FIRST PRINCIPLES OF AGRICULTURE BY EMMET S. GOFF Late Professor of Horticulture, University of Wisconsin AND D. D. MAYNE Principal of School of Agriculture and Professor of Agricultural Pedagogics, University of Minnesota AMERICAN BOOK COMPA^JY NEW YORK CINCINNATI CHICAGO COPYRIGHT, 11504, 1018, BV D. D. MAYNE Entered at Stationers' Hall, London .O. AND M. AGRICULTURE E. P. 3 CO CO CT) oa PREFACE. LU U. THE importance of the vocational element in education "^has come to be generally recognized. In response to popular o2 demand guided by professional advice, state and national 2 governments are back of this new educational development. -j Educators are urging its wider adoption and its more inti- mate application to the environment of the child. If voca- tional courses are properly adapted to community needs, u, their educative value is not only highly utilitarian but is 2 also mentally disciplinary in the best sense of that phrase, o The most wide-spread and most pronounced demand for ~* vocational education is in our rural schools. Here the call e_ ^ is for the teaching of the principles of agriculture. Farming as a vocation is subject to the same high requirements of present-day efficiency as are other vocations. This is >-. necessary economically so that we may be able to meet ^ world competition. It is necessary socially so that each *may produce the materials of food and clothing to the greatest capacity of his farm. Agriculture is not hap- hazard farming. It is a science whose principles must be 3 mastered before they can be intelligently applied. The place to begin that mastery is in our rural schools. Even the teacher with little technical knowledge of the subject and with limited experience can direct her pupils into the ways of understanding if she is provided with a proper textbook. This book should deal with fundamental principles in a simple and an interesting way. Thus it 3 234612 4 PREFACE serves as a safe guide to the teacher; and to the pupils it is an inspiration to experiment, to inquire of practical farmers, and to read and study further. Fortunately an abundance of supplemental reading matter is readily obtainable from the Department of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C., and State Experiment Stations. A notable demonstration of the value of the study of agriculture in the rural school course may be cited from the experience of one of the northwestern states. This state passed a law requiring that elementary agriculture be taught in the rural schools. The law had been in force for a period of ten years, so that the boys and girls who had had this instruction were then the men and women managing or working on the farms of the state. The results of this instruction are reflected by the statistics furnished by the United States Government. During this decade the state raised more flax to the acre than any other state. It stood first in the yield to the acre of oats, barley, spring wheat, and sugar beets. It stood second in acre yield in potatoes, exceeded only by a state using many tons of commercial fertilizer. It stood fifth in acre yield of corn, being exceeded only by the highest yielding state by 2.5 bushels. Such a record over a ten-year period can be explained in no other way than through the influence of the instruction given in agriculture in the rural schools of the state. Other states have adopted similar laws, and through the influence of the Federal Government and the demand for greater efficiency in agriculture, the teaching of the subject in the rural schools will become universal. Acres of Amer- ican farms will soon produce much more than ever before; PREFACE 5 but the greatest value to farming will come through building up a permanent system of agriculture, based upon sound principles. Such a system will mean for coming generations bread for the eater and a life of contentment and joy for the producer. To meet the demand set forth above, First Principles of Agriculture has been especially written. As its name in- dicates, it stresses the fundamentals of the science. The lessons are concrete, calling for the study of actual illustra- tive material which is readily available. Above all, the authors have constantly kept in mind the fact that boys and girls are to be its readers. Accordingly the book is written simply and interestingly. D. D. M. CONTENTS. PAGE 1. DEAD AND LIVING MATTER 9 2. THE SOIL AND SOIL WATER 13 3. PLANTS AND WATER 17 4. How PLANTS FEED 20 5. How PLANTS GROW ......... 25 6. THE IDEAL SOIL 29 7. How TO KEEP THE SOIL FERTILE 33 8. HUMUS IN THE SOIL 38 9. How LEGUMES HELP THE FARMER . . . .41 10. THE ROTATION OF CROPS 47 n. SAVING SOIL MOISTURE . . 52 12. THE PARASITES OF PLANTS 55 13. SEEDS CAN NOT GERMINATE WITHOUT AIR . . 60 14. PACKING THE SOIL ABOUT PLANTED SEEDS . . 63 15. SEED TESTING 67 16. How SEEDS "COME UP" 71 17. IT is WISE TO PLANT THE LARGEST SEEDS . . 75 18. REARING PLANTS FROM BUDS 78 19. TRANSPLANTING 84 20. How TO IMPROVE PLANTS . 88 21. THE FLOWER AND ITS PARTS 92 22. IMPERFECT AND PERFECT FLOWERS .... 97 23. CORN ioi 24. WHEAT 116 25. CROPS AND WEEDS 125 26. MORE ABOUT WEEDS 129 6 CONTENTS 7 PAGE 27. THE GARDEN 150 28. THE ORCHARD 157 29. SEMITROPICAL FRUITS 163 30. IRRIGATION AND DRY FARMING 170 31. ANIMALS THAT DESTROY INSECTS 175 32. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY . 184 33. PRINCIPAL DAIRY BREEDS 186 34. BEEF BREEDS 189 35. DAIRYING 191 36. DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING THE BABCOCK TEST . 201 37. PRINCIPLES OF FEEDING 205 38. HORSES 213 39. SHEEP 219 40. SWINE 225 41. POULTRY 229 42. DUCKS AND TURKEYS 234 43. BEE-KEEPING 237 44. IMPROVEMENT OF HOME AND SCHOOL YARDS . 245 APPENDIX 253 INDEX 267 PLATE I. MAXIMUS CHERRY WHITE GRAPE MORGAN S FAVORITE COLUMBUS SMITH'S IMPROVED HOUGHTON CHAUTAUQUA DOWNING STRAWBERRIES GOOSEBERRIES CURRANTS PLATE II. SINGLE COMB BROWN LEGHORN (above) HOUDANS (center) LIGHT BRAHMAS (below) PARTRIDGE COCHINS (above) BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS (center) SILVER LACED WYANDOTTES (below) PLATE IV. BRONZE TURKEYS (below) PLATE V. GUERNSEY cow (above) JERSEY cow (below) AYRSHIRE COW (above) HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN COW (below) PLATE VII. SHORTHORN COW (above) RED POLLED COW (below) PLATE VIII. HKREFORD COW (above) GALLOWAY COW (below) FIRST PRINCIPLES OF AGRICULTURE 1. DEAD AND LIVING MATTER. Illustrative material: A few grains of sand on a piece of paper. Examine the grains carefully. Dead Matter. Figure i shows a grain of sand as it appears under the microscope. Its corners have been rounded by rubbing against other grains of sand. It can not move; it can not change its form. We might leave it under the microscope and look at it daily for a year, and it would look just the same every time. FIG. i. Grain of sand, * * magnified ]_ never grows larger and never di- vides into other grains of sand unless it is broken by some outside force. It has no life; it is dead. Living Matter. Figure 2 shows some yeast plants as they appear under the micro- scope. The yeast plant is so small that it can be seen only with a microscope. Each yeast plant consists of a closed sack or cell, containing a jellylike FlG- 2- _ Yeast plants> magnified liquid called protoplasm, which is the living substance of the cell. Within the protoplasm is a central body called the nucleus. If we watch the yeast 9 10 DEAD AND LIVING MATTER plant under the microscope, we find that it changes in form. Sometimes little swellings grow out, like knobs on a potato, and these will by and by separate themselves from the parent and become other yeast plants. The yeast plant is alive; so is every growing plant. The Ameba. Figure 3 shows several specimens of the ameba, an animal found in stagnant water. It is so small that it can be seen only with a microscope. The ameba consists of a single cell. It can move itself about; it can change FIG. 3.-Amebas, magnified. ^ form; ifc ^ ^^ ^ &Q make other amebas. The ameba, like the yeast plant, is alive. Plants and animals have life. Sand and all other minerals are dead. Plants and Animals Grow. If we put a drop of fresh yeast into a bottle containing well water with some sugar and a little white of egg stirred into it, and set the bottle in a warm place, in a few hours the liquid will become whitish in color. This is because millions of new yeast plants have formed from the few we put in. The young yeast plants and amebas are at first small, but they grow until they are as large as their parents. Plants and animals increase in number, and grow in size. Dead things can not, of themselves, grow or increase in number. Cells. Figure 4 shows a small part of an apple leaf, as it appears under the microscope. Notice that it is made up of many small sacks grown together. Each of these little sacks is a cell. Cells are the smallest units of the building materials that make up a plant or an animal. DEAD AND LIVING MATTER II A plant large enough to be handled is made up of a mul- titude of cells grown together, each of which is, or has been, alive. An animal large enough to be seen without a microscope is also made up of many living cells, each of which is like the ameba in many respects. Needs of Plants and Ani- mals Plants and animals need certain things to keep them in health. Without food and water, they can not live long. They must receive a certain amount of warmth, or they will either freeze to death or cease to grow. Animals and the higher forms of plant life must have air. The protoplasm in certain cells of the higher plants must have light, or the plants will soon die. To keep plants and animals healthy, we must provide them with the things that they need. Produce. The farmer rears plants and animals. He rears plants on his land, and his animals feed on the plants. Plants and animals reared on the farm are called produce. The farmer sells a part of his produce to those that need it, and thus secures the means to buy clothing and tools, to erect his buildings, to improve his home, and to educate his children. His soil is formed of mineral matters and the dead remains of plants and animals. The farmer needs to learn all he can about FIG. 4 Showing cells for the apple leaf in a section from its upper to its lower surface. Highly magnified. The spaces marked I are cavities between the cells. 12 DEAD AND LIVING MATTER the soil, and how plants and animals grow. He should also strive to learn what crops are likely to repay his labor best, and how to dispose of these to the best ad- vantage of himself and his farm. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. What is protoplasm? What is a nucleus? 2. What three things can the ameba do that a grain of sand can not do? 3. How do yeast plants increase in number? 4. What do plants and animals need in order to live? 5. What are yeast plants used for in your home? 6. What things are necessary that animals may live? What things do most plants require in order to live? Do yeast plants need light? 7. In your notebook write five important facts you have learned in this lesson. 2. THE SOIL AND SOIL WATER. Illustrative material: An oil lamp, a narrow-neck bottle, two other bottles, and some candle wicking. Prepare the soil lamp, Figure 5, by filling a small, narrow- neck bottle about one-third full of kerosene oil, and then filling the bottle to the top with small fragments of dry earth. If the oil does not saturate the earth to the top, add a little more oil. Prepare the experiment shown in Figure 6, using a small lamp wick or candle wicking. Add water to the left hand bottle, and wet the wick before putting it in place. Oil and the Lamp Wick. In a lighted oil lamp, the oil passes upward through the wick as fast as it burns. The oil passes through the wick because the wick contains a number of small spaces or pores that connect with one another. It would rise through almost any very porous substance as a sponge, a piece of blotting paper, a piece of brick, or of porous earth. Dry Earth as a Wick. Figure 5 shows a lamp made of a bottle filled with dry earth, which answers for the wick. The oil rises through the earth because the earth is porous. It creeps from one particle of the earth to another at the FIG. 5. Earth points where the particles touch one an- other. The larger the particles are, after they pass a certain size, the slower will the oil rise, because the points where the particles touch are fewer. 13 THE SOIL AND SOIL WATER Capillary Attraction. Water also will rise through a lamp wick or other porous substance. In the experi- ment shown in Fig- ure 6, the water passes through the wick from the left bottle into the right one. If the bottle contained porous soil, as in Figure 5, the water would rise through the soil to the top of the bottle, where it would slow- FIG. 6. Illustrating capillarity. ly pass off into the air. The force which causes oil, water or any other liquid to rise through a porous substance, is called capillary attraction or capillarity. When soil is saturated, the water fills all the spaces between the soil particles. In time much of this drains away. The water that drains away is called free, or gravi- tational, water. That which remains after the free water has passed off is called capillary water. It exists as thin layers around the particles of soil, and is held to the par- ticles by capillary attraction. Evaporation. If we rub the blackboard with a damp cloth, the board does not remain wet long, because the water passes off into the air. We hang wet clothes upon a line so the water in them will pass off into the air and they will become dry. The passing off of water from a wet surface into the air, we call evaporation. THE SOIL AND SOIL WATER 15 Evaporation Rapid. Water is evaporating from the soil out of doors nearly all the time when it is not raining; and, as in the lamp wick the oil rises from the font as it burns at the top of the wick, so the water rises from the deeper soil as it evaporates at the surface. In countries FIG. 7. Showing the circulation of water. that, have frequent rains, the water rises from below in dry weather nearly or quite as fast as it evapo- rates, hence the soil is kept moist except at the very surface. 1 6 THE SOIL AND SOIL WATER Water not at Rest. During rain, or whenever the surface soil is wetter than the soil below, the water passes down into the soil until it reaches a layer that it can not pass, or until the upward current again begins; the water in the soil is seldom at rest. In many places, there is a surplus of water deep d<5wn in the soil, which flows into wells or flows out in certain places as springs. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. What force causes a liquid to rise through a porous substance? 2. What is the free, or gravitational, water of the soil? What is the capillary water? 3. Under what conditions will soil water evaporate most rapidly? 4. Write in your notebook five important facts learned in this lesson. 3. PLANTS AND WATER. Illustrative material: A dried leafy shoot from some growing plant and three bean seedlings that have attained their rough leaves; two small bottles, one filled with water; a fruit jar. Evaporation from Plants. If we cut off a leafy branch from a growing plant and put it in a warm oven, the leaves and stem will soon become much smaller and lighter and more brittle. This is because the water which the branch contained has been evaporated by the heat. Often more than four fifths of the weight of a growing plant is water. Hay is dried grass. The farmer cuts his grass and lets it He exposed to the heat of the sun until most of the water it contained has evaporated. Water Necessary. If we cut off two bean seedlings at the surface of the ground and put the stem of one into a bottle of water and that of the other into an empty bottle, We Shall FlG - Plants need water. find that the leaves of the seedling that we put in the empty bottle will soon droop, while those of the other will remain fresh. (Figure 8.) This experiment teaches some important things about plants. First, it G. &M. Ag. 2. I i8 PLANTS AND WATER shows that the leaves of plants growing in a rather dry atmosphere must have a constant supply of water, or they can not remain fresh. Second, it shows that the water is taken in through the stem. Third, it shows that, in uncut plants, the water must come into the stem from the root, because our stems were cut at the surface of the ground. Evaporation through Leaves If we fill two bottles of the same size with water, and insert in the neck of one of them several small twigs from a growing plant, we shall find that the surface of the water will lower much faster in the bottle containing the twigs, than in the other bottle. Where has this water gone? If now we. place a cool fruit jar over the twigs and hold it there a short time, we shall be able to answer this question. Water from the leaves will gather on the inside of the glass, so that we can easily see it. If we leave the jar over the twigs for half an hour, drops of water will flow down its inside surface. This shows that some of the water taken up by the roots or plants passes off, or trans- pires, through the leaves. The pass- ing off of moisture from the leaves of plants is called transpiration. Leaves do not Take in Water. If we take the fresh bean plant out of the water and put one of its leaves instead of the stem into the water, we shall find that the other F.c.9.- Leaves do leaV6S SOOn dr P' ( Fi g UFe 9-) not absorb water. This shows that the leaves of the bean plant can not take in much water, even PLANTS AND WATER IQ when they are surrounded by it. The leaves of plants can not take in much water, either from water or from moist air. Plants Dry the Soil. The total area of the leaf surface of a growing crop is much larger than that of the ground on which the crop grows; and therefore soil on which plants are growing dries much faster than the same kind of soil with no plants growing on it. The soil seldom contains water enough in dry weather to supply crops with all they need. Weeds waste valuable water in dry weather; so do the hedges of underbrush sometimes allowed to grow along fences. The farmer and the gardener should constantly study how to prevent the waste of soil water in dry weather. We shall learn how to do this in a later lesson. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. From what source does a plant get its water? 2. What is transpiration? 3. Why does a soil that has plants growing on it dry out faster than the same kind of soil without plants? 4. Why should weeds not be allowed to grow? 5. Perform an experiment to show transpiration. (See page 18.) 4. HOW PLANTS FEED. Illustrative material : Dissolve a bit of camphor gum in a small bottle of alcohol; then pour a part of the solution into a glass sauce dish, and, when the alcohol has evaporated, show the recovered camphor. (If con- veniences for boiling water are at hand, a solution of sugar in water may be used.) Burn a little dry hay or straw on a plate, in the presence of the class, and show the ashes. Show also a bit of starch, and a piece of charcoal to illustrate carbon. ^ Solutions If we put a teaspoonful of sugar into a glass of water and then stir the water with the spoon, the sugar will soon pass out of sight. We say it has dissolved in the wa- ter. We explain its disappearance by supposing that i t has separated into particles that are too small to be seen, and that these particles haVC etltered am n S p art icleS of the F.O. ,0.- Diagram showing spaces be- tween particles. water, something as a quart of peas might be poured into the spaces between apples in a peck measure. (Fig- HOW PLANTS FEED 21 ure 10.) If now we evaporate the water from the glass, the sugar will again appear in the bottom. Mineral Matter in Plants. A tea-kettle in which well water is often boiled usually becomes coated inside with a whitish deposit. Well water contains small quantities of certain mineral substances dissolved in it. When the water evaporates from the tea-kettle by boiling, these minerals remain in the bottom, just as in our experiment the sugar remained in the basin after the water evaporated. We learned in Lesson 3 that plants take up water, and that this water passes off as vapor from the leaves. The water thus taken up by plants comes out of the soil and so has certain mineral substances dissolved in it. When this water is transpired from the leaves, the minerals remain, just as they remain in the tea-kettle when the water evaporates from it. Some of these mineral sub- stances are required by the plant for food. Aside from water, the roots can take only dissolved substances. Other Matter in Plants. We have now learned how plants secure the mineral part of their food. But are plants formed entirely of mineral matter? We can answer this question by a simple experiment. Mineral matter will not burn. If we burn a little bunch of hay or straw, the part that will not burn, the ashes, is mineral matter. The ashes of the hay were brought up from the soil in the water that was taken up by the grass roots. When we burn a substance, we separate it to some extent into the parts that once came together to make the sub- stance. Nearly all of the part of the hay that passes off into the air in burning came out of the air while the grass was growing. 22 HOW PLANTS FEED Carbon from the Air. It seems strange that a part of the grass could come out of the air. We can see the mineral matter left in the bottom of the tea-kettle, and so can easily believe that the soil water contains mineral matter. But we can not see the air, and it is hard to understand how matter can come out of the air to make a plant that we can see, handle and weigh. But, just as the soil water has solid mineral matter dissolved in it, so the air has a gas called carbon dioxide mixed with it. This gas is formed of two substances: carbon, which is a solid that we can see and handle; and oxygen, a gas that we can not see. When the oxygen is taken out of the carbon dioxide, the solid carbon is left, just as when the water is taken out of the sugar solution the solid sugar is left. Chlorophyll with the Sun making Starch. The car- bon dioxide enters the leaves of plants through very small openings. It then enters the cells and comes in contact with a substance called chlorophyll, which is the green coloring matter of the leaves. Here a wonderful change takes place. When the sun is shining, the carbon dioxide and a part of the water that the cells contain are decom- posed, that is, they are separated into the parts that form them. Some of these parts, including the carbon, then unite again and form a new substance that is very different from either the carbon dioxide or the water. This new substance is starch, or something of very similar compo- sition. (Figure n.) It may be formed in any part of the plant that is green, that is, in any part which has cells that contain chlorophyll. But it is formed chiefly in the leaves. HOW PLANTS FEED 2 3 Food of Plant Made in Leaves This starch or like substance formed in the leaves, together with some of the mineral matters brought up in the soil water, serves as food for the protoplasm of the cells, so that the cells FIG. ii. Illustrating the formation of starch. increase in number rapidly and thus cause the plant to grow. The cells in all parts of the plant, including the farthest root tips, are fed by this leaf-formed food. It 24 HOW PLANTS FEED follows that the health of the plant depends upon the health of its leaves. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. How do plants take in the mineral part of their food? 2. What food materials do plants obtain from the air? 3. Tell how a plant makes starch. 4. Why will a plant die if its leaves are removed during the growing season? 5. Explain why the grass underneath a board or flat stone turns white in a few days. 6. Name several plants that suffer because their leaves are destroyed by insects. 5. HOW PLANTS GROW. Illustrative material: Specimens from parts of living plants illustrating the root, stem, buds, leaves, flowers, and fruit or seed. Root Downward, Stem Upward. Figure 1 2 shows a young plant of Indian corn. It grew from the kernel to which it is attached. Two tiny shoots grew from the kernel. One of these grew down into the dark, damp soil to become the root; the other grew up into the light to be- come the stem. Every seed when it ger- minates, that is, when it begins to grow, sends out two shoots, one of which tends down- ward, and the other, upward. During the life of the plant, the stem and root that start in the seed normally continue to grow by the di- vision and growth of certain groups of cells near their tips. Root Hairs Figure 13 shows some very pilmiet'^f , . . . . . , Indian corn. young radish plants that were grown in a seed tester. Notice that each tiny white root that grew from the seed is clothed with a downy fringe that looks like the finest silk. These delicate fibers are called root hairs, and they take up water for the plant. The young roots of most plants are clothed with root hairs. These draw in water from the soil with a certain amount of force. This force, aided by some other forces, causes the 25 26 HOW PLANTS GROW FIG. 13. Young radish plants. water to rise through the stem and to supply all the cells with water and with food. The Stem. The stem bears the leaves, buds, flowers, and fruit or seeds. In upright-growing plants, the stem supports these parts at some distance above the earth; sometimes, as in the grape-vine, the stem climbs upon other objects for support; sometimes, as in the mel- on, it creeps on the ground; in other plants, as the potato and quack grass, it may even grow in part un- derground. (Figure 14.) As we have learned in Lesson 3, the stem is the channel through which the food prepared in the leaves passes to the roots. The Leaves. The leaves grow out from the stem at regular places. If we hold a leaf toward the light, and place a finger behind it, we find that the light can pass through the leaf. As we learned in Lesson 4, the sun- light shining through the leaf cells prepares the food for the cells of the whole plant. The cells of the leaf are arranged in thin plates to expose a very large number of them to the action of the sunlight. (See Figure n.) The cell walls are transparent as glass. The leaves look green because their cells contain green chlorophyll. Leaves Necessary. We learned in Lesson 4 that the health of the plant depends much upon the health of its leaves. If the leaves are eaten by insects, or if they are picked off or broken, they can not prepare food, and HOW PLANTS GROW the cells of the root will not be so well fed; then the root can not grow so fast, and so can not absorb so much water for the leaves, so the whole plant must grow more slow- ly. If, from any cause, the leaves do not receive their full share of sunlight, they can not prepare their amount of food, and the plant will suffer. The leaves of our plants should be protected from harm. Buds. Ev- ery live part of a stem termin- FIG. 14. Potato plant. U. St., under- ground stems. R, roots. The tubers are the thickened ends of the under- ground stems. Much reduced. ates in a bud. (Figure 15.) If a part of the stem is growing, the bud at its tip is not well de- fined. But on stems that live through winter, when growth ceases, the buds are covered with scales, which usually render them easily seen. Buds inclosed in scales are called dormant buds. In woody stems, a dormant bud commonly forms in summer just above the base of each leaf. Fl Budt"~When the leaves drop in autumn, the buds re- main. On the return of spring, they expand into new leaves or sometimes into flowers. The bud at the end 28 HOW PLANTS GROW of the branch is called the terminal bud. This usually expands first. It either forms a flower, and dies, or it continues the growth of the stem. The lateral (side) buds, if they expand, either open into flowers, and die, or they develop into branches. Seeds. In plants that live through winter, the flowers are commonly formed in the buds the season before they expand. Many flowers are among the most beautiful and fragrant of natural objects. They delight us with their colors, their perfume, their freshness, their delicacy, and their graceful forms. But the flowers have other uses than to please the senses. By means of their flowers, plants are able to form the fruits and seeds we prize so much for food. Without seeds, many kinds of plants would soon pass away, for there would be no more little plants to take the places of those that die. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. Where is the growing portion of a root? Of a stem? 2. How do root hairs help the plant to grow? Where are they found? 3. Name some stems that grow partly underground. 4. Why are the cells of a leaf arranged in thin plates? Why are the cell walls transparent? 5. What gives the green color to leaves? 6. When and where are dormant buds formed in woody stems? When do they open? 7. Split lengthwise a large terminal bud of the lilac or of some other plant and see what you can find inside. 6. THE IDEAL SOIL. Illustrative material: Jars or boxes containing black garden loam, clay, and sand. Mix a small proportion of sand with the clay to make a clay loam. Mix a large proportion of sand with the clay to make a sandy loam. Pour water on each kind of soil, and have the pupils note how rapidly it soaks through in each case and also the effect after it has dried. Soil a Reservoir for Water. We learned from Lesson 3 that plants transpire much water from their leaves, water that has been taken up by their roots. The roots must get from the soil as much water as they need or the plants can not thrive. The soil receives its water from rains and snows, and these fall at irregular intervals. The ideal soil, therefore, must serve as a reservoir to receive and hold enough of the rain and the snow water to supply the needs of crops. Soil Must Be Porous We learned in Lesson 4 that living cells require air as well as food. The live roots of plants consist of living cells, not one of which can live long without air. The ideal soil must, therefore, be porous enough to admit all the air the roots require. Rootlets will not grow in clumps or clods that are so compact that air can not enter them. It seems strange that the soil can supply the roots of plants with both water and air at the same time. A soil in proper condition for the rapid growth of roots may be compared to a wet sponge with air circulating through its pores, while the substance of the sponge contains much water. 29 3 THE IDEAL SOIL Air and Water in Soil. Figure 16 will help us to understand how the roots of plants are supplied with both water and air. The roots of most farm and garden crops grow fastest just at the bottom of the layer of soil that is turned by the plow. The soil above this point is better supplied with air than that below, while the subsoil, which is the part below this point, is better sup- plied with water than that above. The place where the plowed soil rests on the subsoil is, therefore, best supplied with both air and water. Tiledicun FIG. 1 6. Water in the soil. Kinds of Soil. A soil made up of particles so fine that they can be seen only with a microscope is called a clay soil. It is sticky when wet and is apt to "bake," or harden, on drying. A clay soil can be improved by manuring, by the addition of sand or ashes, and sometimes by the use of lime. A soil made up largely of particles of sand is called a sandy soil. It dries out rapidly and is not sticky. A silt soil is made up of particles halfway between clay and sand in fineness. Most farm and garden soils consist mainly of a mixture of clay, silt, and sand. Such a soil is called a loam. The best soil for growing crops contains sand enough to let surplus water move downward, and clay enough to hold sufficient water for the use of crops. Drainage Necessary. If the pores of a soil remained THE IDEAL SOIL 31 filled with water a long time after rain, the air would be forced out and the roots of the crop growing on the land might be smothered. The ideal soil must, therefore, be well drained, so that its pores will not long remain filled with water even in wet weather. This means that the subsoil must permit the surplus water to pass through it rather easily. Tiling. Soils over a subsoil containing too much clay dry out slowly in spring, and after heavy rains. Such soils may often be improved by draining, that is, by providing ways for the surplus water to flow off. Ditches, connecting with an outlet on lower ground, may be dug through the land. Brick tubes called tiles are often buried in such ditches, and the surplus water flows out through these. (See Figure 16.) There are spaces between the ends of the tiles, through which the water enters. Sometimes brush or stones are used in place of tiles. Lands thus drained are often among the best for farming. Plant Food in Soil. We learned from Lesson 4 that, with the exception of carbon, the food of plants comes from the soil, and that it is dissolved in the soil water. If the soil does not contain food enough, the plants can not grow well, even though they have everything else that they need. The ideal soil must have sufficient plant food in a form that can dissolve in water to supply the needs of crops grown upon it. In the next three lessons, we shall learn about supplying the soil with plant food. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. i. Why must the soil be porous in order to make plants grow? 32 THE IDEAL SOIL 2. Why do the roots of most farm and garden crops grow most rapidly just at the bottom of the layer of soil that is turned over by the plow? 3. Name the most important kinds of soil. Collect samples of each in your home locality. 4. Why do some soils need draining? How are soils drained? 5. How does water enter drain tiles? 6. What kind of soil is most affected by a drought? 7. Tile drains near willow trees are often clogged by the many roots that enter them. What do the roots seek? 8. What conditions make an ideal soil? 7. HOW TO KEEP THE SOIL FERTILE. Illustrative material: Two jars or dishes, rain water, well water, two small pieces of gauze, and a few kernels of wheat. A small sample each of nitrate of soda (Chile saltpeter), phosphoric acid, and caustic potash, illustrating common forms in which these sub- stances are used by plants. These substances may be purchased at a drug store. How to Make the Land Poor. If we dissolve an ounce of sugar in a glass of water, and then dip out a teaspoon- ful of the solution, of course we take out a part of the sugar. We learned in Lesson 4 that plants take up soil water containing dissolved mineral matters. Now, if these plants are taken off the land on which they are growing, the soil can not contain so much soluble mineral matter as it contained before. If we continue to raise crops on the land, and to take them off and sell them without returning any soluble mineral matter to the soil, the soil will soon become " poor," that is, there will not remain enough of some mineral matters to feed plants well. Certain Food Required by Plants. When a painter wishes to prepare some paint to match a particular shade of color, he mixes a certain amount of paint of two or more colors; if he uses a larger or a smaller quantity of one of these colors, or if he adds another color he does not get the tint he desires. It is just so when Mother Nature builds up a wheat plant ; she uses certain amounts of a definite number of materials from the soil, and can G. & M. Ag. 3. ^ 34 HOW TO KEEP SOIL FERTILE not vary these amounts much, nor can she use one ma- terial instead of another. When the carpenters that are building a house run out of nails, their work must stop until more nails are provided; or, if they try to make their nails hold out by using less than the usual number, the house will not be strong and may be blown down by the first hard wind. Just so, if one of the soil materials that go to make up a plant runs short, the plant must stop grow- ing, or the growth made will be unhealthy, and the plant will fail from disease. Soil Water Holds Plant Food Figure 17 shows some wheat plants growing in wa- ter in two jars. The right-hand jar contains rain water, and the left- hand jar contains well water, that is, water that has come out of the soil. Rain water has almost nothing dissolved in it, because, when water evaporates into the air, the dissolved ma- terials it contained are left behind. In this experiment, FIG. 17. Plants growing in water. HOW TO KEEP SOIL FERTILE 35 the water in both jars was boiled before being 1 put in. The rain water was boiled to drive off the gases it had taken from the air, and the well water was boiled to evap- orate a part of the water and thus to make stronger the solution of mineral matters it contained. From the picture, we see that the plants in the jar containing the well water are growing faster than those in the other jar. This is because the well water contains in solution the materials that the wheat plant needs for food. The rain water, on the other hand, contains al- most no food material. The only reason the plants can grow in the rain water at all is that the seed contains a small amount of food. When this food is used up, the plants will soon starve. Make-up of Rich Soil. Chemists have found that certain quantities of about a dozen different materials are used by plants for food. The one that is used in largest proportion is carbon, and, as we learned in Lesson 4, this comes from the air. All the others come from the soil. But of all the substances that come from the soil, only three often run short; most soils contain a large surplus of all the others. The three that often fail are called nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash. These are the only substances, then, that the farmer or gardener needs to put on his land often to keep it " rich," that is, to give it all it needs to produce good crops ; and, since of these nitrogen is most often lacking, it must be sup- plied most generously to the soil. Manure When plants of any kind grow on the land, they take out of the soil what they need for food. If we put these plants back on the land and let them decay, 36 HOW TO KEEP SOIL FERTILE they return to the soil the plant food they took from it in growing. Almost all plant material, therefore, is good to put on the ground to make it rich or fertile. Since animals grow by eating plants, or by eating other animals that grew by eating plants, most animal matter is also good to fertilize the land. Manure, which is decaying plant or animal matter from barnyards, stables, slaughter houses, etc., is the most common material used to fertilize the soil. Wood Ashes. Wood ashes contain the mineral mat- ters that the trees from which the wood was obtained took from the soil when they grew. Wood ashes, there- fore, are valuable for making the soil fertile. If they have not been leached, that is, if they have not been exposed to water, they contain much potash and some phosphoric acid, but no nitrogen. If they have been leached, the potash has been mostly washed out. Commercial Fertilizers. In some parts of the world, deposits are found that are rich in nitrogen, in phosphoric acid, or in potash, and those materials are mined for fer- tilizers of the soil. Some manufacturing establishments have waste products that are useful as fertilizers. We can, therefore, buy fertilizers in the market as we can buy coal' or lime. But commercial fertilisers, as such fertiliz- ers are called, are rarely so cheap or so good for the soil as manure is, hence it is best for the farmer and gardener to depend, as far as possible, on manure to enrich their soil. Applying Fertilizers. Farm manures give best results when applied frequently in small amounts, not over eight tons to the acre. Heavy applications of manure on soils HOW TO KEEP SOIL FERTILE 37 rich in organic matter often cause grains to lodge, or "go down," badly. This is due to too much ready nitrogen, which causes a rank growth. Manure never injures corn by causing too rank a growth; and grains, such as wheat or oats, may follow the corn the next year with little danger of lodging. Most soils contain so great a supply of potash that it can hardly be exhausted. Nitrogen can be replaced by growing legumes. (See Chapter 9.) The phosphorus supply, which is most apt to give out in average soils, can be added most economically by using raw rock phosphate. One ton of the rock phosphate to an acre will supply all the phosphorus that the crops will need for more than ten years. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. What do we mean when we say that a soil is "poor"? 2. What three substances are often lacking in soils? 3. What substances are supplied to the soil by adding wood ashes? Which one is easily removed from wood ashes by leaching? 4. Why do grain crops lodge on "rich" soils? 5. Which farmer will have the "richer" soil, the one who grows grain and hay and sells them off the farm, or the one who feeds these crops to cattle and places all the manure upon the soil? 6. When manure is left exposed to rains, it loses about one-half of its value in six months. On a farm in which 100 tons of manure is produced, what would be the conse- quent loss, if the manure is worth $2.30 a ton? 234612 8. HUMUS IN THE SOIL. Illustrative material: A small quantity each of clay, sand, and leaf mold. Swamp muck or dark-colored garden soil may be substituted for the leaf mold, if the latter can not con- veniently be obtained. Humus Defined If we dig up the ground at the bot- tom of a hollow in the woods where the leaves have gath- ered and decayed for centuries, we find the soil there very dark-colored and very porous. It is dark-colored be- cause it consists almost entirely of humus, a substance that is always formed where vegetable matter decays in the soil. Humus is the vegetable or animal matter in which the process of decay is well advanced, but not com- plete. Black Soil. The prairie lands of the United States are very rich in humus, because the prairie grasses grew and decayed on them for centuries before they were used for farming. The soil of marshes is usually very dark-col- ored, because, like the leaf mold of the woods, it consists largely of humus. Whenever a farmer or gardener adds vegetable or animal matter to his soil, and permits it to decay there, he makes his soil richer in humus. The more often a soil is manured with such matter, the darker colored it is as a rule. Humus Helps Growth of Plants Humus in the soil helps the growth of plants in several ways : it enables the soil to hold more water than it otherwise would ; it tends 38 HUMUS IN THE SOIL 39 to prevent the surface of the soil from baking; it absorbs ammonia (which contains nitrogen) from the air, and thus aids in fertilizing the soil; it also serves to some extent as plant food. Cropping Land. When land is cropped year after year without being manured, it loses much of its humus, as well as much of its mineral plant food. Such a soil is said to be " run down " and it rarely produces good crops. It can be restored to a fertile condition only by the appli- cation of the humus and the plant food that it lacks. This may cost for a time as much as the crops from the land are worth. It is, therefore, very unwise to crop land long without restoring the humus and the plant food that are removed in the crops. The Best Fertilizer The best way for the farmer or gardener to supply his land with humus is to use plenty of stable or barnyard manure. Not only does this ma- terial produce humus, but, in its early stages of decay, it absorbs some water from the air, and, as this water contains ammonia, it adds some nitrogen to the soil from the air. It also tends to warm the soil, for it gives out heat in decaying and also absorbs some heat from the air. Plowing Crops Under. Another way of adding humus to the soil is by plowing under unharvested crops, such as clover, rye, turnips, or buckwheat. This is often a cheaper way of supplying the soil with humus than put- ting on stable manure, but, except in the case of clover (Lesson 9), these crops do not add fertility to the soil, because they take as much plant food out of the soil as they return to it. They are, therefore, less valuable than stable manure. 40 HUMUS IN THE SOIL QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. What is humus? In what ways does humus improve the soil? 2. What is the color of a soil that is rich in humus? 3. How can humus be added to the soil? What is the best source of humus? 4. Why does a soil that has an abundance of humus absorb more heat from the sun than a soil low in humus? 5. Under what conditions might it be profitable to plow under a crop of rye as a green manure? 9. HOW LEGUMES HELP THE FARMER. Illustrative material: Plant not over one fourth of an inch deep in moist garden soil in a fruit jar, two or three hundred seeds of common red clover. Screw on the cap loosely, and place the jar in a warm place.. When the plants are well grown, fill the jar with water and let it stand until the soil is thoroughly soaked; then gently draw the plants out so as to injure the roots as little as possible. Pass the plants about the class, and let the pupils find the swellings on the roots. Clover a Fertilizer. Nearly every boy and girl knows the clover plant, with its three (rarely four) oval leaflets and its pretty red or white blossoms. They know, too, that all farm animals are fond of clover, both fresh and made into hay. The intelligent farmer knows that the clover plant is valuable not only for pasture and hay, but also as a fertilizer of the soil. Clover Takes Nitrogen from the Air. Figure 18 shows a young clover plant. By looking closely at the picture, we may see little swellings or knobs on the larger roots. While these knobs, or tubercles, as they are called, are not so pretty as the leaf or the flower, they are full of interest to the educated farmer, for they serve as minute laboratories for the manufacture of nitric acid in the soil, and thus they supply the plant with nitrogen, the most important kind of plant food. Nitrates. The housekeeper can not make bread out of unground wheat, however much she may have of it. The grain must first be ground and sifted, arid then the fine 41 HOW LEGUMES HELP THE FARMER flour, when combined with yeast, will make good bread. About four fifths of the air consists of nitrogen, but, just as the unground wheat cannot be used for bread, so this nitrogen can not be used directly by plants as food because it is not in the right form. The nitrogen must first unite with certain substances in the soil and form what are called nitrates before the plant can use it for food. Surplus of Nitrates. The little swellings on the clover root serve as houses in which live swarms of minute beings called bacteria that change the nitrogen of the air into nitrates. These not only supply the clover plant on which they live with the ni- trates it needs for food, but they furnish more than the plant needs, and so make the soil more Even if the FIG. ,8.-Tubercles on clover roots. farmer mows down the clover and uses it for hay, or if his cattle eat it off, the soil will be richer in nitrates than it was before the clover was planted. Potash Needed The young clover plants begin to supply nitrates to the soil when they have been growing HOW LEGUMES HELP THE FARMER 43 for a few days, and continue to do so as long as they continue to grow. Clover does not, however, enrich the soil with any kind of plant food except nitrates. If we continue to grow clover on the land and to remove the crop every year, the land is likely to become poor in pot- ash and phosphoric acid, unless we add these to the soil. Unleached wood ashes used on clover land would supply all the food materials needed by the common farm crops. Other Plants Similar to Clover Clover is not the only plant that yields nitrates from the swellings on its roots. A class of plants called legumes, such as peas, beans, vetches, lentils, and alfalfa, do the same. Crops that add nitrogen to the soil are often called nitrogen gatherers. These crops are very useful to the farmer, be- cause they supply the soil with the most important kind of plant food, and thus, to some extent, they take the place of manure, of which farmers are almost always in need. Alfalfa. Alfalfa can be grown in nearly all parts of the country. It is particularly valuable in regions not well supplied with water. The plant lives on from year to year and makes bountiful crops of hay as well as permanent pastures. Swellings or tubercles are found on the roots of this plant as well as on the clover plant, and it enriches the soil in the same way. Cowpea. The cowpea is neither a pea nor a bean, but resembles both plants in some ways. This plant is sometimes called the great restorer because it restores the fertility of the soil to a greater extent than any other plant. It is a legume and is especially valuable in the South, where it takes the place of clover. 44 HOW LEGUMES HELP THE FARMER Nitrogen Gatherers Make Rich Land. The farmer should frequently grow clover, or some other nitrogen- gathering crop, on his land. Land from which a crop is harvested at midsummer, and which will not be needed until the following spring, may often better be sown to clover than left idle. As a rule, the farmers that grow and feed the most clover have the most fertile farms. The clover plant should be regarded as a symbol of good luck to the farmer, whether it has three leaves or four. Inoculating Soil for Legumes. When introducing some of the legumes into a new field, it is often necessary to inoculate the soil with the proper nitrogen-gathering bac- teria. Soil for alfalfa may be inoculated by taking soil from a successful alfalfa field and scattering it over the new field. Each acre of the field to be inoculated should receive 200 to 300 pounds of soil from the old alfalfa field. After scattering the soil it should be harrowed into the ground immediately to protect the bacteria from injury by exposure to sunlight. The bacteria that form tubercles, or nodules, on sweet clover will also form nodules on alfalfa. Therefore, a field may be inoculated for alfalfa with soil taken from around the roots of sweet clover. Another method of inoculation is to spread dampened alfalfa seed upon cloth, paper, or a cement floor and then sift over the seed a small quantity of soil from a thriving alfalfa field. The moistened seeds collect some of the soil containing the proper bacteria. As soon as the seed becomes dry, it should be sown. Inoculation of soil for alfalfa may also be done by using pure cultures of the nitrogen-form- ing bacteria. The alfalfa seed is moistened with the pure culture and then sown. Bottles of pure cultures may be HOW LEGUMES HELP THE FARMER 45 obtained from the Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. The directions for using accompany each bottle. Acid Soils. Nitrogen-gathering bacteria do not grow well in acid, or "sour," soils. Soil acidity, when very marked, may be determined by means of blue litmus paper. FIG. 19. Roots of soy bean, showing nodules. (From Farmers' Bulletin No. 214.) This can be bought at a drug store. The soil is tested by moistening a sample of it with water and placing a piece of blue litmus paper in it for a few minutes. If the soil is strongly acid, it will turn the litmus paper from blue to red. To correct acidity in soil, ground limestone should be applied at the rate of one to two tons to the acre. Some 46 HOW LEGUMES HELP THE FARMER soils may be slightly acid and not change blue litmus paper red. Yet lime may be necessary for such soils. To 'find this out, lime should be spread over a small area of the field. If the legumes grow better on the limed piece, lime- stone should be added to the whole field. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. What plants bear on their roots little tubercles or nodules which serve as laboratories for the production of nitrates in the soil? What name is given to this group of plants? 2. Although legumes enrich the soil with nitrogen, they remove what two important plant foods? 3. What plant foods are contained in wood ashes? 4. Corn grown on soil that grew clover the preceding year is darker green and more vigorous than corn grown on the same kind of soil that grew timothy the year before. Account for this. 5. Examine the roots of red clover, sweet clover, alfalfa, peas, beans, and other legumes. Do you find nodules on each? Examine the roots of timothy and other grasses. Do these roots have nodules? 6. In what ways can we inoculate a soil with the proper bacteria for alfalfa? 7. Why should the transferred soil or the treated seed be covered in the ground as soon as possible? 8. How can you tell when a soil is acid? 9. How can soil acidity be corrected? 10. THE ROTATION OF CROPS. Illustrative material: Reproduce Figures 20, 21, and 22 on the blackboard, using different colored crayons to represent the nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash. Plant Foods Prepared Slowly. We learned in Lesson 8 that cropping the farm tends to make the soil " poor." Another process, however, tends to keep the soil fertile in spite of the cropping. We learned in Lesson 4 that roots can take in plant food only as it is dissolved in water. Most soils contain phosphoric acid and potash that are not yet dissolved in water, and so are not in condition to be used by plants. These undissolved food materials are slowly dissolved by the action of carbon dioxide in the soil; hence the soluble phosphoric acid and potash tend to increase slowly in uncropped soils. Some ammonia also is washed down from the atmosphere by rains and snows, and this tends to increase the nitrogen in the soil. But these influences do not, in themselves, furnish enough plant food to produce a good crop every year. Rotation of Crops. Some products, as wheat and to- bacco, remove much fertility from the soil; others, as butter, remove very little. If we raise only those prod- ucts that remove much fertility, our soil will, of course, grow " poor " faster than if we grew a part of the time those that remove only a little. In the latter case, the fertility furnished by the soil and atmosphere may be 47 4 8 THE ROTATION OF CROPS more than the amount removed, even if no manure be applied. Farmers have found it wise to make what is called a " rotation of crops,"- that is, to change the crop raised on a given field from year to year, rather than to raise the same crop year after year. Without rotation, certain fields on the farm would soon become too " poor " to produce good crops, while others would have more plant food than the crop needs. Tobacco Raising Makes Land Poor In the pictures shown in this lesson, the amounts of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash removed from the soil by 1,000 pounds Tobacco ;pp X"- J< r * in J..W 1 wl I FIG. 2O. Showing the pounds of plant food removed by 1,000 pounds of Vir- ginia leaf tobacco, and by 1,000 pounds of clover. each of several different crops, are shown in pounds. Each small square indicates one pound. From Figure 20 we learn that tobacco removes large amounts of nitro- gen and potash. More than 8,000 pounds of average barnyard manure would be required to furnish the nitro- gen removed by 1,000 pounds of Virginia leaf tobacco. Tobacco is, therefore, not a profitable crop to raise unless it can be sold for a very high price. Corn, Wheat, and Oats Require Nitrogen. From Fig- ure 21 we learn that Indian corn, wheat, and oats remove THE ROTATION OF CROPS 49 nitrogen chiefly, but that they require far less of this than does an equal weight of tobacco. We observe also that Indian corn reduces the soil fertility less rapidly than oats or wheat. One thousand pounds of average barn- Indian Corn W^eal Oats FIG. 21. Showing the amounts of the three important plant foods removed from the soil by 1,000 pounds each of the grain of Indian corn, wheat, and oats. yard manure contain about five pounds of nitrogen. This enables us to compute the number of tons of barn- yard manure required to furnish the nitrogen for 1,000 pounds of each of the grains named. M;lk Otrawberries R 2 FIG. 22. Showing the amounts of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash removed from the soil when 1,000 pounds each of beef, milk, butter, and strawberries are sold. Dairying Removes Little Fertility From Figure 22 we learn that beef removes about as much nitrogen, pound for pound, as wheat, and more phosphoric acid. But beef is worth two or three times as much per pound as G. & M. Ag. 4. 50 THE ROTATION OF CROPS wheat, while the amount of beef sold from the land is less than that of wheat. It is, therefore, usually more profitable for the farmer to produce beef than wheat. The plant food removed, the price in the market, and the labor required to produce a crop, must all be consid- ered in estimating the profits in raising it. It appears from the picture that butter removes very little plant food of any kind from the soil, while it is worth from ten to twenty times as much per pound as wheat. The labor required to produce butter is, however, much greater than that required to produce wheat. Cotton The cotton plant removes a large quantity of fertilizing matter from the soil, but if the lint alone were removed it would take but little from the soil. The cotton seed is very rich in nitrogen and phosphoric acid and if this is not returned to the soil the land soon be- comes poor. If the cotton seed is sold the land should be restored by growing a crop of cowpeas, alfalfa, or crimson clover. Rotation Suggested. The diagrams on pages 48 and 49 and Figure 18, suggest a rotation of crops for the farmer. After raising for a time crops that remove much nitrogen, as wheat, oats, Indian corn, or tobacco, it would be wise to sow the land to clover or some other nitrogen-gathering plant, and some kind of grass, and to feed the product to cattle for two or more years. The legumes will enrich the soil with nitrogen, while the small amounts of phosphoric acid and potash removed by the milk, butter, or beef, will enable the soil to become stocked with these plant foods by the natural method described in the first paragraph of this lesson. THE ROTATION OF CROPS 51 Practical Rotations. A good rotation alternates crops from three classes. These classes are: (i) cultivated crops, as corn and potatoes; (2) grain crops, such as wheat, oats, and barley; (3) grass crops, including legumes. A three- year rotation may be (i) corn, (2) oats, (3) clover. Where corn is not grown a three-year rotation may be (i) potatoes, (2) oats, (3) clover. A four-year rotation with corn may be (i) corn, (2) grain, (3) hay, (4) pasture. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. What is the action of carbon dioxide in the soil upon phosphoric acid and potash? 2. Name some farm products that remove but little plant food from the soil. 3. Which plant food is removed most extensively from the soil by grain crops? 4. How much phosphoric acid would be removed from the soil of an acre in three years if the rotation is clover, corn, and oats, and if 3,000 pounds of clover, 2,000 pounds of corn, and 1,000 pounds of oats are removed? 5. How many tons of manure will it take to furnish this phosphoric acid if one ton contains 5 pounds of this plant food? If the crops are fed on the farm and the manure is returned to the fields about one-half of the phosphoric acid is returned. How may the rest be supplied? (See p. 37.) 6. From what three classes of crops are rotations made? 7. Make out a four-year rotation for a farm in your neigh- borhood. 8. One farmer sells grain and hay from his farm every year. Compare the fertility of this farm with that of one from which live stock and dairy products are sold. 11. SAVING SOIL MOISTURE. Illustrative material: Two lamp chimneys, a pan, fine soil and coarse soil. Save Moisture in Soil. We learned in Lesson 2 that water passes off the surface of the soil by evaporation, and that other water comes from below to take its place. We also learned in Lesson 3 that plants take large amounts of water from the soil, and that few field crops receive as much water as they need in summer. With the proper knowledge, the farmer and the gardener may do much to prevent the useless loss of moisture from the soil in dry weather. Manure to Make Humus We learned in Lesson 8 that the presence of humus enables the soil to hold more water. A soil that contains plenty of humus catches more water when it rains than one that contains little humus. It holds the water longer in dry weather. One of the best ways to retain moisture in the soil is to use plenty of barnyard and stable manure, and thus keep the soil full of humus. Commercial fertilizers do not, to any great extent, help the soil to retain water. Coarse and Fine Soil Compared. In the experiment shown in Figure 23, the two lamp chimneys were filled to the dotted line with dry soil that had been sifted through a flour sieve. Enough of the soil that would not pass through the sieve was then added to the left chimney to raise the soil to the same height as that in 52 SAVING SOIL MOISTURE 53 the other. A little water was then added to the pan. The water rose through the soil by capillary attraction at about the same rate in both chimneys until it reached the coarse soil in the left one. It continued to rise to the top of the soil in the right-hand chimney, but was "held back several hours by the coarse soil at the top of the left one. Soil Mulch. This experiment shows that, if the surface of the land is covered with an inch or two in depth of dry, Fig. 23. Effect of pulverizing soil. crumbled soil, the water will rise through this layer much more slowly than through the soil below. Since evapora- tion occurs almost entirely at the surface of the soil, this crumbled layer greatly hinders evaporation, the water thus being saved for growth. This crumbled layer, which is called a soil mulch, is formed by passing over the ground 54 SAVING SOIL MOISTURE with a cultivator. In the garden, it may be formed with the hoe or rake. A hard rain storm compacts the soil more or less, hence the crumbling should be repeated after every such storm. Other Mulches. When the surface of the soil can not be easily cultivated, as in closely-planted orchards, evapor- ation may be reduced by covering with a layer of straw, leaves, shavings, tan bark or manure. These materials act like crumbled soil to hinder the passage of soil water to the surface. Trees usually grow much faster on land that is cultivated or mulched than on that covered with a growing crop, because their roots are better supplied with water. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. What effect does manure have upon the amount of soil moisture? 2. What is a soil mulch? 3. Explain how a soil mulch saves moisture for the crops. 4. How is a soil mulch formed? When is it necessary to renew a soil mulch? 5. For what crops in your home locality do the farmers make a soil mulch? 6. Add equal weights of the same kind of soil to two tin pails. Moisten the soil of each by adding equal volumes of water. Do not make the soil too wet. Leave untouched the soil in one pail. With a table fork pulverize the soil in the other pail until a mulch of loose, dry soil is formed. Keep both pails in a dry place for five or six days. At the end of that time examine the moisture in each. Which has the more soil moisture? 12. THE PARASITES OF PLANTS. Illustrative material: Portions of a plant that are being in- jured by an insect or a fungous disease. A blighted twig from an apple or pear tree, a scabby apple or potato, or a smutted head of grain will illustrate the latter. The Potato Beetle. Nearly every American boy and girl has seen the potato beetle. (Figure 24.) This is an insect that feeds on the leaves of the potato plant. The potato beetle is a parasite of the potato plant. There are also very small plants that sometimes grow within and be- tween the cells of the potato plant, causing the leaves to die, and the tubers to rot. Any animal Or plant that Fi* 24-- Potato beeUes. larva, and eggs. lives in or within a larger animal or plant, feeding upon its substance, is called a parasite. The plants that live upon or within animals or other plants mostly belong to the class known as fungi. A single plant of this, class is called a fungus, and parasites of this class are called fungous parasites. Parasites are generally harmful to the plants or animals on which they live. Poison for the Potato Beetle. We learned in Lesson 55 56 THE PARASITES OF PLANTS 4 that the food for the living cells of plants is mostly formed in the leaves, and that whatever destroys the leaves cuts off a part of the food supply of the plant. Every American farmer knows that he must destroy the potato beetle or it will nearly destroy his potato crop. Since the potato beetle eats the leaves, by putting poison on the leaves we can poison the beetle. For this purpose, a deadly poison called Paris green is much used. One ounce of Paris green may be stirred into twelve gallons of water, and the mixture sprinkled on the plants. Or an ounce of Paris green may be well mixed with nine pounds of land plaster and the mixture dusted on the plants. Most other insects that eat the leaves of plants may be destroyed in the same way as the potato beetle. Plant Lice. Those who have the care of house plants have seen a small green insect on the under side of the leaves. This insect, commonly called the green fly or the plant louse ( Figure 25), does not eat the leaves as the po- tato beetle does. And yet it injures the plants on which it lives. It does this by sucking out the sap, thus rob- bing the cells of water and food. Since it does not eat the leaves, we can not FIG. 25. Plant louse. . poison it by poisoning the leaves, as in the case of the potato beetle. To destroy the green fly and other sucking insects, use some substance that pre- vents their breathing. Strong soap suds, tobacco water, or kerosene emulsion, sprayed on this class of insects, usually destroys them. (See page 254.) In greenhouses, tobacco smoke is much used for the green fly. THE PARASITES OF PLANTS 57 Fungous Parasites. The fungous parasites are often quite as harmful as injurious insects. The blight of the pear tree, the smutted heads of grain (Figure 26), the rotting plums and cherries on the trees and grapes on the vines, are examples of plant diseases due to injurious fungi. We have learned to prevent some of the injuries caused by fungi. It is usually important to apply our preventive before the disease appears, otherwise it may come too late to be helpful. An ounce of preven- tion is worth a pound of cure. Bordeaux Mixture. To pre- vent harmful fungi, the so- called "Bordeaux mixture" is most used. To make this, put five gallons of water into a wooden vessel holding at least twelve gallons, and in this water hang a cloth sack containing one pound of copper sulfate (also called bluestone and blue vitriol). (Figure 27.) In another wooden vessel, slack one pound of fresh quicklime in five gallons of water. When the copper sulfate has all dissolved, and the lime has all slacked, stir up the lime and water and strain the mixture slowly through a coarse cloth into the copper sulfate solu- tion. The coarse part that will not go through the cloth may be thrown away. The mixture is best put on the FIG. 26. Heads of oats affected with smut. Reduced one-half. THE PARASITES OF PLANTS plants with a spraying pump. (See page 253.) (Copper sulfate is poisonous, although less so than Paris green.) Oat Smut and Wheat Smut The oat smut or wheat smut attacks the plant if the seed that is planted is smutty. To prevent this, it is necessary to destroy the smut fungi on the seed before planting. The best rem- edy for this disease is formaldehyde. This is a chemical that may be purchased at the drug store. One pound of formaldehyde to fifty gallons of water will give the proper strength. Soak the grain in this chemical for about twenty minutes, and then spread it out so that it may dry with- out heating. It is probable that farmers suffer a loss of fully one-fifth of their pats and wheat through the growth of smut on the grain. This loss FIG. 27- Making Bordeaux mixture. may be entirely pre _ vented by the use of formaldehyde as directed. The same treatment will prevent potato scab. (See page 255.) Parasites are Numerous. The harmful parasites of plants are so numerous that we can not name them all here. The methods used for destroying or preventing insects and fungi are also numerous. The farmer and the gardener may obtain books that name the leading parasites that injure each crop, and that give the best known methods of avoiding damage from them. It is necessary to keep careful watch for harmful parasites, THE PARASITES OF PLANTS 59 otherwise they may do much harm before their presence is discovered. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. What is a parasite? 2. How does the potato beetle injure the potato plant? 3. How may insects that eat leaves be destroyed? 4. In what way are sucking insects killed? 5. Tell how to make Bordeaux mixture. 6. How may oat smut be prevented? Potato scab? 7. Describe some spraying operation that you have seen. Tell what was the spraying liquid, the method of spraying, and the purpose. 13. SEEDS CAN NOT GERMINATE WITHOUT AIR. Illustrative material: Two shallow dishes or saucers, two tumblers, and a few grains of wheat. Half fill two wide-mouthed bottles or two jelly cups with soil that is wet enough to be easily worked up in the hands like soft putty. Pack the soil in one of the dishes until the air is well pressed out of it, adding enough soil to make the dish half full when packed. Leave the soil loose in the other dish. Put a few wheat grains on the surface of the soil in each dish and cover these to the depth of about a quarter of an inch in the dish with the soil unpacked and with packed soil in the other dish. Close both dishes and put them in a warm place. Air Necessary for Germination Figure 28 shows two shallow dishes, in each of which kernels of wheat were placed. Enough water was then added to the right-hand dish to cover the kernels to about half their depth, and to the. left-hand dish to cover them to twice their depth. The Vtf . pa . c dishes were then set in riG. 28. Effect of air on seeds. a warm room and cov- ered with tumblers to prevent evaporation of the water. After two days, the kernels in the right-hand dish had germinated, while none of those in the left-hand dish had done so. Why did not the kernels in the left-hand 60 SEEDS CAN NOT GERMINATE WITHOUT AIR 6l dish germinate? They were in contact with water in both dishes, and both dishes were kept in a warm room. In the right-hand dish, however, the kernels were in contact with plenty of air, while in the other dish most of the air was shut out. We all know that seeds will not germinate so long as they are dry, and that, even though they have plenty of water, they will not ger- minate in a very cold place. But this experiment shows that, although wheat seeds may have plenty of -water and warmth, they will not germinate unless they also have plenty of air. The same is true of most of the seeds com- monly planted on the farm or in the garden. Some Seeds Contain Air. The seeds of some plants that grow in water, as the water lily and rice, and of a few land plants, as Indian corn, may germinate under water. Dry seeds usually contain pores that are filled with air, and water also usually contains some air. These seeds are able to get enough air from their pores and from the water, to enable them to germinate. If they are soaked for a time in cold water to expel the air within them, and are then sealed up in a fruit jar of water from which the air has been expelled by long boiling, they can not germinate. No seeds can germinate without access to air. Packed Soil Does Not Admit Air. In the experiment shown in Figure 29, a few radish seeds were planted in soil that was wet enough to be easily worked up in the hands, like soft putty. The soil was then packed down closely around the seeds in one of the dishes, and left loose in the other. We now see that the radish seeds have germinated in the loose soil, while they have germinated very poorly, if at all, in the packed soil. They failed to 62 SEEDS CAN NOT GERMINATE WITHOUT AIR germinate in the packed soil because the air was largely shut out by the too wet and too closely packed soil. Wet Clayey Soil Excludes Air. Clayey soil so wet that, with slight pres- sure, it becomes like soft putty, is too wet to plant seeds in. Al- though the seeds can absorb water rapidly from such a soil, they rarely germinate well in it, for, if it is left loose over the seeds, it dries out quickly, and, if it is packed around FIG. 29. Roots need air. them, it shuts OUt tOO much air. Planted seeds should not be watered so often as to keep the spaces in the soil filled with water. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. Why did not the grains of wheat germinate under water? 2. Name some kinds of seeds that germinate under water. From where do they get the air? 3. Name three things necessary for germination. 4. Seeds germinate most quickly in a moist, warm, sandy soil. Why will they not germinate so quickly in a moist, warm, clay soil? 14. PACKING THE SOIL ABOUT PLANTED SEEDS. Illustrative material: Place an inch or more of damp garden soil in each of two pint fruit jars, and put twenty navy beans on the soil in each jar. Cover them to the depth of about two inches with the soil, packing it down firmly in one jar, and leaving it as loose as possible in the other. Screw the caps on loosely on both jars, and place them in a warm place. Packing Loam About Seeds. If we plant a few live navy beans in damp (not wet) garden soil in each of two jars, and then pack the soil down closely around the beans in one of the jars, leaving it as loose as possible in the other, and set both jars in a warm room for two days, we shall generally find that a larger number of the beans have germinated in the jar in which the soil was packed than in the other jar. Absorb Water Faster. When we press the soil closely about seeds, the seeds absorb water and swell faster than if we leave them loose. The seeds can not germinate until they have taken up all the water they can hold. Since packing the soil about them enables them to absorb water faster, it also enables them to germinate sooner, if the soil is not too wet. Field Illustration.. Figure 30 shows a picture of a part of a recently planted grain field. This field was sown by hand, and then harrowed to cover the seed. Wherever the man that drove the team stepped, the grain 63 64 PACKING THE SOIL ABOUT PLANTED SEEDS has come up better than elsewhere, because the man's weight pressed the soil closely about the seed. Farmers and gardeners have often noticed this fact, and so they have devised various means for packing the soil over planted seeds. Testimony of a Gardener. Gardeners often walk with very short steps over a row of planted seeds, placing the heel of one foot against the toe of the other, so as to step on every part of the row. A very successful gardener once wrote, "As an experiment, I sowed twelve rows of ..... ...-.-> . . sweet corn and twelve rows of beets, treading in, after sowing, every alternate row of each. In both cases, those trodden in ~ + '..'* " FIG. 30. Effect of pressing the earth closely Came Up Ul four days, while those unfirmed remained twelve days before starting, and would not then have germinated had not rain fallen." Rollers. When farmers plant corn with the hand hoe, they commonly strike the soil with the flat side of the hoe, or often they step on each "hill" after covering it, to press the soil about the seed. When grain is sown in dry weather, a heavy roller is commonly driven over the land to pack the soil about the seed. The heavy split wheels of the ordinary cornplanter serve as rollers. Grain sowing machines, and cornplanters, often have little iron rollers attached to them to press the soil over the seed. Gardeners often use hand rollers for this purpose. PACKING THE SOIL ABOUT PLANTED SEEDS 65 Pressing with a Board. Very small seeds, as those of tobacco and petunia plants, are often sown on the sur- face of the ground without being afterward covered with soil. In such cases, the sower commonly lays over them a board on which he walks, to press the soil, and to bring the seed into very close contact with it. Evaporation Makes Packing Necessary If the soil were always damp on the surface, it would not be neces- sary to pack it over the seed. But, since the surface tends to dry out by evaporation to the depth of an inch or two, planted seeds need to absorb their water quickly in dry weather, or the soil may become so dry about them that they can not secure enough water for germination. In this case, the seeds must wait until rain comes, or until watered, and thus the crop will be delayed or it may be entirely cut off. Thus, the simple act of pressing the soil about the planted seeds will sometimes save a valu- able crop that would otherwise be lost. Plant Soon after Plowing When ground is plowed in dry weather, the dry surface soil is turned under, and the more moist soil from below is brought to the top. If seeds are planted at once in this moist top soil, and the soil is well pressed about them, they wilt almost always germinate before the surface becomes too dry, even in time of rather severe drought. It is important in dry weather, therefore, to plant seeds as soon as possible after the ground is plowed and prepared. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. i. Why do seeds germinate sooner in a soil that is slightly moist when it is packed closely about them? G. & M. A g . s. 66 PACKING THE SOIL ABOUT PLANTED SEEDS 2. Under what conditions should a roller be used after planting seed? 3. When a lawn is started, the seeds are scattered on the surface of the ground and the soil is rolled several times. How does rolling help the germination of grass seed? 4. If a board is left lying flat on a new-seeded lawn, the seeds in dry weather will germinate faster under it than in other places. Why? 15. SEED TESTING. Illustrative material: Procure an ounce of clover seed and as many small patty pans as there are pupils. Put 100 seeds of red or white clover in the seed tester. Put in enough seeds of oats, barley, Indian corn, peas, beans, and cucumber or melon to supply each pupil with at least four of each kind. Before taking up the lesson, remove the cover of the seed tester, and the upper cloth, and pass the open tester about the class, after which remove, with a forceps, the clover seeds that have failed to germinate, leaving all the other seeds. Count the ungerminated clover seeds, and let the pupils subtract the num- ber from 100. Explain what is meant by the per cent of germination; i. e., the number of seeds per hundred that will germinate. At the close of the lesson, give each pupil a thimbleful of commercial clover seed in a patty pan. Require each pupil to separate the seed from the impurities. Estimate the relative amounts of each. Of what do the impurities consist? Use of Seed Tester. We learned in Lessons 13 and 14 the soil conditions that are necessary for the germination of seeds. We now learn that seeds of various kinds ger- minate as freely in the seed tester as when planted in moist soil. By means of the seed tester, we can easily find out, before we plant them,- whether or not a sample of seeds can germinate. Age Affects Germination Not all seeds can ger- minate, even though they appear all right outside. Seeds germinate less freely as they become old, and after a certain age they lose their power to germinate. Some kinds of seeds retain their power to germinate much longer than others. 67 68 SEED TESTING Other Causes Affecting Germination Seeds may fail to germinate from other causes than old age. Some- times they are sorted when too damp, and so become musty ; such seeds often fail to germinate. In the pump- kin, cucumber, and certain other plants, the seed shells are sometimes empty. Seeds of Indian corn sometimes freeze before they become dry, and so lose their vitality. 1yr. SOY BEAN HOP INDIAN CORN ONION PARSNIP 2 yrs. LEEK PARSLEY PEA RHUBARB STRAWBERRY 3 yrs. CARROT LENTILS MUSTARD TOMATO yrs. ASPARAGUS GARDEN AND MUSKMELON GUMBO LETTUCE 5 yrs. BEAN EGG PLANT WATERMELON PUMPKIN SQUASH o yrs. 10 yrs. ENDIVE CUCUMBER OATS BARLEY WHEAT FLAX BUCKWHEAT FIG. 31. Showing the average number of years that the seeds named retain their power to germinate, under ordinary conditions. For these reasons, it is best to test seeds before planting them, unless we know that they will germinate. How to Make and Use a Seed Tester A seed tester for use at home may be made of two table plates, and two circular pieces of thick cloth large enough to cover the bottom of the plates. Put the cloths in boiling water for a few minutes before using them, to kill the spores SEED TESTING 69 of fungi they may contain. Wring them out until only moderately wet, spread one over the bottom of one of the plates, and put 100 of the seeds to be tested upon it. Cover these with the other cloth, and place the second plate on the one containing the seeds, taking care that the rims are together. Set the tester in a warm room. Look at the seeds from time to time and remove all that have germinated. When all seem to have germinated that will, subtract the number that failed to germinate from 100. The remainder will show the per cent of live seeds the sample contains. Boil the cloths again before using them for a second test. Importance of Testing Clover Seed Before Purchasing. As we have learned, the clover crop is a very impor- tant one to the farmer in many countries. Most farmers need to buy their clover seed, and it is generally pretty high in price. It is important, therefore, to test clover seed before buying it. It is well to procure several dif- ferent samples from the seed store, noting the price at which each can be purchased. Some of these samples will probably contain more dirt, sticks and weed seeds than others, and in some the clover seeds will germinate better than others. The best sample to buy will be the one that gives the largest quantity of live clover seeds for the lowest price. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. Why should seeds be tested before planting? 2. Tell how to make and use a seed tester. 3. What kinds of seeds should be tested before they are bought? 7 duce fruit unless they B, imperfect (pistillate). receive pollen from some perfect flower like A. G. & M. Ag. 7. 97 Some 9 8 IMPERFECT AND PERFECT FLOWERS FIG. 54. Indian corn. varieties of strawberry have perfect flowers; others have pistillate flowers. A variety that has pistillate flowers will not bear fruit un- less plants of a variety that has perfect flowers grow close by to furnish the pollen. Determine before Planting the Variety of Flowers of a Plant. By looking at the flow- ers of a variety of strawberry, we can tell whether it will fruit well if planted alone. If it has perfect flowers, it will; if it has imperfect flowers, it will not. Before planting a bed of strawberry plants we should find out whether the variety we desire to plant has perfect or imperfect flowers. If the plants are not in bloom, the person of whom we procure them will gen- erally be able to tell us. Flowers of Indian Corn are Imperfect. The Indian corn plant has imperfect flowers. The plume- like "tassel" that grows at the top of the stalk contains many flowers, but these flowers usually contain only stamens. They yield pollen in abundance. Most country boys and girls have seen the yellow pollen dust on the leaves of Indian corn soon after the tassels form. The young ear bears the pistils, which are the so-called "silk." Each IMPERFECT AND PERFECT FLOWERS 99 thread of the " silk," when it receives its grain of pollen, produces a kernel on the ear. If one of the threads fails to receive its grain of pollen, a kernel on the ear will be missing. By looking closely at an ear of Indian corn, we can tell where the silk was attached to each kernel. (Fig. 54.) Other Examples of Imperfect Flowers The flowers of the melon, cucumber, squash, and pumpkin are imper- FIG. 55. Cucumber blossoms; A, pistillate; B, staminate. feet. By looking closely, we can easily see the two kinds of flowers. Those that bear the pollen are like B, Figure 55 ; while those that have the pistil are like A, Figure 55. Notice how many points of difference you can see in these two flowers. In some plants, like the maple tree and the hop plant, all the flowers on one plant bear sta- mens only, and all the flowers on other plants bear pistils only. The plants that bear the staminate flowers of course never produce any seed. IOO IMPERFECT AND PERFECT FLOWERS Cross Fertilization. When the pollen of one flower fertilizes the ovules of another flower, the action is called cross fertilization. This is one of the ways of producing many varieties of plants. Cross fertilization is often brought about by the wind or by insects, and sometimes by intention of the gardener. Plant Breeding By crossing certain plants with others of a similar kind, and carefully collecting the seeds that result, new and improved varieties are obtained. When an improved variety of any plant is obtained, the seeds from the plant are planted and selected so as to make a distinct breed. Great progress has been made at the Experiment Sta- tions in making valuable breeds of wheat, oats, and corn. The yield in each' case has been increased from three to ten bushels per acre. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. What are imperfect flowers? 2. Name some kinds of plants that have imperfect flowers. 3. What is the difference between pistillate and staminate flowers? 4. How are imperfect flowers fertilized? 5. How may flowers be cross fertilized? 6. When the maples are in bloom look for some trees that bear only pistillate flowers and others that bear only staminate flowers. Make the same observations for the cottonwood trees. 23. CORN. Illustrative Material: Mature corn plant with ear, showing brace roots, tassel, and leaves. Sample ears of varieties grown in the locality. Seed corn testers. Importance of Corn. About four billion bushels of corn were produced in the world during 1915. The United States produced about three-fourths or very nearly three billion bushels. Seven states, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, and Missouri produce over one-half of the total corn crop of the United States. They make up what is called the corn belt. (Figure 56.) In this region corn is the most profitable crop, for it gives the largest yield of the best food for all classes of animals. Kinds of Corn. Through careful selection and breeding, corn has been greatly improved. We now have varieties of corn that mature in 90 days; others require 150 days. The color of the kernels may be red, white, yellow, blue, black, or any mixture of these. Some corn grows only two feet high; while in the South there is some grown that reaches a height of 30 feet. There are four important classes, or types, of corn. These are the dent, flint, sweet, and pop corn. Dent corn is the most important type. About nine- tenths of all corn grown is of this class. It gets its name from the hollow, or dent, which forms in the end of the kernel when it ripens. Dent corn has a large ear and gives the largest yield. The kernels are long, and the cob is e 1 * 'i-'&s ..--;.> :: CORN 103 small. The ear has many rows, usually about sixteen. It is easily husked, because the shank of the ear is small. Flint corn has a long, slender ear with only about ten rows of kernels. The kernels are hard and flinty, due to the large proportion of horny starch in them. Flint corn matures earlier than the dent type, and therefore can be grown farther north. The stalks produce many extra stalks, or "suckers." This makes it valuable for fodder, but it does not yield so much grain as the dent type. Sweet corn is grown for human food. Large amounts of it are grown by truck gardeners, who market it as a table vegetable when it is green, or can it for winter use. It is very rich in sugar. The kernels shrink when mature and appear shriveled. Sweet corn is not profitable to grow as feed for animals. Pop corn has small ears, and very hard small kernels. It is grown only for human food. The popping of the ker- nels is caused by expansion of the moisture by heating until the hard flinty covering of the kernels breaks, and they suddenly turn inside out. Primitive Com. There is a type of corn known as the primitive corn, because it is thought to be the oldest type, from which the other types have been developed. It is sometimes grown as a curiosity. Each kernel is inclosed in a pod, or husk, and the ear thus formed is also inclosed in husks. Its common name is pod corn, but it is sometimes called squaw corn. Soil for Corn. Corn needs a soil rich in nitrogen and vegetable matter. It usually does well on land on which clover and grasses grew the year before. Because sandy loam soils are warmer and more easily cultivated than 104 CORN heavy clay soils they make good corn land. The soil should be compact enough, however, and should contain enough vegetable matter to hold a good supply of moisture; for, on account of its rapid growth, corn needs much moisture during its growing period. On account of its many and strong roots, corn can make good use of coarse foods. It is, therefore, known as a ''coarse feeder." FIG. 57. Good com land. The soil pulverizes readily under the harrow. Fall plowing is usually best for corn. The soil should be well worked in the spring and made free from weeds. Harrowing and disking at this time tend to warm the soil, prevent evaporation, and destroy many weeds. Manure can profitably be spread on the plowed land at this time, and disked into the soil. Good Seed Corn. In order to grow a large crop of corn, the farmer must have good seed with a high yielding record. Good seed must have strong vitality. This means that it will not only grow, but will produce healthy and vigorous plants. It must be picked early in the fall. Every good CORN 105 kernel of seed corn has in it a live, though very small corn plant. This plant is tender and easily injured unless it is kept under favorable conditions. Seed corn that is not thoroughly dry before cold weather comes on will freeze and thus injure the little plant so that it will not germinate. By picking the ears for seed in the field, the early maturing kind can be selected. Seed can thus be selected from perfect plants only. Since good seed means a good crop of corn, the time spent in selecting the seed corn in the field is profitably employed. FIG. 58. Disking for corn. The disk harrow is here used to pulverize the soil immediately after plowing. Testing Seed Corn. We have learned in Chapter 15 how to test seeds for germination. It takes about fifteen ears of seed corn to plant an acre, and with a yield of sixty bushels to the acre, each ear of seed corn represents about four bushels of crop. Each ear should therefore be tested. A germination box for testing 100 ears can be made from inch boards, the box being two feet square and five inches deep, inside measurements. About three inches of saw- dust, that has first been soaked in scalding water to kill io6 CORN molds, is covered with a white cloth marked off into two- inch squares. The squares are numbered to correspond with the hundred ears to be tested. About six kernels, taken from different places on each ear to be tested, are placed in a square. A cloth is placed over the kernels to keep in the moisture. After these have been kept moist in a warm place for about five days, they should be exam- ined, and the ears from which all kernels did not sprout well should be rejected. The testing should be done early in the spring before time for planting. The "rag-doll" tester consists of a piece of cloth about nine inches wide and five feet long. Twenty squares are marked and numbered near the center of the strip. After the six kernels are placed on each square it is rolled up from both ends and kept moist and warm. When several of these testers are kept together, they do not dry out so fast as one alone. FIG. 59. Rag-doll seed-corn tester. Observe the "corn-tree" at the right. CORN 107 Planting. When the soil is getting warm, and danger of frost is past, it is time to plant corn. This is from the first to the middle of May in the corn belt. Corn should be run through a grader before planting in order to remove the very small and extra large kernels. This will give more uniform planting. The two-row planter is used almost entirely. It can be used to drill the corn, that is, planting one kernel in a place 8 to 18 inches apart in the row, or it can be used as a checkrower, planting about three kernels 3 feet 6 inches to 3 feet 8 inches apart each way. With rows both ways there is a better chance for cultivation, but where the land is free from weeds, larger yields are secured by drilling it. Where the soil is moist, corn should not be planted over two inches deep. In very dry soils in the Southwest corn is listed. Listing is planting corn in the bottoms of furrows, so as to get the kernels where the soil is moist. Frequent Cultivation. The field should be dragged before the corn comes up. This will kill many small weeds and keep the top soil loose. As soon as the corn is up so that the rows can be seen, the corn cultivator should be used. At first, while the roots have not spread out much, corn can be cultivated deep; but later, when roots fill the soil between the rows, cultivation should be shallow. The ground should be stirred often in order to keep moisture from evaporating, and to destroy weeds. Cultivation also liberates plant food by warming the soil and letting the air get into it. How Corn Is Harvested. Where corn is grown for the grain, the ears are husked from the standing stalks in the field. This is done either by hand or by machine. Where io8 CORN large areas are grown, and corn stands up well, the machine is a saving. With hand picking a better job can be done. The ears are stored in well ventilated cribs to dry. The cheapest way to harvest corn is "hogging it off." This is done by turning the hogs into a field when the corn is ripe, and letting them gather the crop. Where corn is to be hogged off, rape, clover, or some other succulent crop is planted between the rows at the last cultivation. This adds variety and gives more feed to the acre. Hogging off corn is becoming more common every year. FIG. 60. Cutting corn with a harvester. This machine cuts the stalks and binds them into bundles. It does not husk the corn. If the fodder, as well as the grain, is to be used for feed- ing, corn is cut when it begins to ripen. It is either stored in shocks in the field until cured, or cut up fine, when still green, and put in a silo. Cured corn stalks with the ears CORN 109 are known as fodder corn. The stalks without the ears are called corn stover. The Silo and Silage. An air-tight receptacle or building, for the preservation of succulent fodder is called a silo. The fodder preserved in a silo is known as silage. Other plants, like clover, alfalfa, oats, peas, or almost any other green plant, can be used, but corn is the most com- mon plant used for silage. When the ears commence to harden the whole plant DECAYED SILAGE ~ is cut up very fine, and packed thoroughly. It is important to pack the si- lage well to keep out the air. If air is admitted, the si- lage decays and thus be- comes unfit for food. The silage at the top of a silo decays and forms a pasty mass, which prevents the air from passing through ,i | i | FIG. 61. Section of a silo. Feeding is done from to the material below. the top. This thin layer of decayed silage serves as an air-tight cover for the silo. Fodder corn loses nearly one-fourth in digestible matter when cured in the field. In a deep, well-built silo, the loss is less than one-tenth. Silage is more palatable than dry fodder, and animals will eat more. Even the harder and coarser parts of the stalk, because cut when green, are eaten. The feeding value of an acre of corn when fed in no CORN the form of silage is double that when cut and cured in the field. In this way fewer acres are necessary to produce fodder for the same amount of stock. It takes less room to store silage than hay or dry fodder, because it is well packed. Silage weighs about forty pounds a cubic foot in the silo. Round silos, with a smooth wall on the inside, allow the best packing, and are stronger than square silos. A silo should be deep in order to be well packed, for the greater pressure will force out the air better. Silos are built either of brick, cement, or wood. They may be built above the ground or partly in the ground. They are usually placed close to the barn so that feeding may be made convenient. NUMBER OF TONS OF CORN SILAGE IN ROUND SILOS DEPTH IN FEET INSIDE DIAMETER IN FEET 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 39 40 42 43 45 47 48 50 52 56 58 60 63 65 67 70 72 74 77 80 83 86 89 92 95 98 101 90 97 103 108 114 119 125 130 136 116 123 130 137 144 151 158 166 173 143 152 160 170 178 187 195 205 216 173 184 194 204 215 226 236 247 257 Corn Products. As food for all animals on the farm, corn is the most nutritious crop. A pound of corn meal is worth more as feed than a pound of bran, oats, or barley. Corn silage is becoming more important as a feed for all animals on the farm. Corn has other uses besides its use as food for farm animals. Corn meal, corn starch, corn sirup, hominy, and breakfast foods made from corn are CORN 1 1 1 all important foods for man. The oil pressed out of the grain when refined, may also be used as a food. It is used in paint, for lubricating, and even for making rubber. Alcohol and starch for clothes are other products of the grain. Corn cobs are made into pipes. Husks are used for packing and in mattresses. Paper is made from corn stalks. The pith of the stalk is used as packing in the walls of battleships. Corn Enemies. Gophers, crows, and blackbirds like corn, and will sometimes dig out and eat the seed from large patches just after the planting. Cutworms cut the young corn plants off just at the surface of the ground. They are grayish brown in color, and about an inch long. Where they are numerous, they sometimes destroy the whole crop of young corn plants in a field. Fall plowing will destroy many cutworms. Wireworms and white grubs destroy the roots of corn planted in sod land. Fall plowing prevents them from increasing in number, and is the only practical remedy. The root louse on corn becomes a great pest if corn is grown year after year on the same land. Rotation of crops and thorough cultivation so as to destroy all weeds that may harbor them will effectively destroy the root louse. Chinch bugs, which suck the juice from the corn plant above the ground, can also be prevented by rotation of crops and weed destruction. Army worms and grasshoppers eat corn, as well as any other green plants. Fall plowing will destroy these and many other insects that may injure corn. Corn smut is a fungous parasite that lives in the growing plant, and weakens it by absorbing the juices that should 112 CORN nourish the corn plant. It forms large, black masses of spores that can be seen on the stalk, leaves, or ear. Some- times the whole ear is a black mass of spores. The spores live over winter in the soil or in manure. Corn smut can not be cured. It can be prevented by picking the smut masses and burning them. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. What states constitute the corn belt of the United States? 2. What are the four important types of corn? 3. Which type of corn can best be grown in a northern region? Why? 4. How does freezing injure seed corn before it is dry? 5. Tell how to test 100 ears of seed corn for germination. 6. When should corn be planted? 7. What advantage is there in planting torn irf rows both ways? 8. Why should corn be cultivated? 9. What is the difference between fodder corn and corn stover? 10. Give some reasons why a farmer should have a silo, n. Name five manufactured products from corn. 12. What is corn smut and how can it be prevented? 13. Study the map on page 102. Account for the low yield of corn in the western part of the United States. 14. Study the table on the following page and show the yield of corn by states by placing on an outline map of the United States a heavy black dot for each 10,000,000 bushels. For example, the yield of Illinois will be represented by 37 dots, that of Iowa by 30 dots. CORN (From Yearbook of Agriculture) Maine 656 New Hampshire . . . 990 Vermont 2,256 Massachusetts 2,304 Rhode Island 516 Connecticut. ...... 3,250 New York 24,200 New Jersey 10,830 Pennsylvania 58,520 Delaware 6,615 Maryland 24,850 Virginia 60,562 West Virginia 25,200 North Carolina. . . . 60,900 South Carolina .... 35,145 Georgia 64,950 Florida 12,000 Ohio i53>55 Indiana . 190,950 Illinois 374,400 Michigan 56,000 Wisconsin 40,825 Minnesota 64,400 Iowa 298,500 Missouri 191,750 G. &M.Ag. 8. North Dakota 9,800 South Dakota 94,250 Nebraska 213,000 Kansas 172,050 Kentucky 105,000 Tennessee 93> J 5o Alabama 66,300 Mississippi 67,450 Louisiana 45,ioo Texas 166,850 Oklahoma 112,100 Arkansas 62,100 Montana 1,960 Wyoming 875 Colorado 11,280 New Mexico 2,730 Arizona 600 Utah 442 Nevada 35 Idaho 770 Washington ^053 Oregon 1,155 California 2,624 Total . .2,994,793 114 CORN HOME PROJECTS. 1. Ear-to-Row Method of Improving Corn. First Year. Select 25 of the best seed ears that have been found to germinate well. Number each ear. Shell one-half the kernels from each ear and place them in envelopes that are numbered the same as the ears. Keep the unshelled halves where they are safe from mice. Mark off 50 rows about 8 rods long and number them from i to 50. This seed plot should have rich and uniform soil. Plant kernels from ear No. i in row No. i and row No. 26; plant corn from ear No. 2 in row No. 2 and row No. 27; plant corn from ear No. 3 in row No. 3 and No. 28. Proceed in this way until the 50 rows are planted. Give the corn good care during the summer. When the corn is ripe, husk and weigh the crop of corn from each row separately. Seed corn for planting in the field should be selected from the high yielding rows. The unshelled halves of the highest yielding ears should be saved for the second year. Second Year. Select a seed plot away from other corn far enough so pollen can not be blown across. This dis- tance should be about 40 rods. Supposing that the two highest yielding ears were No. 12 and No. 18; these should be used for the second year's planting. Make the rows 4 rods long; then 4 rows can be planted from each unshelled half. Plant kernels from ear No. 12 in rows i, 3, 5, and 7, and from ear No. 18 in rows 2, 4, 6, and 8. The tassels from rows i, 3, 5, and 7 should be removed as quickly as they appear. The pollen from the tassels in rows 2, 4, 6, and 8 will therefore fertilize the kernels on the ears borne by the plants in the detasseled rows. Seed should be se- CORN 115 lected from the detasseled rows. This gives pedigreed corn, because the parentage is known on both sides. The yield of corn may be increased several bushels to the acre by using seed selected and bred by this method. 2. Acre Yield. Select an acre of good corn land. Fertilize it and prepare it well. Pick out the best seed corn, about 15 ears, and test them for germination, so that the seed selected is sure to grow well. Plant 4 kernels in a hill and thin to three plants when well up. Give it the best care during the summer. In the fall, husk the corn and weigh it, allowing 70 pounds of ears to a bushel. Compare this yield with the average yield of the rest of the field. 3. Determining Stand of Corn in a Field. Select 10 rows in different places across the field. Count the number of hills in each row if all had been planted. Next count the number of hills with number of stalks, the number of hills with i stalk, the hills with 2 stalks, and the hills with 3 stalks. Count those with more than 3 stalks with those with 3 stalks. Estimate how many stalks all the 10 rows would have if every hill had 3 stalks. Find how many stalks were lacking, that is, how many stalks there are on the basis above given. If the 10 rows had a total of 3,600 hills, in a perfect stand, or 100 per cent, there would be 10,800 stalks in them. 24. WHEAT. Illustrative Material: Sample of heads and grain of varieties of wheat grown in the locality. Wheat straw affected with black rust, if possible; and bunt, or smut balls. Wheat Types. There are four important types, or classes, of wheat in the United States. The most important of these is the bread wheat type. This includes the Fife, Bluestem, and hard and soft winter wheats. The Durum ili FiG.62. Bread wheat types. From left to right the kinds are Turkey Red, Fife, Velvet Chaff, and Bluestem. 116 WHEAT 117 wheats, another class, have very hard grains and are adapted to dry climates. This type, also known as Maca- roni wheat, is becoming more and more important in the West and in Canada. Another type, known as the Club wheat type, has short, stiff straw, short, compact head, and soft grain. It is grown on the Pacific slope, west of the Rocky Mountains, where it may be left standing several weeks after it is ripe. In the Emmer type, the grain does not shell out easily from the hull and the' stems are pithy instead of hollow as they are in ihe other three types. This wheat is grown largely in Russia. In this country farmers use it mostly for cattle. It does well on dry land. Other types of little importance in this country are Eincorn, Spell, Polish wheat, and Poulard wheat. The Soil. Wheat is a delicate feeder. It has finer and shorter roots than corn, therefore it is important to have the soil well pulverized on top and rich in available plant foods. The seed bed should be loose on top and firm be- neath, so that moisture may rise to the roots by capillarity. It should have a good supply of organic matter and plenty of moisture available at the time of rapid growth. Clay loams seem to be better than very sandy soils, because they do not dry out so fast. Disked corn land makes a good wheat field when well pulverized. In Minnesota and neighboring states wheat is sown in the spring, not in the fall as in other parts of the United States. For spring wheat, fall plowing allows early spring planting, which is important in order that wheat may develop a good root system in cool weather. Early planting tends to prevent summer rusts; it also lessens the probability of having hot, WHEAT dry weather during the ripening season, a condition harm- ful to wheat. Fic.64. Fall plowing for wheat. Observe the evenness with which the soil is being turned. The Seed and Planting. It pays well to select the seed wheat carefully. It should be run through a fanning mill that selects the largest and heaviest kernels. This will also remove the weed seeds. Rust-resistant varieties should be selected. Before planting the seed should be treated for smut. Wheat may be sown broadcast, or drilled in rows about six inches apart. When the seed is drilled it can all be planted at a more uniform depth, and covered better. It should not be planted over two inches deep where there is plenty of moisture in the soil. About 6 to 8 pecks of seed is a good quantity to plant to the acre. Early planting of spring wheat gives a longer season of growth and keeps 120 WHEAT the wheat from suffering so much from rusts and hot weather. Wheat, after corn, in a rotation gives good results. Grass seeds planted with wheat do better than with oats, because they get more light and moisture. The oats, having more leaves, give more shade and transpire more than wheat. FIG. 65. Cutting wheat with a binder. The crop is heavy as is shown by the numerous bundles. Harvesting. Wheat is cut and tied into bundles with a binder. If left too long before cutting, it will shatter, thus losing much of the grain. The milling value is also better when the wheat is cut before it becomes too ripe. The cut grain is shocked, with one or two bundles placed on top as "caps," for protection from rains. It may be threshed out of shocks if the weather is good; otherwise it is WHEAT 121 stacked to keep it secure from the weather until threshing time. It should be left stacked at least three weeks before threshing to give it time to go through the sweating process. After about three weeks, the moisture has evaporated and the grain has then a bright color. When threshed, it is stored in bins, either on the farm or in elevators, from whence it is marketed. Uses. The chief use of wheat flour is for bread making. The white flour most commonly used is made by grinding the wheat between steel rollers until very fine. It is next bolted, that is, it is passed through very fine sieves, the bran and coarse parts being thus removed. Graham flour has the bran in it, that is, it is unbolted. Flour from hard wheat makes the lightest bread. Soft wheat flour is used for crackers, cake, and pastry. Macaroni and some breakfast foods are also made from wheat. The manufacture of these, especially of macaroni, is increasing in this country because of the increase in Durum wheat production. Shorts and bran and wheat screenings are milling by- products used for stock feeding. Red dog, a very low grade of flour, is also used for this purpose. The straw is used largely for bedding and as a fertilizer on the farm. It is also used in making straw hats, mat- tresses, door mats, and paper. Enemies of Wheat. Where wheat has been grown for many years, it becomes subject to insect enemies and diseases. The Hessian fly, a small, two-winged insect, often does a great deal of damage to winter wheat. This fly lays its first brood of eggs about September first. These hatch into larvae in about a week. The larvae live over the 122 WHEAT winter in a dormant, or quiet state, known as the "flaxseed stage," because they look like the seeds of flax. In May, these hatch out into flies. These flies lay the second brood of eggs which, in turn, produce the larvae that injure the wheat crop. They attack the young wheat plant just below the ground, three or four being sufficient to kill the plant. They do this by sucking the juice from the plant. Fall plowing, burning the stubble, and rotation of crops are helpful in controlling this pest. Chinch bugs, when present in great numbers, do much damage to the wheat crop in dry seasons. They, like the Hessian fly, suck the juice from the plant. They can be controlled by keeping rubbish and weeds along fences cleaned out. The wheat midge is a small fly whose larva sucks the juice from the young . wheat grains, thus causing them to shrivel. Deep plowing in the fall will prevent them from living over winter. During hot and damp seasons rusts sometimes cause great loss. These are fungous diseases that grow from spores. They can be seen on the stem as little black spots, or on the leaves as red spots. They like a wet, warm summer. No remedy for this disease has been discovered, therefore the best preventive is to select varieties of wheat that will withstand it. Smut, another fungous disease, may do a great deal of damage to the wheat crop. But since it can be controlled by seed treatment it is not so much to be dreaded. There are two kinds of smut. The stinking smut, or bunt, of wheat, can be prevented by moistening the seed with a so- lution containing one pint of formaldehyde (40% pure) and WHEAT 123 about 50 gallons of water. The loose smut, however, can not be prevented by the use of this solution. It is there- fore best to get seed that is known to be free from the loose smut. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. Where are the Durum wheats mostly grown? 2. For what is Emmer mostly grown in this country? 3. What are the leading wheat producing states? (See page 124.) 4. Why is it necessary to have the seed bed well pul- verized on top for wheat? 5. What advantage is it to spring wheat to have it planted early? 6. How should seed wheat be selected? 7. Why do grass seeds planted with wheat do better than with oats? 8. What advantages are there in stacking wheat over threshing out of shocks? 9. How is white flour made? 10. What kind of flour makes the lightest bread? n. For what is wheat straw used? 12. How does the Hessian fly damage the wheat crop? 13. How may wheat smuts be prevented? 14. Chew some wheat kernels for a long while. The sticky gum that you get is the part that makes wheat flour good for bread making. It is called gluten. 15. Study the table on the next page and show the yield of wheat by states by placing on an outline map of the United States a heavy black dot for each 5,000,000 bushels. In this table a few states are not listed because of the small- ness of their yield of wheat. 124 WHEAT PRODUCTION OF WHEAT IN UNITED STATES IN 1915 IN THOUSANDS OF BUSHELS (From Yearbook of Agriculture) Maine 112 Vermont 30 New York JI 875 New Jersey 1,560 Pennsylvania 24,605 Delaware 1,875 Maryland 10,272 Virginia 16,974 West Virginia 4,500 North Carolina. . . . 9,810 South Carolina .... 2,430 Georgia 3,575 Ohio 40,194 Indiana 45,580 Illinois 53>2oo Michigan 20,448 Wisconsin 4,662 Minnesota 70,870 Iowa 18,985 Missouri 34,io8 North Dakota . South Dakota . 15^970 63,762 Nebraska 71,018 Kansas 106,538 Kentucky 9,900 Tennessee 9,030 Alabama 1,200 Mississippi 100 Texas 25,575 Oklahoma 38,860 Arkansas 2,750 Montana 42,180 Wyoming 3,315 Colorado I 3>77 New Mexico 1,976 Arizona 1,092 Utah 8,225 Nevada 1,660 Idaho 18,730 Washington 5M20 Oregon 20,025 . California 7,040 Total 1,025,801 25. CROPS AND WEEDS. Illustrative material: Samples of several of the most trouble- some weeds of the vicinity. Drill the pupils until they can name them at a glance. Weeds Not a Curse Weeds are plants that persist in attempting to grow where they arc not wanted. It is Nature's plan to have the earth thickly covered with plants. When men began to cultivate the soil, and to decide just what kinds of plants should grow in some chosen place, they discovered weeds. Weeds should cer- tainly, however, be kept out of our crops as far as possible. But we must not think that they were sent as a curse to man, for it is better to have the ground covered with plants, though they be weeds, than to have it bare. Not Room for Both Figure 66 shows a plant of In- dian corn surrounded by weeds. The roots of the corn and of the weeds are feeding from the same soil, and their stems are reaching up for the same sunlight. Surely there will not be enough water, food and sunlight for all, and so all will suffer unless some are taken out. If we hope to raise good corn, we must destroy the weeds. We learned in Lesson 1 1 that keeping the surface of the land covered with a layer of crumbled soil tends to pre- vent evaporation. Fortunately, the same treatment tends to prevent weeds from growing. The surface soil should, for this twofold reason, be kept well cultivated, especially in warm weather. 125 126 CROPS AND WEEDS Annuals. Some weeds grow up, blossom, ripen their seeds, and perish, all in one season. These are called annual weeds. Weeds of this class are usually easy to destroy, for, if we pull them up or cut them off at the surface or a little below it, they do not often grow again. Many of the most common garden weeds belong to this FIG. 66. Corn choked by weeds. class. Annual weeds usually seed more freely than other kinds. Biennials. Weeds of another class grow in part one season and live through winter, to blossom, ripen their seed, and die, the next season. These are called biennial weeds. The well-known "bull thistle," so common in CROPS AND WEEDS 127 old pastures, is of this class. These weeds are sometimes rather difficult to destroy the first season of their growth, for they are apt to grow up again after being cut off. If cut the second season, just before bloom, they soon die without yielding seed. Perennials. Weeds of a third class continue to live and bear seed from year to year, unless they are destroyed. These are called perennial weeds. Some weeds of this class, as the quack grass, sow thistle, and the wild morn- ing glory, multiply from buds on underground parts as well as by seeds. Perennial weeds are the hardest of all to destroy. We learned in Lesson 4 that the food that nourishes the roots of plants is formed in the leaves. If, therefore, we prevent the leaves from growing, the roots will soon starve. This is the surest way to kill perennial weeds, although it is often hard to carry out. Constant Warfare. Most weeds spread chiefly from their seeds, hence care should be taken to prevent the formation of weed seeds. The more thorough we are in keeping the weeds out of our land, the easier the work becomes. While we may not hope to get rid of all weeds, we may greatly lessen their numbers by keeping up con- stant warfare against them. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. What are weeds? 2. How do weeds injure a crop? 3. Define annuals, biennials, perennials. 4. How do each of these three groups of weeds spread? 5. How can most weeds be kept from spreading? 128 CROPS AND WEEDS 6. What kind of weeds is hardest to destroy? Why? 7. Make a list of the most injurious weeds in your neighborhood. 8. In what different ways are weed seeds carried from place to place? 26. MORE ABOUT WEEDS. The upper part of a plant of the Canada thistle is shown in Figure 67, i, also a portion of the underground stem with its rootlets (2). At 3, is shown a single flower, with its seed and downy hairs. The seed, also, is shown, in 4, nat- ural size, and, in 5, as it appears under a microscope. The root of the Canada thistle is per- ennial. It sends out underground stems o r rootstocks i n every direction. It is because of this fact that it spreads so rapidly and is so dif- ficult to get rid of. These underground FlG - 6 ?- Canada thistle - stems develop buds at their joints, which grow upward, forming new plants. Thus a single plant, if left alone for two or three years, may, by means of its rootstocks G. & M. Ag. o 129 130 MORE ABOUT WEEDS alone, spread over a square rod or more of ground. It may spread, also, by its seeds, but this is not so likely, as most of the seeds will not germinate. The following are the best methods for the destruction of the Canada thistle : (1) After manuring the soil, plant it thickly with clover. When the thistles are in bloom, mow the clover, cutting down every thistle. When the clover is again up high enough to cut, plow it under carefully, harrow and roll. Keep the field well cultivated till late in the fall. Plant grain or grass the next spring. (2) Pour oil of vitriol on the stump left in the ground after cutting off the thistle as close as possible. (3) Apply salt liberally to each stump. Turn in sheep or goats. - They will usually eat the thistles close to the ground, and prevent their growth. (4) Seed liberally with any grass that will grow well on the ground. The thistles may be choked out by this method. The Burdock (called, also: Great lappa, Gobo, Lappa officinalis, L. major, L. edulis, etc.), Arctium Lappa. This coarse, mammoth, offensive weed, with its large brown burs that stick to the clothing and to the coats of animals, is familiar to all. In Figure 68 is shown an illustration of a portion of the stems of two varieties of this plant in flower. At i, is a branch of the small variety (Minor), and, at 3, one of the more common varieties (Major). At 2, a single flower is shown magnified. A shows magnified views of the seed, and B shows the seed natural size. Though not very troublesome in cultivated ground, MORE ABOUT WEEDS the burdock pushes itself into almost every waste place where the ground is rich and where the neg- lect of the owner per- mits it to exist. Its injury to crops is far less than that of the Canada thistle, but it should not be allowed to grow, as it is most unsightly and offensive, and its clinging burs, besides being a source of annoyance to man, are' often a damage to domestic animals. Being a biennial plant, the burdock is not difficult to destroy. It dies, if left to itself, at the end of the second FlG - 68 - Burdock, season. The important thing is to prevent its seeding, and thus keep it from spreading. During the first year of growth, the plant is easily destroyed by being pulled up by the roots when the ground is very wet. Repeated cutting a short distance below the surface of the ground may be required the second season. But, whatever method be adopted, the plant should never be permitted to bloom. The White or Ox-Eye Daisy (called, also: Daisy, White weed, Leucanthemum vulgare), Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum. It seems a pity that we are compelled 132 MORE ABOUT WEEDS to condemn this beautiful plant as a harmful weed, but such is the case. Where it is allowed to grow, it often fills pastures and meadow lands to so great an extent as to crowd out more useful plants, and thus becomes a source of damage. The ox-eye daisy has sometimes been cultivated in the flower garden. It is a near relative to the garden chrys- anthemum. It is sel- dom troublesome, ex- cept in meadows or pasture lands, and grows best in rather poor soils. It is a perennial plant, and grows from an un- derground stem, as well as from the seed. It is hardly possi- ble to destroy the ox-eye daisy from grass land in which it has secured a hold, without breaking up the sod and summer- fallowing the ground or devoting it for a time to some hoed crop. Cutting the stems before the flowers open will prevent the seed- . ing, but does not destroy the plant nor stop the spreading of its rootstocks. Snap Dragon or Toadflax (called, also: Butter and FIG. 69. Ox-eye daisy; i stamen, magn 2, pistil, magnified; 3, seeds; 4, seed, nified. ified: MORE ABOUT WEEDS 133 eggs, Ramsted), Linaria mdgaris.Tbe snap dragon or toadflax was brought to this country as a garden flower, but it is becoming quite dangerous. It is perennial, and is spread both by its seeds and its creeping rootstocks. It tends to form a large patch, and, so far as it extends, forces out all other plants. A plant with its head of flowers is shown in Figure 70. I shows a single flow- er; 2 shows an enlarged vertical section of the same; and 3, a ma- tured seed pod. For small areas, it is possible to destroy the snap dragon by grub- bing out the roots, but, where the patches are numerous and large, the summer fallow is the only treatment that is likely to be success- ful. Young plants may be rooted out by hand at a time when the ground is very wet. Cocklebur or Clotbur, Xanthium strumarium. The cocklebur is a rapidly growing, coarse weed, with an ir- regularly branching stem, that grows to the height of from one to two feet. There are two kinds of flowers grown in separate heads or clusters on the same plant. The staminate flowers are produced in roundish heads at the FIG. 70. Snap dragon. 134 MORE ABOUT WEEDS FIG. 71. Cocklebur. top of the stem. The pistillate flowers are in clus- ters of two or three at the base of the male stalk. These enlarge and form thick, hard, ob- long burs, beset with stiff hooked prickles, and bearing two strong beaks at the upper end. These burs, like those of the burdock, stick to clothing and to the coats of animals. The upper portion of a plant of cocklebur is shown B in Figure 71. At the top of the stem, the heads of staminate flowers are seen, and, at the base of the leaves, heads of the pistillate flow- ers. At the right, near the top of the figure, is a staminate flower enlarged. A* shows a bur, and B, a section of the same, showing the two embryos. Both A and B are about natural size. Each bur, when ripe, incloses two seeds, one of which may germinate the first year, and the other lie dormant until a later time. It has been said that the plant is poisonous to cattle, but this is probably a mistake. The cocklebur is common in barnyards, along roadsides, in waste places, and cultivated grounds. As the root of the cocklebur is not creeping, and does not live in the ground through winter, clean culture with some hoed crop, or seeding to clover or meadow grass, with frequent mowing, will keep it under control. It MORE ABOUT WEEDS 135 should be carefully prevented from seeding, not only in cultivated grounds, but in waste places as well, and this is the only means by which it may be prevented from becoming troublesome. It is often necessary to go through corn and stubble fields in August or September for this purpose. The Sow Thistle ( called, also : Field sow thistle, Per- ennial sow thistle), Sonchus aruensis. This plant is al- most as bad as the Canada thistle. Indeed, some farmers who have contended with both of these ene- mies have pro- nounced the sow thistle the more unmanageable of the two. The plant of the sow thistle is soft- er and less rigid than that of either the Canada thistle or the bull thistle. The leaves are thinner and smoother, and, while having FlG> "- Sow thistle in blootn ' prickles on their borders, are so soft and flabby that they may be easily handled. The stem, which is free from 136 MORE ABOUT WEEDS prickles, grows from one foot to two feet in height, is hollow, and gives out a milky juice when cut. The flow- ers, which are produced in large heads at the top of the stem, are bright yellow. The plant is perennial, and, like the Canada thistle, grows from underground buds, as well as by seed. In Figure 72, is shown a specimen of the perennial sow thistle. Young plants of the sow thistle, as they appear on the surface of the ground in spring or autumn, are illustrated in Figure 73. FIG. 73. Young sow thistles. Sour Dock (called, also: Yellow dock, Curled dock, Narrow dock, Curled rumex), Rumcx crispus. Like the burdock, this plant is a coarse and homely intruder into waste lands. Its roots are believed by some to be valuable for use in medicine and its young leaves make excellent greens ; but the ground it occupies is far prefer- able to its company, and it should be persistently hunted out and destroyed. The sour dock is a rank, coarse, deep-rooting perennial weed. The rather slender branching stem grows to three MORE ABOUT WEEDS 137 or four feet in height, and ends in a long, somewhat plumelike, compound flower stalk of greenish leaves. These are followed by numerous angular brown seeds, shaped some- what like kernels of buckwheat. The rather long and nar- row, sharp-pointed leaves have distinct vein markings, and are strongly wavy- curled on the bor- ders. They are borne on rather long leaf stalks, and, where each one of these clasps the stem, a branch starts out. The plant has a long, spindle-shaped, yel- low taproot. A spec- imen is shown in Figure 74. Perhaps the best method of destroy- ing the yellow dock is to root it out by hand at times when the soil is very wet. By clasping the stem just at the surface of the ground and giving it a slight twist and a strong quick pull at the same time, the root will usually come out. al- most entire. The more common method of cutting off FIG. 74. Yellow dock; a, seed, magnified. MORE ABOUT WEEDS the stem with the scythe or hoe does not destroy the root. Wild Mustard (called, also: Charlock, English char- lock, Kerlock, Kellock. Sinapis arvensis), Brassica Sin- apistrmn. The wild mustard is a coarse, rough, annual plant, much like the garden radish, except that it has a more irregular and branching root. The stem and branches end in clusters of yel- low flowers, of which the lower ones are first to open. The stem con- t i n u e s to lengthen, forming a long, leafless flower knotted stalk, buds with toward FIG. 75. The wild mustard. An individ- the base, Open flowers ual flower and a seed-pod appear at the ]eft, and at the lower left-hand corner toward the Summit, and is shown a flower. a cluster of unopened flowers at the top. The seeds resemble those of the cab- bage, and have a harsh, biting taste. A portion of a plant of the wild mustard is shown in Figure 75. The best way to get rid of the wild mustard is to go through grain fields and other places where it grows, and pull out the plants while they are in bloom, and hence easily seen. Not one should be permitted to remain. The labor this makes necessary is not so great as one who has not tried it might think. No grain should be sown MORE ABOUT WEEDS 139 which contains the seeds of wild mustard, when this can be helped. The Wild Parsnip, Pastinaca saliva. The wild pars- nip is the wild form of the common garden parsnip, and is hence readily known. The illustra- tion, Figure 76, is from a plant taken from a meadow, and of which the root leaves had perished. The plant is biennial, forming its root leaves the first season and its flower stalk the second. Perhaps the best method of destroying the young plants is by pulling them out at a time when the soil is filled with water and the roots may be drawn out nearly entire. Cutting off the young plants with the hoe tends rather to increase than to kill them. Cutting the flower stalks of the second year plants be- fore the seeds are old enough to become ripe will prevent spreading by the seeds, and, as the parent plant has run its course, it will soon perish. The Russian Thistle (called, also: Russian cactus, Saltwort, Tartar weed, Hector weed), Salsola kali, variety Iragus. The Russian thistle is an annual plant, coming each year from the seed. It grows from a single, small, light-colored root less than half an inch through and from six to twelve inches in length, to the height of FIG. 76. Wild parsnip. 140 MORE ABOUT WEEDS from six inches to three feet, branching profusely, and, when not crowded, often forms a dense, brushlike plant from two to six feet in width, and from one half to two thirds as high. When young, it is a very harmless look- ing plant, tender and juicy throughout, with small, nar- row, downy, green leaves. When the dry weather comes in August, the tender, downy leaves wither and fall, and the plant increases rapidly in size, sending out hard, FIG. 77. Russian thistle. The above plant was fully three feet in diameter. stiff branches. Instead of leaves, these branches bear at intervals of half an inch or less, three sharp spines, which harden, but do not grow dull, as the plant increases in size and ugliness. The spines are from a quarter to a half inch in length. At the base of each cluster of spines, is a papery flower about one eighth of an inch in width. If this be taken out and carefully pulled to pieces, a small, pulpy, green body, coiled up and appearing like a tiny green snail shell, will be found. This is the seed. As the seed ripens, it becomes hard and of a rather dull- gray color. At the earliest frost, the plants change in MORE ABOUT WEEDS 141 color from dark green to crimson, especially on the most exposed parts. When the ground becomes frozen and the November winds blow across the prairie, the small root is broken or loosened and pulled out. The dense, yet light, growth, and the circu- lar or hemispherical form of the plant, fit it most perfectly to be carried by the wind. It goes rolling across the country at racing speed, scattering seeds at ev- ery bound. The best method of destroying Russian thistles is by plowing in August or September, before they have grown large and stiff, and be- fore they have gone to seed, using care that all seeds are well turned under. If the season be long and weeds come through the furrow, it may be necessary to harrow the land before winter. Burn over the stubble fields as soon as possible after harvest. Cut the stubble with the mowing machine if the fire does not burn everything clean. Cutting the stubble and thistles FIG. 78. Branch from Russian thistle, showing appearance of plant when seeds are mature; a, from a young plant, show- ing the appearance before the dry season; b, mature seed. 142 MORE ABOUT WEEDS before the latter have gone to seed will help, but burning is essential to complete success, as, otherwise, the thistles will send out seed-bearing branches below the places where the mowing machine cuts them. Corn, potatoes, beets, or any other cul- ken care of, will, in two years, rid the land, not only of Russian thistles, but, also, of nearly all other weeds. Sheep are very fond of the Russian thistle until it becomes too coarse and woody. The young plants may, therefore, be kept down by pastur- ing sheep on them, and the only valuable quality these trouble- FIG. 79. Branch of Russian thistle, showing SOlTie plants have may appearance before flowering and before the ... , ., spiny, branchlets have elongated; a, spines; in thlS maiUlCr DC Utll- b, young grain with the covering removed; . c, blossom removed from the axil and ized. viewed from below; d. section of fruiting calyx, side view; c, same, seen from above. Jf tllC Russian thistle is to be kept out of the cultivated fields, it must be got rid of along roadsides, railroad grades, waste land where the sod has been broken, and, in fact, in all places where it may, by chance, have obtained a foothold. MORE ABOUT WEEDS 143 Quack Grass (called, also: Couch grass, Quitch grass, Quick grass, Wheat grass, Dog grass, Tommy grass, Triticum r e p e n s), Agropyrum repens. Quack grass has some excellent quali- ties as a fodder plant. It is said to surpass timothy in nutritive value, but, when it takes possession of the soil, nothing else can be grown. It puts out strong un- derground stems, which root and send up new stems at their joints. These under- ground stems often show their power by growing through po- tatoes or bits of wood that chance to lie in their path. They form a stiff sod that often severely tries the muscles of the plowman's team. Branches do not usually come from every joint, but if the stems are broken or cut in pieces, as with a plow, hoe or harrow, each piece sends up a stem and leaves from any joint it may have, and becomes a FIG. 80. Quack grass. 144 MORE ABOUT WEEDS distinct plant. A large amount of nourishment is stored up in the underground stems, which makes them very nutritive and furnishes food for growth. The new plants formed by cutting up the old ones grow with great vigor, and so form many weeds in the place of one. The under- ground portions are eaten by stock when they can get at them. Horses and cows are fond of them; hogs root industriously for them and help to destroy them. The illustration of quack grass shown in Figure 80 makes further description unnecessary. The summer fallow is probably the most satisfactory method of destroying quack grass on any large scale. Turn the sod under in spring and plow again as often as any amount of grass appears above ground, until Septem- ber, when rye or wheat may be sown if desired. It is best to remove fences or other obstructions to the plow, that make a harboring place for the underground stems. Small patches may be destroyed by covering the ground deeply with straw or other litter, or by devoting the ground to some crop that requires clean culture, as cab- bage, cauliflower or celery, provided the required clean culture be faithfully given. Patches of quack grass should never be cross plowed or cross cultivated in tilling the field that contains them, as this is one of the surest means of spreading the underground stems to new loca- tions. The Wild Carrot, Daucus carota. The wild carrot is one of the most troublesome weeds in the eastern states, and is rapidly spreading westward. It thrives in nearly all soils and is spread rapidly by its many seeds. It re- MORE ABOUT WEEDS 145 sembles the garden carrot so closely that it is easily known. Figure 81 shows the wild carrot plant with the seed magnified at c, and natural size at d. Mowing the plants as often as the flower- stalks appear will de- stroy them, and will also prevent their seed- ing. The first mow- ing often seems to in- crease the number of plants, but, as the root is biennial, it can not live long. Pulling the plants by hand, while the ground is wet, is one of the surest methods of destruc- tion. Sheep aid in keeping them in sub- jection. The plant can not endure thorough cultivation and hence is rarely very troublesome in well tilled land. Bindweed (called also: Morning glory (incorrectly), Field bindweed,) Convolvulus arvensis. This is a twin- ing or creeping plant with a perennial root and an annual stem. The white, or reddish-tinted funnel-shaped flowers G & M. Ag. 10. FIG. 8 1. Wild carrot; a, plant in bloom; b, leaf; c, seed, magnified; d, seed nat- ural size. 146 MORE ABOUT WEEDS are about an inch long and open mostly in the morning, like those of the morning glory, with which this plant is often confused. The plant is a rapid grower and spreads chiefly by means of its fleshy un- derground stems like the quack grass. The wonderful power of the plant to increase is shown by Figure 82. This illustration clear- ly shows that the un- derground stems put forth strong buds from which shoots grow upward to the surface, and that some of the main under- FIG. 82. Bindweed, showing underground ground Stems extend stems at A. A. (Reduced.) horizontally several inches below the plow line, which fact easily explains the failure of the plow to destroy this plant. The bindweed is a most troublesome weed where it once gets a start. It does not spread rapidly when left to itself, but it is extremely difficult to destroy, and small patches of it in cultivated ground are liable to be widely scattered by the cultivating tools. Perhaps the best treat- ment for small patches is to cover the ground a foot or more deep with straw, marsh hay or other litter, leaving it on until it decays. MORE ABOUT WEEDS 147 Prickly Lettuce (called, also: Wild lettuce, Milk this- tle, English thistle, Compass plant), Lactuca Scariola. This plant is occupying waste grounds in many parts of the country. It is an annual, and in- creases only by seed, but it seeds very freely and the young plants are so strong that it spreads very rapidly where per- mitted to do so. It has often been mistaken for the sow thistle and some- times for the Russian thistle. The prickly lettuce is closely related to the common garden lettuce, which it resembles in the seed-bearing stage. The stem is smooth, with the exception of a few scat- tered prickles. The plant begins to bloom in July, and produces a few blos- soms each morning after that time until killed by frost. An average plant has been estimated to bear more than 8,000 seeds. Repeatedly mowing the plants as they come into bloom, or earlier, will subdue them. Thorough cultivation with a hoed crop, by means of which the seed in the soil may FIG. 83. Prickly lettuce; a, plant bloom; b, leaf; c, seed, magnified. 148 MORE ABOUT WEEDS be made to germinate, will be found very successful. The first plowing should be shallow, so as not to bury the seeds too deep. The mature seed-bearing plants should never be plowed under, as that would plant the seeds at differ- ent depths. Mature plants should be mowed and burned before plowing. The seed appears in clover, millet, and the heavier grass seeds, and the plant is very often started by this means. As the seed may be carried a long dis- tance by the wind, the plants must be cleared out of fence- rows, waste land, and roadsides. Long Leaved Plantain (called, also: Rib grass, Ripple grass, English plantain, Buckhorn plantain), Plantago lanceolata. This plant is much like the com- mon plantain, from which it differs in its much longer and nar- rower slightly hairy leaves, and its shorter and thicker seed spikes. It is perennial, and is apt to be very abundant in upland meadows, clover fields, and poor- ly kept lawns. It is especially to be dreaded in red-clover fields, intended to be cut for seed, since the seeds mature with those of the clover and are of so nearly the same size and weight with them that the two can not be easily separated. The plants can be destroyed by cutting their roots off several inches below the surface of the ground and pulling 'FlG. 84. Long leaved plantain. MORE ABOUT WEEDS 149 out the parts cut off. They can not bear good cultivation and on rich soils they can probably be smothered out by a close June sod. NOTE. A large number of very common weeds have been omitted. Only those giving special difficulty to the farmer have been described. Pupils should make a study of all the weeds to be found in the neighborhood. Send to the Experiment Station in your state for a bulletin on the subject of weeds and how to destroy them, or send to Department of Agriculture, Washing- ton, D. C, for Farmers' Bulletin No. 28. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. Why is it so hard to get rid of Canada thistles? 2. How do burdocks spread? 3. What weeds named in this chapter have underground stems, or rootstocks? 4. Why is the long-leaved plantain so objectionable in a red-clover field that is to be cut for seed? 5. Dig up and examine the roots of several common weeds in your home locality. 27. THE GARDEN. Suggestions for Work Every boy and girl living on a farm should have a garden. A great deal of pleasure, as well as some profit, may be obtained from planning and caring for a garden. In the early spring, have a small plat of land set aside as your garden, to do with as you please. Send for FIG. 85. " See that the weeds are kept out." seed catalogues, and study out just what will be best to plant in the garden. When you have done this, pre- pare the ground well for the seed, and, after the plants 150 THE GARDEN 151 have come up, watch their growth from day to day. See that the weeds are kept out and that the plants are cultivated as they need it. Make a success of your small farm by attention to it. It may be that you can sell something from your garden, and thus make some money for yourself. In any event, you will have the pleasure of doing something useful. . THE STRAWBERRY (PI. I.). The Strawberry is a good fruit for boys and girls to cultivate. The plants are easily taken care of, and may bear a full crop of fruit the next season after planting. FIG. 86. Strawberry blossoms. The plants multiply during summer from trailing run- ners. One plant set out in spring will often form thirty or forty young plants by autumn. These will nearly all bear fruit the following summer. There are many varieties of strawberries, and not all succeed equally well in every garden. Before deciding what variety to plant, inquiry should be made of neigh- bors to find what variety succeeds best in the vicinity. Perfect and Imperfect Flowers. There is a lesson to be learned about the flowers of the strawberry. The JCJ2 THE GARDEN flowers of some varieties are not perfect, and will not bear fruit unless a variety having perfect flowers is planted in the same plat with them. Figure 86, b, shows an imperfect strawberry flower, and Figure 86, a, a perfect one. Figure 86, c, has a few stamens, but is not well supplied. The little organs marked S (Fig. 53, A) are the stamens, which give out the pollen. Some of this pollen must come upon the pistils, P, or a fruit will not be produced. (Lessons 21 -and 22.) If plants of a per- fect-flowered variety are growing within five or six feet of those of an imperfect-flowered sort, the bees will carry the pollen to the latter plants, and they will bear fruit as well as if they had pollen of their own. Some of the most beautiful varieties of strawberries have imperfect flowers. Care and Planting The best strawberries commonly grow on plants that were formed the season before, hence only these should be set. The plants are generally set out in the spring, about two feet apart, in rows three and one-half or four feet apart. A plat of plants cov- ering five or six square rods should furnish strawberries enough for an average family. The soil should be fer- tile and free from perennial weeds. By autumn, the plants should have multiplied to such an extent that each row forms a bed of plants about two feet wide. Of course, all weeds should be kept out of this bed. The cultivator should be freely used between the rows to keep the soil well crumbled and to keep the plants in the different rows apart. In climates where the ground freezes much in winter, it is best to cover the strawberry bed an inch deep with clean straw or leaves just before THE GARDEN 153 freezing weather. This keeps the ground from freezing and thawing often during the winter, and so tends to protect the roots from damage. In spring, the covering should be raked off and the ground between the rows well cultivated. Just before the fruit ripens, the ground between the rows should be mulched with straw or grass, to keep the fruit from being spattered with dirt by the rain. After the strawberry harvest is past, if the bed is to be kept for another crop, it is well to mow off the plants close to the ground with a scythe or mowing machine. The cut-off material may then be dried in the sun, and, with the mulching that remains between the rows, raked from the bed and burned. This will destroy some harm- ful insects and diseases. The wide rows may then be narrowed down to about six inches in width. This may be done by cutting all the plants off just beneath the sur- face of the ground with a sharp spade, except in a strip six inches wide through the center of the row. The ground between the rows should then be enriched by spreading decayed manure over it, and should be well cultivated. If the weather be dry, the plat should, if possible, be well watered. New plants will then be formed on both sides of this narrow row, and, by fall, the rows will be as wide as they were in the spring, and most of the plants will be young. Some gardeners plow up the strawberry bed after the first crop of berries has been picked. Others treat it as above directed, and pick a second crop the following year. Still others keep the bed until the third crop has been picked. If the bed is kept free from weeds, and is well 154 THE GARDEN manured each year, the third crop may be as large as the first. THE RASPBERRY AND BLACKBERRY. Planting and Care. The raspberry and blackberry are delicious fruits. The bushes generally bear prickles, and the stems die down to the base each year after fruiting. They are hardy except where winters are very cold. They multiply by suckers that grow from the roots, or by the ends of the branches taking root in the ground. The young plants are usually set about four feet apart in rows seven or eight FIG. 87 Eldorado blackberry. f ee ^ apart. They begin tO bear fruit the second year after planting. The ground between the plants should be cultivated or mulched. The dead stems that have borne fruit should be cut off and taken out in the fall or early spring, and the young shoots that grow from the base in spring will need thin- ning out after the second year. Only four or five for each plant should be allowed to grow. Where winters are very cold, the stems should be bent down and cov- ered with earth late in autumn. To avoid breaking the stems, a little earth is removed from near their base, so that the strain of bending comes mostly on the roots. The raspberry and blackberry are not much troubled by insects. THE GARDEN 155 Marketing. The strawberry, raspberry and black- berry are largely grown for market in some localities. They generally prove profitable where the business is well managed. To be most successful, they should be .grown in 'a location where labor and manure may be had cheap, and where these fruits may be sent to market without having to be carried far by wagon. They are commonly sold in quart or pint boxes, which are packed in cases or crates. The picked berries should be removed promptly to a cool, shady place, and should always be handled with care to avoid bruising them. The yield of berries per acre is usually larger than that of grain. The raspberry, in some places, is dried in large quan- tities, and the dried fruit brings a good market price. THE CURRANT AND GOOSEBERRY (PI. I.). Planting and Care. The currant and gooseberry are less popular fruits than the strawberry, but they are easily grown, and at least a few bushes should be found in every garden. The bushes may be planted from four to six feet apart each way. They are very hardy and fruitful. They are multiplied by planting cuttings of the stem in moist soil, or by covering the stems with earth. As the bushes become old, the oldest stems may be cut off. A troublesome insect, called the currant worm, gener- ally appears on the leaves rather early in spring. If this is not destroyed, it will consume most of the leaves and the fruit will not grow well. It appears first on the lower and more central leaves of the bushes. To destroy the currant worm, sprinkle the leaves with water that has 156 THE GARDEN powder of white hellebore stirred in it. This powder may be bought at drug stores. A tablespoonful should be well stirred into about three gallons of water. The mixture may be put on the bushes with a sprinkling pot. Currants are mostly used for making jelly, for which they are much prized. There are red, white and black varieties. Gooseberries are used when green for sauce and for canning. Only the native American varieties are satisfactory in the United States. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. Ask your father to give you a small plot of ground for a garden. In it, grow several kinds of vegetables and at least one kind of fruit. Keep a record of all work done in your garden and of the crops you produce. 2. What kind of soil should be selected for a garden? 3. Why should strawberry plants be covered with straw or leaves in the winter? 4. How do raspberry and blackberry plants multiply? 28. THE ORCHARD. Every farmer should have an orchard. Fruit trees of some kinds will grow wherever farm crops will grow. Good fruit not only is pleasing to the taste, but is very healthful as food. Orchard trees are grown by planting the seeds or the pits of fruit. They need to be grafted or budded to make them bear fruit of a particular variety. Planting. Fruit trees rarely grow and bear fruit well unless they receive good care. They should be planted far enough apart so that the tops will not shade each other, and so that the roots will have sufficient room to procure the water they need. They should be pruned sufficiently so that the branches will not rub against each other much, and so that the sun can shine in upon the growing fruit. The ground should be manured to such an extent that the trees may have all the fertility they need for continuous fruit bearing. The soil should be cultivated during the first half of the season while the trees are growing. About midsummer, it is well to sow some quick-growing crop, as oats, peas, clover, or vetches, to furnish a cover for the ground during winter. This tends to prevent washing, deep freezing and thawing of the ground, and to save fertility. Insect Pests Orchard trees need more or less pro- tection against harmful insects and fungi. There are 157 158 THE ORCHARD various ways of giving this protection, and some special knowledge is needed for each kind of fruit. Much of this protection is given by spray- ing the trees. This means spraying them with water containing some substance that destroys the harmful insects or fungi without injuring the fruit. This is done with a force pump and hose. The hose is fitted with a nozzle that divides the stream into very fine spray. Other means of protection are necessary in some cases. Borers often injure the trunks of trees. These must be destroyed or kept out by special treatments. Insects are sometimes en- trapped by placing bands about the trunks of the trees. Fruits containing insects are often destroyed or are fed to stock, to keep the insects from multi- plying. The successful fruit grower will need to study much, and to watch carefully to guard against insects and dis- ease. THE APPLE. FIG. 88. The Flat- headed borer; a, the larva; b. the pupa; d, the perfect beetle. FIG. 89. A wormy apple, showing the fa- miliar mass oi brown particles thrown out at the blossom-end by the young worm. The Apple is the most important American fruit. It may be had in its fresh state the whole year through. THE ORCHARD 159 w FIG. go. Section of wormy apple; a, codling moth; b, cocoon. The tree is one of the largest and longest-lived of fruit trees. It begins bearing when from three to eight years of age, and sometimes lives nearly or quite a century. It is grown with more or less success throughout the United States and Southern Canada. The trees are commonly planted when about three years old, and should not be set less than twenty- five feet apart both ways. They should be pruned somewhat each year to prevent the branches from growing too thickly. The Codling Moth The apple is much injured by an insect called the " codling moth," of which the 1 J maggot form lives in the fruit, caus- FlG - p*- Hairy wood- ofc> pecker. i6o THE ORCHARD ing " wormy apples." It is estimated that this worm has caused over $7,000,000 damage each year in the states of Nebraska, Illinois and New York alone. The codling moth can be controlled pretty well by spraying the trees soon after the flowering period with water containing Paris green stirred in it, at the rate of one pound to two hundred gallons. The woodpecker finds the worm hidden in his silken cocoon under the scales of the bark of the apple tree. This bird should not be killed. He is doing a good work in destroying the worms that would otherwise spoil many apples. THE PLUM AND CHERRY. The Plum and Cherry are favorite fruits which can be grown over much of the United States and parts of Canada. They grow on small trees that begin to bear when they are three or four years old. The trees are planted in the orchard when they are about two years old, and are set about sixteen feet apart each way. The Curculio An insect called the curculio troubles the fruit by laying an egg in it. The egg hatches into a maggot that lives on the fruit until full grown. It is usually this maggot that causes plums to drop before they are ripe, and that causes " wormy " cherries. The FIG. 92. The plum tree curculio; a, the larva; b. the pupa; c, the beetle; d, curculio, on young plum. The straight lines indicate the average natural length. THE ORCHARD j6i curculio may be caught by jarring it off the trees early in the morning on a sheet spread on the ground. The insect is then stiff from the cold and so does not fly. THE PEACH. The Peach is one of the most delicious of all fruits. It grows on a tree about as large as a plum tree. The peach tree begins to bear fruit when three or four years of age. The peach is not so hardy as the plum or cherry, and it succeeds well only in certain parts of the country; but a few trees may be planted in the orchard wherever the winter is not too cold for it, and they will often bear fruit enough for the family. The fruit of the peach is mostly borne on the shoots that grew the season before, hence it should be pruned to make plenty of young wood. Yellows. The peach is subject to a disease called " yellows," that has entirely destroyed many whole or- chards of this tree. No remedy is known for it but to dig out and burn the affected trees. THE GRAPE. The Grape is a fine fruit, that is successfully grown over nearly all of the United States. Every home should have at least a few grape vines. They require little room, as they can be trained upon a fence or the wall of a building, if need be. Their fruit, which ripens in au- tumn, is wholesome and delicious. A plat of ground planted with grapes is called a vineyard. Vines in the vineyard are planted from seven to ten feet apart both ways. Grape vines bear fruit when three or four years G. & M. Ag. 11. l62 THE ORCHARD old. The grape is commonly multiplied from cuttings of the stem. Pruning and Cultivating The grape vine is a rapid grower, and therefore needs to be severely pruned to keep it within bounds. The best fruit is borne on the shoots that grow from the part of the vine that grew the year before. In pruning the vine, we should leave on some of the wood that grew the last season, but should cut off most of the older wood. The grape vine is com- monly tied to a trellis made of wire or slats. Some- times it is permitted to climb over an arbor or summer house without much pruning, but it is only with careful pruning that me best grapes can be grown. The ground between the rows of grapes should be well cultivated during the summer to keep down weeds. In countries having cold winters, grape vines should be protected in winter as described in the section on the raspberry and blackberry in Lesson 27. QUESTIONS AND. EXERCISES. 1. Make a list of the insects that attack orchard trees. Make a list of diseases that affect orchard trees. 2. What is the codling moth? How can it be controlled? 3. How may orchard trees be made to bear fruit of a desired variety? 4. Why should fruit trees be pruned? 29. SEMITROPICAL FRUITS. (Chapters 29 and 30 were prepared by Professor Riley O. Johnson, State Normal School. Chico, California. He gratefully acknowledges the aid of Professors E. J. Wickson, E. W. Hilgard, and C. W. Woods- worth, all of the University of California.) No family orchard in California is thought complete with- out at least one or two of the citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons, and a few olive and fig trees. These are known as semitropical fruits because they grow in warm, yet not tropical, climates. -In the United States, they can be grown with profit only in California, Florida, and the delta region of the Mississippi River, therefore there is always a good market for the product. Besides the fruit they produce, the trees themselves are quite ornamental, and they also give abundant shade. They are often grown for these purposes alone. The citrus fruits cultivated in California include the orange, lemon, lime, grape fruit, and citron. The Orange. The orange is the most profitable of the citrus fruits that can be raised in California. Though it is now grown chiefly in the southern part of the state and in the Sacramento Valley, yet there are doubtless small regions in other parts of the state well suited to its growth, even in large enough quantities for the market. What the Orange Tree Needs. The orange prefers a deep, rich, mellow soil, although it will grow well in nearly every kind of fertile soil. The spot chosen for experimenting must be warm enough 163 164 SEMITROPICAL FRUITS so that there arc no severe frosts to be feared, at least no hard freezing. The orange orchard must be protected from winds either by hills or a grove of other trees. There must be plenty of water. If nature does not supply enough, the soil must be irrigated. (See Lesson 30.) Orange trees must be carefully pruned (cut back) during the season when the tree is not bearing fruit. Only the dead branches and those no longer useful should be cut off. There is great danger of cutting away too much. The natural shape of the crown of the tree must be kept, as the fruit and the leaves grow on the ends of the branches. The Lemon. The lemon likes best a sandy loam, though it will grow well in other soils also. While the lemon does not require the heat necessary to produce the best oranges, it will not, at the same time, stand so much cold as the latter. The root of the orange tree will thrive in a greater variety of soils than will the root of the lemon tree, therefore it is quite common to graft the lemon (page 80) on an orange seedling stock. Owing to its spreading habit, the tree must be carefully pruned. If this is not done, the fruit will be borne at the end of the long, willowy branches, and it will then be im- possible to cultivate the ground as it should be. Enemies of the Orange and the Lemon Scale Insects. Chief among the insect enemies of these fruits are the soft scale, the red scale, and a variety of the latter, called the yellow scale. If you look on the under side of the leaves, you may find SEM1TROPICAL FRUITS 165 these insects along the large veins. Here they insert their beaks and suck the sap which is being carried upward to the leaves and the prepared food which the leaves send downward to the other portions of the plant. Scale insects are also sometimes found on the fruit itself. If the tree is sprayed with an emulsion of kerosene or is fumigated with hydrocyanic acid gas, these insects will disappear. Red Spider. In some places where these fruits are raised the red FIG. 93 Red Spider. (From Station Bulletin, Berkeley, Cal.) spider has become a serious pest. The male spider is much smaller than the female. The female lays from twelve to eighteen bright red eggs, which are fastened to the under side of the leaf with threads of fine silk. These eggs hatch out in about two weeks, and the young spiders begin at once to suck the juice from the leaf. When grown, their bodies are covered with spines, which protect them from their ene- mies, the ladybird beetles and the lace-wing flies. White Fly. This pest of FIG. 94. white Fly with wings Extended, citrus trees was unknown in California until a short time ago. As yet it has appeared in but a few places. Although called a fly, it is not one, since it has four wings, and the fly has only two. It is a near relative of the scale insects, but it does more damage because 1 66 SEMITROPICAL FRUITS it has wings. It can easily be told from the other pests found on citrus trees, because it is snow-white when full grown. When the wings are at rest, the insect is about the size of the letter o used in this paragraph. The remedy is a severe one, for the pest is hard to get rid of. The tree must be stripped FIG 95. white Fly f ^s leaves and thoroughly fumigated before with wings closed. the insect is growDj or no thing can be done to save the tree. Diseases of Citrus Trees Gum Disease. This disease, which usually affects the trunk of the tree near the ground, sometimes comes as a result of letting irrigation water come in contact with the stem of the tree. By keeping this water from touching the tree, one cause of the disease will be removed. Other causes, still unknown, however, are likely to produce the disease. From whatever source the trouble comes, the portion of the bark which is diseased must be cut away, also the diseased wood beneath, and the wound covered with something, such as rubber paint, which will keep the sap from running out. Removing the soil from the lower part of the trunk is also helpful. Chlorosis. This disease causes the leaves of the tree to turn yellow. In the case of the orange and lemon it is com- monly brought about by the lack in the subsoil (page 30) of some food element that the tree needs, or else by there being too much of some one element. Orange and lemon trees re- quire lime, but many California soils have in them more lime SEMITROPICAL FRUITS 167 than is needed. Since it cannot be taken out, the only remedy is to plant the orchard in a soil that has less. Limy soils are generally of a whitish color, but the way -to be certain is to take a little of the subsoil and pour on it a few drops of nitric acid. If many bubbles arc given off, lime is probably pres- ent in large quantities, and oranges and lemons will not thrive well in this ground. The Olive The olive does best in a well-drained soil, though, like the orange and the lemon, it will yield good crops in a variety of soils. It prefers warm, dry climates, but will withstand some frost. It can be grown from buds, seeds, grafts, tips of twigs, cuttings, sprouts, suckers, and layers, but because it is a slow grower, the first three methods are not often used. Olive trees do not begin bearing until about eight years of age. They have been known to live to be a thousand years old and to attain a height of forty feet. The fruit is sometimes pickled in brine and sometimes dried. Great quantities are also grown for the oil which is very abundant in the fruit. The tree is very free from insect enemies and is useful as an ornamental as well as a shade tree. The Fig No fruit can be grown more generally over the state of California than the fig, and no other with so little care and risk. This tree will thrive well on any soil one would think of selecting for any of the common orchard trees, though it will succeed on a wider range of soils than will any of the others. It will bear well in any climate warm enough to i68 SEMITROPICAL FRUITS ripen the fruit and not cold enough to kill the tree. The fig should have plenty of moisture, but not too much. In the orchard, the trees should be set forty or more feet apart, unless they are to be thinned later, as the tree is a wonderful spreader. If planted this far apart, smaller fruit trees may be planted between the rows and removed after several years, when the fig trees are in need of the room. In pruning, little except the cross branches need be cut off after the shape has become outlined. Not more than three limbs should be allowed to grow out from the trunk, and these should be well placed around it. Fig trees begin bearing at from two to three years FIG. 96. San Jos6 scale insect; m, male scale;/, female scale; y, young scale, a, young insect. Q age, and SCVCral CrODS Enlarged. a year are produced, the olive, the fig has few insect pests. Like San Jose Scale One of the most troublesome pests of citrus and many other fruit trees is the San Jose scale. It does not look like an insect at all. Little gray or black specks in patches on the limbs or on the trunks of fruit trees are SEMITROPICAL FRUITS 169 all that may be seen. Under these scales are the little animals that are doing the damage by sucking the juices of the plant. Most of the states of the Union have laws forbidding the shipping into the state of nursery stock that is infected with this pest. It spreads very rapidly through an orchard when it is once introduced. The surest way to prevent its spreading is to burn the affected trees. There are other methods of destroying the scale which, if carried out with great care and thoroughness, may kill the scale and prevent its spreading. One of the most success- ful methods is by spraying with the lime and sulphur mixture. Lime and Sulphur Mixture. 20 pounds lime 14 pounds sulphur 40 gallons water Boil one hour and apply while still warm. This must be applied before the buds come out in the spring, for it will destroy opened buds and foliage. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. What are citrus fruits? Where are they grown? 2. Why is the lemon grafted on an orange seedling stock? 3. In selecting a soil for oranges and lemons, what kind must be avoided? 4. What are the chief insect enemies of citrus trees? How is each controlled? 5. Tell what you know about the olive tree. 30. IRRIGATION AND DRY FARMING. Irrigation. In the West, there are vast tracts of land where but little rain falls. These are commonly known as arid regions. There are other great areas where rain falls only during the winter season. In order that crops may be grown in these regions, it is absolutely necessary that water be supplied by irrigation. FIG. 97. Dam of an irrigation reservoir. Methods of Irrigating. Water for this purpose is often obtained from wells, and sewage from cities is sometimes used on farms lying near, but most of the water used comes from streams. When there is any likelihood that the stream 170 IRRIGATION AND DRY FARMING 17 1 from which the water is taken will dry up during the season when water is needed, reservoirs are built so that a greater part of the winter rainfall may be used. Quite a number of methods of applying water by irrigation are in use, but those most common are sprinkling, flooding, and by furrows. Sprinkling. Of the three methods named, this one most nearly resembles the method by which nature furnishes water to growing plants. But in spite of this fact, sprinkling is no doubt the poorest of the three methods. To apply a sufficient amount of water at one time by this method re- quires a very slow application for a long time, for if applied too rapidly, the ground, if it is not sandy, becomes packed and hardened. In this condition air, which the plant needs, cannot get through the soil, and the roots also find it difficult to push through it. There is also very rapid evaporation from the surface unless the soil is stirred soon after the sprinkling. This results in great waste of moisture, and a second sprinkling is necessary in a short time. If practiced in regions where there is no rainfall in summer, it must be repeated often and a sufficient amount put on to wet the soil to a considerable depth. Otherwise the plant will develop a shallow root system and will be completely dependent upon water thus applied all through the growing season. On the other hand, plants which have a deep-rooting system are often able, after a while, to draw their needed supply of moisture from the water in the subsoil. Flooding. This method is used only where an abundance of water can be had and where the land to be irrigated is quite level or can be made so. As in the case of sprinkling, there will be rapid evaporation unless the surface of the 172 IRRIGATION AND DRY FARMING ground is stirred soon after the water is put on. A great disadvantage in this method is the long time necessary in order to put on enough water to do any good. This is neces- sarily so because of the fact that the air in the soil prevents, after a little, the rapid soaking up of the water, as the in- creasing weight of the water prevents the escape of the air in that direction. This method might be used to advan- tage in connection with the system of dry farming described later in this chapter. FIG 98. Furrow System of Irrigation. The Furrow Method. Of all the methods of irrigation, the furrow method is most commonly used. One of its chief advantages lies in the fact that by it the subsoil be- comes so soaked that a deep-rooting system is developed. By this method, water reaches the surface of the ground only by capillary attraction (page 14), hence the soil does not become so packed as to shut out the air and hinder the roots from growing downward. IRRIGATION AND DRY FARMING 173 The furrows should usually be run off from three to eight feet apart, depending, of course, on the nature of the soil, that is, as to its readiness to soak up water. This may easily be determined by experiment before the furrows are laid out. After the water has been shut off from the furrow and the surface has become dry enough, the furrow should be filled again to prevent too rapid evaporation. Losses due to this cause often amount to as much as 50 per cent of the water applied. Experience has proved that wide and deep furrows are much better than narrow and shallow ones. Where the former are used, it is possible to fill the furrows much sooner after irrigation, thus preventing great loss by evaporation, and the water also sinks to a greater depth in the soil, thus rendering it unnecessary to apply the water so often. Dry Farming. In the semiarid regions of the western part of the United States, where the rainfall for the entire year is not enough to mature a crop, a system of cultivation known as " dry farming " is coming to be practiced more and more. It should not be inferred from the name that by the practice of this system plants are able to thrive on smaller quantities of water than in other cases. The system consists in carefully preserving the moisture which falls dur- ing an entire year. During this year the land is riot sowed to crops, but is so treated as to permit of a very small amount of evaporation. The surface is constantly kept loose, being stirred after each rain of any considerable amount. Before planting, a machine called a subsurface packer is run over the ground. This machine consists of a number of wheels placed five inches apart on a shaft, each wheel being eighteen inches in diameter. The rim of each wheel is one inch thick 174 IRRIGATION AND DRY FARMING at the inner part, and is slanted two and a half inches to a sharp outer edge. A weight of about five hundred pounds is so placed as to make these wheels sink well into the ground, packing the soil quite firmly beneath the surface and leaving the surface itself loose and mellow. A mulch (page 53) is thus formed which reduces evaporation to the least possible amount. After the crop is planted, the soil is kept loose at the surface until the crop is matured. The moisture pre- served through one year by this system is often sufficient for the maturing of crops through three or four following years. If practiced in moist regions during dry years, this system would add greatly to the yield. The principles of dry farming might be put to good use in both the arid regions of the West and those regions where there is a good winter rainfall. In the former areas, where land can be flooded, one application of water would be enough for an entire season. In ( regions having a winter rainfall, the moisture could be so preserved that irrigation would be wholly unnecessary, and heavy yields would result each year. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. What are arid regions? 2. What are the chief methods of applying water in irrigation? 3. Describe the furrow method of irrigation. 4. What is dry farming? By what methods is it carried on? 5. Describe a subsurface packer. 31. ANIMALS THAT DESTROY INSECTS. Natural Destroyers. We might greatly reduce the number of insects and worms that destroy our crops, by taking care not to destroy the animals that feed upon them. We have been so careless in destroying in- sects, toads, and birds that live upon the insects which do us harm, that these insects have greatly increased in number and have become pests. If all would study to preserve the friends and to destroy the enemies of our crops, we should be rid of the de- structive insects in a short FIG. 99. Ichneumon fly. time. Insects. 1 The Ichneu- mon Fly is one of the most beautiful, as well as val- uable, of insects. As will be noticed from the picture, it is boring into the trunk of a tree. It is doing no 1 There is a popular notion that all small animals, such as flies, spiders, and the cpral animals in the sea, are insects. This is a mistake, as neither the spiders "nor the coral polyps belong to the insect class. The word insect is applied properly to those animals which have bodies divided into three distinct sections: the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. From the head there springs a pair of feelers called antennx, and from the thorax six legs grow. The wasp is a good illustration of an insect. The spider has but two distinct parts, and comes under another class. 175 ANIMALS THAT DESTROY INSECTS harm, however. It is seeking to deposit its eggs in the larvae of an insect that has bored deeply into the trunk of the tree. The eggs of the ichneumon fly hatch out and live on these larvae, causing the death of the borer. Ich- FIG. too. Garden spider. neumon flies are in search of the larvae of moths, butter- flies, etc., in which to deposit their eggs. As the ichneu- FIG. 101. Lady-bird beetles, or "lady bugs." The straight lines represent the average natural length. These beetles are very destructive to plant lice. mon fly hatches and becomes a fly in about fifteen days, it will destroy any larvse in which it is deposited. 1 1 All insects begin life as a tiny egg. This may be laid under the bark of a tree, in the fruit, on the water, or in the dirt. After a time the egg begins to hatch. It usually produces a little worm-like creature, called a larva. This is sometimes called the grub or the caterpillar stage. The larva may have numerous feet and two strong jaws. It is very hungry, eats a great deal and grows rapidly. After a few days, it is fully grown, and may change into the ANIMALS THAT DESTROY INSECTS 177 FIG. 102. Dragon fly. Lady Bugs are small beetles, with bright-colored, scaly wings. They feed on plant lice scales and the eggs and larvae of other insects. They are among the most valuable of insect destroyers, and should be welcomed in the house and in the garden. Dragon flies are beautiful insects with gauzy wings. They may be seen about ponds and streams in the summer time. They are the great enemies of the mos- quitoes, the gnats, and the flies. They dart through the pupa. In . this state, it eats nothing. If it is a butterfly or moth, it wraps itself in a silken covering or wraps a leaf about itself, and may stay in this condition for some months. At last, however, it breaks through its cover- ing and becomes a fully developed insect. This, its last state before death, is called the imago state. The life history of each kind of insect varies some- what, but almost all insects pass through the forms egg, larva, pupa, and imago. G. & M. Ag. 12. FfG. 103. Larva and eggs of dragon fly. the i 7 8 ANIMALS THAT DESTROY INSECTS air, and catch many small insects on the wing. When they alight, they still keep their wings outspread. They lay their eggs on the stems of water plants or on the water. Damsel Flies are much like the dragon flies, but are smaller and fold their wings over the back when they are at rest. Toads These homely looking an- imals are very useful in ridding us of harmful insects. If we knew all the good that they do by feeding on insects, we should not think them so ugly, and we certainly should never stone them or kill them. Insects de- stroy every year over $300,000,000 worth of our crops. A large part of this might be saved if we should pro- tect the toads and increase their num- ber. There is a popular idea that toads will make warts if they are handled. This is an error. The toad is perfectly harmless. Bring a pair of toads into the house, and watch the good work that they do. A room may be cleared of cockroaches by leaving a toad in it over night. Get acquainted with the habits of the toads. You will find their study very interesting. Have you seen the large masses of bead-like eggs that the female toad lays ? Have you seen the tadpoles that have been hatched from the eggs? Have you watched their growth from tad- poles to toads ? FIG. 104. A damsel fly. ANIMALS THAT DESTROY INSECTS 179 FIG. 105. Toad. If you wish to raise a colony of toads, place a pair on a stone partly out of the water in a partly filled pail or jar. After the eggs are laid, watch them as they hatch into tad- poles. The tadpoles should be fed with bits of meat or bread, until they change into toads. Keep the garden well stocked with toads, and very little damage from insects need be feared. Birds. The largest number of the birds that fly about our homes are insect destroyers. Besides delighting the eye with their beauty and filling the world full of song, they are saving the farmers millions of dollars each year. How foolish it is to shoot these valuable birds or to rob their nests ! The birds living on insects have greatly decreased in number in the past few years, and the insects have in- creased so greatly that the farmer and the gardener have been put to extra labor to preserve their crops. The birds living largely on insects, worms, etc., are swallows, martins, vireos, woodpeckers, chickadees, wrens, cuckoos, swifts, and fly-catchers. The robin and the blue bird live on about equal quan- tities of insects and fruit. Because they come so early in the spring and destroy so many of the insects before they have laid their eggs for the season, these birds are of great value. i8o ANIMALS THAT DESTROY INSECTS Every means should be taken to attract the above men- tioned birds to our homes. They should be encouraged to nest in our trees and in our barns. We should plant trees that bear berries in the fall, so that the birds may have food for the winter months, when they can find no insects. Bird houses should be built, and, when the sea- son is dry, gourds or small pails containing water should be hung near their nesting places, and food furnished if FIG. 106. Simple bird houses. necessary. Very comfortable nesting places may be made out of old tin cans that are thrown away. The top of the can may be bent back and nailed to a board or any flat surface (Figure 106, a). Then cut a small hole in the bottom of the can, allowing the tin partly cut out to pro- ject for a resting place. The cans may be grouped, as suggested in Figure 106, b, and held together with a hoop. Two boards may be nailed together for a roof. Cut worms Spielers Stink Bugs May Flies Weevils Etc. Stink Bugs Flies Weevils Etc. CUCKOO HOUSE WREN BANK SWALLOW BARN SWALLOW BLUEBIRD KING-BIRD Beetles Weevils Grasshoppers Etc. Beetles Grasshoppers Spiders Etc. RED WINGED BLACKBIRD BROWN THRUSH CROW BLACKBIRD Beetles Grasshoppers Miscellaneous Etc. AMERICAN CROW CAT BIRD ENGLISH SPARROW FIG. 107. Food of some common birds. 182 ANIMALS THAT DESTROY INSECTS The English sparrow is not a desirable bird for the United States. It not only eats much grain and vegetable matter, but has driven out a number of birds that are valuable as insect destroyers. We should take means to rid ourselves of this troublesome little fellow. 1 Just after a bird has hatched, its stomach is very deli- cate, and it can digest animal food only. For that rea- son, all nestlings are fed on worms and insects. Even the birds that live mostly on grain and fruit when they 1 The English sparrow is doing more damage to property than all the other birds in our latitude put together, and, as an agent of destruction to our native birds, the sparrow is unexcelled. No other bird will stay long where sparrows are once located. It means persecution in detail by individual sparrows and by mobs of them till all self-respecting birds are compelled to leave the locality. The English sparrow is the only bird that carries on a systematic attack upon the homes of its neighbors. It has been seen by many observers in different localities to visit the nests of its neighbors in the absence of the parent birds and to throw the young nestlings out upon the ground, in some cases dropping them ten to fifteen feet to the foot of the tree. The sparrows are with us all the year round, and, unlike most of our native birds, their food is almost entirely grain. They are, then, no substitute for the insectivorous birds that they expel, and they are a filthy nuisance about the barns and granaries as well as the dwellings where they congregate. They are a greater pest than rats and mice, and they are more difficult to combat. The most effective method of dealing with the sparrow is by poison. During the winter months, if a platform be built above the reach of the poultry, and the sparrows be fed there regularly in order to accustom them to the place, they may be easily poisoned. The recipe I quote from an article by E. B. Clark, in The Outing of January, 1901: "Mix a drachm of strychnine with three quarts of boiling water. . Let the mixture boil until the poison is entirely dissolved. Into the poisoned water pour a sufficient quantity of wheat to absorb the liquid. Put the mixture aside for forty-eight hours. The wheat will be found to have swollen greatly. Spread it over the bottom of a large pan and place it in an oven until thoroughly dry. It must not, however, be allowed to scorch in the least. English sparrows consider wheat prepared in this way as a great tidbit. It gives to them a swift and painless death." This method reaches a hundred of the sparrows to ten that can be reached during any other part of the year, and farmers ought to bestir themselves, or the useful native birds will be exterminated or driven away by these sparrow pests. We must deal with the sparrows as we deal with rats and mice, and no false sentiment ought to be allowed to enter into the matter. PROF. O. G. LIBBY. ANIMALS THAT DESTROY INSECTS 183 are full grown, are very valuable in destroying insects, grubs, etc., when they are feeding their young. 1 Examination of the stomachs of different birds (see Figure 107) shows what birds are of the greatest value to the farmer. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. How does the ichneumon fly help the farmer? 2. What is the food of lady bugs? 3. Tell how the dragon fly lives, and what food it eats. 4. Of what value are toads? 5. What do house wrens eat? 6. W T hy should most birds be encouraged to make their homes near us? 'During the outbreak of Rocky Mountain locusts in Nebraska in 1874-1877, Prof. Samuel Aughey saw a long-billed marsh wren carry thirty locusts to her young in an hour. At this rate, for seven hours a day, a brood would consume 210 locusts per day, and the passerine birds of the eastern half of Nebraska, al- lowing only twenty broods to the square mile, would destroy daily 162,771,000 of the pests. The average locust weighs about fifteen grains, and is capable each day of consuming its own weight of standing forage crops, which at $10.00 per ton would be worth $1,743.97. This case may serve as an illustration of the vast good that is done every year by the destruction of insect pests fed to nestling birds. And it should be remembered that the nesting season is also that time when the destruction of injurious insects is most needed, that is, at the period of greatest agricultural activity and before the parasitic insects can be depended on to reduce the pests. The encouragement of birds to nest on the farm and the discouragement of nest robbing are therefore more than mere matters of sentiment; they return in actual cash equivalent, and have a definite bearing on the success or failure of the crops. Year Book of the Department oj Agriculture. 32. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY. Importance of the Subject There is a large market for meats, butter, eggs, lard, etc. The demand for wool, leather, furs, feathers, glue, horns, etc., is also large. Wild animals can not supply these wants entirely. Ani- mals must, therefore, be raised on the farm. The pro- duction of animals and of animal products, such as milk, butter, eggs and wool, is a very important branch of farming. What Must be Learned. Animal husbandry requires a different kind of knowledge from that required for grain, fruit or vegetable growing. Animals require more attention than field crops. Their food, drink, light, and the air that they breathe, all need to be looked after. The care of their young demands careful attention. To learn to feed animals in the way that is best for their develop- ment and also least expensive to the farmer, requires constant study. Economy in Raising Animals. As we have learned in previous lessons, the selling of crops from the land removes the richest part of the land. Unless this is re- turned to the soil in some form, the soil will become " poor," and it will be impossible to produce gjpod crops. When animals are grown on the farm, however, the farm products grown from the soil are fed to the animals, and are largely returned to the soil in the form of manure. The animal products that are sold, as meat, butter, eggs, 184 ANIMAL HUSBANDRY 185 etc., take away little fertility from the farm, and bring to it a comparatively large amount of money. Breeds of Live Stock As there are many races of men, each having some peculiarities that distinguish it from the others, so there are great families in the animal world. These large families having distinguishing qualities that are transmitted from parent to offspring, are called breeds. The different breeds of farm animals have been pro- duced largely by careful selection and the mating of such animals as have certain traits or peculiarities that man desires to hold. The various breeds of cattle are probably descended from the same stock. Although there are about one hun- dred different breeds known in the world, there are but a few that are important for us to know. They may be divided into two great classes, depending on their pur- pose: dairy breeds and beef breeds. The dairy breeds have for their chief purpose the production of milk, butter and cheese. The beef breeds have for their chief pur- pose the production of flesh or beef. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. Name the leading animal products that are produced on farms. 2. How may stock raising enrich the soil? 3. Name the two great classes of cattle. What is the purpose of each? 4. Name the leading breeds of cattle, horses, hogs, and sheep raised in your home locality. 33. PRINCIPAL DAIRY BREEDS (PI. V., VI.) . The Dairy Type In order that the dairy cow may produce much rich milk, she must have a large stomach. Her head is usually small, but her mouth is large. The udder is wide and full, extend- ing well forward and FIG ,o8.-Dairy type. (Biggie Book.) h j gh up m the back be _ tween the legs. Her milk veins are large and extend well forward with many branches. In general appearance, she is loose and angular, and is not beautiful, unless the motto, "Pretty is as pretty does," be ac- cepted. Her form presents the appearance of a double wedge. Jersey Cattle. These cattle originated on the island of Jer- sey in the English Channel. They have been bred there for more than two hundred years, un- mixed with any other breeds. A law Was passed in 1779, forbid- Inferior wedge of beef cow. ding cattle of any kind to be brought to the island for breed- ing. Its enforcement has kept this breed in its pure state. The cows are quite small, with deerlike heads and neat 1 86 Superior wedge of dairy cow. Inferior wedge of dairy cow. Superior wedge of beef cow. FIG. IOQ. Contrasts in " wedges." (Biggie Book.) PRINCIPAL DAIRY BREEDS 187 forms. The Jersey cow is a great butter producer. The milk is very rich in butter fat, and the cream rises more rapidly and perfectly than that of most breeds. The average Jersey cows will produce 400 pounds of butter per year, and the best have produced as high as 1,000 pounds in that time. Guernsey Cattle This breed was produced on the island of Guernsey, not far from the home of the Jerseys. Guernsey cattle are somewhat larger and coarser than the Jerseys, but they resemble them in their ability to produce butter. They give a somewhat larger supply of milk, and it is fully as rich as that of the Jerseys. These are very gentle cattle, and are very popular with dairymen. Ayrshire Cattle. These cattle are natives of the county of Ayr in the southwestern part of Scotland. They are good butter producers, but are classed chiefly as cheese cows. The quality of their milk is good and the quan- tity is large. The milk is easily digested even by infants, and is the best for family trade. The Ayrshires are hardy and active. They are able to gather food from scanty pastures better than other breeds. Their short, upward-turned horns, the large patches of red or brown and white, and the fine dairy form, make them a very at- tractive breed. Holstein-Friesian Cattle These cattle are sometimes called the Dutch or the Holland cattle. The breed had its origin in Holland, and is the oldest distinct breed in existence. It produces a larger quantity of milk than any other breed. The quality of the milk has not been so good as that of the other dairy breeds, but it has been much improved during the past few years. l88 PRINCIPAL DAIRY BREEDS The breed is of value also for beef. The frame is larg-e o ' and the color is black and white. 1 The Brown Swiss Cattle originated in Switzerland. They have short heavy legs, and in size and color resem- ble the Jerseys. They are large milk producers, and fur- nish some good beef. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. Compare the shape, as seen from side and rear, of dairy cattle and beef cattle. 2. Where did the Jersey cattle originate? 3. How do Guernsey cattle differ from Jersey cattle? 4. What are some desirable qualities of Ayrshire cattle? 1 The Dutch Belted Cattle are much like the Holstein-Friesian, from which they are derived. They are colored black and white, the white being in the shape of a blanket or belt around the body. 34. BEEF BREEDS (PI. VII., VIII.) . The Beef Type. The body of the beef animal is well- rounded and compact. This arises from its tendency to lay on flesh. In gen- eral, it presents the ap- pearance of a brick set on edge. The back is broad, both in front and behind. The ud- der is much smaller than in the dairy breeds. FIG. no. Beef type. (Biggie Book.) The short stout legs are set squarely at each corner of the body. Shorthorn Cattle. This is the most important breed of cattle, and outnumbers any other breed. Its origin is in Durham County, England, and for this reason it was formerly called " Durham." Some Shorthorn cows produce a good quantity of rich milk. Some herds are valuable as butter makers, and others for cheese production ; but, as a breed, the Short- horn belongs in the beef class, although some individuals have made great dairy records. The Shorthorn is of a quiet disposition and is easily kept, eating coarse fodders, as well as softer foods. The Polled Durham breed originated in America. It is very much like the Shorthorn, from which it was de- rived, except that it is hornless. The Hereford Cattle The Herefords originated in Hereford County, in England. They are distinctly a 189 190 BEEF BREEDS beef breed, the milk being of little account. The beef is good and is somewhat mixed with fat. These animals are hardy and adapted to cold climates. The face, breast, belly, and the lower part of the legs, are white. The Aberdeen Angus Cattle. These are sometimes called the Polled Angus. They are black like the Gallo- way breed, but differ from it chiefly in being somewhat larger and finer in bone, head and hair. The hair is smooth. They are better adapted for indoor feeding. The Galloway Cattle. The Galloway cattle originated in Scotland. They are a polled, or hornless, breed. They have thick coats of black hair, and are especially adapted to exposure and extremes of heat and cold. They are very valuable for the western part of the United States,, where they seek their own food on the plains. Their coats, when tanned, make good robes. Devon Cattle. Devon cattle take their name from the county of Devon, England. They are a very old breed, and were noted at first for their fine dairy qualities, but of late have been valued chiefly for their fine quality of beef. Red Polled Cattle are very much like the Devon. They are becoming popular in this country. The Simmenthal Cattle are of Swiss origin, and are valuable for dairy, purposes, for beef, and for work. The Native (Scrub) Cattle These are not a pure breed, but a mixture of breeds. There are a large num- ber of these cattle in the United States. Although many Natives are valuable for one purpose or another, the re- sults are very uncertain. A herd of Native cattle may be greatly improved by placing at its head a bull of the type toward which it is desired to breed. 36. DAIRYING. Creameries and Cheese Factories Butter and cheese were formerly made entirely on the farm. They are now made chiefly in fac- tories, where the milk may be had in large quantities. In this manner, the ex- pense of manufac- ture is greatly re- duced. A more uni- form quality can also be secured, and better opportunities for selling the prod- ucts are found. Some dairymen prefer to make their butter at home. With proper skill and care, excel- lent results are se- cured. The highest prices are generally received by dairy- men who make their own butter, provided they use special care and skill in making it. 191 Fie. in. Old fashioned chum. IQ2 DAIRYING Butter factories are called " creameries." Butter made at a creamery is known in the market as " creamery but- ter." That made on the farm is known as " dairy butter." The successful manufacturer of butter and cheese must have more or less special education and training. These can best be acquired in a dairy school. MILK. The Composition of Milk Milk is the most important product of the cow on the dairy farm. It is produced in the glands of the cow's udder. Milk is com- posed largely of water, in which fat globules are floating, and in which casein, albumen, sugar, and mineral matter or ash are dis- solved. Although the amounts of these sub- stances vary greatly, the average propor- tions are indicated in the diagram. given (Figure 112). Milk is heavier than water. Although the fat in milk is lighter than water and for that reason has a tendency to rise, the other substances in it make the milk heavier. The Fat. The fat in the milk is the most important element in the production of butter. It is floating in the fe - = - - -- ==j ^A/ATER 87.Z%_ 1 H| 1 r FAT 3.75'/o iCASEINa.53 SUGAR5IS% . IASHMM J.7%,7% ..,.-.'; 4 : ' FIG. ii2. Diagram showing composition of milk. (S. M. Babcock. Wis. Bui. No. 61) DAIRYING 193 milk and a part of it rises to the top to form cream. Some of the fat globules do not rise to the top. They are held down by the albumen and sugar in the milk. The fat globules vary in size. Milk from the Jerseys and Guernseys has larger globules than that from the Ayrshires and the Holsteins. Large globules are an advan- tage in butter making, as they rise more easily than the small ones. Small globules are an advantage in cheese o^ FIG. 113. Appearance of milk under the microscope, showing the natural grouping of the fat globules. In the circle a single group is highly magnified. (S. M. Babcock, Wis. Bui. No. 61.) making, as they do not rise so quickly, and are held in the milk when it curdles. The fat globules are collected in irregular groups in milk. Under the microscope, these groups or families may be readily seen. The Sugar The sugar in milk is not so sweet as or- dinary sugar. It is called lactose or " sugar of milk." It is prepared for the market in some factories. It is used to make pills and powders for holding medicines. G. & M. Ag. 13. IQ4 DAIRYING When milk sours, the sugar is changed into lactic acid, which gives to milk its sour taste. Other Substances in Milk. Casein is the chief protein in milk. It is of value in cheese making. If rennet or a weak acid be added to milk, the casein is changed into a curd, from which the cheese is made. Albumen, another protein in milk, is much like albumin in the blood. It differs from casein in that it coagulates, or thickens, when heated. It is the skinlike or paperlike sub- stance that appears on the surface of skim milk when it is boiled. The ash in milk is composed mostly of phosphate of lime, but there are many other minerals found in small quantities. Colostrum The first milk that the cow gives after the birth of a calf is called colostrum. It contains from ten to fifteen times as much albumen as the milk does later, and contains less fat and sugar. Colostrum is sometimes called " calves' milk." It should not be used for at least three days after the birth of the calf. It is safer to wait one week before using the milk. Yield : Quantity and Quality. The average cow pro- duces about 4,000 pounds of milk per year. Some herds will yield an average of 6,000 pounds for each cow. In one exceptional case, the yield for a single cow reached 30,000 pounds. In general, the cow should yield at least six times her live weight to be a profitable member of a dairy herd. The profitableness of a dairy cow depends as much on the quality of the milk as it does on the quantity. Milk rich in fat and of large quantity should be the aim of all DAIRYING 195 dairymen. It costs no more to raise a cow that yields fat sufficient to make 300 pounds of butter than it does to raise one producing but 200 pounds. Cows that are not profitable are called " boarders." The worst of it is that they never pay for their board. It is well to choose a breed that will produce the desired quantity and quality of milk, but that will not be enough. Even in the best dairy breeds, there are some boarders eat- ing up the farmer's profits. These should be got rid of as soon as discovered. The Babcock Test The only certain way to find out which cows in a herd are profitable and which are not, is to make frequent tests. The milk should be weighed, and the amount of butter fat determined by the use of the " Bab- cock Test." This test was discovered, and the machine for making the test invented, by Dr. S. M. Babcock, of Mad- ison, Wisconsin. The use of this simple test has been the means of FlG " +-- Babcock milk tester improving dairymen's herds and methods everywhere. Till this discovery was made, it was difficult to tell where profits or losses were made. Now we have a sure and simple test that every farmer may use. Full directions for operating the Babcock Test are given in the next chapter. 196 DAIRYING The Importance of Rich Milk in Cheese Making. Even in cheese making, the richness of milk is important. The amount of casein in milk increases with the amount of fat. Besides this, the fat in the milk makes the cheese much richer and better than it would be without it. ' FIG. 115. Each cheese was made from 200 pounds of milk. A test made in the Dairy School of the University of Wisconsin shows that milk rich in fat makes the largest and .best cheese. Figure 115 shows the result of the test plainly. HOW TO GET GOOD MILK. Health of the Cow Good milk can be obtained only from healthy cows. If cows have disease of any kind, it is liable to affect the milk. The most common of the diseases that affect cows is tuberculosis or consumption. It has been found that the DAIRYING IQ7 tuberculin test will show what cows have the disease. Such cows should be disposed of. Although cows may be afflicted with tuberculosis without spreading the disease among those who use the milk, it is not safe to use it. To keep cows in a healthy condition, they should have plenty of pure air, good light, and clean stables. The stables should be ventilated, and should not be over- crowded. Not less than one thousand cubic feet of space should be allowed for each cow. The stable should be kept just as clean as possible. All dirt, dust, and manure should be cleaned out regularly. Condition of the Cow. The cow is a sensitive and af- fectionate animal. The yield and quality of the milk she gives depend much upon her mental condition. She be- comes acquainted with her milker. If he treats her kindly she enjoys being milked, and yields her largest amount of milk of the highest quality; but if she is afraid of her milker, and if she is scolded and abused, both the quantity and the quality of her milk are reduced. These facts have been proved by the most careful experiments. The wise dairyman will make his cows comfortable by giving them food and drink that they enjoy. He will give them light and clean quarters. He will protect them from cold in winter, and from insects in summer. He will also treat them tenderly, so as to win their affection. Condition of Surroundings If the cow produces good milk, the milk may still be spoiled unless all impurities are kept out of it. The milker should have clean clothes and clean hands, and should milk into pails that have been thoroughly washed. The cow should be curried and brushed, so that dirt may not fall into the pail while milk- DAIRYING ing is in progress. The udder should be thoroughly clean, and the milking should be done with dry hands. The milk coming from a healthy. cow is pure, but, if it is kept in a dirty stable or in a milk room where the air is not pure, it soon absorbs the foul odors and becomes tainted. Bacteria. There are many bacteria that get into the warm milk, and multiply so rapidly that the milk sours. To avoid the bacteria, the utmost cleanliness must be ob- FIG. 116. Microscopic appearance of ordinary milk showing fat globules and bacteria in the milk serum. The cluster of bacteria on left side are lactic-acid-forming germs. (H. L. Russell, Wis. Bui. No. 62.) served in the stables, in milking and in the milk room. It will be impossible even then to avoid them altogether, but their number will be greatly reduced. Cooling the milk as soon as possible after it is drawn prevents the bacteria from multiplying, and makes it possible to keep the milk sweet. DAIRYING I 99 Kinds of Bacteria. There are many bacteria found in milk. Some work on the milk sugar, and turn it to lactic acid and thus sour the milk. Others attack the fat in milk and make butter rancid or strong. Still others give to butter its flavor. These are called friendly bacteria, and are often put into cream to give the butter just the flavor desired. By cleanliness and care in cooling the milk, the harmful bacteria may be held in check, so that the friendly bacteria may have a chance to grow. Progeny of a Single Germ in twelve hours. FIG. 117. Cooling hinders growth of bacteria. (H. L. Russell, VVis. Bui. No. 62.) Pasteurization It has been found possible to destroy all disease germs and the bacteria that are unfriendly in milk by pasteurising it. In this process, the milk is heated to a temperature of about 160 F., and held at that point for about fifteen minutes ; then it is cooled as rapidly as possible to a temperature of 50 F. This destroys the germs but does not otherwise affect the milk. Many machines have been invented for doing this work, but it may be done in the home without the use of machinery. 2OO DAIRYING The Cream Separator. The cream separator is a ma- chine for separating the cream from the milk. It does the work much better and much more quickly than it can be done by allowing the cream to rise in pans or in cans. The milk is turned into a bowl which is ro- tated rapidly. The milk being heavier than the cream, is thrown by the revolving bowl to the outside, and passes out through a spout, while the cream seeks the center and passes out through another spout. The separator collects many impurities from the milk that even the best strainers fail to catch. Separator cream is therefore much purer than other cream. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. Name the four most important substances in milk. Give the percentage of each. 2. How much milk does a good cow give in a year? 3. How should milk be handled to keep it sweet? FIG. x*. -Cream separator. 36. DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING THE BABCOCK TEST. Illustrative Material: Sample of milk, pipette, test bottles, acid measure, acid, and the Babcock tester; sulphuric acid with a specific gravity of about 1.82. Sampling the Milk Great care should be taken to have the sample of milk represent as nearly as possible the whole lot from which it was taken. Milk fresh from the cow, while it is still warm and before the cream has separated in a layer, may be thoroughly mixed by pouring it three or four times from one vessel to another. Sam- ples taken at once from milk mixed in this way give the best results. Milk that has stood until a layer of cream has formed should be poured a greater number of times so that the cream shall be thoroughly broken up and the whole appear like milk. No clots of cream should appear on the surface when the milk is left quiet for a minute. Measuring the Milk. When the milk has been well mixed, the milk pipette is filled by placing its lower end in the milk and sucking at the upper end until the milk rises above the mark on the stem; then remove the pipette from the mouth and quickly close the tube at the upper end by firmly pressing the tip of the index finger upon it so the milk cannot flow from the pipette. Holding the pipette up straight, with the mark on a level with the eye, carefully admit air slowly to the space above the milk, till the upper surface of the milk falls to the mark upon the stem. Always have the upper 202 DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING THE BABCOCK TEST \ C.C. end of the pipette and the finger dry when measuring milk, as it is almost impossible gradually to lower the milk if the finger is wet. Next, place the point of the pipette in the mouth of one of the test bot- tles, held in a slightly slanting position so that the milk can flow down the side of the tube, and re- move the finger, allowing the milk to flow into the bottle. After waiting a short time for the pipette to drain, blow into the upper end to expel all the milk. Adding the Acid When the milk has been measured into the test bottles, the necessary amount of acid may be added immedi- ately or the bottles may be left for a day or two without mate- rially changing the results. The amount of acid required for a test is about the same as that of the milk, 17.5 c. c. for the ordinary test. If too little acid is added, the casein is not all held in solution throughout the test, and an imperfect separation of the fat results. If too much acid is used, the fat itself is attacked. Great care must be taken in handling the acid to avoid getting any of it on the skin or clothing. \ DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING THE BABCOCK TEST 203 The acid measure is filled to the 17.5 c. c. mark with acid, which is then carefully poured into a test bottle containing milk. The bottle should be held in a slightly slanting position so that the acid may flow down its side and not come in contact with the milk too suddenly and thus act upon it unevenly. The acid being heavier than the milk, sinks directly to the bottom of the test bot- tle without mixing with the milk, which floats upon it. The acid and milk should now be thoroughly mixed by being gently shaken with a rotary motion. The mixture becomes quite hot and soon changes to a dark brown color. Whirling the Bottles. The test bottles containing the mixture of milk and acid may be placed in the machine directly after the acid is added, or they may be allowed to stand several hours without harm. An even number of bottles should be whirled at the same time, and they should be placed in the wheel in pairs opposite each other. When all the test bottles have been placed in the appara- tus, the cover should be placed upon the jacket and the machine turned at such a rate that the wheel carrying the bottles shall make from 700 to 1,200 revolutions per minute. This motion must be kept up for six or seven minutes. Adding Hot Water. As soon as the bottles have been sufficiently whirled, pour in enough hot water to bring the mixture up to the bottom of the neck. Put the bottles into the machine and whirl them again for about three minutes. Pour in enough hot water to bring all the fat up into the neck of the bottle, where it may be measured. Measuring the Fat. To measure the fat, take a bottle from its socket, and, holding it in an upright position 204 DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING THE BABCOCK TEST with the scale on a level with the eye, observe the divi- sions which mark the highest and lowest limits of the fat. The fat should be read from the extreme top of the curved upper surface, and not from the bottom or middle of the same. The difference between these divisions gives the per cent of fat directly. The reading can easily be taken to half divisions or to one tenth of one per cent. Example If the figures on the necks of the bottles gave the per cent of butter fat, for example, as from o to 3, there would be three per cent. The spaces between the figures represent one per cent, and each space between the lines represents two tenths of one per cent. Thus, if the bottom of the oil in the neck of the bottle stood at the figure 2. and the top of the third fine line above the figure 6, there would be four and six tenths per cent (4.6 per cent). Each per cent represents one pound of butter fat in one hundred pounds of milk. Amount of Butter. Butter itself contains several sub- stances besides butter fat, so that the amount of butter shows an increase of from ten per cent to eighteen per cent. Hence, in figuring the amount of butter made, this increase should be added to the amount of butter fat which is shown by the Babcock test. QUESTIONS. 1. If the test reads 4.5, how many pounds of butter fat are there in 100 pounds of that kind of milk? 2. One cow gives 50 pounds of milk a day, which tests 3.6 per cent of butter fat. Another gives 35 pounds of milk a day, which tests 5.8 per cent. Which cow is the more profitable if butter fat is sold? 37. PRINCIPLES OF FEEDING. Substances in Bodies of Animals. The bodies of ani- mals contain flesh, fat, bones, teeth, hair, etc. ; or, we may say that their bodies are composed of water, ash (mineral matter), protein, and fat. These are the substances that must be supplied in the food that the animals eat. The body is more than half water, and it is fortunate that ani- mals have but little difficulty in getting it. Besides the water that they drink, a large part of their food is com- posed of water. The ash, or mineral matter, is found in all of the foods that animals eat. The largest part of it is phosphate of lime. Protein is the name given to the most important group of substances to be supplied by the food. It forms the principal part of the flesh, skin, brain, and nerves. It contains nitrogen as its most important ele- ment. Fat is found in nearly all parts of the body, and is very important in the composition of milk. Substances to be Studied. Little attention need be given to supplying water or ash to animals. These may be obtained ordinarily in large quantities without cost. The protein and the fat-forming foods, however, require considerable attention. They are the expensive part of the food of an animal, and should be fed with care so that there may be no loss. Protein and Carbohydrates. These are two words that may seem difficult to understand at first, but they are really very simple. Use the words whenever possible, 205 206 PRINCIPLES OF FEEDING and they will not seem so difficult. Have you ever made chewing gum by chewing the grains of wheat? This gum was made almost entirely of protein. It is called gluten in the wheat. In cheese, it is called casein. In the white of an egg, it is called albumen. Protein is found in all the field grains, in hay, .in clover, in peas, and in beans. It goes to form the flesh, the cartilage, the hair, the wool, and the casein and albumen of milk. It forms the material in the body that is used up when work is performed. Carbohydrates are principally the sugars and the starches. Granulated sugar is a pure crystallized car- bohydrate. Potato is composed almost entirely of starch and sugar. The potato is a carbohydrate. Nearly all fruits and vegetables are carbohydrates. The grains have some starch in them, and that part of them is carbohydrate. The same may be said of hay, grass, and fodder. The carbohydrates are chiefly valuable in keeping up the heat of the body and in forming fat. Office of Protein and Carbohydrates. Protein and carbohydrates may be likened to the coal that is put into the steam engine to give it power to do work. When the work is done, the substances are consumed or burned up. It is an interesting fact that the carbohydrates are much more easily consumed in the body than the proteins. When the body has work to do, or uses up fuel in keeping warm, it first calls on the carbohydrates for service. The proteins are not used until the carbohydrates are largely consumed; then the proteins are called on. If more car- bohydrates be furnished than is necessary to keep the body warm and to furnish the energy for work, the body stores it up in the shape of fat. The dairy cow secretes it in the PRINCIPLES OF FEEDING 207 udder ; the beef cow and the hog lay the fat on over the muscles. Fat. Some foods, such as cotton-seed meal, linseed meal, nuts, etc., contain a considerable quantity of oil or fat. This is used by the animals for food in the same way and for the same purpose as the carbohydrates. It is, however, about two and one-fourth times as valuable in producing heat as the same quantity of carbohydrates. EXERCISES. 1. Make a list of ten animal foods valuable chiefly for protein. 2. Make a list of ten foods valuable chiefly as carbo- hydrates. 3. Consult the Table on pages 257, 258 and arrange the foods in each list according to the relative amounts of protein, carbohydrate, and fat in each. Feeding Standards. It is evident from the lists that you have made that the most expensive foods are those valuable chiefly for the protein which they contain. The economical farmer will feed these foods as sparingly as possible and still produce the results he desires. It has been found by careful testing just what proportion of protein and carbohydrates it is best to feed an animal. For instance, it has been found that, for an average dairy cow, about six times as much carbohydrates as protein should be fed for the best results. This relation is usu- ally expressed as a ratio, as i to 6 or 1 : 6, and is called the nutritive ratio. This means that, for every pound of protein, six pounds of carbohydrates should be given. 208 PRINCIPLES OF FEEDING Chemists have determined the amounts of protein and carbohydrates in all of the common feeding stuffs. From tables prepared by them, we may "figure out" a ration with such foods as may be raised on the farm or pur- chased. It is sometimes more economical to sell certain feed, and to buy other feed that contains the elements needed to make a proper ration. Balanced Ration. A balanced ration is one that con- tains protein, carbohydrates, and fat in the proportions that will secure the best results. Suppose we wished to make a balanced ration for an average dairy cow. We find from the Table, Amount of Nutrients, pp. 259, 260, that such a cow needs daily about twenty-seven pounds of dry matter. She needs two pounds of digestible protein, eleven pounds of carbohydrates, and four-tenths of a pound of fat. If we multiply the fat required by two and one-fourth, it will be equivalent to about one pound of carbohydrates. The nutritive ratio, given in the Table, Amount of Nu- trients, is i : 6. Suppose we have clover hay, corn stover, bran, corn meal, and cotton-seed meal, to feed. Clover hay, 15 Ibs Dry matter. 12.7 Digestible protein. 1 02 Digestible carbohydrates. 5.9 Corn stover, 7.5 Ibs 4.5 13 2.5 Bran, 2.5 Ibs 2 2 .30 1 2 Corn meal, 3 Ibs . 2 7 23 2 3 Cotton-seed meal, 1 Ib .9 .38 .4 Result 23.0 2.06 12.3 Standard. . 27.0 2.00 12.0 Nutritive ratio, 1 : 6. It must not be expected that a ration will figure out exactly according to the needs. The above ration is close PRINCIPLES OF FEEDING 2OO, enough for all practical purposes. The "dry matter" is about four pounds short of the requirement, but that is not important. The figuring out of a ration for any animal is somewhat a matter of guessing. Suppose we wish to figure out a ration for a horse at light work and weighing one thousand pounds. We have on hand mixed hay, oats, and bran. How much of each may we feed, and make a balanced ration? Let us look first on page 259 of the Appendix, and we see that a horse weighing about 1,000 pounds, at light work, re- quires daily 20 pounds of digestible dry matter, 1.5 pounds of protein, and 10.4 pounds of carbohydrates (.4 Ibs. X 2^ + 9-5 Ibs.), making a ratio of 1:7. That is, seven times as many pounds of carbohydrates and fats as protein should be fed. This we might call a medium ratio. 1 Now let us make a guess of a ration for our work horse. Let us take fifteen pounds of mixed hay (equal parts of timothy and red clover) and five pounds of oats, and see how close our result comes to the standard. From the Table on pages 257, 258, we find our ration figures out as follows: Digestible Digestible Digestible dry matter. protein, carbohydrates. 15 Ibs. Mixed hay 12.9 .72 6.5 5 Ibs. Oats.. 4.5 .44 2.9 Result 17.4 1.16 9.4 Standard 20.0 1.50 10.4 Lacks 2.6 Lacks .34 Lacks 1.0 1 The terms "medium" ratio, "wide" ratio and "narrow" ratio are used to indicate the relative amount of carbohydrates compared with the protein elements. A "wide" ratio means more of the carbohydrates as compared with the proteins, G. & M. Ag. 14. 210 PRINCIPLES OF FEEDING The ration so far is lacking in food at every point. We must select foods for the remainder of the ration that have a narrow ratio. Let us add three pounds of bran. This will produce the following result: Previously obtained. . Dry matter. 17.4 Protein. ( 1.16 Carbohydrates. 9.4 3 Ibs. Bran 2.6 .36 1.4 Result . . 20.0 1.52 10.8 Standard 20.0 1.50 10.4 Excess .02 Excess .4 Comparing our result with the standard, we find that the weight of dry matter is equal to the requirement. It has an excess of .02 Ib. of the amount required for protein. The amount of carbohydrates is close enough to the stand- ard for all practical purposes. It is not necessary that the ration be brought exactly to the standard; but, in the amounts of protein and carbohydrates, it should not vary much from it. If the amount of dry matter vary two or three pounds either way, it will make but little difference. Cost and Feeding. The wise farmer will figure the cost of the different food stuffs very carefully to find out what is the most profitable to feed. It is often best to sell some of the foods having a wide ratio, such as hay and potatoes, and to purchase foods having a narrow ra- tio, such as cotton-seed or linseed meal. than the "medium" ratio; a "narrow" ratio means less of the carbohydrates. For a dairy cow, the ratio of i : 6 might be considered a medium ratio; i : 4, a narrow ratio; and i : 12, a wide ratio. PRINCIPLES OF FEEDING 211 Manurial Value of Feeding Stuffs. On account of the value of certain foods as manure, it is also necessary to figure on the manurial value of a food as well as on its feeding value. From the Table on page 261, it may be seen that some substances are of far greater value as manure than others, and this fact should be considered in making a profitable ration, and in determining what foods to sell and what to purchase. PROBLEMS AND EXERCISES. 1. Make a ration for a milch cow of about 1,000 pounds weight, using silage, alfalfa, and wheat bran. 2. Suppose a farmer has ground oats, corn meal, red clover hay, and stover (cornstalks) on his farm. Could a balanced ration for a dairy cow be made from these alone? Select additional foods from the table to make a balanced ration for a dairy cow (1,000 Ibs.). 3. Make a ration for a dairy cow (1,000 Ibs.), having the usual ratio of i : 6, of red clover hay, mangels, corn meal, oats, wheat bran, and gluten meal. 4. A farmer fed his cows, averaging about 1,000 pounds each, 10 pounds timothy hay, 13 pounds stover, and 6 pounds straw. His cows averaged but 156 pounds of butter each year. Why does he get such poor results? Suggest changes in the feed that would be likely to in- crease the amount of butter produced. 5. A fanner feeds a i,ooo-pound steer in the second period of fattening the following ration: 40 pounds of corn silage, 10 pounds of red clover hay, 4 pounds of corn and cob meal, 3 pounds of oats and 6 pounds of gluten meal. 212 PRINCIPLES OF FEEDING Calculate the nutritive ratio. How does it compare with the standard ration? (See page 259.) 6. A herd of Shorthorns, weighing an average of 1,300 pounds, was fed daily as follows: Mixed hay 10 Ibs. Stover 5 Ibs. Straw 5 Ibs. Mangels 15 Ibs. Corn meal 2 Ibs. Wheat bran 2 Ibs. What is the nutritive ratio of this ration? Suggest changes that would produce better results. 38. HORSES. Breeds. The different breeds of horses may be classed as follows : 1. Those valuable for speed. 2. Those valuable for drawing loads. 3. Those valuable as coach horses. 4. Ponies. FIG. 122. One of General Grant's Arabians. Horses Valuable for Speed The Arabian horse was probably the origin of horses noted for speed. At pres- ent, it is not so speedy as many of the breeds which 213 2I 4 HORSES have sprung from it. After General Grant made his trip around the world, he was presented with a fine team of Arabians. A picture of one of them is given ( Figure 122). The Thoroughbred horse is an animal of great endur- ance and great speed. The Thoroughbreds are running horses and are bred chiefly for racing. The breed was FIG. 123. Dan Patch, 1:5654. established in England by a mixture of native stock with Arabian. The American trotting horses do not yet make a dis- tinct breed, but they are better known than many of the distinct breeds. The most important families of this class HORSES 215 are Hambletonians, Mambrinos, and Clays. The Mor- gans, also, belong to this class, and are probably the most popular for general purposes. Horses Valuable for Drawing Loads (Draft). The draft horses differ chiefly from the horses valued for speed FIG. 124. Percheron stallion. in being much heavier and larger. The back is broader and the legs are shorter. The chief breeds are here illus- trated. The Percheron was developed in France. When the 2l6 HORSES breed was first established most of the horses were dap- pled gray, but the largest number are now black or dark brown. The Percherons are good farm horses. They are gentle, active, and strong. The French Draft horse is similar to the Percheron. FIG. 125. Clydesdale stallion. The English Shire horse is low, broad, and stout. It is not a very active breed and is adapted to drawing heavy loads with slow motion. The Clydesdale, a native of Scotland, is a well muscled, well proportioned horse. Fine Iqng hair grows from the edge of the lower legs. The Clydesdale has a rapid walk and is a very useful and popular farm horse. HORSES 217 Coach Horses. These horses are in size and form be- tween the speed horses and the draft horses, having some of the qualities of each. The chief breeds are the French Coach, the Cleveland Bay, the German Coach and the Hackney horse. Ponies These horses are much smaller than other breeds. FIG. 126. Coach horses. The Shetland ponies, originating in the Shetland Islands, near the west coast of Scotland, are bred for their small size. They are especially adapted for chil- dren's use. The Indian ponies, in the northern part of the United States, and the Mustangs, in the southern part, originated from the horses brought to this country by the early ex- plorers from Spain and France. Both the Indian Pony and the Mustang are valuable as saddle animals. 2l8 HORSES Care of Horses. The horse is a noble animal, of fine spirit and sensibilities, and requires careful treatment. Kind treatment and gen- tle handling will give the horse a good dispo- sition, and will save money in feed besides. It will pay to figure out a good ration for the horse from the tables given in the Appendix. A well-balanced ration will keep a horse in good ^--^ condition without over- feeding. Young people FIG. 127. Shetland pony. w h o have read "Black Beauty " will sympathize with the horse, and will give him the best of treatment. SOME HORSE SENSE. (From Biggie Book.) Be gentle, be kind, be patient. The brush will save oats. If you must put frosty bits in .some mouth, let it be your own. Suffering begets sympathy. Many a horse stands up all night because his stall is not made so that he can lie down in comfort. You can not whip terror out of a horse, or pound cour- age into one. If he shies or becomes frightened, soothe and encourage him rather than beat and abuse him. A horse can travel safer and better if he is not checked too high. Let your working horse have his head. 39. SHEEP. Breeds of Sheep. Sheep are raised for their mutton and for their wool. The breeds are often classified ac- cording to the fineness of their wool. The fine-wooled sheep are the Merino, the Delaine, and the Rambouillet. The medium-wooled breeds are the Southdown, the FIG. 128. American Merino ram, four years old. Shropshire, the Dorset, the Hampshire, the Oxford, and the Cheviot. The long-wooled sheep are the Leicester, the Cotswold, and the Lincoln. Fine-wooled Sheep. The Merino is a native of Spain, and is distinguished by the large wrinkles on its neck and body, and its fine, oily wool. The wool of this sheep is 22O SHEEP FIG izg. Cheviot ram. finer than that of any other breed. The Merino is raised chiefly for its wool, though some families produce very FIG. 130. Southdown ram. SHEEP 221 good mutton. Large numbers of Merinos are raised in the southwestern states of our country. They are par- ticularly adapted to warm climates. The Delaine is de- scended from the Merino. It is larger and stronger than the Merino, and is freer from wrink- les. This breed is coming in favor for its mutton. The Rambouillet, or French Merinos, are the largest of the Merinos and have a mutton form. The fleece is not so heavy in proportion to the size of the sheep as the MerinOS ^ IG> I31- Shropshire yearling. The Cheviot is a native of the hills between England ?.nd Scotland. It is a hardy -breed and produces a wool adapted to make the cheviot cloth. The entire head and the legs are pure white. The Medium-wooled Breeds The Soiif/idoiim, the smallest of the medium-wooled breeds, is an English sheep. It is hornless, its head and legs being of a gray- brown color. The wool is of medium fineness, but the sheep is valuable chiefly for its production of mutton. The Shropshire sheep takes its name from the county of 222 SHEEP FIG. 152. Hampshire-down ram. the same name in England, where it was first brought to notice. It resembles the Southdown in appearance. It FIG. 133. Oxford-down ram. SHEEP 223 is especially adapted for the lowlands, thus being prob- ably the best all-purpose sheep for the central part of the United States. The Dorset is valuable chiefly in producing winter lambs. Both the rams and the ewes have horns. They are considerably larger than the Southdowns. The head and legs are white. The Horned Dorset is an English breed. Its nose, FIG. 134. Lincoln ram. hoofs and legs are white, and it has a tuft of wool on its forehead. The Horned Dorsets are not so important or so widely distributed as the Merinos. The Hampshire is similar to the Shropshire, but is larger and coarser. The Oxford is the largest of this class of sheep. Neither the Hampshire nor the Oxford sheep are widely distributed in the United States. The Long-wooled Breeds The Leicester, Cotswold, 224 SHEEP and Lincoln are English sheep bred chiefly for their long wool. They are of large size and require rich pasturage. They are not popular breeds in the United States. Advantage of Sheep Production. Rough and scanty pasturage that would be too poor for other farm animals, may often be used to raise sheep. As a result, also, the fertility of the land is greatly increased, and weeds are kept down. The profits from sheep raising under favor- able conditions are greater than those from raising stock of any other kind. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. How are sheep classified? 2. What breed of sheep has the finest wool? 3. What are the long-wooled breeds of sheep? 4. What are some of the advantages of sheep raising? 5. Make a list of the breeds of sheep raised in your neigh- borhood. 40. SWINE. Breeds of Swine The different breeds of swine are divided into classes according to size. The most impor- tant breeds of hogs are the Berkshire, the Poland-China, the Duroc Jersey, the Tamworth, the Large Yorkshire, and the Chester White. FIG. 135. Texas razor back hog. The Berkshires. The Berkshires are black, with white markings on the head, feet, and sometimes on the front legs. The head is thick and short and the face is dished. The Poland-Chinas. This breed is black, with white markings on the head and feet. The head is short and thick, with slightly dished face and small, drooping ears. The Duroc Jerseys. These swine are red or light brown. They have short heads, with slightly dished G. & M. Ag is. 225 226 SWINE faces, and drooping ears. The body is compact and plump and resembles that of the Poland-Chinas. FIG. 136. Berkshire hog. The Large Yorkshires. This breed is white. They have long, narrow bodies, medium length heads, erect ears, and much dished faces. FIG. 137. Poland-China hog. SWINE 227 The Tamworths. These hogs are red or brown in color, like the Duroc Jerseys, but they have longer legs FIG. 138. Duroc Jersey hog.. and slimmer bodies than that breed. The nose is long and straight, and the ears are erect. FIG. 139. Tamworth hog. The Chester Whites. As the name indicates, these hogs are white. The head is short and slightly dished. The ears are drooping and the body is large and compact. 228 SWINE The Advantage of Swine Raising A pound of swine flesh can be produced more cheaply than a pound of flesh in any other farm animal. The hog is built so compactly that there is very little waste in slaughtering, and it will eat many kinds of food that could not be disposed of otherwise. If hogs are kept in clean quarters and are fed FIG. 140. Chester White hog. properly, they are not likely to become diseased. Under such conditions, hog raising is a profitable industry. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. Make a ration, consisting of skim milk and corn, for a pig weighing fifty to one hundred pounds. 2. A hog weighing one hundred and fifty pounds is to be fattened with corn and middlings. Make a ration adapted for this purpose. 3. Why is hog raising a profitable industry? 4. What breeds of hogs are black? Red? White? 41. POULTRY (PI. II., III., IV.). The Profit of Poultry Raising The importance of the poultry business has not been appreciated by the farmers. The value of the poultry and eggs produced in the United States in one year amounts to about one-half billion dollars. If proper attention were given to this industry on the farm, a much larger profit might be secured. A small flock of not to exceed fifty hens, with careful atten- tion, will add a considerable amount to the farmer's in- come. It often happens that those who are unable to do heavy work on the farm may employ their time with profit in caring for poultry. Breeds of Chickens. It pays to keep nothing but pure bred fowls on the farm. The common or mongrel stock will eat just as much and will require just as much care as the pure bred stock, and, as a rule, they do not pro- duce so well. Chickens may be raised chiefly for the eggs which they lay. They are then called " egg breeds." They may be raised for their flesh. These are called " meat breeds." Both of these objects may be served, and the fowl belong to the " general purpose " breeds. Egg Breeds. The best known egg breeds are the Leg- horn, the Minorca, and the Houdan. The Leghorns may be brown, white, black or buff. They are rather small, nervous fowls, with large red combs and wattles. They are great layers, but they do 229 230 POULTRY not sit. The Leghorns should not be kept in close con- finement, but should be allowed a large range. The Minorcas are either black or white. They, also, have large combs. Under proper conditions, they are extra good layers. The flesh is not regarded as the best for table use. The Houdans are beautiful fowls. They have a top- knot of feathers on the head and V-shaped combs. They have five toes on each foot instead of four, the usual number. They are good layers and non-sitters. Were it not for the fact that they are rather delicate, and that the topknots on the head prevent their seeing danger easily, they would be one of the most popular breeds. Meat Breeds. The Brahmas are the most important of the meat breeds. The Light Brahmas are the largest variety of fowl. They lay large brown eggs, and are good sitters. They bear confinement well, and are quiet in disposition. The legs and toes are heavily feathered. The Dark Brahmas are similar to the Light Brahmas, but are about one pound lighter in weight. The Cochins, of which there are four breeds, the Partridge, Buff, Black, and White, are the hardiest of all the breeds. . The feathers are heavy and extend down over the toes. The Cochins are good sitters and fair layers. The Cornish Indian Games are a distinct meat breed. The meat on the breast is plentiful and delicious. They are poor layers, but good sitters. The General Purpose Breeds The Plymouth Rocks are the most popular class of fowls in America. There are three breeds : the Barred, the White, and the Buff. POULTRY 231 They are hardy, beautiful, good layers, and fairly good sitters. The meat is good for table use. The Wyandottes are close to the Plymouth Rocks in popularity. Many think them the better fowl for gen- eral purposes. They have compact bodies, are fairly good sitters and are splendid layers. They lay dark eggs and are good table fowls. Care of Fowls. Choose a place for the poultry house that shall have good drainage. A southern or south- eastern slope is best, so that the fowls may have plenty of sunshine, and be protected from the northwest wind. FIG. 141. A good hen-house with shed. Build a snug, comfortable house for the chickens to live in at night. Houses that are comfortable save much grain, and encourage hens to lay in winter. Attached to the hen-house should be a larger, more open scratch- ing shed. Make this large enough to furnish about four square feet of scratching surface for each hen. The scratching shed should open toward the south, so that the fowls may get the full benefit of the sunshine. In a sunny corner of the shed, a box, filled with fine dust scraped from the road in the summer time, should be placed. Chickens delight in the dust bath, and it helps 232 POULTRY FIG. 142. Homemade drinking fountain. to free them from lice. The floor of the shed should be covered with chopped straw or chaff. The grain may be thrown in this to give the poultry proper exercise in scratching and picking it out. Feeding As much care should be exercised in feed- ing chickens as in feeding a dairy cow. The balanced ration will give the best results. If the chickens are allowed to range over the farm, they will usually supply themselves with food that has the proper pro- portion of egg-forming and of fat-forming material. They will pick up grain, seeds, in- sects, and green blades of grass. When they are kept in a yard, these varieties of food should be supplied in proper proportions. Chickens need plenty of pure water. This should be supplied in dishes that are cleaned regularly. A lard pail or other can may be filled with water and turned over suddenly in a shallow pan or in a flower-pot saucer. A little niche or hole near the edge of the pail or can will allow the water to flow into the pan or saucer as it is needed. Poultry should have some green food, vegetables or cut grass, grain of. some kind, preferably corn, and meat. It is necessary that meat be fed to the hens in the winter time, if they are expected to lay. The meat furnishes the albumen for the eggs. Beets or cabbage heads may be hung just out of reach of the poultry, so they must jump up to peck at them. This will furnish the green food POULTRY 2 33 necessary in the winter, as well as giving the poultry needed exercise. Cracked oyster shells, crushed glass or other forms of grit, should be placed where the chickens can get all they want. This helps in the digestion of other food, and forms the bones of the poultry and the shells of the eggs. Parasites. Poultry are often afflicted with lice and with mites. The lice breed on the chickens, and live upon them. The mites live in the cracks in the roosts, in the nests, and in the walls. They come out in the night time and suck the blood of the fowls. To destroy the lice, sprinkle the chickens with insect powder fre- quently. To destroy the mites, the poultry house should be kept thoroughly clean. The entire inside of the house, including roosts and boxes, should be washed with coal oil every other week. Roosts, boxes, and platforms should be made movable, so that they may be taken out for thorough cleaning. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. How may larger profits from the poultry business on the farm be secured? 2. Make a list of the various breeds of poultry raised in your neighborhood. 3. Why do chickens need grit? 4. What is the value of the dust bath? 5. Why should all the fixtures in a poultry house be made movable? 42. DUCKS AND TURKEYS (PI. IV.). DUCKS. Ducks are easily raised on the farm. They eat much fcod that other animals will not touch. They can be FIG. 143. Pekin ducks. . . raised just as well where there is no swimming pond, though they get much food from the pond if they have the chance. Ducks are hatched best under a hen. She is also the best mother for them. Ducklings should not be allowed to go into the water for the first ten days. 234 DUCKS AND TURKEYS 235 Breeds of Ducks. The Pekin duck is the best duck for profit. It is easily kept, is a good layer, and brings the highest price in the market. Its white feathers may be sold for a good price. The Rouen duck is beautifully colored, and is prob- ably descended directly from the wild duck, the Mallard. The Caynga is jet black in plumage, and originated in New York. The Aylesbury is the favorite English variety. It is pure dead white. TURKEYS. Wild turkeys were quite plentiful in America before it was well settled. The turkey on our farms was derived from the wild turkey. The meat of the turkey is more desired than that of any other fowl, and it brings the highest price in the market. The turkey is of a roving disposition, and does not do well when kept in a small enclosure. It is best not to attempt to keep turkeys in a poultry house. They thrive better when allowed to roost outdoors. The turkey hen seeks an out-of-the-way place to lay her eggs. She goes far from the house to make her nest and to rear her young. Sometimes turkeys go a half a mile or more and make their nests in a fence corner or in a brush heap. They may be enticed to nest nearer home by setting a few boards or an old door against a fence corner, and throwing a bunch of hay under it, or by placing barrels and boxes with hay in them on the 236 DUCKS AND TURKEYS ground in some secluded spot. The young turkeys, or poults, as they are called, are very delicate, and, until they are ten or twelve weeks old, they should be cared for in coops. They should not be let out of the coop in the morning until the dew is off the grass. The Bronze Turkey. This is the largest, the most popular, and the most profitable of all the breeds. The gobblers weigh about thirty-six pounds, and the turkey hens about twenty pounds. This breed furnishes the largest part of the turkey meat for Thanksgiving and Christmas feasts. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. What breeds of ducks are raised in your neighborhood? 2. Observe ducks when they are foraging for food. What do they eat? 3. How should young turkeys be cared for? 4. Observe turkeys when they are catching things to eat. What insects do they eat in large numbers? 43. BEE-KEEPING. Bees and Flowers Every country boy or girl knows that nectar is gathered by bees. These little workers fly about from flower to flower, collect the nectar drop by drop, with wonderful industry and patience, and carry it home, where, after freeing it of much of the water which it contains, and adding a preservative acid, they store it away in regular tiers of waxen cells. Then when the weather is so cold that they can not leave the home, they have food on which to live. Bees do not injure the Worker. Queen. Drone. FIG. 144. Honey bees. flowers which they visit. On the contrary, they help them to bear more seed and fruit. Our orchards and berry fields yield more and better fruit because of the bees. Social Life of the Bees. Wild bees live in hollow trees, or sometimes in crevices in rocks; but the honey of the market is gathered by tame bees, that is, by bees that -are kept on the farm. Bees live in large families or colonies, each of which has its queen. Each colony, or, as it is frequently called, " swarm," lives in its own house or " hive," and the bees of one hive are not wel- 237 238 BEE-KEEPING come in another. Each worker bee is armed with a sting, with which to protect its home, but the skilful bee-keeper learns to control his bees so that they do not often use their stings. The Workers, the Queen, and the Drone The worker bee is the smallest bee in the hive. It takes the little scales of wax that form between the rings on the abdomen and makes the comb. The oil which is made from the food eaten by the bee finds its way through the bee's body and hardens into waxy scales. The bee plucks a wax scale from its abdomen with its leg-pinchers and passes it forward to its mouth, where it is chewed. The wax is then ready to be made into the six-sided cells which make the comb. The workers also fill the cells with the honey which they make from the nectar of the flowers. The cells are not all of the same size. Some are made for holding honey; others in which the queen lays eggs, are sometimes used also to hold honey or pollen, often called beebread. This beebread is a sticky mass that the bees make by moistening the pollen which they gather from flowers. It is of various colors and somewhat sweetish to the taste. The queen bee lays her eggs in three separate sets of cells, placing one egg in each cell. In the small cells, she lays eggs that are to become the workers ; in the cells next larger, she lays the eggs that will become drones when they are hatched. Finally, she lays a few eggs in some large cells built on the edge of the comb. These are called royal cells, and the eggs in them may hatch queens if they are furnished with the proper kind of food by the workers. BEE-KEEPING 239 The drones, as you might think from the name, do not gather honey; neither do they have stings. They are the male bees in the hive, and the workers, after the har- vest is ended, drive the drones out of the hive and let them starve, or sting them to death if they attempt to return. Life in the Hive. In every hive or colony of bees, there are more worker cells than any other kind, for it is the busy workers that make up the colony. Among these, there are a great many that act as nurses in the hive. These nurse bees take charge of the lame and feed them. As the larvae lie curled up in their cells, they look like little white worms. The nurse bees constantly feed the larvae; first, when young, a sort of "bee-milk" secreted by glands in their own heads, and, later, when the larvae are older, a mixture of this secretion with honey and pollen, or, at last, only honey and pollen. When the larvae have eaten all they need, they FIG. i 4 s. Larva straighten out their small bodies and the workers put a cap on the cell, made up of wax, mixed with gnawings of cocoons, pollen grains, and silk threads. This is porous and permits air to reach the developing insect. Each larva then spins a silken cocoon about itself and goes to sleep in its waxen cradle. It takes usually twenty-one days from the time the egg is laid until the perfect worker bee casts aside its silken wrap, gnaws open the cell cover and comes out with four thin wings. The young queens develop in about sixteen days ; but drones require twenty- four days. 240 BEE-KEEPING Many of the honey cells are left open a week or more after they are filled; for the bees will not cap them over with wax until they know that the honey in them is " ripe," or ready to be sealed up. So it is always easy for the young bee to find an open cell where it can eat all it wants. When a few days old the workers act as nurse bees, and fly out only for exercise, but, in a couple of weeks they gain full use of their wings and go outside to work with the older bees. It is well that it begins its work at once, for the length of a worker bee's life is but a few months at most, and some of them live only a few weeks. Queen bees, however, have been known to live four or five years. A great many bees in the hive die during the winter; but the queen bee begins to lay her eggs in midwinter or very early in the spring, and those eggs hatch out so fast that the number in the hive is soon as large as ever. A large number of young bees come out of the cells every day during the hatching season, which lasts through the ^ warm summer months, and thus the hive is al- ways kept full. Swarming. As soon as the oldest queen-cell is sealed, a large number of bees, together with the old queen, leave the hive FIG. i 4 6.-Beehive. fa great excitement. This is called "swarming." The bees protect the immature queen-cells until the eldest queen emerges, which usually occurs a week after the first swarm issues. Should the BEE-KEEPING 241 colony be sufficiently strong, this young queen will lead out a second swarm, and, in case no further swarming is decided upon, the next queen which emerges will be per- mitted, and even assisted, by the workers in destroying the remaining queen-cells. The bee-keeper often takes advantage of this opportunity to secure from the numer- ous cells formed, surplus queens for colonies that have chanced to lose their own. If the new queens are not removed as soon as they come out of their cells, the ruling queen will seek them out, and sting them to death. When the bees "swarm," they gather about the queen in a black, buzzing mass, and may alight on the limb of a tree. As soon as possible, spread out a white cloth under the tree. Set upon this a clean, cool hive and shake the bees in front of it, propping up the hive so as to let them enter. The limb may be cut from the tree with the adhering bees, or they may be shaken directly into a large basket and poured out in front of the empty hive. A comb containing unsealed brood, if placed in the hive, will serve as a great attraction to them. Their strong sense of smell will guide them toward it and they will enter their new home joyfully. be given at both the top and bottom of the hive, since the bees are usually much heated by the excitement of swarming. G. & M. Ag. 16. FIG. 147. Honeycomb. Plenty of air should 242 BEE-KEEPING Comb Honey and Extracted Honey. In a modern bee-hive, each comb is built by the bees in a movable frame, so that the bee-keeper can remove the combs at will. After the hive is well stored with honey, small frames, or sections, are placed over the brood chamber of the hive for the bees to fill with comb and honey. Honey in the cells is called " comb honey." Sometimes the combs are removed from the hive as fast as they are filled with honey, and placed in a ma- chine called a " honey extractor." Here they are caused to revolve so rapidly that the honey is thrown out of the cells. It then appears as a thick liquid like syrup, and is called " extracted honey." The combs are then replaced in the hive for the bees to fill again with honey. Bees do not like to see empty cells in their hive, and they will work very hard to fill them. The extracting process, therefore, causes bees to make more honey than they would if the honey were left in the cells. Sources of Honey Although many kinds of flowers yield some honey, the honey that bees store up in their hives is mostly secured from a few kinds. White and alsike clovers, alfalfa, basswood, raspberry, sourwood, sweet clover, white sage, black mangrove, tulip or " pop- lar " trees, buckwheat, and asters yield the greater part of the honey on the market. Honey bees are able to secure only a small part of the honey from flowers of the red clover. Crops are not often grown on purpose for bees, as this would not generally prove profitable. BEE-KEEPING 343 Profits in Bee-keeping. In sections where honey- yielding flowers are numerous, and not too many bees are kept, bee-keeping may often be made a profitable addition to the industries of the farm. The bees gather their honey wherever they can find it, and no one disputes their right. Bee-keeping by modern methods requires watchful care and skillful management. The work connected with it is, however, very light, and is easily performed by women. With good management, bees yield a considerable in- come to the owner. It is necessary, however, to protect them from their enemies, shelter them through the win- ter, and furnish them with sufficient food when the flow- ers are not in blossom. Races of Bees There are numerous breeds or races of bees : the common brown or black bees, the Italians, the Carniolans, the Cyprians, the Syrians, and the Cau- casians. The first two are most widely spread and much intermixed throughout the country. Any bees possess- ing black blood should be avoided, because of their spite- fulness and inability to defend their hives wholly against the wax moths and other bee enemies.- They are also less industrious than the Italians. The Carniolans are quite prolific, excellent honey gatherers and very gentle; being quite hardy, they winter and breed well in the cold- est of climates, and their comb honey is of snowy white- ness. The Cyprians gather the most honey and are the best defenders of their hives, but require quite skillful handling, as they are very vindictive when aroused. The Syrians are similar, but not superior, to the Cyprians. 244 BEE-KEEPING The Caucasians, recently introduced by the United States Department of Agriculture, are the gentlest of all known races, and may be kept on the lawn or in the flower garden and handled at any time without protection and with no fear of stings; they are also diligent workers, and produce honey equal to that of any of the others. Among beekeepers who rear queens to sell, the Italian race is the most popular. Many different strains of Italian bees have been developed. Some, having leather-colored bands, or rings, on their abdomens are called leather- colored Italians; others, having abdomens that are all yellow, are called golden Italians. The strain, among bees, is of more importance than the race itself. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES. 1. How do bees help the farmer? 2. Trace the growth of a bee from the egg to maturity. 3. What flowers are good honey-yielders? 4. Name some races of bees. Which is the gentlest race? 5. How may bee-keeping be made a profitable business? 44. IMPROVEMENT OF HOME AND SCHOOL YARDS. Home and School Yards. It is not enough that our farms produce large crops to be sold at good prices and the business thus be made profitable. We should also look to our surroundings. We should have good, com- fortable, well-arranged homes, and the grounds about them should be made as attractive as possible. We shall be better men and women if we live in beautiful sur- roundings than if we live in poorly-kept and ugly quar- ters. Schoolhouses and school yards, too, should be made as beautiful as possible. A great many people would be glad to have beautiful homes and schoolhouses and fine yards if they but knew how to obtain them at small cost. School children who are interested can do much toward beautifying the entire neighborhood in which they live. A few general directions are given that may help in making our homes and our schools delightful places in which to live. Make a Plan. It is well to make a plan before attempt- ing any change of things as they are. This will make it easy to do part of the work this year, to add to it next year, and so on until the plan is carried out. Without a plan, we may make improvements that we shall find do 245 246 IMPROVING HOME AND SCHOOL YARDS not lend beauty to our surroundings, and our work will be entirely lost. Do not make a very complex plan. A simple one, with few details, is much better. Natural Features Many places have some natural features that aid in the work of beautifying them. A clump of trees, a small hill, a stream of water, or a pond, found on the place, should be used in the plan you make. Do not try to get rid of such things, but lay out a plan that will use them to the best advantage. FIG. 148. A problem in landscape gardening. The House the Important Part. The house should usually be the most important part of the plan. It need not be in the middle of the lot, but other things should be so grouped about it as to set it off. So often we see a house rising boldly from the center of a yard, with no adornment whatever. Here we see such a house in all its loneliness. It 'looks cheerless, and no amount of money spent on it will make it look homelike, unless the IMPROVING HOME AND SCHOOL YARDS 247 shrubbery, the trees, and the yard in general are planned to make the house a part of the whole. FIG. 149. A solution of the problem in figure 148. In Figure 149, the house is made a part of the general out-of-door plan. FIG. 150. Evergreen trees should not be trimmed. 248 IMPROVING HOME AND SCHOOL YARDS Open Front Yards Very often we find that the yard in front of a house is filled with shrubbery or with flower beds. It is far better to leave the space in front of the house entirely open. The house is then shown to much better advantage, and the yard is much more easily cared for. There is nothing much more pleasing than a well- kept front lawn. FIG. 151. Too many straight paths. Shrubbery and Flowers. The shrubbery should be arranged in masses, and not with the shrubs placed singly. Let the branches grow thickly, so as to make a mass of green. These masses should be placed on the border of the yard. With the flowers, they make a fine IMPROVING HOME AND SCHOOL YARDS 249 frame for the " picture " we are trying to make. Shrubs may be placed, also, so as to hide outbuildings or to form a screen for the backyard. Flowers may be planted close to the house or just in front of the shrubbery. They should not be planted in separate flower beds in the lawn. Vines. Vines may be used to cover old fences, or to FIG. 152. Suggestion for improving the plan of paths shown in figure 151. clamber over old or unpainted buildings, with very good effect. With vines alone, an unpleasing place may be changed to a very beautiful one. Vines are also useful in helping to make the house a part of the " picture." Trees Trees may be planted in groups about the 250 IMPROVING HOME AND SCHOOL YARDS yard. They should be placed so as to be of some use, either in giving shade or in forming a wind break. Ever- green trees and hard wood trees should not be planted in the same group. If evergreen trees are planted, they should not be trimmed and the lower branches should not be cut. They look much prettier in their natural con- dition (Figure 150). Paths. There should be as few paths as possible, and these should be placed so that they will be the most convenient. Care should be taken to avoid straight lines in laying out the paths. Sometimes a straight path is necessary from the street to the house, but, whenever it is possible, the paths should be made on large easy curves. Barns and Other Buildings. It is not easy to tell just where and how the barns, stables, granaries and other farm buildings should be placed. Much depends upon local conditions. The barns and stables should not be placed very close to the house, but at such a distance that the barnyard odors and the flies will not be troublesome. The gar- den, however, may be placed quite near the house, so that it may be easily tended and watched. If the barns and stables are built in the form of a hol- low square, with one side left open, they will give pro- tection against the winds in winter and will furnish shade in summer. School Yards. The school yards should be models for the whole community. Even if the schoolhouse is not a fine building, it may be made very attractive by im- provements. The principles of landscape gardening IMPROVING HOME AND SCHOOL YARDS 251 which have been given for homes apply also to school yards. In the country, where land is cheap, there is no reason why the school should not be supplied with a large plot of land. This will furnish room for a lawn and for a good- sized playground. In many places, also, one part of the school ground may be set apart for a school garden, where plants of different kinds may be raised and where the principles of plant growth may be taught. Unless FIG. 153. A bare school yard. some arrangement is made for the care of the school garden during the summer vacation, however, it is likely to become a garden of weeds. The picture shown in Figure 153 is a very common one, much more common than it should be. Notice how bare and cheerless it is. In Figure 154, we see what has been done with the 252 IMPROVING HOME AND SCHOOL YARDS school yard to make it attractive and homelike. The teacher and the pupils in the school did all the work, and, with no expense, made this wonderful improvement. The shrubbery and trees were obtained by the boys from the woods. Flower seeds and bulbs were given by the par- ents and were planted by the girls under the direction of the teacher. All worked together to make the school yard beautiful, and were very proud of the result. FIG. 154. A suggestion in planting. EXERCISES. 1 . Make a general plan for the improvement of your school grounds, observing carefully the suggestions given. 2. Make a plan for the improvement of the yards about your home, allowing buildings, fences, and trees to remain as they are at-present. 3. Make a plan of your home yards, with changes in the location of buildings, fences, and trees. APPENDIX. Quantities of Seed Required to the Acre. NAME. Wheat Barley Oats Rye Buckwheat Millet Corn Beans Peas Hemp Flax Rice QUANTITY OF SEED. l\i to 2 bushels. 1 1 A to 2% bushels. 2 to 4 bushels. 1 to 2 bushels. % to lj bushels. 1 to \]/2 bushels. % to 1 bushel. 1 to 2 bushels. 2lito3 l A bushels. 1 to \]/% bushels. l /2 to 2 bushels. 2 to 2J^ pounds. NAME. QUANTITY OF SEED. Broom Corn Potatoes Timothy Mustard Herd Grass Flat Turnip Red Clover White Clover Blue Grass Orchard Grass Carrots Parsnips 1 to 1 V nutrients Standard Animal 'a V u T3 B 2 'S continued o 3 O 1 ">> w g o a 3 H CJ UH Z Growing Swine Breeding stock - Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Wolff-Leh- mann (Age in months) 2-3 3-5 50 100 2.2 0.38 0.50 1.40 2.31 0.050 0.080 1:4.0 1:5.0 ii 5-6 120 3'.8 0.44 2.56 0.048 1:6.0 it 6-8 200 5.6 0.56 3.74 0.060 1:7.0 " 8-12 250 6.3 0.53 3.83 0.050 1:7.5 Growing fattening Swine Wolff-Leh- mann 2-3 3-5 50 100 2.2 3.5 0.38 0.50 1.40 2.31 0.050 0.080 1:4.0 1:5.0 <( 5-6 150 5.0 0.65 3.35 0.090 1:5.5 6-8 200 6.0 0.72 4.10 0.080 1:6.0 " 9-12 200 5.2 0.60 3.66 0.060 1:6.4 Car- Human beings Pro- tein bohy drates and Fats Children, 615 yrs. 0.16 0.93 1:5.2 Students 0.20 l.U 1:5.5 Professional Men 0.27 1.76 1:4.7 Man with moderate work 0.28 1.62 1:5.8 Man with hard work 0.39 2.67 1:6.9 APPENDIX 26l FERTILIZING CONSTITUENTS IN AMERICAN FEEDING STUFFS. NAME OF FEED FERTILIZING CONSTITUENTS IN 1,000 POUNDS Nitrogen Phosphoric Acid Concentrates Lbs. Corn, all analyses 18.2 Corn Cob 5.0 Corn and Cob Meal 1 4.1 Corn Bran 16.3 Gluten Meal 60.3 Germ Meal 26.5 Starch Refuse 22.4 Grano-Gluten 49.8 Hominy Chops 16.3 Sugar Meal 36.3 Starch Feed, wet 9.8 Wheat 23.6 High-grade Flour 18.9 Low-grade Flour 28.9 Dark Feeding Flour 31.8 Wheat Bran 26.7 Wheat Shorts 28.2 Wheat Middlings 26.3 Wheat Screenings 24.4 Rye .. 17.6 Rye Bran 23.2 Rye Shorts 18.4 Barley 15.1 Malt Sprouts 35.5 Brewers' Grains, wet 8.9 Brewers' Grains, dried 36.2 Oats 20.6 Oat Feed or Shorts 17.2 Oat Hulls 5.2 Rice . 10.8 Rice Hulls 5.8 Rice Bran . 7.1 Rice Polish 19.7 Buckwheat 14.4 Buckwheat Hulls 4.9 Buckwheat Bran 36.4 Buckwheat Middlings 42.8 Sorghum Seed 14.8 Millet 20.4 Flax Seed 36.1 Linseed Meal, old process 54.3 Linseed Meal, new process 67.8 Lbs. 7.0 .6 6.7 12.1 3.3 8.0 7.0 5.1 9.8 4.1 1.0 7.9 2.2 5.6 21.4 28.9 13.5 9.5 11.7 8.2 22.8 12.6 7.9 14.3 3.1 10.3 8.2 9.1 2.4 1.8 1.7 2.9 26.7 4.4 0.7 17.8 21.9 8.1 8.5 13.9 16.6 18.3 262 APPENDIX NAME OF FEED FERTILIZING CONSTITUENTS IN 1,000 POUNDS Nitrogen Phosphoric Acid Concentrates continued Lbs. Cotton Seed Cotton-seed Meal Cotton-seed Hulls Cocoanut Meal Palm-nut Meal *'| Sunflower Seed t, '; Sunflower-seed Cakes Peanut Meal Rape-seed Meal Peas . 30.8 Soja (Soy) Bean 53.0 Horse Bean 40.7 Roughage Fodder Corn Fodder Corn, green 4.1 Fodder Corn, field-cured 17.6 Corn Stover, field-cured 10.4 Fresh Grass Pasture Grasses (mixed) 9.1 Timothy, different stages 4.8 Orchard Grass, in bloom 4.3 Oat Fodder 4.9 Rye Fodder 3.3 Sorghum 2.3 Hungarian Grass 3.9 Hay Timothy 12.6 Orchard Grass 13.1 Redtop 11.5 Kentucky Blue Grass 11.9 Hungarian Grass 12.0 Mixed Grasses 14.1 Rowen (mixed) 16.1 Meadow Fescue 9.9 Soja-bean Hay 23.2 Straw Wheat 5.9 Rye 4.6 Oat 6.2 Barley 13.1 Wheat Chaff 7.9 Lbs. 12.7 28.8 2.5 16.0 11.0 12.2 21.5 13.1 20.0 8.2 18.7 12.0 1.5 5.4 2.9 2.3 2.6 1.6 1.3 1.5 0.9 1.6 5.3 4.1 3.6 4.0 3.5 2.7 4.3 4.0 6.7 1.2 2.8 2.0 3.0 7.0 APPENDIX 263 NAME OF FEED FERTILIZING CONSTITUENTS IN 1,000 POUNDS Nitrogen Phosphoric Acid Roughage continued Fresh Legumes Red Clover, different stages 5.3 Alsike, bloom 4.4 Crimson Clover 4.3 Alfalfa 7.2 Cowpea 2.7 Soja Bean 2.9 Legume Hay and Straw Red Clover, medium '. . . 20.7 Red Clover, mammoth 22.3 Alsike Clover 23.4 White Clover 27.5 Crimson Clover 20.5 Alfalfa 21.9 Cowpea 19.5 Soja-bean Straw 17.5 Pea-vine Straw 14.3 Silage Corn 2.8 Roots and Tubers Potato 3.2 Beet, common 2.4 Beet, sugar 2.2 Beet, mangel 1.9 Flat Turnip 1.8 Ruta-baga 1.9 Carrot 1.5 Parsnip 1.8 Artichoke 2.6 Miscellaneous Cabbage 3.8 Spurry 3.8 Sugar-beet Leaves 4.1 Pumpkin, garden 1.1 Prickly Comfrey 4.2 Rape 4.5 Dried Blood 135.0 Meat Scrap 113.9 Dried Fish 77.5 Beet Pulp 1.4 Beet Molasses 14.6 Cows' Milk 5.3 Cows' Milk, colostrum 28.2 Skim Milk, gravity 5.6 Skim Milk, centrifugal 5.6 Buttermilk 4.8 Whey 1.5 Lbs. 1.3 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.0 1.5 3.8 5.5 6.7 5.2 4.0 5.1 5.2 4.0 3.5 1.2 0.9 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.2 0.9 2.0 1.4 1.1 2.5 1.5 1.6 1.1 1.5 13.5 7.0 120.0 0.2 0.5 1.9 6.6 2.0 2.0 1.7 1.4 264 APPENDIX Weights of Grain, Seeds, etc. The table given below shows the weight of grain, seeds, etc., per bushel, as established by the Legislatures of the states named: ARTICLES o : 0) 2 o O Pennsylvania Indiana Wisconsin 03 J3 'o a Michigan Connecticut Massachusetts Rhode Island Kentucky New Jersey Vermont Missouri Minnesota Wheat 00 00 00 00 00 00 on 00 00 (Ml (Ml 00 00 (M) 00 (10 Rye 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 >o Cora 50 50 5fi 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 "id Oats 3? 3? 3? 3? 3? 3? 3? 3? 3? 3? 30 3? 3? Barley 48 48 47 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 47 48 48 48 IS Buckwheat Clover Seed 48 00 50 04 48 00 50 00 48 00 52 00 52 on 48 00 48 48 48 (M) 56 00 50 M 48 00 52 (M) 40 no Timothy Seed .... Flax Seed . . . 45 45 40 45 50 45 45 50 45 50 45 50 45 50 45 5fi 55 45 45 44 45 Hemp Seed. . 11 44 44 41 44 44 44 4n 44 44 50 Blue Grass Seed. . . Apples, Dried Peaches, Dried. . . . Coarse Salt 14 25 33 50 24 33 50 85 14 25 33 50 14 28 28 14 24 33 50 14 24 33 14 22 28 14 14 24 39 50 25 33 14 24 32 50 11 28 28 Till Fine Salt 50 50 03 50 50 50 50 5ft Potatoes 00 00 50 00 00 on 00 on 00 00 on (M) 60 60 00 60 Peas 00 (Ml 00 (Ml (M) 00 (M) 00 00 00 (10 Beans 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (Ml (Ml 00 0? 00 (10 40 40 40 40 40 40 Onions 57 55 50 48 57 ,57 57 ,54 50 50 50 57 57 53 57 52 Corn Meal 50 50 .50 48 50 50 50 50 50 Diagrams of Farm Animals. 1. Comb. 2. Face. 3. Wattles. 4. Ear-lobes. 5 Hackle. 6. Breast. 7 Back. 8. Saddle. 9. Saddle-feathers. 10. Sickles. 11. Tail-coverts. 12. Main tail feathers. 13. Wing-bow. 14. Wing coverts, form- ing wing-bar. 15. Secondaries, wing- bay. 16. Primaries or flight feathers; wing-buts. 17. Point of breast bone. 18. Thighs. 19. Hocks. 20. Shanks or legs. 21. Spur. 22. Toes or claws. Fic. 155. Diagram of a chicken. APPENDIX 265 FIG. 156. Diagram of a cow. 1. Head. 2. Muzzle. 3. Nostril. 4. Face. 5. Eye. 6. Forehead. 7. Horn. 8. Ear. 9. Cheek. 10. Throat. 11. Neck. 12. Withers. 13. Back. 14. Loins. 15. Hip bone. 16. Pelvic arch. 17. Rump. 18. Tail. 19. Switch. 20. Chest. 21. Brisket. 22. Dewlap. 23. Shoulder. 24. Elbow. 25. Forearm. 26. Knee. 27. Ankle. 28. Hoof. 29. Heart girth. 30. Side or barrel. 31. Belly. 32. Flank. 33. Milk vein. 34. Fore udder. 35. Hind udder. 36. Teats. 37. Upper thigh. 38. Stifle. 39. Twist. 40. Leg or gaskin. 41. Hock. 42. Shank. 43. Dew claw. 1. Head. 2. Face. 3. Muzzle. 4. Nostril. 5. Eye. 6. Ear. 7. Cheek. 8. Neck. 9. Withers. 10. Throat. 11. Back. 12. Loins. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 13. Angle of Ilium.28. 14. Rump. 29. 15. Tail or Dock. Chest. Shoulder. Elbow. Forearm. Knee. Ankle. Claw. Girth Measure. Side or Barrel. Belly. Flank. Hip Joint. Stifle Joint. Hock Joint. FIG. 157. Diagram of a sheep. 3. 158. Diagram ot a horse. 0. Poll or nape of the neck. 1. Neck. 1'. Jugular gutter. 2. Withers. 3. Back. 4. Loins. 5. Croup. 6. Tail. 7. Parotid region. 8. Throat. 9. Shoulder. 10. Point of the shoulder. 11. Arm. 12. Elbow. 13. Forearm. 14. Chestnut. 15. Knee. 16. Canon. 17. Fetlock. 18. Pastern. 19. Coronet 20. Foot. 21. Xiphoid region. 22. Ribs. 23. Abdomen. 24. Flank. 25. Sheath. 26. Testicles. 27. Buttock. 27 bis. Angle of buttock. 28. Thigh. 28 bis. Haunch. 29. Stifle. 30. Leg. 31. Hock. 32. Chestnut. 33. Canon. 34. Fetlock. 35. Pastern. 36. Coronet. 266 APPENDIX How to Obtain Agricultural Literature. Besides the large number of agricultural papers that are available for the fanner at very small cost, the De- partment of Agriculture issues a large number of inter- esting documents, many of which are sent free to any who apply for them, while some others may be obtained for a small price. Write to the Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., and request a list of the publications issued by the Department for free distribution. " The Farmers' Bulletins " are probably the most helpful publications issued by the Department of Agri- culture. There are over two hundred issued and the number is being increased rapidly. From the list which you receive from the Department you may select such as interest you and request them sent to you. You may write to your Congressman for them or to the Depart- ment of Agriculture. Each year the Department of Agriculture issues a fine illustrated " Year Book." This may be obtained free by application to the Congressman of your district or to either of your United States Senators. If you have an Experiment Station in your State, find its location and write to the " Director of Experiment Station," requesting that your name be placed on the permanent mailing list to receive all the bulletins issued by the station. You may also request such bulletins as you know to have been issued by the Station. They will be sent free of cost. INDEX. Aberdeen Angus cattle 190 Acid soils 45, 46 Agricultural literature 266 Air, in seeds 60, 61 Albumen 194, 206 Alfalfa 43, 44 Ameba 10 Animal husbandry 184, 185 Annuals 1 26 Anther 93 Apple, culture of 158-160 Arabian horse 213 Ashes, wood 36 Aylesbury ducks 235 Ayrshire cattle 187 Babcock test 195 directions for 201-204 Bacteria, in legume roots. . . 42, 44-46 of milk 198 Barns and other buildings 250 Bartlett pear 95 Beef 49 Beef breeds 189-100 Bees ' 237-244 Beetles, lady-bird 176 potato 55 Berkshire hogs 225 Biennials 126 Bindweed 145, 146 Birds 179-183 food of 181 Blackberry, culture of 154, 155 Blight, of pear tree. 57 Bluestone 57 PAGE Blue vitriol 57 Bordeaux mixture '. .57, 58 Borer, flat-headed 158 Brahma chickens 230 Brassica 138 Breeding, plant 100 Breeds 185 of chickens 229 of ducks 235 of horses 213 of swine 225 Bronze turkeys 236 Brown Swiss cattle 188 Buckhorn plantain 148, 149 Buds 27, 28 roots from 78 Burdock 130, 131 Butter 49 Butter and eggs 132, 133 Cactus, Russian 139-142 Calyx 92 Canada thistle 1 29, 130 Capillary attraction 14 Carbohydrates 205, 206 in fodder ... 257 Carbon 22 Carbon dioxide '. 22, 23 Care*>f fowls 231 Carrot, wild 144, 145 Casein 194, 206 Caterpillar 176 Cayuga ducks 235 Cell 10 Charlock 138 267 268 INDEX PAGE Cheese factories igi Cherry, blossom 93 culture of 160 Chester white hogs 227, 228 Cheviot sheep 210, 220, 221 Chicken, diagram of 264 Chlorophyll 22, 26 Chrysanthemum 131, 132 Cions 81 Citrus fruits 163-167 Clays 215 Cleft graft 81, 82 Clotbur 133, 134 Clover 41, 42, 43, 48 Clover testing 69 Clydesdale horse 216 Coach horses 217 Cochin chickens 230 Cocklebur 133, 134 Codling moth 159 Colostrum 194 Comb honey 241 Commercial fertilizers 36, 52 Compass plant 147, 148 Consumption 196 Copper sulfate 57 Corn 48, 49, 50, 101-115 corn belt 101, 102 cultivation 107 enemies in, 112 harvesting 107-109 improving 114, 115 planting 107 products 1 10, in testing seed 105, 106 yield 101, 102, 1 13 Cornish Indian game chickens. . . . 230 Corolla 93 Cost and feeding 210 Cotswold sheep 223, 224 Couch grass 143, 144 Cow, care of 197 diagram of 265 Cowpea 43 Creameries 191 Cropping land 39 Crops, and weeds 125-127 rotation of 47, 48 to raise the best 90 Cross fertilization. . . 100 Cucumber blossom 99 Curculio 160 Curled dock 136, 137 Curled rumex 136, 137 Currant, culture of 155, 156 propagated by cuttings 79 Cuttings, dormant 79 green 80 propagation by 79 Dairy breeds 186-188 Dairying 191-200 removes little fertility 50 Daisy 131, 132 Damsel fly 178 Dan Patch 214 Decomposition 22 Delaine sheep 219, 221 Destroyers, natural 175 Devon cattle 190 Digestible nutrients 257, 258 Dock 136, 137 Dog grass 143, 144 Dormant buds 27 Dormant cuttings 79 Dorset sheep 219, 223 Draft horses 215 Dragon fly 177 Drainage 30 Drone bees 237, 238 Dry farming 170, 174 Ducks and Turkeys 234-236 Duroc-Jersey hogs 225, 227 Dutch belted cattle 188 Earth lamp 13 Egg breeds 229 Egg of insect 176 Eldorado blackberry 154 English Shire horse 216 Evaporation 14 from plants 17 makes packing necessary 65 through leaves 18 Evergreen trees 247, 250 Extracted honey 242 Fat, in foods 207 of milk 192 Feeding chickens 232 INDKX 269 Feeding, principles of 205-212 Feeding standards 207 Feeding stuffs, manurial value of . . 211 Fertility 40 Fertilization, cross 100 of ovule 95 Fertilizer 3g clover a 41 commercial 36, 52 Fertilizing constituents 261 Fig 167 Filament 93 Flat-headed borer 158 Flowers, parts of 92-95 imperfect and perfect 97. 151, 152 shrubbery and 248 Fly, green 56 Food required by plants 33 Formaldehyde 58 Fungi 55-50 Galloway cattle 190 Garden, the 150 Germination 25, 60, 6r affected by age 67 causes affecting 68 Gluten 206 Gooseberry, culture of 155, 156 Grafting 80-83 Grafting wax 83 Grain, weights of 264 Grape, culture of 161, 162 propagated by cuttings 79 Green cuttings 80 Green fly 56 Grub 176 Guernsey cattle 187 Hairy woodpecker 159 Hambletonian horses 215 Hampshire sheep 219, 222, 223 Hector weed 139-142 Hereford cattle 189 Holstein-Friesian cattle 187 Home yards 245 Honey bees 237-244 Honeycomb 241 Hop plant, flowers of 99 Horned Dorset sheep 223 Horse 213-218 diagram of 265 Houdan chickens 229, 230 Humus 38, 39 from manure 52 Husbandry, animal 184-100 Ichneumon fly 175 Imago 177 Imperfect flowers 97, 151, 152 Indian corn 48, 49, 50, 98 Indian ponies 217 Insects, animals that destroy. 175-183 defined 175 pollination by 94 Irrigation 170- 174 Jersey cattle 186 KcJlock 138 Kerlock 138 Lactic acid 194 Lactose 193 Lady-bird beetles 176 Lady bug 177 Larva 176 of bee 239 Layering 78 Leaves 26 do not take in water 18 Leghorn chickens 229 Legumes 4 1-46 Leicester sheep 219, 223, 224 Lemon 164-167 Lettuce, prickly 147, 148 wild 147, 148 Lice, plant 56 Lime and sulphur spray 169 Limestone 45, 46 Lincoln sheep 224 Litmus paper 45, 46 Loam 30 Louse, plant 56 Mambrino horses 215 Manure 35, 36, 48 best fertilizer 39 Maple tree, flowers of 99 Matter 9 270 INDEX PAGE Meat breeds of chickens 230 Melon, flower of 99 Merino sheep 219, 220 Milk 49 composition of 192 how to get good 196 Milk thistle 14?, 148 Mineral matter in plants 21 Minorca chickens 229, 230 Morgan horses 215 Morning glory 93 Moth, codling 159 Mulches 53, 54 Mustangs 217 Mustard, wild 138 Narrow dock 136, 137 Native cattle 190 Nitrates .41, 42, 43 Nitrogen 35, 36, 37, 39, 41-50 in feeding stuffs 261-263 Nutrients, table of 257-260 Nutritive ratio 207 Oats 48, 49, 50 Oat smut 57, 58 Olive 167 Orange 163, 164 diseases 166, 167 enemies 164, 165 propagated by cuttings 79 Orchard, the 157-162 Ovary 94 Ovule , . . 94 fertilization of 95 Ox-eye daisy 131, 132 Oxford sheep 219, 222, 223 Parasites 55-59 fungous 57 of poultry 233 Paris green 56 Parsnip, wild 139 Pasteurization 199 Paths 250 Peach, culture of 161 Pekin ducks 234 Percheron horses 215 Perennials 127 Perfect flowers 97, 151, 152 Pests, insect 157 PAGE Petals t 93 Phosphate of lime 194 Phosphoric acid. .35, 43, 47, 48, 49, 50 in feeding stuffs 261-263 Pistil, parts of 94 Pistillate flowers 97 Plant breeding 100 Plant food, in soil 31 in soil water 34 prepared slowly 47 Plant lice 56 Plantago 148, 149 Plantain, buckhorn 148, 149 English 148, 149 long leaved . . 148, 149 Planting, rule for depth of 73 Plants, and water 17-19 dry the soil 19 evaporation from 17 growth of 25-28 how to improve 88-9 1 in water 34 mineral matter in 21 require food 33 Plowing crops under 39 Plum, culture of 160 Plymouth Rock chickens 230 Poland-China hogs 225, 226 Polled Durham cattle 189 Pollen 93 Pollination 94 Ponies 217 Potash 35, 42, 43, 47, 48, 50 in feeding stuffs 261-263 Potato beetle 55 Potato plant 27 hill selection 90 reared from cuttings 79 Poultry 229-233 Poults 236 Prickly lettuce 147, 148 Problem in landscape gardening.. . 245 Produce 1 1 Profits in bee-keeping 243 in poultry 229 Protein 194, 205, 206 in fodder 257-260 Protoplasm 9, n Pumpkin, flower of 99 Pupa 177 INDEX 271 Quack grass 143. '44 Queen bees 237, 238 Quick grass 143, 144 Quicklime 57 Quitch grass 143. 144 Rambouillet sheep 219, 221 Ramsted 133 Raspberry, culture of 154, 155 Ratio, nutritive 207 Ration, balanced 208 Red polled cattle 190 Rib grass 148, 149 Ripple grass 148, 149 Rollers 64 Root hairs 25 Roots need air 62 Rotation of crops 47 51 plan of 50, 51 Rouen ducks 235 Rumex 136, 137 Russian thistle 139-142 Saltwort 139-142 San Jose scale 168, 169 School yards 245, 251 Scrub cattle 190 Seeds 28 diagram of 76 effect of water on 60, 61, 63 need air 60 table 253 testing 67 vitality of 68 weights of 264 Selection, improvement by 8y, go Semitropical Fruits 163-169 Sepal 92 Separator, cream 200 Sheep 219-224 diagram of 265 Shetland ponies 217 Shorthorn cattle 189 Shropshire sheep 219, 221 Shrubbery and flowers 248 Silage 109, 1 10 Silk of Indian corn 98 Silo 109, 1 10 Simmenthal cattle 190 Smut, oat 57 PAGE Snap dragon 132, 133 Soil 13-16 acidity 45, 46 air and water in 30 fertility of 33~37 humus in 38 ideal 29-31 inoculation 44, 45 make-up of rich 35 moisture in 52 nitrogen in 35 phosphoric acid in 35 plant food in 31 plants dry the 19 potash in 35 Soil water 13-16 holds plant food 34 Solutions 20 Sour dock 136, 137 Southdown sheep 219, 220 Sow thistle 135, 136 Sparrow, English 182 Spider 165, 176 Squash, flower of 99 Stamens 93 Staminate flowers 97 Starch 22, 23 Stem 26 Stigma 94 Stock, grafting 81 Strawberry, blossoms 97, 151 culture of 151-153 effect on soil 49 Style 94 Subsurface packer 173, 174 Sugar of milk 193 Swarming 240 Swine 225-228 Tamworth hogs 227 Tartar weed 139, 142 Terminal bud 28 Test, Babcock 195, 201-204 tuberculin 197 Tester, seed 67, 68, 105, 106 Thistle, Canada 129, 130 English 147, 148 milk 147, 148 Russian 139-142 sow 135, 136 272 INDEX Thoroughbred horse 214 Tiling 31 Toad .' 178, 179 Toadflax 132, 133 Tobacco 48, 50 Tommy grass 143, 144 Transpiration 18 Transplanting 84-87 Trees 249, 250 Trotting horses 214 Tubercles 41, 42 Tuberculin test 197 Tuberculosis 196 Turkeys, ducks and 234, 236 Types of plantlets 72 Vines 249 Vineyard 161 Vitality of seeds 68 Vitriol, blue 57 Water, in soil 29, 30 leaves do not take in 18 not at rest 16 plants and 17 soil 1.5-16 Wax, grafting 83 PAGE Weeds, annual 126 biennial 126 crops and 125-127 perennial 1 27 Wheat 48, 4Q, 50, 116-124 enemies 121, 122 harvesting 120, 121 planting ng, 120 seed 119, 120 soil for 117 types 116, 117 yield 1 18, 124 Wheat grass 143, 144 Whip graft 81, 82 White daisy 131, 132 White fly 165, 166 White weed 131, 132 Wood ashes 36 Woodpecker, hairy 159 Worker bees 237, 238 Wyandotte chickens 231 Yards 245-252 Yellow dock 136, 137 Yellows 161 Yorkshire hogs 226 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below 939 29 *' Form L-9-15rn-3,'34 UNIVERSITY CF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY JifKWmERN REGIONAL LIBRAHV FACILITY Mill I II III I I || | | || (I) | || | | || A 001 080 453 2