UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY CONCISE Irccciicnts in C0ni)cji|ancinjg; ADAPTED TO THE ACT TO AMEND THE LAW OF REAL PROPERTY, 8 & 9 VICT. Cat. 106; WITH lACTICAL NOTES, AND OBSERVATIONS ON THE ACT, AND ON THE ACT FOR THE CESSER OF ATTENDANT TERMS. BY CHARLES DAVIDSON, OF LINCOLN'S IKN, ESQ., BARBISTER AT LAW. Mil) eiiiion. LONDON: ILLIAM MAXWELL, 32, BELL YARD, LINCOLN'S INN, l,eal cannot work any possible injury; while, to leave in existence a set of anomalous limitations, anomalous, not in their own. nature, and on the face of the instrument, (for they would there ap- pear in the legitimate fonn of remainders), but because created under the brief influence of an abrogated law, would tend only to embarrass titles, and to mislead the practitioner. " 2. But the enactment in question was framed Avith a larger view than that of merely preventing the technical destruction (as it may be termed) of contingent remainders (created after the 31st De- cember, 1844) by the premature determination of the pai'ticular estate. The expedient of transmut- ing contingent remainders into executory limita- tions was not adopted without a reasonable object, an object, indeed, wdiich on the impression may seem to require the substitution of a provi- sion at least equally comprehensive. As ordina- rily a contingent remainder to unborn issue is limited to the immediate issue of the particular tenant for life, (ex. gr. to A. for life, remainder to his unborn children in tail), so that the contin- gency must happen, if it happen at all, in his life- time, a statutory provision, though confined to the protection of contingent remainders against the acts of the particular tenant, would yet em- 44 LETTER FROM H. BELLENDEN KER brace the great majority of cases. Still cases do not unfrequeutly occur, (ex. gr. the case of a limit- ation to A. for life, remainder to the unborn child- ren of B. in tail), in which a stronger provision is requisite, in order to prevent the natui'al expira- tion of the particular estate from eventually dis. appointing all or some of the objects of the con- tingent remainder, (ex. gr. children of B. born after the death of A.) This view of the subject has engaged our attention, and it is not without full discussion and mature consideration that we have rejected the arguments which it supplies in fa- vour of the existing enactment. The grounds of our opinion against tlie expediency of attempting more, at present, than simply to place contingent re- mainders beyond the reach of accidents occurring to the pax-ticular estate, are chiefly these : — 1. That, admitting the law to be, as regards the cases in question, defective, the mischief is not jDeculiar to contingent remainders, but, in some degree at least, affects generally future gifts to classes of jier- sonal as well as of real estate. Thus, if personal estate be limited to A. for life, and after his death to the children of B., and if B. survive A., and have children, some boni before, some after A.'s death, the after-born children are excluded ; for, though, if there be no child of B. born before A.'s death, the gift will open from time to time to let in all the after-born children ; yet, if there be a child antecedently born, then, on A.'s death, the gift finally closes. And the same rule ap- TO THE LORD CHANCELLOR. 4o plies to even an executory bequest, so that if personal estate be bequeathed to A., with a be- quest over, in the event of his death under twenty- one, to the children of B., children born before the happening of the contingency take in exclusion of after-born children. Such, at least, is the effect of the rules which govern the construction of gifts to classes, as those rules are propounded by text writei-s of authority. 2. That the question as to the adequacy of an eqiiitable limitation, in the na- ture of a contingent remainder, to embrace a larger class than that which would be entitled to take under a corresponding legal limitation, does not appear to be perfectly settled, but ought not to be disregarded in any legislative alteration of this branch of the law. 3. That, in the above ex- ample of a contingent remainder to the children of B., the utmost effect of transmuting it (if that were practicable) into an executory limitation would be to let in the after-born children, in the event, and only in the event, of the non-existence of any other object entitled under the limitation ; but to touch the general doctrine, which ascer- tains the class with reference to the period of dis- tribution, without rendering the gift capable of embracing, in all events, all the intended objects, would be to tamper with legal rules, without satis- fying any moral principle. In short, we were ap- prehensive, that, by extending our views beyond the correction of a mischievous rule of tenure, to the consequences, in any case, of the natural do- 46 • LETTER FROM H. BELLENDEX KER termination of the particular estate, we should open a very wide field, comprehending all gifts, of all kinds of property, to unascertained classes, — a field on whicli it would not he prudent to enter, without more preparation and a more extensive discretion than consisted with the i)articular duty devolved upon us. " 3. In favour of the remaining object of the eighth section of the Transfer Act — that of pre- serving contingent remainders from the conse- quences, under the rules of tenure, of the prema- tui'e failure of the particular estate — even the most cautious of judges had long since pronounced a strong opinion, and the removal of this reproach upon the law had been contemplated at a former period. Simple and obvious as the remedy may a|>pear, yet there is, in truth, considerable diffi- culty in framing an enactment which, without changing the rules of tenure, seeks to exclude par- ticular cases from the natural and necessaiy oper- ation of those rules. We have deemed it advisable not to rely on the simple negative of the Tranfer Act, ('shall not fail,' «Stc.), but to indicate by an affinnative declaration the mode in which the limitation, deprived of its natural support — the particular estate — shall take effect; and, with this guide to the constniction of the clause, it must be left to the judicature to work out the intention of the Legislature. We have thought it better to extend the proj)osed retrospective repeal to the whole of the eighth section of the Transfer Act, TO THE LORD CHANCELLOR. 47 and by the corresponding section of the bill to piotect contingent remainders as from the 31st December, 18i4. The language ('as from the commencement and taking effect thereof) adopted in that portion of the first section of the proposed bill which relates to this retrospective repeal is used in order to settle a question which has arisen, whether the protection of the concluding branch of sect. 8, construed with reference to sect. 1 3, extends over the interval between the passing of the Act and the 1st of January, 1845, " As to sect. 12 of the Transfer Act, and sect. 9 of the proposed bill. — This section of the Act is even less perfectly expressed than any of the other sections. The case (one of not unfrequent occur- rence) of the merger of the i-eversion in a parti- cular estate which is itself subsequently merged is omitted. And while the benefit arising from the obligations of the lessee are annexed to the estate for the time being expectant on the lease, notwithstanding the merger of the particular re- version originally expectant thereon, there is no corresponding annexation to the same estate of the obligations of the lessor. These omissions would have rendei'ed the repeal of this particular section necessary, even had no other alteration in the Act been required. The language of the sec- tion seems to be taken, to a considerable extent, from the Act of the 32 Hen. 8, c. 34 ; but a degree ■ of inaccuracy pervades the whole, for which it is difficult to account. The section begins by speak- 48 LETTER FROM H. BELLENDEN KER ing of ' a lease ; ' subsequently the same interest is called ' his lease, demise, or grant,' being the language of the Act of Henry VIIL It is pi'O- vided, that the person entitled to the estate into (in) which a reversion shall merge shall enjoy the like advantage, &c., against the ' lessee, his heirs, successors, executors, administrators, and assigns,' for non-payment of rent, &c., contained 'in his lease, demise, or grant, against the lessee, farmer, or grantee, his heirs, successors, executors, adminis- trators, and assigns,' the latter words, 'lessee, fanner,' &c., (being again the language of the Act of Henry VIII.), relating precisely to the same subject before expressed by the single word 'lessee,' and being moreover a repetition. But the words are not merely a repetition, — a mere surplusage in point of expression, — nor are they as innoxious, as two wholly irrelevant lines inserted at random would be ; for the omission of the words the 'les- see, his heirs,' &c., would have made the words in italics significant, if not correct, and the omission of the words in italics would also have left the clause comparatively right. But the insertion of both, while one must be rejected before the clause becomes even langixage, and the expression of each in words wholly difiering, though manifestly in- tended to relate to the same subject, and the ab- sence of any guide to shew which is to be rejected, produce a degree of embai-rassment which would alone furnish a reasonable excuse for the repeal of this section. TO THE LOUD CHANCELLOR. " As tosect. 13 of the Transfer Act. — It is not clear what the effect would be of the pi-ovision that the Act should not extend to 'any act or thing executed or done before the 1st of January, one thousand eight hundred and forty-five,' and there is little doubt that these words would be the source of much discussion ; but the provision that the Act shall not extend to any ' estate, right, or interest created before the 1 st of January, one thousand eight hundred and forty-five,' has already received a practical exposition in the generally adopted opinion, that the Act has no application to any estate tail, estate for life, or other particular es- tate, or to any lease existing at the commencement of the Act, or, so far as the power of alienation is concerned, to any contingent or future interest created before that date. This is wholly unrea- sonable ; and an undistinguishing withdrawal from the presumable benefits of the Act of a large class of interests which have the first claim to be at- tended to in any legislative measure, oould not have been intended; and even had no other alter- ation been required, yet in this particl^lar an amendment of the Act would have been absolutely necessai-y. " I have the honour to remain " Your Lordship's obedient Servant, " H. BELLENDEN KER. "Lincoln's Inn, 2^th April, 1845." OBSERVATIONS ON THE ACT 8 & 9 VICT. Cap. 106(a). It is a merit in this Act that it contains no definitions extending the meaning of Avords be- yond their ordinaiy acceptation. Such defini- tions are useful when they shorten an Act, and simplify its expressions; but they have been in- troduced in many Acts not longer than this in which they obviously lengthen and embarrass, in- stead of shortening and simplifying. They are also frequently misapplied, by declaring that one word shall mean exactly what another already means, as that "land" shall mean what "hereditaments" means (b). In the Act nowbefore us, "tenements and here- ditaments" are used in their common and well- known sense, viz. that of all property which can be holdeu or is inheritable. The word "tenements" (a)'"See the Act, infra, p. 82. (b) See, for instance, the Act for Extinguishing Atten- dant Terms, 8 & 9 Vict. c. 112, infra, p. 88, which exem- plifies both these mistakes. OBSERVATIONS, ETC. 51 is, however, superfluous, for every tenement is necessarily a hereditament {a). Section 1. — The effect of repealinc; ab initio nepeai of ' '^ the Act to that part of the Act to simplify the Transfer of simplify ' . . , the Trans- Property, which converted contingent remainders fer oc Pro- into executory devises, or executory estates in the 8 vict. c. 7f>. nature of executory devises, is to remove these anomalous estates altogether from titles, and to render unnecessary the investigation of their na- ture and properties. The contingent remainders, which, from their creation, after the 1st January, 1845, were executory devises or estates by force of the Transfer Act, are made by the present Act contingent remainders from the beginning, as they would have been if that Act had never passed. The provision, too, of the Transfer Act as to the failure or destruction of contingent remainders is repealed ab initio; but, by the 8th section of the present Act, a contingent remainder created be- fore the passing of the present Act, and existing at any time after the 31st of December, 1844, is protected from failing on account of the deter- mination of any preceding estate of freehold, by forfeiture, surrendei-, or merger; but that part of the Transfer Act which protected contingent re- mainders existing on the 31st of December, 1844, from failing by reason of the determination of the preceding estate by any other means than the (a) Co. Litt. 6. a.; 2 Bl. Comm. 17. D 2 52 OBSERVATIONS ON natiiral effluxion of the time of such preceding estate, oi' some event on which it was in its crea- tion limited to determine, is not re-enacted. It does not appear, however, that there are any means by which a contingent remainder can fail, except the forfeiture, surrender, or merger, of the preceding estate, or its determination by the natural effluxion of time, or some event on which it was in its creation limited to determine ; and, in the two latter cases, it is allowed, by both the Ti'ansfer Act and the present Act, to fail ac- cording to the ancient rule of law. See further on this subject, Mr. Bellenden Ker's Letter, supra, pp. 36 et seq., and infi-a, p. 70. The remainder of the Transfer Act is repealed only from the 1st of October, 1845 : so that, as to instruments executed between the 1st of Jan- uary and the 1st of October, 1845, that Act will still have to be consulted. It is believed, how- ever, that very few di'afts were framed on the faith of it; and it will, probably, be little heard of hereafter. The clause providing that the re- ceipts of trustees and of the survivors of mort- ; gagees shall be discharges has, it is understood, been occasionally omitted in reliance on the Trans- fer Act ; and it may, therefore, be found needful, in some cases, to see if that Act will make good the omission. The defects of the clause were pointed out in the first edition of tliis work, and are stated in Mr. Bellenden Ker's Letter, supra, pp. 21 — 24. It is not probable that any conveyances THE ACT 8 4 9 VICT. c. 106. '^'J were taken from executors of mortgagees under the Ti-ansfer Act; for the provisions on that point (as pointed out in the first edition and in Mr. Bellenden Ker's Lettei', supra, pp. 17 — 21) •were so framed as to render it ahnost impossible. The reasons for omitting in the present Act the provisions as to the receipts of trustees and mort- gagees, and as to conveyances from executors of niortgageees, are mentioned in Mi\ Bellenden Ker's Letter, supra, pp. 17 — 24. With the exceptions above adverted to, the ob- jects of the Transfer Act are those also of the i^re- sent Act, but they are now efi"ected by enactments wliich appear to be free from the numerous ob- jections to which the Transfer Act was open. Section 2. — According to the well-known rule a."^>«"5 of law, the immediate freehold of all corporeal t'etweeu estates hereditaments lay in livery, that is to say, passed lying in •' *' , , . . livpry and at common law by feoflfment, with livery of seisin in giant, or corporal tradition, to which, from very eai'ly times, a deed or charter of feoftuient was added as evidence of the feoffment. In modern practice, the deed of feoffment became the principal instru- ment of the conveyance, and the livery of seisin a ceremony needful to perfect it. Reversions and I remainders in corporeal hereditaments, and all in- ! corpoi-eal hereditaments (a), whether in possession or reversion, have always lain in grant, i. e. have («) The reversion or remaiuder of a corporeal heredita- Oi OBSERVATIONS ON passed by the delivery of the deed of conveyance or grant without any further ceremony, except that, as to seigniories and reversions and remain- ders of corporeal liereditaments, the attornment of the tenant was necessary till abolished by the Conveyance stat. 4 &5 Anne, c. 16. The great inconvenience reiiase" "'"^ of the Hvery of seisin required to perfect a feoff- ment, and the difficulty in many cases of giving it [)roperly, (4 Cru. Dig. by White, p. 47), intro- duced various other modes, founded on the Statute of Uses, of conveying the immediate freehold of corporeal hereditaments, all of which, except one, were very limited, and generally inconvenient in* their application. The exception was the con- veyance by lease and release, which long since became, and till lately continued to be, the or- dinary mode of conveying the immediate freehold of corporeal hereditaments, and was, from abund- ant caiition, also generally used for the convey- ance of reversions and remainders, and even of Conveyance equitable estates in cori)orual hereditaments. This under tlie ^ ^ statute 4 & mode of conveyance was, in 1841, almost com- Vice C. Zit pletely superseded in England hy a conveyance founded on the Act of the i&.5 Vict. c. 21, called "An Act for rcndeiing a Release as effectual for the Conveyance of Freehold Estates as a Lease and Release by the same Parties," and which sub- stituted a reference to the Act, coupled with the ment is in truth an incorporeal hereditament, but the di.s- tinction in tlie text is useful fur tlio i)re.sent purpose. THE ACT 8 & 9 VICT. c. 100. M imposition of an extra stamp, for a lease for a year (a). It having, however, been considered that a corporation coukl not stand seised to a use, it followed that a corporation could not con- vey hy a common lease and release, because the lease was in fact a bargain and sale for a year opei-ating under the Statute of Uses ; and the above Act being so worded as inei-ely to imply the execution of the lease for a year, and not the actual entry, which was required to make good the lease, if made by a corporation, corpoi'ations coutiuued to convey by feoffment with livery of seisin after the Act, as they did before. In Ire- Irish Lease land, the recital in a release of a lease for a year Act, 9 G. 2, was made full evidence thereof by the Irish statute, 9 Geo. 2, c. 5 ; and, since that time, the actual execution of a lease for a year of Irish land has been dispensed with (6). The Act to simplify the Transfer of I'roperty The Act to ])rovided, (sect. 2), "that every person" (defined th'eTi'ans- to include a corporation) " might convey by any pei°y. deed, without livery of seisin or ini'olment or a prior lease, all such freehold land as he might be- (a) The imposition of this extra stamp was repealed by the Act 13 & 14 Vict. c. 97, a. G. (b) By the statute 5 & 6 Vict. c. 82, continued by the 8 & 9 Vic\ c. 2, and by the 11 & 12 Vict. c. 9, an Irisli release reciting a lease for a year waa subjected to tlie stamp duty (except progressive duty) payable for the lease for a year, as in England; but this stamp duty was re- pealed by the 13 & U Vict. c. 97, s. 4. r>C> OBSERVATIONS ON fore the passing of that Act have conveyed by- lease and release; and that cA^ery such conveyance shoiild take effect as if it had been made by lease and release : Provided always, that every such deed should be chargeable with the same stamp duty as would have been chargeable if such con- veyance had been made by lease and release." Against this provision a good deal of unfounded cavilling arose, but in practice it became a dead let- ter, from the uncertainty whether (as was expressly provided in the 4 & 5 Vict. c. 21) only the first stamp on the lease for a year was chargeable, or whether progressive duty was also payable. The Author's opinion (see the first edition of this Work) was, that progressive duty was not payable ; but the consequence of the doubt was, that, up to the passing of the present Act, conveyances con- tinued to refer to the Lease and Release Act in England, and in Ireland to the Lease-for-a-Year Act, and coi'porations continued to convey by feoffment with liveiy of seisin (a). (joiiK^ey- The present Act put an end to the necessity of thrpPiMoi'ir using any of the above modes of conveyance, either in England or Ireland, by enacting that all cor- poreal tenements and hereditaments should, as re- garded the immediate freehold thereof, be deemed to lie in grant as well as in livery ; that is to say, should pass by the delivery of the deed of convey- (a) See further on this subject, supra, pp. 25 et seq. Act THE ACT S & 9 VICT. c. ICO. 57 ance, as incorporeal hereditaments and the rever- sions and remainders of corporeal hereditaments theretofore had passed. This enactment has admirably met the desi- dei-atum of enabling corporeal hereditaments in possession to be conveyed by a single deed ; for it introduces no new form of conveyance, but simply renders the estates hitherto conveyed by lease and release, or feoffment with liveiy, capable of being conveyed by "gi-ant;" a mode of assurance as old as the law itself, and the nature and properties of which are perfectly well known and settled. At the same time, the effect which the word "grant" has been sometimes supposed to have, of implying a covenant in law, is taken away by the 4th sec- tion, so that there can be no objection to any person conveying by that word; and, from its convenience and propriety, it is gi-adually be- coming the universal and only operative word employed in conveyances of real estate, though, of course, any word expressive of the intention to pass the estate is effectual (a). (a) By the Act itself every deed which was to operate Stamp duty, .•xs a graut by force only of this enactment wa.s required to be stamped with an additional ti> seisin oi- bargain and sale inrollcd. But tlie su- perior convenience of conveying by gi'ant has in practice thrown all other modes of conveyance out of use. The present Act ('unlike the^ransfer Act") does Customary not interfere with customary irecholds, and sucli freeholds continue to be conveyed by the cus- tomary mode of conveyance. See 1 Cru. Dig. by White, tit. X., eh. 1, sects. 9 et seq., p. 255. Section 3. — A feoffment might, until the Sta- Fiomiient«. tute of Frauds, have been made in most cases by word, without any writing, (Shep. Touchst. 203); and did not, up to the passing of the present Act, require a dee d. The present Act provides that a feoffment, made after the 1st day of October, 1845, (other than a feofiinent made under a cus- tom by an infant), shall be void at law, unless evidenced by deed. It does not seem necessary that the feoff"ment should be accomi)anied con- temporaneously by a deed : it will be sufficient for the feoff'ment to be at any time afterwards evidenced by a deed made by the parties compe- tent. The propriety of putting an end to in- formal conveyances cannot be doubted; but the enactment is of no practical importance to con- veyij.i)cers, as a feoff'ment not evidenced by deed is quite unknown in modem practice. The ex- ception as to a feoffment under a custom by an infant, refei's to the custom of Kent, which allows an infant who has attained fifteen to alien his 60 OBSERVATIONS ON gavelkind lands by feoflment Avith personal livery of seisin, and was made in order not to touch in any way gavelkind customs (a). Partition. At common law, coparceners might have made partition of things lying either in livery or grant by parol without deed ; and tenants in common might have made partition of things lying in livery by parol without deed, if they perfected the par- tition by livery of seisin. (Litt. sect. 250 ; Co. Litt. 169. a.) Also joint-tenants for yeai'S (but not joint- tenants of freeholds) might have made ])artition by parol without deed. (Co. Litt. 1 87. a. 169. a.) After the Statute of Frauds, however, a writing was in all cases necessary : but a deed was required only ill cases in which it was neces- sary before the statvite, although it was some- times asserted, (2 Bl. Comm. 324- ; 4 Cru. Dig. by White, 77), by mistake, that the statute had rendered a deed in all cases necessary. Exeikinge. At common law, an exchange of things lying in grant could be made only by deed; but an ex- change of corporeal hereditaments lying in the same county could be made by parol perfected by entry. (Litt. sects. 62 — 66). If the lands, how- ever, to be exchanged lay in two counties, the exchange could only be by deed indented. (Litt. .sect. 63 ; Co. Litt. 50. a., 51. b.) After the Sta- tute of Frauds, all exchanges were required to be in writing; but a deed Avas necessaiy only Avhere it was necessary before the statute. (a) See supra, pp. 29, 30. THE ACT 8 & 9 VICT. c. IOC. By the present Act, eveiy partition and ex- cliange made after the 1st day of October, 1845, of hereditaments (not being copyhold) is void at laio, uidess made by deed. The enactment is very })ropor as a means of preventing the disputes which might arise on i rregular and informal par- titions and exchanges, but does not aft'ect the practice of conveyancers, as no partition or ex- change is ever madu at the present day without a deed. A lease for yeai"s is defined to be a contract Leases. between lessor and lessee for the possession and profits of lands or other hereditaments on tlie one side, and for a recompense for rent or other income on the other; (Bac. Abr. art. "Leases"); and hence the rule, that any words which indicate that one party is to give and the other to take pos- session, prima facie constitute a lease. The Sta- tute of Fi-auds merely required tliat a lease for a ])erio(l exceeding three years should be in writing; and, therefore, on every informal agi-eement for a lease, and veiy frequently on formal agi'eements, the question arose, whether the instrument ope- rated as an actual demise, or merely as an agi'ee- ment to demise. In many cases the refei'ence to a future lease has been held to make an agree- ment executory, see particularly Clutpman v. Toioner, (6 Mee. & W. 100), Brashier v. Jackson, (6 Mee. & W. 549), Jones v. Reynolds, (1 Gale k Dav. G2); but in Curling v. Mills, (6 M. & Gr. 173) and other cases, the reference to a future 61 02 OBSERVATIONS ON lease was held not to make the agreement execu- tory. In the cases of Doe v. Fowell, (7 M. &. Gr. 980), and Tate v. I)arbij, (15 Mee. & W. GOl), there was no refei-ence to a future lease. Note too, that, although an agreement amount to a lease, a specific performance may be had for a more formal instrument; [Fenner v. Hepburn, 2 Y. & Coll. N. C. C. 159 ; Gore v. Floyd, 12 Mee. & W. 463); and that, where a person holds under an agreement for a lease, he is bound by all the covenants mentioned in the agreement which are applicable to a tenancy from year to year. {Doe V. Amery, 4 Perr. & D. 177). The present Act, by requiring that all leases required by law to be in writing shall, after the 1st of October, 1845, be by deed, closes up this abundant source of litigation, and greatly lightens the task of the conveyancer in preparing agreements for leases ; for if the instrument be not ixnder seal, it will operate only as an agreement for a lease, whatever form or language be employed. In the case of StrcMonv. Fettlt, 24 Law Jour., C. P., 182, the Judges seem erroneously to have suj)posed, that an instrument void as a lease under tlie Act, was not good as an agree- ment, overlooking the fact, that the avoidance of the instrument is by the Act expi-essly con- fined to an avoidance " at laio .■" of course, such an in.strument would be enforceable in equity. The Act, in this instance, embraces heredita- ments of every tenure, but does not affect leases THE ACr 8 & 9 VICT. c. lOG. not required by law to be iu writing, i. e. leases for periods of less than three years, and does not extend to leases of hereditaments in Ireland. Previoiisly to the Statute of Frauds an assign- Ass'kh- nient might liave l)een by parol only, but that statute required that all assignments of leases or terms of years should be by deed or note in writ- ing duly signed. (See Uodyes v. Drakeford, 1 Bos. e«e Pul., N. R., 270). Tlie present Act provides that every assignment made after the 1st of Octo- ber, 1845, of a chattel interest not being copy- hold in any hereditaments, shall be void at law unless }nade by deed : the enactment, it will be seen, does not except common-law chattel interests in copyholds, such as leases of copyholds made under a license to demise. This provision, though proper, for the reasons above mentioiied, with respect to feoffments, partitions, and exchanges, makes no change in the pi'actice of conveyancers, as assignments have long been invariably made by deed. At common law, a surrender of corporeal here- smum. ditaments might have been made by parol without deed or livery ; but a surrender of incorporeal he- reditaments coidd only have been by deed. The Statute of Frauds required that eveiy surrender shoiild be made by detnl or note in writing signed by the p.irty so surrendering, or his agent. (4 Crii. Dig. by Wliite, 8o). The present Act requires, that every surrender in writing made after the 1st of October, 1840, of an interest in any here- 64 OBSERVATIONS ON ditament, not being a copyhold interest, and not being an intei-est whicli might by law have been created without writing, shall be void at law, un- less made by deed. The Act does not apply to surrenders by oj^era- tion of law, and, so f;ir as relates to a release or surrender, does not extend to Ireland (a). Feoffments not to have a tortious operation. Section 4. — A feoffment perfected by livery of seisin was termed a tortious conveyance, and had the effect of passing the fee, if it purported so to do, notwithstanding the feoffor had a less estate or interest in the property, or no estate at all but possession. It also had the effect of destroying contingent remainders and powers ajjpendant, and of creating a forfeiture. Conveyances by grant, bargain and sale, lease and release, or covenant to stand seised, were termed innocent assurances, and had }io effect excej)t to pass the estate of the conveying party. Beyond this they were simply void, neither passing a greater estate, nor creating a forfeitui'e. (See Sanders on Uses, 5th edit,, pp. 12 et seq.). By the operation of the present statute, a feoffment has now no other effect than an innocent assurance. (a) The proviso as to Ireland was introduced in the House of Commons without reference to the authors of the bill: the word "release" i.s evidently a mistake for " lease," and renders the effect of this proviso uncer- tain. THE ACT S & VICT. c. 106. G5 Tlie word " exchange " created a general war- Exchanges rantv and riglit of re-entry, which rendered titles tion» uot ^ => •" . . to imply under exchanges extremely inconvenient and em- a comiition °, . . •' . ^ .in law. barrassing. This inconvenience was got over m modern ])ractice by means of mutual conveyances ; but, as the above-mentioned ojicration of the word " exchange" has been abolished both by the Trans- fer Act and the present Act, a proper exchange may hereafter in some cases be conveniently re- soi-ted to. With regard to the effect of the word "exchange," see Shep. Touch. 291; 4 Cru. Dig. by White, p. 74 (a). Every pai'tition also implied a special warranty in law; (Shep. Touch. 185; Co. Litt. 384. a.): in modern practice this is always prevented by the insertion of the usual covenants for title, and the abolition of the general warranty is practi- cally unimportant (h). The word " give" in a feoffment made a war- •'Give"an.i ranty when an estate of frank tenement or inherit- no1,'to im- ance passed by the deed, and was also made by nint iTi'iuw statute an express warranty during the life of the feoffor. (Shep. Touch. 184 ; Co. Litt. 384. a., and n. (1) ). The word " gi-ant" implied a general covenant for quiet enjoyment or general warranty in a lease for years, but not otherwise. Co. Litt., and note, ubi supra ; 1 Davidson's Precedents in (a) See also supra, pp. 30, 31. (6) See supra, pp. 30, 31. 00 OBSERVATIONS ON Convey ancing, 72, 104 ; Hinde v. Gray, 1 M. & Gr. 19o ; Granger v. Collins, G Mee. & W, 458; Lessenhury v. Evans, 3 M. & Gr. 210 ; Williams V. Burrell, 1 M., Gr., & Scott, 402). The present Act declares that neither "give" nor "grant," in a deed executed after the 1st of October, 1845, shall imply any covenant in law in respect of any hei-editament, except by force of any Act of Par- liament. The exception in the statute probably refers to the j)ro visions in Railway and other Acts of that nature, in which it is provided, that the word " grant " in conveyances to and by the company shall imply all the usual covenants for title ; Ijut, as the exceiDtion does not extend to a warranty, it does not keep on foot the warranty annexed by statute to the word " give," as above mentioned. " Give," however, is altogether dis- used as a word of conveyance (a). Tlie word " demise," in a lease for years, ci-eates a covenant for quiet enjoyment ; (see the refer- ences above as to "grant"); and this implica- tion is not taken away either by the Transfer Act or the present Act. Distiuctinn SECTION 5. — The Avell-kiiown distinction be- deiituic tween a deed-poll and an indenture is, that a pull. ' deed-poll is l)y one party only, and has its edge polled, or even, while an indenture is between (rt) See further, supra, p. 30. THE ACT 8 &; 9 VICT. c. 106. y two or more parties, and has its edge indented, the indented edge being the symbol of a duplicate, or supposed duplicate, in the custody of another party. The actual indenting, however, has been long disregarded, and, in nio i • i • quiet en- a covcnaut, on the part oi the said A. .d., his heirs, or assigns, that the said C. D., his executors, ad- ministratoi's, and assigns, may, on due payment by him and them of the said yearly rent to be reserved as aforesaid, and on the observance and perform- ance of the covenants in the said lease to be con- tained, and on his and their part to be observed and performed, quietly enjoy the premises to be demised, without eviction or disturbance by the said A. B., his heirs or assigns, or any person lawfully claiming through or in trust for him or That lessee them. That the said C. D., his executors, ad- cnte a coiin- ministrators, or assigns, shall duly execute and ^^'^^ ' deliver to the said A. B., his heirs or assigns, a That lease counterpart of the said lease. That the said part shall Icasc and counterpart shall be prepared by the by the^ks- Solicitor of the said A. B., his heirs or assigns, citor, and and that the expenses of preparing and executing AGREEMENTS. 9-"> this agreement and the said lease and counter- the expense ]>art, and all other incidental expenses, shall bo dividefi. paid by the said A. B., his heirs or assigns, and the said C. D., his executoi-s, administrators, or assigns, in equal shares (a). Lastly, that, until the execution of the said lease, the said premises shall be held by the said C. D., his executors, ad- ministi'ators, and assigns, at the rent aforesaid, and subject to the covenants and conditions to be contained in the said lease as aforesaid, so far as the rules of law will permit. In witness &c. (F). (a) In the absence of special stipulation, a lease is al- ways prepared by the solicitor of the lessor, and at the expense of the lessee. Where, in an agreement for a lease, it was provided that the lease should be drawn, prepared, and executed at the sole expense of the lessor, it was held, that, in an action by the lessee on the agree- ment, it was not necessary to aver that a lease was ten- dered to the lessor for execution. {Price v. Williams, 1 Mee. & W. 6). {h) It will be observed, that all the covenants and con- ditions to be contained in the lease are specified in the agreement, because an agi-eement that the lease shall con- tain all usual covenants and conditions generally leads to disputes as to what are usual covenants and conditions. The method in the text is not free from risk ; for, as the nature of each covenant and condition is only mentioned generally, disputes may arise as to its extent and form. The only safe way is to insert in the agreement all the covenants and conditions literallj- as they are to stand in the lease; but this makes the agreement so much longer, that it will be generally objected to. The method in the text is the next best. 96 CONVEYANCES. Cmibepancesf* HI. Conveyance in Fee &?/ a Vendor seised in Fee, his Wife releasing her Dower. This indenture, made the day of , between a. B., of S:c, \yendor'\, and D. B. his wife, of the one part, and C. D., of &c. \jmr- Witnesseth. chaser^ a bachelor («), of the other part, witness- Cousidera- ETH, that, in consideration of the sum of £ to "'"■ the said A. B. this day paid by the said C. D. for tlie purchase of the fee simple of the hereditaments in- tended to be hereby granted, (the receipt whereof the said A. B. doth hereby acknowledge), he the said A. B. doth hereby grant, and she the said D. B., for the purpose of releasing her right of dower, and with the concurrence of the said A. B., doth hereby release, unto the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, all those and hereditaments situate in the parish of , in the county of Receipt. Operative words. Parcels. (a) To avoid future questions on the title, as to whe- ther a purchaser was or was not married before the 1st of January, 1834, to a woman living at the time of his pur- chase, it is well to state the fact in the purchase-deed, by describing him as a bachelor or widower, or stating that he has been married since the 1st of January, 1834. CONVEYANCES. V t , delineated in the plan in the margin of these presents, and specified in the schedule here- under written, together with all commons, ways, General lights, sewers, watercourses, rights, privileges, easements, advantages, and appurtenances what- soever, to the said hereditaments or any part thereof appertaining, or with the same or any part thereof held, used, or enjoyed, or reputed as part thereof or appurtenant thereto («), and all the estate and interest of the said A. B. and D. B. in the said premises, to hold the said premises Habendum. UNTO the said C. D., his heirs and a.ssigns, to the USE of the said C. D., his heirs and assigns (6). X And the said A. B. doth hereby, for himself, his Covenants heirs, executors, and administrators, covenant for right to with the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, that, free from notwithstanding any thing by the said A. B., or br any of his ancestors, done, or knowingly suffered, tliey the said A. B. and D. B. now have power to grant and release all and singular the said (a) These general words should be varied by leaving out "commons," "lights," &c., or the like, which may not be appropriate to the property conveyed, and adding other word.s (if any) which may be required. (6) It has been usual to insert a declaration that no widow of the purchaser shall be entitled to dower ; but the practice is wrong, because, if the purchaser does not dispose of the property in his lifetime, and dies intestate, there is no reason why the widow's dower should be de- feated in favour of the heir-at-law, even if a child, and certainly not if a more distant relative. F iDcum- inccs ; 98 CONVEYANCES. ^ ' • 'v. pi'emises unto and to the use of the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, free from incumbrances (a); AND THAT all the said jiremises may be quietly- entered into, held, and enjoyed by the said C D./piv/' his heii's, and assigns, without any interruption by the said Av-£. or any person lawfully or equitably claiming through or in trust for him or aud for fur- any of his ancestors ; and that he the said A. B. • * therassur- i i • i • i i r- ^^ ance. and his heirs, and every person lawiully or equitably claiming through or in trust for him or any of his ancestors, will, at all times, at the cost of the said C. D., his heirs or assigns, execute and do all such assurances and things for further or better assuring all or any of the said premises to the use of the said C D., his heirs and assigns, as by him or them shall be reasonably required. i In witness &c. (6). THE SCHEDULE to which the above-wi-it- ten Indenture refers. (a) The words "free frem incumbrances" are governed by the restriction in the beginning of the covenant as to tKe acts and deeds of A. B. and his ancestors, so that it is unnecessary further to qualify them. (b) This deed will have to be acknowledged by the Vendor's wife. CONVEYANCES. 09 IV. Conveyance by a jNIahried Woman seised in Fee to Uses to bar Dower. This indenture, made &C., BETWEEN A. Parties. B., of &c., and D. B. his wife [vendors'], of the first part, C. D., of (fee. [purchaser], of the second part, and E. F., of (fee. [trustee], of the third part, WITNESSETH, that, ill Consideration of the sum of Witnesseth. .£ to the said A. B. and D. B. this day paid Cousidera- by the said C. D. for tlie purchase of the fee-sim- ple of the hereditaments intended to be hereby granted, (the receipt whereof the said A. B. and Receipt. D. B. do hereby acknowledge), she the said D. B., with the concurrence of the said A. B., doth here- Operative by grant and dispose of, and he the said A. B. doth hereby grant and confirm unto the said C. D. and his heirs [jxircels — general words, supra, 2}p. 96-7], TO HOLD the said premises unto the said C. D. Habendum. and his heirs, to such uses, for such estates, and To such uses 1 .iz-s-r^iiii it'''® purchaser m such manner as the said C. D. shall by deed shall ap- apponit ; and in default of and until any such i^ default, appointment, and so far as no such appointment foHife?^^^'^'^ sliall extend, to the use of the said C. D. and his assigns during his life, without impeachment of waste ; and after the determination of that Limitation f2 1 00 CONVEYANCES. to tiustco estate by any means in bis lifetime, to the use ©"purchaser of the said E. F. and his heirs during the life of him. the said C. D., in trust for him and his assigns ; Remainder AND AFTER the determination of that estate, to to purchaser ■ -, ^ -w-^ , , • in fee. THE USE of the Said C. D., his heirs and assigns, Covenants for ever. And the said A. B. doth hereby, for for right to liimself, his heirs, executors, and administrators free from Covenant with the said C. D., his heirs and ces; assigns, that, notwithstanding anything by the said D. B., or any of her ancestors, or the said A. B., done, or knowingly suffered, they the said D. B. and A. B. now have power to grant and dispose of all and singular the said premises, to the uses and in manner aforesaid, free from in- cumbrances; and that all the said j)remises may be quietly entered into, held, and enjoyed l)y the said 0. D., his heirs, appointees, or as- signs without any interruption by the said A. B. and D. B. or either of them, or any person law- fully or equitably claiming through or in trust and for ftir- for the Said T>. B. or any of her ancestors ; and Burauce, THAT shc the said D. B. and her heirs, and the said A. B., and every other person lawfully or equitably claiming through or in trust for the said D. B. or any of her ancestors, or the said A. B., will, at all times, at the cost of the said C. D., his heirs, appointees, or assigns, execute and do all such assurances and things for further or better assuring all or any of the said premises to the uses and in manner aforesaid, as by the CONVEYANCES. 101 said C. D., his lieii-s, appointees, or assigns, shall be reasonably required. In witness ifec. (a). THE SCHEDULE to which the above-writ- ten Indenture refers. Conveyance by Appointment, and Grant in Fee. This indenture, made &c., between a. Parties. B., of &c. [ve/ic^or], of the one part, and C. D., of &c. \^urchaser\ of the other pai-t, WITNESSETH, Witnessetii that, in consideration of the sum of £ to the Considera- tion, said A. B. this day paid by the said C. D., for the purchase of the fee-simple of the hereditaments intended to be hereby appointed and granted, (the receipt whereof the said A. B. doth hereby Receipt. acknowledcreY he the said A. B. , in exercise of a Appoint- power given him by an indentui'e dated the day of (6), and expressed to be made between (a) This deed will have to be acknowledged by the married woman, the vendor. {b) It is usual to specify the mode of assurance more particularly; thus, "by an indenture of release grounded on a lease for a year;" or, "by an indenture of release 102 CONVEYANCES. [pay'ties], and of every other poAver enabling him in this behalf, doth hereby direct, limit, and ap- point (a), and by virtue of his estate and interest doth hereby grant and confii-m, unto the said C. Graut. D., his heirs and assigns, [^>arce/s — general words, Habendum supro, pp. 96-7], TO HOLD the Said premises unto infeer '**''' the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, TO the use Ooveuants of the said C. D., his heirs and assigns (6).^ And inade in pursuance of the Act for rendering a release as effectual for the conveyance of freehold estates as a lease and release by the same parties;" or, "by an indenture of feoffment perfected by liveiy of seisin;" or, "by an in- denture of bargain and sale perfected by inrolment, and by a recovery suffered in pursuance of the same inden- ture," or the like. But the expression in the text is suffi- cient. The phrase "expressed to be" may be omitted when it is known that the instrument was executed by all the parties. (a) In exercising a power, it is best to take the opera- tive words given in the power. The power supposed in the text requires no formalities; but, in exercising a power which does require formalities, it is unnecessary to follow the usual course of making the witnessing part describe the intended mode of execution. Nothing ig gained by it, for, if the attestation is wrong, the right description in the deed will not rectify the mistake. The directions as to the execution of the deed maybe written as a marginal note. (6) Unless there be any reason (as there very seldom is) to suppose that the power has been extinguished, the conveyance may be by appointment alone. There is, however, no great advantage in this course, and there may be an objection to it when the power is not recent CONVEYANCES. 103 THE SAID A. B. doth hereby, for himself, his by ven.iur, . . fur rij^'lit heirs, executors, and administrators covenant to appoint with the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, that, free from notwithstanding anything by the said A. B. done ccs ; or knowingly suffered, he the said A. B. now hath power to appoint and gi'ant all and singular the said premises to the use of the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, free from incumbrances; AND JiiAT all the said premises shall be quietly entered into, held, and enjoyed by the said C D.^ his heirs and assigns, without any interruption by the said -At B., or any person lawfully or equitably claiming through or in trust for him ; in its creation; for, if the appointor has made a lease which has taken efifect out of his estate, the reversion taken by the appointee is not the reversion immediately expectant on the lease to which the rent and covenants are incident. There is no substantial objection, when the property is limited to uses to bar dower in favour of the vendor, to taking the conveyance from hira, as in Precedent III., (omitting the wife), either reciting or not reciting his title ; for the conveyance of his estates will extinguish the power, or preclude him from exercising it. The usual objection to this method is, that it leaves un- touched the estate of the trustee; but this estate cannot be considered of more importance than that of trustees to preserve contingent remainders, and the latter is never got in. The advantages of omitting the appointment are, that the reference to any anterior title is avoided, and the question as to the rent and covenants of a lease granted out of the vendor's estate is got rid of The first objec- tion, however, may be diminished by appointing with only a general reference to every power in the appointor. 104 CONVEYANCES. —for fur- AND THAT he the Said A. B. and his heirs, send- auoe. every other person lawfully or equitably claim- ing through or in trust for him, will, at all times at the cost of the said C. D., his heirs or assigns, execute and do all such assurances and things for further or better assuring all or any of the said I)remises to the use of the said C D., his heirs and assigns, as by him or them shall be reason- ably required. In witness &c. THE SCHEDULE to which the above-writ- ten Indenture refers. CONVEYANCES. 1U5 VI. Conveyance by Appointment and Giiant to Uses to bar Dower. This indenture, made&c, between A. B., Parties. of &c. \yendor\ of the first part, C. D., of &c. [ purchaser], of the second part, and E. F., of &c. [trustee], of the third pai-t, WITNESSETH, that, iu Witnesseth. consideration of the sum of £ to the said Considera- tion. A. B. this day paid by the said C. D. for the purchase of the fee-simple of the hereditaments in- tended to be hereby appointed and granted, (the receipt whereof the said A. B. doth hereby ac- Receipt, knowledge), he the said A. B., in exercise of a power given him by an indenture dated the day of , and expressed to be made between [pa/rties], and of every other power enabling him inthisbehalf, doth hereby direct, limit, and appoint that ALL THOSE the and hereditaments here- Appoint- inafter described, and intended to be hereby grant- ed, with the appurtenances, as hereinafter mention- ed, shall henceforth go and remain to the uses here- inafter limited. And this indenture also wit- witnessetu NESSETH, that, for the consideration aforesaid, he the said A. B. doth hereby grant unto the said ^^';2^^- C. D. and his heirs [parcels — general toords, supra, pp. 96-7], to hold the said premises unto Habendum. the said C. D. and his heirs, TO the uses here- 106 CONVEYANCES. i.iinitation iuaftei' limited. And it is hereby agreed and ;i8 purchaser DECLARED, that the direction, limitation, and ap- i>o?nt^'' pointment, and the gi'ant hereinbefore contained, shall respectively operate and enure to such USES, for such estates, and in such manner as the said C. D. shall by deed appoint ; and in de- iii denuiit, FAULT of and until any such appointment, and to purchaser . i ti i for life; SO far as no such appointment shall extend, to THE USE of the said C. D. and his assigns during to trustees ^lis life, without impeachment of waste ; and of pur- '''^^ AFTER the determination of that estate by any trust for° means in his lifetime, to the use of the said E. F. *'™ ' and his heirs during the life of tlie said C D., in to purchaser trust for him and his assigns : and after the in fee. ° ' determination of that estate, TO the use of the Covenants said C. D., liis heirs and assigns, for ever. And for title : THE SAID A. B. doth hereby, for himself, his lieirs, executors, and administrators, covenant with the said C. D., liis heirs and assigns, that, notwithstanding anything by the said A. B. done, or knowingly suffered, he the said A. B. now hath power to appoint and grant all and singular the said premises to the uses and in manner aforesaid, free from incumbrances ; AND that all the said premises shall be quietly entered into, held, and enjoyed by the said C. D., his heirs, ajjpointees, or assigns, without any interruption by the said A. B. or any person lawfully or equit- -for further ably claiming through or in trust for him ; and THAT the said A. B. and his heirs, and every other person lawfully or equitably claiming assurance. CONVEVANX'ES. 1 07 through or in trust for liim, will, at all times at the cost of the said C. D., his heirs, appointees, or assigns, execute and do all such assurances and things for further or better assuring all or any of the said premises to the uses and in man- ner aforesaid, as by the said C. D., his heirs, ap- pointees, or assigns, shall be reasonably required. In witness &c. THE SCHEDULE to which the above-writ- ten Indenture refers. YII. Con\t:yance hj Mortgagor and Mortgagee. This indenture, made &c., between A. Parties. B., of &c. [mortgagee], of the first part, C. D., of itc. [mortgagor and vendor], a widower (a), of the second part, and E. F., of &c., a bachelor (6) [purchaser], of the third part. Whereas, by an (a) If the vendor be a widower or bachelor, or has been married since the 1st of January, 1834, the fact may properly be stated, to avoid the question being raised on a subsequent investigation of the title. In the case in the text, the right of dower, if it had existed at all, must of course liave existed before the date of the mort- gage which placed the legal estate in the mortgagee. {b) See supra, p. 9C, n.(a). If it is desired to convey to uses to bar dower, tliis Precedent may be varied by a reference to Precedent lY. supra, p. 99. 108 CONVEYANCES. Ricitalof indenture dated tlie day of (a), and mortgage. g^pj.gggg(j ^g ^^g made between the said C, D., of the one part, and the said A. B., of the other part, in consideration of the sum of £ by the said A. B. paid to the said CD., the said C. D. did grant unto the said A. B., his heirs and assigns, the hereditaments intended to be hereby gi-anted, To hold the same unto and to the use of the said A. B., his heirs and assigns, sui)joct to a pi'oviso in the indenture now in recital contained for re- demption of the same premises on payment by the said C. D., his heirs, execTitors, administrators, or assigns, unto the said A. B., his executoi's administrators, or assigns, of the sum of £ , with interest for the same after the rate and at Contract for the time therein mentioned. And whereas the said C D. has agreed with the said E. F. for the sale to him of the said hereditaments, in fee-simple in possession, free fi'om incum- Tiuit Tuort- brances, for the sum of £ . And whereas is still due, the Said sum of £ is now owing to paid'nff out the said A. B., but all interest for the same has moi" ^'^'''*'^' been paid up to the date of these presents, and it has been agreed that the said sum of £ shall be paid off out of the said purchase-money, and tliat the said A. B. shall join in these pre- Witnesseth. sents in manner hereinafter appearing. Now THIS indenture WITNESSETH, that, in pursuance considera- ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ agreements, and in consideration of *'°"- the sum of £ to the said A. B. this day paid (a) See supra, p. 101, n. b. CONVEYANCES. 109 by the said E. F. at the request of the said C. D., (the receipt wliereof tlie said A. B. doth hereby Receipt. acknowledge), and of the sum of £ to the said C. D. this day paid by the said E. F., (the payment and receipt respectively of which said sums of £ and £ , making together the said purchase-money of £ , the said C. D. doth hereby acknowledge), he the said A. B., by the Operative direction of the said C. D., doth hei'cby grant, and he the said C. D. doth hereby grant and confirm unto the said E. F. and his heirs, [parcels — general ioords,su]yra,pp. 9G-7], to hold the said premises Hiibi-iniMiii. UNTO the said E. F., his heirs and assigns, To the USE of the said E, F., his heirs and assigns, dis- charged from the said sum of £ , and all in- terest for the same, and all claims under or by virtue of the said indenture jof the day of . And the said A. B. doth hereby, for coveiwut himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators gee against covenant with the said E. F., his heirs and as- bnulcca. signs, that he the said A. B. hath not done, or knowingly suffered or been party or privy to any thing whereby the said premises, or any part thereof, are, is, or can be impeached, incumbered, or aflected in title or otherwise. [Mortgar/oi''s coverumts /or right to convey, and for further as- surance, as in Precedent III. (supra, 2>P- 97-8), except that tlie first covenant will be, " that they the said A. B. and C. D. now have power to grant," ttc] In witness &c. THE SCHEDULE to which the above-writ- ten Indenture refers. 110 CONVEYANCES. VIII. Conveyance hy tloe Heir and Executors of a Mortgagee on a Sale under a Power of Sale. Parties. ThIS INDENTURE, made &c., between &c. \lieir-at-laio of mortgagee], of the first part, C D., of (fee, ami E. F., of &c. [executors of mortgagee and vendors], of the second part, and G. H., of Recital of ^q \ purchaser], of the third part. Whereas mortgage. L/ J' r &c., [recital of the mortgage, ut supra, p. 108. Recite, also, the power to sell, the proviso that the receipt of the mortgagee should be a discharge, and the claicse exempting the purclMser from see- ing to the events having happened on which the power arises, literally, or proceed thus : — " And it was by the said indenture provided, that it should be hiwful for the said [mortgagee], his executors, administrators, or assigns, in certain events, to sell and dispose of tlie said heredita- ments, and that, on a sale by the executors or admiuistrators of the said [rrtortgagee], the heirs of the said [mortgagee] should convey the legal estate as the said executors or administrators should direct, and that the receipt of the said [mor^(7a^ee], his executors oi' administrators, should be a sufficient discharge to the purchaser, and that the sale should be good as to a purchaser whether the events had or had not happened on which the power of sale was to arise, and not- CONVEYANCES. in withstanding any impvopiiety or irregularity in the sale."] And whereas the said [inorUjayee] -or vim duly made and executed his last will, dated the of moii- day of , and thereby appointed the said ^'^^'^'^' C. D. and E, F. executors thereof, but did not thereby devise the legal estate in the said hei-e- ditaments, and died leaving the said A. B. his heir-at-law, and without having revoked or al- tered his said will, and the same was proved by the said C. D. and E. F. in the Court of , on the day of . And whereas _of con- the said C. D. and E. F., in exercise of the said ^^l^ '""■ power of sale, have agreed with the said G. H. for the sale to him of the said hereditaments, in fee- simple in possession, free from incumbrances, for the sum of £ . Now this indenture WITNESSETH, Wituesseth. that, for effectuating the said sale, and in con- sideration of the sum of £ to the said C. D. and E. F. this day paid by the said G. H., (the Receipt, receipt whereof the said C. D. and E. F. do here- Ijy acknowledge), he the said A. B., by the di- rection of the said C. D. and E. F., doth hereby grant, and they the said C. D. and E. F. do here- by release unto the said G. H. and his heirs, [par- cels — general tvords, siqyra, jrp- OG-7], to hold nubeuamn. the said premises unto the said G. H., his heii-s and assigns, TO the use of the said G. H., his heirs and assigns, dischai-ged from the said sum of £ , and all interest for the same, and all equity of redemption, and claims under or by virtue of the said indenture of the day of 112 CONVEYANCES. Covenant aK;iiiist in- — . And each of them tlie said A. B., C. D., cui'X4uce3. and E. F., so ftxr as relates to liis own acts, dotli hereby, for himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators covenant with the said G. H., liis heirs and assigns, that they the said A. B., C. D., and E. F., respectively, have not done, or knowingly suffered, or been party or privy to any thing whereby the said premises, or any part thereof, are, is, or can be impeached, incumbered, or affected in title or otherwise. In witness «fec. THE SCHEDULE to which the above-writ- ten Indenture refers. Parties. Uccital of the settle- ment ; fX. Conveyance under a Power of Sale in a Settlement. This indenture, made &c., BETWEEN A. B., of &c., and C. D., of &c. \yendors, donees of the power of sale], of the first part, E. F., of &c. [tenant for life, whose consent is required to the exercise of the j^ower of sale], of the second part, and G. H., of &c. [purchaser], of the third part. Whereas, by an indenture dated the day of , and expressed to be made between [pa?-- tles], (being a settlement made in consideration of the marriage shortly afterwards solemnised be- tween the said and ), divers heredita- CONVEYANCES. 113 ments, including the hereditaments intended to be hereby apj)oiuted, were limited to cci-tain uses ; and by tlie said indenture it was provided, that, [recite literally the power to sell, to revoke the old and appoint neto uses, and to give receijJts to pur- chasers ; or proceed thus, vjith variations according to circumstances .] it should be lawful for the said A. B. and C. D., with the consent of the said E. F., to be testified by a writing under his hand and seal, to sell the said hereditaments thereby limited, or any of them, and, for the purpose of effectuating such sale, with the consent aforesaid, to revoke the uses thereby declared of the here- ditaments so sold, and to appoint the same to the purchasers, or as they should direct ; and it was thereby also declared, that the receipts of the said A. B. and C. D. for the pui-chase-money should be sufficient discharges to purchasers (a). And — o' the 1 • 1 A T^ coutract WHEREAS the said A. B. and C. D., in exercise of for sale, the said power of sale, and with the consent of the said E. F. (6), have agreed with the said G. H. for the sale to him of the said hereditaments in- tended to be hereby appointed, in fee-simple in pos- session, free from incumbrances, for the sum of £ . Now THIS INUENTUUE WITNESSETH, that, Witiiessetb. (a) Of course, this recital will be varied according to the terms of the power ; or the deed may be framed without recitals, like Precedent V. supra, p. 101. {b) It is usual to express the manner of testifying con- sent; but, aa thia ia of no real use, it is omitted. 114 CONVEYANCES. for effectuating the said sale, and in consideration of the sum of £ to the said A. B. and C. D. this Receipt. day paid by the said G. H. (the receipt whereof the said A. B. and C. D. do hereby acknowledge), and in exercise of the said power given them by the hereinbefore-recited indenture, and of every other power enabling them in this behalf, they the said A. B. and CD., with the consent of the Revocation said E. F., do hereby revoke all the uses by and appoint- the hereiubefore-rccited indenture limitedj so far Siaser.°^ * as relates to the hei'editaments intended to be hereby appointed, and do hereby direct, limit, and appoint (a) that [^j^arcels — general words, supra, PI). 2^-1 , omitting the estate clause\ shall henceforth go, remain, and be to the use of the said G. H., by'do'iiels^of ^"^ ^^^^^ ^^^ assigns (6). And each of them the the power g^^^j ^ jg ^^^| Q j) ^^ fg^j. ^^ relates to his own against in- ' cumbrances; ^cts, doth hereby, for himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators, covenant with the said G. H,, his heirs and assigns, that they the said A. B. and 0. D. respectively have not done, or knowingly suffered, or been party or privy to any thing whereby they are prevented from exercising in manner hereinbefore appearing the power here- inbefore' expi^essed to be exercised, or whereby {a) The words of the power are, to the said A. B. this day paid by the said C. D., for the pur- chase of the hereditaments hereinafter covenanted to be surrendered (the receipt whereof the said A. B. doth hereby acknowledge), he the said A. B. doth hereby, for himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators, covenant with the said C. D. and his heirs, that he the said A. B. or his heirs, and all other necessary parties (if any), will forth- with (a) effectually surrender into the hands of the lord of the manor of , in the county of , Parcels. according to the custom thereof, all those the and hereditaments situate in the parish of , in the county of; , delineated in the plan in the margin of these presents, and specified in the schedule hereunder written, (all which and hereditaments are in the court rolls of the said manor described as follows : (that is to say), [de- scription from the rolls(b) — general words, supra, (a) The surrender is in practice made out of court im- mediately after the deed of covenant is executed. (b) It is hardly necessary to observe, that the descrip CONVEYANCES. 117 ]i. 97, omitting the estate clause^), TO the use of the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, accord- ing to the custom of the said manor, and by and under the accustomed rents, fines, heriots, suits, and services. And the said A. B. doth o.venant hereby, for himself, his heirs, executors, and ad- fo^r r?gh °to ministrators, covenant with the said G. D., his fr'!m*^mcum- heirs and assigns, that, notwithstanding any thing '^''*'^°'=®^ ; by the said A. B., or any of his ancestors, done, or knowingly suffered, he the said A. B. now hath power to surrender all and singular the said pre- mises to the use of the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, in manner aforesaid, free from incum- brances ; AND THAT all the said premises may be quietly entered into, held, and enjoyed by the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, without any in- terruption by the said A. B. or any person law- fully or equitably claiming through or in trust for him; and that he the said A. B. and his heirs, ^„(i f^r fur- andeveryother person lawfully orequitablyclaim- ance.*^^""^ ing through or in trust for him or any of his an- cestors, will, at all times, at the cost of the said C. D., his heirs or assigns, execute and do all such assurances and things for further or better assur- ing all or any of the said premises to the use of the said C D., his heirs and assigns, as by him or them shall be reasonably requii-ed. In witness &c. THE SCHEDULE to which the above-writ- ten Indenture refers. tion on the roils is frequently incorrect; and that, there- fore, in the deed of covenant, it is often requisite to give both the true and the manorial description. 118 CONVEYANCES. XL Parties. R;cital of estate. tract for sale. Conveyance of a Contingent Estate (a) in Copyholds. This indenture, made &c., between A. B., of &c. [vendor], of the one part, and C. D., of &c. [jni/rchaser], of the other part. Wheeeas [recite the instrument by which the estate was created and the subsequent events formally , or proceed in this manner, with variations according to circum- stances;] tinder the will, dated the day of — _, of , deceased, and of several subsequent events, the said A. B., as one of the children of , his mother, is now presumptively en- titled in reversion immediately expectant on the death of the said , and, in the event of his surviving her, to the inheritance, according to the custom of the manor of , in the county of , of one share of the copyhold heredita- ments hereinafter mentioned, and will, in the event aforesaid, on the death of any one, or more, or all of his brothers and sisters in the lifetime of the said , become entitled to the absolute inheritance, according to the custom of the said manor, of a further share or shares, or of the entirety of the same hereditaments. And whereas the said A. B. has agreed with the said C. D. for the sale (a) See supra, p. 68. CONVEYANCES. 1 1 9 to him of the said share, shares, or entirety, to which he the said A. B. is, or will be in the event or events aforesaid, entitled, and the in- heritance thereof according to the custom of the said manor, free from incumbrances, except the accustomed rents, tines, heriots, suits, and ser- vices, but subject to the estate for life therein of the said , and to the contingency of the es- tate and interest of the said A. B. in the same hereditaments being defeated by his death in the lifetime of the said . Now this indenture witnesseth, WITNESSETH, that, ill pursuance of the said agi*ee- ment, and in consideration of the sum of £ Considera- to the said A. B. this day paid by the said C. D. *^'''"' (the receipt whereof the said A. B. doth hereby Receipt, acknowledge), he the said A. B. doth hereby operative grant and dispose of (a) unto the said C. D., his '"°'^ ^' heirs and assigns all that the share, and parcels all and every other the shares, share, or entirety to which the said A. B. is, or will be in the event of his surviving the said , entitled of, [parcels — general ivords, supra pp. 96-7], and all the estate and interest of the said A. B. in the said premises, TO hold the said premises unto and Habendum. TO THE USE of the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, subject to the estate for life therein of the said , and to the contingency of the estate and interest of the said A. B. in the said heredita- ments being defeated by his death in the lifetime of the said , and according to the custom of (a) See the words of sect. 6 of the statute, supra, p. 85. 1 20 CONVEYANCES. the said manor, and by and undei' tlie accustomed Covenants rents, fines, lieriots, suits, and services. And the by vendor ' for righL to SAID A. B. doth hereby, for himself, his heirs, ex- convey, free from incum- ecutors, and administrators covenant with the brances; said C D., his lieirs and assigns, that, notwith- standing anything by the said A. B., or the said [testator'\, or any of his ancestors done, or knowingly suffered, he the said A. B. now hath power to grant and dispose of all and singular the said premises unto and to the use of the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, subject as and in manner aforesaid, but free from incumbrances; AND THAT, Subject to the estate for life and contin- gency aforesaid, all the said premises may be quiet- ly entered into, held, and enjoyed without any interruption by the said A. B. or the said [testator^, or any person lawfully or equitably claiming and fur throujch him or anv of his ancestors ; and that further *= , , . . , assurance, he the Said A. B. and his heirs, and every other l)erson lawfully or equitably claiming through or in trust for him, or the said [testator], or any of his ancestors, will, at all times at the cost of the said C. D., liLs heirs or assigns, execute and do all such assurances and things, for further or bet- ter assuring all or any of the said premises unto and to the use of the said C. D., his heirs and as- signs, subject as and in manner aforesaid, as by him or them shall be reasonably required. In WITNESS, &c. THE SCHEDULE to which the above-written Indenture refers. CONVEYAXCES. 121 XII. AssiGNJrENT q/" Leaseholds on a Sale. This indenture, made &C., BETWEEN A. Parties. B., of &c. \yend(y)'], of the one part, and C. D.,of (fee. [purchasei-], of the other part. Whereas, by Recital of an indenture of lease, dated the day of , ^ ' and expressed to be made between [^parties], all that &c. \^x)arcels from the lease], with the ap- purtenances, were demised to the said G.H., his ex- ecutors, administrators, and assigns, for the term of yeai-s from the day of , at the yearly rent by the same indentui'e reserved, and subject to certain covenants and conditions there- in contained, and by the lessee, his executors, ad- ministrators, and assigns to be observed and per- formed (a). And whereas the said premises are —of its now vested in the said A. B. for the residue of come vesica „ /-TK A in vendor ; the said term of years (6). And whereas _^(^^^^ the said A. B. hath agreed with the said C. D. for «^^;^^^act the sale to him, for the sum of £ , of the pre- mises aforesaid, for the residue of the said term, and subject to the rent, covenants, and conditions (a) In assigning leaseholds, the lease is usually recited and the parcels set out in the recital ; and in stating the parcels, the exceptions (if any) should either be set out or mentioned, so as to shew what was actually demised. (6) It is usual particularly to refer to the last assign- ment, viz. that to the vendor; but, as nothing is gained by this reference, it has been omitted. Ci 122 CONVEYANCES. aforesaid, but free from otlier incumbrances. Witncsecth. NoW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, tbat, in pur- Cousidera- suance of tliB said agi-eement, and in consideration "°"' of the sum of £ to the said A. B. this day Receipt. paid by the said C D., (the receipt whereof the Assignment. Said A. B. doth hereby acknowledge), he the said A. B. doth hereby assign unto the said C. D., his Parcels. executors, administratoi-s, and assigns, all and SINGULAR the said , hereditaments, and pre- mises by the said indenture of the day of [^ease] expressed to be demised (a), with their rights, easements, and appurtenances, and ALL the estate and interest of the said A. B. in Habendum the said premises, TO hold the said premises unto the said C. D., his executors, administrators, and assigns, for the residue of the said term of years, at the rent and subject to the covenants (a) If houses, or other buildings, have been erected since the date of the lease, so as to vary the description of the property, they should be mentioned thus : — " together with all those messuages and buildingswhich have been built on the said ground since the date of the said lease," or in some similar way. If the houses are numerous, they may be placed in a schedule, and referred to accord- ingly: this is pai'ticularly convenient when it is desired to shew the tenancy and rental. Sometimes, common general words, as in conveyances of freehold, are added, especially when the lease is of long standing, so that ap- purtenances may have been acquired by user since its creation. CONVEYANCES. 123 and conditions in the said lease reserved and con- tained, and lienceforth by the lessee, his executors, administrators, and assigns to be paid, performed, and observed. And the said A. B. doth here- Covenant by vcndov, bv, for himself, his heirs, executors, and adminis- tuat rent •' ' ' ' ' and uove- trators, covenant with the said C. D., his execu- nuutshave been paid tors, administrators, and assigns, that, notwith- *"^^.^". standing anything by the said A. B. done, omit- ted, or knowingly suilered(a), the rent, covenants, and conditions in the said lease reserved and con- tained, and by the lessee, his executors, adminis- trators, and assigns to be paid, performed, and observed, have been paid, performed, and ob- served up to the date of these presents : and that, — fov ligin notwithstanding any such thing as aforesaid(o), fieofion he the said A. B. now hatJi power to assign all brances; and singular the said premises unto the said C. D., his executors, administrators, and assigns, for the term, and subject as and in manner afore- said, free from incumbrances ; and that all the and for • . -1 1 • J further said premises may be quietly entered into and assurance, during the said term held and enjoyed without any interruption by the said A. B., his executors or administrators, or any person lawfully or equit- ably claiming through him; and that he the (rt) As to the shape of this covenant see Dart, Vend. & Purch., 3rd edit. p. 354. (6) It is usual to insert a covenant that the lease i.s valid ; but this seems implied by the covenant for right to assign, and is, therefore, omitted. G 2 124 CONVEYANCES. said A. B., his executors and administrators, and eveiy other person lawfully or equitably claiming through or in trust for him, will, at all times, at the cost of the said C. D., his executors, adminis- tratoi"S, or assigns, execute and do all such assur- ances and things for further or better assuring all or any of the said premises unto the said C. D., his executors, administrators, and assigns, for the then residue of the said term, subject as and in manner aforesaid, as by the said C. D., his execu- tors, administrators, or assigns shall be reason- Covenant by ably required. And the said C. D. doth hereby, purchaser j i to pay rent for himself, his heirs, executors, and admini.sti-a- anrl observe covenants, tors, covenant with the said A. B., his .executors and administrators, that he the said C. D., his ex- ecutors, administrators, or assigns will henceforth pay the said rent by the said lease reserved, and perform and observe all the covenants and conditions therein contained, and Vjy the lessee, his executors, administrators, or assigns hence- and indem- forth to be performed and observed, and will keep Tn respect"'^ the said A. B., his heirs, executors, and adminis- trators indemnified against all actions, suits, ex- penses, and claims on account of the non-payment of the said rent or any part thereof, or the breach, or non-performance or non-observance of the said covenants and conditions, or any of them (a). In WITNESS &c. (a) Every vendoi' of a lease, except the assignees of a bankrupt, Wilkins v. Fry, 1 Mer. 244, is entitled to this covenant. (See 1 Davidson's Precedents in Conveyancing, 477). CONVEYANCES. 125 XIII. Conveyance of Freeholds, and Covenant to surrender Copyholds to a Pur- chaser. This indenture, made &c., between A. B., Parties, •of &c. \yendor\ a widower (rt), of the one part, and C. D., of &c. \jpurchaser\, a bachelor (6), of the other part, witnesseth, that, in consideration of Witneaseth. the sum of £ to the said A. B. this day paid by the said C. D., for the purchase of the here- ditaments intended to be hei'eby gi'anted (the re- Receipt, ceipt whereof the said A. B. doth hereby acknow- ledge), he the said A. B. doth hereby grant unto Conveyance the said C. D., his heii's and assigns, all those parcels and hereditaments situate in the parish of , in the county of , delineated in the plan in the margin of these presents, and therein coloured , and specified in the first part of the schedule hereunder written (c), \(jen€,ral words, (a) See supra, p. 107, n. (a), (b) See supra, p. 96, n. (a). (c) If, as is often the case, the freeholds and copyholds cannot be distiuguished, the freehold parcels may run thus: — " ALL SUCH parts of the and hereditaments situate in the parish of , in the county of , delineated in the plan in the magin of these presents, and specified in the schedule hereuiider 126 CONVEYANCES. iiLibeiidum. supra, p. 97], TO HOLD the said premises unto the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, to the use of the said CD., his heirs and assigns. And this in- Witn&sseth DENTURE ALSO WITNESSETH, that, in consideration of the sum of £ to the said A. B. this day paid by the said CD., for the purchase of the hereditaments hereinafter covenanted to be sur- R«ceipt. rendered (the receipt whereof the said A. B. doth hereby acknowledge), he the said A. B. doth here- Covenaut to by, for himself, his heirs, executors, and adminis- copyhoids. trators covenant with the said C D. and his heirs, that he the said A. B. or his heirs, and all other necessary parties (if any), will forthwith effectu- ally surrender into the hands of the lord of the manor of , in the county of , according Parcels. to the custom thereof, all those and here- ditaments, situate in the parish aforesaid, deli- neated in the plan aforesaid, and therein coloured , and specified in the second part of the said schedule hereunder written (all which said and Iiereditaments are in the court-rolls of the said manor described as follows (a); (that is to written, as are of freehold tenure (all which parts, so far as the same are known, are distinguished in the said plan by the colour , and are indi- cated in the said schedule)." (a) When the freeholds and copyholds cannot be dis- tinguished, the copyhold parcels may run thus : — " all such parts of the said and heredita- CONVEYANCES. 127 say), [description from the rolls — general words, supra, p. 97, without the estate clause]^, to the To the use USE of the said C. T>., his heirs and assigns, ac- chaser. conling to the custom of the said manor, and by antl under the accustomed rents, fines, heriots, suits, and sei-vices. And it is hereby declared, Declaration ' , / that the that the aforesaid freehold and coiiyhold heredi- price is ap- portioned tamcnts were contracted to be sold by the said forthepur- poses of the A. B. to the said C. D. at the sum of £ (the stamp Acts. aggi-egate of the aforesaid sums of £ and £ ), as an entire price for the whole, and that the aforesaid division and apportionment thereof are made only for the purposes of the Act imposing an ad-valorem stamp duty upon con- veyances upon sales. And the said A. B. doth Covenant hereby, for himself, his heirs, executors, and ad- for right to • -1 .11 • 1 /-I T^ 1 • convey, free miiustrators, covenant with the said U. D., bis from incum- heirs and assigns, that, notwithstanding anything by the said A. B. or any of his ancestors done, or knowingly suffered, he the said A. B. now hath power to grant all and singular the said premises liereinbefore expressed to be hereby granted, and ments delineated in the plan aforesaid, and speci- fied in the schedule aforesaid, as are of copyhold tenure (all which parts, so far as the same are known, are distinguished in the said \Aa.n by the colour and are indicated in the said schedule, and in the court-rolls of the said manor are de- scribed as follows; (that is to say) )," 138 CONVEYANCES. to surrender all and singular tlie said premises hereinbefore covenanted to be sun'endered to the use of the said C. D,, his heirs and assigns, in — for further nianner aforesaid, free from incumbi-ances ; and .issui.mce. ^jj^rp ^^i the several premises aforesaid may be quietly entered into, held, and enjoyed by the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, without any in- terruption by the said A. B. or any person lawfully or equitably claiming through or in trust for him or any of his ancestors; and that he the said A. B. and his heirs, and every other person lawfully or equitably claiming through or in trust for him or any of his ancestors, will, at all times, at the cost of the said C D., his heirs or assigns, execute and do all such assurances and things for further or better assuring all or any of the said premises respectively to the use of the said C D., his heirs and assigns, as by him or them shall be reason- ably required. In witness &c. THE SCHEDULE to which the above-written Indenture refers. Part I. Part II. CONVEYANCES. xrv. 129 Conveyance o/* Freeholds and Leaseholds to a Purchaser. This indenture, made &c., between A. Parties. B., of &c. [vendor], who has been married since the 1st day of January, 1834: (a), of the one part, and C. D., of tfec. [purc/uiser], a bachelor (6), of the other ])art, [recital of the lease, and of its being vested in tite vendor, supra, p. 121]. And contract WHEREAS the said A. B, has agreed with the said C. D. for the sale to him, for the sum of £ , of the hereditaments intended to be hereby gi-anted, in fee-simple in possession, free from incumbrances, and also of the said leasehold premises for the residue of the said term, and subject to the rents, covenants, and conditions aforesaid, but free from other incumbrances. Now this indenture wit- wituesseth, NESSETii, that, in pursuance of the said agree- pient, and in consideration of the sum of £ to the said A. B. this day paid by the said C. D., (the receipt whereof the said A. B. doth hereby Receipt. acknowledge), he the said A. B, doth hereby conveyance gi-aut unto the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, ° [freehold jJarcels, and general ivords, supra, pp. 96, 97, with the addition o/tJie reference to a dis- (a) See Bupra, p. 107, n. (a), (b) See supra, p. 96, n. (a). 3 130 CONVEYANCES. Habendum. Witnosseth secondly. Assignment of lease- holde.. tinguishing colour on the plan, see supra, p. 12G], TO HOLD the said pi-emises unto the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, TO the use of the said C. D., his heirs and assigns. And this indenture ALSO WITNESSETH, that, in further pursuance of the said agreement, and for the consideration aforesaid, he the said A. B. doth hereby assign unto the said C. D., his executors, administra- tors, and assigns, all and singular the said , hereditaments, and premises by the said indenture of the day of \lease\ ex- pressed to be demised [a), and which are deline- ated in the said plan in the margin of these pre- sents, and therein coloured , with their rights, easements, and appurtenances, and all the estate and interest of the said A. B. in the Habendum, said premises, TO HOLD the said premises unto the said C. D., his executors, administrators, and assigns, for the residue of the said term of years, at the rents and subject to the covenants and conditions in the said lease reserved and contained, and henceforth by the lessee, his ex- ecutors, administrators, and assigns to be paid, per- formed, and observed. And the said A. B. doth hereby, for himself, his heirs, executors, and ad- ministrators, covenant with the said C. D., his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns re- spectively, that, notwithstanding anything by the said A. B. done, omitted, or knowingly suffer- Covenant by vendor, that rents and cove- nants have been paid and per- formed ; (a) See supra, p. 122, n. (a). COXVEYAXCES. 131 etl, the rents, covenants, and conditions in the said lease reserved and contained, and by the lessee, his executors, administrators, and assigns to be paid, performed, and observed, have been, paid, performed, and observed up to tlie date of these presents ; and that, notwithstanding —for right to convey anything by the said A. B. or any of liis ances- free from' tors done, or knowingly suffered, he the said A. branccs ; B. now hath power to grant all and singular the said premises hereinbefore expressed to be hei'e- by granted to the use of the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, in manner aforesaid, free from in- cumbrances, and to assign all and singular the said premises hereinbefore expressed to be here- by assigned unto the said C. D., his executors, administrators, and assigns, for the term, and subject as and in manner aforesaid, free from in- cumbrances; AND THAT all the several premises —for further aforesaid may be quietly entered into, held, and ' enjoyed by the said C. D., his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns respectively, without any interruption by the said A. B., or any per- son lawfully or equitably claiming through or in trust for him or any of his ancestors; and that he the said A. B., his heirs, executors, and ad- ministrators, and eveiy other person lawfully or equitably claiming through or in trust for him or any of his ancestors, will, at all times, at the cost of the said C. D., his heirs, executors, ad- ministrators, or assigns, execute and do all such assurances and things for further or better as- 132 CONVEYANCES. suring all or any of the said premises hereinbe- fore expressed to be hereby granted to the use of the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, and all or any of the said premises hereinbefore ex- pressed to be hereby assigned unto the said C. D., his executors, administrators, and assigns, for the then residue of the said term of years, subject as and in manner aforesaid, as by the said C. D., his heirs, executors, administra- tors, or assigns, respectively, shall be reasonably required. [Covenant hy purchaser to jKty rents, and observe covenants, and indemnify vendor in respect thereof, supra, p. 124.] In witness &c. THE SCHEDULE to which the above- written Indenture refers. XV. Conveyance of Freeholds and Leaseholds, and Covenant to surrender Copyholds to a Purchaser. ParUc8. This indenture, made &c., BETWEEN A. B., of &c. [vendor], a widower (a), of the one part, and C. D., of &c. [j)urchaser], a bachelor (b), of the other part. Whereas [recital of the lease and of its being vested in the vendor, supra, p. (a) See supra, p. 107, d. (a), (l) See supra, p. 96, n. (c). CONVEYANCES. 133 121]. And wheueas the said A. B. has agreed J^^^^^J.^^'L with the said C. D. for the sale to him, for the ^^^''■' sum of £ , of the freehold hereditaments in- tended to be hereby granted, in fee-simple in pos- session, free from incumbrances, and of the copy- hold hereditaments hereinafter covenanted to be surrendered, and the inheritance thereof in pos- session, according to the custom of the manor of which the same are holden, free from incum- brances, except th e accustomed rents, fines, heriots, suits, and services, and of the said leasehold pre- mises for the residue of the aforesaid term, and subject to the rents, covenants, and conditions aforesaid, but free from other in cumbrances. And WHEREAS, for the purposes of the Act imposing an ~°^^P|^^'f advalorem stamp duty on conveyances on sales, purchase-^ £ has been apportioned as the price of the the stamp said freehold and leasehold hereditaments, and £ as the price of the said copyhold heredita- ments (a). Now THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, that, in pursuance of the said agreement, and in witnessetii. (a) It will be seen, that in this Precedent the appor- tionment for the purposes of the stamp duty is managed differently from the apportionment in Precedent XIII , supra, p. 127- If the purchase-money is to be paid to more than one hand, as to a mortgagor and his mortgagee, or by more than one hand, as by a purchaser and his mortgagee, it is inconvenient to do more than state the apportionment in a recital, nor is more i-equired. 134 CONVEYANCES. Considera- considei'ation of the sura of £ [the whole pur- "*'"■ chase-money] to the said A. B. this day paid by Receipt. the said C. D., (the receipt whereof the said A. Conveyance B. doth hereby acknowledge), he the said A. B. of freeholds, ^^^j^ hereby grant unto the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, [freehold parcels, and general words, Habendum, supra, jJ- 125], TO HOLD the Said premises unto the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, to the use of the said C. D., his heirs and assigns. And Witnef3seth THIS INDENTURE ALSO WITNESSETH, that, in fur- secondiy. ^-^^^ pursuance of the said agreement, and for Covenant to the consideration aforesaid, he the said A. B. coK-hoWs doth hereby, for himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators, covenant with the said C. D. and his heirs, that ho the said A. B. and his heirs, and all other necessary parties (if any), will forthwith effectually surrender into the hands of the lord of the manor of , in the county of , according to the custom thereof, tothcuaeof \ parcels — general words, supra, p. 126], to the purchaser, i-/ -^ ■' ^ USE of the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, ac- cording to the custom of the said manor, and by and under the accustomed rents, fines, heriots, Witnesseth suits, and services. And this indenture also ^' WITNESSETH, that, in further pursuance of the Assignment Said agreement, and for the consideration afore- hoids*^' said, he the said A. B. doth hereby assign unto the said C. D., his executors, administrators, and asiigns, all and singular the said , here- ditaments, and premises by the said indenture of CONVEYANCES. 135 the day of [lease] expi-essed to be de- mised (a), with tlieir rights, easements, and ap- purtenances, AND ALL the estate and interest of the said A. B. in the said premises, TO hold the Habendum. said premises unto the said C. D., his executoi"S, administrators, and assigns, for the residue of the said term of years, at the rents and subject to the covenants and conditions in the said lease reserved and contained, and henceforth by the lessee, his executors, administratox's, and assigns, to be paid, performed, and observed. And the covenant SAID A. B. doth liereby, for himself, his heirs, that rents' executors, and administrators, covenant ■with the nants have said C. D., his heirs, executors, administrators, and"pcv- and assigns respectively, that, notwithstanding °^^^ ' anything by the said A. B. done, omitted, or knowingly sixffered, all and singular the rents, covenants, and conditions in the said lease re- served and contained, and by the lessee, liis ex- ecutors, administrators, and assigns to be paid, pcrfoi-med, and observed, have been paid, per- formed and observed, up to the date of these presents ; and that, notwithstanding any- _fyj. ^ight thing by the said A. B. or any of his ancestoi-s freolvJm in- done or knowingly suffered, he the said A. B. cumbrances; now hath power to grant all and singular the said premises hereinbefore expressed to be here- by granted, and to surrender all and singular the said premises hereinbefore covenanted to be sur- (a) See supra, p. 122, n. (a) assurance. 136 CONVEYANCES. rendered, to the use of tlie said C. D., his heirs and assigns, in manner aforesaid, free from in- cumbrances, and to assign all and singular the said premises hereinbefore expressed to be here- by assigned unto the said C. D., his executors, administrators, and assigns, for the term, and subject as and in manner aforesaid, free fi'om in- cumbrances; AND THAT all the several premises aforesaid shall be quietly entered into, held, and enjoyed by the said C. D., his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns respectively, without any interruption by the said A. B., or any per- son claiming through or in trust for him or any — for^further of his ancestors ; and that he the said A. B., his heirs, executors, and administrators, and every other person lawfully or equitably claim- ing thi'ough or in trust for him or any of his ancestors, will, at all times, at the cost of the said C. D., his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, execute and do all such assurances and things for further or better assuring all or any of the said premises hereinbefore expressed to be hereby gi'anted, and hex'einbefore cove- nanted to be surrendered respectively to the use of the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, and all or any of the said premises hereinbefore ex- I)ressed to be hereby assigned unto the said C. D., his executors, administrators, and assigns, for the then residue of the said term of years, subject as and in manner aforesaid, as by the said C. D., his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, respectively, shall be reasonably re- CONVEYANCES. 137 quired. [Covenants by jnirchaser to pay rents, and observe covenants, and indemnify vendor in resjiect thereof, supra, p. 124]. In witness &c. THE SCHEDULE to which the above- written Indenture refers. Part I. Part II. XVI. Assignment of a Policy o/' Assurance. This indenture, made &C., BETWEEN A.B., Parties. of &c. [vendor'], of the one part, and C. D., of »fec. [purchaser'], of the other part, WITNESSETH, that, wjtnesseth. in consideration of the sum of £ , to the said Considera- tion. A. B. this day paid by the said C. D., (the re- Receipt, ceipt whereof he tlie said A. B. doth hei'eby ac- knowledge), he the said A. B. doth hereby assign Assignmeut. unto the said C. D., his executors, administrators, and assigns, all that policy of assurance on the Parcels. life of him the said A. B. granted by the Assiu-ance Society, dated the day of , numbered , for the sum of £ , and under the annual premium of ; and all monies assured or to become payable by or under the said policy, and the full benefit thereof, and all the estate and interest of the said A. B. in the 138 CONVEYANCES. Habendum: Covenant that the policy is valid. — for right to assign. —not to avoid the policy ; — and pay additional premiums, if incurred; — for further assurance. said premises, TO hold the said premises unto the said C D., his executors, administrators, and as- signs. And the said A. B. doth hereby, for him- self, his heirs, executors, and administrators, covenant with the said 0. D., his executors, ad- ministrators, and assigns, that, notwithstanding anything by him the said A. B. done or omitted, or knowingly suffered, the aforesaid policy is now valid, and in full force, for the said sum of £ , and for all bonuses and additions (if any) which have been added or made thereto, and that, not- withstanding any such thing as aforesaid, he the said A. B. now hath power to assign the said pre- mises unto the said C. D., his executors, adminis- trators, and assigns, in manner aforesaid, and free from incumbrances ; and that he the said A. B. will not do, or omit, or knowingly suffer anything whereby the said policy may be vitiated or ren- dered void or voidable, or the said C. D., his ex- ecutors, administrators, or assigns may be pre- vented from receiving the said sum of £ , or any bonuses or additions thereto, or any part thereof, respectively ; and that, if the said A. B. shall do or suffer anything, whereby any addi- tional premium or payment shall become payable for keeping the said policy in force, then he the said A. B. will, from time to time, and at all times, duly and punctually pay such additional premium or payment, so as to keep the said policy in force ; and that he the said A, B., his execu- tors and administrators, and every person law- COXVEYANCES. fully or equitably claiming through or in trust for the said A. B., his executors or administrators, will, at all times, at the cost of the said C. D.. his executors, administrators, or assigns, execute and do such assurances and things, for moi-e efTectually assuring the said premises unto the said C. D., his executors, administrators, and assigns, in manner afoi'csaid, or for enabling him or them to recover and receive payment of the same respectively, as by him or them shall be reasonably required. In WITNESS &c. («). 139 XVII. Conveyance hy a Dean and Chapter, with the Ap2)roval of the Church Estates Commission- ers. TiTIS INDENTURE, made &c., between The Partie Right Worshipful A. B., clerk &c.. Dean of the Cathedral Church of , and the Chapter of the same Church [vendois], of the first part, C. D., of &c., E. F., of tfec, and G. H., of ckc, (the Church Estates Commissioners constituted and appointed under or by virtue of an Act passed in the Ses- (rt) Notice of the assignment of the policy must bo given to the ofRce by which it is granted. 140 CONVEYANCES. Recital of lease ; —of the agreement for salt. sion of Parliament of the 13th and 14th years of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled " An Act to amend the Laws relating to the Ecclesias- tical Commissioners for England," and made par- ties to and joining in these presents under and by virtue of the provisions of an Act passed in the .Session of the 14th and 15th years of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled " An Act to facilitate the Management and Improvement of Episcopal and Capitular Estates in England," as continued and amended by two several Acts passed in the Sessions of the 17th and 18th and 19th and 20th years of the same I'eign, of the second part ; and I. K., of &c. [jmrchaser], of the third part. Whereas, by an indenture of lease dated the day of , and expressed to be made between the said Dean and Chapter, of the one part, and the said I. K., of the other part, the said Dean and Chapter did demise unto the said I. K., his executors, administrators, and assigns, all that &c. [parcels from the lease], to hold the same unto the said I. K., his executors, administrators, and assigns, from the day of then last, for the term of years, at the yearly rent by the same indenture reserved, and under and subject to the covenants and con- ditions therein contained, and on the part of the said lessee, his executors, administrators, and assigns to be performed and observed. And WUEREAS the said Dean and Chapter, with the approval of the said Church Estates Commission- COX\'EYANCES. 141 ers (testified by their being parties to and exe- cuting these presents), lately agreed with the said I. K. for the sale to him of the reversion, estate, and interest of them the said Dean and Chapter (being the inheritance iu fee simple in reversion expectant upon the said term gi-anted by the hereinl)efore-recitcd indenture of lease,) in the said piece of land comprised in the same in- denture, for. the sum of £ . And whereas -of thepay- . . . , mcnt of the the said Church Estate Commissioners appointed purchase- ^ p money into that tlic said purchase-money or sum oi .t , tiie Bank of should be paid into the Bank of England, to the "^ '""^ ' account of the said Church Estates Commission- ers, and the said I. K. has accordingly paid the said purchase-money or sum of <£ into the Bank of England, to the account so appointed. And whereas the said Church Estates Commis- -that the , 1 J.1 Commis- sioners have directed that the conveyance by the sionershavc said Dean and Chapter upon the sale aforesaid conveyance shall be made by these presents, in form and ° '^^^ ^■ manner hereinafter appearing. Now this in- ^itnesseth. denture WITNESSETH, that, for effectuating the said sale, and in consideration of the said sum consiciera- of £ so paid by the said I. K. into the Bank "''"■ of England as aforesaid, (the payment of which Receipt. same sum, in manner aforesaid, is testified by the memorandum of receipt hereupon indorsed, and signed by the said Church Estates Commissioners), they the said Dean and Chapter do, by these pre- Couvcyancc. sents, grant and convey, and they tlie said Church Estates Commissioners do, by these presents, con- 142 CONVEYANCES. General words. Parcels. fi^^ unto the Said I. K., his heirs and assigns, all THAT the revei'sion and inheritance in fee simple, expectant vipon the expiration or sooner deter- mination of the said term granted by the herein- before recited indenture of lease, of and in the said piece of land, described and comprised in the same indenture, and expressed to be thereby de- mised as aforesaid, and which same premises are delineated in the plan drawn in the margin of these presents, and therein coloured , and of and in all hedges, ditches, fences, ways, waters, watercourses, liberties, privileges, easements, ad- vantages, and appurtenances whatsoever, to the said piece of land appertaining, or with the same now or heretofore demised, occupied, or enjoyed, or reputed or known as part or parcel thereof or appurtenant thereto, and all the estate, interest, right, title, property, claim, and demand whatso- ever of them the said Dean and Chapter in, to, Habendum, and out of the Same premises, to have and to HOLD the said reversion, estate, interest, and pre- mises, hereinbefore expressed to be hereby grant- ed and conveyed unto the said I. K., his heirs and assigns, to the use of the said I. K., his heirs and assigns, for ever. And the said Dean and Chapter do hereby, for themselves and their suc- cessors, covenant with the said I. K., his heirs and assigns, that they the said Dean and Chapter, and their successors, and every other person having, or lawfully or equitably claiming, any estate, right, title, interest, property, claim, or demand, in, to, Covenant by vendors for further CONVEYANCES. or out of the said premises hereiubefoi-e expressed to be hereby granted, or any pai-t thereof, by, from, under, or in trust for them the said Dean and Chapter, or their successors, shall and will, from time to time, and at all times hereaftei", upon the request and at the cost of the said I. K., his heirs or assigns, execute and do all such as- surances and things for further or better assuring the said premises, and every or any part thereof, to the use of the said I. K., his heirs and assigns, in manner aforesaid, as by him or them shall be reasonably required, (a) In witness &c. (a) In practice the Church Estates Commissioners sometimes object to this covenant, and insert instead a common covenant by the Ecclesiastical Corporation against incumbrances. 143 144 MORTGAGES. iHortgagesf. XVIII. Mortgage m Fee, loith Power of Sale to One Mortgagee. Parties. ThIS IKDJENTURE, made &c., between A. B., of &c, \_mortyagor'\, of the one part, and C. D., of witnesseth. &c. [mortgagee], of tlie other part, WITNESSETH, Considcra- that, in Consideration of the sum of ,£ this day paid to the said A. B. by the said C. D., (the Receipt. I'eceipt whereof the said A. B. doth hereby ac- Covenant knowledge^)f he the said A" B. doth hereby, for ment o?^' himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators, money^^with Covenant with the said G. D;, his executors and tbe^end'of*^ administrators, that he the said A. B., his heirs, SIX months, gxocutors, or administrators, will pay to the said C D., his executors, administrators, or assigns, the sum of £ [the p7'mcipar\, with interest for the same in the meantime at th^. rate of Witnesseth secondly. ^ — per cent, per annum, on the ', ■ day of Y^^ — next (a), without any deduction. And this INDENTURE ALSO WITNESSETH, that, for the COn- Convcjancc. sideration aforesaid, he the said A. B. doth here-*^ by grant, unto the said ^S. D., his heirs and as- a (a) Six calendar months frona the date of the mortgage. MORTGAGES. Uu sigus, [2)arcels — general wcyt'ds, snpra, pp. 9G-7]^ TO HOLD the said premises unto the said \. 1)., his Habendum. > heirs and assigns, to the use of the said (S, IX, ^ his heirs and assigns. Provided always, that, if proviso for the said ^ B., his heirs, exe<;utors, admiuistra- * e™i> lo"^- tors, or assigns, shall pay unto the said S, I^., hLs ^ executors, administrators, or assigns, the said sum oi £-^ — [the ^>/-iHcj)x<./], with interest for the same in the meantime at the rate of £-^ per cent, per annum, on the said -^— day of -i^ ''"'^ next, without any deduction, then the said 6> B», J ' -"^ his heirs or assigns, will, at any time thereafter, upon the request and at the cost of the said :^. B., his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, re- convey the said premises unto the said A B., his heirs and assigns, or as he or they shall direct. And the said Av 'B. doth hereby, for himself, his Covenant . . firpaymeut heirs, executors, and adnnnistriitoi"s, covenant oi interest ; with the said ^'D., his executors and administra- ^ a, tors, that, if the said sum oi £ '^ ' ' [the 2}rincipal], or any [»art thereof, shall f-emain unpaid after the said — — day of —^ — next, he the said A^B., his heirs, executors, or administrators will, so long as the same sum or any part thereof shall _^ remain unpaid, pay to the saidH^. "C, his exe- , cutors, administrators, or assigns, interest for the said sum of £ — , or for so much thereof as shall for the time being remain unpaid, at the rate of £-^ per cent, per annum, by equal half-yearly payments, on the ' '' day of - — — and the ^ h H6 Power of day of . MORTGAGES. -, witliout any deduction (a). On sale made by persoual rcpi'eseuta- tives, per- sons having legal estate to joiu. I'owPr not to be exei'- cised till certain events shall happen AXD IT IS HEREBY DECLARED, that the ssid G^ D.TiftS es»- acaitors, admiBistrators, or assigns may, at any time or times after the said -^^^ day of -i^"^' next (b), without any further consent on the part of the said>^": B., his heirs or assigns, sell the said premises, or any part thereof, either together or in parcels, and either by public auction or private contract, and may buy in or rescind any contract for sale and re-sell, without being responsible for loss occasioned thereby ; and may execute and do all such assurances and things for effectuating any such sale as he or they shall think fit ; jfc»»ailA5^ jupoa a-sale-by'-asy person or persons who ma^^ not be seised of the legal estate, the person in whom the legal estate shall be vested shall exe- cute and do such assura^ices and things for carry- ing the sale into effect, As the person or persons bv whom the sale shall be made shall direct : Pro- vided NEVERTHELESS, that the Said €if-.-S^is-ex- ,. ecutors, administi-ators, or assigns, shall not exe- cute the power of sale hereinbefore contained, until he or they shall have given to the said A. B. , his heii^, executors, administrators, or assigns, oi left on the said premises, a notice in writing to (a) A proviso for quiet enjoyment by the mortgagor until default was formerly inserted in mortgages; but it is of no real use unless the money is to remain for a term, and is therefore generally omitted. [1) The day for payment of the principal sum. MORTGAGES. 147 pay off the monies for the time being owing on the security of these presents, and default .shall , have been made in such payment for she, calendar ^ months after giving or leaving such notice, or until the whole or part of some half-yearly payment of interest shall have become in aiTcar for three calendar months («) : Provided also, that, upon purchasers any sale purporting to be made in pursuance of bound to the afoi'esaid ])ower, no purchaser shall be bound ^J'icii events to inquire whether either of the cases mentioned |]gyed|^'" in the clause lastly hereinbefore contained has happened, nor whether any money remains upon the security of these presents, nor as to the pro- priety or regularity of such sale ; and notwith- standing any impi'opriety or irregularity whatso- ever in any such sale, the same shall, as regards the purchaser or purchasers, be deemed to be with- in the aforesaid power, and be valid accordingly. And it is hereby deglakep, that the receipt of Mortgagee's /. ' ■-' ,.. receipt to the said ^,S)., hia_ executors, admuustrators, or bendis- assigns, for the purchase-monies of the premises purchasers sold, or any part thereof, shall effectually discharge the purchaser or purchasers therefrom and from being concerned to see to the application thereof; AND that the said €1, D., his £xecators, admi- Trusts of tl^ (a) This proviso is, in most cases, of little practical value, aud may be omitted ; for a mortgagee is uot dis- posed to sell the property, if he cau get his money by demanding it. If this clause be left out, the words in the next clause referring to it should be omitted. h2 148 MORTGAGES. purciiase- ttwivafcey s, and assigns, shall, out of the monies "^"^"^^ arising from any sale in pursuance of the afore- said power, in the first place, pay the expenses incurred on such sale or otherwise in relation to the premises; And, in the next place, apply such monies in or towards satisfaction of the monies for the time being owing on the security of these presents ; And then pay the surplus (if any) of *; the monies arising from such sale to the said Power to be A. B., his heirs or assigns; and that the afore- auy person said power of Sale and other powers may be entitled to -it p l^^ ,■ receive exercisecl by any person or persons tor the time money. being entitled to receive and give a discharge for the monies then owing on the security of Mortjragee's these presents. Provided always, that the said daBSfc"**^^ "Gf*©:, his-.eiefcutors, administrators, or assigns, ' sihall not be answerable for any involuntary losses which may happen in the exercise of the aforesaid power and trusts, or any of them (a). (a) It is uaual to provide, that the i-ight of foi'eclosure shall not be affected by the power of sale ; but the pre- caution is not necessary, for a mortgagee, under a pro- perly drawn mortgage, loses none of his rights aa a mortgagee, by arming himself, in addition, with a power of sale. In the case of bankruptcy, it has been expressly decided, that a mortgagee may waive his power of sale, and have the estate sold under an order in bank- ruptcy in the usual way. {Ex parte Hocltjton, 1 Glyn & Jam. 12 ; Ex parte Davis, 1 Mont. & Ayr. 89; S. C, 3 Dea. & Chit. 504). Such is now a matter of ordi- nary practice in all cases. The notion of the power of MORTGAGES. 149 And the said '^. B. doth hereby, for himself, Covenant 1 • 1 • . 1 1 • • , , i '<"■ "t'lit to Jus lieirs, executors, and aduiiiustrators, covenant convey, free ■with the said 0^1).., his heirs and assigns, tliat brancos; '(\i^ he the said Y^B. now hath i)ower to grant all '' and singular the said premises unto and to the use of the said 'C^ I)., his-l»«irs and assigns, in C M^ manner aforesaid, ajid frre from incumhranooa - ; ■VM n ■ Tff A T -tUl- the said 1 premises may be quietly entered into, held, amd enjoyed by the said "A SI. D., his heii's and kssigns, without any in- jbefiHU^^B— by-- a ny poWo n : and that he the and for rinc)pal\, or any jiart thereof, shall remain unpaid after the said day of next, he the said A. B., his heirs, executors, or administrators, will, so long as the same sum, or any part thereof, shall remain unpaid, pay to the said C. D., E. F., and G. H., or the survivors or survivor of them, or tlie executors or adnxiuLstrators of such survivor, their 152 MORTGAGES. Declaration that the money be- lonj^s to moi'tgagees on a joint account. Power of sale. On sale or his assigns, interest for the said sum of £ , or for so much thereof as shall for the time being remain unpaid, at the rate of £ — per cent, per annum, by equal half-yearly payments, on the day of and the day of , without any deduction. And it is hereby declared, that the said sum ot £ , advanced by the said C D., E. F., and G. H., belongs to them on a joint account, in equity as well as at law; and, accordingly, that the receipt of the survivors or survivor of them, or of the executors or adminis- tratoi-s of such survivor, shall be an effectual discharge for the princij>al monies and interest intended to be hereby secured. And it is here- by DECLARED, that the said C. D., E. F., and G. H., or the survivors or survivor of them, or the executors or administrators of such survivor, their or his assigns, may at any time or times after the said day of next (a), without any further consent on the part of the said A. B., his heirs or assigns, sell the said premises, or any part thereof, either together or in parcels, and either by public auction or private contract, and may buy in or rescind any contract for sale and re-sell, without being responsible for loss occasioned thereby ; and may execute and do all such assur- ances and things for effectuating any such sale as they or he shall think fit; and that, upon a (a) The day for payment of the principal sum. MORTGAGES. 1-03 sale by any person or persons who may not be |j^j^^de^by seised of the legal estate, the person in whom the ^j'r'J^^^;;^;^;:^- legal estate shall be vested shall execute and do »j;^«^^';/"8 such assurances and acts for carrying the sale in- estate to to effect, as the person or persons by whom the sale shall be made shall direct : Provided never- P^wer not to he txer- TIIELES3, that the said C. D., E. F., and G. H., or cisci tin ' certain the survivors or survivor of them, or the execu- events giiali ,1 • happen. tors or administrators of such survivor, their or his assigns, shall not execute the power of sale hereinbefore contained, until they or he shall have given to the said A. B., his heirs, executors, ad- ministrators, or assigns, or left on the said pre- mises, a notice in writing to pay off the monies for the time being owing on the security of these presents, and default shall have been made in such payment for six calendar months after giving or lea\'ing such notice, or until the whole or part of some half-yearly payment of interest shall have become in arrear for three calendar months (a): Provided also, that, upon any sale purporting Purchasers to be made in pursuance of the aforesaid power, bound to no purchaser shall be bound to inquii'e whether such events either of the cases mentioned in the clause lastly peucd. ^^' hereinbefore contained has happened, nor whether any money remains upon the security of these presents, nor as to the propriety or regularity of such sale ; and, notwithstanding any impropriety (a) Sec supra, p. 147, u. (a), h3 154 MORTGAGES. or irregularity whatsoever in any sucli sale, the same shall, as regards a purchaser, be deemed to be within the aforesaid power, and be valid ac- Mortgagees" cordingly. And it is hereby declared, that the be'dfc'^ '" receipt of the said C. D., E. F., and G. H., or the purchasers, snrvivors or survivor of them, or the executors or administrators of such survivor, their or his assigns, for the purchase-monies of the premises sold, or any part thereof, shall effectually dis- charge the purchaser or purchasers therefrom, and from being concerned to see to the application Trusts of thereof; and that the said C. D., E. ¥., and G. money.^^' H., and the survivors and survivor of them, and the executors or administrators of such survivor, their or his assigns, shall, out of the monies arising from any sale in pursuance of the aforesaid j>ower, in the first place, thereout pay the expenses in- curred on such sale or otherwise in relation to the premises; And, in the next place, apply such monies in or towards satisfaction of the monies for the time being owing on the security of these presents, and then pay the surplus (if any) of the monies to arise from such sale unto the said A. Power to be B., his heirs and assigns; and that the aforesaid any'^pers'^on^ powcr of salc and Other powers may be exercised ?eceilemort- by any person or persons for the time being en- gage money, ^^^jgd ^q receive and give a discharge for the monies then owing on the security of these pre- Mortgngeea' Sents. PROVIDED ALWAYS, that the Said C. D., dauT"^ E. F., and G. H., or any of them, their or any of their executors, administrators, or assigns, shall MORTGAGES. 155 not be answerable for any involuntary losses which may happen in the exercise of the aforesaid power antl trusts, or any of them. And the said A. Co'e'iAut B. doth liereby, for himself, his heirs, executors convey; and administrators, covenant with the said C. D., F. F., and G. H., their heirs and assigns, that he the said A. B. now hath power to grant all and singular the said premises to the use of the said CD., R F., and G. H., their heirs and assigns, in manner aforesaid, and free from incumbrances ; AND THAT all the said premises may be (piietly entered into, held, and enjoyed by the said C. D., E. F., and G. H., their heirs and assigns, \vith- out any interruption by any person ; and that ^^^^^^^^^ he the said A. B. and his heirs, and every other assurance, person lawfully or equitably claiming any estate or interest in the premises, will, at all times, at the cost, until sale or foreclosure, of the said A. B., his heirs, executors, or administratoi-s, and afterwards of the person or persons requu'ing the same, execute and do all such assurances and things for further or better assuring all or any of the said premises to the use of the said C. D., E. F., and G. H., their heii-s and assigns, in man- ner aforesaid, as by them shall be reasonably re- quired. In witness ifec, THE SCHEDULE to which the above-m-itten Indentuue refers. 156 MORTGAGES. XX. Parties. Witnesseth. Considera- tion. Receipt. Witnesseth secondly. Covenant to surrender copyholds, to the use of the mort- gagee ; subject to a condition for making void the surrender. Mortgage q/ Copyholds. This INDENTUEE, made &c., BETWEEN A. B., of &c. [7nori(ja(jor'], of the one part, and C. D., of &c. [?/iortc/agee], of the other part, WIT- NESSETH, that, in consideration of the sum of £ , this day paid to the said A. B. by the said G. D., (the receipt whereof the said A. B. doth hereby acknowledge), he the said A. B. doth hereby, for himself, his heirs, executors, and ad- ministrators, covenant with the said C. D., his executors and administrators, [covenant J'or re- payment of mortgage-money with interest, supra, p. 144. And this indenture also witnesseth, that, for the consideration aforesaid, he the said A. B. doth hereby, for himself, his heirs, execu- tors, and administrators, covenant with the said C. D., his executors and administrators, \cove- nant to surrender copyliolds, supra, p. 116], to THE USE of the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, according to the custom of the said manor, by and under the accustomed rents, fines, heriots, suits, and services, and subject to a condition for making void the said surrender, if the said A. B., his heirs, exec\itors, administrators, or as- signs, shall pay unto the said C. D., his executors, administrators, or assigns, the said sum of £ MORTGAGES. 157 [t/te principal], with interest for the same in the meantime at the rate of £ per cent, per an- num, on the said day of next, without any deduction. \Covenant for fayment of inter- est; power of sale ; aiid covenants for title, as in mortijage of freeholds, si(2Jra, 2)p. 145 — HO, only changing "grant" into "surrender."] THE SCHEDULE to which the above-writ- ten Indenture refers. XXI. Mortgage of Leaseholds («), with a Covenant to Insure. This ITSTDENTURE, made &c., between A. B., Parties. . of &-C. [inortgagoi-], of the one part, and C. D., of &c. \inortgagee\ of the other part. Whereas &c., Recital of [recite tlie lease, and its having become vested in the moi-tgagor, ut su2yi'a, p. 121.] And whereas -of agree- the said C. D. has agreed to lend the said A. B. moi-tg;ige. the sum of £ , upon having the repayment thereof, with interest, as hereinafter mentioned, secured in manner hereinafter appearing. Now witnesseth. (a) A mortgage of leaseholds is ueually made by demise, to avoid subjecting the mortgagee to the I'ent aud cove- nauts, if they are burdensome. 158 AIOKTGAGES. THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, that, in pursuance of the said agreement, and in consideration of the sum of £ to the said A.. B. this day paid by Covenant the Said C. D., &c. [receipt, and covenant for pay- oTmortgrge- rtieut of mortgafje-nioney with interest, supra, p. iatorlst!"^^ 144]. And this ENDENTURE also WITNESSETH, Witaeaseth. Hmt, in further pursuance of the said agreement, Demise. and for the consideration aforesaid, he the said A. B. doth hereby demise unto the said C. D., Parcels. his executors, administrators, and assigns, all THAT the said hereditaments and premises by the said indenture of the day of expressed to be demised (a), with their rights, Habendum, easements, and appurtenances, to hold the said premises unto the said C. D., his executors, ad- ministrators, and assigns, for the residue of the said term of years, except the last days Proviso for thereof: Provided always, that if the said redemption, j^ ^^ ^^^ j^^.^^^ executors, administrators, or as- signs shall pay to the said C. D., his executors, administrators, or assigns, the said sum of £ [the principal], with interest for the same in the meantime at the rate of £ — per cent, per annum, on the said day of next, with- out any deduction, then the said C. D., his execu- tors, administrators, or assigns will, at any time thereafter, upon the request and at the cost of the said A. B., his executors, administrators, or as.signs, surrender the said premises unto the said (a) Vide supra, p. 122, u. (a). MORTGAGES. 159 A. B., his executors, admiuistrators, or assigns. [Covenant for payment of interest, supra, p. 145 J, And the said A. B. doth hereby, for himself, covenant to his heirs, executors, and administrators, covenant prumisea with the said C. D., his executors, administra- "ga^^t fire ; toi's, and assigns, that he the said A. B., his ex- ecutors, administrators, or assigns, will, so long as any money shall remain on this present secu- rity, keep all the said messuages and buildings insured against loss or damage by fire in the sum of £ at the least, and will pay all premiums and sums of money necessary for such purpose on the first day on which the same respectively ought to be paid, and will, on demand, produce to the said C. D., his executors, administrators, and assigns, the policy or policies of such insur- ance, and the receipt for every such payment ; AND ALSO, that, if default shall be made in keep — that, on iug the said premises so insured, it shall be law- mortgagor, ful for the said C. D., his executors, admiuistra- Sayfus^i^ro tors, and assigns, out of his or their own monies, to insure, and keep insured, the said premises in any sum not exceeding £ , and that the said A. B., his executors, administrators, or assigns, will repay to the said C. D., his executors, admi- nistrators, or assigns, all moneys expended for that purpose by him or them, with interest there- on at the rate aforesaid, from the time of the same respectively having been advanced or paid, and that, until such repayment, the same shall be a charge upon the said premises hereinbefore 1 60 MORTGAGES. Power of expressed to be hereby demised. And it is Bale. '■ "^ HEREBY DECLARED, that the Said C. D., his exe- cutors, administrators, or assigns, may at any time or times after the said day of next (a), "without any further consent on the part of the said A. B., his executors, administrators, or assigns, sell the said premises, or any part thereof, either together or in parcels, and either by public auction or private contract, and may buy in or rescind any contract for sale and re- sell, without being responsible for loss occasioned thereby ; aistd may execute and do all such assur- ances and things for eifectuating any such sale Afterni3aie, as he or they shall think fit: and that, after mortgagor ■' to iioiri the any such sale, the said A. B., his executors, ad- reversion in •' 1 • 1 1 1 tnistfor ministrators, and assigns shall stand possessed purchaser. of the said last days oi the said term oi years in the premises sold, upon trust for Power not the purchaser thereof: Provided always, and it ciser] till is hereby declared, that the said C. D., his execu- eveuts shall tors, administrators, or assigns, shall not execvite appeu ^j^^ power of sale hereinbefore contained, until he or they shall have previously given or left on the said premises a notice in writing to the said A. B., his executors or adminisirators, to pay off the monies for the time being owing on the security of these presents, and default shall have been made in such payment for six calendar months (a) The day for payment of the principal sum. MORTGAGES. 161 after giving or leaving such notice, or until the whole or part of some half-yearly payment of in- terest shall have become in arrear for three calen- dar months («) : PkOVIDED also, that, upon any Purchasers . _ , not to be sale purportmg to be made in pursuance oi the bound to aforesaid power, no purchaser shall be bound to such events inquire whether either of the cases mentioned in pcnca ' the clause lastly hereinbefore contained has hap- pened, nor whether any money remains upon the security of these presents, nor as to the propriety or regularity of such sale ; and notwithstanding any impropriety or irregularity whatsoever in any such sale, the same shall, as regards a pur- chaser, be deemed to be within the aforesaid power, and be valid accordingly. And it is Mortgagee's HEREBY DECLARED, that the receipt of the said be dis- C. D., his executors, administrators, or assigns, purchasers. for the purchase-monies of the premises sold, or any part thereof, shall eflfectually discharge the purchaser or purchasers therefrom, and from being concerned to see to the api)lication thereof; and Trusts of ^'^ ' tliepur- that the said C. J)., his executors, admiuistra- chase tors, and assigns shall, out of the monies arising from any sale in pursuance of the aforesaid power, in the first place, pay the expenses incurred on such sale, or otherwise in relation to the pre- mises; And, in the next place, apply such monies in or towards satisfaction of the monies for the (o) See supra, p. 147, n. («). 162 MORTGAGES. Power to be exercised by any person entitled to receive morttrage moaey. Mortgapree's indemnity clause. Covenant by mortga- g' >r tliat rents and co%'eu.ints have been paiii and l>t;rformed ; ■^— for right to demise : — for further a-ssurauce ; time being owing ou tlie security of these pre- sents ; A.nd tlien pay the surplus (if any) of the monies to arise from such sale to the said A. B., his executors, administrators, or assigns ; and tliat the afores:ud power of sale and other powers may be exercised by any person or persons for the time being entitled to receive and give a discharge for the monies then owing on the secu- rity of these presents. Provided always, that the said C. D., his executors, administratoi's, or assigns shall not be answerable for any involun- tary losses which may happen in the exercise of the aforesaid power and trusts, or any of them. And the said A. B. doth hereby, for himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators, covenant with the said C. D., his executors, administra- toi's, and assigns, that the rents, covenants, and conditions in the hereinbefore-recited lease re- served and contained, and by the lessee, his exe- cutors, administrators, or assigns, to be paid, per- formed, or observed, have been paid, performed, and obsei-ved up to the date of these presents; AND THAT he the said A. B. now hath power to demise all and singular the said premises unto the said C. D., his executors, administrators, and assigns, for the term and in manner aforesaid, and free from incumbrances ; and that all the said premises may be quietly entered into, held, and enjoyed by the said G. D., his executors, ad- ministrators, and assigns, without any interrup- tion by any jierson; and that he the said A. B., ilORTGAGES. 103 his executors and administrators, and eveiy other person lawfully or equitably claiming any estate or interest in the premises, will at all times, at the cost until sale or foreclosure of the said A. B., his executors or administrators, and after- wards of the person or persons requiring the same, execute and do all such assurances and things for further or better assuring all or any of the said premises unto the said C, D., his executors, administrators, and assigns, for the residue then to come of the said term herc- inbefoi-e expressed to be hereby granted, as by him or them shall be reasonably required; asd THAT he the said A. B., his executors, adrai- and that, nistratoi-s, or assigns, will, so long as any [ riuci- secumy, tha pal money or interest shall remain on these pre- covcuanta sents, pay, perform, and observe the rents, cove- p.^^^ and nants, and conditions in the hereinbefore- recited i'<^'''^°'^™® > lease reserved and contained, and by the lessee, liis executora, administrators, and assigns to be paid, performed, or observed ; And will at all and the 1 1 • 1 r^ ~r\ ^ • T • i mortgagee times keep the said C D., liis heirs, executors, indemnified, administrators, and assigns indemnified against all actions, suits, expenses, and claims on account of the non-payment of the said rents, or any of them, or any part thei'cof, respectively, or the breach or non-performance or non-observance of the said covenants and conditions, or any of them. In witness &c. 1G4 MORTGAGES. XXII. Mortgage 0/ Freeholds and Copyholds. Parties. ThIS INDENT URE, made &c., between A. B., of &c. [piortgagor'], of the one part, aud C. D., of Witnesseth. &c. \r)iortgayee\, of the other part, WITNESSETH, that, in consideration of the sum of £ this day paid to the said A. B. by the said C. D., &c., [receipt; and covenant for repayment of mortgage money with interest, supra, f. 144]. And this INDENTURE ALSO WITNESSETH, that, for the Con- sideration aforesaid, he the said A. B. doth hereby grant unto the said C. D. his heirs and assigns, [^freehold parcels, general words, supra, p. 125]. TO HOLD the said premises unto the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, TO the use of the said C. D., his heirs and assigns : Provided always, that if the said A. B., his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns shall pay unto the said CD., his exe- cutors, administrators, or assigns, the said sum of £, \the principal^ together with interest for the same in the meantime at the rate of £ — per cent, per annum, on the said day of next, without any deduction, then the said C. D., his heirs or assigns, will, at any time thereafter, upon the request and at the cost of the said A. B., his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, reconvey the said premises unto the said A. B., his heirs or assigns, or as he or they shall direct. Covenant to pay prin- cipal aud interest. Witnesseth. Convey- ance of freeholds. Habendum. Proviso for redemption. MORTGAGES. ' 1 65 And this indenture also WITNESSETH, that, for Witnesseth. the consideration aforesaid, he the said A. B. doth hereby, for himself, his heirs, executors, and ad- ministrators, covenant with the said C. D., his Covenant to surrcnfitr executors and administi-ators, that he the said copyholds, A. B., or his heirs, and all other necessary parties, (if any), will forthwith effectually surrender into the hands of the lord of the manor of , in the county of , according to the custom thereof ("^xxr-ce/s, yeneral words, sujyra, p. 12G], TO THE USE of the Said C. D., his heirs and assigns, to the we ^ of the njort- according to the custom of the said manor, by gagee ; and under the accustomed rentn, fines, hcriots, suits, and services, and subject to a condition for subject to ' a condition makinfi void the said surrender, corresponding fur mokiug . „ void the with the proviso for redemption hereinbeiore sunendur. contaiiied. [Covenant for pa/i/riient of interest, and power of sale, as in mortgage of freeholds, supra, pp. 145 — 1481. And the said A. B. doth Covenant ' ' -^ ' -■ _ for right to hereby, for him.self, his heirs, executoi*s, and ad- convty, free . • /- -r-v 1 • f'"oni iucuni- ministrators, covenant with the said C. D., his biauces ; heirs and assigns, that he the said A. E. now hath power to gi-ant all and singular the said premises hereinbefore expressed to be hereby granted, and to surrender all and singular the said premises hereinbefore covenanted to be sur- rendered to the use of the said C. D., his heirs aiul a.ssigns, in manner aforesaid, and free from incumbrances ; and that all the said premises may be quietly entered into, held, and enjoyed by the said C. D., his heii's and assigns, without assurance. 16G MORTGAGES. —for further any interruption by any person; AND that lie the said A. B., and liis lieirs, and eveiy otlier person lawfully or equitably claiming any estate or interest in the premises, will, at all times, at the cost, until sale or foreclosure, of the said A. B., his heirs, executors, or administrators, and afterwards of the person or persons recpiiring the same, execute and do all such assurances and things for further or better assuring all or any of the said premises to the use of the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, in manner aforesaid, as by him or them shall be reasonably required. In wit- ness &c. THE SCHEDULE to which the above-writ- ten Indenture refers. Part I. Part II. MORTGAGES. XXIII. 1G7 Mortgage of Freeholds and Leaseholds. This indenture, made etc., betav'eenA.B., Partie?. of &c., \)aort(j(ujor\ of the one part, and C. D., of &c. \7ix(yrtgafjee\, of the other part. Whereas «fec. \recite the lease, and its being vested in the moo-t- aaoor, iit siipra, p. 1211. AxD whereas tlie said Recital of C. D. has ajn-eed to lend the said A. B. the sum for mort- of £ , upon having the re-payment thereol, ■with interest, as hereinafter mentioned, secured in manner hereinafter appearing. Now this index- Witnesseth. TURE AVITXESSETH, that, in pursuance of the said agreement, and in consideration of the sum of £ to the said A. B. this day paid by the said C. D., &c. {receipt; and covenant for repayment Covenant of mortgage-money, vnth i^iterest, supra, p. 144J. cipai and And THIS INDENTURE ALSO AVITNESSETH, that, in ^r^^gggg^jj further pursuance of the said agreement, and for ^i^coudiy. the consideration aforesaid, he the said A. B. doth hcrel)y oviwxi unto the said C. D., his heirs and as- convevauce r ^ , 7 , 1 1 7 "i flXcholds. signs [freehold 2xircels, general words, svpra, j). 125], TO HOLD the said premises unto the said C. Habendum. D., his heirs and assigns, to the use of the said C D., his heirs and assigns. And this indenture Witnesseth thirdly. ALSO WITNESSETH, that, in further pui-suance of the said agi'eement, and for the consideration afore- Demise of said, he the said A. B, doth hereby demise unto the 168 MORTGAGES. said C. D., his executors, administrators, and as- signs ALL THOSE hereditaments and premises by the said indenture of the day of ex- pressed to be demised, and which are delineated in the said plan in the margin of these pi-esents, and therein coloured (a), with the rights, ease- Habendum. ments, and appurtenances, TO hold the said pre- mises UNTO the said C. D., his execvitors, adminis- trators, and assigns, for the residue of the said term of years, except the last days thereof: Proviso for Prq viDED ALWAYS, that, if the Said A. B. , his heii-s, redemption, ' ' ' ' executors, administrators, or assigns, shall pay un- to the said C. D., his executors, administrators, or assigns, the said sum of £ [the jyvincijiaV], with interest for the same in the meantime at the rate of £ — per cent, per annum, on the said day of next, without any deduction, then he the said C. D., his heii's. executors, admin- istrators, or assigns, will, at any time thereaftei-, upon the request and at the cost of the said A. B., his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, re- convey the premises hereinbefore exprt ?sed to be granted to the use of the said A. B., his heirs and assigns, or as he or they shall direct, and surren- der the said premises, hereinbefore expressed to be demised, unto the said A. B., his executors, administi'ators or assigns. [Covenant for imyment fal^*^*^"^ q/" m^eres^, supra, p. 145]. And it is hereby DECLARED, that the said C. D., his executors, ad- (a) See supra, p. 122, n. (a). MORTGAGES, 1 G9 ministrators, oi' assigns, may at any time or times after the said day of (a), without any further consent on the pax't of the said A. B., his lieirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, sell the said premises, either together or in parcels, and either by public auction or private contract, and may buy in, or rescind any contract for sale, and resell, without being responsible for any loss which may be occasioned thereby; and may eX' ecute and do all such assurances and things for effectuating any such sale, as he or they shall thiiik fit ; AND THAT, upon a sale of all or any of On sale by the said premises hereinbefore expz*essed to be npresenta- hereby granted by any person or persons who may sons having not be seised of the legal estate, the pei-son in esute^to whom the legal estate shall be vested shall exe- •''""• cute and do all such assurances and things for carrying the sale into effect, as the person or per- sons by whom the sale shall be made shall direct; AND THAT, after a sale of all or any of the said —after a premises hereinbefore exi)ressed to be hereby de- g-if^or to mised, the said A. B., his executors, administra- version in tors, and assigns, shall stand possessed of the last purchaser. days of the said term of years in the pre- mises sold, upon trust for the purchaser thereof: Provided also, and it is hereby declared, that Power not the said C. D., liis executors, administrators, or cised till assigns, shall not execute the power of sale here- events shall inbefore contained, until he or they shall have pre- "'^f ^"■ (a) The day for payment of the principal sum. I 170" MORTGAGES. viously given or left on some of the said premises a notice in writing to the said A. B., his heirs, executors, or administrators, to pay off the monies for the time being owing on the security of these presents, and default shall have been made in such payment for six calendar months after giving or leaving such notice, or until the whole or part of some half-yearly payment of interest shall have become in arrear for three calendar months (a) : Purchasers PROVIDED ALSO, that. Upon any Sale purporting bound to to be made in pursuance of the aforesaid power, snch events no purchaser shall be bound to inquire whether p(3*ned.'''''' either of the cases mentioned in the clause lastly hereinbefore contained has happened, nor whether any money remains upon the security of these pi-esents, nor as to the propriety or regularity of such sale; and, notwithstanding any impropriety or irregularity whatsoever in any such sale, the same shall, as regards a purchaser, be deemed to be within the aforesaid power, and be valid ac- Mortgagee's cordingly. And it is hereby declared, that TdUcharge the receipt of the said C. D., his executors, ad- ^o^purc as j^^j^jg^^.^^^Qj-g^ qj. assigns, for the purchase-monies of the premises sold, or any part thereof, shall effectually discharge the purchaser or purchasers therefrom, and from being concerned to see to the Trusts of application thereof; and that the said 0. D., his chas^"*' executox'S, administrators, and assigns shall, out of the monies arising from any sale in pursuance (a) See supra, p. 147, n. {a). money. MORTGAGES. 1 7 1 of the aforesaid power, in the first place, pay tlic expenses incurred on such sale, or otho'wise in relation to the premises; and, in the next place, apply such monies in or towards satisfaction of the monies for the time being owing on the secu- rity of these presents ; and then pay the surplus (if any) of the monies to arise from such sale to the said A. B., his executors, administrators, or assigns, as personal estate, whether the same shall have arisen from the sale of the said freehold or leasehold premises ; AND that the aforesaid power Power to be of sale and other powers may be exercised by any aiiy pei son person or persons for the tinie being entitle dto ,eceive receive and give a discharge for the monies then moufcy!^*^ owiufT on the security of these presents. Pko- Moitgngees ^ . . iudi'innity viDED ALWAYS, that the said C. D., his executors, clause. administrators, or assigns, shall not be answerable for any involuntary losses which may happen in the exercise of the aforesaid power and trasts, or any of them. And the said A. B. doth hereby, covenant by for himself, his heirs, executors, and administra- that fent"s^' tors, covenant with the said C. D., his heirs, ex- "„"nts"have ecutors, administrators, and assigns respectively, ami'Ver-' that the rents, covenants, and conditions in the '<>''"<'^; hereinbefore-recited lease reserved and contained, and by the lessee, his executors, administrators, or assigns to be paid, performed, or observed, have been paid, performed, and observed up to the date of these presents; and that he the said -'"^J.J^yJ A. B. now hath power to grant all and singular [[^'^';,[^"^"' the said premises hereinbefore expressed to be bmuces; i2 1 72 MORTGAGES. hereby granted to the use of the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, and to demise all and singular the said premises hereinbefore exjjressed to be hei'eby demised unto the said C. D., his executors, administrators, and assigns, for the term and in manner aforesaid, and free from incumbrances; AND THAT all the several premises aforesaid may be quietly entered into, held, and enjoyed accord- ingly, by the said C. D., his heirs, executors, ad- ministrators, and assigns respectively, without —for further any interruption by any person; and that he the said A. B., his heirs, executors, and adminis- trators, and every other person lawfully or equit- ably claiming any estate or interest in the pre- mises, will, at all times, at the request of the said C. D., his heirs, execvitors, administrators, or as- signs respectively, but at the cost, until sale or fore- closure, of the said A. B., his heirs, executors, and administrators, and afterwards of the person or persons requiring the same, execute and do all such assurances and things, for further or better assuring all or any of the said premises herein- before expressed to be hereby granted to the use of the said C D., his heirs and assigns, and all or any of the said premises hereinbefore expressed to be hereby demised unto the said C. D., his ex- ecutors, administrators, and assigns, for the then residue of the said term expressed to be hereby granted, as by the said C. D., his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, shall be reasonably re- aad that quired; and that he the said A. B., his execu- MORTGAGES. 173 toi"s, administrators, or assigns, will, so long as iiminf,' the , . , , 1 11 • Kcc-viritv, till- any priucipai money or interest shall renuiiu on rents aiici these presents, pay, perform, and observe all the sbau i"' " rents, covenants, and conditions in the said lease {l^ri.ju.'ci. reserved and contained, and by the lessee, his ex- ecutors, administrators, and assigns to \)e paid, performed, and observed ; And will at all times iuid tiie keep the said C. D., his heirs, executors, adminis- mdennifiMl. trators, and assigns, indemnified against all ac- tions, suits, expenses, and claims, on account of the non-payment of the said rents, or any of them, or any ])art thereof respectively, or the breach, or non-performance, or non-observance of the said covenants and conditions, or any of them. In WITNESS lari in the margin of these presents, and therein coloured {a), with the rights, easements, and apjjurtenances, TO hold the said premises Covenant to pay prin- cipal aiid iiiturest. Witnesseth secondly. Conveyance of freeholds. Haljendum. Witnesseth thirdly. Demise of leaseholde. Ilaljendum. (a) See supra, p. 122, n. (a.) MORTGAGES. 175 UNTO tlie said C. D., his executors, administi-a- tors, and assigns, for the residue of the said teiiu of years, except the last days thereof: PltOVIDED ALWAYS, that, if the said A.B., his heirs, Proviso Icr . . . in redemptiou. executors, administrators, or assigns, shall pay unto the said C. D., his executors, administra- tors, or assigns, the said sum of <£ \tlie 2)rincipar\, with interest for the same in the mean- time at the rate of £ — per cent, per annum, on the said day of next, without any de- duction, then the said C. D., his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, will, at any time thereafter, upon the request and at the cost of the said A. B., his heirs, executoi-s, administra- tors, or assigns,- re-convey the said piemises here- inbefore expressed to be hereby granted to the use of the said A. B., his heirs and assigns, or as he or they shall direct, and surrender the said premises hereinbefore expressed to be hereby demised unto the said A. B., his executors, ad- ministrators, and assigns. And this ixdenturk witnesseth ALSO WITNESSETH, that, in further pursuance of """^^ ^' the said agreement, and for the consideration to aforesaid, he the said A. B. doth hereby, for copyholds, hi)nself, his heirs, executors, and admiuisti'ators, covenant with the said C. D., his executoi-s and administrators, that he the said A. B., or his heirs, and all other neceasary parties (if any), ^vill forthwith etfectually surrender into the hands of the lord of the manor of , in the county of , according to the custom thereof \_parcds, 176 MORTGAGES. to tVio nse of morfg.^ee ; subject to a Condition for making void the surreu- iler. Covennit by morttiagor that rents and cove- nants have been paid and per- formed ; — for right to convey ; general loords, supra, p. 126], to the use of the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, according to the custom of the said manor, by and under the accustomed rents, fines, heriots, suits, and ser- vices, and subject to a condition for making void the said surrender, corresponding with the pro- viso for redemption hereinbefore contained. \Govenant for -paynient of ivAerest, supra, p. 145. Poiver of sale, plication thereof. And the said A. B. doth hereby, for Covenant i/i-i-i- 1 ^ • ■ J. by nmrtga- himself, his heirs, executors, and administra- pnr that po- tors, covenant with the said C. D., his execu- and not to ' tors, administrators, and assigns, that the afore- same; said policy is now valid and iu full force for the said sum of £ , and that he the said A. B. will not do or suffer anything, whereby the said policy may become void or voidable, or the said C. D., his executors, administrators, oi- assigns be hindered from receiving all or any of the monies assui'ed or to become payable under the same; and that, if the said policy shall be — if vitiated, t<* cftGCt. new come void, the said A. B. will immediately effect poUu^ ; a new policy or policies on his life, in the name or names of the said C D., his executors, admi- nistrators, or assigns, for a sum or sums not less in the whole than the sum of £ ; and that every such new policy, and the monies to become 182 MORTGAGES. payable under the same, sliall be subject to the proviso for redemption hereinbefore contained, and the trusts hereby declared concerning the said existing policy of assurance, and the monies —to pay to become payable under the same (a) ; and iniums, THAT he the Said A. B. will, from time to time, witii'mfe^'- P^y the said premium of £ , and any other nion?es ex- premiums or sums for the time being necessary nuMtgagee ^^^^' keeping on foot the said existing policy, or, minjot po- ^"y^ policy to be effected as aforesaid, on the first ^'^y'' day on which the same respectively ought to be paid, and forthwith deliver the receipt for the same to the said C. D., his executors, adminis- trators, or assigns; and that the said A. B., his executors or administratoi-s, will, on demand, pay to the said C. T>., his executors, administra- tors, or assigns, all monies (if any) which shall be expended by him or them in keeping on foot the said existing policy, or effecting or keeping on foot any new policy in lieu thereof, with in- terest thereon, at the rate aforesaid, from the time or resi:)ective times of the same having been —that, till expended ; and that, until such monies shall be npuj'inent, ., .,. ,,i ■ ^ • l- t i tiie same repaid With niterest, the said existiug policy, and charge on auy new policy to be effected as aforesaid, and (a) These covenants — not to vitiate the policy, and to effect a new policy — may be dispensed with, if the mort- gagee chooses to rely wholly on the existing policy. Otherwise it is desirable to have a specific engagement by the mortgagor to keep an assurance subsisting. MORTGAGES. 183 the monies to become prtN'ablc under the same tho pi-e- niises ; 1-espectively, sliall be charged witli the payment thereof (a); and that he the said A. B. now —for right hatli power to assign tho said premises unto the said C D., his executors, administrators, and assigns, in manner aforesaid, and free from in- cumbrances ; AKD THAT he the said A.. B., his and for ' further executors and administrators, and every other assurauco. pei-son lawfully or equitably claiming any estate or interest in the premises, will, at all times, at his or their own cost, execute and do all such assurances and things for further or better as- suring the said premises xxnto the said C. D., his executors, administrators, and assigns, in manner aforesaid, and for enabling him and them to re- cover and receive the monies assured or to become payable under the said policy or policies, as by him or them shall be reasonably required. And it is hereby declared, that the said C. D., Power of * , . . . , sa'e. his executors, administrators, or assigns may, at any time or times after the said day of next, "without any furtiier consent on the l)art of the -said A. B., sell the said policy and (a) The two preceding covenants (except the engage- ment by the mortgagor to jiay the premiums) may be dis- pensed with, if it is wished to shorten the deed, as they do little more than particidarise the rules of equity. See Hodgson v. Jlud'j.^on, 2 Keen, 70i; Burridye v. How, lYou. &C0II. N. C. 183. 18 i MORTGAGES. Power not to be exer- ci8;d till cerLain events hap- pen. premises hereinbefore expressed to be hereby assigned, or any new policy to be effected as aforesaid, either by way of surrendering the same to the office by which the same respectively has been or may be granted, or otherwise, and either by public auction or private contract, and may buy in, or rescind any contract for sale, and re- sell, without being responsible for loss occasioned thereby, and may execute and do all such as- surances and things for effectuating any such sale, as he or they shall think fit : Provided ALWAYS, and it is hereby declared, that the said C D., his executors, administrators, or assigns, shall not execute the power of sale hereinbefore contained, until he or they shall have given to the said A. B., or left at his usual or last known place of abode, a notice in writing to pay off the monies for the time being owing on the security of these presents, and default shall have been made in such payment for —. calendar naonths after giving or leaving such notice, or until there shall be more than seven calendar months' interest due upon some principal money for the time being owing on the security of these pre- sents. [Purchasers not to he hound to see that such events have happened. Mortgagees receipt to be a discharge to purchasers. Trusts of the pur- chase-money. Fower may be exercised by any person entitled to give a receipt for the mortgage- money. Mortgagees indemnity clause : supra, MORTGAGES. 185 pp.lGl, lG-2]. Providep lastly, that the total ]^i^;X amouDt of money hereby secured, or to be xilti- l;^^^^^'^''- mately recoverable hereupon, shall not exceed the sum of £ (a). I>' witness etc. XXVI. Mortgage of a Contingent Estate in Free- holds, a7id of a Policy 0/ Assurance. This indenture, made &c., between A. Parties. B., of &c. [mortgagor], of the one part, and C. D., of (kc. [mortgagee], of the other part. Whereas Recital of nr.t/.T • /•? • i creation of &c. [recital 0/ the creation oj the contingent estate, estate; see recital, supra, p. 1181. And whereas the — ofagree- ' ■' ' •' J ment for said C. D. has agreed to lend the said A. B. the njortgage ; sum of £ , upon having the repayment of the (a) The exemptions in the Stamp Act, 13 & 14 Viet. c. 97, tit. Mortgage, of monies advanced for the insurance of any life or lives, applies only to cases in which an estate or interest, held upon such life or lives, is granted, assigned, or assured, or an annuity is granted or secured for such life or lives, and not to the case where a policy of assurance only is made the security. Tiie proviso in the text, however, is not necessary, as the deed will be a good security for whatever amoinit the ad valorem stamp will carry, and (if the proviso be omitted) the amount may be extended by incretfing the stamp. Notice of the assignment of a policy of assurance must be given to the ufQce by which it is granted. ■^"" MORTGAGES. same, witli interest, as hereinafter mentioned, —of a policy secured in manner liereinafter appearing. And of assurance n ^ • i • havintriieeu WHEREAS, as part 01 the Said intended security, effected. , • i » -r-i i i /v. i • -, the said A. ±>. hath enected an assurance, m the name of tlie said C. D., with the Assurance Society, by a policy numbered , dated , under the annual premium of £ , and for the sum of £ to become payable if the said A. B. Witnessetb shall die in the lifetime of the said . Now THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, that &C. [ ^?a?/Wie/l^ Covenant of and receipt for consideration ; and covenant to to pay. -^ -f •', 2)ay the princijyal and interest, sujyra, j^. 144.] Witnesseth AnD THIS INDENTURE ALSO WITNESSETH, that, in fuithercon- - , /> i • t ^ c veyaiiceof further pursuance of the said agreement, and for the consideration aforesaid, he the said A. B. doth hereby grant and dispose of («), unto the said C. D. and his heirs, all that &c. [see the description of the parcels and general words, and Habendum, the estate clause, supra, p. 1 19], to hold the said premises unto the said C D., his heirs and assigns, to the use of the said C. D., his heirs and as.signs, subject to the estate for life therein of the said , and to the event of the estate and interest therein of the said A. B. being defeated Ijy his death in the lifetime of Prnviso for the Said : Provided always, that, if the redemption. . , , -r. i • i • i • • said A. B., his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns shall pay to the said CD., his exe- (a) See the words of sect. 6 of the statute, supra, p. 86. MORTGAGES. 1 87 cutors, administrators, or assigns the said sum of £ , with interest for the same in the meantime, at the rate of £ — per cent, per annum, on the said day of next, without any deduction, then the said C. D., liis heirs, execxxtors, administrators, or a.ssigns will at any time thereafter, i;pon the request and at the cost of the said A. B., his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, re-convey the said premises (suhject as aforesaid) unto the said A. B., liis heirs and assigns, and assign the aforesaid policy of assurance, and the monies assured or to become payable under tlie same, unto the said A. B., his executors, administrators, or assigns, or as he or they shall respectively direct. \^Trusts Tmsts and of the policy, supra, p. 180; covenant to pay interest if the principal remain impaid after tJie day apj)ointed, supra, p. 145 ; cove7iants as to the policy, supra, pp. 181 — 183]. And it is hereby Power of DECLARED, that the said C. D., his executors, ad- ''*'^' ministrators, or assigns may, at any time or times after the said day of next, with- out any further consent of the said A. B., his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, sell the said premises hereinbefore expressed to be hereby granted and disposed of, and the said existing policy, or any new policy to be effected as aforesaid, either together or sejiaratcly, and as to the said premises hereinbefore expressed to be hei'cby granted and disposed of, cither during the life of the said or after her death, and either with or witliout the concurrence of any other 188 MORTGAGES. person or pei'sons interested in the aforesaid here- ditaments, and as to any such policy, either by way of suiTender to the office by which the same has been or may be granted, or otherwise, and as to all the said premises, either by public auction &c. [supra, jjj). 169 — 171, omitting clause, p. 169, tJiat, after a sale, mortgagor shall hold the rever- sion in trust for purchaser {a); covenants for right to convey the land, and for further assurance of the land and policy, see sujjra, pp. 120 and 183.] In WITNESS &c. XXVII. Parties. Recital of old mort- — :hat prin- Tkansfer of a Mortgage, the Mortgagor not being a Party (6). This IITDENTURE, made kc, BETWEEN A. B., of &c. [mortgagee'], of the one part, and C. D., of &c. [transferee], of the other part. Whereas &c. [recital of tlve mortgage, supra, p). 108]. And whereas the said sum of S. , with £ for (a) As the property is partly real and partly personal, the ultimate trust of the surplus had better be for the mortgagor, his executors, administrators, and assigns, as personal estate. See supra, p. 171. (i) If the transfer be by indorsement, the recital of the mortgage will be omitted, and the mortgage debts, &c., be referred to aa " withiu-named," " within-men- tioned, " &c. MORTGAGES. 1 89 interest thereon from the day of last, '^^P''' /^'"i •' certain m- is now owing to the said A. B. on the said secu- terost is ~ uow owiug ; rity. And whereas the said C. D. has agreed to pay the said A. B. the said sums of £ and — of ajiree- '■ •' merit for £ , making together the sum of , transfer. upon having such transfer of the said mort- gage debt, and of the securities of the same, as is hereinafter contained. Now this inden- witnesseth, TURE WITNESSETH, that, in pursuance of the said agreement, and in consideration of the sum of Considera- ~ _ tion. £ this day paid to the said A. B. by the said C. D. (the receipt whereof the said A. B. doth Receipt, hereby acknowledge), he the said A. B. doth Assignmeut •' . . of debt. hereby assign unto the said C. D., his executors, administrators, and assigns, all that the said gum of £ [the princijial] now owing to the said A. B. on the security aforesaid, and all interest due and to accrue due for the same, and the full benefit of the covenants entered into by the said [nwrtyagor^ in the said indenture of the day of ythe mortgage^, and of all other securities for the same premises, and all the estate and interest of the said A. B. in the pre- mises, TO(iETaER WITH power for the said C D., rower of his executoi-s, administrators, and assigns, to sue and give receipts for the said sum of X , and all interest due and to accrue due for the same, in the name or names of the said A. B., his executors or administrators, TO hold the said premises unto Habendum, the said C D., his executors, administratoi-s, and assigns, absolutely. And this indenture witnessoth secondly. 190 MORTGAGEP. ALSO WITNESSETH, tliat, ill further pursuance of the said agreement, and for the consideration Conveyance, aforesaid, the said A. B. doth hereby grant unto Parcels. the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, \j)arcels, p. 96], and all and singular other the hereditaments by the said indenture of the day of expressed to be granted [or released or appointed, or appointed and granted c&c, as the case 'iiiay he — general words, estate clause, p. 97], to hold the Habendum, said premises UNTO the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, to the use of the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, subject to the equity of redemption subsisting therein under the said indenture of the day of [the mortgage!^, and with the benefit of the power of sale therein contained. And the said A. B. doth hereby, for himself, hi.s heirs, executors, and administrators, covenant with the said 0. D., his heirs, executors, admi- nistrators, and assigns respectively, that the said sum of <£ , with interest thereon from the said day of , is now owing to him the said A, B. on the aforesaid security, and that he the said A. B. hath not done, or knowingly suf- fered, or been party or privy to any thing where- by the said monies, hereditaments, and premises, or any part thereof respectively, are or can be impeached, incumbered, or affected in anywise howsoever. In witness &c. Covenant against inciim- brauces. THE SCHEDULE to which the above-writ- ten Indenture refers. MORTGAGES. 1 9 1 XXVIII. Transfer of a Mortgage hy the Execu- tors and Devisees of the Mortgagee, the IMortgagor receiving a further Advance. This indenture, made (fee, between A. B., Parties. of &c., and C. D., of «fec. \execxdors and devisees of mortgagee], of the first part, E. F., of &c. [mort- gagor], of the second part, and G. H., of &.c. [transferee], of the third part. Whereas ttc. Recital of [^recital bf the mortgage, ut supra, ]). 108]. And !!!.',',[• uie'^ ' whereas the said [mortgagee] duly made and exe- mortgaBee*'; cuted his last will, dated the day of , and thereby devised estates vested in him upon mortgage to the said A. B. and C. D., their lieirs and assigns, and appointed the said A. B, and C. D. executors of his said will ; and avhereas the —of his said [^mortgagee] died without having revoked or probattfof altered his said will, and the same was proved by '"' ^^' ' the said A. B. and C. D. in the Court of , on the day of . And whereas the said —that mort- sum of £ is now owing to the said A. B. and is stiii'due; C. D. on the said security, but all interest there- on has been paid up to the date of these presents. And whereas the said G. H. has agreed to pay — ofagree- thc said A. B. and C. D. the said sum of £ , trausfer' 192 MORTGAGES. and further adviiuce. Witneesetb. Considera- tion. Receipt. Transfer of mortgage- debt. Habendum. Witnessetli secondly. Covenant for repay- ment of and to lend the said E. F. tlic fiirtlier sum of £ , npon having such transfer of the said mort£rao;e debt and interest, and of the securities for the same, as is hereinafter contained, and upon having the repayment of the said sums of £ and £ , with interest, as hereinafter men- tioned, secured in manner hereinafter appearing. Now THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, that, in pur- suance of the said agreement, and in considera- tion of the sum of £ [original debt] to the said A. B. and C. D. this day paid by the said G. H. (the receipt wliereof the said A. B. and C. D. do hereby acknowledge), and of the sum of £ to the said E. F. this day paid by the said G. H. (the paymept and recei2)t respectively of which sums of £ and £ , madcing to- gether the sum of £ , the said A, B. doth hereby acknowledge), they the said A. B. and C. D. do hereby assign unto the said G. H., his exe- cutors, administrators, and assigns, all that the said sum of £ [the original debt] now owing to the said A. B. and C. D. on the security aforesaid, and all interest to accrue due for the same, and all the estate and interest of the said A. B. and C. D. in the premises, to hold the said premises unto the said G. H., his executors, ad- ministrators, and assigns, absolutely. And this INDENTURE ALSO WITNESSETH, that, in further pur- suance of the said agreement, and for the con- siderations aforesaid, he the said E. F. doth here- by, for himself, his heirs, executors, and adminis- MORTGAGES. 193 trators, covenant witli the said G. H,, his exe- principal, with iiiter- cutors and administrators, that he the said E. F., est. at the eiia of six his heirs, executors, or administrators, will pay to months. the said G, H., his executors, administrators, or assigns, the sitm of £ [the total amount^, with iutei-est thereon in the meantime, at the rate of £ — per cent, per annum, on the day of next, without any deduction. And this indenture also WITNESSETH, that, in Witnesscth furtlier pursuance of the said agi-eement, and for the considerations aforesaid, they the said A. B. Conveyance. and C. D., by the direction of the said E. F., do hei'eby grant, and he the said E. F. dotli hereby grant and confii'm, unto the said G. H., his heirs and assigns, \jJaixels — general woi'ds, supra, pp. 9G-7], AND all the estate and interest of the said A. B., C. D., and E. F., and every of them, in the said premises, TO hold the said premises xtsto Habendum, the said G. H., his heirs and assigns, TO the use of the said G. H., his heirs and assigns, discharged from all equity of redemption under the said in- denture of the day of [the original mortgage]. [Proviso for redemption, supra, p. 145, distinguishing the property as that " herein- before expressed to be hereby granted." Cove- nant by mortgagor for payment of interest, supra, V. 1451. And each of them the said A. B. and co enant C. D., SO far as relates to his own acts and deeds, tors against iiicmn- doth hereby, for himself, his heirs, executors, and brauces. administrators, covenant with the said G. H., his heii-s, executors, administrators, and assigns, i-es- K 1 1)4 MORTGAGEa pectively, that they the said A, B. and C. D., res- pectively, have not done or knowingly suffered, or been party or privy to anything whereby the said hereditaments, monies, and premises, or any part thereof, respectively, are or can be impeached, incumbered, or affected in anywise howsoever, or whereby they respectively are prevented from granting and assigning the same premises, or any part thereof, respectively, in manner aforesaid. iPower of sale, and covetiants for title, as in m'i- ginal mortgage, sujjra j^P- 140 — 149.] In wit- ness &c. THE SCHEDULE to which the above-writ- ten Indenture refers. XXIX. Ee-conveyance hy Heir and Executors of a Mortgagee (a). Parties. This indenture, made &c., BETWEEN A. B., of &c. \heir-at-law o/ mortgagee], of the first part, C. D., of &c., and E. F., of &c. [executors], of the second part, and G. H., of &c. [moi'tgagor], of the («) If the reconveyance were by mortgagee himself, and by indorsement, all the recitals might be omitted. MORTGAGES. 195 tliinl part. Whfukas etc. [recital o/ the mor^ Recital of 1 r-T 1 1 ■ ^ niortgnge ; f/rtY/e, supra, ;>. 10/ J. And wheueas the said _„f^^i„ [mortgmjee] duly made and executed his la.stwill, ![[;'} partial dated the day of , and thereby appoint- J;'J:rSee!'^ ed the said C. D. and E. F. executors thereof, Imt ^f 'i/s w'iif ■'' did not thereby devise the legal estate in the said hereditaments, and died leaving the said A. B. his heii'-at-law, and without having revoked or altered his said will, and the same was proved by the said C . D. and E. F. in the Coui-t of , on the day of . And whereas the said sum — ofmort- of £ is now owing to the said C. D. and blinfrdue, E. F. on the said security, but all interest thereon gayoi's de- lias been paid up to the date of these presents, uoff.*^ '" and the said G. H. is desirous of paying off the said sum of £ , and of having such reconvey- ance as is hereinafter contained. Now this in- witnesseth. DENTURE WITNESSETH, that, in Consideration of all Considera- interest on tlie said sum of .£ having been paid as aforesaid, and of the sum of £ to the said C. D. and E, F. this day paid by the said G. H., (the receipt whereof the said C. D. and Receipt. E. F. do hereby acknowledge), he the said A.. B., by the direction of the said C. D. and E. F., doth hereby grant, and they the said C. D. and E. F. do hereby release, unto the said G. H., his heii"s and assigns, ]j)arcels — general words, and estate clause, supra, p. 190], to hold the said premises unto Hibendnm the said G. H., his heirs and assigns, to the use of the said G. H., his heii'S and assigns, dis- charged from the said mortgage-debt of £ , t- 9 19G ■ MORTGAGES, and all interest for the same, and from all claims under the said indenture of the day of [tJie mortgage]. [Covenant hy the heir and execu- tors against incv/mhrancea, supra, p. 193.]. In "WITNESS &C. THE SCHEDULE to which the above-written Indenture refers. XXX. Assignment of a Term to a Trustee for a Mortgagee (a). Parties. ThIS INDENTURE, made «fec., between A. B., of &c. \trustee of the terni], of the first part, C. D., of ayment of the said sum of £ and interest, and, subject thereto, in trust for the said K F., his heirs and assigns, and to permit the same to attend the reversion and inheritance of the premises therein comprised. {Trustee's covenant against incumbrances, see su- pra, p. 109]. In witness &c. 200 ij:ases. ^tti^t^. XXXI. Parties. Witnesseth. Demise. Parcels. Lease of a House in a Town. This indenture, made &c., between A. B., of &c. [lessor'], of the one part, and C. D., of &c. [lessee], of the other part, witnesseth, that the said A. B. doth hereby demise unto the said C D., his executors, administrators, and assigns, ALL THAT dvrelling-house, numbered , in street, in the parish of , in the town of , with the yards, out-buildings, and ground held therewith, as the site thereof is delineated in the plan in the margin of these presents, and therein coloured , togethek with all ways, lights, sewei-s, watercourses, rights, privileges, easements, advantages, and appurtenances thereto belonging, or usually held or enjoyed therewith, except, ne- vertheless, out of this demise, all &c. [insert any reservation of a right of watercourse from adjoin- ing liouses, or the like], to hold the said premises, except as aforesaid, unto the said C. D., his ex- ecutors, administrators, and assigns, for the term of years from the date of these presents ; Reddcudum. RENDEuiNG therefore, during the said term, the General words. Exception. Habendum. LEASES. ■ :2'"» 1 yeai'ly rent of £ , clear of all present and fu- ture rates, taxes, and deductions, by equal pay- ments, on the day of and the day of in every year, the first of such payments to be made on the day of next. And the said C D. doth hereby, for him- covenant self, his heii*s, executors, and administrators, co- lessee, to veuant with the said A. B., his heirs and assigns, reut that he the said C. D., his executors, adminis- trators, or assigns, during the said term, will pay the yearly rent hereinbefore reserved, on the days and in manner aforesaid ; and will bear and and taxes, pay all rates, taxes, and outgoings, now payable or hereafter to become payable, whether by tlie landlord or tenant, in respect of the said premi- ses : AND will keep the said premises insured and keep . • 1 /v 1 ^^^ prenii- against loss or damage by fire in svich ofiice as the ses insured, said A. B., his heirs or assigns, shall approve, and will, when required, produce the policy of such in- surance, and the current year's receipt for the premium thereon, to the said A. B., his heirs or assigns ; and will keep the said premises in good ^ud iu re- condition and complete repair, and without any P*"' alteration, except such as the said A. B., his heirs or assigns, shall approve of; and, at the expil'a- and yiei.i tion or sooner determination of the said term, so end oi the yield up the same unto the said A. B., his heirs ^'^°^' or assigns ; and that the said A. B., his heirs a„d tiiat and assigns, and his and their agents, surveyors, may^entcr and workmen, may, at all reasonable times duruig '■'^ »i«i'e<'t ; the said term, enter upoix the said premises to in- 202 LEASES, and that the spect the saiue ; AND THAT 110 offensive business bc"useVas a or occupation or nuisance shall be can-ied on or h^uie only; Committed on the said premises, and that the same shall be used as a private dwelling-house aud shall oiilj ; AND THAT the Said C. D., his executors, signed or' administrators, or assigns, will not assign or un- uudcrlet. (Jei-igt the said premises without the consent in writing of the said A. B., his heirs or assigns ; Proviso for PROVIDED ALWAYS, that, Oil ailV breach or non- re-entry. 1 • 1 i? observance of any of the covenants herembeiore contained, the said A. B., his heirs or assigns, may re-enter upon the said premises, and re-pos- sess and hold the same as if this demise had not Covenant by been made. And the said A. B. doth hereby, for quiet en- for liimsclf, liis hcirs, executors, administrators, joymcu . ^^^ assigns, covenant with the said C. D., his ex- ecutors, administrators, and assigns, that he and they, performing and observing all the covenants hereinbefore contained, may hold and enjoy the said premises during the said term, without any interruption by the said A. B., his heirs or as- signs, or any person lawfully claiming under him or them. In witness &c. LEASES. 203 XXXII. Lease of a Farm. This indenture, made &C., BETWEEN A. Parties. B., of &c. \lessor\ of the one pai-t, and C. D., of &c. [fes«ee], of the other part, WITNESSETH, that Witnesscth. the said A. B. doth hereby demise unto the said Demise. C D., his executors, administrators, and assigns, all that farm and lands, in the pai-ish of , Parcei-s. in the county of , called farm, with the farm-house and other buildings thereon, the particulars whereof are specified in the schedule hereunder written, together with all commons, cenerai v/ords. ways, watercourses, rights, privileges, easements, commodities and appurtenances whatsoever, to the said hereditaments or any part thereof be- longing, or usually held or enjoyed therewith, except and reserved, nevertheless, out of this Exception. demise, all timber and other trees, and the right to enter and cut and remove the same, to hold HabeucUim. the said premises, except as aforesaid, unto the said C. D., liis executors, administrators, and assigns, for the term of years from the date of these presents; rendering therefor, pcGE. This indenture, made AU point new trustees liereby appointed, or any ot them, or trustees. any trustee or trustees to be appointed as here- inafter is mentioned, shall die, or desire to be discharged, or refuse or become incapable to act, then and so often the said A. B. and C. D., or the survivor of them, or (after the death of such survivor) the surviving or continuing trustees or trustee for the time being, (and for this purpose every retiring or refusing trustee shall, if willing to act in the execution of this power, be con- sidered a continuing trustee), may appoint a new trustee or new trustees in the stead of the trus- tee or trustees so dying, or desiring to be dis- charged, or refusing or becoming incapable to act ; AND, upon every such appointment, the said trust premises shall be so transferred that the same may become vested in the new trustee or trustees jointly with the survi^^ng or continuing trustees or tiiistee, or solely, as the case may re- quii'e ; and every such new trustee shall (as well before as after the said trust premises shall have become so vested), have the same powers, autho- rities, and discretion, as if he had been hereby orisrinallv appointed a trustee. And it is here- Trustees' in- , ^ 1 • 1 ■ (lemnity BY DECL.\RED, that the trustees for the time being clause. of these ])iTseiitt' shall be respectively chargeable only with such monies as they respectively shall actually receive, and shall not be answerable for L 3 226 SETTLEMENTS. each otlier, nor for any banker, broker, or other person in whose hands any of the trust monies shall be placed, nor for the insufficiency or de- ficiency of any stocks, funds, shares, or securities, nor otherwise for involuntary losses; and that the said trustees for the time being may respect- ively reimburse themselves out of the trust pre- mises all expenses incurred in or about the exe- cution of the aforesaid trusts and powers. In WITNESS &c. XXXVII. Settlement, on Marriage, of a Rever- sionary Interest in Personalty, and a Policy of Assurance on the Hus- hand's Life. This indenture, made &c., BETWEEN A. B., of &c. \intended husband], of the first part, C. D., of &c. [Intended wife], of the second part, and E. F., of Ac, G. H., of ower to vary, with the addition of " call in," or other appropriate words; trust for wifes separate use; for the swr- vivor for life : for the children of the viarriage ; hotchpot clause ; powers of advancement, main- tenance and edvxation ; acciimulation clause ; trusts in default or failure of children, sv^pra, pp. Covenant by 220 et seg.] And THE SAID C. D. dotli hei'eby, right to as- for herself, her heirs, executors, and administra- ftom iiicura- tors, covenant with the said E. F., G. H., and brauces ; SETTLEMENTS. 229 I. K., their executors and administrators, that, notwithstanding anything by her done or know- ingly snftered, she the said C. D. now hath power to assign all and singular the said premises unto the said E. F., G. H., and I. K., their executors, administrators, and assigns, subject as and in manner aforesaid, and free from incumbrances; AND THAT she the said C. D., her executors and and for fur- ther assur- adnimistrators, and every person lawfully or auce. equitably claiming through or in trust for her, will, at all times, at the request of the said trustees or trustee, or of any person or persons interested in the premises, and at the cost of the said trust premises, execute and do all such as- surances and things for further or better assuring all or any of the said premises unto the said E. F., G. H., and I. K., their executors^ admi- nistrators, and assigns, in manner and subject as aforesaid, and upon the trusts hereinbefore de- clared, as shall be reasonably required. And it Trusts of the .,__,-__,__ policy of as- IS HEREBY DECLARED, that the Said E. Jb., G. H., surauceon and I. K., their executors, administrators, and b.ind's life, assigns, shall hold the said sum of £. [ o band, wife, ment of waste ; and after his death to the and child- . , . , reu: usE of the said C. D. and her assigns, during her life, without impeachment of waste ; and after the death of the said C. D., to the use of the child, or all or such one or more of the children, of the said intended marriage, for such estates or estate, and in such manner as the said A. B. and C. D. shall by deed appoint ; and in default of and until any such appointment, and so far as no such appointment shall extend, as the survivor of the said A. B. and C. D. shall, by deed, or by will or codicil, appoint ; and in default of and until any such appointment, and so far as no sively in tail; the preceding power of ajJpointmeut being eitbcr omitted or retained. The language of the powers will require to be altered, by restraining their exercise, after the death of the tenants for life, to the minority of a child entitled under the limitations or appointments. See the Precedent of a strict settlement in a will, infra. SETTLEMENTS. 237 such appointment shall extend, if there shall be only one child of the said intended marriage, to THE USE of such only child, and the heirs of his or her body; but if there shall be more than one child of the said intended marriage, then to the USE of all the children of the said intended mar- riage, and the heirs of their respective bodies, in equal shares, as tenants in common ; and if any one or more of the said children shall die with- out issue, then, as well as to the original share or shares of the child or children so dying, as to the shai-e or shares that shall have survived or accrued to such child or children, or to the heirs of his, her, or their body or respective bodies, TO the use of the others or other of the said children, and the heirs of their, his, or her respective bodies or body ; and, if more than one, in equal shares ; and, for and, for dc- « , . /> ,1 • 1 fiiultof issue, DEFAULT of such ISSUe, TO THE USE 01 the Said to the hus- A. B., his heirs and assigns, for ever. And it provision for IS HEREBY DECLARED, that, after the death of *'!>° ''Pp'*'^^- ' ' tuui of the the said A. B. and C. D, so long as any child of '■^nts and ' '^ •' profits dur- the said intended marriage shall be under the age i"g ^^^ ^j- ° ^ noritiesof of twenty-one years, the said E. F. and G. H., or thechikiren. the survivor of them, or the executors or admin- istrators of such survivor, shall receive the rents and j)rofits of and manage the said premises, and ma}- fell timber for repairs or sale or otherwise, and may accept surrenders from, and make allow- ances to, and arrangements with tenants and others, and do all such other things as may to them or him seem expedient for the due management 238 SETTLEMENTS. thereof; and, after deducting the expenses of management, repairs, insurance, and other out- goings, \if there be or can he any charcje on the premises, add, " and keeping down any annual sum or sums, and the interest on any principal sum or sums charged on the premises"], shall pay to such of the children of the said intended marriage as shall for the time being have attain- ed the age of twenty-one years, his, her, or their share or respective shares of the said net rents and profits ; and shall, out of the share thereof of every or any of the said children who shall for the time being be under the age of twenty-one years, pay the whole, or such sum or sums as the said trustees or trustee shall think proper, for or to- wards the maintenance or education of every such minor, (either directly, or by payment to his or her guardian or guardians, to be applied by such guardian or guardians without accounting to the said trustees or trustee), and shall accumulate the residue (if any) of eveiy or any such share of the said rents and profits in the way of compound in- terest, by investing the same and all the result- ing income thereof, in their or his names or name, in or upon any of the public stocks or funds, or Government securities of Great Britain, or upon real securities in England, Wales, or Ireland, with power to resort to such accumulations respective- ly at any time or times during the minority of the child from whose share the same respectively SETTLEMENTS. 239 shall have arisen, for the maintenance or educa- tion of such child; and, subject and without pre- judice to the provision for resorting to the said accumidations for maintenance and education as aforesaid, shall hold all the said residue of every or any such share of the said rents and profits, and the stocks, funds, and securities in or upon which the same may be invested, upon such trusts as the same would be held upon if the same were monies arising from sales under the ])ower of sale hereinafter contained, or stocks, funds, or securities purchased therewith : Pro- power of VIDEO ALWAYS, that the said A. B., during his ''''®'"^" life, aiid after his death the said C. D., during her life, and, after the death of the said A. B, Jid CD., the said E. F. and G. H., and the survivor of them, and the executors and admi- nistrators of such survivor, during the minority of any child of the said intended marriage, may, at any time or times, appoint, by way of lease, at rack rent, all or any of the said premises for any term of years absolute, not exceeding twenty- one years, to take effect in possession (a) : Pro- (a) The above is a short form of the ordinary power to lease for twenty-oue years either bouses or lands. But, if the property contain stone or minerals, there should be a power to grant mining leases; and if it comprise land likely to be required for building, or bouses likely to re- quire repairs, there should be a power to grant leases for 240 SETTLEMENTS. Power of viDED ALSO, tliat tlie said E. F. and G. H., and sale and ex- i . ^ , change. the survivor of them, and the executors or ad- ministrators of such survivor, (hereinafter called the trustees or trustee), may at any time or times during the life of the said A. B., with his con- sent in writing, and after his death during the life of the said C. J), with her consent in writing, and after the death of the said A. B. and C. D., during the minority of any child of the said intended marriage, at the discretion of them the said trustees or trustee, (but subject to any lease which may have been granted under the power hereinbefore contained), dispose of, either by way of sale, or in exchange for other heredita- ments in England or Wales, all or any of the said premises, ujjon such terms and under such con- ditions as the said trustees or trustee shall think fit, and may buy in, or rescind any contract for sale or exchange, and re-sell or again exchange, without being responsible for loss occasioned thereby, and may revoke the uses, trusts, and powers then subsisting in or of the hereditaments so sold or disposed of in exchange, and appoint the same to such uses and in such manner as shall be expedient to effectuate such sale or exchange. Trustees' re- AJh^D IT IS HEREBY DECLARED, that the receipt of the said trustees or trustee for any monies paid building and repairing purposes. {See the forms of such powers, 1 Davidson's Precedents in Conveyancing, pp. 333,334.) SETTLEMENTS. 241 to them or him upon any sale, or for eqiiality of exchange, under the power of sale and exchange hereinbefore contained, shall effectually discharge the persons paying the same thei-efroni, and from being concerned to see to the application thereof. And it is hereby declared, that the said trUS- Monies arls- tees or trustee shall, with such consent or at the power oi such discretion as aforesaid, lay out the money chanKc to be 1 1 p T, /» laid out iu received upon any sale or for equality of ex- the purchase change (ci) in the purchase of freehold or copy- be settled to hold hereditaments of inheritance (6) in England theseute^ or Wales, or in purchasing the enfranchisement "^"'^ ' of any copyhold hereditaments so purchased, or for the time being subject to the uses or trusts of these presents, and shall settle, or cause the same to be settled, to the uses, iipon the trusts, and subject to the powers hereby limited, as far (a) It is usual to provide that the trustees of the power of sale and exchange may pay or receive money for equal- ity of exchange; but, as the power so to pay or receive is incident to the power of exchange, {Dartram v. Which- cote, 6 Sim. 86), the provision is unnecessary. Money to be so paid by the trustees may be paid by them out of any monies received by them under their power, (lb.); but a power is often added (where conciseness is not an object) to enable them to raise money for the purpose by mortgage. (6) It is convenient to extend the power of purchase to copyholds for lives, and leaseholds for lives and years; but, as this requires considerable additional trusts for i-e- newal and settlement, it is better omitted when brevity is desired. 242 SETTLEMENTS. as tlie deaths of parties and other intcrveiiing And, till a circumstances will permit. And it is hereby be iuvSted" FURTHER DECLARED, that, Until the moncy to be or upon se^-*" received upon any sale or for equality of ex- /ivinties. change shall be laid out as aforesaid, the said trustees or trustee may, with such consent or at such discretion as aforesaid, invest the same, in their or his names or name, in any of the public stocks or funds, or Government securities of Great Britain, or upon real securities in England, Wales, or Ireland, and vary the same, if and as they or he shall think fit; and that the income from such stocks, funds, and securities shall be paid and applied in the same manner as the rents and profits of the hereditaments to be purchased therewith as aforesaid would be payable or appli- cable, in case such pxirchase and settlement as aforesaid were then actually made (a). And this (a) It must be understood, that the above power of sale and exchange is applicable only to small estates, and to simple settlements. If the estate is, or under i^owers of charging may become, subject to incumbrances, there must be provisions for allowing money ai'ising from sales to be applied in discharge of incumbrances. (See infra, p. 274). There must also be provisions for purchasing and selling lands of all tenures, (supra, p. 241, n. (6),) and a provision that the power shall over-reach all charges to be created under the powers or terms of years, except sales or mortgages actually made. (See the form of a complete power, 1 Davidson's Precedents in Conveyan- cing, p. 339). SETTLEMENTS. 243 INDENTURE ALSO WITNESSETH, that, for the COn- WitnessetU sideratiou aforesaid, he the said A. B., with the "^^ondiy. approbation of the said C. D., doth hereby, for Coveuant t« himselr, his heirs, executors, and atlministrators, copyhoUiw. covenant with the said E. F. and G. H., and their heirs, that, in case the said intended mar- riage shall be solemnised, he the said A. B., or his heirs, will forthwith, at his or their own cost, effectually surrender into the hands of the lord of the manor of in the county of , accord- ing to the custom thereof, all those &c, [parcels in the second schedule — general words, supra, p. 116], TO the use of the said E. F. and G. H., to the u^e i.t ,•1 • 1 . J . T J. J.1 J. the trustees. their heirs and assigns, according to the custom upon trusts of the same manor, by and under the accustomed spond with rents, fines, suits, and serAdces, and upon such t^g Jrp^f."' trusts, and subject to such powers, as shall as ^"''''^ nearly correspond with the uses, trusts, and powers hereinbefore limited and contained of the said premises hereinbefore granted, as the different qualities of the estates and the rules of law and equity -will permit. [Trit^stee clauses, sic- pra, pp. 224 — 22G]. And the said A. B. doth covenant lor liereby, for himself, his heirs, executors, and ad- vey and sur- ininistrators, covenant with the said E. F. and from iiicum- G. H., their heirs and assigns, that, notwithstand- ''^"''^*' ing any thing by him the said A. B. or any of his ancestors done or knowingly suffered, lie the said A. B. now hath power to grant all and singular the said premises hereinbefore expressed to be hereby granted, to the uses and in manner M 2 ther assur ince 2i4: SETTLEMENTS. aforesaid, free from incumbrances, and to surren- der tlie said premises, hereinbefore covenanted to be surrendered to tbe use of the said E. F. and G. H., their heirs and assigns, upon the trusts and in manner aforesaid, free from incumbrances; AND that all the several premises aforesaid may- be quietly entered into, held, and enjoyed, with- out any interruption by the said A. B., or any person claiming through or in trust for him, or .ludforfuv- any of his ancestors; and that he the said A. B. and his heii-s, and every person lawfully or equitably claiming any estate or interest in the premises through or in trust for him or any of his ancestors, will, at all times, at the cost of the trust estate, execute and do all such assurances and things, for further or better assuring all or any of the said premises respectively to the seve- ral uses and in manner aforesaid, as by the said trustees or trustee, or any person interested in the premises, shall be reasonably required. In WITNESS &c. THE FIRST SCHEDULE to which the above-written Indenture refers. THE SECOND SCHEDULE to which the above-written Indenture refers. SETTLEMEKTS. 24/5 XL. Conveyance, in Contemplation of Mar- riage, of a Freehold Estate ix Trust for Sale, with a Declaration q/" Trust of the Purchase-Money hy Reference to a Settlement of even Date (a). This INDENTUIIE, made drc, between A. Parties. B.j of (fee. \intended husband], of the first part, C. D., of &c. [intended ^oife^^, of the second part, and E. F., of &c., G. H., of &c., and I. K., of ifec. [trustees], of the third part, WITNESSETH, that, witnesseth. in consideration of a mai'riagc intended to be shortly solemnised between the said A. B. and C. D., he the said A. B., with the consent of the Couveyaiicc tQ trustees. Baid C. D., doth hereby grant unto the said E. R, G. H., and I. K., their heirs and assigns, ALL THOSE &c. \_parcels — general words — and es- tate clause, sujyra, pjx 96-7], to hold the said Habendurr, premises unto the said E. F., G. H., and I. K., their heii'S and assigns, to the use of the said E. F., G. H., and I. K., their heirs and assigas, IN trust for the said A, B., his heirs and assigns, in tiiist fur . . the hiisbanrt until the said intended marriage ; and after the tin mar- riage ; solemnisation thereof, upon trust tliat the saidandatter (a) See supra, p. 234, n. (a), with reference to this form of Settlement, 246 SETTLEMENTS. marriage, in E. F., G. H., and I. K., or the survivors or sur- 1^1.*^^°' vivor of tliem, or tlie heirs of such survivor, shall, with the consent of the said A. B. and C. D. during their joint lives, and of the survivor of them during his or her life, and after the death of such survivor at the discretion of the said trustees or trustee for the time being, sell the said premises, either together or in parcels, and either by public auction or private contract, and may buy in, or rescind any contract for sale, and re-sell, without being responsible for loss occasioned thereby, and may enter into, execute, and do all such agreements, assurances, and things for effectuating any such sale, as they or Trustees' re- he shall think fit. And it is hereby declared, ceipt clause. ^^^^ ^^^ receipt of the said trustees or trustee for the pui-chase-monies of the premises sold, or any part thereof, shall eflfectually discharge the purchaser or purchasers therefrom, and from be- ing conceru'cd to see to the application thereof. Trusts of the AnD IT IS HEREBY DECLARED, that the Said trUS- S-isefrom tees or trustee shall hold the monies to arise the sale. fj-om any such sale (after payment thereout of all expenses) upon such trusts, and subject to such powers, as shall be declared of the same in a deed ah-eady ingrossed, and intended to bear even date with these presents, and to be made or expressed to be made between the same per- Power of sons as are parties to these presents. And it is twentyc°ne HEREBY DECLARED, that the said trustees or trus- ^'^^^^' tee may at any time or times, before all the said SETTLEMENTS. 247 premises shall have been sold, demise all or any of the same premises at rack-rent for any term of years absolute, not exceeding twenty-one years, to take effect in possession. And it is income oi HEREBY DECLARED, that. Until all the said pre- until a sale. mises shall be sold, the said trustees or trustee for the time being shall hold the income thereof, or of the unsold part thereof, (after payment thereout of all rates, taxes, expenses of repairs and insurance, and other outgoings,) upon such trusts, and subject to such powers, as shall be de- clared thereof by the said intended deed of even date with these presents. [Covenant hy A. B. for right to convey free from incumbrances, and for further assurance, sui^ra, 2>p- 97, 98. Power to aj)point new trustees, supra, 2>- 22o.] In wit- ness &c. THE SCHEDULE to which the above- written Indenture refers. 248 SETTLEMENTS. XLL Settlement, on Marriage, of Money to arise from Real Estate conveyed to Trustees by a Deed of even Date iv. Trust /o?- Sale (a). Paities. This indenture, made &c., between A. B., of &c. [i7ite7ided husband], of the first part, C. D., of &c. [intended wife], of the second part, and E. F., of &c., G. H., of &c., and I. K,, Recital ofin- of (fec. [trustees], of the third part. Whereas rf^l^:^™^^" a marriage is intended to be shortly solemnised —of the con- between the said A. B. and C. D. And where- real' estate, AS, by an indenture bearing even date with, but even da"e, to executed before, these presents, and expressed to trust't'if'sen, be made Ijetween [jmrties], certain heredita- purc^hase- ^^ ments in the parish of , in the county of Sie'trusts of , have been conveyed to the use of the said thojMcsent ^ -p^ fj^ jj_^ ^^^^ j_ ^^ ^i^g^, i^gij.g ^^^ assigns, in trust for the said A. B., his heirs and assigns, until the said intended marriage, and, after the solemnisation thereof, upon trust for sale ; and it is thereby declared, that the said E. F., G. H., and I. K., and the survivors and survivor of them, and the heirs, executors, and administra- tors of such survivor, shall hold the net monies {a) The deed referred to is Precedent XL. SETTLEMENTS. *-4i» to arise from such sale, and the net rents and profits, until -sale of the said hereditaments, or of the unsold part thereof, upon the trusts to be declared thereof respectively by these presents. Now THIS Indenture witnesseth, and it is witticfiseti. hereby declared, that the said E. F., G. H., and oftnmtof I. K., and the survivoi's aud survivor of them, to arise fron, and the heirs, executors, and administrators of * ^''' ^' such survivor, shall, with the consent in writing of the said A. B. and C. D., during thcii' joint lives, and of the survivor during his or her life, and, after the death of such survivor, at the dis- cretion of the said E. F., G. H., and I. K., or the survivors or survivor of them, or the execu- tors or administrators of such survivor, (herein- after called the trustees or trustee), invest the said net monies to arise from any and every sale under the hereinbefore-recited indenture, in the names or name of the said trustees or trustee, in any of the public stocks or funds or Govern- ment securities of Great Britain, or upon free- hold, copyhold, leasehold, or chattel real securi- ties in England, Wales, or Ireland, [or in or up- on the shares, stocks, or securities of any Com- pany or Corporation, whether commercial, muni- cipal, or otherwise, carrying on business or con- stituted for any purpose in Great Britain, Ire- land, or India, or any colony or dependency of Great Britain]; and that the said trustees or trustee, if and when they or he shall think fit, may, with such consent or at such discretion m3 250 SETTLEMENTS. as aforesaid, vary the said stocks, funds, shares, D>;ciaration or securities; AND tliat the said trustees or trus- iration thereof, it shall be ascer- tained that the said L. B. is dead, and that no issue of the said L. B. is then living, then, im- mediately upon the expiration of the said fifteen years, or up(ju the death of the said L. B., the failure of his issue being so ascertained, which- ever shall fii-st happen, the said trustees or trus- tee shall hoUl the said last-mentioned sixth part of the said net purchase-monies, and the accu- mulations thereof, upon the trusts hereinbefore declared of the first-mentioned three-sixth parts; AND AS TO the remaining two-sixth parts of the — as tore- ^ maiinnt' said net purchase monies, upon trust to pay the two-sixtiis, '^ . to divide same equally among such of the persons herein- amonfrst the after named, viz. M. H., N. H., and O. H., the grandchild- children of P. H., deceased, who was a daughter of the said A. B., as shall be living at the death of the survivor of the said A. B. and G. B., and shall attain the age of twenty-one years, or shall be then dead leav-ing issue then living, the share or shares of such of them as shall be then dead leaving issue then living to be paid to his, her, or then- respective executors or administrators, 254 SETTLEMENTS. as part of his, her, or their respective personal Power to estate. And it is hereby declared, that the tweiity-ouc said A. B. during his life, and after his death the said G. B. during her life, and after the death of the said Gr. B., the said trustees or trustee, may at any time or times, before all the said premises shall have been sold, appoint by way of demise, or demise, all or any of the same pi-emises at rack rent for any term of years absolute, not ex- ceeding twenty-one years, to take effect in pos- Power to session. And it is hereby declared, that the trustees to • i • j i • i • accumulate, said trustees or trustee may invest, m their or nis names or name, the presumptive or expectant share of every or any person for the time being entitled presumptively or in expectancy under the trusts aforesaid, in any of the public stocks or funds of Great Britain, and may vary such in- vestments as and when they or he shall think fit, and may accumulate the income or any part of the income thereof in the way of compound inferest, by similarly investing the same and the and to apply resulting income thereof; and may, at their or fncomel'or'^ his absolute discretion, pay or apply the whole uance^edu- o^* ^^Y V^^^ ^^ the principal or income, or accu- benefit °^ mulations of income, of any such presumptive or expectant share, for or towards the maintenance, education, or benefit of the person for the time being entitled thereto presumptively or in ex- Dcciaratinn pectaucy, as aforesaid. And it is hereby de- reutsand GLARED, that. Until all the Said premises shall be sale. ^ ' ^ sold, the said trustees or trustee shall pay and SETTLEMENTS. 255 apply the net income thereof, or of the unsold part thereof (after payment thereout of all taxes, rates, expenses of repairs and insurance, and other o\itgoings), to the person or persons, for the purposes and in the manner, to whom, and for and in which, the net monies produced by the sale thereof, or the stocks or funds in or upon which any share or shares thereof are hereinbe- fore directed or authorised to be invested, or the income thereof, would have been payable or ap- plicable, if such premises had been sold and such investments made. And this indenture also wituesseth WITNESSETH, that, in consideration of the natural ^'^*'°" ^ ' lovo and affection of the said A. B. for his said wife, and for his daughters hereinafter named, he the said A. B. doth hereby assign unto the said Assignmeut C. D. and E. F., their executors, administrators, the tmstees. and assigns, all and sinoular his pictm-es, prints, books, plate, plated goods, linen, china, household goods, furniture, chattels, and effects (other than money or securities for money), to Habendum hold the same unto the said C. D. and E. F., ti'^u°s'ts!^' ^"^ their executors, administrators, or assigns, upon TRUST to permit the .said A. B. during his life, and after his death the said G. B. during her life, to use the same ; and after the death of the survivor of the said A. B. and G, B., upon trust to divide the same equally between the said H. B. and K. B., their executors, administrators, or assigns (a). And it is hereby declared, Trustees' re- ceipt clause. (a) This deed (not being a mai-riage settlement) will vocation. 256 SETTLEMENTS. that the receipt of the said trustees or trustee for the purchase-money of premises sold, or for any monies, funds, shares, or securities, paid or tranferred to them or him in pursuance of these presents, or of the trusts or powers thereof, shall effectually discharge the purchaser or purchasers, or other person or persons paying or transferring the same, therefrom, and from being concei'ned to see to the application thereof. [Foioer to apjyoint new trustees — trustees indemnity clause, supra, Power of re- ««. 225.1 AnD IT IS HEREBY DECLARED, -that the said A. B. may at any time or times by deed, or will or codicil, either alter or absolutely re- voke all or any of the uses, trusts, and estates hereinbefore limited and declared, and by the same or any other deed, or by will or codicil, limit and declare such other uses, trusts, and es- tates of or concerning all or any of the said premises hereinbefore expi'essed to be hereby gi'anted and assui-ed, respectively, as he sliall think fit. In witness &c. THE SCHEDULE to which the above- written Indenture refers. requu-e registration as a bill of sale under the 17 & 18 Vict. c. 36. WILLS. 257 XLIII. Will of Real and Personal Estate, for the Beneft of the Testators Wife and Children. • 1, A. B., of (fee, DECLARE tliis to be my last will arid testament. I dequeath to my wife, C B., Gift to wife all the pictures, prints, books, plate, linen, china, goods^and wines, liquors, provisions, household goods, furni- ""^"^ "'^^' ture, horses, cai-riages, chattels, and effects (other than money or securities for money), which shall at my death be in or about my dwelling-house, or the outbuildings or grounds thereof I be- and of a pe- .,.,., ^ „ , cuniiiry le- QUEATH to my said wiie the sum oi £ , to be g.icy. paid to her within one calendar month after my death, without interest. I devise all my real General de- estate (except what I otherwise devise by this my estate, will, and except estates vested 'n me upon trust,) unto E. F., of etc., G. H., of &c., and I. K., of «fec., their heirs, executoi-s, and administrators, re- spectively, according to the nature and tenure thereof, upon trust that the said E. F., G. H., in trust n.r and I. K., or the survivors or survivor of them, '''^'^' or the heirs, executors, or administx-ators re- spectively of such survivor, shall, as soon as con- v7'P .,^. A^: - /y^ - 258 WILLS. veniently may be, sell the same, eithei- together or in parcels, and either by public auction or private contract, and may buy in, and i-escind any contract for sale, and re-sell, without being responsible for any loss occasioned thereby, and execute and do all such assurances and acts for effectuating any such sale as they or he shall General be- think fit. I BEQUEATH all my pei'sonal estate quest of per- i • i i i . i ^ sonaity, (except chattels real included m the general devise hereinbefore contained of real estate, and except what I otherwise bequeath by this my will,) unto the said E. F., G. H., and I. K., their in trust for executors and administrators, upon trust that sale and con- ^^ , version into the Said E. F., G. H., and 1. K., or the sur- vivors or survivor of them, or the executors or administrators of such survivor, shall, as soon as conveniently may be, call in, sell, and convert into money such part of my said personal estate Declaration as shall not consist of money. And I declare, of the trusts ,-n -n i t -tt- of the money that the Said E. F,, G. H., and I. K., and the the veal and survivors and survivor of them, and the heirs, tate ; executors, or administrators respectively of such survivor, shall, out of the monies to arise from the sale of my said real estate, and from the calling in, sale, and conversion into money of such part of my said personal estate as shall not consist of money, and the money of which I shall to pay fune- be possessed at my death, pay my funeral and tanfeiitary testamentary expenses and debts, and the lega- debt's^'and cics bequeathed by this my will or any codicil egacies, ^greto : AND SHALL invest the residue of the said and to invest ■' the residue. WILLS. 259 monies, in the names or name of the said E. F., G. H., and I. K., or the survivors or survivor of them, or the executors or administrators of such survivor (hereinafter called the tinistees or trus- tee), in any of the public stocks or funds, or upon Government securities of Great Britain, or freehold, copyhold, leasehold, or chattel real securities in England, Wales, or Ireland, [or in or upon the shares, stocks, or securities of any Company or Corporation, whether commercial, municipal, or otherwise, carrpng on business or constituted for any purpose in Great Britain, Ireland, or India, or any colony or dependency of Great Britain] : and I declare, that the said Power to -' _ vary the iu- triistees or tnistee may vary the said stocks, vestments. funds, shares, and securities, at their or his dis- cretion : AND shall pay the income of the said Trust to pay . . the income trust funds to my said wife so long as she shall to testator's wife for life continue my widow ; and, after her death or or widow- marriage, shall hold the said monies, stocks, ^nd after- funds, and securities, and the income thereof, hoW th" '^ upon trust for all or any such one or more of my ["usUortes- childreu, and in such manner and form in every ^'^'^g Ws"^ respect, as my said wife shall, so long as she shall ,^,'p(,f,^t^" remain unmarried, by deed, or will or codicil, api)oint ; and in default of any such appoint- and. in de- \ „ . ■^ . , ,, fault of np- ment, and so far as no such appomtmcnt shall pointment, 1 . /< 11 1-11 '" trust fi'f extend, in trust tor all my children, or any my all testator's child, who being sons or a sou shall attain who being twenty-one yeai-s, or being daughters or a daugh- twenty-one, ter shall attain that age or marry, and, if more daughters 260 WILLS. attain that than oiie, in equal shares : Provided always, marry. that no child taking any part of the said pre- c^ause^''*^ mises under any such appointment as aforesaid shall, in default of appointment to the contrary, be entitled to any share of that part of which no such appointment shall have been made of the said premises, without bringing his or her appomted Advance- share into hotchpot ; Provided also, that the ment clause. ^^.^ trustees Or trustee may, after the death or marriage of my said wife, which shall first hap- pen, or previously thereto if she shall so direct in writing, raise any part or parts not exceeding one half part of the then expectant presumptive or vested share or fortune of any child under the trusts hereinbefore declared, and apply the same Mainte- for his or her advancement or benefit. And education I HEREBY DECLARE that the Said trustces or trus- tee shall, after the death or second marriage of my wife, which shall first happen, ap]ily the whole, or such part as they or he shall think fit, of the annual income of the share or fortune to which any child shall, for the time being, be entitled in expectancy under the trusts herein- before declared, for or towards the maintenance or education of such child, either directly, or to his or her guardians or guardian, without seeing to the application thereof, rir requii'ing any ac- Accumuia- count of the same (a) ; and shall, during such tion clause. (a) The last part of this provision is, of course, inap- plicable when the trustees arc appointed guardians. WILLS. 1261 suspense of absolute vesting, accumulate the residue (if any) thereof in the way of compound interest, by investing the same, and the resulting income thereof, in or upon any such stocks, funds, shares, or securities as are hereinbefore mentioned, for the benefit of the person or persons, who, under the trusts herein con- tained, shall become entitled to the i)riucipal fund from which the same respectively shall have proceded, with power for the said trustees or trustee to resort to the accumidation of any preceding year or years, and apply the same for or towards the maintenance or education of the child for the time being i)resumptively entitled to the same respectively. And, if there shall be Dis^osiiien no child of mine living at my death, who being diiiareu eu- a son shall attain the age of twenty-one years, th/pieced" or being a daughter .shall attain that age or "^ ""'' *' marry, then, from and after the death or mar- riage of my said wife, and such default or failure of children, I bequeath the said monies, stocks, funds, shares, and securities, or so much thereof as shall not have become vested or been applied under the trusts afoi^esaid, unto itc. («). AxD I Power of . , _, .^ - ^_ leasing for HEREBY DECLARE, that the saul ii. r., G. H., iwoi.ty-ouc and I. K., and the survivors and survivor of" them, and the heirs, execvitors, or administrators (a) If the testator' .s children aro numerous, the bequest in default of children will probably be omitted. 2G2 WILLS. respectively of sucli survivor, may, at any time or times before all my said real estate shall have been sold, demise all or any joart thereof at rack rent, for any tei*m of years absolute not exceed- ing twenty one years, to take effect in possession. Income of And I FURTHER DECLARE, that, until all my Said persouaf" real and personal estate shall be sold and con- Tsak 'and*^'' vertcd into money, the said trustees or trustee togo^as't'he for the time being thereof respectively shall thrinv^est- apply the income of such part thereof as shall Soneyfo''^'^ for the time being remain unsold or unconverted, saifandTon- ^^^^ payment thereout of all rates, taxes, ex- version. penses of repairs, insurance, and other outgoings, in the manner in which the annual income of the stocks, funds, shares, or securities aforesaid would be payable and applicable, if such real and personal estate had then been sold, and the net surplus monies arising from such sale had been iTrustees' re- invested as aforesaid. And I hereby declare, ceip c ause. ^^^^^ ^^^^ receipt of the trxxstees or trustee for the time being, acting in the execution of any of the trusts hereof, for the purchase-money of property sold, or for any monies, funds, shares, or securities paid or transferred to them or him in pursuance hereof, or of any of the trusts hereof, shall effectually discharge the purchaser or purchasers, or other the person or persons paying or transfen-ing the same, therefrom, and from being concerned to see to the application Powertoap- thereof And I hereby declare, that, if the trustees. said trustecs hereby appointed, or any of them. WILLS. -G'*^ shall die in my lifetime, or if they or any of them, or any trustee or trustees to be appointed as hereinafter is provided, shall after my death die, or desire to be discharged, or refuse or become incapable to act, then and so often the said trustees or trustee (and, for this purpose, every retiring or refusing trustee shall be considered a trustee,) may appoint a new trustee or new trustees in the place of the trustee or trustees so dying, or desiring to be discharged, or refusing or becoming incapable to act; and, upon every such appointment, the said trust premises shall be so transferred, that the same may become vested in the new trustee or trustees, jointly wdth the sur- viving or continuing trustees or trustee^ or solely, as the case may require; and eveiy such new trustee shall (as well before as after the said trust premises shall have become so vested) have the same powers, authorities, and discretions as if he had been hereby originally appointed a trustee. And I declare, that the trustees for Trustees' in- 1 • 1 • i^ n • -n 1 11 ■• 1 demnitv the time being ot tins my will shall respectively clause. be chargeable only with such monies as they respectively shall actually receive, and shall not be answerable for each other, nor for any banker, broker, or other person in whose hands any of the trust monies shall be placed, nor for the in- sufficiency or deficiency of any stocks, funds, shares, or securities, nor otherwise for involun- tary losses ; and that the said trustees for the Power to re- ,. 1 . i- 1 • 1. j.i_ imburse time being may respectively reimburse them- themselves 264 WILLS. their ex- selves out of the trust premises all expenses penses. . • n ^ p incurred in or about the execution of the aiore- Devise of said trusts and powers. I devise all the freehold estates. and copyhold hereditaments vesited in me upon trust or mortgage unto the said E. F., Gr. H., and I. K., their heirs and assigns, subject to the equity of redemption subsisting therein respectively; but the money secured on such mortgages shall be considered as part of my personal estate (a). Appoint- And I APPOINT the said E. F., G. H., and I. K. meut ? mise. ofexecu- executoi's of this my will, : and authorise the power to ar- acting executors or executor for the time being confpro^ of this my will to satisfy any debts claimed to be owing by me or my estate, and any liabili- ties to which I or my estate may be alleged to be subject, upon any evidence they or he shall think (a) It has been suggested of late that trust estates ought not to be devised as they iisually have been. (See 5 Mai-tiu's Conveyancing, p. 13; Cooke v. Crawford, 13 Sim. 91. See, however, Tltley v. Wolstenholme, 7 Beav. 426; Midland Covmties liailioay v. Westcomb, 11 Sim. 57; 2 Jarm. on Wills, p. 714; Macdonald v. Walker, 14 Beav. 556, and the cases there cited; Wilson v. Bennett, 19 L. T. 243; Kin;jY. Sraith, QUaxe, i'JZ. Wortham v. Ld. Bacre, 2 K. & J. 437). If trust estates are not to be de- vised, they had better be expressly excepted from the general devise of real estate. (Supra, p. 257). See, too, lie Burtt, 1 Drewrj', 319. It is unnecessary to include leaseholds or terms of years in the dispositions in the text, as they vest in the executors. But see Re Burtt, sujpra, on this point. WILLS. '2(ir> proper, and to accept any composition or so- curity for any del)t, and to allow such time for ^ payment (either with or without taking security) as to the said acting executors or executor shall seem fit, and also to comprumise or submit to arbi- ti-ation and settle all accounts and matters be- longing or relating to my estate, and, generally, to act in regard thereto as they or he shall think expedient, without being responsible for any loss thereby occasioned. ) And I appoint my said wifo Appoint- and the said E. F., G. H., and I. K., guardians guar(ii;iii>. of mv infant children. In witness (to. XLIV. Codicil appointing a New Trustee. J, A. B., of (fee, DECLARE this to be a codicil to my last will and testament, dated the day of . Whereas E. F., in my said will named, has lately died, now I hereby appoint L. M., of A:c., to be a trustee and executor of my said will, and a guardian of my infant children, in the place of the said E. F. : and I declare, that my said will shall accordingly be read and construed as if the name of the said L. M. had been inserted therein throughout, instead of the name of the said E. F. ; and in all other respects I confirm my said will. In witness &c. N 2fi6 WILLS. XLV. Devise -m Strict Settlement («). UevUein I A. B., of &c., DECLARE this to be my last will strict settle- ' r / inent to toe and testament. I devise all my real estate (ex- rest.ator's • t /• i i • ..wii and his cept what 1 otnerwise dispose oi by this my will, brother's ex- isting and and except estates vested m me upon trust,} TO , issue. THE USE of my son D. B., during his life, with- out impeachment of waste; and after his de- cease, TO THE USE of each successively, according to seniority, of the sons of the said D. B. born during my life, for the life of such son, without impeachment of waste ; and immediately after his decease, to the use of his first and other sons suc- cessively, according to seniority, in tail male; and AFTER the failure or determination of the uses and estates hereinbefore limited, to the use of the son and sons of the said D. B. born after my death, successively, according to seniority, in tail male ; and in default or failure of such issue, to the use of each successively, according to seni- ority, of my sons hereafter to be born, during his life, without impeachment of waste ; with remain- (a) This Precedent is not given as an example of a com- plete will, but as an example of a devise in strict settle- ment. WILF.S. -'67 der,immediatelyafter tlie decoaso of each such son, to the use of his first and other sons successively, according to seniority, in tail male ; and after tlie failure or determination of the uses and estates hereinbefore limited, to the use of my brother E. B., during his life, withont impeachment of waste; and after the decease of the said E. B., to the use of each successively, according to seniority, of the sons of the said E. B. born during my life, for the life of such son, without impeachment of waste; with remainder, immediately after the de- cease of each such son, to the use of his first and other sons successively, according to seniority, in tail male ; and after the failure or determination of the uses and estates hereinbefore limited, to THE USE of the son and sons of the said E. B. born after my decease, successively, according to seni- ority, in tail male ; and for default of such issixe, to the use of my own right heii's. And I here- Tms(s dm- BY DECLARE, that, II any person who would, ii this noritics of present declaration had not been inserted, be en- "*^^'*'"- ■ titled to the possession, or the receipt of the rents and profits, of my said real estate, as tenant for life or in tail male by purchase, shall be under the age of twenty-one years, then and so often E. F., of &c., and G. H., of &c. [trustees], and the survivor of them, and the executors or administrators of such survivor, (hereinafter called the trustecsor trustee), shall, during such minority, receive the rents and profits of and manage the said real estate, and may fell timber for repairs or sale, or otherwise, k3 268 and may preserve game, and accept surrenders from, and make allowances to and arrangements with, tenants and others, and may do all other things which to them or him may seem expedient for the due management thereof; and, after de- ducting the expenses of management, repairs, in- surance, and other outgoings, and satisfying any and every annual sum, and the interest of any and every gross sum which may be charged upon the said real estate, or any part thereof, shall pay such sura as the said trustees or trustee shall think proper for or towards the maintenance or educa- tion of such minor, (either directly or to his guardians or guardian, to be applied by such guardians or guardian without accounting to the said trustees or trustee), and shall accumulate the residue of the said rents and profits in the way of compound interest, by investing the same and all the resulting income thereof, in the names or name of the said trustees or trustee, in any of the public stocks or funds of Great Britain, or upon Government or real securities in England, Wales, or Ireland, and may vary the same at their or his discretion; and shall hold all the said residue of the said rents and profits, and the stocks, funds, or securities in or upon which the same may be invested, and the annual income thereof, and the accumulations of such income, upon such trusts as the same would be held upon if the same were monies arising from sales under the power of sale hereinafter contained, or stocks, WILLS. liO'J funds, or securities purchased therewith. And Power oi 1 , jointuriiifr, I HEREBY DECLARE, that evcry person hereby made tenant for life of the said real estate may, at any time or times, either before or after he shall be entitled to the possession or to the re- ceipt of the rents and profits thereof, (but subject to the estates preceding his own estate, and to the powers annexed to such preceding estates, and to the estates which may have been limited in exer- cise of such powei-s), by deed, or -will or codicil, api)oint to any Avoman or women whom he may marry or have married, for her or their life or respective lives or any less period, a clear yearly rentcharge or rentchavges, not exceeding in the whole, for any one woman, the sum of £ , to be charged \ipon and payable out of all or any part of the said real estate, with usual powers, by distress and entry, for recovering and en- forcing the paj^ment thereof; and may also and of limit- . , ing terms of appoint the premises so charged to any person or years to se- , , r. •,! cure joint- persons, tor any term or terms ot years, Avnth or „res. without impeachment of waste, to take effect im- mediately after the decease of the person for the time being exercising this power, upon usual ti'usts for securing the payment of the same yearl}- rentcharge or rentchai-ges : Provided never- No jointure ° , . to become a THELESS, that no rentcharge shall become a hen lieu, unless the person Tipon all or any part of the said real estate, or Umiiing the ... s,ime, or become payable, unless the person appomting the tome of his issue be- same shall be or become entitled to the possession come'ei.ti- 270 WILLS. tied ill pos- or to the receipt of the rents and profits of the session. _ '■ '■ said real estate, or some issue of such person shall The estates or woiild, if of full age, becomc so entitled : and uot to be .11 subject to ALSO, that the said real estate shall not at any more than a . , , . specified an- oue time DC suDject to the payment of rent- nual sum at , i- • ,i i i i « n once for cliarges exceeding m the whole the sum oi Jb , and that such rentcharges shall have priority of payment according to the priority in order of limitation of the respective estates of the several Power of persons exercising the said power And I also portfo'nf for DECLARE, that every person hereby made tenant children ^0^' ^^^'^ *^^ ^^^^ ^^"^ I'^^l estate maj^, at any time or times, either before or after he shall be entitled to the possession or to the receipt of the rents and profits thereof, (but subject to the estates preceding his own estate therein, and to the powers annexed to such preceding estates, and to the estates which may have been limited in ex- ercise of such powers), by deed, or will or codicil, charge all or any j)art of the said real estate with the payment, for the portion or portions of his child, or all or any of his children (other than an eldest or only son, for the time being, entitled to the possession or to the first estate of inherit- ance of the said real estate), of any sum or sums uot exceeding in the different events hereinafter specified the different sums hereinafter men- varying ac tioned; (that is to say), if there shall be but the'nunfbc-r ^ne such child (otlier tlian as aforesaid), the sum of children ; ^^f £ ^^ ^j^^j.^ ^|^^^j| ,^^ y^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ children WILLS. :^71 (other than as aforesaid), the sum of >£ ; if there shall be but three such children (other than as aforesaid), the sum of £ ; and if there shall be four or more such children (other than as aforesaid), the sura of £ , to be an interest or interests vested in and to be paid to such child, or among such children, or any one or more of them, at such times, and in such manner and form in every respect, as the person for the time being exercising this power shall appoint; AND MAY, by deed, or will or codicil, chai'ge the audwituuu- nual sums, premises iiitended to be charged with such por- bywaj-ofiu- . tercst on the tion or portions respectively, with the payment portions, for of any clear annual sum or sums not exceeding nance : the interest of the portion or portions after the rate of <£ — per cent, per annum, to be applied for the maintenance or education of the child or children for whom such portion or portions shall be intended, until such portion or poi'tious shall become payable, in such manner in every respect as the person for the time being exercising this power shall direct: and may, to provide for the audtolmiit '■ * . . terms ol raising and pavment of such portion or poi-tioiis ytars for ^ ' ~ >■ * _ raismg the and annual sum or sums, by deed, or will or same. codicil, appoint the premises chai-ged therewith to any person or pei-sons for any term or terms of years, with or without impeachment of waste, upon usual trusts for securing payment of the same : Provided neveutheless, that no jjoition No porti.n or annual sum shall become a lien upon all or ueu unless 272 WILLS. the per.-on auy part of the said real estate, or become pay- samf.'o?^'''' able, unless the person appointing the same shall fssue, be-"* be or become entitled to the possession or to the tredln pos- receipt of the rents and profits of the said real session. estate, or some issue of such person shall or would, The ostates if of full age, become so entitled ; and also, that sub/e^t'to tlie said real estate shall not at any one time ™ ecmed " * be charged with a greater sum in the whole for for"'wrtions portions than the sum of £ , and that such portions respectively shall have priority of pay- ment, according to the priority in order of limita- tion of the respective estates of the several per- Power of so"'^ exercising the said power. And I hereby t^'^*nt^-o*ne DECLARE, that every person hereby made tenant years. f^^ j^fg ^f i\^q g^id real estate, when he shall be in the actual possession or entitled to the receipt of the rents and profits thereof, and also the said trustees or trustee during the minority of any person who, if of full age, would be entitled to the possession or to the receipt of the rents and profits of the said real estate, may by deed ap- Power of point by way of demise &c. [supra, 2^. 254.] And chauge. ^ I HEREBY FURTHER DECLARE, that the Said trus- tees or trustee may, during the life of any per- son hereby made tenant for life, and for the time being entitled to tlie possession or to the receipt of the rents and profits of the said real estate, with his consent in writing, and also during the minority of any i)erson who, if of full age, would be entitled to the po.ssessiou or to the receipt of WILLS. 27.5 the rents ami jirofits of the said real estate, at the discretion of the said trustees or trustee, (but suhject to any lease which may have been granted und«r the power in that behalf herein- before contained), dispose of, either by way of sale, or in exchange for other hereditaments in England or Wales, all or any pai-t of the said real estate, upon such terms and under such con- ditions as the said trustees or trustee shall think fit, with power to buy in, or rescind any con- tract for sale or exchange of all or any of the said premises, and to re-.sell or exchange the same, without being responsible for any loss occasioned thereby, and with power, for the purpose of ef- fectuating any such sale or exchange, to revoke all or any of the uses, trusts, or powei's herein- before limited or to be limited under the powei's of jointuring and charging portions hereinbefore contained, of the hereditaments sold or given in exchange, and to appoint the same in any man- ner they or he shall think fit. And I HEUEBY Trustees' i-e- DECLARE, that the receipt of the trustees or ti'ustee for the time being acting in the execu- tion of any of the trusts hereof, for the purchase- monies of premises sold, or for any monies re- ceived for equality of exchange, shall effectually discharge the purchaser or purchasers, or other person or pei"sons paying the same, therefrom, and from being concerned to see to the applica- tion thereof. And I hereby declare, that the Jionii-s aris- ing under said trustees or trustee shall, with such consent tiie power of N 3 274 WILLS. .siic and ex- or at sucli discretion as aforesaid, lay out the change to bii . t n ^■, i- laid out in money received upon any sale or tor equality oi of lands, to exchange (a) in the purchase of freehold or copy- the uses of hold hereditaments of inheritance (6) in England roeut. or Wales, or in procuring the enfranchisement of copyhold hereditaments purchased or previously settled, and shall settle or cause the same to be settled to the uses and subject to the powers herelry limited or to be limited under the powers of jointuring and charging portions hereinbefore contained, as far as the deaths of parties and other intervening circumstances 'will permit : Power for Provided always, that the said trustees or trus- trusfees to , ,. . apply mo- tee may, with such consent or at such discretion nies receiv- . , „ . i • i od on a faie as are hereinbefore mentioned with respect to a or exchange • , , • i ill di<:ciiargc sale or exchange, apply any monies to be I'eceived ofincura- t /• i brances; Upon any sale or tor equality ot exchange as aforesaid, or any part thereof, in or towards satisfying any mortgage or other charge or in- cumbrance which may then affect all or any of the hereditaments which shall then be subject audtiiia to the uscs or trusts of this my will: And X purchase, to .11 be invested HEREBY FUKTHER DECLARE, that, until the money or iii)on to be received upon any sale or for equality of exchange shall be laid out or disposed of as afore- said, the said tmistees or trustee may, with such consent or at such discretion as aforesaid, invest (a) See supra, p. "241, n. (a). (b) See supra. Id. n. (h). WILLS. the same in their or liis names or name in any of the public stocks or funds of Great Britain, or upon Government or real securities in England, Wales, or Ireland, and may vary the same if and as they or he shall think fit; and that the an- nual income from such stocks, funds, and securi- ties shall be paid and a]»i)lied in the manner in which the i-ents and profits of the hereditaments to be purchased therewith as aforesaid would be payable or ajtplicable in case such purchase and settlement as afoi-esaid were then actually made. [^Trustee clauses. — Devise of iiiortyaye estates, supra, pp. 262, 264.] In avitness &c. 27G APPOINTMENTS OF TRUSTEES. !:^ppomtmfnts; of Cnisittfs. XLVI. Appointment of New Trustees of a Mar- riage Settlement, (to be indorsed on the Settlement) («). Parties. THIS INDENTURE, made &c., between the within-named A. B. and C. B., his wife, (at the date and execution of the within-written inden- ture the within-named C. D., spinster) [Inishand and v>ife, donees of the povm"], of the first part, the within -named G. H. \retio~ing t}ustee~\, of the second part, and I. K., of &c., and L. M., of &c., Of tht,- deatii [new tt'ustees'], of the third part. Whereas tee, and of the within-named E. F. is dead, and the said sWngTo be' Gr. H, desires to be discharged fi-om the trusts of ■hscharged. ^j^^ within-written indenture. NoAV this inden- Witiiesseth, TURE WITNESSETH, that they the Said A. B. and Appoint- C. B. do hereby, in exercise of the power in this trustees. behalf in the within-written indenture contained, appoint the said I. K. and L. M. respectively to (a) The settlement intended is that of which a Prece- dent is previously given, XXXVI. p. 220. APPOINTMENTS OF TRUSTKES. 277 be trustees of the witliiu-writtcu indenture in the place of the said E. F. and G. H. respectively. And it is iiereuv declared, tlmt the said I. K. ^^fj^^^^'"" and L. M., their executors, achniiiistrators, and assigns, shall hold the within-mentioned sum of £ — I. per Cent. Bank Annuities, which is intended to be transferred into their names immediately after the execution of these presents, and the annual income thereof, upon the trusts, and subject to the powers, upon and subject to which the same ought to be held by virtue of the withiu-written indenture («). In witness &c. XL VII. Appointment of New Trustees of a Will of Heal and Personal Estate (b). This indenture, made &c., between E. F., Partie of &.C., and G. H., of tfec. [surviviiiy trusteed'], of the first part, L. M., of &g. [nevj trustee], of the second part, and N. O., of &c. [provisional trustee], (a) It will, of course, be understood,, if thorehave been any dealings with the trust property since the date of the settlement, tliey must be stated, so as to show the funds now subject to the settlement. (b) The will intended is that of which a Precedent is given, XLIII. p. 257. 278 APPOINTMENTS OF TEUSTEES. Recital of the will ; of the tliiid part. Whereas A. B., late of , ifec, duly made and executed his will, dated the day of , and thereby, after giving divers specific legacies and a pecuniary legacy, devised all his real estate (except what he thereby other- wise devised, and except estates vested in him upon mortgage,) unto the said E. F. and G. H., and I. K., their heirs and assigns, upon trusts and with powers thereby declared of the same ; and bequeathed all his personal estate (except chattels real included in the said devise of real estate, and excej^t what he thereby otherwise dis- posed of,) unto the said E. F., G. H., and I. K., their executors, administrators, and assigns, upon trusts and with powers thereby declared of the same ; and devised all the freehold and copyhold hereditaments vested in him upon mortgage unto, the said E. F., G. H., and I. K., their heirs and assigns, subject to the equity of redemption sub- sisting therein respectively; and appointed the said E. F., G. H., and I. K. executors of his said will; and declared, that, in case the said trustees, &c. [recite the power to appoint neio trustees literally]. And whereas the said A. B. died without having revoked or altered his said will, and the same was proved by the said E. F., G. H., an 1 I. K. in the Court of , on the day of . And whekeas the said I. K. died in the month of last. Now WitnessctU. THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, that they the Said Appoint- E. F. and G. H. do hereby, in exercise of the — ol testa- tor's death, and probate of his will ; —of the death of a trustee. APPOINTMENTS OF TRUSTEES. 279 aforesaid power in this behalf, appoint the said mcntofuew L. M. to be a trustee of the said will of the said A. B. in the place of the said I. K. And this Witnesscth . secoucUy. INDENTURE ALSO WITNESSETH, that, in obedience to the aforesaid direction in this behalf, they the Conveyance. said E. F. and G. H. do hereby grant unto the said L. M. and his heirs, all the said i*eal estate and premises by the said will of the said A. B. devised iinto the said E. F., G. H., and I. K., their heirs and assigns upon trust as aforesaid, with the rights, easements, and appurtenances, and all the estate and interest of them the said E. F. and G. H. in the premises, to hold the Habendum, said premises unto the said L. M. and his heirs, TO THE USE of the Said E. F., G. H., and L. M., their heirs and assigns, upon the trusts, and with the powers, upon and with which the same ought to be held by virtue of the said will. And this indenture also witnesseth, that, in witi e seth obedience to the aforesaid direction in this behalf, " ^' they the said E. F. and G. H. do hereby assign unto Assignment the said N. O., his executors, administi-ators, and ty^lo'provi'- assigns all the said personal estate of the said ^[!^"^' ^^^^' A. B., by tlie said will bequeathed unto the said E. F., G. H., and I. K., their executors, adminis- trators, and assigns, and now vested in the said E. F. and G. H., and all the estate and interest of them the said E. F. and G. H.* in the premises, TO HOLD the said premises unto the said N. O., Hubeu.ium , _ , in trust to his executors, administrators, and assigns, upon le-assigu 280 APPOINTMENTS OF TRUSTEES. tocwntinu- TRUST forthwith to assigii the same unto the said trustees"^^ •^' ^-y ^' H., and L. M., their executors, admi- nistrators, and assigns, upon the trusts, and with the powers, upon and with wliich the same ought Witnesseth to be held by A'irtue of the said wilh And this fourthly. INDENTURE ALSO WITNESSETH, that, iu obedieuce Conveyance to the aforesaid direction in this behalf, they the estates. ° said E. F. and G. H. do hereby grant unto the said L. M. and his heirs, all the freehold here- ditaments which were vested iu the said testator at his death upon mortgage, with their rights, Habenduui easements, and appurtenances, to hold the said to the use of . • i x -hit continuing premises unto the said L. M. and his heirs, to trubtees. THE USE of the said E. P., G, H., and L. M., their heirs and assigns, subject to the equity of re- demption now subsisting therein respectively (a). [Covenant hy E. F. and G. //., v)k]b L. J/., against incumbrances, supra, p. 114.] In wit- ness &c. (a) The copyholds must be surrendered in like manner. A covenant to that effect may be introduced into the deed. APPUINTMENTS UF TKUSTEES. 281 XLVIII. Re-assignment hy the Provisional Trustee, (to be indorsed on the jn-eceding Deed). This indenture, made (fee, BETWEEN the Partiea within-nained N. O. [provis{o7ial trustee^ of the oue part, and the within-uamed E. F., G. H., and L. M. \truslees'\, of the other part, WITNESSETH, vvitncssetb. that, in pursuance of the trust by the within- Assignment written deed reposed in the said N. U., he the sionai tms- said N. O. doth hereby assign unto the said E. F., personal es- G. H., and L. ]\I., their executors, administrators, and assigns, all the personal estate by the within- wi'itten indenture assigned unto the said N. O., his executoi-s, administrators, and assigns, and ALL the estate and interest of the said N. 0. in the said premises, TO hold the said premises unto Habendum the said E. F., G. H., and L. M., their executors, tinuii.gand 1 . . , , T . new trus- admuustrators, and assigns, upon the trusts, tees, upon and subject to the powers, upon and subject to the will. which tlie same ought to be held by virtue of the withiu-meiitioncd will. In witness ikc. 282 DISENTAILING DEEDS. IBigrntaiKnff Beetisf, XLIX. Deed hy Tenant in Tail in Possession to bar the Entail of Freeholds, the Crea- tion of the Entail not being recited. Parties. ThIS INDENTURE, made kc, between A. B., of &:c. \tenant in tail], of the one part, and C. D., Witnesseth of &c. [grantee to uses], of the other part, wit- his entail, '^'^ NF.ssETH, that, for barring and defeating every tail conveys, estate in tail, either at law or in equity, of the said A. B. in the hereditaments intended to be hereby conveyed, and all remainders, reversions, estates, rights, titles, interests, and powers, to take effect after the determination or in defea- sance of every such estate in tail, he the said A, B. doth hereby gi-ant unto the said 0. D. and his Parcels. heirs, all the freehold manors, messuages, lands, and hereditaments in the parish of , in the county of , or any parish or place adjoining thereto, of or to which the said A. B. is seised or entitled, at law or in equity, for any estate in tail [general words, and estate clause, sujjra, p. Habendum. 97], TO HOLD the Said premises unto the said C. D. and his heirs, to the use of tlie said A. B., his heirs and assio-us. In witness &c. DISENTAILING DEEDS. 1^83 Deed hy Tenant in Tail, icith the Con- sent oftlie Pkotector, to bar an Entail of Freeholds. This indenture, made &c. between C. B. Parties. [tenant in tail\ of the first paii;, A. B., of &c. [protector], of the second part, and E. F., of etc. [grantee to tises\, of the third part. Whereas, Reciui ot by an indenture dated the day of , and tiieVnuii; expressed to he made hetween \_pa7'ties\, certain manors, messuages, lands, and hereditaments in the parishes of and , in the county of , in the said indenture described or referred to, were limited to certain uses, which have now failed or determined, and, after the failure or determination thereof, to the use of the said A. B. and his assigns, during his life, without impeachment of waste ; with remainder to the use of certain pei-sons and their heii*s, during the life of the said A. B., in trust for him and his assigns, and to preserve the contingent re- maidei"s ; with remainder, to the use of the fii"st and other sons of the body of the said A. B. successively, according to their re.spective seniori- ties, in tail ; with remaindci-s over. And - ufcii.m^'us 284 DISENTAILING DEEDS. in the es- WHEREAS some of the hereditaments comprised in the aforesaid indenture have been sold and given in exchange under a power in that behalf thei'ein contained, and other hereditaments have been taken in exchange and purchased under the same power, and have been limited to the uses of the said indenture, by reference thereto, and certain lands have been allotted by an award under an Inclosure Act, in respect of lands com- prised in the said indenture, or settled by re- — of the ference thereto. And whereas the said C. B. majortty^of i^ the first SOU of the body of the said A. B., and fn taii"and ^^^ attained his age of twentj^-one years, and is bar the'en-'" desirous of barring the said estate tail, and every ^^^^ ' other estate tail (if any) of him the said C. B. in the aforesaid manors, messuages, lands, and hereditaments, and all remainders, reversions, estates, rights, titles, interests, and powers to take effect after the determination or in defeasance of the said estate tail, and of eveiy other estate tail (if any) of him tlie said C.B. in the said premises, and of limiting the same premises to the use of —of the con- him, his heirs and assigns. And whereas the protector. Said A. B., as protector of the said settlement, has Witnesseth. consented thereto. Now this indenture wit- Conveyance. NESSETH, that, for effectuating the said desire, he the said C. B., with the consent of the said A. B., doth hereby grant unto the said E. F. and his Parcels lieirs, ALL AND SINGULAR the said manors, mes- suages, lands, and hereditaments by the said in- DISENTAILING DKKDS. 285 denture or by reference thereto limited as afore- said, or which, nnder the said award or otherwise howsoever are now subject to the subsisting uses thereof [general loords, and estate claiise, snpi'a, J). 97j, KXCEi'T such of the said hereditaments comprised in the said indenture as have been sold or given in exchange, to hold the said premises Habendum, (except as aforesaid, and subject and without prejvidice to the said estate for life of the said A. B., and to such of the powers and privileges thereto annexed, or exei'cisable during the con- tinuance thereof, as are now subsisting or capable of being exercised,) umto the said E. F. and his heirs, to the use of the said C. B., his heirs and assigns. In witness &c. 286 AUTICLES OF CO-PARTNKRSHIP. Slrtulfsi of Cc^artnridftip* LI. Parties. Agreement to become co-partners. Proviso for the deter- mination of the co-part- nership at the end of the first seven years. Articles of Co-partnekship. This indenture, made &c., BETWEEN A. B., of tkc, of the one pai't, and C. D., of *^' • to the said A. B., and on the said contract for sale it was agreed that the said deeds and writings should remain in the possession of the said A. B., his heirs and assigns, and that he should enter into the covenant hereinafter contained, Now Witncssoth. THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, that, in pursuance Covenant by '■^ vendor to of the said agreement, and in consideration of the pjoduce ° . deeds, premises, he the said A. B. doth hereby, for him- self, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, covenant with the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, that he the said A. B., his heirs and assigns, will, at all times, upon the request in writing of the said C. D., his heirs, appointees, or assigns, or any person lawfully or equitably claiming through him or them any estate or in- terest in the said hereditaments comprised in the hereinbefore recited indenture, at the ex- pense of the person or persons reqiiiring the same, produce to him or them, or to such person or persons as he or they shall appoint, or in any court of judicature, or elsewhere, as occasion shall require, all or any of the deeds and writings specified in the said schedule hereto, for the sup- port or manifestation of the estate or title of the said C. D., his heirs, appointees, and assigns, and every or any other person claiming as aforesaid ; AND WILL at all times, upon such request and at aud allow such expense as aforesaid, make and deliver to takeu. '° the person or persons requiring the same, or to 296 PRODUCTION OF DEEDS. sucli person or persons as lie or they shall ap- point, such true copies, attested or unattested, of the same deeds and writings, as he or they may require, and will, in the meantime, keep the same deeds and writings safe, uncancelled, and undefaced, unless prevented by fire or other inevitable accident {a). In witness &c. THE SCHEDULE to which the above- written Indenture refers. (a) If (as is often the case) the contract for sale con- tain a stiijulation to this effect, insert the following pro- viso : — " Provided nevertheless, that, if the said A. B. or his heirs shall deliver the same deeds and writ- ings to any person or persons who shall have any lawful or equitable title to the custody thereof, and shall at his or their own cost procure such person or persons to enter into with, and deliver to, the person or persons for the time being en- titled to the benefit of the covenant hereinbefore contained, a covenant to the like piirport and effect, then the said covenant hereinbefore con- tained shall become void." PRODUCTION OF DEEDS. 29' LIII. Agreement /or the Deposit 0/ Deeds re- lating to two Estates mortgaged to dif- ferent Mortgagees. This indenture, made (fee, between A. B., Parties. of tfec. [piortgcujor\ of tlie first part, C. D., of &c. \inortgagee\ of the second part, and E. F., of &c. [mortgagee], of the third part. Whereas, by ^^'^l'*' ''^ an indenture dated the day of , and mortgage ; expressed to be made between [parties^, certain estates in the county of W. were conveyed by, or by the direction of, the said A. B. to the use of the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, by way of mortgage, for securing the sum of £ , and in- —of the ° ^ [ , , , 1 • . titledeeds terest. A_nd wuereas the deeds and wiutings, having been . 1111 ij.j_j.i. delivered to specified in the schedule hereto, relate to the the mortga- title of the said estates, and on the said mort- posited at gage were delivered to the said C. D., and have been deposited by him with Messrs. , his bankex-s. And whereas, by an indenture bear — of the ee- coud mort- ing even date with, but executed before, these gage ; presents, and expressed to be made between [parties], cei'tain estates in the county of S. have been conveyed by the said A. B. to the use of the said E. F., his heirs and assigns, by way of mort- gage, for securing the sum of £ , and interest. And whereas the said deeds and writings relate —that the o3 298 PRODUCTION OF DEEDS. deeds relate to the title of the Said estates in the county of S., to the title of . . the estate in as weil as to the saicl estates m the county of W . mortgage: And WHEREAS, on the treaty for the said mort- agreement §^o^ ^° *^^® ^^^^ -^- ^'' ^* "^^^ agreed that the said the^present° P^i'tiss hereto should enter into the agreements agreement, hereinafter contained. Now this indenture Witnesseth. , . • i ^ • /> , i WITNESSETH, and in consideration ot the premises thlTtS^^ it is hereby agi'eed, that, so long as any money remalu^V shall remain on the said mortgage of the said W. thatf both "'^ estates, and also on the said mortgage of the said shaJilffvl^ S. estates, the said deeds and writings specified accessthere- in the said schedule hereto shall remain deposited in the banking-house of Messrs. , on the ac- count and for the use of the said C D. and E, F., and their respective heirs, executors, administra- tors, and assigns; and that the said C. D., his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, and his and their solicitors and agents, and the said E. F., his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, and his and their solicitors and agents, shall at all times have access to the said deeds and writings, to examine, copy, or abstract the same, or make extracts therefrom, and for all —and that Other reasonable purposes; and that the said shall be pro- dccds and writings shall be produced and used duced on all' ^^ . i • i ,i i i i reasonable On all occasions On which they may be reasonably occawons , j-gq^irgd, for the support or manifestation of the title of the said C. D., his heirs, executors, ad- ministrators, and assigns, to the said W. estates or any part thereof, and of the said E. F., his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, to the PRODUCTION OF DEEDS. 2y9 said S. estates or any part thereof ; and that, and that, ii . , _ , either of the when and if the said mortgage on either oi tlie mortKnges .1 1 n 1 • 1 ,r- 1 M Bhallbepaifl said estates shall be paid on, while any money off, the deeds remains on the moi'tgage of the other of the said given to the estates, the said deeds and writings shall be de- g^ec."""^ livered and belong to the mortgagee whose mort- gage-money, or some part of whose mortgage- money, shall still remain unpaid, his heirs, exe- cutors, administrators, and assigns. In witness &c. THE SCHEDULE to which the above- written Indenture refers. LIV. Agreement y^r the Deposit o/ Deeds re- lating to an Estate mortgaged to two Mortgagees successively. This indenture, made &c., between A. B., Parties. of &c., and G. D., of &c. [mortgagors], of the first part, E. F., of &c., G. H., of &c., and J. K., of &c., [Jvrst mortgagees'], of the second part, and L. M., of &c., N. O., of &c., P. Q., of &c., and R. S., of Ac. [second 7nortgagees],of the third part. Where- Recital of as, by an indenture dated the day of , gage ; and expressed to be made between [parties], di- 300 PRODUCTION OF DEEDS. vers hereditaments, situate in the parish of , in , and in the said indenture now in recital or the schedule thereto particularly described, were conveyed and assured by and by the di- rection of the said A. B. and C. D,, to the use of the said E. F., G. H., and J. K., their heirs and assigns, by way of mortgage, for securing the — ofthe sum of £ , and interest. And whereas the deeds relat- ing to the several deeds and writings specified in the sche- dule hereto relate to the title of the said here- ditaments, and, on the execution of the herein- before-recited mortgage, were delivered to the —of parts of said E. F., G. H., and J. K. And whereas Laviug beeu parts of the said hereditaments have been sold, the mOTtga- and the purchase-monies applied towards the dis- enteredYato charge of the Said mortgage debt, and, upon the wilhThe^ sales thereof, the said E. F., G. H., and J. K., fo"r produ" with the approbation of the said A. B. and C. D., *^'"^' have entered into covenants with the purchasers of the hereditaments so sold, for the production and safe custody, and furnishing copies, of the —ofthe state Said deeds and writings, or some of them. And mongag^e WHEREAS the principal sum of £ is now ^^^^' owing to the said E. F., G. H., and J. K., upon —of the se- the security of the hereinbefore-recited indenture. And whereas, by an indenture beax-ing even date with, but executed before, these presents, and expressed to be made between [parties], such parts of the said hereditaments comprised in the said indenture of the day of cond mort- PRODUCTION OF DEEDS. 301 as now remaiu unsold have been conveyed by the said A. B. and CD. to the use of the said L. M., N. 0., P. Q., and R. S., tlieii- heirs and assigns, by way of mortgage, for securing the sum of £ and interest. And whereas, —of the upon the treaty for the said mortgage made by for tiie dc- the lastly hereinbefore- recited indenture, it was deeds; agreed that the said deeds and writings should be deposited in the bank of Messrs. , in , and that the said parties to these presents should enter into such agreement respecting the same as is hereinafter contained. And whereas — ^f the de- . pobit. the said deeds and writings have been so depo- sited in the said bank of Messrs. , Now Witnesseth. THIS indenture WITNESSETH, and, in considera- tion of the pi'emises, IT is hereby agreed and Agreement ,, , , . . , that the declared, that, so long as any principal money deeds shall or interest shall remain on the seciu-ity of both posited, and the hereiubefore-i'ecited indentures respectively, setsofmort- the said deeds and writings specified in the said havo'^access schedule hereto shall remain deposited in the "''^^ °' said bank of Messrs. , on the account of the said E. F., G. H., and J. K., their heirs, execu- tors, administrators, and assigns, on the one part, and the said L. M., N. O., P. Q., and R. S., and their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, on the other part; and that the said E. F., G. H., and J. K., their heirs, executora, administrators, and assigns, and their solicitors and agents, and the said several persons with whom the said E. F., 302 PRODUCTION OF DEEDS. G. H., and J. K. have entered into covenants as aforesaid, and tlie heirs and assigns of such per- sons respectively, and all other persons entitled to the benefit of the said covenants respectively, and also the said L. M., N. O., P. Q., and R, S., their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, and their solicitors and agents, shall and may at all times have access to the said deeds and writings, to examine, copy, and abstract the same, or make extracts therefrom, and for all and that the other reasonable purposes. And further, that be produced the said deeds and wi-itings shall be produced sontbiewj'ca- and used on all occasions on which they may be sioas . reasonably required for the defence or manifesta- tion of the title of the said E. F., G. H., and J. K., their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, or of any of their said covenantees, or the heirs or assigns of such covenantees respect- ively, or any of them, or of any other the per- sons entitled to the benefit of the said covenants, and of the said L. M., N. O., P. Q., and R. S., their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, to the said hereditaments hereinbefore referred and that, if to, or any of them, or any part thereof. And either of the "' , ' , -^ . , „ , mortgages FURTHER, that, when and II either oi the said the deeds ' hcreinbefore-recited mortgages shall be paid off given to the while any money remains owing on the other of gagees. the said mortgages, then and thenceforth the said deeds and writings shall be delivered and belong to the mortgagees whose mortgage-money PRODUCTION OF DEKDS. 303 shall remain wholly or pai-tially unpaid, their heirs, executors, admiuistrators, and assigns. In WITNESS &C. THE SCHEDULE to which the above- written Indenture refers. APPENDIX. 8 & 9 Vict. Cap. 119. An Act to facilitate (he Conveyance of Heal Property. [8th August 1845.] Whereas it is expedient to facilitate the sale and con- veyance of Real Property : Bo it enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Lords spiritual and temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the autho- rity of the same, That, whenever any party to any deed Wlicre the made according to the forms set forth in the Fii-st Sche- column I. of dule to this Act, or to any other deed which shall be ex- ^^^ Second , , , . /. 1 . 1 ,. . Schedule are pressed to be made in pursuance of this Act, or referring employed, thereto, shall employ in any such deed respectively any {j':'j°.^^^e *° of the forms of words contained in Column I. of the same ottcct Second Schedule hereto annexed, and distinguished by ^urds in any number therein, such deed shall be taken to have the Column II. wero in- same effect and be construed as if such party had inserted scrted. in such deed the form of words contained in Column II. of the same Schedule, and distinguished by the same number as is annexed to the form of words employed by such party; but it shall not be necessary in any such deed to insert any such number. II. That every such deed, unless any exception be spa- Deed to in- cially made therein, shall be held and construed to in- f''>ai-t "1 therein contained, shall be deemed and taken to be parts ''<•'■ of this Act. ueiit .'Act. VII. That this Act shall commence and take effect from and after the first day of October. Act lu.t to VIII. That this Act shall not extend to Scotland. uxteud to Srntland. SCHEDULES TO WHICH THIS ACT REFERS. THE FIRST SCHEDULE. This Indenture, made the day of , one thou- sand eight hvmdred and forty [or other year], in pursuance of an Act to facilitate the granting of certain leases, Between [here insert the names of the parties, and recitals, if any}, Witnesseth, that the said [lessor or les- sors'] doth [or, "do"] demise unto the said [lessee or lessees], hia [or, "their"] executors, administrators, and assigns, all &c. [imrcels], from the day of •, for the term of • thence ensuing, yielding therefore dur- ii:g the said term the rent of [state the rent and mode of payment]. In Witness whereof the said parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals. THE SECOND SCHEDULE. Directions as to the Forms in this Schedule. 1. Parties who use any of the Forms in the first column of this Schedule may substitute for the words " lessee" or "lessor" any name or names; and in every such case corresponding substitutions shall be taken to be made in tlie corresponding Forms in the second column. 8&0VICT. c. 124. -■Jl? 2. Such parties may substitute the feminine gender for the masculine, or the plural number for the singular, in the Forms in the first column of this Schedule, and corresponding changes shall bo taken to bo made in the coxTOsponding Forms in the second column. 3. Such parties may fill up the blank spaces left in the Forms 4 and 5 in the first column of this Schedule so employed by them with any words or figures, and the words or figures so introduced shall be taken to be in- serted in the corresponding blank spaces left in the Forms embodied. 4. Such parties may introduce into or annex to any of the Forms in the first column any express exceptions from or express qualifications thereof respectively, and the like exceptions or qualifications shall be taken to be made from or in the corresponding Foi-ms in the second column. 5. Where the premises demised shall be of freehold tenure, the covenants 1 to 10 shall be taken to be made with, and the proviso 11 to apply to, the heirs and assigns of the lessor; and where the premises demised shall be of leasehold tenure, the covenants and proviso shall be taken to be made with and apply to the lessor, his execu- tors, administrators, and assigns. Column I. Column II. 1. That the said [?cs.'cc] 1. And the said lessee doth hereby, covenants with tlie said for himself, his heirs, executors, admi- l^ieisor] to pay rent; nistrators, and assigns, covenant with the said lessor, that he the said lessee, his executors, administrators, and as- signs, will, during the said term, pay unto the said lessor the rent hereby re- served, in manner hereinbefore men tioned, without any deduction what^i^ ever; ■rib APPENDIX. Column I. — confirmed. 2. and to pay taxes ; 5. aucl to repair; 4. and to paint outside every year ; CoLUM>^ II. — continued. 2. And also will pay all taxes, rates, duties, and assessments whatsoever, whe- ther parochial, ^parliamentary, or other- wise, DOW charged or hereafter to be charged upon the said demised premises, or upon the said lessor on account there- of (excepting laud-tax, and excepting, in Ireland, tithe rent-ehargo, and such portion of the poor-rate as the lessor is or may be liable to pay, and excepting also all taxes, rates, duties, and assess- ments whatsoever, or any portion there- of, which the lessee is or may be by law exempted from) ; 3. And also will, during the said term, well and sufficiently repair, main- tain, pave, empty, cleanse, amend, and keep the said demised premises, witli the appurtenances, in good and substan- tial repair, together with all chimnej'- picces, windows, doors, fastenings, wa- ter-closets, cistern.?, partitions, fixed presses, shelves, pij^es, pumps, pales, rails, locks, and keys, and all other fix- tures and things which at any time dur- ing the said term shall be erected and made, when, where, and so often as need shall be; 4. And also that the aaid lessee, his executors, administrators, and assigns, will, in every year in the said tei'm, paint all the outside wood-work and iron- work belonging to the said premises, with two coats of proper oil colours, in a workmanlike manner; S&uVlCT. c. 124. 110 Column I. -continued. 5. aud to paint and paper inside every — — year: Column II. — continued. 5. Aud also that tlie said [lessee], Lis executors, administrators, and assigns, will, in every year, paint the inside wood, iron, aud other works now or usually painted, with two coats of proper oil colours, in a workmanlike manner; and also re-paper, with paper of a quality a-s at present, such parts of the premises as are now papered ; and also wash, stop, whiten, or colour such parts of the said premises as are now plastered ; 0. and to insure from 6. Aud also that the said lessee, his ex- fire, in the joint names of ecuturs, administrators, and assigns will the said [lessor] and the forthwith iusure the said premises hereby said [lessccl ; demised, to the full value thereof, in some respectable insurance office, in the joint names of the said lessor, his executors, administrators, and assigns, and the said lessee, his executors, administrators, or assigns ; and keep the same so insured during the said term; And will, upon the request of the said lessor or his agent, shew the receipt for the last premium paid for such insm-ance for every current )f year; And, as often as the said premises hereby demised shall be bunit down or damaged by fire, all aud every the sums or sum of money which shall be re- covered or received by the said [lessee], his executors, administrators, or assigns, for or in respect of such insurance, shall be laid out aud expended by him in build- ing or repairing the said demised premi- ses, or such parts thereof as .shall be burnt down or damaged by fire, as aforesaid. to shew receipts ; and to rebuild in fire. 320 APPENDIX. Column I. — continued, 7. And that the said [lessorl may enter and view state of repair, and that the said [lessee'] will repair according to notice. 8. That the said [lessee] will not use premises as a shop. Column II. —continued. 7. And it is hereby agreed, thatit shall be lawful for the said lessor and his agents, at all seasonable times during the said term, to enter the said demised pre- mises, to take a schedule of the fixtures and things made and ei'ected thereupon, and to examine the condition of the said premises; and, further, that all wants of reparation which upon such views shall be found, and for the amendment of which notice in writing shall be left at the premises, the said lessee, his ex- ecutors, administrators, and assigns, will, within three calendar months next after every such notice, well and sufficiently repair and make good accoi'dingly. 8. And also, that the said lessee, his executors, administrators, and assigns, will not convert, use, or occupy the said j/remises, or any part thereof, into or as a shop, warehouse, or other place for carrying on any trade or business what- soever, or suffer the said premises to be used for any such purpose, or otherwise than as a private dwelling-house, without the consent in writing of the said lessor. 9. and will not assign without leave. 9. And also, that the said [lessee] shall not, nor will, during the said term, as- sign, transfer, or set over, or otherwise, by any act or deed, procure the said pre- mises, or any of them, to be assigned, transferred, or set over, unto any per- son or persons whomsover, without the consent in writing of the said [lessor], his 8 & 9 VICT, c. 121. Column I. — continued. 321 10. leave •repair, and that pi'emises he will :n good 11. Proviso for re-entry by the said lessor on non- payment of rent or non- performance of covenants. Column* IL — continued. executors, administrators, or assigns, first had and obtained. 10. And, further, that the said [lessee] will, at the expiration or other sooner determination of the said term, peace- ably surrender and yield up unto the said lessor the said premises hereby demised, with the appurtenances, toge- ther with all buildings, erections, and fixtures now or hereafter to be built or erected thereon, in good and substantial repair and condition in all respects, rea- sonable wear and tear, aud damage bj" fire, only excepted, 11. Provided always, and it is ex- pressly agreed, that, if the rent herebj- reserved, or any part thereof, shall be unpaid for fifteen days ofter any of the days on which the ?ame ought to have been paid (although no formal demand shall have been made thereof), or in ca.'e of the breach or non-performance of anj' of the covenants and agreements herein contained on the part of the said lessee, his executors, admiuLstrators, and as- signs, then and in either of such cases it shall be lawful for the said lessor, at any time thereafter, into and upon the said demised premises, or any part thereof in the name of the whole, to re-enter, and the same to have again, re-possess, and enjoy as of his or their former estate, anything hereinafter contained to the contrary notwithstanding, p 3 " 322 Column I. — continued. 12. The said [lessor] co- venants with the said [les- see] for quiet eujoyment. APPENDIX. Column II. — continued. 12. And the lessor doth hereby, for himself, his heirs, executors, admiuis- trator.s, and assigns, covenant with the said lessee, his executors, administrators, and assigns, that he and they, paying the rent hereby reserved, and perform- ing the covenants hereinbefore on his and their part contained, shall and may peaceably possess and enjoy the said demised premises for the term hereby granted, without any interruption or dis- turbance from the said lessor, his exe- cutors, administrators, or assigns, or auj' other person or persons lawfully claim- ing by, from, or under him, them, or any of them. INDEX TO THE INTilODUCTOUY MATTEK AND NOTKS. AGREEMENT FOR LEASE, observations ou, 61, 91, 95. ASSIGNMENTS, ubscrvatioiis on, C3. CONSIDERATION, nominal, propei-ly omitteJ, 3. real, description of, 4. CONTINGENT ESTATES, in chattels, 34. conveyance of, under the old and uo^v law, G8, 69. CONTINGENT REMAINDERS, observations on the provisions of the Transfer Act and the new Act relative to, 36—47, 51, 70. CORPORATION, as to conveyance by grant, 5S n. 324 INDEX TO THE EXCHANGE, observations on, 60. not to imply a condition iu law, 65. FEOFFMENT, customary, may still be made without deed, 29, 30, could formerly be made without deed, 59. can now (except by custom) be made by deed only, 69. to have no toi'tious operation, 64, 65. GENERAL WORDS, observations on, 6, " GIVE," not henceforth to imply a covenant in law, 65. " GRANT," the most appropriate operative word, 5. does not imply a covenant, 5 u., 57, 65. freehold lands in possession to be conveyed by, 28, 56. distinction between estates lying iu livery and iu grant, 53. whether corporations can convey by, 58 n. INDENTURE, observations on the provisions of the Transfer Act, relative to indenting deeds, 31, 32, 34. distinctions between indentm-es and deeds-poll, 66, 67, partly abolished by the new Act, 68. INTRODUCTORY MATTER AND NOTES. 325 LEASE, definition of, 61. diflBculty of the question, whether a writing operated as a lease or an agreement, 61. person holding under agreement for, by what cove. nauts bound, 62. MORTGAGEE, observations on the power given by the Transfer Act to the executors or administrators of, to convey the legal estate, 17—21, OPERATIVE WORDS used in the present tense only, 4. used in this work, 5. PARCELS, mode of describing, 6. PARTITION, observations on, 60. not to imply a condition in law, 65. POWERS, proper and improper restrictions on exercise of, 8. formalities required in execution of, 102, n. (a), of appointment, when conveyances may be taken simply under, 102, n. (b). RECEIPT. observations on the power given by tiie Ti-ansfer Act to tru.steea to give receipts, 21 — 23. and on the similar power given to the survivors of mortgagees, 23, 24. RECITAL. mode of reciting assurances, 101, n. {b). '32G INDEX TO INTRODUCTORY MATTER ETC. REVERSION OF LEASE, merger of, observations ou the provisions of the Transfer Act relative to, 47, 71. STAMP DUTY, on lease for a year repealed, 55 u., 57 u. on mortgage of policy of assurance, 185. SURRENDERS, observations on, 63. TERMS OF YEARS, origin and history of the Act for extinguishing, 73. inaccuracy of the title and preauible of the Act, 74. observations on the con,.struction of the Act, 75 — 81. TRANSFER ACT. observations on the mode of conveyance introduced by, 25—36. INDEX TO THE PKECEDENTS. ACCUMULATION CLAUSE iu marriage settleiueut, commou, 223. iu voluutary settlement, special, 254 iu Will, commou, 2G0. ADVANCEMENT CLAUSE in marriage settlement, commun, 222. in voluntary settlement, special, 254. iu will, common, 260. AGREEMENT for sale by dean and chapter, 140. APPOINTMENT iu a conveyance on a sale, lul, 105. under a power of sale in a settlement, 114. of new trustees, 269, 276, 278. ASSIGNMENT of policy on a purchase, 137. ASSURANCE (POLICY OF), assignmeut of, on purchase, 137. covenants as to, on purchase, 138. 328 iXDEx ASSURANCE (POLICY OF)— co7itinuecl. recital of one having been effected, 186, 227. assignment of, in a mortgage, 179. trusts of, in a mortgage, 180. covenants as to, in a mortgage, 181. trusts of, in a settlement, 229. covenant as to, iu a settlement, 230. powers iu a settlement for keeping up, 231. BANK OF ENGLAND, payment of purchase-money into, 141. CHILDREN, trusts for, in settlement, 221. in default of, 223. limitation of uses in favour of, in settlement, 236. trusts for, iu voluntary settlement, 252. in will, 259. CHURCH ESTATES COMMISSIONERS, conveyance with the approval of, 139. CONTINGENT ESTATE, recital of the ownership of, 118. of a contract for the sale of, 118. conveyance of, 119. CONTRACT for sale, recital of, 108. in exercise of a power, recital of. 111, 113. of a contingent estate, recital of, 118 — ^119. of a lease, recital of, 121. of freeholds and leaseholds, recital of, 129. of freeholds, copyholds, and leaseholds, re- cital of, 133. TO THE PKECEDEXTS. 329 COPYHOLDS. Sec Covenant, Covenants for titlk, Parcels. COVENANT against incumbrances by a mortgagee with a pur- chaser, 109. by a donee of a power, 114. by a mortgagee to a trans- feree, 190. by two executors of a mort- gagee, 193. to suiTender copyholds to a purchaser, 116. to a mortgagee, 156. in a settlement, 2-t3. by purchaser in assignment of lease, 124. for payment of principal and interest to one mort- gagee, 144. of principal and interest to several mort- gagees, 150. of interest to one mortgagee, 145. to several mortgagees, 151, of principal and interest in a mortgage to secure future advances, 178-9 in a lease of a house, 201-2. of a farm, 204-5. of mines, 207— 210. See AssDRAXCE, Covenants for Title, Iksuranci:. COVENANTS FOR TITLE. in conveyance by grant in fee, 97. to uses to bar dower, 99. by appointment and grant in fee, 102-3. by appointment and grant to uses to bar dower, 106. by a tenant for life in oouveyance under a power of sale in a settlement, 115. 330 INDEX COVENANTS FOR TnL^—continued. in a covenant to surrender copyholds, 117. in a conveyance of a contingent estate, 120. in an assigumeut of lease, 123. in conveyance of fx'eeholdij and copyholds, 127. of freeholds and leaseholds, 130-1. of freeholds?, copyholds, and leasoliolds, 135. as to policy of assurance, 1 38. by dean and chapter, 142. in mortgaf^e of freeholds to one mortgagee, 149. to several mortgagees, 155 of leaseholds, 162. of freeholds and copyholds, 165. of freeholds and leaseholds, 171. of freeholds, copyholds, and leaseholds, 176-7. by several parties as to undivided shares, 215. in as.sigument of reversionary interest, 228-9. in strict settlement of freeholds and copyholds, 243. See Assurance, Insurance. DECLARATION of the uses of an appointment and a grant, 106. that money belongs to mortgagees on a joint account, 152. of trust of an attendant term, 199. as to notices and consents in a lease, 210. DOWER, declaration to bar, 99. limitation of uses to bar, 99, 106. EXECUTORS, appointment of, 264. power for, to arrange and compromise, 264 5. TO TUE PUKCEDEXTS. 331 OEXEUAL WORDS, form of, Lt", 142. GUARDIANS, appointment of, in a -will, 265 HABENDUM, direct, to uaes, 99, 102, 142. to uses to be afterwards declared, 105. freed from a mortgage, 109, 195. freed from a mortgage and all equity of redemption, 111. in assignment of lease, 122, subject to an estate for life, 286. HOTCHPOT clause in settlement, common, 222. INSURANCE against fii-e, covenant in mortgage as to, 159. See AssCRASCE. INVESTMENTS, power in a settlement to vary, 220. in a will to vary, 259. LEASE, recital of, 121. by dean and chapter, 140. of lease being vested in vendor, 121 agreements for granting, 91, 92, 212. MAINTENANCE AND EDUCATION CLAUSE in mai'riage settlement, common, 222. in voluntary settlement, special, 254. in will, common, 260. 332 INDEX MINORITIES. provisions in a settlement for the application of rents and pi'ofits during minorities of tenants in tail, 237. similar provisions in will, 267. MORTGAGE, recital of, 108. vi'ith power of sale, 110. money, recital relating to, in a conveyance, 108, in a transfer, 188-9, 191. power of sale to be exercised by any person entitled to receive, 148, 154, 162. agreements for. See Recital. estates, devise of, 264. See Covenant, Covenants fob Title, Proviso FOR Redemption, Transfer. PARCELS (DESCRIPTION OF), freehold, 96. in conveyance of freeholds and copyholds, 125. copyhold, 116. in conveyance of freeholds and copyholds, 125, 126. in conveyance of contingent estate, 119. leasehold, 122. in assignment of lease, referring to a plan, 130. in conveyance of reversion, 142. in appointment of new trustees, 279, 280. in disentailing deeds, 282, 284. POLICY OF ASSURANCE, assignment of, on purchase, 137. covenants for title to, 138. TO THE PRKCEDKNTS. 333 POWER of sale, in mortgage of freeholds to one mortgagee,! 46. to several mortgagees, 152, of leaseholds, 160. of freeholds and leasehold8,168. to secux-e future advances, 183. of policy of assurance, 183, 187. of contingent estate, 187. of sale and exchange, in settlement, 240. in will, 272. of jointuring, in will, 2G1;). of charging portions, in will, 270. of leasing, in settlement, 239. in conveyance in trust for sale, 246. in will, 261, 272. of attorney, in transfer of a mortgage debt, 189. of distress and entry, in a mining lease, 211. See Investments. PROBATE of will, recital of, 111. PROVISO FOR REDEMPTION in mortgage of freeholds to ©ne mortgagee, 145. to several mortgagees, 151. of copyholds, 156. of leaseholds, 1 58. of freeholds and copyholds, 164, 165. of freeholds and leaseholds, 168. of freeholds, copyholds and leaseholds, 175. to secure future advances, 180. of a policy of assurance, ISO, 186. of a contingent estate, 186. 334 INDEX PURCHxVSE-MONEY, payment of, into Bank of England, 1-tl. RECEIPT CLAUSE, mortgagee's, 147, 154, 161, 170, 181. trustees', in settlement, 224, 231, 255, in conveyance in trust for sale, 246. in will, 262. RECITAL of lease by dean and chapter, 140. of titles to undivided moieties, 213. of seisin in fee simple, 217. of title to a reversionary sum of stock, 226. of agrGco:ient for mortgage, 157, 167, 173, 185. for transfer of mortgage, 189. and further advance, 191-2 for marriage, 227. of conveyance of real estate in trust for sale by deed of even date, in a marriage settlement, 248. of will, in appointment of new trustees, 278. See Assurance, Contingent Estate, Contract, Dower, Lease, Mortgage, Probate, Set tlement, transfer, wlll, &c, REVERSION, conveyance of, 139. REVERSIONARY INTEREST, recital of title to, 226. assignment of, 227. REVOCATION of uses of a settlement in a conveyance to a pur- chaser, 114. power of, 256. TO THE PIlECEDEXTa 335 SEPARATE USE, trust for, 221. SETTLEMENT, recital of, in a couvoj-ancc under a power of sale in. 112. STAMP DUTY, apportionmcut of purohase-money in respect of, l-y declaration, 127. the same by recital, 133, TRANSFER of mortgago debt, 188, 191. of mortgaged estate, 1S9, 192. recital of agreement for, 189. £lnd further advance, 191-2. TRUST for aale, in a marriage settlement, 245-0. in a voluntary settlement, 251. in a will — of real estate, 257. of personalty, 258. of monies to arise from sale, 249, of income of real estate until a sale, in deeds, 247, 250, 254. of the same, in will, 262. of the monies to arise from a .sale of lauds conveyed by deed of even date, in a settlement, 249. of produce of real and personal estate devised to be sold, in will, 258. TRUSTEES, power to appoint new, in settlement, 225. indemnity and reimbui-semeut clause of, in settle- ment, 225. 336 IN'DEX TO THE PJ?ECEDENTS. TRUSTEES— continued. power for, in settlement, to arrange and compromise, 232. power to appoint new, in will, 262-3. indemnity and reimbursement clause of, in will, 263. See Receipt. WILL of a mortgagee not devising estate, recital of, 111, 195. devising estate, recital of, 191. probate of, recital of, 111, 191. as to the ownership of a contingent estate under, re- cital of, 118. bequest of specific chattels in, 257. general devise of real estate, 257. general bequest of personal estate, 258. devise of rnoi-tgage estates, 264. See Investments. FINIS. London : Printed by William Tyler, Bolt-conrt, Fleet-stitet. • - . ..