yC-NRLF ^c ma ^20 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY ASTOR LENOX AND TILDEN FOUNDATIONS LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS NEW YORK 1914 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY ASTOR LENOX AND TILDEN FOUNDATIONS LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS NEW YORK 1914 Reprinted from the Bulletin of The New York Public Library December, 1913 — April, 1914 I • • • • • •••.' • • '•' f>n in 30 Ix 1-20-13 J el TABLE OF CONTENTS ' ^ PAGE 1 O Bibliography ------------ i-^ Periodicals and Society Publications -------2-5 General Works ------------ j- ->^ Collections ------------ 1"->j1 Dealers' Catalogues - - - - - - - - " -31-39 Individual Countries ----------- 39-145 Index --------'------ 149-195 / LIST OF WORKS IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY RELATING TO NUMISMATICS ORDER OF ARRANGEMENT Bibliography. Periodicals. General Works. Collections. General Works — Continued. Dealers' Catalogues. Individual Countries. BIBLIOGRAPHY American Numismatic and Archaeologi- cal Society. Catalogue of the numismatic books in the library of the. . .society. With a subject index to the important articles in the American journal of numismatics, and other periodicals, to the end of 1882. New York: [T. R. Marvin & Son, prtrs., Boston,] 1883. 2 p.l., 31 p. 4°. MHBp.boxl. Attinelli, E. J. Numisgraphics, or a list of catalogues, in which occur coins or medals, which have been sold by auction in the United States, also, a list of cata- logues or price lists of coins, issued by dealers, also, a list of various publications of more or less interest to numismatolo- gists, which have been published in the United States. New York, 1876. 123 p. 4°. MHB Belgium. — Administration des Mon- naies. Catalogue de la bibliotheque. [31 decembre 1901., n.p. [1901 ?) 76 p. 4°. TF Bernhart, Max. Literatur. (In his: Medaillen und Plaketten... Berlin, 1911. 8°. p. 77-115.) MGP Blanchetj Jules Adrien. La numis- matique de 1889 a 1897. (Congres bib- liographique international, Paris, 1898. Compte rendu des travaux. Paris, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 1-26.) * GAA Bogert, Henry. Catalogue of the ex- tensive and valuable cabinet of coins and medals. . .together with a large collection of rare and valuable numismatic works, which will be sold at public sale by Messrs. Bangs, Merwin & Co... on Monday, Feb. 28, 1859... New York: Bogert, Bourne & Auten, 1859. 1 p.l., 93 p. 8°. MHFH p.box Brazil. — Bibliotheca Nacional. Cata- logo da exposicao permanente dos cime- lios da Bibliotheca Nacional, publicado sob a direcgao do bibliothecario J. de Saldanha da Gama. Rio de Janeiro: typ. de G. Leuzinger & filhos, 1885. 1059 p., 6 1., 5 photo-liths. 8°. * GY Doubleday, John. Catalogue of the mis- cellaneous library of the late Mr. John Doubleday, also his valuable collection of numismatic books... Which will be sold... April 30th, 1856. London: J. Davy and Sons, prtrs., 1856. 20 p. 8°. GOF p.v. 40, no. 7 Engel, Arthur, and Raymond Serrure. Repertoire des sources imprimees de la numismatique franqaise. Paris: E. Leroux, 1887-89. 3 v. 8°. MHT Guenter, Heinrich. Litteratur. (In his: Das Muenzwesen in der Grafschaft Wuerttemberg... Stuttgart, 1897. 8^ p. 1-4.) TF Hiersemann, Karl W. Katalog 176. Numismatik — Sphragistik (mit Aus- schluss der altklassischen Miinzkunde). Leipzig, 1897. 28 p. 8°. MHBp.boxl Katalog 269. Numismatik des klassischen Altertums, des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit sowie des Orients und der iiberseeischen Lander. Leipzig, 1902. 40 p. 8°. MHBp.boxl Katalog 296. Numismatik des klassischen Altertums, des Orients und der iiberseeischen Lander, des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. Leipzig, 1903. 39 p. 8°. MHBp.boxl Katalog 312. Numismatik des klassischen Altertums, des Orients und der iiberseeischen Lander, des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. Mit Einschluss einiger allgemeiner Werke aus den Hilfswissen- schaften Genealogie, Heraldik, Sphragi- stik. Leipzig, 1905. (1)1124-1204 p. 8°. MHB Katalog 329. Numismatik. zig, 1906. 65 p. 8°. Leip- MHB [1] < r • m ?, J ;.;.•: .-. .T»E NEW YORK '"••..•.•.• : :..:.•-....■ Bibliography, continued. Katalog 347. Numismatik enthal- tend u.a. die Bibliothek des Professors Dr. Hans Riggauer Direktor des Kgl. Miinz- Kabinetts Miinchen. Leipzig, 1907. 64 p. 8°. MHB Numismatik des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit mit Einschluss des Orients... Katalog 247. Leipzig, 1900. 42 p. 8°. MHB p.box 1 ^ Hirsch, Johann Christoph. Bibliotlieca nvmismatica exhibens catalogvm avctor- vm qvi de re monetaria et nvmis tarn antiqvis qvam recentioribvs scripsere, collecta et indice rervm instrvcta a Joh. Christ. Hirsch. Norimbergae: Impens. Hered. Felseckeri, 1760. 4 p.l., 232 p., 1 1. P. t HMB Labbe, Philippe. Bibliotheca nummaria. I. De Antiqvis Numismatibus, Hebrseis, Grsecis, & Romanis. II. De Monetis, Ponderibus & Mensuris. (In his: Bib- liotheca bibliothecarum curis tertiis auc- tior. Lipsije, 1682. 12°. p. 403-567.) * GB (In: Antonio Teissier, Cata- logus avctorvm. Genev^e, 1686. 4°. v. 1, p. 433-504.) *G Lawrence, Richard H. Numismatic li- brary... to be sold. . .December 28, 1886 ... [New York: G. A. Leavitt & Co.. 1886.] 11 p. 8°. *GO Low, Lyman H. Catalogue of books relating to coins and medals, now in stock, and offered for sale... by Lyman H. Low. Sixth sale. [New York, 1885.i 12 p. 8°. MHB p. box 1 Tenth sale. [New York, 1885.] 16 p. 8°. MHB p. box 1 Maurin. Catalogue des livres et manu- scrits de numismatique et d'archeolo- gie provenant de la bibliotheque de M. le L.-Colonel Maurin. Vente. . . 1844. . . Paris: I'Alliance des arts, 1844. 48 p. 12°. MHFH p.v. 3 MazeroUe, Fernand. E. Babelon. Bi- ographic et bibliographic numismatique. 1 port. (Gazette numismatique frangaise. Paris, 1897. 4°. v. 1, p. 401-411.) MHA PUBLIC LIBRARY Menadier, J. Hermann Dannenberg. [Die numismatischen Schriften Dannen- bergs.] (Zeitschrift fiir Numismatik. Berlin, 1905. 8°. Bd. 25, p. 191-206.) MHA Newcastle-upon-Tyne Public Libraries. Catalogue of books on the fine arts, viz.: architecture, sculpture, carving, coins, pottery, metal work, drawing, decoration, painting, engraving, photographjr, music. Compiled by T. A. Onions, sub-librarian; edited by the public librarian, 1900. New- castle-upon-Tyne: A. Dickson, prtr. [1900.] 5 p.l., 146 p. 8°. MAC (Newcastle) Poillon, William. Catalogue of the nu- mismatic library of William Poillon. [Auction sale by Bangs & Co., Dec. 15, 1883.] Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son, 1883. 100-121 p. 8°. MHB p. box 1 Scott Stamp & Coin Co., Ltd. Catalogue of rare. . .Canadian coins, medals, & tokens, also many valuable books relat- ing to coins... New York, 1890. 16 p. 8= MHFH p. box Serrure, Raymond. See Engel, Arthur, and Raymond Serrure. Smith, Mathew. A catalogue of the... library... of Col. M. Smith... deceased... a valuable assemblage of numismatick works... sold by auction... April... 1812 ...[London: Christie, 1812.] 16 p. 8°. *GOFp.v.l9, no.l3 South Kensington Museum — National .\rt Library. A list of books and pamph- lets in the. . .library. . .illustrating seals. . . London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1886. vi, 7-46 p., 1 1. 8°. (Great Britain.— Science and Art Department.) MIT p. box 1 Storer, Malcolm. Numismatic periodi- cals. (American journal of numismatics. New York, 1912. 4°. v. 46, p. 177-181.) MHA Till, William. Catalogue of the numis- matic library of the late Mr. William Till. Which will be sold by auction, by Messrs. S. Leigh Sotheby & Co. . .on. . .the 15th ot May, 1846. [London:] J. Davy & Sons, prtr. [1846.] 12 p. 8°. * GOF p.v. 45 PERIODICALS AND SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS American journal of numismatics and bulletin of American Numismatic and Archaeological Societies. [Quarterly.] v. 1-date (1866-date). New York and Bos- ton, 1867-date. 4°. MHA American Numismatic and Archaeolo- gical Society. Articles of incorporation and by-laws of the. . .society. New York, 1896. 15 p. 8°. MHA p. box Constitution and by-laws. New York: [The De Vinne Press,] 1910. 23(1) p. 8°. MHA Proceedings at the annual meeting. no. 20-54 (1878-1912). New York. 1878- 1912. 4°. MHA Report of the committee on the publication of medals, December 17, 1907. New York: Bradstreet Press, 1907. 6 p. 4°. tt MHE p.v. 4,no.6 Weeks, William Raymond. The Ameri- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS Periodicals, etc., continued. can Numismatic Society. New York: [De Vinne Press,] 1910. 20 p., 1 pi. 8°. MHEp.v. 6,no.l4 American Numismatic Association. An- nual convention. [Official report.] 1895, 1904, 1907, 1909-13. (In: The Numismatist. Monroe, Mich., 1895-1913. 8°.) MHA 1895 in V. 8, no. 10, Oct., 1895. 1904 in V. 17, no. 11, Nov., 1904. 1907 in V. 20, no. 10-11, Oct. -Nov., 1907. 1909 in V. 22, no. 9-10, Sept. -Oct., 1909. 1910 in V. 23, no. 7, Sept., 1910. 1911 in V. 24, no. 9, Sept., 1911. 1912 in V. 25, no. 9, Sept., 1912. 1913 in V. 26, no. 10. Oct., 1913. Annalen der gesammten Numismatik. Hrsg. von F. Schlichtegroll. Bd. 1. Leip- zig, 1804. sq. 8°. MHA Bayerische Numismatische Gesellschaft. Mittheilungen. Hrsg. von deren Redac- tions-Comite. Jahrg. 1-18, Jahrg. 19, Heft 2, Jahrg. 20-30 (1882-1912). Munchen, 1882- 1912. 8°. MHA Blatter fiir Miinzfreunde. Numisma- tische Zeitung. Correspondenzblatt des Deutschen Miinzforscher Vereins... Bd. 1-8, 11-date (1865-96, 1906-date). Leipzig and Dresden, [1868,-date. 4°. f MHA Also called Jahrg. 1-32, 41-date. Bd. 1-2 sub- title reads: Beilage zuni Numismatischen Verkehr. 1865-73 edited by E. G. Gersdorf; 1874-81, by H. Grote; 1882-May, 1890, by J. and A. Erbstein; June, 1890-1896, by J. Erbstein; 1906-date, by H. Buchenau. Blatter fiir Miinzkunde. Hannoversche numismatische Zeitschrift. Hrsg. von H. Grote. Bd. 1-4. Leipzig, 1835-44. f MHA Boston Numismatic Society. Constitu- tion and bv-laws of the. .. society. Bos- ton: T. R. Marvin & Son, prtrs.. 1867. 10 p., 1 1. sq. 8°. MHA p. box Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son, prtrs., 1871. 13(1) p., 1 1. sq. 8°. MHA p. box ■ • Constitution, by-lav^^s, charter, and list of members... Boston: T. R. Mar- vin & Son, prtrs., 1884. 15 p. sq. 8°. MHA p. box British numismatic journal and proceed- ings of the British Numismatic Society, series 1, v. 1-8. [London,] 1905-12. 4°. tMHA British Numismatic Society. Rules of the ... society. London: [Harrison & Sons,] 1903. 24 p. 8°. MHA p. box London: [Harrison & Sons,] 1904. 24 p. 8°. MHA p. box Canadian antiquarian and numismatic journal. See Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Montreal. Circle of Friends of the Medallion in Manhattan. Medal issued by the circle, no. 1-8. New York, 1909-13. 8°. MHA Coin collector's journal, v. 1, no. 11 (Oct., 1876); v. 6-13(1881-88). New York, 1876-88. 8°. MHA Coin collectors' of the United States ilhistrated guide. Quarterly, v. 2, no. 2 (Oct., 1885). Philadelphia, 1885. 8°. MHA p. box Coin & stamp journal, v. 1(1877). New York, 1877. 8°. MHEp.v. 2 Congres international de numismatique. See International Congress of Numisma- tics. Congres international pour la reproduc- tion des manuscrits, des monnaies et des sceaux, Liege, 1905. Actes du congres. Bruxelles: Misch & Thron, 1905. xxviii, 338 p., 1 pi. 4°. * L Congres international pour la reproduc- tion des manuscrits, des monnaies et de sceaux. (Revue d. bibliotheques et archives de Belgique. Bruxelles, 1904. 8°. v. 2, p. 167-170.) *HA Curiosity, The, cabinet, v. 3, no. 1 (July, 1879). New York, 1879. 8°. MHEp.v. 2 Curiosity, The, collector, v. 1. no. 1-2 (April, July, 1878). Detroit, 1878. 8°. MHEp.v. 2 Curiosity hunter, v. 1, no. 7-10(March- May, Oct., 1873); v. 2, no. l-7(Jan.-July, 1874); V. 4, no. 1-2, 5(Oct.-Nov., 1876, Feb., 1877); v. 5, no. l-3(Oct.-Dec.. 1877). Belvidere and Rockford, 111., 1873-77. 8°. MHE p.v. 2 Erdelyi Nemzeti Mtizeum. Dolgozatok az Erdelyi Nemzeti Muzeum erem-es regisegtarabol. v. 1, no. 1 (1910), v. 2-date (1911-date). Kologsvar, 1910-date. 8°. MHA Title also in French: Travaux de la section numismatique et archeologique du Musee nacional de Transyivanie a Kolozsvar. Gazette numismatique frangaise dirigee par Fernand Mazerolle et editee par Ray- mond Serrure. annee 1-5, 7-date. Paris. 1897-date. 4°. MHA International Congress of Numisma- tics, Brussels, 1891. Congres international de numismatique organise et reuni a Bruxelles. . .par la Societe royale de nu- mismatique de Belgique a I'occasion du cinquantieme anniversaire de sa creation. Proces-verbeaux et memoires publics par MM. G. Cumont et A. de Witte. Brux- elles; J. Goemaere, 1891. 687 p., 1 map, 27 pi., 1 table. 8°. MHA International Congress of Numismatics, Paris, 1900. Congres international de numismatique reuni a Paris, en 1900. Pro- ces-verbaux & memoires publics par MM. le Comte de Castellane et Adrien Blanchet. Paris: au siege de la Societe frangaise de numismatique, 1900. 2 p.l., 449 p., 5 fac, 29 pi. 4°. MHA THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Periodicals, etc., continued. Journal international d'archeologie nu- mismatique. Dirige et public par J. N. Svoronos. v. 1-date (1898-date). Athenes [1898]-date. 4°. MHA Junta de Historia y Numismatica Ameri- cana. Biblioteca de la junta... v. 2-4. Buenos Aires, 1905-08. 8°. * ET Koehlers, Johann David, Wochentlich herausgegebener historischer Mijnz-Belu- stigung. Teil 1-22. Register, Bd. 1-2. Niirnberg, 1733-88. 8°. MHA V. 1-4 printed in 1788. Liverpool Numismatic Society. Jour- nal, no. l(Jan., 1873). Liverpool, 1873. 8°. MHA Edited by J. Harris Gibson. Manchester Numismatic Society. Pro- ceedings, v. 1 (1864-71). Manchester, 1871. sq. 8°. MHA Mason's Monthly coin collectors' maga- zine. V. 6, no. 1-3, 5-6(Jan.-March/April, July-Oct., 1872). Philadelphia, 1872. 8°. MHEp.v.2 V. 6, no. 5-6 called: Mason's Quarterly coin col- lectors' magazine. Melanges de numismatique; publics par F. de Saulcy, A. de Barthelemy et E. Hucher. v. 1-3 (1875-82). Le Mans and Paris, 1875-82. 8°. MHA Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Montreal. Canadian antiquarian and nu- mismatic journal, v. 1-12, no. 3 (July, 1872-July, 1885) ; v. 13, no. 1-2 ( Jan.-April, 1886); series 2, v. 1, no. 1, 4 (July, 1889, April, 1890); series 2, v. 2-3 (Jan., 1892- May, 1894); series 3, v. 1, no. 1, 3-4 (Jan., 1897), July-Oct., 1898); series 3, v. 27- (Jan., 1899-Oct., 1910). Montreal, 1872- 1910. 8°. HWA Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia. Charter, constitution and by-laws of the. . .society. Philadelphia: [Henry B. Ashmead, prtr.,i 1865. 16 p. 8°. MHEp.v. 3, no.2 Constitution and by-laws of the ...society... Philadelphia: [Henry B. Ashmead, prtr.,] 1870. 15 p. 8°. MHEp.v. 3, no.l3 Constitution and by-laws. . .with list of members. Philadelphia: [Collins, prtr.,] 1883. 15 p. 8°. MHE p.v. 3, no.30 Necrology. 1882-83. Philadelphia, 1883-84. 8°. MHA p. box Proceedings. 1865/6, 1878/9-1910/- 12. Philadelphia, 1867-1913. 8°. HMA 1878/9 called: Report of operations; 1880- 1887/9 called: Report of the proceedings. Proceedings. . .in celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of its founda- tion, January 1, 1858, held. . .January 4, 1883. Philadelphia: printed for the socie- ty, 1883. 26 p. 8°. MHE p.v. 3, no.32 Proceedings... March 20th, 1879, on the occasion of the presentation of a silver medal to the Hon. Eli K. Price, president, in commemoration of the twenty-first anniversary of the foundation of the society. Philadelphia: [Collins, prtr.,, 1879. 16 p. 8°. MHE p.v. 3, no.l4 See also Numismatic Society of Philadelphia. Numismatic chronicle. See Numisma- tic Society. Numismatic, The, journal. Edited by J. Y. Akerman. v. 1-2 (1836-38). Lon- don, 1837. 8°. MHA Includes Transactions of the Numismatic Society. Numismatic Society. Numismatic chro- nicle and journal of the Numismatic So- ciety. V. 1-20 (1838-58); new series, v. 1-20 (1861-80); series 3, v. 1-date (1881- date). London, 1839-date. 8°. MHA V. 1-4 title reads: Numismatic chronicle. Index to V. 1-20 in V. 20; and to each preceding 10 vols, in new series, v. 10, v. 20; series 3, v. 10, v. 20. Proceedings. 1836-39, 1842-95. London, 1837-95. 8°. 1842-95 bound with: Numismatic chronicle. Numismatic Society of Philadelphia. Constitution and by-laws of the Numis- matic Society of Philadelphia... Phila- delphia: Merrihew & Thompson, prtrs., 1858. 11 p. 12°. MHE p.v.3, no.l See also Numismatic and An- tiquarian Society of Philadelphia. Numismatische Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Mittheilungen. no. 1-3. Berlin, 1846-57. 8°. MHA Sitzungsberichte. 1879-88, 1894- 1909. (In: Zeitschrift fiir Numismatik. Berlin, 1881-1910. 8°. v. 8-16, 19-date.) MHA 1879-88 title reads: Verhandlungen der Numis- matischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin. See also Zeitschrift fiir Numis- matik. Numismatische Gesellschaft in Wien. Monatsblatt. v. 7-date. Wien, 1906-date. 4°. MHA Numismatische Zeitschrift. Hrsg. von der Numismatischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Bd. 1-43 (1869-1910). Wien, 1870-1910. 8° and 4°. MHA Bd. 1-3 edited by C. W. Huber. Bd. 41-43 also called N. F. Bd. 1-3. Bd. 12 contains index to Bd. 1-12; Bd. 39-40 comprises index to Bd. 1-38. Tables to Bd. 26 bound separately. Numismatische Zeitung. . . Hrsg. von J, Leitzmann. Jahrg. 1-40, no. 17 (1834-73). Weissensee, 1834-73. 4°. MHA Numismatischer Verkehr. Ein Ver- zeichniss verkauflicher imd zum Ankauf gesuchter Miinzen, Medaillen, Biicher, etc. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS Periodicals, etc., continued. Hrsg. von C. G. Thieme. Jahrg. [lj-35 (April, 1863-1897). Leipzig, 1863-97. 4°. tMHA Numismatist. An illustrated monthly devoted to the science of numismatics. V. 7-date (1894-date). v.p., 1894-date. 8°. MHA V. 7, no. 10 (Oct., 1894). lacking. Revue beige de numismatique. v. 1-6 (1842-50); serie 2, v. 1-6(1851-56); serie 3, v. 1-6(1857-62); serie 4, v. 1-6(1863-68); serie 5, v. 1-6(1869-74); annee 31-date (187S-date). Tirlemont and Bruxelles, [1842j-date. 8°. MHA serie 1-5 title reads: Revue de la numismatique beige. Table alphabetique des douze volumes composant les deux premieres series (1842-56). Par Alexandre Pinchart. Bruxelles: Librairie beige de Decq, 1858. 2 p.l., Ill p. 8°. MHA Table alphabetique des douze volumes composant les troisieme et qua- trieme series (1857-68). Par Alexandre Pinchart. Bruxelles: Librairie polytech- nique beige de Decq, 1872. 2 p.l., 128 p. 8°. MHA Revue numismatique. v. [1]-21 (1836-56) ; serie 2, v. 1-15(1856-77); serie 3, v. 1-14 (1883-95); serie 4, v. l-date(1897-date). Blois and Paris, 1836-date. 8°. MHA 1836-37 title reads: Revue de la numismatique frangoise. v. 21, 1856, is Table generale. . .20 volumes de la premiere serie. Serie 4, v. 1-date includes Proces-verbaux des seances de la Societe frangaise de numismatique. Table de la Revue numismatique (de 1836 a 1905) publiee sous les auspices de la Societe franqaise de numismatique par A. Dieudonne. Paris: chez C. Rollin et Feuardent, 1908. xi(i), 260 p. 8°. MHA Revue de la numismatique beige. See Revue beige de numismatique. Revue Suisse de numismatique; publiee par le comite de la Societe suisse de nu- mismatique. v. 13-date. Geneve, 1905- date. 8°. Per. Dept. Rhode Island Numismatic Association. Constitution and by-laws... Revised edi- tion. Providence: Millard & Harker, prtrs., 1868. 10 p. 16°. MHA p. box Rivista italiana di numismatica e scienze affini pubblicata per cura della Societa immismatica italiana. v. 10-date(1897- date). Milano, 1897-date. 4°. MHA Indice sistematico analitico della Rivista italiana di numismatica dalla sua fondazione alia fine del sec. xix. (i. 1888- XIII. 1900). Milano, 1903. 2 p.l., (i)viii- xiv p., 1 1., 48 p. 4°. MHA Bound with v. 13 of the Rivista. Rivista della numismatica antica e moderne. v. 1-2. Asti, 1864-66. f°. fMHA Societe frangaise de numismatique et d'archeologie. Annuaire. annee 1-20 (1866-96). Paris, 1866-96. 8°. MHA annee 13-20 title reads: Societe frangaise de numismatique. None published after 1896. Comptes rendus. v. 1-6, partie 1(1869-75). Paris, 1869-[75i. 4°. MHA V. 6, partie 2 never published. Societe de sphragistique de Paris. [Me- moires.] tome 1-4. Paris, 1851-55. 8°. MISA Spink & Son's Monthly numismatic circular, v. 13(1905); v. 17, no. 193(Dec., 1908). London, 1905-08. f°. ft MHA Wiener numismatische Monatshefte. Redigirt und hrsg. von G. A. Egger. Bd. 1-4. Wien, 1865-68. 8°. MHA Zeitschrift fiir Miinz-, Siegel- und Wap- pen-Kunde. N. F. [Bd. Ij (1859-62). Ber- lin, 1859-62. 4°. MHA Zeitschrift fiir Numismatik; hrsg. von A. von Sallet. Bd. 1-date (1874-date). Register zu Bd. 11-20. Berlin, 1874-date. 8°. MHA Bd. 8-16, 19-date contain: Sitzungsberichte der Numismatischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin, 1879-88, 1894-date. GENERAL WORKS Addison, Joseph. Dialogues upon the usefulness of ancient medals. Epecially in relation to the Latin and Greek poets. [Also, Three setts of medals illustrated by the ancient poets, in the foregoing dia- logues; The present state of the war; and. Of the Christian religion.] n. p., 1726. 328 p. 16°. MHL Agnethler, Michael Gottlieb. Nvmophy- lacivin Schvlzianvm digessit, descripsit et perpetvis in signiorvm rei nvmariae scrip- torvm commentariis illvstratvm edidit M. G. Agnethler. pars 1. Accedvnt Selec- tiores clarorvm virorvm ad B. Schvlzivm epistolae. Lipsiae et Halae, 1746. 4°. MFH No more published. Agustin, Antonio. Dialoghi. . .intorno alle medaglie, inscrittioni et altre anti- chita; tradotti di lingua spagnuola in Itali- ana da D. O. Sada, & dal medesimo accres-- ciuti ,con diverse annotation!, & illustrati ... Roma [1592]. 5 p.l., 300 p.. 16 1.. 6 f. f°. Stuart 1597 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY General Works, continued. Akerman, John Yonge. Ancient coins of cities and princes, geographically ar- ranged and described. Hispania, Gallia, Britannia. London, 1846. pi. 8°. MHL An introduction to the study of ancient and modern coins. London: J. R. Smith, 1848. vii p., 1 1., 220 p. 12°. Stuart 11376 A numismatic manual. London: Taylor & Walton, 1840. xiv p., 1 1., 420 p.. 17 pi. 8°. MHC Ambrosoli, Solone. Delia numismatica como scienza autonoma. Prolusione al corso di numismatica. Letta il 25 gennaio 1893...netta R. Accademia scientifico- letteraria in Milano. Milano: L. F. Cog- liati, 1893. 20 p. 4°. MHE p.v. 7,no.lO Repr. : Rivista italiana di numismatica. anno 6, fasc. 1, 1893. — — ■ Manuale di numismatica... Mi- lano: U. Hoepli, 1904. xvi. 250 p., 1 1., 2 pi., 2 tables, illus. 3. ed. 24°. (Manuali Hoepli. [no.] 100.) MHC Andorfer, Karl, and Richard Epstein. Musica in nummis. Beschreibendes Ver- zeichnis von Medailleurarbeiten auf Musi- ker...ferner Sanger und Sangerinnen vom XV. Jahrhundert bis auf die heutige Zeit. Hrsg. von Karl Andorfer und Richard Epstein. Mit neun Lichtdruck- tafeln. Wien: Gilhofer & Ranschburg, 1907. 1 p.l., 197 p., 1 1., 9 pi. 4°. * ME Andres de Gusseme, Tomas. Diccio- nario numismatico general, para la perfecto inteligencia de las medallas antiguas, sus signos, notas, e inscripciones, y general- mente de todo lo que se contiene en ellas. Madrid: Por D. Joachin Ibarra, 1773-77. 6 V. 4°. MHD Anson, W. S. W. Mottoes and badges of families, regiments, schools, colleges, states, towns, livery companies, societies, etc., British and foreign; with translations into English of the foreign examples, and occasional notes attempting to trace such mottoes as are quotations to their sources. London: G. Routledge & Sons, Ltd. [1904.] 192 p. 32°. (Routledge's miniature refer- ence library.) Pub.Cat. — AWG Appel, Joseph. Miinzen und Medaillen der Republiken, Stadte. Ortschaften, Gym- nasien etc. aus dem Mittelalter und der neuern Zeit. Gesammelt und beschrieben von Joseph Appel. Wien: auf Kosten des Verfassers, 1828-29. _ 2 v. illus. 8°. (Ap- pel's Des Repertoriums zur Miinzkunde des Mittelalters und der neuern Zeit. Bd. 4.) MHC Miinzen und Medaillen der welt- lichen Fiirsten und Herren aus dem Mit- telalter und der neuern Zeit. Gesammelt und beschrieben von Joseph Appel. Wien: auf Kosten des Verfassers, 1824. 2 v. 8°. (Appel's Repertorium zur Miinzkunde des Mittelalters und der neuern Zeit. Bd. 3.) MHC Arneth, Joseph Calasanza von, Ritter. Bericht iiber die von dem Herrn Rossi aus Cagliari eingesandten Miinzen. 5 pi. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wis- senschaften. Sitzungsberichte. Philos.- hist. Classe. Wien, 1849. 8°. Bd. 3, p. 366-367.) * EF Bericht iiber von Prokesch-Osten's numismatische Abhandlung "Zwolf Ine- dita." (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wis- senschaften. Sitzungsberichte. Philos.- hist. Classe. Wien, 1849. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 214-221.) *EF Assmann, Ernst. Moneta. (Klio. Leip- zig, 1906. f°. v. 6, p. 477-488.) ft BAE Babelon, Ernest Charles Francois. Les collections de monnaies anciennes; leur utilite scientifique. Paris: E. Leroux, 1897. 3 p.l., vi, 126 p. 16°. (Petite bibli- otheque d'art et d'archeologie. v. 22.) MHL De I'utilite scientifique des collec- tions de monnaies anciennes. (La Science sociale. Paris, 1897. 8°. v. 23, p. 366-382.) SA Melanges numismatiques. serie 2-3. Paris: C. Rollin et Feuardent, 1893- 1900. 8°. MHE Les origines et I'histoire de I'en- seignement de la numismatique. (Revue politique et litteraire. Paris, 1908. 4°. serie 5, v. 10, sem. 2, p. 769-774, 810-814.) *DM Babut. A propos d'un sceau du xix. siecle de I'ordre du temple. Les templiers de 1813 a 1871. 3 pi. (Revue beige de numismatique. Bruxelles, 1909. 8°. an- nee 65, p. 43-73, 187-196, 291-312.) MHA Baker, W. S. Medallic portraits of Washington, with historical and critical notes and. . .catalogue. . . Philadelphia: R. M. Lindsay, 1885. 2 p.l., vii, 9-252 p., 1 pi. 4°. AOT Barthelemy, Anatole Jean Baptiste An- toine de. Manuel de numismatique an- cienne, avec atlas. Paris, 1851. 12°. (Manuels Roret.) MHL Nouveau manuel de numismatique ancienne. Ouvrage accompagne d'un atlas. Paris: Roret, 1890. 2 v. 16° & ob. 16°. (Manuels Roret.) MHL Nouveau manuel complet de nu- mismatique du moyen age et moderne. Ouvrage orne d'un atlas renfermant douze planches. Paris: a la Librairie encyclo- pedique de Roret, n.d . 1 v. and atlas. 24°. (Manuels-Roret.) MHC Bartholomew, John George. A literary and historical atlas of America. London; LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS General Works, continued. J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd. [1911.i xiv, 231 p. maps. 12°. (Everyman's library.) Map Dept. Contains: A brief survey of the coinage of North and South America, by G. C. Brooke. Maps and plans of notable battles and districts connected with famous authors and their books. A gazetteer of towns and places in North and South having a literary and historic interest. ' Basmadjian, K. J. A propos des deux sceaux heteens. (Society of Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings. London. 1898. 8°. V. 20, p. 230-234.) * YIA Beauvais, Guillaume. Histoire abregee des empereurs romains et grecs, des im- peratrices, des Cesars, des tyrans, et des personnes des families imperiales pour lesquelles on a frappe des inedailles, de- puis Pompee jusqu'a la prise de Constan- tinople par les Turcs, sous Constantin XIV. . .avec. . .la liste des medailles con- nues de chaque regne...et la valeur des tetes rares. Paris, 1767. 3 v. 12°. MHL Bergmann, Joseph. Darlegung meh- rerer bisheriger Systeine fiir Anordnung von Sammlungen mittelalterlicher und moderner Miinzen und Medaillen und Be- griindung eines wissenschaftlichen Sys- tems, von Kaiser Karl dem Grossen bis auf unsere Tage. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Denkschriften. Phi- los.-hist. Classe. Wien, 1865. f°. Bd. 14, p. 245-294.) * EF Nachtrag zur Biographie des kai- serlichen Rathes, Miinzen- und Antiqui- taten-Inspectors Karl Gustav Herseus (t 1725). (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wis- senschaften. Sitzungsberichte. Philos.- hist. Classe. Wien, 1870. 8°. Bd. 63. p. 7-32.) * EF Bernhart, Max. Markus Welser als Nu- mismatiker. illus. (Oberbayerisches Archiv fiir vaterlandische Geschichte. Miinchen, 1910. 8°. Bd. 55, p. 139-156.) ELN Medaillen und Plaketten. Mit 96 Textabbildungen. Berlin: R. C. Schmidt & Co., 1911. viii, 180 p. illus. 8°. (Bib- liothek fiir Kunst- und Antiquitatensamm- ler. Bd. 1.) MOP Bibliography, p. 77-115. Bidermann, Johann Gottlieb. . .Beytrage zur Miinzgeschichte von Hunger-Miinzen Dresden: gedruckt bey Johann Wil- helm H arpeters hinterl. Wittwe [1772]. 8 p. 12°. MHEp.boxl Billing, Archibald. The science of gems, jewels, coins, and medals, ancient and modern. [With autobiography of Benedetto Pistrucci.] London: Bell & Daldy, 1867. xi, 221 p., 19 pi. 8°. MGW ^■' Blanchet, Jules Adrien. Nouveau manu- el de numismatique du moyen age et mo- derne. Ouvrage accompagne d'un atlas de quatorze planches. Paris: Librairie encyclopedique de Roret, 1890. 2 v. in 3 and atlas. 16°. (Manuels-Roret.) MHC Presents de medailles et anciennes decorations. 1 pi. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1908. 8°. serie 4, v. 12, p. 80-99.) MHA Remarques relatives aux signes graves sur les contorniates. (Revue nu- mismatique. Paris, 1890. 8°. serie 3. v. 8, p. 480-486.) MHA Bolton, Henry Carrington. Alchemy and numismatics. Boston: author's edi- tion, 1887. 12 p. 4°. Repr. : American journal of numismatics, v. 21, p. 73. Contributions of alchemy to numis- matics. New York: author's edition, 1890. 44 p., 3 pi. sq. 8°. Bonneville, Alphonse. Encyclopedic monetaire ou nouveau traite des monnaies d'or et d'argent en circulation chez les divers peuples du monde... Paris: chez I'auteur, 1851. 3 p.l., (i)vi-xv, 220 p., 1 fac, 197 pi. f°. ttTF Bonneville, Pierre Frederic. Traite des monnaies d'or et d'argent qui circulent chez les differens peuples; examinees sous les rapports du poids, du titre et de la va- leur reelle, avec leurs diverses empreintes. A Paris: chez I'auteur, 1806. 2 p.l., x. 1. 250 p., 1 1., 189 pi. f°. tfTF Borghesi, Bartolommeo. Oeuvres com- pletes de Bartolomeo Borghesi publiees par les ordres et aux frais de S. M. I'Empe- reur Napoleon III. Paris: Imprimerie im- periale, 1862-97. 10 v. in 11. 4°. f BWDC V. 7-10 published under the auspices of the Ministre de I'lnstruction Publique. v. 7 is 2. ed. Tome 1-2. Oeuvres numismatiques. 1862-64. Tome 3-5. Oeuvres epigraphiques. 1864-69. Tome 6-8. Lettres. 1868-72. Tome 9. Nouveaux fragments des fastes con- sulaires. Les prefets de Rome. Table des lettres. 1884-93. Tome 10. Les prefets du pretoire. 1897. Boutkowski, Alexandre. Dictionnaire numismatique pour servir de guide aux amateurs, experts et acheteurs des me- dailles romaines imperiales & grecques coloniales avec indication de leur degre de rarete et de leur prix actuel au xix. siecle, suivi d'un resume des ventes pub- liques de Paris et de Londres. tome 1-2, v. 1. Leipzig: T. O. Weigel, 1881-84. 8°. MHD Boyne, W. [Collection of engravings of the seals, regal, ecclesiastical and munici- pal, of the various counties, towns, re- ligious establishments, etc., of England.] n. p., 1865. 2 cases. 8°. MIY Brandt, H. F. Leben und Werke. Bear- beitet und herausgegeben von seiner En- kelin Hildegard Lehnert. Berlin: B. Hass- ling, 1897. 73(1) p., 1 port.. 22 pi. f°. tMGP 8 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY General Works, continued. Brenner, Victor D. The art of the medal. New York: [The De Vinne Press,] 1910. 12 p.l., 11 pi., 1 1. illus. 8°. MGQ Brerewood, Edward. De ponderibvs, et pretiis vetervm Nvmmorvm, eorumque; cum recentioribus coUatione, liber vnvs. Londini: Apud loannem Billium, 1614. 4 p.l., 56 p. 4°. TF Bresslau, Harry. Ueber Elektensiegel. (Historische Vierteljahrschrift. Leipzig, 1900. 8°. Bd. 3, p. 469-477.) B Brichaut, Auguste. A propos de jetons contemporains. [Signed Brichaut.] n.p. [1880?] 8, 4 p., 1 pi. 8°. MHVp.boxl Repr. : Revue beige de numismatique. 1880. J Calmet, Augustin. Dissertation sur I'an- tiquite de la monnoie frappee au coin. (In: Bible. Latin-French. \767-7i, Sainte Bible en latin et en frangois... Paris, 1767-73. 4°. V. 1, p. 609-628.) * YIT Calvo, Ignacio. Importancia del estu- dio de las monedas. (Espaiia moderna. Madrid, 1903. 8°. ano 15, no. 171, p. 98- 106.) * DR Carlile, W. W. The relation of econo- mics to numismatics. (Royal Philosophi- cal Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1902. 8°. v. 33, p. 81-92.) * EE Caron, Emil. Trouvailles de monnaies du moyen age a Delphes. (Bulletin de correspondance hellenique. Paris, 1897. 8°. V. 21, p. 26-39.) MTLA Carus, Paul. Signets, badges, and medals. (Open court. Chicago, 1900. 8°. V. 14, p. 284-300.) *DA ' Casali, Giovanni Battista. De insigni- bus, anulis, fibulis, &c. syntagma. (In: Jacobus Gronovius, Thesaurus Grsecarum antiquitatum. Venetiis, 1735. f°. v. 9, col. 893-920.) ft BVEF Caulfield, Richard. Sigilla ecclesise Hi- bernicas illustrata. The episcopal and capitular seals of the Irish cathedral churches illustrated. Part 1. Cashel and Elmy. Cork: H. Ridings, 1853. iv, 5-48 p., 8 pi. 8°. CSD p.v.7, no.ll Chabeuf, Henri. Trois sceaux cister- ciens. 1 pi. illus. (Societe bourgoig- nonne de geographic et d'histoire. Me- moires. Dijon, 1890. 8°. tome 6, p. 1-10, 367-368.) DQA Chassant, Alphonse Antoine-Louis, and P. J. Delbarre. Dictionnaire de sigillo- graphie pratique, contenant toutes les no- tions propres a faciliter I'etude et I'inter- pretation des sceaux du moyen age. Paris: J. B. Dumoulin, 1860. 2 p.l., viii, 264 p., 16 pi. 16°. MIX Chestret de Haneffe, Jules de, baron. Monnaies inedites du xi. et du xii. siecles decouvertes la plupart a Maestricht. 1 pi. (Revue beige de numismatique. Bruxelles, 1905. 8°. annee 61, p. 437-444.) MHA Clarke, Hyde. The early history of the Mediterranean populations, etc., in their migrations and settlements. Illustrated from autonomous coins, gems, inscrip- tions, etc. London: Triibner & Co., 1882. viii, 9-80 p. 8°. QOL Coin, The, book. See Homans, Isaac Smith, the younger. Coins and medals: their place in history and art. By the authors of the British Museum official catalogues. Edited by Stanley Lane-Poole. With numerous illustrations. London: Elliott Stock, 1885. X, 286 p. 8°. (Antiquary's library.) MHC London: Elliott Stock, 1892. X, 286 p. 2. ed. 8°. MHC Colloquial names of coins. (Numisma- tist. Monroe, Mich., 1900. 8°. v. 13 n 134-136.) MHA Compte rendu par la direction de I'As- sociation aux medailles en I'honneur de Consalvi. n.p., n.d. nar. 4°. tt MHE p.v.4, no.3 Cook, Theodore Andrea. The romance of coinage. 6 pi. (Monthly review. Lon- don, 1904. 8°. V. 16, no. 3, p. 101-120.) *DA Corrarius, Angelo. Numismata serea selectiora maximi moduli e Muses Pisano, olim Corrario. Venetiis: apud Jo: Bap- tistam Albritium [1726?]. 3 p.l., 93 pi. i". Stuart 327 Covarruvias y Leyva, Diego de. Ve- tervm nvmismatvm collatio cvm his, qvae modo expendvntvr, pvblica et regia avthoritate percvsa. (In: Rene Budel, De monetis, et re nvmaria, libri dvo. Colo- niae Agrippinae, 1591. 4°. p. 578-661.) TF Cuming, H. Syer. On seals of the Knights Templars. 1 pi. (British Ar- chaeological Association. Journal. Lon- don, 1882. 8°. V. 38, p. 122-126.) CA Dechelette, Joseph. Inventaire general des monnaies antiques recueillies au Mont- Beuvray de 1867 a 1898. (Revue numis- matique. Paris, 1899. 8°. serie 4. v 3 p. 129-172.) MHA [Decorations of honor. Thirty-nine, in leather case with glass cover.] Reserve 1. France. Legion of Honor. 2. Germany. Baden. Order of the Zahringen Lion. 3. Bar, with five orders, consisting of: 1. Germany. Baden. 2. Germany. Saxony. Order of Frederick Augustus. 3. Germany. Baden. 4. Germany. Hesse. Order of Ludwig II. 5. Russia. Order of Saint Vladimir. 4. Germany. Order of Lippe. 5. Germany. Prussia. The Iron Cross. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 9 General Works, continued. 6. Germany. Prussia. The Iron Cross. 7. France. Legion of Honor. Napoleon I. 8. Portugal. Order of Christ. 9. Sweden. Order of the House of Vasa. 10. Germany. Saxony. Order of Henry. 11. Holland. Order of the Netherland Lion. 12. Germany. Order of Brunswick. 13. Russia. Order of the White Eagle. 14. Germany. Grand Cross of William. 15 Austria. Order of Francis Joseph. Chain of the Knight's Cross, vyith two decorations: 1. Order of Francis Joseph. 2. The Pope's Order of Saint Silvestre. 16. Bar, with six orders, consisting of: 1. France. Legion of Honor. Henry IV. 2. Germany. Prussia. Order of the Black Eagle. 3. Brazil. Order of the Southern Cross. 4. Germany. Baden. Order of Karl Fried- rich. 5. Sweden. Order of the Sword. 6. Russia. Order of Saint Stanislaus. 17. Germany. Prussia. Cross of the Knight of the Red Eagle. 18. Spain. Order of Charles III. 19. Germany. Prussia. Cross of the Crown for Knight. First class. 20. Bavaria. 21. Germany. Hanover. 22. Belgium. Order of Leopold. 23. Sweden. Order of the North Star. 24. Austria. Order of the Iron Crown. 25. Italy. Parma. Order of Constantine. 26. Germany. Baden. 27. Sweden. Order of the Sword. 28. Sweden. Order of the North Star. 29. Russia. Order of Saint Stanislaus. 30. Germany. Hanover. Order of Guelphs. 31. Bavaria. Order of Saint Michael. 32. Bavaria. 33. Brazil. 34. Russia. Order of Saint Stanislaus. 35. Brazil. Order of Roses. 36. Austria. Order of Leopold. 37. Russia. Order of Saint Anne. 38. Napoleon medal. St. Helena, May 5, 1821. 39. Napoleon medal. St. Helena, May 5, 1821. De Kay, Charles. A brief word on medals. New York, 1910. 24 p. 8°. MHE p.v. 5, no.15 Delbarre, P. J. See Chassant, Alphonse Antoine Louis, and P. J. Delbarre. Demay, Germain. Le costume au moyen age d'apres les sceaux. Paris, 1880. 4°. MMG Des pierres gravees employees dans les sceaux du moyen age. Paris, 1877. illus. 8°. MIX Dompierre de Chaufepie, H. J. de, edi- tor. See MedaiUes et plaquettes modernes. Donaldson, T. L. Architectura numis- matica; or, Architectural medals of classic antiquity... London: Day and Son, 1859. xxxi(i), 349 p., 53 pi. 4°. Stuart 11384 Dubois, P. Moneta: a study. Read be- fore the annual meeting of the American Numisinatic and Archteological Society, New York, March, 1884. [Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son,] 1884. 8 p. 4°. ft MHE p.v. 4, no.4 Du Bois, William E. See Eckfeldt, Jacob R., and William E. Du Bois. Dumersan, Theophile Marion. Notice sur la Bibliotheque royale, et particuliere- ment sur le cabinet des medailles antiques et pierres gravees. Paris, 1836. 11. ed. 16°. MAVZ (VersaiUes) Bound with: Musee de Versailles. Description par salles des tableaux. . .par M. L. C. ****. Paris 1839. 4. ed. 12°. Eckfeldt, Jacob R., and William E. Du Bois. A manual of gold and silver coins of all nations, struck within the past cen- tury... Illustrated by numerous engrav- ings of coins. Philadelphia: published at the assav office of the mint, 1842. 3 p.l., iv, (1)6-240 p., 17 pi. 4°. fMHC New varieties of gold and silver coins, counterfeit coins, and bullion; with mint values. Philadelphia: published by the authors, 1850. 60 p., 3 pi. 12°. MHC New York: George P. Put- nam, 1851. 3 p.l., 72 p., 1 1., 5 pi. 2. ed. 8' MHC Eckhel, Joseph Hilarius von. Doctrina "^ numorum veterum, addenda et indices. LipsicT, n.d. 8 V. 4°. MHL Edwards, Edward. The Napoleon me- dals: a complete series of the medals struck in France, Italy, Great Britain and Germany, from the commencement of the Empire in 1804, to the restoration in 1815, engraved by the process of Achilles Collas, with historical and bio- graphical notices. London: H. Hering, 1837. 1 p.l., v-x, 168 p., 1 1., 41 pi. f°. tfMH Elder, Thomas L. The Elder rare coin book; a comprehensive work on numis- matics, coin premiums, numismatists, coin collecting, foreign exchange, the coinage systems of the most important countries of the world. Special articles by noted authors on the coinage of the American colonies, the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Greece, Rome, etc... Compiled and published by T. L. Elder. New York: T. L. Elder, 1913. 163 p., 1 1. illus. 8°. MHC Emants, J. De nummis veterum cusis et non cusis. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1754. 3 p.l., 30 p. 8°. MHL p. box 1 Engel, Arthur, and Raymond Serrure. Traite de numismatique moderne et con- temporaine. Paris: E. Leroux, 1897-99. 2 V. 4°. MHC Traite de numismatique du moyen age. Paris: E. Leroux, 1891-1905. 3 v. 8°. MHO Epstein, Richard. See Andorfer, Karl, and Richard Epstein. Evans, John. Anniversary address to the Numismatic Society of London, 1884. London, 1884. 16 p. 8°. MHE p. box 1 Repr. : Numismatic chronicle, series 3, v. 4. Evans, Maria Millington. Memorial medal of Josias Nicolson. 1 pi. illus. 10 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY General Works, continued. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1909. 8°. series 4, v. 9, p. 241-249.) MHA Falkner, Roland P. The private issue of token coins. (Political science quar- terly. Boston, 1901. 8°. v. 16, p. 303- 327.) SEA Fleury, Louis de. The Fleury medal in the collection of Robert L. Stuart. [New York? 1884?] 2 ms. 1. 12°. Stuart 14117 Fliessbach, Ferdinand. Miinzsammlung enthaltend die wichtigsten seit dem west- phalischen Frieden bis zum Jahre 1800 gepragten Gold- und Silbermiinzen sammtlicher Lander und Stadte. Mit... Erlauterungen. Leipzig: Verlag von Ernst Schafer, 1856. unp., 120 pi. S". Stuart 11389 Ferrer, Leonhard. Biographical dic- tionary of medallists, coin, gem, and seal- engravers, mint-masters, &c., ancient and modern, with references to their works, B. C. 500-A. D. 1900. Compiled by L. Forrer, v. 1-5. London: Spink & Son, 1902-12. illus. 8°. MGP No. 48 of 100 copies printed. Fort, Ludwig. Neueste Miinzkunde. Abbildung und Beschreibung der jetzt coursirenden Gold- und Silbermiinzen mit Angabe ihres Gewichts, Feingehalts, ihrer Geltung und ihrer Werthes. [By Ludwig Fort.] Leipzig: Verlag von Ernst Schafer, 1853. 2 v. 8°. Stuart 11390 Foville, Jean de. fitudes de numisma- tique et de glyptique. Pierres gravees in- edites du Cabinet .de France. 1 pi. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1905. 8°. serie 4, v. 9, p. 277-308.) MHA Friedlaender, J. Recherches sur les monnaies frappees dans I'ile de Rhodes p^r les grands-maitres de I'ordre religieux et militaire de St. Jean de Jerusalem, annote par Victor Langlois et servant de complement a la Numismatique des croi- sades de F. de Saulcy. Paris, 1855. pi. 4°. fMHO Froehner. A quoi ont servi les contor- niates? (Societe frangaise de numisma- tique. Annuaire. Paris, 1894. 8°. v. 18, 1894, p. 83-88.) MHA Fuessli, J. C. Collection complette de toutes les medailles du Chevalier Jean Charles Hedlinguer. Dessinees par... Fuessli et gravees. . .par J. E. Raid. Augs- bourg: J. J. Raid & fils, 1782. 19, 24 p., 79 pi. f°. Stuart 1599 Title-page and text also in German. ■' Gabrici, Ettore. Sul valore dei tipi monetali nei problemi storici, etnografici e religiosi. illus. (Congresso interna- zionale di scienze storiche, Roma, 1903. Atti. Roma, 1904. 4°. v. 6, sezione 4, Numismatica, p. 55-77.) BAA Gaillard, A. Les procedes de reproduc- tion des sceaux... [Bruxelles: PoUeunis & Ceuterick, 1905?] 12 p. 8°. MIY p. box 1 Gerojannis, Constantine. Primitive shield-devices, and coin-types. (Journal international d'archeologie numismatique. Athenes, 1906. 4°. v. 9, p. 5-45.) MHA Ghalib Edhem, J. Quelques mots sur les monnaies inusulmanes a monogrammes himyarites. [By J. Ghalib Edhem.] Con- stantinople, 1894. 4 p. 12°. MHE p.v. 6, no. 5 Gnecchi, Ercole. Cronaca delle falsifi- cazioni. (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1905. 4°. v. 18, p. 237-340.) MHA See also Gnecchi, Francesco, and Ercole Gnecchi. Gnecchi, Francesco. Sullo scopo della numismatica. (Rivista italiana di numis- matica. Milano, 1901. 4°. anno 14, p. 325- 344.) MHA Gnecchi, Francesco, and Ercole Gnec- chi. Guida numismatica universale... Milano: U. Hoepli, 1903. 2 p.l., vii-xv, 612 p. 4. ed. 16°. (Manuali Hoepli.) MHC Gori, Antonio Francesco. Antiqva nvmismata avrea et argentea praestantiora et aerea maximi modvli qvae in regio the- savro magni dvcis Etrvriae adservantvr cvm observationibvs A. F. Gorii. Floren- tiae: ex typographia Francisci Moiicke, 1740-42. 3 V. f°. (Museum Florentinum. V. 1-3.) fMAVZ Symbolae litterariae. opuscula varia philologica scientifica antiquaria, signa, lapides, numismata, gemmas et monumenta medii aevi. Nunc primum edita complectentes. Romae: ex typo- graphia Palladis, 1751-54. 10 v. 8°. * C Gorlaeus, Abraham. Dactyliotheca seu annulorum sigillarium quorum apud pris- cos tam Grsecos quam Romanos usus promptuarium. Antverpise, 1609. 4°. MGW Graesse, J. G. T. Handbuch der alten Numismatik von den altesten Zeiten bis auf Constantin d. Gr... Leipzig: E. Schafer, 1856. vi, 241(1) p., 72 1., 72 pi. 8°. Stuart 11393 Leipzig, 1860. pi. 8°. MHL Green, Benjamin Richard. Numisma- tics. 2 pi. (The encyclopsedia of the fine arts. London, 1848. 4°. p. 619-650.) fMA (Encycloppedia metropolita- nia. London, 1848. 4°. v. 5, p. 619-650.) *AL Lacks the 2 plates. Groebe, D. Beantwoording der prijs- vraag over de munten, en hetgeen daartoe betrekking heeft, sedert 1500 tot den jare LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 11 General Works, continued. 1621 ingesloten... 2 p.l., 182 p. (Aca- demic royale...de Belgique. Memoires couronnes. Bruxelles, 1835. 4°. v. 10, [iio. 4,.) * EM Grolier Club of the City of New York. Catalogue of medals and plaques, ex- hibited. . .April 6, 1893. n.t.-p. rNew York: the club, 1893., 12 p. 16°. MGP Gronovius, J. F. See Vinet, £lie, and J. F. Gronovius, editors. Halke, Heinrich. Einleitung in das Studium der Numismatik. Berlin: G. Reimer, 1905. xvi, 219 p., 8 pi. 3. ed. 8°. MHC Handworterbuch der Miinzkunde und ihrer Hilfswissenschaften. Berlin: G. Reimer, 1909. vi, 395(1) p. 8°. MHD Hanthaler, Chrysostom. Exercitationes faciles de numis veterum pro tyronibus... exercitatio prosemialis de numis aliquot Grsecis... Norimbergse: J. A. Schmidius, 1735; Vienna: J. T. Trattner, 1742. 6 parts in 2 V. sq. 8°. MHL Hardouin, J. Nummi antiqui populorum et urbium illustrati. Farisiis, 1684. 4°. MHL Harzer, Friedrich. VoUstandiges Hand- buch der Miinzkunst. . . Weimar: B. F. Voigt, 1855. 2 p.l., ix-xvi, 282 p., 10 pi. 16°. (Neuer Schauplatz der Kiinste und Handwerke. Bd. 216.) MGQ Harzfeld, S. K. On the falsifications of ancient coins. A paper read before the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia, April 3. 1879. Philadelphia: the society, 1879. 8 p. 8°. MHEp.v. 3,no.l7 Hasse, Adelaide R. On the classifica- tion of numismatics. (Library journal. New York, 1904. 8°. v. 29, p. 461-468.) *HA Hauteroche, L. A. de. Description des medailles antiques. . .avec seize planches engravees. . .par M. Du Mersan. Paris: Dubure freres, 1829, xiii, 140 p., 16 pi. 4°. fMHL Havercamp, S. Dissertationes de Alex- andri Magni, numismate. Lugduni Ba- tavorum, 1722. 12°. MHL Hazlitt, William Carew. The coin col- lector. London: George Redway, 1896. 297(1) p., 12 pi. 8°. (The collector series.) MHC The coinage of the European con- tinent, with an introduction and catalogues of mints, denominations and rulers. Lon- don: S. Sonnenschein and Co., 1893. 2 p.l., (i)viii-xviii, 554 p., 1 pi. illus. 8°. MH The confessions of a collector. London: Ward & Downey, Limited, 1897. viii, 360 p. 12°. * GAN p. 235-350 contain an account of his experiences as a numismatist. Head, B. V. A guide to the principal gold and silver coins of the ancients [in the British Museunij. B. C. 700-A. D. 1. London, 1881. 8°. MHL London: by order of the trus- tees, 1895. V p., 2 1., 128 p. 4. ed. 8°. MHL Hennin, Michel. Manuel de numisma- tique ancienne. Paris, 1830. 2 v. 8°. MHL Hickmann, A. L. Neueste Miinzen- kunde aller Staaten der Erde... Erganzt durch Angabe der Masse und Gewichte, Flacheninhalte und Einwohnerzahlen samtlicher Lander. Wien: G. Freytag & Berndt, 1911. 2 p.l., 2-85 p., 1 map, 1 table. 3. ed. 8°. TF Hodgkin, John Eliot. Rariora; being notes of some of the printed books, manu- scripts, historical documents, medals, en- gravings, pottery etc. . .collected (1858- 1900) by John Eliot Hodgkin. London: S. Low, Marston & Co., Ltd. [1902., 3 v. 4°. t*GO Homans, Isaac Smith, the younger. The coin book... Philadelphia, 1872. 8°. TF Homes, H. A. Observations on the de- sign and import of medals. Albany, 1863. 8 p. 8°. MHEp.v. 7, no.3 Hostus, Matthseus. Histori?e rei nvm- mariae veteris libri qvinqve, qvse continet exqvisitam nvmmorvm veterum Romano- rum, Grsecorum, Hebraicorum & exter- norum inter se, & cum prrecipuis nummis Germanicis collationem, cum indice copio- siore, Matthseo Hosto autore. Franco- ford: ad Oderam: Johannes Eichhorn, 1580. 46 p.l., 811 p. 8°. MHL Huffnagle, Charles. On the electro- type. 1 pi. (Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal. Calcutta, 1841. 8°. v. 10, part 1, p. 478-479.) *OHA Treats of method of obtaining facsimiles of coins. Humphrey, H. N. The coin collector's manual, or guide to the numismatic stu- dent in the formation of a cabinet of coins: comprising an historical. . .account of .. .coinage. . . London: H. G. Bohn, 1853. 2 V. 12°. (Bohn's illustrated li- brary.) Stuart 11399 Ilgen, Th. Sphragistik. (Grundriss der Geschichtswissenschaft. Leipzig, 1906. 4°. Bd. 1, p. 321-363.) EAD ■ Imhoof-Blumer, Friedrich. Die Flugel- gestalten der Athena und Nike auf Miin- zen. 1 pi. (Numismatische Zeitschrift. Wien, 1871. 8°. Bd. 3, p. 1-50.) MHA 12 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY General Works, continued. Jacob-Kolb, G. Traite elementaire de numismatique ancienne, grecque et ro- maine, compose d'apres celui d'Eckhel. Paris, 1825. 2 v. pi. 8°. MHL Jobert, Louis. La science des me- dailles. [Par L. Jobert.] Nouvelle edi- tion, avec des remarques historiques & critiques [par J. Bimard de la Bastiej. Paris: De Bure, I'aine, 1739. 2 v. 12°. Stuart 11401 The knowledge of medals; or, In- structions for those who apply themselves to the study of medals... From the French [by Roger Galc]. London: W. Rogers, 1697. 4 p.l., 215 p., 8 1. 12°. Stuart 11403 La scienza delle medaglie antiche e moderne, tradotta dal francese da S. Canturani. Venezia, 1728. 12°. MHC Kahrstedt, Ulrich. Frauen auf antiken Miinzen. (Klio. Leipzig, 1910. 8°. Bd. 10, p. 261-314.) fBAE Keller, Ferdinand. Notice of a die for striking Helvetian or Gaulish gold coins; found at Avenches, in Switzerland. (Ar- chaeological journal. London, 1862. 8°. V. 19, p. 253-258.) CA Kelly, Patrick. Le cambiste universel; ou, Traite complet des changes, monnaies, poids et mesures de toutes les nations... redige par ordre...du gouvernement anglais... Traduit et calcule aux unites frangaises sur la seconde edition. Aug- ments de tableaux des monnaies. . . Paris: J. P. Aillaud, 1823. 2 v. 4°. f TFG King, C. W. On the true nature of the contorniate medals. (Archseological jour- nal. London, 1871. 8°. v. 28, p. 210-218.) CA Kluyskens, Hippolyte. Des hommes celebres dans les sciences et les arts et des medailles qui consacrent leur souve- nir. Gand, 1859. 2 v. pi. 8°. MHE Koechlin, J. L. Les ordres de la Cou- ronne de Fer et de la Couronne d'ltalie (1805-1905). Avec des illustrations en phototypie. Paris: Plon-Nourrit et Cie., 1907. 2 p.l., ii, 122 p., 3 1. f°. fAWE Koenigliche Museen zu Berlin. Be- schreibung der antiken Miinzen. Bd. 1-3, Abt. 1. Berlin, 1888-94. 12°. MHL Lavoix, Henri. Monnaies a legendes arabes frappees en Syrie par les croises. Paris, 1877. illus. 8°. MHO Lawrence, L. A. Forgery in relation to numismatics. 11 pi. (British numis- matic journal. London, 1906-07. 4°. series 1, v. 2, p. 397-409; v. 3, p. 281-290.) MHA Leblond, Gaspard Michel. Observa- tions sur quelques medailles du cabinet de M. Pellerin. A Paris: chez Barrois I'aine, 1823. 2. ed. 4°. ft MHC Bound with: Joseph Pellerin, Lettres de I'au- teur des Recueils de medailles de rois, de peuples et de villes. Francfort, 1770. 4°. Lecoy de la Marche, A. Les sceaux. (Le Monde moderne. Paris, 1898. 8°. V. 8, p. 577-592.) * DM Paris: Quantin [1889]. 320 p. 8°. (B. bliotheque de I'enseignement des beaux-arts.) MIT Lelewel, J. Numismatique du moyen- age consideree sous le rapport du type. [With atlas.] Paris, 1835. 8° and f°. MHO Lenormant, Frangois. La monnaie dans I'antiquite. Paris, 1878-79. 3 v. 8°. MHL Monnaies et medailles. Paris: A. Quantin [1883]. 328 p. 8°. (Bibliotheque de I'enseignement des beaux-arts.) MGP Le Pois, Antoine. Discours sur les me- dalles et graveures antiques, principale- ment romaines... Paris: Mamert Patis- son, 1579. 8 p.l., 149 f., 3 1., 19 pi. 8°. Stuart 11406 Lewis, Winslow. Address on resigning the presidency of the Boston Numismatic Society, January 5, 1865. New York: American Journal of Numismatics Office, 1866. 13 p. sq. 8°. MHE p. box 1 Liebe, Christian Sigismund. Gotha nvmaria, sistens Thesavri Fridericiani nvmismata antiqva. . .auctore Christiano Sigismvndo Liebe. Accedunt ex Andrese Morellii Specimine vniuersae rei numarige antiquae excerpta, & Epistolas tres Ez. Spanhemii... Amstelaedami: Apud R. & J. Wetsterios & G. Smith, 1730. 7 p.l., xxvi, 544 p., 14 1., 1 pi., 1 port. f°. ft MHL Lincoln, The, centennial medal. Pre- senting the medal of Abraham Lincoln by Jules fidouard Roine, together with papers on The medal: its origin and symbolism, by George N. Olcott, and The Lincoln centennial commemoration by Richard Lloyd Jones, and Certain characteristic utterances of Abraham Lincoln. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1908. x, 70 p., 1 medal. 12°. AN Lindsay, J. Notices of remarkable mediaeval coins. Cork, 1849. 4°. tt MHE p.v. 4, no.7 Loon, G. van. Hedendaagsche penning- kunde, zynde eene verhandeling van den oorspronk van't geld, de opkomst en't onderscheyd der gedenkpenningen. . .'s Graavenhaage: P. van Thol, 1734. 6 p.l., 289(1) p., 13 1. f°. Stuart 1165 Luckh, Johann Jacob. Sylloge Nvmis- matvm elegantiorvm Quae Diuersi Impp. Reges, Principes, Comites, Respublicae Diuersas ob causas ab Anno 1500, ad Annum usque 1600 cudi fecerunt Concin- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 13 General Works, continued. nata & Historica narratione (sed breui) illustrata. . . Argentinae: Typis Reppia- nis, 1620. 12 p.l., 383 p. illus. f°. MHC Title-page engraved. ' Luschin von Ebengreuth, Arnold. AU- gemeine Miinzkunde und Geldgeschichte dcs Mittelalters und der neueren Zeit. Mit...in den Text gedruckten Abbildun- gen. Miinchen: R. Oldenbourg, 1904. xvi, 286 p., 1 1. 8°. (Handbuch der mittelal- terlichen und neueren Geschichte. Abt. 5.) BTE Sul metodo da osservare nella descrizione di ripostigli di monete del medio evo per trarne il maggiore profitto storico. (Congresso internazionale di scienze storiche, Roma, 1903. Atti. Roma, 1904. 4°. v. 6, sezione 4, Numis- matica, p. 129-134.) BAA Lyford, J. Chauncey. Medals: report of the Department of Relics, Coins and Curi- osities, presented at a meeting of the Worcester Society of Antiquity, held Oc- tober 6th, 1885. Worcester: F. P. Rice, 1886. 12 p. 8°. MHEp.v.7,no,4 M. The development of numismatic art. (American journal of numismatics. New York, 1910. 4°. v. 44, p. 56-60.) MHA ' M., W. T. R. The money of folly and its origin. [Signed) W. T. R. M. (Ameri- can journal of numismatics. Boston, 1899. 4°. V. 33, p. 101-107; v. 34, p. 1-6, 33-36.) MHA Macdonald, George. Coin-finds and how to interpret them. (Royal Philo- sophical Society of Glasgow. Proceed- ings. Glasgow, 1903. 8°. v. 34, p. 282- 300.) * EC Madden, F. Examples of mediaeval seals. Illustrations of the mode of seal- ing en placard. Remarks on a seal and charter of Endes, king of France, of the year 888 or 889. 2 pi. (Archaeological journal. London, 1854. 8°. v. 11, p. 261- 269.) CA Maffei, Francesco Scipione, marquis. A letter .. .to. . .the Countess Adelais Felix Canossa Tering of Seefeld. Being a comparison of the use of inscriptions and medals. (In: R. Rawlinson, A new method of studying history. London, 1728. 8°. V. 1, p. 323-360.) BAM Mangeart, T. Introduction a la science des medailles pour servir a la connoissance des dieux, de la religion, des sciences, des arts, et de tout ce qui appartient a I'his- toire ancienne avec les preuves tires des medailles. Paris, 1763. f°. ft MHC Manni, D. M. Osservazioni istoriche sopra i sigilli antichi dei secoli barbari. Firenze, 1729-86. 30 v. in 15. 4°. MIX Mantellier, Philippe. De I'exposition des monnaies etrangeres en France, de la con- trefagon des especes frangaises et du faux- monnayage du. 11. au 18. siecle. Paris: chez MM. Camille Rollin et Feuardent, 1867. 68 p. 8°. *OACp.v.5 Marchant, Nicolas Damas, baron. Let- tres du Baron Marchant sur la numisma- tique et I'histoire annotees par MM. Ch. Lenormant, F. de Saulcy, L. de la Saussaye, J. de Witte, Marquis de Lagoy, Ad. de Longperier, Al. Maury, Victor Langlois et H. Fournier du Lac. Nouvelle edition precedee d'une notice biographique sur I'auteur... Paris: Librairie de Le- leux, 1851. 2 p.l., viii, 567 p., 30 pi. illus. 8°. MHE Martin, Leopold Charles, and Charles Truebner. The current gold and silver coins of all countries, their weight and fineness, and their intrinsic value in Eng- lish money, with facsimiles of the coins. London: Triibner & Co., 1863. xx p.. 1 1., 141 pi. 8°. MHC Plates have explanatory matter on the backs. Martini, Angelo. Manuale di metro- logia; ossia, misure, pesi e monete in uso attualmente e anticamente presso tutti i popoli. Torino: E. Loescher, 1883. viii, 904 p. 8°. VBDB Medailles, Les, et plaquettes modernes, sous la redaction de H. J. de Dompierre de Chaufepie. serie 1-3; or, livr. 1-18. Har- lem [1901-07]. f°. ttMGP Mely, F. de. Les deniers de Judas dans la tradition du moyen age. (Revue nu- mismatique. Paris, 1899. 8°. serie 4, v. 3, p. 500-509.) MHA Silver pieces of Judas in medieval traditions. (American journal of numis- matics. Boston, 1900. 4°. v. 34. p. 69-74.) MHA Michels, I. C. The current gold and silver coins of all nations, together with their weights, fineness and intrinsic value, reduced to the standard of the United States: also, the history of the official coinage of the L^nited States mint from 1792 to the present day... Philadelphia: R. S. Alenamin, 1880. iv, 5-112 p. i°. f TF Mionnet, T. E. Description de medailles antiques, grecques, et romains, avec leur degre de rarete et leur estimation, avec un volume de planches. Paris, 1806-13. 7 V. 8°. MHL Supplement. Paris, 1819-37. 9 V. 8°. MHL Molinier, fimile. Les plaquettes et les medailles. 8 pi. (In: F. Spitzer, La col- lection Spitzer. Paris, 1890-92. i". v. 4, p. 123-198.) ttMNC Monterchi, G. Rariora maximi moduli numismata selecta ex bibliotheca. . .Casp. 14 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY General Works, continued. Carpegnse. . .&. . . Josephi Monterchii com- mentariis illustrata. tTranslated from the Italian by J. H. Wetstein.] Amstelsedami: H. Wetstenius, 1685. 10 p.l., 168 p., 2 pi. 12°. Stuart 11410 Mowat, Robert. D'une generale per- manente de monnaies contremarquees. 1 pi. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1906. 8°. serie 4, v. 10, p. 262-274.) MHA Exemples de I'art de verifier les dates par les contremarques. (Revue nu- mismatique. Paris, 1906-07. 8°. serie 4, V. 10, p. 475-480; v. 11, p. 44-65.) MHA La reconstitution des collections des coins aux I. et II. siecles. (Congres international de numismatique, Paris, 1900. Proces-verbaux & memoires. Paris, 1900. 4°. p. 210-226.) MHA Muelverstedt, G. A. von. Heraldik und Miinzkunde. (Harz-Verein fiir Geschichte und Alterthumskunde. Zeitschrift. Wer- nigerode, 1878. 8°. Jahrg. 11, p. 232-286.) EAA Muenz Buch. New Miintz-Buech. Da- rinnen allerley gross vnnd kleine, Silberne vnd Guldene Sorten, vmb wichtiger Vrsach willen also fiirgestelt warden... Gedruckt zu Miinchen, bey Adam Berg, 1604. 9 p.l., 2-80 f., 23 1. illus. f°. f MHC Neumann, Franciscus. Populorum et regum numi veteres inediti. Vindobonae, 1779-83. 2 V. 4°. MHL Observations numismatiques dediees a Thorwaldsen. Rome, 1833. 28 p., 1 pi. 8°. MHE Ortleb, A., and G. Ortleb. Vademecum fiir Miinzsammler. Nebst 20 Tafeln mit 290 in Bronzedruck ausgefiihrten Abbil- dungen von Miinzen aller Volker und Zeiten. Leipzig: M. Ruhl [1905?]. 2 p.l., Ill p., 20 pi. 8°. MHC Ortleb, G. See Ortleb, A., and G. Ortleb. Papadopoli, Nicolo. La tariffa veneta del 1543. 1 pi. (Congresso internazionale di scienze storiche, Roma, 1903. Atti. Roma, 1904. 4°. v. 6, sezione 4, Numis- matica, p. 137-140.) BAA Paucton, Alexis Jean Pierre. Metro- logie, on traite des mesures, poids et mon- noies des anciens peuples & des mo- dernes. Paris: chez la Veuve Desaint, 1780. xv(i), 955(1), 6 p. 4°. VBDB Payne, A. A. A handbook of British and foreign orders, war medals, and deco- rations, awarded to the army and navy; chiefly described from those in the collec- tion of A. A. Payne... Sheffield: J. W. Northend, 1911. Ixix p., 1 1., 811(1) p., 2 fac, 21 pi., 20 port. 4°. VWZH Pedrick, Gale. Riddle seals. (Connois- seur. London, 1905. 4°. v. 11, p. 232- 238.) t MAA Pellerin, Joseph. Additions aux neuf volumes de Recueils de medailles de rois, de villes, &c. imprimes en 1762, 1763, 1765, 1767, 1768 & 1770; avec des remarques sur quelques medailles deja publiees. A La Haye; et se trouve a Paris: chez la veuve Desaint, 1778. 4°. ft MHC Bound with his: Lettres de I'auteur des Recueils de medailles de rois, de peuples et de villes. Francfort, 1770. 4°. Lettres de I'auteur des Recueils de medailles de rois, de peuples et de villes, imprimes en huit volumes in-quarto... depuis 1762 jusqu 'en 1767. A Francfort, et se trouve a Paris: chez L. F. Delatour, 1770. r. ttMHC Melange de diverses medailles. pour servir de supplement aux Recueils des medailles de rois et de villes qui ont ete imprimes en 1762 & 63. Paris: Guerin & Delatour, 1765. 2 v. 4°. Stuart 11415 Recueil de medailles de peuples et de villes, qui n'ont point encore ete pub- liees ou qui sont peu connues. Paris: Guerin et Delatour, 1763. 3 v. 4°. f MHC Recueil de medailles de rois qui n'ont point encore ete publiees ou qui sont peu connues. Paris, 1762. 4°. tMHC Supplement[S, 1-4] aux six volumes de Recueils de medailles de rois, de villes, &c. Publics en 1762-1765... Paris: Guerin & Delatour, 1765-[67]. v. p., 21 pi. 4°. Stuart 11417 Pertsch, W. Verzeichniss der aus Fleischer's Nachlass der Deutschen mor- genlandischen Gesellschaft iiberkomme- nen Miinzen. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1891. 8°. Bd. 45, p. 292-294.) * OAA Petroni, Stefano Egidio. La Napole- onide di S. E. Petroni. Parigi: P. Didot il magg., 1813. xxiv, 550 p. 8°. NNN One hundred vignettes of medals representing exploits of Napoleon. Pezza, Cesare. Difesa letteraria rin- tuzzante gli astuti attacchi operatisi in alcuni articoli del Messaggiere torinese che trattano di numismatica. Torino: coi tipi dei Fratelli Favale, 1845. 38 p., 1 1. 12". PTN Bound with his: Saggio di una nuova teoria della scorza terrestre. Torino, 1844. 12°. Phillips, Henry, the younger. Addi- tional notes upon the collection of coins and medals now upon exhibition at the Pennsylvania Museum and School of In- dustrial Art. . .Philadelphia. . . Read be- fore the American Philosophical Society, Oct. 3d, 1879. [Philadelphia? 1879?] 19 p. 8'. MHE p.v. 3, no,16 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 15 General Works, continued. Notes upon the collection of coins and medals now upon exhibition at the Pennsylvania Museum and School of In- dustrial Art ... Philadelphia. . . A paper read before the American Philosophical Society, Feb. 7, 1879, and before the Nu- mismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia, March 6, 1879. Philadelphia, 1879. 15 p. 8°. MHEp.v. 3,no.l5 Repr.: American Philosophical Society. Pro- ceedings. Numismatics. Notes upon the col- lection of coins and medals deposited by the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia tat the Pennsylvania Mu- seum and School of Industrial Art], by Henry Phillips, jr. And upon the col- lection of Chinese coins belonging to the museum, by Stewart Culin. [Philadelphia,] 1885. 40 p. 8°. *Cp.v. 1348,no.l2 The pleasures of numismatic sci- ence. A paper read before the Numis- matic and Antiquarian Society of Phila- delphia... Oct. 4, 1866... Philadelphia: H. B. Ashmead, 1867. 14 p. 8°. MHEp.v. 3, no.l2 Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. Cylin- der-seals belonging to Mr. A. A. Rigg. 1 pi. (Society of Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings. London, 1903. 8°. v. 25, p. 71-74.) *YIA Cylinder seals in the possession of J. Offord, Esq. (Society of Biblical ArchcTology. Proceedings. London, 1902. 8°. v. 24, p. 87-94.) * YIA Three cylinder-seals. 1 pi. (So- ciety of Biblical Archaeology. London, 1911. 8°. V. 33, p. 130-133.) * YIA Finder, E. Numismatique beckerienne: recueil des medailles contrefaites par Becker, decrites par Pinder; traduction de I'allemand. Paris, 1853. pi. 8°. MHE Pinkerton, J. An essay on medals. iBy J. Pinkerton.] London: J. Dodsley, 1784. vi, xi-xxxii, 324 p. 8°. MHC London, 1808. 2 v. 3. ed. 8°. MHC _ Piot, Guillaume Joseph Charles. No- tice sur un depot de monnaies decouvert a Grand-Halleux, province de Luxem- bourg en 1846. 70 p., 1 pi. (Academic royale...de Belgique. Memoires couron- nes et memoires des savants etrangers. Bruxelles, 1847. 4°. tome 21.) * EM Pirkheimer, Wilibald. Priscorvm nvmo- rvm aestimatio. (In: Rene Budel, De mo- netis et re nvmaria, libri dvo. Coloniae Agrippinae, 1591. 4°. p. 440-444.) TF Pourtales-Gorgier, de comte. Catalogue des medailles antiques, de la renaissance & des temps modernes, qui composent la collection de feu Comte de Pourtales- Gorgier, dont la vente aura lieu... mars, 1865. [Paris: Pillet fils ainc], 1865. 56 o 8°. MAX Bound with his: Catalogue des objets d'art... Paris, 1865. 8°. Price, Ira Maurice. Some Cassite and other cylinder seals. (In: Old Testament and Semitic studies in memory of William Rainey Harper. Chicago, 1908. 4°. v.l, p. 381-400.) *OBC Prime, W. C. Coins, medals, and seals, ancient and modern... New York: Har- per & Bros., 1864. 1 p.l., 5-292 p., 1 pi. 8°. Stuart 11419 Ramus, Christian, the elder. Forsog til en fattelig Forklaring af en antik Myntsamlings Indhold, Indretning og An- vendelse. (Skandinavisk Literatur-Sel- skab. Skrifter. Kjobenhavn [1814.) 16°. Aargang 10 [Bind 13], p. 187-240.) NISA Rasche, Johann Christoph. Lexicon vniversae rei nvmariae vetervm et praecipve Graecorvm ac Romanorvm cvm observationibvs antiqvariis geogra- phicis chronologicis historicis criticis et passim cvm explicatione monogramma- tvm. Praefatvs est Christ. Gottl. Heyne. Lipsiae: in Libraria Gleditschia, 1785. 6 V. in 10. 8°. MHD Svpplementorvm tomvs pri- mys-tertivs. Lipsiae: in Libraria Gledit- schia, 1802-05. 3 V, in 2. 8°. MHD V. 3 of the supplement extends only to the end of I . Ricci, Serafino. La numismatica e le scienze archeologiche ed economiche. (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1900. 4°. V. 13, p. 395-415.) MHA Robert, F. B. Nouveau manuel complet du mouleur en medailles... Nouvelle edition augmentee... par E. de Valicourt. Paris, 1843. pi. 24°. (Manuels-Roret.) MGQ Rome de ITsle, Jean Baptiste Louis de. Metrologie, ou tables pour servir a I'intel- ligence des poids et mesures des anciens, et principalement a determiner la valeur des monnaies grecques et romaines d'apres leur rapport avec les poids, les mesures et le numeraire actuel de la France. Paris: De ITmprimerie de Monsieur, 1789. xxxxv(i) p., 1 1., 214 p., 1 1. 4°. VBDB Rostovtsew, Michel. fitude sur les plonibs antiques. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1897-98. 8°. serie 4, v. 1, p. 462- 493; serie 4, v. 2, p. 77-102, 251-286. 457- 477; serie 4, v. 3, p. 22-61.) MHA Rouille, Guillaume. La premiere [Ct secondc] partie dv promptvaire des me- dalles des plvs renommees personnes qui ont este depuis le commencement du monde: auec brieue description de leurs vies & faicts, recueillie des bons auteurs. [Par Guillaume Rouille.] Lyon: G. Roville, 1553. 2 v. in 1. 4°. AOK 16 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY General Works, continued. Promptuaire des medalles des plus renommees personnes qui ont este depuis le commencement du monde... Lyons: G. Rouille, 1577. 2 v. in 1. 2. ed. 8°. Stuart 11423 Sainthill, Richard. An olla podrida; or, Scraps, numismatic, antiquarian, and liter- ary. London: printed (for private distri- bution only) by Nichols and Son, 1844. XV, 388 p., 3 facs., 22 pi., 7 port., 1 table. 4". MHE Sallet, Alfred von. Miinzen und Me- daillen. Berlin: W. Spemann, 1898. 224 p. 8°. (Konigliche Museen zu Berlin. Handbiicher. Bd. 6.) MHC Saulcy, Louis Felicien Joseph Caignart de. Numismatique des croisades. Paris, 1847. pi. f°. fMHO Observations numismatiques. no. 1-4. Metz [and Nancyj, 1834-[37?]. 8°. MHE Savot, Louis. Dissertationes de nummis antiquis, divisae in quatuor partes. Ex Gallica in Latinam linguam transtulit L. Neocorus. (In: J. G. Graevius, Thesau- rus antiquitatum Romanorum. Venetiis, 1735. f°. tom 11, col. 1132-1325.) ttBWE Scaliger, Joseph Juste. losephi Scali- geri...de re nvmmaria dissertatio, liber posthvmvs... [Edited by W. Snellius.] [Leyden:[ Ex Officina Plantiniana, 1616. 8 p.l., 112 p. 8°. MHE Schlichtegroll, Friedrich von. Ueber die Geschichte des Studiums der alten Miinzkunde. (Koeniglich bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Oeffent- liche Sitzung, 1811. Miinchen, 1811. 8°. p. 3-48.) * EE Schloesser, E. Die Miinztechnik. Ein Handbuch fiir Miinztechniker, Medaillen- fabrikanten. Gold- und Silberarbeiter, Graveure und technische Chemiker. Han- nover: Hahn's Buchhandlung, 1884. viii, 252 p. illus. 8°. MGQ Schlumberger, Gustave. Sceaux des feudataires et du clerge de I'empire latin de Constantinople. (Societe frangaise d'archeologie. Bulletin monumental. Paris. 1897. 8°. v. 62 [Serie 7, v. 2,, p. 421-458.) DA Schnippel, E. Fischermarken und Gie- belkronen aus Hela. 4 pi. (Westpreus- sischer Geschichtsverein. Zeitschrift. Danzig, 1904. 4°. Heft 47, p. 253-279.) EIC Schweitzer, Friedrich. Notizie 'pere- grine di numismatica e d'archeologia pub- blicate per cura di F. Schweitzer. Decade quarta. Trieste: Tipografia G. Stallecker, 18.S9. 90 p., 1 1., 3 pi. 8°. MHE Title also in German: Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Numismatik & Archaeologie. Scotti, V. N. Delia rarita delle monete antiche di tutte le forme, e metalli. Seconda edizione corretta ed accresciu- ta... Livorno, 1821. 8°. MHL Seguinus, Petrus. Selecta nvmismata antiqva ex museo Petri Segvini... Lvte- tiae Parisiorvm: E. Typographia Ed- mvndi Martini, 1665. 4 p.l., 226 p., 3 1. 4°. Stuart 11427 Selden, John. Joannis Seldeni, Angli, Liber de nummis, in qvo antiqva pecunia romana et grseca metitur pretio ejus, qvae nunc est in usu. Lipsi^e: Impensis Joh. Christiani Wohlfahrtii, 1682. 38 p. 12°. *GB Bound with: Philippe Labbe, Bibliotheca bib- liothecaruni curis tertiis auctior. Lipsise, 1682. 12°. Serrure, Raymond. See Engel, Arthur, and Raymond Serrure. Sestini, Domenico. Lettere e disserta- zioni numismatiche sopra alcune medaglie rare. Livorno e Roma, 1789-1806. 9 v. in 2. 4°. MHE Lettere e dissertazioni numis- matiche... le quali servir possono di con- tinuazione ai nove tomi gia editi. Milano e Firenze, 1813-20. 9 v. in 3. 4°. MHE Counterfeiting of ancient coins. Sopra i moderni falsificatori di medaglie greche antichi nei tre metalle e descrizione di tutti quelle prodotte dai Medesimi. Firenze, 1826. 4°. MHM p.v. 1 Seyler, G. A. Geschichte der Siegel. Leipzig: P. Friesenhahn [1894]. 4 p.l., 383 p. illus. 8°. (lUustrierte Bibliothek der Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte. Bd. 6.) MIT Sickler, F. C. L. Handbuch der alten Geographic. . .mit steter Riicksicht auf die numismatische Geographic. Cassel, 1832. 2 V. 8°. KAD Sittl, Karl. Archaologie der Kunst. Nebst einem Anhang iiber die antike Nu- mismatik... Miinchen: C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1895. xx, 953 p. 8°. (Handbuch der klassischen Altertums- Wissenschaft. Bd. 6.) BTGP Antike Numismatik. p. 863-906. Snelling, Thomas. Snelling's seventy- one plates of gold and silver coin, v^rith their weight, fineness and value. London: printed for H. Chapman [1762?]. 1 p.l., 21 pi. 8°. Stuart 11429 A view of the coins at this time current throughout Europe; exhibiting the figures of near 300 on 25 copper plates, together with their value, and in what metal they are struck. . .London: the author, 1766. 32 1. 4°. TF Snellius, Willebrordus. Wilebrordi Snellii...de re nvmmaria liber singularis. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 17 General Works, continued. fLeyden:] Ex Officina Plantiniana, 1613. 4 p.l., 72 p. 8°. MHE Bound with: J. J. Scaliger, losephi Scaligeri... de re nvnimaria dissertatio. [Leyden,] 1616. 8°. Snowden, James Ross. A description of ancient and modern coins, in the cabinet collection at the mint of the United States Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1860. 412 p., 28 pi., 1 table. 8°. Stuart 11430 A description of the medals of Washing-ton; of national and miscellane- ous medals; and of other objects of in- terest in the museum of the mint. To which are added biographical notices of the directors of the mint from 1792 to the year 1851. Philadelphia: J. B. Lip- pincott & Co., 1861. X p., 1 1., 13-203 p.. 2 fac, 19 pi., 1 port. 4°. f AN Spanheim, Ezechiel von, baron. Dis- sertationes de praestantia et usu numisma- tum antiquorum. Amstelodami, D. Else- virium, 1671. 23 p.l., 917 p., 25 1., 1 port. 2. ed. 4°. Stuart 11432 Editio nova; in qua editje an- tea dissertationes recensentur, multisque accessionibus locnpletantur, ali?e nunc primum prodeunt. tomus 1. Londini, 1706. f°. ttMHL Londini [printed], Amstelae- dami, 1717. 2 v. f°. ft MHL Sperling, Otto. Otthonis Sperlingii. . . Dissertatio de nummis non cusis tarn veterum quam recentiorum. Amsteljeda- mi: Apud Franciscum Halmam, 1700. 4 p.l., 280 p., 17 1. 4°. *PEE Bound with: J. C. Klenim, Johannis Christian! Klemmii . . . De nummis Hebrseorum . . . Tubings, 1730. f°. Spurrell, Frederick. Examples of medi- aeval seals. Seals preserved at Wisby in Gottland. (Archscological journal. Lon- don, 1855. 8°. v. 12, p. 256-268.) CA Storer, H. R. The medals commemora- tive of natural scientists. (Newport Natural History Society. Proceedings. Newport, R. I., 1892-1900. 8°. no. 8, 1888-91, p. 1-31; no. 9, 1891-99, p. 108-120.) PQA The medals, jetons, and tokens illustrative of the science of medicine. (American journal of numismatics. Bos- ton, 1888-1912. 4°. V. 23, p. 59-61, 82-87; v. 24, p. 12-18, 37-41, 57-62, 92-95; v. 25, p. 16-18, 38-41. 73-78, 90-96; v. 26, p. 5-9, 30-34. 56-59, 78-81; v. 27, p. 7-9, 36-39, 55-59; V. 28, p. 10-14. 35-38. 59-62, 82-86; v. 29. p. 12-16, 43-47, 87-91, 123-128; v. 30, p. 5-9, 47-51, 77-82, 109-113; v. 31, p. 13-19, 44-48, 79-84, 107-111; v. 32, p. 12-16, 44-48. 73-77, 106-110; v. 33. p. 23-26, 59-63, 91-95, 122-125; V. 34, p. 22-26. 109-113; v. 35, p. 14-18, 48-51, 78-82. 107-111; v. 36. p. 15-19, 45-50, 87-91, 107-112; v. 37, p. 15-20, 43-47, 77-81, 112-117; v. 38, p. 13-17, 44-49, 77-81. 104-108; v. 39, p. 17-21, 42-47, 73-77, 113-117; V. 40, p. 21-25. 45-50, 70-75, 98-103; V. 41, 13-18, 47-52, 70-74, 100-104; v. 42, p. 19-21, 56-59, 79-82, 144-146; v. 43, p. 24-25, 56-.S8, 110-112, 158-159; v. 44. p. 28-29, 67-68, 133-134. 166-167; v. 45, p. 27-30. 68-69, 158-160, 200-202; v. 46, p. 24-26, 70-72, 132- 134, 181-183.) MHA Strack, Max L. Halbierte Miinzen im Altcrtum. (Bonner Jahrbiicher. Bonn, 1902. Heft 108/9, p. 1-25.) f EBA Stroehlin, Paul Ch. Numismatique de la Croix-Rouge. (Revue Suisse de numis- matique. Geneve, 1905. 8°. v. 13, p. 157- 160.) MHA Strozzi, Carlo. Quadro di geografia nu- mismatica da servire alia classificazione geografica delle collezioni, con un cata- logo generale delle citta delle quali si conoscono le monete non solo automome, quanto dei re, e degli imperatori, arric- chito di parecchie nuove sedi e nuove teste e corredato di alcune notizie geogra- fiche. Firenze: coi tipi di Federigo Ben- cini, 1836. vi p., 1 1., 103(1) p., 1 map. 4°. MHC Svoronos, Jean. The origins of coinage. 3 pi. (American iournal of numismatics. New York, 1909-10. 4°. v. 43, p. 33-45, 93-101, 141-148; v. 44, p. 14-21, 14.5-156.) MHA Les premieres monnaies. Traduc- tion de Jean Dargos. 7 pi. (Revue beige de numismatique. Bruxelles, 1908-10. 8**. annee 64. p. 293-331. 433-450; annee 65, p. 113-129, 389-406; annee 66, p. 125-151.) MHA Symbolae litterariae. See Gori, Antonio Francesco. Taylor's gold and silver coin examiner. Designed to contain fac-simile engravings of all the gold and silver coins at the present time in circulation throughout the world... no. 2. New York: S. Tavlor & Co., 1847. 1 p.l., 12 p. 8°. MHC Thompson, John. Thompson's coin chart manual... New York: W. W. Lee, 1849. 44 p. 8°. Stuart 11435 — New York: W. W. Lee. 1852. 48 p. 8°. Stuart 11436 New York: Thompson's Re- porter Office, 1855. 48 p. 4°. New York: Charles Blondell, 1862. 48 p., 2 pi. 4°. Stuart 11437 New York: C. Blondell, 1867. 48 p. 4°. Stuart 11438 Tiffany and Company. Collection of badges, medals and insignia. Tiffany pa- vilion. .. Pan-American Exposition. Buffa- lo, N. Y., 1901. New York i: Tiffanv & Co., 1901]. 24 p. nar. 24°. Mil 18 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY General Works, continued. Tomasini, Giacomo Filippo. De tes- seris hospitalitatis liber singularis, in quo jus hospitii universum, apud veteres potis- simum, expenditur. illus. (In: Jacobus Gronovius, Thesaurus Grsecarum antiqui- tatum. Venetiis, 1735. f°. v. 9, col. 213- 284.) ft BVEF / Toppan, Robert Noxon. Some modern monetary questions viewed by the light of antiquity. A paper read before the [Numismatic and Antiquarian] Society [Of Philadelphia,] April 1, 1880. Philadelphia: the society, 1881. 9 p., 1 pi. 2. ed. 8°. MHE p.v. 3, no.21 Tregear, Vincent. Mode of_ taking fac- similes of coins. (Asiatic Society of Ben- gal. Journal. Calcutta, 1841. 8°. v. 10, part 1, p. 158-159, 266.) * OHA Tresor de numismatique et de glyptique; ou, Recueil general de medailles, mon- naies, pierres gravees, bas-reliefs, etc., tant anciens que modernes, les plus in- teressans sous le rapport de ^I'art et de I'histoire, graves par les procedes de M. Achille Collas, sous la direction de M. Paul Delaroche, de M. Henriquel Dupont et de M. Charles Lenormant. Paris, 1834- 50. 20 V. illus. f°. ttMHE Bas-reliefs du Parthenon et du Temple de Phi- galie. Paris, 1834. 1 v. Sceaux des rois et reines de France. Pans, 1834. 1 V. Medailles coulees et ciselees en Italic aux xv. et XVI. siecles. Paris, 1834-36. 2 v. Medailles frangaises depuis le regne de Charles VII. jusqua cehii de Louis xvi. Paris, 1834-37. 3 V. .„ . Sceaux des rois et reines d'Angleterre. Pans, 1835. 1 V. . J . Medailles de la Revolution f rangaise _ depuis I'ouverture des fttats-preneraux (5 mai 1789) jusqua'a la proclamation de I'Empire (18 mai 1804). Paris, 1836. 1 V. Sceaux des grands feudataires de la couronne de France. Paris, 1836. 1 v. Recueil general de bas-reliefs et d'ornemens, ou melanges typoglyptiques. Paris, 1836-39. 2 v. Sceaux des communes, communautes, eveques, abbes et barons. Paris, 1837. 1 v. Choix historique des medailles des papes, depuis le milieu du xv siecle jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, 1839. 1 V. Collection des medailles de I'Empire frangais et de I'Empereur Napoleon. Paris, 1840. 1 v. Choix de medailles executees en Allemagne aux XVI. et XVII. siecles. Paris, 1841. 1 v. Iconograohie des empereurs remains et de leurs families. Paris, 1843. 1 v. Histoire par les monuments de I'art monetaire chez les modernes. Paris, 1846. 1 y. Numismatique des rois grecs. Paris, 1849. 1 v. Nouvelle galerie mythologique. Paris, 1850. 1 v. Truebner, Charles. See Martin, Leo- pold Charles, and Charles Truebner. Turin, Italy. — Esposizione generale italiana, 1884. Catalogo degli oggetti esposti nel padiglione del risorgimento italiano. Con introduzione di Cesare Cor- renti. Milano: Fratelli Dumolard, 1886-88. 2 V. 4°. BWL Parte 1. Medagliere. Parte 2. Oggetti. Turner, T. Hudson. Remarks on per- sonal seals during the middle ages. (Ar- chaeological journal. London, 1848. 8°. V. 5, p. 1-8.) CA Venuti, R. Antiqua numismata maximi moduli, aurea, argentea, aerea, ex museo Card. Albani in Vaticanam Bibliothecam translata et a R. Venuto notis illustrata. Rom^, 1739-44. 2 v. f°. ft MHL Verwrorn, Max. Paradoxe Herrscherin- signien auf mittelalterlichen Miinzen. (Zeitschrift fiir Numismatik. Berlin, 1901. 8°. Bd. 23, p. 70-85.) MHA Villenoisy, F. de. De la fabrication des monnaies antiques. 1 pi. (Congres inter- national de numismatique, Paris, 1900. Proces-verbaux et memoires. Paris, 1900. 4°. p. 51-61.) MHA Vinet, £lie, and J. F. Gronovius, editors. Prisciani Caesariensis. Rhemni Fannii, Bedae Angli, Volusii Metiani, Balbi ad Celsum libri de nummis, ponderibus, men- suris, numeris, eorumque notis, & de vetere computandi per digitos ratione, ab E. Vineto emendati, ut & a J. F. Gronovio. (In: J. G. Graevius, Thesaurus antiquita- lum Romanorum. Venetiis, 1735. f°. tom 11, col. 1675-1714.) ttBWEC Vogue, C. J. M. de. Monnaies inedites des croisades. fParis, 1864.] 4 pi. 8°. * C p.v. 343 W., W. S. Some remarks on seals, with suggestions for a practical mode of classi- fying them. (Archaeological journal. London, 1851. 8°. v. 8, p. 64-74.) CA Wadhams, Albert. Essay upon the origin and use of seals; also introducing a design for an improved seal of the LTnited States. Albany, 1865. pi. illus. 8°. MIT p. box 1 Walford, Weston S., and Albert Way, Examples of mediaeval seals, pi. (Ar- chaeological journal. London, 1856-61. 8°. V. 13, p. 62-76; v. 14, p. 48-57; v. 15, p. 345-353; v. 18, p. 47-59.) CA ' Ward, William Hayes. The cylinder and cone seals in the museum of the Her- mitage, St. Petersburg. (In: Old Testa- ment and Semitic studies, in memory of William Rainey Harper. Chicago, 1908. 4°. V. 1, p. 359-380.) * OBC Seal cylinders and other oriental seals. [New York:] Metropolitan Museum [189-?]. 48 p. 8°. (Metropolitan Mu- seum of Art. Hand-book no. 12.) MAVZ The seal cylinders of western Asia. Washington, D. C, 1910. xxix p., 1 1., 428 p. 4°. (Carnegie Institution of Washington. Publications, no. 100.) * EA Waxell, Leon de. Essai sur les me- dailles plaquees des anciens... Londres: J. Booth, 1809. 3 p.l, ii, 38 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 8°. MHL Way, Albert. Examples of mediaeval LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 19 General Works, continued. seals. 1 pi. (Archsoloffical journal. London, 1851. 8°. v. 8, p. 74-78.) CA See also Walford, Weston S., and Albert Way. Westermann, P. De jure sigillorum. Helmstadii, 1675. 35 1. 12°. XAH p.v. 12, no.23 Whelan, Peter. The numismatic dic- tionary, or Collection of the names of all the coins known, from the earliest period up to the present day, with their countries, values, multiples, divisions, etc... Lon- don: Peter Whelan [1858). 2 p.l., 25(1) p. 16°. MHD Wilbert, Ale. Note sur un agnus trouve en 1861 dans la tour du clocher Saint- Martin. (Societe d'emulation de Cambrai. Memoires. Cambrai, 1862. 8°. v. 27, partie 2, p. 605-610.) * EN Collections Abdy, Sir Robert. Catalogue of the choice collection of English, Greek and Roman coins and medals, of Sir Robert Abdy... which will be sold by auction, by S. L. Sotheby... June, 1841... [Lon- don.] J. Davy & Sons [1841,. 1 pi., 5-53(1) p. 8°. Stuart 11374 Adams, Geoffrey Charlton, and others. Catalogue of the collections of G. C. Adams, Robert G. Fuller and others, con- sisting of a fine collection of "Elephant" coins in various metals. . .which will be sold at public auction. . .June. . .1906. . . New York: G. C. Adams, 1906. 30 p. 8°. MHFH Priced. Ahorner, von. Verzeichniss der von Johann Cavinio verfertigten Medaillen und Miinzen. (Historischer Verein von Schwaben und Neuburg. 7. Jahres- Bericht. Augsburg, 1842. 8°. p. 31-37.) ELV Allan, J. Catalogue of an. . .interesting collection of silver medals. . .with rare crowns, etc. Formerly the silver cabinet of the late J. Allan purchased by the pre- sent owner, J. C. Newcomb, some years before Mr. Allan's death. To be sold at auction by Leavitt, Strebeigh & Co., at the Clinton Hall book sale rooms... 25- 27 May 1870... New York: E. O. Jen- kins, 1870.] 107 p. 4°. MHFH Alvin, Fred. Le cabinet des medailles de I'etat a la Bibliotheque royale. (Revue des bibliotheques et archives de Belgique. Renaix, 1903. 8°. v. 1, p. 22-27, 172-176, 396-402.) * HA American Numismatic and Archaeologi- cal Society. Catalogue of the collection of gold coins in the cabinet of the Ameri- can Numismatic Society. Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son, 1908. 19 p. 4°. fMHF — — ■ International medallic exhibition of the American Numismatic Society, opening on the twelfth of March, 1910. Catalogue. New York: De Vinne Press, 1910. 4 p.l, 252 p., 1 1., 8 pi. 8°. MHF Coins. New York: De Vinne Press. 1910. 3 p. 1., 49(1) p., 6 pi. 8°. MHF Contemporary medalists. New York: [De Vinne Press,] 1910. 166 1. illus. 8°. MHF Anderson, William. Catalogue of valu- able medals and coins comprising the... collection of William Anderson. . .to- gether with a large number of the most valuable pieces in the Stenz collection and ...selections from the cabinet of G. W. Cram... sold at auction. . .March. . .[1877j ... Messrs. Leavitt, auctioneers... Cata- logued by W. H. Strobridge. . . New York: Leavitt, 1877. 34 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Anthon, Charles E. Catalogue of... numismatic cabinet, part 1. New York, 1879. iv, 5-61 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Anthon) Arneth, Joseph Calasanza von, Ritter. Ueber die von dem k.k. Corvetten-Arzte Herrn Dr. Wawra dem k.k. Miinz- und Antiken-Cabinete iibergebenen Miinzen sammtderen Erklarung. (Kaiserliche Aka- demie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungsbe- riche. Philos.-hist. Classe. Wien, 1859. 8°. Bd. 29, p. 3-9.) * EF Austria. — Hauptmiinzamt. Katalog der Aliinzen- und Medaillen-Stempel-Samm- lung des K. K. Hauptmiinzamtes in Wien. Bd. 4. Wien, 1906. 4°. fMHF Babelon, Ernest Charles Frangois. La collection Pauvert de la Chapelle au ca- binet des medailles. (Revue de I'art an- cien et moderne. Paris. 1899-1900. 4°. V. 6. p. 371-382; v. 7, p. 1-14.) f MAA La collection Waddington au ca- binet des medailles. (Revue numisma- tique. Paris. 1897-98. 8°. serie 4. v. 1, p. 261-368, 401-456; v. 2, p. 1-70, 149-206, 341-436.) MHA Balmanno, A. The Balmanno collec- tion. Catalogue of a collection of Ameri- can and foreign coins and medals... and a. . .selection of numismatic works... to be sold... by Bangs & Co... June 10 and 11, 1885... Catalogued by L. H. Low... Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son. 1885. 54 p. MHFH p. box Catalogue of a. . .collection of sil- ver and copper coins and medals... Philadelphia, 1873. 24 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Balmanno) 20 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY General Works — Collections, continued. Barclay, Henry S. The numismatic col- lection of the late H. S. Barclay... to be sold by Messrs. Thomas & Sons... April ...1885... Catalogued by C. Steigerwalt. [Philadelphia: Thomas & Sons, 1885.] 38 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Barrett, George R. Catalogue of the coin collection of Mr. G. R. Barrett... together with another collection... Auc- tion sale, n.t.-p. Boston, Mass.: C. F. Libbie & Co., 1906. 24 p. 8°. MHFH Bartram, J. Valuable numismatic col- lection... Catalogue of valuable Ameri- can gold, silver and copper coins, English silver. . .rare Roman coins... &c. [Auc- tion sale Nov. 29 and 30, 1869. Philadel- phia, 1869. 31 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bartramj Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Numismatische af- deeling van het museum... Batavia: Lange & Co., 1869. 1 p.l., xii. 47 p. 8°. MHFp.box Bestor, George L. Catalogue oi coins. Being a private collection of coins and medals by G. L. Bestor, and now offered for sale... Peoria: J. W. Franks & Son, 1879. 19 p. 12°. MHFH p. box Betts, C. Wyllys. Catalogue of a few pieces from the collection of C. W. Betts. Auction sale, May, 1864.] New Haven, 1864. 4 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Betts) Birch, W. de Gray. Catalogue of seals in the Department of Manuscripts in the British Museum. London: the trustees. 1887-1900. 6 V. nar. 4°. MIT Blanchard, G. H. Catalogue of G. H. Blanchard's collection of coins, medals, &c. . . [Auction sale, Dec. 11 and 12, 1882.] Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son. 1882. 48 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Woodward '82) Bodey, C. N. Catalogue of a collection of gold, silver and copper coins... [Auc- tion sale, Oct. 29 and 30, 1872.] Phila- delphia, 1872. 29 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bodey) Bogert, H. Catalogue of...[his] cabinet of coins and medals... Together with a large collection of numismatic works, which will be sold at public sale . . . Feb., 1859... New York: Bogert, Bourne & Auten, 1859. 1 p.l., 93 p. 8°. Stuart 11441 Borg, Louis. The Borg collection. Catalogue of the. . .collection of... medals belonging to Mr. L. Borg... sold at auc- tion by H. H. Leeds & Miner. . .Nov., 1867... [New York: H. H. Leeds & Miner, 1867.] 2 p.l., 56 p., 1 1. 8°. MHFH p. box Borghesi, House of. Ancienne collec- tion Borghesi. [partie 1.] [Paris: Im- primerie Georges Petit, 1908.] 4°. MHF [partie 1.] Monnaies antiques espagnoles & gaulois... Vente mai, 1908. Bramhall, W. L. Catalogue of the valu- able and extensive cabinet of American and foreign coins, tokens, medals, etc... [Auction sale, by Messrs. Bangs, Merwin & Co., May 4th and 5th, 1859.] New York: J. W. Amerman, 1859. 31 p. 8°. MHFH p.v. 2 Brechemin, L. Catalogue of the large and valuable collection of coins and medals, gold, silver and copper, Ameri- can and foreign... [Auction sale June 5. 6, and 7, 1867., Philadelphia. 1867. 40 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Brechemin) Brichaut, Auguste. Notices sur les col- lections numismatiques dans le royaume de Suede. Bruxelles: Fr. Gobbaert, 1883. 9 p. 1 pi. 8°. MHEp.boxl Repr.: Revue beige de numismatique. annee 1883. Brinley, E. P. Catalogue of coins, medals, colonial pieces. . .etc. [Auction sale, Jan. 5, 1872., Hartford. 1871. 14 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Brinley) Bull, G. A description of ancient and modern coins in the cabinet collection at the mint of the United States, prepared and arranged under the direction of J. R. Snowden, director. Philadelphia, 1860. 8°. MHF Butler, J. D., and D. S. Durrie. Cata- logue of coins and medals, ancient and modern, from the collection of James L. Hill, Madison, Wis., 1874. 8°. MHFp.box Campbell, J. Executor's sale of gold, silver and copper United States and for- eign coins, medals, tokens, &c... [Auc- tion sale, Feb. 17, 18 and 19, 1874.] Phila- delphia, 1874. 39 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Campbell) Campbell, J. Aldrich. Catalogue of the collections of J. Aldrich Campbell and Wun-Hi-Gin, consisting of fine Americana in gold, silver and copper. . .together with the finest collection of Chinese coins ever offered for sale... All. . .catalogued by Daniel F. Howarth. . . Which will be sold at public auction.. .July 13th, 1906. Cata- logued by Goeffrey Charlton Adams. [New York, 1906.] 44 p. 8°. MHEp.v. 5,no.ll Carter, Samuel. Catalogue of Samuel Carter's collection of ancient and modern coins... sold at auction at the sales rooms of Messrs. Bangs & Co. . .March. . .1880 ... New York: J. Polhemus. 1880. 1 p.l., 72 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Priced copy. Catalogue of a choice and valuable col- lection of American and foreign silver and copper coins, medals, &c, . .property of a LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 21 General Works — Collections, continued. private collector... n.t.-p. Philadelphia: U. S. Steampower Book & Job Prtg. Off., 1861. 31 p. 8°. MHFHp.boxC Cauffman, E. Catalogue of a choice and valuable collection of American, English and ancient gold, silver, and copper coins and medals... [Auction sale May 3 and 4, 1871.1 New York, 1871. 40 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Cauffman) Ch. Catalogue de monnaies romaines et frangaises, medailles modernes fran- gaises et etrangeres. de la collection de M. Ch.; redige par A. de Longperier. Vente. . .[1844.] Paris: L' Alliance des arts, 1844. 28 p. 8°. MHFH p.v. 3, no.8 Chadbourne, S. H. Catalogue of a col- lection of coins and medals... [Auction sale, Sept. 25, 1867.r Boston, 1867. 28 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Chadbourne) Chaffer, Benjamin. Catalogue of the collection of coins, medals and tokens formed by the late Mr. Benjamin Chaffer of Burnley. . . Which w^ill be sold by auc- tion bj^ Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge... 28th October 1902. London: Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 1902. 53 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Chilton, J. R. Catalogue of the rare and extensive cabinet of coins and medals... [Auction sale, March 13, 1865.] New York, 1865. 202 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Chilton) Addenda to the sale of the late Dr. Chilton's collection of coins, medals, &c... [Auction sale, March 13, 1865.] New York, 1865. 16 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Chilton) Cleveland, Edward J. Catalogue of a collection of coins, medals and paper money, autographs and books. . . Newark, N. J., 1872. 2 pi., 72 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Cleveland) Clickner, S. A. Catalogue of a varied and interesting collection of... coins and medals. . .formed by S. A. Clickner. . .sold at auction by... Bangs & Co... Febru- ary. .. 1885. . . Baltimore: Excelsior Prtg. Co., 1885. 40 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Clogston, William. Catalogue of coins, medals and tokens, American and foreign .. .the. . .collection of William Clogston ...sold by auction by Messrs. Bangs & Co., April . . . 1881 . . . Catalogue by W. E. Woodward... Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son, 1881. 94 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Cogan, Edward. Catalogue of coins and medals... (Auction by Bangs, Merwin & Co., 13th November 1871.) ^New York, 1871. 26 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Cogan) Priced catalogue of the large col- lection of rare and valuable American and English silver and copper coins... (Auc- tion May 21 and 22, 1860.) Philadelphia, 1860. 1 p.l., 52 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Cogan) Cogan, G. W. Catalogue of an exten- sive and valuable collection of coins and medals, belonging to the estate of a well- known numismatist. To be sold at auc- tion... May 16-19, 1883... New York: D Taylor, 1883. 104 p. 8°. Stuart, 11445 Cohen, M. I. Catalogue of a... valuable collection of... coins and medals, the property of...M. I. Cohen... sold at auc- tion. . .October, 1875. Catalogued by E. Cogan. New York: C. C. Shelley, 1875. 102 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Cook, H. Catalogue of a choice and valuable collection of coins, medals, auto- graphs, &c... [Auction sale, Nov. 24, 1863.] Boston, 1863. 4 1. i". MHFH p. box (Cook) 1 Choice and valuable collection of coins, medals, autographs, etc... [Auc- tion sale, July 30, 1862.] Boston ,1862]. 31 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Cook) Coster, L. de. Catalogue du precieux cabinet de jetons d'or et d'argent forme par... Coster; et d'une belle suite de medailles d'or et d'argent. Bruxelles, 1885. 8°. MHFH Cuff, J. D. Catalogue of the very ex- tensive. . .cabinet of coins & medals formed... by J. D. Cuff .. .which .. .will be sold by auction, by S. Leigh Sotheby & J. Wilkinson.. .June, 1854... [Lon- don:] J. Davy & Sons [1854]. v(i), 193 p. 8°. Stuart 11448 Cunha, Jose Gerson da. Catalogue of the coins in the numismatic cabinet be- longing to J. Gerson da Cunha. part 1. Bombay: The Albert Printing Works, 1888. 1 p.l., 44 p. 8°. MHF Autograph notes inserted. Curtis, J. K. A catalogue of ancient and modern gold, silver, and copper coins and medals of all nations... New York 1862. 31 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Curtis) Catalogue of a part of the Curtis collection of fine American cents and other American and foreign coins and medals, in silver, copper & bronze. . .also autographs and numismatic works. [Auc- tion sale, Dec. 13 and 14. I860.] New York I860., 18 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Curtis) Cushing, G. See Sandham, Alfred, and G. Gushing. D. Catalogue de medailles antiques, anciennes et modernes, de monnaies fran- gaises et etrangeres, d'assignats, etc., provenant de [sa] collection. Paris. 1846. 8°. (Alliance des arts.) MHFH p. box Davis, G. B. Catalogue of coins, medals and tokens, American and foreign. [Auc- '22 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY General Works — Collections, continued. tion sale, by Bangs, Merwin & Co., April 17th and 18, 1862.] New York: J. F. Bald- win, 1862. 24 p. 8°. MHFH p.v. 2 Davis, Robert Coulton. Catalogue of the collection of coins, medals, tokens and currency formerly owned by the late R. C. Davis. Catalogued by the New York Coin & Stamp Co. New York, 1889. 1 p.l., ii, (1)4-128 p., 4 pi. 4°. tMHF Dayton, W. H. A catalogue of ancient and modern silver and copper coins, me- dals, and tokens... New York, 1860. SO p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Dayton) Dickeson, Montroville Wilson. Cata- logue of a valuable collection of coins, books & curiosities, being a portion of the relics of Peale's Museum... [Auction sale by T. Birch & Son, Dec. 1st, 1869.] [Philadelphia, 1869.] 16 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Dickeson) Catalogue of a valuable collection of coins, curiosities, autographs, etc... [Auction sale, May 19, 1870.] Philadelphia, 1870. 15 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Dickeson) Douet d'Arcq, L. C. Collection de sceaux. Paris, 1863-68. 3 v. 4°. (Archives de I'empire.) f DBA Douglas, Stewart. War medal collec- tion of S. Douglas, Esq., late of Birming- ham, Eng., together with consignments of miscellaneous coins, etc... sold at auc- tion, by Messrs. Bangs & Co... New York City, June 4th and 5th, 1885. Cata- logue by H. P. Smith. New York [1885]. 64 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Dudik, Beda Franz. Des hohen deut- schen Ritterordens Miinz-Sammlung in Wien. Wien, 1858. pi. sq. f°. f MHF Dumersan, T. Marion. Histoire du Cabinet des medailles antiques et pierres gravees; avec une notice sur la Biblio- theque royale, et une description des objets. . .dans cet etablissement. Paris: I'auteur, 1838. iv, 191 p. 8°. MHF Durrie, D. S. See Butler, J. D., and D. S. DURSIE. Dutilh, E. D. J. Historique des collec- tions numismatiques du musee greco- romain d'Alexandrie. (Journal inter- national, d'archeologie numismatique. Athenes, 1900. 4°. v. 3, p. 1-36.) MHA Dutuit, Auguste. Collection Auguste Dutuit. Antiquites [par F. Lenormantj. Medailles et monnaies [par M. Feuardent]. Objets divers [par E. Dutuit]. Exposes au Palais du Trocadero en 1878. Paris: A. Levy, 1879. 3 p.l., 191 p., 36 pi. f °. f MHF Dwenger, H. G. Addenda of rare and valuable coins... [Auction sale, Sept. 14, I860.] n.p., 1860. 4 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Dwenger) Edwards, F. S. Catalogue of a very ex- tensive and valuable collection of Ameri- can and foreign gold, silver and copper coins and medals... (Auction sale, Oct. 16, 1865.] New York, 1865. 101 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Edwards:? Edwards, William. Catalogue of a col- lection of... coins and medals, the proper- ty of the late Mr. W. Edwards. . .sold by auction by...S. L. Sotheby & J. Wilkin- son... November, 1859... [London :j J. Davy & Son, prtrs. [1859., 10 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Edwards, William B. Catalogue of a fine. . .collection of ancient coins and medals, including. . .the property of W. B. Edwards. . .sold at auction by...G. A. Leavitt & Co. . . November. . .1886. Bos- ton: T. R. Marvin & Son, 1886. 50 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Elliott. Catalogue of the Elliott nu- mismatic collection and other private cabinets of American & foreign silver & copper coins, medals, &c. [Auction sale, Sept. 5 & 6, 1871.] New York, 1871. 36 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Elliott) Enschede, A. J., and J. P. Six. Cata- logue du cabinet de monnaies et medailles de I'Academie royale des sciences a Am- sterdam. Amsterdam, 1863. 8". MHF Farmer, E. J. Catalogue of the collec- tion of American and foreign gold, silver and copper coins & medals... [Auction sale, April 13. 14 & 15, 1869.] Philadelphia, 1869. 36 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Farmer) Farrier, George H. Catalogue of American and foreign coins, medals, &c., in gold, silver and copper. Private col- lections of G. H. Farrier... A. W. Whip- ple... M. Turner... to be sold at auction ...by... Bangs & Co... June, 1889... [New York: Bangs & Co., 1889., 108 p. 8°. MHFH p. box F Faure, de Villefranche. Catalogue de medailles antiques et de monnaies du moyen age, composant le cabinet de feu M. Faure de Villefranche. partie 2-4... Vente ...[avril] ...juin ...septembre ... 1846. Paris: I'Alliance des arts, 1846. 8°. (Alliance des arts.) MHFH p.v. 3 Fewsmith, William. The "Fewsmith cabinet"... A collection of... silver and copper coins, medals. . .etc. formerly the property of W. Fewsmith .. .offered at public sale by Mason & Co... at the auc- tion rooms of Leavitt, Strebeigh & Co. New York: Leavitt, Strebeigh & Co., 1870. 102 p. 4°. fMHFH Finotti. Catalogue of selected speci- mens... of coins and medals... [Auction sale. Nov. 11, 12, 13 & 14, 1862., New York, 1862. 88 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Finotti) LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 23 General Works — Collections, continued. Forkett, J. D. Catalogue of the valu- able collection of coins, medals, numis- matic works, &c. . . [Auction sale, June 7, 1859.] New York, 1859. 20 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Forkett) Frazer, William. Catalogue of the col- lection of coins & medals of the late Wm. Frazer... of Dublin comprising Greek and Roman coins, English coins in gold, sil- ver & bronze, Irish medals engraved by Dublin artists, foreign medals, plaques cabinets. Sold by auction. . .12th March 1900. London: Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 1900. 39 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Friedlander, Julius, and Alfred von Sal- let. Das konigliche Miinzkabinet. Berlin, 1873. 9 pi. 8°. MHF Friesnier, W. M. Catalogue of the col- lection of foreign and American coins and medals... [Auction sale, April 5 and 6, 1888.] Philadelphia, 1888. 56 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Friesner) Furman, Charles M. Catalogue of valu- able medals and coins, comprising three collections of considerable importance... that of the Hon. C. M. Furman. . .also the collection of Mr. C. Gersten... Auction ...Dec. 12... 14... [1872., [New York:, G. A. Leavitt & Co. [1872., 60 p. 8°. MHFH p. box F Copy annotated and partly priced. Gallagher, B. J. Catalogue of a valuable and choice collection of American and foreign coins, medals and tokens.. . (Auc- tion by Bangs, Merwin & Co.. May 24th and 25th, 1860.) New York, 1860. 24 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Gallagher) Gay, Joseph E. Catalogue of ancient and modern coins, gems, Egyptian anti- quities, Indian implements, and relics from western mounds... (Auction by Geo. A. Leavitt & Co., April 28th to May 1st, 1875.) New York, 1875. vi. 100 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Gay) Goodman, T. W. Catalogue of the col- lection of Greek. Roman, English and foreign coins of the late T. W. Goodman .. .including. . .Greek silver & copper coins... and numismatic books... Sold by auction by .. .Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge. . .21st of February, 1900. . . [Lon- don:, J. Davy & Sons [1900,. 28 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Grauer, Louis. Catalogue of the entire collection of Mr. L. Grauer... now the property of John W. Haseltine, consisting of many varieties of selected coins, paper money, stamps, &c... To be sold at auc- tion by Messrs. Bangs & Co... Dec. 12 & 13, 1881. . . Catalogue by John W. Hasel- tine. Philadelphia: Davis & Penny- packer, 1881. 40 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Groh, Edward. Catalogue of a large and valuable collection of coins, medals and tokens... (Auction by Bangs, Mer- win & Co., Feb. 28th & 29th, 1860.) New York, 1860. 34 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Groh) Grotefend, Karl Ludwig. Catalogue of coins and medals, comprising Greek and Rornan coins, etc... United States and foreign coins, etc., centennial and mason- ic medals, to be sold at auction by Messrs. Bangs & Co... New York... Oct. 25 & 26, 1877... Boston: Marvin & Son, 1877. 52 p., 2 pi. 8°. MHFH p. box Groux, Daniel E. Catalogue of the en- tire cabinet of antique, medieval and mo- dern coins, medals and jetons... (Auc- tion by Leavitt, April 7th, 8th and 9th, 1874.) [New York,, 1874. iv, 57 p., 1 pi. 8°. MHFH p. box (Groux) H. Catalogue de medailles grecques, gauloises, romaines et frangaises, de la collection de M. H. d'Orleans, redige par H. A. de Longperier.. . Vente. . .1843. Paris: I'Alliance des arts, 1843. 56 p. 12°. MHFHp.v.S.no.ll Haase, Karl Heinrich. Dr. Carl Hein- rich Haase's. . .Sammlung von Miinzen und Medaillen. . .zum Behnfihrer Verstei- gerung kurz beschrieben vom Dr. E. G. Gersdorf. Leipzig: in Commission bei H. Hartung, 1871. viii, 242 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Hagadorn, Francis T. Catalogue of a collection of coins, autographs, minerals ...etc. (Auction by Thomas Birch & Son. June 17, 74.) Philadelphia, 1874. 15 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Hagadorn) Haigh, John. Catalogue of the collec- tion of coins and medals of the late John Haigh. 33° of Somerville, Mass., compris- ing American gold, silver and copper coin- age... masonic medals and badges... Sold Oct. 28th and 29th, 1901. Boston: C. F. Libbie & Co., 1901. 2 p.l., 74 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Haines, Benjamin. Catalogue of coins, medals, continental money... etc. (Auc- tion by Geo. A. Leavitt & Co., April 11th and 12th, 1872.) New York, 1872. 40 p 8°. MHFH p. box (Haines) Catalogue of the entire collection of American copper and silver coins, me- dals, tokens, etc., English, French, foreign, also a few ancient coins. [Auction sale by Bangs, Merwin & Co., Jan. 19th, 20th, 21st, 22d, and 23d, 1863., [New York,, 1863. 1 p.l., 110 p. 8°. MHFHp.v.2 Haines, Ferguson. Catalogue of coins, medals and tokens, fractional currency, numismatic books, coin sale catalogues, etc., the. . .collection of Mr. F. Haines... Sold by auction by Messrs. Bangs & Co ...October... 1880... Catalogue by W. E. Woodward... Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son, 1880. 96 p. 8°. MHFH p. box 24 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY General Works — Collections, continued. Harnett, Mrs. M. L. Catalogue of the collection of Mrs. M. L. Harnett, of Georgia, comprising. . .coins of ancient Greece, United States coins, medals, tokens, etc. Also, United States cents, the property of a retiring dealer, [and] a collection of Revolutionary autographs Catalogue by Ed. Frossard. 149th auction sale... Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son, 1897. 25 p. 8°. MHEp. 6,no.2 Harriot, John Staples. Catalogue de medailles romaines, grecques et orientales, bronzes. . .provenant de la collection de feu J. S. Harriot. . . redige par A. de Long- perier. Vente. . .1843 . . . Paris: I'AUiance des arts, 1843. 8 p. 8°. MHFH p.v. 3 Harrison, A. J. Catalogue of a private collection of gold, silver and copper coins and medals... (Auction by Bangs, Mer- win & Co., June 9, 1863.) [New York,] 1863. 12 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Harrison) Hart, G. E. Catalogue of the. . .histori- cal collection of coins and medals... [Auction sale, Dec. 26, 27 & 28, 1888.] Bos- ton: T. R. Marvin & Son, 1888. 114 p. MHFH p. box (Hart) Haseltine, John W. Catalogue of a... collection of United States and foreign coins, medals., .etc., gleaned from... ca- binets purchased by J. W. Haseltine... sold at auction by Messrs. Bangs & Co. . . New York. . .June 24 & 25. 1880. . . Phila- delphia: Bavis & Pennypacker. 1880. 36 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Catalogue of a valuable collection of coins and medals... (Auction by Bangs. Merwin & Co., Nov. 16 & 17, 1869.) New York, 1869. 42 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Haseltine) Hatch, Samuel. Catalogue of coins and medals... (Auction by S. Hatch, Feb. 14 & 15, 1866.) Boston, 1866. 22 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Hatch) Catalogue of a collection of coins and medals. (Auction by S. Hatch, Oct. 19, 1866.) Boston, 1866. 14 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Hatch) Haverkamp, Sigebert. Nummophyla- cium Reginae Christinas, quod compre- hendit numismata aerea Imperatorum Romanorum, Latina, Graeca, atque in coloniis cusa quondam a Petro Santes Bartolo. . .incisa tabulis aeneis lxiii. Nunc primum prodeunt cum commentario S. Havercampi. Hagse Comitum: P. de Hondt, 1742. 5 p.l., 464 p., 63 pi. f°. Latin and French. Havre d'Anvers, Gustave van. Cata- logue de monnaies et de medailles. Col- lections G. van Havre d'Anvers, J. W. Wurfbain, J. W. Stephanik... La vente ... 18-21 mars 1907... Amsterdam: F. Muller & Cie. [1907.] 2 p.l., 127(1) p., 1 1., 16 pi. 4°. MHF Helbing, O. Auctions-Catalog enthal- tend: die nachgelassene Sammlung des sel. Herrn C. Wertheimer . . . Miinzen und Medaillen der gerfiirsteten Grafschaft Tirol und verschiedener Lander... [Auc- tion sale, Oct. 26, 1896, and the following days.] Miinchen: O. Helbing, 1896. 160 p. 4°. MHFH p. box (Helbing) Auctions-Catalog der nachgelas- senen Sammlung des sel. Herrn Dr. Bergmeister. Miinzen und Medaillen ver- schiedener Lander darunter grosse Anzahl hochstseltener Stiicke sowie der Samm- lung des Herrn Dr. W. Moos... [xA.uction sale, Oct. 6, 1891, and following days.] Miinchen: O. Helbing, 1891. 88 p. 4°. MHFH p. box (Helbing) Hoffman, Francis S. Catalogue of [hisj numismatic collection... (Auction by Leavitt, Strebeigh & Co., April 24, 25, 26 and 27, 1866.) New York, 1866. 120 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Woodward 1866) Holland, Henry W. Catalogue of [his] collection of coins and medals... (Auc- tion, in New York, by Bangs & Co., Nov. 11, 12, 13. 14, 15, & 16, 1878.) Albany, 1878. 242 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Woodward 78) Holmesdale, lord? Catalogue of the... cabinet of coins and medals, the property of a nobleman [Lord Holmesdale?]... which will be sold by auction, by S. L. Sotheby & Co... July, 1850... [London:] J. Davy & Sons [1850]. 2 p.l., 98 p. 8°. Stuart 11396 Holstein, F. See Howard, Winslow J., and F. Holstein, Howard, Winslow J., and F. Holstein. Representative of all nationso catalogue of a very extensive collection of gold, silver and copper coins & medals, princi- pally from the cabinets of W. J. Howard, and F. Holstein. To be sold... by... Bangs & Co. . .March 4, 5, 6, '84. Catalogue by W. E. Woodward. Boston: T. R. Mar- vin & Son, 1884. 101 p. 8°. MHFH Howorth, Daniel Fowler. Catalogue of the collection of Daniel F. Howorth, of Aston-under-Lyne. England. Consisting of copper coins of Canada, United States ...West Indies, Great Britain and Ireland . . . Catalogued by L. H. Low. New York [1910]. 37 p., 1 port. 8°. MHE p.v. 5, no.l6 Idler, W. Catalogue of a private col- lection of colonial and continental paper money. [Auction sale, Dec. 21, 1870.] New York, 1870. 20 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Idler) Isambert, F. A. Catalogue de livres composant [sa] bibliotheque. [With Cata- logue des monnaies et medailles compo- sant son cabinet.] Paris, 1858. 8°. * GO LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 25 General Works — Collections, continued. Jennings, C. E. Catalogue of the col- lection of coins formed by C. E. Jennings Sold by auction by...Puttick and Simpson... April, 1901... London: Put- tick and Simpson, 1901. 22 p.. 1 pi. 8°. MHFHp.box Jewell, J. M. Catalogue of American copper and silver coins, medals, tokens, &c... rAuction sale. June 18, 1863.] New York, 1863. 19 p. 8°. MHFHp.box (Jewell) Johnston, Elizabetli Bryant. A visit to the cabinet of the United States Mint, at Philadelphia. [By Elizabeth Bryant John- son.] Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co.. 1876. 92 p. 12°. MHF Jonge, J. C. de. Notice sur le cabinet des medailles et des pierres gravees de Sa Majeste le Roi des Pays-Bas. La Haye: la Ve. Allart & Co., 1823. 2 p.l., vi, 180 p. 12». MHF Keetman, Adolph. Sammlung des Herrn A. Keetman, enthaltend Miinzen und Me- daillen aller Lander .. .Frankfurt a. M.: S. Schott-Wallerstein, 1902. 2 p.l.. 175 p. 4°. MHFHp.box Knight, R. P. Nummi veteres civita- tum, regum, gentium, et provinciarum, Londini in museo R. P. K. asservati. ab ipso ordine geographico descripti. Lon- dini, 1830. 4°. tMHM Koenigliche Museen, Berlin. Die an- tiken Miinzen. Geschichte und Uebersicht der Sammlung.. .von M. Pinder. Berlin: Decker, 1851. xxxv, 311 p., 3 pi. 16°. MAVZ (Berlin) Bound with: Koenigliche Museen, Berlin. Ver- zeichniss der Gemalde-Sammlung, von G. F. Waagen. Berlin, 1851. 16°. Kunz, Carlo. II Aluseo Bottacin an- nesso alia civica biblioteca e museo_ di Padova. (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1898-1902. 4°. anno 11. p. 433- 446; anno 14, p. 413-438; anno IS, p. 357- 388.) MHA L. Catalogue de medailles antiques, grecques et romaines; provenant de la col- lection de M. L. Redige par M. F. Vente ... 1845. Paris: I'Alliance des arts. 1845. 8 p. 8°. MHFHp.v. 3 Lagus, Wilhelm. Numismatiska anteck- ningar. (Finska Vetenskap-Societeten. Bidrag till Kannedom af Finlands natur och folk. Helsingfors, 1888-1900. 8°. haftet 47, 1888. p. 1-160; haftet 60. 1900. no. 1, p. 1-264.) *EI Lanna, Adalbert von. Freiherr. Samm- lung des Freiherrn Adalbert von Lanna, Prag. Teil 3. Berlin: R. Lepke, 1911. f°. ttMHE Teil 3. Medaillen und Miinzen. Lathrop, C. D. Gems from a cabinet of antique coins... also the entire collection of C. D. Lathrop. . .including a few choice bronzes. (Auction sale, Dec. 14, 15 & 16, 1874., [New York, 1874., 58 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Lathrop) Sale postponed to Dec. 21, 22 and 23. Lazari, Vincenzo. Delia raccolta numis- matica della Imp. reg. libreria di S. Marco. (Kaiserliche Akademic der Wissenschaf- ten. Sitzungsberichte. Philos.-hist. Classe. Wien, 1858. 8°. Bd. 26, p. 307-338.) * EF Leavitt, G. A. Catalogue of a valuable collection of coins, autographs and con- tinental money, embracing American and foreign gold, silver and copper coins and medals... [Property of Dr. J. H. Gris- com and Mr. B. Haines.] [Auction sale, Nov. 13, 1865.] New York, 1865. 51 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Leavitt) Leavitt, Strebeigh & Co. Catalogue of American and foreign coins, medals, to- kens, &c...in the collections of A. V. Jencks and G. T. Paine... [Auction sale, Dec. 10, 1866 in New York.] Providence, 1866. 86 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Leavitt) Le Clert, Louis. Musee de Troyes: catalogue de la collection sigillographique. (Societe academique d'agriculture, des sciences, arts et belles-lettres du departe- ment de I'Aube. Memoires. Troyes, 1909. 8°. V. 73 [serie 3, v. 46], p. 79-229.) * EN Le Maistre. Collection Le Maistre. Pax in nummis. Medailles, jetons et mon- maies ayant rapport aux divers traites de paix conclus depuis le xvi. siecle jusqu'a nos jours, decrite par J. Schulman. Am- sterdam: . Schulman [1912). 2 p.l., 277 p., 11 pi. illus. 4°. MHE Bibliography, p. 275-277. Lenig. Catalogue de monnaies etran- geres provenant du cabinet de feu M. Lenig, de Mayence. Redige par A. Morel Fatio. Vente... 1845. Paris: I'Alliance des arts, 1845. 48 p. 12°. MHFH p.v. 3 Leveridge, C. A. Catalogue of [hiS] nu- mismatic collection of... gold, silver and copper coins, &c. [Auction sale, Jan. 28, 1873.] New York, 1873. 27 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Leveridge) Levick, J. N. T. The money of the mer- chants. Catalogue of J. N. T. Levick's col- lection of coins and tokens, and of... private fractional paper currency ... sold by auction by... Bangs & Co., New York ...May 26, 27, 28, 29, 1884... Catalogue by W. E. Woodward. Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son, prtr., 1884. 120 p. 8°. MHFHp.box Lewis, Winslow. Catalogue of a selec- tion from the cabinets of Dr. Winslow Lewis, late of Boston, together with his numismatic library, also a fine assortment of American gold coins, from the original collection of cut and engraved stones. Boston, 1883. 8°. MHFH p. box (Woodward 1883) 26 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY General Works — Collections, continued. Lilliendahl, William A. Catalogue of coins and medals. [Auction sale, by Bangs, Merwin & Co., May 26th, 27th, and 28th.] New York: J. A. Gray, 1862. 53 p., 1 1. 8°. MHFHp.v. 2 Catalogue of rare coins and medals, ancient and modern... to be sold... by Bangs, Merwin & Co... Dec. 15, 16, and 17, 1863. Catalogue by William H. Stro- bridge... New York: Bangs. Merwin & Co., 1863. 80 p. 8°. MHFHp.box Longacre, J. B. Catalogue of a valuable collection of coins and medals, American gold, silver, copper and nickel... [Auc- tion sale, Jan. 21, 1870.] Philadelphia, 1870. 28 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Longacre) Longbottom, F. W. A few notes on the coins of the Potter-Meols collection, found on the Cheshire shore, and pre- sented to the Chester and North Wales Archaeological and Historic Society by Mr. T. S. Gleadowe. (Architectural, Ar- chaeological and Historic Society of the County and City of Chester and North Wales. Journal. Chester, 1908. 8°. new series, v. 14, p. 5-7.) CO Longperier, Henri Adrien Prevost de. Catalogue d'une collection de medailles antiques et du moyen age, appartenant a j^^_ *** de Grenoble; redige par M. de Longperier. Vente. . .[1843.] n.t.-p. Paris: I'Alliance des arts, 1843. 16 p. 12°. MHFH p.v. 3, no. 10 Collection numismatique du Gene- ral Court. Blois, n. d. 8°. *C p.v. 770 Low, Lyman Haynes. Collections de L. H. Low de New York, J. N. Van Gelder de La Haye et d'un amateur anglais bien connu. Monnaies et medailles... dont la vente aura lieu... a Amsterdam... Am- sterdam: J. Schulman, 1905. 2 p.l., 58 p., 1 1., 3 pi. 8°. MHEp.v.5,no.l2 MacAllister, J. M. Catalogue of... coins and medals... [Auction sale, Sept. 24, 25, 26 & 27. 1873.] New York, 1873. 96 p., 1 pi. 8°. MHFH p. box (MacAllister) McClure, R. A. An index to the coins and medals of the cabinet of the mint of the United States at Philadelphia. . .pre- pared by R. A. McClure... Philadelphia: Avil Printing & Lithograph Co., 1891. 40 p. 12°. MHFp. box Mackenzie, M. L. Catalogue of coins and medals.. . [Auction sale, June 23 and 24, 1869.] New York, 1869. 55 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Mackenzie) Marchi, Guiseppe, and P. Tessieri. L' aes grave del Museo Kircheriano, ovvero le monete primitive de' popoli dell' Italia media ordinate e descritte aggiuntovi un ragionamento per tentarne 1' illustrazione. [By G. Marchi and P. Tessieri.] Roma: C. Puccinelli, 1839. vii, 120 p., 1 map. 39 pi., 1 table. 4°. tMHP Marshall, Mrs. Catalogue of coins of Mrs. Marshall, Hobart, N. Y. n.t.-p. n.p., 1864. 9 p. 8°. MHFHp.box Massamore, George W. Catalogue of the stock of coins and autographs of the late George W. Massamore, Baltimore... Catalogued by S. H. & H. Chapman... Sold at auction by S. T. Freeman & Co... Philadelphia... April 11 and 12, 1899... [Philadelphia, 1899.] 2 p.l., 58 p. 8°. MHFHp.box MazeroUe, Fernand. Coins et poingons imites de monnaies antiques conserves au Musee de la monnaie. (Gazette numis- matique frangaise. Paris, 1898. 4°. v. 2, p. 319-323.) MHA Mickley, Joseph J. Catalogue of a choice collection of United States and foreign coins, medals, etc... the property of the late J. J. Mickley. . .sold. . .at auc- tion by... Bangs & Co., January. . .1879. . . Catalogue by J. W. Haseltine. [New York:^Bangs & Co., 1879.] 26 p. 8°. MHFHp.box Catalogue of the numismatic collec- tion formed by Joseph J. Mickley; now the property of W. Elliot Woodward. . .to be sold by. . .Leavitt, Strebeigh & Co., Octo- ber... 1867. Roxbury: L. B. Weston, prtr, 1867. 196 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Miles, R. A catalogue of the very ex- tensive. . .collection of coins. . .of R. Miles ...which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Sotheby... March [May], 1820. [Lon- don:] J. Davy [1820]. 2 p.l., 3-61 p. 2 1., 65- 119 p. 8°. Stuart 11452 Miller, Joseph. Coins, medals., .etc. Catalogue of the coins and medals, in sil- ver and copper. . .containing many fine patterns and proofs; a fine collection of antient . . . charters with . . . original seals ...rare and curious old china. . .collected ...by the late J. Miller... Sold by auc- tion by Sotheby and Son. .. February .. . 1829... [London: Sotheby & Son, 1829.] 35 p. 8°. MHFHp.box Milles, Jeremiah. Catalogue of the... collections of coins and medals formed by J. Milles... and of Fletcher Raincock... Also, some Greek & Roman gold coins... which will be sold by auction... May, 1843... [London:] J. Davy & Sons [1843]. 54 p. 8°. * GO Bound with his: Catalogue of the. . .library .. . collected by J. Milles. [London, 1843.] 8°. Missong, Alexander. Catalog der... Sammlung des sel. Herrn Dr. A. Missong zu Wien, Sammlung des Herrn F. Falk u.a. Miinzen und Medaillen des Mittel- alters und der neuen Zeit. Abt. 1. Die... LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 27 General Works — Collections, continued. Versteigerung findet Statt...Juni 1885... im Lokalc.des Experten A. Hess... Frankfurt a.M.: A. Hess, 1885. 8. MHFH. p.box Moore, Michael. Catalogue of a very valuable collection of gold, silver and cop- per coins and medals, both ancient and modern... of M. Moore... To be sold... 1st and 2d May, 1879... Catalogued by E. Cogan... New York: Bangs & Co., 1879. 73 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Morel, Leon. Collection L. Morel. Monnaies antiques; monnaies frangaises et etrangeres, medailles, livres de numis- matique. Ventc.a Paris. . .mars, 1906. partie 2. Paris: McM. Delestre, 1906. 8°. MHEp.v. 6, no.ll Morgan, W. W. Catalogue of [his] col- lection... of curiosities. . .comprising sil- ver and copper coins, minerals... Indian implements c&c.i. [Auction sale, June 9, 1869.] Philadelphia, 1869. 40 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Morgan) Muhlenberg, H. A. Catalogue of an- cient, middle-age, and modern coins and medals, in gold, silver, and bronze... tAuction sale, June 9, 1863.] New York, 1863. 78 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Muhlenberg) Muller, Frederik & Co. Catalogue des monnaies et medailles formant les collec- tions: Jm. Vanden Bogaerde de Heeswijk, Jhr. J. H. F. K. van Swinderen, J. N. Bastert, Collection D***. La vente aura lien 15-19 juin... fAmsterdam: Ellerman, Harms & Co., 1903.] 3 p.l., 91 p., 7 pi. 4°. MHFH Murray, David. The spoilation of the Hunterian Museum: a letter. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1892. 12 p. 8°. * C p.v. 389 Neff, J. P. W. Catalogue of foreign and American gold, silver and copper coins... (Auction in New York, by Bangs, Merwin & Co., 12th, 13th, and 14th Jan. 1864.) Philadelphia, 1864. 1 pi., 79 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Neff) New York State. — State Library. Cata- logue, 1856. Maps, manuscripts, engrav- ings, coins, etc. Albany, 1857. xii, 274 p. nar. 4°. * GW Catalogue of the coins and medals. ancient and modern, belonging to the li- brary. Albany, 1854. 58 p. 8°. MHFp.box Catalogue of coins (duplicates), ancient and modern, in the possession of the New York State Librarv. Albany, 1854. 2 1. 8°. MHEp.box Nexsen, Jno. A. Catalogue of coins and medals. (Auction by Bangs, Merwin & Co., Sth and 6th Oct. 1871.) New York, 1871. 2 p.l., 39 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Nexsen) Nippes, John C. Catalogue of [hisj nu- mismatic collection... (Auction by T. Birch & Son, July 1, 1868.) Philadelphia, 1868. 23 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Nippes) Oliver, James. Catalogue of a collec- tion of Roman and English silver and cop- per coins... (Auction by Bangs, Mer- win & Co., June 3rd. 4th, and Sth, 1868.) New York, 1868. 88 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Oliver) Packer, W. F. Catalogue of a... collec- tion of gold, silver and copper coins and medals, of various countries... (Auction by Bangs, Merwin & Co., Feb. 27th to March 3d, 1871.) New York, 1871. 1 p.l.. 106 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Packer) Parker, J. Catalogue of a valuable col- lection of coins and medals... (Auction by Bangs, Merwin & Co., Sth, 6th, 7th and 8th May 1874.) New York, 1874. 94 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Parker) Parmelee, Loring G. Catalogue of a valuable collection of coins and medals... (Auction by Leavitt, June 12th, 1876.) New York, 1876. vi, 137 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Parmelee) Parmelee, Loring G., and G. F. Seavey. Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of coins and medals. . .from the cabinets of L. G. Parmelee. . .and G. F. Seavey... to be sold... the 18th, 19th, and 20th of June, 1873... Catalogue by W. H. Strobridge. . . [New York: G. A. Leavitt & Co., 1873.] 76 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Pembroke collection. Catalogue of the entire Pembroke collection of Greek, Ro- man, English, Scotch, Irish, and foreign mediaeval coins and medals... Sold by auction. . .1848. [London:] J. Davy & Sons, printers, 1848. 2 p.l., 325 p. 8°. MHFH Perizonius, Jacobus. Bibliotheca Peri- zoniana sive catalogus.. .librorum et num- morum veterum...J. Perizonii... Lug- duni Batavorum: J. van der Linden [1715]. 13, 224, 127 p. 16°. * GO Perry, A. R. Catalogue of coins, medals and paper money, the property of A. R. Perry... Rev P. H. Smith, and others, in- cluding attractive lines of United States coins... sold by public auction at... New York... Nov. 27, 1900... Catalogued by L. H. Low. New York [1900]. 33 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Piazza, C. Catalogue of American and foreign coins, medals, tokens, &c. . . (Auc- tion by Bangs, Merwin & Co., June. 3d and 4th, 1861.) New York, 1861. 16 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Piazza) 28 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY General Works — Collections, continued. Pinkett, T. E. Catalogue of... Greek, Roman and English coins, the property of T. E. Pinkett.. .Anglo-Saxon and Eng- lish coins, the property of a gentleman... Roman coins... the property of the Rev. Francis J. Boynton... Sold by auction by.. .Sotheby, Wilkinson& Hodge... 31st January 1900. . . London: J. Davy & Sons [1900]. 53 p. 8°. MHFHp.boxP Pratt, John Henry, and others. Cata- logue of the collection of tradesmen's tokens of the xviiith and xixth centuries, the property of J. H. Pratt. The collec- tion of early British. . .coins, &c., the pro- perty of...C. Marjoribanks. A collection of... coins and medals the property of... Rev. F. J. Boynton and other smaller pro- perties... Sold by auction.. .28th of April, 1904... London: Sotheby, Wilkin- son & Hodge, 1904. 48 p. 8°. MHFHp.box Prime, William C. Catalogue of coins, medals, medalets, etc... from the collec- tions of W. C. Prime... and B. Haines... Sold at auction... by Bangs, Merwin & Co. ..Nov.. .I860.. . n.t.-p. New York: J. D. Torrey, 1860. 26 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Prou, Maurice. See Rostovtsew, Michel, and Maurice Prou. Puttick & Simpson. Catalogue of coins and medals, including the collection formed by the late W. A. Hurrell. . . [Auc- tion sale] May 7, 1900, by Messrs. Puttick & Simpson... London: Puttick & Simp- son, 1900. 11 pi. 8°. MHFHp.box Randall, J. C. Catalogue of a... collec- tion of coins and medals... to be sold at the auction rooms of Bangs. Merwin & Co., New York... Oct... 1869... Cata- logued by Mason & Co. New York, 1869. 1 p.l., 34 1. sq. 8°. MHFH Catalogue of the rare and valuable collection of American and foreign gold, silver and copper coins and medals... (Auction by T. Birch & Son, Oct. 28th and 29th, [1868].) Philadelphia [1868,. 28 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Randall) Reyst, N. F. Catalogue de monnaies et medailles. Collections N. F. Reyst de Leiden, Mr. M. Rutgers van der Loeff de Groningue... Amsterdam: F. Muller & Cie., 1909. 2 p.l., 86 p. 8°. MHFH Riley, T. Catalogue of [hisj collection of coins, medals, autographs, continental paper money... etc. (Auction by A. J. Bleecker, Son & Co., Jan. 13th, 1864.) New York, 1864. 32 p. 4°. MHFH p. box (Riley) Riley, Theodore W. A catalogue of a ...collection of gold, silver and copper coins and medals... to be sold at auction by Messrs. Bangs & Co... New York... the 1, 2 & 3 Dec. 1879... [New York: Bangs & Co., 1879., 1 p.l., 66 p. 8°. MHFHp.box Robinson, Alfred S. Catalogue of coins and medals... (Auction by Bangs, Mer- win & Co., Oct. ISth, 1869, in New York.) Hartford, 1869. 20 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Robinson) Catalogue of a large and valuable collection of American and foreign gold, silver and copper coins... (Auction by Leonard & Co., April 16th 1861.) Boston. 1861. 28 p. 8^ MHFH p. box (Robinson) Catalogue of medals, autographs, engravings. Charter Oak relics. . .etc. (Auction, in New York, by Bangs, Mer- win & Co., Jan. 28th and 29th, 1861.) Hart- ford, 1861. 16 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Robinson) Roer, E. Descriptive list of some coins lately received from the University of Christiana by the Asiatic Society. (Asi- atic Society of Bengal. Journal. Cal- cutta, 1843. 8°. V. 12, part 1, p. 443-447.) *OHA Roever, Nicolaas de. Het verzamelen van zagels. Handboek voor het aanleg- gen van cene zegelverzameling. Leiden: A. W. Sijthoff [1884]. 2 p.l., 91 p. 8°. MHEp.v. 5, no.l RoUin, C. L. Catalogue of...[his] col- lection of Greek coins... To which are added some of his. . .quinarii and aurei, also his. . .collection of medals and jet- tons, relating to the French revolution... Which will be sold by auction... July, 1853... [London:] J. Davy & Sons [1853]. 3 p.l., 67 p. 8°. Stuart 11453 Roman, Joseph. Inventaire des sceaux de la collection des pieces originales du cabinet des titres a la Bibliotheque Na- tionale. tome 1. Paris: Imprimerie na- tionale, 1909. 4°. (Collection de docu- ments inedits sur I'histoire de France... serie 3, archeologie.) DBA Rostovtsew, Michel, and Maurice Prou. Catalogue des plombs antiques de la Bib- liotheque nationale. (Revue numisma- tique. Paris. 1899-1900. 4°. serie 4, v. 3, p. 199-219, 278-337, 417-460; v. 4, p. 313- 354.) MHA Catalogue des plombs de I'anti- quite, du moyen age et des temps mo- dernes...de la Bibliotheque nationale. Precede d'une etude sur les plombs an- tiques par Michel Rostovtsew. Paris: C. Rollin et Feuardent, 1900. 2 p.l., 416 p., 12 pi. 8°. MHF Catalogue des plombs du moyen age et de I'epoque moderne de la Biblio- theque nationale. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1900. 4°. serie 4, v. 4, p. 52-73, 152- 185.) MHA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 29 General Works — Collections, continued. Royal Mint Museum. Catalogue of the coins, tokens, medals, dies, and seals in the museum... by W. J. Hocking, v. 2. London: Darling & Son, 1910. 4°. MHF S. de. Catalogue de medailles d'or ro- maines, monnaies d'or frangaises . . .prove- nant du cabinet de M. de S. Vente. . .1847. Paris: I'Alliance des arts, 1847. 11 p. 12°. MHFHp.box Saalfelder, L. Catalogue of a fine col- lection of ancient coins... [Auction sale, July 30 and 31, 1878., New York. 1878. 40 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Saalfelder) Sabatier, J. Catalogue of... [his, col- lection of Greek, Roman and colonial im- perial coins. . .April, 1853... (London:) J. Davy & Sons [1853,. 1 p.l., 77 p., 2 pi. 8°. Stuart 11454 Salbach, Oscar. Collection de feu Mon- sieur O. Salbach a Hambourg. Medailles ayant rapport a I'histoire coloniale de I'Amerique septentrionale, meridionale et centrale... partie 1. La vente, 1911. Amsterdam: J. Schulman [1910,. 4°. fMHFH Sallet, Alfred von. See Friedlaender, Julius, and Alfred von Sallet. Sandham, Alfred, and G. Gushing. The numismatic collections of A. Sandham & G. Gushing of Montreal, Canada, to be sold at auction... Jan. 18 and 19, 1884... by Messrs. Bangs & Co... New York City ... [New York: Bangs & Co., 1884., 53 p. 8°. MHFHp.box Sanford, E. H. Catalogue of a very rare and valuable assortment of coins and medals, in gold, silver, and copper... [Auction sale, Nov. 27 ,1874., New York, 1874. 20 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Sanford) Satterlee, A. H. Catalogue of a valu- able collection of medals and tokens... [Auction sale, Dec. 16, 1862., New York, 1862. 30 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Satterlee) Schieffelin, S. B. Catalogue of a fine collection of Greek, Hebrew, Roman, and other ancient coins, in gold, silver, and bronze... [Auction sale, March 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, 1879., New York, 1879. 159 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Schieffelin) Schulze, F. H. Catalogue of a collec- tion of rare coins... (Auction sale, Oct. 13 & 14, 1873., New York, 1873. 35 p. 16°. MHFH p. box (Schulze) Slavey, G. F. See Parmelee, Loring G., and G. F. Seavey. Serafini, Camillo. Le monete e le boUe plumbee pontificie del Medagliere Vati- cano, descritte ed illustrate de Camillo Serafini. Precedute da un saggio di storia delle collezioni numismatiche Vaticane di Stanislao Le Grelle. v. 1-2. Milano: U. Hoepli, 1910. illus. f°. (Collezioni archeologiche, artistiche e numismatiche dei palazzi apostolici. . . v. 3, 5.) ff MHP Simms, J. R. Catalogue of the private cabinet of J. R. Simms, Fort Plain, N. Y. A thirty years' collection of coins, tokens, Continental and shin-plaster currency, an- tiquarian and Indian relics, fossils, miner- als, articles from the battlefields of the Revolution and the late Civil war, &c. Fort Plain, N. Y.: A. Matthewson, 1869. 34 p. 8°. MHFHp.box Six, J. P. See Enschede, A. J. and J. P. Six. Sjoborg, Niels Henrik. Numophylacium Regime academia; Lundensis, cujus partem I... exhibit Laurentius Ekman; partem II.. .C. F. Hulthin; partem III... J. H. Widing; partem IV... J. C. Eberstein; partem V...T. G. Rothstein; partem VI ...G. F. Gersdorff; partem VII...Sven Holmberg; partem VIII... C. G. Schon- beck; partem IX. . .Christian Facht; par- tem X. . .Zacharias Segrell; partem XI... C. E. Bexell; partem XII... Jonas Jacobs- son. Lundfc: Litteris Berlingianis [1802- 07,. 12 parts. 8°. MHF Continuous paging. Smith, Frank Clemens. Catalogue of the collection of F. C. Smith, consisting in part, one hundred and fifty foreign dollars. . .also some of the smaller sort including those of the mediaeval period... Catalogued by L. H. Low. [New York: L. H. Low, 1910., 31 p. 8°. MHEp.v. 5, no.6 Smith, H. A. Catalogue of coins, me- dals, medalets, tokens and cards, gold, silver, copper, nickel, brass and tin, of various countries and periods... (Auc- tion sale, by Bangs, Alerwin & Co., March 24th, 25th and 26th, 1863., [New York, 1863., 1 p.l., 82 p. 8°. MHFHp.v.2 Smith Cabinet. Catalogue... (Part first), comprising a large and varied as- sortment of American and foreign... coins, medals, &c., also, ancient Greek and Roman. . .coins and medals; paper money, numismatic books. . .&c. . . Bangs & Co., auctionneers. . .New York... Oct. 5, 6, 7, 1880... Philadelphia: E. Hirsch & Co. [1880., 71 p. 8°. MHFHp.box Snow, E. J. Catalogue. . .of modern sil- ver medals and coins, with a copious ap- pendix. In the latter will be found an interesting variety of American and foreign copper coins and medals, cut stones, jew- elry, and gems. To be sold by auction... New York. . .March 19, 20, and 21 . . . 1878. (New York?: G. A. Leavitt & Co., 1878.] 60 p. 8°. MHFHp.box Snowden, J. R. A description of the medals of Washington, of national and miscellaneous medals, and other objects 30 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY General Works — Collections, continued. of interest in the museum of the mint... added, biographical notices of the direc- tors from 1792 to 1851. Philadelphia, 1861. 4°. Mil Soderberg, Jacobus Samuel. Numi aliquot populorum, urbium, coloniarum, in museo Regis societatis scientiar. Nidaro- siensis. Upsaliae, 1831. 2 p.l., 8 p. 4°. MHM p. box 1 Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge. Cata- logue of the collection of English and foreign coins and medals of the late C. Cartwright. . . Roman, Anglo-Saxon & English coins... of F. W. Longbottom. . . and coins and medals the property of Major Finlay... Sold 9th April, 1900. London: Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 1900. 1 p.l., 55 p. 8°. MHFHp.box Staeblein, T. Catalogue of a very fine collection of American and foreign coins, medals, &c. . .sold. . .1882. . . Philadel- phia, 1882. 48 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Staeblein) Steiman, Herbert. Catalogue of United States and foreign gold, silver coins: and copper, including a fine collection of Roman, Greek and Hebrew money, Ameri- can and foreign silver and bronze medals, decorations, &c... to be sold... at public auction, by Messrs. Leavitt & Co... July 20, 21 and 22, 1880... New York: E. D. Slater, 1880. 60 p. illus. 8°. MHFH p box Stenz, G. Catalogue of the Stenz col- lection of modern coins, medals and to- kens, the most extensive ever published in America. The whole to be sold by auction... 17 May [1875] .. . [New York:] W. H. Strobridge, 1875. viii, 236 p. 8^ MHFH Stephanik, Joh. W. Cabinet de mon- naies J. W. Stephanik. . .La vente aura lieu. . .decembre, 1904... Amsterdam: F. Muller & Cie. [1904.] 2 p.l., 214 p., 17 pi. 4°. tMHFH Stephanik, J. W. See Havre d'Anvers, Gustave van. Streber, Franz Ignaz von. Versuch einer Geschichte des koniglichen Miinz- kabinets in Miinchen. 7 pi. (Koniglich bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Denkschriften. Miinchen, 1809-21. 4°. Bd. 1, Hist. Classe, p. 377-428; Bd. 5, Classe der Geschichte, p. 3-58; Bd. 7, Classe der Geschichte, p. 1-75.) * EE Strobridge, William H. Catalogue of a private collection of ancient coins, and at the close a few modern coins, with an addenda. To be sold by auction at Clinton Hall, Astor Place, on... October 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th... [New York, 1874.] 106 p., 2 pi. 8°. MHFHp.box Sykes, Sir Mark Masterman. Catalogue of [his] collection of coins and medals... [London, 1824.] 8°. * GOF p.v. 28, no.5 Taylor, James H. Catalogue of a valu- able collection of ancient and modern coins and medals... to be sold at auction by Messrs. Geo. A. Leavitt & Co... New York. . .November 16 and following days [New York: G. A. Leavitt & Co.,] 1875. vi, 123 p. 8°. MHFHp.box Tessier, P. See Marchi, Guiseppe, and P. Tessier. Teyler's Stichting. Catalogue du cabinet numismatique de la Fondation Teyler. Harlem: les heritiers Loosjes, 1909. 1 p.l., iii(i), 516 p., 2 1., 24 pi. 2. ed. 4°. f MHF Thane, J. A catalogue of the. . .collec- tion of coins and medals... the property of J. Thane. . .which will be sold by auc- tion, by Mr. Sotheby .. .April, 1819... [London:] J. Davy [1819]. 1 pi., 38 p. 8'. Stuart 11433 Thomsen, William J. Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of coins, medals, &c., ancient and modern, in gold, silver and copper... to be sold at auction by Messrs. Bangs & Co... New York... Sept. 18 & 19, 1890. . . [New York? 1890.] 34 p. 8°. MHFHp.box Thorn, E. P. Catalogue of the collec- tion of American and foreign gold, silver and copper coins and medals... [Auction sale, Sept. 6, 7, and 8, 1869.] Philadelphia, 1869. 35 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Thorn) Tourneur, Victor. Le Cabinet des me- dailles de I'etat; son histoire, son impor- tance et la question de son demembre- ment. (Revue des bibliotheques et ar- chives de Belgique. Bruxelles, 1907. 8°. V. 5, p. 279-301.) *HA Trattle, Marmaduke. A catalogue of... [his] collection of coins and medals... Which will be sold by auction by Mr. Sotheby & Son. . .May .. .June. . .and. . . July [1832]. [London,] 1832. 3 p.l., 204 p., 1 pi. 8°. Stuart 11459 Trifet, F. & Co. Catalogue of a collec- tion of American and foreign coins and medals... [Auction sale, Nov. 17, 1869.] Boston, 1869. 16 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Trifet) Ulin, J. Catalogue of a valuable col- lection of ancient coins of Greece and Rome... a small collection of coins of Judcea... [and] a small collection of U. S. coins... [Auction sale, March 8, 1895.] Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son, 1895. 32 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Ulin) United States. — Mint Bureau. Cata- logue of coins, tokens, and medals in the numismatic collection of the mint of the United States at Philadelphia, Pa. [Pre- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 31 General Works — Collections, continued. pared by T. L. Comparette.] Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1912. 634 p., 16 pi. 8°. MHF Viry, Pierre de, comte. Catalogue of the collection of Greek, Roman, Byzantine etc., coins and medals. . .formed in the eighteenth century by M. de Montcara... [London:, J. Davy & Sons, 1909. 1 p.l.. 48 p., 6 pi. 4°. MHF Warner, Thomas. Catalogue of the... collection of ancient Greek and Roman, English, foreign and American coins and medals of T. Warner... Catalogued by S. H. & H. Chapman... To be sold... June, 1884... New York: Bangs & Co., 1884. 180 p. f°. ft MHFH West, Charles Edw^in. The valuable art, literary and scientific property. . .belong- ing to the estate of the late Professor C. E. West, Brooklyn. . .to be disposed of at the American Art Galleries... Sale . . .conducted by T. . .E. Kirby, 1901. New York: American Art Association, 1901. 2 v. 8°. MHFH p. box Weyl, Adolph. Ites Verzeichniss ver- kauflicher Miinzen, Denkuriinzen und nu- mismatischer Biicher... September, 1879. Berlin: Gebr. Unger, 1879. 1 p.l., 90 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Die Jules Fonrobert'sche Samm- lung iiberseeischer Miinzen und Medail- len; ein Beitrag zur Miinzgeschichte aus- sereuropaischer Lander. Berlin, [1877]-78. 3 v. in 2. illus. 8°. MHF Whitmore, Henry. Catalogue of the... cabinet of coins, medals & tokens, the pro- perty of H. Whitmore. . .sold at public sale by Bangs, Merwin & Co. . .November ... fl859.] New York: A. B. Sage & Co.. 1859. 36 p. 8°. MHFH p. box \yight, Edwin B. The Mint of the United States. Catalogue of the numis- matic collection of Mr. E. B. Wight... comprising a nearly complete series of the issues of the United States Mint... sold by auction by Messrs. Bangs & Co. . . February. . .1885. . . Catalogue by W. E. Woodward. Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son, 1885. 64 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Wilbur, J. M. Catalogue of a collec- tion of American and foreign silver and copper coins... [Auction sale, Dec. 17 & 18, 1869.] New York. 1869. 25 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Wilbur) Wilder, Lyman. Catalogue of... United States and foreign coins and medals... ancient Greek and Roman coins, the cabinet of Lyman Wilder... Sold at auc- tion by... Bangs & Co... New York... May 21, 22. 23 and 24, 1879... Catalogue by J. W. Haseltine. Philadelphia: Bavis & Pennypacker. 1879. 2 p.l.. 60 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Wildey, J. W. Catalogue of American and foreign coins, bronze medals, me- dalets, tokens, &c... [Auction sale, April 29 and 30, 1861.j New York, 1861. 43 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Wildey) Wilson, James B. Catalogue of the... coin collection of the late J. B. Wilson ... of New York City . . . sold . . . October . . . 1908. Catalogued by T. L. Elder... New York [:0. H. Kean, 1908). 3 p.l., (1)10-72 p., 2 1. 8°. MHFH Wise, Francis. Nummorum antiquorum scriniis Bodleianis reconditorum catalo- gus, cum commentario, tabulis aeneis et appendice. [By Francis Wise.] Oxonii: Theatro Sheldoniano, 1750. xiv p., 1 1., 343 (1) p. 6 1., 1 pi. f°. ttMHF Wood, Isaac. Catalogue of a large and valuable collection of gold, silver and copper coins, a very large assortment of medals, also Washington, colonial and pattern pieces... [Auction sale. May 19, 20, and 21, 1873., New York, 1873. 107 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Wood) Catalogue of . . .medallic collection. Part ii. W^ashington coins and medals, American medals.. etc. American & for- eign coins, a. . .numismatic library, coin cabinets, etc., to be sold at auction, on February 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29, 1884, by Messrs. Bangs & Co... New York City... [New York: D. Taylor, 1884., 1 p.l., 187 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Woodward, \V. Elliot. Catalogue of coins, medals and tokens mostly Ameri- can... Together with... stone imple- ments, mound pottery [etc.,. To be sold at auction. . .March 31 and April 1 and 2, 1879, by Bangs & Co... Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son, 1879. 104 p. 8°. Stuart 11462 Wunderly von Muralt, Hans. Die Mimz- und Medaillen-Sammlung des Herrn H. Wunderly-v Muralt. . .erlautert und beschrieben von W. Tobler-Meyer. Abth. 1, Bd. 1-5. Zurich: A. Muller, 1897- 99. 8°. MHF Wurfbain, J. W. See Havre d'Anvers, Gustave van. Yale University. Catalogue of the cabinet of coins belonging to Yale Col- lege, deposited in the college library. New Haven: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, 1863. 48 p. 8°. * C p.v. 790 Dealers' Catalogues Adams, Geoffrey Charlton. The history of the dollar. [Catalogue of coins, which will be sold by auction, July, 1905. n.t.-p. New York, 1905. 3-75 p. 8°. MHFH Alexander & Co. First mail auction sale. Gold, silver and copper coins from 32 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Gen'l Works — Dealers' Catalogues, cont'd. several collections... To be distributed March 14th. 1904. Boston: Alexander & Co., 1904. 16 p. 16°. MHFHp.box Alexander & Co.'s Hub coin book. An encyclopaedia of rare coins... Bos- ton: the company [Cop. 1905]. 1 p.l., 141 p. illus. 13. ed. 16°. MHFH Baldwin, A. H. Catalogue of coins, medals, tokens, and numismatics requi- sites, on sale... n.t.-p. London: A. H. Baldwin, 1905. 64 p., 1 1. 8°. ([Catalogue.] new series, no. 2-3.) MHFH Bangs, Bro. & Co. Coins and medals. Catalogue of an unique collection of scarce foreign coins... [New York, 18-?] [Auction sale, Oct. 17, 18-?] 1 broadside. f°. MHFH p. box (Bangs) Catalogue of a valuable collection of American and foreign coins and medals ... New York, 1855. 14 p. 8°. MHFH p. (Bangs 1855) Catalogue of a. . .collection of... coins and medals to be sold at auction.. June 6, 1855... New York: Baker, God- win & Co. [1855.] 14 p. 8°. Stuart 11442 Bangs & Co. Catalogue of a... collec- tion of American. English, Canadian and foreign silver and copper coins and me- dals... to be sold at auction by Messrs. Bangs & Co... 17th and 18th September 1877. Catalogued by E. Cogan. New York: Bangs & Co., 1877. 52 p. 8°. MHFHp.box - Catalogue of a small collection of .. .coins and medals, coin books and cata- logues, together with... fine pieces of ancient pottery & bronze. . .sold at auc- tion bv Messrs. Bangs & Co. . .December ...1879... Catalogued by R. T. Stro- bridge... [New York, 1879.] 20 p. 8°. MHFHp.box Catalogue of coins and medals, American and foreign, ancient and mo- dern, colonial and continental notes... sold at auction by Bangs & Co... Octo- ber 29th, 1880... Catalogue by S. K. Harzfeld. . . Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son, 1880. 28 p. 8°. MHFHp.box Catalogue of an interesting assort- ment of coins and medals, ancient and modern, American and foreign. United States fractional currency, etc... sold at auction by Bangs & Co. . .Jan. . .1881. Catalogue by S. K. Harzfeld... Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son, 1881. 52 p. 8°. MHFHp.box Catalogue of American and foreign coins and medals... [Auction sale, Dec. 27, 1881.] New York, 1881. 30 p. 8°. MFHF p. box (Bangs 1881) Catalogue of an extensive and valuable collection of coins and medals belonging to the estate of a well-known numismatist. . .sold by auction by Messrs. Bangs & Co. . .May. . .1883. . . Catalogue by G. W. Cogan. New York: D. Taylor, prtr., 1883. 104 p. 8°. MHFHp.box Catalogue of ancient coins... A collection .. .of the coinage of the Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Jews and Frehch. To be sold. . .by. . .Bangs & Co... April 20th, 1885... New York: Thompson & Moreau, 1885. 38 p. 8°. MHFHp.box Catalogue of the balance of the Flauding collection. . .of coins, medals, &c. Also an invoice from Mr. G. Blake ...and a. . .collection of... ancient pot- tery, &c...sold at auction by... Bangs & Co.. .April.. .1888.. . Catalogued by Massamore & Co... [New York: Bangs & Co., 1888.] 20 p. 8°. MHFHp.box Catalogue of a collection of coins and medals selected from a large cabinet collected at Vicksburg, Miss.... to be sold at auction by Messrs. Bangs & Co., May, 1888. Catalogued by W. E. Woodward. Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son, numismatic prtrs., 1888. 1 p.l., 153 p. 8°. MHFHp.box Bangs, Merwin & Co. Addenda to the sale of coins, tokens, medals, and auto- graph letters... New York, 1859. 5 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1859) Catalogue of a large and very choice collection of coins, tokens, and medals (ancient and modern) . . . New York, 1859. 14 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1859) [Auction sale, June 21, 22, & 23, 1859.] New York. 1859. 49 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs '59) Catalogue of the valuable collec- tion of coins, medals, numismatic books, &c... [Auction sale, June 7, 1859.] New York: A. B. Sage & Co., 1859. 20 p. 8°. MHFH p.box (Bangs 1859) Coins and medals. Addenda to the catalogue of coins, medals &c... Auc- tion by Bangs. Merwin & Co... March 7th... [1859] n.t.-p. [New York, 1859., 11 p. 8°. MHFHp.box — — Addenda to the catalogue of coins and medals, &c... New York. 1860. 3 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1860) Addenda to be sold... by Bangs, Merwin & Co.. 1860. New York, 1860. 3 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1860) Catalogue of coins, medals & con- tinental money. [Auction sale, Oct. 17th and 18th. I860., New York: the auc- tioneers, 1860. 1 p.l., 20 p., 1 1. 8°. MHFHp.v.2 Catalogue of coins, medals, me- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 33 Gen'l Works — Dealers' Catalogues, cont'd. dalets, etc. . .duplicates from the collec- tions of William C. Prime and Benjamin Haines. (Auction by Bangs, Merwin & Co., Nov. 21 & 22, 1860.) New York, 1860. 26 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1860) Catalogue of a. . .collection of American coins, medals, and fine cents. New York, 1860. 10 p. 8». MHFH p. box (Bangs 1860) Catalogue of an extensive and valuable cabinet of coins, medals, and tokens... New York, 1860. 23 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1860) Catalogue of a large cabinet of... coins and medals... New York, 1860. 16 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1860) Catalogue of a large and very choice collection of coins, tokens, and medals... [Auction sale, Jan. 18 & 19, I860.] New York, 1860. 20 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1860) Catalogue of a numismatic collec- tion... New York, 1860. 40 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1860) Catalogue of a numismatic collec- tion... (Auction sale, October 24 & 25, I860.] New York, 1860. 16 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1860) Catalogue of a private collection of American coins, medals, and fine cents. To be sold at auction. . .Nov. 23, 1860... New York: J. Huggins, 1860. 1 p.l., 10 p. 8°. Stuart 11444 Catalogue of American and foreign coins, medalets, tokens, &c.. . New York, 1861. 20 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1861) Catalogue of foreign coins... tokens., .etc. New York, 1861. 16 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1861) Catalogue of numismatic collection [Auction sale, March 21 & 22, 1861.] New York, 1861. 15 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs '61) Catalogue of a choice. . .collection of American and foreign coins, presiden- tial tokens. . .etc. New York, 1862. 15 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1862) Catalogue of coins, medals, and continental money. [Auction sale. May 8th and 9th. 1862.] Brooklyn: Brooklyn City News Print, 1862. 26 p. 8°. MHFH p. V. 2 Catalogue of coins, medals and continental money, duplicates from the cabinets of several collectors. [Auction sale, March 19th and 20th, 1862.] New York: Dodge & Grattan, 1862. 31 p. 8°. MHFHp.v.2 Catalogue of coins, medals, and tokens. [Auction sale, August 7th, 1862.] Brooklyn: Brooklyn City News Print, 1862. 19 p. 8°. MHFH p. V. 2 Catalogue of coins, medals, tokens, &c... [Auction sale, Nov. 28, 1862.] New York, 1862. 16 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1862) Catalogue of coins, medals, tokens, &c...to be sold at auction. . .November ...1862... by Bangs, Merwin & Co... n.t.-p. New York: Francis & Loutrel, 1862. 16 p. 8°. MHFH p. box B Catalogue of coins, medals & tokens, both American and foreign... New York, 1862. 15 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1862) Catalogue of a large and valuable collection of American and foreign coins and medals, autographs. .. &c. New York, 1862. 30 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1862) Catalogue of American and for- eign silver and copper coins, medals, tokens, &c... New York, 1863. 24 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1863) Catalogue of a large and valuable collection of American & foreign coins, medals & tokens. (Auction sale, January 29th & 30th, 1863.] New York: Chris- topher, Morse & Skippon, 1863. 1 p.l., 32 p. 8°. MHFHp.v.2 ■ — — - Catalogue of a miscellaneous col- lection of coins and medals, embracing some very rare English gold and silver specimens... [Auction sale, Dec. 28 and 29, 1863.] New York, 1863. 29 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1863) Catalogue of a small collection of ancient coins, with a few modern coins and medals, among which are some rare American pieces. [Auction sale, October 7. 1863., [New York, 1863.] 1 p.l., 26 p. 8°. MHFHp.v.2 Priced catalogue of American and foreign coins and medals... [Auction sale. Oct. 20, 21, 22, 23. and 24, 1863. New York, 1863. 160 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1863) Addenda... New York. 1864. 14 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1864) Addenda to be sold by Bangs, Mer- win & Co... New York. 1864. 16 p. 8°. MHFH p. (Bangs 1864) American silver and copper coins, medals, &c... [Auction sale, Oct. 24 and 25. 1865.] Fall River: W. S. Robinson, 1865. 52 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1865) Catalogue of .. .American and for- eign coins, medals Sz: tokens... New York, 1865. 32 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1863) 34 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Gen'l Works — Dealers' Catalogues, cont'd. Catalogue of a collection of Ameri- can silver and copper coins and medals... (Auction, in New York, by Bangs, Merwin & Co., 29th June, 1865.) Philadelphia, 1865. 16 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1865) Catalogue of... gold, silver and copper coins, medals, &c... New York, 1867. 20 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1867) Catalogue of... letters and docu- ments. . .American and foreign coins... etc. New York, 1867. 8 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs '67) A catalogue of a valuable collection of coins and medals, comprising American gold, silver and copper coins... etc. [Auc- tion sale, April 24, 25 and 26, 1867.] New York, 1867. 41 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1867) ■ Catalogue of a. . .collection of coins, medals and tokens, ancient and modern, foreign and American... New York, 1869. 18 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1869) Catalogue of a valuable collection of coins and medals... (Auction by Bangs, Merwin & Co., Sept. 27 and 28, 1869.) New York, 1869. 46 p., 1 1. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1869) Catalogue of coins and medals... (Auction by Bangs, Merwin & Co., Janu- ary 16th, 1871.) New York, 1870. 22 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1870) — — Catalogue of coins and medals... (Auction by Bangs, Merwin & Co., April 22d, 1870.) New York, 1870. 22 p. 8°. HMFH p. box (Bangs 1870) Catalogue of gold, silver, and copper coins. . .American and foreign... New York, 1870. 18 p. 8°. MHFH p. box(Bangs 1870) — — Catalogue of a choice and valuable private collection of .. .miscellaneous gold, silver and copper coins and medals; also, several rare numismatic books... (Auc- tion by Bangs, Merwin & Co., 3d, 4th, and 5th of April, 1871.) New York, 1871. 74 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1871) Catalogue of coins, medals, ab- original relics, paper money, curiosities, etc... New York, 1871. 1 broadside. f°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 71) Catalogue of a collection of Ameri- can, ancient English & foreign gold, silver & copper coins and medals. . .sold at auc- tion by Messrs. Bangs, Merwin & Co... June 1st and 2nd, 1871... Catalogued by E. Cogan. New York: C. C. Shelley, 1871. 2 p.l., 45 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Catalogue of coins, medals, and tokens... New York, 1872. 14 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1872) Catalogue of gold, silver and cop- per coins &c. . . (Auction by Bangs, Mer- win & Co., 11th November 1872.) New York, 1872. 32 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1872) Catalogue of gold, silver and cop- per coins, etc... (Auction by Bangs, Merwin & Co.. 20th and 21st November 1873.) New York, 1873. 42 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1873) Catalogue of... gold, silver and copper coins and medals... New York, 1873. 2 p.l., 59 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1873) Catalogue of miscellaneous gold, silver and brass medals and coins. . . New York, 1873. 2,7 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1873) Catalogue of... silver and copper coins and medals... New York, 1873. 29 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1873) Catalogue of a valuable collection of gold, silver and copper coins and medals. (Auction by Bangs, Merwin & Co., June 9th, 10th and 11th, 1873.) New York, 1873. 2 p.l., 73 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1873) Catalogue of coins and medals. (Auction by Bangs, Merwin & Co., 24th Sept. 1874.) New York, 1874. 25 p. 8^ MHFH p. box (Bangs 1874) Catalogue of coins and medals. (Auction by Bangs, Merwin & Co., 16th and 17th Dec. 1874.) New York, 1874. 48 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1874) Catalogue of numismatic collec- tions, gold, silver, and copper coins and medals. . .bronze medals, &c... New York, 1874. 1 p.l., 32 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1874) Catalogue of coins and medals... (Auction by Bangs, Merwin & Co., 1st and 2d March 1875.) New York, 1875. 38 p. 1 1. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1875) Catalogue of coins and medals... (Auction by Bangs, Merwin & Co., 7th May 1875.) New York, 1875. 27 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1875) Catalogue of coins and medals... (Auction sale. May 2, 3, and 4, 1876.] New York, 1876. 77 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1876) Beckford, G. VV., & Co. Catalogue of a collection of rare and valuable coins and medals. [Auction sale, Dec. 14, 1864.] Boston, 1864. 8 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Beckford) Catalogue of rare American and foreign silver and copper coins and LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 35 Gcn'l Works — Dealers' Catalogues, cont'd. medals. rAuction sale, Sept. 21, 1864.] Boston, 1864. 10 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Beckford) Birch, Thomas, & Son. Catalogue of a ...collection of gold, silver and copper coins and medals... rAuction sale, April 12, 1870.J Philadelphia. 1870. 16 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Birch) Catalogue of a private collection of medals, coins, curiosities, &c... [Auction sale, Sept. 28, 1871., Philadelphia, 1871. 12 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Birch) _ Catalogue of a private collection of silver and copper coins, including a choice variety of rare and valuable American and foreign pieces. [Auction sale, June 21, 1871.] Phialdelphia, 1871. 16 p. 8° MHFH p. box (Birch) Catalogue of a choice and valuable collection of Greek and Roman coins, also rare colonial and United States coins. [Auction sale, Dec. 18, 1872.] Philadelphia, 1872. 20 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Birch) Catalogue of a private collection of gold, silver and copper coins, medals, etc. . . . [Auction sale, April 8, 1872.] Phila- delphia, 1872. 52 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Birch) —^ Catalogue of United States and foreign gold, silver and copper coins... (Auction by T. Birch & Son, Jan. 13, 14 and 15, 1874.) Philadelphia, 1874. 48 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Birch) . Catalogue of United States and for- eign coins and medals... (Auction by T Birch & Son, April 13 and 14, 1875.) [Philadelphia,] 1875. 33 p. 8^ MHFH p. box (Birch) Catalogue of a valuable collection of coins, medals, cabinets, etc... (Auc- tion by T. Birch & Son, July 12, 1875.) [Philadelphia.] 1875. 23 p. 8°. MHFH p box (Birch) Catalogue of several invoices of coins, medals. . .colonials, etc. . .sold. . .at auction by Messrs. T. Birch & Sons... February.. .1878... Catalogue by J. W. Haseltine... Philadelphia: Bavis & Pen- nypacker, prtrs. [1878.] 1 p.l., 63 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Catalogue of a choice collection of coins, American and foreign. . .sold. .. Boston. . . February 5, 1861... Boston: A. Mudge & Son, 1861. 14 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Leonard) Catalogue of a choice and valuable col- lection of American and foreign silver and copper coins, medals &c... Philadelphia, 1861. 31 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Catalogue) Chaffers, W., the younger. A catalogue of... coins and medals, which may be ob- tained... of W. Chaffers... To which is added a list of antiquities, &c. London- J. Davy & Sons, 1853. 2 p.l., 128 p. 3. cd. 8°. Stuart 11447 Chaffers, W. Jun. A catalogue of an- cient and modern coins and medals... to which is added a list of antiquities. Lon- don, 1855. 8°. MHFH Christie & Manson. Catalogue of the. . . important collection of coins and medals, comprising the Greek and Roman, [Saxon and English] series; which will be sold by auction... March.. .1844.. . [London 1844.] 2 parts. 8°. Stuart 11449 Conant & Sherburne. Catalogue of rare .'\merican and foreign coins... [Auction sale, Dec. 20, 1865., n.p., 1865. 1 1. f° MHFH p. box (Conant) Curtis, John K. A catalogue of ancient and modern gold, silver, and copper coins & medals of all nations. . .for sale, at the prices attached to each. . .also. . .rare hooks on numismatics... New York- Baker & Godwin, 1859. 1 p.l., 42 p. S". MHEp.v. 5, no.lO Fougeres, F. Catalogue de monnaies frangaises et etrangeres. Redige par F. Fougeres. Vente. . . 1846. Paris: I'Alli- ance des arts, 1846. 30 p. 12°. MHFH Paris: I'Alliance des arts, 1846. 31 p. 12°. MHFH Paris: I'Alliance des arts, 1846. 32 p. 12°. MHFH Hamburger, L. & L. Catalog der reichen Sammlung griechischer und ro- mischer Miinzen des sel. Herrn N. Kos- loff in St. Petersburg, der Sammlung Mit- telalter- und moderner Miinzen sowie der numismatischen Bibliothek des sel. Herrn G. Tambosi in Roveredo und ferner der reichen Serien St. Georgs, Schweizer, Frankfurter u. Elsasser Miinzen und Me- maillen aus einer der bedeutendsten Sammlungen Frankreichs, deren offent- liche Versteigerung. . .in Frankfurt a. M. . . .am 29. Mai und folgende Tage unter Leitung und im Locale der Herren L. & L. Hamburger stattfinden wird. Frank- furt a. M.: M. Slobotzky. 1893. 2 p.l.. 159 p., 2 pi. 4°. MHFH p. box (Hamburger) Title also in French. Helbing, O. IX. Verzeichniss von Miinzen und Medaillen mit beigefiigten Verkaufspreisen. Miinchen: O. Helbing, 1892. 107 p. 4°. MHFH p. box (Helbing) Jacquin, Jules. Catalogue de monnaies anciennes; grecques. romaines. frangaises et etrangeres. Vente. .. 1846. Paris: I'Alliance des arts, 1846. 20 p. 12°. MHFHp.v. 3,no.6 Lade. Catalogue de monnaies et me- 36 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Gen'l Works — Dealers' Catalogues, cont'd. dailies... n.t.-p. Geneve, 1903. 55 p. 8°. (No. 24.) MHFHp.box Leavitt, G. A., & Co. Catalogue of a valuable and choice collection of Ameri- can and foreign coins, medals, and tokens, ancient and modern. [Auction sale, March 26 and 27.] New York, n.d. 24 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Leavitt) Catalogue of a choice collection of coins and medals, American and foreign [Auction sale, Jan. 20, 1864.] New York, 1864. 16 p. S°. MHFH p. box (Leavitt) Catalogue of a private collection of American and foreign copper, silver and gold coins, medals, tokens, etc... [Auction sale, April 21, 1871.] [New York,] 1871. 11 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Leavitt) Catalogue of valuable medals and coins... [Auction sale, Dec. 12, 13, and 14, 1872.] New York, 1872. 60 p., 1 pi. S". MHFH p. box (Leavitt) Catalogue of a private collection of ancient coins... [Auction sale, Oct. 6, 7, 8 and 9, 1874.] [New York, 1874., 106 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Leavitt) Catalogue of a valuable and inter- esting collection of United States and foreign silver and copper coins and me- dals... (Auction by Leavitt, Jan. 25, 26, 27 and 28, 1875, in New York.) Phila- delphia, 1875, 1 pi.. 78 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Leavitt) Catalogue of a collection of an- cient and modern coins; in two parts. Part 1, known as the Havana collection. . . Part II, selected from the extensive cab- inet of F. Haines... [Auction sale, Oct. 17, 18, 19 and 20, 1876.] New York [1876,. 80 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Leavitt) Catalogue of a fine collection of gold, silver & copper coins, and a very complete collection of centennial medals, to be sold... at auction by Messrs. Lea- vitt. . .October 23 & 24, 1877... New York: J. Polhemus [1877]. 62 p. 8°. MHFHp.box Catalogue of several small collec- tions of American and foreign silver and copper coins... [Auction sale, June 17, 18 and 19, 1878.] New York, 1878. 40 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Leavitt Leavitt, Strebeigh & Co. Catalogue of an exceedingly choice and select collec- tion of coins and medals and autographs . . . [Auction sale, April 28 and 29, 1870., New York, 1870. 39 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Leavitt) Catalogue of several collections of silver and copper coins and medals, in- cluding a few United States pattern pieces . . . [Auction sale, Feb. 16 and 17, 1871.] New York, 1871. 37 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Leavitt) Leeds, H. H. & Co. Catalogue of coins, both rare and valuable... [Auction sale, June 28 and 29, I860., [New York,, 1860. 1 sheet. f°. MHFH p. box (Leeds) Catalogue of rare coins, medals and tokens. [Auction sale, Dec. 24, 1863.] [New York,] 1873. 1 sheet. f°. MHFH p. box (Leeds) Leitzmann, J. J. Katalog des vom 15. August bis 5. September 1853 offentlich versteigerten Miinzkabinets der Stad- bibliothek zu Leipzig. Nebst einem Nachtrage und Angabe der in der Auc- tion bezahlten Preise. Leipzig: T. O. Weigel, 1854. vi, 508, 62 p. 8°. MHF Leonard & Co. Catalogue of a... col- lection of American and foreign coins, comprising many very rare specimens of colonial coinage, pattern pieces, &c... [Auction sale, Oct. 23 and 24, I860.] Phila- delphia, 1860. 36 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Leonard) Catalogue of a valuable collection of American coins and medals. . .many extremely fine and rare specimens. . .a few choice specimens of foreign gold, silver and copper coins, medals, &c... [Auc- tion sale. May 30. I860.] Boston, 1860. 19 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Leonard) Catalogue of a choice collection of coins, American and foreign... [Auction sale, Feb. 5, 1861., Boston, 1861. 14 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Leonard) Catalogue of a very large. . .collec- tion of coins, medals, store cards, meda- lets, &c... [Auction sale, Jan. 8, 1861., Boston, 1861. 20 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Leonard) Catalogue of a large collection of medals... [Auction sale, Jan. 5, 1864.] Boston, 1864. 6 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Leonard) Catalogue of rare American & foreign silver and copper coins and medals . . . [Auction sale, Nov. 16, 1864.] Boston, 1864. 8 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Leonard) Additional catalogue of rare coins, valuable medals, and autograph letters... [Auction sale, May 24, 1866.] Boston, 1866. lip. 8°. MHFH p. box (Leonard) Catalogue of coins and medals, colonial and continental bills... etc. [Auc- tion sale. May 23 and 24, 1866.] Boston, 1866. 25 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Leonard) Catalogue of autographs and coins [Auction sale, June 5, 1867.] Boston, 1867. 6 p. 8°. MHFH p.box (Leonard) Catalogue of a rare. . .collection of LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 37 Gen'l Works — Dealers' Catalogues, cont'd. American coins and medals... [Auction sale, May 13, 1868., Boston, 1868. 7 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Leonard) Catalogue of American and for- eign coins. [Auction sale, April 16, 1869.) Boston, 1869. 4 p. 4°. MHFH p. box (Leonard) Catalogue of miscellaneous collec- tion of medals and coins in silver and bronze... [Auction sale, Dec. 8, 1870.] Boston, 1870. 32 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Leonard) Lincoln, W. S., & Son. Catalogue of coins and medals, comprising Greek coins, silver and copper; early British gold coins Saxon pennies. . .etc. London, 1856. 60 p. 16°. MHFH p. box (Lincoln) Catalogue of ancient and modern coins and medals in gold, silver and cop- per. Offered for sale at the prices affixed. London, 1861. 3 p.l., 12, iii-iv, 121-156 p. 12°. MHFH p. box McGilvray, D. P., & Co. Catalogue of a large and select collection of American and foreign coins and medals... [Auc- tion sale, April 19, 1864., [Boston. 1864., 2 1. MHFH p.box (M'Gilvray) Catalogue of a collection of coins, medals, rare books, autographs, &c... [Auction sale, Oct. 5, 1864., Boston, 1864. 16 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (McGilvray) Catalogue of a fine collection of rare coins, medals, politicals. . .&c. . . [Auction sale, July 12, 1865., Boston, 1865. 9 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (McGilvray) Mason & Co. Catalogue of coins, me- dals, curiosities, &c... [Auction sale, Dec. 21, 1869.) Philadelphia, 1869. 26 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Mason) Prices of old rare coins, medals, paper currency and colonial coins of America. Fully illustrated. Philadel- phia: Mason & Co. [1879., 48 p. 16°. MHFH p. box Merwin-Clayton Sales Co. Catalogue of a collection of rare coins, medals, tokens, old newspapers, paper money. . .Greek and Roman antiques, gemstones, etc., to be sold. . . May 2nd, 1910. . . by the Mer- v^nn-Clayton Sales Co. New York, 1910. 43 p. 8°. MHB Catalogue of a fine collection of rare corns, paper mone3^ medals, docu- ments, gems, Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek and Roman antiques. To be sold Mon- day, March 28th. 1910... New York, 1910. 41 p. 8°. (No. 311.) MHFH Middlebrook, T. G. A catalgoue of the | valuable. . .antiques & curios comprising I the "Middlebrook" Museum .. .oil-paint- [ ings.. .[medals and coins,, including the celebrated Balacava bugle, the "Chesa- peake" flag. . .[etc., sold... on January, 1908. London: Ede, Allom & Townsend Ltd [1908., 2 pamphlets. 8°. MAX Miner & Somerville. Catalogue of a fine collection of very rare and valuable foreign coins... [Auction sale, Oct. 18, 1866., New York, 1866. 14 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Miner) Muller, Frederik & Cie. Catalogue de rnonnaies et medailles; medailles histo- riques — jetons — mereaux des corpora- tions... etc. La vente aura lieu...le 20 decembre 1904. . .direction F. Muller & Cie. . .Amsterdam. [Amsterdam: F. Mul- ler & Cie., 1904.1 1 p.l.. 22 p. 4°. ttMHEp.v.4, no.5 Puttick & Simpson. Catalogue of a fine collection of coins and medals con- sisting of English and foreign gold and silver coins, tokens, maundy money, etc., etc... sold by auction by... Puttick and Simpson... London... December 13th, 1899... [London, 1899., 12 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Sage, A. B. Catalogue of coins, medals and tokens of all nations, in gold, silver & copper... New York. 1859. 8 p., 1 pi. 8°. MHFH p. box (Sage) Catalogue of coins, medals & tokens, autographs, old books, &c. New York, 1859. 24 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Sage) Schulman, J. Catalogue de rnonnaies et medailles. A d'une serie alphabetique et une suite de rnonnaies obsidionales et de necessite. En vente... Amersfoort, 1901. 46 p., 2 pi. 8°. MHFH p. box (Schulman) Catalogue de monnaies et medail- les. B d'une serie alphabetique et une suite de pions historiques et de papier- monnaie. En vente... Amersfoort, 1901. 40 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Schulman) Catalogue illustre de medailles, jetons, et monnaies historiques du xv. siecle jusqu'a 1713 (paix d'Utrecht). En vente... Amersfoort: A. J. Michielsen, 1903. 48 p., 2 pi. 8°. MHFH p. box Catalogue de monnaies et medail- les de I'Asie, de I'Afrique, de I'Amerique et de I'Australie et des colonies neerlan- daises, anglaises, portugaises, frangaises, etc.. . Amersfoort: A. J. Michielsen, 1904. 64 p., 2 pi. 8°. (no. 43.) MHFH p. box Catalogue illustre de monnaies d'or. L'Europe, I'Asie, I'Afrique et I'Amerique... Amsterdam, 1907. 56 p. 8°. (no. 46.) MHFH Catalogue de monnaies et medail- les. Asie, Afrique, Amerique, Oceanic et des colonies anglaises, allemandes, da- noises, espagnoles, frangaises. . . En 38 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Gen'l Works — Dealers' Catalogues, cont'd. vente aux prix marques chez J. Schulman. Amsterdam, \9\\. \77 p., 2 pi. 8°. (no. 55.) MHB Scott Stamp & Coin Co. Catalogue of a fine collection of gold, silver, & copper coins, and a very complete collection of centennial medals. . .sold by Messrs. Lea- vitt, Oct. 23-24, 1877. New York tl877,. 8°. MHFH p. box (Scott) The standard coin catalogue. Sil- ver. Illustrated. This catalogue gives the market value of every American silver coin and a large number of foreign ones... New York: Scott & Co., 1878. 44 p. 8°. MHFH p. box S Catalogue of a large and valuable cabinet of coins, gold, silver and copper, American and foreign, ancient and mo- dern... New York, 1883. 8°. MHFH p. box (Scott) May 28th & 29th, 1883. 50th sale; catalogue of United States and foreign gold, silver & copper coins... New York, 1883. 8°. MHFH p. box (Scott) Catalogue of a. . .collection of English coins, foreign war decorations, United States coins and medals... March 16, 1885. 66th sale. rNew York. 1885. 30 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Scott) Catalogue of coins, medals and tokens, for Mexico, and its states, cities, &c., Central American republics, and the West India islands... New York, 1890. 32 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Scott) Standard coin catalogue. Copper. Illustrated. New York: the company, 1890. iv, 124 p., 6 1. 16. ed. 8°. (Scott's standard catalogues, no. 5.) MHFH p. box S — — Standard coin catalogue. Gold and silver. Illustrated. New York: the com- pany, 1890. viii, 145, 8 p., 5 1. 26. ed. 8°. (Scott's standard catalogues, no. 4.) MHFH Standard coin catalogue. Silver and gold. New York: Scott Stamp & Coin Co., 1893. xii, 176 p. 27. ed. 8°. MHFH p. box Auction sale. no. 93-101, 103-108, 110-115, 117-121. New York, 1890-93. 26 pamphlets. 8°. TVG Silo, James P. An object lesson in fi- nance. Collection of over $100,000 in un- current paper money... also United States fractional currency... Sale at auction without reserve. . .Nov. 14, 1893... [New York, 1893.1 1 p.l., 19 p. 8°. MHE p.v. 7, no.5 Sotheby & Son. Catalogue of a collec- tion of Greek and Roman coins... rich in coins of Sicily and Magna Graecia... [and] medallions of Egypt. . .which will be sold at auction June 19, 1833. [London, 1833.] 29 p. 8°. MHFH Sullivan Bros. & Libbie. Catalogue of coins, medals and tokens, ancient and mo- dern, American and foreign... (Auction by Sullivan Bros. & Libbie, Jan. 27, 28, 1880.) Boston, 1880. 42 p., 1 1. 8°. MHFH p. box (Woodward 1880) Thomas, M., and Sons. Catalogue of a. . .collection of coins and medals, in gold, silver and copper... To be sold... June 12 and 13, 1855. Philadelphia: M. Thomas & Sons, 1855. 100 p. 8°. Stuart 11457 Warner, Wm. H., & Bro. Catalogue, 1902. Wm. H. Warner & Bro., medalists. Philadelphia, 1902. 10 p. 8°. MHE p.v. 6, no.4 Weyl, Adolph. Verzeichniss von Miin- zen und Denkmiinzen aller Lander, nebst einer Samlung von Denkmiinzen u. Jeton's auf Privatpersonen. . . Berlin: Gebr. Un- ger (Th. Grimm), 1878. iv, 156 p., 1 pi. 8°. MHFH p. box (Weyl) Verzeichniss einer kleinen Samm- lung europaischer Miinzen und Denk- miinzen, welche am 14. Oktober und den folgenden Tagen. . .versteigert werden sollen. Berlin, 1879. 1 p.l., 51 p. 8°. (Weyl's Auktions-Katalog. [uo.] 10.) MHFH p. box Verzeichniss einer General-Samm- lung, worin eine grossere Anzahl brande- burg-preussischer Geprage deren Ver- steigerung am... 11. December [1880]... beginnt. Berlin; A. Weyl, 1880. 21 p. 8°. (Auktions-Katalog. no. 17.) MHFH p. box Verzeichniss einer kleinen Miinz- Sammlung und numismatischen Biblio- thek, deren Versteigerung am...26ten Januar [1881]. . .beginnt. Berlin: A. Weyl, 1881. 1 p.l., 10 p. 8°. (Auktions-Katalog. no. 18.) MHFH p. box Whelan, Peter. Catalogue of ancient coins and medals on sale by Whelan. Lon- don: J. Nichols, printer, 1846. 8 p. 8°. TH p.v. 20 Woodward, W. E. Catalogue of Ameri- can and foreign coins and medals... and the whole of the celebrated Greek, Roman, and English collection of J. Colburn... [Auction sale, Oct. 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24, 1863.] Roxbury: L. B. & O. E. Weston, 1863. 160 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Woodward '63) Catalogue of selected specimens of coins and medals... [Auction sale by Bangs, Merwin & Co., April 28th, 29th and 30th, and May 1st, 1863.] Roxbury: L. B. & O. E. Weston, 1863. 112 p. 8°. MHFH p.v. 2 Priced catalogue of selected speci- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 39 Gen'l Works — Dealers' Catalogues, cont'd. mens of coins and medals. . .sold. . .by Bangs, Merwin & Co. . .April. . .May. . . 1863. Roxbury, Mass.: L. B. & O. E. Wes- ton, 1863. 112 p. nar. 8^ fMHFH Addenda to W. E. Woodward's coin sale. [Auction sale, May 21, 1864.] n.p., 1864. [Three pamphlets in one.] 8°. MHFH p. box (Woodward 1864) Catalogue of American coins, me- dals, &c.. .[Auction sale, Oct. 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22, 1864.] New York, 1864. 155 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Woodward 1864) Catalogue of American and foreign coins, medals, and tokens... to be sold at auction by Francis J. Sheldon ... Provi- dence, Rhode Island... March 30, 1864. Roxbury [Mass.]: L. B. & O. E. Weston, prtrs., 1864. 23 p. 8°. MHFH p. box Catalogue of the entire collection of American coins, medals, &c... [Auc- tion sale, May 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, 1864.] New York. 1864. 160 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Woodward 1864) Catalogue of American coins, medals, &c... (Auction March 20th-25th, 1865.1 New York, 1865. 220 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Woodward 1865) Catalogue of American coins, me- dals, &c... [Auction Dec. 19th, 1865.] New York. 1865. 109 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Woodward 1865) Catalogue of American coins, me- dals, &c. . .together with a few foreign pieces... [Auction sale, April 18, 19, and 20, 1867.] Roxbury, 1867. 72 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Woodward '67) Catalogues of coins, medals and tokens . . . bric-a-brac . . . Indian antiquities ...etc. [Auction sale, Feb. 23, 24, 25, and 26, 1874.] [New York, 1874.] 85 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Woodward 1874) Catalogue of the collection of coins and medals... (Auction, in New York, by Bangs & Co., Nov. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, 1878.) Albany, 1878. 242 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Woodward 78) Catalogue of coins, medals and tokens, ancient and modern, American and foreign, in gold, silver and copper... [Auction sale, Dec. 16. 17, 18 & 19, 1879.] New York, 1879... 128 p. 4°. MHFH p. box (Woodward 1879) — — Catalogue of coins, medals and tokens, mostly American, together with a variety of relics of the aborigines of America... [Auction sale. Mar. 31, April 1 & 2, 1879.] Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son, 1879. 104 p. 4°. MHFH p. box All the kingdoms of the world. Catalogue of Woodward's collection. Boston, 1884. 8°. MHFH p. box (Woodward 1884) Coin sales of W. E. Woodward. Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son. 1880. 7 p. 4°. MHBp.boxl Repr. : American journal of numismatics. Wynn, E. B. Catalogue of the collec- tion of coins and medals. . . [Auction sale, Feb. 13 & 14, 1893.] 57 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Wynn) Zschiesche & Koeder. Verzeichniss verkauflicher Miinzen und Medaillen. No. 14. April. 1877. [Leipzig: Fischer & Wit- tig, 1877.] 12 1. sq. 8°. MHFH p. box INDIVIDUAL COUNTRIES Abyssinia Foville, A. de. Les monnaies de I'Ethi- opie sous I'Empereur Menelik. 1 pi. (Gazette numismatique frangaise. Paris, 1898. 4°. annee 2, p. 69-77.) MHA (Institut de France. Acade- mic des sciences morales et politiques. Seances et travaux. Paris, 1898. 8°. v. 149 tnouv. serie, v. 49], p. 289-298.) * EG Kenner, Friedrich. Ueber das Muenz- recht und die Goldprage der Konige der Axumiten. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungsberichte. Philos.- hist. Classe. Wien. 1862. 8°. Bd. 39. p. 554-566.) * EF Afghanistan Tate, George P. Coins and seals col- lected in Seistan, 1903-4. (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. London. 1904. 8°. 1904, p. 663-672.) * OAA Wilson, Horace Hayman. Ariana an- tiqua. A descriptive account of the an- tiquities and coins of Afghanistan; with a memoir on the buildings called topes by C. Masson... London, 1841. 4°. f * ONI Africa Artin, Yacoub, pasha. Monnaies du Mehdy Mouhammed Ahmed du Soudan. (Institut egyptien. Bulletin. Le Caire, 1888. 8°. serie 2, no. 8, p. 231-246.) * EY Falbe, C. T., and J. C. Lindberg. Nu- mismatique de I'ancienne Afrique; refait, acheve et public par L. Miiller. Copen- hague, 1860-62. illus. 4°. f MHL Lindberg, J. C. See Falbe, C. T., and J. C. Lindberg. 40 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Africa, continued. Voigt, W. von. Die antiken Miinzen Afrikas in der kaiserlichen Eremitage zu St.-Petersburg. (Journal international d'archeologie numismatique. Athenes, 1913. 4°. tome IS, p. 85-96.) MHA Algeria Lacroix, N. Notes sur les cachets et les sceaux chez les musulmans. Les cachets des gouverneurs generaux de I'Algerie. 1 pi. (Revue africaine. Alger, 1910. 8°. V. 54, p. 201-224.) BKA Alsace See France Anglo-Saxons See Great Britain and Ireland Annam Lacroix, Desire. Numismatique anna- mite. [Text and plates.] Saigon: Menard & Legros, 1900. 2 v. 4°. (ficole frangaise d'Extreme-Orient. Publications. [V.l.i) t*OWB Lockhart, J. H. S. The currency of the further East from the earliest times... Chinese, Annamese, Japanese coins... Coins used as amulets. . . Chinese govern- ment and private notes. Hongkong: Noronha & Co., 1895-98. 3 v. 8° and 4°. MIR V. 1. A description of the Glover collection. V. 2. The plates of the... coins collected by G. B. Glover. V. 3. A guide to the inscriptions on the coins. .. Schroeder, Albert. Annam. fitudes numismatiques. Texte [Ct planches]. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1905. 2 v. 4'. MIR Stuart, H. N. Catalogus der munten en amuletten van China, Japan, Corea en An- nam, behoorende tot de numismatische verzameling van het Bataviaasch Genoot- schap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Batavia: Landsdrukkerij, 1904. xxiv, 227 p. 4°. MIR Arabs See Muhammadans Armenia Babelon, Ernest Charles Frangois. Cata- logue des monnaies grecques de la Biblio- theque nationale. Les rois de Syrie, d'Armenie et de Commagene. Paris: C. Rollin & Feuardent, 1890. 2 p.l., ccxxii p., 1 1., 268 p., 32 pi. 4°. t MIL Howorth, Sir Henry H. Early Parthian and Armenian coins. [Reply to Warwick Wroth, "The earliest Parthian coins," Numismatic chronicle, series 4, v. 5, p. 317.] (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1906. 8°. series 4, v. 6, p. 221-231.) MHA Langlois, V. Numismatique de I'Ar- menie au moyen age. Paris, 1855. pi. 4°. MIL Numismatique de I'Armenie dans I'antiquite. Paris, 1859. pi. 4°. (Biblio- theque historique armenienne.) f MHM Sibilian, Clemens. Drei sehr seltene Miinzen armenischer Dynasten. (Numis- matische Zeitschrift. Wien, 1870. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 339-345.) MHA Ueber 17 unedirte Miinzen der armenisch-rubenischen Dynastie in Kili- kien. 3 pi. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungsberichte. Philos.- hist. Classe. Wien, 1852. 8°. Bd. 8, p. 275-300.) *EF Asia See The Orient Asia Minor Babelon, Ernest Charles Frangois, and Th. Reinach. Recueil general des mon- naies grecques d'Asie Mineure, commence par feu W. H. Waddington, continue et complete par E. Babelon [and] Th. Rei- nach. tome 1, fasc. 1-4. Paris: E. Leroux, 1904-12. 4°. (Ipstitut de France. — Aca- demic des inscriptions ett belles-lettres.) fMHM Blanchet, Jules Adrien. La jambe hu- maine de Sinope. (In: Florilegium; ou, Recueil de travaux d'erudition dedies a Monsieur le Marquis Melchior de Vogiie. Paris, 1910. 4°. p. 59-63.) f *OAC British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. See Head, Barclay Vincent. Head, Barclay Vincent. Catalogue of the Greek coins of Lydia. London: Bri- tish Museum. 1901. cl p., 1 1., 440 p.. 1 map, 45 pi. 8°. (British Museum. — De- partment of Coins and Medals.) MHM Imhoof-Blumer, F. Kleinasiatische Manzen. Bd. 1-2. Wien: A. Holder, 1901- 02. 4°. (Oesterreichisches archaeolo- gisches Institut in Wien. Sonderschrif- ten. Bd. 1, 3.) MTGA Lydische Stadtmiinzen. Neue Un- tersuchungen. Genf: Schweizer nuniis- mat. Gesellschaft, 1897. 2 p.l., 214 p., 7 pi. 8°. MIL Lenormant, F. Monnaies royales de la Lydie. Paris, 1876. pi. nar. 4°. MIL Riggauer, Hans. Zur kleinasiatischen Miinzkunde. illus. (Koniglich bayerische LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 41 Individual Countries, continued. Asia Minor, continued Akademie des Wissenschaften. Sitzungs- berichte. Philos.-philol.-hist. Classe. Mun- chen, 1898. 8°. Jahrg, 1897, Bd. 2, p. 523- 533.) *EE Australia Stainsfield, C. W. Descriptive catalogue of Australian tradesmen's tokens... Also some account of the early silver pieces, and gold coinage of Australia. London: C. W. Stainsfield, 1883. 1 p.l., iv, 7-74, vi p. 8°. MIG Austria Andree, Richard. Zur geographischen Verbreitung des Maria-Theresia-Thalers. [Von Richard Andree.] Leipzig, 1874. 5 p. 8°. TF p.v. 86, no.l2 Repr. : Geographische Gesellschaft. Mittheilun- gen. 1874, nr. 6. Bergmann, Joseph von, Ritter. [Be- richtj iiber Schweitzer's Serie delle monetee medaglie d'Aquileja e di Vcnezia, vol. 1. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wis- senschaften. Sitzungsberichte. Philos.- hist. Classe. Wien, 1850. 8°. Bd. 5, p. 140-153.) *EF Pflege der Numismatik in Oster- reich... 1 pi. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungersberichte. Philos.-hist. Classe. Wien, 1856-63. 8°. Bd. 19, p. 31-108; Bd. 24, p. 296-364; Bd. 28, p. 537-598; Bd. 41, p. 15-89.) * EF I. Pflege der Numismatik in Osterreich im XVIII. Jahrlnindert mit besonderem Hinblick[e] auf das K. K. Miinz- und Medaillen-Cabinet [in Wien]. Mit erlauternden Anmerkungen. Von Heraeus bis auf Eckhel (1709-74). II. Same. Von Eckhel bis zu dessen Tode (1774- 1798). III. Pflege der Numismatik in Osterreich im XVIII. und XIX. Jahrhunderte. Das K. K. Moderne Munz- und Medaillen-Cabinet von 1783 bis 1798, und das K. K. Miinz- und Antiken-Cabinet unter Director Neumann von 1798 bis 1816. Mit einem Anhange iiber die Beamten un diesem K. K. In- stitute unter und nach Neumann Von Abbe Neumann's Eintritte in's K. K. Moderne Miinz- Cabinet bis zu dessen Tode (von 1783-1816). IV. Pflege der Numismatik in Osterreich durch Private, vornehmlich in Wien, bis zum Jahre 1862. Ueber die Historia metallica seu numismatica Austriaca und Heroeus' zehn Briefe an Leibniz. (Kaiserliche Aka- demie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungsbe- richte. Philos.-hist. Classe. Wien, 1855. 8°. Bd. 16, p. 132-168.) * EF Zwei bisher unbekannte tirolische Silbermitnzen von Rudolph iv., Herzoge von Oesterreich, als Grafen von Tirol, und von Meinhard ii.. Eine numismatische Abhandlung. 2 pi. (Neue Zeitschrift des Ferdinandeums fiir Tirol und Vorarlberg. Innsbruck, 1836. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 118-125.) FIC Blumberger, Friedrich. Ueber den Ge- halt des osterreichischen Pfenniges, im vierzehnten Jahrhunderte, als Beitrag zur Geschichte des osterreichischen Miinz- wesens. (Archiv fiir Kunde osterreichi- scher Geschichts-Quellen. Wien, 1852. 8°. Bd. 8, p. 121-136.) FAA Denis, Johann Nepomuk Cosmas Michael. Catalogus numorum Hungariae ac Transilvaniae Instituti Nationalis Szechenyiani. [Edited by J. N. C. M. Denis.] Pars 1-2. [With Appendix edited by J. F. Miller, and Atlas.] Pestini: Typis Matthiae Trattner, 1807-10. 4 v. 12° and ob. 8°. ttMHX&MHX Fischel, Marcel Maurice. Le thaler de Marie-Therese; etude de sociologie et d'histoire economique. Paris: M. Giard & E. Briere, 1912. xxxi, 208 p., 1 map. 4°. TAH Giovanelli, Benedikt von, Graf. Alter- thiimlichc Entdeckungen in Siidtirol seit dem Jahre 1838. (Neue Zeitschrift des Ferdinandeums fiir Tirol und Vorarlberg. Innsbruck, 1844. 8°. Bd. 10, p. 1-39.) FIC GUubich, Simeone. Numografia Dal- mata 1851. (Archiv fur Kunde oster- reichischer Geschichts-Quellen. Wien, 1853. 8°. Bd. 11, p. 101-138.) FAA Hartmann-Franzenshuld, Ernst von, Edler. Deutsche Personen-Medaillen des XVI. Jahrhunderts, namentlich einiger Wiener Geschlechter. 8 pi. (Archiv fiir osterreichische Geschichte. Wien, 1872. 8°. Bd. 49, p. 427-514.) FAA Die Siegel des Wiener Stadtrathes. 1 pi. illus. (Alterthums Verein, Wien. Berichte. Wien, 1875. f°. Bd. 15, p. 152- 168.) t FAA Huber, Alfons. Untersuchungen iiber die Miinzgeschichte Osterreich's im xiii. und XIV. Jahrhundert. (Archiv fiir oster- reichische Geschichte. Wien, 1871. 8°. Bd. 44, p. 513-538.) FAA Kolb, Josef von. Die Tiroler Zwanziger und Kreuzer vom Jahre 1809. (Zeitschrift des Ferdinandeums fiir Tirol und Vorarl- berg. Innsbruck. 1883. 8°. Folge 3, Heft 27, Geschichtliche Abtheilung, p. 119-127.) FIC Kundmann, J. C. Die Heimsuchungen Gottes in Zorn und Gnade iiber das Her- zogthum Schlesien in Miintzen. Leipzig. 1742. 4°. MHX Leisching, Julius. Die osterreichischen Medailleure. illus. (Kunstgewerbeblatt. Leipzig, 1902. f°. N. F. Bd. 13, p. 145- 153.) fMAA Lind, Karl. Beitrage zur Kunde der iilteren Gemeinde-Siegel und Wappen in Nieder-Oesterreich, mit einem Anhange iiber Siegel kirchlicher und weltlicher Cor- porationen. 1 fac, 1 pi. illus. (Alter- 42 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Austria, continued. thunis Verein, Wien. Berichte. Wien 1875-83. f°. Bd. 15, p. 1-46; Bd. 17, p.' 63-74; Bd. 22, p. 54-55.) f FAA Loehr, A. R. von. Wiener Medailleure, 1899. Wien: A. Schroll & Co., 1899. 1 p.l., 42 p., 20 pi., 5 port. f°. ff MGP Luschin von Ebengreuth, Arnold. Die Chronologic der Wiener Pfenninge des 13. und 14. Jahrhunderts: ein Beitrag zur Methodologie der Miinzgeschichte. 68 p., 2 pi. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Sitzungsberichte. Philos.-hist. Classe. Wien, 1899. 8°. Bd. 140, no. 6.) *EF Miinzgeschichtliche Vorstudien. (Archiv fiir osterreichische Geschichte. Wien, 1871. 8°. Bd. 47, p. 219-265.) FAA Steirische Miinzfunde. illus. (Aus- tria. — K. K. Zentral Kommission fiir Erforschung und Erhaltung der Kunst und Historischen Denkmale. Jahrbuch. Wien, 1906. 4°. N.F. Bd. 4, col. 161-200; Jahr- buch fiir Altertumskunde. Wien, 1908-09 4°. Bd. 1, p. 137-184; Bd. 2, p. 161-215.) fMAMG Wiener Miinzvv^esen im Mittelalter. Wien: C. Fromme, 1913. 75 p., 9 pi. 8° MHX Zur osterreichischen Munzkunde des XIII. und xiv. Jahrhunderts. Ein kri tischer Versuch. 2 pi. (Archiv fiir oster- reichische Geschichte. Wien, 1869 8° Bd. 41, p. 241-290.) FAA Muffat, Karl August. Ueber das Ge- M'icht und den Gehalt der aesterreichischen Pfenninge von der Mitte des dreizehn- ten bis zur Mitte des fiinfzehnten Jahr- hunderts, und der bohmischen Groschen im vierzehnten Jahrhunderte. (Koniglich bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen. Hist. Klasse. Miinchen 1874. 4°. Bd. 12, Abt. 1, p. 73-144.) * ee Newald, Johann. Beitrag zur Geschich- te des oesterr. Miinzwesens im ersten Viertel des xviii. Jahrhunderts. (Alter- thums Verein, Wien. Berichte. Wien 1881. f°. Bd. 20, p. 21-93.) f FAA Puschi, Alberto. Di un contorniato inedito troyato nell' Istria. 1 pi. (Societa istriana di archeologia e storia patria. Atti e memorie. Parenzo, 1886. 8°. v 2 facs. 1-2, p. 255-261.) FI Raudnitz, Josef. Die Aufhebung der bischoflich Olmiitzschen Miinzstatt zu Kremsier; ein Beitrag zur osterreichischen Miinzgeschichte. (Archiv fiir oster- reichische Geschichte. Wien, 1907 8° Bd. 96, p. 1-37.) FAA Riggauer, Hans. Die Miinzen Fried- richs mit der leeren Tasche, Grafen von Tirol. (Koniglich bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungsberichte. Philos.-philol.-hist. Classe. Miinchen, 1899 8°. Jahrg. 1898, Bd. 2, p. 457-465.) * EE Sava, Karl von. Die Siegel der Landes- Erbiimter des Erzherzogthumes 5ster- reich unter der Enns im Mittelalter. 2 pi. (Alterthums Verein, Wien. Berichte Wien, 1861. i\ Bd. 5, p. 44-67.) f FAA Die Siegel der osterreichischen Furstinen im Mittelalter. 2 pi. illus. (Alterthums Verein, Wien. Berichte Wien, 1857. f°. Bd. 2, p. 99-162.) f FAA Schalk, Karl. Beitrage zur Geschichte des osterreichischen Miinzwesens unter Leopold I. (Numismatische Zeitschrift. Wien, 1908-10 . 4°. N. F. Bd. 1, p. 189-233- Bd. 2, p. 229-262; Bd. 3, p. 213-232.) f MHA Eine Handschrift miinzgeschicht- hchen Inhalts der Wiener K. K. Hofbib- liothek (Nr. 14599). (Numismatische Zeitschrift. Wien, 1906. 8°. Bd. 37 n 93-111.) MHA Wiener Miinzverhaltnisse im ersten Viertel des 15. Jahrhunderts. (Institut fur oesterreichische Geschichtsforschung. Mittheilungen. Innsbruck, 1883. 8°. Bd 4, p. 572-606.) FAA Schweitzer, F. Abrege de I'histoire des comtes de Gorice et serie de leurs mon- naies. Trieste, 1851. sq. 8°. MHX Streber, Franz. Die altesten in Salz- burg geschlagenen Miinzen. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Herzogthums Karn- then. 2 pi. (Koniglich bayerische Aka- demie der Wissenschaften. Abhand- lungen. Philos.-philol. Klasse. Miin- chen, 1855. 4°. Bd. 7, p. 483-620.) * EE Truhelka, Giro. Der bosnische Miinzen- fund von Ribici. illus. (Bosnisch-herze- gowinisches Landesmuseum in Sarajevo. Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen aus Bos- nien und der Herzegowina. Wien, 1909 4°. Bd. 11. p. 184-236.) * QKK . Verzeichniss der bosnischen, ser- bischen und bulgarischen Miinzen des Landesmuseums in Sarajevo, illus. (Bos- nisch-hercegovinisches Landesmuseum in Sarajevo. Wissenschaftliche Mittheilun- gen aus Bosnien und der Hercegovina Wien, 1896. 4°. Bd. 4, p. 303-323.) * QKK Vintler, Friedrich von. Der Miinzfund im Spitalwalde bei Bruneck. (Zeitschrift des Ferdinandeums fiir Tirol und Vorarl- berg. Innsbruck, 1879. 8°. Folge 3, Heft 23, Geschichtliche Abtheilung, p. 95-102 ) FIC W., K. von. Militarische Belohnungs- Medaillen, Gedenk-Medaillen und Kriegs- Erinnerungs-Zeichen in Osterreich-Un- garn. (Streffleurs osterreichische mili- tarische Zeitschrift. Wien, 1899 8° Jahrg. 40, Bd. 2, p. 35-54.) VWA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 43 Individual Countries, continued. Austria, continued. Wellenheim, Leopold Welzl von. Miin- zen der Grafschaft Gorz. 1 pi. (Neue Zeitschrift des Ferdinandeums fiir Tirol und Vorarlberg. Innsbruck, 1839. 8°. Bd. 5, p. 52-88.) FIC Babylonia Delaporte, L. Cylindres royaiix de I'epoque de la premiere dynastie baby- lonienne. illus. (Revue archeologique. Paris, 1910. 8°. serie 4, v. 15, p. 107-117.) MTA Howorth, Sir H. H. Some coins attri- buted to Babylon by Dr. Imhoof-Blumer. 3 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1904. 8°. series 4, v. 4, p. 1-38.) MHA Imhoof-Blumer, F. The mint at Baby- lon: a rejoinder [to Sir Henry Howorth, "Some coins attributed to Babylon by Dr. Imhoof-Blumer," Numismatic chronicle, 1904, series 4, v. 4, p.]. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1906. 8°. series 4, V. 6, p. 17-25.) MHA Die Miinzstatte Babylon. (Numis- matische Zeitschrift. Wien, 1906. 8°. Bd. 37, p. 1-8.) MHA Lyon, David Gordon. The seal impres- sions on an early Babylonian contract (Harvard Semitic Museum, no. 109). 2 pi. (American Oriental Society. Journal. New Haven, 1906. 8°. v. 27, p. 135-141.) *OAA Pinches, Theodore G. The Babylonian and Assyrian cylinder-seals of the British Museum. 3 pi. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1885. 8°. V. 41, p. 396-404.) CA Price, Ira Maurice. Four Babylonian seal cylinders. (American journal of Semitic languages. Chicago, 1904. 4°'. V. 20, p. 109-115.) *OBA Svoronos, Joannes N. Numismatique de la Peonie et de la Macedoine avant les guerres mediques. (Journal international d'archeologie numismatique. Athenes, 1913. 4°. tome 15, p. 193-280.) MHA Ward, William Hayes. The Babylonian Caduceus... n.t.-p. [New York, 1888.] Ixxxv-lxxxix p. 8°. * OCM p.v. 1, no.5 Repr. : American Oriental Society. Proceedings. Oct.. 1888. Bel and the dragon. [And] The Babylonian representation of the solar disk, n.t.-p. [New York, 190-?] 12, 3 p.. 1 1. 8°. *OCMp.v. l,no.l Repr.: American journal of Semitic languages and literatures, v. 14, no. 2. Notes on Oriental antiquities. Two Babylonian seal-cylinders, n.t.-p. [New York, 189-?] 3 p. 8°. * OCM p.v. 1, no.7 Repr.: American journal of archaeology. v. 2, no. 1. Notes on Oriental antiquities, iv. The rising sun on Babylonian cylinders. [New York, 1887?] 7 p., 1 pi. 8°. * OCM p.v. l,no.6 Repr.: American journal of archseology. v. 3, no. 1-2. Notes on Oriental antiquities. VIII. "Human sacrifices" on Babylonian cylinders. n.t.-p. [New York, 189-?] 11 p. 8°. * OCM p.v. 1, no. 8 Repr.: American journal of archaeology. v. 5, no. 1. Notes on Oriental antiquities, ix. A Babylonian cylindrical bas relief from Urumia in Persia, n.t.-p. (New York, 190-?] 15 p., 1 pi. 8°. *OCMp.v. l.no.ll Repr.: American journal of archaeology. v. 6, no. 3. Bactria Benfey, Theodor. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Gotternamen auf den indoscy- thischen Miinzen. (Deutsche morgen- landische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leip- zig, 1854. 8°. Bd. 8, p. 450-467.) * OAA British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. The coins of the Greek and Scythic kings of Bactria and India in the British Museum. By P. Gardner. Edited by R. S. Poole. London: British Museum, 1886. Ixxvi, 193 p., 32 pi. 8°. (Catalogue of Indian coins in the British Museum.) MIP Buehler, Georg. The Kharoshthi in- scriptions on the Indo-Grecian coins. (Vienna oriental journal. Vienna, 1894. 8°. V. 8 p. 193-207.) * OAA Coins and relics from Bactria. 2 pi. (Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal. Cal- cutta, 1838. 8°. V. 7, part 2, p. 1047-1052.) *OHA For further information see v. 10, part 2, p. 570- 572. Cunningham, Alexander. Description of, and deductions from a consideration of, some new Bactrian coins. 1 pi. (Asi- atic Society of Bengal. Journal. Calcut- ta, 1840. 8°. V. 9, part 2, p. 867-889, 1008.) *OHA Notes on Capt. Hay's Bactrian coins. 4 pi. (Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal. Calcutta, 1840. 8°. v. 9, part 1, p. 531-544.) * OHA Notice of some counterfeit Bac- trian coins. 1 pi. (Asiatic Society of Ben- gal. Journal. Calcutta, 1840. 8°. v. 9, part 1, p. 393-396; v. 9, part 2, p. 1217-1230.) *OHA Second notice of some new Bac- 44 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Bactria, continued. trian coins. 1 pi. (Asiatic Society of Ben- gal. Journal. Calcutta, 1842. 8". v. 11, part 1, p. 130-137.) * OHA Gardner, Percy. See British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. Hay, W. Account of coins found at Bameean. [With note by officiating secre- tary.] (Asiatic Society of Bengal. Jour- nal. Calcutta, 1840. 8°. v. 9, part 1, p. 68-75.) * OHA Hoernle, A. Rudolph. Scytho-Bactrian coins in the British collection of central Asian antiquities. (Indian antiquary. Bombay, 1898. 4°. v. 27, p. 225-227.) *OHN Jacquet, E. Memoire sur la serie des medailles indiennes connues sous la de- nomination d'indo-scythique. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1840. 8°. serie 3, v. 9, p. 54-66; V. 10, p. 202-236.) * OAA Notice de la collection de medailles bactriennes et indo-scythiques rapportees par M. le General Allard. (Journal asia- tique. Paris, 1836. 8". serie 3, v. 1, p. 122- 190.) * OAA Masson, C. Memoir on the ancient coins found at Beghram, in the Kohistan of Kabul. 9 pi. (Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal. Calcutta, 1834. 8°. v. 3, p. 153- 175; V. 5, p. 1-28, 537-547.) * OHA Poole, Reginald Stuart. See British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. Prinsep, J. Additions to Bactrian nu- mismatics, and discovery of the Bactrian alphabet. 3 pi. (Asiatic Society of Ben- gal. Journal. Calcutta, 1838. 8°. v. 7. part 2, p. 636-658.) * OHA Further notes and drawings of Bactrian and Indo-Scythic coins. 6 pi. (Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal. Calcutta, 1835. 8°. v. 4, p. 327-348.) *OHA New types of Bactrian and Indo- Scythic coins. 1 pi. (Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal. Calcutta, 1836. 8°. v. 5, p. 720-724.) * OHA New varieties of Bactrian coins. engraved from Masson's drawings and other sources. 1 pi. (Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal. Calcutta, 1836. 8°. V. 5, p. 548-554.) * OHA Schlegel, A. W. de. Observations sur quelques medailles bactriennes et indo- scythiques nouvellement decouvertes. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1828. 8°. serie 2, v. 2, p. 321-349.) * OAA Smith, Vincent A. The most southern hoard of Bactrian coins in India. (Indian antiquary. 217-218.) Bombay, 1904. 4° V. 33, p. *OHN Terrien de Lacouperie, Albert fitienne Jean Baptiste. Une monnaie bactro- chinoise bilingue du premier siecle avant notre ere. (Institut de France. Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Comp- tes-rendus. Paris, 1890. 8°. serie 4, v. 17, p. 338-348.) * EO Thomas, E. Bactrian coins. (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. London, 1863. 8°. V. 20, p. 99-133.) * OAA Bactrian coins and Indian dates. (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. Lon- don, 1877. 8°. new series, v. 9, p. 1-21.) *OAA Baluchistan Rapson, E. J. Ancient silver coins from Baluchistan. 1 pi. (Numismatic chron- icle. London, 1904. 8°. series 4, v. 4, p. 311-325.) MHA Belgium See Netherlands and Belgium BOEOTIA See Greece Bokhara British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. The coinage of Bukhara (Transoxiana) in the British Museum from the time of Timur to the present day. Classes xxii, xxiii. By S. Lane-Poole. Edited by R. S. Poole. London: British Museum, 1882. xlviii, 131 p., 5 pi., 1 table. 8°. (Catalogue of Oriental coins in the British Museum, v. 7.) MIL Lane-Poole, Stanley. See British Mu- seum. — • Department of Coins and Medals. Thomas, Edward. Bilingual coins of Bukhara... London, 1881. 13 p., 1 pi. 8°. MHE p.v. 6, no.8 Repr. : Numismatic chronicle, series 3, v. 3. Bosnia See Austria Brazil Cavalcanti, viscondessa. Catalogo das medalhas brazileiras e das estrangeiras referentes ao Brazil, n.p., 1889. 52 p. 8°. Mil p. box Meili, Julius. Das brasilianische Geld- wesen. Teil 1-2. Ziirich: Druck des LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 45 Individual Countries, continued. Brazil, continued. Polygraphischen Institutes A. G., 1897- 1905. 4°. Mil Teil 1. Die Miinzen der Colonic Brasilien. 1645 bis 1822. , ^^.. . „ .,. Teil 2. Die Munzen des unabhangigen Brasilien. 1822 bis 1900. Numismatische Sammlung. Die Munzen der Colonie Brasilien. 1645 bis 1822. Zurich: [Brunner & Hauser,) 1895. xxxvii p., 4 1., 59 pi. 4°. Mil South American, A, quadringentesimal medal. (American journal of numisma- tics. Boston, 1900. 8°. v. 34, p. 77-80.) MHA Bulgaria Dobrusky, V. Deux molybdobulles bul- gares uniques et inedites. (Revue numis- matique. Paris, 1901. 8°. serie 4. v. 5, p. 258-261.) MHA Iliyev, At. T. Pogled vrkhu blgarskata nuniizmatika. (Sbornik za Narodni Umot- voreniya, Nauka i Knizhnina. Sofiya, 1899. V. 1, p. 97-133.) Truhelka, Giro. Verzeichniss der bos- nischen, serbischen, und bulgarischen Miinzen des Landesmuseums in Sarajevo, illus. (Bosnisch-hercegovinisches Landes- museum in Sarajevo. Wissenschaftliche Mittheilungen aus Bosnien und der Her- cegovina. Wien, 1896. 4°. Bd. 4, p. 303- 323.) * QKK Burma See India Byzantine Empire Akerman, John Yonge. A descriptive catalogue of rare and unedited Roman coins: from the earliest period of the Roman coinage, to the extinction of the Empire under Constantinus Paleologoes. London: E. Wilson, 1834. 2 v. pi. 8°. MHN British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. Catalogue of the coins of the Vandals, Ostrogoths and Lom- bards, and of the empires of Thessalonica, Nicaea and Trebizond, in the. . .museum. By W. Wroth... London: the trustees, 1911. xciv p., 1 1., 344 p., 43 pi. 4°. MHF Degrand. Le tresor d'Izgherli. (Insti- tut de France. Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Comptes rendus. Paris, 1903. 8°. 1903, p. 390-396.) * EO Finlay, George. On the blindness of Belisarius, on Roman and Byzantine money, on the site of the Holy Sepulchre, n. p., n. d. 47 p., 1 pi. 8°. * C p.v. 468 Reprinted from his: Greece under the Romans. 2. ed. Heilborn, O. Catalogue descriptif de la collection des monnaies antiques grec- ques, romaines et byzantines de feu Baron A. W. Stjernstedt.. . Stockholm: A. L. Normans, 1882. 3 p.l., 216 p. 8^ Stuart 11456 J., H. V. Numismatique byzantine. La fameuse medaille de I'imperatrice Theo- phanon existe-elle ou non? [Signed H. V. J.] n. t.-p. n. p. (1875?) 10 p., 1 pi. 8°. TB p.v. 58 Extr.: Revue beige de numismatique. 1875. Konstantopoulos, K. M. Bu^avxrivd |xo>iu(366Pou>.?ia. (Journal international d' archeologie numismatique. Athenes, 1899. 4°. V. 2, p. 117-128.) MHA Bu^avTiaxu jio?iuP86|3ou>tXa ev xco 'Edvixo) No^uofxaxixa) Mouoeico 'Ad^Tivwv, (Suveixeia.) (Journal international d'ar- cheologie numismatique. Athenes, 1903- 05. 4°. V. 6, p. 49-88, 333-364; v. 7, p. 161- 176, 255-310; v. 8, p. 53-102, 195-222.) MHA Lampros, Paulos. 'AvexSoxa von.iOM'axa xojTEvxa ev Hegav vnb xfig auxo^i d-Toiv.iag xwv revoDTivoiwv; 1421-36, 1436-43. 'A^n- vTiaiv, 1872. illus. 4°. MHO Maurice, Jules. L'atelier monetaire de Constantinople pendant la periode con- stantinienne. 2 pi. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1901. 8°. serie 4, v. 5, p. 174-209.) MHA Sabatier, P. J. Description generale des monnaies byzantines frappees sous les em- pereurs d'Orient, depuis Arcadius jusqu'a la prise de Constantinople par Mahomet II... Paris, 1862. 2 v. pi. illus. 8°. MHO ' Saulcy, L.F.J.C. de. Essai de classifica- tion des suites monetaires byzantines. Metz, 1836. 1 v. and atlas. 8° and i° . t MHO and MHO Schlumberger, Leon Gustave. Sigillo- graphie de T'empire byzantin... Paris: E. Leroux, 1884. vii, 748 p., 1 1. f°. (So- ciete de I'orient latin. [Publications, no. 5.]) tMIY Stevenson, Seth William. Observations on a jewelled coin of the Emperor Maurice, found at Bacton, near Cromer, Norfolk. Norwich, 1847. pi. 8°. * C p.v. 281 ■' Voetter, Otto. Constantinus junior. Insbesonders seine Munzen als Augu- stus und die gleichzeitigen Kupferpragun- gen in den romischen Miinzstatten. Zu- sammengestellt fiir den Vortrag gehalten am 21. April 1909 in der Wiener numis- matischen Gesellschaft von O. Voetter. Wien: P. Gerin [1909]. 16 pi. ob. 8°. tMHO Wroth, Warwick. Catalogue of the im- 46 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Byzantine Empire, continued. perial Byzantine coins in the British Mu- seum. London: Longmans & Co., 1908. 2 V. illus. 4°. MHO See also British Museum. — De- partment of Coins and Medals. Canada Breton, P. N. Histoire illustree des monnaies et jetons du Canada... Les biographies et portraits des principaux numismates; une description de la mon- naie de carte et du papier-monnaie. . . Montreal: P. N. Breton [Cop. 1904). 240 p. 4°. MIG Title-page and text in French and English. Canadian numismatic bibliography. A review of Mr. R. W. McLachlan's "Cana- dian numismatics," and other books and pamphlets describing Canadian coins & medals. Montreal: reprinted from "The Gazette," 1886. 16 p. 16°. MIG p. box Cleave, A. H. W. The mechanical equip- ment of the Ottawa Mint. fWith discus- sion.] 10 pi. (Canadian Society of Civil Engineers. Transactions. Montreal, 1908. 8°. V. 22, p. 134-152.) VDA King's, The, coins. The first money minted for Canada. (Numismatist. Mon- roe, Mich., 1899. 8°. V. 12, p. 239-241.) MHA Leroux, Joseph. Le medaillier du Ca- nada. Montreal: C. O. Beauchemin et fils [pref. 1888]. v.p. illus. 4°. Mil — — ■ Supplement. Montreal: C. O. Beauchemin & fils [1890]. v.p. 8°. Mil McLachlan, Robert Wallace. Canadian numismatics. A descriptive catalogue of coins, tokens and medals issued in or re- lating to the Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland. With notes giving inci- dents in the history of many of these coins and medals. Montreal: privately printed for the author, 1886. 2 p.l., (1)4-127 p.. 1 pi. 4°. MIG no. S6 of one hundred coipies reprinted from the American journal of numismatics. Medals awarded to the Canadian Indians. Montreal, 1899. 36 p. 8°. HBC Statistics of the coinage for Ca- nada and Newfoundland, n.p., n.d. 4 1., 1 table. 8°. MIG p. box Price, C. Wesley. Catalogue of the col- lection of coins, tokens and medals, largely representing the Canadian series. . .which will be sold by public auction at the rooms of the Collectors' Club. . .February 25, 1901... New York, 1901. 36 p. 8°. MHFHp.box Reid, R. L. The gold coins of British Columbia. (Numismatist. Monroe, Mich., 1900. 8°. V. 13, p. 101-103.) MHA Scott Stamp & Coin Co., Ltd. Catalogue of rare. . .Canadian coins, medals, and tokens, also many valuable books relating to coins... New York, 1890. 16 p. 8°. MHFHp.box Trenaman, J. C. The brass coins of Canada. (Numismatist. Monroe, Mich., 1902. 8°. V. 15, p. 239-241.) MHA Celts Blanchet, Jules Adrien. Recherches sur les monnaies celtiques de I'Europe cen- trale. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1902. 8°. serie 4, v. 6, p. 36-51, 157-173.) MHA Forrer, Robert. Analysen keltischer Mijnzen. (Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologic. Berlin, 1909. 8°. Bd. 41, p. 458-462.) QOA Keltische Numismatik der Rhein und Donaulande. Strassburg: Karl J. Truebner, 1908. xi, 373 p^., 2 maps, 46 pi. 4°. MHX Prahistorisches auf keltischen MiJnzen. illus. (Zeitschrift fiir Ethnolo- gic. Berlin, 1903. 8°. Bd. 35, p. 709-715.) QOA Streber, Franz. Ueber eine gallische Silbermiinze mit dem angeblichen Bilde eines Druiden. (Koniglich bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abhand- lungen. Philos.-philol. Klasse. Miinchen, 1866. 4°. Bd. 10, p. 99-125.) * EE Ueber die sogenannten Regenbo- genschliisselchen. 11 pi. (Koniglich baye- rische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen. Philos.-philol. Klasse. Miinchen, 1860-62. 4°. Bd. 9, p. 165-276, 547-730.) * EE Ceylon See India Chile Medina, Jose Toribio. Las medallas chilenas. Memoria presentada a la Uni- versidad de Chile en conformidad a lo dis- puesto en el articulo 22 de la ley de 9 de enero de 1879, sobre instruccion secundaria y superior. Santiago de Chile: impreso en casa del autor, 1901. vi p., 1 1., 467 p., 38 pi. f°. t Mil Las monedas chilenas. Memoria presentada a la Universidad de Chile, en conformidad a lo dispuesto en el articulo 22 de la ley de 9 de enero de 1879, sobre instruccion secundaria y superior. Santi- ago de Chile: impreso y grabado en casa del autor, 1902. cccvii, 238 p., 1 1., 13 pi. f°. tMII LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 4; Individual Countries, continued. Chile, continued. Vidal Gormaz, Francisco. Los emble- mas nacionalcs. Introduccion al "Codigo de senales de la armada de Chile" pro- puesto en concurso, por el capitan de fra- gata Don Francisco Vidal Gormaz i apro- bado por decreto supremo de 24 noviem- bre de 1882. Santiago de Chile: Imp. nacional, 1883. 15 p., 1 pi. 8°. HIB.p.v. l,no.9 China Adams, Geoffrey Charlton. Catalogue of the collections of J. Aldrich Campbell and Wun Hi Gin, consisting of fine Ameri- cana in gold, silver and copper .. .together with the finest collection of Chinese coins ever offered for sale here or abroad... Catalogue by Daniel F. Howarth... Sold ...July 13th, 1906... [New York, 1906.] 44 p. 8°. MHFH Brudin, J. A. The coins of the Chinese abroad. (Numismatist. Monroe, Mich., 1901. 8°. V. 14, p. 151-155, 191-194.) MHA The medals of China. (Numismat- ist. Monroe, Mich., 1899. 8°. v. 12, p. 179-184, 195-199, 264-266.) MHA Bushell, S. W. Additional coins of the present dynasty. (Royal Asiatic Society. — China Branch. Journal. Shanghai, 1900. 8°. V. 32>, p. 30-45.) * OAA Roman and Chinese coinage. 1 pi. (China review. Hongkong, 1872. 8°. v. 1, p. 117-118.) *OVA Ch'in Ting Ch'ien Lu: record of Chinese coins, published under imperial instruc- tions; prepared by ten ministers of state, in accordance with an edict issued by the Emperor Kien Lung in the 15th year of his reign, 1750. [In the original.] Ning- po, 1880. 4 V. nar. 4°. f MIR Cordier, H. Les societes secretes chi- noises. (Revue d'ethnographie. Paris, 1889. 8°. V. 7, p. 52-72.)^ QOA Drouin, E. Monnaies Tangoutaines ou Si-hia. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1899. 8°. serie 4, v. 3, p. 235-240.) MHA Endlicher, S. Verzeichniss der chine- sischen und japanischen Miinzen, des K. K. Miinz- und Antiken-Cabinetes in Wien. Wien, 1837. 4°. MIR Gardner, C. T. The coins of China. 16 pi. (Manchester Geographical Society. Journal. Manchester, Eng., 1889. 8°. v. 5, p. 233-254.) KAA Hackmann, H. Chinese coins. (East of Asia magazine. Shanghai, 1902. 4°. V. 1, p. 144-154.) t*OVA Hager, Joseph. Description des me- dailles chinoises du Cabinet imperial de France; precedee d'un essai de numis- matique chinoise, avec des eclaircissemens sur le commerce des Grecs avec la Chine, et sur les vases precieux qu'on y trouve encore. Paris, 1805. map. illus. 4°. tMIR Harlez, C. de. Trois monnaies a carac- teres inconnus. 1 pi. (T'oung pao. Leide, 1899. 8°. V. 10, p. 68-72.) * OSA Holt, H. F. W. On a collection of Chinese coins. 2 pi. (Numismatic chron- icle. London, 1866. 8°. new series, v. 6, p. 68-90.) MHA Hopkins, L. C. The origin and earlier history of the Chinese coinage. (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. London, 1895. 8°. V. 27, 1895, p. 317-378.) * OAA Hung Tsun tseuen che. A history of the coinage from the earliest times to the middle of the tenth century. In Chinese. China, 1873. 1 v. illus. 4°. f * OVE Janvier, Henry A. See Smith, Oberlin, and Henry A. Janvier. Kainz, C. Die altesten chinesischen Staatsmiinzen. Ein Beitrag zur Miinz- kunde des chinesischen Alterthums. Ber- lin: A. Weyl, 1894. 36 p., 6 pi. illus. 8°. *OVE I Repr. : Berliner Munzblatter. Keih kin che ts'un. Treatise on the coinage. By Le Kwang-t'ing. In four books with many illustrations. In Chi- nese. China, 1859. 4 v. in 1 cover. 4°. t*OVE Keih kin so keen luh. A treatise on the coinage of China. By Ch'oo Wei-yuen. In 16 books with many illustrations. In Chinese. China, 1819 ^repr. 1827]. 4 v. in 1 cover. 4°. f * OVE Kin ting se tsing koo keen. Mirror of antiquities preserved in the Palace of Wes- tern Purity at Peking. Compiled by an Imperial Commission. In 40 books. Fol- lowed by Tseen luh. A record of coins. In 16 books. In Chinese. The whole in 24 v. Shanghai, 1888 (reprint of 1749 edi- tion). 4°. t*OVE Kirkwood, James. Appendix to Wylie's "Coins of the Ta-ch'ing dynasty," "Hien Fung" period. illus. (China review. Hongkong, 1880. 8°. v. 8, p. 255-269.) *OVA Coins of the "Ta-Ts'ing" dynasty. (Appendix to work by Wylie.] illus. (China review. Hongkong, 1879. 8°. v. 8, p. 162-167.) *OVA Lockhart, J. H. S. The currency of the farther East from the earliest times... Chinese, Annamese, Japanese, Corean coins... Coins used as amulets. Chinese government and private notes. Hong- 48 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. China, continued. kong: Noronha & Co., 1895-98. 3 v. 8° and 4°. MIR V. 1. A description of the Glover collection. V. 2. The plates of the... coins collected by G. B. Glover. V. 3. A guide to the inscriptions on the coins... Longueville, C. Catalogue of collection of coins. Made by the late Captain C. Longueville of His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor of China's Customs. Hong- Kong: "China Mail" Office, 1892. 3 p.l., 57 p., 14 pi. 4°. tMIR Morse, H. B. Currency in China. (Royal Asiatic Society. — China Branch. Jour- nal. Shanghai, 1907. 8°. v. 38, p. 1-60.) *OAA "Numisma." The ancient coinage of China, illus. (China review. Hongkong, 1895-99. 8°. V. 21, p. 230-252; v. 22, p. 626- 650; V. 23, p. 324-357.) * OVA Pfizmaier, August. Bericht iiber die von Herrn Carl von Hiigel dem K. K. Miinz- und Antiken-Cabinette zu Wien geschenk- ten chinesischen Miinzen und Medaillen. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaf- ten. Sitzungsberichte. Philos.-hist. Classe. Wien, 1849. 8°. Bd. 3, p. 112-114.) * EF Bericht iiber einige von Herrn Dr. Karl Ritter v. Scherzer eingesandte chi- nesische und japanische Miinzen. 1 pi. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaf- ten. Sitzungsberichte. Philos.-hist. Classe. Wien, 1861. 8°. Bd. 37, p. 45-55.) * EF Bericht iiber zwei Taiping-Miin- zen. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Sitzungsberichte. Philos.-hist. Classe. Wien, 1866. 8°. Bd. 52, p. 424- 426.) * EF Phillips, Henry, the younger. Numis- matics. Notes upon the collection of coins and medals deposited by the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia [at the Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art), by Henry Phillips, jr. And upon the collection of Chinese coins belonging to the museum, by Stew^art Culin. rPhiladelphia,] 1885. 40 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1348, no. 12 Piton, Ch. Chinese coins. (China re- view. Hongkong, 1880. 8°. v. 9, p. 57- 58.) * OVA Ramsden, Henry A. Chinese openwork amulet coins. Yokohama, Japan: Jun Kobayagawa Co., 1911. 2 p.l., 60 p., 4 pi. illus. 8°. *OVE Rondot, Natalis. On the Chinese coins and small porcelain bottles found in Egypt. (Royal Asiatic Society. — China Branch. Journal. Shanghai, 1899. 8°. V. 32, p. 66-78.) * OAA Silvestre, J. Chinese medals, 2 pi. illus. (American journal of numismatics. New York, 1910. 4°. v. 44, p. 113.) MHA Notice sur les medailles de la Chine et dependances. 7 pi. (Societe de geo- graphic de Rochefort. Bulletin. Roche- fort, 1908. 8°. V. 30, p. 3-16.) KAA Notes on the money of China and its dependencies. (American journal of numismatics. New York, 1908. 4°. v. 42, p. 61-66, 121-128; v. 43, p. 1-7.) MHA Translated from a report made to the French mint. Smith, Oberlin, and Henry A. Janvier. Coining machinery in Chinese mints. (Cassier's magazine. New York, 1903. 8°. v. 24, p. 3-13.) VDA Stuart, H. N. Catalogus der munten en amuletten van China, Japan, Corea en Annam, behoorende tot de numismatische verzameling van het Bataviaasch Genoot- schap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Batavia: Landsdrukkerij, 1904. xxiv, 227 p. 4°. MIR Terrien de Lacouperie, Albert fitienne Jean Baptiste. Catalogue of Chinese coins from the vir. century. B.C. to A.D. 621, including the series in the British Museum. Edited by R. S. Poole. Lon- don: printed by order of the trustees [Of the British Museumj, 1892. Ixxi, 443 p. 4°. tMIR The metallic cowries of ancient China (600 B. C). (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. London, 1888. 8°. new series, V. 20, p. 428-439.) * OAA Une monnaie bactro-chinoise bi- lingue du premier siecle avant notre ere. (Institut de France. Academic des in- scriptions et belles-lettres. Comptes- rendus. Paris, 1890. 8°. serie 4, v. 17, p. 338-348.) * EG Thwing, E. W. Coins of China. (China review. Hongkong, 1898. 8°. v. 23, p. 105-114.) *OVA Tseen che sin peen. Illustrated treatise on the coinage down to the end of the Ming dynasty. By Chang Tsung-e. In 20 books with many illustrations. In Chinese. China, pref. 1826. 4 v. in 1 cover. 4°. t*OVE Crete Arneth, Joseph Calasanza von, Ritter. Bericht iiber die in Candia durch die kai- serl. Akademie zu erwerbenden alten Miinzen und geschittenen Steine. (Kai- serliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungsberichte. Philos.-hist. Classe. Wien, 1849. 8°. Bd. 3, p. 275-280.) * EF British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. A catalogue of the Greek coins of Crete and the Aegean LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 49 Individual Countries, continued. Crete, continued. islands, by W. Wroth; edited by R. S. Poole. London: British Museum, 1886. 1, 152 p., 29 pi. 8°. MHM Svoronos, Joannes N. Numismatique de la Crete ancienne, accompagnee de I'histoire, la geographic et la mythologie de rile... Premere partie: description des monnaies, histoire et geographie, sui- vie de 35 planches en phototypie. Macon: Protat freres, 1890. f°. t MHM Plates in separate cover. Wroth, Warwick. See British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. Cyprus Borrell, H. P. Notice sur quelques me- dailles grecques des rois de Chypre. Paris. 1836. 4°. fMHM British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. See Hill, George Francis. Cobham, Claude Delaval. Numisma- tics. (In his: An attempt at a bibliog- raphy of Cyprus. Nicosia, 1900. 8°. p. 39-40.) BVX p.v. 4, no.4 Hill, George Francis. Catalogue of the Greek coins of Cyprus. With one map. a table of the Cypriote syllabary and twenty-six plates. London: The British Museum, 1904. cxliv, 120 p., 1 map, 26 pi. 8°. (British Museum. — Department ot Coins and Medals.) MHM Lampros, Paulos. 'AvexSoxa voniojiata xov McoaicovixoO PaoiXeiou xilg Ku.-tqou. 'Ev 'Adi'ivaig, 1876. pi. illus. 4°. MHO Monnaies inedites du royaume de Chypre au moyen age. Athenes, 1876. pi. illus. 4°. MHO Bound with the preceding. Luynes, Honore Theodoric Paul Joseph d'Albert, due de. Numismatique et in- scriptions Cypriotes, avec 12 planches. Paris, 1852. 4°. fMHM Dalmatia See Austria Denmark Hauberg, Peter Christian. Danmarks MyntVcTsen i Tidsrummet 1146-1241. Avec un resume en frangais: Histoire monetaire du Danemark de 1146 a 1241. Kj0ben- havn: B. Luno. 1906. 73(1) p. 4°. (Kongeligt Dansk Videnskabernes Sel- skab. Skrifter. Raekke 6. Historisk og filosofisk Afdeling. Bind 5, [no.] 3.) * EH De I'influence byzantine sur les monnaies du Danemark au xi. siecle. 1 pi. (Congres international de numisma- tique, Paris, 1900. Proces-verbaux & me- moires. Paris, 1900. 4°. p. 335-345.) MHA Myntforhold og Udmyntninger i Danmark indtil 1146. Avec un resume en frangais: Historic monetaire du Danemark jusqu'en 1146. Kj0benhavn: B. Luno, 1900. 264 p., 1 1., 13 pi. 4°. (Kongeligt Dansk Videnskabernes Selskab. Skrifter. Rsekkc 6. Historisk og filosofisk Afde- ling. Bind 5, rno.i 1.) * EH J0rgensen, C. T. Beskrivelse over danske M^nter 1448-1888. Kjpibenhavn: Gyldcndal, 1888. 164 p. 8°. MIA Nationalmuseet, K^benhavn. — Konge- lige Mynt- og Medaillesamling. Beskri- velse over danske Mynter og Medaillcr i den kongeligc Samling. Kiobenhavn: N. Mollcr og Son, 1791. Ixiv, 816 p., 2 1. f°. ttMIA Tillaeg. Kiobenhavn: N. Mollcr og Son, 1794. 2 p.l., 36 p.. 349 pi. f°. ft MIA Ramus, Christian, the elder. Beretning om en i Jorden i Sjelland i Sommeren 1822 funden Samling af gamle Mynter. (Skandinavisk Literatur-Selskab. Skrif- ter. Kjobenhavn, 1824. 12°. Bind 20. p. 151-203.) NISA Historisk Beretning om de Guld- mynter, som ere slagne i de danske Stater. (Skandinavisk Literatur-Selskab. Skrif- ter. Kjobenhavn fl807]. 12°. Aarg. 3, Bind 1 [Bind 5], p. 124-201.) NISA Om nogle i Hadcrslev-Amt fundne Mynter. (Skandinavisk Literatur-Selskab. Skrifter. Kjobenhavn [1807]. 12°. Aarg. 3, Bind 1 [Bind 5], p. 202-210.) NISA Thiset, Anders. Danske adelige Sigil- ler fra det 15., 16. og 17. Aarhundrede. Kjobenhavn: C. A. Reitzcl, 1905. f°. tfMIY Issued in 28 parts, 1898-1905. Dutch East Indies Chijs, J. A. van der. See Netscher, Eliza, and J. A. van der Chijs. Moquette, J. P. lets over de muntcn van Bandjarmasin en Maloeka. 8 pi. (Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Batavia, 1906. 8°. v. 48, p. 489-504.) * OAA De niunten van Ncdcrlandsch- Indie. Z6 pi. (Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Batavia. 1907- 10. 8°. Deel 50. p. 1-61, 186-204, 326-387; Deel 51. p. 1-21, 33-94, 222-323; Deel 52, p. 341-555.) * OAA Netscher, Eliza, and J. A. van der Chijs. 50 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Dutch East Indies, continued. De munten van Nederlandsch Indie. [Batavia: Lange & Co., 1864.] x, 230 p., 33 pi. 4°. (Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Verhande- lingen. Deel 31, [no. 2].) * EL Verhandeling der munten, maaten en gewigten, van Neerlandsch India. (Bata- viaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Verhandelingen. Rot- terdam, 1786. 8°. Deel 4, p. 397-514.) *EL Egypt Bayer, Gottlieb Siegfried. Numi duo Ptolemaei Lagidae explicati T.S.B. [Pe- tropoli, 173 - ?] 246-258 p. 4°. * OAC p.v. 9 Extract: Commentaria Academiae scientiarvm Petropolitanae. tomus 4, p. 246-258. British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. A catalogue of the Greek coins in the British Museum. Catalogue of the coins of Alexandria and the Nomes. By R. S. Poole. London: British Museum, 1892. cp., 2 1., 395 p., 32 pi. 8°. MHM See also Poole, Reginald Stuart. Chabas, F. J. Recherches sur les poids, mesures et monnaies des anciens Egyp- tiens. Paris, 1876. 46 p. 4°. VBDB Chassinat, fimile. Une monnaie d'or a legendes hieroglyphique trouvee en figypte. (Institut frangais d'archeologie orientale. Bulletin. Le Caire, 1901. 4". v. 1, p. 78-86.) t*OBL Une nouvelle monnaie a legende hieroglyphique. (Institut frangais d'ar- cheologie orientale. Le Caire, 1910. 4°. v. 7. p. 165-167.) t*OBL Dattari, G. i^ppunti di numismatica alessandrina. (Rivista italiana di numis- matica e scienze affini. Milano, 1900-04. 8°. V. 13, p. 267-285. 375-393; v. 14, p. 157- 183. 263-275, 361-382; v. 15, p. 19-36, 291- 317. 407-437; v. 16, p. 11-35, 263-331, v. 17, p. 465-474.) MHA "neQio8o5." SuUe monete alessan- drine. 1 pi. (Congresso internazionale di scienze storiche, Roma, 1903. Atti. Roma, 1904. 4°. v. 6. Numismatica, p. 201-206.) BAA Drouin, E. Une monnaie d'argent du Mahdi (Soudan egyptien). (Revue nu- mismatique. Paris, 1901. 8°. serie 4, v. 5, p. 113-116.) MHA Dutilh, E. D. J. Numismatique des nomes d'figypte. (Revue beige de numis- matique. Bruxelles, 1904. 8°. annee 60, 1904, p. 41-48.) MHA Vestiges de faux monnayages an- tiques a Alexandrie ou ses environs. (Journal international d'archeologie nu- mismatique. Athenes, 1902. 4°., v. 5, p. 93-97.) MHA Feuardent, F. Collections Giovanni di Demetrio. Numismatique. figypte an- cienne. Deuxieme partie: Domination romaine. Paris [1873]. 4°. MHN Foy Vaillant, Jean. Historia Ptole- mseorum Aegypti regum ad fidem numis- matum accommodata. Amstelaedami, 1701. f°. tMHM Huber, C. W. Kleopatra i., Konigin- Mutter und Regentin. (Numismatische Zeitschrift. Wien, 1870. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 415- 426.) MHA Zur alten Numismatik Aegyptens. Ptolemaeus v. Epiphanes. 2 pi. (Numis- matische Zeitschrift. Wien, 1870. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 389-414.) MHA Hultsch, Friedrich. Die ptolemaischen Munz- und Rechnungswerte. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1903. 1 p.l, 60 p. 4°. (Konig- lich sachsische Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften. Abhandlungen. Philo.-hist. Klasse. Bd. 22, No. 3.) * EE Lenormant, F. Essai sur le classement des monnaies d'argent des Lagides. Blois, 1855. pi. 8°. MHM Mavrogordato, J. Was there a pre- Macedonian mint in Egypt? (Numis- matic chronicle. London, 1908. 8°. series 4, V. 8, p. 197-207.) MHA Milne, J. Grafton. Clay-sealings from the Favum. (Journal of Hellenic studies. London, 1906. 4°. v. 26, p. 32-45.) BVA The copper coinage of the Ptole- mies. (Annals of archaeology and anthro- pology. Liverpool, 1908. 4'. v. 1, p. 30- 40.) QOA Hoards of coins found in Egypt. (Archiv fiir Papyrusforschung. Leipzig, 1903. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 529-536.) * OBH The leaden token-coinage of Egypt under the Romans. 1 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1908. 8°. series 4, V. 8, p. 287-310.) MHA Moritz, B. Additions a la collection nu- mismatique de la Bibliotheque khediviale. (Institut egyptien. Bulletin. Le Caire, 1903. 8°. serie 4, no. 4, p. 199-204.) * EY Petrie, William Matthew Flinders. The island of Besa. (In: Historical studies by E. B. Knobel... London, 1911. f°. p. 30.) tt * OBL Poole, Reginald Stuart. Catalogue of Greek coins [in the British Museum]. The Ptolemies, kings of Egypt. London: the trustees, 1883. ciii p., 1 1., 136 p., 32 pi. 8°. (British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals.) MHM See also British Museum. — De- partment of Coins and Medals. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 51 Individual Countries, continued. Egypt, continued. ' Revillout, E. Lettres sur les monnaies egyptiennes. Paris: J. Maisonneuve. 1895. 247 p. 4°. tMHM Saulcy, L. F. J. C. de. Note sur quel- ques monnaies inedites d'Ascalon. n.t. p. [Paris, 1874?] 8°. MHM Service des antiquites de I'figypte. Cata- logue general des antiquites egyptiennes du Musee du Caire. Nos. 36001-37521. Scarab-shaped seals, by Percy E. New- berry. London: A. Constable & Co., 1907. viii, 384 p., 22 pi. P. tt*OBKM Smith, Samuel , the younger. Some notes on the coins struck at Omdurman by the Mahdi and the Khalifa. 2 pi. (Nu- mismatic chronicle. London, 1902. 8°. series 4, v. 2, p. 62-73.) MHA Soutzo, Michel C. Essai de classifica- tion des monnaies de bronze emises en figypte par les trois premiers Lagides. 1 table. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1909. 8°. serie 4, v. 13, p. 36-68.) MHA Svoronos, Joannes N. Ta XQiJO" vo^io- Haxa Tcov AaviScbv xou xvnov 'Aeoivorig xx\c, i^Aabi'kffov. 4 pi. (Journal international d'archeologie numismatique. Athenes, 1900. 4°. v. 3, p. 73-92.) MHA Tochon d'Annecy, J. F. Recherches historiques et geographiques sur les me- dailles des noms ou prefectures de I'figypte. Paris, 1822. 8°. MHM Zoega, Georg. Numi iEgyptii impera- torii prostantes in Museo Borgiano Veli- tris. RomcT, 1787. 4°. f MHM Etruria Casati de Casatis, C. Numismatique etrusgue. Vues generales. (Congres in- ternational de numismatique. Paris, 1900. Proces-verbaux & memoires. Paris, 1900. 4°. p. 9-103.) MHA Haeberlin. Der jiingste etruskische und die alteste romische Goldpragung. 1 pi. (Zeitschrift fiir Numismatik. Berlin, 1907. 8°. Bd. 26, p. 229-272.) MHA Kovacs, fitienne. Le systeme monetaire de I'Etrurie. (Rivista italiana di numis- matica. Milano, 1911. 8°. v. 24, p. 367- 403, 489-518.) MHA France See also Gaul Affry de la Monnoye, A. d'. Les jetons de I'echevinage parisien, documents pour servir a une histoire metallique du Bureau de la ville et de diverses institutions pari- siennes... Reunies et annotees par le service historique de la ville de Paris. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1878. f. (Histoire generate de Paris.) ff DOH Amardel, G. Le comte Milon. (Com- mission archeologique de Narbonne. Bulletin. Narbonne, 1902. 4°. annee 1902, sem. 1, [V. 7), p. 1-30.) DRG Un denier de Matfred, vicomte de Narbonne. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1905. 8°. serie 4, v. 9, p. 309-320.) MHA ficus et louis faux a I'effigie de Louis XVI. (Commission archeologique de Narbonne. Bulletin. Narbonne, 1904. 4°. V. 8, p. 161-181.) DRG Les enigmes de la numismatique de Narbonne. illus. (Congres archeolo- gique de France. Seances generales. Paris, 1907. 8°. sess. 73, 1906, p. 294-309.) DA — — La fin de la monnaie de Nar- bonne. (Commission archeologique de Narbonne. Bulletin. Narbonne, 1892. 4°. annee 1892, p. 120-134.) DRG L'Hotel des monnaies de Narbonne au XVII. siecle. (Commission archeolo- gique de Narbonne. Bulletin. Narbonne, 1890. 4°. annee 1890, sem. 1, p. 413-432.) DRG L'Hotel des monnaies de Narbonne pendant la Ligue. (Commission arche- ologique de Narbonne. Bulletin. Nar- bonne, 1890. 4°. annee 1890, sem. 1. p. 293-304.) DRG Les jetons des etats de Languedoc du Musee de Narbonne. (Commission archeologique de Narbonne. Bulletin. Narbonne, 1901. 4°. annee 1901, p. 462- 479.) Les jetons de mariage et les me- dailles de Nimes au pied de sanglier. (Commission archeologique de Narbonne. Bulletin. Narbonne, 1902. 4°. annee 1903, sem. 2 [V. 7j, p. 421-438.) DRG La lettre monetaire de I'atelier de Narbonne. (Commission archeologique de Narbonne. Bulletin. Narbonne, 1894. 4°. V. 3, p. 383-401.) DRG Les longostaletes. (Commission archeologique de Narbonne. Bulletin. Narbonne, 1894. 4°. v. 3, p. 13-36.) DRG Les marques monetaires de I'ate- lier de Narbonne, au vi. siecle. (Commis- sion archeologique de Narbonne. Bulle- tin. Narbonne, 1902. 4°. v. 7, p. 119-162.) DRG La monnaie de Narbonne a la fin de la domination romaine. (Commission archeologique de Narbonne. Bulletin. Narbonne, 1903. 4°. annee 1903, sem. 1 [V. 7], p. 308-335.) DRG Les monnaies de Nimes. (Com- 52 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. France, continued. mission archeologique de Narbonne. Bul- letin. Narbonne, 1894. 4°. v. 3, p. 153- 166.) DRG Les monnaies de Raymond i, vicomte de Narbonne et le monnayage melgorien. (Commission archeologique de Narbonne. Bulletin. Narbonne, 1906. 4°. V. 9, p. 179-223.) DRG Note sur quelques monnaies re- cueillies aux environs de Narbonne. (Commission archeologique de Narbonne. Bulletin. Narbonne, 1909. 8°. v. 10, p. 587-592.) DRG La numismatique narbonnaise d'a- pres le premier catalogue du Musee de Narbonne. (Commission archeologique de Narbonne. Bulletin. Narbonne, 1892. 4°. annee 1892, sem. 1, p. 153-158.) DRG Numismatique de Narbonne au VIII. siecle. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1901. 4°. serie 4, v. 5, p. 210-224, 348-362.) MHA La premiere monnaie de Milon, comte de Narbonne. (Commission arche- ologique de Narbonne. Bulletin. Nar- bonne, 1900. 4°. v. 6, 1900, p. 381-390.) DRG Le roi Achila. (Commission archeologique de Narbonne. Bulletin. Narbonne, 1892. 4°. annee 1892, sem. 1, p. 425-445.) DRG Le T cursif dans les inscriptions monetaires carolingiennes. (Commission archeologique de Narbonne. Bulletin. Narbonne, 1904. 4°. v. 8, p. 1-23.) DRG Trois monnaies merovingiennes inedites. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1907. 8°. serie 4, v. 11, p. 66-78.) MHA Ambrosoli, Solon. Un trait d'union nu- mismatique entre la France et I'ltalie. (Congres international de numismatique, Paris, 1900. Proces-verbaux & memoires. Paris, 1900. 4°. p. 360-363.) MHA Babelon, Ernest Charles Frangois. La silique romaine, le sou et le denier de la loi des francs saliens. (Revue numis- matique. Paris, 1901. 8°. serie 4, v. 5, p. 325-347.) MHA Babut, A. Ateliers monetaires des rois de France. Chambery et Turin au xvi. siecle (1536-1559). (Revue suisse de nu- mismatique. Geneve, 1913. 8°. tome 18, p. 193-201.) MHA Barthelemy, Anatole de. Monnaies de Soissons. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1901. 8°. serie 4, v. 5, p. 104-108.) MHA Beaumont, Charles de. Jetons des com- tes du Lude. 1 pi. (Revue historique et archeologique du Maine. Mamers, 1901. 8°. v. 49, p. 51-61.) DPF Belfort, Auguste de. Description gene- rale des monnaies merovingiennes par ordre alphabetique des ateliers. Publiee d'apres les notes manuscrites de M. le Vicomte de Ponton d'Amecourt. Paris: Societe frangaise de numismatique, 1892- 95. 5 V. 4°. t MHT Belleval, Rene de, marquis. Les sceaux du Ponthieu. Paris: £. Lechevalier, 1896. vii, 288 p., 9 pi. 8°. MIY no. 26 of 300 copies printed. Benoit, Arthur. Ensignes et insignes, medailles et decorations se rattachant a la Lorraine. 7 pi. (Societe d'archeologie lorraine. Memoires. Nancy, 1872-74. 8°. ttome 22,] p. 276-300; itome 24,] p. 235-251.) ETI Benoit, Louis. Numismatique de la Lorraine allemande. 2 pi. (Societe d'archeologie lorraine. Memoires. Nancy, 1865. 8°. [tome 15,] p. 181-204.) ETI Berry, Victor Hippolyte. fitudes et recherches historiques sur les monnaies de France. Paris, 1852-53. 3 v. 8°. MHT Blancard, Louis. Le denier tournois sous Philippe le Bel. (Gazette numis- matique franqaise. Paris, 1898. 4°. annee 2, p. 41-51.) MHA Sur les monnaies du roi Rene; explication par L. Blancard de textes relatifs a ces monnaies decouverts et tran- scrits par Charles Mourret. [Marseille: Barthelet et Cie., 1897?j 20 p. 8°. MHT p. box 1 Blanchet, Jules Adrien. L'atelier mone- taire du Prince Noir a Limoges en 1365. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1898. 8°. serie 4, v. 2, p. 507-518.) MHA Monnaie de Michel fitienne, arche- veque d'Embrun. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1901. 8°. serie 4, v. 5, p. 109-112.) MHA Note sur deux jetons parisiens du XIV. siecle. (Societe de I'histoire de Paris et de rile-de-France. Bulletin. Paris. 1901. 8°. annee 28, p. 44-48.) DPV Recherches sur l'atelier monetaire de Bayonne (1488-1837). (Revue numis- matique. Paris, 1912-13. 8°. serie 4, tome 16, p. 507-529; tome 17, p. 61-88, 190-210.) MHA Sigillographie frangaise. Paris: A. Picard & fils, 1902. 1 p.l., 53 p. 8°. (Societe des etudes historiques. Bibliotheque de bibliographies critiques. [uo.] 18.) DA p. box See also Numismatique du Beam. Blanchet, Jules Adrien, and A. Dieu- DONNE. Manuel de numismatique fran- gaise. v. 1. Paris: A. Picard et fils, 1912. pi. illus. 8°. MHC V. 1. J. A. Blanchet: Monnaies f rappees en Gaule depuis les origines jusqu'a Hugues Capet. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 53 Individual Countries, continued. France, continued. Bocarme, Albert Visart de. Un mereau aux armes de Gruuthuuse. (Revue beige de numismatique. Bruxelles, 1898. 8°. annee 54, p. 420-431.) MHA Bonnet, fimile. Des variations de valeur de la monnaie melgorienne. (France. — Comite des Travaux Historiques et Scien- tifiques. Bulletin archeologique. Paris, 1904. 8°. annee 1903, p. 490-514.) * EN Les jetons des fitats generaux de Languedoc. (France. — Comite des Tra- vaux Historiques et Scientifiques. Bulle- tin archeologique. Paris, 1899. 8°. annee 1899, p. 241-329.) * EN Bordeaux, Paul. Les ateliers tempo- raires etablis en 1642 et annees suivantes a Feurs, Lay, Valence, Vienne, Rocque- maure, Corbeil, etc. (Revue numis- matique. Paris, 1910. 8°. serie 4, v. 14, p. 337-391, 477-516.) MHA Classement de monnaies carolin- giennes inedites. (Congres international de numismatique, Paris, 1900. Proces- verbaux & memoires. Paris, 1900. 4°. p. 237-287.) MHA Imitations de monnaies frangaises royales et feodales faites a Messerano, Castiglione, Frinco et Monaco. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1901. 8°. serie 4, V. 5, p. 75-103.) MHA Les Hards de France frappes par un fermier general de 1655 a 1658. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1898-99. 8°. serie 4, V. 2, p. 688-703; v. 3, p. 62-87.) MHA Medailles franco-beiges de 1811 et de 1814. (Revue beige de numismatique. Bruxelles. 1906. 8°. annee 62, 1906, p. 64-80, 167-185.) MHA La molette d'eperon different de I'atelier monetaire de Saint-Quentin de 1384 a 1465. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1901. 8°. serie 4, v. 5, p. 378-395, 489-514.) MHA L'origine du different monetaire B de I'atelier de Bourges. (Revue numis- matique. Paris, 1908. 8°. serie 4, v. 12, p. 37-79.) MHA La piece de 20 francs de Louis xviii frappee a Londres en 1815. (Revue beige de numismatique. Bruxelles, 1904. 8°. annee 60, 1904, 2- 163-174.) MHA La piece de 48 sols de Strasbourg frappee a la monnaie de Paris et la fin du monnayage autonome de I'Alsace. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1900. 8°. serie 4, v. 4, p. 74-85.) MHA Un des plus anciens poinconnages Bougenot, S. See Prou, Maurice, and S. BOUGENOT. Brasseur, the elder. Catalogue des me- dailles de I'histoire numismatique de Napoleon. . .depuis. .. 1796. . . Paris, 1840. illus. 8°. MHT Bretagne, A. Decouverte de monnaies lorraines a Sionviller. 1 pi. (Societe d'archeologie lorraine. Memoires. Nancy, 1874. 8°. [tome 24,, p. 366-385.) ETI Medaille de Renee de Bourbon, du moyen age. (Revue beige de numisma- tique. Bruxelles, 1907. 8°. annee 63, p. 148-180, 308-327, 421-443.) MHA duchesse de Lorraine (1515-1539). 1 pi. (Societe d'archeologie lorraine. Me- moires. Nancy, 1878. 8°. [tome 28,] p. 46- 59.) ETI Medaille de Saint Livier de 1623. illus. (Societe d'archeologie lorraine. Memoires. Nancy, 1889. 8°. [tome 39,] p. 62-64.) ETI Monnaie, sceau et plaque de foyer aux armes de Diane de Dommartin, baron- ne de Fontenoy et dame en partie de Fenetrange. 2 pi. (Societe d'archeologie lorraine. Memoires. Nancy, 1881. 8°. [tome 31,] p. 262-272.) ETI Bretagne, A., et E. Briard. Notice sur une trouvaille de monnaies lorraines des XII. et XIII. siecles, faites a Saulxures-les- Vannes (canton de Colombey). 2 pi. (Societe d'archeologie lorraine. Me- moires. Nancy, 1884. 8°. [tome 34, i p. 385-437.) ETI Briard, E. See Bretagne, A., and E. Briard. Brissart-Binet, Charles Antoine. Des- cription des medailles et plombs relatifs a la revolution de 1848, publics a Reims, depuis le 24 fevrier 1848. Reims, Paris [printed], 1850. pi. 4°. MHT Cahn, Julius. Miinz- und Geldgeschichte der Stadt Strassburg im Mittelalter. Strassburg: K. J. Triibner, 1895. viii, 176 p., 1 pi. S°. TF Caron, E. Monnaies feodales inedites. (Congres international de numismatique, Paris, 1900. Proces-verbaux & memoires. Paris, 1900. 4°. p. 294-298.) MHA Castellane, Henri de, comte. Le different de I'atelier de Fouras sur les monnaies de Charles vii, regent, puis roi, de 1418 a 1430. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1894. 8°. serie 3, v. 12, p. 322-326.) MHA Le ducat napolitain de Louis xii et ses imitations. 1 pi. (Revue numis- matique. Paris, 1901. 8°. serie 4, v. 5, p. 45-74.) MHA Le gros tournois de Charles d'An- jou et le gros tournois du roi de France au Chatel Fleurdelise. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1904. 8°. serie 4, v. 8, p. 533-550.) MHA 54 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. France, continued. Une monnaie d'or tournaisienne de Charles vii, roi de France a retrouver. (Congres international de numismatique, Paris, 1900. Proces-verbaux & memoires. Paris, 1900. 4°. p. 288-293.) MHA Catalogue des medailles relatives a la revolution de juillet 1830, et au regne de Louis-Philippe 1. [Paris: Veuve Bour- chard-Huzard, 1843?) 11 p. 4°. f MHT Bound with: Catalogue des medailles relatives aux evenements des annees 1789 a 1815. [Paris, 1843?] 4°. Catalogue des medailles relatives aux evenements des annees 1789 a 1815 [et les pieces qui le concernent de 1815 a 1842). n.t.-p. [Paris, 1843?] 4°. f MHT Celier, Leonce. Les sceaux des eveques du Mans des xii. et xiii. siecles. 4 pi. (Revue historique et archeologique du Maine. Mans, 1907. 8°. v. 61, p. 31-43.) DPF Cezerac, C. Le tresor de Saint-Arailles (Gers). 1 pi. (Revue de Gascogne. Auch, 1901. 4°. nouv. serie, v. 1, p. 505-513.) DRC Chautard, Jules. Imitations des mon- naies lorraines. 16 pi. (Societe d'arche- ologie lorraine. Memoires. Nancy, 1872- 73. 8°. [tome 22,] p. 179-258; [tome 23,i p. 152-239.) ETI Jetons et medailles des princes ecclesiastiques de la maison de Bourbon- Vendome. 4 pi. (Societe archeologique, scientifique et litteraire du Vendomois. Bulletin. Vendome, 1900. 8°. v. 39, p. 257-282.) * EN Note relative aux graveurs des je- tons des galeres de Louis-Joseph, due de Vendome. (Societe archeologique, scien- tifique et litteraire du Vendomois. Bul- letin. Vendome, 1900. 8°. v. 39, p. 19-25.) *EN Cheutin, E. Vignettes & sceaux des pa- piers militaires pendant la Revolution frangaise. Dessins de A. Maillot. 52 pi. (Societe des lettres, sciences et arts de Bar-le-Duc. Memoires. Bar-le-Duc, 1910. 8°. serie 4, tome 8, p. 195-249.) * EN Chevallier, fi. La monnaie de Paris en 1897. Monnaies et medailles. Paris: A. Rousseau, 1897. 103 p., 1 1. 8°. TF Coetlogon, Anatole de, comte. Les ar- moiries de la ville de Paris; sceaux, em- blemes, couleurs, devises, livrees et ceremonies publiques; ouvrage commence par A. de Coetlogon, refondu et complete par L. M. Tisserand et le service his- torique de la ville de Paris. Paris, 1874- 75. 2 V. fac, map, pi. illus. f°. (Histoire generale de Paris.) ft DOH Collection des medailles de I'Empire frangais et de I'Empereur Napoleon. Paris, 1840. f°. (Tresor de numismatique et de glyptique.) ft MHE Combe, Taylor, and Edward Hawkins. Description of the Anglo-Gallic coins in the British Museum. [Arranged by Tay- lor Combe, completed by Edward Haw- kins.] London, 1826. pi. 4°. f MIG Conbrouse, Guillaume. Catalogue rai- sonne des monnaies nationales de France. Paris, 1839-41. 4 v. 4°. f MHT Decameron numismatique. Paris, 1844. .4°. fMHT Monetaires des rois merovingiens; recueil de 920 monnaies en 62 planches, avec leur explication. Paris, 1843. 4°. tMHT Monuments de la maison de France. Collection de medailles, estampes et portraits recueilles et decrits. Paris: J. Claye, 1856. xii, 54 p., 62 pi. f°. ff DBA One of 125 copies printed. See also Fougeres, F., and G. Con- brouse. Coster, Louis de. Renseignements pour servir a la numismatique de la seconde race. Bruxelles, 1853. pi. 8°. MHT Creuzet, £mile. Recherches sur I'atelier monetaire de Corbeil (1643-1657). (Soci- ete historique et archeologique de Corbeil, d'fitampes et du Hurepoix. Bulletin. Paris, 1909. 8°. annee 15, p. 16-31.) DPV Dechelette, Joseph. Une medaille de Charles vii, decouverte en 1752 a Chat- fauneuf (Saone-et-Loire). (Revue numis- matique. Paris, 1898. 8°. serie 4, v. 2, p. 528-534.) MHA Delbecq. Catalogue de monnaies roy- ales de France, provenant du cabinet de feu M. Delbecq de Gand; redige par F. Fougeres. Vente. . .1845. Paris: 1' Alli- ance des arts, 1845. 39 p. 12°. MHFH p.v. 3, no.2 Deloche, Maximin. fitudes de numis- matique merovingienne. Monnaies in- edites. Attributions geographiques. . . Medaille de Dagobert i. Paris: C. Rollin et Feuardent, 1890. 2 p.l., 268 p. 8°. MHT Demarsy, C. E. Notice sur quelques an- ciens coins monetaires qui existaient a I'echivinage d'Abbeville. 2 pi. (Societe d'emulation d'Abbeville. Memoires. Ab- beville, 1852. 8°. 1849-52, p. 27-79.) * EN Demay, G. Inventaire des sceaux de I'Artois et de la Picardie; avec un cata- logue de pierres gravees... Paris, 1877. sq. f°. tMIY Dewamin, fimile. Cent ans de numis- matique franqaise de 1789 a 1889; a I'usage des historiens, archeologues, numismati- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 55 Individual Countries, continued. France, continued. stes, bibliophiles, numismates, collection- neurs et amateurs. [Par fimile Dewamin.] V. 1-3, partie 1. Paris: D. Dumoulin & Cie., 1893-99. f°. ft MHT V. 1. Papiers monnaie. V. 2. Histoire du numeraire. V. 3, partie 1. Atlas. Numeraire pour la France continentale. Dieudonne, A. See Blanchet, Jules Adrien, and A. Dieudonne. Digot, Auf?. Note sur deux sceaux ine- dits. 1 pi. (Societe d'archeologie lorraine. Memoires. Nancy, 1864. 8°. [tome 14,] p. 225-229.) ETI Sur quelques mereaux du chapitre de Toul. 1 pi. (Societe d'archeologie lor- raine. Memoires. Nancy, 1861. 8°. (tome 11,] p. 163-173.) ETI Douais, C. Un registre de la monnaie de Toulouse: pieces inedites (1465-1483). (Annales du midi. Toulouse, 1899. 8°. annee 11, p. 145-168.) DA Duby, Pierre Ancher Tobiesen. Traite des monnoies des barons. Paris, 1790. 2 V. illus. sq. f°. t MHT Ducarel, A. C. A series of Anglo-Gallic or Norman and Aquitain coin of the an- cient kings of England. London, 1757. 4". MIG Edwards, Edward. Brief descriptive catalogue of the medals struck in France, and its dependencies, 1789-1830, contained in the cabinet of the British Museum. London, 1837. 8°. * C p.v. 50 ' Engel, Arthur, and Ernest Lehr. Nu- mismatique de I'Alsace. Paris, 1887. 272 p. pi. sm. f°. fMHX Engel, Arthur, and Raymond Serrure. Repertoire des sources imprimees de la numismatique fran^aise. Paris: E. Le- roux, 1887-89. 3 v. 8°. MHT fitat actuel des ateliers monetaires fran- gais et de leurs differents. Paris: J. Flo- range [1895?]. 19 p. 2. ed. 8°. MHEp.v. 5, no.8 Evans, John. A gold solidus of Louis le Debonnaire. London, 1884. 4 p. 8°. MHT p. box 1 Repr. : Numismatic chronicle, series 3, v. 4, p. 259-262. Fillon, Benjamin. Considerations hi- storiques et artistiques sur les monnaies de France. Fontenay-Vendee, 1851. pi. 8°. MHT Flamare, H. de. Les collections numis- matiques de la ville de Nevers et la repar- tition topographique des monnaies gau- loises, romaines et merovingiennes trou- vees dans la Nievre. (Societe nivernaise des lettres, sciences et arts. Bulletin. Nevers, 1904. 8°. serie 3, v. 10 (V. 20], p. 312-357.) * EN Fleurimont, G. R. Medailles du regne de Louis xv. [Designs accompanied by text.) n.p., n.d. f°. Stuart 1610 - Florange, Jules. Essai sur les jetons et medailles de niLnes frangaises. (An- nales des mines. Paris, 1904. 8°. serie 10, V. 5, p. 157-219.) VHA Fontenay, J. de. Manuel de I'amateur de jetons. Paris: Dumoulin, 1854. 2 p.l., 429 p. illus. 8°. MHT Fougeres, F. Catalogue de monnaies royales de France. Paris, 1845. 8°. (Al- liance des arts.) MHT p. box 1 Fougeres, F., and G. Conbrouse. De- scription complete et raisonnee des mon- naies de la deuxieme race royale de France. Paris: les auteurs, 1837. vi, (1)8- 66 p., 4 maps, 27 pi. f°. f MHT One of 100 copies printed. France. Loi relative a la fabrication des especes de bronze, du 25 aoiit 1792. n.t.-p. (Niort: Lefranc-filies, 1792., 4 p. 4°. ttTF p.v. 81, no.20 Lois du 18 sept. 1792... 1°. Fixa- tion des traitemens des divers administra- teurs. ou regisseurs nationau.x, pour I'an- nee 1792. 2°. Fabrication des pieces de deux sous & de quatre sous. 3°. Nomina- tion des commissaires des hotels de mon- noies. n.t.-p. [Niort: J. B. Lefranc-filies, 1792.] 4 p. 4°. tfTFp.v. 81, no.l9 France. — Administration des Monnaies et Medailles. Medailles de la monnaie de Paris. Medailles & plaquettes artistiques, medailles de mariage, medailles de recom^ penses, concours, etc. 1908. (Plates.) [Paris, 1908.] 52 pi. 8°. MHEp.v. 5, no.2 France. — Commission des Monnaies et Medailles. Instructions concernant les operations de la refonte des monnaies de cuivre. [Paris: Imp. imperiale, 1853.] 59 p. 8°. TF p.v. 78 Tarif du prix des medailles. [Paris, 1850.] 3 1. f°. tt MHEp.v. 4, no.9 _ Tarif du prix des medailles, jetons, pieces de mariage et de plaisir, en or, argent, platine, bronze et cuivre, approuve le 24 dec. 1849... [Paris, 1850.] 2 1. 8°. TF p.v. 78 Frcehner. La liturgie romaine dans la numismatique. (Societe frangaise de nu- mismatique. Annuaire. Paris ,1889. 8°. v. 13. 1889, p. 39-55.) MHA Gauthier, J. Catalogue descriptif de 206 sceau.x-matrices (la plupart franc-comtois) conserves dans des collections privees ou publiques. 6 pi. (Societe d'emulation du Doubs. Memoires. Besancon, 1900. 8°. serie 7, v. 4, p. 277-328.) * EN 56 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. France, continued. Gauvin, Paul. Jetons et medailles des compagnies d'assurances. Publie par le Journal I'assurance moderne. Orleans: A. Gout et Cie., 1913. 115 p., 9 pi. 8°. SIE Godonnesche, Nicolaus. [Medailles du regne de Louis xv. 1715-1736. Paris? 1736?] 1 p.l., 54 pi. 8°. Stuart 11392 In place of the title-page, one additional plate is inserted. Goeree, Jan. Historische gedenk-pfen- ningen van Lodewyk den xiv. Vertonende al het voorgevallene onder de regering van dien koning... t'Amsteldam: A. van Damme, 1712. 16 p.l, 286 f., 4 1. 8°. MHT Gorham Manufacturing Co. French sovereigns. Pharamond to Louis Philippe. A.D. 420-1848. [A series of gelatine prints made from a collection of plaster casts in the inuseum of the company.] tNev^ York? 1896.] 6 1., 5 pi. f°. ft AOM Guigue, Georges. Les mereaux ou pa- lettes de I'eglise de Lyon, du xin. au xvi. siecle. (France. — Comite des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques. Bulletin ar- cheologique. Paris, 1902. 8°. annee 1902, p. 69-100.) *EN Hawkins, Edward. See Combe, Taylor, and Edward Hawkins. Hermerel. Recherches sur les mon- naies des comtes de Vaudemont. 2 pi., 1 table, illus. (Societe d'archeologie lor- raine. Memoires. Nancy, 1893. 8°. [tome 43,] p. 113-216.) ETI Savigny et Xugney, chatel et le chatelet. fitudes numismatiques. ^ (Soci- ete d'archeologie lorraine. Memoires. Nancy, 1894. 8°. [tome 44,] p. 272-290.) ETI Hewlett, Lionel M. Anglo-Gallic coins, illus. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1905-12. 8°. series 4, v. 5, p. 364-392; v. 6, p. 267-327; v. 8, p. 102-177; v. 12, p. 179- 212, 361-413.) MHA Anglo-Gallic gold coins. (Con- noisseur. London, 1901. 4°. v. 1, p. 147- 153.) ttMAA Hoffmann, H. Les monnaies royales de France depuis Hugues Capet jusqu'a Louis xvi; description des pieces avec in- dication de leur valeur actuelle. Paris, 1878. pi. f°. tMHT Hucher, E. F. F. See Rouyer, Jules, and E. F. F. Hucher. Jonghe, Baudouin de, vicomte.^ Sceau- matrice de Robert de Bavay, abbe de Vil- lers (1764-1782). illus. (Academic royale d'archeologie de Belgique. Annales. An- vers, 1904. 8°. v. 56, p. 271-277.) GBA Klein, abbe. Recherches sur quelques monnaies merovingiennes et carlovingien- nes, pour la plupart inedites, frappees ou trouvees a Vic-sur-Seille, Marsal, Moyen- vic et Lezey. 1 pi. (Societe d'archeolo- gie lorraine. Memoires. Nancy, 1849. 8". tome 1, p. 127-146.) ETI Laffillee, H. Le nouveau sou. (Revue de I'art, ancien et moderne. Paris, 1898. 4°. V. 4, p. 33-48.) t MAA Laprevote. Numismatique lorraine. Monnaies de Limeville. 1 pi. (Societe d'archeologie lorraine. Memoires. Nancy, 1879. 8°. [tome 29,] p. 149-154.) ETI Leber, J. M. C. Observations sur le be- sant. (In his: Collection des ineilleurs dissertations. . .relatifs a I'histoire de France. Paris, 1838. 8°. v. 18, p. 356- 365.) DBA Le Blanc, Frangois. Dissertation histo- rique sur quelques monnoyes de Charle- magne, de Louis le Debonnaire, de Lothaire, et de leurs successeurs, frapees en Rome. Sur I'imprime a Paris, Amster- dam, 1692. illus. 4°. tMHT Bound with his: Traite historique des monnoyes de France... Sur rimprime a Paris, Amsterdam, 1692. 4°. Traite historique des monnoyes de France, augmente d'une dissertation hi- storique... Sur I'imprime a Paris, Am- sterdam, 1692. 2 V. in 1. pi. illus. 4°. tMHT Lehr, Ernest. Guldenthaler alsacien a I'effigie de Ferdinand ler, empereur. illus. (Societe pour la conservation des monu- ments historiques d'Alsace. Bulletin. Strasbourg. 1886. 4°. serie 2, v. 12. Me- moires, p. 84-85.) t ETF Les monnaies des landgraves autri- chiens de la Haute-Alsace, par E. Lehr. Supplement suivi d'un appendice sur les jetons frappes a la monnaie d'Ensisheim. par G. A. Schoen. Lausanne: J. Regamey, 1905. vii, 59 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 8°. (Societe industrielle de Mulhouse. Bulletin. April, 1905, supplement.) VA See also Engel, Arthur, and Ernest Lehr. Lepage, Henri. L'Hotel de la monnaie a Nancy. 1 plan. 1 pi. (Societe d'arche- ologie lorraine. Meinoires. Nancy, 1887. 8°. [tome 37,] p. 137-186.) ETI Notes et documents sur les gra- veurs de monnaies et medailles et la fabrication des monnaies des dues de Lor- raine depuis la fin du xv. siecle. (Societe d'archeologie lorraine. Memoires. Nancy, 1875. 8°. [tome 25,] p. 5-110.) ETI Letellier, Eugene. Description histo- rique des monnaies frangaises, gauloises, royales et seigneuriales. . . Paris: Letel- lier, 1888-90. 4 V. in 2. 12°. MHT Lex, Leonce. Documents inedits de LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 57 Individual Countries, continued. France, continued. numisinatique bourguignonne. (France. — Comite des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques. Bulletin archeologique. Paris, 1903. 8°. annee 1903, p. 250-261.) *EN Longperier, H. A. P. de. Monnaies frangaises inedites du cabinet de M. Dassy. Paris, 1840. 8°. MHT Notice des monnaies franijaises composant la collection de M. J. Rousseau. Paris, 1847. 8°. MHT ' Luneau, V. Quelques deniers normands inedits du xi. siecle. (Revue numis- matique. Paris, 1906. 8°. serie 4, v. 10, p. 306-316.) MHA — — - La trouvaille de monnaies "a la croix" de Saint-fitienne-des-Landes. (Re- vue numismatique. Paris, 1901. 8°. serie 4, V. 5, p. 36-44, 133-153, 297-313.) MHA Luschin von Ebengreuth. Arnold. Bei- trage zur Miinzgeschichte im Frankreich. (Gesellschaft fiir altere deutsche Ge- schichtskunde. Neues Archiv. Hannover, 1908. 8°. Bd. Z2,, p. 435-459.) EBA Mallet, Fernand, and M. J. Rigollot. Notice sur une decouverte de monnaies picardes du xi. siecle. [Amiens: A. Caron, 1841.] 82 p., 9 pi. 8°. ^ (Societe de anti- quaires de Picardie. Memoires. v. 4, sup- plement.) DPO Marchand. Catalogue descriptif du me- daillier de la ville de Bourg. (Societe d'emulation et d'agriculture de I'Ain. An- nates. Bourg, 1901. 8°. annee 34, p. 97- 136.) * EN Marcheville, de. Une monnaie d'or in- edite du regne de Charles vi. (Gazette nu- mismatique frangaise. Paris, 1898. 8°. v. 11, p. 233-236.) MHA Martin, J. Influence de la devotion populaire sur le monnayage de I'abbaye de Tournus. (Congres archeologique de France. Seances generales. Paris, 1901. 8°. sess. 66, 1899, p. 233-236.) DA Marx, Roger. Les medailleurs frangais contemporains. . . Paris: H. Laurens 1898?]. 2 p.l., iv p., 32 pi. f°. (Biblio- theque des peintres et des decorateurs. ttMGP Les medailleurs frangais depuis 1789. Notice historique. . . Paris: Soci- ete de propagation des livres d'art, 1897. 1 p.l., ii, 62 p., 1 1., 11 pi. 4°. tMGP La Societe des amis de la medaille frangaise. (Art et decoration. Paris, 1902. 4°. annee 6, p. 51-56.) MAA Mary, Gaston. Un souvenir des peleri- nages frangais a Rome au xiv. siecle. (Ga- zette numismatique frangaise. Paris, 1898. 8°. v. 11, p. 241-242.) MHA Mathurin, Joseph, and Ludovic Mocude. Monnaies armoricaines. Trouvaille de Roz-Landrieux. (Societe archeologique du departement d'llle-et-Vilaine. Bulletin et memoires. Rennes, 1907. 8°. v. 37, partie 1, p. 179-191.) DPD Maxe-Werly. Numismatique de Re- miremont et de Saint-Die. 6 pi. (Societe d'archeologie lorraine. Memoires. Nancy, 1879. 8°. [tome 29,j p. 204-282.) ETI Mazerolle, F. Auguste Patey; bio- graphic et catalogue de son rcuvre. 5 pi. (Gazette numismatique frangaise. Paris, 1898. 8°. V. 11, p. 217-225.) MHA L'Hotel des monnaies de Paris. (Societe des amis des monuments pari- siens. Bulletin. Paris, 1896-97. 8°. v. 10, p. 79-91; V. 11, p. 54-61.) MAA Le journal de la monnaie des me- dailles. (Gazette numismatique frangaise. Paris, 1897-98. 8°. v. 1, p. 332-362; v. 2, p. 149-156, 247-276, 355-382.) MHA Les medailleurs frangais a I'Ex- position internationale de Bruxelles en 1910, par les soins du Ministere de I'ln- struction publique et des Beaux-Arts, Commissariat des Expositions des Beaux- arts en France et a I'fitranger. Paris: D. A. Longuet [1910]. 1 p.l., 15 p., 1 1., 39 pi. 4°. fMGP Medailles frangaises, depuis le regne de Charles vii jusqu'a celui de Louis xvi. Paris, 1834-37. 3 v. i°. (Tresor de numis- matique et de glyptique.) jf MHE Medailles sur les principaux evenements du regne entier de Louis le Grand, avec les explications historiques. Paris: I'lm- primerie royale, 1723. 1 p.l., 318 f., 6 1., 1 pi. f°. Stuart 204 Medailles de la Revolution frangaise, de- puis I'ouverture des fitats-generaux (5 mai 1789) jusqu'a la proclamation de I'empire (18 mai 1804). Paris, 1836. f°. (Tresor de numismatique et de glyptique.) ff MHE Menestrier, C. F. Histoire dv Roy Lovis le Grand par les medailles. emhlemes, deuises, jettons, inscriptions, armoiries, et autres monumens publics... Paris: I. B. Nolin, 1691. new ed. 4°. f DEI Millin, A. F. Histoire metallique de la Revolution frangaise; ou, Recueil des me- dailles et des monnoies qui ont ete frappees depuis la convocation des fitats-generaux jusqu' au.x premieres campagnes d'ltalie. Paris, 1806. 4°. f MHT Medallic history of Napoleon; a collection of all the medals, coins, and jettons relating to his actions and reign (left incomplete; afterwards published by J. Millingen). London, 1819. 4°. f MHT Mocude, Ludovic. See Mathurin, Jo- seph, and Ludovic Mocude. 58 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. France, continued. Monnier. Note sur une 'trouvaille de monnaies faites pres de Dieulouard. 2 pi. (Societe d'archeologie lorraine. Me- moires. Nancy, 1862. 8°. [tome 12.] p. 76-105.) ETI Morel, Octave. Note sur I'usage du sig- net royal au xiv. siecle a propos de deux signets de Jean Le Bon. (ficole des chartes. Bibliotheque. Paris, 1902. 8°. V. 63, p. 119-124.) DA Nevins, John Birkbeck. Descfiption of the Boer coinage, and of the recent new French coinage (1898-9). (Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. Pro- ceedings. London, 1900. 8°. v. 54, p. 185-192.) * EC Nocq, Henri. Les Duvivier: Jean Du- vivier (1687-1761), Benjamin Duvivier (1730-1819. 3 pi., 1 port. (Gazette numis- matique frangaise. Paris, 1910. 8°. annee 1910, p. 305-317.) MHA Numismatique du Beam. Paris, 1893. 2 V. in 1. 8°. MHT V. 1. Blanchet, J. A. Histoire monetaire du Beam. V. 2. Schlumberger, L. G. Description des mon- naies, jetons & medailles du Beam. Pinette, P. La trouvaille de Tournus. Monnaies du xi. siecle. (Gazette numis- matique frangaise. Paris, 1897. 4°. v. 1, p. 422-433.) MHA Plat, Paul. Une trouvaille de monnaie du XVI. siecle a Salerans (Hautes-Alpes). 2 pi. (Societe d'etudes des Hautes-Alpes. Gap, 1913. 8°. serie 4, annee 32, p. 162- 165.) DRQ Poey d'Avant, Faustin. Monnaies feo- dales de France. Paris, 1858-62. 3 v. pi. 4°. tMHT Ponton d'Amecourt, Gustave de, vi- comte. Essai sur la numismatique me- rovingienne comparee a la geographic de Gregoire de Tours; lettre. Paris, 1864. 8°. MHT Recherches sur les monnaies me- rovingiennes de Touraine. Paris, 1870. map. illus. nar. 4°. MHT Prinet, Max. Les insignes des dignites ecclesiastiques dans le blason frangais du XV. siecle. illus. (Revue de I'art chretien. Paris, 1911. 4°. v. 61, p. 21-41.) f MAA Recherches sur la monnaie de Moreium. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1904. 8°. serie 4, v. 8, p. 400-408.) MHA Prou, Maurice. Les arts a I'Exposition universelle de 1900; I'exposition retrospec- tive de I'art frangais: les monnaies et les sceaux. illus. (Gazette des beaux-arts. Paris, 1900. 4°. serie 3, v. 24, p. 63-78.) MAA Note sur le titre de quelques de- niers des ix. et xi. siecles essayes a la monnaie. (Gazette numismatique fran- gaise. Paris, 1898. 8°. v. 11, p. 227-232.) MHA Notes sur le latin des monnaies merovingiennes. (In: Melanges de phi- lologie romane et d'histoire litteraire of- ferts a M. Maurice Wilmotte . . . Paris, 1910. 8\ partie 2, p. 523-540.) RDT — — - Notes sur quelques monnaies me- rovingiennes. (Gazette numismatique frangaise. Paris, 1897. 4°. v. 1, p. 413- 422.) MHA Prou, Maurice, and S. Bougenot. Cata- logue des deniers merovingiens de la trouvaille de Bais (Ille-et-Vilaine). 5 pi. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1907. 8°. serie 4, v. 11, p. 184-228, 362-396, 481-514.) MHA Quintard, Leopold. Monnaie inedite d'un maitre echevin de Metz. (Societe d'archeologie lorraine. Memoires. Nancy, 1884. 8°. [tome 34,, p. 104-106.) ETI Note sur une matrice du sceau de N. D. de Lemoncourt. (Societe d'arche- ologie lorraine. Bulletin mensuel. Nancy, 1904. 8°. serie 2, v. 3 [V. 52], p. 147-148.) ETI Restitution au due Mathieu ii de deniers attribues jusqu'a lors a son succes- seur Ferri iii. 1 pi. (Societe d'archeolo- gie lorraine. Memoires. Nancy, 1876. 8°. [tome 26,] p. 351-359.) ETI Un teston inedit de Nicolas de Vaudemont (1552). 1 pi. (Societe d'ar- cheologie lorraine. Memoires. Nancy, 1878. 8°. [tome 28,] p. 23-25.) ETI Le tresor de Thionville. 1 pi. (So- ciete d'archeologie lorraine. Memoires. Nancy, 1888. 8°. [tome 38,] p. 47-54.) ETI Raimbault, Maurice. La dardenne: monographic de la piece de six deniers de Louis XIV d'apres des documents inedits. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1901. 8°. serie 4, v. S, p. 234-257, 363-377, 472-488.) MHA Richard, Alfred. Observations sur les mines d'argent et I'atelier monetaire de Melle sous les Carolingiens. (Revue nu- mismatique. Paris, 1893. 8°. serie 3, v. 11, p. 194-225.) MHA RigoUot, M. J. See Mallet, Fernand, and M. J. Rigollot. Riocour, de. Les monnaies lorraines. (Societe d'archeologie lorraine. Memoires. Nancy, 1883-84. 8°. [tome 33,^ p. 1-106; [tome 34,] p. 5-43.) ETI Robert, Pierre Charles, fitudes numis- matiques sur un partie du nord-est de la France. Metz, 1852. pi. f°. f MHT LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 59 Individual Countries, continued. France, continued. fivenements militaires acconiplis sous le regne de Henri ii, 1551-53, et leurs medailles commemoratives. Pans, 1»/D. illus. 8°. ODD Monnaie de Gorze sous Charles de Remoncourt... Paris, 1870. illus pi. fo fMHT Monnaies de Macon. [Paris, I86O.1 3 pl. 8°. *Cp.v.343 Monnaies merovingiennes: Agaune, Auxerre, Orleans, Famars, Metz, Bel- lange, Toul, Mayence, Beauce, Lieu- villiers, Jubleins. [Pans, 1863.] pl. « • * C p.v. 343 Monnaies de Pfalzel, de Thionville, de Remilly et de Remelange. [Paris, 1863. 1 pl. 8°. *C p.v. 343 Note sur les monnaies provinoises des comtes de Champagne. Reims, 1861. go * C p.v. 770 Sceau et monnaies de Zuientibold, roi de Lorraine, 895-900. Monnaie de son successeur, Louis fils d'Arnoud. 900-911. (Metz, 1863.1 pl. 8°. * C p.v. 343 Rollin et Feuardent. Catalogue d'une collection de monnaies seigneuriales. Paris, 1865. 24°. MHFH p.v. 1 Monnaies royales de France. n.t.-p. [Paris, 1864., 144 p. 24°. ^ MHFH p.v. 1 Roman, Joseph. Manuel de sigillo- graphie franqaise. Paris: A. Picard et fils, 1912. vii, 401 p., 1 1., 30 pl. illus. 8°. MIY Les sceaux des forestiers au moyen age. illus. (Societe des anti- quaires de France. Memoires. Paris, 1906. 8°. serie 7, v. 5, p. 91-114.) DA Rondot, Natalis. Les graveurs de mon- naies a Lyon du xiii. au xviii. siecle. Ma- con: Protat freres, 1897. 91 p. 4°. fMOP Les medailleurs et les graveurs de monnaies, jetons et medailles en France. Avant-propos, notes, planches et tables par H de la Tour. Paris: E. Leroux. 1904. xi, 445p., 11.. 39pl. 4°. tMGP Roth, Charles. Medaille de N.-D.-de- Grace. 1 pl. (Societe d'emulation de Cambrai. Memoires. Cambrai, 1872. 8°. V. 31, partie 2, p. 115-118.) * EN Rouyer, Jules. Medaille d'origine alle- mande a I'image de Notre-Dame de Bon- Secours de Nancy, rappelant la prise de la ville de Bude. en Hongrie, conquise sur les Turcs, le 2 septembre 1686 par les forces reunies, sous le commandement du due de Lorraine Charles v, generalissime des armees imperiales. 1 pl. (Societe d'archeologie lorraine. Memoires. Nancy, 1886. 8°. [tome 36,] p. 391-407.) ETI Les mereaux des offices de I'hotel du roi consideres surtout dans ce qui con- cerne I'office de la fourriere. (Revue nu- mismatique. Paris, 1898. 8°. serie 4. v. 2, p. 519-527.) MHA Rouyer, Jules, and E. F. F. Hucher. Histoire du jeton au moyen age. partie 1. Paris, 1858. 8°. MHT • Sambon, Arthur. Les deniers rouennais monnaie courante du comte d'Aversa, pres de Naples aux xi. et xii. siecles. (Gazette numismatique frangaise. Paris, 1898. 8°. V. 2, p. 325-330.) MHA Le gillat de Louis 11. d'Anjou. (Gazette numismatique frangaise. Paris, 1897. 4°. V. 1, p. 435-441.) MHA Sarriau, H. fitat actuel de la numisma- tique nivernaise. (Societe nivernaise des lettres, sciences et arts. Bulletin. Nevers, 1899. 8°. serie 3, v. 8, [V. 18], p. 233-266.) *EN ' Saulcy, L. F. J. C. de. filements de I'histoire des ateliers monetaires du royaume de France depuis Philippe-Au- guste jusqu'a Frangois i inclusivement. Paris, 1877. 4°. MHT • Histoire numismatique du regne de Francois i, roi de France. Paris, 1876. 4° MHT Note sur quelques rnonnaies _ in- edites du moyen age, trouvees, en juin 1832, a Tronville. Caen, 1833. pl. 8°. MHT ■ Recherches sur les monnaies des comtes et dues de Bar, pour faire suite aux Recherches sur les monnaies des dues hereditaires de Lorraine. Paris, 1843. pl. fo fMHT Recherches sur les monnaies des dues hereditaires de Lorraine. Metz, 1841. pl. f°. fMHT Souvenirs numismatiques de la revolution de 1848. Recueil complet des medailles, monnaies et jetons qui ont paru en France depuis le 22 fevrier jusqu'au 20 decembre 1848. [Par L. J. F. C. de Saulcy.i Paris: J. Rousseau [1850]. Ill p., 60 pl. 4°. ^ fMHT Saunier, C. Augustin Dupre; orfevre, medailleur, et graveur general des mon- naies. Paris: Societe de propagation des livres, 1894. xiv p., 1 1., 120 p., 6 P'^ 4°. Sceaux des communes, communautes, eveques, abbes et barons. Paris, 1837. f° (Tresor de numismatique et de glyp- tique.) tt MHE Sceaux des grands feudataires de la couronne de France. Paris, 1836. f . (Tresor de numismatique et de glyptique^ ft MHE Sceaux des rois et reines de France. Paris, 1834. f°. (Tresor de numismatique et de'glyptique.) ft MHE 60 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. France, continued. Schlumberger, L. G. See Numismatique du Beam. Schoen, G. A. See Lehr, Ernest. Les monnaies des landgraves autrichiens de la Haute-Alsace. Serrure, Raymond. Un jeton inedit de Jean Grolier. (Gazette numismatique frangaise. Paris, 1898. 8°. v. 11, p. 243- 245.) MHA See also Engel, Arthur, and Ray- mond Serrure. SouUard, P. Compte-rendu de la decou- verte d'un tresor au chateau de Blain. (So- ciete archeologique de Nantes. Bulletin. Nantes, 1905. 4°. v. 46, sem. 2, p. 235- 242.) DPD Soultrait, Jacques Hyacinthe Georges Richard de, comte. Essai sur la numis- matique bourbonnaise. Paris, 1858. pi. 8°. MHT Tholin, G. Les ateliers monetaires me- rovingiens de la region agenaise. (Revue de I'Agenais. Agen, 1899. 8°. annee 26. p. 515-517.) *EN Toussenel, T. Precis chronologique de I'histoire de France pour servir de texte explicatif aux planches gravees sur acier par le procede Colllas, d'apres la collec- tion des medailles historiques des rois de France... [Paris,] 1844. 8 pi., with text. f°. fMHT U. Catalogue de monnaies royales de France, provenant du cabinet de M. U... redige par F. Fougeres. Vente. . .1846. Paris: I'Alliance des arts, 1846. 42 p. 12°. MHFHp.v. 3,no.7 Vallentin du Cheylard, Roger. L'adjec- tif viennensis dans la numismatique feo- dale du Daviphine . (Gazette numismatique franqaise. Paris, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. 331- 354.) MHA De I'etat actuel de la numismatique des comtes de Valentinois et de Diois. (Societe departamentale d'archeologie et de statistique de la Drome. Bulletin. Va- lence. 1897-98. 8°. v. 31, p. 199-205, 242- 260. 397-411; v. 32, p. 79-87, 169-181, 281-290, 388-393.) DRP Vallier, Gustave. Numismatique mero- vingienne de la Tarentaise (Savoie). 2 pi. (Academie de la val d'Isere. Recueil des memoires et documents. Moutiers. 1875. 8°. v. 3, p. 427-453.) * EN Sigillographie de I'ordre de Chart- reux et numismatique de Saint Bruno. Montreuil-sur-Mer: Imp. Notre-Dame des Pres, 1891. xxvi p., 1 1., 508 p., 2 1., 55 pl. 4°. MIY Vienna, de. Evaluation en monnaie tournois des redevances des eglises de France a I'eglise de Rome sous Philippe le Bel. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1898. 8°. serie 4, v. 2, p. 488-506.) MHA Waitz, Georg. Ueber die Miinzverhalt- nisse in den alteren Rechtsbiichern des Frankischen Reichs. Gottingen, 1861. 4°. (Konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaf- ten zu Gottingen. Abhandlungen. Bd. 9.) *EE Wiener, Lucien. Note pour servir a I'histoire de la numismatique pendant la minorite de Charles iii. 1 pl. (Societe d'archeologie lorraine. Memoires. Nancy, 1900. 8°. [tome 50, p. 108-114.) ETI Witte, Alphonse de. Herstal, atelier monetaire des dues de Brabant-Lothier, Godefroid i et Henri i. (Revue beige de numismatique. Bruxelles, 1908. 8°. an- nee 64, p. 5-21.) MHA Zablet, Maurice. Administration des monnaies et medailles en 1903. (Journal des economistes. Paris, 1904. 8°. serie 6, V. 4, p. 442-446.) TAA Zay, E. Histoire monetaire des colonies frangaises d'apres les documents officiels. Paris: J. Montorier, 1892. 2 p.l., 380 p. 8". MHT Gaul See also France Amardel, G. Les marques monetaires de Sigismond, roi des Bourguignons. (Commission archeologique de Narbonne. Bulletin. Narbonne, 1901. 4°. v. 6, p. 621-628.) DRG Une monnaie gauloise inedite de Narbonne. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1906. 8°. serie 4, v. 10, p. 412-424.) MHA Barthelemy, Anatole de. Essai de clas- sification chronologique de differents groupes de monnaies gauloises. (Institut de France. Academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Comptes rendus. Paris. 1891. 8°. serie 4, V. 18, p. 43-50.) * EO Monnaies gauloises beiges. (Con- gres international de numismatique, Paris, 1900. Proces-verbaux & memoires. Paris. 1900. 4°. p. 79-85.) MHA Beaupre, J. Monnaies gauloises trou- vees dans I'arrondissement de Nancy. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1904. 8°. serie 4, v. 8. p. 297-316.) MHA Blanchet, Jules Adrien. Monnaies gau- loises inedites ou peu connues. 1 pl. (Revue numismatique. Paris ,1907. 8°. serie 4, v. 11, p. 461-475.) MHA Recherches sur I'infkience com- merciale de Massalia en Gaule et dans ritalie septentrionale. (Revue beige de numismatique. Bruxelles, 1913. 8°. an- nee 69, p. 291-328.) MHA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 61 Individual Countries, continued. Gaul, continued. ■ Bretagne, A. Monnaies gauloises in- edites de Strasbourg. 1 pi. (Societe d'archeologie lorraine. Memoires. Nancy, 1882. 8°. [tome 32,] p. 311-316.]) ETI Bruyelle, Ad. Decouverte de deux me- dailles d'or gauloises. (Societe d'emula- tion de Camhrai. Memoires. Cambrai. 1862. 8°. V. 27, partie 2, p. 583-585.) * EN Chaix, Eugene. Medailles gauloises trouvees a Strasbourg, illus. (Societe pour la conservation des monuments his- toriques d'Alsace. Bulletin. Strasbourg, 1870. 4°. serie v. 7, partie 2, Memoires, p. 127-129.) tETF CoUombier. Monnaies gauloises trou- vees a Amiens. 1 pi. (Societe des anti- quaires de Picardie. Bulletin. Amiens, 1900. 8°. annee 1900, p. 609-612.) DPO Coutil, L. Inventaire des monnaies gauloises du departement de la Seine-In- ferieure. (Association normande. An- nuaire des cinq departements de la Nor- mandie. Caen, 1908. 8°. annee 75, p. 141- 235.) DPM Dubois, J. Monnaies gauloises trou- vees en Condomois et en Agenais. 1 pi. (Revue de I'Agenais. Agen, 1904. 8°. annee 31, p. 197-200.) * EN Ducarel, A. C. A series of above two hundred Anglo-Gallic, or Norman and Aquitain coins of the antient kings of England. . .illustrated in tw^elve letters... London: the author, 1757. 1 p.l., ii, xi, 104, 39 p., 1 map, 16 pi., 1 port. 4°. Stuart 11385 Duchalais, Adolphe. Description des medailles gauloises, faisant partie des col- lections de la Bibliotheque royale. Paris, 1846. pi. 8°. MHT Gevrey, A. Symbolique des monnaies gauloises des depots de Moirans, Sainte- Blandine, Tourdan et Laveyron. (Acade- mic delphinale. Bulletin. Grenoble, 1904. 8°. serie 4. v. 17, p. 139-172.) * EN Hucher, Eugene Frederic Ferdinand. L'art gaulois; ou, Les Gaulois d'apres leurs medailles. Paris, 1868-74. 2 v. pi. 4°. fMHT Lambert. Essai sur la numismatique gauloise du nord-ouest de la France. 32 pi. (Societe des antiquaires de Normandie. Memoires. Paris, 1844-63. 4°. serie 2, v. 3, p. 101-264; serie 3, v. 5, p. 411-548.) DPM La Saussaye, Jean Frangois de Paule Louis Petit de. Monnaies des fiduens. Paris, 1846. pi. 8°. *Cp.v. 1356 Numismatique de la Gaule nar- bonnaise. Blois, 1842. pi. f°. fMHT La Tour, Henri de. Atlas de monnaies gauloises prepare par la Commission de Topographie des Gaules et public sous les auspices du Ministere de I'lnstruction Publique par H. de La Tour. Paris: Plon Nourrit et Cie., 1892. 2 p.l., iv p., 1 1., 12 p., 55 pi. f°. ttMHT Leblond, V. Monnaies gauloises recueil- lies dans I'arrondissemet de Beauvais. illus. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1908. 8°. serie 4, v. 12, p. 455-489.) MHA Monnaies gauloises recueillies dans I'arrondissement de Clermont (Gise). (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1906. 8°. serie 4, v. 10, p. 381-411.) MHA Note sur quelques monnaies gau- loises trouvees au pays des Bellovaques. (Societe academique d'archeologie, sci- ences et arts du departement de I'Oise. Memoires. Beauvais, 1902. 8°. v. 18. p. 370-386.) * EN Le Clert, Louis. Monnaies gauloises. Catalogue descriptif et raisonne. 3 pi. (Societe academique d'agriculture, des sciences, arts et belles-lettres du departe- ment de I'Aube. Memoires. Troyes, 1896. 8°. V. 60 [serie 3, v. 33], p. 5-117.) *EN Minouflet. Monnaies gauloises de Ples- sier-Huleu. (Societe archeologique, his- torique et scientifique de Soissons. Bulle- tin. Soissons, 1899. 8°. serie 3, v. 7, p. 132-134.) *EN Peyron, C. Remarques sur quelques monnaies armoricaines. [Par C. Peyron.] (Societe archeologique de Touraine. Bul- letin. 8°. V. 11, p. 148-155, 226-231.) DQI Poste, Beale. Celtic inscriptions on Gaulish and British coins. Intended to supply materials for the early history of Great Britain, with a glossary of archaic Celtic words, and an atlas of coins. Lon- don, 1861. 8°. MIG Rollin et Feuardent. Catalogue d'une collection de medailles de la Gaule. En vente. Paris, 1864. 24°. MHFH p.v. 1 Saulcy, L. F J. C. de. Lettre a A. de Barthelemy sur la numismatique des fiduens et des S^quanes. Paris [1868]. 8°. MHT Lettre a A. de Longperier sur la numismatique gauloise. n. t.-p. (Paris, 1866?] 8°. MHT Lettres a A. de Longperier sur la numismatique gauloise. Paris, 1859. pi. illus. nar. 4°. MHT Monnaie du vergobret eduen Divi- tiacus. Paris. 1867. illus. nar. 4°. MHT Extr. : Societe frangaise de numismatique. Annu aire. 1867. Numismatique des chefs gaulois inentionnes dans les Commentaires de Cesar. Paris, 1867. pi. nar. 4°. MHT Serrure, C. A. Les monnaies des Vocon- ces. Essai d'attribution et de classement 62 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Indiz'idual Countries, continued. Gaul, continued. chronologique. (Societe frangaise de nu- mismatique. Annuaire. Paris, 1896. 8°. V. 20, 1896, p. 81-112, 175-184, 233-254. 366- 396.) MHA Streber, Franz. Ueber eine gallische Silbermiinze mit dem angeblichen Bilde eines Druiden. (Koniglich bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abhand- lungen. Philos.-philol. Klasse. Miinchen, 1866. 4°. Bd. 10, p. 99-125.) * EE Vauville, Octave. Inventaire des mon- naies gauloises qui ont ete recueillies dans I'arrondissement de Soissons. (Societe archeologique, historique et scientifique de Soissons. Bulletin. Soissons, 1900. 8°. serie 3, v. 8, partie 2, p. 189-222.) * EN Inventaire de monnaies gauloises trouvees dans les departements de I'Aisne et de I'Eure. 1 pi. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1899. 8°. serie 4, v. 3, p. 257-273.) MHA Monnaies gauloises des Suessions a la legende Cricirv. (Revue numisma- tique. Paris, 1906. 8°. serie 4, v. 10, p. 117-131.) MHA (Societe archeologique, histo- rique et scientifique de Soissons. Bulle- tin. Soissons, 1907. 8°. serie 3, v. 13, p. 323-339.) * EN Witte, J. J. A. M. de. Recherches sur les empereurs qui ont regne dans les Gaules au iii. siecle de I'ere chretienne. Lyon, 1868. f °. t MHN Georgia Brosset. Dissertation sur les monnaies georgiennes, traduite d'une lettre du Prince Theimouraz, avec des eclaircisse- ments. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1835- 36. 8°. serie 2, v. 15, p. 401-445; serie 3, V. 2, p. 5-35.) * OAA Langlois, Victor. Essai de classifica- tion des suites monetaires de la Georgie, depuis I'antiquite jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, 1860. pi. 4°. MIL ■ Numismatique de la Georgie au moyen age. Paris, 1852. pi. illus. 4°. MIL Germany Ahorner, von. Nachrichten iiber den beriihmten augsburgischen Stempel- schneider Philip Heinrich Miiller, und Beschreibung einiger von demselben ge- pragten historischen Medaillen. (Histori- scher Verein von Schwaben und Neuburg. Jahres-Bericht. Augsburg, 1837-42. 8°. tno.] 2, p. 41-50; [no.] 5-6, p. 14-29; [no.i 7, p. 1-30.) ELV Nachtrage. In: Same. no. 10- 11, p. 75-82.) ELV Noch ein Nachtrag. (In: Same, [uo., 13-14, p. 41-46.) ELV Bahrfeldt, Emil. Das Miinzwesen der Mark Brandenburg von den altesten Zeiten bis zum Anfange der Regierung der Hohenzollern. . . [Text and plates.] Berlin: W. H. Kuhl, 1889. 2 v. f°. f MHX Das Miinzwesen der Mark Bran- denburg unter den Hohenzollern bis zum Grossen Kurfiirsten, von 1415 bis 1640... [Text and plates.] Berlin: W. H. Kiihl. 1895. 2 V. f°. tMHX Der Wittenfund von Gross-Cords- hagen. illus. (Gesellschaft fur pom- mersche Geschichte und Alterthumskunde. Baltische Studien. Stettin, 1894. 8°. Jahrg. 44, p. 227-245.) EXP Zur anhaltischen Miinzgeschichte. (Numismatische Zeitschrift. Wien, 1906. 8°. Bd. 37, p. 85-92.) MHA Bamberger, Ludwig. Zur deutschen Miinzgesetzgebung. Vortrag, 1871 im Berliner Handwerkerverein gehalten. Ber- lin: C. G. Liideritz, 1872. 30 p. 8'. (Sammlung gemeinverstandlicher vi^issen- schaftlicher Vortrage... Serie 7, Heft 161.) *C Bastian, Franz. Mittelalterliche Miinz- statten und deren Absatzgebiete in Ba- yern. Teil 1. Berlin: G. Nauck, 1910. 2 p.l., 94 p., 1 1., viii p., 1 1., 1 chart. 8°. TF p.v. 95, no.8 Blanchet, Jules Adrien. Documents concernant les origines de I'atelier mone- taire de Montbeliard. (Revue beige de numismatique. Bruxelles, 1907. 8°. an- nee 63, p. 36-46, 191-199.) MHA Bresslau, H. Zur Lehre von den Siegeln der Karolinger und Ottonen. (Archiv fiir Urkundenforschung. Leipzig, 1908. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 355-370.) BTA Buchenau, H. Der Bracteatenfund von Seega. Ein Beitrag zur Erforschung der deutschen Miinzdenkmaler aus dem Zeital- ter der Staufischen Kaiser. Marburg: N. G. Elwert, 1905. 3 p.l, vii-xviii, 174 col., 27 pi. 4°. (Historische Kommission fiir Hessen und Waldeck, Provinz Sachsen und Herzogtum Anhalt. Gemeinschaft- liche Veroffentlichung.) tMHX Cahn, J. Der Rappenmiinzbund: eine Studie zur Miinz- und Geld-Geschichte des oberen Rheinthales. Heidelberg: C. Win- ter, 1901. V p., 1 1., 218 p., 4 pi. 8°. TF Cassel, J. P. Sammlung etlicher Jubel- hochzeit-Miinzen, welche auf Personen von angesehenen Geschlechtern nach einem fiinfzig Jahre gefiihrten gliickliche Ehestande gepraget, und zum Andenken der Familien herausgegeben worden, von ...Cassel. Bremen: G. L. Forster, 1759. 8 p.l., 94, 4 p., 1 1., 6 pi. 4°. MHX LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 63 Individual Countries, continued. Germany, continued. Choix de medailles executees en Alle- magne aux xvi. et xvii. siecles. Paris, 1841. i°. (Tresor de numismatique et de glyp- tique.) tt MHE Dannenberg, Hermann. Die altesten Munzen Ostsachsens. 2 pi. (Numis- matische Zeitschrift. Wien, 1905. 8°. Bd. 36, p. 123-145.) MHA Die deutschen Miinzen der sach- sischen und frankischen Kaiserzeit. Ber- lin: Weidmann, 1876-1905. 4 v. in 5. 4°. tMHX • Konrad der Erste, der deutsche Konig. (Zeitschrift fiir Numismatik. Berlin, 1904. 8°. Bd. 24, p. 347-354.) MHA Die Miinzfunde von Schwarzow und Gross-Rischovv. (Gesellschaft fiir pommersche Geschichte und Alterthums- kunde. Baltische Studien. Stettin, 1876. 8°. Jahrg. 26, p. 58-87.) EIP Miinzgeschichte Pommerns im Mittelalter. [Text and plates.] Berlin: A. Weyl, 1893. 2 v. 4°. MHX Nachtrag. [Text and plates.] Berlin, 1896-97. 2 pamphlets. 4°. MHX Domanig, Karl. Die deutsche Medaille in kunst- und kulturhistorischer Hinsicht. Wien: Anton Schroll & Co., 1907. viii. 167 p.. 100 pi. sq. f ". tt MGP Ernest August, duke of Cumberland. Sammlungen Sr. Koniglichen Hoheit des Herzogs von Cumberland, Herzogs zu Braunschweig und Liineburg. Munzen und Medaillen der welfischen Lande. Be- schrieben von Eduard Fiala. Teil [2-7, Abt. 1]. Prag: A. Haase, 1904-12. f°. tMHX Teil [2]. Die Welfen in den Sachsenland. 1910. Teil [3 J. Das alte Haus Braunschweig, Linie zu Grulienhagen; Mittel-Braunschweig; Mittel-Liine- burg. 1906-07. Teil [41. Das mittlere Haus Braunschweig, Li- nie zu Wolfenbiittel. 1906. Teil [S]. Das mittlere Haus Braunschweig, Li- nie zu Calenberg. 1904. Teil [6, Abt. 1-2]. Das neue Haus Braun- schweig zu Wolfenbiittel. 1907-09. Teil [7, Abt. 1]. Das neue Haus Liineburg (Celle) zu Hannover. 1912. Euler, L. H. Die altesten Nachrichten iiber die Miinze zu Frankfurt. (Archiv fiir Frankfurts Geschichte und Kunst. Frankfurt a. M., 1858. 8°. Bd. 2, Heft 6, p. 195-196.) EKZ Frankfurter Goldgulden aus Konig Ruprechts Zeiten. illus. (Archiv fiir Frankfurts Geschichte und Kunst. Frank- furt a. M., 1858. 8°. Bd. 2, Heft 5, p. 135- 137.) EKZ Verzeichniss und Beschreibung der Frankfurter Goldmiinzen, mit einer geschichtlichen Einleitung iiber die Reichs- miinze zu Frankfurt und das Miinzrecht der Stadt. 4 pi. (Archiv fiir Frankfurts Geschichte und Kunst. Frankfurt a. M.. 1858. 8°. Bd. 1, Heft 4, p. 1-43.) EKZ Ewald, Wilhelm. Die Siegel des Erzbi- schofs Anno ii. von Koln (1056-1075). (Westdeutsche Zeitschrift fiir Geschichte und Kunst. Trier, 1905. 8°. Jahrg. 24, p. 19-34.) EAA Die Siegel der Grafen und Her- zoge von Kleve. (Historischer Verein fiir den Niederrhein. Veroffentlichungen. Koln, 1909. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 276-293.) EKP Fellner, E. See Joseph, Paul, and E. Fellner. Fiala, E. Die Miinzmeister der herzog- lich braunschweig-liineburgischen Com- munion-Miinzstatte zu Zellerfeld. (Zeit- schrift fiir Numismatik. Berlin, 1903. 8°. V. 24, p. 145-166.) MHA Fikentscher. Die richtige Deutung der Adlerschilde auf den Munzen der Mark- grafen von Brandenburg altfrankischer Linic. (Archiv fiir Geschichte und Alter- thumskunde von Oberfranken. Bayreuth, 1871. 8°. Bd. 11, Heft 3, p. 1-32.) ELS Finger, F. A. Ueber Frankfurter Tur- iiosen. (Archiv fiir Frankfurts Geschichte und Kunst. Frankfurt a. M., 1860. 8°. N. F. Bd. 1, p. 300-317.) EKZ Friedensburg, Ferdinand. Schlesiens neuere Miinzgeschichte... Breslau: E. Wohlfarth. 1899. viii p., 1 1.. 264 p. 4°. (Verein fiir Geschichte und Alterthum .Schlesiens. Codex diplomaticus Silesise. Bd. 19.) tEIX See also Sphragistik. Gaedechens, O. C. Hamburgische Miin- zen und Medaillen. Hrsg. von einem Aus- schusse des Vereins fiir Hamburgische Geschichte und redigirt von O. C. Gae- dechens. Hamburg: J. A. Meissner, 1850- 76. 3 V. illus. 4°. MHX Abth. 3 edited by C. F. Gaedechens. Geib, Eduard. Siegel deutscher Konige und Kaiser von Karl dem Grossen bis Friedrich i. im allgemeinen Reichsarchive. (Archivalische Zeitschrift. Miinchen, 1891- 92. 8°. N. F. Bd. 2, p. 78-183; Bd. 3, p. 1-20.) ELB Goedicke, Karl. Siegel, Wappen, Far- ben und Fahnen der Stadt Halberstadt. 2 pi. (Harz-Verein fiir Geschichte und Alterthumskunde. Zeitschrift. Wernige- rode, 1897. 8°. Jahrg. 30, p. 463-474.) EAA Gritzner, Erich. See Sphragistik. Groessler, Hermann. Ueber die Siegel der Ortschaften des Mansfelder Seekrei- ses. (Harz-Verein fiir Geschichte und .A.lterthumskunde. Zeitschrift. Wernige- rode. 1881. 8°. Jahrg. 13, p. 265-289.) EAA 64 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Germany, continued. Grosshauser, Johann Paul. Miinzen- fund bei Ruderatshofen, kgl. bayer. Be- zirkamts Oberdorf im Allgau. (Histori- scher Verein von Schwaben und Neuburg. Zeitschrift. Augsburg, 1875. 8°. Jahrg. 2, p. 107-110.) ELV Verzeichniss der in der Miinz- sammlung des Historischen Vereins von Schwaben und Neuburg befindlichen Miinzen und Medaillen der Stadt Augs- burg. (Historischer Verein von Schwaben und Neuburg. Jahres-Bericht. Augsburg, 1872. 8°. [no.] 35, p. 1-89.) ELV Guenter, Heinrich. Das Muenzwesen in der Grafschaft Wuerttemberg. . . Stutt- gart: W. Kohlhammer, 1897. iv, 122 p., 1 1. 8°. TF Guenther, F. Zur Geschichte der har- zischen Miinzstatten. (Harz-Verein fiir Geschichte und Altertumskunde. Zeit- schrift. Wernigerode, 1908. 8°. Jahrg. 41, p. 92-158.) EAA Gutenaecker, Joseph. Ueber wiirzbur- gisch-frankische Numismatik. (Histori- scher Verein von Unterfranken und Aschaffenburg. Archiv. Wiirzburg, 1839. 8°. Bd. 5, Heft 1, p. 164-187.) ELS Habich, Georg. Studien zur deutschen Renaissancemedaille. 20 pi. illus. (Jahr- buch der Koniglich preussischen Kunst- sammlungen. Berlin, 1906-13. f°. Bd. 27, p. 13-69; Bd. 28, p. 181-198, 230-272; Bd. 34, p. 1-35.) fMAA Haebler, Konrad. "Falsche Gulden" — Blatter aus der Friihzeit der Druckerkunst. 5 fac. (Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde. Bielefeld, 1907. 4". Jahrg. 11, Bd. 1, p. 219-233.) tt GAA Harster, W. Versuch einer Speierer Miinzgeschichte. 1 p.l., iv, 166 p., 2 pi. (Historischer Verein der Pfalz. Mitthei- lungen. Speier, 1882. 8°. Bd. 10.) ELF Heffner, C. Wiirzburgisch-frankische Siegel. l7 pi. (Historischer Verein von Unterfranken und Aschaffenburg. Archiv. Wiirzburg, 1872. 8°. Bd. 21, Heft 3, p. 73-232.) ELS Heinsberger, Ph. A numismatic his- tory of the thaler coins of Germany. (Nu- mismatist. Monroe, Mich.. 1897-98. 8°. V. 10, p. 24-28, 52-54, 75-79, 106-109, 180-184; v. 11, p. 175-178, 241-244.) MHA The oldest coins of Mark Branden- burg. (Numismatist. Monroe, Mich., 1898. 8°. V. 11, p. 264-266.) MHA Heyden, Hermann von. Der Concor- dien-Orden, die Ehren-Medaillen, sowie die Feldzugs- und Dienstalterszeichen des Grossherzogtums, des General-Gouverne- ments und der freien Stadt Frankfurt. 3 pi. illus. (Archiv fiir Frankfurts Ge- schichte und Kunst. Frankfurt a.M., 1891. 8". Folge 3, Bd. 3, p. 1-108.) EKZ Heyse, Gustav. Zwei mansfeldische Jetons. (Harz-Verein fiir Geschichte und Altertumskunde. Zeitschrift. Wernige- rode, 1871. 8°. Jahrg. 3, p. 675-676.) EAA Hoefflinger, Heinrich W. Das Siegel in _ den germanischen Volksrechten. (Kaiserlich koniglich heraldische Gesell- schaft "Adler." Jahrbuch. Wien, 1905. 4°. N. F. Bd. 15, p. 265-274.) f ATIA Hoffmann, J. G. Die Zeichen der Zeit im deutschen Miinzwesen als Zugabe zu der Lehre vom Gelde; und mit besonderer Riicksicht [U. s. w.j. Berlin, 1841, 8°. TF Bound with his: Die Lehre vom Gelde... Ber- lin: 1838. 8°. Huillard-BrehoUes, J. L. A. Notice sur deux sceaux en metal des empereurs Frederic i et Louis v. Paris, n. d. pi. 8°. * C p.v. 770 Ilgen, Theodor. See Sphragistik. J., E. See Jacobs, Ed. Jacobs, Ed. Graflich stolbergische Schaustiicke (Gnadenpfennige) aus dem sechzehnten Jahrhundert; Wahlspriiche aus dem graflichen Hause. (Harz-Verein fiir Geschichte und Altertumskunde. Zeitschrift. Wernigerode, 1879. 8°. Jahrg. 12, p. 611-634.) EAA Kleine Beitrage zur Geschlechts- und Siegelkunde. illus. (Harz-Verein fiir Geschichte und Altertumskunde. Zeitschrift. Wernigerode, 1888. 8°. Jahrg. 21, p. 399-418.) EAA Siegel des Kalands vom Banne Utzleben zu Wernigerode. (Harz-Verein fiir Geschichte und Alterthumskunde. Zeitschrift. Wernigerode, 1869. 8°. Jahrg. 2, Heft 2, p. 191-193.) EAA Siegel der Stadt Elbingerode auf dem Harz. (Harz-Verein fiir Geschichte und Alterthumskunde. Zeitschrift. Wer- nigerode, 1869. 8°. Jahrg. 2, Heft 3. p. 174-176.) EAA Siegel der Stadt Thalmansfeld und dortiger Burger. 1 pi. (Harz-Verein fiir Geschichte und Alterthumskunde. Zeit- schrift. Wernigerode, 1869. 8°. Jahrg. 2, Heft 2, p. 185-191.) EAA ■ Zur Geschichte der Biirgersiegel. illus. (Harz-Verein fiir Geschichte und Altertumskunde. Zeitschrift. Wernige- rode, 1909. 8°. Jahrg. 41, p. 207-247.) EAA Jeiler, Josef. Die Siegelkammer der Bischofe von Miinster. (Zeitschrift fiir vaterlandische Geschichte und Altertums- kunde. Miinster, 1906. 8°. Bd. 64. Abt. 1, p. 137-190.) EKH Joseph, Paul. Beitrage zur pfalzgraf- lichen und mainzischen Miinzkunde. (Hi- storischer Verein der Pfalz. Mittheilun- gen. Speier, 1880. 8°. Bd. 9, p. 1-47.) ELP LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 65 Individual Countries, continued. Germany, continued. Goldmiinzen des xiv. und xv. Jahr- Ininderts. (Disibodenberger Fund.)_ Nebst urkiindlichen Beitragen zur rheinlandi- schen Miinzgeschichte, besondcrs Frank- furts. 3 pi. (Archiv fiir Frankfurts Ge- schichte und Kunst. Frankfurt a.M., 1882. 8°. N. F. Bd. 8, p. 1-232.) EKZ Joseph, Paul, and E. Fellner. Die Miin- zen von Frankfurt am Main nebst einer miinzgeschichtlichen Einleitung und meh- reren Anhangen. Das Mittelalter, die Neuzeit... fAbbildungen. Supplement- band.] Frankfurt a.Al.: Druckerci v. A. Osterrieth. 1896. 3 v. 4°. MHX Keller, G. J. Die Begrabnissmiinzen der Regenten von Wiirzburg. (Histori- scher Verein von Unterfranken und Aschaffenburg. Archiv. Wiirzburg, 1841. 8°. Bd. 6, Heft 2, p. 33-58.) ELS Beschreibung und Erklarung eini- ger Denkmiinzen auf merkwiirdige Fran- ken odcr auf Begebenheiten, welche Franken betreffen. (Historischer Verein von Unterfranken und Aschaffenburg. Archiv. Wiirzburg, 1847. 8°. Bd. 9, Heft 2, p. 1-99.) ELS Geschichtc des bischoflich wiirz- burgischen Miinzwesens unter Anselm Franz von Ingelheim. (Historischer Verein von Unterfranken und Aschaffen- burg. Archiv. Wiirzburg, 1850. 8°. Bd. 10, Heft 2, p. 187-205.) ELS Geschichte des bischoflich-wurz- burgischen Miinzwesens unter Conrad von Thiingen, Conrad von Bibra und Mel- chior Zobel von Guttenberg. (Histori- scher Verein von Unterfranken und Aschaffenburg. Archiv. Wiirzburg, 1851. 8°. Bd. 11. Heft 1. p. 125-179.) ELS Geschichte des bischoflich wiirz- burgischen Miinzwesens unter Friedrich Carl von Schonborn. (Historischer Verein von Unterfranken und Aschaffenburg. Archiv. Wiirzburg, 1850. 8°. Bd. 10, Heft 2, p. 130-186.) ELS Geschichte des bischoflich wiirz- burgischen Miinzwesens unter Lorenz von Bibra. (Historischer Verein von Unter- franken und Aschaffenburg. Archiv. Wiirzburg, 1849. 8°. Bd. 10, Heft 1. p. 1-50.) ELS — — Die Aliinzvereinigungen der Bi- schofe von Wiirzburg mit anderen Miinz- herren in fiinfzehnten Jahrhunderte. (Historischer Verein von Unterfranken und Aschaffenburg. Archiv. Wiirzburg, 1841. 8°. Bd. 6, Heft 3. p. 35-64.) ELS Supplemente zu: "Die bambergi- schen Miinzen chronologisch geordnet und beschrieben von Joseph Keller. Bam- berg, 1839. 8°." (Historischer Verein von Unterfranken und Aschaffenburg. Archiv. Wiirzburg, 1841. 8°. Bd. 6. Heft 1, p. 79-91.) ELS Ueber das auf bischoflich wiirz- burgischen Miinzen vorkommende Mono- gramm. (Historischer Verein von Unterfranken und Aschaffenburg. Archiv. Wurzburg, 1841. 8°. Bd. 6, Heft 1, p. 68-78.) ELS Kirsch, Th. Der Miinzfund zu Schalke. Beitrag zur mittelalterlichen Miinzkunde der Grafschaft Mark. 1 pi. (Zeitschrift fiir Numismatik. Berlin, 1905. 8°. Bd. 25, p. 77-128.) MHA Knetsch, Karl. Die Siegel der Stadt Danzig bis zum Untergange ihrer Selb- standigkcit. 3 pi. (Westpreussischer Geschichtsverein. Zeitschrift. Danzig, 1904. 4°. Heft 47, p. 99-119.) EIC Koch, Alexander. 600 Monogramme und Signets. Fine Sammlung von 600 ver- schiedenen zum Teil preisgekronten orna- mentalen Monogrammen, Initialen u. Sig- nets auf 30 Tafeln nach Entwurf erster Kiinstler. Darmstadt: A. Koch (1910). 4 1.. 30 pi.. 2 1. 4°. tMLW Kretzschmar, Joli. Die konigliche Miinze zu Hannover. (Historischer Verein fiir Niedersachsen. Zeitschrift. Hannover, 1902. 8°. Jahrg. 1902. p. 4-63.) EMA Kundmann, J. C. Verzeichniiss derer Gelchrten in Miitzen. wie solche in Ori- ginalen, und denenselben gleichenden Ab- eiissen besitze. [Leipzic: D. Siegert. 1742. i 70 p. 4°. MHXp.v. 1 Von einer Historie der Gelehrten in Miintzen. Liegnitz, 1742. 4°. MHX p.v. 1 Lappenberg, J. M. Nachtrage iiber die lianiburgischcn Miinzbeamten. (Verein fiir hamburgische Geschichte. Zeit- schrift. Hamburg, 1858. 8°. Bd. 4, p. 365- 390.) ESS Leitsmann. Die alteren Miinzen der Abtei Quedlinburg mit Bezugnahme auf deren Beschreibung durch H. Ph. Cappe, Dresden, 1851. (Harz-Verein fiir Ge- schichte und Alterthumskunde. Zeit- schrift. W'ernigerode. 1872. 8°. Jahrg. 5, p. 165-194.) EA Lippert, H. F. L. Der Herzogsthaler Adam Friedrichs. 1 pi. (Historischer Verein von Unterfranken und Aschaffen- burg. Archiv. Wiirzburg. 1839. 8°. Bd. 5, Heft 2. p. 111-120.) ELS Lockner, G. H. Ein Sparbiichsenfund mit Pfennigen aus der Wende vom xiv. zum XV. Jahrhundert. 1 pi. (Historischer Verein von Unterfranken und Aschaffen- burg. Archiv. Wurzburg, 1901. 8°. Bd. 43, p. 207-245.) ELS Zur frankischen Miinzkunde. 1 pi. 66 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Germany, continued. (Historischer Verein von Unterfranken und Aschaffenburg. Archiv. Wiirzburg, 1900. 8°. Bd. 42, p. 247-254.) ELS Ludewig, Johann Peter. Einleitung zu dem teutschen Miintzwesen mittler Zeiten, nebst einem Anhang verschiedener Ao. 1708, ausgegrabener hallischer und mag- deburgischer fiinfhundert jahriger Brac- teatorum. Halle, 1709. pi. illus. 16°. MHX Menadier, J. Deutsche Munzen. Ge- sammelte Aufsatze zur Geschichte des deutschen Miinzwesens. Berlin: A. Wevl. 1891-98. V. 1, 3-4. 8°. MHX No more published. Die Munzen der Jiilicher Dyna- stengeschlechter. 8 pi. illus. (Zeit- schrift fiir Numismatik. Berlin, 1913. 8°. Bd. 30, p. 321-430.) MHA Zwei markische Denarfunde. 3 pi. Unedirte Miinzen der Grafen zu Stolberg seit 1467. (Harz-Verein fiir Ge- schichte und Alterthumskunde. Zeit- schrift. Wernigerode. 1869. 8°. Jahrg. 2, Heft 3, p. 166-173; Heft 4, p. 177-180.) EAA Zur Miinzkunde der Grafen von (Zeitschrift fiir Numismatik. Berlin, 1902. 8°. Bd. 23, p. 222-272.) MHA Menzel, Clemens. Die Gemeindesiegel des Kreises Sangerhausen. (Harz-Verein fiir Geschichte und Alterthumskunde. Zeitschrift. Wernigerode, 1886. 8°. Jahrg. 18. p. 255-287.) EAA Die Miinze in Sangerhausen. (Harz-Verein fiir Geschichte und Alter- thumskunde. Zeitschrift. Wernigerode, 1873. 8°. Jahrg. 6, p. 204-212.) EAA Die verschiedenen Stadtsiegel von Sangerhausen. (Harz-Verein fiir Ge- schichte und Alterthumskunde. Zeit- schrift. Wernigerode, 1875. 8°. Jahrg. 8, p. 275-283.) EAA Meybauer, Paul. Die Abzeichen der deutschen Marine. 76 Abbildungen aller metall. Grad- usw. Abzeichen der Kaiser- lichen Marine, nach photographischen Originalen. Zusammengestellt von P. Meybauer. Leipzig: M. Ruhl [1912]. 1 pi., fold. f°. VWE Muelverstedt, G. A. von. Die bosen Osteroder Groschen; Beitrag zur Miinz- kunde Niedersachsens. (Harz-Verein fiir Geschichte und Altertumskunde. Zeit- schrift. Wernigerode, 1871. 8°. Jahrg. 3, p. 210-219, 498-500.) EAA Mittelalter-Siegel aus den Harz- landern. 6 pi. (Harz-Verein fiir Ge- schichte und Altertumskunde. Zeitschrift. Wernigerode, 1868-71. 8°. Jahrg. 1, p. 333-340; Jahrg. 2, Heft 1. p. 120-133; Heft 2, p. 169-185, 949-997.) EAA Die Muenzen der Stadt Halber- stadt. Mit einigen Notizen iiber das altere halberstadtische Miinzwesen. (Harz- Verein fiir Geschichte und Alterthums- kunde. Zeitschrift. Wernigerode, 1869. 8°. Jahrg. 2, Heft 1, p. 100-119.) EAA Wernigerode. (Harz-Verein fiir Ge- schichte und Altertumskunde. Zeitschrift. Wernigerode, 1879. 8°. Jahrg. 12, p. 600- 610.) EAA Muenz Buch. New Miintz-Buech. Da- rinnen allerley gross vnnd kleine, Silberne vnd Guldene Sorten, vmb w^ichtiger Vrsach willen also fiirgestelt werden... Gedruckt zu Miinchen. bey Adam Berg, 1604. 9 p.l., 2-80 f., 23 1. illus. f°. f MHC Muffat, Karl August. Beitrage zur Ge- schichte des bayerischen Miinzv\resens, unter dem Hause Wittelsbach von Ende des zwolften bis in das sechzehnte Jahr- hundert. (Koniglich bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen. Hist. Klasse. Miinchen. 1870. 4°. Bd. 11, Abth. 1, p. 201-269.) *EE Nebel. Die hessischen Miinzstatten im Mittelalter. (Archiv fiir hessische Ge- schichte und Alterthumskunde. Darm- stadt, 1835. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 93-99.) ENI Och, Franz. Miinzen bayrischer Klo- ster, Kirchen, Wallfahrtsorte und anderer geistlicher Institute. (Historischer Verein von Oberbayern. Oberbayerisches Archiv fiir vaterlandische Geschichte. Miinchen, 1897. 4°. Bd. 50, p. 131-230.) ELN Primbs, Karl. Wanderung durch die Siegel des deutschen und namentlich ba- yerischen Adels aus der Sammlung von Metallabgiissen im allgemenen Reischs- archive. (Archivalische Zeitschrift. Miin- chen, 1892. 8°. N. F. Bd. 3. p. 176-244.) ELB Wanderung durch die Siegel deut- scher und vorzugsweiser bayerischer Stadte und Genossenschaften aus der Sammlung von Metallabgiissen im all- gemeinen Reichsarchive. (Archivalische Zeitschrift. Miinchen, 1892. 8°. N. F. Bd. 3, p. 245-256.) ELB Purgold. Zur Miinzkunde Pommerns. (Gesellschaft fiir pommersche Geschichte und Alterthumskunde. Baltische Studien. Stettin, 1833. 8°. Jahrg. 2, Heft 1, p. 114- 122.) EIP Riedel. LTeber den Gebrauch der Siegel in der Mark Brandenburg, besonders bei landesherrlichen Ausfertigungen. (Verein fiir Geschichte der Mark Brandenburg. Markische Forschungen. Berlin, 1843. 8". Bd. 2, p. 46-71.) EIN Riggauer, Hans. Die Entwicklung des bairischen Miinzwesens unter den Wittels- bachern. (Koniglich bayerische Aka- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 67 Individual Countries, continued. Germany, continued. demie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungs- berichte. Philos.-philol. Classe. Miin- chen, 1900. 8°. 1900, p. 173-192.) * EE Roemer-Buechner, Die Siegel der Stadt Frankfurt am Main. 4 pi. (Archiv fiir Frankfurts Geschichte und Kiinst. Frank- furt a. M., 1858. 8°. Bd. 2, Heft 5. p. 138- 190.) EKZ Rosenheim, Max. An alleged portrait- medal of John of Leyden. (Numismatic chronicle. London. 1906. 8°. series 4, V. 6, p. 385-387.) MHA Rothert. Ein Gang durch die Ge- schichte Niedersachsens an der Hand der Harzer Miinzen. (Harz-Verein fiir Ge- schichte und Alterthumskunde. Zeit- schrift. Wernigerode, 1899. 8". Jahrg. 32, p. 148-170.) EAA Rueppell, Eduard. Die Abzeichen, Na- men und Initialen von Dynasten. Miinz- meistern und Stempelschneidern, welche auf den fiir die Stadt Frankfurt gefertig- ten Miinzen und Medaillen befindlich sind. (Archiv fiir Frankfurts Geschichte und Kunst. Frankfurt a. M.. 1858. 8°. Bd. 2. Heft 8. p. 55-72.) EKZ Berichtigung und Fortsetzung der beiden Abhandlungen: Schaumiinzen zum Angedenken von Bewohnern Frankfurts und Miinzen und Medaillen auf geschicht- liche Begebenheiten Frankfurts. 2 pi. (Archiv fiir Frankfurts Geschichte und Kunst. Frankfurt a. M.. 1869. 8°. N. F. Bd. 4, p. 177-207.) EKZ Beschreibung der Miinzen und Me- daillen. welche wegen geschichtlicher Begebenheiten fiir Frankfurt gefertigt wurden. Nebst einem Anhang, enthaltend die Frankfurter Preis-Miinzen und sonsti- gen auf die Stadt Frankfurt sich beziehen- den Prage-Stiicke. 3 pi. (Archiv fiir Frankfurts Geschichte und Kunst. Frank- furt a. M.. 1858. 8°. Bd. 2, Heft 8, p. 1-54.) EKZ Schaumiinzen. welche zum Ange- denken von Bewohnern Frankfurts oder in dieser Stadt gebornen Personen gefer- tigt wurden. 6 pi. (Archiv fiir Frankfurts Geschichte und Kunst. Frankfurt a. M., 1858. 8°. Bd. 2. Heft 7, p. i-viii, 1-82.) EKZ Vierter Aufsatz iiber Frankfurter Medaillen. historische Miinzen, fiir Lokal- gebrauch gefertigte Jettons, und andere Miinzen. [With] Register. 1 pi. (Archiv fiir Frankfurts Geschichte und Kunst. Frankfurt a. M.. 1877. 8°. N. F. Bd. 6, p. 388-406.) EKZ Ruland, Anton. Beitrage zur Geschichte des wirzburgischen Miinzwesens unter den Fiirstbischofen: Friedrich Karl von Schonborn, Anselm Franz von Ingelheim, Karl Philipp von Greifenklau und Adam Friederich von Seinsheim. (Historischer Verein von Unterfranken und Aschaffen- burg. Archiv. Wiirzburg. 1875. 8°. Bd. 23, p. 1-90.) ELS Schaeffler, August. Erste Publication aus der "hohen Registratur:" Magister Lorenz Fries zum frankisch-wirzburgi- schen Miinzwesen. (Historischer Verein von Unterfranken und Aschaffenburg. Archiv. Wiirzburg, 1874. 8°. Bd. 22. p. 33-188.) ELS Scharold, K. G. Zur Geschichte des wiirzburger Miinzwesens. (Historischer Verein von Unterfranken und Aschaffen- burg. Archiv. Wiirzbtirg. 1836. 8°. Bd. 3, Heft, p. 155-164.) ELS Schmid, Max. Julius Hoffmann's Sie- gelmarken. (Deutsche Kunst und Dekora- tion. Darmstadt. 1899. 4°. Jahrg. 3. p. 70-74.) t MAA Schoeffmann, I. B. Verzeichniss der bayerischen, mittelalterlichen Munzen der Sammlungen des Historischen Vereins von Niederbayern. . .chronologisch geord- net. (Historischer Verein fiir Niederba- yern. Verhandlungen. Landshut. 1900-01. 8°. Bd. 36. p. 1-28; Bd. 37. p. 89-142.) ELN SchoUer, Ernst. Das Miinzwesen der Reichstadt Niirnberg im 16. Jahrhundert. (Ein Beitrag zur reichstadtischen Wirt- schaftsgeschichte.) Niirnberg: B. Hilz, 1912. viii, 143 p. 8°. MHX Schratz, Wilhelm. Beitrag zur altesten Miinzgeschichte Regensburgs. 1 pi. (Historischer Verein von Oberpfalz und Regensburg. Verhandlungen. Stadtam- hof, 1880. 8°. Bd. 35, p. 285-292.) ELP Die Conventionsmiinzen der Her- zoge von Bayern und der Bischofe von Regensburg vom Ende des xii. bis Anfang des XIV. Jahrhunderts. (Historischer Verein von Oberpfalz und Regensburg. Verhandlungen. Stadtamhof. 1879. 8". Bd. 34, p. 153-185.) ELP • Die Regensburger Rathszeichen, gesammelt, beschrieben und erlautert von Wilhelm Schratz. 20 pi. (Historischer Verein von Oberpfalz und Regensburg. Verhandlungen. Stadtamhof. 1883. S". Bd. 37, p. 161-248.) ELP Schroeder, Eduard. Zu den markischen Miinznamen. (Zeitschrift fiir Numisma- tik. Berlin. 1907. 8°. Bd. 26, p. 196-199.) MHA Schroetter, Friedrich von, Freiherr. Die hannoverschen Goldgulden 1748-1756. (Zeitschrift fiir Numismatik. Berlin. 1903. 8°. Bd. 24, p. 167-231.) MHA Die letzte stadtische Miinzpragung in Preussen. (Zeitschrift fiir Numisma- tik. Berlin. 1902. 8°. Bd. 23, p. 209-221.) MHA 68 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Germany, continued. Die Miinzen Friedrich des Grossen Kurfiirsten und III. von Brandenburg auf Gru Sammlung des Kgl. Munzkabi beitet von F. v. Schrotter. Parey, 1913. xii, 311(1) p., (Konigliche Museen zu Berlin Wilhelms Friedrichs ndlage der netts bear- Berlin: P. 53 pi. i°. .) tMHX Die Miinzstatte zu Stettin unter den Konigen Karl xi. und Karl xii. von Schweden. 1660-1710. 2 pi. illus. (Zeit- schrift fiir Numismatik. Berlin, 1910. 8°. Bd. 28, p. 113-219.) MHA Die Pragung der kursachsischen Sechspfennigstiicke (Seufzer) 1701 und 1702. (Zeitschrift fiir Numismatik. Ber- lin, 1901. 8°. Bd. 23, p. 1-50.) MHA Das preussische Miinzwesen im 18. Jahrhundert. Beschreibender Theil, Heft 1-3. Berlin: Verlag von Paul Parey, 1902-11. f°. (Konigliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Acta Borussica. Denk- maler der preussischen Staatsverwaltung im 18. Jahrhundert. Miinzwesen. Be- schreibender Theil. Heft 1-3.) fEHF Heft. 1. Die Miinzen aus der Zeit der Konige Friedrich I. und Friedrich Wilhehn I. ' Heft 2. Die Miinzen aus der Zeit des Konigs Friedrich II. des Grossen. Heft 3. Die Miinzen aus der Zeit der Konige Friedrich Wilhelm II. und Friedrich Wilhelm III. bis zum Jahre 1806. Thorner Zainproben. 1528-1535. (Zeitsclirift fiir Numismatik. Berlin, 1905. 8°. Bd. 25. p. 245-275.) MHA Schulte, Wilhelm. Die Siegel des Bischofs Lorenz von Breslau. (Zu A. Schulte, Die schlesischen Siegel bis 1250.) (Verein fiir Geschichte Schlesiens. Zeit- schrift. Breslau, 1908. 8°. Bd. 42, p. 268- 288.) EIX Sello, G. Die Siegel der Markgrafen von Brandenburg askanischen Stammes. illus. (Verein fiir Geschichte der Mark Brandenburg. Markische Forschungen. Berlin, 1887. 8°. Bd. 20, p. 263-314.) EIN Serrure, C. A. Les monnaies des comtes de Limburg-sur-la-Lenne a propos d'lm denier inedit. (Gazette numismatique francaise. Paris, 1898. 4°. v. 2, p. 135- 148.) MHA Sphragistik; Heraldik; deutsche Miinz- geschichte, von Th. Ilgen, E. Gritzner, F. Friedensburg. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1912. 2 p.l., 132 p. 2. ed. 4°. (Grundriss der Geschichtswissenschaft. Bd. 1, Abt. 4.) EAD Sponsel, J. L. Die Bildnismedaillen des Tobias Wolf im Miinzkabinett zu Dresden. (Mitteilungen aus den sachsischen Kunst- sammlungen. Leipzig, 1910. 4°. Jahrg. 1, p. 65-72.) MAA Stenzel, Th. Beitraege zur mansfeldi- schen Munzkunde. (Harz-Verein fiir Geschichte und Alterthumskunde. Zeit- schrift. Wernigerode, 1878. 8°. Jahrg. 11. p. 287-354.) EAA Der Miinzfund von Giintersberge im Harze. (Harz-Verein fiir Geschichte nigerode, 1881. 8°. Jahrg. 13. p. 289-319.) und Alterthumskunde. Zeitschrift. Wer- EAA Streber, Franz. Achtzehn bisher meist unbekannte zu Schmalkalden gepragte hennebergische und hessische Miinzen aus der zweiten Halfte des vierzehnten Jahr- hunderts. 1 pi. (Koniglich bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abhand- lungen. Philos.-philol. Classe. Miinchen, 1847. 4°. Bd. 4, Abth. 1, p. 175-203.) * EE Die altesten burggraflich nurn- bergischen Miinzen oder vierzig bisher meist unbekannte burggraflich niirnber- gische Pfennige aus der zwreiten Halfte des yierzehnten Jahrhunderts. 2 pi. (Koniglich bayerische Akademie der Wis- senschaften. Abhandlungen. Philos.- philol. Classe. Miinchen, 1847. 4°. Bd. 4, Abth. 3, p. 75-202.) * EE Die altesten in Koburg und Hild- burghausen geschlagenen Miinzen. 2 pi. (Koniglich bayerische Akademie der Wis- senschaften. Abhandlungen. Philos.- philol. Classe. Miinchen, 1855. 4°. Bd. 7, p. 213-306.) *EE Die altesten Miinzen der Grafen von Hohenlohe oder zwanzig bisher meist unbekannte Pfennige des Herrn Ulrich von Hohenlohe. Ein Beitrag zur Ge- schichte der Grafen von Hohenlohe von 1371 bis 1408. 1 pi. (Koniglich bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abhand- lungen. Philos.-philol. Classe. Miinchen, 1849. 4°. Bd. 5, Abth. 3, p. 1-78.) * EE Die altesten Miinzen der Grafen von Wertheim. 1 pi. (Koniglich baye- rische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen. Philos.-philol. Classe. Miinchen, 1858. 4°. Bd. 8, p. 169-192.) *EE Die altesten von den Wittelsba- chern in der Oberpfalz geschlagenen Miinzen. 4 pi . (Koniglich bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abhand- lungen. Philos.-philol. Classe. Miinchen, 1858. 4°. Bd. 8, p. 501-718.) * EE Fiinf imd dreissig bisher meist un- bekannte Miinzen des Bischofs Gerhard von Wiirzburg. 1 pi. (Koniglich baye- rische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abliandlungen. Philos.-philol. Classe. Miinchen. 1847. 4°. Bd. 4, Abth. 1, p. 97- 136.) *EE LTeber einige Miinzen der Fiir- stabte von Fulda aus der zweiten Halfte des vierzehnten Jahrhunderts. 1 pi. (Konigliche bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen. Philos.- philol. Classe. Miinchen, 1858. 4°. Bd. 8, p. 129-167.) *EE LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 69 Individual Countries, continued. Germany, continued. Zwanzig bisher meist unbekannte churmainzische Silberpfennige aus der zweiten Halfte des vierzehnten Jahrhun- derts. 1 pi. (Koniglich bayerische Akade- mie der Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen. Philos.-philol. Classe. Munchen, 1847. 4". Bd. 4, Abth. 1, p. 137-174.) * EE — — Zwei und fiinfzig bisher meist unbekannte bohmisch-pfalzische Silber- pfennige aus der zweiten Halfte des vierzehnten Jahrhunderts. 2 pi. (Konig- lich bayerische Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Abhandlungen. Philos.-philol. Classe. Munchen, 1847. 4°. Bd. 4, Abth. 2, p. 51-124.) *EE Verein fiir liibeckische Geschichte und Alterthumskunde. Siegel des Mittelalters aus den Archiven der Stadt Liibeck; hrsg. von dem Vereine fiir liibeckische Ge- schichte und Alterthumskunde. Heft 1-10. Liibeck. 1856-79. 10 parts in 2 v. pi. 4°. MIY Verein fiir das Museum schlesischer Al- tertiinicr. Schlesiens Miinzen und Me- daillen der neueren Zeit. Hrsg. von F. Friedensburg und H. Seger. Breslau: Selbstverlag des Vereins, 1901. vii, 104 p.. 11., 50 pi. f°. ttMHX Weinmeister, P. Miinzgeschichte der Grafschaft Holstein-Schauenburg. 6 pi., 1 table. (Zeitschrift fiir Numismatik. Ber- lin, 1908. 8°. Bd. 26, p. 348-481.) MHA Wibel, Hans. Zu den Siegeln der Erzbischofe von Trier im friiheren Mittel- alter. (Westdeutsche Zeitschrift fiir Ge- schichte und Kunst. Trier, 1912. 8°. Jahrg. 31, p. 162-195.) EAA Wolff. Einige Bemerkungen und Zu- satze zu dem Werke: Die hamburgischen Miinzen und Medaillen von O. C. Gaede- chens. (Verein fiir hamburgische Ge- schichte. Zeitschrift. Hamburg, 1858. 8°. Bd. 4, p. 345-364.) ESS Goths Amardel, G. Les marques monetaires d'Alaric ii et de Theodoric. (Commission archeologique de Narbonne. Bulletin. Narbonne, 1899. 4°. annee 1899, p. 598- 609.) DRG Les monnaies wisigothes anony- mes du Musee de Narbonne. (Commis- sion archeologique de Narbonne. Bulletin. Narbonne, 1906. 4°. v. 9, p. 5-16.) DRG Monnaies wisigothes du Musee de Narbonne. (Commission archeologique de Narbonne. Bulletin. Narbonne, 1890. 4°. annee 1890, sem. 1, p. 144-146.) DRG Le theta des inscriptions mone- taires des Goths. (Commission archeolo- gique de Narbonne. Bulletin. Narbonne, 1899. 4°. annee 1899, p. 585-592.) DRG British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. Catalogue of the coins of the Vandals, Ostrogoths and Lombards, and of the empires of Thessalonica, Nicaea and Trebizond, in the .. .museum. By W. Wroth... London: the trustees, 1911. xcivp., 11., 344 p., 43 pi. 4°. MHF Engel, Arthur. Un nouveau roi wisi- goth. (Gazette numismatique frangaise. Paris, 1898. 4°. v. 2. p. 125-128.) MHA Heiss, A. Description generale des monnaies des rois wisigoths d'Espagne. Paris, 1872. 13pl. f°. f MHO Lagoy, Louis Roger Xavier de Meyran de. marquis. Explication de quelques me- dailles a monogramme des rois goths d'ltalie. . .decouvertes dans le midi de la France. Aix, 1843. pi. f°. f MHO Wroth, Warwick. See British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. Gozo Mayr, Albert. Die antiken Miinzen der Inseln Malta, Gozo und Pantelleria. Miin- chen: H. Kutzner. 1895. 40 p., 1 pi. 8°. MHL Great Britain and Ireland Adams, G. G. Medals commemorative of events in British history. 1 pi. (Brit- ish Archaeological Association. Journal. London. 1878. 8°. v. 34, p. 360-368.) CA On two coronation medals of King George i. 2 pi. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1879. 8°. V. 35, p. 271-275.) CA Akerman, John Yonge. A list of tokens issued by Wiltshire tradesmen in the seventeenth century. London, 1846. 23 p., 1 pi. 8°. CO (Wiltshire) p.v.l Specimens of tokens mounted in. Andrew, Walter Jonathan. Buried treas- ure; some traditions, records and facts. 4 pi. (British numismatic journal. London, 1905. 4°. series 1, v. 1, p. 9-59.) f MHA A numismatic chronicle of the reign of Henry I. (1100-1135). 7 pi. (Nu- mismatic chronicle. London, 1901-02. 8°. series 4, v. 1, p. 1-515.) MHA A numismatic history of the reign of Stephen, map, pi. illus. (British nu- mismatic journal. London. 1910-12. 4°. series 1, v. 6, p. 177-190; v. 8, p. 87-136.) fMHA Anscombe, Alfred. The inscription on the Oxford pennies of the Ohsnaforda type, illus. (British numismatic journal. London, 1906. 4°. series 1, v. 3, p. 67-100.) MHA "0 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Great Britain and Ireland, continued. Anthon, Charles E. Anthon cabinet. Catalogue of Professor Anthon's numis- matic cabinet comprising coins and medals of the British empire; to be sold... by ...Bangs & Co... November 17th... 1879 [tO] October 20th . . . and 22d, 1884 .. . Part 1-S. New York: C. C. Shelley, 1879-84. 4v. 8°. MHFH Armstrong, Edmund C. R. Some mat- rices of Irish seals. 4 pi. (Royal Irish Academy. Proceedings. Dublin, 1913. 4°. V. 30, section C, p. 451-476.) * EC Baeckstrom, Carl August. See Numis- mata Anglo-Saxonica Musei Academias Lundensis ordinata & descripta. Barnard, F. P. Catalogue of a teach- ing collection of representative English coins, from 1066, at the Institute of Arch- aeology in the University of Liverpool. (Annals of archaeology and anthropology. Liverpool. 1909. 4°. v. 2, p. 1-26.) QOA Bergne, J. B. On the three northern mints, Durham, Nevv^castle, and Carlisle. (British Archaeological Association. Jour- nal. London, 1866. 8°. v. 22, p. 264-272.) CA Birch, Samuel. On British coins. (Brit- ish Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1886. 8°. v. 42, p. 14-20.) CA Birch, Walter de Gray. The great seals of England. 1 pi. (Anglo-Saxon review^. London, 1901. 8°. v. 9, p. 38-57.) t * DE The great seals of King Henry i. 4 pi. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1873. 8°. v. 29. p. 233- 262.) CA History of Scottish seals from the eleventh to the seventeenth century, with ...illustrations... Stirling: E. Mackay, 1905-07. 2v. 4°. MIY V. 1. The royal seals of Scotland. V. 2. Ecclesiastical and monastic seals of Scot- land. Notes on the seal and some char- ters of Simon de Montfort, earl of Leices- ter, in the British Museum. 1 pi. (Brit- ish Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1876. 8°. v. 32, p. 460-463.) CA On the great seal of James i. 1 pi. (British Archaeological Association. Jour- nal. London, 1870. 8°. v. 26, p. 218-221.) CA On the great seals of King Wil- London: Methuen & Co. [1910.] xv, 274 p., 1 1., 2 pi. 8°. (The antiquary's books.) MIY Boyne, W'illiani. The silver tokens of Great Britain and Ireland, the dependen- cies and colonies. London, 1866. pi. 4°. MIG Tokens issued in the seventeenth, liam II. 2 pi. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1872. 8°. V. 29, p. 129-141.) CA On two seals of the ancient earls of Devon. (British Archaeological Asso- ciation. Journal. London, 1874. 8°. v. 30. p. 170-174.) CA Bloom, James Harvey. English seals. century in England, Wales, and Ireland, by corporations, merchants, tradesmen, etc. London, 1858. pi. 8°. MIG Tokens issued in the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries, in Yorkshire, by tradesmen, overseers of the poor, etc., in gold, silver, brass, and copper. Also the seals of all the corpora- tions in that county. Headingley: private- ly printed for the author, 1858. viii, 62 p., 17 pi. sq.4°. MIG Wiltshire tradesman's tokens. [With notes by J. E. Jackson.] [Devizes: H. Bull,] n. d. 19 p. 8°. CO (Wiltshire) p.v.l Extract from his work, "Tokens," with additions from a list published in 1846 by J. Y. Akerman. Brichaut, A. Medaille anglaise de pal- ladium et d'hydrogenium. [Brussels? 1869?] 2 p. 8°. MHEp.boxl Repr. : Revue de la numismatique beige, serie 5, tome 1, 1869. British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. Medallic illustrations of the history of Great Britain and Ire- land to the death of George ii. Compiled by the late Edward Hawkins, and edited by A. W. Franks and H. A. Grueber. London: British Museum, 1885. 8°. MIG Plates 1-183 and index. Lon- don: the trustees, 1904-11. 19 portfolios. f°. tfMIG Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum. A guide to the Eng- lish medals exhibited in the King's Li- brary. By Herbert A. Grueber. London: printed by order of the trustees, 1881. 2 p.l., (i)viii-xxi, 170 p. Led. 8°. MIGp.box 1 See also Grueber, Herbert A. Handbook of the coins of Great Britain and Ireland. Brooke, G. C. Notes on the reign of William i. 4 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1911. 8°. series 4, v. 11, p. 268- 290.) MHA Burges-Short, George. See Chichester, Henry Manners, and G. Burges-Short. Burke, W. P. See Wyse, L. B.. and W. P. Burke. Burn, J. H. Descriptive catalogue of the London traders' tokens, current in the 17th century, presented to the Corpo- ration (London) Library by H. B. H. Beaufoy. London, 1853. 8°. MIG . London, 1855. 2. ed. 8°. MIG LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 71 htdividual Countries, continued. Great Britain and Ireland, continued. Bums, Edward. The coinage of Scot- land, illustrated from the cabinet of Thomas Coats... of Ferguslie and other collections. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1887. 3v. f°. tMIG Descriptive notice of the coins in the Fortrose hoard, with notes on the corresponding gold coinage of Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 14, p. 186-219.) CPA Notes on the hoard of coins dis- covered in Banffshire, supplementary to the notice by Rev. Dr. Gordon. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. 8°. v. 16. p. 433-436.) CPA Caley, John. Ancient seals. A cata- logue of upwards of fifteen hundred im- pressions from ancient seals, in wax and sulphur. . .collected by... J. Caley... On sale... by T. Thorpe. London c. J. Rider, 183-?,. 1 p.l., 61 p. 8°. MIY Interleaved. Campbell, George W. The seals of the University of Glasgow. 1 pi. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 65-74.) CPA Cardonnel, Adam de. Numismata Sco- tise, or, A series of the Scottish coinage, from the reign of William the Lion to the Union. Edinburgh: G. Nicol, 1786. 3 p.l., 157, 33 p., 20 pi. f°. Stuart 1607 Carlyon-Britton, P. W. P. Bedwin and Marlborough and the moneyer Cilda. (Nu- mismatic chronicle. London, 1902. 8°. series 4, v. 2, p. 20-25.) MHA Cornish numismatics. 1 pi. (Brit- ish numismatic journal. London. 1906. 4°. series 1, V. 3, p. 107-116.) f MHA (Royal Institute of Cornwall. Journal. Truro, 1907. 8°. v. 17, p. 52- 62.) * EC Eadward the Confessor and his coins. 2 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. Lon- don, 1905. 8°. series 4, v. 5, p. 179-205.) MHA Historical notes on the first coin- age of Henry ii. (British numismatic jour- nal. London, 1906. 4°. series 1. v. 2, p. 185-242.) tMHA A numismatic history of the reigns of William i. and ii. (1066-1100). 21 pi. illus. (British numismatic journal. Lon- don, 1906-12. 4°. series 1, v. 2, p. 87-184; v. 3, p. 117-172: V. 4, p. 47-78; v. 5, p. 97- 122; v. 6, p. 147-176; v. 7, p. 91-142; v. 8, p. 61-80.) t MHA On the coins of William i. and ii. and the sequence of the types. (Numis- matic chronicle. London, 1902. 8°. ser- ies 4, v. 2, p. 208-223.) MHA On a rare sterling of Henry, earl of Northumberland. (Numismatic chron- icle. London, 1902. 8°. series 4, v. 2, p. 26-33.) MHA The Oxford mint in the reign of Alfred. 1 pi. (British numismatic jour- nal. London, 1906. 4°. series 1, v. 2, p. 21-30.) MHA A penny of St. Aethelberht, king of East Anglia. [With discussion.] 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Pro- ceedings. London, 1909. 8°. series 2, v. 22, p. 432-443.) f CA The Saxon, Norman and Plantage- net coinage of Wales. (British numis- matic journal. London, 1906. 4°. series 1, V. 2. p. 31-56.) t MHA (Cymmrodorion Society. Transactions. London, 1907. 8°. 1905- 06, p. 1-30.) CV Carter, T. Medals of the British army, and how they were won... London: Groombridge & Sons, 1861. 3 v. 8°. Stuart 11379 Catalogue of the Scottish coins belong- ing to the Society of Scottish Antiquaries arranged in chronological order. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archreologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2. ap- pendix, p. 7-32.) t CPA Chevalier, N. Histoire de Guillaume iii. roy d'Angleterre, d'Ecosse. . . &c. . . Par medailles, inscriptions, arcs de triomphe, & autres monumens publics, recueillis par N. Chevalier. Amsterdam, 1692. 2 p.l., 232 p., 2 pi. 4°. Stuart 11382 Chichester, Henry Manners, and G. Burges-Short. The records and badges of every regiment and corps in the Brit- ish army. London: W. Clowes and Sons, Ltd., 1895. xiv, 568p. illus. 8°. VWZH Twenty-four colored plates removed. Clarke, William. The connexion of the Roman, Saxon, and English coins, de- duced from observations on the Saxon weights and money. London, 1767. 4°. MIG Cochran-Patrick, Robert William. Notes on the annals of the Scottish coinage. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1872. 74. 8°. new series, v. 12. p. 16-32, 83-104, 242-265; v. 13, p. 41-53, 134-146; v. 14. p. 118-154, 229-266, 317-338.) MHA Notice of some unpublished varie- ties of Scottish coins. 3 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1871-75. 8°. new series, v. 11, p. 283-287; v. 12, p. 235-241; V. 15, p. 157-166.) MHA Remarks on the coinages of Alex- ander II. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. 8°. V. 12, p. 278-287.) CPA Combe, Taylor. Account of the Anglo- Saxon pennies found at Dorking. Lon- don, 1818. 4°. tMIGp.boxl 72 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Great Britain and Ireland, continued. Combe, Taylor, and Edward Hawkins. Description of the Anglo-Gallic coins in the British Museum. [Arranged by Tay- lor Combe, completed by Edward Haw- kins.] London, 1826. pi. 4°. f MIG Costello, T. B. Trade tokens of the county of Galway in the seventeenth century; with introductory note. illus. (Galway Archaeological and Historical Society. Journal. Galway, 1911. 8°. v. 7, p. 29-43.) CT Creeke, A. B. The regal sceatta and styca series of Northumbria. 2 pi. (British numismatic journal. London, 1905. 4°. series 1, v. 1, p. 65-96.) t MHA — ■ — • The sceatta and styca coinage of the early archbishops of York. 1 pi. (British numismatic journal. London, 1906. 4°. series 1, v. 2, p. 7-20.) f MHA Crump, C. G., and C. Johnson. Tables of bullion coined under Edward i., ii., and III. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1913. 8°. series 4, v. 13, p. 200-245.) MHA Cuffe, Otway Wheeler. King John's badge, "Star and crescent." (Royal So- ciety of Antiquaries of Ireland. Journal. Dublin. 1902. 8°. v. 32 [Series 5, v. 12]. p. 74-76.) CSB Cuming, H. Syer. On dated seals. 2 pi. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1870. 8°. v. 26, p. 213- 218.) CA On seals of the corporation of Canterbury, and of the free grammar schools of Southampton and Crewkerne. 1 pi. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1872. 8°. v. 28, p. 347- 352.) CA Cummyng, James. A disquisition into the proper arrangement of the silver coins, applicable to the first four James's kings of Scotland. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 199-205.) tCPA Dalton, Charles. The first appearance of Brittania on medals and coins. Why adopted. (Royal United Service Institute. Journal. London, 1903. 8°. v. 47, p. 814- 815.) VWA Dassier, Jean. Dassier's medals [of the sovereigns of England]. London: M. Young, 1797. 7 p., 6 pi. obi. 4°. f MH Dawes, Charles. Trade tokens at Chat- teris. (Fenland notes and queries. Peter- borough, 1891. 8°. V. 1, p. 179.) CA Day, Robert. Medals and memorials of the Irish volunteers of 1780 and 1797. (Cork Historical and Archc-eological So- ciety. Journal. Cork, 1905. 4°. series 2, V. 11, p. 124-134.) CT On some medals and mottoes of the Irish volunteers. (Cork Historical and Archaeological Society. Journal. Cork, 1898. 4°. series 2, v. 4, p. 33-48.) CT On three gold medals of the Irish volunteers. (Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Journal. Dublin, 1900. 8°. v. 30 [Series 5, v. 10], p. 325-329.) CSB Some mementoes of the Irish volunteers and yeomanry. (Cork Histori- cal and Archaeological Society. Journal. Cork, 1899. 4°. series 2, v. 5, p. 37-45, 183-194.) CT Medals and gorgets. Description, A, of five finger-rings and two seals, the property of the marquess of Ripon, K. G., &c. 1 pi. (Archaeologi- cal journal. London, 1875. 8°. v. 32, p. 310-316.) CA Design, A, for the Irish seal of Queen Elizabeth. (Burlington magazine. Lon- don, 1904. f °. V. 5, p. 573-574.) f MAA Deville, Achille. Dissertation sur les sceaux de Richard-Coeur-de-Lion. (So- ciete des antiquaires de Normandie. Me- moires. Caen, 1830. 8°. 1829-30, p. 61- 89.) DPM Ducarel, A. C. A series of above two hundred Anglo-Gallic, or Norman and Aquitain coins of the antient kings of England. . .illustrated in twelve letters... London: the author, 1757. 1 p.l., ii, xi, 104, 39 p., 1 map, 16 pi., 1 port. 4°. Stuart 11385 Early Victorian coinage. (Institute of Bankers. Journal. London, 1901. 8°. v. 22, p. 118-120.) THA English and foreign sterlings found in Scotland. (Numismatic chronicle. Lon- don, 1861. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 56-57.) MHA Evans, John. Address... on the 19th of February, 1884. [The coinage of the ancient Briton? and natural selection.] Hertford: S. Austin & Sons, 1885. 15 p., 1 pi. 8°. MIG p. box 1 Repr.: Hertfordshire Natural History Society. Transactions, v. 3, part 4, Feb., 1885. The coins of the ancient Britons. Arranged and described by John Evans, and engraved b}' F. W. Fairholt. London, 1864. pi. illus. 8°. MIG Supplement. With plates en- graved by F. W. Fairholt and P. Sellier. London, 1890. 8°. MIG The cross and pall on the coins of Aelfred the Great. (Numismatic chron- icle. London, 1902. 8°. series 4, v. 2, p. 202-207.) MHA ■ The first gold coins of England. 2 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1900. 8°. series 3, v. 20, p. 218-251.) MHA Note on a gold coin of Addedoma- ros. (Numismatic chronicle. London. 1902. 8°. series 4, v. 2, p. 11-19.) MHA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 71 Individual Countries, continued. Great Britain and Ireland, continued. Note on a hoard of ancient British coins found at Santon Downham, Suffolk. (Archaeological journal. London, 1870. 8°. V. 27, p. 92-97.) CA On ancient British coins, more especially those of Verulam. A report of a lecture delivered at St. Albans. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1870. 8°. v. 26, p. 191-199.) CA On a hoard of early Anglo-Saxon coins found in Ireland. London, 1882. 26 p., 1 pl. 8°. MIGp.boxl Repr. : Numismatic chronicle, series 3, v. 2. o. 61-86. Rare or unpublished coins of Ca- rausius. 2 pl. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 190.S. 8°. series 4, v. 5, p. 18-35.) MHA The silver medal or map of Sir Francis Drake. 1 pl. (Numismatic chron- icle. London, 1906. 8°. series 4, v. 6, p. 77-89, 348-350.) MHA On one side of this medal the eastern hemisphere was engraved, and on the other side, the western hemisphere. Eyre. The seal of Inchaffray. 1 pl. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. new series, V. 4. p. 83-86.) CPA Farquhar, Helen. Portraiture of our Stuart monarchs on their coins and medals, pl., port, illus. (British numis- matic journal. London, 1909-12. 4°. series 1, v. 5, p. 145-262; v. 6. p. 213-285; v. 7, p. 199-267; v. 8, p. 207-273.) f MHA Portraiture of the Stuarts on the royalist badges. 3 pl. illus. (British nu- mismatic journal. London, 1906. 4°. series 1, v. 2, p. 243-290.) fMHA Portraiture of our Tudor monarchs on their coins and medals. 2 pl., 6 port, illus. (British numismatic journal. Lon- don, 1908. 4°. series 1, v. 4, p. 79-143.) tMHA Ferguson, Richard Saul. The colliery harbour, lime and iron tokens of west Cumberland. (Cumberland and Westmor- land Antiquarian and Archaeological So- ciety. Transactions. London, 1899. 8°. v. 15, p. 392-416.) CO Firth, J. B. The English silver crown piece. (Connoisseur. London. 1902. 4°. v. 3, p. 30-34.) t MAA Flags, badges and arms of the British dominions beyond the seas. London: Darling & Son, 1910. 2 parts. 8°. AWI Part 1. Flags and badges. Part 2. Arms. Fletcher, Lionel L. The Belfast ticket of 1734. (Ulster journal of archaeology. Belfast, 1903. 8°. v. 9, p. 38-40.) CT Folkes, M. Tables of English silver and gold coins, reprinted by the Society of Antiquaries, with plates and explanations. London, 1763. 4°. f MIG Fox, Harry Bertram Earle, and J. S. SniRr.EY. Numismatic history of the reigns of Edward i., ii., and in. pl. (Bri- tish numismatic journal. London, 1910-12 4°. series 1, v. 6, p. 197-212; v. 7, p. 91- 142; V. 8. p. 137-148.) fMHA Francis, Grant R. The milled silver coinage of England, illus. (Connoisseur. London, 1913. 4°. v. 36, p. 91-95.) f MAA Franks, Sir A. Wollaston. [Description of the silver map, or medal, of Sir Francis Drake.] (Society of Antiquaries of Lon- don. Proceedings. London, 1876. 8°. series 2, v. 6, p. 161-163.) f CA See also British Museum. — De- partment of Coins and Medals. Medallic illustrations of the history of Great Bri- tain and Ireland. Freer, William J. Medals and cam- paigns of the 43rd Foot, now 1st battalion of the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. 10 pl. (British numis- matic journal. London, 1912. 4°. series 1. V. 8, p. 275-301.) fMHA Frunck, Niinrod. See Numismata Ang- liae vetusta. Geddie, W. S. Notice of the discovery of a hoard of groats of Robert in., en- closed in a ewer of brass, and buried in the cathedral green, Fortrose. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. sq. 8°. v. 14, p. 182-186.) CPA Gibson, W. Sidney. Seal of Richard de Bury, bishop of Durham. (British Arch- aeological Association. Journal. Lon- don, 1866. 8°. V. 22, p. 389-396.) CA Golding, Charles. The coinage of Suf- folk, consisting of the regal coins, leaden pieces and tokens of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. London, 1868. 70 illus. 4°. MIG Gordon, George. Notice of a hoard of silver coins discovered in Banffshire of which three are now presented to the museum. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. 8°. V. 16, p. 431-433.) CPA Graham, T. H. B. Cromwell's silver coinage. 2 pl. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1908. 8°. series 4, v. 8, p. 62-79.) MHA Grantley. On some unique Anglo-Saxon coins. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1900. 8°. series 3, 1900, part 2, p. 148- 161.) MHA Great seal, The. (Green bag. Boston, 1899. 4°. V. 10, p. 244-256. 293-^302.) XAA Great seal, The, of England. London, I860. f°. MIYboxl Clipping from The Illustrated London news, Feb. 11, 1860. 74 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Great Britain and Ireland, continued. Great, The, seals of England; from... Edward the Confessor to. . .William iv. With historical and descriptive no- tices. London. 1837. f°. ft MIY Greenwell, William. Durham seals; catalogue of seals at Durham from a manuscript made by the Rev. Williain Greenwell; collated and annotated by C. Hunter Blair. 28 pi. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Archaeologia Aeliana. Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 1911-13. 8°. series 3, v. 7, p. 268- 360; V. 8, p. 46-136; v. 9, p. 281-336.) CA Gronwall, Gustav Adolph. See Numis- mata Anglo-Saxonica Musei Academise Lundensis ordinata & descripta. Grueber, Herbert A. A find of silver coins at Colchester. 1 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1903. 8°. series 4, v. 3, p. 111-176.) MHA Handbook of the coins of Great Britain and Ireland in the British Museum. London: British Museum, 1899. Ixiv, 272 p.. 64 pi. 8°. MIG A rare penny of Aethelred n. (Nu- mismatic chronicle. London, 1900. 8° series 3, v. 19, p. 344-349.) MHA An unpublished half-unicorn of James iv. [of Scotland]. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1906. 8°. series 4, V. 6, p. 66-76.) MHA See also Keary, Charles P., and H. A. Grueber ; and British Museum. Department of Coins and Medals. Medal- lie illustrations of the history of Great Britain and Ireland, also Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum. A guide to the English medals. Gunner, W. H. Remarks on one of the great seals of Edward the Third, hitherto unpublished. 2 pi. (Archjeological jour- nal. London, 1851. 8°. v. 8, p. 246-255.) CA H., W. Coronation medals of Great Britain. (Connoisseur. London, 1902. 4°. V. 3, p. 168-174.) ttMAA Haan, P. Angelsaksische munten, in 1866 gevonden in Priesland, beschreven en historisch toegelicht. [By F. de Haan.] [Historische opmerkingen naar aanleiding van de gevondene Angelsaksische mun- ten. By W. Eekhoff.] Leeuwarden: W. Eekhoff, 1866. 1 p.l., 26 p., 2 pi. nar. 8°. MIG p. box 1 Haggard, W. D. Medals of the Preten- der. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1839-40. 8°. V. 1, p. 219-222; v. 2, p. 37-42, 124-132.) MHA Hague, James Duncan. The Drake medal. 1 pi., 16 maps. (American Geo- graphical Society. Bulletin. New York, 1908. 8°. V. 40, no. 8, p. 449-469.) HAT Haigh, D. H. Remarks on early Scot- tish coins, and on the arrangement of those bearing the name of Alexander. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1841. 8°. V. 4, p. 67-72.) MHA Hallander, E. A. R. See Numismata Angliae vetusta. Hamer, S. H. The farthing and half- pence of the 18th century token period, illus. (Numismatist. Brooklyn, 1913. 8°. V. 26, p. 567-583.) MHA Notes on the private tokens, their issuers and die-sinkers. 5 pi. (British numismatic journal. London, 1905-07. 4°. series 1, v. 1, p. 299-332; v. 2, p. 369-396; v. 3, p. 271-279.) t MHA The token coinage of Great Britain and Ireland, illus. (Numismatist. Phil- adelphia, 1910. 8°. V. 23, p. 133-140. 153- 155.) MHA Hanngren, Petrus. See Numismata An- gliae vetusta. Harding. On the coinage of Exeter. (British Archaeological Association. Jour- nal. London, 1862. 8°. v. 18, p. 97-111.) CA Hawkins, Edward. Dorsetshire numis- matics: the ancient mints, with notices of some medals connected with the county. (Archc-eological journal. London. 1866. 8°. V. 23, p. 122-130.) CA Letter to Sir Henry Ellis, with ac- count of Saxon pennies, and other articles found at Sevington, north Wilts. London [1838]. pi. 4°. fMIGp.boxl The silver coins of England; with remarks on English money previous to the Saxon dynasties. London, 1841. 47 pi. 8°. MIG Warwickshire numismatics; the ancient mints, and the "Kineton medal." (Archaeological journal. London, 1865. 8°. V. 22, p. 41-50.) CA See also British Museum. — De- partment of Coins and Medals. Medallic illustrations of the history of Great Brit- ain and Ireland; also Combe, Taylor, and Edward Hawkins. Henfrey, Henry W. The ancient coins of Norwich. 1 pl. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1880. 8°. V. 36, p. 291-315, 418-431.) CA The Bristol mint and its produc- tions. 1 pl. (British Archaeological As- sociation. Journal. London, 1875. 8". V. 31, p. 339-368.) CA The Culloden medals. (Numis- matic chronicle. London, 1875. 8°. v. 15, p. 90-91.) MHA A guide to the study of English coins, from the conquest to the present time. Revised and edited by C. F. Keary, LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 75 Individual Countries, continued. Great Britain and Ireland, continued. with a historical introduction by the edit- or. London, 189L 12°. MIG Numismata Cromwelliana; or, The medallic history of Oliver Cromwell illus- trated by his coins, medals and seals. London: J. R. Smith, 1877. ix p., 2 1., 230 p., 1 1., 8 pi. 4°. tMIG On some medals and seals of the Cromwell family. 1 pi. (British Arch- aeological Association. Journal. London, 1877. 8°. V. 33, p. 381-394.) CA Henry, J. A catalogue of English coins, in silver and copper. n. t.-p. London .18—?]. 24 p. illus. nar. 12°. MHFH p.box The series of English coins, in copper, tin, & bronze. London: [S. & J. Brawn, printers,] 1879. 2p.l., 28p. 8°. MIG Hewlett, Lionel M. Anglo-Gallic coins, illus. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1905-12. 8°. series 4, v. 5, p. 364-392; v. 6, p. 267-327; v. 8, p. 102-177; v. 12, p. 179- 212, 361-413.) MHA Anglo-Gallic gold coins. (Con- noisseur. London, 1901. 4°. v. 1, p. 147- 153.) ttMAA Heywood, Nathan. The first coinage of Henry ii. (British numismatic journal. London, 1905. 4°. series 1, v. 1, p. 97- 111.) MHA The kingdom and coins of Burgred. 1 pi. (British numismatic journal. Lon- don, 1906. 4°. series 1, v. 3, p. 59-66.) MHA Local and personal medals re- lating to Manchester. (Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society. Transac- tions. Manchester. 1910. 8°. v. 27, p. 50- 70.) CO Hildebrand, Bror Emil. Anglosachsi- ska mynt i Svenska Kongl. Myntkabinet- tet. Stockholm, 1846. 4°. MIG Hill, G. F. The Queen Anne's farthing. (Reliquary. London. 1902. 8°. v. 8. p. 104-112.) CA Hocking, W. J. Simon's dies in the Royal Mint Museum, with some notes on the early history of coinage by machinery. 4 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1909. 8°. series 4, v. 9, p. 56-118.) MHA Holt, Henry F. On the great seal of Francis ii. of France and Mary, queen of Scots, as king and queen of France, Scot- land, England, and Ireland. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. Lon- don. 1868. 8°. V. 24, p. 343-351.) CA Hookenberg, Carolus Ake, and B. U. VON Oelreich. Numismata Anglo-Saxoni- ca in Nummophylacio Academico Upsa- liensi adservata. Upsaliae, 1825. 2 parts. 8°. MIG p.box 1 Hopkins, Tighe. Some British war medals, and how they were won. (Cas- sell's magazine. London, 1900. 8". v. 30, p. 253-259.) *DA Howard de Walden (8. baron), Thomas Evelyn Ellis. Banners, standards, and badges from a Tudor manuscript in the College of Arms, with an introduction by Lord Howard de Walden. The De Wal- den Library mcmiv. [London: J. Foster. 1904., xp.. 11., 307(1) p. illus. f°. ft AWN Some feudal lords and their seals, Mcccj, with an introduction by Lord How- ard de Walden. [London: J. Foster, 1904. i xlvi, 190 p. illus. f°. ttAWN Howorth, Daniel F. Coins and tokens of the English colonies, and dependen- cies... Introductory chapter by S. Smith. London: S. Sonnenschein, 1900. 94 p.. 11. illus. 12°. (The young collector.) MIG Howorth, Sir Henry Hoyle. Ecgberht, king of the west Saxons and the Kent men. and his coins. (Numismatic chron- icle. London. 1900. 8°. series 3, v. 20, p. 66-87.) MHA Hugo, Thomas. On the field of Cuer- dale. 1 pi. (British .Archaeological As- sociation. Journal. London. 1853. 8°. v. 8, p. 330-335.) CA Humphreys, H. N. The coinage of the British Empire: an outline of the prog- ress of coinage in Great Britain. . .from the earliest period to the present time. London: N. Cooke. 1854. 160 p., 23 pi. 8°. MIG The gold, silver, and copper coins of England exhibited in a series of fac- similes, printed in gold, silver and copper. London. 1849. 6. ed. 12°. MIG Huss, P. V. See Numismata Angliae ve- tusta. Jamieson, John. Remarks on the antiq- uity of the earliest Scottish coins now extant. (Royal Society of Literature. Transactions. London. 1834. 4°. v. 2. p. 304-321.) *EC Jewritt, Llewellyn. The corporation plate and insignia of office of the cities and towns of England and Wales. By the late L. Jewitt; edited and completed, with large additions, by W. H. St. J. Hope. London: Bemrose & Sons. Ltd., 1895. 2 v. illus. f°. ^ ttAWN V. 1. Anglesey to Kent. V. 2. Lancashire to Yorkshire. Handbook of English coins, giv- ing a concise description of the various de- nominations of coins from the Norman conquest to the present reign. Edinburgh: J. Grant [1881?,. xvi, 77 p., 11 pi. 32° MIG 76 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Great Britain and Ireland, continued. The traders' tokens of Sheffield. (British Archaeological Association. Jour- nal. London, 1874. 8°. v. 30. p. 25-36.) CA Johnson, C. See Crump, C. G., and C. Johnson. Keary, Charles F.. and H. A. Grueber. A catalogue of English coins in the Brit- ish Museum. Anglo-Saxon series. Lon- don, 1887-93. 2v. 8°. MIG V. 1 by C. F. Keary, edited by R. S. Poole. V. 2 by H. A. Grueber and C. F. Keary. Kell, Edmund. An account of coins, etc., found in a marsh contiguous to New- port, Isle of Wight. 1 pi. (British Ar- chaeological Association. Journal. Lon- don, 1853. 8°. V. 8, p. 323-330.) CA Kenyon, R. Lloyd. The gold coins of England, arranged and described: being a sequel to Mr. Hawkins' Silver coins of England, by his grandson. London, 1884. 8°. MIG History of the Shrewsbury mint, with an account of the coins struck there. 6 pi. (Shropshire Archaeological and Nat- ural History Society. Transactions. Shrewsbury, 1898. 8°. series 2. v. 10, p. 251-272.) CO The Shrewsbury mint and its offi- cers under Henry iii. (Numismatic chron- icle. London. 1899. 8°. series 3. v. 19. p. 112-124.) MHA Kershaw, S. W. Canterbury's ancient coinage. (British Archaeological Asso- ciation. Journal. London, 1902. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 161-166.) CA King, C. W. Seal set with an intaglio of Laocoon. used by Thpmas Colyns. prior of Tywardreth, Cornwall, early in the sixteenth century. (Archaeological journal. London. 1867. 8°. v. 24, p. 45- 54.) CA Lang, Henry. Descriptive catalogue of impressions from ancient Scottish seals, royal, baronial, ecclesiastical, and muni- cipal, embracing a period from A. D. 1094 to the Commonwealth. Taken from orig- inal charters and other deeds preserved in public and private archives. Edinburgh: [T. Constable.! 1850. xxxi, 232 p.. 32 pi. 4°. fMIY Supplemental descriptive cat- die-sinking. (British numismatic journal. London, 1906. 4°. series 1, v. 2, p. 411- 416.) tMHA Catalogue of the collection of Eng- alogue... Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas. 1866. xxvii, 237 p.. 15 pi. 4°. fMIY Larkby, J. Russell. Reverse inscriptions of English silver coins. (Antiquary. Lon- don, 1901. 4°. new series, v. 37, p. 239- 241.) CA Lawrence, L. A. The Anglo-Saxon moneyer Torhtulf and characteristics of lish coins, formed by L. A. Lawrence... comprising Anglo-Saxon coins. . .pennies of the Norman kings. .. [etc.] which will be sold by auction by. . .Sotheby, Wilkin- son & Hodge. . .on. . .24th of February, 1903... [London: Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge. 1903.] 1 p.l., 71 p. 8°. MHFH p.box The coinage of Henry iv. (Numis- matic chronicle. London, 1905. 8°. se- ries 4, V. 5, p. 83-99.) MHA A find of silver coins of Edward IV. -Henry viii. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1902. 8°. series 4, v. 2, p. 34-54.) MHA On a small hoard of groats of Henry vi. to Henry vii. 1 pi. (Numisma- tic chronicle. London, 19(X). 8°. series 3. V. 20, p. 166-179.) MHA On some forgeries of the coins of — .. ^-^ — ... * « - Q ^ — — — Henry i. and his successors. 1 pi. (Nu- mismatic chronicle. London, 1899. 8°. series 3, v. 19, p. 241-250.) MHA A remarkable penny of King Al- fred, illus. (British numismatic journal. London. 1906. 4°. series 1, v. 3, p. 101- 106.) t MHA Leake, S. M. An historical account of English money. London, 1793. 3. ed. 8°. MIG Lewis, J. A dissertation on the antiq- uity and use of seals in England. Col- lected by * * * * 1736. London: W. Mount. 1740. 2 p.l., 31 p., 1 pi. illus. 4°. * C p.v.408 Lindsay, J. A view of the coinage of the heptarchy. Cork, 1842. 4°. MIG A view of the coinage of Ireland. Cork. 1839. 4°. MIG A view of the coinage of Scotland. Cork, 1845. 4°. f MIG Liverpool (1. earl). Charles Jenkinson. A treatise on the coins of the realm. Ox- ford, 1805. 4°. TF Ljunggren, Nils Peter. See Numismata Anglo-Saxonica Musei Academise Lunden- sis ordinata & descripta. Long, W. H. Medals of the British navy, and how they were won... Lon- don: Norie & Wilson, 1895. xiii p., 1 1., 5-450 p., 21 pi. 8°. VYB Longstaffe, W. H. D. "Dagger-money." (Archaeologia Aeliana. London, 1903. 8°. V. 25, p. 83-89.) CA Lundborg, Petrus. See Numismata Angliae vetusta. Macbeth, Adam D. The seal of the LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 77 Individual Countries, continued. Great Britain and Ireland, continued. burgh of Rothesay. 1 pi. (Scottish his- torical review. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. v. 7, p. 263-270.) CPA MacDonagh, Michael. The great seal of England. (Temple bar. London, 1899. 8°. V. 118, p. 513-524.) * DA Macdonald, George. A hoard of Ed- ward pennies found at Lochmaben. 1 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1905. 8°. series 4, v. 5, p. 63-82.) MHA Note on a hoard of Scottish coins recently found at Linlithgow. (Society of .\ntiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 44, p. 352-353.) CPA Note of a hoard of silver coins found in Kirkcudbrightshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 45, p. 569-571.) CPA Two hoards of Edward pennies re- cently found in Scotland. 3 pi. (Numis- matic chronicle. London, 1913. 8°. series 4. V. 13. p. 57-118.) MHA Macfarlane, Thomas. On the metallic currency of the British Empire. (Royal Society of Canada. Proceedings and transactions. Ottawa, 1906. 4°. series 2, V. 12, section 3, p. 45-55.) * EC McLachlan, Robert Wallace. Coins of the reign of Mary Queen of Scots. (Ca- nadian antiquarian. Montreal, 1872. 8°. v. 1, p. 79-84.) The Glastonbury penny. A criti- cism, n. p. [18— ?] 2 1. 8^ MIGp.box MacMunn, G. F. The war medals of sixty years. (United service magazine. London, 1900. 8°. v. 141 [new series v. 20], p. 559-566.) * DA Mayo, John Horsley. Medals and deco- rations of the British army and navy. Westminster: A. Constable & Co., 1897. 2v. pi. 4°. VWZH Medallic, The, history of England to the Revolution... London: Edwards & Son, 1760. 2 p.l., 112 p., 40 pi. f°. Stuart 1605 Millar, A. H. Notes on the ancient I)urgh seal of Crail, and the seal of the chapter of the abbej' of Coupar. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh. 1903. 8°. v. Z7. p. 160-165.) CPA Miller, S. H. Fenland tokens. 1 pi. (Fenland notes and queries. Peterbor- ough. 1900. 8°. v. 4, p. 261-263, 329-330.) CA Money, Walter. Notes on the seal of the dean of Newbury, 1452. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1890. 8°. v. 46, p. 198-200.) CA " Montagu, H. The copper, tin and bronze coinage and patterns for coins of England, from the reign of Elizabeth to that of her present majesty. London: B. Quaritch, 1893. xxiii, 150 p. 2. ed. 8°. MIG Morrieson, H. W. The busts of James 1 on liis silver coinage. 1 pi. (British numismatic journal. London, 1906. 4°. series 1, v. 3, p. 173-179.) t MHA Mudie, J. An historical and critical ac- count of a... series of national medals [Of Great Britain)... I-ondon: H. Colburn & Co., 1820. xix, 151 p., 48 pi. 4°. Stuart 1604 Murray, David. A note of some Glas- gow and other provincial coins and tokens. 2 pi. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1890. 8°. new series, v. 1 p. 49-72.) CPA Myer, Isaac. The Waterloo medal: an address before the Numismatic and Anti- quarian Society of Philadelphia. Phila- delphia; the author, 1885. 18 f., 2 pi.. 2 port. f°. tMHH Napier, Arthur S. On Barnstaple as a minting place. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1898. 8°. series 3. v. 18, p. 274- 275.) MHA Nelson, Philip. The coinage of Ireland in copper, tin and pewter. 5 pi. (British numismatic journal. London, 1905. 4°. series 1, v. 1, p. 169-264.) f MHA Liverpool: W. M. Murphy, 1905. viii, 98 p., 6 pi. 4°. MIG ■ The coinage of the Isle of Man. (Connoisseur. London. 1903. 4°. v. 7, p. 113-116.) ttMAA ■ — — - Numismatic chronicle. Lon- don. 1899. 8°. series 3. v. 19. p. 35-80. MHA The coinage of W^illiam Wood, 1722-1733. 2 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1903. 8°. series 4. v. 3. p. 47-70.) MHA The Irisli siege-money of Charles I. and II. (1642-1649). illus. (Connois- seur. London, 1908. 4°. v. 22, p. 47-51.) tt MAA ■■' The obsidional money of the Great Rebellion, 1642-1649. 1 pi. illus. (Brit- ish numismatic journal. London. 1906. 4°. series 1. v. 2, p. 291-357.) f MHA Some notes on the great recoinage of William iii.. 1695-1699. (British numis- matic journal. London, 1906. 4°. series 1, v. 3. p. 221-228.) fMHA Nicolson, William. The English, Scotch and Irish historical libraries. Giv- ing a short view and character of most of our historians, either in print or manu- script. With an account of our records, law-books, coins, and other matters, ser- 78^ THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Great Britain and Ireland, continued. viceable to the undertakers of a general history of England. To which is added, a letter... in defence of the English his- torical library. London: G. Strahan, 1736. 3 V. in 1. 3. ed. f°. tt C Numismata. Angliae vetusta, in numo- phylacio Academico Upsaliensi adservata. tParts 1-5 and supplement.] Upsaliae, 1833. 4°. MIGp.boxl Part 1. By Daniel Sodeiberg. Part 2. By Petrus Hanngren. Part 3. By E. A. R. Hallander. Part 4. By P. V. Huss. Part 5. By Petrus Lundborg. Supplement. By Nimrod Frunck. Numismata Anglo-Saxonica. Musei Academise Lundensis ordinata & descripta ... pars 1-3. Lundje, 1829. pi. 12°. MIG Part 1 by N. P. Ljunggren; part 2 by C. A. Bseckstrom; part 3 by G. A. Gronwall. Nunn, J. J. Catalogue of the important and valuable collection of English coins, &c., the property of the late J. J. Nunn. . . [London:] J. Davy & Sons [1896]. 1 p.l., 55 p. 4°. MHFHp.box Oelreich. B. U. von. See Hookenberg, Carolus Ake, and B. U. von Oelreich. Ogden, William Sharp. Concerning the evolution of some reverse types of the Anglo-Norman coinage, illus. (British numismatic journal. London, 1906. 4". series 1, V. 2. p. 57-85.) f MHA Parry, H. Lloyd. The Exeter civic seals. 6 pi. (Devon notes and queries. Exeter, 1909. 8°. V. 5, p. 201-209, 242-253, 265- 279.) CO Parsons, H. Alexander. Art and the coins of England. 4 pi. (British numis- matic journal. London, 1906. 4°. series 1, V. 3, p. 291-310.) tMHA The mail coach and its half pen- nies. (British numismatic journal. Lon- don. 1906. 4°. series 1, v. 2, p. 359-368.) tMHA Patterson, William Hugh. The Crone- hane halfpenny tokens. (Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Journal. Dub- lin. 1902. 8°. V. 32 [Series 5, v. 12], p. 261- 263.) CSB Paupers' badges. [Notes by Reginald W. Corlass and others.] (Notes and queries. London, 1877-1910. 8°. series 5, V. 8, p. 347, 513; v. 9, p. 109-110; series 11, v. 2, p. 487.) *R-*DE Pedrick, J. Gale. The archiepiscopal seals of Canterbury and York. (Genealog- icial magazine. London, 1899. 8°. v. 3, 1). 150-152.) ARCA The borough seal of Honiton. (Genealogical magazine. London, 1898. 4°. V. 2, p. 18-22.) ARCA The seals of the diocese of Bath and Wells. (Genealogical magazine. London, 1899. 4°. v. 2, p. 527-531.) ARCA The seals of the diocese of Win- chester. (Genealogical magazine. Lon- don, 1901. 4°. V. 5, p. 294-300.) ARCA Pegge, S. An assemblage of coins, fab- ricated by order of the archbishop of Can- terbury... Subjoined, two dissertations on similar subjects... London: T. Snel- ling, 1772. 2 p.l., iii(i), 125 p., 1 pi. 4°. Stuart 11411 Bound with his: Essay on the coins of Cunobelin ... London, 1766. 4°. An essay on the coins of Cuno- belin: in an epistle to the... Lord Bishop of Carlisle. . .wherein this... set of coins is classed, and appropriated to our British king... Subjoined, a dissertation on the seat of the Coritani... London: W. Bow- yer, 1766. iv, 135 p., 2 tables. 4'. Stuart 11411 A series of dissertations on... Anglo-Saxon remains... London: J. Whiston. 1756. 1 p.l., 42 p., 1 pi. 4°. Stuart 11411 Bound with his: Essay on the coins of Cunobelin ... London, 1766. 4°. Pettigrew, T. J. Notes on the seals of endowed grammar schools in England and Wales. 18 pi. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. London. 1856-58. 8°. V. 12, p. 55-72, 145-155, 223-234; v. 14, p. 311-326.) CA Pettingal, John. A dissertation upon the tascia or legend on the British coins of Cunobelin and others. London: So- ciety of Antiquaries, 1763. 9 p., 1 pi. 4°. * C p.v. 408 Phillips, Maberly. Emergency issues of notes and tokens consequent upon the passing of the Bank Restriction Act of 1797. [With discussion.] (Institute of Bankers. Journal. London, 1901. 8°. v. 22, p. 477-496.) THA Token money of the Bank of Eng- land. (Bankers instxrance managers* and agents' magazine. London, 1900. 8°. v. 69, p. 385-400, 705-712, 851-855.) TAA Planche, J. R. On the badges of the house of York. 2 pi. (British Archaeolog- ical Society. Journal. London, 1864. 8°. V. 20, p. 18-33.) CA On the municipal seals and armo- rial ensigns of the city of Bristol. 1 pi. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1875. 8°. v. 31, p. 180- 189.) CA On the seals of the earls of Ches- ter. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. London. 1850. 8°. v. 5, p. 235- 252.) CA PoUexfen, John H. On a hoard of gold ornaments and silver coins found in Bute. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 79 Individual Countries, continued. Great Britain and Ireland, continued. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1875. S". new series, v. 5, p. 57-72.) MHA On two new Scottish pennies of James vi. and Charles i. ; with some re- marks on the half-groats of the same reigns; and also on the gold thistle crowns of James. (Numismatic chronicle. Lon- don, 1868. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 237- 249.) MHA ' Poste, Beale. Celtic inscriptions on Gaulish and British coins. Intended to supply materials for the early history of Great Britain, with a glossary of archaic Celtic words, and an atlas of coins. Lon- don, 1861. 8°. MIG On the coins of Cunobeline, and of the ancient Britons. 2 pi. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1846-53. 8°. v. 1, p. 224-236, 298- 305; V. 2, p. 11-29; v. 3, p. 33-42, 226-235, 310-316; V. 4, p. 107-115; v. 5, p. 7-22, 146- 153; V. 6. p. 16-29; v. 7, p. 20-31, 115-123, 397-414; v. 8, p. 9-17.) CA On the coins of Uriconium. (Brit- ish Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1862. 8°. v. 18. p. 75-78.) CA Pritchard, John E. Bristol tokens of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. 1 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1900. 8°. series 3, v. 19, p. 350-361.) MHA Prynne, William. The opening of the great scale of England. Containing cer- tain brief historical and legal observations ...by W. Prvnne. Lodon (sici: M. Spark, 1643. 1 p.l.,"32 p., 1 1. 4°. MIYp.boxl Pye, C. Provincial coins and tokens issued from... 1787 to... 1801. Birming- ham: L. B. Seeley, 1801. 18 p.. 52 pi. 4°. Stuart 11420 Raper, W. A. On the silver pennies of Edward the Confessor found at Sedles- comb: with notes on the Sedlescomb find, by E. H. Willett. Lewes: H. W. Wolff il883?i. 38 p., 1 pi. 8°. MIG p. box 1 Repr.: Sussex archaeological collections. v. 33, 1883. Rawlings, G. B. The story of the Brit- ish coinage... London: G. Newnes, 1898. 224 p. 16°. (Library of useful stories.) MIG Read, D. H. Moutray. Medal ribbons. (United service magazine. London, 1903. 8°. v. 149 cnew series, v. 28,, p. 302-308.) *DA Richardson, Adam Black. Notice of a hoard of broken silver ornaments and Anglo-Saxon and Oriental coins found in Skye. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. V. 26, p. 225-240.) CPA Rickword, George. The Colchester hoard. fA find in July, 1902, of some 12,000 silver pennies.) 1 map. (British numismatic journal. London, 1905. 4°. series 1, V. 1, p. 113-122.) f MHA Roettiers, The, family in England. (American journal of numismatics. Bos- ton, 1899. 8°. V. 33. p. 75-79.) MHA Medals relating to America. Ross. Find of coins in Skye. (Inver- ness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, 1893. 8°. v. 3, p. 18-23.) *EC Roth, Bernard. The coins of the Dan- ish kings of Ireland; Hiberno-Danish se- ries. 10 pi. (British numismatic journal. London, 1910. 4°. series 1, v. 6, p. 55- 146.) t MHA A find of ancient British coins at South Ferriby, near Barton-on-Humber, Lincolnshire. 1 pi. (British numismatic journal. London, 1906. 4°. series 1, v. 3, p. 1-15.) MHA Finds of clippings of silver coins. (British numismatic journal. London, 1905. 4°. series 1, v. 1, p. 149-162.) t MHA Round, J. H. The Colchester mint in Norman times. (English historical review. London. 1903. 8°. v. 18. p. 305-315.) BAA Ruding, R. Annals of the coinage of Great Britain and its dependencies from the earliest period to the reign of Vic- toria. Third edition corrected, enlarged, and continued, with a new index of every coin. London, 1840. 3 v. 4°. MIG A supplement to the Annals of the coinage of Britain, &c. Containing., corrections and additions... London: Lackington, 1819. viii, 88 p., 5 pi. 4°. MIG Sceaux des rois et reines d'Angleterre. Paris, 1835. f°. (Tresor de numismatique et de glyptique.) ft MHE Schroeder, J. H. See Numismata An- gliae vetusta. Schroeder, J. H.. and others. Numisma- ta Anglo-Saxonica in numophylacio Aca- demico Upsaliensi adservata. Upsaliae. 1825. 2 parts. 12°. MIG p.box 1 Part 1 by T. H. Schroder and C. A. Hooken- berg; part 2 "by J. H. Schroder and B. U. von Oelreich. Schroetter, Friedrich von. Freiherr. Das englische Miinzwesen im 16. Jahrhun- dert. tjahrbuch fiir Gesetzgebung. Leip- zig. 1908. 8°. Bd. 32, p. 483-523. 891-928.) SA Scotiae numisma: or, Ancient Scotish coins: their real and proportional value; with some observations on the price of 80 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Great Britain and Ireland, continued. provisions in Scotland in ancient times, to which is added a notice of Scotish mo- nastic institutions at the period of the Ref- ormation. 1738. (Reprinted in: Claren- don Historical Society. Reprint series. Edinburgh, 1882. 8°. v. 1, p. 33-54.) Scott, William H. Report on a large hoard of Anglo-Saxon pennies, in silver, found in the island of Islay. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1855. 8°. v. 1, p. 74-81.) CPA Searle, William George. The coins, tokens and medals of the town, county and university of Cambridge. Cambridge: Cambrigde Antiquarian Society, 1871. viii, 40 p. 8°. (Cambridge Antiquarian So- ciety. Octavo publications, no. 12.) CO Shirley, J. S. See Fox, Harry Bertram Earle, and J. S. Shirley. Short, A, account of Scotish money and coins, with tables of their value at differ- ent periods, and the price of commodities, &c. Together with tables of the revenues of the archbishops, bishoprics, abbeys, nunnerys, &c. at the Reformation. Edin- burgh: D. Webster, 1817. 16 p. 8°. CP p.box Sim, George. Aberdeen treasure trove. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1887. 8°. v. 21, p. 223-225.) CPA On silver pennies of Edward i., ii., and in. Notes on coins recently discovered in Scotland, unicorns of James iii. and iv., half unicorns of James iv., ecus of James v., etc. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. 8°. V. 8, p. 286-289.) CPA Reprinted in the Numismatic chronicle, series 2, V. 10, p. 240-243, London, 1870. Notice of recent discoveries of coins in Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. 8°. V. 16, p. 464-472.) CPA Notice of recent finds of coins in Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1884. 8°. V. 18. p. 378-380.) CPA Notices of recent finds of coins in Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. 8°. V. 12, p. 306-307.) CPA Recent finds [Of coinsj in Scotland. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1859. 8°. V. 20, p. 192-194.) MHA At Duns, Berwickshire. (Numismatic chronicle. Lon- don, 1876. 8°. new series, v. 16, p. 76-79.) MHA (1) Forgandenny, (2) Hawick, (3) Creggan. Recent finds in Scotland. (Numis- matic chronicle. London, 1858. 8°. v. 19, p. 192-194.) MHA Simon, James. An essay towards an historical account of Irish coins, and of the currency of foreign [sic] monies in Ireland. With an appendix: containing several statutes, proclamations, patents, acts of state, and letters relating to the same. Dublin: the author, 1749. xv, 184 p.. 8 pi. 4°. tTF Simon's essay on Irish coins, and of the currency of foreign monies in Ire- land; with Mr. Snelling's supplement... Dublin: G. A. Procter, 1810. x. 180, 13 p., 12 pi. 4°. Stuart, 11428 Slafter, Edmund Farwell. The copper coinage of the Earl of Stirling, 1632. Bos- ton, 1874. illus. 8°. MIG Smith, Aquilla. Catalogue of the trades- men's tokens, current in Ireland between the years 1637 and 1679. (Royal Irish Academy. Proceedings. DuWin, 1850-53. 8°. V. 4, appendix, p. xxvii-liv; v. 5, appen- dix, p. Ixxix-lxxxviii.) * EC Curious forgeries of Scotch coins. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1854. 8°. V. 16. p. 23-29.) MHA On Scotch coins and counterfeits in Ireland. (Royal Irish Academy. Pro- ceedings. Dublin. 1853. 8°. v. 5, p. 324- 331.) *EC Snelling, Thomas. A view of the cop- per coin and coinage of England, includ- ing the leaden, tin, and laton tokens made by tradesmen, the farthing tokens of James i. and Charles i. ; those of towns and corporations; and the tin farthings and half-pence of Charles ii., James ii., and William and Mary, with copper-plates. London, 1766. 4°. f MIG A view of the silver coin and coin- age of England from the Norman con- quest to the present time, considered with regard to type, legend, sorts, rarity, weight, fineness, and value. With cop- perplates. London, 1762. f°. f MIG Society of Antiquaries of London. Ve- tusta monumenta: quae ad rerum Britan- nicarum memoriam conservandam Socie- tas Antiquariorum Londini sumptu suo edenda curavit. Londini, 1747-1835. 6 v. pi. f°. ttCDA Of V. 5 there are 61 pi. with descriptions pub- lished; of V. 6 there are 17 coloured plates only. Soderberg, Daniel. See Numismata An- gliae vetusta. Spicer, Frederick. The coinage of Wil- liam i. and William ii. 2 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1904. 8°. series 4, v. 4, p. 144-179, 245-287.) MHA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 81 Individual Countries, continued. Great Britain and Ireland, continued. '-' Stainer, Charles L. Oxford silver pen- nies, from A. D. 925-A. D. 1272... Ox- ford, 1904. xlv, 94 p., 41., 15 pi. 8°. (Ox- ford Historical Society. [Publications.! V. 46.) CA Storer, Horatio Robinson. Les medailles de la Princesse Charlotte d' Angleterre. . . [Bruxelles: J. Goemacrc, 1891. i 3 p. 8°. MIGp.boxl Extr. : Kevuc beige de numisniatique. 1S91. — Les medailles de la Princesse Char- lotte d'Angleterre, premiere femme du Roi Leopold i. de Belgique. Lecture faite a la reunion de la Societe liistorique de Newport, le 18 juillet 1887. rBruxelles: Fr. Gobbaerts, I888.1 8 p. 8°. MIGp.boxl Exlr.: Rcvuc beige de nuniisinatique. 1883. Stroehl, H. G. Beitriige zur Geschichte der Badges gesammelt aus den Werken englischer Heraldiker. (Kaiserlich ko- niglich heraldische Gesellschaft "Adler" zu Wien. Jahrbuch. Wien, 1902. 4°. N. F. Jahrg."l2, p. 75-113.) t ATIA Struthers, John. Notice of old Scottish coins found near Prestonpans in March, 1869. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh. 1871. 8°. v. 8, p. 167-169.) CPA Symonds, Henry. Charles i. : the trials of tlie pyx, the mint-marks and the mint accounts. (Numismatic chronicle. Lon- don, 1910. 8°. series 4. v. 10, p. 388-397.) MHA The coinage of Queen Mary Tu- dor, 1553-1558; illustrated from_ the pub- lic records. (British numismatic journal. London, 1912. 4°. series 1. v. 8, p. 179- 201.) t MHA Taunton tokens of the seventeenth century. (Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society. Proceedings. Taunton. 1912. 8°. v. 57, p. 54-65.) CO Thurston, William. Copper tokens of Great Britain for the 18th and 19th cen- turies. (Numismatist. Monroe, Mich., 1901. 8^ V. 14, p. 72-79.) MHA Till, William. Descriptive particulars of Englisli coronation medals, from the in- auguration of King Edward the Sixth to ...Queen Victoria. London, 1838. pi. 12°. MIG Essay on the English denarius and English silver penny... London, 1838. pi. 2. ed. 12°. MIG Tonks, J. W. Borough seals and civic maces. (Britisli Archaeological Associa- tion. Journal. London, 1896. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 231-244.) CA Trattle, M. Prices of Mr. Trattle's Eng- lish coins & medals, 1832.. . [Manuscript.] n. p. rl832?] 14 1. 8°. Stuart 11458 Tyery, Nicholas. Nicholas Tyery's pro- posals to Henry the Eighth for an Irish coinage: inserted in a ms. French hand- book of the year 1526. Edited by G. O. White-Cooper and F. J. H. Jenkinson. Cambridge: Deighton. Bell & Co., 1886. xii, 51 p. illus. 8°. (Cambridge Antiqua- rian Society. Octavo publications, no. 22.) CO Vallavine, Peter. Observations on the present condition of the current coin of this kingdom.. . London: R. Penny, 1742. 1 p.l., 40 p. 12°. TF Vertue, G. Medals, coins, great seals, and other works of T. .Simon: engraved and described. . .with additional plates and notes... London: J. Nichols, 1780. 2 p.l., 95 p. 2. ed. 4°. f MHH W., F. A. The coinage of Henry v. 3 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1906. 8°. series 4, v. 6. p. 172-218.) MHA Wakeman, Thomas. On the chancery of Monmouth. 2 pi. (British Archaeolog- ical Association. Journal. London, 1858. 8°. v. 14. p. 56-60.) CA Walters, Frederick A. The coinage of Henry iv.' 3 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1905. 8°. scries 4, v. 5, p. 247- 306.) MHA Tlie coinage of the reign of Ed- ward IV. (Numismatic chronicle. Lon- don, 1909-10. 8°. series 4, v. 9, p. 132- 219; v. 10. p. The 117-145.) MHA 2 pi. 1904. MHA coinage of Richard ii. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 8°. series 4, v. 4, p. 326-352.) The gold coinage of the reign of Henry vi. 2 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1903. 8°. series 4, v. 3, p. 286- 309.) MHA The silver coinage of the reign of Henry vi. 4 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1902. 8°. series 4. v. 2, p. 224- 263.) MHA ' Some remarks on the last silver coinage of Edward iii. 1 pi. (Numisma- tic chronicle. London, 1902. 8°. series 4. V. 2, p. 176-183. ) MHA Ware, Mrs. Henry. On the seals of the bishops of Carlisle, and other seals be- longing to that diocese. 4 pi. (Archjeol- ogical iournal. London, 1899. 8°. v. 48. p. 341-353.) CA Warne, Charles. The Saxon, Danish, and Norman mints of Dorsetshire. Bournemouth; for the author... by D. Sydenham. 1872. 1 p.l., p(l)278*-331*. 1 1.. xiv-xv p., 3 pi. f°. ft MIG Warren, Robert Hall. The seals of Tewkesbury Abbey. 1 pi. (Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society. Transactions. Bristol, 1901. 8°. v. 23. p. 285-288.) CO 82 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY [ndiz'idtial Countries, continued. Great Britain and Ireland, continued. Webb, Percy H. The reign and coin- age of Carausius, A. D. 287-293. 10 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London. 1907. 8°. series 4, v. 7, p. 1-88, 156-218, 291-338, 373- 426.) MHA Webster, William. Forgeries of Scot- tish coins. (Numismatic chronicle. Lon- don. 1863. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 146- 147.) MHA Weightman, A. E. The royal farthing tokens. 2 pi. (British numismatic jour- nal. London, 1906. 4°. series 1, v. 3, p. 181-217.) tMHA Wells, William C. Seventeenth century tokens of Northamptonshire, pi. (Brit- ish numismatic journal. London, 1910-12. 4°. series 1. v. 6. p. 305-355; v. 7. p. 269- 330; V. 8, p. 303-360.) f MHA See also Raper, W. A. Willett, Ernest H. On a hoard of Saxon pennies found in the city of London in 1872. London, 1876. 72 p., 3 pi. 8°. MIGp.box 1 Repr. : Numismatic chronicle, new series, v. 16, p. 323-394 Willis, Robert. On the history of the great seals of England, especially those of Edward iii. (Arch.-eological journal. Lon- don, 1845. 8°. V. 2. p. 14-41.) CA Wingate, James. On the coinage of Scotland. (Glasgow Archa?ological So- ciety. Transactions. Glasgow, 1883. 8°. V. 2, p. 78-82.) CPA Winstone, B. Remarks on two medals, and the political struggle that occasioned their being issued. (British .Archaeologi- cal Association. Journal. London, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 6, p. 227-240.) CA Winter, Charles. The medals our gen- erals wear. (Royal magazine. London. 1900. 8°. V. 4, p. 305-310.) * DE Wood, Walter. The army and its badges. (Pall Mall magazine. London. 1900. 8°. V. 21, p. 95-102.) * DA Wordsworth, John. On the seals of the bishops of Salisbury. Opening address of the antiquarian section at the annual meet- ing of the institute at Salisbury. 3 pi. (Archaeological journal. London, 1889. 8°. V. 45. p. 22-42.) CA Wyon, Alfred B. On the great seals of Henry iv., Henry v., and Henry vi., and more particularly on the second great seal of Henry iv. (British Archaeological As- sociation. Journal. London, 1883. 8°. V. 39. p. 139-167.) CA The seals of Henry vi. as king of France. 4 pi. (British Archaeological As- sociation. Journal. London. 1884. 8°. V. 40, p. 275-289.) CA Wyon, Allan. Additional notes upon the great seals of England. 2 pi. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. Lon- don, 1894. 8°. V. 50, p. 139-149.) CA The great seals of Scotland. (Brit- ish Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1889. 8°. v. 45, p. 95-111. 235- 249.) CA The royal judicial seals of the king's great sessions in Wales. 7 pi. (British Archaeological Association. Jour- nal. London, 1893. 8°. v. 49, p. 1-14.) CA vSeals of the bishops of Winchester. 4 pi. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1895. 8°. new series, v. 1. p. 101-125.) CA Wyse, L. B.. and W. P. Burke. The tradesmen's coinage of Waterford in the seventeenth century. (Waterford & South- East of Ireland Archaeological Society. Journal. Waterford, 1902. 8°. v. 8, p. 1- 8.) CSB Greece and the Greek Colonie.s Allotte de la Fuye, Frangois Maurice. La dynastie des Kamnaskires. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1902. 8°. serie 4, V. 6, p. 92-114.) MHA Ambrosoli, Solone. Monete greche. Milano: V. Hoepli, 1899. xii p., 1 1., 286 p.. 2 maps. 24°. MHM Assmann, Ernst. Das Stabkreuz auf gricchischen Miinzen. (Zeitschrift fiir Numismatik. Berlin, 1905. 8°. Bd. 25, p. 215-226.) MHA Babelon, Ernest Charles Frangois. Ca- talogue des monnaies grecques de la Bi- bliotheque nationale. — Les Perses Ache- menides: les satrapes et les dynastes tri- butaires de leur empire, Cypre & Phenicie. Paris: C. Rollin & Feuardent, 1893. 2 p.l., cxcivp., 11., 412 p., 39 pi. sq.4°. f MIL Catalogue des monnaies grecques de la Bibliotheque nationale. Les rois de Syrie, d'Armenie et de Commagene. Pa- ris: C. Rollin Sz Feuardent, 1890. 2 p.l., ccxxiip., 11., 268 p., 32 pi. 4°. f MIL L'iconographie et ses origines dans les types monetaires grecs. 7 pi. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1908. 8°. serie 4. v. 12, p. 161-207.) MHA Les origines de la monnaie a Athenes. (Journal international d'arche- ologie numismatique. Athenes, 1904-05. 4°. v. 7. p. 209-254; v. 8, p. 7-52.) MHA Les origines du portrait sur les LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 83 Individual Countries, continued. Greece and the Greek Colonics, continued. monnaies grecques. (Revue cle I'art an- cien et moderne. Paris, 1899. 4°. v. 5, p. 89-102, 177-186.) t MAA Portraiture and its origins in Greek monetary types. 2 pi. (American journal of numismatics. New York, 1910. 4°. v. 44, p. 37-48, 105-122.) MHA La stylis, attribut naval sur les monnaies. 2 pi. illus. (Revue numis- matiqnc. Paris, 1907. 8°. serie 4, v. 11, p. 1-39.) MHA Traite des monnaies grecques et romaines. partie 1, tome 1; partie 2-3. Paris: E. Leroux, 1901-10. 5 v. 8" and 4°. MHL Partie 1, tome 1. Theorie et doctrine. Partie 2. Description historique. Partie 3. Planches i a Ixxxv. Babelon, Ernest Charles Frangois, and Theodore Reinach. Recueil general des monnaies grecques d'Asie Mineure, com- mence par feu W. H. Waddington, con- tinue et complete par E. Babelon [and] Th. Reinach. tome 1, fasc. 1-4. Paris: E. Le- roux, 1904-12. 4°. (Institut de France. — Academic des inscriptions et belles-let- tres.) tMHM Baldwin, Agnes. Facing heads on an- cient Greek coins. [Boston: T. R. Mar- vin & Son,] 1909. 23 p., 4 pi. 4°. Repr.: American journal of numismatics. 1909. tfMHEp.v. 4,no.8 The gold coinage of Lampsacus. 3 pi. (Journal international d'archeologie numismatique. Athenes, 1902. 4°. v. 5, p. S-24.) MHA Bangs, Merwin & Co. Catalogue of an extremely fine collection of Greek and Roman coins... New York, 1870. 16 p. 8°. MHL p. box 1 Catalogue of Greek and Roman coins... New York, 1870. 10-11, 4-9 p. 8°. MRLp. boxl Barbie du Bocage, Jean Denis. Recueil de cartes geographiques, plans, vues et medailles de I'ancienne Grece, relatifs au Voyage du jeune Anacharsis; precede d'une analyse critique des cartes. Paris: Didot le ieune, 1798. 56 p., 11., 12 maps, 15 plans, 9 pi. new ed. f°. ff KFD Begleres, Georgios P. To !.io?ti'386Poi'?L?vOv Tor' aiiTOXQOiTOQog xr\c, TQajrs^ov'VTo; AaPlS ToO KofivTivou. 1 pi. (Journal international d'archeologie numismatique. Athenes. 1907. 8°. v. 10, p. 113-156.) MHA Bellori, Giovanni Pietro. Jo. Petri Bel- lorii... Nota^ in numismata tum Ephe- sia, tum aliarum urbium apibus insignita. illus. (In: Jacobus Gronovius, Thesau- rus Grascarum antiquitatum. Venetiis, 1735. f°. V. 7, col. 401-424.) ff BVEF Benson, Frank Sherman. Ancient Greek coins. 1 map. (American journal of nu- mismatics. Boston. 1900-05. 4°. v. 34, p. 61-68, 93-102; v. 35, p. 1-10, 33-42, 65-71. 93-102; V. 36, p. 1-10, 33-40, 65-71, 97-103; v. 37, p. 1-6, 33-39, 97-103; v. 38, p. 33-39; v. 39, p. 1-8, 29-35, 93-99; v. 40, p. 29-34.) MHA Beule, C. E. Les monnaies d'.\thenes. Paris, 1858. illus. f°. f MHM Bianconi, G. B. Parere intorno a una medaglia di Siracusa per occasione della quale si parla de i professori antichi delle arti del disegno... Bologna: a San Tom- maso d'Aquino, 1763. 1 p.l., 5-115(1) p., 1 pi. 8°. MHM Biondi, Luigi. marchese. I monumenti Amaranziani illustrati dal Marchese Luigi Biondi. [Roma. 1849.] xiv p., 1 1., 142 p., 1 map, 6 pi., 1 port. f°. ft MTI A continuation of Filippo Aurelio Visconti and G. A. Guattani's: II Mu.sco Chiaramonti, Roir.a, 1)^08- 37, and according to bibliographies forming v. 11 of Giovanni Battista Antonio Visconti: II Museo Cle- mentino, Roma, 1782-1807. Birch, T. & Son. Catalogue of a valua- ble collection of Greek and Roman coins... [Auction sale, Feb. 11, 1873.) Philadel- phia, 1873. 13 p. 8°. MHFHp.box(Birch) Blanchet, Jules Adrien. Les monnaies antiques de la Sicile. (Revue de I'art an- cien et moderne. Paris, 1898. 4°. v. 3, p. 117-122.) fMAA Les monnaies grecques. Paris: E. Leroux, 1894. 3 p. 1., 107 p.. 2 1., 12 pl. 16°. (Petite bibliotheque d'art et d'arclie- ologie. [V.] 16.) MHM Bompois, H. Ferdinand. Examen chro- nologique des monnaies frappees par la communaute des Macedoniens avant. pen- dent et apres la conquete romaine. Paris. 1876. pl. 4°. tMHM Bonner, Robert J. The use and effect of Attic seals. (Classical philology. Chi- cago, 1908. 8°. V. 3, p. 399-407.) RBA Borrell, H. P. Notice sur quelques me- dailles grecques des rois de Chypre. Pa- ris, 1836. 4°. t MHM Brerewood, Edward. De ponderibus & pretiis veterum nummorum, eorumque cum recentioribus collatione, liber unus. .Autiiore Edovardo Brerewood. (In: Bi- ble. Polyglot. 1657. Biblia sacra poly- glotta. . .edidit B. Waltonus. Londini [1655,-57. f°. V. 1, p. 30-44.) ft * YAB British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. A catalogue of Greek coins. Catalogue of the coins of Alexandria and 84 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Greece and the Greek Colonies, continued. the Nomes. By R. S. Poole. London: British Museum. 1892. c p., 2 1., 395 p., 32 pi. 8°. MHM Catalogue of Greek coins. Attica — Megaris — Aegina. By B. V. Head. Edited by R. S. Poole. London: British Museum, 1888. Ixiv, 174 p., 26 pi. 8°. MHM Catalogue of the Greek coins of Caria, Cos, Rhodes, etc. By B. V. Head. London: British Museum. 1897. cxviii p., 1 1., 325 p., 1 map, 45 pi. 8°. MHM Catalogue of Greek coins. Cen- tral Greece — Locris, Phocis, Boeotia and Euboea. Edited by R. S. Poole. By B. V. Head. London: British Museum, 1884. Ixixp., 11., 158 p., 24 pi. 8°. MHM Catalogue of Greek coins. Cor- inth, colonies of Corinth, etc. By B. V. Head. Edited by R. S. Poole. London: British Museum, 1889. Ixviii, 174 p.. 39 pi. 8°. MHM A catalogue of the Greek coins of Crete and the Aegean islands, by W. Wroth; edited by R. S. Poole. London: British Museum, 1886. 1. 152 p., 29 pi. 8°. MHM Catalogue of the Greek coins of Ionia, by B. V. Head. Edited by R. S. Poole. London: British Museum, 1892. Ivii p., 1 1., 455 p., 1 map, 39 pi. 8°. MHM A catalogue of Greek coins in the British Museum. Italy. [Edited by R. S. Poole.] London: Woodfall & Kinder, 1873. 2p.l., viii, 432 p. 8°. MHM Catalogue of the Greek coins from Mysia. By W. Wroth. Edited by R. S. Poole. London: British Museum, 1892. xxxv, 217p., 3Spl., 1 map. 8°. MHM Catalogue of Greek coins. Pelo- Lycaonia, Isauria and Cilicia. By G. F. Hill. London: British Museum, 1900. cxxxii, 296 p., 1 map, 40 pi. 8°. MHM • ■ Catalogue of the Greek coins of ponnesus, excluding Corinth. By P. Gard- ner. Edited by R. S. Poole. London: British Museum, 1887. Ixiv, 230 p., 37 pi. 8°. MHM Catalogue of the Greek coins of Phoenicia; by G. F. Hill. London: the trustees, 1910. clii, 361 p., 1 map, 45 pi.. 2 tables. 8°. MHF A catalogue of the Greek coins in the British Museum. Pontus, Paphlago- nia, Bithynia and the kingdom of Bos- porus. By W. Wroth. Edited by R. S. Poole. London: British Museum, 1889. xliv, 252 p., 39 pi. 8°. MHM Catalogue of Greek coins. The Seleucid kings of Syria. [Edited] by Percy Gardner .. .and R. S. Poole... Lon- don, 1878. xxxix, 126 p., 28 pi. 8°. MHM Catalogue of Greek coins. — Sicily. — Edited by R. S. Poole. Syracuse, by B. V. Head. The other cities of Sicily, by P. Gardner. Siculo-Punic class and Lipara. by the editor. London: British Museum, 1876. xii, 292 p. 8°. MHM Catalogue of Greek coins. The Tauric Chersonese, Sarmatia, Dacia, Moe- sia, Thrace, &c. Edited by R. S. Poole. Thrace and the islands by B. V. Head; the rest of the volume by P. Gardner. London: British Museum, 1877. xii, 274 p. 8°. MHM Catalogue of Greek coins. Thes- saly to Aetolia. By P. Gardner. Edited bv R. S. Poole. London: British Mu- seum. 1883. Iviii p., 1 1., 234 p., 32 pi. 8°. MHM Catalogue of the Greek coins of Troas, Aeolis, and Lesbos. By W. Wroth. London: British Museum, 1894. Ixxxiii, 260 p., 43 pl., 1 map. 8°. MHM See also Head, Barclay Vincent; Hill, George Francis; Poole, Reginald Stuart; and Wroth, Warwick. Brown, Robert. Constellation-figures as Greek coin-types. (Scientific Ameri- can supplement. New York, 1901. f°. v. 51, p. 21083-21084.) ft VA Brunsmid, J. Die Inschriften und Miin- zen der griechischen Stadte Dalmatiens. Wien: A. Holder, 1898. 2 p.l., ix, 86 p., 7 pl. 8°. (Archaologisch-epigraphisches Seminar der Universitat Wien. Abhand- lungen. Heft 13.) BTGP Bush, J. Tobin. Catalogue of the valu- able collection of Greek coins in gold, silver and copper, formed by the late Colonel J. T. Bush.. . Which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkin- son & Hodge, the 6th day of November, 1902... London: Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 1902. 35 p., 2 pl. 8°. MHFH p. box Cadalvene, fidouard de. Recueil de medailles grecques inedites. tome 1. Paris, 1828. iUus. 4°. f MHM No more ijiiblished. Calvo, Ignacio. El sexo femenino en las monedas: Grecia antiqua. (Espana mo- derna. Madrid, 1909. 8°. ano 21, no. 243. p. 134-147.) *DR Camerarius, Joachimus, the elder. His- toria rei nummaricC, sive De nomismatis Grajcis et Latinis. (In: Jacobus Grono- vius. Thesaurus Graecarum antiquitatum. Venetiis, 1735. f°. v. 9, col. 1401-1432.) tt BVEF LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 85 Individual Countries, continued. Greece and the Greek Colonies, con !i nurd. ■' Cardwell, E. Lectures on the coinaffe of the Greeks and Romans. Oxford, 1832. 8°. MHL Chifflet, Claude. Claudii Chiffletii de antiquo numismate liber posthumus. Ex editione altera correctiore. (In: A. H. de Sallengre, Novus thesaurus antiquitatum Romanarum. Venetiis, 1735. f°. v. 1, col. 6.S1-680.) tfBVEF Cousinery, Esprit Marie. Essai histor- ique, et critique sur les monnaies d'argent de la Ligue archeenne, accompagne de recherches sur les monnaies de Corinthe, de Sicj'one, et de Carthage, qui ont en cours pour le service de cette federation. Paris, 1825. 7 pi. 4°. MHM Cuper, Gislicrt. Apotheosis vel consec- ratio Homeri. [Explicatio gemmse Au- gustjen?. Numismata antiqua explicata. Inscriptiones et marmora antiqua exposita et illustrata. De utililate quam ex numis- matis principes capere possunt, dissertat- io.] 2 pi. illus. (In: G. Poleni, Utriusque thesauri antiquitatum Romanarum Grre- carumque. Nova supplementa. Venetiis, 1737. f°. V. 2, col. 1-292.) tfBVEF Gisbcrti Cuperi...de elephantis in nummis obviis e.xercitationes du.-e. 1 pi. illus. (In: A. H. de Sallongre, Novus the- saurus antiquitatum Romanarum. Vene- tiis, 1735. i\ v. 3, col. 1-284.) ttBVEF Dattari, G. Comments on a hoard of Athenian tetradrachms found in Egypt. 3 pi. (Journal international d'archeologie numismatiquc. .^thenes, 1905. 4°. v. 8, p. 103-111.) MHA Deir affinita delle monete di resti- tuzione e le monete dei nomi d'Egitto. (Journal international d'archeologie nu- mismatiquc. Athenes, 1902. 4°. v. 5, p. 71-92.) MHA Monete dei nomi ossia delle antiche provincie e citta dell' Egitto. 1 tal)le. (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1898. 8°. v. 11, p. 369-376.) MHA Tre differenti teorie sull' origine delle monete dei Nomos dell' antico Egitto. 1 pi. (Journal international d'archeologie numismatiquc. Athenes, 1904. 4°. V. 7. p. 177-202.) MHA Dechelette, Joseph. Les origines de la drachme et de I'obole. (Revue numisma- tiquc. Paris, 1911. 8°. serie 4, v. 15. p. 1-59.) MHA Delattre, Alfred Louis. Sceau de Jean, diacre des Blachernes. (In: Florilegium: ou, Recueil de travaux d'erudition dedies a Monsieur le Marquis Melchior de Vogiie. Paris, 1910. 4°. p. 167-175.) f * OAC Dieudonne, A. Medallions de bronze de la Lydie. (Revue numismatiquc. Paris, 1900. 8°. serie 4, v. 4, p. 31-35.) MHA Une monnaie des Aleuades a Larissa. (Revue numismatiquc. Paris. 1906. 8°. serie 4. v. 10, p. 9-13.) MHA Monnaies grecques recemment ac- quises par le Cabinet des medailles. 1 pi. (Revue numismatiquc. Paris, 1900-03. 8°. s6rie 4, v. 4, p. 121-136; v. 5, p. 1-13, 433- 442; v. 6, p. 69-91, 343-3.52; v. 7, p. 221-238. 326-349.) MHA Monnaies de Thrace. 1 pi. (Re- vue numismatiquc. Paris, 1908. 8° serie 4, v. 12, p. 334-349.) MHA Dodd, C. H. The Samians at Zancle- Mcssana. 1 ])1. (Journal of Hellenic studies. London, 1908. 4°. v. 38, p. 56- 76.) BVA Dominicis, Francesco de. Repertorio numismatico per conoscere qualunque moneta greca tanto urbica che dei re. Napoli, 1826. 2 v. 4°. f MHM Dompierre de Chaufepie, H. J. de. Quel- ques monnaies grecciues de la collection Six acquise par le Cabinet royal de nu- mismatiquc de La Haye. 2 pi. (Revue beige de numismatiquc. Bruxelles, 1907. 8=. annee 63, p. 113-147, 277-303, 405-420.) MHA Dressel, Heinrich. Erwerbungen des Koniglichen Miinzcabinets in den Jahren 1898-1900 (antike Miinzen). 4 pi. (Zeit- schrift fitr Numismatik. Berlin, 1903. 8°. Bd. 24, p. 17-104.) MHA Das Tempelbild der Athena Polias auf den Miinzen von Priene. 1 pi. (Koniglich preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungsberichte. Ber- lin, 1905. 4°. 1905, p. 467-476.) * EE Dussaud, Rene. L'ere d'Alexandre le Grand en Phcnicie (336 avant J.-C). illus. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1908. 8°. serie 4. v. 12, p. 445-454.) MHA Dutens, L. E.xplication de quelques me- dailles .grecques et pheniciennes. Londrc'^. 1776. 2. ed. 4°. f MHM Dutilh, E. D. J. Lettre ouverte a Air. J. N. Svoronos. Encore les vestiges de faux monnayages antiques a Alexandrie. (Journal international d'archeologie nu- mismatiquc. Athenes, 1904. 4°. v. 7, p. 311-316.) MHA Earle-Fox, H. B. Colonia Laus Julia Corinthus. 1 pi. (Journal international d'archeologie numismatique. Athenes, 1903. 4°. V. 6, p. 5-16.) MHA The Duoviri of Corinth. (Journal international d'archeologie numismatique. Athenes, 1899. 4°. v. 2, p. 89-116.) MHA 86 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Greece and the Greek Colonies, continued. Greek coins in the collection of Mr. Earle-Fox. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1898. 8°. series 3. v. 18, p. 286- 293.) MHA Some Athenian problems. 1 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 190t. 8°. series 4, v. 5, p. 1-9.) MHA Edwards, Jonathan. Catalogue of the Greek and Roman coins in the numismatic collection of Yale College. New Haven, 1880. 8°. MHL Elder, Thomas L. Remarkable collec- tion of Greek tetradrachms, three hundred silver coins of Alexander the Great in the collection of T. L. Elder... New York City; unearthed during the spring of 1908, at Demenhour, near Alexandria, Egypt. Total pieces found 18,000 including'^ 400 coins of the Ptolemaic kings. The pieces shown in these plates were selected from 2.000 of the find, recently imported to America... n. t.-p. (New York, 190S?i 6 pi. f°. ttMHM Esdaile, Katharine A. An essay towards the classification of Homeric coin types. 1 pi. (Tournal of Hellenic studies. Lon- don, 1912. 4°. V. 32, p. 298-325.) BVA Evans, Arthur John. The Athenian por- trait-head by Dexamenos of Chios. 1 pi. (Revue archeologique. Paris, 1898. 8°. serie 3, v. 32, p. 337-355.) MTA Syracusan "medallions" and their engravers in the light of recent finds, historical occasions of the Syracusan coin- With observations on the chronology and types of the fifth and fourth centuries B. C. and an essay on some new artists' signatures on Sicilian coins. London: B. Quaritch, 1892. xiii p., 1 1., 215 p., 10 pi. illus. 8°. MHP Falbe, C. T., and J. C. Lindberg. Numis- matique de I'ancienne Afrique; refait, acheve et public par L. Miiller. Copen- hague, 1860-62. illus. 4°. f MHL Falconieri, Ottavio. Octavii Falconerii de numo Apamensi, Deucalionei diluvii typum exhibente, dissertatio. (In: Jaco- Inis Gronovius, Thesaurus Graecarum an- tiquitatum. Venetiis, 1735. f°. v. 10, col. 673-700.) ft BVEF Fellows, Sir Charles. Coins of ancient Lycia before the reign of Alexander; with an essay on the relative dates of the Lycian monuments in the British Museum. London, 1855. map, pi. nar. 4°. fMHM Fleet, John Faithfull. The introduction of the Greek uncial and cursive characters into India. (Royal Asiatic Society. Jour- nal. London, 1908. 8°. 1908, p. 177-186.) *OAA '■ Ferrer, L. Les signatures de graveurs sur les monnaies grecques. (Revue beige de numismatique. Bruxelles, 1903-06. 8°. annee 59, p. 271-302, 419-434; annee 60, p. 5-40, 117-154, 241-276, 389-408; annee 61, p. 5-30, 129-154. 283-311, 387-436; annee 62, p. 5-38, 117-153.) . MHA Foville, Jean de. Les debuts de I'art monetaire en cicile. 1 pi. (Revue numis- matique. Paris, 1906. 8°. serie 4, v. 10. p. 425-456.) MHA Les monnaies grecques et romaines de la collection Valton. Catalogue [of the Greek coinS]. pi. (Revue numisma- tique. Paris, 1909-10. 8°. serie 4, v. 13, p. 1-35, 209-228, 297-320, 481-499; v. 14, p. 129-159.) MHA Monnaies trouvees en Crete (Don Arnaud-Jeanti). (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1902. 8°. serie 4, v. 6, p. 452-461.) MHA Fox, Charles Richard. Engravings of unedited or rare Greek coins; with de- scriptions; part 1: Europe; part 2; Asia and Africa. London, 1856-62. 2 parts in 1 V. 4°. fMHM Foy Vaillant, Jean. Arsacidarum impe- rium, sive regum Parthorum historia... ad fidem numismatum accommodata. Parisiis, 1725. 2v.ini. 4°. * OMV — — • Historia Ptolemjcorum Aegypti regum ad fidem numismatum accommo- data. Amstelasdami, 1701. f°. fMHM Seleucidarum imperium, sive his- toria regum Syriae ad fidem numismatum accommodata. Hagje-Comitum, 1732. 2. ed. f°. fMHM Fremont, C. See Villenoisy, F. de, and Cii. Fremont. Frilet-Malye, A. Lithographic de me- dailles grecques tirees des types inedits du cabinet de Frilet-Malye. Marseille, n. d. 4°. tMHMp.boxl Fritze, H. von. Birytis und die Kabiren auf Miinzen. 1 pi. (Zeitschrift fiir Nu- mismatik. Berlin, 1903. 8°. Bd. 24, p. 105-128.) MHA Das Corpus Nummorum, sein We- sen und seine Ziele, nebst einer Bespre- chung von Band in, i. (Klio. Leipzig, 1907. 4°. Bd. 7, p. 1-18.) ttBAE Froelich, Erasmus. Notitia elementaris numismatum antiquorum. Vienna, 1758. 4°. MHM Gaebler, Hugo. Die antiken Miinzen von Makedonia und Paionia. Abt. 1. Ber- lin: G. Reimer, 1906. 4°. (Koenigliche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Die antiken Miinzen Nord-Griechenlands. Bd. 3, Abt. 1.) fMHM Abt. 1. Die makedonischen Landesmunzen (mit LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 87 Individual Countries, continued. Greece and the Greek Colonies, continued. Einschluss von Amphaxitis und Bottiaia), das Pro- vinzialgeM (nebst Beroia) und munzahnliche Ge- prage makedonischen Ursprungs. Gardner, Percy. The Parthian coinage. London, 1877. sq. f°. (International nu- mismata orientalia. v. 1, part 5.) f MIL Samos and Samian coins. London, 1882. 90 p. 8°. MHM The types of Greek coins. An archeological essay. Cambridge. 1883. 4°. fMHM See also British Musctmi. — ■ De- partment of Coins and Medals. Gerojannis, Constantin. Greek coins. (Journal international d'archeologie nu- mismatiqnc. Athenes, 1905. 4°. v. 8, p. 177-194.) MHA Glasgow University. — • Huntcrian Mu- seum. Catalogue of Greek coins in the Hunterian collection, University of Glas- gow. Bv G. Macdonald. v. 1-3. Glas- gow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1899-1905. 4°. fMHM -■' Goltz, Hubert. Sicilia et Magna Grae- cia; sive historiac vrbivm popvlorvmq. Graeciae ex antiqvis nomismatibvs. [Si- ciliae historia posterior.) Antverpiae: Ex Officina G. Wolffchati, 1576-1618. 2 v. in 1. f°. ttBVR [v.] 2, Siciliae historia posterior, has imprint: Brvges Flandrorvm, 1576. Green, Benjamin Richard. A descrip- tive guide to the Numismatic atlas of Gre- cian history. London: Priestley & Weale, 1829. 4 p.l., 42 p., 1 1., 2 pi. f°. ft MHM A numismatic atlas of ancient his- torv, comprised in 21 plates. London. 1829. f°. ft MHM Groux, Daniel E. Catalogue of medals and coins. . .including. . .Grecian and Ro- man silver & bronze medals. . . Also. a. . . library of books on numismatics... Bos- ton: People's Press, 1855. 2 p.l., 16 p. 16°. MHFHp. box Guattani, G. A. See Visconti, Filippo Aurelio, and G. A. Guattani. Hammer, J. Der Feingehalt der grie- chischen und romischen Miinzen. Ein Beitrag zur antiken Miinzgeschichte. (Zeitschrift fiir Numismatik. Berlin, 1907. 8°. Bd. 26, p. 1-144.) MHA Hands, A. W. The coinage of Alexan- der the Great. illus. (Spink & Son's Monthlv numismatic circular. London, 1905. 4°. V. 13, col. 8057-8063, 8121-8129. 8251-8257.) ft MHA Hasluck, F. W. Notes on coin-collect- ing in Mysia. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1906. 8°. series 4. v. 6, p. 26-36.) MHA Haym, N. F. The British treasury. . .of our Greek and Roman antiquities of all sorts... London, 1719-20. 2 v. 4°. tMHL Head, Barclay Vincent. Catalogue of fireek coins |in the British Musevnn]. Macedonia, etc. Edited by R. S. Poole. London: the trustees, 1879. Ixiii, 200 p., 1 map. 8°. (British Museum. — Depart- ment of Coins and Medals.) MHM Catalogue of the Greek coins of Lydia. London: British Museum, 1901. cl p., 1 1., 440 p., 1 map, 45 pi. 8°. (British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals.) MHM ■ Catalogue of the Greek coins of Phrygia, in the British Museum. Lon- don: British Museum, 1906. cvi p.. 1 1., 491 (1) p., 1 map. 53 pi. 8°. MHM The earliest Graeco-Bactrian and Graeco-Indian coins. 2 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1905. 8°. series 4, V. 6. p. 1-16.) MHA Historia numorum: a manual of Greek numismatics. Oxford, 1897. 8°. MHM Metrological notes on the ancient electrum coins struck between the Lelan- tian wars and the accession of Darius. London, 1875. 8°. MHM Notes on a recent find of staters of Cyzicus. London, 1876. pi. 8°. Bound with his: Metrological notes on... ancient electrum coins. London, 1875. 8°. On the chronological sequence of the coins of Boeotia. London, 1881. 8°. MHM On the chronological sequence of the coins of Ephesus. London, 1880. 8° MHM See also British Museum. — De- partment of Coins and Medals. Hill, George Francis. Catalogue of the Greek coins of Cyprus. With one map, a table of the Cypriote syllabary and twentj'-six plates. London: The British Museum, 1904. cxliv, 120 p., 1 map, 26 pi. 8°. (Britisli Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals.) MHM Catalogue of the Greek coins of Lycia, Pamphylia, and Pisidia. London: British Museum, 1897. cxxii p., 1 1., 354 p., 1 map, 44 pi. 8°. MHM Greek coins acquired by the British Museum, 1911-1912. 2 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1913. 8°. series 4, V. 13, p. 257-275.) MHA A handbook of Greek and Roman 88 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Greece and the Greek Colonies, continued. coins. London: Macmillan & Co., 1899. XV, 295 p., 15 pi. 8°. (Handbooks of archaeology and antiquities.) MHL Olba, Cennatis, Lalassis. 1 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London. 1899. 8°. series 3, v. 19, p. 181-207.) MHA See also British Museum. — De- partment of Coins and Medals. Hogarth, D. G. The Zakro sealings. 5 pi. (Tournal of Hellenic studies. Lon- don, 1902. 4°. V. 22, p. 76-93.) BVA HomoUe, Theophile. Inscriptions de Delphes: i. Decrets portant des mono- grammes monetaires. ii. Signatures d'artistes. (Bulletin de correspondance hellenique. Paris, 1900. 8°. v. 23, p. 374- 388.) MTLA Huber, Christian VVilhelm. Catalogue of the collection of Greek and Roman coins formed by C. G. Huber. London, 1862. pi. 8°. MHFH p. box (Huber) Humphreys, Henry Noel. Ancient coins and medals: an historical sketch of the origin and progress of coining money in Greece and her colonies; its progress with the extension of the Roman empire; and its decline with the fall of that power. Illustrated by . . .fac-simile examples in... relief, and in the metals of the respective coins. London: Grant & Griffith, 1850. 2 p.l., iv. 208 p., 11 pi. 8°. MHL Imhoof-Blumer, Friedrich. Bithynische Mitnzen. 1 pi. \ (Journal international d'archeologie numismatique. Athenes, 1898. 8°. V. 1, p. 11-36.) MHA — — Coin-types of some Kilikian cities. 2 pi. (Journal of Hellenic studies. Lon- don, 1898. 8°. V. 18, p. 161-181.) BVA Griechische Aliinzen. Neue Bei- trage und Untersuchungen. 14 pi. (K6- niglich bayerische Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Abhandlungen. Philos.-philol. Klasse. Miinchen, 1890. 4°. Bd. 18, p. 525-798.) * EE • Monnaies grecques. Public par I'Academie royale neerlandaise des sci- ences. Amsterdam: J. Miiller, 1883. 3 p.l., iv, 518 p., 9 pi. 8°. (Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Verhan- delingen. Afdeeling Letterkunde. Deel 14.) tMHM Die Miinzen der Dynastie von Per- gamon. 40 p., 4 pi. (Koniglich preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abhand- lungen. Philos.-hist. Klasse. Berlin, 1885. 4°. 1884, Abh. 3.) * EE Nymphen und Chariten auf grie- chischen Miinzen. 12 pi. illus. (Journal international d'archeologie numismatique. Athenes, 1908. 4°. v. 11, p. 1-213.) MHA • Zur griechischen und romischen Miinzkunde. pi. (Revue Suisse de numis- matique. Geneve, 1905-08. 8°. v. 13, p. 161-272; V. 14, p. 1-211.) MHA Article also has separate paging. Zur Miinzkunde und Palaeographie Boeotiens. 2 pi. (Numismatische Zeit- schrift. Wien, 1871. 8°. Bd. 3, p. 321- 387.) MHA See also Koenigliche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Jacobs, Friedrich Christian Wilhelm. Ueber die Bildsaule der schlafenden Ari- adne, sonst Cleopatra genannt, auf einer seltenen Miinze. 1 pi. (Koniglich baye- rische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Denkschriften. Philol.-philos. Klasse. Miinchen, 1817. 4°. Bd. 5, p. 3-16.) * EE Jameson, R. Une trouvaille de stateres de Melos. 1 pi. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1908. 8°. serie 4, v. 12, p. 301-310.) MHA Joergensen, C. Notes sur les monnaies d'Athenes. I. Solon et la monnaie d'Athenes. II. Une pretendue drachme du temps de Conon. (Kongeligt dansk Videnskabernes Selskab. Oversigt over . . .Forhandlinger. K^benhavn, 1904. 8°. 1904, p. 307-328.) * EH Kampanes, Michael L. Heqi trio XQOvo- Xoyixrio xaxdxa^ecos d§Tivaixa)v xivcov von,ia- ladicov. 2 pi. illus. (Bulletin de corre- spondance hellenique. Paris, 1906. 8°. v. 30, p. 58-91.) MTLA Kenner, Friedrich. Ueber einen semun- cialen Quadrans von Larinum. (Kaiser- Hche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philos.-hist. Classe. Sitzungsberichte. Wien, 1861. 8°. Bd. 37, p. 161-173.) * EF Koehler, Ulrich. Zur Geschichte des athenischen Miinzwesens. (Koniglich preussische Akadeinie der Wissenschaf- ten. Sitzungsberichte. Berlin. 1896. 4°. Jahrg. 1896, Halbbd. 2, p. 1089-1097.) * EE Koenigliche Akademie der Wissenschaf- ten zu Berlin. Die antiken Miinzen My- siens unter Leitung von F. Imhoof-Blu- mer... Abt. 1. Berlin, 1913. 4°. f MHM Abt. 1 bearbeitet von Hans von Fritze. ■ Die antiken Munzen Nord-Grie- chenlands, unter Leitung von F. Imhoof- Blumer. Bd. 1, Halbbd. 1-2, Abt. 1; Bd. 2, Teil 1, Heft 1; Bd. 3, Abt. 1. Berlin, 1898- 1912. 4°. tMHM Bd. 1, Halbbd. 1-2, Abt. 1. Pick, Behrendt, and Karl Regling. Die antiken Munzen von Dacien und Moesien. 1898-1910. Bd. 2, Teil 1. Heft 1. Miinzer, Friedrich, and M. L. Strack. Die antiken Munzen von Thrakien. 1912. Bd. 3, Abt. 1. Gaebler, Hugo. Die antiken Munzen von Makedonia und Paionia. 1906. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 89 Individual Countries, continued. Greece and the Greek Colonies, continued. Konstantopoulos, K. M. Bu^avxiaxa l.ioXv(jbo(')OvX)M ev Tco E{)viy.a) NonionaTizw MouOEico A{>iivow (SuvEixeia). Journal in- ternational d'archeologie numismatique. Athenes, 1903-07. 4°. v. 6, p. 49-88. 333- 364; V. 7, p. 161-176, 255-310; v. 8, p. 53-102, 195-222; v. 9, p. 61-146; v. 10, p. 47-112.) MHA Lampros, loannes P. Aoxaia E^^rivijca vo(.uonuTa. AvayQucpt] tcov vo|,iion.aTO)v ti]? KuQicog EXXaboq. HeXonow^ao:;. AO>iviioiv: FecooYiog KaoSovrig, 1891. 163 p., 1 1., 16 pi 8°. MHM Lampros, Paulos. 'AvexSota voiiiof-iaxa xojiEVTa ev F^^aoevToa y.axa m'|,uioiv twv evETixcov vjib "PopeQTOu xoO eH 'A\'b^yavG)\', fiYE^ovog xfiq IlEyVojtovvrioou, 1346-1364. 'Ev 'AO.'ivaig, 1876. pi. 4°. MHO Kaxa?tOY05 xtov agxauov ■vo^iionaxcov xcov vr|O(0v KEoxv'oao, AsuxaSoc;, li^axrig, KErpa?tA.Tivia5, Zaxuvdov xai Kufl^rioav... A^iivEOi: Ex xou e§vixo\j xujtoYQacpFioii, um'SX, 1I8681. 6 p.l., 138 p., 1 1., 6 pi. V. t MHM Nonianaxa xfig vi'ioou 'Am-ooyoO xm rcov XQiwv koXemv AiYia)irigj Mivcoug x«i 'AgxEoivTig. 'A^i'ivTioiv, 1870. illus. pi. 4°. MHM Langlois, V. Numismatique de I'Ar- menie dans I'antiquite. Paris, 1859. pl. 4°. (Bibliotheque historique armeniennc.) tMHM Langton, Neville. Notes on some Pho- cian obols. 1 pl. (Numismatic chronicle. London. 1903. 8°. series 4. v. 3, p. 197- 210.) MHA Lanza, M. Caruso. Spiegazione storica delle monete di Agrigento. (Rivista itali- ana di numismatica. Milano, 1902-04. 8°. V. 15. p. 439-481; v. 16. p. 37-76, 111-156. 333-365; v. 17, p. 23-62.) MHA Lazius, Wolfgang. Wolfgangi Lazii... Gnecife antiqu;c. variis numismatibus il- lustrator, libri 11. 6 pl. (In: Jacobus Gronovius. Thesaurus Gra^carum antiqui- tatuni. Venetiis, 1735. f°. v. 6, 3 1.. col. 3227-3650.) ft BVEF Lemner. Catalogue of medals and coins Extremely valuable collections of rare Grecian and Roman silver and bronze medals... Boston, 1855. 16 p. 16°. MHFH p. box (Lemner) Lenormant, C. Memoire sur le classe- ment des medailles qui peuvent appartenir aux treize premiers Arsacides. Paris. 1841. pl. 4°. MHM Lenormant, F. Essai sur le classement des monnaies d'argent des Lagides. Blois, 1855. pl. 8°. MHM Levezow, Conrad von. Ueber mehrere im Grossherzogthum Poscn in der Nahe der Netze gefundene uralt griechische Miinzen. 3 pl. (Koniglich preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abband- lungen. Hist.-philol. Klasse. Berlin. 1835. 4°. 1833, p. 181-224.) * EE Lindberg, J. C. See Falbe, C. T.. and J. C. LlXDltKKG. ■ Lindsay, J. A view of the history and coinage of the Parthians. Cork, 1852. 4°. tMHM Luynes, Honore Thcodoric Paul Joseph d'Albert, due de. Numismatique et in- scriptions Cypriotes, avec 12 planches. Paris. 1852. 4°. ^ f MHM Macdonald, George. The Amphora let- ters on coins of Athens. (Numismatic chronicle. London. 1900. 8°. series 3, V. 19, p. 288-321.) MHA Early Seleucid portraits. 2 pl. (Journal of Hellenic studies. London, 1903-07. 4°. V. 23, p. 92-116; v. 27. p. 145- 159.) EVA The legend lATON on coins of Hiniera. (The Numismatic chronicle. London, 1898. 8°. series 3, v. 18, p. 185- 192.) MHA See also Glasgow University. — Hunterian Museum. Martin, E. W. See Sargent, F., and E. W. Martin. Meliaraches, Ant. Mo>tuP86Pou?.?LOv Aooi- deou riaxoiuoxoi). (1190-1192 ju X.) (Jour- nal international d'archeologie numisma- tique. Athenes, 1899. 4°. v. 2, p. 213-218.) MHA Millingen, J. Sylloge of ancient unedited coins of Greek cities and kings, from vari- ous collections principally in Great Bri- tain. London, 1837. 4°. f MHM ' Mionnet, Tlieodore Ednie. Poids des medailles grecques d'or et d'argent du Cabinet roval de France. Paris: Crozet. 1839. vii, 216 p.. 1 1. 8°. MHM Mirabella e Alagona, Vincenzo. Ichno- graphire S^-racusarum antiquarum explica- tio. ut et numismatum aliquot selectiorum neipubliccC ejusdem liberse et regum qui in ilia dominati sunt. Ex Italo sermone Latine vertit et notis illustravit, pra^fa- tiones et indices adjecit S. Havercampus. Lugduni Batavorum, 1723. new ed. f°. tfBWV Mowat, Robert. Hercules and the pyg- mies. (American journal of numismatics. Boston, 1901. 8°. v. 35, p. 72-74.) MHA Les medaillons grecs du tresor de Tarse et les monnaies de bronze de la 90 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Greece and the Greek Colonies, continued. comniunaute macedonienne. 4 pi. (Rf- vue numismatique. Paris, 1903. 8°. serie 4, V. 7, p. 1-30.) MHA Mueller, Carl Ludvig. Den macedo- niske Konge Philip lis Mynter. Kioben- havn, 1855. pi. 8°. MHM p. box 1 Die Mi'inzen des thracischen Ko- nigs Lysimachus. Kopenhagen, 1858. pi. nar. 4°. MHM Numismatique d'Alexandre le Grand, suivie d'un appendice contenant les monnoies de Philip ii et iii, et accompag- nee de planches et tables. Copenhague, 1855. 1 V, and atlas. 8° and 4°. MHM Den thraciske Konge Lysimachus's Mynter... 9 pi, (Kongeligt Dansk Vi- denskabernes Selskab Skrifter. Kj0ben- havn, 1857. 4°. Rskke 5. Historisk og mathematisk Afdeling. Bind 2, Hefte 2, p. 329-419.) *EH Muenzer, Friedrich, and M. L. Strack. Die antiken Miinzen von Thrakien. Bear- beitet von F. Miinzer und M. L. Strack. Teil 1, Heft 1. Berlin: G. Reimer, 1912. 4°. (Koenigliche Akademie der Wissen- schaften zu Berlin. Die antiken Miinzen Nord-Griechenlands. Bd. 2.) f MHM Teil 1, Heft 1. Die Miinzen der Thraker und der Stiidte Abdera, Ainos, Anchialos. Newell, Edward T. Reattribution of certain tetradrachms of Alexander the Great. (American journal of numisma- tics. New York, 1911-12. 4°. v. 45, p. 1-10, 37-45, 113-125, 194-200; v. 46, p. 22-24, 37-49, 109-116.) MHA Numismatique des rois grecs. Paris, 1850. f°. (Tresor de numismatique et de glyptique.) ft MHE Olcott, George N. Catalogue of a... collection of ancient Greek coins in silver and copper .. .offered for sale at fixed prices. New York: G. N. Olcott, 1904. 12 p. 8°. (Catalogue no. 2, 1904.) MHFHp.box Orsi, Paolo. Ripostigli monetali della Sicilia. (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Alilano, 1900. 8°. v. 13, p. 85-91.) MHA Pappadopoulos, G. G. IleoiYQacpTi extv- Kcofj-axoov aQ/aitov 0(pQaYi8o?ada)v avexSoxoov ... Ev AOrivaic;: Tv'j-rmc; A. A. Biaaoa y.ai B. n. Aioupiri, 1855. 32 "p., 2 pi. 4°. tt BVE p.v. 1, no.7 Paschales, Demetrius P. Noia.LOnaTmi xfjg uQxaiaq "Avbgov. 6 pi. (Journal inter- national d'archeologie numismatique. v. 1. p. 299-366. Athenes. 1898.) MHA Patin, Charles. Caroli Patini...de nu- mismate antique Augusti et Platonis epi- stola. (In: Jacobus Gronovius, Thesaurus Grrecarum antiquitatum. Venetiis, 1735. f°. V. 9, col. 1589-1616.) ft BVEF Patsch, Carl. Contribution a la numis- matique de Byllis et d'Apollonia. 1 pi. (Congres international de numismatique, Paris, 1900. Proces-verbaux & memoires. Paris, 1900. 4°. p. 104-114.) MHA • Die griechischen Miinzen des bos- nisch-hercegovinischen Landesmuseums. (Bosnisch-Hercegovinisches Landesmu- seum in Sarajevo. Wissenschaftliche Mit- theilungen aus Bosnien und der Herce- govina. Wien, 1896. 4°. Bd. 4, p. 113- 128.) * QKK Perdrizet. Tragillos. (Congres inter- national de numismatique, Paris, 1900. Proces-verbaux & memoires. Paris, 1900. 4°. p. 149-154.) MHA Perkins, Catharine Page. Guide to the Catharine Page Perkins collection of Greek and Roman coins. Boston, 1902. viii, 111 p., 5 pi. 12°. (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.) MHLp. boxl Phillips, Henry, the younger. Remarks upon a coin of Sicyon [in Achaiai. Phila- delphia, 1882. 9 p. 8°. MHM p. boxl Repr. : American journal of numismatics. Jan., 1882. Pick, Behrendt. Die antiken Miinzen von Dacien und Moesien. Halbbd. 1-2, Abt. 1. Berlin: G. Reimer. 1898-1910. 2 V. sq. 4°. (Koenigliche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Die antiken Munzen Nord-Griechenlands. Bd. 1, Halb- bd. 1-2, Abt. 1.) fMHM Halbbd. 2, Abt. 1 by B. Pick and K. Regling. Thrakische Miinzbilder. 1 pi. (Kaiserlich deutsches archaologisches In- stitut. Jahrbuch. Berlin, 1898. 4°. Bd. 13, p. 134-174.) MTGA Poole, Reginald Stuart. Catalogue of Greek coins [in the British Museum). The Ptolemies, kings of Egypt. London: the trustees, 1883. ciii p., 1 1., 136 p., 32 pi. 8°. (British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals.) MHM See also British Museum. — De- partment of Coins and Medals. Porcius, Leonhardus. Leonhardi Porcii de re pecuniaria antiquorum, ac de eorun- dem ponderibus, mensuris, stipendiis mili- taribus, &c. libri duo. (In: Jacobus Gro- novius, Thesaurus Gr^ecarum antiquita- tum. Venetiis, 1735. f°. v. 9, col. 1433- 1492.) tt BVEF Postolakas, Achilles. KaTa?iOYog xtov aQxaiMV vo|.iiO|.iax(ov xagiav eO^vcov, JtoX,Ea)v y.ai Paoilecov xov 'Ad^yiioiv 'Ei^vixou Nopuo- [laxixou Mouoeiov. xo|.iog A'. 'Ai^iivrioiv: Tv'Jt. XT15 'E(pT)iiEQi8o5 xcov 2u5rixiioe(ov, 1872. 1 V. f°. CEi^vixov IlavemoxTiuiov. ) tMHM LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 91 Individual Countries, continued. Greece and the Greek Colonies, continued. Prinsep, J. On the Greek coins in the cabinet of the Asiatic Society. 2 pi. (Asi- atic Society of Bengal. Journal. Calcutta, 1833. 8°. V. 2, p. 27-41.) * OHA Prokesch-Osten, Anton von, Freiherr. Inedila nieincr Sammlung, 1870. (Wien, 1870.1 pi. 8°. MHM Repr.: Numisniatische Zcitschrift. Bd. 2, 1870. ■ Inedita meiner Sammlunc: autono- mer altgriechischen Miinzen. 8 pi. (Kaiser- liche Akademic der Wissenschaften. Denkschriften. Philos.-hist. Classe. Wien, 1854-59. i°. Bd. 5, Abth. 1, p. 231-295; Bd. 9. p. 302-334.) * EF Les monnaies des rois parthes... Paris, 1874-75. pi. 4°. f MHM Nichtbekannte europaisch-griechi- sclie Miinzen. 3 pi. (Koniglich preussi- sclie Akademie der Wissenschaften. Ab- handhingen. Philol.-hist. Klasse. Berlin. 1847. 4°. 1845, p. 71-97.) * EE Pharzoios, Konig der Scythen. fWien, 1869.1 illus. 8°. MHM Repr.: Numisniatische Zeitschrift. Bd. 1. Ueber die Miinzen Athens. 1 pi. (Koniglich preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen. Philol.- hist. Klasse. Berlin, 18.^0. ^4°. 1848, p. 1-20.) *EE Zwolf Inedita. (Kaiserliche Aka- demie der Wissenschaften. Denkschrif- ten. Philos.-hist. Classe. Wien, 1850. f°. Bd. 1, Abth. 1. p. 331-336.) * EF Ramus, Christian, the elder. Catalogus numorum veterum Grnecorum et Latino- rum Musei Regis Danias; disposuit, des- cripsit, et aeneis tabulis anecdotos illus- travit. Hafnia?, 1816. 3 v. 4°. f MHL Rathgeber, G. Neunundneunzig sill)erne Miinzen der Athenaier aus der Sammlung zu Gotha, nebst Prolegomenen iiber die altesten Miinzen der Aioler, Dorier, loner, einem Briefe iiber den Ares des Alka- menes. und einem zweiten Briefe iiber die imvollstandig crhaltene Gruppe des Ares in der Villa Ludovisi zu Rom. Weissen- see, 1858. 4°. MHM Regling, Karl. Kin Tridrachmon von Byzantion. 1 pi. (Zeitschrift fiir Numis- matik. Berlin, 1905. 8°. Bd. 25. p. 207- 214.) MHA Zur griechischen Miinzkunde. (Zeitschrift fiir Numismatik. Berlin, 1901- 05. 8°. Bd. 23, p. 107-116. 190-202; Bd. 24, p. 129-144; Bd. 25, p. 39-51.) MHA Reinach, Adolphe J. Un monument del- phien; I'etolie sur les trophees gaulois de Kallion. 1 pi. (Journal international d'archeologie numismatique. Athenes, 1911. 4°. tome 13, p. 177-240.) MHA Reinach, Theodore. Monnaie inedite des rois philadelphes du Pont. 1 pi. (Re- vue numismatique. Paris, 1902. 8°. serie 4, V. 6, p. 52-65.) MHA A stele from Abonuteichos . (Nu- mismatic chronicle. London, 1905. 8°. series 4, V. 5, p. 113-119.) MHA See also Babelon, Ernest Charles Francois, and Theodore Reinach. Revillout, Eugene. Lettres sur les mon- naies egyptiennes. Paris: J. Maisson- neuvc, 1895. 247 p. 4°. fMHM Ricci, Serafino. Intorno all' influenza dei tipi monetari greci su quelli della re- pubblica romana. (Congres international de numismatique, Paris, 1900. Proces-ver- baux & memoires. Paris, 1900. 4°. p. 170-204.) MHA • II sentimento della natura nella monetazione della Grecia e della Magna Grecia. (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1901. 8°. v. 14, p. 55-74.) MHA Rollin et Feuardent. Catalogue d'une collection de medailles des rois et des villes de I'ancienne Grece. Paris, 1862. 24°. MHM Rouvier, J. Le monnayage alexandrin d'.\rados. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1900. 8°. serie 4, v. 4, p. 36-51, 137-151.) MHA Salinas, Antonino. Le monete delle an- tiche citta di Sicilia descritte e illustrata. Palermo, 1867. pi. f°. ff MHM Contains parte 1 only, in incomplete form; p. i-xvi, 1-44, and plates 1-14, 16-17, and 19. Sallet, Alfred von. Die antiken Miinzen. Neue Bearbeitung von Kurt Regling. Berlin: G. Reimer, 1909. 2 p.l., 148 p. 8°. (Konigliche Museen zu Berlin. Hand- biicher.) MHL ■ Die Kiinstlerinschriften auf grie- chischen Aliinzen. Berlin, 1871. 8°. MHM Sambon, Arthur. La cronologia delle monete di Neapolis. (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1902. 8°. v. 15, p. 119-137.^ MHA Sardi, Alessandro. Alexandri Sardi... de nummis liber, in quo prisca Grxcorum & Romanorum pecunia ad nostri ^eris ra- tionem redigitur. (In: J. G. Graevius, Thesaurus antiquitatum Romanorum. Ve- netiis, 1735. f°. v. 11, p. 1715-1717. col. 1718-1727.) ttBWE Sargent, F., and E. W. Martin. Cata- logue of a. . .collection of Greek and Ro- man coins and medals. . .and. . .antiqui- ties, the property of F. Sargent, and also ...antiquities, and works of art and deco- 92 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Greece and the Greek Colonies, continued. ration, collected by...E. W. Martin... Which will be sold by auction. . .August, 1853... London: J. Davy & Sons [1853,. 1 p.l., 34 p. 8°. Stuart 11455 Saulcy, L. F. J. C. de. Memoire sur les monnaies datees des Seleucides. Paris [1871]. nar. 4°. (Societe franqaise de nu- mismatique et d'archeologie. Publica- tion.) MHM Note sur quelques monnaies in- edites d'Ascalon. n. t.-p. [Paris, 1874?i 8°. MHM • Numismatique ancienne. Paris, 1873. nar. 4°. fMHM Repr. : Societe frangaise de numismatique et d'archeologie. Annuaire. Numismatique de la Terre Sainte: description des monnaies autonomes et imperiales de la Palestine et de I'Arabie Petree. Paris, 1874. pi. 4°. fMHM ■ Recherches sur les monnaies des tetrarques hereditaires de la Chalcidene et de I'Abilene. Vienne, 1870. 8°. MHM Sur les monnaies des Antiocheens frappees hors d'Antioche; lettre a Mr. Barclay Head. London, 1871. pi. 8°. MHM Scaliger, Joseph Juste. Josephi Scali- geri...de re nummaria antiquorum dis- sertatio. Liber posthumus. (In: Jacobus Gronovius, Thesaurus Graecarum antiqui- tatum. Venetiis, 1735. f°. v. 9, col. 1493- 1548.) tfBVEF Schlosser, Julius von. Beschreibung der altgriechischen Miinzen. Bd. 1. Wien: A. Hoizhausen, 1893. pi. 8°. (Kunsthi- storische Sammlungen des AUerhochsten Kaiserhauses.) MHM Bd. 1. Tliessalien, Illyrien, Dalmatien und... Epeiros. Schneider, Augusta von. Athene on Greek coins. 2 pi. (Monthly review. London, 1903. 8°. v. 10, no. 2, Feb., 1903, p. 128-138.) *DA Scholz, Josef. Ein Beitrag zu den Miin- zen von Grimenothyrae-Phrygiae. (In: Wiener Eranos. Wien, 1909. 4°. p. 283- 284.) NRC Seltman, E. J. Arteinis sur une mon- naie archaique de Syracuse. (Revue nu- mismatique. Paris, 1901. 8°. serie 4. v. 5, p. 421-428.) MHA Nummi serrati and astral coin types. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1900. 8°. series 3, v. 19, p. 322-343.) MHA Prototypes monetaires siculo- grecs. (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1898. 8°. v. 11, p. 322-343.) MHA Sestini, Domenico. Classes generales sev moneta vetvs vrbivm, popvlorvm et regvm ordine geographico et chronolo- gico descripta. Florentiae, 1821. 2. ed. 4°. MHM p.v. 1 Descriptio selectiorum numisma- tum in aere maximi moduli e museo olim Abbatis de Camps, posteaque Mareschalli d'Etrees, indeque Gazae Regiae Parisien- sis secundum. . .exempluni quod nunc est R. Bibliothecae Berolinensis tabulas aeneas 226 continens vel 463 numismata maxima tarn Graeca quam Romana typis aeneis impressa. Berolini: C. Quien. 1808. xvi, 104 p. 4°. t MHN • Descrizione d'alcune medaglie greche del museo del Signore Carlo d'Ot- tavio Fontana di Trieste. Firenze: G. Piatti, 1822-29. 3v.ini. 4°. MHM p.v. 2 Parte 2 published by A. Tofani. Descrizione d'alcune medaglie greche del museo del Signore Stanislao de Chaudoir. Firenze, 1831. 4°. MHM p.v. 1 Descrizione delle medaglie antiche greche del Museo Hedervariano. . . Parte europea. Firenze: G. Piatti, 1830. 2 v. in 1. 4°. fMHM Descrizione delle medaglie antiche greche del Museo Hedervariano... Parte 2-3 and contimazione. Firenze: G. Piatti, 1829. 3 parts in 2 V. 4°. fMHM Form V. 2-3 of his: Descrizione di molte medag- lie antiche greche esistanti in piu musei. .. Firenze, 1828-29. 4 parts in 3 v. 4°. Descrizione di molte medaglie an- tiche greche esistenti in piii musei, com- prese in 41 tavole incise in rame . . . [With: In catalogi Musei Hedervariani partem primam. . .castigationes.] parte 1-3 and continuazione. Firenze: G. Piatti, 1828- 29. 4 parts in 3 V. 4°. fMHM "Parte 2-3 have title: Descrizione delle medaglie antiche greche del Museo Hedervariano... Plates of all parts numbered continuously. Museum Hedervarianum was founded by Michael a Wiczay. Simonetti, Alberto. I tipi delle antiche monete greche. (Congresso internazio- nale di scienze storiche, Roma, 1903. Atti. Roma, 1904. 4°. v. 6, sezione 4. Numis- matica, p. 117-128.) BAA (Rivista italiana di numisma- tica. Milano, 1904. 8°. anno 17, p. 139- 152.) MHA Six, J. P. Monnaies grecques, inedites et incertaines. (The Numismatic chron- icle. London. 1888-98. 8°. series 3. v. 8, p. 97-137; V. 10, p. 185-259; v. 14. p. 297-338; V. 15, p. 169-210; v. 17, p. 190-225; v. 18, p. 193-245.) MHA Snellius, Willebrordus. Willebrordi Snellii de re nummaria. Liber singularis. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 93 Individual Countries, continued. Greece and the Greek Colonies, continued. (In: Jacobus Gronovius, Thesaurus_ Grse- carum antiquitatum. Venetiis, 1735. f. V. 9, col. 1549-1588.) ft BVEF Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge. Cata- logue of Greek coins in gold, silver and copper, from a well-known cabinet... Sold... April, 1909. [London:] Dryden Press, 1909. 18 p., 2 pi. 8°. MHE p.v. 7, no.6 Souciet, fitienne. Dissertations... Tome III. Contenant, 1°. L'histoire chronolo- gique de Pythodoris. . .ou Dissertation sur ies medailles de Pythodoris... 2°. L'his- toire chronologique des rois du Bosphore- Cinimericn.. . Paris: RoUin fils, 1736. 4°. BAH Soutzo, M. C. Poids et monnaies de Tomis. 2 pi. (Congres international de numismatique, Paris, 1900. Proces-ver- baux & memoires. Paris, 1900. 4°. p. 115- 148.) MHA Spanheim, Ezechiel von. Dissertationes de praestantia et usu numismatum anti- quorum. London, 1706-17. 2 v. f°. ft MHL V. 1 is new edition, v. 2 printed at Amsterdam. Ezechielis Spanhemii de nummo SmyrnfEorum, seu de Vesta et prytanibus Grtecorum diatriba. illus. (In: J. G. Grae- vius, Thesaurus antiquitatum Romanorum. Venetiis, 1732. f°. v. 5, 3 1., col. 659-682, p. 683-701.) ttBWE Spon, Jacob. Miscellanea eruditre anti- qvitatis: in qvibou marmora, statvae, mv- siva, torevmata, gemmae, numismata, Grvtero, Vrsino, Boissardo, Reinesio, aliisque antiquorum monumentorum col- lectoribus ignota. . .cura & studio Jacobi Sponii... Lvgdvni: Sumptibus Fratrum Huguetan & Soc, 1685. 4 p.l.. 376 p.. 2 1. illus. f°. tt BTGP Stacy, D. L. Note on two coins of the same species as those found at Behat, hav- ing Greek inscriptions. [Note on another coin of the same type, by J. P.] 1 pi. (Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal. Cal- cutta, 1834. 8°. V. 3, p. 431-436.) * OHA Stieglitz, C. L. Archaologische Unter- haltungen. Abth. 1: Ueber Vitruv. Abtli. 2: Alte Miinzkunde. Leipzig, 1820. 2 v. in 1. 8°. MQD Strack, Max Lebrecht. See Muenzer, Friedrich, and M. L. Strack. ' Streber, Franz. Achaus, Konig von Ly- dien, auf ciner iiberaus seltenen Gold- munze in der koniglichen Miinzsammlung in Miinchen. Ein Beytrag zur Icono- graphie grecque des Herrn E. Q. Visconti. 1 pi. (Koniglich bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Denkschriften. Klasse der Geschichte. Miinchen, 1820. 4°. Bd. 6, p. 3-22.) *EE Erklarung einiger noch unedirten griechischen Miinzen als Anhang zur Ge- schichte des Koniglich Baierischen Miinz- kabinets, vom Jahre 1808 bis 1813. 3 pi. (Koniglich bayerische Akademie der Wis- senschaften. Denkschriften. Klasse der Geschichte. Miinchen, 1817. 4°. Bd. 5. p. 27-58.) *EE Nvmismata nonnulla Graeca ex Museo Regis Bavariae hactenus minus ac- curate descripta. 4 pi. (Koniglich baye- rische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen. Philos.-philol. Klasse. Munchcn, 1835. 4°. Bd. 1, p. 79-256.) *EE Die syracusanischen Stempel- schneider Phrygillos, Sosion und Eumelos. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der griechi- schen Stempelschneidekunst. 1 pi. (Ko- niglich I)ayerische Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Abhandlungen. Philos.-philol. Klasse. Miinchen, 1866. 4°. Bd. 10. p. 1-25.) *EE Ueber die Miinzen von Cau- lonia. 1 pi. (Koniglich bayerische Aka- demie der Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen. Philos.-philol. Klasse. Miinchen, 1837. 4°. Bd. 2, p. 709-751.) * EE Ueber eine sehr seltene Mitnze von Mytilene auf Lesbos, welche sich in der kon. Sammlung zu Miinchen befindet. 12 p., 1 pi. (Koniglich bayerische Aka- demie der Wissenschaften. Denkschrif- ten. Classe der Geschichte. Aliinclicn, 1814. 4°. Bd. 4.) *EE Ucl)er den Stier mit dem Men- schengesichte auf den Miinzen von Unteritalien und Sicilien. 1 pi. (Konig- lich bayerische Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Abhandlungen. Philos.-philol. Klasse. Aliinchen, 1837. 4°. Bd. 2, p. 451- 555.) * EE Svoronos, Joannes N. Fa -/oi'oa voui'o- Itiaxa Tt7)v Aayiftcov tov ti'.toi! 'Aooivoi]; xfi; $i?ia8e?Lrpoi'. 4 pi. (Journal international d'archeologie numismatique. v. 3, p. 73-92. Athenes, 1900.) MHA 'EqiuoviSo; 'A^ieI; ol fx TiquvOo; xal xa vo^iiouaxa avixfov. 1 pi. (Journal in- ternational d'archeologie numismatique. Athenes, 1907. 8°. v. 10, p. 5-34.) MHA MaOi'iixiaxa Nonio^axixfig. 9 pi (Journal international d'archeologie nu- mismatique. Athenes, 1906. 4°. v. 9, p. 147-236.) MHA No.iiioiiaxa 'Edsxcov Fi^vov; (XYviboxoi' 0EO(Ta?>.iac y.ai 'H.xeiQov. (2t'nPo?.ii fl; xiiv vouianaxiy.)]v xfj; xvQicog y.al xi)? Meyw'-ii; 'E7.>.d6o;.) (Miscellanea di archeologia, storia e filologia dedicata al Prof. Anto- nino Salinas. Palermo, 1907. 4°. p. 145- 152.) BTGP NomoM-axmi xcov AsAqxav. 6 pi. (Bulletin de correspondance hellenique. Paris, 1896. 8°. annee 20, p. 5-54.) MTLA 94 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Greece and the Greek Colonies, continued. Nom0|LiaTr/.6v euQin-ia 'E^^eualvog. No- HiOM-axa 'Ai^rivcbv xaA,xa Poo^aLxa. 2 pi. (Journal international d'archeologie nu- mismatique. Athenes, 1904. 4°. v. 7. p. 109-142.) MHA Numismatique de la Crete anci- enne, accompagnee de I'histoire, la geo- graphie et la mythologie de I'ile... Pre- miere partie: description des monnaies, histoire et geographie, suive de 35 planches en phototypie. Macon: Protat freres, 1890. f°. t MHM Plates in separate cover. IIcQi TO)v eloiTTiQiwv Ttov aQxaibiv. 2 plans. (Journal international d'archeolo- gie numismatique. Athenes, 1898. 4°. V. 1, p. 45-120.) MHA IXeoiYQaqpixoc yMruXoyoi; xcJov kqoo- xTTK-iuTCov Tou E^j^vixof) vo|n,ionaxixou [.louoeiou djio 1 2ejT:x£n|jQ(ou 1906 [ifXQi 31 Ai'vouoxou 1907. 4 pi. (Journal international d'arche- ologie numismatique. Athenes, 1907. 8°. V. 10, p. 177-362.) MHA neQiYQCtcpixog xaxd^oyog xoJv jtooo- xxiindxojv xoi' 'Ei^vixoO Nouio|.iuxixoi' Mou- asiou d.x6 1 2ej-TTeji3c)ioi) 1908 i-ie/Qi 31 Aii- Yoi'oxou 1909. (Journal international d'ar- cheologie numismatique. Athenes, 1911. 4°. tome 13, p. 37-108.) MHA Die polykletische "Tholos" in Epi- dauros. (Journal international d'arche- ologie numismatique. Athenes, 1901. 4°. V. 4, p. 5-34.) MHA Td «nQa^ixEXELa» dvay^iucpa xwv Moi'ocov 'AQxaiov ^ouoixov 6fi|.ia. 4 pi. (Journal international d'archeologie nu- mismatique. Athenes, 1902. 4°. v. 5, p. 169-188, 285-317.) MHA Tesseres en bronze du theatre Dionysiaque de Lycourgos et de I'assem- blee Cleisthenienne des Atheniens. 4 pi. (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1898-99. 8°. V. 11, p. 459-502; v. 12, p. 461- 510.) MHA Tochon d'Annecy. J. F. Dissertation sur I'epoque de la mort d'Antiochus vii Evergetes Sidetes, roi de Syrie, sur deux medailles antiques de ce prince et sur un passage du lie livre des Macchabees. Paris, 1815. 4°. MHE p.v. 1 Recherches historiques et geogra- phiques sur les medailles des noins ou prefectures de I'figypte. Paris, 1822. 8°. MHM Torremuzza, Gabriele Lancilotto Cas- tello di, principe. SicilicC populorum et urbium, regum quoque et tyrannorum, ve- teres nummi Saracenorum epocham ante- cedentes. Panormi, 1781. f°. ft MHM Tourneur, Victor. Les villes amirales de rOrient greco-romain. 1 pi. (Revue beige de numismatique. Bruxelles, 1913. 8°. annee 69, p. 407-424.) MHA "^ Tudeer, L. Die Tetradrachmenpragung von Syrakus in der Periode der signieren- den Kiinstler. 7 pi. (Zeitschrift fiir Nu- mismatik. Berlin, 1913. 8°. Bd. 30, p. 1-292.) fMHA Uhden, Wilhelm. Ueber die Miinzen des Konigs von Illyrien, Monunius. (K6- niglich preussische Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Abhandlungen. Hist.-philol. Klasse. Berlin, 1832. 4°. 1830, p. 89-94.) *EE Ujfalvy von Mezo-Kovesa, Karl Eugen. Anthropologische Betrachtungen iiber die Portratmiinzen der Diadochen und Epi- gonen. illus. (Archiv fiir Anthropologic. Braunschweig, 1902. 4°. Bd. 27, p. 613- 622.) QOA On the persistence of the Macedonian type of features, as shown in the coins of the successors of Alexander the Great. Venuti, Filippo, prior of Leghorn. Dvo- denorvm noraismatum antehac inedito- rvm brevis expositio Philippvs de Venvtis ...selegit ex gazophylacio. . . Antonii Le- froy... Apud Labronis portvm: in of- ficina Fantechiana [1759]. 33 p., 1 1., 1 pi. illus. f°. MHE p.v. 7, no.l4 Villenoisy, F. de, and Ch. Fremont. Le carre creux des inonnaies grecques. Evo- lution des procedes de fabrication. 3 pi. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1909. 8°. serie 4. v. 13, p. 449-457.) MHA Virchow, Rudolf. Portrat-Munzen und Graf's hellenistische Portrat-Gallerie. Vortrag gehalten am 18. Mai 1901 in der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Berlin: Gebr. Unger, 1903. 8 p. 8°. MCE Repr. : Ethnologische Gesellschaft. Verhandlun- gen. 1901, Heft 4. Visconti, Ennio Quirino. Iconographie ancienne; ou, Recueil des portraits. . .des empereurs, rois, et hommes illustres de I'antiquite. [partie 1. Iconographie grec- que. partie 2. Iconographie romaine.i Paris: P. Didot, I'aine, 1808-26. 7 v. f°. Stuart 486 Iconographie grecque; ou, Recueil des portraits authentiques des empereurs, rois et hommes illustres de I'antiquite. Milan: J. P. Giegler. 1824-26. 3 v. 8°. MTI The backs of the books are numbered 9-11 of Visconti's Oeuvres. ■ See also Visconti, Giovanni Battis- ta Antonio. Visconti, Filippo Aurelio, and G. A. GuATTANi. II Museo Chiaramonti aggiun- to al Pio-Clementino da.. .Pio vii con I'es- plicazione de' Sigg. F. A. Visconti e G. A. Guattani. Roma, 1808-37. 2 v. pi. f°. ft MTI Toino 2 title reads: II Museo Chiaramonti aggi- unto al Pio-CIenientino da... Pio vii con dichia- razione di Antonio Nibby. A continuation of Giovanni Battista Antonio Visconti: II Museo Pio Clementino. Roma, 1782- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 95 Individual Countries, continued. Greece and the Greek Colonies, coitinucd. 1S07, and according to bibliographies forming v. S-9 of that work. v. 3, forining v. 10 of the Museo Pio Clementino, is missing in the Library's set. For continuation see: Luigi Biondi: I monu- menti Aniaranziani. Roma, 1849. Visconti, Giovanni Battista Antonio. II Museo Pio Clementino descritto da Giam- battista Visconti. Roma, 1782-1807. 7 v. pi. f°. ft MTI Tomo 2-7 are by Ennio Onirino Visconti. This wori< consists, according to bibliographies, of 11 v. For V. 8-9 sec Filippo Antonio Visconti and G. A. (Juattani: II Museo Chiaramonti. Roma, 1808-37. V. 10, being V. 3 of this Museo Chiaramonti is miss- ir.^r in the Library's set. For v. 11 see Luigi Biondi: I monumeuti Aniaranziani. Roma, 1849. Vlasto, Michel P. Les monnaies d'or de Tarente. 9 pi. (Journal international d'archeolo.^ie numismatique. Athenes, 1899-1901. 4°. V. 2, p. 303-340; v. 4, p. 93- 113.) MHA Rare or unpublished coins of Taras. 1 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1907. 8°. series 4, v. 7, p. 277- 290.) MHA Voigt, W. von. Die Seleucidenmiinzen der Kaiscrliclien Eremitage zu St. -Peters- burg. (Journal international d'archeolo- gie numismatique. Athenes, 1911. 4°. tome 13, p. 131-176.) MHA Wace, .A.lan J. B. An unpublished Per- gamene tetradrachm. 1 pi. (Journal in- ternational d'archeologie numismatique. Athenes, 1903. 4°. v. 6, p. 140-148.) MHA Waddington, W. H. See Babelon, Ernest Charles Frangois, and Theodore Reinach. Warren, E. P. Die griechischen Miinzen dcr Sammlung Warren. Beschrieben von Kurt Regling. [Text and plates.] Berlin: G. Reimer, 1906. 2 v. 4°. f MHM Warren, John Byrne Leicester. The copper coinage of the Achiean League; communicated to the Numismatic Society of London. London, 1864. pi. 8°. MHM An essay on Greek federal coinai^e. London and Cambridge, 1863. 8°. MHM Weber, Hermann. On finds of archaic Greek coins in lower Egypt. 2 pi. (Nu- mismatic chronicle. London, 1900. 8°. series 3, v. 19, p. 269-287.) MHA A small find of coins of Mende, &c. 1 pi. (The Numismatic chronicle. Lon- don, 1898. 8°. series 3, v. 18, p. 251-258.) MHA Weber, Leo. Apollon Pythoktonos im phrygischen Hierapolis. (Philologus. Leipzig, 1910. 8°. Bd. 69 [N. F. Bd.'23,, p. 178-251.) RBA The coins of Hierapolis in Phry- Die Homoniemiinzen des phrygi- schen Hierapolis. Ein Beitrag zur Er- klarung dcr Homonie. 2 pi. (Journal in- ternational d'archeologie numismatique. Athenes, 1912. 4°. v. 14, p. 65-122.) MHA Zur Mtinzprrigung des phrygischen gia. 4 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. Lon- don. 1913. 8°. series 4, v. 13, p. 1-30. 133- 161.) MHA Hierapolis. 2 pl. (In: XftQixg; Friedrich Leo. ..dargebracht. Berlin, 1911. 4°. p. 466-490.) NRD Weil, Rudolf. Die Kiinstlerinschriften der sicilischen Miinzen. Berlin: G. Rei- mer. 1884. 32 p.. 4 1., 3 pl. 4°. (44. Programm zum Winckelmannsfeste der Archa^ologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin.) MTI -' Das Miinzmonopol Athens im ersten attischen Seebund. (Zeitschrift fiir Numismatik. Berlin, 1905. 8". Bd. 25, p. 52-62.) MHA Weston, S. Notices of the towns in Greece and in other countries that have struck coins. London, 1826. 8°. MHM White-King, L. Catalogue of the valu- able collection of Greek coins in gold, elec- trum. silver and copper, formed by Prof. L. White-King, which will be sold by auc- tion, by Messrs. Sothcby, Wilkinson & Hodge... at their house ... Strand, W. C. April, 1909... [London:] J. Daw and Sons, 1909. 42 p., 3 pl. 4°. MHFH ■ Collection White King, partie 3. Amsterdam: J. Schulman. 1905. 8°. MHE p.v. 5, no.13 Partie 3. Monnaies. Whitte, H. K. De rebus Chiorum pub- licis ante dominationem romanorum. Haunife, 1838. 8°. BVX Wroth, Warwick. Catalogue of the coins of Parthia. London: The Trustees of the British Museum, 1903. Ixxxviii. 290 p., 1 map, Z7 pl. 8°. MHM Catalogue of the Greek coins of Galatia, Cappadocia, and Syria [in the British Museum]. London: the trustees, 1899. xci, 342 p., 1 map, 38 pl. 8°. (Bri- tish Museum. — -Department of Coins and Medals.) MHM Greek coins acquired by the British Museum in 1898. 3 pl. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1899. 8°. series 3, V. 19. p. 85-111.) MHA Greek coins acquired by the Bri- tish Museum in 1899. 2 pl. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1900. 8°. series 3, V. 20, p. 1-26.) MHA Greek coins acquired by the Bri- tish Museum in 1902. 3 pl. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1903. 8°. series 4. v. 3, p. 317-346.) MHA Greek coins acquired by the British Museum in 1903. 2 pl. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1904. 8°. series 4, V. 4. p. 289-310.) MHA 96 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY htdividital Countries, continued. Greece and the Greek Colonics, continued. Peparethus and its coinage. 1 pi. (Journal of Hellenic studies. London, 1907. 4°. V. 27, p. 90-98.) BVA Select Greek coins in the British Museum. 2 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1905. 8°. series 4, v. 5, p. 324- 341.) MHA See also British Museum. — De- partment of Coins and Medals. Zoega, Georg. Numi ^gyptii impera- torii prostantes in Museo Borgiano Ve- litris. Romte, 1787. 4°. f MHM HiTTITES Sayce, A. H. On a Hittite cylinder and seal belonging to the Rev. Greville J. Chester. 1 pi. (Archaeological journal. London, 1887. 8°. v. 44, p. 347-350.) CA • On a Hittite seal purchased at Smyrna by the Rev. Greville J. Chester. (Archaeological journal. London, 1890. 8°. V. 47, p. 215-219.) CA A seal-cylinder from Kara Eyuk. 1 pi. (Society of Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings. London, 1910. 8°. v. 32, p. 177-180.) *YIA Ward, William Hayes. On some Hittite seal cylinders, n. t.-p. [New York, 1894.) cxxix-cxxxi p. 8°. * OCZE p.v. 1, no.l Repr. : American Oriental Society. Proceedings. March, 1894. Some Hittite seals, n. t.-p. [New York, 190-?] 361-365 p.. 1 pi. 8°. * OCZE p.v. 1, no.6 Repr. : Journal of archaeology. v. 9. India Allan, J. The coinage of Assam. 3 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1909. 8°. series 4, v. 9, p. 300-331.) MHA Ancient Hindu coins from Jyonpur and Oojein. 2 pi. (Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal. Calcutta, 1838. 8°. 'v. 7, part 2. p. 1052-1054.) *OHA Avdall, J. Note on some of the Indo- Scythic coins found by Mr. C. Masson at Beghram, in the Kohistan of Kabul. (Asi- atic Society of Bengal. Journal. Cal- cutta. 1836. 8°. V. 5, p. 266-268.) * GHA Banerji, Rakhal Das. Notes on Indo- Scj^thian coinage. 2 pi. (Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal and proceedings. Cal- cutta, 1908. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 81-93.) *OHA Benfey, Theodor. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Gotternamen auf den indoscythi- schen Miinzen. (Deutsche morgcnliindi- sche Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1854. 8°. Bd. 8, p. 450-467.) * OAA Bergny, A. V. Notes on some BrahmT- Kharosthl inscriptions on Indian coins. (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. Lon- don, 1900. 8°. 1900, p. 409-421.) * OAA Biddulph, H. Early Indian campaigns and the decorations awarded for them, pi. (Royal engineers journal. Chatham, 1913. 8°. v. 18, p. 41-50. 87-98, 169-178, 285-302.) VDA Black, George Eraser. Copper massas of Ceylon. rBoston, 1902., 1 1. 4°. MIL Repr.: American journal of numismatics. Oct., 1902. British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. The coins of the Moghul emperors of Llindustan in the British Mu- seum. By S. Lane-Poole. Edited by R. S. Poole. London: British Museum, 1892. cliii, 401 p.. 1 map, 33 pi.. 1 table. 8°. (Catalogue of Indian coins in the British Museum.) MIP The coins of the Muhammadan states of India in the British Museum. By S. Lane-Poole. Edited by R. S. Poole. London: British Museum, 1885. Ixxx, 239 p., 1 map, 12 pi, 1 table. 8°. (Cata- logue of Indian coins in the British Mu- seum.) MIP The coins of the sultans of Dehli in the British Museum. By S. Lane-Poole. Edited by R. S. Poole. London: British Museum, 1884. xliv, 199 p., 1 map, 9 pi. 8°. (Catalogue of Indian coins in the British Museum.) MIP Burn, Richard. The Bajryggarh mint and coins. 1 pi. (Asiatic Society of Ben- gal. Journal. Calcutta, 1897. 8°. new series, v. 66, part 1, p. 275-284.) * OHA The mints of the Mughal emperors. (Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal. Cal- cutta, 1904. 8°. new series, v. 73, part 1. p. 75-107.) *OHA Some coins of the Maukharis, and of the Thanesar line. 1 pi. (Royal Asia- tic Society. Journal. London, 1906. 8°. 1906, p. 843-850.) * OAA Campos, Manoel Joaquim de. Numisma- tica indo-portuguesa. (Sociedade de geo- graphia de Lisboa. Boletim. Lisboa, 1901. 8°. serie IS, p. 131-384.) KAA Chakravarti, Monmohan. Sii2>, p. 27-29, 64-66, 126-128; v. 34, p. 55-58, 85-86, 119; v. 35, p. 25-26, 60-61, 89-90. 118-119: v. 36. p. 28-29, 93-94; v. 2,7, p. 26-28, 60-63, 87-91, 123-125; v. 38, p. 21-23; 52-54, 86-89; v. 39, p. 53-55; v. 40, p. 51-53. 76-77. 109-110; v. 41, p. 25-26. 53. 78; V. 44, p. 139.) MHA Mexico Betts, Benjamin. Mexican imperial coinage. 4 pi. (American journal of nu- mismatics. Boston, 1898-99. 8°. v. 33 p 1-7, 43-47, 69-75, 108-113; v. 34, p. 7-12.) MHA Le6n, N. See Low, Lyman Haynes, and N. Leon. Low, Lyman Haynes, and N. Leon. La moneda del general insurgente Don Jose Maria Morelos. Ensayo numismatico. Cuernavaca: L. G. Miranda, 1897. Ipl 38 p., 1 1. 8°. MHE p.v. 6, no.l2 Monaco Saige, Gustave. Note sur les origines pheniciennes de Monaco et la voie hera- cleenne. [Monaco:] Imp. de Monaco, 1897. 23 p. sq. 8°. DRR The Mongols Bonaparte, Roland, prince. Monnaies mongoles. (In his: Documents de I'epoque mongole des xiii. et xiv. siecles. Paris 1895. f°. p. 5, pi. 15.) tt*OQC British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. The coins of the Mongols in the British Museum. Classes xviii-xxii. By Stanley Lane-Poole. Edited by R. S. Poole. London: British Museum, 1881 Ixxv, 300 p., 9 pi. 8°. (Catalogue of Ori- ental coins in the British Museum, v. 6 ) *0 Desk -MIL Drouin, E. Notice sur les monnaies LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 109 Individual Countries, continued. The Mongols, continued. mongolcs faisant partic du Recueil des documents de I'epoque mongole public par le prince Roland Bonaparte. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1896. 8°. serie 9, v. 7, p. 486-544.) *OAA Lane-Poole, Stanley. See British Mu- seum. — Department of Coins and Med- als. Mehren, August Ferdinand Michael. Beskrivelse af en mongolsk Mcdailie. pra?- get af Abu Said Behadur Kiian af Ilkha- nernes Dynasti i Persien (1316-1336 e Ch.). n. t.-p. [Copenhagen? 1877?, 12 p. 8°. * C p.v. 339 Description d'une medaille mon- gole d'Abou-Said Bchadur-Khan de la dynastie ilkhanienne (716-36 heg.-1316-36 Chr.). rSt. Petersbourg, 1877 ?i (1)444- 447 p. 8°. *C p.v. 341 Poole, Reginald Stuart. See British Mu- seum. — Department of Coins and Medals. Sedillot, Louis Pierre Eugene Amelie. Observations sur un sceau de Schah Rokh, fils de Tamerlan, et sur quelques monnaies des Timourides de la Transoxiane. (Jour- nal asiatique. Paris, 1840. 8°. serie 3, v. 10, p. 295-319.) * OAA Morocco Dieudonne, A. Trouvaille de monnaies de Juba ii a El Ksar (Maroc). 1 pi. (Re- vue numismatique. Paris, 1908. 8°. serie 4, V. 12, p. 350-368.) MHA Prieto y Vives, Antonio. Numismatica africana. Los Fatimitas en Fez. (In: Ho- menaje a D. Francisco Codera. Zaraijoza, 1904. 4°. p. 99-103.) f * OAC Valentine, W. H. Modern copper coins of the Muhammadan states of Turkey, Persia, Egypt, Afghanistan, Morocco, Tripoli, Tunis, etc. London: Spink & Son, Ltd., 1911. 2 p.l.. 203(1) p., 6 maps, illus. 8°. *OFH MUHAMMADANS Adler, Jakob Georg Christian. Collectio nova numorum Cuficorum, seu Arabico- rum veterum, CXVI continens numos ple- rosque ineditos e museis Borgiano et Ad- leriano. Editio secunda supplemento aucta. Altonae: J. F. Hammerich. 1795. 3 p.l., 182 p., 3 1., 7 pi. 4°. t * OFH Museum Cuficum Borgianum Veli- tris; illustravit lacobus Georgius Christia- nus Adler Altonanus. Romae: Antonius Fulgonius, 1782. vi p., 1 1., 172 p., 12 pi. t*OFH For pars 2 see entry under his Collectio nova. Ahmad Ziya. Catalogue of Islamic coins. Contains 2243. Coins belong to the 243 Khelifes, monarchs and meliks in the 39 Khilafet, monarchy and governments. Minted in the 201 mint towns by 234 names. Writer Ahmed Ziya. Costantino- ple [sicj: Methbeei Amire. 1910. 6 p.l., 170 p., 3 1., 1 pi. 4°. *OPR Amedroz, H. F. On a dirham of Khusru Shah of 361 A. H. (Royal .\siatic Society. Journal. London, 1905. 8°. 1905, p. 471- 484.) * OAA Berchem, Max von. Titres califiens d'oc- cident, a propos de quelques monnaies merinides ct ziyanides. 1 fac. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1907. 8°. serie 10, v. 9, p. 245-335.) *OAA Bergmann, E. von. Beitriige zur mu- Iianiniedanischen Miinzkunde. 1 pi. (Kai- serliche Akademie der Wissenschaf- ten. Sitzungsberichte. Philos.-hist. Classe. Wien, 1873. 8°. Bd. 3, p. 129-170.) * EF Die Nominale der Miinzreform des Chalifen Abdulmelik. (Kaiserliche Aka- demie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungsbe- richte. Philos.-hist. Classe. Wien, 1870. 8°. Bd. 65, p. 239-266.) * EF Zur niuhanimedanischen Miinz- kunde. 1 pi. (Deutsche morgenliindische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1869. 8°. Bd. 23, p. 240-257.) * OAA Bibliotheque nationale. Catalogue des monnaies musulmanes de la Bibliotheque nationale, par H. Lavoix. Paris: Impri- nierie nationale, 1887-96. 3 v. 4°. MIL Bdttiger, C. See Catalogus numorum I'uficorum in Numophylacio academico Upsaliensi. British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. The coinage of Egypt: {A. II. 358-922) under the Fatimee khaleefehs, the Ayyoobees, and the Memlook sultans. Classes xiv.x, xv, xvi. By Stanley Lane- Poole. Edited by R. S. Poole. London: British Museum, 1879. xxx, 279 p., 8 pi. 8°. (Catalogue of Oriental coins in the British Museum, v. 4.) *0 Desk -MIL The coins of the eastern khaleefehs in the British Museum. By Stanley Lane- Poole. Edited by R. S. Poole. London: British Museum, 1875. xx, 263 p., 8 pi. 8°. (Catalogue of Oriental coins in the Bri- tish Museum. V. 1.) *0 Desk -MIL The coins of the Moghul emperors of Hindustan in the British Museum. By S. Lane-Poole. Edited by R. S. Poole. London: British Museum, 1892. cliii. 401 p., 1 map, 33 pi., 1 table. 8°. (Catalogue of Indian coins in the British Museum.) MIP The coins of the Mohammadan dy- nasties in the British Museum. Classes iii-x. By Stanley Lane-Poole. Edited by no THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Muhammadans, continued. R. S. Poole. London: British Museum, 1876. xii, 279 p., 8 pi. 8°. (Catalogue of Oriental coins in the British Museum. V. 2.) *0 Desk -MIL The coins of the Moors of Africa and Spain: and the kings and imams of the Yemen: in the British Museum. Classes xivb, xxvii. By Stanley Lane- Poole. Edited by R. S. Poole. London: British Museum, 1880. lii, 175 p., 7 pi. 8°. (Catalogue of Oriental coins in the British Museum, v. 5.) *0 Desk -MIL The coins of the Muhammadan states of India in the British Museum. By S. Lane-Poole. Edited by R. S. Poole. London: British Museum, 1885. Ixxx. 239 p., 1 map, 12 pi., 1 table. 8°. (Catalogue of Indian coins in the British Museum.) MIP Brogren, C. G. See Catalogus numorum Cuficorum in Numophylacio academico Upsaliensi. Castiglioni, Carlo Ottavio, conte. Mo- nete cufiche dell' I. R. Museo di Milano. [By Carlo Ottavio Castiglioni; edited by G. Cattaneo.] Milano: Nell' Imp. regia stamperia, 1819. 1 p.l., xcii. 385 p., 1 1., 18 pi. f°. ttMIO "Altre correzioni ed aggiunte" dated 1821. Catalogus numorum Cuficorum in Nu- mophylacio academico Upsaliensi. [By] C. L. Dahlfeldt [and others]. Upsaliae, 1826- 27. 4 parts. 4°. Part 1 by C. L. Dahlfeldt. Part 2 by C. G. Brogren. Part 3 by G. F. Ekholm. Part 4 by C. Bottiger. Codera y Zaidin, Francisco. C^cas ara- bigo-espafiolas. Publicado en la Revista de archivos, bibliotecas y museos. Ma- drid: Aribau y Ca., 1874. 54 p. 16°. *OFH Tratado de numismatica arabigo- espanola. Madrid: M. Murillo, 1879. xxi (i) p., 1 1., 319 p., 24 pi. 8°. MIO Codrington, Oliver. Coins in the name of a king of Jinns. illus. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1913. 8°. series 4, V. 13, p. 123-129.) MHA A manual of Musulman numisina- tics. London: Royal Asiatic Society, 1904. 4 p.l., 239 p., 2 pi. 8°. (Asiatic Society monograph, v. 7.) * OFH Note on Musalman coins collected by Mr. G. P. Tate in Seistan. 1 pi. (Roy- al Asiatic Society. Journal. London, 1904-05. 8°. 1904, p. 681-686; 1905, p. 547- 553.) *OAA Dahlfeldt, C. L. See Catalogus numo- rum Cuficorum in Numophylacio acade- mico Upsaliensi. Dorn, J. A. B. Inventaire des monnaies des khalifes orientaux et de plusieurs au- tres dynasties. Classes i-ix. Saint-Pe- tersbourg: Eggers & Co., 1877. xvi, 64 p. 8°. (Russia. — Ministerstvo Inostrannikh Dyel. Collections scientifiques de I'lnsti- tut des langues orientales. v. 2.) * OAB Bound with: Rosen, V. R., baron. Les manu- scrits arabes. Saint-Petersbourg, 1877. 8°. Dussaud, Rene. Numismatique des rois de Nabatene. 4 pi. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1904. 8°. serie 10, v. 3, p. 189-238.) *OAA Ekholm, G. F. See Catalogus numorum Cuficorum in Numophylacio academico Upsaliensi. Fineman, C. O. See Winbom, Jonas Arvidius, and C. O. Finem.\n. Foy, Karl. Tiirkischer Katalog isla- mischer Bleisiegel. (Seminar fiir orien- talische Sprachen. Mitteilungen. Berlin. 1904. 8°. Jahrg. 7, Abt. 2, Westasiatische Studien. p. 277-279.) * OAA Fraehn, Christian Martin. Beitrage zur muhammedanischen Miinzkunde aus St. Petersburg, oder Auswahl seltener und merkwiirdiger, bis dahin unbekannter mu- hammedanischer Miinzen aus dem Kabinet des...Herrn G. Pflug. kurz angedeutet von C. M. Frahn. Berlin: bei G. Keimer [pref. 1818]. xii, 62 p. 4°. MIL p.v. 1, no.2 C. M. Fraehnii. . .de Academiae im- perials scientiarum Petropolitanae museo numario Muslemico. prolusio prior, qua dum confiat accurata descriptio ejus copia et praestantia obiter contuenda proponi- tur. Particula prima. Petropoli: Typis Academiae Imper. Scientiarum, 1818. 53 p. 4°. MIL p.v. 1, no.3 Examen critique d'une monnaie d'Abd ul-Melik et de Heddjadj, qui a ete publiee par O. G. Tychsen. (Journal asi- atique. Paris, 1825. 8°. serie 1, v. 6, p. 138-154, 193-212.) * OAA Die Miinzen der Chane vom Ulus Dschutschi's oder von der Goldenen Horde, nebst denen verschiedener anderen muhammedanischen Dynastien... St. Pe- tersburg: W. Graeff, 1832. xx, 78 p., 17 pi. 4°. t*OFH Novae symbolae ad rem numariam Muhammedanorum ex museis Pflugiano atque Mannteufeliano Petropoli, nee non Nejelowiano Kasani, edidit C. M. Fraehn. Accedunt quinque tabulae lapide expres- sae. Petropoli et Halis Saxonum. 1819. vi p., 1 1.. 47(1) p., 6 pi. 4°. MIL p.v. 1, no.l Nuini Kufici ex variis museis se- lecti. Petropoli. 1823. 4°. MIO Numi Muliammedani, qui in .'\ca- demiae imperialis scientiarum Petropo- litanae museo Asiatico asservantur . . . Edidit Christianus Martinus Fraehn. to- mus 1. Petropoli, 1826. 4°. MIL LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 111 Individual Countries, continued. Muhammadans, continued. Quinque centuriae iiumorum anec- dotorum Chalifarum cum Umeijadarum turn Abbasidarum. Ex variis museis edi- dit C. M. Fraehn. (linperatorskaya Aka- demiya Nauk. Memoires... serie 6. Sciences politiques. historiques et philo- logiques. St.-Petersbourg, 1840. sq. 4°. V. 4, p. 257-314.) *EV Supplement an Memnire sur les monnaies arabes des Chosroes. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1824. 8°. serie 1, v. 4, p. 331-347.) *OAA Frank, Herman. Die l)altisch-arabi- schen Fundmiinzen. (Mitteilungen aus der livlandisclien Gescbichte. Ri.ga, 1908. 8°. Bd. 18, p. 311-486.) * QG Friedlaender, Julius, and Ludwk; Stern. Der Miinzfund von Trebenow. (Deutsche morgenliindische Gesellschaft. Zeitsclirift. Leipzig, 1876. 8°. v. 30, p. 276-283.^ *OAA Ghallb ibn Edhem, Isma'il. Maskukat Kadimah Islamiyyah Kataloghi. [A cata- logue of the coins of tlie Abl)aside dy- nasty in the Imperial Ottoman Museum.] Constantinople, 1894. 79, 446 p., 5 pi. 4°. *OFH Quelques mots sur les monnaies musulmanes a monogrammes himyarites. Constantinople, 1894. 4 p. 12°. MHEp.v. 6, no.5 Ghiron, I. Monete arabiche del gabi- netto numismatico di Milano. Milano: U. Hoepli. 1878. xi, 74 p., 1 1.. 3 pi. f°. t*OFH - Hammer-Purgstall, Joseph von, Frei- herr. Abhandlung fiber die Siegel der Araber, Perser und Tfirken. 1 pi. (Kai- serliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Denkschriften. Philos.-hist. Classe. ^Wien. 1850. f°. Bd. 1. Abth. 1, p. 1-36.) * EF Karabacek, Joseph. Bericht fiber zwei kufische Mfinzfunde. (Deutsche morgen- liindische Gesellschaft. Zeitsclirift. Leip- zig, 1867. S°. Bd. 21, p. 618-633.) * OAA Kellstrom, Nicolaus. Dc numis Cuficis R. Acad. Upsal... Upsaliae, 1S03. 2 p.l.. 10 p., 1 pi. 4°. MIOp.boxl Krehl, Ludolf. De numis Muhammada- nis in numophylacio regio Dresdensi as- servatis commentatio. Lipsia?, 1856. 8°. MIL Xachtragliche Bemerkungen zu "Blau und Stickel, Ueber einige muhani- medanische Miinzen." Zeitsclirift xi, p. 443. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesell- schaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1858. 8°. Bd. 12, p. 263-268.) * OAA Ueber einige muhammachinisclie Miinzen des Konigliclien Miinz-Cabinets zu Dresden. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig. 1858. 8°. Bd. 12, p. 250-263.) * OAA Lagumina, Bartolomeo M. Catalogo delle monete arabe esistenti nella Bibliote- ca communale di Palermo. Palermo: Vir- zi, 1892. xxiii, 234 p., 1 I., 4 pi. S°. * OFH Ripostiglio di monete arabe rin- venuto in Girgenti. (Archivio storico si- ciliano. Palermo, 1904. 4°. nuova serie. anno 29, p. 80-90.) BWV Su una moneta sveva rinvenuta a Raffadali. (Miscellanea di archeologia. storia e filologia dedicata al Prof. Anto- nino Salinas... Palermo, 1907. 4°. p 254-255.) BTGP Laidlay, J. W. On the coins of the in- dependent Muhanimadan sovereigns of Bengal. 2 pi. (Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal. Calcutta. 1846. 8°. v. 15. p. 323- 333.) *OHA Lane-Poole, Stanley. Catalogue of the Mohammadan coins preserved in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. Oxford, 1888. 4°. MIL Coins of the Urtuki Turkumans. London: Triibner & Co., 1875. 3 p.l.. [ix)- X p.. 1 1., 44 p., 5 pi. f°. (The Interna- tional numismata orientalia. v. 1, part 2.) fMIL Inedited Arabic coins. (Royal Asi- atic Society. Journal. London, 1875-77. 8°. new series, v. 7, p. 243-261; v. 8, p. 291-296; v. 9, p. 135-143.) * OAA See also British Museum. — De- partment of Coins and Medals; also Sau- vaire, H., and Stanley L.\ne-Poole. Langlois, V. Numismatique des Ara- bes avant I'islamisme. Paris, 1859. pi 4". fMIO Lavoix, Michel Henri. Monnaies a le- gendes arabes frappees en Syrie par les eroises. Paris, 1877. 8°. See also Bibliotheque nationale. Leggett, Eugene. Notes on the mint- towns and coins of the Mohamedans from the earliest period to the present time... London: Stevens & Sons. 1885. vi, 110 p., 1 diagr., 1 map. 8°. MIO Longperier, H. A. P. de. Documents numismatiques pour servir a I'histoire des Arabes d'Espagne. Programme. Paris. 1851. pl. 4°. MIO Note sur un dinar de Barkiaroc. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1845. 8°. se- rie 4. V. 6, p. 306-313.) * OAA Mainoni, Stefano de. Descrizione di al- cune monete cufiche del museo di Maino- ni. Milano, 1820. pl. f°. fMIO Makrizi, Taki al-DIn Ahmad ibn 'AH al-. Al-Makrizi Historia monetae Arabicae e codice Escorialensi cum variis duorum 112 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Muhamniadans, continued. codd. Leidensium lectionibus et excerptis anecdotis nunc primum edita, versa et il- lustrata ab O. G. Tychsen. Rostochii, 1797. 5 p.l., 166 p. 12°. * OFH Markov, Aleksyei Konstantinovich. In- ventarnyi katalog musulmanskikh monet Imperatorskavo Ermitazha. St. Peters- burg: [N. Zeifert,] 1896. 2 p.l., iv, 873 p. £". *QDX Mauss, C. Loi de la numismatique niu- sulmane. Classement par series et par ordre dc poids des monnaies arabes du Cabinet des medailles de Paris. Paris: E. Leroux, 1898. 2 p.l., viii, 48 p. 4°. MIO Meier, E. Die Werthbezeichnungen auf muhammedanischen Miinzen. (Deutsche niorgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig. 1864. 8°. Bd. 18, p. 760-780.) *OAA Morgan, J. de. Observations sur les debuts de la numismatique musulmane en Perse. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1907. 8°. serie 4, v. 11, p. 79-95.) MHA Murr, C. G. Drey Abhandlungen von der Geschichte der Araber iiberhaupt der- selben Miinzen und Siegeln. Nurnberg, 1770. 12°. *Cp.v.958 Musee imperial ottoman. Kurshun muhr katalugi. [A catalogue of Arabic, Arabic- Byzantine, and Ottoman lead seals in tlie museum, by Khalil Edhem.] Constantino- ple, 1903. 71 p. 8°. * OFG Musee imperial ottoman. — Section des monnaies musulmanes. Catalogue des monnaies turcomanes Beni Ortok, Beni Zengui, Frou' Atabeqyeh et Meliks Eyou- bites de Meiyafarikin par I. Ghalib Ed- hem. Par ordre du Ministere de I'lnstruc- tion Publique. Constantinople: Mihran, imprimeur, 1894. xvii(i) p., 1 1., 175 p., 8 pi. 8°. *OFH Nesselmann, G. H. F. Zur arabischen Numismatik. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitsclirift. Leipzig, 1857. 8°. Bd. 11, p. 143-147.) * OAA Nies, J. B. Kufic glass weights and bot- tle stamps, n. t.-p. [New York, 1902. i 8 p., 1 pi. 4°. *OFH Repr. : American Numismatic and Archaeological Society of New York City, Proceedings and papers, 44th annual meeting, 1902. Nuetzel, Heinrich. Miinzen der Rasuli- den, nebst einem Abriss der Geschichte dieser jemenischen Dynastie. Berlin: W. Pormetter, 1891. 80 p. 8°. * OFH Pietraszewski, Tgnacy. Numi Moham- medani. Fasciculus i. Continens numos Mamlukorum dynastiae, additis notabilio- ribus dynastiarum: Moavidarum, Charizm- schachorum, Mervanidarum, Ortokidarum, Karakojunlu, Seldschukidarum, Atabeko- rum, Fatimidarum, Aiyubidarum, Hulagi- darum et regum Siciliae. Collegit, descrip- sit et tabulis illustravit Ignatius Pietra- szewski. Berolini: apud Alexandrum Dun- cker. 1843. xiv, 139(1) p., 1 1., 15 pi. 4°. *OFH No more published. Poole, Reginald Stuart. See British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. Prieto y Vives, Antonio. Numisinatica africana. Los Fatimatas en Fez. (In: Homenaje a D. Francisco Codera. Zara- goza, 1904. 4°. p. 99-103.) f * OAC Rada y Delgado, Juan de Dios de la. Catalogo de monedas arabigas espafiolas que se conservan en el Museo arqueolo- gico nacional... Madrid: Fortanet, 1892. xxiv, 264 p. 8°. * OFH Rapson, Edward James. Note on an- cient coins collected in Seistan by Mr. G. P. Tate, of the Seistan Boundary Com- mission. (Royal Asiatic Society. Jour- nal. London, 1904. 8°. 1904, p. 673-680.) *OAA Reinaud, Joseph Toussaint. Explica- tion de cinq medailles des anciens rois musulmans du Bengale. (Journal asi- atique. Paris, 1823. 8°. serie 1, v. 3, p. 272-293.) * OAA Accompagnee de quelques ob- servations generales sur les monnaies mu- sulmanes a figures. Paris: Dondey-Dupre pere et fils. 1823. 56 p. 8°. MIO Repr.: Journal asiatique. Observations generales sur les me- dailles musulmanes a figures. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1823. 8°. serie 1, v. 3, p. 331-360.) * OAA Rodgers, Charles J. Coins of the Mu- salman kings of Ma'bar. 2 pi. (Asiatic Socie;ty of Bengal. Journal. Calcutta, 1896. 8°. V. 64, part 1, p. 49-54.) * OHA Mogul copper coins. 12 pi. (Asi- atic Society of Bengal. Journal. Calcutta, 1896. 8°. V. 64, part 1, p. 171-193.) *OHA Rogers, Edward Thomas. The coins of the Tuliini dynasty. London: Triibner & Co., 1877. 2 p.l., 21(1) p., 1 pi. f°. (The International numismata orientalia. v. 1, part 4.) tMIL Notice on the dinars of the Abbas- side dynasty. 4 pi. (Royal Asiatic So- ciet3^ Journal. London, 1875. 8°. new series, v. 7. p. 262-304.) * OAA La numismatique musulmane. No- tice sur quelques pieces rares et inedites. (Institut egyptien. Bulletin. Le Caire. 1883. 8°. serie 2, no. 3, p. 31-39.) * EY Sacy, Antoine Isaac Silvestre de. Des monnaies des khalifes avant I'an 75 de I'hegire. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1823. 8°. serie 1, v. 2, p. 257-264.) * OAA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 113 Individual Countries, continued. Muhammadans , continued. . Saulcy, L. F. J. C. de. Lettres sur quel- ques points de la numismatiquc arabc. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1839-45. 8°. se- rie 3, V. 7, p. 347-362, 404-443, 499-512; v. 8, p. 472-495; v. 10, p. 385-398; v. 11, p. 305- 318; V. 13, p. 113-152, 293-326; serie 4, v. 6, p. 129-147.) * OAA Numismatiquc des rois nabatheens de Petra. Paris [1874,. pi. nar. 4°. MIL Sauvaire, H. Lettre a M. Stanley Lane- Poole, sur quelques monnaics orientales rares ou inedites de la collection de M. Ch. de rficluse. (Royal Asiatic Society. Jour- nal. London, 1881. 8°. new series, v. 13, p. 380-398.) * OAA Materiaux pour servir a I'iiistoire de la numismatiquc ct de la metrologie musulmanes. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1879-87. 8°. serie 7, v. 14, p. 455-533; v. 15, p. 228-277, 421-478; v. 18, p. 499-516; v. 19, p. 23-77, 97-163. 281-327; serie 8, v. 3, p. 368-445; v. 4. p. 207-321; v. 5, p. 498-506; V. 7, p. 124-177, 394-468; v. 8, p. 113-165, 272-297, 479-536; v. 10, p. 200-259.) * OAA Sauvaire, H., and Stanley L.\nk-Poole. The name of the twelfth imam on the coinage of Egypt. (Royal Asiatic Society Journal. London, 1875. 8°. new series, V. 7, p. 140-151.) *OAA Schlumberger, Leon Gustave. Lc tresor de San'a: monnaics himyaritiques. Paris, 1880. pi. f°. tMIL Soret, Frederic. Lettre a . . . L. Krehl . . . sur quelques monnaics orientales curicuses ou problematiqucs. (Deutsclie morgen- l.-indische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leip- zig, 1865. 8°. Bd. 19, p. 544-561.) * OAA Lettre a Monsieur lc professcur H. Brockhaus sur quelques monnaies houla- goui'des. (Deutsche morgenlandische Ge- sellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1862. 8°. Bd. 16, p. 417-426.) * OAA Lettre a M. le professcur Stickel ...sur des medailles koufiqucs inedites trouvees aux environs dc Vibourg. (So- ciete d'histoirc et d'archeologie de Geneve. Memoires et documents. Geneve. 1847. 8°. tome 5, p. 111-126.) GDYM Trois lettres sur des monnaies cu- fiques, rares ou inedites, du Musee de Ge- neve. (Societe d'histoirc et d'archeologie de Geneve. Memoires et documents. Ge- neve 1841. 8°. tome 1, partie 1. Memoires, p. 53-79.) GDYM Stern, Julius. See Friedlaender, Julius, and Julius Sterx. Stickel, D. Erganzungen und Bcrichtig- ungen zur omajjadischen Numismatik. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1885. 8°. Bd. 39, p. 17-41.) *OAA Stickel, Johann Gustave. Berichtigung und Erganzungen. (Deutsche morgen- landische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leip- zig, 1870. 8°. Bd. 24, p. 632-637.) * OAA Erganzungen und Berichtigungen zur omajjadischen Numismatik. (Deut- sche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeit- schrift. Leipzig, 1885. 8°. Bd. 39, p. 17- 41.) *OAA Das Grosshcrzogliche Oricntalisclic Miinzcabinet zu Jena, beschrieben und crlautert. Heft 1. Leipzig: F. A. Brock- haus, 1845. sq. 4°. (Handbuch zur mor- genlandischcn Miinzkundc. Heft 1.) f MIO Heft 1. Omajjaden- und Abbasiden-Munzen. No more published. Handbuch zur morgenlandischcn Mijnzkunde. Das Grosshcrzogliche ori- entalische Miinzcabinet zu Jena. Zweites Heft. Alteste muhammedanische Miinzen bis zur Miinzreform Abdulmclik's. Leip- zig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1870. vii. 126 p.. 1 pi. sq. 4°. t*OFH Morgenlandische Miinzkunde. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1881. 8°. Bd. 35. p. 477-490.) * OAA Neue Ermittelungen auf byzanti- nisch-arabischcn Bildmiinzen, mit einem Anhangc. (Deutsche morgenlandische Ge- sellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1869. 8°. Bd. 23, p. 174-182.) * OAA Noch cinmal die omajjadische As- kalon-Miinze und ein Anhang. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1886. 8°. Bd. 40, p. 81-87.) *OAA Sechs Hulaguiden-Miinzen in Gold. Beschrieben von Stickel. (Deutsche mor- genlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1874. 8°. Bd. 28, p. 138-142.) *OAA Ueber einige muhammedanische Miinzen. (Deutsche morgenlandische Ge- sellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1855. 8°. Bd. 9, p. 249-255.) * OAA Zur muhammedanischen Numisma- tik. 1 pi. (Deutsche morgenlandische Ge- sellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1853-64. 8°. Bd. 7, p. 228-233; Bd. 18, p. 608-614.) *OAA Stickel, Johann Gustav, and W. von TiESENH.AUSEN. Dic Werthbczcichnungcn auf muhammedanischen Miinzen. (Deut- sche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeit- schrift. Leipzig, 1879. 8°. Bd. 33. p. 341- 386.) * OAA Subhi Bey. Compte-rendu d'une decou- verte importante en fait de numismatiquc nmsulmane public en langue turque... Traduit de I'original par.. .O. de Schlech- ta. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesell- schaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1863. 8°. Bd. 17, p. 39-47.) *OAA Leipzig: G. Krcysing. 1862. 11 p. 8°. *OFH p. box 1 114 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Muhammadans, continued. ■/ Thomas, Edward. The Pehlvi coins of the early Mohammedan Arabs. 3 pi. (Roy- al Asiatic Society. Journal. London, 1850. 8°. V. 12, p. 253-347.) * OAA Tiesenhausen, W. von. See Stickel, Jo- hann Gustave, and W. von Tiesenhausen. ' Tornberg, C. J. Die jiingsten Ausgra- bungen arabischen Geldes in Schw^eden. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1868. 8°. Bd. 22, p. 286-293.) * OAA Numi Cufici Regii Numophylacii Holmiensis, quos omnes in terra Sueci.'e repertos digessit et interpretatus est C J. Tornberg. Upsalije, 1848. 4°. MIO Ueber muhammedanische Revolu- tions-Miinzen. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1868. 8°. Bd. 22, p. 700-707.) * OAA Tychsen, Oluf Gerhard. Olai Gerhardi Tychsen. . .introdvctio in rem nvmariam Mvhanimedanorvm. Rostochii: Ex officina libraria Stilleriana, 1794. x, 246 p., 6 pi. 12°. *OFH Additamentum i. Rostochii: Ex officina libraria Stilleriana, 1796. viii, 112 p.. 2 pi. 12°. *OFH No more published. Valentine, W. H. Modern copper coins of the Muhammadan states of Turkey, Persia, Egypt, Afghanistan, Morocco, Tripoli, Tunis, etc. London: Spink & Son, Ltd., 1911. 2 p.l., 203(1) p., 6 maps, illus. 8°. *OFH Vives, Antonio. Indicacion del valor en las monedas arabigo-espaiiolas. (In: Ho- menaje a D. Francisco Codera. Zaragoza, 1904. 4°. p. 513-520.) t * OAC Vives y Escudero, A. Monedas de las dinastias arabigo-espanolas. Madrid: For- tanet, 1893. xc p., 1 1., 553 p., 1 1. 4°. MIO Vloten, G. van. L^eber einige bis jetzt nicht erkannte Miinzen aus der letzten Omeijadenzeit. (Deutsche morgenland- ische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1892. 8°. Bd. 46, p. 441-444.) * OAA Vost, William. On some rare Muham- madan coins [of India]. 2 pi. (Asiatic So- ciety of Bengal. Journal. Calcutta, 1896. 8°. V. 64, part 1, p. 37-48.) * OHA Winbom, Jonas Arvidius, and C. O. P^iNEMAN. De recentioribus numis Arabi- cis Reg. academia Upsal. Upsaliae, 1815. 2 parts. 4°. MIO p. box 1 Zambaur, Eduard von. Contributions a la numismatique orientale. Monnaies ine- dites ou rares des dynasties musulmanes de la collection de I'auteur. 1 pi. (Numis- matische Zeitschrift. Wien, 1905. 8°. Bd. 36, p. 43-122.) MHA Zobel de Zangroniz, Jacob. Spanische Miinzen niit bisher unerklarten Aufschrif- ten. illus. (Deutsche morgenlandische Ge- sellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1863. 8°. Bd. 17, p. 336-357.) * OAA Zur muhammedanischen Numismatik und Epigraphik. (Deutsche morgenland- ische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1857. 8°. Bd. 11, p. 443-474.) * OAA Nabateans Dussaud, Rene. Nouvelle drachme na- bateenne au nom d'Obodas. (In: Flori- legium; ou, Recueil de travaux d'erudition dedies a Monsieur le marquis Melchior de Vogiie. Paris, 1910. 4°. p. 209-213.) t*OAC Saulcy, L. F. J. C. de. Numismatique des rois nabatheens de Petra. Paris [1874]. pi. nar. 4°. MIL Netherlands and Belgium Bernays, fidouard. L'atelier monetaire de Namur de 1578 a 1579. (Revue beige de numismatique. Bruxelles, 1913. 8°. annee 69, p. 138-177.) MHA Bizot, Pierre. Histoire metallique de la republique de Hollande... Paris: Daniel Horthemels, 1687. 7 p.l., 317 p., 8 1., 13 pi. f°. Stuart 1171 Nouvelle edition augmentee de 140 medailles. Amsterdam, 1688. 2 v. in 1. pi. 8°. MHV Bocarme, Alb. Visart de. Jetons de la ville de Bruges. 2 pi. (Revue beige de numismatique. Bruxelles, 1911-12. 8°. annee 67, p. 375-396; annee 68, p. 53-77, 169-185.) MHA Bordeaux, Paul. Medailles franco-beiges de 1811 et de 1814. (Revue beige de nu- mismatique. Bruxelles, 1906. 8°. annee 62, 1906, p. 64-80, 167-185.) MHA Broeck, fedouard van den. Huit jetons de tresoriers de Bruxelles du xvii. siecle. (Revue beige de numismatique. Bruxelles, 1904. 8°. annee 60, p. 175-186.) MHA Numismatique bruxelloise. Les je- tons des seigneurs-tresoriers de Bruxelles au XVII. siecle (1620-1698). (Revue beige de numismatique. Bruxelles, 1905-06. 8°. annee 61, p. 47-62, 181-192, 318-331; annee 62, p. 47-63, 156-166, 233-244, 339-348.) MHA Recherches sur les jetons des re- ceveurs de Bruxelles de la famille Fray- baert frappes au xiv. siecle. 1 pi. (Revue beige de numismatique. Bruxelles, 1904. 8°. annee 60, p. 283-294.) MHA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 115 Individual Countries, continued. Netherlands and Belgium, continued. Chalon, Renier Hubert Ghislain. Re- cherches sur les monnaies des comtes de Namur. 146 p., 19 pi. (Academic royale de Belgique. Memoires. Bruxelles, 1861. 4°. tome 32, cno. 6].) * EM Les seigneurs de Florennes, lours sceaux et leurs monnaies, pour faire suite aux Recherches sur les monnaies des com- tes de Namur... 33 p., 4 pi. (Academic royale... dc Belgique. Memoires. Brux- elles, 1869. 4°. tome 37.) * EM Chestret de Hareffe, J. de, baron. Nu- mismatique de la principaute de Liege et de CCS dependances (Bouillon, Loos) de- puis leurs annexions. 466 p., 1 map, 54 pi. (Academie royale... de Belgique. Me- moires couronnes et memoires des sa- vants etrangers. Bruxelles, 1890. 4°. v. 50.) * EM Chijs, P. O. van der. Dc muntcn der voormaligc graven en hertogcn van Gel- dcrland. Haarlem, 1852. pi. 4°. f MHV De munten der voormaligc hecren en steden van Gelderland, van de vroegstc tijden tot aan de pacificatie van Gend. Haarlem, 1853. pi. 4°. f MHV tCoUection, A, of plates, representing seals, heraldic designs and views of Zoutc Veen, Holy and Stcenhuizcn.] n. t.-p. n. p., n. d. 9 pi. 8°. MIYp. boxl Cumont, G. Les monnaies dans les chartes du Brabant sous les regnes dc Jean iii et de Wencesias. (Societe d'ar- cheologic dc Bruxelles. Annales. Brux- elles, 1901. 8°. V. 15. p. 5-54.) GBA Deschamps de Pas, Louis. Essai sur I'histoire monetaire des comtes de Flandrc de la maison d'Autriche, 1482-1556. Brux- elles, 1875. pi. 8°. MHV Essai sur I'histoire monetaire des comtes de Flandre dc la maison de Bour- gogne. Paris, 1863. pi. 8^ MHV Des Marez, G. Les sceaux des corpora- tions bruxclloiscs. illus. (Societe d'ar- cheologie de Bruxelles. Annales. Brux- elles, 1911. 8°. tome 24, p. 459-484.) GBA Donnet, Fernand. La medaille des sta- tues dc neige, 1772. (Academie royale d'archeologie de Belgique. Annales. An- vers, 1903. 8°. v. 55, p. 125-148.) GBA Ghesquiere, Joseph, abbe. Memoirc sur trois points interressans de I'histoire mo- netaire des Pays-Bas. Bruxelles, 1786. pl. 8°. MHV Gilleman, Ch., and A. van Werveke. Numismatique gantoise. Les jetons sca- binaux au xvii. et au xviii. sieclc. 2 pl. (Revue beige de numismatique. Bruxelles, 1909-10. 8°. annee 65, p. 410-426; annec 66, p. 15-60.) MHA Jonghe, Baudouin de. Monnaies de Reckheim. (Revue beige de numismatique. Bruxelles, 1906. 8°. annee 62, p. 225-232.) MHA Le noble de Gand a la banniere portant une foi (1582). (Revue beige de numismatique. Bruxelles, 1898. 8°. an- nee 54, p. 389-396.) MHA Un sceau-matrice ogival de la fin de XII. siecle, du chapitre de I'ancienne ab- baye de Gembloux, et resume de la numis- matique gemblacienne. 1 pl. (Academie rovale d'archeoloerie de Belgique. An- nales. Anvers, 1899. 8°. v. 52, p. 30-36.) GBA Le Clerc, J. Histoirc des Provinces- L'nies des Pays-Bas. Amsterdam, 1723-28. 4v. f°. ft GAL V. 4 title reads: Explication historique des princi- pales medailles frapees pour servir a I'histoire des Provinces-Unis des Pays-Bas. . . Loon, Gerard van. Beschrijving der Ne- derlandschc histori-pcnningen: of beknopt verhaal van't gene sedert de overdracht der heerschappije van Keyser Karel den Vyfden op Koning Philips zyncn zoon, tot het sluyten van den Uytrechtschen vreede, in de zeventien Nederlandschc gewesten is voorgevallen. 's Graavenhaage: C. van Lom [etc.], 1723-31. 4 v. f°. Stuart 1161 Beschrijving van Nederlandschc historie-penningen. ten vervolgc op het werk van G. van Loon uitgegeven door de tweede klasse van Iict Koninklijk Neder- landsch Instituut van Wetenschappen, Let- terkunde en Schoone kunsten. Stuk 1-10. Amsterdam: Picper en Ipenbuur, 1822-69. 10 V. f°. ttMHV Stuk 6-10 published by De Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen (Afdeeling Letterkunde), and printed by F. Muller. Histoirc metallique des xvii pro- vinces des Pays-Bas depuis I'abdication de Charles Quint jusqu'a la paix dc Bade, 1716. La Haye: P. Gosse [etc.], 1732-37. 5 V. f°. ttMHV Marcheville, de. La monnaie d'or dc Louis de Crecy. comte dc Flandre. 1 pl. (Congres international de numismatique, Paris, 1900. Proces-verbaux & memoires. Paris, 1900. 4°. p. 301-315.) MHA Mieris, F. van. Histori der Nederland- schc vorsten. . .welken. sedert de regeer- ing van Albert, graaf van Holland, tot den dood van Keizer Karel den Vyfden, het hooggezag aldaar gevocrd hebben... Met meer dan duizend historipenningen gesterkt en opgehelderd. 's Graavenhaage: P. dc Hondt, 1732-35. 3 v. 8°. Stuart 1168 Nahuys, Alaurin Theodore Corneillc Flo- rent Napoleon, comte. -Histoirc numisma- tique de la Hollande, pendant la reunion a I'empire frangais. . .avcc documents et planches. Precede d'un supplement a I'Histoire numismatique du royaume de 116 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Netherlands and Belgium, continued. Hollande, sous le regne de S. M. Louis Napoleon. Utrecht: L. E. Bosch & Zoon, 1863. xii, 224 p., IS pi. f°. f MHV Histoire numismatique du royaume de Hollande, sous le regne de S. M. Louis Napoleon.. . Avec documens et planches. Amsterdam: F. Muller, 1858. xvi, 200 p., 11. f°. tHMV Netherlands. — Koninklijke Bibliotheek. De Oranje Nassau-boekerij en de Oranje- penningen in de Koninklijke Bibliotheek en in het Koninklijk Penning-kabinet te 's Gravenhage. ['s Gravenhage,] 1898. 78 p., 1 1., 122 p., 3 fac. 25 pi., 4 port. 8°. NHB Ordonnantie om van nieus te publiceren het Placcaet ons Heeren des Conincx van- den xi. Nouembris lestleden waer by an- dermael voor billoen verclaert zyn alle goude ende silvere stucken oft penninghen vanden Graef vanden Berch... T'Antvver- pen: Guilliaem van Parys, m.d.lxxviii. 16 1. 4°. TF Petrucci, R. The seals of the Brussels gilds. (Burlington magazine. London, 1903. f°. v. 2, p. 190-193.) t MAA Pierson, N. G. Bijdrage tot de verkla- ring van Middeleeuwsche rekenmunten. (De Economist, 's Gravenhage, 1906. 8°. jaarg. 55, p. 263-293.) TAA Pinchart, Alexandre. Memoire en re- ponse a la question du concours de la classe des beaux-arts pour 1868: Faire I'histoire de la gravure des medailles en Belgique depuis le xvi. siecle jusqu'en 1794. 2 p.l., 34 p. (Academie royale...de Bel- gique. Memoires couronnes et memoires des savants etrangers. Bruxelles, 1870. 4°. tome 34, [no. 8].) * EM Plot, Guillaume Joseph Charles. Cata- logue des coins, poingons et matrices de monnaies, medailles. jetons. sceaux, ca- chets et timbres, dresse en execution de arrete royal du 18 decembre 1841. Brux- elles: T. Lesigne, 1880. Iviii p., 1 1,. 459 p. 2. ed. 8°. MHV Poncelet, fidouard. Sceaux et armoiries des villes, communes et juridictions du Hainaut ancien et moderne. 2 pi. illus. (Cercle archeologique de Mons. Annales. Mons, 1904-09. 8°. tome 33, p. 129-240; tome 34, p. 112-304; tome 35, p. 160-336; tome 36, p. 160-263; tome 2,7, p. 17-151.) GBXI Ram, Pierre Frangois Xavier de. Notice sur les sceaux des comtes de Louvain et des dues de Brabant (976-1430). 52 p.. 12 pi. (Academie royale...de Belgique. Me- moires. Bruxelles, 1851. 4°. tome 26.) *EM Renesse-Breidbach, Clement Wenceslas de, comte. Histoire numismatique de I'e- veche et principaute de Liege, depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a la reunion de ce pays a la Republique frangaise. Bruxelles, 1831. pi. 8°. MHV Robert, P. C. Numismatique de Cam- brai. Paris, 1861-t62i. facsim., pi. f°. fMHV Bound with this is the first issue of the first ten pages. Rouyer, Jules. Mereaux of the four- teenth century relating to the miracle of the holy sacrament at Brussels, and others. (American journal of numismatics. Bos- ton, 1898. 4°. V. ZZ, p. 8-13, 37-47.) MHA Serrure, C. A. Observations archeolo- giques a propos de quelques monnaies in- edites de Saint-Omer. Gand, 1856. pi. 8°. MHV Serrure, Raymond. L'imitation des types monetaires flamands au moyen age depuis Marguerite de Constantinople jusqu'a I'avenement de la maison de Bourgogne. (Societe d'archeologie de Bruxelles. An- nales. Bruxelles. 1899. 8°. v. 30, p. 137- 200.) GBA Stroobant, Louis. Note sur quelques sceaux matrices echevinaux de Hoogstrae- ten. 2 pi. (Academie royale de archeolo- gie de Belgique. Annales. Anvers, 1904. 8°. V. 56, p. 223-229.) GBA Tourneur, Victor. L'atelier monetaire de Bruges sous le regne de la maison d'Autriche, 1709-1786. (Revue beige de numismatique. Bruxelles, 1911-12. 8°. annee 67. p. 347-360; annee 68, p. 32-52, 129-156, 281-317, 417-449.) MHA Verachter, Frederic. Documens pour servir a I'histoire monetaire des Pays-Bas; publics par Frederic Verachter. Anvers: T. G. de Braey, 1840-45. 1 p.l., 245 p., 15 pi. 8°. TF Verkade, V. Muntboek zevattende de na- men en afbeeldingen van munten geslagen in de zeven voormalig Vereenigde Neder- landsche Provincien sedert den vrede van Gent tot op onzen tijd. Schiedam: P. J. van Dijk, 1848. 1 v. and atlas. 4°. f MHV Voogt, Willem Jacob de. Notice sur la monnaie de Zaltbommel et sur les coins conserves dans les archives de cette vMle. Bruxelles: E. Devroye, 1862. 12 p.. 4 pi. 8". MHV Werveke, A. van. See Gilleman, Ch., and A. van Werveke. Witte, Alphonse de. Les deneraux et leurs ajusteurs aux Pays-Bas meridionaux. (Revue beige de numismatique. Brux- elles, 1898. 8°. annee 54, p. 432-455.) MHA Histoire monetaire des comtes de Louvain, dues de Brabant et marquis du Saint Empire Romain. Anvers: veuve de Backer, 1894-99. 3 v. f °. t MHV V. 1-2 also called serie 5, v. 1-2 of the Academie d'archeologie de Belgique. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS ii: Individual Countries, continued. Netherlands and Belgium, continued. La medaille des statues de neige, Anvers, 1772. illus. (Academic royale d'archeologie de Belgique. Annales. An- vers, 1903. 8°. V. 55, p. 61-68.) GBA Les relations monetaires entre ritalie et les provinces beiges au moyen age et a I'epoque moderne. (Congresso in- ternazionale di scienze storiche, Roma, 1903. Atti. Roma. 1904. 4°. v. 6, sezione 4, Numismatica, p. 207-217.) BAA Supplement aux Recherches sur les monnaies des comtes de liainaut de M. Renier Chalon... Bruxelles: R. Dupriez, 1891. 52 p., 2 pi. f°. ttMHEp.v.4,no.lO Normans Serrure, C. A. Les monnaies de Canut et de Sifroid, rois pirates normands... 928-965. Paris, 1858. illus. 8°. MIA Norway Holmboe, Christian Andreas. ...De prisca re monetaria Norveginc et de numis seculi duodecimi nuper repertis. Acce- dunt quinque tabulae lapidi incisas. Chri- stianias, 1841. sq. 8°. MIA Stenersen, L. B. Myntfundet fra Grje- slid i Thydalen. Festprogram i anledning af Kronprins Oscar Gustav Adolphs og Kronprinsesse Sophie Marie Victorias for- masling den 20de September 1881. Chri- stiania: J. C. Gundersen, 1881. 2 p.l.. 74 p., 1 1.. 7 pi. 4°. (Kongeligt Frederiks Uni- versitet i Christiania.) t MIA Om et myntfund fra Imsland i Ry- fylke. Christiania: J. Dybwad, 1889. 13 p.. 1 pi. 8°. MIA p. box 1 Repr. : Christiania Videnskabs-Selskab. Forhand- linger. 1889, no. 6. NUMIDIA Berger, Philippe. Sur les monnaies de Micipsa et sur les attributions de quelques autres monnaies des princes numides. n. t.-p. Paris: E. Leroux, 1889. 7 p. illus. 8°. MHEp.v. 6,no. 7 Repr.: Revue archeologique. The Orient AUotte de la Fuye, Frangois Maurice. Monnaies incertaines de la Sogdiane et des contrees voisines. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1910. 8°. serie 4, v. 14, p. 6-73.^ MHA Babelon, Ernest Charles Franqois. Charac-Moba. (Revue numismatique. Pa- ris, 1899. 8°. serie 4, v. 3, p. 274-277.) MHA Bayer, T. S. Historia Osrhoena et Edes- sena, ex numis illustrata. Petropoli, 1734. 4°. tBAE Blau, O. Die orientalischen Miinzen des Museums der kaiserlichen historisch- archaologischen Gesellschaft zu Odessa. Odessa: P. Franzow, 1876. 1 p.l., v, 94 p., 1 pi. 4°. tMIL British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. Catalogue of Oriental coins in the British Museum. [By Stanley Lane- Poole. Edited by R. S. Poole.] London: British Museum, 1875-90. 10 v. 8°. *0 Desk -MIL V. 1. The coins of the eastern khaleefehs. V. 2. The coins of the Mohammadan dynasties. V. 3. The coins of the Turkuman houses of Sel- jook, Urtuk, Zengee, etc. V. 4. The coinage of Egypt: (A. H. 358-922) under the Fatimee khaleefehs, the Ayyoobees, and the Memlook sultans. V. 5. The coins of the Moors of Africa and Spain: and the kings and imams of the Yemen. V. 6. The coins of the Mongols. V. 7. The coinage of Bukhara (Transoxiana). V. 8. The coins of the Turks. V. 9. Additions to the Oriental collection, 1876- 1888. Part 1. Additions to v. 1-4. V. 10. Additions to the Oriental collection, 1876- 1888. Part 2. Additions to v. 5-8. Dom, Bernhard. Das Asiatische Mu- seum der Kaiserlichen Akademie der VVis- senschaften zu St. Petersburg. St. Peters- burg: Buchdruckerei der Kaiserlichen Aka- demie der Wissenschaften, 1846. xii. 776 p., 1 1. 8°. MIL Inventaire des monnaies des khali- fes orientaux et de plusieurs autres dy- nasties. Classes i-ix. Saint-Petersbourg: Eggers & Co., 1877. xvi, 64 p. 8°. (Rus- sia. — Ministerstvo Inostrannikh Dyel. Collections scientifiques de I'lnstitut des langues orientales. v. 2.) *OAB Bound with: Rosen, V. R., baron. Les manii- scrits arabes. Saint-Petersbourg, 1877. 8°. Francke, August Hermann. Ein Siegel in tibeto-mongolischer Schrift von Bhutan. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1910. 8°. Bd. 64. p. 553-554.) * OAA Hoernle, A. F. Rudolf. A collection of antiquities from central Asia. 2 parts. 10 facs., 1 map, 26 pi. (Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal. Calcutta. 1899-1902. 8°. new series, v. 68, extra no. 1 ; new series, v. 70, extra no. 1.) * GHA p. 1-44 of new series, v. 68, extra no. 1 relate to coins and seals. Koenigliche Museen zu Berlin. Katalog der orientalischen Miinzen. Bd. 1-2. Ber- lin, 1898-1902. 4°. t MIL Lane-Poole, StanleJ^ Catalogue of the collection of Oriental coins belonging to 118 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. The Orient, continued. . . . C. Seton Guthrie, fasc. 1. Hertford: S. Austin & Sons, 1874. 8°. MHE p.v. 6, no.3 Fasc. 1. Coins of the Amawi khalifehs. See also British Museum. — De- partment of Coins and Medals. Levy, M. A. Siegel und Gemmen mit aramiiischen, phonizischen, althebraischen, himjarischen, nabathaischen und altsyri- schen Inschriften. Breslau, 1869. 8°. *OBD Moeller, J. H. De numis Orientalibus in numophylacio Gothano asservatis com- mentatio prima. Numos chalifarum et dy- nastiarum Cuficos exhibens. Gothae: C. Glaeser, 1826. iv, 188 p., 1 pi. rev. ed. 4^ *OAB Bound with his: Catalogus librorum. Gothae, [1825J-26. 4\ Morgan, John Pierpont. Cylinders and other ancient Oriental seals in the library of J. P. Morgan. Catalogued by W. H. Ward. [Book designed by F. F. Sher- man.] New York: privately printed, 1909. 129 p., 1 1., 39pl. f°. tt*OCM no. 8 of 250 copies printed. Musee imperial ottoman. Kurshun muhr katalugi. [A catalogue of the Arabic, Arabic-Byzantine, and Ottoman lead seals in the museum, by Khalil Edhem.] Con- stantinople, 1903. 71 p. 8°. * OFG Nesselmann, G. H. F. Die orientalischen Miinzen des Akademischen Miinzcabinets in Konigsberg. Leipzig, 1858. 8°. MIL Poole, Reginald Stuart. See British Museum. — Department of Coins and Med- als. Robinson, John, the younger. Oriental numismatics. A catalog of the collection of books relating to the coinage of the East presented to the Essex Institute. Salem, Massachusetts, by John Robinson. Compiled by the donor. Salem, Mass.: printed for the compiler, 1913. 102 p.. 1 pi., 1 port. 8°. MIL Sarre, Friedrich. Die altorientalischen Feldzeichen, mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung eines unveroffentlichten Stiickes. (Beitrage zur alten Geschichte. Leipzig, 1903. 4°. Bd. 3, p. 333-371.) ft BAE Sauvaire, H. Lettre a M. Stanley Lane Poole, sur quelques monnaies orientales rares ou inedites de la collection de M. Ch. de I'Ecluse. (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. London, 1881. 8°. new series, V. 13, p. 380-398.) * OAA Schlumberger, Leon Gustave. Numisma- tique de I'Orient latin... Paris: E. Le- roux, 1878. 3 p.l., xii p., 1 1., 504 p., 1 1., 19 pi. f°. (Societe de I'Orient latin. [Pub- lications, no. 1].) t MHO Supplement & index alphabe- tique. Paris: E. Leroux, 1882. 2 p.l., 37 p., 1 map, 2 pi. f°. (Societe de I'Orient latin. [Publications, no. 1.]) f MHO Les principautes franques du Le- vant. D'apres les plus recentes decou- vertes de la numismatique. Paris, 1877. 8°. MHO Quelques sceaux de I'Orient latin au moyen age. illus. (Societe nationale des antiquaires de France. Memoires. Pa- ris, 1905. 8°. serie 7. v. 4, p. 253-273.) DA Soret, F. Lettre a...L. Krehl...sur quelques monnaies orientales curieuses ou problematiques. (Deutsche morgenland- ische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1865. 8°. Bd. 19, p. 544-561.) * OAA Trois lettres sur des medailles orientales inedites trouvees a Bokhara. 2 pi. (Societe d'histoire et d'archeologie de Geneve. Memoires et documents. Ge- neve, 1843. 8°. V. 2, [partie 1], p. 241-270.) GDYM Stickel, Johann Gustav. Das Grossher- zogliche Orientalische Miinzcabinet zu Je- na, beschrieben und erlautert... Heft 1. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1845. ix p., 1 1., 108 p., 1 pi. sq. 4°. (Handbuch zur mor- genlandischen Miinzkunde. Heft 1.) fMIO Heft 1. Oniajjaden- und Abbasiden-Miinzen. No more published. Morgenlandische Miinzkunde. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1881. 8°. Bd. 35. p. 477-490.) * OAA Sechs Hulaguiden-Miinzen in Gold. Beschrieben von Stickel. (Deutsche mor- genlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1874. 8°. Bd. 28, p. 138-142.) *OAA Zur orientalischen Sphragistik. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1883. 8°. Bd. 37, p. 435-439.) * OAA Zambaur, Eduard von. Kollektion Ernst Prinz zu Windisch-Griitz. [Bd. 7, Teil 1.] Wien: Mechitharisten Buchdruckerei, 1906. 8°. * OFH Bd. 7, Teil 1. Orientalische Miinzen. Pantelleria Mayr, Albert. Die antiken Miinzen der Inseln Malta, Gozo und Pantelleria. Miin- chen: H. Kutzner, 1895. 40 p., 1 pi. 8°. MHL LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 119 Individual Countries, continued. Parthia Allotte de la Fuye, Frangois Maurice. La dynastie des Kamnaskires. (Revue nu- mismatique. Paris, 1902. 8". seric 4. v. 6, p. 92-114.) MHA Nouveau classement des monnaies arsacides d'apres le catalogue du British Museum. 2 pi. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1904. 8°. serie 4, v. 8, p. 317-371.) MHA British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. See Wroth, Warwick. Foy Vaillant, Jean. Arsacidarum im- perium, sive regum Parthorum historia... ad fidem numismatum accommodata. Pa- risiis, 1725. 2 v. in 1. 4°. * OMV Gardner, Percy. The Parthian coinage. London, 1877. pi. sq. f°. (International numismata orientalia. v. 1, part 5.) tMIL Howorth, Sir Henry H. Early Parthian and Armenian coins. [Reply to Warwick Wroth, "The earliest Parthian coins." Numismatic chronicle, series 4, v. 5, p. 317.) (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1906. 8°. series 4, v. 6, p. 221-231.) MHA Some notes on coins attributed to Parthia. 1 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1905. 8°. series 4, v. 5, p. 209-246.) MHA Lenormant, C. Memoire sur le classe- ment des medailles qui peuvent appartenir aux treize premiers Arsacides. Paris, 1841. pi. 4°. MHM Lindsay, J. A view of the history and coinage of the Parthians. Cork, 1852. 4°. fMHM Prokesch-Osten, Anton von, Freiherr. Les monnaies des rois parthes. Paris, 1874- 75. 4°. fMHM Scott, William H. On Parthian coins, n. t.-p. [Edinburgh? 1854., 131-173 p.. 3 pi. 8°. MHEp.v. 5, no.5 Thomas, Edward. Parthian and Indo- Sassanian coins. (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. London, 1883. 8°. new series, V. 15, p. 73-99.) *OAA Wroth, Warwick. Catalogue of the coins of Parthia. London: The Trustees of the British Museum, 1903. Ixxxviii, 290 p.. 1 map, 37 pi. 8°. MHM The earliest Parthian coins: a reply to Sir Henry Howorth ["Some notes on coins attributed to Parthia," Numismatic chronicle, series 4, v. 5, p. 209). (Numis- matic chronicle. London, 1900. 8°. series 4, V. 5, p. 317-323.) MHA On the rearrangement of Parthian coinage. 3 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1901. 8°. series 3, v. 20, p. 181- 199.) MHA Otanes and Phraates iv. (Numis- matic chronicle. London, 1900. 8°. series 3, V. 20, p. 89-95.) MHA Persia Allotte de la Fuye, Frangois Maurice. Monnaies de Tfilymaide. 5 pi. (Delega- tion en Perse. Memoires. Paris. 1905. f°. V. 8, p. 177-243.) tt * OMB Observations sur la numismatique de la Perside. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1906. 8°. serie 10, v. 8, p. 517-531.) * OAA Babelon, Ernest Charles Frangois. Ca- talogue des monnaies grecques de la Bi- bliotheque nationale. — Les Perses Ache- menides: les satrapes et les dynastes tri- butaires de leur empire, Cypre & Phenicie. Paris: C. Rollin & Feuardent, 1893. 2 p.l., cxiv p., 1 1., 412 p., 39 pi. sq. 4°. t MIL Bartholomaei, J. de. Collection de mon- naies sassanides de feu le lieutenant-gene- ral J. de Bartholomaei... Publiee par Bernhard Dorn. St.-Petersbourg: Acade- mie imperiale des sciences, 1873. 1 p.l., 9 (1) p., 32 pi., 1 port. 4°. fMIL British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. The coins of the shahs of Persia [in the British Museum] by R. S. Poole. London, 1887. 336 p. 8°. MIL Dorn, Bernhard. Bemerkungen iiber A. Mordtmann's Erkliirung der Miinzen mit Pehlevi-Legenden. (Deutsche morgen- landische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leip- zig, 1867. 8°. Bd. 21, p. 161-168.) * OAA Drouin, E. Essai de dechiffrement des monnaies a legendes armeennes de la Characene. 3 pi. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1889. 8°. serie 3, v. 7, p. 211-254, 361-384.) MHA Les legendes des monnaies sassa- nides. (Revue archeologique. Paris, 1898. 8°. serie 3, v. 32, p. 62-84, 169-202.) MTA Le type monetaire sassanide et le monnayage indien. (Congres internatio- nal de numismatique. Paris. 1900. Proces- verbaux & memoires. Paris, 1900. 4°. p. 155-164.) MHA Hammer-Purgstall, Joseph von, Frei- herr. Abhandlung iiber die Siegel der Araber, Perser und Tiirken. 1 pi. (Kaiser- liche Akademie der W^issenschaften. Denk- schriften. Philos.-hist. Classe. Wien. 1850. f°. Bd. 1, Abth. 1. p. 1-36.) *EF Head, Barclay Vincent. The coinage of Lydia and Persia, from the earliest times to the fall of the dynasty of the Achje- menidre. London: Triibner & Co., 1877. 1 p.l., (i)vi-viii, 55(1) p., 3 pi. f°. (The in- ternational numismata orientalia. v. 1, part 3.) tMIL 120 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Persia, continued. Howorth, Sir Henry H. The history and coinage of Artaxerxes iii., his satraps and dependants. (Numismatic chronicle. Lon- don, 1903. 8°. series 4, v. 3, p. 1-46.) MHA Le Stfctnge, Guy. Notes on some in- edited coins, from a collection made in Persia during the years 1877-79. (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. London. 1880. 8°. new series, v. 12, p. 542-547.) * OAA Levy, M. A. Beitrage zur aramaischen Miinzkunde Eran's und zur Kunde der al- tern Pehlewi Schrift. (Deutsche morgen- landische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leip- zig, 1867. 8°. Bd. 21, p. 421-465.) * OAA Mordtmann, Andreas David. ErklJirung der Miinzen mit Pehlevi-Legenden. 8 pi., 2 tables. (Deutsche morgenlandische Ge- sellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1854-65. 8°. Bd. 8. p. 1-194; Bd. 12, p. 1-56; Bd. 19, p. 373-496.) * OAA Zur Pehlevi-Miinzkunde. (Deut- sche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeit- schrift. Leipzig, 1879-80. 8°. Bd. 33, p. 82- 142; Bd. 34, p. 1-162.) * OAA Morgan, J. de. Contribution a I'etude des ateliers monetaires sous la dynastie des rois Sassanides de Perse. (Revue numis- matique. Paris, 1913. 8°. serie 4, v. 17, p. 15-41, 157-189, 333-362.) Observations sur les debuts numismatique musulmane en Perse, vue numismatique. Paris, 1907. 8°. MHA de la (Re- serie MHA 4, v. 11, p. 79-95.) Noeldeke, Th. Zur Erklarung der Sa- sanidenmiinzen. (Deutsche morgenlandi- sche Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig. 1877. 8°. Bd. 31, p. 147-151.) * OAA Poole, Reginald Stuart. See British Mu- seum. — Department of Coins and Medals. Rapson, Edv^^ard James. Counter-marks on early Persian and Indian coins. (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. London, 1895. 8°. 1895, p. 865-877.) * OAA Robertson, James. Catalogue of medals and cameos collected in Persia... Edin- burgh: Maclachlan, Stewart & Co., 1841. 1 p.l., 26 p. 8". MHL p. box 1 Soret, Frederic. Lettre a M. Justus Olshausen. . .sur quelques medailles nou- velles au type sassanide. (Societe d'hi- stoire et d'archeologie de Geneve. Me- moires et documents. Geneve, 1847. 8°. tome 5, p. 97-110.) GDYM Thomas, Edward. Comments on recent Pehlvi decipherments with an incidental sketch of the derivation of Aryan alpha- bets and contributions to the early history and geography of Tabaristan. illustrated by coins. London: Triibner & Co., 1872. 2 p.l., 52 p., 2 pi. 8°. * OMI Notes introductory to Sassanian mint monograms and gems. With a sup- plementary notice on the Arabico-Pehlvi series of Persian coins. 3 pi. (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. London, 1852. 8°. V. 13, p. 373-428.) * OAA Valentine, W. H. Modern copper coins of the Muhammadan states of Turkey, Persia, Egypt, Afghanistan, Morocco, Tripoli, Tunis, etc. London: Spink & Son, Ltd., 1911. 2 p.l., 203(1) p.. 6 maps, illus. 8°. *OFH Peru Tokens and coins of Bolivar. (Numis- matist. Monroe, Mich., 1903. 8°. v. 16, p. 199-202.) MHA Phoenicia Blau, Otto. Beitrage zur phonikischen Miinzkunde. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1852- 55. 8°. Bd. 6, p. 465-490; Bd. 9, p. 69-91.) *OAA British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. Catalogue of the Greek coins of Phoenicia; by G. F. Hill. London: the trustees, 1910. clii, 361 p., 1 map, 45 pi., 2 tables. 8°. MHF Clermont Ganneau, Charles Simon. Sceaux et cachets Israelites, pheniciens et syriens, suivis d'epigraphes pheniciennes inedites sur divers objets, et de deux in- tailles Cypriotes. Paris: Imprimerie na- tionals 1883. 48 p., 2 pi. 8°. *ODAp, box 1 Extr. : Journal asiatique. Dutens, L. Explication de quelques me- dailles grecques et pheniciennes. Lon- dres, 1776. 2. ed. 4°. f MHM Hill, George Francis. See British Mu- seum. — Department of Coins and Medals. Levy, M. A. Zur phonizischen Miinz- kunde Mauritaniens. Miinzen von Syphax, Vermina und Bochus. (Deutsche morgens- landische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leip- zig, 1864. 8°. Bd. 18, p. 573-581.) * OAA Zur phonizischen Miinzkunde Nord- afrikas (Miinzen von Leptis, Oea und Sabratha), und Nachtrage zu den naba- thaischen Inschriften. (Deutsche morgen- landische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leip- zig. 1863. 8°. Bd. 17, p. 75-94.) * OAA Luynes, Honore Theodore Paul Joseph d'Albert de, due. Essai sur la numisma- tique des satrapies et de la Phenicie sous les rois achaemenides. Paris, 1846. pi. f°. ft MIL Rouvier, Jules. Baal-Arvad, d'apres la numismatique des rois pheniciens d'Arvad, LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 121 Individtial Countries, continued. Phoenicia, continued. durant la periode prealexandrine (450 a 332 avant J. C.)- (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1900. 8°. serie 9, v. 16, p. 347-359.) *OAA L'ere de Marathos de Phenicie. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1898. 8°. se- rie 9, V. 12, p. 361-406.) * OAA Les monnaies autonomes de Be- ryte (Phenicie). (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1898. 8°. serie 4, v. 2, p. 437-456.) MHA Note sur une trouvaille de doubles stateres des rois pheniciens de Sidon. (France. — Comite des Travaux Histo- riques et Scientifiques. Bulletin arche- ologique. Paris, 1902. 8°. annec 1901. p. 371-373.) *EN Numismatique des villes de la Phe- nicie. 15 pi. (Journal international d'ar- cheologie numismatique. Athenes, 1900- 05. 4°. V. 3, p. 125-168, 237-312; v. 4. p. 35-66, 125-152, 193-232; v. 5, p. 99-134, 229- 284; V. 6, p. 17-46, 269-332; v. 7, p. 65-108.) MHA Repartition chronologique du mon- nayage des rois pheniciens d'Arvad avant Alexandre le Grand. (Journal internatio- nal d'archeologie numismatique. Athenes, 1898. 4°. v. 1, p. 263-298.) MHA Les rois pheniciens de Sidon d'apres leurs monnaies sous la dynastie des Achemenides. 1 pi. (Revue numisma- tique. Paris, 1902. 8°. serie 4, v. 6, p. 242-260, 317-342, 421-451.) MHA Saulcy, L. F. J. C. de. Renseignements numismatiques sur I'expression ;ip, "cor- nu," employee dans I'ficriture Sainte pour designer metaphoriquement la puissance. London, 1872. 8°. MIL Ward, William Hayes. Notes on Orien- tal antiquities. Two seals witli Phoeni- cian inscriptions. n. t.-p. [New York, cl90-?] 2 p. 8°. * ODA Repr. : American journal of archaeology, v. 2, no. 2. [Two seals with Phoenician in- scriptions, of unknown locality. . .] n. t.-p. [New York. 1885.] 5 p. 8°. * ODA Repr.: American Oriental Society. Proceedings. Oct., 1885. Poland Raczynski, Edward, hrabia. Le medail- ler de Pologne; ou. Collection de medailles ayant rapport a I'histoire de ce pays de- puis les plus anciennes jusqu'a celles qui ont ete frappees sous le regne du roi Jean HI. (1513-1696.) Traduit du Polonais par M. M. *** Breslau. 1838. 2 v. 4°. MIC Polish title-page also. Text in Polish and French. Stronczynski, Kazimierz. Pieniadze pia- stow od czasow najdawniejszych do roku 1300... Warsaw: Kommissij. Rzqdowej Sprawiedliwosci, 1847. 340, 22 p. 8°. * QR Portugal Goa. — Bibliotheca Nacional. Catalo- go das moedas do gabinete numismatico. parte 1. Nova Goa: Imp. nacional. 1910. 8". MHF Parte 1. Moedas portuguezas. Leite de Vasconcellos, J. Les monnaies de la Lusitanic portugaise. (Congres in- ternational de numismatique, Paris, 1900. Proces-verbaux & memoires. Paris, 1900. 4°. p. 63-78.) MHA Meili, Julius. Numismatische Sammlung von J. Meili. Portugiesische Munzen. Va- rietiiten und einige unedirte StiJcke. [Zu- rich?, 1890. 41. 4 pi. 4°. MHEp.v. 7,no.9 Text also in Portuguese. Ragusa Dechant, Norbert. Die Miinzen der Re- publik Ragusa. 1 pi. (Numismatische Zeitschrift. Wien, 1870. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 87- 211.) MHA Resetar, Milan. Le monete della re- pubblica di Ragusa. (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1905. 8°. v. 18. p. 215-230.) MHA Rome Akerman, John Yonge. Coins of the Romans relating to Britain, described and illustrated. London: J. R. Smith, 1844. 1 p.l., (i)vi-xi, 168 p., 5 pi. 8°. MHN A descriptive catalogue of rare and unedited Roman coins: from the earliest period of the Roman coinage, to the ex- tinction of the Empire under Constantinus Paleologos. London: E. Wilson, 1834. 2 V. pi. 8". MHN Remarks on the coins of Ephesus struck during the Roman dominion. Lon- don: J. Wertheimer & Co., 1841. 49 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 8°. *Cp.v. 1157 AUotte de la Fuye, Frangois Maurice. Une monnaie du tyran Domitianus. (Re- vue numismatique. Paris, 1901. 8°. serie 4, V. 5, p. 319-324.) MHA Ambrosoli, Solone. Traiani duo in nu- mis a Treboniano restitutis. (Miscellanea di archeologia, storia e filologia dedicata al Prof. Antonino Salinas. Palermo. 1907. 4°. p. 98-104.) BTGP 122 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Rome, continued. Ameth, Joseph Calasanza von, Ritter. Bericht iiber den Fund romischer Gold- miinzen zu Tellycherry in Sud-Indien. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien. Sitzungsberichte. Philos.-hist. Classe. Wien, 1853. 8°. Bd. 9, p. 573- 577.) * EF Babelon, Ernest Charles Frangois. De- scription historique et chronologique des monnaies de la republique romaine. Lon- don, 1885-86. 2 V. 8°. MHN Les monnaies de Septime Severe, de Caracalla et de Geta relatives a I'Af- rique. 1 pi. (Congresso internazionale di scienze storiche, Roma, 1903. Atti. Roma, 1904. 4°. v. 6, sezione 4, Numisma- tica, p. 79-92.) BAA (Rivista italiana di numisma- tica. Milano, 1903. 4°. anno 16. p. 157- 174.) MHA La silique romaine, le sou et le denier de la loi des Francs saliens. (Jour- nal des savants. Paris, 1901. 4°. 1901, p. 105-121.) tOA Traite des monnaies grecques et romaines. partie 1. tome 1; partie 2-3. Paris: E. Leroux, 1901-10. 5 v. 8°. and 4°. MHL Partie 1, tome 1. Theorie et doctrine. Partie 2. Description historique. Partie 3. Planches i a Ixxxv. Vercingetorix, etude d'iconographie numismatique. 2 pi. (Revue numisma- tique. Paris, 1902. 8°. serie 4, v. 6. p. 1- 35.) MHA Bahrfeldt, M. Le monete romano-cam- pane. 1 pi. (Rivista italiana di numis- matica. Milano. 1899. 4°. v. 12, p. 387- 446; V. 13, p. 11-84.) MHA Die MiJnzen der Flottenprafekten des Marcus Antonius. 2 pi. (Numisma- tische Zeitschrift. Wien, 1906. 8°. Bd. 37, p. 9-56.) MHA Nachtrage und Berichtigungen zur Miinzkunde der romischen Republik. (Numismatische Zeitschrift. Wien, 1897- 98. 8°. Bd. 28, p. 1-170; Bd. 29, p. 1-150.) MHA Ueber die Chronologic der Muen- zen des Marcus Antonius 710-724 u. c. (44- 30 V. Chr.). (Congresso internazionale di scienze storiche, Roma, 1903. Atti. Roma, 1904. 4°. V. 6, sezione 4, Numismatica, p. 187-200.) BAA Baichere, Ed. Catalogue des medailles romaines imperiales trouvees dans le de- partement de I'Aude et conservees pour la plupart au Musee de Carcassonne. (Socie- te des arts et des sciences de Carcassonne. Memoires. Carcassonne, 1897. 8°. serie 2, V. 3, p. 75-200.) * EN Banduri, Anselmo. Numismata impera- torum Romanorum a Trajano Decio ad Palaeologos Augustos. Accessit Biblio- theca nummaria, Sive Auctorum qui de Re Nummaria scripserunt. . . Lutetiae Parisi- orum: Sumptibus Montalant, m.dcc.xviii. 2 V. f°. ft MHN Barnabei, Felice. Di un sigillo di bronzo scoperto nella Villa Pompeiana di P. Fan- nio Sinistore, presso Boscoreale. (Reale accademia dei Lincei. Rendiconti. Classe di scienze morali. Roma, 1901. 4°. serie 5, V. 10, p. 71.) *ER Bayer, Gottlieb Siegfried. Theophili Sigefridi Bayeri...de numis romanis in agro prvssico repertis, commentarivs. . . Accedit eiusdem epistola ad V. C. de Theo- phrasti Delii prsesidis monvmento. Lip- sije: Apvd J. F. Gleditschii B. fil., 1722. 2 p.l., 68 p., 8 pi. 4°. MHEp.v.7,no.7 Beauvais, G. de. La maniere de discer- ner les medailles antiques de celles qui sont contrefaites. [Par G. Beauvais.] (In: Frangois de Chassepol, Traite des finan- ces et de la fausse monnoie des Ro- mains... Paris, 1740. nar. 16°. 1 1., 239- 346 p.) TIF Beger, Laurentius. Thesaurus ex The- sauro Palatino selectus, sive gemmarum et numismatum qv3s in Electorali Cimeliar- chio continentvr elegantiorum asre expres- sa, et convenienti commentario illvstrata dispositio. Heidelbergse: Typis Philippi Delborn, m.dc.lxxxv. 7 p.l., 421 p., 1 1., 3 pi. illus. f°. tfMHN Belfort, A. de. Essai de classification des tesseres romaines en bronze. (Societe frangaise de numismatique. Annuaire. Paris. 1889-92. 4°. annee 13, p. 69-92: an- nee 16, p. 127-133, 171-179. 237-242.) MHA Biondi, Luigi, marchese. I monumenti Amaranziani illustrati dal Marchese Luigi Biondi. iRoma, 1849.] xiv p., 1 1., 142 p., 1 map, 6 pi., 1 port, f °. ft MTI A continuation of Filippo Aurelio Visconti and G. A. Guattani's: II Museo Chiaramonti, Roma, 1808- 37, and according to bibliographies forming v. 11 of Giovanni Battista Antonio Visconti: II Museo Cle- mentino, Roma, 1782-1807. Blancard, Louis. Note sur la monnaie romaine au iii. siecle de I'ere chretienne. (Academie des sciences, lettres et beaux- arts de Marseille. Memoires. Marseille. 1904. 8°. 1901-03, p. 239-253.) * EN Blanchet, Jules Adrien. Le congiarium de Cesar et les monnaies signees Palika- nus. (Congresso internazionale di scien- ze storiche, Roma, 1903. Atti. Roma, 1904. 4°. V. 6, sezione 4, Numismatica, p. 101- 105.) BAA — — - (Rivista italiana di numisma- tica. Milano, 1904. 4°. anno 17, p. 177- 182.) MHA Essais monetaires remains a propos de deux pieces inedites de Tetricus et de son fils. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1896. 8°. serie 3, v. 14, p. 231-239.) MHA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 123 Individual Countries, continued. Rome, continued. Les monnaies romaines. Paris: E. Leroux, 1896. 3 p.l., 145 p.. 3 1.. 12 pi. 16°. (Petite bibliotheque d'art et d'archeologie. [no. 18.i) MHN Bourlier, Pierre Philippe, baron d'Ailly. Recherches sur la monnaie romaine depuis son origine jusqu'a la mort d'Auguste. tome 1; tome 2, partie 2-3. Lyon: Nicolas Scheuring, 1864-69. 4°. fMHN Brerewood, Edward. De pondcribus & pretiis veteriim nummorum, eorumque cum recentioribus coUatione, liber unus. Authore Edovardo Brerewood. (In: Bible. Polyglot. 1657. Biblia sacra poly- glotta. . .edidit B. Waltonus. Londini [1655,-57. f°. V. 1, p. 30-44.) ff * YAH British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. Coins of the Roman Republic in the British Museum; by H. A. Grueber. London: the trustees, 1910. 3 v. 8°. MHF Bude, Guillaume. Gvillielmi Bvdaei... libri V. de Asse, & partib. eius post duas Parisienses impressiones ab eodem ipso Budseo castigati... [Colophon:] Venetiis in aedibvs Aldi, et Andreae Asvlani, M.D.XXII. 12 p.l., 262 f., 2 1. 8°. MHN Bushell, S. W. Roman and Chinese coinage. 1 pi. (China review. Hong- kong, 1872. 8°. V. 1, p. 117-118.) *OVA Camerarius, Joachimus, the elder. Joachimi Camerarii... Historia rei num- mari?c, sive De nomismatis Grsecis et La- tinis. (In: Jacobus Gronovius, Thesau- rus Grxcarum antiquitatum. Venetiis. 1735. f°. V. 9, col. 1401-1432.) ft BVEF Camozzi, Guido. La consecratio nelle monete da Cesare ad Adriano. (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1901. 4°. V. 14, p. 27-53.) MHA La consecratio di Traiano. (Ri- vista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1901. 4°. V. 14, p. 11-26.) MHA Cardwell, E. Lectures on the coinage of the Greeks and Romans. Oxford, 1832. 8°. MHL Castellani, Giuseppe. II ripostiglio di San Polo di Piave. (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1906. 4°. v. 19, p. 11-30.) MHA Cesano, L. Le monete degli Italici du- rante la guerra sociale. (Nuova antologia. Roma, 1908. 8°. serie 5, v. 138 [V. 222,. p. 227-240.) MTTA Chaumont, F. de. Catalogue of Roman coins found at the rear of Netley hospital, whilst digging the foundation of the new lunatic asylum, Jan. 7, 1867. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1867. 8°. v. 23, p. 168-174.) CA Chifflet, Claude. Claudii Chiffletii de antiquo numismate liber posthumus. Ex editione altera correctiore. (In: A. H. de Sallengre, Novus thesaurus antiquitatum Romanarum. Venetiis, 1735. f°. tomus 1, col. 651-680.) ttBVEF Chifflet, Henri Thomas. Dissertatio de Othonibus a^reis. Auctore Henrico Thoma Chiffletio, Joannis Jacobi F. illus. (In: A. H. de Sallengre, Novus thesaurus an- tiquitatum Romanarum. Venetiis, 1735. f°. tomus 1, col. 629-650.) ft BVEF Cohen, Henry, and Felix Feuardent. Description historique des monnaies frap- pees sous I'empire remain, communement appelees medailles imperiales. Paris: Rollin, 1859-92. 8 v. 8°. MHN V. 8 is 2. ed. v. 4-8 published by Rollin et Feuardent. Colin, J. Examen des documents numis- matiques inseres au Bulletin de la Societe pour la conservation des monuments his- toriques d'Alsace (serie 2, tome 3, livrai- son 2). (Societe pour la conservation des monuments historiques d'Alsace. Bulletin. Strasbourg, 1866. 4°. serie 2, tome 4, partie 2, Memoires, p. 129-135.) ETF Colson, A. Notice sur une decouverte de medailles romaines faites dans les en- virons de Noyon. Amiens, 1838. 8°. MHN Extr.: Societe des antiquaires de Picardie. Me- moires. V. 4. Cooke, W. The medallic history of im- perial Rome. London, 1781. 2 v. 4°. fMHN Corkran, Sutton F. An unpublished coin of Maximian; — Note on two gold pennies of Henry in. London, 1870. 8°. MHN p. box 1 Cunningham, Alexander. Correction of a mistake regarding some of the Roman coins found in the tope at Manikyala opened by Court. (Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal. Calcutta, 1834. 8°. v. 3, p. 635-637.) * OHA Cuper, Gisbert. Gisberti Cuperi...de elephantis in nummis obviis exercitationes dua?. 1 pi. illus. (In: A. H. de Sallengre, Novus thesaurus antiquitatum Roman- arum. Venetiis, 1735. f°. tomus 3, col. 1-284.) ttBVEF Dattari, G. Contribuzione al Corpus delle monete romane battute durante il periodo costantiniano. (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1906. 4°. v. 19, p. 179-194.) MHA Contribuzione al Corpus delle monete romane battute durante il periodo costantiniano. Zecca d'Alessandria. (Ri- vista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1906. 4°. V. 19, p. 31-50.) MHA Contribuzione al Corpus delle monete romane dell' epoca costantiniana. 1 pi. (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1906. 4°. v. 19, p. 483-510.) MHA 124 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Rome, continued. Esame critico circa una nuova teoria sulla monetazione alessandrina di Augusto. (Rivista italiana di numisma- tica. Milano, 1904. 4°. anno 17, p. 153- 168.) MHA Intorno alle forme da fondere monete imperiali romane. 2 pi. (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1913. 4°. V. 26, p. 351-375.) MHA Nuova teoria sulle monete romane d'orichalcum e dei sistemi monetari di Augusto e di Nerone. 1 table. (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1907. 4°. anno 20, p. 189-210.) MHA Sur I'epoque ou furent frappees en figypte. Les premieres monnaies de la reforme de Diocletien. 1 table. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1904. 8°. serie 4, V. 8, p. 394-399.) MHA Dessi, Vincenzo. Due tremissi inediti di Carlo Magno. (Rivista italiana di numis- matica. Milano, 1902. 4°. v. 15, p. 143- 150.) MHA Dieudonne, A. Les dernieres monnaies pseudo-autonomes d'Antioche et de Nico- medie sous I'empire romain. illus. (So- ciete nationale des antiquaires de France. Memoires. Paris, 1908. 8°. serie 7, v. 7, p. 246-267.) DA Monnaies romaines et byzantines recemment acquises par le Cabinet des me- dailles. 2 pi. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1898-99. 8°. serie 4, v. 2, p. 667-687; v. 3, p. 177-198.) MHA Les tresors de monnaies romaines et les invasions germaniques d'apres un livre recent. (Revue historique et arche- ologique du Maine. Mamers, 1900. 8°. v. 47, p. 111-116.) DPF Dodd, C. Harold. Chronology of the eastern campaigns of the Emperor Lucius Verus. 2 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1911. 8°. series 4, v. 11, p. 209- 267.) MHA The cognomen of the Emperor An- toninus Pius; its origin and significance considered in the light of numismatic evi- dence. 2 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. Lon- don, 1911. 8°. series 4, v. 11, p. 6-41.) MHA Dodgson, Aquila. A local find of over 7,000 Roman coins. 1 pi. (Thoresby So- ciety. Publications. Leeds, 1906. 8°. v. 15, p. 103-110.) CO Dressel, Heinrich. Erwerbungen des Koniglichen Miinzcabinets in den Jahren 1898-1900 (antike Miinzen). 4 pi. (Zeit- schrift fiir Numismatik. Berlin, 1903. 8°. Bd. 24. p. 17-104.) MHA Das Iseum Campense auf einer Miinze des Vespasianus. 1 pi. (Koniglich preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Sitzungsberichte. Berlin, 1909. 4°. Jahrg. 1909, p. 640-648.) * EE Dubreuil, P. Essai historique sur les monnaies d'argent de la republique ro- maine. (Societe d'emulation de I'Ain. An- nales. Bourg, 1902-03. 8°. annee 35. p. 378-404; annee 36. p. 261-284.) * EN Dunn, Frederic Stanley. A study in Roman coins of the Empire. [Eugene, Ore., 1909., 23 p. 8°. (University of Oregon. Bulletin, new series, v. 7, no. 3.) MHE p.v.5. no.4 Edwards, Jonathan. Catalogue of the Greek and Roman coins in the numismatic collection of Yale College. New Haven, 1880. 8°. MHL Esdaile, Katharine. Fresh light on the temple of the Magna Mater. 1 pi. (Kai- serlich deutsches archaologisches Institut. Mitteilungen. Romische Abteilung. Roma, 1908. 8°. Bd. 23, p. 368-374.) MTGA Evans, John. On some rare or unpub- lished Roman gold coins. 1 pi. (Numis- matic chronicle. London, 1908. 8°. series 4, v. 8, p. 85-101.) MHA On some rare or unpublished Ro- man medallions. 2 pi. (Numismatic chron- icle. London, 1891-96. 8°. series 3, v. 11, p. 152-160; V. 16, p. 40-52.) MHA _ Rare or unpublished coins of Carau- sius. 2 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. Lon- don, 1905. 8°. series 4, v. 5, p. 18-35.) MHA Falbe, C. T., and J. C. Lindberg. Nu- mismatique de I'ancienne Afrique. Ouv- rage prepare et commence par C. T. Falbe et J. C. Lindberg; refait, acheve et public par L. Miiller. Copenhague: Imprimerie de Bianco Luno, 1860-74. 4 v. pi. illus. 4°. tMHL V. 1. Les monnaies de la Cyrenaique. V. 2. Les monnaies de la Syrtique, de la Byza- cene et de la Zeugitane. V. 3. Les monnaies de la Numidie et de la Mauritanie. V. 4. Supplement. Feuardent, Felix. Collections Giovanni di Demetrio: numismatique; figypte an- cienne; 2e partie: domination romaine. Paris [1873]. 36 pi. nar. 4°. MHN See also Cohen, Henry, and Felix Feuardent. Feuardent, Gaston L. On some coins of the Castellani collection. A paper read before the American Numismatic and Archn;ological Society of New York, Jan- uary 15. 1878. [Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son,, 1878. 8 p. 4°. MHN p. box 1 Repr. : American journal of numismatics. Fontana, Carlo d'Ottavio. Descrizione della serie consolare del museo di Carlo d'Ottavio Fontana di Trieste fatta dal suo possessore. Firenze: Presso Guglielmo Piatti, 1827. xii, 148 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 4°. MHM p.v.2 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 125 Individual Countries, continued. Rome, continued. Forrer, L. Monnaies romaines inedites. (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1899. 4°. V. 12, p. 11-14.) MHA Foville, J. de. Les monnaies grecques et romaines de la collection Valton. Cata- logue. 3 pi. (Revue numismatique. Pans, 1909 8°. serie 4, v. 13, p. 1-35, 209-228, 297-320, 481-499; v. 14, p. 129-159.) MHA Foy Vaillant, Jean. Numismata rerea imperatorum, Augustarum. et Cresarum, in coloniis, municipiis, et urbibus jure Latio donatis, ex omni modulo percussa. Pari- siis: Sumptibus auctoris, Apud Danielem Horthemels, m.dc.xcv. 2 v. in 1- f"- ^^^ ft MHN Title of part 2 varies slightly. Numismata imperatorum Romano- rum prajstantiora a Julio Ctesare ad postu- mum et tyrannos... Editio altera emen- datior & plurimis rarissimis numniis auc- tior... Lutetian Parisiorum: Sumptibus toannis Jombert, m.dc.xcii. 2 v. in 1. 4°. MHN Numismata imperatorum Romano- rum proestantiora...per Joannem Vaillant... Editio prima Romana. Romx: Sumtibus Caroli Barbiellini. & Venantii Monaldini Sociorum in Via lata, mdccxliti. 3 v. 4°. t MHN Titles of the separate volumes vary slightly. Freher, Marquard. Marquardi Freheri ...de re monetaria veterum Romanorum, et hodierni apud Germanos imperii libri duo. illus. (In: J. G. Graevius, Thesaurus antiquitatum Romanarum. Venetiis, 1735. f° V 11 1 1., p. 1399-1400. col. 1401-1435.) ' tt BWE Friedlaender, Julius. Der Miinzfund zu Niemegk. (Vercin fiir Geschichte der Mark Brandenburg. Markische Forschun- gen. Berlin, 1861. 8°. Bd. 7, p. 102-109.) £1N Uber einige romische Medallions. 1 pi. (Koniglich preussische Akadcmie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Abhandlungen. Philol.-hist. Klasse. Berlin, 1874. 4°. 1873, p. 67-77.) *EE Froehner, Wilhelm. Numismatique an- tique: Ics medaillons de I'empire romam depuis le regne d'Auguste jusqu' a Priscus Attale. Paris, 1878. 4°. t MHN Gabriel, Ettore. Contributo alia storia della moneta romana da Augusto a Domi- ziano. 39 p. (Societa reale di Napoh. Reale accademia di arclieologia, lettere e belle arti. Atti. Napoli. 1898. f°. v. 19, parte 2, no. 1.) * ER Garrucci, R. Le monete dell' Italia an- tica; raccolta generale. Roma, 1885. 2 v. fc ' tfMHN Gnecchi, Francesco. Appunti di numis- matica romana. 1 pi. illus. (Rivista ital- iana di numismatica. Milano, 1897-1910. 8°. V. 10, p. 11-22, 123-157; v. 11, p. 43-62, 165-170; V. 13. p. 147-156, 257-265; v. 14, p. 127-156, 249-261; v. 15, p. 13-18, 275-290; V. 16, p. 367-382; v. 17. p. 303-321; v. 18, p 11-42. 149-160, 349-388, 465-480; v. 19, p. 139-158. 295-316, 459-482; v. 20, p. 27-47, 167-188, 375-380, 499-516; v. 21, p. 347-376, 519-536; v. 22, p. 11-26, 343-364; v. 23. p. 11- 20. 295-302, 427-472; v. 24, p. 11-18. 147- 164; V. 26, p. 11-22, 151-174, 295-302.) MHA Chapters 1-40 not in the Library. I bronze quadrilateri della repub- blica e la moneta privata dei Romani. (Congres international de numismatique, Paris, 1900. Proces-verbaux & memoires. Paris, 1900. 4°. p. 165-169.) MHA Monete romane. Manuale eleinen- tare... Milano: U. Hoepli, 1900. xxvii, 367 p., 1 1., 25 pi. illus. 2. ed. 24°. (Manuali Hoepli. no. 305-306.) MHN Le personificazioni allegoriche sulle monete imperiali romane. (Congres- so internazionale di scienze storiche, Roma. 1903. Atti. Roma, 1904. 4°. v. 6, sezione 4, Numismatica, p. 37-47.) BAA Gohl, Edmond. Contributions au Cor- pus Numorum Romanorum. (Materiaux du Musee national hongrois a Budapest.) (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1907. 4°. anno 20, p. 537-574; anno 21, p. 387-430.) MHA Goltz, Hubert. C. Ivlivs Caesar; sive, Historiae imperatorvm Caesarvniqve Ro- manorvm ex antiqvis nvmismatibvs resti- tvtae liber primvs. Accessit C. Ivlii Cae- saris vita et res gestae... Brvgis Flan- drorvm [:Apud Hubertum Goltzium.i M.D.LXiii. 17 p.l., Ivii p.. 3 1.. 231(1) p.. 24 1. illus. P. tMHN Caesar Avgvstvs sive Historiae im- peratorvm Caesarvniqve Romanorvm ex antiqvis nvmismatibvs restitvtae liber sec- vndvs. Accessit Caesaris Avgvsti vita et res gestae. Brvgis Flandrorvm. m.d.lxxiiii. 12 p.l., Ixxxiii, 248 p., 20 1. illus. f°. ^ ' i^ tMHN Gori, Antonio Francesco. Antiqva nvmismata avrea et argentea praestantiora et aerea maximi modvli. qvae in regio the- savro magni dvcis Etrvriae adservantvr. Florentiaj. 1740-42. 3 v. f°. t MAVZ Greppo, J. G. H. Memoire sur les voy- ages de I'Empereur Hadrien et sur les me- dailles qui s'y rapportent. Paris: Debe- court. 1842. 8°. MHN Groag, Edmund. Sulpicia Dryantilla. (Oesterreichisches archaologisches Insti- tut in Wien. Jahreshefte. Wien. 1899. 4°. Bd. 2. p. 206-210.) MTGA Grosshauser.. Die romischen zu Augs- burg gefundenen Miinzen. (Historischer Verein fiir Schwaben und Neuburg. Zeit- schrift. Augsburg, 1878. 8°. Jahrg. 4, p. 1 232-248.) ELV 126 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Rome, continued. Grueber, Herbert Appold. Coinages of the triumvirs, Antony, Lepidus, and Octa- vian, illustrative of the history of the times. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 19n. 8°. series 4, v. 11, p. 109-152.) MHA Find of Roman coins and gold rings at Sully, near Cardiff. 1 pi. (Nu- mismatic chronicle. London, 1900. 8°. series 3, v. 20, p. 27-65.) MHA The first Corbridge find. (Numis- matic chronicle. London, 1913. 8°. series 4, V. 13, p. 31-56.) MHA Roman bronze coinage from B. C. 45-3. 3 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. Lon- don, 1904. 8°. series 4, v. 4, p. 185-244.) MHA Roman medallions in the British Museum, edited by R. S. Poole. London: British Museum, 1874. 4°. (Catalogue of Roman coins in the British Museum.) MHN The use and nature of Roman me- dallions: a paper read before the American Numismatic and Archsological Society by Gaston L. Feuardent. New York, 1878. nar. 4°. MHN p. box 1 See also British Museum. — De- partment of Coins and Medals. Grunau, Gustav. Inschriften und Dar- stellungen romischer Kaisermiinzen von Augustus bis Diocletian. Biel: Verlag von Ernst Kuhn, 1899. xvi, 152 p., 1 1., 4 pi. sm. 8°. MHN Guattani, G. A., joint author. See Vis- conti, Filippo Aurelio, and G. A. Guattani. Guiran, Gaillard. Gaillardi Guirani... explicatio duorum vetustorum numisma- tum Nemausensium ex sere, illus. (In: A. H. de Sallengre, Novus thesaurus anti- quitatum Romanarum. Venetiis, 1735. 2. ed. f°. tomus 1, col. 1009-1058.) ft BVEF Haeberlin. Der jiingste etruskische und die iilteste romische Goldpragung. 1 pi. (Zeitschrift fiir Numismatik. Berlin, 1907. 8°. Bd. 26, p. 229-272.) MHA Hammer, J. Der Feingehalt der griechi- schen und romischen Miinzen. En Bei- trag zur antiken Miinzgeschichte. (Zeit- schrift fiir Numismatik. Berlin, 1907. 8°. Bd. 26, p. 1-144.) MHA Hammerstein, H. von, and others. Der Miinzfund von Nieder-Rentgen. (Gesell- schaft fiir lothringische Geschichte und Altertumskunde. Jahrbuch. Metz, 1896. sq. 8°. Jahrg. 8, Hiilfte 2, p. 1-43.) ETI Haverfield, F. On a hoard of Roman coins found at Carhayes, Cornwall. (Nu- mismatic chronicle. London, 1900. 8°. series 3, v. 20, p. 209-217.) MHA Haverkamp, Sigebert. Nummophyla- cium reginae Christinae, quod compre- hendit numismata aerea imperatorum Romanorum, Latina, Graeca, atque in co- loniis cusa, quondam a Petro Santes Bar- tolOj summo artificio summaque fide incisa tabulis aeneis lxiii. Nunc primum prodeunt cum commentario Sigeberti Havercampi. . . Hagae Comitum: Apud Petrum de Hondt, m.dcc.xlii. 5 p.l., 464 p., 63 pi. f°. MHN Haym, N. F. The British treasury... of our Greek and Roman antiquities of all sorts... London, 1719-20. 2 v. 4°. tMHL Heath, George F. The coins of repub- lican Rome. (Numismatist. Monroe, Mich., 1900. 8°. V. 13, p. 117-125.) MHA Heilborn, O. Catalogue descriptif de la collection des monnaies antiques grecques, romaines et byzantines de feu Baron A. W. Stjernstedt.. . Stockholm: A. L. Nor- mans, 1882. 3 p.l., 216 p. 8°. Stuart 11456 Hill, George Francis. A handbook of Greek and Roman coins. London: Mac- miUan & Co., 1899. xv, 295 p., 15 pi. 8°. (Handbooks of archaeology and antiqui- ties.) MHL Roman aurei from Pudukota, south India. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1898. 8°. series 3, v. 18, p. 304-320.) MHA Roman coins from Croydon (Con- stantius ii., Constans, Magnentius, and Callus). (Numismatic chronicle. Lon- don, 1905. 8°. series 4, v. 5, p. 36-62.) MHA (Surrey Archaeological So- ciety. Surrey archaeological collections. London, 1906. 8°. v. 19, p. 1-26.) CO Roman silver coins from Grovely Wood, Wilts. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1907. 8°. series 4, v. 6, p. 329- 347.) MHA Hobler, Francis, Records of Roman his- tory from Cnaeus Pompeius to Tiberius Constantius, as exhibited on the Roman coins. Westminster, 1860. 2 v. 4°. tMHN Huber, Christian Wilhelm. Catalogue of the collection of Greek and Roman coins formed by C. G. Huber. London, 1862. pi. 8°. MHFHp. box Hulsius, Levinus. Impp. Romanorvm nvmismatvm series a C. Ivlio Csesare ad Rvdolphvm ir. Addita est breuiter ipsorum vita, auersa pars nummorum, & eorundem explicatio. Francofvrti: Impensis auth- oris, M.D.c.iii. 8 p.l., 305(1) p., 3 1. illus. 8°. MHN Iconographie des empereurs romains et de leurs families. Paris, 1843. i\ (Tre- sor de numismatique et de glyptique.) ttMHE Imhoof-Blumer, F. Zur griechischen und romischen Miinzkunde. pi. (Revue Suisse de numismatique. Geneve, 1905-08. 8°. V. 13, p. 161-272; v. 14, p. 1-211.) MHA Article also has separate paging. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 127 Individual Countries, continued. Rome, continued. , Keith, Arthur Berriedale. Denarius and the date of the Harivamsa. (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. London, 1907. 8°. 1907, p. 681-683.) * QAA Kenner, Friedrich. Die Roma-Typen. 1 pi. (Kaiserliche Akadcmie der VVissen- schaften zu Wien. Sitzunssljerichte. Philos.-hist. Classe. Wien, 1857. 8°. Bd. 24, p. 253-295.) * EF Der romische Medaillon. (Numis- matische Zeitschrift. Wien, 1887. 8°. Bd. 19, p. 1-173.) MHA Kerrich, Thomas. Catalogue of Roman coins. Collected bj' Kerrich and presented by his son, R. E. Kerrich, to the Society of Antiquaries of London. [London,] 1852. 8°. MHNp.boxl King, C. W. On an intaglio probably commemorating the Gothic victory of Aemilian. 1 pi. (Arch.-cological journal. London, 1873. 8°. v. 30, p. 226-234.) CA On the true nature of the contor- niate medals. (Archaeological journal. London. 1871. 8°. v. 28, p. 210-218.) CA Signet of Q. Cornelius Lupus. 1 pi. (Archaeological journal. London, 1866. 8°. V. 23, p. 79-95.) CA ' Koehler, Wilhelm Otto David. Per- sonifikationen abstrakter Begriffe auf romischen Miinzen. Vorlaufiger Teil. Konigsberg i. Pr. : Hartung, 1910. 2 p.l., 72 p. 8°. MHEp.v.5,no.7 Kubitschek, Wilhelm. Studien zu Miin- zen der romischen Republik. Wien: A. Holder, 1911. 1 p.l., 78 p., 1 pi. 8°. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaf- ten in Wien. Sitzungsberichte. Philos.- hist. Klasse. Bd. 167, Abhandl. 6.) * EF Laffranchi, Lodovico. La cronologia dalle monete di Adriano. (Rivista itali- ana di numismatica. Milano, 1906. 4°. V. 19, p. 329-374.) MHA I diversi stili nella monetazione romana. (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1907-10. 4°. v. 20, p. 49-60. 381- 400; V. 21, p. 199-212; v. 23, p. 21-36.) MHA Lawrence, R. H. Notes on the silver coins of the Roman republic. [New York, 1882.] 11 1. 12°. MHNp.boxl Lazari, Vincenzio. II medagliere del Museo civico di Verona. Verona, 1867. 57-363 p. 8°. *F Lewis, Bunnell. Remarks on Roman coins found near Woodbridge, Suffolk. (Archaeological journal. London, 1871. 8°. V. 28, p. 34-40.) CA Lindberg, J. C, joint author. See Falbe, C. T., and J. C. Lindberg. Luschin von Ebengreuth, Arnold. Der Denar der Lex Salica. Wien, 1910. 1 p.l.. 89(1) p., 1 map, 1 pi. 8°. (Kaiserliche Akadcmie der Wissenschaften zu Wien. Sitzungsberichte. Philos.-hist. Klasse. Bd. 163, Abh. 4.) *EF Macdonald, George. A recent find of Roman coins in Scotland. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1905. 8°. series 4, V. 5, p. 10-17.) MHA Roman contorniates in the Hunte- rian collection. 3 pi. (Numismatic chron- icle. London, 1909. 8°. series 4, v. 9. p. 19-55.) MHA McDowall, Katharine A. Contorniates and tabulae lusoriae. 2 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1907. 8°. series 4, v. 6, p. 232-265.) MHA Madden, Frederic William. The hand- book of Roman numismatics. London. 1861. pi. 12°. MHN — ^ — See Stevenson, Seth William, h dictionary of Roman coins. Manuzio, Aldo, the younger. Aldi Ma- nutii, Pauli F., Aldi N., dissertatiunculae epistolicse. i. De Reatina urbe, agroque, Sabinaque gente. ii. De aquis in urbem Romani olim influentibus. iii. De ratione interkalandi. iv. De accumbendi et come- dendi ratione. v. De convivio tempestivo, seu intempestivo. vi. De auspiciis. vii. De trabea. viii. De subselliis. ix. De signo et statua. x. De parma, clypeo, scuto, pelta, ancile. xi. De primipelo. xii. De drachmis. xin. De sestertiis. (In: A. H. de Sallengre, Novus thesaurus antiquita- tum Romanarum. Venetiis, 1735. f°. to- mus 1, col. 769-836.) ft BVEF Marchant, J., abbe. Notice sur les me- dailles de nioyen bronze frappees sous les empereurs romains. Paris: Librairie numismatique de Rollin et Feuardent, 1866. 46 p. 8°. MHN Notices sur Rome, les noms ro- mains et les dignites mentionnees dans les legendes des monnaies imperiales ro- maines. Paris, 1869. nar. 4°. BWEC Mariottus, Augustinus. Augustini Mari- otti...de nummo Neptuni argenteo incuso commentariolus. . . Rom?e: B. Franzesius & C. Paperius, 1762. xxxii p. 8°. MHN Mark!, Andreas. Die Reichsmiinzstatte in Serdica. (Numismatische Zeitschrift. Wien, 1905. 8°. Bd. 36, p. 35-42.) MHA Rektifikationen zu Cohen's Besch- reibung der Miinzen von Claudius ii. und Quintillus. (Numismatische Zeitschrift. Wien, 1906. 8°. Bd. 2>7, p. 57-74.) MHA Martin, E. W., joint author. See Sar- gent, F., and E. W. Martin. Maurice, Jules. L'atelier monetaire d'Aquilee pendant la periode constantini- enne. 1 pi. (Rivista italiana di numisma- tica. Milano, 1901. 4°. v. 14, p. 277-316.) MHA 128 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Rome, contitmed. L'atelier monetaire d'Arles pendant la periode constantinienne de 313 a 337. (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1905. 4°. V. 18, p. 43-88.) MHA L'atelier monetaire de Carthage pendant la periode constantinienne. 1 pi. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1902. 8°. serie 4, v. 6, p. 203-233.) MHA L'atelier monetaire de Cyzique pendant la periode constantinienne. 2 pi. (Zeitschrift fiir Numismatik. Berlin, 1905. 8°. Bd. 25, p. 129-180.) MHA L'atelier monetaire d'Heraclee de Thrace pendant la periode constantini- enne. A.D. 305-337. 1 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1905. 8°. series 4, V. 5, p. 121-178.) MHA L'atelier monetaire de Londres (Londinium) pendant la periode constan- tinienne. 2 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1900. 8°. series 3, v. 20, p. 108- 147.) MHA L'atelier monetaire de Rome pen- dant la periode constantinienne (306-337). Essai de classification chronologique. 1 pi. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1899. 8°. serie 4, v. 3, p. 338-355.) ' MHA L'atelier monetaire de Sirmium pendant la periode constantinienne. 1 pi. (Congresso internazionale di scienze stor- iche, Roma, 1903. Atti. Roma, 1904. 4°. v. 6, sezione 4, Numismatica, p. 231-249.) BAA L'atelier monetaire de Tarragone pendant la periode constantinienne et a partir du 1 mai 305. 2 pi. (Revue numis- matique. Paris, 1900. 8°. serie 4, v. 4, p. 260-312.) MHA Classification chronologique des emissions monetaires de l'atelier d' Alex- andrie pendant la periode constantinienne. 2 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1902. 8°. series 4, v. 2, p. 92-147.) MHA Classification chronologique des emissions monetaires de l'atelier de Ni- comedie pendant la periode constantini- enne. 2 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. Lon- don, 1903. 8°. series 4, v. 3, p. 211-285.) MHA Classification chronologique des emissions monetaires de l'atelier de Ser- dica pendant la periode constantinienne de 305 a 311. 2 pi. (Revue beige de numis- matique. Bruxelles, 1909. 8°. annee 65, p. 5-17, 130-142.) MHA Classification chronologique des emissions monetaires de l'atelier de Siscia pendant la periode constantinienne. 2 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1900. 8°. series 3, v. 20, p. 297-362.) MHA Classification chronologique des emissions monetaires de l'atelier de Treves, pendant la periode constantinienne (305-337). 6 pi. (Societe nationale des antiquaires de France. Memoires. Paris, 1902-04. 8°. serie 7, v. 1, p. 127-190; v. 2, p. 25-114; V. 3, p. 23-112.) DA Essai de classification chronolo- gique des emissions monetaires de l'atelier d'Antioche pendant la periode constantini- enne. 1 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. Lon- don, 1899. 8°. series 3, v. 19, p. 208-240.) MHA L'iconographie par les medailles des empereurs roinains de la fin du iii. et du IV. siecles. 7 pi. (Revue numismatique. Paris. 1904-06. 8°. serie 4, v. 8, p. 64-104, 473-504; v. 9, p. 177-217, 470-495; v. 10, p. 14-34.) MHA Numismatique constantinienne; iconographie et chronologic, description historique des emissions monetaires. tome 1-3. Paris: E. Leroux, 1908-12. illus. 8°. MHO Menadier, K. Die Miinzen und das Miinzwesen bei den Scriptores historiae Augustae. (Zeitschrift fiir Numismatik. Berlin, 1913. 8°. Bd. 31, p. 1-144.) MHA Bibliography, p. 140-141. Milani, Luigi Adriano. II ripostiglio della Venera. Monete romane della se- conda meta del terzo secolo ordinate e descritte da L. A. Milani. Roma: coi tipi del Salviucci, 1880. 213 p., 3 pi. 4°. (Reale accademia dei Lincei. anno 277, 1879-80.) tMHN Milne, Joseph Grafton. Roman coin- moulds from Egypt. (Numismatic chron- icle. London, 1905. 8°. series 4, v. 5, p. 342-353.) MHA The Roman coinage of Alexandria. (In: Historical studies by E. B. Knobel . . . London, 1911. f°. p. 30-34.) ft * OBL British School of Archaeology in Egypt. Studies. V. 2. Mionnet, Theodore Edme. De la rarete et du prix des medailles romaines... Paris, 1827. 2 v. pi. 2. ed. 8°. MHN Mommsen, Christian Matthias Theo- dor. Geschichte des romischen Munz- wesens. Berlin, 1860. 8°. MHN tJber das romische Miinzwesen. (Koniglich sachsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen. Philol.- hist. Classe. Leipzig, 1850. 4°. Bd. 1, p. 221-427.) * EE tJber den Verfall des romischen Miinzwesens in der Kaiserzeit. (Konig- lich sachsische Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften. Berichte fiber die Verhandlun- gen. Philol.-hist. Classe. Leipzig [1851i. 8°. Bd. 3, p. 180-312.) *EE Morel, Andre. Thesaurus Morellianus, sive Familiarum Romanarum numismata omnia. . .juxta ordinem Fulvii Ursini & Caroli Patini... Accedunt nummi mis- cellanei, urbis Romae, Hispanici, & Golt- ziani dubiae fidei omnes. Nunc primum edidit & Commentario perpetuo illustra- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 129 Individual Countries, continued. Rome, continued. vit Sigebertus Havercampus. Amstelae- dami: Apud J. Wetstenium et Gul. Smith, MDCcxxxiv. 2 V. f°. tfMHN Thesauri Morelliani tomus primus [-tertius], Sive C. Schlegelii, S. Haverkam- pi, & A. F. Gorii commentaria In xii. Priorum imperatorum Romanorum numis- mata aurea, argentea, & aerea, Cujuscun- que Moduli, diligentissime conquisita, & ad ipsos Nummos accuratissime delineata, a ...Andrea MorelHo. Accedunt. . .CI. Gorii Descriptio Coluninae Trajanae. . .nee non Tristani, Rubenii, ac Harduini Interpreta- tiones. . .aliquot Antiquitatis Monumen- torum... Cum Praefatione Petri Wesse- lingii. Amstelaedami: Sumptibus Jacobi a Wetstein, mdcclii. 3 v. f°. Stuart 205 Morel, L. B., joint author. See Poncet, E., and L. B. Morel. Morgan, T. On the twentieth legion as illustrated by consular denarii. 1 pi. (Jour- nal. British Archseological /Association. London, 1887. 8°. v. 4, p. 267-274.) CA Morris, Robert. Series of the imperial coins of Rome. (Numismatist. Monroe, Mich., 1900. 8°. V. 13, p. 43-47.) MHA The twelve Caesars (Julius to Do- mitian). Illustrated by readings of two hundred and seventeen of their coins and medals... La Grange, Ky. : published for the author [Knight & Leonard, printers], 1877. 1 p.l., 8 p., 1 1., (1)10-55(1) p. 4°. fMHN ' Mowat, Robert. Le Bureau de I'fequite et les ateliers de la monnaie imperiale a Rome d'apres les monuments numis- matiques et epigraphiques. 1 pi. (Numis- matische Zeitschrift. Wien, 1909. 4°. N.F. Bd. 2, p. 87-116.) fMHA Les degrevements d' impots et d' amendes inscrits sur les monnaies im- periales romaines. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1909. 8°. serie 4, v. 13. p. 73-89.) MHA ficlaircissements sur les monnaies des mines. 1 pi. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1894. 8°. serie 3. v. 11, p. 373-413.) MHA Un essai de denier romain avant la lettre. (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1903. 4°. v. 16, p. 385-390.) MHA Les essais monetaires de repetition et la division du travail. 1 pi. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1902. 8°. serie 4, v. 6, p. 179-202.) MHA Martelage et abrasion des mon- naies sous I'Empire romain; leurs contre- marques. 1 pi. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1901. 8°. serie 4, v. 5, p. 443-471.) MHA Le monnayage de Clodius Macer et les deniers de Galba marques des lettres S. C. (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1902. 4°. v. 15, p. 165-199.) MHA Mueller, Alois. Vier sidonische Miinzen aus der romischen Kaiserzeit. Eine nu- mismatisch-phonizische Studie als Beitrag zur phonizischen Geschichte. (Kaiserliche ••\kademie der VVissenschaften zu Wien. Sitzungsberichte. Philos.-hist. Classe. Wien, 1861. 8°. Bd. 35, p. 33-50.) * EF Mueller, Carl Ludvig. See Falbe, C. T., and J. C. LiNDBERG. Naville, Lucien. Monnaies inedites de I'Empire romain. (Rivista italiana di nu- mismatica. Milano, 1904-05. 4°. v. 17, p. 457-464; v. 18, p. 179-200, 481-484.) MHA Nonnius, Ludovicus. Lvdovici Nonni commentarivs in nomismata Imp. Ivli Av- gvsti et Tiberi Hvberto Goltzio scalp- tore. Accesscrunt singulorum vitae ex Suetonio. Antverpi^e: Apud Hieronymum Verdussium, m.dcxx. f °. f MHN p.v. 1, no.l Noris, Enrico. F. Henrici Noris...de duobus nummis Diocletiani et Licinii... dissertatio duplex. Cum Auctario Chro- nologico de votis decennalibus impera- torum ac Caesarum. (In: A. H. de Sallen- gre, Novus thesaurus antiquitatum Roma- narum. Venetiis, 1735. f°. tomus 1, col. 387-496.) tt BVEF Occo, Adolf. Impp. Romanorum Nvniis- mata a Pompeio Magno ad Heraclivm: Qvibvs insuper additne sunt inscriptiones quiedam veteres, arcus triumphales, & alia ad banc rem necessaria.. . Antverpise: Ex officina Christophori Plantini, m.d.lxxix. 8 p.l., 398 p., 5 1. 4°. MHN Imperatorvm Romanorvm Nvmis- mata a Pompeo Magno ad Heraclivm ab Adolfo Occone olim congesta. Nunc Au- gustorum Iconibus, perpetuis Historico- Chronologicis notis, pluribusque addita- mentis illustrata, & aucta. . .stvdio, et cvra Francisci Mediobarbi Biragi... Medio- lani: Ex Typographia Ludouici Montise, MDCLXxxiii. 7 p.l., 624 p. illus. f°. tfMHN Odelberg, Per Wilhelm. Roms aldsta mynt. illus. (Kongliga Universitet i Upsala. Upsala Universitets arsskrift. Upsala, 1900. 8°. 1900, no. 6, p. 86-108.) *EI Ogden, William Sharp. A find of Ro- man bronze coins on the Little Orme's Head, north Wales. 3 pi. (British numis- matic journal. London, 1906. 4°. series 1, v. 3, p. 17-58.) tMHA The Roman mint and early Bri- tain. 3 pi. illus. (British numismatic journal. London, 1909. 4°. series 1, v. 5, p. 1-50.) tMHA Olcott, George N. A hoard of Roman coins from Tarquinii. (American journal of archaeology. Norwood, Mass., 1902. 8°. V. 6, p. 404-409.) MTA 130 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Rome, continued. Notes on Roman coins. 2 pi. (American journal of numismatics. Bos- ton, 1902. 4°. V. 36, p. 81-84.) MHA Orgler, Flavian. Verzeichnis der Fund- orte von antiken Miinzen in Tirol und Vorarlberg. 1 map. (Ferdinandeum fiir Tirol und Vorarlberg. Zeitschrift. Inns- bruck, 1878. 8°. Folge 3, Heft 22. p. 57- 95.) FIC Orsini, Fulvio. Familiae Romanae qvae reperivntvr in antiqvis nvmismatibvs ab vrbe condita ad tempora Divi Avgvsti ex bibliotheca Fvlvi Vrsini... Adivnctis familiis xxx ex libro Antoni Avgvstini... Romae: cvm privilegio cvrantibvs heredib. Francisci Tramezini, m.d.lxxvii. 4 p.l., 296, (1)294-403 p., 6 1. illus. f°. ft MHN Ortelius, Abraham. Abrahami Ortelii Deorum dearumque capita, ex anti- quis numismatibus collecta: historica nar- ratione illustrata a Francisco Svvertio Antuerpiensi. (In: Jacobus Gronovius, Thesaurus Grascarum antiquitatum. Vene- tiis, 1735. f°. V. 7. 3 1., col. (261)-(296).) tt BVEF Pansa, Giovanni. I bronzi unilaterali ed il principio economico della divisione del lavoro applicato alle monete. (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1907. 4°. V. 20, p. 17-25.) MHA L'epoca del proconsolato in Asia di C. Asinio Pollione e le leggende eponi- miche sulle monete. (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1909. 4°. v. 22, p. 365-378.) MHA Intorno al problema dei cosi detti "Nummi tincti" argentati e dorati. (Ri- vista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1906. 4°. V. 19, p. 51-65.) MHA L'officina monetaria de Lanuvio e gli attributi di Giunone Sospita. 1 pi. (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1913. 4°. V. 26, p. 323-350.) MHA Parazzoli, A. Essai sur I'origine des monnaies des Nomes d'figypte. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1901. 8°. serie 4, V. 5, p. 167-173.) MHA Patin, Charles. Caroli Patini...de nu- mismate antiquo Augusti et Platonis epis- tola. (In: Jacobus Gronovius, Thesaurus Grsecaruni antiquitatum. Venetiis, 1735. f°. V. 9, col. 1589-1616.) ft BVEF Imperatorum Romanorum numis- mata ex sere media; et minimse formse: Descripta & Enarrata. Argentinae: Pro- stant apud Simonem Paulli Bibliopo- 1am, M.DC.LXxi. 17 p.l., 162, *163-*164. 163-500, 35(1) p., 1 1. illus. f°. ft MHN Parisiis: Apud V. Cramoisy, M.DC.xcvi. 14 p.l., 432 p., 1 1., 1 map, 3 pi. f°. Stuart 1600 Pedrusi, Paolo. I Cesari in oro [in ar- gento, in medaglioni, in metallo grande, in metallo mezzano e piccolO] raccolti nel Farnese Museo e pubblicati coUe loro con- grue interpretazioni. . . Parma, 1694-1727. 10 V. pi., port. f°. tMHN V. 9-10 are by Pietro Piovene. Perkins, Catharine Page. Guide to the Catharine Page Perkins collection of Greek and Roman coins. Boston, 1902. viii. 111 p., 5 pi. 12°. (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.) MHLp. boxl Petau, Paul. Pauli Petavii in Francorum curia consiliarii antiquarias supellectilis portiuncula: nee non ejusdem veterum nummorum 7V(ooio|.ia. illus. (In: A. H. de Sallengre, Novus thesaurus antiquita- tum Romanarum. Venetiis, 1735. f°. tomus 2, col. 997-1052.) ft BVEF Phillips, Henry, the younger. Notes upon a denarius of Augustus Caesar; read before the [Numismatic and Antiquarian] Society, Feb. 5, 1880. [Philadelphia,] 1880. 8°. MHN p. boxl Pick, B. Die Tempeltragenden Gott- heiten und die Darstellung der Neokorie auf den Miinzen. (Oesterreichisches ar- chaologisches Institut in Wien. Jahres- hefte. Wien, 1904. 4°. Bd. 7, p. 1-41.) MTGA Finder, Moritz. Ueber die Cistophoren und iiber die kaiserlichen Silbermedaillons der romischen Provinz Asia. 8 pi. (K6- niglich preussische Akademie der Wissen- schaften zu Berlin. Abhandlungen. Philol.-hist. Klasse. Berlin, 1856. 4°. 1855, p. 533-635.) * EE Ponce de Leon, N. Catalogue of a large collection of Roman and Greek coins for sale at marked prices. Second part. New York, 1877. 37-70 p. 12°. MHFH p. box (Ponce) Poncet, E., and L. B. Morel. Le revers des monnaies dites a I'autel de Lyon. 1 pi. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1904. 8°. serie 4, v. 8, p. 33-63.) MHA Porcius, Leonhardus. Leonhardi Porcii de re pecuniaria antiquorum, ac de eorun- dem ponderibus, mensuris, stipendiis mili- taribus, &c. libri duo. (In: Jacobus Gro- novius, Thesaurus Griecarum antiquita- tum. Venetiis, 1735. f°. v. 9, col. 1433- 1492.) tt BVEF Portis, Leonardus de. Leonardi Portii lurisconsulti Vicetini de Sestertio, Taletis, Pecuniis, Poderibus, Mesuris, Stipediis militaribus antiquis ac prouinciarum, re- gum, populi Romani, Cassaruqw^ reddit- ibus, libri duo, in quibus complura loca scriptoru clariss. Plinii, Columellse, Celsi, Liuii, luuenalis, turn acri iuditio, tu exqui- sitiori doctrina castigantur, aperiutur, illus- trantur. Prasterea additus est Index re- rum & uerborum, quae hoc in opere digni- ora scitu uisa sunt. [Colophon. Romae: In sedibus F. Minitii Calvi, m.d.xxiiiii 39 1. sq. 12°. VBDC LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 131 Individual Countries, continued. Rome, continued. Prinsep, J. On the ancient Roman coins in the cabinet of the Asiatic Society. 4 pi. (Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal. Calcutta, 1832. 8°. v. 1, P- 392-408.) *OHA Quilling, F. Die in Hochst, Nied und Umgebunj? gefundenen antiken Miinzen. (Archiv fiir Frankfurts Geschichte und Kunst. Frankfurt a. M., 1893. 8°. Folge 3, Bd. 4, p. 347-367.) EKZ Raderschatt. Sammlung Raderschatt. Romische Miinzen. Die . . . Verstcigerung findet statt...den 1. Juni...unter Leitung des Experten Adolph Hess... Frankfurt am Main: A. Hess. 1885. 1 p.l.. 18 p. 8°. MHNp.boxl Ramus, Christian, the elder. Catalogus numorum veterum Gra^corum et Latinor- um Musei Regis Dania;; disposuit, de- scripsit, et aeneis tabulis anecdotos illus- travit. Hafni;e, 1816. 3 v. 4°. f MHL Rasche, Johann Christoph. Lexicon abrvptionvm qvae in nvmismatil)vs Ro- manorvm occvrrvnt... Norimbergae: apvd Christian. Gotthold. Havffivm, 1777. 4 p.l., (1)4-127 p. 8°. MHNp.v.2.no.l Rarissima Romanorvm a Ivlio Cae- sare ad Heraclivm vsqve nvmisniata qvae ex omni genere metallorvm difficilia re- pertv et maximo in pretio svnt. Norim- bergae: svmtv Christian. Gotthold. Hav- fii, 1777. 5 p.l., (1)4-71 p. 8°. MHN p.v. 2, no.2 Reinach, Theodore. Some Pontic eras. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1902. 8°. series 4, v. 2, p. 1-10.) MHA Ricci, Serafino. Intorno all' influenza dei tipi monetari greci su quelli della re- pubblica romana. (Congres international de numismatique, Paris, 1900. Proces- verbaux & memoires. Paris, 1900. 4°. p. 170-204.) MHA Riccio, Gennaro. Le monete attribuite alia zecca dell' antica citta di Luceria, capi- tale della Daunia, con un cenno della re- mota sua origine e grandezza. Napoli: dalla Tipografia Virgilio, 1846. 2 p.l.. 27(1) p., 5 pi. f°. fMHN Riese, Alex. Sigillatenstempel aus Rom. (Westdeutsche Zeitschrift fiir Geschichte und Kunst. Trier, 1902. 8°. Jahrg. 21. p. 235-254.) EAA Ritterling, E. Romische Miinzen aus Wiesbaden und Umgegend im Altertums- Museum zu Wiesbaden. (Nachtrag.) (Verein fiir nassauische Altertumskunde und Geschichtsforschung. Annalen. Wies- baden, 1908. 4°. Bd. 37, p. 1-58.) t EKL Rostovtsew, Michel. Romische Bleites- serae. Ein Beitrag zur Sozial- und Wirt- schaftsgeschichte der romischen Kaiser- zeit. Leipzig: Dieterich. 1905. xi p., 1 I., 131 p., 2 pi. 4°. (Klio. Beitriige zur alten Geschichte. Beiheft 3.) ft BAE Tessere di piombo inedite e note- voli della collezione Francesco Gnecchi a Milano e la cura munerum. (Rivista itali- ana di numismatica. Milano, 1902. 8°. v. 15. p. 151-164.) MHA Rubens, Albrecht. Alberti Rubenii... de nunimo Avgvsti cujus epigraphe: Asia recepta. illus. (In: J. G. Graevius, The- saurus antiquitatum Romanarum. Vene- tiis, 1735. f°. V. 11. col. 1366-1377.) ttBWE Sabatier, L., joint author. See Sabatier, Pierre Justin, and L. Sabatier. Sabatier, Pierre Justin. Description gcncrale des medaillons contorniatcs. Paris, 1860. pi. 4°. fMHN Iconographie d'une collection choisie de cinq mille medailles romaines, byzantines et celtiberiennes. Saint-Peters- bourg, 1847. pi. f°. tfMHN Sabatier, Pierre Justin, and L. Sabatier. Production de I'or, de I'argent et du cuivre chez les anciens et hotels monetaires des empires romain et byzantin. Saint-Peters- bourg: Fd. Bellizard et Co., 1850. 2 p.l.. 174 p.. 2 1. 8°. TF Sadik-el-Baba, pseud, of Carlo d'Ottavio Fontana? Lettera critica numismatica |On the second edition of T. E. Mionnet's work De la rarete et du prix des medailles ro- maines]. n.t.-p. [Florence. 1827.] 11 p.. 3 pi. 4°. MHMp.v. 2 Salata, F. II ripostiglio di denari della repubblica romana scoperto ad Ossero. (Societa istriana di archeologia e storia patria. Atti e memorie. Parenzo. 1899. 8°. V. 15, p. 95-151.) FI Salis, J. F. W. de. Roman coins struck in Britain. 1 pi. (Archaeological journal. London, 1867. 8\ v. 24, p. 149-160.) CA Sallet, Alfred von. Die antiken Miinzen. Neue Bearbeitung von Kurt Regling. Berlin: G. Reimer, 1909. 2 p.l., 148 p. 8°. (Konigliche Museen zu Berlin. Hand- biicher.) MHL Santi Bartoli, Pietro. See Haverkamp, Sigebert. Sardi, Alessandro. Alexandri Sardi... de nummis liber, in quo prisca Grsecorum & Romanorum pecunia ad nostri jeris ra- tionem redigitur. (In: J. G. Graevius, Thesaurus antiquitatum Romanarum. Ve- netiis. 1735. f°. v. 11, 1 1., p. 1717. col. 1718-1727.) ttBWE Sargent, F., and E. W. Martin. Cata- logue of a. . .collection of Greek and Roman coins and medals .. .and. . .antiqui- ties, the property of F. Sargent, and also ...antiquities, and works of art and dec- oration, collected by...E. W. Martin... 132 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Rome, continued. Which will be sold by auction. . .August, 1853... London: J. Davy & Sons ,1853]. 1 p.l., 34 p. 8°. Stuart 11455 Saulcy, L. F. J. C. de. Note a propos de quelques contremarques empreintes sur des monnaies de Neron. Paris, 1869. 8°. MHN Numismatique de la Terre Sainte. Description des monnaies autonomes et imperiales de la Palestine et de I'Arabie Petree. Paris, 1874. 4°. t MHM Scaliger, Joseph Juste. Josephi Scali- geri...de re nummaria antiquorum disser- tatio. Liber posthumus. (In: Jacobus Gronovius, Thesaurus Grsecarum antiqui- tatum. Venetiis, 1735. f°. v. 9, col. 1493- 1548.) tt BVEF Schiavuzzi, B. Monete romane rinve- nute negli scavi di Nesazio 1900-1901. (So- cieta istriana di archeologia e storia pa- tria. Atti e memorie. Parenzo, 1901. 8°. V. 18, p. 148-160.) FI Schlaeger, Julius Karl. Commentatio de nvmo Hadriani plvmbeo et gemma Isiaca in fvnere Aegyptii medicato reper- tis... Helmaestadii: Ex officina Drim- borniana, 1742. 10 p.l., 191(1) p. 4°. MHN Scott, W. H. Coins of Helena. [Lon- don: The Numismatic Society, 185- ?] 188- 208 p. 8°. *Cp.v. 543 Excerpt: Numismatic chronicle. Seltman, E. J. The picture of a Roman mint in the house of the Vettii. (Numis- matic chronicle. London, 1898. 8°. series 3, V. 18. p. 294-303.) MHA Sestini, Domenico. Descriptio selecti- orum numismatum in aere maximi moduli e museo olim Abbatis de Camps, posteaque Mareschalli d'Etrees, indeque Gazae Regime Parisiensis secundum. . .exemplum quod nunc est R. Bibliothecae Berolinen- sis tabulas aeneas 226 continens vel 463 numismata maxima tam Grseca quam Ro- mana typis aeneis impressa. Berolini: C. Quien, 1808. xvi, 104 p. 4°. t MHN Sewell, Robert. Roman coins found in India. (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal London, 1904. 8°. 1904, p. 591-637.) *OAA Smith, Charles Roach. See Stevenson, Seth William. A dictionary of Roman coins. Smith, John Alexander. Notice of vari- ous Roman coins found in the Red Abbey- stead and adjoining fields to the east of the village of Newstead, Roxburghshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1855. 8°. v. 1, p. 33-38.) CPA Smyth, W. H. Descriptive catalogue of a cabinet of Roman family coins, belong- ing to the duke of Northumberland. [Lon- don,] 1856. f°. tMHN Descriptive catalogue of a cabinet of Roman imperial large-brass medals. Bedford, 1834. 4°. f MHN Snellius, Willebrordus. Willebrordi Snellii de re nummaria. Liber singularis. (In: Jacobus Gronovius, Thesaurus Grse- carum antiquitatum. Venetiis, 1735. f°. V. 9, col. 1549-1588.) ff BVEF Society for Promoting Christian Know- ledge, London. Coins of the New Testa- ment. London: the society [18 — ?]. 2 1. 24= *PEE Sotheby, S. L., and J. Wilkinson. Cata- logue of a collection of Roman imperial coins, formed by a scientific Italian... [London, 1862.] 8°. MHFH p. box (Sotheby) Soutzo, Michel C. fitude sur les mon- naies imperiales romaines. (Revue nu- mismatique. Paris, 1898. 8°. serie 4, v. 2, p. 231-250, 478-487, 659-666; v. 3, p. 9-21.) MHA Les monnaies des prefets de la flotte de Marc-Antoine avec marques de valeur. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1907. 8°. serie 4, v. 10, p. 457-474.) MHA Les recherches recentes sur la monnaie romaine: Pline, Mommsen et M. Willers. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1910. 8°. serie 4, v. 14, p. 443-460.) MHA Spon, Jacob. Miscellanea eruditse an- tiqvitatis: in qvibus marmora, statvae, musiva, torevmata, gemmae, numismata, Grvtero, Vrsino, Boissardo, Reinesio, al- iisque antiquorum monumentorum coUec- toribus ignota. . .cura & studio Jacobi Sponii... Lvgdvni: Sumptibus Fratrum Huguetan & Soc, 1685. 4 pi., 376 p.. 2 1. iUus. i°. ttBTGP Stettiner, P. Iritratti degli imperatori romani sulle monete. (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1905. 4°. v. 18, p. 175-178.) MHA ' Stevenson, Seth William. A dictionary of Roman coins, republican and imperial: commenced by the late Seth William Ste- venson; revised, in part, by C. Roach Smith, and completed by Frederic W. Madden. Illustrated. . .by F. W. Fairholt. London: George Bell and Sons, 1889. viii, 929 p. 8°. MHN Still, John. Roman coins found in Cey- lon. 1 map, 1 pi. (Royal Asiatic Society. — Ceylon Branch. Journal. Colombo, 1908. 8°. V. 19, p. 161-190.) * OAA Stueckelberg, E. A. La parente de Max- ence et de Constance i. d'apres les mon- naies. (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1898. 4°. v. 11, p. 377-380.) MHA Sweerts, Frangois. xii Caesarvm Ro- manorvm iixiagines, e numismatibus ex- pressse, et historica narratione illustratse. Ex museio Franc. Sweerti... Antverpiae: LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 133 Individual Countries, continued. Rome, continued. Exstant in Officina Plantiniana, m.dc.xii. 30 p. 4°. Stuart 14000 Bound with his: Deorvni dearvmqve capita... Antverpiae, m.dc.xii. 4°. Swinton, John. Metilia: sive De Quin- ario Gentis Metilise. e nummis vetustis ca?teroquin minimum not.'c, dissertatio. Oxonii, E Theatre Sheldoniano, Impensis Jacobi Fletcher, mdccl. 22 p. ilhis. 4°. * C p.v. 408 Tacchella, D. E. La magistrature de Caecilius Maternus en Moesie. (Revue numismatiquc. Paris, 1901. 8°. serie 4, V. 5, p. 314-318.) MHA Thurston, Edgar. Coins. Catalogue no. 2. Roman, Indo-Portuguese, and Ceylon. Madras: Government Press, 1894. 75 p. 2. ed. 8°. (Madras Presidency. — Govern- ment Central Museum.) MIP Bound with his: Coins. Catalogue no. 1. Mad- ras, 1888. 8°. ■ Till, William. An essay on the Roman denarius and English silver penny... London, 1838. pi. 2. ed. 12°. MIG Tochon d'Annecy. Joseph Frangois. Memoire sur les medailles de Marinus frappees a Philippopolis . . . Paris: L. G. Michaud, 1816. 60 p., 1 pi. 4°. MHEp.v. 1 Trau, Franz. Neue Fiilschungen romi- scher Miinzen. 4 pi. (Numismatische Zeitschrift. Wien, 1871. 8°. Bd. 3, p. 105- 142.) MHA Treatise of the revenue and false money of the Romans; annexed, a dissertation upon the manner of distinguishing antique medals from counterfeit ones; translated from the original printed at Paris. 1740. London, 1741. 8°. TF Venuti, Filippo. Dvodenorvm nomisma- tvm antehac ineditorvm brevis expositio Philippvs de Venvtis.. .selegit ex gazophy- lacio. . . Antomi Lefroy. . . Apvd Labronis Portvm: in officina Fantechiana fl759i. 33 p., 1 1., 1 pi. illus. f°. MHEp.v. 7, no.l4 Vico, Enea. Ex libris xxin commenta- riorvm in vetera imperatorvm Romanorvm nvmismata Aeneae Vici liber primvs. Opvs a lo. Baptista Dv Vallio restitvtvm. Parisiis, m.dc.xix. 130 p., 6 1., 1 pi. illus. 4°. MHN Bound with his: Avgvstarvm imagines ^reis for- mis expressae. [Lvtetiae Parisiorvm, m.dc.xix.] Venetiis: cAldus,] 1562. 130 p., 7 1. 4°. (8°.) Stuart 11439 Villefosse, A. Heron de. Le grand autel de Pergame sur un medaillon de bronze trouve en France. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1902. 8°. serie 4, v. 6, p. 234-241.) MHA Visconti, Ennio Quirino. Iconographie ancienne; ou, Recueil des portraits. . .des empereurs, rois, et hommes illustres de I'antiquite. (partie 1. Iconographie grecque. partie 2. Iconographie romaine,] Paris: P. Didot, I'aine, 1808-26. 7 v. f°. Stuart 486 Oeuvres. Iconographie romaine. tome 1. Milan: J. P. Giegler, 1818. 456 p., 21 pi. 8°. MTI No more published of the Iconographie romaine. Back of book numbered v. 12 of Visconti's Oeuvres. See also Visconti, Giovanni Bat- tista Antonio. Visconti, Filippo Aurelio, and G. A. GuATTANi. II Museo Chiaramonti aggiunto al Pio-Clementino da...Pio vii con I'espli- cazione de' Sigg. F. A. Visconti e G. A. Guattani. Roma, 1808-37. 2 v. pi. f°. ft MTI Tomo 2 title reads: II Museo Chiaramonti aggi- unto al Pio-Clementino da...Pio vii con dichia- razione di Antonio Nibby. A continuation of Giovanni Battista Antonio Visconti: II Museo Pio Clementino, Roma, 1782- 1807, and according to bibliographies forming v. 8-9 of that work. v. 3, forming v. 10 of the Museo Pio Clementino, is missing in the Library's set. For continuation see: Luigi Biondi: I monumenti Amaranziani, Roma, 1849. Visconti, Giovanni Battista Antonio. II Museo Pio Clementino descritto da Giambattista Visconti. Roma, 1782-1807. 7 V. pi. i°. ft MTI Tomo 2-7 are by Ennio Quirino Visconti. This work consists, according to bibliographies, of 11 v. For V. 8-9 see Filippo Antonio Visconti and G. A. Guattani: II Museo Chiaramonti. Roma, 1808-37. V. 10, being v. 3 of this Museo Chiaramonti is miss- ing in the Library's set. For v. 11 see Luigi Biondi: I monumenti Amaranziani. Roma, 1849. Voetter, O. Les monnaies de Gallien et des membres de sa famille. 19 pi. (Con- gres international de numismatique, Paris. 1900. Proces-verbaux & memoires. Paris, 1900. 4°. p. 227-234.) MHA Voigt, W. von. Cn. Lentulus und P. Dolabella. (Philologus. Leipzig, 1905. S°. Bd. 64 [N.F. Bd. 18), p. 341-366.) RBA Walters, Frederick A. A find of early Roman bronze coins in England. 2 pj. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1907. 8°. series 4, v. 7, p. 353-365.) MHA Webb, Percy H. The coinage of the reign of Julian the Philosopher. (Numis- matic chronicle. London, 1910. 8°. series 4, V. 10, p. 238-250.) MHA Wilkinson, J., joint author. See Sotheby, 5. L.. and J. Wilkinson. Wilson, Thomas. The golden patera of Rennes. 1 pi. (U. S. National Museum. Report. Washington. 1896. 8°. 1894. p. 609-617.) *EA Witte, Jean Joseph Antoine Marie de. baron. Recherches sur les empereurs qui out regne dans les Gaules au in. siecle de I'ere chretienne. Lyon: Imprimerie Louis Perrin, 1868. 6 p.l., (1)6-202 p.. 1 1.. 49 pi. f°. MHN Zannoni, Giovanni Battista. Dei denarii consolari e di famiglie romane disotterrati 134 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Rome, continued. in Fiesole nel 1829; notizia e breve de- scrizione. Firenze: Tipografia all' insegna di Dante, 1830. 48 p. 8°. MHN Zielinski, Thaddaus. Die romischen Bleitesserae. Ein neues Denkmal altro- mischen Lebens. 2 pi. (Neue Jahrbiicher fiir das klassische Altertum Geschichte und deutsche Literatur. Leipzig, 1906. 4°. Jahrg. 9, 1906, Bd. 17, p. 264-288.) f NAA Rumania Docan, Nicolae. Notita despre mone- tele lui Petru Musat. 1 pi. (Academia Romana. Analele Academiei Romane. Memoriile sectiunii istorice. Bucuresti. 1908. 8°. serie 2, v. 30, p. 117-182.) * EW Russia Antoniovich, Vladimir B. O novonai- dennykh serebryanykh monetakh os ime- nem Vladimira. (In: Imperatorskoye Moskovskoye Archeologicheskoye Obsh- chestvo. Trudy tretiyavo arkheologiches- kavo syezda v Rossii, byvshavo v Kievye v Avgustye 1874 goda... Kiev, 1878. f°. t. 2, p. 151-157.) *QG Brueckner, Alexander. Myednyya dengi V Rossii, 1656-1663, i denezhnyye znaki v Shvetzii 1716-19. St. Petersburg: A. Ya- kobson, 1864. 129 p., 1 1. 8°. * QI Myednyya dengi v Rossii 1656-1663. p. 5-55. Denezhnvye znaki v Shvetzii. 1716-1719. p. 57-129. Chaudoir, Stanislas de, baron. Apergu sur les monnaies russes et sur les mon- naies etrangeres qui ont eu cours en Rus- sie. St. Petersbourg, 1836-37. 3 v. 8°. MIC Genealogische Gesellschaft der Ostsee- provinzen zu Mitau. Jalirbuch fiir Genea- logie, Heraldik und Sphragistik. 1905- 1906. Mitau, 1908. sq. 4°. f ATA Georgi Mikhailovich, grand duke. Mo- nety tzarstvovaniya Yekateriny ii. [Izd. avtora.] St. Petersburg: A. Benke. 1894. 2 v. f°. *QDZ Monety tzarstovani imperatora Aleksandra ii. St. Petersburg: A. Benke, 1888. 2 p.l., viii, 223 p., 28 pi., 1 port. f°. *QDZ Monety tzarstvovani imperatora Pavla I i imperatora Aleksandra i. St. Petersburg: A. Benke, 1891. 2 parts in 1 v. f°. * QDZ Monety tzarstvovaniya imperatrit- zy Anny loannovny i imperatora loanna III. St. Petersburg: A. Benke, 1901. 2 parts in 1 v. f°. * QDZ Monety tzarstvovani imperatritzy Yekateriny i i imperatora Petra ii. St. Petersburg: A. Benke, 1904. 2 parts in 1 V. f°. * QDZ Monety tzarstvovani imperatritzy Yelisavety i i imperatora Petra in. St. Petersburg: A. Benke, 1896. 2 v. f°. *QDZ Russkiya monety 1881-1890. St. Petersburg: A. Benke, 1891. 2 p.l., 115 p., 6 pi. f°. * QDZ Russkiya monety chekannyya dlya Prussii 1759-1762, Gruzii 1804-1833, Polshi 1815-1841, Finlyandii 1864-1890. St. Peters- burg: A. Benke, 1893. 4 parts in 1 v. f°. *QDZ Ricaud de Tiregale, P. Medailles sur les principaux evenemens de I'empire de Rus- sie depuis le regne de Pierre le Grand jusqu'a celui de Catherine n. avec des ex- plications historiques. Potsdam, 1772. f°. ft MIC Russia and its minor coins. (Numis- matist. Monroe, Mich., 1900. 8°. v. 13, p. 11-17.) MHA Snimki. Snimki drevnikh russkikh pe- chatei gosudarstvennykh, tzarskikh, ob- lastnykh, gorodskikh, prisutstvennykh myest i chastnykh litz, Izdaniye Komniis- sii pechataniya gosudarstvennykh gramot i dogovorov, sostoyashchei pri Moskov- skom Glavnom Arkhivye Ministerstva Inostr. Dyel. Vypusk 1. Moscow, 1880. f°. *QDX Title and text also in French. Vitebskaya Uchonaya Arkhivnaya Ko- missiya. — Muzei. Katalog monet i medalei muzeya Vitebskoi Uchenoi Arkhivnoi Ko- missi. Sostavil khranitel muzeya K. A. Zmigrodzki. Vitebsk: Nasi. M. B. Neu- mana, 1911. 38 p. 8°. * QDZ p. box 1 .Sabaeans Schlumberger, Leon Gustave. Le tresor de San'a (monnaies himyaritiques). Paris: E. Leroux, 1880. 2 p.l., 65 p., 3 pi. f°. tt*OE Scotland See Great Britain and Ireland Servia Ivich, Aleksa. Stari srpski pechati i grbovi prilog srpskoj sfragostotzo o kher- alditzi. Novi Sad: Matitza Serpska, 1910. 42 p., 17 pi. 8°. (Knyige Matitze Srpske. br. 40.) * QKK Truhelka, Ciro. Verzeichniss der bosni- schen, serbischen, und bulgarischen Miin- zen des Landesmuseums in Sarajevo, illus. (Bosnisch-Hercegovinisches Landesmu- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 135 Individual Countries, continued. Servia, continued. seum in Sarajevo. Wissenschaftliche Mittheilungen aus Bosnien und der Her- cegovina. Wien, 1896. 4°. Bd. 4, p. 303- 323.) * QKK Slavs Nuber, C. F. Beitrag zur Chronologic slavonischer Miinzen. (Bosnisch-Herce- govinisches Landesmuseum in Sarajevo. Wissenschaftliche Mittheilungen aus Bos- nien und der Hercegovina. Wien, 1899. 4°. Bd. 6, p. 467-477.) * QKK Truhelka, Ciro. Die slavonischen Ba- naldenare. Kin Beitrag zur croatischen Numismatik. illus. (Bosnisch-Hercego- vinisches Landesmuseum in Sarajevo. Wissenschaftliche Mittheilungen aus Bos- nien und der Hercegovina. Wien, 1899. 4°. Bd. 6, p. 328-466.) * QKK South African Republic Nevins, John Birkbeck. Description of the Boer coinage, and of the recent new French coinage (1898-9). (Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. Pro- ceedings. London, 1900. 8°. v. 54, p. 185- 192.) * EC South America Medina, Jose Toribio. Medallas coloni- ales hispano-americanas. Santiago de Chile: Impresso en casa del autor, 1900. vi, 7-124 p. f°. tMII One of 200 copies printed. Recent medals on the discovery of South America. (American journal of numisma- tics. Boston, 1900. 8°. v. 35, p. 43-45.) MHA Weyl, Adolf. Sammlung amerikanischer Munzen & Medaillen. Bearbeitet von A. Weyl. Berlin: A. Weyl, 1899. 3 p.l., 160 p., 4 pi. 4°. Mil Spain British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. The coins of the Moors of Africa and Spain: and the kings and imams of the Yemen: in the British Museum. Classes xivb, xxvii. By Stanley Lane- Poole. Edited by R. S. Poole. London: British Museum, 1880. Hi, 175 p., 7 pi. 8°. (Catalogue of Oriental coins in the British Museum, v. 5.) *0 Desk — MIL Campaner y Fuertes, Alvaro. Indicador manual de la numismatica espanola... Madrid: M. MuriUo, 1891. 2 p.l., vii p., 1 1., 575 p., 2 tables. 16°. MHR Numismatica balear. Descripcion historica de las monedas de las islas Ba- leares, acunadas durante las dominaciones punica, romana, arabe, aragonesa y es- panola... Palma de Mallorca: P. J. Gela- bert, 1879. xlii p., 1 1., 360 p., 11 pi. 4°. MHR Carreras y Candi, Francisco. Numis- matica catalana. Acufiaciones incusas lo- cales en los siglos xvi y xvii. (Revista critica de historia y literatura espanolas, portuguesas y hispano-americanas. Mad- rid, 1900. 8°. aho 5, p. 151-156.) * DR Carter, Francis. A journey from Gibral- tar to Malaga; with a View of that Garri- son and its Environs; a Particular Account of the Towns in tlie Hoya of Malaga; the Ancient and Natural History of those Cities, of the Coast between them, and of tlie Mountains of Ronda. Illustrated with the medals of each municipal town... London: printed for T. Cadell, mdcclxxvii. 2v. 8°. BXX Codera y Zaidin, Francisco. Qecas arabigo-espanolas. Publicado en la Re- vista de archivos, bibliotecas y museos. Madrid: Aribau y Ca., 1874. 54 p. 16°. *OFH Tratado de numismatica arabigo- espaiiola. Madrid: M. MuriUo, 1879. xxi(i) p., 1 1., 319 p., 24 pi. 8°. MIO Florez, Henrique. Medallas de las co- lonias, municipios y pueblos antiguos de Espaha. Madrid, 1757-73. 3 v. 4°. MHR Gaillard, J. Description des monnaies espagnoles et des monnaies etrangeres qui out eu cours en Espagne, depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a nos jours, compo- sant le cabinet monetaire de J. G. de la Torre. Madrid, 1852. 8°. MHR Garcia, Juan Catalina. Inventario de las medallas espanolas que posee la Real Aca- deniia de la Historia. (Real Academia de la Historia. Boletin. Madrid, 1905. 8°. v. 47, p. 152-229.) BXA Heiss, Aloiss. Descripcion general de las monedas hispano-cristianas desde la in- vasion de los Arabes. v. 2-3. Madrid. 1865- 69. pi. f°. tMHR Description generale des monnaies antiques de I'Espagne. Paris, 1870. 68 pi. illus. f°. tMHL Lane-Poole, Stanley. See British Mu- seum. — Department of Coins and Medals. Longperier, H. A. P. de. Documents numismatiques pour servir a I'histoire des Arabes d'Espagne. Programme. Paris, 1851. pi. 4°. MIO Mahudel, Nicolas. Dissertation his- torique sur les monnoyes antiques d'Es- pagne. Paris, 1725. pi. 4°. f BXB Bound with: Juan de Mariana, Histoire generale d'Espagne. Paris, 1725. 4°. v. S. 136 THE NFAV YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Spain, continued. Minguez, B. M. Datos epigraficos y nu- mismaticos de Espana. Valladolid: Im- prenta de los hijos de Rodriguez, 1883. viii, 245 p., 1 1., 13 pi. 8°. BXB Pena, Antonio Ma. Catalogue of the ...collection of gold, silver, base and cop- per coins, representing Spain and her do- minions, from the very earliest times to his present Majesty, Alfonso xiii. The property of A. M. Pena. Part 1... Cata- logued by L. H. Low. [New York: L. H. Low, 1910.] 31 p. 8°. MHEp.v. 7,no.8 Part 1. Gold coins of the Vicegoth kings, kings of Aragon, Majorca, Castile and Leon and Spain... with. . .silver coins of the dollar size, and above... Poole, Reginald Stuart. See British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. Rada y Delgado, Juan de Dios de la. Catalog© de monedas arabigas espanolas que se conservan en el Museo arqueologico nacional... Madrid: Fortanet, 1892. xxiv, 264 p. 8°. * OFH Saulcy, L. F. J. C. de. Essai de classifi- cation des monnaies autonomes de I'Es- pagne. Metz, 1840. 8°. MHR Schroetter, von. tJber die spanischen- Billon- und Kupfer-Miinzen unter den Konigen Philipp iii. und Philipp. iv. (Zeitschrift fiir Numismatik. Berlin, 1906. 8°. V. 25, p. 289-330.) MHA a Sentenach, Narciso. Monedas de plata y de vellon castellanas. (Revista de archi- vos, bibliotecas y museos. Madrid, 1906. 8°. serie 3, v. 14, p. 329-345.) BXA Sestini, Domenico. Descrizione delle me- daglie ispane appartenenti alia Lusitania, alia Betica, e alia Tarragonese che si con- servano nel Museo Hedervariano. Firen- ze: G. Piatti, 1818. 4 p.l., 227 p., 10 pi. 4°. tMHR c Sumner, W. G. The Spanish dollar and the colonial shilling. (American historical review. New York, 1898. 4°. v. 3, p. 607- 619.) lAA Thurston, Hubert. King Alfonso's "tokens of spousage." (Messenger. New York, 1906. 8°. v. 46, p. 117-129.) ZLF Thirteen gold coins given to the bride, in accord- ance with a custom in Europe dating back to the middle ages. Vives, Antonio. Indicacion del valor en las monedas arabigo-espaiiolas. (In: Ho- menaje a D. Francisco Codera. Zaragoza, 1904. 4°. p. 513-520.) t * OAC Vives y Escudero, A. Monedas de las dinastias arabigo-espanolas. Madrid: For- tanet, 1893. xc p., 1 1., 553 p., 1 1. 4°. MIO Zobel de Zangroniz, Jacob. Spanische MiJnzen mit bisher unerklarten Aufschrif- ten. illus. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1863. 8°. Bd. 17, p. 336-357.) * OAA States of the Church Berger, Laurentius. Numismatum mo- dernorum Cimeliarchii Regio-Electoralis Brandenburgici Sectio Prima, continens Numismata Pontificum Romanorum, ali- orumque ecclesiasticorum, Rariora & Ele- gantiora... Colonise Brandenburgicse, Typis Ulrici Liebperti, mdcciv. 3 p.l., 88 p., 1 1. illus. f°. ttMHQ Buonanni, Filippo. Numismata pontifi- cum Romanorum qvse a tempore Martini V. usque ad annum m.dc.xcix. vel authori- tate publica, vel privato genio in lucem prodiere, explicata, ac multiplici eruditione sacra, & prophana illustrata. Romse: Ex typographia D. A. Herculis, m.dc.xcix. 2 v. f°. tfMHQ Castellane, Henri de, comte. Observa- tions sur le classement des premiers florins pontificaux du Comtat-Venaissin et d' Av- ignon. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1906. 8°. serie 4, v. 10, p. 35-50.) MHA Castellani, Giuseppe. Per la storia della moneta pontificia negli ultimi anni del secolo XVIII. (Rivista italiana di numisma- tica. Milano, 1904. 8°. v. 17, p. 343-351.) MHA Choix historique des medailles des papes, depuis le milieu du xv. siecle jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, 1839. f°. (Tresor de numismatique et de glyptique.) ft MHE Martinori, E. Delia moneta paparina del patrimonio di S. Pietro in Tuscia e delle zecche di Viterbo e Monetefiascone. (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1909. 8°. V. 22, p. 379-438; v. 23, p. 37-72.) MHA La zecca papale di Ponte della Sorga (Contado Venesino). (Rivista itali- ana di numismatica. Milano, 1907. 8°. v. 20, p. 215-256.) MHA Medals of the Roman pontiffs, from Martin v., 1417, to Leo xiii., 1883, coined at the Roman mint. Commemorating some of the principal incidents in their respective pontificates. Translated from the Italian catalogue. Philadelphia, 1883. 107 p. 8°. MHE Pflugk-Hartung, Julius von. Ueber Miinzen und Siegel der alteren Papste. (Quellen und Forschungen aus italieni- schen Archiven und Bibliotheken. Rom, 1902. 8°. Bd. 5, p. 1-8.) EAA Promis, Domenico. Monete dei romani pontefici avanti il mille. Torino, 1858. pi. nar. 4°. MHQ Robertson, Ernest. Some rare papal coins. (Numismatist. Monroe, Mich., 1900. 8°. V. 13, p. 37-42.) MHA Stewart, Charles Poyntz. Papal numis- matic and pictorial memorials of the mas- sacre of St. Bartholomew's day. 3 pi. (Huguenot Society of London. Proceed- ings. London, 1911. 8°. v. 9, p. 274-298.) ZOLA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 137 Individual Countries, continued. Sweden Aberg, C. M. See Hildebrand, Bror Emil, editor. Allguren, O. M. See Hildebrand, Bror Emil, editor. Bergman, Karl Johan. De nummis Gothlandicis dissertatio. Upsalia: [1837]. 16 p., 1 pi. 8°. MIA p. box 1 Brenner, Elias. Thesaurus nummorum Sueo-Gothicorum. . .secundum seriem tem- porum dispositus, atqve e tenebris cum commentatione in apricum prolatus. Ac- cessit Ejusdem Auctoris Lihellus de Num- mophylaciis Svecia;: De Scriptoribus rei Nummariae Svethicse: Atque de Thesauris, seu variis Vetustorum Nummorum cumu- lis, passim per Sveoniam fortuito casu repertis. Holmiae: Typis Job. Laur. Horrn, mdccxxxi. 9 p.l., 270 p., 1 1., 62 pi. iUus. 4°. MIA Catalogus variorum usque ad hoc tern- pus editorum operum circa rem nummari- am in Suecia. Holmi?e: Typis Kumblini- anis, MDCCLXxx. 16 p. 4°. MIA Bound with: Elias Brenner, Thesaurus num- morum Sueo-Gothicorum... Holmiae, mdccxxxi. 4°. De Peyster, John Watts. Description of medals presented by H.R.H. Oscar, king of Sweden and Norway. . .to Gen. J. Watts De Peyster... [Signed J. Watts De Pey- ster.] n.p. [185-?] 6 p., 2 pi. 8°. * C p.v. 943 Eckerbom, S. See Hildebrand, Bror Emil, editor. Hauberg, P. Gullands Myntvaesen. Kj0benhavn: Gyldendal, 1891. 1 p.l., 72 p. 8°. MHE p.v. 6, no.6 Repr. : Aarbfiger for nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historic. 1891. Hildebrand, Bror Emil, editor. Upplys- ningar till Sveriges mynthistoria. . .utgif- na af B.E. Hildebrand. afdeeling 1-5. Lund, 1831-32. 16°. MIA Afdelningen 1 by E. A. F. Lindencrona. Afdelningen 2 by C. M. Aberg. Afdelningen 3 by S. Eckerbom. Afdelningen 4 by O. M. Allguren. Afdelningen 5 by O. M. Hommerberg. Hildebrand, Hans. De oster- och vas- terliindska mynten i Sveriges jord. 18 p. (In: Historiska studier. Festskrift tillag- nad C. G. Malmstrom. Stockholm [1898]. 8°.) BTE Hommerberg, O. M. See Hildebrand, Bror Emil, editor. Kihlgren, Zacharias Aaron. Dissertatio historica De nvmis et sigillis Lvndensi- hus... Londini Gothorum [1741]. 6 p.l., 71(1) p., 2 pi. 4°. MIA p. box 1 Kort utkast til Konung Carl den xi: tes historia, i anledning af de under bans re- gering slagne skadepenningar. Stock- holm: Swederus, 1788. 1 p.l., 184 p. 12°. GFP Lagerberg, Julius de. A theory as to the origin of the symbol of the three crowns on Swedish coins. (American journal of numismatics. New York, 1909. 4°. v. 43, p. 52-.S6.) MHA Lindencrona, E. A. F. See Hildebrand, Bror Emil, editor. Morin, Benedictus M. Historiola prae- parationis nummorum in Svecia a^reorum forma; quadrata; grandioris . . . Upsalioe [1717,. 2 p.l., 24 p. 12°. MIA p. box 1 Raab, Axel. ...De re numismatica. . . Londini Gothorum [1741]. 2 p.l., 24 p. illus. 4°. MIA p. box 1 Thunius, Ericus. Exercitium academi- cum, De moneta serea, in Svecia, ro- tunda... Upsalioe [1725]. 3 p.l., 26 p., 4 1., 27-45(1) p., 2 pi. 4°. MIA p. box 1 Warburg, Karl Johann. Hedlinger, ett bidrag till frihetstidens konsthistoria. [Goteborg: D. F. Bonniers, 1890.] viii, 182 p., 3 pi. 8°. MOP Ziervogel, Evald. Dissertatio acadeniica, De re nummaria ejusque in historia Suio- gothica usu... part 1. Upsalite [1745?]. 4 p.l., 69(1) p. 4°. MIA p. box 1 Switzerland Bergmann, Joseph von. Ueber die Miin- zen Graubiindens. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungsberichte. Philos.-hist. Classe. Wien cl852]. 8°. Bd. 7. p. 190-235.) *EF D., Eug. See Demole, Eugene. Demole, Eugene. Histoire monetaire de Geneve de 1792 a 1848... Geneve: H. Georg, 1892. 2 p.l., 3-139 p., 6 pi. 4°. fMHX Les medailles des jubiles et fetes de Geneve en juillet 1909. illus. (Revue Suisse de numismatique. Geneve, 1909. 8°. V. 15, p. 369-374.) MHA La zecca dei conti del Genevese ad Annecy (1356-1391). (Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milano, 1904. 8°. v. 17, p. 363-416, 479-531.) MHA See also Wavre, William, and Eugene Demole. Hahn, E., and Adolf Ikle-Steinlin. Die Miinzen der Stadt St. Gallen. (Revue Suisse de numismatique. Geneve, 1911. 8°. tome 16, p. 225-285; tome 17, p. 5-49, 129- 188, 241-254.) MHA Ikle-Steinlin, Adolf, joint author. See Hahn, E., and Adolf Ikle-Steinlin. Keller, Ferdinand. Notice of a die for striking Helvetian or Gaulish gold coins; 138 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. Switzerland, continued. found at Avenches, in Switzerland. (Ar- chaeological journal. London, 1862. 8°. V. 19, p. 253-258.) CA Mallet, lidouard. L'ancienne monnaie episcopale de Geneve. (Societe d'histoire et d' archeologie de Geneve. Memoires et documents. Geneve, 1847. 8°. v. 5, p. 355-359.) GDYM Michaud, Albert. Les monnaies des princes-eveques de Bale. Notice histo- rique et description de 234 pieces... La Chaux-de-Fonds: I'auteur, 1905. 2 p.l., 103 p., 14 pi., 1 table. iUus. 8°. MHX Repr.: Revue Suisse de numismatique. tome 13, p. 5-107. Palezieux du Pan, de. Description des monnaies vallaisannes. (Revue Suisse de numismatique. Geneve, 1908. 8°. v. 14, p. 265-352; v. 15, p. 1-37.) MHA Peers, C. R. Swiss bracteates in the British Museum. 2 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1899. 8°. series 3, v. 9, p. 12-34.) MHA Reber, B. In der Schweiz aufgefundene Regenbogenschiisseln und verwandte Goldmiinzen. 1 pi. (Anzeiger fiir schweiz. Altertumskunde. Zurich, 1900. 8°. N. F. Bd. 2, p. 157-166.) GDA Wavre, William, and Eugene Demole. La restauration de I'atelier monetaire de Neuchatel par Marie de Bourbon en 1588. (Revue suisse de numismatique. Geneve, 1912. 8°. tome 18, p. 5-44, 129-142.) MHA Syria Babelon, Ernest Charles Frangois. Cata- logue des monnaies grecques de la Biblio- theque nationale. Les rois de Syrie, d'Ar- menie et de Commagene. Paris: C. Rollin & Feuardent, 1890. 2 p.l., ccxxii p., 1 1., 268 p., 32 pi. 4°. t MIL British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. Catalogue of Greek coins. The Seleucid kings of Syria. [Edited] by Percy Gardner .. .and R. S. Poole. Lon- don, 1878. xxxix, 126 p., 28 pi. 8°. MHM Clermont Ganneau. Charles Simon. Sceaux et cachets israelites, pheniciens et syriens, suivis d'epigraphes pheniciennes inedites sur divers objets, et de deux in- tailles Cypriotes. Paris: Imprimerie Na- tionale, 1883. 48 p., 2 pi. 8°. *ODAp.boxl Extr. : Journal asiatique. Dieudonne, A. Numismatique syrienne. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1909. 8°. serie 4, v. 13, p. 167-187.) MHA Numismatique syrienne. Emese. 1 pi. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1906. 8°. serie 4, v. 10, p. 132-155.) MHA Foy Vaillant, Jean. Seleucidarum im- perium, sive historia regum Syriae ad fidem numismatum accommodata. Hagae- Comitum, 1732. 2. ed. f°. f MHM Gardner, Percy. See British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. Hill, G. F. Posidium in Syria. (Numis- matic chronicle. London, 1898. 8°. series 3, V. 18, p. 246-250.) MHA Lane-Poole, Stanley. Coins of the Ur- tuki Turkumans. London: Triibner & Co., 1875. 3 p.l., [ixi-x p., 1 1., 44 p., 5 pi. f°. (The international numismata orientalia. V. 1, part 2.) tMIL Macdonald, George. The coinage of Tigranes i. (Numismatic chronicle. Lon- don, 1902. 8°. series 4, v. 2, p. 193-201.) MHA The numeral letters on imperial coins of Syria. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1903. 8°. series 4, v. 3, p. 105- 110.) MHA Poole, Reginald Stuart. See British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. Saulcy, L.F.J.C. de. Memoire sur les monnaies datees des Seleucides. Paris [1871]. nar. 4°. (Societe frangaise de nu- mismatique et d'archeologie. Publica- tion.) tMHM Recherches sur les monnaies des tetrarques hereditaires de la Chalcidene et de I'Abilene. Vienne, 1870. 8°. MHM Sur les monnaies des Antiocheens frappees hors d'Antioche; lettre a Mr. Barclay Head. London, 1871. pi. 8°. MHM Tochon d'Annecy, J. F. Dissertation sur I'epoque de la mort d'Antiochus vii Evergetes Sidetes, roi de Syrie, sur deux medailles antiques de ce prince et sur un passage du He livre des Macchabees. Paris,^1815. 4°. MHEp.v. 1 Voigt, W. von. Die Seleucidenmijnzen der Kaiserlichen Eremitage zu St. Peters- burg. (Journal international d'archeolo- gie numismatique. Athenes, 1911. 4°. tome 13, p. 131-176.) MHA The Tartars Steuart, John Robert. Two plates of coins presented to the Royal Asiatic So- ciety. 2 pi. (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. London, 1837. 8°. v. 4, p. 273- 279.) * OAA Tibet Walsh, E. H. C. The coinage of Tibet. 2 pi. illus. (Asiatic Society of Bengal. Memoirs. Calcutta, 1907. f°. v. 2, p. 11- 23.) * OHA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 139 Tripoli Valentine, W. H. Modern copper coins of the Muhammadan states of Turkey, Persia, Egypt, Afghanistan, Morocco, Tripoli, Tunis, etc. London: Spink & Son, Ltd., 19n. 2 p.l., 203(1) p., 6 maps, illus. 8°. * OFH Tunis Hugon, Henri. Les emblemes des beys de Tunis; etude sur les signes de I'auto- nomie husseinite. 1 pi. illus. (Gazette numismatique. Paris, 1911-12. 4°. tome 15, p. 193-288, 353-404.) MHA Valentine, W. H. Modern copper coins of the Muhammadan states of Turkey, Persia, Egypt, Afghanistan, Morocco, Tripoli, Tunis, etc. London: Spink & Son, Ltd., 1911. 2 p.l., 203(1) p., 6 maps, illus. 8°. *OFH Turkey British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. The coins of the Turks in the British Museum. Class xxvi. By Stanley Lane-Poole. Edited by R. S. Poole. London: British Museum, 1883. li, 431 p., 12 pi. 8°. (Catalogue of Orien- tal coins in the British Museum, v. 8.) *0 Desk -MIL The coins of the Turkuman houses of Seljook, Urtuk, Zengee, etc., in the Brit- ish Museum. Classes x-xiv. By Stanley Lane-Poole. Edited by R. S. Poole. Lon- don: British Museum, 1877. xxvii, 305 p., 12 pi. 8°. (Catalogue of Oriental coins in the British Museum, v. 3.) *0 Desk -MIL Ghalib ibn Edhem, Isma 'il. Maskukat islamaiyyah Kismanden. [A catalogue of the Turkoman coins in the Imperial Otto- man Museum.] Constantinople, 1893. 24, 183 p., 8 pi. 4°. * OPR Takwim maskukat Seljukiyyah. [A catalogue of Seldjuk coins in the Imperial Ottoman Museum.] Constantinople, 1889. 31, 143 p., 5 pi. 4°. *OPR Takwim maskiikat Uthmaniyyah. [A catalogue of Turkish coins and medals in the Imperial Ottoman Museum.] Con- stantinople, 1889. 22, 510 p., 12 pi. 4°. *OPR See also Musee imperial ottoman. — Section des monnaies musulmanes. Hammer-Purgstall, Joseph von, Frei- herr. Abhandlung iiber die Siegel der Araber, Perser und Tiirken. 1 pi, (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaf- ten. Denkschriften. Philos.-hist. Classe. Wien, 1850. f°. Bd. 1, Abth. 1, p. 1-36.) *EF Lane-Poole, Stanley. Coins of the Ur- tuki Turkumans. London: Triibner & Co., 1875. 3 p.l., [ix]-x p., 1 1., 44 p., 5 pi. f°. (The International numismata orientalia. V. 1, part 2.) tMIL See also British Museum. — De- partment of Coins and Medals. Musee imperial ottoman. — Section des monnaies musulmanes. Catalogue des monnaies turcomanes Beni Ortok, Beni Zengui, Frou' Atabeqyeh et Meliks Eyou- bites de Meiyafarikin par I. Ghalib Edhem. Par ordre du Ministere Imperial de ITn- struction Publique. Constantinople: Mih- ran, imprimeur, 1894. xvii(i) p., 1 1., 175 p., 8 pi. 8°. *OFH See also Ghalib ibn Edhem, Isma'il. Oman, C. Unpublished or rare coins of Smyrna in the Bodleian cabinet. (Numis- matic chronicle. London, 1900. 8°. series 3, V. 20, p. 203-208.) MHA Philippe de Saxe-Cobourg, prince. Deux monnaies inconnucs du rebelle Rum Mu- hammed (1626/7). (Revue beige de numis- matique. Bruxelles, 1904. 8°. annee 60, 1904, p. 156-162.) MHA Poole, Reginald Stuart. See British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. Rogers, Edward Thomas. The coins of the Tiiluni dynasty. London: Triibner & Co.. 1877. 2 p.l., 21(1) p., 1 pi. f°. (The International numismata orientalia. v. 1, part 4.) t MIL Valentine, W. H. Modern copper coins of the Muhammadan states of Turkey, Persia, Egypt, Afghanistan, Alorocco, Tripoli, Tunis, etc. London: Spink & Son, Ltd., 1911. 2 p.l., 203(1) p., 6 maps, illus. 8°. *OFH Wood, Rowland. [Tougbra or device found at the head of Turkish imperial documents and on the stamps and coins of the Ottoman Empire.) (Numismatist. Monroe, Mich., 1905. 8°. v. 18, p. 199-212.) MHA United States Adams, Edgar Holmes. The Lesher ref- erendum dollar. illus. (Numismatist. Worcester, Mass., 1911. 8°. v. 24, p. 270- 271.) MHA Private gold coinage of California, 1849-55; its history and its issues. Brook- lyn, N. Y.: E. H. Adams, 1911-13. 4 parts in 1. pi., port. 4°. f Mil Repr. : American journal of numismatics. 1911- 12. [Part] 1. The state assay office of California. 1S50. [Part] 2. The Moffat & Co. issues. San Fran- cisco, 1849-53. [Part] 3. Various Californian private mints. 1849-55. [Part] 4. Pattern and experimental pieces of California. 1849-53. 140 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. United States, continued. Adams' official premium list of United States private and territorial gold coins, indicated by prices brought at public coin sales. New York: Willett Press [1909]. 1 p.l., (1)6-72 p. illus. 12°. Mil Adams, Edgar Holmes, and W. H. WooDiN. United States pattern, trial, and experimental pieces. Being a list of the pattern, trial and experimental pieces which have been issued by the United States mint from 1792 up to the present time. New York: American Numismatic Society, 1913. 4 p.l., 196 p. illus. 8°. (American Numismatic Society. American numismatic series, no. 1.) MHE Adams, Geoffrey Charlton. Catalogue of the collections of J. Aldrich Campbell and Wun Hi Gin, consisting of fine Ameri- cana in gold, silver and copper .. .together with the finest collection of Chinese coins ever offered for sale here or abroad... Catalogued by Daniel F. Howarth... Sold... July 13th, 1906... [New York, 1906.1 44 p. 8°. MHFH Anderson Auction Co. Catalogue of American coins... to be sold... at public auction by [the Anderson Auction Co... November 27-28, 1903...] New York: N. Y. Coin & Stamp Co. [1903.] 50 p. 8°. MHFH p. box A Andrews, Frank D. An arrangement of United States copper cents, 1816-1857, for the assistance of collectors. Vineland, N. J., 1883. 42 p., 1 1. ob. 16°. Mil p. box 1 A description of 268 varieties of U. S. cents, 1816-57, in the collection of F. D. Andrews, no. 13. Vineland, N.J., 1881. 1 p.l., 54 p. sq. 16°. Mil p. box Appleton, W. S. Description of a selec- tion of coins and medals relating to America, exhibited to the Massachusetts Historical Society, April 28, 1870. Cam- bridge, 1870. 8°. MHEp.v.5,no.l4 Bangs, Merwin & Co. Catalogue of gold, silver and copper American coins, medals, pattern and Washington pieces... (Auction, in New York, by Bangs, Mer- win & Co., June 29th & 30th, 1864.) Phila- delphia, 1864. 32 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Bangs 1864) Beckford, G. W., & Co. Catalogue of rare American coins and medals... [Auc- tion sale, July 13, 1864.] Boston, 1864. 7 p. 8°. Mil p. box 1 [Auction sale, July 27, 1864.] Boston, 1864. 7 p. 8°. Mil p. box 1 Belden, Bauman L. The collection of American insignia in the American Numis- matic Society's cabinet. 3 pi. (American journal of numismatics. New York, 1908. 4°. v. 43, p. 16-21.) MHA Bergen, W. von. The rare coins of America, England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Germany, Canada, Spain. Also Greek and Roman coins. [Boston,] cop. 1889. 1 p.l., 190 p., 2 1., 6 pi. 7. ed. 12°. Mil Betts, C. Wyllys. American colonial history, illustrated by contemporary med- als. Edited with notes by William T. R. Marvin and Lyman Haynes Low. New York: Scott Stamp and Coin Co., 1894. v (i) p., 1 1., 332 p., 1 pi. 8°. Mil Counterfeit half pence current in the American colonies, and their issue from the mints of Connecticut and Ver- mont. Address before the American Nu- mismatic & Archaeological Society. New York: Burgoyne's "Quick" Print, 1886. 17 p. illus. 8°. Mil p. box 1 Birch, T., & Son. ...Catalogue of a collection of American and foreign coins and medals. .. [also] rare colonials, Wash- ington pieces, &c. ... [Auction sale, Nov. 7, 1871.] Philadelphia, 1871. 19 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Birch) — ■ — - Catalogue of a private collection of colonial and continental paper money [also] a... variety of silver and copper coins... [Auction sale, Sept. 13, 1871.] Philadelphia, 1871. 15 p. 8°. Mil p. box 1 Centennial coin and curiosity sale. part I. (Auction by T. Birch & Sons, March 30, 1876.) Philadelphia, 1876. 27 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Birch) part II. (Auction by T. Birch & Sons, April 24, 1876.) Philadelphia, 1876. 24 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Birch) Bushnell, C. I. An arrangement of tradesmen's cards, political tokens, also election medals, medalets, etc., current in the United States of America for the last sixty years, described from the originals, chiefly in the collection of the author. New York: the author, 1858. 1 p.l., x p.. 1 1., 13-118 p., 1 1., 4 pi. 8°. Mil Catalogue of [his] celebrated and valuable collection of American coins and medals... [Auction by Messrs. Bangs & Co., June 20th-24th, 1882, in New York.] Philadelphia, 1882. 136, 11 p., 12 pi. 4°. tMII An historical account of the first three business tokens issued in the city of New York. New York: privately printed, 1859. 3 p.l., (1)8-17 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 12°. Mil p. box 1 New York: privately printed, 1859. 3 p.l., (1)8-17 p., 1 1., 1 pi., 1 port. 4°. (In his: Crumbs for antiquarians. New York, 1864. 4°. v. 1.) lAG Carson, M. R. Catalogue of the collec- tions of coins of the United States of Dr. M. R. Carson... and S. P. Nichols, Esq.... Catalogued by S. H. & H. Chapman... and to be sold. . .by S. V. Henkels & Co. . . May 27th and 28, 1886. n.p., 1886. 35 p. 8°. MHFH p. box LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 141 Individual Countries, continued. United States, continued. Chambers, Robert B. Catalogue of American coins, medals, &c. .. .together with a few foreign coins, &c. [Auction sale, Feb. 27, 28, and March 1, I866.1 New York, 1866. 71 p. 8°. Mil p. box 1 Clay, Charles. Catalogue of a valuable collection of American coins & medals... (Auction by Geo. A. Leavitt & Co., Dec. 5th, 6th. and 7th, 1871.) New York, 1871. 97 p., 1 pi. 8°. MHFH p. box (Clay) Clogston, William. Catalogue of W. Clogston's collection of reminders of the war of 1861-65... (Auction by Messrs. Bangs & Co., April 8th and 9th, 188I.) Boston, 1881. 59 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Woodward 1881) Cogan, Edward. Catalogue of an assort- ment of American silver and copper coins and medals... (Auction by Messrs. Bangs, Merwin & Co., 7th & 8th April 1863.) Philadelphia, 1863. 37 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Cogan) Catalogue of a choice and valuable collection of American silver and copper coins... (Auction Oct. 18 and 19, 1860.) Philadelphia, 1860. 31 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Cogan) Catalogue of a collection of valu- able American, together with very choice specimens of English silver and copper coins... [Auction sale, June IS, I860.] Philadelphia. 1860. 16 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Cogan) Catalogue of an extremely valuable and interesting collection of American coins and medals... (Auction by E. Co- gan, March 25 and 26. 1862.) Philadelphia, 1862. 1 p.l., 36 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Cogan) Priced catalogue of the collection of American .. .coins, medals, etc. ...sold at auction at the store of E. Cogan, March 25-26, 1862. Philadelphia: G. S. Harris, 1862. 37 p. 4°. tMHFH Concerning the Eagles. (American journal of numismatics. Boston, 1907-08. 4°. V. 42, p. 41-47.) MHA Crane, E. B. Catalogue of the collection of U. S. coins and medals, foreign coins, paper money, numismatic literature, &c. . . . [Auction sale, Jan. 24, 1896.] Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son, 1896. 25 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Crane) Crosby, Sylvester Sage. The early coins of America, and the laws governing their issue... Boston, 1875. pi. illus. 4°. tMII Notes on an undescribed trial-piece bearing impressions of two hubs for a Fugio pattern. 1 pi. (American journal of numismatics. Boston, 1901. 4°. v. 36, p. 76-80.) MHA Daughters of the American Revolution. — New York City Chapter. Revolution- ary calendar. 13 seals of the 13 original states. Boston: Lamson, Wolffe, and Co., cop. 1895. 13 pi. AWS Deane, Charles. Communication re- specting the seal of the "Council for New England." Cambridge, Mass. [1867.) 4 p. 8°. IQ Repr. : Massachusetts Historical Society. Pro- ceedings. V. 9, 1866-67. Dickeson, Montroville Wilson. The American numismatical manual of the currency or money of the aborigines, and colonial, state, and United States coins. With historical and descriptive notices of each coin or series. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1859. x, 11-256 p., 20 pi., 1 port. 4°. tMII Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1860. X, 11-271 p., 22 pi., 1 port. 2. ed. sq. 4°. tMII Philadelphia, 1865. pi., port. 3. ed. 4°. tMII Doughty, F. W. Cents of the United States... New York, 1890. 8°. Mil Duffield, F. G. The merchants' cards and tokens of Baltimore. (Numismatist. Monroe, Mich., 1907. 8°. v. 20, p. 65-87.) MHA Early seals of the city [Of New York]. (Manual of the corporation of the city of New York, edited by D. T. Valentine. 1851, p. 420.) *SAM With facsimiles of the "Seal of New Amster- dam 1654" and the "Seal of the City of New York, 1686;" also "Seals of colonial governors." Elder, Thomas L., joint author. See Gilbert, Edward Holmes, and T. L. Elder. Ernst, C. von. Die Nova Constellatio- und die Fugio-Miinzen, die ersten Miinzen der Vereinigten Staaten. illus. (Numis- matische Zeitschrift. Wien, 1908. 4°. N. F. Bd. 3, p. 233-240.) MHA Evans, Edward S. The seals of Vir- ginia. Published as a part of the report of the Virginia State Library for 1909- 1910. Richmond: D. Bottom, 1911. 47 p., 6 pi. 8°. (Virginia. — State Library.) AWS Evans, George G. Illustrated history of the United States Mint with a complete description of American coinage from the earliest period to the present time. . . New ...edition, edited by the publisher. Phila- delphia: G. G. Evans, 1890. vi p., 1 1.. 153 p., 25 pi., 2 port. 8°. TF — — New revised edition. Phila- delphia: G. G. Evans, 1892. vii, 179 p.. 33 pi. 8°. MIX Finotti, J. M. Catalogue of selected specimens from the American portion of the Finotti collection of coins and medals, now the property of W. Elliot Woodward [Auction sale, by Bangs, Merwin & 142 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. United States, continued. Co., Nov. 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th, 1862.] Roxburj^: L. B. & O. E. Weston, 1862. 88 p. 8°. MHFHp.v.2 Franklin medallion [by Daniel E. Groux] struck for the inauguration of the statue of Franklin. Boston, Sept. 17, 1856. 4 p. 8°. Mil p. box 1 Frossard, fidouard, and W. W. Hays. Varieties of United States cents of the year 1794, described and illustrated. New York: privately printed, 1893. 18 p., 2 pi. 4°. Mil — — Illustrated from the maarnifi- cent cent collection of E. Gilbert., .and re- printed, with additional numbers, by Thos. L. Elder... New York: Elder Numisma- tic Press [1910]. 1 p.l., 5-26 p., 1 1., 4 pi. 4°. MIX G., A. J. An undescribed hard times token. (American journal of numismatics. Boston, 1900. 4°. v. 35, p. 27.) MHA Gilbert, Edward Holmes, and T. L. Elder. The varieties of the United States cents of 1796. New York: T. L. Elder [Cop. 1909]. 7 1., 2 pi. 4°. Mil Goodell, Abner Cheney, the younger. An account of the seals of the judicial courts of the colony and province of the Massachusetts Bay: 1680-1780. Cam- bridge: J. Wilson & Son, 1883. 16 p., 2 pi. 8°. IQG Repr. : Massachusetts Historical Society. Pro- ceedings. V. 20, 1882-83. Green, Ben G. U. S. necessity money. (Numismatist. Monroe, Mich., 1905. 8°. V. 18, p. 307-311.) MHA Green, Samuel Abbott. [A design for a town seal of Groton, submitted March 16, 1898.] [Boston, 1898?] One broadside. Grimes, J. Bryan. The great seal of the state of North Carolina. 1666-1909. Raleigh: E. M. Uzzell & Co., 1909. 32 p., 12 pi. 8°. (North Carolina. — Historical Commission. Bulletin 5.) ITE Haines, B. Priced catalogue of [hisj col- lection of American copper & silver coins, medals, tokens, etc... sold by Bangs, Mer- win & Co., on... Jan. 19-23, 1863. 110 p. 8°. Stuart 11450 No title-page; title taken from cover. Hall, Clayton C. The great seal of Maryland. Baltimore: [Maryland Histori- cal Society,] 1886. 52 p. 8°. (Maryland Historical Society. Fund publications, no. 23.) lAA Hall, Thomas. A Boston hard times token. (American journal of numismatics. Boston, 1901. 4°. v. 35, p. 105.) MHA Harnett, Mrs. M. L. Catalogue of the collection of Mrs. M. L. Harnett, of Geor- gia, comprising. . .coins of ancient Greece, United States coins, medals, tokens, etc. Also, United States cents, the property of a retiring dealer, [and] a collection of Revolutionary autographs... Catalogue by Ed. Frossard. 149th auction sale... Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son, 1897. 25 p. 8°. MHE p.v. 6, no.2 Hart, Charles Henry. A historical sketch of the national medals issued pur- suant to resolution of Congress, 1776-1815. A paper read before "The Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia"... November 1 and 15, 1866. Philadelphia, 1867. 1 p.l., 139-160 p. 8°. MHEp.v. 3,no.ll Hays, W. W., joint author. See Fros- sard, fidouard, and W. W. Hays. Heaton, A. G. The drapery or "sleeve" of the seated Liberty on United States silver coins. (Numismatist. Monroe, Mich., 1901. 8°. V. 14, p. 265-270.) MHA Hickcox, J. H. An historical account of American coinage. Albany: J. Munsell, 1858. viii, 151 p., 5 pi. 4°. f Mil Homes, Henry Augustus. The correct arms of the state of New York, as estab- lished by law since March 16, 1778. A historical essay read before the Albany Institute, December 2, 1879. Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co., printers, 1880. viii, 9-49(1) p., 1 pi. 8°. IR Second paper on the correct arms of the state of New York, as established by law since March 16, 1778. Read before the Albany Institute, May 24, 1881. Al- bany: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1882. 21 p., 6 pi. 8°. *C p.v. 1365, no.2 Hunt, Gaillard. The seal of the United States. How it was developed and adopted. [By Gaillard Hunt.] Washing- ton: Department of State, 1892. 32 p., 7 pi. 8°. (United States. — State Depart- ment.) MIY no. 160 of 1000 copies printed. Johnston, Elizabeth Bryant. A visit to the cabinet of the United States Mint, at Philadelphia. [By Elizabeth Bryant John- ston.] Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1876. 92 p. 12°. MHF Jones, George F. The coin collectors' manual; containing a description of the gold, silver, copper, and other coins of the United States, with an account of actual sales in Philadelphia and New York. Philadelphia [I860]. 4°. f Mil Kennedy, Daniel R. Catalogue of an important collection of Washington and United States medals, colonial currency.. . Also the collection of ... Ferguson Haines, Biddeford, Maine... Sale December, 1894, New York. Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son, 1894. 51 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Kennedy) LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 143 Individual Countries, continued. United States, continued. Kobbe, Gustave. Presidential medals. History told in coin emblems, illus. (Nu- mismatist. Monroe, Mich., 1905. 8°. v. 18, p. 333-341, 365-367.) MHA Kronfuss, Karl. Die Miinze der Ve- reinigten Staaten von Nordamerika in Philadelphia. 1 pi. (Oesterreichische Zeit- schrift fiir Berg- und Hiittenwesen. Wien, 1908. 4°. Jahry. 56, p. 129-134, 141-146, 161-162.) VHA Leavitt, J. P. Catalogue of American coins, medals, colonial, presidential, po- litical, miscellaneous & Washington pieces and store cards. [Auction sale, by Bangs, Merwin & Co., September 15th, 16th and 17th, 1863-1 Philadelphia: King & Baird, 1863. 79 p. 8°. MHFHp.v. 2 Leavitt, Strebeigh & Co. Catalogue of a valual^le private collection... of rare American coins. . .autographs, &c. . . . lAuc- tion sale, June 17, 1870., New York, 1X70. 31 p. 8°. MHFHp. box (Leavitt) Leeuwarden, The, medal, 1782. 1 pi. (American journal of numismatics. New York, 1911. 4°. v. 45, p. 165-173.) MHA Leonard & Co. Catalogue of American silver and copper coins. [Auction sale, May 14, 1864.) Boston. 1864. 8 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Leonard) Levick, J. N. T. Catalogue of American coins, medals, tokens, paper money, etc. . . . [Auction sale, April 27, 28 & 29, 1865.] New York, 1865. 8°. MHFH p. box (Levick) Pages 37 and 38 are rare; most of the catalogues were issued without this sheet. Priced catalogue of the. . .collec- tion of choice and valuable American coins . . . [Auction sale, Dec. 19 and 20, 1859.] Philadelphia, 1859. 32 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Levick) Lightbody, C. Catalogue of American gold, silver and copper coins and medals (Auction sale, Dec. 6 and 7, 1866.) New York, 1866. 38 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Lightbody) Linderman, Henry R. Circular letter in relation to American medals and cabi- net coins. n. t.-p. [Philadelphia, 1867.] 12 p. 12°. (United States. — Treasury De- partment.) Mil p. box 1 Loubat, Joseph Florimond de, due. The medallic history of the United States of America, 1776-1876; with 170 etchings by Jules Jacquemart. New York, 1878. 2 v. f°. tfMII V. 1. Text. V. 2. Plates. Low, Lyman H. Hard times tokens. (American journal of numismatics. Bos- ton, 1899-1906. 8°. V. 33, p. 15-22, 48-56, 81-85, 118-122; v. 34, p. 17-21, 47-52; v. 35, p. 13; v. 40, p. 103-108.) MHA M., W. T. R. The Deseret gold coinage. (American journal of numismatics. Bos- ton, 1898. 4°. V. 33, p. 56-58.) MHA McClure, R. A. An index to the coins and medals of the cabinet of the mint of the United States at Philadelphia. . .pre- pared by R. A. McClure... Philadelphia: Avil Printing & Lithograph Co., 1891. 40 p. 12°. MHFp. box McGirk, Charles E. United States cents and die varieties, 1793-1857. (Numismat- ist. Brooklyn, 1913-14. 8°. v. 26, p. 189- 201, 223-247, 305-315, 361-365, 407-415. 461- 463, 531-540, 595-599; v. 27, p. 33-39, 84-91, 149-157.; MHA McRae, Sherwin. The great seal of the commonwealth of Virginia. [Richmond, 1866?] 4 p. 8°. ITC Repr.: Decennial number of Old Dominion ma- gazine. Bound with: Charles Campbell, Introduction to the history of the colony and ancient dominion of Virginia. Richmond, 1847. 4°. MacSherry, Richard M. The national medals of the United States. A paper read I)cfore the Maryland Historical society... Baltimore, 1887. 47 p. 8°. (Maryland Historical Society. Fund pulilication. no. 25.) MHEp.v. 6,no.9 Mease, James. Description of some of the medals, struck in relation to important events in North America, before and since the Declaration of Independence by the United States. (New York Historical So- ciety. Collections. New York, 1821. 8°. series 1, v. 3, p. 387-404.) lAA n. t.-p. n.p. [1832?] 24 p. 8°. * C p.v. 264 Motto, The, "In God we trust." (Ameri- can journal of numismatics. Boston, 1901. 4°. V. 35, p. 116-117.) MHA Mougey, Peter. Magnificent rare coin collection... To be sold... at the Collec- tors' Club... September 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 1910... Catalogued by Thomas L. Elder ... [New York, 1910.] 92 p., 2 1. 8°. MHB Prices realized at the sale. [New York, 1910., Folder, 3 1. 8\ MHB MulhoUand, St. Clair Agustin. Military order Congress Medal of Honor Legion of the United States. Philadelpliia: [Town Printing Co.,] 1905. 1 p.l., 694 p., 4 pi., 279 port. f°. tIKC Nelson, Philip. The American coinage of William Wood, 1722-1733. Liverpool: W. M. Murphy, 1905. 23 p.. 1 pi. 8°. MHEp.v. 7, no.l3 The coinage of William Wood for the American colonies. (Numismatist. Monroe, Mich., 1913. 8°. v. 26, p. 615- 630.) MHA The coinage of William Wood for the American colonies. 1722-1733. 1 pi. (British numismatic journal. London, 1905. 4°. series 1, v. 1, p. 265-285.) f MHA 144 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Countries, continued. United States, continued. New York State. — Arms Commission. Report of the commissioners on the cor- rect arms of the state... With .. .letter of H. A. Homes (On some facts of history] ... April 13, 1881. Albany: Weed, Par- sons and Co., 1881. 31 p., 4 pi. 8°. (Senate, no. 61.) IR p.v. 5, no.l Nexsen, John A. The 1804 dollar. (American journal of numismatics. Bos- ton, 1905. 4°. V. 39, p. 102-105.) MHA Nichols, C. P. Medals of the Grand Army. (American iournal of numismatics. Boston, 1900-05. 4°. v. 34, p. 116-118; v. 35, p. 26-27, 52-56, 84-87, 112-114; v. 36, p. 21-25, 53-58. 85-86. 113-115; v. 37, p. 22-24, 48-50, 82-85, 119-122; v. 38, p. 19-20. 49-51, 90; V. 39, p. 23-25, 48-51, 67-70, 110-112; V. 40, p. 18-20.) MHA O'Callaghan, Edmund Bailey. Great seals of New Netherland and New York, n.p., n.d. 5 p., 14 pi. 8°. IR No title-page. Repr. : The Documentary history of the state of New York. .Albany, 1850-51. v. 4. Outerbridge, Alexander E., the younger. Curiosities of American coinage. (Apple- tons' Popular science monthly. New York, 1898. 8°. V. 53, p. 593-608.) * DA "Penn." The first United States mint. (Numismatist. Philadelphia, 1910. 8°. V. 23, p. 2-5, 39-42.) MHA Phillips, Henry, the younger. The coin- age of the United States of America. Philadelphia: H. Wemyss Smith, 1883. 8 p. 4°. MHEp.v. 7,no.l2 Repr.: American repository. Pilcher, James Evelyn. The seal and arms of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg: The State of Penn., W. I. Stanlev Ray, printer, 1902. 22 p., 3 fac, 7 pi. 8°. ISC Prang, Louis, & Co. State arms of the Union. . .prepared with the assistance of Mr. H. Mitchell... Boston: L. Prang & Co., 1876. 8 pi. obi. 12°. AWS Prime, W. C. [Catalogue of] American coins, medals, &c... (Auction by Bangs, Merwin & Co., Dec. 19th, 20th, and 21st, 1864.) New York, 1864. 34 p. 8°. MHFHp.box (Prime) R. Early English attempts to provide a minor coinage for America. (American journal of numismatics. Boston, 1899. 4°. V. 33, p. 79-80.) MHA Remington, W. Colonial coin list. N[ew] Y[Ork]: R. A. Martin, 1902. 2 1. 32°. Mil p. box 1 Rice, George W. The copper cent of the United States. (Numismatist. Mon- roe, Mich., 1901. 8°. V. 14, p. 1-5. 65-72, 89-93, 120-123, 155-157, 214-216, 297-300, 332-333.) MHA Postage and fractional currency of the United States. (Numismatist. Mon- roe, Mich., 1899. 8°. v. 11, p. 261-264, 288- 290; V. 12, p. 1-6, 29-31, 51-53.) MHA Satterlee, Alfred H. An arrangement of medals and tokens, struck in honor of the presidents of the United States, and of the presidential candidates, from the adminis- tration of John Adams to that of Abraham Lincoln, inclusive. New York, 1862. 8°. Mil [Seals of the governors of the colony of New York.] (Reproduced in: Manual of the corporation of the city of New York, edited by D. T. Valentine. 1851, p. 420.) *SAM Seavey, George F. Catalogue of United States gold, silver, and copper coins... the property of G. F. Seavey, Cambridge- port, Mass., to be sold at auction... on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 22 and 23, 1863... [New York: Bangs, Merwin & Co., 1863.] 40 p. 8°. MHFHp.box Priced copy. Catalogue of United States gold, silver, and copper coins, colonial, pattern pieces, catalogues, &c. ... [Auction sale, June 21 and 22, 1864.] New York, 1864. 38 p. 8°. MHFH p. box (Seavey) Snowden, J. R. A description of the medals of Washington, of national and miscellaneous medals, and other objects of interest in the museum of the mint... added, biographical notices of the directors from 1792 to 1851. Philadelphia, 1861. fac, pi. 4°. Mil Stanwood, James Rindge. The province seal of New Hampshire under William and Mary, 1692-1694. Boston: Old State House, 1889. 28 p., 3 pi., 2 port. 4°. IQC A paper read before the Bostonian Society, June 12, 1888. Storer, H. R. The medals and tokens of Rhode Island. A paper read before the Newport, R. I., Historical Society, 18 Feb- ruary 1895. [Newport, R. I.:) privately printed, 1895. 14 p. sq. 8°. MHEp.v. 7, no.15 Repr.: American journal of numismatics. July and Oct., 1895. One of 100 copies printed. Story of the continent to be told at the Paris Exposition by its medals and metal money. (Numismatist. Monroe, Mich., 1900. 8°. V. 13, p. 54-55.) MHA Sumner, W. G. The coin shilling of Massachusetts Bay. [New Haven, Conn.?] 1898. 247-280 p. 8°. TF p.v. 98, no.l Repr.: Yale review. Nov., 1898. The Spanish dollar and the colonial shilling. (American historical review. New York, 1898. 4°. v. 3, p. 607-619.) lAA United States. — Military Secretary's Office. Circular. Medals of honor issued by the War Department from September LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NUMISMATICS 145 Individual Countries, continued. United States, continued. 1, 1904 (date of the circular containinj^ a list of medals of honor issued up to that time), to December 31, 1906, together with a list of corrections made in the medal of honor circular of September 1, 1904. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1909. 72 p., 4°. t VBA p.v. 7, no.8 United States. — State Department. The liistory of the seal of the United States. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1909. 72 p.. 8 pi. 8°. AWS United States. — Mint Bureau. Medals and cabinet coins. Regulations. [List of medals in copper bronzed, also in gold and silver, which may be obtained at the mint.] [Philadelphia, 188 - ?j 2 1. f °. MIX p. box 1 United States. — Office of Director of the Mint. Guide to the numismatic col- lection of the Alint of the United States at Philadelphia. Pa. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1913. 106 p., 1 pi. illus. 12°. United States. — Statutes. Joint resolu- tion rehiting to miUtary badges. In the Senate Feb. 23. 1900. n. p., 1900. 1 1. 4°. (U. S. 56. cong., S. R. 94.) ft VWZW p.v. 2. no.l2 United States. — War Department. Medals of honor issued by the War De- partment, up to and including Oct. 31, 1897, with the laws, orders, and regulations relative to the medal, the ribbon to be worn with the medal, and the knot to be worn in lieu of the medal. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1897. 133 p., 1 pi. 4°. VWZW (Circular.) Medals of honor issued by the War Department, up to and in- cluding September 1, 1904. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off.. 1904. 153 p. f°. t VWZW United States Mint, The. A brief his- tory of the institution, with a full descrip- tion of the manner in which gold, silver, nickel and copper are converted into money... Philadelphia: S. T. Souder & Co., 1876. 16 p. centennial edition. 8°. TF p.v. 55, no.l2 Vattemare, A. Collection de monnaies et medailles de I'Amerique du Nord, de 1652 a 1858, offerte a la Bibliotheque im- periale... Catalogue, avec notices histo- riques et biographiques. Paris, 1861. 12°. MIX Watkon, D. K. History of American coinage. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1899. xix, 278 p. 8°. TF Weyl, Adolf. Sammlung amerikanischer Munzcn & Medaillen. Bearbeitet von A. Weyl. Berlin: A. Weyl, 1899. 3 p.l., 160 p., 4 pi. 4°. MIX Wharton, Joseph. Project for reorgan- izing the small coinage of the United States of America, by the establishment of a system of coin tokens, made of nickel and copper alloy. [Signed Joseph Whar- ton.] Philadelphia: King & Baird [1864). 24 p. 8°. TFp.v. 41 Wight, Edwin B. The Alint of the United States. Catalogue of the numis- matic collection of Mr. E. B. Wight... comprising a nearly complete series of the issues of the United States Mint... sold by auction by Messrs. Bangs & Co.... F'ebruary. . .1885. . . Catalogue by W. E. Woodward. Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son. 1885. 64 p. 8°. MHFHp.boxW Woodin, William H. Magnificent col- lection of rare American coins... To be sold... at the Collectors' Club... March 2nd. 3rd and 4th, 1911... Catalogued by Thomas L. Elder... [New York. 1911.] 75 p. 8°. MHB Prices realized at the sale. [New York, 1911.] 3 1. 8°. MHB See also Adams, Edgar Holmes, and W. H. Woodin. Wright, B. P. The American store or business cards. (Numismatist. Monroe. Mich., 1898-99. 8°. v. 11. p. 1-8. 31-38. 87- 104, 143-163, 211-235; v. 12, p. 83-89, 129- 147, 217-226, 231-234, 253-264.) MHA The mark penny. (Numismatist. Monroe, Mich., 1901. 8°. v. 14, p. 173- 191.) MHA Zabriskie, Andrew Christian. A descrip- tive catalogue of the political and memori- al medals struck in honor of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth president of the United States. New York: the author, 1873. 32 p. 4°. AN p. box no. 21 of 75 copies printed. West Indies Caldecott, J. B. The Spanish dollar as adapted for currency in our West Indian colonies. 2 pi. (British Numismatic Jour- nal. London, 1905. 4°. series 1, v. 1, p. 287- 298.) t MHA INDEX INDEX PAGE Abdy, Sir Robert. Catalogue of col- lection of English, Greek and Ro- man coins 19 Adams, E. H. Lesher referendum dol- lar 139 Premium list of United States coins. 140 Private gold coinage of California. 139 Adams, E. H., and W. H. Woodin. United States pattern, trial, and experimental pieces 140 Adams, G. C. History of the dollar. 31 Catalogue of collections of J. A. Campl)ell and Wun Hi Gun.. ..47, 140 Medals commcMiiorative of British history 69 Two coronation medals of King George 1 69 Adams, G. C, and others. Catalogue of the collections of .\dams, Ful- ler and others 19 Addison, Joseph. Dialogues upon the usefulness of ancient medals 5 Adler, J. G. C. Collectio nova nu- morum Cuficorum 109 Affry de la Monnoye, a. d'. Les jet- ons de I'echevinage parisien 51 Agu.stin, Antonio. Dialoghi. .intorno alle medaglie, inscrittioni et altre antichita 5 Agnethler, M. G. Nvmophylacivin Schvlzianvm digessit 5 Ahmad, Ziya. Catalogue of Islamic coins 109 Ahorner, von. Verzeichniss der von Johann Cavinto verfertigen Med- aillen und Miinzen 19 Nachrichten iiber den beriihmten augsburgischen Stempelschneider P. H. Miiller 62 Noch ein Nachtrag 62 Nachtrage 62 Akerman, J. Y. Ancient coins of cities and princes 6 Introduction to tlie study of coins. 6 Numismatic manual 6 Catalogue of Roman coins 45, 121 Tokens issued by Wiltshire trades- men in 17th century 69 Coins of the Romans relating to Britain 121 Coins of Ephesus during the Roman dominion 121 Alexander & Co. First mail auction sale 31 Hub coin book 32 [149 PACE Allan, J. Catalogue of collection of silver medals 19 Coinage of Assam 96 Allotte de la Fuye, F. M. La dynastie des Kamnaskires 82, 119 Monnaies incertaines de la Sog- diane 117 Classement des monnaies arsacides 119 Monnaies del' filymaide 119 Xumismatiquc de la Perside 119 Une monnaie du tyran Domitianus. 121 Alvin, Fred. Le cabinet des medailles de I'etat a la Bibliotheque royale. 19 .Amardel, G. Le comte Milon 51 Un denier de Matfred, vicomte de Narbonne 51 ficus et louis faux a I'effigie de Louis XVI 51 finigmes de la numismatique de Narbonne 51 La fin de la monnaie de Narbonne. 51 L'Hotel des monnaies de Narbonne au XVII siecle 51 Les jctons des etats de Languedoc. 51 Les jetons de mariage et les me- dailles de Nimes 51 Lettre monetaire de I'atelier de Narbonne 51 Les longostaletes 51 Les marques monetaires de I'atelier de Narbonne. au VI. siecle 51 La monnaie de Narbonne a la fin de la domination romaine 51 Les monnaies de Nimes 51 Les monnaies de Raymond I, vi- comte de Narbonne 52 Monnaies des environs de Nar- bonne 52 La numismatique narbonnaise 52 Numismatique de Narbonne au VIII siecle 52 La premiere monnaie de Milon... 52 Le roi Achila 52 Le T cursif dans les inscriptions monetaires carlovingiens 52 Trois monnaies merovingiennes. . . 52 Marques monetaires de Sigismond. 60 Une monnaie gauloise inedite 60 Marques monetaires d'Alaric II et de Theodoric 69 Les monnaies wisgothes anonymes du Musee de Narbonne 69 Monnaies wisogothes du Musee de Narbonne 69 Le theta des inscriptions mone- taires des Goths 69 Ambrosoli, Solone. Delia numisma- tica como scienza autonoma 6 Manuale di numismatica 6 ] 150 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY PAGE AmbrosoU, Solone, continued. \Jn trait d'union numismatique entre la France et ITtalie 52, 100 Monete greche 82 Atlante numismatico italiano 100 Alcune nuove zecche italiane 100 Una monete milanese anonima 100 Le monnete dei conti di ventimi- glia 100 In piccolo ripostiglio a Ronago. . . . 100 Traiani duo in nummis a Trebonia- no restitutis 121 Amedroz, H. F. On a dirhani of Khus- ru Shah of 361 A. H 109 American journal of numismatics. ... 2 American Numismatic and Archaeo- logical Society. Catalogue of nu- mismatic books in the library. ... 1 Articles of incorporation 2 Constitution and by-laws 2 Proceedings 2 Report of the committee on the publication of medals 2 Catalogue of the collection of gold coins 19 International medallic exhibition. . 19 American Numismatic Association. Annual convention 3 Ancient Hindu coins from Jyonpur and OOjein 96 Anderson, William. Catalogue of medals and coins 19 Anderson Auction Co. Catalogue of American coins 140 Andorfer, Karl, and Richard Epstein. Musica in nuinmis 6 Andree, Richard. Zur geographischen Verbreitung des Maria-Theresia- Thalers 41 Andres de Gusseme, Tomas. Diccio- nario numismatico general 6 Andrew, W. J. Buried treasure 69 Numismatic chronicle of reign of Henry 1 69 Numismatic history of the reign of Stephen 69 Andrews, F. D. United States copper cents 140 268 varieties of U. S. cents 140 Annalen der gesammten Numisma- tik 3 Anscombe, Alfred. Oxford pennies of the Ohsnaforda type 69 Anson, W. S. W. Mottoes and badges. 6 Anthon, C. E. Catalogue of numis- matic cabinet 19, 70 Antoniovich, Vladimir B. O novonai- dennykh serebryanykh monetakh OS imnem Vladimira 134 Appel, Joseph. Miinzen und Medaillen der Republiken, Stadte, Ortschaf- ten, Gymnasien, etc. aus dem Mit- telalter und der neuern Zeit 6 Miinzen und Medaillen der welt- lichen Fiirsten und Herren aus dem Mittelalter und der neuern Zeit 6 Appleton, W. S. Coins and medals.. 140 Armstrong, E. C. R. Matrices of Irish seals 70 Arneth, Joseph Calasanza von, Rit- ter. Bericht iiber die von dem Herrn Rossi aus Cagliari einge- sandten Munzen 6 Bericht iiber von Prokesch-Osten's Abhandlung "Zwolf Indedita.".. 6 Ueber die von dem k. k. Corvetten- Arzte Herrn Dr. Wawra dem k. k. Miinz- und Antiken-Cabinete iibergebenen Miinzen sammtde- ren Erklarung 19 Bericht iiber die in Candia durch die kaiserl 48 Bericht iiber den Fund romischer Goldmiinzen zu Tellycherry in Sud-Indien 122 Artin, Yacoub, pasha. Monnaies du Mehdy Mouhammed Ahmed du Soudan 39 Assmann, Ernst. Moneta 6 Stabkreuz auf griechischen Miin- zen 82 Attinelli, E. J. Numisgraphics 1 Austria. — Hauptmiinzamt. Katalog der Miinzen- und Medaillen- Stempel-Sammlung 19 AvDALL, J. Indo-Scythic coins found at Beghram 96 Babelon, E. C. F. Les collections de monnaies anciennes 6 De I'utilite scientifique des collec- tions de monnaies anciennes 6 Melanges numismatiques 6 Les origines et I'histoire de I'en- seignement de la numismatique. 6 La collection Pauvert 19 La collection Waddington 19 Catalogue des monnaies grecques de la Bibliotheque Nationale 40, 82, 119, 138 La silique romaine, le sou, le denier. 52, 122 L'iconographie et ses origines dans les types monetaires grecs 82 Origines de la monnaie a Athenes. 82 Les origines du portrait sur les monnaies grecques 82 Portraiture and its origins in Greek monetary types 83 La stylis ^Z Traite des monnaies grecques et ro- maines 83, 122 Charac-Moba 117 Monnaies de la republique romaine. 122 Monnaies de Septime Severe 122 INDEX 151 PAGE Babelon, E. C. P., continued Vercingetorix, etude d'iconographie numismatique 122 Babelon, E. C. P., and Th. Reinach. Receuil general des monnaies grecques d'Asie Mineure 40, 83 Babut. Apropos d'un sceau du XIX siecle de I'ordre du temple 6 Ateliers monetaires des rois de France 52 Bahrfeldt. Emil. Miinzwesen der Mark Brandenburg 62 Wittenfund von Gross-Cordshagen. 62 Zur anhaltischen Munzgeschichte.. 62 Bahrfeldt, M. Le monete romano- campane 122 Die Miinzen der Flottenpriifekten des Marcus Antonius 122 Nachtrage und Berichtigungen zur Miinzkundc 122 Ueber die Chronologic der Muenzen des Marcus Antonius 122 Baichere, Ed. Catalogue des me- dailles romaines imperiales 122 Baker, W. S. Medallic portraits of Washington 6 Baldwin, Agnes. Facing heads on Greek coins 83 Gold coinage of Lampsacus 83 Balmanno, a. The Balmanno col- lection 19 Catalogue of collection of silver and copper coins 19 Bamberger, Ludwig. Deutschen Miinz- gesetzgebung 62 Banduri, Anselmo. Numismata im- peratorum Romanorum a Trajano Decio ad Palreologos Augustos. 122 Baner.ti, Rakhal Das. Indo-Scythian coinage 96 Bangs & Co. Catalogues of collect- ions of coins and medals 32 Bangs. Bro. & Co. Coins and medals. 32 Catalogue of collection of American and foreign coins 32 Bangs, Merwin & Co. Addenda and Catalogues 32, 33. 34 Catalogue of collection of Greek and Roman coins 83 Catalogue of American coins 140 Barbie du Bocage, J. D. Recueil de cartes geographiques de la Grece. S'Z Barclay, H. S. Numismatic collec- tion 20 Barnabei, Felice. Di un sigillo di bronzo scoperto nella Villa Fom- peiana di P. Fannio Sinistore... 122 Barnard, F. P. Catalogue of Eng- lish coins 70 Barrett, G. R. Catalogue of coin collection 20 PAGE Barth, J. Zwei neuentdeckte althe- braische Siegelinschriften 106 Barthelemy, a. J. B. a. de. Manuel de numismatique ancienne 6 Nouveau manuel de numismatique ancienne 6 Nouveau manuel de numismatique du moyen age ct moderne 6 Monnaies de Soissons 52 Classification chronologique des monnaies gauloises 60 Monnaies gauloises beiges 60 Bartholomaei, J. de. Collection de monnaies sassanides 119 Bartholomew, J. G. Literary and his- torical atlas of America 6 Bartram, J. Valuable numismatic collection 20 Basmadjian, K. J. A propos des deux sceaux heteens 7 Bastian, Franz. Mittelalterliche Miinzstatten und deren Absatzge- biete in Bayern 62 Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kun- sten en Wetenschappen. Numis- matische afdeeling van het mu- seum 20 B.\YER, G. S. De numis romanis in agro prvssico repertis 122 Bayer, T. S. Historia Osrhoena et Edessena ex numis illustrata 117 Xumi duo Ptolemaei Lagidae expli- cati T. S. B 50 Bayerische Numismatische Gesell- schaft. Mittheilungen 3 Beaumont, Charles de. Jetons des comtes de Lude 52 Beaupre, J. Monnaies gauloises de Nancy 60 Beauvais, Guillaume. Histoire abre- gee des empereurs romains et grecs 7 Maniere de discerner les medailles antiques de celles qui sont con- trefaites 122 Beckford, G. W., & Co. Catalogues. 34, 35, 140 Beger, Laurenius. Thesaurus ex The- sauro Palatino selectus 122 Begleres, Georgios P. To m,o?.u386- Poi'^Xov TOi' aiiTOXQoiTOQo; xfic Tga- j-Te^oi'VT05 Aa|3i8 toO Ko|.iviivof' . . . . 83 Belden, B. L. American insignia 140 Belfort, Auguste de. Monnaies me- rovingiennes 52 Tesseres romaines en bronze 122 Belgium. Administration des Mon- naies. Catalogue de bibliotheque. 1 152 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY PAGE Belleval, Rene, marquis de. Les sceaux de Ponthieu 52 Bellori, G. p. Notre in numismata turn Ephesia 83 Benfey, Theodor. Einige Bemerkun- gen iiber die Gotternamen auf den indoscythischen Miinzen 43, 96 Benoit, Arthur. Ensignes et insignes, medailles, etc. de la Lorraine... 52 Benoit, Louis. Numismatique de la Lorraine allemande 52 Benson, F. S. Ancient Greek coins. 83 Berchem, Max von. Titres califiens d'occident 109 Bergen, W. von. Coins of America, England, etc 140 Berger, Laurentius. Numismatum modernorum Cimliarchiii 136 Berger, Philippe. Monnaies de Micip- sa 117 Bergman, K. J. De nummis Gothlan- dicis 137 Bergmann, E. von. Beitrage zur mu- hammedanischen Miinzkunde . . . . 109 Die Nominate der Miinzreform des Chalif en Abdulmelik 109 Zur muhammedanischen Miinzkun- de 109 Bergmann, Joseph. Darlegung mehr- erer bisheriger Systeme fiir An- ordnung von Sammlungen mittel- alterlicher und moderner Miinzen und Medaillen 7 Nachtrag zur Biographic des kaiser- lichen Rathes, Heraeus 7 Schweitzer's Serie delle monete medaglie d'Aquileja e di Venezia. 41 Pflege der Numismatik in Oester- reich 41 Ueber die Historia metallica sen nu- mismatica Austriaca und Heroeus. 41 Zwei bisher unbekannte tirolische Silbermiinzen von Rudolph IV... 41 tjber Schweitzer's Serie delle mone- te 101 Ueber die Miinzen Graubiindens . . . 137 Bergne, J. B. On three northern mints 70 Bergny, a. V. Brahmi-Kharosthi in- scriptions on Indian coins 96 Bernays, finouARD. L'atelier monetaire de Namur de 1578 a 1579 114 Bernays, fioouARD, and Jules Vanne- Rus. Histoire numismatique du comte et duche de Luxembourg. . 107 Bernhart, Max. Literatur 1 Markus Welser als Numismatiker. 7 Medaillen und Plaketten 7 Berry, V. H. Monnaies de France.. 52 PACE Bestor, G. L. Catalogue of coins 20 Betts, Benjamin. Mexican imperial coinage 108 Betts, C. W. Catalogue of pieces from his collection 20 American colonial history 140 Counterfeit half pence in American colonies 140 Beule, C. E. Monnaies d'Athenes... 83 Bianconi. G. B. Parere intorno a una medaglia di Siracusa 83 Bibliotheque nationale. Catalogue des monnaies musulmanes 109 Bidermann, J. G. Beitrage zur Miinz- geschichte von Hunger-Miinzen. 7 BiDDULPH, H. Early Indian cam- paigns and the decorations 96 Billing, Archibald. The science of gems 7 BiONDi, LuiGi, marchese. I monumen- ti Amaranziani 83, 122 Birch, Samuel. On British coins 70 Birch, Thomas, & Son. Catalogues. 35 Catalogue of collection of Greek and Roman coins 83 Centennial coin and curiosity sale. . 140 Birch, W. de Gray. Catalogue of Seals 20 Seals of King Henry 1 70 Great seals of England 70 Scottish seals 70 Seal and charters of Simon de Montfort 70 Seals of King William II 70 Two seals of the earls of Devon.. . 70 Biscaro, Gerolamo. Un documento del secola XII sulla zecca pa- vese 101 Bizot, Pierre. Histoire metallique de la republique de Hollande 114 Black, G. F. Copper massas of Cey- lon 96 Blancard, Louis. Le denier tournois sous Philippe le Bel 52 Sur les monnaies du roi Rene 52 Monnaie romaine au III siecle de I'ere chretienne 122 Blanchard, G. H. Catalogue of his coins, medals 20 Blanchet, J. A. La numismatique de 1889 a 1897 1 Nouveau manuel de numismatique du moyen age et moderne 7 Presents de medailles et anciennes decorations 7 Remarques relatives aux signes graves sur les contorniates 7 La jambe humaine de Sinope 40 Les monnaies celtiques de I'Europe centrale 46 INDEX 1- -» 30 PAGE Blanchet, J. A., continued. L'atelier monetaire du Prince Xoir a Limoges 52 Monnaie de Michel Etienne, archc- veciue d'Eml)run 52 Deux jetons parisiens du XIV siecle. 52 Atelier monetaire de Bayonne 52 Sigijlographie frangaise 52 Monnaies gauloises inedites 60 Recherches sur I'influence com- merciale de Massalia en Gaule. 60 Origines de l'atelier monetaire de Montbeliard 62 Monnaies de la Sicile 83. 101 Monnaies grecques 83 Le congiarium de Cesar et les monnaies signees Palikanus 122 Deux pieces inedites de Tetricus et de son fils 122 Les monnaies romaines 123 Blanchet, J. A., and A. Dieudonne. Manuel de numismatique fran- gaise 96 Blatter fiir Miinzfreunde 3 Blau, O. Die Orientalischen Miin- zen des Museums zu Odessa 117 Beitriige zur phonikischen Miinz- kunde 120 Bloom, J. H. English seals 70 Blumberger, Friedrich. Ueber den Gehalt des osterreichischen Pfen- niges 41 Bocarme. a. V. DE. Un mereau aux armes de Gruuthuuse 53 Jetons de la ville de Bruges 114 Bode, Wilhelm. Der Florentiner Med- ailleur Niccola di Forzore Spi- nelli 101 Zur neuesten Forschung auf dem Gebiete der italianischer Medail- lekunde 101 BoDEY, C. N. Catalogue of collection of gold, silver and copper coins. . 20 BoGERT. Henry. Catalogue of cabinet of coins and medals 1, 20 Bolton, H. C. Alchemy and numis- matics 7 Contrilnitions of alchemy to nu- mismatics / BoMPOis, H. F. Examen chronolo- gique des monnaies des Macedo- niens 83 Bonaparte, Roland, prince. Monnaies mongoles 108 Bonner, R. J. Attic seals 83 Bonnet, Emile. La monnaie mel- gorienne 53 Le jetons des fitats generaux de Languedoc 53 Bonneville, Alphonse. Encyclope- dic monetaire 7 PACE Bonneville, P. F. Traite des mon- naies d'or et d'argent 7 Bordeaux, Paul. Ateliers temporaux en 1642 53 Classement de monnaies carolin- giennes 53 Imitations de monnaies frangaises. 53 Les liards de France de 1655 a 1658. 53 Medailles franco-beiges de 1811 et • 1814 .. 53 La molette d'eperon de Saint- Quentin 53 Different monetaire B de l'atelier de Bourges 53 La piece de 20 francs de Louis XVIII 53 La piece de 48 sols de Strasbourg. . . 53 Un poinconnage du moyen age.. . . 53 Medailles franco-beiges de 1811 et de 1814 114 Borell, H. P. Medailles grecques des rois de Chypre 49. 83 BoRG, Louis. Borg collection 20 P.oROHESi, Bartolom.meo. Ocuvres com- pletes 7 BoRGHESEi, House of. Ancienne col- lection Borghesei 20 Boston Numismatic Society. Consti- tution and by-laws 3 Constitution, by-lavi's, charter and list of members 3 Bougenot, S., joint author. See Prou, Maurice, and S. Bougenot. BoURLiER, P. P., baron d'.KiLLV. Mon- naie romaine depuis son origine jusqu'a la mort d'Auguste 123 BouTKOWSKi, Alexandre. Dictionnaire numismatique 7 BoYNE, W. Collection of engrav- ings of the seals 7 Silver tokens of Great Britain 70 Tokens of the 17th century by tradesmen, etc 70 Wiltshire tradesmen's tokens 70 Bramhall, W. L. Catalogue of his cabinet of American and foreign coins 20 Bramsen, William. Coins of Japan. 105 Brandt, H. F. Leben und Werke... 7 Brasseur, the elder. Catalogue des medailles de I'histoire numisma- tique de Napoleon 53 Brazil. Bibliotheca Nacional. Cata- logo da exposcao dos cimelios. ... 1 Brechemin, L. Catalogue of his col- lection of coins and medals 20 Brenner. Elias. Thesaurus nummo- rum Sueo-Gothicorum 137 Brenner, V. D. The art of the medal. 8 154 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY PAGE Brerewood, Edward. De ponderibvs et pretiis vetervm Nvmmorvm eo- rumque 8, 83, 106, 123 Bresslau, Harry. Ueber Elektensie- gel 8 Zur Lehre von den Sieglen der Ka- rolinger und Ottenen 62 Bretagne, a. Monnaies lorraines a Sionviller 53 Medaille de ^Renee de Bourbon... 53 Medaille de Saint Livier de 1623.. 53 Monnaie. sceau et plaque de foyer aux armes de Diane de Doinmar- tin 53 Monnaies gauloises inedites de Strasbourg 61 Bretagne, A., et E. Briard. Monnaies lorraines des XII. et XIII siecles a Saulxures-les-Vannes 53 Breton, P. N. Histoire des monnaies et jetons du Canada 46 Briard, E., joint author. See Bretagne, A., et E. Briard. Brichaut, Auguste. A propos de jetons conteniporains 8 Notices sur les collections numis- matiques dans le royaume de Suede *. . . 20 Medaille anglaise de palladium 70 Brinley, E. p. Catalogue of coins. . . 20 Brissart-Binet, C. A. Medailles et plombs de 1848 53 British Museum. — Department of Coins and Medals. Coins of Greek and Scythic Kings 43 Coinage of Bukhara 44 Catalogue of coins of Vandals, Os- trogoths and Lombards 45 Catalogue of Greek coins of Crete and Aegean islands 48, 83 Catalogue of coins of Alexandra and and Nomes 50, 83 Coins of the Vandals 69 Medallic illustrations of tlie his- tory of Great Britain 70 Synopsis of the contents of the Bri- tish Museum 70 Catalogue of Greek Coins, Attica- Megaris-Aegina 84 Catalogue of Greek coins of Caria, Cos, ;Rhodes 84 Catalogue of Greek coins. Central Greece 84 Catalogue of Greek coins of Ionia. . 84 Catalogue of Greek coins from Ly- caonia, Isauria and Cilicia 84 Catalogue of Greek coins of Mysia. 84 Catalogue of Greek coins. Pelo- ponnesus 84 Catalogue of Greek coins of Phoe- nicia 84, 120 Catalogue of Greek coins, Pontus. Paphlalonia 84 PAGE Catalogue of Greek coins, Seleu- cid kings 84, 138 Catalogue of Greek coins, Sicily... 84 Catalogue of Greek coins, Tauric Chersonese 84 Catalogue of Greek coins, Thessaly to Aetolia 84 Catalogue of Greek coins, Troas, Aeolis, and Lesbos 84 Coins of Moghul emperors of Hin- dustan 96 Coins of Muhammadan states of India 96 Coins of sultans of Delhi 96 Guide to Italian medals in the King's Library 101 Coins of the Mongols in British Museum 108, 109 Coinage of Egypt 109 Coins of eastern khaleefehs 109 Coins of Moors of Africa and Spain. 110, 135 Coins of Muhammadan states of India 110 Catalogue of Oriental coins 117 Coins of shahs of Persia 119 Coins of the Roman republic 123 Coins of the Turks 139 Coins of Turkuman houses of Sel- jook, Urtuk, Zengee, etc 139 British numismatic journal 3 Broeck, Edouard van den. Huit jetons de tesorier de Bruxelles du XVII. siecle 114 Numismatique bruxelloise 114 Jetons des receveurs de Bruxelles de la famille Fraybaert 114 Brooke, G. C. Notes on the reign of William 1 70 Brosset. Monnaies georgiennes 62 Brown, Robert. Constellation-figures as Greek coin-types 83 Brueckner, Alexander. Myednyya dengi v. Rossii 134 Brunsmid, J. Die Inschriften und Miinzen der griechischen Stiidte Dalmatines 84 Brudin, J. A. Coins of Chinese abroad 47 Medals of China 47 Coins of Korea 107 Bruyelle, Ad. Deux medailles d'or gauloises 61 Buchenau, H. Der Bracteatenfund von Seega 62 BuDE. GuiLLAUME. Libri V. de Asse. & partib. eius post duas Parisi- enses 123 Buehler, Georg. Kharoshthi inscrip- tions on Indo-Grecian coins 43 Bull, G. Description of coins in the cabinet collection at the mint of the United States 20 INDEX 155 PAGE BuONANNi, FiLiPPO. Xumismata ponti- fica Romanorum 136 Burgess-Short, G., joint author. See Chichester, H. M., and G. Bur- gess-Short. Burke, W. P., joint author. See Wyse, L. B., and W. P. Burke. Burn, J .H. London traders' tokens in the 17th century 70 Burn, Richard. Bajryggarh mint and coins 96 Mints of Mughal emperors 96 Coins of the Maukharis and Thane- sar line 96 Burns, Edward. Coinage of Scot- land 71 Coins in the Fontrose hoard 71 Coins discovered in Banffshire... 71 Bush, J. T. Catalogue of Greek coins. 84 Bushnell, C. I. Tradesmen's cards. political tokens 140 Catalogue of collection of Amer- ican coins and medals 140 First three business tokens in New York 140 Bushell, S. W. Additional of the present dynasty 47 Roman and Chinese coinage 47, 123 Butler, J. D., and D. S. Burbie. Cata- logue of coins and medals 20 Cadalvene. Sdouakd de. Medailles grecques inedites 84 Cagiati, Mem mo. Le monete del reame delle due Sicile 101 Cahn, Julius. Miinz- und Gelge- schichte der Stadt Strassburg im Mittelalter 53 Der Rappenmiinzbund 62 Caldecott, J. B. Spanish dollar in West Indian colonies 145 Caley, John. Ancient seals 71 Calmet, Augustin. Dissertation sur I'antiquite de la monnoie frapee au coin 8 Calvo, Ignacio. Importancia del estu- dio de las monedas 8 El sexo femenino en las monedas.. 84 Camerarius, Joachimus, the elder. Historia rei nummarife 84, 123 Camozzi, Guido. La consecratio nelle monete da Cesare ad Adriano... 123 La consecratio di Traiano 123 Campaner y Fuertes, .^.lvaro. Xu- mismatica espanola 135 Numismatica balear 135 Campbell, G. W. Seals of the Uni- versity of Glasgow 71 Campbell, J. Executor's sale of United States and foreign coins 20 Campbell, J. A. Catalogue of the collections of J. Campbell and Wun-hi-Gin 20 Campos, M. J. de. Xumismatica indo- portuguesa 96 Canadian antiquarian and numismatic journal. See Xumismatic and Antiquarian Society of Montreal. Canadian numismatic bibliography. 46 Capialbi, Vito. Sulla moneta battuta in Catanzaro 101 Cardonnel, Adam de. Numismata Scotise 71 Cardwell, E. Coinage of the Greeks and Romans 85, 123 Carlyon-Britton, p. W. P. Bedwin and Marlborough and the mone- yer Cilda 71 Cornish numismatics 71 Eadward the Confessor and his coins 71 First coinage of Henry II 71 X^umismatic history of William I. and II 71 On the coins of William I. and II. 71 A sterling of Henry, earl of X^orth- umbcrland 71 Oxford mint under Alfred 71 Penny of St. Aethelbert 71 Saxon, Xorman, and Plantagenet coinage 71 Carreras y Candi, Francisco. Xumis- matica catlana 135 Carson.^ M. R. Catalogue of his col- lection 140 Carter, Samuel. Catalogue of his collection of coins 20 Carter, Francis. Journey from Gibral- tar to Malaga 1 35 Carter, T. Medals of the British army 71 Caron, E.mil. Trouvailles de mon- naies du moyen age a Delphes.. 8 Monnaies feodales inedites 53 Carus, Paul. Signets, badges, and medals 8 Casali, G. B. De insignibus, anulis, fibulis, &c. syntagma 8 Casati de Casatis, C. Xumismatique etrusgue 51 Cassel, J. P, Sammlung etlicher Ju- ble-hochzeit Miinzen 62 Castellane, Henri de, comte. Le dif- ferent de I'atelier de Fouras sur les monnaies de Charles VII 53 Le ducat napolitain de Louis XII. 53 156 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY PAGE Castcllaiic, Henri de, comtc, continued. Le gros tournois de Charles d'An- jou et le gros tournois du roi de France au Chatel Fleurdelise. . .. 53 Une monnaie d'or tournaisienne de Charles VII 54 Premiers florins pontificaux du Comtat-Venais sin et d'Avignon. 136 Castellani, Giuseppe. Medaglie fane- si 101 Le monete di Ancona 101 Numismatica marchigiana 101 La zecca bresciana e le monete di Pandolfo Malatesta 101 La zecca di Fano 101 Castiglioni, C. O.. conte. Monete cufiche deir I. R. Museo di Mi- lano 110 Catalogue of American and foreign coins 20, 35 Catalogue des medailles relatives aux evenements des annees de 1789 a 1815 54 Catalogue des medailles relatives a la revolution de juillet 1830, et au regne de Louis-Philippe 54 Catalogue of the Scottish coins of the Society of Scottish Anti- quaries 71 Catalogus numorum Cuficorum in Numiphylacio Upsaliensi 110 Catalogus variorum usque ad hoc tempus editorum operum circa rem nummariam in Suecia 137 Cauffman, E. Catalogue of collection of gold, silver, and copper coins and medals 21 Caulfield, Richard. Sigilla ecclesiae Hibernicae illustrata 8 Cavalcanti, viscondessa. Catalogo das medalhas brazileiras 44 Celier, Leonce. Les sceaux des eveques du Mans des XII. et XIII siecles 54 Cesano, L. Le monete degli Italici durante 1 guerra sociale 123 Cezerac, C. Le tresor de Sainte- Arailles 54 Ch. Catalogue de monnaies de la collection de M. Ch 21 Chabas, F. J. Recherches sur les poinds, mesures et monnaies des figyptiens 50 Chabeuf, Henri. Trois sceaux cis- terciens 8 Chaijbourne, S. H. Catalogue of col- lection of coins and medals 21 Chaffer, Benjamin. Catalogue of his collection of coins, medals, PAGE and tokens 21 Catalogue of ancient and modern coins 35 Chaffers, W.. the younger. Cata- logue of coins and medals 35 Chaix, Eugene. Medailles gau- loises trouvees a Strasbourg 61 Chakravarti, Monmohan. Sikim cop- per coins 96 Chalon, R. H. G. Monnaies des comtes de Namur 115 Les seigneurs de Florennes, leurs sceaux, leurs monnaies 115 Chambers, R. B. Catalogue of Amer- ican coins, medals, etc 141 Chari, J. M. R., and T. Desika Chari. Unpublished Ma'abar coins 96 Chari, T. Desika, joint author. See Chari, J. M. Ranga, and T. Desi- ka Chari. Chassant, a. a. L., and P. J. Del- barre. Dictionnaire de sigillo- graphie pratique 8 Chassinat, Emile. Une monnaie d'or a legendes hieroglyphiques 50 Une nouvelle monnaie a legende hieroglyphique 50 Chaudoir, Stanislas de, baron. Mon- naies russes et monnaies etran- geres qui ont cours en Russie... 134 Chaumont, F. de. Catalogue of Ro- man coins 123 Chautard, Jules. Imitations des mon- naies lorraines 54 Jetons et medailles des princes ec- clesiastiques de la maison de Bourbon-Vendome 54 Graveurs des ietons des galeres de Louis-Joseph, due de Vendome. 54 Chevalier, N. Histoire de Guillaume III. par les medailles 71 Chestret de Haneffe, Jules de, baron. Monnaies inedites du XI. et XII. siecles 8 Numismatique de la principaute de Liege 115 Chevallier, E. Monnaie de Paris en 1897 54 Chichester, Henry Manners, and G. Burges-Short. Records and badges of the British army 71 Chifflet, Claude. Antiquo numis- mate liber postumus 123 Chifflet, H. T. Dissertatio de Otho- nibus a-ris 123 Chijs, p. O. van der. De munten der voormalige graven en hertogen van Gelderland 115 INDEX 157 PAGE Chijs, J. A. VAN PER, joint author. See Netscher, Eliza, and J. A. VAN DER Chijs. Chilton, J. R. Catalogue of cabinet of coins and medals 21 Addenda to the sale of Dr. Chil- ton's collection of coins, medals. &c 21 Choix historique des medaillcs des papes, depuis le milieu du XV. siecle jusqu'a nos jours 136 Choix de medailles excutees en .\lle- magne aux XVI. et XVII. siecles. 63 Christie & Manson. Catalogue of collection of coins and medals.. 35 CiANi, Giorgio. 11 ripostiglio de Roc- chette 101 CiPOLLA. Carlo, conte. Sopra una for- mula della numismatica Veronese. 101 Circle of Friends of the Medallion in Manhattan. Medal issued by the circle 3 Clarke, Hyde. The history of the Mediterranean populations 8 Clarke, William. Connexion of Ro- man, Saxon and English coins. 71 Cleaves, A. H. W. Ottawa mint 46 Clay, Charles. Catalogue of col- lection of American coins and medals 141 Clermont Ganneau, C. S. Sceaux et cachets israelites, pheniciens et syriens 106, 120. 138 Cleveland, E. J. Catalogue of collec- tion of coins, medals and paper money -1 Clickner, S. a. Catalogue of collec- tion of coins and medals 21 Clogston, William. Catalogue of coins, medals and tokens 21 Catalogue of his collection of re- minders of war 1861-65 141 CoBHAM, C. D. Numismatics 49 Cochran-Patrick, R. W. Annals of Scottish coinage 71 Unpublished varieties of Scottish coins ;^1 Coinages of Alexander II 71 CoDERA Y Zaidin. Francisco. Cccas arabigo-espanolas 110, 135 Numismatica arabigo-espanola. . . . 135 Codrington, O. Coins of the Bahmani dynasty • • • 96 Coins in name of a king of J inns. . . 110 Manual of Musulman numismatics. 110 Musalman coins collected by G. P. Tate in Seistan 1 10 CoETLOGON, Anatole DE. comte. Ar- moiries de la ville de Paris 54 PACE CoGAN, Edward. Catalogue of coins and medals 21 Priced catalogue of collection of American and English silver and copper coins 21, 141 Cogan, G. W. Catalogue of collec- tion of coins and medals 21 Cohen, Henry, and Felix Feuardent. Monnaies frappees sous I'empire romain 123 Cohen, M. I. Catalogue of collection of coins and medals 21 Coin book 8 Coin collector's journal 3 Coin collectors' of the United States illustrated guide 3 Coins and medals 8 Coins and relics from Bactria 43 Coin & stamp journal 3 CoLix. J. Documents numismatiques du Bulletin de la Societe pour la conservation des monuments his- toriques d'.-\lsace 123 Collection des medailles de TEmpire francais et de I'empereur Napo- leon 54 Collection of plates, representing seals, heraldic designs and views of Zoute Veen, Holy and Steen- huizen 115 Collombier. Monnaies gauloises a Amiens 61 Colloquial names of coins 8 CoLSON, A. Decouverte de medailles romaines de Noyon 123 Combe, Taylor. Anglo-Saxon pennies at Dorking 71 Combe, Taylor, and Edward Hawkins. Anglo-Gallic coins in British Mu-^ seum 54, 72 Compte rendu par la direction de I'As- sociation aux medailles en I'hon- neur de Consalvi 8 Conant & Sherburne. Catalogue of American and foreign coins 35 CoNBRousE. Guillaume. Catalogue des monnaies de France 54 Decameron numismatique 54 Monetaires des rois merovingiens. 54 Monuments de la maison de France. 54 Concerning the Eagles 141 Carlile. W. W. The relation of eco- nomics to numismatics 8 Congres international pour la repro- duction des manuscrits. des mon- naies et des sceaux, Liege, 1905. x\ctes • 3 158 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY PAGE Cook, H. Catalogue of collection of coins, medals, autographs, &c... 21 Choice and valuable collection of coins, medals, autographs, &c... 21 Cook, T. A. The romance of coinage. 8 Cooke, W. Medallic history of im- perial Rome 123 CoRDiER, H. Societes secretes chi- noises 47 CoRKRAN, S. F. An unpublished coin of Maximian; — Two gold pennies of Henry III 123 Corpus nummorum Italicorum 101 CoRRARius, Angelo. Numismata serea selectiora maximi moduli e Muses Pisano. olim Corrario 8 CoSTELLO, T. B. Trade tokens of Gal- way in 17th century 12 CosTER, L. DE. Catalogue du precieux cabinet de jetons d'or et d'argent forme par Coster 21 Renseignments pour servir a la nu- mismatique de la seconde race. 54 CouRANT, Maurice. Especes de mon- naie usitees en Coree 107 CousiNERY, E. M. Monnaies d'ar- gent de la Ligue archeene 85 CouTiL, L. Monnaies gauloises de la Seine-Inferieure 61 Crane, E. B. Catalogue of collection of U. S. coins and medals 141 Creuzet, fiMiLE. L'atelier monetaire de Corbeil 54 Crosby, S. S. Coins of America and laws governing their issue 141 Trial-piece for a Fugio pattern. . . . 141 Crostarosa, p. Inventario dei sigilli sulle tegole del tetto di S. Croce in Gerusalemme in Roma 101 Crump, C. G.. and C. Johnson. Tables of bullion under Edward I., II., and III 12 Cuff, J. D. Catalogue of cabinet of coins & medals 21 CuFFE, O. W. King John's Badge. . . 72 CuMONT, G. Les monnaies dans les chartes du Brabant 115 CuNHA. J. G. DA. Catalogue of coins. 21 "Ramatankas" or coronation med- als 96 Cuming, H. Sver. On seals of the Knights Templars 8 Dated seals 72 Seals of the corporation of Canter- bury 72 CuMMYNG, James. Silver coins of the first four James's, of Scotland. 72 CuNiETTi-CuNNiETTi, Alberto. Acqui: la sua zecca 101 Cunningham, Alexander. Descrip- tion of Bactrian coins 43 Notes on Capt. Hay's Bactrian coins 43 Notice of new Bactrian coins 43 Gems and seals from Bactria, the Punjab and India 97 Coins of the Indo-Scythians 97 Roman coins in tope at Manikyala. 123 CuPER, Gisbert. Apotheosis vel con- secratio 85 De elephantis in nummis obviis exercitationes du?e 85. 123 Curiosity cabinet 3 Curiosity collector 3 Curiosity hunter 3 Curtain, A. Catalogue of collection of coins and Masonic medals... 108 Curtis, J. K. Catalogue of gold, sil- ver, and copper coins and medals. 21 Catalogue of part of the Curtis collection of fine American cents. 21 Catalogue of ancient and modern coins 35 Gushing, G., joint author. See Sand- ham, Alfred, and G. Gushing. D. Catalogue de medailles antiques. 21 Dalton, Charles. Brittania on med- als and coins 72 Dames, M. L. Coins of Mughal em- perors 97 Dannenberg, Hermann. Die altesten Miinzen Ostsachens dTi Die deutschen Miinzen der sachsi- schen und frankischen Kaiserzeit. 63 Die Miinzfunder von Schwarzow und Gross-Rischow 63 Munzgeschichte Pommerns in Mit- telalter 63 Dassier, Jean. His medals 72 Datt.vri. G. Appunti di numismatica alessandrina 50 Athenian tetradrachms in Egypt.. 85 Deir affinita delle monete di resti- tuzione 85 Monete dei nomi 85 Tre teorie sull' origine delle monete dei Nomos dell' antico Egitto... 85 Monete romane battute durante il periodo costantiniano 123 Una nuova teria sulla monetazione alessandrina 124 Intorno alle forme da fondere mo- nete imperial romane 124 Nuova teoria sulle monete romane d'orichalcum e dei sistemi mone- tari di Augusto e di Nerone 124 Sur I'epoque ou furent frappees en figypte les monnaies de la refor- me de Diocletien 124 INDEX 159 Daughters of the American Revtjlu- tion. — New York City Chapter. Revolutionary calendar 141 Davids, T. W. R. Coins and measures of Ceylon 97 Davis, G. B. Catalogue of coins, medals and tokens 21 Davis, R. C. Catalogue of the collec- tion of coins, medals, tokens and currency 22 Dawes. Charles. Trade tokens at Charteris 72 Day, Robert. Medals and memorials of Irish volunteers of 1780 and 1797 72 Medals and mottoes of Irish volun- teers 72 Three gold medals of Irish volun- teers 72 Mementoes of Irish volunteers.... 72 Dayton, W. H. Catalogue of ancient and modern silver and copper coins 22 Deakin. Catalogue of collection of facsimiles of all coins made in Japan durin.g tlie past eighteen hundred years 105 Deane, Charles. Seal of "Council of New England." 141 Dechant. Norbert. Die Miinzen der Republik Ragusa 121 Dechelette, Joseph. Inventaire gene- ral des monnaies antiques re- cueillies au Mont Beuvray 8 Medaille de Charles VII, decou- verte en 1752 54 Origines de la drachme et de I'obole 85 Decorations of honor 8 Degrand. Tresor d'lsgherli 45 De Kay, Charles. Brief word on medals 9 Delaporte. L. Cylindres royaux de I'epoque de la premiere dynastie babylonienne 43 Delattre, a. L. Sceau de Jean, diacre des Blachernes 85 Delbarre, p. J., joint autlior. See Chassant, a. a. L., and P. J. Delbarre. Delbecq. Catalogue de monnaies royales de France 54 Delhi Museum of Archaeology. Cat- alogue of collection of coins 97 Deloche, Maximin. fitudes de nu- mismatique merovingienne 54 Demarsy, C. E. Anciens coins a I'echevinage d'Abbeville 54 PACE De.viay, Germ a I. v. Le costume au moyen age 9 Des pierres gravees dans les sceaux du moyen age 9 Inventaire des sceaux de I'Artois et de la Picardie 54 Demole, Eugene. Histoire monetaire de Geneve 137 Les medailles des jubiles et fetes de Geneve en juillet 1909 137 La zecca dei conti del Genevese ad Annecy 137 De.mole, Eugene, joint author. See Wavre, William, and Eugene De- mole 138 Denis. J. N. C. M. Catalogus numo- rum Hungariae ac Transilvaniae. 41 De Peyster, J. W. Medals presented I)y H. R. H. Oscar, king of Swe- den 137 Description of five finger rings 72 Deschamps de Pas, Louis. L'histoire monetaire des comtes de Flandre de la maison d'Autriche, 1482- 1556 115 L'histoire monetaire des comtes de Flandre de la maison de Bour- gogne 115 Design for the Irish seal of Queen Elizabeth 72 Desimoni, Cornelio. Tavole delle mo- nete della zecca di Genova 101 Des Marez, G. Les sceaux des cor- porations bruxelloises 115 Dessi, Vincenzo. Ripostiglio di mon- ete medioevali rinvenuto presso Alghero 101 Due tremissi inediti di Carlo Mag- no 124 Dewamin. Smile. Cent ans de numis- matique franqaise de 1789 a 1889. 54 DicKESON, M. W. Catalogue of collec- tion of coins, books & curiosities. 22 Catalogue of collection of coins, curiosities, autographs, etc 22 American numismatical manual... 141 DiEUDONNE, A. Medaillons de bronze de la Lydie 85 Monnaie des Aleuades a Larissa.. . 85 Monnaies grecques acquises par le Cabinet des medailles 85 Monnaies de Thrace 85 Trouvaille de monnaies de Juba II a El Ksar 109 Dernieres monnaies pseudo-auto- nomes d'Antioche et de Xicome- die 124 Monnaies romaines et bj-zantines. . 124 Tresors de monnaies romaines et les invasions germaniques 124 Xumismatique syrienne 138 160 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY PAGE DiEUDONNE, A., joint author. See Blanchet, J. A., and A. Dieu- DONNE. Dtgot, Aug. Deux sceaux inedits. ... 55 Mereaux du chapitre de Toulouse.. 55 DoBRUSKY, V. Deux molybdobulles bulgares 45 DocAN, Nicolae. Notita despre mo- netele lui Petru Musat 134 DoDD. C. H. Samins at Zancle-Mes- sana -. • • • °5 Chronology of eastern campaigns of Emperor Lucius Verus ....... 124 Cognomen of Emperor Antonius Pius 124 DoDGSON, Aquila. 7,000 Roman coins. 124 Domanig, Karl. Die deutsche Me- daille in kunst- und kulturhistori- scher Hinsicht 63 DoMiNicis, Francesco de. Repertorio numismatico 85 Dompierre de Chaufepie, H. J. de. Monnaies de sa collection 85 Donaldson. T. L. Architectura nu- mismatica 9 Dorn, J. A. B. Monnaies de khalifes orientaux . 110, 11/ Das Asiatische Museum der Kaiser- lichen Akademie der Wissen- schaften zu St. Petersburg 117 Bemerkungen uber A. Mordtmann's Erklarung der Munzen mit Peh- levi-Legenden 119 DoNNET, Fernand. La medaille des statues de neige, 1772 115 DoTT, E. Tariffa de monete medioe- vali e moderne italiane 101 DouBLEDAY, JoHN. Catalogue of his library 1 DdtTAis, C. Registre de la monnaie de Toulouse 55 DouET d'Arcq, L. C. Collection de sceaux 22 Doughty, F. W. Cents of United States 141 Douglas, Stewart. War medal collec- tion 22 Dressel, Hetnrich. Erwerbungen des Koniglichen Munzcabinets. . . .85, 124 Das Tempelbild der Athena Polias auf den Munzen von Priene... 85 Das Iseum Gampense auf einer Munze des Vespasianus 124 Drouin, E. Monnaies Tangoutaines du Si-Hia • • 47 Une monnaie d'argent du Mahdi... 51 Monnaies zodiacales de Djehangir et Nour Djehan 97 PAGE Le nimbe et les signes de I'apothe- ose sur les monnaies des rois in- do-scythes •_ 97 Le type monetaire sassanide et le monnayage indien 97 Monnaies mnngoles 108 Monnaies a legendes armeennes de la Characene • • • ■ 119 Legendes des monnaies sassanides. Ill Dubois, J. Monnaies gauloises en Condomois et en Agenais 61 Dubois, P. Moneta 9 Du Bois, W. E., joint author. See EcKFELDT, J. R., and Willia^i Du Bois. DuBREUiL, p. Monnaies d'argent de la republique romaine 124 Duby, p. a. T. Monnaies des ba- rons 55 DucAREL, A. C. Series of Anglo- Gallic or Norman and Aquitain coin of kings of England. . . .55, 61, 72 DucHALis, Adolphe. MedaiUcs gau- loises de la collection de la Bi- bliotheque royale 61 DuDiK, B. F. Des hohen deutschen Ritterordens Miinz-Sammlung in Wien 22 DuFFiELD, F. G. Merchants' cards and tokens of Baltimore 141 Dumersan, T. M. Notice sur la Bi- bliotheque royale 9 Histoire du Cabinet des medailles antiques et pierres gravees 22 Dunn, F. S. Roman coins of the Em- pire 124 Durrie, D. S., joint author. See But- ler. J. D.. and D. S. Durrie. DussAUD, Rene. L'ere d'Alexandre le Grand en Phenicie 85 Numismatique des rois de Naba- tene , HO Drachme nabateene au nom d'Obo- das 114 DuTENs. L. Medailles grecques et pheniciennes 85. 120 DuTiLH, E. D. J. Historique des col- lections numismatiques du musee greco-romain d'Alexandrie 22 Numismatique des nomes d'Egypte. 50 Vestiges de faux monnayages a Alexandrie 50, 85 DuTUiT, Auguste. Collection Auguste Dutuit 22 Dwenger, H. G. Addenda of rare coins 22 E.\RLE-Fox, H. B. Colonia Laus Ju- lia Corinthus 85 Duoviri of Corinth 85 \ INDEX 161 PAGE Earle-Fox, H. B., continued. Greek coins in his collection 86 Some Athenian prol)lems 86 Early seals of city of New York... 141 Early Victorian coinage 72 EcKFELDT, Jacob R.. and William E. Du Bois. Manual of gold and sil- ver coins of all nations 9 New varieties of gold and silver coins 9 EcKHEL, J. H. VON. Doctrina nunio- rum veterum 9 Edwards, Edward. The Napoleon medals 9 Catalogue of medals of France. 1789-1830, in the British Museum. 55 Edwards, F. S. Catalogue of collec- tion of American and foreign coins 22 Edwards, Jonathan. Catalogue of Greek and Roman coins in Col- lection of Yale College 86, 124 Edwards, William. Catalogue of col- lection of coins and medals 22 Edwards, W. B. Catalogue of collec- tion of ancient coins and medals. 22 Elder, T. L. The Elder rare coin books 9 Collection of Green tetracrachms. . 86 Elder, T. L., joint author. See Gil- bert, and T. L. Elder. Elliot, Sir Walter. Coins of southern India 97 Elliott. Catalogue of the Elliott nu- mismatic collection 22 Emants, J. De nummis veterum cusis et non cusis 9 Engel, .Arthur. Un nouveau roi wiso- goth 69 Ivecherches sur la numismatique et la sigillographie des Xormands de Sicile et d'ltalie 101 P2ngel, Arthur, and Ernest Lehr. Nu- mismatique de I'Alsace 55 Engel, Arthur, and Raymond Serrure. Repertoire des sources imprimees de la numismatique frangaise. . . . 1 Traite de numismatique moderne et contemporaine 9 Traite de numismatique du moyen age 9 Sources imprimees de la n.umis- matique f rangaise 55 Engling, J. Eine Strumund Drang- zeit fiir das Luxemburger Land. 107 Endlicher, S. Verzeichniss der chi- nesischen und japanischen Miin- zen 47, 105 Enschede, a. J., and J. P. Six. Cata- logue du cabinet de monnaies et medailles de I'Academie royale des sciences a Amsterdam 22 Erdelvi Nemzeti Muzeu.m. Dolgoza- tok az Erdelyi Nemzeti Muzeum erem-es regisegtarabol 3 Ernest August, duke of Cumberland. .Samlungen Sr. Koniglichen Ho- hcit des Herzogs von Cumber- land 63 Ernst, C. von. Die Nova Constellatio- und die Fugio-Miinzen 141 Esdaile, K. a. Classification of Ho- meric coin types 86 Liglit on temple of Magna Mater. 124 £tat actuel des ateliers monetaires frangais et de leurs differents. ... 55 EuLER, L. H. Die altesten Nachrich- ten uber die Munze zu Frankfort. 63 F'rankfurter Goldgulden aus Konig Ruprechts Zeiten 63 Verzeichniss und Beschreibung der Frankfurter Goldmiinzen 63 Fawns, .\. J. .\thenian portrait-head by Dexamenos of Chios 86 Syracusan "medallions" 86, 101 Evans, E. S. Seals of Virginia 141 Evans, G. G. History of U. S. mint. 141 Evans, John. Anniversary address. . 9 Gold coins of Louis le Debonnaire. 55 Address on the 19th of Feb., 1884. . , 72 Coins of the ancient Britons 72 Cross and pall on coins of Aelfred the great 72 First gold coins of England 72 Gold coin of Addedomaros 72 British coins at Santon Down- ham 7i Britisli coins of Verulam 72> Anglo-Saxon coins in Ireland 7Z Coins of Carausius 73, 124 Silver medal or map of Sir Francis Drake 72> Roman gold coins 124 Roman medallons 124 Evans, M. M. Memorial medal of Jo- sias Nicolson 9 EwALD, WiLHELM. Die Sicgcl des Erzbischofs Anno II. von Kuln. 63 Die Siegel der Grafen und Herzoge von Kleve 63 Eyre. Seal of Inchaffray 72) Fabriczy. Cornelius von. Medaillen der italienischen Renaissance... 101 P'albe, C. T., and J. C. Lindberg. Nu- mismatique de I'ancienne .Afrique. 39. 86. 124 Falconieri. Ottavio. De numo Apa- mensi 86 Falkner, R. p. Private issue of token coins 10 162 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY PAGE Farmer, E. J. Catalogue of collection of American and foreign coins and medals 22 Farquhar, Helen. Stuart monarchs on their coins and medals IZ Stuarts on royalist badges 73 Tudor monarchs on coins and medals 73 Farrier, G. H. Catalogue of American and foreign coins, medals, &c . . . . 22 P'aure, de Villefranche. Catalogue de medailles antiques 22 P'f.llner, E., joint author. See Joseph Paul, and E. Fellner. Fellows, Sir Charles. Coins of Lycia before Alexandria 86 Ferguson, R. S. Colliery, harbour, lime and iron tokens of West Cumberland 73 Feuardent, F. Collections Giovanni di Demetrio 50. 124 Feuardent, Gaston. Coins of Castel- lani collection 124 Feuardent, joint author. See Rollin et Feuardent. Fewsmith, William. The "Fewsmith cabinet." 22 FiALA, E. Die Miinzmeister der her- zoglich braunschweigliineburgi- sthen Communion-Miinzstatte zu Zellerfeld 63 Fikentscher. Die richtige Deutung der Adlerschilde auf den Miinzen der Markgrafen von Branden- burg 63 Fillon, Benjamin. Monnaies de France 55 Fineman, C. O., joint author. See WiNBOM, J. A., and C. O. Fine- man. P'iNGER, F. A. Lleber Frankfurter Turnosen 63 FiNLAY, George. Blindness of Belisa- rius, on Roman and Byzantine money 45 FiNOTTi, J. M. Catalogue of selected specimens of coins and medals.. 22. 141 Firth, J. B. English silver crown piece ^Z FiscHEL, M. M. Le thaler de Marie- Therese 41 Flags, badges and arms of the British dominions 73 Flamare, H. de. Collections numisma- tiques de Nevers 55 Fleet, J. F. Greek uncial and cursive characters in India 86 PAGE Coin of Huvishka 97 Moga. Maues, and Vonones 97 A point in palaeography 97 Fletcher, L. L. Belfast ticket of 1734 73 Fleurimont, G. R. Medailles du regne de Louis XV 55 Fleury, Louis de. The Fleury medal. 10 Fliessbach, Ferdinand. Miinzsamm- lung 10 Florange, Jules. Jetons et medailles de mines frangaises 55 Florez, Henrique. Medallas de las colonias 135 FoLKES, M. Tables of English coins. 1Z Fontana, C. d'Ottavio. Descrizione della serie consolare 124 FoNTENAY, J. de. Mauuel de I'amateur de jetons 55 Forkett, J. D. Catalogue of collec- tion of coins, medals, numismatic works 23 Forrer, Leonhard. Biographical dic- tionary of medalists 10 Les signatures de graveurs sur les monnaies grecques 86 Monnaies romaines inedites 125 FoRRER, Robert. Analysen keltischer Miinzen 46 Keltische Numismatik der Rhein und Donaulande 46 Prahistorisches auf keltischen Miin- zen 46 Fort, Ludwig. Neueste Miinzkunde. 10 FouGERES, F. Catalogue de monnaies frangaises et etrangeres 35 Catalogue de monnaies royales de France 55 FouGERES, F., and G. Conbrouse. Mon- naies de la deuxieme race royale de France 55 FoviLLE. A., DE. Les monnaies de rfithiopie sous I'Empereur Me- nelik 39 FoviLLE. Jean de. fitudes de numisma- tique et de glyptique 10 Debuts de I'art monetaire en Sicile. 86, 102 Monnaies grecques et romaines. ... 86 Monnaies trouvees en Crete 86 Medailleur du XV. siecle 102 Monnaies grecques et romaines de la collection Valton 125 Fox, C. R. Engravings of unedited Greek coins 86 Fox. H. B. E., and J. S. Shirley. Nu- mismatic history Tl I'oY. Karl. Tiirkischer Katalog is- lamischer Bleisiegel 110 INDEX 163 PAGE FoY Vaillant, Jean. Arsacidaruni imperium ad fidcm numismatum accommodata ■ • • ■ 119 Historia Ptolcm.-coruni Aegypti re- gum ad fidcm numismatum ac- commodata °6 Seleucidarum imperium 138 Numismata aerea impcratorum, Au- gustarum et C;esarum 125 Numismata impcratorum Romano- rum pracstantiora a Julio Crcsarc. 125 Fraehn, C. M. Beitrage zur muliani- medanischen /Munzkundc • 1 10 Petropolitanac museo numario Muslcmico HO Une monnaic d'Ahd ul-Melik et dc Heddjadj ^. ■ • HO Die Munzen der Chane vom I'lus Dschutscliu's oder von der Ciol- denen Horde ••• HO Novae syml)oIae ad rem numariam Muhammedanorum 110 Numi Kufici ex variis museis se- lect! ■ 110 Numi Muhammedani 110 Quinque centuriae numorum anec- dotorum C'lialifarum 1 1 1 Supplement a la Memoire sur les monnaies arabes des Chosroes.. . Ill France. Loi relative a la fabrication des especes de bronze du 25 aout 1792 55 Lois du 18 sept. 1792 55 P'rance. — Administration des Mon- naies et des Medailles. Medaillcs de la monnaie de Paris 55 France. — Commission des Monnaies et Medailles. La refonte des monnaies de cuivre 55 Tarif du prix des medailles 55 Francis. G. R. Milled silver coinage of England "^^ Francke, a. H. Ein Siegel in tibeto- mongolischer Schrift von Bhutan. 117 Franco, Augusto. Nozze Aruch-Mon- dolfi 102 Frank, Herman. Die baltisch-ara- bischen Fundmiinzen Ill Franklin medallion 142 Franks, Sir A. W. Silver map, or medal, of Sir Francis Drake 73 Frazer. William. Catalogue of his collection of coins and medals. 23 Freer, William J. Medals and cam- paigns of the 43rd Foot Ti Freher. Marquard. De re monetaria veterum Romanorum 124 Friedensburg, Ferdinand. Schlesiens neuere Miinzgeschichte 63 Friedlander, J. Recherches sur les monnaies frappees dans Tile de Rhodes 10, 107 PACE Friedlaender, Julius, and Ludwig Stern. Der Miinzfund von Tre- benow HI F"riedlander, Julius, and Alfred von Sallet. Das konigliche Miinzka- binet 23 I'^rilet-Malve, a. Lithographic de medailles grecques 86 Fritze, H. von. Birytis und die Ka- biren auf Munzen 86 Corpus Nummorum 86 Frcehner, G. a quoi ont servi les contorniates? 10 La liturgie romainc dans la numis- matique 55 L'n nouveau legat de Sicile 102 Frcehner, Wilhelm. Numismatique antique 125 I'uoELiCH, Erasmus. Notitia elementa- ris numismatum 86 I'KossARn, Edouard, and W. W. Hays. United States cents of 1794 142 FuESSLi, J. C. Collection complete de toutes les medailles du Chevalier Hedlinguer 10 Furman, G. M. Catalogue of medals and coins 23 G. A. J. Hard times token 142 Gabrici, Ettore. Sul valore dei tipe monetali nei problemi storici et- nografici e religiosi 10 Per la ricera delle origini italiche.. 102 Storia della moneta romana da Au- gusto a Domiziano 12o Gaebler, Hugo. Die antiken Munzen von Makedonia und Paionia 86 Gaedechens. O. C. Hamburgische Munzen und Medaillen 63 Gaillard, k. Les precedes de re- production des sceaux 10 Gaillard. J. Monnaies espagnoles et des monnaies etrangeres 135 Gait, E. A. Coins of Koch kings 97 Ahom coins 97 Gallagher, B. J. Catalogue of collec- tion of American and foreign coins, medals and tokens 23 Galleria Brignole Sale de Ferrari. Genoa. Catalog© del medagliere genovese 10- Gandolfi, G. C. Della moneta antica di Genova 102 Garcia, J. C. Medallas espanolas que posee la Real Academia de la Historia 1-^^ Gardner, C. T. Coins of China 47 Gardner. Percy. Parthian coinage. .87, 119 164 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Gardner, Percy, continued. Der Miinzfund zu Neimegk Uber einige romische Medaillons. Samos and Samian coins Types of Greek coins Gardner. Percy. British Museum. — Department of Coins and Med- als. Garrucci, R. Le monete dell' Italia antica: raccolta generale 102 Gauthier. J. Catalogue des sceaux- matrices Gauvin. Paul. Jetons et medailles des compagnies d'assurances. . . Gavazzi. Giuseppe. Monete del Marchesi del Carretto Gay. J. E. Catalogue of ancient and modern coins Gazette numismatique frangaise Geddie, W. S. Groats of Robert HI. Gegefelt, H. G., and J. A. Seven. Xu- mi ducum reipublicae Venetae. . . Geib, Eduard. Siegel deutscher Koni- ge und Kaiser Genealogische Gesellschaft der Ost- seeprovinzen zi Mitau Georgi Mikhailovich, grand duke. Monety tzarstvovaniya Yekate- riny II Monety tzarstvovani imperatora Aleksandra II Monety tzarstvovani imperatora Pavia I Monety tzarstvovaniya imperatritzy Anny loannovny Monety tzarstvovani imperatritzy Yekateriny I i imperatora Petra Monety tzarstvovani imperatritzy Yelisavety I i imperatora Petra III Russkiya monety 1881-1890 '.'. Russkiya monety chekannyya dlya Prussii, etc Gerini. Malay coin Gerojannis, Constantine. Primitive shield-devices Greek coins Gevrey, a. Monnaies gauloises de Moirans, Sainte-Blandine, Tour- dan et Laveyron Ghalib Edhem. J. Les monnaies nnismulmanes a monogrammes himyarites 10, Maskukat Kadimah Islamiyyah Ka-' taloghi Takvvim maskukat Uthmaniyyah Takwim maskukat Seljukiyyah . . . . Ghesquiere, Joseph, abbe. L'histoire monetaire des Pays-Bas PAGE 125 125 87 87 , 125 55 56 102 23 3 73 102 63 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 108 10 87 61 111 111 139 139 115 Numografia Dal- Cronaca delle falsi- Sullo scopo Ghiron, I. Monete arabiche del ,ga- binetto numismatico di Milano. . . Gibson, W. S Seal of Richard de Bury GiLLEMAN, Ch.. and A. van Werveke. Numismatique gantoise GiovANELLi, Benedikt VON, Graf. Al- terthiimliche Entdeckungen in Sudtirol Gliubich. Simeone mata Gnecchi, Ercole. ficazioni Gnecchi. Francesco. della numismatica Un nuovo bronzo quadrilatero. . . . Appunti di numismatica romana.. I bronze quadrilateri della republi- ca e la moneta privata dei Roma- ni Monete romane Le personificazioni allegoriche sulle monete imperiali romane Gnecchi, Francesco, and Ercole Gnec- chi. Guida numismatica univer- sale Le monete di Milano da Carlo Magno a Vittorio Emanuele II.. Glasgow University. — Hunterian Mu- seum. Catalogue of Greek coins in its collection GoA. — Bibliotheca Nacional. Cata- logo das moedas do gabinete nu- mismatico GoDONNESCHE, NicoLAus. Medailles du regne de Louis XV GoHL, Edmond. Contributions au Cor- pus X^umorum Romanorum GoLDiNG. Charles. Coinage of Suf- folk Goltz. Hubert. Sicilia et Magna Grae- cia.. 87, C. Ivlivs Caesar Caesar Avgvstvs sive Historiae im- peratorvm Goodell, a. C, the younger. Seals of judicial courts of Massachusetts. Goodman, T. W. Catalogue of his collection of coins Gordon. George. Silver coins discov- ered in Banffshire Gorham Manufacturing Co. French sovereigns, Pharamond to Louis Philippe GoRi, A. F. Antiqva nvmismata avrea et argentea praestantiora 10. Symbolae litterariae Gorlaeus, Abraham. Dactyliotheca seu annulorum sigillarium quo- rum apud priscos Ill 73 115 41 41 10 10 102 125 125 125 125 10 102 87 121 56 125 73 102 125 125 142 23 73 56 125 10 10 INDEX 165 Graesse, J. G. T. Handhuch der al- ien Numismatik 10 Graham, T. H. B. Cromwell's silver coinage 73 Grantley. On Anglo-Saxon coins. . . 73 Grauer, Louis. Catalogue of his col- lection 23 Great seal 72 Great seals of England from Edward the Confessor to William IV... 74 Green, B. G. U. S. necessity money. 142 Green, B. R. Numismatics 10 Numismatic atlas of Grecian his- tory 87 Numismatic atlas of ancient his- tory 87 Green, S. A. Town seal of Groton. 142 Greenwell, William. Durham seals. 74 Greppo, J. G. H. Voyages de TEm- pereur Hadrien ct les medailles qui s'y rapportent 125 Grimes, J. B. Great seal of Nortli Carolina 142 Groag, Edmund. Sulpicia Dryantilla. 125 Groebe, D. Beantwoording der prijs- vraag over de munten 10 Groessler, Hermann. Ueber die Sie- gel der Ortschaften der Mansfel- der Seekreises 63 Groh, Edward. Catalogue of his col- lection of coins 23 Grolier Club of the City of New York. Catalogue of n edals and plaques. 11 Gronovius, T. F.. joint author. See ViNET, Elie, and J. F. Gronovius. Grosshauser, J. P. Miinzenfund bei Ruderatshofen kgl. bayer 64 Verzeichniss der in der Miinz- sammlung dcs Historischen Vcr- eins von Schwaben und Neuburg befindlichen Miinzen und Medail- len 64 Die romischen zu Ausburg gefun- denen Miinzen 125 Grotefend, K. L. Catalogue of coins and medals 23 Groux. Daniel E. Catalogue of his cabinet 23 Catalogue of medals and coins 87 Grueber, H. a. Silver coins at Col- chester 74 Coins of Great Britain and Ireland. 74 Penny of Aethelred II 74 Half-unicorn of James IV 74 Coinage of the triumvirs 125 Find of Roman coins and gold rings at Sully 126 The first Corbridge find 126 PACE Roman bronze coinage from B. C. 45-3 126 Roman medallons in British Mu- seum 126 Use and nature of Roman medal- Ions 126 Gkuxau. Gustav. Inschriften und darstellungen romischer Kaiser- miinzen 126 Guattani, G. a., joint author. See Visconti, F. a., and C. A. Gu.\t- TANI. Guenter, Heinrich. Litteratur 1 Muenzwesen in der Grafschaft Wuerttemberg 64 GuENTHER, F. Zur Geschichte der harzichen Munzstiitten 64 GuiGUE. Georges. Mereaux ou palettes de I'eglise de Lyon 56 GuiRAN, Gaillard. Xumismatum Ne- mausensium 126 Gunner, W. H. One of the Great seals of Edward III 74 GuTENAECKER, JosEPH. Ueber wiirz- burgisch-frankische Numismatik. 64 H. Catalogue de medailles de la col- lection de M. H. d'Orleans 23 H.. W. Coronation medals of Great Britain .' 74 Haan, F. Angelsaksische munten... 74 Habich. Georg. Studien zur deutschen Renaissancemedaille 64 Hackmann. H. Chinese coins 47 Haeberlin. Der jiingste etruskische une die alteste romische Goldpra- gung 51. 126 Die metrologisclien Grundlagen der altesten mittelitalischen Miinz- systeme 102 Haebler, Konrad. "Falsche Gulden." 64 ITagadorn, F. T. Catalogue of his collection of coins 23 Hager, Joseph. Medailles chinoises du Cabinet imperial de France. 47 Haggard. W. D. Medals of the Pre- tender 74 Hague, J. D. Drake medal 74 IIahn, E.. and Adolf Ikle-Steinlin. Die Miinzen der Stadt St. Gallen. 137 Haig, Wolselev. Copper coins in Wun district. Barar 97 Haigh, D. H. Early Scottish coins. 74 Haigh, John. Catalogue of his col- lection of coins and medals 23 Haines, Benjamin. Catalogue of coins 23 166 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY PAGE Haines, Benjamin, continued. Catalogue of his collection of Amer- erican coins 23, 142 Haines, Ferguson. Catalogue of coins, medals and tokens 23 Halke, Heinrich. Einleitung in das Studium der Numismatik 11 Handworterbuch der Miinzkunde. 11 Hall, C. C. Great seal of Maryland. 142 Hamburger. Leopold. Die Silber- Miinzpragungen wahrend des letzten Au^standes der Israeliten gegen Rom 106 PIamburger, L. & L. Catalog der reichen Sammlung griechischer und romischer Miinzen 35 Hamburgische Zirkel-Correspondenz. Abbildungen freimaureischer Denkmiinzen und Medaillen 108 Hamer, S. H. Farthing and half- pence of the 18th century 74 Private tokens 74 Token coinage of Great Britain and Ireland 74 Hammer, J. Der Feingehalt der griechischen und romischen Miin- zen 87 Hammer-Purgstall, Joseph von, Frei- herr. Adhandlung fiber die Sie- gel der Araber, Perser, und Tiir- ken 111. 119, 139 Hammerstein, H. von. and others. Der Miinzfund von Nieder-Rentgen.. 126 Hands, A. W. Coinage of Alexan- der the Great 87 Hanthaler, Chry.sostom. Exercita- tiones faciles de numis veterum pro tyronibus 11 Hardelay, C. Le. Numismatique ve- netienne 102 Harding. Coinage of Exeter 74 Hardouin, J. Nummi antiqui populo- rum et urbium illustrati 11 Harlez, C. de. Trois monnaies a ca- racteres inconnus 47 Harnett, Mrs. M. L. Catalogue of her collection of coins 24, 142 Harriot, J. S. Catalogue de medailles. 24 Harrison, A. J. Catalogue of collec- tion of coins and medals 24 Harster, W. Versuch einer Speirer Miinzgeschichte 64 Hart, C. H. National medals 142 Hart, G. E. Catalogue of collection of coins and medals 24 Hartmann-Franzenshuld. Ernst von, Edler. Deutsche Personen-Me- daillen des XVI. Jahrhunderts, PAGE namentlich einiger Wiener Ge- schlechter 41 Die Siegel des Wiener Stadtrathes. 41 Harzer, Frtedrich. Vollstandiges Handbuch 11 Harzfeld, S. K. On falsifications of ancient coins 11 Haseltine, J. W. Catalogue of collec- tion of United States and foreign coins and medals 24 Catalogue of collection of coins and medals 24 Hasluck, F. W. Coin-collecting in Mysia 87 Hasse, Adelaide. On classification of numismatics 11 Hasse, K. F. Dr. Hasse's Sammlung von Miinzen und Medaillen 23 Hatch, Samuel. Catalogue of coins and medals 24 Hauber, E. D. Nachricht von den ju- dischen insgemein genannten sa- maritanischen Mi^inzen 106 Hauberg, p. C. Danmarks Myntvs.ne- sen i Tidsrummet, 1146-1241.... 49 De I'influence byzantine sur les monnaies du Danemark au Xi. siecle 49 Myntforhold og Udmyntninger i Danmark indtil 1146 49 Gullands Myntvaesen 137 Hauteroche, L. a. de. Description des medailles antiques 11 Havercamp, S. Alexandri Magni nu- mismate 1 1 Haverfield, F. Roman coins found at Carhayes. Cornwall 126 Haverkamp, Sigebert. Nummophyla- cium Reginea Christinae . . . . 24, 126 Havre d'Anvers, Gustave van. Cata- logue de monnaies et de me- dailles 24 Hawkins, Edward. Dorsetshire nu- mismatics 74 Letter to Sir Henry Ellis 74 Silver coins of England 74 Warwickshire numismatics 74 Hay, W. Coins at Bameean 44 Haym, N. F. British treasury of Greek and Roman antiquities. .87, 126 Hays, W. W.. joint author. See Fros- sard, Edouard, and W. W. Hays. 142 Hazlitt, W. C. The coin collector. 11 The coinage of the European con- tinent 11 The confessions of a collector 11 Head, B. V. Guide to the principal gold and silver coins of the an- cients 11 INDEX 167 PAGE Head, B. V., continued. Catalogue of Greek coins of Lyclia.40. 87 Catalogue of Greek coins 87 Catalogue of Greek coins of Phry- gia 87 Greco-Bactrian and Grcco-lndian coins 87 Historia numorum 87 Metrological notes on elcctrnm coins 87 Recent find of staters of Cyzicus. 87 Chronological sequence of coins of Boeotia 87 Chronological sequence of coins of Ephesus 87 Coinage of Lydia and Persia 119 Heath, G. F. Coins of republican Rome 126 Heaton, a. G. Drapery or "sleeve" of seated Liberty 142 Heffner, C. Wiirzburgiscli-franki- sche Siegel 64 Heilborn, O. Catalogue des monnaies antiques 45. 126 Heinsberger. Ph. Numismatic history of thaler coins of Germany 64 Oldest coins of Mark Brandenburg. 64 Heiss, a. Monnaies des rois wiso- goths d'Espagne 69 Medailleurs de la renaissance 102 La monedas hispano-cristianas desde la invasion de los Arabes. 135 Monnaies antiques de I'Espagne... 135 Helbing, O. Auctions-Catalogen. . . . 24 Verzeichniss von Miinzen und Me- daillen 35 PIenfrey. H. W. Coins of Norwich. 74 Bristol mint 74 Culloden medals 74 Guide to English coins 74 Numismata Cromwelliana 75 Medals and seals of the Cromwell family 75 Henry, J. Catalogue of English coins. 75 Series of Englisli coins 75 Hermerel. Monnaies des comtes de Vaudemone 56 Savigny et Xugney 56 Hewlett, L. M. Anglo-Gallic coins. 56, 75 Anglo-Gallic gold coins 75 Heyden Hermann von. Der Concor- dien-Orden, die Ehren-Medaillen. 64 Heywood, Nathan. Coinage of Henry ^11 75 Kingdom and coins of Burgred. ... 75 Medals of Manchester 75 Heyse, Gustav. Zwei amnsfeldische Jetons 64 HiCKCOX, J. H. American coinage.. . 142 PAGE HicKMANN, A. L. Nucste Miinzen- kunde aller Staaten der Erde 11 Hiersemann, K. W. Katalog 176... Katalog 269 Katalog 196 Katalog 312 Katalog 329 Katalog 347 2 Numismatik des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit 2 Hildebraxd, B. E. Anglosachsiska mynt i Svenska Kongl 75 Upplysningar till Sveriges mynthis- toria 137 Hill, G. F. Queen Anne's farthing. 75 Catalogue of Greek coins of Cyprus. 49,87 Catalogue of Greek coins of Ly- cia 87 Greeks coins acquired by the Bri- tish Museum 87 Handbook of Greek and Roman coins 87, 126 Olba, Cennatis, Laslassis 88 Portrait medals of Italian artists of the renaissance 102 Timotheus Refatus of Mantua and the medallist "T. R." 102 F"ake shekels 106 Roman aurei from Pudukota, south India 126 Roman coins from Croydon 126 Roman silver coins from Grovcly Wood 126 Posidium in Syria 138 Hirsch, J. C. Bibliotheca nvmisma- tica 2 Hobler, F. Roman history from Cnaeus Pompeius to Tiberius Constantius on Roman coins... 126 Hoffman. F. S. Catalogue of numis- matic collection 24 PIoLLAND, H. W. Catalogue of collec- tion of coins and medals 24 HoDGKiN. J. E. Rariora 11 FIoefflinger. H. W. Das Siegel in der germanischen Volksrechten. 64 HoERNLE. A. R. Scytho-Bactrian coins 44 Coins of native states 97 Rare Hindu and Muhammadan coins 97 Antiquities from central Asia 117 Hoffmann, H. Monnaies royales de France 56 Hoffm.\nn, J. G. Die Zeichen der Zeit im deutschen Miinzwesen als Zugabe zu der Lehre vom Gelde. 64 FIocking, W. J. Simon's dies in Royal Mint Museum 75 Hogarth, D. G. Zakro sealings 88 168 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY PAGE HoLMBOE, C. A. De prisca re moneta- ria Norvegi?e 117 HoLMESDALE, lord. Catalogue of cab- inet of coins and medals 24 HoLSTEiN, F., joint author. See How- ard, W. J., and F. Holstein. Holt, H. F. W. Collection of Chi- nese coins 47 On the great seal of Francis II. king of France 75 Homans, I. S., the younger. The coin book "11 Homes, H. A. Observations on the design and import of medals 11 Arms of state of New York 142 HoMOLLE, Theophile. Inscriptions de Delphes 88 Hookenberg, C. a., and B. U. von Oerlreich. Numismata Anglo- Saxonica in Nummophylacio Aca- demico Upsaliensi adservata. . . . 75 Hopkins, L. C. History of Chinese coinage 47 Hopkins, Tighe. British war medals. 75 Hostus, Matthaeus. Historic rei nvmmarije veteris libri qvinqve.. 11 Howard, Winslow J., and F. Holstein. Catalogue of collection of coins and medals 24 Howard de Walden (8. baron), T. E. Ellis. Banners, standards, and badges 75 Feudal lords and their seals 75 Howorth, D. F. Catalogue of his col- lection of coins 24 Coins and tokens of the English colonies 75 Howorth. Sir H. H. Early Parthian and Armenian coins 40, 119 Coin attributed to Babylon 43 Coins attributed to Parthia 119 History of coinage of Artaxerxes III 120 HuBER, Alfons. Untersuchungen (iber die Miinzgeschichte Osterreich's im XIII. und XIV. Jahrhundert. 41 HuBER, C. W. Kleopatra I., Konigin Mutter und Regentin 50 Zur alten Numismatik Aegyptens.. 50 Catalogue of his collection of Greek and Roman coins 88, 126 HucHER, E. F. F. L'art gaulois 61 Huffnagle, Charles. On the electro- type 11 Hugo, Thomas. On the field of Cuer- dale 75 Hugon, Henri. Les emblemes des beys de Tunis 139 PAGE Hlillard-Breholles. J. L. A. Deux sceaux en metal des empereurs Frederic I et Louis V 64 Hulsius, Levinus. Impp. Romanorvm nvmismatvm 126 Hultsch, Friedrich. Die ptolemai- schen Miinz- und Rechnungswer- te 50 Hultzsch, Eugen. Coinage of sultans of Madura 97 Humphreys, H. N. The coin collec- tor's manual 11 Coinage of British Empire 75 Gold, silver, and copper coins of England 75 Ancient coins and medals 88 Hung Tsun tseuen che. History of coinage 47 Hunt, Gaillard. Seal of United States 142 Iconographie des empereurs romains et de leurs families 126 Idler, W. Catalogue of collection of paper money 24 Ikle-Steinlin, Adolf, joint author. See Hahn, E., and Adolf Ikle- Steinlin. Ilgen, Th. Sphragistik 11 Iliyev, At. T. Pogled vrkhu blgar- skata numizmatika .'. . . 45 Imhoof-Blumer, Friedrich. Die Flu- gelgestalten det Athena und Ni- ke auf Miinzen 11 Kleinasiatische Miinzen 40 Lydische Stadtmiinzen 40 The mint at Babylon 43 Miinzstatte Babylon 43 Bithynische Miinzen 88 Coin-types of Kilikian cities 88 Griechische Miinzen 88 Monnaies grecques 88 Die Miinzen der Dynastie von Per- gamon 88 Nymphen und Chariten auf griech- ischen Miinzen 88 Zur griechischen und romischen Miinzkunde 88. 126 Zur Miinzkunde und Palaeographie Beotiens 88 International Congress of Numismat- ics, Brussels, 1891 3 International Congress of Numismat- ics, Paris, 1900 3 IsAMBERT, F. A. Catalogue de livres composant sa bibliotheque 24 IvicH, Aleska. Stari srpski pechati i grbovi prilog srpskoj sfragostot- zo o kheralditzi 134 J., H. V. Numismatique byzantine. 45 INDEX 169 PAGE Jackson, R. P. Coin collecting in the Deccan 97 Coinage of Balapur 97 Jacob Kolb, G. Traite de nuniisnia- tique ancienne 12 Jacobs, Ed. Griiflicli stolbergische Schaustiicke 64 Kleine Beitrage zur Geschlects- unci Siegelkunde 64 Siegcl des Kalnds vom Banne Utz- lel)en zu Wcrnigcrodc 64 Siegcl der Stadt Elbingerode auf dem Harz 64 Siegel der Stadt Thalmansfcld und dortiger Burger 64 Zur Geschichte der Biirgersiegel . . . 64 Jacobs, F. C. W. Ueber die Bildsiiule der schlafenden Ariadne 88 Jacquet, E. Memoire sur medailles indiennes 43. 97 Notice de la collection de medailles bactriennes 43 Jacquin, Jules. Catalogue de mon- naies anciennes 35 Jameson, R. Trouvaille de stateres de Melos 88 Jamieson, John. Antiquity of Scottish coins 75 Janvier, Henry A., joint author. See Smith, Oberlin, and Henry A. Janvier. Jeiler, Josef. Die Siegelkammcr der Bischofe von Miinstcr 64 Jennings, C. E. Catalogue of his col- lection of coins 25 Jewitt, Llewellyn. Corporation plate and insignia of cities of England and Wales 75 Handbook of English coins 75 Traders' tokens of Sheffield Id Jewell, J. M. Catalogue of Ameri- can coins, medals, tokens 25 JoBERT, Louis. La science des me- dailles 12 The knowledge of medals 12 La scienza delle medaglie 12 Joergensen, C. Monnaies d'Athenes. 88 Johnson, C, joint author. See Crump, C. G., and C. Johnson. Johnston, E. B. Cabinet of the LTnited States mint at Philadel- phia 25, 142 Johnston, J. M. C. Coinage of East India Company 97 Jones, G. F. Coin collectors' manual. 142 JoNGE, J. C. DE. Notice sur le cabinet des medailles et des pierres gra- vees de Sa Majeste le Roi des Pays-Bas 25 Jonghe, Baudouin de, vicomte. Sceau- matrice de Robert de Bavay 56 Le florin d'or au type de Florence d'Englebert de la Marck 102 Monnaies luxembourgeoises in- edites 107 Monnaies de Reckheim 115 Le noble de Gand a la banniere por- tant une foi 115 Un sceau-matrice ogival de la fin de XII. siecle 115 Jf^RGENSEN, C. T. Bcskrivclse over danske M^nter 1448-1888 49 Joseph, Paul. Beitrage zur pfalz- graflichen und mainzischen MiJnz- kunde 64 Goldmiinzen des XIV. und XV. Jahrhunderts 65 Joseph, Paul, and E. I'"ellxer. Die Miinzen von Frankfurt am Main. 65 Journal international d'archeologie numismatique 4 Junta de Historia y Numismatica Americana. Biblioteca 4 Kahrstedt, LTlrich. Frauen auf an- tiken Miinzen 12 Kainz, C. Die altesten chinesischen Staatsmiinzen 47 Kampanes, Michael L. ITeoi tti; XQOVo^oyixTig xaxdiTa^ecos d^va'i- xtbv Tivcov voixiondxcov 88 Karabacek, Joseph. Bericht iiber zwei kufische Miinzfunde Ill Keary, C. F., and H. A. Grueber. Catalogue of English coins in Bri- tish Museum 76 Keetman, Adolph. Sammlung Miin- zen und Medaillen 25 Keih kin che ts'un. Treatise on coin- age of China 47 Keith, A. B. Denarius and date of Harivamsa 127 Keldermans, J. B. De origine atque usu nummorum apud Hebrpeos quam favente supremo numine. .. 106 Kell, Edmund. Coins found in New- port. Isle of Wight 76 Keller, Ferdinand. Notice of a die for striking Helvetian or Gaulish gold coins 12, 137 Keller, G. J. Die Begrabnissmiinzen der Regenten von Wiirzburg. . . . 65 Beschreibung und ErklJirung eini- ger Denmiinzcn auf merkwurdi- ge Franken oder auf Begebenhei- ten 65 Geschichte des bishoflich wiirz- burgischen Miinzwesens 65 Die Munzvereinigungen der Bis- chofe von Wiirzburg 65 1/ THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY PAGE Keller, G. J., continued. Ueber das auf bischoflich wiirz- burg^ischen Munzen vorkommen- de Monogramm 65 Kellstrom, Nicolaus. De numis Cu- ficis Ill Kelly. Patrick. Le cambiste uni- versel 12 Kennedy, D. R. Collection of Wash- ington and United States medals. 142 Kenner, Friedrich. Ueber das Muenz- recht und die Goldprage der Ko- nige der Axumiten 39 Quadrans von Larinum 88 i)ie Roma-Typen 127 Die romische Medaillon 127 Kenyon, R. L. Gold coins of Eng- land 76 History of the Shrewsbury mint.. 76 Shrewsbury and its officers under Henry III 76 Kerrich, Thomas. Catalogue of Ro- man coins 127 Kershaw. S. W. Canterbury's coin- age 76 Kihlgren, Z. a. De nvmis et sigillis Lvndensibus 137 Kin ting se tsing koo keen. Mirror of antiquities at Peking 47 King, C. W. On true nature of con- torniate medals 12, 127 Set with intaglio of Laocoon 76 On an intaglio commemorating the Gothic victory of Aemilian.... 127 Signet of Q. Cornelius Lupus.... 127 King's coins 46 KiRKWooD. James. Appendix to Wy- lie's "Coins of the Ta-ch'ing dy- nasty." 47 Kirsch, Th. Der Munzfund zu Schalke 65 Klein, abbe. Monnaies merovin- giennes et carlovingiennes 56 Klemm, Johann. De nummis He- braeorum 106 Kluyskens, Hippolyte. Des hommes celebres et des medailles qui con- sacrent leur souvenir 12 Kluyver, a. Her woord Matapn als naam van eene Venetiannsche munt 102 Knetsch, Karl. Die Siegel der Stadt Danzig bis zum Untergange ihrer Selbstandigkeit 65 Knight. R. P. Nummi veteres ci- vitatum 25 KoBBE, Gustave. Presidential medals. 143 Koch, Alexander. 600 Monogrammes und Signets 65 PAGE Koechlin. J. L. Les ordres de la Couronne de Per et de la Couronne d'ltalie 12 Koehler. Ulrich. Zur Geschichte des athenischen Miinzwesens 88 Koehler. W. O. D. Begriffe auf ro- mischen Munzen 127 KoEHLERS Wochentlich herausgegeb- ener historischer Miinz-Belusti- gung 4 KoENiGLicHE Akadcmie der Wissen- schaften zu Berlin. Die antiken Miinzen Mysiens 88 Die antiken Miinzen Nord-Grei- chenlands 88 KoENiGLicHE Musccu ZU Berlin. Be- schreibung der antiken Munzen. 12 Die antiken Munzen 25 Katalog der orientalischen Munzen. 117 KoLB, Josef von. Die Tiroler Zwan- ziger und Kreuzer 41 KoNSTANTOPouLos, K. M. Bu^avTiaxtt |uo^D68o6oiiA.Xa ev xto E^vixw No- (uoM,aTLxa) Modoeico Adrjvcov (2uv- Eixeia) 89 KoRT utkast til Konung Carl den XI. 137 KovAcs. firiENNE. Systcme monetaire de rfitrurie 51 Krehl, Ludolf. De numis Muhamma- danis in numophylacio Ill Nachtragliche Bemerkungen zu "Blau und Stickel, Ueber einige muhammedanische Miinzen.".... Ill Ueber einige muhammedanische Munzen des Koniglichen Miinz- Cabinets zu Dresden Ill Kretzschmar. Joh. Die konigliche Miinze zu Hannover 65 Kronfuss, Karl. Die Miinze der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord- amerika 143 Kubitschek. Wilhelm. Munzen der romischen Republik 127 KuNDMANN. J. C. Die Heimsuchun- gen Gottes in Zorn und Gnade iiber das Herzogthum Schleisen in Miintzen 41 Verzeichnuss derer Gelehrten in Munzen 65 Von einer Historic der Gelehrten in Miintzen 65 KuNZ, Carlo. II museo Bottacin an- nesso alia civica bibliotcca e mu- seo di Padova 25 Due sigilli del Museo civico di an- tiquita di Trieste 102 Monete inedite di zecche italiane.. 102 L. Catalogue de medailles antiques. . 25 Labbe, Philippe. Bibliotheca numma- ria 2 INDEX 171 PAGE PACE 40 40 35 56 127 127 137 69 111 111 111 25 Lacroix, Desire. Numismatique anna- mite Lacroix, N. Notes sur Ics cachets et les sceaux chez les musulnians. Lade. Catalogue de monnaies et de medailles Laffillee, H. Le nouveau sou Laffranchi, LoDOVico. La cronologia delle monete di Adriano. I diversi stili nella monetazione ro- mana Lagerberg. Julius ue. Symbol of three crowns on Swedish coins Lagoy, L. R. K. be Meyran, marquis DE. Medailles a monogrammes des rois goths d'ltalie L.^GUMiNA. Bartolomeo M. Catalogo delle monete arabe ■ ■ ■ • ■ Ripostiglio di monete arabe nnve- nuto in Girgenti Su una moneta sveva rinvenuta a Raffadali Lagus, Wilhelm. Numismatiska an- teckningar Laidlay, J. W. Coins of Muhamma- dan sovereigns of Bengal -'/. 1 1 1 La Marmora, A. F. di, conte. Illustra- zione di una moneta ai Giudici ai Arborea Lambert. Numismatique gauloise du nord-ouest de la I'rance Lampros, Ioannes p. AQ%aia EXbi- vixa vo^uo^laTa ; ; • 'AvExSoxa vo^iionaxa xojtevxa ev TlaQevxaa xaxa n^^^l10lv t^^v evexi- xdjv imo 'PoPeqxou xov e? 'Av6t)- VaDwv, i]yeii6\oq xfig riEXojtovvTi- aov, 1346-1364 Kaxa^toyoi; xwv aoxaiwv vo|.iio^axcov xtov viiowv KEQxvigaq, Aevxaboq, I^axii;, KE(paX>.iiviag, Zaxvvdov xai Kui^Tioav -, NouioM-axa xfic viioow 'Ahoqyou xcti xwv XQiwv jtoXewv AIyi«>^i1?. M'- vwa; xal 'Aqxeoivti? ^^ Lampros, Paulos. Monnaies inedites du royaume de Chypre au moyen age ■. Monete inedite dei gran maestri dell' Ordine di S. Giovanni di Gerusalemme in Rodi Lane- Poole, Stanley. Catalogue of Mohammadan coins in Bodleian Library / ■ • • ■ ■ • ■ ; • . -f. Coins of Urtuki Turkumans. Ill, 13«, UV Inedited Arabic coins ■ •_■ Catalogue of collection of beton Guthrie Lang, Henry. Impressions from Scot- tish seals Langlois, Victor. Numismatique de r.Vrmenie au moyen age. 102 61 89 89 89 40 Numismatique de I'Armenie dans I'antiquite 40, 89 Classement des suites monetaires de la Georgie "- Numismatique de la Georgie au moyen age Numismatique des Arabes avant I'islamisme 62 111 88 Langton, Neville. Phocian obols Lanna, Adalbert von, Freiherr. Sammlung ^^ Lanza, M. C. Speigazione storica delle monete di Agrigento Lappknberg, J. M. Nachtrage iiber die Iiamburgischen Miinzbeamten. . . . 89 65 56 76 Laprevote. Numismatique lorraine . . Larkby, J. R. Reverse inscriptions of English silver coins La Saussaye, J. F. de P. L. P. de. Monnaies des fiduens 61 Numismatique de la Gaule narbon- naise Lassen. C. History of Greek and Indo-Scythian kings 97 Lathorp, C. D. Gems from a cabinet of antique coins 49 107 111 139 111 117 76 25 La Tour, Henri de. Atlas de mon- naies gauloises 61 Domenico de Polo. Latter, Thomas. Coins of Arakan. 98 98 107 Boodhist coin or medal Laugier. Monnaies f rappees par les grands maitres de Tordre de Saint- Jean de Jerusalem Lavoix, Henri. Monnaies a legendes arabes frappees en Syrie par les Croises ^-- ^^^ Lawrence, L. A. Forgery and nu- mismatics Anglo-Saxon moneyer Torhtulf . . . . Catalogue of collection of English coins Coinage of Henry IV Silver coins of Edward IV.— Henry VIII Groats of Henry VI to Henry VII. Forgeries of coins of Henry I and his successors Penny of King .Alfred Lawrence, R. H. Numismatic library. Medals by Giovanni Cavino, the "Paduan." ■,■.•• 107 Silver coins of Roman republic, i^/ Lazari. Vincenzo. Delia raccolta numismatica Le monete dei possedimenti vene- 12 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 2 102 ziani •.■■■"■. II medagliere del Museo civico di Verona 25 102 127 ]72 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Leake. S. AI. Historical account of English money 76 Leavitt, G. a.. & Co. Catalogues of collections 36 Leavitt, J. P. Catalogue of American coins, medals, etc 143 Leavitt, Strebeigh & Co. Catalogue of American and foreign coins. medals, tokens, &c 25 Catalogues of collections of coins and medals 36, 143 Leber, J. M. C. Observations sur le besant 56 Le Blanc, pRANgois. Monnoyes de Charlemagne, de Louis le De- bonnaire, de Lothaire, etc 56 Leblond, G. M. Observations sur quelques medailles du cabinet de M. Pellerin 12 Leblond, V. Monnaies gauloises de Beauvais 61 Monnaies gauloises de Clermont.. 61 Monnaies gauloises de Bellovaque. 61 Le Clerc, J. Histoire des Provinces- Unies des Pays-Bas 115 Le Clert, Louis. Musee de Troyes: catalogue de la collection sigil- lographique 25 Monnaies gauloises 61 Lecoy de la Marche, A. Les sceaux. . 12 Leeds, H. H. & Co. Catalogue of coins and medals 36 Leeuwarden medal 143 Leggett, Eugene. Mint-towns and coins of Mohamedans Ill Lehr, Ernest. Guldenthaler alsacien. 56 Monnaies des landgraves autrichi- ens de la Haute-Alsace 56 Leisching, Julius. Osterreichischen Medailleure 41 Leite de Vasconcellos, J. Les mon- naies de la Lusitanie portugaise. 121 Leitsmann. Die alteren Miinzen der Abtei Quedlinburg mit Bezug- nahme 65 Leitzmann, J. J. Katalog 36 Lelewel, J. Numismatique du moyen- age 12 Le Maistre. Collection Le Maistre. Pax in nummis 25 Lemner. Catalogue of medals and coins 89 Lenig. Catalogue de monnaies etran- geres 25 Lenormant, Franqois. La monnaie dans I'antiquite 12 Monnaies et medailles 12 Monnaies royales de la Lydie 40, 89 Classement des monnaies d'argent des Lagides 59 Classement des medailles des treize premiers Arsacides 89, 119 Leon. N.. joint author. See Low, L. H., and N. Leon. Leonard & Co. Catalogues 36, 37, 143 Lepage, Henri. L'Hotel de la mon- naie a Nancy 56 Graveurs de monnaies et medailles des dues de Lorraine 56 Le Pois, Antoine. Discours sur les medailles et gravures antiques.. 12 Leroux, Joseph. Medaillier du Ca- nada 46 Le Strange, Guy. Coins from a col- lection made in Persia 120 Letellier, Eugene. Monnaies fran- gaises, gauloises 56 Leveridge, C. a. Catalogue of nu- mismatic collection 25 Levezow, Conrad von. Ueber mehere im Grossherzogthum Posen in der Nahe der Netze girechische Miinzen ^9 Levick, J. N. T. Money of the mer- chants 25 Catalogue of American coins, med- als, etc 143 Levy, M. A. Geschichte der jiidischen Miinzen 106 Siegel und Gemmen mit aramai- schen, phonizischen, etc 118 Beitrage zur aramaischen Miinz- kunde 120 Zur phonizischen Miinzkunde Mau- ritaniens 120 Zur phonizischen Miinzkunde Nord- afrikas 120 Lewis, Bunnell. Roman coins found near Woodbridge 127 Lewis, J. Antiquity and use of seals in England 76 Lewis, WiNSLOw. Address 12 Catalogue of a section from his cab- inets 25 Lex, Leonce. Numismatique bour- guignonne 56 LiEBE, C. S. Gotha nvmaria 12 LiGHTBODY, C. Catalogue of Ameri- can gold, silver and copper coins. 143 Lincoln, W. S., & Son. Catalogues. 37 Lincoln centennial medal 12 LiNDBERG, J. C, joint author. See Falbe, C. T., and J. C. Lindberg. Lilliendahl. W. a. Catalogue of coins and medals 26 INDEX 173 LiND, Karl. Beitrage ziir Kuiulo dor altercn Gemcinde-Sicj^el LiNDERMAN, H. R. American medals and cabinet coins Lindsay, J. Coinage of the heptar- chy Coinage of Ireland Coinage of Scotland Coinage of the Parthians 89, Mediaeval coins LiPPERT, H. F. L. Der Herzogsthaler Adam Friedrichs Liverpool (1. earl), Charles Jen kin- son. Coins of the realm Liverpool Numismatic Society. Jour- nal Lockhart, J. H. S. Currency of the farther East 40, 47, 105. LocKNER, G. H. Ein Sparbiichenfund mit Pfennigen aus den Wcndc vom XIV. zum XV. Jahrhundert. Zur friinkischen Miinzkunde LoEHR, A. R. VON. Wiener Medail- leure Long. W. H. Medals of the Britisli Navy Longacre. J. B. Catalogue of collec- tion of coins and medals LoNGBOTTOM, F. W. Coins of the Pot- ter-Meols collection Longperier, H. a. p. de. Catalogue d'une collection de medailles Collection numismatique, du Gene- ral Court Monnaies frangaises inedites du cabinet de M. Dassy Monnaies frangaises de la collection de M. J. Rousseau Documents numismatiques pour servir a I'histoire des Aralics d'Espagne 111. Un dinar de Barkiaroc H. D. "Dagger- Longstaffe, W money." Longueville, C. Catalogue of collec- tion of coins Loon, G. van. Hedendaagschc pen- ningkunde Beschrijving der Nederlandsche hi- storipenningen Histoire metallique des XVII pro- vinces des Pays-Bas depuis Charles Quint a la paix de Bade, 1716 LouBAT, J. F. DE, due. MedalHc history of the U. S Low, L. H. Catalogue of books on coins and medals Collections 41 143 76 76 76 119 12 65 76 4 107 65 65 42 76 26 26 26 26 57 57 135 111 Id 48 12 115 115 143 2 26 P.^CE Hard times tokens 143 Low, L. H., and X. Leon. La moneda del general Don Jose Maria Mo- relos 108 LucKH, J. J. Sylloge Xvmismatvm elegantiorvm 12 Ludewig, J. P. Einleitung zu dem teutschen Miintzwesen mittler Zeiten 66 Luneau, V. Quelques deniers nor- mands 57 Monnaies "a la croix" de Saint- Etienne-des-Landes 57 Lusciiin von Ebengreuth, Arnold. Allegemeine Miinzkunde und Geldgeschichte des Mittelalters und der neueren Zeit 13 Sul metodo da osservare nella de- scrizione di ripostigli di monete del medio evo per trarne il mag- giore profitto storico 13 Chronologie von der Wiener Pfen- nige 42 Miinzgcschichtliche Vorstudien . . . 42 Steirische Miinzfunde 42 Wiener Miinzwesen im Mittelalter. 42 Zur osterreich Miinzkunde 42 Bcitrage zur Miinzgeschichte im P'rankreich 57 Der Denar der Lex Salica 127 Luynes, H. T. p. J. d' Albert, due de. Numismatique et inscriptions Cy- priotes 49 Numismatique des satrapies et de la Phenicie sous les rois achae- menides 120 Lyford, J. C. Medals 13 LvoN, D. G. Seal iinjiressions on Babylonian contract 43 M. Development of numismatic art. 13 M., W. T. R. Deseret gold coinage. 143 MacAllister, J. M. Catalogue of coins and medals 26 Macbeth, A. D. Seal of the burgh of Rothesay 76 McClure, R. a. Index to coins and medals of mint of Philadelphia.. 143 Macdonald, George. Coin-finds and how to interpret them 13 Edward pennies at Lochmaben . . . . 11 Scottish coins at Linlithgow 11 Edward pennies in Scotland 11 Amphora letters on coins of Athens. 89 Early Seleucid portraits 89 Legend lATON on coins of Himera 89 Roman coins in Scotland 127 Roman contorniates in the Hunter- ian collection 127 Coinage of Tigranes I 138 Numeral letters on imperial coins of Syria 138 174 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY MacDonough. Michael. Great seal of England 11 McDowALL, Katherine a. Contorni- ates and tabulae lusoriae 127 Macfarlane, Thomas. Metallic cur- rency of British Empire 11 McGiLVRAY, D. F.. & Co. Catalogues. 37 McGirk, C. E. United States cents and die varieties 143 Mackenzie, M. L. Catalogue of coins and medals 26 McLachlan, R. W. Canadian numis- matics 46 Medals awarded to Canadian In- dians 46 Statistics of coinage for Canada and Newfoundland 46 Coins of the reign of Mary Queen of Scots 11 Glastonbury penny 11 MacMunn, G. F. War medals of sixty years 11 McRae, Sherwin. Great seal of the commonwealth of Virginia 143 MacSherry, R. M. National medals of United States 143 Madden, F. Examples of mediaeval seals 13 Madden, F. W. Coins of the Jews.. 106 History of Jewish coinage and of money in the Old and New Tes- tament 106 Jewish numismatics 106 Roman numismatics 127 Maffei, F. S., marquis. A letter., .to . . .the Countess of Seefeld 13 Magnan, Dominique. Bruttia numis- matica 102 Mahudel, Nicolas. Monnoyes an- tiques d'Espagne 135 Mainoni, Stefano de. Alcune monete cufiche del museo di Mainoni... Ill MakrTzi. TakI al-Din Ahmad ibn 'Ali AL-. Historia monetae Arab- icae e codice Escorialensi cum variis duorum Ill Malaguzzi, Francesco. La zecca di Bologna 103 Mallet, £douard. Monnaie episco- pale de Geneve 138 Malle:t, Fernand, and M. J. Rigollot. Decouverte de monnaies picardes. 57 Manchester Numismatic Society. Proceedings 4 Mangeart, T. La science des me- dailles 13 PAGE Manni, D. M. Osservazioni istoriche sopra i sigilli antichi dei secoli barbari 13 Mantellier, Philippe. De I'exposi- tion des monnaies etrangeres en France 13 Manuzio, Aldo, the younger. Disser- tatiunculse epistolic?e 127 Marchand. Catalogue du medaillier de la ville de Bourg 57 Marchant, J., abbe. Medailles de bronze frappees sous les empe- reurs romains 127 Notices sur Rome 127 Marchant, N. D., baron. Lettres sur la numismatique 13 Marcheville, de. Monnaie d'or du regne de Charles VI 57 Monnaie d'or de Louis de Crecy, comte de Flandre 115 Marchi, Giuseppe, and P. Tessieri. L'aes grave del Museo Kirche- riano, ovvero le monete primi- tive 26, 103 Marchisio, a. F. Le monete del 1° re d'ltalia 103 Numismatica di casa Savoia 103 Marini, R. a. La zecca di Pinerolo e dei principi di Savoja-Acaja. . 103 Zecche e secchieri della real casa di Savoja 103 Mariottus, Augustinus. De nummo Neptuni argenteo 127 Markl, Andreas. Die Reichmunz- stiitte in Serdica 127 Rektifikationen zu Cohen's Be- schreibung der Miinzen von Clau- dius II, und Quintillus 127 Markov, A. K. Inventarnyi katalog musulmanskikh 112 Marshall, Mrs. Catalogue of coins of Mrs. Marshall 26 Martin, E. W^, joint author. See Sar- gent, F., and E. W. Martin. Martin, L. C, and Charles Truebner. Current gold and silver coins of all countries 13 Martini, Angelo. Manuale di metro- logia 13 Martinori, E. Della moneta paprina. 136 La zecca papale di Ponte della Sorga 136 Marvin, W. T. R. Masonic medals. 108 Mary, Gaston. Souvenir des pele- rinages frangais a Rome 57 Marx, Roger. Medailleurs frangais contemporains 57 Medailleurs frangais depuis 1789.. 57 \ INDEX 175 Marx, Roger, continued. Societe des amis de la medaille frangaise 57 Mason & Co. Catalogue of coins, medals, etc 37 Prices of coins, medals, etc 37 Massamore, G. W. Catalogue of his coins and autographs 26 Masujima, R. On the jitsuin or Ja]i- anese legal seal 105 Mathurin, Joskph, and Ludovic Mo- cuDE. Monnaies armoricaines.. . . 57 Maunder. E. W. Zodiacal coins of emperor Jahangir 98 Maurice, Jules. L'atelier monetaire d'Aquilee 127 L'atelier monetaire de Constanti- nople 45 L'atelier monetaire d'Arles 128 L'atelier monetaire de Carthage... 128 L'atelier monetaire de Cyzique... 128 L'atelier monetaire d'Heraclee de Thrace 128 L'atelier monetaire de Londres... 128 L'atelier monetaire de Rome 128 L'atelier monetaire de Sirmium. . . . 128 L'atelier monetaire de Tarra.gone.. 128 Amissions monetaires de l'atelier de Kicomedie 128 Emissions monetaires de l'atelier de Serdica 128 Emissions monetaires de l'atelier de Treves 128 Emissions monetaires de l'atelier d'Antioche 128 Iconographie par les medailles des empereurs romains du III. ct IV. siecles 128 Numismatique constantinienne. . . . 128 Maurin. Catalogue des livres de nu- mismatique 2 Mauss. C. Loi de la numismatique musulmane 112 Mavrogordato, J. Was there a pre- Macedonian mint in Egypt?.... 50 Maxe-Werlv. Numismatique de Re- miremont et de Saint-Die 57 Mayo. J. H. Medals and decorations of British army and navy 77 Mayr, Albert. Die antiken Miinzen der Inseln Malta 69, 108. 118 Mazerolle, Fernand. E. Babelon .... 2 Coins et poingons de monnaies an- tiques 26 Aiiguste Patey 57 L'Hotel des monnaies de Paris.... 57 Le journal de la monnaie des me- dailles 57 Les medailleurs frangais a I'exposi- tion de Bruxelles en 1910 57 Mease, James. Medals of North America before Declaration of Independence 143 PACE Medailles coulees et ciselees en Tta- lie aux XV. et XVJ. siecles 103 Medailles frangaises depuis Charles Vir h Louis XVI 57 Medailles sur les principaux eve- nements du regne entier de Louis le Grand 57 Medailles et plaquettes modernes... 13 Medallic history of England to the Revolution 77 Medals of the Roman pontiffs, from Martin V.. 1417. to Leo XITI.. 1883 136 Medina, Jose Toribo. Las medallas chilenas 46 Las modedas chilenas 46 Medallas coloniales hispano-ameri- canas 135 Mehren, a. F. M. Bcskrivelse af en mongolsk Medaille 109 Une medaille mongole d'Abou-Sai'd P.ehadur-Khan 109 Meili. Jri.irs. Das brasilianische Geldwcsen 44 Numismatische Sammlung 45. 121 Melanges de numismatique 4 Melv, F. de. Les deniers de Judas dans la tradition du moyen age. 13 Silver pieces of Judas in medieval traditions 13 Menestrier, C. F. Histoire dv Roy Lovis le Grand par les medailles, emblemes, etc 57 Menzel, Clemens. Die Gemeindesie- gel des Kreises Sangerhausen ... 66 Die Miinze in Sangerhausen 66 Die verschiedenen Stadtsiegel von Sangerhausen 66 Merwin-Clayton Sales Co. Cata- logues of collections 37 Meybauer. Paul. Die Abzeichen der deutschen Marine 66 Michaud, Albert. Les monnaies des princes-eveques de Bale 138 Michels, J. C. Current .gold and sil- ver coins of all nations 13 MicKLEY, J. J. Catalogue of collec- tion of coins 26 Catalogue of his numismatic collec- tion 26 Middlebrook. T. G. Catalogue of an- tiques & curios 37 MiERis, F. VAN. Histori der Xeder- landsche vorsten van Albert, graaf van Holland 115 Meier. E. Die \\'erthbezeichnun- .gen auf muhammedanischen Miin- zen 112 176 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY PAGE Meliaraches, Ant. Mo?ii)(386(3ov))i>iOv Aooi#80ii rXaTQifiQxov 89 Menadier, J. Hermann Dannebero.. 2 Deutsche Miinzen 66 Die Munzen der Jiilicher Dynasten- geschlecter 66 Zwei markische Denarfunde 66 Menadier, K. Die Munzen und das Miinzwesen bei den Scriptores historiae Augustae 128 Milani, L. A. II ripostiglio della Venera 128 Miles, R. Catalogue of collection of coins 26 Millar, S. H. Fenland tokens 11 Miller, Joseph. Coins, medals, etc. 26 MiLLES, Jeremiah. Catalogue of his collection 26 Millies, H. C. Monnaies des indi- genes de I'archipel indien et de la peninsule malaie 108 Millin, A. F. Histoire metallique de la Revolution franqaise 57 Medallic history of Napoleon.... 57 MiLLiNGEN, J. Sylloge of unedited coins of Greek cities and kings.. 89 MiLNE, J. G. Clay-sealings from the Fayum 50 Copper coinage of the Ptolemies.. 50 Coins found in Egypt 50 Leaden token-coinage of Egypt un- der the Romans 50 Roman coin moulds from Egypt.. 128 Roman coinage of Alexandria 128 Miner & Somerville. Catalogue of collection of foreign coins 37 MiNGUEZ. B. M. Datos epigraficos y numismaticos de Espafia 136 MiNOUFLET. Monnaies gauloises de Plessier-Hufleu 61 MiONNET, T. E. Description de me- dailles antiques, grecques, et ro- maines 13 Poids des medailles grecques 89 Prix des medailles romaines 128 MiRABELLA E AlAGONA, ViNCENZO. Icll- nographias Syracusarum 89, 103 MissoNG, Alexander. Catalog der Sammlung des sel. Dr. Missong. 26 Mocude, Ludovic. joint author. See Mathurin, Joseph, and Ludovic Mocude. MoLiNiER, fiMiLE. Les plaquettes et les medailles 13 MoMMSEN, C. M. Geschichte des _ romischen Miinzwesens 128 tjber das romische Miinzwesen... 128 tJber den Verfall des rrmiischen Miinzwesens in der Kaiserzeit.. 128 PAGE Money, Walter. Seal of the dean of Newbury 11 MoNNiER. Monnaies faites pres de Dieulouard 58 Montagu, H. Copper, tin, and bronze coinage 11 MoNTERCHi, G. Rariora maxima mod- uli numismata selecta 13 MoQUETTE, J. P. lets over de munten van Bandjarmasin en Maloeka... 49 De munten van Nederlandsch- Indie 49 Moore, Michael. Catalogue of col- lection of coins, ancient and mod- ern 27 Moors, B. P. Systeme des poids, mesures et monnaies des Israe- lites d'apres la Bible 106 MoRDTMANN, A. D. Erklaruug der Munzen mit Pehlevi-Legendeii. 120 Zur Pehlevi-Miinzkunde 120 Morel, Andre. Familiarum Romana- rum numismata 128 Morel, Leon. Collection Morel 27 Morel, Octave. Signet royal au XIV. siecle 58 Morgan, J. de. Debuts de la numis- matique musulmane en Perse. .112, 120 Ateliers monetaires sous la dynas- tic des rois Sassanides de Perse. 120 Morgan, J. P. Cylinders and Oriental seals 118 Morgan, T. On the twelfth legion by consular denarii 129 Morgan, W. W. Catalogue of his collection 27 MoRiN, Benedictus M. Nummorum in Svecia 137 MoRiTZ, B. Collection numismatique de la Bibliotheque khediviale. . . 50 MoRRiESON, H. W. Busts of James I. on his silver coinage 11 Morris, Robert. Imperial coins of Rome 129 The twelve Cesars 129 Morse, H. B. Currency in China 47 Motto "In God we trust." 143 Mougey, Peter. Coin collection 143 Mowat, Robert. D'une generale per- manente de monnaies contremar- quees 14 Exemples de I'art de verifier les dates par les contremarques. . . . 14 La reconstitution des collections des coins aux I. et IT. siecles... 14 Hercules and pygmies 89 Medaillons grecs du tresor de Tarse 89 INDEX 177 PAGE Mowat, Robert, continued. Le Bureau de I'Ecjuite et les ate- liers de la nionnaie imperiale a Rome 129 Les degrevements d'impots et d'Amende.s inscrits sur les mon- naies im]5eriales romaines 129 Les monnaies des mines 129 Denier remain avant la lettre 129 Les essais monetaires de repetition et la division du travail 129 Martelage et abraison des monnaies sous TEmj^ire romain 129 Le monnayaye de Clodius Macer et les deniers de Galba 129 ]\IuDiE. J. National medals of Great Britain 77 MuELLE, Alois. Vier sidonische Mun- zen aus der romischen Kaiserzeit. 129 AIuELLER, C. L. Den macedoniskc Konge Philip lis Mynter 90 Die Miinzen des thracischen KTmigs Lysimachus 90 Numismatique d'Alexandre le Grand. 90 Den thraciske Konge Lysima- chus's Mynter 90 MuELVERSTEDT, G. A. VON. Heraldik und Miinzkunde 14 Die bosen Osteroder Groschen .... 66 Mittelalter-Siegel aus den Harz- landern 66 Die Muenzen der Stadt Hall)cr- stadt 66 Unedirte Miinzen der Grafen zu Stolberg seit 1467 66 Zur Miinzkunde der Grafen von Wernigerode 66 MuENZ, BucH. New Miintz-Buerch. 14. 66. 103 MuENZER. Friedrich, and M. L. Str.xck. Die antiken Miinzen von Thra- kien 90 MuFFAT, K. A. Uel^er das Gewicht und den Gehalt der aesterreichi- schen Pfennige 42 Beitriige zur Geschiclite des bayeri- schen Miinzwesens 66 Muhlenberg, H. A. Catalogue of coins 27 MuLHOLLAND. S. C. A. Military order Congress Medal of Honor Le- gion of the United States 143 Muller. Frederik & Co. Catalogue des monnaies et medailles 27, 37 MuNRO, N. G. Coins of Japan.... 105 MuRR, C. G. Drey Adliandlungen von der Geschichte der Araber iiber- haupt derselben Miinzen und Sie- geln 112 jNIurray. David. Spoliation of the Hunterian Museum 27 Glasgow coins and tokens 77 Musee imperial ottoman. Kursliun muhr katalugi 112. 118 Musee imperial ottoman. — Section des monnaies musulmanes. Ca- talogue des monnaies turcomanes Bcni Ortok. etc 112. 139 Mver, Isaac. Waterloo medal 77 Nahuvs, M. T. C. F. N., comte. His- toire numismatique de la Hol- lande pendant la reunion a I'em- pire francais 115 Histoire numismatique du royaume de Hollande sous le regne de S. M. Louis Napoleon 116 Napier, A. S. On P>arnstaple 77 National.museet, K^benhavn. — Kon- gelige Mynt- og Mcdaillcsamling. 49 Tillaeg 49 Naville, Lucien. Monnaies inedites de I'Empire romain 129 Xebel. Die hessichen Miinzstatten im Mittelalter 66 Xeff, J. P. W. Catalogue of foreign and .American coins 27 Xel.son, Philip. Coinage of Ireland. 77 Coinage of Isle of Man 77 Numismatic clironicle 77 Coinage of William Wood. 1722- 1 733 77 Irish siege-money of Cliarles I. and II ...^ 77 Obsidional money of the Great Re- bellion 77 Recoinage of William III 77 American coinage of William Wood ■ 143 Nelson-Wright, H. Coins of Pathan sultans of Dehli 98 Nessel.mann, G. H. F. Zur arabischen Numismatik 112 Die orientalischen Miinzen des Akademischen Miinzcaliinets in Knezia descritte ed illustrate 103 103 103 Niccolo Tron e le sue monete Tarifs venetines du XVL siecle... Pappadopoulos, G. G. IleoiYQa^pil e'-^tu- jto)M.aT(ov ag/aicov otpQayiboliftuiv avExSoTcov 90 130 Parazzoli, a. L'origine des monnaies des Nomes d'figypte P/\RKER, J. Catalogue of collection of coins and medals 27 Parmelee, L. G.. and G. F. Se.wey. Catalogue of collection of coins and medals 27 Parry, H. L. Exeter civic seals.... 78 Parsons, H. A. Art and coins of England 78 Mail coach and its half pennies 78 Paruta, F. La Sicilia descritta con medaglie 103 Paschales, Demetrius P. Noniotia- TixTi Tf)5 OLQxaiaz AvSgoo 90 Patin, Charles. De numismate anti- quo Augusti et Platonis epistola. 90. 130 Imperatorum Romanorum numis mata ex rcre medi?e et minim;e formas 130 Patsch, Carl. Numismatique de Byl- lis et d'Apollonia 90 Die griechischen Miinzen des bos- nisch-hercegovinischen Landes- museums in Sarajevo 90 Patterson, W. H. Cronebane half- penny tokens Paucton, a. J. P. Metrologie Paupers badges Payne, .\. A. Handbook of British and foreign orders Pedrick, Gale. Riddle seals Archiepiscopal seals of Canterbury and York Borough seal of Honiton Seals of diocese of Bath and W^ells Seals of diocese of Winchester.. .. Pedrizet. Tragillos Pedrusi, Paolo. I Cesari in oro I'eers. C. R. Swiss bracteates in Bri- tish Museum Pegge. a. Coins faliricated by arch- bishop of Canterbury Coins of Cunobelin Anglo-Saxon remains Pellerix. Joseph. Additions aux neuf volumes de Receuils de medailles de rois, de villes, &c Lettres de I'auteur des Receuils de medailles, de rois, de peuples et de villes ■ ■ ■ Melanges de diverses medailles... Receuils de medailles de peuples et de villes Supplenientrs. 1-4] aux six volumes de Receuils de medailles Pembroke collection. Catalogue of Peml)roke collection of coins and medals Pena, Antonio Ma. Catalogue of col- lection of coins "Penn." The first U. S. mint. Perez-Bayer, Francisco. De numis Hebraeo-Samaritanis Prinsep, J. Additions to Bactrian nu- mismatics, and discovery of Bac- trian alphabet Further notes and draw^ings of Bac- trian coins • New types of Bactrian coins New varieties of Bactrian coins . . . Greek coins in cabinet of Asiatic Society • Legends of Suarashtra coins Mithraic or Indo-Scythic coins.... Coins discovered by court Coins found at Behat •••■ Lieut. Barnes' collection of ancient coins Coins and relics discovered in the tope of Manikyala • • • Connection of Hindu coins with Grecian or Indo-Scythic series . . Hindu coins descended from Parth- ian tj^pe 78 14 78 14 14 78 78 78 78 90 130 138 78 78 78 14 14 14 14 14 27 136 144 106 44 44 44 44 91 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 180 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY PAGE Prinsep, J., continued. Roman coins in cabinet of Asiatic Society 131 Pritchard, J. E. Bristol tokens of the 16th & 17th centuries 79 Prokesch-Osten, Anton von. Inedita meiner Sammlung 91 Autonomer altgriechischen Miinzen. 91 Les monnaies des rois parthes ..91, 119 Nichtbekannte europaisch-griech- ische Miinzen 91 Pharzoios Konig der Scythen ... 91 Ueber die Miinzen Athens 91 Zwolf Inedita 91 Promis, Domenico. Dell' origine della zecca di Genova 104 Monete e niedaglie italiane 104 Monete dei reali di Savoia 104 Monete della republica di Siena . . 104 Monete di secche italiane inedite . . 104 Sigilli italiani illustrati 104 La zecca di Scio durante il dominio dei Genovesi 104 Monete dei romani pontefici avanti il mille 136 Promis, Vincenzo. Sull' origine della zecca veneta 104 Tavole sinottiche delle monete battute in Italia 104 Prou. Maurice. Les arts a I'exposi- tion de 1900 58 Titre de quelques deniers des IX. et XI. siecles 58 Le latin des monnaies meroving- iennes 58 Quelques monnaies merovingiennes 58 Prou. Maurice, and S. Bougenot. Cat- alogue des deniers merovingiens. 58 Prou, Maurice, joint author. See RosTOVTSEW, Michel, and Maurice Prou. Prynne, William. Opening of the great seale of England 79 PuRGOLD. Zur Miinzkunde Pommerns 66 PuscHi, Alberto. Di un contorniato inedito trovato nell' Istria 42 PuTTicK & Simpson. Catalogue of coins and medals 28 Catalogue of collection of coins and medals 37 Pye, C. Provincial coins and tokens. 79 Quilling, F. Die in Hochst, Nied und Umgebung gefunden antiken Miinzen 131 QuiNTARD, Leopold. Monnaie inedite d'un maitre echevin de Metz.... 58 Matrice du sceau de N. D. de Le- moncourt 58 Restitution au due Mathieu II. de deniers 58 Teston inedit de Nicolas de Vaude- mont 58 PAGE Tresor de Thionville 58 Raczynski, Edward, hrabia. Le me- dailler de Pologne 121 R. Early English attempts to pro- vide a minor coinage for America . 144 Raab, Axel. De re numismatica .... 137 Rada y Delgado, Juan de Digs de la. Catalogo de moneda arabigas es- panolas 112, 136 Raderschatt. Sammlung Romische Miinzen 131 Raimbault, Maurice. La dardenne. 58 Ram, P. F. X. de. Sceaux des comtes de Louvain et des dues de Bra- bant 116 Ramsden, H. a. Chinese openwork amulet coins 48 Corean coin charms and amulets . 107 Ramus, Christian, the elder. Forsog til en fattelig Forklaring af en antik Myntsamlings Indhold, In- dretning og Anvendelse 15 Beretning om en i Jorden i Sjelland i Sommeren 1S22 funden Samling af gamle Mynter 49 Historisk Beretning om de Guld- mynter 49 Om nogle i Haderslev-Amt fundne Mynter 49 Catalogus numorum veterum Grpe- corum et Latinorum Musei Regis Danaise 91, 131 Randall, J. C. Catalogue of collec- tion of coins and medals 28 Catalogue of American and foreign coins and medals 28 Raper, W. a. Silver pennies of Ed- ward the Confessor 79 Rap-Son, E. J. Silver coins from Bal- uchistan 44 Catalogue of coins of Andra dy- nasty 98 Coinage of Maliaksatrapas and Ksatrapas 98 Counter-marks on early Persian and Indian coins 98, 120 Indian coins 98 Indian numismatics 98 Coins collected by G. P. Tate 112 Rasche, J. C. Lexicon vniversae rei nvmariae vetervm 15 Lexicon abrvptionvm qvae in nvmismatibvs Romanorum oc- cvrrvnt 131 Rarissima Romanorum a Ivlio Cae- sare 131 Rathberger, G. Xeunundneunzig sil- berne Munzen der Athenaier aus der Sammlung zu Gotha 91 Raudnitz, Josef. Die Aufhebung der bischoflich Olmiitzchen Miinz- statt zu Kremsier 42 INDEX 181 PAGE 79 Rawlings, G. B. British coinage Read, D. H. Moutray. Medals rib- bons Perini, Q. Numismatica italiana... Ripostisli. Medaglie trentine mo- derne .• ■ Un ripostiglio di monete meranesi e venete Perizonius, Jacobus. Bibliolheca Pe- rizoniana librorum et nummorum. Perkins, C. P. Guide to her collection of Greek and Roman coins 90, IM Perry, A. R. Catalogue of coins, medals and paper money Pertsch. W. Verzeichniss der aus Fleischer's Nachlass der Deut- schen morgenliindisclicn Gescll- schaft iiberkomnicn Miinzcn. ... Bericht fiber eine Sammlung indi- scher Miinzen Petau, Paul. Nee non cjusdem vet- erum nummorum yviaQio\ia Petrie, W. M. F. Island of Besa Petroni, S. E. La Napoleonide 14 Petrucci, R. Seals of the Brussels gilds Pettigrew, T. J. Seals of endowed grammar schools in England . . . Pettingal, John. Tascia or legend on British coin Peyron, C. Monnaies armoricaines. . Pezza, Cesare. Difesa letteraria Pfizmaier, August. Bericht liber die von Carl von Hiigel dcm K. K. Miinz- und Antiken-Cabinette chinesischen Miinzen und medail- len ■■■f- 105 Bericht iiber einige von Herrn Karl Ritter v. Scherzer chinesische und japanische Miinzen ■ Bericht fiber zwei Taiping-Munzen. Pflugk-Hartung. Julius von. Ueber Miinzen und Siegel der alteren Papste ^^^ Phayre, Sir A. P. Coins of Arakan. Coins of Arakan, of Pegu, and of Burma Philippe pe Saxe-Coburg, prince. Deux monnaies de Rum Muhammed. . . Phillips, Henry, the j'ounger. Addi- tional notes upon collection of coins and medals ; • • I4 Notes upon the collection of coins and medals |5 Numismatics • |5 Pleasures of numismatic science.. 15 Numismatics 48 On a coin of Sicyon 90 79 103 103 103 27 27 14 98 130 50 14 116 7S 78 61 14 48 48 98 98 130 PAGE Notes upon a denarius of Augustus Cesar ^30 Coinage of the United States of America 144 Phillips, Maberly. Emergency is- sues '" Token money of the Bank of Eng- land 78 Piazza. C. Catalogue of American and foreign coins, etc 27 Pick, Behrendt. Miinzen von Dacien und Moesien 90 Thrakische Miinzbilder 90 Die Tempeltragenden Gottheiten und die Darstcllung der Xeokorie auf den Miinzen 130 PiERsoN, X. G. Bijdrage tot de ver- kliiring van Middeleeuwsche re- kenmunten 116 Ptetr.\szewski. Ignacy. Xumi Mo- hammedani 112 PiETRi, A. B. L'antico sigillo della Curia delle vie del commune di Pisa 104 PiLCHER, J. E. Seal and arms of Pennsylvania 144 Pinchart, Alexandre. Memoire en reponse a la question du concours de la classe des beaux-arts pour 1868 116 Pinches, T. G. Cylinder-seals belong- ing to Mr. Rigg 15 Cylinder seals in the possession of J. Offord. Esq ^^ Tliree cylinder-seals 15 Babylonian and Assyrian cylinder seals 43 PiNDER. Moritz. Ueber die Cistopho- ren und iiber die kaiserlichen Silbermedaillons der romischen Provinz Asia 1-^0 PiNETTE, P. Trouvaille de Tournus. . 58 PiNKERTON, J. Essays on medals. .. . 15 PiNKETT. T. E. Catalogue of Greek. Roman and English coins 28 I'lOT. G. J. C. Xotice sur un depot de monnaies decouvert a Grand-Hal- leux 1^ Catalogue des coins, poinqons et matrices 1 1" PlRKHEIMER, WiLlBALD. PrisCOrvm nvmorvm aestimatio 1^ PiTON, C. Cliinese coins 48 Planche. J. R. Badges of the house of York 78 Municipal seals and armorial en- signs of Bristol 78 Seals of the earls of Chester 78 Plat. Paul. Monnaie du XVI siecle. 58 182 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY PAGE PoEY d'Avant, Faustin. Monnaies feodales de France 58 PoiLLON, William. Catalogue of his numismatic library 2 Polder, Leon, van de. Copper coins of Japan 105 PoLLEXFEN, J. H. Gold ornaments and silver coins in Bute 78 Two new Scottish pennies of James IV 79 Ponce de Leon. N. Catalogue of col- lection of Roman and Greek coins 130 PoNCELET, fiDOUARD. Sceaux et ar- moiries des villes, etc., du Hai- naut 116 Poncet, E., and L. B. Morel. Le revers des inonnaies dites a I'autel de Lyon 130 Ponton d'Amecourt, Gustave. Numis- matique merovingienne 58 Monnaies merovingiennes 58 Poole, R. S. Catalogue of Greek coins in the British Museum 50, 90 PoRCius, Leonhardus. De re pecu- niaria antiquorum 90. 130 PoRTis, Leonardus DE. De Sestertio, Taletis, Pecuniis, Poderibus, Me- suris, Stipediis militaribus anti- quis, libri duo 130 PosTE, Beale. Celtic inscriptions on Gaulish and British coins ....61, 79 On coins of Cunobeline and ancient Britons 79 On coins of Uriconium 79 PosTOLAKAS, AcHiLLES. KaTa^toyog xoov dQXOtiwv voniojiaxcov x^Qcov eiWcov, .TO^erov xai Paoi?te(ov xov 'A§r|vriaiv 'EdvLxou No(i.iaM.aTi)cou Mouoeiou.. 90 Pourtales-Georgier, de, comte. Cata- logue des medailles de sa collec- tion 15 Prang, Louis, & Co. State arms of the Union 144 Pratt, J. H., and others. Catalogue of collection of tradesmen's tokens 28 Price, C. W. Catalogue of collections v of coins, tokens, and medals ... 46 Price, I. M. Some Cassite seals.... 15 Four Babylonian seal cylinders... 43 Prieto y Vives, Antonio. Numismat- ica africana 109, 112 Primes, Karl. Wanderung durch die Siegel des deutschen und na- mentlich bayerischen Adels .... 66 Wanderung durch die Siegel deut- scher und vorzugweiser bayer- ischer Stadte 66 Prime, W. C. Coins, medals, and seals 15 PAGE Catalogue of coins, medals, etc.. 28, 144 Prinet, Max. Insignes des dignites ecclesiastiques 58 Recherches sur la monnaie de Moreium 58 Reber, B. In der Schweiz aufgefun- dene Regenbogenschiisseln 138 Recent medals on discovery of South- America 135 Regling, Karl. Ein Tridrachmon von Byzantion 91 Zur griechischen Miinzkunde 91 Reid, R. L. Coins of British Columbia 46 Reinach, Adolphe J. Un monument delphien 91 Reinach, Theodore. Monnaie ine- dite des rois philadelphes 91 Stele from Abonuteichos 91 Les monnaies juives 106 Jewish coins 106 Some Pontic eras 131 Reinach, Theodore, joint author. See Babelon, E. C. F., and Theo- dore Reinach. Reinaud, J. T. Explication de cinq medailles de Bengal 98, 112 Medailles musulmanes a figures .. 112 Remington, W. Colonial coin list . . 144 Renesse-Breidbach, C. W. de. His- toire numismatique de I'eveche et principaute de Liege 116 Resetar, Milan. Le monete della repubblica di Ragusa 121 Revillout, Eugene. Monnaies egyp- tiennes 51, 91 Revue beige de numismatique 5 Revue numismatique 5 Revue suisse de numismatique 5 Reyst, N. F. Catalogue de monnaies et medailles 28 Rhode Island Numismatic Associa- tion. Constitution and by-laws 5 RiCAUD de Tiregale, P. Medailles de I'empire de Russie 134 Ricci, Serafino. La numismata e le scienze archeologiche 15 Intorno all 'influenza dei tipi mone- tari greci 91, 131 II sentimento della natura nella monetazione 91 Lin altro documento inedito della zecca di Corregio 104 SuU 'ordinamento delle zecche ital- iane mediovali e moderne 104 Riccio, Gennaro. Le monete attrib- ute alia zecca dell' antica citta di Luceria 131 INDEX 183 PAGE Rice, G. W. Copper cent of United States 144 Postal and fractional currency of United States 144 RicKWOOD, George. Colchester hoard. 79 RiEDEL. Ueber den Gebrauch der Sie- gel in der Mark Brandenburg ... 66 RiESE, Alex. Sigillatenstempel aus Rom 131 Riggauer, Hans. Zur kleinasiatischen Miinzkunde 40 Die Miinzen Friedrichs mit der Ice- ren Tasche 42 Die Entwicklung des bairischen Mvinzwesens unter den Wittels- bachern 66 RiGOLi.OT, M. J., joint author. See Mallet, Fernand, and M. J. Rigol- LOT. Riley, T. Catalogue of collection of coins, medals, etc 28 Riley, T. W. Catalogue of collec- tion of coins and medals 28 Riocour, de. Monnaies lorraines. . . . 58 RiTTERLiNG, E. Romische Miinzen aus Wiesbaden 131 RiviSTA italiana di numismatica .... 5 RivisTA della numismatica antica e moderne -^ RizzoLi, LuiGi, the younger. Artisti alia zecca dei principi da Carrara 104 Per la storia della zecca carrarese in Padova 104 Robert, F. B. Nouveau manuel com- plet du mouleur en medailles ... 15 Robert, P. C. fitudes numismatiques 58 fivenements militaires de Henri TT. 59 Monnaie de Gorze 59 Monnaies de Macon 59 Alonnaies merovingiennes 59 Monnaies de Pfalzel ^9 Monnaies provinoises ^9 Sceau et monnaies de Zuientibold 59 Numismatique de Cambrai 116 Robertson, Ernest. Papal coins .... 136 Robertson, James. Catalogue of med- als and cameos of Persia 120 Robinson, A. S. Catalogues of coins and medals 28 Robinson, John, the younger. Ori- ental numismatics 118 Rodgers, C. J. Coins of Musalman kings of M'bar 98, 112 Mogul copper coins 98. 112 Coin of Shams ud Dunya wa ud Dm Mahmud Shah 98 Roemer-Buechner. Die Siegel der Stadt Frankfurt am Main 67 PAGE RoER, E. Descriptive list of coins ... 28 Roettiers family in England 79 RoEVER, Nicolas de. Het verzamelen van zagels 28 Rogers, E. T. Coins of Tuluni dy- nasty 112, 139 Dinars of Abbasside dynasty 112 La numismatique musulmane 112 RoLLiN, C. L. Catalogue of collection of Greek coins 28 ^ RoLLiN ET Feuardent. Catalogue d'une collection de monnaies .... 59 Monnaies royalcs 59 Collection de medailles de la Gaule 61 Catalogue d'une collection de me- dailles des rois des villes de la Grece 91 Roman, Joseph. Inventaire des sceaux de la Bibliotheque Nationale .... 28 Manuel de sillographie frangaise.. 59 Rome de l'Isle, J. B. L. de. Metrolo- gie 15 Rondot Natalis. Chinese coins and porcelain bottles in Egypt 48 Graveurs de monnaies a Lyon ... 59 Medailleurs et las graveurs de mon- naies 59 Rosenheim, Max. Portrait-medal of 67 79 Plombs an- 15 John of Leyden Ross. Coins in Skye RosTOVTSEW, Michel. tiques Romische Bleitesserae 131 Tessere di plombo inedite 131 RosTovTSEW^, Michel, and Maurice Prou. Catalogue des plombs . . 28 Roth, Bernard. Coins of the Danish kings of Ireland 79 British coins at South Ferriby ... 79 Clippings of silver coins 79 Roth, Charles. Medaille de N.D.- de-Grace 59 Rothert. Ein Gang durch die Ge- schichte Niedersachsens an der Hand der Harzer Miinzen 67 Rouille, Guillaume, La premiere jet secondc] partie dv promptvaire des medailles 1^ Promptuaire des medailles 16 Round, J. H. Colchester mint in Nor man times 79 RouviER, Jules. Baal-Arvad d'apres la numismatique des rois pheni- ciens d'Arvad 120 L'ere de Marathos de Phenicie ... 121 Les monnaies autonomes de Beryte .• 121 Doubles stateres des rois phenici- ens de Sidon 121 184 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Rouvier, Jules, continued. Numismatique des villes de la Phenicie 121 Repartition chronologique du mon- nayage des rois pheniciens d'Ar- vad ^ 121 Les rois pheniciens d'apres leurs nionnaies 121 Rouvier, J. Monnayage alexandrin d'Arados 91 RouYER, Jules. Medaille d'origine al- lemande de Bude 59 Mereaux des offices de I'hotel du roi 59 Mereaux of the 14th century relat- ing to the holy sacrament at Brussels 116 Royal Mint Museum. Catalogue of coins, tokens, medals, etc 29 RuDiNG, R. The coinage of Great Britain 79 Rubens, Albrecht. De nummo Av- gvsti cujus epigraphe 131 Rueppell, Eduard. Die Aljzeichen, Namen und Initialen von Dynas- ten Miinzmeistern und Stempel- schneiden 67 Berichtigung und Fortsetzung der beiden Abhandlungen: Schaumiin- zen zum Angedenken von Be- wohnwen Frankfurts und Miin- zen und Medaillen 67 Beschriebung der Munzen und Medaillen 67 Schaumiinzen welche zum Ange- denken 67 Vierter Aufsatz iiber Frankfurter Medaillen 67 Ruggero, Giuseppe. Annotazioni nu- mismatiche italiane 104 RuLAND, Anton. Beitrage zur Ge- schichte des wirzburgischen Miinzwesens unter den Furst- bushofen 67 Russia and its minor coins 134 S. de. Catalogue de medailles 29 Saalfelder, L. Catalogue of collec- tion of coins 29 Sabatier, J. Catalogue of collection of coins 29 Sabatier, L., joint author. See Sa- batier, P. J., and L. Sabatier. Sabatier, P. J. Monnaies byzantines sous les empereurs d'Orient.... 45 Medaillons contorniates 131 Iconographie d'une collection de cinq mille medailles romaines. . . . 131 Sabatier, P. J., and L. Sabatier. Pro- duction de I'or, I'argent et du cuivre chez les anciens 131 Sacy, a. I. S. DE. Des monnaies des khalifes avant Tan 75 de I'hegire. 112 P.\GE Sadik-el-Baba, pseud, of Carlo d'Ot- TAVio Fontana. Lettera critica numismatica 131 Sage, A. B. Catalogues of coins, med- als, etc 37 Saige, Gustave. Origines pheniciennes de Monaco et la voie herac- leene 108 Sainthill, Richard. An olla podrida. 16 Salata, F. II ripostiglio di denari della republica romana scoperto ad Ossero 131 Salbach. Oscar. Collection de M. Salbach 29 Salinas, Antonino. Le monete delle antiche citta di Sicilia 91, 104 Salis, J. F. W. DE. Roman coins struck in Britain 131 Sallet, Alfred von. Munzen und Me- daillen 16 Antiken Munzen 91, 131 Die Kiinstlerinschriften auf griech- ischen Munzen 91 Sambon, Arthur. Deniers rouennais. 59 Gillat de Louis II. d'Anjou 59 La cronologia delle monete di Ne- apolis 91 Monetazione di Ruggiero II., re di Sicilia 104 Monete napoletane 104 Sambon, L. Anciennes monnaies de ITtalie meridionale 104 Sandham, Alfred, and G. Gushing. Numismatic collections 29 Sanford, E. H. Catalogue of coins and medals 29 Sardi. Alessandro. De nummis li- ber 91. 131 Sargent, F., and E. W. Martin. Cat- alogue of a collection of Greek and Roman coins 91. 131 Sarriau, H. fitat actuel de la numis- matique nivernaise 59 Sarre, Friedrich. Die altorientalischen Feldzeichen 118 Satterlee, a. H. Catalogue of col- lection of medals and tokens.... 29 Medals and tokens in honor of the presidents of the United States. 144 Saulcy, L. F. J. G. DE. Numismatique des croisades 16 Observations numismatiques 16 Essai de classification des suites monetaires byzantines 45 Quelques monnaies inedites d'Asca- lon 51 Histoire des ateliers monetaires de France 59 INDEX 185 PAGE Saulcy, L. F. J. G. Dc, continued. Histoire numismatique du rej^ne de Franqois 1 59 Monnaies inedites du moyen age. . . 59 Monnaies des comtcs ct dues de I'.ar 59 Mounaies des dues de Lorraiue. ... 59 Souvenirs numismatiques 59 Numismatique de ftduens ct des Se- quanes 61 Lettre a A. de I^ongjierier sur la numismatique gauloise 61 Monnaie du vergohret eduen Divi- tiacus 61 Numismatique des chefs gaulois dans les commentaires de Cesar. 61 Monnaies datees des Seleucides. .92. 13S Monnaies inedites d'Ascalon 92 Numismatique ancienne 92 Numismatique de la Terre Sainte.. 92 Monnaies des tetrarques de la Chal- cidene et de I'Ahilene 92, 138 Les monnaies des Antiocheens. . .92. 138 Catalogue de monnaies juda'iques.. 106 Etude chronologique de la vie et des monnaies des rois juifs, Agrippa I. et Agrippa II 106 Lettre a M. J. de Witte sur la nu- mismatique judaique 107 Monnaies des Zamarides 107 Numismatique judaique 107 Reponse a la note critique de M. Madden 107 La numismatique arabe 113 Numismatique des nabatheens dc Petra 113, 114 Renseignements numismatiques sur I'expression "Ip 121 Contremarques empreintes sur des monnaies de Xeron 132 Numismatique de la Terre Sainte. 132 Classification des monnaies auto- nomes de I'Espagne 136 Saunier, C. Augustin Dupre 59 Sauvaire. H. Monnaies orientales de la collection de M. Ch. de I'ficluse. 113 Histoire de la numismatique et le matrologie musulmanes 113 Lettre a M. Stanley Lane-Poole.. 118 Sauvaire, H., and Stanley Lane- Poole. The name of the twelfth imam on the coinage of Egypt. 113 Sava, Karl von. Die Siegel der Landes- Erbiimter des Erzherzogthumes Osterreich unter der Enns im Mittelalter 42 Die Siegel der osterreichischen Fiirstinen im Mittelalter 42 Savot, Louis. Dissertationes de num- mis antiquis 16 Sayce, a. H. a Hittite cylinder and seal 96 A seal-cylinder from Kara Eyuk. .. 96 Scaltger, J. J. De re nvmmaria dis- sertatio • 16 De re nummaria antiquorum 92, 132 PACE ScEAUx des grands feudataires de la couronne de France 59 ScEAUX des rois et reines de France. .59, 79 ScHAEFFLER, AuGUST. Erste publica- tion aus der "hohen Registratur." 67 Schalk, Karl. Beitrage zur Ge- schichte des osterreichischen Miinzwesens unter Leopold I . . . . 42 Eine Handschrift miinzgeschicht- lichen Inhalts der Wiener K. K. HofI)ibliothek 42 Wiener Miinzverhaltnisse im er- sten Viertel des 15. Jahrliunderts. 42 S( HAROLD, K. G. Geschichte des wiirz- burgcr Miinzwesens 67 ScHiAvuzzi, H. Monete romane rin- venute negli scavi di Xesazio... 132 ScHiEFFELiN, S. B. Catalogue of col- lection of ancient coins 29 SciiL.AEGER, J. K. Commentatio de nvmo Hadriani plvmbeo et gem- ma 132 ScHLEGEL, A. W. DE. Observations sur quclques medailles bactriennes et indo-scythiques 44 ScHLiCHTEGROLL. Friedrich VON. Ucber die Geschichte des Studiums der alten Miinzkunde 16 Schloesser, E. Die Miinztechnik. . . . 16 Schlumberger, Gustav. Sceaux des feudataires et du clerge de I'em- pire latin de Constantinople 16 Sigillographie de I'empire byzan- tin 45 Le tresor de San'a: monnaies him- yaritiques 113. 134 Numismatique de I'Orient latin.... 118 Les principautes franques du Le- vant 118 Sceaux de I'Orient latin au moyen age 118 ScHOLZ. Josef. Ein Beitrag zu den Miinzen von G r ime no t hy rae- Phrygiae 92 Schlosser, Julius von. Beschreibung der altgriechischen Miinzen 92 ScHMiD, Max. Julius Hoffmann's Sie- gelmarken 67 Schneider. August.\ von. Athene on Greek coins 92 Schnippel, E. Fischermarkcn und Giebelkronen aus Hela 16 Schoeffmann, I. B. Verzeichniss der baj'erische mittelalterlichen Miin- zen der Sammlungen 67 Scholler, Ernst. Das Miinzwesen der Reichstadt Xiirnloerg 67 Schratz, Wilhelm. Beitrag zur al- testen Miinzgeschichte Regens- burgs 67 186 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Schratz, Wilhelm, continued. Die Conventionsmiinzen der Her- zoge von Bayern unci der Bi- schofe von Regensburg 67 Die Regensburger Rathszeichen. . 67 ScHROEDER, Albert. Annam, fitudes numismatiques 40 Schroeder, Eduard. Zu den marki- schen Miinznamen 67 Schroeder, J. H., and others. Xumis- mata Anglo-Saxonica in numo- phylacio Academica Upsaliensi adservata 79 Schroetter, Friedrich von, Freiherr. Die hannoverschen Goldgulden.. 67 Die letzte stadtische Miinzpragung in Preussen 67 Die Miinzen Friedrich Wilhelms des Grossen 67 Kurfiirsten und Friedrichs III. von Brandenburg 68 Die Miinzstatte zu Stettin unter der Konigen Karl XI. und XII. von Schweden 68 Die Priigung der kursachsischen Sechspfennigstucke 68 Das preussische Miinzwesen im 18. Jahrhundert. Thorner Zain- proben 68 Das englische Miinzwesen 79 tJber die spanischen-Billon- und Kupfer-Miinzen unter den Koni- gen Philipp III. und Philipp IV. 136 ScHULMAN, J. Catalogues de mon- naies 37 ScHULTE, Wilhelm. Die Siegel des Bi- schofs Lorenz von Breslau 68 ScHULZE, F. H. Catalogue of collec- tion of coins 29 Schweitzer, Friedrich. Notizie pere- grine di numismatica 16 Abrege de I'histoire des comtes de Gorice et serie de leurs monnaies. 42 Serie dei nummi aquilejesi 104 ScOTi.^ numisma: or. Ancient Scotish coins 79 Scott, H. R. The Nasik 98 Scott, W. H. Anglo-Saxon pennies in the island of Islay 80 On Parthian coins 119 Coins of Helena 132 Scott Stamp & Coin Co., Ltd. Cata- logue of Canadian coins 2 Catalogues of coins 38 Catalogue of Canadian coins 46 ScoTTi, V. X. Delia rarita delle mo- nete antiche di tutte le forme e metalli 16 ScRiBA. J. Bemerkungen ueber jani- sche Gold- und Silbermuenzen. . 105 Seals of the governors of the colony of X' ew York 144 Searle, W. G. Coins, medals, of Cambridge 80 Seavey, G. F. Catalogue of United States gold coins 144 Seavey, G. F., joint author. See Par- melee, L. G., and G. F. Se.wey. Sedillot, L. p. E. a. Un sceau de Schah Rokh 109 Seguinus, Petrus. Selecta nvmis- mata antiqva ex museo Petri Se- gvini 16 Seidl, J. G. Das alt-italische Schwer- geld im K. K. Miinz- und Anti- ken Cabinette 104 Selden, John. Liber de nummis 16 Sello, G. Die Siegel der Markgrafen von Brandenburg askanischen Stammes 68 Seltman, E. J. Artemis sur une mon- naie de Syracuse 92 Nummi serrati and astral coin types. 92 Prototypes monetaires siculgrecs.. 92 Roman mint in house of tlie Vettii. 132 Sentenach, Narci.so. Modedas de plata y de vellon castellanas. . . . 136 Serafini, Camillo. Le monete e le bolle plumbee pontificie del Me- dagliere Vaticano 29 Serrure, C. a. Monnaies de Voconces. 61 Monnaies des comtes de Limburg- sur-la-Lenne 68 Monnaies de Canut et de Sifroid.. 117 Serrure, Raymond. Jeton inedit de Jean Grolier 60 Types monetaires flamands au mo- yen age 116 Serrure, Raymond, joint author. See Engel, Arthur, and Raymond Serrure. Service des antiquites de I'figypte. Catalogue general des antiquites egyptiennes du Musee du Caire. 51 Sestini, Domenico. Lettere e disserta- zioni numismatiche sopra alcune medaglie rare 16 Lettere e dissertazioni numismati- che... le quali servir possono di continuazione ai nove tomi gia editi ■ . . 16 Sopra i moderni falsificatori di me- daglie greche antichi 16 Classes generales sev moneta vctvs vrbivm 92 Descrizione d'alcune medaglie gre- che del museo del Signore Sta- nislao de Chaudoir 92 Descrizione delle medaglie antiche greche del Museo Hedervariano. 92 Descrizione di molte medaglie an- tiche greche 92 INDEX 187 PAGE Sestini, Domenico, continued. Descriptio selectiorum numisma- tuni in aere maximi moduli.. ..92. 132 Medaglie ispane 136 Seven, J. A., joint author. See Ge- GERKELT, H. G., and J. A. Seven. Sewell. H. R. Doubtful copper coins of southern India 98 Roman coins found in India 132 Seyler, G. a. Geschichte der Siegel. 16 Shepherd, C. E. Two coins of Sunga dynasty 99 Inscription on coins of Suri dy- nasty 99 Shirley, J. S.. joint author. See Fox, H. B., and J. S. Shirley. Short account of Scottish money and coins '^^ SiBiLiAN, Clemens. Drei sehr scltcne Miinzen armenischer Dynasten.. 40 Uebcr 17 unedirte Miinzen der ar- menische-rubenischcn Dynastie in Kilikien 40 Sickler, F. C. L. Handbuch der alten Geographie 16 Silo. J. P. Object lesson in finance. . 38 SiLVESTRE, J. Chinese medals 48 Medaillcs de Chine 48 Money of China 48 Sim, George. Aberdeen treasure trove. 80 Coins recently discovered in Scot- land 80 Simon, James. Historical account of Irish coins 80 SiMONETTi, Alberto. I tipi delle antiche monete greche 92 SiMMS, J. R. Catalogue of his cabinet. 29 SiTTL, Karl. Archaologie der Kunst. 16 Six, J. P. Monnaies grecques 92 Six, J. P., joint author. See Enschede, A. J., and J. P. Six. SjOBORG, N. H. Numophylacium Re- gias academic Lundensis 29 Slafter, E. F. Copper coinage of earl of Stirling 80 Smith. Aquilla. Catalogue of trades- men's tokens 80 Forgeries of Scotch coins 80 Scotch coins and counterfeits.... 80 Smith, F. C. Catalogue of his collec- tion 29 Smith, H. A. Catalogue of coins, medals, etc 29 Smith, J. A. Roman coins found in Red Abbeystead 132 Smith, Mathew. A catalogue of his library 2 P.\GE Smith, Oberlin. and Hexrv .•\. Jan- vier. Coining machinery in Chi- nese mints 48 Smith, Sa.mlel. the younger. Coins struck at Omdurman l)y the Mah- di and Khalifa 51 Smith, V. A. Bactrian coins in India. 44 Andhra history and coinage 99 Catalogue of coins in Indian Mu- seum, Calcutta 99 Coinage of imperial Gupta dynasty. 99 Progress of Indian numismatics.. 99 Numismatic notes and novelties... 99 Gupta coinage 99 'White Hun' coin of Vyaghramukka. 99 Smith Cabinet. Catalogue of Ameri- can and foreign coins, medals, &c. 29 Smyth, W. H. Catalogue of cabinet of Roman family coins 132 Catalogue of cabinet of Roman im- perial large brass medals 132 Snelling, Thomas. Snclling's seventy- one plates of gold and silver coin. 16 View of the coins at this time cur- rent throughout Europe 16 Copper, silver coins and coinage of England 80 Snellius, Willebrordus. De re nvm- maria liber singularis 16 De re nummaria 92 Snimki. Drevnikh russkikh pechatei gosudarstvennykh 134 Snow, E. J. Catalogue of silver med- dals and coins 29 Snowden, J. R. Description of ancient and modern coins 17' Description of the medals of Wash- ington 17. 29 Medals of Washington 144 SociETE frangaise de numismatique et d'archeologie. Annuaire 5 Comptes rendus 5 SociETE de sphragistique de Paris. Memoires 5 Society of Antiquaries of London. Vetusta monumenta 80 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. London. Coins of the New Testament 132 SoDERBERG, J. S. Numi aliquot popu- lorum 30 SoRET, Frederic. Monnaies orientales. 113. 118 Monnaies houlagouides 113 Medailles koufiques 113 Monnaies cufiques du Musee de Geneve ;••■•; ^^^ Medailles orientales trouvees a Bokhara 118 Medailles au type sassanide 120 Sotheby & Son. Catalogue of Greek and Roman coins 38 188 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY PAGE SoTHEBY, S. L., and J. Wilkinson. Catalogue of collection of Ro- man imperial coins 132 SoTHEBY, Wilkinson & Hodge. Cata- logue of C. Cartwright collection of coins and medals 30 Catalogue of Greek coins 93 SouciET, Etienne. Dissertations 93 SouLLARD, p. Decouverte d'un tresor au chateau de Blain 60 SouLTRAiT. J. H. G. R. DE, comtc. Nu- mismatique bourbonnaise 60 South American quadrigentesimal medal '. 45 South Kensington Museum. — Na- tional Art Library. A list of books illustrating seals 2 SouTZO, M. C. Classification des mon- naies de bronze emises en figypte par les trois premiers Lagides. 51 Poids et monnaies de Tomis 93 Monnaies imperiales romaines 132 Les monnaies de la flotte de Marc- Antoine 132 Recherches recentes sur la monnaie romaine 132 Spanh'eim, Ezechiel von, baron. Dis- sertationes de praestantia et usu numismatum antiquorum 17, 93 Ezechielis Spanhemii de nummo Smyrnaeorum 93 Specht, fioouARn. Du dechiffrement des monnaies sindo-ephthalites.. 99 Sperling, Otto. Dissertatio de num- mis non cisis tarn veterum quam recentiorum 17 Sphragistik; Heraldik; deutsche Miinzgeschichte 68 Spicer, Frederick. Coinage of Wil- liam I. and William II 80 Spigardi, Arturo. Le medaglie dei Capi di Guardi della Misericordia di Firenze 104 Spink & Son's Monthly numismatic circular 5 Spon, Jacob. Miscellanea eruditae antiqvitatis 93. 132 Sponsel, J. L. Die Bildnismedaillen des Tobias Wolf im Miinzkabi- nett zu Dresden 68 Spurrell, Frederick. Examples of me- diaeval seals 17 Stacy, D. L. Two coins having Greek inscriptions 93 Staeblein, T. Catalogue of collection of American and foreign coins. . . 30 Stainer, C. L. Oxford silver pennies. 81 Stainsfield, C. W. Catalogue of Aus- tralian tradesmen's tokens 41 Stanwood, J. R. Province seal of New Hampshire 144 Stapleton, H. E. History and eth- nology of north-eastern India.. 99 Steiman, Herbert. Catalogue of United States and foreign coins. 30 Stenersen, L. B. Myntfundet fra Grjcslid i Thydalen 117 Om et myntfund fra Imsland i Ryfylke 117 Stenz, G. Catalogue of his collection. 30 Stenzel, Th. Beitrage zur mansfeldi- schen Miinzkunde 68 Der Miinzfund von Guntersberge im Harze 68 Stephanik, J. W. Cabinet de mon- naies 30 Stettiner, p. Iritratti degli impera- tori romani sulle monete 132 Steuart, J. R. Coins presented to Royal Asiatic Society 138 Stevenson, S. W. Jewelled coin of Emperor Maurice 45 Dictionary of Roman coins, repub- lican and imperial 132 Stewart, C. P. Papal numismatic and pictorial memorials of St. Bar- tholomew's massacre 136 Stickel, D. Omajjadischen Numis- matik 113 Stickel, J. G. Erganzungen und Be- richtigungen zur omajjadischen Numismatik 113 Das Grossherzogliche Orientalische Miinzcabinet zu Jena 113, 118 Handbuch zur morgenlandischen Munzkunde 113, 118 Neue Ermittelungen auf byzan- tinisch-arabischen Bildmiinzen.. 113 Die omajjadische Askalon-Miinze. . 113 Sechs Hulaguiden-Miinzen in Gold. 113. 118 Zur muhammedanischen Numisma- tik ..... . 113 Ueber einige muhammedanische Miinzen 113 Zur orientalischen Sphragistik 118 Stickel. J. G., and W. von Tiesenhau- SEN. Die Werthbezeichnungen auf muhaminedanischen Miinzen. 113 Stieglitz, C. L. Archaologische Un- terhaltungen 93 Still, John. Variations of copper massas of six Singlialese rulers.. 99 Roman coins found in Ceylon 132 Storer, H. R. Medals commemorative of natural scientists 17 Medals illustrative of science of medicine 17 Medailles de la Princesse Charlotte d'Angleterre 81 INDEX 189 Storer, H. R., continued. Medals and tokens of Rhode Island. 144 Storer, Malcolm. Numismatic peri- odicals 2 Story of the continent to be told at the Paris Exposition by its med- als and metal money 144 Strack, M. L. Halbierte Miinzen in Altertum 17 Strack, M. L., joint author. See MuENZER, Friedkich, and M. L. Strack. Strerer, Franz. Ueber eine gallische Silbermiinze 46 Ueber die sogenannten Regegbo- genschlusselchen 46 Achtzehn zu Schmalkalden geprag- te hennebergische und hessische Miinzcn 68 Die altesten biirggraflich niirnljergi- schen Miinzen 68 Die altesten in Koburg und Hild- burghausen gesclilagen Miinzen. 68 Die altesten Miinzen der (]rafen von Hohenlohe 68 Die altesten Miinzen von den W'it- telbachern 68 Fiinf und dreissig bisher Miinzen des Bischofs Gerard von W'iirz- burg 68 Ueber einige Miinzen der Fiirstab- te von Fulda 68 Zwanzig churmainziche Silberpfen- nige 69 Zwei und fiinfzig bohmisch-pfal- ziche Silberpfennige 69 Achiius, Konig von Lydien 93 Erklarung einiger noch unedirten griechischen Miinzen 93 Nvmismata nonnulla Graeca ex Museo Regis Bavariae 93 Die syracusanischen Stempelschnei- der Plirygillos 93 Ueber die Miinzen von Caulonia.. 93 Ueber eine sehr seltene Miinze von Mytilene auf Lesbos 93 Ueber den Stier mit dem Menschen- gesichte auf den Miinzen von Un- teritalien und Sicilien 93, 104 Streber, F. I. VON. Versuch einer Geschichte des koniglichen Miinz- kabinets in Miinchen 30 Die altesten in Salzburg geschla- genen Miinzen 42 Strobridge, W. H. Catalogue of col- lection of ancient coins 30 Stroehl, H. G. BeitrJige zur Ge- schichte des Badges gesammelt aus den Werken englischer He- raldiker 81 Stroehlin. P. C. Numismatique de la Croix-Rouge 17 Stronczynski, Kazimierz. Pieniadze piastow od czasow najdawnie- jszycli do roku 1300 121 P.\GE Stroobant, Louis. Sceaux matrices echevinaux de Iloogstraeten 116 Strozzi, Carlo. Quadro di geografia numismatica 17 Una moneta argentea di Marino Fa- liero 104 Struthers, John. Scottish coins found near Prestonpans 81 Stuart, H. N. Catalogus der munten en amuletten van Cliina. Japan. Corea en Annam 40, 48, 105, 107 Stueckelberg, E. a. La parente de Maxence et de Constance 132 Subiii Bey. Numismati(|Ue musul- mane 113 Sullivan Bros. (.'<: Libbie. Catalogue of coins, medals and tokens 38 Sumner, W. G. Spanish dollar and colonial shilling 136, 144 Coin shilling of Massachusetts Bay. 144 SvoRONOS, Joannes N. Origins of coin- age 17 Les jiremieres monnaies 17 Numismatique de la Peonie et de la Macedoine avant les guerres mediques 43 Numismatique de la Crete ancienne.49, 94 Die polykletische "Tholas". . . ... . . 94 Tesseres en bronze du theatre Dionysiaque 94 Ta XQVoa vo^iioixaxa xcov AayibGiv Toi' TiCTOu 'Aooiv6ti5 Trig ^iXabiX- fpou 93 'Eojiiovi'fio; 'A^aeig ol e-x. Ti'quv{>o; xal Tcx vom'ofiaxa ai'xcov 93 Mm'^riiiiaTa No^uonaxixfi; 93 Noiiioiiaxa 'Edtxiov eih'oi'g uyvcooxou &£OoaXia^ y.ai 'H^xeipov 93 Nofuo|Liuxixii xcov AeXcpcov 93 No^ionaxir.ov eugiina 'EXeuoivog. . . . 94 ITeyl xcov eloixTiQi'cov xcov aQxaio)v. ... 94 riegiYgacpiHog y.axoi^.oYo; xcov .xgoo- Hxiinciixcov xoi' E&vixoi"' vo^ua^axixoft uouoEiou djTo 1 2ejXTfn(5Qiou 1906 M.EX01 31 Auyouoxou 1907 94 Il^QlyQa(plxb^ xaxcxXoYog xo)v jtQoa- xxrincixcov xoi' 'Ei^vixoO Noj-iionccxi- xov Moi'OEi'oi' f)L:rT6 1 SejXXEuPqiov 1908 nEXQi 31 AvYoi'oxov 1909.... 94 Td «nQaHixE?tEia» dvaY^^'cpa xcov Movacbv 'AQXodov [lovaiy.ov 6fina.. 94 Sweerts, Fran(;ois. XII Caesarvm Romanorvm imagines 132 SwiNTON, John. Metilia: sive De Quinario 133 Svkes, Sir M. M. Catalogue of his collection of coins and medals. . . 30 Symonds, Henry. Charles I: trials of pix, mint-marks, etc 81 Coinage of Queen Marj^ Tudor. ... 81 Taunton tokens of 17th century. ... 81 Tacchella, D. E. La magistrature de Caecilius Maternus en Moesie. 133 190 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY PAGE Tate, G. P. Coins and seals collected in Seistan 39 Taylor, G. P. Coins of Ahmedabad. 99 Coins of Gujarat sultanat 99 Coins of Siirat 99 Copper coins of Adil Shai dynasty of Bijapur 99 Taylor, J. H. Catalogue of collection of ancient and modern coins and medals 30 Taylor's gold and silver coin exami- ner 17 Temple, Sir R. C. Tin currency and money of the Federated Malay States 108 Terrien de Lacouperie, a. E. J. B. Une monnaie bactro-chinoise bi- lingue 43, 48 Catalogue of Chinese coins of VII. century B. C. to A. D. 621 48 Metallic cowries of China (600 B. C.) 48 Tessieri, p., joint author. See Mar- CHi, Giuseppe, and P. Tessieri. Teyler's Stichting. Catalogue du cabinet numismatique de la Fon- dation Teyler 30 Thane, J. Catalogue of collection of coins and medals 30 Theobald, William. Symbols and devices on copper coins of an- cient India 99 Symbols of 'Karshapana' coinage.. 99 Thiset, Anders. Danske adelige Si- giller fra det. 15.. 16. og 17 49 Tholin, G. Ateliers monetaires me- rovingiens de la region agenaise. 60 Thomas, E. Bactrian coins 44 Bactrian coins and Indian dates... 44 Ancient Indian weights 99 Indo-Parthian coins 99 Initial coinage of Bengal 99 Coins of dynasty of Hindu kings of Kabul 99 Coins of kings of Ghazni 100 Coins of Paten sultans of Hindus- tan 100 Dynasty of Sah kings of Surash- tra 100 Records of Gupta dynasty 100 Thomas, Edward. Bilingual coins of Bukhara 44 The Pehlvi coins of early Moham- medan Arabs 114 Parthian and Sassanian coins 119 Pehlvi decipherments with sketch of Aryan alphabet 120 Sassinian mint monograms and gems 120 Thomas, M., and Sons. Catalogue of collection of coins and medals.. 38 Thomp.son, John. Coin chart man- ual 17 Thomsen, W. J. Catalogue of col- lection of coins, medals, &c 30 Thorn, E. P. Catalogue of collection of American and foreign coins and medals 30 Thuelemeyer. H. G. von. De variis siclis et talentis Hebraeorum. . . . 107 Thunius, Ericus. De moneta serea in Svecia 137 Thurston, Edgar. Coins. Catalogue no. 1 100 Coins. Catalogue no. 2 100, 133 Coins. Catalogue no. 3 100 Coinage of territories of East In- dia Company in the Indian pen- insula 100 Thurston, Hubert. King Alfonso's "tokens of spousage." 136 Thurston, William. Copper tokens of Great Britain 81 Thwing, E. W. Coins of China 48 Tiesenhausen, W., joint author. See Stickel, J. G.. and W. von Tie- senhausen. Tiffany and Company. Collection of badges, medals and insignia. 17 Till, William. Catalogue of his nu- mismatic library 2 English coronation medals 81 Essay on English denarius and English silver penny 81 Roman denarius and English silver penny 133 TocHON d'Annecv, J. F. Recherches historiques et geographiques sur les medailles des noms ou pre- fectures d'figypte 51, 94 Dissertation sur I'epoque de la mort d'Antiochus VII. Evergetes Sidetes... 94, 138 IJne medaille de Philippe-Marie Visconti, due de Milan 104 Medailles de Marinus frappees a Philippopolis 133 Tokens and coins of Bolivar 120 ToMASiNi, G. F. De tesseris hospitali- tatis liber singularis 18 ToNKS, J. \Y. Borough seals and civic maces 81 ToppAN, R. X. Some modern mone- tary questions viewed by the light of antiquity 18 Tornberg, C. J. Die jiingesten Aus- grabungen arabischen Geldes in Schweden 114 Numi Cufici Regii Numophylacii Holmiensis 114 INDEX 191 Tornbcrg, C. J., continued. Ueber muhammedanische Revolu- tions-Miinzen 114 ToRREMUzzA, G. L. C. Di, priiicipc. Si- cilcE populorum et urbium 94, 104 TouRNEUR, Victor. Cabinet des me- dailles de I'fitat 30 Lcs villes ainirales de TOrient greco-romain 94 L'atelicr monetaire de Bruges sous le reg-ne de la maison d'Autriche, 1709-1786 116 ToussENEL, T. Precis chronologicjuc de I'histoire de France 60 Trattle, Marmaduke. Catalogue of his collection of coins and medals 30 Prices of his Englisii coins and medals 81 Trau, Franz. Neue Fiilschungen n')- mischer Miinzen 133 Treatise of the revenue and false money of the Romans 133 Tregear, Vincent. Mode of taking facsimiles of coins 18 Trenanman, J. C. Brass coins of Canada 46 Tresor de numismatique et de glyp- tique 18 Trifet, F. & Co. Catalogue of collec- tion of American and foreign coins and inedals 30 Truebner, Charles, joint author. See Martin, L. C, and Charles Truebner. Truhelka, Ciro. Der bosnische Miin- zenfund von Ribici 42 Verzeichniss der bosnischen, serbi- schen und bulgarischen Miinzen. 42. 45, 134 Die slavonischen Banaldenare 135 Tseen che sin peen. Coinage down to end of Ming dynasty 48 TuDEER, L. Die Tetradrachmenpra- gung von Syrakus 94 Tuffnell, R. H. C. Coins of Southern India 100 Turin, Italy. — Esposizione generate italiana, 1884. Catalogo degli oggetti esposti nel padiglione del risorgimento italiano 18 Turner, T. H. Personal seals during the middle ages 18 Tyery, Nicolas. His proposals to Henry VIII. for an Irish coinage. 81 Tychsen, O. G. Die Unachtheit der jiidischen Miinzen 107 Introdvctio in rem nvmariam Mv- hammedanorvm 114 U. Catalogue de monnaies royales de France 60 PACE Uhden, Wilhelm. Ueber die Miinzen des Konigs von lUyrien, Monu- nius 94 L'jfalvy von Mezo-Kovesa, K. E. -Anthropologische Betrachtungen iil)cr die Portriitmiinzen der Dia- dochen und Epigonen 94 Die Portratk.-ipfe auf den griech- isch-baktrischen und indo-sky- thischen Miinzen 100 Ulin, J. Catalogue of collection of ancient coins 30 United States. — Military Secretary's Office. Medals of Iionor 144 United States. — Mint Bureau. Cat- alogue of coins, tokens, and med- als in the numismatic collection of mint at Philadelphia 30. 145 United States. — Office of Director of the Mint. Numismatic collec- tion of mint at Philadelphia.... 145 United States. — State department. History of seal of United States. 145 United States. — Statutes. Military badges 145 United States. — War Department. Medals of honor 145 United States Mint 145 Valentine, W. H. Copper coins of the Muhammadan states. ... 109, 114, 120. 139 Valerani, Flavio. Un documento su le monete ossidionali di Casale. 104 Monete inedite del Monferrato. . . 105 Vallavine, Peter. Current coin of this kingdom 81 Vallentin du Cheylard, Roger. Nu- mismatique feodale du Dauphine. 60 Numismatique des comtes de Va- lentinois 60 Vallier, Gustave. Numismatique me- rovingienne de la Tarentaise . . . . 60 Sigillographie de I'ordre de Char- treux 60 Vannerus, Jules, joint author. See Bernays, fioouARD, and Jules Vannerus. Vattem.\re, a. Monnaies et medailles de I'Amerique du Nord 145 Vauville, Octave. Monnaies gau- loises de Soissons 62 Monnaies gauloises des departe- ments de 1 Aisne et de I'Eure.. .. 62 Monnaies gauloises des Suessions a la legende Cricirv 62 \ ExuTi. FiLiPPO, prior of Leghorn. Dvodenorvm nomismatum ante- hac ineditorvm brevis expositio. 94. 133 192 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Venuti, R. Antiqua numismata max- imi moduli, aurea, argentea, ae- rea, ex museo Card. Albani 18 Verachter, Frederic. Histoire mo- netaire des Pays-Bas 116 Verein fiir das Museum schlesischer Altertumer 69 Verein fiir liibeckische Geschichte und Alterthumskunde 69 Verhandeling der munten maaten ge- wigten, van Neerlandsch India.. 50 Vertue, G. Medals, coins, great seals of T. Simon 81 Verworn, Max. Paradoxe Herrsche- rinsignien auf mittelalterlichen Miinzen 18 ViANi, Giorgio. Le memorie della fa- miglia Cybo e delle monete di Massa di Lunigiana 105 Vico, Enea. Ex libris XXIII. com- mentariorvm in vetera impera- torvm Romanorvm nvmismata.. 133 Vidal Gormaz, Francisco. Los em- blemas nacionales 47 ViENNE. DE. Evaluation en monnaie tournois des redevances des eglises de France a Rome 60 ViLLEFossE, A. Heron de. Le grand autel de Pergame sur un medail- lon de bronze 133 ViLLENOiSY, F. de. De la fabrication des monnaies antiques 18 ViLLENOiSY, F. DE, and Ch. Fremont. Le carre creux des monnaies grecques 94 ViNET, fiuE, and J. G. Gronovius, editors. Prisciani Caesariensis libri de nummis 18 Vintler. Friedrich von. Der Mimz- fund im Spitalwalde bei Bruneck. 42 ViRCHOW, Rudolf. Portrat-Miinzen und Graf's hellenistiscbe Portrat- Gallerie 94 ViRY, Pierre de, comte. Catalogue of collection of Greek, Roman, By- zantine, etc., coins and medals.. 31 ViscoNTi, E. Q. Iconographie an- cienne 94, 133 Iconographie grecque 94 Iconographie romaine 133 ViscoNTi, F. A., and G. A. Guattani. II Museo Chiaramonti aggiunto al Pio-Clementino da Pio VII. 94, 133 ViscoNTi, G. B. A. II Museo Pio Cle- mentino 95, 133 ViTEBSKAYA Uchonaya .\rkhivnaya Komissiya. — Muzei. Katalog moneti i medalei 134 PAGE VivES, Antonio. El valor las monedas arabigo-espaiiolas 114, 136 ViVES Y EscuDERo, A. Moucdas de las dinastias arabigo-espafiolas . . 114 Vi.ASTO, M. P. Les monnaies d'or de Tarente 95 Rare coins of Taras 95 Vloten, G. van. Ueber einige bis jetzt nicht erkannte Miinzen aus der letzten Omeijadenzeit 114 Voetter, Otto. Constanlinus junior. Insbesonders seine Miinzen 45 Monnaies de Gallien et des membres de sa famille 133 VoGEL, J. P. Seals from Kasia 100 Vogue, C. J. M. de. Monnaies in- edites des croisades 18 VoiGT, W. von. Die antiken Miinzen Afrikas in der Ermitage 40 Die Seleucidenmiinzen der Kaiser- lichen Ermitage 94, 138 Lentulus and P. Dolabella 133 VooGT, W. J. de. Monnaie de Zalt- bommet 116 VosT, William. Dogam mint 100 Rare Muhammadan coins 100, 114 W., F. A. Coinage of Henry V 81 W., K. voN. Militarische Belohnungs- Medaillen, etc 42 W., W. S. Some remarks on seals. 18 Wace, a. J. B. An unpublished Per- gamene tetradrachm 95 Wachter, Carl von. Beschreibung der venezianer Miinzen 105 Wadhams, Albert. Origin and use of seals 18 Waitz, Georg. Ueber die Miinzver- hiiltnisse in den alteren Rechts- biichern des Frankischen Reichs. 60 Wakeman, Thomas. Chancery of Monmouth 81 Walsh, E. H. Coinage of Nepal... 100 Coinage of Tibet 138 Walters, F. A. Coinage of Henry IV. 81 Coinage of Edward IV 81 Coinage of Richard II 81 Gold coinage of Henry VI 81 Silver coinage of Henry VI 81 Silver coinage of Edward III.... 81 Roman bronze coins in England.. . 133 Warburg, K. J. Hedlinger ett bidrag till frihetstidens konsthistoria. . . 137 Ward, W. H. Cylinder seals in the museum of the Hermitage 18 Seal cylinders and other oriental seals 18 Seal cylinders of western Asia 18 Babylonian Caduceus 43 INDEX 193 PAGE Ward, W. H., continued. Bel and the dragon 43 Notes on Oriental antiquities. . . 43, 121 Hittite seal cylinders 96 Hittite seals 96 Two seals with Phoenician inscrip- tions 121 Ware, Mrs. Henry. Seals of the bishops of Carlisle 81 Warne, Charles. Saxon, Danish, and Norman mints 81 Warner, Thomas. Catalogue of his collection of coins 31 Warner, Wm. H., & Bro. Catalogue. 1902 38 Warren, E. P. Die griechische Mi.in- zen 95 Warren, J. B. L. Copper coinage of the Achaean League 95 Essay on Greek federal coinage .... 95 Warren, R. H. Seals of Tewkesbury Abbey 81 W'atson, D. K. American coinage. . . 145 Wavre, William, and Eugene De- mole. L'atelier nionetaire de Neuchatel 138 Waxell, Leon de. Essai sur les me- dailles plaquees des anciens.... 18 Way, Albert. Examples of mediaeval seals 18 Way, Albert, joint author. See Wal- FORD, W. S., and Albert Way. Webb, P. B. Coinage of Grausius... 82 Coinage of the reign of Julian the Philosopher 133 Weber, Hermann. Archaic Greek coins in lower Egypt 95 A find of coins of Mende 95 Weber, Leo. Apollon Pythoktonos im phrygischen Hierapolis. ...... 95 Coins of Hierapolis in Phrygia... 95 Die Homoniemiinzen des phry- gischen Hierapolis 95 Zur Miinzpragung des phrygischen Hierapolis 95 Webster, William. Forgeries of Scot- tish coins 82 Weeks, W. R. The American Numis- matic Society 2 Weightman, a. E. Royal farthing- tokens 82 Weil, Rudolf. Die Kunstlerinschrif- ten der sicilischen Miinzen . . . .95. 105 Das Miinzmonopol Athen im ersten attischen Seebund 95 Weinmeister. p. Miinzgeschichte der Grafschaft Holstein-Schauenburg. 69 Wellenheim, Leopold Welzl von. Miinzen der Grafschaft Gorz.... 43 PAGE Wells, W. C. 17th century tokens of Northamptonshire 82 Werdnig, G. Die Osellen oder Miinz- Medaillen der Republik Venedig. 105 Wenkstern, F". von. Meiner Samm- lung ostasiatischer Lochmiinzen. 105 Werveke, N. van. Catalogue des mon- naies luxembourgeoises au mu- see de I'lnstitut royal grand- ducal 107 West, C. E. Literary and scientific property 31 Westcott, a. Coinage of Madras presidency 100 Westermann, p. De jure sigillorum. 19 Weston, S. Towns in Greece that have struck coins 95 Weyl, Adolph. Ites Verzeichniss ver- kauflicher Miinzen 31 Die Jules Fonrobert'sche Samm- lung iiberseeischer Miinzen und Medaillen 31 Verzeichnissen 38 Samnilung amerikanischer Miinzen & Medaillen 135. 145 Wharton. Joseph. Small coinage of the United States 145 Whelan, Peter. The numismatic dic- tionary 19 Catalogue of ancient coins and medals 38 Whitehead, R. B. Mughal coins.... 100 White-King, L. Catalogue of his col- lection of Greek coins 95 History and coinage of Malwa.... 100 Whiteway, p. Coins of Genoa 105 Whitmore. Henry. Catalogue of his cabinet of coins, medals & tokens. 31 Whitte, H. K. De rebus Chiorum publicis ante dominationem ro- manorum 95 Wibel, Hans. Zu den Siegeln der Erzbischcife von Trier im Mit- telalter 69 Wiener, Lucien. Histoire de la nu- mismatique pendant la minorite de Charles III 60 Wiener numismatische Monatshefte. 5 Wight, E. B. Mint of the United States 31. 145 WiGMORE. J. H. The eiraku-sen 106 Wilbert, Alc. Note sur un agnus trouve en 1861 61 Wilbur, J. M. Catalogue of collec- tion of American and foreign coins 31 194 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Wilder, Lyman. Catalogue of United States and foreign coins and medals 31 WiLDEY, J. W. Catalogue of Amer- ican and foreign coins 31 WiLKiNS, Sir Charles. Inscription on Hindu seal 100 Wilkinson, J., joint author. See SoTHEBY, S. L., and J. Wilkinson. WiLLERS, H. Italische Bronzebarren aus der letzten Zeit des Rohkup- fergeldes 105 WiLLETT, E. H. Saxon pennies found London 82 Willis, Robert. Great seal of Eng- land 82 Wilson, H. H. Ariana antiqua 39 Indian coins in cabinet of Royal Asiatic Society 100 Wilson, J. B. Catalogue of his coin collection 31 Wilson, Thomas. The golden patera of Rennes 133 WiNBOM, J. A., and C. O. Fineman. De recentioribus numis Arabicis Reg. academia Upsal 114 Wingate, James. Coinage of Scot- land 82 Winstone, B. Two medals 82 Winter, Charles. Medals our gen- erals wear 82 Wise, Francis. Nummorum anti- quorum scriniis Bodleianis recon- ditorum catalogus 31 Witte, a. de. Relations monetaires entre ITtalie et les provinces beiges au moyen age et a I'epoque moderne 105. 1 1 7 Les deneraux et leurs ajusteurs aux Pays-Bas meridionaux 116 Histoire monetaire des comtes de Louvain 116 La medaille des statues de neige, Anvers, 1772 117 Supplement aux Monnaies des comtes de Hainaut. de R. Du- priez 117 Witte, J. J. A. M. de. Empereurs qui ont regne dans les Gaules au HI. siecle 62, 133 WoLKF. Die hamburgischen Miinzen und Medaillen von O. C. Gaude- chens 69 Wood, Howland. Malayan trade to- kens 108 "Hat money" of Pahang 108 Tougbra or device of Turkish im- perial documents 139 PAGE Wood, Isaac. Catalogue of collection of coins and medals 31 Catalogue of medallic collection... 31 Wood, Walter. Army and its badges. 82 Woodin, W. H. American coins.... 145 WooDiN, W. H., joint author. See Adams, E. H., and W. H. Woodin. Woodward, W. E. Catalogue of coins, medals and tokens 31 Catalogues of coins and medals. . . .38, 39 Wordsworth, John. Seals of the bish- ops of Salisbury 82 Wright, B. P. American store or business cards 145 Mark penny 145 Wroth, Warwick. Catalogue of im- perial byzantine coins in British Museum 45 Catalogue of coins of Parthia.. ..95, 119 Catalogue of Greek coins of Galtia, Cappadocia and Syria 95 Greek coins acquired by British Museum 95 Peparethus and its coinage 96 Select Greek coins in British Mu- seum 96 Earliest Parthian coins 119 Rearrangement of Parthian coin- age 119 Otanes and Phraates IV 119 WUNDERLY VON MuRALT, HanS. Die Miinz- und Medaillen-Sammlung. 31 WuRFBAiN, J. W. See Havre d"an- vers Wyon, a. B. Great seals of Henry IV., Henry V 82 Seals of Henry VI. as king of France 82 Wyon, Allan. Great seals of Eng- land 82 Great seals of Scotland 82 Royal judicial seals 82 Seals of the bishops of Winchester. 82 Wynn, E. B. Catalogue of collection of coins and medals 39 Wyse, L. B., and W. P. Burke. Trades- men's coinage of Waterford... 82 Yale Universijy. Catalogue of cab- inet of coins 31 Zablet, Maurice. Administration des monnaies et medailles en 1903. . . 60 Zabriskie, a. C. Catalogue of med- als in honor of Abraham Lin- coln 145 Zambaur, Eduard von. Numismatique orientale 114 Kollektion Ernst Prinz zu Win- disch-Gratz . 118 Zanetti, G. a. Nuova raccolta delle monete e zecche dTtalia 105 NDEX 105 PAGE Zanetti, G. F. Deir origine e della antichita della moneta vinziana.. 105 Zannoni, G. B. Dei denarii consolari e di famiglie romane disotter- rati in Fiesole nel 1829 133 Zay, E. Histoire monetaire dcs co- lonies franqaises 60 Zeitschrift fiir Miinz-, Siegcl- und Wappen-Kunde 5 Zeitschrift fiir Numismatik 5 ZiELiNSKi, Thaddaus. Die romi- schen Bleiterrerae 134 PACE ZiRVOGEL, EvALD. De re nummaria ejus- que in historia Suiogothica 137 ZoBEL DE Zangroniz, Jacob. Spanische Miinzen mit bisher unerklarten Aufschriften 114, 136 ZoEGA, Georg. Numi ^gyptii impc- ratorii prostantes in Museo Bor- giano Velitris 51, 96 ZsHiESCiiE & Koeder. Verzeichniss verkauflicher Miinzen und Me- daillen 39 ZuR muhammedanischen Numismatik und Epigraphik 114 -.'■m THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE T -t' STA^