R B !■; K T H i; R N S . '^ Divine THE SCOTTISH NATION; OR, THE SURNAMES, FAMILIES, LITERATUEE, HONOURS, AND BIOGEAPHICAL HISTOKY OF THE PEOPLE OE SCOTLAND. BT WILLIAM ANDERSON. AOTBOK OF LIFE, AND EDITOR OF WOKKS, OF LOUD BTKOS, 422 ENGRA\^D TABLES OF TITULAR GENEALOGIES. 1. Earldom of Aniens, 2. „ Atiiol, 3. ,, Buchan, 4. ,, Caithness, I. Ancient Earldoms. As an-anged by the author and others II. Ancient Barosages. 1. Campbell, Lord Lochow, As arranged by the author and others. 137 161 453 520 643 1. Abercromby, John, M.D., 2. Abercromby, Sir Ralph, birth place of, 3. Abercromiiy, Sir Ralph, 4. „ „ (on) horseback), j 5. Adaji, Alexander, LL.D., 6. Albany, Seal of Robert, \ 1st duke of, ) 7. Albany, Doune Castle, Resi- 1 dence of 2d duke of, f 8. Albany, Earl of Bdchan, ) son of 1st duke of J 9. Albany, John, 4th duke of, 10. ,, „ Autograph of, 11. Alexander I., Seal of David ) I., brother of, j" 12. Alexander I., Monastery I ( built hy, (on Inchcolni.) j '| 13. Alexander I., Silver Pennies of, 14. „ Seal of, 15. ,, Coldingham) Priory rebuilt by, j 16. Alexander II., Seal of, 17. Alexander III., Seal of. WOODCUTS (IN LETTERPRESS) } From a Medallion on Monument, ,, a drawing taken on the spot by J. C. Brown, „ Ka}''s Portraits, a painting by Sir Henry Raeburn, Anderson's Diplomata Scotiai, Engr.avcd by .1. Adam, Cardonnell's Scot. Antiq., Pinkerton's Gallery of Portraits, Sloanc's MSS., " Anderson's Diplomata Scotias, Swan's Views in Fifeshire, ) by J. C. Brown, f Anderson's Numismata, Cardonnell's Scot. Antiq., Anderson's Diplomata Scotiic, J. Adam, G. Measom, J Adam, o 5 7 U 23 40 6. Measom, 42 43 51 51 53 58 60 60 65 79 79 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. Alexandek Ul., in the Pai-1 li.ament of EiIwavJ I., ) Alexander III., Kiiighorn," (tlie scene of tlie (le.ith of,) Alexander III., Dunferm- line Abbey, Intciioi(Archi- teetuie of tlie period of), Alexander II., Chesspiece (to illustrate Seottish Art of the period of), Alexander. Sir William, 1st earl of Stirlinp! (mansion of), Alexander, Sir William, 1st earl of Stirling (portrait of), From a Contemporary print, Engraved a drawing taken on the spot I by J. C. Brown, j '" Billing's Baronial and Eccle- 1 siastical Antiquities, j " Scottish Antiquarian Museum, ,, Billing's Baronial and Eecle- ) siastical Antiquities, f " Walpole's Royal and Noble 1 Authors, f " Allan, David, Sketcli— Cliarity Scene, by en > 3,); Ar.BuriiNnT, .lohn, II. D., Armstrono, John, M.D., Arnot, lingo, Atuol, (Blair Castle, seat of "(_ tlie duke of.) ) AvTON, Sir Robert, Baillie, Robert (of Jerviswood), Baillie, Matthew, M.D., Baillie, Joanna, Baird, Sir David, Baird, George Husband, D.D. Balcahres Craig, Fifeshire, Balfour, Sir James, Balqonie Castle, Fifeshire, Baliol, Jolin, Seal of, Baliol, Edward, Seal of, Balmer, Robert, D.D., Bannatfne, Lord Barbour, John, (Aberdeen Catliedral, where served ' Barclay, J^iiin, Beattie, James, LL.D., Belhaven, 2d Lord, Bell, Benjamin, Bell, Sir Charles, BissET, John, (Beauly priory ) founded by,) j" Black, Joseph. M D., Blair, Hugh, D.D., Blair, Robert (Lord President), Blantyre, F. T. Stewart, Duch- ess of Richmond, daugliter of Walter, 3d son of the 1st Lord, BoRTHwicK Castle, Boswell, James, Boyd, Robert, Boyd, Zachary, Breadalbank, (Taymouth"! , Castle, seat of the mar- >- i qiiis of,) Interior,} *■ 58. Ditto, ditto, Exterior, 59. BuowN, Thomas, M.D., 60. Bkus, Robert de. Seal of, 61. ,, ,, Turnberry ) Castle (tlie birthplace of), j 62. Bruce, King Robert, Seal of, 63. Bruce, Roliert, 64. Bruce, James, (mansion-) J house of.) j i 65. Bruce, James, portrait of, 66. Buchas, 1st ear! of (of the \ house of Erskine), j 67. Buchanan, George, 68. Buchanan, Claudius, D.D., 69. Burnet, Gilbert, D.D. 70. Burnet, J.-vines, (Lord Monboddo,) 71. Burns, John, M.D., 72. Campbell, 1st Lord, and hisLadv, 73. Campbell Castle, J 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. a scarce print, painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds, Kay's Portraits, Cardonnell's Scot. Antiq., a bust, an original miniature, a rare print, a painting by Sir W. Newton, ,, Sir Henry Raeburn, Kay's Portraits, Swan's Views in Fifeshire, an original print, Kattrs" Scotia Depicta, Anderson's Diplomata Scotise, n )) a lithographic print, Kay's Portraits, Cardonnell's Scot. Antiq., an original print, apaintingby Sir Joshua Reynolds, Pinkerton's Gallery of Portraits, Kay's Portraits, an original print, Cardonnell's Scot. Antiq. a painting by Sir Henry Eaeburn, Kay's Portraits, a painting by Sir Peter Lely, Kattes' Scotia Depicta, Lodge's Portraits, Pinkerton's Gallery, a drawing t.aken on the spot ) by J. C. Brown, j" a drawing by Sargent, ,, Watson, Anderson's Diplomata Scotioe, Tytler's Scottish Worthies, Anderson's Diplomata Scotise, an original miniature, a drawing taken on the spot > by J. C. Brown, j" Kay's Portraits, loonographia Scotica, Pinkerton's Gallery, a portrait prefixed to his life. Lodge's Portraits, Kay's Portraits, a painting by Graham Gilbert, Pinkerton's Gallery of Portraits, a drawing taken on the spot ( by J. C. Brown, C Past by J. Adam, 96 n 98 G. Measom, 103 W Williams, 104 J. Adam, Dalziel, 111 112 G. Measom, 115 Dalziel, 150 W. Williams, 157 G. Measom, 159 Linton, 165 W. Williams, 171 178 Linton, 181 187 195 198 J. Adam, 207 Linton, 214 J. Adam, 219 222 223 Linton, 228 11 236 J. Adam, 238 W. Williams, 247 Linton, 265 271 273 )» 280 J. Adam, 304 W. Williams, 308 Linton, 325 II 327 11 334 J. Adam, 340 Linton, 347 W. Williams, 367 n 369 Linton, . 372 377 ,, 397 J. Adam, 409 11 410 ,, 421 Ijinton, 435 G. Measom, 441 Linton, 442 n 454 II 471 480 492 496 613 11 545 546 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. _, ^ /. * I- A T (From \Valpolc'slin\nIniul \()I)le ) i. , . .. 7-1. Cami-hei.l, tmintess ot Ai-gyle,-^ Aiitliois f l-"gi'>''i^'l ''V Liiiton, 556 . Campbki.l, Aicliibiilil (Maiquis i John (2(1 duke o" Argyle), of Avgyle), L, Jollll 7G. Campuixl, Jollll (2d duke of ( - i- i .-.i . 1 \ r .1 a painting bv Aitkmaii, 5C1 5C6 77. Carson, Aglionby Ross, M. A., '( e- nr r^ i ,„„ andLL.D., _ f " " fe"' W. Gordon, „ „ 599 78. Cakstairs, Principal, ,, Chambers' Eminent Scotsmen, ,, ,, ijoi 79. Cassii.lis, Countess of, ,, a painting in Ciilze:in Castle, ,, „ ()(i7 80. Clapi'Erton, Captain Hugh, ,, „ by Gildon Miinlon, „ ,, 047 81. CoLiiUHOUN, Lady, „ a portrait pielixed to liui- I/il'c, ,, „ 606 82. Co.NsTABi.E, Archibald, ,, a painting by Sir Henry Kaebuni, „ „ 680 83. Craio, Sir Thomas, ,, an original print, „ „ 688 Si. Craio, Lord, ., Kay's I'ortraits, ,, ,, tjyi 83. CitAWKOUi), Archibald, Arms of. ,, Wilson'; I'reliistorie Annals. ,, J. .•\dnin, 700 86. CRAUFunDs OF Ardmillan.I l.ord Ardmillan, „ „ 705 Anns ol the j " ' " " '"-^ 87. CRA\yFORD, David, 1st earl ) ( Lord Lindsay's Lives of the ) „ of, Seal of, j" ") " Lindsays, / " " '"^ bS. Crawford, David, 5th earl of, j_ Seal and Autograph of, ) " " " '• " '''■ 89. Crawforu, David, lltli earl f _ of. Autograph of, / " " " " " ''■' 90. CRiCHTON,James(tlie Admirable), ,, Jouni. of Aniiq. Soc. of Scotland, ,. Linton, 729 yi. CiiOMAiiTy, 1st earl of „ Walpole'sKoyal and Noble Authors. „ „ 73{ THE SCOTTISH NATION. ABERCORN. ABERCROMBY. Abercorn, Duke of, is a peerage held by the Hamilton family in its eldest surviving male heir, as directly descended from Lord Cluud Hamilton (see vol. ii. p. 418), fourth son of James, second earl of Arran, regent of Scotland in tlie minority of Queen Mary. He was created duke of Cliatel- lierault in the kingdom of France. Lord Claud was distin- guished for his zealous and steady attachment to Mary Queen of Scots, and at an early age was appointed coin- inendator of the abbacy of Paisley. The extensive lands of this abbacy were after the Reformation erected into « temporal lordship, and he was elevated to the peerage under the title of Lord Paisley. He died in 1622, aged 78. Ha married Margaret, only daughter of George, sixth Lord Seton, and iiad by her four sons, of whom James, tlie eldest, was created b.iron of Abercorn, 1603, and, in 1G06, advanced to the dignity of earl of Abercorn, baron of Paisley, Hamil- ton, Mountcastle, and Kilpatrick. The estate of AI)ercorn, from which this title is derived, is in Linlithgowshire. The name is derived from Abe7', beyond, and Corn, a corrup- tion of Curn, which has generally been held as equivalent to Carron. The earl of Abercorn was appointed in 1604 one of the commissioners on the part of Scotland to treat of a union with England. As one of the promoters of the plan- tation of Ulster, he had a very great estate granted out of the escheated lands in that country, and was called as a peer to the parliament of Ireland in 1613. He died in 1618, and was succeeded by his son James, who during his father's lifetime had been created a peer of Ireland in 1616, by the title of baron of Strabane. James, the second earl, was a loyal supporter of Charles I. On the death of the second duke of Hamilton in 1651, without male issue, he became the male representative of the house of Hamilton. He was suc- ceeded by his soil George, third earl, at whose death, without issue, the title devolved upon Claud, grandson of Claud second Lord Strabane. Claud, fourth earl of Abercorn, adhered to James VIL at the Revolution, and after the battle of the Boyne embarked for France, but was killed on the voyage in 1690. His brother Charles, fifth earl, gave in his adhesion 'o King William's government, and died in 1701 without surviving issue. The title then devolved on James, descended from Sir George Hamilton, fourth son of the first earl, and great-grandson of the first duke of Chatelherault. On the occasion of the clause in the treaty of Utrecht in 1713, stipu- lating for justice to the Hamilton family in regai'd to the duchy of Chatelherault, James, sixth earl of Abercorn, pre- ferred his claim as nearest heir male of the first duke, against that of Anne, duchess of Hamilton, the heir female. The court of France, however, came to no decision. Jamea. eighth earl, was created a peer of Great Britain in 1786, by the title of Viscount Hamilton. John James Hamilton. 9th earl, was advanced to the dignity of marquis of Abercorn in 1790; and djnng in 1818, was succeeded by his grandson, James, 2d marquis. The latter, on Jan. 13, 1862, was served heir male of the 1st duke of Chatelherault, and in 1868 was created duke of Abercorn and marquis of Hamilton. Abercrombie, or Abebckosibt, a surname derived from a barony of that name in Fifeshire, erected in a district ori- ginally named Abercrombie, aber meaning beyond, and crom- bie, the crook, in allusion to the bend or crook of Fifeness. Tlie parish, until recently called St. Mon.ance, and now Abercromby, was known by the name of AbercrombiV so far back as 1174. The Abercrombies of that ilk were esteemed the chiefs of the name until the seventeenth century, when that line became extinct, and Abercromby of Birkeubog, in Banflshire, became the head of the clan of Abercromby. In 1637 Alexander Abercromby of Birkenbog was created a baronut of Scotland and Nova Scotia, and distinguished himself as a royalist dur- ing the civil wars. The baronetcy is still in the family. Abercrombie, Baron, an extinct peerage, bestowed by Chai'les I., in 16-17, on Sir James Sandilands of St. Mon.ance, or Abercrombie, in P'ife, descended from James Sandilands belonging to the noble house of Torphlchen. Lord Aber- crombie married a daughter of the first carl of Southcsk, and by her he had a son, James, second Lord Abercrombie, who dying without issue in 1681, the title became extinct. Abercromby of Abonkir and Tullibody, Baron, a title in the peerage of the United Kingdom, conferred in l€01 on Mary Anne, widow of the celebrated Sir Ralph Abercromby, immediately after her husband's death at the battle of Alex- andria, with remainder to the heirs male of the deceased general. Baroness Abercromby died in 1821, and was suc- ceeded by her eldest son, George, a barrister at law, first baron. On his death in 1843, Colonel George Ralph Aber- cromby, his son, born in 1800, became second baron. Tbo latter died in 1852, when his son, George Ralph Campbell ABERCROMBIE. ABERCROMBIE. Abercromby, born in 1838, became third baron. See Abek- CROMBY, Sir Kalph. ABERCROMBIE, John, M.D., an eminent physician, and moral and religious writer, was born in Aberdeen, 12tli October, 1780. His fatlier was minister of the East church of that city. After having completed his literary edu- cation in his native city, he was sent to the uni- versity of Edinburgh, to prosecute his studies for the medical profession. The celebrated Dr. Alex- ander Monro was at that time professor of anatomy and surgeiy there, and the subject of this memoir attended his lectures. In 1803, being then twenty-three years of age, Dr. Abercrombie began to practise as a physician in Edinburgh. He soon acquired a high reputa- tion, and became extensively known to his pro- fessional brethren through the medium of his con- tributions to the ' Medical and Surgical Journal.' On the death of the celebrated Dr. Gregory in 1821, Dr. Abercrombie at once took his place as a consulting physician. He was also named physi- cian to the king for Scotland, an appointment which, though merely honorary and nominal, is usually conferred on the physician of greatest eminence at the time of a vacancy. He subse- quently held, till his death, the office of phy- sician to George Heriot's Hospital. In 1828, he published a treatise on the ' Diseases of the Brain and Nervous System,' and soon after an essay on those of the 'Abdominal Organs,' both of which rank high among professional publica- tions. In 1830 he appeared as an author in a branch of literature entii'ely different, and one in- volving the treatment of subjects in the highest department of philosophy and metaphysical specu- lation, having published in that year his able work, in 8vo, on the 'Intellectual Powers.' In 1833 he produced a woi'k of a similar kind, on ' The Philosophy of the Moral Feelings,' also in 8vo. In 1832, during the prevalence of the cho- lera, he had published a medical tract entitled ' Suggestions on the Character and Treatment of Malignant Cholera.' In 1834 he published a pamphlet entitled ' Observations on the Moral Condition of the Lower Orders in Edinburgh.' The same year appeared an address delivered by him at tlie Fiftieth Anniversary of the Destitute Sick Society, Edinbm-gh. He was also the au- thor of Essays on the ' Elements of Sacred Truth,' and on the 'Harmony of Christian Faith and Character;' besides other writings which have been comprised in a small volume entitled ' Essays and Tracts.' Of wi-itings so well known, and s(i veiy highly esteemed, as proved by a circulation extending, as it did in some, even to an eighteenth edition, it were useless to speak in praise either o( their literary or far higher merits. But, distin- guished as he was, both professionally and as a writer in the highest departments of philosophy, it was not exclusively to his great fame in either respect, or in both, that he owed his wide influ- ence throughout the community in which he lived. His name ever stood associated with the guidance of every important enterprise, whether religious or benevolent, — somehow he provided leisure to bestow the patronage of his attendance and his deliberative wisdom on many of the institutions of Edinburgh, and, with a munificence which has been rarely equalled, ministered of his substance to the upholding of them all. He valued money so little, that he often declined to receive it, even when the offerer urged it, as most justly his own His diligence and application were so great that whoever entered his study found him intent at work. Did they see him travelling in his carriage. they could perceive he was busy there. ^Obituary 7iotice in Witness netcspaper.'] In 1834 the luiiversity of Oxford conferred upon him the degree of ]\I.D., which he had long previ- ously obtained from the university of Edinburgh. In 1835 he was chosen by the students lord rector of Marischal college, Aberdeen. Dr. Abercrom- bie died suddenly at Edmbm-gh, fi-om rupture of an artery in the region of the heart, on the 14th of November, 1844. Distinguished alike as a physician, an author, a benefactor of the poor, and a sincere Christian, his loss was universally lamented. He was buried in the West church- yard, Edinburgh, where a monument with a me- dallion has been erected to his memoiy, the for- mer bearing the following inscription : — " In mem- ory of John Abercrombie, M.D., Edin. and Oxon., Fellow of the Royal colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh, Vice-president of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and first Physician to the ABERCROMHLK. ABERCROMBTli. Queen in Scotland, born xii. Oct. mdcclxxx. troni a life very early devoted to the service of God, occujjied in the most assiduous labours, and distinguished not more by professional eminence than by personal worth and by successful author- shiji on the princijiles of Christian morals and philosophy, it pleased God to translate him sud- denly to the life everlasting xiv. Nov. mdcccxliv." Annexed is a copy of the medallion, which embo- dies as true a likeness of Dr. Abercrombie as stone or wood can convey. ^f'^ffry The procession at his funeral was one of the largest ever seen in Edinbm-gh. It was joined by the members both of the Royal College of Phy- sicians, and the Royal College of Surgeons, as well as by the Free Church presbytery of Edin- burgh and the commission of the General Assem- bly of the Free Church, and by many professional brethren from a distance. Dr. Abercrombie mar- ried in 1808 Agnes, only child of David Wardlaw, Esq., of Netherbeath in Fifcshire, and had eight daughters, one of whom died at the age of fom-. Seven daughters survived him, the eldest of whom became the second wife of the Rev. John Bruce, minister of Free St. Andrew's church, Edinburgh, in whose congregation Dr. Abercrombie was an elder, and who preached his funeral sermon, which was afterwards published. The estate of Nelher- beath descended to Mi-s. Bruce. The following is a list of Dr. Abcrcroinbio's puhlications : Diseiuses of the Brjiin and Nervows System, 8vo, 1828 Disea.si's of the Abdominal Org-ana, 8vo, 1829. The Intellectual Towers, 8vo, 1830. SiigKest'ons on the Character and Treatment of Malign.iiil Cholera, 8vo, 1832. The Philosophy of the Moral Feelings, 8vo, 1833. Observations on the Moral Condition of tlio Lowei Oroert in Eilinbiu'gh, 8vo, 1834. Address delivered at the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Desti- tute Sick Society, Edinburgh, 1835. Mental Culture, 18mo, being the Address delivered to the studi'uts of Marisehal College when he was elected Lord Rec- tor of that university, 183.T. The Hiirmony of Scripture F.-iith and Character 18mo, 1836 Tlunk on the.se Things, 18mo, 1839. Messi.ah our Example, 18mo, 1841. The Contest and the Ai-mour, 18mo, 1841. The Elements of Sacred Truth, 18mo, 1844. Ess.ays and Tr.acts, including the two hist works and some other writings on similar subjects, 8vo, 1844, 1847. ABERCROMBIE, John, conjectured by Demp- ster, in his Hist. Eccl. Scot., to have been a Ben- edictine monk, was the author of two energetic treatises in defence of the Chmxh of Rome against the principles of the Reformers, entitled ' Veritatia Defeusio,' and ' Ha^resis Confusio.' He flourished about the middle of the sixteenth century. ABERCROMBIE, Patrick, physician and his- torian, third son of Alexander Abercrombie of Fettemeir, Aberdeenshire, a branch of the Birk- enbog family of that name, was born at Forfar in 1656, and took his medical degrees at St. Andrews in 1685. His elder brother, Franois Abercrombie of Fetterneir, on his marriage with Anna, Baron- ess Sempill, was, in Julj' 1685, crsjited by James Vn. Lord Glassford, under the singular restriction of being limited for his own life. After leaving the university, Patrick travelled on the continent, and on his return to England, embracing the Ro- man Catholic religion, he was appointed physi- cian to James VII. ; but at the Revolution was deprived of his office, and for some years lived abi'oad. Returning to his native country, he af- terwards devoted himself to the study of national antiquities. In 1707 he gave to the world a trans- lation of M. Beauge's rare French work, ' L'llis- toire de la Guerre d'Ecossc,' 1556, under the title of ' The Campaigns in Scotland in 1548 and 1549,' which was reprinted in the oiiginal by Mr. Smythe ABERCROAIBIE. ABERCROMBY. of Methven for the Bannatyne Club, in 1829, with a preface containing an account of Abercronibie's translation. His great work, however, is 'The Martial Achievements of the Scots nation, and of such Scotsmen as have signalized themselves by the Sword,' in two volumes folio, the first pub- lished in 1711, and the second in 1715. He also wrote the 'Memoirs of the family of Abercrombie.' Dr. Abercrombie died in poor circumstances in 1716 ; some authorities say 1720, and others 1726. The following is a list of his works. Tlie Advantages of the Act of Secunty, compared witli those of the intended Union; founded on the Revolution Principles, published by Mr. Daniel De Foe. Edin. 1707, 4to. A Vindication of the same, against Mr. De Foe. Edin. 1707, 4to. Tlie History of the Campaigns 1.548 and 1549, between the Scots and the French on the one side, and the English and their foreign auxili.aries on the other. From the French of Beauge, with a Preface, showing the Advantages which Scot- land received by the Ancient League with France, and the mutu.al assistance given by each kingdom to the other. Edm. 1707, 8vo. The Martial Achievements of the Scots nation, being an Account of the Lives, Char.acters, and Memorable Actions of such Scotsmen as have signalized themselves by the Sword, at home and abroad. Edin. 1711-1715. 2 vols. fol. ABERCROMBIE, John, an eminent horticul- turist, and author of several horticultural works, was the son of a respectable gardener near Edin- burgh, where he was born about the year 1726. In his eighteenth year he went to London, and obtained employment in the royal gai'dens. His first work, ' The Gardener's Calendar,' was pub- lished as the production of Mr. Mawe, gardener to the duke of Leeds, who received twenty guineas for the use of his name, which was then well- known. The success of that work was so com- plete, that Abercrombie put his own name to all his future publications ; among which may be mentioned, 'The Universal Dictionary of Garden- ing and Botany,' 4to, ' The Gardener's Vade Me- cuni,' and other popular productions. He died at Somerstown, London, in 1806, aged 80. A list of Ids works is subjoined. Tlie Universal Gardener and Botanist, or a Gener.al Dic- tionary of G:u'dening and Botany, exliibiting, in Botanical Arrangement, according to the Lmnsean system, every Tree, Shrub, and Herbaceous Plant that merit Cultm'e, &c. Lend. 1778, 4to. The Garden Mushroom, its Natm'e and Cultivation, exnib- iting full and plain directions for producing this desirable plant in perfection and plenty. Lend. 1779. 8vo. New edi- tion enlai-gcd, 1802, 12mo. The British Fruit G.arden, and Art of Pruning ; compnsin>i the most approved Methods of Pl.antmg and raising every use- ful Fruit Tree and Fruit-bearing Shrub. Lond. 1779, 8vo The Complete Forcing Gardener, for the thorough Practi- cal Management of the Kitchen Garden, raising all earh crops in Hot-beds, and forcing early Frait, &c. Lond. 1781. 12mo. The Complete Wall-tree Pruner, &c. Lond. 1783, 12ino. The Propagation and Bot.anicaI AiTangement of Plants and Trees, useful and ornamental. Lond. 1785, 2 vols. 12mo. The Gardener's Pocket Dictionary, or a Systematical Ar- rangement of Trees, Herbs, Flowers, and Fruits, agi-eeable to the Linna3an Method, with their Latin and Enghsh names, their Uses, Propagation, Culture, &c. Lond. 1786, 3 vols. 12mo. Daily Assistant in the Modem Practice of English Garden- ing for eveiy Month in the Year, on an entire new plan Lond. 1789, 12mo. The Universal Gardener's Kalendar, and System of Practi- cal Gardening. Lond. 1789, 12mo; 1808, 8vo. The Complete Ivitchen G.ardener and Hot-bed Forcer, witl, the thorough Practical M.anagemeut of Hot -houses, Fire- walls, &c. Lond. 1789, 12mo. The G.ai-dener's Vade-mecum, or Comp.anion of General Gardening; a Descriptive Disphay of the Phints, Flowers, Shmbs, Trees, Fruits, and general Cultiure. Lond. 1789, 8vo. The Hot-house Gardener, or the general Culture of the Pine Apple, and the Methods of forcing early Grapes, Peach- es, Nectarines, and other choice Fniits in Hot-houses, Vin- eries, Fruit - houses. Hot-walls, with Dhections for raising Melons and early Strawbenies, &c. Plates. Lond. 1789, 8vo The G.ardener's Pocket Journal and Annual Register, in a concise Monthly Display of all Practical Works of General Gardening throughout the year. Lond. 1791, 12mo; 1814. 12mo. It has been already stated, in giving the ongin of the name, (see page 1,) that in the 17th century, Abercromby of Bir- kcnbog in Bantlshu-e, became the chief of the name of Aber- cromby. Alexander Abercromby of Birkenbog was gi*and falconer in Scotland to King Charles I. In 1636 his eldesi son, Alexander, was created a baronet of Nova Scotia, and took an active pait against King Charles in the ciNil wai's ol that period. From the pedigi'ee of the family it appears that Sir Alexander Abercromby of Birkenbog, the first baronet, had two sons. The eldest, James, succeeded his father. Alexander, the second son, succeeded his cousin George Aber- cromby of Skeith, in the estate of Tullibody, in Clackman- nanshire, formerly a possession of the calls of Stirling. This Alexander w.as the grandfather of the celebrated military commander, Sii* Ralph Abercromby, and the second of tlip name of Abercromby who possessed Tullibody. The most eminent of this family were Gener.al Sir Ralph Abercromby ; and his two brothers, Alexander, Lord Abercromby, a judge of the court of session ; and General Sir Robert Abercromby, K.C.B.; of .all three notices are here given. ABERCROMBY, Sm Ralph, K.B., a dis- tinguished general, was the eldest sou of George Abercromby, of Tullibody, in Clackmannanshire, by Mary, daughter of Ralph Dundas, Esq. of Ma- nor. His father was born in 1705, passed advo- cate in 1728, and died June 8, 1800, at the ad S \ K i; .\ 1. I' II A 1! i; I! (■ U M I) Y ^ '.a^ ^^"^ ABERCROMBY, SIR UALI'Il. vanced age of ninety-five, being the oldest nieni- bcr of tlie college of justice. His son K;il|ili was boni on tlie 7th of October, 1734, in the okl man- sion of Menstiie, then the ordinary residence of his parents, near the village of that name which lies at the southern base of the Oehil hills, on the boundary between the parish of Alloa in Clack- mannanshire, and tlie Perthshire part of the parish of Logic. The day of his birth has not been inserted in the session book of the parish of Logie, but the following is an extract from the register of his baptism: "A. D. 1734, October 2Gth, Bap. Ralph, lawful son to George Abercromby, younger of Tullibody, and Mary Dundas his lady." Menstrie nouse, in whicli he was born, was, in the beginning of the seven- teenth century, the property and residence of Sir William Alexander, the poet, afterwards created earl of Stirling. Although not now inhabited by any of the Abercromby family, it is still entire. A woodcut representation of it is here given After the usual course ot study, young Aber- cromby entered the army in 1756, as a cornet in the 3d regiment of dragoon guards. His commis- sion is dated 22d March of that year. In February 1760 he obtained a lieutenancy in the same regi- ment; in April 1762 he was promoted to a com- pany in the 3d regiment of horse. In 1770 he became major, and in 1773, lieutenant -colonel. In 1780 he was included in the list of brevet colo- nels, and in 1781 he was appointed coloucl of the lUlUl, or King's Irish infantry. This newly raised regiment was reduced at the peace in 17S3, when Colonel Abercromby was placed on half-pay. In Sei>teniber 1787 he became major-general. In 1788, in which year he resided in George's Square, Edinburgh, he obtained the command of the Oyth regiment of foot. He was afterwards removed to the 6th regiment, from that to the 5th, and in November 1797 to the 7th regiment of dragoons He first served in the seven years' war, and acquired great knowledge and military experience in that service, before he had an opportunity of distinguishing himself, wliich afterwards, when the opportunity came, enabled him to be the first British general to give a check to the French in the first revolutionary war. He has often been confounded with the General Abercrombio who commanded the troops against the French at Crown Point and Ticonderoga in America in 1758, but Sir Ralph at that period was only a cornet of dragoons, and =^__ notwithstanding the mis- take into which some of his biographers have fal- len, it is certain that ha never was in America. In the year 1774, when lieutenant-colonel, he had been elected member o.' parliament for Clack- niaunanshire,which conn ty he continued to repre- sent till the next election in 1780, but never made any figure in parliament. On the commencement _ _ of the war with France in 1792, ho was employed in Flanders and Holland witli tne local rank of lieutenant-general, and in the campaigns of 1793 and 1794 he served under the duke of York, when he gave many proofs of his skill, vigilance, and intrepidity. He commanded the advanced guard dm-ing the action on the heights of Cateau, April 16, 1794. On this occasion he captured 35 pieces of cannon, and took jirisoner Chapny the French general. In ABERCROMBY, 6 SIR RALPH. the despatches of the duke of York his ability and courage were twice mentioned with special com- mendation. In the succeeding October he received a wound at Nimeguen, and upon him and General Dundas devolved the arduous duty of conducting the retreat througli Holland in the severe winter which followed. It has been remarked that the talents, as well as the temper, of a commander are put to as severe a test in conducting a retreat as in achieving a victory. This was well illustrated in the case of General Abercromby. The guards and the sick were committed to his care ; and in the disastrous march fi-om Deventer to Oldensaal the hardships sustained by those under his charge were such as the most consummate skill and judg- ment were almost inadequate to alleviate, while the feelings experienced by the commander him- self were painful in the extreme. Harassed in the rear by a victorious enemy, upwards of fifty thousand strong, obliged to conduct his troops with a rapidity beyond their strength, through bad roads, in the most inclement part of a winter more than usually severe, — the sick being placed in open waggons, as no others could be procured, — and finding it impossible to procure shelter for his soldiers in the midst of the drifting snow and heavy falls of sleet and rain, the anguish he felt at seeing their numbers daily diminishing from the effects of cold, fatigue, and hunger, can scarcely ,be described. About the end of March 1795, the British army, which during the retreat had some- times to halt, face and fight the enemy, arrived at Bremen in a very reduced state, and thence em- barked for England. The judgment, patience, humanity, and perseverance shown by General Abercromby in this calamitous retreat were equal to the occasion, and received due acknowledg- ment. In the autumn of 1795 General Abercromby was appointed to succeed Sir Charles Grey, as com- mander-in-chief of the troops employed against the French in the West Indies. Previous to his amval, the French revolutionaiy army had made considerable exertions to recover then' losses in that quarter. They retook the islands of Guada- loupe and St. Lucia, made good their lauding on Martinique, and hoisted the tricolour on several forts in the islands of St. Vincent, Grenada, and Marie Galante; besides seizing the property of the rich emigrants who had fled thither from France, to the amount of 1,800 millions of livi-es. The expedition under General Abercromby was unfortunately prevented from sailing until after the equinox, and several transports were lost in endeavouring to clear the Channel. The remain- der of the fleet reached the West Indies in safety, and by the month of March 1796 the troops were in a condition for active duty. A detachment of the army under Sir John Moore, was sent against the island of St. Lucia, which was speedily cap- tured, though the attack on this island was at- tended with peculiar difficulties from the intricate nature of the country. A new road was made for the heavy cannon, and on the 26th of May 1796, the gan-ison surrendered. St. Vincent was next subdued ; and thence the commander-in-chief pro- ceeded to Grenada, where the fierce and enterpris- ing Fedon was at the head of a body of insurgents prepared to oppose the British. After the arrival of General Abercromby, however, hostilities were speeddy brought to a termination ; and on the 19th of June, full possession was obtained of every post in the island, and the haughty chief Fedon, with his troops, was reduced to unconditional sub- mission. The British also became masters of the Dutch colonies on the coast of Guiana, namely Demerara, Essequibo, and Berbice. Early in the following year (1797) the general sailed, with a considerable fleet of ships of war and transports, against the Spanish island of Tri- nidad, and on the 16th of February approached the fortifications of Gaspar Grande, under cover of which a Spanish squadron, consisting of four sail of the line and a fi'igate, were found lying at anchor. On perceiving the approach of the Bri- tish, the Spanish fleet retu-ed farther into the bay. General Abercromby made arrangements for at- tacking the town and ships of war early in the following morning. Dreading the impending con- flict, the Spaniards set fire to their own ships, and retu-ed to a different part of the island. On the following day the British troops landed, and soon after the whole colony submitted to General Aber- cromby. After an unsuccessful attack on the Spanish island of Puerto Rico, the general retm-ned to ABERCROMBY, SIR RAI.l'll. England the same year (1797) and was received with every demonstration of public respect and fionour. In his absence he had been made a knight of the Bath and presented to the colonelcy of the Scots Greys. Ou his return he was ap- pointed governor of the Isle of Wight, and was afterwards invested with the lucrative govern- ments of Forts Gem-ge and Augustus. The same year he was raised to the rank of lieutenant-gen- eral, which he had hitherto held only locally. In 1798 Sir Ralph was appointed commander- in-chief of the forces in L-eland, where the insur- rectionary spii'it, inflamed by promises of assist- ance from France, was every day assuming a more serious form and threatening to break out into open rebellion. Soon after his anival, finding that the disorderly conduct of some of the British troops had but too much tended to increase the spirit of insubordination and discontent that pre- vailed, he issued a proclamation, in which he lamented and reproved the excesses and Lrregu- lai'ities into which they had fallen, and which, to use his own words, " had rendered them more for- midable to their friends than to their enemies," and declared his firm detennination to punish, with exemplary severity, any similar outrage of which they miglit be guilty in future. He did not long retain his command in L'eland. The incon- veniences arising fi'om the delegation of the high- est civil and military authority to different persons, liad been felt to occasion much perplexity and confusion in the management of public affairs, at that season of agitation and alaim, and finding the service, under such circumstances, disagree- able. Sir Ralph resigned the command, and the Marquis Comwallis, on becoming lord-lieutenant of Ii-eland, was appointed his successor. Sir Ralph was next nominated commander-in- chief of the forces in Scotland ; and for a short interval, the cares of his militaiy duties were agi-eeably blended with the endearments of his kindi-ed and the society of his early friends. During his residence in Edinburgh at this time, the military spirit that generally prevailed ren- dered tne occurrence of reviews extremely popular among the inhabitants. The accompanying wood- cut represents Sir Ralph in the act of giving the word of command to the troops. ■^M4i^vw.v .-,'-'.'.. ■'^wVVv It was at this period that the Loehiel Highland- ers were inspected at Falkirk by General Vyse, one of the major-generals of tJie staff in Scotland, under Sir Ralph Abercromby, who was present at the inspection. Cameron, tlie chief of Loehiel, married Sir Ralph's eldest daughter Anne. The regiment was ostensibly composed of Camerons, but there were enrolled in its ranks, not only lowlanders, but even Englishmen and Irishmen. Some laughable attempts at fraud in endeavouring to pass inspection are related, but unless actually disabled, few objections were made, although Scotsmen in general found a preference. " ^V^lere are you from ? " said General Vyse to a strange- looking fellow, who was evidently an L-ishman, although he endeavoured to make believe that he was Scotch. "From Falkirk, yir honour, this morning," was the ready answer. His language betraying him, the general demanded to know how he came over. " Sure I didn't come in a wheelbaiTow ! " The rising choler of the inspect- ing oflScer was speedily soothed by the milder tact of Sii- Ralph, who, seeing the man a fit recruit, laughed heartily, and he was passed. On this occasion Sir Raljih, during his stay in Falku-k, took up his residence with the son of his late fn- ABERCROMBY, 8 SIR RALPH. tiler's gardener at Tullibody, Mr. James Walker, a naercliant iu the toivii, and long knomi for his agricultm-al skill, as " the Stirlingshire Farmer." Sir Ralph delighted, after dinner, to recall the in- cidents of their boyhood, when he and Mr. Walk- er, with their brothers, were at school together. He had previously shown the attachment of former days to a younger brother of Blr. Walker, during the struggle for liberty between America and the mother country. These kindly and benevolent traits, it has been well remarked, easily explain why Sir Ralph Abercromby was personally so dear to all who knew him. — \_Kar/s Edinburgh Portraits.^ In the autumn of 1799 he was selected to take the chief command of the expedition sent out to Holland, for the purpose of restoring the prince of Orange to the stadtholdership, from which he had been driven by the French. In this expedition the British were at the outset successful. On the :;7th of August the British troops disembarked near the Helder point, but were almost imme- diately attacked by General Daendells ; after a contest, which lasted from day-dawn till about five in the afternoon, the Dutch were defeated, and retired, leaving the British in possession of a ridge of sand hills which stretched along the coast from south to north. Sir Ralph Abercrombie re- solved to attack the Helder next morning, but the enemy withdrew during the night, in consequence of wliich thirteen ships of war and three India- men, together with the arsenal and naval maga- zine, fell into the possession of the British. Ad- miral Mitchell, who commanded the British fleet, immediately offered battle to the fleet of the Ba- tavian republic lying in the Texel, but the Dutch sailors refusing to fight against those who were combating for the rights of the prince of Orange, the whole fleet, consisting of twelve sail of the line, surrendered to the British admiral. This encouraging event, however, did not put an end to the struggle. The mass of the Dutch people held sentiments vety different from those of the sailors, and they refused to receive the British as their deliverers from the yoke of France. On the morning of the 10th of September the Dutch and French forces attacked the position of the British, which extended from Petten on the German ocean to Oude-Sluys on the Zuyder-Zee. The onset was made with the utmost bravery, but the enemy were repulsed with the loss of a thousand men. From the want of numbers, however. Sir Ralpu Abercromby was unable to follow up this advan- tage, until the duke of York arrived as command- er-in-chief, with a reinforcement of Russians, Batavians, and Dutch volunteers, which augment- ed the allied armv to nearly thirty-sis thousand men. Sir Ralph now served as second in com- mand. On the morning of the 19th September the army under the duke of York commenced an attack on the enemy's positions on the heights of Camper- down, which was successful. The Russian troops, under General Hermann, made themselves mas- ters of Bergen, but beginning to pillage too soon, the enemy rallied, and attacked them with so much impetuosity that they were driven from the town in all directions. The British were in con- sequence compelled to abandon the positions they had stormed, and to fall back upon their former station. Another attack was made on the 2d of October. The conflict lasted the whole day, and the enemy abandoned their positions during the night. On this occasion Su- Ralph Abercromby had two horses shot under him. Sir John Moore was twice wounded severely, and reluctantly car- ried off the field, while the marquis of Huntly (the last duke of Gordon) who, at the head of the 92d regiment, eminently distinguished himself, received a wound from a ball in the shoulder. The Dutch and French troops had taken up ano- ther strong position between Benerwych and the Zuyder-Zee, fi'om which it was resolved to dis- lodge them before they could obtain reinforce- ments. A day of sanguinary fighting ensued, which continued without intermission till ten o'clock at night amid deluges of rain. The French republican general, Brune, having been reinforced with six thousand additional men, and the ground which he occupied being found to be impregnable, the duke of York resolved upon a retreat. A con- vention was accordingly concluded with Geueial Brune, by which the British troops were allowed to embark for England. In June 1800 Sir Ralph was appointed to the command of the troops, then quartered in the ABERCROMBY, 9 SIR RAM'II. island of IMinorca, which had been sent out upon a secret expedition to the Jlediterranean. On the 22d of that montli lie ari-ived at IMinorca, and on the 23d tlie troops were embarked, and sailed for Leghorn. Tliey arrived there on the 9th of July, but in consequence of an armistice having been concluded between the French and the Aus- trians, thev did not land there ; but while part of the troops proceeded to Malta, the remainder re- turned to IMinorca. On the 26th of July Sir Ralph arrived again at that island, where he re- mained till the 30th of August, when the troops were again embarked ; and on the 14th September the fleet, which consisted of upwards of two hun- dred sail, under the command of Admiral Lord Keith, came to anchor off Europa point in the bay of Gibraltar. After taking in water at Teutan, the fleet, on the 3d of October, arrived off Cadiz, where it was intended to disembark the troops, and orders were accordingly issued for the purpose, but a flag of truce was sent from the shore, and some negotiations took place between the com- manders, in consequence of which the orders for landing were countermanded. After thus threat- ening Cadiz, and sailing about apparently without any distinct destination, orders were at last re- ceived ft-om England, for part of the troops to pro- ceed to Portugal, and the remainder to IMalta, where they an-ived about the middle of Novem- ber. The latter portion afterwards formed part of the forces employed in the expedition to Egyi)t, with the view of driving the French out of that country. The sailing backwards and forwards of the fleet for so many months, seemingly without any definite aim, so far from being indicative of want of design or weakness in the councils of the government at home, as was believed and said at the time, was no doubt intended to deceive the French as to the real object and destination of the expedition. From jMalta the fleet, with Sir Ralph Aber- cromby and the troops on board, sailed on the 20th December, taking with them 500 Maltese recruits, designed to act as pioneers. On the 1st of January 1801, it rendezvoused in the bay of Marmorice, on the coast of Caramania, where it remained till the 23d of February, on which day, to the number of 175 sail, it weighed anchor again ; and on the 1st of Alarcli, it came in sight of the coast of Egypt. On the following morning the fleet anchored in Abonkir bay, in the very place where, a few years liefire. Admiral Nelson had added so signally to the naval triumphs of Great Britain. This was undoubtedly the most glorious period of Sir Ralph Abercromby's career. " All minds," says a contemporary historian, " were now anxi- ously directed towards Egypt. It was a novel and interesting sjioctacle to contemplate the two most powerful nations of Europe contending in Africa for the possession of Asia. Not only to England and France, but the whole civilized world, the issue of this contest was of the utmost importance AMth respect to England, the diffi- culties to be surmounted were ])roportioned to the magnitude of the object. The vizier, with his usual irresolution, yet debated on the propriety of co-operation, while the captain bashaw, who was at Constantinople, with part of his fleet, inclined to treat with the enemy. The English taking the unpopular side, that of the government, still less was to be hoped from the countenance and snpporl of the people, whom the French had long flattered with the idea of freedom and independence. It remained, also, to justify the breach of faith so speciously attributed to this nation in the treaty of El Arisli. These were serious obstacles to the progress of the expedition in Eg}-])t ; but they, were not the only obstacles. The expedition had to contend with an army habituated to the coun- tr}', respected at least, if not beloved, by the in- habitants, and flushed with reputation and suc- cess ; an army inured to danger ; aware of the importance of Egypt to their government ; deter- mined to defend the possession of it ; and encour- aged in this determination, no less by the assur- ance of speedily receiving effectual succours, than b}' the promise of reward, and the love of glory." The violence of the wind, from the 1st to the 7th of March, rendered a landing impracticable ; but the weather becoming calmer on the 7th, that day was spent in reconnoitring the shore ; a ser- vice iu which Sir Sidney Smith displayed great skill and activity. In the meantime Bonaparte had sent naval and military reinforcements from Europe, and the ABERCROMBY, 10 SIR RALPH. delay in tlie disembarkation of tlie British troops caused by the state of tlie weatlior, enabled the French to malic all ncc(!ssary preparations to re- ceive them. Two thonsand five 1miii(Ii-ccral immediately said that he should like to have the whole of hia estate mapped in the same manner, so that, when away from home, he might be able, by reference, to correspond about any point that occurred. The maps were made by vouug Morison, who waited on ABERCROMBY. U ABERNETHY. Sir Ralph to explain tliem, and the veteran gen- eral, who was a gi-eat judge of character, instantly perceived the value of the self-taught youth. Ho made inquiries as to his views and prospects, and finding that he was anxious to go to India, he procured for him a cadetship, in the year 1800. From the outset the young man justified Sir Ralph's estimate of his abilities, and he so applied his faculties to military science, that his attain- ments raised him to a high rank in the Indian army, and he died 15th May 1851, a major-general in the East India Company's service, a knight commander of the Bath, and member of parlia- ment for Clackmannanshire and Kinross-shire. Sir Ralph married Mary Anne, daughter of John Menzies, Esq. of Ferutower, Perthshire, and left four sons, viz. George, passed advocate in 1794, who succeeded his mother on her death in 1821, as Lord Abercromby, and died in 1843 ; Sir John, a major-general, and G.C.B., who died unmar- ried in 1817 ; James, a barrister at law, returned, with Francis Jeffrey, Esq., (subsequently a lord of session,) as one of the members of parliament for the city of Edinburgh at the first election under the Reform act, afterwards Speaker of the House of Commons, created Lord Dunfermline in 1839 ; and Alexander, a colonel in the army ; with three daughters ; Anne, married to Donald Cameron, £sq. of Lochiel ; Mary, died unmarried in 1825 ; and Catherine, wife of Thomas Buchanan, Esq., m the East India Company's service. Lord Dun- fermline, the third son, died in 1858, leaving a son, Ralph, second Lord Dunfermline. (See Dun- fermline, Lord, vol. ii. p. 105.) ABERCROMBY, Alexander, an eminent lawyer and occasional essayist, was born October 15, 1745. He was the second son of George Abercromby of Tullibody, and the brother of Sir Ralph. He received his education at the univer- sity of Edinbiu-gh, and was admitted a member of the faculty of advocates in 1766. He distin- guished himself at tlie bar, and in 1780, after being sheriff of Stirlingshire, he became one of the depnte-advocatcs. He was raised to the bench m May 1792, when he assumed the title of Lord Abercromby. In December of the same year, he was made a lord of justiciary. He was one of the originators of the ' Mirror,' a periodical published at Edinburgh in 1779 and following year, to which he contributed eleven papers. He also furnished nine papers to the ' Lounger,' a work of a similar kind, published in 1785 and 1786. He caught a cold, while attending his duty on the northern circuit in the spring of 1795, from which he never recovered, and died on the 17th of November ol that year, at Exmouth, in Devonshire, where he had gone on account of his health. A short tri- bute to his memory was written by his friend, Henry Mackenzie, for the Royal Society of Edin- burgh. — Hdig and Bi-untorCs Senators of the Col- lege of Justice. ABERCROjNIBY, Sir Robert, the youngest brothei- of Sir Ralph Abercromby, was a general in the army, a knight of the Bath, and at one pe- riod the governor of Bombay and commander-in- chief of the forces in India. He was afterwards for thirty years governor of the castle of Edin- burgh. When the late Mr. Robert Haldane, the brother of Mr. James Alexander Haldane, de- teiinined upon selling his estates, and devoting himself to the dift'usion of the gospel in India, Sir Robert Abercromby, whose niece Mr. J. A. Haldane had married, purchased from him his beautiful and romantic estate of Airthrey, in Stir- lingshire, and was succeeded by his nephew. Lord Abercromby, the son of his elder brother. Sir Ralph. Su- Robert died in 1827. Aberdeen, earldom of, a peer.nge possessed by a bmnch of tlie ancient family of Gordon. In ld44, Sir John Gordon of Haddo was beheaded at Edinburgh, for his adlierence to the cause of Charles I. After the Restoration, Sir John Gordon, his eldest son, was restored to the baronetiige which bad been bestowed on his father in 1642, and to the estates o\ the family. He was succeeded by his brother George, who w.as lord high chancellor of Scotland in 1682, and the same ye.ia- was created Earl of Aberdeen, Viscount Fonii.irtine, Ba- ron Haddo, llethlic, Tarves, and Kellie. In 1814 the fourth earl of Aberdeen was created Viscount Gordon of Aberdeen, m the peerage of the United Kingdom. See Gordon, p. 323 Abeknetht — (beyond the Nethy) — a surname derived from a barony of that name in Lower Stratheam, Perthshire, which was possessed in the reign of William I. by Orme, the son of Hugh, who was styled Abbot of Abemethy, and whose descendants assumed the name of Abemethy. In 1288 Sir William ile Abemethy, the first of the family styled of Sal- toun, and Su' Patrick de Abemethy, lay in wait for Duncan earl of Fife, one of the regents of the kingdom during the minority of JIargiret of Norway, at PotpoHock, and murdered him. William was seized by Sir Andi-ew Moray of Bothwell and condemned to perpetual imprisonment, and Patrick fled rato France and died there. \^F(yrdim.'] His nephew, Alex- ander de Abernethy, in 1308, along with Robert de Keith ABERNETriY. 15 ARERKETIIY. Adam de Gordon, and otlier leading bai-ons, were sureties to Edward for the good behaviour of William de Lanihyrton, bishop of St. Andrews. [_Ri/iner^s Fivdera, tome iii. p. 82.] The same individual was appomted by Edward warden of the country between the Forth and the mountains of Scot- land, 15th June, lolO. \_lbici. tome iii. j). 211.] His eldest daughter JLargaret w.is manned to John Stewart, earl of An- gus, who got with her the barony of Abcrnethy, the superior- ity of which is still possessed by the family of Douglas, (now Hamilton,) .as representatives of the earl of Angus. To the fanujus letter to the Pope, drawn up by the barons of Scot- land at the parliament of Aberbrothic Gth April, 1320, appears the n.ime of William de Abernethy, lord of Saltoun. He was the son of the first Sir William de Abernethy of S.altoun. His son, also named Sir William, appears in the list of noble pei-sons who fought at the b.attle of Halidon hill, I'Jth July, 1333, [Haiks' Aniiah, vot ii. p. 307,] fi'om which disastrous field he appears to h.ave escaped. He had from Da\nd II. a gr.aut of the lands of Rothiem.iy in Aberdeenshire. George Abernethy of Saltoun, his son, was taken piisoner at the fatal fight of Durham, 17th Oct., 13-16. At the battle of H.ulaw 21th July 1411, William Abernethy, son .and heir to the Lord Saltoun, w.as one of the principal leaders, and w-as slain. But although he is called "the worthy Lord Saltone " and of his death it is said in the popular ballad, "Ajid on the otlier side war lost Into the field tli.it dismal day, Cliief men of wortli of micklc cost. To be lamented siur for aye. The lord Saltone of Rotliicniay, A man of niiclit and niickle main Gi'e.it dolour was for his decay That sae unhai)pily was slain ;" yet the peerage was not confeiTod upon the family till 28th .lune, 1445, — 34 years later, — in the person of Laurence .\bernethy of Saltoim and Kothiemay, created B.ai*on Saltoun of Abeniethy, and as the said William Abernethy predeceased his father, he was called " the Lord Saltone" only by coiutesy. This Laurence Abernethy of Saltoim and Rothiemay, first Lord Saltoun, was the twelfth in descent from Orm the .ounder of the family. Marg.aret, the eldest daughter of the seventh Lord Saltoun, married Sir Alexander Fraser of Phil- ortli in Aberdeenshire, and their son. Sir Alexander Fraser, oecame the tenth Lord Saltoun, and his descendants suc- ceeded to the title. The brother of his mother, John, eighth Lord Saltoun, sold the estate of Rothiemay. The family of Abeniethy is now represented by the Frasers of Philorth, lords Saltoun. — See Saltoun. — The p.arish and village of Abernethy are of great antiquity. The latter was at one period the capital of the Pictish kings. It is n.amed by various English writers and by Fordoun as the place where Malcolm C.anmore concluded a peace with Wil- liam the Conqueror in 1072, delivered to him hostages, and did homage to him for the lands which he held in England. But although now a mean village, " it would appeal-," says Dr. Jamieson, " that it was a royal residence in the reign of one of the Pictish pnnces who bore the name of Nethan or Nectan. The Pictish chronicle has ascribed the foundation of Aberne- thy to Nethan I., in the third year of his reign, corresponding with A.D. 458. The Register of St. Andrews, with greater probability, gives it to Nethan II. about the year GOO." We find that while the church of Abernethy was granted by WilUam I. in 1178, to his foundation of the abbey of Aber- brothock, Orme, abbot of Abernethy, granted the half of the tithes of the property of himself and his heirs to the same iustitutiou. The other half belonged to the Culdees, .is in ancient times Abernethy was n principal sejit of the Cuhiecs, who liad a university at Abeniethy, which in 1273 wna turned into a priory of canons regular of St. Augustine. It is s burgh of bimjny, and has a charter from Arcliibald, earl nf Angus, lord of Abeniethy, dated November 29, 1028. Tho title of Lord Abernethy was conferred on the earl of Angus when a-eated marquis of DougliLs in 1G33, and is now one >■( the inferior titles of the duko of Hamilton as representative and cliief of the illustrious house of Douglas.— See ILuiiiLTOS. ABERNETHY, John, an einiiu'iit pliysician of London, was born in 1763 or 17C4, at Abcrnethy in r'frtli.shire,it is believed; altliougb Londonderry in Ireland is also mentioned as his birtli-placc. When very young, his parents removed to Lon- don, where he was apprenticed to tlie late Mr. (afterwards Sir) Charles Blick, surgeon of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. He was the pupil and friend of the celebrated John Hunter. In 1780, ou being elected assistant-surgeon to St. Bartlio- lomew's, he began to give lectures in the hospital on anatomy and surgery. On tlie death of Sir Cliarles Bliclc he succeeded him as surgeon to the Hospital. In 1793 he published 'Surgical and Pliysiological Essays. ' In 1804 appeared 'Surgical Observations,' volume first, relating to tumours, and two years afterwards, volume se- cond, treating principally of the digestive organs. Having been elected anatomical lecturer to the Royal College of Surgeons, he published in 1814 the subject of his first two lectures, under tlie title of ' An Enquiry into Mr. Hunter's Theory of Life,' elucidatory of his old master's opinions of the vital processes. In 1809 appeared his 'Sur- gical Observations on the Constitutional Origin and Treatment of Local Diseases, and on Aneu- risms,' in which are detailed his memorable ca.scs of tying the iliac artery for aneurism ; a bold and successful operation, which at once established his reputation. He was the author of several other popular medical works. In chemistiy, we owe Ui him in conjunction witli Mr. Howard, brotlier at the duke of Norfolk, the discovery of tlie " fulmi- nating mercm-y," the force of which, as an exjjlo- sive power, is greater than tliat of gunpowder. He died on the 20th of April, 1831, at his hou« at Enfield. Many amusing anecdotes are related of his eccentricities. He attributed most com- plaints to the disordered state of the stomach, and his chief remedies were exercise and regulation of the diet. Once he prescribed a skipping ropf to a ABERNETHY 16 ABTHANE. female hypochondriac patient of the upper ranks ; and at another time, as a cure for gout, he advised an indolent and luxurious citizen to " live upon sixpence a-day, and earn it." In spite of the bluntness of his manner, however, he was very benevolent, and often not only gratuitously visited persons whose poverty prevented them from com- ing to him, but even sometimes supplied their wants from his own purse. The following is the account given of the abrupt and unceremonious but truly characteristic manner in which he ob- tained his wife. The name of the lady is not given. " While attending a lady for several weeks, he observed those admirable qualifications in her daughter, which he truly esteemed to be calculated to make the marriage state happy. Accordingly, on a Saturday, when taking leave of his patient, he addi'essed her to the following purport : — ' You are now so well that I need not see you after Monday next, when I sliall come and pay you my farewell visit. But, in the meantime, I wish you and your daughter seriously to consider the pro- posal I am now about to make. It is abrupt and unceremonious, I am aware; but the excessive occupation of my time by my professional duties affords me no leisure to accomplish what I desire by the more ordinary course of attention and soli- citation. My annual receipts amount to £ , and I can settle £ on my wife (mentioning the sums): my character is generally known to the public, so that you may readily ascertain what it is. I have seen in your daughter a tender and affectionate child, an assiduous and careful nurse, and a gentle and ladylike member of a family; such a person must be all that a husband could covet, and I offer my hand and fortune for her acceptance. On INIonday, when I call, I shall expect your determination; for I really have not time for the routine of courtship.' In this humour, ♦he lady was wooed and won ; and the union proved fortunate in ever'y respect." — Annual Obi- tuary, 1832. The following is a list of his works Surgical and Physiological Essays. Lond. 1793-7, 8vo. Surgical Obsei-vatiOTis, containing a Cl.assification of Tu- mours, mth Cases to illustrate the History of each Species. Lond. 1804, 8vo. Surgical Observations, part second, containing .in Account of the DisordtTS of the Health m general, and of the Digestive Orgaiis ra particular. Obser\'ations on the Diseases of the Urethra, and ObseiTations relative to the Treatment of one Species of the Naivi Maternre. Lond. 1806, 8vo. 'Lond. 1816, 8vo. Surgic.li Observ.ations on the Constitutional Origin ana Treatment of Local Diseases; and on Aneurisms. Lond. 1809, 8vo. 3d edit. 1813, 8vo. Surgical Observations, part second, containing Observations on the Origin and Treatment of Pseudo-sj'pliilitic Diseases, and on Diseases of the Urethriu Lond. 1810, 8vo. Surgical Observations on Injuries of the Head, and other Miscellaneous Subjects. Lond. 1810, 8vo. An Inquiry into the Probability and Rationahty of Jlr. Hunter's Theory of Life, being the Subject of the first two Anatomic:d Lectures before the Royal College of Sm-geons Lond. 1814, 8vo. The IntroductoiT Lecture for the year 1815, exhibitins some of Mr. Hunter's Opinions respecting Diseases; delivered before Royal College of Surgeons, London. Lond. 1815, 8vo. Surgical Works, a new edit. 1815, 2 vols. 8vo. Physiological Lectures, 1817. Abotne, Earl of, a title possessed by the Gordon f imilv, derived from tlie parish of Aboyne in Aberdeenshire. On the de.atli of tlie last duke of Gordon in 1836, wiien tli.at dukedom became extinct, the title of e.arl of Aboyne merged in that of marquis of Huntly. (See Huntly, marquis of.) Abthane, a title which occurs in Scottish history, aiio which appears peculiar to Scotl.and, as no trace of it has been found in .any other country. It is a Th.anedom or proprietor- ship of land held of the crown, and in the possession of an abbot. Like a Thiinedom also, it is the title of a Saxon pro prietor, that is, a proprietor under the S.ixon l.^ws, holding direct of the crown, .and is therefore exactly equivalent to that of a Nonn.an bai-on. Three Abth.ainries only have been as yet traced in Scotland, viz. those of Dull, lulmichael, and Madderty ; the two fonner in Athol, the latter in Strathearn. Mr. Skene, whose investig.ations supply the foregoing infor- mation, seems to have est.ablished that all these three wei'e created betiveen the ycai^s 1098 and 1124, — that is, between the accession of Edgar to the throne and that of Darid I. , th.at they were all held in connection with the Culdee monks of Dmikeld ; that they must have been in possession of an abbot of that monastery ; and that the party who then held that dignity, and in whose favour they were created, was Ethelred, youngest son of M.alcolra III., who consequently had obtained them from one of his brothers, Edgar or Alex- ander, the then reigning monarchs of Scotl.and. The fact of the possession of these and other hands in Athol by the then reigning family of Scotland, is one of the m.any circumstances adduced by this gentleman, to demonstrate the descent of Malcolm III., .and after him a long line of Scottish kings, from the .ancient Maoimors of Athol, one of the many facts illustrative of early Scottish history for which we aj-e indebted to his cai-eful investigations and ingenious inductions. See Athol, E^vkls of. On the death of Ethelred, these lands ag.ain reverted to the crown. In v.arious charters so recent as the reign of D.avid II. they are described as the " ■abth.anes of Dull " of " Kilmichael," &c. The second family whose chief obtained the earldom of Lennox .appears by an entry in an early history of the Dmmmonds to have been previously the heredit.ary b.aillies of the abth.ainries of Dull, and on the promotion of its head to that dignity, that baillierie passed to a younger branch or cadet of it according to Celtic usage. — Skene on ihe Origin of the Eighlanders, vol. ii. pp. 129 — 13" 152. 153. ACHAIUS. 17 ADAIIl. •ACHAIUS, or Achayus, or Eocnv, the son of ICing Ethwin, or Ewen, succeeded to the crown of Scotland in 788, upon the death of Solvathis, or Selvach. Before his accession to the tin-one, he lived familiarly with the nobles, and was well ac- quainted with the causes of their mutual feuds. It was, therefore, the first act of his reign to recon- cile the chiefs with one another, and check the turbulent spirit which their animosities had en- gendered. No sooner had he succeeded in thus reconciling his subjects, than he was called upon to take measures to repel an aggression of the predatory Irish. A number of banditti from Ire- land, who infested the district of Kintyre, in the west of Scotland, having been completely routed by the inhabitants, the Irish nation was highly exasperated, and resolved to revenge the injury done to them. Acliaius despatched an ambassa- dor to soften their rage, but before he had time to return from his fruitless mission, an immense number of Irish plundered and laid waste the island of Isla. These depredators were all drown- ed when returning home with their spoil, and such was the terror which this calamity inspired into the Irish, tliat they immediately sued for peace, which w-as generously gi'anted them by the king of Scotland. A short time after the conclusion of this treaty, the emperor Charlemagne sent an am- bassador to Achaius, requesting the Scots king to enter into a strict alliance with him against the English, who, in the language of the envoy, " shamefully filled both sea and land with their piracies, and bloody invasions." After much hesi- tation and debate among the king's counsellors, the alliance was unanimously agreed to, and Achaius sent his brother William, along with Clement, John Scotus, Raban, and Alcuiu, a na- tive of the north of England, four of the most learned men then in Scotland, together with an army of four thousand men, to accompany the French ambassador to Paris, where the alliance was concluded, on terms very favourable to the Scots. In order to perpetuate the remembrance of this event, Achaius added to the arms of Scot- land a double field sowed with lilies. After as- sisting Hungus, king of the Picts, to repel an aggression of Athelstane, king of the West Sax- nns. Achaius spent the rest of his reign in com- plete tranquillity, and died in 819, distinguished for Ills piety and wisdom. — Brewster's Edinburyh Enajclopcilia. ADAIR, James JlAiUTrRicic, physician and medical writer, was born at Inverness in 1728, and for several years practised at Bath. lie wa^ noted for extreme irritability of temper, and among other persons with whom he had a dispute was the eccentric Philip Thicknessc, in the dedi- cation to whose memoirs is given an account of one of his last quairels. He afterwards went to Antigua, and became physician to the command- er-in-chief and the colonial troops, and one of the judges of the court of king's bench and com- mon pleas in th.at island. He was tlie author of several medical tracts on regimen, the materia medica, &c., as also of a pamphlet against the abolition of the slave trade. He died 24th April 1801, at Ayr. The following is a list of Dr. Adair's works: — Medical Cautions for the Considerntion of Inv.iHd.s, more especially of those wlio resort to Batli. Lomi. 1786, 8vo Second edit, gre.itly enharged, 1787, 8vo. A Pliilosophical and Medical Sketch of tho Natural History of the Hum.an Body and Mind, witli .in Essay on the Diffi- culties of attaining Medical- Knowledge. Lond. 17S7, 8vo. Essays on Fashionable Diseases ; the Dangerous Eftects of Hot and Crowded Eooins; the Clothing of Invalids; Lady and Gentlemen Doctors; and on Quacks and Quackery. Lond. 1789, 8vo. Ess.ay on a Non-Descript, or Newly Invented Disease ; its Nature, Causes, and Means of Relief, with some very impor- tant ObseiTations on the Powerful and most Surprising Eftects of Animal Magnetism, in the Cure of tliesaid Disease- Lond. 1790, 8vo. Anecdote! of the Life, Adventures, and Vindication of a MediciJ Character, metaphorically Dcfimct. By Benjamin Goosequill. Lond. 1790, 8vo, with regard to his own Life and Character. A Candid Inquiry into the Truth of Certain Charges of the Dangerous Consequences of the Suttonian or Cooling Regi- men under Inoculation for the Small Poi ; with some remarks on a Successful Method used some years ogo in Hungary, in the case of Natural Small Pox. Lond. 1790, 8vo. Two Sermons; the first addressed to Seamen, the second to British West India Slaves, by a Physician, (Dr. A.); to which are subjoined, Remarks on Fem.ale Inlidelity, and a Plan of Pl.atonic Matrimony, by which that Evil ni.ay be Les- sened or totally Prevented, by E. G. 1791, 8vo. .\n Ess.ay on Regimen. Air, 1799, 8to. Unanswerable Arguments against the Abolition of the Slave Trade, with a Defence of the Proprietors of the British Sugsr Colonies. Lond. 1790, 8vo. An Essay on Diet and Regimen, as indispensable to the Recover)' and Preservation of Firm Health, especially to In- dolent, Studious, Delicate, and Invalid; with appropriate Ca.ses. Loud. 1804, 8vo. U ADAM. ADAM. Obsen'ations on Regimen and Preparation under Inocula- tion, and on the Tre;itnient of the Natural Small Pox in the West Indies; with Strictures on the Suttonian Practite. Med. Com. viii. p. 211, 1782. Hints respecting .Stimulants, Astringents, Anodynes, Cicnta, Vermifnga, Nausativa, Fi.Ked Air, Arsenicum Album, &c. lb. IX. p. 206. Remarks on Alumen Rupium, .ind several other Articles of the Materia McJica. lb. x. p. 233. Three Cases of Pthisis PulmonaUs, treated by Cuprani Vitriolatum and Conium M.icuhitum, two of which termi- nated favourably. Med. Com. xvii. p. 473, 1792. Case of Inflamm.atory Constip.ation of the Bowels, success- fully treated. Mem. Med. ii. p. 236, 1789. Adam, a surname belonging to a family of some antiqui- ty in Scotland. Duncan Adam, son of Alexander Adam, lived in the reign of Robert the Bmce, and had four sons, Robert, John, Eegiuiild, and Duncan, fi-om whom .all the Adams, Adamsons, .and Adies in Scotland, are descended. IBnrke's Landed Gentry.'] From the youngest son, Duncan Adam, who accompanied James, Lord Douglas, in his expe- dition to Spain on his way to the Holy Land, with the heart of King Robert, is stated to have descended, John Adaji, who was slain at Flodden in 1513. His son Charles Adam was seated at Fanno, in Forfarshire, and his descend.ant in the foiu^h degree, Archibald Adam, of F.anno, sold his patrimonial lands in the time of Charles I., and acquired those of Queensmanour in the s.ame county. His great- grandson, JoiiN Adam, married Helen Cranstoun, of the family of Lord Cranstoun, by whom he left one son, Wil- liam Adam, an eminent architect, who purchased several estates, p.articularly that of Bhair, in the county of Kinross, where he bmlt a house and village, which he named Mary- burgh. He m.arried Mary, daughter of WiUi.am Robertson, Esq. of Gladney, and, with other issue, had John Adam, his heir (the father of the Eight Hon. William Adam, Lord Chief Commissioner of the Jury Court in Scotland, the sub- ject of a subsequent biography), and Robert and James Adam, the celebrated architects, of both of whom notices are here given : — ADAM, Robert, a celebrated architect, was born at KJrkaldy in 1728. He was the second son of Mr. William Adam of Maryburgh, who, like his father, was also an architect, and who designed Hopetoun house, the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, and other buildings. After studying at the uni- versity of Edinburgh, Robert, in 1754, proceeded to the continent, and resided three years in Italy, studying his art. From the splendid monuments of antiquity which that country presents to the traveller, he imbibed that scientific style of design by which all his works are distinguished. But it was only from fragments that he was enabled to form his taste, the ravages of time and the hands of barbarians having united for the destruction of those noble specimens of ancient architecture, the ruins of which only remain to attest tlieii" former grandem' and magnificence. With the intention of viewing a more complete monument of ancient splendour than any he had seen, accompanied by M. Clerisseau, a French artist, and two expert draughtsmen, in July 1757 he sailed from Venice to Spalatro in Dalmatia, to inspect the remains of the palace to which the emperor Dioclesian re- tired from the cares of government. They found the palace much defaced ; but as its remains still exhibited the nature of the structure, they pro- ceeded to a minute examination of its various parts. Their labours, however, were immediately interrupted by the interference of the government of Venice, from a suspicion that they were mak- ing plans of the fortifications. Fortunately, Gen- eral Graeme, commander-in-chief of the Venetian forces, interposed ; and, being seconded by Count Antonio Marcovich, they were soon allowed to prosecute their designs. In 1762, on his return to England, he was appointed architect to the king, an ofiice which he resigned six years after- wards, on being elected M.P. for the county ot Kinross. In 1764 he published, in one volume folio, a splendid work, containing seventy-one en- gravings and descriptions of the ruins of the pal- ace of Dioclesian at Spalatro, and of some other buildings. ' In 1773 he and his brother James, also an eminent architect, brought out 'The Works of R. and J. Adam,' in numbers, consisting ol plans and elevations of buildings in England and Scotland, erected or designed, among whicn are the Register House and the University of Ed- inburgh, and the Glasgow Royal Infirmary, in Scotland, and Sion House, Caen -Wood, Luton Park House, and some edifices at Whitehall, in England. Mr. Adam died 3d March, 1792, by the burst- ing of a blood-vessel, and was buried in Westmin- ster Abbey. The year before his death he de- signed no less than eight public buildings and twenty-five private ones. His genius extended itself beyond the decorations of buildings, to vari- ous branches of manufacture ; and besides the improvements which he introduced into the ai-chi- tectnre of the country, he displ.ayed great skill and taste in his numerous drawings in landscape. — Annual Register., vol. xxxiv. — Scots Mag. 1803. Of the Register House at Edinbirrgh it is ra- mai'ked by Telford, in his contribution on Civi) ADAM. 19 ADAM Ai'cliitectiire to the Edinburgh Kncyclopedia, that " only a part of this masterly plan has been exe- cuted, but even this composes an apparently com- plete building. The original design as given in the works of R. and J. Adam, has in the centre a magnificent circular saloon, covered and lighted by a dome. This saloon is surrounded by small apartments, and the whole of these are enclosed by buildings in the shape of a parallelogram, by which ingenious contrivance access to aU the apaitments and an effective lighting of the whole is perfectly accomplished. Even as it is, this building, both internally and extcrnallj', reflects great credit on the architect, and from the chaste- ncss of the details, it is evident that the external features have been the result of much atten- tion. A greater degree of magnificence," he adds, " might have been obtained by keeping the base- ment of the principal front lower, by adding to the magnitude of the order," and by a few modi- fications of other details. Among the private edifices pertaining to Scot- land connected with the name of Robert Adam, are, Hopetoun House, on the south bank of tlie es- tuary of the Forth, to which magnificent edifice he added the graceful wings ; Melville Castle, on the banks of the Esk near Lasswade, which was by his ingenuitj' rendered a magnificent and appro- priate feature in that part of the kingdom ; Cul- zean Castle, on a bold promontory on the coast of Ayrshire, where, with his usual fertility of in- vention, the same architect has rendered this seat of the marquis of Ailsa a just resemblance of a Roman villa as described by Pliny ; and last, but not least, Gosford House in East Lothian, per- haps the most extensive and superb of modiMU Scottish structures, built by the earl of Wemyss from one of his designs. Of Sion House, the mansion of the duke of Northumberland, in the county of Middlesex, the chief features of novelty are in tlie style of Spalatra and the Pantheon at Rome, but the interior arrangements are in every respect as good as can well be imagined. Luton park in Bedfordshire, the seat of the marquis of Bute, is the most original of all his works, aiid although not in all respects the happiest, may be considered — the facade especially — as designed in his best manner. ADAM, Jamks, the brother of the preceding, held, at one period, the ofBce of architect to his majesty George IH. Ho was the designer ol Portland Place, one of the noblest streets in Lon- don, and (liod on the 17th October, 1791. From the two brothers tlie Adolphi Buildings in the Strand derive their name, being their joint work. ADAM, William, Right Hon., nephew of the two foregoing gentlemen, lord chief commissioner of Ihejuiy court in Scotland, on ils first introduc- tion there for the trial of civil causes, the son of John Adam of Blair Adam, and his wife Jean, the daughter of John Ramsay, Esq., was born 21st July 1751, O.S. He was educated at Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Oxford, and in 177.3 was admitted a member of the faculty of Advocates, but ncvei practised at the Scottish bar. In 1774 he was chosen JLP. for Gatton; in 1780 for Stranraer, &c. ; in 1784 for the Elgin burghs ; and in 1790 for Ross-shire. At the close of Lord North's ad- ministration in 1782, in consequence of some family losses he became a barri.'iter-at-law. In 1794 he retij-ed from parliament to devote himself to hie profession. In 1802 he was appointed counsel for the East India Company, and in 1806 chancellor ol the duchy of Cornwall. In the same year he was returned M.P. for Kincardineshire, and in 1807, being elected both for that county and for Ivinross- shire, he prefereed to sit for the former. In 1811 he again vacated his seat forhis professional duties. Being now generally esteemed a sound lawyer his practice increased, and he was consulted by the prince of Wales, the duke of York, and many of the nobility. In the course of his parliamentary career, in consequence of something that occurred in a discus.sion during the first American war, he fought a duel with the late JL'. Fox, which hap- pily ended without bloodshed, when the lattei jocularly, remarked, that had his antagonist not loaded his pistol with government powder, he would have been shot. Mr. Adam generally op- posed the politics of Mr. Pitt. In 181-1 he sub- mitted to government the plan for trying civil causes by jury in Scotland. In 1815 he was made a privy councillor, and was appointed one of the barons of the Scottish exchequer, chiefly with the view of enabling him to introduce and estab- lish the new system of trial by jury in civil cases ADAM. 20 In 1816 an act of parliament was obtained, insti- tuting a separate jnry court in Scotland, in which he was appointed lord chief commissioner, with two of the judges of the court of session as Ids colleagues. He accordingly relinquished his situ- ation in the exchequer, and continued to apply his energies to the duties of the jury court, over- coming, by his patience, zeal, and urbanity, the many obstacles opposed to the success of such an institution. In 1830, when sufficiently organized, the jury court was, by another act, transferred to the court of session, and on taking his seat on the bench of the latter for the first time, addresses were presented to him from the Faculty of Advo- cates, the Society of Writers to the Signet, and the Solicitors before the Supreme Com-ts, thank- ing him for the important benefits which the intro- duction of trial by jury in civU cases had conferred on the country. In 1833 he retired fi-om the bench ; and died at his house in Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, on the 17th February 1839, in the 89th year of his age. After his appointment to the presidency of the jury court, he spent a great part of his time at his paternal seat in Kinross-shire. " Here," says Lockhart, in his Life of Scott, " about Midsum- mer 1816, he received a visit from his near rela- tion William Clerk, Adam Fergusson, his heredi- tary friend and especial favourite, and their life- long intimate, Scott. They remained with him for two or three days, in the course of which they were all so much delighted with their host, and he with them, that it was resolved to re-assemble the party witli a few additions, at the same season of every following year. This was the origin of the Blau'-Adam club, the regular members of which were in number nine ; viz., the four already named, — the chief commissioner's son, Admiral Sir Charles Adam; his son-in-law, the late Mi-. An- struther Thomson of Charleton, in Fifeshire ; Mr. Thomas Thomson, the deputy register of Scot- land; his brother, the Rev. John Thomson, mini- ster of Duddingstone, one of the first landscape painters of his time; and the Right Hon. Sir Sam- uel Shepherd, who became chief baron of the lourt of exchequer in Scotland, shortly after the third anniversary of this brotherliood. They usu- ally contrived to mee'' on a Friday; spent the ADAM. Saturday in a ride to some scene of historical in- terest within an easy distance; enjoyed a quiet Sunday at home, — ' duly attending divine worship at the Ivirk of Cleish (not Cleishbotham)' — gave Monday morning to another antiquarian excursion, and returned to Edinburgh in time for the courts of Tuesday. From 1816 to 1831 inclusive. Sir Walter was a constant attendant at these meet- ings." It was during one of these visits to Blair- Adam that the idea of ' The Abbot' had first arisen in Scott's mind, and it was at his suggestion that the chief commissioner commenced a little book on the improvements which had taken place on his estate, which, under the title of 'Blair- Adam, from 1733 to 1834,' was privately printed for his own family and intimate friends. " It was," says the Judge, " on a fine Sunday, lying on the gi-assy summit of Beunarty, above its craggy brow, that Sir Walter said, looking first at the flat expanse of Kinross-shii-e (on the south side of the Ocbils), and then at the space which Blair- Adam fills be- tween the hill of Drumglow (the highest of the Cleish hills) and the valley of Lochore — ' What an extraordinary thing it is, that here to the north so little appears to have been done, when there are so many proprietors to work upon it; and to the south, here is a district of country entirely made by the efibrts of one family, in three generations, and one of them amongst us in the fuU enjoyment ol what has been done by his two predecessors and himself! Blaii--Adam, as I have always heard, had a wild, uncomely, and unhospitable appear- ance, before its improvements were begun. It would be most curious to record in writing its ori- ginal state, and trace its gradual progress to its present condition.' " Lockhart adds, " upon this suggestion, enforced by tlie approbation of the other members present, the president of the Blair- Adain club commenced arranging the materials for what constitutes a most instructive as well as en- tertaining history of the agricultur.al and arbori- cultural progress of his domains in the course of a hundred years, under his grandfather, his father (the celebrated architect), and himself. And Sir Walter had only suggested to his friend of Kin- ross-shire what he was resolved to put into prac- tice with regard to his own improvements on T\veodside ; for he began at precisely the same ADAM. 21 ADAM. period to keep a regular journal of all his rural transactions, under the title of ' Sylva Abbotsford- iensis.' " (See Lockhait's Life of Scott, eliapter 50.) Mr. Adam was a personal friend of George IV., and at one period held a confidential office in the royal household at Carlton House, when the latter was prince regent. He married in 1777 a daugh- ter of the tenth Lord Elphinstone, and had a family of several sons: viz. John, long at the head of the council in India, who died in 182.5; Admiral Sir Charles, M.P., one of the lords of admiralt}", and governor of Greenwich Hospital ; died in 1851; William George, au eminent king's counsel, afterwards accountant - general in the court of Chancery, who died ICtli I\Iay ISIIO, three months after his father ; and the Right Hon. Gen- eral Sir Frederick, who distinguished himself in the Peninsular war, held a command at Waterloo, where he was wounded, was afterwards high com- missioner of the Ionian islands, and subsequently governor of Madras ; died 17th August 1853. A younger son died abroad. ADAM, Alexander, an eminent schol.ar, and author of a standard work on ' Roman Antiqui- ties,' was born at Coats of Bm-gie, in the parish of Rafford, county of Elgin, on the 24tli June, 1741. [Coates or Cots, meaning a house or enclosure for slieep.) His parents, who rented a small farm, were in humble circumstances ; and, like man}' of Ills countrymen who have afterwards raised them- selves to distinction, he received the tirst part of nis education at tlie parish school. His constant application to his book induced his father to have him taught Latin. Before he was sixteen, he had borrowed, from a clergyman in the neigh- honrhood, a copy of Livy in the small Elzevir edition, and we are told used to read it before daybreak, during the mornings of winter, by the light of splinters of bogwood dug out of an ad- joining moss, not having an opportunity of doing so at any other period of the day. In 1757 he endeavcmred, but without success, to obtain a bursary or exhibition at King's college, Aberdeen In 1758, a relative of his mother, the Rev. Mr. Watson, one of the ministers of the Canongate, Edinburgh, advised him to remove to that city, " provided he was prepared to endure evei-y hard- ship for a season ;" and hardships of a severe na- ture he did endure, but nothing conld deter him from the pursuit of knowledge. Through Mr. Watson's iniluenee he obtained free admission to the lectures of the different profi'ssors, with, o( course, access to the college library ; and while attending the classes, it appears that all his income was only the sum of one guinea per quarter, which he received from Mr. Alan Maconochie, afterwards Lord ISIeadowbank, for being his tutor. At this time he lodged in a small room at Restalrig, for which he paid fonrpence a-week. ^is breakfast consisted of oatmeal porridge with small beer, and his dinner was often no more than a penny loaf and a drink of water. After about eighteen months of close study, at the early age of nineteen he was fortiniate in being elected, on a compara- tive trial of candidates, head master of Watson's Hospital, where he continued to improve himself in classical knowledge, by a carefid jierusal of the best authors. Three years afterwards he resigned this office, on becoming private tutor to the son of Mr. Kincaid, subsequently lord provost of Edin- burgh. In April 17G5 he was, by that gentleman's influence, appointed assistant to Mr. Matheson, rector of the high school, whose increasing infir- mities compelled him to retire, on a small annuity, paid principally from the class-fees; and on the 8th June 1768 he succeeded him as rector. He now devoted himself assiduously to the duties ol his school, and to those literary and classical re- searches for which he was so peculiarly qualified. To him the high school of Edinburgh owes much of its reputation, and is entirely indebted for the introduction of Greek, which he efiocted in 1772, in spite of the opposition of the Senatus Academi- cus of the university, who, considering it an en- croachment on the Greek chair, presented a peti- tion and remonstrance against it to the town council, but without success. Having introduced into his class a new Latin grammar of his own compiling, and recommended its adoption in the other classes, instead of Ruddiman's which had been heretofore in use, a dispute arose between him and the under masters, and the matter waa referred by the magistrates of Edinburgh, the pa- trons of the school, to Dr. Robertson, the historian, principal of the university, who decided in favour of Ruddiman's. The magistrates, in consequence. ADAM. 22 ADAM. issued an order in 1786 prohibiting the use of any otlier gi-ammav of the Latin htnguage ; but tliis, and a subsequent order to the same effect, Dr. Adam disregarded, and continued to use his own rules, without being further interfered with. In 1772 lie had published the work in question, under the title of ' The Principles of Latin and English Grammar ;' the chief object of which was to com- bine the study of English and Latin grammar, so that they might illustrate each other, in order to avoid the inconvenience to pupils of learning Latin from a Latin grammar, before they understood the language. One of the most active opponents of the new grammar was Dr. Gilbert Stuart, who was related to Kuddiman, and who inserted sev- eral squibs in the papers of the day against Adam and his work, to the author's great annoyance. In 1780 the degree of LL.D. was coufereed upon Mr Adam by the college of Edinburgh, chiefly at the suggestion of Principal Robertson ; and before his death, he had the satisfaction of seeing his grammar adopted in his own seminary. Among the more celebrated of his pupils was Sir Walter Scott, who joined the rector's class at the high school in 1782. It was from Dr. Adam^ he says, that he first learned the value of the knowledge he had till then considered only as a burdensome task. As he gained some distinction by his poetical versions from Horace and Virgil, the rector took much notice of Scott, and when he began afterwards to be celebrated in the literaiy world. Dr. Adam never failed to remind him of his obligations to him. "The good old Doctor," says Sii- Walter, " plumed himself upon the success of his scholars in life, all of which he never failed (and often justly) to claim as the creation, or at least the fruits, of his early instructions. He remembered the fate of every boy at his school, during the fifty years he had superintended it, and always traced their success or misfortunes, entirely to their attention or negligence when under his care." One of the under-masters at the high school, a person of the name of William Nicol, the hero of Burns' famous drinking song of " O Willie brew'd a peck o' niaut," is said to have been encouraged by the magistrates of Edinburgh to insult the person and authority of Dr. Adam, at the time of the famous dispute with him about his grammar. " This man," says Sir Walter Scott, " was an ex- cellent classical scholar, and an admirable convivial humorist (which latter quality recommended him to the fi-iendshlp of Bm-ns); but worthless, dnmken, and inhumanly cruel to the boys under his charge He earned his feud against the rector within an inch of assassination, for he waylaid, and knocked him down in the dark," one night in the High School WjTid. The rector's scholars, at the in- stigation of the future author of Waverley, took a schoolboy's revenge. Exasperated at the outrage, the next time that Nicol went to teach the rec- tor's class, they resolved on humbling him. " Th^ task," says Mi'. James Mitchell, Sh' Walter's tutor at this time, " which the class had prescribed to them was that passage in the Jineid of Virgil, where the queen of Carthage interrogates the court as to the stranger that had come to her Iia- bitation — ' Quis novus hie hospea successit sedibus nostris?' Master Walter having taken a piece of paper, in- scribed upon it these words, substituting vantis foi novus, and pinned it to the tail of the masters coat, and turned him into ridicule by raising the laugh of the whole school against him." \_Lochhart'i Life ofScott.l Dr. Adam's principal work was the ' Roman Antiquities,' or, an account of the manners and customs of the Romans, published in 1791, which was translated into various foreign languages, and which is now used as a class-book in many of the English schools. For this work he got £600. In 1794 appeared his ' Summary of Geography and History,' in one thick volume of 900 pages, having increased to this size fi'om a small treatise on the same subject, printed, for the use of his pupils, in 1784. The least popular of his works is the ' Clas- sical Biography,' published in 1800; and the last of his laborious and useful compilations was an abridged Latin Dictionary, entitled ' Lexicon Lin- gua Latinte Compendiarum,' 8vo., which was published in 1805, and intended for the use of schools. Dr. Adam's books are valuable auxilia ries to the student, fi'om the mass of useful and classical information which they contain. He had commenced a larger dictionary than the one pub- lished, but did not live to complete it. ADAM. 23 ADAM. Having been seized in the high scliool with an apoplectic attack, he was coiuliictcd home, and put to bed, where lie languished for five days, and, as death was approaching, fancj'ing himself, durhig the wanderings of his mind, with his pupils, he said, " But it grows dark, boys, you may go!" and al- most immediately expired, on the 18th of Decem- ber, 1809, at the age of 68. Possessed of an ardent and independent mind, and liberal in the extreme in politics, he took a great interest in the progress of the French Revolution, believing it to be the cause of liberty, and even went so far as to introduce political matters into his school, for which he was much censured at the time, auu that b}' many of his friends; but after the first excite- ment had passed away, he soon regained the re- spect even of those who had been most embittered against him. He was universally regretted, and the magistrates of Ediubm-gh honoured his mem- ory by a public funeral. His portrait by Rae- burii, taken shoi'tly before his death at the desire of some of his old pupils, was placed in the libra- ry of the high school. Annexed is a woodcut of it. " His features," says his biographer, " were regular and manly, and he was above the middle size." He was twice married, and left a widow, two daughtei's, and a son. One of his danghtcra married a Dr. Prout, and at one time resided in SackviUe Street, London. His son. Dr. Adam, for many years resided in Edinburgh. — Uaidertun't Life of Dr. Atlam; Eilin. Monlhlij May. 1810. The following is a list of his works: The Principles of Latin and English Grammar. Edin 1772, 8vo. 7th Kdit. improved, 1809, 12mo. A Summary of Geography and History, both Ancient and Modern, designed chiefly to unite tlie Study of Cla-ssical Learning with that of General Knowledge Edin. 1784, 8vo. 1794, 8vo. 1809, 8vo. Koman Antiquities, or an Account of the Manner* and Customs of the Rom.ana, their Government, I>aws, Keligion, &c. Edin. 1791, 8vo. 2d edit, enlarged. 1792, 8»o. 1807, 8vo. Geogi-aphieal Index, containing the Latin Names of the principal Countries, Cities, Rivcre, and Moimtains, mentioned in the Greek and llonian Classics, with the Alodcrn Names subjoined; also, the Latin Names of the Inhabitants, being a .Suiiunary of the Ancient and Modem Geography. Edin 1795, 8vo. Classical Biography; exhibiting alphabetically the proper Names, i\'ith a short Account of the several Deities, Heroes. &.C. mentioned in the ancient Classic Authors; aiul a more particular Description of the most Distinguished Cliaractera among the Romans, the whole being interspersed with Occa- sional Explanations of Words and Phrases, designed chiefly to contribute to the Illustration of the Latin Classics. Edin. 1800, 8vo. Dictionaiy of the Latin Tongue. Edin. 1805, 8vo. 2d edit, greatly improved and enlai-ged. Edin. 1815, 8vo. ADAM, Robert, the Rev., B.A. author o( ' The Religious World Displayed,' ^^•as born in the parish of Udny, Aberdeenshire, of poor but re- spectable parents, about the year 1770. He was educated and took his degree of M. A. at Aber- deen. He was afterwards sent, "hy some persons interested in his welfare, to St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, where he took the degree of bachelor of arts. Subsequently he was ordained deacon and priest by Dr. Beilby Porteiis, bishop of London. About the year 1801 he was appointed assistant to Dr. Abernethy Drummond of Hawthorndeu, titular bishop of Glasgow, whom he succeeded as minister of Blackfriars' Wynd episcopal chapel, Edinburgh. He was also chaplain to the earl of Kellie. In 1809 he published an elaborate and comprehensive work in three volumes, entitled ' The Religious World Displayed, or a View of the Four Grand Systems of Religion, Judaism, Pagan- ism, Christianity, and Mahomedanism, and of the Various Denominations, Sects, and Parties in the Christian World : to wliicli is subjoined, a View ADAM 24 ADAMSON. of Deism and Atheism ;' wliich he inscribed to the memory of Bishop Drummond, formerly senior minister of his congregation. He was subsequently appointed to a church in the Danish island of St. Croix, where he was much annoyed by the Dan- ish authorities, and ultimately ordered to leave the island. His conduct met with the full approbation of our own goveniment, and he proceeded to Den- mark to procure redi-ess, which it appears he never obtained. After his return from Copenhagen to London, he accompanied the newly appointed bishop of Barbadoes to the West Indies in 1825, and was appointed interim pastor of the island of Tobago, where he died on the 2d July 1826. ADAJNI, ScoTus, one of the doctors of the Sor- bonne, and a canon regular of the order of Pre- monstratenses, flourished in the twelfth century. He was born in Scotland, and educated in the monastery of Lindisfarne, or Holy Island, in the county of Durham. He afterwards went to Paris and taught school divinity in the Sorbonne. In his latter years he became one of " the monks of Meli-ose." He afterwards retu-ed to the Abbey of Durham, where he wi-ote the Lives of St. Co- lumbanus, and of some other monks of the sixth centuiy, and also of David I. king of Scotland. He died in 1195. His works were printed at Antwei-p in folio, in 1659. — Biog. Die. ADAMSON, Henry, a poet of the seventeenth century, was the son of James Adamson, dean of guild in Perth in 1600, the year of the Gowrie conspiracy, and provost of that city in 1610 and 1611. He was educated for the church, and is stated to have been a good classical scholar. He wrote some Latm poems which are described as being far above mediocrity. In 1638 he published a poem, in 4to, entitled ' Muses Threnodie, or MLi-thful Mournings on the Death of Mi'.Gall, with a descrip- tion of Perth, and an account of the Gowry conspi- racy,' &c. He was honoured with the approbation of Drummond of Hawthornden, and appears, from the complimentary verses prefixed to his poems, to have been much respected for his talents and worth. It was at the request of Drummond that Adamson published his ' Muses Threnodie,' after having resisted the solicitations of his fi'iends to print it. The letter which the poet of Hawthorn- den wrote to him on the occasion, is dated Edin- burgh, 12th July 1637. It was inserted in tlie introductory address to the reader, prefixed to the first edition, and contains the following passage: " Happie hath Perth been in such a citizen, not so other townes of this kingdome, by want of so diligent a searcher and preserver of their fame from oblivion. Some Muses, neither to them- selves nor to others, do good, nor delighting nor instructing. Yours inform both, and longer to conceal them, will be, to wrong your Perth of her due honom-s, who deserveth no less of you than that she should be thus blazoned and registrate to posterity, and to defraud yourself of a monument which, after you have left this transitory world, shall keep your name and memory to after times This shall be preserved by the towne of Perth, foi her own sake fii'st, and after for yours ; for to her it hath been no little glory that she hath brought forth such a citizen, so eminent in love to her, so dear to the Muses." Adamson died unmarried in 1639. A new edition of his poem was published in 1774, with illustrative notes, by James Cant, in 2 vols. 12mo. The book is now scarce. — CampbeW hitroduction to the History of Poetry in Seotland. ADAMSON, Patrick, an eminent prelate and Latin poet, was born at Perth, March 15, 1537. His parents are said to have been poor, but he received a sufficiently liberal education, first at the gram- mar school of his native town, and afterwards at the university of St. Andrews, where he studied philosophy, and took his degree of master of arts. His name first appears in the diaries and church records of the period, not as Adamson, but under the varieties of Coustaine, Coasting, Constan, Con- stant, and Constantine. [See Bannatyne's Joui/ial, p. 323; James Melville^s Diary, pp. 25 and 42: Calderwood, vol. ii. p. 46 ; and The Booke oj the Universall Kirk of Scotland, pp. 2 and 23.] His biographers state that on quitting the univer- sity he became a schoolmaster at a vOlage in Fife, but on the meeting of the first General Assembly, in December 1560, he was, under the name of Pa- ti-ick Constan, among those who were appointed in St. Andi'ews, " for ministering and teaching." [Calderwood, vol. ii. p. 46.] Under the same name he was, in 1563, minister of Ceres, in Fife, and was appointed a commissioner '• to plant kirka from Dee to Ethan." [Ibid. p. 245.] In the sev- ADAJISON, 26 ARCIIRISIIOP. enth General Assembly, lield at Edinburgh in June 156-1, he preferred a request to be allowed to pass to France and otlier countries, " for aufr menting of his knowledge for a time;" but tlie Assembly nuanimously refused liis application, and ordained that he sliould not leave his congre- gation, " without speciall licence of the haill kirk." [^Buoke of the Universall Kirk of Scotland, p. 23.] Early in I.5G6, on the invitation of Sir James MnU - gill of Rankeillor, clerk-register, he acconipunieil liis eldest son, as tutor, to France, where the latter mms going to study the civil law, on winch occasion lie appears to have demitted himself of the oflBce of the ministry. On the 19tli of June of that year, Mary queen of Scots was delivered of a prince, after- wards James the Sixth, on which occasion Con- stant or Ad.amson, then at Paris, wrote a Latin poem, styling the roy.il infant " Prince of Scotland, England, France, and Ireland," which so offended the French government that he was imprisoned for six months. Queen Mary herself, and several of the nobility, interceded for his liberation. On regaining liis freedom he proceeded with his pupil to the universities of Poitiers and Padua, where he applied himself to the study of the civil and canon laws. On their return from Italy, they visited Geneva ; and here, from his intercourse with Beza, he imbibed the Calvinistic doctrines of theology. Some time before their return to Scotland they revisited Paris. As well-known Protestants, however, they found it dangerous to remain in the capital, and retired to Bourges, where Constant concealed himself for seven months in an inn, the master of which, an old man 70 years of age, was, for harbouring heretics, thrown from the roof of his own house and killed on the spot. In this sepulchre, as he called it, he employed his time in composing a Latin poetical version of the Book of Job, and in writing in the same language a piece called the Tragedy of He- rod — the latter of which has never been publislied. Before leaving France he was bold enough to pub- lish a Latin translation of the Confession of Faith, for which he obtained great credit. At what period Constant retm-ned to Scotland does not appear, but it must have been previous to 5th March 1571, for the Assembly which met a: Ediuburgli at that time earnestly desired him, | in consideration of the lack of niinistcrg, to re- enter the ministry. He craved time till next As- sonilily, whicli met on 6tli August thereafter, to which he sent a written answer, complying with their request. He liad previously man-icd tlio daughter of a lawyer. On the election of Mr. John Douglas, rector of the university of St. Andrews, to the archbishop- ric of that diocese, on the 8th of February 1572, Constant is mentioned as having preached a ser- mon, and John Kunx the discourse before the installation. \_Baniiatijtie.'] On this occasion ho was not, as afterwards alleged by his enemies, a candidate for that see. iMost of his biographers represent him to have been in France at the period of the massacre of St. Bartholomew, which occurred on the 2-lth August of this year (1572), but he had certainly returned to Scotland more than a year before that event, and no mention is made of a second visit to that country. Constant appears at this time to h.ave enjoyed the friendship of Andrew Melville and of many of the ministers of Edin- burgh. He had been api)ointed minister of Pais- ley, and through his influence with the regent IMorton the valuable living of Govan, near Glas- gow, was in the year 1575 annexed to the univer- sity of that city, " the only good thing," says the spiteful James Melville, " he or Morton were ever known to have done." [Z)/a7-y, p. 42.] In the same year he was named one of the commissioners of the General Assembly, for settling the polity and jurisdiction of the church, which, at that period of ecclesiastical transition, was cpiscop.alian in its s])irit and form, although the supreme authority in spiritual matters was placed in the General Assembly. About this time he appears to have dropped the name of Constant, as he is ever after- wards called Adamson by contemporary writers. In the course of 157G Adamson was nominated, with John Kow and David Linds.iy, to report the proceedings of the commissioners to the re- gent Morton, who .appointed him one of his chap- lains. In the same year, on the death of Douglas, archbishop of St. Andrews, Adamson, on the pre- sentation and recommendation of Morton, was advanced to the vacant archbishopric. His eleva- tion to the archiepiscopal sec became the origin of all his misfortunes. The General Assembly, having ADAMSON, 26 ARCHBISHOP. generally acceded to the new views which Melville introduced from Geneva as to the Presbyterian form of government for the church, sought to im- pose limitations on his powers, which were con- trary to the previous usage of the church and to the laws of the kingdom ; to which restrictions, how- ever, Adamson from the outset and even before his installation declared, when qnestioned by that court, that he would not submit. From the period of his instalment, therefore, he was engaged, for several years, in almost perpetual altercation with the General Assembly. " Adamson, " says Bishop Keith, " did not receive, for what we know, any ecclesiastical consecration. " This, however, is incorrect. From the acts of the General Assembly threatening proceedings against his inaugm-ators, the chapter of St. Andrews, we infer that he was installed by a form of consecration similar to that of his predecessor; which, as formally settled by the General Assembly with reference to that cere- mony, was the same as that of the superintendents, and of which Bannatyne details the formula, (p. 321). In the General Assembly, which met at Edin- burgh in April, 1577, Adamson was cited to answer before some commissioners who had been appointed to examine him ; and, in the interim, it was or- dered that he should be discharged from exercis- ing his episcopal functions " till he should be ad- mitted by the Assembly." \_Calderwood^s History, vol. iii. p. 379.] The same year he published a translation of the Catechism of Calvin in Latin verse, for the use of the young prince (James VI.), which was much commended in England, France, and the Netherlands, where he was already well known by his translation of the Confession of Faith. In 1578 he was induced to submit himself to the General Assembly, but this did not long secure his tranquillity ; for in the year following he was exposed to fresh troubles. In the record of the 38th General Assembly, which met at Stir- ling, 11 June 1578, as printed in 'The Booke of the Universal! Kirk of Scotland,' there are five pages blank, supposed, as marked in an old hand on the copy transcribed, " to be pairt of that which was torn out by Adamson B. of St. Andrews." Some after blanks are also pointed out. [B. of Vnivcrsall Kirk, pp. 180, 183, 203, 207, 338, foot- notes.] This, however, is as likely to have been done by another. The General Assembly which met at Edinbm'gh 7th July 1579, summoned him to answer to five several charges, three of which were for voting in parliament without a commission from the Assembly, for giving collation of the vi- carage of Bolton, and for opposing the policy ol the church in his place in parliament. Finding it expedient to I'etire for a time to the castle of St. Andrews, where he lived, as James Melville ex- presses it, " like a tod in his hole," he was, in the year 1582, attacked with a grievous chronic dis- temper, from which, as he could get no relief from his physicians, he had recourse to a simple reme- dy, administered by an old woman named AlisOD Pearson, which completely cm-ed him. His ene- mies now accused him of dealing with a witch, and applying to an emissaiy of the devil for means whereby to save his life. The old woman herself was committed to the castle of St. Andrews for execution, but by the connivance of the archbish- op she contrived to make her escape. Four years thereafter, however, she was again apprehended, and burnt for witchcraft. In the year 1583, King James visited St. An- drews, when Archbishop Adamson preached before him with great approbation. In his sermon, he inveighed, as Calderwood expresses it, against the Presbyterian clergj', the lords reformers, and all then- proceedings. [Calderwood' s History, vol. iii. p. 716.] The doctrines which the archbishop avowed on this occasion recommended him to the favour of the king, who sent him as his ambassa- dor to the com't of Queen Elizabeth, where his object was twofold, namely, to recommend the king his master to the nobility and gentry of Eng- land, and to obtain support to the tottering cause of episcopacy in Scotland. His eloquent sermons and address attracted such nimierous auditories, and excited such a high idea of the young king, that Queen Elizabeth's jealousy was kindled, and she prohibited him from preaching while he re- mained in England. In 1584 he was recalled, and on his return to Edinburgh, he exerted him- self strenuously in support of King James' viewa in favour of episcopacy. He sat in the parliament held at Edinburgh in the month of August of that year, and concurred in several laws which were ADAMSON, •HI ARCIIBlSIIOr. anacted for establisliing the king's siipi-oiiiacy in ecclesiastical matters. In the following year he was appointed to vindicate these acts of parlia- ment, and his apology is nisertcd in Holinshcd's English Chronicle. Wr. Janies Jlclvillc gives a full copy of what he styles " a Bull which the archbishoD of St. Andrews got of the king as su- preme governor of the kirk, whereby he has power and authority to use his archiepiscopal office with- in the kirk and his diocese." [Diarxj, p. 182.] In April 1586, the provincial synod of Fife met at St. Andrews, when Mr. James Melville, a§ mo- derator of the previous meeting, preached the opening sermon, in the course of which he de- nounced the archbishop to his face, and demanded that he should be cut of}', for having devised and procured the passing of the late acts of p.arliamont in 1684, which were subversive of the Presbyte- rian discipline. In his defence Adamson said that the acts were none of his devising, although they nad his support as good and lawful statutes. lie then declined the jurisdiction of the court, and appealed from it to the king and parliament, but nevertheless was formall}' excommuuicated by the synod. In return, he next day ordered Mi-. Samuel Cunningham, one of his servants, to pro- nounce the archiepiscopal excommunication against Andrew Melville, James Melville, and others, tvitli Andrew Hunter, minister of Carnbee, who bad denounced the anathema of the synod against the archbishop. The proceedings of the synod being manifestly informal, the General Assembly, which met at Edinburgh in the following month, annulled the sentence of excommunication against him, and reponed him to the same position which he had held before the meeting of the provincial synod of Fife. The Melvilles being summoned before the king for their conduct in this harsh and vindictive transaction, were ordered to confine themselves, Andrew to his native place during the king's will, and James to bis college. \_i\Ielvi/le\i Diary, p. 165.] The archbishop, besides his usual tlerical duties, was required to teach public lessons in Latin within the Old college, and the whole uni- versity commanded to attend the same. \_Hnd. p. 166.] As archbishop of St. Andrews he was ex officio chancellor of the university. About the end of June 1587, M. Du Baitas, the famous French jioct, being in Scotland as ambas- sador from the king of Navarre, afterwards Ilcnrj- IV. of France, accompanied King James to St. Andrews. His majesty, desirous of hearing a lecture from Mr. Andrew Melville, principal of St. Mary's college, gave him an hour's notice of hia wish. Melville endeavoured to excuse him.self, but his majesty insisting, he delivered an cxtcni- liore discourse, upon the government of the church of Christ, when he refuted the whole acts of par- liament which had been passed against the pres- byterian discipline. On the following day an en- tertainment was given by the archbishop to the king and the French envoy, when Adamson took occasion to pronounce a lecture, to counteract that of Melville, his pi'incipal topics being the pre- eminence of bishops and the supremacy of kings. Melville was present and took notes, and had no sooner returned to his college than he caused the bell to be rung, and an intimation to be conveyed to the king that he intended to deliver another lecture after an inteiTal of two hours. On this occasion, besides the king, Uu Bartas and Adam- son were present. Avoiding all formal reference to the previous speech of the archbishop, Melville dexterously quoted from popish books, which ho had brought with him, all his leading positions and arguments in favour of episcopacy, ■\^'hen he had sliowu them to be plain popery, he pro- ceeded to refute them with such force of reason that Adamson remained silent, although he had pre- viously requested permission from the king to de- fend his own doctrines. The king, however, spoke for him, and after making some learned and scholastic distinctions, he concluded with commanding them all to respect and obey the archbishop. The whole of this narrative, how- ever, rests upon the authority of James Melville, which, besides being that of a prejudiced oppon- ent, is unfortunately in other matters relative to Adamson found to be opposed to facta recorded in the proceedings of the Church. By the act of annexation passed in 1587 the see of St. Andrews, with all the other church bene- fices in the kingdom, was annexed to the crown. The revenues of the archbishopric were thereafter bestowed on the duke of Lennox, by James VI., excepting only a small pittance, reserved for tli« AUAMSON, 28 ARCHBISHOP. subsistence of Ai-chbishop Adamson. In the fol- lowing year he was exposed to a fresh prosecu- tion by the church, having been summoned for having, contrary to an inhibition of the presbytery of Edinburgh, married the Catholic earl of Huntly to the king's cousin, the sister of the duke of Len- nox, without requu-ing the earl to subscribe the Confession of Faith, although he had already sub- scribed certain articles which were required of him previous to the proclapiation of the bans. Adam- son on this occasion appeared by his procurator, Mr. Thomas Wilson, (very likely his son-in-law,) who produced a testimonial of his sickness, sub- scribed by the doctor who attended him and two bailies, but the memorial was not admitted as suf- ficient. The presbytery of St. Andrews proceeded against him in absence, deprived him of all office in the church, aud threatened him with excom- munication. The Assembly ratified the sentence of the presbytery, aud for this and other alleged crimes he was deposed aud again excommunicated. In the beginning of 1689 he published the La- mentations of Jeremiah, in Latin verse, which he dedicated to the king in an address, complaining of the harsh treatment he had received. The same year he also published a Latin poetical translation of the Apocalypse, and addressed a copy of Latin verses to his majesty, deploring his distress. The unfortunate prelate had at one period stood so high in the royal favour that James had condescended to compose a sonnet in commenda- tion of his paraphrase of the Book of Job ; but times were altered, and the king paid no atteution to his appeals. In his need Adamson is said to have addressed a letter to his former opponent, Mr. Andrew Melville, with whom he at one pe- riod lived on terms of good neighbourhood, but opposite views in church government had long not only driven them asunder, but rendered them bit- ter antagonists. On receipt of his letter contain- ing the sad disclosure of his destitute situation, Melville hastened to pay the archbishop a visit, and besides procuring contributions on his behalf fi-ora his brethren of the presbytery of St. Andrews, continued for several months to support him from his own private purse. Reduced by poverty and disease, the unfortunate prelate, in the year 1591, sent to the Presbytery of St. Andrews a paper expressive of his regret at the course he had pur- sued, and desiring to be restored into the church. This is not the same paper which afterwards ap- peared under the title of 'The Recantation of Maister Patrick Adamsone,' aud which was prub- lished as a pamphlet in 1598. Some of the Epis- copal writers are disposed to deny the genuine- ness of the latter, and it is to be regretted that the proofs of its genuineness are not more com- plete. Adamson died on the 19th February 1592, and his death was speedily followed by the resto- ration of the presbyterian form of church govern- ment in Scotland. A collection of his Latin poeti- cal translations from the Scriptures was published in a quarto volume in London in 1619, with his Life by his son-in-law, Thomas Wilson, an advo- cate, under the title of Poemata Sacra. Several of his other poems are to be found in the Delitiie Poetarum Scotorum, tome i., and in the Poetarum Scotorum Musce Sacrw, tome ii. Adamson's character has been much traduced by contemporary writers, but by none more so than by Robert Semple, a minor poet of that day, who wrote a gross and scurrilous work professing to be his life, which he styled ' A Legend of the Bischop of St. Androis' Life.' It is thought that this ' legend' had an effect on the king's mind unfa- vourable to Adamson, but he fell more into dis- grace with his majesty after having been "put to the horn," in 1587, and "denounced rebel," for withholding then- stipends from several ministers in his diocese, and " for not furnishing of two gal- lons of wine to the communion." The following address to his departing soul, written by Adamson in Latin poetr}', in which he so much excelled, is, saj's Dr. Irving, " as much superior to that of Adrian as Christianity is supe rior to Paganism •" animal assiduia vitjej aetata procellis, Exilii, pert^sa gravis, nunc lubrica, tempua Regna tibi, et mundi invisas contemnere sordes : Quippe parens reram cjeco te corpore clemens Evocat, ct verbi cruciftxi gratia, coeli Pandit iter, patrioque beatam limine sistet. Pi'Ogenies Jovis, quo te coelestis origo Invitat, felis perge, cetemumque quiesce. Exuviae camis, cognato in pulvere vocem Angelicam expectent, souitu quo putro cadaver Exiliet redivivum, et totum me tibi reddet AID.VN. 29 AIDAN. Ecce beata dies ! nos ngni dcxtersi ligno Fulseiites cruris, ct radiantcs sanguine vivo Excipiet: quam firnia iUic, qnam certa caresses Gaudia, felices inter novus incola civcs ! Alme Deus! Deus alme! ct non eliabilc numcn! Ad te uuum ct tnnum, luoribundo pcctoro anlielo. Besides the poems and translations already nipu- tioned, Archbisliop Adanison wrote many thing's which were never published, among which may be mentioned Six books on the Hebrew Republic, various translations of the Proi)hcts into Latin verse. Prelections on St. Paul's Epistles to Timo- thy, various apologetical and funeral orations, and .1 very candid history of his own times: The following is a list of his published works: Catcchismus Latino Carmine Redditus, et in libros quatuor (ligestus. Edin. 15S1. 12mo. roiimata Sacra, cum aliis Opusculis. et cum Vita ejus; a T. Voluseno. Lend. 1619, 4to. De Sacro Pastoris JIunere Tractatus: cum Vita Auctoris, per Til. Volusenum. Lond. 1G19, 4to. 8vo. Refutatio LibcUi de Regimine Ecclesiae Scoticance. Load. 1620, 8vo. Adamsoni Vita et Palinodia. 1G20, 4to. Genetldiacon Jacobi VI. Regis Scotia;, Anglia; I. Carmine. Amst. 1637, 8vo. Inter Poiit. Scot. vol. i. p. 13. Recantation of ]klr. P.atrick Adamson, sometime Archbishop of St. Andi-ews in Scotlande. To which is added, his Life in (.atin. 1598, 8vo. Sermons. 1623, 8to. Agxew, the name of an ancient family in Wigtonshire, the liead of which was constable of the castle of Luchnaw, and iiereditai-)" sherifl' of that county. See Lochnaw. AIDAN, the greatest of all the kings of the Scots of DaMad, a kingdom which formed what is now Argyleshh-e, was the son of Gabran, or Gav- ran, and succeeded to the throne in 575, on the death of his cousin, Conal I. He reigned twenty- four years, according to tlie celebrated Duan, a Gaelic poem supposed to have been written by the court-bard of Malcolm the third ; or thirty-four by the old lists. Duncan the son of Conal seems to have contested the kingdom with him, but he was defeated and slain in battle at a place called Loro in Kintyre. Pinkerton thinks that the Duan dates the commencement of his reign from his unction as king, which Columba long deferred, having a preference for Aidan's bi'otlier Eogenan or Eugain. The Duan calls him "Aidan of the extended ter- ritories," and he certainly carried the Dalriadic power to a height from which it ever after declined, ►ill Kenneth II. ascended the Pictish tlirone, in 8;5(), and united the Picts and the Scots. In 67tl the battle of Ouc against Aidan is mentioned in the annals of Ulster, and in 581 the battle of Ma- nan, (O'Flahcrty says, the Isle of Mann,) in which he was victor. He also con(iuered in the liattlc o( Miathoruni, or Lethrigh, in 589. In the folluwing year he was at the famous council of Drumkcat in the diocese of Dcrry in Ulster, consisting of kings, peers, and clergy, summoned by Aid, king of Ire- land, in which council Aidan procured the remis- sion of all homage due by the kings of Dalriad to those of Ireland. In u'Jl Aidan's brother Eugain died. In 603, Aidan. who is styled by Bede, " the king of the Scots who inhabited Britain," marcheil against Ethelfriil, king of Northumbria, " with an immense and strong army," but was conquered. and fled with a few. " Forasmucli as," says Bede, "in the most famous place which is called Degsa- stone, almost all his army was cut to pieces: In which fight also Theobold, brother of Ethelfrid, W'ith all that army which he himself commanded. was killed." The place where this disastrous bat- tle was fought is now unknown, but it is conjec- tured by Bishop Gibson to have been Dalston near Carlisle, or as Bishop Nicolson supposes, Dawston near Jedburgh. Aidan died in G05, in Kintyre, at an advanced age, and was bm-icd at Kilchcran, where no king was ever buried before. If the date of his death be correct, he reigned just thirty years. He was succeeded by his son Achy, oi Achaius, or Eochoid-buidhe (Eochy the yellow) who reigned for seventeen years. Another son, Conan, was drowned in 622. He had several younger sons. His brother Brandubius was king of Leinster. — See Pinherlon's Enquiry, vol. 2. page 113, and Jtitson's Annals of the Caledonians, Picts, and Scots, vol. 2, page 39. AIDAN, bishop of Lindisfarnc, or Holy Island, in the seventh century, was originally a monk in the monastery of lona, and is said by some to have been a native of Ireland. By his zeal, a large portion of the northern part of England was converted to Christianity. In 634, when Oswald became king of the Angli of Northumberland, he sent to Scotland for a missionary, to instruct his subjects in the doctrines and duties of Christianity. Aidan was accordingly consecrated a bishoj), and sent to the court of Oswald, and by liis advice. AIOIAN. ,'iO AILSA. the episcopal see was removed from York, where it had been fixed by Gregory the Great, to Lin- disfarne, a peninsula adjoining the Northumbrian soast, by a narrow isthmus, called also Holy Island, because it was chiefly inhabited by monks. Here Aidan exercised an extensive jurisdiction, and preached the gospel with great success ; de- riving encouragement and assistance in his labour from the condescending services of the king him- self. On Oswald being killed in battle, Aidan continued to govern the church of Northumber- land under his successors, Oswin and Oswy, who reigned jointly. The following extraordinary in- stance of the bishop's liberality to the poor is re- lated. Having received a present from ICing Os- win of a fine horse and rich housings, he met with a beggar, and dismounting, gave him the horse thus caparisoned. When the king expressed some displeasure at this singular act of humanity, and the slight put upon his favour, Aidan quaintly but forcibly asked, " Which do you value most, the son of a mare, or the son of God?" — the king fell upon his knees and entreated the bishop's forgive- ness. The death of Oswin so mnch affected him, tliat he survived him only twelve days, and died in August 1651. He was buried in the church of Lindisfarne. AiKMAN, a surname, being the same as Oahnan. An o.ik tree was carried in the arms of persons of this surname, and the family of Aikman of Cairney had for crest an oak tree proper. AIKMAN, William, an eminent painter, the son of William Aikrnan of Cairney, advocate, by Margaret, third sister of Sir John Clerk, of Penny- cuik. Baronet, was born 24th October 1682. He was intended by his father for the law, but the bent of his own mind early led him to painting as a profession. In 1707, after selling off his pater- nal estate, he went to Rome, where he spent three years in studying the great masters, and returned to his native country in 1712, having also visited Constantinople and Smyrna. At first his man- ner was cold, but it afterwards became soft and easy. He was particularly happy in giving grace- ful airs and genteel likenesses to the ladies whose portraits he painted. In 1723, being patronized by John, duke of Argyle, he was induced to settle is a portrait -painter in London, where he further improved his colouring by the study of Sir Godfrey Kueller's works. His taste and genius introduced him to the acquaintance and friendship of the duke of Devonshire, the earl of Burlington, Sir Robert Walpole, Sir Godfrey Kneller, and others. For the earl of Burlington, he painted a large picture of the royal family, which his death prevented him from finishing. It is now in possession of the duke of Devonshire. Aikman married Marion, daughter of Mr. Lawson of Cairnmuir, county o! Peebles, by whom he had an only son, John. He died 4th June, O. S. 1731, in his 49th year. His remains, with those of his son, who predeceased him about six months, were removed to Edinburgh, and interred together in the Greyfriars' church- yard. An epitaph, by his friend Mallet the poet, was inscribed on his tomb. Several of his portraits are in the possession of the dukes of Hamilton, Ai-gyle, Devonshue, and others. He numbered among his friends Allan Ramsay, who wrote a pastoral farewell to him on his departure for Lon- don, Somerville, the author of the Chase, and Thomson, the author of the Seasons, who, as well as his friend Mallet, wrote elegiac verses on his death. Mallet's epitaph has been long effaced. Thomson's poem on his death closes with the fol lowing lines- " A friend, when dead, is but remov'd from sight, Sunk in the lustre of eternal night; And when the parting storms of life are o'er, M.ay yet rejoin us on a happier shore. As those we love decay, we die in part, Stiing after string is severed from the heart. Till loosen'd life, at last but breathing claj , Without one pang is glad to fall away. Unhappy he who latest feels the blow Whose eyes have wept o'er every friend laid low , Dragg'd ling'ring on from partial death to death. Till dying, all he can resign is breath." Aikman was also intimate with Pope, Swift, Arbuthnot, Gay, and most of the wits of Queeu Anne's days. His style bears a close resemblance to that of Kneller. In the duke of Tuscany's col- lection of the portraits of painters done by their own hands, will be found that of Aikman, in the ducal galleiy at Florence. — Cunningliani's Lives of Painters. AiLSA, marquis of, a title borne by the ancient family o! Kennedy, earls of Cassillis, confen-ed in 1831, and tnkcn from AINSLIE. 31 AIRUE. the " craggy ocean pyramid," Ailsa Craig, in the mouth of the frith of Clyde, which is tlio property of that family See CASSIL.LIS, earl of, .ind Kennkmy AINSLIE, Robert, writer to tlip sipriipt, tlie frii'iul ami correspondent of Robert Burns, was born inth January ITGO. lie was tlie eldest son of Mr. Aiuslie of Darnchcstcr, residing at Berry- well, near Dunse, the land agent for Lord Douglas Ml Berwicksliirc. He served his apprenticeship with Mr. Samuel Mitchelsoii, in Carrubber's close, Edinburgh, who was a great musical amateur, and in whose house occurred the fanions " Ilajr^'is scene " described by Smollett in Humphrey Clink- er. In the spring of 1787, when he had just com- pleted his twentieth year, Burns being at that time in Edinburgh, he was fortunate enough to make his acquaintance, and in May of that year, he and the poet went upon an excursion together into Berwickshire and Teviotdale, when he intro- duced Burns at his fether's house, and the recep- tion he received from the family is pleasantly re- ferred to, in his gifted companion's memoranda on this tour. In 1789 Ainslie passed writer to the signet. He afterwards visited Burns at Ellisland, when the poet gave him a manuscript copy of Tarn O'Shanter, which he presented to Sir Walter Scott. He married a lady named Cunningham, the daugh- ter of a colonel in the Scots Brigade in the Dutch service, by whom he had a numerous family, of whom only two daughters survived him. He had j two brothers, and one sister, the latter of whom, whose beauty was highly spoken of by Bums, died before him. One of his brothers, Douglas, suc- ceeded his father as land agent ; and the other, Sir Whitelaw Ainslie, is known as the author of an elaborate book on the Materia Medica of India, where he for many years held the situation of medi- cal superintendent of the southern division of India, for which work he was knighted by William IV. Mr. Ainslie died on the 11th April 183S. lie was the author of two religious little works, 'A Father's Gift to his Children,' and 'Reasons for the Hope that is in Us,' the latter comprising many of the evidences for the truth of Christianity. He was also a contributor to the Edinburgh Magazine, and others of the periodicals, for forty years previous to his death. His disposition was kind and bene- volent, his m.inners affable and frank, and liis conversation cheerful and abounding in anecdote. Many of Burns' letters to him will be found in the poet's printed correspondence. — Obiluaty at l/u time. — Personal recollections. Anti.iE, earl of, a title possessed by a family of the name of Ogilvy, lineally descended from Gilbert, third son of the fii-st thnne of Angus, who fought at the battle of the Standard in 1138, .and obtained from William the Lion the lands ol Powric, Ogilvy, and Kyneitljin, when, as Kim customary in those days, he a,ssumed the name of Ogilvy from his barony. In 1392 Sir Walter Ogilvy of Wester PoHTie and Auchter- house, sheriff of Angus, w.ts shiin with 8i.\ty of his fullowcrs, at Cisklune near Ulairgowric, in endeavouring to repel an in- cursion of the clan Donnochy, or sons of Duncan (the clan now called Kobertson) wlio had burst down upon the low country from the Grampian mountains. Among the shiin at the battle of Harlaw in l-Ill, was his eldest son, "the brave lord Ogilvy, of Angus shcriif-principal." See Ogiiat, surname of. Sir Walter Ogilvy, knight, the second son, was in 1425 constituted lord high trea.surer of Scotland. In 1430, he became master of the royal household. In the following year he w.as appointed a commissioner for renewing the truce with England. In 1434 he attended the princess Margaret into France, on her marriage with the dauphin. By an order from the king he erected the tower or fortalice of Eroly or Airly in Forfai-shire, into a royal castle, lie miuricd Isabel de DiuTv-ird, heiress of Lintrathen, by wbom he acquired that barony. He died in 1440, Icanng two sons. From .Sir W' .alter, the younger, sprang the earls of Findlater and Seafield, and the lords of Banff; see Banff, Fi.ndi.atkr, .and Sf.akield. The elder son, Sir .John Ogilvy, knight, of Lintrathen, was succeeded by his eldest son Sir James Ogilvy of Airlie, am- bassador from Scotland to Denmark in 1491. By .Tames IV. lie was created, 2Sth April of that year, a peer of parliament by the title of lord Ogilvy of Airlie. James, the seventh lord Ogilvy, for his loy.alty and faithful services to Ch.arles I., was on the 2d April, 1639, created earl of AiuLIF., Altth, and Lin- Ti'.ATHEN. He distinguished himself in the campaigns of the marquis of Montrose, in particular at the battle of Kilsyth in Ifilo. Ninimo, in his history of Stirlingshire, states, that at the commencement of that engagement, a thousand High- landers in Montrose's army, without waiting for orders, marched up the hill to attack the enemy. Though displeased with their r.ashness. Montrose despatched a strong detachment to their assistance, under the command of the earl of Airlie, whose arrival not only presented this resolute corps from be- ing overpowered by a superior force, but obliged the Covenant- ers to retreat. This was the most complete victory Montrose ever gained. The loss on his side was sm.ali, only seven or eight persons luaving been slain, three of whom were Ogilvics, relations of the family of Airlie. James, the second earl, was taken pnsoner at Philiphangh, and sentenced to death, but e.-^eaped from the castle of St. .•\ndrews, the night before the day of his intended execution, in the clothes of his si.ster. Davnd the third carl had two sons; the eldest, Jamefl, lord (Ogilvy, having engaged in the rebellion of 1715, was attainted of high treason. He w.as afterwards pardnnttl, but, dying witliont issue, he waa succeeded by his brother, ,Iohn, fourth carl. His son Darid, lord Ogilvy, Joined Princf Charles Edward Stuart, at Edinburgh, in 1745, with six hun- dred men, chiefly of his own name and family. He also wiu attainted of high treason, but escaped to France, where he AIRTH. 32 AITON. had the command of a Scotch regiment m the semce of the Krench king, called Ogilvy's regiment. Ha\'in£; ohtaiued a free pardon, he returned to Scotland in 1783, and died in 1803. The title was for some time in abeyance. Walter Ogilvy, Esq. of Airlie, Lord Ogilvy's son, styled the seventh earl, as- sumed the title in 1812, but it was not restored till May 26, 1S2G, when his son David was confiimed in it by act of par- liament. David. 6. December 16, 17S5, siicceeded his father as e:fflith earl in 1819. He m., October 7, 1812, Clementina, only child and heiress of Gavin Drummond, Esq., 3rd son of James Druraraond, Esq., of Keltic, by Clementina, sister and co-heiress of Alexander Graham, of Duntriine, male heir of Claverliouse, Viscoimt Dundee, and had issue 1 son, David Graham Drmnmond Ogilvy, and 4 daughters. Her ladyship died September 1, 1S3.5, and the eiirl 771., 2dly, November 15, 183y, Margaret, only child of William Bnice, Esq., of Cowden, and by her has issue 4 sons. He died August 20, 1849, and was succeeded by his eldest son. Sir David Graham Drummond Ogilvy, K.T., ninth earl, b, .May 4, 1826, TTt, September 23, 1851, Henrietta Blanche, second daughter of Edward John, scond lord Stanley, of Alderley, and had 2 sons and 4 daughters. He is twenty-eighth in descent from the lirst thane of Angus David Wilham Stanley, Lord Ogilvy, was born January 20, 1866. The modern house of Airhe. erected upon the ruins of the old castle, is a beautiful mansion, most jiicturesquely situated upon a peninsulated rock, at the point where the river Jlelgam fomis a jimction with the Isla. A frag- ment of the old castle remains, consisting of an old strong gate- way and part of a tower. AiRTH, a dormant earldom m the peerage of Scotland, for- merly possessed by a branch of the noble family of Gr.aham, conferred in 1633 on William, seventh earl of Menteith, de- scended fi-om Sii- Patrick Graham of Kincardine, the brother of Sir John the Graham, the faithful companion and "right hand " of Wallace, who was slain at the battle of Falkirk. Sir Patrick had preWously fallen at Dunbar. The gr.andson of the latter, Sii" David Graham, styled in a royal charter, witnessed by him in 13C0, of Old Montrose, was the ancestor of the dukes of Montrose of the name of Grah.am. See Mon- TRnsK, dukes of. and Graham, surname of. His only son. Sir Patrick Graham, styled Donivms de Dundaff et Kincardine, .acted a distinguished part in the reigns of D.a^■id Bruce and Robeit II. The eldest son of the latter, by a second mar- riage. Sir Patrick Graham of Elieston .and Kilpont, married Eupheme, the sole heiress of Prince David Stewart, e.irl of Strathearn, and acquired that title. He was killed near Crieff in 1413, by the steward of Strathearn, Sir John Drummond, of Concraig. His son Malise was by James I. in Sept. 1427 created earl of Menteith or Monteith in lieu of Str.atheam. His descend.ant and representative William, seventh earl of this line, having attempted to resume the earldom of Strath- earn, was by Charles I. deprived both of it and the earldom of Menteith ; but to compensate him for the loss, he created him earl of Airth, as already mentioned, with precedence eqn.al to what he had enjoyed as earl of Menteith, in which earldom he was afterwards reinstated. Kilpont was the ba- ronial title of the family. It seems to have been selected as marking their descent from the stem of Kincardine, subse- quently Montrose. The tower of Airth, in Stuiingshire, is famous for an assault made upon it by Sir William W.allace, when held by an Enghsh g.arrison, whom he put to the sword. The square tower which makes a part of the present house of .\irth, upon the west, is s.aid to be the same in which that bloody exploit was performed. [A^^77^7«,o's Bistoi-y of Stir- lingshire — Stirling's edition, 1817, page 170.] The title of earl of Airth has been dormant since the death of \\'iUi.ara, second ear. of Airtb and Menteith in 1634. It was claimed by Mrs Margaret Barclay Allardice, heir of hue of the 1st earl of Airth, which claim is now (1876) before the House of Lords. SeeilEHiKliH. AITKEN, John, for some time editor of Con- stable's Miscellany, was born on 25th March 1793, in the village of Camelon, Stirlingshire. His first situation was in the East Lothian bank, and soon after he was sent to the banking oifice of Mr. Park, Selkirk, brother of Mungo Park the traveller, where he remained for several years. He was afterwards appointed teller in the East Lothian bank, where he had formerly been. He sub- sequently removed to Edinburgh, and became a bookseller. Having early displayed a predilection for literature, he now resolved to follow the bent of his mind, and commenced editing 'The Cabi- net,' an elegant selection of pieces in prose and verse, three volumes of which were published. The taste and judgment evinced in this pnblica • tion recommended him to Mr. Archibald Consta- ble, as the fittest person to undertake the editor- ship of his Miscellany ; and though for a time the failure of Messrs. Constable and Company postponed the publication, when the work at last appeared, it was under 'Mr. Aitken's manage- ment. On tlie death of IMr. Constable, he, in con- junction with IMr. Henry Constable and Jlessrs Hurst, Chance, and Company, London, purchased the work, and continued editor till 1831, when some new arrangements rendered his retirement necessary. He afterwards became a printer on his own account, with some prospect of success ; but having caught cold, which produced erysipelas in the head, he died on the 15th of February 1833, in the 39th year of his age, leaving a widow and four children. Mr. Aitken wrote a few pieces of poetry of uncommon beauty and sensibility ; of these, perhaps the most touching is the address to his chiklren, prefixed to the third series of the Cabinet. — Obihtary at the time. ArrON, — for the origin of the name of Alton, see Atton. AITON, William, styled the Scottish Linnaeus, was bom in 1731, at a village near Hamilton. Going to England in 1754, he was employed as an assistant in the Physic gardens at Chelsea, under Philip Miller, the superintendent, on whose recom- mendation he was in 1759 appointed head gar- dener to the Royal botanical garden at Kew, and became a great favourite with George IH. Ir ALBANY, S3 FIRST DUKE OF. 1783 he obtaiued also the aiipoiiitineut of supcr- intendent of the pleasure-grounds at Kew. He introduced a number of improvements into the Royal gardens, and formed there one of the best collections of rare exotic plants then known, a catalogue of which, with the title, Ilortiis Ketrcitsis, was published iu 1789 in 3 vols. 8vo, containing an enumeration of between five and six thousand species, with thirteen plates. He died in 1703, of a schirrus in the liver, and his son, William Townsend Alton, was nominated by the king him- self his successor. Mr. .lUton's publications are . Hortus Kewcnsis: or a Catalogue of tlie Plants cultiv.itcd in the Royal Bot;inic Gardens at Kew, illustrated witli En- p'avings. Lond. 1789, 3 vols. 8vo. New Edition enlarged. Lond. 1810-13, ~i vols. 8vo. An Epitome of •2d. edit. Lond. 1814, 8vo. At-baxy, duke of. a title fonnerly given to a prince of the bIood-roy.al of Scotland, — Albany, Albion, or Albinn, being the ancient Gaelic name of North Brit.ain, and until the time of Cassar the original appellation of the whole island. The Scottish Highlanders denominate themselves ' G.ael Al- binn,' or Albinnich, or Albainach. The name Albany is evi- dently derived from the Pictish word Alban^ " the superior height," and is now applied to the extensive mount.ainous dis- trict comprising Appin and Glennrchy in Argyleshire, Athol and Breadalbane in Perthshu-e, and a part of Lochaber in Invemess-shire. The title of duke of Albany was iii-st con- fen'ed on the regent Robert, earl of Fife, son of Robert II. Since the Union, it has .always been borne by the Icing's sec- ond son, by creation, .and was last held, as a secondary title, by the late duke of York, son of George III. The history of Scotland mentions foiu- dukes of Alb.any who made a figure in then: time; whom, in consequence of their relation to the royal family of ScotLand, we insert here, rather than under the family name of Stuai-t. ALBANY, Robert, first duke of, the third son of Robert U. the first of the Stuarts, by his firet wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Su- Adam Mure of Rowallan in Ayrshire. He was born in 1339. He obtained the earldom of Menteith by his mar- riage with Margaret, countess of Menteith, and afterwards in 1371 that of Fife, on the resignation of that earldom into the king's liands in his favour by Isobel, countess of Fife, the widow of his eld- est brother Walter, who had died young, without issue. He was accordingly thereafter styled earl of Fife and Menteith. In the years 1371 and 1372, lie presided at the courts of redress for settling differences on the marches. In 1383 he was appointed gre.at chamberlain of Scotland, wliicli .iKce he resigned in 1408, in favour of his son John, earl of Buclian. In 1385, acconipnnicd by the earl of Douglas, and John de Vicunc, admini. of France, who was then in Scothind, and a body of Frendi au.xiliaries, he niarclicd with an army of 30,000 men towards Roxburgh, at that time in the hands of the English. Proceeding into Enj;- laud they took the castle of Wark in Northuniber- land, and ravaged the countiy from Berwick to Newcastle ; but on the approach of the duke of Lancaster, they resolved to return to Scothind. On their way back, they sat down before Rox- burgh, but were obliged soon to raise tlic siege. On the invasion of Scotland by the English, the earls of Fife and Douglas, and Archibald lord of Galloway, made an incursion on the west borders, as far as Cockermouth, spoiling the rich counti7 between the Fells of Cumberland and the sea, and returned with several prisoners and abundance of plunder. The talents of the earl of Fife, it is stated, were so highly prized, that the principal youth of Scotland flocked eagerly to his standard. In the summer of 1388, when Douglas invaded England on the east, and fell at Otterbourne, the earl of Fife, with his brother tlic earl of Strathearn, entered that kingiKira on the west, and after pass- ing towards Carlisle, returned by Solway, without sustaining any loss. In 1389, in consequence of the advauced age of the king his father, and the bodily infirmity of his elder brother, the earl of Canick, afterwards Ro- bert III., who had been rendered lame in early youth by the kick of a horse, the earl of Fife was, by the three estates of the realm, appointed gov- ernor of the kingdom. Desirous of signalizing the commencement of his administration, he raised an army, and advanced against the carl of Not- tingham, marshal of England, warden of the east marches, who, after the battle of Otterbourne, had boasted that he hoped to conquer the Scots, even though opposed ^y a force double his own num- bers. On the approach of the regent and the new earl of Douglas, however, instead of giving battle, he posted his men in a secure and inaccessible place, and refused to stand the hazard of a fight; and the Scots army, after waiting half-a-day, with banners displayed in sight of the foe, returned liciiiie, wasting and destroying the country. A truce was agreed to the same year, 1389 In c ALBANY, 34 FIRST DUKE OF. April of the following year his father died, and his older brother John succeeded to the throne, when he took the name of Robert III., that of John being considered inauspicious. The new king, besides being lame, was of a quiet disposition and had no strength of mind, and the management of public afFau'S was continued in the hands of the earl of Fife. His nephew, however. Prince David, earl of Carrick, conceiving that, as heir-apparent to the crown, he was entitled, in preference to 'his uncle, to be at the head of the administration, had the address to compel his retirement from the office of governor, and to get himself named regent in his place, under the condition that he should act by the advice of a council, of whom his uucle was the principal. In March 1398 Albany and his nephew Prince David had a meeting at a place called Ilaudenstank, with John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster, and other English commissioners, for settling mutual differences; and it is supposed that, on this occasion, Lancaster, from his superior title of duke, claimed some precedence not relished by the priuce and his uncle ; for this year the first introduction of the ducal title into Scotland took place, the earl of Carrick, the king's son, being created duke of Rothesay, and the earl of Fife, the king's brother, duke of Albany. According to For- dun, these titles were conferred in a solemn council held at Scone, April 28, 1398. In 1400, when Henry IV. of England invaded Scotland, Albany assem- bled an army to oppose that monarch. Henry took Haddington and Leith, aud laid siege to the castle of Edinburgh, at which time WilUam Napier of Wrightshouses was constable of the castle. With the aid of Archibald, earl of Douglas, and the duke of Rothesay, at this time governor of the king- dom, he maintained that important fortress against the whole English army, which was numerous and well appointed. In accordance with the chivalrous eustom of the times, Rothesay, who was not want- ing in courage, though frequently charged with im- prudence, sent King Henry a knightly challenge to meet him where he pleased, with a hundred nobles on each side, and so to determine the quarrel, but the English king was not disposed to give him this advantage, and sent back an equivocating verbal reply. He then sat down with his numerous host before the castle, till cold and rain, and the want of provisions, as the inhabitants had, as usual iu thost daj'S, taken care to remove everj' thing that the invaders could lay then- hands on from their reach, compelled him to raise the siege and hastily re- cross the Border, without his visit being produc- tive of much injury either in his progress or retreat. On his part the duke of Albany, whose ambition was equal to his ability, desu-ous of having the gov- ernment to himself, permitted the enemy to with- draw without molestation, and obtained much praise from them for his clemency to all who sur- rendered. Two years afterwards occurred the tragic death of the duke of Rothesay, which loft a dark clouc' of suspicion on his uncle's name, and the mys- tery attendant on which has never been satisfac- torily cleared up. The circumstances of his deatl are related by Boece, who attaches the guilt oi mui'der distinctly to Albany, but the love of the marvellous which is so prominent in this writer as to make even Tytler call him the most apocryjihal of Scottish historians, may be supposed to have led him to give a high colouring to his narrative, whicli the subsequent unpopularity of Albany and the dis- favour into which his memory fell with the Scot tish com-t, would not diminish. After mentioning the death of the yoimg duke's mother. Queen An- nabella Drummond, his narrative thus proceeds : " Be quhais deith, succedit gi'et displeseir to hir son, David, duk of Rothesay; for, during hir life, he wes haldin in virtews and honest occupatioun, eftir hu- deith, he began to rage in all manor of inso- lence; and fulyeit virginis, matronis, and nunnis, be his unbridillit lust. At last, King Robert, in- formit of his young and insolent maneris, send letteris to his brothir, the duk of Albany, to inter- tene his said son, the duk of Rothesay, and to leii- [learn] him honest and civiU maneris. The duk of Albany, glaid of thir writtingis, tuk the duk of Rothesay betwixt Dunde and Sanct Androis, and brocht him to Falkland, and inclusit [enclosed] him in the tour thairof, but [without] ony meit or drink. It is said, ane woman, havand commisera- tionn on this duk, leit meill fall down throw the loftis of the toure ; be quilkis, his life wes certane dayis savit. This woman, fra it wes knawin, wes put to deith. On the same maner, ane othir wo- man gaif him milk of hh- paup, throw ane lang ALBANY, 85 FIRST DUKE OF. reid ; and wes slane with grct cnielte, fi-a it wcs kiiawin. Tlian wcs the duk destitute of all mor- tall supplie ; and broclit, finalie, to sa miserable and hungi-y-appctite, that he cit, nocht allaueilie [not only] the filth of the tourc quhare he wes, bot his awin fingaiis ; to his great niaricrdome. Ilis body wcs beryit in Linuloi'is, and kithit niira- klis mony ycris cftii'; quhil [till], at last King James the First began to punis his slayeris ; and fra that time furtli, the miraclis coissit." The melancholy death of the dnke of Rothesay forms one of the most effective incidents in Sir Walter Scott's popnlar novel of 'The Fair JIaid of Perth,' iu which the characters of the young prince, of nis weak-minded father Robert the Third, and of his uncle the regent duke of Albany, are drawn with great faithfulness and power. It would appear that the duke of Rothesay, who was of a wild and thoughtless disposition, and little qualified for a charge so important as that of regent of the kingdom, had alienated the affections of all whom he ought to have courted and conciliated. He had in early life been affi- anced to his own cousin, the beautiful Eupuemia do Lindsay, sister of Sir '\\'illiam de Lindsay of Rossie and of David earl of Crawford, — ^he slighted her for Elizabeth Dunbar, sister of the earl of March and Dunbar, to whom he was solemnly contracted, — and her again for Maijory Douglas daughter of the brave but unfortunate Archibald earl of Douglas surnamed the Tineman, — whom he ultimately married. The consequence was the deadly enmity of the earl of March and Sir Wil- liam Rossie, the latter — in absence of the earl of Crawford in Spain — the representative of the house of Lindsay. More recently he had offended his father-in-law, the earl of Douglas, by personal affronts and neglect of his daughter, and by his shameful debaucheries and vicious courses with other women. He had disgusted and insulted one of his own immediate followers, Sir W^illiam Ra- morgny, a man of highly polished manners, but of a revengeful heart. He conceived a strong desire to eft'ect the overthrow of Albany, which he was at no pains to conceal, and was guilty of repeated excesses which rendered his being placed under some restraint a matter of neces- sity. On his suspension from the ollice of governor, it was suggested by Sir William Lindsay and Ra- morgny to the prince, in order to facilitate his cap- ture, that he should ride toSt. Andrew.s — the bishop of which had just died, — and keep the castle for tho king's interest. He set off with a small train, but was intercepted by them, and conveyed a prisoner to the castle. Albany, and his fatlier-in-law Douglas, then at Culross, presently arrived, and after holding a council of the regency, it was de- cided to transport the unfortunate prince to Falk- land, where ho was placed under the custody of two individuals called Wright and Selkirk. The rest of the story we have given in the words of Boece. The tale contains matter that is fabulous and untrue as well as revolting and improbable. All the parties named by the tradition as the mur- derers in chief we know to have died a natural death, except the gallant Douglas, who fell at the battle of Verneuil. If the remains of the prince could have wrought miracles at all, there was no truth therefore in the reason assigned why the faculty had ceased. After a life so dissipated, it is not improbable that the account given by Bower, the continuator of Fordun, may have had foundation, namely, that the young prince really died of dysentery, and to this view of the case the filthy details of Boece would rather seem to give some countenance. It is singular that Wyn toun, the earliest narrator of the event, says no- thing whatever of the alleged murder. At the time of his death, he was in his 29th year, having been born in 1373. — See Rothesay, duke of. The mysterious death of the heir to the crown having excited great attention, a parliament met at Edinburgh on the 16th May after, to investigate the matter, when Albany and the earl of Douglas acknowledged having imprisoned the duke of Rothe- say, but denied being guilty of his death, attribut- ing it to diviue providence. These statements appear to have Induced the parliament to de- clare him innocent of the murder, while at the same time ho sought to make himself legally se- cure by taking out a remission under the great seal for the imprisonment, both for himself and for Douglas. This rcmi.-;sion, which is in Latin, was first printed by Lord Hailes, but it does not follow from the concluding remai'k of his commcat, as ALBANY, 3fi FIRST DUKE OF. Pinkerton says, that he considered the prince as having been murdered; namely, "The duke of Albany and the earl of Douglas obtained a remis- sion in terms as ample as if they had actnally murdered the heir apparent." On the capital of the pillar of the old chapel of St. Giles' cathedral at Edinburgh are still to be seen sculptured the arms of Robert duke of Albany, and those of Archibald, fourth eai-1 of Douglas, the father-in- law of Rothesay, the former on the south and tlfe latter on the north side, and the author of ' Me- morials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time ' infers from this fact that this chapel had been founded and endowed by them, as an expiatory offering for the murder of the duke of Rothesay, and its chaplain probably appointed to say masses for their victim's soul. \_Wilson's Memorials of Edin- burgh, vol. ii. page 168.] The friendship which subsisted between Albany and Douglas seems a more likely reason why their arms should have been thus placed together, than any thing in con- nection with the death of the young and wilful prince, that could be imputed to either of them. Soon after the death of Rothesay, Albany, in order to turn the attention of the nation into another channel, gave his consent for the renewal of hostile operations against England. Two Scot- tish armies were successively marched across the Borders, but both were defeated and dispersed, the first at the battle of Nesbit Moor, fought on the 22d June 1402, and the other at Homeldon hill, on the 14th September of that year, when the celebrated Hotspur gained the victory. In the latter the leaders of the Scots, Murdoch earl of Fife, eldest son of the regent Albany, with the eai'l of Douglas, his friend and supposed accom- plice in the death of Rothesay, and eighty knights, and a crowd of esquires and pages, were taken prisoners, while not only among those slain but m the list of the captives, were many of that party which supported the king and his young son Prince James, against the encroaching power of Albanj', whom they believed to be the murderer of his nephew the duke of Rothesay. Soon after the battle of Homeldon, the Percies, who by this time had become dissatisfied with the monarch whom they had placed upon the English throne, began to organize that famous rebellion which terminated with the defeat and death of Hotspur in the battle of Shrewsbury, in which they were aided by their prisoner the earl of Douglas. As a pretext for assembling an army they pretended an invasion of Scotland, and the duke of Albany, influenced probably by the example and advice of Douglas, and hoping that the kingdom would benefit by their sei-vices, readily gave in to their designs At the head of a large army Percy advanced across the Border, but had only marched a few miles into Scotland, when he commanded his forces to halt before the insignificant border- tower of Cocklaws, but the officer commanding the tower having entered into an agreement to capitulate in six weeks if not relieved, the whole English army retired. On receiving information of this, Albany assembled the principal of tlie nobility, and hav- ing explained to them the circumstances, advised an immediate expedition into England. The Scottish barons, who had been amazed at Al- bany's former lukewarmness and inactivity, when the capital had been invaded by Henry IV. in person and the principal castle of the kingdom was in danger of falling into his hands, were now overwhelmed with astonishment at the sudden blaze of bravery which seemed to animate his breast when a paltry Border fortress was threat- ened by the English. " All were of opinion," says Bower, " without a single dissentient voice, that, upon so trivial an occasion it would be ab- surd to peril the welfare of the kingdom ; but Al- bany starting up, and pointing to his page, who held his horse at a little distance ; ' You, my lords,' said he, ' may sit still at home ; but I vow to God and St. Fillan that I shall be at Cocklaws on the appointed day, though no one but Pate Kinbuck, the boy yonder, should accompany me.' " The warlike resolution of the governor was hailed with gi-eat joy. "Never," says the historian, "did men more joyfully proceed to a feast, than they to collect then- vassals." At the head of an immense army, Albany advanced to the Borders, but on his march, a messenger fi'om England brought the intelligence of the result of the battle of Shrewsbury and the termination of the rebel lion in England. This, however, did not detei him fi-om pushing on to Cocklaws, and sun'onnd- ing the fortalice with his troops, and after causing ALBANY, 87 FraST DUKE OF. it to be proclaimed by a herald that the Percies had boon utterly defeated, and so relieved the fortress, he returned, without entering En;:land, with his army, which ho inimodiatolv (li.vlio was the fourth son, when his father, grandfather, and two brothers were seized and executed, was the only male member of the family who escaped. Resolving to succour his kindred or avenge their fiite, with a body of armed followers, as desperate as himself, he car- ried fire and sword into the town of Dumbarton, and put to death the king's nncle, John Stewart, called the Red Stewart of Dundonald, with thirty- two others of inferior note. The king pursued him with such determined animosity that he was compelled to Hy with his abettor, the bishop of Ar- gyle, to Ireland. — See Avandale, lord, p. 169. [Napier's Histori/ of the Partition of the Lennox, p. 10.] Duke Murdoch's widow was allowed to re- tain her estates and titles, and to reside till her lleath npon her earldom of Lennox. She lived in the ca,stle of Inchmurrin on Loch Lomond, the chief messuage of the earldom, and there granted charters to vassals as countess of Lennox. She survived to hear of the assassination of him whose inflexible sentence had cut off her father, her hus- band, and her two sons. On one of the pillars of St. Giles' church, Edinburgh, are the arms of Isa- bella, duchess of Albany and countess of Lennox, who, in 1460, founded the collegiate church of Dumbarton and largely endowed other religious foundations. She died about 1460. See Lennox, family of. \_Douglns' Peerage. — Tytler's Lives of Scottish Worthies, Life of James /.] The physical strength and imposing appear- ance of the descendants of Robert the first duke of Albany have been frequently mentioned by historians. Murdoch's half-brother, the earl of Buchan, constable of France, slain at Verneuil in Normandy, in 1424 (see ante, page 39,) of whom .11 portrait is extant, seems to have possessed all the qualities of his race in this respect. Of this portrait, which was discovered about the middle of the last centurv by Sir George Seton of Garlc- ton, of the noble family of Winton, in the gallery of M. Fiebet, at his seat near Chambord in France, an engraving is given in Pinkerton's Portrait Gal- lery. A woodcut of it is annexed. ALBANY, Alexander, third duke of, was tnc second son of King James II. His first titles were earl of March and lord of Annandale, but he was about 1456 created duke of Albany, a title which had been forfeited to the crown when Duke Murdoch was beheaded. Having been sent to France to complete his education, he was in 14G4, on his voyage homeward from his uncle, the duke of Gueldrcs, towards Scotland, cajitured by the English, but soon released, a herald having been sent to England to declare war in case of his being detained. In February 1478 Ids brother James III., a prince of a weak and irresolute temper, and fond of mean favourites, on the sinister informa- tion of some of these, ordered his arrest, and im- jnisoned him in Edinburgh castle. Soon after, his yoimger brother, the earl of Mar, was also ar- rested by the king's orders. Both of these princes were popular with the nubility and people, and had incurred the king's suspicion and the hatred of his favourites. As lord warden of the east frontiers, Albany had besides restrained and dis- obliged the Homes and Hcpburns and others of the Border clans, and in revenge they bribed Cochrane, the king's principal adviser, to set the king against him. Marr was taken out of his bed ALBANY, 44 THIRD DUKE OF. and sent prisoner to Craigmillar castle, and shortly thereafter, being accused by the king's favourites of consulting with sorcerers and witches to take the king's life, he was sentenced to have a vein hi his leg opened, and in a bath to bleed to death, which was exccntcd in tne Canongate in 1479. [Balfour's Annals, vol. 1. p. 203.] Albany was committed prisoner to the castle of Edinburgh, out effected his escape, and proceeded to his castle of Dunbar, from whence, after victualling and providing it with all manner of munitions of war, he sailed for France. [Ibid. vol. i. p. 202.] He was forfeited 4th October 1479, and troops were sent to besiege his castle of Dunbar, which soon yielded, the garrison escaping in boats to England. On arriving at Paris, the duke met with an honourable reception from Louis XI. He remained in France till 1482, when he proceeded to England, and entered into an agreement wath Edward IV., by which the English king obliged liimself to aid him iu invading Scotland, and to place him on the throne; in return for which he consented to surrender Berwick, to acknowledge himself the vassal of England, to renounce all alliance with Louis of France, and to marry one of Edward's daughters. In consequence of this .Albany assumed the title of king, declaring his brother to be a bastard. An English army amounting to 40,000 men, under the duke of Glou- cester, afterwards Richard HI., accompanied by Albany, marched to Berwick, and invested that town. The town speedily surrendered, but the castle held out. In the meantime King James having assembled his nobility, marched towards the Borders to meet the enemy. As he lay en- camped near Lauder, his nobles, highly exasper- ated at their sovereign's conduct, headed by Ar- chibald Douglas, earl of Angus, commonly called, after this event, " Bell-the-Cat," after securing llie chief favom-ite Robert Cochrane, burst into the royal tent during the uight, and seized the rest of the king's minions, all of whom, with Cochrane, they hanged over the bridge of Lauder. They then carried the king to Edinburgh, and shut him up in the castle, under the care of his uncles the earls of Athol and Buchan. llie road to the capital was now open, and the dukes of Gloucester and Albanj', with their forces, advanced, in the mouth of July, towards Edinburgh. The archbishop ol St. Andrews, the bishop of Dunkeld, with Lord Avandale, the chancellor, and the earl of Argyle. hastily collected a small army, and posted them selves at Haddington, to impede the advance of the enemy. At the same time they entered into iiegociations with Albany, and on the 2d of August a treaty of peace was concluded. Albany en- gaged to be a true and faithful subject to King James, on his titles and estates, \\ith Dunbar castle, and the possessions of the late earl of Mar, his brother, being i-estored to him, and the office of king's lieutenant of the realm being con- ferred on hira. Two heralds were commanded to pass to the castle to charge the captain to open the gates and set the king at liberty. In Balfour's Annals of Scotland, (vol. i. p. 207,) it is stated that the duke of Albany and the lord chancellor then governed all the realm, and that with several of the nobility Albany went to Stirling to visit the queen and prince, and after his return he laid siege to Edinburgh castle, which he took, when the king and such servants as were with him were set at liberty. According to Lindsay of Pitscottie, (vol i. p. 200), the king, on recovering his freedom, "lap on a hacknej' to ride down to the abbay but he would not ride forward, till the duik of Al banie his brother lap on behind him; and so they went down the geat to the abbey of Hallyraid hous, quliair they remained ane lang time in great mirri- nes;" and, as Abercromby adds, he " would needs make him a partner in his bed, and a comrade at his table," that being considered iu those days the best proof of a perfect reconciliation. Albany immedi- ately concluded a truce with the duke of Glouces- ter, and on the 23d of August 1482 sun-endered to him the fortress of Berwick, after it had been in possession of the Scots for twenty -one years. Notwithstanding the favour which was now shown to him by the king, Albany, in the following year, engaged in another secret treaty with Edward IV., for depriving his brother of the throne, and securing it to himself. His designs being detected by the nobles, he was obliged to fly to England, having previously placed his castle of Dunbar in the hands of the English. In consequence of this traitorous proceeding, he was formally accused of treason, and summoned to stand his trial; bu( ALBANY. 45 J'OUKTII DUKE OF. failing to appear, lie was condemiiftd to death as a traitor and to have his estates coufiscatod. Hav- ing assembled a small force, he joined the carl of Douglas, who was likewise an exile in England, and made an inroad into his native country, but nas routed near Lochmabcn, 22d July 1484, when Douglas was taken prisoner, but Albany escaped by the fleetness of his horse. A truce for three years was then agi'ecd upon between the two countries, and Albany, finding that he could ob- tain no farther protection in England, retired to France, where he was well received by Charles VIII. He was accidentally killed at Paris in November 1485, by the splinter of a lance, while an onlooker at a tournament between the duke of Orleans find another knight, and, by act of parliament 1st October 1487, all his lauds and possessions in Scotland were annexed to the crown. According to the description given of him by an ancient Scottish author, the duke of Albany was .veil-proportioned, and tall in stature, and comely in his countenance; that is to say, broad-faced, red-nosed, large-eared, and having a very awful countenance when displeased. Like his younger brother, the unfortunate earl of Slar, who was of a milder temper and manners, he excelled in the military exercises of tilting, huntiug, hawking, and other personal accomplishments, for which his brother James III. had no taste. He had married first Lady Catherine Sinclair, eldest daughter of William earl of Orkney and Caithness, but a divorce took place, 2d March 1478, on account of propin- quity of blood. By her he had one son, Alexander, who was declared illegitimate by act of parliament, 13 November 1516, and who was made bishop of Moray and abbot of Scone, in 1527. He married, secondly, in February 1480, Anne de la Tour, third daughter of Bertrand, Count d'Auvergne and de Bouillon, and by her he had one son, Duke John, the subject of the following notice. — Douglas'' Peerage. — Histories of the Period. ALBANY, JoHjf, fourth duke of, son of the preceding, was born about 1481. In 1505, he married his cousin, Anne, or Agnes, de la Tour, countess d'Auvergne aud de Laiu-ajais, by whom he got large possessions. On the death of James rv , in 1513, his son James V. being then only in his second year, the queen mother was ap- pointed regent of tlic kingdom, but at a con- vention of the estates held soon after at IVrlh, it was agi-ced, at the urgent suggestion of the venerable Elphinslon, bisliop of Aberdeen, se- conded by the ].ord Home, tliat the duke of Albany, then in France, and who after the infant king was next heir to tlie throne, should be invited to Scotland to be governor of the kingdom, during James' minority. This election was ratified by a public meeting of the estates held at Edinburgh soon after, and Lyon king at arms, with Sir Patrick Hamilton, was sent to France to notify the ap- pointment to the duke. In the meantime, Ilie sentence of forfeiture which had excluded liiiii from the enjoyment of his rank and estates in Scotland was annulled, and his arrival impatiently looked for by the people, as the queen mother had married the earl of Angus, and, being opposed by the nobility, nothing but anarchy aud disorder pre- vailed in the kingdom. On the 18th May, 1515, the duke arrived at Dumbarton, Balfour says at Ayr, with a squadron of eight ships ; and soon after he was installed into the office of regent. " He wes ressaueit," says a chronicler of the period, " with greit honour, and convoyit to Edinburgh with ane greit cumpany, with greit blytluics, and glore, and thair wes constitute and nuiid governonr of this roalme ; and sone thairefter held ane parliament, and ress.aiiit the homage of the lordis and thio estaittis ; quhair tluiir wes niony things done for the Weill of this countrey." His inauguration into the regency was attended with great splendour. A sword was delivered to him, aud a crown placed upon his head, while the peers made solemn obei- sance. He was declared governor of the kingdom till the king attained the age of eighteen j-ears. The duke took up his residence at Holj'rood, and seems to have immediately proceeded with the en- largement of the palace, in continuation of the works which James IV., the late king, had carried on till near the close of his life. Albany, unfortunately, was ignorant not only of the constitution, the laws and the manners, but even of the language of Scotland. He was In fact more French than Scotch. His mother was a Frenchwoman, and so was liis wife. His chief estates were in France, where the greater part of Ids life had been spent, and his loyalty to the ALBANY, 46 FOURTH DUKE OJ. Frencli king was so undisguised that he constantly styled him master. AVhen it is added to this that his temper was passionate, that every corner of the kingdom was filled with spies and agents in the pay of England, and that the powerful houses of Home and Douglas swayed the faction that were opposed to him, it was hardly to be expected that he would be successful in restoring peace to the country. The infant king and his brother were still under the care of the queen-mother ; and a parliameut which assembled at Edinburgh, nomi- nated eight lords, four of whom were to be chosen by lot, and from these four the queen-mother was to select three who were to have the charge of the two infant princes. The queen, however, was not disposed to part with her childi'en, and when the peers proceeded to the castle of Edinburgh, to notify to her the commands of parliament, her majesty, who was then no more than twenty-four years of age, and in the full bloom of her beauty, was seen standing under the archway at the en- trance, with the little king at her side, holding her hand, while a nurse stood behind with his in- fant brother, the duke of Ross, in her arms. In a loud voice, and with a dignified ah-, she desired them to stand and declare what they wanted. They answered that they came in the name of the parliament to receive their sover- eign and his brother, on which the queen com- manded the warder to drop the portcullis, and this being instantly done, she thus addressed the astonished lords : " I hold this castle by the gift of my late husband, your sovereign, noi- shall I yield it to any person whatsoever ; but I respect the parliament, and require six days to consider their mandate, for most important is my charge ; and my councillors, alas ! are now few." Ap- prehensive, however, that she would not be able to hold the castle of Edinburgh against the for- ces of the parliament, she soon removed, with the young king and his brother, to Stu-ling castle. Albany immediately collected an armed force, and proceeded in person to Stu-ling, where the queen finding her adherents deserting her, was soon obliged to surrender. The young princes were then committed to the care of the earl ISIarshal and the lords Fleming and Borthwick, while the queen was conducted with every mark of respect to Ed- inbuigh, where she took up her residence in the castle. On the success of the regent, Lord Home, one of the queen's principal adherents, at once commenced to intrigue with England, and con- certed measures with Lord Dacre, the English warden, of resistance and revenge. Albany sum- moned the whole force of the kingdom to the aid of the government, and transmitted proposals to the queen-mother, offering her a complete restora- tion of all the rights and revenues which she had not forfeited by her marriage, if she would accede to the wishes of the parliament, and renounce al secret correspondence with England. These pro- posals she indignantly rejected, whereupon Albany proceeded against the insurgents, and took the castle of Home. The queen sent Albany's pro- posals privately to Lord Dacre, while Home re- quested the assistance of an English army, and retook the castle of Home. He also secured the strong tower of Blackater, situated within the Scot- tish border, about five miles from Berwick, to which place the queen immediately fled. The regenf followed her with a considerable army, and surpris- ing Home in the house to which he had hastened for refuge, made him prisoner, and committed him to the custody of the earl of Arran, governor of the castle of Edinburgh. Arran disliked Albany and his measm-es, and was easily persuaded by Home to retire with him to the Borders, where they actively commenced hostilities. Home and his brother were again proclaimed rebels, and Ai'- ran was reqtiired to surrender himself within fif- teen days. At the same time the regent, at the head of a select body of troops, and a small train of artillery, proceeded to invest the castle of Cad- zow, near Hamilton, Arran's principal fortress. Arran's mother, who was the daughter of James the Second, at that time resided there, and order- ing the gates to be opened, she came out to meet the regent, and as she was his aunt by the father's side, and greatly respected by him, he was easily prevailed upon to listen to her solicitations in fa- vour of her son. Terms of accommodation were soon agreed to, and Arran was allowed to retm-n and resume possession of his estates. In the meantime Home had fled to England, whither he was soon followed by the queen and her husband Angus. Negotiations for peace be- ALBANY, KOIUTII DUKE OF twcen the two countries were set ou foot, ami Angus, to wliom the queen had recently, at Har- bottle castle in England, borne a daughter, the Lady Margaret Douglas, the mother of Darn- ley, husband of jMary Queen of Scots, withdrew from his wife, who lay dangerously ill at ]\Ior- peth, and with Home returned into Scotland. They both made their peace with the regent, who restored them to theii- hereditary possessions, and for a time they abstained from disturbing the gov- ernment. Queen Margaret on her recovery pro- ceeded to the court of her brother Henry VIII., where she inveighed bitterly against both Angus and Albany, but especially the latter, whom she accused of having poisoned her second son, the duke of Ross, who had died, at Stirling, of 'one of the many diseases incident to childhood. Henr}', anxious to have Arran regent, directed a letter to be wTitten to the three estates of Scotland, com- manding them to expel the regent Albany from the kingdom, as, from his being the nearest heir of the throne, he was the most dangerous person to have Ma charge of the young king, his nephew. The Scottish parliament, which assembled at Edin- burgh on the first of July 1516, replied with be- coming spirit. They reminded the English king that they themselves had elected Albany to the office of regent, to which he had a right as nearest relative to theii' infant king, that he had fulfilled its duties with much talent and integrity, and that the person of their infant sovereign was intrusted to the keeping of the same lords to whose care he had been committed by the queen-mother. They concluded by assuring Henry of their determina- tion to resist to the death any attempt to disturb the peace of their country, or to overthrow the existing government. Notwithstanding this spir- ited reply, the intrigues of Henry's minister. Lord Dacre, soon succeeded in creating distrust and dis- turbance, and once more reinstating in its strength the English faction in Scotland. On the 23d Au- gust Dacre wrote from Kirkoswald to Cardinal Wolsey, informing him that he had in his pay four hundred Scots, whose chief emploj-ment was to distract the government of Albany, by exciting popular tumults, encouraging private quarrels, and rekindling the jealousy of the feudal nobility. In Scotland at this time Albany's administration was rather popular than othcrwiso. He wna "siip- liorted," says Tytler, " by the affection and confi- dence of the middle classes, and the great body o( the nation ; but their influence was counteracted, and his ett'orts completely paralysed by the selfish rapacity of the clergy, and the in.solent ambition of the aristocracy." A new insurrection soon broKe out, headed by the earl of Arran, who associated himself with the earls of Glencairn, Lennox, Mure of Caldwell, and the majority of the noblemen and gentlemen of the west. They met at Glasgow to the number of 12,000 men, and seized on the royal magazines there. Under- standing that some French shii)s, with supplies of arms and ammunition for Albany, had appeared in the Clyde, they sent a body of troops to take po.s- sessiou of them. The vessels, however, had sailed before their arrival, but they seized a quantity of gunpowder and other anunuuition which had been lauded, and which they conveyed to Glasgov/. Lest it might fall into the hands of their enemies the powder was thrown into a drawwell. By a stratagem Arran made himself master of the cas- tle of Dumbarton, and expelled Lord Erskine the governor. In the meantime the regent having collected an army, advanced upon Glasgow, when an accommodation was once more brought about, chiefly through the means of Beaton, archbishop of Glasgow, who was high in favour with the regent. Lord Home, (see vol. ii. p. 473,) on his part, soon violated the conditions on which the regent had consented to pardon him. He renewed his treason- able correspondence with Dacre, and employed bands of marauders to break across the border and ravage the country. Determined to put an end to the anarchy created by the rebellious proceedings of this fierce opposer of his govcniment, the regent allured the earl, who held the office of lord cham- berlain, and his brother Alexander, to the court at Holyrood, where they were instantly arrested. They were immediately tried, on a charge of treason, for having excited the late commotions against the regent, of having been accessory to the defeat at .Flodden, and being concerned in the assassination of James IV. after the battle. Being found guilty, they were both beheaded, on the 8th of October 1516, and their heads placed above tho tolbooth of Edinburgh. Soon after the ALBANY, 48 FOURTH DUKE OF. lake of Alb;ui3', in a convention of the estates of the realm lield at Edinbui-gh, was declared heir apparent to the crown. Anxious to procure assistance from the French king, and to revisit his estates in France, the re- gL'nt, in the parliament which assembled in No- vember 1516, requested leave of absence for a short period. The parliament accorded an unwill- ing cou.seut for four months, and in June 1517 he embarked at Dumbarton, leaving the government in the hands of a council, consisting of the arch- bishops of St. Andrews and Glasgow, the earls of Huntly, Argyle, Angus, and Ai-ran, and carrying with him the eldest sons of many of the great barons as hostages for the peace of the country. To each of the six persons mentioned was assigned the charge of that part of the country contiguous to liiij own estates, while to a brave and accom- plished French knight, whose real name was An- thony D'Arcie, but whose handsome person pro- cured for him the distinguishing title of Seigneur de la Beaute (absurdly called de la Bastie in all our histories) was intrusted the government of the eastern and middle marches, with the command of the important castles of Home and Dunbar. The young king was brought from Stirling to Edin- burgh castle, and placed under the charge of Lord Erskine, the earl Marshal, and the lords Borth- wick and Ruthven. Fresh tumults broke out on the borders, and the vassals of the late Lord Home, out of revenge at his fate, surprised and mui'dered the Sieur de la Beaute, who had distinguished himself by the activity and diligence with which he punished and repressed disorder. Sir David Home of Wedderburn, whose wife was the sister of Angus, the husband of the queen-mother, gal- loped into the town of Duuse, with the head of the unfortunate Frenchman knit to his saddlebow, by the fine long hair which he wore iu accordance with the fashion of the age, and after fixing it on the mai'ket-cross, took shelter in his strong castle of Edington, on the banks of the ^Miiteadder. For this outrage the estates of the laird of Wedderburn and his associates were forfeited. After this the kingdom became a scene of disor- der, anarchy, and confusion, the rival factions of Douglas and Hamilton everywhere contending for the mastery. The earl of Arran had been elected by the council of regency their president, and at this time had the chief du'ection of affairs, but he was, upon all occasions, opposed by the earl of Angus, who still had great influence, and the pri- vate animosity which subsisted between these two powerful noblemen kept the country in a continual state of excitement and distm'bance. As soon as the queen-mother heard of Albany's departure, she returned to Scotland. Her arrival was at a time of such universal confusion and strife that even Albany himself, unwilling to leave France, wrote to her, advising her that, if she could unite the factions, she should resume the regency Margaret, however, wished to have the office of regent conferred on her husband, the earl of Angus, to whom she had been lately reconciled, but this neither the council nor the majority of the nobles would agree to. Her jealousy, however, soon caused a fresh quarrel with her husband, and as her brother Henry VIII. took the part of Angus, she forsook the English interests, and entered into a coiTespondence with the duke of Albany, urging him to return and take the regency once more into his own hands. During Albany's absence the famous street battle at Edinburgh, between the rival factions of the Douglasses and the Hamiltons, commemorated under the name of " Cleanse-the-Causeway," was fought 30th April 1520, the result of which was that the Hamiltona were defeated, and the earl of Angus got posses- sion of the capital. The next year Albany returned to Scotland after an absence of five years. He arrived in the Gai-eloch on the third of December 1521, and was met at Stirling by the queen-mother, accompanied by several lords and gentlemen. It is stated that Margaret, who was very change- able in her affections, and by no means careful of her conduct, received him with transports of joy, and with such familiarity as excited scanda- lous rumours. Lord Dacre, in a letter to his sov- ereign. King Henry, says that, not satisfied with being with him during the day, she was closeted the greater part of the night with Albany, taking no heed of appearances. The earl of Arran and others of the nobility hastened to Stu-ling to wel- come his arrival, and on the 9th he entered the capital, accompanied by the queen and the chan ALBANY, 49 FOURTH DUKE OF. cellor and a mimerous attendaiKC of pecre and gentlemen. Proceeding to the castle, he was ad- mitted to an inteiTiew with the young king, on which occasion the captain delivered the kej's of the fortress into his hands. Tliese the regent laid at the feet of the queen-mother, and she again presented them to Albany, saying that she con- sidered him the person to whose tried fidelity the care of the monarcli ought to be intrusted. On the regent's approach the earl of Angus and liis party precipitately left the city, and lied to the Border. In a parliament held at Edinburgh, on the 26th day of December, Angus and his adhe- rents were cited to appear before it, to answer for various crimes and misdemeanours, but they paid no attention to the summons, and had already re- newed theii- negotiations with the English king. The regent now endeavoured to reconcile the fac- tions, and to procure a peace with England. But it did not suit the ambitious projects of the Eng- lish court that Albany should continue at the head of affau's, or that peace and order should be re- stored to Scotland. Lord Dacre, Henry's unscru- pulous agent, in the letters which he wrote to Henry, repiesented that the life of the young king was in danger, and that his mother was anxious to obtain a divorce from Angus, that she might marry Albany, who, on his nephew's death, would become king. He distributed money among the factious nobles, and did every thing that he could to stir up war between the two countries. Henry, on his part, as he had done once before, addressed a letter to the Scottish estates, demanding the dismissal of Albany, and received a similar answer to the former, being sharply told by the Scottish parliament that they had themselves freely chosen Albany to the regency, and would not dismiss him at the request of his grace, the king of England, or of any other sovereign prince whatever. Upon this Henry, in the spring of 1622, sent the earl of Shrewsbury with a large force to invade Scotland. He advanced as far as Kelso, giving up the country everywhere to havoc' and spoliation, until he was encountered and driven back into England, with considerable loss, by the bold borderers of Teviot- dale and the Merse. Albany having, with consent of parliament, declared war, and mustered the whole force of the kingdom for an invasion of England, at the head of eighty thousand men, and with a formidable train of artillery, advanced towards the English borders, and encamped at Annan. The queen-mother at this time, with lier characteristic fickleness, had cooled in her at- tachment to the regent, and not only intrigued »iih a party of the Scottish nobles to support her views, but betraycil all Albany's secrets and plana to the English warden, Lord Dacre. The regent, ignorant of this, with his large array crossed the borders and advanced to Carlisle. When within five miles of that city Dacre opened negotiations with him, and succeeded in prevailing upon him to agree to a cessation of hostilities for a month, in order that ambassadors might treat for peace. As the English king, then engaged in a war with France, had wisely departed from his demand for Albany's dismissal from the regency, the nobles who had joined in the expedition saw no further cause for continuing in anns, and Albany himself, desii-ous of peace with England, disbanded hia ai-my, and returned to Edinburgh, without strik- ing a blow. Finding the dilBculties of his situation increase, with the view of soliciting assistance from the French king, Albany, in October 1522, retii-ed for the second time to Fi-ance, after appointing a council of regency, consisting of the earls of Huntly, Ai-rau, and Argyle, to whom he added Gonzolles, a French knight, in whom he had much confi deuce. He promised to return in ten months on pain of forfeiting his office. During his absence, in the spring of 1523, the English renewed the war by a vast inroad into Scotland. The earl of Surrey, the victor of Flodden, at the head of 10,000 men, broke into the Jlerse, reduced its places of strength, and advancing to Jedburgh, burnt that town, and left its beautiful abbey a heap of ruins. Lord Dacre, after reducing the castle of Ker of Femihurst, and taking that cele- brated border chief prisoner, sacked and depopu- lated Kelso and the adjoining villages, while tho marquis of Dorset, the warden of the east marches, made an incursion into Teviotdale, giving its vil- lages to the (lames, and carrying otf its grain and beeves. Albany returned from Franco in Septem- ber 1523, with a fleet of eighty-seven small ves- sels, and a force of four thousand foot, five hun I) ALBANY, 50 FOURTH DUKE OF. tired men at arms, a thousand liagbutteers, six hundred horse, and a fine train of artillery, which had been fiuniished to him by the French. He lauded in the island of Arran, Balfour says " at Kerkubright," having eluded the enemy's fleet, which was sent out to intercept him, and imme- diately proceeded to Edinburgh. The embarrass- ment of his position at this crisis was greater than ever. He found that the queen-mother was no longer on his side, but deeply engaged in intrigu- ing against him. That fickle, passionate, and un- principled woman, whose character somewhat re- sembled that of her imperious brother, Heuiy Vni., was now as anxious to promote the English interests as she had formerly been the French, and had entered Into negotiations with Surrey and Dacre, with the view of recovering the regency to herself. Tlie nobles, though willing to assemble an army for the defence of the Borders, were to- tally averse to an invasion of England, while they were jealous of the foreign auxiliaries which the regent had brought with him. The parliament assembled without delay, and a proclamation was issued for a muster of the whole force of the kingdom on the 20th of October. Al- bany summoned together the principal nobility, and nrged them to carry the war into England, to avenge the disastrous defeat at Flodden and the late excesses on the Borders. He had brought with him a large supply of gold from France, and as he liberally dispensed it, lie won over some of the more venal of the nobles, and even the queen herself was so charmed by his presents, that she wrote to the earl of Surrey, that unless her bro- ther Henry remitted her more money, she might be induced to abandon the English interest, and co-operate with Albany. On the day appointed a force of about 40,000 men assembled on the Bor- ough-muir near Edinburgh, at the head of whicn the regent set forward towards the Borders. But never had general commenced an aggressive march under such discouraging circumstances. Most of the leaders who had answered the summons to arm had taken the gold of England, and bound themselves not to cross the Borders, while others, such as Aj'gyle, Huntly, and the master of Forbes, did not appear at all at the muster. The expedi- tion was nationally unpopular, and as the Scots soldiers did not conceal their dislike of the for eign auxiliaries, indications of disorganization soon became but too evident. Added to this, the season was now far advanced, and much time was lost in dragging the cumbersome artillery over the rude and difficult roads of those days, which had been rendered still more wretched by recent falls of snow and rain. Albany arrived at Melrose on the 28th of October. When he reached the wooden bridge at that place, a large portion of his army refused to cross the Tweed, and those divisions ol the troops which had already passed over, tm-ned back, and in spite of all his entreaties and re- proaches, recrossed the bridge to the Scottish side. The regent remained in the neighbom-hood of Melrose two days, after which he marched down the Tweed, and arrived at Eccles, on the side of the river opposite to Wark. The Scottish army encamped near Coldstream, while Albany lodged in Home castle. He ordered part of the artillerj to be conveyed to Benvick, but afterwards he laid siege to Wark castle, chiefly with his foreigr troops and artillery. The historian, George Bu- chanan, who was a volunteer in his army, gives a highly valuable account of his operations in this his last campaign in Scotland. An attempt to storm the castle was bravely met by the garrison, who poured a destructive fire from the rampai'ts upon the besiegers, and on the approach of night, the latter were compelled to retii-e. It was pro- posed, however, to renew the assault next day, bu* during the night there was a heavy fall of rain an snow, which so flooded the river that all retreat was threatened to be cut off. It was known that the Earl of Surrey was advancing from Alnwick with a formidable force. Under these circum- stances Albany, on the 4th of November, with- drew his artillery, and the assaulting party re- crossed the Tweed, leaving three hundred killed, mostly Frenchmen, and once more joined the main army. Balfour says that with the latter portioE of his troops he had spoiled all Glendale and Northumberland to the walls of Alu'n'ick, and re- turned with a great booty. [Annals, vol. i, page 262.] The regent retired to Eccles, and thence marched rapidly towards Edinburgh, apprehen- sive all the way of being seized by some of the lords with him, and delivered up to the English ALBANY. 51 ALEXANDEU I. His retreat had all the appearance of a flight, the disorder of which was increased by a severe siinw- storra. On reaching Edinburgli, he assembled a parliament, and ascribed the failure of the expe- dition to the nobles refusing to mareh into Eng- land, while they, on their part, accused him of being the cause of the disgrace. Notwithstanding the presence of the English army, under Surrey, on the Borders, and the inclemency of the season, gome of the peers insisted on his instantly dis- missing the foreign auxiliaries. Thus compelled to embark, the French were by a storm driven out of their coui-se, and a considerable number of tliem were shipwrecked and dro>vned among the west- ern Isles. Soou after, having obtained three mouths' leave of absence, Albany, in the end of 1523, retired in disgust and despair to France, after taking an affectionate leave of the young king, then at Stu'liug, and returned no more to Scotland. He afterwards, in 1524, attended Fi-ancis I. in his unfortunate expedition into Italy ; but before the fatal battle of Pavia, fought 24th February 1525, he was detached with ]iart of the French army against Naples. It was the absence of this large portion of his troops, amounting to 16,000 men, which caused Francis to lose the battle, when attacked by the emperor Charles. In 1533 Albany conducted his wife's niece, Catherine de Medici, into France, on her marriage with Henry U. of that kingdom. He was governor of the Bourbonuois, d'Auvergne, de Forest, and de Beaujolais. He died at his castle of Mireileur, 2d June 1536. By his duchess he had no issue. By Jean Abernethy, a Scotswoman, he had a natural daughter, Eleo- nora, who, after being legitimated, was in 1547 married at Fontainebleau, in presence of the French king, to the count de Choisy. This duke of Albany was a man of elegant and graceful manners and high accomplishments, and very gay and sprightly in conversation, — qualities which made him a personal favourite witli Fran- cis I. of France, but were little apjireciated in Scotland, where his vanity, of which he had a large share, and evident partiality for French offi- cers and confidents, soon disgusted the haughty and rapacious nobility. In Pinkerton's Scottish Gallery, there is a fine portrait, supposed to be that of Albany, of which a woodcut is annexed. It U on tlio same engraving with ouo of Queen Margaret. The sign manual autograph " Jehan" nnderneatt, is from the Cotton MSS. B. vi. fol. 170, in the British Museum. The title of diiko of Albany was bestowed in 1540 on Ar tlmr, second son of James V. and Iris spon.se Mary of Guise, a prince who died in 1541. It was afterw.^rds given to Henry Stewart, lord Daniley, or Deniely, by Queen Mary, shortly before their mamage in 15(15. Charles I. was created duko of Albany, on his b.aptisra at Dunfermline in 1600, his elder brother Henry, who died in 1612, being duke of Rothcs.ay, the title of the king's eldest son. The following is a fac simile of the autograph and motto of this ill-fated prince, WTitten in .an album in the Sloane MSS. No. 3415, as duke of Albany, in 1609, before he had completed the ninth year of his age: Albany king at arms was one of the secondary heraldi in Scotland, when Scotland was an independent kingdom. Prince Charles Edward Stuart, iu the latter years of his life, styled himself count of Albany. ALES, or Alesse, Alexaitoer, sco Hailes, Alexander. ALEXANDER I., king of Scotland, surn.imed the Fieice, from his vigour and impetuous character, has hitherto been represented as the fifth son of Mal- colm in., surnamcd Canmore, or great head, by ALEXANDER I. 52 ALEXANDER 1. Margaret, daughter of Edward, nephew of Ed- ward the Confessor, king of England, but it is now admitted that Ethelred, who had been be- lieved to be the third, was the youngest son of that marriage, and consequently Alexander was not the fifth but the fourth son of Malcolm and Margaret. It is also placed beyond a doubt that by a previous marriage with Ingibiorge, the widow of Thorfin, a powerful Norwegian earl, — who for thirty years, during the reigns of Alexander's fa- ther IMiilcolm and his predecessor Macbeth, niled over all Scotland north of the Grampians, and part of the present county of Forfar,— Malcolm had two sons, Duncan, afterwards king of Scotland, and Malcolm, both of whom were alive at the time of his death, so that Alexander was in reali- ty the sixth of the sons of Malcolm Canmore. [See life of Duncan, king of Scotland, post.'\ There is no earlier instance in Scottish history of the name of Alexander having been bome by king or noble, although it afterwards became one of the most common and familiar Christian names in Scotland. Lord Hailes has supposed tliat it was bestowed in honour of Pope Alexan- der n. If so, it was given to him after the death of that pontiff, which occurred in the year 1073, as no calculation from family or other events can place the birth of Alexander, of which the pre- cise date is unknown, earlier than about the year 1078. Alexander was educated with great care, not only in letters but in religious principles, and the solemn injunctions of his excellent mother, on her death-bed, to Turgot, prior of Durham, her con- fessor and biographer, which have descended to us in his interesting memou' of that good queen, prove how great was her solicitude in the latter respect in regard to all her children. Alexan- der partook of those vicissitudes of the family, after the death of his father, which are detailed in the lives of his uncle Donald B.aue and of his brothers Duncan and Edgar, and which serve to exhibit, in a strong light, the peculiarities of the law of succession to the throne among the Celtic or Pictish races of that age, and they no doubt contributed to form and give a direction to his character and future government, when he became king. On the death of his brother Edgar, 8th January 1107, Alexander succeeded to the throne, but not to the enjoyment of the same extent of possessions as Ins predecessor. For the conquest of the west- ern portion of the ancient pi'incipality of Cumbria — a region extending between the Roman walls of Agricola and Antoninus — having sometime previ- ous been effected, by David his younger brother, with an army of Norman chivalry from England, the government of the province was also bestow- ed upon him, and Edgar, on his death-bed, be- queathed him all those extensive lands in those regions held by him and Malcolm his father which formed the subject of that homage rendered to the Norman conqueror and his son William Rufus so frequently refen'ed to in English history. [Lord Hailes' Quotatiom from English contemporaiy writers, compared with the narrative of the in- quisition into the lands of the see of Glasgow, and existing chartei's of that epoch.] All Scot- tish historians, from the fom'teenth until within the present century, have concurred in stating that the province of Cumbria corresponded exactly in territory with the present English county of Cumberland, but charters, and Saxon as well as earlier Scottish writers, when correctly understood, leave it beyond doubt that the portion of country so called comprehended the district extending from the Clyde to the Solway, and included all the pre- sent Scottish counties of Ayr, Galloway, Wigton, Kirkcudbright, and Dumfries, with perhaps part of Cumberland ; the district of Lothian, comprising the three counties which still bear that name ; and the shires of Renfrew and Lanark, with part of Lennox now Dumbartonshire. Such distributions of the royal possessions amongst the members of their family were not uncommon with the mou- archs of that age. AVTiatever were the motives that led to this disjunction from the Scottish crown, it proved a fortunate arrangement for the nation. By the subsequent death of Alexander without issue, and the consequent succession of David to the northern throne, the danger of contention be- tween rival families for these possessions, and of their permanent separation fi-om the ancient king- dom, was averted, and a united kingdom was afterwards formed, able, witi more or less sue- ALEXANDER I. 53 ALEXANDER I ,',ess, to withstand the po\vt>rfiil ueiglibouriiig sou- thern state ; wliich, if it Iiail rmitinued disjoined, wouIq most probalilj' liavc fallen to it by {)iece- Bieal a conipai-ativelj' easy prey. While, on the line liand, tlie liappy genius of David for govern- Mient, ami for attracting towards himself the love aud atlectiou of all classes of people committed to his care, enabled liim to introduce amongst them order and civilization, and to combine Saxon law with Norman refinement, as well as the stiU higher blessing of religious instruction, and while his ami.able qualities and the accident of his birth en- deared through him the family of JIalcolm to the Saxon race, so that nearly four hundi-ed years afterwards an English writer resident in Scotland thus commemorates one of them : " Our soverane of Scotland . Quliilk sal] be lord and led;ir Oer broad Brettane all quliair As saint Mergarettes air;" [Buke of the Howlat, st. sxix, jyrinUdfor the Bannatyne Club.'] the sterner rule of Alexander was made available to keep under the dissatisfied feelings of the war- like tribes of the north, not less averse to that deviation from the ancient rule of succession by which the descendants of Margaret were placed on the throne, than jealous of the innovations of Saxon law and Saxon settlements. It was not, however, to be expected that to this disposition of lands Alexander would at once qiuetly accede. On the contrary, he at first disputed its validity, and would willingly have annulled it, had he not found that the powerful barons of the province in question, and of the northern English counties, as Gospatrick, Baliol, Bruce, Lindesay, Areskine, and others, whose descendants afterwards occupied the first rank among the Scottish nobility, and by the aid of whose arms his brother Edgar had been placed and sustained on the throne, were entirely favour- able to this arrangement. He therefore prudently desisted from the attempt, and confined himself dur- ing the remainder of his reign to the northern por- tion of the kingdom. [Speech of Walter TEspec at the battle of the Standard, in jJildred.'] It has been inferred by modern winters who have recognised the foregoing as the territorial limits of Cumbria, that David held this government as a fief in sub- ordination to Alexander, but tliis does not nppcni to have been the case. David seems to have re- gulated the atlairs of liis government as an inde- pendent prince. The motto of his sea! during hie brother's lifetime bears tliat he styled himsell 'David, Comites Anglornm Regene Fratris, (con- tracted into Fris); that is, David the count, bro- ther of the Queen of the English. Annexed is a representation of David's seal: ^ -If Several of his public instruments, too, after he as cended the throne, when relating to matters affect- ing the southern districts, are addressed to the " Francis et Anglicis," Normans and English, [Andersoyi^s Diplomata et Ntimismata, No. 17, 1 and 2] ; aud at a later period, or when referi-ing to matters of more importance, to the " Francis et Anglicis, et Scottis et Galwensibus," that is, the Normans, English, Scotch, and Galwegians, which latter style was uniformly adopted by his successor and grandson Malcolm IV., [Idem, plates 19, 23, 25,] whilst the public instruments of Alexander are simply addressed to the Scots and English, "Scottis et Anglis" [Idem, page 9], showing that he only ruled over the northern portion of the kingdom in which these nations lived in the pro- portion of the order in which they are placed. It was fortunate both for Alexander and David, aud for the tranquillity of the government of the former, that during the entire period of his reign an unbroken peace was maintained with England. The marriage of their sister Matildis in 1100, during the life of their brother Edgar, with Ilenrj- ALEXANDER I. 54 ALEXANDER I. king of England the brother of William Riifus, gi-eatly facilitated this harmony, and it was further cemented by the union of Alexander with Sybilla, natural daughter of that monarch. Such an alliance, says Lord Hailes, was not held dishonour- able in those days. The people of the north were not reconciled to the sovereignty of the sons of Malcolm. Accord- ing to their notions of the law of succession to the throne, both the family of Donald Bane, and that of Duncan the eldest son of Malcolm, had a prior right to it. Edgar had bestowed upon his cousin iMadach, son of Donald Bane, the maormordom of Athol, erected by him into an earldom, and on his death, towards the end of the reign of David the First, it was obtained by Malcolm, the son of Duncan, the eldest son of Malcolm Canmore, " either," sa}'s Skene, " because the exclusion of that family from the throne could not deprive them of the original patrimony of the family, or as a compensation for the loss of the crown," [^Skene's Highlanders, vol. ii. p. 139,] and thus this branch ot the rival family were induced to remain in quiet, although various attempts were afterwards made to recover their rights, not only in the reign of Malcolm IV., but for nearly a hundred years after they were excluded from it. The descendants of Donald Bane appear to have enjoyed another portion of the hereditary posses- sions of the family in the person of Ladman his son, and along with them some title which does not appear. Even the descendants of Macbeth seem, in the person of Angus the son of the daughter of Lulach, Macbeth's stepson, to have got the pos- sessions and ancient maormordom of Moray erect- ed into an earldom of that name. [Skene's High- landers, vol. ii. p. 162.] According to the Annals of Ulster about 1116, a descendant of Malpedir, maoi-mor of Moern or Garmoran, a district in northern Inverness-shire, one of the supporters of Donald Bane, and who had mm-dered Duncan, eldest son of Malcokn, in 1095, was in possession of his father's title and lands, and at the instiga- tion of Ladman, in order probably to revenge his death, he combined with Angus earl of Moray, already referred to as of the family of Macbeth, to make an attempt to seize upon the person of Alex- ander. At his baptism Alexander had a donation made to him of the lands of Blairgowrie and Lifi by his godfather, Donald Bane, then probably maormor of Athol, and in the first year of his reign he began to build a palace or residence in the vicinity ; but while engaged on this work the Highlanders of Moern (not Mearns, as commonlj supposed) and Moray penetrated stealthily from their northern abodes to Invergowrie, where Alex ander was, and surprised hira by night. Alexan- der escaped to the shore, and crossing over the Tay to Fife, collected vassals, and followed them with surprising activity, through the ' Monthe ' or Grampians, across the Spey and over the " Stock- furd into Ros." Of this passage Wintoun says, " He tuk and slew tbame or he past Out of that land, that fewe he left To take on band swylk purpose eft." And again he adds, " Fra that day hys legys all Oysid hym Alysandyr the Fere to call." So effectually, indeed, did he succeed in cnishiug the inhabitants of Moray that they were compelled to put to death Ladman, the son of Donald Bane, who had instigated them to the attempt on his life. \_Skene''s Highlanders, vol. i. p. 130.] The story that on this occasion the traitors obtained admission to the king's bed-chamber, and that he slew six of them with his own hand, is an invention of Boece, and like many other of his fables has ob- tained cm'rency in Scottish history. Sir James Balfour, in his Annals [vol. i. pp. 6, 7.], has the following passage on this attempt against the king: "The rebells quho besett him in the night had doubtesley killed him, had not Alexander Carrone priuly carried the king save away, and by a small boate salved themselves to Fyfte, and the south pau'ts of the kingdome, quher he raissed ane armey, and marched against the forsaid rebells, quhome he totally ouerthrew and subdued; for wich grate mercey and preseruatione, in a thankful! retributione to God, he foundit the monastarey of Scone, and too it gaue hes first lands of Liffe and Innergourey, in A° 1114. About this tyme K. Alexander the I. reuardit for hes faithfull seniice Alexander Carrone, with the office of standart bearir of Scotland, to him and hes heirs for euer. He was called Scrimshour, becausse with a drauep ALEXANDER I. 55 ALEXANDER I. guord, in a combat, he had strucke the hand from a courtier; wich suniaiiic ofScrinscoiire, hes posterity to this day have l;cpt." The name sijrnilies a hardy fighter. See Sckimgeouk, surname of; also, Dundee, earl of. During the remaindt-r of the reign of Alexander, the Iligldanders acquiesced in his occupation of tlie lliroue, he being now, even according to tlie Celtic laws, the legitimate lieir of JIalcolni Canmore. Tlie principal feature in Alexander's reign was his successful resistance to the efforts made by tlie English prelates to assert a supremacy over the church in Scotland. In 1109 when he first had occasion to nominate a bishop to the see of St. Andrews, to which place the primacy had been removed from Dnnkeld, Alexander, with the ap- probation of his clergy and people, named Turgot, the monk of Durham already mentioned as the confessor and biographer of his mother the pious Queen ILargaret. The consecration of Turgot was, however, long delayed. The archbishop of York pretended a right of consecrating the bishops of St. Andrews, but at this time Thomas, elected archbishop of York, had not himself received con- secration. In consequence of a report that the bishop of Durham, concurring with the Scottish bishops and the bishop of the Orkneys, proposed to consecrate Turgot, in presence of the archbishop elect of York, Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury, in alann, despatched a letter to the latter, inform- ing him that consecration could not be performed by an archbishop elect or by any one acting under his authority, and requiring him to proceed to Canterbury to receive consecration himself. Tlie Scottish clerg}- on their part contended that the archbishop of York had no right to interfere in the consecration of a bishop to the see of St. Andrews. AMiile the two archbishops were en- gaged in mutual altercations concerniug canoni- cal order and the privileges of their respective sees, Alexander entered into a negotiation with the English king, and an immediate decision of the controversy was evaded by an ambiguous acknowledgment by all parties, wliicli, confessing the independency of the Scottish church to be at least doubtful, seemed to prepare the way lor its complete vindication at a future time. At the request of Alexander, Henry, the English king, enjoined the arehliishop of York to conse- crate Turgot, bishop of St. Andrews, "saving the authority of either churcli." In that form Turgol received consecration accordingly. In the discharge of his episcopal fiiuclions Turgot met with obstacles, which induced him to fiiiiii a resolution to repair to Rome to obtain llic opinion of tlie pope for ivguhiling his future con- duct; a journey which his death soon after pre- vented liiiii from carrying into efTect. What the nature of those obstacles were, we are not informed. but as he perceived tliat he had lost that influence which ho formerly enjoyed in the time of Queen Margaret, his spirit sunk, and in a desponding mood he asked and obtained iiermission to retire to his ancient cell at Durham, where he died, 31st August 1115. A new bisliop of St. Andrews was to be appointed, and to avoid any interference on the part of the archbishop of York, Alexander, soon after the death of Turgot, addressed a con- fidential letter to Ralph archbishop of Canterbury, who had succeeded Anselm, asking his advice and assistance for enabling him to provide a fit suc- cessor to Turgot. In this letter he observed, "That the bishops of St. Andrews were wont to be consecrated only by the Pope or by the arch- bishop of Canterbury." " The expression," says Lord Ilailes " is flattering and artful. Alexander meant to relieve his kingdom from the pretensions of the one archbishop without acknowledging tlie authority of the other. He therefore left the right of consecrating doubtful between tlie Pope and the .archbishoji of Canterbuiy, while, at the same time, he seemed to place them both on a level." Eadmer, a monk of Canterbury, had been fixea upon by Alexander to fill the vacant see, but not receiving any answer to his proposal from the arch- bishop of Canterbuiy, the king allowed the sec of St. Andrews, the chief bishopric in his kingdom, to remain vacant for many years. At length, in 1120, ho despatched a special messenger to the archbishop of Canterbury, with a letter requesting the arch- bishop 'to set at liberty' Eadmer the monk, that he might be placed on the episcopal throne of St. Andrews. The archbishop consented that Eadmer should have liberty to accept the biahopric, anil ALEXANDER I. 56 ALEXANDER I. with that view he asked and obtained the approba- tion of the English Idng. In a letter to Alexander he said, " I send you the person whom you require altogether free,"" and concluded thus, " To prevent the inconveniencies wl'ich I foresee and dread, I would counsel you immediately to send him bacli to be consecrated by me." On his arrival in Scot- land, Eadmer received the bishopric of St. Andrews on the 29th of June 1120. The election was made by the clergy and people, with the permission of the king; but on this occasion Eadmer neither received the pastoral staff nor the ring from the hands of Alexander, nor did he perform homage. Next day Alexander held a secret conference with him respecting the mode of his consecration, when the king expressed his aversion at his being con- secrated by the archbishop of York. Eadmer, on his part, declared that the church of Canterbury had, by ancient right, a pre-eminence over all Britain, and he humbly proposed to receive con- secration from that metropolitan see. He found, however, that Alexander was as much opposed to the pretensions of Canterbury as he was to those of York, and that he had determined to free the Scottish church from dependence on any foreign see but that of Rome. At Eadmer's proposal Alexander is described as having started from his seat with much emotion, and broken off the con- ference. He commanded the person, one William a monk of St. Edmuudsbury, who had presided in the bishopric since the death of Turgot, to resume his fimctions. At the expiry of a month, the king, at the request of his nobUity, sent for Eadmer, and with difficulty obtained his consent to a com- promise, by which Eadmer was to receive the ring from Alexander, to take the pastoral staff from off the altar, as if receiving it of the Lord, and then to assume the charge of his diocese. While the king was absent with his army quelling some insur- rection in the north, as the Highlanders of the district of Moray, particularly at this time, gave considerable opposition to his government, Eadmer was received into the see of St. Andi-ews by the queen, clergy, and people. Finding, however, that his own sovereign Henry, who was then in Normandy, had, at the solicitation of the archbishop of York, written to the arch- bisliop of Canterbury prohibiting him from con- secrating Eadmer, and that Alexander had also received three letters fi'om him requiring him not to permit the consecration, the new bishop of St. Andrews resolved to repair to Canterbmy for advice. On hearing of his resolution Alexander sent for him, and said, "I received you altogether free from Canterbury; wliile I live, I will not permit the bishop of St. Andrews to be subjected to that see." "For your whole kingdom," answered Eadmer, " I would not renounce the dignity of a monk of Canterbury." " Then," replied the king passionately, " I have done no- thing in seeking a bishop out of Canterbury." li seems to have been Alexander's design by soliciting a bishop from the province of Canterbury, to obtain one who would have no partiality for the see ol York, and whom he hoped to Aiin over to support the independency of the Scottish Church ; but the zeal of Eadmer for Canterbury disappointed his views. Eadmer himself has given an ample account of the contest between him and Alexander; and Lord Hailes, in his Annals of Scotland, has generally followed his statements. The bishop complains that after the last interview with the king, the latter became rigorous and unjust, and woxdd never afford him a patient hearing. He refused to allow Eadmer permission to visit Canterbmy " for the counsel and blessing (mean- ing no doubt consecration) of the archbishop," contending that the church of Scotland owed no subjection to Canterbmy, and that Eadmer him- self had been freed from all subjection to it. Li the anomalous and uncomfortable position in which he found himself, Eadmer was induced to ask the advice of a friend in England, one Nicho- las, whom Lord Hailes conjectures to have been an ecclesiastical agent, whose business it was to solicit causes at the com't of Rome. This man ad- vised him to obtain consecration from the Pope, under favour of the Scottish monarch, and in the meantime to be generous and hospitable to the Scots, as the best means of rendering them tracta- ble and com-teous. He concluded his letter thus : "I entreat you to let me have as many of the fairest pearls as you can procure. In particular, I desii'e four of the largest sort. If you cannot procure them otherwise, ask them in a present from the king, who, I know, has a most abundant ALEXANDER I. 57 ALEXANDER I. store" — a remarkable evidence of the wealth and magnificence of the Scottisli mouarchs at this time Eadnier, in his perplexity, also asked the ad- vice of John bishop of Glasgow, and of two monks of Canterbmy, and the answer which they sent to him seems to have determined him npon resigning the see. It was in these terms : " If, as a son of peace, you desire peace, you must seek it else- where than in Scotland. As long as Alexander reigns, it will be vain for you to expect any friend- ly intercourse with him, or quiet under his gov- ernment. We are thoroughly acquainted with his dispositions : It is his will to be everything him- self in his own kingdom. lie is incensed against you, although he knows no reason for his resent- ment ; and he will never be perfectly reconciled to you, although he should see reason for a recon- ciliation. You must, therefore, either abandon this country, or, by accommodating yourself to its usages, dishonour your character and hazard your salvation. Should you choose to depart from among us, you will be constrained to restore the ring, which you received from the hands of the king, and the pastoral staiF which you took from off the altar. Without complying with these con- ditions you -will not be permitted to depart, nnless you could make to yourself wings and fly away." Eadmer consented to restore the ring to Alexan- der, but with regard to the pastoral staff, he de- dared that he would replace it on the altar, w Hence he had taken it, ' and leave it to be be- stowed by Christ,' and that since force had been used against him, he would relinquish the bishop- ric, and not reclaim it during the reign of Alexan- der, ' unless by the advice of the Pope, the con- vent of Canterbury, and the king of England.' Having thus, in effect, resigned his see, Eadmer was suflFered quietly to leave the kingdom. He afterwards addressed a long epistle to Alexander, in which, after setting forth his pretensions to the bishopric, he added, in a tone of submission which would have better become him at an earlier peri- od: "I mean not, in any particular, to derogate from the fi-eedom and independency of the king- dom of Scotland. Should you continue in your former sentiments, I will desist from my opposition ; for, with respect to the king of England, the arch- bishop of Canterbury, and the sacerdotal benedic- tion, I had notions, which, as I have since learn- ed, were erroneous. They will not separate nic from the service of God and your favour. In those things I will act according to your inclina- tions, if yon only permit me to enjoy the other rights belonging to the see of St. Andrews." The archbishop of Canterbury, too, wrote Alexander, requiring him to recall Eadmer to Scotland ; but Alexander would not listen cither to the solicita- tions, though humbly enough expressed, of the one, or the I'cquisition, however perem])tory, of the other, lie was resolved to uphold the inde- pendence of the Scottish church ; and the un- daunted spirit with which he maintained it throngh- out the whole contest, would have been ecjually displayed, as Lord Hailes justly remarks, in de- fence of the independence of his kingdom, had England ever attempted to call it in question dur- ing his reign. In Januaiy 1123, about a year before Alexan- der's death, the i)retensions of the archbishop of York were renewed, on the king procuring an English monk named Robert, who was prior of Scone, to be elected bishop of St. Andrews. The latter, however, was not consecrated till the fourth year of the reign of David I. about five years af- terwards, when Thurstin, archbishop of York, performed the ceremony, under reservation of the rights of the Scots church. While thus successful in his resistance to the claims of supremacy on the part of the metropoli- tan sees of York and Canterbury, Alexander, as was usual in those days, evinced his devotion to the church by the ample donations which ho made to it. He bestowed upon the see of St. Andrews the famous tract of laud called the Cur- sus Apri, or Boar's Chase, of which it is not pos- sible now to assign the exact limits ; but " so called," says Boece, " from a boar of uncommon size, which, after having made prodigious havoc of men and cattle, and having been fi-cquently attacked by the huntsmen unsuccessfully, and to the imminent peril of their lives, was at last set upon by the whole country up in arms against him, and killed while endeavouring to make his escape across this tract of gi'ound." The historian adds that there were extant in his time manifest ALEXANDER 1. 58 ALEXANDER I. proofs of the existence of this huge beast ; its two tnsks, each sixteen inches long and four thick, lieiiig fixed with iron chains to the great altar of St. Andrews, having been placed there by the above named Bishop Robert, who obtained the grant of tlie boar chase from Alexander, although not consecrated bishop at the time it was bestowed. The legend that this extensive tract of land was conferred in 370 by Hungus or Hergustus, a Pict- ish king, who is unknown to history, is a monkish fiction utterly unworthy of attention. In 1123, having narrowly escaped shipwreck near the island of jEmona, now called Inchcolm, in the Frith of Forth, Alexander built a monas- tery on that island, of the ruins of which a wood- cut is given underneath. The ciixumstances are thus related by Fordun : "About the year 1123, Alexander I. having some business of state which obliged him to cross over at the Queen's feiTy, was overtaken by a terri- ble tempest blowing from the south-west, which obliged the sailors to make for this island, (.Smo- na,) which they reached with the greatest difficulty. Here they found a poor hermit, who lived a reli- gious life according to the rules of St. Columba, and performed service in a small chapel, support- ing himself by the milk of one cow, and the shel- fish ne could pick up on the shore ; nevertheless, on these small means he entertained the king and his retinue for three days — the time which they were confined here by the wind. During the storm, and whilst at sea and in the greatest danger, the king made a vow that if St. Columba would bring him safe to that island, he would there found R, monastery to his honour, which should be an asylum and relief to navigators. He was, more- over, farther moved to this foundation, by having, from his childhood, entertained a particular venera ■ tion and honom- for that saint, derived from his parents, who were long married without issue, until imploring the aid of St. Columba, their request was most graciously granted." Tire monastery thus founded by Alexander was for canons regular of St. Augustine, and was richly endowed by the gi-ateful and pious king its founder and patron. Being dedicated to St. Colm or Columba, the island obtained the name thereafter of Inchcolm, which it still retains. The king had previously brought a colony of canons regular of St. Augustine from the monastery of St. Oswald at Nastley, near Pontefract, in Yorkshb-e, and established them at Scone, the abbey of which he had founded in 1114, and dedicated to the Holy Trinity and St. Michael. This famous abbey, it is well knowTi, enclosed the celebrated coronation stone which was removed to England by Edward I., and is stiU used at the coronation of the sove- reigns of Great Britain at Westminster. The ALEXANDER I. 59 ALEXANDER l. sbbey of Scone, also, thus founded by Alexander, xvitnessed the crowning of the later Scoto-Saxon kings. By a royal charter he conferred upon the monks of this abbey the right of holding their own court, and of giving judgment eitlier by combat, by iron, or by water; together with all privileges pertaining to their court; inclnding the right in all persons resident within their territory, of refusing to answer except in their own proper co» church of St. Andrews — which had been fouMk'il ill his reign by Turgot, its archbishop — with mi- merous lands, and conferring upon it various im- munities, as an additional evidence of his devotion to the blessed apostle St. Andrew, after whom the see was called, he commanded his favourite Am- \ bian horse to be led up to the high altar, his sad- ' die and bridle being splendidly ornamented, whilo ; his housings were of a rich cloth of velvet. Tho ; king's body armour, of sujierb Tin-kisli manufac- i ture, and studded with jewels, with his spear and his shield of silver, were at the same time brought ; by a squire ; and these, along with the horse and his furniture, the king, in the presence of his pre- i lates and barons, solemnly devoted and presented [ to the church. The housings and aias were sho\vii in the days of tlic historian who has re- corded the event. \_Extracf from the Retjister of the Priory of St. Andrews, in Pitikerton's Disserta- tion, Appendix, vol. i. p. 464. Winton, vol. i. p. 286. Sec also Ti/tler's History of Scotland, vol. ii. p. 198.] The rising commerce of the country in those early times was much aided and advanced by the settlement, in the districts contiguous to the Bor- ders, of numbers of Flemish merchants, who, dur- ing the reign of Alexander, gradually spread into Scotland, and at a later period, namely, in the reign of David the First, were found in all the towns along the cast coast, and even in the west- ern parts of the kingdom, wherever traffic could be safely and jnofitably carried on. The money in circulation in Scotland at that period appears to have been of silver only. Indeed, down to the reign of Robert the Second, the gold coinage of England, then current in Scotland, seems to have been the only gold money in use. Of the early silver moncj' of Scotland, the most ancient speci- mens yet found are the pennies of Alexander the First, which arc now extremely rare. They are described as being of tno same firmness, weight, and form as the contemporary English coins of the same denomination, and down to the time of Robert the First, the money of Scotland was pre- cisely of the same value and standard as that of England. [See Ritddiman's Introduction to An- derson's Diplomata, pp. 64, 55. — Tytler's Hi.sli'Tii ALEXANDER I. 60 ALEXANDER 1. of Scotland, vol. ii. p. 264.] The annexed en- graving of the silver pennies of Alexander I. is fiora Anderson's Numismata. Annexed is a seal of Alexander I., in which he te represented fully cased in the araionr of that period : Here we find the scaled mail-coat composed of mascles, or lozenged pieces of steel, sewed upon a tunic of leather, and reaching only to the mid thigh. The hood is of one piece with the tunic, and covers the head, which is protected with a conical steel cap, and a nasal ; the sleeves are loose, so as to show the linen tunic worn next the skin, and again appearing in graceful folds above the knee; the lower leg and foot are protected by a short boot, armed with a spur. The king holds in his right hand a spear, to which a pennoncelle, or small flag, is attached, exactly similar to that worn by Henry the First; the saddle is peaked before and behind; and the horse on which he rides is ornamented by a rich fringe round the chest, but altogether un- armed. \_Seal in tJie Diplomata Scotia, plate 7. Tytlefs History of Scotland vol. ii. p. 360.] Alexander the First died at Stirling on the 27th of April 1124, in the seventeenth year of his reigc and leaving no issue was succeeded by his young- est brother, David. He was interred before the high altar at Dunfermline, near to his father. During his reign, as during that of his brother and predecessor Edgar, the laws, institutions, and forms of government, except in the Gaelic poition of the kingdom, were purely Saxon ; and to this particular epoch in oiu- nation's history, may be traced the earliest existence in Scotland of some of the great officers of state, who after that period discharged some of the more important functions of the government, as the chancellor, the consta- ble, &c. The former was the most intimate coun- sellor of the king, and generally the witness to his charters, letters, and proclamations, and the lat- ter, an office of undoubted Norman origin, was the leader of tlie whole military power of the kingdom. The first appearance in Scotland of the now ancient office of sheriff is also referred to this reign, although the division of the country into regular sheriffdoms did not take place till a much later period. " During the reigns of Edgar and Alexander I.," says .Skene, "the whole of Scot- land, with the exception of what had formed the kingdom of Thorflnn (during the Norwegian con- quest consisting of the Orkneys, the Hebrides, and a large portion of the Highlands), exhibited the exact countei'part of Saxon England, with its earls, thanes, and sheriffs, while the rest of the country remained in the possession of the Gaelic Maormors, who yielded so far to Saxon influence as to assume the Saxon title of earl." \History of the Highlanders, vol. i. p. 128.] The personal character of Alexander was bold and energetic, and his disposition fiery and impetuous. Strenn ous in maintaining his authority, he had, early in his reign, applied himself to repressing the disor- ALEXANDER II. 61 ALEXANDER H. ders and iusurrections which were contimially breaking out in the Celtic portion of liis domin- ions, and his ardent temper and daring spirit con- tribated not a little to his success in overawing the turbulent inhabitants of the north, and reduc- ing them to submission. The boldest chieftains are said to have trembled in his presence, and the epithet of 'Fierce' attached to his name seems to have arisen from the energy which he at all times displayed, and which was necessary for reclaiming the Scots fi'om that savage barbarism into which they had relapsed under Donald Bane. Although terrible to the rest of his people, Alexander is de- scribed by Aldred, as being humble and courteous to the clergy, " not ignorant of letters," liberal even to profusion, and kind and benevolent to the poor. — Hailes' Annals of Scotland, vol. i., and the authorities quoted in the preceding article. ALEXANDER II., king of Scotland, the fourth in succession fi'om the subject of the foregoing me- moir, to whom he stands in the relation of great gi'and-nephew, was born at Haddington 24 Aug., 1198. He was the only legitimate son of William Burnamed the Lion, his predecessor on the throne. His mother, Ermangarde, was daughter of Rich- ard Viscount de Beaumont, a descendant from Henry I. of England, through his mother, a na- tural daughter of that monarch. He succeeded his father December 4, 1214, being then only six- teen years of age, and was crowned at Scone on the 20th of the same mouth. Some years before the death of William his fa- ther, that monarch had been engaged in warlike demonstrations against England, followed, (in 1209,) by a treaty of a singular character, of which the provisions have not yet been clearly ascertained. It appears that during the troubles in which John — the monarch who then sat upon the English throne — was involved, (in consequence of disputes with the head of the chmxh and the dissatisfaction of his barons, which finally resulted in the conces- sion by him of Magna Charta,) William — conceiv- ing the opportunity to be favom-able — took occa- sion to demand that the counties of Northumber- land, Cumberland, and Westmoreland, (which until about the middle of the reign of Henry II. had constituted the county or province of North- nmbria, and under that designation had been held during the latter part of the reign of his grand- father David I., by the eldest sou of that mon- arcn, the fatucr of William, a.s a fief of the English crown, but on the death of that monarch had bet'n resumed by Henry II.,) should be restored to the Scottish nation. How far that claim — one of the vexed questions of Scottish histoiy — was founded in right, does not properly fall to be considered in this biography, but will be treated of in that of IMalcolm IV., the brother of William, on whose accession these counties were restored to Henry, and to which therefore we refer. We may, how- ever, remark, — unwilling as we are to yield to any one in the assertion of the jnst rights of Scotland, — that there does not appear in the circumstances any warrant for assuming — as William then did, and as Scottish writers have hitherto done — that the intrusting of the government of these coun- ties by Stephen in February 1139 to Prince Hen- ry, son of David — as an individual lordship for which he rendered homage — can be construed in- to permanent cession of their possession from the English to the Scottish crown. It may more pro- bably be inferred as done in guarantee of the ful- filment of the solemn engagement then entered into with David by Stephen, that the crown of England — usurped by him— should at his death descend to Heniy, gi-and-ncphew of David, — son of the empress Matilda his sister's daughter the rightful heiress, — on whose behalf alone it was that that wise and righteous prince had professed to take up arms. The retention in his own bands by the English king, dm-ing the entire period of their government by the heir to the Scottish throne, of the commanding strengths of Bamborough, Norham, and Newcastle on Tyne, (the two former situated near the Scottish border,) and the omission of all reference to the circumstance of the supposed cession on the part of English historians, gives adtlitional probability to this aspect of the trans- action. Its resumption, therefore, on the fulfil- ment of that stipulation towards the close of the icign of David, may in this view of the matter have involved no injustice on the part of the English monarch, and ap]iears to have been peace- fully acquie;Sced in by Malcolm, the then reign- ing king. In the history of the two kingdoms oi that period, however, it will frequently be found ALEXANDER n. 62 ALEXANDER H. that tUe occasion of distraction or civil contest oa tlve part of the one was frequently embraced, to press to an issue assumed or disputed claims on the part of the other, and the fearful state of mat- ers wiiich then obtained in England — placed as it was onder a papal interdict, the public services of reJigion suspended, the rites of interment witli- beld, the prelates banished, and the nobles insult- ed — presented an opportunity too tempting to be vriti^iood by William, for making a demand which, if yielded to, would at once aggrandize his king- dom, and avenge liis long captivity. Nor is there wanting, in the earlier history of that monarch himself, more than one incident to illustrate the truth of the foregoing remark. In order to understand the position of the par- ties, however, on the occasion of the conclusion of this treaty, it is proper to observe that, according to the English historians, John, — notwithstanding the dangerous situation in which he stood, and the loss of reputation he had sustained by acquiescing in the conquest of the English provinces in France, — appears, on becoming aware of the military pre- parations of William, to have manifested a de- gree of energy unusual to him, and to have resolved to do some act that woidd give a lustre to his gov- ernment. He is represented by them as having been successful in his military entei-prises in Scot- land, as also in others which he undertook against the Lish and Welsh. It was in these circum- stances, therefore, that by the treaty in question, the king of Scotland bound himself to pay to John fifteen thousand merks (supposed to be equivalent to one hundred and fifty thousand pounds ster- ling of our present money) in two years, by fom- equal paj-ments, " for procm-ing his good will (bettevolentia), and for fulfilling certain conven- tions between them," contained in a charter which has not been presei-ved. For the performance of this treaty William gave John hostages. He likewise delivered his two daughters, Blargaret and Isabella, to the king of England to be edu- cated at his comt;, and "that they might be pro- vided by him in suitable matches," but not to be considered as hostages. About thii-ty years thereafter it was stated in the EngUsh parliament that the conditions of the charter referred to were that the two Scottish princesses should be mar- ried to king John's two sons, and that the money, together with a renunciation of his claim to the northern counties, was given by William as their marriage portion. Hubert de Biu'gh, the justici- ary of England, who married the princess Mar- garet, positively denied, however, all knowledge Oi any such condition as the former; while some Scottish writers subsequently founded on its non- fulfilment a supposed claim for the restitution of the latter. [See Life of William the Lion, post.J Shortly after Alexander came to the throne aff'airs in Eugland became involved in a still" gi'eater degree of confusion than before. John, perfidious and peijured as tyrannical, had violated the provisions of Magna Charta, set his barons ai defiance, and threatened alike to crush the liber- ties of the country and then- power. In this emergency, they decided to renounce their allegi- ance to him, and sent a deputation to offer the crown of England to Louis, son of the king oi France. At the same time such of them as held possessions in the northern counties applied to Alexander, and offered to put him in possession oi these districts as the consideration for his aiding them against their oppressor. Although so young, Alexander was not unwilling to avail himself ol the proposal, and an agreement was accordingly entered into to that effect. In accordance with this agreement, Alexander with an army marched iuto Northumberland, and on the 18th of October 1215, he received the homage of the barons of that county at Felton castle. The castle of Norhani was besieged by him for forty days, during which time Eustace de Vesci, — one of the principal bar- ons of the northern counties, who had made him- self conspicuous by his opposition to John, — gave him investiture of the county of Northumberland by livery and sasine. The intelligence of these negotiations, however, again stu'red up John to unwonted activity, and he resolved to crush the northern invasion before Louis should an-ive in England. Accordmgly, immediately after Christ- mas, whilst a deep fall of snow lay on the ground, at the head of a large force, consisting principally of foreign mercenaries, he advanced into Yorkshire and Northumberland, devastating the estates o! the confederated barons, and burning and slaying wherever he came. All the castles and towns ALEXANDER U. OS ALEXANDEK 11. they could take were given to the (lames, King John himself setting the example, as he fired with his owu hauds iu the morning the house in which he had rested the preceding night. On the approach northward of Jolin, AlexantU'r •■iiiscd the siege of Norham, and retu'ed within his OBTi dominions. Tlie English barons accompanied him, ajKl those of the northern comities did homage to Alexander at the abbey of Meliose on the 15th January 1216. [C//ronicfeq/"Jl/e/;osc, p. 190.] John with his mixed and savage host of foreign soldiery followed, burning, in theu' march, the towns of Werk, Morpeth, Alnwick, Mitford, and Koxburgh. After storming Berwick they entered Scotland, torturing, plundering, and massacring the inha- bitants in their way. The towns of Dunbaj- and Haddington were likewise burnt to the gi'ound. John was detemiLned to have vengeance on Alex- ander for the assistance which he had given to the patriotic barons who had taken up arms against him. "We will smoke," he said, " the little red fox out of his covert." From this laconic descrip- tion of him we may infer that Alexander the Sec- ond was both diminutive in stature and ruddy in complexion. John pursued his devastating com-se is far as Edinburgh, but was soon obliged to ivithdraw from a country which his troops had ravaged so completely that it no longer afforded them subsistence. In his retreat, his forces burnt the priory of Coldingham, which had been found- ed in the yeai- 1098 by Edgar king of Scotland, and the town of Berwick ; John himself, as was his usual practice, giving the example to his bru- tal soldiery by setting fire to the house in which he had lodged. For the priory of Coldingham thus ruthlessly consumed by John's savage followers, Alexander, like all the rest of the Scottish kings since the time of Edgar its founder, had a gi-eat veneration. He had not only confirmed the charters which his predecessors had granted to it, but exempted tlie prior and his monks from a sum of twenty merks that they had been in the custom of paying yearly to his exchequer, under the name of wattinrja, — a tax which appears to have been levied from the landholders in Scotland for the purpose of erect- ing and maintaining in repair the government fur- tresses. He also issued a writ to Robert de Bern- hani, the mayor, and to the bailifls of Bcnvick, enjoining them to allow free passage to foreign merchants, when on their way to the priory to purchase the wool and other commodities belong- ing to the monks, and prohibiting every one from seizing any property, moveable or unmoveable, belonging to the convent, within the barony or lordship of Cuklingham, for debt on forfeiture. Besides these immunities, he, released " the twelfth village of Coldinghamshire, or that in which the church is founded," from the aids and niilitai'y service which had formerly been exacted. It was not likely therefore that he would allow John's destructive march to (jass >\itliout taking dreadful reprisals. Accordingly, in the month of Fel)ruary fol- lowing this inroad, Alexander in his turn wast- ed the western marches with fire and sword and penetrated into Cumberland. Some of the uudiseipliued Scots, bj' which name the monk- ish historians distinguish the Highlanders iu his anny, plundered and burnt the abbey of Holin- cidtram, in revenge for the destruction of the pri- ory of Coldingham by the English. These rever- end chroniclers relate with apparent delight that two thousand of the Scots, on their way home with their booty, were drowned in the flooded cmTCUt of the river Eden, as a judgment for their sacrilegious violation of a holy house. After a temporary I'etreat into his own territories, Alex- ander invaded Cumberland a second time, in the month of July, with all his army, except the Highlanders, whom he had chastised and dis- missed [Chron. Mel., p. 191], and on the 8th ot August, he took possession of the city of Carlisle. The castle, however, held out against him. He then marched southwards quite through England to Dover, to join Louis, the son of the king of France, who by this time had arrived in Eugland. In his progress Alexander assaulted Bernard cas- tle, the seat of the Baliol family, then held by a garrison for John. Eustace de Vesci, who had given him investiture of Northumberland at Nor- ham castle, was slain there. On arriving at Dover he found Louis besieging the castle, and as the English barons had done, he did homage to that prince for all his lands in England, and particularly for the counties of Northumberland, CniulicThmd. ALEXANDER II. 64 ALEXANDER U. and Westmoreland, which were then granted to him by charter. [Rpner's Fccdera, torn. ii. p. 217.] This he might very well do, for the French prince Louis had not only been offered and had accepted the crown of England, but actually had a claim to it in right of his wife. On this occasion Louis, on his part, swore that he would not conclude a separate peace, an .oath which he was soon com- pelled to violate. On his return homeward Alex- ander met with some obstruction in passing the Ti-ent, the bridge at Newark having been broken down by the army of King John, who expired at the castle of Newark, 19th Oct. 1216. Some time before this (May 15, 1213) John had been reduced to the unworthy expedient of sur- rendering his dominions into the hands of the Pope, and of consenting to hold them hencefor- ward only as his vassal, as a means of escaping from the consequences of the papal interdict, and threatened excommunication. When compelled by his barons and clergy (June 19, 1215) to sign the Great Charter, inwardly resolving to violate its provisions, he, as one means of effecting this, laid a statement of the matter, with a complaint of the violence imposed upon him, before his feu- dal lord, the supreme pontiff, who issued a bull, absolving him from his oath, annulling the char- ter, and prohibiting the barons from exacting the observance of it, on pain of excommunication. Strange to say, the English primate refused to obey the pope in publishing the sentence, and though suspended on account of this proceeding, and a new and particular sentence of excommuni- cation was issued by name against the principal barons, — including not only the French prince Louis, but Alexander and his whole army, and the entire realm of Scotland, — the nobility and people, and even the clergy, of both kingdoms adhered to the combination against him, and so little zeal in the matter was manifested by the clergy of Scotland, that nearly a twelvemonth elapsed before it was published there. [Chron. Melrose, 192. Fordtm, ix. 31.] Although Alexander, as ah-eady stated, had taken the town of Carlisle, the castle held out, and was besieged by him unsuccessfully. While engaged in this siege, a portion of the army of Prince I.iOuis was entirely defeated in the streets of Lincoln, 19th May 1217, the count de Perche, its commander-in-chief, being killed, and many of the chief commanders taken prisoners. On the news of this defeat, Prince Louis, who was still occupied w-ith the siege of Dover, proceeded to London, where he learned the further defeat of a fleet bringing him reinforcements from France, and the general defection of the barons, as they had by this time become suspicious of his inten- tion. In the general tiu'n which men's disposi- tions had taken, the excommunication denounced by the legate failed not now to produce a mighty effect on them, and they were easUy persuaded to consider a cause as impious, which had hitherto been unfortunate, and for which they had already entertained an unsurmountable aversion. Seeing his cause to be desperate, Louis now began to be anxious for the safety of his person, and entered into a negotiation with the earl of Pembroke, pro- tector of the realm of England, — Heniy the Thiitl, the son and successor of King John, being then a minor, — and a peace was concluded, Louis stipu- lating for a full indemnity to the English of his party — with a restitution of their honours and for- tunes, together with the free and equal enjoyment of those liberties which that wise noble had guar- anteed in the name of the prince to the rest of the nation — and formally renouncing his pretensions to the crown of England. That Louis might be reconciled to the holy see, he did penance by walliing barefooted to the legate's tent, in pres- ence of both armies. He then departed with all his foreign forces to France. On receiving intelligence of these events, Alex- ander, who was then on his march into England, made overtures of peace to the young king Hen- ry HI., and after some time spent in negotia- tion, a treaty was concluded between them. He then yielded up the town of Carlisle to the Eng- lish, and in an intenaew which he had with King Henry at Northamption, he did homage to him, — but for his English possessions only, as Scot- tish writers allege, — and returned into Scotland. [C/iron. Mel. 192, 194, 195. Fordun ix. 31.] Alexander now sought to be reconcQed to the Pope, and having procured a safe conduct from England, he proceeded to Tweedmouth, on the English side of the Border, and there met the ALEXANDER II. 05 ALEXANDER U. fticlibisliop of York and the bishop of Diiiliam who had been delegated by tlie Pope's legate for the pni7>ose, and received absohition from their hands, 1st December 1217, witliout being called npon to pejform tlie ignominious penance which generally preceded absohition. Some daj-s thereafter the delegates also removed the ban of excomnnniica- tion from Alexander's mother, queen Ermengarde. Tlie sentence was also removed from tlie whole body of the Scottish nation, except the prelates and the clergy, who had become obnoxious by reason of their reluctance to publish the bull. In tlie spring of 1218, William, prior of Dur- nam, and Walter de Wisbech, archdeacon of York, traversed Scotland, " from Berwick to Aberdeen," for the purpose of absolving the Scottish clergy from the sentence of excommunication. While npon this tour, on arriving at a town they snra- moned the clergy to attend them, and having required them to swear allegiance to the papal legate, and to make a candid confession of all nintters concerning which they wore a.sked, they absolved them, standing barefoot before the doors of their churches and abbeys. The coinniission- ers were very sumptuously entertained, and thcii favour was courted by large bribes of money, and many presents. IRidpat/t's Border History, p 127.] On their return south they halted at Ihc abbey of Lindores, where the prior of Durham was nearly suflbcated with smoke, a fire having broken out in the chamber where he slept, through the carelessness and rioting of tliosc who had the charge of the wine, "his chaniberman," as Balfour pithily says, " being verey drunke." He died at Coldiiigham priory, whicli appears to have been partially restored after its burning by King Johi: in 1216. The following is a woodcut of the ruin,' of this celebrated priory. Against these proceedings the king appealed to Rome, while tlie clergy themselves sent a deputa- tion of three bi.shops to the Pope. Ajudgment was obtained in theii- favour, which declared that the legate had exceeded his powers, and not only was absolution granted by Pope llouurius, luit tlie liberties and privileges of the Scottish church were confirmed [Fordun a d'oodal, vol. li. pp. 40, 42.] For this favour one of the causes mentioned m the respect and obedience which Alexander had E ALEXANDER II. 66 ALEXANDER IL manifested to tlie papal see. This concession on liis part in a few years thereafter (in 1225) led to one of still greater importance. The Scottish clergy having represented to the Pope, that fi-om the want of a metropolitan they could not hold a provincial council, he authorized them to hold a general council of their own authority. Of this permission they were not slow to take advantage, and having assembled under its sanction, they drew up a distinct form of proceeding, by which the Scottish provincial councils were in future to be held ; instituted the office of Conservator Sta- tutorum, and continued to assemble frequent pro- vincial councils, unfettered by the intervention of any foreign superior. By one article of the treaty of peace concluded in 1217 between Alexander and Henry, it was stipulated that the king of Scotland sliould marry the princess Joan, the eldest sister of the king of England ; and their nuptials, after some delays, occasioned by the detention of the princess in France, were celebrated on the 25th of June 1221. The princess Joan, on her marriage, was secured in a jointure of one thousand pounds of land rent. IFcedera, tom. ii. p. 252.] Lord Hailes says, " The jointure lands were Jedworth, Lessudden, Kinghorn, and Crail. Any deficiencies were to be made good out of the castles and castellanys of Ayr, Rutherglen, Lanark, and the rents of Clydes- dale. Kinghorn and Crail were, at that time, part of the jointure lands of the queen-dowager." The peace with England and the mamage of Alexander to the English king's sister put a stop to all hostilities between the two nations for sev- eral years, and introduced a friendly intereoui-se between the two royal families, now so nearly re- lated, which for a long time continued uninterrupt- ed. The king and queen of Scotland made fre- quent visits to the court of England ; where they were nobly entertained, and received many valu- able proofs of friendship from King Henry. Tlie alliance with England was still farther strength- ened by the mamage of Alexander's two sisters, the princesses Margaret and Isabella, who had been sent to England in the preceding reign, to English barons of gi-eat power and influence, namely, Margaret, soon after her brother's mar- rage in 1221, to the celebrated Hubert de Burgh, justiciary of England, and Isabella, in 1225, to Roger Bigot, eldest son of Hugh, Earl Bigot. [Fordun, ix. 32, 33. Fadera, i. 227, 228, 374. Matth. Paris, 216.] For providing portions for his sisters, Alexander, in 1224, levied an aid ol ten thousand pounds upon the nation. This grant is stated by some of our Scottish writers, in the loose manner in which they are accustomed to write of events which took place at that remote period, to have been authorized by Alexander's parliament; while, on the contrary, it was imposed by the simple order of the king himself, without the slightest appearance of a meeting of the three estates, or even of the council of the king. Such a thing as a parliament was then unknown in Scotland. The first meeting, indeed, of what may be termed one did not take place till 1289, fully sixty-five years later, when, after the death of Alexander HI., the estates of the kingdom, that is, the five guardians or regents, ten bishops, twelve earls, twenty-three abbots, eleven priors, and forty-eight barons, calling themselves the community of Scotland, although no representa- tives of the burghs or of the people were among them, met at Brigham, now Birgham, an obscure village in Berwickshire, to take into consideration the proposal for a nianiage between the prince ol Wales, the son of Edward the First of England, and the young queen Margaret of Scotland, called " the Maiden of Norway." When Fordun (vol. ii. p. 34) asserts that Alexander the Second, im- mediately after his coronation, held his parliament in Edinburgh, in which he confinned to the chan- cellor, constable, and chamberlain the same high offices which they had filled at his father's death, the word parliament so used may be held only to mean an assembly of the court, or the council of his nobles and great officers of the crown, and not a parliament, or even convention of estates, in the modern meaning of the word. [See Tytter\ History of Scotland, vol. ii. sect. 3.] Anciently the barons of the realm, with the crown vassals and higher clergy, constituted the communitas regni, which formed the parliament, as Mr. Skene terms it, of all Teutonic nations. To this body, composed of Celtic, Norman, and Saxon dignitaries and landholders, belonged the duty of counselling the monarch, and expressing ALEXANDER II. ALEXANDER IL Die wants and wishes of the nation, without the great mass of tlie people having citlicr a voice or a will in the matter, the principle of elective re- presentation being altogether unknown to them. But there was another and even a higher body in the state, independent of the communitas, whose peculiar privileges were only exercised on great and rare occasions, namely, when there was a vacancy in the throne. This was the Sepleni Comites Rcgni Scotice, "the seven earls of Scotland." Until very recently, the existence of such a corporate body in the state seems to have been entirely unknown. To Sir Francis Palgrave belongs the merit of hav- ing made the discovery of a fact of so much im- portance to the right understanding of the history of Scotland. It is proved, he says in his ' Trea- sury Documents illustrative of Scottish History,' published in 1837, that " there existed in the an- cient kingdom of Scotland, a known and estab- lished constitutional body denominated 'the seven earls of Scotland,' possessing privileges of singular importance as a distinct estate in the realm, sev- ered equally ftom the other earls, and from the body of the baronage." These seven earls as a body derived their functions from the old Celtic constitution of the country, ancient Albania, or Scotland, north of the friths of Forth and Clyde, be- ing divided into seven gi'eat provinces or govern- ments. The Pictish names of these provinces were Fiv, Cait, Fotla, Fortrein, Circui, Ce, and Fidach, corresponding with, according to Geraldus Cambrensis, Fife, Caithness, Atholl and Garmo- rin, Stratherne and Menteth, Angus and Meanij, Moray and Ross, and Marr and Buchan. Three of these were provinces of tlie Southern Picts, namely, Fife, Stratherne and Blenteth, and Angus and Meai-ns ; the other four belonged to the nor- thern Picts. These seven provinces formed the kingdom of the Picts or Scotland proper, previous to the ninth century. The Scottish conquest, in 843, having added to it Dalriada, which after- wards became Argyle, and Caithness having to- wards the end of the same century fallen into the hands of the Norwegians, the former was after that period substituted for the latter, and the carl of Argyle instead of the earl of Caithness was numbered among •' the seven earls." The Pictish nation consisted of a confederacy of fourteen tribes spread over the seven provinces named, in each of which one of the seven superior chiefs ruled under the Celtic name of maormor. In the reign of Edgar they assumed the Sa.\on title of earl, and their territories were exactly the same with the earldoms into which the north of Scotland was afterwards divided. In the appendix to the first volume of Mr. Skene's valuable 'History of the Highlanders,' will be found a clear account of the ' seven ancient provinces of Scotland,' over which the seven carls presided. It was the privilege of these seven superior chiefs, by immemorial custom, as a peculiar estate in the realm, to appoint a king, wlieuevcr there was a vacancy, and to invest him with the royal authority, a right which they appear to have exercised after the Pictish kingdom had ceased to exist. Among the other documents preserved in the Treasury, illustrative of Scottish history, which the researches of Sir Francis Palgrave have brought to light, is a roll contain- ing the appeal of the seven earls in 1290 to the authority and protection of Edward I. and tht English crown, against William Eraser, Bishop of St. Andrews, and John Comyn, Lord of Badenoch, the Scottish regents, during the interregnum that succeeded the death of the Maid of Norway, on the ground that the regents were infringing or in- tending to infringe this their constitutional fran- chise ; which appeal, it is now understood, led to the famous summons of the English monarch that the Scottish nobility and clergy should meet him at Norham in the English territories, on the 10th of INLiy 1291, to decide upon the claims of the various competitors to the Scottish crown. Having given this explanation, which will form a key to much of what would be otherwise unintel- ligible or obscure in the early history of Scotland, we resume the regular narrative. The external tranquillity which Scotland en- joyed after the peace with England and the mar- riage of Alexander to the sister of the English king, allowed Alexander leisure to suppress somn dangerous insurrections that had broken out at home. In 1221, Somerled, a grandson of the celebrated lord of the Isles of that name, pos- sessed the whole district of Argyle, which waa then much more extensive than the modem Ar- ALEXANDER II. 68 ALEXANDER II. g}-lesliu-e, and having that year risen in rebellion, the king collected an army in Lothian and Gallo- way, and sailed for Argyle, intending to disembark Ills force, and penetrate into the interior of the country, but his ships were di-iven back by a tem- pest, and forced to take refuge in the Clyde. Al- exander, however, was not discouraged, but re- solved to proceed into Argyle by land. With a large army, which he had summoned from every quarter of his dominions, he made himself master of the whole of the insm-gent district, and compel- led Somerled to flee to the Isles, where, about eight years afterwards, he met a violent death. ■\Vinton says, " De king that yliere Argyle wan Dat rebell wes till hym befor than For wythe hys Ost thare in wes he And Athe' tuk of thare Fewte, Wythe thare serwys and their Homage Dat of hym wald hald thare Herytage, But of the Ethchetys of the lave To the Lordies of that land he gave." The estates of those who fled were bestowed on the principal men of the king's army as a reward for their having joined the expedition; but wher- ever the former vassals of Somerled submitted and were received into favour, they became crown vassals, and held their lands in chief of the crown. The district in which the forfeited estates were, was farther brought under the direct jurisdiction of the government, by being, according to the invariable policy of Alexander n., erected into a sheriffdom by the name of Argyle, the first sherift'dom bearing that name, while the ancestor of the Campbells was made hereditary sheriff of the new sheriffdom. [Skene's History of the Highlanders, vol. ii. p. 46.] The whole of the then northern Argyle, now part of Inverness-shire, was bestowed on the earl of Ross, as a reward for the assistance which he had rendered to the king on this and a former occasion. Besides suppressing this insun-ection in Arg3'le, Alexander was about the same time called upon to punish some disturbances of an alarming kind which had broken out in Caithness. In 1222, Adam bishop of Caithness was '■ruelly burnt to death in his own palace. He had proved himself extremely rigorous in enforcing the demand for tithes, leading the poor people's corn, as Balfoiu- says, " too avariciously," and when the people of his diocese had assembled to consider what was to be done under the circumstances, one of them exclaimed, " short rede, good rede, slay we the bishop," meaning, " Few words are best, let us kill the bishop." The persons assembled unfortunately were too excited to pause or reflect — they followed the cruel advice, thus rashly given, but too literally. Rushing with eagerness to the bishop's house, they furiously assaulted it, set it on fire, and burnt the unhappy prelate in the flames of his own palace, with a monk who attended him, named Serlo. Some of the bishop's servants applied to the earl of Orkney and Caithness to protect their master from the fmy of the mob; he answered that ii the bishop came to him he would be sure of pro- tection, but did not oft'er to go to his assistance. Alexander received intelligence of this cruel action when he was upon a jouniey towards England. He immediately turned back, marched into Caith- ness with an army, and put to death four hundi-ed of those who had been concerned in the murder of the bishop. The earl of Orkney who might have prevented the catastrophe but did not, was believed to have favoured the conspiracy, but him the king pardoned, as he had no actual hand in the crime. He had to pay, however, a large sum of money, and give up the thii-d part of his estate. Balfour says that in the following year, w-hile Alexander was keeping his birth-day at Forfar, the eai'l of Orkney with a good sum of ready money redeemed the thu-d part of his estate from the king, but on his return home he was murdered in his own castle, which was afterwards burnt, in imitation and revenge of the bishop's fate. This event, however, according to the chronicle of Melrose (p. 201) quoted by Lord Hailes, did not take place tiU 1231. In the life of Alexander I. allusion has been made to the peculiar law of succession which pre- vailed amongst the Pictish or Gaelic tribes. [See p. 54, ante.'] This law of Tanistry, as it was callea, provided that on the death of a chief, the brother, or " he of the blood who was nearest," succeeded to the chiefship, to the exclusion of females and even sons, the brother being considered one degree nearer the original founder or patriarch of the race than the son, and if the person who ought to ALEXANDER II. 69 AI-EXANUEK II. succeed wa.s muler fcmrteen yc.irs of age, — tlie nii- cieut Iliglilaud period of ninjorit}-, — his nearest male relation became cliief, and continued so dur- ing his life, the proper heir inheriting tlie eluel'sliip only at his death. [S/wiie's llistonj of the High- landers, vol. i. pp. 1(50, IGl.] The establishment of such a law originated jirimarily, there cannot be a donbt, in the natnral anxiety to avoid mino- rities in a tribe or elan, so that it niiglit always have a conijietent leader in war, a princijile «hieli, however much opposed to the feudal notions of later times, flowed naturally from the patriarchal constitution of society in the Highlands, being peculiarly adapted to the circumstances of a peo- ple whose warlike habits and love of military en- terprise, as well as addiction to armed [iredatory expeditions, demanded at all times a chief of full age and every way qualified to act as their leader and commander. As, however, the Highlanders adhered strictly to succession in the male line and according to the lineal descent from the common ancestor, or found- er of the tribe, an)' infraction of this rule was of- ten productive of the most serious outbreaks and insurrections. This was remarkably the case in the old maormordom or province of Moray, which, at the period when Alexander the Second ascended the throne, included not only what now forms the counties of Elgin and Nairn, but a considerable part of Banffshire and nearly the half of Inver- ness-shire. This was always one of the most re- bellious portions of the kingdom ; and although the tribes of Moray, in common with the I'est of the Highlanders, recognised in Alexander I. and his successor David I. the legitimate heirs of Jlal- colm Canmore, they were never without a pretext for disturbing the country. After the suppression of their attempt at insurrection early in the reign of the former, when Angus refeiTed to (p. 54) as of the family of l\Iacbeth, — whom Skene with rea- son supposes to be the same with Head or Heth, whose name with Comes attached to it appears as witness in numerous charters of David I., Head or Heth being the surname of the family, — w.os in in possession of the earldom, they remained quiet till 1130, Alexander's successor David I. being then on the throne. In that year, an Angus earl rf Moray, — either the individua' referred to above, who escaped confiscation by causing his acconi- liliee I. adman, younger son of Donald Unnc, tr. be ]iut to death, or a descendant of tho same name, — taking advantag(^ of David's absence at the English court, broke out into rebellion, and after having obtained possession of the northern districts of Scotland, advanced at the head of a numerous army, into Forfarshire; bnt Edward, .son of Siward, earl of Northumberland, led an army into Scotland, with which he defeated and slew the oarl at Strickathrow. Twelve years thereafter one AVi mund, an English monk, who had risen to be bishop I of I\Ian, claiming to be the son of Angns, asserted his right to the earldom, and assumed the name ol Malcolm Macbeth. He was assisted by Somerled, thane of Argyle, whose daughter he married, and nuiny of tho northern chiefs. After having for several years sustained a struggle with David, he was at length betrayed by his own adherents, who put out his eyes and delivered him up to the Scottish king. He was sent a prisoner to the cas- tle of Roxburgh, hut after a tedious captivity, was l)ardoned, when he retired to the abbey of Riland in Yorkshire, where he died. [See Life of David I. post."] On the death of David I. in 1153, the Tanistic law of succession would have conferred the right to the throne on Malcolm son of Duncan, the eld- est sou of Malcolm Caniuore, but being then in possession of the earldom of Athol (p. 54), lie does not appear to have brought it forward, pre- ferring probably the certainty of possession under the feudal law to the risk of a hopeless conflict. On his death however, some years afterwards, it would appear that the law of Tanistry again came into conflict with the established system, not only as respects the succession to the crown, but in reference also to the family possessions of the earldom of Athol, and we find the celebrated Boy of Egi-emont, in the person of William, son of William Fitz-Duucan, a younger son of Duncan, appearing as a claimant of both, in opposition to M.alcolm IV., the reigning monarch, and to his cousin Henry, son of Malcolm his father's brother, then earl of Athol. The people of the Highlands, ever prepared to avail themselves of an occasion to thrust out the race that govenied them according to the Saxon laws, were the more encooraged f I ALEXANDER II. 70 ALEXANDER II. support the claim of this individual in the absence of Malcolm TV., tlien rendering military service to Henry II. in France, by the general dissatis- faction professed to be entertained on account of that servitude. Six of the seven great earls of Scotland, who governed the districts into which the ancient Tictish provinces of Scotland were divided and iu whose hands the nomination of the crown was vested [see p. 67]— sent a message to Mal- colm, then at Toulouse, expressing their disappro- bation of his proceedings, and indicating a with- drawal of their allegiance. On his return from France, he met the chiefs at Perth ; and whilst by the intervention of his clergy he endeavour- ed to pacify them and regain their confidence, he was in 1160 attacked by a portion of the confederacy, but they were repulsed, and many of their followers slain. [See life of Malcolm IV. post.'] Donald Bane, another son of William Fitz-Duncan, and grandson of Duncan, afterwards cook up the claim, and supported by the northern chiefs, he for seven years held out the provinces of Moray and Ross against William the Lion, but in 1187, while his army lay at Inverness, a ma- rauding party commanded by Roland of Galloway accidentally encountering him, when attended by few of his followers, attacked and slew him. In 1211 his son Guthred landed from Ireland and wasted the province of Ross. Notwithstanding that the king (William the Lion) went against him in person at the head of an army, he kept possession of the north of Scotland for some time, but was at last betrayed into the hands of Wil- liam Comyn, by whom he was beheaded. On the accession of Alexander II. to the throne, Donald Bane, or MacWilliam, the brother of Guthred, and the son of that Donald who was slain in 1187, prepared to assert his own preten- sions to the crown, and in conjunction with Ken- neth Macbeth, who after an unsuccessful attempt to obtain the earldom of Moray in the reign of Malcolm IV. had taken refuge in Ireland, invaded Scotland at the head of a numerous body of Irish followers. They made an inroad into Moray, but were met by Ferchard, earl of Ross, an ally of the government, who defeated and slew them. Balfour in his annals says: "In the zeire 1215, Donald Bane, the sone of Mack ■ William, and Keneth Mack-Acht, with the son of a pittey king ol Irland, and a good armey, invadit the heighf lands. Against quhom Machentagar Icweys ane armey, and with them feights a werey bloodiey and creuell batell, quhom he totally ouerthrowes, the 17 day of Julay, and solemly presents the rebells heads to the king ; for wich so gude seruice the king solemley knights Machentagar, and gives him a zeirly pensione during his lyflTe." [Vol. i. p. 38.] Lord Hailes transcribed the same names, with a slight difference in the spelling, from the Chronicle of Melrose. "The author," he says, " being a Saxon, has coiTupted the Gaelic names ; Kenaukmacaht and M'Kentagai are unintelligible words." From the above retro- spect, which was necessary to render the narrative clear, the reader will not be at a loss to under- stand that by Donald Bane is meant Donald M'William the grandson of William, and great- grandson of Duncan king of Scotland, and bj Machentagar, Ferchard Macantagart, earl of Ross, who conquered and slew him and Kenneth Mack- Act, or Macheth, as already narrated. The rebellion of Somerled in 1221, of which an account has been given iu pages 66, 67, is the last of those persevering efforts made to replace the family of Duncan on the throne of his father Mal- colm. By an intermarriage of their families at an earlier period Somerled had become closely related to the race of Duncan. The language of the old chronicler Winton, ab'eady quoted, " Dat rebel] wes till hyin befor thjin,'* would imply that he with ti;3 forces of Argyle had aided in the previous one of 1215. The death, there- fore, of the last of the heirs of the direct line seems to have opened the way to a claim to the throne in his own right. In reading of these continuous struggles, and of the aid so frequently rendered by the Irish and Scottish branches of the Celtic family to the assertion of the old Pictish law, we see another proof of the tenacity with which under all discouragements they held to it. In the fre- quent interference also of the Irish in these intei'- nal struggles, — made too, it is worthy of being noted, generally on occasions when the occupant of the throne was embarrassed by other questions, — we seem to read over again the series of con ALEXANDER II. 71 ALEXANDER n. tests — brought to light by Skene and others — whereby the Irisli Dahiadic tribe, not having then the Norman arms to encounter, at an earlier pe- riod of tlie national history more successfully sub- merged the existing government, and gave the name of Scotland, and race of nionarclis — the true heirs according to their theory — to that country. Although the family of Angus had become ex- tinct by the death of Kenneth, yet by the Celtic law of succession, the claims of the family were transmitted to the next branch of the clan, and in 1228 the tranquillity of the same district was again liisturbed by one Gillespie, claiming to be the chief of the province. This warrior, after burning 50me wooden castles, surprising and slaying a baron who had been sent against him, called Tho- mas of Thirlstane, to whom Malcolm IV. had given the district of Abertai-ff, set fire to the town of Inverness, and spoiled and wasted the crown lands in that neighbourhood. The king went against him in person, but for a while he eluded his pursuit. He was at last encountered and slain, by William Comyn earl of Buchan, the justiciary of the kingdom. As a reward for suppressing this insurrection Comyn got a grant from the king of the districts of Badenoch and Lochaber. In accordance with his usual policy, Alexander erected that portion of the extensive earldom of Moray, ;vhich was not then under the rule of the Bissets, the Comyns, and other Norman barons, into the separate sheriffdoms of Elgin and Nairn. " The authority of government," says Skene, " was thus so effectually established that the Moravians did not again attempt any resistance; and thus ended with the death of Gillespie, the last of that series of persevering efforts which the earls of Moray had made for upwards of one hundred years to pi'cserve their native inheritance." [Highlanders of Scot- land, vol. ii. p. 170.] In 1233 the most serious insurrection which Alexander had yet to contend with occurred in Galloway, arising out of a similar principle to that which produced the disturbances in Moray; the adherence, namely, of the inhabitants to the ancient law of tanistry, as evidenced in their un- willingness to submit to female succession. The people of that extensive district, which forms the south-western angle of Scotland, were chiefly of a Celtic race. Besides offshoots from the Scoth of Kintyre, large bodies of colonists from Ireland formed, at various times, settlements there, durinj; the ninth, tenth, and eleventh centuries, and from the frequent incursions of these and other settlers, the district obtained its name ; either, as is most likely, from the word Call, which originally signi- fied stranger or wanderer, and in this sense was ap])lied to the pirates who, in those days, infested the western coasts of Scotland, — hence the term used by the Irish annalists, in reference to them, namely the Gallgael, meaning Gaelic pirates or rovers, — or, as is generally supposed, from the Gaelic origin of the inhabitants. Although the name is now confined to the shire of Wig ton and the stewartry of Kirkcudbright, it an- ciently had a more extensive application, as it comprehended the entire peninsula between the Solway and the Clyde, including Annandale in the south-east, and most of Ayrshire in the north- west, and was governed by its native chieftains, styled the lords of Galloway, who acknowledged a feudatory dependence on the Scottish crown. In the twelfth century, Fergus, one of the most po- tent of these, who was the son-in-law of Henry I. of England, endeavoured to throw off his alle- giance to Malcolm IV., and raised a formidable insurrection in Galloway. Enraged at his daring, Malcolm marched into his territory, and though twice repulsed, he succeeded in a third effort, in the year IIGO, in overcoming him. Fergus, after suing for peace, resigned his lordship and posses- sions to his two sons, Gilbert and Uchtrcd, and retired to the abbey of Holyrood, where he died in the following year. His two sons attended, as feudatories, William the Lion, in 1174, on his un- fortunate expedition into England ; but they no sooner saw him taken captive than, at the head ol their savage followers, they returned to their na- tive wilds, attacked and denioli-shed the royal castles, and murdered many subjects of William who were settled in Galloway. To protect them against the vengeance of their own sovereign, they besought Henry, the English king, to receive tlicii homage. In the meantime, before receiving an answer to their revjuest, Uchtred was cruelly mur- dered by his brother Gilbert for his share of the inheritance. Gilbert renewed the negotiation with ALEXANDER U. 72 ALEXANDER II Henrj' in liis own name, and offered to pay liim a yearly tribute of two tlioiisand niarlis of silver, five hundred cows, and five hundred swine. To mark his detestation of the treacherous murder of Uchtred, Henry refused both the homage and the tribute. On regaining his liberty, King William invaded Galloway with an army, but instead of punishing Gilbert as he deserved, he accepted from him a pecuniary satisfaction. In the follow- ing year (1170) Gilbert accompanied William to York, where he was received into the favour of Henry, and did homage to him ; the crown vassals as well as the kingdom of Scotland be- ing then, in terms of the treaty which restored William to freedom, placed under feudal subor- dination to England. [See life of William the Lion, post.^ From this Gilbert, who died in 1185, sprang, afterwards, in the thii-d generation, Mar- jory countess of Carrick in her own right, the mo- ther of Robert the Bruce. Meantime Roland, the son of the murdered Uchtred, seized the favoura- ble moment of the death of his uncle Gilbert, to attack and disperse his faction, and to claim pos- session of all Galloway as his own inheritance, in which he was favoured by his own sovereign, William. Henry 11., however, the English king, opposed his claims, and assembling a large army at Carlisle, prepared to invade GaUoway. Ro- land resolved upon a desperate resistance, but the dispute was ultimately adjusted by Roland, after swearing fealty to Henry, being confirmed in the loi-dship of Galloway, on condition of surrendering the territory of Can-ick to his cousin Duncan, the eon of Gilbert. He is the Roland of Galloway who, in 1187, encountered and killed the pre- tender, Donald Bane, at Inverness, p. 69. On the restoration of the national independence, Roland obtained the office of constable of Scotland. He died in December 1200. Alan, the eldest son of Roland, and the last male-heir of the line of the ancient 'lords of Gal- loway,' died in 1233. He succeeded as constable of Scotland, and was a personage of considerable importance in Scottish history. He had been twice married. By his first wife he had a daugh- ter Helen, or Elena, mamed to Roger de Quincy, earl of Winchester. By his second wife, Margaret, the eldest of the three daughters, and eventual heiresses of David, earl of Huntingdon, the bro- ther of William the Lion, he had two daughters; his eldest daughter by his second marriage, Devor- guil, becoming the wife of John de Balliol, lord ol Bernard castle, transmitted to their son John Bal- liol, the competitor, afterwards king, the lineal right of succession to the throne. Devorgnil's younger sister Christian, was the wife of William des Forts, son of the earl of Albemarle. LTnwiiling to have their country partitioned among the husbands ol Alan's three daughters, the people of Galloway offered the lordship to Alexander, whose sense of justice prevented him from depriving the legiti- mate heirs of their right. They then requested that an illegitimate son of Alan, named Tliomas, should be appointed their lord. To this applica- tion Alexander also refused to accede, on which the Galwegians broke out into open rebellion, hav- ing at their head the bastard Thomas, aided by an Irish chieftain named Gilrodh, who joined him with a large force from L-eland. To suppress this formidable outbreak, Alexander led an expedition against the rebellious Galwegians, who did not wait to be attacked by him, but rushed forth from their mountains and fastnesses with Celtic fury, and proceeded to ravage the adjacent country. They even contrived to surround Alexander, when lie had got entangled among morasses, and he was in imminent danger till Ferchard, earl of Ross, came to his assistance, and assaulting the rebels in the rear, routed them with great slaughter. Galloway was restored to Alan's heiresses, and the inhabitants compelled to receive as their supe- rior Roger de Qnincey the husband of Elena. Thomas and his Irish ally escaped to Ireland, but in the following year they returned with a fresh force, and attempted to renew the rebellion. Gil- rodh, on landing, burnt his vessels, as if resolved to conquer or die. The insurgents were, however, again defeated, and Gilrodh surrendered himself to the earl of March without resistance. He was sent bound to Edinburgh castle, but both he and Thomas were pardoned. Their Irish followers, crowding towards the Clyde, in the hope of being able to find a passage to their own country, fell into the hands of a band of the citizens of Glas- gow, who are said to have beheaded them all ex- cept two, whom Balfour calls two of their chief ALEXANDER U. ALEXANDER II. comiiiiuidcrs, and these tlicy seut to Edinburgh, to be hanged and quartered there. The king's enforcing tlie rights of Ahin's daughters, and at tlie head of an army breaking down the spirit of insurrection, was the introduction to the epoch of granting charters for the holding of lands, and of landholders giving leases to tenants, as well as of the security of property and the cultivation of the arts of husbandry in Galloway. Notwithstanding the terms of amity in which Henry and Alexander lived, there were still several subjects of dispute between them, which now and then occasioned some disquiet, and aflbrded matter for discussion and negotiation ; although their own pacific dispositions prevented an open rupture. Henry showed at times au inclination to extend the incidents of tlie homage of the king of Scot- land to an unreasonable limit ; and in 1234 he went so far as to solicit the Pope to exhort Al- exander to acknowledge the superiority of Eng- land over Scotland, au exhortation which Alex- ander, when he received it, paid no attention to. Alexander, on his part, always insisted either on restitution being made to him of the three nor- thern counties of England, or on the repayment of the fifteen thousand merks paid by his father to King John. The vacillating character of Henry in. exposed the peace between the two countries to the risk of constant inten-uption, but sometimes he would conciliate his brother-in-law's favour by gifts, concessions, and the warmest professions of friendship. An instance of this occurred in 1230, when Henry invited Alexander to York, where he celebrated Christmas, and entertained him with great state, and after loading him with presents, sent him home. In 1236, after an interview between the two monarchs at New- castle, where they royally feasted each other, Henry bestowed the manor of Driflield on his sister, the queen of Scots, for life, and at a sub- sequent period he conferred on the same prin- cess the manor of Staunton. [Citron. Melr. 203. Foedera, i. 370, 379.] At length in September 1237, the matters in dispute between Henry and Alexander were heard at York, before Otho, or Endes le Blanc I'Aleran, a cardinal deacon and the papal legate to England. The conference last- ed for fifteen days, and twenty-four councillors of the two kings were present. The iiegociulionH terminated by a coinpromise. Henry, in full of iili claims, con.sented to grant to Alexander lands in Northumberland and Cumberland, of the yearly value of two hundred pounds. Alexander agreed to accept of these as an equivalent, and did hom- age to Henry in general terms. JMalcolni MacdnlV, earl of Fife, Walter Com}ii, earl of Mcnteith, and others of the principal Scottish barons, bound themselves by oath to maintain this agreement on their monarch's part. [Fadera, i. p. 374, 400. Fordtin, i. 370. JIailes'' Annals of Scotland, vol i. p. 153.J On this occasion the papal legate took an op- portunity of intimating to Alexander his intention of soon visiting Scotland, in order, as he pretend- ed, to inquire into the ecclesiastical afl'aii-s of hii kingdom. Alexander, however, was fully aware of the true motive of this visit, namely, the exac lion of money, and he had no desire to gratify the legate in the matter. The avarice of the court o/ Rome had, about this period, risen to such an ex- orbitant height as to be the subject of general complaint in all the nations of Christendom. The enormous amount of power which the Pope and his ministers universally possessed was used fur purposes of extortion in every kingdom subject to their control. The venality of the popedom wa.s so great that it guided all its dealings with princes and people everywhere abroad, and pervaded its tribunals at home. Simony was o])enly practi-sed; neither favours, nor even justice could be obtained without a bribe, and he who paid the highest price was sure to obtain his suit. In 122C Pope Ilono- rius, under pretence that the poverty of the see of Rome was the source of all the grievances that existed, that they might be remedied, demanded from every cathedral in the Christian world two of the best prebends, and from every convent two monks' portions, to be set apart as a perpetual and fixed revenue of the papal see. This demand was felt to be so unreasonable that it was unani- mously rejected, but about three years later he claimed and obtained the tenth of all ecclesiastical revenues, which he levied in tlfe most oppressive manner, rapacious and insolent collectors of the tithes being sent into the different parishes, io many case.s before the clergy had even drawn ALEXANDER 11. 74 ALEXANDEH II. tlieir own rents. Of all this Alexander was not ignorant, and lie had not forgotten the conduct of tlie two deputies of the papal legate when, in 1218, they visited Scotland and grievously harassed tlie Scottish clergy. For a long period previous to his reign, Scotland had submitted, altliough re- luctantly and impatiently, to the repeated visits of a papal legate who, under the pretext of watch- ing over the interests, and reforming the abuses of the cliurch, assembled councils, and levied large sums of money in the country, but now that the Scottish church had obtained from the Pope the riglit, however ambiguously and loosely worded the bull granting it might be, to hold provincial councils of herself, the presence of a papal legate in Scotland for any such purpose as that pretend- ed by Otho was altogether imnecessary. Alex- ander, therefore, peremptorily declared that he would not allow any such visit. " I have never," he said, " seen a legate in my dominions, and as long as I live, I will not permit such an innova- tion. We require no such visitation now, nor have we ever required it in times past." He add- ed a hint that should Otho venture to disregard his prohibition and enter Scotland, he could not answer for his life, owing to the ferocious habits of his subjects. The legate prudently abandoned all idea of the expedition then, but, as shall pres- ently be seen, he carried his intention into effect a few years thereafter. \_Matth. Paris, p. 377.] Alexander's queen, Joan, had for some time been in declining health, and according to the su- perstition of the times, she sought relief at the shrine of Thomas a Becket at Canterbury, but in vain. She died on the 4th of March, 1238, in the presence of her two brothers, King Henry and Richard duke of Cornwall. 3he had no cliildren. About this time it would appeal- that despaii-ing of heii'S of his own body, Alexander publicly ac- knowledged, in presence and with consent of his barons, Robert Bruce, known in Scottish his- tory as Bruce the Competitor, the grandfather of the hero of Bannockburn, as the nearest heir in blood to the crown. The birth of a son by Alex- ander's second vnfe, in 12-11, put an end to his expectations of the throne at the time ; and on the competition for the crown which took place after the death of the Maid of Norway, more than fifty years afterwards, he urged this as one of hi? strongest pleas. [See life of Robert the Bruce, post.'\ In the year 1239 Alexander had married at Rox - burgli. Lady Mary de Couci, daughter of Ingelram or Enguerrand de Couci, a lord of Picardy, Count de Dreux, in France. His family affected a rank and state scarcely inferior to that of a sovereign. The motto of the new queen's father is said to have been Je ne siiis Roy, ni Prince aussi. Je suis le Seigneur de Couci. Tlie provision of Mary de Couci, on her mar- riage, was a tliird of the royal revenues, amount- ing to upwards of 4,000 merks. [^Matth. Paris, p. 555.] Soon after this marriage, Alexander, being in England, met the papal legate Otho on his w.ay to Scotland, and strenuously remonstrated with him on his intended visit. Tlirough his earnest entreaty, however, but with extreme reluctance, and only at the joint request of the nobility of both kingdoms, the king at length consented to admit him within his dominions, and even permitted him to hold a provincial council at Edinburgh, but he insisted upon and obtained a written decla ration from the legate, given under his seal, that this permission to enter the kingdom should not be drawn into a precedent. Not choosing, how.r ever, to countenance by his presence what he af- firmed to be an unnecessary innovation, Alexan- der retired into the interior of his kingdom, nor would he suffer the legate to extend his pecuniary exactions beyond the Forth. [il/a«/(. Paris, p. 422.] Under such circumstances the papal emis- sary tarried no longer than to collect those spoils which both clergy and laitj', eager to get rid of liim, poured into his rapacious hands. Secretly, and without leave asked, he then departed from Scotland. He had previously in this same year (1240), plundered the prelates and convents of England of large sums of mone}', partly by in- trigues, and partly by menaces, and on his depar ture is said to have carried more money out of the kingdom than he left in it. In 1241, the queen gave birth to a son at Rox- burgh, whom the king called Alexander after him- self He succeeded him on tlie throne under tho name of Alexander III. ALEXANDER IL 75 ALEXANDEU II. Although the ties of reliitionship which had bound together Ileniy and Alexander, were now severed, yet so good a mutual understanding still subsisted between the two kings, that in 124L', when Henry prepared to visit his dominions on the continent, alter he had declared war against Louis IX. of France, he committed to Alexander the care of the northern froutiors of his kingdom. lie probably distrusted his own baron.s, who, dis- contented with his patronage of foreigners, were then preparing that confederacy against him \\ liich under Simon de Montfort, a few years later, virtu- ally wrested all his regal authority from him. The king of Scotland, in the absence of the English sovereign, was the most likely person to have seized the opportunity of disturbing the borders ; but the trust thus so honourably confided to him was as faithfully and honourably' discharged. Alexander II. was not a prince to violate his faith, and he amply proved himself worth}' of the confi- dence which the English monarch had reposed in him. IC/ir. Melr. 203, 20i. Matth. Paris, 395.] In that age the great pastime of the nobles and knights was the tournament. At one of these feats of arms held in 1242, at Haddington, an inci- dent occurred which led to important consequences. Between the noble house of Athole and the Bissels, •an English family' who held large possessions iu the north of Scotland, a feud had long existed. At the tournament referred to, Walter de Bisset was foiled and overthrown by Patrick, earl of Athole, a young nobleman of great promise. It has been already- stated (life of Alexander I. p. 54, ante), that the earldom of Athole was, towards the end of the reign of David I. obtained by Malcolm, the son of Duncan, the eldest son of Malcolm Canmore. Malcolm was succeeded as earl by his son of the same name. He left a son, Henry, who also en- joyed the earldom. The latter died in the begin- ning of the thirteenth centurj'. By a son who predeceased him he had two granddaughters, Isa- bel and Fernelith. Isabel, the elder, married Thomas of Galloway, a younger son of Roland, and brother of Alan, lord of Galloway. Fernelith, the yoimger, married David de Hastings, an Anglo- Norman knight. This Patrick, earl of Athole, was the only child of the former, and the representa- tive by the female line of the eldest branch of the family of Duncan. In a short time after, the cnri of Athole was murdered at Haddington, and the house in which he bulged set on fu-c by the assassins. Suspicion at once pointed to the defeated I5is.sct as the instigator, if not the actual pcr|ictrator of the crime. The nobility, headi'd by the carl u( March, immediately raised an armed force, and, excited to vengeance by David de Hastings, who had marrieil Fernelith, the aunt and heiress of Patrick, and now earl of Athole, they demanded the life of both AValler and his mule \\'illiaui Bisset, the chief of the family. The latter offered to maintain his innocence by single combat; and urged that, at the time of the murder, he was at Forfar, seventy miles distant. By the exertions of the king he was saved from death, but he wa? banished and his estates were forfeited. All hit kindred were involved in his ruin. As his enemies secretly sought his life, the king took him under his protection and concealed him from their fury for three months. Escajiing after that period first to Ireland and afterwards to England, Bisset found his way to the court of King Henry, to whom, as an English .subject, he seems to have appealed against the judgment that had stripped him of all his possessions and exiled him from Scotland, on the plea " that Alexander, being the vassal of Henry, had no right to inflict such punishments on his nobles without the per- mission of his liege lord. " So deep was his desire of vengeance for the injuries which he had sustained, that, forgetful of all feelings of gratitude to Alexander, to whose generous in- terposition on his behalf, lie owed his life, he endeavoured, by the most insidious representa- tions, to incite Henry to take up arms against him. He declared that the king of Scots was in league with France, and that he gave shelter and protection to traitors from England who had taken refuge iu his dominions. Henry, believing on good grounds that a strong anti-English feeling had begun to prevail in Scot- land, and suspicious of the friendly correspondence which Alexander had, since his marriage to Mary de Couci, cultivated with France, gave but too ready an ear to these artful statenienis and insinuations. The personal intimacy of the two kings had now for some lime ceased. ALEXANDER II. 70 ALEXANDER II. and as national jealousies began to revive, tlic weak -minded English monarch was the more easily influenced against his former friend am\ brother-in-law. He complained to Alexander that lie had violated the duty which he was bound to yield to him as his lord paramount, and Alexander is said to have replied that he owed no homage to England for any part of his dominions, and would perform none. Henry on this being re- ported to him, determined on an immediate inva- sion of Scotland. As one of his pretexts for preparing for hostilities, he alleged that "Walter Comyn, earl of Menteth, had given umbrage to England, by erecting two castles, the one in Gal- loway, the other in Lothian." {Hailes, vol. i. p. 169.] The Comyns were remarkable at this pe- riod for their cliampionship of Scottish indepen- dence, and as the Walter Comyn mentioned was one of the principal noblemen in Scotland, Henry naturally enough looked upon him as representing the feeling against England prevalent amongst the Scottish nobility at the time. There was an- other pretext, " that Alexander had leagued him- self with France, and had afforded an asylum to GeofiVey de Marais, and other English offenders." In 1242, as has been already stated, Henry de- clared war against Louis IX. of France, and made an expedition into Guienne, his stepfather, the count de la Marche, having promised to join him with all his forces. He was unsuccessful, how- ever, in all his attempts against the French king. He was worsted at Taillebourg, was deserted by his allies, lost what remained to him of Poitou, and was obliged to return with loss of honour to England. This disgrace rankled in his breast, and Bisset's charge that Alexander was in league with France, touching him on the point where he was most sensitive, incensed him against Alexan- der. He secretly applied to the earl of Flanders for succours, and instigated no fewer than twen- ty-two Irish chiefs to make a descent on the Scottish coast. Having airanged all his plans, he proclaimed war against Alexander in 1244, and assembled a numerous and well-appointed army at Newcastle, prepared to cross the borders into Scot- land. Some troops which had been sent to the assistance of Alexander by his brother-in-law, John de Couci, were intercepted by Henry. The English monarch at this period was not on good terms with his nobles, most of whom were per- sonally intimate with Alexander, and remembered their old association in arms with huu against the tyrant, King John. From some one or other of them he doubtless obtained information of Henry's intentions, in time to send notice to his brother- in-law in Kcardy for what aid he could furnish him with. He then determined upon a vigorous re- sistance, and was warmly seconded by his nobihty. Measures were taken to strengthen the frontier fortresses of the kingdom ; and at the head of a gallant army Alexander marched southward, re- solved to he beforehand with Henry, and encounter bis foes on English ground. From the description which the contemporary Enghsh historian, Mat- thew Paris, has given of the force under Alexander on tliis occasion, it appears to have been a formid- able one. " His army," he says, " was numerous and brave ; he had a thousand horsemen tolerably mounted, though not indeed on Spanish or Itahan horses. His infantry approached to a hundred thousand, all unanimous, all animatetl by the exhortations of their clergy, and by con- fession, courageously to fight and resolutely to cUe in the just defence of their native land." The horsemen were clothed in armour of iron network. Henry had a larger body of cavalry than the Scot- tish king, and his army included a force of five thousand men at arms, splendidly accoutred [Matth. Paris, p. 645. Chr. Melr. p. 156.] The rival armies came in sight of each other at a place called Ponteland in Northumberland. No battle ensued, however. The English nobles held in high respect the character of the Scottish king, who, according to Matthew Paris, was justly beloved by all the English nation, no less than by his own subjects, and they did not fully approve of the rash enterprise of their own sovereign. While the Scottish army, undismayed by the superior array of their opponents, were prepared and eager for battle, the leaders of the English, on the other hand, were only anxious to avert hostilities. Henry soon saw that it would be dangerous to push matters to extremities. Through the media- tion of Richard earl of Cornwall, the brother of the king of England, and the archbishop of York, a treaty of peace was concluded at Newcastle on tt:» ALEXANDER II. 77 ALEXANDER IL 13th of Au^ist, the terms of which were honour- ahle to both sovereigns, mid that witliout a sword being drawn, a bow bent, or a hmce put in rest. Henry did not insist on an express act of liomage from Alexander for the kinp;doin of Scotland, wh le Alexander, on his side, agreed always to 'lenr good faitli and afl'ection to Henry as his liege lord, and not to enter into any alliance with the enemies of England, unless the English did him some wrong. \Fccdera, torn. i. p. 429.] Tlie terms of the treaty have by Scottish writers been represented as favourable to Scotland, as in their opinion Henry by it undoubtedlj' conceded the point in dispute between tliora. Dr. Lingard, however, an acute and impartial investigator, de- scribes it as " an arrangement by which, though Alexander eluded the express recognition of feu- dal dependence, he seems to have conceded to Henry the substance of his dem.i«d." This much is certain, that although the matter was not pressed to extremities, the claim of Henry was both re- vived and in part exercised early in the following reign. \_Life of Alexander III.^ It was also one of the stipulations of the treaty, that a proposal made in 12-12, the year after a son was bora to Alexander, of a marriage between Margaret the daughter of the king of England and the yonng ^)rince of Scotland, should be carried into effect, as it subsequently was in 1251, when Alexander HI. was only ten )ears old. Alan Durward, at that time considered the most accomplished knight and the best military leader in Scotland, Henry ue Baliol, and David de Lindesay, with other knights and prelates, swore on the soul of their lord the king, that the treaty should be kejjt in- violate by him and his heirs. In 1247 Alexander was again called to suppress an insurrection which had broken out in Galloway. Exasperated by the oppressions of their liege lord Roger de Quincy, earl of Winchester, the husband of Elena the eldest daughter of the deceased Alan, lord of Galloway, the people of that district suddenly rose against him, and besieged him in his own castle. In a sally which he made lie was successful in cutting a passage through his rebel- lious vassals, and instantly sought redress from the king. Alexander chastised and subdued the Insur- gents, and reinstated de Quincy in his superiority. The last expedition in which Alexander wua engaged was undertaken in order to compel vari- ous of the chiefs in the wcslorn islands and in tlie north of Scotland who were at that lime the vu.s- sals of Norway, to renounce their allegiance to that power, and to reduce the entire country under his own domioiou. On selling out he declared " Unit he would not desist till ho had set his standard upon the cliffs of Thurso, and subdued all tliat tlic king of Norway possessed to the westward of tlie German Ocean." [Matth. Paris, p. 550.] Tlic principjil of these chiefs was Ewen, great-grand- son of the first Somerlcd, lord of the Isles, and grandson of his eldest son Dugall, who held cer- tain of the western islands under the king of Nor- w.iy. Ewen being the vassal of both sovereigns for different parts of his possessions, was placed in an awkward position between them, for if he con- sented to the demand of Alexander, he would only expose himself to the hostility of the Norwegian king, while if he refused it, he was sure to incur the vengeance of the king of Scots. Ewen seems to liave considered it the better policy to remain true to the king of Norway. Alexander collected a great fleet and sailed for the western Islands, determined upon making every elibrt to obtain possession of them. It appears that so great was the attention which was paid to the building of ships in those days, that not only was Alexander possessed of a considerable naval force, but even the Hebridean chiefs, whose jirincipal business w.as liiracy, then esteemed an honourable profession, had formidable fleets. It is stated also that in 1231 Alan, lord of Galloway, who has been already mentioned, was able to fit out a fleet of a hundred and fifty ships, from his own territories, with which he drove Olave the Black, king of JIan, from his dominions. This may help to furnish some idea of the extent of the naval strength of .Vlexander the Second, when he set forth to the western Isles to bring them under his sway. Deeming it of the greatest consequence to gain over Ewen to his hiterest, he besought him ic give up Kerneburgh, and other three castles, together with the lands which he held of Haco king of Norway, promising liim that if he would come under his allegiance, he would reward him witn many greater estates in Scotland, and tiikc I ALEXANDER II. 78 ALEXANDER U. liiin iuto his confldeuce and favour. All Eweii's relations and friends advised him to yield to the king of Scotland and relinquish his fealty to the Norwegian monarch, but the Island chief remained steadfast to his allegiance, and declared that he would not break his oath to King Haco. {^Skene's History of the Highlanders, vol. ii. p. 61.] Al- though, however, he is said to have refused all otters of compromise, he appears to have agreed to pay to Alexander an annual tribute of three hundred and twenty marks, [Ayloff^s Calendars of Ancient Charters, p. 336], doubtless for such portion of his possessions as was under the actual government of the king of Scots. All our histo- rians style this Ewen, Angus of Argyle, but this is evidently erroneous. Alexander was not destined to see the end of his expedition. The subjection of the western Isles to the Scottish crown was reserved for his son and successor, Alexander III. M'hen preparing to invade these islands, and so far on his progress as the Sound of Mull, this brave and prudent monarch was attacked with a fever, of which he died July 8, 1249, at Kerrara, a small island lying off the bay of Oban ; being at the time of his death in the 51st year of his age, and 31st of his reign. A legend full of the superstitious feeling of the times, yet not without a certain degree of poetical interest, states that as Alexander lay in his bed there appeared to him three men; one of them dressed in royal garments, with a red face, squint- ing eyes, and a temble aspect ; the second was very young and beautiful with a costly dress, and the third was of larger stature than either, and of a still tiercer countenance than the first. The last personage demanded of him whether he meant to subdue the islands, and on his answering in the affirmative he advised him to return home ; a warning to which he paid no attention. The three persons, says the tale, were supposed to be St. Olave, St. ilagnus, and St. Columba. The latter certainly showed a most forgiving disposition in taking part with the two Norwegian saints, as the piratical invaders from Norway had alwaj-s been bitter enemies of his monastery of lona. All historians agree in giving Alexander the Second the character of a wise, prudent, and mag- nanimous prince. Brave, and not unsuccessful in war, he was yet disposed to cultivate the bless- ings of peace. His rule was firm and strict, and under his sway Scotland advanced in prosperity and civilization ; so that at his death he left it a more powerful nation than it had ever been in any previous period of its history. Though prompt and severe in the administration of justice, he was impartial and just, and his personal qualities were of that generous and popular nature which ren- dered Lim beloved equally by his nobility and people. Twenty-five statutes of Alexander U. were added to the code of Scottish laws ; several of which, says Lord Hailes, requii'e a commentary. His body was buried before the altar of the abbey of Melrose. The burghs of Dumbarton and Dingwall are the only two which received charters from this mon- arch. The former town had been resigned by Maldwiu, earl of Lennox, into his hands, and in 1222 he erected it iuto a free royal burgh, with extensive privileges. The latter was made a royal burgh by Alexander in 1227. To the church he was a generous benefactor, as he founded no fewer than eight monasteries for the mendicant friars of the order of St. Dominic, called the Black Friars, namely, at Aberdeen, Ayr, Berwick, Edinbui'gh, Elgin, Inverness, Stirling, and Perth. Boece, with his usual ingenuity, supposes that Alexander saw Dominic in France about the year 1217 ; but that was the year when he was deserted by the French prince Louis, and when Alexander was anxious to be reconciled to the Pope and to make peace with England. There is no evidence that Alexander ever was in France. Lord Hailes thus ' remarks on this conjecture of the inventive Boece: "The sight of a living saint may have made an impression on his young mind : but perhaps he considered the mendicant friars as the cheapest ecclesiastics. His revenues could not supply the costly institution of Cistercians and canons regu- lar in which his great-grandfather, David I., took delight." Some idea may be formed of the value of land in Scotland in Alexander the Second's reign, from the circumstance that the monks of Melrose purchased from Richard Barnard, a mea- dow at Farningdun, consisting of eight acres, at thirty-five marks. The following is the seal of Alexander II,, ALEXANDER Ul. 79 ALEXANDER IlL taken from Ancie>so7i^s Diplomata et Numismata, phite 31. Alexander is here represented clothed in a complete coat of masclcd mail, protected by plates at tlie elbows. The surcont also first worn in England by King John, is thrown over his ar- mour, anu[lnr proof, as Tytler rcmarkB of Ilia progress of military fashions from England into Scotland at that period. His shield is hollowed, so as to fit the body, and completely defend it. The shield then in use in Scotland was the liite- sliaped shield of tlie Normans, and previous to Alexander's time, it was plain and unornanieuted. The emblazonment of the lion rampant, which had been chosen as his armorial bearing by his father William, surnamed the Lion, and which ever after formed the arms of Scotland, appeared on Alexander's shield for the first time. In this he followed the example of Richard Coeur de Lion, who was the first to introduce into England he- raldic emblazonments on the s'.iield. In the above seal, Alexander's horse has no defensive armour, bnt is ornamented witli a fringed and tasselled border across the chest, and an embroidered sad- dlecloth, on which the lion rampant again appears. The unicorns as supporters of the royal sldeld were added by the Stewarts to the arms of Scot- land. ALEXANDER III., king of Scotland, the only son of the preceding and of his queen ]\Iary de Couci, was born at Roxburgh castle, on the 4th of September 1241. He succeeded to the throne on the death of his father, 8th July 1249, being then Se.ll ot Alexander III. in the ninlli year of his age, and wiis crowned at Scone on the 13th of the same month. This pre- cipitancy was owing to the apprehension enter- tained by that portion of the Scottish nobles who were opposed to the English claim of supremacy over Scotland, that the English king Henry HI., who esteemed himself the feudal superior of the Scottish sovereigns, would intorfere in the ar- rangements preliminary to the young monarch's inauguration. In this proceeding they not only flattered the popular sentiment bnt were actuated by a regard to the interest of their order, as the lirivilcges of the Scottish barons and clergy, and es]iecially that of independent heritable jurisdic- tion within their lands, was not only not enjoyed in England, bnt proved a serious check ujion the royal authority and power, and any assimilation of the two countries in this respect was calculated to jilace their continued enjoyment of them in dan- ger. Of this party Walter Comyn, earl of Menteith, was the head. Indeed, all the power of the kingdom was, at this time, chiefly in the hands of the Comyns, a family descended from Robert Comyn, a Norman knight from Northum- berland, who came into Scotland in the time of David tlie Kirst. During the first vearsof Alex- ALEXANDER HI. 80 ALEXANDER ID. ander's reign, (wlien, to use the words of Buclian- an, "this family governed ratlier than obe3-ed him,") tlieir influence in the administration of tlie country was cliaracterized by a spirit of nation- ality and opposition to English interference in every shape that was or might be exhibited. On the day of the coronation, the bishops of St. Andrews and Dunkeld, with the abbot of Scone, attended to officiate, when some of the counsel- lors, and among the rest, Alan Durward, the high justiciary, or lord chief justice, of Scotland, called also Ostiarius, and in the French VHuissier, from his ofiice as keeper of the palace gate or of the door of the king's chamber, objected to the young king being crowned so soon after his accession, on the grounds that " the day appointed for the cer- emony was unlucky, and that the king, previous to his coronation, ought to receive the order of knighthood." Durward doubtless expected that, from his being at the head of the Scottish chival- ry, as well as from having married a natural sister of the young king, the honour of knighting Alex- ander would devolve upon himself; but in this he was disappointed, as the earl of Menteith pro- posed that the bishop of St. Andrews should both knight the king and place the crown on his head, citing the instance of William Rnfus as having been knighted by Lanfranc ai-chbishop of Canterbury. [Fordiin, b. x. c. i.] He also urged the danger of delay, as the English king, in a letter to the Pope, had solicited a mandate from his holiness to the young monarch of Scotland, that "being Henry's liegeman, he should not be anointed or crowned without his permission." He, therefore, strongly advised that the ceremony shoidd be over before the Pope's answer could arrive. Heniy, it would appear, had also requested a grant of the tenth of the ecclesiastical revenues of Scotland. Both re- quests were, however, rejected by the Pope, In- nocent IV., the first as derogatory to tlie honour of a sovereign prince, and the second as without example. \_Fadera, vol. i. p. 163.] It is ex- tremely Ukely that, chagrined and disappointed at not getting the fuU extent of his claim as feudal superior recognised by the treaty of Newcastle in 1244, Henry had made this application to Rome before the death of Alexander the Second, to bo prepared to assert it effectually when his successor came to the throne ; as there could be no time tc have done so in the short period, only five days, that elapsed between the accession and the coro- nation of Alexander the Third. The advice of the earl of Menteith was followed. ^Vithout waiting for the result of Henry's appli- cation to the Pope, the Scottish nobles and pre- lates seated the young Alexander in the regal chair or sacred stone at Scone, which stood before the cross at the eastern end of the church, and invested him with the crown and sceptre and the other insignia of royalty. The barons, in token of theii' homage, cast their mantles at the feet of their young sovereign, who previous to the cere- mony had been by David Bernham, bishop of St. Andrews, begirt with the belt of knighthood The coronation oath was read in Latin, and then explained in French, that being then the language of the court, clergy, nobility, and barons ol Scotland as well as of England, and the various countries more immediately connected with France. During the ceremonial an impressive incident occurred. While the king sat upon the inaugu- ral stone, the ciWwn on his head and the sceptre in his hand, a white-haired Highland sennachy o; bard, of great age, and clothed in a scarlet mantle, advanced from the crowd, and bending before the king, repeated in the Gaelic tongue, the genealogy of the youthful monarch, deducing his descent from the fabulous Gathelus, who, according to le- gendary lore, married Scota, the daughter of Plia- raoli, and was the contemporary of Moses ! Al- exander, though he did not comprehend a word of this singular recitation, is said to have liberally rewarded the venerable genealogist, who thus un- expectedly introduced this Celtic usage at the coronation of a Scoto-Saxon monarch. The first act of the new reign, after the corona- tion of Alexander, was of a religious character, yet held at that period as of no less importance than the coronation itself. The virtues of the pious queen Margaret, the wife of IMalcolm Canmore, having become the subject of universal belief as well as of monastic biography, according to the superstition of that age her remains were believed to have the faculty of working miracles, and an application was made to the Pope in 1246, by Alexander II., to admit her into the calendar of ALEXANDER HI. »1 ALEXANDER UL the saints. As the general reader is well aware, the evidence required to establish such a claim re- quired to be full and distinct; and in the present instance, after a coniniission, consisting of tlie bishops of St. Andrews, Dinikold, and Dunblane liad made a favourable report, it was found invalid, because it had not incorporated the evidence of the witnesses, and a new commission was issued. If we can only get over the dilliculty as to whether tlie class of miracles on which such claims are founded are to be admitted as proveable by any liunuiu testimony whatever, the most sceptical must admit that the evidence generally, such as it might be, was both abundant and strict. Li con- sequence of these delays, it was not till 1249 that Queen Margaret became, as a canonized saint, the object of ecclesiastical dedication, and the alAcy of Dunfermline, called after her name, had her bones " transfeiTed " from the place were they ivere originally deposited " in the rude altar of the kirk of Dunfennline" to the choir of the abbey church. The young king Alexander III. with his mother, and a large assembly of nobles and clergy, were present at the ceremony. Robert de Kelde- licht, the abbot, raised to the dignity of the mitre in 12-14 in a bull, the terms of which are preserved in the registry, granted at the special request of Alexander IL, saw the reward of his ambition and donations to the legate. The remains were placed in a silver sarcophagus, which the chroniclers state was adorned with precious stones. So interest- ing a scene could not take place witliout a miracle. The body of the wife refused to be translated until tliat of her husband had been first lifted to the intended spot, then " Syne in fayre manere Her corse thai tuk up and bare ben. And thame enterydd togyddyr, then Swa trowyed thai all that gadryd thare Qiihat honoure til hyr lord scho bare." Wi/nton, b. 7, c. 10. Tlie next proceeding of the new government was to change the stamp of the Scottish coin, the cross, which previously was confined to the inner circle being now extended to the circumference. This took place in 1250. The coins of this reign were pennies and half-pennies of silver, but though these only were issued, other denominations of money were named in accounting, as the shilling, the mcrk, and the juiund, while foreign coins, which were from time to time imported by the merchants, were allowed to be current in the kingdom. To give some idea of the value of the Scottish silver penny, it may be stated that ten of them were equal to half a crown of our present money. Five pence was the yearly rent paid to the king by the burgesses of every royal burgh, for each rood of land possessed under burgli jirivileges. The vas- sal of a thane, or of any other subject, was fined in fifteen ewes, or six shillings, for disobeying the king's summons to join the royal army. Money was common only in tlie burglis, at markets and fairs, and througli the more po]nilous and culti- vated parts of the kingdom. In secluded districts, cattle were more frequently refeiTcd to, as a com- mon measure of value. [ylnAv.ton's Diplomata Scotia:, with liudiliman's Introduction.'] In 1251 some measm-es appear to liave been employed by those at the head of affairs in Scot- land for circumscribing, or at least for defining the limits of the power of the clergy, as the Pope directed a bull to tlie bishops of Lincoln, Worces- ter, and Litchfield in England, requiring tliem to examine into the abuses said to prevail in Scot- land, and on these delegates jie conferred amjile powers of excommunication. [Cliartulary of Mo- ray, i. 30.] Lord Ilailes, who has printed this bull in full in the ap]iendix to the first volume of his Annals of Scotland, tliinks it probable that it was never transmitted to the English bishops, no historian having made any mention of it. The state of the kingdom at this time was unfa- vourable to the continuance of that peace and lirosperit}' in which the firm and prudent adminis- tration of jVlexander the Second had left it at his death. The king was a minor, and exposed to the continual demands of the sovereign of England for a recognition of his claim of feudal superiority, while the nobles, instead of joining together and acting in unison for the common welfare, were en- gaged against each other in a factious struggle for power. They were divided into two great parties. Tlie one, composed of the potent family of the Comyns and their adherents, among whom was John de Baliol, lord of Galloway, were masters o( the goveramcnt. Tlie chiefs of the other p.irtv ALEXANDER III. 82 ALEXANDER III. were Patrick Cospatrick, earl of March and Dun- bar, Malise, earl of Stratherne, Niel or Nigel, earl of Carrick, Alexander, the steward of Scotland, Robert Bruce, lord of Annandale, and Alan Dur- wai-d, the high justiciary. The latter party acted all along in alliance with Henry III. of England, who, by the marriage of his daughter to Alexan- der, soon obtained a fair pretext for interfering in the aft'airs of Scotland. As stated in the life of Alexander the Second, (ante, p. 77,) the young prince his son had been betrothed when only a year old to Henry's eldest daughter, Margaret, who was about the same age, and their nuptials, although neither of them had reached their eleventh year, were solemnized at York, 26th December 1251, amidst circumstances of extraordinary splendour. Besides the bride's father and mother. King Henry and his queen, the mother of the young bridegroom, Mary de Couci, the queen-dowager of Scotland, with a train worthy of her high station, was present at the nuptials, [Ri/mer, vol. i. edition 1816, p. 278,] having come for the purpose from France, whither she appears to have retired soon after the death of Alexander the Second. There were also pres- ent the nobility and the dignified clergy of both countries, and in their suite a numerous assem- blage of vassals. According to Jlatthew Paris, a thousand knights, in robes of silk, waited upon the pi'incess at her bridal, and the primate of York contributed six hundi-ed oxen, as part of the marriage feast, which, says the matter-of-fact chronicler, " were all spent upon the first course." With the hand of his daughter Henry gave the promise of a dowry of 5,000 merks, \_F(edera i. 467,] which, however, was not paid till several yeai's afterwards. In the midst of the marriage festivities, Alex- ander, according to custom, did homage to Henry for the lands which he held in England, but on his father-in-law requiring him to render fealty for his kingdom of Scotland, " according to the usage recorded in many chronicles," Alexander, by the advice of his council, returned this prudent answer: "I have been invited to York to marry the princess of England, not to treat of affairs of state, and I cannot take a step of so much impor- tance without the knowledge and approbation of my parliament." [Matth. Paris, p. 829.] This famous reply, there cannot be a question, was dictated by the Comyns, whose policy at that pe- riod was strictly national, and against the claims of England. The word parliament as here used must be taken with the limitation of meaning pointed out in the life of Alexander the Second (a7tte, p. 66). It signifies no more than the states of the kingdom, that is a meeting of the regents and counsellors of the king, with the nobles, crown vassals, and superior clergy. Under the feudal system all vassals of the crown, holding their possessions and privileges by the tenure of fixed and certain services, were entitled to receive the royal summons to sit in parliament, as it would now be called, whenever the necessities of the kingdom compelled the king to demand their advice and assistance for his direction and support in providing for the common welfare of the realm While the young king remained at York, Alan Durward, the high justiciary of Scotland, who had accompanied him, and who by virtue of his office was one of his chief counsellors, was accused by Henry himself \_Hailes' Annals, vol. i. p. 164] of a design against the Scottish crown, " for that he and his associates had sent messengers, accom- panied with presents, to the Pope, soliciting the legitimation of his daughters by the king's sister . whereby, in the event of the king's death, they might succeed as lawful heirs of the kingdom of Scotland." Balfour in his Annals, [vol. i. p. 59,] says that " as conscious to this plot were accused likewise Walter Comyn, earl of Menteith, WU- liam Comyn, earl of Mar, and Robert, abbot of Dunfermline, chancellor of Scotland, who was accused that he had passed a legitimation under the great seal to the king's base sister, the wife of Alan, earl of Athole, great justiciary of Scotland." The story is taken from the Chronicle of Melrose Whether there was any foundation for the accu- sation or not, it is certain that the chancellor hastily left the English comt, where he had been with the young king, and retnrning to Scotland, resigned the seals, quitted his abbey, and assumed tlie habit of a monk at Newbottle, in Mid Lothian, ; \_Chr. Melr. 219,] and that Henry, on the return | of Alexander and his queen into Scotland, sent with them Geofii-ey de Langley, keeper of the i ALEXANDER IH. 83 ALEXANDER HL royal forests, to act in concert with tlie Scottisli nobles, as guardian of the young king, but he proved so insolent and rapacious that he was soon dismissed. IMatth. Paris, 571.'] Tytler says, but without giving any authority, that the accusers of Diu'ward were the earls of Mcnteith and Mar, and that Henry placed these noblemen at the head of the new appointment of guardians to the young king, w'hich he made at this time. [Hist, of Scot- land, vol. i. p. 9.] It is not inipi'obable that Hen- ry's object in bringing this accusation against the popular and potent Alan Durvvard was as much to remove so dangerous a rival from about the person of the queen, as to obtain the services of so ac- complished a soldier and so expert a leader, in his wars in Guieune, which he was conscious he had no means of securing otherwise than by driving him into a sort of banishment from his country, under a charge of meditated treason, not easily repelled. Two years after these transactions, the Pope, having induced Henry to embark in a pro- ject for the conquest of Naples, or as it was called, Sicily on this side the Fare, levied a tenth on all ecclesiastical benefices in England for three years, and in 1254 granted to Henry a twentieth of the ecclesiastical revenues of Scotland for the same term, which grant was renewed in 1255 for one year more, to be emploj-ed by the English king, as asserted by the chroniclers of the period, in the expenses of an expedition to the Holy Land. IChr. Melr. i. 30. Fosdem, vol. i. 467.] We ra- ther think, however, that while this was the pre- text, the money thus received from Scotland for four years was by Henry intended to be applied, and was in fact expended, in a fruitless endeavour to secure the crown of Sicily for his second son Edmoud, which had been promised him by the Pope. [Fcedera, vol. i. p. 502, 512, 530.] At this time the Comyn party api)ear to have been in fuU possession of the government. Robert de Ros and John de Baliol, two of their friends, had the name of regents. In 1254 Simon de Montfort, the gi-eat earl of Leicester, the same powerful nobleman who, four years afterwards, attempted to wrest the sceptre from Henry's hand, was sent into Scotland, charged with a secret mis- sion from Henry [Fcedera, vol. i. p. 523]; the precise nature or object of which can only be con- jectured from subseipient events. In the following year complaints were sent from the young queen to the English court, that she was coufined in thu solitary castle of Edinburgh, "a place without ver- dure, and owing to its vicinity to the sea unwhole- some," that she was not permitted to make excur- sions through the kingdom or to choose her female attendants, and that, altliough both she and Alex- ander had completed their fourteenth year, she was still secluded from the society of her husband. Henry had all along been in communication with the discontented nobles who were opposed to the Comyn party having possession of the govcniment, and there can be no doubt that while he professed to interfere only for the good of his daughter, he fanned their mutual jfcalousies and animosities, and gave his countenance and sujijiort to their pro- ceedings. He declared that he would protect them against the encmiiis of the king and the gamsayers of Queen Margaret, and promised to ■nake no atten7pt to seize the person or impair the dignity of the king, and that he would never con- sent to the dissolution of his marriage with the queen. [Fcedera, vol. i. p. 559.] The particular causes of such a declaration are said by our histori- ans to be uidld«, previous to the treaty of St. Gcnnains (afterwards referred to). The remains of this fort may bo traced with great ease ; the old parade, the cm- banknuMit and ditcli have not been disturbed, and ])rcscr\c their original form." [Haliliurlon's Ifis- ton/ of Xova Scotia. Halifax, 1829, vol. ii. pago 156.] The removal of the colony from Port Rcy.il, although it was declared to have been only for a time, occasioned a great private loss to Lord Stir- ling, and operated as a discouragement to the planting aud settling of Nova Scotia. At the same time King Charles wrote to the lords of the coun- cil, 12th July, 1631, "We will be vcrie careful to maintain all our good subjects who do plant them- selves there ;" .and granted letters patent, 28th of the same month, wherein he declared, that he agreed to give up the fort and place of Poi't Royal, without prejudice nevertheless to his right or title, or that of his subjects, for ever; and even held out the prospect of its garrison, colonies, and in- habitants being allowed to return in consequence of approbation to that effect being obtained from the French king. To their lordships he also wrote, under date 19th Februaiy, 1632, with a wan-ant in Lord Stirling's favour for £10,000 sterling, "in no ways for quitting the title, right, or pos.session of New Scotland, or of any part thereof, but only for satisfaction of the losses that the said viscount hath, by giving order for removing of his colonic at our express command, for performing of an article of the treatie betwixt the French and us." This is doubtless what Sir Thomas L'rqnhart, in ' his ' Discovery of a most Exquisite Jewel,' &c., ' (8vo, 1652,) refers to, when he charges Lord Stirling with having sold the colony to the French "for a matter of five or six thousand pounds Eng lish money ;" but it so happens that this sum oi ten thousand pounds w.as never paid either to Lord Stirling or any of his Sieu-s. That fanciful knight speaks vciy slightingly of ^ Lwd Stirling's plans of colonization, and especially of his project of raising money by the creation and sale of baronetcies in what he calls " that kingdom of Nova Scotiai" and says that "the ancient gen- try of Scotland esteemed such a whimsical dignity to be a disparagement, rather than any addition to their former honour." Theii- dcsceudants, how- ALEXANDER, 110 EARL OF STIRLING. ever, are of a different opinion. The order of bar- onets of Scotland and Nova Scotia is considered highly hononrablc. From the beginning of the reign of Charles the First, when it was first instituted, to the end of the reign of Queen Anne, when the last member was created, upwards of two hundred and eighty baronets of this order were made in all ; and of these creations about one hundi-ed and seventy exist at present. The badge of the order is a medal bearing the arms of Nova Scotia, encii-cled by the motto, " -Fo-r mentis honestce gloria^'' suspended from the neck by an orange tawny riband. Owing to the capture of Quebec by Sir David Kertk, the king of France detained four hundi-ed thousand crowns, part of his sister the queen of England's portion. This brought about a treaty with King Charles, who empowered his ambassa- dor. Sir Isaac AVake, to conclude the dispute 29th June 1631, but it was not till 29th March 1632 that the treaty was signed, by which King Charles agreed to make his subjects withdraw fi'om all the places occupied by them ; and for that effect gave orders to those who commanded in Port Royal, the fort of Quebec, and Cape Breton, to render up these places and fort into the hands of such per- sons as the French king should please to appoint ; which put an end to all differences, and the re- maining half of the queen's portion was paid by the French king. \J'rincis Annals of New Eng- land.'] This treaty is known in history as the treaty of St. Gennains. Although by this treaty Nova Scotia was not ceded at all, but only Port Royal commanded to be given up, the French fi'om Quebec and the surrounding district thereaf- ter suddenly broke into the country of Nova Sco- tia, on the unsupported pretence of a right to the possession of it, by the treaty just referred to. The troubles in England, m which King Chai-les was involved, prevented his breaking with the French court, and the French availed themselves of the opportunity of the convulsed state of Bri- tain to take possession of Nova Scotia, and keep it for a long time, without being molested, or any effectual remonstrances bemg made against their aggression. In June 1633 the patents or gi'ants to Sir Wil- liam Alexander, viscount of Stirling, were solemn- ly ratified by the Scottish parliament, and at the coronation of King Charles at Holyrood on the 14th of the same month, with a view to perpetu- ate the name of the lordship of Canada in his family, the king, by other letters patent, created him viscount of Canada, and earl of Stirling. His salary as secretary of state for Scotland was only one hundred pounds sterling, but the privi- lege which, as akeady stated, he had received from the king, of issuing small coins, as well as his siile of baronetcies, added much to his fortune. As, however, the intrinsic value of these coins was inferior to their nominal, this monopoly was unpopular. They were called "turners," from the French town Tournois, where this money was first coined, and which, being a mixture of copper and brass toi-med billon, was known by the name of " turners " from this circumstance, as also "billons" from the mixture of which they were composed. Thus the poet Beattie, in the only known composition of his in the Scottish language, refeiTing to the disposition which prevailed on the part of the Scots to look to English to the neglect of native literatui-e, after the death of Allan Ram- say, thus uses the word : " Since Allan's death, nae body car'd For anes to speer how Scotia far'd ; Nor plack nor thristled turner w.ir'd To quench her drouth ; For, frae the cottar to the laird We a' run south." It was called the thristled, that is, thistled turner, to distinguish it from the French coin, which, ow- ing to the friendship subsisting between the Scots and the French, ch'culated in Scotland even so late as the reign of Lotiis the Fourteenth. The Scottish turner, or tournois, bore the national em- blem of the thistle. It was sometimes called a bodle, or black farthing, value two pennies Scotch ; being half a plack, value fourpence Scotch, or one- thu-d of a penny English. The motto of the earl of Stirling was " Per Mare, per Terras," which, with his armorial bearings, he caused to be placed in front of a spacious mansion he had erected at Stu-ling. His motto, in allusion to his poetry and his coinage, was thus parodied by the sarcastic Scott of Scotstarvet, '■^per metres, per tuviers," which became current among the people. The ALEXANDER, 111 EAUL OF STlUMNn. house remains, but has been long known by the name of Argyle's lodging ; the arms of the Alex- anders having after his death in 1640, when it passed into that family, been removed to make way for those of Argyle. " This baronial edifice is a very excellent specimen," saj-s Billings, in his ' Baronial Ai'chitecture of Scotland,' " of that French style which predominated in the north in the early part of the seventeenth century. Its characteristic features are, round towers or tur- rets, whether at the exterior or interior angles, n'ith conical summits, rows of richly ornamented dormer windows, and a profuse distribution of semi-classic mouldings and other decorations." The accompanying cut represents it as originally constructed, aud before the cone-topped tower was substituted by tlie pulvgunal one erected in 1674. It is taken from the highly interesting work above referred to The original portion bears the date of 1632. After the additions made to it in 1674, James VII., when duke of York, became its inmate as guest of Argyle, "an inci- dent," says Billings, " noticed in connection with the cii-cumstauce, that the guest was subsequently instrumental in putting his host to death." It was here the great Duke John held his council of war, when suppressing the rcbclliou of 1715. The building subsequently came into posscasioii of the Crown, and is now used as a military hospital for the gaiTison. [Aimmo's Slirtiniis/iire, p. 342.] Be- sides being secretary of state, an ollicc which ho is said to have held with no small degree of rcpu tation tUl his death, his lordship was by Charles the First appointed a member of the privy coun- cil, keeper of the signet in Scotland, commission- er of exchequer, and an extraordinary lord ot ■session; a plurality of offices doubtless sullicicnt for one man. In 1637, by a privy seal precept dated 30th July, the earl was created earl of Dovan in Scot- land, with precedency from June 1633. He con- tinued to procure the creation of baronets of those persons respectively who concurred with him in the great enterprise of fully planting Nova Scotia, and he made up their territorial qualifications for receiving the dignity, by surrender of portions of the lands in their favour. This, wo are told, he did down to 31st July 1637, at which time he ceased to make them, intelligence having reached him that the French had overrun the country and held it in possession. Thus, twelve years after the commencement of this gi-eat undertaking, — wlicn one hundred and eleven baronets having fulfilled the stipulated conditions of the institution, had each received grants of sixteen thousand acres, which were erected into fi-ee baronies of regality, and two parliaments of Scotland, in 1630 and 1633, had ratified aud confirmed all the privileges of the order, — it fell to the groimd. In 1638 Lord Stirling's eldest son and heir, William, lord Alexander, died, when his lordship made a surrender of all his honoui-s and estates into the hands of King Charles, who, by a charter of Novodamus, under ti le great seal of Scotland, dated the 7th of December 1639, regranted them to the earl, to hold to himself and the heirs male of his body, whom failing to the eldest heirs female. Shortly after this, Lord Stirling died at London, on the 12tli of September 1640, and was interred at Stirling on the 12th of April thereafter. His corpse was deposited in a leaden coffin in the fam- ily aisle in the «hurch of Stirling, aboveground, and remained entire for a hundred years. He never relinquished any of the rights vested in him under his patents, and an assignment of them in ALEXANDER, 112 EARL OF STIRLING. trust was executed by him ouly two weeks before his death The accompanying portrait of his lordship is taicen from one given in Walpole's Royal and Noble authors : The province of Nova Scotia finally came un- der the undisputed possession of Great Britain in 1763. By the fourth article of the treaty of Paris, of 10th Febniary of that year, the French king renounced all pretensions to Nova Scotia in all its parts, and thus, with Canada, its sovereignty was re-acquired by Great Britain, in whose possession it now remains. The baronets of Scotland and Nova Scotia in the year 1836, held a meeting at Edinbm'gh for the piu-pose of reviving the objects for which their order was created, and a " Case, showing their rights and privileges, dignitorial and territorial," was shortly thereafter published by Richard Broun, Esq., the secretary of the order, afterwards Sii- Richard Broun, baronet, of Colstoun, Dumfi-ies-shue ; but there is .very little likelihood now of their ever regaining the lands in Nova Scotia which were originally granted with then- titles. Since Queen Anne's time no new Nova Scotia baronets have been made. Those created are styled baronets' of Great Bri- tain, and no payment of money can now purchase the title, although of com'se expenses attend the passage of a patent, on the title being confeiTed — By his countess, as already stated in the preli- minary notice, the earl of Stirling had seven sons and three daughters, but only three sons and two daughters sui-vived him. A complete edition of Lord Stirling's works, re- vised by himself, was published in 1637, in one volume folio, under the title of ' Recreations with the Muses.' This work contained his four ' Mo- narchick Tragedies,' his ' Doomsday,' the ' ParaB- nesis to Prince Heniy,' and the first book of an intended heroic poem, entitled 'Jonathan.' His poems are generally of a grave and moralizing character, and possess considerable merit. Mi'. George Chalmers has remarked, that he must be allowed to have sentiments that sparkle, though not "words that burn," [Apology for the Believers, &c., p. 420] ; and Mr. Alexander Chalmers adds to this remark that " his versification is, in general, much superior to that of his contemporaries, and approaches nearer to the elegance of modern times than conld have been expected from one who wrote so much." His works were highly praised by wiiters of his own day. The opinion of Drnm- mond of Hawthornden has been already quoted. Michael Drayton, who commended Lord Stuiing's poems highly, expresses a wish to be known as the friend of a wi-iter " whose muse was like his mind ;" and John Davies of Hereford, in a book of epigrams, published about the year 1611, praises the tragedies of his lordship, and says that " Al- exander the Great had not gained more glory with his sword than this Alexander had gained by his pen." Higher approbation even than this, as coming from a higher authority in matters of lit- erature, is afforded in the verdict of Addison, who said of Lord Stirling's " whole works," that "he had read them over with the greatest satisfaction.'' Dr. Cunie, in his Life of Burns, says, "Lord Stirling and Drummond of Hawthornden studied the language of England, and composed in it with precision and elegance. They were, however, the last of their countrymen who deserved to be con- sidered as poets in that century." Dean Swift, in one of his poems, has brought their names toge- ther as " Scottish bards of highest fame, Wise Hawthornden and Stirling's iorA" ALEXANDER. 113 ALISON. His plays appear to be mere dramatic poems, more fitted for perusal in the closet than re])res('iitalion on the stage, and accordingly none of them seem ever to have been acted. Three poems by his lordship and a few of his letters, with ' Anacrisis, or a Censure of Poets,' occur in the folio edition of Drummoud's works. The latter of these pro- ductions is considered very creditable to his lord- ship's talents as a critic. As a proof of the un- popularity of Lord Stirling in his native country on account of his small copper money, it is stated by Burnet, in his Memoirs of the Dukes of Hamil- ton, that he durst not come to Scotland to attend to the king's affairs as secretary of state. His productions are as follows : Darius : a Tragedy. EJin. 1603, 4to. Reprinted witli tlic Tragedy of Croesus and a Para^nesis to the Prince, 1G04, and }!till further augmented with the Alex.andrian Tragedy and Julius Cxsar. Lond. 1607, 4to. Aurora; containing the first Fancies of the Author's youth. Inscribed to the Lady Agnes (Anne) Douglas, (afterwards Countess of Argyle). Lond. 1604, 4to. The Monarchicke Tragedies. Lond. 1604, 1607, 4to. 3d edition. Lond. 1616, small 8vo. An Eiegie on the Do.ath of Prince Henrie. Edin. 1612, 4to. Including an Address * To his Majestie,' and ' A Short Viewe of the State of Man.' Doomesday, or the Great Day of the Lord's Judgement. Edin. 1614, 4to. A Supplement of a Defect in the third part of Sidney's Arcadia. Dublin, 1621, fol. An Encouragement to Colonies. Lond. 1625, 4to. A Map and Description of New Enghand, with a Discourse of Plantation and the Colonies, &c. Lond. 1630, 4to. Recreations with the Muses, being his whole works, with the exception of Aurora, and including Jonathan, an Unfin- ished Poem. Lond. 1637, fol. ALEXANDER, John, a painter of some emi- nence during the earlier half of the eighteenth cen- tury. Neither the place of his birth nor the date is recorded, but he was a descendant of the more celebrated George Jamesone, through his lawful daughter, Mary Jamesone. He studied his art chiefly at Florence. On his return in 1720, to Scotland, he resided at Gordon castle, haring found a liberal patroness in the duchess of Gor- don, a daughter of the earl of Peterborough. He painted poetical, allegorical, and ornamental pieces ; also portraits and historical landscapes. Many of the portraits of Queen Mary are by Al- exander. He had begun, it is stated, a picture of Mary's escape from Lochleven castle, which he lid not live to finish. Alison, the name of a family pofueaaing a haronotcv .f the United Kingdom, conferred 25tli June. 1H52, on .sir Archibald Alison, LL.D., D.C.L., and K.lt.S., born at Kin- ley, Salop, 29th December, 1792. His father, tho Rov. Archibald Alison, author of 'Essays on Taste,' of whom a memoir follows, was a scion of tho family of Alison of Now- hall, piirisli of Kettins, Forfarshire. By the mother's aidg he is descended lineally from Edward I. and Robert the Rruce. Sir Arcliibald was eiUicated at tho university of Edinburgh, .and admitted advocate in 1814; advocate depute from 1828 to 1830; sheriff of Lanarkshire, 1836, author of 'Principles of the Criminal Law of Scotland.' Edinburgh, 1832; 'Practice of the Criminal Law;' 'His- tory of Europe,' 20 vols. 8vo, the first published in 1833; 'Essays,' contributed to Blackwood's Magazine; 'Principles of Pnpuhition,' 1845; 'England in 1815 and 1845, or a Sufficient and Contracted Currency ;' ' Life of tin Duke of Mariborough,' 1847; nian-icd, 21.-,t March 18'26, F.lizabeth Glencairn, youngest daughter of Lieutenant-colo- nel Patrick Tytlcr, second son of William Tvtlcr, Esq. of Wo^houselce; issue, Archibald, born 2Ist January 1826, lieutenant-colonel in the .army, military secretary to Lord Clyde when commander-in-chief in India, lost an arm at Luckiiow, and has a medal and clasps for bis services in the Crimea; Frederick .Montiigu, born 11th .M.ay 1835, a captain in the army, aid-de-camp to the same ccmmiander; and one daughter, Ellen Frances Catherine, Mrs. Cutlar Ferpisson ol' Craigdarroch. Sir Archibald's brotlier, William I'ultenev Alison, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S., professor of practice of physic, LMiiversity of Edinburgh, and first physician to the Queen in Scotland, retu-ed from his chair in 1855, and died in 1859 ALISON, Archibai,d, The Rev., author of ' Essa3's on the Nature and Princii)les of Taste,' was the second son of a magistrate of Edin burgh, and some time loid provost of that city, where he was born in 1757. In 1772 he went to the university of Glasgow, and afterwards became an exhibitioner at Baliol college, Oxford, where he took the degrees of A.M. and LL.B. Entering into holy orders he obtaineil the curacy of Brance- peth, county of Durham, and was subsequently made prebendary of Sarum. Having acquired the friendship of the late Sir William Pulteney, he was indebted to him for proferment in the church. In 178-1 he married at Edinburgh the eldest daugh- ter of the celebrated Dr. John Gregory, by whom he had six children. In 1800, on the invitation of Sir William Forbes, baronet, and the vestry of the Episcopal chapel, Cowgate, Edinburgh, he became senior minister of that place of worship The congregation having removed to St. Paul's church, York Place, in the Siinie city, he continu- ed to officiate there until a severe illness, in 1831, compelled him to relinquish all public duties. He was one of the early fellows of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and the inlimate friend of many ALLAN. lU ALLAN of its most distinguished members. He was also a fellow of the Royal Society of London. His principal work, the ' Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste,' published in 1790, has passed through several editions, and was trans- lated into French. He died' 17th May, 1839. His works are : Essay on the Nature and principles of Taste. Edin. 1790, 4to. 3d. edit. 1815, 2 vols. 8vo. 4tli edit. 1816, 2 vols. 8vo. A Discourse on tlie Fast Day, 1809, 8vo. A Thanksgiving Sermon, 1814, 8vo. Sermons, chiefly on particular occasions. Edin. 1814, 8vo. Voi. ii. 1815, 8vo. 6th edit. 1815, 2 vols. Life and Writings of the Hon. Alexander Eraser Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee. Trans. Ed. R. Soc. viii. 515. 1818. Allan, a name meaning, in the British, Ala7i, swift lilce a greyhound ; in the Saxon, Ahvin, winning all ; and in the i Celtic, Aluinn, when applied to mental qualities or conduct, illustrious. The primary meaning of the word, however, is j sparkling or beautiful, and it is on that account the name of several rivers, particularly one in Perthshire, which waters the fertile district of Strathallan. It is the opinion of Chal- mers that the Alauna of Ptolemy and of Richard of Westmin- ster, (in his Itinera Homana, a work referable to the second century,) was situated on the Allan, about a mile above its confluence with the Forth, so that the name has an ancient as well as a classical origin. The popular song of ' On the banks of Allan Water,' is supposed to refer to a smaller stream of the same name, a tributary of the Teviot. Allan is also not unfrequently a Christian name in Scotland, as Allan Ramsay. ALLAN, David, an eminent historical paint- er, the son of David Allan, shoremaster at Alloa, was born there on 13th Februaiy 1744. His mo- ther, Janet Gullan, a native of Dunfermline, died a few days after his biith, and it is related of him that, when a baby, his mouth was so small that no nurse in his native place could give him suck, and a countrywoman being found, after some inquiry, a few miles from the town, whose breast he could take, he was, one very cold daj', after being wrapped up in a basket, amidst cotton, to keep him warm, sent off to her under the charge of a man on horseback. • On the road the horse stumbled, the man fell off, and the little Allan be- ing thrown out of the basket among the snow which then covered the ground, leceived a severe cut on his head. While yet a mere child of lit- tle more than eighteen months old, he experi- enced another narrow escape from a premature death. The servant girl who had the care of him while out with him in her arms one day in the autumn of 1745, thoughtlessly ran in front of some loaded cannons, at the very moment that they were fired by way of experiment, but she and the child were providentially not touched. Like that of many other great painters, his ge- nius for designing was discovered by accident. Being when a boy kept at home from school, on account of a burnt foot, his father seeing him one day doing nothing, reproved him for his idleness, and giving him a bit of chalk, told him to draw something with it on the floor. He accordingly attempted to delineate figures of houses, animals, &c., and was so well pleased with his own suc- cess, and so fond of the amusement, that the chalk was seldom afterwards out of his hand. His sense of the ludicrous was great, and he could not al- ways resist the propensity to satire. Having when about ten years of age drawn a caricature on his slate of his schoolmaster, a conceited old dominie, who used to strut about the school attLred in a tartan nightcap and long tartan gown, and circulated it among the boys, it fell into the hands of the object of it, who straightway complained to Allan's father, and he was in consequence with ■ drawn from his school. On being questioned by his father as to how he had the impudence to in- sult his master in such a way, he answered, " I only made it like him, and it was all for fun.'' In one account of his life it is stated that the first rude efforts of his genius were formed merely by a knife, and displayed a degree of taste and skill far above his years; and these having attracted the notice of Mr. Stewart, then collector of the customs at Alloa, that gentleman, when at Glasgow, mentioned the merits of young Allan to Mi-. Foulis, the celebrated printer, and he was sent, on the 25th of February 1755, when eleven j'ears of age, to the Messrs. Foulis' academy of painting and engraving at Glasgow, where he remained seven years. In the 3'ear 1764 some of his performances attracted the notice of Lord Cathcart of Shaw Park, near Alloa. At the expense of his lordship, Mr. Abercromby of Tullibody, and otiier persons of fortune in Clackmannanshu-e, to whom his talents had re- commended him, among whom were Lady Frances Erskine of Mar, and Lady Charlotte Erskine, hk afterwards proceeded to Italy, and studied for six- teen years at Rome. In 1775, he received tha gold medal given by the academy of St. Luke, in ALLAN. 115 ALLAN. that city, for tlie best specimen of historical com- position ; the subject being ' The Origin of Paint- ing, or tlie Coriiitliian Maid drawing tlie Shadow of her Lover ;' an admirable engraving of wliich was executed at Rome by Dom. Cuncgo in 1776, and of whicli copies were published by him in February 1777, after his return to London. Mr. Allan presented the medal received by him for tliis painting to the Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land, on tlie 7tli January 178:'!, and an account of it was published in their tran.sactions, vol. ii. pp. 75, 76. Tlie only otJier Scotsman who had ever received the gold medal of St. Luke's academy was Mr. Gavin Hamilton. After a residence of two years in London, he returned to Edinburgh, in 1779, and, on the death of Alexander Run- cinian in 1786, was appointed director and master of the academy established by the board of trus- tees for manufactures and improvements in Scot- land. In 1788 he published an edition of the Gentle Shepherd, with characteristic etchings. In ' Observations on the Plot and Scenery of the Gentle Shepherd,' from Abemethy and WaUcer's edition (Edinburgh : 1808), reprinted in edition of A. Fullarton & Co., 1848 (vol. ii. p. 25.), the fol- lowing passage occurs : " In 1786, an unexpected visit was paid at New Hall house, (the romantic seat of Mr. John Forbes, advocate, situated in the parish of Penicuick, Edinburghshire, the sce- nery round which is supposed to have been that of the Gentle Shepherd,) by ]Mr. David Allan, painter in Edinburgh, accompanied by a friend, both of whom were unknown to the family. His object was to collect scenes and figures, where Ramsay had copied his, for a new edition of the pastoral. Mr. Allan was an intelligent Scottish antiquarian, and well acquainted with everything connected with the poetry and literature of his country. His excellent quarto edition was pub- lished in 1788, with aquatinta plates, in the tnie spirit and humour of Ramsay. Four of the scenes at New Hall are made use of with sonic figures collected there; and in his dedication to Ilamiltou of Murdiston in Lanarkshu'e, the celebrated histo- rical painter, he writes, ' I have studied the same characters' (as those of Ramsay), ' from the same spot, and I find that he has drawn fiiithfully, and with taste, from nature. This likewise has been my model of imitation, and while I nttcmptt-d. In these sketches, to express the ideas of the poet, I have endeavoured to preserve the costume a.s near- ly as possible, by an exact delineation of such scenes and persons as he actually had in hiscyo.'" Mr. Allan published also, some time after, a col- lection of the most hiunorous old Scottish songs, with similar drawings ; these publications, with his illustrations of the Cottar's Saturday Night, the Stool of Repentance, the Scottish Wedding, the Highland Dance, and other sketches of rus- tic character, all etched by himself in a(iHatlnta, procured for him the title of the Scntti.sli Hogarth. One of his subjects, representing a poor man re- ceiving charity from the hand of a young woman, is here copied. As an mstance of simple character and feeling without caricature, it gives a tolerabir good idea of his natural manner, and illustrates the particu- lar locality of Edinburgh of that epoch, where its scene is laid. It, .as well as the view of the Gen- eral Assemlily, which appears in another part of this volume, was n]^o etched by himself He like- wise etched and published various subjects drawn when in Italy, exhibiting the peculiarities of the people, .and especially the devotional cxtrava- ALLAN. 116 ALLAN. gances of the church of Rome of that time, which appear to have excited his sense of the ludicrous. Besides these he published four engravings, done ill aquatinta by Paul Sandby, from di-awings made by himself when at Rome, where, in a vein of iliiiet drollery, he holds up to ridicule the festivi- ties of that city in connection with the sports of tlie carnival. Several of the figures were portraits of persons well known to the English who visited Rome during his stay there, and their truthful- ness gave much satisfaction at the time. His personal appearance was not in his favour. •' His figure," says the author of his life in Brown's Scenery edition of the Gentle Shepherd, 1808, " was a bad resemblance of his humorous precursor of the English metropolis. He was under the middle size ; of a slender, feeble make ; with a long, shai-p, lean, white, coarse fiice, much pitted by the small pox, and fair hair. His large prominent eyes, of a light colour, looked weak, near-sighted, and not very animated. His nose was long and high, his montli wide, and both ill-shaped. His whole exterior to strangers appeared unengaging, trifling and mean. His deportment was timid and obsequious. Tlie prejudices natm-ally excited by these external dis- advantages at introduction, were soon, however, dispelled on acquaintance ; and, as he became easy and pleased, gradually yielded to agreeable sensa- tions; till they insensibly vanished, and were not only overlooked, but, from the eifect of contrast, even heightened the attractions by which they were so unexpectedly followed. When in com- pany he esteemed, and which suited his taste, as restraint wore off, his eye imperceptibly became active, bright and penetrating; his manner and address quick, livelj', and intereslmg — always kind, polite, and respectful ; his conversation open and gay, humorous without satire, and playfully replete with benevolence, observation, and anec- dote." He resided in Dickson's close, High street, Edinburgh, where he received private pupils in his art. One of the most celebrated of his pupils was the late Mr. H. W. Williams, commonly called Grecian Williams. " The satkic humour and drol- lery," says ill'. Wilson, in his Memorials of Edin- burgh, (vol. ii. page 40), " of his well-known 'rebuke Bcene' in a country church, and the lively expres- sion and spirit of the ' General Assembly,' and others of his own etchings, amply justify the character he enjoyed among his contemporaries as a truthful and humorous delineator of nature." " As a painter," says the author of his life ab-eady quoted, " at least in his own country, he neither excelled in drawing, composition, colouring, nor effect. Like Hogarth, too, beauty, grace, and gi andeur, either of individual outline and form, or of style, constitute no part of his merit. He was no Corregio, Raphael, or Michael Angelo. He paint- ed portraits, as well as Hogarth, below the size of life ; but they are recommended by nothing save a strong homely resemblance. As an artist and a man of genius, his characteristic talent lay in ex- pression, in the imitation of nature with truth and humour, especially in the representation of ludi- crous scenes in low life. His vigilant eye was ever on the watch for every eccentric figure, every motley group, or ridiculous Incident, out of which his pencil or his needle could draw innocent enter- tainment and muth." He died at Edinburgh on the 6th of August 1796, in the 53d year of his age, and was interred in the High Calton burying- grouud. He had maiTied in 1788 Shirley Welsh, the youngest daughter of Thomas Welsh, a carver and gilder in Edinburgh. He had five children, three of whom died in infancy. His surviving son, David, went out as a cadet to India in 1806. He also left a daughter named Barbara. — BrowrCi Scenery edition of the Gentle Shepherd, appendix. ALLAN, Robert, a minor poet, some of whose IjTics and songs have long been popular in Scot- land, was born at Kilbarchan, in Renfrewshire, 4th November, 1774. He was a handloom weaver, and all his life in humble circumstances. To re- lieve the tedium of his occupation he occasionally had recourse to poetry. In 1836, a volume of his poems was published by subscription, but made no great impression. The principal poem in the vol- ume, entitled ' An Addi'ess to the Robin,' is writ- ten in the Scottish dialect. His most popular pieces are 'The bonny built wheriy;' 'The Cove- nanter's Lament;' 'Woman's wark will ne'er ba dune;' 'Hand awa' frae me, Donald;' and the bal- lad ' O speed, Lord Nithsdale.' He had a nume- rous family, all of whom were married except his youngest son, a portrait painter of gi-eat promise, who emigi'ated to the United States. Desirous of /Tc^iyCo^^-^^i^ C€^/:^c(. SIK WII.I.IAM M.l.AN AJiUlu-toaicG'fLoDdaaldJdiDtnirgl) 7 ALLAN, 117 SIR WILLIAM. joining liis son, Allan sailed for New York, where lie arrived 1st June 1841, but died there on the 7th, six days after his arrival, from the effects of a cold caught on the banks of Newfoundland. He is represented as having been a most single-hearted and unaffected being, and much of the simplicitj' of his character is reflected in his poems. ALLAN, Siu William, an eminent historical painter, was born at Edinburgh, in 1782, of humble parentage, his father beiug one of the doorkeepers of the Com-t of Exchequer. He was educated partly at the High School of his native city, under William Nicol, the friend of Burns, and served his appren- ticeship to a coach-painter, George Sanders the celebrated miniature-painter being in the same emplojTiient. All his spare hours were devoted to drawing. He studied for several years at the Trustees' Academy, having Wilkie as a fellow- student. These two great painters began draw- ing from the same example, and thus continued for months, using the same copy, and sitting on the same form. The friendship thus commenced in then- youth increased with their years, and ceased but with the life of Wilkie, who died nine years before him. One of his first pieces engraved was ' Flora parting with Ascanius,' in Home's ' Adventures of the young Ascanius,' 1804. After the close of his studios in Edinburgh, Allan removed to London, and was admitted to the school of the Royal Aca- demy, where he remained some time. Not ulti- mately finding professional employment in London, he determined upon proceeding to Russia, to tiy whether encouragement could not be obtained in that country, and that he might study the rude and picturesque aspects there presented, and find suit- able and striking materials for his pencil. Hasti- ly communicating his intention to his friends in Scotland, with one or two letters of introduction to some of his countrymen at St. Petersburg, he embarked in 1805 in a vessel bound for Riga. Owing to adverse winds the ship, almost a wreck, was driven into Memel in Prussia, where, tliough ignorant of the German language, he took up his abode at an inn, and at once commenced portrait- painting. He began with the portrait of the Danish consul, to whom ho had been introduced by the captain of the vessel. Having, in this way, recruited his nearly cmiity purse, be pro- ceeded overland to St. Petersburg, encountoriiig on the road various romantic iniident.'i, and pnas- ing through a great portion of the Russian array on their way to the battle of Austerlitz. On his arrival at the Russian capital, he was introduced to niauj' valuable friends, through the kindness o( Sir Alexander Crichton, then physician to the Imperial family ; and was soon enabled to pursue his art diligently and successfully. Having at tained a knowledge of the Russian language, he travelled into the interior, and remained for sev- eral years in the Ukraine, making excursions at various times to Turkey, Tartary, the shores of the Black Sea, the Sea of Azoph, and the banks of the Kuban, amongst Cossacks, Circassians, Turks, and Tartars ; visiting their huts and tents, studying their history, character, and costume. and forming a collection of their arms and armouv, for his future labours in art, as he had resolved to devote his great powers to historical painting. In 1812, Mr. Allan began to think of returning to Scotland, but was prevented by the French in- vasion of Russia of that year. The whole country was thrown into confusion and alarm by the Era peror Napoleon's advance to IMoscow, and thus was Allan forced to remain, when he witnessed not a few heart - rending miseries incident to that eventful period. In 1814, however, he was en- abled to set out on his return home, and, after a lapse of ten years, he once more trod the streets of Edinburgh. His improvement had been so rapid and so remarkable, that the most eminent of his countrymen in literature and art visited, and were in daily intercourse with, the young and cn- tci7>rising aitist, and he numbered among his friends Scott, Wilson, Lockhart, and other dis tinguished literati of the day in Edinburgh, which city he resolved to make his future residence. His first efforts, after his return, were directed to em- bodying on the canvass, some of those romantic and striking scenes which had been suggested by his travels and adventures in the strange conntric* he had visited. His 'Circa.ssian Captives,' a work full of novel and original matter, character, and expression, and remarkable for the comjilete- ness of its design, and the m.asterly ari-angenicnt of its parts, was exhibited at Somerset House, Lon- don, in 181.5, and immediately ma7 ANDEKSON. Freviows to the year 1777, Mr. Anderson had removed to a large uncultivated farm of 1,300 acres, named Monkliill, which he rented in Aberdecn- sliire, and which, oy his skill and care, he brought into excellent condition. In that year appeared ' Observations on the Jloans of Exciting a Spirit of National Industry,' with regard to agriculture, commerce, manufactures, and fisheries; and, be- sides his Essa3-s on Planting, various pamphlets on agi-icultural subjects, which raised his reputation very high as a practical agriculturist. In 1780, the university of Aberdeen conferred on him the degree of LL.D. Fie had married in 1768, Miss Seton of ^lounie; by whom he had thirteen children; and with the twofold object of educating his family, and enjoying literary society, in 1783 he went to reside in the neighbourhood of Edin- burgh. His place of residence was situated within the parish of Leith, and when the magistrates and heritors attempted to levy an assessment upon householders for the maintenance of the poor, he brought the measure before the court of session, and succeeded in persuading the judges that the laws of Scotland did not authorise the establish- ment of a poor's rate. He considered himself as having rendered an essential service to his countrj-, by his resistance in this case, and several editions of his papers during the process, though never published, were printed for the use of his fi-iends. Having, in a tract privately circulated, projected the establishment of th; Nc:!'.: British Fisheries, he was requested by the Lords of the Treasury in 1784 to survey the western coast of Scotland, and in 1785 he published the result of his inquiries, under the title of ' An Account of the present state of the Hebrides and Western Coast of Scotland, being the Substance of a Report to the Lords of the Treasury.' In the Report of a committee appointed May 11, 1785, to inqui]-e into the state of the British fisheries, very honom-able mention is made of his labours. On the 22d December 1790 he commenced a weekly publication of a literary and scientific nature, called ' The Bee,' which continued tOl the 1st January 1794. He wrote a great part of the work himself, and be- sides many of the pruicipal papers without signa- ture, all those which were signed Scnex, Alcibi- ades, and Timothy Halrbrain, were from his pen. \Vhcn the Board of ngricnltnrc applied to par- liament for a reward tt Mr. Elkinglon, on account of his mode of draining by boring. Dr. Anderson addressed several letters to the president of that Board. These letters were published, and though the language he used in them was considered n.1 rather intemperate, yet it afterwards appeared that his assertions were weU founded, and that Elking- ton's plan contained nothing but what had been fully explained by Dr. Anderson more than twenty years before in his Agiicultural Essays. About this time, also, he read an Essay on Moss before the Royal Society of Edinburgh, which was soon after published. In it he first advanced the very singular idea that moss, contrary to the mode of all other plants, vegetates below, while its upper stratum is undergoing putrefaction by exposui'e to the air. About the year 1797 he removed with his family to London, and for sever.al years wrote the agri- cultural articles in the Monthly Review. From 1799 to 1802 he conducted another journal called ' Recreations in Agriculture, Natural History, Arts, and Miscellaneous Literature,' which ended with the sixth volume. Although the work con- tains a number of communications from others, the greater part of it was written by himself. It met with the greatest encouragement from the public, but the irregularity of his printers and booksellers caused him to discontinue it. The thirty-seventh number of his ' Recreations' was his last publica- tion in March 1802. After this period he published nothing more, except his correspondence with General Washington and a pamphlet on scarcity, but devoted himself almost entirely to the relaxa- tion of a quiet life, and particidarly to the cultiva- tion of his garden at Lsleworth ; in which he had constructed a model of his patent hothouse, to act by the rays of the sun, without the application of artificial heat. With this he amused himself by making experiments, in order to ascertain what degree of heat and moisture was most salutary to diflferent plants. As an instance of his unwearied attention to every department of rural economj', may be mentioned a discovery which he made about this time, respecting the most eflectual mode of extenninating wasps. Having observed that in the district where he resided these insccu were ANDERSON. 128 ANDERSON. very destnictive to every species of fruit, he re- solved to study theii- natural history. He soon ascertained, by his inquii-ies and observations, that the whole hive, like that of bees, was propa- gated from one female or queen, and that the whole race, except a few queens, perished during winter, and he naturally concluded that to destroy the queens, in the months of May and June, before tliey began to drop then- eggs, was the surest way of diminishing their number. With this view he even procured an association to be formed, which circulated handbills with dkections, and offered a reward for every queen wasp that should be brought in, within a specified period. Dr. Anderson died at Westliam, near London, on 15th October 1808, of a gradual decline. Having been some time a widower, in 1801 he had married a second wife, a lady belonging to Isleworth, who survived him ; as did also five sons and a daugh- ter. In his younger days, and while engaged in the active pursuits of agricultm-e, Dr. Anderson was remarkably handsome in his person, of middle stature, and of robust constitution. Extremely moderate in his living, the country exercise ani- mated his countenance with the glow of health ; but the overstrained exertion of liis mental pow- ers afterwards impaired his strength, ultimately wasted his faculties, and brought on premature old age. He possessed a very independent mind, and his manners were agreeable and unconstrain- ed. In the relative duties of a husband and a fa- ther, he displayed the greatest prudence and affec- tion ; and in the social cii'cle he was distinguished by his humorous pleasantry, and abounded in anecdote. In conversation he entered with zeal and spirit into any favomite subject, and his re- marks vrere generally full of interest. He was among the first of that long list of practical writers of which the present century has produced so many who directed the public attention to the im- provement of agriculture, and there was no agi'i- cultm-al subject of which he treated without throw- ing upon it new light. Besides the works men- tioned, he wrote also many papers in the periodi- cals, and an Account of Ancient Fortifications in the Highlands, which was read to the Society of Scottish Antiquaries. — Scots Mag. 1809. — Edin. Eiiaj. Tlie following is a list of his works : A Practical Treatise on Chimneys ; containing full direc- tions for constructing them in all cases, so as to draw well, and for remo\'ing Smoke in houses. Lond. 1776, 12mo. Free Thoughts on the American Contest. Edin. 1776, 8vo. Essays relating to Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Edin. 1775, 8vo. 1777, 8vo. Lond. 1796, 3 vols. 8vo. Fifth edit, with additions and corrections. Lond. 1800, 3 vols. 8vo. Miscellaneous Thoughts on Planting and Training Timber Trees, by Agricola. Edin. 1777, 8vo. Observations on the Means of exciting a Spirit of Nationa, Industry, chiefly intended to promote the Agriculture, Com- merce, Fisheries, and Manufactures of Scotland. Edin. 1777 •Ito. An Inquiry into the Nature of the Com Laws, with a view to the new Com Bill proposed for Scotland. Edin. 1777, 8va An Enquiry into the Causes that have hitherto retarded the advancement of Agriculture in Europe, with Hints for removing the cu-cmnstances that have chiefly obstructed its progress. Edin. 1779, 4to. The Interest of Great Britain with regard to her American Colonies considered. 1782, 8vo. The True Interest of Great Britain considered, or a Pro posal for estabhshing the Northern British Fisheries. 1783 12mo. An Account of the present State of the Hebrides, and Western Coasts of Scotland, with Hints for encouraging the Fisheries, and promoting other Improvements in these coun- tries; being the Substance of a Report to the Lords of tha Treasury. Edin. 1785, 8vo, illustrated with a geographical map. Observations on Slavery, particularly with a view to it» effects on the British Colonies in the West Indies. Man- chester, 1789, 4to. Papers drawn up by him and Sir John Sinclair, in referenca to a Report by a Committee of the Highland Society on Shet- land Wool. 1790, 8vo. The Bee, consisting of Essays Philosophical and Miscella neons. Edin. 1791-94, 6 vols. 8vo. Observations on the Effects of Coal Duty upon the remote and thinly peopled coasts of Britain. Edin. 1792, 8vo. Thoughts on the Privileges and Power of Juries, with Ob- sen-ations on the present State of the Country with regard to Credit. Edin. 1793, 8vo. KemarKs on the Poor Law in Scotland. Edin. 1793, 4to. A Practical Treatise on Peat Moss, considered as in ith natural state fitted for affording fuel, or .as susceptible of being converted into mould, capable of yielding abundant crops of useful produce, with full directions for converting and cidtivating it as a soil. Edin. 1794, 8vo. A General View of the Agriculture and Rural Economy of the County of Aberdeen, with Observations on the me.ans of its improvement. Chiefly drawn up for the Board of Agri- culture, in two pai'ts. Edin. 1794, 8vo. An Account of the different kinds of Sheep found in the Russian dominions, and among the Tartar Hordes of Asia, by Dr. Pallas, illustrated with sis plates, to which are added five appendixes, tending to illustrate the natural and oeconomical history of sheep, and other domestic animals. Edin. 1794, 8vo. On an Universal Character, in two letters to Edward Home, Esq. Edin. 1795, 8vo. A Practical Treatise on Draining Bogs and Swampy Grounds, with cursory reni.arks on the origin.ahty of Elkington's mode of drauiing. Also disquisitions concerning the different breeds ANDERSON. 129 ANDERSON. uf sheep and other domestic animals, bcinp the principal ad- ditions made in the fom-th edition of his Kssaj's on Agi-icul- ture. Lond. 179-1, 1798, 8vo. Recreations in Agi-iculture, Nattind History, Arts, and Miscellaneous Literature. Lond. 1799-1802, 6 vols. 8vo. Selections from his Correspondence witli General W.-i-shing- ton, in which the causes of the present sciircity are fully in- vestigated. Lond. 1800, 8vo. A Calm Investigation of the Circumstances that h.avo led to the present scarcity of Grain in Britain ; suggesting the means of alleviating that e\il, .and of preventing the recmTeuco of such a cal.imity in fatiu-e. Lond. 1801, 8vo. A Description of a p.atent Hot-house, wliich operates chiefly by the heat of the Sun, .and other subjects ; without the aid of Flues, or Tan-bark, or Steam, for the purpose of heating it, &c. Lond. 1804, 12mo. The Antiquity of Woollen Manufactures m England. — (J^nts. M.ag. August 1778, and other papers in that work. A Disquisition on Wool-be.ai-ing Animals. American Trans, iv. 149. 1799. On Cast Iron. Tr.-ms. Ed. R. Soc. i. 26. 1788. A further Description of .ancient Fortifications in the North of Scotl.and. Archajol. vi. 87. 1782. ANDERSON, John, M.A., author of the celebrated Defence of Presbyterianism, was born in the reign of Charles the Second, but the precise year has not been ascertained. All that is known of his early life is, that, after receiving a university education, he was for some time the preceptor of the celebrated John duke of Ai-gyle and Greenwich ; and that he subsequently re- sided for twenty-five years in Edinburgh, where he kept a school. Having been educated for the church, he was, about the beginning of the eigh- teenth century, minister of the parish of Dum- barton, and afterwards was transported to Glas- gow. The general use of the English liturgy in the Episcopalian congregations, as we learn from Wodrow's con-espondence, was exciting, about this period, the utmost alarm in the minds of the Presbyterian clergy and people, and a vio- lent controversy on the subject was carried on for some time between the ministers of the rival chm-ches. Into this controversy Mr. Anderson entered with much zeal. The first of his publica- tions known is styled ' A Dialogue between a Curat and a Countreyman concerning the Eng- lish Service, or Common Prayer Book of Eng- land,' 4to, printed at Glasgow about 1710. In this work, in opposition to the statements in Sage's ' Fundamental Charter of Presbytery Examined,' he proved that the liturgy which had been nsed by the first Scottish reformers for at least seven years after the overthrow of popery, was not the English liturgy, but that used by the English church at Geneva, since known by the name o( John Knox's liturgy, or the old Scottish liturgy. In 1711 appeared a ' Second Dialogue,' in which he set himself to oppose the sentiments of South, Hammond, Beveridge, and Burnet. Tlicse works were followed by 'A Letter from a Countrey- man to a Curat,' which called forth several an- swers, particularly one by Robert Calder, an Episcopalian clergyman, the friend of Dr. Arch- ibald Pitcairn, to which he speedily replied in a pamphlet entitled ' Curat Calder 'Whipt.' Soon after he published ' A Sermon preached at Ayr, at the opening of the Synod, on April 1, 1712.' In 1714 appeared his famous work, under tlie title of ' A Defence of the Cliurch Government, Faith, Worship, and Spirit of the Presbyterians, in Answer to a Book entitled " An Apology for Mv. Thomas Rhind," ' &c., 4to. In 1717 he re- ceived a call from the congregation of the North- west church, Glasgow, but was not settled there till 1720, after his case had been before both the synod and the Assembly, 'some of the mem- bers of his presbytery having objected to his removal. His colleagues, it seems, had taken (jfFence at a letter addressed by him to Walter Stewart of Pardonan, published by him in 1717. in which he says, " I confess I was under a great temptation of being eager for a settJement in Glas- gow, for what minister would not be fond of a larger stipend and a double charge ?" In the lat- ter year (1720) he published, in 12mo, six 'Let- ters upon the Overtures concerning Ku-k Sessions and Presbyteries,' which, like all his controversial writings, abound in curious historical information, interspersed with severe satirical remark. He wrote several other political and theological tracts besides those mentioned, now gone into oblivion. The precise year of his death is not known, but as his successor was appointed in 1723, his do- cease must have taken place before that year His grandson. Professor Anderson, the founder of the Andersonian Institution, Glasgow, caused the following memorial to his memory to be inscribed upon the fiimily tombstone erected over his grave, on the front of the North-West church, Glasgow: " Near this place ly the remains of the Rev. John Anderson, who was preceptor to the famous Johr, ANDERSON. 130 ANDERSON. Duke of Ai'gyle and Greenwich, and minister of the gospel in Dumbarton in the beginning of the eighteenth centuiy, and in this church in 1720. He was the author of ' Tlie Defence of the Church Government, Faith, Worsliip, and Spirit of the Presbyterians,' and of several other ecclesiastical and political tracts. As a pious minister and an eloquent preacher, a defender of civil and religioua liberty, and a man of wit and learning, he was much esteemed; he lived in the reiga of Charles II., James n., William m., Anne, and George I. Such times, and such a man, forget not, reader, while thy country, liberty, and religion are dear to thee." — Wodroiu's History. ANDERSON, John, F.R.S., founder of the Andersonian Institution, Glasgow, and grandson of the subject of the preceding article, was the eldest son of the Rev. James Anderson, minis- ter of Roseneath, Dumbartonshire, in the manse of which parish he was born in the year 1726. His father died when he was yet young, and he went to live at Stirling with his aunt, ]\L-s. Tm-ner, widow of one of the ministers of the High church of that town, where he received the first part of his education. At the age of twenty he was one of the officers of the Bm-gher coi^ps of Stirling, raised for the defence of the town against the forces of the Pretender, and the carabine he , carried on that occasion is preserved in the Muse- um of the university founded by him. He after- wards studied at the college of Glasgow. In 1756 lie was appointed professor of oriental languages in that university. In 1760 he was removed to the chair of natural philosophy. Embued with an ardent zeal for the difiiision of useful knowledge, he instituted a cUiss, in addition to his usual one, for the instniction of the working classes and others, who were unable to attend the regular course of academical study, which he continued to teach twice a-week, during session, till his death. In 1786 he published 'Institutes of Phy- sics,' which in ten years went through five edi- tions. Having, like many other good men, hailed the first bm'st of the French Revolution in 1789, as calculated to promote the cause of liberty, he went to Paris in 1791 with the model of a gun he had invented, the peculiar advantage of which consisted in the recoil being stopped b. the con- densation of common air within the body of the caiTiage. To this ingenious invention he had un- successfidly endeavoured to obtain the attention of our own government. This model he presented to the national convention, who hung it up in their hall, with the superscription, " The Gift of Science to Liberty !" A six-pounder being made from his model, he tried numerous experiments with it, in presence, among others, of the celebrat ed Paul Jones, then in Paris, who expressed his approbation of the new species of gun. 'Wliile Professor Anderson remained in the capital of France, he witnessed many of those stirring and momentous scenes, which at that period attracted tlie notice of all Europe, and he was one of those who, on the 14th July, from the top of tlie altar of liberty, sung Te Deum with the bishop of Paris, when the ill-fated Louis XVI. took the oath to the Constitution ! An expedient of his for fm-- nishing the people of Germany with French news- papers and manifestoes, after the emperor Leopold had drawn a cordon of troops round the frontiers, to prevent their introduction, was tried, and found very useful. It consisted of small balloons of pa- per, varnished with boiled oil, and filled with in- flammable air, and the newspapers being tied to them, they were sent off when the wind was fa- vourable, and picked up by the people. A small flag which these paper balloons carried, bore an inscription in German to the following purport : " O'er hills ani d.ales and lines of hostile troops, I float m."*- jestic, Beai-ing the laws of God and Nature to oppressed men, And bidding them with arms their rights maintain." On his return to Glasgow, Professor Anderson resumed his college duties with his usual fervour. He died on the 13th January 1796, in the 70th year of his age, and 41st of his professorship. By his will, dated 7th May 1795, he bequeathed all his money and effects for the establishment at Glasgow of an institution, to be called Anderson's University, for the education of the unacademical classes. The institution was endowed by the founder with a valuable philosophical apparatus, museum, and libraiy, valued at three thousand pounds stei - ling ; and it was incorporated by charter from the ANDERSON. 131 ANDERSON. magistrates aud council of Glasgow, on the 9th June following the testator's death. The plan of Professor Anderson contemplated four colleges, for arts, medicine, law, and theology, each college to consist of nine professors, the senior professor being president or dean, bnt tlie funds not allow- ing of this at the outset, tlie managers wisely be- gan on a small scale, and the institution lias gra- dually grown in influenee and importance, and is now in a state more corresponding with the origi- nal design of the founder. The first teacher was Dr. Thomas Garnet, professor of natural philoso- phy, and author of a 'Tour through the High- lands,' as well as various scientific works, who commenced on 21st September 1796, by reading in the Trades' Hall, Glasgow, popular and scien- tific lectm-es on nattiral philosophy and chemistry, addressed to persons of both sexes, and illustrated by experiments. With the view that the institu- tion should be permanently established the trus- tees purchased, in 1798, extensive buildings in John Street, and in the same year a professor of mathematics and geography was appointed. After a successful period of tuition of four years. Dr. Garnet, on the foundation of the Ro3'al Institu- tion of Great Britain in 1800, was chosen its first professor of chemistry, and accordingly removed to London in October of that year, but was obliged to resign the situation on account of iU health, and died in 1802, aged 36. He was succeeded in An- derson's Institution, Glasgow, by the celebrated Dr. George Birkbeck, the founder of Mechanic's Institutes, who, at the age of twenty-one, was appointed professor of natural history, and in ad- dition to what had formerly been taught, intro- duced a familiar system of instruction, which he conducted gi'atis, chiefly for the benefit of opera- tives. One of the great benefits of this institution from the commencement, indeed, has been that instruction is communicated to students of all classes, divested of those technicalities by which it is frequently overlaid and obscured by educa- tional institutions of greater name. Dr. Birkbeck resigned in August 1804, and was succeeded in the following month by Dr. Andrew Ure, the well-known chemist. Dr. Ure continued to dis- charge the duties of his office with great success for the long period of twenty-five years, when he removed to London. In the moantinic the Insti- tution had grown in jiublic estimation, and sever- al professors had been ajipointed. The original buildings too had become insnflicicnt, and the trustees finally purchased from the city the Gram- mar school buildings, situated in George Street, which, with extensive additions and alterations, were rendered fit for a complete college eetablish- mcnt, containing halls for the professors, the mu- seum, library, itc. The new buildings were opened in November 1828, and continue to be used with marked success. There aie now thirteen profes- sors, and the subjects taught are natural philoso- phy, chemistry, natural history, logic and ethics, niathematies and geography, oriental languages, drawing and painting, anatomy, theory and prac- tice of medicine, sm-gery, materia medica, medical jurisprudence, veterinary medicine, aud Gcrniau aud modern literature. The Institution, or as it is called, the Andersoniau University, is placed under the inspection of the Lord Provost aiui other officials as ordinary visitors, but it is more immediately superintended by eighty-one trustees, who are elected by ballot, aud remain in ofiice for life, unless disqualified by non-attendance. They are chosen from nine classes of citizens, namely, tradesmen, agriculturists, artists, manu- facturers, physicians and surgeons, la^\'yers, di- vines, philosophers, and kinsmen or namesakes. Nine of their number are annually elected by the trustees as managers of the establishment for the year, and they in turn elect from their number, by ballot, the president, secretary, and treasurer. A posthumous work of Professor Anderson, en- titled ' Observations on Roman Antiquities dis- covered between the Forth and the Clyde,' wai published at Edinburgh in 1800. — Glasgow Me- chanic's Magazine, 1825. — ClelancTs Annals oj Glasgoiv. ANDERSON, Jonx, historian of the Ilamil- tons, was born June 6, 1789, at Gilmerton House, in the county of Mid-Lothian. He was the eld- est son of James Anderson, supervisor of excise, Oban, whose father, William Anderson, was a farmer at Upper Liberton, and a burgess and guild-brother of the city of Edinburgh. His mo- ther was Elizabeth, daughter of John Williams. the well-known author of the 'Mineral ICingdom,' ANDERSON. 132 ANDERSON. who then resided at Gilmerton. After receiving the proper education, and attending the university of Edinburgh, he was in 1813 admitted a licentiate of tlie Etlinliurgh Royal College of Surgeons, and had scarcely passed his college examinations, when he was appointed, by the Marquis of Douglas, afterwards, on the death of his father in 1819, Duke of Hamilton, first Surgeon of the Royal Lanarksliire Jlilitia, and he retained that situation, and the patronage and confidence of his grace, until his death. He settled at Hamilton, and ob- tained an extensive practice. In 1825, he pub- lished, in quarto, a lai'ge and elaborate work, en- titled ' Historical and Genealogical Memoirs of the House of Hamilton,' to which, m 1827, he added a supplement. For more than two years previous to his death, he had been engaged collecting ma- terials for a Statistical Account of Lanarkshire ; and he also contemplated wi-iting a Genealogical History of the Robertsons of Struan. In the pe- culiar line of literatm'e which he selected for him- self, he was distinguished by sound and pertinent information, deep research, untiring perseverance, and a ready and perspicuous style. He died 24th December 1832, his last illness being caused by extraordinai-y fatigue in attending patients under the cholera morbus. He was (says a writer in the New Monthly Magazine) universally known in the neighbourhood of his residence; and from his un- assuming manners, his social disposition, and ex- tensive benevolence, was as generally respected. His matenial grandfather, John Williams, F.S.A., Scotland, was, though a native of Wales, long connected with Scotland, and in his lifetime emi- nent both as an antiquarian and a geologist. He was a mineral sui-veyor by profession, and on his first coming to Scotland he took the coal-mines of Brora, in the parish of Golspie, from the Earl of Sutherland, and a farm near them named Water- ford. His daugliter, Elizabeth, the mother of Dr. Anderson, (and of the author of the ' Scottish Na- tion,') was born at Brora, 13th April 1765, just a fort- night before the late Duchess-Countess of Suther- land. The farm proved a bad speculation, as Mr. Williams lost a large sum of money in improving it to no pui-pose. After he had put up an engine at the coal-mine, the latter took fire, by which he lost a considerable sum, indeed nearly all that he posseseed. At that time the earl and countess were at Bath, on account of the health of the earl, who died there. The young countess, their daugh- ter, on succeeding to the Sutherland title and estates, was an infant scarcely a year old. The factor, a Mr. Campbell Combie, was a veiy harsh and arbitraiy person, and would not do anything for Ml'. Williams. He refused even to entertain his claim either for the loss he had sustained by the coal-mines, or for the money he had expended in improvements on the farm. Fortunately, at this juncture Mr. Williams was appointed by gov- ernment one of the persons to survey the forfeited estates in Scotland, and in this employment he was engaged for eighteen months. He afterwards took a coal-mine at West Calder, and subse- quently went to Gilmerton about 1775. In 1777 he published ' An Account of some remarkable ancient Ruins lately discovered in the Highlands and Northern parts of Scotland,' being the vitri- fied forts found in various parts of the country. He was one of the first to direct attention to these remains, and his theory regarding them has generally been adopted by subsequent writers on the subject. In 1789 appeared, in 2 vols. 8vo.. his most celebrated work, ' The Natural His- tory of the Mineral Kingdom.' Of this last work he sent a copy to George the Thii'd, one to the unfortunate Louis the Sixteenth of France, and one to the Empress Catherine of Russia. The two former never acknowledged receipt. The Empress was the only one of these potentates who took any notice of the gift. Whatever was her character otherwise, it is worthy of note that she patronized literary and scientific men, and invited them to her court. lili-. WQliams received a communication ft'om St. Petersburg, requesting him to proceed to Russia, to sm-vey for minerals in that empire, and he accordingly left Scotland for that purpose about the end of 1792, or early in 1793. On his way home, after fulfilling his mission, he was seized with a fever and died at Verona in Italy, May 29, 1795. He was one of the twelve original members of the Scotch Antiquarian Society, and his portrait is in that Institution in Edinburgh. In the Trans- actions of that society there appeared fi'om his pen, a paper entitled > A Plan for a Royal Forest of Oak in the Highlands of Scotland.' An edition ANDERSON. 133 ANI)1:K,S0N. of 'the Jlineral Kingdom,' edited by a Dr. Millar of Ediiiburgli was published in 1810, containing a Life of 5Ir. Williams, which was incorrect in many respects, and not sanctioned by his family. ANDERSON, John, an enterprising character, founder of the town of Fermoy, in Ireland, son of David Anderson of Portland, was born in lowly circumstances in the West of Scotland. AN'hllc very young he learned to read and write, and hav- ing made a few pounds in some humble employ- ment, he settled in Glasgow about 1784. By a speculation in herrings he acquired five hundred pounds, and with this sum he went to Cork, and became an export merchant, dealing in provisions, the staple trade of the place. In a few years he realized twenty-five thousand pounds. This sum he laid out in the pm'chase of four-sixths of the Femioy estate, in the province of Munster. With characteristic energj- he resolved to make a to^Ti at Fermoy, which at that period was no more than a dirty hamlet, consisting of a few hovels, and a carman's public house, at the end of a narrow old bridge. He began by building a good hotel, and next erected a few houses, and a square. At his own expense he rebuilt the ruinous bridge over the Blackwater, on which the town is situated. Having learned that government intended to erect large barracks in Munster, he oft'ered, in 1797, a most eligible site for them, rent free. The ofifer was accepted, and two very large and handsome barracks were built. He next erected a theati-e, and a handsome residence for himself. He invited various families, having more or less capital, to settle at Fermoy, and placed himself at the head of the little community. As his manners were pleasing, his societj' was courted by the uobilit}- and gentry of the neighbourhood. He was never ashamed of his origin, and often spoke of his suc- cess in the world with laudable jiride. On one occasion, in the very heiglit of his prosperity, he was entertaining a large company at his residence in Fermoy. Amongst the party were the late Earls of Kingston and Shannon, and Lord Kivers- dale. The conversation turned on tlieir host's great success in life, and Lord Kingston asked him to what he chiefly attributed it. " To education, my lord," he replied, " every child in Scotland can easily get the means of learning to read and write. ■Wlien I was a little boy my parents sent me to school every day, and I had to walk three niilen to the village school. Many a cold walk I had in the bitter winter mornings ; and I a.^surc you, my lords," he added, smiling, " that shoes and stock- ings were extremely scarce in tliose days." Still continuing his attention to business, he established a bank, an agricultural society, and a mail coach company. The first coach which ran between Cork and Dublin was set a-going by him. He also built a large schoolhousc and a military col- lege; the latter afterwards became a public school. For the erection of a Protestant church he gave three thousand pounds, and five hundred pounds and a site rent free for a Catholic chapel. The government oflcred him a baronetcy, which he de- clined. It was, however, conferred. In 1813, by George TV., when Prince Regent, upon his son, Sir James Caleb Anderson, the well-known ex- perimentalist in steam-coaching, as a mark of his Royal Highncss's gracious approbation of the ser- vices rendered to Ireland by his father. Having embarked in some dangerous speculations, Mr. Anderson, in his latter years, sustained great re- verses. In Welsh mining alone he lost £30,000. On the sale of the Barrymore estates, he was a h('a^•y purchaser, by which, owing to the fall in the price of land hi L-eland, after the close of the war, he became a considerable loser ; while his b.anking operations were affected by the changes in the currency. He left behind him, liowever, a noble monument in the handsome town of Fermoy, which h.is now 7,000 inhabitants. Mi-. Madden, in his ' Revelations of Ireland,' has devoted a chapter to the enterprise of this "Scotchman in Munster," to which we are mainly indebted for the materials of this sketch. Mr. Amlerson mar- ried a Miss Senipii', li_\- whom he liad two sons and two daughters. ANDERSON, Robert, M. D., editor and bio- grapher of the British Poets, bom at Camwath in Lanarkshire on 7tli Januan' 17.50, was the fourth son of William Anderson, feuar there, and JLir- garet Melrose, his wife. After receiving the rudi- ments of his education at his native village, he was sent to the grammar school at Lanark, the master of which was Robert Thomson, who had married a sister of the poet Thomson. Tivo of hit ANDERSON. 134 ANDERSON. schoolfellows at this school were Pinkerton the historian, and James Graeme, who died young, and whose poems were afterwards included in his edi- tion of the British poets. Wlien only ten years old his father died in his fortieth year, leaving his widow with four sons very slenderly provided for. Robert, the youngest, showed very early a taste for reading and study, and being destined for the church, he was sent, in the year 1767, to the uni- versity of Edinburgh, where he became a stu- dent of divinity. Subsequently changing his views, he entered upon the study of medicine ; and after finishing his medical studies he went to England, and was for a short time employed as surgeon to the Dispensary at Bamborough castle, Northum- berland. On the 25th September 1777 he mar- ried Anne, daughter of John Grey, Esq. of Aln- wick, a relative of the noble family of that name. He took his degree of doctor of medicine at Edin- burgh, in May 1778. He afterwards practised as a physician at Alnwick, but his wife's health fail- ing, and having by his marriage secured a mode- rate independence, he finally returned to Edin- burgh in 1784, where, in December 1785, his \vife died of consumption, leaving him with three daughters, the youngest of whom soon followed her mother to the gi'ave. In 1793 he man'ied Margaret, daughter of Mr. David Dale, master of Yester school, Haddingtonshire. He now devoted himself to literary pursuits, and produced various works, chiefly in the department of criticism and biography. The principal of these is ' The Works of the British Poets, with prefaces Biographical and Critical,' in foui-teen large octavo volumes, the earliest of which was published in 1792-3 ; the thu-teenth in 1795, and the fourteenth in 1807. His correspondence with literary men of eminence was extensive. He was the friend and patron of aU who evinced any literary talent. Li particu- lar he was the friend of Thomas Campbell the poet, who through his influence procured literary employment on his first coming to Edinburgh ; and to Dr. Anderson Mr. Campbell dedicated his ' Pleasures of Hope,' as it was chiefly owing to him that that most beautiful poem was first brought before the world. It was in the year 1797, when Campbell was only nineteen years of age, that his acquaintance with Dr. Anderson commenced. which forms such an important epoch in the his- tory of both. The following account of it by Dr. Irving is extracted ft'om Beattie's Life of Camp- bell : " Campbell's introduction to Dr. Anderson, which had no small influence on his brilliant ca- reer, was in a great measure accidental. He had come to Edinburgh in search of employment, when he met Mr. Hugh Park, then a teacher in Glas- gow, and afterwards second master of Stirling school. Park, who was a frank and warmhearted man, was deeply interested in the fortunes of the youthful poet, which were then at their lowest ebb. His own character was held in much esteem by the doctor ; and he was one day coming to pay him a visit, when the young ladies (Dr. Anderson's daughters) observed from the window that he was accompanied by a handsome lad, with whom he was engaged in earnest conversation, and who seemed reluctant to take leave. Theii- curiosity was naturally excited, and Campbell's story was soon told — being merely the short and simple an- nals of a poor scholar, not unconscious of his own powers, but placed in the most unfavourable cir- cumstances for the development of poetical genins. Park knew that he had obtained distinction in the university of Glasgow; and he fortunately had in his pocket a poem [an Elegy wi-itten in Mnll the previous year] which his young friend had written in one of the Hebrides. Dr. Anderson was struck with the turn and spirit of the verses; nor did he hesitate to declare his opinion that they exhibited a fan- promise of poetical excellence. The talents, the character, and the prospects of so interesting a youth formed the chief subject of conversation dming the afternoon. He expressed a cordial wish to see the author without delay, and Park's kindness was too active to neglect a commission so agreeable to himself. Campbell was accordingly introduced, and his first appear- ance produced a most favourable impression.' [Beattie's Life of Campbell^ vol. i. p. 194.] As Campbell was anxious to obtain some literai-y emplojTiient, Dr. Anderson, with his characteristic zeal and sympathy in the cause of friendless me- rit, did not rest imtU the object had been attained. He warmly recommended the young poet to Mi'. Mundell, the publisher, who made Campbell an offer of twenty pounds for an abridged edition of ANDERSON. 186 ANDERSON. Bryan Edwards's ' West Indies,' -which Campbell accepted, and wliuli was Ills first undertaking for the pnblic press. lie afterwards consulted Dr. Anderson as to the publication of his ' Pleasures of Hope,' as his experience as an author fiave pe- culiar weight to his opinions on this point. The manuscript, we are told, was then shown to Mr. Mnndell, and after some discussion between Dr. Anderson and the publisher, the copyright was sold to him on the terms mcntioucd in the life of Campbell. " In the literary society," says Dr. Beattie, " which Dr. Anderson drew around liini, the poem was a familiar topic in conversation, and he had soon the pleasm-e of finding that the opinion of otlier judicious critics, respecting its merits, was in harmony with his own." At that period, says Dr. Irving, " the editor of the British Poets had a very extensive acrpiaintance ; and it was through him that Campbell formed his earli- est connexions with men of letters. His house at Heriot's Green was freiiuentcd by individuals who had then risen, or who afterwards rose to gi'eat eminence. As he had relinquished all professional pursuits, his time was very much at the disposal of his friends, whatever might be their denomina- tion. He was visited by men of learning and men of genius, and perhaps in the course of the same day by some rustic rhymer, who was anxious to consult him about publishing his works by super- scription. I remember finding him in consulta- tion with a little deformed student of physic, fi'om the north of Ireland ; who, in detailing his lite- rary history, took occasion to mention that at some particular crisis lie had no intention of per- secuting the study of poetry." [Ihid. vol. i. )i. 241.] Before committing it to press, the manu- script of the ' Pleasures of Hope,' by the advice of Dr. Anderson, underwent a careful revisal, and at his suggestion the opening of the poem was en- tu'cly rewritten. In 1796 Dr. Anderson published 'The mis- cellaneous works of Tobias Smollett, M.D., with memoirs of his life and writings,' six volumes octavo ; which passed through six editions. His life of Smollett was also published separately, the eighth edition of which appeared in 1818, under the title of 'The Life of Tobias Smol- lett, JI.D., with critical observations on his Works.' He also published an elaborate ' Lifb ol Samuel John.son, Ll..l>., with critical obscn-a- tions on his Works,' the third edilidu fFinelIa, lady ot "" Fettercaim, murderess of ! Kenneth III. I. ©rigiuHl ^mt of fads of ^itgus. I ScoTriSH Line. W ^ovits 3. 4. 5 6 int of Jonglas tonthm^jtr. fiir William Douglas of Glen- bervie, grandson of knight of 8f the family reverted to his uncle. Sir Windham Carmichael An- struther nf Elie and Anstruther, the eighth baronet of Xova Scotia, and fourth of Great Britain. He was b. Mar. 6, 1793, and m^ Ist in 1824, Meredith Wetherell, by whom (who rf. 1841) he had a son and heir, Windham Charles James, 6. in 1824, who s. him Sept- 15, 1869. He is M.P. for the 2d division of Lanarkshire (1875) Sir Robert Anstruther, above mentioned, the founder of the Balcaskie branch, was thrice married. His first wife, whose name was Kinnear, an heiress, died without issue. His second wife, Jean Monteith Wrea, also an heiress, brouf^ht him six sons and two daughters; and by his third wife Marion, daughter of Sir William Preston of Vidleytield, he had one son and two daughters. He was succeeded by his eldest son, Sir Philip, whose eldest son, Sir Robert, born 21st April 1733, married Lady Janet Erskine, youngest daugliter of Alexander, Hfth earl of Kellie, and had three sons and three daughters. Robert, the eldest, was the celebrated Gen- eral Anstruther. He was bom 3d March 1768, and entered st a very early period of life into the army. In 1793 he ac- companied his regiment to Holland. In 1796 he joined the Austrian army in the Brisgau, under the Archduke Charles then at war with France; and received a wound in the left side in one of the conflicts. In 1797 lie purchased a company in the 3d Guards, and was appointed deputy quarter-ma^ter- generai. In 1798 he was on a diplomatic mission to Ger- many; and in the autunm of 1799 with the expedition to the Helder. In 1800 Captain A. went to Egypt as quarter- mas ter-gener;il to the army under the command of Sir Ralph Abercromby, at which time the order of the Crescent was conferred upon him. In 1802 he was adjutant-general in Ireland. In 1SU8 he went to Portugal as brigadier-general, and distinguished himself at the battle of Viniiera. In the subsequent campaign in Spain, under Sir John Moore, General A. commanded the rear-guard of the army, whicli he brouglit safely into Coruuna on the niglit of the 12th January 1809; but survived only one day the exertions be had made, and the fatigue he had endured during the retreat. He died 14th January 1809. and lies interred in the north-east bastion of the citadel of Corunna. Sir John Moore by his own desire was buried by the side of General Anstmtber. He nuirried 16tii March, 1799, Charlotte Lucy, only daughter of Col. James Hamilton, and had issue Sir Ralph Abercromb y Anstruther, Bart., who succeeded his grandfather in August 1818, one other son and 3 daughters. Sir Ralph m., 2d Sept. 1831, Mary Jane, eldest daughter of Sir Henry Torrens, K.C.B., and hai issue 3 sons and 2 daughters. He d. Oct. IS, 1863, and was s, by his eldest »■ Sir Robert as 5th hart., 6. Aug. 28, 1834, snd m. July 29, 1857, Louisa, daughter of Rev. Wm. Knox Jrarshall, and has is3ue 4 sons and 1 daughter. He is M.P. for Fifcshire (1875). AKBUCKLE, James, A.M., a minor poet, was born in Glasgow, in 1700. He studied at the uni- versity of that city, where he took his degi'ees. He afterwards kept an academy in the north of Ireland, hence he is called an L'ishman by Camp- bell, in his Introduction to the History of Toetr^ in Scotland. He was the friend of Allan Ramsay. He published a volume of poems, and had begun a translation of Horace, but died before it was finished, in 1734. Some of his translations and imitations of Horace are among his best pieces. He wrote 'Snuff, a Poem,' which, according to the advertisement, was " printed at Edinburgh by Mr. James M^Ewen and Company for the au- thor, and sold by Mr. James M'Ewen, bookseller in Edinburgh, and by the booksellers in Glasgow," 1719. This poem was dedicated to " His Grace. John, Duke of Roxburgh," and contained som€ pleasing enough conceits, very prettily turned As an instance the following may be quoted : " Though in some sohtary pathless wild WTiere moi-tal never trod, nor natm'e smiled, My cruel fate should doom my endless stay, To saunter all my ling'ring life away, ARBUTHNOT. 143 ARBUXIINUT. Yet still I'll have society enough, While blest with virtue, and a Pinch of Snuff, EnouKh for me the conscious joys to hnJ, And silent raptures of an honest mini' " Akbuthnott, viscount of, a title possessed by a family of ancient descent, bearing; that siu-name, in Kincardineshire ; the first of whom, Hugo de Aberbothenoth, flourished in the reign of King William the Lion, and derived his name, in 1105, from lands which came to him by marriage with a daughter of Oshertns Oliphard, sheriff of Mearns. Those lands now form the p-eater part of the parish of Aj-buthnott, and have passed to the present viscount through no less than twenty-two generations. Prerious to the twelfth centuiy the name was Aberbothenothe ; about 1335, it had become Aberbuthuot, and about 1443, Arbuthnott. The name of Aberbothenothe is understood to mean " the confluence of the water below the baron's house," being de- rived fi-om Aber, the influx of a river into the sea, or of a smaller stream into a larger Both, or Bot/iena, a dwelling, a baronial residence; and Aeth or A'eoth-ea, the stream tliat descends or is lower than something else in the ncighboiu"- hood; a derivation which is peiiectly appHcable to the site of the ancient castle, and to the present residence of the noble family of Arbuthnott. [See StatUtlcal Accoimt, vol. xi.] In the reign of Alexander the Second, Duncan de Aber- bothenothe was witness to a donation of that sovereign in 1242. His son, Hugh, is witness, along with his father, de- signed Dnncanus Dominus de Aberbothenoth, to a charter of Kobert, the son of Wamebald, to the monastery of Aberbroth- mck. His son and successor, Hugh, called from the flaxen colour of his hair, Hugo Blundus or le Blond, to distinguish him from two predecessors of the same name, was laird of Arbuthnott in 1282, in which year he bestowed the p.atron- age of the church of Garvock, in pure alms, on the monastery of Arbroath, " for the safety of bis soul," which patronage, with many otliers, at the Reformation, fell into the bands of the king. Along with the patronage he gave one ox-gang of land, lying adjacent to the chm-ch of Gan'ock, with pasturage for 100 sheep, 4 horses, 10 oxen, and 20 cows. Hugo le Blond died about the end of the thirteenth century, and was buried at Arbutlmott, where there is an ancient full-length stone statue of him, in a reclining postm*e, with the face look- ing upwards, and the feet resting on the figiu-e of a dog. His own and his wife's arms, the latter being the same with those of the once poweiful family of the Morevilles, constables of Scotland, are cut on the stone on which the statue lies. In 1355 Philip de Arbuthnott, fom-th direct descendant fi'oni Hugh le Blond, was a benefactor to the church of the Carme- Ute friars, Aberdeen. His son and heir, Hugh Arbuthnott, was necessary with several other gentlemen of the Mearns, upon great provocation, to the slaughter of John Melville, of Glenbervie, sberilT of that county, .about 1420. According to tradition, Melville had, by a strict exercise of his authox-ity as eheriff, rendered himself obnoxious to the surrounding barons, who teased the regent, Murdoch, duke of Albany, by repeated complaints against him. At last, in a fit of unpatience, the regent incautiously exclaimed to Barclay, laird of Mathers (ancestor of Captain Barclay AlKardice of Urie), who had come to him with another comj)laint ag.ainst Melville, " Sor- row gin that sheriif were sodden, and supped m broo." Most of those who have related tliis story state, that it was the king, James the First, who made this exclamation, but his majesty was then a prisoner in England. B.arcl.ay, immedi- ately retuminfi home, assembled his neighbours, the lauds of Launston, Arbuthnott, Pitarrow and H.olkcrton, who ip- pointed a great hunting party in the foro.st of Gnrwiclt, U- which they invited tho devoted Melville; and having prcpnn-d a largo fire and ciuddron of boiling water in a retired place, they decoyed the unsuspecting MeKillo to tho fatal spot, knocked him down, sti-ipped him, and aen throw him into the cauldron. After he was 4oi7«/ or sodden for some times they each took a spoonful of the soup. To screen himaclf from justice, Barclay built a fortress in the parish of St, Cyras, called the Kaim of Mathers, on a perpendicular and pcnmsular rock, sixty feet above tho sea, wlicre, in those days, he lived quite secure. The lahd of .Vrbnthnott claimed and obtained the benefit of the law of clan Macduif, which, in case of homicide, allowed a pardon to any one within the ninth degi-ee of kindred to Macdufl', Thane of Fife, who should flee to his cross, which then stood near Lindores, on the m.Ti-ch between Fife and Strathern, and pay a fine. Tho pardon is stUI extant in Arbuthnott House. The rest were outlawed. He died m 144G. His descend;mt. Sir Robert Ai-buthnott of Arbuthnott, was knighted by King Ch:u-lcs tlie First, and for bis enduring loyalty ennobled in 1641, by being created Viscount Arbuth- nott and Lord Inverbervie. Robert the second viscount of Arbuthnott succeeded his father in 1655, and died in Juno 1682. By his first wife. Lady Elizabeth Keith, second daughter of William seventh carl M.orischal, he had a son Robert, tliu-d viscount, and a daughter, and by his second wife, Catherine, daughter of Kobert Gordon of Pitlurg and Straloch, be had three sons and three daughters. The Hon. Alexander Arbuthnott, the second son by the second niarri.age, who w,as appointed one of the barons of the Coui't of Exche- quer in Scotland at the union of 1707, married Jean, eldest daughter of Sir Charles iMaitland of Pitrichie in Aberdeen- shhe, heir to her brother, Sir Charles, who died in 1704, and he in consequence assumed the name and arms of .Maitland. John, the seventh viscount of Arbuthnott, man-led in De- cember 1775, Isabella, 2d daughter of William Graham, Esq. of Morphie, Kincardineshire, and by her. who died in 1818, he had John, 8th viscount, General Hugh Arbuthnott, long M.P. for Kincardineshire, 5 other sons, and 2 d.aughters. The 8th viscount succeeded on his father's death, Feb. 27, 1800, and in June 1805 he married Margaret, daughter of the Hon. Walter Ogilvy of Clova, sister of the ninth earl ol Airlie, with issue, 6 sons and 7 daughters. He died Jan. 10, 1860, when his eldest son, John, became 9th viscount. His lordship married, in 1837, the eldest daughter of the 8th earl nf Airlie; issue, 3 sons and a daughter. ARBUTHNOT, Alex.\nder, an tiniiu'iit di- vine, and zealous promoter of the Reformation In Scotland, was the second son of Andrew Ar- buthnot of Pitcarles, the fourth son of Sir Robert Arbuthnott of Arbuthnott, and the brother of the baron or proprietor of Arbutlmott, in Kincardmc- shire, and not the baron himself, as generally stated by his biographers. Ilis mother was Eliza- beth, daughter of James Straclutn of Wonboddo, and sister of Alexander Strachan of Tlioniton. He was born in 1538. According to ArehbLshop Spottiswood, he studied at the university of St Andrews, but Dr. Mackenzie says that he received his education at King's college, Aberdeen, '^^^(u• ARBUTHNOT. 144 ARBUTHNOT. kenzie's Lives of Scots WrUers, vol. iii. p. 186.] Tlio foniier is likely to be correct, as in the year 15G0 liis name appears the ninth in a list of young men at St. Andrews best qualified for the minis- try and teaching, given in to the first General As- sembly. [Calda-wood's History of the Church of Scotland, vol. ii. p. 45.] In 1561 he went to France, and for the space of five years prosecuted the study of the civil law at Bourges, under the famous Cu- jacius. This has led his biographers to state that it was with the view of following the profession of an advocate in his native country ; but it was then usual for students of divinity to make civil law a brancli of their studies. He returned to Scotland in 1566, and was soon after licensed as a minister of the Reformed church. On the 15tli July 1568 he received a presentation to the church of Logie Buchan, one of the common kirks of the cathedral of Aberdeen. He was a member of the General Assembly which met at Edinburgh on the first of July of that year, and was intrusted with the charge of revising a book entitled ' The Fall of the Roman Church,' published by one Tho- mas Bassendon, a printer of that city, which had given great offence and incuiTed the censure of the Assembly, chiefly on account of an assertion contained in it, that the king was the supreme head of the church. For this, and for having printed at the end of the Psalm-Book, an indecent song called ' Welcome Fortune,' the Assembly or- dained Bassenden to call in all the copies of these books which he had sold, and to sell no more of them, and to abstain for the ftiture fi'om printing anything witliout the license of the magistrates, and the revisal by a committee of the church of such books as pertain to religion. [Booke of the Universall Kirk of Scotland,, p. 100.] In the year 1569, Mr. Alexander Anderson, the principal of Iving's college, Aberdeen, with the sub-principal and three of the regents of that uni- versity, having been ejected fi'om their offices, on account of tlieir adherence to popery, and refusal to sign the Confession of Faith, Mx. Arbuthnot was promoted to the vacant principalship on the 3d July of that year, and three weeks afterwards he was presented to the church of Ai'buthnott in Kincardineshire, " provyding he administrat the sacraments of Jesus Christ, or ellis travell [that is, labour] in some others als necessar vocation to the utility of the kirk, and approvit by the samen." The emoluments of his two parochial charges were probably his only support as princi- pal, the funds of the college having been greatlj dilapidated by his predecessor, Principal Anderson, wlien he found that he was likely to be deprived for his adherence to popery. To the university Principal Aj-buthnot rendered the most important services, both in the augmentation of its funds, and by his assiduity and success in teaching. " By his diligent teaching and dexterous govern- ment," says Arclibishop Spottiswood, " he not only revived the study of good letters, but gained many from the superstitions whereunto they were given." In 1572 he was a member of the Gen- eral Assembly held at St. Andrews, which strenu- ously opposed a scheme of church government called ' The Book of policy,' proposed by the regent Morton and his party, for the pm-pose o\ restoring the old titles in the church, and retaining among themselves all the temporalities annexed to them. The same year he established his char- acter as a man of learning, by the publication at Edinburgh, in quarto, of his ' Orationes do Ori- gine et Dignitate Juris,' a production which was honoured witli an encomiastic poem by Thomas Maitland, who represents Arbutlinot as one of the brightest ornaments of his native country. [i>e- liticB Poetarum Scotorum, torn. ii. p. 153.] " To enhance the value of this eulogium," says Dr. Irving, " it must be recollected that Maitland was a zealous Catholic." From this time Arbuthnot began to take a lead in the General Assembly, and dm-ing the minority of James the Sixth, he appears to have been much employed on the part of the church, in its tedious contest with the regency, concerning the plan of ecclesiastical government to be adopted. Of the General Assembly which met at Edinburgh 6th August, 1573, he was chosen moderator. In that of Edinburgh March 6th, 1574, he was appointed, with three others, to summon before them the chapter of Mun-ay, accused of giving their letters testimonial in favour of George Douglas, bishop of that see, "without just trial and due exami- nation of his life, and qualification in literature." ICaldencood's Hist, of the Church of Scotland, ARBUTHNOT. 145 ARBUTHNOT. vol. iii. p. 304.] This assembly also aiitlioiized liim, witli Mr. Joliu Row and otlieis, to draw lip a plan of ecclesiastical polity for tlie appro- val cf the monibei's. Ho was at the Assem- bly which met at Edinburgh in August, 1575. •' Efter the Assemblie," (sa3's James Melville,) "we passed to Anguss in companie with Mr. Al- exander Arbuthnot, a man of singular gifts of lerning, ■wesdome, godliness, and sweitness of na- ture, then principall of the collage of Aberdein ; whom withe Mr. Andre [Melville] comraunicat anent the liaill ordourof his collage in doctrine and discipline, and aggroit as thoreftcr was sett down in the new reformation of the said collages of Glasgow and Aberdein." \_]\Idville's Diary, p. 41.] He was again chosen moderator of the General Assembl}' which met at Edinburgh 1st April 1577. In the Assembly which met in that city in October of the same year he was appointed, with Andrew Melville and George Hay, to attend a council which was expected to meet at Magdeburg for the purpose of establishing the Augsburg Confes- sion. \_Booke of the Universall Kirk of Scotland, page 169.] The council, however, was not con- vened. A copy of the heads of the policy and jurisdiction of the church having been, by order of that General Assembly, presented to the earl of Morton as regent of the kingdom; for the so- lution of doubts and the removal of difficulties, he was referred to Principal Arbuthnot, Patrick Adamson, and Andrew ISIelville, and nine other commissioners of inferior eminence. [Ibid. p. 171.] In the General Assembly which mot at Edinburgh •24th April 1578, it was resolved that a copy of the same should be presented to the king, and another to his council; and that if a conference should be demanded, they, on their part, would nominate Arbuthnot, Andrew ^lelville, and ten others, to attend at any appointed time. [Ibid. p. 175.] In the Assembly which convened at Stirling, 11th June of the same year, Arbutlinot, with some others, was empowered to confer with several of the nobility, prelates, and gentry, rela- tive to the polity of the church. In the General Assembly which met at Edinburgh on the 24th April 1583, Arbuthnot, with David Fergn^on and John Durie, was directed to wait upon the king and council, to request, in name of the Assembly, the dismissal of M. JIanningville, the Eiciich am- liassador, whose popisli practices had excited much alarm, as w.'ll as to complain of snndry other grievances. He was also named in a commission, with Mr. Robert Pont and five others, or any fom of them, to visit the university of .'^t. Andrews, for the purpose of inrpiiring how the rents therool were bestowed, what order and diligence were used by the regents or iirofcssors in teaching, ami how order was kept among the students. AVith Messrs. Andrew and George Hay he was also em- powered to present to the king and council such heads, articles, and complaints as the Assembly might determine, and to confer, treat, and reason thereupon, and to receive his majesty's answer to the same. [Calderwood, vol. iii. pp. 707, 708. J The leading part which ho took in ecclesiastical matters seems to have rendered him an object of suspicion and displeasnrc to James the Sixth; for when, in the same year (1583), he was appointed by the Assembly minister of St. Andrews, the king commanded him to remain in his college, under pain of horning. The Assembly saw in this arbi- trary exertion of the royal prerogative, an in- fringement of their rights. They therefore re- monstrated against it, but his majesty answered generally that he and his council had good grounds and reasons for what had been done. Arbuthnot is said to have had some bias towards the episcopal form of ecclesiastical polity, but whatever might be his private sentiments, he adhered with steadiness to the prcsbyterian party. It is thought, and in- deed Ur. Mackenzie confidently asserts, that he had given oftence to the king by printing Buch- anan's History of Scotland, in the year 1582, [Lives of Scots Writers, vol. iii. p. 192,] and otliei authors have also sujiposed that he was the iden- tical Alexander Arbuthnot who at that period held the office of king's printer. On this point Dr. Irving particularly quotes James Man, who. in his ' Censure of Ruddiman's Philological Notes on Buchanan,' (p. 99. Aberdeen, 17.53, 12mo,) maintained, " with ridiculous pertinacity," as Chalmers in his Life of Ruddiman says, that Principal Arbuthnot was indeed the printer of Buchanan's History. The mistake has been cor- rected by Chahiiers, who, on referring to the writ of privy seal, found that tlue Alexander Arbutl> ARBUTHNOT. 146 ARBUTHNOT. not tliureiu mentioned as king's printer was deno- minated abm-gessof Edinburgli, and therefore was a different person from the principal of King's col- lege, Aberdeen. [Life of Ruddiman, p. 72.] The restriction placed on him by King James is snpposed to have seriously affected his health and spirits. He fell into a decline, and died un- married, at Aberdeen, on the 10th of October 1583, before he had completed the age of forty- five. On the 20th of the same month his remains were interred in tlie chapel of King's college. Principal Arbuthnot appears to have possessed a degree of good sense and moderation which em- inently qualified him for the conduct of public business, and liis death was regarded as a severe calamity to the national church and to the nation- al literature. Andrew Melville honoured his mem- ory by an elegant epitaph in Latin, which will be found in Irving'5 Life of Arbuthnot (Lives of Scots Poets, vol. ii. p. 177), quoted from tlie Delitifp. Poetarum Scotonim, (torn. ii. p. 120). James Melville, in his Diary, has pronounced Arbuthnot one of the most learned men of whom Europe could at that time boast. His character has been thus delineated by Archbishop Spottiswood : " He was greatly loved of all men, hated of none, and in such account for his moderation with the chief men of these parts, that without his advice they could almost do nothing; which put him in a great fashrie, whereof he did oft complain ; pleasant and jocund in conversation, and in all sciences expert ; a good poet, mathematician, philosopher, theologue, lawyer, and in medicine skilful ; so as in every subject he could promptly discourse, and to good pui-pose." Notwithstanding the violence of the times in which he lived, the name of Prin- cipal Arbuthnot has never been found subjected to censure. Even the papists themselves appear to have revered his virtues. Nicol Burne, in his ' Admonition to the Antichristian Ministers of the Deformit Kirk of Scotland,' written in 1581, while he has treated the rest of the Protestant clergy with the utmost contempt, thus respectfully speaks of Arbuthnot : ' Bot jit, glide Lord, qulii nnis thy name hes kend, M.iy. or tli,\v de, find for thair sau]is remeid : VVitli thy elect Arbuthnot I commend, Althocht the lave to Geneve haist with speed." Three Scottish poems, published in Pinkerton'^ ' Ancient Scottisli Poems,' have been attributed to Principal Arbuthnot. Dr. Irving in hia Life of Arbuthnot gives extracts from two of these, ' The ISIiseries of a Pure [poor] Scholar,' and ' The Praises of Wemen,' which show the author to have been an ingenious and pleasing poet. The Mait- land MSS. preserve several of his pieces not hith- erto published. [See Irving'f: Lives of Scottish Poets, vol. ii. p. 169.] Principal Arbuthnot left in manuscript an account of the Arbuthnott fa- mily, entitled ' Originis et increment! Arbuthno- ticse familicB descriptio historica,' which is still preserved. It was afterwards translated by George BIoiTison, minister of Benholme, and continued to the period of the Restoration by Alexander Arbuthnott, episcopalian minister of Arbuthnott, the father of the celebrated wit, the subject of the succeeding notice. ARBUTHNOT,' John, M.D., one of the most conspicuous, and certainly the most learned, of the wits of Queen Anne's reign, was the son of Alexander Arbuthnott, episcopalian clergyman at Arbuthnott in Kincardineshire, and a near rela- tive of the noble family of that name, and his wife, Alargaret Lamy, from the parish of Maryton, near Montrose. He was born in the parish of Ai'buth- nott in April 1667, and received the elementary part of his education at the parish school. About the year 1680 he and his elder brother Robert, af- terwards a banker in Paris, went to Marischal college, Aberdeen, where he applied himself dili- gently to all the academical branches of instruc- tion, and after finishing his medical studies, he took his doctor's degree. At the revolution his father, not complying with the new order of things, was deprived of his living, and in conse quence retired to the castle of Hallgreen near Bervie, in the neighbourhood of which he pos- sessed, by inheritance, a small property called Kingomey ; and his two sons were compelled to trust to their ovni exertions for getting forward in the world. The subject of this memoir accord- ingly resolved to push his fortune in London, and on his arrival there, he was hospitably received into the house of a l\Ir. William Pate, a woollen - draper. For some time he supported himself by teaching the mathematics, and soon distinguished ARBUTHNOl. U7 ARBUTIINOT. Iiimself by his writings. His first work appeared in 1697, entitled an ' Examination of Dr. Wood- ward's Account of tlie Delnge,' being an answer to a worlc of tliat gentleman bearing the title of an ' Essay towards a Natural History of the Earth,' which had appeared two years before. This laid the foundation of Arbuthnot's fame, which was much extended by an able treatise published by him in 1700, 'On the usefulness of the Mathematics to young students in the univer- sities.' In 170-1, in consequence of a curious and instructive dissertation ' On the Regularity of the Births of both sexes,' communicated to the Royal Society, and published in the Philosophical Trans- actions of that year, No. 328, he was elected a member of that learned body. It would appear from the signatm'e to his letters, that on first going to London he himself continued to spell his name with the two t's at the end of it, as is the correct way, but in process of time one of the t's was dropped as unnecessary. In 1705 Prince George of Denmark, the consort of Queen Anne, was suddenly taken ill at Epsom. Dr. Arbuthnot, happening to be on the spot, was called to his assistance, and, under his care, his royal highness soon recovered. Arbuthnot was, in consequence, appointed physician extraordinary to the queen, and in the month of November, 1709, he was promoted to be fourth physician in ordinaiy to her majesty; that is, one of her do- mestic physicians. His skill having been the means of recovering hei majesty from a dan- gerous illness, drew from his friend Gay the follow- ing elegant pastoral compliment: " While thus we stood, as in a stound, And wet with tears, like dew, the ground, Full soon, by bonfire and by bell, We learnt our liege was passing well: A skilful leech, so God him speed, They s.ay had wrought this blessed deed This leech Akbuthnott was yclept; Who many a night not once had slept. But watch'd our gracious sovereign still, For who could rest when she was ill ? Oh ! may'st thou henceforth sweetly sleep ! Sheer, swains ! oh, sheer your softest sheep. To swell his couch^ for well 1 ween He eaved the realm who saved the queen." In tlie month of April, 1710, he was admitted a Fellow of tlic Royal college of physicians. The confidence reposed in hiiu by his royal mistress ajipears by the terms iu which he is spoken of by Dean Swift, who calls him " the queen's favourito physician," and again, "the queen's favourite." Being thus distingnished by his professional abi- lities, his influence at court, and his literary at- tainments, Arbuthnot acquired the friendship not only of the leading men of the Tory party, to which he bchragcd, .such as Ilarley and Boling- broke, but that of all the wits and scholars of his time. On Swift's visit to Loudon in 1710, a .strict intimacy was formed between them, and .soon after Pope was added to the number of his friends, as were also Prior and Gay. In the year 1712, appeared the first part of 'The History of John Bull,' of which it has been justly said, that "never was a political allegory managed with more exquisite humour, or a more skilful adaptation of characters and circumstances." The doubt entertained respecting the author of this satire has been dispelled by Swift and Pope, who both distinctly attribute it to Dr. Arbuthnot Pope declared that Arbuthnot was the " solo author." The object of this highly humorous pro- duction was to throw ridicule upon the splendid achievements of ]\IarllK)rough, and to render the country discontented with the war then raging Mith France. Arbuthnot, who was one of the literary phalan.x attached to the fortunes of Harley and the Tories, was aware how entirely that min- ister's power depended on a peace with France, and, therefore, he applied all the vigour of his wit to the accomplishment of that end. The ingenuity of the story contaiued in the 'History of John Bull,' united to its intelligible, straightforward, comic humour, procured for it a favourable recep- tion everjTvhere ; but to politiciians, the exquisite skill of its satire gave it a peculiar reli-sh. After the accession of the house of Hanover, a supple- ment to the ' History ' appeared ; but it has been doubted whether this is a genuine production of Arbuthnot's pen. Some are of opinion that the first two parts as printed in Swift's works, are all that proceeded from Arbuthnot. Early iu the year 1714 he entered into an en gagcment with Pope and Swift, jointly to write i satire on the abuses of human learning, iu the sty'e ARBUTHNOT. 148 ARBUTHNOT of Cervantes. The name by which the intendcil hci-o was to be called was assigned to that assem- blage of wits and learned men of which these three fonned the nucleus, and it was called the Scriblci-us' Club.' Harley, Atterbury, Con- greve, and Gay, were members; and of them all no one was better qualified than Arbuthnot, both in Doint of wit and erudition, to promote the object of the society, which was to ridicule the absurdities of false taste in learning, under the cliaracter of a man of capacity enough, but no judgment, who had industriously dipped into every art and science. But the prosecution of this noble design was pre- vented by the queen's death, which deeply affected Pope, Swift, and Arbuthnot, who were all warmly attached to Lord Oxford's ministry; and a final period was afterwards put to the project, by the separation and growing infh-mities of Dean Swift, by the bad health of Dr. Arbuthnot, and other concun-ing causes. The work in consequence was never completed, the first book of ' the Memoirs of Martinus Scriblerus' being only a part of it. " Polite letters," says AVarburton, the editor of Pope's works, " never lost more than in the defeat of this scheme ; in the execution of which work each of this illustri- ous triumvirate would have found exercise for his own peculiar talents, besides constant employment for those they had all in common. Dr. Arbuthnot was skilled in every thing which related to science ; Mr. Pope was a master in the fine arts ; and Dr. Swift excelled in the knowledge of the world. Wit they had all in equal measure ; and this so large that no age perhaps ever produced three men to whom nature had more bountifully bestowed it, or in whom art had brought it to higher perfection." The first book of ' Martinus Scriblerus' was pub- lished after the death of Dr. Arbuthnot in 1741, in the quarto edition of Pope's prose works, and there seems to be every reason to believe that Arbuthnot was the sole author. It has, it is time, oeen printed in the collected editions of the works both of Swift and Pope; yet the internal evi- dence is sufficient to prove it the entire production of Arbuthnot, to whom Warton has attributed the fiftli, sixth, seventh, eighth, tenth, and twelfth chapters, whatever may be determined of the other parts of the memoirs. The medical and antiqua- rian knowledge displayed in the other chapters, and the ridicule on Dr. Woodward in the third, afford strong presumption of their having had the same authorship as the rest. The humorous essay concerning the origin of the sciences, usually ap- pended to the ' Memoirs of Martinus Scriblerus,' appears from Spence to have been a joint pro- duction of Arbuthnot, Pope, and Parnell. The death of Queen Anne in July 1714 put an end to Arbnthnot's connexion with the court, and completely destroyed the hopes of the Tory pairty. He felt severely the change in his circumstances, but his satirical humour and spirit of wit enabled him to derive some relief even from his altered prospects. In a letter to Swift, dated 12th August, he thus wi-ites : " I have an opportunity calmly ana philosophically to consider that treasure of vile- ness and baseness that I always believed to be in the heart of man, and to behold them exert their insolence and baseness ; every new instance, in- stead of sui-piiaing and giieving me, as it does some of my friends, really diverts me, — and in a manner proves my theory." In a subsequent let- ter, alluding to the dispersion of the queen's cour- tiers on her death, he says, "The queen's poor servants are like so many poor oi-phans exposed in the very streets." To divert his chagi-in he paid a visit to his brother Robert at Paris, under whose care he left two of his daughters. On his return, in the beginning of September, having been deprived of his apartments in St. James' palace, he took a house in Dover Street, where he assidu- ously devoted himself to the practice of his pro- fession and to literaiy occupation. His spirits appear to have suffered considerably at this time, for, in a letter to Pope, dated September 7th, 1714, he says, " I am extremely obliged to you for taking notice of a poor, old, distressed courtier, commonly the most despisable thing in the world. This blow has so roused Scriblenis that he has re- covered his senses, and thinks and talks like other men. From being frolicsome and gay, he is turn- ed grave and morose." This depression of spirits, however, had not given him a distaste for the so- ciety of his fiiends : " Martin's office," he adds, in allusion to his ' Martinus Scriblerus,' " is now the second door on the left hand in Dover Street, where he will be glad to see Dr. Parnell, Mr. Pope, and his old friends, to whom he can still ARBUTIINOT 149 ARBUTHNOT. afford a half pint of claret." He is said, with Pope, to have assisted Gay in the farce of ' Throe Hours after Marriage,' wliich was brought out in 1716, but met with no success. In the autumn of 1722, Ai-buthnot visited Batli, for the benefit of his health. He was accompa- nied by his brother, who liad sliortly before ar- rived in England. Mr. Robert Arbuthnot was a person of a singularly benevolent character, and is thus commemorated in a letter from Pope to the Hon. Robert Digby, "Dr. Arbuthnot is going to Bath, — his brother, who is lately come to Eng- land, goes also to the Bath, and is a more extra- ordinary man than he, and worth your going thi- ther on purpose to know him. The spirit of philanthropy, so long dead to our world, is revived in him. He is a philosopher all of fire ; so wann- ly, nay so wildly in the right, that he forces all others about him to be so too, and draws them into his own vortex. He is a star that looks as if it were all fire, but Is all benignity, all gentle and beneficial influence. If there be other men in the world that would serve a friend, yet he is the only one, I believe, that could make even an ene- my serve a friend." On the 30th September 1723, Arbuthnot was chosen second censor of the College of Physicians. In the autumn of 1725 he had a dangerous illness. On this occasion he was visited by Pope, who thus communicated the intelligence of his illness to Dean Swift : " Dr. Ai'buthnot is, at this time, ill of a very dangerous distemper, an imposthume in the bowels, which is broke ; but the event is very uncertain. Wliatever that be (he bids me tell you, and I write this by him) he lives and dies your faithful friend, and one reason he has to desire a little longer life is, the wish to see you once more." In 1727 he was chosen an elect of the Royal college of Physicians, when he pro- nounced the Harveian oration for that year. In the same year he published his great work, en- titled 'Tables of Ancient Coins, Weights, and Measures, explained and exemplified in several dissertations,' 4to. This volume, which does great honour to the antiquarian knowledge and indus- try of the writer, though not wholly free from in- accuracies, has ever since been considered a stand- ard work In 173? he nublished a professional treatise ' On the nature and choice of Aliments ; and in the following year an essay ' On the effect of Air on Human Bodies;' both founded on the doctrine of Boerhaave, the prevailing system ol tlie time. He is supposed to have been led to write these works from the consideration of his own malady, an asthmatic alTection, which gradually increasing with his years, became at last incura- ble. A little before the appearance of the latter publication he sustained a severe loss in the death of his son Charles, a clergyman of the Church of England, " whose life," he saj's, " if it had so pleased God, he would willingly have redeemed with his own." Another son had died previously in the year 1730. In his latter years Dr. Arbuthnot was grievously afflicted with asthma, and in 1732 he retired to Hampstead, a village situated on the declivity of a high hill in the neighbourhood of London, for the benefit of the pure air of that elevated s|iot. " I came out to this place," he says, in an affect- ing letter to his friend Swift, dated October 4, " so reduced by dropsy and an asthma, that 1 could neither sleep, breathe, eat, nor move. I most earnestly desired and begged of God that he would take me." His attachment to Swift !.■< strongly and tenderly manifested at the conclusion of this letter. " I am afraid, my dear fiiend, we shall never see one another more in this world. 1 shall to the last moment preserve my love and esteem for you, being well assured you will never leave the paths of virtue and honour; for all that is in this world is not worth the least deviation from that way." In the same strain of earnest friendship he had a little while previously ad- dressed a letter to Pope. " As for you, my good friend, I think, since our first acquaintance, there have not been any of those little suspicions or jealousies that often affect the sincerest friend- ships; I am sure not on my side. I must bo so sincere as to own, that though I could not help valuing you for those talents which the world prizes, yet they were not the foundation of my friendship; they were quite of another sort; nor shall I at present offend you by enumerating them; and I make it my last request that you will con- tinue that noble disdain and abhorrence of vice which you seem naturally endued with; out BtiD ARBUTHNOT. 150 ARBUTHNOT. nith a regard to your own safety; and study more to reform than chastise, though the one cannot be effected without the other. A recovery in my case, and at my age, is impossible; the kindest wish of my friends is euthanasia [meitning a liappy and easy deatli]. Living or dying I shall always be yours." Finding no relief ft-oni the change of air, Arbuth- not left Ilampstead, and returned to his house in London, situated in Cork Street, Bm-lington-gar- dens, where he died, on the 27th February, 1735. His only surviving son, George, filled the lucrative post of secondary in the Exchequer-office, under Loi-d Masham, and was one of the executors of Pope. He died 8th September 1779, aged 76. He also left two daughters, one named Anne, who both died unmarried. The subjoined portrait of Dr. Arbuthnot is taken from an engraving from a scarce print fomierly in the collection of Sir Wil- liam Musgi'ave, Bart. Among Arbuthnot's more humorous pieces, be- sides the ' History of John Bull' ah'cady mention- ed, ' A Treatise concerning the Altercations or Scoldings of the Ancients,' and ' The Art of Poli- tical Lying,' are the most celebrated. He did not e.'veel in poetry, and seldom attempted it. Li Dodsley's Collection there is a didactic poem writ- ten by him, remarkable for its philosophical senti- ment, with the title of ' Know Thyself !' His well known epitaph on Colonel Chartres, a noted usurer of the time, beginning " Here continues to rot," &c is a masterly specimen of his powers of satire. He was also skilled in music; and Sii' John Hawkins mentions an anthem and a burlesque song of his composition. [Hist, of Music, vol. v. p. 126.] In 1751 two 12mo volumes were published, en- titled ' The Miscellaneous Works of the late Dr. Aibnthnot,' containing some of his genuine pro- ductions, but the greater portion of the contents were declared by his son to be spurious. By his brother wits Dr. Arbuthnot was held iu high estimation. Pope dedicated to him his ' Pro- logue to the Satires,' and Swift has more than once mentioned him with praise in his poems, foT instance when he feelingly laments that he was " Far from his kind Arbuthnot's aid, A\Tio knows his art, but not his trade." "His good morals," Pope used to say, "were equal to any man's ; but his wit and humour su- perior to all mankind." " He has more wit than we all have," said Swift to a lady, who desired his opinion of him, " and his humanity is equal to his wit." His character is thus given by Dr Johnson : " Arbuthnot was a man of great com- prehension, skUful in his profession, versed in the sciences, acquainted with ancient literature, and able to animate his mass of knowledge by a brighl and active imagination ; a scholar, with great brilliance of wit ; a wit, who, in the crowd of life, retained and discovered a noble ardom- of religi- ous zeal ; a man estimable for his learning, amia- ble for his life, and venerable for his piety." He was distinguished in an eminent degree for genu- ine benevolence and goodness, while his warmth of heart and cheerfulness of temper rendered him much beloved by his family and friends, towards whom he displayed the most constant affection and attachment. Notwithstanding his powers of satire, all his contemporaries seem to have united in his praise. " His very sarcasms," says Lord Orrery, " are the satii-ical sarcasms of good na- ture ; they are like slaps on the face given in jest, the effects of which will raise a blush, but no A.RBUTIINOT. 151 AUOYTvE. hiackness will appear after the blows. He laughs as jovially as an attendant upon Bacchus, but continues as sober and considerate as a disciple of Socrates, Ho is seldom serious, except in his attacks upon vice, and there his spirit rises with a manly strcMjrth, and a noble indipiation. No man exceeded him in the moral duties of life, a merit still more to his honour, as the united powers of wit and genius are seldom submissive enough to confine themselves witliin the limitations of morality." In the Biogi-aphia Britannica Arbuth- not is said, but at what particular jieriod we are not informed, to have been for some time stewaid to the corporation of the Sons of the Clergy. He was in the liabit of writing essays on the current events of tlie day in a great folio paper book, which used to lie in his parlour, and such was his good nature and indulgence to his children, that he suffered them to tear out his manuscript at one end for tlieii* kites, while he was writing them at the other. No correct list of his productions has ever been given. The following is as near as can be ascer- tained : Examination of Dr. Woodward's Account of the Deluge, &c., with a Comparison between Steno's Philosophy and the Doctor*s, in the case of JIarine Bodies dug up out of the Earth. By J. A., M.D. With a Letter to the Author, con- cerning an Abstract of Agostino Scilla's Book on the same subject, by W. W. Lond- 1695, 1697, 8vo. Essay on the Usefuhiess of Mathematical Knowledge. Lond. 1700. Sermon preached to the People at the Mercat-croBS of Ed- inburgh, on the subject of the Union. Lond. 1707, 8vo. A Satire supposed to have been written by Aa*buthnot. Law is a Bottomless Pit, or the History of Jolm Bull, ex- empUfied in the case of the Lord Strutt, John Bull, Nicholas Frog, and Louis Baboon, who spent all they had in a law- suit, in 4 parts; with an appendix. Lond. 1712, 8vo. Tables of the Grecian, Roman, and Jewish Measures, Weights, and Coins, reduced to the English Standard, and Explained and Exemplified in several Dissertations. Lond. 1705, 8vo. The same, by his son, with a Poem to the King. Lond. 1727, 4to. Miscellanemis Pieces by him. Swift, Pope, and Gay. Lond. 1727, 3 vols. 8vo. Essay, concerning the Nature of Aliments, the Choice of them, &c. Lond. 1731. Another edition, with Practical Rules of Diet in the various Constitutions and Diseases of Human Bodies. Lond. 1732, 8vo. 1751, 1756, 8vo. In German. Hamb. 1744, 4to. An Essay on the Effects of Air on Human Bodies. Lond, 1733, 1751, 1756, 8vo. In French. Paris, 1742, 12mo. Miscellaneous Works of the late Dr. Arbutluiot. Glasg. 1750, 2 vols. 8vo. These volumes, now very scarce, were ffisclaimed in an advertisement by the author's son, dated, I^idon, Sept. 25, 1750. Oratio Annivorsnria Har\'cjana, Anni 1727, in h'u nilMsel- laueous works. 1751, 8vo. Argument for Divine Prondcnce. dmwn from the eqtu. number of births of both soxes. Phil. Trans. 1700, Abr. v. p. 606. Aroyi.k, duke of, a title belonging to the uicient family of Campbell of Lochawe. [See Cami'Iii-:i.i. sunianio of.] The name of Arg\*le is derived from two Gaelic words, Earra Ghaidheal^ " the country of the western Gael ;" or, according to Skene, from Oirirf/ael, us the ancient district of Arg)'le(wliich comprehended also Lochaber and Wester Ross) was called by the Higlilanders. By the historians tliewliole of thi.s extensive district is included under the term of Ergadia. [Ifiitoiy ofOie UhjJiUimhrs^ vol ii. p. 33.] In the middle ages the Mac- dougalls of Lorn held sway over Argjde and Mull; wliile tlie Macdonalds, lords of the Isles, were sujtremc in Islay, Kisi- t)Te, and tlic Snntheni Islands. The power of the Macdon- alds was broken by Robert the Bruce, and their estates be- stowed on the Campbells, who originally belonged to tlie ancient earldom of Gamioran, which comprehended Moydert. Arasaig, Morar, and Ivnoydert. Arg}'le was erected uito nil earldom in 1457, and into a dukedom in 1701. ARGYLE, earl, marquis, ami duke of, seo Campbell, Archibald, aud John. Armstrong, the name of a famous border family, which with its various branches, chiefly inliabited Liddosdaie. Ac- cording to tradition, the original surname was Fairbaim, and belonged to the armour-bearer of an ancient king of Scotland who, ha^ang his horse killed under him in battle, was straight- way remounted by Fairbaim on his own horse. For this timely assistance, tlie king amply rewarded Iiim with lands on the borders, and in allusion to the manner in which so important a service was performed, Fairbaim havmg taken the king by the thigli, and set him at once on the saddle, hit royal master gave him tlie name of Armstr()NG, and assigned him for crest, ''an armed hand and arm, in the hand a leg and foot in armour, couped at the tlngb, all proper.'' Amongst the clans on the Scottish side of the border, the Amistrongs were formerly one of the most numerous. They possessed the greater part of Liddesdale, winch fonns the southern district of Hoxbnrghsliire and of the debateable land. All along tlie hanks of the Lidde], the ruins of their ancient fortresses may still be traced. Tlie habitual depredations of this border- race had rendered them so active and daring, and at the same time so cautions and circumspect, that they seldom failed either in their attacks or in securing their prey. Even when .assailed by superior numbers, they baflled every assault hy abandoning theh" dwellings, and retiring with their families into thick woods and deep morasses, accessible by paths only known to themselves. One of their iDOst noted places of re- fuge was the Tamus-moss, a frightful and desolate marsh, so deep that two spears tied together could not n*ach the bot- tom. Although several of the Scottish inon.archs had at- tempted to break the chain whicli united these powerfid Hnd turbulent chieft;uns, none ever had greater occasion to lower their power, and lessen their influence, than James the Fifth. The hostile and turbident spirit of the Annstmngs, however, was never entirely broken or suppressed, until the reign oi James the Sixth, when their leaders were brong*it to the scaffold, their strongholds razed to the ground, and theii estates forfeited and transferred to strangers; so thatthrtuigh- Out the extensive districts fomicrly possessed by this one* powerful and ancient clan, there is scarc^'ly left, at this dnr ARMSTRONG. 152 ARMSTRONG. a single landholder of the n.ime. Their descendants have been long scattered, some of them haring settled in EngKind, and others in Ireland. The most celebrated of these border chiefs was ' Jolniie .\rmstrang' of Gilnockie, who lived in the early part of the si.\teenth century, and is the hero of one of our best historic^ ballads. A notice of him follows. ' Jock o' the Syde,' the hero of another b.allad, was also an Arm- strong, and a noted moss-trooper in the reign of Mary, queen of Scots. The site of his residence, the Syde, is pointed out on a heathy upland, about two miles to the west of New Cas- tletown, in Liddesdale, while the ruins of Mangerton Tower, the seat of his m.iternal uncle, are still visible, on the haugh below. Sir Richard M.aitland of Lethington, in a poetical complaint which he wrote " agiiins the Thievis of Liddis- daill," tlius speaks of this famous border reaver: " lie is wcel kenned, Johne of the Syde; A grreater thief did never ryde; He never tyres, For to break byres: Ower muirs and myres Ower gude ane guyde.' A lineal descendant of Johnie Armstrong, in the reign of Charles the First, kidnapped the person of Lord Durie, the president of the Court of Session, and kept him upw.ards of three months in secret coniinement in an old castle in Annan- dale, called Graham's tower. The motive for this extraordi- nary and daring stratagem was to promote the interests of Lord Traqnair, who had a lawsuit of importance before the court, in which there was reason to believe th.at the judgment woxdd be unfavourable and decided by the casting vote of the president. [See Gibson, Sir Alexander, Lord Durie.] Near Penton Linns, a romantic spot on the Liddel, was another border stronghold, called Harelaw tower, once the residence of Hector Ai-mstrong, who betrayed his guest, the earl of Northumberland, to the regent Mun'ay. ARMSTRONG, John, a celebrated border chief of the early part of the sixteenth centiny, was a native of the parish of Canonbie, iu the county of Dumfries, and the brother of Christopher Arm- strong, laird of Mangerton, chief of the clan or sept of tlie Armstrongs. His stronghold was Gil- nockie Tower, now a roofless ruin, situated a few miles fi'om Langholm, at a place called the Hol- lows, on the banks of the river Esk. Tlie terror of his name was spread far and wide, and at the head of a band of brave and faithful followers, he levied black mail, or protection money, for many miles within the English border. All who refused were sure of being plundered and harassed to the utmost. The marauding system on the borders had, during the long minority of King James V., been carried to a formidable extent, especially nnder the connivance of the earl of Angus, the wai'den of the marches, who had bound the border chiefs to his interests by those feudal confederacies, named ' bands of manrent,' which compelled the parties to defend each other against the authority of the law. Having resolved to suppress the fo- raying chieftains, the king raised a powerful arnij, chiefly composed of horsemen, " to danton the thieves" of Teviotdale, Annandale, Liddesdale, and other parts of the country, and about the begin- ning of June 1529, he set out, at the head of eight thousand men, on an expedition through the bor- der disti'icts. To prevent the mosstroopers and their chiefs from taking alarm, he ordered all the gentlemen of the borders to bring with them theii best dogs, as if his only purpose was to hunt the deer. The leaders thus thrown off" their guard, were not apprehensive of any danger, and to in- sure their destruction the more readily, the princi- pal border nobles who were known to be their protectors and secret encouragers, namely the earl of Bothwell, lord of Teviotdale, Lords Home and Maxwell, Scott of Buccleuch, Ker of Fairnie- hurst, with the lairds of Johnstone, Polwarth, Dolphington, and other poweiful chiefs, were seized and imprisoned in separate fortresses in different parts of the kingdom. This being done, the king, accompanied by some of the borderei's who had secured their pardon, marched rapidly through Ettrick Forest and Ewesdale, and seized Piers Cockbuni of Henderland and Adam Scott of Tushielaw, commonly called the king of the border, and ordered both to be hanged before the gates of their- own castles. So little did they ex- pect the fate that awaited them that, it is re- corded, when James approached the castle of Cockburn of Henderland, the latter was in the act of providing a gi'eat entertainment to welcome him. Armstrong, on his part, came to meet the king at a place about ten miles from Hawick called Carlinrigg chapel, at the head of thirty-six attendants, his usual retinue, he and his followers arrayed in all the pomp o\ border chivalry. As the ballad says, The Elliots and Ai-mstrongs did convene , They were a gallant companie : — *' We'll ride and meet our lawful king, And bring him safe to Gilnockie. Make kinnen and capon ready then, And vemson in great plentie ; We'll welcome here our noble king; 1 hope hell dine at Gilnockie 1 " ARMSTRONG. 153 ARMSTRONG. They ran tlieir horse on tlie Langhohn hohn, And brak their spears wV niickle main ; The ladies lookit frae their loft windows : — " God bring our men weel hame again !" We are told by Pitscottio that Annstroiis was the most redoubted chieftain that had been for a long time on the borders of Scotland or England. He alwaj's rode with twenty-four able gentlemen, well horsed, and from the borders to Newcastle every Englishman, of whatever state, paid him tribute. Armstrong is said to have incautiously made this display, by the crafty advice of some of the cour- tiers, who knew that it would only the more ex- asperate the king against him ; aud the effect was precisely so, for James, seeing this bold border chief so gallantly equipped, on his approach, fiei'cely ordered the tyrant, as he styled Arm- strong, to be removed out of his sight and instantly executed, exclaiming, " What wants that knave that a king should have?" There hang nine targats .at Johnie*s hat. And ilk ane worth three hundred pound, — " What wants that kn.ave that a king should have, But the sword of honour and the croun ? " Armstrong saw at once the snare into which he had fallen, and made every eftbrt to preserve his life. He offered, if James would pardon him, to maintain at his own expense, forty men, ready at R moment's notice, to serve the king, and engaged never to injure any Scottish subject. " Grant me my life, my liege, my king, And a bonnie gift I'll gie to thee, — Full four-and-twenty milk white steeds, Were a' foaled in ae year to me. I'll gio thee a' thae milk white steeds, That prance and nicher at a speir, And as muckle gude English gold As four o' their braid backs can be.ar." He further undertook to produce to his majcst.v, within a certain day, any man in England, of whatever degree, duke, earl, or baron, either alive or diNid. But .Tames was inexorable. ** Away, aw.ay, thou traitor Strang! Out o' my sight snne may'st thou bo ' 1 grantit never a traitor's life, And now I'll not begin wi* thee ' '' Seeins[his death resolved upon, Armstrong haugh- tily exclaimed, " It is folly to ask grace at a grace, less face, but had I guessed you would liave used mo thus, I would have kept the Border-sido, in despite of the king of England and you both; for I well know that King Henry would give the weight of my best horse in gold to know that I am sen- tenced to die this day." * To seik het water aneath cauld i« Surely it is a gi*eat follie ! — I have asked gi'ace at a graceless face, But there is nane for my men and me. But had I konn'd n\: I cam frae hame How thou unkind wadst been to me . ] wad hae keepid the border sydo In spite of all thy force and thee. Wist England's king that I was ta'en. then a blj-the man he wad be' For anes I slew his sister's son. And on his breast bane brak a tree." He and all his followers, some accounts make them forty-eight, were hanged ou the trees of a little grove at Carlinrigg chapel, two miles north of IMoss Paul, on the road between Hawick and Lang- holm, and tradition still points out their graves in the solitary churchyard of the place. He left a son Christopher who succeeded as laird of Gilnockie. On the borders Armstrong was long missed and mom-ned as a brave warrior, and a stout defender of his country against England. It is said by Buchanan that James executed Armstrong and his retinue, in direct violation of his solemn pro- mise of safctj'. We are told that this bold chiel never molested any of his own countrymen, and it appears from his own statement that his plunder- ings were chiefly committed on the English ; yet the Armstrongs are accused of having, in the course of a few years, destroyed not less than fifty-two parish churclics in Scotland, and thoy opeuly boasted that their chieftain, Johnny Arm- strong, woiUd be subject neither to James nor to Henry, but would continue his excesses in defi- ance of both. The fate of this renowned border leader has been commemorated in many of the rude ballads of the border districts. The cele- brated ballad of ' Johnie Aniistrang,' some of thi verses of which have been quoted, was first pub- lished bv Allan Ranisav, in his ' Evei-green,' ii ARMSTRONG. 154 ARMSTRONG. 1724, having been copied, as he tells us, by him- self from ilie mouth of a gentleman of the name of Armstrong, who was the sixth generation from the renowned borderer. The tower of the Hollows, or Holehouse, once the residence of this famous border chieftain, was a place of considerable strength in its day ; its ruins are now used as a cowhouse to a neighbouring farmer. The younger son of Cliristopher Armstrong of Mangei-ton, the brother of this Armstrong of Gilnockie, went to Ireland, some years after the death of Queen Elizabeth, and settling in county Fermanagh, became the founder of a numerous family, whose descendants now possess extensive estates m Fer- managh, King's county and Wicklow; and one of whom was created a baronet of Great Britain in 1841. ARMSTRONG, John, M.D., poet and miscel- laneous writer, was born about 1709 at Castletou, a parish forming the southern extremity of Rox- burghshu-e, of which his father and afterwards his brother were ministers. In history and poetry, and very frequently still in conversation, its name is Liddesdale, from the river Liddel which runs through it from east to west. Dr. Armstrong has sung the beauties of his native vale, in his highly- finished poem on 'The Art of Preserving Health,' Book ni. : 'Such the stream, Oil whose Arcadian banks I first drew air. Liddal, till now — except in Doric lays, Tnned to her murmurs by her love-sick swains — Unknown in song; though not a purer stream Through meads more flowery, — more romantic groves, Rolls toward the westward main. Hail, sacred flood! May still thy hospitable swains be blest In rural innocence ; thy mountains still Teem with the fleecy race ; thy tuneful woods For ever flourish, and thy vales look gay, With painted meadows, and the golden grain!" After receiving the rudiments of his education at home, he was sent to the university of Edinburgh, where he distinguished himself before his twentieth year, by gaining a prize medal for a prose com- position, prescribed by a literary society in that city, and by other promising marks of genius during his studies. Having chosen the medical profession, he took his degree as physician February 4, 1732. His inaugural dissertation, De Tabe Purulenta, gained him some reputation, as being superior to the general run of such essays. Soon after he went to Loudon, where he commenced practice as a phy- sician. In 1735 he published anonymously 'An Essay for abridging the study of Physic,' being a humorous attack on quacks and quackery, in the style of Lucian. This work gained him credit as a wit, but did not advance his practice as a phy- sician. In 1737 he published a work on the vene- real disease. This was followed by 'The Economy of Love ;' for which poem he received fifty pounds fi-om Andrew Millar, the bookseller, but which greatly injured his reputation. In a subsequent edition, published in 1768, he carefully expunged man}' of the youthfid luxuriances with which the first abounded. In 1744 appeared his principal ■work, entitled ' The Art of Preserving Health,' in blank verse, one of the best didactic poems in the language. This valuable work established at once his reputation both as a physician and a poet. In 1746 he was appointed one of the physicians to the hospital for sick and lame soldiers. In 1751 he published his poem on Benevolence, and in 1753 his Epistle on Taste, addressed to a Young Critic. In 1758 he produced his prose ' Sketches or Essays on various subjects, by Lancelot Tem- ple, Esq.,' in two parts, which evinced considera- ble humour and knowledge of the world, and in which he is said to have been assisted by Mi-. Wilkes, whose acquaintance he had made soon after his first arrival in London. In 1760 he received the appointment of physician to the army, then in Germany, where, in 1761, he wrote ' Day, a Poem, an Epistle to John Wilkes, Esq. ;' his Mendship with whom was not of long con- tinuance, the subject of polities having divided them; Wilkes's continued attacks upon Scotland being the cause of then- quarrel. Having in that epistle hazarded a reflection on Chm'chill, the satirist retorted severely in his poem of ' The Journey.' At the peace of Paris in 1763 Armstrong re- turned to Loudon, and resigning his connec- tion with the army, resumed his practice, but not w'ith his former success. In 1770 he pub- lished a Collection of his Miscellanies, containing amongst others, the Universal Almanack, a new ARMSTRONG. 155 ARMSTRONG. prose piece, and the Forced Marriage, a trageily, wliicli had been refused by Garrick. In 1771 he made the tour of France and Italy, in com- pany with the celebrated artist Fuaeli, who sur- vived him for half a century. In his journey he met his friend Dr. Smollett, to whom he was much attached. On his retiu'u he published an account of it under tlic name of ' A short Ramble, by Lancelot Temple.' Wilkes, his former friend, joined Churchill in assailing Dr. Armstrong, having published a scur- rilous attack upon him in the Public Advertiser, contained in a series of three letters, commencing with one signed Dies, in which, to cloak his purpose, Wilkes reflected on himself That letter appeared I\Iarch 23, 1773, and w.as followed by one signed Truth, March 24, and by another signed Nox, April 1. In the Gentleman's Magazine for Janu- ary 1792, the following substance of a conversa- tion which took place between Armstrong and Wilkes on the appearance of these letters, is in- serted. It was taken down at the time by Mr. AVilkes, and is quite characteristic of both i)ar- ties. On Wednesday, April 7, 1773, Dr. Ainnstrong called on Mr. Wilkes in Prince's Court, about two in the afternoon, and without the least ceremony or complimeut, began — Dr. Armstrong. Did you, Sir, vrc'itc the letters in the Public Advertiser? Mr. Wilkes. What letters do you mean. Doctor? There are many letters almost every day in the I'ublic Advertiser. Dr. A. Sir, I mean the three letters about me, and Day, Day, Sir. Mr. W. You m.ay ask the printer, Mr. Woodfall. He has my orders to name me, whenever he thinks it proper, as the author of every tiling I write in liis paper. Dr. A. I believe you wrote all those letters. Mr. W- What all three, Doctor? I am very roughly treated in one of them, in the first signed Dies. Dr. A. I believe you wrote that on purpose to begin the controversy. I am almost sure of it. Mr. W. I hope you are more truly informed in other tilings. I know better than to abuse myself in ttiat manner, and I pity the autlior of such wretched Bturt'. Dr. A. Did you write the other letters. Sir? Mr. W. The proper person to inquire of, is Mr. Woodfall. I will not ansioer interrogatories. My time fvould pass in a strange maimer if I was to answer every question which any gentleman cht«o to put to me about anonynums Uncrs. [)r. A. Whoever ha.'i aliusod me. Sir, In a villain; and your endeavours, Sir, to set Scotland and England togcilier arc very bad. Mr. W. The Sctits have done that thoroughly. Doctor, by their conduct here, panicidarly by their own nationality, and the outrajjes of Lord Bute to ao many English families. Whenever you think projicr to call upon me in particular as a gentleman, you will find me most ready to answer the call. Dr. A. D n Lord Bute! It had been better for Scotland he had never been born. He has dime us infinite misdiief. Mr. \V. Ami us, too; but I suppose wo arc not met for a dish of politics? Dr. A. No; but I wisli there had been no Union. I am sure England is the gainer by it. Mr. \V. I will not make an es-say on the advan- tages and disadvantages of the Union. Dr. A. I hate politics; but I have been ill used by you, Mr. Wilkes, on the occasion. Mr. W. On the contraiy, Doctor, I was the injured friend. Dr. A, I thought you for many years the most amiable friend in the world, and loved your company the most; but you distinguished yourself by grossly abusing nil/ countrj-men in the North Briton — although I never read much of that paper. Mr. W. You passed your time, I am satisfied, much better. Who told you. Doctor, what particular num- bers I \vrote? It is droll, but the bitterest of those papers, which was attributed to me, was a description of Scotland, first jirintcd in the last centurj-, on Charles I.'s return from thence in XG'A'i. Were you ever, Doc- tor, personally attacked by me? Were you not, al- though a Scotsman, at the very time of the North Britons, complimented )iy me, in conjunction with Churchill, in the best thing I wrote, the mock 'Dedi- cation to Mortimer.' Dr. A. To be praised along with sucli a writer. I think an abuse. Mr. W. The worlil thinks far otherwise of that wonderful genius, ChniThill ; but you. Doctor, have sacrificed private friendship at the altar of politics. After many years' mutual intercourse of good offices, you broke every tie of friendsliiii with me on no pre- tence but a Eusjiicion, for you did not ask for proof, ol my having abused your country, that eountrj- 1 have for years together heard you inveigh against, in the bitterest terms, for nastiness and nationality. Dr. A. 1 only did it in joke. Sir; you did it with bitterness ; but it was my country. Mr. W. No man has abused England so much as Shakspeare, or France so much as Voltaire; yet they remain the favourites of two great nations, conscioii.- of their own superiority. Were you, Doctor, attacked by me in any one instance? Was not the most fricndl> correspondence carried on with you the whole time. till you broke it off by a letter, in I7G3, in which tou declared to me, that vou could not with honour Mtu- ARMSTRONG. 156 ARMSTRONG. ciate with one who had distinpiished himself by abus- iiij; your country, and that you remained with all clue $incmt!/f I remember thai was the strange plirase. Dr. A. You never answered that letter, Sir. Mr. ir. What answer could I give. Doctor? You had put a period to the intercourse between ns. I etill continued to our common friends to speak of you in terms of respect, while you were grossly abusing me. You said to Boswell, Millar, and others, "I hope there is a hell, that Wilkes may lie in it." Dr. A. In a passion I might say so. People do not often speak their minds in a passion. Mr. W. I thought they generally did. Doctor. Dr. A. I was tlioroughly provoked, although I still acknowledge my great pecuniarj' obligations to you — although, I dare say, I could have got the money elsewhere. Mr. W. I was always happy to render you every een'ice in my power ; and I little imagined a liberal mind, like yours, could have been worked up by de- signing men to write me such a letter in answer to an affectionate one I sent you, on the prospect of your return. Dr. A. I was happier with you than any man in the world for a great many years, and complimented you not a little in the Dat/, and you did not wihe to me for a year and a half after that. Mr. W. Your memory does not serve you faith- fully. Doctor. In three or four months at farthest, you had two or three letters from me together, on your retuni to the head-quarters of the army. I am abused in Dies for that publication, and the manner, both of which you approved. Dr. A. I did so. Mr. W. I was abused at first, I am told, in the manuscript of Dies for having sold tlie copy, and put the money in my pocket; but that charge was sup- pressed in the printed letter. Dr. A. I know nothing of that, and mil do you justice. Mr. PF. WiU you call upon M*. D , our com- mon friend, your countryman, and ask him what he thinks of your conduct to me, if it has not been wholly unjustifiable? Dr. A. Have I yocr leave to ask Mr. Woodfall in your name about the letters? Mr. W. I have already told you, Doctor, what directions he has from me. Take four-and-twenty hours to consider what you have to do, and let me know the result. Dr. A. I am sorry to have taken up so much of your time, Sir. Mr. W. It stands in no need of an apology, Doctor. I am glad to see you. Good morrow. N.B. — These minutes were taken down the same afternoon, and sent to a friend. Dr. Armstrong's last publication was his 'Me- dical Essays,' which appeared in 1773. In this he complains of the little attention that had been paid to him, while so many other physi- cians of inferior abilities had risen to fame and fortune, forgetting that his own indolence and lev- ity, and not the fickleness or want of discern- ment of the public, occasioned the neglect. A large portion of his time was spent at Slaughter's coffee-house, in St. Martin's lane, where he took his meals, and where messages for him were ordi- narily directed to be addressed. He died on 7th September, 1779, and left, it is said, three thou- sand ponnds, which his prudence and good man- agement had enabled him to collect. He left his fortune by his will to his three nieces, the daugh- ters of his brother Dr. George Armstrong ; who, after having been an apothecary for several years at Hampstead, at length obtained a diploma con- stituting him doctor in medicine. Settling in Lon- don, he was appointed physician to a dispensary for the benefit of poor infants, opened at a house taken for him by the subscribers in Soho square. To aid the design, he published a small treatise on the diseases of children, in which he was supposed to have been assisted by his brother John. Tlie dispensary, however, did not succeed, and the doctor died some years after in obscurity. Arm- strong possessed a glowing imagination and a lively fancy, chastened, at times, by the guidance of a sound judgment, and a well regulated taste. Of his ' Art of Preserving Health,' Dr. Aikin, in his Critical Essay prefixed to Cadell and Davis' edition of his works published in 1796, says, " The manner of Ai'mstrong is distinguished by its simplicity, by a free use of words wliich owe their strength to their plainness, by the re- jection of ambitious ornaments, and a near ap- proach to common phraseology. His sentences are generally short and easy, his sense clear and obvious. The full extent of his conceptions is taken in at the first glance, and there are no lofty mysteries to be unravelled by repeated perusal. What keeps his language from being altogether prosaic, is the vigour of his sentiments. He thinks boldly, feels strongly, and therefore expresses him- self poetically. Where the subject sinks, his style sinks with it; but he has for the most part exclud- ed topics incapable either of vivid description oi of the oratory of sentiment. He had from nature a musical ear, whence his lines are never harsh. ARMSTRONG. 157 ARMSTRONG. ami iire usuallj' melodious, though apparently ivitli- out iiuich study to render them sniootli. Perhaps he has not been careful enough to avoid the mono- tony of making several successive lines close with a rest or pause in the sense. Ou the whole, it mjiy not be too much to assert, that no writer in blank verse can be found more free from stiffness and atfeotation, more energetic without harshness, and more dignified without formality." In Thomson's ' Castle of Indolence,' to which he contributed four stanzas, at the conclusion of the first part, describing the diseases incidental to sloth, he is depicted as the shy and splenetic person.ige who " quite detested talk." The following is the stanza : "With liim was sometimes joined in silent walk, (Profoundly silent, for they never spoke) One shyer still, who quite detested t.ilk ; Oft stung by spleen, at once aw.iy he broke. To groves of pine and broad o'ershadowing oidv. There, inly thrilled, he wandered .ill alone. And on himself his pensive fm'y wroke : Nor never uttered word, save, when first shone The glittering star of eve — ' Thank heaven ! the day is done!'" A portrait of Dr. Armstrong is here given, taken liT)m an engraving by Fisher from a painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds. A list of Dr. Armstrong's works is subjoined. An Essay for abridging the stndy of Medicine ; to whii-li It added, .\ Dialogue between Ilygeia. Mcri-urj', and IMuto; re- lating to the Practice of Physic, a.s it ia managed by a certain illustrious Society, as also an Kpistlo from I'ubcch, thi) Per- sian, to .Joshua Ward, Esq. Loud. 1735, 8vo, (anon). Synopsis of tho history and cure of tho Venereal Dueue. Lond. 1737, 8vo. The Kcononiy of Love. I.ond. \~^7^ 8vo. Art of preserving Health, a poem. Lond. 1744, 4to, 1745, 8vo., numerous editions, with a critical essay, by l>r. Alkin, r.inio. Benevolence, a poem. 1751, fol. An excellcn' production. Taste, an epistle to a young Critic. 1753. A pretty successful imitation of Pope. Sketches, or Essays on various subjects. 1758. Day, a poem. 1761. Miscellanies, containing the art of presen'ing Health. Lond. 1770, 2 vols. 12mo. A short ramble through some parts of France and Italy, by Lancelot Temple. Lond. 1771, 8vo. Medical Ess.ays. Lond. 1773. 4to. These treat of Theoiy, Medicine, Instruments of Physic, Fevers, Blisterings, Cordials, Ventilation, Bathing, Lodging, &c., and, lastly. Gout and Hheuniatism. An Essay on Topic Medicines. Ed. Mod. Ess. ii. p. 36. 1733. ARMSTRONG, John, a miscellaneous writer, was born at Leith in 1771, and educated at the college of Edinburgh, where he took tlie degree of M.A. During his attendance at the university he published a volume of ' Juvenile Poems,' some ol which possessed considerable merit. The same volume contained an ' Essay on tho Means of Punishing and Preventing Crimes.' For this essay he had, in Jan- nary 1789, a few months before, received the gold prize medal, given by the Edin- burgh Pantheon Society for the best ,-ii^ specimen of prose composition. Some time previous to this he had entered him- self at the divinity hall, and h.id gone through tlie greater part of the exercises necessary to qualify him to become a preacher in the Churclf of Scotland. In 1790 he repaired to London, and sup- ported himself by writing for the daily papers. In 1791 he published a collec- tion of ' Sonnets from Sliakspeare.' Ho also preached occasionally, and was rising in reputation, when he was cut off, in J.797, in tlie 2Cth year of his age. The following is a list of his works : Juvenile Poems; with remark* on Poetry, and a dissei-tation on the best method of Punishing and Prevent ing Crimes. Lond. 1780, 12ino. ARNOT. 158 AKNOT. Cocfldential Letters from the Sorrows of Werter. Lend. 1799, 12mo. Sonnets from Shakspeare. Lond. 1731, 8vo. Arnot, a siimamc derived from the lands of Arnot in the county of Fife. In Sibbald's List of the heritors of Fifeshire, published in 1710, we tind the names, as landholders of that county, of Arnot of that ilk, Aniot of Woodmiln, Arnot of Balkidthlie, Aniot of Balcormo, Arnot of Cliapel-Kettle, Ar- not of Freeland, Arnot of Lumwhat, and Arnot of Benyhole. Sir John jVmot of Bei-wick, of the family of Araot, was pro- vost of Edinburgh, and treasurer depute to King James the Sixth. The lands of Chapel, in the pai-ish of Kettle, have long belonged to a family of the name of Arnot. Upon the Last day of December 1558, James, commendator of the priory of St. Andrews, disponed the cliurch lands called Chapel- Kettle to John Arnot and his heirs, declaring that he .and his progenitors had been possessors of these lands past the me- mory of man. [Sibbald's History IV. S,itbnxi, |logaI $iiw. 1 2 Sir J. -I. J. Ctuii(v bell.'f Moulin, ne|»lip*v (It Rolierl Ilrnce. oreitttd ill rci?n Of Diivid n,, kil)<-d l:i33. at HsilidotdiilL No i!>aue. WilllfllH Ooilf!- las.Lordof Ud- disdsle. created l.y Dnvt.l II„ resi<;iieil |:j4l, ill litvour of Robert tlie Great Steward. L John, son of Sir James Siewnri of I»ni, and of widoff of Jainea L, creaie-(1 their son. widowed died Countess of " without issuer Alhnle. f 162fi , CTP-ted 1696. 1 William Murray, '2d e«rl of Tullihardtne, which re!*ig:ned. for elder enrldoni, revived in right of liis wife. VII. glarran '^int of Cullibarbiiu, anb Stttoari of ^orn. Lady Dorothea Stewart. eldi'st djiujrliter of John. Sih earl of Atlinle: but di'cd before pnlfeiii was gianted. X. John, their son, got earldom confirmed to him in rin:ht of irnther. 1629. Died 1642. 2. John, his son. Justice General of .Scotbmd, succeeded to earl- dom of Tiitli- banline, J«70. (MarqiiisorAthoJe, lfi76.) 3. John, hia sod, (2d Marquis.) created Duka, 1703. One of the Commissioners of the Union. 1707. 5. John, hla nephew, 3d Duke, (eon ot Ld. Geo. Murray. 1745.) By Ilia wife and cousin. Lord of Man. 4. James, his 8(1 son, and (by at- taintment of ids brotlier) 2J Duke. By his tfrand- mother. (beire. dom. 1786.) DiediaSd ARMORIAL FEARINOS OV MDRBAT, EABL MAKQUIM, AND VVKE OF ATHOLE. Qoarterilieb:-!. for Murr.ny. 2. I^.rd of Man. 3. (\ A 4) for Stanley. <-2 A 3) fof StraDge. 4. a A 4) for Stewart, (2 A 3) for Ancient Earldum of Alhole. ARTHUR. 161 ATIIOLK. round table. " J^ex Arthu7'vs" says William ()f Worcester, in liis ItineniiT, p. 311, '■'■ cmtodlehit /c nnirul-tnhle in cnstro rfe Sfyrlt/iig^ aliter^ Snowdon-west-casteU. " Sir Da\'id Lind- Faj, in his ' Complaint' of the Papingo, makes lier taku leave of Stirling castle thus : " Adew, fair Snawdoiin, wUh thy toiiris lilc. Thy cli.ipeU myall, park, and tabill round." In Neilston parish, Renfrewslnre, there are three places of the name of Arthur-lee. The ancient monumoTit of Arthur's Oven, or ' Oon/ on the Carron, which was demolished many years ago, was known by that name as early as the reign of Alexander the Third, if not earher. Arthur's Seat near Edinburgh is not the only hill which bears tlie name. Not far from the toj) of Loch Long, that separates Arg}de and Dumbarton, there is a conic^il hill also culled Arthur's Scat, which is lil:ewise tlie name given to a rock, on the nortli side of the hill of I Dunban'ow in the parish of Dunnichcn, Forfarshire. In the j parish of Cupai'-Angus, Perthshu'c, there is a standing stone j Cnilled the Stone of Arthur; near it is a gentleman's seat called Arthm'-stone, and not far from it is a farm named Arthur's ' fold. At Meigle, in the same vicinity, some antique and cn- I nous monimients in the churchyard are associated by tradition \vitli the name of the fabulous King Arthm-'s faithless queen, ; Vanora, Guenevra, or Ginevi-a. Arthur is, besides, tlie appa- j rent founder of a numerous clan, whose antiquity is proverbial ! among the Highlanders. j ARTHUR, Archibald, professor of moral plii- losophy in the university of Glasgow, eldest son of Andrew Arthur, a farmer, was born at Abbot'^s- Inch, Renfrewshire, September 6, 1744. He was taught Latin at the grammar school of Paisley, and studied for the ministry at Glasgow college, where, when yet a student, he lectured on church history for a whole session, during the absence of the professor, to the great satisfaction and im- provement of the class. In October 17G7 he Avas licensed as a preacher of the Church of Scotland, and soon after became chaplain to the university of Glasgow, and assistant to the Rev. Dr. Craig, one of the clergymen of that city. Becoming also librarian to the university, he compiled the cata- logue of that library. In 1780 he was appointed assistant and successor to the venerable Dr. Reid, professor of moral philosophy, who died in 1796. Mr. Arthur taught the class fifteen years as assist- ant, and only held the chair as professor for one session, as he died on l-ith June 1797. In 1803, Professor Richardson, of the same university, pub- lished a part of Arthur's lectures, under the title of ' Discourses on Theological and Literary Sub- ects,* 8vo, with a sketch of his life and character. Aston, lord, a title in the peerage of Scotland, now ex- w^nct, possessed by a noble family of the same name, which originally belonged to the county of Stafford in England, the progenitor of which was Randal or Uanulph de Astona, who lived in the reign of Edward the First \\U ileBcemhint, Su Kilward Aston of Tixull, in the reicn of Qiu>4>n Kli/jilH'th possessed estates of the value of ten thousantl a-yi-ar, in tlu counties of Staflbrd, nciby, Leicester, and Warwick. Hi married Anne, only danghtiT of Sir Thomas I.ucy of Charlv cot, and died in InOH. His eldest son, Sir Witltcr ANton, nt the coronation of James the First of Knghuul, wiw honoured with the order of the liath, and in IGU he w.is created a baronet. In 1()'22 he was employed to negoi-iato a nmrriage helween Charles, prince of Wales, afterwards CliarleA the Fii-st, and the Infanta of Spain; and» in requital for his ser- \'ices upon that occasion, he was elevated to the peerage 'J*ochaber, carrying with them the earl and countess of Athol as prisoners. In the voyage from Locliaber many of his galleys sunk, and much of his plunder was lost in a dreadful storm which ho encountered. Beheving this to be a judgment from heaven for the violation of the chapel of St. Bride, he was touched with fear and remorse, and voluntarily liberated his prisoners, without proclu^ng what seems to have been the principal ob- ject of his raid into Athol, the recovery of his son. He even performed an ignominious penance in the chapel which he liad so lately desecrated. In 1488 the earl of Athol had a principal command in tho army of James III. against his son and the rebel lords, for which, on the death of that monarch, he was im))risoned in the castle of Dunbar. He died 19th September 1512. By his first wife, Lady Margaret Douglas, only daughter of Archibald, fifth earl of Douglas, duke of Touraine, the widow of the eighth earl of Douglas and the wife of the ninth earl, her maniage with whom after his rebellion in 1455 was an- nulled, he had two daugliters. By his second wife. Lady Eleonora Sinclair, daughter of William earl of Orkney and Caithness, he had two sons and nine daughters. John, the elder son, second earl of Athol, of tliis new creation, did not enjoy the title one year, being killed at Floddon 9th Septem- ber, 1513. His son John, the third earl, w.as famous for hii great hosjtitality and princely style of living. Pitscottie mi- nutely describes a grand himting match and sumptuous en- tertainment given by him to King James the Fiflh .and his mother and the French ambassador, in 1529. He died in 1542, .and was succeeded by his son John, fourth earl of Athol. In the parliament of 15()0. with the Ix)rds Bortlnvick and Som- en-ille he strongly opposed the Refonnation, saying they would believe as their fathers had done before them. Being afterwards constituted lord high chancellor of Scotland, he waa sworn into office at Stirling, 29th March 1 577. He opposed the measures of the regent Morton, and took up arms to rescue tlie king from his power, but by the mediation of Bowes the Englisli ambassador, an accommodation took place, in Au- gust 1578. At a grand entertainment given by Morton, at Stirling, to the leaders of the opposite party, in token of rec- oncilement, 20th April 1579, Athol, t!ie chancellor, was taketi ill, and died foiu- days aftenvards, not without strong suspi- cions of his having been poisoned. Ho was twice innrried ; the second time to Margaret, third daugliter trf" Mn'oolin ATHOLE. 164 ATHOLE. third loij Fleming, great chamberlain of Scotland, widow of Robert master of Montrose, killed at Pinkie, 1547, and of Thomas master of Erokine, son of John earl of Mar. Durino; her lift-time it was tiie general belief that this countess of Athol possessed the powers of sorcery, and it is said that when Qncen Mary was confined with James the Sixth, the countess cast all llie pains of childbirth upon Lady Hires. If 80, it must have been by some unknown species of mesmer- ism. Their 8on. John, fiftii earl of Athol, was sworn a pnvy councillor in 1590, and died at Perth, 28th August 1595, without issue male, when the title reverted to the crown. He married Lady Mary Kuthven, second daughter of William first earl of Gowrio, by whom he had four daughters. His count^-ss afterwards became the second vdie of John lord In- nermeath. created earl of Athol by James the SLxth, in 1596. Ladv Dorothea Stewart, the eldest daughter of John the fifth earl and this lady, married William, second earl of Tul- libardine, and was the mother of John, created earl of Athol, the fii-st of the Murray family who possessed that title as afterwards mentioned. Lady Mary, the second daughter married James, earl of Athol, the son of her stepfather Lore Innermeath, and he d}-ing without male issue, the earldom again reverted to the crown. [See Ixnermkath. Lord. ( Athol, duke of, a title possessed by a branch of the an- cient family of Murray. The progenitor of the Mmray fam- ily in Scotland was a Flemish settler in the reign of David the First, of the name of Fresldn, who obtained the lands of Strathbrock in Linlithgowshire, now called Brocks or Brox- burn. A rebellion having broken out in Moray in the year 1130. he is supposed to have assisted in quelling it, and was rewarded with a large traot of land in the lowlands of Sloray, where his descendants settled, and in consequence assumed the name of de Moravia. From Walter de Moravia de- scended the Morays, lords of Bothwell, the Morays of Aber- caimey (see Murray, surname of), and Sir W^illiara de Moravia, who acquired the lands of Tullibardine, an estate in the lower part of Perthshire, with bis wife Adda, daughter of Malise. seneschal of Strathem, as appears by charters dated in 1282 and 1284. His son, Su" Andrew Murray of Tullibardine, who suc- ceeded him, was an adherent of Edward Baliol, and contri- buted greatly to the decisive victory gained by the latter at Dupplin in August 1332, by fixing a stake in a ford in the river Earn, through which his amiy marched and attacked the Scots. He was taken prisoner at Perth about two months afterwards, and immediately put to death for his adherence to Baliol. His descendant. Sir William MuiTay of Tullibai-dine, succeeded to the estates of his family in 1446. He was sher- iff of Perthshire, and in 1458, one of the lords named for the administration of justice, who were of the king's daily coun- cil. He mai-ried Mai-garet, daughter of Sir John Colquhoun of Luss, great chamberlain of Scotland, by whom he had a numerous issue. According to tradition they had seventeen sons, from whom a great many families of the name of Mur- ray are descended. In a curious document entitled "The Declaration of George Halley, in Ochterarder, concerning the Laurd of TuUibardine's seventeen sons — 1710," it is stated that they " lived all to be men, and that they waited all one day upon their father at Stiriuig, to attend the k-ing, with each of them one servant, and their father two. This hap- pening shortly after an act was made by King James the Fifth, discharging any persons to travel with great numbers of attendants besides then- own family, and having challeno-ed the laird of Tullibardine for breaking the said act, he answered he brought only his own sons, with their necessary attend- ants; with which the king was so weU pleased that he gave them small lands in heritage." The ancient Scottish song " Cromlet's Lilt," was \^Titten on the supposed inconstancy of Miss Helen Murray, commonly called "Fair Helen of Ar- doch," granddaughter of Murray of Strewan, one of the sev- enteen sons of TulUb:u-dine. She was courted by young Chisholm of Cromleck who, dming his absence in France, imposed upon by the false representations of a treacherous fi-iend, believed that she was faithless to him, and wrote tlie affecting ballad called Cromlet's or Cromleck's hit. The lady's father, Stirling of Ardoch, had by his wife^ Blargaret Murra) a family of no less than thirty-one children, of whom fair Helen was one. It is said that James the Sixth, when pass- ing from Perth to Stirling in 1617, paid a \'isit to Helen's mother, the Lady Ardoch, who was then a widow. Her chil- dren were all dressed and drawn up on the lawn to receive his majesty. On seeing them the king said, *5Iadam, how many are there of thera ?' ' Sire,' she jocosely answered, ' 1 only want your help to make out the twa chalders !' a chalder contains sixteen bolls. The king laughed heartily at the joke, and afterwards ate a collop sitting on a stone in the close. The youngest son of this exti-aordinaiy family, commonly called the Tutoj' of Ardoch, died, in 1715, at the advanced age of one hundred and eleven. The eldest of Tullibardine's seventeen sons, Sir William MmTay of Tullibardine, had, with other issue, Wilham, his successor, and Sir Andrew Mmi-ay, ancestor of the viscounts Stormont. (See Stormoxt.) His great-grandson, Sir Wil- ham MmTay of Tullib;u*dine, was a zealous promoter of the Reformation in Scotland ; and in 1567, at Cai-berry-hill, he accepted the gauntlet of defiance to single combat thrown down by the eai-1 of Bothwell, but the latter objected to him as being of inferior rank, as he did also to Tullibardine's brother, James Murray of Purdorvis, for the same reason. His sister Annabella manied the earl of Mar, afterwards regent, and was the governess of the infant king, James the Sixth. He himself married in 1547 Lady Agnes Graham, third daughter of William second earl of Jlontrose. On the death of his brother-in-law, the earl of Mar, in 1572, he and Sii Alexander Ersldne of Gogar were appointed governors of the young king and joint keepers of the castle of Stii'ling, where his majesty resided, and he discharged the office with the ap- plause of the whole kingdom till 1578. George Halley, in the curious document already quoted, says that " Su* William MmTay of Tullibardine ha\-ing broke Ai-gyle's face with the hilt of his sword, in king James the Sixth's presence, was obliged to leave the kingdom. Afterwards, the king's mails and slaughter cows were not paid, neither could any subject in the realm be able to compel those who were bound to pay them ; upon which the king cried out — ' 0, if I had Will. Murray again, he would soon get my mails and slaughter cows ; ' to which one standing by replied — ' That if his ma- jesty would not take Sir William Murray's life, he might re- turn shortly.' The king answered, ' He would be loath to take his life, for he had not another subject like him !* Upon which promise Sir William Murray returned, and got a com- mission from the king to go to the north, and lift up the mails and the cows, which he speedily did, to the great satis- faction of the king, so that immediately after he was made lord comptroller." This office he obtiuned in 1565. His eldest son, Su- John Murray, the twelfth feudal baron of Tullibardine, was brought up with King James, who, in 1592, constituted hira his master of the househuld. He was afterwards sworn a member of his pri\"y council, and knighted, and on 25th April 1604 King James raised him to the peerage by the title of Lord Murray of TulHbardine. On 10th July 1G06 he was created eai'l of Tullibardine. His ATHOLE. 165 ATIIOLE. lordship married Cathorine, fourth daujjhter of David secund Lord Druiiimond, and died in ITiMIK His eldest son, William, sec of th.at name in Ayrshire is an upland flat lying between the valleys of the waters of Ayr and Lugar, which flow in parallel directions so closely approximating to each other that in six- teen miles of length it has never more than two of breadth, with a moss in a gieat part of its centre. Lech, Lach, or Lake, is sometimes duplicated with the Latin mort, as Mort- lech, in Aboyne, the sterile land; Mortlach, in Mor.iy, the place of battle; and its genitive Leckie is also a surname. The Gaelic definition, " field of the flagstones." is simply absurd. There is not a flagstone in the parish or barony ; and the name was bestowed before the subdivision of land into fields was known. The name is often pronounced and some times written Affleck. The lands of Aucliinleck in the parish of Monikie, Forfar shire, appear to have given origin to the surname at an early period. Two rivulets running parallel in deep dens through a valley at a level of 300 feet, yet near the sea, leave between them a flat auchin or elevated stripe on which stands the old tower or castle of Affleck, somewhat more than a mile from the parish church, a beautiful specimen of its class, entire al- though long uninhabited, and since 1746 has been used for purposes connected with agiiculture. It still serves as a mark for mariners. These lands were bestowed by charter from Da- vid I. The office of armour-bearer to the Lindsays, carls (■! Crawford, was hereditary in the family of Auchinleck of thai ilk. [Li't'cs of the Lindsat/s, vol. i. p. 114, note'] They becama the property of a family of the name of Reid, which win attainted for being engaged in the rebellion of 1745. TJit castle and a large p.art of the estates were then purchased by Mr. James Yeaman, one of the bailies of Dundee, from th« representatives of whose descendant, they were acquired b\ Mr. Graham of Kincaldrum, in whose possession they still rem.ain. In the year 1733, Thomas Reid of Auchinleck, pre- sented a silver communion cup to the kirk-session of Dundee, as recorded in letters of gold on the session-house wall ol that time. The lands of Auchinleck, in Ayrshire, are known to have given a surname to their proprietors so early as the 13tli century. In 1300, the laird of Auchinleck accompanied Sir William Wallace to Glasgow from Ayr, when he attackeil and slew Earl Percy. [See Wallace, Sir William.] The Chartulary of Paisley records a donation from Sir John de Auchinleck, in 1385, of twenty shillings yearly to the abbot and convent of that house, as a compensation for having mutilated the person of one of the monks. Thom.as Boswell, a younger son of Boswell of Balmnto in Fife, having married one of the daughters and co-heiress of Sir John Auchinleck of that ilk, received in 1504 a grant of these lands from James the Fourth. This Thomas Boswell, who fell at Flodden, was the ancestor of the present possessoi'. The family of Boswell of Auchinleck has acquired celebrity in several of its members. [See Boswell, surn.ime of.] There was another family of Auchinleck in Perthshire, de- signed of Balmanno, an Auchinleck having married the heu'ess of Balmanno of that ilk. AucHMUTY, or auch-moo(-i, augh or haugh of moot or judgment, a surname derived from lands in the parish of Newbm"n, anciently called Drumeldry, (/)r«7re, hill, eldry elderi or alderi, of the wise men or elders) Fifeshire, once be- longing to an old family styled Auchmoutie of that ilk. The estate of Drumeldry, now the property of Thomas Calderwood Dui'ham, Esq. of Largo, and Lawhill, now called Halltiill. tie residence of Charles llalket Craigie, Esq., at one time formed part of the barony of Auchmoutie. In 1 tiUO Capt. Auchumty, j* AUCIITERLONY 169 AVANDALE. descend:int ... the ancient Fifcshire house of Auchmuty, set- tled at Brianstown, county of Longford, Ireland, and his posterity, now named Achmuty, still possess that estate. A branch of the Brianstowii family, who continue to spell their name Auchmuty, are the proprietors of Kilmoro House in the county of Roscommon. The n:une is not a very conmion one, but uncouth as it may sound in the ears of our English neighbours, it has been rendered familiar hy the deeds of Major-general Sir Samuel B. Auchmuty, C. B., who in 1807 distinguished jjiniaeli' in the reduction of Monte Video, on the nver PlaU AucHTERLONY, tue suHKuue of an ancient Forfarshii'e family, who formerly possessed the bai-ony of Kelly in the parish of Arbii-lot. Kather more tlian two miles west of Ar- broath, on the edge of a precipice, at the side of the river Elliot, are the ruins of the castle of Kelly, otherwise Auch- terlony. The lirst proprietor of Kelly noticed in histoiy was Hoger de Moubray, an adherent of Edward tlie First of Eng- land, who, in the distribution of the estates of the Scottish barons opposed to his pretensions as lord paramount of Scot- land, bestowed these lands upon him. In 1321, Moubray was declared a traitor, and his barony forfeited. Ki-Ily was then conferred on the stewai-d of Scotland, the son-in-law of Bruce. In the reign of Kobert the Second we find Alexander Auch- terlony designed of Kelly. This Alexander Auchterlony mar- ried Janet, daughter of Sir WilHam Maule of Panmure, knight, and got with her the lands of Greenford, in the same parish. It would seem that the barony of Kelly had passed from him or his successor, for it is recorded that Wilbam Auchterlony acquii'ed Kelly in the year 1444, and from that date till 1630 it remained in possession of the family of Auch- terlony. At the Reformation the chief of the Auchterlonies, according to tradition, was very active in the destruction of the abbey of Arbroath. Bemg indebted to the abbey stew- ard, at the head of tlu*ee hundred men he attacked the abbey, And setting fire to it, bumt all evidence of a claim against him. Among the witnesses to a charter of a donation to the hospital at Dundee, dated 2d May 1587, appears the name of David Auchterlony dom. ae Kelly^ who is supposed to have been either the incendiaiy or his son. Kelly now belongs to Lord Panmm*e, and the ancient family of AuchtL-rlony is re- presented by John Auchterlony of Guynd, Esq — See Och- TKRLOXY. AvANDALE, Lord, a title conferred by James the Second on Andrew Stewart, the eldest of the seven illegitimate sons of Sii- James Stewart, called James the Gross, fourth son of Murdoch, duke of Albany, and the only one who escaped the vengeance of James the Eirst, when his father and three bro- thers were nathlessly cut ofi' by that monarch. On their im- prisonment he had flown to arms, assaulted and biuTit the town of Dumbarton, and killed Sir John Stewart, the king's uncle, who held the castle with thirty-two men. He after- wards took refuge in Ireland, where he formed a connection with a lady of the family of Macdonald, by whom lie had seven sons, and a daughter, Matilda, inanied to Sir William Edmonstone of Duntreath. These children are supposed on their father's death to have been adopted by Murdoch's wi- dow, the duchess Isabella, countess of Lennox, to bear her company in her castle on the small island of Inchmurrin on Lochlomond, where her latter years were spent in retire- ment; as his name and that of three of his brothers, Mur- doch, Arthur, and Robert Stewarts of Albany, appear as wit- nesses to charters granted by the duchess Isabella as countess of Lennox, betwixt 1-140 and 1451. [yapter's UUtonj of tlie PartUion of the I^niwx, pp. 18—20.] King Juniea th« Second, touched perh.-ips with regret for the ruin wliich tii£ fiUher had caused Duke Murdoch's family, honoured ibe eld- est of his illegitimate grandsons with peculiar marks of rc- g;u-d and affection. He placed him at one of the EngHsli universities, and on his retuni to Scotland, after his educa- tion had been completed, appointed liini a gentleman of hia bedchamber, and knighted hun. In 145G he bestowed on him the barony of Avandale or Evandale in Lanarkshire, which had been forfeited by the last earl of Douglas in 1455, and in 1457 created him Lord Avandale \Ibid^ p. 45j. Be- fore tlie 1st of March, 1459, the new peer had superseded George fourth earl of Angns, as warden of the marches, and in 1460, on the accession of James the Third, he was chosen loid-chanccllor of Scotland, an office which he lield for twen- ty-two years, mth the high distinction of precedence next to the princes of royal blood. He was one of the lords of the regency, and in a charter of lung James the Third, in 1465, he is styled guardian of the king. In 14118 he was sent am- bassador to Denm;u-k to treat of a man-iage between James the Third and the princess Margaret of Denmark, which was happily accomplished. On the 4th May 1471, he had a life- rent gi-ant, under the great seal, of the whole earldom of Len- nox, which had been in non-entry from the year 1425, when Earl Duncan, the father of the duchess Isabella, was be- headed, though it had never been forfeited, as erroneouslv stated by Douglas in his Peerage, and other writers. To for- tify himself in this gi-ant, he obtmned letters of legitimation under the great seal, of date 2Sth August 1472, to himsell and two of his brothers, Arthur and Walter, by which a right of general succession was thrown open to them. These let- ters were repeated on the 17th April 1479, and on the 18th of tlie same month he had a charter of the lordship ot Avan- dale. In 1482, when the king's brother, the duke of Albany, with the assistance of Edward the Fom-th of England, invad- ed Scotland, Lord Avandale and many other noblemen who had been till then the most loyal supporters of the crown, abandoned the sovereign who bad heaped upon him wealtli and honours, and after the king had been conveyed prisoner to Edinburgh castle, he as chancellor, with the archbishop of St. Andrews, the bishop of Dunkeld, and the earl of Argyle, entered into a bond, dated 2d August of that year, for the protection and indemnity of Albany. The noblemen who sign this deed declare that they and the other nobles of the realm " sail cause our soverane lord frely to gif and grant " to the duke of Albany "all his landis, heritagis, strenthis, houses, and offices quhilk he possessit the day of his last part- ing fiirth of the realm of Scotland." [/aY/errt, b. xii. p. IGO.] To punisn his Jngrutituae, the King, oefore tne 25th of the same month of August, deprived him of the chancel loi-ship, which he had held so long, and bestowed it on John Lain^, bishop of Glasgow. This took place before the siege of Edin- burgh castle, which occun-ed 29th September 1482, and not after that event, as Mr. Tytler, in his history, records it, and could not therefore have been in consequence of Albany's par- ti.al success, as Tytler says it was. [See Napier's lUstonj oj the Partition of the Lennox^ p. G8, note.'] Albany was soon received into favour, and in the following December appointed lieutenant-general of the kingdom, but in 1484 the Albany party was completely crushed. Altliough not restored to the chancellorship, Lord Avandale appears to have regained the confidence of the king, and in 1484 he was one of the commissioners sent to France to renew the ancient league with that crown. He was mso one of the plempotenthTnes who concluded the pacification mth King Richard the Third at Nottingham, 21st September of that year. HLs nmiie ap- a\t:nel. 170 AYTON. (vean* as ono of the witnesses to a charter of James the Third. dated Uth March 1487. He continued to possess tlie lands of the earldom of Lennox till his death in 1488. He left no issue, whereby the title for the time became extinct. The title of Lord Avandale w.is next bestowed on nis ne- phew, Andrew Stewart, second son of his younger brotlier, Walter Stewart of Morphie, m the county of Kincardine, sixth son of Sir James tlie Gross. The mother of the second Lord Avandale was Elizabeth, daughter of Amot of Amot, in the county of Fife. Cniwford {Officers of State, p. 39) says that Alexander Stewart, the eldest son of Walter Stew- art of Morphie, was, in 1503, created Lord Avandale by so- lemn investiture in parliament, but this is a mistake, as it would appear that the said Alexander Stewart died before 1500, and that lie was succeeded in the estate of Avandale and other lands by his immediate younger brother Andi-ew above mentioned, second Lord Avandale. IDoughis.'} By his wife Margaret, daughter of Sir John Kennedy of Blair- quhan in Ayrshire, had three sons and three daughters. An drew, the eldest son, succeeded as thu-d Lord Avandale Henry, the second son, on marrying the queen dowager, was created Lord Methven. [See Methves, Lord.] The tliird son, Sir James Stewart of Beath, was the ancestor of the earl of Moray. [See Moray, earl of.] The third Lord Avandale was governor of the castle of Dumbarton, and held the office of groom of the stole to King lames the Fourth. In 1534, he transferred the barony of .A.vandale and the lands of Coldstream to Sir James Hamilton of Fynnart, in exchange for the barony of Ochiltree in Ayr- shire, and in consequence of this exchange, on the 15th March 1543, the earl of Arran, governor of the kingdom, with con- sent of parliament, ordained that Andrew lord Avandale should in future be styled Lord Stewart of Ochiltree. By his wife. Lady Margaret Hamilton, only child of James, first earl of Arran. he had a son, Andrew Stewart, who became second lord Ochiltree. [See Ochiltree, Lord.] A\'ENEL, a surname now scarcely known, except m the pages of romance. Like Umfraville, de Monnlle, and others, it was once borne by high and powerful barons, whose de- scendants, if any now exist, have long ceased to be called by the name of their progenitors. Among the Anglo-Norman knights introduced into Scotland by David the First, was Robert Avenel, who, in reward of military sei-vices, received Upper and Lower Eskdale, and flourished dming the reigns of Malcolm the Fourth and William the Lion, whose chartera he witnessed. Re officiated as Justiciary of Lothian for a short time after the accession of WiUiam, in 1165. His lat- ter years were spent in the monastery of Melrose, to which he granted a large portion of his estates, and where he died in 1185. His son and heu-, Gervase, confirmed the grant. Roger Avenel, the successor of Gervase, had a serious dispute with the monks regarding the game on the lands. The king, Alexander the Second, at his request interfered, and "found that the monks were entitled to the soil, but not to the game, which belonged to the Avenels, as lords of the manor." For several generations the Avenels continued among the most powei-fal families on the Borders; and in the Tales of the ' Monastery,' and the ' Abbot,' they have been introduced with singular success by Sir Walter Scott. Tlie family of Avenel merged, like many others, in an heiress, who married Henry, the son of Henry de Graham 01 Abercom and Dalkeith, and the property of the Avenels thus passed into other families. Aymoi'ih, baron of in the Scottish peerage, a title be- stowed on the great duke of Marlborough in 1682, a.s BaroE Churchill of Aymouth, or Eyemouth, in Berwickshire, al- though he had no connexion with that place. The title be- came extinct on his death in 1722. Ayton, or ArroN, a surname derived from the village oi E}'town, now called Ayton, in Berwickshire, which seems to have taken its name, anciently written Eytun and Eitun, from the water of Eye, that, rising among the Lammeniiuir hills, flows into the sea at Eyemouth. The etymology of the word is ' the towu on the river.' The family of Ayton were descended from Gilbert de Vesci, an Anglo-Norman knight, who, settling in Scotland shortly after the Conquest, obtained the lands of Ayton in Berwick- shire, and adopted the name of the lands as his family name. About the year 1166 Helias and Dolfinus de Eitun attested a charter of Waldeve, earl of Dunbar. Stephanus de Eyton appears as witness to a charter " de quieta clamatione de terra de Swmt07m,'* granted by his son, Earl Patiick, who died in 1232. In the reign of William the Lion, Helias, Mauricius, and Adam de Eitun are among the witnesses to a donation of Da-^-id de Quixwood to the lazaret or hospital of lepers at Auldcambus. In 1250 Adam de Eiton granted to Henry de Lamberton three tofts of land with houses in Eyemouth. In 1331, Adam, the prior of Coldingham, acknowledged a gran' made to him of land for the site of a mill near the bridge ol Ayton, by Adam, the son of William de Ayton. Robert de Ajlon was among the number of the Scots slain at the battle of Nesbit-moor, 22d June 1402. The principal family ended in an heiress, who, in the reign of James the Third, manied George Home, a son of the house of Home, who thus acquired the original lands of Ayton. By charter of date 29th November 1472, the greater part of the lands of Aj^on, with those of Wliitfield, were granted to George Home, son of Sir Alexander Home of Duuglass, who thus became ancestor of the Homes of Ayton. Histoi-y mentions the baronial castle of Ayton, on the banks of the Eye, founded by the Noi-man baron de Vesci, which was taken by the earl of Surrey in 1498, but no ves- tiges of it now remain. The modem mansion-house of Ayton, built upon its site, was destroyed by fire in 1834. A branch of tlie Berwickshire Aytons settled in the county of Fife, and Skene imputes a Gaelic origin to the name. " The Pictish Chronicle," lie says, " in mentioning the foun- dation of the chm-ch of Abernethy, describes the boundaries of the ten-itory ceded to the Culdees by the Pictish king as having been 'a lapide in Apurfeit usque ad lapidem jvxta Cairful, id est Lethfoss^ et inde in altum usque ad Athan.^ It is a remarkable fact that the same places are still known by these names, although slightly corrupted into those of Apui-farg, Carpow, and Ayton, and that the words are un- questionably Gaelic." [Skerie's nifjhlanders of Scotland, vol. i. p. 76.] In 1507, James the Fourth disponed the west half of the lands of Denmuir, or Nether Denmuir, in the parish of Abdie, Fifeshire, to Andrew Ayton, captain of the castle of Stilling, a son of the family of Ayton of Ayton, in Berwickshire, " pro bono et fideli servitio." He was the uncle of the heiress ot Ayton above mentioned, and in consequence of the original lands of Ayton hanng passed, by her marriage, to the house of Home, he obtained a new charter of the lands of Nether Denmuir, in which they were named Ayton, and the Fifesliire bninch of the family were afterwards styled Ayton of Ayton. Sir John Ayton of that ilk left two sons, Robert and An- drew. Robert, the eldest, succeeded to the estates of his AYTON. 171 AiTTON. ancle Robert, Lord Colvilk of Ochiltree, and in consequence, assumed the name of Colville, being styled Robert Colville of Craigflower. The second son, Andrew, was a merchant in Glasgow, of which city he became lord provost. He built a large house, surrounded by a gartien, near the High Street of Glasgow, the site of which, now occupied by public works, is still called Ayton court. About the commencement of the eighteenth centun- tiie kinds of Ayton in Fife were acquired by Patrick Munay, Esq., second son of Sir P.atrick Muiray, the second baronet of Ochtertyre, and they still continue in the possession of his descendant. I'he Aytons of Inchdairnie, in the parish of Kinglassie, are understood to be the lineal descendants of the Anglo-Nomian dti Vescis, who settled in Berwickshire. Inchdainiie has, fn* a long period, lieen the property of the Aytons. Of this family was M.ijor-general Roger Aj-ton of Inchdairnie, who died about 1810. His eldest son, John Ayton, was seiTcd Ayton of .\yton in 1820. Another son, ,r.anies Ayton, Esq., advo- cate, stood candidate for the representation of the city of Ed- mbnrgh, some years ago. Towards the end of the seventeenth ccntur}' the lands of Kippoo, in the parish of Kingsbarns, were sold by the repre- sentative of the family of John Philp, burgess in Cupar, to whom they belonged, to Sir John Ayton, younger son of Ay- ton of A}-toD, who was gentlem.an of the bed-chamber and usher of the black rod to Charles the Second. He was suc- ceeded in them, in 1700, by his grandson, John Ayton of KinaUiie. To the latter family Sir Robert Ayton, the sub- ject of the following notice, belonged. AYTON, Sir Robert, an accomplislied poet, a younger son of Andrew Aj'ton of Kinaldie, Fife- shire, was born there in l,o70, and .studied at .St. Leonard's college, St. Andrews, where lie took the degree of master of arts in 1588. He afterwards went to France, where he resided for some time. In 1603 he addressed from Paris .an elegant panc- gj-ric, in Latin verse, to Ivlng James the Sixth, on his accession to the crown of England, which was printed at Paris the same year. Ou his ap- pearance .at court he was knighted, and appointed one of the gentlemen of the bedchamber, and pri- vate secretar}' to the queen. He \\ as .also, subse- quently, secretary to Henrietta Maria, queen of Ch.arles I. About 1009 he was sent by James as amb.assador to the emperor of Germany, with the king's ' Apology for the Oath of Allegiance,' which he had dedicated to all the crowned heads of Eu- rope. He w.as highly esteemed by .all the men of genius and poets of his time, and Ben Jonson took pride in informing Drumraond of Ilawtliomden, that " Sir Robert Ayton loved him dearly." He died at London in IMarch 1638, and was buried in the south .aisle of the choir of Westminster Abbey, where a handsome monument was erected by his nephew, David Ayton of Kinaldie, to his memory. A representation of it is given in Smith's Icono- graphia Scotica, with his bust in the centre, oi which the following Is a woodcut : The following is the inscription on his monument : Clarissmi omnigensiq. virtvte et ervditione, pr.Tsertim Poesi om.atissnii eqvitis, Domini Robert! Aitoni, ex antiqva et il- Ivstri gente Aitona, ad Castrvm Kinnadinvm apvd Scotos orivndi, qvi a Serenis.smo R. J.acobo in Cvbicvla Interiors admissvs, in Gennaniam ad Imperatorem, Imperiiq. Principe.'i cvm libello Regio, Regiie a\'thoritati3 vindice, Legatvs, ac priinvm Anna?, demvm Mjiriie, serenissmis Britanniarvni Reginis ab epistolis, consiliis et hbellis supplicibva, nee non Xenodochio St.-e Catherina; pra^fectvs. AnimaCreatorisRed- dita, hie depositis mortalibvs exwiis secvndvm Redemptoris adventvni espectat. Carolvm linqvens, repetit P.arcntem Et valcdicens Rliuna; revisit Annam et Avlai dccvs, alto Olympi Mvtat Honore. Hoc devoti gratiq. animi Testimonmm optimo Patrvo Jo. Aitonvs M' L P. Obiit Coclebs m Regia Albavla Non sine maximo Honore omnivm Lvctv et Mcerore, JEtat, sva? LXVIII. Salvt. Hvmana; M.DCXXXVIII. MVSABVM DECVSHIC, PaTRLEQ. AvLMQ. DoMlQVH Et Fokis e.\emplak sed non imitabile honf..sti. At the top is, Decerpt;u Dabvnt Odorcm, the motto of the Aytons. AYTON. 172 AYTON. His Englisli poems are few in munber. Tlioy are remiirkable for their purity of style and tli^li- cacy of fiincy. Tlie following lyric is accounted one of his best pieces : OX WOMAN'S INCONSTANCY 1 lov'd tlice once, I'll love no more, TUine be tlie giief as is the blame ; Thou art not what thou wast before, What reason I should be the same ? He that can love unlov'd agmn, Hath better store of love than brain : God send me love my debts to pay. While mithrifts fool their love away. Nothing could have my love o'erthrown, If thou hadst still continued mine ; Yea, if thou hadst remain'd thy own, 1 might perchance have yet been thine. But then thy freedom did recall, That it thou might elsewhere enthral ; And then how could I but disdain A captive's captive to remain ? When new desires had conquer'd thee, And ch.anged the object of thy will, It had been lethargy in me, Not constancy to love thee still. Yea, it had been a sin to go And prostitute affection so. Since we are taught no prayers to say To such as must to others pray. Yet do thou glory in thy choice. Thy choice of his good fortune boast ; I'll neither giieve nor yet rejoice, To see him gain what I have lost : Tlie height of my disdain shall be, To laugh at him, to blush for thee To love thee still, but go no more, A begging to a beggar's door. In a different style are the following stanzas prefixed to his Basia sive Stretia Cal. Jan. Lond. 1605, 4to. They are addressed "To the most worshipful and worthy Sir James Hay, Gentleman of his Majesty's bedchamber." When Janus' keys unlocks the gates above. And tlirows more age on our sublunar lands, 1 sacrifice with flames of fervent love These hecatombs of kisses to thy hands. 'Hieir worth is small, but thy deserts are such. They'll pass in worth, if once thy shrine they touch. Laugh out on them, and then they will compare Witli all the haiTest of th' Ar.abian fields, With all the pride of that perfumed air Which winged troops of musked Zephyrs yields. When with their breath they embalm the Elysian plain. And make the flow'rs reflect those scents again. Yea, they will be more sweet in their conceit Than Venus' kisses spent on Aden's wounds. Than those wherewith p.ale Cyntliia did entreat The lovely shepherd of the Latmian bounds. And more than those which Jove's ambrosial month Prodigalized upon the Trojan youth. I know they cannot such acceptance find. If rigour censure then- xmcourtly frame ; But thou art comteous, and wilt call to mind Th' excuse which shields both me and them from blame My Muse was but a novice into this. And, being virgin, scarce well taught to kiss. A panegyrical sonnet by Ayton occurs among ' Tlie Poetical Essays of Alexander Craige, Scoto- britane,' sig. F. 3. London 1604, 4to. {Irvmifi, Scottish Poets, vol. ii. p. 300, note.'] A beau- tiful song, commencing, " I do confess thou'rt smooth and fair," printed anonymously in Lawes's ' Ayres and Dialogues,' 1659, and rendered into Scotch by Burns without improving it, has been attributed to Sir Robert Ayton, but without any other grouud than that " in purity of language, elegance, and tenderness, it resembles his un- doubted lyrics." In ' Watson's Collection of Scot- tish poems,' 1706-11, several of Ayton's pieces are inserted together with his name, but the poem mentioned appears without it, separate fi'om those that are stated to be his. John Aubrey style.? Ayton " one of the best poets of his time." Ac- cording to Dempster, he also wrote Greeli and French verses. Several of his Latin poems are preserved in the 'Delitiae Poetanim Scotorum, printed in 1637 at Amsterdam. — Bannatyne Mis- cellany. — The following is a list of his works : Ad J.icobum VI. Britanniarum Regem, Angliam petentem PanegjTis, p. 40. inter Dehtias Poetarum Scotonmi, edit, ab Artm-o Johnstone. Amst. 1G37, 8vo Basia, sive Strena ad Jacobum Hayum, Kquitem illustris- siniuni, p. 54. Lessus in Funere Raphaelis Thorei, Medici, et Poetie prsE- stantissimi, Londoni peste extincti, p. 61. ibid. Carina Caro, p. 63. ib. De Proditione Pulverea, qux incidet in diem Martis, p. 65. ib. Gratiarum Actio, cum in privatum Cubiculum admitteretur. ]t. 66. ibid. Epigrammata Varia, ib. In Obitum Duels Bucking.amii, a Filtono cultro extincti MDcxxviii. p. 74. ibid. BADENOCH. 173 BAILLIE. B Badenoch, a sumaine derived from the distriot of that name, in the south-cast ot Inverness -shire, anciently ln'hnig- mg to the powerful family of the Cumyns. In 1230, Walter Cumjm, eari of RIenteith in right of his wife, the second son of Willian-. Cumyn, earl of Buchan, accjuired the lordship of Badenoch, hy a grant of Alexander the Second. lC/i(d- mers" Caledonia, vol. Li. p. 563.] In 1291, John Cumyn, lord of Badenoch, acknowledged Edward the First :ls superior of Scotland. His son John, called the Red Cumyn, was the personage who was slain at Dumfries, by Robert the Bnice, 10th Februaiy 1306. On the forfeiture of the Cu- myns, Bruce annexed the lordship of Badenoch to the earl- dom of Murray, and the clan Chattan, whose original pos- sessions were in Lochaher, appear about this period to have settled in Badenoch. [^Gregory's Highlands, p. 77.] Robert the Second granted Badenoch to his son Alexander, earl of Buchan, commonly called, from his ferocity, " the Wolf of Badenoch." [See Buch^vn, earis of.] In 1452 the crown bestowed Badenoch on the eai-1 of Huntly, who, at the head of the clan Chattan, maintained a fierce warfai'e with the west- em clans, and his neighbours of Lochaber. [See Huntly, earl of.] As early as 1440 we find one Patiick Badenoch serving the office of baillie of Aberdeen. [^Extracts from Aberdeen Burgh Records, pp. 6, 8, &c.] The name is not uncommon in the north of Scotland. Baillte, a surname supposed to have been originally the same as Baliol. In the account of the Baillies of Lamington inserted in the appendix toNisbet's Heraldiy, it is stated that Mr. Alexander Baillie of Castlecairy, a learned antiquarian, was of opinion that the family of Lamington were a branch of the illustrious house of the Baliols, who were lords of Gal- loway, and kings of Scotland, [See Baliol, surname of.] An uncle of King John Baliol, named Sir Alexander Baliol of Cavers, was gi-eat chamberlain of Scotland in the reign of his nephew, in 1292. By Isabel, his wife, the daughter and heiress of Richard de Chillam, the %vidow of David de Strath- bogie, eai-1 of Athol, he had two sons, Alexander and William Baliol. Alexander the eldest, after the abdication of his cou- sin. King John, joined the Scottish party, for which he w:is, by order of King Edward, imprisoned in the tower of London, but upon security given by his father and two gentlemen of the house of Lindsay, he was enlarged, [i^yme?-.] His other son, Williimi, had the lands of Penston and Canibroe, in the barony of Bothwell, Lanarkshire, the oldest of the possessions of the Baillies of Lamington. After the abdication of his cousin, he also joined the Scottish party, which rendered him so obnoxious to King Edward, that by act of the parliament of England, he was, in 1297, fined in four years' rent of his estate. From Robert the Bruce he got a charter of the lands of Penston. He gave in pure alms to the monks of Newhat- tle Ucentiam formxindi stngnum in ten'a de Caiiibrue. The lands of Cambroe continued in the same family till they were given over to a younger son, the ancestor of the Baliols or Baillies of the house of Carphin. In the list of captives taken with Da\'id the Second at the battle cf Duriiam in 1346, occiu-s William BailUe [%7rt€7-], the first time tliat the name is found thus written, or V.n'^- lished, as it is expressed. After his releiusc this William Baillie was, in 1357, knighted by David the Second, who gi-anted him a charter, dated 27th January 13G8, of tlio bar- ony of Lamington, whicli has remained in tlio possession ot his descendants till the present time. Lamington had pre- viously belonged to a family of tlie name of Braidfoot. It is traditionally stated that the celebrated Sir William Wal- lace acquired tlie estate of Lamington by man-ying Marion Braidfoot, the heiress of that family, and tliat it p:issed to Sir William Baillie on his mamage with the eldest daughter and heiress of Wallace. The statement, however, is incoiTect. Sir William Wallace left no legitinuite off- spring, but his natural daughter is said to have married Sir William BailUe of Hoprig, the progenitor of the Bmllies of Lamington. This Sir William BailUe of Hoprig and Lammgton had two sons, WilUam his heir, and Alexander, who, according to Baillie of Castlccany, was the first of the family of Carphin. From him descended also, besides the Baillies of Parbroth, the BaiUies of Park, Jer^^ston, Dunrogal, Cambroe, Castle- carry, and Provand. The first of the latter family was Sir William BailUe of Provand, the cousin of the then laird of Lamington. In 1557, he was appointed to the then benefice of Lamington, being the first incumbent of it after the Re- formation. At that period a certain proportion of the Lords of Council and Session were chosen from among the clergy, and in 1566 he was called to the bench, when he took the title of Lord Provand. He was lord president of the court of session fi'om 1565 till his death in 1595. He left a daughter, Elizabeth, his sole heiress, who maiTied Sir Robert Hamilton of Goslingtoun and Silvertonhill. Of the house of Carphin was Mr. Cuthbert Baillie, who was rector of Cumnock, commendator of Glenluce, and lord high treasurer of Scotland in 1512, in the reign of James the Fourth. \^Lives of the Lord High Treasurers.'] The eldest son of the above mentioned Sir William Baillie of Hoprig and Lamington, is designed Wdlielmus Baillie of Hoprig, in a charter from his cousin, " Joannes de Hamilton, Dominus de Cadiow," ancestor of the dukes of Hamilton, ot the lands of Hyndshaw and Watston, dated 4th February 1395. He married Isabella, daughter of Sir WilUam Scton of that ilk, ancestor of the earls of Wintoun, by whom he had Sir William, his son and heir, who was one of the liostages sent to England for James the Fu-st, in exchange for David Leslie of Leslie, in 1432. [i?//m€?',] The latter Sir William Baillie of Hoprig and Lamington, married Catharine, daughter of the above mentioned Sir John Hamilton of Cadzow. His son and successor, also named Sir William Baillie^ was in 1484, one of the conservators of the peace with Kn^- land, on the part of Scotland, then concluded at Not ingham, and in the year following he was witness to a charte of the lands of Canibusnethan, granted hy John Lord Some, ville to John Somcrville, his son, by Mary Baillie liis wife, daughter of this Sir William Baillie of Lamington. His son and bro- ther were also witnesses to the same charter. He h:id two other daugliters; Margaret married to John earl of Suther- BAILLIE. 174 BAILLIE. :and, and had issue, and Marion to John Lord Lindsay of the Byrea, ancestor to the carls of Crawford. Sir William Baillie of Hoprig and Lamington, his son, in 1492, had a charter under the great seal to him and Marion Home his wife, in conjunct fee .TOd infeftment. This lady «MS the daugllter of Sir Patrick Home of Polwarth, comp- troller of Scotland in the reign of James the Kourth. .and ancestor of the earls of Marchmont, by whom he had Sir William Baillie, his son .and heir, and John Baillie, of whom descended' the Baillics of St. Jolm's Kirk, Lanarkshire, of whom are come the Baillies of Jeri'iswood and Walston. Sir William Baillie, the eldest son, m:irried his cousin Eli- jabeth, daughter and one of the heirs of line of John Lord Linds.ay of the Byres, by whom he had Sir William his son and heir, and a daughter, Janet, married to Sir David Ham- ilton of Preston. Sir William B.iillie of L.amington, his son and successor, was made principal masiter of the wardrobe to Queen MaiT, by a gift under the privy seal, 24th January 1542. He mar- ried Janet Hamilton, d.aughter of James first eari of An-an, and duke of Chatelheraiilt, by whom he had Sir William Baillie, his successor, and a younger son, of whom descended the Baillies of Bagbie and Hardington, and their cadets. His son. Sir WilHain Baillie, was a steady adherent of M.iry, queen of Scots, and fought for her at the battle of Langside, for which he w.as afterwards forfeited. He married Marg.aret, daughter of John Lord M,axwell, widow of Archibald, earl of Angus, by whom he had one daughter, Margaret, m.Trried to her cousin, Edw.ird M,axwell, commendator of Dundrennan, [bird son of Lord Hemes of Terregles, on whom .and his chil- dren by his daughter, he settled the e state, the heir of entail to assume the name of Baillie, a speci.al act of p.arliament being procured for the purpose. Subsequently he had a son by a Mrs. Home, whom, on his wife's death, he married, hoping thereby to legltim.atize his son. He also endeavoured to reduce the settlement which he had made of his estates, BO that this son, named WiUiara, might succeed ; but it being proved that he was born while his father's first wife was alive, ne was not .able to bre.ak the settlement. The young man went over to Germany, and entered into the service of the renowned Gust.a\-us Adolphus, king of Sweden, in which he attained to the rank of major-general. Wlien the troubles began in Scotland, in 1638, he was, with other Scotch gen- eral officers in the Swedish service, called home by the Cove- nanters, to command theu- army. From the minutes of the parliament 1641, it appears that he made some faint efforts to reduce the settlement of the estate of L.amington, but in vain. [^Nesbifs Heraldry, Appendix, vol. ii. p. 138.] He served as lieutenant-general ag.ainst the m.arquis of Montrose, by whom he w.as defeated at Alford and Kilsyth, in 1645. General BailUe manned Janet, daughter of Sir William Bruce of Glenhouse, by Janet his ivife, daughter and heiress of John BaiUie of I^tbam, with whom he got the estate of Letham, in Stirlingshire. His eldest son James m.aiTied Joanna, the daughter and heiress of entail of the first Lord Forrester of Corstorphine, and in her right became in 1679 second Lord FoiTester. General Baillie's second son William, mamed Lilias, another of the daughters of the first Lord Forrester, by whom he h.ad William, who subsequently succeeded as Lord Forrester. [See Forrester, lord.] Mr. Maxwell, who assumed the name of Baillie, grandson and heir of entail of the laird of L.amington, succeeded to the estate on the death of Sir William BailUe, and was knighted hy James the Sixth. Female heirs have often held this estate, but in accordance nith the entail, the name of Baillie descends with it. Vice-admiral Sir Thomas John Cochrane, K.C.B., son ol admiral the Hon. Sir Alexander Forrester Cochrane, G.C.B., ytli son of the 8th earl of Dundonald, by his first wife, Matilda Wisbart Ross, daughter of Lieut.-Gen. Sir Cliarles Ross ol Bahiagown castle, b.aronet, h.ad, with other issue, Alexander Baillie Cochrane, Esq. of Lamington, bom in November 1816. married Annabelia Mary Elizabeth, daughter of A. R. Drum- n]ond, Esq. of Cadlands, Hants; issue, two daughters. Baillie of Jerviswoode, the name of an ancient family, now possessors of the earldom of Haddington. Charles. Lord Binning, eldest son of the sixth earl of Haddington, having married Rachel, youngest daughter and at length sole heiress of George Baillie of Jerviswoode and Mellerstain, their second son, the Hon. George Hamilton, on inheriting the estates of his maternal grandfather, assumed the sur- name and arms of Baillie, and died at Mellerstain, 16th April, 1797, aged 74. His eldest son, George Baillie, Esq. of Mellerstain and Jerviswoode, was father, with other issua, of George Baillie H.amilton, who succeeded in 1858, as tenth earl of Haddington (see that title, and pages 177 and 179 oi this volume). The Baillies of Dochfour, Dunain, and others of the name in Inverness-shire, are descended from a son of the laird of Lamington, whose gallantry at the battle of Brechin, fought on the 18th of May 1452, between the earls of Craw- ford and Huntly, was rewarded by the latter, on whose side he was, with part of the Castle-lands of Inverness. In Ross-shire are the Baillies of Tarradale and Redcastle. (See page 179 of this volume). Baillie of Polkemmet, originally Paukommot, the name of an ancient family in Linlithgowshire. One of its modern possessors, William Baillie, advocate, the eldest son of Tho- mas Baillie, writer to the signet, was raised to the bench iu 1792, when he took the title of Lord Polkemmet. His son, Sir William Baillie, was, Nov, 14, 182y, created a baronet, and was s. by his s. Sir Wm,, Jan, 28, 1854, who m. April J4, 1846, Mary, dr. of Stair Hathom Stewart, Esq. of PhysgUl, Co. Wigton. The surname of BaiUie, in some instances, may have been derived from the word Bailiff, or the term bailie, BAILLIE, Robert, a learned Presbyterian minister, was born at Glasgow in 1599, His fa- ther, described as a citizen, was a son of Baillie of Jerviston, of tlie family of Carphiii, descended from the Baillies of Lamington, while his motliei was related to the Gibsons of Durie. He was edu- cated at the university of his native city, w-here he toolv the degree of A,M. Having studied divin- ity, in due time he was ordained by Archbisliop Law of Glasgow. Becoming tutor to the son ol the earl of Eglinton, that nobleman presented him to the living of Kilwinning, in Ayrsliire. In 1626 he was admitted a regent at Glasgow col- lege. About the same time he appears to have prosecuted the study of the oriental languages, and was anxious to promote similar studies m the university. In 1629 lie delivered an oration fr BAILLIE, 175 ROBERT. Lau/lfm LiiKjurB Ilehrcsie. In 1633 he dccliuoil tlie ofler of a living in Edinbiirgli. Tlic ;itt(.'iii|it of Archbishop Laud to intnxliice tlio Coiiiiiion Prayer into Scothuid met witli liis firm ojiposi- tion ; and, though episcopally ordained, he joined the presliyterians, and was in 1G38 elected, by the presbytery of Irvine, their representative at the Assemblj- hehl at Glasgow that year. In 1G39, as chaplain to Lord Egliuton's regiment, ho was with the arnu' of the Covenanters, encamped on Dunse Law, under Alexander Leslie ; on which occasion he appears to have caught some portion of the military ardour which then prevailed in the cause of liberty and religion. " It would have done you good," he remarks in one of his letters, " to liave cast your eyes athort our brave and rich liills as oft as I did, with great contentment and joy ; for I was there among the rest, being chosen preacher by the gentlemen of our shire, who came late witli Lord Eglinton. I furnished to half a dozen of good fellows, muskets and pikes, and to my boy a broadsword. I carried myself, as the fashion was, a sword, and a couple of Dutch pistols at my saddle ; but, I promise, for the offence of no man, except a robber in the way ; for it was our pai't alone to pray and preach lor the encouragement of our countrymen, which I did to my power, most chearfuUy." [_BailUc's Letters, vol. i. p. 17-1.] He afterwards states, " Our sojours grew in experience of arms, in courage, in favour, daily. Every one encouraged another. The sight of the nobles, and their be- loved pastors, daily raised their hearts. The good sermons and prayers, morning and even, under the roof of heaven, to which their drums did call them for bells ; the remonsl^'ances very frequent of the goodness of their cause ; of their conduct hitherto, b\ a hand clearly divine; also Lesly's skill and prudence and fortune, made them all as i-esolute for battle as could be wished. We were fea)-ed that emulation among our nobles might have done harm, when they should be met in the field ; but such was the wisdom and authority of that old, little, crooked soldier, that all, with an incredible submission, from the beginning to the end, gave over themselves to be guided by him, as if he had been great Solyman. . . Had you lent your ear in the morning, or especially at even. and heard in the tents the sound of some singing psalms, some pi aying, and some reading Scripture, ye would have been refreshed. True, there was swearing, and cui-sing, and brawling, in some quarters, whereat we were grieved ; but we hoped, if our canq) had Ih'cu a little settled, to have got- ten some w.iy for these misorders ; for all of any fashion diil regret, and all promised to do their best endeavours for liclping all abuses. For my .self, I never found my mind in better temper than it was all that time since 1 came from home, till my licad was again homeward ; for I was as a man who had taken my leave from the world, aiul was resolved to die in that service without return." [Ibid. p. 211.] The treaty of Berwick, negotiated «ith Charles in person, produced a temporary cessation of hostilities. In lC-10, when the Covenanters again appeared in arms, ]\Ir. Baillie joined tliem, and towards the end of that year, he was sent to London, with other commissioners, to prefer charges against Laud, for the innovations which tliat prelate had obtruded on the Church of Scotland, lie had previously published ' The Canterburian"s Self- Conviction ;' and he also wrote various other con- troversial pamphlets. In 1642 he was, along with I\Ir. David Dickson, appointed joint professor ol divinity at Glasgow, wliere he took the degree of D.D., and was employed cliiefi}' in teaching the oriental languages, in which he was much skilled. In January 1651, on the removal of liis colleague to the university of Edinburgh, he obtained the sole professorship. So great was the estimation in which he was held, that he had at one time the choice of the divinity chair in the four Scottish universities. In 1643 he was elected a member of the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, an in- teresting account of the proceedings at which he has given in his Correspondence. He was a lead ing member of all the General Assemblies from 1638 to 1653, excepting only those held while he was with the divines at Westminster. In 1649 he was sent to Holland as a commissioner from the Church, for the pui^posc of inviting over Chwles the Second, under the linutations of the Cove- nant. After the Restoration, on the 23d January 1661, he was adinitted principal of the university of Glasgow He was afterwards oflercd a bisb- BAII.LTE, 176 ROBERT opric, which he refused. AVhen the aew arch- bishop of Glasgow, Andrew Fairfoiil, arrived at his metropolitan seat, he did not fail to pay his re- spects to the learned principal. Baillie admits I hat "he preached on the Sunday, soberly and well." " Tlie chancellor, my noble Wnd scholar," ne afterwards states, " brought all in to see me In my chamber, where I gave them sack and ale, the oest of the town. The bishop was very courteous to me. I excused my not using of his styles, and professed my utter difference from his way, yet behoved to intreat his fiivour for our affairs of the college, wherein he promised liberally. What he will perform time will try." [Letters, vol. ii. p. 4G1.] According to another account, the arch- bishop visited him during his illness, and was ac- costed in the following terras: "Mr. Andrew, I will not call you my lord. King Charles would have made me one of these lords ; but I do not find in the New Testament that Christ has any lords in his house." In other respects he is said to have treated the prelate very courteously. Mr. B.iiliie died in July 1662, at the age of sixty-three. He was the author of several publications, in Latin and English, one of which, entitled ' Opus Histo- ricum et Chronologicum,' published at Amsterdam in 160.3, and reprinted in 1668, is mentioned in terms of praise by Spottiswood. Excei-pts from nis ' Letters and Journals,' in 2 volumes octavo, were published at Edinburgh in 1755. These con- tain some valuable and curious detaUs of the his- tory of those times. The Letters and Journals themselves are preserved entire iu the archives of the Church of Scotland, and iu the university of Glasgow. Many of tliese letters are addressed to the author's cousin-german, William Spang, min- ister of the Scottish staple at Campvere, and af- terwards of the English congregation at Middel- burg in Zeeland. Mi-. Baillie understood no fewer tlian thirteen languages, among which were He- brew, Chaldee, Syriac, Samaritan, Arabic, and (thiopic. Mr. Baillie was twice married. His first wife was Liiias Fleming, of the family of Cardarroch, in the parish of Cadder, near Glasgow. Of this marriage there were several children, but only five survived him. His eldest son, Henry, studied for the church, but never got a living. His posterity inherited the estate of Carnbroe, which some years ago was sold by General Baillie. The first wife died in June 1653, and in October 1656, he married Mrs. Wilkie, a widow, the daughter of Dr. Strang, the former principal of Glasgow nniversity. By this lady he had a daughter, Margaret, who became the wife of Walkinshaw of Barrowfield, and grandmother of the cele- brated Henry Home, Lord Kames. Miss Cle- mentina WalMnshaw, the mistress of Prince Charles Stuart, was also a descendant of Mr. Baillie's daughter. Mr. Wodrow extols Baillie as a prodigy of eru- dition, and commends his Latin style as suitable to the Augustan age. In foreign countries, says Irving, he appears to have enjoyed some degree ol celebrity, and is mentioned by Saldenus as a chronologer of established reputation. Although amiable and modest in private life, in his contro- versial writings he displayed much of the charac- teristic violence of the times. The following is a list of Mr. Baillie's works : Operis Historici et Clironologici libri duo, cum Tribus Dia- tribus Theologicis. 1. De Hcereticoi-um Autocatacrisi. 2. An Quicquid in Deo est, Deus sit. 3. De Proidestinatione. Arast. 166.3, fol. These tliree Dissertations printed separately. Amst. 1664, 8vo. A Defence of the Reformation of the Church of Scotland against Mr. M.ixwell, Bishop of Ross. An Antidote against Arminianism. Lond. 1641, 8vo 1652. 8to. The Unlawfuhiess and Danger of a Limited Prelacie ano Episcopacie. Lond. 1011, 4to. A Parallel or briefe comparison of the Liturgie with the Masse-Book, the Bre\narie, the Ceremoniall, and other Ro- ish Ritualls. Lond. 1641, 1642, 1646, 1661, 4to. Queries anent the Senlce Booke. A Treatise on Scotch Episcopacy. Ladensium AvroKxrctx^itrtt, the Canterburian's Self-Con- viction ; or an evident Demonstration of the avowed Ar- minianisme, Poperie, and Tyrannic of that Faction, by their o^vne confessions : with a Postscript to the Personal Jesuit* Lysimachus Nicanor. Lond. 1641. 4to. .Satan the Leader in chief to all who resist the Reparation of Sion ; as it was cleared in a Sermon to the Honourable House of Commons at theh late Solemn Fast, Febr. 28, 1643, 4to. Errours and Induration are the great sins and the gre,it Judgments of the time; preached in a Sermon before the Right Honourable the House of Peers in the Abbey Church at Westminster, July 30, 1645, the day of the monthely Fast Lond. 1645, 4to. An Historicall Vindication of the Government of the Chnrch of Scotland, from the manifold base Calumnies which the most mahgnant of the Prelats did mvent of old, and now lately have been published with great industn.' in two pam- phlets at London ; the one intitided hsachars Harden, &c BATLLIE. 177 ROBERT. written and published at Oxfnrd by John Maxwell, a Scottish Prelate, &c. Lend. IG-IG, 4to. A Dissuasive from the EiTours of the Time ; wherein the Tenets of the PrincipiUl Sects, especially of the Independents, are drawn toj^cthcr in one Map, &c. Lond. 16-lo, 4to. IG-lG, 4to. IGoo, 4to. Anabaptisni, the tme Fountaine of Independency. Brown- isme. Antinomy, Faniilisme, &c. in a Second Part of the Dis- 8u.'\sive from the Errours of the Time. Lond. 1647, 4to. A Review of Dr. Bramble, late Bishop of Londondeiry, his F.aire Wai'niiig against the Scotes Diseiplin. Delf 1G40, 4to. Baillie^s Rcxiew was reprinted at Edinburgh ; and having been translated into Dutch, it was published at Utrecht, A S'Otch Antidote ag.ainst the English Infection of Arniin- lanism. Lond. 1S52, 12mo. Appendix practica ad Jo.annis Bitxtoi"fii Epitomcn Grani- maticae Hebraeae. Edin. 1G53, 8vo. A Reply to the Modest Inquirer. Perhaps relating to the dispute between the Resolutioners and Protesters. Catechesis Elenctica Errorum qui hodie vex.ant Ecclesiam. Lond. 1G54, 12mo. The Dissuasive from the EiTours of the Time, Vindicated from the Exceptions of Mr. Cotton and Mr. Tombcs. Loud. JG55, 4to. Lettere and JoiuTials, containing an Impartial Account of Public Transactions, Civil, Ecclesiastical, and Military, in England and Scotl.ind, from the beginning of the Civil Wars, in 1G37, to the year 1G62. With an Account of the Author's Life prefixed, and a Glossaiy annexed, by Robert Aitken. Edin. 1775, 2 vols. 8vo. The same edited from the author's MS. by David L.aing, Esq. Edin. 1841-2. 3 vols. 8vo. BAILLIE, Robert, of Jerviswood, a distiu- guished patriot of the reigu of Charles tlie Second, sometimes called the Scottish Sydney, was the son of George Baillie of St. John's Kirk, Lanarl^shire, a cadet of the Lamington family, who had become proprietor of the estate of Jerviswood in the same county. From his known attachnunit to tlie sause of civil and religious liberty, he had long been an object of suspicion and dislike to the tyrannical government which then ruled in Scotland. The following cu'cunislauces first brought upon him the persecution of the council. In June 1676, the Reverend Mr. Kirkton, a non-conformist minister, who had married the sister of Mr. Baillie, was illegally ai-rested on the High Street of Edinburgh by one Carstairs, an infoi-mer employed by Arch- bishop Sharp ; and, not having a warrant, he en- deavoured to extort money from his prisoner be- fore he would let him go. Baillie being sent for by his brother-in-law, hastened to his relief, and succeeded in rescuing him. Kirkton had been inveigled by Carstairs into a mean-looking hnu.se near tlie common prison, and on Mr. Baillie with several other persons coming to the liouse, they found the door locked in the inside. Baillie called to Carstairs to open, wlien Kirkton, cncouragea oy the voices of friends, desired Carstairs, who after his capture had in vain attempted to procure a warrant, cither to set him free, or to produce a warrant for his detention. Instead of complying with either request, Carstairs drew a pocket pis- tol and a struggle ensued between Kirkton and him for its possession. Those without hearing the noise and cries of murder, burst open the door, and fonnd Kirkton on the floor and Carstairs sit- ting on him. Mr. Baillie drew his sword, and commanded him to vise, asking at the same time if he had any warrant to apprehend Mr. Ku-kton. Carstau's said he had a warrant for conducting him to prison, but he refused to produce it, saying he was not bonnd to show it. Mr. Baillie de- clared that if he saw any warrant against his friend, he would ass'ist in carrj'ing it into execu- tion. He offered no violence whatever to Car- stairs, but only threatened to sue him for the ille- gal arrest of hi'i brother-in-law. He then, with Mr. Kirkton and his friends, left the house. Upon the complaint of Carstairs, who had procured an antedated warr.ant, signed by nine of the privy council, Mr. Baillie was called before the council, and by the influence of Shai-p fined in six thou- sand merks, (£318; Wodrow says the fine was £500 sterling;) to be imprisoned till paid. After being four months in prison he was liberated, on payment of half the fine to Carstairs. The abovf mentioned Mi'. Kirkton wrote a memoir of tin church during his own times, from wliich Wod- row the historian derived much valuable assist- ance. In the year 1683, seeing no prospect of relief from the tyranny of the government at home, Mr B.aillie and some other gentlemen commenced a negotiation with tlie patentees of South Carolina, with the view of eniigratiug with their families to that colony ; in this following the example of Cromwell, Hampden, .and others jirevious to the commencement of the Civil wars ; but in botli in- stances the attempt was frustrated, .and in Mr. Baillie's case fatally fur liimself. About the same time that this negotiation was begun, he and sev- eral of his co-patriots had entered into a coitp spondence with tlie heads of tlie Protestant party in England; and, on the invitation of the latter. M BAILLIE, 178 ROBERT. lie and five others repaired to London, to consult with the duke of Monmouth, Sydney, Russell, and their friends, as to the plans to be adopted to ob- tain a cliango of measures in the goveniment. Ou the discovery of the Rye- House Plot, with which he had no connection, Mr. Baillic and several of his friends were Arrested, and sent down to be tried in Scotland. The hope of a pardon being held out to him, on condition of his giv- ing the government some information, he replied, " They who can make such a proposal to me, neither know me nor my ' country." Lord John Russell observes, " It is to the honour of Scotland, that no \->^$ witnesses came forward voluntarily to accuse their associates, as had been done in England." He had married, early in life, a sister of Sir Archibald Johnston of Warriston, who was executed in Juno 1633, and during his confinement pre- vious to trial, Ml-. Baillie was not per- mitted to have the society of his lady, although she offered to go into irons, as an assurance against any attempt of facilitating his escape. He was ac- cused of having entered into a conspiracy to raise rebellion, and of being concerned in the Rye-House Plot. As his prosecutors could find no evidence against him, he was ordered to fi"ee himself by oath, which he refused, and was in consequence fined six thousand pounds sterling. His persecutors were not satisfied even with this, for he was still kept shut up in prison, and denied all attendance and assistance, which had such an eff'ect upon his health, as to reduce him almost to the last extremity. Bishop Burnet, in his ' His- tory of his own Times,' tells us that the ministers of state were most earnestly set ou Baillie's de- struction, though he was now in so languishing a ;ondition, that if his death would have satisfied the malice of the court, it seemed to be very near. He adds, that " all the while he was in prison, he seemed so composed and cheerful, that his beha- viour looked like the reviving of the spirit of the noblest of tne old Greeks or Romans, or rather of (he primitive Christians, and first martyrs in those best days of the church." The following woodcut is taken from an earl) portrait of Mr. Baillie, painted in 1660. The ori- ginal miniature is in possession of George Baillie, Esq., of Jerviswood and MeUerstain. S^fX On the 23d December 1684 ]Mr. Baillie was aiTaigned before the high court of justiciary on the capital charge, when he appeared in a dying condition. He was carried to the bar in his night- gown, attended by his sister, the wife of Blr. Ker of Graden, who sustained him with cordials ; and not being able to stand he was obliged to sit. He solemnly denied having been accessary to any conspiracy against the king's or his brother's life, or of being an enemy to the monarchy. Evei-j expedient being resorted to, to insure his convic- tion, he was found guilty on the morning of De- cember 24th, and condemned to be hanged thai afternoon at the marfeet-cross of Edinburgh, his head to be fixed on the Netherbow Port, and his body to be quartered, the quarters to be ex- hibited on the gaols of Jedburgh, Lanark, Ayr, and Glasgow. On hearing his sentence he said, " My lords, the time is short, the sentence is shai-p, but I thank my God who hath made me a& fit to die as you are to live." He was attended to the scaffold by his faithful and affectionate sis BAILLIE, 179 JOHN. ter. He was so weak tliat he required to be assisted in mounting tlie ladder. As soon as he was np he said, " My faint zeal for the Protestant religion liatli brought me to this ;" but the drums interrupted him. He had prepared a speech to be delivered on the scaffold, but was prevented. " Thus," says Bishop Burnet, " a learned and worthy gentleman, after twenty mouths' hard usage, was brought to such a death, in a way so full, in all the steps of it, of the spii'it and practice of the courts of the Inquisition, that one is tempted to think that the methods taken in it \\-cre suggest- ed by one well studied, if not practised in them." Dr. Owen, who was acquainted with Baillie, wiit- ing to a friend in Scotland before his death, said of him, " You have truly men of great spirit among you ; there is, for a gentleman, Mr. Baillie of Jer- viswood, a person of the greatest abilities I ever almost met with." Mr. Baillie's family was for the time completely ruined by his forfeiture. His son George, after his execution, was obliged to take reftige in Holland. He afterwards returned with the prince of Orange, in 1688, when he was restored to his estates. He man-ied Grizel, the daughter of Sir Patrick Hume of Polwarth. George B»illie, Esq. of Jerviswoode and Mellerstain, (born in 1763, died in 1841,) nephew of the seventli earl of Had- dington, had issue, 1. George Baillie Hamilton, who suc- ceeded liis cousin as tenth earl of Haddington, (see page 174 of this volume ;) 2. Eliza, born in 1803, married the second marquis of Breadalb.ane ; 3. Charles Baillie, bom in 1804, lord-advocate 1858, a lord of session 18o9, under the title of Lord Jerviswoode, married, with issue ; 4. Rubert, major in the army; 5. Rev. John, a canon of York; 6. Captain Ihomas, R.N. ; 7. Mary, married George John James, Lord Haddo, eldest son of George, fourth earl of Aberdeen, with issue; 8. Georgina, married in 1835, Lord Polw.arth, with issue, died in 1859; 9. Catherine Charlotte, married in 1840, fourth earl of Ashburnham, with issue ; 10. Grisel, born in 1822. Evan Baillie, an eminent merchant of BHstol, born in In- verness-shire m 1742, died at Dochfour in that county, in June 1835, left two sons. Colonel Hugh Baillie of Redcastle and Tarradale, Ross-shire, and James Evan Baillie, Esq. of Culduthel and Glenelg. BAILLIE, John, of Leys, a distinguished East Indian officer, born in Inverness-shire in 1773, ap- pointed a cadet on the Bengal establishment in 1790. He received the commission of ensign in March 1793, and of lieutenant in November 1794. In 1797 he was employed by Lord Teignmouth to translate from the Arabic language an important work on the Mohammedan law, compiled by Sir William Jones. On the first formation of the col- lege of Fort-Willi;im, about 1800, he wa.s aiipoint- ed professor of the Arabic and Persian languages, and of the Mohammedan law in that institution. Soon after the commencement of the war with the confederated Mahratta chieftains in 1803, he of- fered his services as a volunteer in the field, and proceeded to join the army then employed in the siege of Agra. His captain's commission is dated 30th September 1803. The precarious situation of affairs in the province of Bundlccund requiring the superintendence of an officer, qualified to conduct various important .and difficult negotiations, on which depended the establishment of the British authority in tliat province, he was appointed by the commander-in-chief to the arduous and re- sponsible office of political agent. It was neces- sary to occupy a considerable tract of hostile coun try, in the name of the Peishwa; to suppress a combination of refractory chiefs, and to conciliate others; to superintend the operations, both of the British troops and of their native auxiliaries ; and to establish the British civil power and the collec- tion of revenue, in this province, which was not only menaced with foreign invasion, but disturbed with internal commotion. All these objects were, by the zeal and activity of Captain Baillie, accom- plished within three months. In a letter to the court of directors, it was stated as the opinion of the governor-general in council, that on occasion of the invasion of the province bj' the troops of Ameer Khan, in May and June 1804, " the British authority in Bundlccund was alone preserved by his fortitude, ability, and influence." His services were continued in the capacity of a member of the commission appointed in July 1804, for the ad- ministration of the affairs of Bundlccund: and ex- cepting the short inteiTal of the last five months of 1805, which he spent at the presidency, he continued engaged in this important service until the summer of 1807. He thus effected the peace- able transfer to the British dominions of a terri- tory yielding an annual revenue of eighteen lacs of rapees, (£22.5,000 sterling,) with the sacrifice only of a jaghire, of little more than one lac of rupees per annum. In July 1807, on the death of Colonel Collins, he was appointed resident at Lucknow, where he remained till the end of 1816. BAILLIF., 180 MATTHEW. Rod in June 1818, he was placed on the retired liAt. He was promoted to the rank of major in the Bengal army in January ISll, and to that of lieutenant-colonel in July 1815. After his return to England, he was, in 1820, elected M.P. for Hedon, for which he sat during two parliaments, until the dissolution of 1830. In that year he was returned for the Inverness burghs, and re-elected in 1831 and 1832. He had been chosen a direc- tor of the East India Company on the 28th of May 1823. He died in London, on the 20th April 1833, aged sixty. — Annual Obituary. BAILLIE, Matthew, M.D., a distinguished anatomist and the first physician of his time, was born October 27, 1761, in the manse of Shotts, Lanarkshire. He was the son of the Rev. James Baillie, D.D., then minister of that parish, subse- quently of Bothwell, on the Clyde, in the same county, and afterwards professor of divinity in the university of Glasgow, a descendant, it is sup- posed, of the family of Baillie of Jerviswood. On his mother's side he was also related to eminent individuals. Dr. AVilliam Hunter and Mr. John Hunter, the anatomists, being her brothers ; while nis own sister was the highly gifted and celebrated Joanna Baillie. In 1773 he was sent to Glasgow college, where he studied for five years, and so greatly distinguished himself, that in 1778 he was removed, on Snell's foundation, to Baliol college, Oxford. In 1688, Mr. John Suell, with a view to support episcopacy in Scotland, devised to trus- tees the estate of Uffton, near Leamington, in Warwickshire, for educating in that college, Scots students from the university of Glasgow. This fund now affords one hundred and thirty -two pounds per annum to each of ten exhibitions, and one of these it was young Baillie's good for- tune, in consequence of his great attainments, to secure. At the university of Oxford he took his degrees in arts and medicine. In 1780, while still keeping his tei-ms at Oxford, he became the pupil of his nncles, and when in London he re- sided with Dr. William Hunter, who, childless himself, seems to have adopted him as a son, and to have fixed upon him as his successor in the lec- ture-room, in which, at this period, he sometimes assisted. Easy in his manners, and open in his comnninications, he soon became a favourr*° with the students, and greatly relieved Dr. Hunter of the arduous task of teaching in his latter years. The sudden death of the latter, in March 1783, soon left him, in conjunction with ^Ir. Cruickshank, his late uncle's assistant, to support the reputation of the anatomical theatre, in Great Windmill Street, which had been founded by his uncle. \_Memoirs of Eminent Ptiysicians and Surgeons. London, 1818, p. 37.] Dr. Baillie began his duties as an anatomical teacher in 1784, and he continued to lecture, with the highest reputation, till 1799. In 1787 he was elected physician to St. George's Hospital. In 1790, having previously taken his degree of M.D. at Oxford, he was admitted a fellow of the Royal college of Physicians. He was also elected a fel- low of the Royal Society, to whose Transactions he had contributed two anatomical papers. He was also chosen president of the new medical so- ciety. The subject of morbid anatomy seems to have early attracted his attention, and the valua- ble museum of his uncle, to which he had so full access, opened to him an ample field for its inves- tigation. Before his time, no regular system or method of ai-rangement had been pursued by ana- tomical writers, which could render this study use- fid. By a nice and accurate observation of the morbid appearances of every part of the body, and the peculiar circumstances which in life distinguish them, he was enabled to place in a comprehensive and clear compass, an extensive and valuable mass of infonnation, before his time in a confused and nndigested state. In 1795 he published his valuable work, which acquired for him a Euro- pean fame, entitled 'The Morbid Anatomy of some of the most important parts of the Human Body.' which he subsequently enlarged, and which was translated into French and German, and has gone through innumerable editions. In 1799 he com- menced the publication of ' A Series of Engrav- ings to illustrate some pai'ts of Morbid Anatomy,' from drawings by Mr. Clift, the conseiwator of the Hunterian IMuseum in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields; which splendid and useful work was completed in 1802. In 1800 Dr. Baillie resigiied his office in St. George's Hospital, and thenceforward devoted him- self to general practice as a physician, in which BAILLIE, 181 MAITIIKW. ne was so successful that he was known in one year to have received ten thousand pounds in fees. His work on tlic ^Morbid Anatomy of the Human Body had placed his character higli as a jiatho^'- noniic physician, and evciy difficult case in liifjii life came undor his review. So fixed was his rep- utation in public opinion, that even his leaving London for a period of some months at a time made no alteration in tlie request for him at his return — not usually the case with the general run of his professional brethren. Besides publishing ' An Anatomical Descrijition of the Gravid Ute- rus,' he contributed many impoi-tant papers to the Philosophical Transactions and medical col- lections of the day. Having been called in to attend the duke of Gloucester, whose malady however proved past cure, his mode of treatment gave so much satisfaction to the family of his royal highness, that it is thought to have paved the way for his being commanded to join in consultation the court physicians, in the case of George the Third, during his mental aberration, and he con- tinued a principal du-ector of the royal treatment during the protracted illness of the king. Amid the mingled hopes and fears which agitated the nation for so long a time. Dr. Baillie, from the known candour of his nature, was looked up to with confidence as one whose opinion could be re- lied upon. The air of a court, so apt to change the sentiments, and cause the individual to turn with every political gale, was considered inca- pable of bending the stubbornness of his tried in- tegrity ; and it is even said that his opinion dif- fered often from that of his more politic colleagues. l}femoirs of Eminent Physiciatis and Surgeons, p. 40.] His conduct seems to have given such high satisfaction that on the first vacancy in 1810, he was appointed one of the physicians to the king, ^\ith the oft'er of a baronetcy, which he declined. Dr. Baillie died on 23d September 1823, leav- ing to the London College of Physicians the whole of his extensive and valuable collection of prejiar- ations, with six hundred pounds to keep it in order. He had married early in Ufe Sophia, sister of Lord Denman, late lord chief justice of the court of Queen's Bench, by whom he had one son and one d.aughter. His estate of Duntisbourne in nioucestershii-e went to his son. lie left large sums to medical institutions and public charities. While yet a young man, his nnclo Willi.im having had an unfortunate misunderstanding with hi.H brother John Hunter, h'ft at his death Ihe small family estate of Longcahlerwnud in Lanarkshire, to his nephew, in prejudice of his own brotlier, to whom Dr. Baillie restored it, as being of right his surviving uncle's. The following portrait of Dr. Baillie is from a rare print. The leadmg features of Dr. Baillie's charactci were openness and candour. He never flattered the prejudices of his patients, oi jiretended to a knowledge which he did not possess. He knew well the ravages and consequences of disease, and how difficult it is to rectify derangements of structure when once permanently formed. Tn monej' mat- ters his liberality was remarkable. He has often been known to return fees wliere he conceived the ])atient could not afford them, and also to refuse a larger .sum than what he considered was his due. Shortly after his death an elegant tribute to his memory was delivered to the students of amitomy and surgery in Great Windmill Street, London, by his eminent successor in that lecture-school. Sir Charles Bell: "You, who are just entering on BAILLIE, 182 MATTHEW. your studies," he said, " cannot be aware of the importance of one man to the character of a pro- fession, the members of wlilcli extend over tlie civilized world. You cannot yet estimate the thousand chances there are against a man rising to tlie degree of eminence which Dr. Baillie at- tained; nor know how slender the hope of seeing his place supplied in our day. It was under this roof that Dr. Baillie formed himself, and here the profession learned to appreciate him. He had no desire to get rid of the national peculiarities of language; or, if he had, he did not perfectly suc- ceed. iSTot only did the language of his native land linger on his tongue, but its recollections clung to his heart; and to the last, amidst the splendour of his professional life, and the seduc- tions of a court, he took a hearty interest in the happiness and the eminence of his original country. But there was a native sense and strength of mind which more than compensated for the want of the polish and purity of English pronunciation. He possessed the valuable talent of making an ab- struse and difficult subject plain; his prelections were remarkable for that lucid order and clearness of expression which proceed from a perfect con- ception of the subject; and he never pennltted any vanity of display to turn him from his great object of conveying information in the simplest and most intelligible way, and so as to be most nsefol to his pnpils. It is to be regretted that his associate in the lectureship made his duties here unpleasant to him, and I have his own authority for saying that, but for this, he would have conti- nued to lecture for some years longer. Dr. Baillie presented his collection of morbid specimens to the College of Physicians, with a sum of money to be expended in keeping them in order, and it is rather remarkable that Dr. Hunter, his brother, and his nephew, should have left to their country such noble memorials as these. In the college of Glas- gow may be seen the princely collection of Dr. Hunter; the college of surgeons have assumed new dignity, sun-ounded by the collection of Mr. Hun- ter — more like the successive works of many men enjoying royal patronage or national support, than the work of a private surgeon ; and lastly, Dr. Baillie has given to the College of Physicians, at least, that foundation for a museum of morbid anatomy, which we hope to see completed by the activity of the members of that body. Dr. Bail- lie's success was creditable to the time. It may be said of him, as it was said of his uncle John, ' every time I hear of his increasing eminence it appears to me like the fulfilling of poetical justice, so well has he deserved success by his labours for the advantage of humanity.' Yet I cannot say that there was not in his manner sufficient reason foi his popularity. Those who have introduced him to families from the country must have observed in them a degree of sui-prise on first meeting the physician of the court. There was no assumption of character or warmth of interest exhibited. He appeared what he really was — one come to be a dispassionate observer, and to do that duty for which. he was called. But then, when he had to deliver his opinion, and more especially when he had to communicate with the family, there was a cleaniess in his statement, a reasonableness in all he said, and a convincing simplicity in his manner that had the most soothing and happy influence on minds, excited and almost irritated by suffer- ing and the apprehension of impending misfortune. After so many years spent in the cultivation of the most severe science — for siu-ely anatomy and pa- thology may be so considered — and in the perfor- mance of professional duties on the largest scale, — for he was consulted not only by those who personally knew him, but by individuals of all nations, — he had, of late years, betaken himself to other studies, as a pastime and recreation. He attended more to the general progi'ess of science. He took particular pleasure in mineralogy; and even from the natm'al history of the articles 01 the Phai-macopoeia he appears to have derived a new source of gratification. By a certain difficulty which he put in the way of those who wished to consult him, and by seeing them only in company with other medical attendants, he procured for himself, in the latter part of his life, that leisure which his health required, and which suited the maturity of his reputation ; while he intentionally left the field of practice open to new aspirants. When you add to what I have said of the celebrity of the uncles WillLam and John Hunter, the ex- ample of Dr. Baillie, and farthei consider the eminence of his sister Joanna Baillie, excelled by BAILLIE, 183 JOANNA. 30110 of her sex in any age, you must conclude witli me tluit tlie family lias exhibited a singular extent ami variety of talent. Dr. Baillie's age was not great, if measured by length of years; ho had not completed his sixty-third year, bnt his life was long in usefulness. He lived long enougli to complete the model of a professional life. In the studies of youth ; in the serious and manly occupations of the middle period of life; in the upright, humane, and honourable character of a physician ; and above all iu that dignified conduct which became a man mature in years and honours, he has left a finished example to his profession." [^Annual Register for 1823.] Dr. Baillie would never allow any likeness of himself to be published. He sat to Hoppuer for his portrait, in order to make a present of it to his sisters, but finding that this picture had been put into the hands of an engraver, he interfered to prevent its being used by him, as he exceedingly disliked the idea of seeing his face in the print- shop windows. The engraving, however, was al- ready completed, and his sense of justice would not allow him to deprive the engraver of the fruits of his labour. He therefore purchased the cop- perplate, and permitted only a few copies to be taken from it, which were presented to friends. His collected medical works were published in 1825, with a memoir of his life by James '\\'ard- rop, surgeon. The following is a list of Dr. Baillie's works : The Morbid Anatomy of some of the most Important Parts of the Human Body. Lond. 1793, 8vo. Appendix to the first edition of the Morbid Anatomy. Lond. 1798, Svo. 2d edit, corrected and p'eutly enlarged. 1797, Svo. 7th edit. 1807. A Series of Engravings, tending to illustrate the Morbid Ana- tomy of some of the most Important Parts of the Human Body. Fascic. k. Lond. 1799, 1802, royjil 4to. 2d edit. 1812. Anatomical Description of the Gravid Uteras Case of a Boy, seven years of age, who had Hydrocephalus, in whom some of the Bones of the Skull, once tirmly united, were, iu the progress of the disease, separated to a consider- able distance from each other. Med. Tr.ans. iv. p. 1813. Of some Uncommon Symptoms which occurred in a Case of Hydrocephalus Intemus. lb. p. 9. Upon a Strong Pulsation of the Aort.a, in the Epigastric Region, lb. p. 271. Upon a Case of Stricture of tlie Rectum, produced by a Spasmodic Contraction of the Internal and External Spineta of the Anus. Med. Trans, v. p. 136. 1815. Some Obser\'ations respecting the Green Jaundice. lb, p. 143. Some Observations on a Particular Species of Purging. Id. p. KG. The Want of a PericorJium in the Uumiui Body. Tr«n» Med. et Chir. i. p. 91. 179.'). Of Uncommon Appearances of Disease in the Blood Ves- sels, lb. p. 119. Of a Remarkable Deviation from the Natural Stniclnro, is the Urinary Bladder and Organs of Generation of a Mido Trans. Mt-d. et Chir. i. p. 189. 1793. A Case of Emphysema not proceeding from Local Injur}*, lb. p. 29 An Accoimt of a Case of Diabetes, with an Examination o( the Appearances after Death, lb. ii p. 170. 1800. An Account of a Singular Disease in the Great Intestines, lb. p. 141. An Account of the Case of a Man who had no Evacuation in his Bowels for nearly fifteen weeks before his death. lb. p. 179. Of a Remarkable Transposition of the Viscera. Phil. Trans. Abr. xii. 483. 1788. Of a Particular Structure in tlie Human Ovarium. Ill 535. 1789. BAILLIE, JOiVNNA, an eminent poetess and acknowledged improver of English poetic diction, sister of Dr. Matthew Baillie, the subject of the preceding memoir, was born in 1762. Her birth- place was the manse of Bothwell, a parish on the banks of the Clyde, in the Lower ward of Lan- arkshire, of which her father, the Rev. Jamea Baillie, D.D., afterwards professor of divinity in the university of Glasgow, was at that time min- ister. She was the younger of his two daughters. Within earshot of the rippling of the broad waters of the Clyde, she spent her early days. That river, confined within lofty banks, makes a fine sweep round the magnificent ruins of Bothwell Castle, and forms the semicircular declivity called Bothwell Bank, that " blooms so fair," celebrated in ancient song ; " meet nurse for a poetic child." In the immediate vicinity is " Botliwell Brig," where the Covenanters were defeated in Juno 1679. *' Where Bothwell Bridge connects the margin steep, And Clyde below runs silent, strong, and deep, The hardy peasant, by oppression driven To battle, deem'd his cause the cause of Heavvu ; Unskiird in arms, with useless courage stood, While gentle Jlonmouth grieved to shed his blood." After her father's deatli, her niotlier, who was a daughter of Mr. Iliiiiter of Lougcaldenvood, a small estate in the parish of East Kilbride, in the s.ame county, went there to reside, with her two daughters, Agnes and Joanna, but wlieii the latter was about twenty j'cars of age, Mrs BAILLIE, 184 JOANNA B,iillio removed with them to London, to bo nenr lier son, Dr. Matliew Baillie, and her two brothers, Dr. 'William Hunter and Mi-. John Hunter, the eminent anatomists. In London or the neighbourhood Miss Baillie resided for the re- nuiindcr of her life, she and her sister having for many years Itept house together at Hampstead. The incidents of her life are few, being confined almost exclusively to the publication of her works. Her earliest pieces appeared anonymous- ly. Her name first became known by her di-amas on the Passions. The first volume was published in 1798, under the title of 'A Series of Plays, in whidi it is attempted to delineate the stronger passions of the mind, each passion being the sub- ject of a tragedy and a comedy.' In a long intro- ductory discourse on the subject of the (b-aina, she explains her principal purpose to be to make each play subservient to the development of some one particular passion. " Let," slie says, " one simple trait of the human heart, one expression of pas- sion, genuine and true to nature, be introduced, and it will stand forth alone in the boldness of reiility, whilst the false and unnatural around it fades away upon every side, like the rising exha- lations of the morning." In thus, however, re- stricting her dramas to the illustration of only one passion in each, she excluded herself fi-om the va- ried range of character which is necessaiy to the acting drama, and circumscribed the proper busi- ness of the piece ; hence, her dramas are more adapted for perusal than for representation. Nev- ertheless, their merits were instantly acknow- ledged, and a second edition of this her first vol- ume was called for in a few months. In 1802, she published a second volume of her plays. In 1804 she produced a volume of miscellaneous dra- mas, and the third volume of her plays on the Passions appeared in 1812. AH these raised her name to a proud pre-eminence in the world of literature, and she was considered one of the most highly gifted of British poetesses. Like Byron, however, Miss Baillie early came under the censure of the Edinburgh Review, but she turned a deaf ear to its upbraidings, and halted not in the path which she had traced out for herself, at its bidding. Byron's spirit was ai-oused, and he retaliated in the most bitter satire in the English language ; Miss Baillie placed the unjust judgment quietly aside, and silently went on her way rejoic- ing. On the appearance of her second volume of Plays, a veiy unfavourable opinion was expressed of them in the fourth number of the Edinburgh Review, namely that for July 1803, and her theory of the unity of passion unequivocally condemned In the thirty-eighth number, that for February 1812, when the third volume had appeared, the reviewer was still more severe. Her views were styled " narrow and peculiar," and her scheme " singularly perverse and fantastic." Miss Bail- lie's plan of producing twin di-amas, a tragedy and a comedy, on each of the passions, was thoroughly disapproved of by Mr. Jeffrey, who appeared to think that her genius was rather lyrical than dra- matic. In his estimation her dramas combined the faults of the French and English schools, the poverty of incident and uniformity of the one with the in-egularity and homeliness of the other, her plots were improbable, and her language a bad imitation of that of the elder dramatists. In this verdict the literaiy public have not agi-eed, and the bitter feeling in wliich the review was written, as in the still more memorable case of Byron. tended to defeat its own purpose. It was well re- marked by one of the impartial critics of Miss Baillie's writings, that in her honourable pureiut ol fame, she did not " bow the knee to the idolatries of the day ;" but strong in the confidence of native genius, she held her undeviatiiig course, with na- ture for her instnictress and vutue for her guide. Amongst those who, fi"oni then- first appearance, had expressed an enthusiastic admiration of her plays on the Passions, was ^Ir. (afterwards Sj) Walter Scott, who, when in London in 1806, was introduced to Miss Baillie by Mi-. Sotheby, the translator of Oberon. Tlie acquaintance thus be- gun soon ripened into affectionate intimacy, and for many years they maintained a close epistolary coiTCspondence with each other. Between these two eminent individuals, there were in fact many striking points of resemblance. They had the same lyrical fire and enthusiasm, the same love of legen- dary lore, and the same attachment to the man- ners and customs, to the hills and woods of their native Scotland. Many of Scott's letters to her ai-a inserted in Lockhart's Life of the great noveliit. BAILLIE, 185 JOANNA. Diiiiiig a visit which Miss Baillie paid to Scot- land in the year 1808, she resided for a week or two with l\[r. Scott at Edinburgh. Wliile in Glasgow, previous to lier proceeding to that city, she liad sought out Mr. Jolin Strutliers, the author of the Poor Man's Sabbatli, then a working shoemaker, a native of the parish of East Kilbride, whom she had known in his early years. Mr. Struthcrs, in the memoirs of his own life (published with liis poems in 2 vols, in 1850), thus commemorates this event. "In the year 1808 the author had tlie high honour and the singular pleasure of being visited at his own house in the Gorbals of Glas- gow by Joanna Baillie, then on a visit to her na- tive Scotland, who had known !dm so intimately in his childhood. He has not forgotten, and never can forget, how tlie sharp and clear tones of her sweet voice thrilled through his heart, when at the outer door she, inquiring for him, pronounced his name — far less could he forget the divine glow of benevolent pleasure that lighted up her thin and pale, but fine!}' expressive face, when, still hold- ing him by the hand she had been cordially shak- ing, she looked around his small, but clean apart- ment, gazed upon his fair wife and his then lovely children, and exclaimed that he was surely the most happy of poets." Through ]\Iiss Baillie's recommendation, Mr. Scott brought Mr. Strutli- ers' ' Poor Man's Sabbath ' under the notice of Mr. Constable, the eminent publisher, who was induced to bring out a third edition of that excel- lent poem, consisting of a thousand copies, for which he paid the worthy author thirty pounds, with two dozen copies of the work for himself. In 1810, 'The Family Legend,' a tragedy by Miss Baillie, founded ou a Highland tradition, was brought out at the Theatre Royal, Edinburgh. That theatre was then under the management of Mr. Henry Siddons, the son of the great :Mrs. Siddons, who had married Miss jNIurray, the sister of Mr. William Henry Murray, his successor as manager and lessee, and the granddaughter of Murray of Broughton, the secretary of the Pre- tender during the rebellion of 1745. The Fanuly Legend of Joanna Baillie was the first new play produced by Mr. Siddons, and Scott took a great interest in its representation. We learn from I Lockhart's Life of Scott that he was consulted in all the minutias of the costume, attended every re- liearsal, and supplied tlie prologue. The epilogue was written by Henry Mackenzie. In a letter to the authoress, dated January 30tli, 1810, Scott thus communicates the result : "Mr Dr.AR Miss Baili.ik, — You have only to imn- ;,'iiio iill that you could wish to give success to a play, and your conceptions will still fall short of the com- plete and decided triumph of the Family Legend. Tlie house was crowded to a most extraordinniy de- gree; many people had come from your native capital of the west; everything that pretended to distinction whether from rank or literature, was in the boxes, and in the pit such an aggregate mass of humanity, as 1 have seldom if ever witnessed in the same space. It was quite obvious from the beginning, that the cansc was to be very fairly tried before the public, and that if anything went wrong, no efibrt, even of yournunicrmis and zealous friends, could have had niucli influence in guiding or restraining the general feeling. Some good- natured persons had been kind enough to propagate reports of a strong opposition, which, though I con- sidered them as totally groundless, did not by any means lessen the extreme anxiety with which I waited the rise of the curtain. But in a short time I saw there was no ground whatever for apprehension, and yet 1 sat the whole time shaking for fear a scene-shifter, or a carpenter, or some of the subaltern actors, should make some blunder, and intennipt the feeling of deep ami general interest which soon seized on the whole pit, box, and gallery, as Mr, Bayes has it. The scene on the rock struck the utmost possible effect into the au dience, and you heard nothing but sobs on all sides The banquet-scene was equally impressive, and so was the combat. Of the greater scenes, that between Lorn and Helen in the castle of JIaclean, that between Helen and her lover, and the examination of Maclean himself in Argyle's castle, were applauded to the very echo. Siddons announced the play 'for the rest of tlu wceh,' which was received not only with a thunder ol apphause, but with cheering and throwing up of hats and handkerchiefs. Mrs. Siddons supported her part incomparably, .although just recovered from the indis- position mentioned in my last. Siddons himself played Lorn very well indeed, and moved and looked with great spirit. A Mr. Terry, who promises to be a fine performer, went through the part of the Old liarl with great taste and effect. For the rest I cannot say much, excepting that from highest to lowest they were most accurately perfect in their parts, and did their very best. Malcolm de Gray was tolerable but stickish — Maclean came off decently — but the conspirators were sad hounds. You are, my de.ar Mi.ss Baillie, too much of a democrat in your writings; you allow life, soul, and spirit to these inferior creatures of the drama, and expect they will be the better of it. Now it was ob- vious to me, that the poor monsters, whose niouthi are only of use to spout the vapid blank verse wliich your modem plavwriglit puts into the jtart of the con- BAILLIE, 186 JOANNA. fident and siibaltein villain of his piece, did not know what to make of tlie enerpetic and poetical diction which even these subordinate departments abound with in the Legend. As the play greatly exceeded the usual length (lasting till half-past ten), we intend, when it is repeated to-night, to omit some of the pas- sa