 336. ! Shepeye, Shepey, John, John de, 272, 495, 504. , king's clerk, doctor of laws, 359, 365. , commissioner, 487. , Jordan de, 504. Shepeye. See Sheppey. Shepherd, Shephird, William, 140, 155. Cf. Shepard ; Sheperde ; Shiphyrd. Sheppey, Shepeye, co. Kent, isle of, marshes in, commission of sewers in, 161. Shepston. See Shipton under Wych- wood. Shepton Beauchamp [co. Somerset], 406. , advowson, 35. Shepwayssh. See Sheepwash. Sherborne, Shyreburne, co. Dorset, exemplification of plea at, 286. Monks', Shirbourne [co. Southampton], alien priory, 166. 708 GENERAL INDEX. Sherborne — cont. , Shirborn [co. Warwick], 392. Sherburn, Shirburn [co. York], 414. in Elmet, Shirburn in Elmett [co. York], 227. , Shirburn in Harfordlith [co. York, E.R.], 329. Sherdelowe. See Shardelowe. Shere [co. Surrey], Gomshall in, Gomshelf, 164. Sherewynd, Shirwynd, Richard, clerk, 109. , . . . . , groom of the house- hold, 382. Cf. Sherwynd. Sherfkyn, John, knight of Almain, 77. Sherington, Shiryngton, co. Bucking- ham, 457. Sherrington, Shryngton [co. Buck- ingham], 197. Sherston, co. Wilts, manor, 438, 442. Sherwood, Shirewode [co. Notting- ham], forest of, keeper of. See Daubrichecourt, Nicholas. Sherwynd, John, 143. , Nicholas, merchant of Southampton, 421. Cf. Sherewynd. Shetekost, Roger, 312. Shetersselde. See Shooter's Hill. Sheviock, Shevyok [co. Cornwall], parsons of, 194. Shevynton, John de, parson of Bid- dulph, exchanged to Ight- field, 265. Shifnal, Shoffenhale [co. Salop], 427. Shilbottle, co. Northumberland, Hartlaw in, Hertelowe, 423. Shillingheld, Shillynghelde [in Chil- ham, co. Kent], 35. Shimpling, Shymplyng [co. Norfolk], parson of, 122. Shingham, Shengham [co. Norfolk], parsons of, 402. Shipdene. See Cromer. Shiphyrd, William, of Lutton, 167. Cf. Shepherd. Shipley, Shippeley [in Eglingham, co. Northumberland], 59. Shiplode, John, of Coventry, 393. Ships named : — la Crak, 505. la Cristofre, 417. Goddesknyght, 417. la Marie, of Fobbing, 156. Marioncogge, 417. Maydagh, 417. Nauseynt Johan, 462. Ships named — cont. Palmedau, 417. Posdagh, of Prussia, 417. St. Anthony, of Castro Urdiales, 507. St. James, of Bilbao, 507. St. James, of Castro Urdiales, 507. St. John, of Castro Urdiales, 507. St. John, of Guetaria, 507. St. John, of San Sebastian, 507. St. Katharine, of Bilbao, 507. la Seinte Margarete, of Genoa, 507. la Seinte Marie, 65. la Seinte Marie, of Genoa, 507. St. Martin, of Castro Urdiales, 507. St. Martin, of Guetaria, 507. St. Mary, of Castro Urdiales, 507. St. Mary, of Guetaria, 507. St. Mary, of Portugalete, 507. St. Mary Magdalene, of Plasen- cia, 507. Seint Nicholas, of Genoa, 449. St. Nicholas, of Motrico, 507. St. Peter, of Bilbao, 507. Welfare, of Dartmouth, 327, 408. Shippeley. See Shipley. Shipton, Shypton [co. Oxford], vicars of, 43. Shipton under Wychwood, Shepston [co. Oxford], manor, 442. [in Overton, co. York], 350. Shipton, Henry de, clerk, com- missioner, 323. Shirborn. See Sherborne. Shirbourne, 281. See Sherborne, Monks'. Shirbourne, Shirbourn, John, 281. , Thomas de, 338. , Walter de, 211. See Shirburn. Shirburn, co. Oxford, 434. See Sherburn. Shirburn, John de, 27. , Nicholas de, 480. See Shirbourn. Shires, Michael, presented to the vicarage of Twickenham, 130. Shirewood. See Sherwood. Shirfeld, John, of Salisbury, 448. Shirford, Thomas de, clerk, 356. Shirland, Shirlond [co. Derby], 217, 310 321. Shirleye, Hugh de, 358. I Shirreve, Geoffrey, 15. GENERAL INDEX. 709 Shirwynd. See Sherwynd ; Shere- wynd. Shiryngton. See Sherington. Shitfeld, Reynold, 464. Shitlington, Shutlyndon, Shitlyng- don [co. Bedford], 264, 318. shoes, fraudulent sales of, 440. Shoffenhale. See Shifnal. Shooters' Hill, Shetersselde, co. Kent, 38. Shopp, William, 281. Shordich, John, commissioner, 491. Shordich. See Shoreditch. Shordych. See Shoreditch. Shoreditch, Shordich, Shordych [co. Middlesex], 388. , parish, ' La More ' in, 381. Shoreham, Shorham [co. Sussex], 413, 494. , manor, 375. , gaugers of wines at. See Gambon, William ; Maykyn, John. Shorham. See Shoreham. Shorne [co. Kent], 366. Short, John, of Upavon, co. Wilts, 356. Shortcombe, Shortecombe [in West Harp tree, co. Somerset], 445. Shorte, John, 268. Shortgrove, Thomas, late keeper of Harewood bailiwick in the forest of Dean, 270. , . . . . , bailiff in the forest of Dean, 284. Shorton, John de, parson of Arksey, co. York, 90. , .. .., of Bentley, co. York, 186. Shortport, Shortporte, William, 410, 413. Shot, John, servant of, 409. Shotelyngton, Alan, parson of Hem- ingbrough, 243. Shouk, Thomas, 492. Shoyre, Peter, 392. Shraueley, Walter de, presented to the vicarage of Astley, co. Worcester, 255. Shrewsbury, Shrouesbury, Salopes- bire [co. Salop], 103, 312, 471. 492. , burgesses of, 433. , castle, free chapel, in 154. , church of St. Chad, canon of. See Laweley, Philip. , Nicholas, abbot of, com- missioner, 312. , hospital of St. John the Baptist, 312. Shrewsbury — cont. , hospital of St. John in the suburb, warden of. See Barkere, Thomas. Shrivenham, Shryvenham [co. Berks], 383. Shrouesbury. See Shrewsbury. Shrouesbury, John de, tailor of London, 458. Shryngton. See Sherrington. Shryvenham. See Shrivenham. Shupton in Galtres, Roger son of John de, 441. Shutlyndon. See Shitlington. Shymplyng. See Shimpling. Shynler, Hugh, John son of, of Gratwayth, 316. Shypton. See Shipton. Shyreburne. See Sherborne. Sibbeseye, John de, 312. Sibile, Walter, citizen of London, 81, 157, 160. Sibille, Thomas, vicar of Ombersley, co. Worcester, exchanged to the vicarage of Beckford, co. Gloucester, 2. Sibthorp, Robert de, king's clerk, 348, 432. , . . . ., king's clerk, chamber- lain of the Exchequer, 174, 296. , . . . . , presented to the church of Maidstone, 217, 240. Siddington, Sudyngton Musard [co. Gloucester], parsons of, 261. Sidecowe, Henry, merchant of the Hanse, 417. Siggeston, Thomas de, 474. , .. .., citizen of York, 266. , . . . . , citizen and merchant of York, 73. , . . . . , Katharine, wife of, 73. Sigglesthorne [co. York], Seaton in, Seton, 467. , Wassand in, 467. Silby, John, 423. Silian, Maynorsullen [co. Cardigan], 374. Silkstone [co. York], West Bretton in, 126. Silly by Kaerdyf. See Sully. Silsoe, Seuelesho [co. Bedford], 318. Silverle, John de, 146. Silverstone, Sylvestone [co. North- ampton], wood of, 267. Simeon, Symeon, Simon, commis- sioner, 134, 147, 497. Simon, John son of, de Cleydon, of Whitwell, co. Rutland, 273. 710 GENERAL INDEX. Simon — cont. See Symon. Simonburn, Symondesbourne [co. Northumberland], vicars of, 70. Simondesson, John, chaplain, 27. Simonetti, Athelinus, of Lucca, 508. Singilton, Robert, commissioner, 158. Singleborough, Sengleburgh [in Great Horwood, co. Bucking- ham], 429. Sisson, Richard, Scot, 414. , Roger, Scot, of Weaver- thorpe, 414. , Thomas, Scot, 414. , William, Scot, 414. Siston, Syston [co. Gloucester], 58. Siston. See Syston. Sittingbourne, Sydyngbourne, co. Kent, 184. Sixhills, Sixhill [co. Lincoln], prior of, 456. Skales. See Scales. Skargill, Skarghill. See Scargill. Skegholf, John, of Langton, 168. Skegness, Skegnes, co. Lincoln, com- mission of sewers at, 158. Skeldingho. See Skellingthorpe. Skellingthorpe, Skeldingho [co. Lin- coln], 19. Skelton, co. Cumberland, advowson, 187. , . . . ., manor, 443. in Cleveland, Clyveland [co. York], castle and manor, 177. Skelton, William, summoner, 169. Skerne, Skyrna [co. York], 467. , water called, 467. Skerton, John de, 205. Skidby, Skytby [co. York], 227. Skilling, Skillyng, Skyllyng, Skyl- lynge, Michael, 42, 95, 272. , . . . . , king's attorney, 60. , commissioner, 59, 61, 139, 222 ter, 223 bis, 310, 409. , . . . . , justice of gaol delivery, 265. , Walter, parson of Urchfont, co. Wilts, 259. Skippewith. See Skipwith. Skipsea, Skipse, co. York, church, 55. , Dringhoe in, Dringhou, 467. Skipwith, Skypwyth, Skippewith, Skipwyth, Skypwyth, Ralph de, commissioner, 137. , Robert, of York, skinner, 281. Skipwith — cont. , William de, commissioner, 158, 311, 409, 411, 414 bis, 485, 490 bis, 491 bis, 492, 494, 502. , . . . ., knight, 71. , . . . . , knight, commissioner, 50, 145. , justice of the Bench, 351, 365. , . . . . , justice of North and South Wales, 293. , . . . . , steward of the lord- ship of Haverfordwest, 293. , . . . . , William son of, com- missioner, 319, 485. Skirbeck, Skyrbek [co. Lincoln], parsons of, 395. Skirlawe, Skyrlawe, Walter de, 495. , commissioner, 226, 487. , king's clerk, doctor of laws, 438. , . . . . , doctor of laws, com- missioner, 410. , . . . . , canon of Beverley, 239, 473. , . . . . , prebendary of Bever- ley collegiate church, 348. , . . . . , dean of St. Martin's le Grand, London, 398. Skirpenbeck, Skirpenbek [co. York], manor, 101. Skirwith, John de, 140. Sklattere, Thomas le, 113. Skogon, John, 317. , Thomas, 317. Skolete, John, 495. Skoule, John, of Sedgebrook, co. Lincoln, 27. Skyllyng. See Skilling. Skynner, Robert, chaplain, pre- sented to the vicarage of West Mersea, co. Essex, 211. , Thomas, of Corfe Castle, 13. , William, of Coventry, 416. Skypewyth. See Skipwith. Skyrbek. See Skirbeck. Skyret, Roger, commissioner, 310. Skyrme, John, William son of, of Dundalk, 461. , Thomas, William son of, 461. Skyrna. See Skerne. Skytby. See Skidby. Slagham. See Slaugham. Slaidburn, Sledburn in Bouland, Slaytburn, co. York, 321. , parsons of, 104, 183. Slap ton, co. Devon, manor, 70. GENERAL INDEX. 711 Slaugham, Slagham, co. Sussex, 496. Slaughter, Sloughtre, co. Gloucester, liberty, 155. Slayhills, Slay hill [in Upchurch], co. Kent, marsh, commission of sewers in, 161. Slaytburn. See Slaidburn. Slebech [co. Pembroke], master of. See Woldesef, Roger de. Sledburn in Bouland. See Slaid- burn. Sleford, William de, king's clerk, surveyor of the works in Westminster palace and the Tower, 181, 420. Slegh, John, 115. , . . . . , butler of Richard II, and keeper of Flitteris park and Oakham warren, 361. , John de, king's clerk, 348. Sleght, John, 160. Sleigth, John, 312. , . . . . , Walter, servant of, 312. Slene, William de, parson of Win- wick, co. Lancaster, 170. Slimbridge, Slymbrugg, co. Glouces- ter 164. Slolegh, John,' 273. Sloman, Brian, chaplain, presenta- tion of, revoked, 23, 24. , John, 495. Slory, John, 33. Sloughtre. See Slaughter. Sluys, letters patent dated at, 504. Slymbrugg. See Slimbridge. Smalberghe, John, commissioner, 56. Smalbrigge. See Smallbridge. Smale, Roger, king's servant at Windsor, 358. , . . . . , keeper of the keys in Windsor Castle, 377. Smallbridge, Smalbrigge [in Bures St. Mary, co. Suffolk], 209. Smalle, John, 59. Smeeth, Smethe [co. Kent], 491. Smert, John, 216. Smethcott, Smithecote [co. Salop], 278. Smethe. See Smeeth. Smithecote. See Smethcott. Smowelyng, Richard, of Blakeney, 147. Smyth, Henry, chaplain, 244. , John le, 392. , John, 221, 412, 431. , . . . ., chaplain, 318. , . . . . , of Annesley, co. Not- tingham, 420. Smyth, John — cont. , .. .., vicar of Ashton, 10. , .. .., of Clent, co. Worces- ter, 366. , . . . . , clerk, claimant to the prebend of Bullinghope, 432. , . . . . , of Kirby, co. Leicester, 168, 184. , . . . . , of Kirkby Moorside, the younger, 316. , , of Little Dean, 221. , . . . . , . . . . , called Sir Richard Misavysed, 221. , . . . . , of Ordsall, Beatrice, wife of, 269. , See Bedewardyn, John de. , John son of Peter le, of Leckhampstead, presented to the church of Cottisford, co. Oxford, 23. , Nicholas, of Wareham, 409. , Ralph, of Castle Hedingham, co. Essex, 296. , . . . . , Beatrice, wife of, 296. , Richard, 21. , commissioner, 233. , . . . ., of East Bridgford, co. Nottingham, 63, 142. , of Wysall, co. Not- tingham, chaplain, 356. , Robert le, Robert, 228, 399, 495. .... . . , Robert, chaplain, 244. , . . . . , of Great Oakley, pre- sented to the church of Little Oakley, co. Northampton, 199. , Simon, of Witney, co. Ox- ford, 10. , Stephen son of Richard, of Alderton, co. Northampton, 66. , Thomas, 152. , Thomas, of Hucknall, co. Nottingham, 420. , Thomas, chaplain, presented to the church of Little Bricett, co. Suffolk, 235. , Tidmann, master of la Cristofre, 417. , Walter, of Ingoldsby, co. Lincoln, 61. , William, king's plumber, 265. , William, of Barnston, co. Nottingham, 63, 142. , William, of Highgate, 476. , .. .., of Islington, 476. 712 GENERAL INDEX. Smyth, William — cont. , . . . . , parson of Merrow, co. Surrey, 273. , , of Mitchelclean, 221. , . . . . , called ' John Geff ray ' and 'Admiral,' 220, 221. Smythson, Smytson, Thomas, of Stockton on Tees, 329, 331. Snaith, Snayth [co. York], 30. , Hensall in, Hethensale, 30. , liberty of the soke of, com- mission of the peace in, 314, 315. Snawe, Robert, of Barton, co. Ox- ford, presented to the church of Cottisford, co. Oxford, 40. Snaynton, William de, 54. , . . . . , commissioner, 502. Snayth. See Snaith. Snayth, Henry, Henry de, clerk, 354, 494. , . . . . , canon of Beverley, 239. , Thomas, 344. Sneed [in Westbury upon Trym], co. Gloucester, park, keepers of. See Burgeys, John ; Morton, Thomas de. Snelle, William, 28. Snelleston. See Snelston. Snelston, Snelleston, co. Derby, 475. Snetesham. See Snettisham. Snetesham, John, citizen and mercer of London, 103. Snettisham, Snetesham [co. Norfolk], 199. , manor, 405. , warren, keeper of. See Bovyngton, Roger de. Snodeshull. See Snodhill. Snodhill, Snodeshull [in Dorstone], co. Hereford, castle and manor, 444. Snoryng, John, of Walsingham, clerk, 44. Sny lies ton, William de, citizen of Lincoln, 501. Sny tell, William, 318. Snyterley. See Blakeney. Sodbury, Sobbury [co. Gloucester], manor, 457. , park, 456. Soham, Saham, co. Cambridge, manor, 405. , warren, keepers of. See Bovyngton, Roger de ; Stanes, Richard. Soissons, count of. See Coucy, Ingram de. Sokburn, Roger de, chaplain, chantry warden in All Saints' , Newcastle -on-Tyne, 188. Soles, Solys [in Nonington, co. Kent], 209. Solihull, Solyhull [co. Warwick], 338. , parson of, 234. Solyere, John, bondman, 142. Solyhull. See Solihull. Solys. See Soles. Solys, John, 209. Somer, John, 430. Somerby, Somerdeby [co. Leicester], William, reeve of, temp. Henry III, 426. , Somerdeby [co. Lincoln], 187. , Somurby [in Kesteven, co. Lincoln], 61. Somercotes, Gomercote [co. Lincoln], 271. Somerdeby. See Somerby. Somerey. See Somery. Somerford, William, presented to the church of Calstock, co. Cornwall, 340. Somerset county, 53, 57, 65, 155, 228, 288, 356, 488. , collectors of subsidy on cloth for sale in. See Beau- pyne, Thomas ; Canynges, John and Simon. , commission of array in, 499. , commission of the peace in, 139, 313. , escheator in. See Syfre- wast, Walter ; Hale, John atte ; More, Adam atte. , . . . . , commissioner, 222. , justices of assize in, 431. , justices of oyer and ter- miner in, 146. , outlawries in, 11 bis, 103, 104, 230, 471. , ports in, deputy butler in. See Asshenden, Thomas de. Somersham, John de, 473. Somerton [in Boothby Graffoe, co. Lincoln], castle, 62. , works in, 479. Somerton, Geoffrey de, 211. , Nicholas de, commissioner, 136. , . . . . , escheator in Oxford, Berks, Wilts and Hants, 300, 343, 348, 357, 429, 430. 464. Somerville, Roger de, of Cossingfcon, 88. GENERAL INDEX. 713 Somery, Somerey, Walter, 4, 30, 123, 129. Somurby. See Somerby. Sonde. See Sandes. Sondon [? in Stoke Courcy, co. Somerset], 97. Sop, Nicholas, 96. Sor, Alexander, 247. , Randolph le, temp. Henry III, 26. Sote, Pernell, 421. , Robert, 421. Soteby, Roger de, 169. , . . . . , porter of the great wardrobe, 167. Sotheren, John, 422. , John son of Thomas, of Mitton, cos. Lancaster and York, 422. Sotheworth, Thomas, knight, 360. ! Sotovart. See Guernsey. Souche. See Zouche. Soukeley, Giles de, presented to the church of Nacton, co. Suffolk, 168. Sourby. See Sowerby. Souter, Richard, of Elmdon, co. Essex, 61. , Robert, of Felstead, co. Essex, 360. , Robert, of Hainton, co. Lincoln, 158. Soutere, Adam, Thomas son of, 277. Southam, John, citizen and stock - fishmonger of London, 119. Southampton county, 61, 148, 222, 223, 332, 411, 435, 474, 485. , , issues of, 48, 50, 162, 178, 353. , outlawries in, 10 bis, 43, 67, 103, 120, 230, 231, 356, 1 448. , commission of array in, 497. , commission for defence of j the sea-coast of, 153. , commission of the peace in, 139. , justices of oyer and terminer in, 146. , escheator in. See Fro ill, John ; Harnham, Oliver de ; Somerton, Nicholas. Southampton, Suthampton, co. Southampton, 37, 105, 175, 235. , mayor and bailiffs of, 49, 156, 206. , collectors of customs at, 206. , port, 48, 413, 449, 485. | Southampton, port — cont. , . . . . , customs and subsidies in, 7. , . . . . , controller of customs in. See Kyngton, Thomas de ; Neylond, Walter. , . . . . , deputy butler in. See Bere, John ; May, Richard. , castle, 79. , . . . . , keeper of. See Foxle, John de. , ' Franchestrete,' 196. , church of St. John, 361. , . . . . , parsons of, 340. , parish of St. Michael, 196. , hospital of St. Mary Mag- dalene, warden of, 485. , priory of St. Denis by, prior of, 485. , . . . ., Richard, prior of, let- ters patent of, 189. , corrody in, 189. , merchant at, 37. , merchant of, 421. Southanyfeld, Southanyngfeld. See Hanningfield, South. Southay, Southeye, in Kingsbury Episcopi [co. Somerset], 31. Southbalton, 481. Southbemflete. See Benfleet, South. Southbroke, John, 338. Southease, Southese, co. Sussex, 496. Southese. See Southease. Southewerk. See Southwark. Southeye. See Southay. Southfeld. See Suffield. Southgosseforth. See Gosforth, South. Southill, Suthzevill [co. Bedford], 10. Southlanverhudell. See Llanwrthwl. Southmorton. See Moreton, South. Southoe, Southoo [co. Huntingdon], church, 431. Southorp. See Southrop. Southotryngton. See Otterington, South. Southous, Edmund de, of Saham Toney, the younger, 147. Southrop, Southorp, Souththorp, co. Gloucester, 268. , manor, 404. Southstradmarghell. See Ystrad Marchell. Souththorp. See Southrop. Southwark, Suthwerk [co. Surrey], 150, 195, 337. , ' Lestuwes ' in, 297. , hospital of St. Thomas, warden of. See Haytfeld, John de. 714 GENERAL INDEX. Southwell, Suthwelle, Suthwell [co. Nottingham], collegiate church, prebend of Norman- ton in, 439. , . . . . , prebend of Rampton in, 262. Southwick, Suthwyk [co. Southamp- ton], prior of, 497. Southwokyndon. See Ockendon, South. Southwotton. See Wootton, South. Southyn, Joan, 483. Sower, William, 412. Sowerby, Castle, Sourby, Soureby, co. Cumberland, manor, 150, 182, 486. , Soureby [by Halifax], co. York, 154. Spaigne, Spaynge, John de, keeper of Langley Marish park, 171, 369. , William de, commissioner, 135, 138, 311, 312, 317, 417, 485, 490, 497. , William de, of Boston, 175. Spain, 352, 354. , ships of, 63, 462. , war with, 117. , wine of, 298. Spak, William, chaplain, presented to the vicarage of Honing ham, co. Norfolk, 335. , . . . . , . . . . , presentation of revoked, 346. Spalding, Spaldyng [co. Lincoln] 345. Spaldingmore, Spaldyngmore, co York, commission of sewers in 485. Spaldington, Spaldyngton [in Bub with], co. York, 209. Spaldyng, John, of Peterborough 288. , Nicholas, groom of the chamber, 370. , Thomas, chaplain, 158. , William, of the county of Tipperary, 295. , William, farmer of Eltham manor, 381. Spaldyngton. See Spaldington. Spargrove, Spertegrave [in Bat- combe, co. Somerset], manor, parsons of the chapel of, 166. Sparham [co. Norfolk], church, 132. Spark, Gilbert, king's servant at Queenborough, 358. , Henry, commissioner, 489. , Walter, 146. Sparowe, Thomas, of Salisbury, 38. Sparwe, John son of John, of East Lulworth, 409. Specer, William, bailiff of Cork, 207. Spechesleye, Richard de, heir of, temp. Edward I, 271. Speek, Robert son of William, chap- lain, 205. Speen, Wood, Wodespene [in Speen], co. Berks, 352. Spelly, Ellis, 179. . . . , commissioner, 63. Spence, Walter atte, 301. Spenser, Elizabeth, 380. Hugh, 92. John, 268. William, 151, 327. commissioner, 414. , of Derby, 92. Spendelove, John, Joan late the wife of, 472. Spenluf, William, walker, 108. Sperham, William, of Saham Toney, 147. Spert, Thomas, prebendary of Wells, 273, 413. Spertegrave. See Spargrove. Spice, Spyce, Spicer, Clement, com- missioner, 158 bis, 161, 332, 482, 489. Spicer, Alice, 476. , Edmund, commissioner, 490. , John, 176, 472. , Richard, of Bristol, 101, 364. , Richard, citizen of London, 47. , Robert, groom of the house- hold, 382. , Walter, controller of cus- toms at Kingston-on-Hull, 288. , . . . . , searcher in the port of Kingston-on-Hull and other ports, 150. , William, 318. , William, chaplain, 263. , William, of Lewes, 47, 421. Spigurnell, Henry, temp. Edward I, 197. , Thomas, 14, 61, 89 bis, 90, 96 bis. , . . . . , Katharine wife of, 89 bis, 90, 96. Spik, Thomas, 144. Spiryng, William, of East Bridgford, co. Nottingham, 63, 142. Spofforth, Spofford, co. York, 59. Spoford, John de, 2. GENERAL INDEX. 715 Spondon, Spoundon [co. Derby], 450. Spoo, William, of Salthouse, co. Norfolk, 147. Spore, Juliana, 409. Sporel, Nicholas, 328. Sporier, Richard le, of Bakewell, co. Derby, 28. Spoundon. See Spondon. Spridlyngton, Richard de, pre- bendary of Lincoln, 261. , Thomas de, of Glentham, 469. , William de, bishop of St. Asaph, 376, 378. Sprot, John, 91. , his servant, 431. Sprotbrough, Sprotburgh [co. York], 30. Sprotholf, Bartholomew, 157. Sprotley, Stephen, of London, 'fourbour,' 103. Sprout, William, parson of Stuch- bury, co. Northampton, ex- changed to the church of Boddington, co. Northamp- ton, 15. Spruz, le. See Prussia. Spryng, Richard, merchant of Nor- wich, 505. Spryngold, Geoffrey, 61. Spyce. See Spice. Spycer. See Spicer. Spyn, Bartholomew de, of Majorca, 505. Spyng, William, of Sprotbrough, co. York, 30. Spynk, Richard, of Stillington, co. York, 275. Spyrcok, Edmund, 444. Squiere, John, of Papworth, chap- lain, presented to the church of St. Clement, Hastings, 162. Squiller, Henry, 229. Stabel, William del, of Laversdale, co. Cumberland, 328. , . . . . , John, son of, 328. Stabeler, Alexander, chaplain, pre- sented to the church of Little Bealings, co. Suffolk, 207. Stable, Adam, citizen and mercer of London, 356. , . . . . , mayor and escheator in London, 439. Stace, John, captain of the barge of Hythe, 60. Stachesden. See Stagsden. Stacy, Peter, of Sandon, co. Hert- ford, 103. Staffield, Staffulle [in Kirkoswald, co. Cumberland], 222. Stafford county, 9, 144, 339. , collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in. See Ray, John. , escheator in. See Lee, Roger de la ; Walshale, William. , sheriff of. See Basset, John ; Stafford, Nicholas de. , commission of array in, 499. , commission of the peace in, 139, 311, 491. , outlawry in, 454. Stafford, co. Stafford, free chapel of St. Mary, dean and college of, 372. , . . . . , deans of. See Hert- yngdon, Adam de ; More, Robert. , . . . . , prebend of Marston in, 372, 460. , Tillington in, Tyllyngton, 272. Stafford, Hugh, earl of, 6, 9, 272. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 136, 138, 139, 311, 315, 320, 323, 415, 487, 491, 499 bis. Stafford, Master Edmund de, canon of Lincoln, 292. , Hugh, 431. , John de, clerk, commissioner, 322. , John de, son of John de Stafford, 428. , Nicholas de, commissioner, 311. , , sheriff of Stafford, 320. , , knight, 272. , Richard de, 54, 57, 58. , Richard de, parson of Worthen, co. Salop, 14. , . . . . , parson of Irn- ham, co. Lincoln, exchanged to a chantry wardenship in Lincoln cathedral, 88. , Thomas de, 159, 219. , . . . ., serjeant-at-arms, 120. Staffulle. See Staffield. Stagsden, Stachesden [co. Bedford], 370. Staincliffe, Staynclif, Staynclyf, co. York, lordship, commission of the peace in, 314, 315. Staindrop, co. Durham, Raby in, 29, 55, 159, 219, 329, 331, 491, 498. Stainforth, Staynford [co. York], 10, 154. 716 GENERAL INDEX. Stainton [co. York], Thornaby in, Thormotby, 330. Stake, John, forester of the New Forest, 48. , Thomas, lieutenant of the forest of Bere, co. Southamp- ton, 446. Stakepole, Richard de, 114. , Richard, knight, 114. Stallingbo rough, Stalyngburgh [co. Lincoln], manor, 432. Stalworth, Nicholas, 318. , Thomas, 219. Stalyngburgh. See Stallingborough. Stamford, Staunford, co. Lincoln, 154, 263. , church of St. John, parsons of, 110. Stamfordham, Stanefordham, co. No rthumberland , 51. , Walter, vicar of, 51. , Owston in, Ulkeston, 51. Standen, East. Eststandon [in Arreton, I.W.], chapel, war- dens of, 246. Standground, Stanground [co. Hun- tingdon], parson of, 202. Standi che, Ralph de, 317. Standolf. See Stonydelph. Standon, co. Hertford, Puckeridge in, Pokerych, 123, 261. Stanefordham. See Stamfordham. Stanerne. See St anion. Stanes, Richard, keeper of the war- ren of Soham, co. Cambridge, 405. , Thomas, king's esquire, 164. , William, spicer, 338. Stanford Rivers, Ryvers [co. Essex], church of, 170. upon Soar, Stanford [co. Nottingham], parson of, 456. Stanground. See Standground. Stanground, Richard, 229. Stanhope, Stanhop, John, of Ramp- ton, escheator in Derby, 93, 120. , John, commissioner, 136, 491. Stanion, Stanerne [co. Northamp- ton], 22. Stanlawe, Robert de, 140. Stanlay. See Stanley. Stanlegh, William de, 378 bis. , . . . . , commissioner, 499. Stanley, 297. Stanley [co. Derby], 88. , Stanlay [by Wakefield], co. York, 154. Stanley, Stanlay, John son of William de, 297. , Thomas de, king's clerk, warden of the hospital of St. Nicholas, York, 303. Stanlowe, John, yeoman of the household, 382. Stansale, John, the elder, 421. Stanschawe, John de, steward of the hundred of Barton Regis, 267. Stansfield, Stansfeld, co. York, 154. Stansted Montfichet [co. Essex], Thremhall in, Tremhale, 435. Abbots, Stanstede Abbatis [co. Hertford], 249. , Stansted [co. Suffolk], 286. Stanton. See Staunton. , Long [co. Cambridge], 458. , Fen, Fenstanton, co. Hunt- ingdon, 326. , Stoney, Stanton by Sapcote [co. Leicester], 379. , Staunton by Dunsterre [in Dunster], co. Somerset, manor, 44. Stanwell [co. Middlesex], 89. , Roddesworth in, 89. Stanwell, Richard, 210. Stanyford, Robert de, of Craven, co. York, 59. Stapelgate, Edmund, 200. Stapelho, Thomas de, 318. Stapelton, Stapulton, Brian de, commissioner, 137, 217, 486. , , knight, 203. , John de, 43. , Miles de, knight, 248. , Peter de, clerk, 325, 331. , Thomas de, 30. , William de, commissioner, 323, 326, 327, 498. , William de, chief forester of Inglewood forest, 94, 450. , William de, of Cumberland, 284. Stapilherst. See Staplehurst. Staple, Stapull, co. Sussex, hundred, commission of array in, 500. Stapleford, Stapelford [co. Herts], 260. , advowson, 260. Staplehurst, Stapilherst, co. Kent, 8. Stapleton, Stepelton [co. Salop], 278 Stapolyn, William, 394, 396, 416. , commissioner, 416. Stapulford, Nicholas de, 474. Stapull. See Staple. GENERAL INDEX. 717 Stapulton. See Stapelton. Starky, Nicholas, of Preston, 301. Starlyng, John, of Duxford, co. Cambridge, 421. Of. Sterlyng. Stathern, co. Leicester, manor, 446. Stathum, Ralph de, 475. , . . . . , commissioner, 320. , . . . . , Goditha, wife of, 475. , Ralph son of Ralph de, 189. Statutes, as to distraint of debtors, 16. Statynggeston. See Tattingstone. Staughton, Great, co. Huntingdon, manor of Lymage in, Lymyng, 195. Staunden, James de, 444. Staunford. See Stamford. Staunford, John de, the elder, commissioner, 156. , Philip de, 502. , Richard de, canon of Mis- senden, 52. , Thomas de, commissioner, 138. Staunton. See Stanton. Staunton, Stanton [co. Gloucester], John, lord of, commissioner, 220, 221, 319. Staunton, Henry de, temp. Edward I, 197. , John de, clerk, 242. , John de, of Shackleford, co. Surrey, clerk, 273. , Thomas de, commissioner, 136, 491. Staure, Richard, commissioner, 221 bis. Staverton [co. Gloucester], vicars of, 268. Staynclif, Staynclyf. See Stain- cliffe. Staynegate, John de, 73. Staynell, Pernell de, 46. Staynford. See Stainforth. Staynton, Nicholas de, 384. , . . . . , Agnes, wife of, 384. Stebenhith, Stebenheth. See Step- ney. Stede, John de, commissioner, 151. Steeple, Stuple [co. Dorset], 409. , Blackmanston in, Blake - meston, 409. , Harpson in, Harpeston, 409. , Lutton in, 408, 409. Stembridge, Stenebrugge [in Kings- bury Episcopi, co. Somerset], 190, Stene, John del, of Nidderdale, co. York, 22. Stenebrugge. See Stembridge. Stepellavyngton. See Lavington, Market. Stepelton. See Stapleton. Stepelton, Robert de, 242. Stephen, King, charter of, 465. , letters of, 85. Stephen, Richard son of, temp. Edward I, 278. , Richard son of, son of Alan de Magna Cotes, 91. Stephene, Reynold, 464. Stephenes, John, commissioner, 221 bis. See Stevenes. Stephyn, John, chantry chaplain in St. Michael's free chapel in St. Austell churchyard, ex- changed to the vicarage of St. Mary's, Great Bentley, 372, 373, See Stevyn. Stepilbumphstede. See Bumpstead, Steeple. Stepney, Stebenheth, Stebenhith [co. Middlesex], 388. , church of St. Dunstan, 429. Steppingley, Stepynglegh, co. Bed- ford, 181. Stepynglegh. See Steppingley. Sterlyng, Geoffrey, of Ipswich, com- missioner, 156. Cf. Starlyng. Stert, Sterte [co. Wilts], 281. Stevenes, John, 108. , .. .., Joan wife of, 108. See Stephenes. Stevenson, Richard, of Boston, searcher in all ports in Hol- land, co. Lincoln, 313. , Robert, of Benwell, co. Northumberland, 140, 155. Steventon, Stevyngton [co. Berks], alien priory, 277. , . . . ., vicars of, 277. , Styvyngton [co. Southamp- ton], manor and advowson, 91. Stevington, Styvynton [co. Bedford], 423. , Pict's Hill in, Peytesle, 433. Stevyn, John, of Trenosowe, 448. Stevyngton. See Steventon. Steynour, John, Christiana late the wife of, 173, 213. Stiff key, Styvekey [co. Norfolk], church of St. Mary at, par- sons of, 181. 718 GENERAL INDEX. Stighull, William, 103. Stikesford, William de, 53. Stile, William, 103. Stillington, Stylyngton, Stillyngton [co. York], 275. , vicars of, 180. Stirkeland, Stirkland, Thomas de, 242. , William de, 242. , . . . . , forester in Inglewood forest, 365. Stirkhirde, William, William son of, of Gillamoor, co. York, 316. Stirkland. See Stirkeland. Stixwould, Stykeswolde [co. Lin- coln], prioress of, 449. Stob, Richard, of London, tailor, 344. Stock, Stokke [in Bradley, co. Wor- cester], 262. Stockbridge, Stokbrogge [co. South- ampton], 264. Stockbury, Stokebery [co. Kent], 419. Stockholm, Stokholm [in Hedon, co. York], 467. Stocklinch, Stokelynche [co. Somer- set], 406. Stockton on Tees, Stokton [cos. York and Durham], 329, 331. Stockton, Stouton, 42. Stockwith, West, Stokketh [in Mis- terton], co. Nottingham, 104. , , bailiff of, 105. Stodeley, Stodeleye, John de, 290. , Walter, 162, 170. , William de, parson of St. Benet's, Paul's Wharf, Lon- don, exchanged to the church of Hampton Lucy, 127. , . . . . , parson of Hampton Lucy, 121. Stodeye, John de, citizen of London, 70. Stodleye. See Studley. Stoford, Stoneford [in Barwick, co. Somerset], 172. Stogumber, Stokgumber [co. Somer- set], vicars of, 210. Stok, William de, parson of Easter- gate, exchanged to Parham, co. Sussex, 463. Stok. See Stokke ; Stoke. Stokbrogge. See Stockbridge. Stokcursy. See Stoke Courcy. Stokdale, John, chantry chaplain in St. Nicholas, Newcastle-on- Tyne, 74. Stoke [co. Cornwall]. See Stoke- climsland. Stoke Gifford, Giffardstoke [co. Gloucester], vicars of, 168. Stoke in Hoo, co. Kent, 290. , , church of, 290. , Malmain's manor in, 290. , East, Stoke by Newerk [co. Nottingham], prebend of. See Lincoln. , vicars of, 11, 44. , . . . . , vicarage of, 82. , Dry, Drye Stoke [cos. Leicester and Rutland], par- son of, 268. Courcy, Stokcursy, Stoke - coursy [co. Somerset], alien priory of, 9, 42, 57, 97, 131, 164, 488. , . . . . , prior of. See Amys, Richard ; Galard, John. , . . . . , temporalities of, to be let at farm, 97. , vicarage of, 164. , . . . . , Farringdon in, Farn- don, 97. , . . . . , Monkton in, Monke- don, 97. under Hamdon, Hamedon, co. Somerset, manor, 35. by Clare [co. Suffolk], alien priory of, 125, 167, 168, 236, 269, 300. Stoke, John, of Wandsworth, 428. , Thomas, 476. , Thomas de, purveyor for the household, 71, 238 bis, 239. , William de, 50. , . . . . , Margery wife of, 50. , . . . . , parson of Mar- ston Moretaine, co. Bedford, 74. Cf. Stok. Stokebery. See Stockbury. - Stokeclimsland, Stoke [co. Corn- wall], parsons of, 346. Stokele, William, 496. Stokelynche. See Stocklinch. Stokes, Alan de, executor of Edward, prince of Wales, 378. , Richard de, clerk, auditor of the accounts of Edward, prince of Wales, 376. , Robert de, esquire, 281. , Roger, 17. Cf. Stokys; Stokkes. Stokesby, William de, citizen of London, 81. Stokesley, Stokesleye [co. York], church, chantry in, 125. , parson of, 18. GENERAL INDEX. 719 Stokesley, John de, 125. , Cecily, wife of, 125. , William, son of, 125. , William de, of Whitby, 125. Stokfflete, John, 287. Stokgumber. See Stogumber. Stokholm. See Stockholm. Stokke, Stok, Richard atte, of Lang- ford, co. Somerset, commis- sioner, 53, 65. See Stock. Stokkes, Thomas, 185, 363. Stokketh. See Stockwith, West. Stokton, Hugh de, hospitaller, 123. , John de, commissioner, 325, 331. Stokys, Thomas, 409. Of. Stokes; Stokkes. Stondon, William, 341. Stone [co. Somerset], hundred, 172. [co. Stafford], 9. , . . . . , Aston in, 144. [co. Sussex], prebend of. See Hastings. [co. Worcester], Dunclent in, 225. Stone, Adam de, 416. , Edmund, vicar of Broad Clyst, co. Devon, exchanged to the church of Hatch Beau- champ, 270. , Gilbert, notary public, 292. , John, monk of Bath, 460. , John atte, or John del, of Heckmondwike, co. York, 30. Stoneford. See Stoford. Stonhurst, Peter, 484. Stonore, John de, justice of the Bench, 387. Stonydelph, Standolf [in Tamworth, co. Warwick], 102. Stonysich, Le [co. Stafford], 461. Stopeham, John, pesager of wools at Chichester, 215. Storell, William, of Salthouse, co. Norfolk, 147. Storme, William, 229. Storteford, Richard, 50. Stotefold. See Stotfold. Stotfold, Stotefold, co. Bedford, manor, 234. [in St. Michael's, Lichfield, co. Stafford], prebend of. See Lichfield. Stoughton, Richard de, 484. Stour, East, Stoure, Estovere [co. Dorset], 176. Stourton [in Whichford, co. War- wick], 101, 143. Stourton, John, 384. , commissioner, 155. Stoutesbury. See Stuchbury. Stouton. See Staughton. Stow St. Mary [co. Devon], Raddon in, 279. Stow on the Wold, Stowe St. Edward [co. Gloucester], 109. , Maugersbury in, Malgares- bury, 109. Stowe [co. Lincoln], archdeaconry of, tenth granted by the clergy in, 7. Stowe St. Edward. See Stow on the Wold. Stowe, William, 380, 381, 386. , , Alice, wife of, 381, 386. , William de, 318. , . . . . , presented to the church of Arnesby, co. Leicester, 309. , . . . . , revocation of pre- sentation of, 380. Stoweforde, Adam, presented to the church of Itchen, co. South- ampton, 442. Stoweye, Richard, of Wells, co. Somerset, 11. Stoyle, Robert, of Fulbeck, co. Lin- coln, 61. Strabolgi, David de, earl of Athol, 181, 302. Strangman, Adam, of Good Easter, co. Essex, 281. Stranhale, William de, 504. Stratfeld Say. See Stratfieldsaye. Stratfield Mortimer, Stratfeld Mor- temer, Mortumer, co. Berks, manor, 33, 42. , manor of Wokefield in, Woghfeld, 33. Stratfieldsaye, Stratfeld Say [co. Southampton], manor and advowson, 99. , Robert, parson of, 141, 324. Stratford Langthorne, Stratforde [co. Essex], abbot of, 319. , commissioner, 156. le Bow, atte Bo we [co. Mid- dlesex], commission of sewers at, 319. on Avon [co. Warwick], Lud- dington in, Lodynton, 339. Tony [co. Wilts], church, 44, 171. , parsons of, 393, 394. under the Castle, Stratford by Salesbury [co. Wilts], church, 6. 720 GENERAL INDEX. Stratton, Long [co. Norfolk], 448. , . . . . , church of St. Michael, 273. , co. Wilts, manor, 447, 473. Stratton, John de, horse merchant and citizen of London, 89. ....... Ralph de, servant of the prior of Wymondham, 199. Strauleye, Hugh, 46. , , knight, 401. Straunge, le. See Lestrange. Straunge, John de, of Blackmere, 265. Streatham, Stretham, Stretcham [co. Surrey], church, 114, 127. , parsons of, 246. Street, Strete, co. Sussex, 496. Strensall, John de, parson of Boston, 206. Strete. See Street. Strete, Edmund, presented to the church of Marlow, 452. , . . . . , parson of Great Mar- low, 351. , Edward, farmer of the manor of Rotherfield, co. Sussex, 442, 443. , John, of Aldenham, 13. , Richard, 36. , Roger atte, citizen and mercer of London, 480. , William, 2, 106, 175, 214, 365, 424, 442, 470. , king's butler, 199, 288, 373, 396, 443. , . . . . , controller of the house- hold, 341, 372, 441, 475. , . . . . , chirographer of the Common Bench, 372. Streteham. See Streatham. Stretele, Agnes de, abbess of God- stow, 130. Stretford [co. Hereford], 384. , hundred, steward of. See Genet, William. Stretham [co. Cambridge], church, 37. Stretham. See Streatham. Stretlee, William, of Creslow, co. Buckingham, 119. Streton. See Stretton. Stretton, Church [co. Salop], Minton in, Moneton, 278. Stretton, Robert de, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, 8, 87, 90, 92, 93, 113, 120, 261, 454, 494. , Thomas de, vicar of Orston, co. Nottingham, exchanged to Market Overton, co. Rut- land, 163. Stretton — cont. , William son of John de, of Mickleover, 111. Strode. See Strood. Strode, Edmund, commissioner, 136. Strong, William, 502. , . . . . , of King's Lynn, 458. Strood, Strode [co. Kent], hospital of, master of. See Basynges, William de. Strosses. See Strozzi. Strother, Alan del, Alan de, bailiff of the liberty of Tindale, 490. , . . . . , commissioner, 58, 490, 498. , Henry de, commissioner, 59. Strouston, Thomas, citizen and mercer of London, 281. Strozzi, Strosses, merchants of the society of, 196. Stryvelyn, John de, knight, 180, 298, 462. , John, commissioner, 316. Stubbard, Richard, of Saham Toney, the younger, 147. , Thomas, of Saham Toney, 147. Stubber, Stubbere, Henry, 151. , John, son of, 151. , John, 151. Stubbes, Joan de, 411. Stubton [co. Lincoln], 232. Stuchbury, Stoutesbury [co. North- ampton], parsons of, 15. Studley, Stodleye [co. Warwick], priory, advowson of, 271. Stuple. See Steeple. Sturi. See Stury. Sturmer, Sturemere [co. Essex], parson of, 277. Sturmore, William, merchant of Norwich, 505. Sturmy, Henry, 272. , . . . . , commissioner, 1 39, 153, 416, 497. , Robert, commissioner, 313. Stury, Sturi, Richard, 250, 251, 253, 266, 372, 399, 452. , . . . . , commissioner, 62, 65. , , knight, 6, 191, 424, 441. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 53. , . . . . , keeper of Bamburgh Castle, 347. , William, knight, 508. Stut, Adam, 167. , Benedict, 167. Stuward. See Styward. GENERAL INDEX. 721 Stygeyn, Stygan, John, 84, 381, 469. , . . . . , messenger of the chamber, 170. Stykehare, Robert, 318. Stykeswolde. See Stixwould. Stylyngton. See Stillington. Stynt, Robert, parson of Keal, co. Lincoln, 52. ....... . . . . , John son of, 52. Styuecle, Geoffrey de, 311. , .. .., king's esquire, 177. , Nicholas de, commissioner, 150, 326, 499. Styvekey. See Stiff key. Styvyngton. See Steventon. Styvynton. See Stevington. Styward, Stuward, John, of Kings- bury Episcopi, co. Somerset, 327, 328. , Robert, of Southbalton, parson of Newbold Verdon, co. Leicester, 481. , Thomas, commissioner, 136, 138, 142, 159, 221. Suart. See Guernsey. Sudbury [co. Suffolk], 505. , church, 434. , church of St. Gregory, ad- vowson of, 77. Sudbury, Sudbery, John de, com- missioner, 137, 138, 156, 158, 161. , . . . . , justice of the peace in Essex, 118. , Simon de, bishop of London, 6, 26, 34, 77, 118, 374, 434. , . . . . , . . . . , letters patent of, 20. . . . . , . . . . , esquire and chamberlain of. See Chas- teleyn, Henry. , . . . . , archbishop of Canter- bury, 118, 201, 260, 285, 347, 381, 412, 415. , . . . ., John brother of, 77. , Thomas de, prebendary of Salisbury, 200, 215. Suddcotes. See Coates, South. Sudgrove, Thomas, 237. Sudyngton Musard. See Sidding- ton. Suffield, Southfeld, Suthfeld, Suf- feld [co. Norfolk], 53, 412 bis. Suffolk, 63, 223, 258, 322, 332, 413, 455, 480. , collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in. See Arche- baud, Peter. , commission of array in, 497. Suffolk — cont. , commissions of the peace in, 138, 314, 323, 487. , fifteenth granted in, 3. , justices of oyer and terminer in, 455. , certain cloths in, exempted from comprehension in a statute, 396. , outlawries in, 177, 196, 286. , escheator in. See Roke- wode, John de ; Waterden, Richard de. , . . . . , commissioner, 222. , sheriff of, 213. , See Calthorp, Oliver de. Suffolk, earl of, 90. , See Ufford, William de. Sugworth, Suggeworth, Richard, 175. , . . . . , parson of Alfriston, co. Sussex, 357. Sukar, Thomas, of Caythorpe, co. Lincoln, 61. Sulgrave, Hugh de, 83. Sullereve, Sullefene, Thomas, of Minster, co. Kent, 68, 321. Sully, Silly by Kaerdyf [co. Glam- organ], manor and advowson, 289. , parsons of, 245. Sully, John de, knight, 308. , . . . . , . . . . , bachelor of the prince of Wales, 298. Sulney, Sully, Alfred, commissioner, 314, 320, 323, 486, 498. Sundridge, Sundresshe [co. Kent], church, 21. Sunyer, Bartholomew, shipowner of Aragon, 65. Surflete, Surflet, John de, commis- sioner, 317, 324. Surrey, 148, 243, 300, 372. , commission of array in, 499. , commission of kiddles in, 496. , commissions of the peace in, 139, 314. , escheator in. See Illeston, Thomas de. , sheriff of, 442. , outlawries in, 481. Surrey, earl of, 484. , See Fitz Alan, Richard ; Warenna, John de. Surrey, John de, knight, 462. Surteys, Thomas, commissioner, 140, 155, 159, 160, 330, 498. Wt. 18915. E 46 722 GENERAL INDEX. Surteys, Thomas — cont. , , knight, 298. Sururgien, alias Leche, Nicholas, 440, 456. Susset, Hermann, 254. Sussex, 37, 57, 68, 141, 148, 210, 243, 300, 471, 483. , commission of array in, 499. , commissions of the peace in, 136, 137, 158, 314. , justices of oyer and terminer in, 146. , outlawries in, 47, 321, 332, 357, 372, 413, 421, 472. , escheator in. See Illeston, Thomas de. , sheriff of, commissioner, 156. , ports in, searchers in. See Barbour, John ; Cohere, William ; Foughle, John ; Peek, John. Sustede, John, master of the Maydagh, 417. Suterton. See Sutterton. Suthampton. See Southampton. Suthbroke, John, 88, 464. Suthcote, John, 435. Sutheworth. See Suthworth. Suthfeld. See Suffield. Suthill, Gerard, commissioner, 411. Suthpikenham. See Pickenham, South. Suthwell, Suthwelle. See Southwell. Suthwerk. See Southwark. Suthworth, Sutheworth, Thomas de, knight, commissioner, 320. Suthwyk. See Southwick. Suthzevill. See Southill. Sutterton, Suterton [co. Lincoln], 25. Sutton, co. Bedford, 473. , Sutton Latymer [co. Bed- ford], parsons of, 383. [co. Cambridge], commis- sion of sewers in, 485. at Hone, co. Kent, manor of Sauters in, 232. , East, Estsutton, co. Kent, manor, 232. Valence, co. Kent, 8. , . . . ., manor, 232. in the Marsh, Sutton Marreys [co. Lincoln], parson of, 17. , co. Norfolk, manor, 195, 411, 412. , Sutton atte More by Fleg [co. Norfolk], parsons of, 297. (by Shrewsbury), co. Salop, church, 187. , .. .., parsons of, 172, 265. Sutton — cont. under Brailes, Sutton [co. Warwick], manor, 101, 143. on the Forest, in Galtres [co. York], 264. in Holderness [co. York], 467. Sutton, Ellis de, presented to the church of Bradford Peverell, 463. , , Fulk de, 158. , Henry, spicer, 334. , Hugh de, 462. , Maud, wife of, 462. , . . . . , Nicholas, son of, 462. , John de, 296. , . . . . , Reynold, son and heir of, 296. , John de, commissioner, 1 37, 314, 497. , . . . . , knight, commissioner, 156. , John de, of Ruston, co. Norfolk, 412. , John son of Nicholas de, 67. , Katharine de, abbess of Barking, 445. , Philip, commissioner, 501. , Ralph de, vicar of Har- borne, co. Stafford, exchanged to St. Andrew's, Droitwich, 336. , Richard, 222. , Richard de, commissioner, 314, 497. Richard, of Coventry, 102. , Richard de, master of the hospital of St. Bartholomew, Smithfield, 216. , Robert de, clerk, 28. , Roger de, of Nottingham, David, servant of, 130. , Thomas de, 402. , commissioner, 138. , . . . . , knight, commissioner, 161. , William, of Boston, 34. Swaby [co. Lincoln], parsons of, 121. Swaby, Thomas de, king's clerk, presentation of, to the arch- deaconry of Exeter, revoked, 80. , . . . . , prebendary of Bridg- north free chapel, exchanged to Yardley Hastings, 186, 191. Swafham, John de, bishop of Cloyne, 363, 373. GENERAL INDEX. 723 Swafham, John de — cont. , ... ./bishop of Bangor, 363, 373. , Thomas de, 100, 218, 447. , William de, 90. Swalclyve. See Swalecliffe. Swale, river, preservation of salmon in, 193, 317, 324, 501. Swalecliffe, Swalclyve [co. Kent], church, 179. Swalfeld. See Swallowfield. Swallowfield, Swalfeld, co. Berks, manor, 477. Swaloue, Robert, 494. Swan, Robert, 340, 502. Swanland, Swanlond [in North Ferriby, co. York], 18, 86. Swanland, Robert de, of Swanland, 86. Swanlond, John, 409. , Robert, 409. , William de, commissioner, 491. Swannington, Swanyngton [co. Leicester], 138. , Swenyngton [co. Norfolk], 232. Swanscombe, Swannescompe, co. Kent, 38. Swanton, John, king's servant at Sheen, 357. , . . . . , keeper of Sheen manor, 400. Swanyngton. See Swannington. Swavesey, Swaveseie [co. Cam- bridge], 44. , manor, 107. Swayn, Walter son of, of Gaddesby, temp. Henry III, 425. Cf. Sweyn. Swenyngton. See Swannington. Swerburn [near Abbots Bromley, co. Stafford], 461. Swerd, John, bailiff of York, 266. Swerdes. See Swords. Swerdslypere, John, of Lough- borough, 265. Swetemon, Swetomon, John, of Penkridge, chaplain in Elt- ham manor, 377. , . . . . , . . . . , parson of St. George's by Eastcheap, Lon- don, exchanged to Mares - field, co. Sussex, 3. Swetham, Nicholas de, 218. Swetomon. See Swetemon. Swetyng, John, 107. Sweyn, Hugh, of Westhorp, 420. Cf. Swayn. Swift, Richard, carpenter, 106. Swift — cont. See Swyft. Swillyngton, Swylyngton, Swyllyng- ton, Swilyngton, Robert de, commissioner, 137, 314, 315, 321. , , knight, 203, 394, 456. , . . . . , the uncle, knight, 45, 379, 427. , , Margaret, wife of, 379. , . . . . , the younger, knight, commissioner, 151. Swindon, Swyndon Mercatoria [co. Wilts], 205. Swine [co. York], Arnold in, Arnall, 467. , Benningholme in, Benig- holm, 467. , Rowton in, Routon, 467. Swineshead, Swynesheved [? co. Lincoln], 73. Swithland, Swythelond [co. Leices- ter], 283. Swords, Swerdes [co. Dublin], pre- bend of. See Dublin. Swyft, John, 344. . . . . , . . . . , parson of Wittenham, co. Berks, 75. See Swift. Swylyngton, Swyllyngton. See Swillyngton. Swyn, Le. See Zwyn. Swynburne, Robert de, knight, 56. Swyncombe, Swynecombe [co. Ox- ford], parsons of, 252, 425. Swyndon. See Swindon. Swyndon, William de, rector of Trowbridge, 205. Swyneford, John de, the elder, 365. Swynerhert, Roger, of Laughton, 43. Swynesheved. See Swineshead. Swynesheved, John, of Coventry, 246. , merchant, 272. Swynflete, Swynflet, William de, commissioner, 219, 221. Swynford, Katharine de, 433, 435. Swynlegh, John de, clerk, 396. Swynley, William, armourer, 95, 106. , . . . . , king's helmet -maker in the Tower, 401. Swythelond. See Swithland. Sydenham, Richard, commissioner, 138, 139, 488. Sydenye, William atte, 484. Sydyngbourne. See Sittingbourne. Syfrewast, Cyfrewast, Godfrey, 222. 724 GENERAL INDEX. Syfrewast — cont. , Walter, escheator in Glou- cester, 143. , . . . . , escheator in Somer- set and Dorset, 132, 183. Syger, William, of East Dereham, 448. Sygore, William, 435. Sylveston. See Silverstone. Symeon. See Simeon. Symme, William, commissioner, 144, 161. , William, of Upchurch, com- missioner, 319. Symon, Thomas, knight, 258. Symond, John, vicar of Horton, co. Dorset, exchanged to a mediety of the church of Shilling Okeford, co. Dorset, 449. , Richard, steward of Pem- broke, temp. Edward II, 114. , Thomas, commissioner, 499. Symondes, Symundis, John, parson of St. Mary's, South Wootton, co. Norfolk, exchanged to Undy, co. Monmouth, 68, 95. , . . . . , parson of Undy, ex- changed to a mediety of Catfield, co. Norfolk, 366. Symondesbourne. See Simonburn. Symson, Robert, 225, 229. Symundis. See Symondes. Syncok, William, of Drogheda, 13. Syresham [co. Northampton], Hazel- borough in, Haselburgh, 267. Syston, Siston [co. Lincoln], 79. Syston. See Siston. Syueker, William, of Eckington, co. Derby, 23. Syward, John, parson of Great Tey, 122. , William, the king's con- fessor, 385. T Tableter, Thomas de, temp. Edward I, 271. Tachel, John, 31. Tadcaster, Tadecastre, Tadcastre, co. York, 59. Tadcaster — cont. , grant of pontage to, 425. Tadecastre. See Tadcaster. Tafolwern, Walwern [in Llanbryn- mair, co. Montgomery], manor, 148. Taillour, Tailiour, Taylour, Adam, of Cadney, co. Lincoln, 106. , Adam, of Wooler, 59. , Baldwin, 152. , Edmund, of Setchey, co. Norfolk, 263 bis. , Geoffrey, of Chelmsford, 304. , John, 61, 151. , John, of Doddington, co. Northumberland, 264. , Nicholas, 257. , Nicholas, of Bottesford, co. Lincoln, 63, 142. , Ralph, of Fulnetby, co. Lin- coln, 204. , Ralph, of Puckeridge, co. Hertford, 261. , Richard, 260. , Richard, of Geddington, 259. , Robert, of Great Easton, co. Leicester, 251. , Robert, of Granby, co. Not- tingham, 63, 142. , Robert, of Kneeton, co. Nottingham, 63, 142. , Roger, of Corfe, co. Dorset, 409. , Thomas, of Dartmouth, searcher in Plymouth, Dart- mouth and all ports in Devon, 313. , Thomas, mayor of Rye, commissioner, 57. , Thomas, of Watton, co. Norfolk, 144, 152. , William, chaplain, 86. , William, of Halsham, co. York, 402. Takeley, Takle, Takkele [co. Essex], vicarage, 185. , alien priory of St. Valery, 130, 302, 392. Talbot, Gilbert, commissioner, 136, 139, 159, 220, 221. , . . . . , king's esquire, 249. , . . . . , of Richard's Castle, king's esquire, 259. , Gilbert, knight, 416. , . . . . , of Painswick, knight, 237. , John, 31. GENERAL INDEX. 725 Talbot, John — cont. , commissioner, 333, 491, 498. , . . . . , Katharine late the wife of, 233. , John, knight, 27. , . . . . , of Swannington, com- missioner, 138. , . . . . , of Richard's Castle, 100, 250. , , of Ireland, 303. , Robert, 8. Talgarth [near Trefeglwys, co. Montgomery], manor, 148. Talskiddy, f alskedy [in St. Columb Major, co. Cornwall], manor, 375. Tame. See Thame. Tamerton, Walter, the elder, 481. , . . . ., the younger, 481. Tamworth [co. Warwick], free chapel of St. Edith, dean and chapter of, 397. , . . . . , prebend of Wilnecote in, 397. , Stonydelph in, Standolf, 102. Tamworth, John de, clerk of the crown in Chancery, 209. , John de, warden of the free chapel on Bedford bridge, 255. , William, parson of Fen Drayton, co. Cambridge, 326. Tangemere, Richard, clerk, 3. Tanner, Tannere, Hugh, commis- sioner, 220. , John, 10. , John, of Andover, 32. , Thomas, clerk, 479. Tannesovere, Richard, chaplain, presented to the vicarage of Kirdford, co. Sussex, 14. Tanny, William, prior of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in Ireland, chancellor of Ireland, 116. Tansore, Richard, vicar of Kirdford, co. Sussex, exchanged to the vicarage of West Hendred, co. Berks, 371. Tapeton, William, 231. Tapiscote, Thomas, 273. Taplow, Tappelowe [co. Bucking- ham], parson of, 75. Tappelowe. See Taplow. Tardebigg [co. Worcester], Bentley Pauncefoot in, 262. , manor of Hewell in, 13. Tarente. See Tarrant. Tarnock, Ternak [in Badgworth, co. Somerset], 271. Tarrant Keynston, Tarente Keynes, Tarente, co. Dorset, manor, 178. , abbey, 111. Tarring, West, Terryngg [co. Sussex], church, 27. Tarvin, Tereven, Tervyn [co. Chester], prebend of. See Lichfield. Tasker, John, of North Ormsby, co. Lincoln, 233. , Robert, of East Bridgford, co. Nottingham, 63, 142. , William, of Harmston, co. Lincoln, 94. Tassagard. See Saggart. Tateshale, Robert de, 198. Tatham [co. Lancaster], 135. Tathwell, Tawell [co. Lincoln], 271. Tattingstone, Tatyngton, Statyngge- ston [co. Suffolk], 21. , manor, 463. Tatyngton. See Tattingstone. Tauk, Thomas, chaplain, presented to the church of West Grin- stead, 95. , William, 44. , . . . . , commissioner, 50, 64, 135, 136 bis, 156, 157, 158. , . . . . , baronof the Exchequer, 6. , justice of assize in Somerset, 431. , . . . . , justice of gaol delivery, 32, 41, 49. Taune, Thomas, 356. , . . . ., Margery, wife of, 35 G. Taunton [co. Somerset], 471. Taupe, William, 275. Taverner, Alexander, of York, gauger of wines at York, 456. , Edward, commissioner, 221. , Edward, of Gloucester, 221. , Henry, of Bristol, 337. , Hugh, 263. , John, forester of Penrith ward in Inglewood forest, 236. , Thomas, commissioner, 321. Taversham. See Teversham. Tawell. See Tathwell. Taylast, William, chaplain, pre- sented to the church of Cot- tisford, co. Oxford, 203. Taylour. See Taillour. Teason [in Cardinham, co. Cornwall]. See Teesno. 726 GENERAL INDEX. Tees, Tese, These, the river, 149. , preservation of salmon in, 193, 317, 324, 501. Teesno [Teason in Cardenham, co. Cornwall ?], manor, 26. Teford, John de, 282. Teler, John, 143. , William, 143. Telscombe, Tetlescombe, co. Sussex, 496. Temdebury. See Tenbury. Temeseford. See Tempsford. Tempest, Richard, knight, 111. , Richard, constable of Scar- borough Castle, 398. Temple, Thomas del, 59. , William, citizen of London, 281. , William de la, chaplain, presented to a chantry in St. Pancras' church, London, 46. Templere, Richard, 327. Tempsford, Temeseford [co. Bed- ford], church, 427. Tenbury, Temdebury [co. Worces- ter], 433. Tenby, Tenebegh, Tynebygh,Teneby, Tynby [co. Pembroke], 115. , burgesses of, confirmation of charter to, 114, 115. , mayor and commonalty of, 501. , grant of quayage to, 435. , church, 187. , castle, 115. , . . . . , constable of. See Abraham, Roger. , castle and town, 495. , castle and lordship, 124. , . . . . , steward of. See Castell, Thomas del. Tendring, Tendryng [co. Essex], hundred, 368. Tenebegh, Teneby. See Tenby, tenure, gavelkind, gavelkynde, 10, 412. Terell, William, 129. Tereven. See Tarvin. Ternak. See Tarnock. Terry, Tirry, Tyrry, John, of Lyth- am, 121. , Roger, commissioner, 222. , William, of Bromsgrove, 281. Terryngg. See Tarring. Ters, Richard, king's forester, 267. , . . . . , of Towcester, co. Northampton, 66. Tervyn. See Tarvin. Tese. See Tees. Tetbury, Tettsbury, Tettebury [co. Gloucester], 240, 364. Tetenhale. See Tettenhall. Tetlescombe. See Telscombe. Tettebury. See Tetbury. Tettenhall, Tetenhale [co. Stafford], free chapel, dean and chapter of, 19. , . . . . , dean and college of, 400. , . . . . , prebend of Codsall in, 477. , . . . . , prebend of Pendeford in, 19. , . . . . , prebend of Perton in, 19, 400. Tettesworth, Edmund de, 89, 90, 96. , . . . . , clerk of the recog- nisances in Canterbury, 13. , . . . . , buyer for the house- hold, 215. , serjeant-at-arms, 215, 307. , Nicholas, commissioner, 220. Tettsbury. See Tetbury. Teukesbury. See Tewkesbury. Teversham, Taversham [co. Cam- bridge], parsons of, 367, 368. Tewe, Thomas, of Welton, co. North- ampton, commissioner, 310. Tewer, Thomas, 326. Tewin, Tewyng [co. Hertford], 472. , manor, 472. Tewington, Tewyngton [in St. Aus- tell, co. Cornwall], manor, 375. Tewkesbury, Teukesbury [co. Glou- cester], manor, document dated at, 438. , letters dated at, 366. , abbot and convent of, 29. Tewyng. See Tewin. Tewyngton. See Tewington. Tey, Tye, co. Essex, 122. , Great, Great Tye [co. Essex], parson of, 122. , Little, Teye [co. Essex], Rey- nold, parson of, 415. Teye, Robert de, commissioner, 61, 137, 158, 161, 332, 485, 496, 497. , . . . ., knight, 17. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 144. Thacheam, John de, Margaret late the wife of, 121. Thakstede. See Thaxted. GENERAL INDEX. 727 Thame, Tame [co. Oxford], 91. Thame, John de, 251. , .. .., Robert, son of, 251. Thames, river, 127, 297, 308. ....... fishery in, 375, 464. , commission of kiddles in, 496. , commission of sewers along, 156, 161, 319. , ferry of Redewynd across, 211, 214. Thanet, isle of, 439. Tharlesthorp [disappeared — co. York], 467. Thaxstede, John de, canon of Bick- nacre, elected prior, 189, 196. Thaxted, Thakstede [co. Essex], 104. , manor, 34. Thebaud, Thebaude, Nigel, of Sud- bury, 505. , Thomas, 94, 180. Thefford. See Thetford. Theker, John, 143. Thelewall. See Thelwall. Thelmeton. See Thelveton. Thelveton, Thelmeton [co. Norfolk], 277. , John, parson of, 276. Thelwall, Thelewall, Thewall, John de, parson of Titchwell, co. Norfolk, exchanged to the church of Colsterworth, co. Lincoln, 162. , Robert, 28. , Thomas de, clerk, 28, 191. , . . . . , attorneys received by, 260. , . . . . , king's clerk, chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, 455, 456. , . . . . , prebendary of St. Patrick's, Dublin, 120. Themese, Thomas, commissioner, 498. Thenford, William de, prior of Great Missenden abbey, 52. Therkeld. See Threlkeld. Thetford, Thefford [co. Norfolk], alien priory, 43, 88, 167, 207, 235. , . . . . , apostate monk of, 56. , Cluniac priory of, John, prior of, 56. , . . . . , prior and convent of, to be reputed as denizens, 301. , . . . . , prioress and nuns of, 260. Thetford, Thomas de, clerk, 94. Thewall. See Thelwall. Theyn, Thomas, commissioner, 55. Thikhull. See Tickhill. Thirkeld. See Threlkeld. Thirkild, Thurkyld, Thurkild, Thur- kill, Thomas, commissioner, 158, 226, 316, 319, 329, 490. Thirkleby. Thurkilby [co. York, N.R.], 422. Thirlby, Thrilby [in Feliskirk, co. York], 281. Thirntoft [in Ainderby Steeple, co. York], 109. Thirsk, Thresk [co. York], 198, 329. Thirwall, John de, the elder, com- missioner, 490. Thoern. See Thorn ; Thoren. Tholouse, John, 73. Thomas of Woodstock, the king's son, 94, 210, 244, 297, 298, 373. , . . . . , constable of England, 279, 337, 355, 407, 491, 494, 497. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 314. , Eleanor, wife of, daughter of the earl of Hereford, 337, 355, 408. Thomas ap Eynon, 240. Thomas, John son of, de Parys, of Kexby, 364. , Richard son of, de Laghfot, 135. , Thomas son of, de Fisshelak, 10. , David, parson of Naunton, co. Gloucester, exchanged to Pwllcrochan, co. Pembroke, 124. Thomasson, Robert, 494. Thomele. See Thomley. Thomley, Thomele [in Waterperry], co. Oxford, 202. Thomson, John, of Yaxham, co. Norfolk, 448. I , Nicholas, of Cambo, co. Northumberland, 428. Thoren, Thoern, Richard de, canon of Beverley, 239. , . . . . , parson of Brompton, co. York, 397. , . . . . , prebendary of Tarn- worth free chapel, 397. Thoresby [co. Lincoln], 197. , manor, 453. Thoresby, Ellis de, commissioner, 153. , John de, canon of York, 230. 728 GENERAL INDEX. Thoresby, John de — cont. , . . . . , archbishop of York, letters patent of, 474. Thorley, Thorlegh, co. Hertford, 80. Thormanby, Walter de, 316. Thormotby. See Thornaby. Thornaby, Thormotby [in Stainton, co. York], 330. Thorne [co. Somerset], 230. Thorn, Thoern [co. York], 154, 397. Thorne, John, 434. , John de, of London, gold- smith, 119. Thorneby, Thomas, servant of the prince of Wales, 70. Thornecombe, Richard de, parson of Corscombe, co. Dorset, ex- changed to the church of Stratford Tony, co. Wilts, 393. Thornes, Robert de, 141, 155. Thorneton, Gilbert de, commissioner, 135. , Hugh de, commissioner, 1 35. , John de, of Newcastle-on- Tyne, searcher at Newcastle, Berwick and Whitby, 469. , Thomas de, the king's pavi- lioner, 294, 398. , William de, commissioner, 135. See Thornton. Thorney, Thorneye [co. Cambridge], abbot of. See Depyng, John de. Thornhawe, William de, of Lincoln, 176. Thornhull, William, citizen and armourer of London, 458. Thornton in Craven, Thorneton [co. York], 227. Rust [in Aysgarth], co. York, 359. , . . . . , forestership of, 359. Thornton, Gilbert de, 423. , John de, bailiff of York, 73. , John de, late groom of the buttery, 361. , William de, vicar of Hinck- ley, co. Leicester, exchanged to Coddington, co. Hereford, 173. See Thorneton. Thorp by Geyton. See Gaytonthorpe. Thorp by York. See Bishop thorpe. Thorp, Thorpe, Edmund de, knight, 299. , . . . . , commissioner, 502. , John, 326. Thorp — cont. , John de, 186. ' , Robert de, 188. , . . . . , justice of the Bench, 176, 243. , Robert de, wright, of Guis- bo rough, 121. , Thomas de, 73. , Thomas de, chantry chap- lain in St. Martin's, Coney Street, York, 108. , Thomas de, of Pocklington, 16. , Walter de, knight, 93. , William de, 188. , William de, knight, 188, 297, 360. , William de, commissioner, 55, 135 ter, 138, 228, 229, 311, 317, 332, 485, 497, 499. , William de, of Staughton, 42. Thorpe Bassett, Thorp Basset [co. York], parsons of, 254. Thorpgate, John de, of Gun ton, co. Norfolk, 356. Thorrington, Thoryton, co. Essex, manor, 195. Thorshawe, 430. Thoryton. See Thorrington. Thoumbe, Nicholas, 304. Thoup. See Toup. Thouthwayt, 115. Thrapston [co. Northampton], 262. , grant of pontage to, 481. Threlkeld, Therkeld, Thirkeld, William de, commissioner, 225, 229, 414. Cf. Thirkild. Threllefale, Adam del, 22. Thremhall, Tremhale [in Stansted Montfichet, co. Essex], prior and convent of, 435. , porter of, 435. Threshfield, Tresfeld [in Linton, co. York], 472. Thresk. See Thirsk. Thresk, Ralph de, 117. , commissioner, 145. , . . . . , of Lincolnshire, 203. Thrilby. See Thirlby. Thrisford. See Thursford. Thulston, Thurlaston [in Elvaston, co. Derby], 284. Thundersley, Thundresle, Thundre- slee, Thunderle, Thunderlee [co. Essex], manor, 420. , . . . . , reeve of, 63. , park, 63, 420, 473. , . . . . , works in, clerk of. See Osbren, John. GENERAL INDEX. 729 Thundersley, park, works in — cont. , . . . . , > . . . , controller of. See Cook, Robert. , parson of, 420. Thundridge [co. Hertford], Wade's Mill in, Wadesmyll, 261. Thurbarn, Agnes, 472. , John, 472. , Ralph, 484. , Robert, 472. Thnrcaston [co. Leicester], church, 16. Thurgarton, Thurgerton [co. Notting- ham], 65, 142. , prior and convent of, 367. Thurkilby. See Thirkleby. Thurkyld, Thurkill, Thurkild. See Thirkild. Thurlaston. See Thulston. Thurlbear, Thurlebere [co. Somer- set], manor, 29. Thurlby, Thureby [by Lincoln, co. Lincoln], prebend of. See Lincoln. Thurmond, Nicholas, 268. Thurrock, Little, Little Thurrok, co. Essex, 162. , West, Westthurrok [co. Essex], vicars of, 362. , . . . . , commission of sewers at, 319. Thursford, Thrisford [co. Norfolk], church, 42, 46. Thurton, William de, 329. , commissioner, 315. Thwayt, William, hospitaller, 123. Thweng, Thwenge, Richard de, chap- lain, 27. , Thomas de, 116. , of Lythe, co. York, 165. , William de, of Foston upon the Wolds, co. York, 369. Thymelby, Thymulby, Thomas, com- missioner, 490, 493. Thynden, Robert de, chantry chap- lain in the castle of Newcastle - on-Tyne, 380. Tibertis, Leonard de, prior of the hospital of St. John of Jeru- salem in England, 118. Tibtot, Tybetot, Robert, 166, 256. Tichefeld, Tichefeud. See Titch- field. Tickford, Tykeford [in Newport Pagnell], co. Buckingham, 457. , prior and convent of, 457. Tickhill, Tikhill, Thikhull, co. York, 321. Tickhill — cont. , liberty, commission of the peace in, 314, 315. Tidde. See Tydd St. Mary. Tiddesworth. See Tideford. Tiddesworth, Durand de, temp. Edward I, 279. Tidecombe, Tydecombe, Tytecombe, William, William de, 3, 439. , . . . . , commissioner, 54, 62, 148, 149, 158, 224, 331, 491. Tideford, Tiddesworth [in Corn- worthy, co. Devon], 279. Tiel. See Tyle. Tigowe, William, of Caythorpe, co. Lincoln, 61. Tikhill. See Tickhill. Tilbrook, Tilbrok, co. Bedford, 318. Tilbury, Tillebury [co. Essex], port, 49. Tiliol, Tilioll, Tylioll, Tilliol, Peter, chief forester of Inglewood forest, 436. '. , . . . . , grant to, revoked, 450. , Robert, knight, 112, 131, 264. Tillabrek. See Tullybracky. Tille, William, 184. Tillington, Tyllyngton [in Stafford, co. Stafford], 272. Tilliol. See Tiliol. Tilney, co. Norfolk, chapel of Ken- wick in, Kenewyk, 468. Tilney, Tylneye, Frederick de, com- missioner, 311, 485, 490. Tilton, Tylton [co. Leicester], Henry, reeve of, temp. Henry III, 426. , South Mardefield, Marlefeud, in, 426. Tindale, Tyndale [co. Northumber- land], liberty of, bailiff of. See Strother, Alan del. , lady of. See Philippa. Tingewick, Tyngewyk [co. Bucking- ham], church, 201. , parson of, 90. Tintagel, Tyntagel [co. Cornwall], manor and castle, 375. , Bossiney in, Bossynny, 375. Tintern, Tynterne [co. Wexford], abbot and convent of St. Mary's, 298. Tipper, Typerkevyn [co. Kildare], prebend of. See Dublin. Tipperary, county, 145, 295. Tirel. See Tyrel. Tirley, Trenley [co. Gloucester], vicarage, 167. Tiron [Perche, France], abbey, 463. Tirry. See Terry. 730 GENERAL INDEX. Tirwhit, John, 239. Tiryngham. See Tyringham ; Tyr- yngham. Tisbury, Tissebury [co. Wilts], 287. , church, 287. , manor, 287. Tissebury. See Tisbury. Tissyngton, Tyssyngton, Richard de, clerk, attorneys received by, 97, 366, 388, 461. , . . . . , king's clerk, parson of a mediety of the church of Woodford, co. Northampton, 272. Titchfield, Tichefeld, Tichefeud [co. Southampton], 430. , abbey, advowson of, 271. , abbot and convent of, 50, 430. Titchwell, Tychewell [co. Norfolk], parsons of, 162, 197. Titeshale. See Tivetshall. Titley, Titteleye [co. Hereford], alien priory, 370. Tockenham, Tokenham [co. Wilts], church, 208. , manor, 475. Tocotes, John de, chaplain, 97. Todde, William, of Nidderdale, co. York, 22. Toddington. Todyngton, Totyngdon [co. Bedford], 318, 433. , parson of, 433. Todeworth, William, doctor of laws, 291. Todyngton. See Toddington. Toft, Monks, Tofte, Toftes [co. Nor- folk], alien priory of, 258. , priors of, 51. Toft, Tofte, Toftes, John de, com- missioner, 313, 315. , John de, of Coventry, 19. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 408. Toke, Ralph, priest, temp. Henry I, 287. Tokenham. See Tockenham. Toky, Richard, citizen and pepperer of London, 53. Tolboth, Geoffrey, commissioner, 500. Tolethorp, John, parson of Ickham, exchanged to Whitchurch, co. Buckingham, 116. Tolle, William, of Brislev, co. Nor- folk, 45. Tollere, William, of London, 482. Tollerton, John de, 329. Tolray, William, attorney of the Marshalsea prisoners, 95. To Ire, Henry de, abbot of Abbots - bury, 335. Toly, Robert, commissioner, 154. Tomere, John, 172. Tonge, William, 10. Toop. See Toup. Topcliffe, Topclif, co. York, 59. Topclive, Topclif, Topclyf, Toppe- cleve, Toppeclyf, Topclyve, John de, 254. , John de, of Thirkleby, co. York, 422. , William, William de, 3, 391. , , king's clerk, 348. , . . . ., commissioner, 64, 149, 161, 418. Topcroft, co. Norfolk, 328. , chapel of, 198. Toppecleve, Toppeclyf. See Top- clive. Toppesfield, Toppesfeld [co. Essex], church, 167, 236. Topsaill, Topseil, Vincent, 344. , . . . . , keeper of salmon in certain rivers, 193. Toraldesham by Oxford [co. Oxford], 357. Torel, John, king's esquire, 377. Torell, Elizabeth, 162. Torkeseye, Matthew de, parson of Great Chesterford, 270. Torksey, Torkesay [co. Lincoln], 450. Torneye. See Tournai. Torperleye, John de, 107. Torre [co. Devon], abbot of, 271. Torrington, Black, Blaketoryton [co Devon], 64. , Little, Liteltoryton [co. Devon], parson of, 128. Torryngton, Toryngton, Philip, arch- bishop of Cashel, 177, 399. Totehull, John, commissioner, 137. Totenesse. See Totnes. Totenham. See Tottenham. Toterneho. See Totternhoe. Totesham, Richard de, 296. , , knight, 197. Toth, Richard, 133. Totnes, Totenesse [co. Devon], vicarage of St. Mary at, 454. , alien priory, 270, 454. , advowson of, 271. Tottenham, Totenham, co. Middle- sex, manor, 195. , manor of Bruce Castle in, Le Bruses, 26, 398. Totternhoe, Toterneho [co. Bedford], 270, 271. GENERAL INDEX. 731 Totyngdon. See Toddington. Toucestre. See Towcester. Tounlay, Richard de, commissioner, 314, 315. Toup, Thoup, Toop, Roger, com- missioner, 135, 332, 485, 490, 497. Toupmanbyfeld [in Castle Sowerby, co. Cumberland], 150. Tournai, Torneye [Belgium], 506. Tournour, William, of Caythorpe, co. Lincoln, 61. Tourvey. See Turvey. Toute, John, of Watton, co. Norfolk, 152. Towcester, Toucestre [co. Northamp- ton], 66. , Handley in, Hanle, 204, 267. Toynton, John, monk of Wymond- ham, 318. Tracy [in Newington by Sitting- bourne], co. Kent, manor, 294. Tracy, Hugh, chaplain, 294. , John, commissioner, 416. , Margery, nun of Godstow, elected abbess, 164, 167. , William, 222. Trafford, John de, 234, 344. , Thomas de, 106. , William, 423. Trailly, Traylly, John, commissioner, 497. , . . . . , knight, commissioner, 490. Trandel, Richard, of South Mimms, 4. Traylly. See TraiUy. Treasurer, the. See Scrope, Richard le. See Exchequer, treasurer of. , letters patent by bill of, 44, 77, 78, 122, 174, 185, 191, 192, 215, 216, 241, 245, 247, 256, 267, 280, 283, 288, 300, 344, 372, 378, 388, 390, 427, 437, 444, 450, 452, 456, 462, 469, 477. Treburt, David, chaplain, presented to the vicarage of Llanvair Waterdine, 365. Treces, Theobald de, rector of Saham Toney, temp. Edward II, 69. Trede, William, 358. Tredegold, John, parson of Laceby, co. Lincoln, 179. Trefilan, Trevillan [co. Cardigan], 374. Trefnaunt, John, doctor of laws, 291. Tremhale. See Thremhall. Tremworth. Tremwrthe [in Crundale, co. Kent], 271. Tremyr, John, chaplain of Edward le Despenser, 366. Trenchefoill, Nicholas de, 398. Trenchemer, James, 146. Treneglos [co. Cornwall], vicarage, 70. Trenewith, Trenewyth, Ralph, com- missioner, 152, 313, 499. Trenge. See Tring. Trenge, Richard, purveyor for the household, 71, 238. , Walter de, servant of the countess of Bedford, keeper of Burstwick park, 47. Trenley. See Tirley. ! Trenosowe, 448. Trent, the river, commission of kiddles in, 489. , preservation of salmon in, 193, 317, 322, 324, 501. Trerys, William, burgess of Ply- mouth, 25. , . . . . , . . . . , searcher in Dart- mouth, Plymouth and all ports in Devon, 313. Tresawel, Thomas, 327. Tresfeld. See Threshfield. Tresilian, Tresylian, Robert, com- missioner, 139, 152, 313, 332, 333, 496. Treskelly, William, 471. Tresser, Nicholas, 468. Tresylian. See Tresilian. Tresynges, Hostelettus, Eleanor late the wife of, 358. Tretharap, Geoffrey, chaplain, pre- sented to the vicarage of Treneglos, co. Cornwall, 70. Treton, Richard de, clerk, 122. , . . . . , king's clerk, keeper of writs and rolls in the Com- mon Bench, 132. , commissioner, 141, 146, 150, 228, 229. Trevarthian, John, commissioner, 313. Trevellys, William, parson of a mediety of the church of Westborough, co. Lincoln, exchanged to Stokeclimsland, co. Cornwall, 346. Trevillian. See Trefilan. Trewynnard, Henry, commissioner, 152. Trigg, Tryg, Andrew, 270. , , Alice, wife of, 270. , John, 253. 732 GENERAL INDEX. Trigg, John— cont. .. , , clerk, 288. Trillek, Thomas, bishop of Rochester, 17. Trim, Trym, Trymme [co. Meath], 272, 304. , castle, chantry chaplain in, 116. , house of St. Mary Magdalen at, 116. Tring, Trynge, Trenge [co. Hertford], 67, 120. Troke, Robert, 318. Troll, John, ' currour,' groom of the household, 382. Tromlyn. See Crumlin. Trop, John, king's servant at Graves- end, 358. Trotter, Robert, 140, 155. Troubrigge. See Trowbridge. Trow, Trowe [in Berwick St. John], manor, co. Wilts, 33. Trowbridge, Troubrigge [co. Wilts], 205. , rector of, 205. Trowell, Thomas, presented to the church of Chelsfield, 193. , revocation of pre- sentation of, 274. Trumpesaghe, Stephen de, Margery late the wife of. 177. , Thomas, 177. Trumpyngton, Roger de, commis- sioner, 137. 497. Trumwyn, William, 344. Truro, Truru, co. Cornwall, Friars Preachers of. prior and con- vent of, 163. , manor of Moreske in, 375. Trussebut, Trusebut. John, tailor, 152. , . . . . , of Fornham, tailor, 144. Trussell, John, 35. , . . . . , Alice wife of, relict of Hugh le Despenser, 34, 35. , , son of Theobald, 72. , . . . ., Alice wife of, 72. , William, commissioner, 140 bis, 154, 320, 323, 494, 499. Tryg. See Trigg. Trykyngham, Lambert de, parson of Ribchester, co. Lancaster, exchanged to Brede, co. Sus- sex, 422. Trym. See Trim. Trymme. See Trim. Trynge. See Tring. Tryvet, John, knight, 87. Tryvet — cont. , Thomas, 181. , . . . . , commissioner, 499. Tubbe, John, parson of Little Oakley, co. Northampton, 255. Tuderley. See Tytherley. Tug, Nicholas, 264. Tugby [co. Leicester], Keythorpe in, 97. Tuk, Simon, parson of Morborne, co. Huntingdon, exchanged to St. Mary Somerset, London, 283. Tullybracky, Tillabrek [co. Limer- ick], prebend of. See Limer- ick. Tumby, John, of Limber Magna, pre- bendary of St. Mary's, Leices- ter, presented to the church of Hatcliffe, co. Lincoln, 40. Tundu, Tundieu, William, 242. , of York, 462. , , bailiff of York, 266. Tunnok, Richard, of York, Agnes late the wife of, 242. Tunstall [co. Kent], manor of Gore in, 205. , co. Norfolk, 52. [co. Suffolk], manor of Dun- ningworth in, Donyngworth, 299. Tunstall, William, William de, com- missioner, 135, 151, 158, 181, 284. Turbrevyle, Thomas, 247. Turgys, Simon, of London, 504. Turk, John, 272. , Master John, professor of theology and chancellor of Oxford university, 291. , Peter, 381, 386. , .. .., Juliana, wife of, 381, 386. , Robert, commissioner, 139, 497. , Walter, citizen of London, 363. Turton, Roger de, 2. Turvey, Tourvey, Turveye [co. Bed- ford], mediety of the church of, 191, 293. Turvey, Turveye, John, goldsmith, '31. , John, of Peterborough, 229. Turvile, Alice, of Spondon, co. Derby, Robert son and heir of, 450. Turvylesmon, Nicholas, 416. Tutbury, Tutteburi, Tuttebury [co. Stafford], 461. GENERAL INDEX. 733 Tutbury — cont. , alien priory, 250, 269, 305. Tuttebury, Richard de, dean and sacristan of St. Mary's, Leicester, presented to the church of Linby, co. Notting- ham, 339. Tuxford [co. Nottingham], 401. , manor, 296, 456. Tuyt, Twyt, Richard, 281. , , knight, 342. Tweed, Twede [co. Northumber- land], the river, passage of, 64. Tweedmouth, Twedemuth [co. Northumberland], 64. Twesco, John, patron of the Seint Nicholas of Genoa, 449. Twetshall, Titeshale [co. Norfolk], Thomas, parson of, 276, 277. Twickenham, Twykenham [co. Mid- dlesex], vicarage, 130. Twyford, Edward de, knight, 110. , . . . . , Elizabeth, wife of, relict of Hervey Dyve, 110. , Nicholas, citizen and alder- man of London, 254. , Robert de, 310. , commissioner, 137, 314, 498. , , knight, 177, 243. Twygg, Beatrice, 447. Twykenham. See Twickenham. Twyne, Robert, 338. Twyng, John, of Clifton, co. Bed- ford, 277. Twyt. See Tuyt. Tybesta, Tybeste [in Creed, co. Cornwall], manor, 375. Tybetot, Robert. See Tibtot. Tyburn, Tybourne, co. Middlesex, 38, 39. Tychewell. See Titchwell. Tycton. See Tykton. Tyd, Richard, brother of the hos- pital of St. John, Ely, 277, 477. Tydd St. Giles, Tyd, co. Cambridge, commission of sewers in, 485. Tydd St. Mary, Tidde [co. Lincoln], manor, 71. Tydecombe. See Tidecombe. Tydemerssh, John de, 4. Tyderleye, William, citizen and merchant of London, 448. Tyderyngton. See Tytherington. Tye, Great. See Tey, Great. Tykeford. See Tickford. Tykton, Tycton, John, presented to the church of Catwick, co. York, 17, Tykton, John — cont. , . . . . , presented to the church of Hawerby, co. Lin- coln, 34, 98. , . . . . , parson of Hawerby, 82. , . . . . , . . . . , exchanged to Paglesham, 188. , . . . . , presented to the church of Lytchett Matravers, 170. Tyle, Tiel, Ralph, 236, 237, 389, 441. , . . . . , bearer of the king's bows, 352. , . . . . , keeper of the park of Havering, 353. , . . . . , surveyor of the manor of Havering, 212, 444. , . . . . , keeper of the park and warren of Mortlake, 200. Tylere, Simon, of Farnham, 244. Tylioll. See Tiliol. Tyllyngton. See Tillington. Tylneye. See Tilney. Tylson, John, 94. Tylton. See Tilton. Tymberlond, William, presented to the church of Kingswinford, co. Stafford, 463. Tynby. See Tenby. Tyndale. See Tindale. Tyndale, Andrew, serjeant-at-arms, commissioner, 64, 142, 325. , John de, 165. , commissioner, 135, 138, 499. , William de, knight, 298. Tyne, river, co. Northumberland, commission of kiddles in, 159. Tynebygh. See Tenby. Tyneham, Tynham [co. Dorset], 409. , West, West Tynham, Wes- tynham [co. Dorset], 409 bis. , , Egleston in, 408. , . . . . , Povington in, Povyng- ton, 409. Tynemouth [co. Northumberland], Clement, prior of, 317. Tyngewyk. See Tingewick. Tynham. See Tyneham. Tyntagel. See Tintagel. Tynterne. See Tintern. Tynton, Robert de, parson of Uffing- ton, 280. Typell, Roger, vicar of Worth Matravers, exchanged to Hol- ford, co. Somerset, 131. Typerkevyn. See Tipper. 734 GENERAL INDEX. Tyrel, Tirell, Tyrell, Hugh, com- missioner, 327, 408, 409, 498. , John, justice to hold pleas following the justiciary of Ireland, 303. Thomas, 368. . . . . , grand steward of the earl of Bedford, 237, 477. . .., commissioner, 159. . . . , knight, commissioner, 161. William, 123. William, of Dublin, 4. Tyringham, Teryngham [co. Buck- ingham], 365. Tyrry. See Terry. Tyryngham, Tirvngham, John, com- missioner, 138, 319, 497. , John de, of Tyringham, Robert, servant of, 365. Tyryngton, John, 448. Tysho, Richard, clerk, 416. Tyssyngton. See Tissyngton. Tytecombe. See Tidecombe. Tyteshall, Richard, clerk, 302. Tytherington, Tyderyngton, co. Gloucester, 58. Tytherley, Tuderley, co. Southamp- ton, manor, 442. Tywardreath, Tywardrayth, Ty- wardreth [co. Cornwall], alien priory, 22, 70, 373, 437, 475. Tywarnhaile, Tywarnayl [in Perran- zabuloe, co. Cornwall], manor, 375. Ubley [co. Somerset], Hazel in, Hasele, 445. Ubok, John, master of the Posdagh of Prussia, 417. Udestoc. See Woodstock. Udemore, Odymere [co. Sussex], commission of sewers at, 58, 134. Uffington, Uffyngton [co. Lincoln], parson of, 280. Ufford, Edmund de, ' le cosyn,' ' le cousyn,' 159, 162. , John de, prebendary of Salisbury, 200, 215. , Robert de, 299. Ufford, Robert de — cont. ....... . . . ., Eleanor, wife of, daughter of Richard, son of Richard, earl of Arundel, 299. , Robert de, earl of Suffolk, 21. , William de, earl of Suffolk, 203, 222, 283, 299, 495. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 138 bis, 146 bis, 147, 160, 310, 314, 318, 322, 323, 328, 332, 413, 487 ter, 497 bis. , . . . . , . . . . , justice of oyer and terminer in Norfolk and Suffolk, 455. , . . . . , Isabel, wife of, relict of John Lestrange of Black- mere, 283. , . . . . , Joan, wife of, grand- daughter of Thomas de Brotherton, 299. Uffyngton. See Uffington. Ugbo rough, Ugburgh [co. Devon], church, 268, 286. Ughtred, Uhtred, Thomas, commis- sioner, 312, 326. , Thomas, knight, keeper of Lochmaben Castle, 441, 457. , Sir Thomas de, knight, 73. Uley, Ulee [co. Gloucester], 400. Ulkeston. See Owston. Ullesby, Thomas de, presented to the church of Munslow, co. Salop, 245. , . . . . , parson of St. Olave's, Silver Street, London, ex- changed to St. Mary, Grims- by, 293. Ulnesby. See Ousby. Ulster, Maud, countess of [daughter of Henry, earl of Lancaster and wife of William de Burgh, earl of Ulster], 463. Umframvill, Umframvyll, Gilbert de, earl of Angus, 126, 279, 317, 338, 432, 456. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 50, 52 bis, 58, 137 bis, 143, 151, 327, 490, 497, 498. , . . . . , . . . . , Maud, wife of, 126, 279. , Ingram de, knight, 111. , . . . . , constable of Scar- borough Castle, 398. , Robert de, commissioner, 51, 64, 140, 155, 159, 226, 330. , , knight, 298. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 53. GENERAL INDEX. 735 Umframvill, Robert de — cont. , . . . . , justice of gaol delivery, 106. , Thomas de, 279. Umfray, John, clerk, 492. Underwod, Nicholas, porter of Thremhall, co. Essex, 435. Undle. See Oundle. Undy, Woundy [co. Monmouth], parsons of, 68, 95, 366. Upavon, Huphavene, Upavene [co. Wilts], 356. , vicars of, 112. , alien priory of, 334. Upchurch, Uppecherche [co. Kent], 319. , marsh of Slayhills in, com- mission of sewers in, 161. Upcote, John, 356. , Robert, treasurer of Here- ford cathedral, exchanged to Withington, co. Hereford, 69. Upham, John de, 253. Uphill, Uppehill, Uppehylle, Uppe- hulle, John, 459. .. , , clerk, 268, 275. , Simon, 379. Uppecherche. See Upchurch. Uppehill, Uppehylle. See Uphill. Uppenore, Edward, of New Windsor, 101. , .. .., Alice, wife of, 101. Upperly [co. Cumberland], Botcher- by in, Bochardby by Carlisle, 443. Uppington, Opynton, co. Salop, 148. Uppyngham, John de, clerk, com- missioner, 223. Upstrete, John, of Elmdon, co. Essex, 61. Upton St. Leonard, Upton [co. Gloucester], 45. [co. Lincoln], Kexby in, Keseby, 364. [co. Salop], parson of, 116. on Severn [co. Worcester], parsons of, 111. Upton, Henry de, presented to the church of Weston Corbet, co. So uthamp to n , 13. , John, of Crofton, 444. , Richard de, parson of Shimpling, 122. , Robert de, Margery, relict of, wife of William de Weston, 129 , William de, 228. , William, commissioner, 222. Upwymbourne. See Wimborne St. Giles, Urcewik. See Ursewik. Urchfont, Archesfont [co. Wilts], parson of, 259. Urse, Ralph son of, heir of, temp. Edward I, 271. Ursewik, Urcewik, Urswyk, Robert de, king's esquire, 81, 109, 209. , Walter de, knight, 453. , commissioner, 135. Us de Mere, Gregory, 60. Use. See Ouse. Usflete, Usflet, Gerard de, commis- sioner, 324, 485. , Robert de, clerk, 55. Usk, Robert, of Worcester, 270. Uske, Roger, commissioner, 415. Utlicote, William de, of Billington, co. Bedford, 205. , . . . . , Joan daughter and heir of, wife of Edmund Marshal, 205. Uttyng, William, 143. V Vaal, John de, of Luddington, co. Warwick, 339. Vache, Richard la, knight, Philip son and heir of, 106. , Philip la, or de la, 36. , , knight, 204, 424, 441. , . . . . , knight of the king's chamber, 5. Vagg, Chilterne Vagg [in Chilthorne Domer], co. Somerset, manor, 70. Vaggescomb, Robert, canon of Exeter, 165. , . . . . , parson of Parkham, co. Devon, 165. Vaghan, Gerald, commissioner, 57. , Hugh, presented to the church of Whitchurch, co. Hereford, 196. , Thomas ap Guilliam, of Bedwas, 198. Valario, William de, patron of La Seinte Marie of Genoa, 507. Vale, Richard, carpenter, 195. , Henry de la, 298. , William de la, knight, 140, 155, 736 GENERAL INDEX. Vale, William de la — cont. , . commissioner, 323. , . . . . , escheator in York- shire, 27, 108. Cf. Valle. Valencia, Valence, Aymer de, earl of Pembroke and lord of Wex- ford and Montignac, charter of, 114. , . . . . , . . . . , wife of. See Sancto Paulo, Mary de. Valence, Stephen de, commissioner, 496. , . . . . , knight, commissioner, 412. , William de, temp. Henry III, 15. , William de, earl of Pem- broke and Joan, his wife, charter of, 114. Valentine, John le, 234. Valle, Hugh del, 385. , Reynold de, son of William, temp. Henry III, 26. , Robert de, knight, 114. , Stephen de, bishop of Meath, 88, 241, 245, 362. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 145. Cf. Vale. Valort, Amaury de, knight of Aqui- taine, 469. Vange, Fanges, co. Essex, 195. Vannere, Robert, 341, 472, 474. , . . . . , citizen and vintner of London, 479. , . . . . , Agnes, late the wife of, 479, 482. Vastern, Fastern [in Wootton Bas- sett], co. Wilts, manor, 354, 367, 474, 475. , park, surveyor of. See Archebaud, William. Vautort, John, citizen of London, 90. See Fautort. Vavasour, William, of Yorkshire, 446. Veel, Peter de, 247. , commissioner, 136, 138, 219, 221, 315, 319, 499. , , knight, 440. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 157. , . . . . , constable of Gloucester Castle, 368. , . . . . , sheriff of Gloucester, commissioner, 221. Veele, Vele, John, 327. Thomas, 380, 386. Veele — cont. , Walter, 327. Veer. See Vere. Vele. See Veele. Vendour, John, commissioner, 325. Veneour, Joan, sister of the hospital of St. Katharine by the Tower, 49. Venne, James de la, parson of Llan- fihangel yng Ngwynfa, co. Montgomery, exchanged to Lydham, co. Salop, 107. , . . . . , parson of Lydham, exchanged to the vicarage of Bishop's Castle, co. Salop, 349. Venour, William, of London, 175. Ver. See Vere. Verdon, John de, commissioner, 139, 144, 311, 320, 323, 491, 499. , , knight, 132. , Richard, 338. Verdun, Thomas de, heir of, temp. Edward I, 271. Vere, Veer, Ver, A. de, temp. Stephen, 86. , Aubrey de, knight, 26. , R. de, temp. Stephen, 86. , Thomas de, earl of Oxford, 3, 4, 22, 24, 40, 116, 163, 165, 171, 172, 369, 377 bis, 411. , . . . . , . . . . , Robert, son and heir of, 368. , . . . . , . . . . , Philippa, wife of, daughter of the countess of Bedford, 368. Vernaye. See Verneye. Verneuil, Vernolium [Eure, France], charter of King John dated at, 467. Verneye, Vernaye, John, commis- sioner, 57, 488. , Walter de, 159. Vernon, Vernoun, Vernoune, John de, commissioner, 136 bis, 498. , Richard, Richard de, com- missioner, 310, 321. , , knight, 373. , . . . . , . . . . , Juliana, late the wife of, 494. Verray. See Vorey. Veruhio, Peter de, archdeacon of Exeter, 80. Veysyn, Roger, chaplain, 285. Vicary, John, 324. Videleu, John, 42. Vielarius, Hamo, temp. Henry II, 182. Vigrous, William, 359. GENERAL INDEX. 737 Vikairs, Robert, of Bere Regis, co. Dorset, 409. Viker, Hugh, chaplain, 436. Vikers, John atte, 495. Vilers, Ingram de, knight, 115. Vincent, Vyncent, John, clerk, Richard servant of, 495. , Richard, 480. , . . . . , parson of St. Benet's Sherehog, London, 11. , William, commissioner, 153. , .. .., of Waltham, co. Lin- coln, commissioner, 145. Vine, Vyne, John, citizen and draper of London, 129. vines, 109. Vineyard, the Weyneyerde, Wyne- yerde [in Highnara], co. Gloucester, manor and mill, 416. Virly, Roger, of Norwich, 11. , Thomas, 11. Vise. See Vyse. Vorey, Verray [Haute-Loire, France], lord of. See Gebennis, Hugh de. Vritela. See Writtle. Vyel, John, of Bristol, 46. V yncent. See Vincent. Vyne. See Vine. Vyse, Vise, John, 4, 339. , John atte, 123, 129. , ..... chief serjeant of the county of Kildare, 404. W Wabourn. See Weybourne. Wacche, John, commissioner, 150. Waco, Gilbert, commissioner, 136, 496, 498. , John, of Wainfleet, searcher in all ports in Lindsey, co. Lincoln, 149. ., Thomas, of Carbrooke, co. Norfolk, chaplain, 147. , Walter, prebendary of Credi- ton collegiate church, ex- changed to the vicarage of Barnstaple, 40. Wacelyn, Wascelyn, Wasselyn, Robert, commissioner, 145. , Robert, of Birdsall, co. York, 326. Wacelyn — cont. , William, commissioner, 55, 409. Wacke, John, of North Scarle, miller of Eagle, 297. Waddesdon, Wortisdon [co. Buck- ingham], church, portioner in, 165. Waddesworth. See Wadsworth. Wade, John, 472. , Thomas, 157, 160. Wadele. See Wadley. Wadenowe, Robert de, 297. Wade's Mill, Wadesmyll [in Thun- dridge, co. Hertford], grant of pavage at, 261. Wadhurst, co. Sussex, Frankham in, Franchame, 156. Wadley, Wadele [in Faringdon, co. Berks], manor, 259. Wadsworth, Waddesworth [in Erring- den], co. York, 154. Waffrer, William, groom of the household, 382. Wager, Robert. See Milverton, Robert. Waghen. See Wawne. Waghen, William de, parson of Paglesham, co. Essex, ex- changed to Hawerby, 188. Waghna. See Wawne. Wainfleet, Waynflet, Waynflete [co. Lincoln], 149, 480. , church of St. Mary at, 449. , . . . . , parson of, 449. Waithe, Wath [co. Lincoln], 197. Wake, Wak, Blanche, 251. , Hugh son of Baldwin, temp. Henry III, 19. , William, parson of Over- stone, co. Northampton, ex- changed to St. Andrew's, Cornhill, London, 177. Wakefeld, Wakfeld, Henry de, clerk, 170, 180, 188. , . . . . , . . . . , keeper of the wardrobe, 400, 403, 405, 419. , . . . . , treasurer of the Ex- chequer, 400. , . . . . , archdeacon of Canter- bury, 174. , . . . . , bishop of Worcester, 174, 195, 347, 400, 438, 441. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 410. - , Master William, master in arts and proctor of Oxford university, 291. Wakefield, Wakefeld, co. York, 154. , parcels of land in, 398. Wt. 18915. E 47 738 GENERAL INDEX. Wakefield — cont. , old park of, 398. Wakfeld. See Wakefeld. Walberton [co. Sussex], vicarage, 22. Walbroun, James, 119. Walcott, Walcote, co. Lincoln, 52. Wald Neuton. See Newton, Wold. Waldecote, Geoffrey, 384. Waldegrave, Richard de, commis- sioner, 144, 497, 502. Walden, Saffron [co. Essex], abbey, 80. , . . . . , . . . . , canon of. See Benyngton, Thomas de. Walden, John, clerk, 235, 236. , . . . . , commissioner, 222. , Robert, 423. , Roger de, clerk, 388. , Roger, presented to the church of Drayton, 259. , Simon, 104. , Thomas, 448. Waldeneuton. See Newton, Wold. Waldneuton. See Newton, Wold. Wale, Henry, merchant of Almain, 503. Walerand, Robert, temp. Henry III, 15. Wales, 243, 420, 487. , arrest of ships in, 337. , invasion of, threatened, 495. , castles of the prince of Wales in, 70. , lands &c. of the late prince of Wales in, steward of. See Segrave, Hugh de. , castles of William de Wynde- sore in, 393. , lands of the earl of Pem- broke in, 195, 200. , march of, 148. , . . . . , escheator in. See Rees, John ap. , prince of. See Edward ; Richard. Wales, North, 375, 389. , . . . . , assignment of dower to the princess of Wales in, 374. , .. .., chamberlain of, 283. , . . . . , See Cruddok, David. , .. .., justice of. See Skyp- wyth, William de. Wales, South, 375, 389. , . . . . , assignment of dower to the princess of Wales in, 374. , . . . . , chamberlain of. See Yonge, Hugh, Wales, South — cont. , . . . ., justice of. See Skyp- wyth, William de. Wales, West, 389. Walet, John, 360. Waleys, Ingelram le, temp. Edward I, 286. , John, commissioner, 136, 137, 332. , . . . . , sheriff of Nottingham and Derby, 283. , .. .., of Silk Willoughby, co. Lincoln, 61. , , of Swithland, 283. , . . . . , Elizabeth, wife of, 283 , Ralph, 164. , . . . . , escheator in Hereford, 454. , Robert, of Ipswich, deputy butler in the ports of Ips- wich, Colchester and Orwell, 288. , . . . . , . . . . , deputy butler at Ipswich, Colchester and Maldon, 362. , William, of Kimmeridge, 409. See Walsh. Waleweyn. See Walwayn. Walford, John, 421. Walissh, John, of Thirlby, co. York, 281 See Walsh. Walkelay. See Walkley. Walkelyn, Benedict, 23. Walker, Richard, 143, 312. , Roger, 299. , Walter, 312. , . . . . , Richard, servant of, 312 , William, of Bedale, 209. , , of Repton, 220. , John, of Winterburn, co. York, 151. Walkington, Walkyngton [co. York], parson of, 42. Walkley, Walkelay [in Sheffield, co. York], 186. Walkyngton. See Walkington. Walkyngton, John de, 12. , William de, mercer, 12. Walle, Henry atte, 144. Waller, William, of Hainton, co. Lincoln, 158. Walles, Philip, 16. , . . . . , chaplain, presented to the church of Lytchett Matravers, 179. Walleworth. See Walworth. GENERAL INDEX. 739 Walley, John de, the younger of, East Markham, 183. , William, 154. Wallier, John, the elder, 329. , the younger, 329. Wallingford, Walyngford [co. Berks], castle, 375. . . , prior of, 427. , church of St. Peter in, parsons of, 245. , gaol, delivery of, 41, 49. , . . . . , keeper of. See Berk- hamsted, Henry de. , honour, bailiff errant in. See Berkhamsted, Henry de. Wallokesbern. See Wenlock's Barn. Walour, Robert, 221. , commissioner, 221. Walpole, Walpol [co. Norfolk], 10. Walsall, Walshale [co. Stafford], 220, 422. Walsh, Walssh, Walsshe, Walshe, Agnes le, 358. , John le, 394. , . . . . , Joan daughter and heir of, 423, 424. , Nicholas le, 210. , Percival le, the elder, 393. , . . . . , Percival, son of, 393. , Richard, 304. , king's clerk, cham- berlain of the Exchequer of Ireland, 335. . ., Thomas, knight, 322. , . . . . , escheator in War- wick and Leicester, 87, 93, 143, 168, 174. , Walter, 89, 90, 96, 327, 461. , Walter le, parson of Upton, co. Salop, 116. , William, commissioner, 143 bis. , . . . . , receiver of Cardiff, 452. See Walissh ; Waleys. Walshale. See Walsall. Walshale, William, escheator in Salop and Stafford and the march of Wales, 199, 240, 311, 312, 354. Walsham le Willows, co. Suffolk, manor, 203. Walsham, Ralph de, 72, 78, 124, 203, 287, 437. , . . . ., letters patent of, 128. , Robert, vicar of Cranbrook, co. Kent, exchanged to Sut- ton, co. Norfolk, 297. , Roger de, commissioner, 417, 487, 491. Walsham — cont. , William, ' esquyer Angleys,' 421. , William de, confessor of Edward, prince of Wales, 378. Walsingham, Walsyngham [co. Nor- folk], 32, 44. Walsokne, Peter son of Emma de, 11. Walssh. See Walsh. Walsshemon, Edmund, 416. Walsyngham. See Walsingham. Walsyngham, Edmund de, 356. , commissioner, 135. , . . . . , Isabel, wife of, 356. Walter, Richard son of John son of, < le fitz,' 27. , Thomas son of, de Dodeston, 26. Walters, Thomas, of Tetbury, dyer, 364. Waltham, Great [co. Essex], manor, 355, 408. , Littley park in, 274, 279. , . . . . , warreners at. See Peyntour, Peter ; Warenner, Robert le. Holy Cross [co. Essex], 357, 438, 472. , abbot of, 249. , abbot and convent of, 438. [co. Lincoln], 145, 310. Waltham, John de, of the county of Lincoln, 435. , John de, clerk, 117. , John de, commissioner, 226. , John de, presented to the church of Courteenhall, 123. , . . . . , canon of Wellow abbey, 165. , . . . . , presented to the church of Lanteglos, co. Cornwall, 304. , Moses de, 282. Walton on Trent, co. Derby, manor, 180, 462. le Dale, Walton [co. Lan- caster], 299. , Wauton [in Kilmersdon, co. Somerset], 271. [co. Suffolk], letters patent dated at, 459. Walton, Henry de, of Staffordshire, 339. , John de, clerk, 104. , John de, chaplain, 403. , Nicholas, citizen of London, tailor, 337. 740 GENERAL INDEX. Walton — cont. , Richard son of Adam ' Hog- geson Dobbeson ' de, 299. , Robert de, parson of Tinge- wick, 90. , Thomas de, commissioner, 485. , William, 337. Cf. Wauton. Walwayn, Waleweyn, Robert, 448. , Roger, 33. Walwern. See Tafolwern. Walworth, Walleworth, John de, 359. , Thomas de, presented to the church of Hemingburgh, co. York, 104. , . . . . , parson of Heming- burgh, 96. , William, 272. , . . . . , citizen of London, 125, 381. , . . . . , mayor of London, 36, 118, 167, 173, 174. Walyngford. See Wallingford. Walyngford, John de, prior of St. Frideswide's, Oxford, 44. Wambergh. See Wanborough. Wampford, Nicholas de, commis- sioner, 332. Wanborough, Wambergh [co. Wilts], 281. Wandesford. See Wansford. Wandesford, Adam de, searcher in the port of Boston, 493. , John de, 264. , Richard de, citizen of Lon- don, 36. Wandesworth. See Wandsworth. Wandsworth, Wandesworth [co. Surrey], 428. , manor of Down in, La Doune, 478. Wanflet, John, clerk, 32. Wanlip, Anlep [co. Leicester], 322. Wannesworth, Stephen, 326. "Wansford, Wandesford [in Naffer- ton, co. York], 467. Wantage, Wantynge [co. Berks], land called ' Tanheye ' in, 284. , vicar of, 284. Wantynge. See Wantage. Wantynge, Wantyngg, Richard de, Richard, presented to the church of Little Compton, co. Warwick, 177. , . . . . , rector of Little Comp- ton, 384. Wantynge, Richard de — cont. , . . . . , parson of Little Comp- ton, exchanged to the warden - ship of the chapel of Iccomb, co. Gloucester, 204. , Robert, parson of Radeclyve, 390. , . . . . , chaplain, granted the chantry of Wilkswood, co. Dorset, 394. Waram. See Wareham. Warbleton, Werbelton, Warbelton [co. Sussex], church, 132, 168. , parsons of, 183, 206. Warblington, Warblynton [co. Southampton], parson of, 266. , Lymbourne in, 266. , port of Emsworth in, 494. Warblynton. See Warblington. Warblynton, John, 272. Warcop, Warthecop [co. Westmore- land], vicar of, 18. Warde by Titchfield [co. Southamp- ton], 430. Ward, Warde, Elizabeth, 188. , Ellis, of Fulbeck, co. Lin- coln, 61. , Gilbert, presented to the vicarage of Laxfield, co. Suf- folk, 83. , John, mayor and escheator of London, 199, 203, 208, 276, 300, 345, 429. , John, souter, 318. , John, vicar of Newnham Regis, co. Warwick, ex- changed to the vicarage of St. Sepulchre's, Northamp- ton, 481. , Nicholas, temp. Henry III, 359. , Richard, presented to a chantry in the church of Ogbourne St. George, 257. , . . . . , chantry chaplain in the church of Ogbourne St. George, 245. , Simon, 110. , commissioner, 135, 136, 138. , . . . . , king's steward of Oak- ham, 147. , . . . . , sheriff of Rutland, commissioner, 217. , Simon de, 385. Wardecop, Robert, parson of War- den, 175. Wardedieu, Henry, 297, 360. GENERAL INDEX. 741 Warden, Wardon [co. Bedford], abbot of, 19. , abbot and convent of, 181, 379. , church of, 379. , parson of, 175. Wardon. See Warden. Wardrobe, the, keepers of. See Farlee, William de ; North- well, William de ; Wakefeld, Henry de. , usher of. See Chippes, Roger. ...... the Great, office of, 169. , .. .., keeper of, 401. , . . . . , porters of. See Bruggeford, John ; Soteby, Roger de. Ware [co. Hertford], 357. , vicars of, 24. , alien priory, 16, 24, 131, 399. Ware, Master John, warden of the charnel chapel in the church- yard of St. Mary's, Worcester, 87, 88, 91, 94. , Roger de, monk of Thetford priory, 56. Warefeld. See Warfield. Wareham, Warham [co. Dorset], 409. , church of St. Martin, 45, 87, 88. , church of St. Michael, 366. , alien priory, 366. Waren, Warnet [co. Northumber- land], the river, 59. Warenna, John de, earl of Surrey, 371. , .. .., Joan, wife of, 371. Warenner, Robert le, late parker of Old Park, Apechildepark and Littleypark, co. Essex, 274. , . . . . , late warrener at Pleshey, High Easter and Great Waltham, 274. , Thomas, 272, 483. , , of Thorshawe, 430. Cf. Warner ; Waryner. Warewik. See Warwick. Warewyk. See Warwyk. Warfield, Warfeld, Warrefeld [co. Berks], parsons of, 266, 302, 406, 423. Warham. See Wareham. Wark, Werk in Tyndale [co. North- umberland], lordship and liberty, 318. Warkenedby. See Wartnaby. Warkworth, Werkworth [co. North- umberland], 98. , castle, 98. Warle, William de, controller of the works at Porchester Castle, 253. Warley, Great, Warle, co. Essex, 309. , Warlullay [in Midgley], co. York, 154. Warlullay. See Warley. Warmingham, co. Chester, Elton in, Elveton, 131. Warmington, Wermyngton, Wer- monton [co. Warwick], church, 20, 258. Warmyngton, Wermyngton, John de, controller of the works at Corfe Castle, 477. , Richard de, clerk, 125. Warnecamp. See Warningcamp. Warneford, John, 383. Warner, Warnere, John, 236. , Richard, 45. , Robert, 492. , Robert, of Boston, searcher in the port of Boston, 493. , Thomas, 157, 275. Cf. Warenner ; Waryner. Warnet. See Waren. Warnham, Werenham [co. Sussex], 271. Warningcamp, Warnecamp [in Ly- minster], co. Sussex, manor, 129. Warre, John de la, 249. , commissioner, 138, 147, 499. , Richard, of Petworth, 231. , Roger la, commissioner, 134. Warrefeld. See Warfield. Warrewyk. See Warwick ; War- wyk. Warsop, co. Nottingham, 141. Warsop, John de, parson of Lud- borough, co. Lincoln, ex- changed to West Rasen, co. Lincoln, 208. Warter, Wartre [co. York], 467. , Blanchemarle in, Blaunch- marl, 467. Warthecop. See Warcop. Warthewyk. See Warwick. Warthewyk, John de, knight, 328. Warthreynon. See Gwrtheyrnion. Wartling, Wretlyng [co. Sussex], prebend of. See Hastings. Wartnaby, Warkenedby [co. Leices- ter], 426. I Warton [co. Lancaster], church, 116. 742 GENERAL INDEX. Warton in Kendale [co. Lancaster], parsons of, 351, 484. Warton, Edmund de, 109. , John de, 146. , . . . . , of the county of Lancaster, 423. Warwick, Warthewyk, co. Cumber- land, 328. , Warewik, Warrewyk, co. Warwick, 89, 113, 188, 244, 347, 350, 463. , . . . . , bridge, pontage for, 423. , . . . ., castle, 494. , . . . . , gaol, delivery of, 445. Warwick county, 92, 104, 408. , outlawries in, 230 bis, 357, 364, 448. , scarcity of corn in, 319, 320. , commission of array in, 499. , commissions of the peace in, 138, 314. , alnager of woollen cloths for sale in. See Cook, Henry. , collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in. See Ray, John. , farmer of the subsidy on cloth for sale in. See Ray, John. , escheator in. See Holt, Walter ; Walsh, Thomas. Warwick, earl of. See Bello Campo, Thomas de; Plessetis, John de. Warwyk, Warewyk, Warrewyk, Adam de, parson of Market Overton, co. Rutland, ex- changed to the vicarage of Orston, co. Nottingham, 163. , Laurence de, vicar of Ship- ton, co. Oxford, exchanged to the vicarage of White Notley, co. Essex, 43. , Robert de, commissioner, 138. , Sir Robert de, canon of Wolverhampton, 282 bis. W T aryn, John, of Purleigh, co. Essex, 19. , Robert, commissioner, 323. , William, groom of the household, 382. Waryner, Henry, of Charfield, co. Gloucester, 247. , John, of Cork, 450. Cf. Warenner ; Warner. Waryng, Nicholas, of Essex, porter of Brecknock Castle, 85. Was, Gilbert, commissioner, 220. Wascelyn. See Wacelyn. Washingley, Wassyngle [co. Hun- tingdon], 43. , advowson of, 43. Wassand [in Sigglesthorne, co. York], 467. Wasselyn. See Wacelyn. Wassyngle. See Washingley. Wassyngle, Robert de, 43. , .. .., Joan wife of, 43. , . . . . , Richard and Robert, sons of, 43. Wastell, John, chaplain, 326. Wasteneys, John, commissioner, 498. , Roger, 219. Wately, Richard de, bailiff of York, 242. , . . . . , citizen of York, 247. Water, Watere, Watre, Henry atte, keeper of the park of Langley Marish, 171, 369. , . . . . , usher of the king's hall, 257, 399. , John atte, 76. , Nicholas atte, the elder, 464. , Nicholas atte, the younger, 464. , William atte, 464. Waterbeach, Watirbeche, Watyr- beche, co. Cambridge, 390. Waterden, Richard de, escheator in Norfolk and Suffolk, 118, 131. , Robert de, of Lynn, 121. Watere. See Water. Waterford, Watreford, co. Water- ford, 16, 258. , citizens of, 190, 338, 342. , mayor and citizens of, peti- tion of, 145. , extension of murage at, 255. , port of, 13. Waterford county, 145. Wateringbury, Wottryngbury, co. Kent, manor, 232. Waterman, William, 8. Waterperry, Waterpyrye, co. Ox- ford, manor, 202. , Thomley in, Thomele, 202. Waters, Walter, parson of Bernagh, exchanged to Cantreff, co. Brecon, 419. Waterward, John, chaplain, pre- sented to the church of Ousby, co. Cumberland, 196. Watford [co. Middlesex], 341. Wath. See Waithe. GENERAL INDEX. 743 Watirbeche. See Waterbeach. Watlington, Watlyngton [co. Ox- ford], manor, 375. Watlyngton, John, commissioner, 222. , Robert, 337. Watre. See Water. Watreford. See Waterford. Watson, John, of Culgaith, bailiff in Inglewood forest, 461. Wattes, John, citizen of Bristol, 260. , William, vicar of Nether- avon, co. Wilts, exchanged to Siddington, co. Gloucester, 261. , . . . . , parson of Pwllcrochan, co. Pembroke, exchanged to Naunton, co. Gloucester, 124. Watton at Stone [co. Hertford], manor, 260. , free chapel of, 260. Watton, co. Norfolk, 144, 147, 148, 152, 157, 275. , . . . ., manor, 147. Watyrbeche. See Waterbeach. Waudon, Robert, clerk, 283. Wauton, Andrew de, 373. , John, John de, 78. , commissioner, 315, 320, 499. , William de, commissioner, 314, 497. , . . . . , knight, commissioner, 319. See Walton. Wavery, John, 412. Wawe, Nicholas, 262, 493. Wawne, Waghen, Waghna [co. York], 465, 467. Waydour, John, 303. Wayfer, Richard, parson of Quarley, co. Southampton, 341. Waymouth. See Weymouth. Waynbrige, 9. Waynnet. See Wainfleet. Wayte, Wayt, Richard, 24. , Thomas, brother of tho hospital of St. Katharine by the Tower, London, 215. Wayville, Wayvyle. See Weyville. Weald, North, Northwelde [co. Essex], park, works in, 28. Weasenham, Wesenham [co. Nor- folk], 389. , church of All Saints and St. Peter, vicar of, 389. Weaverthorpe, Wirthorp [co. York], 414. Webbe, John, 28. Webbe — cont. , John, Thomas son of, of Brentford, 392. , William, 304. , . . . . , of London, butcher, 390. Webster, Geoffrey, of Brabant, 200. , Gilbert, of Bingham, 47. , Reynold, 200. , William, of Wymondham, 318. Webstere, Adam, 151. , John, of Heathcote, co. Derby, 9. , Thomas, 157, 160. Wednesfield, Wodnesfeld [co. Staf- ford], 282. , Prestwood in, Prestwod, 282 bis. Week St. Mary, Wyke [co. Cornwall], parsons of, 363, 364. Weeley, Wilega [co. Essex], 443. Weeting, Wetyng, co. Norfolk, manor, 13. Wegg, Thomas, of Clare, co. Suffolk, 158. Weginale, Henry, chaplain, 326. Weiesford. See Wexford. Weighton, Wyghton [co. York], 173. , manor of, 173. Weland, John, 157, 160. Welasham, Welesham, Roger de, knight, 133, 299. , commissioner, 147, 154. Welbourne, Welburn [co. Lincoln], 367. , church, 367. Welburn, John de, clerk, 367. Weld, John, of London, 210. Welde, John, John atte, commis- sioner, 137, 158, 159. , . . . . , escheator in Essex and Hertford, 195, 196, 203, 223, 225, 315. , Nicholas atte, parson of Darley, 284. Weldon [co. Northampton], 219. Welesham. See Welasham. Welford, Roger de, parson of Char- welton, co. Northampton, exchanged to a mediety of the church of Turvey, co. Bedford, 293. Welhall, manor, 107. Welhowe. See Wellow. Well, co. Cambridge, commission of sewers in, 485. , Welle [in Ickham, co. Kent], 331, 434. 744 GENERAL INDEX. Well, Welle, John atte, 476. , of Anlaby, co. York, 86. , John de, chaplain, 176. , John de, commissioner, 490, 497. , . . . . , knight, 50. , Nicholas son of Robert atte, 282. , Philip atte, controller of customs at Melcombe, 256. , Thomas de, commissioner, 62, 485. , William atte, controller of customs at Melcombe, 288. , William de, temp. Edward I, 271. Wellagh, Robert de, of Maplebeck, 70. Welle. See Well. Wellere, John, 495. Welles. See Wells. Welles, Hugh de, tern}). John, 467. , John de, of Carbrooke, co. Norfolk, 147. , John, the younger, 281. , Richard, master of the barge of Lydd, 61. , Thomas de, 128. , William, king's mariner, bailiff of Winchelsea, 346. Wellesbourne, Wellesburn [co. War- wick], 119. Wellington, Welyngton, co. Here- ford, manor, 216, 444. Wellow, Wellowe, Welhowe by Grymesby [co. Lincoln], abbey, 117. , . . . . , canon of. See Wal- tham, John de. [co. Somerset], Eckweek in, Ekewyk, 31. , . . . . , Woodbo rough in, Wodebarwe, 31. Wells, Welles [co. Norfolk], 481. , , port, 5. Wells, Welles [co. Somerset], 11. , cathedral church, dean and chapter of, 273, 327. , . . . . , prebend of Compton Dundon in, 278. , . . . . , prebend of Wivelis- combe in, 273, 413. Welshamsted, Welshamstede. See Wilshamstead. Welshpool, La Pole [co. Mont- gomery], castle and manor, 148. , chapel of, 362. Welton, Welton by Dounham [co. Lincoln], 176. ■ [co. Northampton], 310. , Welweton [in Midsomer Norton], co. Somerset, manor, 35. Welton, John de, 254, 421. , . . . . , commissioner, 62, 409, 411. , John de, controller of cus- toms at Queenbo rough, 288. , John de, draper, citizen of Lincoln, 501. , . . . . , of Lincoln, collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in Lincoln, Rutland, Notting- ham and Derby, 280. , . . . . , of the county of Northampton, 474. Weluen. See Welwyn. Welwe, Sir David de, steward of the abbey of Shaftesbury, 268. Welweton. See Welton. Welwyk, Stephen, chaplain, pre- sented to the vicarage of Brimpsfield, co. Gloucester, 112. Welwyn, Weluen, Welwen, co. Hert- ford, 78, 472. Welyngton. See Wellington. Welyngton, John de, 155. , John, commissioner, 153. Welywort, John, of Moreton Hamp- stead, 294. Wemb worthy, Wemmeworth, co. Devon, advowson of, 205. Wemmo, William, chief serjeant of Meath, 306. Wemmeworth. See Wembworthy. Wen, Philip, chaplain, presented to the church of Great Bil- ling, 163. Wenden. See Quendon. Wenden Lofts, Wendenlouth [co. Essex], 61. Wendlyngburgh, John de, king's clerk, prebendary of St. Stephen's, Westminster, 233. Wenge, John, 380. , .. .., Agnes, wife of, 380. Wengham, John, fishmonger, 112. , John, king's yeoman of office, 337. Wengrave, John, parson of Newing- ton, co. Surrey, exchanged to St. Mary's, Guildford, 40. Wenlock, Wen'lok [co. Salop], 446. , alien priory, 172, 187, 231, 265, 365, 372. , . . . . , temporalities of, 354. GENERAL INDEX. 745 Wenlo ck — cont. , prior of. See Ponte Fracto, William de. , prior and convent of, 446. Wenlock's Barn, Wallokesbern [in St. Giles' without Cripple- gate, London], prebend of. See London, St. Paul's. Wenlo k, William, William de, clerk, 406, 446, 454. , William, parson of Flam- stead, co. Hertford, ex- changed to Odell, co. Bed- ford, 277. Wenlyngburgh, Robert de, pre- bendary of Chichester, 249. , . . . . , parson of Ardingley, co. Sussex, 249. , . . . . , parson of Hurstmon- ceaux, co. Sussex, 249. Wennington, Wenyngton [co. Essex], 468. , Old, Aldwenyngton [in Mel- ling, co. Lancaster], 135. Wenselowe, William, 345. Went, John de, 502. Wentelay, William, of Huggate, co. York, 76. Wenvoe [co. Glamorgan], manor of Wrinstone in, Wrencheston, 289. Wenyngton. See Wennington. Weoleye, John, of Chipping Camp- den, 175. Wepham [in Burpham], co. Sussex, manor, 129. Werbelton. See Warbleton. Werdeman, John, 119. Were, John atte, 231. Werfton, William de, commissioner, 139. Werk in Tyndale. See Wark. Werk, John, of Weighton, co. York, 173. , Nicholas de, bailiff of Lin- coln, 489. Werkesworth. See Wirksworth. Werkworth, Werkworthe [in the Isle of Sheppey, co. Kent], marsh, 206. , commission of sewers in, 161. Werkworth. See Warkworth. Wermegeye. See Wormegay. Wermonton. See Warmington. Wermyngton. See Warmington ; Warmyngton. Wermynstre, William, 482. Werneham. See Warnham. Werryngton. See Weryngton. Werton, Robert, 218. Weryngton, Werryngton, Robert, 380. , . . . . , purveyor for the king's horses, 238 bis. Wesbury. See Westbury. Wesebech, John, esquire, 337. Wesenham. See Weasenham. Wesenham, John de, 389. West, John, 269. , John, king's servant at Westminster, 357. , . . . . , parson of Upton on Severn, exchanged to Dean, co. Bedford, 111. , Ralph, of Greatford, co. Lincoln, 237. , Thomas, knight, 72, 114, 287, 356. , commissioner, 139, 153, 222, 332, 497. , . . . . , prebendary of St. Stephen's, Westminster, 309. , William, 61. Westangemeryngg. See Angmering, West. Westbarning. See Barming, West. Westbo rough, Westburgh [co. Lin- coln], mediety of the church parsons of, 346. Westbretton. See Bretton, West. Westburgh. See Westborough. Westbury on Trym, Wesbury [co. Gloucester], collegiate church, dean and chapter, 46, 195. , . . . . , prebend in, 46. , . . . . , prebend of Aust in, 121, 195, 393. , Sneed Park and Pen Park in, 9. Westbury [co. Somerset], 436. Westbury, William de, parson of Road, co. Somerset, 31. Westby, William de, Emma late the wife of, 219. Westcheyham. See Cheam, West. Westclyf, John, of Sandwich, searcher in all ports in Kent, 313. Westcott, Westcote [in Dorking], co. Surrey, manor, 195. Westderham. See Dereham, West. Westede, John son of John de, of Corston, 127. Westele, John de, porter of Windsor Castle, 164. Western, Thomas son of Thomas of Torksey, the younger, 450. Westgrenestede. See Grinstead, West. 746 GENERAL INDEX. Westhagh. See Haigh. Westham. See Ham, West. Westhanyngfeld. See Hanning- field, West. Westhathelsay. See Haddlesey, West. Westhenreth. See Hendred, West. Westhorp, 420. Wes thorp, Thomas, 421. Westhothlegh. See Hoathly, West. Westmelne. See Westmill. Westmereseye, Westmerseye. See Mersea, West. Westmeryngton. See Merrington, West. Westmill, Westmelne, co. Hertford, manor, 374, 475. Westminster, 1, 61, 247, 357, 423, 455, 494. , letters patent dated at, passim. , exemplification of pleas at, 387. , manor, 238. , the king's mews near, 238, 436. , privy palace, 479. , palace, works in, 181, 189, 420. , . . . . , . . . . , surveyor of. See Sleford, William de. , . . . . , great clock in, keepers of. See Nichole, John ; Wodeward, William. , . . . . , letters patent dated at, 450. , hospital of St. James by, warden of. See Orgrave, Thomas de. , abbey church of St. Peter at, 101. , . . . . , abbey and convent of, 478. , .. .., abbot, prior and con- vent of, 101, 119, 143. , Nicholas, abbot of, 129. , St. Stephen's, dean and chapter, 429. , . . . . , dean and college, 206, 233, 309. , , prebend in, 206, 212, 233, 309, 429. , . . . . , visitation of, to be made, 330, 410. Westmoreland, 414. , illegal export of wools from, to Scotland, 53. , collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in. See Pathorn, John de. Westmoreland — cont. , commission of array in, 498. , commission of the peace in, 138. , outlawries in, 67, 176. , sheriff of. See Pykeryng, James de. Weston Turville, Turvill, Turvyll [co. Buckingham], church, 163, 249. Subedge, Underegge [co. Gloucester], 70. under Penyard, Penyord [co. Hereford], 75. [co. Hertford], lady of. See Marshal, Margaret. , co. Huntingdon. See Alcon- bury Weston. Longville, Weston [co. Nor- folk], church, 45. Madoc, Weston [co. Salop], 278. Corbet, co. Southampton, church, 13. under Lizard, Weston [co. Stafford], church, 343, 344. upon Avon [co. Warwick], manor of Milcote in, Mulcote, 460. St. Edith. See Edith Wes- ton. Ynge. See Westoning. Weston, John de, clerk, 217. , John de, chaplain, vicar of West Angmering, 343. , John, burgess of Plymouth, 25. , John de, of Shrewsbury, 103. , Richard, 222. , . . . . , vicar of Yarcombe, exchanged to Beaford, 100. , William de, 129. , . . . . , Margery, wife of, rel- ict of Robert de Upton, 129. , William de, of Leicester, 218. , William de, of Upavon, co. Wilts, 356. , . . . . , . . . . , the elder, Isabel late the wife of, 356. Westoning, Weston Ynge [co. Bed- ford], 120. Westrasen. See Rasen, West. Westravendale. See Ravendale, West. Westthurrok. See Thurrock, West. Westwicombe. See Westwy combe. GENERAL INDEX. 747 Westwood [co. Wilts], Avoncliff in, Avenclyve, 31. , , Iford in, 31. , Over, Overwestwode [co. Wilts], 31. , Nether, Netherwestwode [co. Wilts], 31. Westwrattyng. See Wratting, West. Westwycombe, Westwicombe, John, commissioner, 139, 497. Westwyk, John de, prebendary of Darlington, 232. Westynham. See Tyneham, West. Wetewang. See Wetwang. Wetewong, Thomas, king's clerk, 337. Cf. Witthwang. Wetheral, co. Cumberland, Cum- whinton in, Comquynton, 229. Wetheresfeld, John, 288. Wetherman, Hugh, 408. , John, 409. , Nicholas, 409. Wetheryngton. See Widdrington. Wetwang, Wetewang [co. York], 227. Wetweder, Richard, 356. Wetyng. See Weeting. Wex, Walter, chaplain, presented to the church of St. Michael, Wareham, 366. Wexford, Weysford [co. Wexford], castle, constable of. See Botelston, John. Wexford, Weysford county, 472, 483. , chief serjeant of. See Botelston, John. , lordship of, 405. , . . . . , lord of. See Has- tynges, John de ; Laurence de ; Valencia, Aymer de. Weybourne, Wabourn [co. Norfolk], 147. Weymouth, Waymouth, Weymuth [co. Dorset], 333. , port, 49. , . . . . , deputy butler in. See Chichestre, John de. Weyneyerde. See Vineyard. Weysford. See Wexford. Weyville, Wayvyle, Wayvile, Wey- vill, John, 495. , commissioner, 314, 492, 499. whale, cast ashore, 59. Whalesburgh, John, commissioner, 499. Whappelode, Whappelod, William de, William, 231, 402. Whappelode, William de — cont. , king's yeoman, con- stable of Oakham Castle, 360. , . . . . , . . . . , letters patent of, 373. Wharf e, Querf, the river, co. York, 158. , preservation of salmon in, 193, 317, 324, 501. Wharram le Street, Wharrom in le Stret [co. York], 467. Percy, Wharrompercy, co. York, manor, 111. Whateleye, Whatelegh, Whatele. See Whatley. Whatley, Whatelegh, Whateleye, Whatele [co. Somerset], par- son of, 31, 384, 436. Whatton, Long, co. Leicester, parson of, 88. [co. Nottingham], 63, 142. 'in the Vale ' [co. Notting- ham], 224. Wheatley, Wheteley, Wheteleye [co. Nottingham], manor, 433, 435. , Whitele [in Binstead, co. Southampton], manor and park, works at, 96, 98. , . . . . , . . . . , clerk of. See Hertyngdon, Adam de. , . . . . , . . . . , controller of. See Rouceby, John de. Wheldrake [co. York], Langwith in, Langwath, 227. Whelok, Thomas, 320. Whepstead [co. Suffolk], Menston in, Manestona, 443. Wherleton. See Whorlton. Wherwell, Wherewell [co. South- ampton], 470. , abbey, voidance of, 170, 370. , temporalities of, 183, 382. , Benedictine abbey, abbess of. See Cokerell, Joan ; Lavynton, Cecily. , prioress and convent of, 168. , conventual church, prebend of Bathwick in, 168, 370, 382. , . . . . , prebend of Middleton in, 170. Whetelay. See Wheteley. Whetele, William de, citizen and woolmonger of London, 119. Wheteley, Wheteleye. See Wheat - ley. Wheteley, Whetelay, John de, com- missioner, 411, 501. 748 GENERAL INDEX. Whethull, Robert, 337, 338. , William, 337. Whichford [co. Warwick], Stourton in, 101, 143. Whightfeld, William, of the county of Gloucester, 281. Whittington, Wytigton [co. Lan- caster], 135. Whiltshire, Richard, 377. Whinbergh, Whynbergh, co. Nor- folk, manor, 133. Whinfell, Quynfell [in Appleby], co. Westmoreland, 414. Whippingham, Wyppyngham [Isle of Wight], church, 307. Whistler, Robert, 151. Whit. See White. Whitbern. See White Burn ?. Whitbred, John, 318. Whitby, Whyteby, Whiteby [co. York], 125, 326. , bailiffs of, 236. , collectors of customs at, 236. , collector of petty customs at. See Ruston, Henry de. , searchers in the port of. See Redmersshill, William ; Thorneton, John de. Whitchirche, Robert de, parson of Abington, co. Northampton, 465. See Whitechirche ; Whyt- chirche. Whitchurch, Whytchirche [co. Buck- ingham], parsons of, 116. , Whyttchirche [co. Here- ford], church, 196. [co. Salop], Blackmere in, Blakemere, 265, 283, 311, 438, 457. WhitclifT, Whitclyf in Rypshire [co. York], 227. White, Whit, Whyte, Edward, com- missioner, 220, 221, 319. , John, 110, 301. , John, chaplain, 421. , John le, of East Cheam, 43. , John, of Dublin, 304. , John, of Gateshead, 140. , Richard, 394. , Richard, commissioner, 416. , Richard, of Ireland, 303. , Robert, 307. , Roger le, of Eccleston, co. Lancaster, 81. , Stephen, commissioner, 490, 499. , Thomas, 308. White Burn ?, Whitbern, Whit- berne [in Kidland, co. North- umberland], 325, 331. Whiteby. See Whitby. Whiteby, Alexander de, 125. Whitechapel, La Whytechapelle, Whitechapelle, without Al- gate [co. Middlesex], parish, 214, 246. Whitechirche, John, parson of Down- ham, co. Essex, exchanged to Great Bentley, co. Essex, 4. See Whytchirche ; Whit- chirche. Whitehors. See Whithors. Whitele. See Wheatley. Whitele, Whitle, Peter, 476. , Peter de, purveyor for the household, 71 bis, 236 bis. Whiteman, Richard, of Stanley, co. Derby, chaplain, 88. Whiten. See Whitton. Whiteside, John, of Chisledon, co. Wilts, 321. Whitewell, James de, presented to the church of Sparham, co. Norfolk, 132. See Whytewell. Whitheved, Whytheved, Alan, chap- lain, 143. , William, 262. Whithors, Whitehors, Walter, 341, 472, 474. , king's esquire, 173, 234, 394, 420. , . . . . , . . . . , keeper of Had- leigh Castle, 40, 397. , . . . . , keeper of Hadleigh park and castle, 63. , . . . . , constable of Hadleigh Castle, 126. , bailiff of Rochford hundred, 265, 397. , . . . . , usher of the chapel in Windsor Castle, 265, 397. , . . . ., Ralph son of, 394. Whitkall. See Withcall. Whitlawe, William de, of Penrith, 326. Whitle. See Whitele. Whitlok, John, master of the king's barge, 60. Whitockeslowe. See Whittingslow. Whitrigge, Thomas de, commis- sioner, 326. Whitstable, Whitstaple, co. Kent, commission of sewers at, 315. Whittingham, co. Northumberland, Great Ryle in, Great Ryhull, 423. GENERAL INDEX. 749 Whittingslow, Whitockeslowe [in Wistanstow, co. Salop], 278. Whittington, Whityngton, Whytyng- ton [co. Gloucester], 154. , Qwydyngton, Whityngton [co. Lancaster], church, 126, 471. Whittlesey, Wytlesheye, co. Cam- bridge, commission of sewers in, 485. Whittlewood, Whytelwode, Whit- telwode [co. Northampton], forest, 267, 477. Whitton, Whiten [co. Lincoln], 30. Whittyl, John, parson of Hatcliffe, co. Lincoln, exchanged to the vicarage of Limber Magna, co. Leicester, 13. Whittynton, Whityngton, William de, 235. , William, commissioner, 499. Whitwell, Whytewell [co. Rutland], 273. Whityndon. See Withington. Whityngton. See Whittington. Whityngton. See Whittynton. Whorlton, Wherleton [co. York], liberty of, 331. Whynbergh. See Whinbergh. Whytchirche, Hugh de, prebendary of St. George's, Windsor, 209. See Whitechirche ; Whit- chirche. Whytechapelle, La. See White- chapel. Whytchirche. See Whitchurch. Whyte. See White. Whyteby. See Whitby. Whytelwode. See Whittlewood. Whytewell. See Whitwell. Whytewell, John son of Henry de, 273. See Whitewell. Whytheved. See Whitheved. Whythyngdon. See Withington. Whyttchirche. See Whitchurch. Whytyngham, Thomas, 322. Whytyngton. See Whittington. Wich. See Droitwich. Wichale. See Withcall. Wicham. See Wickhambrook. Wichyngham. See Wychyngham. Wick (?), Wyke [in Yatton, co. Somerset], 31, 436. Wickham Bishop's, Wykeham, Wyk- ham, co. Essex, manor, 407. , .. .., parsons of, 173. Market, Wykham Market [co. Suffolk], 455. Wickhambrook, Wicham [co. Suf- folk], advowson of, 279. , manor of Badmondisfield in, 195. Wicklesome, Wykyngesham [in Faringdon, co. Berks], manor, 259. Wicklewood, Wykelwode [co. Nor- folk], 281. Wicklow, Wikynglo [co. Wicklow], parish church, 84. Wicombe, Richard, purveyor for the household, 71, 238, 239. See Wycombe. Widcombe, Wydecombe [in Chew- ton], co. Somerset, 35. Widdrington, Wetheryngton [co. Northumberland], 252. Widmerpool, Widmerpol [co. Not- tingham], parson of, 456. Wight, Isle of, 332. , . . . . , commission for the defence of, 153. Wight, Wyght, John, 110. , John de, 190. , John, the younger, keeper of Brigstock forest, 124. , . . . . , . . . . , yeoman of the household, 371. , Roger de, yeoman of the household, late yeoman of the buttery, 310. Wightman, Wyghtman, William, 215, 352, 384, 402. Wigmore, Wyggemor [co. Hereford], abbot and convent of, 33. Wihum, Wyhum, William de, com- missioner, 485, 490, 497. Wikeham. See Wykeham. Wikford, John de, 435. Wikynglo. See Wicklow. Wilberfoss,Wilberfosse [co.York], 16. Wilbeye. See Wilby. Wilbourton. See Wilburton. Wilburton, Wilbourton [co. Cam- bridge], church, 172, 404. Wilby, Wilbeye [co. Suffolk], 21. Wilcheswode. See Wilkswood. Wilcombe, Nicholas, commissioner, 136, 137, 314, 332, 413, 499. Wilde, Wylde, John, parson of Buck- land by Faversham, 8. , John, deputy keeper of the gaol of York Castle, 76. , Richard, of Thame, 91. , Thomas, chaplain, 116. , Thomas, of Brampton, co. Huntingdon, 401. Wilden, Wyldenne [co. Bedford], church, 132. 750 GENERAL INDEX. Wildero, William, 409. Wilega. See Weeley. Wilescombe, Henry, of Bristol, 338. Wilflet, Richard de, warden of the hospital of St. John the Bap- tist, Dorchester, 402. Wilfletland [co. York], 468. Wilford, Thomas, 253. , . . . . , citizen and fishmonger of London, 90. , , clerk, 202. , . . . . , parson of Ridley, co. Kent, exchanged to the vicarage of Hemel Hamp- stead, 477. , . . . . , parson of Hurstmon- ceaux, exchanged to Arding- ley, co. Sussex, 249. Wilisdon. See Willesden. Wilkesby. See Wilksby. Wilksby, Wilkesby [co. Lincoln], 271. Wilkswood, Wilcheswode [in Lang- ton Matravers, co. Dorset], chantry of, 394. , . . . . , chantry chaplain at. See Chapell, Henry atte the. Willaston, Great, Great Wylaston [co. Chester], 26. Wille, Luke, 231. Willes, Richard, master of the barge of Lydd, 140. Cf. Wilys. Willesden, Wilisdon, Wylesdon [co. Middlesex], 290. , prebend of. See London, St. Paul's. Willesthorp, John, 151. Willey, Williley, Willy ley, co. Salop, 140, 141, 154, 155. Willi. See Willy. William, Edward son of, de Red- mane, of Fayrthwayt, 135. , Henry son of, temp. Edward I, 271. , Henry son of, son of Emma del Byggyng, 9. , John son of, de Stanley, 297. , Peter son of, de Roos, 173. , Robert son of, de Doufbig- ing, of Bentham, co. York, 135. , Thomas son of, de Ketilby, 106. , Thomas son of, del Wode, of Harwood, co. Lancaster, 76. , William, William son of, of Havering, 340. , William son of, de Skipwith, commissioner, 485. Williamson, Wyllyamson, John, 151. , John, of Granby, co. Not- tingham, 63, 142. , Richard, of Ruddington, co. Nottingham, 411. , Robert, of Ingoldsby, co. Lincoln, 61. , Roger, of Granby, co. Not- tingham, 63, 142. , Roger, vicar of Rochdale, 480. , William, of Ingoldsby, 61. Willian, Wyllyen [co. Hertford], manor and advowson, 183. Willico, John, of Southill, co. Bed- ford, 10. , Robert, of St. Neots, 10. Williley. See Willey. Willingale Spain, Wyllynghale Spaigne [co. Essex], vicars of, 302. Willingdon, Wylledon, Wylyndon [co. Sussex], 472. , vicarage of, 179. Willingham [co. Lincoln], 271. Willington, Wylyngton, co. Hert- ford, rectius co. Bedford, manor, 253. Willokson, Thomas Jakson, 325. Willoughby, Wylughby [co. Lin- coln], parson of, 71. Willoughby, Silk, North Willyughby [co. Lincoln], 61, 62. , Roger son of the parson of, 61. Willoughton, Wylughton [co. Lin- coln], alien priory, 253. , vicars of, 253. Willy, Willi, Wylly, Edmund, 448. , John, 221. , . . . . , commissioner, 65. , John, of Little Dean, co. Gloucester, 221. Willyley. See Willey. Willyughby, North. See Willough- by, Silk. Willyughby, John de, of Ingoldsby, Robert son of, 61. Cf. Wilughby. Wilmington, Wylmyngton [co. Sus- sex], alien priory, 187. , vicarage of, 187. Wilnecote, Wylmyngcote [in Tarn- worth, co. Warwick], pre- bend of. See Tamworth. Wilshamstead, Welshamstede, Wels- hamsted [co. Bedford], 433, 436. , vicar of, 433. Wilson, Thomas, 153. GENERAL INDEX. 751 Wilteshire, Wiltesshire. See Wilt- shire. Wilton [co. Hereford], 220. , Wylton [co. Wilts], 102, 380. , . . . . , church of St. Michael, South Street, parsons of, 423. , . . . ., parsons of, 26. , . . . ., abbess of. See Boke- lond, Maud de. , . . . . , abbess and convent of, 380. Laysyngby. See Lazenby [in Wilton]. , Bishop, Bisshopwylton [co. York], 227. , . . . . , prebend of. See York. Wilton, John de, 176. Wiltonesherst, John, 410, 413. , Thomas, 410, 413. Wilts county, 59, 95, 172, 243, 352, 417. , illegal manufacture and sale of cloth in, 153. , subsidy on cloth for sale in, 460. , outlawries in, 10, 11, 102, 119, 176, 211, 264 bis, 281, 356 bis, 421, 480, 483. , commission of array in, 498. , commission for the defence of, 153. , commission of the peace in, 139. , collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in. See Wyther, William. , escheator in. See Ham- ham, Oliver de ; Somerton, Nicholas de. , sheriff of. See Cheyne, Hugh. , commissioner, 153. Wilts, archdeacon of. See Codeford, John. Wiltshire, Wilteshire, Wiltesshire, John, 421. , Richard, 390. , Richard, esquire, 379. , . . . . , esquire of the prince of Wales, 303. , . . . . , usher of the chamber of Edward, prince of Wales, 343. , Thomas, citizen and skinner of London, 176. Wilughby, Wylughby, Robert de, commissioner, 137 bis, 158 bis, 317, 332 bis, 413, 497. Wilughby, Robert de — cont. , . . . . , knight, commissioner, 50, 145. Cf. Willyughby. Wilys, John, commissioner, 331. Cf. Willes. Wimborne, Wynburn [co. Dorset], 409. St. Giles, Upwymbourne [co. Dorset], church, 46. Wimond, Ralph son of, temp. Stephen, 465. Wimpole, Wympole [co. Cambridge], 355. Winchcomb, Wynchecombe [co. Gloucester], abbot and con- vent of, 70. Winchelsea, Wynchelse, co. Sussex, 140. , bailiff of. See Welles, William. , burgesses of, 58. , purveyor of fish at, 71. , commission of sewers at, 58, 134. .., church of St. Thomas, 180. , ' Le Chanel ' of, 58. , port, 49. .... , . . . . , deputy butler in. See Batillesford, William. , gaugers of wines at. See Gambon, William ; Maykyn, John. , ships of, 504. , manor of Ihamme, 346. Winchendon, Wynchendon [co. Buckingham], 19, 20. , Upper, Overwynchyndon [co. Buckingham], 105. , Nether, Netherwynchyndon, co . Buckingham , 181. Winchester, Wynchestre, Wyncestre, co. Southampton, 37, 38. , charter of Henry I, dated at, 282. , city of, 106. , citizens of, 189. , church of St. James by, parsons of, 80. , warden and brethren of the fraternity of Kalendars in, 106. , Wolvesey in, prison of, 273. Winchester, archdeacon of. See Wykford, Robert de. , bishop of, 394, 452. , See Wykeham, William de. , bishopric of, voidance of, 204. 752 GENERAL INDEX. Winchester, bishopric of — cont. , . . . . , temporalities of, 394, 395, 397, 403, 437, 441, 442, 473, 483. Winchester diocese, 13, 25, 40, 75, 80, 114, 127, 170, 173, 190, 204, 212, 217, 234, 246, 307, 340, 341, 403, 422, 441, 442, 473. Windsor, 358. , letters patent dated at, 116, 119, 130, 190, 264, 434, 456, 459, 468. , castle, issues of, 26, 398. , . . . . , chapel in, usher of. See Whithors, Walter. , . . . . , free chapel of St. George in, warden of, 165. , . . . . , . . . . , prebend in, 165, 206, 209, 211, 212, 232, 336, 390, 430, 438. , . . . . , . . . . , warden of, 438. , . . . . , . . . . , dean or warden and college of, 209, 211, 212, 232, 336, 390, 430. , . . , . , clerk of the works at, 210. , . . . ., constable of, 210. , . . . . , See Leget, Helming. , . . . . , keeper of keys in the upper bailey. See Smale, Roger. , . . . . , porters of. See Porter, Ralph ; Westele, John de. , castle and park, works at, controllers and surveyors of. See Hanesvvorth, Robert ; Payntour, John. , vines and gardens, works in, 109. , forest, foresters of. See Corbet, John ; Saleman, John. , . . . ., park of Folly John in, 26. , manor in the park, 238. Windsor, New, New Wyndesore [co. Berks], 101, 201. Windsor, Wyndesore [in Eling, co. Southampton], manor, 271. Wines, Gascon, 26. , of Spain, 298. Winfarthing, Wynferthyng, Wynne- ferthyng, co. Norfolk, manor, 195. , . . . . , document dated at, 114. , Francis servant of the parker of, 53. Wingham, Wyngham [co. Kent], collegiate church of St. Mary at, provost of. See Wynde- sore, William de. , . . . . , chapter of, 39. , . . . . , prebend of Bonning- ton in, 351. , . . . . , prebend of Pedding in, 285. Winkfield, Wynkefeld [co. Wilts], vicars of, 82. Winkleigh, Wynclee, co. Devon, court of, 334. Winston, Wynston [co. Suffolk], 264. Winterbourne Bassett, Wynter- borne [co. Wilts], manor, 475. Winterburn, Wynterburn [in Gar- grave, co. York], 151. Winterslow, Wynterslewe, co. Wilts, manor, 259. Winterton, Wynterton, co. Norfolk, leet of, 203. Winwick, Wynewyk [co. Lancaster], parson of, 170. Wirkesburgh. See Worsborough. Wirksworth, Wirkesworth, Werkes- worth [co. Derby], 268. , vicar of, 207. , Callow in, Caldelowe, 475. Wirmegeye. See Wormegay. Wirral, Wyrhale, co. Chester, forest, 378. Wirsburgh. See Worsborough. Wirthorpe. See Weaverthorpe. Wiryng, John, draper of Salisbury, 257. Wisbech, Wysebeche, Wysbeche [co. Cambridge], 10, 11, 175, 430. , hospital at, 175, 430. , commission of sewers in, 485. Wistanstow [co. Salop], Whitting- slow in, Whitockeslowe, 278. Witchingham St. Faith, Wychyng- ham St. Faith [co. Norfolk], church, 94. Withals, John, of Kegworth, 273. Wit ham, Wy thorn, the river [co. Lincoln], to be enlarged, 151. Witham, Wytham [co. Somerset], prior and convent of, 8, 83, 384. Withcall, Whitkall, Wichale [co. Lincoln], 271. , parsons of, 475. Withcote, Wythecok [co. Leicester], parson of, 267. Withernsea, Wythornse [co. York], vicarage of, 236. GENERAL INDEX. 753 Withington, Withyndon, Whythyng- don [co. Hereford], parsons of, 69, 356. , Whityndon, co. Salop, 148. Withybrook, Withibrok [co. War- wick], parson of, 46. Withy ham, Wythiham [co. Sussex], 156. Withyndon. See Withington. Withyngham, Geoffrey de, citizen and mercer of London, 480. Witney, Witteneye [co. Oxford], 10. Wittelesbury, John de, commis- sioner, 136, 499. Witteneye. See Witney. Wittenham, Wyttenham [co. Berks], parson of, 75. Wittering, Wuderyng [co. Sussex], port of, 289. Witthwang, William de, 143. Cf. Wetewong. Wittilbury, Richard de, chaplain, presented to the church of Hawerby, 82. , . . . . , parson of Hawerby, exchanged to St. Guthlac's, Market Deeping, 90. Wittlesey, William de, archbishop of Canterbury, 3. Witton, East [co. York], Newstead in, Neusted by Gervaux, 201. Wittyl, John, parson of Hatcliffe, exchanged to the vicarage of Limber Magna, 17. Wiveliscombe, Wyvelescombe [co. Somerset], prebend of. See Wells. Wix, Wykes [co. Essex], manor, 355, 408. , prioress and nuns of, 345. Wobaston, Wybaston [in Bushbury, co. Stafford], prebend of. See Wolverhampton. Woberneford. See Oburnford. Woborn, Thomas, parson of Grendon Underwood, exchanged to a chantry in St. Michael's free chapel in St. Austell church- yard, 437. Wo burn, John, of Granby, co. Not- tingham, 63, 142. Wod. See Wode. Wodcok. See Wodecok. Wode, Wod, John atte, 83, 251. , . . . . , commissioner, 57, 139, 313, 491, 498. , . . . . , captain of the barge of Romney, 60. , , knight, 12, 256. , . . . Lucy wife of, 12. Wt. 18915. Wode — cont. , John, clerk, 230. , Maud atte, 282. , Peter atte, 164. , Thomas atte, of Westoning, 120. , Thomas son of William del, of Harwood, co. Lancaster, 76. Wodebarwe. See Woodborough. Wodebergh, John, 429. Wodecok, Wodcok, Adam, 414, 448. , John, chaplain, warden of the hospital of the Holy Trinity, Dunwich, 304. Wodeford. See Woodford. Wodeham, Wodehamwater. See Woodham Walter. Wodehay, Richard, 79. Wodehewer, Richard, of St. Osyth, 101. Wodehous. See Woodhouse. Wodehous, Maud, of Ashbury, co. Berks, 141, 324. , William, citizen and skinner of London, 281. Wodehull. See Wodhull. Wodeland, Walter, of Guildford, 50. See Wodelond. Wodelok, John, chaplain, 403. Wodelond [co. Kent]. See Wood- lands. Wodelond, Thomas, 414. , Walter, 484. See Wodeland. Wodeman, Adam, of West Cheam, 43. Woderove, John, 384. , . . . . , attorneys received by, 42. , , clerk, 338. , . . . . , friar preacher, the king's confessor, 92, 95, 295, 372. , . . . . , chirographer of the Common Bench, 372. , . . . . , controller of customs at Bristol, 193. , of Yorkshire, 251. , Walter, controller of cus- toms at Bristol, 288. Woderowe, William, 264. Wodespene. See Speen, Wood. Wodeward, Wodward, John, 17. , Richard, 123. , Thomas, 422. , William, ' fundour,' keeper of the great clock in West- minster palace, 407. E 48 754 GENERAL INDEX. Wodeward — cont. , William, pesager of wools at Chichester, 199. Wodewyk. See Woodwick. Wodhele, William, 327. Wodhull. See Odell. Wodhull, Wodehull, John de, 275. , , clerk, 3, 113. , .. .., knight, 275, 277. , Nicholas de, 275. , William de, 275. Wodnesfeld. See Wednesfield. Wodward. See Wodeward. Wogan, Henry, knight, commissioner, 501 bis. , Matthew, commissioner, 501 bis. Woghfeld. See Wokefield. Wokefield, Woghfeld [in Stratfield Mortimer], co. Berks, manor, 33. Woky. See Wookey. Wolaston, 224. Wolaston, John de, commissioner, 311. Wolde, Robert, 304. Woldeham. See Wouldham. Woldeneweton. See Newton, Wold. Woldesef, Roger de, master of Slebech, 114. Wolerston. See Wolston. Wolf, Thomas, 123. Wolferlow, Wolferlowe [co. Here- ford], 433. Wolferston. See Wolfreston. Wolferton, John, of the order of Friars Preachers, 400. Wolfhampston. See Woolston. Woflreston, Wolferston, Wolfreton, Wolvereston, Roger de, 203, 299, 385. , commissioner, 138, 146, 311, 315, 323, 332. Wollavyngton, Wollavynton. See Woolavington. Wollavynton, Nicholas, chaplain, presented to the vicarage of Woolavington, 270. Wollay. See Woolley. Wollore. See Wooler. Wolmere. See Woolmer. Wolrigge, Thomas, of the county of Gloucester, clerk, 273. Wolston, Wolerston [co. Warwick], alien priory, 163, 190. Wolton, Thomas de, clerk, 391. Wolvereston. See Wolfreston. Wolverhampton, Wolvernehamp- ton, co. Stafford, 424. Wolverhampton — cont. , church or free chapel of St. Peter at, deans of. See Camilla, Thedesius de ; Ever- don, Philip de. , canons of. See Cadamo, Master John de ; Janua, Master Andrew de ; Saltford, Master Richard de ; Ware- wyk, Sir Robert de. , . . . . , William, sacristan of, 282. , . . . . , prebend of Wobaston in, 302. , Bentley in, Benteley, 424. Wolvernehampton, Hervey son of Clement de, 282 bis. , Richard son of Gervase de, 282. Wolverton, Ralph de, commissioner, 153, 332. Wolvesey, Wolveseye [in Winchester, co. Southampton], prison, 273. Wolveston. See Woolesdon. Wolwiche. See Woolwich. Wolyngton. See Woolavington. Wombewell, Hugh de, commissioner, 314, 315. , . . . . , keeper of the rolls of the Common Bench, 3. , Thomas de, commissioner, 486. Wonard, John, 235. Woodborough, Wodebarwe [in Wel- low], co. Somerset, 31. Woodford, Wodeford [in Plympton St. Mary, co. Devon], 278. , Wodeford by Thrapston [co. Northampton], 272. , . . . . , parsons of a mediety of the church, 272. Woodham Walter, Wodehamwater, Wodeham, Wodeham Wauter [co. Essex], 112, 122, 241. Woodhouse, Wodehous [in Oving- ton, co. Norfolk], 147. Woodlands, Wodelond [co. Kent], William, parson of, exchanged to West Barming, 41. Woodstock, Udestoc [co. Oxford], charter of Henry I, dated at, 451. , charter of Henry III, dated at, 441. Woodwick, Wodewyk [co. Somer- set], manor, 436. Wookey, Woky [co. Somerset], 436. Woolavington, Wollavyngton, Wol- lavynton, Wolyngton [co. Somerset], vicar of, 86. GENERAL INDEX. 755 Woolavington — cont. , vicarage, 270, 273. Woolavington, Wolyngton [co. Somerset], vicarage, 273. Wooler, Wollore [co. Northumber- land], 59. Woolesdon, Wolveston [in Pound- stock, co. Cornwall], 332. Woolley, Wollay [co. York], 126. Woolmer, Wolmere, co. Southamp- ton, forest, 183. , . . . . , keeper of. See Sancto Johanne, Edward de. Woolston, Wolfhampston [in Chig- well], co. Essex, 493. Woolwich, North, Wolwiche, co. Essex, commission of sewers at, 156. Wootton, South, Southwotton [co. Norfolk], St. Mary's Church, parsons of, 68, 95. Wootton Bassett, Wotton [co. Wilts], manor, 475. , manor of Vastern in, Fast- ern, 354, 364, 367, 474. Worcester, co. Worcester, 270. , letters patent of Henry II, dated at, 12. , city, farm of, 163. , bailiffs of, 87. , citizens of, 230, 445. , cathedral church of St. Mary, charnel chapel in the churchyard of, wardens of. See Gerlethorp, Robert de ; Ware, Master John. Worcester, bishops of. See Lenne, William de ; Wakefeld, Henry de. , bishopric of, 100. , . . . ., voidance of, 7, 10, 46, 69, 87, 88, 91, 94, 101, 124, 127, 166, 195, 393. , . . . . , guardian of the spirituality of, 46, 168. , temporalities of, 111, 174. , diocese, 2, 7, 8, 46, 69, 91, 101, 111, 112, 121 bis, 124, 127, 130, 162, 163, 167, 168 bis, 169, 177, 190, 204, 252, 254, 255, 261, 267, 268, 270, 274, 276, 277, 289, 336, 368, 384, 431. Worcester county, 92, 225, 493 bis. , scarcity of corn in, 319, 320. , collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in. See Besford, Alexander de. Worcester county — cont. , justices of assize in, 270. , commission of array in, 498. , commission of the peace in, 139, 313, 491. , outlawries in, 56, 269, 281. , escheator in. S.ee Brugge, Thomas ; Hambury, John de ; Ryal, Richard. , sheriff of. See Aleyn, John. Worde. See Littleworth ?. Worespring. See Worspring. Workesley, Geoffrey de, commis- sioner, 320. Works, 24, 28, 63, 76, 92, 96, 98, 105, 106, 110, 118, 126, 144, 165, 181, 185, 186, 189, 195, 199, 200, 208, 212, 214, 233 bis, 235 bis, 253, 285, 300, 307, 340, 341, 344, 372, 381, 388, 403, 420, 432, 435, 439, 444, 473, 477, 479. Worldham [co. Southampton], manor and park, works at, 96, 98. , . . . . , . . . . , clerk of. See Hertyngdon, Adam de. , . . . . , . . . . , controller of. See Rouceby, John de. , . . . . , park, 1 84. , East [co. Southampton], manor, keeper of. See Sancto Johanne, Edward de. , . . . . , park of, 395. , Binswood in, Benes- worth, 183, 184. Worle [co. Somerset], 271. Worlington, Wridlyngton, co. Suf- folk, manor, 195. Wormegay, Wirmegey, Wirmegeye, Wermegeye, Wyrmegeye [co. Norfolk], 138, 144, 315, 329, 332, 404, 497. , document dated at, 133. , lord of. See Bardolf, William. , honour of, 216, 315. Wormenhale. See Worminghall. Wormenhale, John de, canon of Salisbury, elected bishop, 201 Wormholt, Wormolt [in Acton, co Middlesex], 72. Worminghall, Wormenhale, co Buckingham, manor, 202. Worplesdon, Wurplesdon, co. Sur rey, manor, 347 bis, 348 ter. Worsborough, Wirkesburgh, Wirs burgh [co. York], 25, 97. Worspring, Worespring [in Kew stoke, co. Somerset], priory advowson of, 271. 756 GENERAL INDEX. Worston, William, William de, 272. , . . . . , commissioner, 59, 416. Worth Matravers, Worthe [co. Dor- set], vicars of, 131. Wortham, John de, presented to the church of Findon, co. Sussex, 9. Worthe, John, 460. Worthen, Worthyn [co. Salop], par- son of, 14. Worthyn. See Worthen. Wortisdon. See Waddesdon. Wortley, Wyrdeley [co. York], 47. Wotton, 204. Wotton under Edge, co. Gloucester, manor of Bradley in, Brade- lee, 400. , Wutton, co. Surrey, parson of, 481. See Wootton Bassett. Wotton, John, 464. , Peter, 482. Wottryngbury. See Wateringbury. Woubourne, Thomas de, chaplain of the chantry of St. Michael in St. Austell's churchyard, exchanged to the church of Withcall, co. Lincoln, 475. Wouldham, Woldeham [co. Kent], 16, 116. Woundy. See Undy. Wragle, Richard son of Randolf de, searcher in all ports in Hol- land, co. Lincoln, 149. Wramplyngham, Henry de, chap- lain, 244. Wrangle [co. Lincoln], 313, 480. Wrastlyngworth. See Wrestling - worth. Wratting, West, Westwrattyng [co. Cambridge], 90. Wrauby, John, of Barton on Hum- ber, commissioner, 151. wreck of sea, 147. Wrench, Robert, of Somerset, 356. Wrenchesham. See Wrentham. Wrencheston. See Wrinstone. Wrentham, Wrenchesham, co. Suf- folk, manor, 424. Wrestlingworth, Wrastlyngworth [co. Bedford], manor, 208. , parson of, his servant, 361. Wretlyng. See Wartling. Wridlyngton. See Worlington. Wright, Wryct, Wrighte, Wryght, Henry, Juliana, wife of, 433. , John, miller, 356. , John, of Boston, 480. Wright — cont. , John, of Hainton, co. Lin- coln, 158. , Nicholas, of Godmanchester, 74. , Richard, of Holbeach, clerk, 175. , . . . . , . . . . , presented to the church of Rushden, co. North- ampton, 203. , Roger, of Langham, co, Rutland, 265. , Walter, of Hainton, co. Lincoln, 158. , Thomas le, of Brisley, co. Norfolk, 45. Wrinstone, Wrencheston [in Wen- voe], co. Glamorgan, manor, 289. Writlee, John de, 506. Writtle, Vritela, Writle, Writtele [co. Essex], 85, 434. , park, keeper of. See Cul- vere, John. Wrockwardine, co. Salop, Charlton in, Cherleton, 148. Wroth, John, 482. , Margaret, wife of, 482. Wrottesley, Hugh de, commissioner, 311. Wroughton, Overweston, co. Wilts, 141, 324. Wroxham, Thomas de, Thomas, 21, 203. Wrycte. See Wright. Wryght. See Wright. Wryght yngton, William son of Roger de, 99. Wuderyng. See Wittering. Wurplesdon. See Worplesdon. Wutton. See Wotton. Wy, Richard, Carmelite Friar, bishop of Cloyne, 373. Wybaston. See Wobaston. Wybergh, William, 414. Wych. See Droitwich. Wych, Richard in le, 384. Wychbold, Wychebaud [in Dodder - hill, co. Worcester], 56. Wyche, La. See Droitwich. Wychebaud. See Wychbold. Wychemere [co. Berks], manor, works at, controllers and sur- veyors of. See Hanesworth, Robert ; Payntour, John. Wychford, Robert de, clerk of the abbess of Shaftesbury, 268. Wychyngham St. Faith. See Witch- ingham St. Faith. GENERAL INDEX. 757 Wychyngham, Wiehyngham, Wil- liam de, 32. , commissioner, 50, 51, 53, 61, 62, 135 bis, 136 bis, 137 ter, 138 (5), 141, 144, 146, 147, 157, 160 bis, 228, 313, 328, 332, 413, 502. , . . . ., justice of gaol delivery, 20, 30, 70, 106 bis, 108, 109, 111, 113, 123, 125, 273. , , knight, 78, 152. Wyclif, John de, prebendary of Westbury on Trym, 121. Wycombe [co. Buckingham], 15, 464. Wycombe, William, 337. See Wicombe. Wydecombe. See Widcombe. Wyderyngton, Roger de, 298. Wydevill, Wydevyll, Richard, com- missioner, 135, 138. Wydlok, John, commissioner, 501. Wygan, Richard de, 487. Wyget, Nicholas, 316, 319. , Philip, 316, 319. , . . . . , Agnes late the wife of, 316, 319. Wyggele, Robert, Robert de, clerk, 89, 90, 96. Wyggemor. See Wigmore. Wyght. See Wight. Wyghthull, Robert de, commis- sioner, 135, 136 bis, 154, 157. Wyghtman. See Wightman. Wyghton. See Weighton. Wyghtwyk, Nicholas de, chaplain, 424. Wyhum. See Wihum. Wyke. See Wick. Wyke St. Mary. See Week St. Mary. Wyke, Deryk Claysson de, 246. , William Derykson de, 246. Wyke, Wyk, John, 480. , John, of Crewkerne, 122. , Joan, wife of, 122. John, son of, 122. , John, chaplain, presented to the church of St. Stephen, Bristol, 270. , Peter, 448. , Roger, parson of St. Nicho- las', Hereford, exchanged to the vicarage of Bridstow, co. Hereford, 25. , Thomas, chaplain, 458. Wykeham. See Wickham Bishop's. Wykeham, Wykham [co. York], 27. Wykeham — cont. , prioress and nuns of, 27. Wykeham, Gilbert de, of Holton le Moor, 108. , Richard de, prebendary of Hastings, 171. , William de, bishop of Win- chester, 6, 34, 64, 128, 170 bis, 172, 180, 183, 188, 237, 272, 273, 278, 279, 286, 293, 323, 437, 483. , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 330. Wykelwode. See Wicklewood. Wykemere, Adam, 404. Wykerysyndon. See Rissington, Wick. Wykes. See Wix. Wykes Ufford [in Ipswich], co. Suffolk, manor, 203. Wykford, Robert de, archdeacon of Winchester, 240, 241. , . . . . , canon and prebendary of York, indenture of, 266. . . , . . . . , archbishop of Dublin, 240, 241, 300, 383. I , . . . . , . . . . , commissioner, 410. , . . . . , chancellor of Ireland, 300. Wykham. See Wickham. Wykham Market. See Wickham Market. Wykham. See Wykeham. Wykwoud, John, of Preston, co. Hertford, 231. Wykyng, William, parson of Dry Stoke, 268. Wykyngesham. See Wicklesome. Wylasham, John de, 322. , Roger de, commissioner, 223, 318, 322, 496. Wylaston. See Willaston. Wylcheswode. See Wilkswood. Wylcombe, Nicholas, commissioner, 492. Wylde. See Wilde. Wyldegrys, Richard, 416. Wyldenne. See Wilden. Wylesdon. See Willesden. Wylkynson, Thomas, woodward, 422. Wylledon. See Willingdon. j Wylly. See Willy. Wyllyen. See Willian. | Wyliynghale Spaigne. See Wil- lingale Spain. ! Wyllyamson. See Williamson. Wylmyngcote. See Wilnecote. i Wylmyngton. See Wilmington. 758 GENERAL INDEX. Wylne, Richard de, chantry chap- lain in St. Edmund's chapel, Dartford, 426. Wylton. See Wilton. Wylughby. See Willoughby. Wylughby. See Wilughby. Wylughton. See Willoughton. Wylyndon. See Willingdon. Wylyngham, Thomas, of London, 357. Wylyngton. See Willington. Wymenton. See Wymington. Wymere, William, yeoman of the household, 308. Wymering, Wymeryng, co. South- ampton, manor, 266. Wymington, Wymenton [co. Bed- ford], 270. Wymondeham. See Wymundham. Wymondeswold, Hugh de, 45. Wymondham, Wymundham [co. Norfolk], 318, 328, 357. , Nicholas, prior of, 318, 328. , monk of, 318. , prior of, servant of, 199. Wymundham, Wymondeham, Adam de, 357. , William, presented to the church of St. Mary, Strand, London, 166. , .. .., parson of All Saints', South Pickenham, 244. Wynburn. See Wimborne. Wyncestre. See Winchester. Wyncheburne, Robert de, of Eak- ring, 11. Wynchecombe. See Winchcomb. Wynchecombe, John de, citizen and armourer of London, 120. , Roger de, clerk, 388. , Simon, citizen and armourer of London, 448. Wynchelse. See Winchelsea. Wynchendon. See Winchendon. Wynchestre. See Winchester. Wynclee. See Winkleigh. Wynday, John, of Wyton, co. Hun- tingdon, 74. Wynde, John, of Stamford, 263. Wyndout, Adam, 184. , William, chaplain, 184. Wyndesore. See Windsor. Wyndesore, John de, warrener of Cambridge warren, 478. , William, 344. , . . . ., clerk, 457. , William de, king's clerk, provost of St. Mary's, Wing- ham, 39. Wyndesore, William de — cont. , . . . . , governor and guardian of Ireland, 31, 50, 85, 86 bis, 232, 240, 244, 304, 482. , . . . . , lieutenant in Ireland, 295, 340. , , knight, 393. Wyne, John, clerk, 32. , Robert, 55. , Thomas, chaplain, 55. Wynestede, Peter de, vicar of Ware, exchanged to Aspenden, co. Hertford, 24. Wynewyk. See Winwick. Wynewyk, John de, 152. , Richard de, 152. Wyneyerde. See Vineyard. Wynferthyng. See Winfarthing. Wynford, William de, 235. Wyngham. See Wingham. Wyngreworth, Giles de, clerk, treasurer or receiver in Brit- tany, 259. Wynkeburne, William de, of Oller- ton, co. Nottingham, 69. Wynkefeld. See Winkfield. Wynkefeld, William de, commis- sioner, 144, 497. Wynneferthyng. See Winfarthing. Wynneferthyng, Richard de, clerk, 374. Wynson, Robert, of Stert, co. Wilts, 281. Wynston. See Winston. Wynter, John, of St. Clement's, searcher in all ports in Kent, 150. See Wyntere. Wynterborne. See Winterbourne Bassett. Wynterbourne, John, chaplain, pre- sented to the church of All Saints, Dorchester, 464. Wynterburn. See Winterburn. Wyntere, William, skinner, 157, 160. See Wynter. Wynterfold, Henry, 262. Wynterslewe. See Winterslow. Wynterton. See Winterton. Wynterton, John de, 83. , William de, parson of Tevers- ham, co. Cambridge, ex- changed to Martley, co. Wor- cester, 367. Wyntryngham, William, carpenter, 441. Wyot, John, commissioner, 228. , Patrick, chaplain, presented to the church of St. Thomas, Winchelsea, 180. GENERAL INDEX. 759 Wyot — cont. , William, of Kimmeridge, the elder, 409. , . . . . , the younger, 409. Wyppyngham. See Whippingham. Wyrardisbury, Wyrardesbury, co. Buckingham, 228. , manor, 228, 399. Wyrdeley. See Wortley. Wyrhale. See Wirral. Wyriot, William, 501. Wyrmegeye. See Wormegay. Wyrot, Richard, commissioner, 501. Wyryng, John, 107, 270. Wysall, Wysowe [co. Nottingham], 356. Wysbech, Wysbeche. See Wisbech. Wyse, John, of Maplebeck, 70. Wysebeche. See Wisbech. Wyshede, John, of Hauxwell, co. York, 108. Wysman, William, of Elmdon, co. Essex, 61. Wysowe. See Wysall. Wyssemer, Martin, merchant of the Hanse, 417. Wyssh, Henry, of Sussex, 471. Wysto, Stephen atte, 421. Wystowe, John de, mariner, 219. Wytemay, John, warden of the chantry of St. Michael, Brad- stone, co. Gloucester, ex- changed to the church of Cherrington, co. Gloucester, 289. Wyth, John, 495. Wytham. See Witham. Wythecok. See Withcote. Wythegh, John atte, 495. Wytheley, Robert, groom of the household, 382. Wyther, William, of Dorchester, collector of the subsidy on cloth for sale in Wilts, 78. Wytherle, Thomas, king's archer, 445. Wythiham. See Withyham. Wythnet, John, 392. Wythom. See Witham. Wythornse. See Withernsea. Wythornwyk, Wythornewyk, Thomas de, commissioner, 55, 58, 136, 137, 310, 332. Wytigton. See Whittington. Wytlesheye. See Whittlesey. Wyton, Wytton [co. Huntingdon], 74. Wyttele, Nicholas, king's huntsman, 162. Wytteneye, John, servant of the parson of Mells, 342. Wyttenham. See Wittenham. Wyttenham, Thomas de, purveyor for the household, 238. , . . . . , yeoman of the house- hold, 382. Wytton. See Wyton. Wytton, Robert, citizen and draper of London, 11. Wyvelescombe. See Wiveliscombe. Wyvelescombe, Wyvelscomb, Henry, 384. , , of Bristol, 102. Wyvill, Robert de, bishop of Salis- bury, 32, 76, 77, 120, 168, 201, 208. Y Yakesle. See Yaxley. Yakeslegh. See Zakeslegh. Yarborough, Yordeburgh, co. Lin- coln, bailiwick of, 453. Yarcombe, Yatercombe, Yartacombe [co. Devon], vicars of, 100, 366, 370, 371. Yardley Gobion [co. Northampton], Moorend in, La Morende, Moresende, 477. , . . . . , castle and manor, 347 bis, 348. Yardley Hastings, Yerdele Hastynges [co. Northampton], letters patent dated at, 130, 131, 134, 160, 162, 167, 168, 170. , .. .., parsons of, 186, 191. Yare, Yore, river, co. York, pre- servation of salmon in, 193, 317, 324, 501. Yarm, Eryum on Tese, Jarum on Tese [co. York], 470. , grant of pontage at, 260. Yarmouth, Great [co. Norfolk], 5, 21, 157, 160 bis, 175, 250, 455 bis. , bailiffs of, 49. , burgess of, 472. , commission of array in, 500. , gaol delivery of, 246. , mariner of, 14. barge of, master of. See Baker, William. 760 GENERAL INDEX. Yarmouth — cont. , port, 5, 48, 71, 81, 83, 84. , . . . . , customs in, 93. , . . . . , customs and sub- sidies in, 6. , . . . . , collector of customs and deputy farmer of a sub- sidy in. See Elys, William. , .. .., controller of customs in. See Gedeney, Thomas. , . . . . , deputy butler in. See Elys, William. Yartacombe, Yartercombe. See Yar combe. Yarwell [co. Northampton], 475. Yate, Matthew atte, parson of St. Andrew's, Droitwich, ex- changed to the vicarage of Great Barrington, co. Glou- cester, 8. , William atte, 449. Yatercombe. See Yarcombe. Yattendon, Yatyngton, co. Berks, manor, 202. Yatton [co. Somerset], Wick in, Wyke, 436. Yatyngton. See Yattendon. Yaxham [co. Norfolk], 448. Yaxley, Yakesle [co. Huntingdon], pavage at, 419. Yearby, Overby [in Kirkleatham, co. York], 330. Yeddingham, Yedyngham [co.York], bridge of, 481. Yelbury, 305. Yenge Margrete. See Margaretting. Yeovil, Yevyle, Yevele [co. Somer- set], church, 200, 286. , vicar of, 241. , parson of, 286. Yerdele Hastynges. See Yardley Hastings. Yernecombe, William, groom of the king's arms in the Tower of London, 368. Yeshampstede. See Easthampstead. Yestbrok, Richard, chaplain, pre- sented to the vicarage of Oke- hampton, 165. Yevan, Philip, 261. Yevelchestre. See Ilchester. Yevele. See Yeovil. Yevele, Henry, 286. , Henry, of London, 423. Yevyle. See Yeovil. Yistele [rectius Yiftele], Nicholas de, parson of Orpington, 126. Yngelby. See Ingelby. Yngolmeles. See Ingoldmells. Yo, William, 448. Yolgreve. See Youlgreave. Yong, Yonge, Geoffrey, of Sussex, 483. j , Hugh, chamberlain of South Wales, 317. , Robert, vicar of Bradpole, exchanged to the vicarage of Okehampton, 124. , Thomas, chaplain, presented to the vicarage of Cratfield, co. Suffolk, 280. , Thomas, of Wennington, 468. | , Thomas, commissioner, 156, 161. , William, hayward of Ash- ford manor, co. Kent, 4. j Yordeburgh. See Yarborough. Yore. See Yare. York, co. York, 18, 45, 46, 103, 108, 146, 173, 242, 247, 349, 350, 420, 423, 454, 462, 467. , document dated at, 239. , indentures dated at, 73, 242. , city, commission of the peace in, 490. citizens of, 11, 73, 175, 247, 266, 349, 474. , mayor of. See Giseburgh, John de ; Langeton, John de ; Santon, John de. , bailiffs of. See Crome, John de ; Otryngton, William de ; Ripon, John de ; Scoreby, John de ; Swerd, John ; Thornton, John de ; Tundu, William ; Wateby, Richard de. , mayor and citizens of, grant of quayage to, 110. , baxter of, 423. , draper of, 426. ! , gauger of wines at. See Taverner, Alexander. , goldsmiths of, 266, 423. , mercer of, 12. , merchants of, 11, 73, 322. , skinner of, 281. , tailors of, 242. , castle, gaol of, 160. , . . . . , . . . . , keeper of. See Hervy, William. , .. .., gaol delivery of, 106, 108, 109, 121 bis, 198. , Grapecuntlane in, 266. , Loppelane in, 73. , Petergate Street in, 73. , Staingate, Staynegate, 474. , Staingate Street, 242, 266. , , 'Mulburyhair in, 266. GENERAL INDEX. 76 i York — cont. , cathedral church of St. Peter, 18. , . . . . , dean and chapter of, 68. , . . . chapter of, 177. , , , letters of, 239, 242, 266, 474. , . . . . , altar of St. Thomas the Martyr in, 423. , . . . . , canons of. See Feriby, William de ; Helwell, John de ; Thoresby, John de ; Wykford, Robert de. prebend of Ampleforth in, 242, 474. , . . . . , prebend of Barmby on the Moor in, 242, 474. , . . . . , prebend of Dunning - ton in, 73. , . . . . , prebend of Masham in, 242. , . . . . , prebend of North Newbald in, 266. , . . . . , prebend of Osbald- wick in, 242. , . . . . , prebend of Wilton in, 177. , sub-dean of. See Brandon, Master Thomas de. . . . . , treasurer of. See Branketre, John de ; Clifford, John de. , . . . . , king's gaol on the soil of, delivery of, 275. , ... , parson in. See Brod- desworth, John de. , . . . . , vicars of the choir of, 474. , . . . . , . . . . , warden of, 350. church of All Saints, North Street, 335. , church of St. George Fisher- gate, chantry in, 462. , church of St. John the Evangelist, 247. , church of St. Laurence Walmgate, vicars of, 165. , church of St. Martin, Coney Street, chantry at the altar of St. Mary in, 108. , church of St. Martin Mickle- gate, parson of, 421. ...... church of St. Mary on Castle Hill, 349. , church of St. Mary, Castle- gate, 454. , church of Holy Trinity in the king's court, parson of, 2. , inn of the Friars Minors, 110. Wt. 18915. York — cont. , nuns of St. Clement, Clementhorp, in the suburb, 380. , hospital of St. Leonard's, ^ 73. , . . . . , visitation of, 226. , . . . . , master of. See Ravenser, Richard de. , hospital of St. Nicholas, warden of. See Stanley, Thomas de. , priory of the Holy Trinity, 88, 104, 208, 242, 254, 335. York, archbishop of, 401. , See Nevill, Alexander de. , T., temp. Henry I, 451. , Walter, temp. Henry III, letters of, 359. , , fee of, 467. , archbishopric, voidance of, 94, 177. , .. .., temporalities of, 227. , diocese, 17, 44, 76, 82, 90, 96, 104 bis, 112, 163, 164, 165, 166, 180, 183 bis, 236, 242, 254, 259, 339, 346, 351, 420, 422, 439. , . . . . , tenth granted by the clergy in, 7. , court of, advocate of. See Bekyngham, Master Richard. York county, 56, 98, 151, 160, 217, 219, 223, 232, 251, 312, 316 bis, 321, 329, 332, 338, 339, 423, 446, 457. , issues of, 36, 183. , lands of the earl of Cam- bridge in, receiver of. See Hasilden, Thomas de. , collector of subsidy on cloth for sale in. See Pathorn, John de. , outlawries in, 10, 12, 16, 47, 67, 97, 100, 175, 176, 230 bis, 263, 264 bis, 281, 356 ter, 419, 458, 471, 472, 480, 481. , coroner of. See Arthyng- ton, Robert de. , escheator in. See Bygod, John ; Culwen, Gilbert de ; Lascels, Roger de ; Sayvill, John ; Vale, William de la. , escheatry in, issues of, 36. , sheriff of, 303. , See Melton, William de. , East Riding, 221. E 49 762 GENERAL INDEX. York county, East Riding — cont. , . . . . , fifteenth granted in, 7. , . . . . , commission of array in, 498. , . . . . , commission of the peace in, 136, 138. , . . . , justices of oyer and terminer in, 146. , North Riding, 486. , . . . . , commission of array in, 498. , . . . . , commission of the peace in, 139, 323, 491. , . . . . , justices of oyer and terminer in, 146. , West Riding, commission of array in, 498. , . . . . , commission of the peace in, 137, 217, 314. , . . . . , justices of oyer and terminer in, 146. York, John, of London, baker, 102. , Robert de, 152. , . . . ., citizen of York, 266. , Robert, of Watton, co. Nor- folk, 144. , William de, king's esquire, 402, 472, 483. Youlgreave, Yolgreve [co. Derby], vicars of, 259. Ypres, Ipre [Belgium], 503. , captains, echevins and con- suls of, 503. Ysewode, Richard, prior of Prittle- well, 434. Ystlwyf, Oystrelowe [co. Pembroke], commote, 124. , . . . . , steward of. See Cas- tell, Thomas del. Ystlyc, Arwistly [co. Montgomery], cantred, 148. Ystrad Marchell, Southstradmarghell [co. Montgomery], commote, 148. Yvayns, Sancho, master of the St. Mary Magdalene of Plasencia, 507. Yvelcombe, Baldwin, 258. , William, 258. Ywerne Minstre. See Iwerne Min- ster. Zakeslegh, Henry de, 289. Zedeletz, Bernard, knight, 308. Zoderman, Hildebrand, merchant of Almain, 503. Zouche, Zuche, Alan ia, temp. Henry III, 107. Eudo la, and Millicent his wife, temp. Edward I, 270, 271, 278. , Hugh la, commissioner, 497. , .. .., knight, 107, 326. , , . . . . , Philippa wife of, 44. Richard la, 268, 400. , William la, monk of Glaston- bvcy, 438. , William la, of Harring- w >rth, commissioner, 55, 56, 114, 135, 138, 147, 322, 499. , , , knight, 15, 270, 278. , . . . . , . . . . , . . . . , commis- sioner, 414. , William la, the younger, commissioner, 322. Zutphen [Holland], Reynold, count of, 503, 505. Zwyn, Le Swyn [between West Flanders and Zealand], port of, letters patent dated at, 507, 508. ml i^j 1^1 1 mi mi i y 0:WH8iB^ y 0Aavaaiw^ Mavaan# ^onvsoi^ "%3ainih\\v 5H3AlNn-3ftV s ^UIBRARYtf/- 3 A\UUNIVER% 3 J? JS? - •I ^■UBRARYJfc dOSANGElfj> <2l 8f S83AINII-3ftV TO ^OKAl!f(%, ^OF-CMIFOMj^ 3? M V £? y 0AHvaan-# .*\\EUN!VER%. as fie Eg vvlOSANCElfx* ^HDNYSOV^ %J3AINA-3\\V N ^Aavaan-# UIBRARY«r \WtUNIVEK^ ^UftANCttfj^ ^UIBRARYQr ^UlBRARYCJr .AWttNIVtRVA. ^33NV-S01^ )F-CALIF(% <\*lfUNIVER% ^•lOSANCElfr- so ^a3AINA-3*^ ^QKALIFOfy^ ^&Aavaan'# ^Aavaan-# .\V\EUNIVERJ/a Si XMAINMVfc ^UIBKAKY0/\ ^UIBRARYQr ^OJITVDJO^ ^SOJITCHO 3 ^ ^JHDNVSOl^ AMEUNIVtRi/A ^•IIBRARY-CK. 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