University of California • Berkeley 05 (Eacn. Methougiit, once more ^\ithin my Island home, I saw some city of my native land, When from the open casement, dear to Art, Where si ill Le Vardois loves to deck the page With breathing forms, sweet rills and waving trees. With ruins hoar and uplands of Vaucelles, Fair Caen uprose before my wondering gaze. High on its sovereign hill the Ahhey soared. Where holy Charity her vigil keeps By meek Matilda's grave, and opens wide Her portals to all comers, doing deeds That rise like incense round the throne of Heaven. Like spears that fill the great Archangel's hand. Or fingers pointing to the Eternal Home, The mid-day sun lit up with liquid gold. The sister-spires that mark th' historic site, Where troublous William sleeps, Life's fever o'er. Its radiance streamed, with that mysterious sheen. 2 CAEN. Which lustrous gems and glowhig jewels cast, O'er tower and turret, pinnacle and foil, Through flashing lights and panes of carved stone ; O'er steeples piled as strong as adamant, By Titans wrought, but light as diadems, Up borne by angel-hands above the shrine, Or veils of lace-work, intricately wove To deck the Holiest on some festal day. 13y you far road, where once a forest spread Umbrageous gloom, and filled th' odorous air With scents of blossoms snowy-white — a screen Erst interposed between the haunts of men And Ardaines' cloistral calm — with pomp of war Great Edward marched. On those broad verdant plains Which Orne still laves and hlls the frequent fosse, Camped Henry's host. Within you frowning walls, Where once Du Guesclin kept his martial state. The craven John in gloomy dalliance wooved Fair Isabel, the flower of Angoul(ime, Till on his startled ear — amid the feast — The war-trump pealed, and, from the dastard rent, Philip restored to France her faithful Caen. May war no more profane thy peaceful streets, Nor, what the locusts spared, the spoiler glean ; No more may bigot-hate, nor civil fend Thy laughter turn to tears, nor ashes pour CAEN. S tpoii ihy beauty. No! may commerce fill Tliy busy port with sails from every clime I May Learning yet, in thy young Academe, — Than mother fair a daughter fairer far, — Among thy children, emulous, revive Thy Huet's lore, thy Malherbe's flowing verse. Plenty and Peace be thine ! each circling year, ^ With blessing cro^\^led — approve thine ancient boast. Thy sons all brave, thy daughters chaste as fair ! But while then wouldst outvie thy former state, Nor stand a laggard in this work-day world. Oh! yet give back to HIM, Who gave thee all, Food, light, and being, richly to enjoy, The ruined altar of St. Nicholas, St. Sauveur's aisles, St. Stephen's broken shrine! Forbid the crime to rash intrusive hands. To lay in dust thine honours of old Time, Mansions and towers, along whose sculptured fronts Thy Fathei'S Avrote thy story, graven deep In thine own peerless stone, lest strangers come To gaze and turn to weep, when not a wreck Of all that priceless glory shall survive. Speak, timely wise ; and stay the Vandal's axe, Or thou Shalt be a byeword to the world! Speak with a voice of power ! till men shall hear, flry in thy streets and desecrated courts ! I CAEN. llieii for thy witching beauty ~ stately Caen ! Bright City of the plain — the verdant land Of church and castle — pilgrims to and fro Shall pass upon the earth, awhile to search Thy things of fame, memorials of the Past ; Thy glancing river, tremulously gay With thousand dimpling smiles ; thy pleasant leas ; Thy groves of softest green, oft filled with songs Of wood-note wild ; rich gardens, happy homes, And long-drawn galleries dedicate to Art. Still year by year, thy gates shall welcome in An eve^-gro^^ing crowd of strangers, led Dy those two beacon-names, that spread thy fame. Art's faithful priests — Religion's duteous sons — By Bouet's pencil, and Trebutien's pen ! Mackenzie E. C. Walcott. M. A. Ilnmbj's Hotel. Caen. Sept. I860. CAEN; Dcniin, Printer, Hotel des Monnaies. Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2008 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation mmymmM . \,_'.V.'Vv'j'.»i..-*i\f>.-