UC-NRLF ^B 3D5 fl3b EXTRACTS FROM THE GORAN Bsi*5«!%?^<%^;*^-^.s:<*!%%-i?»*?»>;';*;%-^ 81R WILLIAM MUIR i'rwjt!.' Tt'*;- -"Ifc #,< '<&:;-,-tf •IC I J" EXTRACTS FROM THE CORAN Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/extractsfromcoraOOmuirrich EXTRACTS THE OOKAN m THE OEIGINAL. WITH ENGLISH EENDEEING. COMPILED BY SIR WILLIAM MUIR, K.C.S.I., LL.D., AUTHOR OF THE LIFE OF MAHOMET. LONDON : TRUBNER & CO., 57 and 59, LUDGATE HILL. 1880. [All rights reserved.] HERTFORD : STEPHEN AUSTIN AND SONS, PEINTERS. Pr i.?;'^"^ ^t K^" \ ^ PEEFACE. The Coran abounds with, arguments, drawn from Nature and Providence, with a view to prove the existence of God as the Supreme Ruler, and enforce His sovereign claim on the obedience and gratitude of mankind. The retri- bution of good and evil in the world to come, the obligation to follow virtue and eschew vice, the duty and happiness of the creature in worshipping and serving the Creator, and such-like topics, are set forth in language of beauty and vigour, abounding often with real poetry. Thus, also, the reasonableness of the Resurrection is taught by many forcible considerations, and especially by the analogy, so striking in southern climes, of the earth long dry and dead, quickened suddenly into exuberant Kfe by the copious rain from heaven. Passages like these can hardly be obnoxious to the pro- fessors of any faith; and there is much in them that should be welcome to all. Accordingly, it occurred to me when in India, that extracts of the kind might prove ixtracts of 4G423 VI PREFACE. suitable for the use of schools. While acceptable to the Mahometans, I conceived that they might not be unattractive to others, either Hindoo or Christian, as illustrations at once of the beautiful and nervous diction of the Coran, and also of the better parts of Mussulman theology. With this view I compiled the extracts which form the present volume, intending to publish them in a tri-lingual form, — ^Arabic, English, and Urdoo. But when I had nearly completed the design, and began to take counsel with my Mahometan friends for carrying it into effect, I was assured that their people would probably be averse from the use of any such manual. Reverence for the "divine Coran" is so intense (I was told), that the very act of using extracts selected from it, would be held a desecration. Some of my own countrymen even, were startled at the proposal, thinking that the introduction of such a school book might be regarded as an imdue re- cognition of the Coran. And so, finding little favour for my project anywhere, I dropped it. I now take it in hand again. I still venture to think that the publication of these extracts will be beneficial. It may promote amongst us the knowledge of portions of the teaching of Mahomet which are in themselves un- objectionable and often edifying. And it may also be useful, as affording a certain basis of agreement and common thought, for those who come into contact with the Moslem world. PREFACE. Vll Again, in respect of schools in India, the scruples as to the use of such a manual may perhaps be overcome ; and if once introduced, it is likely to be popular. At any rate, for the student of Arabic in this country, the selection must prove very serviceable. There can be no better intro- duction to this noble tongue, than the eloquent lessons of the Prophet himself, couched as they are in language of singular force and beauty, held by Moslems of every age a model unrivalled in its elegance, purity and power. The collection avoids the special tenets of Islam. Occa- sional allusions could not be entirely eliminated ; but they will hardly be objected to. The extracts follow the existing order of the Coran, which, as is well known, is not the chronological order ; ^ but that is here immaterial; for the line of argument re- mained throughout the Prophet's career the same, though the illustrations varied somewhat. For the most part the passages in this collection were delivered in the middle of that period. A few belong to the earlier and more rhapsodical stage ; and by way of illustration I have given one of the earlier Suras entire, as the last of the series. Repetition will be observed not infrequently of the same idea, and sometimes even in the same language; — a trait that is characteristic of the Coran. ' See a little work published by the Society for Promoting Christian Know- ledge, " The Coran ; its Composition and Teaching^' Ch. II. Vlll PREFACE. A translation follows each extract, sufficiently close for the use of the student. It would not have been possible to infuse the spirit of the original into the rendering without greater freedom than I felt at liberty to intro- duce, and (which is, perhaps, more to the purpose) without a special talent for the task to which I have no pretension. As it is, I trust that the attempt may be found to answer some of the objects which I have had in view. W. M. London, Apeil, 1880. SELECTIONS FROM THE GORAN. 1. Sura Fatiha. Praise be to God, the Lord of all worlds ; The gracious, the merciful ; King of the day of judgment ! Thee do we worship, and of thee invoke succour. Guide thou us in the right way, — The way of such as thou hast been gracious unto. Not of those thou art angry with, or that go astray. 1 2 SELECTIONS FROM * ;^^>^:^^ \y\<> Uj j;«^ji^ ^^^j ^ c?^^ ^i^^ 1jj/^1 ^1 i^-^sibJ ajjr*- U Ci:*U.l Uls IjU J^y^Mjl ^^\ j3^ >^J^ ^^ 3^ ^ ilTij^ i^j^tj if^llj tl^^^ ^^Tiii pj ij^ii' 2. Sura II. v. 15. God shall mock at them, and shall draw them out in their impiety, wandering hopelessly. These are they that have bartered guidance for error ; but their traffic hath not profited them, neither have they been guided aright. Their likeness is as of him that kindleth a fire, and when it hath lighted up all around him, — God taketh away their light, THE CORAN. 6 and leaveth them in darkness ; they shall not see. Deaf, dumb, blind, they will not repent. Or like the stormy cloud from heaven, wherein is darkness, and thunder, and lightning; they put their fingers in their ears because of the crash for fear of death : and God compasseth about the unbelieving. The lightning wanteth but little to take their sight away. As often as it lighteth them up, they walk therein ; and when it darkens, they stand still. And if God so wished, he could take away their hearing and their sight ; for God is almighty. men ! worship your Lord, who hath created you, and those before you, if haply ye will fear him. He that hath spread out the earth for you as a couch, and the heavens as a cover- ing ; and hath caused rain to descend from heaven, and thereby produceth fruits for your sustenance. Wherefore set not up any strange god as equal with God, while ye know the truth. tvA Jbj * 'iji^\ '^jy^- r Jj ^:i!J5 jJS\;^rj ^^l1:jT; ^\S^s JjT] ^,) a^ ? y y y, o o^ y P P '^•^y y y^ -* y^^y y y ■>^ox ,xxx 50 X 4»x ox^ £• PO^ ^Ox * *-l>- J^ iUJ ij ^Ji l^^-:iJ iJjJup ^?^^^ ^-^J '— ^xV**^ J^ ^^ Ji^ cai^^:>.^l\ ^^Ij f)Jb ^jj \ ^^\ sUj aJ U 1^^ U^ *^^-i> ^Jx ^D>^, ^ i-J^ Oj^^j Jj'j iUUtfb ^->y ^l^ ~x o-o^-i-x xo^ X i»,ox X . -^-jo >»xxx X . I ;? VT "^ ^<. rT ^"^ - 55. -^x ^-f X ^, t^ ,-^ ' ^'X ^ \ -^ '^^'^ \'"\'/\ Jjj 1 *^;:r^^ ;j^Uw^ uj ^ ij Jwkj Jjij l^-A> J ^Li ^A^ l^Ji I ,x ox o OX , ^O^x ..'JO ^^ X f. ^ 7.^ Oi O^^xJ ^ e.e., the future and the past. b SELECTIONS FROM Uw^^ /*^V^ ^ ^-^W^ (j^ lyiiil ly^T (^.'pl l4-:>J V. * ^ij^ * Ju.4>- J^ dd) 1 ^1 )j^\j iJi^ \yAy3 J\ l\ ^j^ b 5. Sura II. v. 262. The similitude of those who spend their substance in the service of God is as the similitude of a grain of corn, which produceth seven ears, in every ear a hundred grains : for God giveth the increase to whom he pleaseth: God is bountiful and wise. They who lay out their substance in the service of God, and seek not afterwards to make that which they have expended a favour or cause of vexation,^ they shall have their reward from their Lord ; no fear shall be to them, neither shall they be grieved. Fair speech and to forgive, is better than almsgiving followed by vexation ; and God is rich and forbearing. ye that believe, render not your alms of none effect by making a favour of them or by annoyance, like unto him who spendeth his wealth to be seen of men, and doth not believe in God and in the last day. "Wherefore the likeness of such a one is as the likeness of a flinty stone covered with earth ; heavy rain f alleth thereon, and leaveth it hard. These prosper not in anything that they have gained : for God directeth not an unbelieving people. * Vexing the recipient by making much of the charity, and upbraiding him because of it. THE CORAN. 7 And the likeness of those that spend their substance seek- ing thereby to please God and stablish their own souls, is as a garden on a gentle slope ; heavy rain f alleth thereon, and it giveth its fruit twofold. And if the rain f alleth not on it, yet the dew sufficeth ; and God seeth that which ye do. Doth any of you desire to have for himself a garden of date trees and vines, with water- courses running through it, wherein he shall have all kinds of fruit, and that he should reach old age, and have a weak offspring ; then shall a fiery wind strike it, and so it shall be burned up.^ Thus doth God declare his signs unto you, if perchance ye will consider. O ye that believe, spend in the service of God out of the good things which ye have gained, and of that which we have caused the earth to bring forth for you ; and choose not what is worthless thereof to spend in his service, such as ye would not accept yourselves, but by connivance ; and know that God is rich and blessed. C-O CO jpH -UJ- ^ Jjyj ^' ^ l::--j^1 ^/^j ^-r^l ^ ^' '^ut '^'T^^ >» >'oy cf o^ >> y ; I-' » ■^. ^ ?» r. » S-?. I -^ ^ The simile is obscure; but is supposed to set forth the evil of hypocritical almsgiving.from unworthy motives. SELECTIONS FROM * jUxJ b uj^i; Uw^ \j^ i^j u^ (j^j ^^^j 4^ ^ As the bird from an egg ; and the egg from a bird. — Jelaluddin. THE CORAN. 7. Sura IY. 1. ye people ! Fear your Lord, wlio hath created you from one man, and from him created his wife : and from the two hath multiplied men and women in abundance. Fear Grod by whom ye beseech one another ; and respect the relationships of the family,^ for God is watchful over you. And render unto the orphans their property ; exchange not the worthless for the good ; and devour not their substance, adding it to your own, for verily that were a heinous crime. ^ 9 ^ c ^ t . ec o ^ I. o-l 9 ^t ^ Or; " and respect women (lit. the wombs) which have borne you." These words form the introduction to the chapter on "Women, — marriage, divorce, dower, etc. 10 selections from 8. Sura VI. 58. With Him are the keys of the unseen (world) ; none knoweth the same save himself. He knoweth both that which is in the dry land, and that which is in the sea ; there f alleth not a leaf but he knoweth it ; neither is there a grain in the dark places of the earth, nor a green thing nor a dry, but it is written in the perspicuous book. It is he who causeth you to slumber by night ; and he knoweth what ye gain by day : then he causeth you to arise therein, that the determined period (of your life) may be fulfilled. Then unto him shall ye return, and he will declare unto you that which ye have wrought. ^^ ^ y i^^uf ^ \\< " •5'j * j;p;.i.i^cs^ ' ^r^ ^^ -^^ j^JJ 10. Sura VII. 55. Yerily your Lord is God, who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and then ascended his throne. He THE CORAN. 13 maketh the night to cover the day; it pursueth the same swiftly ; and the sun, and the moon, and the stars, which are obedient to his command. What ! Is not the whole creation his, and the empire thereof? Blessed be God, the Lord of the universe ! Call upon your Lord humbly and in secret ; for he loveth not the transgressors. And deal not wickedly on the earth after its reform ; and call upon him with fear and desire, for the mercy of God is nigh unto the righteous. It is he that sendeth the wind bearing good tidings in advance of his mercy ; until at last when they bear along the heavy rain-cloud, we drive it into a country that is dead, and shower down the rain upon the same, and thereby we bring forth every kind of fruit ; even so shall we bring forth the dead, perchance ye may lay it to heart. A good country bringeth forth its vegetation plentifully ; but that which is worthless bringeth not forth but sparingly. Thus do we manifest our signs to those people that are thanldul. )^J A^ b^l ^\ )ya?j j^^->^ O^ ^ ^^1 (*^'^-j C-2^U: 14 SELECTIONS FROM ^^ t\^^\ «<"'''? i^i«f i^'^r^ ^ -^ «" ''^^f «^^^? ^r.^ c ^tsci-o ,-":'<;' jl iLJ U^l Ub\ 4--lc ^jjjt>v3 ^1 1^1 ^j ^^^-^J'J kirh; 11. Sura X. 6 and 23. It is lie that hath made the sun to shine with effulgence, and the moon for a light : and hath appointed her stations, that ye might know the number of the years, and the com- putation of time. God hath not created the same otherwise than in truth ; he setteth forth his signs unto a people that understand. 23. It is he who enableth you to travel by land and by sea, so that when ye are in ships, and these carry the voyagers with a favourable wind, they rejoice thereat. There cometh upon them a tempestuous wind, and the waves arise upon them from every side, and they think themselves to be hemmed in thereby ; then they call upon God and cry with true religion in their hearts unto him, — // thou wilt deliver us from this tee shall sureli/ be of the number who return thanks. And when he hath delivered them, behold again they commit iniquity in the earth unjustly. O men, verily the iniquity which ye commit against your THE GORAN. 15 own souls, is for the enjoyment of this present life ; but at the last ye shall return unto us, and we shall make known unto you that which ye have wrought. Yerily the likeness of this present Kfe is as the rain which we send down from heaven. Therewith mingleth the vegetation of the earth whereof men eat, and the cattle ; until at last when the earth receiveth its covering of splendour and is beautifully adorned, and the people thereof imagine that they have power over the same, — our command reacheth it by night or by day, and we make it as though it were mown down, even as if yesterday it had not at all flowered with abundance. Thus do we set forth our signs to a people that considereth. ^o^o^^ :;?/o . Po^^<^^.cpyy? X po^ oc^. ^* ^^ 12. Sura XI. 6. Ah, do they not double the folds of their breasts that they may hide that which is therein from him ? When they cover themselves with their garments, doth he not know that which they conceal and that which they make manifest ? for he knoweth the depths of the heart. There is no creature that moveth upon the earth but God provideth its food ; and 16 SELECTIONS FROM he knoweth the resting place thereof, and where it is de^ posited. The whole is recorded in the perspicuous book. l^-j Jx?-j ;^^J\ J^ t^jJ 1 ybj * ijy^y A^j ^^^ y^ S^W.^-'^ ,^*:i (^^ llr^^J?j ^ J«r cpy^l L> liT^j bn^b C^b; C_>Jj o j^l Ji 2)\ (J ^_/j*^ ^^^ l^.*^ J-^2- ij^^y^\ fj p y p y K^ y y 9 9 i^ y . '^-^ ^y\\ fyi^y 9y . y jT THE CORAN. 17 P9C, s^^ ,^^ of „^o ~^ o-o «i-o . o^^ ^„ ^ ,-S> ^ ,^ ^ <1>^^ * Jii^^j\ ^1 ^-^. LliJJo ;^jV^ 4 **-^-^^-^r^ ^ui *-jiiJ u 13. Sura XIII. 3. It is God that hath reared the heavens without any pillars that ye see. Then he ascended the throne ; and com- pelled the sun and moon to do service ; all run their appointed course. He ordereth the empire. He setteth forth his signs, if haply ye may believe that ye shall meet your Lord. And it is he that hath stretched forth the earth and placed therein mountains and rivers ; and of every fruit in the same hath he made two several kinds. He hath made the night to overshadow the day. Verily therein are signs for people that will reflect. And in the earth are various tracts bordering one upon the other ; and gardens of vines, spring- ing fields, and date trees growing some from one root and some singly : They are watered from one and the same stream, yet we render the fruit of some of them more excel- lent than of others to eat. Yerily herein are signs to people that will understand. 11. He knoweth that which is hidden, and that which is declared, the Great, the Most High. He among you that 3 18 SELECTIONS FROM concealeth his works, and he that proclaimeth them ; he also that would hide himself by night, and he that goeth forth by day, — are unto him alike. 14. It is he that sheweth the lightning unto you to stir up fear and hope, and that raiseth the heavy clouds. And the thunder celebrate th his praise, and the angels also, for fear of him. He sendeth his thunder-bolts, and striketh therewith whom he will, while they are even wrangling about God ; for he is mighty in power. To Him prayer is made of right ; and they who are invoked besides him, shall not answer them in anything ; otherwise than as he who stretcheth out his hand unto the water that it may reach his mouth, and it will never reach unto it. The prayer of the unbelievers is nought but error. To Grod all that are in heaven and earth make obeisance, of freewill or of force ; and their shadows likewise at morn and eve. 18. Say; God is the creator of all things; he is the One, the Avenger. He bringeth down rain from heaven, and the valleys flow according to their capacity, and the floods bear the swelling froth. And from the metal which they heat in the fire to get ornaments or vessels withal, there is a scum like unto it. Thus doth God set forth the true and the false. For the scum is thrown ofi"; but that which profiteth mankind, it remaineth on the earth. Thus doth God put forth parables. THE CORAN. 19 c::-^U 1^1 ^1^ 1;^^^ ^UJ:» cUlS ii^ ^1 c^J t-Ct^y j^ j-l>^.<- l;^"^ j-^:*^-^ ^^ J-1^^ * t:;i/'^. (»€-^ (jw-l^U J^^^J o^c-o 14. Sura XIY. 19. The likeness of those who disbelieve in their Lord ; — their works are as ashes which the wind driveth before it in a stormy day. They shall not obtain any good from that which they have wrought. It is an error that leadeth far astray. 24. Seest thou not how God putteth forth as a parable, that a good word is as a good tree, whose root is firm and its branches rise into the heavens ; it bringeth forth its fruit at all times by its Lord's permission. Thus God setteth forth parables unto men if haply they will take it to heart. And the likeness of an evil word is as an evil tree ; it is rooted out from the face of the earth and hath no stability. 31. It is God that hath created the heavens and the earth; and it is he that bringeth down the rain from heaven ; and 20 SELECTIONS FROM by means thereof producetli fruits for your sustenance ; and by bis command causetb tbe ships to sail in tbe sea for your service ; and batb made tbe rivers likewise to serve you ; and compelletb tbe sun and tbe moon, diligently running tbeir course, to serve you ; and likewise forcetb tbe nigbt and tbe day into your service. And be givetb you of every- tbing tbat ye ask bim. And if ye reckon up tbe favours of God, ye sball fail to compute tbem. As for man, surely be is unjust and ungrateful. fji^ * u^j^i Ux ^\jij j^^ u^y^^3 cp\yij^\ ji^ f^ f ^i #-T^ iT''^ iT '^»''^? •^'1°''' '^^^ K\ \-^ P9^^yy THE CORAN. 21 cjjjij 1 c^j ^i^y^^ ^-^ ^^ 'j^T/^^^-^j ^-i/^ ^'*^ ''^ 'y^-^ ^-^ S yt^'S- x^'^oyo/^^O/ >>>»o^^ -Si-« ^-o ^c^ .-53-0 ili-«^j i^jL^^ U 5j«j ij^ ^jiL) 1 ^ ^J^^i * [»-:r-b-'^ J^ IJj-uu^ jjj * ^S^"^ y;^\ ^^^ ^Vl Ji^l ^iJj 5^^ jd.« |;^4 22 SELECTIONS FROM ^J CSsJ^ (4 u' ^^'-uu^ \3\j^ ]jL^ ^ ^^AsnJ> (.^u^Vlj J-.^!]) ^\j -^Kj^ 1 Ji ^Tr? J^ ^ * i^rV^. U:«}^1 '^i V I^Sbyj ^ j^xal^ UJ|5 * ^.>^. (♦jaJ ^^^ l!Jo J 4 ^j^ (^ujJ ^^."f tS 4 ,^0 • O •o^ x-^O^ ^0<>» ^ 9'r-f .'JO. I, ■i-'i' AO aJJI ^]_ l:.-i, jic j^ ^^, M^.y»>*5l Jj;]^ J] jj ^Tr^ ^^Il.j j^JLax) *iClLc ii::*.*^ *^^ clXJJo -JwjU ^sG J^l^^JI^ ' /X-iJ* X >>. o 2 15. Sura XVI. 3. He liatli created, in truth and justice, the heavens and the earth ; exalted is He far above that which they associate in worship with him ! He hath created man of seed ; and' THE CORAN. 23 behold Mm. an open scoffer ! The cattle also hath he created for you ; from them ye have warm clothing and other benefits, and of their flesh do ye eat. Moreover they grace your dwellings when ye bring them home in the evening, and lead them forth again in the morning. And they carry your burdens into countries whither ye could not otherwise arrive but with difficulty to yourselves : for your Lord is compassionate and merciful. Horses also, and mules and asses hath he made, that ye may ride thereon and for an ornament, and he createth things that ye know not of . . . . It is He that sendeth down from heaven rain unto you ; thereof have ye water to drink, and therefrom spring plants whereof ye feed your cattle. And by means of the same he causeth the corn to grow, and olives and date-trees and grapes, and every fruit. Surely therein is a sign unto people that reflect. And he hath subjected to you the night and the day, and the sun, moon, and stars, serving by his com- mand : verily therein are signs to people that understand. And whatsoever things he hath created for you in the earth of various colours, surely therein is a sign for people that consider. And it is he who hath brought the sea under your control, that out of it ye might eat fresh meat, and from it likewise take ornaments for you to put on : and thou seest the ships ploughing its waves, that ye may seek to enrich yourselves of his abundance, and that haply ye may give thanks. And he hath set fast mountains upon the earth lest it should move with you, and made rivers and path- ways to guide you : and landmarks ; by the stars like- wise are men directed. Shall he then that createth, be as him that createth not ! And if ye count the favours of God, ye shall not be able to reckon them up ; for God is gracious and merciful. God knoweth that which ye hide and that 24 SELECTIONS FROM whicli ye make manifest. But whom they invoke, other than God, these create nothing, but are themselves created. Dead are they, not living ; neither do they understand when they shall be raised up. Your God is One God. They that believe not in the life to come, their hearts are incredulous ; they are arrogant. Without doubt God knoweth what they conceal and what they discover. Yerily he loveth not the proud. . . . 58. They attribute daughters unto God (far be that from Him !), but to themselves children of the sex which they desire. And when one of them receiveth the tidings of a daughter, his face becometh black, and he is afflicted; he hideth himself from the people because of the ill- tidings brought unto him. Whether shall he keep it in disgrace, or bury it in the earth ? Ah ! is it not theirs an evil judgment ? Unto those that believe not in the life to come, belongeth a miserable similitude ; but to God apper- taineth the loftiest of all similitudes ; for he is the Mighty and the Wise. And if God judged man according to his iniquity, he had not left upon the earth a single moving thing. But he respiteth them until the appointed time. And when their time shall come, they shall not be respited for a single hour ; nor shall their judgment be anticipated. 65. God bringeth down rain from heaven, and thereby causeth the earth to live again after it had been dead ; verily herein is a sign unto people that will hearken. Ye have also in cattle a striking lesson. We give you to drink of that which is within them, something between aliment digested and blood, to wit pure milk, grateful to those that drink. And from the fruit of palm trees and grapes, ye obtain an inebriating liquor, and also wholesome food ; verily herein is a sign for such people as understand. Thy Lord also inspired THE CORAN. 25 the bee, saying : — Provide thee houses in the mountains, and in the trees, and the hives which men construct ; then eat of every kind of fruit, and proceed along the pathways of thy Lord. There cometh forth from within them a liquid of various colours, wherein is medicine for mankind : verily herein is a sign for people that consider. God hath created you ; then hereafter will he cause you to die : and of you there are some that shall have life prolonged to a decrepit old age, so that one shall not know anything of that which he knew before, for God is wise and powerful. . . . 78. God hath brought you forth from your mother's womb when ye knew not anything ; and he gave you hearing, and sight, and hearts, if haply ye might give thanks. What ! Do they not behold the birds made to fly in the open sky ? None holdeth them up but God. Yerily therein are signs to those who believe. And God hath made for you houses for habitation; and hath also made for you, from the skins of cattle, dwellings which ye find light to move on the day of your departure and the day of your encamping ; and of their wool and their fur and their hair, hath he provided you furnishings and household stuff for a season. And God hath created that which shadeth you from the sun, and hath made for you places of retreat in the mountains, and hath given you garments to protect you from the heat, and coats of mail to protect you in your wars. Thus doth God perfect his favours unto you, if haply ye will resign yourselves unto him. 26 SELECTIONS FROM j^\ tl<^A-XC ^jAi-4 U| bUu:^]^ ^^,jJUb^ ^L)]^ )J^ l^jJuxJ ^! * Uj/ S^ U^ Ji^ iIj^^ ^^ uJ\ li^ jIj \i U4!i| )l Uili.1 ^U^ us U^^^jl c^j Jjj f^^^ (^ J^ 1 ^li:?- U^ c/^^i ^IS ajLi * ^r^-^^TiU \^^ i^\ ^^ 4 Uj Acl Jj; * 1^^^ jAAJ *UJ ^^^ jij^^ k-uu-J L->^j ^1 * Ij^^-vM^:^ Uy.^ JotJilLJ kuJ 1 j^^ j)U| iUArk li J^jl ipJuLJ ^^ * \^;*^ ^jir;^ ^9V*J U^ '^l y^lj 2fjk-i,l ^j-o ^^^^ j^;juu^l ^^ L^iH V n ('i^^ u^ yj^ h Ji * 5> JW' jJw- ^^ ^^V\ J^ ^ Ul$0i U-_^ ^_;V\ 4 JJ j^JJ Li'^i (»H; * * * ^^/^ ^-^J *^ '^-'r?-' l;^ tliJJ THE CORAN. 27 4-> ^J^ Uj j*->-9^ ,^CP 1 (^ uc^^ A:tJ-2- J-^ i-^i i>^ ^ AHtol-i-L»c>.j -♦Jl ^^j^ u^«pS jJUj * ^^t»^* ^ ^-^"-it^ ^ \j'^^ ^ 16. Sura XYII. 22. Thou shalt not join with the true God any other god, lest thou sit down disgraced and forlorn. Thy Lord hath ordained that ye worship none other beside him alone ; and that ye show kindness unto your parents, whether one of them attain unto old age with thee, or both of them. Where- fore say not unto them. Fie on you ; neither chide them, but address them in honourable speech ; and lower the wing of humility unto them out of tender aflPection ; and say, Lordf have mercy on them hoth^ as they nursed me when I was little. Your Lord well knoweth that which is in your souls if ye be men of piety ; for verily he is gracious unto the sincerely penitent. And give unto your kinsman his due, and also unto the poor, and the traveller. And squander not thy substance wastefuUy; verily those who squander are brethren to the devil ; and the devil was 28 SELECTIONS FROM unto his Lord ungrateful. But if thou must turn thy face from them (in expectation of the mercy which thou hopest from thy Lord)/ yet speak softly to them. And tie not up thy hand unto thy neck, neither open it out lavishly, lest thou become worthy of blame and bereft. Verily thy Lord enlargeth the sustenance of whom he pleaseth, and narroweth the same, for he is mindful of his servants and his eye is upon them. And kill not your children for fear that ye be brought to penury. We shall provide both for them and for you; verily the putting of them to death is a heinous sin. And draw not near to fornication ; for it is a shame, and an evil way. Neither take away the life which God hath made sacred, excepting in justice. . . . 34. And come not near the substance of the orphan (un- less it be for good) until he attain to his strength ; and fulfil your covenants ; for verily the covenant will be inquired after. And give full measure when ye have aught to measure, and weigh with a just balance ; for this is beneficial, and advan- tageous for a clear adjustment. And follow not that whereof thou hast no knowledge ; verily the hearing, the sight, and the heart, into all of these will inquiry hereafter be made. And walk not upon the earth haughtily ; verily thou canst not cleave the earth, neither canst thou equal the mountains in stature. All this is evil, and. in the sight of thy Lord abominable. . . . 67. Your Lord is he that propelleth for you the ships in the sea, that ye may seek to get gain out of his abun- dance; for he is merciful toward you. When misfortune befalleth you at sea, those whom ye invoke are forgotten, saving Him alone ; but when he bringeth you again safe to * Expecting to be in a position to befriend them hereafter. THE CORAN. 29 the dry land, ye turn yourselves from him ; for man is un- grateful. What ! are ye secure that he will not cause the dry land to swallow you up; or that he will not send an overwhelming wind upon you ? Then shall ye find none to protect you. Or are ye secure that he will not cause you to sail upon the sea again, and send upon you a tempestuous wind, and drown you, because ye have been unthankful? Then shall ye find none to take your part against us. And truly we have highly favoured the children of Adam, and have provided for them means of travel by land and sea, and have provided food convenient for them, and have greatly distinguished them above many species that we have created. i^» '\\<.': ■s'-'-i ^'i ^x^-^ !*"'< t^'^fxj I'T'^^'i' if'i ^^ ^\\'» -U aJ Jb * l-dAJ^^ If.^ \j^ ^-^^ j^j ij] <-^^t?; c;^-'j j| ^j * ^j^l ^^j^ cl>^l ^j LT^J ^^ y& lip * L>-j Ll5^j«i 30 SELECTIONS FROM tj U ,^^ ^4^ S'^^. 'f\'^ i/^ ^^t^^J * V-^ **^ ^nU^-.v/? Jj * l^-ii^ j^is Uj ^1 ^jj ^ ''^^s/^. ^ ^ J^ A * ''J^l ci^lJ ^ kL:;>.Lj iUJl ^^ j^LJjJl 'Ui UjJI ^^' j£* * i^joiU *^ Ji j^ ^1 ^jlSj ^y 1 ^2;jj U-^ij> ^J^ ^ji\ 17. Sura XYIII. 33. Put thou forth a parable unto them, of two men. On one of them we bestowed two gardens planted with vines, and we surrounded them with date trees, and made corn to grow between them. Each garden brought forth its fruit, and failed not at all; and we made a stream to flow between them. So the owner had store in abundance. Then he said unto his fellow, debating with him, I am superior to thee in wealth, and more powerful in numbers. And he entered his garden, doing injustice to his own soul. He said, I do THE CORAN. 31 not think that this garden will decay for ever ; neither do I think that the last day is coming ; and if even I should return unto my Lord, I shall surely find a better garden than this in exchange. His companion replied, likewise debating with him : What ! dost thou deny him that created thee out of dust, and afterwards of seed, and then fashioned thee a man ? But as for me, Grod is my Lord ; and I will not with my Lord associate any other. And why, when thou enterest thy garden, wilt thou not say. Whatsoever God pleaseth that shall he; there is no poiver hut in Ood alone. Although thou seest that I am inferior to thee in wealth and number of children, yet it is easy for my Lord to give me a better garden than thine, and then to shoot arrows from heaven against the same, so that it shall become barren dust ; or make its water sink into the bowels of the earth, so that thou canst not reach it. And it came to pass that his pos- sessions were compassed about with destruction. Whereupon he began to wring his hands in grief at that which he had expended thereon ; for the vines were fallen on their trails ; and he said, that I had not associated ivith my Lord any other god ! And he had no party saving God to assist him, neither could he defend himself. In such a case protection belongeth unto God of right ; he is the best rewarder, and the best giver of success. And set forth unto them a parable of this present life. It is like the rain which we send down from heaven ; and the green herb of the earth is therewith mingled. Then in the morning it becometh dry stubble, which the winds scatter abroad ; for God is over all things powerful. Wealth and children are but the adornment of this present life ; but good works that remain are, in the sight of thy Lord, better as to reward, and better also in respect of hope. 32 SELECTIONS FROM \r ^\ * *LJill Sjy^ \A Jk-S^ ;^CJ jji UJ;I y * ^^--^^ W^ ^3 u^^-^l? ^UmJI uiiJo- U^ * j^5^*uisfU*J J)^ ii^\^ ij^ U^jf^"^^, ^ ^'^ iJ^J U^J^ b ^'.^^•^ ' L^j &JJi\ ^l=sa.uu3 UJuuiJ JJJ) ill tt^l '..♦^^ ^^IS y * (ji^AiJ ^ yjtoy 0>»^ fl^c^, -Ci^ f-ti^p ^ ^ p ^ .-©^ a'"'»'T 18. Sura XXI. 13. We created not tlie heavens and the earth, nor that which is between them, by way of sport. If we had pleased to take recreation, we had taken it surely in that which is nigh unto us, if we had been so disposed. Nay, but we will hurl the True upon the False ; so that it shall shiver the same ; and lo, the False will vanish away. Woe unto you because of that which ye utter ; for all that are in heaven and in earth are His. And they that are near unto Him disdain not his service, nor are they wearied. They praise Him night and day, and faint not. What ! have they taken gods belonging to the earth ? shall they raise the dead ? Verily if there were either in heaven or in earth any gods save the Lord alone, surely both had gone to ruin. Then far from what they utter be God, the Lord of the Throne ! He shall not be called to account for that which he doeth-; but of them shall account be demanded. THE CORAN. 33 ^jiijj ^jU^ 1/?^ tj^ *^y. ^^ S^J^ V '^ ^^^r ' ^'^rj ^4 ^rjC^ aol ) Jcs-jjj U^ ^.X-sC /J ^^-^^^ l«^} ^2^ *-t« ^UlaJ 1 ^UuuasT ^Cu^ "1^ ^<: ?^ 1^1^ •^'-ftt-' .''^'rf^ t^^'^iT ; ^^ 9< 9^y9 ^^ ^U^\ ^ Jjjj^ i^\>r ^ ^2sr jj^l ^yj UlSj U^rsT 34 SELECTIONS FROM ^ J^.. cT* (H^J ,:rr^J, kJ^ Ji^.. if* ^j i^. J^ 19. Sura XXIY. 36. God is the light of the heavens and the earth. The similitude of his light is as a niche wherein is a lamp ; the lamp encased in glass ; — ^the glass is a refulgent star. It is lighted with the oil of a blessed tree, an olive neither of the east nor of the west. Its oil is near unto giving light, even if the fire did not touch it ; light upon light. God will direct unto his light whom he pleaseth. God setteth forth parables unto men, and God knoweth all things. In the Houses of prayer which God commandeth to be reared, and wherein his name is made mention of, men cele- brate his praise morning and evening ; — men whom neither merchandise nor selling diverteth from the remembrance of God, and the observance of prayer, and the giving of alms ; they fear the day wherein the hearts and eyes of men shall be troubled, that the Lord may recompense them according to the best of their works, and multiply upon them of his bounty ; and God provideth for whom he chooseth without measure. But as to them that disbelieve, their works are as the Serdb in the plain ; the thirsty man thinketh it to be water, until, when he cometh thereto, he doth not find it to be any- THE CORAN. 35 thing. But lie findeth God to be about bim, and He will fulfil unto bim bis account ; for God is swift in taking account. Or as tbe darkness in a bottomless sea ; wave coveretb it from above, wave upon wave. Above tbem are clouds ; darkness of one kind over darkness of another kind. Wben a man stretcbetb forth his hand, he hardly seeth it. And to whom God doth not grant light, he shall have no light. What ! seest thou not that unto God give praise all that are in heaven and earth, and the birds also with extended wing, truly every one knoweth his prayer and his hymn of praise. And God is well acquainted with all that they do. Unto God belongeth the kingdom of heaven and earth, and unto God shall all return. Seest thou not that God driveth the clouds along, then gathereth them together, then setteth them in layers ; and thou seest the rain issuing forth from between them. And he sendeth down from the heavens (heavy clouds) as it were mountains wherein is hail, and he striketh therewith whom he pleaseth, and averteth the same from whom he pleaseth. The brightness of his lightning well nigh taketh the sight away. God causeth the night and the day to follow one upon the other ; verily herein is a monition to those that are endowed with sight. And God hath created every beast out of water. Of them there is that goeth upon his belly ; and of them there is that goeth upon two legs, and of them that goeth upon four. God createth that which he pleaseth. Yerily God is over all things powerful. a) * 2Lj-Sj f-.U ^y^J ci^JLj) ajyb i^\ Jo^l ^ '-^.'j' SELECTIONS FROM ^L .0x3 5U ^j Jill j^ ujii clioj J]y Jl * L-M- J-sl * vr^j^^ J*^j ^*V-* (♦y^'^ ^y J^' A^ J*^ t^tH' «UaJi jt}? '^-'b ^Ir'**^ '-^'^l (J-!h V^ 7-v '^J ^'^ ^^ %-^ J?> ^.1 i^."f '^Sj-? I ?< . >'^^''» t./'x'C^ ^.'^jtJ^ ^<.<^ t** ^ * * * Ij^ ^j (jwUll^i jJjU i^JuJ *^ ^U-y? JoJj * 5^ j^.^1^ U|^ bjjb ^jV\ ^ ur^. ilr:l'^^^ (^r^yl ^Wj j2^^jJij * uuj^ 1j^ l^^ u/^. y,,^^^ * ^^ 'i^ u^^^ ^jlSJ i.^^ Jj T>r***:t r v^ '^I e}:!':^-^ 'i * ^^j r^Aii-uu^ CI^^^U Jjj tl^J J^. ^^ ^yj^. )I^ JiJ Ij \ ^\ ^^ ^1 ^^1 jjj \ ^\ L-?^. u j^j * U-j>^ \jyis. .:yuuo> l^J ^^jJl-L 20. Sura XXY. 44. What thinkest thou of him who taketh his lust for his God, canst thou be surety for him ? Dost thou suppose that the greater part of them hear or understand. They are no other than as the beasts of the field ; yea, from the right way they stray yet more widely than they. Seest thou not how thy Lord stretcheth forth the shadow ? if he so pleased he had made it stationary; but we bring the sun upon it, thus guiding its direction : Then we draw it towards us by an insensible contraction. And it is He who hath ordained the night as a garment to envelope you withal ; and sleep to give you rest ; and hath ordained the day for waking. And it is He who sendeth forth winds as the gladdening precursors of his mercy : and we send down from heaven pure water ; That we may quicken thereby a country that lieth dead, and give drink thereof unto our creatures, both cattle and men, many in number ; And we distribute the same in various measure amongst them, that they may consider ; but the greater part of man- kind refuse to consider only from ingratitude. 63. The servants of the Merciful are they that walk softly 38 SELECTIONS FROM on tlie earth. ; and wlien the foolish speak unto them, they answer, Peace ! They that spend the night in the service of the Lord, prostrate and upright ; And who say, * Lord, turn from us the torment of hell ; verily from its torment there is no release : Surely it is an evil abode and resting place :' Those who when they spend, are neither profuse nor niggardly, but take a middle course. Those that invoke not with God any other god ; nor slay the soul that God hath forbidden, otherwise than by right ; and who commit not fornication : — (For he who doeth this is guilty of sin ; his torment shall be doubled to him in the day of judgment ; ignominiously therein for ever : — excepting them that shall repent and believe, and work out righteousness : as for them God shall change their evil things into good things ; for God is for- giving and merciful. And whosoever repenteth and doeth good works, verily he turneth unto God with a true repen- tance) ; — And such as bear not false witness ; and when they pass by foolish sport, they pass it by with dignity : — They who when admonished by the revelations of their Lord, fall not down as if deaf and blind, but stand listening reverently : — And who say, ' 0, our Lord, grant us of our wives and children such as shall be a comfort and solace to us ; and make us examples unto the pious ;' — These shall be rewarded with mansions above, in that they persevered ; and there shall they be accosted with welcome and salutation : — For ever therein ; — a fair abode and resting place. THE CORAN. 39 <4 '^'^ *H? * uj-=^^^* iIr?-^J (^^j-^**^* ^ir^^ h^ ' e/^''**^ irjy» *^-i^ tJ-^^j ^1 ^yoLuuiJ IjS-^jJI aJIu^T ^?j^ S^ (J-^ (j^ c^b^ lL 4 ^\ (Xiyij jJoLjt ^-kr^^j ^jVtJ Lp^\ 21. Sura XXX. 17. Wherefore glory be to God, when it is even with you, and when it is morn; and unto Him be praise in heaven and 40 SELECTIONS FROM earth, both at the close of day, and when it is midday with you. He bringeth the living forth from the dead, and he bringeth forth the dead from the living ; and he quickeneth the earth after it hath lain dead ; — even thus shall ye be raised up again. And of his signs is this, that he hath created you out of dust : and behold, ye are become men spread over the earth. And of his signs another is, that he hath created for you out of your own selves, wives that ye may dwell with them, and hath created love and affection between you ; — verily in this are signs for those who reflect. And of his signs are the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variety of your speech and of your colour : verily herein are signs unto the wise. And of his signs are also your sleeping by night and by day, and your seeking to provide for yourselves out of his abundance : verily herein are signs for such as hearken. And of his signs are these; that he sheweth you, the lightning to strike terror and to raise hope, and he bringeth down the rain from heaven, and quickeneth thereby the earth after it hath been dead. Yerily therein are signs to men of understanding. And of his signs is also this, that the heavens and the earth stand firm at his command. Hereafter when he shall call you by a summons from the earth, behold ye shall come forth. And unto him belongeth whatsoever is in the heavens and in the earth, — all are obedient unto him. It is He who first formeth a creature, and afterwards re- peateth for it afresh the same process : and that with him is most easy. The loftiest of similitudes in heaven and on earth are befitting him : and he is the Glorious and the Wise. THE CORAN. 41 ^flETl ^ ii^^j^Y^ ^^\ l^-js:*- ^^ (^JVl 4 U (^1 Jill I ^^, aJJ 1 ^\y jJl *^^^j ^_^^ ai 1 ^^ |j^^j ^j^ )!| Cl-?»/*J (^^1 t-^U (j^ Li^J*^ ^^ ^'^ C. »<^>,\J' 1 J U» (j^ u^^*^* ^^ 42 SELECTIONS FROM 22. Sura XXXI. 26. To God belongetli whatever is in heaven and earth ; verily God is the Affluent/ the Blessed. If all the trees in the world were pens, and the sea was to be multiplied by him into seven seas for to write withal, the words of God would not be exhausted : surely God is mighty and wise. The creation of you, and your resuscitation, is but as that of a single soul; for God both heareth and seeth. Seest thou not that God causeth the night to succeed the day, and the day to succeed the night, and maketh the sun and the moon to do service ; each runneth his course unto a set period ; verily God is acquainted with what ye do. It is thus, be- cause God, he is the true God ; and whatsoever ye invoke beside him is vanity ; and verily God is the High and the Great. Seest thou not that the ships run in the sea by the favour of God, that he may show you of his signs : verily herein are signs imto every one that is patient and grateful. And when the waves envelope them like heavy clouds, then they call upon God worshipping him with sincere religion : but when he bringeth them safe to land, there are of them that halt midway. Yet none rejecteth our signs, but every one that is perfidious and ungrateful. Ye people ! fear your Lord, and dread the day whereon the father shall not make satisfaction for his son, neither shall the son at all make satisfaction for his father. Yerily the promise of God is true. Let not the present life therefore deceive you ; nor let him that is the deceiver deceive you concerning God. Yerily with God is the knowledge of the supreme moment ; and he ^ JRich in the sense of self-sufficiency and independence. THE CORAN. 43 causeth the rain to descend ; and he discernetli that which is in the womb, l^o soul knoweth what it shall gain on the morrow ; nor doth any soul know in what land it shall die. Yerily God, he knoweth and regardeth. —Ijj-l J^ iJ^j iU|^-i> j-i^ ciJUs C--?tXc 1 J^ L^l/^ ' ^y^^. ^^J t— >Jl&j I (.^j l^^jAu-Jj <^P^ i^^j^^i^j \jjb U^ ^yi Ij* jS ^j jji ^jy^jp h *J-;L!^ ^' LT^ lLxjj Uj * ^.-^ c>*-^ ^^.3 t^o. U ;.'^^ ^r^^^J U^-^ ^^ JV^ J/^J Vy' u-i-ii^* '^Ir^ 23. Sura XXXY. 12. The two seas are not alike. This is fresh and sweet, pleasant to drink; and that salt and bitter. Yet out of each, ye eat flesh that is fresh, and take ornaments for you 44 SELECTIONS FROM to wear. And thou seest therein the ships ploughing the waves, that ye may seek to provide for yourselves of his abundance ; perad venture ye will be thankful. 15. Oh men ! ye are dependent upon God ; but as for God, he is the All-sufficient, the Blessed. If he pleased he could take you away, and bring forth a new creation in your stead ; nor would that be difficult with God. A burdened soul shall not bear another's burden. And if a burdened soul should call for help to bear its burden, the other shall not bear any part thereof, even if he be near of kin. 27. Dost thou not see that God sendeth down the rain from heaven, and we bring forth therewith fruits of various hues. And in the mountains there are strata white and red, of diverse colours, and others exceeding black : and of men and beasts, and cattle, there are whose colours are in like manner various. Yerily, such only of his servants fear God as are wise in heart. Surely God is mighty and ready to pardon. Q\=SX^ * ijjj/-^. ^\ (^„^J '^^^^"^^ ^'•^ ^r^ ^ )yi UJ * ^yii^ 1 1 ^ -^ y THE CORAN. 45 * iTj^iilJ. LliCij 4 J^j j^"^ J4^ J?^"f ij J^'T cijJJ ^V,t ^ ^ <,< >'-r^ -^ -T" ff"^ i^-f '^ "".^ r^ ' ^ '", ^' \^'\< "^'"^ '. "<''- ..tS-' ''.^f l^^^^'f '^iT^I '^ *' H -f. -5" ^ ^ ^ ^I'f. VT ^ '*' y^J |>r* Jj' ^^•'l tJ^i 4:^?^ U^ * (»;?^J i^J j*l-^n ^j^, IL^ Jljl \jj ^^1 U3^ * (*-r4^^ J^' y^J J-i (^e^ J^, 24. Sura XXXYI. 32. And a sign unto them is the earth that lieth dead. We quicken it, and we bring forth therefrom grain whereof they eat. And we make in the earth gardens of palm trees and vines ; and cause fountains to break out in the same, that they may eat of the fruits thereof, and of the labour of their hands. Will they not, therefore, be thankful ? Praise be to Him who hath created every variety, male and female, of the plants which the earth bringeth 46 SELECTIONS FROM forth; and of their own selves; and of things whicL. ye know not. ^ And a sign unto them is the night ; we withdraw the day from the same, and lo, they are in darkness, and the sun passeth to his place of rest. This is the disposition of the Mighty, the Wise. And for the moon have we appointed mansions, until she wane and become like the aged branch of a palm tree. It behoveth not the sun that it should over- take the moon, nor doth the night outstrip the day ; but each moveth in its own orbit. And it is a sign unto them that we carry their offspring in the well- filled ships : and we have created the like thereof whereon they may ride. If we please to drown them, there is none to help them, neither are they delivered, unless it be through our mercy, and that their life be prolonged for a season. 77. Doth not man see that we have created him of seed, and behold he is a professed scorner. And he propoundeth unto us a similitude, forgetful of his own creation : he saith, "Who shall quicken bones that are mouldering? Answer, The same shall quicken them that formed them the first time ; for he is well versed in every kind of creation. Who giveth you fire out of the green tree, and lo ye kindle fuel from thence.^ Is not he who hath created the heavens and the earth able to create the like unto them ? Yea, surely ; for he is the all-wise Creator. His command when he willeth a matter is but that he saith unto it Be, and It is. Wherefore praise be unto him in whose hand is the kingdom of all things, and unto whom ye shall return. * There is a tree in Arabia, the green wood of which when rubbed kindles. THE CORAN. 47 LT^^^l L5^y^' L5^-^ Uu>-1 L^AJl ^1 C:-^jj CL?j^Jil ^UJl 25. Slra XLI. 36. And amongst his signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Worship not the sun, neither the moon ; but worship God who hath created them, if ye be his servants. But if these proudly disdain his service, verily they that are near unto thy Lord praise him night and d^y, and are not wearied. And of his signs another is that thou seest the land waste ; but when we send down rain thereon, it is stirred, and fermenteth. He that quickeneth the same, will surely quicken the dead; for he is over everything almighty. 48 SELECTIONS FROM j-^^ ^9^r^ ^1 *Uj U ^Jl8j Jjjj ^j (j^^^Jt <4 lyv^ l9V*j I ''"' J\V"f • '^ •^ t <^9<-f , ^-^ ^ o • f-o^^ o^ o* o ^-' ^ , -^ >• ^1 4_;1^1 Jjbl c«y *^ ^J C|^> ;Ir? MJ' ^^'^ ^ 1^ ^^ 4 wi ?,-*^ J^ ^'jy cA'-^ t^^ ' lA ■^. 4 r^^^ 26. Sura XLII. 19. God is benignant towards his servants ; lie provideth for whom he pleaseth : for he is the Strong, the Mighty. Whoso seeketh the husbandry of the life to come, we shall give him increase in his husbandry. And whoso seeketh the husbandry of this world, we will give him thereof ; but he shall have no portion in the life to come. 27. If God should greatly enlarge the provision of his servants, then they would deal arrogantly upon the earth ; but now he sendeth down by measure what he pleaseth ; for verily he knoweth and regardeth that which concerneth his servants. It is he that sendeth down the rain after that men have despaired thereof, and spreadeth abroad his mercy, and he is Lord over all, the Blessed. Amongst his signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and of the living creatures with which he hath replenished the same. And THE CORAN. 49 he is able to gather them again unto himself whensoever he pleaseth. Whatever misfortune befalleth you, it is because of that which your hands have wrought; and yet he forgiveth many things. Ye can in no wise frustrate (the divine power) on earth ; neither shall ye have any protector or defender against God. And among his signs are the ships moving majestically on the sea like mountains. If he please, he calmeth the wind, and they lie still on the back of the water. Yerily, herein are signs to every patient and grateful one. Or he causeth them to be shipwrecked, for the evil that they (which sail in them) have wrought ; and yet he forgiveth much. ' i^vt^ "Vt^^T.-f^ '^\y'\ '".^^'ff^ \^^^\t ^ '[^ (.^'-•'"vT'' * ij^A^if >>JjO iU-j ^-j >iJ Jx^j M^ (^/^iJ ^ ^ J*^ u?^ ' * ^^r^ ^J Jl ^^1^ 50 SELECTIONS FROM 27. ScRA XLIII. 6. How many prophets have we sent to them of old ! And no prophet came unto them, but they laughed him to scorn. Therefore destroyed we nations mightier than they ; thus hath been set unto them the example of the ancients. If thou askest them, Who created the heavens and the earth ? — they will surely answer, He created them who is the Mighty and the Wise. He it is that framed the earth for you as a couch ; and hath made you path- ways therein to direct you ; And who sendeth down rain from heaven by measure, and thereby quickeneth the land lying dead ; — even thus shall ye be raised up ; And who hath created all things in pairs ; and hath furnished you with ships ; and cattle, whereon ye ride ; That ye may sit securely on the backs thereof : and may remember the favour of your Lord when ye sit thereon ; and may say : — Praise be to him who hath subjected these to our service ; for we could not ourselves have mastered them ; and to our Lord surely shall we return. Jj * Ixji^ ^-^^ ^'^J (*f^ U^ji'' c^-a^i-^ ^ U/*Jx S3 * i\M the coran. 51 28. Sura L. 3. The unbelievers say : — This is a marvellous thing, after we are dead and become dust, (shall we be raised again) ! that were a return beyond conception. Surely We know that which the earth consumeth of them in (the grave) ; and with Us is a book which keepeth the account. Nay, but they deny the Truth after it hath come unto them ; wherefore they are in a maze of confusion. What ! do they not look upwards to the heaven above them ? how we have framed it and adorned it ; neither are there any flaws therein. The earth also, we have spread forth, and have cast moun- tains upon it ; and we have made every species of beautiful plant to spring up therein ; — for meditation and for admoni- tion to every penitent servant. And we send down from heaven rain fraught with blessing; and thereby cause to flourish gardens, and the grain of harvest, and tall palm trees with clusters one above another ; — A provision for our servants. And by the rain do we restore life to the dead land. Even so shall be the resur- rection of the dead. 52 SELECTIONS FROM t ^j,j ^jt.3; 5UJ Vj * ^'^J^s^*^-^^^'^ (*^'j * c)^-^«*=^ ,r^ 'i o * ^V^ USoj *i) i ^Li * ^Ui 4 J^ '♦J:! t-P 29. Sura LV. The Merciful liatli taught man reading (or the Goran). He created man ; he hath taught him speech. The sun and moon have each a measured orbit ; the trail- ing plants and the trees likewise do obeisance. THE CORAN. 53 And tlie heavens, lie hath raised them aloft ; and he appointed the balance ; that ye should not overreach in the matter of the balance. Wherefore set up the weight with justice, and deprave not the balance. And the earth he hath prepared for mankind ; therein are fruits, and palm trees bearing sheaths of blossoms, and grain having both stubble and shoots. Which therefore of your Lord's mercies will ye deny?^ He hath created man of clay like the work of the potter ; and he created the genii of pure fire. Which therefore of your Lord's mercies will ye deny ? The Lord of the East, and the Lord of the West ! ^ Which therefore of your Lord's mercies will ye deny ? He hath let loose the two seas, which approach one towards the other ; but between them is a barrier which they cannot pass. Which therefore of your Lord's mercies will ye deny ? From both there are taken pearls and coral. Which therefore of your Lord's mercies will ye deny ? From him also are the ships with hoisted sails borne on the sea like mountains. Which therefore of your Lord's mercies will ye deny ? Every creature upon the earth passeth away ; but the face of thy Lord which is endowed with glory and honour shall endure for ever. Which therefore of your Lord's mercies will ye deny ? ^ " "Will either of you deny ? " The verh is dual ; the Sura purporting to be addressed both to men and genii. 2 " The two Easts and two "Wests ; " the dual being required to preserve the rhyme. Commentators refer the very unusual phrase to the variation in place of the sun's rising and setting in summer and winter. 54 SELECTIONS FROM Unto him all creatures that are in heaven and earth make petition. Every day is he engaged in some new design. Which therefore of your Lord's mercies will ye deny ? (Irrf^r^ tiP^ ^j '-^r^ ' (*^ k;'^ tir=^ * uf^^ \j=^ (♦ ' cT=^ r' '^-^-^-^■' r"^^ * ^^-^ r^'>^' ^^-^'^* V^ ^^^^ ^y^Jf^ Li 1 * (^jf^-AJ ♦li-Ua^ UUas^ ^U.U.sJ t\JLi ^ ^ ^f-J^j^ ' 30. Sura LYI. 59. We have created you ; wherefore, then, will ye not accept the truth ? What think ye now ? The seed of mankind, do ye create it, or are we the creator ? We have ordained unto you to die ; and we shall not be frustrated ; — In that, we can substitute others in your stead like unto THE CORAN. 55 you, and can raise you up again in a way that ye know not of. And verily ye are well acquainted with the first creation ; wherefore then will ye not understand ? What think ye ? That which ye sow, do ye cause it to spring up, or is it we who cause it ? If we pleased, surely we could turn it into dry stubble, so that ye would remain bewildered (and say) ; — Yerily we are bankrupt ; we are undone. Again, what think ye of the water which ye drink ? Do ye cause it to descend from the clouds, or do we cause it ? If we pleased we could make it salt : will ye not therefore give thanks unto him ? Look now at the fire which ye strike ; do ye produce the tree thereof, or are we altogether the producer of it ? "We have created it for a memorial, and a provision for the dwellers in the desert. Wherefore praise the name of the Lord, the Mighty. f iji * Jo jls^i 'ij^ rr cpi^j^i^^i lJo.^ ^ * jti*^ ijjy^*^ ^ iUJij vi.ii Uij) J<.x^ 56 SELECTIONS FROM (J^ J^ SfpY^ J\^V^ 4>^^"^ (*^^^^j ^Jj ^3 s-^ 31. Sura LYII. 1. To God singeth praise, whatsoever is in the heavens and in the earth : he is the Mighty, the Wise. To him belongeth the kingdom of the heavens and of the earth ; he causeth to live, and he causeth to die ; and he is over the whole universe almighty; the Seen and the Unseen; the Omniscient. It is he that created the heavens and the earth in six days ; and then sat down upon the throne. He knoweth that which entereth into the earth, and that which issueth out of it ; and what descendeth from the heavens, and what ascendeth up to them ; and he is with you wheresoever ye be ; and whatsoever ye do, he seeth it. To him belongeth the kingdom of the heavens and of the earth ; and unto God shall all things return. He maketh the night to follow the day, and the day to follow the night : and he knoweth the secrets of man's heart 19. Know that the present life is but a play and sport. And pomp, and vainglorious display among yourselves, and the multiplying of wealth and children, are like the verdant growth caused by the rain which charmeth the husbandman ; afterward it drieth up, and thou shalt see it turn yellow, and then become stubble. THE CORAN. 57 ^^jJ \ * ^; AJ =^-ij Ji ^ ^^j L->J.^ 1 ^A-J tJjJ 1 Lli^l-J 32. Sura LXYII. 1. Blessed be lie in whose hand is the kingdom ; — over the whole universe is he the Almighty! he that hath created death and life to' prove you thereby and see who amongst you doeth good works. He is strong in might and ready to forgive — he that hath created the seven heavens, one above the other. In the creation of the Merciful look and thou shalt see no want of harmony. Turn again thy sight upwards ; dost thou yet behold any flaw ? then twice repeat thy gaze ; thy sight shall return upon thee dazzled and fatigued. t h\ * LJl 'ijy^ T*^ JUd 'j * \jl^ J.'px ^^ ^\ * ^j^JJL^ )l^ J * ^y^SL^ 58 selections from 33. Sura LXXVIII. 1. About what do they question one with another ? About the grand Announcement ; — That, namely, concerning which they disagree. Assuredly they shall shortly know. Again ; Assuredly they shall shortly know. Have we not spread forth the earth as a couch ? And made the hills as stakes for (to steady) the same ? And have we not created you male and female ; And ordained you sleep for rest ; And made the night as a garment for you ; And the day for to gain a livelihood ; And over you have framed Seven firmaments ; And have ordained a refulgent lamp ? And do we not wring from the clouds the rain which falleth copiously ; That we may cause thereby the corn and herbs to spring up; And gardens with tangled foliage ? Verily the day of judgment is for a set time, — The day on which the trumpet shall sound and ye shall approach in troops ; THE COHAN. 59 And heaven shall be opened; and there shall be gates therein ; And the mountains shall pass away and become even as the mirage of the desert. l^ _^i * Ul:^J LliJ^ J^ U^j'^-'^J * ^^^^^ ^>=^l? ^«^ 34. Sura LXXIX. 27. Are ye harder to create, or the heavens which he hath built ? He hath raised the height thereof, and fashioned them in due proportion ; 60 SELECTIONS FROM And hatli darkened tlie night thereof ; and brought forth the sunshine. Thereafter he stretched out the earth ; And produced therein its water and pasture. And hath established the hills for the service of you and of your cattle. Then when the great Judgment day shall arrive ; On that day shall a man call to mind what he hath wrought. And hell shall be exposed so that men may see it. And whoso shall have done wickedly, and preferred this present life, — Yerily Hell shall be his abode. But whoso shall have dreaded the day of his appearing before his Lord, and have refrained his soul from lust, — Yerily Paradise shall be his abode. They ask thee concerning the hour, When will be the set time thereof. How canst thou make announcement of this ? Unto thy Lord it appertaineth. As for thee, thou art a warner of such as stand in dread of the same.^ The day wherein they shall see it, will be to them as though they had tarried but the evening or the morning of the same. * Or ** who standest thyself in dread of the same.'* THE CORAN. 61 «^-^jj (•-f^ <-^i o-^ * ^-^^j ^-^t^H; * ^'i ^1? * ^^^ 35. Sura LXXX. (The whole.) The prophet frowned and turned aside, Because the blind man came unto him. And what shall cause thee to know whether he may not be purified, — Or admonished, and the admonition profit him ? As for the man that is rich. Him thou receivest graciously ; And it is not thy concern if he be not purified ; But he that cometh unto thee earnestly inquiring, And trembling anxiously, 62 SELECTIONS FROM Him dost thou neglect.^ Nay, be it not so ; for this revelation is an admonition ; (And he that willeth receiveth its teaching :) In pages that are honourable ; Excellent and pure : Recorded by the hands of scribes honoured and devout. Cursed be mankind ! What hath made him unbelieving ? Of what hath God created him ? Of seed doth he create him ; then fashioneth him in due proportion. Then maketh the way (to come forth) easy for him ; Then causeth him to die, and placeth him in the tomb ; Thereafter when it pleaseth Him, he shall raise him up again. Nay, by no means ! Mankind hath not fulfilled that which he hath been commanded. For now, let man but regard his food ; — We pour the rain down in showers. Then we break up the earth in furrows. And therein we make the corn to spring up. And grapes and tender grass ; And the olive and the palm ; And gardens thickly planted ; And fruits and fodder ; — A provision for yourselves and for your cattle. When the deafening sound shall come, The day whereon a man shall flee from his brother. And from his mother and his father, and from his mate and his children ; 1 See Life of Mahomet, p. 71. The whole Chapter is given as a specimen of the earlier Meccan Sui-as. THE CORAN. 63 On that day shall the great Concern engross every soul amongst them. There shall be, in that day, faces bright, smiling and joyful. And there shall, on that day, be faces covered with dust ; Darkness shall overshadow them. These are the unbelievers and the wicked. STEPHKN AUSTIN AND SONS, PRINTERS, HERTFORD. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. P'U-l- 16Jan5 2Ff JAN 29 '63 D JAN 19 1963 JAN ^5 1963 8Feb'63WApi IN STACKS JAM 2 5 1963 13'63FehB8 IN STACItS 'JAN 3 01963 i*» CTACKS ftPR 221966 APR : 4^969*4 rik^w NOV^ 1969 LD 21-100Tn-ll,'49(B71468l6)476 YB 45194 02(0781^;.