UC-NRLF B M 032 3M3 ROMANI AND DARD By GEORGE F. BLACK, Ph.D. NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1916 ROMANI AND DARD By GEORGE F. BLACK, Ph.D. NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY I 9 1 6 Reprinted August 1916 FROM THE Bulletin of The New York Public Library OF May 1916 w ROMANI AND DARD^ v/ y^ By George F. Black, Ph.D. /^^ N looking over Leitner's Vocabulaire comparatif dcs langnes parlees entre ^^ Kaboiil et Kachrnir ^ I was struck with the close resemblance many of the words in his lists bore to Romani. More careful study of his vocabu- laries, which include ten languages, has enabled me to compile the following comparative list. The Romani words are all from Paspati.^ (As.) distinguishes Asiatic- Romani words given by him. Where the Dard word has the same meaning as the Romani no translation of it is given. The Dard languages listed by Leitner are the following: Ar. = Arnyia. Spoken in Chitral. The language is also known as Chitrali. As. = Astori. A dialect of Shina. Astor is on the left bank of the Indus. Deh. = Dehgani. Gh. = Ghilgiti or Gilgiti. A dialect of Shina, on the right bank of the Indus along the lower course of the Gilgit river. Both gs are pronounced hard like g in give. Ghal. = Ghalchah. K. = Kachmiri. Kaf. = Kafiri. The language of the Siah-Posh tribes of Kafirstan. Kal. = Kalasha-Mander. The language of the Bashgeli Kafirs. Kand. = Kandia or Kilia. Kh. = Khajuna. Spoken by the people of Henza and Nager. Shina or Sina is the language spoken by the people of Astor, Gilgit, Chilas, etc. The Dards are an Aryan people, speaking a Sanskritic tongue. Romani Dard (1) agori "horse" (As.) ----- hagurr, haghiirr, Kh. (2) angar "coal" - yangar, K. dngdr, Kand.; angar, Ar., Deh., angdr, aiigd, K. "fire." ^ This is the third article on Romani to appear in the Bulletin. The otliers were An Amcrican- Romani Vocabulary, by Albert Thomas Sinclair, compiled and edited by (Jeorge V. Black, published in the Bulletin October, 1915, vol. 19, p. 727-738; and Avesta and Romani, also by Sinclair, and also edited l»y Dr. Black, in the Bulletin December, 1915, vol. 19, p. 955-957. 2 Congres international des sciences ethnographiqucs, tenu a Paris dn 15 an 17 juillet, 1878. Comftes rendus, p. 898-1003. Paris, 1881. ^ Etudes sur les Tchinghiancs on Bohctniens dc I'empire Ottoman. Constantinople, 1870. [3 J 34U953 •nil-: NEW YOlvlK PUBLIC LIBRARY Ro.MAM DaRD angi'tl "finger" (As.) - . - - aiujinr, Kal. aiigtistri "ring" ------ aiigushtcr, Kal.; tingtista, Kaf.; augu.zcri, Kami. ani "egg" (As.) ------ hane, Gh. as-ava "to laugh" ------ Jiass (imp.), A.s. habo "father" (As.) ----- baba, Deh. bakro "sheep" ------- bakaro "he goat," Kand. bal "hair" -------- bal "wool of goats," Kh.; zval "hair," K. baldjan, badjaii "eggplant" (As.) bad-riinga "cucumber," Deh. bard "great, large" ------ baro, Gh. bash-ava "to cry, call" - - - - bash "abuse," Gh. bav "foot" (As.) ------ pad, K. b'lbi "aunt" -------- papi (lit. "sister of father"), Gh. but "much" -------- bhut, Kh. dad, dat "father" ------ tat, Ghal.; tat, Ar.; tatt, Kaf. danf "tooth" -------- dont, dint, and dimt, Kaf.; doiin, Gh., As., Ar. dar "door" -------- darr, Gh. dd-va "to give" ------- dc, Deh.; dc, Gh., As., Kal.; di, K. (all imp.) dives "dav" -------- des, Gh.; dcis and dis, Kand.; dies. As.; duwas, Deh. djib "language" (As.) - - - - djipp, Kand.; djipp, Kal.; jipp, As., Gh. — all = "tongue." djor, tcJwr "beard" ----- dor, K.; dari, Kand.; darce, Deh.; dan, Kaf. djov "barley" ------- yS, Gh.; yu, Kaf.; ya, Deh. dur "long" -------- dfir "far," As., Gh., K., Kand. gadjo "stranger" ------ nadjan, Ar. \gdtsJia "a stranger" (anyone who is not a Changar). — Leitner, Sketch of the Chan- gars, p. 9.] giir "foot" (As.) ------ kiir, Kand.; kur, kor, hiitr, Kaf.; kurr, Kal.; kher, K. hirtch "bear" (As.) ----- drtc;, Ar.; itsh, Kand. kak "armpit" ------- dkhae, Kh. kann "ear" -------- kdnn, kon, As., Gh.; kaiin, K.; kdn, Kand. kasht "wood" ------- katsh "forest," Ar. kcr "house" -------- gharo, K. kerdl "cheese" ------- kirar, Deh.; killd, kela, Kaf. khar "hole" -------- kor, Gh.; kor, As., gdro, Kand. All meaning "hole." klid-va "to eat" ------- khd. As., Gh.; khe, K. = "eat" (imp.) kher "ass" -------- khar, K.; kharr, Kand.; kliaray, Deh. kiii-ava "to 1 uy" ------ gine "buy" (imp.), Kand. kill "Initter" -------- ghil, Kand. lokd "light" -------- Idko, Gh., As. laid "red" -------- lolo. As.; loilu, Gh. (40 (41 (42 (43 (44 (45 (46 (47 (48 (49 (50 (51 (52 (53 (54 (55 (56 (57 (58 (59 (60 ROMANI AND DARD 5 ROMANI DaRI) Ion "salt" --------- Ion, Kal.; loon, Deh.; IiUii, Kand. maki "fly" -------- niaclih, K.; matshi, Gh., As.; maks, Ghal. mannsh "man" ------- maniis, Kaf.; mtishd, pi. manujje, Gh.; musha, pi. mannjje. As. ?»a.y "meat" -------- ?;;«;-, K.; jHo^r "flesh," Gh., As.; ntasiu, Kand. mdsek "month" ------- ;;?a.y "moon," Ar., Kaf. mate ho "fish" ------- matzi, Ar., Kal. matfo "drunk" ------- iii2tt, K. viishto "good, pleasant" - - - - uiishto "good," Gh.. As. moh "face" (As.) ------ mukh, Ar., Kaf., Kand.; miikk, Gh.; vibkh, K. mol "wine" -------- ^nd^ Kh. nat-cheri "dance" ------ nat-kari "dance" (imp.), Kal. nav "name" -------- nan.', K. nile "blue" (As.) ------ uilo, Gh., As.; n'llo, Kand., nila, Kal. pant "water" ------- pony, K. parno "white" ------- pancro, Kand. patrin "leaf" -------- patr, K.; puttra, Deh.; patu, Gli.; pattii, As. peko "cooked" ------- pakko "ripe," Gh., As. pen "sister" -------- bei'i, Kand. pendir "cheese" (As.) ----- panir, Ghal. phurano, purano "old" - - - - pariino, Kh.; prano, Gh., As.; praiiu, Ar., K. pishika, pisika "cat" ----- pishak, Deh.; pushak, Kal.; />;/.?/»', .^r.; pishati, pishiu, Kaf.; /'/.rA, Ghal.; bush, Kli.; ^ffj/;, Kand. (61) pishot "bellows" ------ pusliJic, "blow," imp., Kal. (62) porikin "fruit tree" ----- birdng "tree," Kh. (63) posom, poshom "wool" - - - - pashmina, As.; pasli, Gh. (64) pral "brother" ------- brar, Ar. (65) piishto "back" (As.) ----- plto, Gh. (66) piitchdva "to ask" ------ putchi "ask" (imper.), Kal. (67) ratt "blood" -------- rdt, rdto, Kand.; rath, K. (68) ratt "night" -------- ratt, Kal.; rati. As., Gh. (69) ritchini "bear" ------ itch. As., Gh.; itsh, Kand.; itc, Kal. (70) rup "silver" -------- yup. As., Gh., Kh.; rCip, Kand.; rop, K. (71) sap "serpent" ------- sanip, K. (72) sarro "all" -------- sari, sorui, K. (7?)) shastcr "iron" ------- sliistcrr, K. (74) sherd "head" ------- sher, K.; shir, Deh.; sdr, Ghal; sorr, Ar. (75) shila "fever" ------- shdl, Gh., Kaf. (76) shilalo "cold" ------- shidalo, Gh. (77) shing "horn" ------- shhig, Gh.; shang, Deh.; singh, Kaf.; /u'a;;*; and /z«?M5r, K. (78) shiiko "dry" -------- shiiko. As., Gh.; shiikclo, Kand. 6 . THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY ROMANI DaRD (79) shunava "hear" ------- shiiiin, As.; kshilin, Deh. (80) sovava "sleep" ------ so, Gh., As. (imper.) (81) stiari "star" (As.) ------ star, Ghal.; isidri. At.; istarik, Deh.; faro, Gh.. K., Kand. (82) sukdr "beautiful" ------ sugai, Kand. (83) tatto "hot" -------- tatd, Gh., As. (84) tcham "cheek" ------- harom, Gh.; hardnt, As.; harame, Kand. (85) tchar "grass" ------- tshdr, K.; tschdrr, Gh., As. (86) tchi "gill" -------- tshey "woman," Gh., As. (87) tchinn-ava "cut" - tshinn (imper.), Gh., As.; tshinni, Kal. (88) tchuri, tchori "knife" ----- tshiirr, Gh., Kh. (89) tover "axe" -------- tipar, Ghal. (90) vanro "egg" -------- ondrak, Kal. (91) varo "flour" -------- brai, bre, Kaf. (92) vast "hand" -------- host, Ar.; has, Kand.; dhast, Ghal.; dosht, dusht, Kaf. (93) vat "stone" -------- bat, Kand.; batt, Gh., As., Kal. (94) vcsh "forest" ------- katsh, Ar. (95) viisht "lip" -------- iisht "lips, mouth," Kal.; usht "lips," Kaf.; oosht "lips," Deh. ,■.-,,. jS'-vO^',, ;^^^^''7l*^j|fi5»^arlt::AV^^^'•A:g^rftfa>^■.' ^-""-^'^-^- r^v^.fc^;.-^"! THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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