Map Lib. G 1019 S44s 1912 SECURITY ExpreswSy lor SECURITY TRUST & SAVINGS BANK Los Angeles, Cat. 1912 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES [TIT TRUST iff arts hold Wide r of ^Success." Beaconsfield. ng lay the only reliably safe Id ing of Happiness. Every id brick for this groundwork Savings Bank is the Oldest southwest and by its liber- binds each of these founda- ibbur by a cement of ever- . . $46,992,031.37 3,300,000.00 I J V ,VTJ Depositors | Interest Paid on Term Deposits and on Special (Savings) Accounts Open an Account, guarded by the "Lion of Security." The tremendous strength of the Security Trust & Savings Bank is indicated by the few figures here shown. Note the very large number of individual accounts of an average of only $582. in II II llilinaWii" Map Library. r 10 11 SECURITY BUILDING LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Entire First Floor and Basement Occupied by the SECURITY TRUST 4 SAVINGS BANK WITH THE SAFE DEPOSIT AND STORAGE DEPARTMENT AND STEAMSHIP DEPARTMENT 1968771 S TE A1V KL TRUST DEPARTMENT This department, under the supervision and exam- ination of the State Bank Examiner, acts as Executor, Administrator, Guardian or Trustee of Estates. The sta- bility and resources of the institution, as well as the character and standing of its officers and Directors, insure the highest degree of care and efficiency in the performance of such of these duties as may be intrusted WILLS PREPARED Where this Bank is named as Executor or Trustee, our attorney gives advice in relation to your estate, and prepares your will free of charge. You are invited to confer with him, or with the officers of the insti- tution, relative to the disposition and care of your property. Let us explain the economy and advan- tages of having us act for you. S OFFICERS J. F. SARTORI. President M. S. HELLMAN, Vice-Pres. JOHN E. PLATER, Vice-Pres. CHAS. H. TOLL, Vice-Pres. W. H. BOOTH, Vice-Pres. W. D. LONGYEAR, Cashier & Secy. T. Q. HALL, Assistant Cashier C. W. WILSON, Assistant Cashier R. B. HARDACRE, Assitant Cashier P. KITCHIN, Assistant Cashier W. M. CASWELL, Asst. Secretary J. H. GRIFFIN, Assistant Secretary W. A. ELLIS, Trust Officer EQUITABLE BRANCH J.H. GRIFFIN, Mgr. J. G. CAREY, Asst. Mgr. LUKE WOOD, Asst. Mgr. LIST OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS J. F. Sartori, President M. S. Hellman, Vice-President John E. Plater, Vice-President Chas. H. Toll, Vice-President W. H. Booth, Vice-President W. D. Longyear, Cashier and Secretary Wm. H. Allen, Jr., President Title In- surance & Trust Co. W. Jarvis Barlow, Physician- T. L. Duque, Capitalist J. A. Graves, Vice-President Farmers & Merchants Bank W. L. Graves, Vice-President Mer- chants National Bank Henderson Hayward, Capitalist Isaias W. Hellman, President Wells Fargo Nevada National Bank, San Francisco, and Farmers & Merchants National Bank W. H. Holliday, President Merchants National Bank Joseph Kurtz, Physician R. H. Lacy, Manufacturer T. E. Newlin, Vice-President Farmers & Merchants National Bank H. W. O'Melveny, Attorney J. H. Shankland, Attorney James Slauson, Capitalist W. L. Valentine, Oil Producer W. J. Washburn, Ex-President Equit- able Savings Bank W. D. Woolwine, Vice-President National Bank of California S WHEN this Bank opened for business, in 1 889, the city had a population of less than 50,000. The growth of the Bank has been as notable as that of the city, as will be seen by this table: A STORY OF GROWTH Year 1889.. IS'.M) IS! Hi !S!7 JS'tS 1S1MI 1!MM) 1!M)I 1'MI-.' 1903 . 1904. I'M)", l!MMi 1!MT 1!MS 1910.. 1911. . July 1 1912.. Number of Open Accounts 359 1,053 2,081 2,297 2,447 1,880 2,135 2,551 3,007 3,435 4,079 5,214 5,868 8,919 11,510 15,668 20,744 23,801 48,644 48,007 54.930 62,356 67,416 80,648 (Including Southern Trust Co. and Interest Paid to Depositors * 724.32 6,477.01 20,903.89 28,774.37 37,876.83 21,761.79 25,467.20 31,014.77 41,297.33 47,978.21 60,107.19 71,596.54 93,824.26 127,179.62 166,761.17 235,897.53 379,000.41 465,627.87 586,928.26 612,288.26 681,301.33 832,376. 8:i 940,970.85 Total Resources 231.386.OO 331,744.00 717,690.00 874,193.00 1.078.594.OO 723,692.00 874.376.OO 974,639.00 1.2OO.O69.0O 1,459,844.00 1,877,195.00 2.345.034.OO 3,051, 573.OO 4,100,696.00 5,433,749.00 7,685,330.00 13,344,789.00 10,093, 798.00 16,664,780.00 19,984,202.00 23,980,670.00 30,123,260.30 34,747,518.88 662,945.14 46,992,031.37* Equitable Savings Bank.) C, Small depositors receive the same courtesy and attention that is given to the large ones C. Special facilities are provided for the accounts of women and children, in their own names C. Savings accounts can be opened in any amount of one dollar or more FREE INFORMATION BUREAU SECURITY HANDY ATLAS OF THE WORLD Published Expressly for SECURITY TRUST & SAVINGS BANK Los Angeles, Cal. 1912 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Al>yssinia 99 Aden 92 Afghanistan 92 Africa 97 Africa, Central 100 Africa, Northeastern .... 99 Africa. Northwestern. ... 98 Alabama 37 Alaska 23 Alberta 71 Algeria 98 Andorra 83 Angola 100, 101 Anglo-Egyptian Soudan . 99 Arabia 92 Argentine Republic 77 Arizona 62 Arkansas 49 Ashantee 98 Asia 91 Australia 103 Austria-Hungary 87 Baluchistan 93 Bahamas 13 Basutoland 101 Bechuanaland 101 Belgian Congo 100 Belgium s'J Bhutan 93 Bolivia 75 Borneo 9~> Brazil 76 British Columbia 71 British East Africa 100 British Honduras 72 British India . 1)3 PAGE British Isles 79 Bulgaria 90 California 63 Canada, Dom. of . 66 Canal Zone 18 Cape of Good Hope 101 Celebes 9") Central America 72 Chile 77 China 94 Chosen 91 Cities, principal of For- eign Countries. . . .116-124 Cities, principal of the United States .... 125-126 Colombia 74 Colorado 61 Connecticut 27 Corsica 83 Costa Rica 72 Cuba 19 Dahomey 98 Delaware 30 Denmark 88 Diagramatic Maps of the United States . . . .109-115 Dist. of Columbia 30 Dominican Republic. ... 19 Dom. of Canada 66 Ecuador 74 Egypt 99 England 80 Eritrea 99 Europe 78 Fiji Islands 104 Florida . . .36 PAGE Formosa (Taiwan) 96 France 83 French Equatorial Africa 100 French Somali Coast .... 99 Galveston Hurricane, Track of '. ... .108 Georgia 35 German E. Africa 100 German Empire 84 German S. W. Africa 101 Gibraltar 85 Greece 90 Greenland 10 Guatemala 72 Guiana 7(i Haiti 19 Hawaii 21 Hemispheres 11, 12 Honduras 72 Iceland 78 Idaho .58 Illinois 42 India 93 Indiana 41 Indo-China <)4 Iowa 47 Ireland S2 Italy St. Jamaica 19 Japan 96 Java 95 Kamerun 100 Kansas . N 53 Kentucky :;! Labrador. . (it) Liberia UM a TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTIXITKD. PAGE Louisiana 50 Luxemburg 84 Madagascar 101 Maine 24 Malaysia 95 Manitoba 67 Maryland 30 Massachusetts 26 Mauritania 98 Mexico 105 Michigan . . .43, 44 Minnesota 46 Mississippi 38 Missouri 48 Monaco 83 Montana 57 Montenegro 90 Morocco 98 Mozambique 101 Nebraska 54 Nepal '. 93 Netherlands, The 84 Nevada 63 New Brunswick 68 Newfoundland 63 New Hampshire 25 New Jersey 31 New Mexico 62 New South Wales 103 New York 28 New Zealand 104 Nicaragua 72 Nigeria 98 North America 13 North Carolina 34 North Dakota 56 North West Territories . . 66 Norway. . . 88 PAGE Nova Scotia 68 Nyasaland 97 Obock (Fr. Somali Coast) 99 Oceania 102 Ohio 40 Oklahoma 52 Ontario 69 Orange Free State 101 Oregon (54 Panama 72 Panama Canal, Descrip- tion of 15-17 Paraguay 77 Pennsylvania 29 Persia 92 Peru 75 Philippine Islands 22 Population of United States, Diagram of 106, 107 Porto Rico 20 Portugal 85 Portuguese East Africa. .101 Prince Edward Island . . 68 Quebec , 70 Queensland 103 Rhode Island 27 Rhodesia 101 Roumania 9!) Russia 89 Salvador 72 San Marino 86 Sardinia Saskatchewan 71 Scotland SI Senegal 9S Servia 90 Siam 93 Siberia.. . 91 PAGE Sicily 86 Sierra Leone 98 Somali Land 97 South America 73 South Australia 103 South Carolina 34 South Dakota 55 Spain 85 Sumatra 95 Swaziland 101 Sweden 88 Switzerland 83 Tasmania 104 Tennessee 39 Texas 51 Togo 98 Transvaal 101 Tripoli 97 Tunis 97 Turkey in Asia 92 Turkey in Europe 90 Union of South Africa . . .101 United States 14 Uruguay 77 Utah 60 Venezuela 74 Vermont 25 Victoria 103 Virginia 33 Wales 80 WalfishBay 101 Washington 65 Western Australia 103 West Virginia 32 Wisconsin 45 World 10 Wyoming 59 Yukon.. . 06 u " t m- > ? o* ^ VN^-fcn* "> > N ^^5 &Afb4s *&*/\ ^ \ *% / NORTH AMERICA. I CANAL ZONE. The Canal Zone contains about 448 square miles. It begins at a point three marine miles from mean low water mark in each ocean, and extends for five miles on each side of the center line of the route of the Canal. It includes the group of islands in the Bay of Panama named Perico, Naos, Culebra and Flamenco. The cities of Panama and Colon are excluded from the Zone, but the United States has the right to enforce sanitary ordinances in those cities, and to maintain public order in them in case the Republic of Panama should not be able, in the judgment of the United States to do so. Of the 448 square miles of Zone territory, the United States owns the larger portion, the exact amount of which is being determined by survey. Under the treaty with Panama, the United States has the right to acquire by purchase, or by the exercise of the right of eminent domain, any lands, buildings, water rights, or other properties necessary and convenient for the construction, maintenance, operation, sanitation, and protection of the Canal, and it can, therefore, at any time acquire the lands within the zone boundaries which are owned by private persons. THE PANAMA CANAL. The entire length of the Canal from deep water in the Atlantic to deep water in the Pacific is about 50 miles. Its length from shore-line to shore-line is about 40 miles. In passing through it from the Atlantic to the Pacific, a vessel will enter the approach channel in Limon Bay, which will have a bottom width of 500 feet and extend to Gatun, a distance of about 7 miles. At Gatun, it will enter a series of 3 locks in flight and be lifted 85 feet to the level of Gatun Lake. It may steam at full speed through this lake, in a channel varying from 1,000 to 500 feet in width, for a distance of about 24 miles, to Bas Obispo, where it will enter the Culebra Cut. It will pass through the Cut, a distance of about 9 miles, in a channel with a bottom width of 300 feet, to Pedro Miguel. There it will enter a lock and be lowered 30^ feet to a small lake, at an elevation of 54% feet above sea level, and will pass through this for about 1J^ miles to Miraflores. There it will enter 2 locks in series and be lowered to sea level, passing out into the Pacific through a channel about 8% miles in length, with a bottom width of 500 feet. The depth of the approach channel on the Atlantic side, where the maximum tidal oscillation is 2^ feet, will be 41 feet at mean tide, and on the Pacific side, where the maximum oscillation is 21 feet, the depth will be 45 feet at mean tide. Throughout the first 16 miles from Gatun, the width of the Lake channel will be 1,000 feet; then for 4 miles it will be 800 feet, and for 4 miles more, to the northern entrance of Culebra Cut at Bas Obispo, it will be 500 feet. The depth will vary from 85 to 45 feet. The water level in the Cut will be that of the Lake, the depth 45 feet, and the bottom width of the channel 300 feat. Three hundred feet is the minimum bottom width of the Canal. This width begins about half a mile above Pedro Miguel Locks and extends about 8 miles through Cu'.ebra Cut, with the exception that at all angles the channel is widened sufficiently to allow a 1,000-foot vessel to make the turn. The Cut has eight angles, or about one to every mile. The 300-foot widths are only on tangents between the turning basins at the angles. The smallest of these angles is 7 36', and the largest 30'. Excavation to May 1, 1911. Cubic Yards. By French Companies 78,146,960 French excavation useful to present Canal 29,908,000 By Americans Dry excavation 84,112,947 / Dredges 50,976,485 135,089,432 May 4 to December 31, 1904 243,472 January 1 to December 31, 1905 1,799,227 See last page of Atlas. 15 CANAL ZONE CONTINUED. January 1 to December 31, 1906 ....................... 4,948,497 January 1 to .December 31, 1907 ....................... 15,765,290 January 1 to December 31, 1908 ....................... 37,116,735 January 1 to December 31. 1909 ....................... 35,096,166 January 1 to December 31, 1910 ....................... 31,437,677 January 1 to May 1, 1911 .............................. 11,343,456 Excavation By Divisions. May 4, 1904 to May 1, 1911. Divi.sioii^ Amount excavated. Remaining to be excavated. Atlantic Drv excavation .................... 8.001.503 271,551 Dredges .......................... 23,547,215 31,548,718 11,537,076 11,808,627 Central Culebra Cut ...................... 62,814,749 21,371.975 All other points ................. 11,761,299 74,576,048 1, 176J995 22,548,970 Dry excavation ................... 3,322,902 3,057,240 Dredges ............. . 28,302,852 31,625,754 7,372,409 10,429,649 Grand Totals .............................. 137,750,520 44,787,246 CANAL FORCE, QUARTERS AND SUPPLIES. The Canal force is recruited and housed by the Quartermaster's Department which has two general branches, labor and quarters, and material and supplies. Through the labor and quarters branch there have been brought to the Isthmus 43,432 laborers, of whom 1 1,797 came from Europe, 19,448 from Barbados, the balance from other islands in the West Indies and from Colombia. No recruiting is required at present, the supply of labor on the Isthmus being ample. On May 1, 1911, the total force of the Isthmian Canal Commission and Panama Railroad Company, actually at work, was divided as follows: Isthmian Canal Commission ............................................ 28,132 Panama Railroad Company (proper) ..................................... 4,106 Panama Railroad Relocation ............................................ 2,322 Panama Railroad Commissary .......................................... l',019 The officials, clerical force, construction men and skilled artisans of the Isthmian Canal Commission and the Panama Railroad Company, 5,300 in number, practically all of them Americans. Of the unskilled laborers, about 4,500 are Europeans, mainly Spaniards, with a few Italians and other races. The remainder, about 25,000 are West Indians. The material and supply branch carries a stock of supplies for the Commission and Panama Railroad valued approximately at $4,500,000. About $12,000,000 worth of supplies are purchased annually, requiring the discharge of one steamer each day. The Canal and Panama Railroad forces are supplied with food, clothing and other necessaries through the Subsistence Department. CANAL STATISTICS. Length from deep water to deep water (mile*) ....................... 50 Length from shore-line to shore-line (miles) .......................... 40 Bottom wVith of channel, maximum (feet) .......................... 1000 Bottom width of channel, minimum, 9 miles, Culebra Cut (feet) ......... 300 Locks, in pairs .................................................... 12 Locks, usable length (feet) .......................... ' .............. 1000 Locks, usable width (feet) ........ . . .>... . . , ^ . . . : ..................... 110 Gatun Lake, area (square mile-0 ............ ....................... 164 Gatun Lake, channel depth (foot) .................................. 85 to 45 16 CANAL ZONE CONTINUED. Culebra Cut, channel depth (feet) 45 Excavation, estimated total (cubic yards) 182,537,766 Excavation, amount accomplished May 1, 1911 (cubic yards) 137,750,520 Excavation by the French (cubic yards) 78,146,960 Excavation by French, useful to present Canal, (cubic yards) 29,908,000 Excavation by French, estimated value to Canal $ 25,389,240 Value of all French property : $ 42,799,826 Concrete, total estimated for Canal (cubic yards) 5,000,000 Time of transit through completed Canal (hours) 10 to 12 Time of passage through locks (hours) . Relocated Panama Railroad, estimated cost $ 9,000,000 Relocated Panama Railroad, length (miles) 47 . 1 Canal Zone, area (square miles) 448 Canal and Panama Railroad force actually at work (about) 35,000 Canal and Panama Railroad force, Americans (about) 5,000 Cost of Canal, estimated total ..:....$ 375,000,000 Work begun by Americans May 4, 1904 Date of Completion Jan. 1, 1915 VALUE OF THE $40,000,000 FRENCH PURCHASE. A careful official estimate has been made by the Canal Commission of the value to the Commission at the present time of the franchises, equipment, material, work done, and property of various kinds for which the United States paid the French Canal Company $40,000,000. It places the total value at $42,799,826, divided as follows: Excavation, useful to the Canal, 29,708,000 cubic yards $25,389,240.00 Panama Railroad Stock 9,644,320.00 Plant and material, used and sold for scrap 2.112,063.00 , Buildings, used 2,054,203.00 Surveys, plans, maps and records 2,000,000.00 Land 1,000,000.00 Clearings, roads, etc 100,000.00 Ship channel in Panama Bay, four years' use 500,000.00 Total.. . $42,799,826.00 APPROPRIATIONS. Payment to the New Panama Canal Company $ 40,000,000.00 Payment to the Republic of Panama 10,000,000.00 Appropriation, June 28, 1902 10,000,000.00 Appropriation, December 21, 190 3 11,000,000.00 Deficiency, February 27, 1906 5,990,786.00 Appropriation, June 30, 1906 25,456,415.08 Appropriation, March 4, 1907 27,161,367.50 Deficiency, February 15, 1908 12,178,900.00 Appropriation, May 27, 1908 29,187,000.00 Deficiency, March 4, 1909 5,458,000.00 Appropriation, March 4, 1909 33,638,000.00 Deficiency, February 25, 1910 76,000.00 Appropriation, June 25, 1910 37,855,000.00 Private Act. Relief of Elizabeth G. Marti.i 1,200.00 Private Act. Relief of Marcellus Troxell 1,500.00 Private Act. Relief of W. L. Miles 1,704.18 Private Act. Relief of Chas. A. Caswell 1,056.00 Appropriation, March 4, 1911 45,560,000.00 Total $293,566,928.76 17 C A R I B B E A X .9 /: . / 54UJHM CANAL ZONE Showing the Panama Canal . SOLE BAY \OF '^PANA.MA. 7040' r ^jfwag^ gp -*^ 1\ ^O'v -ygy ,.KJ g^J^jiJrt CO P II 1 a z I 6 CONCISE MAP OF THE IPPINE ISLA AND THE CHINA SEA . SCALE ' " 1U" liO JOO 1 t. lall, I.T Kin,!. McN.Ilt i j = i "f 3 STATUTE MILES, 60 -1 INCH. '5 10 20 SO 40 50 60 VERMONT AMD NEW HAMPSHIRE BTATUTI MILES 35=1 IHCH. 5 10 20 30 ;--- L-V; ^ - -?a,-mi17'" *" '" ff ~~- 26 28 29 30 Longitude 75 West from Greenwich 71 ' 32 33 34 Longitude West 83froni Greenwich 82 Rand-McNallj'i Concise Map of Georg a. Copyright b, lUnd-McNallj It C 36 LougitmU- West TO "from Greenwich I^u^V^fT^i tj - ^"ffifisk^ : y / -wiuottvuie Thuntoirr IpinolmV, jaHHo^ X8tr''W r / tJ-H^V* < PtE^^^PfiK^BnSR ^^^A-^x^'V %- u ffik ojm. V"^ ^W^^^^^l^^^^ S^^^r^S^^ rffiSSB^ 39 40 1 INCH. 20 30 40 ' 50 60 Ran'l-.McNallj's Concise Map of Indiana. Copyright hj Rand-Mc.Vally & Co. 41 \Vt from Greenwich 'ILLINOIS. STATUTE MILES. 60 1 INCH. 10 20 Ct VI W 60 70 80 CO 100 RuM McXillj'e ConolM Map of IlllaoU by Rnd-McN]|j t Co. 42 43 M ln C,>t< Myuii, LaluM J%./A '.,r, i.i ., i. *ir h, m 84'Loni.Mtinl. Wi-t fioin (iii-i-nwii-li MINNESOTA STATUTE MILES, 70= 1 INCH. UI10_20 40 00 80 Rud-McNlllT-l ConclM M.p of Mlnnnot* Copyright l.y Rud-McNlll; i Co. IS!"** J"UJ Li 1,0^. _ f River Filli 1,1^ A ^^ ON SAME SCALE ^TS^ ,:r I,. t.llT/ * I. ail i.-J^JEf^ ~W' S pe( ' uot V^ K-^aS* ^vi c ^ .'ar :^ ^fec^sp ii-v4^^rura o n^<; ^^OrVnt-burs . | ^N v^ V .x .^^^^ Bt ^aoa'd^^- " %ar" UV 1 -, J ^fc^* ><; V^Rr 1 ! ' " r 'f Ctek \l i l :; ^C S: J J ^%^^"'41^ b^S^&^ 47 48 49 60 51 52 53 55 56 m - i W^illi^ Jtol * , P*JK*? ^ Ill S 10 20 30 40 50 80 70 80 Itin.l McN.ll)-> Onue* Mlp of Idiho. IT P.inJ-McNtlly 4 Co. 58 59 STATUTE MILES, 65 1 INCH. 10 to 80 50 60 70 80 60 61 CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA STATUTJE 'MlL&S. 116 = 1 INCH. 10 20 40 60 SO 100 120 110 160 120' 118* 63 j. 64 ?4fM ILvU-O 65 66 67 68 70 sr ^ $&&&:& SOUTH AMERICA. ON MERCATOR PROJECTION 73 74 BRAZIL AND GUIANA. SCALE OF STATUTE MILES. P 100 8<>0 8QO 400 600 600 Copjrijhl, 1011, bj JUnJ, McXllj i Cj. 76 CHILE, PARAGUAY 78 BRITISH ISLES. i /fsJIswae -*TW ysr^ LIVERPOOL SalfordV Q Donci ^Brldj^e, SJUbury O^F*^* Tolk^to^ ^ ^ SoaUpto^Vtac^Ur oHoS^^^JZ,^ /-' r^ G j; I i' H C B A ^Uamnfcmd & t* ~TZ\ LlumlKemd ENGLAND AND WALES 80 SCOTLAND. SHETLAND ISLANDS SCALE OF STATUTE MILES. 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Copyright , 1011, 1) j TUn3 , Mo.N ill j & Co ORKNEY ISLANDS Hi I. ra&igssssa Shannonhrtrlge TSTlm\MT towoo ^v-veiunugn M K">' I1 xSl!!sriiwi?uinio^" ^.j^r 15 3 "^SETOacI ksitlehlliC (jUnTin?- %'r 1 IRELAND. 83 4 85 SCALE OF STVTUTE MILES. to 100 I M Ml - '.. Copyright, 1399, 86 87 88 89 Longitude Eut from Onwteh. TURKEY IN EUROPE, SERVIA, ROUMANIA, BULGARIA, GREECE AND MONTENEGRO. 90 g 91 s * SCALE OF STATUTE MILES. p 60 100 800 800 400 600 sSw? Cx7 < E *",* xti *v _<. "IS Prt^^x iC\Skfl -2 V? 1 ^ ^; "as *aVs A\-- i ;-i v | ^a SS 3r*ll| H* 3 -5^ I 4^ Ho' '^' ^IVO^^^ "oal,u / C. 8. VI tM.ri. / Strait of (libra A TI.ANT 1C . * M j, ^ t-^'Vv r. i>fc2 ! H 1 y > /-km . \> *fi*p .' ?%>\t\ x. ^i^^--^^) *.T~y s Snif-"V" ~ x/' v* - v j a. \ f\ A w^i, jf - , .; J onezBD KONAKRY SIERRA. fBIITOW., ItEONE COAST e SBUUOIO I. BoVrt VSfv. P.. : '^'] TfSftJ V NORTHWESTERN ^^ , <^ '' m 100 101 1O2 J04 106 107 1O8 109 "V--; B.S * B o 110 Ill 112 I L~ 113 114 115 POPULATION OF THE CHIEF CITIES OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES FROM THE LATEST OFFICIAL CENSUS RETURNS Name Country Aalborg, Denmark.. . Aalesund, Norway.. Aarhus, Denmark . . Aberdare, Wales. . . . Aberdeen. Scotland Pop. 31509 13836 55193 . 50844 163084 Abo. European Russia. 46637 Abome, Africa (Dahome) 15000 Accra. Africa (Gold Coast) 19585 Accrlngton, England. .. 45031 Aclreale. Italy 35418 Acoyapo, Nicaragua. .. 6000 Acton. England 57523 Adalla, Asiatic Turkey . 25000 Adana. Asiatic Turkey . 45000 Adelaide, Australia 184393 Aden (Peninsula and town) 41222 Aderno, Italy 25859 Adls Abbeba. Abyss . .. 35000 Adrlanople, Eur. Tur. . 83000 Adua. Abysslna 3000 Agra. India 185449 Agram, Aust.-Hung 79038 Aguascallentes, Mex . . . 44800 Ahmadabrtd, India. . . .215835 Ahuachapam, Salv. . . . 12000 Aldln, Asiatic Turkey. . 36250 Alntab. Asiatic Turkey 43150 Alrdrle. Scotland 24388 Alx, France 29418 Alx-la-Chapelle (Aachen) Ger. Emp. 156044 Atmere, India 8U222 Aklta, Japan 36294 Akkerman. Eur. Rus. . . 28303 Alagoas, Brazil 15000 Alajuela, Costa Rica.... 6061 Alcamo, Italy.., 51809 Atc'>y. Spain...' 32053 Aldershot, England 35175 Aleppo, Asiatic Tur 210000 Alessandria. Italy 75687 Alexandria. Egypt 332246 Alexandropol, Asiatic Russia 32018 Alexandrov-Grushev- skol. Eur. Russia . . . 42186 Algiers. Algeria 138240 Alicante, Spain 51165 Allgarh, India 64825 Allahabdd, India 171697 Almerla, Spain 45198 Alost. Belgium 35125 Altenburg, Ger. Emp.. . 39977 Altendorf, Ger. Emp., suburban district of Essen 63272 Name Country Pop. Altenessen. Ger. Emp., suburb of Essen 40672 Altona, German Emp.. 172533 Alwar. India 56771 Amasla. Asiatic Turkey 30000 Amb.ila, India 80131 Am balema, Colombia .. 9731 Ambato, Ecuador 10000 Amiens, France 93207 Amoy, China 1 14000 Amrltsar, India 152756 Amsterdam. Neth 566131 Ancona. Italy 63145 Anderlecht, Belgium, suburb of Brussels... 64137 Andljan, Asiatic Russia 74316 Andkhul, Afghanistan.. 15000 Andorra (republic and town) 5231 Andrla, Italy 49569 Angers, France 83786 Angora, Asiatic Turkey 27825 Angouleme, France.. . 38211 Antananarivo, Madag. 94813 Antequera. Spain 31609 Antlpua, Guatemala .. 14000 Antofagasta, Chile .... 32496 Antwerp, Belgium 301766 Aomorl, Japan 47206 Apeldoorn.Netherlands 35626 Arad, Aust.-Hung 63166 Araure. Venezuela 10000 Arbroath, Scotland 20648 Archangel, Eur. Russia 30953 Arequlpa. Peru 35000 Arezzo, Italy 47498 Aries, France 31010 Armentleres, France ... 29401 Arndal, Norway 10294 Arnhem, Netherlands... 64019 Arras, France 25813 AschalTenburg, German Empire 29831 Aschersleben, German Empire 28968 Ascoll Plceno. Italy 30631 Ashkabad, Asiatic Rus. 30286 Ashton-Under-Lyne, England 45179 Asmara, Africa (Eritrea) Asnlfires, France, suburb of Paris 42583 Astl. Italy 38045 Aston Manor, Eng 75042 Astrabad, Persia 23000 Astrakhan, Eur. Rus. .13C841 Asuncion, Paraguay ... 60259 Athens, Greece 167479 Name Country Pop. Aubervilllers-les-Vertus. France 37558 Auckland, New Zeal. . . 109781 Augsburg, Ger. Emp... 122694 Ausslg, Aust.-Hung.. . 39255 Avignon, France 49304 Axum, Abyssinia 5000 Ayacucho, Peru 14346 Ayr, Scotland 32985 Badajoz, Spain 35039 Bagdad, Asiatic Tur. . . 75000 Bahla. Brazil 230000 Bakhmut, Eur. Rus... . 19116 Baku, Asiatic Russia. .177777 Ballarat, Australia 40615 Bamberg. Ger. Emp.. . 47810 Banam, French Indo- China 28000 Bangalore, India IS0 185 Bangkok, Slam 628075 Barbacena, Brazil 15000 Barcelona, Spain 5872 1 9 Barcelona, Venezuela .. 12785 Bareilly, India 129462 Barfrush, Persia 50000 Barl, Italy 103522 Barlad, Roumanla 21184 Barletta, Italy 42022 Barmen, Ger. Emp .. . lf>!>201 Barnsley, England 50023 Baroda. India 99345 Barquisimeto, Venez. .. 31476 Barranqullla, Colombia. 43849 Barrow-ln-Furness,Eng. 63775 Basel, Switzerland 131914 Basse Terre, West Indies (Guadeloupe) . 8656 Bastla, France 25425 Batangas, Philippines. 33131 Batavia, Dutch E. In. (Java) 138551 Bath. England 50723 Bathurst, Africa (Gambia) 6200 Batley, England 3(>;i9."> Batum.Aslatic Russia. 30008 Bauan, Philippines.. . . 39094 Baiil, Venezuela 10015 Bautzen, Ger. Emp.. . . 32760 Bayonne, France 27601 Bayreuth, (Balreuth) German Empire.... 34481 Beaconsfleld. Un. 8. Af 14295 Bedford, England 39185 Beirut, Asiatic Turkey. 150000 Be'ke's, Austria- Hungary 42599 Bcla, lialuchlstan 10000 lie FOREIGN COUNTRIES Name Country Pop. Belem (Para), Brazil. .200000 Belfast, Ireland 385492 B elf ort, France 39371 Belgrade, Servla 89876 Belize, British Honduras 1 1039 Bellary. India 58247 Benares, India 203804 Bendery, Eur. Russia... 31851 Bendigo, Australia 44100 Berbera, Africa (British Soml'd) 30000 Berdlchev, Eur. Russia 65864 Berdyansk, Eur. Russia 27247 Bergamo, Italy 55489 Bergen, Norway 76917 Berlin, Ger. Emp 2070695 13709504 including suburbs) Berlin, Ontario 15196 Bern, Switzerland 85264 Bernburg, Ger. Emp. . . 33609 Besan(;on, France 57978 Beuthen, Ger. Emp.. . . 67718 Be'zlers, France 51042 Bhagalpur, India 74349 Bhaunagar, India 56442 Bhopil, India 56204 Bielefeld, Ger. Emp. . . . 78334 Bienne,(Biel)Switz. . . . 23583 Bikaner, India 53075 Bilbao, Spain 93536 Bingerville, Africa (Ivory Coast) Birkenhead, England. . 130832 Birmingham, England. 525960 Bisceglie, Italy 30885 Bltlis, Asiatic Turkey... 40000 Bltonto, Italy 30617 Blackburn, England . . . 133064 Blackpool, England 58376 Blagovyeshchensk, Asiatic Russia 40399 Blewflelds, Nicaragua. . 4706 Blida, Algeria 16866 Bloemfontein, Union of South Africa 26929 Blumenau, Brazil 40000 Bobruisk, Eur. Russia. 35177 Bochum, Ger. Emp.. . .136916 BogotS, Colombia 101496 Boksburg 43626 Bolama, Africa (Portu- guese Guinea) Bologna, Italy 172639 Bolton, England 180885 Boma, Africa (Belgian Congo) Bombay, India 979445 Bona, Algeria 36004 Bonn, Ger. Emp 87967 Boras, Sweden 21541 Borbeck, Ger. Emp. commune in circle of Essen 71127 Bordeaux, France 261678 Borgerhout, Belgium... 49333 Botosanl, Roumania... 34000 Bougie, Algeria 10491 Boulder, Australia. ... 11156 Boulogne-sur-Mer, France 53 1 28 Boulosne-sur-Seine, 57027 France.suburb of Paris Bourges, France 45735 Bournemouth, England 78677 Name Country Pop. Bradford, England. . . .288505 Braga. Portugal 24202 Bralla Roumania 60000 Brandenburg, German Empire 53595 Brandon, Manitoba ... 13839 Brantford, Ontario. . . . 23132 Brasso, (Kronstadt) Aust.-Hung 41056 Breda, Netherlands 27389 Bremen, Ger. Emp .... 246827 Brescia, Italy 83323 Breslau, Ger. Emp 511891 Brest, France 90540 Brest-Litovsk (IJrzesc) European Russia .... 47694 Bridgetown, West Indies (Barbados) . . . 30000 Brighton, Australia 10029 Brighton, England 131250 Brindisl, Italy 25317 Brisbane. Australia .... 143077 Bristol, England 357059 Broken Hill, Australia. 31000 Bromberg, Ger. Emp... 57585 Bruges, Belgium 53285 Briinn, Aust.-Hung.. . .125008 Brunswick, (Braun- schweig)Ger. Emp.. .143397 Brusa, Asiatic Turkey. 110000 Brussels, Belgium 717078 Bucaramanga, Colom. . 19718 Budapest, Aust.-Hung. .880371 Budweis, Aust.-Hung. . 45137 Buea, Africa (Kamerun) Buenos Aires, Argen- tina 1314163 Buer, Ger. Emp 61537 Bukarest, Roumania. ..300000 Bukhara, Asiatic Rus. . .75000 Burgos, Spain 31489 Burnley, England 106337 Burslem, England 38766 Burton-on-Trent, Eng.. 48275 Burujird, Persia 20000 Bury, England 58649 Buzeu, Roumania 11106 Byelaya Tserkov, Eur. Rus 54270 Byelostok, Eur. Russia 80190 Cachoeira, Brazil 1 5000 Cadiz, Spain 67174 Caen, France 46934 Cagliari, Italy 61013 Caibaridn, Cuba 8333 Cairo, Egypt 654476 Cajamaroa, Peru 12000 Calais, France 72322 Calcutta, India 1222313 Calgary, Alberta 43704 Calicut, India 78417 Callao, Peru 31000 Caltaglrone, Italy 44879 Caltanlssetta, Italy. ... 41320 Camaguey, Cuba 29616 Cambrai. France 26586 Cambridge, England... 40028 Campinas, Brazil 35000 Campos, Brazil 40000 Candla, Crete 22774 Cannes, France 30420 Cannstatt, Ger. Emp.... 26449 Canton. China 1250000 Cape Coast Castle, Africa, (Gold Coast) . 11364 117 Name Country Pop. Cape Town, Union of South Africa 67170 Cap Haitien, Haiti 30000 Caracas, Venezuela... . 72429 Carapequa, Paraguay... 15000 Carcassonne, France . . . 30689 Cardenas, Cuba 24280 Cardiff, Wales 182280 Carlisle, England 46432 Carrara, Italy 42097 Cartagena, Colombia. .. 30000 Cartagena, Spain 99871 Cartago, Costa Rica 5927 Casale Monferrato, Italy 31793 Casclna, Italy 4000 Caserta, Italy 33455 Castellammare, Italy... 32841 Castellon de la Plana, Spain 30583 Castelvetrano, Italy. . . 22000 Castres, France 27308 Castroglovanni, Italy.. 25826 Catania, Italy 211699 Catanzaro, Italy 34340 Cawnpur, India 178557 Cayenne, Fr. Guia 13527 Ceara, Brazil 33000 Celaya, Mexico 25565 Cerignola, Italy 34195 Cesena, Italy 42240 Cetlnje, Montenegro. . . 4500 Cette, France 33049- Ceuta, Morocco 13000 Chalcls (Euripos). Greece 10958 Ch 'ilons-sur-Marne, France 31367 Ch'ilon-sur-Saflne, France 31550 Chandarnagar, India, (Fr. Ind.) 22816 Chang-chou-fu, China .800000 Chang-sha, China 230000 Charleroi. Belgium 28177 Charlottenb'urg, German Empire 305181 Charlottetown, P. E. I. 11203 Charters Towers, Aus'a. 20976 Chatham, England. . . . 42250 Chatham, N. B 4666 Cheltenham, England.. 48944 Chemnitz, Ger. Emp... 287340 Chengtu -Fu, China . . .800000 Cherbourg, France 43731 Chernigov, Eur. Rus 30197 Chester, England 39038 Chlba, Japan 26233 Chletl, Italy 25628 Chifu, China 95000 Chihuahua, Mexico .... 39061 Chilian, Chile 34269 Chlmaltenango, Guat. . 14000 Chinandega, Nicar 10542 Chinkiang, China 140000 ChiogKia. Italy 30563 Chlquinquira, Colom... 13116 Chita, Asiatic Russia.... 39117 Cholon, Fr. Indo-Ch.. .138000 Choluteca, Honduras... 10820 Choshl, Japan 25298 Christchurch, N. Zeal.. 80193 Christlania, Norway. . .243801 Christiansand, Norway. 15154 Chrlstianstad, Sweden.. 11569 Christiansund.Norway . 13012 FOREIGN COUNTRIES Name Country Pop. Chungking, China 598000 Clenfuegos, Cuba 30100 Cltta dl Castcllo, Italy. 26439 Cludad Bolivar, Venez. 11686 Clermon Ferrand, France 65386 Cllchy la Garenne (Cllchy) .France 4C676 Clydebank, Scotland... 37547 Coatbrldge. Scotland. . 43287 Coban, Guatemala 30770 Cochabamba, Bolivia . . 24 51 2 Colmbatore, India 53080 Colmbra. Portugal 18144 Colchester, England . . 43463 Cologne (Koln), Ger. Emp 516167 Colomoo, Ceylon 158228 Colon, Panama 13000 Comayagua, Honduras. 10000 Combaconum, India... 59673 COTOO, Italy 44146 Concepclon, Peru 18277 Constantlne, Algeria ... 46806 Constantinople, Eur. Tur 1200000 Copenhagen , Den 514134 Copparo, Italy 39267 Coqulmbo, Chile 15712 Corato. Italy 41573 Cordoba, Argentina 70380 Cordoba, Spain 65160 Corfu, Greece 18978 Cork, Ireland 76632 Corrlentes, Argentina .. 23904 Cortona, Italy 27000 Corufla. Spain 46570 Courbevole, France.. . . 38138 Courtral, Belgium 35689 Coventry. England.. . .106377 Covllha, Portugal 15469 Cracow, (Erakau) Austria-Hungary... . 150318 Craiova, Roumanla 46000 Cremona, Italy 40436 Crewe, England 44970 Croydon, England 169559 Csaba, (Be'ke's-Csaba) Austria-Hungary 37547 Cuddalore. India 52216 Cuenca, Ecuador 30000 CumaniS, Venezuela 10000 Cuneo. Italy 27065 Cura, Venezuela 12198 Curie'), Chile 17573 Cuttack, India 51364 Cuyab i, Brazil 1 5000 Cuzco, Peru 20000 Czeglgd. Aust.-Hung. . 33942 Czernowltz,Aust.-Hung 86870 Czestochowa.Eur. Rus. 69525 Dacca, India 108551 Dalren, Kwan-tung 41809 Dakar, Africa (Senegal), 24914 Damanhur, Egypt 38752 Damascus, Asiatic Tur 350000 Damletta. Egypt 29354 Danzig, Ger. Emp 170347 Darbhangah, India .... 66244 Dar-es-Salam, Atrlca (Ger. E. Af.) 195500 Darlington, England... 55633 Darmstadt, Ger. Emp. . 87085 Debreczen,Aust.-Hung. 92729 Delft. .Netherlands 34191 Name Country Pop. Delhi, India 232837 Derby. England 123433 Dessau, Ger. Emp 56500 Deutsch \Vllmersdorf, Ger. Emp 109729 Deventer, Netherlands. 27787 Devonport, England.. . 81694 Dlarbeklr, Asiatic Tur. 38000 Dijon, France 76847 Dordrecht, Neth 46355 Dortmund, Ger. Emp. 214333 Doual. France 36314 Douglas, Eng..(Isleof Man) 21101 Dover, England 43647 Drammen, Norway 24904 Dresden, Ger. Emp 546882 Dublin, Ireland 309272 Dudley, England 51092 Dulsburg, Ger. Emp. . .229478 Dulclgno, Montenegro.. 5000 Dumbarton, Scotland. . 21989 Dundee, Scotland 165006 Dunedin, N. Zeal 64237 Dunfermline, Scotland . 28103 Dunkirk, France 38891 Durango, Mexico 34085 Durban, Un. S. Af 72512 Diiren, Ger. Emp 32460 Diisseldorf, Ger. Emp.. 357702 Dvlnsk, (Diinaburg) Eur. Rus 89884 Baling, England 61235 Eastbourne, England. . 52544 Eastham, England. . . .133504 East London, Un. S. Af. 21277 Eccles, England 41946 Edinburgh, Scotland. ..320315 Edmonton, Alberta 24900 Eldsvold, Norway 9581 Eisenach, Ger. Emp. . . 38353 Ekaterinburg, Eur. Rus 43239 Ekaterinodar, Asiatic Russia 70977 Ekaterlnoslav, Eur. Rus 121216 Elberfeld, Ger. Emp. . . 1701 18 Elbing, Ger. Emp 58631 Elche, Spain 27975 Elets,( Yelets) Eur.Rus. 37455 Elisabethgrad, Eur. Rus 61841 Ellsabethpol, Asiatic Rus 37806 Elsinore, Denmark. . . . 13864 Elvas, Portugal 13881 Enfleld, England 56344 Enschede, Neth 54201 Entebbe, Africa (Uganda) Eplnal, France 30042 Erfurt, Ger. Emp 111461 Erivan. Asiatic Kus 28910 Erlau, Aust.-Hung .... 25893 Erzerum, Asiatic Tur . . 80000 Eskllstuna, Sweden... . 28371 Essen, Ger. Emp 294629 Esslingen, Ger. Emp. . . 32364 Esteli. Nicaragua 8281 Eszek, (Osjek) Austria Hungary 24930 Evora, Portugal 16020 Exeter, England 48660 Faenza. Italy 40370 Falzabad. India 62446 118 Name Country Pop. Falklrk. Scotland 33569 Falun, Sweden 11 582 Faro, Portugal 11789 Farukhabad, India.. . . 67338 Felegyhaza, Aust.- Hung 33408 Ferrara, Italy 95196 Ferrol, Spain 24957 Fez, Morocco 140000 Flume, Aust.-Hung... 49806 Flensburg, Ger. Emp... 60931 Florence, (Flrenze) Italy 232800 Focsanl, Roumanla 250000 Foggia, Italy 76534 Follgno, Italy 26111 Folkestone, England... 33-195 Foltlcenl, Roumanla... 15029 Foochow, China 624000 Forli. Italy 45879 Forst, Ger. Emp 33878 Fort de France, West Indies. (Mert.) 27069 Frankfurt. Ger. Emp... 414598 Frankfurt, Ger. Emp... 68230 Fredericla, Denmark... 12714 Frederlcton, N. B 7208 Frederlksberg, Den 76237 Fredrlkshald, Norway.. 12046 Fredrlkstad, Norway. .. 15624 Freetown, Sierra L .... 31090 Freiberg, Ger. Emp... . 3G237 Freiburg, Ger. Emp 83328 Freiburg, (FrlbourgX Switzerland 20297 Fremantle, Australia. . . 19346 Fukui, Japan 50396 Fukuoka, Japan 82106 Funchal, Madeira 20844 Fiinfklrchen, (P6cs) Aust.-Hung 43982 Furth, Ger. Emp 66535 Galatz, Roumania 66000 Galle, Ceylon 37316 Galllpoli, Eur. Tur 20000 Gatcshead, England.. .116928 Gaya. India 70423 Geelong, Australia 2S8SO Gefle, Sweden 35203 Gelllvara, Sweden 1235 Gelsenkirchen, Ger. Emp 169530 Geneva, Switzerland. . . 58050 Genoa, Italy 272077 Georgetown, Brit. Guia 53176 Georgetown, P. E. I. .. 1123 Gera, Ger. Emp 49283 Ghardala, Algeria 30324 Ghaznl.(Ghuznee) Afg. 10000 Ghent, (Gand) Belgium . 166445 Ghuzzeh, (Gaza) Asiatic-Turkey 40000 Glarre, Italy 26000 Gibraltar (town and colony) 24460 Glcssen, Ger. Emp 31044 Gifu. Japan 41488 Gijon, Spain 47544 Gilllngham. Eiig 52252 Gllly, Belgium 2421 1 Glrgcntl, Italy 26314 Glurglu, Roumanla... . 20866 Glace Bay, N. S 16562 Glasgow, Scotland 784455 Glauchau, Ger. Emp... 25156 Glehvitz, Ger. Emp 66983 FOREIGN COUNTRIES Name Country Pop. Name Country Pop. Name Country Pop. Gloucester, England ... 50029 Heidelberg, Ger. Emp.. 56010 Jasz Berdny, Aust.- Gomel, European Rus.. 79107 Heilbronn, Ger. Emp. . 42709 Hung 26791 Gondar, Abyssinia 5000 Heillgengrabe, Ger. Jauja, Peru 15000 Gorakhpur, India 64148 Emp 29939 Jerez de la Froatcra, Gorlltz, Ger. Emp 85790 Helder. Netherlands ... 27159 Spain 63473 Gorz, Aust.-Hung 25432 Helsingborg, Sweden. . 33348 Jerusalem, Asiatic Gptha. Ger. Emp 39581 Helsingfors, Eur. Rus. . 130844 Turkey 80000 Gothenburg, (Goteborg) Herat, Afghanistan 45000 Jhi'msl, India 55724 Sweden 167813 Heredia, Costa Rica. . . 7761 Jibuti, Africa (Fr. Som." 1 Gottingen, Ger. Emp... 37598 Herford, Ger. Emp. . . . 32532 Coast) lf>000 Gouda, Netherlands. .. 24574 Herisau, Switz 15273 Jinotcga, Nicar 13899 Goulburn, Australia. .. 10900 Hermannstadt, (Nagy- Jinotepe, Nicar 9317 Govan, Scotland 89725 Szeben.) Aust.-Hung. 29577 Jodhpur, India 60437 Graaff, Reinet, Un. S. Hermoupolis, (Syra) Johannesburg, Un. S. Af 8129 Greece 17773 Af 237220 Grahamstown, Un. S. Herne, Ger. Emp 57110 Jonkoping, Sweden 26971 Af 13803 Hildesheim, Ger. Emp . 50246 Jovellanos, Cuba 9246 Granada, Nicaragua.. . 17092 Hille, Asiatic Tur 30000 Juticalpa, Honduras. .. 17800 Granada, Spain 77425 Himeji, Japan 41028 K;ibul, Afghanistan 60000 Graudenz, Ger. Emp... 40314 Hirosakl, Japan 37487 Kadina, Australia 1728 Graz, Aust.-Hung 151668 Hiroshima, Japan 142763 Kagoshima, Japan 63010 Great Yarmouth, Eng.. 55808 Hobart, Tasmania 27719 Kaifung fu, China 100000 Greenock, Scotland 75140 Hodmezo-Vasarhely, Kairwan, Tunis 15000 Greenwich, England... 95977 Aust.-Hung 62445 Kaisarieh, Asiatic Tur.. 54000 Grenoble, France 77438 Hot, Ger. Emp 41001 Kaiserslautern, Ger. Grcytown. Nicaragua. 2000 Horns, Asiatic Turkey. 70000 Emp 53803 Grimsby, Eng 74663 Hope Town, Brit. Kalamai, Greece 15397 Grodno, Eur. Rus 52400 Guiana 2000 Kalgoorlie and Boulder, Groningen, Neth 74613 Horde, Ger. Emp 32785 Australia 29242 Grosswardein,(Nagyvii- Hornsey, England 84602 Kalisz, Eur. Rus 46796 rad) Aust.-Hung. . . . 50177 Horsens, Denmark 22327 Kalmar, Sweden 15536 Guadalajara, Mexico. ..118799 Hove, England 42173 Kaluga, Eur. Rus 51939 Guanabacoa, Cuba .... 14368 Howrah, India 179066 Kamenets Podolsk, Guanajuato, Mexico ... 35147 Hubll, India 60214 Eur. Rus 40135 Guanare, Venezuela.. . 10880 Huchou, China 60000 Kampen, Neth 19745 Guanarilo, Venezuela .. 19923 Huddersfleld, England. 107825 Kanazawa, Japan 110994 Guatemala, Guat 125000 Hue, Fr. Indo-Ch 50000 Kandahar, Afg 60000 Guayaquil, Ecuador.. . 80000 Hull, Quebec 18222 Kandy, Ceylon 26519 Gubbio, Italy 26320 Husi. Roumania 18500 Kanea, Crete 24537 Guben, Ger. Emp 38485 Hyde. England 33444 Karachi, India 151903 Guclph, Ontario 15175 Ibague, Colombia 37086 Karlk tl, India, (Fr. Ind.) 20380 Guines, Cuba 8053 Ibarra, Ecuador 10000 Karlskrona, (Carlscrona) Gwalior, India 60921 Ichang, China 55000 Sweden 27448 Gympie, Australia 14431 Ilford, England 78205 Karlsruhe, Ger. Emp. ..134161 Haarlem, Neth 69410 Imola, Italy 33210 Karlstad, Sweden 17191 Hagen, Ger. Emp 88625 Imoski, Aust.-Hung. . . 36789 Kars, Asiatic Rus 22402 Haidarabad, India .... 500623 Indore, India 68733 Kaschau, (Kassau) Hajda, Boszormeny, Innsbruck,Aust.-Hung. 27056 Aust.-Hung 44211 Aust.-Hung 25070 Inowrazlaw, Ger. Emp. 25635 Kashan, Persia 35000 Hakodate, Japan 87875 Insterburg, Ger. Emp.. 31627 Kassel, Ger. Emp 153078 Halberstadt, Ger. Invercargill, N. Zeal. . . 15858 Kattowitz, Gcr. Emp. . 43175 Emp 46455 Inverness, Scotland 22216 Kazan, Eur. Rus 161565 Halifax, England 101556 Ipiales, Colombia 10508 Kazvin, Persia 40000 Halifax, N. S 40619 Ipswich, Australia 15246 Kccskeme't, Aust.-Hung.66834 Halle, Ger. Emp 180551 Ipswich, England 73939 Keighley, England 43490 Halmstad, Sweden 18342 Iquique, Chile 40171 Keneh, Egypt 27478 Hamadan, Persia 35000 Irkutsk, Asiatic Rus ... 75697 Kerbela, Asiatic Tur. .. 65000 Hamah, Asiatic Tur. . . 60000 Iserlohn, Ger. Emp 31294 Kerch, Eur. Rus 49708 Hamborn, Ger. Emp. ..101718 Ismid, Asiatic Tur 25000 Kerkuk, Asiatic Tur. .. 30000 Hamburg, Ger. Emp. ..932080 Ispahan, Persia 80000 Kerman, Persia 40000 Hamilton, Ontario 81969 Ivanovo-Voznesertsk, Kermanshahan, Persia. 40000 Hamilton, Scotland 38644 Eur. Rus 98131 Kezanlyk, Bulgaria 21000 Hamm, Ger. Emp 43658 Ivry-sur Seine, France. 38307 Khabarovsk, Asiatic Hanau, Ger. Emp 37473 Ixelles, Belgium, Rus : 40402 Handsworth. England.. 68618 suburb of Brussels ... 72991 Kharkov, Eur. Rus 206315 Hangchow, China 350000 Izhevskly, Eur.Rus . . . 41074 Khartum, Anglo-Egyp. Hankow, China 820000 Izmall, Eur. Rus 33607 Sud 20956 Hanley, England 61524 Jabalpur, India 100651 Khatmandu, Nepal .... 50000 Hanoi,. Fr. Indo-Ch 103000 Ja''n, Spain 26894 Khelat, Baluchistan ... 12000 Hanover, Ger. Emp 302384 Jaffa, (Yafa) Asiatic Kherson, Eur. Rus. . . . 64554 Han-yang, China 400000 Tur 45000 Khoi, Persia 25000 Harbin, China 30000 Jaltna, Ceylon 33879 Khojent, Asiatic Rus... 28000 Harburp, Ger. Emp 67024 Jaipur, India 137098 Khotan, Asia, (China).. 30000 Harrar, Abyssinia 50000 Jalalabad, Afg 10000 Khotin, Eur. Rus 30429 Hastings, England 61146 Jalandhar, India 67735 Kiao-chou (town and Havana, Cuba 297159 Jarrow, England 33732 district) 35000 119 FOREIGN COUNTRIES Name Country Pop. Kiel. Ger. Emp 211044 Klelce. Eur. Kus 30818 Kiev, Eur. Rus 320000 Kllmarnock, Scotland . 34729 Klmberley. Un. S. At.. 29509 King's Norton, Eng 81163 Kingston, Ontario 18874 Kingston, W. Indies, (Jamaica) 57379 K Ingoton-upon-Hull, Eng 278024 Klngston-upon-Thames, Eng 37977 Klrkcaldy, Scotland. . . 39600 Klrk-Klllse, Eur. Tur . . 16000 Kishinev, Eur. Rus 127487 Kluklang. China 36000 Kiung-chou. China. ... 42000 Klausenburg, (Kolo- zsvar) Aust.-Hung. . 40295 Kobe, Japan 378197 Koblenz, Ger. Emp.. . . 56478 Kocbl, Japan 38279 Kofu. Japan 49882 Kokand. Asiatic Rus. . 1 12428 Kokura. Japan 31615 Kolding, Denmark 12530 Kolhapur, India ...... 54373 Kolmar (Colmar), Ger. Emp 43657 Kolomea, Aust.-Hung . 40520 Konakrl, Fr. Guinea 6238 Konleh, (Konla) Asiatic Tur 45000 Kimlgsberg, Ger. Emp. 245853 Konigshiitte. Ger. Emp. 72642 Kostroma. Eur. Rus. . 44893 Kottbus, Ger. Emp.. . 48792 Kovno, Eur. Rus 75350 Kozlov, Eur. Rus 43039 Kraguyevats, Servla. . 18376 Krasnoyarsk, Asiatic RUB 46919 Krefeld. Ger. Emp. .. .129412 Kremenchug, Eur.Rus. 63212 Krlmmltschau, Ger. Emp 28804 Kronstadt, (Brasso) Aust.-Hung 36646 Kronstadt, Eur. Rus... 59525 Kuching. Malaysia, (Sarawak) 15000 Kum, Persia 35000 Kumamoto. Japan 61233 Kungcheng. China 50000 Kure, Japan 100G79 Kursk, Eur. Rus 56588 Kurume, Japan 35928 Kutals, Asiatic Russia 40271 Kwanchlngtsu. (Kuang- chang-tsu), China. ... 80000 Kwangyen, Fr.Indo-Ch. 43000 Kwelhevacheng, China. 200000 Kyoto. Japan 442462 L'Abbaye, Switz 1156 La Chaux de Fonds Switz 37636 Lachlne. Quebec 10699 La Concepcion, Chile . . 55330 Laeken, Belgium 35024 Lagos. Africa, (South- ern Nigeria) 73000 La Guaira. Venezuela. . 14000 Lahore. India 22HOS7 Laibach. Aust.-Hung. . 52100 La Llnea, Spain 31862 Name Country Pop. Lancaster, England . . . 41414 Lanchou-fu. China 400000 Landsberg, Ger. Emp.. 39332 Landskrona, Sweden. .. 16041 Laog, Philippines 34454 La Paz, Bolivia 78856 La Plata, Argentina . . . 97066 La Pointe-fl-Pitre, W. Ind.. (Guadeloupe) . . 18942 Larlssa, Greece 18041 Larnaca, Cyprus 9262 La Rochelle. France ... 36371 La Serena, Chile 15996 Las Palmas, Canary Is . 44517 Latacunga, Ecuador. .. 10000 Launceston, Tasmania. 18077 La Union, Salvador 3000 Laurvlk, Norway 10151 Lausanne, Swltz 63926 Laval, France 30252 Lecce, Italy 36310 Le Creusot, France .... 35587 Leeds, England 445568 Le^uwarden, Neth 36522 Leghorn, (Llvorno) .... Italy 105322 Le Havre, France 136159 Leicester, England 227242 Leiden, Neth 58253 Leigh, England 44109 Leipzig, Ger. Emp 587635 Lelth, Scotland 80489 Le Locle, Switz 12696 Le Mans, France 69361 Lemberg, Aust.- Hung 206574 Leon, Mexico 632G3 Leon. Nicaragua 62569 Leopoldvllle. Africa, (Belgian Congo) 5000 Leskovac, Servla 14266 Levallols Perret, France, suburb of Paris 6S703 Levls, Quebec 7783 Leyton, England 124736 Lhasa. Asia (China)... . 25000 Liangchou, China 30000 Llau-yung, China 4 0000 Libau. Eur. Rus 64502 Libreville. Africa (Fr. Con.) 3000 Lichtenberg.Ger. Emp. 81101 Lie"ge. Belgium 167521 Liegnitz, Ger. Emp 66620 Llerre, Belgium 25869 Lille. France 217807 Lima. Peru 140884 Limasol, Cyprus 1 0245 Limerick, Ireland 38403 Limoges, France 92181 Linares, Spain 38245 Lincoln, England 57294 Linden, Ger. Emp 73352 Linkbplng, Sweden .... 22 1 57 Linz. Aust.-Hung 67859 Llpa, Philippines 37934 Lisbon, Portugal 356009 Liverpool, England 746566 Loanda, Africa. (Angola) 20106 Lobtau. Ger. Emp 33807 Lodl, Italy 27811 Lodz, Eur. Rus 393526 Loja. Ecuador 10000 Lokeren, Belgium 22675 Lome, Africa, (Togo- land) 3610 120 Name Country Pop. Lomza, Eur. Rus 27343 London, England. . . .4522961 London, Ontario 46300 Londonderry, Ireland.. 39873 Longton, England 35825 Lorca. Spain 59624 Lorlent, France 490.39 Los Anjeles. Chile 7868 Loule\ Portugal 18872 Lourem;o Marques, Africa (Port. E. Af.) 9849 Louvaln, Belgium 42 1 23 Liibeck, Ger. Emp 98612 Lublin, Eur. Rus 62222 Lucca. Italy 76137 Lucerne, Swltz 391 52 Lucknow, India 259798 Liidenscheld.Ger. Emp. 32298 Ludwlgshafen. Ger. Emp 83297 Lugo. Italy 27415 Lugo, Spain 26945 Lund, Sweden 20139 Luque, Paraguay 15000 Luton, England 50000 Luxemburg, Luxemburg 21024 Lyons, France 523796 Maastricht, Neth 37483 Macao, (city and prov- ince) China 78627 Macclesfteld, England.. 34804 Maceio, Brazil 33000 Madras, India 518660 Madrid, Spain 57 1 539 Madura, India 134130 Maebashl, Japan 34495 Magdeburg. Ger. Emp.. 279685 Mahe, French India. .. 10095 Miihrlsch-Ostrau, Aust.- Hung 30125 Maldstone, Eng 35477 Maikop. Asiatic Russia, 34327 Mainz, Ger. Emp 110634 Maltland, East and West, Australia 12500 Mak6, Aust.-Hung 34918 Malaga. Spain 136192 Malatia, Asiatic Tur. . . 30000 Mallnes, (Mechlin) Bel. 59142 Malmo. Sweden 88158 Malstatt-Burbach. Ger. Emp 31200 Managua, Nicaragua... 34872 Manaos, Brazil 50000 Manchester. England. .714427 Mandalay. India 138299 Manila. Philippines 219928 Manipur, India 67093 Manissa. Asiatic Tur . . . 60000 Mannheim, Ger. Emp .193379 Manresa. Spain 25121 Mansura. Egypt 40279 Mantua. Italy 32692 Manzanlllo, Cuba 15819 Maracalbo. Venezuela.. 34248 Marash, Asiatic Tur 52000 Marburg. Aust.-Hung. 24501 Marchlenne au Pont.Bel.21635 Mardin, Asiatic Tur 25000 Margelan, Asiatic Rus . 36490 Marianao, Cuba 9332 Maria Thereslopel.fSzab- adka) Aust.-Hung . . 82122 Mariupol. .Eur. Rus 31772 Marsala. Italy 57567 Marseilles, France 550019 FOREIGN COUNTRIES Name Country Pop. Martina Franca, Italy. 25007 Maryborough, Australia 12900 Masaya, Nicaragua. . . . 13023 Maskara, Algeria 18989 Maskat, (with Alatrah) Asia. (Oman) 25000 Massa, Italy 26413 Massaua, Africa, (Eritrea) 2275 Matagalpa. Nlcar 15749 Mat^nzas, Cuba 36009 Matsue, Japan 3G209 Matsumoto. Japan 350 1 1 Matsuyama, Japan .... 44166 Matto Grosso, Brazil... 15000 Maturin, Venezuela .... 14473 Maulmaln. India 58446 Mecca, (Asia) Asiatic Tur 80000 Mcdetlin, Colombia 51946 Medina, Asiatic Tur... . 40000 Medlnet-el-Fayum, Egypt 37320 Meerane, Ger. Emp 25466 Meerut, India 116227 Mehallet el-Keblr. Egypt 47955 Melderlch. Ger. Emp... 33684 Meissen, Ger. Emp 33875 Meklnes, Morocco 56000 Melbourne, Australia. ..591830 Mendoza, Argentina.. . 42496 Mercedes, Uruguay . . . 15677 Merlda, Mexico 61999 Mcrida, Venezuela 12018 Merthyr-Tydfll, Wales. 80999 Meshed, Persia 45000 Messina, Italy 126172 Metapa, Nicaragua. . . . 8279 Metz, Ger. Emp 68867 Mexico, Mexico 470659 Mezo Tur, Aust-Hung. 25383 Middlesbrough, Eng.. .104787 Milan. Italy 599200 Mile End. Quebec 10933 Minsk. Eur. Bus 97997 Mirzdpur, India 55304 Mlskolcz, Aust.-Hung. . 51459 Mitau, Eur. Rus 35011 Mlto, Japan 38435 Modena, Italy 70257 Modlca, Italy 48962 Moghilev-on-Dnleper, Eur. Rus 53718 Mojanga, Madag 7205 Moll, Japan 55082 Molenbeek St. Jean. Bel., suburb of Brussels . . 72783 Molfetta, Italy 40135 Mombasa, Africa, (Brit. (E.Af.) 30000 Monaco, France 2410 Monastlr, Eur. Tur. . . . 45000 Moncton, N. B 11345 Monrovia, Liberia 8000 Mons, Belgium 27828 Montauban, France. ... 30506 Montceau-les-Mines, France 28779 Monterey, Mexico 81006 Monte San Guiliano, Italy 28939 Montevideo, Uruguay.. 29 1465 Montlucon, France. ... 33799 Montpellier, France. ... 80230 Montreal, Quebec 473712 Name Country Pop. Montreull-sous-Bols, France, suburb of Paris 43217 Monza, Italy... ,. 42599 Moraddbad, India 81168 Morelia, Mexico 39116 Morloka, Japan 36012 Morocco, Morocco 50000 Morshansk, Eur. Rus. . 10072 Moscow, Eur. Rus 1468563 Mostaganem, Algeria... 19528 Mosul, Asiatic Tur 70000 Motherwell, Scotland. . 40378 Mountain Ash, Wales... 42256 Moyobamba, Peru 10000 Miihlhausen, Ger. Emp. 35083 M u kden, China 165634 Miilhausen, Ger. Emp.. 94967 Mulheim. Ger. Emp. . ..112602 Mulheim. Ger. Emp 53428 Multan, India 99243 Miinchen-Gladbach, Ger. Emp 66410 Munich, (Miinchen) Ger. Emp 595053 Munster, Ger. Emp 90283 Murcia, Spain 125381 Mush, Asiatic Tur 27003 Muttra, India 60042 Mysore, India 71306 Naba, Japan 47562 Nacome, Handouras ... 12040 Nagano, Japan 39242 Nagasaki, Japan 176480 Nagoya, Japan 378231 Nagpur. India 134712 Nagy Becskerek, Aust.- Hung 26407 Nagy Kiklnda, Austria- Hungary 24843 Nagy Kbrbs, Aust.- Hung 26638 Nagyvarad (Grosswar- dein), Aust.-Hung.. . .64169 Namangan, Asiatic Rus. 73279 Namur, Belgium 32363 Nancy, France 1 19949 Nanking, China 267000 Nantes, France 170535 Napier, New Zealand .. 11736 Naples, Italy 723208 Nara, Japan 32732 Narbonne, France 28852 Nassau, W. Indies, (Bahamas) 12534 Nawanagar, India 53844 Neder Kalis, Sweden. . 10952 Negapatam, India 57190 Nelson, England 39485 Neuchiitel, Switz 23505 Neullly, France 44616 Neumunster, Ger. Emp. 34567 Neunklrchen, Ger. Emp 34532 Neusatz.(UJvldek) Aust.- Hung 29296 Neuss, Ger. Emp 37231 Neu-Welssensee, Ger. Emp 43031 Nevcrs, France 27673 Newcastle, Australia... 55630 Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng 266671 Newchwang, China .... 75000 Newport, England 83700 New Westminster, B.C. 13199 Nice, France 142940 121 Name Country Pop. Nictheroy. Brazil 35000 Nilgata, Japan 61616 Nlkolalev, Eur. Rus. . . 99002 Nlkosia, Cyprus 16400 Nikslc, Montenegro... . 5000 Nlmeguen, Neth 54803 Nimes, France 80437 Ningpo, China 400000 Nish, Servia 24949 Nizhne-Tagllsk, Eur. Rus 31449 Nlzhniy Novgorod, Eur. Rus 92273 Nordhausen, Ger. Emp. 32582 Norrkoplng, Sweden . . . 464 1 6 Northampton, Eng .... 90076 Norwich, England 121493 Nottingham, Eng 259942 Novara, Italy 545S9 Novgorod, Eur. Rus. .. 26972 Novocherkassk, Eur. Rus 49559 Novorosslysk, Asiatic Rus 41513 Numea, Oceania (New. Caledonia) 6679 Nuremberg, Ger. Emp 332651 Nyezhln.(Nejln) Eur. Rus 46841 Nyiregyhdza. Aust.- Hung 38198 Oaxaca. Mexico 37409 Oberhausen, Ger. Emp. 89878 Odenburg, (Sopron) Aust.-Hung 33590 Odense, Denmark 40547 Odessa, Eur. Rus 520000 Offenbach, Ger. Emp. . 75593 Okayama, Japan 93421 Oldenburg, Ger. Emp . 30115 Oldham, Eng 147495 Omdurman, Anglo- Egyp. Sud 42779 Omsk, Asiatic Rus 62572 Onomlchl, Japan 30367 Oporto, Portugal 167955 Oppeln, Ger. Emp 33907 Oran, Algeria 100499 6'rebro, Sweden 30098 Orel. Eur. Rus 81641 Orenburg, Eur. Rus.. . . 80796 Orlhuela, Spain 26951 Orizaba, Mexico 32894 Orleans, France 72096 Oruro, Bolivia 20670 Osh, Asiatic Russia. . . . 43 483 Osnabriick, Ger. Emp.. 65955 Ostend, Belgium 42207 Otaru, Japan 91281 Otsu. Japan 42869 Ottawa, Ontario 87062 Ouro Preto, Brazil 59249 Ovledo, Spain 53193 Oxford, England 53049 Ozaka, Japan 821235 Paarl, Un. S. At 11020 Pachuca. Mexico 38620 Padua, Italy 96135 Paisley, Scotland 84477 Palapye, Africa, (Bechl'd) 15000 Palermo. Italy 341656 Palma, Spain 68359 Palmcrston North. N. Zeal 10991 FOREIGN COUNTRIES Name Country Pop. Palmira, Colombia 12390 Pamplona. Spain 28759 Panama. Panama 40801 Pantln. France, suburb ot Parts 36359 Para, (Delem) Brazil... 200000 Paraguarl. Paraguay. .. 10000 Parahiba. Brazil 32000 Paramaribo. Dutch Guiana 34795 Parani, Argentina 35857 Paris. France 28881 10 Parma. Italy 51919 Parramatta, Australia.. 13600 Partlck, Scotland 60848 Patlala. India 53545 Patna, India 13C153 Patras. Greece 37724 Pan, France 37149 Pavla. Italy 39319 Paysandu, Uruguay. .. 20053 Peking .China 1017209 Pelotas. Brazil 41591 Penza. Eur. Rus 63499 P<5rlgueux, France 33548 Perm. Eur. Rus 46219 Pernambuco. Brazil 150000 Perplgnan, France 39510 Perth. Australia 54354 Perth. Scotland 35851 Perugia, Italy 65818 Pesaro. Italy 27343 Peshawar. India 97935 Peterborough, Eng. . . . 33578 Peterborough. Ontario 18360 Pforzheim, Ger. Emp.. 69084 Phlllppevllle. Algeria. . 16539 Phlllppopolls.Bulgaria. 47929 Phyongyang, Chosen. . 40000 Placenza, Italy 38523 Platra, Roumania 20000 Pletermarltzburg, Un. S. At 29347 Pllsen. Aust.-Hung 81165 PInar del Rio. Cuba 10634 Plnsk. Eur. Rus 27038 Plotrkow. Eur. Rus.... 38114 Piraeus. Greece 73579 Plrmasens, Ger. Emp.. 38460 Plrot, Servla 10737 Pisa, Italy ' 65215 Plstoja, Italy 62606 PItescl. Roumania 15000 Plauen, Ger. Emp 121104 Plevna. Bulgaria 21145 Plock, Eur. Rus 30012 Ploescl, Roumania 48000 Plymouth, England 112042 Pnompenh, Fr.Indo-Ch. 45000 Podgorica. Montenegro. 10000 Poitiers, France 41242 Pola. Aust.-Hung 70145 Poltava, Eur. Rus 50401 Pondlche"ry. India, (Fr. Ind.) 46738 Pontyprtdd. Wales . . . 43215 Poona, India 1.58856 Popayan. Colombia 28448 Portage la Prairle.Man. 5892 Portalegre, Portugal... 11820 Port Arthur. K wan-tune 18142 Port Arthur, Ontario . . 11 220 Port au Prince, Haiti. 100000 Port Elizabeth. Un. S. Af 30676 Port Louis, Africa. .. . 52740 Name Country Pop. Pcrto Alegre, Brazil. . 100000 Port of Spain. \V. Indies (Trinidad) . . . 60000 Porto Novo, Africa.. (Dahomey) 10000 Port Plrie, Australia . . . 7983 Port Said, Egypt 49884 Portsmouth. Eng 231165 Posen, Ger. Emp 156690 Potosl, Bolivia 25000 Potsdam, Ger. Emp.... 62224 Pozarevac, Servia 13613 Prague, Aust.-Hung. . .224721 Prato. Italy 51453 Pressburg, (Pozsony) Aust.-Hung 65867 Preston, England 117113 Pretoria. Un. S. Af. ... 48609 Prince Albert, Sask.. .. 6254 Prlshtlna. Eur. Tur 1 5000 Przemysl, Aust.-Hung. 54869 Pskov. Eur. Rus 31227 Pue"bla. Mexico 101214 Punakha, Bhutan 5000 Pyrgos, Greece 13690 Quebec, Quebec 78190 Querctaro, Mexico 3 50 11 Quezaltenango, Guat... 28940 Quito, Ecuador 70000 Raab (Gyor), Aust.- Hung 44300 Rabat, Morocco 27000 Radom, Eur. Rus 39981 Ragusa, Italy 31922 Rampur, India 74316 Randers. Denmark. . . . 20963 Rangoon, India 29.3316 Ratlbor. Ger. Emp. . . . 38438 Ratlsbon, (Regensburg) Ger. Emp 52540 Ravenna, Italy 71690 R;iwal Pindi, India .... 86483 Rawtenstall, England .. 30516 Razgrad, Bulgaria 21551 Reading, England 75214 Regglo dl Calabria, Italy 42867 Regglo nell' Emilia, Italy 70499 Regina, Saskatchewan. 30213 Relchenbach, Ger. Emp. 29681 Relchenberg, Aust.- Hung 63811 Reims, France 115178 Remscheid, Ger. Emp.. 72170 Rennes, France 79372 Resht, Persia 35000 Retlmo, Crete 9311 Rcus, Spain 26752 Revel, Eur. Rus 68644 Rhcydt, Ger. Kmp 44003 Rhondda. Wales 152798 Richmond, England . . . 33223 Riga. Eur. Rus 318400 Rimini. Italy 43203 Rlngsaker, Norway. . . . 1 10Q5 Rlobamba, Ecuador. .. 18000 Rio de Janeiro. Brazil . 1000000 Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil 18000 Rlvas, Nicaragua 3800 Rlvl " re du Loup. Quebec 4569 Rlxdorf, Ger. Emp. . . .237378 Roanne. France 36697 Rochdale, England. . . . 91437 Rochefort. France 35019 122 Name Country Pop- Rochester, England.... 3138S Rockhampton, Aus'a. . 19691 Rome. Italy 53SG34 Rosario. Argentina. . . .192278 Rossland, B. C 2826 Rostock, Ger. Emp. . . . 65377 Rostov-on-Don. Eur. Russia 122787 Rotherham, England. . 62507 Rotterdam, Neth 417989 Roubalx, France 122723 Rouen, France 124987 Rousselaere, (Roulers) Bel 25026 Rullsque, Africa (Senegal) 12457 Rushchuk, Bulgaria. . . 35S23 Ryazan, Eur. Rus 359 1 6 Rybinsk. Eur. Rus 25223 Sabac, Servia 1 1 541 Saga, Japan 30051 Sagua la Grande, Cuba. 12393 Saharanpur, India 6G254 Saigon, Fr. Indo-Ch.... 48783 Sakal, Japan 61103 Salem. India 50153 Salerno. Italy 4:5426 Salford, England 231380 Salisbury, Africa (Rhodesia) Salonlca, Eur. Tur 1 74000 Salta. Argentina . . . 23284 Saltlllo, Mexico 35063 Salto, Uruguay 10788 Salzburg, Aust.-Hung.. 30210 Samara, Eur. Rus... . 95801 Samarang. Dutch E. In. (Java) 90600 Samarkand.AsiatlcRus. 00166 San Carlos, Venez 10420 San Cristobal, Venez ... 11903 Sanctl Spirltus, Cuba. . 17440 San Felipe, Chile 11313 San Fernando, Spain. . 28051 San Jos6, Costa Rica... 3 1668 San Jos6, Uruguay 12297 San Juan, Argentina . . 15202 San Juan del Norte (Grey town) . Nicaragua 2000 San Luis, Argentina. .. 13994 San Luis Potosi, Mex. . 82946 San Marino (republic and town) 10489 San Miguel, Salvador. . 247C8 San Pedro, Paraguay . . 8000 San Pier d' Arena, Italy, suburbofGenoa 34885 San Salvador, Sal v. ... 59540 San Sebastian, Spain. . . 47894 San Severe, Italy 30040 Santa Ana, Salvador... 48120 Santa Clara, Cuba 16702 Santa Cruz, Bolivia 20535 Santa Cruz de Tenerlfle. Canary Is 53403 Santa Fe, Argentina . . . 48600 Santander. Spain 64329 Santa Rosa. Honduras. 10888 Santiago, Chile 332724 Santiago de Cuba, Cuba 45470 Santo Domingo. Dom Rep 18626 Santos. Brazil 35000 Santo Tomas, Guate- mala 19000 FOREIGN COUNTRIES Name Country Pop. San Vicente, Salvador. 17832 Silo Lulz de Maranh .o, Brazil 32000 Sao Paulo, Brazil 400000 Sapporo, Japan 700.84 Saragossa, Spain 111701 Sarajevo (Bosna Serai). Aust.-Hung 51919 Saratov, Eur. Rus 197S22 Sari. Persia 20000 Sascho, Japan 93051 Sassarl. Italy 43240 Savona, Italy 38355 Scarborough, Eng 37204 Schaerbeck, Belgium... 82480 Schatlhausen, Switz 18010 Schiedam, Neth 32024 Scboneberg, Ger. Emp. 172902 Scbwcldnitz.Ger.Emp.. 31330 Schwerin, Gcr. Emp.. . 42518 Sebenlco, Aust.-Hung.. 24751 Sebastopol. Eur. Rus. . 67752 Selkirk. Manitoba 2977 Semipalatinsk, Asiatic Russia 31965 Semnan, Persia 25000 Sendal, Japan 97944 Seralng, Belgium 41015 Serpukhov. Eur. Rus . . 24456 Setlf, Algeria 12261 Setubal, Portugal 22074 Seville, Spain 155366 Sfax, Tunis 10000 Sh..hjah;inpur, India... 71778 Shanghai, China 651000 Shashl, China 96000 Sheffield, England .... 454653 Sherbrooke, Quebec... . 16405 8'Hertogenbosch, Ncth. 34928 Shimonoseki, Japan.... 58254 Shiraz, Persia 50000 Shizuoka, Japan 42 1 72 Shol.tpur, India 61345 Shumla, Bulgaria 22275 Sl.ilkot. India 57956 Sldi-bel-Abbes,Algeria . 24494 Siedlce, Eur. Rus 23714 Siena, Italy 41059 Simbirsk, Eur. Rus 51 959 Simpheropol, Eur. Rus. 62110 Singapore, Straits Settlements 162547 Slnj, Austria-Hungary. 40062 Sir-1-pul, Afg 15000 Slut, Egypt 42078 Sivas, Asiatic Tur 65000 Sklen, Norway 11870 Skutarl, Asiatic Tur. . . 82400 Skutari, Eur. Tur 30000 Sliven (Slivno), Bui 20893 Smethwick. Eng 70681 Smichow, Aust.-Hung.. 47094 Smolensk, Eur. Rus 63346 Smyrna. Asiatic Tur . . 350000 Socorro, Colombia 16048 Soderhamn, Sweden.. . 11412 Sofia, Bulgaria 102769 Sokota, Abyssinia 1500 Sollngen, Ger. Emp.... 50540 Solothurn, Switz 11659 Sonson, Colombia 11841 Sonsonate, Salvador ... 17016 Sorel, Quebec 8420 Soul. Chosen 278958 Souris. P. E. 1 10S9 Southampton, Eng. . . .119039 Name Country Pop. Southport, England 51650 Sou.h Shields. Eng 103649 Spalato, Aust.-IIuag. .. 27108 Spandau, Ger. Emp 84019 Spczia, Italy 60012 Spolcto, Italy 24642 Srinasar, India 12C344 St. Boniface, Manitoba. 7483 St. Catharines, Ont .... 12484 St. Denis. France 71759 St. Denis. (Mascarene Is.) Africa 25689 St /Etlenne, France 148656 St. Gall. Switz 37657 St. Gilles. Belgium. suburb of Brussels. . 63140 St. Helens, Eng 96566 St. Henri de Montreal. Hochelaga, Quebec. 30335 St. Hyacinthe. Que .... 9797 St. John. N. B 42511 St. John's, Newfound- land 31501 St. Louis-du-Se'ne'gal Africa, (Senegal) .... 22003 St. Nazaire, France... . 3S207 St. Nicolas. Belgium. . . 33774 St. Ouen-sur-Seine, France 41904 St. Petersburg, Eur. Rus 1907708 St. Quentln, France.... 5.">.j71 St. Thomas, Ontario . . 14054 Stanislau, Aust.-Hung. 29628 Stara Zagora(Eski Saghra) Bui 16039 Stargard, Ger. Emp.... 27545 Stavanger, Norway .... 37118 Stavropol, Asiatic Rus 49613 Stelnamanger (Szom- bathely) , Aust.-Hung. 24751 Stettin, Ger. Bmp 230145 Stockholm, Sweden... .341986 Stockport, England 108693 Stockton on Tees, Eng. 52158 Stoke-upon-Trent, Eng 234553 Stolp, Ger Emp 33767 Stralsund, Ger. Emp... 33981 Strassburg, Ger. Emp.. 178290 Stratford, Ontario 12946 Stuhlwelssenburg (Szdkes Fej6rvr), Aust.-Hung 36625 Stuttgart, Ger. Emp... 285589 Suchou, China 500000 Sucre, Bolivia 23416 Summerside. P. E. I ... 2678 Sumy, Eur. Rus 27575 Sunderland, Ene 151162 Sundsvall, Sweden 16855 Surabaya, Dutch E. In. (Java) 124529 Surat, India 114836 Susa, Tunis 100000 Suva, Fiji 1376 Suwalki, Eur. Rus 24354 Svlstov (Sistova), Bui . 12482 Swansea, Wales 114673 Swatow, China 65000 Swindon, England 50771 Sydney, Australia 621100 Sydney, Nova Scotia .. 17723 Syracuse, Italy 40589 Syzran, Eur. Rus 43972 123 Name Country Pop. Szabadka (Marie Ther- esiopel) Aust.-IIung. 94610 Szarvas, Aust.-Hung. .. 25773 Szatme'r Nlmctl. Aus- tria-Hungary 26881 Szegedln, Aust.-Hung. .118328 Szcntes, Aust.-Hung.. . 31593 Szolnok, Aust.-Hung . . 25379 Tabriz, Persia 200000 Taganrog, Eur. Rus.. . . 65474 Tainanfu, Formosa. ... 53794 Takamatsu, Japan 42574 TakaoUa, Japan 33603 Takasaki, Japan 39961 Talca, Chile , 38040 Tamatave, Madag 8761 Tambov, Eur. Rus 51950 Tammerfors, Eur. Rus. 43096 Tangier, Morocco 35000 Tanjore. India 57870 Tanta, Egypt 54437 Tarabulus (Tripoli), Asiatic Tur 30000 Taranto, Italy 60733 Tarbes, France 26055 Tarnopol, Aust.-Hung.. 33853 Tarnjw, Aust.-IIung. .. 31548 Tarragona, Spain.-. 23292 Tashkend, Asiatic Russia 164749 Tash-kurgan, Afg 10000 Tatar Pazardzik, BuJ . . 22056 Tavira, Portugal 12175 Tegucigalpa, Hond 34692 Teheran, Persia 280000 Temesv..r, Aust.-Hung. 72555 Ternl. Italy 30641 The Hague (s'Gravenhage) Neth.271280 Theodosia. Eur. Rus.. . 27238 Thorn, Ger. Emp 46230 Three Rivers, Que 13691 Tientsin, China 800000 Tinis. Asiatic Rus 196935 Tilburg, Neth 50405 Tilsit, Ger. Emp 39011 Tipton, Eng : . . . . 31763 Tiraspol, Eur. Rus 27585 Tlrnovo. Bulgaria 25295 Tlzluzu, Algeria 27466 Tlemsen, Algeria 24060 Tobolsk. Asiatic Rus. .. 20292 Tocuyo, Venez 15383 Tokat, Asiatic Turkey. 29890 Tokushima. Japan 65561 Tokyo, Japan 2186079 Toluca, Mexico 31247 Tomsk. Asiatic Rus .... 674 1 9 Toowoomba, Australia 14087 Toronto, Ontario 376538 Torquay. England 38772 Torre Annunziata, Italy 28143 Torre del Greco, Italy.. 33299 Totonlcapam, Guate- mala 28310 Tottenham, England. . 137457 Tottorl, Japan 32682 Toulon, France 104582 Toulouse, France 149576 Tourcolng, France 82644 Tournay, Belgium 36982 Tours, France 73398 Townsville, Australia.. 15506 Toyama, Japan 57437 Tranl, Italy 31800 FOREIGN COUNTRIES Name Country Pop. Trapanl. Italy 59365 Trebizond, Asiatic Tur 51000 Trent. Aust.-Hung 24908 Tr,'ves, (Trier) Ger. Emp 48975 Trevlso, Italy 41027 Trlchinopoll, India 122028 Trieste, Aust.-Hung. . .229475 Trlkkala, Greece 17809 Trinidad. Cuba 11197 Trlnkomall, Ceylon 11 600 Tripoli. Tripoli 30000 Trlpolls. Greece 10465 Trlvandrum. India. .. . 57882 Trondhjem, Norway. . . 45228 Troppau, Aust.-Hung. . 26725 Troyes. France 55486 Trujlllo. Honduras 4000 Truro, Nova Scotia. ... 6107 Tsarltsyn, Eur. Rus... . 79759 Tsltslhar. Asia (China) 30000 Tsu, Japan 41299 Tucuman, Argentina... 74865 Tula. Eur. Rus 109730 Tunbrldge Wells. Eng. 35703 Tunis, Tunis 230000 Turin. Italy 427733 Tver, Eur. Rus 59528 Tynemouth. Eng 58822 Uddevalla, Sweden 12581 Udlne. Italy 47626 Ufa. Eur. Rus 68278 Ultenhage, Un. S. At .. 11574 Uj-Pest. Aust.-Hung... 55197 Ulm. Ger. Emp 55817 Umaft, Eur. Russia. .. 28628 Upsala. Sweden 25960 Uralsk. Asiatic Rus. .. 44658 Urfa. Asiatic Tur 55000 Ursa. Asia (China) . . . 30000 U rumla, Persia 40000 iiskiib, Eur. Tur 20000 Usulutan, Salvador 4125 Utrecht. Netherlands.. 11 9006 Utsu-no-mlya, Japan. . 47114 Vaduz, Liechtenstein. . 1206 Valence, France 26946 Valencia, Venez 38654 Valencia, Spain 233348 Valenciennes, France . . 34766 Valetta.capltalof Malta. 62000 Valladolld. Spain 71703 Valley field, Quebec 9449 Valparaiso. Chile 102447 Vancouver. B. C 123902 Van. Asiatic Tur 30000 Varna, Bul-rarla 41317 Vejle, Denmark 14590 Venice. Italy 160727 Vera Cruz. Mexico 29164 Name Country Pop. Vercelll, Italy 31154 Verona, Italy 81915 Versecz, Aust.-Hung... 25199 Versailles, France 60458 Vervlers, Belgium 46948 Vesteras, Sweden 19147 Vevey (Vlvls) Swltz. . . 13596 Viborg. Eur. Rus 33 1 75 Vlcenza. Italy 54246 Victoria. B. C 31660 Victoria, Hong-kong.. .136900 Vlddin. Bulgaria 20944 Vienna, (Wlen) Aust.- Hung 2030850 Villa Concepclon, Para 15000 Vila del Pllar, Para .... 10000 Vlllarlca, Paraguay 26000 Vllleurbanne, France. . 42526 Vllna. Eur. Rus 167959 Vlncennes, France 38568 Vinnitsa, Eur. Hus. . . . 30563 Vitebsk, Eur. Rus 81220 Vltorla. Spain 32377 Vlttoria. Italy 32157 Vladikavkaz, Asiatic Rus 70369 Vladimir. Eur. Rus 28315 Vladivostok, Asiatic Rus 90162 Volos, Greece 16232 Vologda, Eur. Rus 29005 Volsk. Eur. Rus 27039 Voronezh, Eur. Rus... . 74417 Vranja. Servla 10487 Vyatka. Eur. Rus 42475 Vyernyl, Asiatic Rus . . 20943 Wakamatsu, Japan.... 39265 Wakayama. Japan 77303 Wakcflcld, Eng 51516 Wallasey, Eng 78514 Wai sail, Eng 92130 Walthamstow, Eng. . . . 124597 Wandsbeck, Ger. Emp. 35212 Warrlngton, England . 72178 Warsaw, Eur. Rus 764054 Watertord. Ireland. . . . 27430 Wattrelos, France 25884 Welhalwel. (territory and town) 147177 Weimar, Ger. Emp . . . 34581 Welssenfels. Ger. Emp. 33586 Wellington, N. Zeal.... 70729 Wenchow, China 80000 West Bromwlch. Eng.. 68345 Westham, England... .289102 West Hartlepool. Eng . 63932 Wiener Neustadt, Austria-Hungary .... 32869 Wiesbaden, Ger. Emp .109033 Wlgan. Eng 89171 Name Country Pop. Wlllesden, Eng 154267 Wimbledon, Eng 64876 Windhoek, Africa, (Ger. S. W. Af .) Windsor. Ontario ...... 1 7829 Winnipeg, Manitoba. . .130035 Winterthur. Swltz 25066 Wishaw, Scotland 25203 Witten. Ger. Emp 37422 Wolverhampton, Eng.. 95333 Woodgreen, Eng 49372 Woolwich. Eng 121403 Worcester, Eng 47987 Worms, Ger. Emp 46772 Wuchang. China 800000 Wu-chou, China 5 2000 Wuhu, China 129000 Wiirzburg. Ger. Emp.. 84387 Wynberg. Un. S. Af.. . . 16017 Yakutsk, Asiatic Rus. . 7274 Yamada, Japan 27990 Yamagata, Japan 42234 Yanaon, French India.. 4586 Yanplng-fu. (yen-ping) China 200000 Yanina, Eur. Tur 20000 Yarkand, Asia, (China) 120000 Yarmouth, N, S 6600 Yaroslavl, Eur. Rus. . . 71923 Yassy, Roumania 80000 Yclsk. Asiatic Rus 42313 Yenchou, China 60000 Yezd, Persia 45000 Yokkalchi. Japan 30704 Yokohama, Japan 394303 Yonezawa, Japan 35380 York, England 82297 Yoro, Honduras 4000 Ystad, Sweden 11305 Yurlev, (Dorpat) Eur. Russia 42308 Zaandam, Neth 24579 Zacatccas, Mexico 25905, Egypt 35715 Zante. Greece 13580 Zanzibar, Africa, (Zanz.) 35202 Zara, Aust.-Hung 32506 Zeitz, Ger. Emp 33097 Zenta, Aust.-Hung. ... 28588 Zhitomir. Eur. Hus 89108 Zlnjan. Persia 24000 Zlttau. Ger. Emp 37084 Zomba, Africa (Nyassaland) Zombor, Aust.-Hung. . . 29609 Zurich. Swltz 189088 Zwickau, Ger. Emp... . 73538 Zwollc. Ncth 34055 124 POPULATION OF THE PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES CITIES Pop. Pop. 1910 1900 Aberdeen, S. D 10,7.53 4,087 Akron, Ohio 69,067 42,728 Alameda, Cal 23,383 16,464 Albany, N. Y 100,253 94,151 Albuquerque, N. M... 11,020 6,238 Alexandria, Va 15,329 14,528 Allentown, Pa 51,913 35,416 Alliance, Ohio 15,083 8,974 Alpena, Mich 12,706 11,802 Alton, 111. 17,528 14,210 Altoona, Pa 52,127 38,973 Amsterdam, N. Y. . . 31,267 20,929 Anderson. Ind 22.476 20.178 Ann Arbor. Mich 14,817 14 509 Appleton, Wis 16,773 15,085 Asheville, N. C 18,762 14,694 Ashland, Wis 11,594 13,074 Ashtabula, Ohio .... 18,266 12,949 Atchison, Kan 16,429 15,722 Athens, Ga 14,913 10,245 Atlanta, Ga 154,839 89,872 Atlantic Citj'.N.. I ... 46,150 27.838 Auburn, Me 15,064 12,951 Auburn, N. Y 34,668 30,345 Augusta, Ga 41,040 39,441 Augusta, Me 13,211 11,683 Aurora, 111 29,807 24,147 Austin, Texas 29,860 22,258 Baltimore, Md 558,485 508.957 Bangor, Me 24,803 21.850 Barre, Vt 10,734 8,448 Bath, Me 9,396 10,477 Baton Rouge, La 14,897 11 ,269 Battle Creek, Mich.... 25,267 18,563 Bay City, Mich 45,166 27,628 Bayonne, N. J 55,545 32,722 Beatrice, Net) 9,3-56 7,875 Beaumont. Tex 20.640 9,427 Bellaire, Ohio 12,946 9,912 Belleville, 111 21,122 17,484 Bellingham. Wash. .. . 24,298 11,062 Beloit, Wis 15,125 10,436 Berkeley, Cal 40,434 13,214 Berlin, N . H 11,780 8,886 Beverly, Mass 18,650 13,884 Biddeford. Me 17,079 16,145 Billings, Mont 10,031 3,221 Biughamton, N. Y . . . 48,443 39,647 Birmingham, Ala 132,685 38,415 Bismarck, N. D 5,443 3,319 Bloomington, 111 25,768 23,286 Bluefield, W. Va 11,188 4,644 Boise, Idaho 17,358 5,957 Boston, Mass 670,585 560,892 Boulder, Colo 9,539 6,150 Bradford, Pa. . 14,544 15,029 Bridgeport, Conn 102,054 70,996 Brockton, Mass 56,878 40,063 Brownsville, Tex 10,517 6,305 Buffalo, N. Y 423,715 352,387 Burlington, Iowa .... 24,324 23,201 Burlington, Vt 20,468 18,640 Butler, Pa 20,728 10,853 Butte, Mont 39,165 30,470 Cambridge, Mass 104,839 91,886 Camden. N. J 94,538 75,935 Canton, Ohio 50,217 30,667 Carbondale, Pa 17,040 ) 3,536 Cedar Rapids, Iowa .. 32,811 25,656 Central Falls, R. I 22,754 18,167 Charleston, S. C 58,833 55,807 1910 1900 Charleston, W. Va. 22.996 11,099 Charlotte, N. C 34,014 18,091 Chattanooga, Tenn... 44,604 30,154 Chelsea, Mass 32,452 34,072 Chester, Pa 38,537 33,988 Cheyenne, Wyo 11,320 14,087 Chicago, 111 2,185,283 1,698,575 Chicopee, Mass 25,401 19,167 Cincinnati, Ohio 364,463 325,902 Cleveland, Ohio 560,663 381,768 Clinton, Iowa 25,577 22,698 Coffeyville, Kan 12,687 4,953 Cohoes.N. Y 24,709 23,910 Colorado Springs.Colo. 29,078 21,085 Columbia, S. C 26,319 21,108 Columbus, Ga 20,554 17,614 Columbus, Ohio 181,511 125,560 Concord, N. H 21,497 19,632 Council Bluffs, r.owa . . 29,292 25,802 Covington, Ky 53,270 42,938 Cumberland, Md 21,839 17,128 Dallas, Tex 92,104 42,638 Danbury, Conn 20,234 16,537 Danville, 111 27,871 16,354 Danville, Va 19,020 16,520 Davenport, Iowa 43,028 35,254 Dayton, Ohio 116,577 85,333 Decatur, 111 31,140 20,754 Denison, Tex 13,632 11,807 Denver, Colo 213,381 133,859 Des Moines, Iowa 86,368 62,139 Detroit, Mich 465,766 285,704 Dover, N. H 13,247 13,207 Dubuque, Iowa 38,494 ?6,297 Duluth, Minn 78,466 52,969 Dunkirk, N. Y 17,221 11,616 Dunmore, Pa 17,615 12,583 Durham, N. C 18,241 6,679 East Liverpool, Ohio . 20,387 16,485 East Orange, N. J . . . 34,371 21,506 East St. Louis, 111. ... 58,547 29,655 Easton, Pa 28,523 25,238 Eau Claire, Wis 18,310 17,517 Elgin, 111 25,976 22,433 Elizabeth, N. J 73,409 52,130 Elkhart, Ind 19,282 15,184 Elmira, N. Y 37,176 35,672 El Paso, Tex 39,279 15,906 Erie, Pa 66,525 52,733 Evanston, 111 24,978 19,259 Evansville, Ind 69,647 59,007 Everett, Mass 33,484 24,336 Everett, Wash 24,814 7,838 Fall River, Mass 119,295 104,863 Fargo, N. D 14,331 9,589 Findlay, Ohio 14,858 17,613 Fitchburg. Mass 37,826 31,531 Flint, Mich 38,550 13,103 Fond du Lac, Wis 18,797 15,110 Fort Dodge, Iowa 15,543 12,162 Fort Scott, Kan 10,463 10,322 Fort Smith, Ark 23,975 11,587 Fort Wayne, Ind 63,933 45,115 Fort Worth, Tex 73,312 26,688 Freeport, 111 17,567 13,2.58 Fresno, Cal 24,892 12,470 Galesburg, 111 22,089 18,607 Galveston, Tex 36,981 37,789 Gary, Ind 16,802 Geneva, N. Y 12,446 10,433 Glens Falls, N. Y 15,243 12,613 125 CITIES Pop. Pop 1910 1900 Gloucester, Mass 24,398 26,121 Gloversville, N. Y 20,642 18,349 Grand Island, Neb.. . . 10,326 7,554 Grand Forks, N. D. . . . 12,478 7,652 Grand Rapids, Mich . . 112,571 87,565 Great Falls, Mont 13,948 14,930 Green Bay, Wis.. . . 25,236 18,684 Greensboro, N. C 15,895 10,035 Greenville, Miss 9,610 7,642 Greenville, S. C 15,741 11,860 Guthrie, Okla 11,654 10,006 Hagerstown, Md 16,507 13,591 Hamilton, Ohio 35,279 23,914 Hammond, Ind 20,925 12,370 Hannibal, Mo 18,341 12,780 Harrisburg, Pa 64,186 50,167 Hartford, Conn 98,915 79,350 Hattiesburg, Miss 11,733 4,175 Haverhill, Mass 44,115 37,175 Har.leton, Pa 25,452 14.230 Helena, Mont 12,515 10,770 Henderson, Ky 11,452 10,272 Hoboken, N . J 70,324 59,364 Holyoke, Mass 57,730 45,712 Hot Springs, Ark 14,434 9,973 Houston, Tex 78,800 44,633 Huntington, W. Va... 31,161 11,923 Hutchinson, Kan 16,364 9,379 Independence, Kan... 10,480 4,851 Indianapolis, Ind 233,650 169,164 Ironton, Ohio 13,147 11,868 Ironwood, Mich 12,821 9,705 Ithaca, N. Y 14,802 13,136 Jackson, Mich 31,433 25,180 Jackson, Miss 21,262 7,816 Jackson, Tenn 15,779 14,511 Jacksonville, Fla 57,699 28,429 Jamestown, N. Y.. . . . 31,297 22,892 Janesville, Wis 13,894 13,185 Jefferson City, Mo 11,850 9,664 Jersey City, N. J 267,779 206,433 Johnstown, Pa 55,482 35,936 Joliet, 111 34,670 29,353 Joplin, Mo 32,073 26,023 Kalamazoo, Mich .... 39,437 24,404 Kansas City, Kan.... 82,331 51,418 Kansas City, Mo 248,321 163,752 Kenosha, Wis 21,371 11,606 Keokuk, Iowa 14,008 14,641 Key West, Fla 19,945 17,114 Kingston, N. Y 25,908 24,535 Knoxville, Tenn 36,346 32,637 La Crosse, Wis 30,417 28,895 Lafayette, Ind 20,081 18,116 Lancaster, Pa 47,227 41 .459 Lansing, Mich 31,229 16,485 Laramie, Wyo 8,237 8,207 Laredo, Tex 14,855 13,429 Lawrence, Kan 12,374 10,862 Lawrence, Mass 85,892 62,559 Lead, S. D 8,392 6,210 Leadville, Colo 7,508 12,455 Leavenworth, Kan. . . 19,363 20,735 Lebanon, Pa 19,240 17,628 Lewiston, Me 26,247 23,761 Lexington, Ky 15,099 26,369 Lima, Ohio 30,508 21,723 Lincoln, Neb 43,973 40,169 Little Falls, N. Y. . . . 12,273 10,381 Little Rock, Ark 45,941 38,307 Lockport, N. Y 17,970 16,581 POPULATION OF THE PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES-Continued Pop. Pop. 1910 1900 19,050 16,204 28,883 16,028 319,198 102,479 CITIES Logansport, Ind... Lorain, Ohio Los Ancefeg, <':il Louisville, Ky 223,928 204J31 Lowell, Mass 106,294 94,969 Lynchburg, Va 29,494 18,891 Lynn, Mass 89,336 68,513 McKeesport, Pa . ... 42,694 34,227 Macon, Ga 40,665 23,272 Madison, Wis 25,531 19,164 Mahanoy City, Pa 15,936 13,504 Maiden, Mass 44,404 33,664 Manchester, N II ... 70,063 56,987 Manistee, Mich 12,381 14,2(10 Manitowoc, Wis 13,027 11,786 Mankato, Minn 10.365 10,599 Mansfield, Ohio 20,768 17,640 Marinette, Wis 14,610 16,195 Marion, Ind 19,359 17,337 Marion, Ohio 18,232 11,862 Marshalltown. Iowa . . 13,374 11,544 Massillon, Ohio 13,879 11,944 Medford, Mass 23,150 18,244 Memphis, Tenn 131,105 102,320 Meriden, Conn 27,2155 24,296 Meridian, Miss 23,285 14,050 Michigan City, Ind ... 19,027 14,850 Milwaukee, Wis 373,857 285,315 Minneapolis, Minn.. . . 301,408 202,718 Missoula, Mont 12,869 4,366 Mobile, Ala 51,521 38,469 Moline, 111 24,199 17,248 Montclair, N. J 21,550 13,962 Montgomery, A hi 38,136 30,346 Mount Vernon, N. Y . . 30,919 21,228 Muncie, Ind 24,005 20,942 Muscatine, Iowa 16,178 14,073 Muskegon, Mich 24,062 20,818 Muskogee, Okla 25,278 4,254 Nanticoke, Pa 18,877 12,116 Nashua. N. H 2(1,005 23,898 Nashville, Tenn 110,364 80,865 Natchez, Miss 11,791 12,210 New Albany, Ind 20,629 20,628 Newark, N. J 347,469 246,070 Newark, Ohio 25,404 18,157 New Bedford, Mass.. . 96,652 62,442 New Britain, Conn. . . 43,916 25,998 New Brunswick, X. J . 23,388 20,006 Newburgh, N. Y 27,805 24,943 Newcastle, Pa 36,280 28,339 New Haven, Conn 133,005 108,027 New London, Conn.. . 19,659 17,548 New Orleans, La 339,075 287,104 Newport, Ky 30,309 28,301 Newport, R. 1 27,149 22,034 Newport News, Va . . 20,205 19,635 New Rochelle, N. Y. . 28,867 14,720 Newton, Mass 39,806 33,587 New York, N. Y. . . 4,766,883 3,437,202 Manhattan 2,331,542 1,850,093 Brooklyn 1,634,351 1,666,582 Bronx 430,980 200,507 Queens 284,041 152,999 Richmond 85,969 67,021 Niagara Falls, N. Y... 30.445 19,457 Norfolk, Va 67,452 46,624 North Adams, Mas* . . 22,019 24,200 Northampton, Mass. . 19,431 18,643 Norristown, Pa 27,875 22,265 Norwich, Conn 20,367 17,251 , 12,556 15,369 13,649 4,046 PTTIPR Pop. Pop 1910 1900 Oakland, Cal ........ 150,174 66,960 i IK.I.MI, Utah ........ 25,580 16,313 i >u< l.-nsburg, N. Y ____ 15,933 12,633 Oklahoma, Okla ..... (54,205 10,037 Omaha, Neb ....... 124,096102,555 Orange. N. J ...... 29,630 24,141 Oshkosh, Wis ...... 33,062 28,284 Oswego, N. Y . . ..... 23,3(58 22,199 Ottumwa, Iowa ...... 22,012 18,197 Owensboro, Ky . . . 16,011 13,189 Paducah, Ky ....... 22,760 Paris, Tex .......... 11,269 Parkersburg, W Va 17,842 11,703 Parsons, Kan ....... 12,463 7,682 Pasadena, Cal ....... 30,291 9,117 Passaic, N. J ........ 54,773 27,777 Paterson, N. J ....... 125,000 105,171 Pawtucket, R. 1 ...... 51,062 39.231 Peekskill, N. Y ...... 15,245 10,358 Pensacola, Fla ....... 22,982 17,747 Peoria, 111 ........... 66,753 56,100 Perth Amboy, N. J... 32,121 17,699 Petersburg, Va ....... 24,127 21,810 Philadelphia, Pa. . .1,549,008 1,293,697 Phoenix, Ariz ........ 11,134 5,544 Pine Bluff, Ark ...... 15,102 11,496 Pittsburg, Kan ...... 14,755 10,112 Pittsburg, Pa ........ 533,905 451,512 Pittsfield, Mass ...... 32,121 21,766 Pittston, Pa ......... 16,267 Plainfield, N. J ....... 20,550 Plymouth, Pa ........ 16,996 Pocatello, Idaho ..... 9,110 Port Huron, Mich ____ 18,863 19,158 Portland, Me ........ 58,571 50,145 Portland, Ore ........ 207,214 90,426 Portsmouth, N. H.. . . 11,269 10,637 Portsmouth, Ohio ____ 23,481 17,870 Portsmouth, Va ...... 33,190 17,427 Pottsville, Pa ........ 20,236 15,710 Poughkeepsie, N. Y . . 27,936 24,029 Providence, R. 1 ...... 224,326 175,597 Pueblo, Colo ......... 44,395 28,157 Quincy, 111 .......... 36,587 36,252 Quincy, Mass ........ 32,642 23,899 Kacine, Wis ......... 38,002 29,102 Raleigh, N. C ........ 19,218 13,643 Reading. Pa ......... 96,071 78,961 Reno, Nev .......... 10,867 4,500 Richmond, Ind ...... 22,324 18,226 Richmond, Va ....... 127,628 85,050 Riverside, Cal ....... 15,212 7,973 Roanoke, Va ........ 34,874 21,495 Rochester, N. Y ...... 218,149 162,608 Rockford, 111 ........ 45,401 31,051 Rock Island, 111 ...... 24,335 19,493 Rome, N. Y ......... 20,497 15,343 Rutland, Vt ......... 13,546 11,499 Sacramento, Cal ...... 44,696 29,282 Saginaw, Mich ....... 50,510 42,345 Salem, Mass ......... 43,697 35,956 Salem, Ore .......... 14,094 4,258 Salt Lake. Utah ...... 92,777 53,531 San Antonio, Tex ..... 96,614 53,321 San Bernardino, Cal. . 12,779 6,159 San Diego, Cal ...... 30,578 17,700 Sandusky, Ohio ..... 19,989 19,004 San Francisco, Cal. . . . 416,912 342,872 San Jow, Cal ........ 28,946 21 ,500 Santa Fe, N. M ....... 5,072 5,003 SaultSte.Marie.Mich. 12,615 10,538 126 CITIKS Savannah, Ga Schenectady, N. Y. . Scranton, Pa Seattle, Wash Sedalia, Mo Shamokin, Pa Sharon, Pa Shawnee, Okla Sheboygan, Wis Shenandoah, Pa Sherman, Tex Shreveport, La Sioux City, Iowa Sioux Falls, S. 1). . . Somerville, Mass. . . . South Bend, Ind. . . . South Bethlehem, Pa South Omaha, Neb . . Spartanburg, S. C. . . Spokane, Wash Springfield, 111 Springfield, Mass. . . . Springfield, Mo Springfield, Ohio . . . St. Joseph, Mo St. Louis, M St. Paul, Minn Stamford, Conn Steubenville, Ohio . . Stockton, Cal Superior, Wis Syracuse, N. Y Tacoma, Wash Tampa, Fla Taunton, Mass Terre Haute, Ind Toledo, Ohio Topeka, Kan Trenton. N. J Trinidad, Colo Troy, N. Y Tucson, Ariz Tu!sa, Okla Utica. N. Y Vicksburg, Miss Waco, Tex Wallawalla, W:i.-li. Waltham, Mass Washmgton, D. C Washington, Pa Waterbury, Conn Waterloo, Iowa Watertown, N. Y . . . . Watervliet, N. Y Wausau, Wis WestHoboken, N.J. . Wheeling, W. Va Wichita, Kan Wilkesbarre, Pa Wilkinsburg, Pa Wjlliamsport, Pa Wilmington, Del Wilmington, N. C Winona, Minn Winston-Salem, N. C. Woonsocket, R. I. . . . Worcester, Mass Yonkers, N. Y York, Pa Youngstown, Ohio . . . Zanesville, Ohio Pop. Pop. 1910 19(MI . 65,064 54,24-1 72.S26 31. Us:' . 129,867 102,02ti . 237,194 80,671 . 17,822 15,231 . 19,588 18,202 . 15,270 8,916 . 12,474 3,462 . 20,398 22,962 . 25,774 20,321 . 12,412 10,243 . 28,015 16,013 . 47,828 33,111 . 14,094 10,206 . 77,236 61,643 . .53,684 35,999 19,973 13,241 . 20,259 26,001 . 17,517 11,395 . 104,402 36,848 . 51,678 34,159 . 88,926 62,059 . 35,201 23,267 40,921 38,253 77,403 102,979 087,029 575,238 214,744 103,005 25,138 15,997 22,391 14,349 23,253 17,506 40,384 31,091 137,249 108,374 83,743 38,714 38,524 15,839 34,259 31,036 58,157 36,073 168,497 131,822 43,684 33,608 96,815 73,307 10,204 5,345 76.813 60,651 13,193 7.531 18,182 1,390 74,419 56,383 20.814 14,834 26,425 20,680 19,364 10,049 27,834 23,481 331,009 278,718 18,778 7,670 73,141 45,859 20,093 12,580 26,730 21,090 15,074 14,321 16,560 12,354 35,103 23,094 41,641 38,878 52,450 24,671 67,105 51,721 18,924 11,886 31,860 28,757 87,411 70,508 25,748 20,976 18,583 19.714 22.700 13,650 38,125 28,204 145,986 118,421 79,903 47,931 44.750 33,708 79,066 44,885 28,026 23,538 S You make your world as wide or as narrow as your mind and abilities. Start with a broad horizon. Teach your thoughts to go far and wide in any direction or sphere you drive them, and indeed "the whole world lies before you." Bring your world within your reach. Master it. Dominate it. To do this you only need bring your powers of concentration and control up to whatever mark you set. Find the man or woman who is an underling, who is con- trolled by others, whose world is small and narrow, and you will have found the person with no bank account. A Bank Account is the very foundation of strength, supplies the sinews of control, is the compass by which each of us must steer our ship of life, is the anchor to windward in a storm. It is very nearly true in this our 20th century that a bank account IS Life. At least, all concede that it gives life, it makes life, it controls life, broadens life, vivifies life. The Security Trust and Savings Bank has a Steamship and Foreign Tourist Agency, conveniently located in the Security Safe Deposit Department. This Section of the Bank is prepared to extend the best of expert advice, practical suggestions and money, and time-saving assistance to all planning a tour to any part of the world. 127 S YOU CANNOT BEGIN TOO SOON With the idea of helping the younger per- sons to form the habit of saving, this Bank has a department devoted to the accounts of children. Accounts may be opened with One Dollar or more, and the deposits will draw interest the same as those of the larger depositors. Those who desire them can have steel in- dividual home safes into which to drop their spare coins until a dollar or more has accumu- lated, when it can be added to the account in the Bank and be entered on the pass book. The possession of a growing savings ac- count has a great, uplifting influence upon the young. 128 PARTIAL VIEW OF ONE OF THE GREAT SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS SAFE DEPOSIT AND STORAGE DEPARTMENT In the basement of the Security Building, and reached by elevators as well as by broad, easy stairs, is the Largest and Best Equipped Safe Deposit Department in the West. The great Safe Deposit Vault has a capacity of 40,000 individual steel boxes of all sizes and prices to suit the needs of persons, families, firms, and corporations. The Storage Vault, precisely like it in construction, is devoted to the safe- keeping of bulky articles of value, trunks of silverware, packages of wedding presents, chests, and other parcels of portable property the owner would have kept out of the reach of fire, burglars, and other danger. All these vaults are absolutely proof against attack of any kind, and the charges for the protection they afford are very reasonable. This department assures not only the utmost security for the stored treasures, but the greatest secrecy desirable for the owners. This is pro- vided by the private rooms of sizes to suit the need of patrons, where the contents of boxes and packages can be examined or transferred safe from observation. 129 S 1915 OPENS THE PANAMA CANAL The Engineers and others in charge of the work on the World's greatest artificial waterway declare, that the completion of 'the canal may be looked forward to at an earlier date than originally expected. Whatever effect the Panama Canal may produce on our Ocean ports, the opening of that tremendous sea-channel is bound to give an enormous impulse to the Southwest and especially to California, to the commercial territory, of which Los Angeles is the heart, and the banks of Los Angeles, through their vital relations with all the industries and monetary operations of that territory, will meet and advance it. _ The early coming of this great event in the broadening of every one's sphere of action and possibilities, of every one's op- portunities, in Los Angeles and vicinity, should and will be accepted by all who use their foresight as they should, as a signal to even now prepare for this great opportunity. Be ready. Have some Cash in hand at that time. A Savings Account with such a dependably safe and sound institution as the Security Trust & Savings Bank, the Oldest and Largest in the Southwest, will place and keep you in position to take full advantage of all opportunities that come into your life. Let us tell you, how to put your every Dollar to work, yet keep it on call. . 13O UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A A 000022076 4 Map Library G 1019 1912 UCLA MAP LIBRARY University of California DATE DUE 3RARY J973 NUMBER Series 9788