as UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA agricultural Experiment Station COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE E. J . WlCKSON, Director BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA CIRCULAR No. 40 (October, 1908) CALIFORNIA STATE FARMERS' INSTITUTE AT THE UNIVERSITY FARM DAVIS THURSDAY, FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 9, AND 10, 1908. This Institute is the second to be held at the University Farm at Davis. The first of this series of Institutes, which convened a year ago at the same place, had as its aim and object the extension of popular knowledge concerning the work of the College of Agriculture of the University of California and of the University Farm. The present Institute has much the same object in view. The interest of the people of the State in Agricultural education becomes each year more intense and these State Institutes serve the purpose, in a broad way, of allowing a good opportunity for those most interested to see and hear just what is being done in the way of advancing the Agricultural interests of California. The schedule of exercises provided for the present Institute, as is shown upon the following pages, allows those in attendance to participate in discussions of great importance to the advancement of the agriculture of the State and the prosperity of those connected therewith. The Question Box will also be continually open and will afford opportunity for the introduction of other important topics. Free dis- cussion will follow the formal addresses so x far as time will permit. Thursday Morning, October 8, 10:00 o'clock. Opening of Institute. Addresses of Welcome. Responses. Address. For the University Farm, Prof. Leroy Anderson, Superintendent Uni- versity Farm Schools. For the town of Davis, Mr. George W. Pierce, Davis. Mr. F. H. Babb, Lecturer State Grange, San Jose. Hon. J. I. McConnell, Woodland. Hon. B. F. Rush, President State Board of Agriculture, Suisun. Hon. A. E. Boynton, Oroville. Hon. Ellwood Cooper, Santa Barbara. Hon. Marshall Diggs, President Sac- ramento Valley Development As- sociation, Sacramento. President Benj. Ide Wheeler, Uni- versity of California, Berkeley. Thursday Afternoon, October 8, 1:30 o'clock. Addresses. Hon. Peter J. Shields, Superior Judge, Sacramento County, Sacramento. Director C. F. Curtiss, College of Agriculture, Ames, Iowa. Director E. J. Wickson, College of Agriculture, Berkeley. Thursday Evening, October 8, 7:30 o'clock. Resume of the Work of the State Food and Drug Laboratory. The Argentine Ant in Cali- fornia. Prof. M. E. Jaffa, Agricultural Experi- ment Station, Berkeley. Prof. C. W. Woodworth, Agricultural Experiment Station, Berkeley. Friday Morning, Animal Industry Session. Address. Work of the State Dairy Bureau. Control and Eradication of Infectious Diseases of Live Stock. Address. Friday Afternoon, A Talk on Good Roads. Dry Land Farming. Pedigreed Vines and the Young Vineyard. October 9, 9:30 o'clock. Prof. E. W. Major, Agricultural Ex- periment Station, Berkeley. Mr. W. H. Saylor, Secretary State Dairy Bureau. Dr. Charles Keane, State Veterin- arian. Director C. F. Curtiss, College of Agriculture, Ames, Iowa. October 9, 1:30 o'clock.. Hon. J. M. Eddy, Secretary California Good Roads Association. Mr. Arthur R. Briggs, President Cali- fornia State Board of Trade, San Francisco. Mrs. M. E. Sherman, Minnewawa Vineyard, Fresno. Friday Evening, October 9, 7:30 o'clock. Cereal Improvements. Mr. A. G. Gaumnitz, Cereal Investi- gations, University Farm, Davis. The Sugar Beet. Prof. G. W. Shaw, Agricultural Ex- periment Station, Berkeley. Relation of the University Farm to the Horticulture Prof. W. T. Clarke, Agricultural Ex- of the State. periment Station, Berkeley. Saturday Morning, October 10, 9:30 o'cloc%. The Outlook for the Pear Prof. Ralph E. Smith, Southern Cali- Industry with Reference fornia Pathological Laboratory, to Pear Blight. Whittier, Cal. Irrigation and the Develop- ment of our Great Val- Prof. S. Fortier, Irrigation Investiga- tes, tions, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Forestry Problems. G. B. Lull, State Forester, Sacra- mento. Saturday Afternoon, October 10, 1:30 o'cloc%. Reports of Committees. Closing Exercises. Prof. W. T. Clarke, College of Agri- culture, Berkeley. The public is cordially invited to attend these sessions and arrangements have been made so that the personal comfort of visitors will be well looked after. The ladies of Davis will serve lunch on the grounds of the University Farm each day of the Institute. Transportation by the Southern Pacific to and from Davis can be secured at one and one-third rates for the round trip on the certificate plan. Take receipt from agent when purchasing ticket. W. T. Clarke, Superintendent University Extension in Agriculture. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Berkeley, September 25, 1908.