I GIFT OF JANE Ko^^ATHER m Ci)e Buc!)^ C!)amrs. THE /CHARTERS Cfie 3iucj)g of iancaster. TRANSLATED AND EDITED WILLIAM HARDY, F.S.A., AND PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE CHANCELLOR AND COUNCIL OK THE DUCHY. LONDON. M.DCCC.XLV. ->> ^"^^ v'^ THE CHANCELLOE AND COUNCIL. The Right Honorable Lord GRANVILLE CHARLES HENRY SOMERSET. THOMAS FLOWER ELLIS, Esquire. Jdembeiv^eneral. Colonel CHARLES RICHARD FOX. JOHN GIBSON LOCKHART, gsQui ^f FREDERICK DAWES " DA5^ VERS, Enquire. PREFACE, This volume is printed by the authority, and under the direction, of the Chancellor and Council of the Duchy of Lancaster. It contains the charters granted by the Crown to the Earls and Dukes of Lancaster, from the year 1342, to the accession of Henry of Bolingbroke, Duke of Lancaster and Hereford, to the throne of England, by the title of King Henry the Fourth, and the subsequent statutes and acts of parliament relating to the rule and management of the Lancastrian posses- sions, as settled upon the King and his heirs for ever, separate from the Crown estates. Much valuable information concerning the origin and constitution of the Duchy will be found in Plowden's Report of the great case of the Duchy of Lancaster, in Michaelmas Term, in the fourth year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth (1 Plowd. 212) ; and the recent cases of Alcock v. Cooke (5 Bingham, 340) and Jewison v. Dyson (9 Meeson and Welsby, 540) may be advantageously consulted with re- lation to the pre-eminent rights exercised within the Duchy, under the several royal grants, and the confirmations of them by Parliament, which provide for its rule and government as an inheritance vested in the person of the Sovereign, but apart from the rest of the royal patrimony. These cases seem clearly to establish the doctrine that all the prerogatives and privileges of the King belong to him with reference to the lands parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster, in no less a degree than they do with reference to lands which belong to him immediately in right of his Crown. Without, therefore, entering here upon any inves- tigation of the legal effect of these charters, it may be VI PREFACE. convenient to add, in exposition, a brief notice of the Earls of Lancaster prior to the union of the Duchy and the Crown in the person of King Henry the Fourth. Edmund Plantagenet, a younger son of King Henry the Third, was the first who enjoyed this dignity. By a charter dated 30th June, 51 Henry HI. 1267, he obtained from his father a grant of the Honor, County, Castle, and Town of Lancaster, and so was made Earl of Lancaster. H6 had previously been created Earl of Leicester and High Steward of England, upon the for- feiture of Simon de Montfort, who was slain at the battle of Evesham on the 5th of August, 1265; and on the 28th of June, 50 Henry HI. 1266, he was also made Earl of Derby, with a grant of all the estates of the last Earl, Robert de Ferrars, who had taken an active part in the rebellion of De Montfort. Earl Edmund left by his second wife, Blanche Queen of Navarre, three sons; of these the two elder, Thomas and Henry, were successively Earls of Lancaster. He died at Bayonne on the 4th of June, 25 Edw. I. 1297. Thomas, second Earl of Lancaster, Leicester, and Derby, was also Earl of Lincoln and Baron of Halton in right of his wife, Alice, daughter and sole heir of Henry de Lacy, Earl of Lincoln and Constable of Ches- ter. Having been engaged in a rebellion against King Edward the Second, he was beheaded at Pomfret Castle on the 22nd of March, 15 Edward II. 1322, leaving no issue of his body. Henry of Lancaster, third Earl of Lancaster, brother of the last Earl, had been summoned to Parliament by writ, as a Baron of the realm, from 6th February, 27 Edward I. 1299 ; and in the Parliament holden in the 1st of Edward HI. 1327, having succeeded in obtaining a reversal of the judgment against Earl Thomas, he was restored to all his lands and honors, and there- upon became Earl of Lancaster and Leicester. On the PREFACE. Vll 7th of May, 16 Edward III., a charter of divers Hber- ties and franchises in all his lands and fees was granted to him and the heirs of his body.* He died on the 22nd of September, 19 Edward III. 1345, and was suc- ceeded by his son, Henry, fourth Earl of Lancaster. This Henry was created Earl of Derby on the 16th of March, 1337, in his father's life-time, and Earl of Lincoln on the 20th of August, 1349. By his repeated successes in the wars he acquired the reputation of a distinguished sol- dier, and his singular munificence is recorded in history. The second English Dukedom having been bestowed upon this Earl, the County of Lancaster became for his life a Duchy, or County Palatine: the creation of this regality was effected on the 6th March, 25 Edward HI. 135J, and the title of Duke of Lancaster was con- ferred on him at the same time by a charter of that date, granted with the assent of Parliament.f Henry dying without male issue on the 24th of March, 35 Edward III. 1361, the Dukedom became extinct; but the Barony of Lancaster, which was created by the writ of summons of the 6th February, 1299, and was therefore a Barony in fee, came into abeyance between his two daughters and co-heirs, Blanche and Matilda, to whom, by par- tition, his estates descended. The Lady Blanche, who became eventually the sole heir to her father, mar- ried John of Gaunt, Earl of Richmond, fourth son of King Edward the Third. John, surnamed of Gaunt, from Ghent in Flanders, the place of his birth, fifth Earl and second Duke of Lan- caster, in right of his wife Blanche Plantagenet, suc- ceeded to all the lands and estates of the late Duke, his father-in-law ; the portion of the Lady Matilda, the other daughter and co-heir, having upon her death without issue in 1362 vested in her sister Blanche.^ On * I. page 1. t III. page 9. X ^* V^S^ 14- Vlll PREFACE. the 13tb of November in the same year, he was created Duke of Lancaster, to hold the dignity to him and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten for ever.* His first wife Blanche survived the birth of her son, Henry of Bolingbroke, scarcely more than three years, and died in 1369. In 1371 the Duke of Lancaster espoused Con- stance, one of the two daughters and co-heirs of Pedro El Cruel, King of Spain, by which marriage he became titular King of Castillo and Leon; but he relinquished his pretension to that title upon the marriage of his daughter Katharine with Henry, son of King John of Spain. In the year 1372, he surrendered into the hands of King Edward his Earldom of Richmond, re- ceiving, in recompense thereof, many valuable estates in fee tail general ; among which are numbered the Honors of Tickhill and Knaresborough, the High Peak, and many other lands in several counties.f At his request, and by a charter dated the 28th February, 1377,:!: the County of Lancaster was again erected into a Palati- nate, for the life of this Duke; and, in 1390, the prerogative was extended to the heirs male of the body of the grantee.§ Duke John of Lancaster having been justly distinguished by the confidence of two suc- cessive monarchs, his father and his nephew, whose coun- sels he guided with disinterested zeal, his vast pos- sessions endowed by their royal bounty with all but sovereign power, closed his life on the 3rd of February, 1399, in the 22nd year of the reign of King Richard the Second ; leaving to his only son and heir, by the Lady Blanche Plantagenet, the rich inheritance of this Dukedom. Henry of Bolingbroke, Earl of Derby and Duke of Hereford, having been raised to the latter dignity on the 29th of September, 1397, was at Paris in exile when the news of his father's decease, and of the seizure * VI. page 17. t VIII. page 26. X IX. page 32. § XIV. page 65. PREFACE. IX of bis paternal estates* by bis cousin, King Richard tbe Second, determined bis immediate return to England, ostensibly to claim bis inberitance of tbe Ducby of Lan- caster, but perbaps witb tbe secret intention of assuming a still bigber possession. Tbe result of Henry's pro- ceedings on bis arrival bere is well known. He suc- ceeded in wresting tbe Crown from tbe feeble bands of its legitimate possessor, and assumed tbe title of King Henry tbe Fourtb. Tbe ducal possessions of Lancaster, and tbe ample estates wbicb Henry beld witb tbe Dukedom of Here- ford in rigbt of bis deceased wife, tbe Lady Mary de Bobun, one of tbe daughters and co-beirs, of Humphrey last Earl of Hereford, Essex, and Northampton, would, by this assumption of the regal dignity, have merged in the Crown : but this politic monarch was not minded that so noble an inheritance, endowed witb the high and splendid prerogatives which the policy of preceding Sove- reigns bad conferred upon it, should wholly be lost in tbe absorbing dignity of the Crown ; and, therefore, one almost of tbe first measures taken by King Henry after be ascended tbe throne, was to procure an act of par- liament, declaring that bis eldest son, Henry, should bear, among his other honors, tbe title of Duke of Lancaster.f He also immediately caused a charter to be passed, sanctioned by the Parliament, ordaining that tbe Ducby of Lancaster, and all other bis hereditary * Before Bolingbroke's departure from England, the King, to con- ciliate John of Gaunt, had remitted four years of his son's banishment, the original sentence being for ten years from 13 Oct. 1398 ; but no sooner was the Duke of Lancaster dead, than Richard, throwing oiF all semblance of moderation, exiled Bolingbroke for life and confiscated his property. Froissart expressly says that Richard seized the Duke of Hereford's patrimony, and divided it among his own favorites. Several grants of these estates to the Duke of Surrey and other persons appear on the Patent Roll, 22 Ric. II. p. 3. (Jewison v. Dyson, supra, 548.) t XVIII. page 141. X PREFACE. estates, with all their royalties and franchises, should remain to him and his heirs for ever ; and should re- main, descend, be administered, and governed in like manner as if he never had attained the regal dignity.* And on the same day he caused a charter to be sealed for maintaining a similar management, distinct from the Crown, with respect to the Hereford estates held by him in right of his late wife, Mary, Countess of Derby.*!- Sir William Blackstone,| on the authority of Plowden and Sir Edward Coke, assigns as the motive King Henry had in not suffering his private inheritance to be united with the Crown the consideration that — " if he lost one, he " should lose the other also ; for he knew he had the Duchy " of Lancaster by sure and indefeasible title, but that his '' title to the Crown was not so assured : for that, after the '* decease of Richard II., the right of the Crown was in " the heir of Lionel Duke of Clarence, second son of " Edward III. ; John of Gaunt, father to this Henry IV., " being but the fourth son." But surely very little foresight is requisite to perceive that, in losing the Crown, Henry would at once have been declared a traitor to the realm ; and it is scarcely possible to conceive that, in such case, he would have been allowed to retain possession of the Duchy ; — a state of things which actually did take place at the close of the reign of Henry, the grandson of Bolingbroke, when the House of Lancaster fell before the better fortune of the House of York. The learned commentator proceeds justly to remark, that these here- ditary estates "thus descended to his son and grandson, '« Henry V. and Henry VI. Henry VI. being attainted «' in 1 Edward IV., this Duchy was declared in Parlia- " ment to have become forfeited to the Crown : and at ''the same time an act was made to incorporate the '* Duchy of Lancaster, to continue the County Palatine " (which might otherwise have determined by the attain- * XVII. page 102. t XVI. page 99. X Bl. Com. i. 118. PREFACE. XI " der), and to make the same parcel of the Duchy : and "farther, to vest the whole in King Edward IV. and "his heirs, Kings of England, for ever; but under a *' separate guiding and governance from the other in- " heritances of the Crown. And in 1 Henry VII. another " act was made, to resume such part of the Duchy lands " as had been dismembered from it in the reign of Ed- " ward IV., and to vest the inheritance of the whole in " the King and his heirs for ever, as amply and largely, " and in like manner, form, and condition, separate from " the Crown of England and possession of the same, as "the three Henries and Edward IV., or any of them, " had and held the same."* * " Some have entertained an opinion (Plowd. 220, 1, 2 ; Lamb. " Archeion, 233 ; 4. Inst. 206) that by this act the right of the Duchy " vested only in the natural, and not in the political person of King Henry " VII., as formerly in that of Henry IV. ; and was descendible to his " natural heirs, independent of the succession to the Crown. And, if this " notion were well founded, it might have become a very curious question " at the time of the Revolution in 1688, in whom the right of the Duchy " remained after King James's abdication, and previous to the attainder " of the pretended Prince of Wales. But it is observable, that in the " same act the Duchy of Cornwall is also vested in King Henry VII. " and his heirs : which could never be intended in any event to be " separated from the inheritance of the Crown. And indeed it seems to " have been understood very early after the statute of Henry VII. that " the Duchy of Lancaster was by no means thereby made a separate " inheritance from the rest of the royal patrimony, since it descended " with the Crown to . the half-blood in the instances of Queen Mary and " Queen Elizabeth ; which it could not have done, as the estate of a " mere Duke of Lancaster, in the common course of legal descent. The " better opinion, therefore, seems to be that of those judges who held " (Plowd. 221), that, notwithstanding the statute of Henry VII. (which " was only an act of resumption), the Duchy still remained as established " by the act of Edward IV., separate from the other possessions of the " Crown in order and government, but united in point of inheritance." The consideration of this question, however, is not material, as the union of the Duchy and the Crown in the same person is now indisputably established, having been recognised by numerous acts of the legislature from the accession of Queen Anne to the present time. (1 Anne, c. 7 ; 48 Geo. III. c. 73 ; 10 Geo. IV. c. 50, s. 130 ; and many others.) Xll PREFACE. The Duchy of Lancaster thus being brought into the same person as the Crown, the Sovereigns of England, from the accession of Henry of Bolingbroke to the present day, have continued in the actual possession of this rega- lity, but have always held it as an inheritance separate from the Crown. The statutes and other proceedings in Parliament re- lating to the Duchy, which passed after the union until the last great annexation of lands made to it with the sanction of the Legislature, in the 4th and 5th of Philip and Mary,* afford the best possible account of its state and condition during that period. It only remains to add, that the charters in this volume have been carefully collated with the originals, where -^the original charter is in existence, and in every instance with the inrolment on the Chancery Rolls pre- served in the Tower of London, and in the custody of the Master of the Rolls, pursuant to the Statute 1 and 2 Vict, c. 94. The translations are close and literal, and no pains have been spared to render them as accurate as possible. The skill and assiduity of the Printers (Messrs. Bentley and Co.) in carrying this volume through the press, requiring, as it has done, no ordinary degree of in- telligence on their part, cannot be passed over without commendation ; and it would be unjust to withhold the acknowledgment, that to their attention, and to the valuable assistance derived from their establishment in the revision of these sheets, is to be attributed much of the correctness of the work. W. H. Duchy of Lancaster Office, lith February, 1845. * XLVIII. page 362. ec5 w H w O pc! W W H O w' W o Q W PL, »ll iJ S5 ♦* •^ fl rt •-' be ^ o - o ai O O fciO rt s 2 a> 2 3" ill fi o o wis 11 T3 t^ CI a 13 o CO V Pxj K o ^^W *" 6 w 99 II c ^ p - ,. 2 =» ij W O) > o M ^ o 4 iO < §3 w o p a p .s O 0) p '=2 fCH 9 - ^ S -s W tH C fl J t^ o •*■ ^ « « s 9; P __! WW CD * e8 (M "2 -P OS Qj , •• ^^^ «' c;2 -^ Ola -§ & "^ W ^ • -« «£;S 2 W *^ t^ ^. g a, « ^ re is t4 +a ay. ei3 -^ '« £ Ph C f^ V to M <0 , 85 m 03 'O Ph — < ^ -^ 'S *^ IS III- 3 a 53 1^ s aa "2 a5 M fl s ►^w eS ^ a Ohio O I— ( ao .13 a O ^2 „ i 53 be a> bO :l wo •«! o 03 l-H 02 l-H C^ o -^ o . IS P ^ Pi o II gj M 34 cs; ja -H P5 w H • bD o ^ ^ "3 ^£T w ■M *a t>» O CO OJ 2 "^^ 2^2 "^ r, w 2 ^ g J .s i g -^ ^ O O I— I t^ H ^«+H tM o .^-^^ n3 i-M g. Hi OB g i-i '■" Sh 3 O Oi ® ■= - s. !^ - I ^ W § o § ^1 2 5 S'S ^_^ fwZ WW o <^>^ 8 .S 8 2 23 53 ^r I|a5 r£i ;h w C8 ^03 '^ tg a « H • s o a ^ PH-i i§ (N S .2H:5t8=^^2 ;< « fl "^ ® M -^ So >^'S^. a ^. a §3 II .S eo eo fe: f3 « 22 ^ _: .'Si: « c3 . 02 S M So .2 5i a d « -Ti 2i jrP5 s a o'S ^ e^^ "-«! "^ ^ a" -a-g«:ili|.g ^ - ^ "^ ce ti a'S^^ rt'? pq^p^^^^W aS < O o +2 tJD )^ ;h H^ a (=^ " ,a| w5 >- >-l ^3 -5 § o « ^^f^ fcc r- d 2 d a «« r^ t^ a 6^ ^ ;:5 'JS ^ Ph "^ O CO bOT C3' O) oj I— I ..-cvi 5r tf -? ^ ^ 05 so s « s H a-^ 8 . O S3 _• -^a "CO 5 d ^ .5 ir O^a CO d '^ 'd oj bS .S .2 d> **^ 13 S CO :g.2 a^ '^ -d".H cs ?2 d -xJ , CO •">« CO fe ; CO CO ^ ,5 I CO CO CO r^ ) ,-1 ,— I ^ w ^ cs ai 'O P WW MS ea d * ap *" Wo •' ■-II -^ OH . -M o dW S «« t^ d H o ^* Cd pd « "^ b d rt .e :«2^ -^ 2 da. ■^ d g Saw Jl ^ CO ^ Ph SI 05 t^ ^-i CO ^ P 'd 1 -2 w 1 • f-4 P i4 2 O o ..N PJ •t> t^ 05 pq «o 05 05 O M CO 50 5^ "—I '-^ 3 'di^PO'^ O V pq •c 4J . o a . >* ••> 'H rd CO* - ei 1:0 CO <2 d -^ Sz! CO £ ^'-' U rH aj a iO W i^ ^ % (i C5 ^ 'O Oi S & CO rs tr- 1-4 t^05 1 en (M ' d 64 PU 05 a> d t8 _ Ul crj.^ 05 o ^d p CO 2 •^'^ S •d c3 §co « d ^ bo d W tin d w d a> ts Oh o ►^ P. > H a o H H P^ O :z; Q W c» 02 W o p^ w p^ w o O) •- S CO •-5 W OH-. CONTENTS. CHARTER I. V 7th May, 16 Edw. 3. 1342. — Recital of liberties previously grant- ed to Henry Earl of Lancaster, viz. Return of writs ; pleas of withernam; fines and amercements. Consideration for a more extended grant — the merits of Henry Earl of Derby, son of the said Earl. Grant to the said Earl of Lancaster and the heirs of his body of further liberties, viz. — Acquit- tance of paviage and other tolls ; Return of writs and sum- mons of the Exchequer ; Attachment of pleas of the Crown ; Chattels of felons and fugitives ; Fines and amercements, for- feited issues, forfeitures, &c. Memorandum of cancellation of this grant in the margin of the Charter Roll, 16 Ed. 3. II. 25th Sept., 23 Edw. 3. 1349.— Recital of Charter of 7th May, 16 Edw. 3, and of surrender thereof by Henry Earl of Lan- caster, son and heir of the former grantee. Grant to him for life of the same liberties, viz. — Acquittance of tolls, &c. ; Re- turn of writs and summons of the Exchequer ; Attachment of pleas of the Crown ; Chattels of felons and fugitives ; Fines and amercements, forfeited issues, forfeitures, &c. in. 6th March, 25 Edw. 3. 1351.— Henry Earl of Lancaster created Duke of Lancaster. Grant to him for his life of a Court of Chancery, Chancellor, justices, cognizance of pleas, and other jura regalia in the county of Lancaster which pertain to a Count Palatine, as freely as the Earl of Chester enjoyed the same in the county of Chester. Reservation to the Crown of all tenths, fifteenths, and other subsidies and taxes granted by Parliament, and of the power of pardoning life, with supe- riority and correction of errors or defect of justice in the courts of the Duke of Lancaster. The said Duke to send knights of the shire and burgesses to serve in Parliament, and to appoint collectors of parliamentary taxes and subsidies b VI CONTENTS. IV. PAGE 13th Nov., 35 Edw. 3. 1361.— Grant to John Earl of Lancaster and Richmond, and Blanche his wife, and the heirs of their two bodies, of certain liberties in the lands and fees of the said Blanche, one of the coheirs of Henry late Duke of Lancaster, after the partition made between her and her sister Matilda, viz. — Return of writs ; Pleas of withernam ; Fines and amerce- ments ; Chattels of felons and fugitives . . .12 12th May, 36 Edw. 3. 1362.— Recital of Charter dated 13th Nov. 35 Edw. 3, and of descent of Matilda's portion on Blanche, the surviving coheir. Grant to John Earl of Lancaster and Richmond, and the heirs of his body and of the body of the said Blanche his wife, of certain liberties in all their lands and fees of the heritage of Henry late Duke of Lancaster, viz. — Return of writs; Pleas of withernam ; Fines and amercements ; Chattels of felons and fugitives . . . .14 VI. 13th Nov., 36 Edw. 3. 1362. — John Earl of Lancaster created Duke of Lancaster in full Parliament : to hold the said name and honor of Duke of Lancaster to him and the heirs male of his body for ever . . • . . .17 VIL 14th July, 38 Edw. 3. 1364.— Recital of Charter of 7th May, 16 Edw. 3, to Henry Earl of Lancaster, and of surrender thereof by the son and heir of the grantee ; and further recital that the grant so made in fee-tail could not legally be an- nulled. The said charter of liberties renewed in favor of John Duke of Lancaster, and Blanche his wife, daughter and heir of Henry the late Duke, viz. — Acquittance of tolls, &c. ; Return of writs and summons of the Exchequer ; Attachment of pleas of the Crown ; Chattels of felons and fugitives ; Fines and amercements, forfeited issues, forfeitures, &c. Memo- randum on the Charter Roll, 38 Edw. 3, shewing the limita- tion of the above grant to the lands which were of the Earl of Lancaster on the 7th May, 16 Edw. 3. . . .19 CONTENTS. VII VIII. PAGE 25th June, 46 Edw. 3. 1372.— Grant of certain estates to John King of Castille and Leon, Duke of Lancaster, in exchange for the earldom of Richmond .... 26 IX. 28th Feb., 51 Edw. 3. 1377.— Grant to John King of Castille and Leon_, Duke of Lancaster, for life, of a Court of Chancery, Chancellor, justices, cognizance of pleas, and other jura regalia in the county of Lancaster which pertain to a Count Palatine, as freely as the Earl of Chester enjoyed the same in the county of Chester. Reservation to the Crown of all tenths, fifteenths, and other subsidies and taxes granted by Parlia- ment, and of the power of pardoning life, with superiority and correction of errors or defect of justice in the courts of the Duke of Lancaster. The said Duke to send knights of the shire and burgesses to serve in Parliament, and to appoint collectors of parliamentary taxes and subsidies X. 4th June, 51 Edw. 3. 1377. — Recital that certain estates had been given to John Duke of Lancaster in exchange for the earldom of Richmond, and that the Duke had afterwards pe- tioned the King that certain towns, which, though not specially mentioned in the charter, had been included in the valua- tion, might by name be granted to him, together with the liberties, &c. enjoyed by Queen Philippa, the former tenant for life of the said estates. Considerations of present grant, viz. — To quiet possession, compensate for liberties enjoyed by the Duke in the earldom of Richmond, and further the great merits of the grantee. Grant that the said Duke may retain the towns of Grinstead (parcel of the manor of Marsfield), Seaford (parcel of the castle and leucata of Pevensey), and Laughton-in-le-Morthen (parcel of the honor of Tickhill), with the other estates given to him in exchange for the said earl- dom of Richmond; and enjoy therein certain liberties. Sec, viz. — Knights' fees, advowsons, wardships, marriages, escheats, chases, parks, warrens, wreck, waif and stray; Fines and amercements ; Forfeited issues and forfeitures, &c. in any of the King's courts ; and the Duke may levy the same by his 62 viil CONTENTS. PAGE own officers, by estreats to be delivered to tbem ; Chattels of felons and fugitives ; Return and execution of writs and sum- mons of the Exchequer ; and fines and amercements of sheriffs and bailiffs of liberties for negligence . . . .35 XL 15th Sept., 1 Ric. 2. 1377. — Confirmation by Inspeximus of the Charter dated 14th July, 38 Edw. 3. 1364 . , .42 XII. 15th Sept., 1 Ric. 2. 1377. — Confirmation by Inspeximus of the two Charters, dated severally 25th June, 46 Edw. 3. 1372, and 4th June, 51 Edw. 3. 1377 . . . . .49 XIII. 10th Nov., 2 Ric. 2. 1378.— Recital of grant of County Palatine to John King of Castillo and Leon, Duke of Lancaster, and that the grantee had subsequently petitioned the King to have the general words specially expressed on certain points ; the said general words are therefore declared to embrace the powers exercised by the Duke in virtue thereof, viz. — To have his Exchequer and barons thereof in the County Palatine, and the appointment of justices of the forest, except in pleas arising where the Crown is a party . . . .62 XIV. 16th Feb., 13 Ric. 2. 1390.— Recital of the Charter of King Edw. 3, creating his son John Duke of Lancaster, and of his grant to him for life of a Chancery and jura regalia as a Count Palatine in the county of Lancaster ; and further recital of the letters patent subsequently granted by King Richard the Second, on the Duke's petition in Parliament, declaring that, by virtue of the general words in the grant of the Palatinate, the Duke should have his Exchequer, and ap- pointment of justices of the forest, during the Duke's life ; and a further recital that the Duke had netitioned for a grant of these rights in tail-male. The King, in consideration of the high merits of the Duke, grants that he and the heirs male of his body shall have in the county of Lancaster their Chan- cery, justices to hold pleas, and jura regalia^ as freely as the Earl of Chester ; their Exchequer and barons thereof, and the appointment of justices of the forest; except in pleas arising where the Crown is party. Reservation to the Crown of par- CONTENTS. IX PAGE liamentary aids and taxes, pardon of life, and correction of erroneous judgments, or in failure of justice. The said Duke and his heirs to send members to Parliament for the shire and boroughs, and to assign collectors of subsidies and taxes granted by Parliament. Title of Duke of Lancaster to be retained . . . . . • .65 XV. 29th June, 20 Ric. 2. 1396.— Confirmation by Inspeximus of the two Charters dated severally 12th May, 36 Edw. 3. 1362, and 15th Sept.^ 1 Ric. 2. 1377, and of a third Charter, also dated 15th Sept., iRic. 2. 1377, — notwithstanding non-user, and with- out let from any the King's bailiffs or ministers. The merits of the grantee, John Duke of Lancaster, the King's uncle, being a consideration for more ample grace, the King grants to him for term of his life certain additional liberties, viz. — All fines for trespass, prae-fines and post-fines_, ransoms, amercements, forfeited issues : Forfeitures, year, day, and waste, imposed or adjudged in any court, as fully as the King would have them if not granted to the said Duke"; and the Duke may levy the same by his own officers, by estreats to be delivered to them, without let from the King's officers: Assay and assize of bread, and other matters belonging to the office of clerk of the market : Chattels of felons and fugitives, and may seize the same without let from the King's bailiffs or ministers : Return and execution of writs, summons, estreats, and precepts : Attachment of pleas of the Crown ; No sheriff, or other bailiff of the King, may intromit, unless in default : Fines and amercements of sheriffs and bailiffs of liberties for negligence; Wayfs and strays; Deodands; Treasure trove ; Mainour ; — Saving of liberties before granted in fee-tail . 71 XVI. 14th Oct., 1 Hen. 4. 1399.— Recital that the King held certain estates for life of the heritage of his deceased wife Mary de Bohun. Declaration that the said estates shall continue to be managed as though the King had not obtained the crown. The tenants may enter and hold after their ancestors' death, as they had been accustomed. Saving the royal prerogative as to marriages. The Chancellor of England shall not present to church benefices belonging to the said heritage. All re- ceivers and others to account before special auditors, and not at the royal Exchequer . . . . . .91 CONTENTS. XVII. UthOct., 1 Hen. 4. 1399.— Recitalthat the King held the Duchy of Lancaster and other estates in various counties by inherit- ance^ and that divers liberties and jura regalia had been granted therein by the several Charters after in this grant recited ; viz. that of 28th Feb., 51 Edw.3. 1377— 16th Feb., 13 Ric. 2. 1390— and 29th June, 20 Ric. 2. 1396. Declaration of the royal in- tention that the Duchy of Lancaster, and other estates of the heritage of Lancaster, shall not be changed by the King's assumption of the regal dignity; and the franchises with which John late Duke of Lancaster held the same shall be continued. Settled upon King Henry the Fourth and his heirs specified in the preceding charters, — to remain as before his accession to the crown. The same liberties and Jura regalia to be exercised as well in the said Duchy as other the said estates, throughout, and to be governed by the like officers as before. The tenants may enter and hold after their ancestors' death, as they had been accustomed. Proviso for the tenants of the County Palatine of Lancaster. Saving the prerogative as to marriages out of the County Palatine. The Chancellor or Treasurer of England not to intermeddle in presenting to church benefices. All receivers and others to account before special auditors^, and not at the royal Ex- chequer . . . . . . . 102 XVIII. 10th Nov., 1 Hen. 4. 1399.— Statute declaring that Henry, the King's eldest son, shall bear the title of Prince of Wales, Duke of Aquitaine, of Lancaster, and of Cornwall_, and Earl of Chester. The franchises to remain with the Prince and his heirs, Dukes of Lancaster, dissevered from the crown . 141 XIX. 7th June, 7 Hen. 4. 1406. — Proviso as to the Duchy of Lan- caster in the settlement of the crown. [Void, because it occurs otherwise and in other form in the eighth year,] 22d Dec, 8 Hen. 4. 1406. Proviso as to the Duchy of Lancaster. The act of limitation of the crown to the heirs male of the bodies of the King's four sons repealed. Settlement of the crown after the King's demise on his four sons, and the heirs of their respective bodies, successively. Proviso as to the Duchy of Lancaster . . . . . .143 CONTENTS. XI XX. 19th Nov., 2 Hen. 5. UU. — For annexing the possessions of the earldom of Hereford to the Duchy of Lancaster, viz. — The heritage of the earldom of Hereford shall be severed from the crown, and be annexed to the Duchy of Lancaster. The lands, and men and tenants thereof, shall be under rule and management of Duchy officers. Recital that the late King Henry the Fourth held the Duchy of Lancaster and other estates in various counties by inheritance, before his accession to the crown ; and that divers liberties and jura regalia had been granted therein by several charters. That the said King, being unwilling that his Duchy and other estates should be changed by his assumption of the regal dignity, had settled the same upon himself and his heirs specified in the charters, — to remain as before his accession to the crown ; with the same liberties and jura regalia to be exercised as well in the said Duchy as other the said estates, throughout, and to be governed by the like officers as before ; that the tenants might enter and hold after their ancestors' death, as they had been accustomed. Proviso for the^ tenants of the County Palatine of Lancaster, saving the prerogative as to marriages out of the County Palatine. And that the Chancellor or Treasurer of England should not intermeddle in presenting to church benefices. All receivers and others should account before special auditors, and not at the royal Exchequer. Recital of grant from King Edward the Third of acquittance of tolls, &c., and of King Richard's grant, for term of life of the Duke of Lancaster, of fines for trespass, prae-fines and post-fines, ransoms, amercements, forfeited issues; Forfeitures, year, day, and waste, — imposed or ad- judged in any court, and as fully as the King, — that the same might be levied by the Duke of Lancaster's own officers, by estreats to be delivered to them, without let from the King's officers ; — assay and assize of bread, and other matters belonging to the office of clerk of the market; chattels of felons and fugitives, — without let from the King's bailiifs or ministers ; — Return and execution of writs, summons, es- treats, and precepts; Attachment of pleas of the Crown, — and that no sheriff or other bailiff of the King should intromit unless in default; — Fines and amercements of sheriffs and bailiffs of liberties for negligence ; Wayfs and strays, deo- XII CONTENTS. PAOE dands, treasure trovCj mainour. And further recital that King Henry the Fourth with the assent of Parliament had declared that the same liberties and jura regalia should be exercised as well in the said Duchy as other the said estates, throughout, and should be governed by the like officers as before. Confirmation of the charters above recited. Decla- ration that the liberties, customs, and franchises shall be exercised, throughout, without let from the King's officers. All matters heretofore passed under the Duchy seal declared to be valid. The same seal to be used in future for the affairs of the Duchy. Further recital that divers other estates had descended to King Henry the Fifth by inheritance in right of his mother, daughter and co-heir of Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford, Essex, and Northampton. The said he- ritage severed from the crown and annexed to the Duchy of Lancaster. The liberties and jura regalia shall be exercised throughout the estates of the earldoms of Hereford, Essex, and Northampton ; and by the officers and ministers of the Duchy ; and the said estates shall be subject to the same rule, management, and seal, and the same liberties and jura regalia be exercised therein, as were used in the Duchy of Lancas- ter, out of the County Palatine. All matters relating to said estates heretofore passed under the Duchy seal declared valid. The tenants and resiants shall enjoy the liberties and customs without let from the King's officers. Presentations to eccle- siastical benefices shall pass under the Duchy seal. Chan- cellor or Treasurer of England not to intermeddle by reason of the King's title, or of their offices. All lands which since the ordinance of King Henry the Fourth have come into the King's hands by escheat, forfeiture, or otherwise, in right of the Duchy, shall be annexed thereto, and aU lands so coming into the King's hands in future shall be forthwith annexed to the heritage to which they are known to belong ; all estates so annexed shall be subject to the like rule, management, and seal, and the said liberties and^wra regalia be exercised there 151 XXI. 19th Nov., 2 Hen. 5. 1414. — Statute enacting that justices of peace shall be appointed from persons resident in the respec- tive counties, except justices of assize. The chief stewards of the Duchy of Lancaster for north and south parts shall be justices of peace . . . . . .168 CONTENTS. Xiu XXII. PAGE 11th May, 4 Hen. 5. 1416. — Statute relative to the Duchy of Lancaster and its stewards, and as to the Duchy seal, on petition of the Commons for confirmation of the letters patent granted in the Parliament holden 2 Hen. 5, and for cer- tain clauses to be added thereto, viz. — That the chief stewards of the Duchy shall be named in all commissions of the peace. No grants, &e. concerning the Duchy, passed under any other seal than the Duchy seal, shall be valid, but the same shall be null and void for ever . . . . .169 XXIII. 6th May, 9 Hen. 5. 1421. — Proceeding in Parliament relative to the partition of the inheritance of Humphrey de Bohun late Earl of Hereford and Essex. For Lady Anne Countess of Stafford. Her petition to the King. Prayer — that in pur- suance of the partition newly made of the heritage of the earldom of Hereford between the King and the Countess of Stafford, all that estate may again be of like nature at common law as when the Earl died, notwithstanding the annexation of the King's inheritance to the Duchy of Lan- caster by statute 2 Hen. 5, The King's answer — that the said Act be repealed, so far as regards the annexation to the Duchy of Lancaster of the King's heritage of the Bohun estates, and that the purparty so newly assigned to the King be severed from the crown, and annexed to the Duchy in such manner as the former annexation had been made by the Act of 2 Hen. 5 ; and so with regard to the fees and advowsons in gross not yet divided. Saving the rights of claimants under any entails in the event of extinction of the heirs of the body of Mary de Bohun. The partition now made between the King and the Countess, and such as may hereafter be made, shall stand in force. The purparty as- signed to the Countess shall be as free and discharged as at the death of Humphrey de Bohun, The Chancellor and Lords of the Council may reform the partition within two years. The Countess to have the choice of pardon for en- tering upon her purparty without suing livery, or the King's licence to enter . . . . • . . 1 72 XIV CONTENTS. XXIV. PAGE 9th Nov.j 1 Hen. 6. 1422. — Proceeding in Parliament relative to the partition to be made between the King and Lady Anne Countess of Stafford, of the fees and advowsons in gross of the heritage of the earldom of Hereford, Essex, and Northampton. Petition of Anne Countess of Stafford that such partition be made, and that it may be determined whether Penkelly, Broyn-llys, Llangoit, and Cantreffcelly, be lordships in gross, or members of Brecon Castle . . * . . 192 XXV. 26th June, 10 Hen. 6. 1432. — Proceeding in Parliament on the petition of Anne Countess of Stafford, that a partition be made of the fees and advowsons in gross of the heritage of the earl- dom of Hereford . . . . . .19 7 XXVI. 14th Jan., 18 Hen. 6. 1440. — Enactment that the revenues of the Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall shall be applied to the expenses of the King's household for five years . . 200 XXVII. 14th Jan., 18 Hen. 6. 1440. — Enactment that the surplus re- venues of the lands, parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster, held by Feoffees to the use of King Henry the Fifth's will, beyond £2,000 per annum, be applied to the expenses of the King's household ....... 202 XXVIII. 14th Jan., 18 Hen. 6. 1440. — Enactment that one-fourth of the tenth and fifteenth granted for the defence of the realm be applied to the expenses of the King's household . . 207 XXIX. 25th Jan., 20 Hen. 6. 1442. — Enactment that certain persons may be assigned to receive the declaration of the Feoffees of lands, parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster, to the use of King Henry the Fifth's will, touching the execution of the same . 209 CONTENTS. XV XXX. PAGE 6th April, 24 Hen. 6. 1446.— Enactment that the King's letters patent be made out, confirming the several letters patent, passed under the Duchy seal, for conveying certain lands to Feoffees to perform the will of King Henry the Sixth . 220 XXXI. 16th July, 27 Hen. 6. 1449. — Enactment that certain lands, parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster, be granted by letters patent to Feoffees to perform the will of King Henry the Sixth. The Feoffees of the lands so granted, and likewise of those granted in the Parliament begun at Westminster in the 23rd of Henry the Sixth, shall enjoy the same liberties, privileges, and jura regalia, &c. therein, as fully as when the said lands were in the King's hands. The lands shall be under the same rule as theretofore, and the tenants enjoy their liberties as before ; provided the lands be in the hands of the Feoffees, or in the King's hands by their assignment ; without let from the King's sheriffs, coroners, or other bailiffs. All matters connected with the said lands or the officers thereof to pass under the seal ordained for the same .... 232 XXXII. 20th Nov., 38 Hen. 6. 1459. — Appointment by letters patent read in Parliament of new Feoffees to perform the will of King Henry the Sixth, in room of certain of the Feoffees appointed under the Acts of 23 Hen. 6 and 27 Hen. 6, since deceased. The estate of surviving Feoffees shall cease, and the new Feoffees hold as fully as the late. The King's term and estate saved in the premises demised by the Feoffees. The issues and profits of the premises to be applied only in fulfilment of the King's will, though demised to the King by the Feoffees for a farther term. The Feoffees shall enjoy the liberties and jura regalia, &c, in the premises, or the King holding by demise from the Feoffees, and likewise the tenants and resiants, as before. The premises shall be managed under same rule as before ...... 241 XVI CONTENTS. XXXIII. PAGE 7th Oct.j 39 Hen. 6. 1460. — Enactment that the lands, parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster, put in feoifment for performance of the will of King Henry the Sixth, shall not henceforth be governed by a distinct seal and officers, but shall be managed by the officers and seal of the Duchy, as they were in ancient times before the making of such feoffment . 258 XXXIV. 7th Oct., 39 Hen. 6. 1460. — The Commons pray that the re- venues of the Duchy of Lancaster be paid over by the Re- ceiver-General to the Treasurer of England, to be employed for the present necessity of the realm. Saving all fees payable to the officers of the Duchy. Saving for Richard Earl of Warwick. Answer— Not to extend to lands in feoffment. The Receiver-General to account before auditors of Duchy, and not in the Exchequer ..... 261 XXXV. 7th Oct., 39 Hen. 6. 1460. — Enactment that new Feoffees, to perform the will of King Henry the Sixth, be appointed in room of certain of the Feoffees appointed under the Acts of 23 Hen. 6, and 27 Hen. 6, since deceased. The estate of sur- viving Feoffees shall cease, and the new Feoffees hold as fully as the late. The King's term and estate saved in the premises demised by the Feoffees. The issues and profits of the pre- mises to be applied only in fulfilment of the King's will, though demised to the King by the Feoffees for a farther term. The tenants and resiants shall enjoy the same liberties, &c., and the premises be managed by the officers of the Duchy of Lan- caster, and under the Duchy seal .... 264 XXX VI. 4th Nov., 1 Edw. 4, 1461. — Enactment that Henry, late called King Henry the Sixth, be attainted of high treason, and shall forfeit all his possessions of the Duchy of Lancaster to the Crown; — the said possessions from 4th March (a. d. 1461) shall be incorporated, and called '* The Duchy of Lancaster f CONTENTS. XVil PAGE the King to hold the same to him and his heirs Kings of Eng- land. The county of Lancaster, a County Palatine — parcel of the Duchy — shall have a Seal, Chancellor^ &c., another seal called the Seal of the Duchy of Lancaster, and a Chancellor, &c. The officers of the Duchy, and the tenants, shall enjoy all liberties, &c., as in the time of King Henry the Fifth . 279 XXXVII. 14th Nov., 1 Edw. 4. 1461. — Confirmation by Inspeximus of the Parliamentary Charter, dated 14th Oct., 1 Hen. 4. 1399. Re- cital of Act declaring the forfeiture by Henry the Sixth of his possessions of the Duchy of Lancaster to the Crown; — the said possessions from 4th March (a.d. 1461) shall be incorpo- rated, and called " The Duchy of Lancaster ;" the King to hold the same to him and his heirs Kings of England. The county of Lancaster, a County Palatine — parcel of the Duchy — shall have a Seal, Chancellor, &c., another seal called the Seal of the Duchy of Lancaster, and a Chancellor, &c. The officers of the Duchy, and the tenants, shall enjoy all liberties, ike, as in the time of King Henry the Fifth . . . 285 XXXVIII. 23rd Feb., 14 Edw. 4. 1475.— Enactment that certain lands, parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster, be put in feofi^ment for performance of the will of King Edward the Fourth ; his intention being to cross the sea in person for recovery of the realm of France. The will performed, or in case the King shall declare no will concerning the premises, the Feoffees to be seized thereof to the use of the King and his heirs ; the same to continue in their hands as parcel of the Duchy, with all liberties, &c., and under rule of the Duchy officers. All leases, grants of offices, &c. during the King's life to pass in the King's own name, by warrant and under the Duchy seal. Feoffees to hold the premises to said intent, notwith- standing any lease, &c. All officers at time of the King's death to continue, and all leases, grants, &c., thenceforth to be made in name of Feoffees by warrant, and under the Duchy seal ; same to be as good in law as though made under seals of Feoffees. Saving to the Queen. General saving. Proviso in case of death of Feoffees . . . 326 XViu CONTENTS. XXXIX. PAGE 1st March, 14 Edw. 4. 1475. — Enactment that the ordinance made 6th Oct. a.d. 1473, for payment of the King's debts (assigned by Patent Bill or Tally on the possessions of the Duchy of Lancaster, &c.), upon proof of good ground to be given to the Barons of the Exchequer before the Quinzaine of Easter, a. D. 1475, shall continue in force until 26th May, A. D. 1475 . . . . , . .332 XL. 20th Jan., 22 Edw. 4. 1483. — Enactment that the King, in right of his Duchy of Lancaster, shall not be deprived of ward- ship and marriage, and reliefs, by reason of feoffments in trust, &c. This Act not to be prejudicial to the performance of any wills of lands. Saving to the King a reasonable portion of such lands for the finding of the heir during nonage, and the wardship of the residue of the lands after performance of the will. Saving of the King's prerogative for ward of the body. Writs shall be granted out of Chancery against embez- zlers of the King's ward in right of the Duchy in like manner as in right of the Crown. The Judges in any of the King's courts shall have power to award process by capias, on in- formation of the Attorney-General of the Duchy. The King, in all actions and suits in right of the Duchy, shall recover damages as a subject. This Act to take effect from Easter, A. D. 1483. Not to prejudice the Bishop of Norwich and others . . . . . . . .337 XLL 7th Nov., 1 Hen. 7. 1485.— Recital of Act of Feoffment of 23rd Feb. 14 Edw. 4. Repeal thereof from 21st August, a. d. 1 485. The lands late in hands of the Feoffees under said Act, the County Palatine of Lancaster, and all estates parcel of the Duchy (held by Kings Edward the Fourth and Richard the Third), vested in King Henry the Seventh and his heirs for ever; with all liberties; to be governed by like officers and seals, in as ample manner, separate from the crown, as in the times of King Henry the Fourth, or any subsequent King. Receivers and others shall be chargeable to the King for all monies due to the late Kings Edward or Richard. The King CONTENTS. XIX PAGE to have like remedy for recovery thereof, and the defendants like answers for their discharge. All grants of offices re- quiring actual exercise, made by the King before this Act, shall be as valid as if made since; all other grants to officers acting by deputy shall be void. Saving of rights. Proviso for Cecily Duchess of York. Assent .... 341 XLII. 17th Oct., 7 Hen. 7. 1491. — An Act for putting lands, parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster, into the hands of Feoffees. Preamble stating the King's intended departure into France, to war; the honors of Lancaster and Clithero, and divers other lordships, &c., parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster, limited to Feoffees to the use of the King's will. After performance of the said will, or if no will, the Feoffees shall be seized to the use of the King and his heirs. The same premises shall continue to be parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster. All officers and governors of the Duchy shall remain, with their fees, &c. Feoffments, leases, &c., to be made during the King's life shall be good. Assur- ance to the Feoffees, notwithstanding leases and grants. At the time of the King's death officers shall remain ; and feoff- ments, leases, &c., afterwards shall be made in the name of the Feoffees. Rents and services shall be payable to the King during his life, with wards, marriages, and reliefs ; and after his death to the Feoffees. The King may levy arrears. All actions shall be in his name. {Not reprinted.) . . 349 XLIIL 25th Jan., 19 Hen. 7. 1504. — An Act for the appointment of new Feoffees in the room of others deceased. Recital of Stat. 7 Hen. 7, c. 12, § 1, 2, for limiting estates to Feoffees, to the use of the King's will ; decease of several of the said Feoffees ; new Feoffees appointed ; such Feoffees shall be seized, jointly ' with the survivors of the former Feoffees, to the uses of the recited Act. Succeeding Archbishops, &c. shall become Feoffees in the stead of their predecessors. {Not reprinted.) , 350 XLIV. 16th Jan., 33 Hen. 8, 1542. — An Act concerning the order of Wards and Liveries. {Not reprinted.) . . .351 XX CONTENTS. XLV. 23rd Nov., 37 Hen. 8. 1545. — An Act for annexing lands to the Duchy of Lancaster. {Not reprinted.) . . . 354 XLVI. 4th Nov., 1 Edw. 6. 1547. — An Act whereby certain chantries, colleges, free chapels, and the possessions of the same, be given to the King's Majesty. {Not reprinted.) . . . 356 XLVII. 21st Oct., 2 and 3 Phil. a»d Mary, 1555.— An Act for the enlarg- ing of the Duchy of Lancaster. Preamble shewing the decay of the revenues of the Duchy of Lancaster ; all lands of the Duchy alienated at any time since 28th Jan., I Edw. 6, and since then re-vested in him or Queen Mary, shall be re-united and annexed to the Duchy, as in their ancient estate ; and shall pass under the seal of the Duchy, Sec. Other lands may be annexed to the said Duchy by the Crown; and shall then be under survey of the Duchy court, &c. in like manner as other lands of the Duchy. General saving of titles of strangers. Ancient Crown lands, &c. shall not be annexed under this Act. Rents shall be paid in the Duchy court at Westminster ; leases shall be sealed with the Duchy seal. {Not reprinted.) . . . . .361 XLVIIL 15th April, 4 and 5 Phil, and Mary, 1558.— Letters Patent under the Great Seal of England, whereby certain manors, &c., in the counties of Hertford, Essex, Bucks, Suffolk, Sussex, Cambridge, and York, are annexed to the Duchy of Lancaster by the authority of the Act of 2nd and 3rd of Phil, and Mary ....... 362 ci^^3^ce ' caster in ex- Richmond, and by his charter did give and grant unto the fJJe "Iridom aforesaid John King of Castille, by the name of Earl of mond.^' Richmond, the earldom of Richmond, and the honor, cas- tles, manors, lands, tenements, and all other places to the said earldom pertaining, which John late Duke of Brit- M 81 per cartam suam, prout in carta prsedicta plane liquet: Jamque dictus Johannes Rex Castellse, cum prselatis pro- ceribus comitibus magnatibus nobilibus et sapientibus de concilio regio existentibus prgehabitis super hoc diversis tractatibus, perpendens et advertens quod si comitatus honor castra maneria terrae tenementa et loca prsedicta in se et solium regium, a quo prius exiverant, transfe- rentur, in ipsius Regis Angliae et totius regni Angliae commodum tenderet, quietem pariter et honorem. Et propterea dictus Johannes Rex Castellse, sicut gratus filius, patris sui beneplacita, honorem et commodum regni Angliae, suis propriis utilitatibus anteponens, pura et spontanea voluntate sua, causis et occasionibus antedictis, specialiter acquievit et concessit quod comitatus honor castra maneria terrae tenementa et loca praedicta, necnon feoda militum ad eadem comitatum honorem castra ma- neria terras tenementa et loca praedicta pertinentia, et similiter advocationes eisdem spectantes simul cum mem- bris hamelettis pratis pascuis pasturis piscariis moris maris- cis turbariis chaciis parcis boscis warennis hundredis wapen- tachiis feriis mercatis libertatibus liberis consuetudinibus escaetis et omnibus aliis ad praedicta comitatum honorem castra maneria terras tenementa et loca praedicta qualiter- cumque et ubicumque spectantibus sive pertinentibus, prae- fato patri suo traderentur ; unde praedictus Dominus Rex Angliae gratitudinem praedictam multis attoUens laudibus, et volens proinde praefato Johanni Regi Castellas, et in status sui supportationem majorem, retributionem sibi facere com- petentem, castrum manerium et honorem de Tickhull, cas- trum et manerium de Alto Pecco, cum feodis militum eisdem castris maneriis et honori pertinentibus sive spectantibus, et omnia feoda quae dictus Dominus Rex Angliae habuit ex dono et concessione Roberti de Lisle militis (feodis quae in 81 tany and Earl of the aforesaid place had there, to have and hold to him and the heirs of his body issuing, as in the charter aforesaid plainly doth appear : And now the said John King of Castille, divers treaties hereupon being had with the prelates, peers, earls, grandees, nobles, and sages of the royal council, well weighing and consider- ing, that, if the earldom, honor, castles, manors, lands, tenements, and places aforesaid were to be transferred to him and the royal throne, whence they had first issued, it would tend not less to the advantage of the said King of England, and the whole realm of England, than to the quiet and honor of the same. And for that the said John King of Castille, like a grateful son, pre- ferring his father's pleasure, and the honor and con- venience of the kingdom of England, to his own private advantage, of his own pure will and free accord, for the causes and reasons aforesaid, hath especially acquiesced and granted that the earldom, honor, castles, manors, lands, tenements, and places aforesaid, and also the knights' fees pertaining to the same earldom, honor, castles, manors, lands, tenements, and places aforesaid, and in like manner the advowsons belonging to the same, together with the members, hamlets, meadows, feedings, pastures, fisheries, moors, marshes, turbaries, chases, parks, woods, warrens, hundreds, wapentakes, fairs, markets, li- berties, free customs, escheats, and all other things to the aforesaid earldom, honor, castles, manors, lands, tenements, and places aforesaid howsoever and wheresoever belong- ing or pertaining, shall be given up to his aforesaid father ; whereupon the aforesaid Lord the King of England, ex- tolling with many praises the gratitude aforesaid, and being willing therefore to make competent retribution to him the aforesaid John King of Castille, and for the 82 manu ipsius Domini Regis Angliae sunt extincta dum- taxat exceptis) necnon advocationes ecclesiarum de Steyn- drop et Braunspath in episcopatu Dunolmensi, et libera- rum capellarum de Tickhull et de Alto Pecco, ac ecclesise de Marsfeld, liberae capellae ibidem, liberae capellae infra castrum de Pevenese, prioratus de Wilmingdon, qui est cella abbatise Sanctae Marise de Greston in Normannia, et prioratus de Withiham, qui est cella abbatiae Sancti Martini de Meremest Turon*, et domus Sancti Roberti de Knaresburgh ; castrum manerium et honorem de Knares- burgh cum pertinentiis, et hundredum sive wapentachium de Staynclif, cum pertinentiis in comitatu Eboraci, ma- neria de Grynglay et Whetelay, cum pertinentiis in co- mitatu Notinghamise, maneria de Wygbton, Ailesham, Fa- kenhamdam, et Snetesham ; necnon hundreda de North- grenehowe, Nortberpingham, Sutberpingbam, et Smetbe- don, cum pertinentiis in comitatibus Norfolciae et SufFolcise, maneria de Glatton et Holm, cum pertinentiis in comitatu Huntingdoniae, manerium de Sahara, cum pertinentiis in comitatu Cantabrigise, castrum et leucatam de Pevenese ac maneria de Wilyndon et Marsfeld, necnon ballivam de Endelenewyk, cum pertinentiis in comitatu Sussexise, et liberam chaciam de Alto Pecco, quam dictus Dominus Rex Anglige tenuit in manu sua ut forestam, tenendam ut liberam chaciam, ac liberam cbaciam de Assbedon, cum juribus et libertatibus liberis chaciis pertinentibus ; et annuam firmam ducentarum marcarum quam abbas et conventus beatae Mariae Eborum eidem Domino Regi Angliae et haeredibus suis pro manerio de Whitegift sol- vere tenentur, percipiendam per manus dictorum abbatis et conventus et successorum suorum, dedit et concessit pro se et baeredibus suis praefato Johanni Regi Castellae, habenda sibi et baeredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus una 82 better support of his station, hath given and granted for himself and his heirs unto the aforesaid John King of Castillo the castle, manor, and honor of Tickhill, the castle and manor of the High Peak, with the knights' fees to the same castles, manors, and honor pertaining or belonging, and all the fees which the said Lord the King of England had by the gift and grant of Sir Robert de Lisle, knight, (excepting only those fees which are extinct in the hands of the said Lord the King of Eng- land,) and also the advowsons of the churches of Stain- drop and Brancepeth in the bishopric of Durham, and of the free chapels of Tickhill and High Peak, and of the church of Maresfield and free chapel there, of the free chapel within Pevensey castle, of the priory of Wil- mingdon, which is a cell of the abbey of St. Mary de Greston in Normandy, and of the priory of Withiham, which is a cell of the abbey of St. Martin de Meremest in Tourain, and of the house of St. Robert of Knares- boro'; — the castle, manor, and honor of Knaresboro', with appurtenances; and the hundred or wapentake of Stain- clifF, with appurtenances, in the county of York ; — the manors of Gringley and Wheatley, with appurtenances, in the county of Nottingham ; — the manors of Wighton, Ayls- ham, Fakenham, and Snettisham, and also the hundreds of North Greenhoe, North Erpingham, South Erpingham, and Smithdon, with appurtenances, in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk; — the manors of Glatton and Holm, with ap- purtenances, in the county of Huntingdon; — the manor of Soham, with appurtenances, in the county of Cambridge; — the castle and leucata of Pevensey, and the manors of Willingdon and Maresfield, and also the bailiwick of En- delenewick, with appurtenances, in the county of Sussex ; —and the free chase of the High Peak, which the said cum membris hamelettis pratis pascuis pasturis piscariis moris mariscis turbariis chaciis parcis boscis waremiis hundredis wapentachiis feriis mercatis libertatibus li- beris consuetudinibus escaetis et omnibus aliis ad prae- dicta castra maneria honores hundreda leucatam ballivam et chacias qualitercunque et ubicunque spectantibus sive pertinentibus de praefato Domino Rege Anglias et haere- dibus suis per servitia inde debita et consueta imper- petuum in escambium pro dictis comitatu Richeraondiae honore castris maneriis terris tenementis locis feodis et ad- vocationibus praedictis, quae idem Johannes Rex Castellse per banc cartam indentatam dedit concessit et sursum red- didit eidem Domino Regi Anglise et hseredibus suis im- perpetuum in escambium pro castris maneriis honoribus hundredis leucata balliva chaciis firma feodis et advo- cationibus prsedictis, sibi per ipsum Dominum Regem Angliae, ut prsedicitur, datis et concessis, sub ea quae sequitur condition e, quod si haeredes dicti Johannis Regis Castellae recuperaverint per judicium inde rite redditum, comitatum Richemondiae, honorem castra maneria terras tenementa loca feoda et advocationes praedicta aut ali- quam parcellam eorundem, virtute doni talliae supradicti, et possessionem inde habuerint, recuperationem illam affir- mando, liceat eidem Domino Regi Angliae et haeredibus suis castra maneria honores hundreda leucatam ballivam chacias firmam feoda et advocationes praedicta, praefato Johanni Regi Castellae sic in escambium praedictum data et con- cessa, reintrare et tenere imperpetuum. Et si contin- gat praedicta castra maneria honores hundreda leuca- tam ballivam chacias firmam feoda et advocationes aut aliquam parcellam eorumdem praefato Johanni Regi Cas- tellae in escambium praedictum sic data et concessa ab eodem Johanne Rege Castellae seu haeredibus suis praedic- 83 Lord the King of England held in his hands as a forest, to hold as a free chase; — and the free chase of Ashdown, with the rights and liberties to free chases pertaining; — and the yearly farm of 200 marks which the abbot and convent of St. Mary's at York are held to pay to the same Lord the King of England and his heirs for the manor of Whitegift, to be perceived by the hands of the said abbot and convent, and their successors : — To have to him and the heirs of his body issuing, together with the members, hamlets, meadows, feedings, pastures, fisheries, moors, marshes, turbaries, chases, parks, woods, warrens, hundreds, wapentakes, fairs, markets, liberties, free cus- toms, escheats, and all other things to the aforesaid castles, manors, honors, hundreds, leucata^ bailiwick, and chases howsoever and wheresoever belonging or pertaining, of the aforesaid Lord the King of England and his heirs, by the services therefore due and accustomed for ever, in exchange for the said earldom of Richmond, and the honor, castles, manors, lands, tenements, places, fees and advow- sons aforesaid, which the same John King of Castille by this charter indented hath given, granted, and surrendered to the same Lord the King of England and his heirs for ever in exchange for the castles, manors, honors, hundreds, leucata, bailiwick, chases, farm, fees, and advowsons afore- said, given and granted to him by the same Lord the King of England as is aforesaid, — under the condition hereafter following, — that if the heirs of the said John King of Castille shall recover by judgment thereupon rightfully given the earldom of Richmond, honor, castles, manors, lands, tenements, places, fees, and advowsons aforesaid, or any parcel thereof, by virtue of the aforesaid gift in tail, and thereof have possession, affirming that recovery, it may be lawful for the same Lord the King of England and his 84 tis recuperari, dictus Dominus Rex Angliae et hseredes sui debitam recompensationem praifato Johanni Regi Castellse et haeredibus suis praedictis, de valore, sine difficultate qualibet facere teneantur. Dumtamen idem Johannes Rex Castellae et hseredes sui prsedicti a dicto Domino Rege Anglise aut haeredibus suis auxilium petant, et debitam diligentiam apponant circa salvationem de eo quod versus eos peti contingat. Et etiam si comitatum Richemondiae honorem castra maneria terras tenementa loca feoda et advocationes praedicta aut aliquam parcellam eorumdem extra manus dicti Domini Regis Angliae seu haeredum suorum in feodo simplici aut talliato poni contingat, et imposterum ad manus ejusdem Domini Regis Angliae vel haeredum suorum, ex justa causa, in feodo devenerint, tam idem Dominus Rex Angliae et haeredes sui castra maneria honores hundreda leucatam ballivam chacias fir- mam feoda et advocationes praedicta praefato Johanni Regi Castellae et haeredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus sic data et concessa, quam praefatus Johannes Rex Castellae et haeredes sui praedicti dictum comitatum Richemondiae ac honorem castra maneria terras tenementa loca feoda et advocationes praedicta dicto Domino Regi Angliae et haeredibus suis in escambium praedictum ut praemittitur data et concessa, pro integro seu pro rata rehabeant hinc et inde, et restitutio exinde fiat, tenenda prout prius. Et idem Dominus Rex Angliae et haeredes sui castra maneria honores hundreda leucatam ballivam chacias firmam feoda et advocationes praedicta, praefato Johanni Regi Castellae et haeredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus per ipsum Do- minum Regem Angliae data et concessa, praefato Johanni Regi Castellae et haeredibus suis praedictis warantizabunt et imperpetuum defendent, juxta vim et efFectum escambii et conditionum praedictorum. Et simihter idem Johannes 84 heirs to re-enter and hold for ever the castles, manors, honors, hundreds, leucata, bailiwick, chases, farm, fees, and advowsons aforesaid so given and granted to the aforesaid John King of Castillo in exchange as aforesaid. And if it happen that the aforesaid castles, manors, honors, hun- dreds, leucata, bailiwick, chases, farm, fees and advowsons, or any parcel thereof, so given and granted to the aforesaid John King of Castillo in exchange as aforesaid, be re- covered from the same John King of Castille or his heirs aforesaid, the said Lord the King of England and his heirs shall be held to make due compensation of the value to the aforesaid John King of Castille and his heirs aforesaid without any difficulty. So however, that the same John King of Castille and his heirs aforesaid pray aid of the said Lord the King of England or his heirs, and apply due diligence about the salvation of that which may happen to be sued against them. And also if it happen that the earldom of Richmond, honor, castles, manors, lands, tenements, places, fees, and advowsons aforesaid, or any parcel thereof, be put out of the hands of the said Lord the King of England or his heirs in fee simple or tail, and thereafter shall come by just cause into the hands of the same Lord the King of England or his heirs in fee, as well the same Lord the King of England and his heirs, the castles, manors, honors, hun- dreds, leucata, bailiwick, chases, farm, fees, and advowsons aforesaid so given and granted to the aforesaid John King of Castille and the heirs of his body issuing, as the aforesaid John King of Castille and his heirs aforesaid, the said earldom of Richmond, and the honor, castles, manors, lands, tenements, places, fees, and advowsons aforesaid given and granted to the said Lord the King of England and his heirs in exchange aforesaid, as is premised, may 85 Rex Castellae et haeredes sui prsedictum comitatum Riche- mondise, simul cum honore castris maneriis terris tenemen- tis locis feodis et advocationibus praedictis, prsedicto Do- mino Regi Angliae et hgeredibus suis contra omnes waran- tizabunt et imperpetuum defendent, juxta vim et efFectum escambii et conditionum prsedictorum. In cujus rei tes- timonium prsedictse cartae indentatae tarn sigillum dicti Do- mini Regis Angliae quam sigillum dicti Johannis Regis Cas- tellae alternatim sunt appensa. Hiis testibus, venerabilibus patribus Willielmo Archiepiscopo Cantuariensi totius An- gliae Primate, Simone Londinensi et Willielmo Wintoniensi, Episcopis, Edmundo filio dicti Regis Angliae carissimo Cantabrigiae, Ricardo Arundelliae, Humfrido de Bohun He- refordiae et Willielmo de Monte Acuto Sarum, Comitibus, Henrico de Percy, Roberto de Thorp Cancellario, Ricardo de Scrop Thesaurario, Willielmo Latymer Camerario, Jo- hanne de Neville Senescallo hospitii praedicti Domini Regis Angliae, Johanne Knyvet, Willielmo de Fynchedene, Jo- hanne Moubray, Thoma de Ingelby, Willielmo de Wy- chyngham, Rogero de Meres et Johanne de Cavendissh, ejusdem Domini Regis Angliae justitiariis, et aliis. Data apud Westmonasterium vicesimo quinto die Junii, anno regni dicti Domini Regis Angliae, Angliae quadragesimo sexto, regni vero sui Franciae tricesimo tertio. INSPEXI- MUS etiam quandam aliam cartam praefati avi nostri nuper factam praedicto avunculo nostro in haec verba: EDWARD US, Dei gratia Rex Angliae et Franciae, et Dominus Hiberniae, archiepiscopis, episcopis, abbatibus, prioribus, ducibus, comitibus, baronibus, militibus, justiti- ariis, vicecomitibus, praepositis, ballivis, ministris, et aliis fidelibus suis, salutem. Sciatis quod cum nuper per cartam nostram indentatam dederimus et concesserimus pro nobis et haeredibus nostris quantum in nobis fuit carissimo fiHo 85 have back on either side entirely or proportionately, and restitution thereupon be made, to hold as before. And the same Lord the King of England and his heirs, the castles, manors, honors, hundreds, leucata, bailiwick, chases, farm, fees and advowsons aforesaid given and granted by the same Lord the King of England to the aforesaid John King of Castille and the heirs of his body issuing, will warrant and for ever defend to the aforesaid John King of Castille and his heirs aforesaid, according to the force and effect of the exchange and conditions aforesaid. And in like manner the same John King of Castille and his heirs, the aforesaid earldom of Richmond, together with the honor, castles, manors, lands, tenements, places, fees, and advowsons aforesaid, against all men will warrant and for ever defend to the aforesaid Lord the King of England and his heirs, according to the force and effect of the exchange and conditions aforesaid. In witness whereof, as well the seal of the said Lord the King of England, as the seal of the said John King of Castille, alternately are set to the aforesaid charter in- dented. These being witnesses, the venerable fathers, William Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all Eng- land; Simon Bishop of London, and William Bishop of Winchester; Edmund Earl of Cambridge, the most dear son of the said King of England; Richard Earl of Arundel; Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford, and William de Montacute, Earl of Salisbury; Henry de Percy; Robert de Thorp, Chancellor ; Richard de Scroope, Treasurer ; William Latymer, Chamberlain ; John de Neville, Steward of the household of the aforesaid Lord the King of Eng- land; John Knyvet, WiUiam de Fynchedene, John Mou- bray, Thomas de Ingelby, William de Wychyngham, Roger de Meres, and John de Cavendissh, Justices of the same 86 nostro Johanni Regi Castellse et Legionis, Duci Lancastriae, castrum manerium et honorem de TickhuU, ac alia terras et tenementa in dicta carta nostra specificata cum perti- nentiis ; habenda sibi et hseredibus de corpore suo exeun- tibus in escambium pro comitatu Richemondiae, ac honore castris maneriis terris tenementis et omnibus aliis locis ad dictum comitatum pertinentibus nobis et hseredibus nostris per praefatum filium nostrum datis concessis et sursum reddi- tis, prout in carta nostra praedicta plenius continetur ; ac jam praefatus filius noster nobis supplicaverit ut cum villa de Grenstede quae ut parcella manerii de- Marsfeld, villa de Seford quae ut parcella castri et leucatae de Pevensey, et villa de Laghton in Mortbyng quae ut parcella castri et honoris de Tickhull, sibi in certum valorem in escam- bium praedictum (nulla speciali mentione facta de villis illis in dicta carta nostra) liberata fuerunt, tria grossa per se separatim et non pertinentia ad manerium de Marsfeld castrum et leucatam de Pevensey et castrum et honorem de Tickhull praedicta existant, nee aliquo tempore fuerint, sicut jam sibi datur intelligi, velimus ne ipse aut hae- redes sui praedicti super occupatione dictarum villarum de Grenstede, Seford, et Laghton, ob defectum specialis nominationis earumdem in concessione nostra praedicta impetantur infuturum, dictas villas de Grenstede, Se- ford, et Laghton, nominatim sibi concedere, habendas et tenendas una cum dictis castro manerio et honore de Tickhull, ac aliis terris et tenementis sibi in dictum es- cambium datis, et etiam cum libertatibus quietantiis et immunitatibus quas Philippa nuper Regina Angliae, tunc censors nostra, quae dicta castrum manerium et honorem de Tickhull et alia terras et tenementa, eidem filio nostro per nos sic data, tenuit, in vita sua habuit ex concessione nostra in eisdem, in recompeusationem libertatum quietan- 86 Lord the King of England, and others. Given at West- minster on the twenty-fifth day of June, in the forty-sixth year of the reign of the said Lord the King of England, and the thirty- third of his reign of France. WE have in- spected also a certain other Charter of our aforesaid grand- father lately made to our aforesaid uncle, in these words : EDWARD, by the grace of God, King of England and 4th June, France, and Lord of Ireland, to his archbishops, bishops, ^•^- 1377. abbots, priors, dukes, earls, barons, knights, justices, she- riffs, reeves, bailiffs, ministers, and other his faithful people, greeting. Know ye, that whereas we did lately by our char- Recital that ° ^ ^ . certain es- ter indented give and ffrant for us and our heirs, as far as ta^^s had o o ^ been given m did in us lie, to our most dear son John King of Castille and the earidom'' Leon and Duke of Lancaster the castle manor and honor of ^^^T' Tickhill and other lands and tenements in our said charter specified, with appurtenances, to have to him and the heirs of his body issuing, in exchange for the earldom of Richmond and the honor castles manors lands tenements and all other places to the said earldom pertaining, given granted and surrendered to us and our heirs by our aforesaid son, as in our charter aforesaid more fully is contained ; and and the •' Duke had now our aforesaid son hath besought us, that, whereas the petitioned <->■'' that certain town of Grinstead, which as parcel of the manor of Mares- JSougiTnot^' field, the town of Seaford, which as parcel of the castle and KtSlfed in leucata of Pevensey, and the town of Laughton-in-le- included in valuation, Morthen, which as parcel of the castle and honor of Tickhill, were delivered to him at a certain valuation in the exchange aforesaid, (no special mention being made of those towns in our said charter,) be three towns in gross severally of themselves, and be not nor were at any time pertaining to the aforesaid manor of Maresfield, castle and leucata of Pevensey, and castle and honor of Tickhill, as now he is given to understand, lest he or his heirs afore- 87 tiarum et immunitatum quas idem fill us noster in dicto comitatu Richemondise et honore castris maneriis terris tenementis et aliis locis ad dictum comitatum pertinen- tibus habuit, dum ea tenuit, ante escambium supradictum. Nos escambium illud in qualibet parte ejusdem observare, et tam quieti dicti filii nostri et hseredum suorum prsedic- torum in hac parte prospicere, quam dicta tenementa eidera iilio nostro ut praemittitur data et concessa ac dictas villas de Grenstede, Seford, et Laghton, quas virtute dictse concessionis nostrge sic tenet, libertatibus quietantiis et immunitatibus, per praefatam consortem nostram habitis ut praemittitur in eisdem, muniri et exornari, in recom- pensationem libertatum quietantiarum et immunitatum per praedictum filium nostrum in dicto comitatu Riche- mondiae et pertinentiis suis praedictis nuper habitarum, et praecipue ob specialem aiFectionem quam ad personam ejusdem filii nostri, suis meritis magnificis laudabiliter exigentibus, gerimus et habemus, concessimus eidem filio nostro pro nobis et haeredibus nostris quod ipse dictas villas de Grenstede, Seford, et Laghton cum pertinentiis suis universis, etiam licet grossa sint per se, an ut praedic- tum est pertinentia ad dictum manerium de Marsfeld, castrum et leucatam de Pevensey et castrum et honorem de Tickhull, habeat et retineat, unacum dictis castro ma- nerio et honore de Tickhull et aliis terris et tenementis praedictis sibi per nos, ut praemittitur, datis, ac liberta- tibus quietantiis et immunitatibus subscriptis (quas prae- fatae Reginae in dictis terris et tenementis quae ipsa sic tenuit ad vitam suam, concessimus, habendas, sicut per in- spectionem rotulorum cancellariae nostrae nobis constat), habendis utendis et gaudendis in dictis castro manerio et honore de Tickhull, ac aliis castris maneriis honoribus hundredis, et villis de Grenstede, Seford, et Laghton, ac 87 said should in future be impeached in the occupation of the said towns of Grinstead, Seaford, and Laugh ton for the want of special naming of the same in our grant aforesaid, we would be pleased to gr^nt the said towns of Grinstead, might by name be Seaford, and Laughton to him by name, to have and to f^^^^^^ *<* hold together with the said castle manor and honor of Tickhill and the other lands and tenements given to him in the said exchange, and also with the liberties acquit- together with ° ^ liberties, &c. tances and immunities which Philippa, late Queen of Eng- qIH^^ ^^ land, then our consort, (who held the said castle, manor, S'i?te-*^^ and honor of Tickhill, and the other lands and tenements Said^es- ^ so given by us to our same son,) in her lifetime had in the same by our grant, in compensation for the liberties acquittances and immunities which our same son had in the said earldom of Richmond, and in the honor castles ma- nors lands tenements and other places to the said earldom pertaining, whilst he held them before the exchange above said. We, to observe the said exchange in every part considera- n 1 . ,, tionsofpre- thereof, and to look as well to the quiet of our said son and l^^±flf^^ his heirs aforesaid in this behalf, as that the said tene- ments given and granted to our same son as is premised, and the said towns of Grinstead, Seaford, and Laughton, earidimy which by virtue of our said grant he so holds, be adorned and armed with the liberties acquittances and immunities had in the same by our aforesaid consort as is premised, in compensation for the liberties acquittances and immuni- ties lately had by our aforesaid son in the said earldom of Richmond and its appurtenances aforesaid, and chiefly on account of the special affection which we have and bear for and the 1 f 1 • 1 • 1 • /• 11 1-1 merits of the person of our same son, his high merits full worthily grantee. to quiet pos- session, compensate for liberties enjoyed by the Duke in requiring it, have granted to our same son, for us and our The Duke heirs, that he the said towns of Grinstead, Seaford, and thetowns"of T 1 • 1 11 1 • Grinstead, Laughton, with all their appurtenances, albeit even they seaford, and 88 aliis terris tenementis et locis quibuscumque dicto filio nostro, ut est dictum, per nos datis et in dicta carta nos- tra plenius specificatis, et qualibet parte eorumdem eidem filio nostro et dictis haeredibus de corpore suo, ut prae- dictum est, procreatis, in escambium supradictum, sub modo et forma in eadem carta nostra contentis imperpetuum, videlicet, cum feodis militum, advocationibus domorum re- ligiosarum hospitalium ecclesiarum et capellarum, wardis maritagiis et escaetis de omnibus tenentibus de ho- noribus maneriis terris tenementis et aliis locis prsedictis praefato filio nostro per nos sic datis, simul cum chaciis parcis boscis warennis feriis mercatis aquis viis piscariis communis assartis vastis et purpresturis, ac etiam arren- tationibus et redditibus quorum cum que assartorum vas- torum et purpresturarum tam temporibus progenitorum nos- trorum quondam Regum Angliae quam nostro in cbaciis et aliis locis prsedictis arrentatorum et exnunc arrentan- dorum, una cum finibus pro ingressu hujusmodi assartorum vastorum et purpresturarum sic arrentandorum, et cum curiis, visibus franci plegii, hundredis, wapentachiis, wrek, wayf* et stray', libertatibus regalibus, et liberis consuetudi- nibus, et omnibus aliis ad eadem castra honores maneria hundreda et alia terras tenementa et loca qualitercumque et ubicumque spectantibus. Concessimus etiam pro nobis et haeredibus nostris eidem filio nostro quod ipse et dicti hseredes sui habeant omnes fines redemptiones et amercia- menta omnium hominum et tenentium suorum de et in castris honoribus maneriis hundredis villis terris tene- mentis et aliis locis prsedictis sibi per nos sic datis, et eorum feodis, ac etiam in omnibus villis hundredis et aliis locis unde annuae firmae et redditus sibi inter caetera terras et tenementa praedicta per nos concessi proveniunt ; necnon exitus forisfactos, et omnia quae ad nos et haeredes 88 be towns in sross of themselves, or whether as aforesaid ^^ith the •-' other estates they be pertaining to the said manor of Maresfield, castle fn^gxchang? and leucata of Pevensey, and castle and honor of Tickhill, may have and retain together with the said castle manor and honor of Tickhill and the other lands and tenements aforesaid by us siven to him as is premised, and with and enjoy •JO 1 certain liber- the liberties acquittances and immunities underwritten, Jj^^g^g^''' (which we granted to the aforesaid Queen to have in the said lands and tenements by her so held for her life, as is evident to us by the inspection of the rolls of our chancery,) to have, use, and enjoy in the said castle manor and honor of Tickhill, and the other cas- tles manors honors hundreds, and the towns of Grin- stead, Seaford, and Laughton, and the other lands te- nements and places whatsoever, given by us as has been said to our said son, and in our said charter more fully specified, and in every part thereof, — to our same son and the said heirs of his body begotten as is afore- said, in exchange as abovesaid under the manner and form contained in our same charter for ever, that is to say, with knights'* fees, advowsons of religious houses, Knights' fees, ad vow- hospitals, churches and chapels, wardships, marriages, and ^°"^'/^- escheats of all the tenants of the honors, manors, lands, te- nements and other places aforesaid by us so given to our aforesaid son, together with chases, parks, woods, warrens, chases, ° ' parks, &c. fairs, markets, waters, ways, fisheries, commons, assarts, wastes, and purprestures, and also with the arrentations and rents of all manner of assarts, wastes, and purprestures arrented in the chases and other places aforesaid, as well in our time as in the times of our progenitors formerly Kings of England, and hereafter to be arrented, together with the fines for ingress of the like assarts, wastes, and purprestures so to be arrented, and with courts, views of N 89 nostros pertinere poterunt de anno die et vasto, forisfac- turis et murdris, in quibuscumque curiis nostris et haeredum nostrorum homines et tenentes illos (tarn coram nobis et haeredibus nostris et in cancellaria nostra et haeredum nostrorum, ac coram thesaurario et baronibus nostris et haeredum nostrorum de scaccario, quam coram justi- tiariis nostris et haeredum nostrorum itinerantibus ad communia placita et ad placita forestae, ac etiam coram justitiariis nostris et haeredum nostrorum de banco, et coram senescallo et marescallo ac coronatore hospitii nostri et haeredum nostrorum et clerico de mercato, ac coram aliis justitiariis et ministris nostris et haere- dum nostrorum quibuscumque) fines seu redemptiones facere vel amerciari, aut hujusmodi exitus murdra seu forisfacturas annum diem et vastum adjudicari, contigerit, adeo plene et integre sicut nos ea haberemus si praedicta castra honores maneria hundreda villas terras tenementa et aha loca praedicta, eidem fiUo nostro sic data, in manu nostra retinuissemus. Ita quod ipse et dicti haeredes sui per manus ballivorum et ministrorum suorum fines redemp- tiones et amerciamenta hominum et tenentium praedictorum exitus forisfactos, et omnia quae ad nos et haeredes nostros pertinere poterunt de anno die vasto, forisfacturis et murdris, de et in castris honoribus maneriis hundredis villis terris tenementis et aliis locis praedictis per nos sic datis ac eorum feodis, quae coram praedictis justitiariis iti- nerantibus ad communia placita et ad placita forestae, ac coram dictis senescallo et marescallo coronatore seu clerico fieri et adjudicari contigerit, per extractas eorumdem jus- titiariorum itinerantium in itineribus suis et senescalli et marescalli et coronatoris ac clerici in sessionibus suis eisdem balHvis et ministris inde liberandas, necnon fines redemptiones et amerciamenta hominum et tenentium prae- 89 frankpledge, hundreds, wapentakes, wreck, waif and stray, wreck. royal liberties and free customs, and all other things to the same castles, honors, manors, hundreds, and other lands, tenements, and places howsoever and wheresoever belong- ing. We have also granted for us and our heirs to our Fines and same son, that he and his said heirs may have all fines, ments, ransoms, and amercements of all their men and tenants of and in the castles, honors, manors, hundreds, towns, lands, tenements, and other places aforesaid so given to him by us, and in their fees, and also in all the towns, hundreds, and other places whence the annual farms and rents by us granted to him among the other lands and tenements aforesaid do proceed ; and also forfeited issues, forfeited is- ^ _ sues, for- and all things which can pertain to us and our heirs foitures,&c. of year, day, and waste, forfeitures and murders, in any soever of the courts of us and our heirs, where such men and tenants shall happen to make fine or ransom or be amerced, or such issues, murders, forfeitures, year, day, and waste happen to be adjudged, as well before us in any of and our heirs, and in the chancery of us and our heirs, and courts. before the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of us and our heirs, as before the justices of us and our heirs in eyre to hold common pleas and pleas of the forest, and also before the justices of the bench of us and our heirs, and before the steward and marshal and coroner of the house- hold of us and our heirs, and the clerk of the market, and before all other justices and ministers of us and our heirs whomsoever, as fully and entirely as we should have them if we had retained in our hand the aforesaid castles, honors, manors, hundreds, towns, lands, tenements, and other ' ' ' The Duke places aforesaid so ffiven to our same son. So that he JP^yit^y . ^ o them by his and his said heirs by the hands of his bailiffs and ministers by "strSfto may be able to levy, perceive, and have the fines, ransoms, fo tl^em!'^^'^ N 2 90 dictorum, ac exitus forisfactos, et omnia quae ad nos et haeredes nostros pertinere poterunt de anno die et vasto, forisfacturis, et murdris, de et in castris honoribus maneriis hundredis villis terris tenementis et aliis locis praedictis per nos sic datis ac eorum feodis, quae coram nobis et haeredibus nostris, vel in cancellaria nostra et haeredum nostrorum, seu coram thesaurario et baronibus nostris et haeredum nostrorum de scaccario, seu coram justitiariis nostris et haeredum nostrorum de banco aut justitiariis ad assisas capiendas et gaolas deliberandas seu justitiariis ad felonias et transgressiones audiendas et terminandas assignatis, vel coram aliis justitiariis seu mi- nistris nostris et haeredum nostrorum quibuscumque fieri et adjudicari contigerit, per extractas scaccarii nostri et haeredum nostrorum ballivis et ministris dicti filii nostri et dictorum haeredum suorum per manus vicecomitum in quorum ballivis castra honores maneria hundreda villae terrae tenementa et alia loca praedicta, ut est dictum, per nos data, ac eorum feoda existunt, inde liberandas, levare percipere et habere possint, — sine occasione vel impedi' mento nostri vel haeredum nostrorum aut ballivorum seu mi- nistrorum nostrorum quorumcumque. Et quod idem filius noster et dicti haeredes sui habeant in castris honoribus maneriis hundredis villis terris tenementis et aliis locis praedictis per nos sic datis, ac eorum feodis, catalla felonum et fugitivorum; ita quod si quis hominum vel tenentium suorum aut alii in locis praedictis vel eorum feodis pro delicto suo vitam vel membrum debeant amittere vel fugerint et judicio stare noluerint, vel aliquod delictum fecerint pro quo catalla sua debeant perdere (ubicumque justitia de eis fieri debeat sive in curia nostra vel haeredum nostrorum sive in aliis curiis) ipsa catalla sint praefati filii nostri et dictorum haeredum suorum, et 90 and amercements of the men and tenants aforesaid, for- feited issues, and all things which to us and our heirs can pertain of year, day, and waste, forfeitures and murders, of and in the castles, honors, manors, hundreds, towns, lands, tenements, and other places aforesaid by us so given, and in their fees, — such as shall happen to be made and adjudged before the aforesaid justices in eyre to hold common pleas and pleas of the forest, and before the said steward and marshal, coroner or clerk, by estreats of the same jus- tices in eyre in their circuits, and of steward and marshal and coroner and clerk in their sessions, to be delivered thereof to the same bailiffs and ministers, — and also such the fines, ransoms, and amercements of the aforesaid men and tenants, and forfeited issues, and all things which to us and our heirs can pertain of year, day, waste, for- feitures and murders, of and in the castles, honors, manors, hundreds, towns, lands, tenements, and other places aforesaid by us so given, and in their fees, as shall happen to be made and adjudged before us and our heirs, or in the chancery of us and our heirs, or before the trea- surer and barons of the exchequer of us and our heirs, or before the justices of us and our heirs of the common bench, or our justices assigned to take the assizes and to deliver our gaols, or the justices assigned to hear and deter- mine felonies and trespasses, or before other the justices or ministers of us and our heirs whomsoever, by estreats of the exchequer of us and our heirs, to be delivered thereof to the bailiffs and ministers of our said son and his said heirs by the hands of the sheriffs in whose bailiwicks the castles, honors, manors, hundreds, towns, lands, tene- ments, and other places aforesaid given by us as afore- said, and their fees, do lie; without let or hinderance of us or our heirs, or of our bailiffs or ministers whomsoever. 91 liceat eis seu ministris suis sine occasione vel impedi- mento nostri vel hseredum nostrorum vicecomitum et alio- rum ballivorum seu ministrorum nostrorum vel hseredum nostrorum quorumcumque ponere se in seisinam de catallis prsedictis et ea ad usum dicti filii nostri et haeredum suo- rum retinere. Concessimus etiam prsefato filio nostro pro nobis et hseredibus nostris quod ipse et dicti hseredes sui habeant in castris honoribus maneriis hundredis villis terris teneraentis et aliis locis prsedictis dicto filio nostro sic datis, ac eorum feodis, retorna omnium brevium nos- trorum et haeredum nostrorum ac summonitionum extrac- tarum et prseceptorum de scaccario praedicto necnon prse- ceptorum et extractarum justitiariorum nostrorum et hae- redum nostrorum itinerantium tam ad placita forestae quam ad communia placita, et aliorum justitiariorum quorumcumque, et executiones eorumdem brevium, sum- monitionum, extractarum et praeceptorum per ballivos et ministros sues faciendas. Ita quod nullus vicecomes bal- livus aut minister noster vel haeredum nostrorum castra honores maneria villas terras tenementa et alia loca praedicta, ut praemittitur, per nos data, vel eorum feoda, ad officia aliqua seu alia officia sua tangentia facienda ingrediatur, nisi in defectum ipsius filii nostri aut dic- torum haeredum vel ballivorum seu ministrorum suorum. Volumus insuper et concedimus pro nobis et haeredibus nostris quod si vicecomites vel ballivi libertatum hun- dredorum seu wapentachiorum in aliquibus executionibus pro eodem filio nostro aut dictis haeredibus suis per brevia sive mandata nostra, vel haeredum nostrorum, aut quovis alio modo faciendis negligentes fuerint vel remissi per quod ipsos in scaccario nostro seu aliis curiis nostris contigerit amerciari vel fines facere, quod fines et amerciamenta ilia sint dicti filii nostri et dictorum haeredum suorum, et ad 91 And that our same son and his said heirs may have in the castles, honors, manors, hundreds, towns, lands, te- nements, and other places aforesaid by us so given, and in their fees, the chattels of felons and fugitives, so that chattels of °, felous. if any of their men or tenants or others in the places aforesaid, or in their fees, for their delinquency ought to lose life or limb, or shall flee and not be willing to stand their trial, or shall commit any offence for the which they ought to lose their chattels, (wheresoever justice shall be had of them, whether in the court of us or our heirs, or whether in other courts,) such chattels shall belong to our aforesaid son and his said heirs, and that it shall be lawful for them or their ministers to put themselves in seizin of the chattels aforesaid, and retain them to the behoof of our said son and his heirs, without let or hin- derance of us or our heirs, our sheriffs and other bailiffs or ministers of us or our heirs whomsoever. We have also Return and execution granted to our aforesaid son, for us and our heirs, that of writs and *-^ ' summons he and his said heirs may have in the castles, honors, «ftheex manors, hundreds, towns, lands, tenements, and other places aforesaid so given to our said son, and in their fees, the return of all writs of us and our heirs, and of summons, estreats, and precepts of the exchequer afore- said, and also of the precepts and estreats of the justices of us and our heirs in eyre to hold as well pleas of the forest as common pleas, and of other justices whomso- ever, and the execution of the same writs, summons, es- treats, and precepts, to be made by their bailiffs and mi- nisters. So that no sheriff, bailiff, or other minister of us or our heirs shall enter the castles, honors, manors, towns, lands, tenements, and other places aforesaid by us given as is premised, or their fees, to perform any ofiices, or other things touching their offices, unless in default of our summons of the ex chequer. 92 eorum opus leventur. Hiis testibus, venerabilibus patribus Simone Arcbiepiscopo Cantuariensi totius Angliae Primate, Adam Menevensi Cancellario, Henrico Wigornensi The- saurario, nostris, Episcopis, Edmundo Comite Cantabrigise, Thoma de Wodestok Constabulario Anglise, filiis nostris carissimis, Henrico de Percy Marescallo Anglise, Johanne de Ipre Senescallo hospitii nostri, Nicholao Carreu Custode privati sigilli nostri, et aliis. Data per manum nostram apud Shene quarto die Junii, anno regni nostri Angliae quinquagesimo primo, regni vero nostri Franciae tricesimo octavo. NOS autem tarn dictam cartam indentatam quam dictam aliam cartam, ac omnes donationes concessiones et omnia alia in eisdem cartis contenta pro nobis et haeredi- bus nostris, tenore prgesentium, ratificamus et confirmamus, juxta tenorem et effectum cartarum supradictarum. In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus pa- tentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium, quintode- cimo die Septembris, anno regni nostri primo. Kr@g autem donationes, concessiones, confirmationes, libertates, franchesias et quietantias praedictas, ac omnia alia et singula in dictis cartis et literis contenta, rata habentes et grata, ea, pro nobis et haeredibus nostris, quantum in nobis est, de gratia nostra speciali acceptamus, approbamus, et praefato Duci et haeredibus suis praedictis imperpetuum, tenore praesentium, concedimus et confirmamus, sicut cartse et literae supradictae rationabiliter testantur. Prseterea vo- lentes eidem Duci gratiam in hac parte facere ampliorem de gratia nostra speciali concessimus pro nobis et hseredibus nostris, et hac carta nostra confirmavimus quod licet ipse aliqua vel aliquibus donationum, concessionum, confirma- tionum, libertatum, franchesiarum et quietantiarum, aut aliorum in dictis cartis et literis contentorum, aliquo casu emergente, hactenus plene usus non fuerit, idem 92 same son or his said heirs, or of their bailiffs or ministers. And furthermore we will and grant, for us and our said Fines and heirs, that if the sheriffs or bailiffs of liberties, hundreds, or ments of sheriffs and wapentakes be negligent or remiss in making any execu- ^^mffs of li- tions for our same son or his said heirs, by writs or man- negligence. dates of us or our heirs, or in any other wise, whereby it shall happen that they be amerced or make fines in our exchequer or in other our courts, such fines and amerce- ments shall belong to our said son and his said heirs, and may be levied to their behoof. These being wit- nesses, the venerable fathers, Simon Archbishop of Can* terbury. Primate of all England ; Adam Bishop of St. David's, our Chancellor; Henry Bishop of Worcester, our Treasurer ; Edmund Earl of Cambridge, and Thomas of Woodstock, Constable of England, our most dear sons ; Henry de Percy, Marshal of England ; John de Ipre, Steward of our household; Nicholas Carreu, Keeper of our privy seal, and others. Given under our hand at Sheen, on the fourth day of June, in the fifty-first year of our reign of England, and the thirty-eighth of our reign of France. AND we, as well the said charter indented as the said other charter, and all the donations, grants, and all other things in the same charters con- tained, for us and our heirs by the tenor of these presents do ratify and confirm according to the tenor and effect of the charters abovesaid. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness ourself at Westminster, on the fifteenth day of September, in the first year of our reign. Alf E) we, ratifying and approving the donations, grants, confirmation confirmations, liberties, franchises, and acquittances afore- ?edte?"'"^ said, and all and singular other the things in the said charters and letters contained, do, for us and our heirs, as far as in 93 taraen Dux et haeredes sui praedicti donationibus, conces- sionibus, confirmationibus, libertatibus, franchesiis et quie- tantiis, ac omnibus aliis et singulis in cartis et Uteris praedictis, ut praemittitur, contentis, et eorum quolibet de- caetero plene gaudeant et utantur imperpetuum, sine occa- sione vel impedimento nostri vel haeredum nostrorum, justi- tiariorum, escaetorum, vicecomitum aut aliorum ballivorum seu ministrorum nostrorum vel haeredum nostrorum quo- rumcumque. Et ulterius, ad probitatem strenuam et sa- pientiam excellentissimam ac alios multiplices mores et merita praefati avunculi nostri, qui nullis cedens laboribus vel expensis, se tam in consiliis obsequiis et aliis agendis nobis et toti regno nostro fructuosis et honorificis semper retroactis temporibus obsequiosum pariter et paratum ex- hibuit et exhibet indefesse, condignam considerationem habentes, et volentes, praemissorum intuitu, praefatum avunculum nostrum, qui prae caeteris in sapientia, strenui- tate et honore nobis et regno nostro praedicto maxime valere et locum potiorem tenere potest, gratiis et favori- bus amplioribus praerogare, de uberiori gratia nostra, pro majori securitate ipsius Ducis avunculi nostri, declaramus, concedimus, et confirmamus, pro nobis et haeredibus nos- tris, praefato Duci, quod ipse ad totam vitam suam habeat omnes fines pro transgressione et aliis malefactis quibus- cumque ; ac etiam fines pro licentia concordandi, et omni- modos alios fines, redemptiones, et amerciamenta, ex qua- cumque causa et per quamcumque causam provenientia, necnon exitus forisfactos de omnibus hominibus et tenentibus de et in terris et feodis praedicti Ducis, et de omnibus infra eadem terras et feoda residentibus, quanquam iidem ho- mines, tenentes, seu residentes, ministri nostri vel haeredum nostrorum existant. Et quod idem Dux ad totam vitam suam habeat quascumque forisfacturas annum diem vastum et 93 us lies, of our especial grace accept and approve the same, and do grant and confirm them by the tenor of these pre- sents to the aforesaid Duke and his heirs aforesaid for ever, as the charters and letters abovesaid reasonably do wit- ness. Willing, moreover, to shew the same Duke more notwith- °' ' standing ample favor in this behalf, we have granted of our espe- non-user, cial grace for us and our heirs, and by this our charter have confirmed, that albeit, any case arising, he have not hitherto fully used any one or more of the donations, grants, confirmations, liberties, franchises and acquittances, or other things in the said charters and letters contained, nevertheless the same Duke and his heirs aforesaid may henceforth fully enjoy and use for ever the donations, grants, confirmations, liberties, franchises, and acquittances, and all and singular other the things contained in the char- ters and letters aforesaid, as is premised, and every of without let them, without let or hinderance of us or our heirs, the the King's bailiffs or justices, escheators, sheriffs, or other bailifiB or ministers ministers. of us or our heirs whomsoever. And furthermore, hav- Merits of grantee the ing condign consideration of the strenuous goodness and f^^^'o^f^J;. most excellent wisdom, and other manifold merits and sent grant good demeanour of our aforesaid uncle, who yielding to no labors or expenses hath ever in times past proved him- self, and yet unweariedly proves himself, equally ready and compliant in giving his counsel, and in the performance of other duties profitable and honorable to us and our whole realm, and being desirous in regard of the premises to endow with ampler favors and grace our aforesaid uncle, who, far beyond others in wisdom, prowess, and honor, is able to avail and stand us and our realm aforesaid in better stead, do, of our more abundant grace, for the greater security of the same Duke our uncle, declare, grant, for term of and confirm for us and our heirs to the aforesaid Duke, oukeofLan- 94 estreppamentum, et quicquid ad nos vel haeredes nostros pertinere poterit de anno die vasto et estreppamento, fo- risfacturis et murdris, infra terras et feoda praedicta, in quibuscumque euriis nostris et haeredum nostrorum sive in quacumque curia alterius, contigerit quod praedicti homi- nes, tenentes, seu residentes facient fines vel erunt amer- ciati, vel exitus forisfacient, seu quod praedicta annus dies vastum et estreppamentum, forisfactura vel murdrum, ad- judicata erunt, tam in praesentia nostra et haeredum nostro- rum, quam in absentia nostra et haeredum nostrorum, et tam coram nobis et haeredibus nostris, et in cancellaria nostra et haeredum nostrorum, ac coram thesaurario et baronibus de scaccario nostro et haeredum nostrorum, et coram justitia- riis nostris et haeredum nostrorum de communi banco, necnon coram senescallo et marescallis seu coram coronatore hospitii nostri et haeredum nostrorum vel clerico mercati, qui pro tempore erunt, et in aliis euriis nostris et haeredum nostro- rum, quam coram justitiariis nostris itinerantibus ad com- munia placita et ad placita forestae, justitiariis ad assisas capiendas et gaolas deliberandas, ac coram quibuscumque aliis justitiariis et ministris nostris et haeredum nostrorum, tam in praesentia nostra et haeredum nostrorum, quam in absentia nostra et haeredum nostrorum, adeo plene et integre sicut nos vel haeredes nostri ea haberemus si ilia praefato Duci non concessissemus. Ita quod praedictus Dux per manus ballivorum et aliorum ministrorum suorum levare, percipere, et habere possit, fines, redemptiones, et amercia- menta ipsorum hominum tenentium et residentium de et in terris et feodis praedictis, exitus forisfactos, et quicquid ad nos vel haeredes nostros pertinere poterit de anno die vasto estreppamento, forisfac^jris et murdris, de et in terris et feodis praedictis, quae coram dictis justitiariis itinerantibus ad communia placita et ad placita forestae, ac coram prae- 94 that he for the whole of his life may have all fines for tres- fines for pass and other misdeeds whatsoever, and also fines for li- 5oJt'fin?sr^ cence to agree, and all manner of other fines, ransoms, and ISJ^!' amercements, from whatever cause and through whatever fefted issue's. cause proceeding, and also forfeited issues in respect of all the men and tenants of and in the lands and fees of the aforesaid Duke, and in respect of all resiants within the same lands and fees, albeit the same men, tenants, or resiants be ministers of us or our heirs. And that the Forfeitures, year, day, same Duke, for the whole of his life, may have all manner and waste of forfeitures, year, day, waste, and estrepement, and what- ever to us or our heirs can pertain of year, day, waste, and estrepement, forfeitures and murders, within the lands and fees aforesaid, in what courts soever, of us and our heirs, or imposed or adjudged in in whatever court of any other it may happen that the any court, aforesaid men, tenants, or resiants shall make fines or be amerced or forfeit issues, or that the aforesaid year, day, waste, and estrepement, forfeiture or murder, be adjudged — as well in presence of us and our heirs as in absence of us and our heirs, and as well before us and our heirs, and in the chancery of us and our heirs, and before the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of us and our heirs, and be- fore the justices of the common bench of us and our heirs, and also before the steward and marshals, or before the coroner of the household, of us and our heirs, or the clerk of the market for the time being, and in other the courts of us and our heirs, as before our justices in eyre to hold common pleas and pleas of the forest, our justices assigned to take the assizes and to deliver our gaols, and before all other justices and ministers of us and our heirs whomso- ever, as well in presence of us and our heirs as in absence of us and our heirs, — as fully and entirely as we or our asfuuyas heirs would have them if we had not granted them to the ^ '"^ 95 dictis senescallo et marescallis coronatore vel clerico mer- cati, fieri seu adjudicari contigerit, per extractas eorum- dem justitiariorum itinerantium in itineribus suis, ac prse- dictorum senescalli marescallorum coronatoris et clerici in sessionibus suis, ballivis et ministris praedicti Ducis inde liberandas ; ac etiam fines, redemptiones, et amerciamen- ta de hominibus tenentibus et residentibus prsedietis, ac exitus forisfactos, et omnia quae ad nos vel hseredes nostros pertinere poterunt de anno die vasto estreppamento, foris- facturis et murdris, de et in terris et feodis prsedietis, quae coram nobis vel hseredibus nostris, vel in cancellaria nostra et haeredum nostrorum, seu coram thesaurario et baronibus de scaccario nostro et hseredum nostrorum, vel coram jus- titiariis nostris et haeredum nostrorum de communi banco, sive coram justitiariis ad assisas capiendas et gaolas de- liberandas, aut justitiariis ad transgressiones et felonias audiendas et terminandas assignatis, seu coram aliis justi- tiariis vel ministris nostris quibuscumque et haeredum nos- trorum, fieri vel adjudicari contigerit, per extractas de scac- cario nostro et haeredum nostrorum, ballivis et ministris praefati Ducis, per manus vicecomitum in quorum ballivis dicta terrae et feoda existunt, inde liberandas ; — sine occa- sione vel impedimento nostri vel haeredum nostrorum, jus- titiariorum, vicecomitum, escaetorum, aut aliorum minis- trorum nostrorum et haeredum nostrorum quorumcumque. Et quod praedictus Dux ad totam vitam suam per se et ministros suos in omnibus terris et feodis praedictis, tam in praesentia nostra et haeredum nostrorum quam in ab- sentia nostra et haeredum nostrorum, faciat et habeat assaiam et assisam panis vini et cervisiae et omnimodorum aliorum victualium quorumcumque ac aliorum ad ofiicium clerici de mercato nostri et haeredum nostrorum pertinen- tium, cum punitione eorumdem quotiens et quando expe- 95 aforesaid Duke. So that the aforesaid Duke by the hands The puke •' may levy the of his bailiffs and other ministers may be able to levy, per- o^^^offl^cers, ceive, and have the fines, ransoms, and amercements of the ll TeilllVa same men, tenants, and resiants of and in the lands and fees aforesaidj forfeited issues, and whatever to us or our heirs can pertain of year, day, and waste, estrepement, for- feitures, and murders, of and in the lands and fees afore- said, which shall happen to be made or adjudged before the said justices in eyre to hold common pleas and pleas of the forest, and before the aforesaid steward and mar- shals, coroner, or clerk of the market, by estreats of the same justices in eyre in their circuits, and of the aforesaid steward, marshals, coroner, and clerk, in their sessions, to be delivered thereof to the bailiffs and ministers of the aforesaid Duke ; and also the fines, ransoms, and amerce- ments of the aforesaid men, tenants, and resiants, and for- feited issues, and all things which to us or our heirs can pertain of year, day, waste, estrepement, forfeitures, and murders, of and in the lands and fees aforesaid, which shall happen to be made or adjudged before us or our heirs, or in the chancery of us and our heirs, or before the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of us and our heirs, or before the justices of us and our heirs of the common bench, or before our justices assigned to take the assizes and to deliver our gaols, or the justices assigned to hear and determine trespasses and felonies, or before other the justices or ministers of us and our heirs whomsoever, by estreats of the exchequer of us and our heirs, to be delivered thereof to the bailiffs and ministers of the aforesaid Duke by the hands of the sheriffs in whose bailiwicks the said lands and fees do lie; — without without let let or hinderance of us or our heirs, or of our justices, k?^'s'^ 1 •«• 1 1 . . n Officers. sheriffs, escheators, or other ministers of us and our heirs 96 diens fuerit et necesse : ac etiam habeat et percipiat fines amerciamenta et redemptiones ac omnimoda proficua inde provenientia; ita quod clericus mercati nostri et haeredum nostrorum non ingrediatur dicta terras vel feoda pro aliqui- bus ad officium suum pertinentibus faciendis seu exercendis. Et quod praedictus Dux ad totam vitam suam habeat catalla fugitivorum et felon um tarn felonura de se quam aliorum quorumcumque ac utlagatorum ex quacumque causa omni- um hominum et tenentium de et in terris et feodis prae- dictis, necnon omnium residentium infra eadem terras et feoda, quanquam iidem homines tenentes aut residentes ministri nostri vel hasredum nostrorum existant : ita quod si aliquis hominum et tenentium de et in terris et feodis praedictis seu aliquis residentium in dictis terris et feodis, aut aliquis alius in eisdem terris et feodis, pro aliquo suo malefacto quocumque debeat vitam vel membrum amittere, seu fugiat, et judicio stare noluerit, aut aliquam aliam transgressionem faciat pro qua ipse debet perdere catalla sua, (in quo loco justitia de eo fieri debeat, sive in curia nostra et haeredum nostrorum vel in aliis curiis,) catalla ilia sint praedicti Ducis: et quod liceat ei seu ministris suis ponere se in seisinam dictorum catallorum et eadem catalla ad opus praefati Ducis retinere ; — sine occasione vel impedimento nostri vel haeredum nostrorum, vicecomitum, escaetorum, aut aliorum ballivorum seu ministrorum nos- trorum et haeredum nostrorum quorumcumque. Et quod praefatus Dux ad totam vitam suam habeat retorna omnium brevium nostrorum et haeredum nostrorum, necnon sum- monitionum extractarum et praeceptorum de scaccario nostro, et de scaccario haeredum nostrorum, ac extractarum et prae- ceptorum justitiariorum nostrorum et haeredum nostrorum itinerantium tarn ad placita forestae quam ad communia placita, ac aliorum justitiariorum quorumcumque, necnon 96 whomsoever. And that the aforesaid Duke, for the whole Assay and ' assize of of his life, by himself and his ministers, in all the lands SmTtters and fees aforesaid, as well in presence of us and our heirs S^oKof , f, 11' 111 clerk of the as in absence of us and our heirs, may make and have market. the assay and assize of bread, wine, and ale, and of all manner of other victuals whatsoever, and of other things pertaining to the office of the clerk of the market of us and our heirs, together with the punishment thereof when- ever and so often as it shall be necessary and expedient ; and also that he may have and perceive the fines, amerce- ments, and ransoms, and all manner of profits thence pro- ceeding, so that the clerk of the market of us and our heirs shall not enter the said lands or fees to do or exercise any matters pertaining to his office. And that the aforesaid chattels of felons and Duke, for the whole of his life, may have the chattels of fugitives. fugitives and felons, as well felons of themselves as of others whomsoever, and of outlaws for any cause soever, of all the men and tenants of and in the lands and fees aforesaid, and also of all resiants within the same lands and fees, albeit the same men, tenants or resiants be ministers of us or our heirs, so that if any of the men and tenants of and in the lands and fees aforesaid, or any of the resiants in the said lands and fees, or any other person in the same lands and fees, for any misdeed what- soever, ought to lose life or limb, or shall flee and not be willing to stand their trial, or shall commit any other tres- pass for the which they ought to lose their chattels (in whatsoever place justice shall be had of them, whether in the court of us and our heirs or in other courts), such chattels shall belong to the aforesaid Duke : And that it May seize shall be lawful for him or his ministers to put themselves in without let * ^ from the seizin of the said chattels, and the same chattels to retain king's bai- ' lilts or mi- to the behoof of the aforesaid Duke ; — without let or bin- "^s^^^^- 97 attach iamenta tarn de placitis coronae quam aliorum in omni- bus terris et feodis praedictis. Et quod praedictus Dux ad totam vitam suam per se et per ballivos et ministros suos habeat in eisdem terris et feodis executionem eorumdem brevium summonitionum extractarum et praeceptorum. Ita quod nuUus vicecomes ballivus seu alius minister noster vel hseredum nostrorum praedicta terras et feoda ingredia- tur pro aliquo officio vel aliqua re officium suum tangen- te faciendo, nisi in defectu ipsius Ducis vel ministrorum suorum. Et ulterius concedimus et hac carta nostra con- firmavimus pro nobis et dictis haeredibus nostris quod si vicecomites vel ballivi libertatum hundredorum seu wapen- tachiorum, in aliquibus executionibus pro praedicto Duce, per brevia seu mandata nostra vel hseredum nostrorum, seu aliquo alio modo, faciendis, negligentes fuerint vel remissi, per quod contigerit ipsos amerciari aut fines facere in scaccario vel in aliis curiis nostris et haeredum nostro- rum, hujusmodi fines et amerciamenta sint prsefati Ducis, et quod leventur ad opus ipsius Ducis per ministros suos supradictos, durante vita sua. Et quod praedictus Dux ad totam vitam suam habeat infra omnia praedicta terras et feoda omnimoda catalla vocata wayf et stray, deodanda, thesaurum inventum ac alias res vel catalla inventa; et quod ipse per se et ministros suos seisire et capere possit ad voluntatem suam ad opus praedicti Ducis, wayfs et strayes, deodanda, thesaurum inventum ac alia inventa supradicta. Et quod praedictus Dux ad totam vitam suam habeat quaecumque bona et catalla vocata manuopera cap- ta vel capienda cum quacumque persona infra terras et feoda praedicta, ac per eandem personam coram quocum- que judice dead vocata. Salvis semper et reservatis praefato Duci, et haeredibus suis praedictis, omnimodis aliis privi- legiis, immunitatibus, et quietantiis, eis, per nos aut per 97 derance of us or our heirs, or of our sheriffs, escheators, or other bailiffs or ministers of us and our heirs whomso- ever. And that the aforesaid Duke, for the whole of his Return and execution of life, may have the return of all writs of us and our heirs, ^"t^, sum- ' •' ' mons, es- and also of summons, estreats, and precepts, of our ex- precepts"*^ chequer and of the exchequer of our heirs, and of the estreats and precepts of the justices of us and our heirs in eyre to hold as well pleas of the forest as common pleas, and of other justices whomsoever, and also the at- Attachment ^ ' ** ^ of pleas of tachment as well of pleas of the crown as of others in the crown. all the lands and fees aforesaid. And that the afore- said Duke, for the whole of his life, by himself and by his bailiffs and ministers may have in the same lands and fees the execution of the same writs, summons, estreats, and precepts, so that no sheriff, bailiff, or other minister of no sheriff or ^ ^ ' . other bailiff us or our heirs shall enter the aforesaid lands and fees to of the Kin? may intromit, perform any office, or anything touching his office, unless ^^^^l^ ^" '^®" in default of the same Duke or his ministers. And fur- Fi„es and thermore we do grant, and by this our charter have con- S?2ntrof firmed, for us and our said heirs, that if the sheriffs or bailiffs of liberties for bailiffs of liberties, hundreds, or wapentakes be negligent "egugence. or remiss in making any executions for the aforesaid Duke by writs or mandates of us or our heirs, or in any other wise whereby it shall happen that they be amerced or make fines in the exchequer or in other the courts of us and our heirs, such fines and amercements shall belong to the aforesaid Duke, and that they may be levied to the behoof of the same Duke by his ministers abovesaid dur- ing his life. And that the aforesaid Duke, for the whole of wayfs and his life, may have within all the aforesaid lands and fees all manner of chattels called wayf and stray, deodands, Deodands. treasure trove, and other things or chattels found: and Treasure . . trove. that he by himself and his ministers may be able to seize o 2 98 dictum avum nostrum, datis concessis seu confirmatis. Hiis testibus, venerabilibus patribus Willielrao Cantuariensi to- tius Angliai Primate, Thoma Eboracensi Anglian Primate, Cancellario nostro, Archiepiscopis, Roberto Londinensi, Ro- berto Cicestrensi, Tideman Wigornensi, Episcopis, Edmundo Eborum, Thoma Gloucestriae, Ducibus, avunculis nostris ea- rissimis, Edwardo Rotelandse, Ricardo Arundelliae, Thoma Marescallo et Notinghamise, Henrico Northumbrise, Comi- tibus, Rogero Walden Thesaurario nostro, Thoma de Percy Senescallo hospitii nostri, Guidone Mone Custode privati sigilli nostri, et aliis. Data per manum nostram apud Westmonasterium vicesimo nono die Junii, anno regni nostri vicesimo. Per ipsum Regem. and take at their pleasure, to the behoof of the aforesaid Duke, the wayfs and strays, deodands, treasure trove, and other things found as abovesaid. And that the aforesaid Mainour. Duke, for the whole of his life, may have all manner of goods and chattels called Mainour, taken or to be taken upon any person soever within the lands and fees aforesaid, and by the same person disclaimed before any iudge soever; saving always and reserved to the aforesaid saving of n- J o 7 n J berties before Duke and his heirs aforesaid all manner of other privileges, feSu ^" immunities, and acquittances, given, granted, or confirmed to them by us or by our said grandfather. These being witnesses, the venerable fathers, William Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England ; Thomas Archbishop of York, Primate of England, our Chancellor; Robert Bishop of London ; Robert Bishop of Chichester ; Tideman Bishop of Worcester ; Edmund Duke of York, and Tho- mas Duke of Gloucester, our most dear uncles; Edward Earl of Rutland ; Richard Earl of Arundel ; Thomas Earl Marshal and of Nottingham; Henry Earl of Northum- berland ; Roger Walden, our Treasurer ; Thomas de Percy, steward of our household; Guy Mone, Keeper of our privy seal; and others. Given under our hand at West- minster, on the twenty-ninth day of June, in the twentieth year of our reign. By the King himself. 99 Rot. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 5.m.23. in Turr. Lond. XVI. De declaratione intentionis Regis. ENRICUS Dei gratia Rex Anglise et Francise et Dominus Hiberniae omnibus ad quos prse- sentes literae pervenerint salutem. Sciatis quod cum nos nuper, antequam ad statum regium aspiravimus, habuerimus et tenuerimus ac in prge- senti habeamus et teneamus per legem Angliae diversa honores, castra, hundreda, commota, maneria, terras, te- nementa, annuitates, feoda, advocationes, ac plura alia possessiones et dominia de hsereditate Marise, unius iili- arum et hseredum Humfridi de Bohun nuper comitis Here- fordise, Essexise, et Northamptonise, et Constabularii An- gliae, nuper consortis nostrae defunctse : Nos, volentes dicta honores, castra, hundreda, commota, maneria, terras, tenementa, annuitates, feoda, advocationes, possessiones et dominia, cum juribus libertatibus franchesiis et li- beris consuetudinibus suis quibuscunque, eisdem modo forma conditione et statu quibus ea [ante] adeptionem status nostri regii habuimus et tenuimus, nobis ad ter- minum vitse nostrse plenarie et integre conservari con- tinuari et haberi, volumus ac tenore praesentium, ex certa scientia nostra, concedimus declaramus et ordinamus quod honores, castra, hundreda, commota, maneria, terrae, tene- menta, annuitates, feoda, advocationes, possessiones et do- minia praedicta cum juribus libertatibus franchesiis et liberis consuetudinibus suis praedictis, taliter et tali modo et per tales officiarios et ministros in omnibus deducantur, gubernentur, et pertractentur,sicut deduci,gubernari, et per- 99 XVI. A Declaration of the King's intention.* ENRY, by the grace of God, King of England i4th oct. ■^ and France and Lord of Ireland, to all to a.d.isi U^A '"^ whom the present letters shall come, greet- ^=^^^^y^ ' ing. Know ye, that whereas we lately, before Recital that we aspired to the re^al estate, did have and hold, and hew certain ir o ' ' estates for life do at this present have and hold, by the law of England, ^l^^l^^P' divers honors, castles, hundreds, commotes, manors, lands, wifeSy tenements, annuities, fees, advowsons, and many other pos- sessions and lordships of the heritage of Mary, one of the daughters and coheirs of Humphrey de Bohun, late Earl of Hereford, Essex, and Northampton, and Constable of Eng- land, our late consort deceased : We, willing that the said honors, castles, hundreds, commotes, manors, lands, tene- ments, annuities, fees, advowsons, possessions, and lord- ships, with their rights, liberties, franchises, and free cus- toms whatsoever, in the same manner, form, state, and condition in which we had and held them before we obtained our royal estate, be fully and entirely continued, kept, and had to us for the term of our life, do will, and Declaration ■•■ that said es- by the tenor of these presents of our certain knowledge ^on^j^Jlg^^o do grant, declare, and ordain, that the honors, castles, ast^ougf^ hundreds, commotes, manors, lands, tenements, annuities, not obtained fees, advowsons, possessions, and lordships aforesaid, with their rights, liberties, franchises, and free customs aforesaid, so and in such wise, and by such officers and ministers, ■^ The original Charter does not now exist in the archives of the Duchy of Lancaster. 100 tractari deberent, si ad culmen dignitatis regiae assumpti minime fuissemus : Volentes ulterius et concedentes, ac ex certa scientia nostra plenarie declarantes, quod universi et singuli liberi tenentes nostri de honoribus, castris, hun- dredis, commotis, maneriis, terris, tenementis, feodis, pos- sessionibus et dominiis prsedictis, et hseredes sui, adeo liberi sint et in omnibus talis ac adeo liberae et illesae conditionis, tarn in ingressibus suis in haereditates suas post mortem antecessorum suorum, quam in tenuris suis, ac alias qualitercumque, sicut esse possent et deberent, de consuetudine vel de jure, si [dicta] dignitas nostra regia nobis nusquam accidisset, dicta assumptione nostra dig- nitatis regiae, aut eo quod honores, castra, hundreda, com- mota, maneria, terrae, tenementa, annuitates, feoda, advo- cationes, possessiones et dominia praedicta in manu nostra jam existunt, seu aliquibus aliis occasionibus, causis, colo- ribus, vel impedimentis quibuscunque, quae incontrarium praesentis voluntatis, concessionis, et declarationis nostrae, vigorem seu efFectum aliquem habere nolumus, in aliquo non obstantibus. Proviso semper quod praerogativa nostra regia quoad maritagia et proficua maritagiorum haeredum tenentium nostrorum dominiorum praedictorura seisienda et habenda, locum habeat et vigorem. Volumus insuper et concedimus, ac ex certa scientia nostra ordinamus, quod universa et singula beneficia ecclesiastica ad honores, castra, hundreda, commota, terras, tenementa, posses- siones et dominia praedicta spectantia, per nos durante vita nostra conferantur: Ita quod cancellarius vel the- saurarius Angliae pro tempore existentes, seu quivis alius officiarius regius, de coUatione vel praesentatione, seu etiam de visitatione beneficiorum hujusmodi, ratione ofRciorum suorum, se nullatenus intromittant durante vita nostra supradicta. Volumus etiam ac tenore praesentium con 100 be in all respects managed, governed, and treated, as they would have been managed, governed, and treated if we had never assumed the ensign of royal dignity: Willing, fur- The tenants thermore, and granting, and of our certain knowledge fully and how declaring, that all and singular our free tenants of the ancestors' honors, castles, hundreds, commotes, manors, lands, tene- beenaccus- ments, fees, possessions, and lordships aforesaid, and their ^°^^^' heirs, may be as free, and in all respects of such and of as free and unimpaired condition, as well in their entries upon their inheritances after the death of their ancestors as in their tenures, and otherwise howsoever, as they could and ought to be by custom or of right if our said royal dignity had never fallen to us, our said assumption of the royal dignity notwithstanding, or notwithstanding that the honors, castles, hundreds, commotes, manors, lands, tene- ments, annuities, fees, advowsons, possessions, and lord- ships aforesaid are now in our hands, or any other lets, causes, colors, or impediments whatsoever, (which we will not to have any force or effect to the contrary of this our present will, grant, and declaration,) in anywise not- withstanding. Provided always that our royal prero- saving the gative in respect oi seizmg and havmg the marriages and rogativeas the profits of the marriages of the heirs of our tenants of the aforesaid lordships have effect and viffor. We will more- chancellor of ^ ^ ° ^ England not over and grant, and of our certain knowledge do ordain, ^JP^'^^^^Je ^° that all and singular ecclesiastical benefices belonging to "^^<=®s- the honors, castles, hundreds, commotes, lands, tenements, possessions, and lordships aforesaid shall be conferred by us during our life ; so that the chancellor or treasurer of England for the time being, or any other royal officer, do in nowise intermeddle by reason of their offices in the collation or presentation, or even in the visitation, of the like benefices during our life abovesaid. We will also, 101 cedimus et ordinamus, quod omnes et singuli receptores, feodarii, firmarii, ballivi, praepositi, ac quicumque alii ser- vientes et ministri iiostri praedictorum honorum, castro- rum, hundredorum, commotorum, maneriorum, terrarum, tenementorum, annuitatum, feodorum, possessionum et dominiorum, de omnibus et singulis denariis, firmis, red- ditibus, exitibus, reventionibus, et proficuis quibuscumque de eisdem honoribus, castris, hundredis, commotis, mane- riis, terris, tenementis, annuitatibus, feodis, possessionibus et dominiis, qualitercumque provenientibus, coram certis auditoribus, officiariis et ministris, per nos de tempore in tempus ad hoc limitandis et assignandis, duntaxat, et non coram thesaurario et baronibus de scaccario regio, computent et respondeant. Ita quod thesaurarius et barones de scaccario prsedicto, de aliquibus hujusmodi denariis, firmis, redditibus, exitibus, reventionibus aut pro- ficuis, seu de aliquibus compotis vel ratiociniis inde au- diendis, habendis, reddendis, vel terminandis, durante vita nostra, se non intromittant ullo modo. In cujus rei tes- timonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium, quarto decimo die Octo- bris, anno regni nostri primo. Per ipsum Regem. 101 and by the tenor of these presents do grant and ordain, AuVeceivers that all and singular our receivers, feodaries, farmers, to account , , before special bailiiFs, reeves, and other our servants and ministers who- auditors, and ' ' not at the soever of the aforesaid honors, castles, hundreds, com- Chequer." motes, manors, lands, tenements, annuities, fees, posses- sions, and lordships, for all and singular sums of money, farms, rents, issues, revenues, and profits whatever in any manner proceeding from the same honors, castles, hundreds, commotes, manors, lands, tenements, annuities, fees, pos- sessions, and lordships, shall account and answer only before certain auditors, officers, and ministers from time to time to be hereunto hmited and assigned by us, and not before the treasurer and barons of the royal ex- chequer. So that the treasurer and barons of the ex- chequer aforesaid shall not in any wise intermeddle during our life in any the like monies, farms, rents, issues, re- venues, or profits, or in the auditing, having, rendering, or determining any the accounts or reckonings thereof. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness ourself at Westminster, on the fourteenth day of October, in the first year of our reign. By the King himself. 102 XVIL De declaratione intentionis Regis. ENRICUS Dei gratia Rex Angliae et Franciae ^ et Dominus Hiberniae omnibus ad quos prae- Sl sentes literse pervenerint salutem. Sciatis quod cum ducatus Lancastriae, ac quamplura alia comitatus, honores, castra, maneria, feoda, posses- siones et dominia, infra regnum nostrum Angliae et Wallise, ac alibi, nobis tam per mortem Celebris memo- riae Henrici nuper Ducis Lancastriae avi nostri, ac ca- rissimi domini et patris nostri Johannis nuper Ducis Lancastriae, necnon carissimae dominae et matris nostrae Blanchiae uxoris ejus, filiae et haeredis praedicti Henrici, nobis jure baereditario, antequam ad statum et dignitatem regalem rerum Dominus omnium sua inefFabili dementia nos nuperrime evocavit, descenderint et acciderint, in quibus quidem ducatu, comitatibus, honoribus, castris, maneriis, possessionibus et dominiis, diversa libertates, jura re- galia, consuetudines et franchesiae, dictis progenitoribus et antecessoribus nostris, quaedam, videlicet, eis et haeredibus de corporibus suis exeuntibus, et quaedam sibi et haeredibus masculis de corporibus suis exeuntibus, ac quaedam praefato domino et patri nostro ad terminum vitae suae, per diversas cartas, tam domini Edwardi nuper Regis Angliae avi nos- tri, quam domini Ricardi nuper Regis Angliae secundi post conquestum, sunt et fuerant concessa, prout in cartis praedictis quarum tenores sequuntur in haec verba, — EDWARDUS Dei gratia Rex Angliae et Franciae et Dominus Hiberniae omnibus ad quos praesentes literae per- 102 XVII. A Declaration of the King's intention.* ENRY, by the grace of God, King of England {^^^^^''J- and France and Lord of Ireland, to all to ^•°- ^^'^^• S whom the present letters shall come, greet- inff. Know ye, that whereas the duchy of Redtaithat 1 , . , 1 the King JLancaster, and very many other counties, honors, castles, ^^^id the manors, fees, possessions, and lordships, within our realm ^ndSer of England and Wales and elsewhere, before the Lord of vadouV" all things so lately in his unspeakable mercy called us to inEuance, the regal estate and dignity, did descend and come unto us by hereditary right, by the death as well of Henry of famous memory, late Duke of Lancaster, our grandfather, as of our most dear lord and father John late Duke of Lancaster, and also of our most dear lady and mother Blanche, his wife, daughter and heiress of the aforesaid Henry ; in which said and that , divers liber- duchy, counties, honors, castles, manors, possessions, and "^* f."*\/j^^" lordships, divers liberties, jura regalia, customs, and fran- fhe^efn^bj?^^ chises were and had been granted to our said progenitors tTs^viz!^^'^' and ancestors, — to wit, some to them and the heirs of their bodies issuing, and some to them and the heirs male of their bodies issuing, and some to our aforesaid lord and father for the term of his life, — by divers charters as well of the lord Edward late King of England, our grandfather, as of the lord Richard late King of England, the second after the conquest, as is contained more fully in the charters aforesaid, the tenors whereof follow in these words : EDWARD, by the erace of God, Kinff of England and 28th Feb. * The original Charter does not now exist in the archives of the -^-^-i^??. Duchy of Lancaster. 103 venerint, salutem. Sciatis quod si nos, debita considera- tione pensantes gestus magnificos cunctorum qui nobis in guerris nostris laudabiliter et strenue servierunt, ipsos desi- deremus honoribus attoUere et pro viribus juxta merita prse- miare, quanto magis filios nostros, quos tarn in sapientia quam in gestu nobili alios prsecellere conspicimus, et qui nobis locum tenuerunt et tenere poterunt potiorem, nos convenit majoribus honoribus et gratiis praerogare. Considerantes itaque probitatem strenuara et sapientiam prsecellentem carissimi filii nostri Johannis Regis Castellae et Legionis, Ducis Lancastrise, qui laboribus et expensis semper se nobis obsequiosum exhibuit, pro nobis pluries in necessi- tatibus intrepide se guerrarum discriminibus exponendo ; et volentes eo prsetextu ac desiderantes eundem filium nos- trum aliquali commodo et honore ad prsesens, licet non ad plenum, prout digna merita exposcunt, remunerare ; ex certa scientia nostra et Iseto corde, de assensu prselatorum et procerum in instanti parliamento nostro apud Westrno- nasterium convocato existentium, concessimus, pro nobis et haeredibus nostris, prsefato filio nostro, quod ipse ad totam vitam suam habeat infra comitatum Lancastrise cancella- riam suam, ac brevia sua sub sigillo suo pro officio cancel- lariae deputando consignanda, justitiarios suos tam ad pla- cita coronge quam ad quaecumque alia placita communem legem tangentia tenenda, ac cognitiones eorundem, et quas- cumque executiones per brevia sua et ministros suos ibidem faciendas, et quaecumque alia libertates et jura regalia ad Comitem Palatinum pertinentia, adeo integre et libere sicut Comes Cestriae infra eundem comitatum Cestriae dinoscitur obtinere (decimis quintisdecimis et aliis quotis et subsidiis nobis et haeredibus nostris per communitatem regni nostri, et decimis et ahis quotis per clerum ejusdem regni nobis concessis et imposterum concedendis, aut eidem clero per 103 France and Lord of Ireland, to all to whom the present letters shall come, greeting. Know ye, that if we, weigh- ing with due consideration the noble bearings of all those who laudably and strenuously have served us in our wars, be desirous of raising them to honors, and rewarding them for their valor according to their merits, how much more doth it become us to advance with greater honors and favors our own sons, whom we see excelling others as well in wisdom as in noble bearing, and who have stood and may stand us in better stead. Considering, therefore, the Grant for iife , ,, 'in . of a Court of strenuous goodness and excellent wisdom oi our most dear chancery in ^ the county of son John King of Castille and Leon, Duke of Lancas- Lancaster, ter, who hath ever shewn himself ready to serve us with labor and charges, many times in our need intrepidly exposing himself for us to the dangers of war, and being willing on that account, and desiring now to reward, albeit not in full, the same our son with some benefit and honor as his merits worthily demand, of our certain knowledge and with cheerful heart, with the assent of the prelates and nobles assembled in our present par- liament convoked at Westminster, we have granted, for us and our heirs, unto our aforesaid son, that he for the whole of his life may have within the county of Lan- caster his chancery, and his writs to be sealed under his seal to be deputed for the office of the chancery, his justices to hold as well pleas of the crown as all other pleas whatsoever touching the common law, and the cog- nisance thereof, and all manner of execution to be made by his writs and his ministers there, and all other liber- ties diud jura regalia pertaining to a Count Palatine, as and jum re- freely and entirely as the Earl of Chester is well known SS^toa • . . Count Pa- to obtam withm the same county of Chester : (saving i^tine. always the tenths, fifteenths, and other contributions 104 sedem apostolicam impositis et imponendis, ac pardona- tionibus vitae et membrorum in casu quo aliquis ejusdem comitatus aut alius in eodem comitatu pro aliquo delicto vitam vel membrum amittere debeat, ac etiam superioritate et potestate corrigendi ea quae in curiis ejusdem filii nostri ibidem erronice facta fuerint, vel si idem filius noster aut ministri sui in justitia in curiis ejusdem filii nostri inibi facienda defecerint, semper salvis). Et est intentionis nos- trae quod idem filius noster, ad mandata nostra et haeredum nostrorum, ad parliamenta et concilia nostra duos milites pro communitate comitatus praedicti et duos burgenses de quolibet burgo ejusdem comitatus ad tractandum cum aliis de communitate dicti regni nostri ad eadem parliamenta et concilia venientibus de negotiis dicti regni nostri in eisdem parliamentis et conciliis exponendis mittere teneatur. Et quod idem filius noster certos homines fideles et sufRcientes ad hujusmodi decimas et quintasdecimas subsidia et alia quota quotiens ea nobis seu haeredibus nostris in parlia- mentis seu conciliis concedi contigerit assignet; ita quod nobis et haeredibus nostris de sic concessis respondeatur per eosdem. In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonas- terium vicesimo octavo die Februarii, anno regni nostri Angliae quinquagesimo primo, regni vero nostri Franciae tricesimo octavo. RICARDUS Dei gratia Rex Angliae et Franciae et Do- minus Hiberniae archiepiscopis, episcopis, abbatibus, prio- ribus, ducibus, comitibus, baronibus, justitiariis, vicecomiti- bus, praepositis, ministris, et omnibus ballivis et fidelibus suis, salutem. Sciatis quod cum dominus Edwardus nuper Rex Angliae, avus noster, per cartam suam dedisset et con- cessisset carissimo avunculo nostro, filio suo, Johanni Duci Lancastriae, tunc Comiti Lancastriae, nomen et honorem 104 and subsidies granted and hereafter to be granted to us and our heirs by the commonalty of our realm, and the tenths and other contributions granted and hereafter to be granted to us by the clergy of the same our realm, or imposed and to be imposed upon the same clergy by the apostolic see; — and the pardon of life and limbs in case that any person of the same county, or other person in the same county, ought for any delict to lose his life or limb ; — and also the superiority and power of correcting those things which shall have been erro- neously done there in the courts of our same son, or if our same son or his ministers shall have failed in doing justice there also in the courts of the same our son.) And The Duke to ** ' send kniyhts it is our intention that our same son, at the mandates of ami^bur*!*'^^ us and our heirs, be held to send to our parliaments and ferv?ii° par- councils two knights for the commonalty of the shire afore- ^'^'"^"*'" said, and two burgesses from every borough of the same shire, to treat with the others of the commonalty of our said realm coming to the said parliaments and councils concerning the affairs of our said realm in the same parlia- ments and councils to be declared. And that our same son andtoap. in* • -y re ' piti point collec- shall assign certam trusty and sumcient men for the like torsofsubsu ^ ^ . dies granted tenths and fifteenths, subsidies and other contributions, so ^^ p'»'^''«- ' meiit. often as they shall happen to be granted to us or our heirs in parliament or council ; so that we and our heirs may by them be answered in respect of such grants. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness ourself at Westminster, on the twenty- eighth day of February, in the fifty-first year of our reign of England, and the thirty-eighth of our reign of France. RICHARD, by the grace of God, King of England and lethFeb. France, and Lord of Ireland, to his archbishops, bishops, a.d. isyo. abbots, priors, dukes, earls, barons, justices, sherifl^s, reeves, p 105 Ducis et ipsum in Ducem Lancastriae prsefecisset, ac de eisdem nomine et honore per cincturam gladii et apposi- tionem cappse suo capiti investivisset, habenda eadem nomen et honorem Ducis Lancastriae, sibi et hseredibus suis masculis de corpore suo legitime procreatis imper- petuum ; subsequenterque idem avus noster per literas suas patentes concessisset pro se et hseredibus suis prse- fato avunculo nostro quod ipse ad totam vitam suam haberet infra comitatum Lancastriae cancellariam suam, ac brevia sua sub sigillo suo pro officio cancellariae de- putando consignanda, justitiarios suos tam ad placita co- ronas quam ad quaecumque alia placita communem legem tangentia, tenenda, ac cognitiones eorundem, et quas- cumque executiones per brevia sua et ministros suos ibidem faciendas, et quaecumque alia libertates et jura re- galia ad Comitem Palatinum pertinentia, adeo libere et in- tegre sicut Comes Cestriae infra eundem comitatum Cestriae dinoscitur obtinere (decimis quintisdecimis et aliis quotis et subsidiis, eidem avo nostro et haeredibus suis per communi- tatem regni sui, et decimis et aliis quotis per clerum ejus- dem regni tunc concessis et extunc concedendis, aut eidem clero per sedem apostolicam impositis et imponendis, ac pardonationibus vitae et membrorum, in casu quo aliquis ejusdem comitatus, aut alius in eodem comitatu, pro aliquo delicto vitam vel membrum amittere deberet, ac etiam su- perioritate et potestate corrigendi ea quae in curia ejusdem avunculi nostri ibidem erronice facta fuerint, vel [si] idem avunculus noster aut ministri sui in justitia in curia sua facienda defecerint. semper salvis) : Et quod idem avun- culus noster ad mandata ejusdem avi nostri et haeredum suorum ad parliamenta et concilia sua duos milites pro communitate comitatus praedicti et duos burgenses de quolibet burgo ejusdem comitatus ad tractandum, cum 105 ministers, and all his bailiffs and faithful people, greeting. Know ye, that whereas the Lord Edward, late King of RecUaiof T-t !/•! Tiii-1 • I Charter of England, our grandfather, did by his charter give and KingEdw.s. f=> ^ ^ O 'J O creating Lis grant to his son, our most dear uncle, John Duke of ^P"/"*^" o ' ' Duke of Lancaster, Lancaster, at that time Earl of Lancaster, the name and honor of Duke, and did make him Duke of Lancaster, and invest him with the same name and honor by gird- ing of the sword and setting upon his head the cap, to have the same name and honor of Duke of Lancaster to him and his heirs male of his body lawfully begotten for ever; and subsequently our same grandfather did by his and of his /•I'li-ii'i' /» grant to him letters patent grant for himself and his heirs to our afore- for life of a ■*■ ° chancery said uncle, that he for the whole of his life should have andi«ra ' regalia, as within the county of Lancaster his chancery, and his writs pS'fe in to be sealed under his seal to be deputed for the office of U Lancaster. the chancery, his justices to hold as well pleas of the crown as all other pleas whatsoever touching the common law, and the cognizance thereof, and all manner of execu- tion to be made by his writs and his ministers there, and all other liberties and jura regalia pertaining to a Count Palatine, as freely and entirely as the Earl of Chester is well known to obtain within the same county of Chester; saving always the tenths, fifteenths, and other contribu- tions and subsidies then granted and thereafter to be granted to our same grandfather and his heirs by the commonalty of his realm, and the tenths and other con- tributions then granted and thereafter to be granted by the clergy of the same realm, or imposed and to be im- posed upon the same clergy by the apostolic see; and the pardon of life and limbs in case that any person of the same county, or other person in the same county, ought for any delict to lose his life or limb ; and also the su- periority and power of correcting those things which shall p 2 106 aliis dicti regni ad parliamenta et concilia venientibus, de negotiis dicti regni in eisdem parliamentis et aliis expo- nendisj mittere teneretur: et quod idem avunculus noster certos homines fideles et sufficientes ad hujusmodi decimas et quintasdecimas subsidia et alia quota, quotiens ea eidem avo nostro seu haeredibus suis in parliamentis seu con- ciliis concedi contingeret, assignaret; ita quod eidem avo nostro de sic concessis responderetur per eosdem. Ac nos nuper ad prosecutionem ipsius avunculi nostri per peti- tionem suam nobis in parliamento nostro apud Gloucestriam tento exhibitam, suggerentis ipsum praetextu dictorum ver- borum generalium scaccarium suum in eodem comitatu Lancastrise et omnia ad hujusmodi scaccarium pertinentia, ac jurisdictionem et potestatem faciendi et constituendi jus- titiarios suos itinerantes ad placita forestse et alios justitia- rios ad qusecumque alia placita assisam forestse tangentia infra dictum comitatum Lancastriae a tempore concessionis dicti avi nostri tenuisse exercuisse et habuisse, de assensu prselatorum ducum comitum baronum et communitatis regni nostri Anglise in eodem parliamento existentium, per literas nostras patentes declaraverimus eundem avunculum nostrum omnibus et singulis praemissis, per ipsum praetextu dictorum verborum generalium ut praemittitur usitatis, virtute eorum- dem verborum generalium uti posse et debere ; et ulterius de gratia nostra speciali concesserimus, pro nobis et haere- dibus nostris, eidem avunculo nostro, quod ipse scaccarium suum in dicto comitatu Lancastriae, et barones et alios ministros in eodem scaccario necessarios, necnon jurisdic- tiones executiones et consuetudines quascumque in scac- cario nostro Angliae rationabiliter usitatas habeat in eodem scaccario suo et eis ibidem plene gaudeat et rationabiliter utatur: et quod habeat jurisdictionem et potestatem fa- ciendi et constituendi justitiarios suos itinerantes ad placita 106 have been erroneously done there in the court of our same uncle, or if our same uncle or his ministers should have failed in doing justice in his court. And that our same uncle, at the mandate of the same our grandfather and his heirs, should be held to send to his parliaments and councils two knights for the commonalty of the shire aforesaid, and two burgesses from every borough of the same shire, to treat with the others of the said realm coming to the parliaments and councils concerning the affairs of the said realm in the same parliaments and councils to be declared : and that our same uncle should assign certain trusty and sufficient men for the like tenths and fifteenths, subsidies and other contributions, so often as they should happen to be granted to our same grand- father or his heirs in parhament or council ; so that our same grandfather might by them be answered in respect of such grants. And we lately, at the prosecution of our Recital of -111- • • 1 M • 1 • T letters pa- same uncle by his petition to us exhibited in our parlia- tentgrant- •^ ^ ^ ^ ed by King ment holden at Gloucester, (suggesting that by pretext of the ^'JjJe'^u,:e' said general words he had had, exercised, and held from the paliilment. time of the grant of our said grandfather his exchequer in the same county of Lancaster, and all things to such ex- chequer pertaining, and the jurisdiction and power of making and appointing his justices in eyre for pleas of the forest, and other justices for all manner of other pleas touching the assize of the forest within the said county of Lancaster,) with the assent of the prelates, dukes, earls, declaring, barons, and the commons of our realm of England in the vinAeof the general same parliament assembled, by our letters patent did words in the declare that our same uncle should and might be able, Palatinate, by virtue of the said general words, to use all and every the premises by him used by pretext of the same general words as is premised ; and further, of our especial grace 107 forestae et alios justitiarios ad quaecumque alia placita assi- sam forestae tangentia infra dictum comitatum Lancastriae tenenda durante vita ipsius avunculi nostri (placitis tamen et querelis aliis quibuscumque, ubi nos vel haeredes nostri in dicto scaccario vel coram praefatis justitiariis partes fuerimus vel fieri contingat, emergentibus semper salvis) ; et volueri- mus, quod omnia verba generalia in concessione ejusdem avi nostri praedicta contenta in suo robore permaneant durante vita avunculi nostri supradicti, declaratione et concessione prsedictis non obstantibus, prout in carta et literis praedictis plenius continetur. Jamque praefatus avunculus noster nobis supplicaverit, ut libertates franchesias privilegia jura regalia supradicta, et omnia alia et singula sibi superius concessa, sibi et haeredibus suis masculis de corpore suo exeuntibus concedere dignemur, habenda eodem modo sicut ea jam habet, una cum dicto nomine Ducis Lancastriae perpetuis temporibus successivis. Nos probitatem stre- nuam et sapientiarn excellentissimam praefati avunculi nos- tri, qui se laboribus et expensis ac consiliis continuis nobis et regno nostro obsequiosum pariter et fructuosum semper retroactis temporibus exhibuit et exhibet indefesse, debita consideratione pensantes, ac sperantes indubie haeredes suos masculos de corpore suo legitime procreatos vestigia pro- genitorum suorum qui ex tam nobili progenie regali proces- serunt, divina mediante dementia, in sapientia strenuitate et honore sequi debere, et nobis et haeredibus nostris ac regno nostro maxime valere et locumtenere posse infutu- rum. Et volentes praemissorum intuitu supplicationi prae- dictae annuere gratiose, de assensu praesentis parliamenti nostri, laeto corde et ex certa scientia nostra concessimus pro nobis et haeredibus nostris, praefato avunculo nostro quod ipse et haeredes sui masculi de corpore suo legitime procreati habeant infra comitatum Lancastriae cancellariam 107 we did grant, for us and our heirs, to our same uncle, the Duke that he might have his exchequer in the said county of hisexche- Lancaster, and barons and other ministers necessary in the same exchequer, and also all jurisdictions, executions, and customs whatsoever in the same his exchequer which are reasonably used in our exchequer of England, and might fully and reasonably use and enjoy them there; and that he miffht have the jurisdiction and power of and appoint. .... mentofjus- makmg and appointing his justices in eyre to hold pleas ticesofthe of the forest, and other justices to hold all manner of other pleas touching the assize of the forest, within the said county of Lancaster, during the life of our same uncle (saving always nevertheless all manner of other pleas and plaints arising in the said exchequer, or before the aforesaid justices, where we or our heirs should be, or should happen to be made, parties) ; and we did will during the . . . Duke's life. that all the general words contained in the aforesaid grant of our same grandfather should remain in force during the life of our abovesaid uncle, notwithstanding the declaration and grant aforesaid, as in the charter and letters aforesaid more fully is contained. And now our aforesaid uncle The Duke having pe- hath besought us that we wOuld deign to grant the above- titioned for a said liberties, franchises, privileges, jura regalia^ and all "^^®' and every other the things to him above granted, to him and his heirs male of his body issuing, to have in the same manner as he now hath them, together with the said name of Duke of Lancaster in all times to come. We, in consider- . ^ ^ ation of his weighing with due consideration the strenuous probity and ^'&i» merits most excellent wisdom of our aforesaid uncle, who hath ever shewn himself in times past, and unweariedly con- tinues to prove, very ready to serve us and our realm, and at the same time most profitably, with his continual labor, charges, and counsel; and hoping undoubtedly that his 108 suam ac brevia sua sub sigillo suo pro officio cancellariae deputando conservanda, justitiarios sues tam ad placita corouse quam ad qusecumque alia placita communem legem tangentia tenenda, ac cognitiones eorundem, et quascum- que executiones per brevia sua et ministros suos ibidem faciendas, et qusecumque alia libertates et jura regalia ad Comitem Palatinum pertinentia, adeo libere et integre sicut Comes Cestriae dinoscitur obtinere. Et quod habeant seac- carium suum in dicto comitatu Lancastrias ac barones et alios ministros in eodem scaccario necessarios, necnon jurisdictiones executiones et consuetudines quascumque in scaccario nostro Angliae rationabiliter usitatas, et eis ibidem plene gaudeant et rationabiliter utantur. Et quod habeant jurisdictionem et potestatem faciendi et constituendi justi- tiarios suos itinerantes ad placita foresta3 et alios justitia- rios ad quaecumque alia placita assisam forestae tangentia infra dictum comitatum Lancastrise tenenda imperpetuum (placitis tamen et querelis quibuscumque, ubi nos vel hsere- des nostri in dicto scaccario vel coram praefatis justitiariis partes fuerimus vel fieri contingat, emergentibus, ac deci- mis quintisdecimis et aliis quotis et subsidiis nobis et haere- dibus nostris per communitatem regni nostri, et decimis et aliis quotis per clerum ejusdem regni concessis et exnunc concedendis, aut eidem clero per sedem apostolicam impo- sitis et imponendis, ac pardonationibus vitae et membrorum in casu quo aliquis ejusdem comitatus, aut alius in eodem comitatu, pro delicto aliquo vitam vel membrum amittere debeat, ac etiam superioritate et potestate corrigendi ea quae in curia ejusdem avunculi nostri vel dictorum baeredum suorum ibidem erronice facta fuerint, vel [si] idem avunculus noster sen dicti haeredes sui, aut eorum ministri, in justitia in curia sua facienda defecerint, semper salvis). Et quod idem avunculus noster et dicti haeredes sui, ad mandata 108 heirs male of his body lawfully begotten ought through the mediation of Divine Mercy to follow the footsteps of their progenitors, who have proceeded from so noble and royal a stock, in wisdom, honor, and prowess, and that they will be able, in times to come, mightily to avail and stand ourselves and our heirs and our realm in good stead, and being willing in regard of the premises graciously to assent to the aforesaid petition, with the assent of our pre- sent parliament, of our certain knowledge, and with cheer- ful heart, do grant for us and our heirs to our aforesaid {lei?rmaieof uncle, that he and his heirs male of his body lawfully siluhlvein • ^ • 1 /• T t • the county of begotten may have withm the county oi l^ancaster their Lancaster chancery, and their writs to be sealed under their seal to chancery be deputed for the office of the chancery, their justices to i^fj^'^Je*" hold as well pleas of the crown as all other pleas whatso- ever touching the common law, and the cognizance thereof, and all manner of execution to be made by their writs and their ministers there, and all other liberties and jura ^nd mra regalia pertaining to a Count Palatine, as freely and entirely frfe/y'aJ'uie as the Earl of Chester is well known to obtain. And that Chester; they may have their exchequer in the said county of Lan- exchequer caster, and barons and other ministers necessary in the and barons same exchequer, and also all jurisdictions, executions, and customs whatsoever, which are reasonably used in our exchequer of England, and may fully and reasonably use and enjoy them there ; and that they may have the juris- and appoint- /. 1 • I . . , . ment of diction and power of makmg and appomtmg their justices justices of in eyre to hold pleas of the forest, and other justices to hold all manner of other pleas touching the assize of the forest within the said county of Lancaster for ever. Saving except where always, nevertheless, all manner of other pleas and plaints party, arising in the said exchequer, or before the aforesaid jus- tices, where we or our heirs shall be, or shall happen to 109 nostra et haeredum nostrorum, ad parliamenta et concilia nostra et haeredum nostrorum duos milites pro communi- tate comitatus prsedicti et duos burgenses de quolibet burgo ejusdem comitatus ad tractandum cum aliis dicti regni nostri ad parliamenta et concilia venientibus de negotiis dicti regni in eisdem parliamentis et aliis exponendis mittere teneantur. Et quod idem avunculus noster et hseredes sui preedicti certos homines fideles et sufficientes ad hujusmodi decimas et quintasdecimas subsidia et alia quota, quotiens ea nobis aut hseredibus nostris in parliamentis sen con- ciliis concedi contigerit, assignent ; ita quod nobis et hae- redibus nostris de sic concessis respondeatur per eosdem. Quare volumus et firmiter praecipimus quod idem avunculus noster et haeredes sui praedicti habeant et teneant omnia et singula libertates franchesias privilegia scaccarium jura regalia et alia supradicta una cum dictis nomine et honore Ducis Lancastriae (exceptis praeexceptis) eodem modo ac adeo libere et integre sicut idem avunculus noster ea ad praesens habet et tenet, imperpetuum, sicut praedictum est. Hiis testibus Willielmo Archiepiscopo Cantuariensi totius Angliae Primate, Thoma Archiepiscopo Eboracensi Angliae Primate, Roberto Londinensi, Willielmo Wintoniensi, Can- cellario nostro, Johanne Menevensi, Thesaurario nostro, Episcopis, Edmundo Eborum, Thoma Gloucestriae, Ducibus, avunculis nostris carissimis, Ricardo Arundelliae, Willielmo Sarum, Henrico Northumbriae, Comitibus, Ricardo Le- scrop, Johanne Devereux, Senescallo hospitii nostri, et aliis. Data per manum nostram apud W^stmonasterium, sextodecimo die Februarii, anno regni nostri tertiodecimo. RICARDUS Dei gratia Rex Angliae et Franciae et Do- minus Hiberniae, archiepiscopis, episcopis, abbatibus, pri- oribus, ducibus, comitibus, baronibus, justitiariis, viceco- mitibus, praepositis, ministris, et omnibus ballivis et fide- 109 be made, parties ; and saving always the tenths, fifteenths, saving of and other contributions and subsidies granted and here- *JJ5"aud after to be granted to us and our heirs by the commonalty *^^^^' of our realm, and the tenths and other contributions granted or hereafter to be granted by the clergy of the same realm, or imposed and to be imposed upon the same clergy by the apostolic see ; and the pardon of life and limbs in case that pardon of any person of the same county, or other person in the same county, ought for any delict to lose his life or limb ; and and correc- also the superiority and power of correcting those things "^"j^^^ ^"^^'' which shall have been erroneously done there in the court of our same uncle or his said heirs ; or if our same uncle, or his said heirs or their ministers, shall fail in doing jus- tice in their court. And that our same uncle and his said The Duke heirs, at the mandates of us and our heirs, shall be held to heirs to send members to send to the parliaments and councils of us and our heirs parliament ^ for the shire two knights for the commonalty of the shire aforesaid, and ^^^^g] two burgesses from every borough of the same shire, to treat with the others of our said realm coming to the par- liaments and councils concerning the affairs of the said realm in the same parliaments and councils to be declared : and that our same uncle and his heirs shall assign certain and to assign , niT 1 1 nr collectors of trusty and sufficient men for the like tenths and fifteenths, subsidies •^ and taxes subsidies, and other contributions, so often as they shall ^^riilmenu happen to be granted to us or our heirs in parliament or council ; so that we and our heirs may by the same men be answered in respect of such grants. Wherefore we will and strictly command that our same uncle and his heirs aforesaid shall have and hold all and every the abovesaid liberties, franchises, privileges, exchequer, jura regalia, and other things, together with the said name and honor Titieor of Duke of Lancaster, except as before excepted, in the Lancaster. same manner and as freely and entirely as our same uncle of justice. no libus suis, salutem. Inspeximus cartam Domini Edwardi nuper Regis Anglise, avi nostri, factam in hsec verba: EDWARDUS Dei gratia Rex Angliae Dominus Hi- bernise et Aquitaniae, arehiepiscopis, episcopis, abbatibus, prioribus, comitibus, baronibus, justitiariis, vicecomitibus, prsepositis, ministris, et omnibus ballivis et fidelibus suis salutem. Sciatis quod cum nuper considerantes qualiter comitatus Lancastrise, et plura eastra, villse, maneria, terrae, et tenementa, cum pertinentiis, tam in comitatibus Lincolniae et Derbise quam in diversis aliis comitatibus regni nostri, quae fuerunt Henrici nuper Ducis Lan- castriae et Comitis Lincolniae et Derbiae post mortem ip- sius Ducis, (quaedam, videlicet, ad Johannem Comitem Richemondiae filium nostrum carissimum et Blanchiam uxorem ejus unam filiarum et haeredum praedicti Ducis, juxta partitionem inter ipsos et Matildem tunc alteram filiarum et haeredum ipsius Ducis factam per descensum haereditarium fuerint devoluta, et quaedam eisdem Comiti et Blanchiae, juxta ordinationem et concessionem praedicti Ducis dum vixit, sub certa forma sunt remansura,) ac vo- lentes proinde eidem filio nostro, ut se juxta status sui nobilitatem decentius manutenere valeat, gratiam facere specialem, concesserimus pro nobis et haeredibus nostris praefato Johanni nunc Comiti Lancastriae et Ricbemondiae, quod ipse et baeredes sui de corpore suo et corpore prae- dictae Blanchiae legitime procreati imperpetuum haberent re- torna omnium brevium nostrorum et haeredum nostrorum, et omnia placita de vetito namio in terris et feodis de haereditate praedicti Ducis, quae tunc in manibus ipsorum Comitis et Blanchiae extiterunt, et quae imposterum eis juxta ordinationem et concessionem praedictas sunt reman- sura cum ad manus suas devenerint; et etiam omnes fines et amerciamenta omnium hominum et tenentium suorum. 110 at present has and holds them, for ever, as is aforesaid. These being witnesses, WiUiam Archbishop of Canter- bury, Primate of all England ; Thomas Archbishop of York, Primate of England; Robert Bishop of London; William Bishop of Winchester, our Chancellor; John Bishop of Saint David's, our Treasurer; our most dear uncles, Edmund Duke of York, and Thomas Duke of Gloucester; Richard Earl of Arundel; William Earl of Salisbury; Henry Earl of Northumberland; Richard Le- scrope; John Devereax, Steward of our household, and others. Given under our hand at Westminster, on the sixteenth day of February, in the thirteenth year of our reign. RICHARD, by the grace of God, King of England and 29th juno, France, and Lord of Ireland, to his archbishops, bishops, ^.d. 1.396. abbots, priors, dukes, earls, barons, justices, sheriffs, reeves, ministers, and all his bailiffs and faithful people, greeting. We have inspected the charter of the Lord Edward, late King of England, our grandfather, made in these words: EDWARD, by the grace of God, King of England, Lord 12th May, of Ireland and Aquitaine, to his archbishops, bishops, ab- a.d. i3C2." bots, priors, earls, barons, justices, sheriffs, reeves, minis- ters, and all his bailiffs and faithful people, greeting. Know Recital of ye, that whereas we, lately considering how that the county dated 13th of Lancaster, and many castles, towns, manors, lands, and ^s Edw. 3, tenements, with their appurtenances, as well in the coun- ties of Lincoln and Derby, as in divers other counties of our realm, which were of Henry late Duke of Lancaster and Earl of Lincoln and Derby, lately after the death of the same Duke had devolved, to wit, some by hereditary descent, upon John Earl of Richmond, our most dear son, and Blanche his wife, one of the daughters and co-heirs of the aforesaid Duke, according to the partition made Ill ubicumque ipsos homines et tenentes in curiis nostris et haeredum nostrorum amerciari vel fines facere eon tinge- ret, necnon omnia catalla omnium hominum et tenentium suorum felonum et fugitivorum et dampnatorum, prout in carta nostra inde confeeta plenius continetur. Ac jam omnia terrae et tenementa cum pertinentiis quae praedicta Matildis tenuit in propartem suam praedictam, de omnibus terris et tenementis praedictis quae fuerunt praedicti Ducis, necnon quaedam alia terrae et tenementa cum pertinentiis in comitatibus Norfolciae et SufFolciae quae eadem Matildis tenuit de haereditate ipsius Ducis ex dono et feofFamento Jo- hannis Episcopi Lincolniensis, Ricardi Comitis Arundelliae, Robert! de la Mare, Johannis de Buklond, Johannis Char- nels, Walteri Power, Simonis Symeon et Johannis Neu- marche, per mortem ejusdem Matildis praefatis Comiti et Blanchiae, ut sorori et haeredi praedictae Matildis jure haereditario descenderint. Nos volentes praedictos Comi- tem et Blanchiam favore prosequi gratioso, concessimus et hac carta nostra confirmavimus praefato Comiti quod ipse et haeredes sui de corpore suo et corpore praedictae Blanchiae legitime procreati imperpetuum habeant retorna omnium brevium nostrorum et haeredum nostrorum, et omnia placita de vetito namio, tam in terris et feodis quae iidem Comes et Blanchia de proparte ipsius Blanchiae praedicta, quam in terris et feodis quae fuerunt praedictae Matildis et quae ipsi Comes et Blanchia ut soror et haeres ejusdem Matildis jam tenent de haereditate praedicta, et etiara in terris et feodis, quae eisdem Comiti et Blanchiae sunt de eadem haereditate imposterum remansura vel rever- sura, cum ad manus suas devenerint, et etiam omnes fines et amerciamenta omnium hominum et tenentium suorum ubicumque ipsos homines et tenentes in curiis nostris et haeredum nostrorum amerciari vel fines facere contigerit; ur between them and Matilda, the then other daughter and co-heir of the same Duke, and some were to remain, under a certain form, to the same Earl and Blanche, according to an ordinance and grant of the aforesaid Duke whilst he lived, and being willing, therefore, to shew especial favor to the same our son, in order that he might the more de- cently maintain himself according to the nobility of his ■station, did grant for us and our heirs to the aforesaid John now Earl of Lancaster and Richmond, that he and his heirs of his body and the body of the aforesaid Blanche, lawfully begotten, for ever should have the return of all writs of us and our heirs, and all pleas of withernam in the lands and fees of the heritage of the aforesaid Duke, which then were in the hands of the same Earl and Blanche, and which thereafter were to remain to them according to the ordinance and grant aforesaid, when they should come into their hands ; and also all fines and amercements of all their men and tenants wheresoever it should happen that such men and tenants should make fine or be amerced in the courts of us and our heirs ; and also all the chattels of all their men and tenants, being felons and fugitives and per- sons condemned, as in our charter thereof made more fully is contained. And now all the lands and tenements, with and descent , 1 • 1 1 r» ^^ Matilda's their appurtenances, which the aforesaid Matilda held as portion on * *■ ^ Blanche, the her purparty aforesaid of all the lands and tenements afore- heir '^'"^ ^*'" said which were of the aforesaid Duke, and also certain other lands and tenements, with appurtenances, in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, which the same Matilda held of the inheritance of the same Duke by the gift and feoffment of John Bishop of Lincoln, Richard Earl of Arundel, Robert de la Mare, John de Buklond, John Char- nels, Walter Power, Simon Symeon, and John Neumarche, have by the death of the same Matilda descended by here- 112 necnon omnia catalla omnium hominum et tenendum suorum, felon um et fugitivorum et dampnatorum. Quare volumus et firmiter praecipimus pro nobis et hseredibus nostris quod praedictus Comes et haeredes sui praedicti imperpetuum habeant retorna omnium brevium nostrorum et haeredum nostrorum, et omnia placita de vetito namio in terris et feodis suis praedictis ; ac omnes fines et amer- ciamenta omnium hominum et tenentium suorum pra?- dictorum, ubicumque ipsos homines et tenentes in curiis nostris et haeredum nostrorum amerciari vel fines facere contigerit; ac etiam omnia catalla omnium hominum et tenentium suorum, felonum, fugitivorum, et dampnatorum, sicut praedictum est, et eodem modo quo Henricus nuper Comes Lancastriae pater praedicti Ducis, vel idem Dux, quibus consimiles libertates in terris et feodis suis ha- bendas successive per cartas nostras concessimus, easdem libertates habuit et eis rationabiliter uti consuevit. Hiis testibus S. Archiepiscopo Cantuariensi totius Angliag Pri- mate, W. Wintoniensi Episcopo Cancellario nostro, S. Eliensi Episcopo Thesaurario nostro, Edwardo Principe Wallias primogenito nostro carissimo, Ricardo Arundelliae, Thoma Warwici, et Willielmo Sarum, Comitibus, et aliis. Data per manum nostram apud Westmonasterium duo- decimo die Maii, anno regni nostri tricesimo sexto. IN- SPEXIMUS etiam quandam cartam nostram factam in haec verba; RICARDUS Dei gratia Rex Angliae et Franciae et Dominus Hiberniae, omnibus ad quos praesentes literse pervenerint, salutem. Inspeximus quandam cartam carissimi Domini et avi nostri Domini Edwardi nuper Regis Angliae defuncti, nuper factam carissimo avunculo nostro Johanni Regi Castellae et Legionis Duci Lancastriae, filio ipsius avi nostri, per nomen Johannis Ducis Lancastriae, et Blanchiae nuper uxori ejus in haec verba: Edwardus 112 ditary right to the aforesaid Earl and Blanche, as sister and heir of the aforesaid Matilda : — We, willing to pursue with our gracious favor the aforesaid Earl and Blanche, have granted and by this our charter have confirmed to the aforesaid Earl, that he and his heirs of his body and the body of the aforesaid Blanche, lawfully begotten, for ever may have the return of all writs of us and our heirs, and Return of writs. all pleas of withernam, as well in the lands and fees which pieasof the same Earl and Blanche now hold of the aforesaid pur- party of the same Blanche, as in the lands and fees which were of the aforesaid Matilda, and which the same Earl, and Blanche as sister and heir of the same Matilda, now hold of the inheritance aforesaid, and also in the lands and fees of the same inheritance which are hereafter to remain or revert to the same Earl and Blanche, when they shall come into their hands ; and also all fines and amercements Fines and , amerce- of all their men and tenants wheresoever the same men and ments. tenants shall happen to make fine or be amerced in the courts of us and our heirs ; and also all the chattels of all chattels of their men and tenants, being felons and fugitives and per- sons condemned. Wherefore we will and strictly command for us and our heirs, that the aforesaid Earl and his heirs aforesaid for ever shall have the return of all writs of us and our heirs, and all pleas of withernam in their lands and fees aforesaid; and all fines and amercements of all their men and tenants aforesaid, wheresoever the same men and tenants shall happen to make fine or be amerced in the courts of us and our heirs ; and also all the chattels of their men and tenants, being felons and fugitives and persons condemned, as is aforesaid, and in the same manner in which Henry late Earl of Lancaster, father of the afore- said Duke, or the same Duke, to whom we granted by our charters successively to have the like liberties in their lands Q Ml 113 Dei gratia Rex Anglise, Dominus Hibernise et Aquita- niae, archiepiscopis, episcopis, ducibus, abbatibus, pri- oribus, comitibus, baronibus, justitiariis, vicecomitibus, praepositis, ministris, et omnibus ballivis et fidelibus suis, salutem. Sciatis quod cum nos nuper septimo die Maii anno regni nostri sexto decimo per cartam nostram con- cesserimus pro nobis et haeredibus nostris Henrico tunc Comiti Lancastrise quod ipse et ha^redes sui de corpore suo procreati et omnes homines sui imperpetuum essent quieti de pavagio passagio paagio lastagio stallagio tallagio cari- agio pesagio piccagio et terragio per totum regnum et potestatem nostram ; et quod idem Comes et haeredes sui praedicti imperpetuum haberent retorna omnium brevium nostrorum et haeredum nostrorum ac summonitionum de scaccario nostro et haeredum nostrorum, et attachiamen- ta tarn de placitis coronae quam de ahis quibuscunque in omnibus terris et feodis suis ; ita quod nuUus vicecomes vel aUus balUvus seu minister noster vel haeredum nostro- rum terras seu feoda ilia ingrederetur ad executiones eorun- dem brevium et summonitionum, seu ad attachiamenta de placitis coronae vel aliis praedictis aut aliquod aliud offi- cium ibidem faciendum, nisi in defectum ipsius Comitis et haeredum suorum praedictorum ac ballivorum et ministro- rum suorum in terris et feodis suis praedictis. Et quod haberent catalla hominum et tenentium suorum felonum et fugitivorum; ita quod si quis hominum vel tenentium suorum pro delicto suo vitam vel membrum deberet amit- tere vel fugeret et judicio stare nollet vel aliud quodcum- que delictum faceret pro quo catalla sua deberet perdere, ubi- cunque justitia de eo fieret, sive in curia nostra vel haere- dum nostrorum sive in alia curia, ipsa catalla essent ipsius Comitis et haeredum suorum praedictorum, et quod liceret eis vel ministris suis sine impedimento nostri vel haeredum 113 and fees, had the same liberties and was accustomed reason- ably to use them. These being witnesses, Simon Arch- bishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England; William Bishop of Winchester, our Chancellor; Simon Bishop of Ely, our Treasurer ; Edward Prince of Wales, our most dear eldest son ; Richard Earl of Arundel ; Thomas Earl of Warwick ; and William Earl of Salisbury, and others. Given under our hand at Westminster on the twelfth day of May, in the thirty-sixth year of our reign. WE have in- spected also a certain charter of ours made in these words : RICHARD, by the grace of God, King of England and isth sept. France, and Lord of Ireland, to all to whom the present let ^o- 1377. ters shall come, greeting. We have inspected a certain charter of our most dear Lord and grandfather Lord Ed- ward, late King of England, deceased, lately made to our dearest uncle John King of Castille and Leon, Duke of Lan- caster, son of our same grandfather, by name of John Duke of Lancaster, and to Blanche, late his wife, in these words : Edward, by the grace of God, King of England, Lord i4thjuiy, of Ireland and Aquitaine, to his archbishops, bishops, *°- 1^^*- dukes, abbots, priors, earls, barons, justices, sheriffs, reeves, ministers, and all his bailiffs and faithful people, greeting. Know ye, that whereas we did lately, on the seventh day Recital of /» -1% *• • 1 • 1 ^ • 1 Charter of of May, m the sixteenth year oi our reign, grant by our 7th May, charter, for us and our heirs, to Henry then Earl of Lan- g^^TLn. caster, that he and his heirs of his body begotten, and ^^^^^'"* all his men for ever, should be quit of paviage, passage, payage, lastage, stallage, tallage, carriage, pesage, picage, and groundage throughout all our realm and dominions; and that the same Earl and his heirs aforesaid for ever should have the return of all writs of us-and our heirs, and summons of the exchequer of us and our heirs, and the attachment as well of pleas of the crown as of other pleas Q 2 114 nostrorum vicecomitum aut aliorum ballivorum seu mi- nistrorum nostrorum quorumcunque ponere se in seisi- nam de catallis praedictis et ea ad usum ipsius Comitis et haeredum suorum prsedictorum retinere. Et etiam quod haberent imperpetuum omnes fines pro transgressionibus et aliis delictis quibuscunque et fines pro licentia concor- dandi, et omnia amerciamenta redemptiones et exitus forisfactos ; ac forisfacturas, annum diem vastum et streppum, et omnia quae ad nos et haeredes nostros per- tinere possent de hujusmodi anno die vasto et murdris de omnibus hominibus et tenentibus de terris et feodis suis quibuscunque in quibuscunque curiis nostris et haere- dum nostrorum homines et tenentes illos, tam coram nobis et haeredibus nostris, et in cancellaria nostra et haeredum nostrorum, et coram thesaurario et baronibus nostris et haeredum nostrorum de scaccario, et coram justitiariis nostris et haeredum nostrorum de banco, et coram senes- callo et marescalUs seu clerico mercati hospitii nostri et haeredum nostrorum, ac ahis curiis nostris et haeredum nostrorum, quam coram justitiariis itinerantibus ad com- munia placita et ad placita forestae et quibuscunque aliis justitiariis et ministris nostris et haeredum nostrorum, tam in praesentia nostra et haeredum nostrorum quam in ab- sentia nostra et haeredum nostrorum, fines facere vel amerciari, exitus forisfacere, annum diem et vastum seu forisfacturas et murdra adjudicari contingeret; quae fines, amerciamenta, redemptiones, exitus, annus dies vastum sive streppum, forisfacturae et murdra, ad nos vel haere- des nostros pertinere possent, si praefato Comiti et hae- redibus suis praedictis concessa non fuissent. Ita quod idem Comes et haeredes sui praedicti, per se vel per balli- vos et ministros sues, fines, amerciamenta, redemptiones, exitus, et forisfacturas hujusmodi hominum et tenen- 114 whatsoever in all their lands and fees ; so that no sheriff or other bailiflP or minister of us or our heirs should enter those lands or fees to execute the same writs and summons, or to make attachment of the pleas of the crown or other pleas aforesaid, or to do any other office there, unless in default of the same Earl and his heirs aforesaid, and their bailiffs and ministers in their lands and fees aforesaid. And that they should have the chattels of their men and tenants being felons and fugitives; so that if any one of their men or tenants ought to lose life or limb for his offence, or should flee and be unwilling to stand his trial, or commit any other offence for the which he ought to lose his chattels, wheresoever justice should be had of him, whether in the court of us or our heirs, or in any other court, such chattels should belong to the same Earl and his heirs aforesaid, and that it should be lawful for them or their ministers, without hinderance of us or our heirs, or of our sheriffs or other bailiffs or mi- nisters whomsoever, to put themselves in seizin of the chattels aforesaid, and to retain them to the use of the same Earl and his heirs aforesaid. And also that they should have for ever all fines for trespasses and other offences whatsoever, and fines for licence to agree, and all amercements, ransoms, and forfeited issues and for- feitures, year, day, waste, and estrepement, and all things which could pertain to us and our heirs of the like year, day, and waste, and murders, in respect of all the men and tenants of their lands and fees whatsoever, in any soever of the courts of us and our heirs, where such men and tenants should happen to make fine, or be amerced or forfeit issues, or such year, day, and waste, or forfeitures and murders happen to be adjudged, as well before us and our heirs, and in the chancery of us and our heirs,^ 115 tium suorum prsedictorum, et omnia quae ad nos et haere- des nostros pertinere possent de aDno die et vasto sive streppo et murdris prsedictis, levare percipere et habere possent, — sine occasione vel impediraento nostri aut haere- dum nostrorum, justitiariorum, escaetorum, vicecomitum, coronatorum, aut aliorum ballivorum sen ministrorum nos- trorum quorumcunque, Quam quidem cartam post mor- tem prsedicti Comitis Henricus filius et haeres ejusdem Comitis, cui omnia terrae et tenementa quae fuerunt ipsius Comitis jure hsereditario descendebant, nobis ex certis causis reddidit cancellandam, et ea de causa carta ilia cancellatur sicut per inspectionem rotulorum cancellariae nostrae nobis constat. Nos advertentes ea quae sic in feodo talliato praefato Comiti et haeredibus de corpore suo procre- atis per nos concessa fuerunt, et de quibus praedictus Comes virtu te concessionis nostrae praedictae fuit seisitus in domi- nico suo ut de feodo die quo obiit, per redditionem cartas praedictae nobis per praedictum Henricum filium Henrici sic factam, aut per quodcunque aliud factum ejusdem Hen- rici filii, in praejudicium et exhaeredationem haeredum suo- rum de corpore suo exeuntium, secundum legem et consue- tudinem regni nostri adnullari non posse, sed in suo robore permanere debere, ac volentes ea consideratione carissimo filio nostro Johanni nunc Duci Lancastriae qui Blanchiam, filiam et haeredem praedicti Henrici filii Henrici postmodum Ducis Lancastriae, duxit in uxorem, et eidem Blanchiae, qui quidem Johannes et Blanchia omnia terras et tene- menta, quae fuerunt tam praedicti Henrici patris quam praefati Henrici filii jure haereditario, ut in jure praedictae Blanchiae de corpore praedicti Henrici filii Henrici pro- createe, jam tenent, gratiam facere specialem, dictam con- cessionem nostram praefato Henrico Comiti, ut praemittitur, factam, praefati s Johanni nunc Duci Lancastriae et Blanchiae 115 and before the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of us and our heirs, and before the justices of the bench of us and our heirs, and before the steward and marshals or the clerk of the market of the household of us and our heirs, and in other the courts of us and our heirs, as before the justices in eyre, to hold common pleas and pleas of the forest, and before all other justices and mi- nisters of us and our heirs whomsoever, as well in pre- sence of us and our heirs as in absence of us and our heirs ; which fines, amercements, ransoms, issues, year, day, waste, or estrepement, forfeitures, and murders, would have pertained to us or our heirs, if they had not been granted to the aforesaid Earl and his heirs aforesaid. So that the same Earl and his heirs afore- said, by themselves or by their bailiffs and ministers, might levy, perceive, and have the fines, amercements, ransoms, issues, and forfeitures of such their men and tenants aforesaid, and all things which could pertain to us and our heirs of the year, day, and waste or estrepe- ment, and murders aforesaid,— without let or hinderance of us or our heirs, or of our justices, escheators, sheriffs, coroners, or other our bailiffs or ministers whomsoever. Which said charter, after the death of the aforesaid Earl, surrender thereof by Henry, son and heir of the same Earl (to whom all the hd/JJ^^j;^'^ lands and tenements which were of the same Earl did by he- s^^^^^^- reditary right descend), for certain causes surrendered unto us to be cancelled, and therefore the charter is cancelled, as to us appears by inspection of the rolls of our chancery. We, taking into consideration that those things which The grant in . fee-tail could had been so granted by us m fee-tail to the aforesaid Earl "ot legaiiy , be annulled. and the heirs of his body begotten, and whereof the afore- said Earl by virtue of our grant aforesaid was seised in his demesne as of fee on the day of his death, could not 116 uxori ejus duximus innovandam, et concessimus et hac carta nostra con firm avimus, pro nobis et hseredibus nostris, eisdem Johanni Duci et Blanchiae quod ipsi et hseredes sui de corporibus ipsorum Johannis et Blanchiae procreati et omnes homines sui de terris et feodis quae fuerunt prsedicti Henri ci patris dicto septimo die Mali imperpetuum sint quieti de pavagio, passagio, paagio, lastagio, stallagio, tallagio, cariagio, pesagio, piccagio, et terragio per totum regnum et potestatem nostram ; et etiam quod iidem Dux et Blanchia et hseredes sui prsedicti imperpetuum habeant retorna omnium brevium nostrorum et haeredum nostrorum, ac summonitionum de scaccario nostro et haeredum nos- trorum, et attachiamenta tam de placitis coronae quam de aliis quibuscunque in omnibus terris et feodis praedictis; ita quod nuUus vicecomes vel alius ballivus seu minister noster vel haeredum nostrorum terras seu feoda ilia in- grediatur ad executiones eorundem brevium et sum- monitionum, seu ad attachiamenta de placitis coronas vel aliis praedictis aut aliquod aliud oificium ibidem faciendum, nisi in defectum ipsorum Ducis et Blanchiae et haeredum suorum praedictorum ac ballivorum et minis- trorum suorum in terris et feodis suis praedictis. Et etiam quod habeant catalla hominum et tenentium suorum fe- lonum et fugitivorum ; ita quod si quis hominum vel tenen- tium suorum r»ro delicto suo vitam vel membrum debeat amittere vel fugerit et judicio stare noluerit vel aliud quodcunque delictum fecerit pro quo catalla sua debeat perdere, ubicunque justitia de eo fieri debeat sive in curia nostra vel haeredum nostrorum sive in alia curia, ipsa catalla sint ipsorum Ducis et Blanchiae et haeredum suorum praedictorum, et quod liceat eis seu ministris suis sine impedimento nostri vel haeredum nostrorum vicecomi- tum aut aliorum ballivorum seu ministrorum nostrorum quo- 116 by any surrender of the charter aforesaid to us so made by the aforesaid Henry the son of Henry, nor by any other act of the same Henry the son, in prejudice and disherison of his heirs of his body issuing, be annulled according to the law and custom of our realm, but ought to remain in their full force, and being willing, with that consideration, to shew especial favor to our most dear son John now Duke of Lancaster (who took to wife Blanche, daughter and heir of the aforesaid Henry son of Henry, afterwards Duke of Lancaster), and to the same Blanche, which same John and Blanche now hold by hereditary right, as in right of the aforesaid Blanche, begotten of the body of the aforesaid Henry son of Henry, all the lands and tenements which were as well of the aforesaid Henry the father, as of the aforesaid Henry the son, have Renewed in thought fit to renew our said grant, made as is premised Duke^'of " " to the aforesaid Earl Henry, unto the aforesaid John now and Blanche his wife, Duke of Lancaster and Blanche his wife: and we have ^aughterand ' heir of Henry granted, and by this our charter have confirmed, for us Dukf® and our heirs, to the same Duke John and Blanche, that they and their heirs of the bodies of the same John and Blanche begotten, and all their men of the lands and fees which were of the aforesaid Henry the father on the said seventh day of May, may be for ever quit of paviaore, pas- Acquittance , ,, „ 5 ° ' ^ of tolls, &c. sage, payage, lastage, stallage, tallage, carriage, pesage, picage, and groundage throughout all our realm and domi- nion ; and also that the same Duke and Blanche, and their heirs aforesaid for ever, may have the return of all writs of Return of writs and us and our heirs, and summons of the exchequer of us and summons of ^ the exche- our heirs, and the attachment as well of pleas of the crown '^""• • 11 1 1 1 Attachment as of other pleas whatsoever in all the lands and fees afore- otpieasof '■ the crown. said; so that no sheriff, or other bailiff or minister of us or our heirs, may enter those lands or fees, to execute 117 rumcunque ponere se in seisinam de catallis praedictis et ea ad usum ipsorum Ducis et Blanchise et hseredum suorum praedictorum retinere. Et etiam quod habeant imperpe- tuum omnes fines pro transgressionibus et aliis delictis qui- buscunque et etiam fines pro licentia eoncordandi, ac omnia amerciamenta redemptiones et exitus forisfactos, ac foris- facturas, annum diem et vastum et streppum, et omnia quae ad nos et haeredes nostros pertinere poterunt de hujusmodi anno die et vasto et murdris de omnibus hominibus et te- nentibus de dictis terris et feodis quae fuerunt dicti Hen- rici patris dicto septimo die Maii, in quibuscunque curiis nostris et haeredum nostrorum homines et tenentes illos, tam coram nobis et haeredibus nostris, et in cancellaria nostra et haeredum nostrorum, ac coram thesaurario et baronibus nostris et haeredum nostrorum de scaccario, et coram justitiariis nostris et haeredum nostrorum de banco, ac coram senescallo et marescallis seu clerico mercati hospitii nostri et haeredum nostrorum, qui pro tempore fuerint, et aliis curiis nostris et haeredum nostrorum, quam coram justitiariis itinerantibus ad communia pla- cita et ad placita forestae et quibuscunque aUis jus- titiariis et ministris nostris et haeredum nostrorum, tam in praesentia nostra et haeredum nostrorum quam in absentia nostra et haeredum nostrorum, fines facere vel amerciari, exitus forisfacere, annum diem et vastum seu forisfacturas et murdra adjudicari contigerit; quae fines, amerciamenta, redemptiones, exitus, annus dies vastum sive streppum, forisfacturae et murdra, ad nos vel haeredes nostros possent pertinere, si praefatis Duci et Blanchise et haeredibus suis praedictis concessa non fuissent, Ita quod iidem Dux et Blanchia et haeredes sui praedicti, per se vel per ballivos et ministros suos, fines, amerciamenta, redemp- tiones, exitus, et forisfacturas hujusmodi hominum et 117 the same writs and summons, or to make attachment of the pleas of the crown or other pleas aforesaid, or to do any other office there, unless in default of the same Duke and Blanche, and their heirs aforesaid, and their baiUffs and ministers in their lands and fees aforesaid. And also chattels of felons. that they may have the chattels of their men and tenants being felons and fugitives; so that if any one of their men or tenants ought to lose life or limb for his offence, or should flee and be unwilling to stand his trial, or commit any other offence for the which he ought to lose his chattels, wheresoever justice should be had of him, whether in the court of us or our heirs, or in any other court, such chattels shall belong to the same Duke and Blanche, and their heirs aforesaid. And that it shall be lawful for them or their ministers, without hinderance of us or our heirs, or of our sheriffs, or other bailiffs or ministers whomsoever, to put themselves in seizin of the chattels aforesaid, and retain them to the use of the same Duke and Blanche, and their heirs aforesaid. And also Fines and ^ n n n /• amerce- that they may have for ever all fines for trespasses and ments, for- *■ feited issue other offences whatsoever, and also the fines for licence forfeitures, ' &c. to agree, and all amercements, ransoms, and forfeited issues and forfeitures, year, day, and waste, and estrepe- ment, and all things which can pertain to us and our heirs, of the like year, day, and waste, and murders, in respect of all the men and tenants of the said lands and fees, which were of the said Henry the father on the said seventh day of May, in any soever of the courts of us and our heirs, where such men and tenants shall happen to make fine, or be amerced, or forfeit issues, or such year, day, and waste, or forfeitures and murders, happen to be adjudged, as well before us and our heirs, and in the chancery of us and our heirs, and before the 118 tenentium suorum prsedictorum, et omnia quae ad nos et haeredes nostros pertinere poterunt de anno die et vasto sive streppo et murdris prsedictis, levare percipere et habere possint,— sine occasione vel impedimento nostri vel haere- dum nostrorum, justitiariorum, escaetorum, vicecomitum, coronatorum, aut aliorum ballivorum seu ministrorum nos- trorum quorumcunque. Qiiare volumus et firmiter prse- cipimus pro nobis et hseredibus nostris quod prsefati Dux et Blanchia et haeredes sui praedicti imperpetuum habeant omnes libertates praedictas sicut praedictum est, et eis et earum qualibet decaetero plene gaudeant et utantur, reddi- tione seu cancellatione cartae praedictae non obstante. Ita quod si praedicti Dux et Blanchia sine haerede de cor- poribus suis exeunte obierint, tunc omnes et singulae libertates praedictae, post mortem ipsorum Ducis et Blanchiae ad nos et haeredes nostros integre rever- tantur. Hiis testibus, venerabilibus patribus, Simone EUensi Cancellario, Johanne Bathoniensi et Wellensi The- saurario, nostris, Episcopis, Leonello Duce Clarenciae filio nostro carissimo, Humfrido de Bohun Herefordiae, Ricardo Arundelliae, Comitibus, Edwardo le Despenser Domino de Glamorgan et Morgannowe, Guidone de Bryan, Johanne atte Lee Senescallo hospitii nostri, et aliis. Data per manum nostram apud Westmonasterium quartodecimo die Julii, anno regni nostri tricesimo octavo. NOS autem cartam supradictam ac omnes donationes concessiones et omnia alia in eadem contenta pro nobis et haeredibus nos- tris tenore praesentium ratificamus et confirmamus, juxta tenorem et efFectum cartae supradictae. In cujus rei tes- timonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium quintodecimo die Septem- bris anno regni nostri primo. INSPEXIMUS insuper quandam aliam cartam nostram factam in haec verba: 118 treasurer and barons of the exchequer of us and our heirs, and before the justices of the bench of us and our heirs, and before the steward and marshals, or the clerk of the market of the household of us and our heirs for the time being, and in other the courts of us and our heirs, as before the justices in eyre, to hold common pleas and pleas of the forest, and before all other justices and ministers of us and our heirs whomsoever, as well in presence of us and our heirs as in absence of us and our heirs; which fines, amercements, ransoms, issues, year, day, waste, or estrepement, forfeitures, and murders, would pertain to us or our heirs, if they had not been granted to the aforesaid Duke and Blanche, and their heirs aforesaid. So that the same Duke and Blanche, and their heirs afore- said, by themselves or by their bailiffs and ministers, may levy, perceive, and have the fines, amercements, ransoms, issues, and forfeitures of such their men and tenants afore- said, and all things which can pertain to us and our heirs of the year, day, and waste, or estrepement and murders aforesaid, — without let or hinderance of us or our heirs, or of our justices, escheators, sheriffs, coroners, or other our bailiffs or ministers whomsoever. Wherefore we will and strictly command for us and our heirs, that the aforesaid Duke and Blanche, and their heirs aforesaid, shall have all the liberties aforesaid for ever, as is aforesaid, and shall henceforth fully enjoy and use them and every of them, notwithstanding the surrender or cancelling of the charter aforesaid. So that if the aforesaid Duke and Blanche shall die without heir of their bodies issuing, then all and every the liberties aforesaid, after the death of the same Duke and Blanche, shall entirely revert to us and our heirs. These being witnesses, the venerable fathers, Simon Bishop of Ely, our Chancellor; John 119 RICARDUS Dei gratia Rex Anglisp et Francise et Do- minus Hiberniae omnibus ad quos praesentes literae perve- nerint salutem. Inspeximus quandam cartam indentatam nuper factam inter carissimum dominum et avum nostrum Dominum Edwardum Regem Angliae defunctum et caris- simum filium suum Johannem Regem Castellae et Le- gionis Ducem Lancastrise, avunculum nostrum, et sub magno sigillo prsedicti avi nostri sigillatam, in haec verba : Hjec carta indentata facta inter magnificum principem Dominum Edwardum Regem Angliae et Francise et caris- simum filium suum Johannem Regem Castellae et Legionis et Ducem Lancastriae illustrem testatur quod cum idem Dominus Rex Angliae praefatum Johannem nunc Regem Castellae in Comitem Richemondiae praefecerit, et comita- tum Richemondiae ac honorem castra maneria terras tene- menta et omnia alia loca ad dictum comitatum pertinentia quae Johannes nuper Dux Britanniae et Comes loci praedicti habuit ibidem, praefato Johanni Regi Castellae per nomen Comitis Richemondiae, habenda et tenenda sibi et haere- dibus de corpore suo exeuntibus dederit et concesserit per cartam suam, prout in carta praedicta plane liquet: Jamque dictus Johannes Rex Castellae, cum praelatis pro- ceribus comitibus maguatibus nobilibus et sapientibus de concilio regib existentibus praehabitis super hoc diversis tractatibus, perpendens et advertens quod si comitatus honor castra maneria terrae tenementa et loca praedicta in so et solium regium, a quo prius exiverant, transfer rentur, in ipsius Regis Angliae et totius regni Anghae commodum tenderet, quietem pariter et honorem. Et propterea dictus Johannes Rex Castellae, sicut gratus filius, patris sui beneplacita, honorem et commodum regni Angliae, suis propriis utilitatibus anteponens, pura et spontanea voluntate sua, causis et occasionibus antedictis, 119 Bishop of Bath and Wells, our Treasurer ; our most dear son Lionel Duke of Clarence ; Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford ; Richard Earl of Arundel ; Edward le De- spenser, Lord of Glamorgan and Morgannowe; Guy de Brian ; John atte Lee, Steward of our household, and others. Given under our hand at Westminster, on the fourteenth day of July, in the thirty-eighth year of our reign. AND we the charter abovesaid, and all the dona- tions, grants, and all other things therein contained, do for us and our heirs, by the tenor of these presents, ratify and conlBrm according to the tenor and effect of the charter abovesaid. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness our- self at Westminster, on the fifteenth day of September, in the first year of our reign. WE have inspected, more- over, a certain other charter of ours made in these words : RICHARD, by the grace of God, King of England and isth sept. France, and Lord of Ireland, to all to whom the present ^''^- '^^^• letters shall come, greeting. We have inspected a certain Charter indented, lately made between our most dear Lord and grandfather. Lord Edward late King of England, de- ceased, and his most dear son John King of Castillo and Leon, Duke of Lancaster, our uncle, and sealed under the great seal of our aforesaid grandfather, in these words: This Charter indented, made between the his^h and 25th June, ° 46 Edw. 3. mighty prince. Lord Edward King of England and France, ^.d. 1372. and his most dear son John, the illustrious King of Cas- tillo and Leon and Duke of Lancaster, witnesseth, that, whereas the same Lord the King of England did advance Estates fiivcii to tll6 the aforesaid John, now Kinff of Castillo, to be Earl of cukeofLan- *-^ caster in ex- Richmond, and by his charter did give and grant unto the the"|rii[o' aforesaid John King of Castillo, by the name of Earl of ^ond!'^' Richmond, the earldom of Richmond, and the honor, cas- 120 specialiter acquievit et concessit quod comitatus honor castra maneria terrae tenementa et loca praedicta, necnon feoda militum ad eadem comitatuni honorem castra ma- neria terras tenementa et loca praedicta pertinentia, et similiter advocationes eisdem spectantes simul cum mem- bris hamelettis pratis pascuis pasturis piscariis moris maris- cis turbariis chaciis parcis boscis warennis hundredis wapen- tachiis feriis mercatis libertatibus liberis consuetudinibus escaetis et omnibus aliis ad praedicta comitatum honorem castra maneria terras tenementa et loca praedicta qualiter- cunque et ubicunque spectantibus sive pertinentibus, prae- fato patri suo traderentur ; unde praedictus Dominus Rex Angliae gratitudinem praedictam multis attollens laudibus, et volens proinde praefato Johanni Regi Castell^, et in status sui supportationem majorem, retributionem sibi facere com- petentem, castrum manerium et honorem de Tickhull, cas- trum et manerium de Alto Pecco, cum feodis militum eisdem castris maneriis et honori pertinentibus sive spectantibus, et omnia feoda quae dictus Dominus Rex Angliae habuit ex dono et concessione Roberti de Lisle militis (feodis quae in manu ipsius Domini Regis Angliae sunt extincta dum- taxat exceptis) necnon advocationes ecclesiarum de Steyn- drop et Braunspath in episcopatu Dunolmensi, et libera- rum capellarum de Tickhull et de Alto Pecco, ac ecclesiae de Marsfeld, liberae capellae ibidem, liberse capellae infra castrum de Pevenese, prioratus de Wilmingdon, qui est cella abbatiae Sanctae Mariae de Greston in Normannia, et prioratus de Withiham, qui est cella abbatiae Sancti Martini de Meremest Turon', et domus Sancti Roberti de Knaresburgh ; castrum manerium et honorem de Knares- burgh cum pertinentiis, et hundredum sive wapentachium de Staynchf, cum pertinentiis in comitatu Eboraci, ma- neria de Grynglay et Whetelay, cum pertinentiis in co- 120 ties, manors, lands, tenements, and all other places to the said earldom pertaining, which John late Duke of Brit- tany and Earl of the aforesaid place had there, to have and hold to him and the heirs of his body issuing, as in the charter aforesaid plainly doth appear : And now the said John King of Castillo, divers treaties hereupon being had with the prelates, peers, earls, grandees, nobles, and sages of the royal council, well weighing and consider- ing, that, if the earldom, honor, castles, manors, lands, tenements, and places aforesaid were to be transferred to him and the royal throne, whence they had first issued, it would tend not less to the advantage of the said King of England, and the whole realm of England, than to the quiet and honor of the same. And for that the said John King of Castillo, like a grateful son, pre- ferring his father's pleasure, and the honor and con- venience of the kingdom of England, to his own private advantage, of his own pure will and free accord, for the causes and reasons aforesaid, hath especially acquiesced and granted that the earldom, honor, castles, manors, lands, tenements, and places aforesaid, and also the knights' fees pertaining to the same earldom, honor, castles, manors, lands, tenements, and places aforesaid, and in like manner the advowsons belonging to the same, together with the members, hamlets, meadows, feedings, pastures, fisheries, moors, marshes, turbaries, chases, parks, woods, warrens, hundreds, wapentakes, fairs, markets, li- berties, free customs, escheats, and all other things to the aforesaid earldom, honor, castles, manors, lands, tenements, and places aforesaid howsoever and wheresoever belong- ing or pertaining, shall be given up to his aforesaid father ; whereupon the aforesaid Lord the King of England, ex- tolling with many praises the gratitude aforesaid, and 121 mitatu Notinghamiae, maneria de Wyghton, Ailesham, Fa- kenhamdam, et Snetesham ; necnon hundreda de North- grenehowe, Northerpingham, Sutherpingham, et Smethe- don, cum pertinentiis in comitatibus Norfolcise et SufFolcise, maneria de Glatton et Holm, cum pertinentiis in comitatu Huntingdonise, manerium de Sahara, cum pertinentiis in comitatu Cantabrigise, castrum et leucatam de Pevenese ac manfiiia de Wilyndon et Marsfeld, necnon ballivam de Endelenewyk, cum pertinentiis in comitatu Sussexise, et liberam chaciam de Alto Pecco, quam dictus Dominus Rex Angliae tenuit in manu sua ut forestam, tenendam ut liberam chaciam, ac liberam chaciam de Asshedon, cum juribus et Hbertatibus liberis chaciis pertinentibus ; et annuam firmam ducentarum marcarum quam abbas et conventus beatse Marise Eborum eidem Domino Regi Anglise et haeredibus suis pro manerio de Whitegift sol- vere tenentur, percipiendam per manus dictorum abbatis et conventus et successorum suorum, dedit et concessit pro se et haeredibus suis praefato Johanni Regi Castellae, habenda sibi et haeredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus una cum membris hamelettis pratis pascuis pasturis piscariis moris mariscis turbariis chaciis parcis boscis warennis hundredis wapentachiis feriis mercatis libertatibus li- beris consuetudinibus escaetis et omnibus aliis ad prae- dicta castra maneria honores hundreda leucatam ballivam et chacias qualitercunque et ubicunque spectantibus sive pertinentibus de praefato Domino Rege Angliae et haere- dibus suis per servitia inde debita et consueta imper- petuum in escambium pro dictis comitatu Richemondiae honore castris maneriis terris tenementis locis feodis et ad- vocationibus praedictis, quae idem Johannes Rex Castellae per banc cartam indentatam dedit concessit et sursum red- didit eidem Domino Regi Angliae et haeredibus suis im- 121 being willing therefore to make competent retribution to him the aforesaid John King of Castille, and for the better support of his station, hath given and granted for himself and his heirs unto the aforesaid John King of Castille the castle, manor, and honor of Tickhill, the castle and manor of the High Peak, with the knights' fees to the same castles, manors, and honor pertaining or belonging, and all the fees which the said Lord the King of England had by the gift and grant of Sir Robert de Lisle, knight, (excepting only those fees which are extinct in the hands of the said Lord the King of Eng- land,) and also the advowsons of the churches of Stain- drop and Brancepeth in the bishopric of Durham, and of the free chapels of Tickhill and High Peak, and of the church of Maresfield and free chapel there, of the free chapel within Pevensey castle, of the priory of Wil- mingdon, which is a cell of the abbey of St. Mary de Greston in Normandy, and of the priory of Withiham, which is a cell of the abbey of St. Martin de Meremest in Tourain, and of the house of St. Robert of Knares- boro'; — the castle, manor, and honor of Knaresboro', with appurtenances; and the hundred or wapentake of Stain- cliff, with appurtenances, in the county of York ; — the manors of Gringley and Wheatley, with appurtenances, in the county of Nottingham ; — the manors of Wighton, Ayls- ham, Fakenham, and Snettisham, and also the hundreds of North Greenhoe, North Erpingham, South Erpingham, and Smithdon, with appurtenances, in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk; — the manors of Glatton and Holm, with ap- purtenances, in the county of Huntingdon; — the manor of Soham, with appurtenances, in the county of Cambridge; — the castle and leucata of Pevensey, and the manors of Willingdon and Maresfield, and also the bailiwick of En- R 2 122 perpetuum in escambium pro castris maneriis honoribus hundredis leucata balliva chaciis firma feodis et advo- cationibus prsedictis, sibi per ipsum Dominum Regem Anglise, ut prsedicitur, datis et concessis, sub ea quae sequitur conditione, quod si haeredes dicti Johannis Regis Castellge reeuperaverint per judicium inde rite redditum, comitatum Richemondise, honorem castra maneria terras tenementa loca feoda et advocationes praedicta aut ali- quam parcellam eorundem, virtute doni talliae supradicti, et possessionem inde habuerint, recuperationem illam affir- mandoj liceat eidem Domino Regi Angliae et haeredibus suis castra maneria honores hundreda leucatam ballivam chacias firmam feoda et advocationes praedicta, praefato Jobanui Regi Castellae sic in escambium praedictum data et con- cessa, reintrare et tenere imperpetuum. Et si contin- gat praedicta castra maneria honores hundreda leuca- tam balhvam chacias firmam feoda et advocationes aut aliquam parcellam eorumdem praefato Johanni Regi Cas- tellae in escambium praedictum sic data et concessa ab eodem Johanne Rege Castellae seu haeredibus suis praedic- tis recuperari, dictus Dominus Rex Angliae et haeredes sui debitam recompensationem praefato Johanni Regi Castellae et haeredibus suis praedictis, de valore, sine difficultate qualibet facere teneantur. Dumtamen idem Johannes Rex Castellae et haeredes sui praedicti a dicto Domino Rege Angliae aut haeredibus suis auxilium petant, et debitam diligentiam apponant circa salvationem de eo quod versus eos peti contingat. Et etiam si comitatum Richemondiae honorem castra maneria terras tenementa loca feoda et advocationes praedicta aut aliquam parcellam eorumdem extra manus dicti Domini Regis Angliae seu haeredum suorum in feodo simpUci aut talliato poni contingat, et imposterum ad manus ejusdem Domini Regis Angliae vel 122 delenewickj with appurtenances, in the county of Sussex ; — and the free chase of the High Peak, which the said Lord the King of England held in his hands as a forest, to hold as a free chase; — and the free chase of Ashdown, with the rights and liberties to free chases pertaining; — and the yearly farm of 200 marks which the abbot and convent of St. Mary"'s at York are held to pay to the same Lord the King of England and his heirs for the manor of Whitegift, to be perceived by the hands of the said abbot and convent, and their successors : — To have to him and the heirs of his body issuing, together with the members, hamlets, meadows, feedings, pastures, fisheries, moors, marshes, turbaries, chases, parks, woods, warrens, hundreds, wapentakes, fairs, markets, liberties, free cus- toms, escheats, and all other things to the aforesaid castles, manors, honors, hundreds, leucata^ bailiwick, and chases howsoever and wheresoever belonging or pertaining, of the aforesaid Lord the King of England and his heirs, by the services therefore due and accustomed for ever, in exchange for the said earldom of Richmond, and the honor, castles, manors, lands, tenements, places, fees and advow- sons aforesaid, which the same John King of Castillo by this charter indented hath given, granted, and surrendered to the same Lord the King of England and his heirs for ever in exchange for the castles, manors, honors, hundreds, leucatay bailiwick, chases, farm, fees, and advowsons afore- said, given and granted to him by the same Lord the King of England as is aforesaid, — under the condition hereafter following, — that if the heirs of the said John King of Castillo shall recover by judgment thereupon rightfully given the earldom of Richmond, honor, castles, manors, lands, tenements, places, fees, and advowsons aforesaid, or any parcel thereof, by virtue of the aforesaid gift in tail. 123 haereduni suorum, ex justa causa, in feodo devenerint, tam idem Dominus Ilex Anglise et haeredes sui castra maneria honores hundreda leucatam ballivam chacias fir- mam feoda et advocationes prsedicta prsefato Johanni Regi Castellse et hseredibus de corpora suo exeuntibus sic data et concessa, quam prsefatus Johannes Rex Castellae et haeredes sui prsedicti dictum comitatum Richemondiae ac honorem castra maneria terras tenementa loca feoda et advocationes prsedicta dicto Domino Regi Angliae et haeredibus suis in escambium praedictum ut praemittitur data et concessa, pro integro sen pro rata rehabeant hinc et inde, et restitutio exinde fiat, tenenda prout prius. Et idem Dominus Rex Angliae et haeredes sui castra maneria honores hundreda leucatam ballivam chacias firmam feoda et advocationes praedicta, praefato Johanni Regi Castellae et haeredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus per ipsum Do- minum Regem Angliae data et concessa, praefato Johanni Regi Castellae et haeredibus suis praedictis warantizabunt et imperpetuum defendent, juxta vim et eifectum escambii et conditionum praedictorum. Et similiter idem Johannes Rex Castellae et haeredes sui praedictum comitatum Riche- mondiae, simul cum honore castris maneriis terris tenemen- ts locis feodis et advocationibus praedictis, praedicto Domino Regi Angliae et haeredibus suis contra omnes gentes waran- tizabunt et imperpetuum defendent, juxta vim et effectum escambii et conditionum praedictorum. In cujus rei tes- timonium praedictae cartae indentatae tam sigillum dicti Do- mini Regis Angliae quam sigillum dicti Johannis Regis Cas- tellae alternatim sunt appensa. Hiis testibus, venerabilibus patribus Willielmo Archiepiscopo Cantuariensi totius An- gliae Primate^ Simone Londinensi et Willielmo Wintoniensi, Episcopis, Edmundo filio dicti Regis Angliae carissimo Cantabrigiae, Ricardo Arundelliae, Humfrido de Bohun He- 123 and thereof have possession, affirming that recovery, it may be lawful for the same Lord the King of England and his heirs to re-enter and hold for ever the castles, manors, honors, hundreds, leucata, bailiwick, chases, farm, fees, and advowsons aforesaid so given and granted to the aforesaid John King of Castille in exchange as aforesaid. And if it happen that the aforesaid castles, manors, honors, hun- dreds, leucata^ bailiwick, chases, farm, fees and advowsons, or any parcel thereof, so given and granted to the aforesaid John King of Castille in exchange as aforesaid, be re- covered from the same John King of Castille or his heirs aforesaid, the said Lord the King of England and his heirs shall be held to make due compensation of the value to the aforesaid John King of Castille and his heirs aforesaid without any difficulty. So however, that the same John King of Castille and his heirs aforesaid pray aid of the said Lord the King of England or his heirs, and apply due diligence about the salvation of that which may happen to be sued against them. And also if it happen that the earldom of Richmond, honor, castles, manors, lands, tenements, places, fees, and advowsons aforesaid, or any parcel thereof, be put out of the hands of the said Lord the King of England or his heirs in fee simple or tail, and thereafter shall come by just cause into the hands of the same Lord the King of England or his heirs in fee, as well the same Lord the King of England and his heirs, the castles, manors, honors, hun- dreds, leucata^ bailiwick, chases, farm, fees, and advowsons aforesaid so given and granted to the aforesaid John King of Castille and the heirs of his body issuing, as the aforesaid John King of Castille and his heirs aforesaid, the said earldom of Richmond, and the honor, castles, manors, lands, tenements, places, fees, and advowsons aforesaid 124 refordise et Willielmo de Monte Acuto Sarum, Comitibus, Henrico de Percy, Roberto de Thorp Cancellario, Ricardo de Scrop Thesaurario, Willielmo Latymer Camerario, Jo- hanne de Neville Senescallo hospitii prsedicti Domini Regis Anglise, Johanne Knyvet, Willielmo de Fynchedene, Jo- hanne Moubray, Thoma de Ingelby, Willielmo de Wy- chyngham, Rogero de Meres et Johanne de Cavendissh, ejusdem Domini Regis Anglise justitiariis, et aliis. Data apud Westmonasterium vicesimo quinto die Junii, anno regni dicti Domini Regis Anglise, Angliae quadragesimo sexto, regni vero sui Francise tricesimo tertio. INSPEXI- MUS etiam quandam aliam cartam prsefati avi nostri nuper factam prsedicto avunculo nostro in hsec verba: Edwardus, Dei gratia Rex Anglise et Francise, et Do- minus Hibernise, archiepiscopis, episcopis, abbatibus, pri- oribus, ducibus, comitibus, baronibus, militibus, justiti- ariis, vicecomitibus, prsepositis, ballivis, ministris, et aliis fidelibus suis, salutem. Sciatis quod cum nuper per cartam nostram indentatam dederimus et concesserimus pro nobis et hseredibus nostris quantum in nobis fuit carissimo filio nostro Johanni Regi Castellse et Legionis, Duci Lancastrise, castrum manerium et honorem de Tickhull, ac alia terras et tenementa in dicta carta nostra specificata cum perti- nentiis ; habenda sibi et hseredibus de corpore suo exeun- tibus in escambium pro comitatu Richemondise, ac honore castris maneriis terris tenementis et omnibus aliis locis ad dictum comitatum pertinentibus nobis et hseredibus nostris per prsefatum filium nostrum datis concessis et sursum reddi- tis, prout in carta nostra prsedicta plenius continetur ; ac jam prsefatus filius noster nobis supplicaverit ut cum villa de Grenstede quse ut parcella manerii de Marsfeld, villa de Seford quse ut parcella castri et leucatse de Pevensey, et villa de Laghton in Morthyng quse ut parcella castri 124 given and granted to the said Lord the King of England and his heirs in exchange aforesaid, as is premised, may have back on either side entirely or proportionately, and restitution thereupon be made, to hold as before. And the same Lord the King of England and his heirs, the castles, manors, honors, hundreds, leucata, bailiwick, chases, farm, fees and advowsons aforesaid given and granted by the same Lord the King of England to the aforesaid John King of Castille and the heirs of his body issuing, will warrant and for ever defend to the aforesaid John King of Castille and his heirs aforesaid, according to the force and effect of the exchange and conditions aforesaid. And in Ijke manner the same John King of Castille and his heirs, the aforesaid earldom of Richmond, together with the honor, castles, manors, lands, tenements, places, fees, and advowsons aforesaid, against all men will warrant and for ever defend to the aforesaid Lord the King of England and his heirs, according to the force and effect of the exchange and conditions aforesaid. In witness whereof, as well the seal of the said Lord the King of England, as the seal of the said John King of Castille, alternately are set to the aforesaid charter in- dented. These being witnesses, the venerable fathers, WiUiam Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all Eng- land; Simon Bishop of London, and William Bishop of Winchester; Edmund Earl of Cambridge, the most dear son of the said King of England; Richard Earl of Arundel; Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford, and Wilham de Montacute, Earl of Salisbury; Henry de Percy; Robert de Thorp, Chancellor; Richard de Scroope, Treasurer; William Latymer, Chamberlain ; John de Neville, Steward of the household of the aforesaid Lord the King of Eng- land; John Knyvet, William de Fynchedene, John Mou- 125 et honoris de Tickhull, sibi in certum valorem in escam- bium prsedictum (nulla speciali mentione facta de villis illis in dicta carta nostra) liberata fuerunt, tria grossa per se separatim et non pertinentia ad manerium de Marsfeld castrum et leucatam de Pevensey et castrum et honorem de Tickhull prsedicta existant, nee aliquo tempore fuerint, sicut jam sibi datur intelligi, velimus ne ipse aut hee- redes sui praedicti super occupatione dictarum villarum de Grenstede, Seford, et Laghton, ob defectum specialis nominationis earumdem in concessione nostra prsedicta impetantur infuturum, dictas villas de Grenstede, Se- ford, et Laghton, nominatim sibi concedere, habendas et tenendas una cum dictis castro manerio et honore de Tickhull, ac aliis terris et tenementis sibi in dictum es- cambium datis, et etiam cum libertatibus quietantiis et immunitatibus quas Philippa nuper Regina Anglise, tunc consors nostra, quae dicta castrum manerium et honorem de Tickhull et alia terras et tenementa, eidem filio nostro per nos sic data, tenuit, in vita sua habuit ex concessione nostra in eisdem, in recompensationem libertatum quietan- tiarum et immunitatum quas idem filius noster in dicto comitatu Richemondiae et honore castris maneriis terris tenementis et aliis locis ad dictum comitatum pertinen- tibus habuit, dum ea tenuit, ante escambium supradictum. Nos escambium illud in qualibet parte ejusdem observare, et tam quieti dicti filii nostri et haeredum suorum praedic- torum in hac parte prospicere, quam dicta tenementa eidem filio nostro ut praemittitur data et concessa ac dictas villas de Grenstede, Seford, et Laghton, quas virtute dictae concessionis nostrae sic tenet, libertatibus quietantiis et immunitatibus, per praefatam consortem nostram habitis ut praemittitur in eisdem, muniri et exornari, in recom- pensationem libertatum quietantiarum et immunitatum 125 bray, Thomas de Ingelby, William de Wychyngham, Roger de Meres, and John de Cavendissh, Justices of the same Lord the King of England, and others. Given at West- minster on the twenty-fifth day of June, in the forty-sixth year of' the reign of the said Lord the King of England, and the thirty- third of his reign of France. JVE have in- spected also a certain other Charter of our aforesaid grand- father lately made to our aforesaid uncle, in these words : Edward, by the grace of God, King of England and 4th June, France, and Lord of Ireland, to his archbishops, bishops, ^■^' i^??. abbots, priors, dukes, earls, barons, knights, justices, she- riffs, reeves, bailiffs, ministers, and other his faithful people, greeting. Know ye, that whereas we did lately by our char- Redtai that '^ ^ . *^ . certain es- ter indented give and grant for us and our heirs, as far as tates had *^ '^ been given m did in us he, to our most dear son John King of Castillo and the eaddom" Leon and Duke of Lancaster the castle manor and honor of mond!^" Tickhill and other lands and tenements in our said charter specified, with appurtenances, to have to him and the heirs of his body issuing, in exchange for the earldom of Richmond and the honor castles manors lands tenements and all other places to the said earldom pertaining, given granted and surrendered to us and our heirs by our aforesaid son, as in our charter aforesaid more fully is contained ; and and the •^ ' Duke had now our aforesaid son hath besought us, that, whereas the petitioned o ' ' that certain town of Grinstead, which as parcel of the manor of Mares- Sugiri^''''^' field, the town of Seaford, which as parcel of the castle and not specially mentioned in leucata of Pevensey, and the town of Laughton-in-le- included Morthen, which as parcel of the castle and honor of Tickhill, were delivered to him at a certain valuation in the exchange aforesaid, (no special mention being made of those towns in our said charter,) be three towns in gross severally of themselves, and be not nor were at any time pertaining to the aforesaid manor of Maresfield, castle valuatiun, 126 per prsedictum filium nostrum in dicto comitatu Riche- mondiae et pertinentiis suis praedictis nuper habitarum, et prsecipue ob specialem afFectionem quam ad personam ejusdem filii nostri, suis meritis magnificis laudabiliter exigentibus, gerimus et habemus, concessimus eidem filio nostro pro nobis et haeredibus nostris quod ipse dictas villas de Grenstede, Seford, et Laghton cum pertinentiis suis universis, etiam licet grossa sint per se, an ut prsedic- tum est pertinentia ad dictum manerium de Marsfeld, castrum et leucatam de Pevensey et castrum et honorem de Tickhull, habeat et retineat, unacum dictis castro ma- nerio et honore de Tickhull et aliis terris et tenementis prsedictis sibi per nos, ut praemittitur, datis, ac liberta- tibus quietantiis et immunitatibus subscriptis (quas pras- fatag Reginse in dictis terris et tenementis quae ipsa sic tenuit ad vitam suam, concessimus, babendas, sicut per in- spectionem rotulorum cancellariag nostrae nobis constat), habendis utendis et gaudendis in dictis castro manerio et honore de Tickhull, ac aliis castris maneriis honoribus hundredis, et villis de Grenstede, Seford, et Laghton, ac aliis terris tenementis et locis quibuscumque dicto filio nostro, ut est dictum, per nos datis et in dicta carta nos- tra plenius specificatis, et qualibet parte eorumdem eidem filio nostro et dictis haeredibus de corpore suo, ut prae- dictum est, procreatis, in escambium supradictum, sub modo et forma in eadem carta nostra contentis imperpetuum, videlicet, cum feodis militum, advocationibus domorum re- ligiosarum hospitalium ecclesiarum et capellarum, wardis maritagiis et escaetis de omnibus tenentibus de ho- noribus maneriis terris tenementis et aliis locis praedictis praefato filio nostro per nos sic datis, simul cum chaciis parcis boscis warennis feriis mercatis aquis viis piscariis communis assartis vastis et purpresturis, ac etiam arren- 126 and leucata of Pevensey, and castle and honor of Tickhill, as now he is given to understand, lest he or his heirs afore- said should in future be impeached in the occupation of the said towns of Grinstead, Seaford, and Laughton for the want of special naming of the same in our grant aforesaid, we would be pleased to grant the said towns of Grinstead, might by name be Seaford, and Laughton to him by name, to have and to granted to hold together with the said castle manor and honor of Tickhill and the other lands and tenements given to him in the said exchange, and also with the liberties acquit- together with tances and immunities which Philippa, late Queen of Eng- enjoyed W ' land, then our consort, (who held the said castle, manor, Phiiippa.the ' ^ ' ' former te- and honor of Tickhill, and the other lands and tenements "fsai^es"*^^ so given by us to our same son,) in her lifetime had in ^^^^^' the same by our grant, in compensation for the liberties acquittances and immunities which our same son had in the said earldom of Richmond, and in the honor castles ma- nors lands tenements and other places to the said earldom pertaining, whilst he held them before the exchange above said. We, to observe the said exchange in every part considera- thereof, and to look as well to the quiet of our said son and senTg^aStf" his heirs aforesaid in this behalf, as that the said tene- session, compensate ments given and granted to our same son as is premised, ^"'■•"'S^jf^ and the said towns of Grinstead, Seaford, and Laughton, eari?om^of" which by virtue of our said grant he so holds, be adorned ^^^^™°"*^' and armed with the liberties acquittances and immunities had in the same by our aforesaid consort as is premised, in compensation for the liberties acquittances and immuni- ties lately had by our aforesaid son in the said earldom of Richmond and its appurtenances aforesaid, and chiefly on and the account of the special affection which we have and bear for grantee. the person of our same son, his high merits full worthily requiring it, have granted to our same son, for us and our 127 tationibus et redditibus quorumcumque assartorum vas- torum et purpresturarum tam temporibus progenitorum nos- trorum quondam Regum Angliae quam nostro in chaciis et aliis locis prsedictis arrentatorum et exnunc arrentan- dorum, una cum finibus pro ingressu hujusmodi assartorum vastorum et purpresturarum sic arrentandorum, et cum curiis, visibus franci plegii, hundredis, wapentachiis, wrek, wayf* et stray', libertatibus regalibus, et liberis consuetudi- nibus, et omnibus aliis ad eadem castra honores maneria hundreda et alia terras tenementa et loca qualitercumque et ubicumque spectantibus. Concessimus etiam pro nobis et hseredibus nostris eidem filio nostro quod ipse et dicti haeredes sui habeant omnes fines redemptiones et amercia- menta omnium hominum et tenentium suorum de et in castris honoribus maneriis hundredis villis terris tene- mentis et aliis locis prsedictis sibi per nos sic datis, et eorum feodis, ac etiam in omnibus villis hundredis et aliis locis unde annuae firmse et redditus sibi inter csetera terras et tenementa praedicta per nos concessi proveniunt ; necnon exitus forisfactos, et omnia quae ad nos et haeredes nostros pertinere poterunt de anno die et vasto, forisfac- turis et murdris, in quibuscumque curiis nostris ethaeredum nostrorum homines et tenentes illos (tam coram nobis et haeredibus nostris et in cancellaria nostra et haeredum nostrorum, ac coram thesaurario et baronibus nostris et haeredum nostrorum de scaccario, quam coram justi- tiariis nostris et haeredum nostrorum itinerantibus ad communia placita et ad placita forestae, ac etiam coram justitiariis nostris et haeredum nostrorum de banco, et coram senescallo et marescallo ac coronatore hospitii nostri et haeredum nostrorum et clerico de mercato, ac coram aliis justitiariis et ministris nostris et haere- dum nostrorum quibuscumque) fines seu redemptiones 127 heirs, that he the said towns of Grinstead, Seaford, and The Duke may retain Laughton, with all their appurtenances, albeit even they Jl'^^jfg^t^JJ ""^ be towns in gross of themselves, or whether as aforesaid L^ughtonT*^ they be pertaining to the said manor of Maresfield, castle wuh the J ^ ° other estates and leucata of Pevensey, and castle and honor of Tickhill, g^ven to him •' 'in exchange, may have and retain together with the said castle manor and honor of Tickhill and the other lands and tenements aforesaid by us given to him as is premised, and with and enjoy •' ° ... certain liber- the liberties acquittances and immunities underwritten, {j^^ljigj^^- (which we granted to the aforesaid Queen to have in the said lands and tenements by her so held for her life, as is evident to us by the inspection of the rolls of our chancery,) to have, use, and enjoy in the said castle manor and honor of Tickhill, and the other cas- tles manors honors hundreds, and the towns of Grin- stead, Seaford, and Laughton, and the other lands te- nements and places whatsoever, given by us as has been said to our said son, and in our said charter more fully specified, and in every part thereof, — to our same son and the said heirs of his body begotten as is afore- said, in exchange as abovesaid under the manner and form contained in our same charter for ever, that is to say, with knights'* fees, advowsons of religious houses. Knights' . , , T , , , . ffics, advow- hospitals, churches and chapels, wardships, marriages, and sons, es. escheats of all the tenants of the honors, manors, lands, te- nements and other places aforesaid by us so given to our aforesaid son, together with chases, parks, woods, warrens, chases, . . parks, &c fairs, markets, waters, ways, fisheries, commons, assarts, wastes, and purprestures, and also with the arrentations and rents of all manner of assarts, wastes, and purprestures arrented in the chases and other places aforesaid, as well in our time as in the times of our progenitors formerly Kings of England, and hereafter to be arrented, together 128 facere vel amerciari, aut hujusmodi exitus murdra seu forisfacturas annum diem et vastum adjudicari, contigerit, adeo plene et integre sicut nos ea haberemus si praedicta castra honores maneria hundreda villas terras tenementa et alia loca praedicta, eidem filio nostro sic data, in manii nostra retinuissemus. Ita quod ipse et dicti hseredes sui per manus ballivorum et ministrorum suorum fines redemp- tiones et amerciamenta hominum et tenentium praedictorum exitus forisfactos, et omnia quae ad nos et haeredes nostros pertinere poterunt de anno die vasto, forisfacturis et murdris, de et in castris honoribus maneriis hundredis villis terris tenementis et aliis locis praedictis per nos sic datis ac eorum feodis, quae coram praedictis justitiariis iti- nerantibus ad coramunia placita et ad placita forestae, ac coram dictis senescallo et marescallo coronatore seu clerico fieri et adjudicari contigerit, per extractas eorumdem jus- titiariorum itinerantium in itineribus suis et senescalli et marescalli et coronatoris ac clerici in sessionibus suis eisdem ballivis et ministris inde liberandas, necnon fines redemptiones et amerciamenta hominum et tenentium prae- dictorum, ac exitus forisfactos, et omnia quae ad nos et haeredes nostros pertinere poterunt de anno die et vasto, forisfacturis, et murdris, de et in castris honoribus maneriis hundredis villis terris tenementis et aliis locis praedictis per nos sic datis ac eorum feodis, quae coram nobis et haeredibus nostris, vel in cancellaria nostra et haeredum nostrorum, seu coram thesaurario et baronibus nostris et haeredum nostrorum de scaccario, seu coram justitiariis nostris et haeredum nostrorum de banco aut justitiariis ad assisas capiendas et gaolas deliberandas seu justitiariis ad felonias et transgressiones audiendas et terminandas assignatis, vel coram aliis justitiariis seu mi- nistris nostris et haeredum nostrorum quibuscumque fieri 128 with the fines for ingress of the like assarts, wastes, and purprestures so to be arrented, and with courts, views of frankpledge, hundreds, wapentakes, wreck, waif and stray, Wreck. royal liberties and free customs, and all other things to the same castles, honors, manors, hundreds, and other lands, tenements, and places howsoever and wheresoever belong- ing. We have also granted for us and our heirs to our Fines and same son, that he and his said heirs may have all fines, ments, ransoms, and amercements of all their men and tenants of and in the castles, honors, manors, hundreds, towns, lands, tenements, and other places aforesaid so given to him by us, and in their fees, and also in all the towns, hundreds, and other places whence the annual farms and rents by us granted to him among the other lands and tenements aforesaid do proceed ; and also forfeited issues, forfeited is- ^ ' sues, for- and all things which can pertain to us and our heirs feitures,&c. of year, day, and waste, forfeitures and murders, in any soever of the courts of us and our heirs, where such men and tenants shall happen to make fine or ransom or be amerced, or such issues, murders, forfeitures, year, day, and waste happen to be adjudged, as well before us \^^IP^ , and our heirs, and in the chancery of us and our heirs, and ^°"^^- before the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of us and our heirs, as before the justices of us and our heirs in eyre to hold common pleas and pleas of the forest, and also before the justices of the bench of us and our heirs, and before the steward and marshal and coroner of the house- hold of us and our heirs, and the clerk of the market, and before all other justices and ministers of us and our heirs whomsoever, as fully and entirely as we should have them if we had retained in our hand the aforesaid castles, honors, manors, hundreds, towns, lands, tenements, and other places aforesaid so given to our same son. So that he 129 et adjudicari contigerit, per extractas scaccarii nostri et hseredum nostrorum ballivis et ministris dicti filii nostri et dictorum hseredum suorum per manus viceeomitum in quorum ballivis castra honores maneria hundreda villse terrse tenementa et alia loca praedicta, ut est dictum, per nos data, ac eorum feoda existunt, inde liberandas, levare percipere et habere possint, — sine occasione vel impedi- mento nostri vel ha^redum nostrorum aut ballivorum seu mi- nistrorum nostrorum quorumcumque. Et quod idem filius noster et dicti haeredes sui habeant in castris honoribus maneriis hundredis villis terris tenementis et aliis locis praedictis per nos sic datis, ac eorum feodis, catalla felonum et fugitivorum; ita quod si quis hominum vel tenentium suorum aut alii in locis praedictis vel eorum feodis pro delicto suo vitam vel membrum debeant amittere vel fugerint et judicio stare noluerint, vel aliquod delictum fecerint pro quo catalla sua debeant perdere (ubicumque justitia de eis fieri debeat sive in curia nostra vel haeredum nostrorum sive in aliis curiis) ipsa catalla sint praefati filii nostri et dictorum haeredum suorum, et liceat eis seu ministris suis sine occasione vel impedi- mento nostri vel haeredum nostrorum viceeomitum et alio- rum ballivorum seu ministrorum nostrorum vel haeredum nostrorum quorumcumque ponere se in seisinam de catallis praedictis et ea ad usum dicti filii nostri et haeredum suo- rum retinere. Concessimus etiam praefato filio nostro pro nobis et haeredibus nostris quod ipse et dicti haeredes sui habeant in castris honoribus maneriis hundredis villis terris tenementis et aliis locis praedictis dicto filio nostro sic datis, ac eorum feodis, retorna omnium brevium nos- trorum et haeredum nostrorum ac summonitionum extrac- tarum et praeceptorum de scaccario praedicto necnon prae- ceptorum et extractarum justitiariorum nostrorum et hae- 129 and his said heirs by the hands of his baihffs and ministers The Duke may levy may be able to levy, perceive, and have the fines, ransoms, "^^^^jj^cer' and amercements of the men and tenants aforesaid, for- J^Sveled*' feited issues, and all things which to us and our heirs can *" *^^"*' pertain of year, day, and waste, forfeitures and murders, of and in the castles, honors, manors, hundreds, towns, lands, tenements, and other places aforesaid by us so given, and in their fees, — such as shall happen to be made and adjudged before the aforesaid justices in eyre to hold common pleas and pleas of the forest, and before the said steward and marshal, coroner or clerk, by estreats of the same jus- tices in eyre in their circuits, and of steward and marshal and coroner and clerk in their sessions, to be delivered thereof to the same bailiffs and ministers, — and also such the fines, ransoms, and amercements of the aforesaid men and tenants, and forfeited issues, and all things which to us and our heirs can pertain of year, day, waste, for- feitures and murders, of and in the castles, honors, manors, hundreds, towns, lands, tenements, and other places aforesaid by us so given, and in their fees, as shall happen to be made and adjudged before us and our heirs, or in the chancery of us and our heirs, or before the trea- surer and barons of the exchequer of us and our heirs, or before the justices of us and our heirs of the common bench, or our justices assigned to take the assizes and to deliver our gaols, or the justices assigned to hear and deter- mine felonies and trespasses, or before other the justices or ministers of us and our heirs whomsoever, by estreats of the exchequer of us and our heirs, to be delivered thereof to the bailiffs and ministers of our said son and his said heirs by the hands of the sherifi^s in whose bailiwicks the castles, honors, manors, hundreds, towns, lands, tene- ments, and other places aforesaid given by us as afore- s 2 130 redum nostrorum itinerantium tam ad placita forestse quam ad communia placita, et aliorum justitiariorum quorumcumque, et executiones eorumdem brevium, sum- monitionum, extractarum et praeceptorum per ballivos et ministros suos faciendas. Ita quod nullus vicecomes bal- livus aut minister noster vel hseredum nostrorum eastra honores maneria villas terras tenementa et alia loca prsedicta, ut praemittitur, per nos data, vel eorum feoda, ad officia aliqua seu alia officia sua tangentia facienda ingrediatur, nisi in defectum ipsius filii nostri aut dic- torum haeredum vel ballivorum seu ministrorum suorum. Volumus insuper et concedimus pro nobis et haeredibus nostris quod si vicecomites vel ballivi libertatum hun- dredorum seu wapentachiorum in aliquibus executionibus pro eodem filio nostro aut dictis haeredibus suis per brevia sive mandata nostra, vel haeredum nostrorum, aut quovis alio modo faciendis negligentes fuerint vel remissi per quod ipsos in scaccario nostro seu aliis curiis nostris contigerit amerciari vel fines facere, quod fines et amerciamenta ilia sint dicti filii nostri et dictorum haeredum suorum, et ad eorum opus leventur. Hiis testibus, venerabilibus patribus Simone Archiepiscopo Cantuariensi totius Angliae Primate, Adam Menevensi Cancellario, Henrico Wigornensi The- saurario, nostris, Episcopis, Edmundo Comite Cantabrigiae, Thoma de Wodestok Constabulario Angliae, filiis nostris carissimis, Henrico de Percy Marescallo Angliae, Johanne de Ipre Senescallo hospitii nostri, Nicholao Carreu Custode privati sigilli nostri, et aliis. Data per manum nostram apud Shene quarto die Junii, anno regni nostri Angliae quinquagesimo primo, regni vero nostri Franciae tricesimo octavo. NOS autem tam dictam cartam indentatam quam dictam aliam cartam, ac omnes donationes concessiones et omnia alia in eisdem cartis contenta pro nobis et haeredi- 130 said, and their fees, do lie; without let or hinderance of us or our heirs, or of our baiUfFs or ministers whomsoever. And that our same son and his said heirs may have in the castles, honors, manors, hundreds, towns, lands, te- nements, and other places aforesaid by us so given, and in their fees, the chattels of felons and fugitives, so that chattels of .„ - - . ,.11 ^■^^oiis. II any of their men or tenants or others m the places aforesaid, or in their fees, for their delinquency ought to lose life or limb, or shall flee and not be willing to stand their trial, or shall commit any offence for the which they ought to lose their chattels, (wheresoever justice shall be had of them, whether in the court of us or our heirs, or whether in other courts,) such chattels shall belong to our aforesaid son and his said heirs, and that it shall be lawful for them or their ministers to put themselves in seizin of the chattels aforesaid, and retain them to the behoof of our said son and his heirs, without let or hin- derance of us or our heirs, our sheriffB and other bailiff's or ministers of us or our heirs whomsoever. We have also Return and granted to our aforesaid son, for us and our heirs, that of writs and summons he and his said heirs may have in the castles, honors, «ftheex. '' ' ' chequer. manors, hundreds, towns, lands, tenements, and other places aforesaid so given to our said son, and in their fees, the return of all writs of us and our heirs, and of summons, estreats, and precepts of the exchequer afore- said, and also of the precepts and estreats of the justices of us and our heirs in eyre to hold as well pleas of the forest as common pleas, and of other justices whomso- ever, and the execution of the same writs, summons, es- treats, and precepts, to be made by their bailiff's and mi- nisters. So that no sheriff^, bailiff^, or other minister of us or our heirs shall enter the castles, honors, manors, towns, lands, tenements, and other places aforesaid by us 131 bus nostriSj tenore praesentium, ratificamus et confirmamus, juxta tenorem et efFectum cartarum supradictarum. In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus pa- tentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium, quinto- decimo die Septembris, anno regni nostri primo. NOS autem donationes, concessiones, confirmationes, libertates, franchesias et quietantias praedictas, ac omnia alia et sin- gula in dictis cartis et Uteris contenta, rata habentes et grata, ea, pro nobis et haeredibus nostris, quantum in nobis est, de gratia nostra speciali acceptamus, approbamus, et praefato Duci et haeredibus suis praedictis imperpetuum, tenore praesentium, concedimus et confirmamus, sicut cartas et literae supradictae rationabiliter testantur. Praeterea vo- lentes eidem Duci gratiam in hac parte facere ampliorem de gratia nostra speciali concessimus pro nobis et haeredibus nostris, et hac carta nostra confirmavimus quod licet ipse aliqua vel aliquibus donationum, concessionum, confirma- tion um, liber tatum, franchesiarum et quietantiarum, aut aliorum in dictis cartis et Uteris contentorum, aliquo casu emergente, hactenus plene usus non fuerit, idem tamen Dux et haeredes sui praedicti donationibus, conces- sionibus, confirmationibus, libertatibus, franchesiis et quie- tantiis, ac omnibus aliis et singulis in cartis et Uteris praedictis, ut praemittitur, contentis, et eorum quolibet de- csetero plene gaudeant et utantur imperpetuum, sine occa- sione vel impedimento nostri vel hseredum nostrorum, justi- tiariorum, escaetorum, vicecomitum aut aliorum ballivorum seu ministrorum nostrorum vel haeredum nostrorum quo- rumcumque. Et ulterius, ad probitatem strenuam et sa- pientiam excellentissimam ac alios multiplices mores et merita praefati avunculi nostri, qui nullis cedens laboribus vel expensis, se tam in consiliis obsequiis et aliis agendis nobis et toti regno nostro fructuosis et honorificis semper 131 given as is premised, or their fees, to perform any offices, or other things touching their offices, unless in default of our same son or his said heirs, or of their bailiffs or ministers. And furthermore we will and grant, for us and our said Fines and amerce-. heirs, that if the sheriffs or bailiffs of liberties, hundreds, or ^ents of ' snenffs and wapentakes be negligent or remiss in making any execu- beSfor"" tions for our same son or his said heirs, by writs or man- "^g^'s®"*^®- dates of us or our heirs, or in any other wise, whereby it shall happen that they be amerced or make fines in our exchequer or in other our courts, such fines and amerce- ments shall belong to our said son and his said heirs, and may be levied to their behoof. These being wit- nesses, the venerable fathers, Simon Archbishop of Can- terbury, Primate of all England ; Adam Bishop of St. David's, our Chancellor; Henry Bishop of Worcester, our Treasurer ; Edmund Earl of Cambridge, and Thomas of Woodstock, Constable of England, our most dear sons ; Henry de Percy, Marshal of England; John de Ipre, Steward of our household; Nicholas Carreu, Keeper of our privy seal, and others. Given under our hand at Sheen, on the fourth day of June, in the fifty-first year of our reign of England, and the thirty-eighth of our reign of France. ANJD we, as well the said charter indented as the said other charter, and all the donations, grants, and all other things in the same charters con- tained, for us and our heirs by the tenor of these pre- sents do ratify and confirm according to the tenor and effect of the charters abovesaid. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Wit- ness ourself at Westminster, on the fifteenth day of Sep- tember, in the first year of our reign. AND we, ratifying confirmation ^ , of foregoing and approving the donations, grants, confirmations, liber- ^J'^'J^'^. ties, franchises, and acquittances aforesaid, and all and 132 retroactis temporibus obsequiosum pariter et paratum ex- hibuit et exhibet indefesse, condignam considerationem habentes, et volentes, praemissorum intuitu, praefatum avunculum nostrum, qui prae cseteris in sapientia, strenui- tate et honore nobis et regno nostro praedicto maxime valere et locum potiorem tenere potest, gratiis et favori- bus amplioribus praerogare, de uberiori gratia nostra, pro majori securitate ipsius Ducis avunculi nostri, declaramus, concedimus, et confirmamus, pro nobis et haeredibus nos- tris, prsefato Duci, quod ipse ad totam vitam suam habeat omnes fines pro transgressione et aliis malefactis quibus- cumque ; ac etiam fines pro licentia concordandi, et omni- modos alios fines, redemptiones, et amerciamenta, ex qua- cumque causa et per quamcumque causam provenientia, necnon exitus forisfactos de omnibus hominibus et tenentibus de et in terris et feodis praedicti Ducis, et de omnibus infra eadem terras et feoda residentibus, quanquam iidem ho- mines, tenentes, seu residentes, ministri nostri vel hseredum nostrorum existant. Et quod idem Dux ad totam vitam suam habeat quascumque forisfacturas annum diem vastum et estreppamentum, et quicquid ad nos vel haeredes nostros pertinere poterit de anno die vasto et estreppamento, fo- risfacturis et murdris, infra terras et feoda praedicta, in quibuscumque curiis nostris et haeredum nostrorum sive in quacumque curia alterius, contigerit quod praedicti homi- nes, tenentes, seu residentes facient fines vel erunt amer- ciati, vel exitus forisfacient, seu quod praedicta annus dies vastum et estreppamentum, forisfactura vel murdrum, ad- judicata erunt, tam in praesentia nostra et haeredum nostro- rum, quam in absentia nostra et haeredum nostrorum, et tam coram nobis et haeredibus nostris, etin cancellaria nostra et haeredum nostrorum, ac coram thesaurario et baronibus de scaccario nostro et haeredum nostrorum, et coram justitia- 132 singular other the things in the said charters and letters contained, do, for us and our heirs, as far as in us lies, of our especial grace accept and approve the same, and . do grant and confirm them by the tenor of these pre- sents to the aforesaid Duke and his heirs aforesaid for ever, as the charters and letters abovesaid reasonably do wit- ness. WilUng, moreover, to shew the same Duke more notwuh. , , standing ample favor m this behalf, we have granted of our espe- non-user, cial grace for us and our heirs, and by this our charter have confirmed, that albeit, any case arising, he have not hitherto fully used any one or more of the donations, grants, confirmations, liberties, franchises and acquittances, or other things in the said charters and letters contained, nevertheless the same Duke and his heirs aforesaid may henceforth fully enjoy and use for ever the donations, grants, confirmations, liberties, franchises, and acquittances, and all and singular other the things contained in the char- ters and letters aforesaid, as is premised, and every of them, without let or hinderance of us or our heirs, the without let ' ' from any justices, escheators, sheriffs, or other bailiffs or ministers baniffs'S^ of us or our heirs whomsoever. And furthermore, hav- ™'"^^ ^^^* ing condign consideration of the strenuous goodness and ^anSe^fhe most excellent wisdom, and other manifold merits and So/J?e- good demeanour of our aforesaid uncle, who yielding to ^"^ ^"^^^ no labors or expenses hath ever in times past proved him- self, and yet unweariedly proves himself, equally ready and compliant in giving his counsel, and in the performance of other duties profitable and honorable to us and our whole realm, and being desirous in regard of the premises to endow with ampler favors and grace our aforesaid uncle, who, far beyond others in wisdom, prowess, and honor, is able to avail and stand us and our realm aforesaid in better stead, do, of our more abundant grace, for the 133 riis nostris et hseredum nostrorum de communi banco, necnon coram senescallo et marescallis seu coram coronatore hospitii nostri et haeredum nostrorum vel clerico mercati, qui pro tempore erunt, et in aliis curiis nostris et hseredum nostro- rum, quam coram justitiariis nostris itinerantibus ad com- munia placita et ad placita forestae, justitiariis ad assisas capiendas et gaolas deliberandas, ac coram quibuscumque aliis justitiariis et ministris nostris et hseredum nostrorum, tam in prsesentia nostra et hseredum nostrorum, quam in absentia nostra et hseredum nostrorum, adeo plene et integre sicut nos vel hseredes nostri ea haberemus si ilia prsefato Duci non concessissemus. Ita quod prsedictus Dux per manus ballivorum et aliorum ministrorum suorum levare, percipere, et habere possit, fines, redemptiones, et amercia- menta ipsorum hominum tenentium et residentium de et in terris et feodis praedictis, exitus forisfactos, et quicquid ad nos vel haeredes nostros pertinere poterit de anno die vasto estreppamento, forisfacturis et murdris, de et in terris et feodis prsedictis, quse coram dictis justitiariis itinerantibus ad communia placita et ad placita forestas, ac coram prae- dictis senescallo et marescallis coronatore vel clerico mer- cati, fieri seu adjudicari contigerit, per extractas eorum- dem justitiariorum itinerantium in itineribus suis, ac prae- dictorum senescalli marescallorum coronatoris et clerici in sessionibus suis, ballivis et ministris praedicti Ducis inde liberandas ; ac etiam fines, redemptiones, et amerciamen- ta de hominibus tenentibus et residentibus praedictis, ac exitus forisfactos, et omnia quae ad nos vel haeredes nostros pertinere poterunt de anno die vasto estreppamento, foris- facturis et murdris, de et in terris et feodis prsedictis, quae coram nobis vel hseredibus nostris, vel in cancellaria nostra et hseredum nostrorum, seu coram thesaurario et baronibus de scaccario nostro et haeredum nostrorum, vel coram jus- 133 greater security of the same Duke our uncle, declare, grant, [P^^^^^™ ^^ and confirm for us and our heirs to the aforesaid Duke, J^^gfer?^ ^^"" that he for the whole of his life may have all fines for tres- Fines for '' ^ trespass, pass and other misdeeds whatsoever, and also fines for li- prae-finesand r ' post-tines, cence to agree, and all manner of other fines, ransoms, and amerJS!' amercements, from whatever cause and through whatever Sd issues. cause proceeding, and also forfeited issues in respect of all the men and tenants of and in the lands and fees of the aforesaid Duke, and in respect of all resiants within the same lands and fees, albeit the same men, tenants, or resiants be ministers of us or our heirs. And that the Forfeitures, same Duke, for the whole of his life, may have all manner and Waste, of forfeitures, year, day, waste, and estrepement, and what- ever to us or our heirs can pertain of year, day, waste, and estrepement, forfeitures and murders, within the lands and fees aforesaid, in what courts soever, of us and our heirs, or imposed or 1 «. 1 • 1 adjudged in m whatever court of any other it may happen that the any court, aforesaid men, tenants, or resiants shall make fines or be amerced or forfeit issues, or that the aforesaid year, day, waste, and estrepement, forfeiture or murder, be adjudged — as well in presence of us and our heirs as in absence of us and our heirs, and as well before us and our heirs, and in the chancery of us and our heirs, and before the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of us and our heirs, and be- fore the justices of the common bench of us and our heirs, and also before the steward and marshals, or before the coroner of the household, of us and our heirs, or the clerk of the market for the time being, and in other the courts of us and our heirs, as before our justices in eyre to hold common pleas and pleas of the forest, our justices assigned to take the assizes and to deliver our gaols, and before all other justices and ministers of us and our heirs whomso- ever, as well in presence of us and our heirs as in absence 134 titiariis nostris et haeredum nostrorum de communi banco, sive coram justitiariis ad assisas capiendas et gaolas de- liberandas, aut justitiariis ad transgressiones et felonias audiendas et terminandas assignatis, seu coram aliis justi- tiariis vel ministris nostris quibuscumque et haeredum nos- trorum, fieri vel adjudicari contigerit, per extractas de scac- cario nostro et haeredum nostrorum, ballivis et ministris praefati Ducis, per manus vicecomitum in quorum ballivis dicta terrae et feoda existunt, inde liberandas ; — sine occa- sione vel impedimento nostri vel haeredum nostrorum, jus- titiariorum, vicecomitum, escaetorum, aut aliorum minis- trorum nostrorum et haeredum nostrorum quorumcumque. Et quod praedictus Dux ad totam vitam suam per se et ministros suos in omnibus terris et feodis praedictis, tarn in praesentia nostra et haeredum nostrorum quam in ab- sentia nostra et haeredum nostrorum, faciat et habeat assaiam et assisam panis vini et cervisiae et omnimodorum aliorum victualium quorumcumque ac aliorum ad officium clerici de mercato nostri et haeredum nostrorum pertinen- tium, cum punitione eorumdem quotiens et quando expe- diens fuerit et necesse : ac etiam habeat et percipiat fines amerciamenta et redemptiones ac omnimoda proficua inde provenientia; ita quod clericus mercati nostri et haeredum nostrorum non ingrediatur dicta terras vel feoda pro aliqui- bus ad officium suum pertinentibus faciendis seu exercendis. Et quod praedictus Dux ad totam vitam suam habeat catalla fugitivorum et felonum tam felonum de se quam aliorum quorumcumque ac utlagatorum ex quacumque causa omni- um hominum et tenentium de et in terris et feodis prae- dictis, necnon omnium residentium infra eadem terras et feoda, quanquam iidem homines tenentes aut residentes ministri nostri vel haeredum nostrorum existant : ita quod si aliquis hominum et tenentium de et in terris et feodis to them, 134 of us and our heirs, — as fully and entirely as we or our as fuiiy as ' •' *' the King. heirs would have them if we had not granted them to the aforesaid Duke. So that the aforesaid Duke by the hands The Duke •' may levy the of his bailiffs and other ministers may be able to levy, per- ^^'J^o^^'eers, ceive, and have the fines, ransoms, and amercements of the ll delivered** same men, tenants, and resiants of and in the lands and fees aforesaidj forfeited issues, and whatever to us or our heirs can pertain of year, day, and waste, estrepement, for- feitures, and murders, of and in the lands and fees afore- said, which shall happen to be made or adjudged before the said justices in eyre to hold common pleas and pleas of the forest, and before the aforesaid steward and mar- shals, coroner, or clerk of the market, by estreats of the same justices in eyre in their circuits, and of the aforesaid steward, marshals, coroner, and clerk, in their sessions, to be delivered thereof to the bailiffs and ministers of the aforesaid Duke ; and also the fines, ransoms, and amerce- ments of the aforesaid men, tenants, and resiants, and for- feited issues, and all things which to us or our heirs can pertain of year, day, waste, estrepement, forfeitures, and murders, of and in the lands and fees aforesaid, which shall happen to be made or adjudged before us or our heirs, or in the chancery of us and our heirs, or before the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of us and our heirs, or before the justices of us and our heirs of the common bench, or before our justices assigned to take the assizes and to deliver our gaols, or the justices assigned to hear and determine trespasses and felonies, or before other the justices or ministers of us and our heirs whomsoever, by estreats of the exchequer of us and our heirs, to be delivered thereof to the bailiffs and ministers of the aforesaid Duke by the hands of the sheriffs in whose bailiwicks the said lands and fees do lie ; — without 135 praedictis seu aliquis residentium in dictis terris et feodis, aut aliquis alius in eisdem terris et feodis, pro aliquo suo malefacto quocumque debeat vitam vel membrum amittere, seu fugiat, et judicio stare noluerit, aut aliquam aliam transgressionem faciat pro qua ipse debet perdere catalla sua, (in quo loco justitia de eo fieri debeat, sive in curia nostra et haeredum nostrorum vel in aliis curiis,) catalla ilia sint praedicti Ducis: et quod liceat ei seu ministris suis ponere se in seisinam dictorum catallorum et eadem catalla ad opus prasfati Ducis retinere ; — sine occasione vel impedimento nostri vel haeredum nostrorum, vicecomitum, escaetorum, aut aliorum ballivorum seu ministrorum nos- trorum et haeredum nostrorum quorumcumque. Et quod praefatus Dux ad totam vitam suam habeat retorna omnium brevium nostrorum et haeredum nostrorum, necnon sum- monitionum extractarum et praeceptorum de scaccario nostro, et de scaccario haeredum nostrorum, ac extractarum et prae- ceptorum justitiariorum nostrorum et haeredum nostrorum itinerantium tam ad placita forestae quam ad communia placita, ac aliorum justitiariorum quorumcumque, necnon attachiamenta tam de placitis coronae quam aliorum in omni- bus terris et feodis praedictis. Et quod praedictus Dux ad totam vitam suam per se et per ballivos et ministros suos habeat in eisdem terris et feodis executionem eorumdem brevium summonitionum extractarum et praeceptorum. Ita quod nuUus vicecomes ballivus seu alius minister noster vel haeredum nostrorum praedicta terras et feoda ingredia- tur pro aliquo ofiicio vel aliqua re officium suum tangen- te faciendo, nisi in defectu ipsius Ducis vel ministrorum suorum. Et ulterius concedimus et hac carta nostra con- firmavimus pro nobis et dictis haeredibus nostris quod si vicecomites vel ballivi libertatum hundredorum seu wapen- tachiorum, in aliquibus executionibus pro praedicto Duce, 135 let or hinderance of us or our heirs, or of our justices, without let from the sheriffs, escheators, or other ministers of us and our heirs i^ng's ' ' ^ officers. whomsoever. And that the aforesaid Duke, for the whole Assay and of his life, by himself and his ministers, in all the lands bread, and '' , other matters and fees aforesaid, as well in presence of us and our heirs fj^^^Jg^"/ Jj as in absence of us and our heirs, may make and have ^Se^t!*'^^ the assay and assize of bread, wine, and ale, and of all manner of other victuals whatsoever, and of other things pertaining to the office of the clerk of the market of us and our heirs, together with the punishment thereof when- ever and so often as it shall be necessary and expedient ; and also that he may have and perceive the fines, amerce- ments, and ransoms, and all manner of profits thence pro- ceeding, so that the clerk of the market of us and our heirs shall not enter the said lands or fees to do or exercise any matters pertaining to his office. And that the aforesaid chattels of Duke, for the whole of his life, may have the chattels of fugitives. fugitives and felons, as well felons of themselves as of others whomsoever, and of outlaws for any cause soever, of all the men and tenants of and in the lands and fees aforesaid, and also of all resiants within the same lands and fees, albeit the same men, tenants or resiants be ministers of us or our heirs, so that if any of the men and tenants of and in the lands and fees aforesaid, or any of the resiants in the said lands and fees, or any other person in the same lands and fees, for any misdeed what- soever, ought to lose life or limb, or shall flee and not be willing to stand their trial, or shall commit any other tres- pass for the which they ought to lose their chattels (in whatsoever place justice shall be had of them, whether in the court of us and our heirs or in other courts), such chattels shall belong to the aforesaid Duke : And that it shall be lawful for him or his ministers to put themselves in 136 per brevia seu mandata nostra vel haeredum nostrorum, seu aliquo alio modo, faciendis, negligentes fuerint vel remissi, per quod contigerit ipsos amerciari aut fines facere in scaccario vel in aliis curiis nostris et hseredum nostro- rum, hujusmodi fines et amerciamenta sint praefati Ducis, et quod leventur ad opus ipsius Ducis per ministros suos supradictos, durante vita sua. Et quod prsedictus Dux ad totam vitam suam habeat infra omnia praedicta terras et feoda omnimoda catalla vocata wayf et stray, deodanda, thesaurum inventum ac alias res vel catalla inventa; et quod ipse per se et ministros suos seisire et capere possit ad voluntatem suam ad opus praedicti Ducis, wayfs et stray es, deodanda, thesaurum inventum ac alia inventa supradicta. Et quod praedictus Dux ad totam vitam suam habeat quaecumque bona et catalla vocata manuopera cap- ta vel capienda cum quacumque persona infra terras et feoda praedicta, ac per eandem personam coram quocum- que judice dead vocata. Sal vis semper et reservatis praefato Duci, et haeredibus suis praedictis, omnimodis aliis privi- legiis, immunitatibus, et quietantiis, eis, per nos aut per dictum avum nostrum, datis concessis seu confirmatis. Hiis testibus, venerabilibus patribus Willielmo Cantuariensi to- tius Angliae Primate, Thoma Eboracensi Angliae Primate, Cancellario nostro, Archiepiscopis, Roberto Londinensi, Ro- berto Cicestrensi, Tideman Wigornensi, Episcopis, Edmundo Eborum, Thoma Gloucestriae, Ducibus, avunculis nostris ca- rissimis, Edwardo Rotelandae, Ricardo Arundelliae, Thoma Marescallo et Notinghamiae, Henrico Northumbriae, Comi- tibus, Rogero Walden Thesaurario nostro, Thoma de Percy Senescallo hospitii nostri, Guidone Mone Custode privati sigilli nostri, et aliis. Data per manum nostram apud Westmonasterium vicesimo nono die Junii, anno regni nostri vicesimo. — plenius continetur. 136 seizin of the said chattels, and the same chattels to retain May seize the same to the behoof of the aforesaid Duke ; — without let or hm- without let from the _ derance of us or our heirs, or of our sheriffs, escheators, 1^^"^'^ ^1" or other bailiffs or ministers of us and our heirs whomso- "i^^^"- ever. And that the aforesaid Duke, for the whole of his Returu and ■..J, \ , n ^^ ' n i • execution of liie, may have the return oi all writs oi us and our heirs, writs, sum- mons, es- and also of summons, estreats, and precepts, of our ex- treats, and ' ' r I ' precepts. chequer and of the exchequer of our heirs, and of the estreats and precepts of the justices of us and our heirs in eyre to hold as well pleas of the forest as common pleas, and of other justices whomsoever, and also the at- -^"^^^^^7* tachment as well of pleas of the crown as of others in *^^ '"^''^"• all the lands and fees aforesaid. And that the afore- said Duke, for the whole of his life, by himself and by his bailiffs and ministers may have in the same lands and fees the execution of the same writs, summons, estreats, and precepts, so that no sheriff, bailiff, or other minister of no sheriff or r r ' ' ' other bailiff US or our heirs shall enter the aforesaid lands and fees to ^^ayfnJ^oJfjt, perform any office, or anything touching his office, unless Y^^]^^ '" '^^' in default of the same Duke or his ministers. And fur- Fines and amerce- thermore we do grant, and by this our charter have con- "?*^"ti.of ° •' sheriffs and firmed, for us and our said heirs, that if the sheriffs or JSes^for bailiffs of liberties, hundreds, or wapentakes be negligent "^s^^eence. or remiss in making any executions for the aforesaid Duke by writs or mandates of us or our heirs, or in any other wise whereby it shall happen that they be amerced or make fines in the exchequer or in other the courts of us and our heirs, such fines and amercements shall belong to the aforesaid Duke, and that they may be levied to the behoof of the same Duke by his ministers abovesaid dur- ing his life. And that the aforesaid Duke, for the whole of wayfs and his life, may have within all the aforesaid lands and fees all manner of chattels called wayf and stray, deodands, oeodands. T 137 M"©^ M®IL]l]M^Ii^ dictam hsereditatem nostram, aut libertates ejusdem, occasione instantis assumptionis re- galis status et dignitatis nostrsein aliquomutari, transferri, di- minui, seu derogari, sed eandem haereditatem nostram cum juribus et libertatibus suis praedictis, eisdem modo, forma, conditione, et statu quibus nobis descenderant et evenerant, ac etiam cum omnibus et singulis talibus libertatibus et fran- chesiis, ac aliis privilegiis, commoditatibus, et proficuis qui- buscumque, quibus prsedictus dominus et pater noster, dum vixit, eam, ad terminum vitae suae, ex concessione praedicti Ricardi nuper Regis, habuit et tenuit, nobis et dictis haeredi- bus nostris in dictis cartis specificatis, plenarie et integre conservari, continuari, et haberi, volumus, ac tenore prae- sentium ex certa scientia nostra, de assensu praesentis par- liamenti nostri, concedimus, declaramus, discernimus, et ordinamus, pro nobis et haeredibus nostris, quod tam ducatus noster Lancastriae, quam universa et singula alia comitatus, honores, castra, maneria, feoda, advocationes, possessiones, annuitates et dominia quaecumque, nobis, ante adeptionem dignitatis nostras regiae, qualitercumque et ubicumque, jure haereditario, in dominico servitio vel in reversione, seu alias qualitercumque discensa, nobis et dictis haeredibus nostris in cartis praedictis specificatis, in forma praedicta remaneant imperpetuum, et quod taliter et tali modo, et per tales officiarios et ministros in omnibus dedu- cantur, gubernentur, et pertractentur, sicut remanere, de- duci, gubernari, et pertractari deberent si ad culmen dig- nitatis regiae assumpti minime fuissemus, ac insuper quod talia et hujusmodi libertates, jura regalia, consuetudines et franchesiae, in ducatu, comitatibus, honoribus, castris, maneriis, feodis, ac caeteris possessionibus et dominiis praedictis, in omnibus et per omnia, imperpetuum habean- tur, exerceantur, continuentur, fiant et utantur, et per 137 treasure trove, and other things or chattels found ; and Treasure trove. that he by himself and his ministers may be able to seize and take at their pleasure, to the behoof of the aforesaid Duke, the wayfs and strays, deodands, treasure trove, and other things found as abovesaid. And that the aforesaid Mainour. Duke, for the whole of his life, may have all manner of goods and chattels called Mainour, taken or to be taken upon any person soever within the lands and fees aforesaid, and by the same person disclaimed before any iudsje soever; savins always and reserved to the aforesaid saving of h- ** ° / ° •' berties before Duke and his heirs aforesaid all manner of other privileges, fg'^J'tSf "' immunities, and acquittances, given, granted, or confirmed to them by us or by our said grandfather. These being witnesses, the venerable fathers, William Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England ; Thomas Archbishop of York, Primate of England, our Chancellor; Robert Bishop of London ; Robert Bishop of Chichester ; Tideman Bishop of Worcester ; Edmund Duke of York, and Tho- mas Duke of Gloucester, our most dear uncles; Edward Earl of Rutland ; Richard Earl of Arundel ; Thomas Earl Marshal and of Nottingham; Henry Earl of Northum- berland ; Roger Walden, our Treasurer ; Thomas de Percy, Steward of our household; Guy Mone, Keeper of our privy seal ; and others. Given under our hand at West- minster, on the twenty-ninth day of June, in the twentieth year of our reign. 'W H) — not willinff that our said heritage, or the liberties The duchy ofLancaster, thereof, be in aught changed, transferred, lessened, or dero- and other ' O o ' ' ' estates of gated from, on account of our present assumption of the ofLancLS royal estate and dignity, but that our same heritage, with chalSby its rights and liberties aforesaid, in the same manner, asrumptfon of the regal state, form, and condition, in which it descended and dignity; came to us, and also with all and singular such liberties T 2 138 tales officiarios et ministros gubernentur et exequantur, quae et qualia et per quales officiarios et ministros, tam tempore dicti domini et patris nostri, quam temporibus aliorum progenitorum et antecessorum nostrorum, in eisdem ducatu, comitatibus, honoribus, castris, maneriis, feodis, ac aliis possessionibus et dominiis prsedictis, uti et haberi, ac regi et gubernari consueverunt, virtute cartarum prae- dictarum : Volentes ulterius et concedentes, ac pro nobis et haeredibus nostris praedictis, ex certa scientia nostra et de assensu praedictis, plenarie declarantes, quod universi et singuli tenentes nostri de ducatu, comitatibus, honoribus, maneriis, feodis, ac aliis possessionibus et dominiis prae- dictis, et haeredes sui, adeo liberi sint et in omnibus talis ac adeo liberae et illesae conditionis, tam in ingressibus suis in haereditates suas post mortem antecessorum suorum, quam in tenuris suis, ac alias qualitercumque, sicut esse possent et deberent, de consuetudine vel de jure, si dicta dignitas nostra regia nobis nusquam accidisset, dicta assumptione nostra dignitatis regiae, aut eo quod ducatus, comitatus, honores, castra, maneria, feoda, advocationes, posses- siones, dominia et libertates praedicta in manu nostra jam existunt, seu aliqua interruptione, cessatione, vel dis- continuatione libertatum praedictarum, seu aliquibus aliis occasionibus, causis, coloribus, vel impedimentis quibus- cumque, quae incontrarium praesentis voluntatis, conces- sionis, et declarationis nostrae vigorem seu efFectum ali- quem habere nolumus, in aliquo non obstantibus. Proviso semper quod tenentes nostri infra comitatum nostrum palatinum Lancastriae haereditates suas in manum nostram et dictorum haeredum nostrorum in dictis cartis specifica- torum, post mortem antecessorum suorum, seu alio modo seisiendas et capiendas, extra eandem manum nostram, et dictorum haeredum nostrorum in cartis praedictis specifica- 138 and franchises, and other privileges, advantages, and profits ^"^ t^e whatsoever, with which our aforesaid lord and father, whilst jStn^aVe^ he lived, had and held the same, for the term of his life, by Ss^ertew"' grant from the aforesaid late King Richard, shall be to us shaii b™^con- and our said heirs in the said charters specified, fully and entirely kept, continued, and had : — will, and by the tenor settled upon •^ ^ . -^ . King Henry of these presents, of our certain knowledge, and with the the Fourth ^ " and his heirs assent of our present parliament, do grant, declare, decree, tErrectdSi and ordain, for us and our heirs, that as well our duchy of toremSras Lancaster, as all and singular the other counties, honors, accession to , _ . . . the crowu. castles, manors, fees, advowsons, possessions, annuities, and lordships whatever, to us howsoever and wheresoever descended before our adoption of the royal dignity, by hereditary right, in demesne, in service, or in reversion, or otherwise howsoever, shall for ever remain to us and our said heirs in the charters aforesaid specified in form afore- said; and that they so and in such wise, and by such officers and ministers, in all things be managed, governed, and treated, as they would have remained, been managed, governed, and treated, if we had never assumed the ensign of royal dignity. And, moreover, that such and the hke The same liberties, jtcra repalia, customs, and franchises, in the said jura regalia to be exer- duchy, counties, honors, castles, manors, fees, and other cisedasweii •^ ' ' ' '' in the said possessions and lordships aforesaid, in all, and throughout oS,t7the all, be had, exercised, continued, done, and used for ever, throughout,' and they by such officers and ministers be governed and exe- governed by cuted, as and which were wont to be had and used in the officers as before. same duchy, counties, honors, castles, manors, fees, and other possessions and lordships, and by whom they were wont to be ruled and governed, as well in the time of our said lord and father, as in the times of other our pro- genitors and ancestors, by virtue of the charters aforesaid: Willing, furthermore, and granting, and for us and our heirs 139 torum, per liberationem in cancellaria regalitatis ibidem habendam, prosequantur, ut est moris et fuerit faciendum ratione regalitatis supradictse ; et quod praerogativa nostra quoad maritagia et proficua maritagiorum hseredum aliorum tenentium nostrorum, extra dictum comitatum palatinum, seisienda et habenda, locum habeat et vigorem. Volumus insuper et concedimus, pro nobis et hseredibus nostris, ex certa scientia nostra et assensu prsedictis, quod universa et singula beneficia ecclesiastica ad haereditatem nostram praedictam spectantia, per nos et dictos haeredes nostros in dictis cartis specificatos, continue futuris temporibus con- ferantur : Ita quod cancellarius vel thesaurarius Angliae pro tempore existentes, seu quivis alius officiarius regius, de collatione vel praesentatione, seu etiam de visitatione beneficiorum hujusmodi, ratione ofEciorum suorum, se nullatenus intromittant in futuro. Volumus etiam et con- cedimus, pro nobis et haeredibus nostris, ex certa scientia nostra et de assensu praedictis, quod omnes et singuli re- ceptores, feodarii, firmarii, ballivi, praepositi, officiarii, ac quicumque alii servientes et ministri nostri, et dictorum haeredum nostrorum in dictis cartis specificatorum, prae- dictorum ducatus, comitatuum, honorum, castrorum, maneriorum, feodorum, possessionum, dominiorum et li- bertatum, de omnibus et singulis denariis, firmis, reddi- tibus, exitibus, reventionibus, et proficuis quibuscumque de eisdem ducatu, comitatibus, honoribus, castris, ma- neriis, feodis, possessionibus, dominiis et libertatibus, qualitercumque provenientibus, coram certis specialibus auditoribus, officiariis et ministris, per nos et dictos haeredes nostros in cartis praedictis specificatos de tem- pore in tempus ad hoc hmitandis et assignandis, duntaxat, et non coram thesaurario et baronibus de scaccario re- gio, computent et respondeant continue infuturum. Ita 139 aforesaid, of our certain knowledge and with the assent The tenants may enter aforesaid, fully declaring, that all and singular our tenants a^gr^their of the duchy, counties, honors, manors, fees, and other pos- death!°as sessions and lordships aforesaid, and their heirs, may be as be?n accus- free, and in all respects of such and of as unimpaired and free condition, as well in their entries upon their in- heritances after the death of their ancestors as in their tenures, and otherwise howsoever, as they could and ought to be by custom or of right if our said royal dignity had never fallen to us, our said assumption of the royal dignity notwithstanding, or notwithstanding that the duchy, coun- ties, honors, castles, manors, fees, advowsons, possessions, lordships, and liberties aforesaid are now in our hands, or any interruption, cessation, or discontinuance of the liberties aforesaid, or any other lets, causes, colors, or impediments whatsoever (which we will not to have any force or effect to the contrary of this our present will, grant, and declara- tion,) in anywise notwithstanding. Provided always, that Proviso for our tenants within our county palatine of Lancaster may of the county sue their inheritances (to be taken and seized into the Lancaster. hands of us and our said heirs in the said charters specified after the death of their ancestors or in other manner) out of the same hands of us and our said heirs in the aforesaid charters specified, by livery to be had in the chancery of the regality there, as is the custom, and would have been done by reason of the abovesaid regality; and that our saving the . . i. r • • J U • i.t> • prerogative prerogative m respect oi seizmg and havmg the marriages as to mar- and the profits of the marriages of the heirs of other our t^e county tenants out of the said county palatine have effect and viffor. We will moreover and ffrant, for us and our heirs, chancellor or ® D ' » Treasurer of not intermed- of our certain knowledge and with the assent aforesaid, ^"fnte^^p that all and singular ecclesiastical benefices belonging to senti"ng^to" our heritage aforesaid shall in time to come be conferred nefices.**^' 140 quod thesaurarius et barones de scaccario praedicto, de aliquibus hujusmodi denariis, firmis, redditibus, exitibus, reventionibus aut proficuis, seu de aliquibus compotis, vel ratiociniis inde audiendis, habendis, reddendis, vel termi- nandis infuturum, se non intromittant ullo modo. In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium, quarto decimo die Octobris, anno regni nostri primo. Per ipsum Regem et de assensu Parliamenti. All receivers 140 uninterruptedly by us and our said heirs in the said charters specified : so that in future the chancellor or treasurer of England for the time being, or any other royal officer, do in nowise intermeddle in the collation or presentation, or even in the visitation, of the like benefices by reason of their offices. We will also and grant, for us and our heirs, of fnd oTher7to our certain knowledge and with the assent aforesaid, that fore special auditors, and all and singular receivers, feodaries, farmers, bailiff^s, reeves, not at the officers, and other the servants and ministers whosoever of chequer. us and our said heirs in the said charters specified of the aforesaid duchy, counties, honors, castles, manors, fees, possessions, lordships, and liberties, for all and singular sums of money, farms, rents, issues, revenues, and profits whatever in any manner proceeding from the same duchy, counties, honors, castles, manors, fees, possessions, lordships, and liberties, shall without interruption account and answer in future before certain special auditors, officers, and minis- ters from time to time to be hereunto limited and assigned only by us and our said heirs in the charters aforesaid spe- cified, and not before the treasurer and barons of the royal exchequer. So that the treasurer and barons of the ex- chequer aforesaid shall not in any wise intermeddle in future in any the like monies, farms, rents, issues, re- venues, or profits, or in the auditing, having, rendering, or determining any the accounts or reckonings thereof. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness ourself at Westminster, on the fourteenth day of October, in the first year of our reign. By the King himself, and with the assent of Parliament. 141 Rot. Pari. 1 Hen. 4. art. 81. in Turr. Lond. XVIII. Rotulus Parliamenti summoniti et tenti apud Westmonasteriuin die Lunse in festo sanctse Fidis Virginis, anno regni Regis Henrici Quarti post Conquestum primo. Qe le Prince porte le noun de Due de Lancastre. TEM, nostre dit Seigniour le Roy considerant coment luy Dieu tout-puissant de sa grande grace luy ad mys en Tonurable estat du Roy, et pourtant il ne poet mesmes pur certeine cause porter le noun de Due de Lancastre en son estile : Et auxi mesme nostre Seigniour le Roy considerant coment eel honurable noun et estat de Due ad este mesnez et governez moelt honurablement en Tonurable persone de son pier, qi Dieu assoile, et des pleusours ses honurables auncestres : Et veullant sur ceo que le dit noun de Due de Lancastre soit continuez en honur come affiert, de Tadvis et assent des toutz lez Seigniours espirituelx et temporelx, et de les Communes avaunt- ditz, ad ordeignez que Henry son eisnez filz ait et porte le noun de Due de Lancastre, et q'il soit noraez Prince de Gales, Due d'Aquitaigne, de Lancastre, et de Cornewaille, et Count de Cestre. Et outre ceo, mesme notre Seigniour le Roy considerant coment diverses li- bertees et franchises aient este grantez devant ces heures, si bien a son dit pier come as autres ses auncestres Dues et Countz de Lancastre, voet et grante, de Tadvys et assent avauntditz, que mesmes les libertees et franchises soient et 141 XVIIL Roll of the Parliament summoned and liolden at Westminster, on Monday the feast of Saint Faith the Virgin (6th October), in the first year of the reign of King Henry the Fourth after the Conquest. That the Prince may bear the name of Duke OF Lancaster. LSO, our said Lord the King considering how loth Nov. ° ° 1 Hen. 4. Almighty God of his great grace hath placed a.d. 1399. him in the honorable estate of King, and nevertheless he cannot yet for certain cause bear the name of Duke of Lancaster in his style: And Henry, the . I . I 1*1 King's eldest also, our same Lord the King considerm^ how this ho- son, shaii ' 00 have the title norable name and station of Duke hath been most ^^^^"Duke honorably treated and governed in the honorable person SfL^ncSerl of his father, on whom may God have mercy, and of waii^and™ his several honorable ancestors: And on that account Chester. being willing that the said name of Duke of Lancaster be continued in honor, as is meet, hath ordained, by and with the advice and assent of all the Lords spiritual and temporal, and of the Commons aforesaid, that Henry, his eldest son, do have and bear the name of Duke of Lancaster, and that he be named Prince of Wales, Duke of Aquitaine, of Lancaster, and of Cornwall, and Earl of Chester. And, moreover, our same Lord the Kinff, con- Thefran- ° chises to re- sidering how divers liberties and franchises have been main with *-" the Prince granted before these times, as well to his said father as Dukes^o/'"^^' to other his ancestors Dukes and Earls of Lancaster, dSsevS wills and grants, by and with the advice and assent crown. 142 demorgent a son dit eisnez filz, et ses heires Dues de Lan- castre, disseverez de la eorone d'Engleterre quitement et entierment, solonc TefFect et purport de les grantes avaunt- dites. Et sur ceo monstra une chartre en parlement ent faite, et la bailla a son eisnez filz avauntdit. 142 aforesaid, that the same liberties and franchises be and remain with his said eldest son, and his heirs Dukes of Lancaster, wholly and entirely dissevered from the crown of England, according to the effect and purport of the grants aforesaid. And hereupon he exhibited a charter thereof made in parliament, and delivered it to his eldest son aforesaid. 143 XIX. Rotulus Parliamenti tenti apud Westmonasterium primo die Marcii, anno regni Regis Henrici Quarti post Conquestum septimo, et finiti ibidem vicesimo secundo die Decembris, anno regni ejusdem Regis octavo. L'enheritance de la Corone. Rot. Pari. 7 & 8 Hen. 4. m. 18. n. 38. in Turr. Lond. [Vacat quia aliter in- ferius.] giTEM, mesme le jour [Lundy le 7^ jour de Juyn], seant nostre Seigniour le Roy en soun see roiale, en presence des Seigniours en Parle- ment, &c. ET SUR CE, de I'advys et assent avant ditz, feust faite et ensealee une autre lettre patente dessoutz le grand seal mesme nostre Seigniour le Roy, et de les Seigniours, et le Commune Parlour suisditz, briefment contenante la substance de la matere comprise en la dite exemplification; laquele lettre patente fuist auxi lue et pleinement accordez devaunt le Roy et les ditz Seigniours et Communes, dont le tenure auxi s'enseute : Pro Henrico principe WALLiiE h^rede apparente. " Proviso etiam quod jus successionis in ducatu nostro '* Lancastriae illi vel illis, cui vel quibus de jure et consue- [vlcaf quia " tudine regni nostri Anglise debeatur seu debebitur in ahSmT'' " futuro, istis non obstantibus, salvum omnino maneat et in anno octavo.] « illaesum." Ibid. ; et Rot. Pat. 7 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 23. in 143 XIX. Roll of the Parliament holden at Westminster on the first day of March, in the seventh year of the reign of King Henry the Fourth after the Conquest, and there ended on the twenty-second day of December, in the eighth year of the same King's reign. The inheritance of the Crown. LSO, on the same day [Monday the seventh 7th June, day of June], our Lord the King sitting on his a.d. hog. royal throne in presence of the Lords in Par- causVitisin -r»n /»-r»T another form hament,* &c. [See the Uolls of Parhament, beiow.j vol. iii. p. 574.] AND HEREUPON, by and with the advice and assent aforesaid, other letters patent were made and sealed under the great seal of our same Lord the King, and the seals of the Lords, and that of the Common Speaker abovesaid, containing briefly the substance of the matter comprised in the said exemplification; which letters patent were also read, and fully agreed to, before the King and the said Lords and Commons, the tenor whereof also fol- loweth. [See the Rolls of Parliament, vol. iii. p. 576.] For Henry Prince of Wales, the heir apparent. " Provided also that the right of succession in our rthjune, " duchy of Lancaster do remain wholly saved and unim- A.D.T406. " paired to him or to them, to whom by law and custom clusf'i?^" " of our realm of England it is due, or shall be due in wise^and fn" T „ Other form in " future, these notwithstanding. the eighth * By this statute the crown was settled, after the King's decease, on m. 15. n. 144 L'enheritance de la Corone. f&sHe'iu. ITEM, Mesquardy le 22 jour de Decembre, les Com- munes vindrent devaunt le Roy et les Seigniours en Parlement, et illeosqes esteantz memses les Communes, le dit Monsieur Johan Tybetot pria en lour noun a mesme nostre Seigniour le Roy qe mesmes les Communes pur- roient avoir illeosqes communication ovesque toutz les Seigniours espirituelx et temporelx; quel prier le Roy leur ottroia. Sur quoy mesmes les Seigniours eue ad- vyse et deliberation ovesque les ditz Communes, TErce- vesque de Cantirbirs, el noun des mesmes les Seigniours et Communes, myst avaunt une petition toucbant l'en- heritance et la succession de la Corone d'Engleterre, et pria a mesme nostre Seigniour le Roy q'il luy plerroit afFermer la dite petition en Parlement, et qe mesme la petition purroit estre enactez et enrollez en rolle de Parlement, et tenuz et proclamez pur estatut : fesantz protestation qe ne fuist pas leur entention de parler riens celle partie toucbant la ducbie ne I'eritage de Lancastre. Quel prier le Roy lour ottroia. Et au fyn qe les ditz enberitances et succession purront overtement estre pub- liez et conuz as toutz roialmes, terres, et seigniouries queconqes, accordez est et assentuz par le Roy et les Seigniours en Parlement qe la dite petition soit exem- the King's eldest son Henry Prince of Wales, and the heirs male of his body ; and if he should die without issue male, then on the King's second son Thomas, and the heirs male of his body ; with remainders to John and Humfrey, the King's third and fourth sons, and the heirs male of their bodies successively. The statute was ordered to be exem- plified under the King's great seal, the seals of the Lords, and that of the Speaker of the Commons, and the exemplification was ordered to be entered on the Roll. The proviso relative to the Duchy of Lan- caster occurs in the letters patent containing the substance of the matter comprised in the exemplification. 144 The Inheritance of the Crown.* ALSO, on Wednesday the twenty-second day of De- 22dDec. cember, the Commons came before the King and the Lords a»- '^oe. in Parliament, and, the same Commons being there, the said Sir John Tybetot in their name prayed our same Lord the King that the said Commons might there have communication with all the Lords spiritual and temporal ; which prayer the King granted to them. Whereupon the same Lords having had advice and deliberation with the said Commons, the Archbishop of Canterbury in the name of the' same Lords and Commons laid before them a peti- tion touching the inheritance and succession of the Crown of England, and prayed our same Lord the King that he would be pleased to affirm the said petition in Parliament, and that the same petition might be enacted and inrolled on the roll of Parliament, and be held and proclaimed as a statute : making protestation that it was not their inten- tion to speak aught in that behalf touching the duchy or the heritage of Lancaster. Which prayer the King granted to them. And to the end that the said inhe- ritance and succession might be openly published and known to all kingdoms, lands, and seignories whatsoever, * The previous statute, passed in this Parliament for limitation of the crown to the heirs male of the bodies of the King's four sons respect- ively, being contrary to the settlement made in the fifth year of the King, [Rot. Pari. 5 Hen. 4, n. 17. See the Parliament Rolls, vol. iii. p. 525, " Affermance des Estatz du Roy et du Prince,"] it was, there- fore, in the same Parliament repealed, and a second act was passed, by which the inheritance of the crown and of the kingdoms of England and France, and of the King's other dominions beyond the sea, was set- tled on the King, and the heirs of his body, and on the King's four sons, and the heirs of their respective bodies, successively. The proviso relative to the duchy of Lancaster occurs in the exemplification of the instrument declaring the latter settlement. u 8 Hen. 4. p. l.m. 4. in Turr. Lond. 145 plifiez dessouth' le grant seal du Roy, et auxi ensealez dessouth' les sealx des ditz Seigniours et le seal des armes du dit Monsieur Johan Tybetot Commune Parlour pur les Communes pur et en les nouns de les Communes d'Engleterre avaunt ditz. Laquel exemplification fuist lue et pleinement accordez devaunt le Roy et les Seig- niours et Communes, et ensealee en la fourme suis dite. De quel exemplification le tenure s'enseut en cestes parols : De Successione regni Anglic. Rofpat. " Proviso semper quod castra, honores, maneria, terrse, " tenementa, ac alia dominia et possessiones quaecunque " haereditatis nostrse Lancastrise in eadem natura, statu, " gubernatione et conditione, ac taliter in omnibus, prse- " sentibus non obstantibus, permaneant, babeantur, et " teneantur, sicut ante inceptionem prsesentis Parliament! " nostri extiterunt." Rot. Pari. ET SUR CE, de Tadvys et assent avaunt ditz, fuist faite 7&8Hen.4. ' -^ ' ™'6o-6i ^^ ensealee une autre lettre patente dessouth' le grande seal mesme nostre Seigniour le Roy, et de les Seigniours et le Commune Parlour suisditz, briefment con tenant la sub- stance de la matere comprise en la dite exemplification : la quele lettre patente fuist auxi lue et pleinement ac- cordez devant le Roy et les ditz Seigniours et Com- munes, dont le tenure auxi s'ensuite : HENRICUS Dei gratia Rex Anglise et Francise et Do- minus Hibernige omnibus ad quos prsesentes litera3 perve- nerint salutem in Domino sempiternam. Noverit univer- sitas vestra quod, licet in Parliamento nostro apud West- monasterium septimo die Junii anno regni nostri septimo, per nos, de consensu et avisamento omnium prselatorum magnatum et procerum ac cleri et communitatis regni 145 it is agreed and assented to by the King and the Lords in Parhament that the said petition be exempHfied under the King's great seal, and also be sealed under the seals of the said Lords, and the seal of the arms of the said Sir John Tybetot, the Common Speaker of the Commons, for and in the names of the Commons of England aforesaid. Which exemplification was read and fully agreed to before the King and the Lords and Commons, and was sealed in the form abovesaid. The tenor of which exemplifica- tion followeth in these words — [See the Rolls of Parlia- ment, vol. iii. p. 580] : Of the succession to the realm of England. " Provided always, that the castles, honors, manors, Proviso as to the duchy of " lands, tenements, and other lordships and possessions Lancaster. " whatsoever of our heritage of Lancaster, may remain, l^^'i'Ji " be had, and be held in the same nature, state, gover- " nance and condition, and in such wise in all respects, " notwithstanding these presents, as they were before the " beginning of our present Parliament." AND HEREUPON, by and with the advice and assent aforesaid, other letters patent were made and sealed under the great seal of our same Lord the King, and the seals of the Lords, and that of the Common Speaker abovesaid, containing briefly the substance of the matter comprised in the said exemplification : which letters patent were also read, and fully agreed to, before the King and the said Lords and Commons, the tenor whereof also followeth : HENRY, by the grace of God, King of England and 22dDec. France and Lord of Ireland, to all to whom the present a.d. hog. letters shall come, sendeth health everlasting in the Lord. Be it known to you all, that, albeit in our Parliament holden at Westminster on the seventh day of June in the seventh u 2 146 nostri Anglise, fuerit statutum et ordinatum quod jus successionis post decessum nostrum in corona et regnis nostris Anglise et Franciae et dominiis nostris quibus- cunque ultra mare ubilibet constitutis, cum suis juribus et pertinentiis universis, ad Henricum eadem gratia Prin- cipem Walliae, Ducem Aquitaniae Lancastrise et Cornubise, et Comitem Cestriae, filium nostrum primogenitum, ej usque liberos masculos legitime procreandos, ipsoque Henrico pri- mogenito nostro sine heerede masculo decedente jus suc- cessionis praedictse ad Thomam secundo-genitum, Johan- nem tertio-genitum, et Humfridum quarto-genitum nostros, eorumque liberos masculos successive pertineret modo et forma in literis nostris inde confectis plenius expressatis, quae omnia hie habere volumus pro insertis ; nihilominus tamen praelati, magnates, proceres, clerus, et communitas antedicti attendentes quod statutum et ordinatio hujusmodi jus successionis eorundem filiorum nostrorum ac liberorum eorum, sexum excludendo foBmininum, nimium restringebat, quod aliquo modo diminuere non intendebant sed potius adaugere, nobis cum instantia non modica unanimiter supplicarunt quatinus statutum et ordinationem hujusmodi cassare et adnullare, jusque successionis praedictae ad dictum primogenitum nostrum et alios filios nostros supradictos eorumque haeredes de corporibus suis legitime procreandos post nostrum decessum successive pertinere, ordinare et statuere dignaremur. Nos igitur supplicationi hujusmodi tanquam juri consonae inclinati ad instantem petitionem eorundem praelatorum magnatum procerum cleri et com- munitatis supradictorum et de eorum omnium et sin- gulorum voluntate et assensu expressis, necnon nostra et praesentis Parliamenti nostri auctoritate statutum et ordinationem praedicta cassamus et adnullamus, necnon ad eorundem praelatorum magnatum procerum cleri et com- 146 year of our reign, it was resolved and ordained by us, with J^Jt^^o^of the advice and assent of all the prelates, grandees, and JhehSrT^'' nobles, and of the clergy and commonalty of our realm bodies of the of England, that the right of succession after our decease sons to the crown, and our realms of England and France, and all our dominions beyond the sea, wheresoever they may be, together with all their rights and appurtenances, did belong to Henry, by the same grace, Prince of Wales, Duke of Aquitaine, Lancaster and Cornwall, and Earl of Chester, our first-born son, and to his children male law- fully to be begotten ; and, the same Henry our first-born dying without heir male, that the right of succession afore- said did belong to Thomas our second son, John our third son, and Humphrey our fourth son, and their children male successively, in manner and form more fully expressed in our letters thereof made ; all of which we will to be re- garded as if inserted here : yet, nevertheless, the afore- said prelates, grandees, nobles, clergy, and commonalty, taking heed that such statute and ordinance by excluding the female sex too far restrained the right of succession of our same sons and their children, which in no wise did they intend to diminish, yea rather to increase, have una- nimously besought us with great instance that we would vouchsafe to quash and annul such statute and ordi- nance, and to resolve and ordain that the right of suc- cession aforesaid after our decease does belong to our said first-born son, and to our other sons abovesaid, and to their heirs of their bodies lawfully to be begotten, successively. We, therefore, inclining to the like supplication, as being repealed. consonant with right, at the instant petition of the same pre- lates, grandees, nobles, clergy, and commonalty abovesaid, and with their and every of their express will and assent, and also by our authority and that of our present Parlia- 147 munitatis prsedictorum petitionem et rogatum ac de eorum consensu concordi et auctoritate qua supra prsefatum Hen- ricum nostrum primogenitum nostrum verum legitimum certum et indubitatum hseredem ac universalera succes- sorem in corona et regnis nostris Anglise et Franciae ac dominiis nostris quibuscunque ultra mare ubilibet consti- tutis cum suis juribus et pertinentiis universis fore et esse ac fore et esse debere ; necnon jus nobis universaliter suc- cedendi in dictis corona regnis et dominiis prsefato Henrico nostro primogenito et ad eum et post ipsum successive hseredibus suis de ipsius corpore legitime procreandis et ad eos in perpetuum competere et pertinere competereque et pertinere debere tenore prsesentium statuimus ordinamus decernimus et etiam declaramus. Et in eventu quo prse- fatus Henricus primogenitus noster absque haerede na- turali et legitimo de corpore suo legitime procreato ab hac luce migraverit statuimus ordinamus decernimus et declaramus ad petitionem et rogatum prsedicta ac de consensu voluntate et auctoritate quibus supra quod uni- versale jus successionis hujusmodi in dictis corona regnis et dominiis nostris cum suis juribus et pertinentiis uni- versis ad Thomam secundo-genitum nostrum et post eum successive ad haeredes suos de ejus corpore legitime nascituros plene ac libere transeat ac remaneat pro per- petuo. Quod si praefatum Thomam absque haerede na- turali et legitimo de corpore suo legitime procreato diem claudere contingat extremum ad Johannem tertio- genitum nostrum haeredesque suos de ejus corpore legi- time procreandos. Et si ipsum Johannem sine haerede hujusmodi decedere contigerit ad Humfridum quarto- genitum nostrum et ejus haeredes de corpore suo legitime procreandos jus successionis hujusmodi in corona regnis et dominiis antedictis cum eorum pertinentiis absque contra- 147 ment, the statute and ordinance aforesaid do quash and annul; and Ukewise at the petition and request of the settlement of same prelates, grandees, nobles, clergy, and commonalty after the aforesaid, and with their unanimous consent, and by the miseonhis •' four sons, authority as above, we do by the tenor of these presents ofthek^e^.'" resolve, ordain, decree, and also declare our aforesaid bodfesrsuc first-born son Henry to be, and that he is and ought to ''^^^"^^y- be, our true, legitimate, sure, and undoubted heir and universal successor to the crown, and our realms of England and France, and all our dominions beyond the sea, wheresoever they may be, with all their rights and appurtenances; and that the right of succeeding us uni- versally in the said crown, realms, and dominions does belong and pertain, and ought to belong and pertain, to our aforesaid first-born son Henry, and after him to his heirs of his body lawfully to be begotten succes- sively for ever. And in the event of our aforesaid first- born son Henry departing this life without natural and legitimate heir of his body lawfully begotten, we do re- solve, ordain, decree, and declare, at the petition and request aforesaid, and by and with the consent, will, and authority as above, that the universal right of the like succession to our said crown, realms, and dominions, with all their rights and appurtenances, shall fully and freely pass and remain to Thomas our second son, and after him to his heirs who shall be lawfully born of his body successively for ever. And if it happen that the aforesaid Thomas shall close his life without natural and legitimate heir of his body lawfully begotten, the like right of succession to the crown, realms, and dominions aforesaid, with their appurtenances, without any contradic- tion whatever shall freely devolve upon John our third son, and his heirs of his body lawfully to be begotten : 148 dictione quacunque libere devolvatur. Per hoc tamen sta- tutum sive ordinationem quoad ducatum Lancastrise ejusque jura possessiones honores et consuetudines cum suis per- tinentiis universis ac successionem et modum succedendi in ducatu prsedicto sive in capite vel in membris nihil immutare vel innovare intendimus, sed in omnibus prse- missis et aliis quibuscunque modis et formis quibus ante hoc statutum ducatus ipse regi administrari et gubernari solebat antiqua jura statuta et consuetudines ejusdem ducatus teneri, exequi et illibate observari in posterum volumus, statuimus, decernimus et declaramus, hoc nostro statute et quocunque alio in hoc Parliamento edito non obstante. In cujus rei testimonium non solum sigillura nostrum sed etiam omnium dominorum spiritualium et temporalium prsedictorum pro se clero et communitate prsedictis sigilla prsesentibus sunt appensa. Et nos Thomas Cantuariensis Archiepiscopus totius Anglise primas, Nicholaus Londinensis, Henricus Wintoniensis, Johannes Eliensis, Edmundus Exoniensis, Thomas Du- nelmensis, Robertus Cicestrensis, Ricardus Sarum, Guido Menevensis, Johannes Coventrensis et Lichfeldensis, Ri- cardus Wigorniensis, Henricus Bathoniensis et Wellensis, Robertus Herefordensis, Philippus Lincolniensis, Thomas Landavensis, et Willielmus Carliolensis, Episcopi, Gustos Spiritualitatis Archiepiscopatus Eboracensis, Gustos Epi- scopatus Norwicensis, et Gustos Episcopatus Roffensis, Abbas Westmonasterii, Abbas de Sancto Albano, Abbas de Waltham, Abbas Salopise, Abbas de Burgo Sancti Petri, Abbas Beati Johannis Golcestrise, Abbas de Sancto Edmundo de Bury, Abbas de Abyndon, Abbas Beatae Mariae Eborum, Abbas de Groyland, Abbas de Bardeney, Abbas Sancti Benedicti de Hulmo, Abbas Glas- toniee, Abbas de Malmesbury, Abbas de Redyng, Abbas 148 And if it shall happen that the said John die without such heir, then upon Humphrey our fourth son, and his heirs of his body lawfully to be beo^otten. Nevertheless by Proviso as to ■ / ° 1 1 1 , \. theduchyof this statute or ordinance, so far as regards the duchy of Lancaster. Lancaster, and its rights, possessions, honors, and cus- toms, with all their appurtenances, and the succession and manner of succeeding in the aforesaid duchy, whether in chief or in its members, we do nothing intend to change or innovate, but that in all the premises and in all other modes and forms in which before this statute the same duchy was wont to be ruled, administered, and governed, we will, resolve, decree, and declare, that the ancient rights, statutes, and customs of the same duchy shall be held, executed, and purely observed for ever, not- withstanding this our statute, or any other soever passed in this Parliament. In witness whereof, not only our seal, but also the seals of all the Lords spiritual and temporal aforesaid, for themselves, the clergy, and the Commons aforesaid, to these presents are set And we, Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England, Ni- cholas Bishop of London, Henry Bishop of Winchester, John Bishop of Ely, Edmund Bishop of Exeter, Thomas Bishop of Durham, Robert Bishop of Chichester, Richard Bishop of Salisbury, Guy Bishop of St. David's, John Bishop of Coventry and Litchfield, Richard Bishop of Worcester, Henry Bishop of Bath and Wells, Robert Bishop of Hereford, Philip Bishop of Lincoln, Thomas Bishop of LlandafF, and William Bishop of Carlisle, the Keeper of the Spirituality of the Archbishopric of York, the Keeper of the Bishopric of Norwich, and the Keeper of the Bishopric of Rochester, the Abbot of Westminster, the Abbot of St. Alban's, the Abbot of Waltham, the Abbot of Shrewsbury, the Abbot of Peterborough, the Abbot of St. 149 de Selby, Abbas de Thorney, Abbas de Bello, Abbas de Cirencestre, Abbas Beati Petri Gloucestrise, Abbas de Evesbam, Abbas de Rameseye, Abbas de Hida juxta Win- toniam, Abbas de Wynchecombe, et Prior de Coventre, Edwardus Dux Eborum, Johannes Somersetise, Edmimdus Kantise, Thomas ArundelHse, Ricardus Warwici, Edwardus Devonise, Michael Suffolcise, Ricardus Oxonise, et Ra- dulphus Westmerlandise, Comites; ac Walterus Prior Hospitalis Sancti Johannis Jerusalem in Anglia, Wil- helmus Dominus de Roos, Ricardus Dominus de Grey de Codenore, Henricus Dominus de Beaumont, Regi- naldus Dominus de Grey de Ruthyn, Wilhelmus Domi- nus de Ferrers, Thomas Dominus de Furnyvale, WilUel- mus Dominus de Wylughby, Hugo Dominus de Burnell, Wilhelmus Dominus de Clynton, Thomas Dominus de Morley, Johannes Dominus de Darcy, Johannes Dominus de Lovell, Bartholomseus Dominus de Burghchier, Gil- bertus Dominus de Talbot, Wilhelmus Dominus de la Zouche, Thomas Dominus de Camoys, Ricardus Domi- nus de Seymour, Henricus Fitz-Hugh, Henricus le Scrop de Masham, Johannes de Welles, Johannes Cobham, Petrus de Malolacu, Johannes de Latymer, Edwardus de Charleton de Powys, Magister Thomas de la Warre, Thomas de Berkeley, Radulphus de Crumwell, Radul- phus de Greystok, Wilhelmus Beauchamp de Bergeveny, Johannes Touchet, Robertus Ponynges, Johannes Haryng- ton, et Ricardus Lestraunge; ac Johannes Typtot, Miles, Prselocutor Communitatis praedictse in Parliamento prsesenti, meo et ipsius Communitatis nomine, omnibus supradictis nostrum prsebentes consensum pariter et assensum juramus ad sancta Dei evangelia per nos et quemlibet nostrum corporaliter tacta omnia et singula prsemissa perpetuis temporibus per nos et nostros, quantum in nobis est. 149 John's at Colchester, the Abbot of Bury St. Edmund's, the Abbot of Abingdon, the Abbot of St. Mary's at York, the Abbot of Croiland, the Abbot of Bardney, the Abbot of St. Bennet de Hulme, the Abbot of Glastonbury, the Abbot of Malmsbury, the Abbot of Reading, the Abbot of Selby, the Abbot of Thorney, the Abbot of Battle, the Abbot of Cirencester, the Abbot of St. Peter's at Gloucester, the Abbot of Evesham, the Abbot of Ramsey, the Abbot of Hide near Winchester, the Abbot of Winchcombe, and the Prior of Coventry, Edward Duke of York, John Duke of Somerset, Edmund Earl of Kent, Thomas Earl of Arundel, Richard Earl of Warwick, Edward Earl of Devon, Michael Earl of Suffolk, Richard Earl of Ox- ford, and Ralph Earl of Westmoreland, and Walter Prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, Wil- liam Lord de Roos, Richard Lord de Grey of Codenore, Henry Lord de Beaumont, Reginald Lord de Grey of Ruthyn, William Lord de Ferrers, Thomas Lord de Fur- nyvale, William Lord de Willoughby, Hugh Lord de Bur- nell, William Lord de Clynton, Thomas Lord de Morley, John Lord Darcy, John Lord de Lovell, Bartholomew Lord de Bourgchier, Gilbert Lord de Talbot, William Lord de la Zouche, Thomas Lord de Camoys, Richard Lord de Seymour, Henry Fitz-Hugh, Henry le Scrope of Masham, John de Welles, John Cobham, Peter de Mauley, John le Latymer, Edward de Charleton of Powys, Master Thomas de la Warre, Thomas de Berkeley, Ralph de Crumwell, Ralph de Greystok, William Beau- champ of Bergavenny, John Touchet, Robert Ponynges, John Haryngton, and Richard Lestraunge, and I Sir John Typtot, Knight, Speaker of the Commons aforesaid in the present Parliament, in my own name, and in the name of the same Commons, giving our consent and 150 inconcusse et inviolabiliter observare, nee quiequam in contrarium, re vel verbo, publice vel occulta, directe vel indirecte facere vel attemptare, sen fieri vel at- temptari facere vel procurare quovismodo. Datae in prgesenti Parliamento nostro infra palatium nostrum West- monasterii, vicesimo secundo die Decembris, anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexto et regni nostri octavo. 150 assent to all the matters abovesaid, do swear upon the Holy Gospels of God, corporally touched by us and each of us, steadfastly and inviolably to observe all and every the premises by us and ours, as far as in us lies, in all times to come, and nothing to the contrary thereof, in word or deed, publicly or privily, directly or indi- rectly, to do or attempt, or procure or suffer to be done or attempted in any wise. Given in our present Parlia- ment within our palace of Westminster on the twenty- second day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand four hundred and six, and in the eighth year of our reign. 151 XX. Rot. Pari. 2 Hen. 5. p. 2. n. 30. in Turr. Lond. Rotulus Parliamenti tenti apud Westmonasterium die Lunse proximo post Octabas Sancti Martini, anno regni Regis Henrici Quinti post Con- questum secundo. De unione jurium et possessionum comitatus Here- fordensis ducatui lancastriie facta. m^^m (°(^Q} 'Wj ^^K ^^ \J) cvis. VIII a. un park. Plecy, ) Le manoir de Hieghl ^^^^ ^^ p^rk. Estre, J Le manoir de Waltham, tti. deux parkes. Le manoir de Wikes, xxviti. xiiis.iiiid. un park. Le manoir de Shenefeld, xxiiti. Le viewe de Chishull, mis. La court de I'honour del ,. Hiegh Estre, J Le manoir de Farnham, xixti. Le fee del countee d'Es-i ^^^^ ^-^ ^^^ sex, i La somme, ccccxxxvti. xiiiis. id. q"^ Midd\ run chace, et Le manoir de Enefeld, xLiiti. xd.ob.q"^ \ ^^ park. Le tenement appellezi ,. ^ ^ TT 1 > nil 11. XI s. vd. Hakenoys, f London'. Blaunchappulton, lxvis. viiid. 175 The manor of Depden, The manor of Quendon, The manor of Leighs, The manor of Dunmow, The manor of Mashbury, The manor of Baddow, The castle and manor of \ Pleshey, f The manor of High Easter, The manor of Waltham, The manor of Wickes, The manor of Shenfield, The view of Chishall, The court of the honor ) of High Easter, / The manor of Farnham, The fee of the county of \ Essex, j The sum, £. s. d. 31 11 Oi a wood. 11 1 4f a wood. 21 11 34 8 5 ( two woods, ( and a grove. c a park, and a I wood. 13 19 3 a wood. 33 5 8 ( a park, two ^ groves. 6 6 8 a park. 50 50 26 13 22 4 a park, two parks, a park. 4 4 19 40 10 : 10 435 14 11 Middlesex. The manor of Enfield, The tenement called . « Hakenoys," } London. Blaunchappulton, 42 lOf I a chace, and a park. 4 11 5 3 6 8 176 Hertford*. La court de Hertford ove ) ^ , le viewe de Hoddesdon, ) Tout le manoir de Noth- 1 ^^ j._ ^^ ^^^^ ampstede, J Cantebr'. Le viewe de Sauston, vs. NoRFF*. Le manoir de Fulmodes- 1 ^. r. ^ mis. viiia. ton. > XX ti. Nicole. Le manoir de Longebe- nyngton, j- LXXIlti. XVI S. VIII d. Oxenford'. Le manoir de Haselee, xti. Le manoir de Kirtlyngton, xiiiti. vis. viiid. un boys. Le manoir de Dadyngton, xiiiti. vis. viiid. Le manoir de Periton, xviti. xiiis. mid:, un boys. L'entier manoir deAscote, xiiiiti.xms.mid. un boys. WlLTES\ Le manoir de Up Haven, xxviti. xiiis. mid. Le viewe de Nether) ~ ^ > VIS. viiia. Haven, ) La court de Monkfarley, xiiis. mid. un park, et Le manoir de Wokeseye, xLvti. xs. viiid. un boys. Linea haec NoTYNGHAM. cancellatur inrotuio. Le manoir de Arnale, vili. un boys. Memorandum quod manerium de Southam cum pertinentiis in co- mitatu Gloucestrise, in proparte comitissse Staffordise specificatum, loco istius manerii de Arnale cancellati eo quod idem manerium de Arnale alienatum fuit in feodo per dominam Alianoram nuper ducissam Glou- cestrise matrem ejusdem comitissse Staffordise, et per ipsam comitissam alienatio ipsa est confirmata, ut superius fatebatur, proparti dicti domini Regis per eandem comitissam assignatur, in prsesentia domini Cancel- larii Anglise ac dominorum Concilii ipsiiis domini Regis ; quod quidcm manerium de Southam iidem Cancellarius et domini virtute potestatis eis auctoritate prsesentis Parliamenti, prout in fine cujusdam acti hie inferius inserti et quod sic incipit " Le Roi/ voet par auctorite du ceste present Parlement'^ continetur, in hac parte attributae et com- missse decreverunt eidem domino Regi et haeredibus suis, loco dicti manerii de Arnale, remansurum sub forma qua idem manerium de Arnale sibi perprius assignabatur. Buk\ T • J TXT I. \ Lxviiiti. vid. ob.) Le manoir de Wycombe, | j- einq boys. Le manoir de Crondon, xxiiiiti. xs. Un tenement ove certeins | y terres in Westcote, J Berk\ Le manoir de Uplam- 1 i- -* , f deux boys, ^ ^ V xxviiiti. XI 5. q"^ - , ^ bourne, J ^ deux gro^ Le manoir de Speene, viiiti. xiiis. iiiict. un boys. Le manoir de Henton, xxviti. xiii s. mid. 38 13 6 J a wood. This line 177 Suffolk. £. s. d. The manor of Elmset, with Somersham, The manor of Offton, 15 12 OJ Nottingham. The manor of Arnold, 6 a wood. canceTedon the roll. Be it remembered that the manor of Southam with its appurtenances in the county of Gloucester, specified in the purparty of the Countess of Stafford, is assigned to the purparty of the said lord the King by the said Countess in the presence of the Lord Chancellor of England and of the Lords of the Council of the same lord the King, in lieu of that manor of Arnold cancelled because the same manor of Arnold was alienated in fee by the Lady Eleanor late Duchess of Gloucester, mother of the same Countess of Stafford, and the same alienation has been confirmed by the same Countess, as she confessed above ; which manor of Southam the same Chancellor and Lords, by virtue of the power given and committed to them on this behalf by au- thority of the present Parliament, as is contained in the conclusion of a certain act inserted here below, and which begins thus, " T/ie King wills, hy the authority of this present Pa7'liament" decreed to remain to the same lord the King and his heirs, in lieu of the said manor of Arnold, under the form by which the same manor of Arnold was before assigned to him. Buckinghamshire. The manor of Wycombe, The manor of Crendon, A tenement with certain \ lands in Westcott, j £, s. d. 68 6f five woods. 24 10 10 Berkshire. The manor of Upper . Lambourne, 28 ( two woods, two 111 { ' * ( groves. The manor of Speen, 8 13 4 a wood. The manor of Henton, 2Q 13 4 2 A 2 178 WlLTES\ Le manoir de Pole, xxiiiti. viii s. ixc1. deux boys. Le manoir de Manyng-) ,. r. ^ •^ ° > xxviifi.viiis. IX a. ford, i Gales. Le chastell et manoir de -j Caldeeote, et Newton, ^ xxviti.xiiis. mid. ove les membres, ^ Surr'. Le manoir de Walton, xxviti. un boys. Gloucestr'. Le manoir de Whiten-) v ~ u j- xxiTL VII s. un boys. hurst, Dorset' Les terres et tenements! en Gwyssich j- viti. xiiis. mid. variat. iis. Hereford. La reversion del manoir^ de Yerkehull, le quell ( ^,ti. xiiis. mid. William Rasyn tient ( pur terme de vie, f ^^^ parkes, une chace. La somme totale Mcti. ixs. { vingt sis boys foreins, cinq groves. Ove toutz maners fees et avouesons et autres choses qe- conqes as ditz chastelles, manoirs, terres, tenements, et autres possessions, ou a ascun d'eux, en ascun manere appurtenauntz appendantz ou regardantz. 178 Wiltshire. The manor of Poole, The manor of Manning- ford, '} Wales. The castle and manor of Caldicot, and Newton with the members, Surrey. The manor of Walton, Gloucester. The manor of Wheaten- ) hurst, / Dorset. The lands and tenements ^ in Gussage, j Hereford. The reversion of the manor of Yarkhill, which William Rasyn holds for the term of his life, £. s. d. 23 8 9 27 8 9 26 13 4 6 13 4 6 13 4 two woods. 26 a wood. 21 7 a wood. variation 2s. The sum total, 1100 9 ten parks, one chace, twen- ty-six foreign woods, five groves. With all manors, fees, and advowsons, and other things whatsoever in anywise appurtenant to, appendent on, or respecting the said castles, manors, lands, tenements, and other possessions, or any of them. 179 La purpartie del Dame Anne la Countesse de Stafford, forspris les fees et avouesons queux sont en groos nient apptjrtenantz ou appendantz a les possessions soutz escriptz : Gales. Les chastell et manoir de ) xx +• Brekenok, ove les P^""^"'^'' '''^- I un foreste. - \ VIII ct. J membres, -' Les chastell et manoir de i Les chastell et manoir de ) , . f un park, XXVIII 11. Liti. Hay, ove les membres, Huntyngdon, ]■ ^^vtnii. ^ deux boys. La somme, cccLxxiiti. vis. viiid. Gloucestr*. Le manoir de Haresfeld, a ove les membres, } ^^«- "" P*''*'- La court de I'honur de-v Hereford tenuz a Glou- > x s. cestre, ) Le manoir de Newen- \ ham, ove les appurte- >■ xls. • nances, * Lineahaec Lc manoir de Southam, xxti. deux boys. cancellatur Memorandum quod istud manerium de Southam hie cancellatur eo quod manerium de Arnale in comitatu Notinghamise in proparte do- mini Regis specificatum, alienatum fuit in feodo per dominam Alie- noram nuper ducissam Gloucestriae matrem ejusdem comitissse StaifordiaB, et per ipsam comitissam alienatio ipsa est confirmata, ut superius fatebatur, et loco dicti manerii de Arnale est prsedictum manerium de Southam proparti dicti domini Regis per eandem comitissam assignatum in prse- sentia domini Cancellarii Anglise ac dominorum Concilii ipsius domini Regis et per ipsos virtute potestatis eis auctoritate prsesentis Parliamenti, prout in fine cujusdam acti hie inferius inserti et quod sic incipit " Le Roy voet par auctorite de ceste present Parlement " continetur, in hac 179 The purpart y of Lady Anne Countess op Stafford, except THE Fees and Advowsons which are in gross, not appur- tenant OR appendent to the possessions underwritten: Wales. The castle and manor of Brecknock, with the members, The castle and manor of Hay, with the mem bers, The castle and manor of Huntington, The sum, ■\ £. s. d. 293 6 8 51 28 372 6 8 a forest. a park, two woods. Gloucester. The manor of Haresfield, with the members, The court of the honor of Hereford held at Gloucester, The manor of Newnham, \ with the appurtenances, j The manor of Southam, I 20 a park. 10 20 two woods. Be it remembered that this manor of Southam is here cancelled because the manor of Arnold in the county of Nottingham, specified in the purparty of the lord the King, was alienated in fee by Lady Eleanor late Duchess of Gloucester, mother of the same Countess of Stafford, and the alienation itself was confirmed by the same Countess, as she confessed above ; and the aforesaid manor of Southam has been assigned by the same Countess to the purparty of the said lord the King, in lieu of the said manor of Arnold, in presence of the Lord Chancellor of England and of the Lords of the Council of the same lord the King, and by them, by virtue of the power given and committed to them on this behalf by the authority of the present Parliament, as is contained in the conclusion of a certain act inserted here below, and which begins thus. This line is cancelled on the roll. 180 parte attributse et commissse dictum manerium de Southam domino Regi et haeredibus suis decretum fuit remansurum, loco dicti manerii de Arnale. La somme, XLiiti. xs. Hereford. Le fee del countee de ) , . Hereford, J Les synk hundredes en ) ~ ^ ^ > XVII s. Vina. countee de Hereford, ^ Northt'. Le fee del countee de ) Northamton, / NOTYNGHAM. ,. ^ , T • J Tr 1- 1 r XXI h. XI Ills. IX d. I un park, Le manoir de Kneshale, < ^ c i ^ [ ob. J deux boys. Kent. La moite de certeins te--j ' nements en West Gren- > xxct. wych, 3 La somme, Lxiiti. xiiiis. id. ob. ^ss^x:. un forest, T • J TT .i. 11 r ""**i- ""s. viid. I un park, Le manoir de Hatfeld, < , <^ ^ ' i OD- I septfo- Le manoir de Halyng- ) reins boys. •^ [• xxviiti. xiiis.iiiid. un park. /- deux parkes, Le manoir de Wry tell, imviiti. xixs. -< un forein (. boys. Le manoir deChiggenhale xti. iiis. ixd. un boys. 180 '* The King wills, by the authority of this present Parliament" the said manor of Southam has been decreed to remain to the lord the King and his heirs in lieu of the said manor of Arnold. The sum. £. s. d. 42 10 Hereford. The fee of the county of Hereford, The five hundreds in the county of Hereford, 20 17 8 Northampton. ■The fee of the county of) Northampton, ' 20 Nottingham. The manor of Kneesal, Kent. The moiety of certain te- nements in West Green- wich, The sum, 21 14 9i{ a park, two woods. 1 8 Essex. The manor of Hatfield, The manor of Hailing- \ bury, I The manor of Writtle, The manor of Chignal, a forest, a 81 4 1h 2 ^^^^' ^^^^^ foreign woods. 27 13 4 a park. two parks, one foreign wood. 10 3 9 a wood. 87 19 «i 181 Le manoir de Ramesden, xiiiiti. ixs. un park. Le manoir de Est Lee, viti. xiiis. mid. Le manoir de Wakeryng, imviti. viis. vd. un boys. Le mareys de Polmerssh, xiiiti. vis. viiid. Le manoir de Southorp, xxiiti. Le manoir de Haydon, cs. Le manoir de Fobbyng, XLiiiti. xiiiis. vd. ob. Le manoir de Norton, xxiiiiti. Le mareys deBermuerssh, xxti. La somme, ccccxLiiti. xi s. vii d. HUNTYNGDON. Le manoir de Kymbalton, j cxxviti. ii s. ( "" ^^^^^' "" ove les membres, / xid.ob. 1 park, un ^ boys. BUK. Le manoir de Amondes- ) i-- ~ -* • i, I XLViiiii.xiiis. una. sis boys, ham, j WiLTES'. {Lxiiiti. viiis. XI d. ) un park, ob.q-. I unboys. Le manoir de Stratton, xiti. xs. vid. ob. q"*. Le manoir de Wylesford, xxxiiiti. La somme, ccimiiti. xvs. xd. / deux fo- 1. ^ . restes, dix Lasommetotale, |«-'^|'Jjt--^^-">s- j p,,kes,une chace, dix- huit boys. Ove toutz manors fees et avouesons et autres choses que- conqes as ditz cbastells, manoirs, terres, tenements, et autres possessions, ou a ascun de eux, en ascun manere appurtenantz, appendantz ou regardantz. 181 £. s. d. The manor of Ramsden, The manor of East Lee, The manor of Wakering, The marsh of Pelmarsh, The manor of Southorp, The manor of Haydon, The manor of Fobbing, The manor of Norton, The marsh of Burmarsh, The sum, Huntingdon. The manor of Kimbolton, ) with the members, ^ I Buckinghamshire. The manor of Agmondes- ) ham, i Wiltshire. The manor of Seend, The manor of Stratton, |," The manor of Wilsford, The sum, 14 9 a park. 6 13 4 86 7 6 a wood. 13 6 8 22 6 43 14 5i 24 20 442 11 7 126 2 Hi j achace,apark, I a wood. 48 13 4 six woods. 63 8 llf a park, a wood. 11 10 6i 33 282 15 10 two forests, ten parks, The sum total, 1202 18 2^ { ^ne chace, eighteen woods. With all manors, fees, and advowsons, and other things whatsoever in any manner appurtenant to, appendent on, or respecting the said castles, manors, lands, tenements, and other possessions, or any of them. 182 Pur Dame FAIT E remembrer que Tonurable dame Dame Anne tessedestaf. Countesse de Stafford, file a Allan ore une des files et ford. heirs del bone memorie Humfrey de Bohun jadis Count de Hereford, bailla au Roi nostre soverain Seigniour en ceste Parlement une supplication dont le tenure cy ensuit. — A nostre tres soverain seigniour le Roi supplie tres hum- blement Anne Countesse de Stafford, qe come vous, tres soverain seigniour, ore tarde suistes en vostre Chauncerie d'Engleterre envers la dite suppliante, par vostre brief de scire facias, pur reformer la purpartie fait en la Chauncerie Seigniour Richard nadgairs Roi d'Engleterre, par entre la tres noble dame Dame Marie vostre miere, que Dieu assoile, une des files et heirs Humfrey de Bohun nadgairs Count de Hereford, et Alianore miere de dite suppliante Tautre des files et heirs du dit nadgairs Count, des chastell et manoir de Plessitz, del manoir de Haut Estre, del manoir de Waltham, del manoir de Wykes, del viewe de franc- plegge de Chishull, del manoir de Shenefeld, de la court de rhonure de Haut Estre, del fee de countee d' Essex, del manoir de Farnham, en le countee d'Essex, — de la court de Hertford, del viewe de franc-plegge de Hoddesdon, en le counte de Hertford, — del manoir de Whitenhurst en le countee de Gloucestre, — del chastell de Huntyngdon ove ses membres, del chastell de Caldecote et Neweton ove ses membres, el Marche de Gales, — del manoir de Longebe- nyngton en le countee de Nicole, — del manoir de Knes- hale, de les deux parties del manoir de Arnale, en le countee de Notyngham, — del manoir de Hasele, del manoir de Kyrtlyngton, del manoir de Dadyngton, del manoir de Peryngton, en le countee d'Oxenford, — des deux partes del manoir de Wodespene en le countee de Berks, — del manoir de Fulmodeston en le countee de Norffolk, — del viewe de franc-plegge de Sauston en le countee de Can- 182 BE it remembered that the honorable lady, Lady Anne For Lady •' Anne Countess of Staiford, daughter of Eleanor, one of the ^''"i?^^.^® ^^ ° ' staiford. daughters and co-heirs of Humphrey de Bohun, of good memory, late Earl of Hereford, delivered to the King our sovereign lord in this Parliament a petition, the Her petition tenor whereof here followeth. — To our most sovereign lord the King very humbly prayeth Anne Countess of Stafford, that whereas you, most sovereign lord, now lately did sue in your Chancery of England against the said pe- titioner, by your writ of scire facias, to reform the partition made in the Chancery of Lord Richard late King of Eng- land, between the very noble lady. Lady Mary your mother, whom God pardon, one of the daughters and co-heirs of Humphrey de Bohun late Earl of Hereford, and Eleanor mother of the said petitioner, the other of the daughters and co-heirs of the said late Earl, of the castle and manor of Pleshey, of the manor of High Easter, of the manor of Waltham, of the manor of Wickes, of the view of frank- pledge of Chishall, of the manor of Shenfield, of the court of the honor of High Easter, of the fee of the county of Essex, of the manor of Farnham, in the county of Essex, — ■ of the court of Hertford, of the view of frank-pledge of Hoddesdon, in the county of Hertford, — of the manor of Wheatenhurst, in the county of Gloucester, — of the castle of Huntington with its members, of the castle of Caldicot and Newton with their members, in the Marches of Wales, — of the manor of Long Bennington, in the county of Lin- coln, — of the manor of Kneesal, of the two parts of the manor of Arnold, in the county of Nottingham, — of the manor of Haseley, of the manor of Kirtlington, of the manor of Deddington, of the manor of Pirton, in the county of Oxford, — of the two parts of the manor of Wood Speen, in the county of Berks, — of the manor of Fulmo- 183 tabrige, — ove lour appurtenances, a la purpartie de dite Alianore assignez. Et del chastell de Brekenoc ove ses membres, del chastell de Hay ove ses membres, en Gales, — del manoir de Henton en le countee de Berks, — del manoir de Uphaven, del veue de franc-plegge de Netherhaven, de la court de I'honure de Monkenfarle, en le countee de Wiltesire, — de la court de Thonure de Hereforde tenuz a Gloucestre, del manoir de Haresfeld, del manoir de New- enham, en le countee de Gloucestre, — del fee del countee de Hereford, de synk hundredes en le countee de Hereford, c^est assavoir Bodenham, graunde Cowern, Kyngeston, Burghull, et Stratford, en le countee de Here- ford, — del moite de certeins tenements ove les appurte- nances en West Grenewich el countee de Kent, — del fee del countee de Northampton, en le countee de North- ampton, — des deux partes del manoir de Halyngbury en le countee d'Essex, — des deux partes del manoir de Ascote en le countee d'Oxenford, — d'un toft cent sessant et sept acres de terre arable et deux acres de pree ove les ap- purtenances en Westcote el counte de Bucks, — ove lour appurtenances, assignez a la purpartie de vostre dite tres noble miere, sicome il est de recorde en mesme la Chauncerie de dit nadgairs Roi; et proces sur le dit brief continue tanque juggement fuist rendue sur ycell : — c'est assavoir, que les ditz chastelles, ove les mem- bres, manoirs, courtes, fee de countee, veuwes de franc- plegges, deux partes des manoirs ove les appurtenances, a la dite purpartie de dite Alianore assignez, serroient resumez et reseisiez en voz mains. Et come vous, tres soverain seigniour, en vostre Parlement tenuz a West- monastre, Tan de vostre regno secunde, recitant, coment diverses honours, chastelles, hundredes, commotes, ma- noirs, terres, tenements, reversions, annuitees, fees, avoue- 183 deston, in the county of Norfolk, — of the view of frank- pledge of Sawston, in the county of Cambridge, — with their appurtenances, assigned to the purparty of the said Eleanor. And of the castle of Brecknock with its mem- bers, of the castle of Hay with its members, in Wales, — of the manor of Henton, in the county of Berks,— of the manor of Uphaven, of the view of frank-pledge of Netherhaven, of the court of the honor of Monkton Far- ley, in the county of Wilts, — of the court of the honor of Hereford holden at Gloucester, of the manor of Hares- field, of the manor of Newnham, in the county of Glou- cester, — of the fee of the county of Hereford, of five hundreds in the county of Hereford, to wit, Bodenham, Great Cowarne, Kingston, Burghill, and Stretford, in the county of Hereford, — of the moiety of certain tenements with the appurtenances in West Greenwich, in the county of Kent, — of the fee of the county of Northampton, in the county of Northampton, — of the two parts of the manor of HaUingbury, in the county of Essex, — of the two parts of the manor of Ascott, in the county of Ox- ford, — of one toft, one hundred and sixty-seven acres of arable land, and two acres of meadow, with the appur- tenances, in Westcott, in the county of Bucks, — with their appurtenances, assigned to the purparty of your said very noble mother, as it is of record in the same Chancery of the said late King; and process upon the said writ continued until judgment was given upon the same : — to wit, that the said castles, with the members, manors, courts, fee of county, views of frank -pledges, two parts of the manors with the appurtenances, assigned to the said purparty of the said Eleanor, should be resumed and reseised into your hands. And whereas you, most sovereign Lord, in your Parliament holden at Westminster 184 sons, et diverses autres possessions et seigniouries deins vostre roialme d'Engleterre, et parties de Gales, et aillours deins vostre seigniourie et power, queux furent de I'heri- tage de tres bone memorie I'avantdite Marie, une des files et heirs le dit Humfrey de Bohun nadgairs Count de Hereford Essex et Norhampton et Conestable d'Engle- terre, vostre tres chiere miere adonqes mort, qi heir vous fuistez, puis la mort Sire Henry nadgairs Roi d'Engle- terre, que Dieu assoile, vostre tres noble piere, qi les tenoit a terme de sa vie, par la leie d'Engleterre, a vous, tres soverain seigniour, et a voz heirs, par droit hereditarie descenderent et deviendrent, de vostre certein science, et de I'auctorite de mesrae le Parlement, mesmes les honours, chastelles, hundredes, commotes, manoirs, terres, tenements, reversions, annuitees, fees, avouesons, possessions, et seigniouries, de mesme vostre heritage des countees de Hereford Essex et Norhampton, ove toutz lour droitures, libertees, franchises, et franc custumes queuxconqes de vostre Corone d'Engleterre par tenure de mesme le Parlement severastes, et ycelles a vostre duchee de Lancastre ajoinastes, annexastes, unistes, et encorporastes, a vous et a voz heirs, a mesme le duchee ensy adjointz, annexez, uniz, et encorporez, perpetuelment a demurrerz : et auxi come Johanne de Bohun nadgairs Countesse de Hereford vostre honurable aiele a Dieu commandee, a temps de sa murriant avoit et tenoit cer- teins chastelles, manoirs, terres, tenements, fees, avoue- sons, libertees, franchises, et autres possessions en En- gleterre et Gales, c'est assavoir ascuns en dower del dowement de dit nadgairs Counte de Hereford, et ascunes a terme de vie de dite nadgairs Countesse par force de jointz estats ent faitz a mesmes les nadgairs Counte et Countesse, et ascunes par force de Testate fait soulment 184 in the second year of your reign, reciting how that divers ho- nors, castles, hundreds, commotes, manors, lands, tenements, reversions, annuities, fees, advowsons, and divers other pos- sessions and lordships within your realm of England and the parts of Wales, and elsewhere within your dominion and power, which were of the inheritance of the afore- said Mary, of very good memory, one of the daughters and co-heirs of the said Humphrey de Bohun late Earl of Hereford, Essex, and Northampton, and Constable of England, your very dear mother, then deceased, whose heir you were, after the death of Lord Henry late King of England, whom God pardon, your very noble father, who held them for the term of his life by the law of Eng- land^ descended and came to you, most sovereign Lord, and to your heirs, by hereditary right, did, of your certain knowledge, and by the authority of the same Parliament, sever the same honors, castles, hundreds, commotes, manors, lands, tenements, reversions, annuities, fees, ad- vowsons, possessions, and lordships, of the same your heritage of the earldoms of Hereford, Essex, and North- ampton, with all their rights, liberties, franchises, and free customs whatsoever, from your crown of England by tenor of the same Parliament, and did adjoin, annex, unite, and incorporate the same to your duchy of Lan- caster, to remain, so adjoined, annexed, united, and in- corporated to the same duchy, to you and to your heirs for ever : and whereas also Joan de Bohun, late Countess of Hereford, your honorable grandmother departed to God, had and held at the time of her death certain castles, manors, lands, tenements, fees, advowsons, liberties, fran- chises, and other possessions in England and Wales, to wit, some in dower by the endowment of the said late Earl of Hereford, and some for the term of life 2 B 185 a dite nadgairs Countesse a terme de sa vie, apres la mort de dit nadgairs Counte, par certeins persones en ycelles par luy enfeofFez ; come auxi le dit nadgairs Counte enfeffa certeins persones en diverses manoirs, terres, et tenements, pur les vendre et paier ses dettes, et les dettes de William de Bohun nadgairs Counte de Norhampton, les queux feofFes, apres les ditz dettes pleinement paiez, de parcell de mesmes les manoirs adonqes remaignauntz en lour mains enfeoiFerent autres persones a Toeps et profit de dite nadgairs Countesse; — des queux chastelles, manoirs, terres, tenements, fees, avouesons, libertees, fraunchises, et possessions ascunes apres la mort de vostre dite aiele sont descenduz a vous, tres soverain seigniour, et a dite suppliante, c'est assavoir a vous come a fitz la dite Marie, et a dite sup- pliant come a file la dite Alianore, et cosyns et heirs de dit nadgairs Counte, par force de certeins dounes en la taille ent faitz a les auncestres des ditz Marie et Alianore, et ascunes sont descenduz a vous, tres so- verain seigniour, et a la dite suppliante, en fee simple, come as cosyns et heirs de dit nadgairs Counte de sank en la fourme suisdite, et ascunes sont escheiez a vous, tres soverain seigniour, et a dite suppliante, par force des certeins grantes et reservations, de reversions et de remeindres ent faitz as droitz heirs de dit nadgairs Counte, et ascunes sont descenduz a dite suppliante soule, come a file et heir de dite Alianore, par force d'estate ent fait a dite nadgairs Countesse, pur terme de sa vie, la remeindre outre as ditz Marie et Alianore et a lour heirs a toutz jours, a cause que la dite Alianore survesquit vostre dite tres noble miere (de quell accrestre de droit par le sourvyvir il n'est pas I'entent de dite sup- pliante de prendre a vantage en leie). Et come apres une 185 of the said late Countess by force of joint estates made thereof to the same late Earl and Countess, and some by force of the estate made solely to the said late Countess for the term of her life, after the death of the said late Earl, by certain persons enfeoiFed by him in the same : whereas also the said late Earl enfeoffed certain persons in divers manors, lands, and tenements, to sell them and to pay his debts, and the debts of William de Bohun, late Earl of Northampton, which feoffees, after the said debts fully paid, enfeoffed with the parcel of the same manors then remaining in their hands other persons to the behoof and profit of the said late Countess; — of which castles, manors, lands, tenements, fees, advowsons, liberties, fran- chises, and possessions, some, after the death of your said grandmother, have descended to you, most sovereign Lord, and to the said petitioner, to wit, to you as son of the said Mary, and to the said petitioner as daughter of the said Eleanor, and cousins and heirs of the said Earl, by force of certain gifts in tail thereof made to the ancestors of the said Mary and Eleanor, and some have descended to you, most sovereign Lord, and to the said petitioner, in fee simple, as to the cousins and heirs of the said late Earl of the blood in the form abovesaid, and some have fallen to you, most sovereign Lord, and to the said petitioner, by force of certain grants and reservations, of reversions and remainders made thereof to the right heirs of the said late Earl, and some have descended to the said pe- titioner alone, as daughter and heir of the said Eleanor, by force of the estate thereof made to the said late Countess for term of her life, remainder over to the said Mary and Eleanor, and to their heirs for ever, by reason that the said Eleanor survived your said very noble mother (of which accrual of right by survivor- 2 B 2 186 purpartie ore soit fait de novell, de vostre tres gracious assent, et agrement de dite suppliante, parentre vous, tres soverain seigniour, et la dite suppliante, si bien de toutz les ditz chastelles, ove les membres, manoirs, veuwes de franc -plegges, courtes, fees des countees, hundredes, toft, terre, pree, moitee des tenements, deux partes des manoirs especifiez en Tambedeux parties de dite auncien purpartie, come de toutz les ditz chastelles, manoirs, terres, tenements, fees, avouesons, libertees, franchises, et autres possessions en Engleterre et Gales, queux vostre dite aiele avoit et tenoit a temps de sa mouriant, et des ditz manoirs, terres, tenements, es queux certeins per- sones furent enfefFez a I'oeps de vostre dite aiele pur terme de sa vie, et a I'oeps des droitz heirs de dit nad- gairs Counte de Hereford apres la mort vostre dite aiele, forspris des fees et avouesons queux sont en groos a par luy et nient appurtenantz ou appendantz a ascunes des possessions ou choses suisdites, sicome en une bill ent faite et a yceste petition annexee est contenuz pluis au plein. Plese a vostre Hautesse de considerer les pre- misses, et sur ceo ordeiner et establier par auctorite de ceste present Parlement, que si bien toutz les enherite- ments come titles et droitures de toutz les chastelles, honures, seigniouries, commotes, hundredes, viewes de franc-plegges, courtes, manoirs, terres, tenements, rentes, services, custumes, fees des countees, fees des chivalers, avouesons, annuitees, franchises, libertees, reversions, et autres possessions et choses queuxconqes avantditz, ove lour appurtenances, a vous, tres soverain seigniour, et a dite suppliante, en ascun manere descenduz, ou par ascun title escheiez ou devenuz, et de toutz autres en temps a venir a descendrerz, escheierz, ou aveinerz, parmy le dit nadgairs Counte de Hereford, ou parmy les ditz 186 ship it is not the intention of the said petitioner to take advantage in law). And whereas, afterwards, a partition is now made anew, by your very gracious as- sent and the agreement of the said petitioner, between you, most sovereign Lord, and the said petitioner, as well of all the said castles, with the members, manors, views of frank-pledge, courts, fees of counties, hundreds, toft, land, meadow, moiety of tenements, two parts of manors specified in both parts of the said ancient par- tition, as of all the said castles, manors, lands, tenements, fees, advowsons, liberties, franchises, and other posses- sions in England and Wales, which your said grand- mother had and held at the time of her death, and of the said manors, lands, tenements, in which certain per- sons were enfeoffed to the behoof of your said grand- mother for the term of her life, and to the behoof of the right heirs of the said late Earl of Hereford after the death of your said grandmother, except the fees and ad- vowsons which are in gross by themselves, and not ap- purtenant or appendent on any of the possessions or things abovesaid, as is more fully contained in a bill Prayer— that _ in pursuance thereof made and annexed to this petition. May it please ^! ^^^ par"- ^ J tr tion newly your Highness to consider the premises, and thereupon to ™eritageor ordain and establish by the authority of this present Par- of nTreford* liament, that as well all the inheritances, as the titles and King and the Countess of riffhts of all the castles, honors, lordships, commotes, bun- statibrd, aii O ? J r ' ' that estate dreds, views of frank-pledge, courts, manors, lands, tene- ^/^,^^^^^ ^^ ments, rents, services, customs, fees of counties, knights* Jo^mmon*iaw fees, advowsons, annuities, franchises, liberties, reversions, Ead died, ^ and other possessions, and things whatsoever aforesaid, standing the annexation with their appurtenances, in any manner to you, most onhe King's sovereign Lord, and to the said petitioner descended, offanca^t^er or by any title escheated or come, and, of all others in 2 H^en^^s? 187 Memoran- dum quod ista petitio est consuta dorso hujus rotuli prout exhibita fuit domino Regi in Parlia- mento per Comitissam StaflFordiag infrascrip- tam. Marie et Alianore, soient et estoisent desore en avant, en mesme la nature et effect a la commune leie sicome ils feurent al temps del moriant du dit nadgairs Count, et al temps del moriant des dites Marie et Alianore. Et auxi que la dite partition ore faite de novell soit et estoise efFectuele en leie en temps a venir, parentre vous et voz heirs, et la dite suppliante et ses heirs, a demurer selonc Tauncien cours et nature de mesmes les enheritementz, titles, et droitures ; les dites annexion, union, incorporation, en vostre dit Parlement tenuz le dit an secunde, ou ascun autre ordinance ou act fait en mesme le Parlement ou aillours, ou la dite auncien purpartie, ou ascune autre chose, nient obstantz. Pur Dieu et en oevere de charite. La quele supplication lieu en mesme le Parlement et bien entendue, fuist respondue par le Roi, de Tassent des Seigniours Espirituelx et Temporelx, et auxi de les Com- munes d'Engleterre en ceo presente Parlement assemblez, en manere q'ensuit. — LE Roy voet, par auctorite de ceste presente Parlement, qe les acts et ordinances faitz en son Parlement tenuz a Westmonastre, le Lundy proschein apres les oeptaves de Seint Martyn, Tan de son regne seconde, de I'adj unction, annexion, union, et encorpora- tion, et la reule et governance de les honours, chastelles, hundredes, commotes, manoirs, terres, tenements, rever- sions, annuitees, fees, avouesons, possessions, et seig- niouries, de son heritage des countees de Hereford Essex et Norhampton, ove ses droitures, libertees, franchises, et franks custumes queuxconqes, queux feurent de Theritage de Dame Marie, une des filles et heirs Humfrey de Bohun jadis Counte de Hereford Essex et Norhampton et Con- stable d'Engleterre, miere a nostre seigniour le Roy q'or est, qi heir il est, queux apres la mort le Roi Henry piere nostre seigniour le Roi q'or est, qi yceux tenoit 187 after time to descend, escheat, or come, through the said late Earl of Hereford, or through the said Mary and Eleanor, may be and be deemed from henceforth of the same nature and effect at common law, as they were at the time of the death of the said late Earl, and at the time of the death of the said Mary and Eleanor. And also that the said partition now made anew may be and be deemed effectual in law in time to come, between you and your heirs, and the said petitioner and her heirs, to remain according to the ancient course and nature of the same inheritances, titles, and rights; the said annexation, union, incorporation, in your said Parliament holden in the said ^/rlVtr" second year, or any other ordinance or act made in the as'ft^wrs*S?.' same Parliament or elsewhere, or the said ancient partition, SthVKing or any other thinar, notwithstanding. For God and as a liament by - „ , . ° ° the Countess work of chanty. of Stafford •' within-writ- Which petition having been read in the same Parliament g^li'^jfed on and well understood, was, by the assent of the Lords Spi- Ims roiL °^ ritual and Temporal, and also of the Commons of England assembled in this present Parliament, answered by the King in manner as follows. — THE King wills, by the authority The King's of this present Parliament, that the acts and ordinances that the said *^ Act be re- made in his Parliament holden at Westminster, on Monday p^aied so far ' •' as regards next after the octaves of Saint Martin in the second year of 5?on^to"thT his reign, for the adjoining, annexation, union, and incorpo- LancLt*erof ration, and the rule and governing of the honors, castles, he?itage^of , , J 11 . theBohun hundreds, commotes, manors, lands, tenements, reversions, estates, annuities, fees, advowsons, possessions, and lordships, of his heritage of the earldoms of Hereford, Essex, and Northampton, with their rights, liberties, franchises, and free customs whatsoever, which were of the inheritance of Lady Mary, one of the daughters and co-heirs of Hum- phrey de Bohun, late Earl of Hereford, Essex, and North- 188 pur terme de sa vie par la leie d'Engleterre, a nostre seigniour le Roi et a ses heirs par droit enheritance descenderent et escheierent, deins le roialme d'Engle- terre, et es parties de Gales, et aillours deins ses seig- niouries et power, et de toutz autres honours, chastelles, hundredes, commotes, manoirs, terres, tenements, rever- sions, annuitees, fees, avouesons, et d^autres possessions, et seigniouries queuxconqes, ou q'ils soient deins les seigniouries et power suisditz, a dite heritage appurte- nantz, a nostre seigniour le Roi, et a ses heirs, a son duchee de Lancastre adjointz, annexez, uniez, et eu- corporez, a toutz jours a remaindrerz, soient par auc- torite de ceste present Parlement adnuUez et defaitz, qant a mesmes les honours, chastelx, hundredes, com- motes, manoirs, terres, tenements, reversions, annuitees, fees, avouesons, possessions, et seigniouries, et ycelles de mesme le duchee disannexez et severez. Et que si bien tout ceo que nostre dit seigniour le Roi ad esluz pur sa parte en yceste Parlement, forspris le dit manoir de Arnale, come ceo que a luy serra par la dite Coun- tesse de Stafford assignee en recompense pur mesme le manoir de Arnale, soit et serra severee de la corone d'Engleterre, et a Tavauntdit duchee de Lancastre adjoinct, annexee, uniee, et incorporee, a nostre seigniour le Roi, et a ses heirs, a mesme le duchee issint adjoinct, annectee, uniee et incorporee, a toutz jours a remaindrer et demurer, auxi entierment, frank, cleer, et deschargee sicome les chastelx, manoirs, terres, tenements, courtes, fees, avoue- sons, vieues, reversions, et autres choses et possessions contenuz en mesme la purpartie nostre dit seigniour le Roi, ovesque ceo que pur le dit manoir de Arnale serra issint assignee, feurent al temps del moriant de dit Hum- frey de Bohun, et en mesmes les manere, fourme, reule. 188 ampton, and Constable of England, mother of our lord the King who now is, whose heir he is, which after the death of King Henry father of our lord the King who now is, who held them for the term of his life by the law of Eng- land, descended and fell to our lord the King and to his heirs by right inheritance, in the realm of England, and in the parts of Wales, and elsewhere within his dominion and power, and of all other honors, castles, hundreds, com- motes, manors, lands, tenements, reversions, annuities, fees, advowsons, and other possessions and lordships what- soever, or wheresoever they may be, within the dominion and power abovesaid, to the said heritage appurtenant, to re- main for ever to our lord the King and his heirs, adjoined, annexed, united, and incorporated with his duchy of Lan- caster, be by the authority of this present Parliament an- nulled and repealed as to the same honors, castles, hun- dreds, commotes, manors, lands, tenements, reversions, an- nuities, fees, advowsons, possessions, and lordships, and that they be disannexed and severed from the said duchy. And that as well all that our said lord the King has and that the chosen for his share in this Parliament, except the said Sewiyls-*° manor of Arnold, as that which shall be assigned to him King be se- vered from by the said Countess of Stafford in compensation for the thecrown, •' '■ and annexed said manor of Arnold, be and shall be severed from the SnSfch'^"'^**^ crown of England, and adjoined, annexed, united, and the"former incorporated with the aforesaid duchy of Lancaster, to had?een° made by remain and endure, thus adjoined, annexed, united, and the Act of ' J 5 'J 2 Hen. 5; incorporated with the same duchy, to our lord the King and to his heirs for ever, as entirely free, clear, and dis- charged as the castles, manors, lands, tenements, courts, fees, advowsons, views, reversions, and other things and possessions contained in the same purparty of our said lord the King, with that which shall be so assigned for 189 governance, et ove tielx officers, fraunchises, libertees, droitures, et franks custumes, en toutz choses et par toutz choses, sicome les ditz honours, chastelx, hun- dredes, commotes, manoirs, terres, tenements, reversions, annuitees, fees, avouesons, et autres possessions et seig- niouries suisditz, queux le dit nadgairs Roi Henry tenoit a terme de sa vie, et apres sa mort descenderent a nostre dit seigniour le Roi, come dit est, par force du dit act fait en le dit Parlement tenuz a Westmonastre le dit an second, feurent et estre devoient; ascunes alienations, feffementz, dimises, recovereres, discontinuances, grantes ou charges en cell partie, apres la mort de dit Humfrey faitz, non obstantz. Et que la purpartie nostre dit seigniour le Roi de les fees et avouesons en groos de Pheritage du dit nadgairs Count que ne sont unqore departiez, apres la purpartie ent affaire fait, soit come avaunt est dit, de la dite corone d'Engleterre severee, et al dit duchee de Lancastre adjoinct, annexee, uniee, et incorporee, a nostre seigniour le Roi, et a ses heirs, a mesme le duchee issint ad- joinct, annexee, uniee, et incorporee, a toutz jours a remain- drer et demurer, en mesmes les manere, fourme, reule, et governance en toutz choses et par toutz choses, et ove tielx officers, franchises, libertees, droitures, et franks custumes, sicome dit est de tout ceo que nostre dit seigniour le Roi ad issint esluz en ceste present Parlement pur sa parte, hors- pris le dit manoir de Arnale, et auxi de ceo que a luy par la dite Countesse de Stafford serra assignee en recompense pur mesme le manoir de Arnale ; ascunes alienations, feffements, dimises, discontinuances, grauntes ou charges en cell partie, apres la mort du dit Humfrey de Bohun faitz, nient obstantz. Purveu toutz foitz que ceux qi serront ou devoient estre de droit enheritablez par force d'ascun taill, par quell le dit Humfrey fuist enheritee ou enheritable, des ditz chastelx, manoirs, terres, tene- 189 the said manor of Arnold, were at the time of the death of the said Humphrey de Bohun, and in the same manner, form, rule, governance, and with such officers, franchises, hberties, rights, and free customs, in all things, and through all things, as the said honors, castles, hundreds, commotes, manors, lands, tenements, reversions, annuities, fees, advowsons, and other possessions and lordships above- said, which the said late King Henry held for the term of his life, and after his death descended to our said lord the King, as has been said, were and ought to be by force of the said act made in the said Parliament holden at Westminster in the said second year; any alienations, feoff- ments, demises, recoveries, discontinuances, grants, or charges in that part made since the death of the said Humphrey, notwithstanding. And that the purparty of and so with our said lord the King of the fees and advowsons in Sand°ad-^ />i -i. n 1 • 1 t -r-»i I'll vowsons in gross 01 the heritage of the said late Earl which have gross not yet not yet been divided, after partition thereof to be made shall have been made, be, as is aforesaid, severed from the said crown of England, and adjoined, annexed, united, and incorporated with the said duchy of Lancaster, to re- main and endure, thus adjoined, annexed, united, and in- corporated with the same duchy, to our lord the King and to his heirs for ever, in the same manner, form, rule, and governance in all things and through all things, and with such officers, franchises, liberties, rights, and free customs, as has been said, of all that which our said lord the King has so chosen for his share in this present Parliament, except the said manor of Arnold, and also of that which shall be assigned to him by the said Countess of Stafford in compensation for the same manor of Arnold ; any alienations, feoffments, demises, discontinuances, grants, or charges in that part made since the death of the said Humphrey de Bohun, notwith- 190 ments, courts, fees, viewes, avouesons, reversions, et autres possessions contenuz en la purpartie quell nostre seigniour le Roi ad esluz pur sa parte en ceste Parlement, ou en ascun parcell d'icelles, forspris de le dit manoir de A male, ou de ceo que par la dite Countesse de Stafford serra as- signee au Roi en recompense pur mesme le manoir de Arnale, ou de ceo q'en la purpartie des ditz fees et avouesons en groos a faire de part nostre seigniour le Roi a eslire, ne soient forclosez a demander, recoverer, et avoir mesmes les chastelx, manoirs, terres, tenements, courtes, fees, veuwes, avouesons, reversions, et autres pos- sessions suisditz, apres les ditz tailles en nostre dit seig- niour le Roi et ses heirs de son corps engendrez, et en les heirs de corps du dite Marie engendrez, terminez et exteintz, que Dieu defende, par ceste adjunction, an- nection, union, et incorporation; et que si bien tout ceo que le Roi issint eslist pur sa parte en cest present Parlement, horspris le dit manoir de Arnale, ovesque ceo q'il avera par assignement de la dite Countesse de Stafford en recompense pur mesme le manoir de Ar- nale, come la dite purpartie quell le Roi linquist a mesme la Countesse de Stafford en ceo mesme Parlement, pur sa parte, et auxi la purpartie affaire de les ditz fees et avouesons en groos parentre nostre seigniour le Roi, et mesme la Countesse de Stafford, qant ele soit fait, estoisent en lour force et vertue, parentre eux et lour heirs a toutz jours, en manere et forme come dessuis est declaree; savant toutdis Tenheritance, si bien de parte nostre seigniour le Roi et de ses heirs, come de parte du dite Countesse de Stafford et de ses heirs, en manere come avant est dit et purveu. Et auxi que la purpartie quell la dite Countesse ad pur sa parte, come appiert de recorde en ceste present Parlement, soit auxi entierment franke, cleer, et deschargee sicome les chas- 190 standing. Provided always that those who shall be or saving the ought to be of riffht inheritable, by force of any tail claimants ^ ° "^ , •' under any through which the said Humphrey had inherited or was t^f^'J^^Sftof inheritable of the said castles, manors, lands, tenements, thehSrof^ courts, fees, views, advowsons, reversions, and other pos- Sary^'dl"^ sessions contained in the purparty which our lord the King has chosen for his share in this Parliament, or in any parcel of them, except of the said manor of Arnold, or of that which shall be assigned to the King by the said Countess of Stafford in compensation for the said manor of Arnold, or of that to be chosen on the part of our said lord the King in the partition to be made of the said fees and advowsons in gross, be not fore- closed by this adjoining, annexation, union, and incor- poration, from demanding, recovering, and having the same castles, manors, lands, tenements, courts, fees, views, advowsons, reversions, and other possessions abovesaid, after the said tails in our said lord the King, and his heirs of his body begotten, and in the heirs begotten of the body of the said Mary, have become determined and extinct, which God forbid. And that as well all that The partition . , . T1 now made which the Kinff so chose for his share in this present Par- between the ^ ^ ^ King and the liament, except the said manor of Arnold, with that which and^Sas he will have by assignment of the said Countess of Stafford SSbe'^^' in compensation for the same manor of Arnold, as the SanJin ^ said purparty which the King left to the same Countess of Stafford for her share in this same Parliament, and also the partition to be made of the said fees and advowsons in gross between our lord the King and the same Countess of Stafford, when it shall have been made, shall endure in their force and virtue, between them and their heirs for ever, in manner and form as is above declared; saving always the inheritance, as well on the part of our lord the King and his heirs, as on the part of the said Countess of Staf- force. 191 telx, manoirs, courtes, fees, avouesons, hundredes, et autres choses et possessions contenuz en sa dite purpar- tie, feurent au temps du moriant de dit Humfrey de Bohun; ascunes alienations, fefFements, dimises, recove- reres, discontinuances, grantes ou charges en cell partie, apres la mort de dit Humfrey de Bohun faitz, nient ob- stantz. Et outre ceo nostre dit seigniour le Roi voet par Tauctorite suisdite, que le Chanceller d'Engleterre et les Seigniours du Counseill mesme nostre seigniour le Roi pur le temps esteantz, appellez a eux tielx justices de Roi come lour semblera a faire, aient plein poair par auctorite du ceste Parlement, par entre cy et le fyn del seconde an ore proschein ensuant, de amender et refourmer les suisdites purparties, annection, et disan- nection, et toutz autres choses contenuz en ycelles bo- soignables, selonc lour advis et discretions; savant tout ditz la substance, Tentent, et I'efFect de mesmes les purpartie, annection, et disannection, et d'autres choses suisditz. Et le Roi disoit auxi en mesme ceo Parle- ment, que si la dite Countesse de Stafford vorroit entrer en les honours, chastelx, hundredes, commotes, manoirs, terres, tenements, et autres choses et possessions, en sa purpartie de novell faite especifiez, sanz suer ent sa livere en la Chauncellerie, et de cell entre avoir pardon du Roi, ou q*ele vorroit avoir licence du Roi d'entrer en icelles, que ceo serroit a sa election, et graunta outre q'ele averoit tiele licence ou pardon a sa voluntee desoutz le graund scale du Roi a faire en due fourme, par advis de son Conseil. 191 ford and her heirs, in manner as is before said and provided. And also that the purparty which the said Countess has for Thepurparty 1 . 1 • -n» T assigned to her share, as appears of record m this present Parliament, the countess ' ^^ ^ shaUbeas be as entirely free, clear, and discharged, as the castles, J^f^r^edasat manors, courts, fees, advowsons, hundreds, and other nSmphJ'eJ'^ things and possessions contained in her said purparty *^® ^**^"n- were at the time of the death of the said Humphrey de Bohun; any alienations, feoffments, demises, recoveries, discontinuances, grants or charges in that part made since the death of the said Humphrey de Bohun, notwithstand- ing. And, moreover, our said lord the King wills, by Thechan- the authority abovesaid, that the Chancellor of England Lords of the ^ Council may and the Lords of the Council of our said lord the Kinff reform the o partition for the time being, having called to them such justices yj^s"*^° of the King as shall seem to them requisite, may have full power by the authority of this Parliament, between this and the end of the second year now next ensuing, to amend and reform the abovesaid partition, annexa- tion, and disannexing, and all other necessary things con- tained in the same, according to their advice and discre- tion ; saving always the substance, intent, and effect of the same partition, annexation, and disannexing, and other things abovesaid. And the King also said in this same The countess Parliament, that if the said Countess of Stafford should choice of pardon for wish to enter upon the honors, castles, hundreds, com- entering motes, manors, lands, tenements, and other things and ^"[JoJ7 possessions specified in her purparty anew made, with- or\h^emn74 out suing livery thereof in the Chancery, and to have enten^ ° the King's pardon for this entry, or that she should wish to have the King's licence for entering upon the same, that it should be at her choice ; and granted be- sides that she should have such licence or pardon at her will, to be made in due form under the King's great seal, by advice of his Council. 192 XXIV. Rot. Pari. 1 Hen. 6. n. 34. In Turr. Lond. Rotulus Parliamenti tenti apud Westmoiiasterium die Lunse proximo ante festum Sancti Martini, anno regni Regis Henrici Sexti post Con- questum primo. Pur la partition affaire parentre le Roy et Dame Anne Contesse de Stafford des fees et advoesons EN GROSSE DE l'eNHERITANCE DE LE CoUNTEE DE Hereford Essex et Norhampton. TEM fait assavoir q'une supplication fuist baillez en ceste Parlement par les Communes esteantz en le mesme, pur Dame Anne Countesse de Stafford file et heir a Alianore une des files et heirs' Humfrey de Bohun nadgairs Count de Hereford Essex et Norhampton et Constable d'Engleterre, dont le tenure cy ensuit. — A nostre tres soverain seigniour le Roy et Seigniours Espirituelx et Temporelx de ceste present Parlement supplie Anne Countesse de Stafford, file et heir a Alianore une des files et heirs Humfrey de Bohun nadgairs Count de Hereford Essex et Nor- hampton et Constable d'Engleterre, qe come al Parle- ment tenuz a Westmonastre, le second jour de May, Pan du regno le Roi Henry nadgairs Roi d'Engleterre pier nostre seigniour le Roi q'ore est neofisme pur- partie estoit faite par entre le dit nadgairs Roi fitz et heir a Marie I'autre des files et heirs de dit nadgairs Count, et la dite suppliante, de toutz chastelx manoirs ove lour appurtenances et membres, et auxi des hun- dredes terres tenements mareis fees des countees courts viewes forestes parks bois et reversions ove les appur- 9th Nov, 1 Hen. 6. 192 XXIV. Roll of the Parliament holden at Westminster on Monday next before the feast of Saint Martin, in the first year of the reign of King Henry the Sixth after the Conquest. For the partition to be made between the King AND Lady Anne Countess of Stafford of the fees and advowsons in gross of the heritage of the Earldom of Hereford, Essex, and Northampton. TEM, be it known that a petition was de- livered in this Parliament by the Commons present in the same, for Lady Anne Countess of Stafford, daughter and heir of Eleanor one of the daughters and co-heirs of Humphrey de Bohun, late Earl of Hereford, Essex, and Northampton, and Constable of England, the tenor of which here follows. — Anne petition Countess of Stafford, daughter and heir of Eleanor, one countess of . Stafford that of the daughters and co-heirs of Humphrey de Bohun, late partition be ° r J ^ made of the Earl of Hereford, Essex, and Northampton, and Constable ^owsons tn" of England, beseecheth our most sovereign lord the King, Sagl^of and the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of this present Par- of Hereford, liament, that whereas in the Parliament holden at West- may be de- termined minster on the second day of May in the ninth year of ^^'^^^^l the reign of King Henry, late King of England, father of £'°4"oJJf ' our lord the King who now is, partition was made between l^\\^lT^^^' the said late King, son and heir of Mary one other of the g°ross, ji 1 •11-riiii •! members of dauo^hters and co-heirs of the said late Earl, and the said Brecon lordships in petitioner, of all castles, manors, with their appurtenances and members, and also of the hundreds, lands, tenements, marshes, fees of counties, courts, views, forests, parks, 2 c castle. 193 tenaunces en Engleterre et en Gales, ensemblement ove fees des chivalers et avoesons des esglises abbeiees pri- oriees vicariees hospitalx chapelx et autres benefices de Seint Esglise, et de toutz autres choses queuxconqes as ditz chastelx manoirs terres tenements et autres pos- sessions, ou a ascun de eux, en ascun manere appurte- nantz appendantz ou regardantz ; des queux le dit nad- gairs Count, aiel du dit nadgairs Roi et du dite suppliante, fuist seisi si bien en demesne come en reversion a temps de sa moriant (forspris les fees des chivalers et avoesons des esglises abbeiees prioriees vicariees hospitalx chapelx et autres benefices de Seinte Esglise de dite heritage adonqes esteantz en groos), sicome en deux rolles de mesme la pur- partie enactiez de record en le dit Parlement est contenuz pluis au plein : et les queux fees et avoesons ensi esteantz en groos, apres la dite purpartie, demurrerent en les mains du dit nadgairs Roi tout sa vie et unqore demurront en les mains nostre seigniour le Roi q''or est, a cause que null purpartie ent fuist faite en la vie de mesme le nadgairs Roi ; et auxi toutz les chartres muniments et evidences touchantz ambedeux parties del purpartie avauntdite sont en la garde de Johan Leventhorp, q'est del Counseil del Duchee de Lancastre, quell Johan rien voet deliverer des ditz evidences a dite suppliante sanz commandement del tres honurable Counseil nostre seigniour le Roi. Et auxi, combien sur mesme la purpartie, les chastell et manoir de Brekenok, ove les membres, entre autres furent assignez al purpartie du dite suppliante, sicome appiert par les ditz rolles du dite purpartie, (des queux chastell et manoir les seig- niouries de Penkethlyn, Brenles, Langoit, et Canturcelly en Gales, furent membres a temps du dite purpartie, et tout ditz a devaunt), nientmeins mesmes les seigniouries de Penkethlyn, Brenles, Langoit, et Canturcelly, continuel- 193 woods, and reversions, with the appurtenances, in England and Wales, together with knights' fees and advowsons of churches, abbeys, priories, vicarages, hospitals, chapels, and other benefices of Holy Church, and of all other things whatsoever in any manner appurtenant to, appendent on, or respecting the said castles, manors, lands, tenements, and other possessions, or any of them ; of which the said late Earl, grandfather of the said late King and of the said petitioner, was seised as well in demesne as in reversion at the time of his death (except the knights' fees and advowsons of the churches, abbeys, priories, vicarages, hospitals, chapels, and other benefices of Holy Church of the said heritage then being in gross), as is more fully contained in two rolls of the same partition enacted of record in the same Parhament: and which fees and advowsons, so being in gross, remained, after the said partition, in the hands of the said late King all his life, and yet remain in the hands of our lord the King who now is, by reason that no partition was thereof made in the hfe of the same late King ; and also all the charters, muniments, and evidences touching both parts of the partition aforesaid are in the custody of John Leven- thorp, who is of the Council of the Duchy of Lancas- ter, which John will deliver no part of the said evidences to the said petitioner without command of the very ho- norable Council of our lord the King. And whereas, also, upon the same partition, the castle and manor of Breck- nock, with the members, were, among others, assigned to the purparty of the said petitioner, as appears by the said rolls of the said partition, (of which castle and manor the lordships of Penkelly, Broyn-llys, Llangoit, and CantrefF- celly in Wales were members at the time of the said par- tition, and always before,) nevertheless the same lordships 2 c 2 194 ment puis la dite purpartie ont demurrez seisez en les mains le dit nadgairs Roi et en les mains nostra seig- niour le Roi q'or est, pur ceo q'est pretenduz par le Counseil del dit Duchee de Lancastre mesmes les seig- niouries de Penkethlyn, Brenles, Langoit, et Canturcelly, a temps de dite purpartie estre seigniouries en groos et nient membres des ditz chastell et manoir de Brekenock ; et a cause que null especial mencion fuist faite d'icell en la dite purpartie, a tres grande perde et damage du dite suppliante. Please a THautesse de nostre dit tres soverain seigniour le Roi et a les tres sages discretions des ditz seigniours de ceste present Parlement d'ordeigner, par auctorite de mesme le Parlement covenable voie pur la partition a faire parentre nostre seigniour le Roi et la dite suppliante des ditz fees et avoesons esteantz en groos ; et pur la severance des ditz chartres evidences et muniments queux touchent severalment les dites pur- parties, et auxi pur la manere de la saulf garde des chartres evidences et muniments touchantz en comune de mesmes les purparties ; et auxi pur la discution et determination de les clayrn et pretence suisditz, c'est assavoir, le quell des ditz seigniouries de Penkethlyn, Brenles, Langoit, et Can- turcelly, a temps de dite purpartie, furent seigniouries en groos, ou autrement membres et parcelles des ditz chas- tell et manoir de Brekenok. Et en outre par mesme I'auc- torite d'ordeigner q'en cas que determine soit que les ditz seigniouries de Penkethlyn, Brenles, Langoit et Cantur- celly, ou ascun parcell d'icell, furent ou fuist, au temps du dite purpartie, membres ou membre des ditz chastell et manoir de Brekenok, q'adonqes la dite suppliante puisse entrer, enjoier, et reteigner a luy et a ses heirs, a sa dite purpartie, mesmes les seigniouries ou parcell d'icelles queux serront ou serra ensi determinez ou de- 194 of Penkelly, Broyu-llys, Llangoit, and CantrefFcelly have re- mained ever since the said partition seised in the hands of the said late King, and in the hands of our lord the King who now is, because it is pretended by the Council of the said Duchy of Lancaster that the same lordships of Pen- kelly, Broyn-llys, Llangoit, and CantrefFcelly were at the time of the said partition lordships in gross, and not mem- bers of the said castle and manor of Brecknock ; and by reason that no especial mention was made of the same in the said purparty, to the great loss and damage of the said petitioner. May it please our most sovereign lord the King's Highness, and the said very wise and discreet Lords of this present Parliament, to ordain, by authority of the same Parliament, a convenient way for making par- tition between our lord the King and the said petitioner of the said fees and advowsons being in gross; and for the severance of the said charters, evidences, and muniments which touch the said purparties severally, and also for the manner of safe custody of the charters, evidences, and muni- ments touching the same purparties in common; and also for the discussion and determination of the claim and pretence aforesaid, to wit, which of the said lordships of Penkelly, Broyn-llys, Llangoit, and CantrefFcelly were, at the time of the said partition, lordships in gross, or else members and parcels of the said castle and manor of Brecknock. And, moreover, to ordain, by the same authority, that in case it be determined that the said lordships of Penkelly, Broyn- llys, Llangoit, and CantrefFcelly, or any parcel of the same, were or was, at the time of the said partition, members or member of the said castle and manor of Brecknock, that then the said petitioner may enter, enjoy, and retain to her and her heirs, for her said purparty, the same lordships or parcel thereof which shall be so determined members or 195 termine membres ou parcell des ditz chastell et manoir de Brekenok, selonc Teffect et forme del dite primer pur- par tie; et auxi q'ele eit toutz les issues et profitz ent prisez puis le temps del dite primer purpartie, et tielx et tantz briefs desoutz le graunde seal, ou privee seal nostre seigniour le Roi, pur lever mesmes les issues, come semblera a dite suppliante et sen counseill meultz bosoignables en ceste partie. Et en cas que determine soit que mesmes les seigniouries ou ascun parcell d'icell, a temps de dite primer purpartie, furent en groos, et nient membres des ditz cbastell et manoir de Brekenok, adonqes d'ordeigner voie pur la partition ent a faire par entre nostre dit seigniour le Roi et la dite sup- pliante, et q'ele eit toutz les issues et profits provenauntz puis le temps du dite primer purpartie de tout ceo q'ent serra assigne a la purpartie de dite suppliante, et auxi tielx et atantz des briefs desoutz le graunde seal, ou privee seal nostre seigniour le Roi, pur lever mesmes les issues et profitz, come semblera a dite suppliante et a son coun- seill meultz bosoignables, et ceo pur Dieu et en oevere de charite. Considerant que les feoffes du dit Humfrey de Bohun lesserent a Johanne de Bohun, jadis Countesse de Hereford, que Dieux assoille, manoirs terres et tene- ments a la value de cent livers par an, a tenir a dite Countesse pur sa vie, issint que apres la mort de dite Countesse mesmes les manoirs terres et tenements re- maindroient as ditz Marie et Alianore, files et heirs du dit Count, pur toutz jours: quell Marie morust vivant la dite Alianore, par quoi la reversion des mesmes les manoirs terres et tenements accrust a dite Alianore par la surviver ; la quele Alianore morust, par quoi la re- version des ditz manoirs terres et tenements descendist a dite suppliante, come a file et heir la dite Alianore : 195 parcel of the said castle and manor of Brecknock, accord- ing to the effect and form of the said first partition ; and also that she may have all the issues and profits thence taken since the time of the said first partition, and such and so many writs under the great seal or privy seal of our lord the King, to levy the same issues, as shall seem to the said petitioner and her counsel most necessary in this re- spect. And in case it be determined that the same lord- ships or any parcel thereof were in gross at the time of the said first partition, and not members of the said castle and manor of Brecknock, then to ordain a way for parti- tion thereof to be made between our said lord the King and the said petitioner, and that she may have all the issues and profits arising since the time of the said first partition from all that which shall be thereof assigned to the purparty of the said petitioner, and also such and so many writs under the great seal or privy seal of our lord the King, to levy the same issues and profits, as shall seem to the said petitioner and her counsel most necessary, and this for God and as a work of charity. Considering that the feoffees of the said Humphrey de Bohun released to Joan de Bohun, late Countess of Hereford, whom God pardon, manors, lands, and tenements to the value of one hundred pounds a-year, to hold to the said Countess for her life, so that after the death of the said Countess the same manors, lands, and tenements should remain for ever to the said Mary and Eleanor, daughters and co- heirs of the said Earl : which Mary died during the life of the said Eleanor, whereby the reversion of the same manors, lands, and tenements accrued to the said Eleanor by survivorship ; which Eleanor died, whereby the rever- sion of the said manors, lands, and tenements descended to the said petitioner, as daughter and heir to the said 196 et nient obstant cell descent, la dite suppliante, al plesir du dit nadgairs Roi, pier nostre seigniour le Roi q'or est, mist mesmes les manoirs terres et tenements en purpartie, ensemblement ove le remenaunt de mesme Ten- heritance. — A la quele supplication leeu en mesme le Parlement, et bien entendu, respondu fuit en le manere come cy ensuit. Responsio. — Soit ceste supplication, ove la respons cy ensuant, apres ceo q'eles soient enrollez en le roll d'icell Parlement, mandez a le grande Conseil du Roi : et que sur ceo les Seigniours de mesme le Conseil, pur le temps esteantz presentz en le mesme, aient plein poair par auctorite de ceo mesme Parlement d'ordener pur et de les partition a faire, et discutions, determinations, et toutz les autres choses et matiers en la dite supplica- tion especifieez, et les circumstances d'iceles, selonc lour bones advises et discretions. 196 Eleanor: and notwithstanding this descent, the said peti- tioner, at the pleasure of the said late King, father of our lord the King who now is, placed the same manors, lands, and tenements in purparty, together with the remainder of the same inheritance. To which petition, read in the same Parliament, and well understood, answer was made in manner as here follows. Answer. — Let this petition, with the answer here fol- lowing, after they shall have been enrolled on the roll of this Parliament, be sent to the Great Council of the King : and thereupon let the Lords of the same Council, for the time being present in the same, have full power, by authority of this same Parliament, to ordain for and re- specting the partition to be made, and the discussions, de- terminations, and all other things and matters specified in the said petition, and the circumstances thereof, according to their good advice and discretion. 197 XXV. Ex originali in Turr. Lond. Per Ducem Gloucestrise. 26odieJunii. Petitio in Parliamento tento anno regni Regis Henrici Sexti post Con- questum decimo. NOSTRE tres sovereigne seigniour nostre seigniour le Roy supplie humblement Anne Countesse de Staiford, file et heir Alianore une dez filez et heirs Humfrei de Bohun jadis Count de Hereford, Essex, et Northampton, et Constable d'Engleterre, qe come sur certein accord e ewe parentre le tres noble Prince Henry jadis Roy d'Engleterre vostre tres noble piere, qe Dieu assoil, fitz et heir Marie, autre dez filez et heirs du dit Count, purpartie fuist fait par- entre vostre dit tres noble piere et la dite suppliant, par auctorite de Parlement vostre dit tres noble piere tenuz a Westmonastre le secund jour de May I'an de son reigne neofisme, de toutz chastels et manoirs ove lour appurtenantz et dez hundredes terres tenementz mariscz fees countees courtez vewez forestez parkes boysz reversions et autres possessions qeconqes, ove lour appurtenantz, en Engleterre, Galez, et Marche de Galez, des queux le dit Count murust seisie, sibien en demesne come en reversion, forspris feez et avousons esteantz en gros. Et auxi en mesme le Parlement acorde fuist par- entre vostre dit tres noble piere et la dite suppliant, qe la dite suppliant ferroit particion de lez fees et avou- sons en gros avant ditz ; et qe vostre dit tres noble piere eslieroit la quele part qe luy plerra de lez fees et avousons en gros avant ditz, issint par la dite suppliant a departiers, lesqueux unquore remaignent en voz mains nient depar« 197 XXV. Petition in the Parliament holden in the tenth year of the reign of King Henry the Sixth after the Conquest. NNE Countess of Stafford, daughter and heir 26th June, ° 10 Hen. 6. of Eleanor one of the daughters and co-heirs *•»• 1*32 of Humphrey de Bohun, late Earl of Here- ford, Essex, and Northampton, and Constable By the Duke of Glouces- ter. of England, humbly beseecheth our most sovereign lord Petition our lord the King, that whereas upon a certain agreement g""^'^^.^^ f had between the most noble Prince Henry late King of SeoTth^ England, your very noble father, whom God pardon, son vo^ws^ontin' and heir of Mary, one other of the daughters and co-heirs hSage of • iT-ii .. 1, .1 the earldom of the said Earl, partition was made between your said very of Hereford. noble father and the said petitioner, by authority of the Parliament of your said very noble father holden at West- minster on the second day of May in the ninth year of his reign, of all the castles and manors with their appurte- nances, and of the hundreds, lands, tenements, marshes, fees of counties, courts, views, forests, parks, woods, rever- sions, and other possessions whatsoever, with their appur- tenances, in England, Wales, and the Marches of Wales, of which the said Earl died seised, as well in demesne as in reversion, except fees and advowsons being in gross. And it was also agreed in the same Parliament between your said very noble father -and the said petitioner, that the said petitioner should make partition of the aforesaid fees and advowsons in gross, and that your said very noble father should choose which share should please him of the afore- said fees and advowsons in gross, so to be divided by the 198 tiez. Qe please a vostre Hautesse de grauntier par auc- torite de cest present Parlement, qe la dit Countesse poet faire particion dez feez et avousons en gros avant ditz, et lez particions issint a fairs mettier en vostre Chauncerie en escriptz, et qe apres mesme la parti- cion ensy fait, voz Chaunceler et Tresorer d'Engleterre pur le temps esteantz eient power par mesme Pauctoritee d'eslier pur vous quele part qe lour semblera meiliour pur vous des fees et avousons en gros avant ditz ; et qe la dite Countesse poet entrer aver et enjoier, et eit et enjoie lez ditz feez et avousons en gros avant ditz, nient pur vous esluz par lez Chaunceler et Tresorer avant ditz, et eux tener a luy et a sez heirs, sans reclamacion ou empeche- ment de vous ou de voz heirs en temps a vener, sanz suer livere, licence, pardon, ou ascoun autre suyte, en ascoun autre maner, de lez fees et avousons en gros avant ditz : et oustre ceo, qe lez ditz particion et election issint a fairs faitz estoient en lour fors a touts jours par auctorite suis ditz, ascuns descent, doune, graunt, feffement, matier ou cause qeconqes nient obsteantz. Savant tout foitz a toutz voz liegez lour actions titulez et interessez, si ascuns eient en ycelles. Pur Dieu et en eovere de charitee. A ceste bille les Communes ount donne lour assent. {In dor so.) FACIAT infrascripta Comitissa partitionem de feodi et advocationibus in grosso, in prsesenti petitione specifi- catis, et eandem partitionem sic factam deferat in cancel- lariam domini Regis, et vocatis coram Cancellario et The- saurario Angliae pro tempore existentibus, in cancellaria praedicta, Camerario et Generali Receptore ducatus Lan- castria3, ac aliis de concilio Regis ejusdem ducatus quos pra^fati Cancellarius et Thesaurarius in hac parte fore vi- derint evocandos, habeant iidem Cancellarius et Thcsau- 198 said petitioner; the which yet remain undivided in your hands. May it please your Highness to grant, by au- thority of this present Parhament, that the said Countess may make partition of the aforesaid fees and advowsons in gross, and place the portions so to be made in writing in your Chancery, and that after the same partition so made your Chancellor and Treasurer of England for the time being may have power by the same authority to choose for you the portion which shall seem to them the better for you of the aforesaid fees and advowsons in gross ; and that the said Countess may be enabled to enter, have, and enjoy, and may have and enjoy, the said fees and advowsons in gross aforesaid not chosen for you by the Chancellor and Treasurer aforesaid, and hold them to herself and to her heirs, without reclaim or hinder- ance of you, or of your heirs in time to come, without suing livery, licence, pardon, or any other suit, in any other manner, of the fees and advowsons in gross afore- said : and moreover, that, the said partition and choice so to be made having been made, they may remain in their force for ever by the authority abovesaid, any de- scent, gift, grant, feoffment, matter, or cause whatever notwithstanding. Saving always to all your lieges their actions, titles, and interests, if any they have in the same. For God and as a work of charity. To this bill the Commons have given their assent. (On the back.) LET the within-written Countess make partition of the Answer, fees and advowsons in gross specified in the present peti- tion, and let her carry the same partition so made into the Chancery of our lord the King ; and the Chamberlain and Receiver General of the Duchy of Lancaster, and others of the King's Council of the same Duchy of Lancaster 190 rarius plenam, auctoritate praesentis Parliamenti, potes- tatem eligendi pro domino Rege illam propartem quam de avisamento et assensu dictorum Camerarii, Receptoris, et aliorum de dicto concilio, melius pro domino Rege vi- debitur eligendam. Qua quidem electione per prsefatos Cancellarium et Thesaurarium in forma praedicta facta, habeat praefata Comitissa auctoritate praedicta libera- tionem extra manus Regis alterius propartis ipsam con- tingentis in forma juris. 199 whom the Chancellor and Treasurer of England for the time being shall see proper to be called in this case, being called into the aforesaid Chancery before the afore- said Chancellor and Treasurer, let the same Chancel- lor and Treasurer, by authority of the present Parlia- ment, have the full power of choosing for our lord the King that purparty which, by the advice and assent of the said Chamberlain, Receiver, and others of the said Council, shall seem the better to be chosen for our lord the King. Which choice having been made by the aforesaid Chan- cellor and Treasurer in form aforesaid, let the aforesaid Countess, by the authority aforesaid, have livery in due form out of the King's hands of the other purparty belong- ing to herself. 200 XXVI. Rotulus Parliamenti tend apud Westmonasterium in crastino Sancti Martini, anno regni Regis Henrici Sexti post Conquestum deeimo oc- tavo. Rot. Pari. 18 Hen. 6. n. 16. in Turr. Lond. 14th Jan. 18 Hen. 6. A.D. 1440. The reve- nues of the Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall shall be ap- plied to the expenses of the King's household for five years. TEM, for so moche as the King oure Soverayn Lord, havyng knoweliche of grete murmour and clamour that shold be in his Roialme of Englond for non paiment of the dispensis of his Houshold, willyng, of his goode grace, paiment to his hege peple to be made for the dispensis of the same Hous- hold, graunteth and ordeineth hi thassent of the Lordes Spirituell and Temporell, and the Communes of the saide Roialme, in this present Parlement assemblid, and hi auc- torite of the same Parlement, that alle the profiles, issues, revenues, customes and commoditees, comyng or for to come, of alle the castellis, honnures, maners, lordschippes, landis, tenementis, rentes, reversions, services, fraunchises, libertees, viewes of francplegge, hundredes, letis, courtis, and alle other enheritaunces and possessions of the Duchie of Lancastre remaynyng in his hand, and of the Duchie of Cornewaille, while the same Duchie shall be in his hand, fro the fest of Seint Michell the archangell last passid, except alle fees, wages, annuytees, reparations, and other chargis necessarie goyng out of the same, be ordeined, aplied, and emploied to the dispensis of his saide Hous- hold, and deUvered bi the Receyvours Generall of the saide Duchies for the tyme beyng to the Tresourer of his saide Houshold for the tyme beyng, bi endentures thereof bitwene thaym to be made: and that the Re- 201 ceyvours Generall of the said Duchees, uppon thair ac- compt alleweyes shall have allowance and discharge of thair paymentis, made bi suche endentures. And yf the same Receyvours make payement in eny other wise than in fourme aforeseide, that than thereof they be disalowed uppon thaire accompt: Savyng to alle the King's lieges there title, right, and interesse that they have in the seide Ducbees, or in eny parcell thereof, this Acte notwithstand- yng: and that this Ordinance endure to the ende of five yere next ensuyng. 2 D 202 Rot. Pari. 18 Hen. 6. n. 19. in Turr. Lond. 14th Jan. 18 Hen. 6. A.D. 1440. That the sur- plus reve- nues of the lands, parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster, held by Feof- fees to the use of King Henry the Fifth's will, beyond 2,000/. per annum, be applied to the expenses of the King's Household. XXVII. Rotulus Parliamenti tenti apud Westmonasterium in crastino Sancti Martini, anno riegni Regis Henrici Sexti post Conquestum decimo oc- tavo. TEM, quaedam cedula, sive billa, Communibus praedictis, de mandate ipsius Domini Regis, exhibita fuit et liberata sub bac verborum serie ; For so moch as the King our Soverain Lord is en- fourmed of gret murmour and clamour that shuld be in his Roialme her in Englond that the Purveours of his Houshold taken dayly for hym of his peple of this land their oxen, shepe, pullaile, whete, otes, barlich, malt, benes, all manere of salt-fyssh, wyn, ale, wax, spicere, and all manere vitaille and stuff J?at longith to Houshold, with cariage; under colour of the which takyng, and namely of more })an is necessarie to his Hous, and in di'versez wises by diversez menes not resonable, take ex- actions of his people be colour of j7office and taking afore- said, notwithstondyng full noble ordinances penales that have ben mad therof in his full noble progenitours^ tyme, to their importable hurt: for the which causes our Sove- raine Lord ]>e King aforesaid, havyng compassion of his people''s compleynt, have sought J>e meenes howe his said Houshold and the dispensez })erof might be contened and assethed, and his people noght so greved ; in so moch ]?at for be cause ]?at he havyng consideration to Ipe manyfold grete charges ]?at he hath for ]>e defence outward, and for the poUitique reule of this his lond within, forth it couth not be seen howe his revenus above this charges wold 203 streche, to J?e pleyn contentyng of the dispenses of his said Houshold: for the which he desired my Lord fe Cardinall and the Lord Hungerford, nowe beyng present in this Parlement, FeofFes with the Archebishop of Caun- terbury of a part of the Duchie of Lancastre, in certeins castells, hoenours, maners, lordships, lands, tenements, rentz, reversions and servicez, fraunchisez, libertees, vewes of francplegge, hundredes, leetes, fees, advowsons, proffitz, commodites, and other enheritaunces and possessions, by the fefFement of the most Cristen Prince, of the most vic- torious and blessid memorie, fader to our said Soverain Lord, J?at ]>ei wold assent Jjat ]>e said revenus of ther feffementz myght be emploied for paiment apart for the dispenses of his said Houshold ; to the which my said Lord the Cardinall and the Lord Hungerford answered unto the Kynges Highnesse, that it was not unknowen to hym howe that they were entitled as strongly and as treuly as the lawe couth make hem, and howe that the most noble King, fader to our Soveraine Lord, praied hem, usyng of his grace thes termes, to perfourme and fulfille his wille, the which he be writing declared unto them, of the revenues of the said feofFement; and ther upon thei as trewe FeofFes have fullfilled a gret part, and wold doo, of his will, and all shuld er this tyme have doon, ne hadde leen Jje gret loones and presttes J)e which J^ei have afore this tyme made unto our said Soverain Lord, the which, as it apperith of record, is owyng unto hem at this day of many thousands: declaryng forthermore unto our said Soveraine Lorde, that, if his said wille were fully perfourmed, J?ei wold with all Jjeir hertes make hym astate of all the said castells, honnures, ma- ners, lordshipps, landes, tenementz, rentz, reversions, ser- vicez, and all ofer enheritaunces and possessions afore- 2 D 2 204 said pat J?ey were enfelFed ynne, and so )?ey wold have doon er this, hadde not J^e said chevisaunce bee. Never- theles, notwithstonding that all is not perfourmed of the said wille, yet J?e said Feifes under certain conditions J?e which J)at folowen, have graunted unto ]>e King, )?at after ]>e dette )?at is owyng unto the said Cardinall and to the said Archebisshop of Caunterbury paied, for the which assignement was made by J>e Feffes upon ]>e said lordshipps, maners, and other enheritaunces comprised in the said feoffement, to certain personez by the King's com- maundement, to J^e use of the said Cardinall and Archie- bisshop, reservyng first to the said Feoffes 2,000/. yerely, unto the tyme J>ei have fulli perfourmed ]?e said King's will ]?ere FefFour; and after the said 2,000Z. reserved, and )?e fees, annuitees, wages, and reparations yerely paied, and o)?er assignementz afore this tyme made upon ]?e said maners, lordships, landes and tenementz, paied, that all ]>e surpluse of the said revenue, such as shall be found deue upon )?e accompts fro tyme to tyme of ]?e Receyvour Generall for the tyme beyng of the said FeiFes of J)e maners, lands, tenementz, and other enheritaunce afor- said, afore the Auditours of the seid Feoffes for the tyme beyng, shall be delyvered by warant of ]>e said Feoffes to the Tresorer of ]?e Kyng's Houshold for the tyme beyng, for ))expensez of }>e same Household, by indentures J?erof to be made betwen hem pat such warant shall have for to paie and delivere pe said surpluse, and )?e said Tre- sorer; of pe which surpluse so receyved ]>e said Tre- sorer shall accompt in the King's Eschequer, and pat thei pat shalle have such warantz have due allouaunce upon ther accomptz, to be made to pe said Feffes by pe said indentures ; and yef pei make paiment in oper wise, pat pan pei be disalowed perof in peir accomptz. And 205 J?at J)e said Feoffes, nor J^e said Receyvour Generall, nor noon Jjat shall have warant of such paymentz of )?e said FefFes, or any of hem, shall not be compelled to accompt for the said revenus in noon o)?er place J^an afore the Auditour or Auditours of the said FefFes; and yef the saide surplus be not emploied to J)e King's Houshold as it is aforesaid, f>at then it be leefuU to J?e said FefFes to restreyne ]?e said warantz and paymentz. The condi- tions aforesaid ben thees. Oon, }?at it like the King of his grace to declare by his lettres patentez ]?at J)e said FefFes mow, with J>eir worshipp, which J>ei tendre most of any ertly thing, do as is abovesaid, and for the causes above declared drawe so moch J^e lengar ]?e fulfylling of J^e King's ]?eir FefFour's will and entent; and J)at every of )?e said FefFes may have severall paten tz ))erof for ]>e conservation of J?eir worshipp. The secound condi- tion is, how be it J?at the said Feffes owght not by rigour of lawe to declare hem self of )?expendyng and deraenyng of ]?e proffitz and revenus of ]fe said castells, honnurs and maners, oJ)ere enheritauncez and possessions afore- said, comprised in J>e said feofFement; yit of ther own free will )?ei have shewed J?at ]>ere was never noon of hem J?at ever hadde any of the said revenus to their owne behoofe, but treuly, as they wolle answer afore God, hath dispended it accordyng to J?entent of J>e Kyng )?eir FefFour : that by consideration ]?erof the said FeofFes, ther heirs, executours and terretenauntz, ne noon of hem, be empeched, vexed, nor endamaged by the King, his heirs and successours, for takyng or receyvyng of any issues, revenuez, commoditez, or any proffitz, be hem or any of hem, or by any other in ]>eiv name, of )?e said castell, honnurs, maners, enheritauncez, and oJ?er posses- sions comyng, taken, or recey ved, hot therof thay be quitt 206 and discharged; and ]?at ]>e said conditions and alle J?e premissez myght be graunted and enacted by auctorite of this present Parlement : it alwey provided, that noon of the londes, tenementz and possessions, J?at the seide Feffes have made estat or relesse of, by J?e ordinaunce, will, or commaundement of the King that deed is, or the Kyng that nowe is, nor any revenus ))at have or shall be received of fe same, be comprised under J?e force or bonde of this act, as toward any restitution to be made of hem by the seide FefFez to the Kyng, his heirs or successours; or to any other entent myght be to the charge or bonde of theim, their heirs, executours or terretenauntz. Cui quidem cedulae, sive billae, ac materiae in ea con- tentse, iidem Communes assensum suum praebuerunt sub hiis verbis : A cest bille les Communes sount assentuz. Quibus quidem cedula, sive billa, et assensu, coram ipso Domino Rege in Parliamento prsedicto, ac Dominis Spiritualibus et Temporalibus in eodem existentibus, lectis et plenius intellectis, idem Dominus Rex, habita inde cum eisdem Dominis matura et diligente deliberatione, de avi- samento et assensu eorundem Dominorum et Communi- tatis, auctoritate Parliamenti prsedicti, concessit omnia et singula in billa, sive cedula, et assensu prsedictis speci- ficata et contenta, et voluit et concessit quod ea in Par- liamento praedicto inactitentur de recordo. 207 XXVIII.* Rotulus Parliamenti tenti apud Westraonasterium in crastino Sancti Martini, anno regni Regis Henrici Sexti post Conquestum decimo oc- tavo. REYN you the Communes, that where it Rot. Pari. liketh you afore this tyme, for the defense of n. eiAn ' this your noble Reaume, to apphe and dis- ufhjan. pende divers notables sommes of the revenues a.d.i44o.' of youre Corone, the which sommes, an they had not be fourth "f'the applied to the said defens, had ben expended in your fifteenth TT 1 1 1 1 . • , 1 , granted for Howseholde and necessaries expensis therto longynge, and the defonce divers of your pouer Communes of this your noble Reaume, [Jje^^^^enses for vitailles and other necessaries for your Howseholde of Househ^id!^ theym purveyd and take, paied and satisfied; and now it is so, that ye, Soverain Lord, of your tendre pite and com- passion, consideryng the grete hynderyng and clamour of the said diverse of your Communes be mene of the said purvyance so had, be thadvis of your Lordes Spirituel and Temporel in this your present Parlement assembled, and be thauctoritee of the same, have ordeyned of the reve- nues of your Duches of Lancastre and of Cornewaile to be applied to your said Housolde dispenses, and to noon other use; in settyng aside thabuse of the said purveaunce, and sessyng of the said diverse clamour and hynderyng of your said Communes. * See more relating to the Revenues of the Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall applied to the expenses of the King's Household, on the Par- liament Rolls, vol. V. pp. 62, 63, 174, 175, 246, 247 ; viz. in the Par- liaments holden 20 Hen. 6. (n. 35 and 36), 28 Hen. 6 (n. 13), 31 and 32 Hen. 6 (n. 43 and 44). 208 Please it you, our Soverain Lord, of your benyngne grace, that of the xv™^ and dyme of your laie people of this your noble Roialme graunted unto you for the defense of your said Roialme, at this your present Parlement, that than it like you to graunt and ordeyn that the fourthe part of the said xv™^ and x™^ nowe graunted, paiable at the fest of the Nativite of Seint John Baptist next coinyng, be delivered to your Tresorer of your Housholde for the tyme beyng to pay redie money in hand for expenses of your said Housholde, as ferre as the said money will atteyn or stretch to. Responsio. — Le Roy le voet. 209 XXIX. Rotulus Parliamenti tenti apud Westmonasterium in die Conversionis Sancti Pauli, anno regni Regis Henrici Sexti post Conquestum vicesimo. O the Kynar oure Soverain Lord besechethe Rot. Pari. •^ ° 20 Hen. 6. youre Communes of this youre present Parle- xur?'j"ond ment assembled, that it plese youre Hiffhnesse 25th jan. ^ J O 20 Hen. 6. to considre how that the right excellent, most ^•»- ^**2. famouse, and victoriouse Prynce Harry, sum tyme Kyng persons ma" of Englond, youre right noble fadir, whome God assoile, to receive the by his lettres patentz enffefEd Harry Bisshop of Wyn- Jfes^o/iands chestre now Cardinal of Englond, Harry Archebisshop of Khy"?/^® Caunturbury, Waulter Lord Hungerford, and other, for thTuse^of*^ the grete truste that he hadde in hem, of dyvers castellez, the"Fifth"s'^ ° . will, touch- manerez, townez, lordschippez, honurez, londez, tenementz, ^^^}^^ f-^- rentes, reversions, servicez, jurisdictions, libertees, fraun- ^*"^^- chisez, fees, avousons, and other possessions, aswell in Englond as in Walez, as of his enheritaunce, parcell of his Duchie of Lancastre, of the yerely value of 6,000Z. and more by estimation, to have to theym and to theire heirez, to the entente and efFecte to execute and perfourme his wille upon the seide fefFement to hem by hym made and declarid in writyng ; the value of whiche castellez, manerz, townez, lordschippez, honurez, londez, rentes, tenementez, reversions, jurisdictions, libertez, fraunchisez, avousons and possessions, aftur the seide extente, fro the deth of your seide noble fadir, into the fest of Seint Mi- chell last passed, by the seide Feffeez resceived and to be resceived, amounteth to the somme of 114,000/. and more by estimation. And how it is to suppose and con- 210 ceyve, that the seide wille of youre seide noble fadir, by the seide FefFeez, of so grete and notable sommes by hem res- ceived of the issuez, profitz, and revenuz comyng of the seide castellez, manerez, townez, lordschippez, honurez, londes, tenementis, rentes, reversions, servieez, jurisdic- tions, liberteez, fraunehisez, feez and possessions, by so longe tyme beyng in theire hondez, might afore this tyme dieuly have ben fully executed and perfourmed, above all other chargiez that are knowyn ; whiche wille perfourmed, it is to understond by all reson, good feith, and conscience, that alle the seid castellez, lordshippez, manours, londez, tenementz, and all the other seid possessions, as the olde right and enheritaunce of youre seide noble fadir, belongeth unto yow, Soverain Lord, as heire to hym; consideryng that the seid Feffees have no title ner interesse therynne, but only upon trust, and to his use, to execute his wille, as it is afore rehersid; and that the seid FefFeez be but fewe in noumbre, whereby of liklyhode the possession therof by casuelte of dethe myght reste in oon of theyme, and so descende unto his heirez that over ly ved ; in whiche case, and it fortune upon a temporall man, thenne his wyfe were therof endowable, and by suche menys your right and interesse therof, by youre lawe, the further fro you thenne they now be, to your grete hurte and to youre likly disheritaunce. Therof considered also, that in youre Counceill, the xv day of Juyn, the xii*^^ yere of your reigne, beyng thenne there my Lord of Bedford youre uncle, whome God assoille, the seid Feffeez de- sired that by yow certeyne Lordez of youre Councell myght be depute to see the bookes of receyte and of the ministration of the revenuez, in all goodly haste, of thoo londez that they were so enfeffid ynne ; and, that done, they agreed that ye myght have and resceyve alle 211 that shulde growe of the seide fefferaent aftur Michel- messe day thanne next comyng, by the hondez of the officerez and deputeez of the seide Feffeez, so that pro- clamation schulde be made before the Parlement thenne next sewyng that every man that wolde aske dette for Housholde, Chaumbre, Warderobe, Kyngez Werkes, or for money borowed, brynge ynne to the seide Feffeez the growndez that they aske it by, and if it myght ap- pere that the sommez of the assignementz or of the re- venuz of that yere wolde not suffice for paiement for the Kyngez dettez afore rehersid, and for perfourmyng of his Chaunterye and of his Toumbe, thenne ye to make to the seid Feffeez, for the rest that schuld so be founde, dieu assignement and agrement: and if so were that the somme of the assignement made to the seide Feffeez, and the revenuez of that yere, wolde amounte to a gretter somme thenne the somme of the dettez and makyng of the seid Chauntrye and Tombe, thenne the residue therof to be paied up to yowe. And over that, the seid Feffeez, this done, willed and agreed to make astate to yowe, Soverain Lord, of alle the seide londes and tenementz that they stode enfeffed ynne ; that is to sey, of that that was fee-taille, in fee-taill, and of that that was fee-symple, in fee-symple ; how be it and ye toke astate therof of youre seide Feffeez in suche wise, or that they enfeffe yowe therynne, ye myght not have, holde, ner enjoye the seide possessions in enheritaunce to youre availle and suerte, in suche manor and fourme of enheritaunce, and as parcell of youre seid Duchie, as youre seide noble fadir hem hadde and helde at the tyme of the seid feffement, and before; upon whoos de- sirez, writtez of proclamation procedut accordyng to theise premissez. Considered also, that in the Parlement at 21 '2 Redyng, the xviii*''^ yere of youre regrie, the seide Feffeez, among other, grauntid to yow, Soverain Lord, that aftur the dette that thenne was owyng unto the seide Cardinall and to the seide Archebisshop of Caunturbury paied, for the whiche assignement was made by the seid FefFeez, upon the seid castellez, manerez, townes, lordschippez, honurez, londez, tenementez, rentes, reversions, servieez, jurisdic- tions, hberteez, fraunchisez, feez, avousons, and other pos- sessions comprised by the seide fefFement, by certeyne personez by your commaundement, to the use of the seid Cardinall and Archebisshop ; reservyng to the seide Feffeez 2,000/. yerely, unto the tyme they hadde per- fourmed the seid Kyngis wille their Feffour : that thenne all the surplusage therof schuld be delyverid to the Tre- sorer of youre Householde for the tyme beyng, for the ex- pensez of the same Householde ; of whiche surplusage so resceived the seid Tresorer schulde accompte in your Eschequer; whiche dette, long tyme before the first day of this present Parlement, was paied to the seid Cardinall and Archebishop ; and, over that, grete and notable sommes have ben resceyved sithyn the seid Parlement so beyng at Redyng. And therupon, of youre noble grace, theise premissez considerid, and for the counfort and ease of youre peple, that it plese youre Highnesse by auctorite of this present Parlement to ordeigne and assigne certein person es, suche as may like to your Highnesse, to here the declaration of the seide Feffeez, or of other persones by hem suche as thei will depute and name in writyng, of the seide wille and of the execution therof, and of all the dependentz therof, and of all the issues, profites, revenuez, paiementes, costes, and expenses of and for the seide castellez, manerez, townes, lordschippez, ho- nurez, landes, tenementz, rentez, reversions, servieez, ju- 213 risdictions, libertees, fraunchisez, fees, and possessions ; and that the seide Feffeez, or other persones by hem to be depute and named, be redy upon resonable warn- yng, atte suche tymes and as ofte as the seide personez so to be assigned woUe ordeigne, to declare the trought of theise premisses, with alle the circumstances and de- pendentez of the same : and yif neither the seide FefFeez, aftur resonable warnyng to hem in that partie made, ner other personez for hem in the fourme aforeseide to be by hem namyd, come for to declare the seide wille and execution therof, and of alle other premisses ; or elles, if they come and woUe not declare theis premissez in the fourme afore rehersid, afore the seid persones so by yow to be ordeyned and assigned; or ellys, if it may be founden by suche declaration, for the parte of the seid Feffeez, afore the seid persones so to be assigned, that the seide wille is perfourmed and executed, or elles that parcell therof restuthe and remayneth unperfourmede and not executed; and ye, aftur reporte therof to you made, agree and contente the seide Feffeez by sufficiaunt as- signement or other wise, for the execution of the seide wille, of as moche as thenne remayned un perfourmed and not executed; that thenne it be levefuU to you, So- verain Lorde, by the seide auctorite to entre and take into your hondes alle the seide castellez, manerz, townes, lordschippez, honurez, londez, tenementz, rentez, rever- sions, servicez, jurisdictions, liberteez, franchisez, feez, avousons, and possessions forseide, with theire appurte- nauncez, excepte the manerez of Tiberton, Rie, Rodde- leye and Ettlowe, with the appurtenauncez, in the schire of Gloucestre, parcell of the seid possessions; to have, holde, and enjoye hem, to yow and to youre heirez, as parcell of youre seide Duchie, as pleynly, hoolly, and in 214 the same maner and fourme of enheritaunce and astate as youre seide fadir hadde and helde hem whenne they were in his handes at the tyme of the seide feffement, any maner of aete, fefFement, lettres patentz, statutes, orde- nauncez, or other thyngs what so ever they be, afore this tyme made, not withstonding : savyng alwey to alle your other liegez alle suche astatez, and noon other, as they or any of hem hadde in any londes, tenementz, offices, fees, or annuitez, or other possessions in the seide parcell, by youre noble progenitours, or by the seide Cardinall, Archebisshop, and Waulter, and theire other Co- fefFez, or by any of theym, jointly or severally, graunted by youre commaundement, or by the wille of youre seide fadir declarid before this present Parlement, alwey ex- cepte the seide FefFeez and iehe of hem. And that if, upon suche declaration hadde, it appere not that the seide Car- dinall, Archebisshop, and Lord Hungerford, or any of their CofFeffiez now passid to God, or any of hem, have applied or emploied the issuez, profitez, or revenuez by hem re- ceived of the seid castellez, manerez, townez, lordschip- pez, honurez, londez, tenementez, rentez, reversions, ser- vicez, jurisdictions, liberteez, fraunchisez, feez, avousons, and possessions, or eny parte of hem, to their owne use, or in any other wise, save only accordyng to the wille of the seide late Kyng J?er FefFour, or for the wele, good rule, and governaunce of the seide castelles, manerez, townez, lordschippez, honurez, londes, tenementez, rentz, reversions, servicez, jurisdictions, liberteez, fraunchisez, fees, avousons, and possessions, or elles at your request or desire, oure Soverain Lord ; that thenne the seide Cardinall, Archebisshop, and Lord Hungerford, theire heirez, executours, terre-tenauntez, officers, and ministres, and also the heirez, executours, and terre-tenauntez of 215 . their Cofeffies now passid to God, of the seid castelles, manerez, townez, lordschippez, honures, londes, tene- mentez, rentz, reversions, servicez, jurisdictions, liber- teez, fraunchisez, fees, avousons, and possessions, be quytte and discharged ageyns you, Soverain Lord, youre heirez and successours for ever more, of all maner actions, em- pechementez, and demaundes to be made or hadde ageyne hem or any of hem by any cause or colour of occupa- tion, interesse, profitez takyng, usyng, and excersisyng, of the seide castellez, manerez, townes, lordschippez, ho- nurez, londez, tenementez, rentes, reversions, services, jurisdictions, liberteez, fraunchisez, fees, avousons, and possessions, and of all liberteez, fraunchises, and juris- dictions whiche thei have cleymed, hadde, or used by the reason, vertu, or colour of the seide feffement, so that they ner noon of theim in any wise in tyme to come be empeched, chargid, vexed, or greved for any of the causes aforeseid. And that the Receyvour Generall of the seid Duchie that nowe is, or for the tyme schall be, by the seide auctorite take and resceyve all the issuez, profites, and revenuez comyng of the seide castellez, ma-" nerez, townez, lordschippez, honurez, londez, tenementz, rentez, reversions, servicez, jurisdictions, liberteez, fraun- chisez, fees, and possessions forseid, aftur thei come into your hondez; and the same issues, profitez, and revenuez pay and delyver to the Tresorer of your Housholde for the tyme beyng, by endenturez therof bytwix hem to be made, for the provision and expensez of youre seide Housholde ; to be made by as long tyme and in like fourme as the profitez and revenuez of the remenaunt of your seide Duchie now beyng in your hondez be apphed to the ex- pensez of youre seide Housholde, aftur the effecte of the purviaunce therof made at your last Parlement, the seid 216 Tresorer of youre Housholde for the tyme beyng therof to be accomptable in youre Eschequer. And that alle Recey- vours Particulerz of any of the possessions and enheri- taunce forseide schall pay and delyver to the seid Re- ceyvour Generall all the issuez, profitz, and revenuez forseide, wherof they schall to yow be chargeablez and ac- comptablez by reson of heire seide officez, by endentures bytwix hem and the seide Receyvour Generall therof to be made ; and that the seide Receivour Generall be not allowed upon his accompte of any maner of paymentz of the profitez and revenuez forseid made to any other persone or personez but alonly of payementez made to your seide Tresorer, excepte the paymentz of the seid fees, annuitez, wagies, and offices forseide, and other ex- pensez necessaries; and that noon of the seide Recey- vours Particulerz be not alowed upon his accompte of any maner of paymentez of the issuez, profites, and reve- nues forseide made to any other persone but to the seide General Receyvour, except paymentz of the seide fees, annuitez, and wagiez afore this tyme ordeyned and as- signed to be paied by theire hondez, and except repara- tions and other expensez necessariez. And that theise seide assignementez so made for the provision and ex- pensez of youre seide Housholde, of the issuez and pro- fitez of the enheritaunce and possessions forseide, to be taken by the seide Tresorer of your seide Housholde, by the hondes of the seide Receyvour Generall of youre seide Duchie, or for to be taken by the seide Receyvour Generall of the seide Receivours Particulerez, stande by this auctorite in theire strenght, and not alterate ner chaunged ; and if any of the seide Receivours, from this tyme forth, make any payment to the contrarie of the seide ordenaunce and assignementz, that thenne he thereof 217 be disalowed upon his accompte. Alwey forseyn, that Thomas Rothewell, squier, and Elizabeth his wyf, late the wif of Thomas Swynford, knyght, by the auctorite of this same Parlement have, and from this tyme forth hold in possession, terme of the lif of the same Elizabeth, the seide manerez of Tyberton, Rye, Roddeley, and Etlowe, with the appurtenaunce, in the schire of Gloucestre, par- cellez of the seide castellez, lordschippez, manerez, londes, tenementez, and other possessions beforeseide, in reeom- pence of the maner of Snaythe, and the soke of Snayth, in the schire of Yorke, with the appurtenaimcez ; whiche maner with the seide soke was parcell of the seid Duchie at the tyme of the seid feffement; and that the same Fef- feez by this same auctorite have and holde the same manere and the soke, with the appurtenaunce, for the tyme that they schall have and holde the residue of the same castellez, lordschippez, manerez, londez, and tene- mentez, in whiche thei were in fourme aforeseide en- feffid ; and ye, Soveraigne Lord, to entre and take into your hondes the same manere of Snayth and the soke, with the appurtenauncez, to have and to holde to yow and to your heirez, in suche manere and fourme as it is above rehersid, of the residue of the seid castellez, lord- schippes, manerez, londes, and tenementez, wherof the seide FefFeez were enfeffid by your seide noble fadir, with the reversion of the seide manerez of Tiberton, Rye, Roddeleye, and Etlowe, with the appurtenaunce, aftur the deth of the seid Elizabeth, to have and to hold to you and to your heirez in suche manere and fourme as youre seid noble fadir hem hadde and helde at the tyme of the seide feffement, and before, as parcell of youre seide Duchie : And also alwey forseyn and purveyed, that the seide declaration so to be made by the seid 2 E 218 Feoffeez or their deputeez be not hadde, repute, ner takyn for accompte, ner thei ner noon of them charge- able by force therof aftur the effect of accompte. Pur- veied also, that William Paston, Robert Clere, and Es- mond Clere, by the seid auctorite, have and hold to hem and to the heirez of the seid William, of yow and your heirez, as of your seid Duchie, by the service of feaute for all maner of servicez, xxxvi acris and an half, ix perchys, a quarter and an half of a perche, and a pek of londe, pasture, hethe, and maresse, callid Copie-holde, with two mansions edified in certeyns parcelles therof, in Paston and Edithorp in the counte of Northfolk, par- cell of the seid londez, tenementz, and possessions, in whiche the seid Cardinall, Archebisshop, and Waulter ar or were enfeffid; and the feerde parte of a rode of londe, parcell of the wastez of the seid towne of Paston; in re- compense of XXXVI acris and an half, xxvi perchis and an half, half a quarter of a perche, half a pek and a nayle of londe, pasture and hethe, of the seid William, Robert, and Esmond, callid Chartir-holde, with two man- sions edified in certeynz parcellez therof, in the seid townez of Paston and Edithorp; and ye, by the seid auctorite, to have and holde the same londez and tene- mentz, callid Chartre-holde, to yow and your heirez as parcell of the seid Duchie ; and, so privelegid and fraun- chised, to be letyn to the base tenauntez of the seid londes and tenementez, callid Copie-holde, or other by her assent, in like fourme as the same tenementez ar now holden ; alle whiche tenementez, callid Copie-holde and Chartre-holde, and • the seid feerde parte, ar specified in an inquisition, by force of certeynz lettres of the seid Cardinall directid to the Lord Bardolf and other, takyn the xviii day of May, the xviii yere of youre 219 reigne, remaynyng in your Tresory of your seid Duchie. And also purveied and savyd to alle youre liegez, and to iche of hem, except the seid FefFeez, alle restitutions of londez, tenementez, rentez, reversions, servicez, ju- risdictions, libertees, fraunchisez, fees, avousons, or pos- sessions, made by yow or by the seide FefFees, of any parcell of the fefFement aforeseid. And also, that all maner grauntez of officez and fees, made by the seide FefFees, by desire or commaundement of yow, Soverain Lord, to any of your liegez, of the seid castellez, ma- nerez, townez, lordschippez, honurez, londes, tenementez, rentez, reversions, services, jurisdictions, libertees, fraun- chisez, fees, avousons, or possessions, or of any of hem, afore the XII day of Marche, aftur the first day of this present Parlement next folowyng, be good and effectuell; except all maner officez of officeres accomptable afore the seid XII day of Marche, made by the seide FeiFeez. Responsio. — Le Roy le voet. 2 E 2 t 220 XXX. Rotulus Parliament! tenti apud Westmonasterium vicesimo quinto die Februarii, anno regni Regis Henrici Sexti post Conquestum vicesimo tertio. Rot. Pari. |^*%\^PS1 EMORANDUM, quod, sexto die Aprilis 23 Hen. 6. ]h k V^Y i l?S^ • t ,• i • • -r* • m.24.n.i7.in w ^Wi IM anno regni dicti domim Regis vicesimo Turr. Lond. *^ "^^ *^' #. l«fe o quarto, idem dominus Rex, de avisamento et assensu Dominorum Spiritualium et Temporalium, ac Communitatis regni sui Angliae, in prse- senti Parliamento existentium, auctoritate ejusdem Parlia- menti ordinavit et concessit, quod literae ipsius domini Regis patentes, tam sub magno sigillo quam sub sigillo ducatus sui Lancastriae, fiant auctoritate supradicta in forma debita, juxta formam cujusdam cedulae in prsesenti Parliamento in prsesentia ipsius domini Regis, ac Domi- norum et Communitatis praedictorum, lectse, auditse, et plenius intellectae. Cujus tenor sequitur in hsec verba: HENRICUS, Dei gratia, Rex Angliae et Francise, et Dominus Hibernise, omnibus ad quos praesentes literae per- venerint, salutem. Sciatis, quod nos inspeximus literas nostras patentes sub sigillo ducatus nostri Lancastriae factas in baec verba : Henricus, Dei gratia, Rex Angliae et Franciae, et Do- minus Hiberniae, omnibus ad quos praesentes literae per- venerint, salutem. Sciatis, quod nos, ex certa scientia et mero motu nostris, certis necessariis et notabilibus de causis nos intime moventibus, aedimus, concessimus, et hac carta nostra confirmavimus, pro nobis et haeredibus 220 XXX. Roll of the Parliament holden at Westminster on the twenty-fifth day of February, in the twenty-third year of the reign of King Henry the Sixth after the Conquest. E it remembered, that on the sixth day of April eth April, , r 1 I. 1 • n 24 Hen. 6. m the twenty-fourth year of the reign oi our a.d. 1446. said lord the King, the same lord the King, k?ters^p"*^ by the advice and assent of the Lords Spi- under the Duchy Seal, ritual and Temporal, and Commons of his realm of Enff- for convey. ^ ^ ° ing certain land, in the present Parliament assembled, ordained and fe"ffees°to granted, by authority of the same Parliament, that letters wu^oTK^ing patent of the same lord the King be made in due form, sixthfcdiT- by the authority abovesaid, as well under the great seal th^King-s •^ letters patent as under the seal of his duchy of Lancaster, according read in Par- to the form of a certain schedule read, heard, and very fully understood in the present Parhament, in the pre- sence of the same lord the King, and of the Lords and Commons aforesaid. The tenor whereof follows in these words : HENRY, by the grace of God, King of England and France, and Lord of Ireland, to all to whom the present letters shall come, greeting. Know ye, that we inspect- ed our letters patent made under the seal of our duchy of Lancaster in these words : Henry, by the grace of God, King of England and France, and Lord of Ireland, to all to whom the present letters shall come, greeting. Know ye, that we, of our certain knowledge and mere motion, for certain neces- 221 nostris, venerabilibus patribus Johanni cardinal! arcbie- piscopo Eborum, Jobanni arcbiepiscopo Cantuarietisi ; Roberto Londonensi, Willielmo Lincolnensi, Willielmo Sarum, et Tbomse Batbonensi et Wellensi, episcopis; Henrico Nortbumbriae, et Willielmo SufFolcise, comiti- bus ; Jobanni Carpenter electo Wigornensis ecclesise ; Jo- hanni vicecomiti Beaumont; Waltero domino de Hun- gerford, Radulpbo domino de Cromwell, et Radulpbo domino de Seudeley; Jobanni Somerset, Henrico Seuer, Jobanni Langton, Ricardo Andrew, Adae Moleyns, Jo- hanni de la Bere, Waltero Lyhert, et Waltero Sbiring- ton, clericis; Edmundo Hungerford, et Jobanni Beau- champ, militibus; Jacobo Fenys, Edwardo Hull, Jobanni Saintlo, Jobanni Hampton, Jobanni Noreys, Willielmo Tresham, Jobanni Vampage, et Ricardo Aired, armige- ris ; castrum, manerium, et hundredum nostra de Higbam Ferrers, cum pertinentiis ; maneria nostra de Raundes, Russbeden, Caldecote, Irencbestre, Daventre, et Des- burgb; molendina nostra de Dicheford; ac omnia terras et tenementa, redditus et servitia nostra, cum pertinentiis, in Weldon ; necnon omnia terras et tenementa, cum per- tinentiis, quae nuper fuerunt Stepbani Rumbilowe in Da- ventre prsedicta; et omnia terras et tenementa, redditus et servitia nostra, cum pertinentiis, quae nuper fuerunt Wil- lielmi Croiser militis, in Higbam Ferrers et Caldecote prae- dicta, in comitatu Nortbamtoniae ; — feodi firmam centum et viginti librarum villae de Gormoncbestre, feodi firmam quadraginta et trium librarum villae de Huntingdonia, et manerium de Glatton cum Holme, cum pertinentiis, in comitatu Huntingdoniae ; — manerium de Wardyngton in comitatu Bukingbamiae ; — manerium de Aldebourn in comitatu Wiltesiae; — maneria nostra de Aylesbam, Wigb- ton, Snetesbam, Fakenbam, Gymyngbam, Tunstede, et Tbet- 2^1 sary and notable causes inwardly moving us, have given, granted, and by this our charter have confirmed, for us and our heirs, to the venerable fathers, John cardinal archbishop of York, John archbishop of Canterbury, Ro- bert bishop of London, William bishop of Lincoln, William bishop of Salisbury, and Thomas bishop of Bath and Wells ; Henry earl of Northumberland and William earl of Suffolk ; John Carpenter the elect of the church of Worcester ; John viscount Beaumont ; Walter lord de Hun- gerford, Ralph lord de Cromwell, and Ralph lord de Sudley; John Somerset, Henry Seuer, John Langton, Richard Andrew, Adam Moleyns, John de la Bere, Walter Lyhert, and Walter Shirington, clerks ; Edmund Hunger- ford and John Beauchamp, knights; James Fenys, Ed- ward Hull, John Saintlo, John Hampton, John Noreys, William Tresham, John Vampage, and Richard Aired, esquires ; our castle, manor, and hundred of Higham Fer- rers, with the appurtenances; our manors of Raunds, Rushden, Caldecott, Irchester, Daventry, and Desborough; our mills of Dicheford ; and all our lands and tenements, rents and services, with the appurtenances, in Weldon; also all the lands and tenements, with the appurtenances, which were late of Stephen Rumbilowe in Daventry afore- said, and all our lands and tenements, rents and services, with the appurtenances, which were late of Sir William Croiser, knight, in Higham Ferrers and Caldecott aforesaid, in the county of Northampton ;— the fee-farm of one hun- dred and twenty pounds of the town of Godmanchester, the fee-farm of forty-three pounds of the town of Hunt- , ingdon, and the manor of Glatton with Holme, with the appurtenances, in the county of Huntingdon; — the manor of Wardyngton, in the county of Buckingham ; — the manor of Aldbourn, in the county of Wilts;— our manors 222 ford, cum viginti et octo libris, sex solidis, et octo de- nariis, de feodi firma prions et conventus monachorum de Thetford, et manerium de Methewolde, cum terris et tenementis nostris vocatis Rodmere juxta Methewold; ac hundreda nostra de Northerpyngham, Southerpyng- ham, Gallowe, et Brothercrosse, cum pertinentiis, in co- mitatu NorfFolcise ; — maneria nostra de Hungerford, Esgars- ton, et Staunden, cum pertinentiis, in comitatu Bercherise ; — et manerium nostrum de Soham, cum pertinentiis, in co- mitatu Cantabrigise : — Habendum et tenendum omnia prae- dicta castrum, maneria, hameletta, feodi firmas, hundreda, molendina, terras, tenementa, redditus, et servitia, cum per- tinentiis, una cum feodis militum, ac omnibus aliis proficuis et commoditatibus eisdem castro, maneriis, terris, et tene- mentis spectantibus sive pertinentibus, eisdem cardinal], archiepiscopo, episcopis, comitibus, Johanni, Johanni, Wal- tero, Radulpho, Radulpho, Johanni, Henrico, Johanni, Ricardo, Adse, Johanni, Waltero, Waltero, Edmundo, Jo- hanni, Jacobo, Edwardo, Johanni, Johanni, Johanni, Wil- lielmo, Johanni, et Ricardo, hseredibus et assignatis suis, de nobis et haeredibus nostris, per fidehtatem tantum, abs- que ahquo alio nobis vel haeredibus nostris inde reddendo, in perpetuum. Salvis semper et reservatis, nobis et hae- redibus nostris Ducibus Lancastriae, advocationibus eccle- siarum, abbatiarum, prioratuum, vicariarum, cantariarum, capellarum, hospitalium, et aliorum beneficiorum ecclesi- asticorum quorumcunque, eisdem castro, maneriis, sive terris et tenementis, ullo modo spectantibus. Et nos et ^ dicti haeredes nostri castrum, maneria, ac omnia singula praemissa, cum pertinentiis, praefatis cardinali, archiepi- scopo, episcopis, comitibus, Johanni, Johanni, Waltero, Radulpho, Radulpho, Johanni, Henrico, Johanni, Ricardo, Adae, Johanni, Waltero, Waltero, Edmundo, Johanni, Ja- of Aylsham, Wighton, Snettisham, Fakenham, Giming- ham, Tunstead, and Thetford, with twenty-eight pounds six shillings and eight-pence of the fee-farm of the prior and convent of monks of Thetford, and the manor of Methwold, with our lands and tenements called Rod- mere, near Methwold, and our hundreds of North Er- pingham. South Erpingham, Gallow, and Brothercross, with the appurtenances, in the county of Norfolk ; — our manors of Hungerford, East Garston, and Staunden, with the appurtenances, in the county of Berks; — and our manor of Soham, with the appurtenances, in the county of Cambridge : — To have and to hold all the aforesaid cas- tle, manors, hamlets, fee-farms, hundreds, mills, lands, tenements, rents, and services, with the appurtenances, together with the knights' fees, and all other profits and commodities belonging or pertaining to the same castle, manors, lands, and tenements, to the same car- dinal, archbishop, bishops, earls, John, John, Walter, Ralph, Ralph, John, Henry, John, Richard, Adam, John, Walter, Walter, Edmund, John, James, Edward, John, John, John, William, John, and Richard, their heirs and assigns, of us and our heirs for ever, by fealty only, without rendering to us or our heirs any other thing therefore. Saving always and reserved to us and our heirs Dukes of Lancaster, the advowsons of churches, abbeys, priories, vicarages, chantries, chapels, hospitals, and other ecclesiastical benefices whatsoever in anywise belonging to the same castle, manors, or lands and tene- ments. And we and our said heirs will warrant and de- fend against all men the castle, manors, and all and sin- gular the premises, with the appurtenances, to the aforesaid cardinal, archbishop, bishops, earls, John, John, Walter, Ralph, Ralph, John, Henry, John, Richard, Adam, John, 223 cobo, Edwardo, Johanni, Johanni, Johanni, Willielmo, Jo- hanni, et Ricardo, haeredibus et assignatis suis, contra omnes homines warantizabimus et defendemus in perpetuum. Eo quod expressa mentio de vero valore annuo eorumdem castri, maneriorum, hamelettorum, feodi firmarum, hun- dredorum, molendinorum, terrarum, tenementorum, red- dituum et servitiorum preedictorum, et cseterorum prse- missorum, sic per nos ad prsesens datorum et concessorum, ut praefertur, seu de aliis donis, rebus, vel possessionibus eisdem cardinali, archiepiscopo, episcopis, comitibus, Jo- hanni, Johanni, Waltero, Radulpho, Radulpho, Johanni, Henrico, Johanni, Ricardo, Adse, Johanni, Waltero, Wal- tero, Edmundo, Johanni, Jacobo, Edwardo, Johanni, Jo- hanni, Johanni, Willielmo, Johanni, et Ricardo, aut eorum alicui, per nos, seu prsedecessores nostros vel progenitores nostros, factis sive concessis, in prsesentibus juxta formam statuti inde editi facta non existit, seu aliis causis, ma- te riis, actibus, sive ordinationibus quibuscunque in con- trarium editis, non obstantibus. In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Datse sub si- gillo ducatus nostri Lancastriae, apud manerium nostrum de Shene, penultimo die Novembris anno regni nostri vice- simo secundo. Inspeximus etiam quasdam alias literas nostras patentes sub sigillo nostro ducatus nostri Lancastriae factas in hsec verba : Henricus, Dei gratia, Rex Angliae et Franciae, et Do- minus Hiberniae, omnibus ad quos praesentes literae per- venerint, salutem. Sciatls, quod nos, ex certa scientia et mero motu nostris, certis necessariis et notabilibus de causis nos intime moventibus, dedimus, concessimus, et hac carta nostra confirmavimus, pro nobis et haeredibus nostris, venerabilibus patribus Johanni cardinali archie- 223 Walter, Walter, Edmund, John, James, Edward, John, John, John, William, John, and Richard, their heirs and assigns for ever. Notwithstanding that express mention is not made in these presents, according to the form of the statute in that behalf made, of the true yearly value of the same castle, manors, hamlets, fee-farms, hun- dreds, mills, lands, tenements, rents and services afore- said, and other the premises, so by us now given and granted, as is aforesaid, or of other gifts, things, or pos- sessions made or granted by us, or our predecessors, or our progenitors, to the same cardinal, archbishop, bishops, earls, John, John, Walter, Ralph, Ralph, John, Henry, John, Richard, Adam, John, Walter, Walter, Ed- mund, John, James, Edward, John, John, John, William, John, and Richard, or either of them, or notwithstand- ing any other causes, matters, acts, or ordinances what- soever passed to the contrary. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Given under the seal of our duchy of Lancaster, at our manor of Sheen, on the last day but one of November in the twenty-second year of our reign. We have also inspected certain other our letters patent made under our seal of our duchy of Lancaster in these words : Henry, by the grace of God, King of England and France, and Lord of Ireland, to all to whom the pre- sent letters shall come, greeting. Know ye, that we, of our certain knowledge and mere motion, for certain necessary and notable causes inwardly moving us, have given, granted, and by this our charter have confirmed, for us and our heirs, to the venerable fathers John car- dinal archbishop of York, John archbishop of Canter- bury, Robert bishop of London, William bishop of Lin- 224 piscopo Eborum, Johanni archiepiscopo Cantuariensi ; Ro- berto Londonensi, Willielmo Lincolnensi, Willielmo Sa- rum, Thomse Bathonensi et Wellensi, ac Jobanni Wigor- nensi, episcopis; Henrico Nortbumbrise, et Willielmo Suf- folciae, comitibus; Jobanni vicecomiti Beaumont; Waltero domino de Hungerford, Radulpbo domino de Cromwell, et Radulpbo domino de Seudeley ; Jobanni Somerset, Hen- rico Seuer, Jobanni Langton, Ricardo Andrewe, Adae Mo- leyns, Jobanni de la Bere, Waltero Lybert, et Waltero Sbi- rington, clericis; Edmundo Hungerford et Jobanni Beau- cbamp, militibus ; Jacobo Fenys, Edwardo Hull, Jobanni Saintlo, Jobanni Hampton, Jobanni Noreys, Willielmo Tresbam, Jobanni Vampage, et Ricardo Aired, armigeris ; maneria de Sombourn, Weston-Hertley, et Langstoke, cum pertinentiis, in comitatu Sutbamtonise; — maneria de Everley, Colyngburn, Trowbrigge, Berewyk, et Esterton, cum per- tinentiis, in comitatu Wiltesise ; — manerium de Chepyng- lamburne, cum pertinentiis, in comitatu Bercberise ; — ma- neria de Kyngeston Lacy, Wymborne, Blanford, et Sbap- wyke, cum pertinentiis, in comitatu Dorsetise; — manerium de Mynstrewortb, cum pertinentiis, in comitatu Glouces- trise ; — manerium de Hodenak, cum pertinentiis, in marcbiis Wallise ; — manerium et socam de Snaytb, cum pertinentiis, in comitatu Eborum: — Habendum et tenendum omnia prse- dicta maneria et socam, cum pertinentiis suis quibuscun- que, una cum feodis militum ac omnibus aliis proficuis et commoditatibus prsedictis maneriis et socae spectantibus sive pertinentibus, eisdem cardinali, arcbiepiscopo, episcopis, co- mitibus, Jobanni, Waltero, Radulpbo, Radulpbo, Jobanni, Henrico, Jobanni, Ricardo, Adae, Jobanni, Waltero, Wal- tero, Edmundo, Johanni, Jacobo, Edwardo, Jobanni, Jo- banni, Jobanni, Willielmo, Johanni, et Ricardo, bseredibus et assignatis suis, de nobis et baeredibus nostris, per fide- 224 coin, William bishop of Salisbury, Thomas bishop of Bath and Wells, and John bishop of Worcester; Henry earl of Northumberland and William earl of Suffolk; John viscount Beaumont; Walter lord de Hungerford, Ralph lord de Cromwell, and Ralph lord de Sudley; John Somerset, Henry Seuer, John Langton, Richard Andrewe, Adam Moleyns, John de la Bere, Walter Ly- hert, and Walter Shirington, clerks; Edmund Hunger- ford and John Beauchamp, knights ; James Fenys, Ed- ward Hull, John Saintlo, John Hampton, John Noreys, William Tresham, John Vampage, and Richard Aired, esquires; the manors of Sombourn, Weston -Hartley, and Longstock, with the appurtenances, in the county of Southampton ; — the manors of Everley, Collingbourne, Trowbridge, Berwick, and Easterton, with the appur- tenances, in the county of Wilts ; — the manor of Chip- ping Lambourn, with the appurtenances, in the county of Berks; — the manors of Kingston Lacy, Wimborne, Blandford, and Shapwick, with the appurtenances, in the county of Dorset; — the manor of Minsterworth, with the appurtenances, in the county of Gloucester ;— the manor of Hodenak, with the appurtenances, in the Marches of Wales; — the manor and soke of Snaith, with the ap- purtenances, in the county of York: — To have and to hold all the aforesaid manors and soke, with whatso- ever their appurtenances, together with the knights' fees, and all other profits and commodities belonging or ap- pertaining to the aforesaid manors and soke, to the same cardinal, archbishop, bishops, earls, John, Walter, Ralph, Ralph, John, Henry, John, Richard, Adam, John, Walter, Walter, Edmund, John, James, Edward, John, John, John, William, John, and Richard, and to their heirs and assigns, of us and our heirs for ever, by fealty only, without ren- 225 litatem tantum, absque aliquo alio nobis vel hseredibus nostris inde reddendo, in perpetuum. Salvis semper et reservatis, nobis et haeredibus nostris Ducibus Lancas- triae, advocationibus ecclesiarum, prioratuum, abbatiarum, vicariarum, cantariavum, eapellarum, hospitalium, et alio- rum beneficiorum ecclesiasticorum quorumcunque, eisdem maneriis et socse, cum pertinentiis, ullo modo spectantibus. Et nos et dicti hseredes nostri maneria et socam, ac omnia et singula prsemissa cum pertinentiis, prsefatis cardinali, archiepiscopo, episcopis, comitibus, Johanni, Waltero, Ra- dulpho, Radulpho, Johanni, Henrico, Johanni, Ricardo, Adse, Johanni, Waltero, Waltero, Edmundo, Johanni, Ja- cobo, Edwardo, Johanni, Johanni, Johanni, Willielmo, Jo- hanni, et Ricardo, haeredibus et assignatis suis, contra omnes homines warantizabimus et defendemus in perpe- tuum. Eo quod expressa mentio de vero valore annuo eorumdem maneriorum et socae, ac caeterorum praemis- sorum sic per nos ad praesens datorum et concessorum, ut praefertur, seu de aliis donis, rebus, vel possessioni- bus eisdem cardinali, archiepiscopo, episcopis, comitibus, Johanni, Waltero, Radulpho, Radulpho, Johanni, Henrico, Johanni, Ricardo, Adae, Johanni, Waltero, Waltero, Ed- mundo, Johanni, Jacobo, Edwardo, Johanni, Johanni, Jo- hanni, WilUelmo, Johanni, et Ricardo, aut eorum ahcui, per nos seu praedecessores vel progenitores nostros, factis sive concessis, in praesentibus juxta formam statuti inde editi facta non existit, seu aliis causis, materiis, actibus, sive ordinationibus quibuscunque in contrarium editis, factis, sive habitis, non obstantibus. In cujus rei testi- monium has hteras nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Datae sub sigillo nostro ducatus nostri Lancastriae, apud mane- rium nostrum de Shene, septimo die Julii anno regni nostri vicesimo secundo. 225 dering to us or our heirs any other thing therefore. Saving always and reserved to us and to our heirs Dukes of Lan- caster the advowsons of churches, priories, abbeys, vi- carages, chantries, chapels, hospitals, and other ecclesias- tical benefices whatsoever in anywise belonging to the same manors and soke, with their appurtenances. And we and our said heirs will warrant and defend against all men the manors and soke, and all and singular the premises, with the appurtenances, to the aforesaid car- dinal, archbishop, bishops, earls, John, Walter, Ralph, Ralph, John, Henry, John, Richard, Adam, John, Walter, Walter, Edmund, John, James, Edward, John, John, John, William, John, and Richard, their heirs and assigns for ever. Notwithstanding that express mention is not made in these presents, according to the form of the statute in that behalf made, of the true yearly value of the same manors and soke, and of the rest of the pre- mises, so by us now given and granted, as is aforesaid, or of other gifts, things, or possessions made or granted by us or our predecessors or progenitors to the same cardinal, archbishop, bishops, earls, John, Walter, Ralph, Ralph, John, Henry, John, Richard, Adam, John, Walter, Walter, Edmund, John, James, Edward, John, John, John, William, John, and Richard, or any one of them, or notwithstanding any other causes, matters, acts, or ordinances whatsoever had, made, or passed to the con- trary. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Given under our seal of our duchy of Lancaster, at our manor of Sheen, on the seventh day of July in the twenty-second year of our reign. We have inspected, moreover, other our letters patent made under our seal of our said duchy in these words : 226 Inspeximus insuper alias literas nostras patentes sub sigillo nostro dicti ducatus nostri factas in hsec verba : Henricus, Dei gratia. Rex Anglise et Francise, et Do- minus Hibernise, omnibus ad quos prsesentes literse per- venerint, salutem. Sciatis, quod nos, ex certa scientia et mero motu nostris, certis necessariis et notabilibus de causis nos intime moventibus, dedimus, concessimus, et hac prsesenti carta nostra confirmavimus, pro nobis et heeredibus nostris, venerabilibus patribus Johanni cardi- nali archiepiscopo Eborum, Johanni archiepiscopo Can- tuariensi ; Roberto Londonensi, Willielmo Lincolnensi, Willielmo Sarum, Thomse Bathonensi et Wellensi, et Jo- hanni Wigornensi, episcopis ; WilHelmo marchioni Suf- folcise ; Henrico comiti North umbrise ; Johanni vicecomiti Beaumont ; Walter© domino de Hungerford, Radulpho do- mino de Cromwell, et Radulpho domino de Seudeley ; Jo-, hanni Somersette, Henrico Seuer, Johanni Langton, Ri- cardo Andrewe, Adse Moleyns, Johanni de la Bere, Wal- tero Lyhert, et Waltero Shirington, clericis; Edmund o Hungerford, Johanni Beauchamp, Jacobo Fenys, et Ed- wardo Hull, mihtibus; Johanni Saintlo, Johanni Hamp- ton, Johanni Noreys, Willielmo Tresham, Johanni Vam- page, et Ricardo Aired, armigeris ; manerium et dominium de Bernolwyke, cum pertinentiis, in comitatu Eborum ; ma- nerium de Kylborn, cum pertinentiis, in eodem comitatu ; feodi firmam vocatam Whitgift, cum pertinentiis, in co- mitatu praedicto: — Habendum et tenendum omnia pra3- dicta maneria, dominium, et feodi firmam, cum pertinen- tiis suis quibuscunque, una cum feodis militum et om- nibus aliis proficuis et commoditatibus praedictis maneriis, dominio, et feodi firmse spectantibus sive pertinentibus, eisdem cardinali, archiepiscopo, episcopis, marchioni, co- miti, Johanni, Waltero, Radulpho, Radulpho, Johanni, 226 Henry, by the grace of God, King of England and France, and Lord of Ireland, to all to whom the pre- sent letters shall come, greeting. Know ye, that we, of our certain knowledge and mere motion, for certain necessary and notable causes inwardly moving us, have given, granted, and by this our present charter have confirmed, for us and our heirs, to the venerable fathers John cardinal archbishop of York, John archbishop of Canterbury, Robert bishop of London, William bishop of Lincoln, William bishop of Salisbury, Thomas bishop of Bath and Wells, and John bishop of Worcester ; Wil- liam marquis of Suifolk ; Henry earl of Northumberland ; John viscount Beaumont; Walter lord de Hungerford, Ralph lord de Cromwell, and Ralph lord de Sudley ; John Somersette, Henry Seuer, John Langton, Richard An- drewe, Adam Moleyns, John de la Bere, Walter Lyhert, and Walter Shirington, clerks; Edmund Hungerford, John Beauchamp, James Fenys, and Edward Hull, knights ; John Saintlo, John Hampton, John Noreys, William Tresham, John Vampage, and Richard Aired, esquires; the manor and lordship of Barnoldwick, with the appurtenances, in the county of York ; the manor of Kilburn, with the appur- tenances, in the same county; the fee-farm called Whitgift, with the appurtenances, in the aforesaid county : — To have and to hold all the aforesaid manors, lordship, and fee-farm, with whatsoever their appurtenances, together with the knights' fees, and all other profits and commodities be- longing or appurtenant to the aforesaid manors, lordship, and fee-farm, to the same cardinal, archbishop, bishops, marquis, earl, John, Walter, Ralph, Ralph, John, Henry, John, Richard, Adam, John, Walter, Walter, Edmund, John, James, Edward, John, John, John, William, John, and Richard, their heirs and assigns, of us and our heirs 2 F 227 Henrico, Johanni, Ricardo, Adee, Johanni, Waltero, Wal- tero, Edmundo, Johanni, Jacobo, Edwardo, Johanni, Jo- hanni, Johanni, Willielmo, Johanni, et Ricardo, haeredibus et assignatis suis, de nobis et hseredibus nostris, per fideli- tatem tantum, absque aUquo alio nobis vel hseredibus nos- tris inde reddendo, in perpetuum. Salvis semper et reser- vatis, nobis et haeredibus nostris Ducibus Lancastriae, ad- vocationibus ecclesiarum, abbatiarum, prioratuum, vica- riarum, cantariarum, capellarum, hospitalium, et aliorum beneficiorum ecclesiasticorum quorumcunque, eisdem ma- neriis, dominio, et feodi firmse, cum pertinentiis, ullo modo spectantibus. Et nos et dicti haeredes nostri maneria, do- minium, et feodi firmam, ac omnia et singula praemissa, cum pertinentiis, praefatis cardinali, archiepiscopo, episco- pis, marchioni, comiti, Johanni, Waltero, Radulpho, Ra- dulpho, Johanni, Henrico, Johanni, Ricardo, Adae, Jo- hanni, Waltero, Waltero, Edmundo, Johanni, Jacobo, Ed- wardo, Johanni, Johanni, Johanni, Willielmo, Johanni, et Ricardo, haeredibus et assignatis suis, contra omnes gentes warantizabimus et defendemus in perpetuum. Eo quod expressa mentio de vero valore annuo eoruradem mane- riorum, dominii, et feodi firmae, ac caeterorum praemissorum sic per nos ad praesens datorum et concessorum, ut prae- fertur, seu de aliis donis, rebus, vel possessionibus eisdem cardinali, archiepiscopo, episcopis, marchioni, comiti, Jo- hanni, Waltero, Radulpho, Radulpho, Johanni, Henrico, Johanni, Ricardo, Adae, Johanni, Waltero, Waltero, Ed- mundo, Johanni, Jacobo, Edwardo, Johanni, Johanni, Jo- hanni, Willielmo, Johanni, et Ricardo, aut eorum alicui, per nos seu praedecessores vel progenitores nostros factis sive concessis, in praesentibus juxta formam statuti inde editi facta non existit, seu aliis causis, materiis, actibus, sive ordinationibus quibuscunque in contrarium factis, edi- 227 for ever, by fealty only, without rendering to us or our heirs any other thing therefore. Saving always and re- served to us and to our heirs Dukes of Lancaster the advowsons of churches, abbeys, priories, vicarages, chantries, chapels, hospitals, and other ecclesiastical be- nefices whatsoever, in any manner belonging to the same manors, lordship, and fee-farm, with their appurtenances. And we and our said heirs will warrant and defend against all people the manors, lordship, and fee-farm, and all and singular the premises, with their appurtenances, to the aforesaid cardinal, archbishop, bishops, marquis, earl, John, Walter, Ralph, Ralph, John, Henry, John, Richard, Adam, John, Walter, Walter, Edmund, John, James, Ed- ward, John, John, John, William, John, and Richard, their heirs and assigns for ever. Notwithstanding that express mention is not made in these presents, accord- ing to the form of the statute in that behalf made, of the true annual value of the same manors, lordship, and fee-farm, and other the premises, so by us now given and granted, as is aforesaid, or of other gifts, things, or possessions made or granted by us or our prede- cessors or progenitors to the same cardinal, archbishop, bishops, marquis, earl, John, Walter, Ralph, Ralph, John, Henry, John, Richard, Adam, John, Walter, Walter, Edmund, John, James, Edward, John, John, John, William, John, and Richard, or any one of them, or notwithstanding other causes, matters, acts, or ordi- nances whatsoever made, passed, or had to the contrary. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Given under our seal of our duchy of Lancaster, at our castle of Windsor, on the twenty- third day of February in the twenty-third year of our reign. 2 F 2 228 tis, sive habitis, non obstantibus. In cujus rei testimo- nium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Datse sub sigillo nostro ducatus nostri Lancastrise, apud castrum nostrum de Wyndesore, vicesimo tertio die Februarii anno regni nostri vicesimo tertio. Inspeximus etiam alias literas nostras patentes sub si- gillo nostro dicti ducatus nostri factas in hsec verba : Henricus, Dei gratia, Rex Angliae et Francise, et Do- minus Hiberniae, omnibus ad quos prsesentes literae per- venerint, salutem. Sciatis, quod nos, ex certa scientia et mero motu nostris, certis necessariis et notabilibus de causis nos intime moventibus, dedimus, concessimus, et hac prsesenti carta nostra confirmavimus, pro nobis et hseredibus nostris, venerabilibus patribus Johanni cardi- nali archiepiscopo Eborum, Johanni archiepiscopo Can- tuariensi; Roberto Londonensi, Willielmo Lincolnensi, Willielmo Sarum, Thomse Bathonensi et Wellensi, ac Jo- hanni Wigornensi, episcopis; Willielmo marchioni Suf- folcise; Henrico Northumbriae comiti; Johanni vicecomiti Beaumont ; Waltero domino de Hungerford, Radulpho do- mino de Cromwell, et Radulpho de Seudeley ; Johanni So- merset, Henrico Seuer, Johanni Langton, Ricardo An- drewe, Adae Moleyns, Johanni de la Bere, Waltero Lyhert, et Waltero Shirington, clericis ; Edmundo Hungerford, Jo- hanni Beauchamp, Jacobo Fenys, et Edwardo Hull, mili- tibus ; Johanni Saintlo, Johanni Hampton, Johanni Noreys, WiUielmo Tresham, Johanni Vampage, et Ricardo Aired, armigeris ; castra, dominia, et maneria de Keawelly, Kair- kenny, Iskenny, et Karnwalthan, cum membris et perti- nentiis suis; castrum, manerium, et dominium de Ogge- more, cum membris et pertinentiis suis; castra, dominia, et maneria de Monnemouth, Grossemont, Skenfrith, et Whitecastell, cum membris et pertinentiis suis ; et manerium 228 We have also inspected other our letters patent made under our seal of our said duchy in these words : Henry, by the grace of God, King of England and France, and Lord of Ireland, to all to whom the pre- sent letters shall come, greeting. Know ye, that we, of our certain knowledge and mere motion, for certain ne- cessary and notable causes inwardly moving us, have given, granted, and by this our present charter have confirmed, for us and our heirs, to the venerable fathers, John cardinal archbishop of York, John archbishop of Canterbury, Robert bishop of London, William bishop of Lincoln, William bishop of Salisbury, Thomas bishop of Bath and Wells, and John bishop of Worcester; Wil- liam marquis of Suffolk ; Henry earl of Northum- berland; John viscount Beaumont; Walter lord de Hun- gerford, Ralph lord de Cromwell, and Ralph lord de Sudley; John Somerset, Henry Seuer, John Langton, Richard Andrewe, Adam Moleyns, John de la Bere, Walter Lyhert, and Walter Shirington, clerks; Edmund Hungerford, John Beauchamp, James Fenys, and Ed- ward Hull, knights; John Saintlo, John Hampton, John Noreys, William Tresham, John Vampage, and Richard Aired, esquires; the castles, lordships, and manors of Kidwelly, Kairkenny, Iskenny, and Karnwalthan, with their members and appurtenances; the castle, manor, and lordship of Ogmore, with its members and appurtenances ; the castles, lordships, and manors of Monmouth, Gros- mont, Skenfreth, and Whitecastle, with their members and appurtenances; and the manor or lordship of Ebboth with its members and appurtenances, in South Wales and the Marches of the same ; — the castle, lordship, manor, and honor of Pevensey, with its members and appurtenances, in the county of Sussex; — the lordship. 229 sive dominium de Ebboth, cum^membris et pertinentiis suis, in Suthwallia et marchiis ejusdem; — castrum, domi- nium, manerium, et honorem de Pevenesey, cum membris et pertinentiis suis, in comitatu Sussexise;— dominium, mane- rium, et villam de Beston super mare, cum membris et per- tinentiis suis, in comitatu Norffolcise ; — castrum, dominium, et manerium de Casteldonyngton, cum membris et perti- nentiis suis, in comitatu Leicestrise; — feoda comitatuum Lincolnise et Derbeise, cum pertinentiis suis; — castrum, villam, dominium, manerium, et honorem de Tikhill, cum membris et pertinentiis suis, in comitatu Eborum: — Ha- bendum et tenendum omnia prsedicta castra, dominia, villas, maneria, et honores, et feoda comitatuum, cum mem- bris et pertinentiis suis quibuscunque, una cum feodis mi- litum et omnibus aliis proficuis et commoditatibus eisdem castris, dominiis, villis, maneriis, honoribus, et feodis co- mitatuum spectantibus sive pertinentibus, eisdem cardi- nal, archiepiscopo, episcopis, marchioni, comiti, Johanni, Waltero, Radulpho, Radulpho, Johanni, Henrico, Johanni, Ricardo, Adse, Johanni, Waltero, Waltero, Edmundo, Jo- hanni, Jacobo, Edwardo, Johanni, Johanni, Johanni, Wil- lielmo, Johanni, et Ricardo, haeredibus et assignatis suis, per fidelitatem tantum, absque aliquo alio nobis vel hae- redibus nostris inde reddendo, in perpetuum. Salvis sem- per et reservatis, nobis et hseredibus nostris Ducibus Lan- castrise, advocationibus ecclesiarum, abbatiarum, priora- tuum, vicariarum, cantariarum, capellarum, hospitalium, et aliorum beneficiorum ecclesiasticorum quorumcunque, eisdem castris, dominiis, villis, maneriis, honoribus, et feodis comitatuum, cum membris et pertinentiis suis, ullo modo spectantibus. Et nos et dicti hseredes nostri castra, dominia, villas, maneria, honores, et feoda comitatuum, ac omnia et singula prsemissa, cum pertinentiis, praefatis car- 229 manor, and town of Beeston on the Sea, with its mem- bers and appurtenances, in the county of Norfolk ; — the castle, lordship, and manor of Castle Donington, with its members and appurtenances, in the county of Leices- ter; — the fees of the counties of Lincoln and Derby, with their appurtenances; — the castle, town, lordship, manor, and honor of Tickhill, with its members and ap- purtenances, in the county of York: — To have and to hold all the aforesaid castles, lordships, towns, manors, and honors, and fees of counties, with whatsoever their members and appurtenances, together with the knights' fees, and all other profits and commodities belonging or appertaining to the same castles, lordships, towns, manors, honors, and fees of counties, to the same car- dinal, archbishop, bishops, marquis, earl, John,* Walter, Ralph, Ralph, John, Henry, John, Richard, Adam, John, Walter, Walter, Edmund, John, James, Edward, John, John, John, William, John, and Richard, their heirs and assigns for ever, by fealty only, without rendering to us or our heirs any other thing therefore. Saving always and reserved to us and to our heirs Dukes of Lancaster the advowsons of churches, abbeys, priories, vicarages, chantries, chapels, hospitals, and other eccle- siastical benefices whatsoever, in any manner belonging to the same castles, lordships, towns, manors, honors, and fees of counties, with their members and appurte- nances. And we and our said heirs will warrant and defend against all people the castles, lordships, towns, manors, honors, and fees of counties, and all and sin- gular the premises, with their appurtenances, to the aforesaid cardinal, archbishop, bishops, marquis, earl, John, Walter, Ralph, Ralph, John, Henry, John, Richard, Adam, John, Walter, Walter, Edmund, John, James, Ed- 230 dinali, archiepiscopo, episcopis, marchioni, comiti, Johanni, Waltero, Radulpho, Radulpho, Johanni, Henrico, Johanni, Ricardo, Adae, Johanni, Waltero, Waltero, Edmundo, Jo- hanni, Jacobo, Edwardo, Johanni, Johanni, Johanni, Wil- lielmo, Johanni, et Ricardo, hseredibus et assignatis suis, contra omnes gentes warantizabimus et defendemus in per- petuum. Eo quod expressa mentio de vero valore annuo eorumdem castrorum, dominiorum, villarum, maneriorum, honorum, et feodorum comitatuum, ac cseterorum praemis- sorum, sic per nos ad prsesens datorum et concessorum, ut prsefertur, seu de aliis donis, rebus, vel possessionibus eisdem cardinali, archiepiscopo, episcopis, marchioni, co- miti, Johanni, Waltero, Radulpho, Radulpho, Johanni, Henrico, Johanni, Ricardo, Adae, Johanni, Waltero, Wal- tero, Ecknundo, Johanni, Jacobo, Edwardo, Johanni, Jo- hanni, Johanni, Willielmo, Johanni, et Ricardo, aut eorum alicui, per nos seu praedecessores vel progenitores nostros factis sive concessis, in praesentibus juxta formam statuti inde editi facta non existit, seu aliis causis, materiis, ac- tibus, sive ordinationibus quibuscunque in contrarium factis, editis, sive habitis, non obstantibus. In cujus rei testimo- nium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Datae sub sigillo nostro ducatus nostri Lancastriae, apud castrum nostrum de Wyndesore, vicesimo nono die Junii anno regni nostri vicesimo tertio. Nos autem hteras nostras praedictas, praefatis cardinali, archiepiscopo, episcopis, Johanni Carpenter nunc episcopo Wigornensi, Adae Moleyns nunc episcopo Cicestrensi, Wal- tero Lyhert nunc episcopo Norwicensi ; Willielmo comiti Suffolciae nunc marchioni Suffolciae ; Henrico comiti Nor- thumbriae; Johanni vicecomiti Beaumont ; Waltero domino de Hungerford, Radulpho domino de Cromwell, Radulpho domino de Seudeley; Johanni Somerset, Henrico Seuer, 230 ward, John, John, John, William, John, and Richard, their heirs and assigns for ever. Notwithstanding that express mention is not made in these presents, accord- ing to the form of the statute in that behalf made, of the true yearly value of the same castles, lordships, towns, manors, honors, and fees of counties, and other the premises, so by us now given and granted, as is aforesaid, or of other gifts, things, or possessions made or granted by us or our predecessors or progenitors to the same cardinal, archbishop, bishops, marquis, earl, John, Walter, Ralph, Ralph, John, Henry, John, Richard, Adam, John, Walter, Walter, Edmund, John, James, Ed- ward, John, John, John, William, John, and Richard, or any of them, or notwithstanding other causes, matters, acts, or ordinances whatsoever made, passed, or had to the contrary. In witness whereof, we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Given under our seal of our duchy of Lancaster, at our castle of Windsor, on the twenty-ninth day of June in the twenty- third year of our reign. NOW we, with the assent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, of our realm of England, in our present Parliament assembled, do ratify, confirm, and approve, by the authority of the same Parhament, our aforesaid letters, made, as is aforesaid, to the aforesaid cardinal, archbishop, bishops, John Carpenter now bishop of Worcester, Adam Moleyns now bishop of Chichester, Walter Lyhert now bishop of Norwich; William earl of Suffolk now marquis of Suffolk; Henry earl of Northumberland; John viscount Beaumont; Walter lord de Hungerford, Ralph lord de Cromwell, Ralph lord de Sudley ; John Somerset, Henry Seuer, John Lang- ton, Richard Andrew, John de la Bere, and Walter Shi- 231 Johanni Langton, Ricardo Andrew, Johanni de la Bere, et Waltero Shirington, clericis ; Edmundo Hungerford, et Jo- hanni Beauchamp, militibus ; Jacobo Fenys nunc militi, Edwardo Hull nunc militi; Johanni Saintlo, Johanni Hampton, Johanni Noreys, Willielmo Tresham, Johanni Vampage, et Ricardo Aired, armigeris, ut prgedicitur, fac- tas, ex assensu Dominorum Spiritualium et Temporalium, ac Communitatis regni nostri Angliae, in prsesenti Parlia- mento nostro existentium, auctoritate ejusdem Parliamenti, ratificamus, confirmamus, et approbamus ; ac omnia et sin- gula castra, dominia, maneria, hameletta, feodi firm as, hun- dreda, molendina, terras, tenementa, redditus, servitia, ho- nores, villas, socas, et feoda comitatuum, ac caetera prse- missa, in eisdem literis nostris contenta, nominata, sive speeificata, eisdem cardinali, archiepiscopo, episcopis, mar- chioni, comiti, Johanni, Waltero, Radulpho, Radulpho, Jo- hanni, Henrico, Johanni, Ricardo, Johanni, Waltero, Ed- mundo, Johanni, Jacobo, Edwardo, Johanni, Johanni, Jo- hanni, Willielmo, Johanni, et Ricardo, auctoritate prgedicta, damns et concedimus per praesentes. Habenda sibi, ba3- redibus et assignatis suis in perpetuum, ad perficiendum et perimplendum voluntatem nostram de et super disposi- tione eorumdem castrorum, dominiorum, maneriorum, ha- melettorum, feodi firmarum, hundredorum, molendinorum, terrarum, et tenementorum, reddituum, servitiorum, ho- norum, villarum, socarum, et feodorum comitatuum, ac caeterorum praemissorum, per nos in posterum fiendam et ordinandam, eisdem feolFatis nostris praedictis, ex parte nostra declarandam et notificandam. Salvis quibuscunque ligeis nostris statu, possessione, jure, titulo, et interesse suis, ac vadiis, feodis, annuitatibus, custodiis, officiis, et firmis quibuscunque in seu de dicto ducatu nostro Lan- castriae, aut aliqua parcella praemissorum, si quae habeant in eisdem. 231 rington, clerks; Edmund Hungerford and John Beau- champ, knights; James Fenys now knight, Edward Hull now knight; John Saintlo, John Hampton, John Noreys, William Tresham, John Vampage, and Richard Aired, esquires ; and do give and grant by these pre- sents, with the authority aforesaid, all and singular the castles, lordships, manors, hamlets, fee-farms, hundreds, mills, lands, tenements, rents, services, honors, towns, sokes, and fees of counties, and the rest of the premises, contained, named, or specified in our same letters, unto the same cardinal, archbishop, bishops, marquis, earl, John, Walter, Ralph, Ralph, John, Henry, John, Richard, John, Walter, Edmund, John, James, Edward, John, John, John, William, John, and Richard : To have to them, their heirs and assigns for ever, to do and fulfil our will, by us hereafter to be made and ordained, and to be declared and notified on our behalf to our aforesaid feofffees, upon and concerning the disposition of the same castles, lord- ships, manors, hamlets, fee-farms, hundreds, mills, lands and tenements, rents, services, honors, towns, sokes, and fees of counties, and the rest of the premises. Saving to all our lieges whomsoever their estate, possession, right, title, and interest, and whatsoever their wages, fees, annuities, wardships, offices, and farms in or of our said duchy of Lancaster, or of any parcel of the premises, if they have any in the same. 232 XXXI. Petitio in Parliamento tento anno regni Regis Henrici Sexti post Con- questum vicesimo septimo. SOIT BAILLE AS SeIGNEURS. HE King willeth that his lettres patentes, suf- ficient in lawe, be made by auctorite of this present Parlement unto the persones beneth specified, after the forme under writon : Rex, omnibus ad quos, &c. salutem. Sciatis, quod nos, ex certa scientia et mero motu nostris, ac certis necessariis et notabilibus de causis nos intime moventibus, de avisa- mento et assensu Dominorum Spiritualium et Tempora- lium, ac Communitatis regni nostri Anghae, in praesenti Parliamento nostro existentium, ac auctoritate ejusdem Parliamenti, dedimus, concessimus, et hac praesenti carta nostra confirmavimus, pro nobis et hseredibus nostris, Jo- hanni cardinali et archiepiscopo Eborum, Johanni archie- piscopo Cantuariensi, WilUelmo Wintonensi, WilUelmo Lincolnensi, WiUielmo Saresburiensi, Thomae Bathonensi et Wellensi, Johanni Wigornensi, Adse Cicestrensi, Wal- tero Norwicensi, Johanni Menevensi, episcopis ; WilUelmo duci Sutfolciae; Henrico comiti Northumbriae ; Johanni vicecomiti Beaumont; Waltero domino de Hungreford, Radulpho domino de Cromwell, Radulpho domino de Seudeley, Jacobo domino de Say, Johanni domino de Beauchamp; Johanni Chedworth, Willielmo Westbury, Johanni Somerset, Henrico Seuer, Ricardo Andrewe, Wil- lielmo Say, Nicholao Cloos, Roberto Wodelarke, Thomae Barker, clericis; Edmundo Hungreford, Edwardo Hull, 232 XXXL Petition in the Parliament holden in the twenty-seventh year of the reign of King Henry the Sixth after the Conquest. Let it be delivered to the Lords. HE Kinff willeth that his letters patent, suf- leth juiy. ° ^ ' 27 Hen. 6. ficient in law, be made by authority of this a.d. 1449. present Parliament unto the persons beneath parcel 01 the' •n 1 c 1 *» 1 . Duchy of specified, after the form under written : Lancaster, * granted to The King, to all to whom, &c. greeting. Know ye, perSi^ie that we, of our certain knowledge and mere motion, Hen?yfhe^ and for certain necessary and notable causes inwardly moving us, have, by the advice and assent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons of our realm of England, in our present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same Parliament, given, granted, and by this our present charter have confirmed, for us and our heirs, to John cardinal and archbishop of York, John archbishop of Canterbury, William bishop of Win- chester, William bishop of Lincoln, William bishop of Salisbury, Thomas bishop of Bath and Wells, John bishop of Worcester, Adam bishop of Chichester, Walter bishop of Norwich, John bishop of St David's; William duke of Suffolk ; Henry earl of Northumberland ; John viscount Beaumont; Walter lord de Hungerford, Ralph lord de Cromwell, Ralph lord de Sudley, James lord de Say, John lord de Beauchamp; John Chedworth, William West- bury, John Somerset, Henry Seuer, Richard Andrewe, WiUiam Say, Nicholas Cloos, Robert Wodelarke, Thomas Barker, clerks ; Edmund Hungerford, Edward Hull, 233 militibus; Johanni Hampton, Johanni Norreys, Johanni Say, Willielmo Tresham, et Johanni Vampage, armigeris ; haeredibus et assignatis suis, castrum, dominium, sive ma- nerium de Novo Castro subtus Linam, in comitatu Staf- fordise, cum pertinentiis ; — wapentachium sive socagium de Wirkesworth, maneria et villas de Wirkesworth et Assheburne, ac wapentachia de Plumtre et Rysley, cum singulis eorum pertinentiis, in comitatu Derbeise ; — wapen- tachium de Allerton cum pertinentiis, maneria de Laugh- ton, Gryngley, et Wheteley, cum pertinentiis, in comitatu Notinghamiae, et alibi ; — manerium de Fulmodeston, nec- non firmam et redditum ejusdem, in comitatu NorfFolciae, cum pertinentiis; — manerium de Bradford cum pertinen- tiis, castrum, dominium, et manerium de Knaresburgh, ma- neria de Screvyn, Rouclyf, et Aldeburgh, ballivam burgi de Knaresburgh, molendina de Knaresburgh, et forestam sive chaceam de Knaresburgh cum pertinentiis, una cum om- nibus et singulis exitibus, firmis, reventionibus, proficuis, et commoditatibus de Wharfedale, Swyndon, Okeden, et Fulwith, cum pertinentiis, ac aliis proficuis dictae forestae quibuscunque, parcum de Haywra, parcum de Bilton, et parcum del Hay cum pertinentiis, cum omnibus et singulis firmis, proficuis, reventionibus, commoditatibus ballivae li- bertatis de Knaresburgh praedictae, molendina de Burgh- bryg, et wapentachium de Staneclyf cum pertinentiis, castrum, dominium, et manerium de Pikeryng cum per- tinentiis, manerium de Scalby cum pertinentiis, et cum agistamento et omnibus aliis proficuis ejusdem manerii, una cum exitibus, proficuis, reventionibus, et commodi- tatibus ballivae liber tatis de Pikeryng praedictae in comi- tatu Eborum, et alibi; — manerium de Henton cum per- tinentiis, manerium de Wodespene cum pertinentiis, in comitatu Bercheriae; — et manerium de Pole cum perti- 233 knights; John Hampton, John Norreys, John Say, Wil- liam Tresham, and John Vampage, esquires, their heirs and assigns, the castle, lordship, or manor of Newcastle- under-Lyne, in the county of Stafford, with its appur- tenances; — the wapentake or socage of Wirksworth, the manors and towns of Wirksworth and Ashborne, and the wapentakes of Plumtree and Risley, with every of their appurtenances, in the county of Derby ; — the wapen- take of Allerton, with its appurtenances, the manors of Laughton, Gringley, and Wheatley, with the appurte- nances, in the county of Nottingham, and elsewhere ; — the manor of Fulmodeston, also the farm and rent of the same, in the county of Norfolk, with the appurte- nances ; — the manor of Bradford, with the appurtenances, the castle, lordship, and manor of Knaresborough, the manors of Scriven, Rocliffe, and Aldborough, the baili- wick of the borough of Knaresborough, the mills of Knaresborough, and the forest or chace of Knaresborough with the appurtenances, together with all and singular the issues, farms, revenues, profits, and commodities of Wharfe- dale, Swindon, Okeden, and Fulwith, with the appurte- nances, and all other profits whatsoever of the said forest, the park of Haywra, the park of Bilton, and the park of the Hay with the appurtenances, with all and singular the farms, profits, revenues, and commodities of the bailiwick of the liberty of Knaresborough aforesaid, the mills of Bo- roughbridge, and the wapentake of Staincliffe with the ap- purtenances, the castle, lordship, and manor of Pickering with the appurtenances, the manor of Scalby with the ap- purtenances, and with the agistment and all other profits of the same manor, together with the issues, profits, revenues, and commodities of the bailiwick of the liberty of Pickering aforesaid, in the county of York, and elsewhere ;— the manor 234 nentiis, in comitatu Wiltesiae ; — necnon omnia et singula terras, tenementa, redditus, reversiones, et servitia cum pertinentiis, una cum feodis militum, parcis, warennis, chaceis, mineris, piscariis, ac omnibus et singulis aliis proficuis et commoditatibus, quae nobis, vel haeredibus nostris Ducibus Lancastriae, ratione dictorum castrorum, dominiorum, villarum, maneriorum, socagii, wapentachio- rum, ballivarum, terrarum, et tenementorum, ac caetero- rum praemissorum, in comitatibus praedictis, vel alibi, quae parcella ducatus nostri Lancastriae praedicti exist- unt, pertinent vel competunt, aut pertinere vel competere poterunt, quovismodo; et quae nos, aut progenitores vel antecessores nostri Duces Lancastriae, in eisdem castris, dominiis, villis, maneriis, burgo, socagio, wapentachiis, ballivis, terris, tenementis, ac caeteris praemissis, ratione ducatus nostri praedicti habere seu percipere consuevimus ; necnon cum omnibus proficuis, exitibus, reventionibus, et emolumentis, de quibus per feodarios nostros, seu proge- nitorum nostrorum vel antecessorum nostrorum Ducum Lancastriae, comitatuum Sussexiae, Norffolciae, Somer- setiae, Dorsetiae, Suthamtoniae, Wiltesiae, Oxoniae, et Ber- cheriae, cum pertinentiis, seu eorum aliquem, nobis seu ali- quibus dictorum progenitorum sive antecessorum nostro- rum ante haec tempera responderi usitatum fuerit vel con- suetum: — Habendum et tenendum omnia et singula prae- dicta castra, dominia, villas, maneria, socagium, wapen- tachia, molendina, ballivas, forestam sive chaceam, parcos, agistamentum, terras, tenementa, redditus, reversiones, et servitia cum pertinentiis, una cum exitibus, proficuis, re- ventionibus, et commoditatibus, emolumentis et caeteris praemissis quibuscunque, praefatis cardinali, archiepiscopo, episcopis, duci, comiti, Johanni, Waltero, Radulpho, Ra- dulpho, Jacobo, Johanni, Johanni, Willielmo, Johanni, 234 of Henton with the appurtenances, the manor of Wood Speen with the appurtenances, in the county of Berks; — and the manor of Poole with the appurtenances, in the county of Wilts; — and also all and singular the lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and services, with the appurtenances, together with the knights' fees, parks, warrens, chaces, mines, fisheries, and all and singular the other profits and commodities, which pertain or belong, or may in any way pertain or belong, to us or to our heirs Dukes of Lancaster by reason of the said castles, lordships, towns, manors, socage, wapentakes, bailiwicks, lands and tenements, and the rest of the premises, in the counties aforesaid, or elsewhere, which are parcel of our duchy of Lancaster aforesaid; and which we, or our proge- nitors or ancestors Dukes of Lancaster, have, by reason of our duchy aforesaid, been accustomed to have or to receive in the same castles, lordships, towns, manors, borough, socage, wapentakes, bailiwicks, lands, tenements, and the rest of the premises; also with all the profits, issues, revenues, and emoluments, in respect of which we or any of our said progenitors or ancestors have been previously used or accustomed to be answered by the feodaries, or any one of them,, of us, or of our proge- nitors or ancestors Dukes of Lancaster, of the counties of Sussex, Norfolk, Somerset, Dorset, Southampton, Wilts, Oxford, and Berks, with the appurtenances: — To have and to hold, from the feast of St. Michael last past, all and singular the aforesaid castles, lordships, towns, manors, socage, wapentakes, mills, bailiwicks, forest or chace, parks, agistment, lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and services, with the appurtenances, together with the issues, profits, revenues, and commodities, emoluments and other premises whatsoever, to the aforesaid cardinal, arch- 235 Henrico, Ricardo, Willielmo, Nicholao, Roberto, Thomse, Edmundo, Edwardo, Johanni, Johanni, Johanni, Willielmo, et Johanni, hseredibus et assignatis suis, a festo Sancti Michaelis ultimo prseterito in perpetuum, de nobis et hseredibus nostris, per fidelitatem tantum, absque aliquo nobis vel haeredibus nostris inde reddendo; ad inde per- ficiendum et perimplendum voluntatem nostram, per nos factam et ordinatam, vel per nos super eisdem exnunc fiendam et ordinandam, ac eisdem cardinali, archiepiscopo, episcopis, duci, comiti, Johanni, Waltero, Radulpho, Ra- dulpho, Jacobo, Johanni, Johanni, Willielmo, Johanni, Henrico, Ricardo, Willielmo, Nicholao, Roberto, Thomse, Edmundo, Edwardo, Johanni, Johanni, Johanni, Willielmo, et Johanni, haeredibus seu assignatis suis, ex parte nostra declaratam et notificatam, vel imposterum declarandam et notificandam. Sal vis semper et reservatis nobis, et hae- redibus nostris Ducibus Lancastriae, advocationibus ec- clesiarum, abbatiarum, prioratuum, vicariarum, cantari- arum, capellarum, hospitalium, et aliorum beneficiorum ecclesiasticorum quorumcunque, eisdem castris, dominiis, villis, maneriis, terris seu tenementis, aut alicui eorum, ullo modo spectantibus. Et nos vero et haeredes nostri praedicta castra, dominia, maneria, villas, socagium, wa- pentachia, molendina, ballivas, forestam, parcos, agista- mentum, terras, tenementa, redditus, reversiones, et ser- vitia, cum pertinentiis, una cum omnibus et singulis aliis praemissis, exceptis praeexceptis et reservatis, praefatis car- dinali, archiepiscopo, episcopis, duci, comiti, Johanni, Wal- tero, Radulpho, Radulpho, Jacobo, Johanni, Johanni, Wil- lielmo, Johanni, Henrico, Ricardo, WiUielmo, Nicholao, Roberto, Thomae, Edmundo, Edwardo, Johanni, Johanni, Johanni, Willielmo, et Johanni, haeredibus et assignatis suis, contra omnes gentes in forma praedicta warantiza- 235 bishop, bishops, duke, earl, John, Walter, Ralph, Ralph, James, John, John, William, John, Henry, Richard, Wil- liam, Nicholas, Robert, Thomas, Edmund, Edward, John, John, John, William, and John, their heirs and assigns, of us and our heirs for ever, by fealty only, without rendering any other thing to us or our heirs therefore; therewith to do and fulfil our will by us made and ordained respecting the same, or hereafter to be made and ordained by us, and de- clared and notified, or hereafter to be declared and notified on our behalf, to the same cardinal, archbishop, bishops, duke, earl, John, Walter, Ralph, Ralph, James, John, John, William, John, Henry, Richard, William, Nicholas, Robert, Thomas, Edmund, Edward, John, John, John, William, and John, their heirs or assigns. Saving always and reserved to us and our heirs Dukes of Lancaster the advowsons of churches, abbeys, priories, vicarages, chan- tries, chapels, hospitals, and other ecclesiastical benefices whatsoever, in any manner belonging to the same castles, lordships, towns, manors, lands or tenements, or any of them. And we, moreover, and our heirs, will warrant and defend against all people, in form aforesaid, the aforesaid castles, lordships, manors, towns, socage, wapentakes, mills, bailiwicks, forest, parks, agistment, lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and services, with the appurtenances, to- gether with all and singular other the premises, except the before excepted and reserved, to the aforesaid cardinal, archbishop, bishops, duke, earl, John, Walter, Ralph, Ralph, James, John, John, William, John, Henry, Richard, WiUiam, Nicholas, Robert, Thomas, Edmund, Edward, John, John, John, William, and John, their heirs and as- signs for ever. We have also granted, with the assent The feoffees and authority aforesaid, to the aforesaid cardinal, arch- now granted, and likewise bishop, bishops, duke, earl, John, Walter, Ralph, Ralph, of those 2 G 2 236 bimus et defendemus in perpetuum. Concessimus etiam, ex assensu et auctoritate prsedictis, prsefatis cardinali, ar- chiepiscopo, episcopis, duci, comiti, Johanni, Waltero, Radulpho, Radulpho, Jacobo, Jobanni, Jobanni, Willielmo, Jobanni, Henrico, Ricardo, Willielmo, Nicbolao, Roberto, Tbomse, Edmundo, Edwardo, Jobanni, Jobanni, Jobanni, Willielmo, et Jobanni, quod ipsi, bseredes et assignati sui, tam in omnibus et singulis praedictis castris, domi- niis, maneriis, villis, socagio, wapentacbiis, ballivis, terris, tenementis, forestis, cbacea, parcis, et cseteris prsemissis quibuscunque, quam in omnibus aliis castris, dominiis, honoribus, villis, maneriis, terris, tenementis, molendinis, feodifirmis, bundredis, feodis comitatuum, et aliis posses- sionibus quibuscunque, nuper parcella ducatus nostri pra3- dicti, quae dicti cardinabs, arcbiepiscopus, Willielmus Lin- colnensis, Willielmus Sarisburiensis, Tbomas Batbonensis et Wellensis, Jobannes Wigornensis, Adam Cicestrensis, Walterus Norwicensis, Jobannes nunc Menevensis, epi- scopi, dux, comes, Jobannes vicecomes Beaumont, Walterus dominus de Hungerford, Radulpbus, Radulpbus, Jacobus, Jobannes nunc dominus de Beaucbarap, Jobannes Somer- set, Henricus, Ricardus, Edmundus, Edwardus, Jobannes Hampton, Jobannes Norreys, Willielmus Tresbam, et Jo- bannes Vampage, jam babent, [virtute] quorundam doni et concessionis per nos in Parliamento nostro apud Westmo- nasterium vicesimo quinto die Februarii, anno regni nostri vicesimo tertio, incepto, et usque duodecimum diem Martii, anno regni nostri vicesimo quarto, et postea durante dicto Parliamento, et assensu Dominorum Spiritualium et Tem- poralium, ac Communitatis regni nostri Angliae in Par- liamento illo existentium, auctoritate ejusdem Parliamenti, eodem duodecimo die Martii, eisdem cardinali, arcbiepi- scopo, episcopis, duci, comiti, Jobanni, Waltero, Radulpbo, 236 James, John, John, William, John, Henry, Richard, Wil- fH^l^^'l liam, Nicholas, Robert, Thomas, Edmund, Edward, John, S w*estmX John, John, William, and John, that they, their heirs 23rd ot Henry ^ ' ' •" the Sixth, and assigns, may have and exercise such and such sort Se^a^ilJ^J'J'i, of liberties, jura regalia^ customs, franchises, immuni- vneges'/aVid jura regalia, ties, and privileges, together with all and all kinds of f/^jj*''^^'"' profits of the same, in all things and through all things, SdsweVeln and enjoy and use them, as fully and completely as we hands. or our progenitors or ancestors aforesaid Dukes of Lancas- ter ever most fully or freely had or perceived them, as well in all and singular the aforesaid castles, lordships, manors, towns, socage, wapentakes, bailiwicks, lands, tenements, forests, chace, parks, and other premises whatsoever, as in all other the castles, lordships, honors, towns, manors, lands, tenements, mills, fee-farms, hundreds, fees of coun- ties, and other possessions whatsoever, late parcel of our duchy aforesaid, which the said cardinal, archbishop, Wil- liam bishop of Lincoln, WiUiam bishop of Salisbury, Thomas bishop of Bath and Wells, John bishop of Wor- cester, Adam bishop of Chichester, Walter bishop of Nor- wich, John now bishop of St. David's, duke, earl, John viscount Beaumont, Walter lord de Hungerford, Ralph, Ralph, James, John now lord de Beauchamp, John So- merset, Henry, Richard, Edmund, Edward, John Hamp- ton, John Norreys, William Tresham, and John Vampage now have [by virtue] of a certain gift and grant, in our Par- liament begun at Westminster on the twenty-fiftli day of February in the twenty-third year of our reign, and [con- tinued] until the twelfth day of March in the twenty-fourth year of our reign, and afterwards during the said Parlia- 237 Radulpho, Jacobo nunc domino de Say, Johanni nunc do- mino de Beauchamp, Henrico, Ricardo, Edmundo, Ed- wardo, Johanni, Johanni, Willielmo, et Johanni, ac Roberto tunc Londinensi episcopo, Johanni Langton, Waltero Shi- ryngton, clericis, Johanni Seyntlowe et Ricardo Alrede, ar- migeris, jam defunctis, factorum, prout in Uteris nostris patentibus inde super quodam acto dicti Parliamenti nostri, sub magno sigillo nostro factis, plenius continetur, habeant et exerceant talia et hujusmodi libertates, jura regalia, consuetudines, franchesias, immunitates, et privilegia, una cum omnibus et omnimodis proficuis eorundem in omnibus et per omnia, ac eis gaudeant et utantur adeo plene et in- tegre sicut nos, aut progenitores sive antecessores nostri prsedicti Duces Lancastriae, ea unquam plenius seu li- berius habuimus seu percepimus. Et quod dicta castra, dominia, honores, villse, maneria, terrse, et tenementa, ac csetera prsemissa quaecunque, per tales et hujusmodi offi- ciarios et ministros regantur et gubernentur, per quales eadem castra, dominia, villse, honores, maneria, terrae, tenementa, et caetera praemissa, tam tempore nostro ante concessiones supradictas, quam temporibus aliorum proge- nitorum seu antecessorum nostrorum praedictorum Ducum Lancastriae, virtute quarumcunque cartarum per progeni- tores seu praedecessores nostros Reges Angliae, seu auc- toritate aliquorum Parliamentorum ante haec tempora ten- torum, factarum, uti, haberi, ac regi et gubernari consue- verunt. Concessimus insuper, ex assensu dictorum Do- minorum Spiritualium et Temporalium, ac dictae Commu- nitatis, in praesenti Parhamento nostro existentium, et auctoritate ejusdem Parliamenti, quod omnes et singuli ho- mines, tenentes residentes, et alii residentes de et in prae- dictis castris, honoribus, dominiis, villis, maneriis, socagiis, ballivis, wapentachiis, terris, et tenementis, ac aliis pos- 237 ment, and with the assent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons of our realm of England, in that Parliament assembled, by us made, by the authority of the same Parliament, on the same twelfth day of March, unto the same cardinal, archbishop, bishops, duke, earl, John, Walter, Ralph, Ralph, James now lord de Say, John now lord de Beauchamp, Henry, Richard, Edmund, Edward, John, John, William, and John, and Robert then bishop of London, John Langton, Walter Shiryngton, clerks, John Seyntlowe and Richard Alrede, esquires, now deceased, as in our letters patent there- upon under our great seal made upon a certain act of our said Parliament, is more fully contained. And The lands •' shall be that the said castles, lordships, honors, towns, manors, g^^gVuieas lands, and tenements, and other premises whatsoever, "eoore, may be ruled and governed by such and such kind of officers and ministers as the same castles, lordships, towns, honors, manors, lands, tenements, and other pre- mises were accustomed to be used, had, and ruled and governed, as well in our own time before the aforesaid grants, as in the times of others our progenitors or an- cestors aforesaid Dukes of Lancaster, by virtue of any charters made by our progenitors or predecessors Kings of England, or by authority of any Parliaments hereto- fore held. We have moreover granted, with the assent and the te- nants enjoy of the said Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and of the ^ b^Jorr*'^^ said Commons, in our present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same Parliament, that all and singular the men, resident tenants, and other re- siants of and in the aforesaid castles, honors, lordships, 238 sessionibus prsedictis quibuscunque, talibus et hujusmodi franchesiis, privilegiis, et libertatibus, adeo plene et libera gaudeant et utantur, dummodo eadem castra, honores, do- minia, villse, maneria, et csetera prsemissa, in manibus prsedictorum cardinalis, archiepiscopi, episcoporum, ducis, comitis, Johannis, Walteri, Radulphi, Radulphi, Jacobi, Johannis, Johannis, Willielmi, Johannis, Henrici, Rieardi, Willielmi, Nicholai, Roberti, Thomae, Edmundi, Edwardi, Johannis, Johannis, Johannis, Willielmi, et Johannis, jam superstitum, hseredum seu assignatorum suorum, aut eorum alicujus, virtute concessionum prsedictarum, existere con- tingent, sive in manibus nostris virtute aliquarum dimis- sionum inde nobis per eosdem cardinalem, archiepiscopum, episcopos, ducem, comitem, Johannem, Walterum, Ra- dulphum, Radulphum, Jacobum, Johannem, Johannem, Willielmum, Johannem, Henricum, Ricardum, Williel- mum, Nicholaum, Robertum, Thomam, Edmundum, Ed- wardum, Johannem, Johannem, Johannem, Willielmum, et Johannem, vel partem eorum, ante hsec tempora factarum, aut per eos, hseredes seu assignatos suos, vel eorum ali- quos, exnunc faciendarum, existere contingent, quibus et qualibus ac sicut aliqui homines, tenentes residentes, seu alii residentes in eisdem, usi et gavisi fuerunt tempori- bus quibus dicta castra, honores, dominia, villse, maneria, socagia, ballivse, wapentachia, terrae, et tenementa, ac caeterse possessiones praedictae, in manibus nostris, seu aliquorum progenitorum sive antecessorum nostrorum prae- dictorum Ducum Lancastriae, extiterunt, sine occasione vel impedimento nostri, vel haeredum nostrorum, justitia- riorum, escaetorum, vicecomitum, coronatorum, aut aliorum ballivorum seu ministrorum nostrorum, vel haeredum nos- trorum quorumcunque ; quodque omnia praedicta castra, honores, dominia, villae, maneria, socagium, ballivae, wa- 238 towns, manors, socages, bailiwicks, wapentakes, lands, and tenements, and other possessions aforesaid whatsoever, may as fully and freely enjoy and use such and such sort of fran- chises, privileges, and liberties, — provided the same castles, provided the lands be in honors, lordships, towns, manors, and other premises happen Hi Seef to be, by virtue of the aforesaid grants, in the hands King's hands bv tli6ir RS' of the aforesaid cardinal, archbishop, bishops, duke, earl, signment; John, Walter, Ralph, Ralph, James, John, John, William, John, Henry, Richard, William, Nicholas, Robert, Thomas, Edmund, Edward, John, John, John, William, and John, yet living, their heirs or assigns, or any one of them ; or that they happen to be in our own hands by virtue of any demises heretofore thereof made to us by the# same cardinal, archbishop, bishops, duke, earl, John, Walter, Ralph, Ralph, James, John, John, WiUiam, John, Henry, Richard, William, Nicholas, Robert, Thomas, Edmund, Edward, John, John, John, William, and John, or a part of them, or hereafter to be made by them, their heirs or assigns, or by some of them, — as and which any men, resident tenants, or other resiants in the same have used and enjoyed in the times when the said castles, honors, lordships, towns, manors, so- cages, bailiwicks, wapentakes, lands, and tenements, and other possessions aforesaid, were in the hands of us, or any our progenitors or ancestors aforesaid Dukes of Lan- caster, without let or hinderance of us or our heirs, or without let from the of the justices, escheators, sheriffs, coroners, or other ^[^"^^0??* bailiffs or ministers of us or of our heirs whomsoever; "ther bailiffs. and that all the aforesaid castles, honors, lordships, towns, manors, socage, bailiwicks, wapentakes, lands, tenements. 239 pentachia, terrse, tenementa, foresta sive chacea, parci, warennse, et possessiones, ac csetera prsemissa qusecun- que, ac quicunque officiarii et ministri eorundem castro- rum, honorum, dominiorum, villarum, maneriorum, so- cagii, terrarum, et tenementorum, forestse, chaceae, par- corum, warennarum, ac omnium et singularum posses- sionum prsedictarum, cum pertinentiis, sub sigillo illo quod pro gubernatione eorundem ordinavimus gubernen- tur et constituentur, et non sub aliquo alio sigillo nostro et haeredum nostrorum Ducum Lancastrise, nee aliquo alio sigillo, dummodo ipsa in manibus eorundem cardi- nalis, archiepiscopi, episcoporum, ducis, comitis, Johan- nis, Walteri, Radulpbi, Radulphi, Jacobi, Johannis, Jo- •hannis, Willielmi, Johannis, Henrici, Ricardi, Willielmi, Nicholai, Roberti, Thomae, Edmundi, Edwardi, Johan- nis, Johannis, Johannis, Willielmi, et Johannis, haeredum seu assignatorum suorum praeUictorum, vel eorum ali- cujus, occasione praemissa existant, sive in manibus nos- tris virtute aliquarum dimissionum inde nobis per eosdem cardinalem, archiepiscopum, episcopos, ducem, comitem, Johannem, Walterum, Radulphum, Radulphum, Jacobum, Johannem, Johannem, Willielmum, Henricum, Ricardum, Willielmum, Nicholaum, Robertum, Thomam, Edmundum, Edwardum, Johannem, Johannem, Johannem, Willielmum, et Johannem, vel partem eorum, ante haec tempora fac- tarum, aut per eos, haeredes seu assignatos suos, seu eorum aliquos, exnunc faciendarum, ut praemittitur, ex- istere contingent. Salvis quibuscunque ligeis nostris pos- sessione, jure, titulo, et interesse suis, ac annuitatibus, officiis, vadiis, feodis, custodiis, et firmis quibuscunque in seu de dictis castris, dominiis, maneriis, et caeteris prae- missis quibuscunque, aut ahqua parcella eorundem, quae dained for the same. 239 forest or chace, parks, warrens, and possessions, and ah matters other premises whatsoever, and the officers and minis- IllSs^orthe'^ ters whosoever of the same castles, honors, lordships, thereof to pass under towns, manors, socage, lands, and tenements, forest, ^aS^fc chace, parks, warrens, and all and singular the posses- sions aforesaid, with the appurtenances, be governed and appointed under that seal which we have ordained for the governance of the same, and not under any other seal of us and our heirs Dukes of Lancaster, nor any other seal, — provided that the same be, by the occasion aforesaid, in the hands of the same cardinal, archbishop, bishops, duke, earl, John, Walter, Ralph, Ralph, James, John, John, William, John, Henry, Richard, William, Nicholas, Robert, Thomas, Edmund, Edward, John, John, John, William, and John, their heirs or assigns aforesaid, or of any one of them ; or that they happen to be in our own hands by virtue of any demises thereof heretofore made to us by the same cardinal, archbishop, bishops, duke, earl, John, Walter, Ralph, Ralph, James, John, John, William, Henry, Richard, WilUam, Nicholas, Robert, Thomas, Edmund, Edward, John, John, John, William, and John, or a part of them, or hereafter to be made by them, their heirs or assigns, or by some of them, as is aforesaid. Saving -to whomsoever our lieges their possession, right, title, and interest, and the an- nuities, offices, wages, fees, wardships, and farms what- soever, in or respecting the said castles, lordships, manors, and other premises whatsoever, or any parcel of the same, which they have or any one of them lawfully has in the same. In witness whereof, &c. 240 ipsi habent, seu eorum aliquis habet legitime in eisdem. In cujus, &c. [In dor so.) LE Roy, de Tadvys et assent de lez Seigneurs Espiri- tuell et Temporell, et les Comunes, esteantz en cest pre- sent Parlement, et par auctorite du dit Parlement, ad graunte tout le continue en ycell peticion, et q'il soit fait en toutz pointz sicome il est desire. 240 (Indorsed.) The King, with the advice and assent of the Lords Spi- ritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the said Parliament, has granted all the contents of this petition, and that it be done in all points as is desired. 241 Rot. Pari. 38 Hen. 6. n. 28. in Turr. Lond- XXXIl. Rotulus Parliamenti tenti apud Coventre, anno regni Regis Henrici Sexti post Conqiiestum tricesimo octavo. jTEM, qusedam cedula exhibita fuit praefato do- mino Regi, in prsesenti Parliamento, per Com- munitates regni Angliae in dicto Parliamento ex- istentes, sub eo qui sequitur tenore verborum: REX omnibus, &c. Cum nos nuper per literas nos- tras patentes, sub sigillo nostro ducatus nostri Lancas- triee factas, quarum datum est apud manerium nostrum de Shene, penultimo die Novembris anno regni nostri vice- simo secundo, ex certa scientia et mero motu nostris, certis de causis nos intime moventibus, dederimus, coneesseri- mus, et per easdem confirmaverimus, pro nobis et hsere- dibus nostris, Thomae Batbonensi et Wellensi, Johanni Wi- gornensi per nomen Johannis Carpenter electi Wigornensis ecclesise, Waltero Norwicensi per nomen Walteri Lybert clerici, Johanni Menevensi per nomen Johannis Delabere clerici, episcopis; Johanni viceeomiti Beaumont; Ra- dulpho domino de Sudeley, Johanni domino de Beauchamp militi, Edmundo Hungerford militi; Johanni Hampton et Johanni Noreys armigeris, adhuc superstitibus, ac ahis jam defunctis, castrum, manerium, et hundredum de Hiegham Ferrers cum pertinentiis ; maneria de Raundes, Russhden, Caldecote, Irenchestre, Daventre, et Deisburgh, molendina de Desheford, ac omnia terras et tenementa, redditus et ser- vitia, tunc nostra, cum pertinentiis, in Welledon ; necnon omnia terras et tenementa, cum pertinentiis, quae nuper fue- runt Stephani Rumbylowe in Daventre praedicta, et omnia 241 XXXII. Roll of the Parliament holden at Coventry, in the thirty-eighth year of the reign of King Henry the Sixth after the Conquest. 20th Nov. 38 Hen. 6. LSO, a certain schedule was exhibited to our ^^i aforesaid lord the King, in the present Parlia- a.d. ilig 1^ ment, by the Commons of the realm of Eng- land in the said Parliament assembled, under the tenor of words which follows : The KING, to all, &c. Whereas we lately, by our Appoint- ment of new letters patent made under our seal of our duchy of Lan- feoffees to * •' perform the caster, the date whereof is at our manor of Sheen on the SenJyfh"^ last day but one of November in the twenty-second year foJmotcer- /. . » , • 1 1 1 1 tain of the oi our reign, oi our certain knowledge and mere mo- feoffees ap. . • n • pointed tion, for certam causes inwardly moving us, gave, grant- under the ed, and by the same confirmed, for us and our heirs, to ^y^^g^'^g^ Thomas bishop of Bath and Wells, John bishop of Wor- clased.^' cester by the name of John Carpenter the elect of the church of Worcester, Walter bishop of Norwich by the name of Walter Lyhert clerk, John bishop of St. David's by the name of John Delabere, clerk ; John visaount Beau- mont; Ralph lord de Sudley, John lord de Beauchamp, knight, Edmund Hungerford, knight ; John Hampton and John Noreys, esquires, still living, and others now deceased, the castle, manor, and hundred of Higham Fer- rers, with the appurtenances ; the manors of Raunds, Rushden, Caldecott, Irchester, Daventry, and Desbo- rough, the mills of Desheford, and all the lands and tenements, rents and services, then ours, with the ap- purtenances, in Weldon; also all the lands and tene- ments, with the appurtenances, which were late of Stephen 242 terras et tenementa, redditus et servitia, tunc nostra, cum pertinentiis, quae nuper fuerunt Willielmi Croyser militis, in Hiegham Ferrers et Caldecote prsedicta, in comitatu North- amptonise; — feodi firmam centum et viginti librarum villae de Gormonchestre ; feodi firmam quadraginta et trium li- brarum villae de Huntyngdon, et manerium de Glatton cum Holme, cum pertinentiis, in comitatu Huntingdonise ; — ma- nerium de Wardyngton, in comitatu Bukinghamise ; — ma- nerium de Aldeborn, in comitatu Wiltesiae; — maneria de Aylysham, Wighton, Snetisham, Fakenbam, Gymmyng- ham, Tonsted et Thetford, cum viginti et octo libris, sex solidis, et octo denariis, de feodi firma prioris et conventus monacborum de Thetford; et manerium de Metbewolde, cum terris et tenementis, tunc nostris, vocatis Rodmer, juxta Metbewold; ac bundredum, tunc nostrum, de Nortber- pyngbam, Sowtberpyngbam, Gallowe, et Brotbercros, cum pertinentiis, in comitatu Norffolciae; — maneria, tunc nos- tra, de Hungerford, Estgarston, et Standen, in comitatu Bercberiae; — et manerium, tunc nostrum, de Swobam, in comitatu Cantebrigise : — Habendum et tenendum eadem castrum, manerium, bameletta, feodi firmas, bundreda, mo- lendina, terras, tenementa, redditus et servitia, cum per- tinentiis, una cum feodis militum, ac omnibus aliis pro- ficuis et commoditatibus eisdem castro, maneriis, terris, et tenementis spectantibus sive pertinentibus, eisdem epi- scopis, vicecomiti, Radulpbo, Jobanni Beaucbamp, Ed- mundo, Jobanni Hampton, et Jobanni Noreys, ac prae- dictis aliis jam defunctis, baeredibus et assignatis suis, de nobis et baeredibus nostris, per fidelitatem tantum, absque aliquo alio nobis vel baeredibus nostris inde red- dendo. Salvis semper et reservatis nobis, et baeredibus nostris Ducibus Lancastriae, advocationibus ecclesiarum, abbatiarum, prioratuum, vicariarum, cantariarum, capel- 242 Rumbylowe in Daveiitry aforesaid; and all the lands and tenements, rents and services, then ours, with the appur- tenances, which were late of William Croyser, knight, in Higham Ferrers and Caldecott aforesaid, in the county of Northampton ;— the fee-farm of a hundred and twenty pounds of the town of Godmanchester, the fee-farm of forty-three pounds of the town of Huntingdon, and the manor of Glatton with Holme, with the appurtenances, in the county of Huntingdon;— the manor of Warding- ton, in the county of Bucks; — the manor of Aldbourn, in the county of Wilts; — the manors of Aylsham, Wigh- ton, Snettisham, Fakenham, Gimingham, Tunstead, and Thetford, with twenty-eight pounds six shillings and eight pence of the fee-farm of the prior and convent of monks of Thetford; and the manor of Methwold, with the lands and tenements, then ours, called Rodmere, near Methwold; and the hundred, then ours, of North Erpingham, South Erpingham, Gallow, and Brothercross, with the appurtenances, in the county of Norfolk; — the manors, then ours, of Hungerford, East Garston, and Standen, in the county of Berks; — and the manor, then ours, of Soham, in the county of Cambridge: — To have and to hold the same castle, manors, hamlets, fee-farms, hundreds, mills, lands, tenements, rents and services, with the appurtenances, together with the knights' fees, and all other profits and commodities belonging or per- taining to the same castle, manors, lands, and tenements, to the same bishops, viscount, Ralph, John Beauchamp, Edmund, John Hampton, and John Noreys, and others aforesaid now deceased, their heirs and assigns, of us and our heirs, by fealty only, without rendering to us or our heirs anything else therefore. Saving always and reserved to us and our heirs Dukes of Lancaster the 2 H 243 larum, hospitalium, et aliorum beneficiorum ecclesiasticorum quorumcunque, eisdem castro, maneriis, sive terris et tene- mentis, ullo modo spectantibus. Et per easdem literas nos- tras obligaverimus nos et baeredes nostros ad castrum, mane- ria, ac omnia et singula prsemissa, cum pertinentiis, praefatis episcopis, Sec, et praefatis aliis jam defunctis, baeredibus et assignatis suis, contra omnes gentes warantizanda et defen- denda. Ac per alias literas nostras patentes sub eodem si- gillo, datas apud manerium nostrum de Sbene septimo die Julii anno regni nostri vicesimo secundo, ex certa scientia et mero motu praedictis, dederimus et concesserimus et per easdem literas nostras confirmaverimus, pro nobis et bae- redibus nostris, praefatis episcopis, vicecomiti, Radulpbo, Johanni domino de Beaucbamp, Edmundo, Jobanni Hamp- ton, et Jobanni Noreys, per nomina in praedictis primis Uteris contenta, ac praedictis aliis jam defunctis, maneria de Somborne, Weston, Hertley, et Langstok, cum perti- nentiis, in comitatu Soutbamptoniae ; maneria de Everley, Colyngborn, Trobrigge, Berewyk, et Esterton, cum perti- nentiis, in comitatu Wiltesiae ; — maneria de Sbepynglam- born, cum pertinentiis, in comitatu Bercberiae ; — maneria de Kyngeston Lacy, Wymborn, Blanford, et Sbapwyk, cum pertinentiis, in comitatu Dorsetiae ; — manerium de Myns- terwortb, cum pertinentiis, in comitatu Gloucestriae ; — ma- nerium de Hodenak, cum pertinentiis, in marcbia Walliae ; — manerium et socam de Snaitb, cum pertinentiis, in co- mitatu Eborum : — Habendum et tenendum omnia praedicta maneria et socam cum pertinentiis suis quibuscunque, una cum feodis militum, et omnibus aliis proficuis et commo- ditatibus praedictis maneriis et socae spectantibus, eisdem episcopis, vicecomiti, &c., et praedictis aliis jam defunctis, baeredibus et assignatis suis, de nobis et baeredibus nostris, per fidelitatem tantum, absque aliquo alio nobis vel baere- 243 advowsons of churches, abbeys, priories, vicarages, chan- tries, chapels, hospitals, and other ecclesiastical benefices whatsoever, in anywise belonging to the same castle, manors, or lands and tenements. And by our same letters we bound ourself and our heirs to warrant and defend against all people the castle, manors, and all and singular the premises, with the appurtenances, to the aforesaid bishops, &c., and to the aforesaid others now deceased, and their heirs and assigns. And by other our letters patent under the same seal, dated at our manor of Sheen on the seventh day of July in the twenty-second year of our reign, we, of our certain knowledge and mere motion aforesaid, gave and granted, and by the same our letters confirmed, for us and our heirs, to the aforesaid bishops, viscount, Ralph, John lord de Beauchamp, Edmund, John Hampton, and John Noreys, by the names in the aforesaid first letters con- tained, and to the aforesaid others now deceased, the manors of Sombourn, Weston, Hartley, and Longstock, with the appurtenances, in the county of Southampton ; — the manors of Everley, Collingbourne, Trowbridge, Berwick, and Easterton, with the appurtenances, in the county of Wilts;— the manors of Chipping Lambourn, with the ap- purtenances, in the county of Berks; — the manors of Kings- ton Lacy, Wimborne, Blandford, and Shapwick, with the appurtenances, in the county of Dorset ; — the manor of Minsterworth, with the appurtenances, in the county of Gloucester; — the manor of Hodenak, with the appurte- nances, in the marches of Wales ; — the manor and soke of Snaith, with the appurtenances, in the county of York : — To have and to hold all the aforesaid manors and soke, with whatsoever their appurtenances, together with the knights' fees, and all other profits and commodities belonging to the aforesaid manors and soke, to the same bishops, viscount, 2 H 2 244 dibus nostris inde reddendo. Salvis semper et reservatis nobis, et hgeredibus nostris Ducibus Lancastrise, advoca- tionibus ecclesiarura, abbatiarum, prioratuum, vicariarum, cantariarum, capellarum, hospitalium, et aliorum bene- ficiorum ecclesiasticorum quorumcunque, eisdem maneriis et socse, cum pertinentiis, ullo modo spectantibus. Et per easdem literas nostras obligaverimus nos et hseredes nostros ad warantizandum et defendendum omnia prae- missa, cum pertinentiis, eisdem episcopis, &c., et bsere- dibus et assignatis suis, prout, &c. Ac etiam, per alias literas nostras patentes sub sigillo nostro prsedicto, quarum datum est apud castrum nostrum de Wyndesore vicesimo tertio die Februarii anno regni nostri vicesimo tertio, dederimus, concesserimus, et per easdem literas confirmaverimus, prsefatis episcopis, &c., et praedictis aliis jam defunctis, per nomina in dictis primis literis contenta, manerium, dominium de Bernolwike, cum per- tinentiis, in comitatu Eborum; manerium de Kilborne, cum pertinentiis, in eodem comitatu; feodi firmam voca- tam Wbitgift, cum pertinentiis, in comitatu prsedicto: — Habendum et tenendum omnia praedicta maneria, domi- nium, et feodi firmam, cum pertinentiis suis quibuscunque, una cum feodis militum et omnibus aliis proficuis et com- moditatibus praedictis maneriis, dominio, et feodi firmae spectantibus sive pertinentibus, eisdem episcopis, &c., bae- redibus et assignatis suis, de nobis et baeredibus nostris, per fidelitatem tantum, absque aliquo alio nobis vel bae- redibus nostris inde reddendo in perpetuum. Salvis semper et reservatis nobis, et baeredibus nostris Ducibus Lancas- triae, advocationibus ecclesiarum, abbatiarum, prioratuum, vicariarum, cantariarum, capellarum, hospitalium, et alio- rum beneficiorum ecclesiasticorum quorumcunque, eisdem maneriis, dominio, et feodi firmae, cum pertinentiis, spec- 244 &c., and to the aforesaid others now deceased, their heirs and assigns, of us and our heirs, by fealty only, without ren- dering to us or our heirs anything else therefore. Saving always and reserved to us and our heirs Dukes of Lancaster the advowsons of churches, abbeys, priories, vicarages, chan- tries, chapels, hospitals, and other ecclesiastical benefices whatsoever, in anywise belonging to the same manors and soke, with the appurtenances. And by the same our letters we bound ourself and our heirs to warrant and defend all the premises with the appurtenances to the same bishops, &c., and to their heirs and assigns, as, &c. And also, by other our letters patent under our aforesaid seal, the date whereof is at our castle of Windsor on the twenty-third day of February in the twenty-third year of our reign, we gave, granted, and by the same letters con- firmed to the aforesaid bishops, &c., and to the aforesaid others now deceased, by the names contained in the said first letters, the manor and lordship of Barnoldwick, with the appurtenances, in the county of York ; the manor of Kilburn, with the appurtenances, in the same county; the fee-farm called Whitgift, with the appurtenances, in the aforesaid county : — To have and to hold all the afore- said manors, lordship, and fee-farm, with whatsoever their appurtenances, together with the knights' fees and all other profits and commodities belonging or pertaining to the aforesaid manors, lordship, and fee-farm, to the same bishops, &c., their heirs and assigns, of us and our heirs for ever, by fealty only, without rendering to us or our heirs anything else therefore. Saving always and re- served to us and our heirs Dukes of Lancaster the ad- vowsons of churches, abbeys, priories, vicarages, chan- tries, chapels, hospitals, and other ecclesiastical benefices whatsoever, belonging to the same manors, lordship, and 245 ■ tantibus. Et per easdem literas nostras obligaverimus nos et hseredes nostros ad warantizandum et defendendum eadem maneria, dominium, et feodi firmam, ac omnia et singula in eisdem literis praemissa, prsefatis episcopis, &e., et praedictis aliis jam defunctis, hseredibus et as- signatis suis, contra omnes gentes. Ac etiam, per alias literas nostras patentes sub sigillo nostro praedicto factas, quarum datum est apud castrum nostrum de Wynde- sore vicesimo nono die Junii anno regni nostri vice- simo tertio, dederimus, concesserimus, et per easdem literas nostras confirmaverimus, prsefatis episcopis, &c., et praedictis aliis jam defunctis, per nomina in dictis primis literis contenta, castra, dominia, et maneria de Kedwelly, Karkenny, Hiskenny, et Karnwalthon, cum membris et pertinentiis suis ; castrum, dominium, et ma- nerium de Oggemore, cum membris et pertinentiis suis; castra, dominia, et maneria de Monmouth, Grosemonde, Skenfrith, et Whitcastell, cum membris et pertinentiis suis; manerium et dominium de Ebbothe, cum membris et pertinentiis suis, in Southwallia et marchiis ejusdem ; — castrum, dominium, manerium, et honorem de Pevensey, cum membris et pertinentiis suis, in comitatu Sussexiae; — dominium, manerium, et villam de Beston super mare, cum membris et pertinentiis suis, in comitatu NorfFolciae; — cas- trum, dominium, et manerium de Casteldonyngton, cum membris et pertinentiis suis, in comitatu Leycestriae; — feoda comitatuum Lincolniae et Derbeiae, cum pertinentiis suis; — castrum, villam, dominium, manerium, et honorem de Tikhull, cum membris et pertinentiis suis, in comitatu Eborum : — Habendum et tenendum omnia praedicta castra, dominia, villas, maneria, honores, et feoda comitatuum, cum membris et pertinentiis suis quibuscunque, una cum feodis militum et omnibus aliis proficuis et commoditatibus. 245 fee-farm, with the appurtenances. And by the same our letters we bound ourself and our heirs to warrant and defend against all people the same manors, lord- ship, and fee-farm, and all and singular the premises in the same letters, to the aforesaid bishops, &c., and to the aforesaid others now deceased, their heirs and assigns. And also, by other our letters patent made under our aforesaid seal, the date whereof is at our castle of Windsor on the twenty-ninth day of June in the twenty- third year of our reign, we gave, granted, and by the same our letters confirmed to the aforesaid bishops, &c., and to the afore- said others now deceased, by the names contained in the said first letters, the castles, lordships, and manors of Kid- welly, Karkenny, Iskenny, and Karnwalthan, with their members and appurtenances ; the castle, lordship, and manor of Ogmore, with its members and appurtenances ; the castles, lordships, and manors of Monmouth, Gros- mont, Skenfreth, and White-castle, with their members and appurtenances; the manor and lordship of Ebbothe, with its members and appurtenances, in South Wales and the marches of the same ; — the castle, lordship, manor, and honor of Pevensey, with its members and appurte- nances, in the county of Sussex; — the lordship, manor, and town of Beeston on the Sea, with its members and appurtenances, in the county of Norfolk ; — the castle, lordship, and manor of Castle Donington, with its mem- bers and appurtenances, in the county of Leicester; — the fees of the counties of Lincoln and Derby, with their appurtenances; — the castle, town, lordship, manor, and honor of Tickhill, with its members and appurte- nances, in the county of York : — To have and to hold all the aforesaid castles, lordships, towns, manors, honors, and fees of counties, with whatsoever their members and 246 eisdem castris, dominiis, villis, maneriis, honoribus, et feodis comitatuum spectantibus sive pertinentibus, eisdem episcopis, &c., et prsedictis aliis jam defunctis, hseredibus et assignatis suis, de nobis et hseredibus nostris, per fide- litatem tantum, absque aliquo alio nobis vel hseredibus nostris inde reddendo. Salvis semper et reservatis nobis, et haeredibus nostris Ducibus Lancastrise, advocationibus ecclesiarum, abbatiarum, prioratuum, vicariarum, canta- riarum, capellarum, hospitalium, et aliorum beneficiorum ecclesiasticorum quorumcunque, eisdem castris, dominiis, villis, maneriis, honoribus, et feodis comitatuum, cum mem- bris et pertinentiis suis, uUo modo spectantibus. Et per easdem literas obligaverimus nos et hseredes nostros ad wa- rantizandum et defendendum eadem castra, dominia, villas, maneria, honores, et feoda comitatuum, ac omnia in eisdem Uteris prsemissa, cum pertinentiis, prsefatis episcopis, &c., et prsedictis aliis personis jam defunctis, hseredibus et as- signatis suis, contra omnes gentes. Quas quidem omnes prsedictas literas nostras, auctoritate Parliamenti nostri apud Westmonasterium [vicesimo] quinto die Februarii anno regni nostri vicesimo tertio incepti et usque duodecimum diem Martii anno regni nostri vicesimo quarto et postea durantis, eodem duodecimo die ratificaverimus, confirmaverimus, et approbaverimus ; ac omnia et singula castra, dominia, ma- neria, hameletta, feodi firmas, hundreda, molendina, terras, tenementa, redditus, servitia, honores, villas, socas, et feoda comitatuum, ac csetera prsemissa in eisdem Uteris contenta, nominata, sive specificata, eisdem episcopis, &c., et prse- dictis aliis personis jam defunctis, hseredibus et assignatis suis, auctoritate prsedicta, dederimus et concesserimus : — Habenda sibi et hseredibus et assignatis suis in perpetuum, ad perficiendum et perimplendum voluntatem uostram de et guper dispositione eorundem castrorum, dominiorum, 246 appurtenances, together with the knights' fees and all other profits and commodities belonging or pertaining to the same castles, lordships, towns, manors, honors, and fees of counties, to the same bishops, &c., and to the aforesaid others now deceased, their heirs and assigns, of us and our heirs, by fealty only, without rendering to us or our heirs anything else therefore. Saving al- ways and reserved to us and our heirs Dukes of Lan- caster the advowsons of churches, abbeys, priories, vi- carages, chantries, chapels, hospitals, and other ecclesias- tical benefices whatsoever, in any manner belonging to the same castles, lordships, towns, manors, honors, and fees of counties, with their members and appurtenances. And by the same letters we bound ourself and our heirs to warrant and defend against all people the same castles, lordships, towns, manors, honors, and fees of counties, and all the premises in the same letters, with the appur- tenances, to the aforesaid bishops, &c., and to the afore- said other persons now deceased, their heirs and assigns. All which our aforesaid letters, by the authority of our Parliament begun at Westminster on the [twenty-] fifth day of February in the twenty-third year of our reign, and continuing until the twelfth day of March in the twenty- fourth year of our reign and after, we on the same twelfth day ratified, confirmed, and approved; and all and singular the castles, lordships, manors, hamlets, fee-farms, hundreds, mills, lands, tenements, rents, services, honors, towns, sokes, and fees of counties, and the rest of the pre- mises contained, named, or specified in the same letters, we, by the authority aforesaid, gave and granted to the same bishops, &c., and to the aforesaid other persons now de- ceased, their heirs and assigns : —To have to them and their heirs and assigns for ever, to do and fulfil our will, *247 maneriorum, hamelettorum, feodi firmarum, hundredorum, molendinorum, terrarum, tenementorum, reddituum, ser- vitiorum, honorum, villarum, socarum, et feodorum comi- tatuum, ac cseterorum prsemissorura, per nos tunc in pos- terum fiendam et ordinandam, eisdem feofFatis nostris prae- dictis ex parte nostra declarandam et notificandam. Salvis quibuscunque ligeis nostris, statu, possessione, jure, titulo, et interesse suis, ac vadiis, feodis, annuitatibus, custodiis, officiis, et firmis quibuscunque, de dicto ducatu nostro Lan- castrise, aut aliqua parcella prsemissorum, si quae habuerint in eisdem. Ac ex certa scientia et mero motu nostris, aucto- ritate Parliamenti nostri apud Westmonasterium duodecimo die Februarii anno regni nostri vicesimo septimo incepti, et usque decimum sextum diem Julii eodem anno et postea durantis, eodem decimo sexto die dederimus, concesseri- mus, et carta nostra confirmaverimus Willielmo Winto- nensi, ac praefatis Thomae Bathonensi et Wellensi, Johanni Wigornensi, Waltero Norwicensi, Johanni Menevensi, Jo- hanni Lincolnensi per nomen Johannis Chedworth clerici, episcopis; necnon praefatis vicecomiti, Radulpho domino de Seudeley, Johanni domino de Beauchamp ; necnon Wil- lielmo Westbury, Henrico Seuer, Ricardo Andrewe, Wil- lielmo Say, Roberto Wodelark, Thomae Barker, clericis; Edmundo Hungerford militi ; Johanni Hampton, Johanni Noreys, et Johanni Say, armigeris ; ac aliis jam defunctis, haeredibus et assignatis suis, castrum, dominium, sive ma- nerium de Novo Castro subtus Lymam, in comitatu Staf- fordiae, cum pertinentiis ; — wapentachium sive socagium de Werkisworth et Assheburn, ac wapentachium de Plumtre et Ryseley, cum singulis eorum pertinentiis, in comitatu Derbeiae; — wapentachium de Allerton cum pertinentiis, maneria de Laugton, Gryngeley, et Wheteley, cum perti- nentiis, in comitatu Notinghamiae et ahbi; — manerium de 247 by us at that time thereafter to be made and ordained, and to be declared and notified on our behalf to our aforesaid feoffees, of and respecting the disposition of the same castles, lordships, manors, hamlets, fee-farms, hundreds, mills, lands, tenements, rents, services, honors, towns, sokes, and fees of counties, and the other pre- mises. Saving to whomsoever our lieges their estate, pos- session, right, title, and interest, and the wages, fees, an- nuities, wardships, ofiices, and farms whatsoever, of our said duchy of Lancaster, or any parcel of the premises, if they should have any in the same. And of our cer- tain knowledge and mere motion, by the authority of our Parliament at Westminster, begun on the twelfth day of February in the twenty-seventh year of our reign, and continuing until the sixteenth day of July in the same year and after, we on the same sixteenth day gave, grant- ed, and confirmed by our charter to William bishop of Winchester, and to the aforesaid Thomas bishop of Bath and Wells, John bishop of Worcester, Walter bishop of Norwich, John bishop of St. David's, John bishop of Lincoln by the name of John Chedworth, clerk; also to the aforesaid viscount, Ralph lord de Sudley, John lord de Beauchamp; also to William Westbury, Henry Seuer, Richard Andrew e, William Say, Robert Wodelark, Thomas Barker, clerks ; Edmund Hungerford, knight; John Hamp- ton, John Noreys, and John Say, esquires; and others now deceased, their heirs and assigns, the castle, lordship, or manor of Newcastle-under-Lyme, in the county of Staf- ford, with its appurtenances; — the wapentake or socage of Wirksworth and Ashborne, and the wapentake of Plumtree and Risley, with every of their appurtenances, in the county of Derby ; — the wapentake of Allerton, with the appurtenances, the manors of Laughton, Gringley, and 248 Fullmodeston, necnon firmam et redditus ejusdem in co- mitatu NorfFolcise, cum pertinentiis; — manerium de Brad- ford cum pertinentiis, castrum, dominium, et manerium de Knaresburgh, maneria de Screvene, Rouclyff, et Aldelburn, ballivam burgi de Knaresburgh, molendina de Knaresburgh, et forestam sive chaceam de Knaresburgh, cum pertinentiis, una cum omnibus et singuHs exitibus, firmis, reventioni- bus, proficuis, et commoditatibus de Warfedale, Swyndon, Okeden, et Fullwyth, cum pertinentiis, ac ahis proficuis dictse forestse quibuscunque, parcum de Haywra, parcum de Bylton, et parcum del Hay cum pertinentiis, cum om- nibus et singuhs firmis, proficuis, reventionibus, et commo- ditatibus baUivae hbertatis de Knaresburgh prsedictse, [mo- lendina] de Burghbrigge, et wapentachium de Stanclyff cum pertinentiis, castrum, dominium, et manerium de Pikeryng cum pertinentiis, manerium de Scalby cum pertinentiis, et cum agistamento et omnibus ahis proficuis ejusdem manerii, una cum exitibus, proficuis, reventionibus, et commoditatibus balhvse hbertatis de Pikeryng praedictse, in comitatu Eborum et ahbi ; — manerium de Henton cum pertinenths, manerium de Wodespene cum pertinentiis, in comitatu Bercheriae ; — et manerium de Pole cum per- tinentiis, in comitatu Wiltesiae; necnon omnia et singula terras, tenementa, redditus, reversiones, et servitia, cum pertinentiis, una cum feodis militum, parcis, warennis, chaceis, mineris, piscariis, ac omnibus et singulis aliis proficuis et commoditatibus, quae nobis, vel haeredibus nostris Ducibus Lancastriae, ratione dictorum castrorum, dominiorum, villarum, maneriorum, socagii, wapentachio- rum, ballivarum, terrarum, et tenementorum, ac caetero- rum praemissorum, in comitatibus praedictis vel alibi, quae parcella ducatus nostri Lancastriae praedicti tunc exti- terunt, pertinebant vel competebant, aut pertinere vel com- 248 Wheatley, with the appurtenances, in the county of Not- tingham, and elsewhere ; — the manor of Fulmodeston, also the farm and rent of the same, in the county of Norfolk, with the appurtenances ; — the manor of Brad- ford, with the appurtenances, the castle, lordship, and manor of Knaresborough, the manors of Scriven, Rocliffe, and Aldborough, the bailiwick of the borough of Knares- borough, the mills of Knaresborough, and the forest or chace of Knaresborough, with the appurtenances, together with all and singular the issues, farms, revenues, profits, and commodities of Wharfedale, Swindon, Okeden, and Fulwith, with the appurtenances, and other profits what- ever of the said forest, the park of Haywra, the park of Bil- ton, and the park of the Hay, with the appurtenances, with all and singular the farms, profits, revenues, and commo- dities of the bailiwick of the liberty of Knaresborough aforesaid, [the mills] of Boroughbridge, and the wapentake of StainclifFe, with the appurtenances, the castle, lordship, and manor of Pickering with the appurtenances, the manor of Scalby with the appurtenances, and with the agistment and all other profits of the same manor, together with the issues, profits, revenues, and commodities of the bailiwick of the liberty of Pickering aforesaid, in the county of York, and elsewhere ; — the manor of Henton with the appurte- nances, the manor of Wood Speen with the appurtenances, in the county of Berks; — and the manor of Poole with the appurtenances, in the county of Wilts ; — and also all and singular the lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and ser- vices, with the appurtenances, together with the knights' fees, parks, warrens, chaces, mines, fisheries, and all and singular the other profits and commodities, which then pertained or belonged, or might in any manner pertain or belong, to us or our heirs Dukes of Lancaster by 249 petere tunc possent quovis modo ; et quae nos, aut pro- genitores vel antecessores nostri Duces Lancastrise, in eisdem castris, dominiis, villis, maneriis, burgo, socagio, wapentachiis, ballivis, terris, tenementis, ac cseteris prse- missis, ratione ducatus nostri praedicti habere [sen] percipere consuevimus ; necnon cum omnibus proficuis, exitibus, re- ventionibus, et emolumentis, de quibus per feodarios nos- tros, seu progenitorum nostrorum vel antecessorum nos- trorum Ducum Lancastriae, comitatuum Sussexise, Norf- folciae, Somersetise, Dorsetiae, Suthamptoniae, Wiltesiae, Oxoniae, et Bercheriae, cum pertinentiis, seu aliorum [?eorum] aliquem, nobis seu aliquibus dictorum progenitorum sive antecessorum nostrorum, ante ilia tempora responderi usi- tatum fuerit vel consuetum : — Habendum et tenendum omnia et singula praedicta castra, dominia, villas, maneria, socagium, wapentachia, molendina, ballivas, forestam sive chaceam, parcos, agistamentum, terras, tenementa, red- ditus, reversiones, et servitia, cum pertinentiis, una cum exitibus, proficuis, reventionibus, et commoditatibus, emo- lumentis, et caeteris praemissis quibuscunque, praefatis epi- scopis, &c. ; et praedictis aliis defunctis, haeredibus et assig- natis suis, a festo Sancti Michaelis archangel! tunc ultimo praeterito in perpetuum, de nobis et haeredibus nostris, per fidelitatem tantum, absque aliquo nobis vel haeredibus nostris reddendo; ad inde perficiendum et perimplendum voluntatem nostram, per nos tunc factam et ordinatam, vel per nos super eisdem extunc fiendam et ordinandam, ac eisdem episcopis, &c., et praedictis aliis jam defunctis, haeredibus et assignatis suis, ex parte nostra declaratam et notificatam, vel in posterum declarandam vel notificandam. Salvis semper et reservatis nobis, et haeredibus nostris Ducibus Lancastriae, advocationibus ecclesiarum, abbatia- rum, prioratuum, vicariarum, cantariarum, capellarum, hos- 249 reason of the said castles, lordships, towns, manors, socage, wapentakes, bailiwicks, lands, and tenements, and the rest of the premises, in the counties aforesaid, or elsewhere, which were then parcel of our duchy of Lancaster afore- said ; and which we, or our progenitors or ancestors afore- said Dukes of Lancaster, had by reason of our duchy aforesaid been accustomed to have or receive in the same castles, lordships, towns, manors, borough, socage, wapentakes, bailiwicks, lands, tenements, and the rest of the premises ; also with all the profits, issues, revenues, and emoluments, respecting which we or any of our said progenitors or ancestors had thitherto been used or ac- customed to be answered by the feodaries, or any one of them, of us or our progenitors or ancestors Dukes of Lancaster, of the counties of Sussex, Norfolk, Somerset, Dorset, Southampton, Wilts, Oxford, and Berks, with the appurtenances:— To have and to hold, from the feast of St. Michael the Archangel then last past, all and sin- gular the aforesaid castles, lordships, towns, manors, so- cage, wapentakes, mills, bailiwicks, forest or chace, parks, agistment, lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and services, with the appurtenances, together with the issues, profits, re- venues, and commodities, emoluments, and other premises whatsoever, to the aforesaid bishops, &c., and to the afore- said others deceased, their heirs and assigns, of us and our heirs for ever, by fealty only, without rendering to us or our heirs any other thing; therewith to do and fulfil our will by us then made and ordained respecting the same, or thereafter to be made and ordained by us, and then declared and notified, or thereafter to be declared or notified on our behalf, to the same bishops, &c., and to the aforesaid others now deceased, their heirs and assigns. Saving always and reserved to us and our 250 pitalium, et aliorum beneficiorum ecclesiasticorum quorum- cunque, eisdem castris, dominiis, villis, maneriis, terris, seu tenementis, aut alicui eorum, ullo modo spectantibus. Et eadem auctoritate obligaverimus nos et hseredes nostros ad warantizandum et defendendum praedicta castra, dominia, villas, maneria, socagium, wapentachia, molendina, bal- livas, forestam, parcos, agistamentum, terras, tenementa, redditus, servitia, et reversiones, cum pertinentiis, una cum omnibus et singulis aliis praemissis, exceptis prseexceptis et reservatis, prsefatis episcopis, &c., et prsedictis aliis jam defunctis, haeredibus et assignatis suis, contra omnes gentes. Concesserimus etiam, auctoritate ejusdem Par- liamenti, quod omnes feofFati nostri praedicti in omnibus praemissis, tunc superstitibus, haberent et exercerent talia et hujusmodi libertates, jura regalia, consuetudines, fran- chesias, immunitates, et privilegia, una cum omnibus et omnimodis proficuis eorundem, in omnibus et per omnia, ac eis gauderent et utantur, adeo plene et integre sicut nos, aut progenitores sive antecessores nostri praedicti Duces Lancastriae, ea unquam plenius seu liberius habui- mus seu percepimus; et quod dicta castra, dominia, ho- nores, villae, maneria, terrae, tenementa, et caetera praemissa quaecunque, per tales et hujusmodi officiarios et ministros regerentur et gubernarentur, per quales eadem castra, dominia, villae, honores, maneria, terrae, tenementa, et caetera praemissa, tam tempore nostro ante concessiones supradictas, quam temporibus aliorum progenitorum seu antecessorum nostrorum praedictorum Ducum Lancas- triae, virtute quarumcunque cartarum per progenitores seu praedecessores nostros Reges Angliae, seu auctoritate aliorum Parliamentorum ante ilia tempora tentorum, facta^ rum, uti, haberi ac regi et gubernari consueverunt. Conces- serimus etiam, eadem auctoritate, quod omnes et singuli 250 heirs Dukes of Lancaster the advowsons of churches, ahbeys, priories, vicarages, chantries, chapels, hospitals, and other ecclesiastical benefices whatsoever, in any manner belonging to the same castles, lordships, towns, manors, lands, or tenements, or to any one of them. And by the same authority we bound ourself and our heirs to warrant and defend against all people the afore- said castles, lordships, towns, manors, socage, wapentakes, mills, bailiwicks, forest, parks, agistment, lands, tene- ments, rents, services, and reversions, with the appur- tenances, together with all and singular the other pre- mises, except the before excepted and reserved, to the aforesaid bishops, &c., and to the aforesaid others now deceased, their heirs and assigns. We likewise granted, by the authority of the same Parliament, that all our aforesaid feoffees in all the premises, then alive, should have and exercise such and such sort of liberties, jura regalia, customs, franchises, immunities, and privileges, together with all and all kinds of profits of the same, in all things and through all things, and should enjoy and use them, as fully and entirely as we or our proge- nitors or ancestors aforesaid Dukes of Lancaster ever most fully or freely had or perceived them ; and that the said castles, lordships, honors, towns, manors, lands, tene- ments, and other premises whatsoever, should be ruled and governed by such and such kind of officers and ministers as the same castles, lordships, towns, honors, manors, lands, te- nements, and other premises were accustomed to be used, had, and ruled and governed, as well in our own time before the aforesaid grants, as in the times of others our progenitors or ancestors aforesaid Dukes of Lan- caster, by virtue of any charters made by our proge- nitors or predecessors Kings of England, or by the au- 2 I 251 homines, tenentes residentes, et alii residentes, de et in prsedictis castris, dominiis, honoribus, villis, maneriis, so- cagio, ballivis, wapentachiis, terris, et tenementis, ac aliis possessionibus prsedictis quibuscunque, talibus hujusmodi franchesiis, libertatibus, et privilegiis, adeo plene et libere gauderent et utantur, dummodo eadem castra, honores, do- minia, villae, maneria, et csetera praemissa, in manibus prae- dictorum episcoporum et aliorum, &C.5 hseredum seu assig- natorum suorum, aut eorum alicujus, virtute concessionum praedictarum existere contingerent, sive in manibus nostris virtute aliquarum dimissionum inde nobis per eosdem epi- scopos et alios, &c., vel partem eorum, ante ilia tempera fac- tarum, aut per eos, hseredes seu assignatos sues, vel eorum aliquos, extunc faciendarum, existere contingerent, quibus et qualibus ac sicut aliqui homines, tenentes residentes, seu alii residentes, in eisdem usi et gavisi fuerunt temporibus quibus dicta castra, honores, villae, dominia, maneria, socagium, bal- livae, wapentachia, terrae, et tenementa, ac caeterae posses- siones praedictae, in manibus nostris, seu aliquorum proge- nitorum aut antecessorum nostrorum praedictorum Ducum Lancastriae extiterunt, sine occasione vel impedimento nos- tri vel haeredum nostrorum, justitiariorum, escaetorum, vice- comitum, coronatorum, aut aliorum ballivorum seu minis- trorum nostrorum vel haeredum nostrorum quorumcunque ; quodque omnia praedicta castra, honores, dominia, villae, maneria, socagium, ballivae, wapentachia, terrae, et tene- menta, foresta sive chacea, parci, warennae, et posses- siones, ac caetera praemissa quaecunque, officiarii et mi- nistri eorundem castrorum, honorum, dominiorum, vil- larum, maneriorum, socagii, ballivae, terrarum, et tene- mentorum, forestae, chaceae, parcorum, warennarum, ac omnium et singularum possessionum praedictarum, cum pertinentiis, sub sigillo illo quod pro gubernatione eorun- I 251 thority of any other Parliaments theretofore held. We also granted, by the same authority, that all and sin- gular the men, resident tenants, and other resiants of and in the aforesaid castles, lordships, honors, towns, manors, socage, bailiwicks, wapentakes, lands and tene- ments, and other possessions aforesaid whatsoever, might as fully and freely enjoy and use such and such sort of franchises, liberties, and privileges, — provided the same castles, honors, lordships, towns, manors, and other pre- mises should happen to be, by virtue of the aforesaid grants, in the hands of the aforesaid bishops and others, &c., their heirs or assigns, or of any one of them > oi* that they should happen to be in our own hands by virtue of any demises thereof theretofore made to us by the same bishops and others, &c., or a part of them, or thereafter to be made by them, their heirs or assigns, or by some of them, — as and which any men, resident tenants, or other resiants used and enjoyed in the same in the times when the said castles, honors, towns, lordships, manors, socage, bailiwicks, wapentakes, lands and tenements, and other possessions aforesaid, were in the hands of us, or of any our progenitors or ancestors aforesaid Dukes of Lancaster, without let or hinderance of us or our heirs, or of the justices, escheators, sheriffs, coroners, or other bailiffs or ministers of us or of our heirs whomsoever ; and that all the aforesaid castles, honors, lordships, towns, manors, socage, baiUwicks, wa- pentakes, lands and tenements, forest or chace, parks, warrens, and possessions, and other premises whatso- ever, and the officers and ministers of the same castles, honors, lordships, towns, manors, socage, bailiwick, lands and tenements, forest, chace, parks, warrens, and all and singular the possessions aforesaid, with the appurtenances, 2 I 2 252 flem ordinavimus, gubernarentur et constituerentur, et non sub aliquo [alio] sigillo nostro et haeredum nostrorum Ducum Lancastrise, nee aliquo alio sigillo, dummodo ipsa in manibus eorundem episcoporum et aliorum, &c., hsere- dum seu assignatorum suorum, vel eorum alicujus, ocea- sione prgemissa existerent, sive in manibus nostris, virtute aliquarum dimissionum nobis inde per eosdem episcopos et alios, &c., vel partem eorum, ante ea tempera factarum, aut per eos, bseredes seu assignatos suos, seu eorum ali- quos, extunc faciendarum, ut prsemittitur, existere con- tingerent. Salvis quibuseunque ligeis nostris possessione, jure, titulo, et interesse suis, ac annuitatibus, officiis, vadiis, feodis, custodiis, et firmis quibuseunque, in seu de dictis castris, dominiis, maneriis, et caeteris prsemissis quibuseunque, aut aliqua parcella eorundem, quae ipsi habuerint seu eorum aliquis habuerit legitime in eisdem. ET quia quamplures de dictis feofFatis ab hac luce migra- verint, nos, de fidelitate, circumspectione, et conscientiis Thomae Cantuariensis, Willielmi Eboracensis, archiepisco- porum ; Thomae Londonensis, Willielmi Wintonensis, Jo- bannis Roffensis, Thomae Bathonensis, Johannis Wigor- nensis, Johannis Herefordensis, Thomae Assavensis, Jo- hannis Lincolnensis, Johannis Landavensis, Laurentii Du- nelmensis, Johannis Coventrensis et Lichefeldensis, epi- scoporum ; Jasperis comitis Pembrochiae, Johannis comitis Oxoniae, Henrici comitis Northumbriae, Jacobi comitis Wiltesiae ; Johannis vicecomitis Beaumont ; Leonis do- mini de Welles, Radulphi domini de Sudeley ; Johannis Fortescu militis, Johannis Prisot militis, Ricardi Tunstall militis ; Ricardi Andrewe, Roberti Wodelark, Willielmi Westbury, Willielmi Myllyngton, Hugonis Damlet, Thomae Barker, clericorum ; Johannis Hampton, Willielmi Grym- mesby, et Thomae Tresham, armigerorum, plenius con- 252 should be governed and appointed under that seal which we had ordained lor the governance of the same, and not under any [other] seal of us and of our heirs Dukes of Lancaster, nor any other seal, — provided the same should be, by the occasion aforesaid, in the hands of the same bishops and others, &c., their heirs or assigns, or of some one of them; or that they should happen to be in our hands by virtue of any demises thereof theretofore made to us by the same bishops and others, &c., or a part of them, or thereafter to be made by them, their heirs or assigns, or by some of them, as is aforesaid. Saving to whomsoever our lieges their possession, right, title, and interest, and the annuities, offices, wages, fees, wardships, and farms whatsoever, in, from, or out of the said castles, lordships, manors, and other premises whatsoever, or any parcel of the same, which they or any one of them should have lawfully had in the same. AND whereas many of the said feoffees have departed The estate of deceased from this life, we, fully confiding in the faithfulness, cir- feoffees shaii cumspectness, and conscience of Thomas archbishop of Canterbury, William archbishop of York ; Thomas bishop of London, WiUiam bishop of Winchester, John bishop of Rochester, Thomas bishop of Bath, John bishop of Wor- cester, John bishop of Hereford, Thomas bishop of St. Asaph, John bishop of Lincoln, John bishop of Llandaff, Lawrence bishop of Durham, John bishop of Coventry and Lichfield ; Jasper earl of Pembroke, John earl of Oxford, Henry earl of Northumberland, James earl of Wilts ; John viscount Beaumont; Leo lord de Wells, Ralph lord de Sudley ; John Fortescue, knight, John Prisot, knight, Richard Tunstall, knight; Richard Andrewe, Robert Wodelark, WilUam Westbury, William Myllyngton, Hugh Damlet, Thomas Barker, clerks: John Hampton, William Grymmesby, and Thomas Tresham, esquires; and for cer- 253 fidentes, ac certis de causis necessariis nos intime moven- tibus, ex certa scientia et mero motu nostris, auctoritate praesentis Parliamenti nostri, apud Coventreiam vicesimo die Novembris anno regni nostri tricesimo octavo inchoati et tenti, ordinamus, concedimus, et stabilimus, quod prae- dictus status prsedictorum Walteri Lyhert Norwicensis episcopi, Johannis Delabere Menevensis episcopi, Johan- nis domini de Beauchamp, Edmundi Hungerford militis, Willielmi Say clerici, Johannis Noreys et Johannis Say, armigerorum, in omnibus prsemissis et qualibet parcella eorum cesset; quodque prsedicti Thomas Cantuariensis, Willielmus Eboracensis, archiepiscopi ; Thomas Londonen- sis, WilUelraus Wintonensis, Johannes RofFensis, Thomas Ba- thonensis, Johannes Wigornensis, Johannes Herefordensis, Thomas Assavensis, Johannes Lincolnensis, Johannes Lan- davensis, Laurentius Dunelmensis, Johannes Coventrensis et Lichefeldensis, episcopi; Jasper comes Pembrochise, Johannes comes Oxoniae, Henricus comes Northumbriae, Jacobus comes Wiltesiae; Johannes vicecomes Beaumont; Leo dominus de Welles, Radulphus dominus de Seudeley ; Johannes Fortescu miles, Johannes Pry sot miles, Ricardus Tunstall miles; Ricardus Andrewe, Robertus Wodelark, Willielmus Westbury, Willielmus Myllyngton, Hugo Dam- let, Thomas Barker, clerici ; Johannes Hampton, Williel- mus Grymmesby, et Thomas Tresham, armigeri, habeant statum in omnibus castris, maneriis, dominiis, possessioni- bus, terris et tenementis, redditibus, servitiis, feodi firmis, feodis comitatuum, hbertatibus, franchesiis, et caeteris prae- missis quibuscunque, et ea omnia habeant et teneant sibi, haeredibus et assignatis suis, in perpetuum, ad perficien- dum et perimplendum inde voluntatem nostram de et super dispositione eorundem declaratam seu declarandam, de nobis et haeredibus nostris, per fidelitatem tantum, pro 253 tain necessary causes inwardly moving us, do, of our cer- tain knowledge and mere motion, by the authority of our present Parliament, begun and holden at Coventry on the twentieth day of November in the thirty-eighth year of our reign, ordain, grant, and establish that the aforesaid estate of the aforesaid Walter Lyhert bishop of Norwich, John Delabere bishop of St. David's, John lord de Beauchamp, Edmund Hungerford, knight, Wil- liam Say, clerk, John Noreys and John Say, esquires, in all the premises and in every parcel of them, do cease ; and that the aforesaid Thomas archbishop of Canter- and the new feoffees hold bury, William archbishop of York; Thomas bishop of asfuuyas London, William bishop of Winchester, John bishop of Rochester, Thomas bishop of Bath, John bishop of Wor- cester, John bishop of Hereford, Thomas bishop of St. Asaph's, John bishop of Lincoln, John bishop of Llan- daff, Lawrence bishop of Durham, John bishop of Co- ventry and Lichfield; Jasper earl of Pembroke, John earl of Oxford, Henry earl of Northumberland, James earl of Wilts; John viscount Beaumont; Leo lord de Wells, Ralph lord de Sudley; John Fortescue, knight, John Prysot, knight, Richard Tunstall, knight; Richard Andrewe, Robert Wodelark, William Westbury, William Myllyngton, Hugh Damlet, Thomas Barker, clerks ; John Hampton, William Grymmesby, and Thomas Tresham, esquires, do have an estate in all the castles, manors, lordships, possessions, lands and tenements, rents, ser- vices, fee-farms, fees of counties, liberties, franchises, and other premises whatsoever, and do have and hold them all to themselves, their heirs and assigns, for ever, there- with to do and fulfil our will declared or to be declared respecting and upon the disposal of the same, of us and our heirs, by fealty only, in lieu of all services, 254 omnibus servitiis, una cum feodis militum, &c., et aliis pro- ficuis et commoditatibus supradictis quibuscunque, adeo plene et integre, et eisdem modo et forma, sicut nos omnia praemissa prsefato Willielmo Wintonensi, ac prae- fatis Thomse Bathonensi et Wellensi, Johanni Wigornensi, Waltero Norwicensi, Johanni Menevensi, Johanni Lincoln- ensi per nomen Johannis Chedworth clerici, episcopis ; necnon prsefatis vicecomiti, Radulpho domino de Seudeley, Johanni domino de Beauchamp ; necnon Willielmo West- bury, Henrico Seuer, Ricardo Andrewe, Willielmo Say, Roberto Wodelark, Thomse Barker, clericis; Edmundo Hungerford militi; Johanni Hampton, Johanni Noreys, et Johanni Say, armigeris, per praedictas alias literas nostras patentes, et auctoritate aliorum Parliamentorum prsedictorum, conjunctim dedissemus, concessissemus, et confirmavissemus. Et nos et haeredes nostri omnia prae- missa cum pertinentiis praefatis Thomae Cantuariensi, Wil- lielmo Eboracensi, archiepiscopis ; Thomae Londonensi, Wil- lielmo Wintonensi, Johanni RofFensi, Thomae Bathonensi, Johanni Wigornensi, Johanni Herefordensi, Thomae Assa- vensi, Johanni Lincolnensi, Johanni Landavensi, Laurentio Dunelmensi, Johanni Coventrensi et Lichefeldensi, epi- scopis ; Jasperi comiti Pembrochiae, Johanni comiti Oxonise, Henrico comiti Northumbriae, Jacobo comiti Wiltesiae; Jo- hanni vicecomiti Beaumont; Leoni domino de Welles, Ra- dulpho domino de Seudeley ; Johanni Fortescu militi, Jo- hanni Prysot miUti, Ricardo Tunstall militi ; Ricardo An- drewe, Roberto Wodelark, WilHelmo Westbury, Willielmo Millyngton, Hugoni Damlet, Thomae Barker, clericis; Johanni Hampton, WilHelmo Grymmesby, et Thomae Tresham, armigeris, haeredibus et assignatis suis, contra omnes gentes warantizamus in perpetuum. Salvis nobis statu et termino nostris quos habemus in praemissis ex 254 together with the knights' fees, &c., and other profits and commodities aforesaid whatsoever, as fully and en- tirely, and in the same manner and form, as we by our aforesaid letters patent, and by the authority of the other Parliaments aforesaid, did give, grant, and confirm all the premises conjointly to the aforesaid William bishop of Winchester, and the aforesaid Thomas bishop of Bath and Wells, John bishop of Worcester, Walter bishop of Norwich, John bishop of St. David's, John bishop of Lincoln by the name of John Chedworth, clerk ; and to the aforesaid viscount, Ralph lord de Sudley, John lord de Beauchamp ; and to William Westbury, Henry Seuer, Richard Andrewe, William Say, Robert Wodelark, Thomas Barker, clerks; Edmund Hungerford, knight; John Hampton, John Noreys, and John Say, esquires. And we and our heirs do warrant against all people all the premises, with their appurtenances, to the aforesaid Thomas archbishop of Canterbury, William archbishop of York ; Thomas bishop of London, William bishop of Win- chester, John bishop of Rochester, Thomas bishop of Bath, John bishop of Worcester, John bishop of Hereford, Thomas bishop of St. Asaph's, John bishop of Lincoln, John bishop of Llandaff, Lawrence bishop of Durham, John bishop of Coventry and Lichfield ; Jasper earl of Pembroke, John earl of Oxford, Henry earl of Northum- berland, James earl of Wilts ; John viscount Beaumont ; Leo lord de Wells, Ralph lord de Sudley ; John Fortescue, knight, John Prysot, knight, Richard Tunstall, knight; Richard Andrewe, Robert Wodelark, William Westbury, WiUiam Millyngton, Hugh Damlet, Thomas Barker, clerks; John Hampton, William Grymmesby, and Thomas Tresham, esquires, their heirs and assigns for ever. Saving The King's to us our estate and term which we have in the pre- estSe''"aved ^55 dimissione prsedictorum Willielmi Wintonensis, Thomse Bathonensis et Wellensis, Johannis Wigornensis, Walter! Norwicensis, Johannis Menevensis, Johannis Lincolnensis, episcoporum; necnon praefatorum vicecomitis, Radulphi domini de Seudeley, Johannis domini de Beauchamp ; nec- non Willielmi Westbury, Henrici Seuer, Ricardi Andrewe, Willielmi Say, Roberti Wodelark, Thomse Barker, cleri- corum; Edmundi Hungerford miUtis; Johannis Hampton, Johannis Noreys, et Johannis Say, armigerorum. Insu- perque, auctoritate prsesentis Parliamenti, ordinamus, vo- lumus, et stabiHmus, quod omnia exitus, proficua, et emo- lumenta de omnibus prsemissis, necnon de arreragiis eo- rundem, ultra onera ea incumbentia provenientia, in nullos alios usus convertantur, nisi tantummodo in perfectionem et complementum voluntatis nostrae super dispositione eo- rundem per nos declaratae vel in posterum declarandae ; quamvis nos praemissa vel aliquod prsemissorum ad termi- num diutiorem, ex dimissione praedictorum Thomae Cantu- ariensis, WilUelmi Eboracensis, archiepiscoporum ; Thomae Londonensis, Willielmi Wintonensis, Johannis RofFensis, Thomae Bathonensis, Johannis Wigornensis, Johannis Herefordensis, Thomae Assavensis, Johannis Lincolnensis, Johannis Landavensis, Laurentii Dunelmensis, Johannis Coventrensis et Lichefeldensis, episcoporum; Jasperis co- mitis Pembrochiae, Johannis comitis Oxoniae, Henrici co- mitis Northumbriae, Jacobi comitis Wiltesiae ; Johannis vicecomitis Beaumont; Leonis domini de Welles, Ra- dulphi domini de Seudeley ; Johannis Fortescu militis, Jo- hannis Prysot militis, Ricardi Tunstall militis ; Ricardi An- drewe, Roberti Wodelark, Willielmi Westbury, Willielmi Millyngton, Hugonis Damlet, Thomae Barker, clericorum ; Johannis Hampton, Willielmi Grymmesby, et Thomae Tresham, armigerorum ad certum terminum habuerimus in 255 mises by demise of the aforesaid William bishop of Win- ^".*^« ?"■ •' ^ mises de- Chester, Thomas bishop of Bath and Wells, John bishop of t"Je feoffees. Worcester, Walter bishop of Norwich, John bishop of St. David's, John bishop of Lincoln ; and of the aforesaid vis- count ; Ralph lord de Sudley, John lord de Beauchamp ; and of William Westbury, Henry Seuer, Richard Andrewe, William Say, Robert Wodelark, Thomas Barker, clerks; Edmund Hungerford, knight; John Hampton, John No- reys, and John Say, esquires. And, moreover, by the The issues authority of the present Parliament, we do ordain, will, ^{g^gfo^e and estabhsh, that all the issues, profits, and emoluments Kumimelft arising from all the premises, as also from the arrears wiu)^^'"^* of the same, beyond the charges incumbent on them, be converted to no other uses but the doing and ful- filment of our will declared or hereafter to be declared respecting the disposal of the same ; though we should though de- n 1 \ • c ^ • f raised to the m future have the premises, or any oi the premises, lor King by the ^ . feoffees for a farther certain term, by demise of the aforesaid Thomas » farther ' •' _ ^ term. archbishop of Canterbury, William archbishop of York ; Thomas bishop of London, William bishop of Winchester, John bishop of Rochester, Thomas bishop of Bath, John bishop of Worcester, John bishop of Hereford, Thomas bishop of St. Asaph's, John bishop of Lincoln, John bishop of Llandaff, Lawrence bishop of Durham, John bishop of Coventry and Lichfield ; Jasper earl of Pembroke, John earl of Oxford, Henry earl of Northumberland, James earl of Wilts ; John viscount Beaumont ; Leo lord de Wells, Ralph lord de Sudley, John Fortescue, knight, John Pry- sot, knight, Richard Tunstall, knight; Richard Andrewe, Robert Wodelark, William Westbury, William Millyngton, Hugh Damlet, Thomas Barker, clerks; John Hamp- ton, William Grymmesby, and Thomas Tresham, esquires. Moreover, by the authority of our present Parliament, we ^56 futurum. Insuper, auctoritate prsesentis Parliamenti nostri, ordinamus, concedimus, et stabilimus, quod prsedicti Thomas Cantuariensis,WillielmusEboracensis5archiepiscopi;Thomas Londonensis, Willielmus Wintonensis, Johannes RofFensis, Thomas Bathonensis, Johannes Wigornensis, Johannes Herefordensis, Thomas Assavensis, Johannes Lincolnensis, Johannes Landavensis, Laurentius Dunelmensis, Johannes Coventrensis et Lichefeldensis, episcopi; Jasper comes Pembrochise, Johannes comes Oxonise, Henricus comes Northumbrise, Jacobus comes Wiltesise; Johannes vice- comes Beaumont ; Leo dominus de Welles, Radulphus do- minus de Sewedelee ; Johannes Fortescu miles, Johannes Prysot miles, Ricardus Tunstall miles ; Ricardus Andre we, Robertus Wodelark, Willielmus Westbury, Willielmus Mil- lyngton, Hugo Daralet, Thomas Barker, clerici ; Johannes Hampton, Willielmus Grymmesby, et Thomas Tresham, ar- migeri, hseredes et assignati sui, habeant, gaudeant, et exer- ceant, in omnibus prsemissis et circa omnia prsemissa, — quod- que nos omnia prsemissa vel aliquod prsemissorum ex dimis- sione prsedictorum Willielmi Wintonensis, Thorase Batho- nensis etWellensis, Johannis Wigornensis, Walteri Norwicen- sis, Johannis Menevensis, Johannis Lincolnensis, episcopo- rum ; necnon prsefatorum vicecomitis, Radulphi domini de Seuedeley, Johannis domini de Beauchamp ; necnon Willielmi Westbury, Henrici Seuer, Ricardi Andrewe, Willielmi Say, Roberti Wodelark, Thomse Barker, clericorum; Edmundi Hungerford, militis ; Johannis Hampton, Johannis Norys, et Johannis Say, armigerorum, hseredura vel assignatorum suorum, habentes, vel si ampliorem terminum in prsemissis habuerimus, habebimus, gaudebimus, et exercebimus, in om- nibus praemissis et circa omnia praemissa, — quodque omnes dicti homines, tenentes residentes, et alii residentes, simi- liter habeant et gaudeant et exerceant, — omnia libertates, 256 do ordain, grant, and establish, that the aforesaid Thomas The feoffees shall enjoy archbishop of Canterbury, WiUiam archbishop of York ; the liberties Thomas bishop of London, WiUiam bishop of Winchester, Kepre^*'' pre- mises, John bishop of Rochester, Thomas bishop of Bath, John bishop of Worcester, John bishop of Hereford, Thomas bishop of St. Asaph's, John bishop of Lincoln, John bishop of Llandaff, Lawrence bishop of Durham, John bishop of Coventry and Lichfield; Jasper earl of Pembroke, John earl of Oxford, Henry earl of Northumberland, James earl of Wilts ; John viscount Beaumont ; Leo lord de Wells, Ralph lord de Sudley, John Fortescue, knight, John Prysot, knight, Richard Tunstall, knight; Richard An- drewe, Robert Wodelark, William Westbury, William Mil- lyngton, Hugh Damlet, Thomas Barker, clerks; John Hampton, William Grymmesby, and Thomas Tresham, es- quires, their heirs and assigns, shall and may have, enjoy, and exercise in all the premises, and about all the pre- or the King 1 • n 1 • /• 1 holding by mises, — and that we, havmg all the premises, or any of the demise from premises, by demise of the aforesaid WiUiam bishop of Winchester, Thomas bishop of Bath and Wells, John bishop of Worcester, Walter bishop of Norwich, John bishop of St. David's, John bishop of Lincoln ; also the aforesaid viscount; Ralph lord de Sudley, John lord de Beauchamp; also WiUiam Westbury, Henry Seuer, Richard Andrewe, WiUiam Say, Robert Wodelark, Thomas Barker, clerks ; Edmund Hungerford, knight, John Hampton, John Noreys, and John Say, esquires, their heirs or assigns ; or, if we shall have an ampler term in the premises, shall and may have, enjoy, and exercise in all the premises, and about all the premises, — and that all the said men, resident and likewise . . the tenants tenants, and other resiants may hkewise have and eniov andresiants, ' , ; . . as before. and exercise, — all the liberties, franchises, privileges, jura regalia^ customs, and immunities aforesaid; and also 257 franchesias, privilegia, jura regalia, consuetudines, immuni- tates supradicta ; ac etiam quod omnia et singula prsemissa juxta ordinationes supradictas, et non aliter, gubernentur et conserventur. Salvis quibuscunque ligeis nostris posses- sione, jure, titulo, et interesse suis, ac annuitatibus, officiis, vadiis, feodis, custodiis, et firmis quibuscunque, in seu de prsemissis aut de qualibet parcella inde, quae ipsi habent, seu eorum aliquis habet, legitime in eisdem. QUA quidem petitione in Parliamento praedicto lecta, audita, et plenius intellecta, de avisamento et assensu Do- minorum Spiritualium et Temporalium, ac Communitatis regni Anglise, in dicto Parliamento existentium, responde- batur eidem in forma sequenti : Responsio. — Le Roy, de Tadvis et assent des Seigneurs Espirituelx et Temporelx, et les Communes, en cest son Parlement tenuz a Coventre le vintisme jour de Novembre, Tan de son reigne trent oeptisme assemblez, et par Taucto- rite de mesme le Parlement, ad grauntee tout le contenue en cest cedule especifiez ; et sur ceo ad commaunde sez lettrez patentz aiFairez en due fourme, si mester y soit. 257 that all and singular the premises be governed and kept JjJ^fJg'^f^ according to the ordinances abovesaid, and not otherwise. "amJ^uw Saving to whomsoever our lieges their possession, right, ^^^°'® title, and interest, and the annuities, offices, wages, fees, wardships, and farms whatsoever, in, from, or out of the premises or any parcel of the same, which they have or any one of them lawfully has in the same. WHICH petition having been read, heard, and very fully understood in the aforesaid Parliament, by the ad- vice and assent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons of the realm of England, in the said Parliament assembled, it was answered to the same in the following form : Answer. — The King, by the advice and assent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, assem- bled in this his Parliament holden at Coventry on the twentieth day of November in the thirty-eighth year of his reign, and by the authority of the same Parliament, has granted all the contents specified in this schedule ; and thereupon has commanded his letters patent to be made in due form, if there be need. 258 Rot. Pari. 39 Hen. 6. n. 33. in Turr. Lond. 7th Oct. 39 Hen. 6. A.D, 1460. The lands, parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster, put in feoff- ment for per- formance of the will of King Henry the Sixth, shall not henceforth be governed by a distinct Seal and Officers, but shall be ma- naged by the Officers and Seal of the Duchy, as they were in ancient times before the making of such feoffment. XXXIII. Rotulus Parliament! de anno tricesimo nono Henrici Sexti. CONCERNENS DuCATUM LANCASTRIiE. OR asmuche as dyvers honours, castells, lord- ships, maiioirs, londes, tenementes, rentes, hundredes, wapentakes, vewes of fraunciplege, knyghts' fees, and other possessions of oure ^3uchie of Lancastre, been in the North parties of this oure Reaume, wherof in the dayes of oure noble proge- nitours Dukes of Lancastre ther hath been oon Chief Steward, oon Auditour; and also dyvers honours, cas- tells, lordships, maners, landes, tenementes, rentes, hun- dredes, wapentakes, vewes of fraunciplege, knyghtes* fees, and other possessions of oure said Duchie, been in the South parties of this oure said Reaume, wherof in the daies of oure said noble progenitours ther hath been an other Chief Steward and oon Auditour; and in and of all oure said Duchie ther hath been in the seid dayes oon Chaunceller, oon Generall Receyvour, oon Generall Attourney ; and also of oure Counte Pala- tyne of Lancastre oon Chaunceller, oon Chief Steward, and a Generall Attourney; which Officers have had, for excercisyng of their said oflSces, fees and wages ther- unto of old tyme due and accustumed. And where we have putte in feoffement dyvers honours, castells, lord- ships, maners, landes, tenementez, rentez, hundredez, wapentakes, vewes of fraunciplege, knyghts' fees, and other possessions, parcell of the seid honours, castells, lordships, maners, landes, tenementes, rentez, hundredez, wapentages, vewes of fraunciplege, knyght fees, and other possessions, &c. for the perfourmyng and fulfillyng of oure wille, with the revenuez, profittez, and issuez grow- 259 yng of the same; and therof we nowe late have made and ordeyned an other Chaunceller, oon other Chief Steward, oon other Generall Receyvour, a Generall At- tourney, other two Auditours. The which Officers, of the same honours, castells, lordships, maners, landes, tenementez, rentez, hundredez, wapentages, vewes of fraunciplege, knyghtz' fees, and other possessions, by us late putte in feoffement, take and perceyve yerely of the issuez, profittez, revenuez of the same, grete and ex- cessive fees and wages for excercisyng of the same offices, to oure grete hurte and charge in that behalf; notwithstandyng that all the seid honours, castells, lord- ships, maners, londes, tenementez, rentez, hundredes, wapentages, vewes of fraunciplege, knyghtz' fees, and other possessions afore reherced, in the dayes of oure noble progenitours, and also in oures before the seid feofFement made, were by the said old Officers full ho- nourably, wisely, discretely, and profitably rewled and go- verned. WE therfore, by th'avis and assent of the Lordes Spirituell and Temporell, and the Commens, in this oure present Parlement assembled, and by auctorite of the same, will and ordeyn, that all letters patentes, by us of the same officez and occupations severally made to the same Chief Steward, Chaunceller, Generall Receyvour, Generall Attourney, and Auditours of the same honours, castells, lordships, maners, landes, tenementez, rentez, hundredez, wapentages, vewes of fraunciplege, knyghtz' fees, and other possessions, or parcell of theym, late by us in forme afore reherced putte in feofFement, be from hens- forth voide and of noon effect, and by thaym nor any of theym in noo wise occupied ; and that the same honours, castells, lordships, maners, londes, tenementez, rentez, hundredes, wapentages, vewes of fraunciplege, knyghtz' 2 K 260 fees, and other possessions, by us put in feoffement, be demeaned, governed, and occupied by oure Officers of oure said Duchie of Lancastre, not put in feoffement, in lyke wise and fourme as they shuld and owe to have been yf the same honours, castells, lordships, maners, landes, tenementes, rentes, hundredes, wapentages, vewes of fraunciplege, knyghtz' fees, and other possessions, late by us putte in feoffement, had not by us been putte in feoffement, nor such Officers therof made; takyng ther- fore such fees, wages, and reward as such Officers of the seid Duchie toke afore the seid feoffement made, and noon other. And that all manere fees, annuitees, and charges, afore this tyme graunted by oure letters patentes under the Seall ordeyned for the same honours, castells, lordships, maners, landes, tenementez, rentez, hundredez, wapentages, vewes of fraunciplege, knyghtz' fees, and other possessions, by us in forme aforeseid putte in feoffement, except fees and wages belongyng to any office, or graunted for doyng or excercisyng any office, which were office before the same feoffement, be voide from hensforth ; and also that the same Seall, and all things by us hereafter to be graunted by or under the same Seall, be voide and of noon auctorite nor effecte. And that all fermes, issuez, profittez, rentez, revenuez, and arreragez, of all the seid honours, castells, lordships, maners, landes, tenementes, rentez, hundredez, wapentages, vewes of fraunciplege, knyghtz' fees, and other possessions, put in feoffement in forme aforesaid, not rered ne leved by the Officers of the same, be rered, leved, and resceyved by the Recey- vours of oure said Duchie, and by thaym to be de- lyvered to the Generall Receyvour of oure said Duchie for the tyme beyng, to be enployed to the perfourmyng of oure wille. 261 XXXIV. Rotulus Parliamenti de anno tricesimo nono Henrici Sexti. QUALITER REVENTIONES DICTI DuCATUS DEDUCERENTUR. TEM, Quaedam petitio exhibita fuit prsefato do- Rot. Pari. -r, . . 39 Hen. 6. mino Regi, in praesenti Parliamento, per Com- "- 34. m ^^ munitates Regni Angliae in dicto Parliamento 7th oct. . . 39 Hen. 6. existentes, sub eo qui sequitur tenore verbo- a.d. hco. rum; To the Kyng oure Soverayne Lord, prayen the Com- The com. 1 • -r» 1 1 1 1 p • nions pray mens m this present Parlement assembled, as for provi- that the re- * *• venues of the sion of redy money to be had to the entent of necessite L^n^a^stwhe in this present Parlement opened and disclosed, to or- fhe'^Rlceiver deyne, enacte, and establissh, by th'avis of the Lordes the^Trea-" Spirituell and Temporell in this present Parlement as- iS^tob"^" employed for sembled, and by auctorite of the same, that all manere the present ^ •! * necessity of issuez, profittez, and revenuez, comyn, growyn, or due, t^^ realm. or comyng, growyng, or to be due, of all honoures, lord- ships, maneres, londes, and tenementes of youre Duchie of Lancastre beyng in youre handes, and of that partie of the same Duchie beyng in the handes of youre feoffes of youre seid Duchie, and of every of theym, by any mean due and owyng, in whos handes so evere they bee or be becomyn from the morowe next after the fest of Seint John Baptiste, the yere of youre reigne xxxviii, unto the last day of September, the yere of youre seid reigne xxxix, and from the same last day of September unto the last day of September then next sewyng, be levyed, taken, and resceyved by youre Generall Rescey- vour of the seid partie of the seid Duchie beyng in 2 K 2 262 youre handes ; the same Generall Resceyvoure to de- lyvere all the seid sommes to youre Tresourer of Eng- lond then beyng, to be employed to such use as shall be thought resonable to youre Highnes, by th'avis of youre Lordes Spirituall and Temporall in this present Parlement assembled, for the seid neeessite, and the wele of this youre Reaume : And that all maner of grauntes and assignementes, and every of theym, to be taken and resceyved of the seid Duchie or eny partie therof, to eny persone or persones at eny tyme made afore the fest of All Halowen, the yere of youre seid reigne XXXIX, be differred and putt in suspence, of any paie- ment to be had, made, or levyed by force of the seid grauntes and assignementez, or eny of theym, unto the fest of Cristemasse that shall be in the yere of oure Lord God mcccclxii : And that aswell the seid Rescey- vour, as all other persone and persones delyveryng the seid sommes to youre seid Receyvour, for reseyte and delyveraunce of the same sommes, be in noo wise charge- able nor charged ageyn youre Highnes, nor eny other per- sone or persones, havyng eny title or interest aswell in the forseid honoures, lordships, maneres, and other premisses, as in the forseid graunts and assignementez, or eny of theym, but oonly the seid Resceyvour to be chargeable S°f able ^g^y"^^ youre Highnes. Savyng alway all manere fees, oftheDuch" rewardes, and wages, of old tyme due and accustumed, to all Officers of the partie of the seid Duchie beyng in youre handes, and of the partie of the same beyng in Saving for feoffemeut. Savyng also, that it shall be lawfull to the Richard Earl '' ° of Warwick, scid Rcsccyvour Generall to content, make, or do to be made to Richard erle of Warrewyk payment of all such sommes of money and other duetees as be due unto hym of the seid Duchie, beyng in the handes and possessions 263 of youre seid feoffes, of or for eny coven aunts, assigne- mentez, or grauntez by you to the seid Erie afore this tyme made for kepyng of the see, in recompense of the portes of Sandewych and Southampton, this Acte not- withstondyng. Savyng also, that the seid Resceyvour Generall shall have auctorite and power, duryng the seid tyme, to paye unto the Councell of the seid Duchie all such fees, wages, expenses, and rewardes as shall be thought necessarie and convenient for the seid Duchie by the heede Officers of the same. QUA quidem petitione in Parliamento praedicto lecta, audita, et plenius intellecta, de avisamento et assensu Do- minorum Spiritualium et Temporalium, et ad requisitionem Communitatis prsedictse, in dicto Parliamento existentium, respondebatur eidem sub hac forma : Responsio. — The Kyng agreeth to this petition : savyng Answer. alway, that it extend not to eny thyng of the seid Duchie SnVtYiands by his Highnes put in feoffement. Provided also, that the Receyvour Generall of his Duchie Receiver gc- of Lancastre be not called ne charared to accompte in his count before ° ^ Auditors of Eschequer by vertue of eny Acte made or to be made in ouchy, and this present Parlement, but oonly before his Auditours of <=^equer. his said Duchie, in manere and fourme as it hath been of old tyme used. 264 Rot. Pari. 39 Hen. 6. n. 35. in Turr. Lond. XXXV. Rotulus Parliamenti de anno tricesimo nono Henrici Sexti. Feoffamentum factum de certis parcellis Ducatus Lancastri^. EX omnibus ad quos, &c. Cum nos nuper per literas nostras patentes, sub sigillo nostro du- catus nostri Lancastriae factas, quarum datum est apud manerium nostrum de Shene, penul- timo die Novembris anno regni nostri vicesimo secundo? ex certa scientia et mero motu nostris, certis de causis nos intime moventibus, dederimus, concesserimus, et per eas- dem confirmaverimus, pro nobis et haeredibus nostris, Thomge Bathonensi et Wellensi, Johanni Wigornensi per nomen Johannis Carpenter electi Wigornensis ecclesise, Waltero Norwicensi per nomen Walteri Lyhert clerici, Johanni Menevensi per nomen Johannis Delabere clerici, episcopis; Johanni vicecomiti Beaumont; Radulpho do- mino de Sudeley, Johanni domino de Beauchamp militibus, Edmundo Hungreford militij Johanni Hampton et Jo- hanni Noreys armigeris, adhuc superstitibus, ac ahis jam defunctis, castrum, manerium, et hundredum de Hiegham Ferrers cum pertinentiis ; maneria de Raundes, Russhden, Caldecote, Irenchestre, Daventre, et Deisburgh, molendina de Desheford, ac omnia terras et tenementa, redditus et ser- vitia, tunc nostra, cum pertinentiis, in Welledon; necnon omnia terras et tenementa, cum pertinentiis, quae nuper fue- runt Stephani Rumbylowe in Daventre prsedicta, et omnia terras et tenementa, redditus et servitia, tunc nostra, cum 264 XXXV. Roll of the Parliament of the thirty-ninth year of Henry the Sixth. Feoffment made of certain parcels of the Duchy OF Lancaster.* HE KING, to all to whom, &c. Whereas we 7th oct. 39 Hen, 6. lately, by our letters patent made under our ^.d. neo. seal of our duchy of Lancaster, the date meSTofnew , feoflFees to whereof is at our manor of Sheen on the perform the will of King last day but one of November in the twenty-second year fS^l^^ of our reign, of our certain knowledge and mere mo- SiTofthe'^ , • r» , • • n • , feoffees ap- tion, tor certam causes mwardly movmg us, gave, grant- pointed ed, and by the same confirmed, for us and our heirs, to Acts of 2.3 : . Hen. 6 and Thomas bishop of Bath and Wells, John bishop of Wor- gf^J^^J- ^' cester by the name of John Carpenter the elect of the ^^^^^'^• church of Worcester, Walter bishop of Norwich by the name of Walter Lyhert clerk, John bishop of St. David's by the name of John Delabere, clerk ; John viscount Beau- mont; Ralph lord de Sudley, John lord de Beauchamp, knights, Edmund Hungerford, knight; John Hampton and John Noreys, esquires, still living, and others now deceased, the castle, manor, and hundred of Higham Fer- rers, with the appurtenances ; the manors of Raunds, Rushden, Caldecott, Irchester, Daventry, and Desbo- rough, the mills of Desheford, and all the lands and tenements, rents and services, then ours, with the ap- * All the Acts passed in the preceding Parliament holden at Coventry (20 Nov. 38 Hen. 6.) were repealed in this Parliament, bcgmi at West- minster on the 7th of October, 39 Hen. 6. See Parliament Rolls, vol. v., p. 374, No. 8. 265 pertinentiis, quae nuper fuerunt Willielmi Croyser militis, in Hiegham Ferrers et Caldecote praedicta, in comitatu North- amptonise; — feodi firmam centum et viginti librarum villse de Gormonchestre ; feodi firmam quadraginta et trium li- brarum villae de Huntyngdon, et manerium de Glatton cum Holme, cum pertinentiis, in comitatu Huntingdoniae ; — ma- nerium de Wardyngton, in comitatu Bukinghamiae ; — ma- nerium de Aldeborn, in comitatu Wiltesiae; — maneria de Aylysham, Wighton, Snetisham, Fakenbam, Gymmyng- bam, Tonsted et Thetford, cum viginti et octo libris, sex solidis, et octo denariis, de feodi firma prioris et conventus monacborum de Tbetford; et manerium de Metbewolde, cum terris et tenementis, tunc nostris, vocatis Rodmer, juxta Metbewold; ac bundredum, tunc nostrum, de Nortber- pyngbam, Soutberpyngbam, Gallowe, et Brotbercros, cum pertinentiis, in comitatu NorfFolciae; — maneria, tunc nos- tra, de Hungerford, Estgarston, et Standen, in comitatu Bercberiae; — et manerium, tunc nostrum, de Swobam, in comitatu Cantebrigiae : — Habendum et tenendum eadem castrum, maneria, bameletta, feodi firmas, bundreda, mo- lendina, terras, tenementa, redditus et servitia, cum per- tinentiis, una cum feodis militum, ac omnibus aliis pro- ficuis et commoditatibus eisdem castro, maneriis, terris, et tenementis spectantibus sive pertinentibus, eisdem epi- scopis, vicecomiti, Radulpho, Jobanni Beaucbamp, Ed- mundo, Jobanni Hampton, et Jobanni Noreys, ac prae- dictis aliis jam defunctis, baeredibus et assignatis suis, de nobis et baeredibus nostris, per fidelitatem tantum, absque aliquo alio nobis vel baeredibus nostris inde red- dendo. Salvis semper et reservatis nobis, et baeredibus nostris Ducibus Lancastriae, advocationibus ecclesiarum, abbatiarum, prioratuum, vicariarum, cantariarum, capel- larum, bospitalium, et aliorum beneficiorum ecclesiasticorum ^65 purtenances, in Weldon; also all the lands and tene- ments, with the appurtenances, which were late of Stephen Rumbylowe in Daventry aforesaid; and all the lands and tenements, rents and services, then ours, with the appur- tenances, which were late of William Croyser, knight, in Higham Ferrers and Caldecott aforesaid, in the county of Northampton ; — the fee-farm of a hundred and twenty pounds of the town of Godmanchester, the fee-farm of forty-three pounds of the town of Huntingdon, and the manor of Glatton with Holme, with the appurtenances, in the county of Huntingdon;— the manor of Warding- ton, in the county of Bucks; — the manor of Aldbourn, in the county of Wilts ; — the manors of Aylsham, Wigh- ton, Snettisham, Fakenham, Gimingham, Tunstead, and Thetford, with twenty-eight pounds six shillings and eight pence of the fee-farm of the prior and convent of monks of Thetford; and the manor of Methwold, with the lands and tenements, then ours, called Rodmere, near Methwold ; and the hundred, then ours, of North Erpingham, South Erpingham, Gallow, and Brothercross, with the appurtenances, in the county of Norfolk; — the manors, then ours, of Hungerford, East Garston, and Standen, in the county of Berks; — and the manor, then ours, of Soham, in the county of Cambridge: — To have and to hold the same castle, manors, hamlets, fee-farms, hundreds, mills, lands, tenements, rents and services, with the appurtenances, together with the knights^ fees, and all other profits and commodities belonging or per- taining to the same castle, manors, lands, and tenements, to the same bishops, viscount, Ralph, John Beauchamp, Edmund, John Hampton, and John Noreys, and others aforesaid now deceased, their heirs and assigns, of us and our heirs, by fealty only, without rendering to us 266 quorumcunque, eisdem castro, maneriis, sive terris et tene- mentis, ullo modo spectantibus. Et per easdem literas nos- tras obligaverimus nos et haeredes nostros ad castrum, maiie- ria, ac omnia et singula prsemissa, cum pertinentiis, praefatis episcopis, Sec, et praefatis aliis jam defunctis, haeredibus et assignatis suis, contra omnes gentes warantizanda et defen- denda. Ac per alias literas nostras patentes sub eodem si- gillo, datas apud manerium nostrum de Shene septimo die Julii anno regni nostri vicesimo secundo, ex certa scientia et mero motu praedictis, dederimus et concesserimus et per easdem literas nostras confirmaverimus, pro nobis et hae- redibus nostris, praefatis episcopis, vicecomiti, Radulpho, Johanni domino de Beauchamp, Edmundo, Johanni Hamp- ton, et Johanni Noreys, per nomina in praedictis primis literis contenta, ac praedictis aliis jam defunctis, maneria de Somborne, Weston, Hertley, et Langstok, cum perti- nentiis, in comitatu Southamptoniae ; maneria de Everley, Colyngborn, Trobrigge, Berwyk, et Ester ton, cum perti- nentiis, in comitatu Wiltesiae;— maneria de Shepynglam- born, cum pertinentiis, in comitatu Bercheriae; — maneria de Kyngeston Lacy, Wymborn, Blanford, et Shapwyk, cum pertinentiis, in comitatu Dorsetiae ; — manerium de Myns- terworth, cum pertinentiis, in comitatu Gloucestriae ;— ma- nerium de Hodenak, cum pertinentiis, in marchia Walliae ; — manerium et socam de Snaith, cum pertinentiis, in co- mitatu Eborum : — Habendum et tenendum omnia praedicta maneria et socam cum pertinentiis suis quibuscunque, una cum feodis militum, et omnibus aliis proficuis et commo- ditatibus praedictis maneriis et socae spectantibus, eisdem episcopis, vicecomiti, &c., et praedictis aliis jam defunctis, haeredibus et assignatis suis, de nobis et haeredibus nostris, per fidelitatem tantum, absque aliquo alio nobis vel haere- dibus nostris inde reddendo. Salvis semper et reservatis 266 or our heirs anything else therefore. Saving always and reserved to us and our heirs Dukes of Lancaster the advowsons of churches, abbeys, priories, vicarages, chan- tries, chapels, hospitals, and other ecclesiastical benefices whatsoever, in anywise belonging to the same castle, manors, or lands and tenements. And by our same letters we bound ourself and our heirs to warrant and defend against all people the castle, manors, and all and singular the premises, with the appurtenances, to the aforesaid bishops, &c., and to the aforesaid others now deceased, and their heirs and assigns. And by other our letters patent under the same seal, dated at our manor of Sheen on the seventh day of July in the twenty-second year of our reign, we, of our certain knowledge and mere motion aforesaid, gave and granted, and by the same our letters confirmed, for us and our heirs, to the aforesaid bishops, viscount, Ralph, John lord de Beauchamp, Edmund, John Hampton, and John Noreys, by the names in the aforesaid first letters con- tained, and to the aforesaid others now deceased, the manors of Sombourn, Weston, Hartley, and Longstock, with the appurtenances, in the county of Southampton ; — the manors of Everley, Collingbourne, Trowbridge, Berwick, and Easterton, with the appurtenances, in the county of Wilts ; — the manors of Chipping Lambourn, with the ap- purtenances, in the county of Berks; — the manors of Kings- ton Lacy, Wimborne, Blandford, and Shapwick, with the appurtenances, in the county of Dorset ; — the manor of Minsterworth, with the appurtenances, in the county of Gloucester; — the manor of Hodenak, with the appurte- nances, in the marches of Wales ; — the manor and soke of Snaith, with the appurtenances, in the county of York : — To have and to hold all the aforesaid manors and soke, with whatsoever their appurtenances, together with the knights' 267 nobis, et hseredibus nostris Ducibus Lancastrise, advoca- tionibus ecclesiarum, abbatiarum, prioratuum, vicariarum, cantariarum, capellarum, hospitalium, et aliorum bene- ficiorum ecclesiasticorum quorumcunque, eisdem maneriis et socse, cum pertinentiis, ullo modo spectantibus. Et per easdem literas nostras obligaverimus nos et haeredes nostros ad warantizandum et defendendum omnia prse- missa, cum pertinentiis, eisdem episcopis, &c., et bgere- dibus et assignatis suis, prout, &c. Ac etiam, per alias literas nostras patentes sub sigillo nostro prsedicto, quarum datum est apud castrum nostrum de Wyndesore vicesimo tertio die Februarii anno regni nostri vicesimo tertio, dederimus, concesserimus, et per easdem literas nos- tras confirmaverimus, praefatis episcopis, &c., et prgedictis aliis jam defunctis, per nomina in dictis primis literis contenta, manerium, dominium de Bernolwike, cum per- tinentiis, in comitatu Eborum; manerium de Kilborne, cum pertinentiis, in eodem comitatu; feodi firmam voca- tam Wbitgift, cum pertinentiis, in comitatu prsedicto: — Habendum et tenendum omnia praedicta maneria, domi- nium, et feodi firmam, cum pertinentiis suis quibuscunque, una cum feodis militum et omnibus aliis proficuis et com- moditatibus praedictis maneriis, dominio, et feodi firmae spectantibus sive pertinentibus, eisdem episcopis, &c., hse- redibus et assignatis suis, de nobis et haeredibus nostris, per fidelitatem tantum, absque aliquo alio nobis vel hae- redibus nostris inde reddendo in perpetuum. Salvis semper et reservatis nobis, et haeredibus nostris Ducibus Lancas- triae, advocationibus ecclesiarum, abbatiarum, prioratuum, vicariarum, cantariarum, capellarum, hospitalium, et alio- rum beneficiorum ecclesiasticorum quorumcunque, eisdem maneriis, dominio, et feodi firmae, cum pertinentiis, spec- tantibus. Et per easdem literas nostras obligaverimus 267 fees, and all other profits and commodities belonging to the aforesaid manors and soke, to the same bishops, viscount, &c., and to the aforesaid others now deceased, their heirs and assigns, of us and our heirs, by fealty only, without ren- dering to us or our heirs anything else therefore. Saving always and reserved to us and our heirs Dukes of Lancaster the advowsons of churches, abbeys, priories, vicarages, chan- tries, chapels, hospitals, and other ecclesiastical benefices whatsoever, in anywise belonging to the same manors and soke, with the appurtenances. And by the same our letters we bound ourself and our heirs to warrant and defend all the premises with the appurtenances to the same bishops, &c., and to their heirs and assigns, as, &c. And also, by other our letters patent under our aforesaid seal, the date whereof is at our castle of Windsor on the twenty-third day of February in the twenty-third year of our reign, we gave, granted, and by the same our letters confirmed to the aforesaid bishops, &c., and to the aforesaid others now deceased, by the names contained in the said first letters, the manor and lordship of Barnoldwick, with the appurtenances, in the county of York ; the manor of Kilburn, with the appurtenances, in the same county; the fee-farm called Whitgift, with the appurtenances, in the aforesaid county : — To have and to hold all the afore- said manors, lordship, and fee-farm, with whatsoever their appurtenances, together with the knights' fees and all other profits and commodities belonging or pertaining to the aforesaid manors, lordship, and fee-farm, to the same bishops, &c., their heirs and assigns, of us and our heirs for ever, by fealty only, without rendering to us or our heirs anything else therefore. Saving always and re- served to us and our heirs Dukes of Lancaster the ad- vowsons of churches, abbeys, priories, vicarages, chan- 268 nos et haeredes nostros ad warantizandum et defendendum eadem maneria, dominium, et feodi firmam, ac omnia et singula in eisdem Uteris prsemissa, prsefatis episcopis, &c., et praedictis aliis jam defunctis, haeredibus et as- signatis suis, contra omnes gentes. Ac etiam, per alias literas nostras patentes sub sigillo nostro praedicto factas, quarum datum est apud castrum nostrum de Wynde- sore vicesimo nono die Junii anno regni nostri vice- simo tertio, dederimus, concesserimus, et per easdem literas nostras confirmaverimus, praefatis episcopis, &c., et praedictis aliis jam defunctis, per nomina in dictis primis Uteris contenta, castra, dominia, et maneria de Kedwelly, Karkenny, Hiskenny, et Karnwalthon, cum membris et pertinentiis suis ; castrum, dominium, et ma- nerium de Oggemore, cum membris et pertinentiis suis; castra, dominia, et maneria de Monmouth, Grosemonde, Skenfrith, et Whitcastell, cum membris et pertinentiis suis; manerium et dominium de Ebbothe, cum membris et pertinentiis suis, in Southwallia et marchiis ejusdem; — castrum, dominium, manerium, et honorem de Pevensey, cum membris et pertinentiis suis, in comitatu Sussexiae ; — dominium, manerium, et villam de Beston super mare, cum membris et pertinentiis suis, in comitatu NorfFolciae;— cas- trum, dominium, et manerium de Casteldonyngton, cum membris et pertinentiis suis, in comitatu Leycestriae; — feoda comitatuum Lincolniae et Derbeiae, cum pertinentns suis; — castrum, villam, dominium, manerium, et honorem de Tikhull, cum membris et pertinentiis suis, in comitatu Eborum : — Habendum et tenendum omnia praedicta castra, dominia, villas, maneria, honores, et feoda comitatuum, cum membris et pertinentiis suis quibuscunque, una cum feodis miUtum et omnibus aUis proficuis et commoditatibus, eisdem castris, dominiis, viUis, maneriis, honoribus, et 268 tries, chapels, hospitals, and other ecclesiastical benefices whatsoever, belonging to the same manors, lordship, and fee-farm, with the appurtenances. And by the same our letters we bound ourself and our heirs to warrant and defend against all people the same manors, lord- ship, and fee -farm, and all and singular the premises in the same letters, to the aforesaid bishops, &c., and to the aforesaid others now deceased, their heirs and assigns. And also, by other our letters patent made under our aforesaid seal, the date whereof is at our castle of Windsor on the twenty-ninth day of June in the twenty-third year of our reign, we gave, granted, and by the same our letters confirmed to the aforesaid bishops, &c., and to the afore- said others now deceased, by the names contained in the said first letters, the castles, lordships, and manors of Kid- welly, Karkenny, Iskenny, and Karnwalthan, with their members and appurtenances ; the castle, lordship, and manor of Ogmore, with its members and appurtenances ; the castles, lordships, and manors of Monmouth, Gros- mont, Skenfreth, and White-castle, with their members and appurtenances; the manor and lordship of Ebbothe, with its members and appurtenances, in South Wales and the marches of the same ;— the castle, lordship, manor, and honor of Pevensey, with its members and appurte- nances, in the county of Sussex; — the lordship, manor, and town of Beeston on the Sea, with its members and appurtenances, in the county of Norfolk ; — the castle, lordship, and manor of Castle Donington, with its mem- bers and appurtenances, in the county "of Leicester; — the fees of the counties of Lincoln and Derby, with their appurtenances ; — the castle, town, lordship, manor, and honor of Tickhill, with its members and appurte- nances, in the county of York : — To have and to hold 269 feodis comitatuum spectantibus sive pertinentibus, eisdem episcopis, &c., et praedictis aliis jam defunctis, hseredibus et assignatis suis, de nobis et haeredibus nostris, per fide- litatem tantum, absque aliquo alio nobis vel haeredibus nostris inde reddendo. Salvis semper et reservatis nobis, et haeredibus nostris Ducibus Lancastriae, advocationibus ecclesiarum, abbatiarum, prioratuum, vicariarum, canta- riarum, capellarum, hospitahum, et aUorum beneficiorum eeclesiasticorum quorumcunque, eisdem castris, dominiis, villis, maneriis, honoribus, et feodis comitatuum, cum mem- bris et pertinentiis suis, ullo modo spectantibus. Et per easdem Hteras obligaverimus nos et haeredes nostros ad wa- rantizandum et defendendum eadem castra, dominia, villas, maneria, honores, et feoda comitatuum, ac omnia in eisdem Uteris praemissa, cum pertinentiis, praefatis episcopis, &c., et praedictis aliis personis jam defunctis, haeredibus et as- signatis suis, contra omnes gentes. Quas quidem omnes praedictas literas nostras, auctoritate Parliamenti nostri apud Westmonasterium [vicesimo] quinto die Februarii anno regni nostri vicesimo tertio incepti et usque duodecimum diem Martii anno regni nostri vicesimo quarto et postea durantis, eodem duodecimo die ratificaverimus, confirmaverimus, et approbaverimus ; ac omnia et singula castra, dominia, ma- neria, hameletta, feodi firmas, hundreda, molendina, terras, tenementa, redditus, servitia, honores, villas, socas, et feoda comitatuum, ac caetera praemissa in eisdem literis contenta, nominata, sive specificata, eisdem episcopis, &c., et prae- dictis aliis personis jam defunctis, haeredibus et assignatis suis, auctoritate praedicta, dederimus et concesserimus : — Habenda sibi et haeredibus et assignatis suis in perpetuum, ad perficiendum et perimplendum voluntatem nostram de et super dispositione eorundem castrorum, dominiorum, maneriorum, hamelettorum, feodi firmarum, hundredorum, 269 all the aforesaid castles, lordships, towns, manors, honors, and fees of counties, with whatsoever their members and appurtenances, together with the knights' fees and all other profits and commodities belonging or pertaining to the same castles, lordships, towns, manors, honors, and fees of counties, to the same bishops, &c., and to the aforesaid others now deceased, their heirs and assigns, of us and our heirs, by fealty only, without rendering to us or our heirs anything else therefore. Saving al- ways and reserved to us and our heirs Dukes of Lan- caster the advowsons of churches, abbeys, priories, vi- carages, chantries, chapels, hospitals, and other ecclesias- tical benefices whatsoever, in any manner belonging to the same castles, lordships, towns, manors, honors, and fees of counties, with their members and appurtenances. And by the same letters we bound ourself and our heirs to warrant and defend against all people the same castles, lordships, towns, manors, honors, and fees of counties, and all the premises in the same letters, with the appur- tenances, to the aforesaid bishops, &c., and to the afore- said other persons now deceased, their heirs and assigns. All which our aforesaid letters, by the authority of our Parliament begun at Westminster on the [twenty-] fifth day of February in the twenty-third year of our reign, and continuing until the twelfth day of March in the twenty- fourth year of our reign and after, we on the same twelfth day ratified, confirmed, and approved; and all and singular the castles, lordships, manors, hamlets, fee-farms, hundreds, mills, lands, tenements, rents, services, honors, towns, sokes, and fees of counties, and the rest of the pre- mises contained, named, or specified in the same letters, we, by the authority aforesaid, gave and granted to the same bishops, &c., and to the aforesaid other persons now de- 2 L 270 molendinorum, terrarum, tenementorum, reddituum, ser- vitiorum, honorum, villarum, socarum, et feodorum comi- tatuum, ac cseterorum praemissorum, per nos tunc in pos- terum fiendam et ordinandam, eisdem feofFatis nostris prse- dictis ex parte nostra declarandam et notificandam. Salvis quibuscunque ligeis nostris, statu, possessione, jure, titulo, et interesse suis, ac vadiis, feodis, annuitatibus, custodiis, officiis, et firmis quibuscunque, de dicto ducatu nostro Lan- castrise, aut aliqua parcella praemissorum, si quae habuerint in eisdem. Ac ex certa scientia et mero motu nostris, aucto- ritate Parliamenti nostri apud Westmonasterium duodecimo die Februarii anno regni nostri vicesimo septimo incepti, et usque decimum sextum diem Julii eodem anno et postea durantis, eodem decimo sexto die dederimus, concesseri- mus, et carta nostra confirmaverimus Willielmo Winto- nensi, ac praefatis Thomae Bathonensi et Wellensi, Johanni Wigornensi, Waltero Norwicensi, Johanni Menevensi, Jo- hanni Lincolnensi per nomen Johannis Chedworth clerici, episcopis; necnon praefatis vicecomiti, Radulpho domino de Sudeley, Johanni domino de Beauchamp ; necnon Wil- lielmo Westbury, Henrico B^euer, Ricardo Andrewe, Wil- lielmo Say, Roberto Wodelarke, Thomae Barker, clericis ; Edmundo Hungerford militi ; Johanni Hampton, Johanni Noreys, et Johanni Say, armigeris ; ac aliis jam defunctis, haeredibus et assignatis suis, castrum, dominium, sive ma- nerium de Novo Castro subtus Lymam, in comitatu Staf- fordiae, cum pertinentiis ; — wapentachium sive socagium de Werkis worth et Assheburn, ac wapentachium de Plumtre et Ryseley, cum singulis eorum pertinentiis, in comitatu Derbeiae; — wapentachium de Allerton cum pertinentiis, maneria de Laugton, Gryngeley, et Wheteley, cum perti- nentiis, in comitatu Notinghamiae et alibi; — manerium de FuUmodeston, necnon firmam et redditus ejusdem in co- 270 ceased, their heirs and assigns;— To have to them and their heirs and assigns for ever, to do and fulfil our will, by us at that time thereafter to be made and ordained, and to be declared and notified on our behalf to our aforesaid feoffees, of and respecting the disposition of the same castles, lordships, manors, hamlets, fee-farms, hundreds, mills, lands, tenements, rents, services, honors, towns, sokes, and fees of counties, and the other pre- mises. Saving to whomsoever our lieges their estate, pos- session, right, title, and interest, and the wages, fees, an- nuities, wardships, offices, and farms whatsoever, of our said duchy of Lancaster, or any parcel of the premises, if they should have any in the same. And of our cer- tain knowledge and mere motion, by the authority of our Parliament at Westminster, begun on the twelfth day of February in the twenty-seventh year of our reign, and continuing until the sixteenth day of July in the same year and after, we on the same sixteenth day gave, grant- ed, and confirmed by our charter to William bishop of Winchester, and to the aforesaid Thomas bishop of Bath and Wells, John bishop of Worcester, Walter bishop of Norwich, John bishop of St. David's, John bishop of Lincoln by the name of John Chedworth, clerk; also to the aforesaid viscount, Ralph lord de Sudley, John lord de Beauchamp; also to William Westbury, Henry Seuer, Richard Andrewe, William Say, Robert Wodelark, Thomas Barker, clerks ; Edmund Hungerford, knight; John Hamp- ton, John Noreys, and John Say, esquires ; and others now deceased, their heirs and assigns, the castle, lordship, or manor of Newcastle-under-Lyme, in the county of Staf- ford, with its appurtenances; — the wapentake or socage of Wirksworth and Ashborne, and the wapentake of Plumtree and Risley, with every of their appurtenances, 2 L 2 271 mitatu NorfFolciae, cum pertinentiis ; — manerium de Brad- ford cum pertinentiis, castrum, dominium, et manerium de Knaresburgh, maneria de Screvene, Rouclyff, et Aldelburn, ballivam burgi de Knaresburgh, molendina de Knaresburgh, et forestam sive chaceara de Knaresburgh, cum pertinentiis, una cum omnibus et singuhs exitibus, firmis, reventioni- bus, proficuis, et commoditatibus de Warfedale, Swyndon, Okeden, et Fullwyth, cum pertinentiis, ac aUis proficuis dictae forestse quibuscunque, parcum de Haywra, parcum de Bylton, et parcum del Hay cum pertinentiis, cum om- nibus et singulis firmis, proficuis, reventionibus, et commo- ditatibus ballivae libertatis de Knaresburgh prsedictae, [mo- lendina] de Burghbrigge, et wapentachium de StanclyflPcum pertinentiis, castrum, dominium, et manerium de Pikeryng cum pertinentiis, manerium de Sealby cum pertinentiis, et cum agistamento et omnibus aliis proficuis ejusdem manerii, una cum exitibus, proficuis, reventionibus, et commoditatibus ballivae libertatis de Pikeryng praedictae, in comitatu Eborum et alibi ; — manerium de Henton cum pertinentiis, manerium de Wodespene cum pertinentiis, in comitatu Bercheriae ; — et manerium de Pole cum per- tinentiis, in comitatu Wiltesiae; necnon omnia et singula terras, tenementa, redditus, reversiones, et servitia, cum pertinentiis, una cum feodis militum, parcis, warennis, chaceis, mineris, piscariis, ac omnibus et singulis aliis proficuis et commoditatibus, quae nobis, vel haeredibus nostris Ducibus Lancastriae, ratione dictorum castrorum, dominiorum, villarum, maneriorum, socagii, wapentachio- rum, ballivarum, terrarum, et tenementorum, ac caetero- rum praemissorum, in comitatibus praedictis vel alibi, quae parcella ducatus nostri Lancastriae praedicti tunc exti- terunt, pertinebant vel competebant, aut pertinere vel com- petere tunc possent quovis modo ; et quae nos, aut pro- 271 in the county of Derby ;t— the wapentake of Allerton, with the appurtenances, the manors of Laughton, Gringley, and Wheatley, with the appurtenances, in the county of Not- tingham, and elsewhere ; — the manor of Fulmodeston, also the farm and rents of the same, in the county of Norfolk, with the appurtenances ; — the manor of Brad- ford, with the appurtenances, the castle, lordship, and manor of Knaresborough, the manors of Scriven, RoclifFe, and Aldborough, the bailiwick of the borough of Knares- borough, the mills of Knaresborough, and the forest or chace of Knaresborough, with the appurtenances, together with all and singular the issues, farms, revenues, profits, and commodities of Wharfedale, Swindon, Okeden, and Fulwith, with the appurtenances, and other profits what- ever of the said forest, the park of Haywra, the park of Bil- ton, and the park of the Hay, with the appurtenances, with all and singular the farms, profits, revenues, and commo- dities of the bailiwick of the liberty of Knaresborough aforesaid, [the mills] of Boroughbridge, and the wapentake of StainclifFe, with the appurtenances, the castle, lordship, and manor of Pickering with the appurtenances, the manor of Scalby with the appurtenances, and with the agistment and all other profits of the same manor, together with the issues, profits, revenues, and commodities of the bailiwick of the liberty of Pickering aforesaid, in the county of York, and elsewhere ; — the manor of Henton with the appurte- nances, the manor of Wood Speen with the appurtenances, in the county of Berks ; — and the manor of Poole with the appurtenances, in the county of Wilts ; — and also all and singular the lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and ser- vices, with the appurtenances, together with the knights' fees, parks, warrens, chaces, mines, fisheries, and all and sirigular the other profits and commodities, which then 272 genitores vel antecessores nostri Duces Lancastrise, in eisdem castris, dominiis, villis, maneriis, burgo, socagio, wapentachiis, ballivis, terris, tenementis, ac caeteris prae- missis, ratione ducatus nostri praedicti habere sen percipere consuevimus ; necnon cum omnibus proficuis, exitibus, re- ventionibus, et emolumentis, de quibus per feodarios nos- tros, seu progenitorum nostrorum vel antecessorum nos- trorum Ducum Lancastrise, comitatuum Sussexiae, Norf- folciae, Somersetiae, Dorsetiae, Suthamptoniae, Wiltesiae, Oxoniae, et Bercheriaej cum pertinentiis, seu aliorum [Peorum] aliquem, nobis vel aliquibus dictorum progenitorum sive antecessorum nostrorum, ante ilia tempora responderi usi- tatum fuerit vel consuetum : — Habendum et tenendum omnia et singula prsedicta castra, dominia, villas, maneria, socagium, wapentachia, molendina, ballivas, forestam sive chaceam, parcos, agistamentum, terras, tenementa, red- ditus, reversiones, et servitia, cum pertinentiis, una cum exitibus, proficuis, reventionibus, et comraoditatibus, emo- lumentis, et caeteris praemissis quibuscunque, praefatis epi- scopis, &c. ; et praedictis aliis defunctis, haeredibus et assig- natis suis, a festo Sancti Michaelis archangeli tunc ultimo praeterito in perpetuum, de nobis et haeredibus nostris, per fidelitatem tantum, absque aliquo nobis vel haeredibus nostris reddendo; ad inde perficiendum et perimplendum voluntatem nostram, per nos tunc factam et ordinatam, vel per nos super eisdem extunc fiendam et ordinandam, ac eisdem episcopis, &c., et praedictis aliis jam defunctis, haeredibus et assignatis suis, ex parte nostra declaratam et notificatam, vel in posterum declarandam vel notificandam. Salvis semper et reservatis nobis, et haeredibus nostris Ducibus Lancastriae, advocationibus ecclesiarum, abbatia- rum, prioratuum, vicariarum, cantariarum, capellarum, hos- pitalium, et aliorum beneficiorum ecclesiasticorum quorum- 272 pertained or belonged, or might in any manner pertain or belong, to us or our heirs Dukes of Lancaster by reason of the said castles, lordships, towns, manors, socage, wapentakes, bailiwicks, lands, and tenements, and the rest of the premises, in the counties aforesaid, or elsewhere, which were then parcel of our duchy of Lancaster afore- said ; and which we, or our progenitors or ancestors afore- said Dukes of Lancaster, had by reason of our duchy aforesaid been accustomed to have or perceive in the same castles, lordships, towns, manors, borough, socage, wapentakes, bailiwicks, lands, tenements, and the rest of the premises ; also with all the profits, issues, revenues, and emoluments, respecting which we or any of our said progenitors or ancestors had thitherto been used or ac- customed to be answered by the feodaries, or any one of them, of us or our progenitors or ancestors Dukes of Lancaster, of the counties of Sussex, Norfolk, Somerset, Dorset, Southampton, Wilts, Oxford, and Berks, with the appurtenances: — To have and to hold, from the feast of St. Michael the Archangel then last past, all and sin- gular the aforesaid castles, lordships, towns, manors, so- cage, wapentakes, mills, baiUwicks, forest or chace, parks, agistment, lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and services, with the appurtenances, together with the issues, profits, re- venues, and commodities, emoluments, and other premises whatsoever, to the aforesaid bishops, &c., and to the afore- said others deceased, their heirs and assigns, of us and our heirs for ever, by fealty only, without rendering to us or our heirs any other thing; therewith to do and fulfil our will by us then made and ordained respecting the same, or thereafter to be made and ordained by us, and then declared and notified, or thereafter to be declared or notified on our behalf, to the same bishops, &c., and 21S cunque, eisdem castris, dominiis, villis, maneriis, terris, seu tenementis, aut alicui eorum, ullo modo spectantibus. Et eadem auctoritate obligaverimus nos et hseredes nostros ad warantizandum et defendendum prsedicta castra, dominia, villas, maneria, socagium, wapentachia, molendina, bal- livas, forestam, parcos, agistamentum, terras, tenementa, redditus, servitia, et reversiones, cum pertinentiis, una cum omnibus et singulis aliis praemissis, exceptis prseexceptis et reservatis, prsefatis episeopis, &c., et prsedictis aliis jam defunctis, hseredibus et assignatis suis, contra omnes gentes. Concesserimus etiam, auctoritate ejusdem Par- liament!, quod omnes feofFati nostri prsedicti in omnibus prsemissis, tunc superstitibus, haberent et exercerent talia et hujusmodi libertates, jura regalia, consuetudines, fran- chesias, immunitates, et privilegia, una cum omnibus et omnimodis proficuis eorundem, in omnibus et per omnia, ac eis gauderent et utantur, adeo plene et integre sicut nos, aut progenitores sive antecessores nostri prsedicti Duces Lancastriae, ea unquam plenius seu liberius habui- mus seu percepimus; et quod dicta castra, dominia, ho- nores, villse, maneria, terrse, tenementa, et caetera praemissa quaecunque, per tales et hujusmodi officiarios et ministros regerentur et gubernarentur, per quales eadem castra, dominia, villae, honores, maneria, terrae, tenementa, et caetera praemissa, tam tempore nostro ante concessiones supradictas, quam temporibus aliorum progenitorum seu antecessorum nostrorum praedictorum Ducum Lancas- triae, virtute quarumcunque cartarum per progenitores seu praedecessores nostros Reges Angliae, seu auctoritate aliorum Parliamentorum ante ilia tempera tentorum, facta- rum, uti, haberi ac regi et gubernari consueverunt. Conces- serimus etiam, eadem auctoritate, inter alia, quod omnes et singuli homines, tenentes residentes, et alii residentes, de 273 to the aforesaid others now deceased, their heirs and assigns. Saving always and reserved to us and our heirs Dukes of Lancaster the advowsons of churches, abbeys, priories, vicarages, chantries, chapels, hospitals, and other ecclesiastical benefices whatsoever, in any manner belonging to the same castles, lordships, towns, manors, lands, or tenements, or to any one of them. And by the same authority we bound ourself and our heirs to warrant and defend against all people the afore- said castles, lordships, towns, manors, socage, wapentakes, mills, bailiwicks, forest, parks, agistment, lands, tene- ments, rents, services, and reversions, with the appur- tenances, together with all and singular the other pre- mises, except the before excepted and reserved, to the aforesaid bishops, &c., and to the aforesaid others now deceased, their heirs and assigns. We likewise granted, by the authority of the same Parliament, that all our aforesaid feoffees in all the premises, then alive, should have and exercise such and such sort of liberties, jura regalia^ customs, franchises, immunities, and privileges, together with all and all kinds of profits of the same, in all things and through all things, and should enjoy and use them, as fully and entirely as we or our proge- nitors or ancestors aforesaid Dukes of Lancaster ever most fully or freely had or perceived them ; and that the said castles, lordships, honors, towns, manors, lands, tene- ments, and other premises whatsoever, should be ruled and governed by such and such kind of officers and ministers as the same castles, lordships, towns, honors, manors, lands, te- nements, and other premises were accustomed to be used, had, and ruled and governed, as well in our own time before the aforesaid grants, as in the times of others our progenitors or ancestors aforesaid Dukes of Lan- 274 et in praedictis castris, dominiis, honoribus, villis, maneriis, socagio, ballivis, wapentachiis, terris, et tenementis, ac aliis possessionibus praedictis quibuscunque, talibus hujusmodi franchesiis, libertatibus, et privilegiis, adeo plene et libere gauderent et utantur, dummodo eadem castra, honores, do- minia, villse, maneria, et csetera prsemissa, in manibus prae- dictorum episcoporum et aliorum, &c., haeredum seu assig- natorum suorum, aut eorum alicujus, virtute concessionum praedictarum existere contingerent, sive in manibus nostris virtute aliquarum dimissionum inde nobis per eosdem epi- scopos et alios, Stc, vel partem eorum, ante ilia tempora fac- tarum, aut per eos, haeredes seu assignatos suos, vel eorum aliquos, extunc faciendarum, existere contingerent, quibus et qualibus ac sicut aliqui homines, tenentes residentes, seu alii residentes, in eisdem usi et gavisi fuerunt temporibus quibus dicta castra, honores, villae, dominia, maneria, socagium, bal- livae, wapentachia, terrae, et tenementa, ac caeterae posses- siones praedictae, in manibus nostris, seu aliquorum proge- nitorum aut antecessorum nostrorum praedictorum Ducum Lancastriae extiterunt, sine occasione vel impedimento nos- tri vel haeredum nostrorum, justitiariorum, escaetorum, vice- comitum, coronatorum, aut aliorum ballivorum seu minis- trorum nostrorum vel haeredum nostrorum quorumcunque. Jamque pro eo quod quamplures feofFatorum praedictorum ab hac luce migraverunt, nos, de fidelitate, circumspectione, et conscientiis Thomae Cantuariensis,Willielmi Eboracensis, archiepiscoporum ; Thomae Londonensis, Willielmi Winto- nensis, Johannis Roffensis, Thomae Bathonensis et Wel- lensis, Johannis Wigornensis, Walteri Norwicensis, Georgii Exoniensis, Johannis Herefordensis, Johannis Lincolnensis, Laurentii Dunelmensis, Johannis Coventrensis et Liche- feldensis, episcoporum ; Johannis Whetehamstede abbatis Sancti Albani; Jasperis comitis Pembrochiae, Ricardi co- mitis Warewici, Willielmi comitis Arundelliae, Johannis 274 caster, by virtue of any charters made by our progenitors or predecessors Kings of England, or by the authority of any other Parliaments theretofore held. We also granted, by the same authority, amongst other things, that all and singular the men, resident tenants, and other resiants of and in the aforesaid castles, lordships, honors, towns, manors, socage, bailiwicks, wapentakes, lands and tene- ments, and other possessions aforesaid whatsoever, might as fully and freely enjoy and use such and such sort of franchises, liberties, and privileges, — provided the same castles, honors, lordships, towns, manors, and other pre- mises should happen to be, by virtue of the aforesaid grants, in the hands of the aforesaid bishops and others, &c., their heirs or assigns, or of any one of them; or that they should happen to be in our own hands by virtue of any demises thereof theretofore made to us by the same bishops and others, &c., or a part of them, or thereafter to be made by them, their heirs or assigns, or by some of them, — as and which any men, resident tenants, or other resiants used and enjoyed in the same in the times when the said castles, honors, towns, lordships, manors, socage, bailiwicks, wapentakes, lands and tenements, and other possessions aforesaid, were in the hands of us, or of any our progenitors or ancestors aforesaid Dukes of Lancaster, without let or hinderance of us or our heirs, or of the justices, escheators, sheriffs, coroners, or other bailiffs or ministers of us or of our heirs whomsoever. And now, for that many of the The estate of surviving feoffees aforesaid have departed from this life, we, fully feoffees shaii confiding in the faithfulness, circumspectness, and con- science of Thomas archbishop of Canterbury, William archbishop of York; Thomas bishop of London, William bishop of Winchester, John bishop of Rochester, Thomas bishop of Bath and Wells, John bishop of Worcester, 215 comitis Oxoniae, Ricardi comitis Sarum; Henrici vice- comitis Bourgchier; Edmundi domini de Grey de Ruthyn, Leonis domini de Welles, Radulphi domini de Sudeley, Johannis domini de Beauchamp ; Johannis Nevill militis, Thomse Tyrell militis ; Roberti Stilly ngton, Willielmi Say, Jacobi Goldwell, Roberti Wodelarke, Willielmi Westbury, Willielmi Myllyngton, Hugonis Damlet, Thomse Barker, cle- ricorum; Johannis Say, Johannis Hampton, Johannis Grene, et Nicholai Sharpe, armigerorum, plenius confidentes, ac certis de eausis nos intime moventibus, ex certa scientia et mero motu nostris, auctoritate prsesentis Parliament! nostri, apud Westmonasterium septimo die Octobris anno regni nostri tricesimo nono tenti, ordinamus, concedimus, et sta- bilimus, quod prsedictus status prsedictorum Johannis De- labere Menevensis episcopi, Edmundi Hungerford militis, Johannis Noreys, in omnibus prsemissis et qualibet par- cella eorundem amodo cesset; quodque prsedicti Thomas Cantuariensis, et Willielmus Eboracensis, archiepiscopi ; Thomas Londonensis, Willielmus Wintonensis, Johannes RofFensis, Thomas Bathonensis et Wellensis, Johannes Wi- gornensis, Walterus Norwicensis, Georgius Exoniensis, Johannes Herefordensis, Johannes Lincolnensis, Lauren- tius Dunelmensis, et Johannes Coventrensis et Lichfeld- ensis, episcopi ; Johannes abbas Sancti Albani ; Jasper comes Pembrochiae, Ricardus comes Warewici, Willielmus comes Arundellise, Johannes comes Oxoniae, Ricardus comes Sarum ; Henricus vicecomes Bourgchier ; Edmundus do- minus de Grey de Ruthyn, Leo dominus de Welles, Ra- dulphus dominus de Sudeley, Johannes dominus de Beau- champ ; Johannes Nevill miles, Thomas Tyrell miles ; Ro- bertus Stillyngton, Willielmus Say, Jacobus Goldwell, Ro- bertus Wodelarke, Willielmus Westbury, WilHelmus Mil- lyngton, Hugo Damlet, Thomas Barker, clerici ; Johannes Say, Johannes Hampton, Johannes Grene, et Nicholaus 275 Walter bishop of Norwich, George bishop of Exeter, John bishop of Hereford, John bishop of Lincoln, Law- rence bishop of Durham, John bishop of Coventry and Lichfield ; John Whetehamstede, abbot of Saint Albans ; Jasper earl of Perabroke, Richard earl of Warwick, Wil- liam earl of Arundel, John earl of Oxford, Richard earl of Salisbury; Henry viscount Bourgchier; Edmund lord de Grey of Ruthyn, Leo lord de Wells, Ralph lord de Sud- ley, John lord de Beauchamp ; John Nevill, knight, Thomas Tyrell, knight; Robert Stillyngton, William Say, James Goldwell, Robert Wodelark, William West- bury, William Myllyngton, Hugh Damlet, Thomas Bar- ker, clerks; John Say, John Hampton, John Grene, and Nicholas Sharpe, esquires; and for certain causes in- wardly moving us, do, of our certain knowledge and mere motion, by the authority of our present Parlia- ment, holden at Westminster on the seventh day of Oc- tober in the thirty-ninth year of our reign, ordain, grant, and establish that the aforesaid estate of the aforesaid John Delabere bishop of St. David^s, Edmund Hunger- ford, knight, and John Noreys, in all the premises and in every parcel of them, do from this time cease ; and and the new 1.1 feoffees hold that the aforesaid Thomas archbishop of Canterbury, asfuuyas and William archbishop of York; Thomas bishop of London, William bishop of Winchester, John bishop of Rochester, Thomas bishop of Bath and Wells, John bishop of Worcester, Walter bishop of Norwich, George bishop of Exeter, John bishop of Hereford, John bi- shop of Lincoln, Lawrence bishop of Durham, and John bishop of Coventry and Lichfield; John abbot of Saint Albans ; Jasper earl of Pembroke, Richard earl of Warwick, William earl of Arundel, John earl of Ox- ford, Richard earl of Salisbury; Henry viscount Bourg- chier; Edmund lord de Grey of Ruthyn, Leo lord de 276 Sharpe, armigeri, habeant statum in omnibus castris, ma- neriis, dominiis, possessionibus, terris, tenementis, servitiis, feodi firmis, feodis comitatuum, libertatibus, francbesiis, et cseteris prsemissis quibuscunque, et ea omnia habeant et teneant sibi, haeredibus et assignatis suis, in perpetuum, ad perficiendum et perimplendum inde voluntatem nostram de et super dispositione eorundem declaratam seu declaran- dam, de nobis et haeredibus nostris, per fidelitatem tantum, pro omnibus servitiis, una cum feodis militum, &c., et ahis proficuis et commoditatibus supradictis quibuscunque, adeo plene et integre, et eisdem modo et forma, sicut nos omnia prsemissa praefatis Willielmo Wintonensi, Thomae Batho- nensi et Wellensi, Johanni Wigornensi, Waltero Nor- wicensi, Johanni Menevensi, Johanni Lincolnensi per no-, men Johannis Chedworth clerici, episcopis ; necnon Jo- hanni vicecomiti Beaumont, Radulpho domino de Sudeley, Johanni domino de Beauchamp ; necnon WilUelmo West- bury, Henrico Seuer, Ricardo Andrewe, WiUielmo Say, Roberto Wodelarke, Thomae Barker, clericis; Edmundo Hungerford mihti; Johanni Hampton, Johanni Noreys, et Johanni Say, armigeris, per praedictas alias literas nostras patentes, et auctoritate aUorum Parhamentorum praedictorum, conjunctim dedissemus, concessissemus, et confirmavissemus. Et nos et haeredes nostri omnia prae- missa cum pertinentiis praefatis Thomae Cantuariensi, Wil- lielmo Eboracensi, archiepiscopis ; Thomae Londonensi, Wil- lielmo Wintonensi, Johanni Roffensi, Thomae Bathonensi et Wellensi, Johanni Wigornensi, Waltero Norwicensi, Georgio Exoniensi, Johanni Herefordensi, Johanni Lin- colnensi, Laurentio Dunelmensi, Johanni Coventrensi et Lichefeldensi, episcopis ; Johanni abbati ; Jasperi comiti Pembrochiae, Ricardo comiti Warewici, Willielmo comiti Arundelliae, Johanni comiti Oxoniae, Ricardo comiti Sarum ; Henrico vicecomiti Bourgchier ; Edmundo domino de Grey, 276 Wells, Ralph lord de Sudley, John lord de Beauchamp; John Nevill, knight, Thomas Tyrell, knight; Robert Stil- ly ngton, William Say, James Gold well, Robert Wodelark, William Westbury, William Myllyngton, Hugh Damlet, Thomas Barker, clerks; John Say, John Hampton, John Grene, and Nicholas Sharpe, esquires, do have an estate in all the castles, manors, lordships, possessions, lands, tenements, services, fee-farms, fees of counties, liber- ties, franchises, and other premises whatsoever, and do have and hold them all to themselves, their heirs and assigns, for ever, therewith to do and fulfil our will de- clared or to be declared respecting and upon the dis- posal of the same, of us and our heirs, by fealty only, in lieu of all services, together with the knights' fees, &c., and other profits and commodities aforesaid what- soever, as fully and entirely, and in the same manner and form, as we by our aforesaid letters patent, and by the authority of the other Parliaments aforesaid, did give, grant, and confirm all the premises conjointly to the aforesaid William bishop of Winchester, Thomas bishop of Bath and Wells, John bishop of Worcester, Walter bishop of Norwich, John bishop of St. David's, John bishop of Lincoln by the name of John Chedworth, clerk ; and to John viscount Beaumont, Ralph lord de Sudley, John lord de Beauchamp ; and to William Westbury, Henry Seuer, Richard Andrewe, William Say, Robert Wodelark, Thomas Barker, clerks; Edmund Hungerford, knight; John Hampton, John Noreys, and John Say, esquires. And we and our heirs do warrant against all people all the premises, with their appurtenances, to the aforesaid Thomas archbishop of Canterbury, William archbishop of York; Thomas bishop of London, William bishop of Winchester, John bishop of Rochester, Thomas bishop of Bath and Wells, John bishop of Worcester, 277 Leoni domino de Welles, Radulpho domino de Sudeley, Johanni domino de Beauchamp; Johanni Nevill militi, Thomse Tyrell militi ; Roberto Stillyngton, Willielmo Say, Jacobo Goldwell, Roberto Wodelarke, Willielmo Westbury, Willielmo Millyngton, Hugoni Damlet, Thomae Barker, clericis; Johanni Say, Johanni Hampton, Johanni Grene, et Nicholao Sharpe, armigeris, heeredibus et assignatis suis, contra omnes gentes warantizabimus in perpetuum. Salvis nobis statu et termino nostris quos habemus in prsemissis ex dimissione prsedictorum Willielmi Wintonensis, Thomae Bathonensis et Wellensis, Johannis Wigornensis, Walteri Norwicensis, Johannis Menevensis, Johannis Lincolnensis, episcoporum; neenon praefatorum vicecomitis Beaumont, Radulphi domini de Sudeley, Johannis domini de Beau- champ; neenon WilUelmi Westbury, Henrici Seuer, Ri- cardi Andrewe, Roberti Wodelarke, Thomae Barker, cleri- corum; Edmundi Hungerford militis; Johannis Hampton, Johannis Noreys, et Johannis Say, armigerorum. Insu- perque, auctoritate praesentis Parliamenti, ordinamus, vo- lumus, et stabilimus, quod omnia exitus, proficua, et emo- lumenta de omnibus praemissis, neenon de arreragiis eo- rundem, ultra onera ea incumbentia provenientia, in nullos alios usus convertantur, nisi tantummodo in perfectionem et complementum voluntatis nostrae super dispositione eo- rundem per nos declaratae vel in posterum declarandae ; quamvis nos praemissa vel aliquod praemissorum ad termi- num diutiorem, ex dimissione praedictorum Thomae Cantu- ariensis, Willielmi Eboracensis, archiepiscoporum ; Thomae Londonensis, Willielmi Wintonensis, Johannis Roffensis, Thomae Bathonensis et Wellensis, Johannis Wigornensis, Walteri Norwicensis, Georgii Exoniensis, Johannis Here- fordensis, Johannis Lincolnensis, Laurentii Dunelmensis, Johannis Coventrensis et Lichefeldensis, episcoporum ; Jo- hannis abbatis ; Jasperis comitis Pembrochiae, Ricardi co- 277 Walter bishop of Norwich, George bishop of Exeter, John bishop of Hereford, John bishop of Lincoln, Law- rence bishop of Durham, John bishop of Coventry and Lichfield ; John the abbot; Jasper earl of Pembroke, Richard earl of Warwick, William earl of Arundel, John earl of Ox- ford, Richard earl of Salisbury; Henry viscount Bourg- chier, Edmund lord de Grey, Leo lord de Wells, Ralph lord de Sudley, John lord de Beauchamp ; John Nevill, knight, Thomas Tyrell, knight ; Robert Stillyngton, William Say, James Goldwell, Robert Wodelark, William Westbury, William Millyngton, Hugh Damlet, Thomas Barker, clerks; John Say, John Hampton, John Grene, and Ni- cholas Sharpe, esquires, their heirs and assigns for ever. Saving to us our estate and term which we have in The King's ^ term and the premises by demise of the aforesaid William bishop f^^f^e " rl-*^ of Winchester, Thomas bishop of Bath and Wells, John Sisedby bishop of Worcester, Walter bishop of Norwich, John **^®^^^^^^^- bishop of St. David's, John bishop of Lincoln ; and of the aforesaid viscount Beaumont; Ralph lord de Sudley, John lord de Beauchamp; and of William Westbury, Henry Seuer, Richard Andrewe, Robert Wodelark, Thomas Bar- ker, clerks ; Edmund Hungerford, knight ; John Hampton, John Noreys, and John Say, esquires. And, moreover, by The issues the authority of the present Parliament, we do ordain, will, ofthepre- •^ * mises to be and establish, that all the issues, profits, and emoluments ?pp"ff /"^y ' ' r ' in fulfilment arising from all the premises, as also from the arrears wm^®^"'^^ of the same, beyond the charges incumbent on them, be converted to no other uses but only to the doing and ful- filment of our will declared or hereafter to be declared respectinof the disposal of the same ; though we should though de- ^ ° ^ ° . misedtothe in future have the premises, or any of the premises, for fl^^^f^^ a farther certain term, by demise of the aforesaid Thomas tJ^^^^'^ archbishop of Canterbury, William archbishop of York; 2 M '278 mitis Warewici, Willielmi comitis Arundellise, Johannis co- mitis Oxonise, Ricardi comitis Sarum ; Henrici vicecomitis Bourgchier; Edmundi domini de Grey, Leonis domini de Welles, Radulphi de Sudeley, Johannis domini de Beauehamp; Johannis Nevill militis; Thomae Tyrell mi- litis ; Roberti Stillyngton, Willielmi Say, Jacobi Gold well, Roberti Wodelarke, Willielmi Westbury, Willielmi Mil- lyngton, Thomae Barker, clericorum ; Johannis Say, Jo- hannis Hampton, Johannis Grene, et Nicholai Sharpe, armigerorum, ad certum terminum habuerimus in futurum. Et ulterius, auctoritate dicti praesentis Parliamenti nostri, concedimus, ordinamus, et stabilimus, quod omnes et sin- guli dicti homines, tenentes residentes, et alii residentes, habeant, gaudeant et exerceant, omnia libertates, franche- sias, privilegia, jura regalia, consuetudines, immunitates supradicta ; ac etiam quod omnia et singula praemissa per officiarios et ministros nostros dicti ducatus nostri Lancas- triae et per sigillum nostrum ejusdem ducatus, et non aliter, gubernentur et conserventur ; et quod status et terminus noster in prsemissis sit et pertineat nobis in Jure Ducatus nostri praedicti. Proviso semper, quod praesens Actus non sit praejudi- cialis alicui officiariorum seu ministrorum nostrorum du- catus nostri praedicti, aut aliquorum praemissorum vel ali- cujus inde parcellae, de, in, seu pro aliquibus officiis, feodis, vadiis, et regardis eis vel eorum alicui inde ante haec tem- pora concessis sive in posterum concedendis. 278 Thomas bishop of London, William bishop of Winchester, John bishop of Rochester, Thomas bishop of Bath and Wells, John bishop of Worcester, Walter bishop of Nor- wich, George bishop of Exeter, John bishop of Hereford, John bishop of Lincoln, Lawrence bishop of Durham, John bishop of Coventry and Lichfield ; John the abbot ; Jasper earl of Pembroke, Richard earl of Warwick, William earl of Arundel, John earl of Oxford, Richard earl of Salis- bury; Henry viscount Bourgchier; Edmund lord de Grey, Leo lord de Wells, Ralph [lord] de Sudley, John lord de Beauchamp ; John Nevill, knight, Thomas Tyrell, knight: Robert Stillyngton, William Say, James Gold- well, Robert Wodelark, William Westbury, William Mil- lyngton, [Hugh Damlet,] Thomas Barker, clerks ; John Say, John Hampton, John Grene, and Nicholas Sharpe, esquires. And furthermore, by the authority of our said present Par- The tenants liament, we do grant, ordain, and establish, that all and shaii enjoy ^ the same li- every the said men, resident tenants, and other resiants Gerties, &c. •' ' ' andthepre- may have, enjoy, and exercise all the liberties, franchises, ™aged*byThe privileges, jura regalia, customs, and immunities abovesaid ; E?S Duchy of and also that all and singular the premises be governed and'Jnder the Duchy and kept by our Officers and Ministers of our said Duchy seai. of Lancaster, and by our Seal of the same Duchy, and not otherwise ; and that our estate and term in the premises be and pertain to us in right of our Duchy aforesaid. Provided always, that this present Act be not prejudicial to any of our Officers or Ministers of our aforesaid Duchy, or of any of the premises or any parcel thereof, in, for, or in respect of any offices, fees, wages, and rewards therein before this time granted, or hereafter to be granted, to them or any of them. 2 M 2 f 279 XXXVI. Rotulus Parliamenti tenti apud Westmonasterium, anno regni Regis Edwardi Quarti primo. CONVICI'IO QUORUNDAM DOMINORUM ET ALIORUM AUCTORITATE PaRLIAMENTI. TEM, quaedam cedula, formam Actus in se continens, exhibita fuit prsefato domino Regi in prsesenti Parliaraento, sub eo qui sequitur tenore verborum. 4th Nov. For asmoche as Henry, late Kyng Henry the Sixt, A.D. 1461*. ayenst the honoure and trouth that owe to be stablisshed in every Christien Prynce, dissimilyng with the right noble and famous Prynce Richard Due of York, to whome it lyked at the grete and speciall instaunce of the same Henry, and of the Lordes Spirituelx and Temporelx, and Commyns of the Reame of Englond, solempnely to hym made, and for the tender and naturall zele and affection that he bare unto the Commyn Wele, good pol- litique, and restful! governaunce therof, to take his viage from the cite of London toward the North parties of the seid Reame, to represse, subdue and resist the un- leefuU and inordynat commotion and riotte there bigonne, to the subversion of the seid Commen Wele, politique and restfull governaunce ; natheles procured, stered and excited, ayenst his promisse, and the forme of the convention and concorde made bitwene hem of and uppon the right and title of the seid Coroune, Roiall power, Dignite, Estate, Preemynence and Possession of the seid 280 Reame, the murdre of the same Due. And where the seid Henry Usurpour, dissimilyng the destruction of other Lordes and persones of the same Reame, by his writts called to assist hym to attend uppon his persone, to resiste and represse another commocion of people, by his assent and wille gadered, and waged not oonly in the North parties, but also oute of Scotlond, coramyng from the same parties with Margarete late called Queue of Englond, and hir son Edward, late called Prynce of Wales, entendyng to the extreme destruction of the seid Reame, namely of the South parties therof, wherof ex- perience sheweth the clerenes, respect had to the spoile by theym of Godds chirch, of chalesses, crosses of sylver, boxes for the Sacrament, and other onourments longyng therunto, of defoulyng and ravisshing Religious wymmen, wedowes and maydens, of unmanly and abhomynable entretyng of wymmen beyng in the naturall labour and bataille of travailyng of child, by the moyne therof pi- teously disperaged, Heven sorowyng the lost therby of the soules that shuld have been of the felauship of Cristendom and of the blisse of Heven, not abhorryng of unmanly, unnaturall and beestly cruelte to drawe wym- men beyng in childebedde from their bedds naked, and to spoile hem of all her goods, a piteous desolacion. The same Henry, actour, factour and provoker of the seid commocion, and assentyng of covyne with the seid Mar- garete, Henry Due of Somerset, and Henry late Erie of Northumberlond, in a bataille to be shewed unto hym, and offered of fraudulent dissimilacion, in a feld beside the toune of Seint Albones, the xvii day of Feverer last past, not joynyng his persone and blode to the de- fence, tuition and salvacion of the same Lordes and per- sones commen to assist hym by his auctorite and com- 281 maundement, lyke a victorious and a noble captayne, but lyke a disseyvable coward, ayenst princely and knyghtly duetee, sodenly, privately and shamefully re- fused theym, sufFeryng and procuryng to disseivably th"* effucion of their blode, and horrible murdre and deth, not havyng therof sorowe, pitee or compassion; ad- heryng to the seid Margaret, and to the seid Due of Somerset, and other Lordes and persones that committed the seid orrible and cruell murdre of the seid Due of York, and of the Erles of Rutlond and Salesbury, and also of the seid people, in the seid felde beside the seid toune of Seint Albones, yevyng therfor to the seid Due and other assistyng theym therin a speciall laude and thank, from thensforth appliyng to theym and to their outrageous, unlefuU, and unlawfuU riotts and mysgover- naunce; after that sufFeryng wilfully thoo worthy and good Knyghtes, William Lord Bonvile and Sir Thomas Kiryell, for the prowesse of knyghthode approved in their persones called to the order of the Garter, and William Gower, squier, the berer of oon of his baners, whom to he made feith and assurans under Kynges word, procedyng from his mouth, to kepe and defend theym there from all hurt, joupardie and perell, to be murdred, and after that tyrannously heded, with grete violence, withoute processe of lawe or any pitee, contrary to his seid feith and pro- mysse, abhomynable in the heryng of all Christen Prynces. Henry, late called King Henry the Sixth, shall be attainted of High Treason, It be declared and adjuged, by th'assent and advis of the Lordes Spirituelx and Temporelx, and Commyns, beyng in this present Parlement, and by auctorite of the same, that the seid Henry, late called Kyng Henry the Sixt, for the consideracions of the grete, haynouse, and de- testable malice and offenses afore specifyed, by hym com- 282 mitted ayenst his Feith and Liegeaunce to oure seid Liege Lord Kyng Edward the Fourth, his true, right- wisse, and naturall Liege Lord, offended and hurte un- justely and unlawfully the Roiall Mageste of oure seid Soverayne Lord, [*stand and be, by the seid advise and assent, convicted and atteinted of Hiffh Treason]. And andshaiifor- feit all his that it be ordeyned and stablisshed, by the seid advis, possessions •' 'J of the Duchy assent and auctorite, that the same Henry forfet unto t^th^cToTn- the same oure Liege Lord Kyng Edward the Fourth, and to the seid Coroune of Englond, all castelxs, ma- ners, lordships, tounes, touneships, honours, landes, te- nementes, rentes, services, feefermes, knyghtes' fees, ad- vousons, hereditaments and possessions, with their ap- purtenauncez, which he, or any other to his use, had the third day of Marche last past, beyng of the Duchie of Lancastre, or that were any parcell or membre of the same Duchie, or therunto unyed or annexed, in the first yere of the reigne of Henry, late called Kyng Henry the Fyft, or at any tyme sith. And that it be the said pos- "' "^ ./ ^ ^ sessions from ordeyned and stablisshed, by the seid advis, assent and ithuax^ch auctorite, that the same maners, castelles, lordships, ho- ^J^oJltid^ nours, tounes, touneships, landes, tenementes, rentes, f^Th^^Duchy services, feefermes, knyghtes' fees, advousons, heredita- t^;"^"''^^' ments and possessions, with their appurtenaunces, in Eng- lond, Wales and Caleis, and the Marches therof, make, and from the seid fourth day of Marche be, the seid Duchie of Lancastre corporat, and be called the Duchie of Lancastre. And that oure seid Soverayne Lord Kyng the King to •^ . , hold the Edward the Fourth have, sease, take, hold, enjoy and same to him ' ' ' 7 J J and his heirs enherit, all the same manoirs, castelles, and other pre- |jgg„^^ misses, with their appurtenauncez, by the same name * The words between crotchets are written in the margin of the Par- liament Roll. 283 of Duchie, fro all other his enheritauncez separate, fro the seid fourth day of Marche, to hym and to his heires The County Kyiigs of Englond perpetuelly. And that the Counte a County Pa- of Lancastro be a Counte Palatyne. And that oure Liege latine — par- eel of the and Soverayn Lord Kyng Edward the Fourth, and his seailchln-^ heiros, have, as parcell of the seid Duchie, the same ceiior, &c. Countie of Lancastre a Counte Palatyne, and a Seale, Chaunceller, Juges and Officers there for the same; and all manere^ libertees, custumes, lawes roiall and fraun- chises, in the same Countie Palatyne lawfully and right- another Seal wiscly used ; and over that another Seale, called the Seale Seal of the of the Duchic of Lancastre, and a Chaunceller for the Duchy of and?^*^^' k^Py^g therof, Officers and Counceillers for the gidyng Chancellor, ^^^ govcmaunce of the same Duchie, and of the par- ticuler officers, ministres, tenauntes and inhabitaunts therof, in as grete, ample, and large forme as Henry, callyng hymsilf Kyng Henry the Fyft, at any tyme The officers thcHn had, used, or enjoyed lawfully. And that, by of the Duchy, ? J J J J -> J and the te- the samc auctorite, the seid officers and ministres, and nants, shall ' beJtLs&c" ^^^ *^^ tenauntez and inhabitaunts of and in the same timeof\ing Duchic, havc, use, excercise and enjoy such and all Fifth? ^ libertees, fraunchises, privileges and custumes, as the officers, ministres, tenauntes and inhabitaunts of the same Duchie had, used, excercised or enjoyed lawfully, in the tyme of the same Henry callyng hymsilf Kyng Henry the Fyft. And that also in the same Duchie be used, had and occupied, all such fredomes, libertees, fraunchises, custumes, privileges, and jurisdictions as were used therin lawfully afore the seid fourth day of Marche. And that the officers, ministres, tenauntes and inhabitaunts of or in the seid Duchie be entreated and demeaned accordyng to the same fredomes, libertees, fraunchises, custumes, privileges and jurisdictions, and not 284 distreyned, arted, or compelled to the contrary, in any wise. Savyng also to all the Kynges Lieges, and to their saving. heires, and to every of theym, other than such as been attaynted by this Act, and their heires, claymyng by discent by any of theym in manere aforeseid attaynted, such title, right, interesse and possession as they or any of theym have, or the seid xxix day of Decembre, or the seid fourth day of Marche, had in the premisses or any parcell therof, the seid Duchie of Lancastre, and every parcell and membre therof except, other than they or any of theym have, or the seid xxix day, or the seid fourth day of Marche, had in the premisses, or any parcell therof, to the use and behofe of the seid per- sones in manere aforeseid attaynted, or any of theym, or to the use of the heires of any of theym soo attaynted. * * * * * Qua quidem cedula Communibus regni Angliae in eodem Assent. Parliamento existentibus transportiata fuit, cui iidem Com- munes assensum suum praebuerunt sub hiis verbis : A cest Acte les Communez sount assentuz. Quibus quidem cedula et assensu in Parliamento prse- dicto lectis, auditis et plenius intellectis, de avisamento et assensu Dominorum Spiritualium et Temporalium in dicto Parliamento existentium, respondebatur eisdem sub hiis verbis. LE Roy le voet. 285 XXXVIL Pro Ducatu Lancastri^e. DWARDUS Dei gratia Rex Angliae et Francise et Dominus Hibernise omnibus ad quos prae- sentes li terse pervenerint, salutem. Inspexi- mus literas patentes Henrici Quarti nuper de facto et non de jure Regis Angliae factas in haec verba : iiiiis^mH^wg Dei gratia Rex Angliae et Franciae et Do- minus Hiberniae omnibus ad quos praesentes literae perve- nerint salutem. Sciatis quod cum ducatus Lancastriae, ac quamplura alia comitatus, honores, castra, maneria, feoda, possessiones et dominia, infra regnum nostrum Angliae et Walliae, ac alibi, nobis tam per mortem Celebris memo- riae Henrici nuper Ducis Lancastriae avi nostri, ac ca~ rissimi domini et patris nostri Johannis nuper Ducis Lancastriae, necnon carissimae dominae et matris nostrae Blancbiae uxoris ejus, filiae et haeredis praedicti Henrici, nobis jure haereditario, antequam ad statum et dignitatem regalem rerum Dominus omnium sua inefFabili dementia nos nuperrime evocavit, descenderint et acciderint, in quibus quidem ducatu, comitatibus, honoribus, castris, maneriis, possessionibus et dominiis, diversa libertates, jura re- galia, consuetudines et franchesiae, dictis progenitoribus et antecessoribus nostris, quaedam, videlicet, eis et haeredibus de corporibus suis exeuntibus, et quaedam sibi et haeredibus masculis de corporibus suis exeuntibus, ac quaedam praefato domino et patri nostro ad terminum vitae suae, per diversas cartas, tam domini Edwardi nuper Regis Angliae avi nos- tri, quam domini Ricardi nuper Regis Angliae secundi 285 XXXVII. For the Duchy of Lancaster.* DWARD, by the grace of God, King of England and France and Lord of Ireland, to all to whom the present letters shall come, greeting. We have inspected the letters patent of Henry the Fourth, late in fact and not of right King of England, made in these words : miiE^lE^, by the grace of God, King of England and France and Lord of Ireland, to all to whom the present let- ters shall come, greeting. Know ye, that whereas the duchy of Lancaster, and very many other counties, honors, castles, manors, fees, possessions, and lordships, within our realm of England and Wales and elsewhere, before the Lord of all things so lately in his unspeakable mercy called us to the regal estate and dignity, did descend and come unto us by hereditary right, by the death as well of Henry of famous memory, late Duke of Lancaster, our grandfather, as of our most dear lord and father John late Duke of Lancaster, and also of our most dear lady and mother Blanche, his wife, daughter and heiress of the aforesaid Henry ; in which said duchy, counties, honors, castles, manors, possessions, and lordships, divers liberties, jura regalia, customs, and fran- chises were and had been granted to our said progenitors and ancestors, — to wit, some to them and the heirs of their bodies issuing, and some to them and the heirs male of their bodies issuing, and some to our aforesaid lord and * The original Charter is preserved in the archives of the Duchy of Lancaster. 4th Nov. 1 Edw. 4. A.D. 1461. 14th Oct. 1 Hen. 4. A.D. 1399. Recital that the King held the Duchy of Lancaster and other estates in various counties by inheritance, and that divers liber- ties and jura regalia had been granted therein by several char- ters, viz. 286 post conquestum, sunt et fuerant concessa, prout in cartis prsedictis quarum tenores sequuntur in hsec verba, — EDWARDUS Dei gratia Rex Anglise et Francise et Do- minus Hibernise omnibus ad quos prsesentes literse per- venerint, salutem. Sciatis quod si nos, debita considera- tione pensantes gestus magnificos cunctorum qui nobis in guerris nostris laudabiliter et strenue servierunt, ipsos desi- deremus honoribus attollere et pro viribus juxta merita prae- miare, quanto magis filios nostros, quos tarn in sapientia quam in gestu nobili alios praeeellere conspicimus, et qui nobis locum tenuerunt et tenere poterunt potiorem, nos eonvenit majoribus honoribus et gratiis prserogare. Considerantes itaque probitatem strenuara et sapientiam prsecellentem carissimi filii nostri Johannis Regis Castellse et Legionis, Dueis Lancastrise, qui laboribus et expensis semper se nobis obsequiosum exhibuit, pro nobis pluries in necessi- tatibus intrepide se guerrarum discriminibus exponendo ; et volentes eo prsetextu ac desiderantes eundem filium nos- trum aliquali commodo et honore ad praesens, licet non ad plenum, prout digna merita exposcunt, remunerare ; ex certa scientia nostra et Iseto corde, de assensu praelatorum et procerum in instanti parliamento nostro apud Westmo- nasterium convocato existentium, concessimus, pro nobis et hseredibus nostris, prsefato filio nostro, quod ipse ad totam vitam suam habeat infra comitatum Lancastrise cancella- riam suam, ac brevia sua sub sigillo suo pro officio cancel- lariae deputando consignanda, justitiarios suos tam ad pla- cita coronse quam ad qusecumque alia placita communem legem tangentia tenenda, ac cognitiones eorundem, et quas- cumque executiones per brevia sua et ministros suos ibidem faciendas, et qusecumque alia libertates et jura regalia ad Comitem Palatinum pertinentia, adeo integre et libere sicut Comes Cestrige infra eundem comitatum Cestriee dinoscitur 286 father for the term of his life, — by divers charters as well of the lord Edward late King of England, our grandfather, as of the lord Richard late King of England, the second after the conquest, as is contained more fully in the charters aforesaid, the tenors whereof follow in these words: — EDWARD, by the grace of God, King of England and 28th Feb. France and Lord of Ireland, to all to whom the present a.d. 1377." letters shall come, greeting. Know ye, that if we, weigh- ing with due consideration the noble bearings of all those who laudably and strenuously have served us in our wars, be desirous of raising them to honors, and rewarding them for their valor according to their merits, how much more doth it become us to advance with greater honors and favors our own sons, whom we see excelling others as well in wisdom as in noble bearing, and who have stood and may stand us in better stead. Considering, therefore, the Grant for life of a Court of strenuous goodness and excellent wisdom 01 our most dear chancery in ^ the county of son John King of Castille and Leon, Duke of Lancas- J-ancaster, ter, who hath ever shewn himself ready to serve us with labor and charges, many times in our need intrepidly exposing himself for us to the dangers of war, and being willing on that account, and desiring now to reward, albeit not in full, the same our son with some benefit and honor as his merits worthily demand, of our certain knowledge and with cheerful heart, with the assent of the prelates and nobles assembled in our present par- liament convoked at Westminster, we have granted, for us and our heirs, unto our aforesaid son, that he for the whole of his life may have within the county of Lan- caster his chancery, and his writs to be sealed under his seal to be deputed for the office of the chancery, his justices to hold as well pleas of the crown as all other pleas whatsoever touching the common law, and the cog- 287 obtinere (decimis quintisdecimis et aliis quotis et subsidiis nobis et baeredibus nostris per communitatem regni nostri, et decimis et aliis quotis per clerum ejusdem regni nobis concessis et imposterura concedendis, aut eidem clero per sedem apostolicam impositis et imponendis, ac pardona- tionibus vitae et membrorum in casu quo aliquis ejusdem comitatus aut alius in eodem comitatu pro aliquo delicto vitam vel membrum amittere debeat, ac etiam superioritate et potestate corrigendi ea quae in curiis ejusdem filii nostri ibidem erronice facta fuerint, vel si idem filius noster aut ministri sui in justitia in curiis ejusdem filii nostri inibi facienda defecerint, semper salvis). Et est intentionis nos- tras quod idem filius noster, ad mandata nostra et haeredum nostrorum, ad parliamenta et concilia nostra duos milites pro communitate comitatus praedicti et duos burgenses de quolibet burgo ejusdem comitatus ad tractandum cum aliis de communitate dicti regni nostri ad eadem parliamenta et concilia venientibus de negotiis dicti regni nostri in eisdem parliamentis et conciliis exponendis mittere teneatur. Et quod idem filius noster certos homines fideles et sufiicientes ad hujusmodi decimas et quintasdecimas subsidia et alia quota quotiens ea nobis seu baeredibus nostris in parlia- mentis seu conciliis concedi contigerit assignet; ita quod nobis et baeredibus nostris de sic concessis respondeatur per eosdem. In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fe- cimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium vice- simo octavo die Februarii, anno regni nostri Angliae quin- quagesimo primo, regni vero nostri Franciae tricesimo octavo. RICARDUS Dei gratia Rex Angliae et Franciae et Do- minus Hiberniae archiepiscopis, episcopis, abbatibus, prio- ribus, ducibus, comitibus, baronibus, justitiariis, vicecomiti- bus, praepositis, ministris, et omnibus ballivis et fidelibus suis, salutem. Sciatis quod cum dominus Edwardus nuper 287 nisance thereof, and all manner of execution to be made by his writs and his ministers there, and all other liber- ties and jura regalia pertaining to a Count Palatine, as and jura re- freely and entirely as the Earl of Chester is well known SnhfgToa to obtain within the same county of Chester: (saving latine. always the tenths, fifteenths, and other contributions and subsidies granted and hereafter to be granted to us and our heirs by the commonalty of our realm, and the tenths and other contributions granted and hereafter to be granted to us by the clergy of the same our realm, or imposed and to be imposed upon the same clergy by the apostolic see; — and the pardon of life and limbs in case that any person of the same county, or other person in the same county, ought for any delict to lose his life or limb; — and also the superiority and power of correcting those things which shall have been erro- neously done there in the courts of our same son, or if our same son or his ministers shall have failed in doing justice there also in the courts of the same our son.) And The Duke to ..... IIP send knights it is our intention that our same son, at the mandates oi of the shire and bur- US and our heirs, be held to send to our parliaments and gessesto ' ^ serve in par- councils two knights for the commonalty of the shire afore- "^™ent; said, and two burgesses from every borough of the same shire, to treat with the others of the commonalty of our said realm coming to the said parliaments and councils concerning the aifairs of our said realm in the same parlia- ments and councils to be declared. And that our same son and to ap- point collec- shall assign certain trusty and sufficient men for the like *^J^ **ra^ted tenths and fifteenths, subsidies and other contributions, so SeJ?"*" often as they shall happen to be granted to us or our heirs in parliament or council ; so that we and our heirs may by them be answered in respect of such grants. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made 288 Rex Angliae, avus noster, per cartara suam dedisset et con- cessisset carissimo avunculo nostro, filio suo, Johanni Duci Lancastrise, tunc Comiti Lancastriae, nomen et honorem Ducis et ipsum in Ducem Lancastriae praefecisset, ac de eisdem nomine et honore per cincturam gladii et apposi- tionem cappae suo capiti investivisset, habenda eadem nomen et honorem Ducis Lancastriae, sibi et haeredibus suis masculis de corpore suo legitime procreatis imper- petuum; subsequenterque idem avus noster per literas suas patentes concessisset pro se et haeredibus suis prae- fato avunculo nostro quod ipse ad totam vitam suam haberet infra comitatum Lancastriae cancellariam suam, ac brevia sua sub sigillo suo pro officio cancellariae de- putando consignanda, justitiarios suos tam ad placita co- ronae quam ad quaecuraque alia placita communem legem tangentia, tenenda, ac cognitiones eorundem, et quas- cumque executiones per brevia sua et ministros suos ibidem faciendas, et quaecumque alia libertates et jura re- galia ad Comitem Palatinum pertinentia, adeo libere et in- tegre sicut Comes Cestriae infra eundem comitatum Cestriae dinoscitur obtinere (decimis quintisdecimis et aliis quotis et subsidiis, eidem avo nostro et haeredibus suis per communi- tatem regni sui, et decimis et aliis quotis per clerum ejus- dem regni tunc concessis et extunc concedendis, aut eidem clero per sedem apostolicam impositis et imponendis, ac pardonationibus vitae et membrorum, in casu quo aliquis ejusdem comitatus, aut alius in eodem comitatu, pro aliquo delicto vitam vel membrum amittere deberet, ac etiam su- perioritate et potestate corrigendi ea quae in curia ejusdem avunculi nostri ibidem erronice facta fuerint, vel [si] idem avunculus noster aut ministri sui in justitia in curia sua facienda defecerint, semper salvis) : Et quod idem avun- culus noster ad mandata ejusdem avi nostri et haeredum 288 patent. Witness ourself at Westminster, on the twenty- eighth day of February, in the fifty-first year of our reign of England, and the thirty- eighth of our reign of France. RICHARD, by the grace of God, King of England and lethFeb. France, and Lord of Ireland, to his archbishops, bishops, a.d. 1^390. abbots, priors, dukes, earls, barons, justices, sheriff's, reeves, ministers, and all his bailiff^s and faithful people, greeting. Know ye, that whereas the Lord Edward, late King of Recital of England, our grandfather, did by his charter give and KingEdw.s. - creating his ffrant to his son, our most dear uncle, John Duke of son John ® ' ^ ' Duke of Lancaster, at that time Earl of Lancaster, the name and i^aucaster, honor of Duke, and did make him Duke of Lancaster, and invest him with the same name and honor by gird- ing of the sword and setting upon his head the cap, to have the same name and honor of Duke of Lancaster to him and his heirs male of his body lawfully begotten for ever; and subsequently our same grandfather did by his andofhis letters patent grant for himself and his heirs to our afore- for life of a chancery said uncle, that he for the whole of his life should have andiwra regalia, as within the county of Lancaster his chancery, and his writs paiSe in to be sealed under his seal to be deputed for the office of S L^Ster. the chancery, his justices to hold as well pleas of the crown as all other pleas whatsoever touching the common law, and the cognizance thereof, and all manner of execu- tion to be made by his writs and his ministers there, and all other liberties and jura regalia pertaining to a Count Palatine, as freely and entirely as the Earl of Chester is well known to obtain within the same county of Chester; saving always the tenths, fifteenths, and other contribu- tions and subsidies then granted and thereafter to be granted to our same grandfather and his heirs by the commonalty of his realm, and the tenths and other con- tributions then granted and thereafter to be granted by 2 N 289 suorum ad parliamenta et concilia sua duos milites pro communitate comitatus prsedicti et duos burgenses de quolibet burgo ejusdem comitatus ad tractandum, cum aliis dicti regni ad parliamenta et concilia venientibus, de negotiis dicti regni in eisdem parliamentis et aliis expo- nendis, mittere teneretur : et quod idem avunculus noster certos homines fideles et sufficientes ad hujusmodi decimas et quintasdecimas subsidia et alia quota, quotiens ea eidem avo nostro seu hseredibus suis in parliamentis seu con- ciliis concedi contingeret, assignaret ; ita quod eidem avo nostro de sic concessis responderetur per eosdem. Ac nos nuper ad prosecutionem ipsius avunculi nostri per peti- tionem suam nobis in parliamento nostro apud Gloucestriam tento exhibitam, suggerentis ipsum praetextu dictorum ver- borum generalium scaccarium suum in eodem comitatu Lancastrise et omnia ad hujusmodi scaccarium pertinentia, ac jurisdictionem et potestatem faciendi et constituendi jus- titiarios suos itinerantes ad placita forestse et alios justitia- rios ad qusecumque alia placita assisam forestse tangentia infra dictum comitatum Lancastriae a tempore concessionis dicti avi nostri tenuisse exercuisse et habuisse, de assensu praelatorum ducum comitum baronum et communitatis regni nostri Angliae in eodem parliamento existentium, per literas nostras patentes declaraverimus eundem avunculum nostrum omnibus et singulis prsemissis, per ipsum prsetextu dictorum verborum generalium ut praemittitur usitatis, virtute eorum- dem verborum generalium uti posse et debere ; et ulterius de gratia nostra speciali concesserimus, pro nobis et heere- dibus nostris, eidem avunculo nostro, quod ipse scaccarium suum in dicto comitatu Lancastriae, et barones et alios ministros in eodem scaccario necessarios, necnon jurisdic- tiones executiones et consuetudines quascumque in scac- cario nostro Anghae rationabiliter usitatas habeat in eodem 289 the clergy of the same realm, or imposed and to be im^ posed upon the same clergy by the apostolic see; and the pardon of life and limbs in case that any person of the same county, or other person in the same county, ought for any delict to lose his life or limb ; and also the su- periority and power of correcting those things which shall have been erroneously done there in the court of our same uncle, or if our same uncle or his ministers should have failed in doing justice in his court. And that our same uncle, at the mandate of the same our grandfather and his heirs, should be held to send to his parliaments and councils two knights for the commonalty of the shire aforesaid, and two burgesses from every borough of the same shire, to treat with the others of the said realm coming to the parliaments and councils concerning the affairs of the said realm in the same parliaments and councils to be declared : and that our same uncle should assign certain trusty and sufficient men for the like tenths and fifteenths, subsidies and other contributions, so often as they should happen to be granted to our same grand- father or his heirs in parliament or council ; so that our same grandfather might by them be answered in respect of such grants. And we lately, at the prosecution of our Recital of Icttsrs DS~ same uncle by his petition to us exhibited in our parlia- tent grant- J r r ed by King ment holden at Gloucester, (suggesting that by pretext of the ^,'theDukes said general words he had had, exercised, and held from the Jariiiment, time of the grant of our said grandfather his exchequer in the same county of Lancaster, and all things to such ex- chequer pertaining, and the jurisdiction and power of making and appointing his justices in eyre for pleas of the forest, and other justices for all manner of other pleas touching the assize of the forest within the said county of Lancaster,) with the assent of the prelates, dukes, earls, 2 N 2 290 scaccario suo et eis ibidem plene gaudeat et rationabiliter utatur: et quod habeat jurisdictionem et potestatem fa- ciendi et constituendi justitiarios suos itinerantes ad placita forestse et alios justitiarios ad qusecumque alia placita assi- sam forestse tangentia infra dictum comitatum Lancastrise tenenda durante vita ipsius avunculi nostri (placitis tamen et querelis aliis quibuscumque, ubi nos vel bseredes nostri in dicto scaccario vel coram praefatis justitiariis partes fuerimus vel fieri contingat, emergentibus semper salvis) ; et volueri- mus, quod omnia verba generalia in concessione ejusdem avi nostri prsedicta contenta in suo robore permaneant durante vita avunculi nostri supradicti, declaratione et concessione praedictis non obstantibus, prout in carta et literis prsedictis plenius continetur. Jamque prsefatus avunculus noster nobis supplicaverit, ut libertates franchesias privilegia jura regalia supradicta, et omnia alia et singula sibi superius concessa, sibi et hseredibus suis masculis de corpore suo exeuntibus concedere dignemur, habenda eodem modo sicut ea jam habet, una cum dicto nomine Ducis Lancastrise perpetuis temporibus successivis. Nos probitatem stre- nuam et sapientiam excellentissimam prsefati avunculi nos- tri, qui se laboribus et expensis ac consiliis continuis nobis et regno nostro obsequiosum pariter et fructuosum semper retroactis temporibus exhibuit et exhibet indefesse, debita consideratione pensantes, ac sperantes indubie haeredes suos masculos de corpore suo legitime procreatos vestigia pro- genitorum suorum qui ex tam nobili progenie regali proces- serunt, divina mediante dementia, in sapientia strenuitate et honore sequi debere, et nobis et hseredibus nostris ac regno nostro maxime valere et locumtenere posse infutu- rum. Et volentes praemissorum intuitu supplicationi prae- dictae annuere gratiose, de assensu praesentis parliamenti nostri, laeto corde et ex certa scientia nostra concessimus 290 barons, and the commons of our realm of England in the same parliament assembled, by our letters patent did declaring, declare that our same uncle should and miffht be able, virtue of ^ the general by virtue of the said general words, to use all and every Yram^o^/jJ'e® the premises by him used by pretext of the same general t^fe1)uke^' words as is premised ; and further, of our especial grace w^excht^* we did grant, for us and our heirs, to our same uncle, '^"^^' that he might have his exchequer in the said county of Lancaster, and barons and other ministei^ necessary in the same exchequer, and also all jurisdictions, executions, and customs whatsoever in the same his exchequer which are reasonably used in our exchequer of England, and might fully and reasonably use and enjoy them there; and that he miffht have the jurisdiction and power of and appoint- ^ ^ ^ •* ^ ment of jus- making and appointing his justices in eyre to hold pleas ticesofthe of the forest, and other justices to hold all manner of other pleas touching the assize of the forest, within the said county of Lancaster, during the life of our same uncle (saving always nevertheless all manner of other pleas and plaints arising in the said exchequer, or before the aforesaid justices, where we or our heirs should be, or should happen to be made, parties) ; and we did will during the „ , 1 1 • 1 . 1 n -1 Duke's life. that all the general words contamed m the aforesaid grant of our same grandfather should remain in force during the life of our abovesaid uncle, notwithstanding the declaration and grant aforesaid, as in the charter and letters aforesaid more fully is contained. And now our aforesaid uncle The Duke 1 V T • having pe- hath besought us that we would deiffn to grant the above- titionedfor a said liberties, franchises, privileges, jura regalia, and all ™aie» and every other the things to him above granted, to him and his heirs male of his body issuing, to have in the same manner as he now hath them, together with the said name of Duke of Lancaster in all times to come. We, 291 pro nobis et hseredibus nostris, praefato avuuculo nostro quod ipse et hseredes sui masculi de corpore suo legitime procreati habeant infra comitatum Lancastriae cancellariam suam ac brevia sua sub sigillo suo pro officio eancellariae deputando conservanda, justitiarios suos tam ad placita coronse quam ad quaecumque alia placita communem legem tangentia tenenda, ac cognitiones eorundem, et quascum- que executiones per brevia sua et ministros suos ibidem faciendas, et qusecumque alia libertates et jura regalia ad Comitem Palatinum pertinentia, adeolibere et integre si cut Comes Cestriae dinoscitur obtinere. Et quod habeant scac- carium suum in dicto comitatu Lancastriae ac barones et alios ministros in eodem scaccario necessarios, necnon jurisdictiones executiones et consuetudines quascumque in scaccario nostro Angliae rationabiliter usitatas, et eis ibidem plene gaudeant et rationabiliter utantur. Et quod habeant jurisdictionem et potestatem faciendi et constituendi justi- tiarios suos itinerantes ad placita forestae et alios justitia- rios ad quaecumque alia placita assisam forestae tangentia infra dictum comitatum Lancastriae tenenda imperpetuum (placitis tamen et querelis quibuscumque, ubi nos vel haere- des nostri in dicto scaccario vel coram praefatis justitiariis partes fuerimus vel fieri contingat, emergentibus, ac deci- mis quintisdecimis et aliis quotis et subsidiis nobis et haere- dibus nostris per communitatem regni nostri, et decimis et aliis quotis per clerum ejusdem regni concessis et exnunc concedendis, aut eidem clero per sedem apostolicam impo- sitis et imponendis, ac pardonationibus vitae et membrorum in casu quo aliquis ejusdem comitatus, aut alius in eodem comitatu, pro delicto aliquo vitam vel membrum amittere debeat, ac etiam superioritate et potestate corrigendi ea quae in curia ejusdem avunculi nostri vel dictorum haeredum suorum ibidem erronice facta fuerint, vel [si] idem avunculus 291 weiffhins: with due consideration the strenuous probity and in consider- . . ation of his most excellent wisdom of our aforesaid uncle, who hath high merits ever shewn himself in times past, and unweariedly con- tinues to prove, very ready to serve us and our realm, and at the same time most profitably, with his continual labor, charges, and counsel; and hoping undoubtedly that his heirs male of his body lawfully begotten ought through the mediation of Divine Mercy to follow the footsteps of their progenitors, who have proceeded from so noble and royal a stock, in wisdom, honor, and prowess, and that they will be able, in times to come, mightily to avail and stand ourself and our heirs and our realm in good stead, and being willing in regard of the premises graciously to assent to the aforesaid petition, with the assent of our pre^ sent parliament, of our certain knowledge, and with cheer- ful heart, do ffrant for us and our heirs to our aforesaid he and the ^ heirs male of uncle, that he and his heirs male of his body lawfully ^^'^jf "'^/^^ j„ begotten may have within the county of Lancaster their ^ancaste/"^ chancery, and their writs to be sealed under their seal to their ... chancery, be deputed for the office of the chancery, their justices to justices to hold as well pleas of the crown as all other pleas whatso- ever touching the common law, and the cognizance thereof, and all manner of execution to be made by their writs and their ministers there, and all other liberties and jura and jum . i> ^ J • 1 regalia, as regalia pertaining to a Count Palatine, as freely and entirely freeiy as the as the Earl of Chester is well known to obtain. And that Chester; they may have their exchequer in the said county of Lan- exchequer caster, and barons and other ministers necessary in the and barons . thereof, same exchequer, and also all jurisdictions, executions, and customs whatsoever, which are reasonably used in our exchequer of England, and may fully and reasonably use and enjoy them there ; and that they may have the juris- ^"e^„t^P?°'"*' diction and power of making and appointing their justices ^S'ioxlS, 292 noster sen dicti haeredes sui, aut eorum ministri, in justitia in curia sua facienda defecerint, semper salvis). Et quod idem avunculus noster et dicti haeredes sui, ad mandata nostra et hseredum nostrorum, ad parliamenta et concilia nostra et haeredum nostrorum duos milites pro communi- tate comitatus praedicti et duos burgenses de quolibet burgo ejusdem comitatus adtractandum cum aliis dicti regni nostri ad parliamenta et concilia venientibus de negotiis dicti regni in eisdem parliament! s et aliis exponendis mittere teneantur. Et quod idem avunculus noster et haeredes sui praedicti certos homines fideles et sufficientes ad hujusmodi decimas et quintasdecimas subsidia et alia quota, quotiens ea nobis aut haeredibus nostris in parliamentis seu con- ciliis concedi contigerit, assignent ; ita quod nobis et hae- redibus nostris de sic concessis respondeatur per eosdem. Quare volumus et firmiter praecipimus quod idem avunculus noster et haeredes sui praedicti habeant et teneant omnia et singula libertates franchesias privilegia scaccarium jura regalia et alia supradicta una cum dictis nomine et honore Ducis Lancastriae (exceptis praeexceptis) eodem modo ac adeo libere et integre sicut idem avunculus noster ea ad praesens habet et tenet, imperpetuum, sicut praedictum est. Hiis testibus Willielmo Archiepiscopo Cantuariensi totius Angliae Primate, Thoma Archiepiscopo Eboracensi Angliae Primate, Roberto Londinensi, Willielmo Wintoniensi, Can- cellario nostro, Johanne Menevensi, Thesaurario nostro, Episcopis, Edmundo Eborum, Thoma Gloucestriae, Ducibus, avunculis nostris carissimis, Ricardo Arundelliae, Willielmo Sarum, Henrico Northumbriae, Comitibus, Ricardo Le- scrop, Johanne Devereux, Senescallo hospitii nostri, et aliis. Data per manum nostram apud Westmonasterium, sextodecimo die Februarii, anno regni nostri tertiodecimo. RICARDUS Dei gratia Rex Angliae et Franciae et Do- 292 in eyre to hold pleas of the forest, and other justices to hold all manner of other pleas touching the assize of the forest within the said county of Lancaster for ever. Saving exceptwhere always, nevertheless, all manner of other pleas and plaints pany!^""^" ^* arising in the said exchequer, or before the aforesaid jus- tices, where we or our heirs shall be, or shall happen to be made, parties; and saving always the tenths, fifteenths, saving of and other contributions and subsidies granted and here- mentary aids and after to be granted to us and our heirs by the commonalty *^^^^' of our realm, and the tenths and other contributions granted or hereafter to be granted by the clergy of the same realm, or imposed and to be imposed upon the same clergy by the apostolic see ; and the pardon of life and limbs in case that pardon of life, any person of the same county, or other person in the same county, ought for any delict to lose his life or limb; and andcorrec- also the superiority and power of correcting those things neous jSdg- ments, which shall have been erroneously done there in the court of our same uncle or his said heirs; or if our same uncle, or in failure of justice. or his said heirs or their ministers, shall fail in doing jus- tice in their court. And that our same uncle and his said The Duke heirs, at the mandates of us and our heirs, shall be held to ^eirs to send members to send to the parliaments and councils of us and our heirs Jf/th^shire two knights for the commonalty of the shire aforesaid, and roughs] two burgesses from every borough of the same shire, to treat with the others of our said realm coming to the par- liaments and councils concerning the affairs of the said realm in the same parliaments and councils to be declared : and that our same uncle and his heirs shall assign certain and to assign collectors of trusty and sufficient men for the like tenths and fifteenths, subsidies *' ' and taxes subsidies, and other contributions, so often as they shall ^^liamem. happen to be granted to us or our heirs in parliament or council ; so that we and our heirs may by the same men be answered in respect of such grants. Wherefore we will minus Hibernise, archiepiscopis, episcopisj abbatibus, pri- oribus, ducibus, comitibus, baronibus, justitiariis, viceco- mitibus, prsepositis, ministris, et omnibus ballivis et fide- libus suis, salutem. Inspeximus cartam Domini Edwardi nuper Regis Anglise, avi nostri, factam in hsec verba: ED WARD US Dei gratia Rex Anglise Dominus Hi- berniae et Aquitanise, archiepiscopis, episcopis, abbatibus, prioribus, comitibus, baronibus, justitiariis, vicecomitibus, prsepositis, ministris, et omnibus ballivis et fidelibus suis salutem. Sciatis quod cum nuper considerantes qualiter comitatus Lancastriae, et plura castra, villae, maneria, terrse, et tenementa, cum pertinentiis, tarn in comitatibus Lincolniae et Derbise quam in diversis aliis comitatibus regni nostri, quae fuerunt Henrici nuper Ducis Lan- castriae et Comitis Lincolniae et Derbiae post mortem ip- sius Ducis, (quaedam, videlicet, ad Johannem Comitem Richemondiae filium nostrum carissimum et Blanchiam uxorem ejus unam filiarum et haeredum praedicti Ducis, juxta partitionem inter ipsos et Matildem tunc alteram filiarum et haeredum ipsius Ducis factam per descensum haereditarium fuerunt devoluta, et quaedam eisdem Comiti et Blanchiae, juxta ordinationem et concessionem praedicti Ducis dum vixit, sub certa forma sunt remansura,) ac vo- lentes proinde eidem filio nostro, ut se juxta status sui nobilitatem decentius manutenere valeat, gratiam facere specialem, concesserimus pro nobis et haeredibus nostris praefato Johanni nunc Comiti Lancastriae et Richemondiae, quod ipse et haeredes sui de corpore suo et corpore prae- dictae Blanchiae legitime procreati imperpetuum haberent re- torna omnium brevium nostrorum et haeredum nostrorum, et omnia placita de vetito namio in terris et feodis de haereditate praedicti Ducis, quae tunc in manibus ipsorum Comitis et Blanchiae extiterunt, et quae imposterum eis 293 and strictly command that our same uncle and his heirs aforesaid shall have and hold all and every the abovesaid liberties, franchises, privileges, exchequer, jura regalia^ and other things, together with the said name and honor Title of of Duke of Lancaster, except as before excepted, in the Lancaster. same manner and as freely and entirely as our same uncle at present has and holds them, for ever, as is aforesaid. These being witnesses, William Archbishop of Canter- bury, Primate of all England; Thomas Archbishop of York, Primate of England; Robert Bishop of London; William Bishop of Winchester, our Chancellor; John Bishop of Saint David's, our Treasurer; our most dear uncles, Edmund Duke of York, and Thomas Duke of Gloucester ; Richard Earl of Arundel ; William Earl of Salisbury; Henry Earl of Northumberland; Richard Le- scrope; John Devereux, Steward of our household, and others. Given under our hand at Westminster, on the six- teenth day of February, in the thirteenth year of our reign. RICHARD, by the grace of God, King of England and 29th June, France, and Lord of Ireland, to his archbishops, bishops, ^•^- ^^^^^ abbots, priors, dukes, earls, barons, justices, sheriffs, reeves, ministers, and all his bailiffs and faithful people, greeting. We have inspected the charter of the Lord Edward, late King of England, our grandfather, made in these words : EDWARD, by the grace of God, King of England, Lord 12th May, of Ireland and Aquitaine, to his archbishops, bishops, ab- a.d. 1362.' bots, priors, earls, barons, justices, sheriffs, reeves, minis- ters, and all his baihffs and faithful people, greeting. Know RecUai of • 1 • 1 Charter ye, that whereas we, lately considermg how that the county dated 13th of Lancaster, and many castles, towns, manors, lands, and 35 Edw. 3. tenements, with their appurtenances, as well in the coun- ties of Lincoln and Derby, as in divers other counties of our realm, which were of Henry late Duke of Lancaster 294 juxta ordinationem et concessionem praedictas sunt reman- sura cum ad manus suas devenerint ; et etiam omnes fines et amerciamenta omnium hominum et tenentium suorum, ubicumque ipsos homines et tenentes in curiis nostris et haeredum nostrorum amerciari vel fines facere continge- ret, necnon omnia catalla omnium hominum et tenentium suorum felonum et fugitivorum et dampnatorum, prout in carta nostra inde confecta plenius continetur. Ac jam omnia terrae et tenementa cum pertinentiis quae prsedicta Matildis tenuit in propartem suam prsedictam, de omnibus terris et tenementis prsedictis quae fuerunt praedicti Ducis, necnon quaedam alia terrae et tenementa cum pertinentiis in comitatibus Norfolciae et SufFolciae quae eadem Matildis tenuit de haereditate ipsius Ducis ex dono et feofFamento Jo- hannis Episcopi Lincolniensis, Ricardi Comitis Arundelliae, Robert! de la Mare, Johannis de Buklond, Johannis Char- nels, Walteri Power, Simonis Symeon et Johannis Neu- marche, per mortem ejusdem Matildis praefatis Comiti et Blanchiae, ut sorori et haeredi praedictae Matildis jure haereditario descenderint. Nos volentes praedictos Comi- tem et Blanchiam favore prosequi gratioso, concessimus et hac carta nostra confirmavimus praefato Comiti quod ipse et haeredes sui de corpore suo et corpore praedictae Blanchiae legitime procreati iraperpetuum habeant retorna omnium brevium nostrorum et haeredum nostrorum, et omnia placita de vetito namio, tam in terris et feodis quae iidem Comes et Blanchia de proparte ipsius Blanchiae praedicta, quam in terris et feodis quae fuerunt praedictas Matildis et quae ipsi Comes et Blanchia ut soror et haeres ejusdem Matildis jam tenent de haereditate praedicta, et etiam in terris et feodis, quae eisdem Comiti et Blanchiae sunt de eadem haereditate imposterum remansura vel rever- sura, cum ad manus suas devenerint, et etiam omnes fines 294 and Earl of Lincoln and Derby, lately after the death of the same Duke had devolved, to wit, some by hereditary descent, upon John Earl of Richmond, our most dear son, and Blanche his wife, one of the daughters and co-heirs of the aforesaid Duke, according to the partition made between them and Matilda, the then other daughter and co-heir of the same Duke, and some were to remain, under a certain form, to the same Earl and Blanche, according to an ordinance and grant of the aforesaid Duke whilst he lived, and being willing, therefore, to shew especial favor to the same our son, in order that he might the more de- cently maintain himself according to the nobility of his station, did grant for us and our heirs to the aforesaid John now Earl of Lancaster and Richmond, that he and his heirs of his body and the body of the aforesaid Blanche, lawfully begotten, for ever should have the return of all writs of us and our heirs, and all pleas of withernam in the lands and fees of the heritage of the aforesaid Duke, which then were in the hands of the same Earl and Blanche, and which thereafter were to remain to them according to the ordinance and grant aforesaid, when they should come into their hands ; and also all fines and amercements of all their men and tenants wheresoever it should happen that such men and tenants should make fine or be amerced in the courts of us and our heirs ; and also all the chattels of all their men and tenants, being felons and fugitives and per- sons condemned, as in our charter thereof made more fully is contained. And now all the lands and tenements, with and descent their appurtenances, which the aforesaid Matilda held as portion on * ^ • 1 /. n 1 1 1 Blanche, the her purparty aforesaid of all the lands and tenements afore- surviving co. said which were of the aforesaid Duke, and also certain other lands and tenements, with appurtenances, in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, which the same Matilda 295 et amerciamenta omnium hominum et tenendum suorum ubicumque ipsos homines et tenentes in curiis nostris et haeredum nostrorum amerciari vel fines facere contigerit; necnon omnia catalla omnium hominum et tenentium suorum, felonum et fugitivorum et dampnatorum. Quare volumus et firmiter praecipimus pro nobis et hseredibus nostris quod praedictus Comes et haeredes sui praedicti imperpetuum habeant retorna omnium brevium nostrorum et haeredum nostrorum, et omnia placita de vetito namio in terris et feodis suis praedictis ; ac omnes fines et amer- ciamenta omnium hominum et tenentium suorum prae- dictorum, ubicumque ipsos homines et tenentes in curiis nostris et haeredum nostrorum amerciari vel fines facere contigerit; ac etiam omnia catalla omnium hominum et tenentium suorum, felonum, fugitivorum, et dampnatorum, sicut praedictum est, et eodem modo quo Henricus nuper Comes Lancastriae pater pragdicti Ducis, vel idem Dux, quibus consimiles hbertates in terris et feodis suis ha- bendas successive per cartas nostras concessimus, easdem libertates habuit et eis rationabiliter uti consuevit. Hiis testibus S. Archiepiscopo Cantuariensi totius Anghae Pri- mate, W. Wintoniensi Episcopo Cancellario nostro, S. Eliensi Episcopo Thesaurario nostro, Edwardo Principe Walliae primogenito nostro carissimo, Ricardo Arundellise, Thoma Warwici, et Willielmo Sarum, Comitibus, et aliis. Data per manum nostram apud Westmonasterium duo- decimo die Maii, anno regni nostri tricesimo sexto. IN- SPEXIMUS etiam quandam cartam nostram factam in haec verba: RICARDUS Dei gratia Rex Anglise et Franciae et Dominus Hiberniae, omnibus ad quos prsesentes literae pervenerint, salutem. Inspeximus quandam cartam carissimi Domini et avi nostri Domini Edwardi nuper Regis Anghae defuncti, nuper factam [carissimo avunculo nostro] writs. Pleas withernam. 295 held of the inheritance of the same Duke by the gift and feoffment of John Bishop of Lincoki, Richard Earl of Arundel, Robert de la Mare, John de Buklond, John Char- nels, Walter Power, Simon Symeon, and John Neumarche, have by the death of the same Matilda descended by here- ditary right to the aforesaid Earl and Blanche, as sister and heir of the aforesaid Matilda : — We, willing to pursue with our gracious favor the aforesaid Earl and Blanche, have granted and by this our charter have confirmed to the aforesaid Earl, that he and his heirs of his body and the body of the aforesaid Blanche, lawfully begotten, for ever may have the return of all writs of us and our heirs, and Return of all pleas of withernam, as well in the lands and fees which pieas of the same Earl and Blanche now hold of the aforesaid pur- party of the same Blanche, as in the lands and fees which were of the aforesaid Matilda, and which the same Earl, and Blanche as sister and heir of the same Matilda, now hold of the inheritance aforesaid, and also in the lands and fees of the same inheritance which are hereafter to remain or revert to the same Earl and Blanche, when they shall come into their hands ; and also all fines and amercements Fines and of all their men and tenants wheresoever the same men and mSnts!" tenants shall happen to make fine or be amerced in the courts of us and our heirs ; and also all the chattels of all their men and tenants, being felons and fugitives and per- sons condemned. Wherefore we will and strictly command for us and our heirs, that the aforesaid Earl and his heirs aforesaid for ever shall have the return of all writs of us and our heirs, and all pleas of withernam in their lands and fees aforesaid; and all fines and amercements of all their men and tenants aforesaid, wheresoever the same men and tenants shall happen to make fine or be amerced in the courts of us and our heirs ; and also all the chattels of their Chattels of felons. 296 Johanni Regi Castellse et Legionis Duci Lancastrise, filio ipsius avi nostri, per nomen Johannis Ducis Lancastriae, et Blanchise nuper uxori ejus in hsec verba: Ebwardus Dei gratia Rex Anglise, Dominus Hibernlse et Aquita- niae, archiepiscopis, episcopis, ducibus, abbatibus, pri- oribus, comitibus, baronibus, justitiariis, vicecomitibus, praepositis, ministris, et omnibus ballivis et fidelibus suis, salutem. Sciatis quod cum nos nuper septimo die Maii anno regni nostri sexto decimo per cartam nostram con- cesserimus pro nobis et haeredibus nostris Henrico tunc Comiti Lancastriae quod ipse et haeredes sui de corpore suo procreati et omnes homines sui imperpetuum essent quieti de pavagio passagio paagio lastagio stallagio tallagio cari- agio pesagio piccagio et terragio per totum regnum et potestatem nostram ; et quod idem Comes et haeredes sui praedicti imperpetuum haberent retorna omnium brevium nostrorum et haeredum nostrorum ac summonitionum de scaccario nostro et haeredum nostrorum, et attachiamen- ta tam de placitis coronae quam de ahis quibuscunque in omnibus terris et feodis suis; ita quod nullus vicecomes vel alius ballivus sen minister noster vel haeredum nostro- rum terras seu feoda ilia ingrederetur ad executiones eorun- dem brevium et summonitionum, seu ad attachiamenta de placitis coronae vel aliis praedictis aut aliquod aliud ofE- cium ibidem faciendum, nisi in defectum ipsius Comitis et haeredum suorum praedictorum ac ballivorum et ministro- rum suorum in terris et feodis suis praedictis. Et quod haberent catalla hominum et tenentium suorum felonum et fugitivorum; ita quod si quis hominum vel tenentium suorum pro delicto suo vitam vel membrum deberet amit- tere vel fugeret et judicio stare nollet vel aliud quodcum- que delictum faceret pro quo catalla sua deberet perdere, ubi- cunque justitia de eo fieret, sive in curia nostra vel haere- 296 men and tenants, being felons and fugitives and persons condemned, as is aforesaid, and in the same manner in which Henry late Earl of Lancaster, father of the afore- said Duke, or the same Duke, to whom we granted by our charters successively to have the like liberties in their lands and fees, had the same liberties and was accustomed reason- ably to use them. These being witnesses, Simon Arch- bishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England; William Bishop of Winchester, our Chancellor; Simon Bishop of Ely, our Treasurer; Edward Prince of Wales, our most dear eldest son ; Richard Earl of Arundel ; Thomas Earl of Warwick ; and William Earl of Salisbury, and others. Given under our hand at Westminster on the twelfth day of May, in the thirty-sixth year of our reign. WE have in- spected also a certain charter of ours made in these words : RICHARD, by the grace of God, King of England and 15th sept. France, and Lord of Ireland, to all to whom the present let- a.d. 137V. ters shall come, greeting. We have inspected a certain charter of our most dear Lord and grandfather Lord Ed- ward, late King of England, deceased, lately made to [our dearest uncle] John King of Castillo and Leon, Duke of Lan- caster, son of our same grandfather, by name of John Duke of Lancaster, and to Blanche, late his wife, in these words : Edward, by the grace of God, King of England, Lord i4thjuiv. .... I . 1 1 • 1 1 . 1 38 Edw. 3. of Ireland and Aquitame, to his archbishops, bishops, a.d. i364. dukes, abbots, priors, earls, barons, justices, sheriiFs, reeves, ministers, and all his bailiffs and faithful people, greeting. Know ye, that whereas we did lately, on the seventh day Recital of of May, in the sixteenth year of our reign, grant by our n^uly! charter, for us and our heirs, to Henry then Earl of Lan- to Henry caster, that he and his heirs ot his body begotten, and caster. all his men for ever, should be quit of paviage, passage, payage, lastage, stallage, tallage, carriage, pesage, picage, 2 o 297 dum nostrorum sive in alia curia, ipsa catalla essent ipsius Comitis et haeredum suorum prsedictorum, et quod liceret eis vel ministris suis sine impedimento nostri vel haeredum nostrorum vicecomitum aut [aliorum] ballivorum seu mi« nistrorum nostrorum quorumcunque ponere se in seisi- nam de catallis prsedictis et ea ad usum ipsius Comitis et haeredum suorum praedictorum retinere. Et etiam quod haberent imperpetuum omnes fines pro transgressionibus et aliis delictis quibuscunque et fines pro licentia concor- dandi, et omnia amerciamenta redemptiones et exitus forisfactos; ac forisfacturas, annum diem vastum et streppum, et omnia quae ad nos et haeredes nostros per- tinere possent de hujusmodi anno die vasto et murdris de omnibus hominibus et tenentibus de terris et feodis suis quibuscunque in quibuscunque curiis nostris et haere- dum nostrorum homines et tenentes illos, tam coram nobis et haeredibus nostris, et in cancellaria nostra et haeredum nostrorum, et coram thesaurario et baronibus nostris et haeredum nostrorum de scaccario, et coram justitiariis nostris et haeredum nostrorum de banco, et coram senes- callo et marescalUs seu clerico mercati hospitii nostri et haeredum nostrorum, ac aUis curiis nostris et haeredum nostrorum, quam coram justitiariis itinerantibus ad com- munia placita et ad placita forestae et quibuscunque aliis justitiariis et ministris nostris et haeredum nostrorum, tam in praesentia nostra et haeredum nostrorum quam in ab- sentia nostra et haeredum nostrorum, fines facere vel amerciari, exitus forisfacere, annum diem et vastum seu forisfacturas et murdra adjudicari contingeret; quae fines, amerciamenta, redemptiones, exitus, annus dies vastum sive streppum, forisfacturae et murdra, ad nos vel haere- des nostros pertinere possent, si praefato Comiti et hae- redibus suis praedictis concessa non fuissent. Ita quod 297 and groundage throughout all our realm and dominions; and that the same Earl and his heirs aforesaid for ever should have the return of all writs of us and our heirs, and summons of the exchequer of us and our heirs, and the attachment as well of pleats of the crown as of other pleas whatsoever in all their lands and fees ; so that no sheriff or other baiUff or minister of us or our heirs should enter those lands or fees to execute the same writs and summons, or to make attachment of the pleas of the crown or other pleas aforesaid, or to do any other oflBce there, unless in default of the same Earl and his heirs aforesaid, and their baiUffs and ministers in their lands and fees aforesaid. And that they should have the chattels of their men and tenants being felons and fugitives; so that if any one of their men or tenants ought to lose life or limb for his offence, or should flee and be unwilling to stand his trial, or commit any other offence for the which he ought to lose his chattels, wheresoever justice should be had of him, whether in the court of us or our heirs, or in any other court, such chattels should belong to the same Earl and his heirs aforesaid, and that it should be lawful for them or their ministers, without hinderance of us or our heirs, or of our sheriffs or [other] bailiffs or mi- nisters whomsoever, to put themselves in seizin of the chattels aforesaid, and to retain them to the use of the same Earl and his heirs aforesaid. And also that they should have for ever all fines for trespasses and other offences whatsoever, and fines for licence to agree, and all amercements, ransoms, and forfeited issues and for- feitures, year, day, waste, and estrepement, and all things which could pertain to us and our heirs of the like year, day, and waste, and murders, in respect of all the men and tenants of their lands and fees whatsoever, in any soever 2 o 2 298 idem Comes et hseredes sui praedicti, per se vel per balli- vos et ministros suos, fines, amerciamenta, redemptiones, exitus, et forisfacturas hujusmodi hominum et tenen- tium suorum praedictorum, et omnia quae ad nos et haere- des nostros pertinere possent de anno die et vasto sive streppo et murdro praedictis, levare percipere et habere possent, — sine occasione vel impediment© nostri aut haere- dum nostrorum, justitiariorum, escaetorum, vicecomitum, coronatorum, aut aliorum ballivorum seu ministrorum nos- trorum quorumcunque. Quam quidem cartam post mor- tem ipsius Comitis Henricus filius et haeres ejusdem Comitis, cui omnia terrae et tenementa quae fuerunt ipsius Comitis jure [haereditario] descendebant, nobis ex certis causis reddidit cancellandam, et ea de causa carta ilia cancellatur sicut per inspectionem rotulorum cancellariae nostrae nobis constat. Nos advertentes ea quae sic in feodo talliato praefato Comiti et haeredibus de corpore suo procre- atis per nos concessa fuerunt, et de quibus praedictus Comes virtute concessionis nostrae praedictae fuit seisitus in domi- nico suo ut de feodo die quo obiit, per redditionem cartas praedictae nobis per praedictum Henricum filium Henrici sic factam, aut per quodcunque aliud factum ejusdem Hen- rici filii, in praejudicium et exhaeredationem haeredum suo- rum de corpore suo exeuntium, secundum legem et consue- tudinem regni nostri adnullari non posse, sed in suo robore permanere debere, ac volentes ea consideratione carissimo filio nostro Johanni nunc Duci Lancastriae qui Blanchiam, filiam et haeredem praedicti Henrici filii Henrici postmodum Ducis Lancastriae, duxit in uxorem, et eidem Blanchiae, qui quidem Johannes et Blanchia omnia terras et tene- menta, quae fuerunt tam praedicti Henrici patris quam praefati Henrici filii jure haereditario, ut in jure praedictae Blanchiae de corpore praedicti Henrici filii Henrici pro- 298 of the courts of us and our heirs, where such men and tenants should happen to make fine, or be amerced or forfeit issues, or such year, day, and waste, or forfeitures and murders happen to be adjudged, as well before us and our heirs, and in the chancery of us and our heirs, and before the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of us and our heirs, and before the justices of the bench of us and our heirs, and before the steward and marshals or the clerk of the market of the household of us and our heirs, and in other the courts of us and our heirs, as before the justices in eyre, to hold common pleas and pleas of the forest, and before all other justices and mi- nisters of us and our heirs whomsoever, as well in pre- sence of us and our heirs as in absence of us and our heirs ; which fines, amercements, ransoms, issues, year, day, waste, or estrepement, forfeitures, and murders, would have pertained to us or our heirs, if they had not been granted to the aforesaid Earl and his heirs aforesaid. So that the same Earl and his heirs afore- said, by themselves or by their bailiff's and ministers, might levy, perceive, and have the fines, amercements, ransoms, issues, and forfeitures of such their men and tenants aforesaid, and all things which could pertain to us and our heirs of the year, day, and waste or estrepe- • ment, and murders aforesaid,— without let or hinderance of us or our heirs, or of our justices, escheators, sheriff's, coroners, or other our bailiffs or ministers whomsoever. Which said charter, after the death of the aforesaid Earl, surrender Henry, son and heir of the same Earl (to whom all the the^onaid lands and tenements which were of the same Earl did by [he- grantee, reditary] right descend), for certain causes surrendered unto us to be cancelled, and therefore the charter is cancelled, as to us appears by inspection of the^rolls of our chancery. 299 creatOB, jam tenent, gratiam facere specialem, dictam con- cessionem nostram praefato Henrico Comiti, ut prsemittitur, factam, praefatis Johanni nunc Duci Lancastrise et Blanchiae uxori ejus duximus innovandam, et concessimus et hac carta nostra confirmavimus, pro nobis et haeredibus nostris, eisdem Johanni Duci et Blanchiae quod ipsi et haeredes sui de corporibus ipsorum Johannis et Blanchiae procreati et omnes homines sui de terris et feodis quae fuerunt praedicti Henrici patris dicto septimo die Maii imperpetuum sint quieti de pavagio, passagio, paagio, lastagio, stallagio, tallagio, cariagio, pesagio, piccagio, et terragio per totum regnum et potestatem nostram ; et etiam quod iidem Dux et Blanchia et haeredes sui praedicti imperpetuum habeant retorna omnium brevium nostrorum et haeredum nostrorum, ac summonitionum de scaccario nostro et haeredum nos- trorum, et attachiamenta tam de placitis coronae quam de aliis quibuscunque in omnibus terris et feodis praedictis; ita quod nullus vicecomes vel alius ballivus sen minister noster vel haeredum nostrorum terras seu feoda ilia in- grediatur ad executiones eorundem brevium et sum- monitionum, seu ad attachiamenta de placitis coronae vel aliis praedictis aut aliquod aliud officium ibidem faciendum, nisi in defectum ipsorum Ducis et Blanchiae et haeredum suorum praedictorum ac ballivorum et minis- trorum suorum in terris et feodis suis praedictis. Et etiam quod habeant catalla hominum et tenentium suorum fe- lonum et fugitivorum ; ita quod si quis hominum vel tenen- tium suorum pro delicto suo vitam vel membrum debeat amittere vel fugerit et judicio stare noluerit vel aliud quodcunque delictum fecerit pro quo catalla sua debeat perdere, ubicunque justitia de eo fieri debeat sive in curia nostra vel haeredum nostrorum sive in alia curia, ipsa catalla sint ipsorum Ducis et Blanchiae et haeredum 299 We, taking into consideration that those things which The grant in had been so granted by us in fee-tail to the aforesaid Earl notiegaiiy . be annulled. and the heirs of his body begotten, and whereof the afore- said Earl by virtue of our grant aforesaid was seised in his demesne as of fee on the day of his death, could not by any surrender of the charter aforesaid to us so made by the aforesaid Henry the son of Henry, nor by any other act of the same Henry the son, in prejudice and disherison of his heirs of his body issuing, be annulled according to the law and custom of our realm, but ought to remain in their full force, and being willing, with that consideration, to shew especial favor to our most dear son John now Duke of Lancaster (who took to wife Blanche, daughter and heir of the aforesaid Henry son of Henry, afterwards Duke of Lancaster), and to the same Blanche, which same John and Blanche now hold by hereditary right, as in right of the aforesaid Blanche, begotten of the body of the aforesaid Henry son of Henry, all the lands and tenements which were as well of the aforesaid Henry the father, as of the aforesaid Henry the son, have Renewed in •' ^ •' ^ favor of John thought fit to renew our said grant, made as is premised J^'^^fj/ej. to the aforesaid Earl Henry, unto the aforesaid John now S^ffe?'''*^ Duke of Lancaster and Blanche his wife; and we have hei?oVHen"ry granted, and by this our charter have confirmed, for us Duke. and our heirs, to the same Duke John and Blanche, that they and their heirs of the bodies of the same John and Blanche begotten, and all their men of the lands and fees which were of the aforesaid Henry the father on the said seventh day of May, may be for ever quit of paviage, pas- ^fXii"*&c* sage, pay age, lastage, stallage, tallage, carriage, pesage, picage, and groundage throughout all our realm and domi- nion ; and also that the same Duke and Blanche, and their heirs aforesaid for ever, may have the return of all writs of 300 sudrum prsedictorum, et quod liceat eis seu ministris suis sine impedimento nostri vel haeredum nostrorum vicecomi- tum aut aliorum ballivorum seu ministrorum nostrorum quo- rumcunque ponere se in seisinam de catallis prsedictis et ea ad usum ipsorum Ducis et Blanchise et haeredum suorum praedictorum re tin ere. Et etiam quod habeant imperpe- tuum omnes fines pro transgressionibus et aliis delictis qui- buscunque et etiam fines pro licentia concordandi, ac omnia amerciamenta redemptiones et exitus forisfactos, ac foris- facturas, annum diem et vastum et streppum, et omnia quae ad nos et haeredes uostros pertinere poterunt de hujusmodi anno die et vasto et murdris de omnibus hominibus et te- nentibus de dictis terris et feodis quae fuerunt dicti Hen- rici patris dicto septimo die Maii, in quibuscunque curiis nostris et haeredum nostrorum homines et tenentes illos, tam coram nobis et haeredibus nostris, et in cancellaria nostra et haeredum nostrorum, ac coram thesaurario et baronibus nostris et haeredum nostrorum de scaccario, et coram justitiariis nostris et haeredum nostrorum de banco, ac coram senescallo et marescaUis seu clerico mercati hospitii nostri et haeredum nostrorum, qui pro tempore fuerint, et ahis curiis nostris et haeredum nostrorum, quam coram justitiariis itinerantibus ad communia pla- cita et ad placita forestae et quibuscunque aliis jus- titiariis et ministris nostris et haeredum nostrorum, tam in praesentia nostra et haeredum nostrorum quam in absentia nostra et haeredum nostrorum, fines facere vel amerciari, exitus forisfacere, annum diem et vastum seu forisfacturas et murdra adjudicari contigerit; quae fines, amerciamenta, redemptiones, exitus, annus dies vastum sive streppum, forisfacturae et murdra, ad nos vel haeredes nostros possent pertinere, si praefatis Duci et Blanchiae et haeredibus suis praedictis concessa non fuissent. Ita quod 300 us and our heirs, and summons of the exchequer of us and Return of our heirs, and the attachment as well of pleas of the crown summons of , the exche- as of other pleas whatsoever in all the lands and fees afore- quer. said; so that no sheriff, or other bailiff or minister of us otpieasof , 1 1 1 /• *^® crown. or our heirs, may enter those lands or fees, to execute the same writs and summons, or to make attachment of the pleas of the crown or other pleas aforesaid, or to do any other office there, unless in default of the same Duke and Blanche, and their heirs aforesaid, and their bailiffs and ministers in their lands and fees aforesaid. And also chattels of that they may have the chattels of their men and tenants being felons and fugitives; so that if any one of their men or tenants ought to lose life or limb for his offence, or should flee and be unwilling to stand his trial, or commit any other offence for the which he ought to lose his chattels, wheresoever justice should be had of him, whether in the court of us or our heirs, or in any other court, such chattels shall belong to the same Duke and Blanche, and their heirs aforesaid. And that it shall be lawful for them or their ministers, without hinderance of us or our heirs, or of our sheriffs, or other bailiffs or ministers whomsoever, to put themselves in seizin of the chattels aforesaid, and retain them to the use of the same Duke and Blanche, and their heirs aforesaid. And also Fines and that they may have for ever all fines for trespasses and ments, for- •> '' ^ ^ feited issues, other offences whatsoever, and also the fines for licence forfeitures, ' ^ &c. to agree, and all amercements, ransoms, and forfeited issues and forfeitures, year, day, and waste, and estrepe- ment, and all things which can pertain to us and our heirs, of the like year, day, and waste, and murders, in respect of all the men and tenants of the said lands and fees, which were of the said Henry the father on the said seventh day of May, in any soever of the courts of 301 iidera Dux et Blanchia et haeredes sui prsedicti, per se vel per ballivos et ministros suos, fines, amerciamenta, redemp- tiones, exitus, et forisfacturas hujusmodi hominum et tenentium suorum praedictorum, et omnia quae ad nos et haeredes nostros pertinere poterunt de anno die et vasto sive streppo et murdris praedictis, levare percipere et habere possint, — sine occasione vel impedimento nostri vel haere- dum nostrorum, justitiariorum, escaetorum, vicecomitum, coronatorum, aut aliorum ballivorum seu ministrorum nos- trorum quorumcunque. Quare volumus et firmiter prse- cipimus pro nobis et haeredibus nostris quod praefati Dux et Blanchia et haeredes sui praedicti imperpetuum habeant omnes libertates praedictas sicut praedietum est, et eis et earum qualibet decaetero plene gaudeant et utantur, reddi- tione seu cancellatione cartae praedictae non obstante. Ita quod si praedicti Dux et Blanchia sine haerede de cor- poribus suis exeunte obierint, tunc omnes et singulae libertates praedictae, post mortem ipsorum Ducis et Blanchiae ad nos et haeredes nostros integre rever- tantur. Hiis testibus, venerabilibus patribus, Simone Eliensi Cancellario, Johanne Bathoniensi et Wellensi The- saurario, nostris, Episcopis, Leonello Duce Clarenciae filio nostro carissimo, Humfrido de Bohun Herefordiae, Ricardo Arundelliae, Comitibus, Edwardo le Despenser Domino de Glamorgan et Morgannowe, Guidone de Bryan, Johanne atte Lee Senescallo hospitii nostri, et aliis. Data per manum nostram apud Westmonasterium quartodecimo die Julii, anno regni nostri tricesimo octavo. NOS autem cartam supradictam ac omnes donationes concessiones et omnia alia in eadem contenta pro nobis et haeredibus nos- tris tenore praesentium ratificamus et confirmamus, juxta tenorem et efFectum cartae supradictae. In cujus rei tes- timonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste SOI us and our heirs, where such men and tenants shall happen to make fine, or be amerced, or forfeit issues, or such year, day, and waste, or forfeitures and murders, happen to be adjudged, as well before us and our heirs, and in the chancery of us and our heirs, and before the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of us and our heirs, and before the justices of the bench of us and our heirs, and before the steward and marshals, or the clerk of the market of the household of us and our heirs for the time being, and in other the courts of us and our heirs, as before the justices in eyre, to hold common pleas and pleas of the forest, and before all other justices and ministers of us and our heirs whomsoever, as well in presence of us and our heirs as in absence of us and our heirs; which fines, amercements, ransoms, issues, year, day, waste, or estrepement, forfeitures, and murders, would pertain to us or our heirs, if they had not been granted to the aforesaid Duke and Blanche, and their heirs aforesaid. So that the same Duke and Blanche, and their heirs afore- said, by themselves or by their bailiffs and ministers, may levy, perceive, and have the fines, amercements, ransoms, issues, and forfeitures of such their men and tenants afore- said, and all things which can pertain to us and our heirs of the year, day, and waste, or estrepement and murders aforesaid, — without let or hinderance of us or our heirs, or of our justices, escheators, sheriffs, coroners, or other our bailiffs or ministers whomsoever. Wherefore we will and strictly command for us and our heirs, that the aforesaid Duke and Blanche, and their heirs aforesaid, shall have all the liberties aforesaid for ever, as is aforesaid, and shall henceforth fully enjoy and use them and every of them, notwithstanding the surrender or cancelling of the charter aforesaid. So that if the aforesaid Duke and 302 me ipso apud Westmonasterium quartodecimo die Septem- bris anno regni nostri primo. INSPEXIMUS insuper quandam aliam cartam nostram factam in hsec verba: RICARDUS Dei gratia Rex Anglise et Francise et Do- minus Hiberniae omnibus ad quos prsesentes literae perve- nerint salutem. Inspeximus quandam cartam indentatam nuper factam inter carissimum dominum et avum nostrum Dominum Edwardum Regem Anglise defunctum et caris- simum filium suum Johannem Regem Castellae et Le- gionis Ducem Lancastrise, avunculum nostrum, et sub magno sigillo prsedicti avi nostri sigillatam, in haec verba : H^c carta indentata facta inter magnificum principem Dominum Edwardum Regem Anglia3 et Franciae et caris- simum filium suum Johannem Regem Castellae et Legionis et Ducem Lancastriae illustrem testatur quod cum idem Dominus Rex Angliae prsefatum Johannem nunc Regem Castellae in Comitem Richemondiae praefecerit, et comita- tum Richemondiae ac honorem castra maneria terras tene- menta et omnia alia loca ad dictum comitatum pertinentia quae Johannes nuper Dux Britannise et Comes loci praedicti habuit ibidem, praefato Johanni Regi Castellae per nomen Comitis Richemondiae, habenda et tenenda sibi et haere- dibus de corpore suo exeuntibus dederit et concesserit per cartam suam, prout in carta praedicta plane liquet: Jamque dictus Johannes Rex Castellae, cum praelatis pro- ceribus comitibus magnatibus nobilibus et sapientibus de concilio regio existentibus praehabitis super hoc diversis tractatibus, perpendens et advertens quod si comitatus honor castra maneria terrse tenementa et loca praedicta in se et solium regium, a quo prius exiverant, transfer rentur, in ipsius Regis AngUae et totius regni Anghae commodum tenderet, quietem pariter et honorem. Et praeterea dictus Johannes Rex Castellae, sicut gratus 302 Blanche shall die without heir of their bodies issuing, then all and every the liberties aforesaid, after the death of the same Duke and Blanche, shall entirely revert to us and our heirs. These being witnesses, the venerable fathers, Simon Bishop of Ely, our Chancellor; John Bishop of Bath and Wells, our Treasurer ; our most dear son Lionel Duke of Clarence ; Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford ; Richard Earl of Arundel ; Edward le De- spenser. Lord of Glamorgan and Morgannowe; Guy de Brian; John atte Lee, Steward of our household, and others. Given under our hand at Westminster, on the fourteenth day of July, in the thirty-eighth year of our reign. AND we the charter abovesaid, and all the dona- tions, grants, and all other things therein contained, do for us and our heirs, by the tenor of these presents, ra- tify and confirm according to the tenor and effect of the charter abovesaid. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness ourself at Westminster, on the 14th [? fifteenth] day of September, in the first year of our reign. WE have inspected, more- over, a certain other charter of ours made in these words : RICHARD, by the grace of God, King of England and 15th sept. France, and Lord of Ireland, to all to whom the present a.d. 1377. letters shall come, greeting. We have inspected a certain Charter indented, lately made between our most dear Lord and grandfather. Lord Edward late King of England, de- ceased, and his most dear son John King of Castillo and Leon, Duke of Lancaster, our uncle, and sealed under the great seal of our aforesaid grandfather, in these words: This Charter indented, made between the high and 25th June, ° 46 Edw. 3. mighty prince. Lord Edward King of England and France, ^.d. 1372. and his most dear son John, the illustrious King of Cas- tillo and Leon and Duke of Lancaster, witnesseth, that, 303 filius, patris sui beneplacita, honorem et commodum regni Anglise, suis propriis utilitatibus anteponens, pura et spontanea voluntate sua, causis et oceasionibus antedictis, specialiter acquievit et concessit quod comitatus honor castra maneria terrse tenementa et loca prsedicta, necnon feoda militum ad eadem comitatum honorem castra ma- neria terras tenementa et loca praedicta pertinentia, et similiter advocationes eisdem spectantes simul cum mem- bris hamelettis pratis pascuis pasturis piscariis moris maris- cis turbariis chaciis parcis boscis warennis hundredis wapen- tachiis feriis mercatis libertatibus liberis consuetudinibus escaetis et omnibus aliis ad praedicta comitatum honorem castra maneria terras tenementa et loca praedicta qualiter- cunque et ubicunque spectantibus sive pertinentibus, prae- fato patri suo traderentur ; unde praedictus Dominus Rex Angliae gratitudinem praedictam multis attollens laudibus, et volens proinde praefato Johanni Regi Castellae, et in status sui supportationem majorem, retributionem sibi facere com- petentem, castrum manerium et honorem de TickhuU, cas- trum et manerium de Alto Pecco, cum feodis militum eisdem castris maneriis et honori pertinentibus sive spectantibus, et omnia feoda quae dictus Dominus Rex Angliae habuit ex dono et concessione Roberti de Lisle militis (feodis quae in manu ipsius Domini Regis Angliae sunt extincta dum- taxat exceptis) necnon advocationes ecclesiarum de Steyn- drop et Braunspath in episcopatu Dunolmensi, et libera- rum capellarum de Tickhull et de Alto Pecco, ac ecclesiae de Marsfeld, liberae capellae ibidem, liberae capellae infra castrum de Pevenese, prioratus de Wilmingdon, qui est cella abbatiae Sanctae Mariae de Greston in Normannia, et prioratus de Withiham, qui est cella abbatiae Sancti Martini de Meremest Turon*, et domus Sancti Roberti de Knaresburgh ; castrum manerium et honorem de Knares- 303 whereas the same Lord the King of England did advance Estates the aforesaid John, now King of Castille, to be Earl of DukeofLan- . caster in ex- Richmond, and by his charter did give and errant unto the change for ' •' . ^^^ earldom aforesaid John King of Castille, by the name of Earl of ^^^^' Richmond, the earldom of Richmond, and the honor, cas- tles, manors, lands, tenements, and all other places to the said earldom pertaining, which John late Duke of Brit- tany and Earl of the aforesaid place had there, to have and hold to him and the heirs of his body issuing, as in the charter aforesaid plainly doth appear : And now the said John King of Castille, divers treaties hereupon being had with the prelates, peers, earls, grandees, nobles, and sages of the royal council, well weighing and consider- ing, that, if the earldom, honor, castles, manors, lands, tenements, and places aforesaid were to be transferred to him and the royal throne, whence they had first issued, it would tend not less to the advantage of the said King of England, and the whole realm of England, than to the quiet and honor of the same. And besides the said John King of Castille, like a grateful son, pre- ferring his father's pleasure, and the honor and con- venience of the kingdom^ of England, to his own private advantage, of his own pure will and free accord, for the causes and reasons aforesaid, hath especially acquiesced and granted that the earldom, honor, castles, manors, lands, tenements, and places aforesaid, and also the knights' fees pertaining to the same earldom, honor, castles, manors, lands, tenements, and places aforesaid, and in like manner the advowsons belonging to the same, together with the members, hamlets, meadows, feedings, pastures, fisheries, moors, marshes, turbaries, chases, parks, woods, warrens, hundreds, wapentakes, fairs, markets, li- berties, free customs, escheats, and all other things to the 304 burgh cum pertinentiis, et hundredum sive wapentachium de Staynclif, cum pertinentiis in comitatu Eboraci, ma- neria de Grynglay et Whetelay, cum pertinentiis in co- mitatu Notinghamiae, maneria de Wygbton, Ailesham, Fa- kenhamdam, et Snetesham ; necnon hundreda de North- grenehowe, Northerpingham, Sutherpingham, et Smethe- don, cum pertinentiis in comitatibus Norfolcise et SuiFolcise, maneria de Glatton et Holm, cum pertinentiis in comitatu Huntingdonise, manerium de Sahara, cum pertinentiis in comitatu Cantabrigise, castrum et leucatam de Pevenese ac maneria de Wilyndon et Marsfeld, necnon baUivam de Endelenewyk, cum pertinentiis in comitatu Sussexise, et liberam chaciam de Alto Pecco, quara dictus Dominus Rex Angliae tenuit in manu sua ut forestam, tenendam ut liberam chaciam, ac liberam chaciam de Asshedon, cum juribus et libertatibus liberis chaciis pertinentibus ; et annuam firmam ducentarum marcarum quam abbas et conventus beatse Mariae Eborum eidem Domino Regi Angliae et hasredibus suis pro manerio de Whitegift sol- vere tenentur, percipiendam per manus dictorum abbatis et conventus et successorum suorum, dedit et concessit pro se et haeredibus suis praefato Johanni Regi Castellae, habenda sibi et haeredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus una cum membris hamelettis pratis pascuis pasturis piscariis moris mariscis turbariis chaciis parcis boscis warennis hundredis wapentachiis feriis mercatis libertatibus li- beris consuetudinibus escaetis et omnibus aliis ad prag- dicta castra maneria honores hundreda leucatam ballivam et chacias qualitercunque et ubicunque spectantibus sive pertinentibus de praefato Domino Rege Angliae et hasre- dibus suis per servitia inde debita et consueta imperpe- tuum in escambium pro dictis comitatu Richemondiae et honore castris maneriis terris tenementis locis feodis et ad- 304 aforesaid earldom, honor, castles, manors, lands, tenements, and places aforesaid howsoever and wheresoever belong- ing or pertaining, shall be given up to his aforesaid father ; whereupon the aforesaid Lord the King of England, ex- tolling with many praises the gratitude aforesaid, and being willing therefore to make competent retribution to him the aforesaid John King of Castille, and for the better support of his station, hath given and granted for himself and his heirs unto the aforesaid John King of Castille the castle, manor, and honor of Tickhill, the castle and manor of the High Peak, with the knights* fees to the same castles, manors, and honor pertaining or belonging, and all the fees which the said Lord the King of England had by the gift and grant of Sir Robert de Lisle, knight, (excepting only those fees which are extinct in the hands of the said Lord the King of Eng- land,) and also the advowsons of the churches of Stain- drop and Brancepeth in the bishopric of Durham, and of the free chapels of Tickhill and High Peak, and of the church of Maresfield and free chapel there, of the free chapel within Pevensey castle, of the priory of Wil- mingdon, which is a cell of the abbey of St. Mary de Greston in Normandy, and of the priory of Withiham, which is a cell of the abbey of St. Martin de Meremest in Tourain, and of the house of St. Robert of Knares- boro' ; — the castle, manor, and honor of Knaresboro', with appurtenances ; and the hundred or wapentake of Stain- clifF, with appurtenances, in the county of York ; — the manors of Gringley and Wheatley, with appurtenances, in the county of Nottingham ; — the manors of Wighton, Ayls- ham, Fakenham, and Snettisham, and also the hundreds of North Greenhoe, North Erpingham, South Erpingham, and Smithdon, with appurtenances, in, the counties of Norfolk 2 V 305 vocationibus prsedictis, quae idem Johannes Rex Castellae per banc cartam indentatam dedit concessit et sursum red- didit eidem Domino Regi Anglise et haeredibus suis im- perpetuum in escambium pro castris maneriis honoribus hundredis leucata balliva chaciis firma feodis et advo- cationibus praedictis, sibi per ipsum Dominum Regem Angliae, ut prsedicitur, datis et concessis, sub ea quae sequitur conditione, quod si haeredes dicti Johannis Regis Castellae recuperaverint per judicium inde rite redditum, comitatum Richemondiae, honorem castra maneria terras tenementa loca feoda et advocationes praedicta aut ali- quam parcellam eorundem, virtute doni talliae supradicti, et possessionem inde babuerint, recuperationem illam affir- mando, liceat eidem Domino Regi [Angliae] et haeredibus suis castra maneria honores hundreda leucatam ballivam cbacias firmam feoda et advocationes praedicta, praefato Johanni Regi Castellae sic in escambium praedictum data et con- cessa, reintrare et tenere imperpetuum. Et si con tin- gat praedicta castra maneria honores hundreda leuca- tam ballivam chacias firmam feoda et advocationes aut aliquam parcellam eorumdem praefato Johanni Regi Cas- tellae in escambium praedictum sic data et concessa ab eodem Johanne Rege [Castellae] sen haeredibus suis praedic- tis recuperari, dictus Dominus Rex Angliae et haeredes sui debitam recompensationem praefato Johanni Regi Castellae et haeredibus suis praedictis, de valore, sine difficultate qualibet facere teneantur. Dumtamen idem Johannes Rex Castellae et haeredes sui praedicti a dicto Domino Rege Angliae aut haeredibus suis auxilium petant, et debitam diligentiam apponant circa salvationem de eo quod versus eos peti contingat. Et etiam si comitatum Richemondiae honorem castra maneria terras tenementa loca feoda et advocationes praedicta aut aliquam parcellam eorumdem 305 and Suffolk; — the manors of Glatton and Holm, with ap- purtenances, in the county of Huntingdon; — the manor of Soham, with appurtenances, in the county of Cambridge ; — the castle and leucata of Pevensey, and the manors of WiUingdon and Maresfield, and also the bailiwick of En- delenewick, with appurtenances, in the county of Sussex ; — and the free chase of the High Peak, which the said Lord the King of England held in his hands as a forest, to hold as a free chase ; — and the free chase of Ashdown, with the rights and liberties to free chases pertaining; — and the yearly farm of 200 marks which the abbot and convent of St. Mary's at York are held to pay to the same Lord the King of England and his heirs for the manor of Whitegift, to be perceived by the hands of the said abbot and convent, and their successors : — To have to him and the heirs of his body issuing, together with the members, hamlets, meadows, feedings, pastures, fisheries, moors, marshes, turbaries, chases, parks, woods, warrens, hundreds, wapentakes, fairs, markets, liberties, free cus- toms, escheats, and all other things to the aforesaid castles, manors, honors, hundreds, leucata, bailiwick, and chases howsoever and wheresoever belonging or pertaining, of the aforesaid Lord the King of England and his heirs, by the services therefore due and accustomed for ever, in exchange for the said earldom of Richmond, and the honor, castles, manors, lands, tenements, places, fees and advow- sons aforesaid, which the same John King of Castille by this charter indented hath given, granted, and surrendered to the same Lord the King of England and his heirs for ever in exchange for the castles, manors, honors, hundreds, leucata, bailiwick, chases, farm, fees, and advowsons afore- said, given and granted to him by the same Lord the King of England as is aforesaid, — under the condition hereafter 2 p 2 306 extra manus dicti Domini Regis Anglise seu hgeredum suorum in feodo simplici aut talliato poni contingat, et imposterum ad manus ejusdem Domini Regis Angliae vel hseredum suorum, ex justa causa, in feodo devenerint, tam idem Dominus Rex Anglise et haeredes sui castra maneria honores hundreda leucatam ballivam chacias fir- mam feoda et advocationes prsedicta prsefato Johanni Regi Castellse et haeredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus sic data et concessa, quam prsefatus Johannes Rex Castellae et hseredes sui praedicti dictum comitatum Richemondiae ac honorem castra maneria terras tenementa loca feoda et advocationes prsedicta dicto Domino Regi Angliae et hseredibus suis in escambium praedictum ut praemittitur data et concessa, pro integro seu pro rata rehabeant hinc et inde, et restitutio exinde fiat, tenenda prout prius. Et idem Dominus Rex Angliae et haeredes sui castra maneria honores hundreda leucatam ballivam chacias firmam feoda et advocationes praedicta, praefato Johanni Regi Castellae et haeredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus per ipsum Do- minum Regem Angliae data et concessa, praefato Johanni Regi Castellae et haeredibus suis praedictis warantizabunt et imperpetuum defendent, juxta vim et effectum escambii et conditionum praedictorum. Et similiter idem Johannes Rex [Castellae] et haeredes sui praedictum comitatum Riche- mondiae, simul cum honore castris maneriis terris tenemen- tis locis feodis et advocationibus praedictis, praedicto Domino Regi Angliae et haeredibus suis contra omnes gentes waran- tizabunt et imperpetuum defendent, juxta vim et effectum escambii et conditionum praedictorum. In cujus rei tes- timonium praedictae cartae indentatae tam sigillum dicti Do- mini Regis Angliae quam sigillum dicti Johannis Regis Cas- tellae alternatim sunt appensa. Hiis testibus, venerabilibus patribus WiUielmo Archiepiscopo Cantuariensi totius An- 306 following, — that if the heirs of the said John King of Castillo shall recover by judgment thereupon rightfully given the earldom of Richmond, honor, castles, manors, lands, tenements, places, fees, and advowsons aforesaid, or any parcel thereof, by virtue of the aforesaid gift in tail, and thereof have possession, affirming that recovery, it may be lawful for the same Lord the King [of England] and his heirs to re-enter and hold for ever the castles, manors, honors, hundreds, leucata, bailiwick, chases, farm, fees, and advowsons aforesaid so given and granted to the aforesaid John King of Castillo in exchange as aforesaid. And if it happen that the aforesaid castles, manors, honors, hun- dreds, leucata^ bailiwick, chases, farm, fees and advowsons, or any parcel thereof, so given and granted to the aforesaid John King of Castillo in exchange as aforesaid, be re- covered from the same John King [of Castillo] or his heirs aforesaid, the said Lord the King of England and his heirs shall be held to make due compensation of the value to the aforesaid John King of Castillo and his heirs aforesaid without any difficulty. So however, that the same John King of Castille and his heirs aforesaid pray aid of the said Lord the King of England or his heirs, and apply due diligence about the salvation of that which may happen to be sued against them. And also if it happen that the earldom of Richmond, honor, castles, manors, lands, tenements, places, fees, and advowsons aforesaid, or any parcel thereof, be put out of the hands of the said Lord the King of England or his heirs in fee simple or tail, and thereafter shall come by just cause into the hands of the same Lord the King of England or his heirs in fee, as well the same Lord the King of England and his heirs, the castles, manors, honors, hun- dreds, leucata, bailiwick, chases, farm, fees, and advowsons 307 glise Primate, Simone Londinensi et Willielmo Wintoniensi, Episcopis, Edmundo filio dicti Regis Angliae carissimo Cantabrigise, Ricardo Arundellise, Humfrido de Bohun He- refordise et Willielmo de Monte Acuto Sarum, Comitibus, Henrico de Percy, Roberto de Thorp Cancellario, Ricardo de Scrop Thesaurario, Willielmo Latymer Camerario, Jo- hanne de Neville Senescallo hospitii prsedicti Domini Regis Angliae, Johanne Knyvet, Willielmo de Fynchedene, Jo- hanne Moubray, Thoma de Ingelby, Willielmo de Wy- chyngham, Rogero de Meres et Johanne de Cavendissh, eJQsdem Domini Regis Angliae justitiariis, et aliis. Data apud Westmonasterium vicesimo quinto die Junii, anno regni dicti Domini Regis Angliae, [Angliae] quadragesimo sexto, regni vero sui Franciae tricesimo tertio. INSPEXI- MUS etiam quandam aliam cartam praefati avi nostri nuper factam praedicto avunculo nostro in haec verba: Edw'ardus, Dei gratia Rex Angliae et Franciae, et Do- minus Hiberniae, archiepiscopis, episcopis, abbatibus, pri- oribus, ducibus, comitibus, baronibus, militibus, justiti- ariis, vicecomitibus, praepositis, ballivis, ministris, et aliis fidelibus suis, salutem. Sciatis quod cum nuper per cartam nostram indentatam dederimus et concesserimus pro nobis et haeredibus nostris quantum in nobis fuit carissimo filio nostro Johanni Regi Castellae et Legionis, Duci Lancastriae, castrum manerium et honorem de Tickhyll, ac alia terras et tenementa in dicta carta nostra specificata cum perti- nentiis ; habenda sibi et haeredibus de corpore suo exeun- tibus in escambium pro comitatu Richemondiae, ac honore castris maneriis terris tenementis et omnibus aliis locis ad dictum comitatum pertinentibus nobis et haeredibus nostris per praefatum filium nostrum datis concessis et sursum reddi- tis, prout in carta nostra praedicta plenius continetur ; ac jam praefatus filius noster nobis supplicaverit ut cum villa de 307 aforesaid so given and granted to the aforesaid John King of Castille and the heirs of his body issuing, as the aforesaid John King of Castille and his heirs aforesaid, the said earldom of Richmond, and the honor, castles, manors, lands, tenements, places, fees, and advowsons aforesaid given and granted to the said Lord the King of England and his heirs in exchange aforesaid, as is premised, may have back on either side entirely or proportionately, and restitution thereupon be made, to hold as before. And the same Lord the King of England and his heirs, the castles, manors, honors, hundreds, leucata, bailiwick, chases, farm, fees and advowsons aforesaid given and granted by the same Lord the King of England to the aforesaid John King of Castille and the heirs of his body issuing, will warrant and for ever defend to the aforesaid John King of Castille and his heirs aforesaid, according to the force and effect of the exchange and conditions aforesaid. And in like manner the same John King [of Castille] and his heirs, the aforesaid earldom of Richmond, together with the honor, castles, manors, lands, tenements, places, fees, and advowsons aforesaid, against all men will warrant and for ever defend to the aforesaid Lord the King of England and his heirs, according to the force and effect of the exchange and conditions aforesaid. In witness whereof, as well the seal of the said Lord the King of England, as the seal of the said John King of Castille, alternately are set to the aforesaid charter in- dented. These being witnesses, the venerable fathers, William Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all Eng- land; Simon Bishop of London, and William Bishop of Winchester; Edmund Earl of Cambridge, the most dear son of the said King of England ; Richard Earl of Arundel; Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford, and William de SOS Grenstede quae ut parcella manerii de Marsfeld, villa de Seford quae ut parcella castri et leucatae de Pevensey, et villa de Laghton in Morthyng quae ut parcella castri et honoris de Tickhull, sibi in certum valorem in escam- bium prsedictum (nulla speciali mentione facta de villis illis in dicta carta nostra) liberata fuerunt, tria grossa per se separatim et non pertinentia ad manerium de Marsfeld castrum et leucatam de Pevensey et castrum et honorem de Tickhull praedicta existant, nee aliquo tempore fuerint, sicut jam sibi datur intelligi, velimus ne ipse aut hae- redes sui praedicti super occupatione dictarum villarum de Grenstede, Seford, et Laghton, ob defectum specialis nominationis earumdem in concessione nostra praedicta impetantur infuturum, dictas villas de Grenstede, Se- ford, et Laghton, nominatim sibi concedere, habendas et tenendas una cum dictis castro manerio et honore de Tickhull, ac aliis terris et tenementis sibi in dictum es- cambium datis, et etiam cum libertatibus quietantiis et immunitatibus quas Philippa nuper Regina Angliae, tunc censors nostra, quae dicta castrum manerium et honorem de Tickhull et alia terras et tenementa, eidem filio nostro per nos sic data, tenuit, in vita sua habuit ex concessione nostra in eisdem, in recompensationem libertatum quietan- tiarum et immunitatum quas idem filius noster in dicto comitatu Richemondiae et honore castris maneriis terris tenementis et aliis locis ad dictum comitatum pertinen- tibus habuit, dum ea tenuit, ante escambium supradictum. Nos escambium illud in qualibet parte ejusdem observare, et tam quieti dicti filii nostri et haeredum suorum praedic- torum in hac parte prospicere, quam dicta tenementa eidem filio nostro ut praemittitur data et concessa ac dictas villas de Grenstede, Seford, et Laghton, quas virtu te dictae concessionis nostrae sic tenet, libertatibus quietantiis et 308 Montacute, Earl of Salisbury; Henry de Percy; Robert de Thorp, Chancellor ; Richard de Scroope, Treasurer ; William Latymer, Chamberlain ; John de Neville, Steward of the household of the aforesaid Lord the King of Eng- land; John Knyvet, William de Fynchedene, John Mou- bray, Thomas de Ingelby, William de Wychyngham, Roger de Meres, and John de Cavendissh, Justices of the same Lord the King of England, and others. Given at West- minster on the twenty-fifth day of June, in the forty-sixth year of the reign of the said Lord the King of England, and the thirty -third of his reign of France. JVE have in- spected also a certain other Charter of our aforesaid grand- father lately made to our aforesaid uncle, in these words : Edward, by the grace of God, King of England and 4thjuue, France, and Lord of Ireland, to his archbishops, bishops, a.d. 1377.' abbots, priors, dukes, earls, barons, knights, justices, she- riffs, reeves, bailiffs, ministers, and other his faithful people, greeting. Know ye, that whereas we did lately by our char- Redtai that • 11' f 1 1 • i. certain es- ter indented eive and grant for us and our heirs, as far as t^^es had *^ *-> ' been given in did in us lie, to our most dear son John King of Castillo and the earidom'^ Leon and Duke of Lancaster the castle manor and honor of mond^^" Tickhill and other lands and tenements in our said charter specified, with appurtenances, to have to him and the heirs of his body issuing, in exchange for the earldom of Richmond and the honor castles manors lands tenements and all other places to the said earldom pertaining, given granted and surrendered to us and our heirs by our aforesaid son, as in our charter aforesaid more fully is contained ; and and the now our aforesaid son hath besought us, that, whereas the petitioned i«i ii»i r ^T ^^^^ certain town of Grinstead, which as parcel of the manor of Mares- towns.wwch, *■ though not field, the town of Seaford, which as parcel of the castle and S'entSnedin leucata of Pevensey, and the town of Laughton-in-le- fnduS"^ Morthen, which as parcel of the castle and honor of ^^^"^^'''°' 309 iramunitatibus, per prsefatam consortem nostram habitis ut praemittitur in eisdem, muniri et exornari, in recom- pensationem libertatum quietantiarum et immunitatum per prsedictum filium nostrum in dicto comitatu Riche- mondiae et pertinentiis suis prsedictis nuper habitarum, et praecipue ob specialem affection em quam ad personam ejusdem filii nostri, suis meritis magnificis laudabiliter exigentibus, gerimus et habemus, concessimus eidem filio nostro pro nobis et haeredibus nostris quod ipse dictas villas de Grenstede, Seford, et Laghton cum pertinentiis suis universis, etiam licet grossa sint per se, an ut praedic- tum est pertinentia ad dictum manerium de Marsfeld, castrum et leucatam de Pevensey et castrum et honorem de Tickhull, habeat et retineat, una cum dictis castro ma- nerio et honore de Tickhull et aliis terris et tenementis praedictis sibi per nos, ut praemittitur, datis, ac liberta- tibus quietantiis et immunitatibus subscriptis (quas prae- fatae Reginae in dictis terris et tenementis quae ipsa sic tenuit ad vitam suam, concessimus, habendas, sicut per in- spectionem rotulorum cancellariae nostrae nobis constat), habendis utendis et gaudendis in dictis castro manerio et honore de Tickhull, ac aliis castris maneriis honoribus hundredis, et villis de Grenstede, Seford, et Laghton, ac aliis terris tenementis et locis quibuscumque dicto filio nostro, ut est dictum, per nos datis et in dicta carta nos- tra plenius specificatis, et qualibet parte eorumdem eidem filio nostro et dictis haeredibus de corpore suo, ut prae- dictum est, procreatis, in escambium supradictum, sub modo et forma in eadem carta nostra contentis imperpetuum, videlicet, cum feodis militum, advocationibus domorum re- ligiosarum hospitalium ecclesiarum et capellarum, wardis maritagiis et escaetis de omnibus tenentibus de ho- noribus maneriis terris tenementis et aliis locis praedictis 309 Tickhill, were delivered to him at a certain valuation in the exchange aforesaid, (no special mention being made of those towns in our said charter,) be three towns in gross severally of themselves, and be not nor were at any time pertaining to the aforesaid manor of Maresfield, castle and leucata of Pevensey, and castle and honor of Tickhill, as now he is given to understand, lest he or his heirs afore- said should in future be impeached in the occupation of the said towns of Grinstead, Seaford, and Laughton for the want of special naming of the same in our grant aforesaid, we would be pleased to grant the said towns of Grinstead, might by Seaford, and Laughton to him by name, to have and to granted to hold together with the said castle manor and honor of Tickhill and the other lands and tenements given to him in the said exchange, and also with the liberties acquit- togetherwith 1 • 1 -r»i •!• 1 r^ n liberties, &c, tances and immunities which Philippa, late Queen of Eng- enjoyed by land, then our consort, (who held the said castle, manor, J^rStV^^ and honor of Tickhill, and the other lands and tenements S^es"^^ so given by us to our same son,) in her lifetime had in the same by our grant, in compensation for the liberties acquittances and immunities which our same son had in the said earldom of Richmond, and in the honor castles ma- nors lands tenements and other places to the said earldom pertaining, whilst he held them before the exchange above said. We, to observe the said exchange in every part considera- tions of pre- thereof, and to look as well to the quiet of our said son and sent grant, * to quiet pos- his heirs aforesaid in this behalf, as that the said tene- session, ' compensate ments given and granted to our same son as is premised, enjJy^eTb? and the said towns of Grinstead, Seaford, and Laughton, eariSm^of" which by virtue of our said grant he so holds, be adorned and armed with the liberties acquittances and immunities had in the same by our aforesaid consort as is premised, in compensation for the liberties acquittances and immuni- 310 prsefato filio nostro per nos sic datis, simul cum chaciis parcis boscis warennis feriis mercatis aquis viis piscariis communis assartis vastis et purpresturis, ac etiam arren- tationibus et redditibus quorumcumque assartorum vas- torum et purpresturarum tam temporibus progenitorum iios- trorum quondam Regum Anglise quam nostro in chaciis et aliis locis praedictis arrentatorum et exnunc arrentan- dorum, una cum finibus pro ingressu hujusmodi assartorum vastorum et purpresturarum sic arrentandorum, et cum curiis, visibus franci plegii, hundredis, wapentachiis, wrek, wayf* et stray', libertatibus regalibus, et liberis consuetudi- nibus, et omnibus aliis ad eadera castra honores maneria hundreda et alia terras teneraenta et loca qualitercumque [et] ubicumque spectantibus. Concessimus etiam pro nobis et hseredibus nostris eidem filio nostro quod ipse et dicti hseredes sui habeant omnes fines redemptiones et amercia- menta omnium hominum et tenentium suorum de et in castris honoribus maneriis hundredis villis terris tene- mentis et aliis locis praedictis sibi per nos sic datis, et eorum feodis, ac etiam in omnibus villis hundredis et aliis locis unde annuse firmse et redditus sibi inter caetera terras et tenementa praedicta per nos concessi proveniunt ; necnon exitus forisfactos, et omnia quae ad nos et haeredes nostros pertinere poterunt de anno die et vasto, forisfac- turis et murdris, in quibuscumque curiis nostris et haeredum nostrorum homines et tenentes illos (tam coram nobis et haeredibus nostris et in cancellaria nostra et haeredum nostrorum, ac coram thesaurario et baronibus nostris et haeredum nostrorum de scaccario, quam coram justi- tiariis nostris et haeredum nostrorum itinerantibus ad communia placita et ad placita forestae, ac etiam coram justitiariis nostris et haeredum nostrorum de banco, et coram senescallo et marescallo ac coronatore hospitii 310 ties lately had by our aforesaid son in the said earldom of Richmond and its appurtenances aforesaid, and chiefly on and the account of the special affection which we have and bear for Jantee? the person of our same son, his high merits full worthily requiring it, have granted to our same son, for us and our heirs, that he the said towns of Grinstead, Seaford, and The Duke Laughton, with all their appurtenances, albeit even they Sownrof Grinstead, be towns in ffross ot themselves, or whether as aforesaid seaford, and ^ ^ ^ Laughton, they be pertaining to the said manor of Maresfield, castle with the and leucata of Pevensey, and castle and honor of Tickhill, given to him • 1 1 • 1 ^" exchange, may have and retam together with the said castle manor and honor of Tickhill and the other lands and tenements aforesaid by us given to him as is premised, and with and enjoy ,,.,. ., ,. .. , . certain liber- the liberties acquittances and immunities underwritten, ties, &c. therein. (which we granted to the aforesaid Queen to have in the said lands and tenements by her so held for her life, as is evident to us by the inspection of the rolls of our chancery,) to have, use, and enjoy in the said castle manor and honor of Tickhill, and the other cas- tles manors honors hundreds, and the towns of Grin- stead, Seaford, and Laughton, and the other lands te- nements and places whatsoever, given by us as has been said to our said son, and in our said charter more fully specified, and in every part thereof, — to our same son and the said heirs of his body begotten as is afore- said, in exchange as abovesaid under the manner and form contained in our same charter for ever, that is to say, with knights^ fees, advowsons of religious houses. Knights' hospitals, churches and chapels, wardships, marriages, and sS, U^^' escheats of all the tenants of the honors, manors, lands, te- nements and other places aforesaid by us so given to our aforesaid son, together with chases, parks, woods, warrens, chases, fairs, markets, waters, ways, fisheries, commons, assarts, ^^''^^' ^^ 311 nostri et hgeredum nostrorum et clerico de mercato, ac coram aliis justitiariis et miriistris nostris et haere- dum nostrorum quibuscumque) fines sen redemptiones facere vel amerciari, aut hujusmodi exitus murdra seu forisfacturas annum diem et vastum adjudicari, contigerit, adeo plena et integre sicut nos ea haberemus si praedicta castra honores maneria hundreda villas terras tenementa et alia loca praedicta, eidem filio nostro sic data, in manu nostra retinuissemus. Ita quod ipse et dicti haeredes sui per manus ballivorum et ministrorum suorum fines redemp- tiones et amerciamenta hominum et tenentium praedictorum exitus forisfactos, et omnia quae ad nos et haeredes nostros pertinere poterunt de anno die vasto, forisfacturis et murdris, de et in castris honoribus maneriis hundredis villis terris tenementis et aliis locis praedictis per nos sic datis ac eorum feodis, quae coram praedictis justitiariis iti- nerantibus ad communia placita et ad placita forestae, ac coram dictis senescallo et marescallo coronatore seu clerico fieri et adjudicari contigerit, per extractas eorumdem jus- titiariorum itinerantium in itineribus suis et senescalli et marescalli et coronatoris ac clerici in sessionibus suis eisdem ballivis et ministris inde liberandas, necnon fines redemptiones et amerciamenta hominum et tenentium prae- dictorum, ac exitus forisfactos, et omnia quae ad nos et haeredes nostros pertinere poterunt de anno die et vasto, forisfacturis, et murdris, de et in castris honoribus maneriis hundredis villis terris tenementis et aliis locis praedictis per nos sic datis ac eorum feodis, quae coram nobis et haeredibus nostris, vel in cancellaria nostra et haeredum nostrorum, seu coram thesaurario et baronibus nostris et haeredum nostrorum de scaccario, seu coram justitiariis nostris et haeredum nostrorum de banco aut justitiariis ad assisas capiendas et ad gaolas deliberandas 311 wastes, and purprestures, and also with the arrentations and rents of all manner of assarts, wastes, and purprestures arrented in the chases and other places aforesaid, as well in our time as in the times of our progenitors formerly Kings of England, and hereafter to be arrented, together with the fines for ingress of the like assarts, wastes, and purprestures so to be arrented, and with courts, views of frankpledge, hundreds, wapentakes, wreck, waif and stray, wreck. royal liberties and free customs, and all other things to the same castles, honors, manors, hundreds, and other lands, tenements, and places howsoever and wheresoever belong- ing. We have also granted for us and our heirs to our Fines and same son, that he and his said heirs may have all fines, ments, ransoms, and amercements of all their men and tenants of and in the castles, honors, manors, hundreds, towns, lands, tenements, and other places aforesaid so given to him by us, and in their fees, and also in all the towns, hundreds, and other places whence the annual farms and rents by us granted to him among the other lands and tenements aforesaid do proceed ; and also forfeited issues, forfeited is- sues, for- and all things which can pertain to us and our heirs feitures.&c. of year, day, and waste, forfeitures and murders, in any soever of the courts of us and our heirs, where such men and tenants shall happen to make fine or ransom or be amerced, or such issues, murders, forfeitures, year, day, and waste happen to be adjudged, as well before us in any of . . . tl^6 King's and our heirs, and in the chancery of us and our heirs, and courts. before the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of us and our heirs, as before the justices of us and our heirs in eyre to hold common pleas and pleas of the forest, and also before the justices of the bench of us and our heirs, and before the steward and marshal and coroner of the house- hold of us and our heirs, and the clerk of the market, and 312 seu justitiariis ad felonias et transgressiones audiendas et terminandas assignatis, vel coram aliis justitiariis seu mi- nistris nostris et haeredum nostrorum quibuscumque fieri et adjudicari contigerit, per extractas scaccarii nostri et hseredum nostrorum ballivis et ministris dicti filii nostri et dictorum haeredum suorum per manus vicecomitum in quorum ballivis castra honores maneria hundreda villae terrae tenementa et alia loca praedicta, ut est dictum, per nos data, ac eorum feoda existunt, inde liberandas, levare percipere et habere possint, — sine occasione vel impedi- mento nostri vel haeredum nostrorum aut ballivorum seu mi- nistrorum nostrorum quorumcumque. Et quod idem filius noster et dicti haeredes sui habeant in castris honoribus maneriis hundredis villis terris tenementis et aliis locis praedictis per nos sic datis, ac eorum feodis, catalla felonum et fugitivorum; ita quod si quis hominum vel tenentium suorum aut alii in locis praedictis vel eorum feodis pro delicto suo vitam vel membrum debeant amittere vel fugerint et judicio stare noluerint, vel aliquod delictum fecerint pro quo catalla sua debeant perdere (ubicumque justitia de eis fieri debeat sive in curia nostra vel haeredum nostrorum sive in aliis curiis) ipsa catalla sint praefati filii nostri et dictorum haeredum suorum, et liceat eis seu ministris suis sine occasione vel impedi- mento nostri vel haeredum nostrorum vicecomitum et alio- rum ballivorum seu ministrorum nostrorum vel haeredum nostrorum quorumcumque ponere se in seisinam de catallis praedictis et ea ad usum dicti filii nostri et haeredum suo- rum retinere. Concessimus etiam praefato filio nostro pro nobis et haeredibus nostris quod ipse et dicti haeredes sui habeant in castris honoribus maneriis hundredis villis terris tenementis et aliis locis praedictis dicto filio nostro sic datis, ac eorum feodis, retorna omnium brevium nos- 312 before all other justices and ministers of us and our heirs whomsoever, as fully and entirely as we should have them if we had retained in our hand the aforesaid castles, honors, manors, hundreds, towns, lands, tenements, and other places aforesaid so given to our same son. So that he The Duke and his said heirs by the hands of his bailiffs and ministers them by his own officers may be able to levy, perceive, and have the fines, ransoms, Jy ^eJfvgJed" and amercements of the men and tenants aforesaid, for- t"*^^™- feited issues, and all things which to us and our heirs can pertain of year, day, and waste, forfeitures and murders, of and in the castles, honors, manors, hundreds, towns, lands, tenements, and other places aforesaid by us so given, and in their fees, — such as shall happen to be made and adjudged before the aforesaid justices in eyre to hold common pleas and pleas of the forest, and before the said steward and marshal, coroner or clerk, by estreats of the same jus- tices in eyre in their circuits, and of steward and marshal and coroner and clerk in their sessions, to be delivered thereof to the- same baihffs and ministers, — and also such the fines, ransoms, and amercements of the aforesaid men and tenants, and forfeited issues, and all things which to us and our heirs can pertain of year, day, waste, for- feitures and murders, of and in the castles, honors, manors, hundreds, towns, lands, tenements, and other places aforesaid by us so given, and in their fees, as shall happen to be made and adjudged before us and our heirs, or in the chancery of us and our heirs, or before the trea- surer and barons of the exchequer of us and our heirs, or before the justices of us and our heirs of the common bench, or our justices assigned to take the assizes and to deliver our gaols, or the justices assigned to hear and deter- mine felonies and trespasses, or before other the justices or ministers of us and our heirs whomsoever, by estreats of 2 Q 313 trorum et hseredum nostrorum ac summonitionum extrac- tarum et prseceptorum de scaccario prsedicto necnon prae- ceptorum et extractarum justitiariorum nostrorum et hse- redum nostrorum itinerantium tarn ad placita forestae quam ad communia placita, et aliorum justitiariorum quorumcumque, et executiones eorumdem brevium, sum- monitionum, extractarum et praeceptorum per ballivos et ministros sues faciendas. Ita quod nullus vicecomes bal- livus aut minister noster vel hseredum nostrorum castra honores maneria villas terras tenementa et alia loca praedicta, ut praemittitur, per nos data, vel eorum feoda, ad officia aliqua seu alia officia sua tangentia facienda ingrediatur, nisi in defectum ipsius filii nostri aut dic- torum haeredum vel ballivorum seu ministrorum suorum. Volumus insuper et concedimus pro nobis et haeredibus nostris quod si vicecomites vel ballivi libertatum hun- dredorum seu wapentachiorum in aliquibus executionibus pro eodem filio nostro aut dictis haeredibus suis per brevia sive mandata nostra, vel haeredum nostrorum, aut quovis alio modo faciendis negligentes fuerint vel remissi per quod ipsos in scaccario nostro seu aliis curiis nostris contigerit amerciari vel fines facere, quod fines et amerciamenta ilia sint dicti filii nostri et dictorum haeredum suorum, et ad eorum opus leventur. Hiis testibus, venerabilibus patribus Simone Archiepiscopo Cantuariensi totius Angliae Primate, Adam Menevensi Cancellario, Henrico Wigornensi The- saurario, nostris, Episcopis, Edmundo Comite Cantabrigiae, Thoma de Wodestok Constabulario Angliae, filiis nostris carissimis, Henrico de Percy Marescallo Angliae, Johanne de Ipre Senescallo hospitii nostri, Nicholao Carreu Custode privati sigilli nostri, et aliis. Data per manum nostram apud Shene quarto die Junii, anno regni nostri Angliae quinquagesimo primo, regni vero nostri Franciae tricesimo 313 the exchequer of us and our heirs, to be delivered thereof to the bailiffs and ministers of our said son and his said heirs by the hands of the sheriffs in whose bailiwicks the castles, honors, manors, hundreds, towns, lands, tene- ments, and other places aforesaid given by us as afore- said, and their fees, do lie; without let or hinderance of us or our heirs, or of our bailiffs or ministers whomsoever. And that our same son and his said heirs may have in the castles, honors, manors, hundreds, towns, lands, te- nements, and other places aforesaid by us so given, and in their fees, the chattels of felons and fugitives, so that chattels of °. felons. if any of their men or tenants or others in the places aforesaid, or in their fees, for their delinquency ought to lose life or limb, or shall flee and not be willing to stand their trial, or shall commit any offence for the which they ought to lose their chattels, (wheresoever justice shall be had of them, whether in the court of us or our heirs, or whether in other courts,) such chattels shall belong to our aforesaid son and his said heirs, and that it shall be lawful for them or their ministers to put themselves in seizin of the chattels aforesaid, and retain them to the behoof of our said son and his heirs, without let or hin- derance of us or our heirs, our sheriffs and other bailifi*s or ministers of us or our heirs whomsoever. We have also Reftim and execution ffranted to our aforesaid son, for us and our heirs, that of writs and ■^ -^ summons he and his said heirs may have in the castles, honors, che^ue^n' manors, hundreds, towns, lands, tenements, and other places aforesaid so given to our said son, and in their fees, the return of all writs of us and our heirs, and of summons, estreats, and precepts of the exchequer afore- said, and also of the precepts and estreats of the justices of us and our heirs in eyre to hold as well pleas of the forest as common pleas, and of other justices whomso- 2 Q 2 314 octavo. NOS autem tarn dictam cartam indentatam qiiam dictam aliam cartam, ac omnes donationes concessiones et omnia alia in eisdem cartis contenta pro nobis et hseredi- bus nostris, tenore praesentium, ratificamus et confirmamus, juxta tenorem et effectum cartarum supradictarum. In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus pa- tentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium, quinto- decimo die Septembris, anno regni nostri primo. NOS autem donationes, concessiones, confirmationes, libertates, franchesias et quietantias prsedictas, ac omnia alia et sin- gula in dictis cartis et literis contenta, rata habentes et grata, ea, pro nobis et haeredibus nostris, quantum in nobis est, de gratia nostra speciali acceptamus, approbamus, et pragfato Duci et haeredibus suis praedictis imperpetuum, tenore praesentium, concedimus et confirmamus, sicut cartae et literae supradictae rationabiliter testantur. Praeterea vo- lentes eidem Duci gratiam in hac parte facere ampliorem de gratia nostra speciali concessimus pro nobis et haeredibus nostris, et hac carta nostra confirmavimus quod licet ipse aliqua vel aliquibus donationum, concessionum, confirma- tion um, liber tatum, franchesiarum et quietantiarum, aut aliorum in dictis cartis et literis contentorum, aliquo casu emergente, hactenus plene usus non fuerit, idem tamen Dux et haeredes sui praedicti donationibus, conces- sionibus, confirmationibus, libertatibus, franchesiis et quie- tantiis, ac omnibus aliis et singulis in cartis et literis praedictis, ut praemittitur, contentis, et eorum quolibet de- caetero plene gaudeant et utantur imperpetuum, sine occa- sione vel impedimento nostri vel haeredum nostrorum, justi- tiariorum, escaetorum, vicecomitum aut aliorum ballivorum seu ministrorum nostrorum vel haeredum nostrorum quo- rumcumque. Et ulterius, ad probitatem strenuam et sa- pientiam excellentissimam ac alios multiplices mores et 314 ever, and the execution of the same writs, summons, es- treats, and precepts, to be made by their baiUfFs and mi- nisters. So that no sheriff^ baiUif, or other minister of us or our heirs shall enter the castles, honors, manors, towns, lands, tenements, and other places aforesaid by us given as is premised, or their fees, to perform any offices, or other things touching their offices, unless in default of our same son or his said heirs, or of their bailiffs or ministers. And furthermore we will and grant, for us and our said Fines and ° ^ ^ amerce- heirs, that if the sheriffs or bailiffs of liberties, hundreds, or "?^"ti.of ' ' sheriffs and wapentakes be negligent or remiss in making any execu- ^^j."^^^ \l^^' tions for our same son or his said heirs, by writs or man- ^^e^'g®"*^^- dates of us or our heirs, or in any other wise, whereby it shall happen that they be amerced or make fines in our exchequer or in other our courts, such fines and amerce- ments shall belong to our said son and his said heirs, and may be levied to their behoof. These being wit- nesses, the venerable fathers, Simon Archbishop of Can- terbury, Primate of all England ; Adam Bishop of St. David's, our Chancellor; Henry Bishop of Worcester, our Treasurer ; Edmund Earl of Cambridge, and Thomas of Woodstock, Constable of England, our most dear sous ; Henry de Percy, Marshal of England ; John de Ipre, Steward of our household; Nicholas Carreu, Keeper of our privy seal, and others. Given under our hand at Sheen, on the fourth day of June, in the fifty-first year of our reign of England, and the thirty-eighth of our reign of France. AND we, as well the said charter indented as the said other charter, and all the donations, grants, and all other things in the same charters con- tained, for us and our heirs by the tenor of these pre- sents do ratify and confirm according to the tenor and effect of the charters abovesaid. In witness whereof we 315 merita praefati avunculi nostri, qui nuUis cedens laboribus vel expensis, se tarn in consiliis obsequiis et aliis agendis nobis et toti regno nostro fructuosis et honorificis semper retroactis temporibus obsequiosum pariter et paratum ex- bibuit et exhibet indefesse, condignam considerationem habentes, et volentes, praemissorum intuitu, prsefatum avunculum nostrum, qui prae cseteris in sapientia, strenui- tate et honore nobis et regno nostro praedicto maxime valere et locum potiorem tenere potest, gratiis et favori- bus amplioribus praerogare, de uberiori gratia nostra, pro majori securitate ipsius Ducis avunculi nostri, declaramus, concedimus, et confirmamus, pro nobis et haeredibus nos- tris, praefato Duci, quod ipse ad totam vitam suam babeat omnes fines pro transgressione et aliis malefactis quibus- cumque ; ac etiam fines pro licentia concordandi, et omni- modos alios fines, redemptiones, et amerciamenta, ex qua- cumque causa et per quamcumque causam provenientia, necnon exitus forisfactos de omnibus hominibus et tenentibus de et in terris et feodis praedicti Ducis, et de omnibus infra eadem terras et feoda residentibus, quanquam iidem ho- mines, tenentes, seu residentes, ministri nostri vel hseredum nostrorum existant. Et quod idem Dux ad totam vitam suam babeat quascumque forisfacturas annum diem vastum et estreppamentum, et quicquid ad nos vel hseredes nostros pertinere poterit de anno die vasto et estreppamento, fo- risfacturis et murdris, infra terras et feoda praedicta, in quibuscumque curiis nostris et haeredum nostrorum sive in quacumque curia alterius, contigerit quod praedicti homi- nes, tenentes, seu residentes facient fines vel erunt amer- ciati, vel exitus forisfacient, seu quod praedicta annus dies vastum et estreppamentum, forisfactura vel murdrum, ad- judicata erunt, tarn in praesentia nostra et haeredum nostro- rum, quam in absentia nostra et haeredum nostrorum, et of foregoing recited charters. 315 have caused these our letters to be made patent. Wit- ness ourself at Westminster, on the fifteenth day of Sep tember, in the first year of our reign. AND we, ratifying confirmation and approving the donations, grants, confirmations, liber- ?eciS ties, franchises, and acquittances aforesaid, and all and singular other the things in the said charters and letters contained, do, for us and our heirs, as far as in us lies, of our especial grace accept and approve the same, and do grant and confirm them by the tenor of these pre- sents to the aforesaid Duke and his heirs aforesaid for ever, as the charters and letters abovesaid reasonably do wit- ness. WilUng, moreover, to shew the same Duke more notwtth- ample favor in this behalf, we have granted of our espe- non-user, cial grace for us and our heirs, and by this our charter have confirmed, that albeit, any case arising, he have not hitherto fully used any one or more of the donations, grants, confirmations, liberties, franchises and acquittances, or other things in the said charters and letters contained, nevertheless the same Duke and his heirs aforesaid may henceforth fully enjoy and use for ever the donations, grants, confirmations, liberties, franchises, and acquittances, and all and singular other the things contained in the char- ters and letters aforesaid, as is premised, and every of them, without let or hinderance of us or our heirs, the without let from any justices, escheators, sheriffs, or other bailiffs or ministers J^^^jj^j'^^^'^ of us or our heirs whomsoever. And furthermore, hav- ministers. ing condign consideration of the strenuous goodness and ^^f^'^^J^^^^ most excellent wisdom, and other manifold merits and ^JJ^f^'^f^je, good demeanour of our aforesaid uncle, who yielding to s^n^g"^*"* no labors or expenses hath ever in times past proved him- self, and yet unweariedly proves himself, equally ready and compliant in giving his counsel, and in the performance of other duties profitable and honorable to us and our whole 316 tam coram nobis et haeredibus nostris, et in cancellaria nostra et hseredum nostrorum, ac coram thesaurario et baronibus de scaccario nostro et haeredum nostrorum, et coram justitia- riis nostris et haeredum nostrorum de communi banco, necnon coram senescallo et marescallis seu coram coronatore hospitii nostri et haeredum nostrorum vel clerico mercati, qui pro tempore erunt, et in aliis curiis nostris et haeredum nostro- rum, quam coram justitiariis nostris itinerantibus ad com- munia placita et ad placita forestae, justitiariis ad assisas capiendas et gaolas deliberandas, ac coram quibuscumque aliis justitiariis et ministris nostris et haeredum nostrorum, tam in praesentia nostra et haeredum nostrorum, quam in absentia nostra et haeredum nostrorum, adeo plene et integre sicut nos vel haeredes nostri ea haberemus si ilia praefato Duci non concessissemus. Ita quod praedictus Dux per man us ballivorum et aliorum ministrorum suorum levare, percipere, et habere possit, fines, redemptiones, et amercia- menta ipsorum hominum tenentium et residentium de et in terris et feodis praedictis, exitus forisfactos, et quicquid ad nos vel haeredes nostros pertinere poterit de anno die vasto estreppamento, forisfacturis et murdris, de et in terris et feodis praedictis, quae coram dictis justitiariis itinerantibus ad comraunia placita et ad placita forestae, ac coram prae- dictis senescallo et marescallis coronatore vel clerico mer- cati, fieri seu adjudicari contigerit, per extractas eorum- dem justitiariorum itinerantium in itineribus suis, ac prae- dictorum senescalli marescallorum coronatoris et clerici in sessionibus suis, ballivis et ministris praedicti Ducis inde liberandas; ac etiam fines, redemptiones, et amerciamen- ta de hominibus tenentibus et residentibus prsedictis, ac exitus forisfactos, et omnia quae ad nos vel haeredes nostros pertinere poterunt de anno die vasto estreppamento, foris- facturis et murdris, de et in terris et feodis praedictis, quae 316 realm, and being desirous in regard of the premises to endow with ampler favors and grace our aforesaid uncle, who, far beyond others in wisdom, prowess, and honor, is able to avail and stand us and our realm aforesaid in better stead, do, of our more abundant srrace, for the for term of ° life of the greater security of the same Duke our uncle, declare, grant, oukeofLan- and confirm for us and our heirs to the aforesaid Duke, that he for the whole of his life may have all fines for tres- Fines for •' trespass, pass and other misdeeds whatsoever, and also fines for li- PoJt".fl"es^"^ cence to agree, and all manner of other fines, ransoms, and amer™!' amercements, from whatever cause and through whatever SSed issues. cause proceeding, . and also forfeited issues in respect of all the men and tenants of and in the lands and fees of the aforesaid Duke, and in respect of all resiants within the same lands and fees, albeit the same men, tenants, or resiants be ministers of us or our heirs. And that the Forfeitures, year, day, same Duke, for the whole of his life, may have all manner and waste, of forfeitures, year, day, waste, and estrepement, and what- ever to us or our heirs can pertain of year, day, waste, and estrepement, forfeitures and murders, within the lands and fees aforesaid, in what courts soever, of us and our heirs, or imposed or 1 /» 1 • 1 11 adjudged in in whatever court of any other it may happen that the any court, aforesaid men, tenants, or resiants shall make fines or be amerced or forfeit issues, or that the aforesaid year, day, waste, and estrepement, forfeiture or murder, be adjudged — as well in presence of us and our heirs as in absence of us and our heirs, and as well before us and our heirs, and in the chancery of us and our heirs, and before the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of us and our heirs, and be- fore the justices of the common bench of us and our heirs, and also before the steward and marshals, or before the coroner of the household, of us and our heirs, or the clerk of the market for the time being, and in other the courts 317 coram nobis vel haeredibus nostris, vel in cancellaria nostra ^t haeredum nostrorum, seu coram thesaurario et baronibus de scaccario nostro et haeredum nostrorum, vel coram jus- titiariis nostris et haeredum nostrorum de communi banco, sive coram justitiariis ad assisas capiendas et gaolas de- liberandas, aut justitiariis ad transgressiones et felonias audiendas et terminandas assignatis, seu coram aliis justi- tiariis vel ministris nostris quibuscumque et haeredum nos- trorum, fieri vel adjudicari contigerit, per extractas de scac- cario nostro et haeredum nostrorum, ballivis et ministris praefati Ducis, per manus vicecomitum in quorum ballivis dicta terrae et feoda existunt, inde liberandas ; — sine occa- sione vel impedimento nostri vel haeredum nostrorum, jus- titiariorum, vicecomitum, escaetorum, aut aliorum minis- trorum nostrorum et haeredum nostrorum quorumcumque. Et quod praedictus Dux ad totam vitam suam per se et ministros suos in omnibus terris et feodis praedictis, tam in praesentia nostra et haeredum nostrorum quam in ab- sentia nostra et haeredum nostrorum, faciat et habeat assaiam et assisam panis vini et cervisiae et omnimodorum aliorum victualium quorumcumque ac aliorum ad officium clerici de mercato nostri et haeredum nostrorum pertinen- tium, cum punitione eorumdem quotiens et quando expe- diens fuerit et necesse : ac etiam habeat et percipiat fines amerciamenta et redemptiones ac omnimoda proficua inde provenientia; ita quod clericus mercati nostri et haeredum nostrorum non ingrediatur dicta terras vel feoda pro aliqui- bus ad officium suum pertinentibus faciendis seu exercendis. Et quod praedictus Dux ad totam vitam suam habeat catalla fugitivorum et felonum tam felonum de se quam aliorum quorumcumque ac utlagatorum ex quacumque causa omni- um hominum et tenentium de et in terris et feodis prae- dictis, necnon omnium residentium infra eadem terras et 317 of us and our heirs, as before our justices in eyre to hold common pleas and pleas of the forest, our justices assigned to take the assizes and to deliver our gaols, and before all other justices and ministers of us and our heirs whomso- ever, as well in presence of us and our heirs as in absence of us and our heirs, — as fully and entirely as we or our as fuuy as heirs would have them if we had not granted them to the aforesaid Duke. So that the aforesaid Duke by the hands The Duke of his bailiffs and other ministers may be able to levy, per- same by his •' ^ ' r o^n officers, ceive, and have the fines, ransoms, and amercements of the ^^ ftreats to ' be delivered same men, tenants, and resiants of and in the lands and ^°*^®"' fees aforesaid, forfeited issues, and whatever to us or our heirs can pertain of year, day, and waste, estrepement, for- feitures, and murders, of and in the lands and fees afore- said, which shall happen to be made or adjudged before the said justices in eyre to hold common pleas and pleas of the forest, and before the aforesaid steward and mar- shals, coroner, or clerk of the market, by estreats of the same justices in eyre in their circuits, and of the aforesaid steward, marshals, coroner, and clerk, in their sessions, to be delivered thereof to the bailiffs and ministers of the aforesaid Duke ; and also the fines, ransoms, and amerce- ments of the aforesaid men, tenants, and resiants, and for- feited issues, and all things which to us or our heirs can pertain of year, day, waste, estrepement, forfeitures, and murders, of and in the lands and fees aforesaid, which shall happen to be made or adjudged before us or our heirs, or in the chancery of us and our heirs, or before the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of us and our heirs, or before the justices of us and our heirs of the common bench, or before our justices assigned to take the assizes and to deliver our gaols, or the justices assigned to hear and determine trespasses and felonies, 318 feoda, quanquam iidem homines tenentes aut residentes ministri nostri vel haeredum nostrorum existant: ita quod si aliquis hominum et tenentium de et in terris et feodis prsedictis seu aliquis residentium in dictis terris et feodis, aut aliquis alius in eisdem terris et feodis, pro aliquo suo malefacto quocumque debeat vitam vel membrum amittere, seu fugiat, et judicio stare noluerit, aut aliquam aliam transgressionem faciat pro qua ipse debet perdere catalla sua, (in quo loco justitia de eo fieri debeat, sive in curia nostra et haeredum nostrorum vel in aliis curiis,) catalla ilia sint praedicti Ducis: et quod liceat ei seu ministris suis ponere se in seisinam dictorum catallorum et eadeni catalla ad opus praefati Ducis retinere ;— sine occasione vel impedimento nostri vel haeredum nostrorum, vicecomitum, escaetorum, aut aliorum ballivorum seu ministrorum nos- trorum et haeredum nostrorum quorumcumque. Et quod praefatus Dux ad totam vitam suam habeat retorna omnium brevium nostrorum et haeredum nostrorum, necnon sum- monitionum extractarum et praeceptorum de scaccario nostro, et de scaccario haeredum nostrorum, ac extractarum et prae- ceptorum justitiariorum nostrorum et haeredum nostrorum itinerantium tam ad placita forestae quam ad communia placita, ac aliorum justitiariorum quorumcumque, necnon attachiamenta tam de placitis coronae quam aliorum in omni- bus terris et feodis praedictis. Et quod prsedictus Dux ad totam vitam suam per se et per ballivos et ministros sues habeat in eisdem terris et feodis executionem eorumdem brevium summonitionum extractarum et praeceptorum. Ita quod nullus vicecomes ballivus seu alius minister noster vel haeredum nostrorum praedicta terras et feoda ingredia- tur pro aliquo officio vel aliqua re officium suum tangen- te faciendo, nisi in defectu ipsius Ducis vel ministrorum suorum. Et ulterius concedimus et hac carta nostra con- 318 or before other the justices or ministers of us and our heirs whomsoever, by estreats of the exchequer of us and our heirs, to be delivered thereof to the bailiffs and ministers of the aforesaid Duke by the hands of the sheriffs in whose bailiwicks the said lands and fees do lie; — without without let let or hinderance of us or our heirs, or of our justices, King sheriffs, escheators, or other ministers of us and our heirs whomsoever. And that the aforesaid Duke, for the whole Assay and of his life, by himself and his ministers, in all the lands bread, and , . other matters and fees aforesaid, as well in presence of us and our heirs fh^^T"^*? officers. as in absence of us and our heirs, may make and have ^^^''^'^^t^^ the office of clerk of tht market. the assay and assize of bread, wine, and ale, and of all manner of other victuals whatsoever, and of other things pertaining to the office of the clerk of the market of us and our heirs, together with the punishment thereof when- ever and so often as it shall be necessary and expedient ; and also that he may have and perceive the fines, amerce- ments, and ransoms, and all manner of profits thence pro- ceeding, so that the clerk of the market of us and our heirs shall not enter the said lands or fees to do or exercise any matters pertaining to his office. And that the aforesaid chattels of Duke, for the whole of his life, may have the chattels of fugitives. fugitives and felons, as well felons of themselves as of others whomsoever, and of outlaws for any cause soever, of all the men and tenants of and in the lands and fees aforesaid, and also of all resiants within the same lands and fees, albeit the same men, tenants or resiants be ministers of us or our heirs, so that if any of the men and tenants of and in the lands and fees aforesaid, or any of the resiants in the said lands and fees, or any other person in the same lands and fees, for any misdeed what- soever, ought to lose life or limb, or shall flee and not be willing to stand their trial, or shall commit any other tres- 319 firmavimus pro nobis et dictis hagredibus nostris quod si vicecomites vel ballivi libertatum hundredorum seu wapen- tachiorum, in aliquibus executionibus pro prsedicto Duce, per brevia seu mandata nostra vel hseredum nostrorum, seu aliquo alio modo, faciendis, negligentes fuerint vel remissi, per quod contigerit ipsos amerciari aut fines facere in scaccario vel in aliis curiis nostris et hseredum nostro- rum, hujusmodi fines et amerciamenta sint prsefati Ducis, et quod leventur ad opus ipsius Ducis per ministros suos supradictos, durante vita sua. Et quod prsedictus Dux ad totam vitam suam habeat infra omnia prsedicta terras et feoda omnimoda catalla vocata wayf et stray, deodanda, thesaurum inventum ac alias res vel catalla inventa; et quod ipse per se et ministros suos seisire et capere possit ad voluntatem suam ad opus prsedicti Ducis, wayfs et strayes, deodanda, thesaurum inventum ac alia inventa supradicta. Et quod praedictus Dux ad totam vitam suam habeat qusecumque bona et catalla vocata manuopera cap- ta vel capienda cum quacumque persona infra terras et feoda prsedicta, ac per eandem personam coram quocum- que judice dead vocata. Sal vis semper et reservatis prsefato Duci, et haeredibus suis praedictis, omnimodis aliis privi- legiis, immunitatibus, et quietantiis, eis, per nos aut per dictum avum nostrum, datis concessis seu confirmatis. Hiis testibus, venerabilibus patribus Willielmo Cantuariensi to- tius Angliae Primate, Thoma Eboracensi Anglise Primate, Cancellario nostro, Archiepiscopis, Roberto Londinensi, Ro- berto Cicestrensi, Tideman Wigornensi, Episcopis, Edmundo Eborum, Thoma Gloucestriae, Ducibus, avunculis nostris ca- rissimis, Edwardo Rotelandae, Ricardo Arundellise, Thoma Marescallo et Notinghamise, Henrico Northumbriae, Comi- tibus, Rogero Walden Thesaurario nostro, Thoma de Percy Senescallo hospitii nostri, Guidone Mone Custode privati 319 pass for the which they ought to lose their chattels (in whatsoever place justice shall be had of them, whether in the court of us and our heirs or in other courts), such chattels shall belong to the aforesaid Duke : And that it May seize shall be lawful for him or his ministers to put themselves in withoiS^et ••/•i '11 1 11 -I from the seizm 01 the said chattels, and the same chattels to retam King's bai- liffs or ml- to the behoof of the aforesaid Duke ; — without let or hin- listers. derance of us or our heirs, or of our sheriffs, escheators, or other bailiifs or ministers of us and our heirs whomso- ever. And that the aforesaid Duke, for the whole of his Return and , execution of life, may have the return of all writs of us and our heirs, ^"t^- ^um- •' ' mons, es- and also of summons, estreats, and precepts, of our ex- precepts"*^ chequer and of the exchequer of our heirs, and of the estreats and precepts of the justices of us and our heirs in eyre to hold as well pleas of the forest as common pleas, and of other justices whomsoever, and also the at- Attachment of pleas of tachment as well of pleas of the crown as of others in the crown. all the lands and fees aforesaid. And that the afore- said Duke, for the whole of his life, by himself and by his bailiffs and ministers may have in the same lands and fees the execution of the same writs, summons, estreats, and precepts, so that no sheriff, bailiff, or other minister of no sheriff or r r ' ' ^ other bailiff us or our heirs shall enter the aforesaid lands and fees to of the King maymtromit, perform any office, or anything touching his office, unless ^^^^l^ *" ^®' in default of the same Duke or his ministers. And fur- Fines and amerce- thermore we do ffrant, and by this our charter have con- ™ents of o ' J sheriffs and firmed, for us and our said heirs, that if the sheriffs or jjbejtierfor bailiffs of liberties, hundreds, or wapentakes be negligent "«e^'&*^"<^«- or remiss in making any executions for the aforesaid Duke by writs or mandates of us or our heirs, or in any other wise whereby it shall happen that they be amerced or make fines in the exchequer or in other the courts of us and our heirs, such fines and amercements shall belong 320 sigilli nostri, et aliis. Data per manum nostram apud Westmonasterium vicesimo nono die Junii, anno regni nostri vicesimo. — plenius continetur. BJ®S nolentes dictam haereditatem nostram, aut libertates ejusdem, oc- casione instantis assumptionis regalis status et dignitatis nostrae in aliquo mutari, transferri, diminui, seu dero- gari, sed eandem haereditatem nostram cum juribus et li- bertatibus suis praedictis, eisdem modo, forma, conditione, et statu quibus nobis descenderant et evenerant, ac etiam cum omnibus et singulis talibus libertatibus et franchesiis, ac aliis privilegiis, commoditatibus, et proficuis quibus- cumque, quibus praedictus dominus et pater noster, dum vixit, eam, ad terminum vitae suae, ex concessione praedicti Ricardi nuper Regis, habuit et tenuit, nobis et dictis haeredi- bus nostris in dictis cartis specificatis, plenarie et integre conservari, continuari, et haberi, volumus, ac tenore prae- sentium ex certa scientia nostra, de assensu praesentis par- liamenti nostri, concedimus, declaramus, discernimus, et ordinamus, pro nobis et haeredibus nostris, quod tam ducatus noster Lancastriae, quam universa et singula alia comitatus, honores, castra, maneria, feoda, advocationes, possessiones, annuitates et dominia quaecumque, nobis, ante adeptionem dignitatis nostrae regiae, qualitercumque et ubicumque, jure haereditario, in dominico servitio vel in reversione, seu alias qualitercumque discensa, nobis et dictis haeredibus nostris in cartis praedictis specificatis, in forma praedicta remaneant imperpetuum, et quod taliter et tali modo, et per tales officiarios et ministros in omnibus dedu- cantur, gubernentur, et pertractentur, sicut remanere, de- duci, gubernari, et pertractari deberent si ad culmen dig- nitatis regiae assumpti minime fuissemus, ac insuper quod talia et hujusmodi libertates, jura regalia, consuetudines et franchesiae, in ducatu, comitatibus, honoribus, castris, 320 to the aforesaid Duke, and that they may be levied to the behoof of the same Duke by his ministers abovesaid dur- ing his Ufe. And that the aforesaid Duke, for the whole of wayfs and strays. his life, may have within all the aforesaid lands and fees all manner of chattels called wayf and stray, deodands, Deodands. treasure trove, and other things or chattels found ; and Treasure that he by himself and his ministers may be able to seize and take at their pleasure, to the behoof of the aforesaid Duke, the wayfs and strays, deodands, treasure trove, and other things found as abovesaid. And that the aforesaid Mainour. Duke, for the whole of his life, may have all manner of goods and chattels called Mainour, taken or to be taken upon any person soever within the lands and fees aforesaid, and by the same person disclaimed before any judge soever; savins always and reserved to the aforesaid saving of h- •' ° ' ° •^ berties before Duke and his heirs aforesaid all manner of other privileges, gj."2i! '" immunities, and acquittances, given, granted, or confirmed to them by us or by our said grandfather. These being witnesses, the venerable fathers, William Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England ; Thomas Archbishop of York, Primate of England, our Chancellor; Robert Bishop of London ; Robert Bishop of Chichester ; Tideman Bishop of Worcester; Edmund Duke of York, and Tho- mas Duke of Gloucester, our most dear uncles; Edward Earl of Rutland ; Righard Earl of Arundel ; Thomas Earl Marshal and of Nottingham; Henry Earl of Northum- berland; Roger Walden, our Treasurer; Thomas de Percy, Steward of our household ; Guy Mone, Keeper of our privy seal; and others. Given under our hand at Westminster, on the twenty-ninth day of June, in the twentieth year of our reiffn. W3is — not willing that our said heritage, or the li- Thecondi- berties thereof, be in aught changed, transferred, lessened, or ^l^'/Jl^ derogated from, on account of our present assumption of the and other 2 R 321 maneriis, feodis, ac caeteris possessionibus et dominiis praedictis, in omnibus et per omnia, imperpetuum habean- tur, exerceantur, continuentur, fiant et utantur, et per tales officiarios et ministros gubernentur et exequantur, quae et qualia et per quales officiarios et ministros, tam tempore dicti domini et patris nostri, quam temporibus aliorum progenitorum et antecessorum nostrorum, in eisdem ducatu, comitatibus, honoribus, castris, maneriis, feodis, ac aliis possessionibus et dominiis praedictis, uti et haberi, ac regi et gubernari consueverunt, virtute cartarum prae- dictarum : Volentes ulterius et concedentes, ac pro nobis et haeredibus nostris praedictis, ex certa scientia nostra et de assensu praedictis, plenarie declarantes, quod universi et singuli tenentes nostri de ducatu, comitatibus, honoribus, maneriis, feodis, ac aliis possessionibus et dominiis prae- dictis, et haeredes sui, adeo liberi sint et in omnibus talis ac adeo liberae et illesae conditionis, tam in ingressibus suis in haereditates suas post mortem antecessorum suorum, quam in tenuris suis, ac alias qualitercumque, sicut esse possent et deberent, de consuetudine vel de jure, si dicta dignitas nostra regia nobis nusquam accidisset, dicta assumptione nostra dignitatis regiae, aut eo quod ducatus, comitatus, honores, castra, maneria, feoda, advocationes, posses- siones, dominia et libertates praedicta in manu nostra jam existunt, seu aliqua interruptione, cessatione, vel dis- continuatione libertatum praedictarum, seu aliquibus aliis occasionibus, causis, coloribus, vel impedimentis quibus- cumque, quae incontrarium praesentis voluntatis, conces- sionis, et declarationis nostras vigorem seu efFectum ali- quem habere nolumus, in aliquo non obstantibus. Proviso semper quod tenentes nostri infra comitatum nostrum palatinum Lancastriae haereditates suas in manum nostram et dictorum haeredum nostrorum in dictis cartis specifica- 321 royal estate and dignity, but that our same heritage, with estates of its rights and liberties aforesaid, in the same manner, «f Lancaster, <-' ' ' shall not be state, form, and condition, in which it descended and fueRTng?" came to us, and also with all and singular such liberties ofthTrS and franchises, and other privileges, advantages, and profits and the . or franchises whatsoever, with which our aforesaid lord and father, whilst ^^\^ ^'"ch ' John late he lived, had and held the same, for the term of his life, by J^s^e^hew"" grant from the aforesaid late King Richard, shall be to us shaifbT^con- and our said heirs in the said charters specified, fully and ^^^^^' ' entirely kept, continued, and had; — will, and by the tenor settled upon King Henry of these presents, of our certain knowledge, and with the the Fourth assent of our present parliament, do grant, declare, decree, tJepfefeding and ordain, for us and our heirs, that as well our duchy of SreSras Lancaster, as all and singular the other counties, honors, accession to . . . the crown. castles, manors, fees, advowsons, possessions, annuities, and lordships whatever, to us howsoever and wheresoever descended before our adoption of the royal dignity, by hereditary right, in demesne, in service, or in reversion, or otherwise howsoever, shall for ever remain to us and our said heirs in the charters aforesaid specified in form afore- said; and that they so and in such wise, and by such officers and ministers, in all things be managed, governed, and treated, as they would have remained, been managed, governed, and treated, if we had never assumed the ensign of royal dignity. And, moreover, that such and the like The same T • 1 n 1 • • 1 • J liberties and llbertiesj jura regalia, customs, and franchises, m the said jura regatta duchy, counties, honors, castles, manors, fees, and other l^^^tJ/JJ'^''" possessions and lordships aforesaid, in all, and throughout oth'eVthe all, be had, exercised, continued, done, and used for ever, throughout,' and thev by such officers and ministers be governed and exe- governed by •^ •' ° .the like cuted, as and which were wont to be had and used in the officers as ' before. same duchy, counties, honors, castles, manors, fees, and other possessions and lordships, and by whom they were 2 R 2 322 torum, post mortem antecessorum suorum, seu alio modo seisiendas et capiendas, extra eandem manum nostram, et dictorum hseredum nostrorum in cartis prsedictis specifica- torum, per liberationem in cancellaria regalitatis ibidem habendam, prosequantur, ut est moris et fuerit faciendum ratione regalitatis supradictae ; et quod praerogativa nostra quoad maritagia et proficua maritagiorum hseredum aliorum tenentium nostrorum, extra dictum comitatum palatinum, seisienda et habenda, locum habeat et vigorem. Volumus insuper et concediraus, pro nobis et haeredibus nostris, ex certa scientia nostra et assensu praedictis, quod universa et singula beneficia ecclesiastica ad haereditatem nostram praedictam spectantia, per nos et dictos haeredes nostros in dictis cartis specificatos, continue futuris temporibus con- ferantur : Ita quod cancellarius vel thesaurarius Angliao pro tempore existentes, seu quivis alius officiarius regius, de collatione vel praesentatione, seu etiam de visitatione beneficiorum hujusmodi, ratione officiorum suorum, se nuUatenus intromittant in futuro. Volumus etiam et con- cedimus, pro nobis et haeredibus nostris, ex certa scientia nostra et de assensu praedictis, quod omnes et singuli re- ceptores, feodarii, firmarii, ballivi, praepositi, officiarii, ac quicumque alii servientes et ministri nostri, et dictorum haeredum nostrorum in dictis cartis specificatorum, prae- dictorum ducatus, comitatuum, honorum, castrorum, maneriorum, feodorum, possessionum, dominiorum et li- bertatum, de omnibus et singulis denariis, firmis, reddi- tibus, exitibus, reventionibus, et proficuis quibuscumque de eisdem ducatu, comitatibus, honoribus, castris, raa- neriis, feodis, possessionibus, dominiis et libertatibus, qualitercumque provenientibus, coram certis specialibus auditoribus, officiariis et ministris, per nos et dictos haeredes nostros in cartis praedictis specificatos de tem- 322 ' wont to be ruled and governed, as well in the time of our said lord and father, as in the times of other our pro- genitors and ancestors, by virtue of the charters aforesaid: Willing, furthermore, and granting, and for us and our heirs The tenants aforesaid, of our certain knowledge and with the assent S^how" e •i/«nii' ■t^ i» after their aforesaid, fully declaring, that all and singular our tenants ancestors* of the duchy, counties, honors, manors, fees, and other pos- {J^^J, \l^^^_ sessions and lordships aforesaid, and their heirs, may be as *°*"*'^' free, and in all respects of such and of as unimpaired and free condition, as well in their entries upon their in- heritances after the death of their ancestors as in their tenures, and otherwise howsoever, as they could and ought to be by custom or of right if our said royal dignity had never fallen to us, our said assumption of the royal dignity notwithstanding, or notwithstanding that the duchy, coun- ties, honors, castles, manors, fees, advowsons, possessions, lordships, and liberties aforesaid are now in our hands, or any interruption, cessation, or discontinuance of the liberties aforesaid, or any other lets, causes, colors, or impediments whatsoever (which we will not to have any force or effect to the contrary of this our present will, grant, and declara- tion,) in anywise notwithstanding. Provided always, that proviso for ... , . « -r the tenants our tenants witnm our county palatine of L.ancaster may of the county . 1 • 1 • Palatine of sue their inheritances (to be taken and seized into the Lancaster, hands of us and our said heirs in the said charters specified after the death of their ancestors or in other manner) out of the same hands of us and our said heirs in the aforesaid charters specified, by livery to be had in the chancery of the regality there, as is the custom, and would have been done by reason of the abovesaid regality; and that our saving the prerogative in respect of seizing and having the marriages ?JTo°mar!^ /» i> ^ • #• 1 1 • ft riages out of and the profits of the marriages ot the heirs of other our the county tenants out of the said county palatine have effect and pore in tempus ad hoc limitandis et assignandis, duntaxat, et non coram thesaurario et baronibus de scaccario re- gio, computeiit et respondeant continue infuturum. Ita quod thesaurarius et barones de scaccario praedicto, de aliquibus hujusmodi denariis, firmis, redditibus, exitibus, reventionibus aut proficuis, seu de aliquibus compotis, vel ratiociniis inde audiendis, habendis, reddeudis, vel termi- nandis infuturum, se non intromittant uUo modo In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium, quarto decimo die Octobris, anno regni nostri primo. M©^j pro eo quod de avisamento et assensu Domi- norum Spiritualium et Temporalium, ac Communitatis regni nostri Angliae, in instanti parliamento nostro exis- tentium, ac auctoritate ejusdem, ordinatum et stabilitum existit quod Henricus nuper nuncupatus Rex Henricus Sextus omnia castra, maneria, dominia, villas, villatas, ho- nores, terras, tenementa, redditus, servitia, feodi-firmas, feoda militum, advocationes, hsereditamenta, et posses- siones, cum suis pertinentiis, quae ipse seu aliquis alius ad usum suum tertio die Marcii ultimo praeterito habuit, de ducatu Lancastriae existentia, vel quae aliqua par- cella sive membrum ejusdem ducatus aut eidem, primo anno Henrici nuper nuncupati Regis Henrici Quinti, aut aliquo tempore citra, unita vel annexa fuerunt, nobis et coronae nostras Angliae forisfaciat, — de eisdem avisa- mento assensu et auctoritate ordinavimus et stabilivimus quod eadem maneria, castra, dominia, honores, villae, vil- latae, terrae, tenementa, redditus, servitia, feodi-firmae, feoda militum, advocationes, haereditamenta et posses- siones, cum suis pertinentiis, in Anglia, Wallia, et Calesio et marchiis earundem, fiant, et a quarto die Marcii ul- timo praeterito sint, dictus ducatus Lancastriae corporatus, 323 vigor. We will moreover and grant, for us and our heirs, chancellor or . . treasurer of of our certain knowledge and with the assent aforesaid, England not *-' to intermed- that all and singular ecclesiastical benefices belonging to sgn^JJ^P^o' our heritage aforesaid shall in time to come be conferred nefices.^^ uninterruptedly by us and our said heirs in the said charters specified : so that in future the chancellor or treasurer of England for the time being, or any other royal officer, do in nowise intermeddle in the collation or presentation, or even in the visitation, of the like benefices by reason of their offices. We will also and ffrant, for us and our heirs, of ah receivers o ' ' and others to our certain knowledge and with the assent aforesaid, that ^rg spgc^Ii" all a;id singular receivers, feodaries, farmers, bailifl^s, reeves, ^ot^S^tie^^ officers, and other the servants and ministers whosoever of chequer." us and our said heirs in the said charters specified of the aforesaid duchy, counties, honors, castles, manors, fees, possessions, lordships, and liberties, for all and singular sums of money, farms, rents, issues, revenues, and profits whatever in any manner proceeding from the same duchy, counties, honors, castles, manors, fees, possessions, lordships, and liberties, shall without interruption account and answer in future before certain special auditors, officers, and minis- ters from time to time to be hereunto limited and assigned only by us and our said heirs in the charters aforesaid spe- cified, and not before the treasurer and barons of the royal exchequer. So that the treasurer and barons of the ex- chequer aforesaid shall not in any wise intermeddle in future in any the like monies, farms, rents, issues, re- venues, or profits, or in the auditing, having, rendering, or determining any the accounts or reckonings thereof. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness ourself at Westminster, on the fourteenth day of October, in the first year of our reign. ■^^j — for as much as by and with the advice and as- Recital of 324 et DucATUs LANCASTRiiE nominentur ; et quod omnia eadem maneria, castra, et caetera prsemissa, cum suis pertinentiis, per idem nomen Ducatus, ab omnibus aliis nostris hsereditamentis separata, a dicto quarto die Marcii, nobis et hseredibus nostris Regibus Angliae seisiamus, habeamus, pereipiamus, teneamus, et hsereditemus, eisdem- que gaudeamus in perpetuum. Et quod comitatus Lan- castriae sit Comitatus Palatinus, ac quod nos et haeredes nostri habeamus, ut parcellam dicti ducatus, eundem co- mitatum Lancastriae comitatum palatinum, ac Sigillum, Cancellarium, Justitiarios et Officiarios ibidem pro eodem, ac omnimoda libertates, consuetudines, jura regalia, et franchesias in eodem comitatu palatino juste et legitime usitata : Ulteriusque aliud sigillum vocatum Sigillum Du- catus Lancastriae, ac Cancellarium pro custodia ejusdem, Officiarios et Conciliarios pro regimine et gubernatione ejusdem ducatus, ac particularium officiariorum, minis- trorum, tenentium et inhabitantium ejusdem, in adeo magna ampla et larga forma, prout Henricus se nomi- natus Henricum Quintum aliquo tempore in eodem ha- bebat, excercebat, et legitime gaudebat, et quod eadem auctoritate dicti officiarii et ministri, ac etiam tenentes et inhabitantes de et in eodem ducatu, habeant et ex- cerceant talia et omnia hujusmodi libertates, franchesias, privilegia, et consuetudines, eisdemque gaudeant et utan- tur, quae qualia vel quibus officiarii, ministri, tenentes et inhabitantes ejusdem ducatus, tempore Henrici se nomi- nantis Regem Henricum Quintum habebant, excercebant, utebantur, vel legitime gaudebant; ac etiam quod in eodem ducatu omnia talia libertates, franchesiae, consue- tudines, privilegia, et jurisdictiones excerceantur, habe- antur, et occupentur, qualia in eodem ante dictum quar- tum diem Marcii legitime usitata fuerunt, et quod offi- 324 sent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and of the Com- Act declaring mons of our realm of England in our present parliament as- ^y "^"'•y ^^« ° r r Sixth, of his sembled, and by the authority of the same, it is ordained Jfthe'Siy and established that Henry, late called King Henry the ?ot^he"SowT>; Sixth, should forfeit to us and our Crown of England all the castles, manors, lordships, towns, townships, honors, lands, tenements, rents, services, fee-farms, knights' fees, advowsons, hereditaments, and possessions with their ap- purtenances, which he or any other to his use had on the third day of March last past, being of the duchy of Lancas- ter, or which were any parcel or member of the same duchy, or thereunto united or annexed in the first year of the reign of Henry, late called King Henry the Fifth, or at any time since, — have, by and with the same advice, assent, and au- the said pos- thority ordained and established that the same manors, cas- 4ti?Ma?cr™ ties, lordships, honors, towns, townships, lands, tenements, shaiibe in- corporated, fents, services, fee-farms, kniffhts' fees, advowsons, heredita- »"^,^»ll«<^, ' ' ' o ' 7 "The Duchy ments, and possessions, with their appurtenances, in Eng- "g*^^^?"*^^^- land, Wales, and Calais, and the marches thereof, shall make, and from the fourth day of March last past be the said Duchy of Lancaster corporate, and shall be called THE Duchy of Lancaster ; and that from the said fourth the King to day of March we do seize, have, perceive, hold, and in- same to him '' ' ' 1 ^ and his heirs herit all the same manors, castles, and other the premises, |Snd! with their appurtenances, by the same name of the Duchy, and the same enjoy for ever to us and our heirs Kings of England, separate from all our other he- reditaments. And that the county of Lancaster shall be The county " of Lancaster a County Palatine ; and that we and our heirs shall have, f^fj^^^^^f' as parcel of the said Duchy, the same county of Lan- pi^hy^^ caster as a county palatine, and a Seal, Chancellor, Jus- |eai, chan* tices, and Officers there for the same, and all manner of liberties, customs, jura regalia, and franchises justly and 325 ciarii, ministri, tenentes et inhabitantes de vel in eodem ducatu, juxta eadem libertates, franchesias, custumas, pri- vilegia et jurisdictiones tractentur et deducantur, incon- trariumque non distringantur, arctentur, vel compellantur quovismodo. In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonas- terium quarto die Novembris, anno regni nostri primo. 325 lawfully used in the same county palatine ; and further- another seai more another seal called the Seal of the Duchy of Lan- seai of the •' Duchy of caster, and a Chancellor for the keeping thereof, and aniT*^"^' Officers and Councillors for the rule and governance of ^J^'^««"°'*' the same duchy, and of the particular officers, ministers, tenants, and inhabitants thereof, in as great, ample, and large a form as Henry, calling himself Henry the Fifth, at any time lawfully had, exercised, and enjoyed in the same; and that by the same authority the said officers ^.^5°^'^^" and ministers, and also the tenants and inhabitants of nantg^shaii and in the same Duchy shall have and exercise all such befc"&i'. and the like liberties, franchises, privileges, and customs, tfme offing and the same enjoy and use, as and which the officers, mi- Fifth. nisters, tenants, and inhabitants of the same duchy law- fully had, exercised, used, or enjoyed in the time of Henry calling himself King Henry the Fifth ; and also that in the same duchy all such liberties, franchises, customs, privi- leges, and jurisdictions be exercised, had, and occupied, as before the said fourth day of March were lawfully used in the same ; and that the officers, ministers, tenants, and inhabitants of or in the same duchy shall be treated and managed according to the same liberties, franchises, * customs, privileges, and jurisdictions, and not be distressed, straitened, or compelled to the contrary thereof in anywise. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness ourself at Westminster on the fourth day of November, in the first year of our reign. 326 Rot. Pari. 14Edv¥.4. n. 9. in Turr. Lond. n. 11. 23rd Feb. 14 Edw. 4. A.D. 1475. Certain lands, parcel of the Du- chy of Lan- caster, put in feoffment for perform- ance of the Will of King Edward the Fourth, his intention being to crots the sea in person for recovery of the realm of France. XXXVIII. Rotulus Pailianienti de anno quartodecimo Regis Edwardi Quaiti. Reassumptio Parliamenti. EMORANDUM quod vicesimo tertio die Januarii dicto anno quartodecimo, ad quem diem prsesens Parliamentum ut prse- dicitur fuit prorogatum, prsefatus dominus Rex, ac Domini et Communes, in prsesenti Parliamento apud Westmonasterium, locis consuetis, juxta mandatum regium sibi injunctum, negotia ejusdem Parliamenti trac- taturi personaliter convenerunt, et sic de die in diem usque ad et in quartumdecimum diem Martii tunc proximo se- quentis. Actus Feoffamenti. The Kyng, thorough the grete help of God, in whoos defense and tuition he putteth his hoole trust and affiaunce, entendeth in his roiall persone to passe over the see, ayenst his auncien ennemye of Fraunce, for the lecovere of his oold enheritaunce of the corone and reame of Fraunce, the duchies of Normandie, Gascoigne, and Guyan, and for the defense of this his realme of Englond, and to reduce the same reame to his olde fame and renomes and prosperite : remembryng, as a Cristen Prynce, to provide and ordeigne for contentation of his dueties and other dyvers thynges and memoriall to be doon to the pleasure of God, and for the wele of his soule, and for the perfite execution, establisshement, and perfourmyng of the same, his Highnes, the xxiii day of the moneth of Fe- 327 verer, in the xiiu*** yere of his reigne, by th'advise and assent of the Lordes Spirituelx and Temporelx, and Comons, in this present Parlement assembled, and by auctorite of the same, willeth, ordeynetb, and enacteth, that Thomas cardynall archiebisshop of Canterbury, Wil- liam bisshop of Ely, Richard bisshop of Sarum, Robert bisshop of Bath and Welles, Thomas bisshop of Lincoln, Henry erl of Essex, Antonie erle Ryvers, William lord Hastynges, John lord Dynham, maister John Russell, clerk, Keper of the Kynge's pryve seale, maister Wil- liam Dudley, Dean of the Kyng's chapel, Thomas Burgh, knyght, William Parre, knyght, Thomas Mongomery, knyght, maister John Gunthorp, clerk, Richard Fowler, and William Huse, fro the same xxiii day, have, hold, enyoie, and possede the honour, castell, lordship, and ma- nour of Tuttebury, with the membres and appurtenaunces, and all maners, lordships, londes, tenementes, rentes, and services, parcell of the Duchie of Lancastre, in the coun- tees of Stafford and Derby, with their appurtenaunces : the castell, lordship, and manour of Kenelworth, parcell of the Duchie of Lancastre, in the counte of Warrewik, with th'appurtenaunces ; the honour, castell, and manour of Leycestre, with the membres and appurtenaunces, and all other manours, londes and tenementes, rentes and ser- vices, parcell of the Duchie of Lancastre, in the countees of Leycestre, Warrewyk, and Northampton, with th'ap- purtenaunces : the honour, castell, lordship, and manour of Bolynbroke, with the membres and appurtenaunces, and all other manours, lordships, landes, tenementes, rentes, and services, parcell of the Duchie of Lancastre, in the counte of Lincoln, with th'appurtenaunces ; the lordship and manour of Longbenyngton, parcell of the Duchie of Lancastre, in the counte of Lincoln, with th* 328 appurtenaunces : the honours, castles, lordships, and ma- nours of Pountfret, Tikhull, Knaresburgh, and Pikeryng, with their membres and appurtenaunces, and all manours, lordships, londes, tenementes, rentes, and services, parcell of the Duchie of Lancastre, in the countees of York and Notyngham, with their appurtenaunces: the castell, lord- ship, and manour of Dunstanburgh, with the members and appurtenaunces, and all manours, lordships, londes, tene- mentes, rentes, and services, parcell of the Duchie of Lan- castre, in the counte of Northuraberlond, with their appur- tenaunces, to theym and their heires for evere : to th'en- tent that the revenuez, prouffitez, and commoditees, comyng and growyng thereof, may and be emploied to the perfourm> yng and executyng of the last Wille that his said Highnes shall make and ordeyne to be doon with the same honours, castels, manours, londes and tenementes, and other premisses, or with the prouffites, revenuez, and commoditees comyng The Will per- and growyug of the same. And that it be ordeyned by case the the samc auctorite, that after the same Wille perfourmed declare no and cxccutcd, or cllcs if his seid Highnes declare and Will concern- *-" vrlmhls n^ake no Wille concernyng the premysses, that then the feS'there! Said Thomas cardynall archiebisshop, bisshopes, erles, Wil- theKiiJgrnd liam lord Hastynges, John lord Dynham, maister John Russell, clerk, Keper of the Kyng's prive scale, maister WiUiam Dudley, Dean of the Kyng's chapell, Thomas Burgh, knyght, William Parre, knyght, Thomas Mon- gomery, knyght, maister John Gunthorp, clerk, Richard Fowler, and William Huse be and stond seased and feoffees of and in the said honours, castelx, lordshippes, manours, londes, tenementes, and other the premysses, ?fre?nthe1; *» thc usc of his Highucs and his heires. And that it par"ei of the bc ordcyued and stablisshed by the seid advis, assent, and all liberties, auctoritc, that all the same honours, castelx, lordshippes. 329 matiers, londes, tenementes, and other the premisses, with &c., and under rule of their appurteiiaunees, stond and be, contynue and remayne, ^^2. ^"''^^ in the possession of the said Thomas cardynall, bisshopes, erles, WiUiam lord Hastynges, John lord Dynham, maister John Russell, clerk, Keper of the Kynge^s prive seale, maister William Dudley, Dean of the Kyng's chapell, Thomas Burgh, knyght, William Parre, knyght, Thomas Mongomery, knyght, maister John Gunthorp, clerk, Richard Fowler, and William Huse, parcell of the Duchie of Lancastre, and be called, reputed, and taken parcell therof, havyng and usyng all liberties, fredoms, fraun- chises, profittes, commoditees, and availes as have been had and used in the same; and that all Officers and Governours of the said Duchie stonde, remayne, and abide Officers and Governours therof, havyng such astate and interesse theryn as they nowe have, usyng, exer- cisyng, and occupiyng their said offices, with all fees, wages, prouffites, and advayles perteynyng and belong- yng to the same and every of theym, as they did and had, and myght have had and doon, afore the makyng hereof. And that all leeses and dymyses, erauntes of ah leases, •' •' ^ grants of offices, fees, annuytees, presentations, and advousons be Su^^j^f'fif; made from hensforth, duryng the lyf of cure said Sove- t^pfsjj'fuie reigne Lord, in his oune name, by waraunt from his j^amlfby" Highnes, and under the Scale of his said Duchie nowe under the . Duchy Seal. beyng the Seale therof, as it hath been used and accus- tumed in tyme passed. And that it be ordeyned by the Feoffees to said auctorite, that the said 1 homas cardynall, bisshoppes, premises to •^ * * said intent, erles, Wilham lord Hastynges, John lord Dynham, mais- "t^ndu^'an ter John Russell, clerk, Keper of the Kyng's prive seale, ^««'^«'&'=- maister William Dudley, Dean of the Kyng^s chapell, Thomas Burgh, knyght, William Parre, knyght, Thomas Mongomery, knyght, maister John Gunthorp, clerk, Rich- 330 ard Fowler, and William Hiise, and the lengest lyfyng of theym, have, possede, hold, and enyoie all the pre- misses, to theym and their heires, to th^entent and behove aboveseid ; any leese, graunte, or other thyng had, made, or doon, of or in the premisses or any part therof, by oure said Sovereign e Lord in his lyfe, or of All officers at the Said Officers in his name, notwithstondyng. And time of the King's death that all Officers and Governours of and in the same, to continue, the tyme of the diyng of oure seid Sovereigne Lord, stond, remayne, and abide Officers and Governours, ac- and all leases, cordyug to their title and interesse in theym. And that grants, &c. i n i thenceforth fro theusforth all leses, dimyses, ffrauntes of offices, fees, to be made in . offresby^^" annuytees, presentations, and advousons be made in the under^the"'^ uamcs of the same Thomas cardynall, bisshops, erles, Dnchy Sea , ^7-j|-^j^ |qj,^j Hastyngcs, Johu lord Dynham, maister John Russell, clerk, Keper of the Kyng's pryve seale, maister William Dudley, Dean of the Kyng's chapell, Thomas Burgh, knyght, William Parre, knyght, Thomas Mongomery, knyght, maister John Gunthorp, clerk, Richard Fowler, and William Huse, or the lengest lyfyng of theym, by waraunt, and under the Seale of the said same to be Duchie ; and that every such lese, dymyse, graunt, and as good in law as though presentation made under the said Seale be as goode, made under ^ o ' offees"^^^" effectuell, and avaylable in the lawe as though it were made by the said Thomas cardynall, bisshops, erles, Wil- liam lord Hastynges, John lord Dynham, maister John Russell, clerk, Keper of the Kyng's pryve seale, maister William Dudley, Dean of the Kyng's chapell, Thomas Burgh, knyght, William Parre, knyght, Thomas Mon- gomery, knyght, maister John Gunthorp, clerk, Richard Saving to the Fowlcr, and William Huse under their sealx. Savvnff to Queen. "^ ° Elizabeth Queue of Englond such right, title, and in- terest in and of the premisses as she hath in the same 831 or any part therof. Savyng also to all other the Kyng's General sa- ving. liege people such title, right, action, and interesse in and of the premysses as they shuld have had if this Acte had not be made. And, overe this, it is ordeyned proviso in 1 ' 1 • 1 -p /•! ' 1 r nr 1 ^^'^^ "^ death by the said auctonte, that if eny or the seid leottes dye, of feoffees. or make estate in or of any of the premisses, that then all services and rentes due to the Kyng, or to eny of the seid feoifes, by reason or cause of any of the pre- mysses, afore the makyng of this Acte, be of hke effecte and condition as this Acte had never be made. 2 s 832 Rot. Pari. 14Edw.4. n. 56. m.3, in Turr. Lond. 1st March, 14 Edw. 4. A.D. 1475. That the ordinance made 6th Oct. A.D. 1473, for pay- ment of the King's debts (assigned by Patent Bill or Tally on the posses, sions of the Duchy of Lancaster, &c.), upon proof of good ground to be given to the Barons of the Exchequer before the Quinzaine of Easter, A.D. 1475, shall con- tinue in force until 26th May, A.D. 1475. XXXIX. Rotulus Parliamenti de anno quartodecimo Regis Edwardi Quarti. TEM, vicesimo tertio die Januarii anno dicti Domini Regis quartodecimo, ad quern diem prsesens Parliamentum per diversas proroga- tiones, prout superius liquet de recordo, extitit continuatum, Petitio et Actus Communes diversi in prae- senti Parliamento similiter exhibiti, tractati, et expediti fuerunt, quorum tenores, cum suis responsionibus, hie inferius annotantur. Prayen the Coraons in this present Parlement* as- sembled, that where in the same Parlement, begon and holde at Westminster the vi*^ day of Octobre, the xii*^ yere of your reigne, Sovereigne Lord, and by dy- vers prorogations unto the vi^^ day of Octobre, the xiii*^ yere of your said reigne, contynued, grete multitude of assignementes, aswell by letters patentes of you, Sove- reigne Lord, tallies, debentours, and other billes levied and reared at the receipt of your Eschequer or other- wise, as by billes under the scale or scales beyng in the same receipt ordeyned for assignations to be made uppon the possessions of the Duchie of Lancastre, Wales, Duchie of York, and Erldom of Marche, aswell for your Houshold and Warderobe, and for your Werkes, as for many and dyvers sommes of money, in tymes of dyvers * See the Act of Resumption in this Parliament, (begun 6th Oct. 12 Edw. 4, and prorogued to the 6th October, 13 Edw. 4,) Parliament Rolls, vol. vi. p. 71. 333 persones late Tresorers of Englond, sithen the first day of your reigne dyversly have be made; grete part of the which assignations, by bille and otherwyse, inordinatly and withoute grounde of duetie have be had and made, as it is understoud : It was then therfore ordeyned, by th'advis and assent of the Lordes Spirituelx and Temporelx, and Commens, in the same Parlement, the said vi*^ day of Octobre in the said xiii^^ yere assembled, and by aucto- rite of the same, that, afore the xv"'^ of Ester then next to come, open proclamation shuld be made within every shire of this reame, in every market toune within the same shire, by the shirefF or shirefs of the same shire or shires for the tyme beyng, and every shiref duely shuld make the proclamation in that partie, and the writte therof duely shuld serve and retourne at the day of retourne of the same, upon the payne to forfett to you, Sovereigne Lord, at every defaute, c li. ; that every per- sone and persones havyng any patent, taille, or bille made, reared, or assigned before the first day of Decem- bre in the x**^ yere of your reigne, for any somme or sommes of money conteyned or specified in any of the same, shuld appiere before the Barons of your Eschequer at Westminster in his propre persone, or by his attorney or servaunt having sufficiaunt auctorite of hym, afore the xv™^ of Ester the which shuld be in the yere of oure Lord God m.cccclxxv, the which xv""^ of Ester is the xv^ of Ester nowe next to come, there to shewe and prove that the sommes of money conteyned and specified in his or their patent, taille, or bille was by or uppon any true grounde or cause due by you, Sovereigne Lord, at the tyme of the makyng, rearyng, or assignement of the said patent, taille, or bille made, reared, or assigned, to the same persone or persones named in the same patent, 2 s 2 S34 taille, or byll, or for your Houshold, your Chambre, Warderobe, your Werkes, or money to you lent for tbe Vitailer of Caleys, or any of theym, or for any other cause; that the said Barons, uppon due prove by their discretions had and made of any somme or sommes in any such taille or bille to be due by you, and at the tyme of the said prove made not payed, shuld have auc- torite and power by the same Ordenaunce to certeiie into the receipt of your Eschequer of the somme and sommes so proved due, and of the name or names of the persone or persones to whome the said somme or sommes so shal be proved to be due. And theruppon, by the said Ordenaunce, the Tresorer and Chamberleyns of your receipt for the tyme beyng, dyvyding severally the same duetie into xx*' partes by evyn portions, withoute delaye or denyer, at your propre coste and charge, shuld reare there, make, and delyvere xx*' tailles or billes accordyng, paiable yerely, ich after other, within xx*' yere then next ensuyng, to have and receyve in such place or places, and under such fourme, as the Tresorer of Englond for the tyme beyng, with resonable agrement of the said persone and persones to whome such dette shuld be proved due, shuld be thought resonable. And as for such dueties as shuld be found due to any of the said persones afore the said Barons by reason of any such letters patentes, that the said Barons shuld certifie such dueties as they shuld fynde due by any such letters patentes made undre youre Grete Seale, to the Chaunceller of Englond for the tyme beyng; and such dueties as shuld be founde due to any persone afore the said Barons, by any of your letters patentes made under your Scale of your Duchie of Lan- castre, to the Chaunceller of the same Duchie for the tyme beyng : and then that every of the said Chauncellers, 335 for such sommes so to theym certefied, shuld doo make, at your cost and charge, to such persones as such dueties shuld be founde due to, letters patentes to receyve, have, or reteyne such sommes of money as shuld be to theym certefied, to be had, receyved, or reteyned yerely within xx" yeres then next ensuyng the date of the said letters patentes, rately as is aforesaid, in such place or places, grounde or groundes, as the same persones afore the said Ordenaunce were assigned or lymyted. And that the said tailles, billes and letters patentes, severally to be reared and made, shuld be and stond goode and effectuell in lawe, and preferred in payment afore any other payment by patent, taille or bille, or any other assignement or cause, reared, made, or had after the rearyng of the saide tailles. And that all the said letters patentes, tailles, billes, and every of theym, not shewed afore the said xv""^ afore the said Barons, shuld be voide, and your Highnes, Sovereigne Lord, therof acquited and discharged. And also that all letters patentes, tailles, billes, and every of theym, shewed afore the said Barons, and before theym proved not to be made, reared, or assigned uppon true grounde or cause of duetie, in like wise shuld be voide, and ye, Sovereigne Lord, therof quite and discharged for evermore. The which forseid proclamations conteyned in the said Orde- naunce have not be duely made accordyng to the same Ordenaunce in dyvers parties of this your roialme, so that dyvers your lieges, to whome such dettes been due in that partie, have in no wise notise of the said Orde- naunce to come into your said Eschequer afore your said Barons, there to make their prove accordyng to the said Ordenaunce; and the said Ordenaunce was not certefied into your said Eschequer by grete space and longe tyme after the makyng of the same ; and your said Barons, as 336 is to us your said Commens pleynly understoude, myght ne can not, for brevenes of tyme, examyne your lieges, for the grete multitude resortyng unto theym for that cause, sithen the said Ordenaunce made; and the said xyme Qf Ester is so nygh, that it is full requisite and necessarie that the said Ordenaunce have longer tyme then to the same xv™^. Pleas it your said Highnes, the premisses considered, by th'advis and assent of the Lordes Spirituelx and Tem- porelx in this present Parlement assembled, and by the auctorite of the same, to ordeyne and establissh, this pre- sent first day of Marche, the xiiii*^ yere of your blessed reigne, that the said late Ordenaunce, made the vi*^ day of Octobre, the said xin*^ yere of your said reigne, touchyng the premysses, and everych thyng in the same late Orde- naunce conteyned, be and stond in strenght and vertue unto the xxvi day of May the which shal be in the yere of oure Lord God m.cccclxxv, although the execution of the premysses in the said Ordenaunce conteyned referre to be had and doon afore the said xv'' of Ester nowe next to come. Responsio. Lc Roy Ic VOCt. 337 XL. Rotulus Parliamenti tenti apud Westmonasterium vicesimo die Janu- arii, anno regni Regis Edwardi Quarti vicesimo secundo. Pro ReGE. TaNGENS DuCATUM LANCASTRIiE. ORASMOCHE as by recouverees, fines, fe- Rot. Pari. i -^ ' ' 22Edw. 4. offements, and other states of landes, tens- "-^^l" , ' Turr. Lond. mentes, hereditaments, made and had of 20th Jan. trust by the tenaunts immediatly holdyng a.d. \m.' of the Kyng oure Soverayn Lord, or of other to his use, as of his Duchie of Lancastre, by knyghts* service, or of oure Soverain Lady the Queue by reason of eny manoirs or seigniories, parcell of the same Duchie, being in her hands, by Hke service, they not oonly have lost and daily lese the wardes and manages of the heires of the same tenaunts, to whos use suche recouverees, fines, feffementes, and states bee soo made and had, but also the wardes of the same landes, tenementes, and hereditamentes, relieves and other profits, which to thaim shuld belonge by the deth of their said tenaunts if suche recouverees, fines, feoffementes, and other states were not had ne made. It is therfore ordeyned, enacted, and establisshed, by auc- The King, in torite of this present Parliament, that oure said Soverain Duchy of ■^ Lancaster, Lord and his heires, and oure Soverayn Lady the Queue, ^^^""g^oJ severally have the warde of the body and mariage of every ^1'^^^°** persone beeing within age to whos use th'interesse of fee SJI reasoVof symple or fee taill of eny lands, tenements, or heredita- trust, &c. ments soo holden shall mo we growe or belonge as heires by the deth of any of his auncestres : And also the warde of all the lands, tenements, and hereditaments soo holden by reason of the same Duchie, or of eny parcell therof, of the Kyng or of his heires, or of eny other to thair use, or of the Quene, the which shall descende, or wherof th'inter- esse of fee symple or fee tail shall mowe growe or come to the same heires, or to their use, being within age, by the deth of the same auncestres ; and that to be had and taken to oure said Soverayn Lord the Kyng and his heires, and to the Quene, severally, by wey of seasir, as if th'auncestres of the same heires had died sole seased of the same londes, tenements, and hereditaments, of estate of enheritaunce ; any such recoverees, fines, feoffamentes, or stats of trust, as is beforesaid, had or made in any wise notwithstandyng. And in such cas, as if it happen eny suche heire to be of full age at the tyme of the deth of such his auncestres, then oure said Souverain Lord the Kyng, his heires, and the Quene, severally shall have relieves after the deth of such auncestres as soo held of thaim, or of other persones, as is before reherced, to the Kyng's use and behove, by knights' service; any such recouverees, fines, feoffementes, or states of trust, as before reherced, had or made in any wise notwithstandyng. This Act not PROVIDED alwcy, that this present Acte extende nat to be preju- dicial to the to the lette, ne be prejudiciall to the perfourmyns of any performance r o r j n j of land^''*' Will of any persone made and declared, or hereafter to be made and declared, of the laiides, tenementes, and here- savingtothe ditamcntcs aforcsaid : Savyng to oure seid Soverayn Lorde King area- ^ rr' t i • i • sonabiepor- the Km or aud to his heires, and to oure Soverain Lady the tion of such ° "^ Snfo'fthe Q^sne, severally, such resonable portion of the same llonagef"^' l^udcs, tenemeutcs, and hereditamentes as shall be suffi- cient for the fyndyng of such heires duryng thair nonnage accordyng to their astate, degree, or condition, the same and the Willcs notwithstaudyng. And that immediatly after suche th?resXe Willcs pcrfourmed, the heires then being within age, oure 339 said Soverayn Lorde the Kyng and his heires, and oure So- of the lands verayn Lady the Quene, severally may sease the residue of formam^eof all the said landes and tenementes, and thaim to have in warde duryng the nonnage of the seid heires, in fourme abovesaid : Savyng also to oure said Soverayn Lord and his saving of the heires thair preroffatif for the warde of the body of any roga^ive for ^ , . J J ward of the suche heires, this Acte natwithstandyng. And if the said body. heires within age be embesellid or alloigned by any per- begrlnted sone or persones, so that the Kyng's Officers of his seid eery against , , , embezzlers Duchie may not sease the bodies of the seid heires; that oftheKi„g'g •' ' ward in right then, upon information yeven unto the Chauneeller of Eng- "niike^mai- lond for the tyme beyng by the Generall Attourney of the Sfthecrowll! said Duchie, it shall be liefull to the Chauneeller of Eng- land to graunte asmany writts of Subpena out of the court of Chauncerie ayenst any persone or persones the which soo shall alloigne or embesille the seid heires, beying the Kyng's warde, as the seid Attourney shall require and desire in the Kyng's behalve, in like maner and forme as shuld be graunted out of the said court of Chauncerie ayenst thaim that alloigne or embesill the Kyng's warde, due to hym in the right of his Corone, after Office therof retourned into the seid court of Chauncerie : And in like wise the Attourney of the seid Quene to have the same auctorite of the premisses concernyng her right of the said Duchie of Lancastre. And also, by the seid advyse, The judges assent, and auctorite, it is ordeyned, enacted, and estab- KiS° lisshed, that if the Kyng's Attourney- Generall of his said have power ' •' ^ *' to award pro- Duchie of Lancastre for the tyme beyng put a bill into ^J^^ ^H^^n- eny of the Kyng's courtes by wey of enformation, shewyng fheTttorae^'y- in the same to the court what and wherin the Kyng, or eny tSTDuihy. other to his use, shuld be unlawfully hurted or wronged in any thing to hym apperteynyng in the right of the same Duchie; that forthwith, at the request of the same Attour- 340 The King, in all actions and suits in right of the Duchy, shall recover da- subject. This Act to take effect from Easter, A.D. 1483. Not to pre- judice the Bishop of Norwich and others. ney, the justices of the same court where the said bill and enformation shall rest, shall have power uppon the same to awarde processe by Capias, and to make other such pro- cesses into every countie of Englond as by the cours of the lawe shuld be made upon that mater if ther were therupon due originall sued by th'ordre of the lawe, or such processe for the same as shuld be awarded for the Kyng for like offence doon to hym in the right of his Corone. And also, by the seid advys, assent, and auctorite, it is ordeyned and establisshed, that the Kyng, in all actions, suetes, and demaundes the which he shall sue and attaine in any of his courts, in and for any materes that shall ap- perteigne and belonge unto hym in the right of his seid Duchie of Lancastre, that he shall recouvere like damages in his seid suyts, actions, and demaundes as a commen per- sone of his subgetts shuld recovere in like actions by hym sued by the cours of the commen lawe : And in like wise the Queue to recovere damages in such actions as shall be sued by her by reason of the seid Duchie. And also, by the seid advys, assent, and auctorite, it is- ordeigned, enacted, and establisshed, that thies present Actes begynne and take effect from the fest of Ester nex comyng. Provided alwey, that this Acte, ne any other Acte made or to be made in this present Parlement, extend not, ne in any wise be prejudiciall unto James nowe bishop of Norwich, ne to his successours, ner to John priour and covent of the cathedrall churche of Norwich, ner to their successours, ner to Thomas abbot and covent of Seint Benetts, ne to their successours, ne to any of theim, in or for any maner things to any of theym per- teynyng or belongyng. 341 XLI. Rotulus Parliamenti tenti apud Westmonasterium, septimo die No- vembris, anno regni Regis Henrici Septimi primo. Actus concernens annexationem Ducat* Lanc' Cornub' et al\ TEM, qusedam alia billa, cum quadam ce- Rot.Pari. dula eidem annexa, exhibita fuit coram do- n. L?ntiie -r. • -r. T 1- , , .. Rolls'Chapel. mino Kege m rarliamento prsedicto, sub bus verbis : Where, in the Parliament begun and holden at West- nh Nov. minster, the sixt daie of Octobre, the xii*'^ yere of the a.d. hss. reigne of Edward late King of Englond the IIIIt^ Acfo?Feoff- and by divers prorogacions unto the xxiii day of Feve- Sd^peb., rer, the xiiii*^ yere of his reigne, continued, and then there holden, for certeine consideracions, by thadvyse and assent of the Lords Spirituelx and Temporelx, and Commons, in that Parliament assembled, and by the auc- torite of the same, willed, ordeined and enacted, that Thomas Cardinall Archbishop of Canterbury, William Bishop of Ely, Richard Bishop of Sarum, Robert Bishop of Bath and Wells, Thomas Bishop of Lincolne, Henry Erie of Essex, Anthony Erie Rieviers, William Lord Hast- inges, John Lord Dynham, Maister John Russell, Clerke, Keeper of the King's Privie Scale, Maister William Dud- ley, Deane of the King's Chappell, Thomas Burgh, Knight, William Parre, Knight, Thomas Mountgomery, Knight, Maister John Gunthorp, Clerke, Richard Fowler and William Huse, fro the same xxiii daie, have, hold, enjoy and possede the honour, castell, lordship and man- 14 Edw. 4. 342 nor of Tuttburie, with the members and appurtenances, and all manners, lordships, lands, tenements, rents, and services, parcell of Duchie ^of Lancastre, in the countees of Stafford and Derbie, with the ' appurtenances ; the castle, lordship and manner of Kennellworth, parcell of the Duchie of Lancastre, in the countie of Warwick, with the appurtenances ; the honour, castell and man- ner of Leicestre, with the members and appurtenances, and all the manners, lands and tenements, rents and services, parcell of the Duchie of Lancastre, in the coun- ties of Leicestre, Warwicke and Northampton, with the appurtenances; the honour, castell, lordship and manner of Bollingbrook, with the members and appurtenances, and all other manners, lordships, lands, tenements, rents, and services, parcell of the Duchie of Lancastre, in the county of Lincolne, with the appurtenances ; the lord- ship and manner of Long Bennington, parcell of the Duchie of Lancastre, in the countie of Lincoln, with the appurtenances ; the honors, castells, lordships and manners of Pountfrete, Tykhull, Knaresburgh and Py- kering, with theire members and appurtenances, and all manners, lordships, lands, tenements, rents and ser- vices, parcell of the Duchie of Lancastre, in the coun- ties of Yorke and Nottingham, with their appurtenances; the castell, lordship and mannor of Dunstanburgh, with the members and appurtenances, and all manners, lord- ships, lands, tenements, rents and services, parcell of the Duchie of Lancastre, in the counte of Northumberland, with theyr appurtenances, to them and to theyr heires for ever: to the entent that the revenues, profites and commodities, cominge and growinge thereof, may be em- ployed to the performinge and executing of the last Will that his said Highnesse shall make and ordeyn to 343 be doon with the same honors, castells, manors, landes and tenements, and other premisses, or with the prof- fitez, revenuez, and commodities cominge and growinge of the same. And that it be ordeined by the same auc- torite, that after the same Will performed and exe- cuted, or else if his said Highnes declare and make no Will concerning the premisses; that thann the said Thomas Cardinal Archbishop, Bishoppes, Erles, Wil-- Ham Lord Hastinges, John Lord Dynham, Maister John Russell, Gierke, Keeper of the King^s Privie Seale, Maister William Dudley, Deane of the King's Chappell, Thomas Burgh, Knight, William Parre, Knight, Thomas Mount- gomerie, Knight, Maister John Gunthorpp, Gierke, Richard Fowler and William Huse, be and stand seised and Feof- fees of and in the said honors, castells, lordshippes, man- ners, lands, tenements, and other the premisses, to the use of his Highness and his heires. And that it be or- deined and established by the said advyse, assent and auctorite, that all the same honors, castles, lordshipps, manners, lands, tenements, and other the premisses, with theyr appurtenances, stand and be, continue and re- maine, in the possession of the said Thomas Gardinal, Bi- shops, Erles, William Lord Hastinges, John Dynham, Mais- ter John Russell, Gierke, Keeper of the King's Privie Seale, Master William Dudley, Dean of the King's Ghapell, Thomas Burgh, Knight, William Parr, Knight, Thomas Mountgomerie, Knight, Maister John Gunthorp, Gierke, Richard Fowler and William Huse, parcell of the Duchie of Lancastre, and be called, reputed, and taken parcell thereof, haveing and useing all liberties, freedomes, fran- chises, proffitz, commodities, and availes as have been had and used in the same. And that all Officers and Gover- nours of the said Duchie stand, remaine, and abyde Of- 344 ficers and Govern ours thereof, haveing such estate and interesse therein as they now have, useinge, occupieinge, and exerciseinge theire said offices, with all the fees, wages, proffitz, and availes perteining and belonging to the same, and every of theym, as they did and had, and might have had and doon, afore the makeing hereof. And that all leases and demises, graunts and offices, fees, annuities, presentacions, and advowsons be made from henceforth, dureing the lyfe of oure said Soveraigne Lord, in his owne name, by warrant from his Highnes, and under the scale of his said Duchie, nowe being the scale thereof, as it hath been used and accustumed in tyme past. And that it be ordeined by the said auctoritie, that the said Thomas Cardinal, Bi- shops, Erics, William Lord Hastinges, John Lord Dyn- ham, Maister John Russell, Gierke, Keeper of the King's Privie Scale, Maister William Dudley, Deanc of the King's GhappcU, Thomas Burgh, Knight, William Parr, Knight, Thomas Montgomcrie, Knight, Maister John Gun- thorp, Gierke, Richard Fowler and William Huse, and the longest living of them, have, possede, hold, and enjoye all the premisses, to theyme and theire heires, to the entent and behoofe abovesaid; any lease, graunt, or other thyng had, made, or done, of or in the pre- misses or any parte thereof, by oure said Soveraigne Lord in his lyfe, or any of the said officers in his name, notwithstandinge. And that all Officers and Governours of and in the same, the tyme of the dyeinge of oure said Soveraigne Lord, stand, remaine, and abyde Of- ficers and Governours, according to theire title and in- teresse in theym. And that from henceforth all leases, demises, graunts of offices, fees, annuities, presentacions, and advowsons, to be made in the names of the said 345 Thomas Cardinal, Bishops, Erles, William Lord Hast- inges, John Lord Dynham, Maister John Russell, Clerk, Keeper of the Kinges Privie Seale, Maister WilHam Dud- ley, Deane of the Kinges Chappell, Thomas Burgh, Knight, William Parre, Knight, Thomas Mountgomerie, Knight, Maister John Gunthorp, Clerke, Richard Fowler and William Huse, or the longest liveinge of them, by war- rant under the seale of the said Duchie ; and that every such lese, demise, graunt, and presentacione, made under the said seale, be as good, effectuall, and availlable in the lawe as though it were made by the said Thomas Car- dinal, Bishops, Erles, William Lord Hastinges, John Lord Dynham, Maister John Russell, Clerke, Keeper of the Kinges Privie Seale, Maister William Dudley, Deane of the King's Chappell, Thomas Burgh, Knight, William Parre, Knight, Thomas Mountgomery, Knight, Master John Gunthorpe, Clerke, Richard Fowler and William Huse, under their scales : Savinge to Elizabeth Queene of Eng- land such right, title, and interesse, in and of the pre- misses, as she hath in the same, or any parte thereof; saveing allso to all other the Kinge's liege people such title, right, and action and interesse, in and of the pre- misses, as they should have had if this Act had not be made. And, over this, it is ordeined by the said auctoritie, that if any of the said Feoffees dye, or make estate in or of any of the premisses, that then all ser- vices and rents due to the Kinge, or to any of the seid Feoffees, by reason or cause of any of the premisses, afore the makinge of this Acte, be of like effect and condicione as thys Acte had never be made ; as in the said Acte pleinly appereth. Be it enacted, ordeined, and established, by thadvyse and assent of the Lords Spirituelx and Temporelx and Commons, in this present 346 Repeal thereof from 2 1st August, A.D. 1485. The lands late in hands oftheFeoffees under said Act, the County Pa- latine of Lancaster, and all es- tates parcel of the Ducliy (held by Kings Ed- ward 4 and ' Richard 3), vested in King Hen. 7 and his heirs for ever ; with all liberties ; to be go- verned by like Officers and Seals, in as ample manner, se- parate from the Crown, as in times of King Henry 4, or any subsequent King. Receivers and others shall be Parliament assembled, and by auctoritie of the same, that the said Acte, and every thinge therein conteyned, be, fro' the xxi dale of August last past, void, repelled, anulled, and of noon effect. And, over that, by the same auctoritie, the King oure Soveraigne Lord have, hold, enjoye and possede, fro"* the said xxi dale of August, to him and his heyres for evermore, all the ho- nors, castells, lordshippes, mannors, lands, tenements, rents, revercions, services, possessions, and other hereditaments, with their appurtenances, in the said Acte conteyned, and the Counte Palatyne of Lancastre, and all honors, castells, lordshippes, mannors, lands, tenements, rents, revercions, services, possessions, and other hereditaments, vt^ith their appurtenances, that vi^ere parcell of the said Duchie of Lancastre, and in the hands or possession of the said Edward late Kinge of Englond, the mi*'' daie of Marche, the first yere of his reigne, or any time after, or in the handes or possession of Richard the Third, late in dede and not of right Kinge of Englond, any time dureing his reigne, with all libertees, fredoms, franchises, and other thynges, as well to the said Counte Palatyne, or to any other of the premises apperteyninge or belong- inge, and to be governed by like officers, and use like scales as aforetyme have been used and accustumed, in as ample and large manner, and in like manner and fourme and condicion, separat from the Corone of England and possessione of the same, as Henry the iiii**', Henry the v^'^, Henry the vi*'', the King's noble progenitours late Kings of thys roy™% or the said Edward late Kinge, had and held, or any of the said Kings had or held ; any Acte Statute before this made in any wyse notwith- standynge. And that every Free tenaunt. Receiver, Bail- liffe, Reve, Farmer, and other Officer and Ministre of the 347 said Duchie, be severally charged and chargeable to onre chargeable to said Soveraigne Lord, of all such receipts and sommes of Mmonu:!''^ ... - due to the monevj m which he or they were charged or chargeable Jate Kings -^ c> o Edward or unto the said late Kings Edward or Richard, or either ^'^'^^"^^ of theym, by reason of the said Duchie, not content ne paid to the said Kings, or either of them, nor to theyr Officers haveing auctoritie to receive the same, ne by the said Kings discharged, by lettres of pardon under the scale of the said Duchie, billes, tallies, as- signments or grauntes, before the said xxi dale of Au- gust; and he to have and use like remedie for the re- The King to have like re- coverie of the same as the said late Kinffs, or either medyior o ' recovery of them, had or might have had, and the defendants {JleSend!? like answers as they -had or might have had for theire ansUra^or discharge, in, of, and for the same ; and that all offices cimrge!^' of the said Duchie, which require actuall exercise, graunt- tmcJ^re^ °^ ed by our said Soveraigne Lord the King, before thys pre- act"auxer- , /Y» 11 1 '-■'*^' ™3de by sent Acte, to any persone or persones, be as eiiectuell and the King *' ^ ^ before this availlable to the same g^untes, and they to have and enjoye fg'^y'a^if^^'l.^^f their offices, according to the tenour of their graunts and ™ade since; lettres patentis, as if the graunts were made unto theyme by oure said Soveraigne Lord after this present Acte; and all other graunts made or to be made to any per- another , J grants to sone, givemg auctorite to hym to make or depute any officers act- Officer or Officers of the said Duchie, be utterly void and Je^^^w^^^ of noon effect: Saveing to all the King's liege people, saving of other than the said Cardinal and other with him above- named, and theyre heyres clayminge by the said Acte, and the heires of the said late Kings Edward and Richard, such tytle, right, accione, and interesse as they had or should have had if thys present Act had not be made. 2 T t 848 Tenor vero cedulse sequitur sub hac serie verborum : Proviso for Provided allwey, that any Acte of Resumpcion, or any Duchess of other Acte made or to be made in thys present Parliament, be not in eny wise hurtefull ne prejudicial! to oure well- beloved cousin Cecile Duchesse of York, ne to the hurte ne voydeing to or of eny lettres patents made to the same Duchesse, ne extend ne touche to the hurte or prejudice of her, in, to, or of enie castelles, lordshippes, manners, londes, tenements and possessions, or any parcell of theyme, the which the same Duchesse had and possessed, the last daie of the reigne of King Edward the Fourth. Qu^ quidem Billa, cum cedula, Communibus in dicto Parliamento existentibus transportata fuit; cui quidem Billse iidem Communes assensum suum prsebuerunt in forma sequenti : A ceste Bille les Communes sount assentuz. Et cedulae prgedictse iidem Communes similiter assen- sum suum dederunt sub hiis verbis : A ceste cedule les Communes sount assentuz. QuiBUs quidem Billa, cedula et assensu, coram domino Rege in Parliamento preedicto lectis, auditis, et plenius in- tellectis, de avisamento et assensu Dominorum Spiritualium et Temporalium, in dicto Parliamento similiter existen- tium, ac Communitatis praedictae, necnon auctoritate ejus- dem, eisdem Billse et cedulse respondebatur sub eo qui sequitur tenore verborum : Assent. Le Hoy le voet en toutz pointz. 349 XLII. Ex Rotulo Parliament! de anno regni Regis Henrici Septimi septimo. Statutes made in the session of Parliament begun to be holden at Westminster, on Monday the seventeenth day of October, in the seventh year of the reign of King Henry VII. chapter xii. De Feoffamento Regis. [See the printed Statutes of the Realm, 7 Henry VII. Y^^^^'l' chap, xii.— Sec. I. Intended departure of the King into a-^- i*^'- France, to war ; the honor of Lancaster and Clithero, and divers other lordships, &c. parcel of the Duchy of Lan- caster, limited to feoffees to the use of the King's will. — Sec. II. After performance of the said will, or if no will, feoffees shall be seized to the use of the King and his heirs. — Sec. III. The same premises shall continue to be parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster. All officers and go- vernors of the Duchy shall remain, with their fees, &c. Feoffments, leases, &c., to be made during the King's life, shall be good. — Sec. IV. Assurance to the feoffees, notwithstanding leases and grants. At the time of the King^^s death officers shall remain ; and feoffments, leases, &c., afterwards shall be made in the name of the feoffees. — Sec V. Rents and services shall be payable to the King during his life, with wards, marriages, and reliefs; and after his death to the feoffees. The King may levy arrears. All actions shall be in his name.] 2 t2 t 350 XLIII. Ex Rotulo Parliamenti de anno regni Regis Henrici Septimi decimo nono. Statutes made in the session of Parliament begun to be holden at Westminster, on Thursday the twenty-fifth day of January, in the nineteenth year of the reign of King Henry VII. chapter xxv. De Feoffamento per Regem facto. 25th Jan [See the printed Statutes of the Realm, 19 Hen. VII. 19 Hen. T. '- ' ' A.D. i5ot. (jjjap^ XXV.— Sec. I. Recital of stat. 7 Hen. VII. c. 12, § 1, 2, for limiting estates to feoffees, to the use of the King's will; decease of several of the said feoffees; new feoffees appointed ; such feoffees shall be seized, jointly with the survivors of the former feoffees, to the uses of the recited Act. — Sec. II. Succeeding Archbishops, &c. shall become feoffees in the stead of their predecessors.] 351 XLIV. Ex Rotulo Parliamenti de anno regni Regis Henrici Octavi tricesimo tertio. Statutes made in the session of Parliament begun to be holden at Westminster, on the sixteenth day of January, in the thirty- third year of King Henry VIII. chapter xxii. An Act concerning the Order of Wards and Liveries. [See the printed Statutes of the Realm, 33 Henry VIII. \^\ll\ chap, xxii.— Sec. I. Recital of stat. 32 Henry VIII. c. 46, ^•»- i^^z' for erecting the Court of Wards ; expediency of inrolling indentures of livery there, &c. Office of the Master of the Liveries united to the said court, which shall be called the Court of Wards and Liveries. — Sec. II. Surveyor of the Liveries the Second officer of the court; King's Attorney the Third officer, &c. — Sec. III. Clerk of the Liveries for making indentures, &c. Oath of the Surveyor of the Liveries. ^ — Sec. IV. Oath of Clerk of the Liveries. All liveries shall be in the survey of the said court. — Sec. V. None shall sue livery of lands above 51. per annum before inquest of office found, or upon warrant from the said court : fees upon such inquests. — Sec. VI. Such inquests of office shall be duly returned, and transcripts made into the Court of Wards, &c. — Sec. VII. Master of the Wards, &c. may agree with the parties, and take security for liveries; warrant to the Chancellor, &c. for suing hvery. — Sec. VIII. Fees to officers on suing of liveries. — Sec. IX. General livery may be sued of lands not exceeding 207. a-year. — Sec. X. Fees on suing general livery of such lands. — Sec. XI. Fees in Exchequer on respiting homage, &c. Ascertaining value of lands. — Sec. XII. Penalty on Escheators neglect- ing to execute their office, 20/. — Sec. XIII. Escheators shall not take inquests of lands above 51. per annum with- out the King''s writ, penalty 51. ; nor take more than certain fees on inquests of lands not exceeding 5/., penalty 51 Penalty on officers refusing to receive inquests returned, 51. — Sec. XIV. Penalty on Surveyor, &c. concealing the King's profits, double value. — Sec. XV. Master of the Wards, &c. may take recognisances; and, with the advice of the court, mitigate the same, if forfeited ; and set fines, leviable by scire facias, as under stat. 27 Henry VIII, c. 27, and may commit offenders for contempt, &c. and may cancel recognisances. — Sec. XVI. How general livery may be sued without office found, of lands not exceeding 51. per annum. — Sec. XVII. Patents for such livery shall be sued within three months after warrant for the same. — Sec. XVIII. Transcripts of inquests shall be certified into the Exchequer in Michaelmas and Easter terms.] Provided alwayes that this Acte, nor any vis<,foriihertie7of thiugc thcrciu coutcyncd, shall in anywise caster^ '^° ^^ cxtendc to bc prejudiciall or hurtfull to anye royalties, libertyes, franchises, privi- leges, prehemynences, and jurisdiccions of the Countye Palantyne and Duchy of Lancaster, or of any of them ; but that the same royalties, libertyes, franchises, privileges, prehemynences, and jurisdiccions, and everie of them, shall still contynue and remayne to the Countie Palantyne and Duchy of Lancaster, as fully, plenarly, and holye as they did before the makinge of this Acte; any thinge in the same Acte conteyned to the contrarie not- withstandinge. 354 XLV. Ex Rotulo Parliamenti de anno regni Regis Henrici Octavi tricesimo septimo. Statutes made in the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster, on the twenty-third day of November, in the thirty-seventh year of the reign of King Henry VIII. chapter xvi. An Act for annexing Lands to the Duchy of Lancaster. ?7 nfn^'s ^^^^ *^^ printed Statutes of the Realm, 37 Henry VIIL A.i>. 1545. chap. xvi. — Sec. I. Decrease of the revenues of the Duchy of Lancaster. The King seized of certain manors, &c. at Rippon in Yorkshire, &c. ; the said lordship and manor, &c. of Rippon, and divers parcels of lands within the circuit of certain Duchy parks (but not theretofore parcel thereof), the vaccary in the forest of Ashdown in Sussex (late parcel of the dissolved monastery of Michelham), annexed to the said Duchy of Lancaster, and shall be managed, &c. as other lands of the said Duchy. — Sec II. Rents of the said manor of Rippon, &c. shall be received and accounted for as Duchy lands. — Sec. III. Conveyance by the Archbishop of York to the King by indenture, 6 Feb. 36 Henry VIIL, of the said manor of Rippon and several others : the said manors, &c. assured to the King against the Archbishop and the Dean and Chapter of the see of York. — Sec IV. Like assurance to the King of 355 several manors, &c., conveyed to him by the Archbishop and Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. — Sec. V. The manors of Chelmsford and Crandon in Essex conveyed to the King by the Bishop of London by deed, 3 Sept. 37 Henry VIII. ; and the manor of Crondon by the King to Sir W. Peter, 2 October, 37 Henry VIII. The said manor of Chelmsford assured to the King. — Sec. VI. Manor of Crondon assured to the said Sir W. Peter. — Sec. VII. General saving for titles of strangers. — Sec. VIII. Lands mentioned in this Act, and not appro- priated to the Duchy, shall be under the Court of Aug- mentations. — Sec IX. Proviso for payment of rents out of lands, &c. during the unity of possession thereof in the Crown.] S56 XLVI. Ex Rotulo Parliaraenti de anno regni Regis Edwardi Sexti primo. Statutes made in the session of Parliament begun to be holden at Westminster, on the fourth day of November in the first year of the reign of King Edward VI. chapter xiv. An Act whereby certain Chantries, Colleges, Free Chapels, and the Possessions of the same, be GIVEN TO the King's Majesty. 4th Nov [See the printed Statutes of the Realm, 1 Edward VI. A.D. 1547. chap. xiv. — Sec. I.' Superstition of Masses for the Dead, supported by Chantries, &c. The revenues thereof better applied to schools, colleges, &c. Recital of stat. 37 Henry VIII. c. 4, for Dissolution of Colleges, Chantries, &c. The late King empowered to commission persons, during his life, to enter into the possessions of all Chantries, &c. All Colleges, free Chapels, and Chantries existing within five years preceding this Parliament, and not in the actual possession of the late or present King, (except such as shall be altered by the King's commission,) declared to be in the actual seizin and possession of the present King, with all their lands and revenues, without any office found, &c. — Sec. II. Lands, &c. given to Priests for years, shall be vested in the King for the remainder of such term of years. — Sec. III. On expiration of such term reversioners may enter, without suing livery, &c. — Sec. IV. Lands given for 357 maintenance of perpetual Obits, vested in the King. — Sec. V. Where part of profits of lands has been given for any perpetual Obit, the King shall have an annual rent- charge to the amount, with power of distress and entry for default of payment. — Sec. VI. All sums of money payable by Corporations for Priests, Obits, &c. vested in the King as rent- charges ; with power of distress on all the lands of the Corporations ; without office found. — Sec. VII. All Brotherhoods or Guilds, and their possessions, except Companies of Trade, vested in the King. — Sec. VIII. Commissioners to be appointed under the Great Seal ; with ^ower to survey all Lay Corporations, and to enquire of the revenues applicable to Priests, Obits, &c. ; and of lands, &c. vested in the King by this Act ; and to assign lands applicable to Grammar Schools ; and to appoint and endow Vicars ; and to assign lands for maintenance of additional Priests in any parish ; and to make rules for Priests and Schoolmasters; and to assign yearly pensions for life to Deans, Priests, or poor persons dependent on dissolved Colleges, &c. ; and to enquire of perpetual allowances to poor people, and make assignments for payment thereof; and also to apply lands for piers, sea-banks, &c. Annuities, pensions, &c. so allowed, shall be paid half-yearly by the King's receivers, &c. — Sec. IX. Commissioners shall make all assignments of such pensions, &c. favorably. All as- signments and rules made by Commissioners declared valid. — Sec. X. Pensions, &c. shall not exceed annual amount of former advantages.— Sec. XI. Pensions, &c. shall cease, on promotion of the parties. — Sec. XII. Commissioners shall, within one year, make certificate of all lands, &c. assigned by them under this Act. — Sec. XIII. Goods, plate, &c. of suppressed Colleges given to the King. — Sec. XIV. Debts of such Colleges, &c. shall be paid by 358 the King. — Sec. XV. Act shall not extend to Colleges in Cambridge or Oxford ; nor to St. George's Chapel, Windsor ; nor to Winchester and Eton ; nor to Chapel in the Sea, in Ely; nor to Parochial Chapels of Ease; nor to any Cathedrals, or their lands, &c. except Chantries there existing within five years. — Sec. XVI. The King may alter Chantries in the Universities. [And see § XXXIII.] — Sec XVII. General saving of rights of strangers. Saving of rents, duties, &c. reserved by patrons or founders, &c. of Colleges, &c. suppressed. — Sec. XVIII. Persons having sold lands vested in the King by this Act shall repay the money to the buyers, which shall be recoverable by action of debt. — Sec XIX. Lands, &c. vested in the King by this Act shall be under the survey of the Court of Augmentations, &c. — Sec XX. Leases by officers of suppressed Chantries, &c. not reserving the old rent, declared void. All other leases declared valid. — Sec. XXI. Act shall not extend to private lands or possessions of officers, &c. of Chantries suppressed ; nor to lands or pen- sions granted to them by the King for life. — Sec XXII. Patrons and others shall enjoy their yearly reserved rents, &c. — Sec XXIII. Arrears of first fruits shall not be payable on suppressed promotions. — Sec XXIV. Ex- chequer rents shall continue payable, notwithstanding unity of possession in the Crown. — Sec XXV. Gifts of Colleges, &c. or their lands, &c. made to any persons by King Henry VIII. or King Edward VI. or by their licence, confirmed and declared valid. — Sec XXVI. Gifts and grants by Deans, &c. of their spiritual promotions, and the possessions thereof, made to King Henry VIII. and King Edward VI. ; all such gifts and grants declared valid. — Sec XXVII. General saving of rights of others on such gifts and grants. — Sec XXVIII. Not to extend to Parsons, 359 Vicars, &c.— Sec. XXIX. Proviso for Lord Cobham.— Sec. XXX. Proviso for Corporations.] Provided allso, and be it enacted by thauc- sec.xxxi.Lands toritic aforcsaidc, that all suche of the saide suppressed within Collegcs, frcc Chappelles, Chaunteries, and the Duchy of Lan- ^ rr ' 7 caster, shall be othcr the premisscs, beinff appointed and under survey of the •*■ o rr ""col^ZZnf'as give" to the Kingcs Highnes by the auc witunlheDuthy thorityc of this Acte, as be within the Duchie shall be certified o -r . in i 1 . into the Duchy 01 Lancastcr, and all mannours, landes, tene- Court. Ill mentes, and heredytamentes perteyninge or belonging to the same Colleges, free Chap- pelles, and Chaunteries, shall after the said feaste of Easter next cominge be within the surveye and order of the Courte of the Duchie of Lancaster, in suche manner and fourme as other the premisses be assigned or appointed by aucthoritie of this Acte to be in the surveye and order of the Courte of the Augmentacions and Revenues of the Kinges Crowne, or other courte to the King to be assigned ; and that all commissions that hereafter shalbe awarded by vertewe and force of this Acte concerninge suche Colleges, free Chap- pelles, Chaunteries, and other the premisses as be within the saide Duchie of Lancaster, shalbe awarded under the Greate Seale of Englande, and shalbe certifyed into the saide Courte of the Duchie of Lancaster, anny thing above- saide to the contrarie in anny wise notwithstanding. [Sec. XXXIL Proviso for College or Chantry of Attle- borough in Norfolk. — Sec. XXXIII. The King may alter Obits, and apply them to poor students, &c. — [See § XVI.] — Sec. XXXIV. No entry allowed on breach of condition for not finding a Priest, Obit, &c.— Sec. XXXV. Act shall not vest copyhold lands in the King ; but they shall remain to the possessors for their maintenance. — Sec. XXXVI. Proviso for lands bond fide recovered against any Chantry, 360 &c. — Sec. XXXVI I. All grants, licences, confirmations, and patents of Chantries, &c. made to any persons by King Henry VIII. or Edward VI. confirmed and declared valid. This Act, or stat. 37 Henry VHI. c. 4, shall not extend to Chantries, &c. so granted; but grantees shall hold the same under their grants.] 361 XLVII. Ex Rotulo Parliamenti de annis regnorum Philippi Regis et Marie Regine secundo et tertio. Statutes made in the Parliament holden at West- minster, on the twenty-first day of October, in the second and third years of the reign of King Philip and Queen Mary, chapter xx. An Act for the enlarging of the Duchy of Lancaster. [See the printed Statutes of the Realm, 2 and 3 Phil, and 2istoct. *- ^ 2 & 3 Phil. Mary, chap. xx. — Sec. I. Decay of the revenues of the Duchy & May- of Lancaster ; all lands of the Duchy alienated at any time since 28th Jan. 1 Edw. VI., and since then re- vested in him or the present Queen, shall be re-united and annexed to the Duchy, as in their ancient estate ; and shall pass under the Seal of the Duchy, &c. — Sec. IL Other lands may be annexed to the said Duchy by the Crown ; and shall then be under survey of the Duchy Court, &c. in like manner as other lands of the Duchy. — Sec. IIL General saving of titles of strangers.— Sec. IV. Ancient Crown lands, &c. shall not be annexed under this Act. — Sec. V. Rents shall be paid in the Duchy Court at Westminster ; leases shall be sealed with the Duchy Seal.] 362 Ex Orig. in Ducat. Lane. (Rot. Pat. p. 3. 4&5PhU & Mar. in the Rolls Chapel ) 1 .'ith April, 4 & 5 Phil. & Mar. A.D. 1558. XLVIIL HILIPPUS ET MARIA, Dei gratia, Rex et Regina Anglise, Hispaniarum, Francise, utrius- que Siciliae, Jerusalem, et Hibernise, Fidei De- fensores, Archiduces Austriae, Duces Burgun- dise, Mediolani et Brabantise, Comites Haspurgi, Flandrise et Tirolis, omnibus ad quos praesentes literse pervenerint, salutem. Cum per quoddam Statutum editum apud West- monasterium vicesimo primo die Octobris annis regnorum nostrorum secundo et tertio inter alia inactitatum et ordi- natum ac stabilitum existit auctoritate Parliamenti quod nos dicti Rex et Regina hseredes et successores nostri prsefatse Reginse de tempore in tempus in posterum ad libitum et beneplacitum nostrum per literas nostras pa- tentes magno sigillo nostro Anglise sigillandas unire an- nectere limitare assignare et appunctuare possimus Du- catui nostro Lancastrise aliqua honores castra dominia maneria terras tenementa et hsereditamenta nostra exis- tentia et jacentia infra hoc regnum nostrum Anglise pro ampliori et ulteriori augmentatione honoris et status ejusdem Ducatus. Et quod omnes et singula3 tales et hujusmodi annexationes limitationes et appunctuatiories per nos praefatos Regem et Reginam vel per hseredes vel successores nostri prsefatse Reginse de aliquibus ho- noribus castris dominiis maneriis terris tenementis et hsereditamentis dicto Ducatui Lancastrise per aliquas li- teras nostras patentes sub magno sigillo Anglise factas 362 XLVIII. HILIP and MARY, by the grace of God, isth Apni, •^ ° , 4 & 5 PhU. * King and Queen of England, Spain, France, ^"j^j of both the Sicilies, Jerusalem, and Ireland, Defenders of the Faith, Archduke and Duchess of Austria, Duke and Duchess of Burgundy, Milan, and Letters Pa- Brabant, Count and Countess of Hapsburg, Flanders, and the Gieat*^ the Tyrol, to all to whom the present letters shall come, iand,where- * ^ by certain greeting. Whereas by a certain statute published at West- Jf/tre'^JoJlJ:' minster on the twenty-first day of October in the second S.^'L^e^*" and third years of our reign, it is among other things fo"k, Sussex, enacted and ordained and established by the authority and York, ' are annexed of Parliament that we the said Kinsr and Queen, the to the Duchy ° of Lancaster heirs and successors of us the aforesaid Queen, may from ruy^ofthe^"' time to time hereafter at our will and pleasure be able ^ndsrdof by our letters patent to be sealed with our great seal Maryf" of England to unite, annex, limit, assign, and appoint to our Duchy of Lancaster any our honors, castles, lordships, manors, lands, tenements, and hereditaments being and lying within this our realm of England, for the greater and farther augmentation of the honor and estate of the same Duchy. And that all and singular such and such- like annexations, limitations, and appointments made or to be made by us the aforesaid King and Queen, or by the heirs or successors of us the aforesaid Queen, of any honors, castles, lordships, manors, lands, tenements, and hereditaments to the said Duchy of Lancaster by any our 2 u vel fiendas erunt tarn bonae et efficaces in lege prout actae fuerunt auctoritate Parliamenti. Ac ulterius ordi- natum et inactitatum fuit quod omnia talia honores castra dominia maneria terrse tenementa et hsereditamenta jacen- tia et existentia in Comitatu Palentino Lancastrise quae prsetextu et auctoritate aliquarum talium literarum paten- tium dicto Ducatui nostro Lancastrise uniri et assignare [? assignari] contigerint essent a teste dictarum literarum patentium in ordinatione supervisione regimine guber- natione jurisdictione concessione et dimissione dicti Du- catus Lancastrise pro tempore existentis, prout alise pos- sessiones dicti Ducatus nostri Lancastrise infra dictum Comitatum Palentinum Lancastrise jacentes et existentes usi fuerunt et esse deberent. Et quod omnia alia honores castra dominia maneria terrae tenementa et hsereditamenta jacentia et existentia extra dictum Comitatum Palentinum Lancastrise quae dicto Ducatui virtute aliquarum talium literarum patentium uniri et annecti contigerint prsetextu aliquarum talium literarum patentium a data et teste dictarum literarum patentium erunt infra ordinationem supervisionem regimen gubernationem jurisdictionem di- missionem et concessionem dicti Ducatus Lancastrise, prout alise possessiones dicti Ducatus Lancastrise jacentes et existentes extra prsedictum Comitatum Palentinum Lancastrise usi fuerunt et esse deberent, prout per Sta- tutum prsedictum inter alia plenius apparet, Sciatis quod nos prsefati Rex et Regina pro ampliori augmentatione dicti Ducatus nostri Lancastrise secundum effectum dicti Statuti sive Actus Parliamenti, ac juxta veram intentionem ejusdem Actus, pro nobis hseredibus et successoribus nostri prsefatse Reginae, per has literas nostras patentes unimus annectimus limitamus et appunctuamus dicto Du- letters patent under the great seal of England shall be as good and effectual in the law as if they were done by the authority of Parliament. And further it was or- dained and enacted, that all such honors, castles, lord- ships, manors, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, lying and being in the County Palatine of Lancaster, as, by pretext and authority of any such letters patent, should happen to be united and assigned to our said Duchy of Lancaster, should be from the teste of the said letters patent within the order, survey, rule, govern- ance, jurisdiction, setting, and letting of the said Duchy of Lancaster for the time being, as the other pos- sessions of our said Duchy of Lancaster lying and being within the said County Palatine of Lancaster have been used and ought to be. And that all other honors, castles, lordships, manors, lands, tenements, and hereditaments lying and being without the said County Palatine of Lancaster, which by virtue of any such letters patent should happen to be united and annexed to the said Duchy, should, by pretext of any such letters patent, be, from the date and teste of the said letters patent, within the order, survey, rule, governance, jurisdiction, setting, and letting of the said Duchy of Lancaster, as other the possessions of the said Duchy of Lancaster lying and being without the aforesaid County Palatine of Lancaster have been used and ought to be, as by the statute aforesaid among other things more fully appears. Know ye that we the aforesaid King and Queen, for the farther augmentation of our said Duchy of Lancaster according to the effect of the said statute or act of parliament, and ac- cording to the true intent of the same act, do, for us, the heirs and successors of us the aforesaid Queen, by 2 u 2 364 catui nostro Lancastrise omnia et singula honores castra dominia maneria terras tenementa boscos subboscos red- ditus reversiones servitia et hsereditamenta nostra cum eorum pertinentiis quae postea sequuntur nominantur vel exprimuntur, cum omnibus libertatibus jurisdictionibus privilegiis et francbesiis in eisdem modo usitatis vel ex- ercendis, videlicet, totum illud honorem manerium et do- minium nostrum de Hunsden in comitatu nostro Hert- fordiae, cum suis juribus membris libertatibus et perti- nentiis universis, ac omnia ilia terras tenementa et hsere- ditamenta nostra vocata Parislandes jacentia et existentia in Hunsden praedicta et Estwicke, ac omnia ilia dominia maneria terras tenementa redditus reversiones servitia et haereditamenta nostra de Estwicke, More, Milkeley, Tib- burse, Kendall, et Langley Regis, in dicto comitatu nostro Hertfordiae, cum suis juribus membris libertatibus et per- tinentiis universis ; — ac omnia ilia dominia maneria terras tenementa et haereditamenta nostra de Lucton, Bradwell juxta mare, Mundenhall, Stamforde Ryvers, Stamfordhall, Traces, Bridges, et Piggesland, in parochia de Stamford Ryvers, ac Suttons, in parochia de Stapleford Tawney, ac dominia nostra de Coppidhall, Eppinge, Coggeshall, Ded- hame, Langham, et Clare hall alias Clarett hall, in Asshen, in comitatu nostro Essexiae, cum omnibus suis juribus membris libertatibus et pertinentiis universis ; — ac totum illud mane- rium nostrum, ac omnia ilia terras tenementa et haeredita- menta nostra de Olney in comitatu nostro Buckinghamiae, cum suis juribus membris libertatibus et pertinentiis uni- versis ; — ac totum illud honorem dominium sive manerium nostrum de Clare in comitatu nostro SufFolciae, cum suis juribus membris libertatibus et pertinentiis universis, ac omnia ilia maneria terras tenementa redditus reversiones 364 these our letters patent, unite, annex, limit, and appoint to our said Duchy of Lancaster all and singular our honors, castles, lordships, manors, lands, tenements, woods, underwoods, rents, reversions, services, and hereditaments, with their appurtenances, which hereafter follow, are named or expressed, with all the liberties, jurisdictions, privileges, and franchises now used or to be exercised in the same, to wit, all that our honor, manor, and lordship of Hunsdon in our county of Hertford, with all its rights, members, liberties, and appurtenances, and all those our lands, tenements, and hereditaments, called Parislands, lying and being in Hunsdon aforesaid and Eastwick, and all those our lordships, manors, lands, tenements, rents, reversions, services, and hereditaments of Eastwick, More, Milkeley, Tibburse, Kendal, and King's Langley, in our said county of Hertford, with all their rights, members, liberties, and appurtenances ; — and all those our lordships, manors, lands, tenements and hereditaments of Loughton, Bradwell near the Sea, Mundenhall, Stamford Rivers, Stamfordhall, Traces, Bridges, and Piggesland, in the parish of Stamford Rivers, and Suttons in the parish of Stapleford Tawney, and our lordships of Coppidhall, Ep- ping, Coggeshall, Dedham, Langham, and Clare Hall, otherwise Clarett Hall, in Ashen in our county of Essex, with all and every their rights, members, liberties, and appurtenances ; — and all that our manor, and all those our lands, tenements, and hereditaments of Olney in our county of Buckingham, with all their rights, members, liberties, and appurtenances; — and all that our honor, lordship, or manor of Clare in our county of Suffolk, with all its rights, members, liberties, and appurtenances; and all those our manors, lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and heredita- U6 servitia et hsereditamenta nostra de Clare Burgus, Erbury, Sudbury, Woodhall juxta Sudbury, Stoke juxta Clare, Chipleyhunden, Stratford, et Mildenhall, in dieto comitatu nostro SufFolcise, cum suis juribus membris et pertinentiis universis, ac totam illam grangiam nostram de Mildenhall in dicto comitatu nostro Suffolcise, cum suis juribus mem- bris et pertinentiis universis, ac totum ilium situm cir- cuitum ambitum et precinctum nostrum nuper CoUegii de Stoke in dicto comitatu nostro SufFolcise, cum om- nibus edificiis terris et solo infra eundem situm vel precinctum existentibus, ac cum omnibus aliis suis ju- ribus membris et pertinentiis universis ; — ac totum illud manerium nostrum de Langehey in comitatu nostro Sus- sexise, cum suis juribus membris et pertinentiis uni- versis; — necnon totum illud manerium nostrum de Bas- singeburne in comitatu nostro Cantabrigise, cum suis juribus membris et pertinentiis universis ; — ac totum illud manerium nostrum, ac omnia ilia terras tenenienta et hse- reditamenta nostra, de Wakefelde in comitatu nostro Eborum, cum suis juribus membris libertatibus et perti- nentiis universis, ac omnia ilia maneria terras tenementa et hsereditamenta nostra in Wakefelde, Sandall, Hipper- holme, Ossett, Horburye, Rastricke, Stanley, Scamonden, Thornese, Sowerbye, Holmefrithe, et Alverthorpe, cum suis juribus membris et pertinentiis universis in dicto comitatu nostro Eborum. Ac insuper sciatis quod nos prsefati Rex et Regina auctoritate pra3dicta pro nobis hseredibus et successoribus nostri prsefatse Reginse per praesentes unimus annectimus limitamus assignamus et appunctuamus dicto Ducatui nostro Lancastrise praedictse omnia et singula praedicta honores dominia maneria terras tenementa redditus reversiones et hsereditamenta nostra 365 ments of Clare-borough, Erbury, Sudbury, Woodhall near Sudbury, Stoke near Clare, Chipleyhunden, Stratford and Mildenhall, in our said county of Suffolk, with all their rights, members, and appurtenances; and all that our grange of Mildenhall in our said county of Suffolk, with all its rights, members and appurtenances; and all that our site, circuit, environ, and precinct of the late College of Stoke in our said county of Suffolk, with all the build- ings, lands, and ground being within the same site or pre- cinct, and with all and every its other rights, members, and appurtenances ; — and all that our manor of Langeney in our county of Sussex, with all its rights, members, and appurtenances ; — also all that our manor of Bassingbourne in our county of Cambridge, with all its rights, members, and appurtenances ; — and all that our manor, and all those our lands, tenements, and hereditaments of Wakefield in our county of York, with all their rights, members, liber- ties, and appurtenances ; and all those our manors, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, in Wakefield, Sandall, Hip- perholme, Ossett, Horbury, Rastrick, Stanley, Scammon- den, Thornes, Sowerby, Holmfrith, and Alverthorpe, with all their rights, members, and appurtenances, in our said county of York. And know ye, moreover, that we the aforesaid King and Queen, by the authority aforesaid, do, for us, the heirs and successors of us the aforesaid Queen, by these presents unite, annex, limit, assign, and appoint to our said Duchy of Lancaster aforesaid all and singular the aforesaid honors, lordships, manors, lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and our hereditaments aforesaid, and all the lands, tenements, rents, reversions, services, meadows, feedings, pastures, woods, underwoods, advowsons, knights' fees, wardships, marriages, reliefs, 366 prsedicta, ac omnia terras tenementa redditus reversiones servitia prata pascua pasturas boscos subboscos advo- cationes feoda militum warda maritagia relevia escaeta parcos chaceas forestas warrennas tolneta custumas ferias mercata nundinas curias letas visus franciplegii hundreda turnos proficua curiarum oflBcia feodariorum natives nativas et villanos cum eorum sequelis bona et catalla felonum fugitivorum felonum de se et in exigendo positorum thesaurum inventum deodanda et alia jura jurisdictiones franchesias libertates privilegia et alia hae- reditamenta nostra quaecunque cujuscunque sunt generis naturse seu speciei aut quibuscunque nominibus sciantur censeantur vel dignoscantur et in quibuscunque comita- tibus regni nostri Anglise existentia dictis honoribus do- miniis maneriis et cseteris praemissis aut eorum alicui per- tinentia sive spectantia vel cum eisdem seu eorum aliquo occupata dimissa seu locata aut quae modo accepta re- putata vel cognita existentia pro vel ut partes vel par- cellae eorundem sive eorum alicujus aut quae reputata accepta habita cognita collecta seu computabilia exis- tentia vel aliquo alio modo antehac usitata fuerunt ut partes membra vel parcellae eorum aut eorum alicujus ac adeo plene libere et integre ac in tam amplis et con- similibus modo et forma et cum omnibus eisdem hujusmodi et consimilibus libertatibus franchesiis privilegiis jurisdic- tionibus commoditatibus et advantagiis prout ea omnia et sin- gula in manibus et dispositione nostra jam existunt et prout ea omnia et singula modo usitata sunt ac prout ea omnia modo habemus et gaudemus. Quaequidem omnia praedicta honores castra dominia maneria terrae tenementa et caetera praemissa non excedunt clarum annuum valorem duarum mille librarum per annum nee sunt parcella antiquae haere- escheats, parks, chases, forests, warrens, tolls, customs, fairs, markets, market-places, courts-leet, views of frank- pledge, hundreds, tourns, profits of courts, offices of feoda- ries, bondmen and bondwomen and vilains, with their suit, the goods and chattels of felons, fugitives, felons of themselves, and of persons put in exigent, treasure trove, deodands, and other rights, jurisdictions, franchises, liberties, privileges, and other our hereditaments what- soever, of whatever kind, nature, or species they are, or by whatever names they may be known, esteemed, or dis- tinguished, and in whatever counties of our realm of England being, pertaining or belonging to the said honors, lordships, manors, and other the premises, or to any one of them, or occupied, demised, or let with the same or any one of them, or which being now accepted, reputed, or known for or as parts or parcels of the same or of any of them, or which being reputed, accepted, had, known, collected, or accountable, or in any other manner heretofore they were used as parts, members, or parcels of them or of any one of them, and as fully, freely, and completely, and in as ample and like manner and form, and with all the same, like, and similar liberties, franchises, privileges, jurisdictions, commodities, and advantages as they all and singular now exist in our hands and dispo- sition, and as they all and singular are now used, and as we now have and enjoy them all. All which afore- said honors, castles, lordships, manors, lands, tenements, and other premises do not exceed the clear yearly value of two thousand pounds by the year, nor are they parcel of the ancient inheritance of our Crown of England, nor parcel of the possessions of our Principality of Wales, nor parcel of our Duchy of Cornwall, nor parcel of our Earldom of 367 ditatis Coronse nostrse Anglise, nee parcella possessionum Principalitatis nostrse Walliae, nee parcella Ducatus nostri Cornubise, nee parcella Comitatus nostri Cestrise, nee sunt aliqua honores castra dominia maneria terrae tenementa vel hsereditamenta nostra situata jacentia vel existentia in co- mitatibus nostris Cestrise et Flynt vel eorum altero. Et ulterius damns concedimus et appunctuamus dicto Du- catui nostro Lancastrise omnia exitus et proficua omnium et singulorum praedictorum honorum maneriorum domi- niorum terrarum tenementorum et cseterorum praemisso- rum a festo sancti Michaelis Archangeli ultimo praeterito hucusque provenientia sive crescentia absque compote seu aliquo alio nobis in Scaccario nostro hseredum vel suc- cessorum nostrorum vel alibi nisi solummodo et tantum- modo in dicto Ducatu nostro Lancastrise et per officiarios et ministros nostros Ducatus nostri Lancastrise praedicti hseredum vel successorum nostri praefatae Reginae in Du- catu nostro Lancastriae praedicto modo et forma prout in dicto Ducatu nostro Lancastriae de aliis possessioni- bus et reventionibus ejusdem Ducatus nostri Lancas- triae usualiter nobis responsum existit fiendo vel red- dendo. Ac insuper volumus et concedimus pro nobis haeredibus et successoribus nostri praefatae Reginae quod Thesaurarius, Barones, Auditores, Receptores et omnes alii officiarii et ministri nostri de Scaccario nostro hae- redum et successorum nostri praefatae Reginae pro tem- pore existentes super solam demonstrationem harum li- terarum nostrarum patentium debitam allocationem exo- nerationem et deliberationem manifeste faciant et fieri causabunt omnium et singulorum praemissorum et om- nium et singulorum exituum reventionum et proficuorum eorundem tam Cancellario et Concilio nostro quam aliis 367 Chester, nor are they any our honors, castles, lordships, manors, lands, tenements, or hereditaments situate, lying, or being in our counties of Chester and Flint or in either of them. And moreover we give, grant, and appoint to our said Duchy of Lancaster all the issues and profits of all and singular the aforesaid honors, manors, lordships, lands, tenements, a.nd other the premises, arising and accruing from the feast of St. Michael the Archangel last past to the present time, without making or rendering to us an account or any other thing in the Exchequer of us, our heirs or successors, or elsewhere, except solely and only in our said Duchy of Lancaster, and by our officers and ministers of our aforesaid Duchy of Lancaster, or of the heirs or successors of us the aforesaid Queen in our afore- said Duchy of Lancaster, in manner and form as is usually answered to us in our said Duchy of Lancaster respecting the other possessions and revenues of our same Duchy of Lancaster. And, moreover, we will and grant for us, the heirs and successors of us the afore- said Queen, that the Treasurer, Barons, Auditors, and Receivers, and all other our officers and ministers for the time being of the Exchequer of us, the heirs and successors of us the aforesaid Queen, do, upon the mere shewing of these our letters patent, manifestly make and shall cause to be made due allowance, exoneration, and delivery of all and singular the premises, and of all and singular the issues, revenues, and profits of the same, from the said feast of St. Michael the Archangel last past, as well to our Chancellor and Council as to our other officers and ministers for the time being of our Duchy of Lan- caster, or of the heirs and successors of us the aforesaid Queen, according to our true intent aforesaid, without 368 officiariis et ministris nostris Ducatus nostri LancastritB hseredum et successorura nostri prsefatae Reginae pro tempore existentibus a dicto festo sancti Michaelis Arch- angel! ultimo prseterito juxta veram intentionem nostram prsedictam absque aliquo alio brevi seu warranto aut aliquo brevi de privato sigillo aut aliquo alio warranto in hac parte impetrando obtinendo seu prosequendo. Ac volumus ac per prsesentes firmiter praecipimus dictis Thesaurario Baronibus et ministris nostris prsedictis de Scaccario nos- tro prsedicto quod nee ipsi nee eorum aliquis in posterum se intromittant sive intromittat cum aliquibus praedictis honoribus dominiis maneriis terris et tenementis seu prae- missis aut de vel cum aliqua inde parcella aut cum pro- ficuis exitibus redditibus et reventionibus eorundem aut eorum aliquo nee de receptione eorundem sive eorum ali- cujus quovismodo. Et hae literae nostras patentes vel irro- tulamentum eorundem erunt de tempore in tempus suffi- ciens warrantum et exoneratio tam dictis Thesaurario Ba- ronibus Auditoribus et Receptoribus Scaccarii nostri hae- redum et successorum nostri praefatae Reginae et eorum cuilibet quam omnibus aliis oflSciariis et ministris nostris in hac parte. Eo quod expressa mentio de vero valore annuo aut de aliquo alio valore aut certitudine praemis- sorum sive eorum alicujus aut de aliquibus aliis honoribus castris dominiis maneriis terris tenementis seu haeredita' mentis per nos vel per aliquem progenitorum nostrorum praefatae Reginae praedicto Ducatui nostro Lancastriae ante haec tempora annexis unitis limitatis vel appunctuatis in praesentibus minime facta existit, aut aliquo statuto actu ordinatione provisione proclamatione sive restrictione in contrarium inde antehac habito facto edito ordinato seu proviso aut aliqua alia re causa vel materia quacunque in 368 requesting, obtaining, or suing out any other writ or warrant, or any writ of privy seal or any other warrant in this behalf. And we will and by these presents do firmly command the said Treasurer, Barons, and our aforesaid ministers of our aforesaid Exchequer, that neither they nor any one of them do henceforth in any way in- termeddle with any of the aforesaid honors, lordships, manors, lands and tenements, or premises, or respecting or with any parcel of the same, or with the profits, issues, rents, or revenues of the same or with any one of the same, nor with the receipt of the same or of any one of the same. And these our letters patent, or the enrol- ment of the same, shall be from time to time a sufficient warrant and exoneration in this behalf as well to the said Treasurer, Barons, Auditors, and Receivers of the Ex- chequer of us, the heirs and successors of us the afore- said Queen, and every one of them, as to all other our officers and ministers. Albeit express mention of the true annual value, or of any other value or certainty of the premises or of any one of them, or of any other honors, castles, lordships, manors, lands, tenements or he- reditaments heretofore annexed, united, limited, or ap- pointed to our aforesaid Duchy of Lancaster by us or by any of the progenitors of us the aforesaid Queen, be not made in these presents, or any statute, act, ordinance, provision, proclamation, or restriction to the contrary thereof heretofore had, made, published, ordained, or pro- vided, or any other thing, cause, or matter whatsoever in anywise notwithstanding. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness our- selves at Westminster, on the fifteenth day of April in the fourth and fifth years of our reign. P. Cordell. 869 aliquo non obstante. In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Testibus nobis ipsis apud Westmonasterium quinto decimo die Aprilis annis regnorum nostrorum quarto et quinto. P. Cordell. Per ipsos Regem et Reginam et de data prsedicta, &c. " Examinatur per me Anthonium Hayforde "■ Deputatum Valentini Browne Auditoris." J " Irrotulatur coram me Johanne Thomson Auditore pro maneriis, &c., in comitatibus Sussex' et Buck'." " Irrotulatur in officio Auditoris Comitatus Eborum." 369 By the King and Queen themselves, and of the aforesaid date, &c. " Examined by me, Anthony Hayforde, De- 1 puty of Valentine Browne, Auditor. ) " Enrolled before me, John Thomson, Au- \ ditor for the manors, &c., in the counties V of Sussex and Buckingham. j " Enrolled in the office of the Audi- | tor of the county of York." ) INDEX. A. ABINGDON, Abbot of, 149. Acquittance of tolls, &c., 2, 6, 22, 45,77, lie, 156,299. Advowsons of churches, 37, 57, 88, 127, 310, — see also Presentations. Agmondesham, manor of, 181, Alban's, St., Abbot of, 148. John Abbot of, 275. Alban's, St., town of, 281. Aldl)orough, manor of, 233, 248, 271. Aldbourn, manor of, 221, 242, 265. Allerton, wapentake of, 233, 247, 271. Aired, Richard, 221, 224, 226, 228, 231. Alverthorpe, manor of, 365. Amercements, 1, 3, 7> 13, 15, 16, 20, 21, 23, 38. 41, 46, 58, 73, 78, 89, 94, 112, 117, 128, 133, 156, 295,300,311,316. Amercements of bailiffs, — see Bai- liffs. Andrewe, Richard, 221, 224, 226, 228, 230, 232, 247, 252, 253, 255, 270. Anne, daughter and heir of Eleanor, one of the daughters and co-heirs of the Earl of Hereford, 172, — see also Stafford. Arnold, manor of, 174, 177, 182. Arundel, Richard Earl of, 4, 13, 15, 16, 18, 24, 31, 48, 54, 70, 72, 74, 79,85,98,110, 111, 113, 119,124, 137, 275, 293, 295, 296, 302, 307, 320. Arundel, Thomas Earl of, 149. Arundel, William Earl of, 275. Asaph's, St., Thomas Bishop of, 252, 253. Ash borne, manor and town of, 233. Ashhorne, wapentake of, 247, 270. Ashdown, free chase of, 28, 51, 83, 122, 305. Ashdown, forest of, 354. Ascott, manor of, 176, 183. Assay and assize of bread, — see Market, clerk of. Attachment of pleas of the Crown, 2, 7, 19, 22, 45, 77, 97, 116, 136, 160,300,319. Attleborough, college or chantry of, 359. Attorney-General of the County Palatine, — see County Palatine. Attorney General of the Duchy of Lancaster, — see Lancaster, Duchy. Auditors, — see Receivers. Auditors of the Duchy of Lan- caster, — see Lancaster, Duchy. Aylsham, manor of, 28, 51, 82, 121, 222, 242, 265, 304. B. Baddow, manor of, 175. Bailiffs of Hberties, 41. fines and amercements of, for negligence, 60, 92, 97, L31, 136, 160, 314, 319. Bardney, Abbot of, 149. Bardolf, Lord, 218. Barker, Thomas, 232, 247, 252, 253, 255, 270, 275, 276. Barnoldwick, manor and lordship of, 226, 244, 267. Basssingbourne, manor of, 365. Bath and Wells, Henry Bishop of, 148. John Bishop of, 24, 48, 79, 119, 302. Robert Bishop of, 327, 341. Thomas Bishop of, 221, 224, 226, 228, 232, 241, 247, 252, 253, 255, 264, 266, 270, 274, 275. Battle, Abbot of, 149. 2x 372 INDEX. Beauchamp, John, 221, 224, 226, 228, 231. . Lord de, 232, 241, 247, 253, 255, 264, 266, 270, 275, 276. Beauchamp, William, of Bergavenny, 149. Beaumont, Henry Lord de, 149. Beaumont, John Viscount, 221, 224, 226, 228, 230, 232, 241, 252, 253, 264, 266, 270. Beeston, manor of, 229, "^45, 268. Benett's, St., Thomas Abbot and convent of, 340. Bennington, Long, manor of, 176, 182. Bere, John de la, 221, 224, 226, 228, 230. Berkeley, Thomas de, 1 49. Berks, county of, 182, 222, 224, 234, 242, 243, 248, 265, 266, 271. Berwick, manor of, 224, 243, 266. Bilton, park of, 233, 248, 271. Blanche, one of the daughters and co-heirs of Henry Duke of Lan- caster, and wife of John Duke of Lancaster, 12, 14, 21, 45, 71, 74, 102, 110, 113, 152, 285, 294, 296. Blandford, manor of, 224, 243, 266. Blaunchappulton(Whitechapel),175. Bodenham, hundred of, 183. Bohun, Humphrey de. Earl of Here- ford, Essex, and Northampton, 24, 31, 48, 54, 79, 85, 99, 1 19, 124, 151, 172, 182, 184, 192, 197, 302, 307, — see also Hereford. Bohun, Joan de. Countess of Here- ford, 184,185, 195. Bohun, Mary de, one of the daughters and co-heirs of Humphrey de Bo- hun, 99, 151, 172, 182, 187, 192; wife of Henry, son of John Du*ke of Lancaster, afterwards King Henry IV., 99.— Eleanor de Bo- hun, another daughter and co- heir, 172, 182, 187, 192 ; parti- tion of the estates, — see Hereford, and also Staflfbrd. Bohun, William de. Earl of North- ampton, 4, 185. Bolingbrook, honor, castle, lordship, and manor of, 327, 342. Bonvile, William Lord, 281. Boroughbridge, mills of, 233, 248,271. Bourgchier, Bartholomew, Lord de, 149. Bourgchier, Henry Viscount, 275. Bradford, manor of, 233, 248, 271. Bradwell, manor of, 364. Brancepeth, church of, 27, 51, 82, 121, 304. Brecknock, castle and manor of, 179» 183,193. Brecon castle, 192. Brian, Guy de, 24, 48, 80, 119, 302. Bridges, lordship of, 364. Brittany, John Duke of, and Earl of Richmond, 26, 49, 80, 120, 303. Brothercross, hundred of, 222, 242, 265. Browne, Valentine, 369. Broyn-llys, lordship of, 192, 193. Buckingham, county of, 221, 242, 265, 364, 369. Buklond, John de, 15, 72, 111,295. Burghill, hundred of, 183. . Burgh, Sir Thomas, Knight, 327, 341. Burmarsh, marsh of, 181. Burnell, Hugh Lord de, 149. Bury St. Edmund's, Abbot of, 149. C. Caldicot, castle and manor of, 178, 182, 221, 241, 264. Cambridge, county of, 28, 51, 82, 121, 222, 242, 265, 305, 365. Cambridge, Edmond Earl of, 31, 41, 64, 61, 85, 92, 124, 131, 307, 314. Camoys, Thomas Lord de, 149. Canterbury, Archbishop of, 144, 203, 355. Canterbury, Harry Archbishop of, 209. Canterbury, John Archbishop of, 4,221,223,226,228,232. Canterbury, Simon Archbishop of, 13, 16, 17, 41, 61, 73, 92, 113, 131, 266, 314. Canterbury, Thomas Archbishop of, 148, 252, 253, 274, 275. Canterbury, Thomas Cardinal Arch- bishop of, 327, 341. Canterbury, William Archbishop of, 31, 54, 70, 85, 98, 110, 124, 137, 293, 307, 320. Canterbury, Dean and Chapter of, 355. Cantreffcelly, lordship of, 192, 193. Carlisle, William Bishop of, 148. Carpenter, John, 221, 264. Bishop of Wor- INDEX. 373 cester, 230, 241,— see also Wor- cester, Bishop of. Carreu, Nicholas, (Keeper of the King's Privy Seal.) 41, 61, 92, 131,314. Carriage, acquittance of, 2, 19, 42, 74. 113. 156,296. Castille and Leon, John King of, Duke of Lancaster, — see Lancas- ter. Castle Donington, lordship and manor of, 229, 245, 268. Cavendish, John de, 31, 54, 85, 125, 308. Chamberlain of the Duchy of Lan- caster, — see Lancaster, Duchy. Chancellor of England, 155, 334, 339 ; or Treasurer, not to pre- sent to livings in the King's heritage of the Earldom of Here- ford, 100 ; nor in the Duchy of Lancaster, 139, 155, 165, 323. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lan- caster, — see Lancaster, Duchy. Chancellor of the County Palatine, — see County Palatine. Chancery, court of, in the county of Lancaster, — see Lancaster. Charleton, Edward de, of Powys, 149. Charnels, John, 15, 72, 111, 295. Chases, 37, 57, 88, 127, 310. Chattels of felons and fugitives, — see Felons. Chedworth, John, 232. Chelmsford, manor of, 355. Chester, county of, 33, 62, 06, 103, 105, 288. 367. Chester, earldom of, 367. Chester, Earl of, 10, 33, 62. 65, 68, 103, 105, 287, 288. Chichester, Adam Bishop of, 232, — see also Moleyns. Chichester, Robert Bishop of, 98, 137, 148, 320. Chignal, manor of, 180. Chipleyhunden, manor of, 365. Chipping liambourn, manor of, 224, 243, 266. Chishall, view of frankpledge of, 175, 182. Churches, — see Presentations, and also Advowsons. Cirencester, Abbot of, 149. Clare -borough, manor of, 365. Clare Hall, otherwise Clarett Hall, lordship of, 364. Clare, honor and manor of, 364. Clarence, Lionel Duke of, 24, 48, 79, 11.9,302. Clarett Hall, otherwise Clare Hall, lordship of, 364. Clere, Edmund, 218. Clere, Robert, 218. Clithero, honor of, 349. Cloos, Nicholas, 232. Clynton, William Lord de, 149. Cobham, John, 149. Cobham, Lord, 359. Coggeshall, lordship of, 364. Colchester, Abbot of St. John's at, 148. Collingbourne, manor of, 224, 243, 266. Coppidhali, lordship of, 364. Cornwall, Duchy of, 200, 207, 366. Coroners, appointment of, — see At- tachment of Pleas of the Crown. County Palatine of Lancaster, 10, 33, 62, 65, 68, 103, 105, 139, 155, 283, 287, 288, 322, 324, 342; parcel of the Duchy, 283, 324 ; Attorney- General thereof, 258 ; Chancellor thereof, 258, 283, 324 ; Chief Steward thereof, 258 ; Seal thereof, 283 ; — see also Lancaster. Coventry, John Bishop of, 148, 252, 253, 275. Coventry, Prior of, 149. Cowarne, Great, hundred of, 183. Crandon, manor of, 355. Crendon, manor of, 177. Croiland, Abbot of, 149. Croiser, Sir William, 221,— see also Croyser. Cromwell, Ralph Lord de, 221, 224, 226, 228, 230, 232,— see aUo Crum- well. Crondon, manor of, 355. Crown, attachment of pleas of, 2, 7, 19,22,45,77, 97, 116, 136, 160, 300, 319. Croyser, William, 242, 265,— see also Croiser. Cmmwell, Ralph de, 149,— «ee also Cromwell, D. Damages in actions and suits, how recoverable by the King in right of the Duchy of Lancaster, 340. Damlet, Hugh, 252, 253, 276. Darcy, John Lord, 149. 2x2 874 INDEX. Daventry, manor of, 221, 241, 264. David's, St., Bishop of, — see St. Da- vid's. Deddington, manor of, 176, 182. Dedhara, lordship of, 364. Delahere, John, Bishop of St. Da- vid's, 241, 253, 264, 21b— see also St. David's. Deodands, 97, 136, 161, 320. Depden, manor of, 175. Derby, county of, 12, 14, 71, HO, 229, 233, 245, 247, 268, 271, 293, 327, 342. Derby, Henry Earl of, 1, 14, 110,— see also Lancaster. Desborongh, manor of, 221, 241, 264. Desheford or Dicheford, mills of, 221,241,264. Despenser, Edward le, 18. liord of Gla- morgan and Morgannowe, 24, 48, 80, 119,302. Despenser, Hugh le, 4. Devereux, John, 70, 1 10, 293. Devon, Edward Earl of, 149. Dicheford or Desheford, mills of, 221,241,264. Dorset, county of, 224, 234, 243, 249, 266. Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall, 200, — see also Lancaster and Cornwall. Duchy of Lancastei', — see Lancaster. Dudley, William, Dean of the King's chapel, 327, 341. Dunmow, manor of, 175. Dunstanburgh, castle, lordship, and manor of, 328, 342. Durham, bishopric of, 121, 304. Durham, Lawrence Bishop of, 252, 253, 275. Durham, Richard Bishop of, 4. Durham, Thomas Bishop of, 148. Dynham, John Lord, 327, 341. E. Easter, High, court of the honor of, 175. manor of, 175, 182. Easterton, manor of, 224, 243, 266. East Garston, manor of, 222, 242, 265. East Lee, manor of 181. Eastwick, lordship of, 364. Ebboth, manor and lordship of, 228, 245, 268. Ecclesiastical benefices, — see Pre- sentations. Edithorp, town of, 218. Edward, called Prince of Wales, 280, — see also Wales. Edward the Fourth, Feoffees to the uses of his Will. — see Feoffees. Eleanor, daughter and co-heir of the Earl of Hereford, 172, 182, 187. 192 ; Duchess of Gloucester, 174 ; mother of the Countess of Stafford, 182. Elmset, manor of, 177. Ely, John Bishop of, 1 48. Ely, Simon Bishop of, Chancellor, 24, 47, 79, 302; Treasurer, 16, 17,74, 113, 118,296. Ely, William Bishop of, 327, 341. Endelenewick, bailiwick of, 28, 51, 82, 122, 305. Enfield, manor of, 175. Epping, lordvship of, 364. Erbury, manor of, 365. Erpingham, North, hundred of, 28, 51, 82, 121, 222, 242, 265, 304. Erpingham, South, hundred of, 28, 51, 82, 121, 222, 242, 265, 304. Escheats, 37, 57, 88, 127, 310,— see also Forfeiture. Essex, county of, 364 ; fee of the county of, 175, 182. Essex, earldom of, 163, 169, 184. Essex, Earl of, 172, 341, — see also Bohun. Essex, Henry Earl of, 327. Estreats of fines to be deliveredto the officers of the Duke of Lan- caster, 95, 158, 312, 317,— see also Fines Etlowe or Ettlowe, manor of, 213, 217. Everley, manor of. 224, 243, 266. Evesham. Abbot of, 149. Exchequer, summons of, 2, 6, 19, 22, 40,45,60, 77, 91, 96, 116, 130, 300,313. Exeter, Edmund Bishop of, 148. Exeter, George Bishop of, 275. F. Faken HAM, manor of, 28, 51, 82, 121, 222, 242, 265, 304. Farnham, manor of, 175, 182. Felons and fugitives, chattels of, 2, 7, 13, 15, 16, 19, 22, 40, 46, 59, INDEX. 375 73, 78, 91, 96, 112, 117, 130, 135, 159, 295, 300, 313, 318. Fenys, James, 221, 224, 226, 228. Sir James, Knight, 231. Feodaries, 101, 140, 272. Feoffees of the Duchy of Lancaster to the use of the Will of King Henry V., 202, 209; to per- form the Will of King Henry VI., 220, 232, 235 ; new appointment in room of those deceased, 241, 264 ; for performance of the Will of King Edward IV., 326 ; the act of feoffment repealed, 346 ; appointed to the uses of the Will of King Henry VII., 349; new appointment in room of those de- ceased, 350 ; shall enjoy the same liberties and jura regalia as when the lands wei-e in the King's hands, 235, 236, 256. Ferrers, Higham,— *e^ Higham. Ferrers, William Lord de, 149. Finchedene, William de, 31, 54, 85, 124, 308. Finding of heirs during nonage, 338. Fines and amercements, 1, 3, 7, 13, 15, 16, 20, 21,23,38,41,46,58, 73,78,89, 94, 112, 117, 128, 133, 156, 295,300,311, 316. of bailiffs and sheriffs, for neg- ligence, 41, 60, 92, 97, 131, 136, 160,314,319. Fitz-Hugh, Henry, 149. Flint, county of, 367. Fobbing, manor of, 181. Forfeited issues, 3, 7, 20, 21, 23, 38, 46, 58, 78, 89, 94, 117, 128, 156, 300,311,316. Forfeiture or escheat, lands coming into the King's hands thereby, in right of the Duchy of Lancaster, shall be annexed to the Duchy, 165, 166. Forfeitures, 3, 7, 20, 21, 23, 38, 46, 68, 78, 89, 94, 117, 128, 133, 157, 300,311,316. Fortescue, John, 252, 253. Fowler, Richard, 327- Fugitives and felons, chattels of, — see Felons. Fulmodeston, manor of, 176, 183, 233. 240, 271. Fulwith, 233, 248, 271. Furnyvale, Thomas Lord de, 149. G. Gal LOW, hundred of, 222, 242, 265. Garston, East, manor of, 222, 242, 265. Gascoigne, duchy of, 326. Gimingham, manor of, 222, 242, 265. Glastonbury, Abbot of, 149. Glatton, manor of, 28, 51, 82, 121, 221, 242, 265, 305. Gloucester, Abbot of St. Peter's at, 149. Gloucester, Parliament hold en at, 66, 106. Gloucester, shire of, 217. Gloucester, Thomas Duke of, 70, 98,110,137,293,320. Gloucester, Duchess of, — see Eleanor. Godmanchester, town of, 221, 242, 265. Goldwell, James, 275, 276, — see also Norwich. Gower, William, 281. Great Cowarne, 183. Greenhoe, North, hundred of, 28, 51, 82, 121, 304. Greenwich, West, moiety of certain tenements in, 180, 183. Grene, John, 275, 276. Greston, Abbey of St. Mary de, — see Wilmingdon, priory. Grey, Edmund Lord de, of Ruthyn, 275. Grey, Reginald Lord de, of Ruthyn, 149. Grey, Richard Lord de, of Codenore, 149. Greystok, Ralph de, 149. Gringley, manor of, 28, 51, 82, 121, 233, 247, 271, 304. Grinstead, town of, 35, 55, 86, 126, 308. Groundage, acquittance of, 2, 19, 42, 74, 113, 156,245,297. Grosmont, castle, lordship, and ma- nor of, 228, 268. Grymmesby, William, 262, 263. Gun thorp. Master John, clerk, 327, 341. Gussage, lands and tenexneuta in, 178. Guyan, Duchy of, 326. H. Hakenoys, a tenement called, 175. Hallingbury, manor of, 180, 183. 376 INDEX. Hampton, John, 221, 224, 226, 228, 231, 233, 241, 247, 252, 253, 255, 264, 266, 270, 275, 276. Haresfield, manor of, 179, 183. Hartley, manor of, 224, 243, 266. Haryngton, John, 149. Haseley, manor of, 176, 182. Hastings, William Lord, 327, 341. Hatfield, manor of, 180. Hay, castle and manor of, 179, 183. Hay, park of, 233, 248, 271. Haydon, manor of, 181. Hayforde, Anthony, 369. Haywra, park of, 233, 248, 271. Henry, eldest son of King Henry IV., Duke of Lancaster, 141 ; son and heir of Mary daughter and co-heir of Humphrey de Bo- hun, 172. Henry V., Feoffees to the uses of his Will, 202, 207. Henry VI , Feoffees to the uses of his Will,— see Feoffees; attainted of high treason, 279, 324. Henry VII. Feoffees to the uses of his Will, — see Feoffees. Henton, manor of, 177, 183, 234, 248, 271. Hereford, court of the honor of, held at Gloucester, 179, 183. Hereford, Earl of, — see Bohun ; earl- dom of, 151, 163, 169, 184, 192; the heritage of the earldom of, partition thereof between the co- heirs of Humphrey de Bohun, 172 ; new partition made at the prayer of Anne Countess of Staf- ford, 186; the purpa rtyheld by King Henry IV. in right of his deceased wife Mary de Bohun, 99, descended to King Henry V. in right of his mother, 163 ; severed from the Crown, 99, 188 ; and annexed to the Duchy of liancaster, 151. 163, 188; jura regalia to be exercised therein, 163, 164 ; shall be subject to the Seal of the Duchy, 164, 165 ; saving for the tenants thereof, after death of their ancestors, 100 ; they shall enjoy the liberties and customs without let, 165 ; royal prerogative as to marriages there- in, 100 ; ecclesiastical benefices, in whose presentation, 100 ; shall pass under the Seal of the Duchy of liancaster, 165 ; receivers, how accountable, 101 ; the act re- pealed so far as regards the an- nexation thereof to the Duchy of Lancaster, 187 ; a new partition of the estates having been made be- tween the descendants of the co- heirs of the Earl of Hereford, the purparty newly assigned to the King, severed from the Crown and annexed to the Duchy of Lan- caster, as before, 188; more as to the partition, 192, 197 ; — see also Lancaster, Duchy of. Hereford, John Bishop of, 262, 253, 275. Hereford, Robert Bishop of, 148. Hereford, the five hundreds in the county of, 180, 183; fee of the county of, 180, 183. Hertford, county of, 364. court of, 176, 182. Hide, Abbot of, near Winchester, 149. Higham Ferrers, castle, &c., of, 221, 241, 264. High Easter, court of the honor of, 175, 182. manor of, 175, 182. High Peak, castle and manor of, 27, 50, 82, 121, 304. free chapel of, 27, 51, 82, 121, 304. free chase of, 28, 61, 82, 122, 305. Hipperholme, manor of, 365. Hoddesdon, view of, I76. view of frank pledge of, 182. Hodenak, manor of, 224, 243, 266. Holm or Holme, manor of, 28, 51, 82, 121,221,242,265,305. Holmfrith, manor, lands, &c., in, 365. Horbury, manor of, 365. Household, the King's, expenses thereof, 200, 202, 207, 215. Hull, Sir Edward, Knight, 221, 224, 226, 228,231, 232. Hulme, Abbot of St. Bennet de, 149. Hungerford, Edmund, 221, 224, 226, 228, 231, 232, 241, 247, 253, 255, 264, 266, 270, 275. Hungerford, Lord, 203. Hungerford, Walter Lord, 209, 221, 224, 226, 228, 230, 232. Hungerford, manor of, 222, 242, 265. INDEX. 377 Hunsdon, honor, manor, and lord- ship of, 364. Huntingdon, castle and manor of, 179, 182. Huntingdon, county of, 28, 51, 82, 121, 221, 242, 265. 305. Huntingdon, town of, 221, 242, 265. Huse, William, 327, 341. I. Ingelby, Thomas de, 31, 54, 85, 125, 308. Ipre, John de, 41, 61,92, 131, 314. Irchester, manor of, 221, 241, 264. Issues forfeited, 3, 7. 20, 21, 23, 38, 46, 58, 78, 89, 117, 128, 156, 300, 311,316. Iskennv, castle, lordship, and manor of, 228, 245, 268. Jeku SALEM, St. John of, — see St. John. Jura regalia, 102, 138, 152, 154, 161, 163, 164, 166, 236, 256, 287, — see also Lancaster, County Palatine. Justices in eyre, appointment of, 64, 68, — see also Lancaster, County Palatine. Justices of the forest, appointment of, 64, 68, — see also Lancaster. Justices of peace. 168, 170. Justices or judges of the County Pa- latine, 283, 324. K. Kairkenny or Karkenny, castle, lordship, and manor of, 228, 245, 268. Karnwaltham, castle, lordship, and manor of, 228, 245, 268. Kendal, manor of, 364. Kenel worth, castle, lordship, and manor of, 327, 342. Kent, Edmund Earl of, 149. Kid welly, castle, lordship, and manor of, 228, 245, 268. Kilburn, manor of, 226, 244, 267. Kimbolton, manor of, 181. King's Langley, lordship of, 364. Kingston, hundred of, 183. Kingston Lacy, manor of, 224, 243, Kirtlington, manor of, 176, 182. Kiryell, Sir Thomas, 281. Knaresborough, bailiwick of the bo- rough of, 233, 248, 271. bailiwick of the liberty of, 233, 248, 271. castle, honor, lordship, and manor of, 28, 51, 82, 121, 233, 248, 271, 304, 328, 342. forest or chace of, 233, 248, 271. Knaresborough, house of St. Robert of, 28, 51, 82, 121, 304. mills of, 233, 248, 271. Kneesal, manor of, 180, 182. Knights' fees, 37, 57, 88, 127, 310. Knyvet, John, 31, 54, 85, 124, 308. L. Lambourn, Chipping, manor of, 224. Lambourne, Upper, manor of, 177* Lancaster, county of, 12, 14, 32, 62, 65, 67, 68, 71, 103, 105, 110, 283, 288, 293; Court of Chancery and Palatinate rights granted therein, 10, 32, 42, 65, 68, 103, 105, 286, 288, 290, 291 ; Exchequer granted therein, 63, 68, 108, 291 ; County Palatine of, 139, 155, 258, 283, 291, 322, 324, 342; parcel of the Duchy, 283, 324 ; Chancellor thereof, 258, 283, 324 ; Attorney-General thereof, 258 ; Chief Steward thereof, 145, 258 ; Seal thereof, 283. Duchy of, and various other estates of the heritage of Lancaster, descended to Henry IV. before his accession to the Crown, 102, 152, 285 ; liberties and^'wra regalia granted therein, 102, 152, 285 ; shall continue as before, 137, 153, 161, 320 ; set- tled upon King Henry and his heirs, 138, 153, 321 ; the liberties and jura regalia to be exercised throughout the same, 138, 154, 162, 321 ; saving for the tenants thA-eof, after death of their an- cestors, 139, 154, 322, — proviso for the tenants of the County Palatine, 139, 155, 322 ; the royal prerogative as to marriages 378 INDEX, out of the County Palatine, 139, 155, 322 ; ecclesiastical benefices, in whose presentation, 139, 155, 323, — shall pass under the Duchy Seal, 165 ; receivers how account- able, 140,155,323; the Seal thereof, 283, 324, — all matters under the Duchy Seal to be valid, 162, 165, — grants under any other seal, null and void, I70, — matters connected with lands in the hands of feoffees shall pass under a seal ordained for the same, 239, — shall not pass un- der a distinct seal, but under the Duchy Seal, as before the feoff- ment, 258 ; the franchises shall re- main with the Prince of Wales and his heirs, Dukes of liancaster, dis- severed from the Crown, 141 ; proviso as to the Duchy in the settlement of the Crown, 145, 148, — in the act concerning the order of wards and liveries, 352, and in the act for the suppression of chantries and colleges, 359 ; all lands coming into the King's hands by escheat or forfeiture in right of the Duchy shall be an- nexed thereto, 165, 166 ; all the possessions thereof forfeited to the Ci-own, 282, 324 ; incorporated, and called " The Duchy of Lan- caster," 282, 324 ; King Edward IV. to hold the same to him and his heirs. Kings of England, 282, 324 ; the County Palatine parcel thereof, 283, 324 ; the King, in right thereof, shall not be deprived of wardsliip by reason of feoffments in trust, 337 ; writs to be granted out of Chancery against embez- zlers of the King's ward, 339 ; the King, in right of the Duchy, shall recover damages in actions and suits as a subject, 340 ; the County Palatine and all the Duchy estates vested in King Henry VII. and his heirs for ever, 346 ; act for annexing lands thereto, 354 ; further act for enlarging thereof, 361 ; divers manors and lands annexed thereto by au- thority of said act, 362 ; the two chief stewards thereof, for north and south parts, 258, — to be jus- tices of the peace, 168, 170 ; the revenues applied to the expenses of the King's household, 200, 202, 207, 215, — for payment of the King's debts, 332, — to be paid to the Treasurer of England for the necessity of the realm, 261, — not to extend to the lands in feoff- ment, 263 ; feoffees thereof to the use of the Will of King Henry v., 202, 209,— and to perform the Will of King Henry VI., 220, 232, 235,— new appointment in room of those deceased, 241, 204, — for performance of the Will of King Edward IV., 326,— repeal of act of feoffment, 346, — feoffment to the uses of the Will of King Henry VII., 349, — new appointment in room of those deceased, 350 ; feoffees thereof shall enjoy the same liberties and jura regalia as when the lands were in the King's hands, 235, 236, 256,— the lands shall not be governed by a distinct seal and' officers, but by the officers and seal of the Duchy, as in ancient times before the feoff- ment, 258, 329 ; Attorney-Ge- neral thereof, 258, 339 ; Auditors of north and south parts thereof, 258, 263 ; Chamberlain thereof, 198 ; Chancellor thereof, 258, 283, 324 ; Receiver- General thereof, 198,215, 258,261,263. Lancaster, honor of, 349. Lancaster, Henry Earl of, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 13, 16, 19, 42, 113, 296. Lancaster, Henry Earl of, (son of Earl Henry), 6, 9, 17, — created Duke of Lancaster, 9. 14, 71, 102, 110, 152, 285, 293,— his co-heirs, Blanche and Matilda, 12, 14, 71, 110,293. Lancaster, Henry (son of King Henry IV.) Duke of, 141, 146. Lancaster, John Earl of, 12, 14, 65, 105, 288,— created Duke of, 17, 21, 26, 32, 35, 45, 49, 55, 62, 65, 68, 70, 74, 80, 86, 102, 103, 105, 109, 113, 119, 122, 125, 133, 138, 152, 285, 293, 296, 303, 308, 321. Lancaster, title of Duke of, 70, 109, 293, — borne by Henry, eldest son of King Henry IV., 141. Langeney, manor of 365. Langton, John, 221, 224, 226, 228, 230. INDEX. 379 Lastage, acquittance of, 2, 19, 42, 74, 113, 15G, 296. Latymer, John le, 149. Latymer, William, Chamberlain, 31, 54, 85, 124, 308. Langham, lordship of, 364. Laughton-in-le-Morthen, town of, 35, 55, 86, 125, 308. manor of, 233, 247, 271. Lee, East, manor of, 181. Lee, John atte. Steward, 18, 24, 48, 80, 119,302. Leicester, castle, honor, and manor of, 327. ■ county of, 229, 245, 268, 327, 342. Leighs. manor of, 175. Leon, King of, — see Castille. Lescrope, Richard, 70, 110, 149,293. Leventhorp, John, 193. Liberties, bailiffs of, 41, — see Bailiffs. Lincoln, county of, 12, 14, 71, HO, 229. 245, 268, 293, 327, 342. Lincoln, Henry Earl of, 14, 110, — see also Lancaster. Lincoln, John Bishop of, 15, 72, 1 11, 247, 252, 253, 255, 270, 275, 295. Lincoln, Philip Bishop of, 148. Lincoln, Thomas Bishop of, 327, 341. Lincoln, William Bishop of, 221, 223, 226, 228, 232. Lisle, Sir Robert de, Knight, 27, 51, 82, 121, 304 Litchfield, John Bishop of, 148, 252, 253, 275. Liveries, — see Wards. Llandaff, John Bishop of, 252, 253. Llandaff, Thomas Bishop oi\ 148. Llangoit, lordship of, 192, 193. London, Bishop of, 355. London, Nicholas Bishop of, 148. London, Ralph Bishop of, 4. liondon, Robert Bishop of, 70, 98, 110, 137, 221, 223, 226, 228, 293, 320. London, Simon Bishop of, 31, 54, 85, 124, 307. London, Thomas Bishop of, 252, 253, 274, 275. Long Bennington, lordship and manor of, 176, 327, 342. Longstock, manor of, 224, 243, 266. Lords, seals of, 145. Lough ton, lordship of, 364. Lovell, John Lord de, 149. Lyhert, Walter, 221, 224, 226, 228; Bishop of Norwich, 230, 253,— see also Norwich. M. Mainour, 98, 137, 161, 320. Malmsbury, Abbot of, 149. Manningford, manor of, 178. March, earldom of, 332. Mare, Robert de la, 15, 72, 111, 295. Maresfield, church of, 27, 51, 82, 304. - free chapel of, 27, 51, 82, 304. manor of, 28, 35, 51, 55, 82, 86, 121, 125. 305, 308. Margaret, Queen of England, 280. Market, Clerk of, cognisance of mat- ters pertaining to the office of, 96, 135, 159, 318. Marriages, 37, 57, 88, 127, 310; the royal prerogative in respect thereof in the heritage of the earldom of Hereford, 100 ; and in the heritage of liancaster, out of the County Palatine, 139, 155 ; — see also Wardships. Marshal, Thomas Earl, 320. Mary, daughter and co-heir of Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford, &c., 99, 151, 172, 182, 187, 192. Mashbury, manor of, 75. Matilda, one of the daughters and co-heirs of Henry Duke of Lan- caster, 12, 14, 71, 111, 294. Mauley, Peter de, 149. Meremest, Abbey of St. Martin de, — see Withiham Priory. Meres, Roger de, 31, 54, 85, 125, 308. Methwold, manor of, 222, 242, 265. Michelliam, monastery of, 354. Mildenhall, manor of, 365. Milkeley, manor of, 364. Minsterworth, manor of, 224, 243, 266. Moleyns, Adam, 221, 224, 226, 228 ; Bishop of Chichester, 230;— sec also Chichester. Mone, Guy. Keeper of the privy seal, 98, 137, 320. Monkton Farley, court of the honor of, 176, 183. Monmouth, castle, lordsliip, and manor of, 2:i8, 245, 268. 380 [NDEX. Montacute, William de, Earl of Salisbury, 31, 54, 85, 124, 308. Montgomery, Sir Thomas, Knight, 327, 341. More, manor of, 364. Morley, Thomas Lord de, 1 49. Moubray, John, 31, 54, 85, 125, 308. MiUington, William, 252, 253, 275, 276. Mundenhall, lordship of, 364. Norwich, Keeper of the bishopric of, 148. Norwich, Walter Bishop of, 232, 241, 247, 255, 264, 266, 270, 275,— see also Lyhert. Nottingham, county of, 28, 51, 82, 121, 233, 248, 271, 304, 328, 342. Nottingham, Thomas Earl of, 98, 137. Nuthampstead, manor of, 176. N. Netherhavent, view of frank- pledge of, 176. 183. Nevill, John de, 18 ; Steward, 31, 54, 85, 124, 308. Nevill, Sir John, Knight, 275, 276. Nevill, Ralph de, 18. Neuraarche, John, 15, 72, 111, 295. Newcastle-under-Lyme, castle, lord- ship, and manor of, 233, 247, 270. Newnham, manor of, 179, 183. Newton, castle and manor of, 178, 182. Non-user, 93, 132, 315. Noreys, John, 221, 224, 226, 228, 231, 233, 241, 247, 253, 255, 264, 266,270,275. Norfolk, county of, 15, 28, 51, 72, 82, 111, 121,218, 222, 229, 233, 234, 242, 245, 248, 249, 265, 268, 271, 294, 304. Normandy, duchy of, 326. Northampton, county of, 221, 242, 265, 327, 342 ; fee of the county of, 180, 183 ; earldom of, 163, 169, 184 ; Earl of, 11-2,— see also Bohun. North Erpingham, hundred of, 28, 51, 82, 121, 222, 242, 265, 304. North Greenhoe, hundred of, 28, 51, 82, 121,304. Northumberland, county of, 328, 342. Northumberland, Henry Earl of, 70,98, 110, 137, 221, 224, 226, 228, 230, 232, 252, 253, 280, 293, 320. Norton, manor of, 181. Norwich, church of, 340. Norwich, James Bishop of, 340, — see also Goldwell. Oaksey, manor of, 176. OiFton, manor of, 177. Ogmore, castle, lordsWip, and manor of, 228, 245, 268. Okeden, 233, 248, 271. Olney, manor of, 364. Ossett, manor of, 365. Oxford, county of, 234, 249. Oxford, John Earl of, 252, 253, 275. Oxford, Richard Earl of, 149. Oxford, Thomas de Vere Earl of. Chamberlain, 18. Palatinate rights, grant of, in the county of Lancaster, — see Lan- caster. Pardon of life, saved by the Crown in the grant of the County Pala- tine, — see Lancaster, County Pa- latine. Parks, 37, 57, 88, 127,310. Parliament, knights and burgesses for the County Palatine, — see Lancaster. Parliamentary aids and taxes saved to the Crown in the grant of the County Palatine, 10, 33, 69,— collectors thereof to be appointed by the Duke of Lancaster, 11, 33, 70, — see also Lancaster. Parnyng, Robert, 4. Parre, Sir William, Knight, 327, 341. Passage, acquittance of, 2, 42, 74, 113, 156,296. Paston, town of, 218. Paston, William, 218. Paviage, acquittance of, 2, 19, 42, 74, 113, 156,296. INDEX. 381 Payage, acquittance of, 2, 19, 42, 74, 113, 156,296. Pelmarsh, marsh of, 181. Pembroke, Jasper Earl of, 252, 253, 275. Penkelly, lordship of, 192, 193. Percy, Henry de, 4, 31, 41, 54, 61, 85,92, 124, 131,308,314. Percy, Thomas de, Steward,98, 137, 320. Pesage, acquittance of, 2, 19, 42, ^4, 113, 156, 296. Peterborough, Abbot of, 148. Peter, Sir W., 355. Pevensey, castle and leucata of, 28, 35, 51, 55, 82, 86, 121, 125, 305, 308. castle, lordship, manor, and honor of, 228, 245, 268. castle, free chapel within, 28, 51, 82, 121, 304. Picage, acquittance of, 2, 19, 42, 74, 113, 156, 296. Pickering, castle, manor, and lordship of, 233, 248, 271, 328, 342. Piggesland, lordship of, 364. Pirton, manor of, 176, 182. Philippa, Queen of England, 36, 55, 87, 126, 309. Pleas of the Crown, attachment of, 2,7,19,22,45,77, 97, 116, 136, 160, 300, 319. Pleas of withernam, 13, 15, 16, 73, 112. Pleas, justices assigned to hold, — see Justices. Pleshey, castle and manor, 175, 182. Plumtree, wapentake of, 233, 247, 270. Pontefract, — see Pountfret. Ponynges, Roliert, 149. Poole, manor of, 178, 234, 248, 271. Post-fines, 94, 133, 156, 316. Pountfret, honor, castle, &c., of, 328, 342. Power, Walter, 15, 72, 111, 295. Prae-fines, 94, 133, 156, 316. Presentations to ecclesiastical bene- fices belonging to the heritage of the earldom of Hereford, — see Hereford ; and to the Duchy of liancaster, — see Lancaster. Prisot, John, 252, 253. QuENDO^f, manor of, 175. R. Ramsden, manor of, 181. Ramsey, Abbot of, 149. Rastrick, manor of, 365. Rasyn, William, 178. Raunds, manor of, 221, 241, 264. Reading, Abbot of, 149. Receiver- General of the Duchy of Lancaster, — see Lancaster, Duchy of. Receivers of the heritage of the earldom of Hereford accountable befoi'e special auditors, 101 ; same as to the Duchy of Lancaster, 140, 155. Recognizances forfeited, — see Fines, Reliefs, — see Wardships. Return of writs, 6, 15, 16, 19, 22, 40, 45, 60, 73, 77, 91, 97, 112, 116, 130, 136, 160, 295, 300, 313, 319. Richmond, earldom of, 26, 35, 49, 55, 80, 86, 119, 122, 125, 126, 303, 308. Richmond, Earl of, 49, 80, 110, 119. Richmond, John Earl of, 12, 14, 71, 294, — see also Lancaster. Rie, manor of, — see Rye. Rippon, manor and lordship of, 354. Risley, wapentake of, 233, 247, 270. Rivers, Anthony Earl, 327, 341. Rochester, John Bishop of, 252, 253, 274, 275. Rochester, the Keeper of the bishop- ric of, 148. Roclifl*e, manor of, 233, 248,271. Roddeley, manor of, 2 1 3, 217. Rodmere, lands called, 242, 265. Roos, William Lord de, 149. Rothewell, Thomas, Esquire, 217. Roth well, Elizabeth, 217. Rumbilowe, Stephen, 221, 242, 265. Rushden, manor of, 221, 241, 264. Russell, Master John, Keeper of the privy seal, 327, 341. Rutland, Earl of, 281. Rutland, Edward Earl of, 98, 137, 320. Ruthyn, Lord de Grey of, — see Grey. Rye or Rie, manor of, 213, 217. Saint Alban's, Abbot of, 148. Saint Alban's, John Abbot of, 275. 382 INDEX. Saint Alban's, town of, 281. Saint Asaph's, Thomas Bishop of, 252, 253. Saint Benett's, Thomas Abbot and convent of, 340. Saint David's, Adam Bishop of. Chancellor, 41, 61, 92, 131, 314. Saint David's, Guy Bishop of, 148. Saint David's, John Bishop of, Treasurer, 70, 110, 293. Saint David's, John Bishop of, 232, 247, 255, 266, 270,— by the name of John Delabere, Clerk, 241, 264 ; — see also Delabere. Saint John of Jerusalem, in Eng- land, Walter Prior of the hospital of, 149. Saint JMartin de Meremest abbey, in Toui-ain, — see Withiham, priory. Saint Mary de Greston abbey, in Normandy, — see Wilmingdon, priory. Saintlo, John, 221, 224, 226, 228, 231 . Salisbury, Richard Bishop of, 148, 327, 341. Salisbury, William Bishop of, 221, 224, 226, 228, 232. Salisbury, Earl of, 13, 16, 70, 74, 110, 113,281,293,296. Salisbury, Richard Earl of, 275. Sandall, manor of, 365. Sarum, — see Salisbury. Sawston, view of, 178, 183. Say, James Lord de, 232. Sav, John, 233, 247, 253, 255, 270, 275, 276. Say, William, 232, 247, 253, 255, 270, 275, 276. Scalby, manor of, 233, 248, 271. Scammonden, manor of, 365. Scotland, 280. Sci-iven, manor of, 233, 248, 271. Scrope Henry le, of Masham, 149. Scrope, Richard de. Treasurer, 31, 54, 85, 124, 308. Seaford, town of, 35, 55, 86, 125, 308. Seal of the Duchy of Lancaster, 283, 324 ; all matters passed there- under, relative to the affairs of the Duchy, to be valid, 162 ; the heritage of Hereford made sub- ject thereto, 164, 165; presenta- tions to ecclesiastical benefices shall pass thereunder, 165 ; all grants, &c , under any other seal. null and void, 170 ; matters con- nected with lands in hands of the feoffees to pass under a seal or- dained for the same, 239 — shall not pass under a distinct seal, but under the Duchy Seal, as before the feoffment, 258, 278. Seal of the County Palatine, 283, 324. Seend, manor of, 181. Selby, Abbot of, 149. Seuer, Henry, 221, 224, 226, 228, 232, 247, 255, 270. Seymour, Richard I^ord de, 149, Shapwick, manor of, 224, 243, 266. Sharpe, Nicholas, 275, 276. Sheen, 92, 243, 264, 266. Shenfield, manor of, 175, 182. Sheriffs and bailiffs, fines and amercements of, for negligence, 41, 60, 92, 97, 136, 160, 314, 319. Shirington, Walter, 221, 224, 226, 228, 231. Shrewsbury Abbot of, 148. Skenfreth, castle, lordship, and manor of. 228, 245, 268. Smithdon, hundred of, 28, 51, 82, 121, 304. Snaith, manor and soke of, 224,243, 266. Snettisham, manor of, 28, 51, 82, 121, 222, 242, 265,304. Soham, manor of, 28, 51, 82, 121, 222, 242, 265, 305. Sombourn, manor of, 224, 243, 266. Somerset, John, 221, 224, 226, 228, 230, 232. Somerset, county of, 234, 249. Somerset, John Duke of, 149. Somerset, Henry Duke of, 280. Somersham, manor of, 177- Southampton, county of, 224, 234, 243, 249, 266. Southam, manor of, 179. South Erpingham, hundred of, 28, 51, 82, 222, 242, 265, 304. Southorp, manor of, 181. South Wales, marches of, 228, 245, 268. Sowerby, manor of, 365. Speen, manor of, 177. Speen, Wood, manor of, — see Wood Speen. Stafford. Ralph de, 4. Stafford, county of, 233, 247, 270, 327, 342. Stafford, Lady Anne Countess of. INDEX. 383 173, 188 ; daughter and heir of Eleanor, one of the daughters and co-heirs of the Earl of Hereford, 17*2 ; her petition to the King, 182, 192, 197. Stainclitf, hundred of, 51, 82, 121. wapentake of, 28, 233, 248, 304. Staindrop, church of, 27, 51, 82, 121, 304. Stallage, acquittance of, 2, 19, 42, 74, 113, 156,296. Stamford Hall, lordship of, 364. Stamford Rivers, lordship of, 364. Standen, manor of, 222, 242,.265. Stanley, manor of, 365. Stewards of the Duchy of Lancaster, for north and south parts, 258, — shall he justices of the peace, 168, 170. Stillyngton, Robert, 275, 276. Stoke, manor of, 365. Stratton, manor of, 181. Stratford, manor of, 365. Strays, — see Wayfs. Stratford, hundred, 183. Sudbury, manor of, 365. Sudley, Ralph Lord de, 221, 224, 226, 228, 230, 232, 241, 247, 252, 253, 255, 264, 266, 270, 275, 276. Suffolk, countv of, 15, 28, 51, 72, 82, 111, 121', 294, 305, 364. Suffolk, Michael Earl of, 149. Suffolk, Robert Earl of, 18. Suffolk, William Earl of, 221, 224 ; Marquis of, 226, 228, 230 ; Duke of, 232. Summons of the Exchequer, 6, 19, 22, 40, 45, 60, 77, 91, 97. 116, 130, 136, 160, 300, 313, 319. Sussex, county of, 28. 51, 82, 122, 228, 234, 245, 249, 268, 305, 369. Suttons, lordship of, 364. Swindon, 233, 248, 271. Swinford, Sir Thomas, Knight, 217. Symeon, Simon, 15, 72, 111, 295. T. Talbot, Gilbert Lord de, 149. Tallage, acquittance of, 2, 19, 42, 74, 113,156, 196. Thetford, manor of, 222, 242, 265. Thetford, monks of. 222, 242, 265. Thomson, John, 369. Thornes, manor of, 365. Thorney, Abbot of, 149. Thorp, Robert de, Chancellor, 31, 54,85, 124,308. Tibburse, lordship of, .364. Tibertonor Tyberton, manor of, 2 13, 217. Tybetot or Typtot,Sir John, Knight, 144, 149 ; seal of his arms, 145. Tickhill, castle, manor, and honor of, 27, 35, 50, 65, 82, 86, 121, 125, 229, 245, 268, 304, 308, 328, 342. free chapel of, 27, 51, 82, 120,304. Tolls, acquittance of, 2, 6, 22, 45, 77, 116, 156,299. Touchet, John, 149. Traces, lordship of, 364. Treasure trove, 97, 137, 161, 320. Treasurer of England, 261, 333,— see also Chancellor, Tresham, Thomas, 252. Tresham, William, 221, 224, 226, 228,231,233. Trowbridge, manor of, 224, 243, 266. Tunstall, Richard, 252, 253. TunsteaH, manor of, 222, 242,265. Tuthurv, honor, castle, lordship, and manor of, 327, 342. Tyrell, Thomas, 275, 276. U. Uphaven, manor of, 176, 183. Upper Lambourne, manor of, 177. Vampage, John, 221, 224, 226, 228,231,233. W. Wakefield, manor of, 365. Wakering, manor of, 181. Walden, manor of, 174. Walden, Roger, Treasurer, 98, 137, 320. Wales, Edward Prince of, 13, 16, 74,11.3,280,296. Wales, Henry Prince of, — see Lan- caster. Wales, marches of, 197, 224, 228, 243, 245, 266, 332. Waltham, Abbot of, 148. INDEX. Waltham, manor of, 175, 178, 182. Ward, the King's, prerogative there- of saved, 339 ; embezzlers there- of, writs to be granted out of Chancery against them for the Duchy, as for the Crown, 339. Wards and liveries, act concerning, 351. Wardington, manor of, 221, 242, 265. Wardships, 37, 57, 88, 127, 310 ; the King in right of his Duchy shall not be deprived thereof, and of marriages and reliefs, by reason of feoiFments in trusts, 337. Warfedale, 233, 248, 271. Warre, Master Thomas de la, 149. Warwick, county of, 327, 342. Warwick, Richard Earl of, 149, 261, 275. Warwick, Thomas Earl of, 4, 13, 16, 74,113,296. Warrens, 37, 57, 88, 127, 310. Wavfs and strays, 37, 57, 88, 97, 136, 161, 320. Weldon, 221,241,265. Welles, John de, 149. Welles, Leo Lord de, 252, 253, 275, 276. Wells, Henry Bishop of, 148. Wells, John Bishop of. Treasurer, 24, 48,79, 119. Wells, John Bishop of, 302. Wells, Robert Bishop of, 327, 341. Wells, Thomas Bishop of, 221, 224, 226, 228, 232, 241, 247, 252, 253, 255, 264, 266, 270, 274, 275. Westbury, William, 232, 247, 252, 253, 255, 270, 275, 276. Westcott, lands in, 177, 183. West Greenwich, moiety of certain tenements in, 180. Westminster, Abbot of, 148. Westminster, Simon Abbot of. Trea- surer, 13. Westmoreland, Ralph Earl of, 149. Weston, manor of, 224, 243, 266, Wheatenhurst, manor of, 178, 182. Wheatley, manor of, 28, 51, 82, 121, 233,247,271,304. Whetehamstede, John, Abbot of St. Alban's, 275. Whitecastle, castle, lordship, and manor of, 228, 245, 268. Whitechapel, see Blaunchappulton. Whitgift, manor of, 28, 52, 83, 122. the fee-farm called, 226, 244, 267. Wickes, manor of, 175, 182. Wighton, manor of, 28, 51, 82, 121, 222, 242, 265, 304. Willingdon, manor of, 28, 51, 82, 121, 305. Willoughby, William Lord de, 149. Wills of lands, 338. Wilmingdon, priory of, — a cell of the abbey of St. Mary de Greston in Normandy, 28, 51, 82, 121, 304. Wilsford, manor of, 181. Wilts, county of, 221, 224, 234, 242, 243, 248, 249, 265, 266, 271. Wilts, James Earl of, 252, 253. Wimborne, manor of, 224, 243, 266. Winchester, Henry Bishop of, 148. Winchester, Harry Bishop of, Car- dinal of England, 209. Winchester, William Bishop of, 31, 54, 85, 124, 232, 247, 252, 253, 255, 270, 274, 275, 307. Winchester, William Bishop of. Chancellor, 13, 16, 17, 70, 73, 110, 113,293,296. Winchcombe, Abbot of, 1 49. Windsor, castle of, 227, 245, 267. Wirksworth, manor and town of, 2,33. wapentake of, 233, 247, 270. Withernam, pleas of, 1, 13, 15, 16, 73, 112. Withiham, priory of, a cell of the abbey of St. Martin de Mere- mest in Tourain, 28, 51, 82, 121, 304. Wodelarke, Robert, 232, 247, 252, 253, 255, 270, 275, 276. Woodhall, manor of, 365. Wood Speen, manor of, 182, 234, 248, 271. Woodstock, Thomas of. Constable of England, 41, 61, 92, 131, 314. Worcester, church of, 241. Worcester, Henry Bishop of. Trea- surer, 41, 61, 92, 131,314. Worcester, John Bishop of, 224, 226, 228, 232, 241, 247, 252, 253, 255, 264, 266, 270, 274, 275. Worcester, Richard Bishop of, 148. Worcester, Tideman Bishop of, 98, 137, 320. Wreck, 38,57, 88, 128, 311. Writs, execution of, 40, 60, 91, 97, 130, 136, 160,313. INDEX. 385 Writs, return of, 1, 2, 6, 15, 16, 19, 22, 40, 45, 60, 73, 77, 91, 97, 112, 116, 130, 136, 160,295, 300, 313, 319. Writtle, manor of, 180. Wychyngham, William de, 31, 54, 85, 125, 308. Wycombe, manor of, 177- Y. Yarkhill, manor of, 178. Year, day, and waste, 94, — see also Forfeitures. York, Abbot and convent of St. Mary's at, 28, 52, 83, 122, 149, 305. York, Archbishop, and Dean and Chapter of, 354. York, Keeper of the Spirituality of the archbishopric of, 148. York, Thomas Archbisliop of, 70, 98,110,137,293,320. York, John Cardinal and Archbishop of, 221, 223,226, 228, 231. York, William Archbishop of, 252, 253, 274, 275. York, county of, 28, 51, 82, 121, 217, 224, 226, 229, 233, 243, 248, 266, 271, 304, 328, 342, 369. York, Duchy of, 332. York, Edward Duke of, 70, 98, 110, 137,149,293,320. York, Richard Duke of, 279. York, Cecily Duchess of, 348. Z. ZouCHE, William Lord dela, 149. THE END. London ; Printed by S & J. Bkntley, WrtsoH, and Fr,E? Bangor House, Shoe Lane. 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