TEN YEAKS EARLY SETTLER WESTERN AUSTRAL! m D I ; A R Y . OF TEN&EARS EVENTFUL LIFE OF AN IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA; AND ALSO A DESCRIPTIVE VOCABULARY OF THE BY GEORGE FLETCHER MOORE, B.L., MEMBER OF THE IRISH BAR. ADVOCATE GENERAL. SOLE JUDGE OF THE FIRST CIVIL COURT. ACTING COLONIAL SECRETARY FOR A TIME. AND ex officio AN HONOURABLE MEMBER BOTH J*F THE EXECUTIVE AND LEGISLATIVE COUNCILS OF THE COLONY. LONDON: M. WALBROOK, 180, BEOMPTON KOAD, S.W. 1884. DU 3 72 I DEDICATE THIS BOOK TO FREDERICK GONNERMAN DALGETY, OP LOCKERLY HALL, ESQUIRE, IN KINDLY RECOGNITION OF BENEFITS CONFERRED BY HIM ON SOME OF MY NEAR RELATIONS. GEORGE FLETCHER MOORE. August, 1884. 1404296 THINK OF ME. FAREWELL LINES ADDRESSED TO MY SISTERS ON LEAVING HOME TO EMIGRATE TO WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Think of me, when first the sun Paints with gold the Eastern sky, And when his daily course has run, Remember me, and think me nigh. Morn will bring to mind our meetings, Cheerful looks and spirits light, Eve, our late protracted greetings, As we whispered a " Good night." And when, in sacred hour of prayer, Blessings are asked on bended knee, Give, of that hour, sufficient share, To ask a blessing too, on me. Then, though to the world be given, All that you may, of mirth and glee, I shall be sure that next to Heaven, And Heavenly things, you think of me. G. F. MOORE. May, 1880. PREFACE : INTRODUCTORY AND EXPLANATORY. IN the year 1828, the British Government being anxious, for political reasons, to establish a colony on the West side of Australia, issued public notices, offering large tracts of land, on certain conditions, to any who would proceed to, and settle on, that district before the end of the year 1830. Attracted by the hope of obtaining possession of a good estate, and feeling that the prospect of success at the Irish Bar was but remote and uncertain, I applied to the Govern- ment on the subject of some official appointment, if I should go to the Colony as an emigrant. The answer was to the effect, that any appointment made here now might clash with the proceedings of Governor STIRLING ; but if I chose to go out at my own risk and expense, they would give me a favourable letter of introduction to the Governor. On this encouragement, I made up my mind to go at once. My friends were doubtful as to the prudence of such a hazardous step, but I reconciled them to it by a solemn promise that I would keep them fully informed, by each available opportunity in my power, of every incident and circumstance of my position and life there, whether good or VI PREFACE. bad, and leave them to judge of my success or failure. This was the cause of the " Diary or Journal " hereinafter con- tained. It was written solely for the information and satis- faction of my father, brothers, sisters, and immediate friends in this country. It was commenced soon after my embarca- tion from Dublin, and was a great source of relief and consolation to myself during the voyage, as well as through all the difficulties, dangers, labours, and eventful incidents, for the space of ten years in the colony, until my first return home on leave of absence. It was not continued after that time. Having mentioned that the acquisition of substantial property in the shape of land was a great inducement to my emigration, it is right to mention the result.. On giving a schedule, and satisfactory proof of the value of the property, and the number of servants taken out, an assignment of 12,000 acres, or rather a right to choose that quantity of rural land, was given to me, which was eventually obtained in various blocks and in different places according to my own choice. There was considerable delay in getting the blocks surveyed and the boundaries marked out, and registered in, the records of the office of the Surveyor-General. I pur- chased also from time to time several blocks of land from settlers, who either preferred the money, or were desirous of leaving the colony for various reasons. The result was that when I came home finally, some twenty years ago, I was, and still am, the possessor of twenty-four thousand acres of land in fee simple, as well as several allotments in towns. I PREFACE. VU became the first Judge in a Civil Court, was member of both the Executive and Legislative Councils, Advocate-General, and sole legal adviser of the Government, acted temporarily as Colonial Secretary, because of the illness and death of that officer, and the illness and death of Governor CLARKE about the same time. The history of the original letters may possess some little interest. They were from the first carefully preserved by those to whom they were sent in this country. But, after the lapse of many years, they were confided to the care of a near relative in the colony, who had expressed a great desire to see them. This lady was well acquainted with Sir THOMAS COCKBURN CAMPBELL, the able Editor and owner of the paper called " The West Australian." The letters were shown to him, he begged to be permitted to publish extracts from them seriatim in his paper, according as space would admit of. He sent to me a copy of each paper which contained an extract. I cut out those extracts and gummed them into an album. This has enabled me to publish them all here afresh. I have also added to them a " Descriptive Vocabulary " of the language of the Aborigines their habits and manners, and the fauna of the country. The only restriction T put upon Sir THOMAS as to the treatment of the journal was, that he should omit anything too trivial for publication, and also carefully avoid anything that could in the least degree be likely to annoy, or hurt the feelings of, any one, either in the colony or in this country an injunction which he has most Viii PREFACE. judiciously observed and most honourably carried out. I introduce here one of his letters to me as being appropriate to the subject. Copy of a letter from Sir T. COCKBURN CAMPBELL. " WEST AUSTRALIAN " Office, Perth, 1691881. Mr DEAR SIR, Many thanks for your kind letter. I have had great pleasure in publishing your journal, and I can assure you it is read with very great interest indeed. There has been a break in its publication lately on account of my space in the " W. A." being so filled with Council reports, but I shall resume the journal again next week. What terrible times you early settlers had to pass through. It is difficult to imagine it now, in a conntry with railways, telegraphs, &c., and so many of the conveniencies of modern life. Believe me, my dear Sir, Faithfully yours, T. COCKBURN CAMPBELL. GEORGE FLETCHER MOORE, Esq. So far as regards the winding up of the Journal, I could not desire a better than the gratifying commentary of the EDITOR of the West Australian, to whom I tender thanks for the interest he took in it, and the judicious care he bestowed on its publication in his paper. On my part, I have to render my humble thanks to the HEAVENLY GIVER OF ALL GOOD, that at the ripe period of an eighty- sixth year, I should be permitted to undertake, and enabled. PREFACE. IX as I hope, to complete the work of its publication, 54 years after its commencement. With reference to the " Descriptive Vocabulary " which has been added to it, the appropriate Preface thereof speaks fully for itself. It was put into my hands in a very crude state by Governor HUTT, that I should get it published in England. I had been called home on serious family busi- ness. There was .no direct conveyance ; I had to go by Java, had a long voyage in a Dutch ship the captain alone had a small smattering of English. To relieve the tediousness of such a voyage, I devoted my leisure to the manuscript, added to, enlarged, expanded, and made it what it is. So, though only one of the few parties connected with the former attempts, I might fairly and truly use the familiar expression, " Quorum pars magna fui." I made all arrangements for the printing, corrected the press, made terms -f jr the binding, advanced and paid all attendant expenses, had the books carefully packed in a well-tinned chest, which I took back to Governor HUTT, and divided them equally with him. This was in accord- ance with a previous understanding between us, that on my doing so he would pay half the expenses, which he cheerfully did. That work has been long out of print. It concerns a race which is gradually dwindling away, and may soon be entirely extinct its language corrupted, dis- used, forgotten, lost. It is well to endeavour to make a small record of it whilst there is a possibility of doing so. X PREFACE. Such is one chief object of the present attempt; may it have the desired effect. The Aborigines, when we first came in contact with them, had no knowledge of a GOD, no worship, no object of worship, no ideas on the subject. Many efforts were made to civilize and to Christianize them. The Wesleyans made some tolerable progress with them, but sedentary habits did not suit either their health or dispositions a violent disorder of the mesenteric glands suddenly carried off thirteen of their most promising pupils, and the school was broken up at that time. Some 40 years ago a Mission of Spanish Benedictine Monks was established in the Colony for the avowed purpose of the conversion of the Aboriginal natives. They gathered the children, both boys and girls, into the schools together, and when they came to marriageable age, such children were joined in pairs according to their choice, by a form of matrimony. All these young people, at suitable ages, were brought forward for confirmation. About ten years ago, a grand ceremony was that of an unusual number of these young natives, collected on such an occasion, a photograph of which, taken at the time, has been shown to me in London. It is right to explain the singular concatenation of cir- cumstances by which I found myself compelled to act for a time as Colonial Secretary. His Excellency the Governor (Colonel CLARKE) and the Honourable the Colonial Secre- tary (PETER BROWN, Esq.), were simultaneously so prostratecl PREFACE. XI by serious illness as to be incapable of transacting any business; the doctors denied all access except to their nearest friends. How the Government was to be carried on was a grave question. As I had married the Gover- nor's stepdaughter, I was admitted as a friend. I found him greatly depressed and distressed. I offered to dis- charge the duties of the Colonial Secretary temporarily, getting another to do my duties for the time. The Gover- nor was greatly relieved by the offer. By the permitted interviews at his bedside, I was enabled to use the usual formal heading of letters from the office, such as "I am directed by His Excellency," &c., &c. My first step, as soon as a mail served, was to inform the Government at home of the unprecedented position in which I found my- self, and begging their instant attention to it. In due time another Colonial Secretary came out, and I gladly resumed my former positions. Both the Governor and Colonial Secretary died. I have stepped beyond my strict limits in introducing this episode, but the step was almost unavoidable under the circumstances. GEORGE FLETCHER MOORE. (From the " West Australian"). Amongst the earliest settlers in Western Australia was a gentleman well known to old colonists Mr. GEORGE FLETCHEK MOORE, late Advocate-General of the colony, who for many years past has been resident in England. Mr. MOORE, from his first airival at Fremantle in 1830, kept a diary recording the events of his daily life which, as opportunity occurred, he sent home to his friends. This diary, full of details of the greatest interest to all West Australian colonists, most graphically illustrates the early life and progress of the Swan Piver settlement. Of Mr. MOORE'S letters, those written prior to 1834 were published in England, but have long been out of print, and, with the remainder, which carry on the record of events to a much later date, are now in the hands of his relatives in this colony. These letter-diaries seemed to us of so much interest that we asked, and were kindly granted, permission to publish them serially in the West Australian. THE VOYAGE. REFLECTIONS ON LEAVING LAND DUTIES OF THE SABBATH-DAY MEETS A VESSEL IN DISTRESS TRADE WINDS MADEIRA FLYING FISH DES- CRIED PILOT FISH PORTUGUESE MAN OF WAR MEMORIALS OF HOME EPITAPH ON HIS SPANIEL RAIN A STRANGE SAIL CROSSING THE LINE THE SOUTHERN CROSS THE CAPE STANZAS TERMINATION OF THE VOYAGE. DEAR BROTHER, EXHAUSTED with sleeplessness and agitation, I threw myself into my berth soon after you and my dear father left me, still indulging a hope of seeing you on board once more before sailing. On awaking from long and painful slumber, dis- turbed by a confusion of all imaginable noises, I found that a steamer had taken us out of the harbour in the course of the night, and that we were at a considerable distance from land. The reflection then crossed me, that I was for the first time separated from my family and friends, " Quaero alio patriam sub sole jacentem ;" and placed as it were, alone on the ocean of life to steer my own way, and depend on my single efforts, without the friendly hand of the dear parent, who had hitherto been my guide and companion the " custos incorruptissimus " with- out the interchange of fraternal love, and with the heavy re- sponsibility of having embarked four others in my service and speculations, for whose welfare of mind and body I feel myself accountable ; under all these anxious thoughts and considerations, I prayed to God, the only source of calmness and of comfort, to strengthen and support me. To vary the usual monotony and dulness of the long and painful voyage before me, I shall keep a journal, which, if it ever reach you, will make me present to you all.* Sunday, June, 4th, 1830. In pursuance of a determination, which I had previously formed, never to omit, when practi- cable, the duties of the Sabbath-day, either at sea or in the land of my destination, I read prayers and a suitable ser- vice to my own people ; great interruptions, from several causes, occurred, but I persevered, and had the satisfaction of finding that the captain would be pleased at having the ser- vice on deck for the advantage of the crew. Wind moderate and favourable, our lat. 46, Ion. 10, and yet the weather cool. Thermometer only 64 great talk of being in the latitude of pirates, and consequent cleaning and preparing of all our fire- arms saw nothing, however, more terrible than some large porpoises playing about the bows of the vessel. Experienced the want of a filtering machine for our water, which already smells offensively and tastes badly. This is a sad want. It is inexcusable in the captains of vessels to be unprovided with this valuable and unexpensive apparatus, which con- duces so much to health and comfort. July 8th. Approaching the trade winds ; James killed a pig in the evening quite an event ! This same James makes himself very useful in many ways ; he takes particular plea- sure in feeding our sheep, but whether this taste proceeds from a disinterested benevolence, or from the anticipated en- joyment of good mutton chops, I cannot say. 2th. A vessel in sight, making signals of distress. Hove to. She sent a boat to us. Proves to be the Patriot, from Benecarlo to Dublin ; had been six weeks at sea, sprung a leak, and was kept afloat by incessant exertions at the pump. Her provisions were running short, so that we were obliged to give her a supply of water and biscuit, some coals also, and leather for the pump. Many of us took the opportunity * Many parts of tho Log-book are abbreviated, or omitted altogether, as containing details too familiar to be generally interesting. EDITOR. of writing to our friends, as well as the limited time would permit. I wrote a few lines (thought crowding upon thought in the happiest confusion) to my dear father and brother. As the captain of the Patriot did not seem quite sure of his reckoning, we gave it correctly to him ; he had two officers on board who wished for newspapers, which unluckily for them and the credit of our philanthropy, we did not share. Being now 16 W. our time is one hour and four minutes later than at Greenwich, each degree making a difference of four minutes. The most perceptible difference in our latitude is the short duration of twilight. We expect to fall in with the regular S.E. trade wind a few degrees on this (north) side of the line ; our course must then be directed towards South Ameria, until this region be tra- versed, after which we may calculate on variable winds until we shall have reached a more southerly latitude, when west- erly winds will prevail again. Remained late on deck in the evening, watching the phosphoric brilliancy which every one has witnessed at sea, and the deep blue of the ocean. 11th. At four in the morning passed Madeira, lying about twenty-five miles to the east. Most delightful day ; wind moderate and steady from the N.E., supposed to be the regular trade wind. Eead morning service, and the psalms and les- sons for the day, with a sermon ; the captain, passengers, and crew, with the exception of two or three, attending in the large cabin a gratifying and impressive scene. No vessel, no living thing in sight, except a solitary bird, one of Mother Carey's chickens. Ship going at the rate of nine knots, and rolling more than is quite comfortable. Peak of Teneriffe not yet visible. Saw flying fish for the first time. They seemed to spring up from the side of the vessel as if startled, sometimes taking a considerable flight, at other times just touching the waters and then rising again. Occasionally a single one rises, at other times twenty or thirty spring up together. I could not perceive any vibrations in their fins or B 2 wings, whichever naturalists please to call them. Most of them are of a silver grey ; a few of yellow or gold colour. We are supposed to be now about the tropic. Thermometer 80. Water miserably bad ; even filtering fails to improve it, as one of our passengers, who happens to have a good filtering machine, assures me. The only way to swallow it without disgust is in negus, with plenty of lemon juice. Saw a pilot fish, which is about the size of a mackerel, with stripes on his side like those of a zebra. I am told that he generally accompanies the shark ; the latter, however, did not appear, but towards evening a large shoal of porpoises surrounded the vessel, apparently more for sport than prey, their gambols being of the most comic kind. This night the captain took an observation of the north star ; the sky too cloudy to be very accurate. Thermometer 80. This degree of heat produces in me great languor by day and restlessness by night. Lat. at noon, 18, 16'. We hope to see Antonio, one of the Cape Verd Islands, to-morrow. The anxiety with which we look for the smallest island is inconceivable to those who have not been exposed for many days to the monotony of time passed on the ocean. Sunday, 18th. I officiated as usual for a congregation of about thirty- six persons, apparently interested and attentive to the services of the day. Thermometer 80, at 2 P.M. This day, for the first time, we saw a shark gliding slowly along, with its fin just above the water's surface, and in his wake followed a great train of what the sailors call Portuguese men of war, and a long shoal of flying fish and bonetas, so that we had something to look at. We are disappointed in our hope of seeing the land of St. Antonio, the weather prov- ing hazy, and there being every indication of our losing the N.E. trade wind, and falling in with the S.W. wind, which prevails about the Cape Verd Islands. The heat at night, thermometer 82, is very oppressive, so much so, that I can hardly bear even a sheet over me. 19th. This day has been marked by a fearful accident. We had been all anxiously looking out for fish, and endea- vouring to catch men of war by means of buckets, and had just succeeded in capturing one (which I shall describe by and by), when a boy, in the act of throwing out a bucket, became entangled in the rope attached to it, and was dragged overboard. A sailor looking on, instantly jumped into the sea, and by assisting and encouraging the youngster, until a boat was lowered, saved his life. Providentially the day was calm, and the boy had great presence of mind, and swam pretty well, though he had all his clothes on, except his shoes. The brave fellow, who risked his life for the lad, is George Southern, son of a respectable man living at Bray ; his ami- able and obliging temper had rendered him a general favourite previously to this occurrence, which of course has not lowered him in the scale of estimation. I was in the cabin when the alarm was given, and on reaching deck, George had made such way towards the boy, who sustained himself boldly, that my only apprehension was that the sharks would meet them. If these monsters were in our track, the bustle and noise from the ship, and the appearance of the boat, kept them at a dis- tance ; it was a scene of intense and awful anxiety. May we all give praise where it is due, and may our praises be accepted ! I threatened to describe the man of war : It consists of a bladder filled with air, from which depend roots or feelers, nearly four feet long. One of the roots of this zoophyte I have now examined with a microscope ; it is no thicker than a thread, transparent, and hollow, with many knots or joints from which other minuter fibres extend. After I had handled these fibres, I experienced a prickly sensation like that of needles in my face, on the application of my hand. This I am unable to account for. I have lately acquired the habit of taking a night bath, by having water pumped over me. The time which I have chosen has been about an hour before 6 midnight, in order to obtain cool and refreshing sleep. Last night, after my bath, I remained a long time on deck en chemise, without any inconvenience whatever. Thermometer yesterday, lat. 15 4', in my sleeping cabin stood at 81 ; in the afternoon 85, and on deck 92 22'. This day we have had a great addition to our live stock, Poor Lass having pre- sented me with nine puppies, five of which were committed to the deep. I have been obliged to keep four, to gratify the urgent solicitations of some of our passengers ; but I fear that the mother has not strength or nutriment sufficient, and milk is a scarce article now on board. The dozen bottles which I had brought with me, boiled, corked, and hermetically sealed, soon became sour ; even Poor Lass, for whose accouchement I had kept it, since it proved unfit for her master, refuses to drink it ; tell this to all whom it may concern. The effects of the heat have been proved on our mutton (the sheep which James killed three days ago being quite offensive, though washed with chloride of lime), and still more lamentably on Poor Lass, who is staggering about, restless and feverish, and half frantic ; at one time coming down to my cabin, at another wandering about the deck, as if in search of something, and paying little attention to her young ones ; indeed her doing so would be of little service, her milk being gone ; I have given her medicine, and whatever else I could think of as possibly serviceable to her. 24th. Poor Lass is no more. I grieve at her death, for she formed a link of associations with home and its inmates. Oh ! how bitter are the thoughts of the exile ! " Every tedious stride I make Will but remember me what a deal of world I wander from the jewels that I love." How often, and with what intense anxiety, do I contemplate successively the many little memorials of affection and friend- ship, which are almost always before me ! Not only those which you, and my father and sister have given, and which are associated in some way or other with all my occupations, whether praying, reading, writing, marking the progress of time, or preparing for eternity ; but those tokens of regard which I have received from comparative strangers. I con- stantly wear a ring which gave me just before I came away. Poor fellow I he could scarcely speak, / could not articulate a syllable. I trust before this, his anxious and affectionate heart has found rest and peace in wedded life ! I dress every day before a glass belonging to a case given me by Miss T . Instances of Mrs. R's kindness are constantly before me. Poor John Maguire (Joseph's old servant), with tears in his eyes, entreated my acceptance of a handsome dark lantern, which he had had for one and twenty years. It is now sus- pended in my cabin, and my reminiscences revert with as much gratification to this keepsake of poor John's, as to any other that I see around me. Furlong's kindness and attention appear in several marks of his friendship. A cabin lamp, fowling-piece, and pair of pistols, an apparatus for kindling an instantaneous light, are suspended in my cabin ; and when I look at these articles, as well as at the books, and many other of his gifts, I am filled with gratitude at his disinter- ested friendship ; but I shall not dwell more upon recollec- tions. I cannot dare to indulge in the " solemn sorrows of suffocating sensibility" as Bridgetina Botherum says, else I should unnerve my mind when it has need of all its fortitude ; and yet, my dear brother, I cannot avoid giving you the ryth- mical produce of my waking thoughts last night, or rather at peep of day this morning, soon after the death of Poor Lass- My melancholy must have vent, aud though there is sad wastry, as Eose Anne would say, as applies to paper, yet, under existing circumstances, I may be allowed to play the fool, if it were only for my beloved sister's sake. She knows when the fit comes on, how hard I find it to resist. Was ever an epitaph on spaniel composed in my present position ? Lat. 11, 12' Here goes : Aye ! give the body to the deep, That universal grave ; There let it sleep the dreamless sleep, Its mound an ocean wave. In losing thee, I've lost a friend, Whose instinct worth, well tried, Could service with affection blend, Though reason was denied. If thou hadst reach'd the looked for land, I hoped to see thee bound With frolic gambols on the strand, And hail the adopted ground. I pictured oft thy mute surprise, When (instinct still the same) New climes had shown thy wond'ring eyes Some unaccustomed game. I thought to see thee at my side, Watch the uplifted gun Or view thee in thy race of pride But now thy race is run. Wakeful guard 'gainst nightly spoil, Companion of the day ; Cheerful partner of my toil, Thou'rt call'd, and must obey. What meant that last, that wistful gaze, When at thy masters' tread, Thy little strength was meant to raise The drooping, dying head? Was it in hope his essayed skill E'en yet might bring relief ? His power accords not with his will, He could but vent his grief. Or was it meant as to commend Thy new born young bereft ? Could substituted care befriend A progeny thus left ? Th' Equator's sun weak ill-timed brood ! Has drain'd your fountain dry ; And here no artificial food Can nature's store supply. Poor victim of a torrid clime, Where e'en to breathe is pain, Cut off in all thy vigour's prime, Thou'rt gone ; regret is vain. The wise may think 'tis weak in me, To grieve ; so let it pass : But yet I feel, in losing thee, I've lost a friend Poor Lass. Sunday, 25th. Read church service and a sermon as usual. Robert has absented himself on this and the preceding Sunday, without any good or apparent cause; I must remonstrate ; strongly impressed myself with the many mercies of a kind Providence, and the dependence of His creatures on Him for each moment of their existence, every circumstance of their prosperity, and every hope of future happiness, I consider myself involved in the fate of those who have accompanied me, and bound to confirm them, as far as I am able, in religious principles and observances. Weather fine, but warm and close ; a numerous shoal of porpoises have come rushing towards the ship with great violence. "They are just like sheep sporting in a field," said Letty, and it was not a bad simile for their boundings and gambols ; and although it was comical enough to see these animals floundering about, I could not help feeling some alarm on the recollection of an observation Captain Cook makes somewhere in his voyages, " that the playing of 10 porpoises* round the ship was a certain indication of an ap- proaching gale ;" this remark made by so experienced a sea- man was calculated to excite apprehension in a landsman. 25th. This day has been delicious one of heavy incessant rain, welcomed by the crew, passengers, and every living animal on board ; it is the first heavy rain of any consequence we have had since we sailed, and as our allowance of water has been very limited, we all eagerly prepared for a general ablution of clothes. Letty's obliging temper has been taken full advantage of, every one applying to her in difficulties, and she does everything in her power to accommodate. We have saved much of the rain, and I have bottled a large sup- ply for my own use. 28th. During the few preceding days, the air has been cool wind variable, and sometimes foul. A dolphin went off with a line and hook in his stomach this day. I fear that he will suffer from dyspepsia. "We had been complaining of the monotony of our time, " one day telling another and one night certifying another," when a vessel was descried ; conjecture became immediately busy, and her movements and appearance were watched with intense interest. 29th. At length we communicated by signals with the strange sail, which proved to be not a pirate, as we had dreaded, but the brig Harriet, bound for Buenos Ayres. * This prognostic (for I believe there is some such notion prevalent) may have arisen merely from the superstition of seamen. Shakspeare, with his admirable accuracy of observation has alluded to this belief. EDITOE. " 3rd Fisherman. Faith, master, I am thinking of the poor men that were cast away before us, even now. 1st Fisherman. Alas, poor souls ! it grieved my heart to hear what pitiful cries they made to us to help them, when, well-a-day, we could scarce help ourselves. 3rrf Fisherman. Nay, master, said I not as much when I saw the porpus, how ho bounced, and tumbled ? They say they are half-fish, half-flesh ; a plague on them, they never come but I look to be washed." SQth. I slept uncommonly well last night, which I attri- bute to my having taken a cold bath immediately before re- tiring to bed ; breeze unfavourable, lat. 6 42' at noon. It is not recommended to come closer to the coast than 18 long. We are now opposite Sierra Leone, and are entertained by the sailors with agreeable tales of the corsairs, seven of whom, my story tellers asserted, they have seen beheaded at Cadiz. Our determination is to fight manfully, if we should be attacked by an equal force ; if by an overwhelming one, to submit quietly at once. Some of these pirates have eighty men and ten or twelve guns ; we have but twenty men and two six pound carronades, and small arms. Augitst 1st. Fine morning. Breeze strong. Found that we had made but nine miles southing since yesterday. Eead prayers, and an excellent sermon of Burder's. This admirable preacher of a pure religion must have done wonders with his parishioners. I give him the credit of the manifest reform which appears to have taken place in my congregation ; he cannot be read or heard without interest and improvement. He speaks to the heart more in the eloquence of feeling than language ; but whatever he says, he strongly impresses. His sermon on the text, " Christ is the way," is calculated to make a man a Christian, and to keep him one. On these occasions all on board regularly attend, with three or four exceptions.* 2nd. I have been occupied most of this day in writing * I cannot too strongly applaud the conduct of Mr. Moore in this respect ; nor too warmly recommend the imitation of it to others similarly circum- stanced. Every person, however humble in ability, may be the instrument of incalculable benefit. Let him take a few Bibles, Prayer-books, and well- selected volumes of sermons ; let him produce and use them on the Sabbath, and in his own little circle keep the day holy. He may at first meet with in- difference or opposition, but let him persevere, as in the instances ot Buchanan and Henry Martin, and he will at length be listened to with reverential atten- tion. Sailors have strong impressions of religion ; and the ocean is a scene, of all others, the most likely to excite the adoration of Him, " who weigheth the waters by measure." EDITOR. 12 out the foregoing part of my journal, in the hope of its being conveyed to my sisters. It is inconceivable what a pleasure- able interest I take in it. Since this notion has come into my head, it is no longer to me a mere dry record of each day's progress, and its passing events. It is my medium of com- munication with my dear girls ; and though the voyage be barren of incidents, it will, I know, be valued as a memorial, from its writer as a transcript of his thoughts. How often and how intensely do I think of you all ! The north star is almost invisible, and only the tail of ursa major can be seen. A breeze has split our fore-topsail, but this is a trifle. We are now supposed to have caught the first of the trade wind, which blows strong from S.E., and must, in consequence, shape our course towards South America, and we experience more motion than at any other period of our voyage. The vessel lies more on her side, which renders our position, either sitting or standing, an em- barrassing one. Everything is kept on the table by means of raised ledges, placed at equal distances. The sun is strong but the breeze cooling. Thermometer 70 to 82, lat. 4 39'. Several of Mother Carey's chickens were flying near the vessel at dusk. Certes if they go home to sleep, it will be late bed-time with them, for we are several hundred miles from land. I take a great deal of exercise on deck, swinging on the ropes by the hands, legs, arms, and jumping over one of my feet held in the opposite hand. These gymnasticising exer- cises are of great benefit to me. You may tell this to Huguenin when you see him. Several of the passengers, and sailors also, amused themselves to a very late hour with dif- ferent sorts of sports, hunt the slipper, and other playful exercises, with which they were much delighted. I took a pump bath at midnight and found the water rather cold. 5th. Approaching the line ; certainly the line of heat is in lat. 10 or 11, for our weather here, lat. 2 11', is quite cool. 13 6th. We have crossed the line without witnessing any of those wonderful sights which landsmen are taught to expect. There was neither a well-stretched line in the air, nor a white streak on the waters ; nor did the needle tremble, nor the ship groan, nor the heavens give any peculiar indications. We sailed along at the rate of four knots an hour, on a cool and pleasant day, over an unruffled sea ; and it was only by ob- servation at noon that we ascertained our having crossed the mystic boundary. We are promised a visit at night from Neptune, on passing his peculiar territory. 9th. Last night I got a view, for the first time, of the Southern Cross, a beautiful constellation, which corresponds with the Plough or Bear of the northern hemisphere; its shaft points to the south pole, and at midnight it is vertical. All the stars here appear with greater splendour than in our part of the northern hemisphere) the sky being cloudless, and the atmosphere clear. After admiring the brilliancy of Venus until eleven o'clock, I bathed, and retired to rest about mid- night. I have not told you exactly how my day passes on board : We rise about six ; and breakfast on coffee, biscuit, and cold meat, or fried pork and rice, about eight ; sometimes on stirabout and molasses : after breakfast, I read and write (occasionally going on deck to see any novelty which may occur there), and at three sit down to a very fair dinner with the captain, the first and second mates, and Messrs. Codd and Nolan. We take tea at candle light (the sun setting at six), and from seven until bed-time, I usually remain on deck, star-gazing, gyuinasticising on the ropes, or chatting with some of the passengers. Before leaving Europe I was cautioned against heavy night dews, but I have not experienced any vapours, though re- maining on deck until nearly twelve every night, and fre- quently standing for a considerable time en chemise after a cold bath. Time passes slowly with some persons on board, 14 but with me its course appears rapid ; and when I look back I am surprised at the lapse of days since I left land. 18^. Last night the appearance of Jupiter, when rising above the horizon, was so singular, that many persons (think- ing of pirates) cried out in alarm, " a light, a light ;" his rapid ascent in the heavens, however, soon put an end to conjec- tures. Our course is now S.E. direct for the Cape many birds have been flying about us. 2Qth. What a busy day this is with you preparing for grouse shooting. Shall I ever shoot grouse with you again ? As I have nothing else to do, I must scribble poetry on the occasion. FIRST DAY OF THE SHOOTING SEASON AT SEA. Oh, what a spirit-stirring day For me would this have been, Had I on land been doomed to stay ; But here, how changed the scene ! I tread not now the heathy plains, Nor climb the mountain's side, Where undisturb'd the moor-cock reigns In solitary pride. My path is on the trackless wave, And through the billowy foam ; Where ocean birds together have Their cradle and their tomb. But memory dwells on that dear sound, The cheerful, welcome home ; When amidst friends those joys were found Which ne'er again may come. But, home and friends, where shall I find ? Henceforth 'twill be my part To seek for friends within my mind ; My home must be my heart. 15 Sept. 1st. While fishing with a piece of pork as bait, a Cape pigeon caught the hook in his bill and was pulled up. Porpoises, and an albatross about the ship. Weather cold, like the month of March. Thermometer 52. Drew the qwttt over me for the first time for many weeks. llth. A heavenly day, like one of our autumn days; but rather too calm for our impatience the Cape being within less than a hundred miles. Great cleaning out of the ship preparatory to our arrival. 13th. The breeze has, most provokingly, freshened to a gale, and we are obliged to keep off land, for there is no shel- ter from this wind in Table Bay. It is most tantalising to be within view of the light-house and flag-staff on the moun- tain, and then to recede from them. l^th. After a storm last night, which to my inexperienced eye was sufficiently terrible, the wind has moderated, and we are now standing in for the Bay ; straining our eyes to have the first peep of African scenery, turning the glass towards every flat-roofed villa as it appears on the shore, and gazing as we near the quays, at the great teams of twelve or fourteen oxen drawing waggons. ##*##* 2Qth. We are now under weigh for Australia. I have brought some cuttings of vine and fig trees in earth, and pumpkin and orange seeds. 25th. A week has now elapsed since we left Cape Town, and we have made no progress, but have rather gone back- wards ; so difficult is it sometimes to weather the Cape. We may now have to run to the fortieth degree of south latitude before we meet with a west wind. I have stumbled upon a pamphlet written by Dr. Macart- ney, 1810, on the luminous appearance of the sea. He de- scribes one luminous animalcule like a shrimp so far his microscopic observations agree with mine ; but he does not conjecture (as I do) that the small globules are the spawn, 16 which afterwards assume the tadpole, and subsequently the fish shape. I wish I had seen his pamphlet before, as I should then have observed more closely. 28th. What a night has passed ! Incessant thunder, lightning, and wind, accompanied with torrents of rain and hailstones of a very large size. Sleep was out of the question. I was frequently on deck to observe the vivid flashes of elec- tric matter, which illuminated the ocean around ; and on one or two occa sions I saw a steady light, which sailors call Jack-o'-the lanthern, continuing at least ten minutes on the mast-head. During this storm we sailed ten knots an hour, shipping a tremendous sea occasionally. Do you ever think of me ? I hope you do, at least in your morning and evening petitions to the Throne of Grace. I think of you, and pray for you every time that I offer up my prayers and thanksgivings for myself. October 1st. I have been in a poetical mood again; yet dissatisfied with the labours of my brain. Last night (when I wrote them) I thought my lines sublime, " But in the morning cool reflection came." To-day I think some of them bordering on the ridiculous. Between the two, you know, there is but a step ; you shall have them, however, but please to bear situation and circum- stances in mind. I was alone on the deck on a beautiful moon-shining night, when the poetical afflatus seized me. Whatever the character of the poetry may be, these lines are faithfully indicative of my feelings, and of the communion which subsists between my head and heart : I gaze on the moon I gaze on the moon As at home I have gazed of yore ; But the change of scene, and the space between, Make me feel the same pleasure no more. For it brings to mind the land of my birth, And it painfully brings to mind My solitude here, and the friends so dear, For ever perhaps left behind. 17 And it brings to naind, oh ! it brings to mind, Happy hours that are now gone by ; The blush and the smile, as I gazed the while On the light of a soft blue eye. And it makes me feel, oh ! it makes me feel, The loss of those earlier years ; When hearts are so light, and hope is so bright, And nothing but pleasure appears. Then the moon looks lone, and I feel as lone, How could it otherwise be ? There's nothing on high, but a starless sky, And here there's nothing but sea. And that passing cloud, and that passing cloud, Whose gloom as it low'rs, I now mark, Is the transient shade which sorrow has made, When the prospect around looks dark. It brightens again, it brightens again, And how clear is the blue serene ! The cloud passes on, the shadow is gone, Was ever so placid a scene ? So is it with hope, thus is it with hope, For hope seems to me like the moon ; Its look is so soft, it changes so oft, And it darkens and brightens as soon. Hope saves from despair, hope conquers despair, And enlivens the surrounding gloom : Its abiding ray fadeth not away, But shines even on to the tomb. Then rouse thee my heart, and cheer thee my heart, And let all thy hopes still be green ; For oh ! thou shalt not by friends be forgot, Though distance and time intervene. But prepare to meet, be ready to meet What good or what ill may befall, Whatever betide, be it still thy pride To be calm and resign'd in all. 18 Are you as the dead ? has all pleasure fled ? Are there no joys for those who roam ? Can no place on earth but the place of our birth Be called by the sweet name of home ? From its native clay, from its native clay We transplant to a genial soil The vigorous shoot, lo ! it soon takes root, And will amply repay our toil. Though it pine at first though it pine at first With regret for its parent bed, The bright sunny clime, and propitious time, Will raise up its fallen head. Friends hallow a spot Love hallows a spot, But bliss is to no spot confin'd ; "Tis here, or 'tis there, 'tis everywhere, Its dwelling place is in the mind. Let us make a home, let us make a home, Wherever our lot may be cast ; Let us new friends find, bear the old in mind, And cherish the days that are past. So shine on sweet hope, and shine bright sweet hope, And if the sky darken, why then, We'll look for the ray of that promis'd day, When friends may all meet once again. 5th. Nothing worthy of note has occured of late ; we have fine weather, a smooth sea, and a favourable wind. 13th. I have my expectations excited, from hearing that a great flaming cross is frequently seen in our present position, lat. 38, long. 67 35 X at midnight. I have seen it, but with great disappointment. It is composed of many stars, of no extraordinary brilliancy. The sky has not been clear for some time ; and it was only last night that I saw it in its erect position at midnight. I also saw the Pleiades, a beautiful constellation, the sight of which (so powerful is the association of ideas) led my 19 thoughts far, far from the present scene to our little study, and boyish days, when we conned over Virgil and Ovid; and, heartily sick of their Pleiades and " Aquosus Orion," wished them at the bottom of the sea. I little thought then, that it would be my subsequent fate to gaze on these beautiful constellations on the wide ocean. I need not recall to you that exquisite expression of Job, which may challenge comparison with any of the ancient poets, " Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades or loose the bands of Orion ?" a passage which Milton has borrowed and appropriated : " The Pleiades before him danced, Shedding sweet influence." You see I am not totally idle, but make some use of the few books which I have packed up. ISth. I have had a dream of home, and here you have a poetical version of my visions of the night : When gentle slumber seals my eyes, And dreamy thoughts are free as air, Back, back to home my fancy flies, And fondly, fondly lingers there. Methought, that when some years had pass'd, I trod again my native shore, And forward still my looks were cast, Till I had reach'd my home once more. But over all there seemed a change Save over my own mind alone ; And there were many faces strange Amidst a few I once had known. 1 miss'd the old sequester' d spot, The fav'rite walk, the well-known tree ; And, somehow, flowers and shrubs were not Where mem'ry said they ought to be. And faithful unchanged mem'ry sought Familiar looks alas ! in vain Time had been there, and time had brought New scenes, new faces, in his train. C 2 20 Can this, I said, can this be home- That home I've longed so much to see ? In such brief space do changes come, Or is the change alone in me ? * Deep darkness o'er my spirit came, My troubled soul was wrapp'd in shade, Till one dear sound thrill'd through my frame When music lent her soothing aid. For there was one who struck a chord And waked a well-remembered sound, Which like a spell broke sorrows ward, And then, and then my home was found. 20th. We have been watching the land (which is about thirty miles distant) since dinner time, and are now running parallel with it ; we hope to anchor to-morrow. I have been searching for my tents and iron bedsteads, and getting my packages into order. This voyage, which once appeared interminable, now draws to a close ; and though fifteen weeks have elapsed since I left Dublin, the time has passed more rapidly and agreeably than I could have believed to be possible. I do not recollect to have been so fat at any other period of my life, and am in perfect health. Even my cheeks have plumped out, and I have no longer the sallow visage of the student, but the ruddy hue of the farmer. A freedom from anxiety of mind, and professional occupation, may probably be the cause of my being so fat ; however, an active life of rural industry will soon rid me of superabundant flesh. 29th. There has been almost a dead calm since yesterday, until within this last two hours. "We are now advancing towards the coast, which has an undulating and very pleasing * This reference is to my sister Catherine playing a piece of music which we had often practised together, she on the piano, I on the flute. 21 appearance, like gentlemen's parks. We can plainly distin- guish clumps of trees on the low lands in front ; and in the back grounds a range of hills, apparently twenty-five or thirty miles distant. All our people are in high spirits but we are obliged to put about, and stand off, as our charts are not per- fect enough to assure us of our proper landing-place. 30th. We are now at anchor in Cockburn Sound, near Garden Island ; which, except for the greenness and the foliage, does not deserve the appellation. Why it is so called I cannot conjecture, unless it be according to the accommodating rule, which so satisfactorily accounts for every misnomer, best known by its example lucus a non lucendo. The soil on the beach is sandy ; the view around is beautiful, the land having sufficient diversities. The entrance to Cockburn Sound is attended with some difficulty to strangers ; but new charts have been sent home, laying down all the soundings, &c., &c. It is a fine harbour when you reach it. Nov. 9th. More than a week has passed since I came here; but such a week ! So many new scenes, new people, new languages and manners, incidents and accidents ! I have waited on the governor ; been at the head of the Swan River, and in a conflict with a tribe of natives ; accom- panied a party, which chased them for miles through the woods, where they had been making merry with plunder ; and after seeing one native shot, and three wounded, assisted in bringing seven prisoners to Perth. To-morrow I shall set off for the Canning River, my object being to procure a grant at once, if possible, as I do not wish to be at unnecessary expense in keeping my people. Letty has come ashore with a hen under each arm ; and James has brought the sow, sheep, and goat. The weather is roastingly hot, but not oppressive. And now safe on shore, " Prima mei pars est exacta laboris." THE COLONY. APPEARANCE OF THE COUNTRY CONFLICT WITH THE NATIVES THE NATIVES DESCRIED DIFFICULTIES OF SOME OF THE SETTLERS PRO- SPECTS OF THE COLONY THE SCENERY ON CANNING RIVER FRE- MANTLE HINTS TO SETTLERS NKCESSAKIES AND SUPERFLUITIES ...; OBTAIN A GRANT AT THE HEAD OF THE SWAN RIVER. Nov. 12^, 1830. I SEIZE the opportunity of almost the first leisure moment which I have had here, to give you. a hurried account of my proceedings and prospects up to this time. -We anchored in Cockburn Sound 011 this day fortnight, and Oil the evening of the same day landed on Garden Island, where the first thing that struck us was the very unpromis- ing appearance of the soil (which seemed to be little else than white sand) and the singularity of tolerably good crops, or rather patches, of peas, barley, turnips, radishes, &c., which it produced. On Sunday we reached the mainland, where (on the beach) the embryo town of Fremantle is situated. ' I was anxious to see the governor without loss of time, and therefore proceeded to Perth, about twelve miles up the river, in the boat of Mr. Brown, the Colonial Secretary, from whom I have received the kindest and most hospitable attention. In consequence of some depredations committed by the natives on the upper part of Swan Eiver, Mr. Brown pro- ceeded thither, accompanied by a few soldiers, and 1 took the advantage of going with him to that part of the country, but have not now time to give you a minute detail of our proceed- ings. Some natives were detected in the act of plundering a house, and enjoying the spoil, and seven were taken and 23 brought prisoners to Perth, where they were kindly treated and dismissed after a detention of a few days. It is hoped that the lesson taught them on this occasion^ the superiority they must have perceived in our weaponsi strength, and co-operation, with their subsequent kind treat- ment, may prevent any lurther annoyance from them. They are rather active than strong, slender in the limbs, but broad in the chest ; and though generally far from being well-look- ing, yet not deserving the epithet of hideous, which has been applied to them ; and they are quick of apprehension, and capable of reflecting on the difference between our manners and customs and their own, in a degree which you would scarcely expect. At King George's Sound, they call their wives by a name which sounds to us appropriate, " yoke," yokefellow. I have sketched for you Too-legat Wanty and his " yoke," who was in rather an interesting state when we saw her, which she intimated to us with very little reserve. At her back she carries the bag containing some roots which they eat after roasting and pounding. At King George's Sound, it is said that they never molest white peo- ple, but they have deadly feuds with each other, tribe against tribe ; if one person be killed, or even dies a natural death, it is an ordinance of their religion to sacrifice a victim from another tribe, just to preserve the balance of power. One of our natives slept with his head on my knee in the boat, but not till he had asked permission, which I gave him; first taking the precaution of spreading paper on my trowser s to save them from the grease and red earth with which his hair was dressed. I next went up the Canning Eiver, my object being to obtain a grant without loss of time, and to take my people to it, but I find it difficult to get one. The only land available for present purposes is on and near the banks of the rivers : all this is now allotted on both sides of each river, almost to their source ; but an offer is frequently made of giving one 24 half to a new settler, on condition of his performing the loca- tion duties sufficient to secure the whole. I have an offer of this kind on the banks of the Swan Eiver, and think of ac- cepting it ; if I do not, I must explore beyond the mountains, where a fine country is said to have been discovered twenty- five miles to the south, where three rivers fall into a lake, and thence into the sea, or still farther to the south to Port Vasse, or Cape Leschenhault ; or it may be to Cape Lewin, where the soil and climate are good and the harbour is excel- lent. These, of course, are only my unarranged notions on the subject, not grounded yet on any firm foundation ; for I have not been long enough here to form any decided opinion as to soil, situation, or probabilities. In general, the higher you go up the Swan Eiver, which is an estuary, the better is the adjacent land, which is overflowed in winter, and like all alluvial soil productive for summer pasture. As to Mr. Eraser's account, I have no doubt it is strictly true, respecting every part which he describes ; but it would not be safe to rely upon it, as a general description of the land. Much disappointment has been felt by many over-sanguine persons here, who thought they had nothing more to do than scratch the ground and sow. I'ut there are many difficulties to surmount ; the proper seasons for sowing are scarcely yet ascertained ; from this circumstance many have failed alto- gether in their crops, which throws them on their capital for another year, and but few have been able to raise as much as is sufficient for their own consumption. I have seen two or three good fields of wheat, maize, barley, oats, and rye, and I have every reason to believe that crops of all sorts will thrive here with moderate care ; melons, cucumbers, pumpkins, cabbages, peas, and all the ordinary garden vegetables, have been already produced. Our vessel was the first that came during the season ; and being just in time, everything sold enormously high. If this colony be supported as it ought, during the trying period of 25 its infancy, I am convinced, from all I hear, that it will suc- ceed. Cockburn Sound is an excellent harbour in winter ; Gage's Eoads in summer. From the nature of the coast, the climate, and the relative circumstances of the interior, it is unlikely that another harbour so good will be found in this quarter. All the rivers in this neighbourhood seem to be small, and to have bar harbours. A river has lately been discovered, beyond the range of hills running to the north- west. Beyond those hills, the interior, for forty or fifty miles back, has an undulating appearance, and is then succeeded by plains good for pasture. On this side, the only good pasture is on the alluvial flats, which are flooded every winter. Those who speculate on keeping large flocks speak of going next summer over the hills, which are of trifling elevation, and present no serious obstacle to carriage, or the formation of roads, when the colony is strong enough to make or require them. The expense and labour of conveying goods up the river, at present, is very great ; boats in summer must be un- loaded, and dragged over the flats, but above these the water is deep, and the navigation only occasionally impeded by fallen trees, which may easily be removed. Every settler should have a boat, and learn how to manage it. Friday 19th. I wrote the foregoing observations at the house of Captain Irwin, from whom I have received the greatest kindness. I have since been up the Canning h'iver, about a mile above the navigable part, to look at some grants which are undisposed of. The country there is beautiful, covered or rather studded with magnificent trees, but the sub- stratum is ironstone, the clay strongly impregnated with it, hard and unmanageable, and having very little grass on it, which (for immediate use) is the chief requisite. Besides, the river there is salt in summer, and fresh water it is diffi- cult to find. The Canning (with this exception) is located up to the mountains. It is intended to build a town near its source, where there is some fine ground. 26 About Fremantle, where I am now sitting, in my tent, the land is mere sand ; but we must not judge of this by similar- looking places at home, for all vegetables flourish on it, and cattle thrive on the herbage, scanty though it be. Until you have gone above Perth, the ground is of the same nature ; it changes to alluvial flats, and the higher grounds consist of sandy loam of different qualities. Brick and pottery clay is abundant, and they are making bricks in many places, which will soon supersede wood as a material for building. I saw a wooden house burned down some nights ago, and have therefore a dread of one a mud edifice for me. The great mistake committed by settlers has been bringing too many articles of machinery and implements, which are not necessary, or suited to the soil. Some ploughs, cars, saws, and mill machinery are lying even yet on the beach. If I were coming again, I should content myself with grub- bing hoes, felling axes (mine are too long and narrow), spades, some kitchen utensils, plenty of provisions, and a hammock ; these would do to begin with. Those who brought great ap- paratus and stock were sadly burdened with the first, and did not know what to do with the second. Many of their cattle ran into the bush and were lost, and some of the more delicate died from want of care and fodder on ship-board, or on landing. The emigrant should not encumber himself with any super- fluous articles ; let him bring plenty of provisions and a few common utensils for cooking them ; no cattle from England ; very little furniture, and that of the strongest and most portable kind ; no large packages ; every thing in stout square boxes, not exceeding 2 cwt. each; and he should keep as much of his property as possible in cash, which in many cases clears 25 per cent. 25th. I have taken half of Mr. Lamb's grant ; it is nearly at the head of the navigable part of the Swan Eiver; how it may look after enduring the heat of the summer I know not but it had a fine appearance when I was there. It is singular 27 that it is just about the spot where we had the skirmish with the natives. There are several very respectable persons settled near it, and there is now a party of soldiers stationed there. Since I wrote the first part of this, two vessels have arrived from Van Diemen's Land, with provision, which has caused a most beneficial effect on prices ; other ships are expected soon, so that we shall have plenty ; but it is evident that, until the colony is able to produce something substantial for its support, we must depend on contingencies and have a fluctuating market. That it will succeed ultimately, I have not the least doubt ; but we shaH have two or three years of hard struggling to contend with. The servants I brought with me are all happy, contented, and healthy, and it must be my care to keep them so. As to myself, with the excep- tion of several scrapes, cuts and bruises on my hands from dragging, carrying, and other works (for I have not spared myself), I never was in better health thanks to the benefi- cent Giver of it. I have not as yet suffered any difficulty or privation, which I think worthy of mentioning. I hope to get all my luggage and articles to Perth on Monday ; paying 5 for taking one boat-load so far, and I must then push them over the flats. I have endeavoured (without regard to the connexion of my sentences, which I have not time to reduce into order) to give you my first impressions, neither disguising nor over- looking any thing, so far as it goes, good and bad, you may depend upon the accuracy of my report. When leisure and and time may permit, I shall write more satisfactorily. Yours ever, &c. &c. THE COLONY. CAPABILITIES OF THE COLONY SCARCITY OF CATTLE KANGAROO HUNT LOSES HIMSELF IN THE BUSH SITES OF NEW TOWNS ASPECT OF THE COUNTRY MARKETS. 8^ December, 1830. THIS letter goes by the Cruiser to India, whence there may be an early opportunity for its transmission to England ; so that, in all probability, it may reach you before my last of the 23rd November, which was accompanied by the continu- ation of my journal, and contained my first impressions of this place. I should not be sorry if it were so, for I can write now rather more satisfactorily with respect to several matters. I have since agreed with Mr. Lamb to take the half of his grant on the left bank of the Swan Eiver, on condition of expending so much on my part as will secure the whole. I walked all over the front ground near the river, some days since, and it seems to be good. It is generally considered so, and above the average of neighbouring land ; but I cannot speak more particularly at present. A vein of good soil has been discovered on the banks of a river called the Avon, behind the hills, on which many of the settlers are selecting their grants. I have got one upon that river towards the south. All the lands up the Swan and Canning have been long since granted ; but some of the grantees have left the colony, and their lands may be resumed by the Government, if not occupied, at the expiration of the year. I have spoken to some practical farmers, who have not the slightest doubt that the colony posseses every capability, both for agriculture and 29 grazing, and though the pasture lands on this side of the hills are not extensive, there is an unlimited tract behind them, and at no great distance. Two or three vessels have come in since I first wrote, and the prices of provisions and clothing are now moderate. Cattle are very dear, though we daily expect arrivals from Hobart Town. Good cows are as high as 25, though some have been purchased for 12. It is not advisable to bring stock from England ; freight and casualties make them come too expensive. A vessel is to sail for the Mauritius in about three weeks, when I hope to write more fully. At present I am unwilling to take the responsibility of advising any one to come out ; but I have met with no diffi- culties for which I was not prepared. I went out some days ago, about four miles off, to hunt kangaroos ; we huntsmen saw five, but the dogs never got sight of them. 1 went astray returning, and no wonder, for nothing is more perplexing than walking in the bush ; you have no object to steer by, except your shadow or a compass; the one is always changing with the day, and the other may mislead, unless you keep your eye constantly upon it. The country is most singular, but does not possess those features of extreme interest which I expected ; there is (as far as I have seen) great sameness in the scenery, and several parties which have been beyond the mountains (perhaps to the dis- tance of 100 milesj report the scenery to be of the same character undulating ground and extensive plains; but no very striking object, no large rivers, no lakes of any extent and the low lands are subject to floods in winter. The river on which I have my grant from Government has been but lately discovered, and is not, I believe, navigable ; it runs strongly in winter, and forms a series of pools and shallows in summer ; its course is to the north-west, the more northerly part being nearest the Swan Kiver, but the better ground along its banks lying more to the south ; on this has been 30- laid out the site of three towns ; Northam said to be about twenty-eight miles from the head of the Swan; York ten miles farther, and Beverly (close to which is my grant,), ten miles more ; this I know only from an unfinished map. We are to have a monthly conveyance by boat for our goods, up to the head of the river. A store has been estab- lished at Guildford, a few miles from this, where we are sure of procuring a temporary supply of the necessaries of life, when it may be inconvenient to obtain them from Perth. Prices are now moderate. I have bought sugar at seven- pence, rice at twopence-halfpenny, and coffee at eightpence per pound, arrack at six shillings and sixpence per gallon ; rum is a dearer article, generally twelve shillings and six- pence per gallon; it is allowed as a daily ration to the servants, who have got into the habit . of demanding it, and grumbling if refused. Ever yours, &c., &c. THE COLONY. .SOIL OF THE COUNTRY ALLUVIAL FLATS VEGETABLE PRODUCTIONS THE GRASS TREE QUADRUPEDS BIRDS AND FISH CLIMATE INSECTS RAPIDITY OF PRODUCTION AND DECAY REPTILES THE NATIVES THE SETTLERS JURISDICTION OF THE GOVERNOR CATTLE THE AUTHOR'S HOUSE DESCRIBED. March 5 who went with us to examine the Sound, in order to ascer- tain whether it be adapted to the whale-fishing, considers it highly eligible for that purpose, and intends to attempt it immediately. I hope he will succeed ; it would be a chief means of giv- ing stability to the colony. I trust that we shall yet be en- abled to avail ourselves of the advantages, quce largo, profundit fcecundo Natura sinu. As we were working out of Augusta Bay, we saw many seals of the most valuable species upon the rocky islands of Cape Lewin : in truth, this colony only requires that its natural advantages should be turned to ac- count, in order to vie with any other. It was the intention of Captain Irwin to call at Vasse ; and he also contemplated a visit to the Murray Eiver, for the purpose of inspecting that outport, but a foul wind frustrated these purposes. A river called the Donnelly, fresh at the mouth, and hav- ing ten feet of water at the bar, is said to have been seen by Mr. Preston, falling into the sea, about thirty miles east of Augusta. Lf this be the case (which I doubt) it differs very much from every other known river in this climate ; to coun- teract the force of the salt water at the mouth, it must have a powerful stream. 1 was anxious to persuade Captain Irwin to trace it; but as the captain of the Mien informed us that his boats were not calculated for such service, we were ob- liged to relinquish the attempt, and leave to others the fame of exploring it. It was not until the evening of the 3rd that we cleared Flinder's Bay, off Augusta; next day we arrived at Fremantle 168 about noon, and in the evening reached Perth, where I was detained until Thursday (the 7th). On my arrival at home I found everything right. The servants informed me that they had never seen such heavy torrents of flooding rain since their arrival in the colony : this wetting has prepared the arid soil for crops ; and I shall im- mediately plant potatoes. We have always had some rain in March, but not so much as on the late occasion. Indeed, we are only now acquiring knowledge of the seasons and the method of managing our crops. 13th. On this day I sat on the bench from ten until six, in a crowded court. I had a list of forty-two cases for argu- ment, questions of cost, &c. 14th. On the bench again all day. 15th. Ditto. Our colonists are becoming fonder of law every day. Besides the excitement of litigation, three houses have been destroyed by fire. As they were constructed of inflammable materials, every thing which they contained of furniture and clothes was totally consumed. During the progress of the conflagration, the Swan Eiver natives had a row among themselves, and speared two of their own women and one man very severely. Yet this occasion afforded me strong indication of the good feeling of these people ; for I never before witnessed more genuine sensibility than was manifested by the husband of one of the women (a very young and pretty one, however) ; though wounded him- self, he bore her in his arms to the hospital, and sat beside her all day, supporting her on his bosom. I hope that they will all recover; though some of their wounds are "deep. The cause of the outrage has not been ascertained. I was preparing to come away on Friday, when a messen- ger arrived to inform me that the natives had set fire to Mr. Shaw's hay, and driven away my sheep. The report I did not fully credit ; and on arriving at home, found that the rumour regarding the abstraction of my sheep had originated 169 in their having stayed away during the night, while under the care of a black man whom I now have with me ; they re- turned like dutiful truants in the morning. Captain Irwin, and Captain Ellis, superintendent of the native tribes, have investigated the particulars of what had occurred relative to the hay, to discover whether it had been destroyed designedly by the natives, or by accident. I rode with these gentlemen to the spot, about three miles distant ; it appeared that the fire was not accidental, for three ricks, at a distance from each other, were consumed by unconnected fires. We have, in consequence, a post of soldiers overlook- ing the plain on which the mischief was committed. 18^. At an early hour this morning I had a visit from seven natives ; and seventeen more came in the course of the day. I have hired a new shepherd at 2 per month, and have had a litter of nine pigs ! These have been my last domestic changes of great importance. IVth. While wandering about to-day with a gun on my shoulder, 1 met a gentleman who informed that the natives killed a valuable mare belonging to Mr. Tanner, at Wood- bridge, yesterday, in revenge it is supposed, for some imagin- ary cause of offence. The same people were perceived on Friday behind my place (soon after the hay was destroyed) on the look out, in all probability, for my flock ; but I keep a steady watch, and shall take my gun with me every day, and observe the precaution of putting a brace of pistols in my belt. We have been on good terms with them every where, so that I cannot imagine the occasion of this mis- chievous outbreak. 21st. I have been trying to burst asunder the stump of a tree in front of the house ; and I shall then be able to make the ground slope gently from the verandah to the river ; but 1 sadly want some of you to assist me in my landscape gar- dening ; I have been for two days burning brushwood and grass near the house, as a preventive against fire. This has 170 a paradoxical sound ; but the removal of the inflammable material is a certain security from conflagration in the cleared quarter, and the young grasses are benefited by this process. After being occupied seven hours in this way, I had several visitors in the evening among them many ladies. In fact, we see more of our friends here in a week, than you do in a month at home. 22nd. Sad chapter of accidents to be recorded ; knocked my head against an angular beam, and cut it through my hat; my dog Carlo jumped at my nose and bit it, by way of show- ing his affection ; and I afterwards cut myself under the eye by the recoil of a hammer ; then burned my thumb and scraped my hand in moving a burning log ; and, by way of grand finale, burned my great toe through my shoe. 23rd. A boat-load of visitors male and female enough to terrify any bachelor out of his wits. Mr. Kingsford, an experienced miller, lately come out, after searching in vain for an eligible mill site with water power, now proposes to cut a deep trench, and lay a pipe from some lagoons behind Perth into the town, to afford him a supply of water. There are some of these lagoons eight miles in circumference, and at no great distance, which he thinks have a communication with each other through the sandy soil, or which may be made to communicate by unexpensive cuts. Mr. K. seems prejudiced against a windmill ; nor does he think that Mr. Kevely's horizontal one can succeed ; and insists that more can be done by gravity than by impulse. 26th. I have just hired a thresher, paying him Is. 6d. a bushel : he threshes five or six bushels a day, so he earns high wages. My wheat is good, and yields well. I wanted to hire a boy also, but his former master would not give him a certificate, because he had left him without previous warning : this is a wholesome check, which was resolved on at an agri- cultural meeting, greatly to the annoyance of some of the servants of the colony. While I was at breakfast, the mes- 171 senger of the Civil Court at Perth came with affidavits, &c., to support an application for a writ against the captain of a vessel, who is about to leave the colony, while there are some unsettled questions of law affecting him. This is one of the few cases in which there is an arrest in civil matters here ; and the writ can only be issued by myself. The same messenger also brought intelligence that a ship had arrived from Hobart Town, but without a mail. This appeared so strange that I determined to ride down and in- quire for myself. True enough not a single letter, parcel, or package has she brought nothing but her own freight of cattle, flour, and potatoes. There is some mystery which we cannot as yet develope ; but the general opinion is, either that another vessel had sailed before her, and had not yet arrived, or that one was about to follow, which would inter- fere with her market. 28th. Went to dine with Mr. Shaw, and had a drive home with Mr. and Mrs. Brockman in a kind of dog-cart. I killed a fine sheep this morning the tivst which I have regularly slaughtered for sale : it is small, 11 Ibs. a quarter but I should not be ashamed to compare it with any mutton in your market. The carpenter and thresher purchased a side at Is. 6d. a pound. It was one of those for which I gave 2 10s., but as I have been paying a shepherd ever since, my profit is not very considerable. Perth, March 3Qth. A man has arrived in breathless haste to announce that the Merope, chartered by Major Nairn, had arrived. Soon afterwards the mail was brought in ; but I cannot express my mortification at not receiving a letter ; but in the envelope of one to Captain Irwin lay your letter, dated Nov. 1831, and another from Mrs. Logan, who had forwarded it. I shall start for Fremantle to-morrow, to ascertain if the articles mentioned in your letter are on board, and if they can be exchanged for sheep, of which the Merope has brought 358 ; but I know not if they be for sale. She has also 172 imported eleven horses, fifteen head of black cattle, twenty goats, fifty tons of potatoes, twenty-five tons of flour, and 200 bushels of seed- wheat ; and the other vessel is freighted with forty tons of flour, and some potatoes ; and both have beef and pork. I shall now enumerate my own stock : Sheep (old and young) ... 66 Cows 8 Horses 2 Pigs 21 Goats 3 Fowls 24 Ducks 5 Dogs 3 Cats 5 It is rumoured that another vessel (the Georgina) is also coming out with stock, and that one from Sydney is bringing out 1,000 sheep. If these grand expectations be realised, we shall soon have stock in abundance, and plenty of seed- wheat and potatoes. April 5th. I went last Tuesday to Fremantie, to see about the chest, pork, &c. ; but they have not been lauded from the vessel. This is provoking ; for, with most feminine curiosity, I longed to open the chest and inspect its contents. By some untoward chance it got into the commissary store at Hobart Town, and Major Nairn had great trouble in effecting its liberation. * * * * * * To-morrow I must go to Perth ; my judicial duties there being important. ****** You know that I have never suffered myself to shut my eyes to the difficulties and inconveniences of my situation ; but rather forced myself to contemplate them in their sternest aspect. The certainty may be painful ; but why 173 should I struggle to conceal from myself that all my former scenes must henceforth be but as a dream of the days that are gone ? Here is my lot cast, Between us there is a gulf fixed (oh how wide !) which few have resolution to cross : yet it is nothing when attempted. It is an excitement, a novelty, a sensation worth the purchasing. To a first settler, the uncertainty of the how, the when, the where, the everything, connected with his prospects, is distracting; but to those coming out to join their friends, what is there but pleasure? I really believe that most persons would think it a change for the better. But it is, as I have more than once observed, too great a responsibility to advise the change. There are now no difficulties in the way of emigration compared with those which the original settlers encountered. We have houses to shelter in, beds to sleep on, inns to quarter at, meat and bread. But as to any of yourselves emigrating how could you leave property, business, friends to lead the life of a rustic ? Could you enjoy such a condition, so widely differing from your present habits and occupations ? It is kind in you to talk of coming out here, to keep me in spirits ; but I know the impracticability of it. If any of you have definite intentions on the subject, write, and demand whatever specific information you desire. I begin to fear that I am bound to this place for life, or for a very long period ; but this is the first time I have dared to express the conviction, even to myself, and I must not dwell on it. *****# The Merope is about to sail. If I should not be able to write more in this packet, accept my concluding prayer, that God may bless you all with health and happiness, and receive the assurance of the health, contentment, and probable prosperity of your affectionate brother, GEORGE MOORE. THE COLONY. ARRIVAL OF LETTERS, ETC. COST OF WHEAT HIGH CHARGES OF MECHANICS COST OF WHEAT RECOLLECTIONS OF HOME SCARCITY OF LABOUR GOVERNMENT SUPPLIES BROILS WITH THE NATIVES LITIGATION EXECUTION OF MIDGEQOROO YAGAN THE NATIVES. April 15A, 1833. I have received your letters and devoured them ; have been buried in newspapers, busied in unpacking, airing, &c., and altogether bewildered, with the variety of occupations and amusements which have come upon me all at once, in addition to my ordinary avocations. I cannot bring my mind to a state of sober regularity without going back a little, getting on my old track, and so habituating myself, by degrees, to the novelties of the road.* I had just opened the chest on Saturday, when Mr. Mackie came for dinner ; and soon after arrived Captain Irwin, to whom I handed his letters, which were packed up along with mine, and we made a regular evening's feast, whilst Mackie, in the meantime, picked fragments of old news out of the papers. My first feelings are those of humiliation and shame for having entertained even a passing doubt of the strength and constancy of your affections, and deep regret at the consciousness of being so undeserving of the affectionate terms in which you all express yourselves, and of the kind * The chest had been sent, via Van Diemen's Land, in the latter end of 1831, but did not reach . its destination by that rout till April, 1833. It contained the letters of nearly twelve months ; and owing to his not having received them before, our emigrant complained in some of his letters of having been neglected by his friends. 175 and considerate acts by which those expressions are con- firmed and realised. I sat down several times since to write, but could not arrange my ideas ; T wanted to say something PARTICULAR to each of you ; I still wish it ; but how to do justice to my own feelings and your affections ! * * * * *** * **** The chest was admirably packed and secured, but the moths forced an entrance ; and I am sorry to say their taste led them to some of the choisest morsels. It is remarkable that they do not appear to have touched anything of blue coloured cloth ; that of olive colour has suffered wofully : a very handsome olive coat, which you sent me, has been sadly riddled by them, and 1 am not chemist enough to unriddle the cause of this preference. This, however, is all the material damage ; but some of the light-coloured jackets have been deprived of their colour by damp, wherever it seems to have reached them. I have already tried the fishing nets without success the trammel net is the only killing one in this part of the river. 13th. I have sketched for you on paper a sort of section view of what my house is intended to be. It appears almost concealed by the verandah, like a man with a broad-brimmed hat drawn down over his face ; but in this climate, shade in summer, and shelter in winter, are equally desirable. When the verandah shall have been made all round, I can enjoy a walk of 164 feet under it. I have been busy laying out my boundary lines, and chaining my grant, which is more than half a mile in breadth along the river, and running several miles back. Mr. Wells came here in the evening, and I sold him six young pigs just weaned, at 15s. apiece, to be paid in wheat, delivered on my account, to the Government stores, at 13s. per bushel, to repay the advances which were some time ago made to us, in 176 proportion to the quantity of ground in cultivation, and which were to be paid in colonial wheat, at 15s. per bushel : it costs nearly 10s. to grow it here, at the present price of labour. 20th. A fire appeared in progress towards Hermitage to-day; and while I was busy watching it, three natives came to me : however, they did no harm, but went quietly away after I had given them some bread. All my men were absent kangaroo hunting, but without success. I have, however, myself caught a little turtle (about half the size of my hand) in the net this is the extent of my success in fishing. I got a bill to-day from our blacksmith for odds and ends, which I hardly knew of, amounting to nearly 3. Oh, for our ould Irish 'blacksmith ! what would he say to 6s. for sharpening the plough-share, and 5s. for pointing a crow- bar ? I sent my praam to a carpenter for repairs, and when it came back it was all split and rent with nails, and it sunk in consequence the same day : for this job the said carpenter had the modesty to ask 30s. He is the same man who wanted from me 7 for mending the wheels of my cart, and putting a bullock-pole to it, without the iron work, which would, perhaps, cost me 3 more. I have now two carpenters (including Eobert) making gates, which will cost me 3 10s. ; twenty-four hurdles have just cost me 7 4s. ; think of these prices ! 25th. My people begin to grumble at not getting meat more than once, and only two glasses of rum in the day ; but I find it quite enough to give them that allowance, and tell them that I shall not alter my system at present, and that in October, when their time of service with me will have concluded, they may better their condition if they can. If hops were to be had here, I should try to brew some beer, which would be wholesorner than rum. I had flattered myself, that, with the help of time and philosophy, the headlong current of my feelings would have 177 been moderated and lowered down even to sluggishness ; but some passing* thought to-day opened a flood-gate which let them rush in upon me like an overwhelming current. I re- membered the scenes of home, and the hour of parting, with a painful minuteness of detail, and a vividness of reality, which fell little short of reality itself. Vain philosophy ! how easily and readily poor human nature resumes its sway when she finds you sleeping on your post ! I wish some of you were here ; I wish all of you were here : no ; 'tis a selfish wish ; this life would not do for any of you. You would be obliged to forget, or at least dispense with, many comforts and refine- ments altogether ; you must endeavour to lose the recollection of your former home, and if possible, of your former friends and feelings. What a task ! how difficult ! how impossible ! yet otherwise no emigrant can be contented and happy here ; * The following lines naturally suggest themselves here. EDITOB. " But ever and anon of griefs subdued There comes a token like a scorpion's sting, Scarce seen, but with fresh bitterness imbued ; And slight withal may be the things which bring Back on the heart the weight which it would fling Aside for ever : it may be a sound A tone of music summer's eve or spring A flower the wind the ocean which shall wound, Striking the electric chain wherewith we are darkly bound. " And how and why we know not, nor can trace Home to its cloud this lightning of the mind ; But feel the shock renew'd, nor can efface The blight and blackening which it leaves behind, Which out of things familiar, undesign'd When least we deem of such, calls up to view The spectres whom no exorcism can bind, The cold the changed perchance the dead anew The mourn'd, the loved, the lost too many ! yet how few ! " Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. N 178 he must not look back after having put his hand to the plough. Imagination paints this sunny clime as the land of fruits ; so it is ! but time, labour, money, skill, and judgment, must combine to raise them. The land of pastoral ease and sim- plicity ; so it may be ! but the flocks and herds must first be acquired ; here again money I money ! The land of agricul- ture and smiling harvests ; true, it may be ! but money is the manure to set them growing. " Oh cives, cives quaerenda est pecunia primum." A little will do to set things going, if managed judiciously, and persevering with skill and activity. Servants are so scarce and consequential, that we must serve ourselves as far as possible ; so that a fine gentleman has no business here. I read your plan, last night, for supplying us with workmen ; we have many projects among ourselves, but can do little in this respect, unless Government assist us. I should like to make some arrangement about getting out some of your labourers ; but we are, at present in suspense, every day ex- pecting to hear from England the result of the personal appli- cation of Governor Stirling* ; we scarce know on what ground we stand, whether we shall be better or worse. However, in a month or two we shall know our probable fate. 1 am pre- pared for any vicissitudes of fortune. I wished this morning for you, father, to aid me in keeping the servants in working order ; for you, J , and W , to advise and plan improvements, sowings, plantings, gardenings; for you, S , to contrive machinery and woodwork ; and for you, my dear sisters, to arrange the housekeeping department, and snuggify things; but you could not make things snug here, for I have as yet neither press nor table that you would call * When this letter was written, the colonists were uncertain whether they were to receive any further assistance from the British Government, or to be left to themselves. It has been determined, however, to support the colony, as appears from a letter of Sir James Stirling, written in England. See the copy of this letter in Appendix. 179 such. " Why do you not get carpenters ? " you say. Answer " They are idle or inactive in proportion to the exorbitance of their charge, (10s. a day), and you can hardly notice a day's work." This is a regular grumble ; so it is, and I must claim the privilege of an Englishman to grwinble. But I conclude by saying that the weather at this season is the very perfection of weather, warm days, cool nights, and dewy mornings. To-day I got security for some money due to me, and have the power of selling a grant if not paid within a given time. There is a short-cut mode of mortgaging land here, which will make it change hands with rapidity. However, as we have nothing to do with the old feudal reasons for making laud unalienable, I don't see why we should not render it as trans- ferable as any other property. I dug up a few new potatoes, which had remained deep sown in the ground since last season; they are good. Another ship from Van Diemen's Land, the Eagle, with provisions and a general cargo ; only a few sheep, and these for slaughter. In the evening Mr. * * * came here on business. I do not well know what to think of him : he was a man of war (I don't mean a wooden one), his words are those of a man of peace ; he speaks at times as if he were averse to litigation, yet he is continually involved in it ; professing puerile sim- plicity, yet arguing with the casuistry of a Jesuit; a linguist; (he suddenly asked me the other day what I thought was the force of the particle " Eth," in the first verse of the Hebrew Bible ?) a great financier, who has proposed a desirable scheme of a bank which was to enrich us all, the only requisite being that the Government should lend us 100,000 ! ! Yet with his varied talents, he is a mere boatman plying on our river. 27^. Ten at night. I have drawn my chair near the fire, and have thrown on an an additional log,* that I may write * " Lignum super foco largfe reponens." M. DOYLE, Jun. N 2 180 toy journal luxuriously. A boat having come up the river to-day from Perth, I got ready twenty bushels of wheat, and sent it to the Government store, as the first instalment in payment for advances. My debt amounts to not much. About 60 for beef, wheat oats, peas, oatmeal, tea and sugar. The advances were made at a time when these articles were scarcely to be had through any channel. We have had twelve months' credit, and it has been of the greatest assistance to us ; indeed I know not what many of us could have done without some such aid. By .the way, you wrote that " oatmeal would not keep," the Govern- ment meal is marked of the year 1829. I have a little of it yet, and it is as good as on the day it was exported. I believe there is some mode of packing it air-tight, and that this is the secret of its keeping so well. I have observed, on a former occasion, that our wheat costs the grower 10s. per bushel; it has since been calculated at 15s. per bushel. Our neighbour, Mr. B., charges 4s. a bushel for grinding it; other expenses, of lost time, &c., are Is. per bushel more. If we send it to Perth, where it is ground for 2s. per bushel, the distance makes the expense equal to Mr. B's. charge ; or, if we grind it by hand, the time occupied, the first price of the mill, and its continued repairs, prevent any reduction in the expense of its manufacture. It occupied a very great part of the time of my two men, and they were constantly breaking the mill, which had cost me 5 ; so that you see our ground wheat (whole meal) costs about 28s. per cwt. I cannot help thinking of the beautiful fine American flour, some of which I bought at 13s. per cwt. As to oaten meal, none has ever been ground here, nor is it likely ; so that even for medical purposes it would be in demand with us, setting aside the Irish and Scotch in its favour. I am sure it would sell at from 25s. to 28s. per cwt. I had sent James to borrow a seed riddle, and was on the look out for some pigs that were trying to circumvent the garden> 181 when I heard a jabbering, and lo ! ten natives were in the act of admiring them at the river-side. As I thought they might carry their admiration to the inconvenient extent of carrying them off, I slipped into the house and got my guns in readi- ness, and in a convenient situation for instant use. I then went out and engaged the unwelcome visitors in most edifying conversation, walking them up through the gate, and past the house, on to the high plain above ; and sending Johnny for bread, which I cut and distributed amongst them in due pro- portion, praying proper regard to old Yello-gonga, their chief. and to two of the fair sex by whom he was accompanied. I then shook hands with them, and bade them a most hearty farewell. They were very civil ; but, to say the truth, I have no great desire ever to see their amiable faces again. Amongst them I recognised " Moley," the native whom I had in charge, on the day when we took seven prisoners, on my first coming to the colony. He did not seem to recognise me, nor did I recollect his face, until he told me his name, one of the young women then present is his wife. The next event was the finding one of the young pigs at the bottom of the well, rather past hope ; however, as it bled freely under the operation of the butcher's knife, it may not altogether be a dead loss. It was a nice pig, which I intended to keep ; but being of an inquiring nature, he went searching after truth (I suppose), which they say lies at the bottom of a well. It is well it is no worse,. I have sent off the six young pigs that were bought some time ago by Mr. Wells ; our family is therefore diminished, but we have still fourteen of the hog species. 30th. After dinner yesterday I set out to Redcliff, a de- lightful ride, by an unaccustomed way, and saw several loca- tions higher up the Helena than I had before. Heard of two ships having been seen off the harbour a matter of great excitement. Rode to Perth this morning, where I ascertained that the brig Dart had arrived from Sydney, bringing fifty 182 tons of flour amongst other things. It is singular that, owing to monopoly, everything keeps up a high price yet. The enormous sum of 25 per ton is demanded for potatoes, though they are rotting in the bags, people being unwilling to submit to such taxation, and the sellers refusing to lower the price. Another vessel has touched here, and inquired of the pilot if England was at war with the Dutch. On being informed of our blissful state of ignorance, she proceeded on her way to Batavia. I left Perth about four o'clock, and rode the back way, and arrived here with a glimmering of light (between twilight and moonlight), distance about fourteen English miles. Both horse and man (the nobler animal first) were very hungry, neither having eaten from an early breakfast hour. No letter in this vessel that I have heard of. Four of my sheep have had lambs ; it is early yet, by six weeks, for this is the most trying season : we must manage better another time. My present shepherd is very attentive, but must not be interfered with in any way : he dresses the sheep frequently for the scab, which the new flock brought with them spirits of turpentine and tobacco-water are his remedy. After an early dinner, I rode back to the hills this day, to my northern boundary ; got on a high hill, with a level top, and had great difficulty in descending by another route : I was quite surprised to find how much of my time it occupied to reach the summit, and how much more rugged and higher it is than I had fancied. The soil to the very highest points is reddish loam. There is very little mahogany on my grant ; and where there is any, it is much intermixed with red gums, which indicate that the sub-stratum is clay at no great depth. The trees are princi- pally white and red gum. Towards the tops of the hills we find grass (kangaroo and other sorts), lucerne (so called here), chrysanthemum, &c., &c. 183 I saw two kangaroos ; but it was when we were among the rocks, and they in the plains below. Juno stood on a jutting precipitous rock, aud pointed them, a little frightened, yet half inclined to take a bound after them. Carlo had a run after a wallabee ; but it requires a practised dog to kill one, and he is yet inexperienced. May 1st. Some natives seven men, one pretty young woman, and two boys have been here. I gave them some wheat, but they wanted bread very much, and stayed with me for it half an hour, then went to Mr. Shaw's, thence to the barracks, where shots were fired to frighten them ; they were unarmed ; I hope we shall not suffer for the indiscre- tion of the soldiers. 2nd. Captain Irwin came here to-day, and instituted an inquiry into this unprovoked and causeless firing at the un- armed natives, and issued strict orders. A murder was committed by the natives the day before yesterday, on the road between Fremantle and the Canning, in consequence of the following provocation. Some time ago, a man who had come from Van Diemen's Land, when escort- ing a cart to the house of Mr. Phillips, on the Canning, saw some unoffending natives in the way. " D n the rascals," said he, " I'll show you how we treat them in Van Diemen's Land," and immediately fired on them. That very cart, with two men who had been present at the transaction, was pass- ing near the same spot the day before yesterday, when they were met by about fifty natives, who had lain in ambush, and the two men were deprived of life so suddenly, that Mr. Phillips (who was accompanying other carts about two hun- dred yards behind) was hardly in time to see Ya-gan thrust a spear into one of them as he lay on the ground. A reward has been offered for the head of this Ya-gan, whether dead or alive ; and several others who were active in the affair, will probably be proclaimed also. A native was shot a few days since at Fremantle, in the act of breaking into a store at night. 184 In consequence of these horrible occurrences we have been very uneasy. A party of natives have been at Mr. Bull's to-day again, and seem to impute blame to the soldiers alone. Eain to-night the first we have had for some time it is very seasonable and refreshing. 3rd. After breakfast I rode with Captain Irwin to lay out a line of road from the head of the river to Guildford. Messrs. Tanner, Peyton, and Mears called in the evening, and mentioned that the soldiers had shot a native, and taken three prisoners. 4:th, Two natives came here to-day : one of them is learn- ing to speak English, and is very intelligent. I discovered the names of more than a dozen who were concerned in the recent murder ; among others, two sons of Ya-gan, Narah and Willim, the latter a young imp not more than ten or eleven years of age : we are greatly in their power, and must keep on good terms with them, if possible. One of them had a number of frogs (which I think he called " dweep ") nicely packed up in the bark of the tea-tree, and tied with grass ; these he signified they roasted for food, with a long white root, growing like a parsnip, which they dig up in wet weather. I have this day dismissed the sawyers, because, in addition to the stipulated price for sawing, they charged 3 for merely making a saw-pit, and felling a few trees. I have been obliged to pay 2 for the woodwork of a pair of harrows ; so you see how mechanics may thrive here ; they are the sort of people to get on well, or those who have everything within themselves a self-contained family, as it were, who can do without servants ; the father to plan, the boys to execute, and the girls to cook, wash, and transact all the household affairs - these are the persons calculated for this place ; your gentleman will never do, unless he brings out a cheap, steady establishment, a capital to support it, and is willing to employ both himself and them in active labour. 185 A sad discovery my rum cask is empty : I shall have to pay 27 for refilling it ; and this will be only one year's sup- ply, even for my small establishment. With you " grog " means a mixture of spirits and water, in the ratio of one to three, or one to four no such thing here it means unmixed ardent spirits. The habits which many of the English peasantry bring with them are ruinous ; and every man's expenditure seems to be regulated by the highest standard ; even men who but seldom taste meat at home, demand it here three times a day ; and now talk of beer in addition to their grog. Killed a lamb to-day, about six months old, small, but good ; it weighed only six pounds a quarter. 5th. After breakfast, Francis Whitfield, and shortly after ten natives, came here : among them were three women, such unlovely specimens of feminity as I never wish to see again. One of them carried a pretty chubby-faced boy on her back. Would that these visits, like angelic ones, were " few and far between," for they are a smart tax upon me, as I am obliged to distribute bread among the visitors. I try to make them understand that they should come only once a week, to levy their " black mail," as I call it ; but they do not, or will not, understand, my hints. My shepherd (unconscionable dog) wants to get the head and pluck as a perquisite for killing sheep, and a glass of grog, besides one every wet day. I fear I must part with him, though he is an excellent herdsman. 12th. Oh, I have had such a week of it ! Sat in court on Tuesday from ten until it was dark, and so every successive day until Friday evening. There were forty-nine actions for trial, several motions for a new hearing, or for staying judg- ment, &c., &c. One law argument. Many of the other cases were of claims to a large amount ; one for 569, another for 2000 damages. I had got a cold and swelling in my neck just before I went to Perth, which was greatly increased by 186 sitting in court every day eight or nine hours, exposed to a draught of wind blowing about my head. I suffered great torture every evening, and passed sleepless nights, but fortu- nately did not feel pain during the day, probably on account of mental occupation. It was truly a relief to have the week over. I reached Eed Cliff yesterday in time for dinner, when I found a merry party : among them, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Tanner, Mr. Drake, and Miss Parkes, Messrs. Yule, Erskine, and Dale. I arrived at home this evening at nine o'clock ; so you perceive I have lost no time in pulling up my arrear of diary. 13th. Got another hundred of cabbages put down to-day, and had my potatoes moulded. I must subjoin a list of articles which are essential to my little housekeeping, and which you can send out yearly, for we require annual remittances to keep up our stock, as our merchants do not themselves import, but buy up what arrives, which they sell out at exorbitant prices. Four casks of pork ; five barrels of American flour, 200 Ibs. each : one dress suit of black cloth, one pair of dress boots, one pair of walking ditto, one pair of dancing-shoes ; a web of coarse linen for ticking, ditto for sheets ; calico sheets, blankets, and counterpanes ; corduroy trowsers, slop shoes, jackets, and waistcoats ; and twelve coarse cotton check- shirts ; a small crate of crockery strong delf breakfast and dinner-services ; milk pans ; short worsted and cotton stock- ings. The crockery ware might be packed in grass. A little red clover seed will also be acceptable. The articles named would not only enable me to keep out of the market myself, but to pay those servants whom I must employ and feed, at the rate of 60 per annum each, as cal- culated by colonial prices. We have no flannel, blankets, counterpanes, nor scarcely any woollen thing in the colony. All our friends at home seem to act on the same persuasion, that in this climate there is no need of such things ; yet in our winter we require them as much as you do. Some things are selling for less money than at former periods, not because they are become more abundant, but because money is more scarce. 14th. The weather is now very pleasant, but the variance of temperature is rather too much : in the middle of the day it is warm, at night cold ; it is just the season for colds, on account of these vicissitudes. I found several mushrooms to-day. Some natives have been here this evening a family party Yelloganga and his two wives, with the boys Parabang and " Nghnoonig." The latter word affords an instance of one of Lyon's " lost sounds;" and it would be a pity if ever it should be found again. Ngoonig, Nghnoonig I cannot combine any form of letters which gives the sound correctly ; it sounds as if you were going to blow your nose rather nasal, " I guess." Got some Swedish turnip seed sown, and transplanted almond trees, and one little apple tree, which I reared from a pippin. Mr. Shaw came here this evening, took tea with me, and stayed until nine o'clock a dark and frosty-feeling evening. 15th. There is very little specie here : and no private bill on England or elsewhere will be taken now, no matter how unexceptionable it may appear to be. Barter will do among ourselves, as we have plenty of property ; but having no ex- ports, we have but little specie to spare for the payment of any thing we procure from other countries. Eniigrants should, therefore, bring out specie, which is now the best investment. Hitherto they have been laying out their capi- tal in goods and merchandise. Ten able-bodied natives were here to-day, none of whom I had ever seen before, with the exception of one. Sturdy beggars they will not easily be refused. Walked to Mr. Bull's this evening, and engaged two bushels 188 of seed barley, at 15s. per bushel, of 45 Ibs. weight : this may make you stare; but these high prices are the difficulties first settlers have to contend with, until they can produce enough for the supply of the colony. 19th. Dale came here yesterday and dined, then came Erskine, and afterwards Captain Irwin, who spent the even- ing with me : we had great discussions de omnibus rebus. One of the parties which have been sent after Ya-gan have fallen in with some of the hostile tribe, and shot the brother of Midgegoroo, who is Ya-gan's father. Twenty-four natives made their appearance at the opposite side of the river, wish- ing to get across. I made signs that the boat was out of order, and that they must go round by the ford ; which gave me time to get some wheat ground, and coarse cakes made, which I distributed amongst them. I had previously taken care that all my arms and ammunition should be in readi- ness, but they were very quiet. Among them were two very well-looking young women, one of whom suckled her child, supporting its body under her arm, whilst its legs were in the bag which hung at her back. Weeip gave me a very good knife, with a wedge of quartz. I was almost alone when this party came ; but by good fortune a number of neighbours and runners happened to come immediately after. 20th. Midgegoroo, one of the proclaimed natives, has been taken, and there is great perplexity as to what should be done with him : the populace cry loudly for his blood ; but the idea of shooting him with the cool formalities of execution, is re- volting: there is some intention of sending him into perpetual banishment. 22nd. Midgegoroo, after having been fully indentified as a principal in three murders at least, has been shot at the gaol-door, by a party of the military. We are all anxious to see how the others will conduct themselves after this execution, if they discover it; there were none of them present at it. His son had been sent on board the Ellen previously. 23rd I came to Guildford to attend a meeting of agricul- turists, to take into consideration the state of the circulating medium; went thence to Mr. Tanner's to luncheon, and immediately after, suffered such pain in my head that I was obliged to set out for home, and have had a succession of hot poultices to my poor caput ever since. I am almost afraid to go to bed, for there I suffer exquisite pain, without obtaining even a little sleep. 24:th. Oh ! what an interval ! I scarce know myself torture unceasing and no sleep. I have been brought through so far ; but I fear this attack will be succeeded by others. My public duties require me to visit Perth on Monday week, and I fear my inability to leave home, for I am literally as weak as a child, and have no appetite. I missed my dear father's advice sadly, for never having been ill before, I do not know how to treat myself. I have got my old chimney snugged up for the winter. My new room will be 18 feet by 15 feet, with two recesses on either side of the fire-place for book-shelves, side-board, or whatever you please: it will be lighted by two French windows, opening into a verandah six feet wide, which runs round the house ; and the lawn immediately in front will be green, I hope, all the year round, with lucerne, which I have sown in drills. The other seeds, which came in the chest by Van Diemen's Land, are all dead. 25th. My men have unanimously declared against cocoa, which I lately bought for them during the present high price of tea : there is still, however, room for negotiation on the disputed point. What a plague servants are ! My shepherd, as I have often said, is a queer fellow : only think of his having given 3 for a set of sheep-bells ; they are enchantingly musical, however, and the tinkling, as the sheep come home at night, is one of the most cheerful sounds I have ever heard. This man feels great pride in having his flock look well, and is very jealous of my being inquisitive about 190 them. If I succeed in getting any of Downing's flock, I shall probably dispose of those among my old stock that are aged, as many of mine are ; some having been brought from Mr. Trimmer's flock in England at the commencement of the colony. Those of Downing's are the only sheep to be pur- chased now. 26th. A lovely day as to temperature. Mr. Yule and Mr. A. Trimmer called to see me, and stayed till two. Mr. Burgess came here in the evening, and took tea. 27th. Have had a long, angry, and wholly unexpected con- ference to-day with the very spirit of evil himself, I mean the notorious Ya-gan. On seeing several natives approach the house, I went towards them as usual, thinking they were my old friends. To my surprise, the first I met was Migo, whom I had known well at Perth, as the servant of Captain Ellis, and the friend of the chieftain Mundy. On looking round, I then saw Munday himself (who is proclaimed, with a price on his head) : this made me look still closer, and at last I saw Ya-gan standing a little aloof, scrutinising my countenance narrowly, and my manner of receiving them. I had been taxing Migo with having been present at the murder, which he energetically denied. When my eyes first fell upon Ya- gan, I said immediately " What name ? " They all answered " Boolgat." 1 said " No ; Ya-gan." At first he was inclined to persist in the assumed character ; but seeing that I knew him perfectly, he came forward, avowed himself, and entered into a long argument and defence of his conduct, in a way that I can hardly make intelligible to you ; and I confess he had almost as much of the argument as I had. Both parties seemed to consider us as respectively arguing the question. Ya-gan listened with respectful anxiety, and used bold and emphatic language and graceful gesture, with abundant action; he delivered himself boldly. 1 did not understand him, but replied, " If white man queeple (steal), white man shoot white man ; if black man queeple, white man shoot black man ; if 191 black man no gydyell (kill) cow, no gydyell sheep, no gydyell pig, white man all same as brother to black man, shake hands plenty, co-robbery* plenty." Here I advanced with open hands to them, which all ran eagerly to grasp, save the moody chief himself. They had grouped around, evidently attending to the arguments on both sides with great interest, and glad of anything like a friendly termination. Ya-gan again stepped forward, and leaning familiarly with his left hand on my shoulder, while he gesticulated with his right, delivered a sort of recitative, looking earnestly at my face. I regret that I could not understand him, but I conjectured, from the tone and manner, that the purport was this : " You came to our country ; you have driven us from our haunts, and disturbed us in our occupations : as we walk in our own country, we are fired upon by the white men ; why should the white men treat us so ? " This reminded me of a chorus in a Greek tragedy ; and the other natives seemed to act as subordinate characters to Ya-gan. After a short interval, the chief approached again, and fixing his eyes as if he read my countenance, said inquir- ingly, " Midgegoroo shoot ? walk ?" (meaning was Midgegoroo dead or alive ?) I felt that the question was full of personal hazard to me, and gave no reply. Even Weeip came, and anxiously asked the same question, putting his finger to my ear, to know if I heard or understood him. I answered slowly, " White man angry, Governor angry." However my men assured them that both Midgegoroo and his son were gone on board a ship. Ya-gan still continued to read my countenance, and when he could obtain no answer from me, he said with extraordinary vehemence of manner, dis- tinctness of utterance, and emphasis of tone, " White man shoot Midgegoroo, Ya-gan kill three " (holding up three * I suppose we are to understand by this word " associate in friendship," " co-robbery " to our ears conveys a somewhat discreditable meaning. 192 fingers). I said, " Ya-gan kill all white man, soldier man and every man kill Ya-gan." He scowled a look of daring defiance, and turned on his heel with an air of ineffable contempt. During the latter part of this conference, he held a beautifully tapered and exquisitely pointed spear, grasped like a stiletto, about fourteen inches from the point, while the shaft lay over his shoulder, with a seeming carelessness. He evidently suspected treachery, and was on his guard against it, taking care not to let my men press on him too closely, and keeping some of the natives between myself and them. Nothing short of an overpowering force (which I did not possess), or a cold-blooded deliberate treachery (of which I was incapable), would have enabled me to have secured him as he then stood : it was, perhaps, my duty to have attempted his arrest, dead or alive ; however, consider the circumstances of my situation, I had gone among them unarmed, little thinking that the " Wallace " of the tribe was there ; he did not relinquish his spear till he was certain of my pacific intentions ; and there were ten of them, and only three of us, myself rather invalided. I despatched a letter instantly to Mr. Bull, as a magistrate, apprising him of Ya-gan's vicinity. He went off for the soldiers ; and in the meantime this proclaimed and dangerous outlaw, with a price on his head, and threats (not idle) on his tongue, in sight of the military quarters, and of a magistrate's residence, hemmed in between three or four settlements, and almost in presence of a large force of armed men, was suffered to escape unmolested. The truth is, every one wishes him taken, but no one likes to be the captor. How could any person, unless a professed blood-hunter, spring upon a man in cold blood, and lead him to the death ? How could any one who has a heart fire upon him treacher- ously from a secure ambush, though he be an unfeeling and reckless savage ? There is something in his daring which one is forced to admire. 193 In the evening I heard a trampling of horses, and Captains Irwin and Dale arrived. I told the story; they both gal- lopped off immediately for the soldiers. 28th. A party was out last night after Ya-gan, but without success. The Government have sent a band of resolute men here to do their utmost to take him. The man who commands this party is called " Hunt," a most appropriate name. On one occasion he followed a party of natives for thirteen days and nights, thinking it was Ya-gan's tribe ; at last he got into such a situation that the natives attacked his party. He shot the most forward, who turned out to be Midgegoroo's brother. Hunt was a constable in London ; he has just been here to request I would send him word if Ya-gan appears again in this quarter : his party is to lie " perdu " at Mr. Bull's for some time. 29th. No appearance of the natives here to-day. I have heard that Ya-gan has been seen at a house four miles down the river, on the other side ; so that strong hopes are enter- tained of his being shortly taken. 31s. I have just returned from Mr. Brockman's, where I have been all the morning, settling an arbitration affair which had been referred to Mr. Brockman and myself. I hope we have finally settled it to the advantage and satisfaction of both parties; but I fear I have not served my health by exposure to the air. While I was away the natives called at Hermitage, but not accompanied by Ya-gan. One of Midgegoroo's widows was among them, in great grief for the arrest of her son. June 1st. My shepherd has not ceased to tease me till I have consented to let him go to Perth, with a venture of ten sheep for sale. He is, I think, a trustworthy man ; but I shall soon see how he has succeeded. My head does not get on so quickly as I expected ; it ought to have been plaistered enough by this time ; my face 194 looks as if there had been not only plaistering, but white- washing. 2nd. My shepherd set out for Perth with his sheep early this morning, and James reigns in his stead. Old Yellogonga, with three women and children, came here to-day. They begged hard for some sugar. I gave them a little each. The old man asked me to allow him to go down to the house. I led him down, showed him the kitchen, and then my room, in which I had spread out my guns, pistols, &c. " No, no, no," he said ; " no, no." He was quite surprised and puzzled at the looking-glass, peeping over and behind it. After he was gone, Weeip and four others came, one of whom was Ya-gan's son, and it is probable that Ya-gaii himself was not far away ; but aware of the danger of appearing. I am told they have since expressed their satisfaction at my conduct, saying, that "Mitzer Moore be very good man." Weeip has intimated that no injury shall be done in this neighbourhood ; and altogether we hope for peace from this friendly intercourse with them. Weeip to-day received a blanket, which Captain Trwin sent to him, the women were very inquisitive about Midgegoroo and his son. About the former I still shook my head, and said, he " kill white man." I told them that if they were quiet, and committed no injury, the boy would soon come back to them. They seem to have an idea of a spirit, " Goodjot," and another "Manjut ;" for when Naral asked rne to-day how I got the wound in my head, I pointed upwards solemnly and said " Goodjot," inti- mating that it was a visitation from God ; he seemed to understand but said " Manjut," as if it came from an evil power. I feel a great interest in them, and hope they will be quiet, and continue friendly. It seems to gratify them greatly when we use their words, as I do whenever I can recollect one. They were trying to describe " sister," when I said " woora " (their own term), with which they were greatly pleased. 195 We have hopes they will not continue to be troublesome : increase of the white population would no doubt be the most effectual remedy against them ; but in our present state, fear of the evil may be the means of preventing the application of the remedy. I do not gain strength rapidly, and have been weaker than before. I cannot bear exposure, and little exercise overcomes me ; but I must go to Perth to-morrow, would I were back again ! 3rd. A second swelling in my head is coming on, above the former ; and yet my public duty obliges me to go to Perth. I must get through it as I can, and then come home and lay myself up " in ordinary " again." We are now in a state of great suspense respecting the governor's mission, but a month or two must end it. You are, perhaps, now apprised of what is to be our fate ; I mean so far as the intention of the British Government is con- cerned: lose no opportunity of writing to me on this and other subjects, for hearing from you is my only consolation in this distant solitude ; for solitude such a condition as mine is, and must be. The mail is just about to be made, via Mauritius. I can only add love, love, love to you all. GEORGE F. MOORE. 02 THE COLONY. SERVANTS FARMING THE NATIVES SHEEP WHITE ANTS DEPREDATIONS OF THE NATIVES WOOL A EOT KILLED DEATH OF TA-GAN. Hermitage, Swan River, Western Australia, June the 6th, 1833. I CLOSED my last letters to you this day at Perth, at one o'clock, in a very hurried way, as I had known nothing of the sailing of the vessel until I had gone down to attend my duties at court ; it was fortunate that I had taken my journal with me, and every day's experience convinces me the more that this mode of writing a letter from day to day is the best I can adopt, though it may not be the most satisfactory to each of you individually ; the arrangement of separate letters I never can accomplish, however much I may desire it ; indeed they could be nothing but hurried pieces of unmean- ing or unsatisfactory scribbling, and could never by that mode convey to you the least notion of my own occupations and the real condition of the colony. My fears were not altogether groundless, for my shepherd informs me that he misses one of the sheep which James had in his charge, and he attributes the loss to the natives ; but I have no clue to the truth : the native dogs prowl about like wolves, and might easily carry off a straggler from such a guardian as James. If the natives had been the delinquents, they would have taken more than one, in my opinion. It may strike you as singular, that my servants do not send letters home. It arises partly from our knowing nothing of the sailing of the ships until it is too late, and greatly (I 197 am sorry to say) from their being too fond of playing cards, carousing, and singing, which makes them inattentive to any of their duties. I often ask them to write, yet they forget to do so ; I am obliged to say they seem to have very little care or solicitude about my affairs, and I have proportionably lost my interest for them : for the satisfaction of their friends, I will tell you how they live ; arid let them judge between us. At early morning, they get a breakfast of bread and tea, with sugar and milk ; at midday, bread and meat, with flour pudding, and potatoes, or other vegetables, without restric- tion ; at evening, bread and tea without limitation of allow- ance at this or any meal. They now get two glasses of wine, and one of rum, in the day, and they have abundance of clothing from head to foot. If this be not improvement in their condition, I know not what their condition was ; and yet they are dissatisfied. * * * has grown a fine manly- looking youth ; but he is self-willed and passionate to a great degree, and fonder of his grog than any one of his age ought to be. You may, if you please, tell my opinion to his father, in a way least likely to distress his feelings. To the use of " grog " I attribute all my troubles with my people : we were compelled at first to give it, and immediately lost all control over our servants. I have great reason to be dissatisfied with mine ; for I feel that they are no longer my friends, as I fondly hoped they would be ; they care no more for me than for the merest stranger, and look upon me in no other light than that of one who is bound to feed and clothe them, and give them grog, and for whom they are not under obligation to do anything willingly whose wishes, interests, and happiness, they need not regard, farther than as it suits their own conveni- ence. I am sorry to make such an expose. I approach the subject with reluctance, dwell upon it with sorrow and pain, and shall never touch upon it again, unless forced by some very pecu- liar occurrence. 7th. Mr. Bull has been here, on his return from the agri- 198 cultural meeting ; at which there was much discussion about banks, and natives, and taxes, but nothing done. 8tfi. Sowed some wheat, mangel wurzel, and turnips (broadcast), and got all harrowed in. Had the " honour " of a visit from ten natives ; among whom were two well-looking young women, with children at their backs. These were brought here and introduced by " Beelycomera," Weeip's son. On their going in the direction of our sheep, I was alarmed (as the shepherds had come to dinner), and wished them to cross the river ; but Beelycoomera took a piece of evyay* root and put it in the ground, and began to dig; then pointed where he wished to go. I told him my sheep were there, and expressed my fears ; which he removed by assurances that he would do no harm. They passed on. I put a pair of pistols in my pockets, and walking leisurely after them, found them busy digging. They were quite amused at rny repeating the words which I had heard them sing at a corroblery * * * I conveyed them to the ford over which I so often crossed myself on my first coming here, and bade them each by name " good bye," as well as I could : a youngster continued calling frequently " good bye," and kissing his hand. Doodyeep, the girl whose name I mentioned in my last letter, has been married within these few days, and has been the occasion of a. great corrobbery, which I have heard them speaking of. I suspect that Weeip is now on the Canning, by invitation, to eat the remainder of the sheep and goats they had stolen for the entertainment. 9 o'clock at night. These plaguy natives have stolen one of my pigs. They are sad hypocrites : those very four who were here were, I suspect, privy to, if not active in, the theft. I had some suspicion on this point in the morning, but they assured me "No, no, Mitzer Moore; no, gyddyell;" and pretended to be so very angry with some whom they named, * I doubt the correctness of this word, which unfortunately is blotted in the original MS. Ep. 199 that I believed them sincere. It is difficult to ascertain the real fact. I wish it was either peace or war between us ; but now we must not touch them, for by proclamation they are declared under the protection of the law, as British subjects. ****** The British lucerne which I sowed, is coming up well : our native lucerne is like it in woody stem, but stronger ; its leaves are more like those of the pea, and taste like them ; it bears a pea-pod also, and has a red pea blossom. Red clover thrives here better than white. A person who has got Col. Laton's grant, on the opposite side of the river (opposite J. H. Wright's), is parcelling it out to labourers, and there are already four different lots taken by persons of that class, from twenty to one hundred acres. This has cut up all his grant, for the whole frontage is given away ; but he is no farmer ; and as he intends keeping a store, it will answer his purpose. This subdivision of land will be very serviceable to our neighbourhood, as it will afford a supply of labour, and create a small demand for meat. I have seen nothing of the natives since they killed the pig ; perhaps they wish to give themselves time to digest it, and me time to digest the loss of it. However, I feel inclined to apply to this loss what the Spanish proverb says to misfortune " Ben vengas si vengas sola." I shall get off cheaply, when compared with last year, if I lose no more. ~L4:th. Mr. Bull carne this evening to consider what was to be done about the natives. He wishes still to exercise hospitality towards them ; and I agree with him, that if we do not make an effort to come to a friendly understanding and arrangement with them they will annoy us, for we are not able to drive them away so as to secure ourselves, with- out their extermination. Each tribe has its distinct ground ; and they will, of course, rather adhere to it, dispute its pos- session, and take their revenge on the intruders, then fall back on other tribes of their own countrymen, and fight their 200 way inch by inch with them. It is our interest to show them, first, that we set such a value on our stock as will make us resent and punish any aggression upon them ; and next, that we are so united together, " so much brothers," that any injury committed against one will be resisted by all. It was agreed at last, that on their coming to any of our houses, we should intimate our displeasure at what had been done our determination to be friends for one month, and then to continue so, if no mischief were done within this period of probation. If we all act on the same principle, it will show a combination and concert among us, which may make them respect individual property. In short, to teach them that we make common cause is our only safety, as it is our truest policy. This is an experiment worth trying, at all events. We cannot be much surprised at their taking a pig or sheep which they find in the bush; for we know that, even in civilised life, the fear of well-understood laws, both human and divine, does not secure property in tempting situations- These savages consider a successful piece of theft as a laudable act, and estimate it according to the skill displayed in the accomplishment ; like the Spartans, who considered that the dishonour lay not in the act of robbery, but iii the discovery of it. Hermitage, Swan River, 2lst June, 1833. It was but yes- terday I sent off my last journal letter to you, by the brig Dart, via Mauritius. I perceive that the Saxony wool is now coming into great repute. M'Dermott has a few sheep of the finest breed, for which he expects a very high price. I look now upon the flock of sheep as a mere matter of profit, having lost that sort of domestic or family interest which I felt in the first year, when I had only a pig and a goat ; but I still feel it with respect to my old pets. My ancient goat had three female kids to-day five within a year ; there have been instances here of nine in one year. My pigs eat down 201 my cabbages and peas as fast as they recover, so that I find myself- induced to exchange them for sheep ; but I am un- willing to part altogether with the breed of my old Bessy, whom I brought out of the Cleopatra on my first arrival. The natives have had some row among themselves : one of them has come to tell us that Ya-gan is the person who has been doing all the mischief; that he killed my pig, and speared two of Mr. Burgess's ; and declares that he will kill cows, sheep, and every living thing he can come at ; if the white people will accompany my informant with a strong party, well armed, he will lead them within a short distance of Ya-gan, so as to take him. Now, whether they find Ya-gan interfering with their assumed privileges of plunder- ing us, or encroaching on their grounds, or are really in earnest in their desire to prevent mischief to our flocks, it is an opportunity that ought to be taken instant advantage of. I have a piece of natural history for you, regarding the white ants. These make their approaches so stealthily under their covered ways, and, like the wise Dutch, at Antwerp, on a late occasion, so keep within their strong casemates as to be tolerably secure from observation, as well as annoyance. I had an opportunity lately of seeing some of their domestic arrangements, the description of which may interest you. Upon the brow of a small rounded eminence there stood a sort of a pillar of clay, about five feet high, which had once filled up the centre of a hollowed tree ; the shell of which had been from time to time broken and burned away. This pillar was the work of white ants. As it interfered with the working of the plough, I commenced breaking and digging it down ; not without some small curiosity. Numbers of centi- pedes were found about the outside, where pieces of the wood still remained. The clay, which was surprisingly stiff, hard, and dry, broke off in large fragments. At length, near the level of the surface of the ground, a rounded crust was uu- 202 covered, looking like the crown of a dome. On breaking through this, the whole city of the ants was laid bare a wonderful mass of cells, pillars, chambers, and passages. The spade sunk perhaps two feet among the crisp and crack- ing ruins, which seemed formed either of the excavated rem- nants of the tree, or a thin shell-like cement of clay. The arrangement of the interior was singular: the central part had the appearance of innumerable small branching pillars, like the minutest stalactical formations, or like some of the smaller coralline productions. Towards the outer part, the materials assumed the appearance of thin laminae, about half the substance of a wafer, but most ingeniously disposed in the shape of a series of low elliptic arches, so placed that the centre of the arch below formed the resting-place for the abutment of the arch above. These abutments again formed sloping platforms for ascent to the higher apartments. In other places, I thought I could discern spiral ascents, not unlike geometrical staircases. The whole formed such an ingenious specimen of complicated architecture, and such an endless labyrinth of intricate passages, as could bid defiance alike to art and to Ariadne's clue : but even the affairs Of ants are subject to mutation. This great city was deserted a few loiterers alone remained, to tell to what race it had formerly belonged. Their great store-houses had been ex- hausted even the very roots had been laid under contribu- tion; till at last its myriads of inhabitants had emigrated en masse, to commence anew their operations in some other soil. We have had a long discussion about establishing a paper currency among the agriculturists, in which was proposed, that each of a certain number, in proportion to their actual possessions, should be privileged to draw promissory notes payable in colonial produce at market rates. I am opposed to this, and see many objections to it ; but have not yet con- sidered the matter so fully as to state them definitely. Where 203 are we to draw the limit ? and how are we to ascertain the actual circumstances of any man ? How are we to avoid jealousies, feuds and mortifications ? What nice distinctions will be necessary ? If the privilege be confined to men of real property, they will be but a favoured few, and who will take their notes but those of this particular class ? Will the captains of ships ? No ! The merchants ? I doubt it ! Of what use to them would be "Three months after date, I promise to pay six pigs, a gander and a goose, &c., &c. ? " I treated Doolup, one of our natives, with a ride on the mare to-day ; he sat well, and was martial looking ; his head adorned with red cockatoo feathers, his face with white paint. 29th. Weeip and Doolup have come here. I brought Weeip into my room, and had a long conversation with him. He told me that he had dismissed Ya-gan from his grounds. While he was here, my dinner was brought in ; he paid the greatest attention to my manner of eating ; tasted the salt, and said " no good ; " was very inquisitive to know what the meat was. Kangaroo ? No. Beef (cow bullock) ? No. Pig ? No. Sheep ? Yes, which he seemed hardly persuaded of. Doolup took such a fancy to his quarters, that he would not go away. I shot two wild ducks on the river, with which act of sports- manship he was greatly delighted. He has just taken tea, and is sitting quite at home with the men in the kitchen. Weeip did not know what to make of the milk he saw me drink. Was it moco (water) ? No. Grog (he had heard of grog at Bull's, and said it was " no good ") ? No. Wine ? No. Cow ? No. He was puzzled till I imitated sucking ; he at once understood me, and said "piccanny cow? yes! yes ! yes ! " and seemed quite satisfied. He looked at the guns, pistols, swords, bellows, tongs, &c., and now has much to talk and think about ; in short, he has acquired new ideas. This has been a very wet day, with thunder and lightning. I fear we shall have a fiood this year like that in 1829 and 1830, 204 Sunday. Rain, rain, rain ; but it looks a little better this evening river high. I have agreed to go to Perth with Weeip, when the rain ceases. The weather became milder last night, and continued so to-day, though there was some gentle rain. I thought we were likely to have it fine again, but this evening the wind is rising from the north-west (a bad sign). Some natives have again been scraping up Edward's potatoes. I suspected some of our white people ; but after examining the footmarks, it is evident that they were not the rogues. The footmarks are all in one line, one before the other ; while a European's go in a double course the great toe of the natives is always in a straight line with his foot. The great toe of those wearing shoes turns in towards the others. A butcher came from Perth, but would not give me fifty shillings for one of my choicest sheep, though I know he makes four pounds of them. This is not fair to the grazier or to the public. Ya-gan was seen to-day behind Dring's, on the other side of the river, and Edward's wife saw some of the natives busy at the potatoes in the middle of the day ; putting these things together, they show he is the delinquent. I have been thinking it would be an excellent speculation to get out woollen weavers to make our coarse wool into blankets, and none but the fine qualities will be sent home ; none other would be much worth the expense. I have a quantity of coarse wool at this moment, and I know not what to make of it. I sold my merino-wool at one shilling per pound ; there were only sixty pounds of it last year. It would require spinners and carders to carry my plan into effect, but I think it would be a profitable way of disposing of the wool. 5th. Our pet natives have been playing their tricks to-day at Edward's Ground. They waited till after the dinner bell rang ; and when they thought all the people were at dinner, they came into the garden and scraped up the potatoes with 205 wonderful dexterity, but were suspected, and narrowly escaped injury by one man's firing too soon. I am sorry to say friend Weeip, and my body guard Doolup, are said to be among the number. 6th. My shepherd has given notice that he will leave me, if I do not give him three pounds a month, and four glasses of rum in the day. I refused to comply, so I suppose he will go. \Uh. Called this morning on Mr. Harris, and there heard that Ya-gan had been shot at the head of the river ; and that a settler had been speared, and an inquest held. You may be sure I was uneasy, and rode home as fast as I could. On Sunday, when Weeip came here, I charged him and Doolup with stealing the potatoes at Edward's ; he indig- nantly denied it, and ably proved an "alibi," in which he was confirmed by Mr. Bull. He has told since that Ya-gan was the person who was nearly shot then ; that the ball went through the hair at the back of his head. 15th. This has been a day differing in its incident from my usual routine. At breakfast time, two men of Mr. Bull's came for my praam, to take the body of a boy (killed by Ya- gan) across the river, to the burial ground near Mr. Shaw's, of course I gave it. Soon after I went up to see Mrs. Shaws, and coming home I was witness to rather a ludicrous disaster; James, desiring to cross the river, and having no boat, put his clothes into a bucket and swam across, pushing it before him; but on reaching the middle of the river, he upset the bucket by awkwardness, and all his clothes, from his shirt to his shoe, went to the bottom : I could enjoy the joke better if I had not to pay for another suit. After dinner I went to call on Mrs. Bull, and met the funeral of the deceased boy, named Keates, which I accom- panied to the grave. Mr. Shaw's eyes being delicate, I, for the first time in my life, was called on to read the burial service; the deceased was about eighteen years old; the 206 survivor, his companion, about thirteeen. The arrest of Ya- gan was man's work ! Boys unfortunately undertook it, with- out sufficient steadiness ; they were frightened at their own act, discharged their guns injudiciously, and ran away, by which the life of one of them was sacrificed. 16th. On Saturday I saw at Mr. Bull's the head of Ya-gan, which one of the men had cut off for the purpose of preserving. Possibly it may yet figure in some museum at home. I should have been glad to get it myself, as the features were not in the least changed. He must have died instantaneously. The other native was not yet dead when the party went to look after them ; the accidental passing of two soldiers frightened the natives (it is supposed), or they would have carried off the bodies. Ya-gan had a very particular mark of tatooing extending over his right shoulder and down his back, by which many of the settlers recognised him. He wore a soldier's old coat under his kangaroo clock, to hide this mark, as he had been often warned of his danger. This peculiar cicatrice was flayed from the body by the man who is preserving the head. I have rudely sketched this " caput mortuum " of Ya-gan, which was ornamented with a twisted cord round the forehead. 18th. After dinner went up to Mr. Bull's in a boat to get seed wheat for two acres, which I shall still be able to ac- complish. I shall thus have eight acres of wheat, one of barley, one and a half of oats, and about the same quantity of potatoes, turnips, cabbages, &c., besides an acre and a quarter of lucerne. This will, I think, be ample for my supply. We want seed potatoes in the colony very much ; they grow at any season of the year, but succeed best if planted in March and September. I tasted some excellent beer which Bull is brewing. 24th. The shepherd and James sat up all last night in the sheepfold, watching the native dog, and determined to shoot it ; yet, with all their watching, when daylight came, 207 they found two lambs torn to pieces in the fold. What exquisite watchmen ! I have now 22G full-grown sheep, besides 9 blind ones, and 101 lambs. 29th. The shepherd has sent in word that if I buy a set of bells for him, he will stay with me. I have bought 20 sweet musical regularly tuned bells, with straps and buckles, at three shillings each. I have before mentioned the very pleasing tone of these bells ; it is delightful to hear them on a fine evening. Had a dish of turnips to-day ; by the way, the last seeds you sent me were too old; those of mangel wurzel, parsnip, carrot, cabbage, arid onion, failed altogether; the lucerne alone is growing ; the flower seeds do not show yet. 31st. To my surprise, Mr. Whitfield brought me letters and papers this day. You say " there are so many that they will take me a month to digest !" you little know my powers of digestion in that way. I am a most insatiable glutton in such respects. It was dinner time to-day when I received them. I have already gormandised every syllable of all your letters, aye and washed them down with the whole contents of four newspapers which came along with them ; " my great revenge had stomach for them all." Thanks, thanks to Almighty God for the measure of health and mercy vouch- safed to you all, and may they be graciously continued ! My people have been spelling hard at their letters, and at some of the papers ; this part of the business devolves on Johnny, but there is generally a complaint that he cannot " make it out right," and an appeal to me. By the way, my own letters are an odd medley ; I hope that no stranger* sees them. ***** * How astonished Mr. Moore will be when ho sees them so unceremoniously brought into print, and hears that they have been read, and, as I trust will be the case, by hundreds, or perhaps thousands of strangers. EDITOK. TO THE EEADER OCCASIONAL gaps or breaks in the continuity of dates may be perceived, but here is an extensive hiatus, which I cannot account for, and have no means of filling up. I have no sufficiently distinct recollection of the incidents of that period. The original letters are now in Australia ; some may have been lost or misplaced, or destroyed by untoward accident. Perhaps, even they may have possibly been omit- ted purposely by the caution of Sir Thomas. But I cannot at this distance of time imagine any sufficient reason for such by anything written at length in my Journal. G. R M. 210 A NATIVE KAROBBEREE. To the tune of " Bachelor's fare." Come, I'll describe you a native Karobberee : Fancy some hundred or two group'd around, All determin'd to kick up a bobbery, See in the middle that space of clear ground ; See the young men prepare feathers stuck in their hair, Breasts ornamented with figures in chalk ; Look how their heads are all plaster'd with red, How they brandish their spears, and they strut in their walk. Fol-de-rol, lol-de-rol, fol-de-rol, lol-de-rol, Fol-de-rol, lol-de-rol, fol-de-rol, lay. Thus, it may be said, they're a fine white and red, As they stand painted like so many celts ; Look how their bodies all glisten and shine with oil, Their hammers all stuck in their fur-twisted belts ; Look at those men about, keeping a sharp look out After their wives, for some have two or three ; Each wife has a bag on, but no other rag on Except a short cloak, reaching scarce to her knee. Fol-de-rol, &c. Now they ply their heels, dancing in rounds and reels, Fierce as if going to fight for their dear lives, While the bye standers, more brave than highlandera, Beat time on their throwing-boards with their quartz knives. With their hegha and hegha, and hogha and hogha, They grunt out and snort out their horrible tune ; Oh, how they dance it and round about prance it, And make the dust fly in the light of the moon. Fol-de-rol, &c. There are old men and young men, and short men and tall men, And women and children, and hobble-de-hoys, While all the young lasses, as each dancer passes, Keep stealing a peep at their favourite boys ; Then come sly glances, and little advances, For dark though their skin is, their eye-beams are bright ; But lest you should tell us the ladies grow jealous, Their dance being done now, we'll wish them good night. Fol-de-rol, &c. THE COLONY. Perth, February 1834. Feb. 20th. We have had rather an anxious week. The natives have become troublesome again, having killed two pigs of Mr. Shaw's, one sheep of Mr. Brockman's, also at- tempted (and nearly succeeded) in spearing his shepherd, and on one occasion my old acquaintance Moley, and, in addition, stabbed Nat Shaw in the thigh with a spear. Some of us have determined not to receive them in a friendly way again till we have got some amends on the evil doers, either by their own or by our endeavours. Meantime we are in doubt, and, to crown our anxieties, the country has been fired by the natives, and we have been obliged to use great efforts to save our houses and property. The flames are quite terrific and overwhelming when driven through rank vegetation by a strong wind. The weather has been excessively hot. My poor cattle are scarcely able to find a mouthful of food ; for- tunately the grant which was purchased from Mr. Wright was partially burned about two months ago, and has now nearly recovered. 2lst. Numbers of natives here to-day. One has been in- forming me of a large sheet of water, somewhere not far away, where there is abundance of game, a fine country, and several rivers to be seen. I rather doubt the latter, but think strongly of going to see it. Monday, 2tth. I have this day received a letter from you dated 2nd June (now eight months ago), which came by a little vessel from Launceston, brought by one of the Hentys. That you were all in good health, I feel truly thankful, for to say the truth, I open every letter with fear and trembling at 212 this distance of time and space. I think , should he come out, is well fitted for the life of a settler, but there are many little inconveniences and annoyances here which it re- quires a schooled mind to eudure patiently : his presence will be a great comfort to me if he comes. I strongly suspect that the accounts of other places are exaggerated or highly coloured, that the advantages belonging to different places are nearer on a par than we think at first, and that " non omnia omnibus " holds good of place as well as person. Monday, 3rd March. Mackie came here on Saturday night and left me yesterday evening. We had great consultations about my holding the appointment (which had been offered to me) or not. Mr. Shaw called ; Dr. and Mr. Harris with Miss Harris, and Mr. Stone also. I recollect in the calculations made for Van Diemen's Land or Sydney, of the profit and loss of a flock of sheep, that the shepherds were reckoned at 30, and I fancied it must be exaggeration, but I have my shepherd just now on easy terms (comparatively), and he costs me 71 8s. 6d. a year. I am greatly dissatisfied about our giants on this side the hills. They are not capable of supporting large flocks without cultivation to a greater extent than we can afford or manage at present ; this cuts short all our profits. At the very utmost that part of my grant on this side of the hills lying between the house and the hills would not support more, now, than 200 or 300 sheep. I am obliged to reduce my flock to nearly that number. Mr. Bland (who lies over the hills) has always about 700 of his own and others, but will not take a smaller number than about 100 into his charge. I wanted to send about 30 over, but he would not take them. 4th. Was passing one part of the river to-day and heard a groat splash. Was not a little amused to see my new boy in the water with a lot of natives, boys and girls, having rare fun. They are a merry race when they have their belly full. 213 5th. Rode to Guildford to hire a servant a man and his son for 50s. a month. 6th. Have been beset all day by natives. They pull the blossoms of the red gum tree (now in flower), steep them in water, and drink the water, which acquires a taste like sugar and water by this process. Some came here, bringing a young kangaroo dog of a fine breed. I had often (in my own mind) contemplated poisoning him. To my surprise, the natives called my attention suddenly to the dog, when I saw that some one had been beforehand with me. I told them all manner of stories about our dogs going mad, and that their bite was then fatal. They were greatly alarmed. I put my hand cautiously over his mouth, put him into the boat, and carried him to the other side of the river, where he soon died. They thought a snake had bit him. In the evening, there was a crying of natives at a distance. I ran with Weeip and some others to see. A number of strangers had arrived ; the child of one had died, and they must have some spearing match about it. I begged them not to throw spears, but it appeared to be a very friendly or ceremonious transaction some spears having been thrown harmlessly. After a little, it was mentioned to the owner of the dog that it had died that his dog was dead by the bite of a snake. He had not been at my place before during the day, and had not heard of it till then. Instantly, there was a change of scene he and his brother seized their spears, and seemed about to com- mence in good earnest, when others threw their arms round them and held them with difficulty. Angry feeling seemed to spread among them : the vengeance of these two seemed directed against a woman, whose husband was held also. When I left them, one of the natives was walking round and round this woman, while two had placed themselves on either side of her, and walked round in a circle, so as to keep one still between his spear and her. It was a strange sight. I asked Weeip what it meant. He said the owner was a little 214 angry, and he would only spear her a little on the lower part of the leg. I have heard their voices very loud ever since. They will have troubled rest. All parties seemed to look upon me as a friend though I confess I felt a little afraid at one time when they began to pronounce my name with great vehemence ; it was in asserting that I had seen the dog die of snake bite. I held Mauli for a while, when he first snatched his spear, till another came to the rescue. One part of the scene was singular the mother of the child that had died clung to the knees of one old man and uttered a long weeping recitative, while he stood apparently unmoved ; at other times she threw herself on the bosom of another and wept out the same sort of droning song, which, from some detached words 1 caught, reminds me of the Irish keen, as a sort of address to the departed. It is ringing in my ears even now, while I write, at the distance of half a mile from them. 7th. A very warm day. Some natives have been here before sunrise begging some grease to smear themselves for a battle. One of them was afterwards slightly wounded in the side by a spear. One young woman was speared through the arm and in the leg, and that was the extent of all the mighty business. I shot some birds for them and killed two at one shot, which raised a shout from both armies about 40 men. 9th. Again troubled with natives all day. Mr. Whitfield came here to breakfast. A Mr. Smith and his son called afterwards for information about the land up the river. There is a singular belief supposed to be general now among the natives that we are the spirits of their deceased friends, and they call many by the names of men long dead. Of one old man who is fast declining, they say that he will soon become a white man, and then he will have plenty of bread. They hold opinion with Pythagoras as Gratiano says, of the transmigration. Fifty head of cattle have been seen at the Murray river, I 215 suppose that place will turn out to be our cow pasture plains a fine river running most if not all the year ; yet this was not even known to exist at the settlement of this place. A whaling vessel has put in here on account of some misunderstanding among the crew some call it mutiny. 15th. Here I am, just arrived alter a whole week's work and a walk to-night of 18 miles. I had twenty-three causes and about a dozen motions, &c. Two of the causes were for libel ; in one, our old friend Mr. S , laid his damages at 500, and got one farthing and a good lecture into the bargain. I got paid to-day for a pair of slippers by a piece of iron hard cash ! and another wishes me to take a pig for some other things. Mr. B wants me to take a goose ! These are the modes of payment: There is not any news ; but the natives are becoming everywhere more bold, the colonists more uneasy, the Government more puzzled, and I fear a rupture if the offending natives be not removed whole- sale to some island which might be done. Tuesday, March 18th. Yesterday being " St. Patrick's Day in the morning," the Messrs. Burgess invited me to dine with them. A pleasant day it was, marked by one appropriate feature they had tried and succeeded in distilling a small quantity of " potheen," which was our beverage. This day I have had a number of natives here. I went to- night to their bivouac, which is close to this place. Some of them were busy sucking the honey water which they extracted from the flowers of the red gum tree; others baking their flour into cakes. They had two large native dogs. I have ,the natives much more about me than usual. I was much amused with the agility displayed by my pretty young friend Doodyep, yesterday, in climbing trees to gather the red gum blossoms. " By-and-bye, tumble down," she would cry, cling- ing to a branch by one arm, and playing all manner of antics. Her admiration of herself in the glass also was worthy of any inoie civilised coquette. There is one thing we are greatly at 216 a loss for here, and that is a copper, or a large vessel for boiling, for brewing, for washing clothes, and many other requisites. They are very dear here 6 for a small one. Sunday, 2th. Yesterday I closed a long letter to yon, walked to Guildford in the evening, and slept at Mr. Tanner's, not having arrived there till a late hour. At Perth a novelty occurred, One of the natives, " Goodyak," was found in the act of stealing at Guildford, taken prisoner and brought to Perth, a solemn-looking investigation made, soldiers paraded, and, in the presence of the Governor, he got a good round dozen on the back, with a warning against worse. Just before leaving, news arrived that a vessel, the Aurazan, had arrived from Madras. Dreadful mortality there from cholera, only 25 men left alive of one regiment. It sounds like exaggeration, but such is the shape in which I heard it. On Thursday last, I prepared myself to go into the bush* and see this " gabbee yandit " (freshwater lake) so often men- tioned, and, on Friday, after due preparation, Nat Shaw and myself, accompanied by the native Tommy as our guide, set out, we thinking, in our simplicity, that it was about 14 miles or so distant, as the natives spoke of it as one day's journey, arid that we should see it early next morning. We urged Tommy to his speed, and gave him a ride now and then, and at sunset we reached our destination with difficulty after ten hours riding, the distance being not less than 33 miles in a due 1ST. direction. It is a long winding valley of bays, swamps, and lakes, numbers of deep but shrunk-up pools of water, surrounded by tea-tree, spear-wattle, and bul- rush. There was grass on the borders, but the country had been recently burned. We slept alongside of a party of natives, who were rather indifferent than friendly, and had not been much in communication with Europeans before. Our native took sick, and we left him with his friend whilst we made our way home by ourselves. On Saturday at 12 we returned. I was resting myself towards evening when a letter 217 from Mackie was handed in, saying that the Quebec had arrived with one of my brothers and his wife. Here was a fuss. Letty comes running : " Sir, which of them is it ? what will you do ? where will he stay ? where will you sleep ? " . and other questions which I could not answer. However, on Monday morning I posted down to Perth, found they had left that the day before, on their way to me ; wheeled about and rode home, and found that they had arrived a few minutes after I had left. Friday, 2nd May. The day before yesterday some natives were caught by the younger Burgess stealing wheat from his store in Mr. Tanner's house (near this). They seemed greatly inclined to come to a deadly rupture with him, but by great courage and presence of mind he kept them at bay till assist- ance came, when they made off. They came down to my place to grind their wheat as usual at my mill. I challenged some as stolen wheat (knowing nothing at the time of what had occurred above), and took it from them, as I have fre- quently done before. One of them, Yeedomira, raised his spear at me, saying I was a bad man. I immediately took down the mill and prevented any from grinding, and told Yeedomira he was a bad man, and that white men would shoot him. I little thought that his doom was so near him. As one of the most active against Burgess, he was this day taken prisoner by the soldiers, and in attempting to escape was shot dead. Some of the Murray river tribe committed a most daring act near Perth a few days since having gone to a mill lately erected by Mr. Shenton on the opposite side of the river from Perth. They seized Mr. Shenton and his servant, held them down, with spears at their breast, intimating that they would kill them if they made any alarm. Meantime they plundered the mill of all the wheat and flour. One of these men also has been shot. These are useful examples and requisite, for they begin to be very daring in their depredations. Saturday, 3rd May. Mr. Norcott, lieutenant of mounted police, came here to-day to say that he had seen the natives, and that they had desired him to tell all the white men that they were friendly and would take no revenge on us for what had occurred. He had not long gone when Nat Shaw came galloping to tell us to look out for ourselves and our stock, for the natives had just speared one of the soldiers. He galloped off for the Doctor. I have not heard iiiice whether the man is dead or not. The soldier was standing alone at the Barracks, when a shower of spears was thrown in at the door ; one entered his abdomen. I went to shoot a duck to- day on the river ; and just as I had fired, while standing in the boat, the boy gave a pull with his oars. I fell on my back, and the gun fell overboard into the very middle of the river. Here was a. predicament ! I immediately stripped and dived, and, after a quarter of an hour's plunging and groping, I fortunately touched it with my foot and got it up. Wednesday. The poor soldier died yesterday (May 6). It appears that Weeip was the chief contriver of the murder, which was perpetrated in the most treacherous manner, after eating bread from the soldiers and shaking hands with them, to throw them off their guard. There were three soldiers there at the time, and a woman and child ; both of the latter had a narrow escape for their lives, the spears having touched the woman's arm and grazed the skin of the child's temple. The natives disappeared immediately before a shot could be fired. The spear which killed the man went right through his body, struck the wall against which he was sitting, and in some extraordinary way rebounded so as to fall out of his body. It was an armed spear, serrated near the point with pieces of quartz. We are all in indecision as to what is the best course to pursue. Our Government seems so nervous as not to know what to do, but I am sure no settler will now feel any compunction in putting Weeip or his associates to death if they could be found. They have all vanished now, 219 as if there were no such inhabitants in this part of the country. Thursday. Eode down to Perth. . On my way kept a good look out for natives. At one place seeing a dark object, skulking (as it were) from bush to bush, I came to a " stand still " of observation. My hand was on my pistol, and my heart " was in my mouth," when out started a great emu, to my great satisfaction. The natives in summer set fire to the grass and dry herbage for the purpose of their hunting, and after the fire has passed over the ground, you could hardly find as much green food as would feed a rabbit, till the herbage has time to grow again. Over the hills the. grants in that locality are less burned, being less frequented by white or black people. The climate, I should think, is rather moister there, for I hear of their having green grass throughout the summer. Few sorts here remain green, but it is surprising how soon all grass shoots out again when a little moisture comes ; and some sorts spring up in an incredibly short time even after the greatest fires. Wednesday, 26th. I have just returned from Perth. There is little news by the Merope. We have a strange rumour afloat, of which no one can trace the origin, namely, that our Governor, Sir James Stirling, has been lost in a vessel which was wrecked in the Channel. They expected to find him here. Very bad harvests in Van Diemen's Land ; no assistance to be expected from that quarter. It is thought that one detachment of the 63rd will proceed to India by this vessel. Friday, 28th. Was obliged to send my sheep back again to the Edwards, not being able to keep them on my own grant, which has been so recently burnt. A native dog killed six chickens last night and almost killed the mother. They are a sad nuisance, like foxes. One of them in daylight to- day killed four geese of Edwards. I must try to make away 220 with them before lambing time. The nux vomica must have lost its strength ; it seems to have no effect on them. Saturday, 2,9th. Natives still quarrelling. Poor little Jucobang (my former protege'e) her child has died, and, I suppose to appease its manes, her husband speared in the thigh a nice little girl called Wulatneen. They are now busy digging the root of a broad sort of flag which grows in a swamp near this ; some people say that this makes sago, or rather arrowroot. I must examine. It is tasteless to me, being fibrous and farinaceous. Sunday, 30^. Easter. Time was when it was a matter of religion (to say nothing of the pleasure) to eat numberless eggs on this day at the Bond's Glen, where father lived and my early life was spent. This morning I killed a lamb for our entertainment. The natives have been feasting on a sort of grub or worm which they find in numbers under the bark of the red gum trees. Those that I have had cut down pre- sent a fine store for them to have easy access to. The grub is a sort of long four-sided white worm or maggot, with a thick flat square head and a small pair of strong brown forceps set on the end of the head. Monday, 31st. Mr. Butler is here. He has been out ex- ploring. Came to a lake not far from this in a N.N.W direction, towards the sea, which he reckons is 15 miles round, with good feeding about it and limestone soil. Wednesday, April 2nd. Got from the natives a piece of bread made of the root of the flag which they called yand- yett. It tastes like a cake of oatmeal. They peel the root, roast and pound it, and bake it. The root is as thick as your finger, and a foot long. Some say it is arrowroot, but I made nothing out of it by pouring boiling water on it and simmering, Wednesday, $th. The Merope is about to sail for Madras, via Mauritius, and to take the detachment of the 63rd on to head quarters at Madras. I fortunately brought this letter down and now take the opportunity of a moment of repose. 221 June, 18th. To-day I have been busy preparing wheat for sowing. I am getting the holes of the drake riddle made a little larger, by pushing the alternate wires close together ; the drake or darnel did not pass through before * * * Acted as a shepherd for a little to-day ; there are now 84 lambs. What confusion of sounds and voices as the sheep are driven out ! Such bleating of lambs, such searching of the mothers for their young such laughable mistakes yet how soon discovered. A lamb is not very scrupulous, but will accommodate itself with almost any mother which will stand quiet. Not so the mother. Smelling, she soon detects and drives off the intruder, pushing it away unceremoniously with her head. Yet sometimes they commit mistakes, and take up with a wrong lamb, neglecting their own. I have no less than four instances of this among mine now, and we must rear them by hand. June, 19th. To-day Mr. Shaw and I took a walk up to Mr. Brown's grant to see the land. Everything looks beau- tiful. There we met eight or nine natives ; among them were two of those connected with the death of the soldier, already referred to. They had the daring to go to the soldiers and get some wheat there. Their object I suppose is to lull suspicion in order to catch Weeip. Coming back we saw two turkeys, but could not get near them. My shepherd came to me with gloomy looks this evening, and in that mood he does not restrain his tongue. We have had a row, and I think I shall discharge him * * * I have now in my flock 240 sheep, independent of lambs, which it is too soon to count yet. I rejoice that I did not send them to the Can- ning Eiver to Mr. Phillips, for the natives have killed some of his lately, and some also have died from a complaint which has been in many places prevalent among sheep. June 20th. Bought a pitch kettle, chafing dish, and some figure brands to-day * * * A number of natives were here again this morning. I made them useful in shooting 222 crows on the wheat ground * * * The process of clean- ing wheat for sowing is very tedious perhaps not more than three bushels per day is cleaned by means of the drake sieve. I shall try to make a screen on a small scale. I have about eight acres of wheat now sown, and about four acres of land ready for being sown. I am busy making ready a piece of ground for the mixed clover and grass seeds which you for- warded ; what you sent heretofore is looking well when it grew on a suitable soil. 24th. Plagued all day with natives coming to get wheat ground. Made two of them useful in shooting at crows, and in the evening they brought me a duck which they had shot. * * * Capt. Ellis, Superintendent of Natives, came here this evening in search of some delinquents among them ; but though three of them were actually here at the time, he did not succeed in taking any. He intends to try and take Weeip to-night ; perhaps this might keep them off us for a little. June 25th.-^- Capt. Ellis has taken the natives Beelyimerra and Geear prisoners, and carried them to Perth to the great discomfiture of the other natives. Two of them have been with me all day, Tomghin and Winat. The former has made himself useful in the kitchen cleaning knives, sawing wood, etc. The latter went with me to shoot ducks and made him- self very useful also. I got a brace, and my native friend Bolatman shot one yesterday, so that we have a very accept- able supply of fresh meat. Tomghin has begged to be allowed to stay here to-night, and is amusing the party in the kitchen by imitating " white men dance." Thursday, 26th. Had several men out all day searching in vain for my bullocks. They have joined Mr. Bull's herd, as I have now been informed * * * We have been much amused with Tomghin in the kitchen. After cleaning some brass candlesticks, a very dirty iron one was given him. He said it was "ugly old man." Lost a lamb last night, which was carried off by native dogs. A ewe and lamb are out 223 to-night, and I fear we shall have a bad account of them also. Planted seven vine cuttings to-day, and as many peaches, which seem to grow by cuttings also. Friday, 27th. One of my best ewes was found dead to-day, torn by natives' dogs, I presume. I must count them all over, to ascertain whether it is one of J 's or mine ; if it be one of mine which I suspect, from the relics of skin and bone it was one of the largest of Van Diemen's Land ewes, and had a lamb yesterday, in which case they are much inclined to secrete themselves in a quiet place till the lamb is able to follow the mother ; and so the shepherd misses them * * * Have tried transplanting potatoes to a considerable extent this year. They are self-sown from what remains in the ground not sufficient to fill the ground properly yet too valuable to be lost. In this way I shall have a good number of potatoes self-sown and otherwise perhaps half an acre. If I could procure seed now I have manure to plant an acre, but they are selling at 6d. a pound and very few to be had at the price. Saturday 2,8th. The native Geear has been flogged; the other is detained. Those in this neighbourhood have again been stealing from a man called Waller. I had upwards of twenty natives here to-day * * * Had a great piece of work branding sheep, but did not get the job finished. Counting my lambs I find there are 110 now, and 231 sheep in the fold. Several are to lamb yet * * * * Cabbage, onion, &c., seeds do not come. Apropos, I broke a piece of virgin ground to-day, ground probably not stirred since the Creation, or the last terrestial convulsion. It is a common circumstance here, but what a singular train of ideas it leads the mind into ! Meanwhile, it looks rich black deep vegetable mould. There is only about an acre of it together at that spot ; it is in a gentle hollow between two of those knolls of ground which I have so often described as forming a characteristic feature of this locality. * * 224 Saturday, July 5th. The Eagle schooner has arrived from Sydney bringing some flour and some stock, but no meat, which is very scarce now in the colony. The captain of the ship (Pratt) has been often here before trading between this and Sydney, and he has now brought his wife and family to settle here. I think this fact speaks for itself. He gives a gloomy account of the Sydney colony. We have been trying to rig out a fishing net as a trammel net, in hopes of catching some fish, but there is so much delay in getting up some corks and leads which are still in Fremantle that I fear the winter floods may prevent us. You possibly do not understand what a " trammel net," or " wall-net " as others call it is. I will describe it : a small meshed net, as long as you please but about 6 feet deep, is suspended per- pendicularly in the water by ropes and corks ; on either side of this net another net of the same length and depth is at- tached to the same ropes, but the mesh of these two outer nets is about six inches square, so that a fish coming up or down the river passes through the wide mesh of the nearest net without obstruction, strikes against the middle small- meshed net, and, pushing on a part of the middle net through the wide meshed net on the further side, it then gets itself entangled or detained in a purse or pocket which prevents its return or escape * * * Just fancy ! Mr. B , who lately got out some Irish beef to sell, asks now the moderate sum of twelve guineas a tierce for it. My men are all grumbling because I have ceased to give meat to them at breakfast whilst it is so scarce. Mr. Robert Brock- man and Mr. N. Shaw have been here for tea this evening. * * * I noticed that one of my lambs had its stomach full of dry earth. I have often observed them eating clay ; perhaps it is for the salt which it contains. I left this on Monday after an early dinner, and rode to Guildford, where I did not arrive till sunset. Had a cool but dark walk thence to Perth, as I sent the mare back 225 from Guildford for several reasons, one of which is that there is a ferry where you must pay a shilling ; then, my stay in Perth is always uncertain, and horses are very badly taken care of there. Friday, July 11. To-day I find that a great sensation has been created in the colony by rumours which have come to us, only through the natives, of a vessel that was wrecked nearly six months ago (30 days journey, as they described it) to the North of this, which is conjectured to be about Sharks Bay. Further enquiries have been made from the natives ; they say that " wayl-men " men from a distance to the North have told them of it, and that there are men and women and children still alive, inhabiting two larger and smaller tents made of poles and canvas ; that the ship is quite destroyed by the sea; and that a large quantity of money, like dollars, is lying on the shore. Here is a matter of most painful and absorbing interest. There have been great discussions among the members of the Government about what is the best course to pursue, in which discussions I have been in some respects a participator. An expedition by land with horses was first thought of, but, from the great price of horses, &c., it was found that it would require nearly 500 to equip such an expedition. It is now determined to send off a vessel direct to Sharks Bay, and thence to com- mence a search north and south along the coast which is of such a nature that it cannot be approached from sea except at two or three points all the way up there. It is awful to contemplate the sufferings of the wretched survivors. All here have been anxious about them, and I myself have not been idle so far as my thoughts and powers went; but I shall explain this in due order. In the midst of our discussions, I suggested the possibility of forwarding a letter to the sufferers by means of the natives, and to get the Government to authorise me to offer the libera- tion of Billymera (Weeip's son) who is now in prison, as an Q 226 inducement to any of them who would carry a letter there and bring an answer back. Full of this project I set out for home, but it was already night when I arrived at Guildford, and it began to rain very heavily ; so I stopped at Mr. Tan- ner's, having first made enquiries everywhere in that neigh- bourhood for any natives, and greatly desiring to see my old friend Torngkin ; but the soldiers had unfortunately just be- gun a system of patrolling, which alarmed all the natives, and they had disappeared. This was rather a damper to my ardour, but with the dawn of day I set out for home, and, immediately after breakfast, mounted my mare and rode out on the forlorn hope of " looking for natives," wishing that Weeip could be seen for a moment, though I should com- promise myself by holding intercourse with an outlawed proscribed murderer that is, in the eye of our law. Kode first to Mr. Shaw's ; no sign there. Eode to Mr. Bull's ; some natives had been there recently, and could not be far away. Followed and overtook some, and began to talk to them, but found they knew little of my language or man- ner. Suddenly recollecting that one of them had formerly called himself a son of Weeip's, I took him. on one side and told him I wanted some one who could understand me. Sounded him about Weeip himself, when, at last, having assured himself of my intentions, he offered to take me to Weeip. I did not hesitate a moment, but went immediately along with him into some thick bush, where he stopped, whistled, and mentioned my name. Like a spectre, Weeip appeared from behind a bush, and came smiling to meet me, with his hand outstretched. I could not refuse it, and com- ing at once to the point with him, I related to him, in his own language and manner, that " black man " had told " white man " that other white men, our friends, were sit- ting on the ground at a distance, crying, and that the ship which had walked with them over the sea from England was broken upon the rocks, that the white men here were sorrow- 227 ful, and that I would give black fellow a " paper talk," that black fellow should give that " paper talk " to the white fellow at a distance ; that my " paper talk " should stop there, and that the white man at a distance should give another " paper talk to black fellow, who should come back soon and give it to Mr. Moore, and that Billymerra, his son, would then be a friend, and Governor would say, " walk away, friend." I spent an hour trying to impress the urgency and import- ance of the mission upon him. He seemed doubtful about something, but I urged, explained, showed my earnestness by look, word, and gesture, and by sketches on the sand told him he could not deceive us ; that the paper would tell whether he had seen white men, that Billymerra would be free if he did it, and that I would speak to the Governor in his favour. There seemed a discussion among the natives, who had now all joined us, and at last he said he would go away now, that if I brought him the letter when he walked a little space, and come to a spot which he pointed out, he would speak. I rode to Mr. Bull's, wrote a letter to the survivors, telling them of the ship going to their relief, requested them to look out make signals, hoist flags, raise beacons, make fires, &c., to send the bearer instantly with instructions where they were, &c. Wrote two or three placards to the same effect in large writing ; folded or rolled the whole very tightly in a small piece of oiled skin, and returned at appointed hour to the spot we had agreed on. Looked round on all sides ; nothing to my right, a valley to my left, an extensive plain in front. No living thing in sight. Called out, and was instantly answered from the opposite side of the valley a vantage ground, from which four natives were observing all my move- ments, so that they could easily have avoided detection or escaped pursuit had they seen anything suspicious about my appearance. As it was, I dashed boldly down the side of the valley, crossed the creek, and, ascending on the other side, was quietly received by them, though I could not help ob- Q 2 228 serving that they were furnished with a formidable quantity of war spears with which they had equipped themselves since my last visit. I showed Weeip the small parcel about as thick as a man's finger, and four inches long; and asked him if he would go ? He readily said, Yes. All his scruples and demurs seemed to be at an end. He told me his plan. He should take two others with him, avoid some tribes who were not friendly, and keep near the coast ; would reach his desti- nation in 1 5 days, and come back in the same time. I made him calculate them over and over again ; it was the same. I tied the parcel firmly to his belt, and he took his departure, again shaking hands, and twice looking back to say " Good- bye, Mr. Moore." I responded as often, " Good-bye, Weeip." As I turned away I felt a glow of satisfaction. I had thus been enabled to place a father in the way of earning liberty for his son, and probable redemption of himself, as well as relieving these poor fellow-creatures from the miseries of a state of lingering and hopeless proscription. I have dwelt long on this for it made a great impression upon me. It is not often that such an adventure comes in our way. Perhaps you will not grudge the space which I have devoted to it. Conjecture is busy as to what vessel it can be. We have long expected a ship called the Mercury which is said to have sailed from Madras on 3rd of October. The time agrees, but nautical men consider it impossible, as no vessel from India should be near that part of the coast. On enquiry, I find the " wayl-men " long since brought some crowns and half crowns and other British coin here, but it was supposed that they had either stolen them or that some foolishly liberal person had given the money to them. The coin being all British, confirms the opinion that the vessel must be an outward bound Chinaman. This evening I met Mr. B., who had been absent all day. He seemed nettled at the idea that I should have seen the 229 native without his intervention, and I really am almost afraid that he may be interfering in some way, which will raise jealousy and alarm in the minds of the natives. I told him that the man's life and his son's liberty depended upon this act, and their blood must be on his head if he frustrated it, Saturday. Have just ridden down to Perth, and find that the Captain of the Eagle has suddenly declared his intention of sailing to-morrow morning, and that letters must be sent in within the hour. It is fortunate T brought my letters down with me. [ANOTHER gap here occurs in the diary, and the result of Weeip's mission to Shark's Bay (already referred to) is not given by Mr. Moore. It would appear however, that he performed it satisfactorily, for in September he received a formal pardon from Sir James Stirling, and Billymerra was released from custody. The report of a wreck at Shark's Bay appears to have been incorrect.] THE COLONY. Perth, September, 1834. September 28th. Bather a fine day externally. Only two visitors Mr. Eobert Brockman and Mr. Mellersh. The latter has only lately arrived here ; he is now apprenticed to Mr. Brockman. Monday 29th. Busy sheep-shearing. Three men are em- ployed at it, J , Dodd the shepherd, aud a man called Morley, who shears at 5s. a score. He has clipped 27, J 22, and Dodd 18. I have a man folding them up. The plan for laying fleeces on top of one another would require at least one extra hand, and I think is objectionable in some respects. The wool is assorted according to the quality. I have coarse wool, merino wool, and merino with a cross of pure Saxon, which appears very tine ; and I have a few pure Saxon fleeces. Wednesday, 1st Oct. One man shore 30 sheep to-day. Another such day will finish them, for I have about 233 grown sheep, and I do not intend to shear the lambs at present, of which I have about 130. A man came here yesterday looking for work ; he said he had had nothing to eat on the previous day but a few sow thistles. I scarcely believe him ; but it required some little starvation to bring the servants to their senses again. Tuesday, Oct. 7th. I went to Perth on Friday last, and stayed there till Saturday night. Two vessels had come in the Jolly Rambler from Java, and the Jessie from Mauritius. The latter is loaded with rum and sugar, and some flour, but the captain will not break bulk unless at 40 a ton for sugar and flour, and 6s. a gallon for rum. So we are not much the 231 better for them yet. A vessel called the Monkey (Captain Pace) has also arrived the same which was sent to Sharks Bay to look for the survivors of a wreck supposed to have taken place there. No traces, however, were discovered of such a thing having occurred. The natives there are de- scribed as being very big men ; out of 30 of them who were measured, live or six were 6ft. 5in., or 6ft. 6in., while twenty of them were 6ft., and not a man under 5ft. Vin. or 5ft. 8in. They were not very familiar, and not a word of their language was understood, so that no information was gained. Dirk Hartog's Island is described as a mere heap of rock, shells, and sand, and the coast of the bay mere sand and salt swamp. No fresh water is to be found ; neither tree nor land bird, nor land animal to be seen, but fish in great numbers, and plenty of little oysters and shell fish. Abundance of whales also were seen, and quantities of valuable shells got. That is about the sum of the whole expedition. Oct. 11th. Natives about here in great numbers to-day. I made the whole work at carrying and burning " blackboy," and gave them wheat in return. I have two men grubbing " blackboy " at 2 10s. an acre. I put down an acre of Caffre corn in drills at six feet asunder, and am sheepfolding the ground. Sunday, 12th. A circumstance has occurred here lately which has created quite a sensation. A Mr. James McDer- mott loaded a little vessel of his own to go down to Port Augusta, and a storm came on shortly after, and the vessel has not since been heard of. This was about six weeks ago. It is almost certain the vessel is swamped. He was married to a Miss Turner. During my absence to-day the dog " Carlo " killed a kangaroo of 60 Ibs. weight, without the assistance of any other dog. This has been a relief in the article of housekeeping. Many persons have supported their establishments as far as meat is concerned upon kangaroo this season. Some have killed several thousand pounds weight. 232 A most amusing scene of tragic romance was enacted the other day at Mr. Brockman's between two of his servants J G , a redheaded cow boy of 18, and Sally Cook, a nurse of 14. J got into a fit of jealous love, and she, in a fit of despair, took poison. He, in his agony, was desirous that another should shoot him, and, not succeeding in his wishes, he took poison also. Things looked alarming, and the doctor was sent for, who, after long examination, thought there was too much acting to be natural. However, he ad- ministered pretty strong emetics to both. This brought on an opening and relieving of the mind as well as the stomach, when the young lady very quaintly said to her dying swain " D'ye think I'd be such a fool as take poison ? I'm sure I never thought you'd be such a fool either." The swain soon relieved himself from the stigma of such folly also ; so the whole ended in their having a night's suffering under the operation of unsparing emetic, and being discharged from their services in the morning. Oct. 15th. Walked back to the hills to-day with the shep- herd to look out for fresh pasture for the sheep. The natives are the chief terror, but there is fine feed. Have got home my iron plough, which has been at the blacksmith's to be mended ; it is far superior to what I used in its place, though it wants some alteration. I shall have three or four acres fallowing for crop next year. I have two men out grubbing grass trees at 2 10s. an acre. These I bum and spread. I feel every day more reluctant to leave the farm. There ia great talk just now of persons going over the hills to settle down with flocks when they can get them. One man who went over there with a small flock in a small way, is now an independent man (all within three years). I drove down to Mr. Yule's yesterday with 62 lambs to have them weaned. He sends up as many to my place. This is the way we manage it. Oct. 16th. There are about 30 natives here. They sleep near 233 this, and are about to have some spearing account to settle among themselves to-morrow. They manage these matters something like a duel. One man of his tribe having wounded in the arm a woman of another tribe, her friends come and demand satisfaction. Several shots are exchanged, generally without execution, as they, by fair activity, avoid them, and so the affair ends. A deadly feud is conducted in a different way. The injured party devotes himself to revenge, steals on his enemy at night, or unawares, and kills him. Oct. 18th. I was in Perth yesterday ; in the meantime numbers of natives were here, and made a great " corrobery *' near the house at night, to which they came down to invite my people. I do not hear of any mischief having been done as yet either among themselves or towards us. * * * I sold a two-year-old steer yesterday to a butcher at Perth for 23. It weighed about 400 Ibs. I had reared this one at home myself. He was of a small breed and sluggish, so as not to promise well for work. I think I must get rid of my wether sheep and wether lambs, as I am short of pasture for so large a flock. To send them away frustrates one main in- tention of mine, which is to get up a flock of Saxon breed. Oct. 20th. Winat (one of the natives) came past this to- day, with a double-barrelled gun on his shoulder and two black cockatoos in his hand, which he had killed with one shot. He was sent with a letter from Guildford to Mr. Bull and he executed his office well, brought back an answer* called here on his way back, and did not make any unneces- sary delay. I sent a message to Mr. Turner by him. We are advancing with them. I made an offer to-day to Mr. Bring, near this, for his wool off about 40 sheep, but he wants to send it home himself. His flock of about forty grown sheep and forty lambs is now offered for sale. He asks 200, but may sell them cheaper. Tuesday, 2lst. I sent my flock this morning back to the hills in care of a man and a boy, who are now encamped 234 there (as far as a bush hut can deserve the title). The situa- tion is very picturesque, on the slope of small hills, with a stream running at the foot. The pasture is excellent. I trust they may thrive there, free from natives or disease. Wednesday, 22nd. It appears that the Messrs. Burgess went to see a " corrobery " some nights ago, and some symp- toms of hostility were exhibited, so that they felt alarmed. Captain Ellis and four of the new police came up last night in consequence. In the meantime Sam told me that two natives had met him on his way to Perth, and they asked e him for bread, and one of them threatened to spear white man if he did not give it. This man was " Guerip " one of the most active in murdering the soldier at the Murray river. An expedition was to have been made on Monday last to the Murray, for the purpose of endeavouring to apprehend the perpetrators of that murder, and it appears strange that on that very day he should come here. It confirms me in an opinion that some one betrays every movement of ours to them. I mentioned to Captain Ellis that " Guerip " was here. Numbers of strange natives have arrived at their heed-quarters near here this evening, and we have heard .their voices very loud, as if they were fighting among them- selves. Friend Tomghin has told me that he and several others have concerted a plan to throw a certain native off his guard and spear him to death. Amiable creatures ! , Thursday, Oct. 23rd. Rode down to Perth to-day, and told the Governor all I knew about the natives. He wished me to return again and take charge of a military party to hover about them so long as they should remain in force in the neighbourhood. I returned and found that the Gueriss who was here is not the Murray river native, but one of the same name. * * * In the morning early, James heard the dog Carlo barking at a distance. It turned out that he had been with the shepherd all night and had brought a large kangaroo to bay, and had a desperate battle with him. The 235 shepherd came to the rescue and shot the kangaroo, when the dog was nearly exhausted, being cut and braised severely. The singularity is that the barking of the dog was heard dis- tinctly here, the distance not being much less than four miles. Friday (24tfi). The soldiers made their way here late last night. I got straw shaken in the kitchen for them, and this morning despatched them to patrol, with instructions to call on the settlers and ascertain the movements of the natives. All was quiet, they having proceeded below Guildford. This little display of force and watchfulness on our part may have a good effect upon them. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Tanner called here to-day. They now talk of going to India, and thence overland to England. * * * I watch with great interest every day the progress of two of my vines which have some fruit in progress ; two fig trees also, none of them being as yet more than 20 inches high, and this but the second year of their growth. Saturday (25tJi), It is provoking that, after having sup- ported my two workmen all through the time of scarcity of provisions, and labour, and giving them high wages 40s. a month during all that time, they both give me warning now that they will leave me in a month, just at the commence- ment of harvest, unless I raise their wages. This is gratitude and honour. Fortunately I have just hired another at 40s. a month for the two ensuing months, a quiet-looking handy man who has been living with our friend M for eighteen months. * * * The natives have all dispersed to-day, and gone off again, for what reason I know not, but suspect they did not like the appearance of the police and soldiers visiting them. Tomghin says they will go away for four months, but this is too good news to be true. * * * I have just finished roofing a frame of a house, 40 feet long by 12 wide, part of which will serve for a barn, the rest for cow- house or other purposes. Oct. 2Qth. The Governor has gone to the Murray Eiver 236 District to see about establishing Mr. Peel in a new settlement there. I suppose he will not return for eight or ten days ; he is endeavouring to induce people to settle between this and King George's Souud. Tuesday, Oct. 28th. H.M.S. the Hyacinth has arrived here from Madras, having been sent first to look out for the wreck of the Mercury, formerly bound for this place, filled with passengers and lading, but now missing ; next, he (Captain Blackwood) has orders to go on to Van Dieman's Land and Sydney. The schooner Eagle having also arrived from Mau- ritius, we may have sugar, rum and flour cheaper. Wednesday. Got a large mahogany tree cut down and put on a pit for sawing into boards for flooring, &c. Tree is about three feet through ; had great trouble in dragging it to the pit on wood by oxen by means of " cant hooks," &c. A native came from the hills to Dodd the shepherd, who appeared quite timid and alarmed. It was "Moily Mayget," the prisoner whom I had charge of at first. He seems to be in banishment from his tribe for some reason. Thursday.- A strange rumour has reached us here that the party who went to the Murray River have fallen in with the natives there, and killed 35 of them, Captain Ellis being slightly wounded, and a soldier grazed by a spear. This is important if true. * * * I went up to Mr. Bull's this day and took tea. A party there had been out kangaroo- hunting Captain B., Dr. Johnston, Mr. Brown, Mr. Leonard, and Nat Shaw. Saturday, 1st Nov. Went to Perth yesterday, and got from the Governor an account of the battle of Pinjarra. They came upon the offending tribe in a position which I dare say the natives thought was most favourable for their manoeuvres, but which was turned into a complete trap for them. In the first onset, three out of five of the small party which went to reconnoitre them were unhorsed, two being wounded. The Governor himself came up with a reinforcement just in time 237 to prevent the natives rushing in upon and slaughtering that party. The natives then fled to cross at a ford, but were met and driven back by a party which had been detached for that purpose. They tried to cross at another ford, but were met there also, when they took to the river, lying hid under the overhanging banks, and seeking opportunities of casting their spears, but they were soon placed between two fires and punished severely. The women and children were protected, and it is consolatory to know that none, suffered but the daring fighting men of the very tribe that had been most hostile. The destruction of European lives and property committed by that tribe was such that they considered themselves quite our masters, and had become so emboldened that either that part of the settlement must have been abandoned or a severe example made of them. It was a painful but urgent necessity, and likely to be the most humane policy in the end. The Governor narrowly escaped a spear. Captain Ellis was struck in the temple and unhorsed. Being stunned by the blow he fell. Monday, 3rd Nov. A very warm day. John Mackie was here. * * * I was back at the hills with the flock ; they are improving now rapidly. The natives in this neighbour- hood got a fright last night. Some women had been stealing Mr. Shaw's potatoes, and he had applied to the soldiers, who went to Mr. Bull ; the natives got information of this, and ran from their fires, thinking the soldiers were in pursuit of them. They called on me late last night to know what was to be done, and this morning by sunrise they were with me again on the subject. They are, I think, alarmed for themselves from what has occurred at the Murray, though they seem glad that that tribe has suffered. Mr. Tanner was here to-day. There is to be a show of cattle, or any other thing worth showing, on Friday, at our agricultural meeting. The Governor will dine there. I thought of showing some wool, but will defer it till next year. 238 Tuesday, 4th. A busy morning with sheep, &c. The lambs which had been with Mr. Yule's flock to be weaned, were brought back this morning. Those of his which I had were brought from the hills ; those which were with Edwards were also removed, as he does not wish to keep them longer, so that I sent back to the hills 112 lambs. All these changes were effected by the middle of the day. Saturday-night. Went to Perth on Thursday to attend a Council. . . . Friday was our agricultural meeting, and first attempt at a cattle show. We had a very full meeting, and a good deal of business done. There were several horses, cattle and sheep exhibited. Great speechifying at the dinner. Several strangers were there ; among others is Mr. Taylor, who had gone as a settler to K. G. Sound, but does not seem contented there, and wishes to see whether he would like this place better, which I have no doubt he will do There has been rain for two days past, occasional showers ; these are perhaps the last we may have for some time. . . . I had to wait to escort some others home last night, and did not arrive here till near 12, cold and tired Shepherd wants higher wages. I am now paying at the rate of 103 a year for wages, besides feeding the people, and on 1st January I must commence to give Letty wages also, 15 or perhaps 18 a year. Sunday. The flour I paid so dear for turns out to be sour, and we take very badly to it, after our own good sweet wheat. Burgess and Bull had to go back to the hills to-day again, Flocks looking better every day. The Governor has gone over to York with Captain Blackwood to see the country. The natives have disappeared from this. I think they have dis- covered we have not much to give them until after harvest. Tuesday. A rainy morning, very favourable for our crops, &c. Got my cart broken by carrying boards from the saw pit, which is 1| miles away. Mean to have a barn floor of mahogany boards two inches thick. Weather has been 239 very cool almost cold; it rains now at eleven o'clock, night. Tuesday night. Poor Captain Ellis has died in conse- quence of the injury he received at the time of the conflict with the natives ; but it is supposed that it was from the concussion of the brain by the fall from his horse, rather than by the wound from the spear (which was very trifling), that he died. The natives here are uneasy, thinking that we mean to take more lives in revenge. . . . You, perhaps, are curious to know what business I do now in Perth. Give legal advice, and draw leases and other documents for Govern- ment and attend Councils Lady Stirling has brought out some new novels and other works. I read " Eugene Aram " the other day, and this day I walked from Perth and read on the way two volumes of Arlington. Our minds are in danger of becoming rusted for want of the polish of the literature of the day. Met the native, " Mundy," on the road to-day ; we stopped and chatted and told each other all the news we could. His wife and a girl were with him Sitting in my bachelor state after dinner, I had a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Bull. Walking to convoy them a little, I met on my return a tribe of natives at their fires, and had a friendly greeting. Appended is a more detailed report of the encounter with the natives in the Pinjarrah District, to which I briefly referred the other day. I was not one of that party. The party consisted of His Excellency Sir Jas. Stirling, Mr. Eoe, Capt. Meares, and his son (Seymour), Mr. Peel, Capt. Ellis, Mr. Norcott, with five of the mounted police (one sick), Mr. Surveyor Smythe, a soldier to lead a pack horse, Mr. Peel's servant, two corporals and eight privates of H.M.'s 21st Regiment (to leave at Pinjarra) in all, 25 persons. On the night of the 27th of October, the party bivouacked at a place called by the natives " Jimjam," about ten or eleven miles in a direct line E.N.E. from the mouth of the Murray, where is 240 abundance of most luxurious feed for cattle, at a broad and deep reach of the river flowing to the N.W., and at this time perfectly fresh. After an early breakfast, the whole encamp- ment was in motion at ten minutes before six the next morn- ing. Steered South Eastward for Pinjarra another place- of resort for the natives of the district, and situated a little below the first ford across the river, where it was intended to establish a town on a site reserved for the purpose, and to leave half of the party, including the military, for the protec- tion of Mr. Peel and such other settlers as that gentleman might induce to resort thither. Crossing the ford, where the river had an average depth of 2 feet, and was running about 1| miles an hour to the north, an Easterly course was taken for the purpose of looking at the adjoining country, but the party had not proceeded more than a quarter of a mile over the undulating surface of the richest description, covered with nutritious food for cattle, when the voices of many natives were heard on the left. This being a neighbourhood much frequented by the native tribe of Kalyute, which had long been indulging in almost unchecked commission of numerous outrages and atrocious murders on the white people resident in the district, and which had hitherto succeeded in eluding the pursuit of the parties that had been searching for them since their treacherous murder of Private Nesbitt of the 21st Eegiment, and the spearing of Mr. Barron only a few weeks ago the moment was considered propitiously favorable for punishing the per- petrators of such and other diabolical acts of a similar nature, should this prove to be the offending tribe. For the purpose of ascertaining that point, His Excellency rode forward 200 or 300 yards with Messrs. Peel and Norcott, who were acquainted both with the persons of the natives and with their language, and commenced calling out and talking to them for the purpose of bringing on an interview. Their own noise was, however, so loud and clamorous, 241 that all other sounds appeared lost on them, or as mere echoes. No answer being returned, Captain Ellis, in charge of the mounted police, with Mr. Norcott, his assistant, and the remaining available men of his party, amounting to three in number were despatched across the ford again to the left bank, where the natives were posted, to bring on the interview required. The instant the police were observed approaching at about 200 yards distance, the natives, to the number of about 70, started on their feet, the men seized their numerous and recently made spears, and showed a formidable front, but rinding their visitors still approached, they seemed unable to stand a charge, and sullenly retreated, gradually quickening their pace until the word " forward " from the leader of the gallant little party brought the horsemen in about half a minute dashing into the midst of them, the same moment having discovered the well-known features of some of the most atrocious offenders of the obnoxious tribe. One of these, celebrated for his audacity and outrage, was the first to be recognised at the distance of five or six yards from Mr. Norcott, who knew him well, and immediately called out, " These are the fellows we want, for here's that old rascal Noonar," on which the savage turned round and cried with peculiar ferocity and emphasis, " Yes, Noonar me," and was in the act of hurling his spear at Norcott, in token of requital for the recognition, when the latter shot him dead. The identity of the tribe being now clearly established, and the natives turning to assail their pursuers, the firing con- tinued, and was returned by the former with spears as they retreated to the river. The first shot, and the loud shouts and yells of the natives, were sufficient signal to the party who had halted a quarter of a mile above, who immediately followed Sir James Stirling, at full speed, and arrived opposite Captain Ellis' party just as some of the natives had crossed and others were in the river. It was just the critical moment for them. 242 Five or six rushed up the right bank, but were utterly con- founded at meeting a second party of assailants, who imme- diately drove back those who escaped the firing. Being thus exposed to a cross fire, and having no time to rally their forces, they adopted the alternative of taking to the river, and secreting themselves amongst the roots and branches and holes on the banks, or by immersing themselves with the face only uncovered, and ready with a spear under water, to take advantage of any one who approached within reach. Those who were sufficiently hardy or desperate to expose themselves on the offensive, or to attempt breaking through the assailants, were soon cleared off, and the remainder were gradually picked out of their concealment by the cross fire from both banks, until between 25 and 30 were left dead on the field and in the river. The others had either escaped up and down the river, or had secreted themselves too closely to be discovered except in the persons of eight women and some children, who emerged from their hiding places (where, in fact, the creatures were not concealed), on being assured of personal safety, and were detained prisoneis until the determination of the fray. It is, however, very probable that more men were killed in the river, and floated down with the stream. Notwithstanding the care which was taken not to injure the women during the skirmish, it cannot appear surprising that one and several children were killed, and one woman amongst the prisoners had received a ball through the thigh. On finding the women were spared, and understanding the orders repeatedly issued to that effect, many of the men cried out they were of the other sex ; but evidence to the contrary was too strong to admit the plea. As it appeared by this time that sufficient punishment had been inflicted on this warlike and sanguinary tribe by the destruction of about half its male population, and amongst whom were recognised, on personal examination, fifteen very old and desperate offenders, the bugle sounded to cease firing, and the divided party reassembled at 243 the ford, where the baggage had been left in. charge of four soldiers, who were also to maintain the post. Here Captain Ellis had arrived, badly wounded in the right temple, by a spear at three or four yards distance, which knocked him off his horse, and P. Heffron, a constable of the police, had received a bad spear wound above the right elbow. No sur- gical aid being at hand, it was not without some little dif- ficulty the spear was extracted, and it then proved to be barbed at the distance of five inches from the point. Having recrossed the river in good order with the baggage on three horses, the whole party formed a junction on the left bank, fully expecting the natives would return in stronger force, but in this were disappointed. After a consultation over the prisoners, it was resolved to set them free, for the purpose of fully explaining to the remnant of the tribe the cause of the chastisement which had been inflicted, and to bear a message to the effect that, if they again offered to spear white men or their cattle, or to revenge in any way the punish- ment which had just been inflicted on these for their numerous murders and outrages, four times the present number of men would proceed amongst them and destroy every man, woman, and child. This was perfectly understood by the captives, and they were glad to depart even under such an assurance ; nor did several of their number, who were the widows, mothers and daughters of notorious offenders shot that day, evince any stronger feeling on the occasion than what arose out of their anxiety to keep themselves warm. [At this stage of Mr. Moore's Diary we find a copy of the third annual report of the Directors of the first Agricultural Society established in the colony, which we think may prove interesting to many of our readers, indicating as it does the condition which agriculture had attained in the colony at that early period of its history. The report is addressed to Sir James Stirling, the then Governor]. " In laying before your Excellency our third agricultural K 2 244 report of the colony we cannot but remark, that though the total amount of live stock in the colony may appear small, and though a great many farmers have as yet been able to procure but -a very limited supply, yet when we reflect, that only the fifth year of our existence as a community has passed, and look at the same period of any colony on record, it will be found that we stand very fair before them in this respect, as well as in the extent of land in cultivation. And when we look at the same state of importance to which other colonies have arrived (Sydney, for instance, almost even within our own knowledge and experience), we think we have reason to congratulate ourselves. " From our own observations we can state that within the last twelve months, the increase of stock has been very con- siderable, the holders having acted more judiciously of late in withholding the breeding stock from the butcher, however tempting the price, whereas formerly they thought merely of the present, by killing ewes, &c., whenever the condition of the animal or great demand for meat gave present profit. We believe the number of head of live stock has never before been given, so as to enable us to state with precision what the increase has been within any given time ; but, by as careful a means as could be adopted, we find the present numbers, and the quantity of land in cultivation, to be as follows : Horses, 84 ; mares, 78 ; cows, 307 ; working cattle, 96 ; bulls and steers, 97 ; sheep, 3,545 ; goats, 492 ; pigs, 374. Number of acres of wheat, 564; barley, 100 ; oats, 116 ; Kaffre corn and maize, 29; potatoes, 15; other crops, 94; fallow, 118. Vines, half an acre. " Amongst the horses we must remark that, we have your own thoroughbred stock, namely, ' Grey Leg ' and ' Chateau Margaux,' and four mares, and your ' Napoleon ;' the two cart horses of Mr. Bull and Mr. J. W. Hardey, and Mr. Peel's ' Punch.' Of cart mares, we have Mr. Brockman's two ; Mr. Bull's one, Mr. Lennard's two ; Mr. Lewis's two ; Mr. Phillips's 245 one ; Major Nairn's two ; also Mr. Smith's fine half-bred mare. Of cows and bulls we possess a good many of the fine English breeds Devon short-horned, Yorkshire, Durham, Alderney, Ayrshire, &c. Of sheep we have the fine ewes and rams imported from Saxony by Mr. McDermott at a great expense, with their descendants, and the pure merinos from the flocks of the late Mr. Trimmer and others. It is gratifying to know that the good breeds of the stock above mentioned bear such a proportion to the inferior that have been and may be im- ported from the neighbouring colonies, that we have within ourselves the foundation for an unlimited number of first-rate horses, cattle, and sheep. " Of wool, the small quantity hitherto exported has been, of course, of a very mixed description, and much of it very dirty and badly packed, from obvious causes. It appears not to have fetched in the London market more than 2s. 2d. per Ib. The present season may be rated at about 5,8841bs., and we are happy to say that a large proportion of it is fine, and that much more pains have been taken with it than formerly. " Since making our last report, explorations that have been made by individuals have not only confirmed our opinions of the extent of the pastoral districts in the interior, but have added some not before known. Added to which the increased experience of those settlers on the only located district of this description,, more than confirm the opinions formerly enter- tained of it for the breeding of fine-woolled sheep. On this subject, Mr. Bland, one of the largest flockmasters in the colony, says : ' With regard to the land in this district, my ' opinion is, that it is as healthy a sheep run as can be found. ' We have resided here with a flock of sheep for nearly three ' years, and have not had any disease amongst them, excepting 'the foot rot, which had been brought up from the Swan. ' Both sheep and lambs require clipping early in spring, to pre- ' vent a grass seed with a curled point from working into the ' skin. We find the grass certainly increase where it has been 246 ' most fed off. As to the comparative expense of keeping a ' flock here and on the Swan, I am scarcely able to say, not ' having kept one at the latter place myself, but two men can 'keep from 700 to 1000, with an extra hand in lambing ' time, and two or three at clipping time. I think the country ' on the average will keep about one sheep to three acres. But ' as the feed increases by feeding, a larger proportion may be ' kept hereafter.' "We are sorry to say that the disease mentioned in our last report as having proved so serious a drawback to keep- ing flocks on the Swan, has not yielded so entirely as we had hoped it would, to the medicines employed ; nor, with all the care of the owner and shepherd, has it been kept off so long as the sheep have remained in those districts of the Swan in which it had before prevailed. But this has hastened the flockmasters here in sending them to the Avon, to which river three individuals have lately removed their sheep, and where there are now no less than eight flocks. It is the intention of more of the principal settlers to send their stock over the hills, when the Government shall have so far improved the roads as to enable them to take over supplies, which for the present, must be taken from their farms on the Swan and the Canning. It is very gratifying to be able to state, that of some of the merino lambs from the Avon, only six months old, killed at Perth, the carcases have weighed upwards of 10 Ibs. a quarter, and this after having been driven over in two days. " As to the number of acres in wheat showing so small an increase on that of last year, we would remark, that the great scarcity of seed prevented more being got in ; had it not been for this cause, we can venture to say that it would have been very much greater. Nearly the whole of the land now fallow would have been in wheat, besides a great deal of new land, had seed been procurable. Kaffre-corn appears to be almost entirely superseding maize, the former being found not only 247 productive, but answering well on inferior soils ; whereas the latter does not succeed well in this country, without a great deal of manure, except on soils that are moist in summer. During the present season oat hay has been made, for the first time in the colony, and with complete success, the crop being four or five times as great as that on the natural pastures. " From the great increase in the number of working bullocks within the last year or two, we may reasonably calculate on a very considerable increase in the extent of land under culti- vation next year, if the periodical scarcity which has usually visited us be averted so that we be not obliged to use for food the wheat intended for seed. We deem it right to make one observation on the wheat crop, to prevent an erroneous, opinion being formed as to its produce, that though the quantity sown is considerable, and is generally looking well, there are many acres that are sown on inferior land without sufficient tillage, or sown too late, that cannot be counted on." " Amongst the plants introduced since our last report, we noticed one of some importance which is now established, namely, the hop. The white mulberry, of which there are a great number in the colony, grows most luxuriantly. We have now growing in the colony, plants of nearly every kind of European fruit, tree, and shrub, all of which appear to thrive well, as do such of the tropical fruits as have had a fair trial, as the date and banana. Of the fig and the vine, the fruit appear to be as good as that grown in any part of the world. Of the vine one settler has half an acre planted. Indeed this and other fruit trees and plants are becoming very generally cultivated throughout the settlement, especially the fig, vine and peach, which here grow to a certainty from cut- tings. The olive, although regular plantations have not been made, grows remarkably fast, and there is one plant in Perth now in fruit. Although garden vegetables cannot be grown in perfection during every month in the year on dry soils, yet 248 in moist grounds every description of vegetables can be grown at any season, and our supply of them is certainly very superior with common culture to what can be obtained in England, with- out artificial heat and the greatest care. Of the various kinds of timber trees, and shrubs from Europe, Africa., &c., that have been tried here, all appear to grow remarkably well. Bees have been landed at King George's Sound since our last report. "We are happy to state that four flour mills are now in operation, and two others are now in the course of erection ; also, that brewing is becoming more general ; and, notwith- standing the scarcity of money that continues to be felt, we have ascertained that upwards of two thousand pounds (2000) are ready to be laid out in the purchase of sheep (including some already sent for), to be sent to the fine pas- tures on the Avon and the Hotham. It has been ascertained that on upland two, and on moist soils three, crops of potatoes can be produced in the year." Perth, Dec. 12th. I was obliged to close my last letter yesterday very hastily and abruptly, having been occupied by public business almost up to the moment of setting out for this. * * Two things I was disappointed about; the first is that from your letters I expected a bale of some material for packing wool in, as I had omitted to buy some when it was to be had, in expectation of your bale. That which was here was very poor, and selling at Is. (3d. a yard. I know that it can be had with you at 3d. or 4d. a yard. There is not a yard of any sort to be had now, and I have nothing to pack my wool in, so that it must lie for some other opportunity. Some sent their wool to Van Diemen's Land by this ship (the Adam) in casks, under a promise from the captain that it would be packed in cloth. I did not much like this plan. The next point in which I was disappointed is, that your last letters gave me to understand that you were sending out a crate of delf, and I was looking out for it 249 most anxiously. There was no letter with the packages which came from England, except that containing the bill of lading. We conjecture, however, that they came from you. They con- sist of a box of soap and starch, a box of axes and wedges, and a dozen of spades. The soap was most seasonable, as I was just about buying some. The spades seem excellent. The wedges also will be very serviceable, though to be most effective they should be in progressive sizes. These re- marks may be serviceable as hints to others. I am pretty well supplied now, for we can now get them made here, at a dear rate. There is a plan now in progress for attempting to civilize some of the natives by putting them under the friendly superintendence of Mr. Armstrong, 'who has gained their entire confidence, and acquired a thorough knowledge of their language. The principle is that they shall procure their own subsistence but of this more anon. The natives, after a long absence from this neighbourhood, have returned. They have been a long way to the North. Tomghin has been giving me a great account of excursions which he and Weeip made. He says the men are very big, that they eat each .other, that they wanted to come here to see the white people, but he discouraged them, saying that they would steal nnd we would lie angry. I give no guess how far he had goiu: to the North, but think he must have been 100 miles. He says he asked about money or white men, but there is no such thing, and that black fellows " tell a lie plenty." (This was in reference to the rumours we had some time since of a ship- wreck). He was describing to me his ideas of a future state. Some, he said, when they died went down far into the earth and walked " far away " ; others went up and walked above where the snake and the emu stay (perhaps they are hunting grounds hereafter). He also talked of something which I take to be a spirit (good or bad) called " Boylya," but I do not understand this. I know there is not much reliance to 250 be placed in some of their tales, but he says now that Calynte, the leader of the Murray river tribe, has collected all his forces, and the assistance of other distant tribes, and is coming to make regular battle with us, and do whatever mischief he can. This will satisfy the term " systematic attack " which some of the despatches use as the only thing to justify any military aid. December 16. Mr. Peel has now got the fee simple of his 250,000 acres, and is in treaty with some company for 100,000 acres at 2s. 6cl. an acre. The company wants 1,000,000 acres. It strikes me as a great omission hitherto on our part that we have not have made it generally known that land may be had here from settlers at a low rate per- haps from 4d. an acre upwards, taking a large quantity. At Southern Australia, I see they charge 12s. as a minimum price. How can they expect to get that sum in a new colony, when land may be had so much cheaper in one partly established ? Depend on it, the place will not succeed. December 2oth. I wish you all a meny Christinas and a happy new year. The gap from the 16th to this day has oc- curred by my being much in Perth since on business. I hardly know how to fill it up, except with a report of meet- ings of the Executive Council, examination of roads, bridges, canals, &c., as commissioner of roads, and drawing up reports thereon. In examining the " flats " one very warm day, we (Mr. Roe and I) walked about through the water with our trousers tucked up and legs exposed to the sun for some time, so that the skin was greatly burned and all but peeled off. We saw a fight among the natives there. When I was walking along with them, expecting to see the hostile party advancing from an opposite quarter, and just as I was endea- vouring to make one of them explain, 1 heard a sudden ' thwack," and, turning round, beheld a great spear sticking out of a certain very fleshy part of a man who was near me. It seems the quarrel was among themselves, and this was the 251 way of settling it. Another got a spear through his leg about the same time ; but they seem to think nothing of these things. The wounded men got the spears pulled out, and continued along with the rest, as if nothing were the matter. In short, it looked more like a set of mischievous boys play- ing at high romps, or having a row, than any deadly busi- ness. When one of them is angry, another holds him till the passion is off, and some appear very willing to be held, and only struggle a little " to save their honour." Walked up here on Saturday morning last with John Mackie, and rode down on Tuesday on my young filly called " Kate." She carried me very well ; it is one of my own rearing. Attended Executive Council on Tuesday, and Legis- lative Council yesterday, when two Bills were read, which I had previously prepared one to " regulate the sale of spirits, &c.," and one to establish and regulate a Post Office. Our Legislative Council is now open to the public, and we are directed to conform to the rules of the British Parliament in our proceedings, so that actually you may regard me as a member of Parliament here. A deputation of inhabitants had waited on the Governor, relative to some improvements in the town, on the same day, so that it was quite a show day. The room in which our Legislative Council sits is a large sized room, with a space railed off for the public. We are required to appear in full dress there, so that I have now an opportunity of wearing the coat and waistcoat you sent, but I confess I have not had the courage to put it on yet. The Governor appears in full dress (naval uniform), Captain Daniel in full military dress, Messrs. Broun and Eoe in blue coats, with red collars and Crown buttons, i.e., buttons with a Crown on them. (All civil officers wear these buttons.) To- day I paid a duty of 6 6s. for forty-two gallons of rum, and 14 14s. as the price of it. Think of this poured down the throats of the servants ! Oh, for the establishment here of a temperance society. 252 There is an expedition going off to explore the Hotham and William rivers. It is an interesting but very toilsome expe- dition in this very hot weather. I should like to have gone myself, but cannot be permitted, as Mr. lioe is going by land. The Governor and Mackie are going by sea to King George's Sound. * * * Mr. Norcott and the police have just re- turned from looking after natives at the Murray. They saw nothing of them, but traced their fires for thirty or forty miles on the Serpentine, which falls into the estuary of the Murray. They also saw many cattle tracks. I got a letter of yours yesterday, which was written more than a year ago (7th Dec. 1834.) It came by the Cleopatra to Van Diemen's Land, where it has lain ever since. I need not advert to it now. I have pulled up arrears, and must now make up for lost time, and hurry off to Mr. Tanner's to be in time for our plum pudding. December 2Qth. Got some smart showers of rain going down. There were present there Mr. and Mrs. Shaw, Dora and Sam, the three Messrs. Burgess and myself. The day was oppressively sultry, with a steaming damp heat, which put me in mind of some of the hot wet summer days at home. Got back at twelve at night. Found the men all looking " seedy " after yesterday's doings, but all had passed off quietly for a wonder, liain came on so heavily to-day that I was obliged to cease bringing oats to the stack, as they were too wet. I have got one famous large rick of wheat, one of barley, and one of green oats and hay. I have just paid a servant to-night the sum of 16. He is going to Perth in the morning. This to my indoor servants. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Tanner talk of going home in a vessel that has just arrived here from Van Diemen's Land. * * * I think of packing my wool in some of the sheets which you sent some time ago. 1 know not what else to do with it. Next year my flock will be a fine young flock, as I parted with the old ones when 1 could. 1 wish I had yours renewed, THE COLONY. Perth, February 1835. Monday, Feb. 2nd. I have had a regular series of visitors here to-day since twelve o'clock, when Marshall McDermott called, and took a drink of wine and passed on. Next came a Mr. Anderson, to whose farm I think of sending my flock for a little while. He dined and. drank tea, and sat a long time, and whilst he sat in came Mr. McDermott on his return and took a seat also. Shortly afterwards came Mr. Shaw, and then John Mackie, who took tea, and has just now left, at ten o'clock. Mr. Shaw mentioned an extraordinary circum- stance which had just occurred at his house. A native called Coroor, who had been out looking for some stray goats be- longing to Mr. Shaw, had lain down, in proximity to the fire, on Mr. Shaw's kitchen floor, and had fallen asleep. The native Tomghin was in the kitchen also. Mr. Shaw hap- pened to have his head down looking at Coroor as he slept, when suddenly he saw a spear strike him about the collar bone, and pierce right into his heart. The man was dead in an instant. This spear was thrown by Tomghin, who said he did it in revenge for the death of his brother, Yedemera, who was shot long ago by the soldiers. Are they not an extra- ordinary race ? Shortly afterwards another native, close to Burgess's house, speared poor Toodyeep through the side, so that it is thought she must die. The man seemed perfectly unconcerned after having done it, No wonder they are not very numerous. Tuesday, Feb. 3rd. Eode down to Guild ford to examine the roads, bridges, &c. Called on Mr. Tanner, and dined there. I wanted to buy some salt-cellars from them, but. 254 they wanted 18s. for a pair, and 50s. for a worn pair of plated candlesticks, and as much for some old spoons of date 1719 ; but as you may buy new ones for less, I did not speculate. Wednesday, Feb. 4:th. Tomghin seems to be surprised that we should be angry about his killing the man in Mr. Shaw's kitchen. He says it is their law, at their fires, and when the man is asleep ; that he had been urged to do it by the black men ; that he must yet kill another ; that that man's friends have certain opportunities for revenge which he must give, and if they kill him it's all right, if not they must be friends. Such is his account of the affair given with perfect non- chalance, as a matter of course. Thursday, Feb. 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Tanner called, and dined here, quite unexpectedly. I was sitting at my bachelor's dinner when they came. They had been making their fare- well visits along the river. They soon remove from this quarter. I regret their departure very much. Friday, Feb. Qth. This was the day of our agricultural meeting, and I rode to Guildford to attend it. About 25 per- sons were present. The country at the Hotham river, in the interior, nearly 50 miles east from Leschenhault inlet, is spoken of as a fine country. The air is cooler than here, the grass is yet green ; kangaroos are so abundant and tame that they were shot as often as required, and cockatoos so numerous as almost to prevent conversation by their noise. Sunday, Feb. 15th. Have not made any observations for some days, not having anything particular to say. One thing interesting has occurred in the meantime. Johnny Eakins has come hack to me, and I have hired him at 35s. a month. His father and mother will be gratified to hear this ; he is now a great strapping fellow, able for any work. Eumour has it that the natives at the Murray have been troublesome again, and that a misunderstanding has occurred over the hills at York with some natives also. They are still friendly 255 here. I had some of them employed in cutting down over- hanging branches of trees, which threatened my cow yard. In considering your proceedings at home, nothing strikes me as a more surprising, more useful, more ingenious con- trivance than the hydrostatic bed which I read of in the papers. What a luxury it appears to us to lie rolling about, as if in the water ! You have so many new ideas, new inven- tions, and new words since we left, that I suppose we should find it difficult to understand your conversation now. It would not be as of yore. I have been greatly interested in reading Babbage's " Economy of Manufactures," which the Southerns sent to me. I wonder if it is usual with you to say, " Run to the clock and tell me what is the square or cube root of such a number." It would be droll to see school-boys, instead of hammering away at their " twice two's four, twice three's six," all busied in striking chimes upon calculating clocks, and working their sums upon machines. Monday, Feb. 16th. Went to Perth this morning. There was a great public meeting, convened by the Sheriff, for the purpose of considering the state of the colony and preparing a memorial of grievances, &c. Tuesday, Feb. 17th. Finding no other means of getting a constant supply of fresh water, I have commenced sinking a well beside the kitchen. I fear I must go down very deep perhaps 40 or 50 feet, and must build it up with stone. Com- menced ploughing, also, to-day ; it is hard work, the ground is so hard. Wednesday, Feb. 18th. Got a reading of De L'Orme, from Lady Stirling. I devour a novel now with great interest. A small vessel, the Eagle, has come from Van Diemen's Land, bringing stock and a little provisions. My wool is all ready to go with her to the Mauritius. Our weather is very changeable now ; sometimes hot and sometimes quite chilly, so I have got a twinge of vile rheumatism in my back. Thermometer, at noon, 82 deg. ; 10 p.m., 75. 256 Thursday, Feb. 19th. The native "Gongul," who formerly threw the spear at me, came here to-day. I put my hand to the back of his neck, and turned him out. Capt. Meares also called here. Saturday, Feb. 2lst. The well is sunk to the depth of 27 feet, and we have come upon water, but not much. Have been busy quarrying stone for building it up hard red sand- stone (iron stone). Would you believe that I have had a valentine sent to me ? Sunday, Feb. 22nd. John Mackie dined here to-day, and I cannot write much, as lie sits beside me. The Governor has returned, and I must go to Perth to-morrow. Monday, Feb. 23rd. Eode down to congratulate the Gover- nor on his return, and, behold, it was a false alarm. He had not then arrived. S was there also to attend a meeting to consider about the establishment of a Bank. Tuesday, Feb. 24th. Went to Guildford to examine a bridge, and took the opportunity of visiting my flock, which is now there. Some are affected with a blindness of the eyes. A person called Solomon has a small establishment now near my grant, on the other side of the hills. I think of sending a part of my flock there, He proposes to take them at the rate of 25 per hundred for the year. He has just imported some sheep, and a fine-wooled ram. I have my men busied in planting potatoes. It is an experiment to put them down at this time of the year on dry ground. I have made use of the natives in breaking the hard clods with mauls. Two boys, rejoicing in the euphonious names of Tunagwirt and Manyu- merra, have been quartered here by their father, with a sort of hint that his family was large enough without them. I thinl? I shall try to keep the first of them. He tells me that white men call him " Tommy," which is certainly more familiar and easy than that long native name. Just after I returned from Perth, Letty came with a face of woe to tell me there were but two pieces of beef in the barrel. Awkward announcement ! 257 Thursday, Feb. 26th. Sent J out with the dogs this morning, and he returned at 10 a.ni., bringing a kangaroo of 361bs. with him; a very seasonable supply. A gentleman thinking of going to the Hotham river has made me an offer to take my sheep to keep for a fifth of the increase. This sounds tempting, but it is far away to send them perhaps 140 miles. The expense of getting them here for the butcher, or carrying the wool, would make it almost as dear as the third of the increase would at York. Paid a man to-day 30s. for thrashing thirty bushels of barley and winnowing it. Saturday, Feb. 28th. Observing the door of the meat safe open this morning, at a very early hour, I examined it, and found the native dogs had paid it a visit and carried off 281bs. of fresh kangaroo and a roast fowl, thus leaving us without a day's provisions, for my beef is just out. J had been out in the morning with the dogs, but without success, so there is nothing for it but to take the gun and go pot-hunting. I killed three brace of pigeons and a cockatoo. Sunday, March 1st. The Governor arrived on Thursday last. I had not heard of it till to-day, when a mounted police- man came up expressly to order me down to a Council meet- ing to-morrow, at 10 a.m. I must rise early. I dare say I shall have to stay during the week, for the discussion of our ways and means will come on this week in our Legislative Assembly. For some time past, we had been expecting here an increase of military force from Van Diemen's Land, under command of a Major Dease. To-day we have received the enormous addition of eight men ! but no major. There are growing now in front of this house some specimens of what are called here " Caffre melons " something between a pump- kin and melon. I weighed one yesterday ; it was 5 Jibs., the same one to-day weighed fully 71bs., thus increasing more than one pound in weight in one day. Tuesday, March llth. Was kept in town all last week, and did not reach home till Sunday, and had to start next morning 258 back again, and here I am in Perth still. Meanwhile we have had several ships arriving from different quarters. By one of them, the Eagle, I have this day shipped 9361bs. of wool to Edward Fletcher, in six bales of different sizes, and one box. Two of these bales are for you, containing 106lbs. There is quite a mania for sheep now in this colony. Four hundred have arrived this day in a vessel, and 1000 more are daily expected. Of these I have engaged 100, which will cost me about 2 a piece ; but I understand that they are asking as much as 55s. a head for those which have arrived now. There are 30 calves also, at 11 a piece. March 26th. There has been some distracting irregularity about my movements and occupations lately, so that I have lost the connexion of my journal. A most important measure for the colony has been hanging over the Legislative Council for some time, namely, the " opening of our budget," that is, in plain terms, laying before the public the plan for revising the revenue and adjusting the expenditure of the colony for the ensuing financial year, which commences with us on the 1st April. This is the first time it has been done here, and the public mind was very anxious about it, as there were some items of expenditure proposed by the Government which were not thought very useful or judicious by the colonists. I think the Governor has some misgivings about it, as well as the public, he fearing lest the Council should not concur in his Estimates, and the public doubtful whether we should dare to act with impartiality. On Tuesday the Governor opened the Legislative Council for this purpose with a long address, which he read to us, and he then laid his Estimates before us, and moved to have us all appointed a committee to examine them. I seconded his motion, and made a stout speech on the occasion, which you will see, I dare say, in our colonial paper of next week, which I shall send to you, for I saw " a chiel amang us takin' notes, aud feth he'll print it." I think we have set the public mind 259 a little at ease on the subject, by asserting our independence of any influence but the conscientious discharge of our duty. In committee, we have dissented altogether from the Gover- nor's Estimates, and proposed to substitute others, the effect of which is nearly tantamount to " stopping the supplies," if he rejects them. The principal difference is in the expense of maintaining a body of mounted police, which he established. We found that our means would not allow us to spend so much upon them as he proposed, with justice to the other more urgent wants of the colony ; so we reduced that item and increased others. I have hastened home to get a day or two of relaxation. I lost my way last night on the road homewards. It was very dark and rainy, and my horse was a young one, and, had it not been that I got a glimpse of the constellation Orion, from which I calculated the direction, I must have wandered till daylight. Fortunately I got home at ten, wet and cold. A ship has touched here, and brought a quantity of wine called " Cette wine," I think made in France near the borders of Spain. It is a very nice light red wine, between a port and claret body and flavour. For this we paid at the rate of 15 a pipe. I bought a -cask (about 25 gallons) ; bought also a ^-barrel of pork (1 cwt.) for 3 ; and three cwt. of beef for 5 12s. Od. The pork is delicious (Irish) ; beef indifferent (from Sydney). I was witness to a great row among a number of natives at Perth yesterday morning. The occasion was this. It appears that among themselves the ground is parcelled out to indi- viduals, and passes by inheritance. The country formerly of Midgegoroo, then of his son Yagein, belongs now of right to two young lads (brothers), and a son of Yagein. Some tres- passers went upon this ground, lighted their fires, and chased the wallabees. This was resented by the young lads, and, as it happened, there was a large meeting of natives at the time, a general row commenced, and no less than fifteen were s 2 260 wounded with spears in different parts of the legs, to which they seem to confine themselves as if by some law among themselves. Sometimes two picked men opposed one another, and seemed to us as if they were about to engage in deadly fight. The whole scene was interesting, even amusing, for they appear to think nothing of a thrust in the fleshy part of the leg. One singular thing occurred. Tomghin was there, and Migo, who is his intimate friend or brother. They fought on different sides. Tomghin wounded the chief of Migo's party, wh o called out to Migo peremptorily to spear Tomghin. Migo ran up to Tomghin, who held out his thigh to receive the thrust of the other without either flinching or returning it. In our eyes, the worst part of it seems to be that their chief object apparently is to spear the women. The men try to frustrate these attempts with their spears until they are separated. Such is their mode. 28th March. My old native friend, Doorbup, has been staying with me for some time. He has become an expert shot, and has killed for me a number of cockatoos and pigeons. He greatly gives the preference to the " cap gun," as he does not like the flash from the pan of the flint gun. It is a most singular thing that a man in taking over a flock of goats to a station beyond the hills, the other day, lost no less than 53, from the sudden illness with which animals have been seized here. It is a fearful thing, and we know not the cause nor the remedy. Some say that bleeding is found useful. April 3rd, Friday. I must be down to Guildford on Mon- day as Commissioner of Eoads, and to Perth to Council on Tuesday. I go to Mr. McDermott's to-morrow to see the sheep and make arrangements about their going away ; from that, on Sunday, to start for York on Monday. April 5th. Eode to Mr. McDermott's yesterday to see the sheep. They are just lambing, so I fear I cannot send them now. A native boatman, Moly Dalebin, brought me a note this evening, saying that Mr. Henty had just arrived, bringing 261 930 sheep. I have engaged 100 from him. This will exhaust all my available finances. I have to go to Guildford to- morrow to examine bridges, and to the Flats to examine and report upon their state. April lltfi, Saturday. I only got home late last night. On Monday, on reaching Guildford, Mr. Eoe had not arrived, so, after sending back the horse and waiting in vain for him, I had to walk to Perth. The weather was very hot. On Tuesday I went down to Fremantle, where I had despatched J to make enquiries about the sheep, which 1 had very bad accounts of. Three miles on this side of Fremantle, I found my brave J with 99 sheep, which looked not very bad under all circumstances. He had lost one on the way, so far. Mackie had bought 50, and had lost no less than 5 (dead) in the same space. The sheep are very weak ; you can hardly imagine the state of a flock coming from a ship. On the second day, they reached Perth, rested there a day, and have this day reached Edwards' on the other side of the river- There are of course several casualties, and some sick left behind, but I hope to have 95 for 192; of these 24 are only lambs. You see what struggles and difficulties we experience in getting a nucleus flock here. Mr. Henty, who bought them by contract, declares that every sheep stands him here at 45s. f and that his loss will be heavy by them. However, he is selling his potatoes at 28 a ton, to make up for it. In walking up yesterday, I called at S 's and found him busied in erecting a verandah of sawed timber all round the house. Mr. Bull and Lennard are anxious to see Lennard's brook about 40 miles north of this and they wish me to accompany them. We propose to set out on Tuesday, accom- panied by two natives. A bullock of Mr. Ridley's died sud- denly. The news has spread among the natives, and they were hurrying off this morning to share the feast. I have got the frame work of a verandah put up round the back of my house, and shall get it thatched as soon as I can get the straw. 262 April 2lst. I have been out on an expedition since this day week, and only got home at 11 last night. Bull, Lennard, and myself the two former having servants also, set out for Lennard's brook. My flock is to go on its way to York to- morrow, that is, as many as can travel. I wish I had sent them long since, for the food here is so short and dry that the ewes have not milk, and I have lost many lambs already and several sheep of my old flock. I have also lost ten of those last purchased, but shall think myself fortunate if I escape with 10 per cent. loss. I have had a letter from Mr. Dun- nage, Hatchell's friend, who was here when I came, but is now a clergyman in England. Do you ever see or hear of Dale ? He will be interested in the result of our visit to Lennard's brook, which we had passed before in company together. Tell him the natives at Lennard's brook recollected our former visit ; that the' word " roging " which they used on that occasion means a stranger. They meant that they wished to see the strangers, and the word " rogo " which they used, when they wished us to go in a certain direction different from that which we took means, " There, or that way." The Perth natives now say that the Perth white men speak " Eng- lish plenty," meaning broken English, but that I speak like a Waylo man, that is, a man from the North. Waylo is the name of the district we visited. Sunday, 3rd May. Have been in Perth for most part of last week, and only returned last night. I am in painful suspense as to the result of sending the sheep over the hills, for news reached Perth yesterday that Dr. Harris in taking his over, at the same time with mine, lost SO sheep and two bullocks by death. It is a most alarming circumstance. The cause of this mortality is as yet unknown. Some attribute it to a poisonous plant, some to overdriving, some to want of water. All are at fault, and the sickness is so sudden that there is scarcely time to apply a remedy, even if it were known. The same rumour hath it that mine had passed Dr, 263 Harris's on the way, and were seen within twelve miles of York with only a few deaths among them. I am much amused with the patent for " grumbling" which you have conferred upon me ; I think I have made the most of it on some occasions, and manufactured largely of that article. Nothing is more satisfactory than a good hearty grumble ; it is like the safety-valve of a steam engine which lets the superfluous power escape harmlessly, though noisily, and which would be destruction if pent up unliberated. The yard and kitchen look like a hospital with sick sheep and lambs. The dogs and pigs fare all the better at this time, for I boil the dead ones for them. It is an ill wind, &c., and I suppose I have lost 30 or 40 lambs, and perhaps 15 sheep between the old one and the new nock, another grumble. Planted half an acre of potatoes long since, but scarcely any have come up another grumble. Sowed a large quantity of turnip seed, cabbage, &c., and not a single grain had come up yet, though a month sown another grumble. Cows seem to be increasing in number here ; they are devouring some wheat which I sowed early still another grumble. See how readily by practice I can manufacture that patent article ! May 5. Have my flock in four different places now, some over the hills and some at a grant next to this ; the ewes and lambs at Coulston (Mr. Brown's place), and a few still remain- ing in hospital here). Found a sheep dead in the river to-day. They approach the edge of a steep bank to get at the grass, and tumble in, and are too weak to get out if not assisted. Wednesday, May Qth. Another sheep dead to-day ; but it had got its thigh broken some time ago. This is compensated by the birth of two lambs. " Child at the breast " is a phrase among us which signifies a state of helpless infancy. Apropos, there was a fine little native girl helping its father and mother to-day to break clods of earth, and I was not a little surprised to see it afford ocular demonstration that it still sought sup- port from its mother. In short, they frequently appear to 2G4 rear one child until another is ready to take its place, even though there be a long interval. May 1th, 8th, and 9th. Down in Perth. The Dublin Packet has arrived. She has brought very few letters for the colony. I have received a number of Manchester, Liverpool, Dublin, Derry and other papers, and only one letter ! J returned on Friday night from York, and tells me I have lost but five sheep and six lambs on the way ; but poor Dr. H has been sadly unfortunate, having lost 93 sheep, 14 goats and 3 bullocks, and, to complete the misfortune, two of his men whom he had left behind on the way to look after a sick bullock were attacked and severely wounded by some natives, and had a most providential escape for their lives. The spear struck one just beside the back bone, and glanced along the ribs and into the flesh towards his breast. The other was struck on the breast bone, which turned the spear along his ribs and under his arm. On reaching home on Saturday night I was greeted with a bad piece of news, a dog belonging to one of the natives had destroyed four of my sheep, and a fifth was in hospital. The same dog has been notorious here, but seems to bear a charmed life, for many have fired at him, but without effect. I was much inclined to bring the soldiers upon the owner, and seize and detain him until he should give up the dog, but, it being my own case, I did not like to act as a magistrate, and so I sent notice to our police about it. However, in the meantime I hear that one of Mr. Bull's men fired at the dog yesterday, and struck him with a charge of shot in the side, and perhaps he may die. The owner is a daring fellow, the very image of Yagan. It was this man who killed the soldier here about a year ago, and he has often said if white man would shoot his dog, he would spear white man. The dog destroyed seventeen fowls in Mr. Bull's yard on the morning he was killed. Yesterday morning I drowned one of my cats for misbehaving, and the natives fished it out of the river and eat it, saying it was " all same possum," and 265 from the look of it I should say it was better, for I think an opossum as vile eating, but in the colony we are not very squeamish. I have had three men these two days branding the sheep with a hot iron, dressing them for the scab. M was here to-day, modestly requesting me to lend him 40 or 50 bushels of wheat, and he would repay me after next harvest. We had several showers of rain to-day, the first we have had for a long time. All vegetation on my ground is at a standstill for want of it. I have been reading many Irish newspapers, all very dull. I wonder if our little colonial Gazette reaches you. I send it regularly ; it is very small for the money like most other things here. Wednesday, May 6. A native dog attacked the flock yes- terday, and would not be driven away by all the shepherd's exertions, but at last caught one by the throat and so worried it that it died to-day. It was a fine ewe, forward in lamb. This is not my only misfortune, for I have found one of my best young ewes in the river to-night drowned ; it was weak, having been bled and physicked yesterday. The police are here to-day. I had sent for them to endeavour to arrest some of the owners of these dogs, but they (the natives) made off. This may have a good effect in showing them how we look on such matters. One of the little native boys was busy eating frogs to-day. They looked so tempting that I ate one also, and it was delicious. The part I ate, however, was the eggs of the female, which they seem to prize most, as they say, " the men frogs arc no good," the taste was much like that of an egg. It strikes me that I have never seen here in the pools the frog spawn, and these eggs, judging by their appear- ance when the frog was roasted, looked like little white eggs, distinctly formed, and not globular jellies with the embryo, like a black speck, as they are at home. The natives dig them out of the ground with their hands. There is no water now, nor none since winter last, when these were got. How do they live ? Do they sleep ? 266 I cannot think how the word " kangaroo " came into use. It is not the name of this animal among the natives of any part of this island, I believe, where they seem to have distinct names for each species. Here " yowart " is the male, " yarho " the female, "yangor" (or "yangori") the generic name, whence probably the word was corrupted. Thursday. The flock has been attacked with blindness to- day in a most sudden manner. I got the flock home instantly, and had them copiously bled, and gave them turpentine. It is a most extraordinary illness. There is no visible sore nor ailment about the eye, but that it looks green and glassy. I had them grazing upon Mr. Brown's land. It is singular that on some lands sheep are affected by blindness, on some by fatal illness like apoplexy. The lowlands are blamed for the former, the highlands for the latter illness. I have never known any illness incidental to my own ground, but the pasture has not been sufficient to feed them lately. I think it is the succulence of young grass, which springs rapidly near the banks of the river after a shower, that occasions the illness. Saturday night, May 3Qth. I closed my last about a week since. I forget whether I mentioned the arrival of a vessel from Madras, which is soon to be followed by another, bring- ing several fried Nabobs here to get their livers a little cooled. It will be extremely advantageous if the Indian invalids should take a fancy to come here to recruit, which I have no doubt they will do when we have a few more comforts to offer them. I sent off another small flock of 100 sheep and about 70 lambs to York on Monday last under the charge of James and another man, but in company with a caravan and carts, &c., going at the same time. James has turned out a capital hand among sheep bleeding and doctoring them with great readiness. He has had but too much practice lately in these departments. I have just learned to-day that the party had been met near York all safe, with the exception of two 267 lambs which had perished on the way. I went to Perth on Wednesday, and to Freniantle with Mr. Roe on Tuesday, to examine ferries, &c., as commissioner of roads, bridges, ferries, &c. An unpleasant occurrence happened at Perth which may lead to bad consequences. A townsman of Perth, finding that his store had been plundered by some natives, took his gun and went to where there were a number of them sleeping, and got into a scuffle with one whom he supposed to be a guilty person. His gun went off in the struggle, and all the contents passed through the lad's thigh and into the calf of his leg. They wanted to take summary vengeance, and were with difficulty persuaded to let our law take its course. They have been pacified in the meantime by seeing him sent hand- cuffed to gaol to await the event, if the boy should die. They wished to be allowed to spear him in the leg, and said if he gave some bread they would only spear him a very little. If the boy dies they say that they will kill the guilty man who stole the flour, as he was the cause of it, but they expect that the white man will be killed by us if Gogaly (the boy) should die. On my arrival here to-night I find three other sheep dead in my absence, all (I believe) my own. One appears to have bled to death in the fold, from the wound made in branding it. One was a blind one, and the third was one which the native clogs had mangled long ago. Monday, June 1st. This is the anniversary of the foun- dation or establishment of this colony, and is to be celebrated in Perth by rustic sports and gambols, as running after pigs with soaped tails, jumping in sacks, &c. I was trepanned into subscribing a pound for it, as the Government officers were expected to contribute. The mortality among my sheep seeins to be dying out. I have not had any more deaths for several days, but some are in a doubtful state, and I have still eight blind. The team is now occupied in breaking up some high ground of a sandy loamy nature, some say it will not give a crop without manure. I shall be very badly off 268 for wheat ground. This season is unusually dry ; the rains have not come so early as heretofore, and the crops are later in consequence. There has been frost every day for some time ; we had not observed frost in other years before July. Potatoes which have been in the ground nearly two months are now only appearing. Monday. Caught a native woman to-day stealing wheat from casks under the verandah. Gave her a rap with a stick, intending to hit her over the head ; she raised her face up suddenly, and I struck her on the nose and cut her. The blow was nothing, but the stick was ragged. I chased her off and kept her bags and all their contents. Some time afterwards came a man demanding them and threatening terrible things ; I turned him off instantly, taking the pre- caution to keep my gun in my hand, for they are not to be trusted when in these moods. Whether anything will come of this I know not, but it is a little awkward. A most melancholy piece of intelligence has just reached me. Poor Thompson, who accompanied Dale and myself over the hills, was drowned yesterday evening in crossing the river near Guildford in a leaky boat. Having spent the evening at Mr. Eidley's he wished to cross the river to go home ; the boat was nearly full of water, but he thought he could manage it. Mr. Kidley stood on the bank with a lantern in the meantime, and asked him if he was over yet. " I'm half way at all events, and will soon be over," said he ; so Mr- Ridley went home, but soon heard a shout that the boat was going down. There was no other boat and no other sound. An hour afterwards his body was found. I suppose the swamping boat dragged him with it in its vortex, and he could not swim. He was from Brentford, an old school fel- low of E. Fletcher. Sold a duck and a drake to-day for 8s. which a native brought here from Mr. S. in a letter. Wednesday. Letty has gone to Perth to-day. I was re- minded at dinner time how much the comfort and order of 269 the house depends upon her. Being called in to dinner I found a piece of meat standing on the side table and that was the whole preparation. There was neither cloth, plates, knives, vegetables, nor anything else ; the men thought they had enough to do in taking their own dinner. I sent to-day for the native woman who had been stealing here, and gave her back her bags and cloaks. She looked very penitent. Several strangers appeared to-day who all took the precaution of asking if I was angry now. Off to Perth to-morrow morning. Monday 22nd. I only returned here yesterday and found the house beset with natives. It is a most provoking thing that in my absence they are encouraged by the men to come about here, and liberally entertained at my expense. One woman told me to-day that I was very bad, I only gave her a little wheat though she carried wood, but that gave plenty without asking them to do anything. That is a plea- sant hearing. A ship, the Caledonia, has arrived from Van Diemen's Land ; another soon expected thence also. There has fallen a great quantity of rain during the last three days ; the ground is only now sufficiently softened for all purposes. The season is rather backward, but I think a great struggle will be made this year to raise sufficient grain to support the colony ; flour, however, will be dear here for a long time, for it costs us as much nearly to get wheat ground as the price of wheat in other places. The millers have got a trick here of not grinding for any persons but themselves. They offer to buy the wheat at a long credit, then grind and sell it out at a great price. It has been 6d. a pound till the arrival of this vessel, yet the millers were only offering 13s. a bushel for the wheat, which is not much more than 2Jd. a pound. I bought a cwt. of potatoes to plant now, for I fear the frost will cut off all the crops, which is only just above ground, though planted more than two months ago. The flock which I bought lately is just now beginning to lamb; if they pro- 270 duce 40 or 50 lambs this season it will make up for the bad bargain. Tuesday. Three lambs were found in the fold this morn- ing, and only one ewe with the appearance of being a mother. I have not known a sheep to have three lambs, yet this looks like it ; one of them was dead in the morning. Took part of a stack of wheat into the barn to-day. It had suffered sadly from wet and mismanagement, in being badly thatched. It appears that the natives do not consider every frog fit for eating, for some of a greenish colour were under the stack, but they would not eat them, and said they lived above the waters, but the good ones lived in the ground. I had Weeip and two boys carrying wheat almost all day. Shot a duck upon the river to-day. White cockatoos are becoming very troublesome upon the wheat, as well as the crows. One is obliged to keep a boy to drive them away, or to make some contrivance to frighten them. We strike a long board smartly with a stick, the sound of which frightens them a little. It is singular to see a field spotted black and white with these depredators " piebalded." Wednesday, June 24th. The colony is now greatly in want of a few good practical shepherds. They would be sure of getting from 40s. to 60s. a month besides being fed. It is surprising how much the condition of the flock depends upon the goodness of the shepherd. Your part of the country not being a sheep country, I knew nothing of them before I came here, but have bought some experience since ; and one chief lesson which I have learned is that in the summer time I can keep but a very small flock (perhaps not much more than 100) on the unassisted pasture of my grant, on this side of the hills ; but at York my grant would probably feed more than 1000 for, whereas the area of my grazing grounds here is not much more than half a mile broad and a mile deep, the breadth of my grant there is two miles, and I am told the ground is good for an average of at least three miles back. 271 It is about 14 miles to the south of Mount Bakewell, on the west side of the river. Sunday, June 28th. Went to Perth on Thursday, and only returned to-day. We are in a dilemma about the trial of the settler for the murder or manslaughter of the native boy named Gogaly. The natives are desirous of seeing him severely punished, and if he be acquitted they will take revenge. It is a most extraordinary thing that we are not furnished here with the Acts, or amendments in the laws, which are taking place every day at home. How we are to know anything about them is difficult to conjecture. Yet we are bound to act according to the law of England. Another of my sheep has had twins. I have now 32 lambs alive from this new flock. I am getting some large trees grubbed at 5s. a tree. July 5th. There is an interval here of a week which re- quires and deserves to be noted particularly. You see the last date is this day week. On Monday night came Weeip here, who had been among the hills and had met with some policemen returning from York with a native whom they had taken prisoner, charged with spearing Morley (who has since died), at the time that my sheep went over the hills. Weeip told me that the man they had taken was not the man that did it, though the same name, and asked me to "paper wonga " the Governor about it. I went down next morning, thinking my presence might be required in my official capa- city, hoping to return here that evening again, but I only got home late last night. I succeeded after a good deal of trouble in persuading the Superintendent of Police that they had taken the wrong man, and I got him liberated. This ac- counts for the interval (as I seldom write my journal unless when here at home), but I must now fill up the interval. The Sir David Ogilby has arrived here, bringing letters from the Cape. I have received two letters from you (dated 28th Nov. and 17th Dec., 1834), and several copies of the Derry 272 Sentinel and Stewart's Dispatch, the latest being of the date of 30th January, 1835. I shall shortly advert to the different topics contained in them. I S ee has made himself active in getting up a West Australian Company/ It is a dangerous thing to meddle with ; the blame of failure is sure to be visited on the pro- jector of the scheme, and instances of ill success are certain to occur, if not of general failure. If, by the slightest mis- representation or exaggeration, any individual finds himself misled, the consciousness of injury done to such person must surely be accompanied with great remorse. It is for this cause I have been so cautious in my journals to you. I thank God I have not to charge myself with endeavouring to induce any person to come out. It is this feeling I dare say which makes Sir James Stirling now so cautious and silent. He has already suffered severely in mind from the reproaches and maledictions which have been heaped upon him by those who had only themselves to blame. "How came you to bring us to such a miserable place ?" was the general clamour. That miserable place has already been established to a degree which is surprising, when calmly considered as an isolated colony in only the sixth year of its existence. Eecollect, it is not to be compared with the instantaneous maturity of a new town in America, which is but as the hiving off of a vigorous and full-grown swarm. But here is an isolated colony in an uninhabited wilderness, with an unknown cli- mate, new soil unaccustomed to production, remote from friends, and to which assistance is dealt with a niggardly hand, where all provisions, stock, and necessaries have to be procured from other, distant, jealous, and unfriendly people, and procured by means of merchants who thrive in propor- tion to their exactions. If this scheme of the W. A. Company should still continue when this reaches you, there is a block of land at Leschenault Inlet, consisting of 100,000 acres, belonging to Colonel Latour 273 which possibly might be purchased at a cheaper rate from his assignees, who live in London. I consider the land good, as far as I have been able to ascertain anything about it. The situation is good, for these reasons it has a frontage on the coast by which a communication by sea is secured for transport of heavy goods, &c., and for receiving stock direct from Van Diemen's Land, or elsewhere. Then fish may be caught iu abundance in the bay. The grassy lands, I believe come near the coast. The climate is rather cooler there than here. A large tract of grazing ground probably lies adjacent to it, north, south, and east, where a continuation of it could be purchased from Government at 5s. an acre. Probably Latour's might be purchased at less than Is. an acre, if the business be directly gone about. There are some disadvant- ages belonging to it which require such explanation as can only be given now as the result of experience of climate and situation and circumstances of the place. The term " port " may mislead. The whole space of Geograph Bay does not present a single port or sheltered harbour, with the probable exception of a little neck behind a jutting headland about the S.W. bight of the bay. The situation speaks for itself. Ves- sels of a large size may approach the shore in summer and calm weather, and discharge or take in cargo. " Military post " there is none there now ; it has been given up. In fact, there are no settlers there, and consequently no occasion for a post. There is, I understand, a beautiful site for a town, but the lakes and rivers must not be calculated upon, for no river that we have discovered, as yet, runs in the sum- mer ; they are mere pools and shallows, or chains of pools. But if they have sufficient water for the stock they are valu- able. This place is nearly on the same parallel with the best part of Bannister's track, much of which is already pre- engaged, and not an inch of which you could get from Go- vernment under 5s. an acre. Many opportunities have occurred here of getting land from early settlers, which was 274 sold under execution or through distress, at a very low rate some at twopence an acre ; but few had money to purchase, and there was a certainty that the money must lie dead for some time. Mr. N wrote to me a long time ago to pur- chase a grant for him, and go as far as 600. I should have been ruined if I had done so, for he did not send the money, and that is the very thing that is wanted here when people sell. There is also a Mr. James Henty, who was formerly a merchant here, and who is now in London. You could hear of him at Cross's. I think he has a large grant at the Les- chenhault 'Inlet, or somewhere thereabouts. Perhaps he would sell. I am speaking almost at random about this company and your plans, for I am in no way informed of its existence save by an advertisement in Stewart's Dispatch. So far as it goes Sir James is greatly pleased with it. The subject of imigration is one which I approach with great diffidence. It is so comprehensive and so various that it is not possible to treat it methodically in the due bounds of my compressed journal. Were I sitting beside you for an hour, I could disabuse your mind of many false impressions which seem to rest upon them. There is naturally in the mind of every one who thinks of emigrating, so much that is enthusiastic and visionary, so much of fancy and romance, so much of theory and imagination, so little of practice and business, so much contemplation of every probable advant- age and so much oversight of all actual difficulty, that it is hard to be prepared for the reality. Then, how many are but badly qualified for settlers ! There must be enthusiasm and there must be steadiness, energy, and patience, quickness, and perseverance, courage, and forbearance, promptitude, and prudence, and many other opposite qualities ; and, at the back of them all, there must be money. I mean for one who sets up for himself, and not as the servant or steward of another. I think few situations could be much more trying than that of a person arriving here now with but a small capital, unless his ideas were proportionately adjusted. You could not get a grant on the Swan under from 100 to 1000, according to the size and quality. Supposing you purchase from Government or from a settler, land at a distance ; if from Government you pay 5s. an acre, settlers wish to get 4s. 6d. ; your grant may be from 30 to 50, or more miles away. How are you to get at it ? You must in the first place buy a team that will cost you 100, and a cart at least 20. In short, I am afraid to enumerate all the ex- penses and difficulties, you would think them so dishearten- ing. They can all be surmounted, but if a man be not pre- pared for them he may sink under them. Good bargains, lucky chances of spots may be met with, but they are few, and becoming fewer every day. A squatter that is a person who would go beyond the locations and occupy any ground that would answer his purpose might do well here with a large flock, but he must be contented with a rude house or a tent, cultivate only such ground as would give him wheat and vegetables ; live much upon the produce of his dogs and his guns ; drive his surplus stock occasionally to market, with his wool also; and take back little necessaries, comforts, and luxuries. This might be done by a man who had a large family, and all help within himself, for you could scarcely tempt free English servants to go out of the pale of society voluntarily, and in this respect the convict population at Sydney is an advantage. The natives are the serious ob- stacle to a small establishment in a distant situation. August 29. James bought a young ram from me to-day for 32s., and sold it almost immediately for 2. Had some emu to-day for dinner ; it tastes very like young beef, sweet and tender ; a roast thigh looked very like a roasted leg of mutton. Have scarcely had a moment of the day to myself people here on different sorts of business : Mr. Bull, Mr. Mellersh, J. Mackie, and Nat. Shaw. I have calculated that there are 1131 acres of wheat sown in the colony this year T 2 276 which, at an average of 15 bushels to the acre, would give, say, in round numbers, 15,000 bushels of wheat, which will go a good way in supplying us with flour for this year, per- haps give nine months supply, after deducting 3000 bushels for seed, and poultry, and waste. August 31. We have had much rain during all the last week and strong winds. Two blind sheep have been turned out daily for some time on the plain to graze; one of them was furnished with a bell, by the sound of which the other became accustomed to guide* itself. Some days ago, the one with the bell was killed, and the other poor thing wandered about, went astray, and could not be found readily. Jarnes armed himself with the bell of the dead one, and went ringing through the bush. The lost one answered the signal imme- diately, and so we found a new way of catching sheep. Planted yesterday a number of cuttings of vine, peach, and fig trees. It is rather late, but I got them from the Governor's garden, and will give them a chance. I have heard that the packing in which I was obliged to put my wool last year, went all to pieces at the Isle of France, in transhipping it. There are Indian gunny bags to be got here now at 7s. 6d. I am in doubt about buying, as I make sure of your sending some by the first vessel. When is it to arrive ? Wednesday. There has been a long spell of rainy and stormy weather, but this day it appears to have cleared up a little. You would have laughed to have seen the native Tomghin this evening walking about with an umbrella over his head, accompanying me to look for a stray sheep. He could not manage the name of it. The nearest approach was " hemphrella." I have now the only pure Saxony ram in the colony, and I have two pure ewes. I must give them every chance, or else we shall lose the pure blood, as the ram is old. The wool is very fine but very short. Sold another young ram to James for 30s. By the way I recommend persons coming here to bring out a number of iron hurdles ; they are 277 very serviceable even for a temporary fence until required to fold sheep. The freight would be little, and they are much cheaper than you could get even wooden ones made here. Saturday night. Went to Perth on Thursday. The Irene, which sailed a week ago for the Isle of France, had been driven back by contrary winds, and was off Rottnest Island before they knew where they had been blown to. A young gentleman called Pratt has been drowned, his boat having capsized and swamped whilst he was engaged in a sailing match. I mentioned in a previous letter a speculation of a steam mill for flour, &c. The more I think of it the more feasible it appears. If it were placed in a large flat boat or vessel, so as to move about on the river, up and down to the different farms, it would be an excellent thing. I washed two or three sheep to-day for the purpose of shearing. It is too early for general shearing, but I want to get these dressed to prevent scab. I intend this year to cull out samples of dif- ferent qualities of wool, pure Saxon from Saxony, pure Saxon, bred in the colony, cross between pure Saxon and pure merino, and between pure Saxon and mixed merino. I have a young ram from a pure Saxon ram and pure merino ewe ; his wool is very long and pure, i. e., long compared with Saxon, line compared with merino wool. Sept. 6th. I must return to Perth to-morrow again ; mean- time, I am getting more potatoes planted, and others dug at the same time. There are at this moment some thoroughly ripe, some ripening, some about two inches over the moulding, some just appearing, and some being planted. This will give us a succession. I had put down many cuttings of peaches, vines, &c., by the river side just before the flood came. It has now subsided, and I find they are rather benefitted than injured by it. Found something like broad-tongued cress, growing wild, to-day. Thursday. On Tuesday I went to Perth and have just returned, having been in Fremantle yesterday. The captaii} 278 and some officers of H.M.S. Zebra have gone up to Mr. Bull's to see the country. They are greatly pleased with it so far. I dare say they will call here to-morrow. There was a special meeting of magistrates to-day, at Perth, at which I presided as chairman. The object was to revise an established scale of poundage fees in cases of trespass of cattle. The fine has been established at Is. a head for large cattle, and 3d. a head for sheep, besides the damage done. In case of some of the large flocks of sheep, there might have been 7 or 8 to pay, merely for the impounding in a man's private fold. This is altered now. Saturday. Took tea at Mr. Bull's last night. Capt. McCrea of the Zebra is very fond of farming, and is greatly delighted with the ground on the Swan. He says from the reports about this place he had no idea of finding it what it is. He had a farm near Devonport himself, and looks like a farmer. He called here to-day on his way down. Got the sheep washed to-day preparatory to shearing, but the wool of this flock will not be worth sending home. I shall have very little to send this year, for Mr. Solomon, who keeps my flock, retains a portion of it for his trouble. Got a few potatoes turned out witli my plough to-day ; a tolerable, but not like an Irish crop. Monday. There came on a very severe storm on Saturday night. Thunder, lightning, and heavy rain ; the day had been unusually warm. I find on a calculation that the consump- tion of flour for my establishment is just 1 cwt. a week. The natives are a heavy tax upon us in that way. A huge limb of a tree fell down near the house on Friday night. The weather was quite calm at the time. I am just about to put a crop of Cafi're corn in the ground from which the potatoes have been ploughed. I shall put it in drills three feet asunder, so that I can put in another crop in the intervals, as soon as the corn is ripe. Wednesday. Took tea last night at Mr. Bull's. The river 279 is still in a flooded state, so that I had some difficulty in getting over by a tree which was partly under water. I have now got the little flock here, shorn ; we finished to-day 96 sheep, principally of those which I bought from Henty, brought from Van Dieman's land. Some of them have a fleece more like goat's hair than wool, but their lambs are large and fine, and I expect that the wool from the cross of the pure Saxon will be valuable, as the ewes are very large but the fleece of this lot is hardly worth sending home this year, as some of them had the scab when I got them, and it was for the purpose of curing it thoroughly that I had them shorn soon. One of the cows had a very large bull calf this morning. Bought a cask of beef which stands me about Is. 4|d. per Ib. (American beef), but it is so vile and smells so badly that the men are on the point of mutinying. Oh for some of Sherlock's good sweet prime new pork ! The men are making merry in the kitchen to-night ; they had an extra allowance of rum, and have just sent in for more. There are some strange men there who help to keep it up. Sunday. Eeturned late last night. Could not get the horse across the river, the water was too high. We have had much more rain this month, than in the same month in any other year since we came here. An expedition which was to have started to explore the district of the Hotham between this and King George's Sound is delayed for some days longer to let the ground dry sufficiently before they start. The Governor is going along with them, with the intention of pushing on from that on horseback as far as " Doubtful Island bay," about 100 miles further East than King George's Sound. If there be a good tract of land there, and a harbour, it will probably come into repute at once and supersede King George's Sound. We shall wait the result of this expedition with much anxiety. Old Mr. Henty has " squatted " himself on an unlocated district along the coast outside of this territory, at Portland, 280 Bay. He has been very successful in whale fishing, but I believe finds his situation hazardous, as being out of the pale of civilization and protection, and he now thinks of taking land within the territory at some place along the coast, where it is generally supposed that he has seen a fine country, though he has been prudent enough to keep his secret. My dog killed a kangaroo of 341bs. weight to-day. John Mackie dined here. I have offers from several persons to go and settle on my farm over the hills and take care of my flock. There is quite a mania now for " over the hills." Oct. Wth. I have been in Perth since Thursday morning, having returned only late last night. The Governor and a party have just returned from the York district ; they made a considerable tour and are greatly pleased. The Governor calculated that he passed over 300 square miles of prime grazing ground. That is the district for any one to go to. There has been much rain, and the river is considerably swol- len in consequence. I had some trouble in riding through it ; the mare was all but swimming. Perth was gay last week. We had two dancing parties there, one at Mr. Brown's and one at Mr. Eoe's, though the weather is becom- ing too hot now for waltzing, which we indulge in. Paid 30s. of charges on the wool which I sent long ago by the Mauritius, where it was transhipped at this expense, and it is to pay 2d. a Ib. from that to London, which, with 2d. from this to the Mauritius, makes a heavy drawback against our wool. Monday. Getting melons, pumpkins, and water melons put down. Cut 32 head of cauliflower yesterday and to-day, and gave them to the men, so many had come forward beg- ging for one. Shot one of those gallinules across the river ; dog Carlo swam for it, and was mouthing it when John Mackie came running on that side to take it from him, but the dog leapt into the river immediately, with the bird in his mouth, and brought it over to me, The Murray river natives 281 seem to exercise some authority over the natives here. They insisted on boring the noses of two young fellows, Doorbap and Boodap ; it is a sort of initiation into manhood, as knocking a front tooth out is at Sydney. One of them took a fit of laughing, which seemed to have the same effect on his nose as when a person laughs whose lips are chapped with frost. Tuesday. Folding a few sheep upon the lucerne, which is very luxuriant. There is a native boy here now who has been brought up among the mountains. He speaks a very different dialect from those about here, just as you may have seen a Lowlandman laugh at a "Ballymullen man." He looks mild and just caught like. Wednesday. Getting Caffre corn put down in drills three feet apart. One of the native boys, Junagwirt, made himself very useful in putting the seeds into the drills by hand. Friday. A small vessel called the Sally Anne has come from Van Diemen's Land, and a boat which had long since sailed from this fur Augusta, the Fanny, which was supposed to have been lost, has returned back safe and sound. Saturday. Had to go to Perth on Wednesday and to Fre- mantle on Thursday, as Commissioner of Roads and Bridges. Council early on Friday, and then to Guildford, where all our Colonial Council was present at a fair and ploughing match which was held there. I did not arrive here till 11 o'clock last night. We had a large meeting ; fifty persons sat down to dinner, and there were two or three booths or tents where ginger beer and ginger bread were sold. Dancing also took place, and some fighting, in which I believe J bore his part, but as I have heard no particulars I take care not to enquire. The Governor mentioned to me that he has had from King George's Sound an account of two boys who had accompanied a set of sealers along the southern coast, and, being disgusted with the depravity and barbarity of the men of the party, had, after many efforts, at last made their escape 282 from them, about 400 miles to the east of King George's Sound, which place with great difficulty they reached in safety, principally by the friendly assistance of natives, who brought them to the settlement. Many particulars had not been learned. They were in a very exhausted state when the account was written. They did not speak of any rivers of importance, nor any remarkable features, but we shall hear more particulars bye and bye. Tuesday. The Governor is to set out to-morrow on his expedition. I thought to have been able to use all the time of absence as I chose, and to have made some little excur- sions, but he wishes that the remaining members of Council (now only three in number) should communicate frequently during his absence, and be as much on the spot as possible, for fear of emergencies. The thing principally to be dreaded is hostilities with the natives, and the most troublesome thing to provide for is the employment of the labouring classes who may be out of work, and (a practice which they learned from the poor laws at home) come to the Government instantly for relief. One of my boys went out to-day, accompanied by a native, to look for a kangaroo, and brought home a doe weigh- ing about 401bs., which Carlo killed single-handed. Saturday. Had the honour of a visit from two ladies this evening, Mrs. H and Miss S . Have given the men another job of putting up another building for a kitchen, nearer the house than my present one, which will serve for a store and a place for the men to sleep in. The building they are about to put up will be shingled. Sunday. After dinner this evening rode back to the hills. It is singular that there where the sheep were folded last year, has grown up a rich crop of grass of a different sort to that which clothes the adjacent ground ; docks also have sprung up in abundance on that spot, and yet I cannot per- ceive any in the neighbourhood. Enjoyed this ride very much, but felt a great want of some companion to talk to. 283 A depressing sensation of loneliness came strongly over me a sort of " Oh ! dear, what can the matter be ?" feeling. Tuesday. The weather is only now beginning to become warm. There has been much more rain and cold this season than in any other since I came here. I remember that before I came here the favourite theory respecting the shape of this island was that it was edged round with a great border of high mountains, which threw and detained all the waters on the inner side, so that the whole was like a great basin or reservoir, having a large inland sea. This theory is com- pletely contradicted by our knowledge of the shape of this side of the island at least. The interior, so far from being lower, is higher than the level of the land outside of this range. Several rivers perhaps we might say all of any im- portance that we are as yet acquainted with take their rise inside of the range, and force their way through it to the sea. Where the waters which must in winter be collected over the great surface of the interior, discharge themselves is yet to be accounted for. It has been almost demonstrated that there is no large river along the whole line of south coast from the Murrumbidgee to Cape Leeuin. The Blackwood, which is supposed to be the largest, scarcely deserves the name of a large river. The expedition which is now exploring will give us more information on lhat point. Coming northward from Cape Leeuin, the first, river of any importance is the Murray. There are two estuaries to this river, one of which is 18 or 20 miles long. I dare say that the Hotham, which they are gone to settle upon, will turn out to be identical with the Murray, one of its tributaries, if not the main stream. The next river is the Swan, and after this there is none for about 50 or 60 miles, when you come to the river Garban, the natives here- abouts do not seem to be aware of any river, so there must be a long interval without one. The coast as far as Shark's Bay has been sailed along as near as consistent with safety, and no river has been seen. No reliance can be placed on 284 what the natives say on the subject, hut I think it very likely from what some of them have told me that there is a great bay or creek running far inland, in a south and by east direc- tion from Cambridge Gulf, and that into this the principal waters of the western and north-western part of this island discharge themselves. But this is only theory not quite unfounded though, for the end of Cambridge Gulf was not seen, I believe, by Captain King, though he sailed up a con- siderable distance. Again; that would account for what the native Tomghin says about the sea in a direction north by east or north north east from this, where -there are high mountains, not seen, burning sand, and weak-eyed people (according to his description). Thursday. Set out at eight this morning for Perth. Left it again at five, without even having sat down in the mean- time, and reached home tired and hungry. John Mackie came and spent the evening with me. I learned through the means of Mr. Armstrong, who acts as a native interpreter, that the natives are all aware that this is an island, and that the sea which Tomghin spoke of is the sea which bounds the north coast. I had no idea that their knowledge cf geography had been so extensive and accurate. It appears a singular fact that, as far as we know of this part of our colony and of its formation, the rocks are either of the oldest or the most recent formation, without the appearance of the intermediate classes, in other words, of the primary and tertiary without the secondary, or, in still plainer terms (lest I should make a mistake in the scientific names) of the granitic and of the alluvial or clay formation. This promises badly for coals, &c., but from the description given of the coast towards the Australian Bight in some of the charts, that district is more likely to be of the secondary formation. Being without the assistance of books here, and having to speak merely from a dim and distant recollection of a former slender- acquaintance with these subjects, one is naturally diffident now. There is 285 no point on which we feel sensibly the disadvantages of our situation as that we are almost totally cut off from any parti- cipation in the progress of general literature and the advances of science, and that, so far from being able to keep pace with the march of civilisation we are worse than stationary, and in danger of retrograding. After an interval perhaps of a year, we get a great accumulation of newspapers, and must be contented to endeavour to sift out a few grains of wheat from this heap of chaff. Satwday. Ploughing in manure upon new ground, to pre- pare for crops next season. I shall have nearly three addi- tional acres prepared in this way. Between sheep-folding, manuring, and fallowing, I generally manage to bring in a few acres every year. I have scarcely any of that low allu- vial ground which gives rich crops without manure. I have been offered 2000 acres next to my own grant at York, for Is. an acre, i.e., 10.0. If the person will take part stock in payment, I think I shall try it. I hope you may have sent material enough for a winnowing machine. I have a crop of barley spoilt this year by the quantity of darnel in it, I have to cut it green for fodder. Oct. 11. A pedlar boatman passed here to-day. Letty managed to get from him in barter 3 Jibs, of sugar for one dozen eggs, and Gibs, of yellow soap for another dozen. It is extremely difficult to preserve meat here from the flies now ; even while at dinner they leave the meat in a disgusting state ; I wonder if you have by any chance sent a dish cover. I have frequently had occasion to mention them. I declare we shall begin to think there is no hope of hearing from England if we do not hear soon. What has become of you all ? You would wonder what our natives live upon ; yet they do live, and a good many of them, and pretty well too, where any merely civilized being, if left to himself, would starve. Grubs and frogs, and snakes, and lizards, and mice, and two or three small roots like " pignuts and briskius " are their staple food. 286 It seems to be quite an event to kill a kangaroo, or an emu. Oposums (like cats), and bandicoots (like rats), and two or three other little animals, with their chance of bird, seem all their dependence. The Murray river men are much larger and fatter men than any others we have seen ; perhaps from the greater quantity of fish got there. How oddly I have wandered from the subject commenced. But I followed the path that seemed straight before me, without looking whether I was straying or not. I had just returned last night from Perth, when Mr. Bull called in on his return from the expe- dition to Northam and the Williams river. They had a very pleasant excursion, but no less than eight bullocks died sud- denly in the morning, from some unknown cause or other apparently from apoplexy. The Governor, Mr. Eoe, Mr. Norcott, with some police, pushed on for Doubtful Island Bay, or King George's Sound, as the case might be, and the rest of the party returned, some by York, some by Kelmscott, as they went. Mr. Bull, on the whole, seems rather disap- pointed in the general quality of the land, It is a sheep country, but little alluvial land for wheat. The fact is, his ground 011 the Swan Eiver is so very good that every other place falls short when compared with it. Marshall McDer- niott has got a good grant there of 25,000 acres. The Hotham and the Williams appear to come from the east and south- east, and to unite their waters and form the principal part of the Murray Eiver. Some natives were seen, but they ran off in great dismay, and some Swan Eiver natives who ac- companied them could not succeed in making themselves intelligible, or at all events in allaying their fears. One young woman appeared perfectly paralysed with fear, calling out that the horses were great dogs, and endeavouring to chide them back in the same manner as they speak to their dogs. An undulating country ; the hills grassy ; soil, light red sandy loam ; trees, casuarina ; rocks, whinstone, granite, and ironstone. Kangaroos and emus in abundance. I start 287 to-morrow morning for York alone, and without much pre- paration. Tliursday. Just returned from York, sleepy and tired. Rode the whole way, nearly 63 miles, since six o'clock this morning, on my young filly. Saw my sheep at Mr. Solomon's, 15 miles beyond York. Examined my grant also, which is nearly opposite. The frontage on the river is not very good, it being composed of clayey plains with gum trees ; the pas- ture 011 the hills, however, is excellent. There are two pools which contain water all the year, in the bed of the river course, one in the upper part and one in the lower. There is no continuing water in the middle of it, for, remember the river in summer is nothing but a chain of ponds. My grant there is 173 chains, or two miles 13 chains wide, and forms a double square. Friday. In the middle of last night came John Mackie to say that the Hero had arrived, and he brought me a letter from Irwin, dated 8th August, 1834, so I mount my steed again. * Nov. Wth. Got a reading of three letters from my father, of different dates, which I do not remember, for I only got a hurried glance at them ; also one from Captain Mangles, an- nouncing a present of some plants and seeds and books, for which I had sent and am to send ; also seed plants and other curiosities from S. E. I had a letter from the house of Lod- diges & Sons, the gardeners, near London, accompanying the box of plants, which have been sent packed up on a new principle, have arrived in a good state. I know not which to address myself to first. Thursday. Had a visit to-day from Mrs. Harris, Miss E. Harris, Mrs. McFaul, Miss Shaw, Miss M. Shaw, Mr. Harris, Mr. Burgess, John Mackie, and Nat Shaw. What do you think of that for a wilderness ? They had been spending this day at Mr Shaw's, called on their return, and I was carried off to Mr. Shaw's for tea, and stayed late. Sleepy, 288 and no journal that night. The next day I had to go to Guildford as Commissioner of Eoads and Bridges. Called on Sam. on my way back ; dined, came home, and said to myself " I shall have a fine spell at my journal to-night." Just as I was sitting down to it, in came Mr. B. to tell me about an illness that had attacked all the horses at his places (three of mine among the number). One of his had died, the others recovered. The illness appeared very unaccountable, but I got a little whisper that they had made their way into a wheat field, and hence the illness. But Mr. B. stayed so late there was no journal last night either. "Well, I was deter- mined to make amends this night, and had just snugged down to it when a voice hailed from the other side of the river. Mr. Mackie and a number of strange gentlemen have just arrived come for the loan of three or four bottles of wine. Won't I go over and spend the evening, and could I make up a spare bed for one of the party ?" The Fates conspire against the journal. Thursday. A Mr. Livingstone, who had come here as sur- geon of the Hero, slept here on Tuesday night. I set out for Perth yesterday soon after breakfast, and I have only just returned at eight o'clock very ready for dinner. Friday. Captain Mangles has sent me two cases contain- ing rare and useful plants and flowers, such as tea, pome- granate, cork, oak, &c., and wishes me to return the cases filled in the same way. The plants are put into earth in boxes having a glazed sloping roof, quite air tight. The earth is watered when first put in, but not afterwards, nor are they either opened or disturbed till they reach their destination. I must employ our botanist to procure the plants the captain wishes, for I should not like to run the risk of doing it inef- fectually myself. Captain M. has also sent me a few books as a present the 4th volume of Martin's History of British Colonies ; Burns' Travels into Bokhara ; Tour in the Prairie ; and Life of Salt. He wishes me to send him also some live 280 cockatoos. It is singular they are so scarce in menageries^ I suppose the} 7 must be more delicate than the white sort, but it is very difficult to obtain them here, for they do not build their nests in this neighbourhood (as the natives inform us), and an old one would not do. Two nights since my ser- vants were roused by the screams of a kitten, which was running about wildly, as if under the influence of terror and pain. They feared to meddle with it, and heard the wailings continued afterwards, but fainter and fainter till they died away. In the morning the kitten was not to be found, nor has any trace of it been seen. It is thought that a snake must have bit it in the first instance, and afterwards swallowed it. I have seen Dale's panorama of King George's Sound. It looks well upon paper, and is a very good representation of the Sound and harbour ; but the land there is very poor near the coast, and for perhaps 20 or 30 miles. Of course you must be aware that the smoke-dried face of Yagan can- not have the slightest resemblance to his living face, which was plump with a burly -headed look about it. I defy his very mother to recognize the face of her own son now, and I do not think she is craniologist enough to recognize his head. Dale has written to me, but I have not yet seen his letter, for S has carried it off also. Friday. Save been in Perth for a few days. Bought a Leghorn hat for 13s., and, having turned up part of the brim, wear it as a capital screen from the sun. One of the settlers who has come here in the Hero is a Mr. Murray, from Scot- land, who is a relative of the Slacks, of Deny, and has been there often. He dined here to-day. There has been experi- enced in the York district a hail shower of extraordinary severity, such as has not been seen nor dreamt of in this colony before. The hailstones are described to have been as large as pullet's eggs. Some sheep are said to have been killed by the storm, and some of the crops beaten all to pieces. It was very partial in its effects. I picked an ear of ripe 290. wheat to-day. Harvest is at hand. I am getting a little hay made ; you might literally carry it from the scythe to the rick here without fear of heating. Sunday. Several visitors here to-day ; went back to the hills to see the sheep. A native boy who is living there with Johnny helps to hide everything, so that other natives may not find them, and appears very jealous of any other coming there. Monday. Much rain, thunder, and lightning, which are unusual at this time of the year. Weeip was very inquisi- tive yesterday, about L 's wheel, and begged to be allowed to see her spin some thread, and was quite gratified to see her card some wool and spin it. They (the natives) spin with a sort of distaff, twirling it on their thighs, then winding it. Dec. 1. Eode to-day to Guildford to examine a bridge, as Commissioner of Eoads and Bridges. Rode on to Mr. Drum- mond's, the botanist, to make some enquiries about the plants sent here by Captain Mangles. Mr. D. was out exploring. I must send the box filled again. Friday. Had a long conversation with Mr. Peel. He has been exploring a fine tract of ground on his grant rich grassy lands, having numbers of wild cattle upon them. The natives speak of 70 in one herd. I sold a cow this morning for 20. Had offered her to S for four casks of pork, but he would not take her, and he regrets it now. Sunday. Among the books sent to me by Captain Mang- les is " Keith on the Evidence of Prophecy." I had read it before, but feel greatly interested in reading it again. Offered 6 for an iron plough at an auction ; it was sold for 6 10s. My iron plough cannot be repaired properly, so I must have a new one ; it was rather heavy, especially the mould board. I bought a pair of iron harrows for 2 10s. ; a bag of sugar at 3s. 2d. per lb., rice at Is. 2d., per lb., tea at 2s. lid. Re- member this was at an auction, where we expect to get things at a cheap rate. There were some prices that would astonish 291 you. What do you think of Embden grits, or groats, which are little better than coarse oatmeal, selling for 2s. 6d. a Ib. ? (Oh, dear ! to think of the oatmeal which you have at 9s. the long cwt. It makes one's mouth water to think of these things). They are useful for rearing young poultry, young horses, young calves, and also not to make an irreverent use of the words of the Litany " all women labouring of child, all sick persons, and young children." But poor Ireland seems to have its produce, not on the shores of a passable sea, that highway of nations, but hemmed in by an impossible barrier, obstructing all intercourse with the world. One would hardly know that there is such a place within the pale of commerce, but that you occasionally see " Tom Sherlock's " brand upon a cask of pork. Two hundred bushels of wheat were sold in advance yes- terday, by two settlers, to a merchant at 8s. per bushel. I suppose he is speculating upon sending some of it to Sydney, where, in consequence of a drought, they are in a very bad state. We could spare them a little now, for with the sup- plies in hand and the produce of harvest we have one pound for every mouth in the colony for 560 days. What would the South Australian people say to that ? We hear that they are abusing us sadly as a " total failure," all ruined, starved, &c. We are getting on our legs now, so we can afford to let them abuse us a little, if it serves their purposes ; it will turn out to our advantage in the end. It is impossible that their colony can succeed upon the plans mentioned in the prospectus which we see. They have their trials, sufferings, privations and disappointments, losses and crosses, to suffer as we had, and they will have spent more money in establishing them- selves on their land. I could say a great deal on this subject, but perhaps it would not be interesting. Friday. The heat has come so powerfully upon us these few days that all our corn has ripened at once, so we are badly off for- reapers. I have but five, and am consequently u 2 292 hardly able to keep pace with it. The advantages which you mention that J possesses in Canada are certainly great at present ; I mean the facility of getting meat and fish to live on. But many other things are to be taken into con- sideration by one who is comparing advantage as inducement to emigration. I do not know what people are to turn their attention to there ultimately ; agriculture or pasture ? I should think that everything of agricultural produce is so cheap that little could be made of it, and is a forest a grazing country ? I do not know enough of it to speak on those points, and therefore I say nothing, but the many circum- stances which were disadvantageous to us first, here, are rapidly disappearing or changing their character. Fresh meat two years ago .was from Is. 6d. to Is. 8d. a Ib. ; it is now Is. 2d. to Is. 3d. Four years hence I dare say that 6d. will be the price. Wheat has been 30s., and it may now be bought for 8s. to 10s. If we throw our view forward to ten years this colony will have all the necessaries of life very cheap, and many luxuries, such as wine and fruit. Our exports of wool and oil will then be considerable. The climate is healthy and pleasant, no uncomfortably cold weather, and the heat very endurable in a good house, although oppressive in a low- roofed, shingled wooden house. Saturday. Gave my own three men four glasses of rum each to-day, and two bottles of wine put into water, among them. I think that was pretty well for one day. Sunday. Men wished to reap to-day, but I would not allow them. A number of strange natives came here and would insist upon gleaning, or " pick up " as they call it, so I made them carry some from the field as payment for the permission to do so. John Mackie dined here and Francis Whitfield came in the evening. I tried yesterday to make some spruce beer, but I fear that it will fail for want of yeast. Two other men have come to-night offering to work at the harvest, very seasonable. The sound of a clarionet is some- 293 thing new in this colony. One of these reapers has brought one with him and is now delighting the kitchen audience with " Ye banks and braes." It is a more innocent occupation than grog drinking, which I have too much reason to dread instead of it. Monday. Have just heard that the Governor has returned from his trip. A letter ordering me down with all haste. Poor Doctor Collie, who was our Colonial Surgeon, and was on his way home, died, at King George's Sound. He had been in a decline. Thursday. Have just returned from Perth. Dined at the Governor's yesterday, and got an account from him of his expedition. They saw considerable tracts of fine grazing ground, but no river of any size. You will see an account of it in our newspaper, so I need not fill my paper with it. Two daughters of Sir liichd. Spencer's dined there (pretty little girls of 14 or 15). The captain of the American vessel dined there also. He says he would have been here three years ago but was deterred by the accounts given him at Sydney, most of which he finds to be false. He is surprized at our advanced state. He is looking for specimens of the gums and resins of this country to take for experiment, and I am endeavouring to get some. They seem a more stirring and inquisitive people than the English. Friday. Walking to-day through the lucerne, which is now in full flower, my ears were saluted with the familiar sound of the humming of bees ; on watching narrowly I saw a great number as busy as I ever saw them on a heathy hill. They are not unlike the common garden bee, rather more active and restless on the wing ; but this might have been owing to the day, which was very sultry, with high wind, thunder and lightning. Their thighs were laden with farina, their honey-bag was filled, and they have a good sting, which they know well how to use, as I can testify. I tried to trace them to their nest, but the day was so murky 1 could not distinguish them at any distance. 294 Sunday. Killed a wether lamb last night, which weighed 361bs., clean meat and very fat. Sold some at Is. I think it not improbable that fresh meat may be so low as 9d. a Ib. during some part of next year. Long ago I was to have received a small crate of crockery and some material for wool bags " in the next ship." Expecting it, I did not buy when I could have got it, but had to send my wool in my sheets last year, and to purchase this year where I might, for it is not come. I trust I am not to say this of your letters. I have lived a long time, in the few years since I left you. I fancy myself getting old, but time has not been standing still perhaps with you either, though he could not be so ungallant as to lay his hands upon you so rudely. The following lines were specially addressed to my sisters in the journal of 5th June, 1835. I cannot call to mind now any particular reason for such an outburst upon myself; which I called " AN AWAKENING." Spirit of better days Am I forsaken ? Muse of my former lays, When wilt thou waken ? Rouse up thy torpid sense, Dally no longer, Think that such indolence Daily grows stronger. Where hast thou fled to thou My guardian angel ? Why dost thou leave me now, Prey to this strange ill ? Oft in the darker hour Thy charmful numbers Seemed to possess a, power Over these slumbers. 295 Spirit of better days, Do thou recall me, Let not these idle ways Longer enthral me. Wake my soul, wake and see, Foes are around thee, Thou on thy guard must be, Lest they confound thee. Oh ! it is sad to see Hours worse than wasted, Dash down the cup from thee, Sweet though it tasted. Wake my soul, oh ! my soul, What has come o'er thee ? Quickly the moments roll, Fading before thee. Think how time hurries on, How life is waning, How many years are gone, How few remaining ! Is it a noonday rest Thou art enjoying ? Life's dearest, freshest, best Moments destroying. What right canst thou obtain, Time thus to squander, Idly in pleasure's train Listless to wander ? Life is too brief for stay, In thy pursuing Loiter not on the way Stand not reviewing. Plan not, from future hours, Moments to borrow, This day alone is ours Count not to-morrow. Learn from time past and gone, Use that now going, Say not what has been done Up and bejloing. 29f> Think where thou hast to go Heed how thou goest Hoir much thou mi but finished about midday, being the heaviest sessions we have had yet. There were twelve cases for trial. Saturday. : The Governor brought forward the finance measures for the year on Thursday. His speech did not give any bright picture of our finances. He stated there was a decrease in the revenue, but did not mention the cause of it, which was very simple, namely, the fact of our principal OI-Q > / o revenue being derived from the duty on spirits, and no ships having arrived here for a long period of the year, that source became dried up for a time. The discussion on the second reading of the Bill is to take place on Monday fortnight. We are busy ploughing here now, and preparing for seed time, which is approaching. The native Bellick, who lived here so long, has come back again quite tired of bush life, and looking very thin and haggard. He says he will stay the winter with me. There is a good deal of alarm among them about our proceedings, as we have no fewer than eight of them prisoners now, and warrants against seven besides. The natives speak of several lakes and swamps dried up this year that never were so before, in their recollection. Sunday. Mrs. Smithers died suddenly last night. It was on her grant that a number of Colonel Laiour's cattle were at the time of what is called the " great flood " here, in the year 1830. The stock yard was on the low meadow ground, near the river. The flood came suddenly ; some one ran down and threw open the gateway, and 26 head of cattle ran and went into the bush, and have not been recovered since. Monday. Sent off 100 wethers to-day to Mangaga (as my place on Ellen's Brook is mostly called). There is plenty of feed there, but it is scarce here. Shortly after breakfast came a man to request me to read the burial service over the remains of Mrs. Smithers. They have chosen a picturesque place, not far from the house, for her burial place. That is the third time I have read the service in this colony. There were about 30 persons present. I was not a little surprised and amused this evening when some hubbub occurred among the dogs, who ran off to a dis- tance barking after something. An emu started off along with them, and tried to keep pace with them, making a great fuss, kicking with its feet, and doubling its neck and swaying its body from side to side, as if enjoying the run most heartily. Friday night. On my way up here to-night my horse 379 stumbled. I pulled him up sharply with a severe bit, and he came head foremost to the ground, pitching me right over, and then, to mend the matter, he rolled over rne. I thought I was made into a pancake, but luckily got off with some knocks and bruises. The poor horse seemed very much astonished, and looked quite penitent, as if at a loss to account for it, so I patted his neck, and he rubbed his head against me, and we made friends and went on again. I fear that we shall become hot house plants here. This day the thermometer was 65, and people were all complaining of cold, and looking quite blue. We thought that degree of heat tolerably warm at home. We still look out for vessels from England, but they seem to be like " the watched pot which is slow to boil." Two native boys have been brought prisoners from my place near York for being concerned in stealing sheep from a neighbour- ing farm luckily not from mine. I suppose, like all other thieves, they keep their own place clear. . They knew me immediately by name, as I am now generally recognised among them as " wurdagaderak " which, being interpreted, means " one having authority." We have only finished the letter A in our vocabulary, having got 218 words or forms of expression in that letter. . Saturday. Another cool pleasant day. I put in no fewer than fourteen panes of glass to-day, which were broken in the kitchen and different places. 1 broke two, through unskilful- ness in the use of the glazier's diamond. I have now in this neighbourhood 12,119 acres of land, of which I mean to sur- render to the Crown about 9000 of the back land, for which I will get an allowance of Is. 6d. an acre in a purchase of a fresh selection of land. The land back here, after the first three or four miles, is mere mahogany forest on the Darling Eange of hills, and not available either for pasture or agricul- ture. I think of examining the ground above my grant on the Ellensbrook, and taking it in continuation of the farm, if the ground be worth it. 380 April Wth. Worked " double tides," and managed to get up here last night. A vessel, called the Strathisla, has touched here from Calcutta. By her we have a flaming paragraph taken from an Indian paper about the Hindoo sailing from Liverpool for this place. I suppose she is close at hand, and that this is N ash's vessel.. Strange that we should hear of her through India first. April 20th. I have been to visit my farm at Mangaga. The sheep are thriving well. There are several sorts of bushes there which they browse upon like goats. There were no less than six people there ; two sawyers (Johnny Eakins being one of them), two workmen, and the wife of one of them, and the shepherd. The place begins to look more clear and habitable. It is cheerful-looking also, having a view of the Darling Range of hills in front, and at no great distance. Some nights ago the natives were very troublesome there. One of the men enclosed a light in a paper lantern, with a hideous face upon it, stuck it in a bush, and roused the natives, who were greatly alarmed, declaring it was some " boylya " or witchcraft coining upon them from the North, and they left the place in dismay in the morning, looking for the certain death of those who remained in the neighbourhood. I have bought a winnowing machine from Mr. Wittenoom. I could no longer do without it. I must pay upwards of 20 for it. April 26th. The Hindoo, with Nash and his party, has just come in. April 29th. I intend this as a continuation of my last, which is still on hand. Whether this will form a separate letter, or whether I shall enclose one leaf in the other letter, will depend upon circumstances. I have not said a word yet about Lieutenant Grey, who has just returned from an expedi- tion to Sharks Bay. He has had a very interesting trip. The newspaper will give you the outline, which I will fill up a little, when I see what he has given in the paper. We 381 have got into a plan here of doing everything by committees and meetings. Such things were quite new to me until re- cently ; now we have so many of them that one would require an almanack to keep them in mind. On Thursday last we had at noon a meeting of the Executive Council ; at four a meeting of the Church Committee, which continued till half- past five ; and at seven a meeting of the Temperance Society, in which I seem to be expected to take a conspicuous part. Whilst on my way to the meeting I was trying to think of something that I might say if I were called upon, but it was all confusion ; I could think of nothing, so I determined to say nothing ; but one of the labouring class having got up and spoken against the society, I was called on to answer him, and I had to do so. I began rather stiffly, but soon warmed to the work, and ran on for a good half hour, the ideas throng- ing upon me thicker than I could get quit of them, and push- ing me on till I could hardly stop myself, when, to my no small amazement, I was greeted with a burst of applause, whereas 1 was more prepared for hisses, as it is a very un- popular subject. I was told I had made a considerable im- pression, and shook the opposition greatly. My object was principally to show that it was a mistake to suppose that spirits were necessary, especially in a warm climate, and to appeal to their own experience of the bad effects which its use had brought about here. Such a long time elapses before we get a return that there is time to forget what we wrote, but I made sure that when a vessel came from Singapore, which seems to us to be the next thing to home, I would have had some Irish oatmeal, Irish pork, and Irish (or Scotch) herrings ; but it appears that the season was very bad in Ireland. It is rather tanta- lising. The Will Watch came from Calcutta. Wednesday. After a long search one of Lieutenant Grey's party has been found, and brought in alive, but tour others are out still, and there is great uneasiness on 382 their account. Another party has started again to look for them. May 9th. I have just heard that Dr. Walker (one of Lieutenant Grey's party) has made his way to Perth, in a deplorable state. He was supported along the street by two people. A party had gone out to bring in the rest. I was out all this day endeavouring to get some natives to go out, and had intended to set out myself to-morrow morning to look for them. May 12th. I went out 40 miles to the north, looking par- ticularly for a lake called Bambanup, about which there is said to be a fine tract of ground, "and also just now a great congregation of ducks, swans, pelicans, &c. so much so that we did not take any meat with us, only a little flour and tea and sugar. But we could not find the lake, and so had to content ourselves with tea and " damper." One night we had " damper " and a glass of wine, night having come upon us before we could get water. We traced the Ellen's Brook for near 40 miles, and found it to be the drain of extensive level plains of land flooded in winter by some streams running from the hills, and which run even now at the end of sum- mer ; but the water subsides in the earth before reaching the plains at this time of the year. I was rather disappointed with the land on the Brook, but there is a good deal of lime- stone, having rank vegetation. I only returned this evening about four o'clock. Monday. Mr. Priess, the naturalist, has called a species of the anigozanthus after me, and has sent me a droll letter with it, written in his German-English. He has also called a new genus after the Governor " Huttia elegans." These are to be figured in the work of Sir F. Hooker, of Glasgow. May 14:th. I brought this down to-day, as it is said the vessel will sail this week. I have seen Dr. Walker, of Grey's expedition, who has just come in. You never saw such an object, mere skin and bone, and covered with sores and 383 bruises. A ragged, haggard figure was seen hobbling to- wards the town with a bit of blanket over his shoulders, and it was with difficulty that the previously stout sturdy figure of Walker's former self could be recognised, when reduced to such a shape, guise, and size. He is in a weak and troubled state, both of body and mind, like a person just recovering from a fever. He fears greatly for one or two of the party who are still out. Those who went in search of him are expected back to-morrow. Friday. Mr. Singleton has purchased 10,000 acres from Mr. Peel, of choice land, well situated, for 1,250. It is on a river called the Dandalup, which falls into the Murray river. He gets both sides of the river for six miles up from the mouth. It is navigable up to his place, which is not far from the sea. It is the cream of Peel's land, but it was well worth Peel's while to make a sacrifice to get such a settler in his district as an encouragement to others, for his immense tract of land has been heretofore almost entirely vacant. May \$th. Nash came up to-day to Henley Park. He has nearly closed for the purchase of a grant called Golden Grove, on the Swan, below Guildford a pretty place yet unoccu- pied. I hope he will get it. The party gone in search of the remainder of the exploring party have not yet returned, and great fears are enterained for their lives. Mr. Grey has again gone out to look for them, and he is not quite strong yet. May 2,2nd. Those who went in search of the exploring party have just arrived, bringing in the three survivors one young man having died two or three days before this party found them. His name was Smith, a young man of large expectations, who joined Grey's party more to while away the time than for any other reason. The poor fellow was found a mere skeleton, having died rather from exhaus- tion than from actual starvation. The incomprehensible thing is that the party never seemed to think of continuing 384 to walk southwards along the beach, which a moment's re- flection must have told them led on to Fremantle. It was 32 days from the time that Mr. Grey had left them. He got on very well, and why the others did not come on can only be answered by supposing that men under such circumstances lose all presence of mind and power of reflection. ****** July 13th. I have fallen out of my habit of regularity, and find it difficult to recover it. We have advanced here to such a pitch of civilization, as to have private theatricals. The play of "Love, a la militaire." was performed on Tuesday night to a fashionable audience, among whom not the least delighted spectators were the young folks of the town and vicinity of Perth. Most of them having never seen a play, were wonderfully amused. On Thursday a rumour arose that fifty sheep or upwards had been driven away from a flock near Guildford by the natives, and there was great excitement in consequence. A party is gone out in pursuit, but what is the result I know not. It is singular that not one of the murderers of the woman and child on my farm has been taken or met with since the occurrence, and yet parties have been out frequently. We are no match for them. They can hide in a manner that baffles all our search. The only way to match them is to make use of them against one another. I did not get home from Perth before Friday night. We are here still busy getting wheat into the ground, and also some potatoes. Only think we have to give 2 a cwt. for potatoes for seed. July 14th. This was a very wet evening. I had all sorts of " moving accidents by flood and field " coming home to- night pitch dark, raining heavily, ground swampy, river flooded, boat cranky, ground slippery, slipped in the river, hat fell off (new one too), but I picked it out of the water before it sailed far. Oh ! what mud, and slop and splash. July 15th. Worse and worse again. It rained all day and 385 I got wet through twice. One of the partners on my farm on Ellen's Brook has taken fright and given it up, so we had to get another partner. He is to pay 29 for the share of the retiring partner. Have you got from Sir James Stirling a number of stories illustrative of the manners of the natives I sent to you by him ? Wednesday. The natives upon the Canning Eiver have committed another murder on a shepherd boy of Mr. Phillips, and have driven off a number of sheep. The Governor seems to be not a little astonished. His theory was that such things could only occur at remote stations, and he seemed not very sorry when they did occur, because his theory was sup- ported thereby ; but seemed to have no idea that such a thing conld possibly occur within reach of the capital (His Excellency's residence), and where settlers are tolerably thick. He sees now the necessity for action, not theory. His blood seems to be up, and he has now endeavoured to raise and equip five distinct parties, all to act in different places and towards a given centre. In the meantime news has reached him that a suspicious party of the natives is in the hills some- where to the east of the head of the river (as it is called here- abouts, and to the north of this). He has requested me to try and get up a party, and scour the hills and reconnoitre. I have just arrived now at eight o'clock, and must get my gun in order, and make some ball cartridges. Friday. I was on horseback yesterday at daylight, and took a ride round the settlements to gain information, and get a native guide. With some difficulty I succeeded in getting my old friends Weeuat and Tomghin. I had many things to do in collecting and arranging the party, so that it was the middle of day before we could start. I had with me Mr. Shaw, two soldiers, a constable, James D , and the two natives. We were all on foot, as no horse could well go where we proposed to do. Each had to take his own provi- sions and entire equipment for himself. 1 took nothing but 2 c 386 some bread and meat in my pocket, a worsted shirt, another pair of socks, and the pilot's hood, which, with the gun and ammunition, I found to be quite enough. It was two o'clock when we fairly started, and from that till this evening we had walked 39 miles, having walked to-day not less than 24. The ground was in some places very rough with rocks and fallen timber, and many rather steep hills. It was pretty hard work, and reminded me something of our old times of grouse shooting. We did not see a native all the tirne> though we saw many fresh tracks, and perhaps twenty huts in different places. Yesterday evening, not long before sun- set, our guides saw a fire at several miles distance. We hur- ried on to it over hills and dales at a breathless speed. It was supposed to be the fire of Wilban, who escaped from prison after conviction for murder. We approached the fire with great caution and circumspection, as it was now dark, when, to our ludicrous mortification, it turned out to be the remains of a burning tree, from which the natives had turned out an opossum. It served one good purpose, however, for as we could go no further in the dark, we availed ourselves of the ready-made fire, and halted there for the night. The early part of the night was fine, but it commenced raining after- wards, and continued so till morning, to our grievous discom- fort. I got my head on a stone for a pillow, but it was rather too high, and I could not bruise it down, so I experienced the inconvenience of carrying too high a head at the expense of my neck. The morning soon brightened us up, and though walking through the wet bush was not comfortable, yet the day was very favourable. We have all reason to be thankful that in the very midst of winter we could spend a night out with little covering, without experiencing any bad effects if it be not premature to say so. July 26th. Two other parties have also returned from pur- suit of the natives, without having seen any. They must have gone to some out of the way place. I came home last 387 night. This morning Mr. Preiss, the German naturalist, came here, and Mr. Irwin. We all set out on an excursion to the hills to botanise. We visited a very picturesque glen about five miles away, where there is a waterfall about 100 feet high, but there was not much water in it. The locality was rich in specimens of plants and flowers. At the very foot of the waterfall were two huts, which, it appears, formed the resi- dence of Wilban ; all the time we were looking for him at a distance. We passed the head of the fall on our way out to look for him, but had no suspicion of his being there at the time. It is a singular thing that they have now so much reliance on our good faith that Wilban has sent his young son to a settler's house to remain and mind cattle during his father's outlawry, and Coondebung (against whom there is a warrant also), has sent his wife and child into the settlements, whilst he escapes from justice in the bush. He desired her to say that he could not feed her, as he was afraid to hunt, whilst the white people were unfriendly. They now feel the want of bread to be a privation. July 2,7th, Mr. Preiss, the botanist, was out to-day again in the hills behind this, and he came here for dinner, laden with specimens, and having a native woman also carrying another load of specimens. The natives are quite surprised at his collecting the jilbah (shrubs), and are very curious to know what he does with them. I purchased two shells of emu eggs yesterday for nine duck eggs. 1 have not told you the natives appear to have some fables respecting the stars, as well as the more classical ancients had. When I was last in the bush in search of the natives, the stars were shining brightly at night. " What star is that ? " I said to Deenat, pointing to Venus. " Oh, that is Julagoling," was the answer. " What is it a man, or a woman, or what?" I enquired. "Oh, very pretty young woman," was the reply. "Where is her husband?" I said. "She has no husband; she has had some children, Imb she 2 c 2 38i always kills them ; she is very powerful in magic. Ah, there she goes off to the West, now to practice her enchantments upon us. Do you see that star in the East ? that's Diram, and that in the North East ? that's Diram also that in the East is Diram the woman, that in the North East is Diram the man. Do you see two little stars above the woman there ? Those are her two children, she let them go astray ; you see they are at some distance from her. Their uncle came and asked where were the children, and when she could not find them he was so angry that he drove a spear right through her body. You see it there sticking through her sides. That star on one side is the nose of the spear, and that on the other side is the tail of the spear." What a strange fable, but not more so than many fables of the Romans. July 29th. Very busy getting the ground dug about the garden, a little snugged. I suppose 1 shall have fifty vines bearing fruit this year, and half a dozen peach trees, and as many fig trees ; we are quite at a standstill for want of potatoes for seed. August 3rd. Lieut. Grey has been with me for two days, and we have had some very pleasant little excursions. Yes- terday he and Mr. Leake and I went to visit the waterfalls, to examine the geological curiosities as well. Mr. Preiss and I had examined the botanical features principally. We found that the little stream fell over a vein of basalt which inter- sected the granite and had protruded through it just at the fall, but was overlain by the granite a little higher up. The decomposition of the basalt makes a better soil than the granite, being generally a rich dark red earth. We found also a number of land shells about the rocks near the face of the cliff. These shells are rare in the colony. I do not know that I have seen any before. I had much conversation with Grey about his former discoveries. He speaks of one thing which has strengthened my belief in the existence of the inland sea. From a hill skirting the coast of Shark's Bay he 389 looked down upon what he conceived to he an inland sea lying to the East. He and his party hurried down to it, but to their surprise found that the appearance of water was the effect of mirage. They walked 15 miles, in a South East direction (I believe) on what was evidently the still moist bed of a scarcely dried up sea. There was the ooze and slimy mud, large blocks of coral, large shells of the conch species, and islands with their South East side steep, and the other sides gradually shelving. As far as they could discern with their glasses the appearance was the same. East South East and N.E. they saw no limit to it. Eecently some natives brought large shells to York, which, they asserted, were brought from the N.W. ,On being questioned as to where they were got they said it was a place like the sea, but a ship could not go to the sea by it. My conjectural solution is this that there has been a great inlet or estuary connected with the sea at Shark's Bay, and that some elevation of the coast has ta.ken place which has cut off the communication with the sea. There are many proofs of volcanic elevations in this country. This inlet cannot well be supplied from the neigh- bouring sea at Shark's Bay, for the hills between it and the sea on which Grey stood were 300 feet high (apparently sand hills). It is a most strange and puzzling question, and my solution may be very far from the true one. Do you lemember that Daubain asked me if, when I was out to the East, I had seen the " great estuary ? " Monday night. There was a christening yesterday at Major Irwin's, and this day there was a ceremony of laying the foundation of a small voluntary church for the Missionary Society, erected on their grant near Guildford. The Governor was there and a good many people. August IQth. Ten native prisoners contrived to make their escape from Eottnest Island in a boat. It is quite incompre- hensible how they managed to do so. The only remaining inhabitant of the island has been brought out of it, and will 390 soon be ready to leave it, when the en tiro establishment will be put upon a different footing. I went down to Fremantle with the Governor on Thursday to make, enquiries about it. All the people there were engaged in looking out for two whales that were said to have been made fast. Sir Eichard Spencer, who was Government Resident at King George's Sound, has died. I believe that Lieut. Grey (the explorer) will fill his post temporarily. At the Sound there is great want of supplies. They have not had a ship there for ten months. The Champion is to be despatched there immediately. 1 am busy in getting up a good deal of fencing near the house here, in place of some very dilapidated- looking ditch and bank. There has been some very heavy rain in the course of the week, but the river is scarcely run- ning even here. The pools are not near full yet at York. I expect to fallow some 12 acres of ground this summer, principally in the swamp, which I have nearly succeeded in draining. The grass on it is of a very short and thin nature, not worth the trouble of cutting. An annual crop of tall flags, of which the root is manufactured by the natives into bread, grows upon it ; but I expect to make it produce a belter crop than that. I had a petition to-day from a man living two miles away, that 1 would send my sheep to eat off his young wheat, which was growing too rank. August 2Qth. We commenced sheep-shearing to-day ; they had been washed in my absence. 1 have got one bale ready packed. Another day would have finished the small flock which is here, but heavy rain carne on yesterday, and we must wait to let the wool dry. The wool which sold for 100 in London has cost me just 51 to make it ready and sell it ie., all expenses. We are all in anxious expectation of a ship from England, as two ship's guns were heard on Saturday evening, and we have many conjectures. I have been making little additions to the account of the natives, which I send you. It may be amusing. Kecollect, if you do not care for 391 it, send it to somebody say Baptist Noel, from me. Grey is about to publish a vocabulary, which will reach you iii time. I am to undertake to see it through the press. The Governor is threatening to impose a very heavy tax to support a police to quell the natives. August 30th. The ship was the Elizabeth from India, or rather from China. She had silks and tea and sugar on board, and touched here on her way to Sydney. Saturday. Spent a busy day getting some fencing finished near the house, and putting a trellis work on both sides of a walk, with a pleasant shade amidst clustering grapes. The growth of everything is surprising within the last week. My potatoes, some of which I was almost despairing of, have suddenly lifted up a trap door, as it were, and put their heads up ; vines have started into leaf ; peach trees all loaded with fruit ; almond trees covered with blossoms. The heat of the sun operating on the moist ground has a wonderful effect. #**#*# Sept. 23rd. On Friday last the Shepherd arrived from England. By her I have one letter only. It is said that she forgot, or wilfully left behind, the mail and all her ship's papers, and the consequence is that there is the greatest con- fusion and anxiety, no one being certain whether he should expect goods or not by it. You ask about some of the natives, our old friends. Weenat is now married, and when that hap- pens there is not much to be done with them they are by that step wedded also to savage life. He is still very friendly, and I count him a staunch ally on any occasion of danger ; but he has other cares now to occupy him. Tomghin, after much fighting for her, has at last obtained a wife, and has become a little settled in his ways. Weeip is growing old and losing influence ; Geear the same. One native boy is regularly domesticated with rue, and I think will not relapse, as he wears clothing, and is delicate. Bellick's beard has come ; in other words, he is coming to man's estate, and will not much 392 longer submit to the regularity and restraint of civilised life. He has gone off now on some frolic. If food be scarce, or the weather very bad, he will come back. Speaking of weather, we have had a most disastrous occurrence in the colony. On Saturday there was a very severe gale, and, of all times in the year, on the very night of the equinox. Three or four vessels were lying in the most exposed situations ; one the Eliza- beth has been wrecked. She had sailed long ago from this, and put back again in consequence of unfavourable weather. The mail from the colony was put on board of her, and I suppose it is lost. This is very provoking. As far as regards my own letters, I feel quite vexed ; for there was a long interval comprised in the journal, and I have no way of re- calling events. I have been suffering some losses of sheep lately : two on their way from York, two by native dogs, four after severe dressing for the scab, and two others missing to- night I do not know how ; I lost fourteen at York, and many lambs. 1 have brought the flock to this place, so that I have now 450 here rather too many for this farm. Sept. 2Qtk. Came from Perth to-night. It appears that both the Shepherd and the Caledonia had drifted and gone ashore. The Caledonia has been got off safe, but the Shepherd is in a very perilous position. Sept. 27th. What has put it into your heads that I am on my way home ? Have I said anything of this in my letters ? I seem to be tied down here more fast than ever. Not con- tented with Executive Councils every week, the Governor is about to call another meeting of the Legislative Council, on the 14th of next month, to lay on other taxes. This keeps me still more busy. He was about to lay a tax upon land, but I fought stoutly against this tax at present, as land is not productive generally in the colony as yet. I proposed a duty on goods sold by auction. All these taxes are to maintain a police to quell the natives. Now, is it not too bad that the burden of conquering the country should be thrown upon us ? 393 To keep twelve mounted men would cost 1700 the first year. This will appear almost incredible to you, and I dare say you will be cutting off an from the above and think it 170 ; but, no, the horses would cost 70 each, and the keep and pay and clothing of man and horse per year 80 each. Sept. 28th. There was a desperate affray amongst the natives at Perth on Thursday. One of them has been wounded in the back, and he says the spear has gone nearly through his body, another through the shoulder into his arm- pit. Another native had his leg cut through ; Maylup has four wounds, and several others have slight wounds. The niu'lit before last I was awakened by loud screams. I sat up in the bed for some time before I could recollect my- self. The screams were renewed, and seemed to proceed from some part of my own premises. I could not find readily any part of my garments in the dark, so 1 ran out as I was, and found in the yard a native hut erected, in which a man had been asserting his conjugal authority over his wife in a rather severe manner. 1 pulled their hut down, quenched the fire, and turned them out, not knowing how otherwise to interfere. This woman had been partly the cause of quariel a few days before. The old man accused her of a desire to abscond, whilst she retaliated, and said he was " yetit-yetit " a cross old fellow. Next morning I found them back in the same quarter, and I turned them out again. I had hardly done so when two young fellows started out from behind a bush with their spears poised, and gave chase. One of them pinned the husband right through the thigh with his spear, almost into the door of my neighbour, whilst the other carried off the woman. But the cries of the man brought up his friends, and the woman was recovered. It is wonderful how little they seemed to think of the matter. The spear was an unbarbed spear, and the act was done merely to prevent him running after the abductor. The whole thing seemed only as a joke among them. Mago is recovering from his wound ; he was struck in mistake by his own friend, and he has a right to inflict a wound of exactly the same sort in the same place upon the other, if he choses. I am anxious to know whether he will do it. This is the lex talionis in perfection. I wish there was some great railroad between this and you, Oh ! that the tedious horrible gap of four or five months voyage could be condensed, or compressed, or done away with in some way ! Eight or ten months clipped out of a man's life at any time of life is unendurable to think of. You see how the leaven works, but I think it is in vain for me to long to visit you. ##**## October llth. The Fox, by which I sent my last, only sailed on Tuesday. On Monday (the day before) I had been up at Ellen's Brook getting my flock there washed, and draw- ing off and marking those belonging to me and to the tenants- In washing them, they managed among them to let three fine sheep of mine be smothered, having been forced into a small fold and trodden under foot. There were several others also trampled down, but they recovered. The plain fact of the matter was there was too much rum going, and, when men stand in the water sheep-washing, it affects them more readily. I have advertised a second farm to be let there, and have had an application already. No wonder, for no rent is de- manded for some years, and they have their proportion of the sheep which they keep besides. Think of having to give 4000 or 5000 acres for nothing, and to have to coax people to take it on the terms. I was looking this evening also at a snug little farm on my grant here, which I shall let to some- body in the nature of a cottier tenant, who will agree to work for me when 1 want him. There may be from six to ten acres of arable ground on it I mean rich alluvial meadow ground. I have just had a fence put on between that and the next neighbour, who has purchased a small piece from 395 Mr. Brockman. The fence is a quarter of a mile, running back from the river, and cost 10, being of only posts and two rails at present. A ditch and bank at the bottom is re- quired to make it a complete fence against sheep ; it now is sufficient against cattle, being about 4ft. Gin. high to the top of the post. The natives have speared my poor friend Weenat very badly at Guildford. I have sent him an invitation to come here and I will support him till he recovers. He is to come in a boat. I have got five bales of wool ready to send off, and expect four more from Ellen's Brook. Oct. 12th. I rode up this morning to the farm on Ellen's Brook to see the men shearing the sheep, but some rain hav- ing come on they had to desist, and I got the flock driven down here, so that I have now in the fold upwards of 700 sheep, and a rare bleating they keep up, as their lambs were left behind to be weaned. There came a rumour to Perth the other day that 150 sheep were driven off from the grant next mine at York by the natives. There was quite a consternation ; but it appears that they were all found again about two miles off, and as no natives were seen, it is supposed that a dog may have scat- tered the flock, as 200 were missed at first, and 50 came back of themselves at night. There was another performance of private theatricals last night, when " The Spectral Bridegroom " and the " Irish Tutor" were given. W , in the latter, distinguished himself in the part of Dr. O'Toole. Oct. 19th. There was a very violent wind yesterday from the south. It nearly unroofed my barn, and this day I hear that the Shepherd was near being on shore again, and the Elizabeth actually driven on shore. I have finished packing all the wool. I have eleven packages. I cannot call them all bales, for one is only a bag, and another about three- fourths full. Began hay harvest to-day ; have three scythes at work, A great number of Perth natives came to-day, about some mischief, I suppose, as the women here seemed greatly fright- ened. One of them took refuge in the house. I stopped them at a distance, and would not let them approach without giving up their spears. After a little they crossed to the other side, but were driven off from that by Mackie. This day we had another Executive Council, afier which I managed to ride up here, and am quite tired of work for this week. I pressed Singleton into the service at the public meeting, and he turned out a trump card. We are to have the third reading of the bills on Monday next, and in the course of the week the Governor intends going for the first time on some tour to see the country. Friday. Men busy mowing and haymaking, but, singular to say, we have had a good deal of rain about this time, con- trary to what is usual. There are a few ridges of potatoes here that look as well as I have seen them do in Ireland. The breach is concealed by the top, on either side, which was always considered a good sign in my time. There is very little natural hay to be found now the grounds formerly covered with it are now fed down by cattle or ploughed for crops. It is all artificial, and the oat hay is the best we have, it renews itself and remains in the ground like grass. Friday. Had our last Legislative Council on Monday; an Executive on Tuesday, and another also appointed for to-day, so that I could not get away before this night. Dined with the Governor. I had a gentleman from Sydney breakfasting with me yes- terday. He had driven over 800 cattle from the Sydney settlement to South Australia. His party was attacked on the Eiver Murray by an immense body of natives he com- putes them as 500 ; but by boldness and good management they beat them off, and shot several of them. He says im- migration to Sydney is overdone. The land is raised now to 12s. per acre; few or none buy at that; squatting is very 397 precarious and inconvenient, as you must go to such a dist- ance for land that is vacant. South Australia he considers an utter mistake, as to the principle of its establishment. Ruin is staring many of the settlers in the face. People are as yet buying and selling land as you would buy shares or stock on the stock exchange, but no one doing anything on their grants. Fine town houses but no farms. One or two Sydney people who have their eyes open and know what they are about are making immense fortunes there. So are a few storekeepers, but that is all. He and his partner are going to settle here. He thinks matters are about to take a favourable turn for this place, and wants to buy land on speculation. Nov, 7th. The Governor went on an excursion on Monday last, and probably will not return for another week. I pro- pose in the meantime to take a little trip myself to look out for some land which I am entitled to take. We had a meet- ing of the temperance society on Tuesday last. I had a long argument with several opponents. It is not a very popular cause with the gentry, but it is intended for the people, and is making some progress with them. Nov. \\th. Returned to-day from a very pleasant excur- sion. The weather was favourable not too warm. Went about 13 miles to the westward, and struck upon a lake nearly five miles long ; then continued for nearly 20 miles along a chain of locks arid swamps, upon the margin of which generally speaking, there is some very rich grass upon a light limestone soil. I see in Irving's " Tour on the Prairies," he mentions that each person had two blankets and a bear skin, besides a tent for shelter. I carried a blanket strapped on the front of the saddle, and we made some temporary shelter of bushes or bark, and a fire in front of it. But the native lad who was with me, was literally all but naked, and did not complain much, even at night. Whilst we were at one of the lakes a native joined us who had a snake 7 feet 4 inches long, 398 which he had killed. I bought the skin from him ; he eat the body. The only bad effect from these^ excursions is that from the exposure or from the change of diet, any cut or wound festers, and does not heal readily, but a little medicine sets all right again. We went about 83 miles going and coming. The men are busied in clearing trees. They have found in them many grubs which the natives eat. The grub is a large maggot, which turns into something like a locust. Can this have been the food of John the Baptist in the wilder- ness ? Found some tine plants of native tobacco, and have stripped some leaves to dry them as an experiment. Having now come to the end of my paper, I shall com- mence upon a new leaf on my return, so I need not make any conclusive adieus. We are beginning to think that some mischief must have befallen the Black Swan, or she would have been here long since. What a long interval always intervenes between the promise and the fulfilment of the arrival of a vessel. Nov. 1.6th. You will see, I suppose, in the newspaper of this week an account of a dreadful accident which happened at King George's Sound, so I need not dwell upon it. There was a storm and some thunder at Perth on Thursday night, and a good deal of rain, which continued at intervals until Friday, and even hail showers. On Friday night there was a ball at Mr. Brown's, where dancing was kept up till near five o'clock in the morning, and I came home to-day (Saturday) very tired in consequence of it. Found the men busy clearing ground and making a most beneficial change in the appear- ance of that part of the farm which I bought from Lamb. Our newspaper editor wanted me to give him an account of my last short excursion, but, as I had seen nothing and had only gone over ground frequently traversed before, I declined. The Messrs. Samson have built a very large fine house, which is to serve as a dwelling-house, store, auction-room, &c. It 399 will cost above 3000 when finished. They gave a house- warming ball and supper on Wednesday night, and invited 150 people. Almost everybody was there, and dancing kept up till sunrise. The Governor returned from his trip that evening. He is greatly pleased with his excursion, and most surprised both with the people and the progress of the settlers. This is something from one who appeared to have great prejudices against us at first. He is going out again to King George's Sound in about ten days, so I hope to have another little trip in his absence. I only got home to-night. Monday night. We had a large number of strangers at Church yesterday. Mr. Mitchell preached here in the morn- ing, as it was a sacrament Sunday. There were 15 commu- nicants. Among the strangers Messrs. Montgomery and Creery were there. My barley will be all stacked to-day. The men are charging 30s. an acre for reaping wheat this year. I have nearly 50 acres. Only think of having to pay any sum like 75 for cutting a crop of wheat. I am getting my crop of potatoes dug now ; they are very good. I have excavated a cellar, and am putting them into it. Nov. 3Qth. This was an exceedingly hot day. I went to a place called Galapgolup, about two miles north from where the farm is on Ellen's Brook. My object was to see if a certain piece of land, which had been intended as the site of a house by some persons who were to have gone there next month, was within my boundary or not. I believe it is mine, as near as I can guess by measurement by pacing the only way we can do in the absence of surveyors and instruments. I learned to-day the way to procure the crayfish as the natives do. In a swamp you see a hole with earth thrown up, much in the way that you see it with the large worms on the sea shore. You must put in your arm and scrape with your hand till you find it perhaps two feet down. It is like a small, very small lobster, and can bite very smartly. Dec. 2nd. Oh, such meeting overcoming weather these two 400 days past ; a very strong land breeze blowing from the S.E., but hot as if from a furnace. This heat has come upon us all at once, for hitherto it has been singularly cool. The men dug some ridges of potatoes to-day, which would have done no discredit to Ireland. Six of them weighed four pounds ; indeed a great number of them would average three quarters of a pound each. I think I drank more water to-day than I ever did on any one day in my life before. People speak of squatting now that is, of grazing on any unlocated ground, and, when that is purchased, going to some other place. It would be an uncomfortable roving sort of life without any fixed habitation, yet that is the way many have made their fortune at Sydney. But we have not servants here who would lead that sort of life. The Governor went off yesterday on an expedition to King George's Sound by land ; I dare say he will not return for six weeks. Dec. 7th. Intimation was sent to me last night that the natives were gathering in great force at the head of the river, and a request that I would go up there. I got three soldiers this morning and went up, accompanied by Major Irwin. Made a loud harangue to them, and told them it was the Governor's order that all should remain in their own districts, at harvest time particularly. After some time they all dis- persed. They had been about to kill a child of a man called Dunomeria, who has been very friendly, and has lived con- stantly with some settler. Some one gave him a gun, and he stood out and braved the whole of them, and when they showered their spears upon him, he cocked the gun, and, in his confusion, one barrel went off, and they all fled in a moment. They complained to me of it, but I told them they had no right to come about our houses to fight and kill one another. THE COLONY. January 1840. Jan. 2nd. I have just arrived here from Perth, at nine o'clock at night, and sit down to pick up some dropped stitches. Our sessions were held yesterday ; one man was sentenced to 10 years' transportation for stealing from a wreck. He was mate of the ship Elizabeth that was lost here some time ago, on her voyage from India to Sydney. A few nights since I was disturbed by the sheep rushing about in their yard, so I went out. The night was rather dark, but, upon walking in amongst them, I discovered a native dog, actually fastened on the hip of one of them. I could hardly believe my imperfect vision in the dark. At last I made a grasp at it, being lite- rally only in my shirt and without any weapon, but it eluded my grasp and disappeared in some way that I could not account for. Several of the sheep were severely bitten. I had a letter a few days since from Capt. Grey, who is at King George's Sound. He is married to the youngest Miss Spencer, daughter of the late Sir Richard (a very fascinating girl). I was quizzed the other day and congratulated on my intention of being married this week, but I said, if it was to happen so soon, it was time that I should know something of it, which 1 did not. Grey says there is a great change for the better coming over the Sound, and expects large importations of settlers and of sheep within this summer. By the way, the colonial schooner is going to the northward to examine the coast near Moresby's flat- topped range, about lat. 29, and the neighbourhood of Houtman's Abrolhos. A large river is supposed to debouch on the coast thereabouts. I have serious 2 D 402 thoughts of going in her to examine that part of the world it will be something new ; but I have not yet made up rny mind finally. Busy getting in the harvest. Friday night. There was a meeting of the Agricultural Society to-day at Guildford. Schoales made a proposition to send for labourers to Ireland, and, if it goes on, I will either request you to send me one or more by that ship, or will send by him for some. I think I would pay the passage of any one who would agree to serve me at least one year at the rate of 18 a year (for a man), or for such a time in addition as would repay me any expense I bad been put to on his account, or any advance made to him in the meantime. Jan. 6th. Oh, what a melting day ! The thermometer has been up to 100, both yesterday and to-day, in the middle of the day. I have been measuring the ground which was reaped by the job a troublesome business, for our fields are all sorts of shapes. I measured eleven irregular pieces to-day for two of the men, and paid them 25 for about three weeks work, or less indeed ; they had done about 18 acres. We do want labourers sadly. I hear to-day that the Beagle surveying ship has returned. She was to have been here in three months from her last departure ; it is now two years. Only think of going three degrees nearer the line in this weather ; yet I intend taking this trip, if not prevented by some business. It is like going close to the fire in summer. ****** Feb. 1st. After an absence of three weeks, I have once more reached my own home, and been able to enjoy the com- fort of a day's rest on terra firma. We did not succeed in finding an entrance to a large estuary or lake which was seen by Capt. Grey some distance from the coast, nor did we see any river worth speaking of, but we saw a very extensive tract of fine pasture land, about Moresby's flat-topped range, and also we twice visited some of the islands of the Abrolhos, which is an exceedingly interesting group of coral islands and 403 islets in a state of rapid growth. I have written rough notes of our little trip, and I shall probably send them for your amusement, or perhaps the substance of them will be inserted in our newspaper iu some shape or other, but not in so familiar a style as written in the notes. On the whole the trip was interesting, though we had some rough weather at sea, and I had an interesting interview with a large body of natives who probably then for the first time came iu contact with white men. This was near the flat-topped range already referred to. Their language differed materially from that of the people here, but many words were identical, or nearly so. I managed to make myself partly understood by them. "We were also at Gantheaume Bay, and saw the whale boats lying, where Capt. Grey was wrecked, from which place he walked to Perth. ****** Feb. 3rd. I feel myself as yet rather confused, and forget exactly how matters stood before I went away. I dare say I shall recollect by degrees. My grapes have ripened since 1 went away. I attacked them to-day with all the eagerness of appetite acquired by the exercise and salt fare of a sea trip, and I wish I had not taken so many. By the way, we got abundance of delicious rock oysters on the Abrolhos, and one day we had very nice soup made from the haliotis or aures marince, which you must know as the ear-shaped shell you have often seen. My former mention of the arrival of the Beagle was premature. Like coming events, she had, I sup- pose, " cast her shadow before." She arrived the day after we did. She came round from Sydney by Torres Straits, and has discovered on the main, in the neighbourhood of Port Essing- ton, two rivers one, the Victoria ; their boats went up for perhaps 130 miles, and the ship itself went up the Adelaide for 10 or 12 miles, and their boats went further; but the land did not appear to be very available, and the climate was so hot as to make it almost uninhabitable for Europeans at 2 D 2 404 least so think they of the Beagle. These rivers were out of the limits of the colony no great loss. There are still 300 miles of our North Western shore riot examined. They are about to go there, and also, on their way, to examine the Abrolhos. It is astonishing how much persons may be de- ceived as to the nature of the country, or rather how little they may know about it, by a mere examination or view from a ship. It happens very singularly that the very part of the coast which I have returned from seeing the flat-topped range which first Capt. Grey spoke of as an extensive grassy or fertile country is marked in my old map thus : " The shore here is steep and very barren ;" and, again, on the same map, just about the place where the lakes are, that so many are now looking after, there- is this observation " The land here is very high." It is true of what you would see from the deck of a ship, certainly ; you see little else but sandy hills. I have brought home new specimens of coral and other forma- tions. The water iu some places near the Abrolhos was smooth and very clear. The view of the growing coral especially the groves, shrubberies, coppice what shall I call them of branch coral was very interesting and very beau- tiful. I often thought of the mermaid's song, " Come with me and we will go, where the rocks of coral grow." I was rather disappointed at not finding turtle. We found plenty of seals, and to my surprise a great number of an animal called here wallaby about the size of a hare. How did they get there ? It is 45 miles from land. Feb. 7th. Returned from Perth. Dined with the Governor yesterday, with Capt. Wickham and Lieut. Stokes, both of H.M.S. Beagle. They speak of enormous bats, in multitudes among the bamboos lining Adelaide river. They described the expanse of their wings as perhaps two feet. They saw also indigenous fruits which we have not here. We are soon to have another sitting of the Legislative Council, when I shall be busied with laws and amendments and such like things. 405 Feb. 8th. Have I mentioned before that we have got out two protectors of the aborigines ? One of them is the son of Sir John Barrow. I fear it will be only an additional diffi- culty in our way in obtaining redress or justice for wrongs done to us. Mr. Barrow has been at Sierra Leone, engaged in something of the same sort, but he seems quite despondent about the natives here, as he finds them so very different from what he had expected, arid so much more difficult to make any impression upon. Monday. Major Irwin is in Perth, and Mr. Mitchell did not come, so I had to read two services yesterday. Feb. 13th. I was not able to send this by the Westmore- land, but some other vessel has come in the meantime, and is to go the same route in a week, so it cannot make much dif- ference. We have news now from South Australia. People are coming here from that place with stock, and we expect soon to have great quantities poured in. There are strange accounts from that colony great numbers arriving there, and some not even landing, but going off by shiploads to other colonies. New Zealand seems to be all the rage. S has had a letter from Thomas B , who is there. He says it has been altogether too much cried up. So long as people can be induced to come out there with plenty of money, and so long as the money lasts, things will go on well ; but nothing is done there, nothing is produced, and when the money is at an end where will a renewal of it come from ? Water, in South Australia, was selling at the port at 4d. some say Is. a glass. The Governor there and an exploring party were nearly lost in the bush. One young gentleman, a Mr. Bryan, was actually lost. This was in looking for some good land near the Murray River, above Lake Alexandrina. As to this colony we are getting on better every day, but we want labour sadly. Schoales is thinking of going for a shipload. He has near 100 bespoken, and the Government mean to spend 600 in getting out labourers also this year. Feb. 14th. I am much more occupied now than I was formerly. A vast number of questions are referred to me now by the Governor, and legal points of much nicety and dif- ficulty are arising, especially in regard to the lands which are threatened to be resumed, the location duties not having been fulfilled, and the term of ten years for which they were origi- nally lent or assigned being now about to expire. I dare say, upwards of 100,000 acres will be forfeited in a few months, belonging to persons not resident in the colony, and no mercy should be shown to them. This land is all situate in the very best districts, having been taken in the first years of the colony. March 1st. Several ships have disappointed us, for they were from America. We thought one of them surely would be the Black Swan. What can have become of her ? Monday. I had all my sheep washed to-day, as the weather is very warm, and they are very dirty. I stayed three hours in the water myself, taking only the precaution to wear a hat to screen me from the sun. I have no recollection what is the price of grinding wheat with you, nor what difference there is between the price of the wheat and flour. I was not a little surprised a few days ago to find that 2d. a Ib. is higher than the average price of wheat now ; yet the price of flour is 4^d. or even 5d. a Ib. Surely there ought not to be such a difference. It is nearly as bad with fresh meat ; the butcher offers the grazier about 9d. a Ib. and charges the public 16d. alb. March 9th. The servants are all speaking of striking for higher wages. I hear that J expects to get 3 a month for himself. This would have been a great part of a year's wages for him at home. .Until more servants are brought by Schoales I know not what we shall do. All S 's men have left him, as well as many others. The price of any work now is absurd. A man asked me 5 for the iron tyres of two cart wheels, and the carpenter asked 7 for the wood work, 407 so that with the other expenses, a pair of wheels would cost about 13 or 14. I think of sending to India for a pair. I met, at the Governor's, Col. Hazlewood, who has been in India for 50 years without going horne. He has been in Van Diemen's Land, and is on his return now. He speaks of white- woolled sheep being sold there in some districts for 2s.> and horses and cows for a few pounds ; yet so little commu- nication have we with them that we cannot get any of them. I am looking out for Singleton every moment, and just scribbling till his return. One of the Messrs. Burgess came here to breakfast this morning ; he comes from near York, where they are now settled. He tells me he killed 103 emus since he went over there, about three years ago. I have had an interview witli one of the natives, who escaped at the time I went to take them for killing my sheep. He and a number of his friends were brought to me at Perth by Weeip, after he had first asked my permission. We renewed our friendship, and ratified the treaty by giving them flour and rice. The tribe about Perth is in much better subjection now than for- merly. They are prevented from carrying spears in the town and fighting. There was a grand encounter a week ago between them and the Murray River men, just outside of the town, when a man was killed on each . side and many wounded. A woman has been killed in consequence of it, and there is a great mustering of forces by the Perth men, who are going to seek the Murray men in their own country, and to carry war into the enemy's camp. Friday. Arrived here late last night, having got off from Perth a day earlier than usual, as I expect Mr. Stokes (Lieu- tenant of the Beagle) here to-morrow. I saw yesterday a sort of net for catching small animals, which was brought from a tribe of natives to the N.E. There is no such thing known or used hereabouts. It is as well made as any rabbit net, but stronger. 408 Saturday. Mr. Stokes, Mr. Yule, and Capt. Scully came here yesterday, and went away in the evening again. Poor Mr. Stokes has not recovered completely since he was wounded by a native on the North Coast. I have been getting stacks thatched and preparations made for winter. The Governor and Mr. Symmons, one of the native protectors, are coming up here to have an interview with the natives as soon as I can gather them, as they are now gone to the Northward. Sunday. A sad piece of news has reached us to-day from King George's Sound. A Mr. Spencer (the eldest son of the late Sir Richard), and a Mr. Morley (of whom I made mention on my first visit to the Sound), have been drowned. Two others narrowly escaped the same fate at the same time Captain Grey had just sailed from that port with his wife, who was in very delicate health. Two ships had come there, bringing sheep and horses and cattle. Monday. Getting some potatoes planted. If they escape the frost, I expect to have as man)' as will last till they are ripe. Mr. Eden came this evening, and we took a ride about the country. He is a complete seaman. He was telling us at Major Irwin's that one of the loops for fastening a valise to the saddle had broken as he was riding up, and the way he expressed it was : " That he carried away the becket of the starboard side of the saddle." Thursday night. The Governor went to Rottnest yesterday in the Beagle. 1 finished all my business in Perth to-day, and have come home a day sooner than usual. The day has been extremely hot. The country is all on fire between Perth and this. It looks pretty at night, but the glare is very con- fusing, and makes it difficult to distinguish the bush road. I was so heated and dusty that I tumbled into the river to-night as soon as I came home, and felt quite refreshed. March 29fh. A painter and glazier who was doing some of his work here has charged me 2s. 6d. a-piece for common 8 X 10 panes. 1 have been up at Ellen's Brook farm this 409 evening, looking at the sheep. Have sold 21 wether lambs and wethers for 33, and a man has engaged to take 20 other wethers at lid. a pound., weighed after the head and pluck and feet, &c., are taken away. April 2nd. The Governor and Mr. Symmons, one of the native protectors, have come up with me this evening to pay a visit and see the country, and in order that' Mr. Symmons may have a formal introduction to the natives of this dis- trict. Yesterday our sessions were held. My old friend Coondebung, the native, received seven years' transportation for killing pigs ; another, Yoinap, seven years for house- breaking and robbing at York ; and two native boys got two years' transportation for killing sheep. Friday. A long interview with the natives. Had about 50 here. Afterwards we rode around all the settlements about here, and returned at three o'clock. The Governor is much pleased with this part of the country. Monday. For a novelty there was thunder and lightning and rain last night, and a good deal of rain to-day. Found a sheep lying torn to pieces by some dogs, natives, or other- wise, so the itux vomica is in requisition to-night. Three ships are said to have arrived, one from Van Diemen's Land, one from South Australia, and the Queen's ship, Britomart. So I have had a requisition for 30 sheep for an innkeeper in Fremantle, to supply the vessels. Thursday. The Britomart is to sail on Sunday, so, having brought this letter down on speculation,' I shall be able to have it ready to put in the mail to-day. It appears that at Port Essington there was a very severe hurricane, which drove the Pelorus (ship of war) high and dry on land, and destroyed her, and prostrated or carried away almost all the houses at the settlement. Sir Gordon Bremer was not there, I believe, he is at Sydney. The Britomart is just come from Port Essington. Her people say that the climate there is too hot for Europeans to do anything in. The natives are numerous 410 a fine race of men, and have been friendly hitherto. The place was in great want of provisions. April 15th. I have been a considerable sufferer through natives and their dogs. In the course of these three days past on Ellen's Brook, the natives have carried off three ewes, a lamb, and a valuable ram, and at Millendon, their dogs have killed four ewes, a rain, and a wether. The ewes were all heavy in lamb. I consider the loss to amount at the present value of sheep to not less than 40. I went out on Monday evening with some of my own servants and two soldiers for a long way into the hills, and up the valley of the Swan Eiver, where I was informed the party who did it, were camped ; but I could not see anything of them. Perhaps they may have seen us, or our tracks. That may frighten them and prevent a repetition. I was glad I did not meet with them, for something unpleasant might have occurred. My flock there is lambing very fast. There are now 160 lambs, but it is a month too early for the grass. ****** May 22nd. I have for so long a time intermitted my journal entries as almost to have lost hope of recovering the habit of it. This has arisen rather from my being very much occupied than from want of incidents to make mention of. This is the period for our Legislative Council meetings, and Executive Councils are also very frequent and very import- ant, so that I have been very little at home (i.e., in the country). Our last Legislative Council was on Monday. I left this at seven o,clock that morning, after an early break- fast. Waited on the Governor at eleven ; went into Council at twelve, where we remained till near six, having had several long and rather dull speeches. Well, next day we were in the Executive Council till we could not see to do any more business. Then again on Wednesday another meeting of the Legislative Council, and, after that, a presentation of a remonstrance to the Governor from the agricultural body, 411 about his regulations relating to land, &c. another very long and unpleasant business, which lasted till six o'clock. On Thursday I transacted what I could of my routine official duties, and intended to have come off in the evening. Just as I was coming away, Mr. Logue came, so I put off my journey, determining to come off by daylight this morning. Some time during the night 1 was roused by dreadful shrieks, and cries of natives sleeping near. I got up as fast as I could and went out, when a number clustered about me, saying that the natives of the Murray Eiver had made an irruption on the unfortunate Perth natives at night, and had speared six of them whilst they were sleeping. I ran to the scene of action and found that none were killed, though two of them were very dangerously wounded, but it is probable they may survive although one had four spears driven into his body. This cowardly attack was in revenge for the death of a Murray Eiver man from a wound which he received in a fight with the Perth men some time ago. If they have always been in the habit of thinning down their numbers as we have seen since we came here, it is a wonder that there are any of them left. I was so occupied with them that I scarcely got to bed till it was daylight, and I had to rise again and communicate with the Governor, and send a surgeon to them and get them taken care of. After breakfast, business again, as I had to get ready the heads of two other Acts to be introduced into our Council, and I have brought them up here to try and make some progress in framing the Bills. So that, you see, in our kingdom of Lilliput, we have great doings. I arrived at three o'clock, and found a native waiting to get a promised reward for arresting or apprehending another native, who has long escaped from justice. Sunday. This has been a most lovely day. My Hindoo servant (Motu) persuaded me to cut down the stem of a banana tree which was not thriving well, saying it would soon grow again. After some hesitation I cut it, when, to my utter amazement, the centre began to sprout up again visibly, so that in half an hour it had sprung up half an inch. Why, Jack's bean-stalk was nothing to this 1 He also pounded the clay firmly round about it, instead of leaving it loose and friable as I should have done. Monday. A blade of a pen-knife ran into my hand to-day up to the handle. I bled like a stuck pig ; still I stopped the cut with my thumb, and then bandaged it, without any- thing further. It cannot be very bad, for I am writing with it now, but holding the pen very gingerly. It is rather un- seasonable, for I have been obliged to write out the greater part of all Act to-day, getting it ready for to-morrow. May 29th. Eeturned to-night from Perth. A most melan- choly occurrence has just been made known at Perth. A child of John Fleay, a tenant of mine near York, has been missing now for ten days, and no trace can be found of it. The child was about three years old. There are suspicions that it has been carried off and killed by the natives, but I do not think it is so. At present all is uncertain. I have been busied throughout the week about preparing different Acts. One very long one has been postponed for the present, to my great joy ; this will relieve me considerably. Saturday. The business here is ploughing, sowing, harrow- ing, threshing, grubbing, and gardening all at once. Two men are ploughing with six bullocks to one plough very stiff land, never having been broke up before ; one man har- rowing with a pair of horses ; two men thrashing, one grub- bing bushes, one in the garden, one with the sheep, one with the cattle, and one helping in the kitchen. They all make a pretty good houseful. Three sheep a week are consumed about the establishment. 1 bought a barrel of salt beef a few days ago for eight guineas, and the men have become so saucy they will not eat it. There is no pork to be had. Persons who handle the wheat in which there has been any 413 moth have been subject to a similar affection, something like stings of nettles, which turn to small itchy blisters ; some are more subject to it than others. It was supposed to be from bites of flies, but I think it proceeded from some hairy exuviae of the moths, which produce irritation like cowage. June 5th. On Monday last was held or commemorated the anniversary of the foundation of the colony. There were races, a regatta, dinners, balls, &c., &c. The Governor also had a party at dinner, and we went thence to the ball. June 7th. I have made an entry this evening in my books, which, I should think, is the first of the kind in the colony. It is this : " Hired Thomas Gear (a native boy) at 10s. a month, 1st June." This is the boy Tunagwert, the son of Gear of whom I have often spoken. He desires wages now to clothe himself, as I have hitherto clothed him. Mr. Preiss, the naturalist, has found over the hills a species of jerboa. I had often heard the natives speak of it by the name of dad- daar, as abounding in the interior. It is abundant in the steppes of Tartary. Its shape is like a kangaroo, but more delicate and graceful, and scarcely so large as a squirrel. It has cost me about 45 for threshing wheat this year. I have been thinking very much about going home, and perhaps you will be glad to hear that I have " sounded " the Governor, and he is not averse to it if I can make arrangements with Nash or any one else to fill my place. It is odd that though 1 did this three or four days ago, 1 could not bring myself to tell you of it till now, from lear that I should not accomplish it. It is in suspense yet, you see ; but I have not disburthened my mind so far. ****** June 29th. My last to you went off, 1 hope, on Thursday last, by the Prima Donna, going, I believe, by Batavia. It is probable that the next opportunity will be by the troop ship, the Kunnymede, on her voyage to Calcutta, direct from Sydney. 1 have not yet seen any of the officers, so I know 414 nothing of them, but they are to be entertained on Thursday next at a dinner given by the officers of the 21st on their departure. This will be a busy week with me. To-morrow there will be an Executive Council ; Wednesday will be our day of quarter sessions, when some natives will be tried for murders committed ; Thursday will be our next meeting of the Legislative Council, with the dinner afterwards; and on Friday is the meeting of the Agricultural Society at Guild- ford, when I am anxious to be present, for several reasons one being to mention that I have received from Mr. Manning, of London, two vols, or numbers of the transactions of the English Agricultural Society, with a receipt for a year's sub- scription, making me a member. This was done for the purpose. I suppose, of bringing our little society into cor- respondence with the English Agricultural Society. I do not know how he came to write to me and pay me the compli- ment. He thought me the chairman perhaps. Another reason is that I have just received from South Australia a letter requesting Mr. Roe, Mr. Leake, and myself to form a com- mittee, to co-operate with one formed there for the purpose of exploring a route of overland communication between that colony and this. They have subscribed pretty largely there (on paper at least), and want us to do the same. Verily they seem to have more money at command than we have. I have received by the same conveyance a letter from W , dated 23rd June, 1839 more than a year ago. The weather is exceedingly pleasant and bracing now. There is a slight frost every morning, but the middle of the day is like your good summer. I ventured to bathe to-day, and enjoved it very much ; yet this is the middle of our winter, past the shortest day. July and August, however, are wet. I do not know how I shall be able to endure the climate of home again, should I arrive there in the winter. I almost dread it. Non sum qualis cram, I'm not What I was in many respects ; to say the truth you will see a great change in me. Time has 415 not let me stand still ; bald and old looking, T fear you will hardly recognise rue. 1 often wonder if I shall perceive a similar change in any of you. It is surprising how the memory clings to the appearances which it last saw, and I fear this is one of the disappointments necessarily attendant upon a meeting after a long absence. July 5th. When I came to look for my horse to-night, at Major Irwin's, it had gone off, so I had no ready way of coming across the river without borrowing a horse, which I did not care to do, and I quietly walked through the river up to my neck, just opposite my own door, and slipped into the house unperceived to get a towel to dry myself. In the mean- time the servants were on the look out to hear the footsteps of the horse, and when they heard me call out from the house without hearing the horse I believe they thought it was my ghost. As I came to the bank of the river I had some qualms about going in, thinking it would be cruelly cold, but I was very agreeably surprised to find it rather pleasant than other- wise. Now this is the middle of our winter. I had a dis- cussion to-night about the propriety of going home by India. Irwin advised it, but Mr. Mitchell says the monsoons prevail from July till October, at which time it is not practicable to travel. I think the first ship might be an American one, so there is no knowing from what quarter I might drop in upon you. Monday. A native has unfortunately been wounded to-day on Ellen's Brook, on my farm there. A boy was charging a pistol when it went off, and shot the ramrod into a native who was with him. They know it to be accidental, but I fear they will not be easily reconciled if the man dies. It struck him about the loin. July Vlth. I have delayed closing this letter in the hope that I may be able to give some more decisive information as to my movements, but I have learned nothing more definite. I think I may consider that I have obtained my leave, 416 although in point of fact it is to be made a matter of con- sideration in Executive Council on Tuesday next, according to instructions now issued to Governors. I suppose I would not be allowed to go until the Legislative Councils are over, which may be three weeks or a month yet. After that I hope to go by the first opportunity which may offer. July 18th. I do not know how it is that one contracts a kind of liking for a letter so as to be unwilling to part with it, although written for that object. I feel myself lingering over it with a fondness which makes me unwilling to finish so long as there is the least space remaining to write upon, and yet it has often been spun out with but mere words. It is now eight o'clock ; the sun shining brightly, and not a cloud in the sky ; but there was a sharp frost in the night, so that I slept in the blanket, and my hands are this moment be- numbed with cold. How shall I bear your winter ? Oh, that I should ever say so of home ! Ten years ago would I have believed it. *###*# Oct. 23rd. I have been waiting here for some time in the most provoking state of suspense for an opportunity to leave the colony, but any ship that has come here seems determined not to go my way, and I cannot afford, out of my limited leave, the time to go their way. Within these few days past a ship called the Charlotte belonging, I believe, to the Mclntyres, of Derry touched in here on her way to Calcutta, open for freight, as it turned out. afterwards. But though there are 170 tons of oil ready, our merchants could not agree about the terms of chartering her. H.M.S. Beagle has been here for a short time on her return from exploring the coast a second time on the Nor' West. No discoveries of any importance have been made, though the coast was examined in the vicinity of Depuche Island, which was always considered a promising place. There are still about 200 miles left unexplored, which have never yet been 417 examined or seen. The Beagle was obliged to leave it for the present unexplored, but it is supposed she must return again to this coast for that purpose. In the meantime she goes to Sydney, but has to stop at King George's Sound, and it is probable will not reach Sydney for six weeks or two months, before which time I confidently expect that there may be a direct opportunity from this port. It is true she may touch in at South Australia, which might present an earlier oppor- tunity. The Beagle is to sail on Sunday next, so, upon the chance of this reaching you, to account for my delay, I send it by her. The state of suspense is very unpleasant to me, for I have vacated my house in town, and let it for two years to Captain Fisher, and I am in doubt what to do with my crops in the country, or how to get them managed. In the daily hope of my departure I have omitted for some time to con- tinue my journal which I now regret very much, and I do not write this with much spirit, as I still hope that I may be with you before it. We have always had a ship here before this from England every year, and this is the first year that we have had sufficient to fill a vessel. The wool is all ready, and the oil also, so there will be no delay or waiting for freight. I am obliged to close this letter hastily, as the Governor has called upon me to accompany him to visit the school for native children, which has lately been established. I think it likely that I shall take with me to England the materials of a native and English dictionary, to get it published in London, as we cannot manage it here without great delay and expense. Nov. 10 th. Although I may probably be the bearer of this myself, yet I must write, as an unconquerable desire to do so has just seized upon me. Would that that desire had been equally unconquerable several months ago ; for, in the almost daily expectation of my departure, I have omitted to continue 2 418 my journal, and have thereby broken the continuity of the " thread of my story," and have lost the vivid recollection, of many little circumstances which I would gladly have retained. I can do no more now than try to pick up some dropped stitches, so as to fasten them, and prevent the whole work from running irrecoverably. I suppose it is a stocking that has furnished this illustrative metaphor ; and this goes to show that Penelope's web must have been made by knitting, as she could so easily undo by night the work which she did in the day. I have forgotten the public events. I believe I men- tioned the return of the Beagle, without any success in the discovery of anything important, but leaving still 200 miles of coast unexamiued. By the bye, we have rumours here of some large lake discovered to the North of Spencer's Gulf, in such a direction and in such a country as to produce an im- pression on the mind of Mr. Eyre, the explorer, that a connec- tion between Spencer's Gulf and the Gulf of Carpentaria did once exist. We shall know more of this presently, for he is gone to explore that part of the country, having had a flag presented to him which he was to erect on the central spot of Australia. This news we received by the Lady Emma, from Hobart Town, with stock. By her T have at last received a few letters which were sent in the unfortunate Black Swan. They are dated nearly two years ago, and are (some of them) productive of a very melancholy pleasure. 1 have been twice over at Eottnest Island to examine and report upon the prisoners there. Three died there lately ; one was poisoned by eating a " blow fish." I lost a fine young cow lately from a hurt given by some other cows. I have had a fine filly foal from a thoroughbred horse and a very good mare. I sold one horse to Government for 68. Nov. \th. The Shepherd at last has arrived. She seems to have outrun the Heroine, which must have left London before her, as my goods (I find by a duplicate letter from Messrs. Luckie) are in the Heroine, and I suppose all letters 419 also. By the Shepherd I have one letter dated so long ago as May, 1840 ; but no other letter. As the Heroine is looked for hourly, I must have a little patience. **#*** . 27th. As it is most likely that I shall take this letter home myself, I shall merely make entries to serve as memo- randa I find myself much perplexed by having some of my goods mixed up in the same packages with goods of } ours ; for, as I must sell your things by auction, or dispose of them at once to some storekeeper, the packages must first be opened to take out my things. This gives the rest a ragged, tossed, unpacked appearance and injures their sale. I have no means of knowing the quality of your goods, as 1 have only seen the invoice. The tap and screw appear to be excessively dear, or they are not the thing we want here. It will cost me nearly 40 when erected, and no profit that we get on our wool will bear that. Dec. 5th. I have been busied all the week. The captain of the Shepherd will not take our wool except by measure- ment, at the rate of 6 a ton. This would amount actually to nearly 50 a ton weight ! A bale measures 33 feet, packed without a screw. What can stand that ? Our wool, with the enormous charges upon it, costs upwards of one shilling a pound weight to sell it in the London market, and by the last accounts we have got about Is. 3d. a pound. If the settlers give this, the captain will load and sail early next month ; if not he threatens to sail immediately. I asked the Governor to allow me to " retire on half pay " just now, so that I might make some preparation. He said there were so many im- portant questions before the Council now that he would beg of me to remain as long as I could. As we were about to sit down to dinner the two Messrs. Lennard came here and dined with us. They were on their way to York. One of them has just arrived in the colony. There is a French vessel here, the Ville de Bordeaux, which 2 E 2 420 must be upon a smuggling expedition. Sometimes the captain talks of going to the Cape, sometimes to China. I suspect he was trying to smuggle tea, and was frightened by our ships of war in those seas. Common labourers in Perth have struck for 7s. a day, and mechanics of some sort are asking 15s. a day. Snug fellows these. Dec. 12th. Had a very long swim after a raft that had floated away. It is composed of two barrels, with poles fastened to them. It is easily made, and answers for crossing the river on an emergency. My flock of sheep scattered some days ago, whilst under the cbarge of a native boy, and got into a neighbour's corn. He wants to charge me 10 damages for what they have done rather heavy that ; and, besides, one sheep has died, and several are sick and one blind in consequence of eating the wheat. Saturday, 26th. Have been up at Menolup to-day to see the flock and cull some for sale. Hearing an unusual com- motion amongst the natives this evening, I went out to them, and found that they expected the " Waylemen " and Perth men, and that there was great excitement among them, not knowing whether they would be for peace or for war. Monday, Dec. 28th. Mr. Samuel Burgess was here to-day. This place is beginning to look deserted and neglected. Saturday night, 2nd January, 1841. Have been kept in town all the week on business. I had arranged to withdraw from business on the last day of the year, but Nash was not ready, and our sessions came on the 1st of the month, so I did business for him. The foundation stone of the first church in Perth was laid yesterday morning at eight o'clock by the Governor, and he gave us a long speech on the occasion. I had to remain in town to dine with him. I have been in great doubts which ship to go by. The Elizabeth is a bad sailor, but goes direct, while the Shepherd goes by the Isle of France, gets there first in the hurricane months, stays there three or four weeks (the 421 dearest place in the world). The passage to that is 35, and perhaps 85 from thence home. The passage money by the Elizabeth is 80 in all. Monday night, llth July. I was busied all last week putting Nash in harness. He was sworn into the Council on Tuesday. (From the " West Australian," December 26th, 1882. j IN a supplement to-day, we give a last instalment of Mr. George Fletcher Moore's diary, written on the eve of his departure for England. A celebrated American journalist, when lately giving his experience of the trade for the benefit of others, said that people did not so much care for news as to see, reproduced in print, what they already knew ; they liked above all things to see accounts of occurrences which had taken place in their midst, and would be far more eager, for instance, to read a report of a meeting at which they had been present than of one at which they had not assisted. In the same way, though Mr. Moore's diary has no doubt had much interest for every one who belongs to the colony and cares to hear about its early history, it has, probably been appreciated most by those who took part in the scenes which it depicts, or whose recol- lection carries them back nearest to the period with which it deals. There is, now, a strong and growing disposition to be impatient of the " old settler " element in the colony. The old settler is supposed to be a man who, by reason of his long local residence, considers himself possessed of certain pre- scriptive rights which the younger generation objects to re- cognise. He is supposed to be ultra-conservative in his views; to be imbued with all those instincts and prejudices which grew up under old Crown colony government ; to be 422 opposed to progress, or at any rate, to the steps which lead to progress, and, generally, to be a drag upon the youthful energies of the present generation. Whether this idea is, or is not, well founded we do not pretend to say, though it is certain that some ground for it is occasionally given But in their impatience of the attitude of the old settler of to-day, people should not forget that when that old settler was a young settler he was a particularly fine fellow, and that to him we owe the accomplishment of an arduous task of which we, who followed him, are now reaping the benefit. When we read of the difficulties, the trials, and privations which attended the settlement of New South Wales, South Australia, New Zealand colonies possessing rich natural resources to assist the pioneers it should be with a feeling of profoundest admiration that we turn to the story of the settlement of the Swan. The Pilgrim Fathers of Swan Eiver lighted upon a corner of the continent more infertile probably than any other, where they had to contend against sand and scrub and poison, and nearly every drawback with which it was possible to meet. They laid the foundations of the colony amid hard- ships and harassment unknown elsewhere, deprived of those resources of nature which helped others in their contests with the wilds. It is a story of brave men, of indomitable pluck, of a patient, long continuing resistance to difficulties, and of steady determined effort to succeed. The old settlers, what- ever new blood may think of them at present, were a body of Englishmen of whom we have every reason to be proud, a set of men, taking them all round, perhaps the best that has ever formed a first group of colonists. Certain it is that, had this not been so, the settlement of the southern part of the colony would have been abandoned or long retarded. Mr. Moore's diary, written in somewhat quaint but graphic style, vividly brings the scenes of the early struggle before the eye, with a striking realism of detail. There is one thing about the pictures he paints which is particularly noticeable. 423 Notwithstanding the privation, the poverty, the isolation, which those early colonists had to endure, their social life seems to have been full of compensation for their troubles. While they were digging and delving and toiling, on the one hand, on their little patches of ground, and looking after their small flocks of sheep, they were, on the other, dancing and dining, visiting and being visited, extending to one another a generous hospitality, and enjoying the pleasures of social intercourse in a " society " which, at that time, comprised nearly the whole of their number. The days of the early struggle were evidently by no means days wholly of gloom. This journal, the publication of which we have just brought to a close, will be found of much value when the history of the colony comes to be written. And it certainly would be extremely desirable that there should be no delay in collect- ing materials for that history, and that the complete story of the early days of the colonization of Western Australia should be recorded before those who took part in it, and can assist by personal recollection, are departed. There is more than one " old settler " well fitted to undertake the task. A DESCRIPTIVE VOCABULARY OF in Common AMONGST THK ABORIGINES OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA; WITH COPIOUS MEANINGS, EMBODYING MUCH INTERESTING INFORMATION REGARDING THE HABITS, MANNERS, AND CUSTOMS OF THE NATIVES, NATURAL HISTORY OF THE COUNTRY. BT GEORGE FLETCHER MOORE, B.L., ADVOCATE-GENERAL OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. PKEFACE. THERE are few situations more unpleasant than when two indi- viduals are suddenly and unexpectedly brought into collision, neither of whom is acquainted with one word of the language of the other. Amongst civilised people so situated, there are certain conventional forms of gesture or expression which are generally understood and received as indications of amity. But when it happens that one of the individuals is in a state of mere savage nature, knowing nothing of the habits and usages of civilised life, and perhaps never having even heard of any other people than his own, the situation of both becomes critical and embarassing. It was in this predicament that the early settlers of Western Aus- tralia found themselves, on their first taking possession of their lands in that colony. The aborigines, suspicious of treachery even amongst themselves, and naturally jealous of the intrusion of strangers, viewed with astonishment and alarm the arrival of per- sons differing in colour and appearance from anything they had hitherto seen. Ignorant alike of the nature, the power, and the intentions of this new people, and possessed of some vague idea of their being spirits, or reappearances of the dead, the natives were restrained, probably by superstitious awe alone, from at- tempting to repel the colonists at once by direct and open hostility . On the part of the settlers generally, there existed the most friendly iv PKEFACE. disposition toward the aborigines, which was evinced on every suitable opportunity, by the offer of bread, accompanied by the imitation of eating, with an assurance that it was " very good" And thus this term, " very good" was almost the first English phrase used, and became the name by which bread was, for a long time, generally known amongst the natives of Western Australia. In the course of time, curiosity, and a desire to establish and main- tain a good understanding with them, induced many persons to endeavour to learn something of their language ; and lists of such words as had been ascertained from time to time were formed by several individuals, but nothing on the subject was published till, in the year 1833, a person who assumed the name of LYON gave in the newspapers of the day some account of the structure of the language, and a list of nearly five hundred words. His vocabulary, though containing many inaccuracies and much that was fanciful, yet was deserving of praise, as being the first attempt to reduce to writing a language that was -still comparatively unknown. In the meantime, Mr. FRANCIS ARMSTRONG, who had bestowed much attention on the aborigines, and who spoke the language with a fluency nearly equal to their own, was appointed to the office of interpreter, and was thenceforth generally employed as a recognised medium of mutual communication in all public matters, whether of explanation, negotiation, examination, or prosecution. At length, in the year 1838, that able and talented officer, Lieutenant (now Sir GEORGE) GREY, Governor of South Australia, whilst resting from his labours of exploring the country, turned his attention to this subject, in compliance with the spirit of the instructions under which he was acting, and compiled a vocabulary, which was pub- lished in the colony in the shape of a pamphlet. This was subse- quently republished in London, with the addition of some words, PREFACE. V chiefly peculiar to the locality of King George's Sound. These will be found marked with the letters (K.G.S.), as those contri- buted by the Messrs. BUSSEL, of the Vasse River Settlement, have been marked with the word (Vasse). To him we are certainly indebted for the first publication of anything approaching to a correct list of the words of this Australian dialect ; and any future attempts of the same nature can only be considered as a more ex- panded form of his original work. Without that vocabularly it is probable that the present would not -have been undertaken. This vocabulary is founded upon that of Captain GREY, but is in a much enlarged form, and upon a more comprehensive plan ; em- bracing, also, such additions and alterations as have been the natural result of longer time, greater experience, and a more fami- liar acquaintance with the language. In the first place, it contains several hundred additional words, inclusive of such tenses of the verbs as have been accurately ascertained (for although the three known tenses are tolerably regular, .they are not invariably so). In the next place, the meanings are in general given in a more copious form, and whenever a word has required or admitted of it, the opportunity has been taken of giving an account of everything interesting in the habits, manners, and customs of the aborigines, and in the natural history of the country. In the third place, the English and Australian part has been added, which it was consi- dered, would be of great assistance to such as desire to ascertain any word in the language. This work owes much of its present form to the industry and attention of Mr. SYMMONS, one of the protectors of the aborigines, with some assistance from a friend, whose name I am not at liberty to mention ; but mainly through the means of the interpreter, Mr. Vl PREFACE. ARMSTRONG, with such aid as a long residence in the country, and constant communication with the natives, both in a public and private capacity, enabled me to impart, and such attention as the leisure of a sea voyage permitted me to bestow. I have been re- quested to undertake the task of editing and publishing it in Eng- land, in order to avoid the expense and difficulty which would have attended the printing of it in the colony. The sounds of the letters are adopted from the orthography re- commended in the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society. The consonants are to be sounded as in English, except that G is invariably hard ; the vowels, for the most part, as in the following English words : A, as in father, except when it has the short mark (a) over it, or at the end of a word, when it is to be pro- nounced as in the first syllable of mamma ; E, as in there, whether at the beginning, middle, or end of a word ; I, as in fatigue ; 0, as in old ; Ow, as in cow, now ; U, as in rude. With Y some liberty has been taken ; it is used both as a consonant and a vowel. With its consonant form there is no difficulty ; it is to be pro- nounced as in you, your, yoke. As a vowel it must invariably be sounded long, as in my, thy ; and this sound in the middle of a word, after a consonant, is to be given to it unless separated from the preceding letter by a hyphen, when it becomes a consonant itself, aa for example, Gyn, one. Y is here a long vowel ; but in Gyn-yang (once) the y of the first syllable is a long vowel, and in the second is a consonant ; the same as in Byl-yi (a small leaf) ; By-yu (the Zamia fruit). The nasal sound, Ng, is of such frequent occurrence in the Australian language, as to have rendered its introduction necessary as a distinct and separate letter (if such an expression may be used) in every vocabulary which has been PREFACE. Vii attempted of any of its dialects. It is placed at the end of words beginning with N ; its sound is that of Ng in ring, wing. In some few words h will be found interposed between two ?-'s, as in Marh-ra (the hand), Warh-rang (three). When this is the case, the first r is to be aspirated. This is an attempt to explain in letters a sound which hearing and practice alone can enable any one to understand and acquire. This obscure indistinct sound, as well as the frequent occurrence of the Nasal Ng, and a faint similarity in some of the pronouns with those of the Malabar language, have been remarked as affording a slight clue by which a distant relationship might be traced between the Western Australians, and the natives of the south-east districts of the peninsula of India. It may be necessary to explain, that when any word is said to belong to the North, South, or other dialects, this is to be understood with reference to Perth as a centre. The words contained in this Vocabulary are those in most common use in the vicinity of the Swan River and the adjacent districts ; some of which may be found to be localised, but most of them are used under some form or modification by all the aborigines residing within the limits of Moore River to the north, the Avon to the east, the sea to the west, and King George's Sound to the south. The characteristic peculiarity of the King George's Sound dialect is to shorten the words by cutting off the final syllable, especially where it ends in a vowel, as Kat, for Katta Kal, for Kalla, which gives the language a short, abrupt sound. " An-ya twonga gwabba," in the Perth dialect (I hear well), is " An twonk gwap " at King George's Sound. Whilst, on the other hand, the tribes that have been met with two hundred miles north of Fremantle appear to lengthen out the words by adding a syllable to the end of them, which gives their language a more soft and musical sound ; as, " Mallo nginnow," in the Perth dialect (sit in VU1 PREFACE. the shade), is with them, " Malloka nginnowka." To the eastward the sound of E is often used where is used at Perth ; as, Kot-ye, a bone, hecomes Kwetje to the East, and Kwetj at King George's Sound. So Kole becomes Kwele and Kwel. And very generally is used for U ; as Gort for Gurt, the heart ; Goya for Guya, a frog. is often substituted for O W in many districts ; as, Yuke for Yugow (to be) ; Wanke for Wangow (to speak). About King George's Sound, also, the word Gur, according to Captain GREY, is used as an affix to many of the verbs. This appears analogous to the word Kolo (if, indeed, it be not an indistinct pronounciation of the same word, with the final syllable cut off), which is used in all the Swan River districts as an occasional or optional affix ex- pressive of motion ; as, Dtabbat (to fall down) is often sounded Dtabbat kolo (to move falling down) ; Darbow (to stoop) ; Darbow kolo (to move stooping) ; Murrijo (to walk) ; Murrijo kolo (to move walking) ; so that, probably, it may be found, on attentive examination, that Kolo, Gulut, Gulbang, Gulbat, all expressing motion, and Gur, also, are but various modifications of the same radical word. There is another variety of pronunciation which occasions a dif- ference in sound that is more apparent than real ; namely, the sound of B for P, and P for B ; the sound of D for T, and T for D ; of G for K, and K for G. These letters, respectively, are in so many instances used indiscriminately, or interchangeably, that it is frequently difficult to distinguish which sound predominates; even in the same district ; but the predominant sound varies in different districts ; as Barduk, Parduk ; Gatta, Katta ; Tabba, or Dappa ; which last word may be heard occasionally in all the different forms ; Dappa, Dabba, Tabba, or Tappa. But, bearing in PREFACE. IX mind these differences of dialect, and varieties of pronunciation, which necessarily belong to any widely-spread unwritten language, and making due allowance for those local terms which must be introduced into different districts, as applicable to peculiarities of situation, soil, climate, occupation, food, and natural products, I have no hesitation in affirming, that as far as any tribes have been met and conversed with by the colonists, namely, trom one hundred miles east of King George's Sound up to two hundred miles north of Fremantle, comprising a space of above six hundred miles of coast, the language is radically and essentially the same. And there is much reason to suppose that this remark would not be confined to those limits only, but might be applied, in a great degree, to the pure and uncorrupted language of the whole island. Many of the words and phrases of the language on the eastern and southern sides of Australia, as given in COLLINS'S work, in THREL- KELD'S Grammar, and in several short vocabularies, are identical with those used on the western side. And in a list of words given in FLINDERS' Voyage, as used by the natives on the north-east coast at Endeavour River, the term for the eye is precisely the same as that at Swan River. Whilst this publication was in the press, the work of Captain GREY appeared ; in the course of which he has treated of this subject at considerable length, and adduced several arguments confirmatory of the same opinion. Nothing is said here about the grammar of the language, because it is doubtful if the rules by which it is governed are even yet sufficiently known to be laid down with confidence if, indeed, there are any so far established amongst themselves as to be con- sidered inflexible. None are likely to bestow much attention upon the language except those who have an interest in communicating X PREFACE. personally with the natives, in which way any peculiarities of structure may be easily acquired. A sentence of the Western Australian dialect would run much in this way, if rendered with perfect literal accuracy . " I to-day, at sunrise, in forest walking, male kangaroo far off saw ; I stealthily creep, near, near ; male kangaroo eats, head down low ; I rapidly spear throw heart strike through and through penetrate. Male kangaroo dead falls; good yes, it is true ; I good throw good very." The grammati- cal construction appears to be inartificial and elementary, as might naturally be expected amongst so rude a people, and wholly free from that startling complexity of form (especially as regards the verbs) which has been attributed to the Sydney language in THRELKKLD'S Grammar. It seems, indeed, scarcely credible that the most artificial forms of speech should belong to the very rudest state of society ; and that the least civilised people in the world should have refinements of phrase, and niceties of expression, which were wholly unknown to the most polished nations of classical antiquity. A work of the nature of this Vocabulary may be of great service in a variety of ways. To those who have relatives in the colony, it will show something of the manners and language of the people, and the nature of the country where their friends reside. To the emigrant it will give such preparatory information as may smooth many of the difficulties in his way. It will enable the actual set- tler to communicate more freely with the natives, and thus to acquire and extend an influence amongst them, and frequently to gain important information regarding the localities and resources of the country. To the philologist, it affords an opportunity for the PREFACE. XI examination of a new form of speech, or a comparison with other dialects of the same tongue. To the philosopher, it offers the interesting study of a new and, as yet. unsophisticated people and, perhaps, the only people now existing on the earth, in a completely uncivilised and savage state ; whilst to the missionary, who de- votes himself to the task of enlightening and converting this simple and primitive race, it will afford great facility in his labours, and place him at once upon a vantage-ground which he might other- wise lose much time in attaining. That it may be found conducive to each and all of these objects, is the ardent wish of GEORGE FLETCHER MOOKE. DESCRIPTIVE VOCABULARY. N.B. The terms Northern, Southern, or other dialects refer to Perth as a centre. V.,Vasse; K.G.S. , King George's Sound ; denote that the word is chiefly used in that locality. A, long, as in Father ; a, short, or a, at the end of a word, as the first a in Mamma. See preface. Ab, or Ap. An abbreviation of Abbin. A particle which, when affixed to words, expresses to be, or to become ; as Djulap, Bugorap, Garrangab, to become bad, or a champion, or angry. Abba A word of friendly salutation with the natives about Augusta, accompanied by the act of rubbing the breast with the hand, and spitting at the same time. This was, perhaps, at first a superstitious ceremony on their part, to avert any evil consequences which might ensue from holding any communication with beings whom they probably, at that time, considered to be preternatural. There does not appear to be any established mode of salutation customary among themselves. To hold up the open hands is used now by the white and black people as a sign of amity ; but this is chiefly to show that the hand is unarmed, or the disposition friendly. Green boughs were presented to the settlers at York, by the natives, on the occasion of their first interview. Abbin Getting ; becoming. Gwabbabbin, becoming good ; Durdak- abbin, getting well, recovering from sickness. Adjo, p.p. I, an imperfect pronunciation of Ngadjo. Adjul I will. See Ngadjul. Ak, or Ok Of ; an affix denoting possession as Winatak Gatta, the head of Winat. Allija, or Alii, pron. It ; that is it. Amar, s. A hole or pool of water in a rock. In many parts of the country, where there are no rivers nor springs, the water from the winter rains is retained in deep crevices or holes worn into the surface of the rock. These reservoirs are carefully noted, and are relied upon as the principal resources of the natives, in dry and rocky situations, during the summer months. An, or Annin An affix used to express action, or the act of doing ; as Gurad, short ; Guaradan, shorten, or make short ; Minytwallak- auniu, to put a new face on ; to alter. B Ang, affix Of ; from ; out of ; belonging to ; and when the antecedent ends in a vowel, some consonant is often interposed for sound's sake ; as Gabbi, water ; Gabbilang, aquatic ; Juko, Jukobang ; Bilo, Bilorbang. Anga, s. The beard. See Nganga. Anna, p.p. Me. See Nganna. Anya, p.p. I. See Nganya. Ap, or Up An affix used to denote a locality fit for, or used as, a resting place ; as Mangaga ap, the resting place at Mangaga. Arda, ad. Gratuitously, without object ; idly ; merely ; only ; nothing particular. This is a word of very frequent use. What are you doing? Nothing. Where are you going? Nowhere. What do you want ? Nothing. In all such cases Arda is the proper answer. A d"k'~t V 1 ^ ow d wn 5 downwards. See Ngardak. Arndin, or Arndinyang, a. (V.) Sick ; ill ; sore. B. Observe ! The sounds of B and P are in BO many instances used indiscriminately or interchangeably, that it is frequently difficult to distinguish which sound predominates. The predominant sound varies in different districts. The same is to be remarked of D and T, and also of K and G. See Preface. Babba, a. Weak ; languid ; wanting strength ; as Bidibabba, weak- veined ; unwell ; too weak or tired to do anything. Babbalya, s. Pudenda puellulse. Babbangwin, s. Lightning. Babbin, s. A friend. Babilgun, s. A species of bat. Badbadin Pitpatting ; from Bardo to go. Badjang, s. Matter from a boil or sore. From their temperate habits, all wounds heal with surprising facility ; but sometimes sores, like scrofulous eruptions, break out, which do not heal readily, and from want of cleanliness become very offensive, and render the afflicted individual a disgusting object, sometimes wasting him to death by a lingering and loathsome disease. Badto, s. (S) Water. Bak An affirmative particle always used as an affix, meaning indeed ; as Bundobak, true indeed ; Gwabbabak, good indeed, very good. Bakadjin, s. A contest ; a fight ; throwing of spears. Bakadju, v. Pres. part., Bakadjin ; past tense, Bakudjaga ; to fight ; to quarrel. Bakkan, v. Pres. part., Bakkanin ; past tense, Bakkanaga. To bite; to ache ; to pain. Bal, p.p. The third person singular of all genders ; he ; she ; it. Bal, imp. v. Leave it ; let it alone. There is no appreciable difference in sound between this and the foregoing word, the pronoun. Balbiri, s. A skewer ; a stick with which the cloak is pinned when worn, or the back hair fastened up. Balbyt, a. Silly ; foolish. Balga, s. Xanthorea arborea, grass-tree or blackboy. This is a useful tree to the natives where it abounds. The frame of their huts is constructed from the tall flowering stems, and the leaves serve for thatch and for a bed. The resinous trunk forms a cheerful blazing fire. The flower-stem yields a gum used for food. The trunk gives a resin used for cement, and also, when beginning to decay, furnishes large quantities of marrow-like grubs, which are considered a delicacy. Fire is readily kindled by friction of the dry flower-stems, and the withered leaves furnish a torch. It may be added that cattle are fond of the leaves ; sheep pull up the centre leaves when they can reach them, and eat the blanched end of the leaf; and even many settlers have dressed the crown of it as food, which tastes like an artichoke ; and used the young stem, when boiled and carefully scraped, which is said to have a taste like sea-kale : but this last-mentioned part should be used with caution, as some are said to have suffered from it. Balgang, v. Pres. part., Balganwin ; past tense, Balgangaga ; to track ; to pursue on a track. Balgor, s. Young fresh grown trees. In the north dialect, this word is used for Dilbi, leaves of trees in general. Balgun, p.p. They. Balgup, p.p. Them. Balingur, v. (K.G.S.) To climb. Baljarra, a. Exposed; naked; uncovered. As Baljarra ngwundow, to sleep exposed, without a hut in the open air. Ballagar, s. (A north word) ; the small squirrel-like opossum, called at Perth, Ballawara, and at K. G. S. Ballard. Ballajan, v. Pres. part.. Ballajanin ; past tense, Ballajanan. Some- times it is pronounced short ; to assault ; to attack ; to slay. Ballak, s. A species of Xanthorea. Ballal (Vasse) He himself ; she herself. Ballar, a. Secretly. Ballard, s. (K.G.S.) A small species of opossum. Ballarijow, v. Compounded of Ballar, secretly ; and Ijow, to put, place. Pres. part., Ballarijowin ; Past tense, Ballarijaga. To secrete ; to hide. Ballarok, proper name. The cognomen of one of the great families into which the aborigines of Western Australia appear to be divided. The general laws relating to marriage have reference to these families. No man can marry a woman of his own family name ; and the children all take that of the mother. As the hunting ground or landed property descends in the male line, it follows that B 2 the land is never for two generations in the hands of men of the same family name ; and in the event of a man having several wives of different family names, his lauds are at his death divided between so many new families. His male children owe certain duties to men of their own family, at the same time as to their half brothers, which often clash with each other, and give rise to endless dissensions. There are said to be four of these principal families : I. Ballarok ; 2. Dtondarap ; 3. Ngotak ; 4. Naganok, which are resolved again into many local or sub-denominations. The Ballaroks are said to have peculiarly long thighs ; the Ngotaks are short and stout. The Ballarok, Dtondarap, and Waddarak, are said to be Matta Gyn, of one leg, probably of one stock, or derived from one common ancestor. The Gnotak, and Naganok are of one leg; the Nogonyak, Didarok, and Dijikok are of one leg. The wife is is generally taken from the Matta Gyn, or kindred stock. Ballawara, s. A small squirrel -like opossum. B&lluk.,adv. Accidentally ; unintentionally. Balwungar, .. A name given to the glaucous-leaved Eucalyptus, which grows in the open sandy downs in the interior. Bal-yan, a. Damp ; wet. Bal-yata, a. Firm ; fixed. Applied to man and wife as firmly united together, not likely to be parted. Also, to a rock, as Bu-yi balyata, an embedded rock ; and to the roots and stumps of trees, as Djinnara balyata, a stump firmly fixed in the ground. Bamba, s. The Sting-rayfish ; not eaten by the natives. Bambala, s. Film or cataract formed over the eye. Bambi, s. A small sort of flounder fish. Bambi, s. A bat. Bambun, s. Eopsaltria ; yellow-bellied fly-catcher. Banbar, a. Round, cylindrical ; as a wine-bottle. Bandak, ad. Purposely ; openly ; knowingly ; wittingly ; outside ; in the open air. Bandang, a. All. Bandi. s. The leg ; the shank. Bandin, ,v. Melliphaga ; Nov. Holl. ; yellow- winged honey-sucker. Bandyn, a. (A northern word) ; hungry. Bang-al, a. Separated by distance ; stopped or left behind. Bang-al, s. Retaliation ; exchange of one thing for another. As if a man is asked, "Where is your cloak, or spear?" He might answer, " Oh ! I have given it away." The remark that followed would be: Bang-al nyt nginni yong-aga ? What did they give you in exchange ? Bang-al -buma, v. To retaliate ; to revenge ; to avenge ; to strike in return. Bang-al yong-a, v. To exchange ; to barter one thing for another. Bang-gap, s. The Walloby, a small species of kangaroo. It is worthy of remark, that, on Rottnest, Garden Island, and one only of the Abrolhos group, there exists a small animal of this sort, which is now rarely if ever found on the adjacent mainland. Thia seems to favour the tradition that those islands once formed part of the mainland, but were dissevered by a great fissure of the earth from volcanic action. Bang-ar, s. (North word) ; very large species of lizard, four to six feet long. Bang-ga, .. Conduct; behaviour. Nidja, ad. Here ; in this place. Nidja, p. This. Nidjak, ad, Here ; in this place. 61 Nidjalla, ad. Here ; in this place. (More emphatic than Nidja.) Nido, s. A mosquito. Very troublesome in summer in moist situations- Nidul-yorong, ,<. ./Egialitis nigrifrons, Gould ; black-fronted plover. Niggara, *. The girdle of human hair worn round the waist. Nilge, .s i . The name of a dance among the natives to the north-east. Nitnyt, s. The ribs. Ninat, s. Worms bred in sores. Nindi. .*. Tail of an animal. Nindian, v. Pres. part, Nindianin ; past tense, Niudianaga. To kiss. Ninim, s. Large species of leech. Nin-ya nin-ya, p. These. Niran, v. Pres. part., Niran ; past tense, Niran To plant ; to sow ; to put in the ground. They do not plant, but they put the Byyu in the ground to prepare it for eating. Nirimba, s. Pelecanus Nov. Holl. ; pelican. It is singular that these birds are seen frequently to come from the interior, across the York district. Nirran. v. To bark ; to growl as a dog. Nirrgo, s. A mosquito. Numerous in damp situations. Noba, or Nuba, ,*. Young of any creature. Plural, Nobagarra. Nodytch, s. The dead ; a deceased person. The aborigines have an extreme aversion to mentioning the name of any one after his decease ; and this word, Nodytch, the departed, is used among them when speaking of a person who is no more. Nogat or Nokat, v. (Word used in the York district.) To sleep. Nogo, s. A species of fungus. Nogolan (K.G.S.) Accidentally ; unintentionally. Nogon-yak, s. The name of one of the great native families. The Didarok and Ujikok are Matta gyn with these people. See Ballorok. Nogoro, s. Heavy sleep as, Bidjar nogoro ngan-ya bakkan, heavy sleep bites, or oppresses me. Nogyt, s. The elbow. Nol-yang, s. Gallinula, Nol-yang. These birds are not much known in Western Australia, though common in New South Wales. In 1836, they made their appearance here suddenly in great numbers, to the surprise and alarm of the farmers, for they devoured all the green food in fields and gardens with the appetite of locusts ; and then they disappeared almost as unaccountably and suddenly as they had come, nor have they, with some few exceptions, been seen since. They are about the size of well-grown pullets, frequenting the low grounds near rivers, and, though not web-footed, swimming with great facility. Thousands were shot and consumed as food. The meat has something of a fishy flavour. Nona. x. A very deadly snake, cream-coloured, with dark spots. Nopyn, s. The young of animals. Norndukauu (K.G.S.) To fly fro'ni anyone or anything. 62 Norno, . A very poisonous snake. See Kaharda. Nornt, s. (K.G.S.) The feathers of small birds. Notan, s. An oyster (K.G.S. dialect.) Deep and extensive beds of oyster-shells are found on the flats in the Swan River, but no live oysters have been yet discovered in that vicinity. A few very small rock oysters are found in a part of Melville water, and some mud oysters in Gage's roads ; but they are abundant at K. G's. Sound. Rock oysters are abundant on the Abrolhos group, and on the adjacent, coast. Noto dtan, v. To shut. Noyt, s. The spirit; the soul as, Noyt ngardak, the spirit is below, intimating that an individual is dead. See also Noilytch. Noy-yang, s. Connections by blood or marriage ; kinsfolk. Nubal, pron. dual Ye two ; parent and child ; brothers and sisters. Nubal, pron. dual Ye two ; man and wife. Nujan, v. To void the excrement. Nuji, s. A large species of mouse eaten by the natives. Nula, s. Sea-weed. Nulargo, s. Graucalus ; blue pigeon. Nulbarn, s. A rope-like girdle of opossum's hair worn by the abori- gines, partly by way of ornament, passed many times round the waist. But serves also for other useful purposes. In it are carried the Kadjo, or hammer, the Dowak, or throwing stick, and the Kyli. It is tightened or loosened like the belt of famine of the Africans according to the supply of food, and it answers for string occa- sionally, or for rag in the case of a cut or wound ; and small articles, such as the teeth and barbs of spears, are frequently deposited in the folds of it. Nulu, a. Narrow. Numbat, s. An animal found in the York district of a brownish hue, with whitish stripes across the loins. This animal is not marsupial but the young are found at an early stage adhering to the teat of the mother, in the same unaccountable manner as in the pouch of the kangaroo. Numbrid, s. The flower or blossom of the red gum-tree, from which the natives make a favourite beverage by soaking the flowers in water. Nund-yang, a. (Upper Swan word.) Narrow ; straight ; tight. Nungurdul, a. Stuck in ; that which has penetrated, but not gone through. Nuuika, s. Myriophyllum ; a water-plant. Nurdi (K.G.S.) The south. Nurdu, s. A fly. Flies are very abundant and annoying in summer There is a small fly that bites or stings the eye very sharply when the eyelid almost instantaneously swells to a frightful size. The natives have a speedy cure for this ailment, which is rather unsightly than painful. As soon as they feel the sting, they scarify the arm, so as to draw some blood, which they drop into the eye as 83 they lie on their backs, and so let it remain for some time till it is thoroughly coagulated, when they draw it out, by which means the smart is assuaged and the swelling averted. Nurduriing, v. Pres. part., Nurdurang ; past tense, Nurdurang. To snore. Nurgo, .<-. An egg ; seeds. Nurgobindi, s. An empty egg-shell. Nurgo-imba, s. The shell of the egg. Compounded of Nurgo, an egg ; and Imba, the husk or rind. Nurruk (K.G.S.) An Emu. NOTE. Y when separated from the preceding letter by a hyphen or a comma, is a consonant. See Preface. So N-yagga is sounded as Yagga, with the nasal sound of N before it. N-yagga, p. That. N-yal, ad. Here ; present. N-yang-ow, v. To look ; to see ; to behold, N-yanni, s. Rail us ; the water-rail. N-yardo, s. Left arm. N-yelingur, a. (Vasse.) Stingy. N-yetti, s. Shavings ; dust ; sawdust ; scraping. They adorn them- selves with shavings of white wood in their dances. N-yiddin, a. Cold. N-yido, s, A species of fly. See Nurdu. N-yinni, p. Thou ; you. N-yinuow, v. Pres. part, N-yinnowin ; past tense, N-yinnaga. To sit ; to remain in a place any time. N-yin-ya, ad. Here ; in this place. N-yogul&ng, v. To steep in water as, Man-gyt, or Banksia flowers, in water, which the natives do to extract the honey, and then drink the infusion. They are extremely fond of it ; and in the season their places of resort may be recognised by the small holes dug in the ground, and lined with the bark of the tea-tree, and which are surrounded with the drenched remains of the Man-gyt. They sit round this hole, each furnished with a small bunch of fine shavings, which they dip and suck until the beverage is finished. Nytbi, s. A nonentity ; a nothing ; a thing not known or understood. N-yula, s. A species of moss. N-yumap, a. Diminutive ; little ; small. N-yumar, s. A flesh-coloured fungus, growing chiefly on the Eucalyp- tus robusta ; the mahogany tree. N-yunalak, p. Thine. N-yundu, or N-yundul, in. p. Will you V Do you V Did you ? &c. N-yuneruk (K.G.S.) A species of duck. N-yurang, p. Ye. N-yurang-ak, p. Yours. N-yurdang, s. A rainbow. (Northern dialect.) 66 Ngargal-ya, s. The gum on the lower part of the stem of the Xanthorea flower. Ngarra (Vasse) The back. Ngarrak-ngarrak, a. From side to side. As Ngarrak ngarrak-badin, walking unsteadly. Ngarral; s. The ribs ; the sides. Ngarran, v. Pres. part., Ngarranwin ; past tense, Ngarranagga to stick half way, or in the interval ; as in attempting to pass through a narrow space ; a ramrod in a gun ; a bone in the throat. Ngarran g, v. Pres. part., Ngarrauwin ; past tense, Ngarrangagga, to be in motion. Ngarri (K.G.S.) A species of salmon. Ngarrilgul (K.G.S.) A species of king-fish. Ngattang, v. Pres. part, Ngattangwin ; past tense, Ngattangagga, to wound ; to injure. Ngatti, ad. More ; go on ; continue. As Ngatti ngatti, again and again. Nga-yang, s. The elbow. Ngera (Vasse) To lie. Ngikil, s. (North -eastern dialectj The groin. Ngilarak, a. Blue. Ngilat, a. Dark-yellow colour. Ngilgi, s. The groin. Ngillel (Vasse) We. Ngille-lung (VasseJ Of us ; our. Nginde, p. Corruption of Ngando, who. Nginni, p. Thou. Nginnow, v. Pres. part., Ngininnowin ; past tense, Nginnaga, to sit ; to remain in a place any time. Ngirgo, s. (Northern dialect.) A small spring of water. Ngirjyn, s. Cap or pan of the kangaroo's knee. Ngobar, s. Open downs near the sea ; sand-hills of the coast. Ngobern, s. The eldest or first son ; also the first or fore finger. Ngogat, s. Contents of a bird's craw. Ngogolak, a. A bird's craw. Ngolak, s. Calyptorhyncus. The white-tailed black cockatoo. Ngo-lang-a, ad. After ; behind. Ngomon, a. (Southern dialect.) Large ; big. Ngondo (Vasse) An elder brother. Ngon-yang, K. The honey or nectar of flowers ; sugar. The flower of the Budjau (which see). It abounds in honey. Also a saccharine juice, which exudes plentifully from the red-gum tree in the warm season. Ngo-ra, s. Phalangista Cookii, ring-tailed opossum. 67 Ngoriuk ? (Vasse) Much ; very. Ngo-ro, s. The mucus of the nose. Ngota (K.G.S.) A species of crow. Ngo-tak, prop, name One of the great families into which the natives are divided. The Naganok are Matta gyn. See Ballarok. Ngow-dik, s. Pearsonia, a plant. Ngow-er, s. A tuft, formed of the tail or winged feathers of a bird, worn in the hair. The feathery part is stripped from the stiff stem or quill, and tied upon a small stick like a skewer. Ngowerit (K.G.S.) The navel. Ngow-o, s. Colonial pheasant, nondescript? It scrapes together a large heap of earth or sand, perhaps two to three feet high, and five to six feet in diameter, in which it deposits its eggs about a foot deep, which are left to be hatched by the sun. It is the only bird of this habit in the colony. The eggs are very large in proportion to the size of the bird, and of a delicate flavour. It would be very valuable if domesticated. The mother is said to come and uncover the eggs at the time of maturity. Ngoy-ang, a. Sharp. Ngoy-yur (K.G.S.) The elbow. Ngu-bu, 5. Blood. Ngubul-ya, a. Red ; blood-coloured. Ngudang, s. The heel. Ngudi, s. A knot in wood ; an excrescence on a tree. Ngulbun-gur (K.G.S.) A species of mouse. Ngulor, s. Haliseetus leucogaster ? sea-eagle. Ngul-ya, s. An edible root of a reddish colour, something like Bohn in. flavour, but tougher and more stringy. Ngul-yap, a. Empty (Vasse dialect). Probably the same as Yulap. Ngumbit, s. The flower of the red gum-tree, which, steeped in water, affords a honey-sweet beverage, much relished by the natives. Ngunallang, p.p. Yours ; thine. Ngunman, s. The right arm or side. Nguntburbung (K.G.S.) To startle. Ngura, s. A small lake or basin of water ; a native well. Ngurju, s. Hydromus leucogaster. A kind of marsupial water-rat, rare and shy, but fierce if attacked. Ngutek, s. A species of Grevillea flower. Nguto, s. An edible root. Ngu-yang, s. The distant misty appearance of approaching rain. Ngu-yubarra, a. Blue. Ngu-yup. Blue. Ngwidam, a. Serious ; in earnest ; not joking ; honest. Ngwol-yi naggirang, s. Anas ; teal. ! 2 68 Ngwonana, . \nas Novae Hollandise ; the grey duck. Ngwonna, s. The pieces of kangaroo skin used for stringing the women's bags. :;f: g MTyn ' \ Handle ;beautiM. Ngwundkol (K.G.S.) The place last slept at (" lain and left"). Ngwundow, v. Pres. part., Ngwundowin ; past tense, Ngwundaga. To lie down. Ngwuntungur (K.G.S.) To dream. Ng-yakyn, . (Northern dialect). A turtle. See Yagyn. Ng-yal, ad. Here. Ng-yame-ng-yaming, s. Rhodanthe Manglesii. A pretty pink flower, growing in great abundance on red sandy loam soils. Ngy-anga, s. A wave of the sea. O. (Sounded as in Old, Cold. 0\v as in Cow, Now. and U are also used interchangeably in different dialects. See Preface.) Odern, s. The sea. Ordak A particle affixed to verbs, signifying to intend ; to purpose ; as Ordak dtan, to intend to pierce ; Ordak-barrang, to intend to take. Orlgo, s. Corrupted from Nalgo, a tooth. Orpin, a. (K.G.S.) Plenty. P. Observe The sounds of P and B are in so many instances used indiscri- minately or interchangeably, that it is frequently difficult to distinguish which sound predominates. The predominant sound varies in different districts. See Preface. Pandopen, v. (Northern dialect.) To faint ; to swoon. Partap (K.G.S.) To lie ; to deceive ; from Bart, not. Pidilmidang, s. Pachycephala gutturalis, Yellow-bellied thrush. Pira (K.G.S.) A species of Banksia. Firing, .> -yuneruk ? Duck, mountain Tadorma ; Gu- raga. Duck, steamer or musk ; Biziura lobata Gaddara. Duck-Diver, a, with very small flappers or wings Buatu. . Duck, wood ; Anser Marang-anna. Duck, white- winged ; Nyroca Aus- tralis Errudu. Duck, shoveller ; Rhynchaspis Wimbin. Duck, larged-nosed, blue-winged Bardunguba. 96 Dun g Konang. Dust Dalba ; N-yetti. E. Eagle, mountain Waldja. Eagle, little ; Haliseetus Canorus Jandu. Eagle, short-tailed ; brown ; Aquila Gudap. Eagle, sea ; Halifeetus leucogaster Ngulor. Ear Tonga ; Jija (Vasse). Earnest, in earnest Ngwidam. Earth Budjor. East, the Kangal ; Kakur. Eat, to Ngannow ; Nalgo ; Nan- gar? Echo Myakowa. Edge, sharp, as of a knife Nalgo. Effaced, as steps or tracks which are attempted to be followed out Il-yan. Effects, personal Bindart ; Buna- rak. y Nurgo ; Bwye. Egg, white of Nurgo mammango. Egg, yolk of Nurgo natdjing Egg, shell, when full Nurgo imba. Egg, shell, broken, empty Nurgo bindi. Egg, an, to lay Ijow ; Nurgo ijow. Egg of lice, or of vermin Minjin- ing. Eh? Kannah. Elbow Engayang ; Nogyt ; Ngoy- yur. Elevated Yira-gan. Embers Kalla inak. Embrace, to Wun-gan. Empty Byl-yur. Emu Widji; Wadji; Kya (North dialect) ; Nurruk. Emu feathers, ornamental tuft of Ngalbo; Yanji. Emu wren ; stiputurus Malachu- rus Jirjil ; Jirjil-ya. Enclose Engallang ; Tergur. Enough Belak ; Gyngak ; Kaa ; Wiak. Entrance Bunan ; Boyl. Erect, to Wyerow. Erroneously Barra. Estuary Darbal ; Willar. Evening Garrimbi. Ever Kal-yagal ; Wattul. Exact Metjil. Exactly alike, the same Burbur. Examine, to, in order to recog- nise YVundun. Excellent Belli ; Gwabbalitch. Exchange, in exchange Bangal. Exchange, to Bang-al yong- a ; Yulinan yong-a. Excrement Konang. Excrescence on a tree Ngudi. Exposed Barnak ; Buljarra ; Kab- bar. Eye Mel. Eyebrow Mimbat. Eyelash Mel-kanbar ; Ming-art ; Kanbigur. Eyelid Mel nalyak ; Dok. Eye, outer corner of Mel naljak. F. Face Minyt ; Dtamel ; Mulyamel. Faint, to Yowir gwart ; Pandopen (Northern dialect). Fair, annual Manjar. Fair, light-coloured Djitting ; Djitto. Falcon, peregrine ; Falco Melano- genys Gwetalbar. Fall, to, Dtabbatkolo ; Gwardo. Fall, to, down in a faint Yowir- gwart. Fame Warda. Family or tribe Matta. 97 Far off Bu-yang ; Urar. Farther off Munong. Fasten, to Yuttarn ; Wulangiteh. Fastened up, applied to the hair Wadju. Fat (grease) Boyn ; Mon-gor. Fat, stout Boyngadak ; Ilyn-ngo- mon ; Mongoral ; Korbuil. Father Mauiman ; Kynkar. Father-in-law Kan -gun. Fatigued Mordibang ; Bidibaba. Fear Darnavan. Fear to Mult-chin ; Wyen. Feathers, Idal-ya ; Nornt ; Takil. Feathers, tuft of Kokul-yang ; Ngower ; Ngalbo : Jilying. Fern Karbarra. Festering Kokanwin. Fetch, to gang-ow ; Katte. Few, a Waugat ; Maow ; Kattin Fiery, hot Kallak. Fig, Hottentot, large; Mesembry- anthemum Equilateralis Kol- bogo. Fig, Hottentot, small Manbibi; Majerak (Mountain dialect). Fig, leaves of Kolbogo Mangaro. Fight, to Bakadju ; Tornamagar. Fight, a Ballajiniu ; Bakadjin. Fillet for the head, made of human hair VVundu. Film, formed over the eye Bam- bala. Fin, of a flsh Yirrila. Finch, spotted Estrilda ; Jiri. Fingers Marh-ra ; Marh-ragur. Fingers, joint Marh-ra bottyn. Fire Kalla. Fire, stick, or brand Kallamatta Fire, bright, a Initch. Firm Murdoin ; Balyata ; Mur- dubalangur. Firmamen t G ud jy t. First Gorijat ; Gwadjat ; Gwyt- changat. First, part, or commencement of anything Mul-yak. Fish, a Bi. Fish, species of Beper ; Bepil ; Dabardak ; Jinin ; Karduk ; Kumbul ; Mattawit ; Merdelang ; Murdar ; Nagkan ; Tabadak ; Tuldynang ; T-yundalar ; Wal- gah ; Warroitch ; Yoiyu. Five M irh-jinbangga. Fixed Murduin ; Bal-yatta. Flame Dtallar ; Dtallap. Flat Ngalbarda ; Yampel. Flea, a Kolo. Flee, to Bardanbardo ; Ban-nagul (Mountain word) ; Norndukaun. Flesh, muscle Ilyn. Flesh, of animals fit to be eaten Dadja ; Marri. Flounder, small fish Bambi. Flowers : Anigozanthus, tall, green-flow- ered Koroylbardang. Calthamnus sanguineus Bin- dak. Cenomice retisporum Ngango- nat. Banksia, large Mangyt. Banksia, small Dubarda. Chorizema cordifolia Kal-ya. Chrysorhoe nitens Kotyenin- gara. Dryandria Fraseri Budjan ; Butjak. Dryandria species nova Binda. Grevillea Ngutek. Kennedia "ulbarn. Kennedia Hardenbergii Kur- rolo. Myriophyllum Nunika. Pattersonia Occidentalis Kom- ma. Pearsonia Ngowdik. H 98 Flowers Nuytsia floribunda Mutyal. Rhodauthe Manglesii Ng-yame Ng-yaming. Hovea pungens Buyenak. Fly, a Nurdu. Fly, species of Tdurtyl ; Kangur ; Kurabuk. Fly, species of horse-fly Gu-yam gu-yam ; Gu-yalla. Fly, very large species Wardan. Fly catcher, fan -tailed ; Rhipidura Lathami Gadjinnak. Fly-catcher, yellow-bellied ; Eop- saltria Bainbun. Fly catcher, glossy ; Seisura Voli- tans Jitting at. Fly catcher, wag tail ; Muscicapa Willaring. Fly, to Bardang. Foam Dtal-yi ; Narrija. Fog Dul-ya ; Jindi ; Kulyir. Foliage Myari. Food, animal Dadja. Food, vegetable Maryn. Food, in general Dadjamaryn. Food, common stock of Gwineen. Foolish Balbyt ; Karne ; Yungil- bar. Foot Jinna. Forcibly Gwidjar. Fording Bardangin ; Wayre. Forehead Yurdo; Bigytch ; Yim- ang Mekytch. Foreigner Mogang. Forenoon Biddurong. Formerly, any time previous Ka- ramb. Four Gud jalingudjalin. Fresh Milgar ; Yy-inang. Friend Babbin. Friendless Murutbarna Friendly Nagal. Fright, fear Darnavan. Frighten, to Darnavan ijow. Frog Wurgyl. Frog, species of Gudjarra. Frog, species of Gu-ya. Frog, species of Djiritmat. Frog, species of Kalgonak ; Kurai ; Tdunjar ; Tuk ; Yuan gur. Frost Kurbon . Froth Dtal-yi ; Narrija. Frowning Iringwin. Fruit. The only things like fruit which have been as yet dis- covered, scarcely deserve the name ; they are By-yu ; Dtulya ; Kolbogo ; Kuruba ; Kamak ; Kwonnart ; Naman ; which see. Fruitful, having had children Yulang-idi ; Yulang-ara. Fry, the, of fish Gulyang-arra. Full, overflowing Waubatin. Full, satisfied Murada. Fungus of the white gum, used for tinder Madap. Fungus, edible Butogo. Fungus, edible Dtalyil. Fungus, edible Bwy-ego. Fungus, edible Metagong. Fungus, edible Nogo. Fungus, edible Numar. Fungus, edible, growing on the grourd, of a sweetish taste, red- coloured, and very juicy Whodo, or Korogong, or Wurdo. Fur Jow-yn ; Djuo. Future, in future Mila. G. Gadfly, a species of Gu-yalla. Gallinule, subst, ; Porphyrio Gul- lima. Gently Bettikbettik. Get along with you ! Watto. 99 Get up, to Irabin. Get up, arise Irap. Getting, becoming Abbin. Giddy, confused Waummarap ; Yowir. Giddy, foolish Balbyt. Gill, of a fish Kanba. Girdle of opossum's hair worn by the natives round the waist Nulbarn. Girdle of human hair worn round the waist Niggara. Girl Mandigara ; Bungarn ; Tdu- dar. Girl not betrothed Buugyt. Give, to Yong-a. Glance off, to Yilbin. Glass Boryl ; irilbarra. Glittering Bunjat. Glittering as silver Birrigon. Go, to astray Barrabart. Go to Bardo ; Gulbang ; Gulbat ; Gulut ; Murrijo Kolo ; Kol- bardo. Go to, on or forward Kolbang. Go to, on one side Yallingbardo. Goatsucker Eurostopodus ; Kal- ga. Goatsucker, large, or hawk ; Po- dargus Cuvieri Gambigorn. Goatsucker, little ; JSgotheles Darin. Goatsucker, small black .ZEgot- heles Albogularis Kukubert. Good Gwabba. Good, very Gwabbalitch. Grandchild Moy -ran. Grandfather Moy-ran ; Tammin. Grandmother Moy-ran. Granite, grey D-jillak. Grass Bobo ; Jilba. Grass, species of Bungurt. Grass, young, just springing after burning Jinatoug ; Kundyl. Grasshopper Jettyl. Grass-tree, Blackboy ; Xanthorea Balga. Grass-tree, underground Bura- rap ; Mimidi. Grass-tree, tough topped Barro. Grave, a Yungar-bogal ; Yal-ya. Graze, to (to glance off) Yilbin. Grebe, Crested Podiceps Cris- tatus Kali. Grebe, Little Podiceps Nestor (Gould) Wy-uda. Green (colour) Girip-girip ; Kammadjar ; Tdur-dang ; Dur- dong ; Murringmuring. Green (alive), applied to trees Won-gin Green Wood Dal-yar. Grey Djidal. Greyheaded Katta-djidal. Grinding, or pounding Barrang- yurrar-angwin. Groin, the Ngilgi ; Ngikil (N.E. dialect). Ground, the Budjor. Ground, unburned, or ready for burning Narrik ; Bokyt. Ground, burned Nappal ; Yan- bart. Grow, to Malaj. Growl, to, as a dog Nirran. Grub, edible, found in trees Bardi ; Wulgang. Guard-fish Yellin. Guilt Wulgar. Guilty Wulgargadak. Gull, little ; Xema Djijinak. Gum-tree, flooded ; Eucalyptus Gulurto. Gum-tree, red ; Eucalyptus resini- fera Gardan ; Nandap. Gum-tree, red, flowers of Num brid. Gum -tree, white ; Eucalyptus Wando ; Tuart. H 2 100 Gum-tree, species found near York Twotta ; Wurak ; Xelarak ; Xardarak ; Morryl ; Mallat. Gum, edible, of the Hakea Dul- gar; Tulga. Gum, edible of the Wattle-tree Galyang. Gum, edible, of the Mang-art, or Raspberry Jam (Acacia) - Menna. Gum, of the Mut-yal (Xuytsia Floribunda, or Cabbage-tree) Modyar. Gum-resin, of the Xanthorea, pre- pared for use by mixing it with charcoal Tadibi ; Tutdeba ; Gum-resin, of the Xanthorea Ar- borea Xallang ; Firing. Gum-resin, of the Tough-topped Xanthorea Kadjo. Gum, of the Xauthorea flower- stem Nargal-ya. Gum, of the Red Gum-tree Nalla. Gun Widji-bandi. H. Habit (in the habit of) Malyn. Hair, of the head Katta tnangara. Hair, down of the body Dju. Half, of anything Bang-ga ; Karda. Halt Xanniip. Hammer, native Kadjo. Hand Marh -ra. Handle, of anything Matta. Handle, to Marh-rabarrang; Bar- rang-jinnang. Handsome Gwabbalitch; Ngwor- ryn-ngworryn ; Xgworrynyang ; Djerrung. Hanging (loose) Dowalman ; Dowiri. Happen, to Eche-ua. Hard Murduin ; Moroy t ; Jadam. Hard (rough) Battiri ; Burr. Hark ! (listen) Nah-nah-or ; Allah. Harmless Manjang. Harsh (rough to the feel, like an unprepared kangaroo-skin) Battiri. Hatchet Kadjo. Haunches Byi. Having (possessing) Ga-dak. Haunt, of an animal Myar. Hawk, Lizard-eating ; leracidia Berigora Kargyn. Hawk, species of Gudjilan ; Be- puiner ; Kiilgur. Hawk, Eagle ; Aquila fucosa Cu- vieri Wald-ja. Hawk, Little ; Accipiter toiquatus Jillijilli. He Bal. He (himself) Ballal. Head Katta. Health in health Wan-gin. Heap Murga. Hear, to Kattidj. Heart Gurdu ; Gurt. Hearth, where the ashes of a fire are still remaining Yurda. Heavy Gumbar ; Guudip ; Botol- yang (Upper Swan dialect) ; Kandalyang ; Bau-yadak. Heel Ngudang Jinnardo ; Ngar- do ; Gurtdun. Hen, Swamp ; Forphyrio Gullima Hen, Little ; Zapornia ; Warraja. Her (Toss. Pronoun) Balak. Here Belli belli ; N-yinya; Nidja ; Xidjak; Xidjulla ; X-yal ; In- yene ; Tonait ? Here (Come here) Yual. Hereafter (at some future period) Mila. Hero Wardagadak. Hesitate, to Kattakattak-abbin. 101 Hidden Kopin. Hide, to Ballarijow Dambari- jow ; Kopiuijow. High Kokardar. High up Yirak ; Yiragan. Hill Katta; Warh-ro. Hillock Bogal ; Warh-ro. Him, to Buggalo. Hip KulgL Hip-joint Djul-yyn. His Buggalong. Hold, to (l>ack any one from fight- ing) Wungan ; Garraning. Hole Garrab ; Jit. Holey (full of holes) Garrabara. Hollow Garrab. Honest Ngwidfim. Honey Ngon-yang ; Boyn. Honeysuckle Tree (see Banksia) Biara. Honeysucker, yellow - winged ; Melliphaga Novae Hollandise Bandin. Honeysucker, black-headed ; Hse- matops lunulatus Banggin. Honeysucker, yellow ; Ptilotis Bildjart. Honeysucker, noisy ; Myzantha garrula Bil-yagorong. Honeysucker, least ; Acanthorhyn- cus Superciliosus Buljit. Honeysucker, white-eared ; Ptilo- tis Duranduran. Honeysucker, yellow-eared ; Ptilo- tis ornata Miauiit. Honeysucker, white - breasted ; Glyciphila ocularis Wyrodjud- ong. Horn, a (or anything resembling it) Jingala. Hot Kallang ; Kallarak. Hottentot fig ; Mesembryanthe- mum Equilateralis Kolbogo. Hottentot fig, small Manbibi ; Majerak. House Mya. Hovea Pungens (a plant) Bu- yenak. Humpback Bogal-ngudi. Hungry Byl-yur ; Bordan-yak Yulap ; Baudyn. Hunt, to (Kangaroo in a party) Kaabo. Hunting, by moonlight Mard- angwin. Hurt, to (pain) Bakkan. Husband Kardo. Husk Yimba. I Ngadjo ; Nganya ; Adjo ; Y-jo (Vasse riverj. I will Ngadjul ; Adjul ; Y-jul (Vasse river.) Ibis ; Nycticorax Ngalganning Idle Man dj alia. If, if I might Minning. Iguana, the Yurna. Iguana, long-tailed Kardara. Iguana, a species of Yundak ; Manar ; Mekil ; Tjouing ; Wundi Iguana Yundung. Iguana, tailless Bilyap. Iguana, green Kaldar. Ill Mindyt ; Ngandyn ; Mendyk ; Waugalan. Immediately llak ; Gwytch ; Burda. Immoveable Murduiu murduin. Implicated as a blood-relative in an offence or quarrel Wulgar. Improper Yanbi. In, within Bura. In vain Mordo. Inactive Mandjalla ; Dtabbaic ; Bidi babba. Incest Yarbelli. In c orr ec t Yanbi . Increase, to Malaj. 102 Indeed, in very truth Bundojil ; Kannajil ; Karnayul. Indiscriminately Bul-yar. Indisposed Wan-yurdu. In dividually Wallak wal lak . Infant Gudja ; Burdilyap. Inform, to Barnakwarrang. Injure, to (wound) Ngattang. Innocent, not implicated in a quarrel Jidyt. Insect, species of Wandona. Interval, or open space between two objects Wallu. Iron-stone Malaga. Island Gurdubudjor; Bidjigurdu. It-Bal ; Allija. It, that is it Allija ; Karrakarra ; Karrawa. Itch Gumburgumbur ; Jipjip. J. Jacksonia-tree ; Jacksonia Stern- borgiaua Kapbur. Jacksonia prostrata Kokadang ; Walyumy. Jealous Minobin. Jealous, to be Minob. Jesting Dtallangyak. Joints, of the fingers Marh- rabottyn. Joking Waubbaniranwin ; Dtal- langyak ; Waubbowin ; Waub- bawangowin. Jump, to Bardfmg ngiunow ; Tandaban. Just now Gori ; Gwytch. K. Kangaroo, in general Yan-gor. Kangaroo, the male Yowart. Kangaroo, the female Warru ; Kang-garang-a. Kangaroo, rock Murorong. Kangaroo, blue ; brush, or silver- grey ; Macropus caeruleus Gurh -ra. Kangaroo (small species) Burdi ; Kwakar ; Woile ? Kangaroo, Macropus elegans Wur*k Kangaroo, young, which still re- . sorts to its mother's pouch Ngannip. Kangaroo, sinews used for thread Gwirak. Kangaroo, Hypsiprymnus Gil- bertii Gilgyte. Kennedia, purple creeper ; Kenne- dia Hardenbergia Kurrolo. Kernel of the Zauiia nut Gargoin Kick, to Gannow. Kidney Djubo. Kill, to Dargang-an ; Warbum 5 Dagangoon. Kingia, species of Waiyu. Kingfisher Halcyon Sanctus ; Kan-yionak ; Kandimak. Kiss, to Bimban ; Xind-yan. Knee Bonnit ; Djuto ; Tutamindi Knee-cap, or knee-pan Bebal. Knee, Kneepan of the Kangaroo Ngirjyn. Knife, native Tabba ; Bondjun ; Dappa. Knife, small Dtarh-ra. Knife, English Yirriwa. Knoll, a hillock Warh-ro. Knot Betan. Knot, a, in wood Ngudi. Know, to (to understand) Kat- tidj. Know, not Kattidjbru or Kat- tidjburt. Knowledge of, having Nagolak. L. Lake Mulur. Lake, small, or basin Ngura, 103 Land Budjor. Land, property in Kallip ; Kalla- budjor. Land-breeze Nandat. Languid Bidibaba, Large Ngomon. Lark, anthus Warrajudong. Lark, scrub ; Calamanthus Bul- ordu. Last, the last of anything Yuttok. Lately Gori. Laugh, to Goa ; Walgur. Lay, to, anything down ; to lay eggs Ijow. Layers, of a root ; as of an onion Mimi. Lazy Maudjalla : Dtabbakan ; Yuly. Leaf Dilbi. Leaf, a dead Billara ; Derer ; Dwoy-a. Leaf ; dead leaves of the Xan- thorea or grass tree Min-dar. Lean, thin Kardidi : Kotyedak ; Kotyelara. Lean, in poor condition ; speaking of game or animals Werbal (Upper Swan.) Leave, to Wanja. Leave it ; let it alone Bal. Leave, left behind Bang-al. Leech, small kind Bylyi. Leech, large Ninim. Leg Bandi ; Matta. Leptospermum, sweet - scented ; Leptospermum angustifolia Kuber. Let (let it alone) Bal. Liberate, to Yalgaranan. Lie, to ; deceive Dtal-yili : Gulin ; Gul-yam ; Bartap, or Burtap ; Partap. Lie down, to Ngwundow; Ngera? Lie (to sleep) Bidjar ngwundow. Lift up, to Barrang djinnang. Lift up, to, in order to examine underneath Billan djinnang. Light (not heavy) a. Byang byang ; Biargar ; (Upper Swan). Light, thin (as a covering) Bar- gar). Light (sunlight and heat) Monak. Light (moonlight) Mikang. Light, of the morning VVaullu ; Bina. Light (daylight) Biryt. Light (in colour, not dark) Djit- ting ; Djitto. Light, to prepare a fire Dukun. Light, to, as a bird Gargan ; Gar- gat, Lightning Babbangwin ; Gelan- gin (Upper Swan). Like (similar to) Mogoin; Mogin; Jin. Likely (perhaps,) Gabbyn. Limestone Dardak ; Djidong (Upper Swan). Line, a straight mark Bidi durgul. Line, in a right or straight- -Wiring Lips Dta. Little, short Gorad ; Bottyn. Little, in quantity N-yumap. Little while ago Gori. Liver Myerri. Living, applied to man or animals, Wining. Living, applied to trees Won -gin Lizard Jinadarra. Lizard, a species not eaten Wur- riji. Lizard, large black Kardar. Lizard, small species Kattang- irang ; Jorang. Loins Dinyt ; Molorn. Loitering Mandjalla. Lonely Dombart, Long, tall Wnl-yadi. Long time ago Gorah, 104 Longing for Gurdak. Look, to, see Djinnang ; Nyan- gow. Look, to, for Wargat. Look, sideways from the corner of the eye Nalja.- Look carelessly on the ground ; sauntering along Mudjero. Look ! Look out; mind Graro- djin ; Wola. Louse Kolo. Lover G ur tgadak. Low, low down Ngardak ; Ngar- dal ; Borak ; Ardak ; Ardakat. Lungs Wal-yal. Lying Ban-it ; Gulyaman. M. Magpie, break-of-day bird ; Crac- ticus Tibicen Gurbat ; Korbat (Upper Swan). Magpie, Little By-yu gul-yidi. Mahogany tree ; Eucalyptus ro- busta Djarryl. Maid Bun-garn ; Bun-gyt. Man Mam marap. Man, married Kardo. Man, young Gulambiddi. Man of renown Wardagadak. Man, old Bettich. Manna, so called Dang-yl. Manner, behaviour Karra ; N-hurdo. Many Bula. Many, so Winnir. Many, how Gnaman. Marriage, in the right line of Wiring. Marrow Garrap ; Boyn kot-ye-ak Marry, to KardobFirrang. Marsh harrier-bird ; Circus Dil- yurdu. Marten, hirundo Gabbikallan- gorong, Matter, from a sore Badjang ; Kundu. Me Ngan-ya ; Anna. Meddler, one who meddles Marh- rang. Melt, to, as sugar in water ; Kol- yurang. Membrum Virile Meda ; Merda. Mend, to a hole Dtandidin ; Bap- pigar. Menses Myerbakkal. Merely Arda ; Yaga. Meteor Bin nar. Mid-day Mal-yarak. Milk Gu-ri ; Gu-yi. Mind ! take care Garrodjin ; Kat- tidj murdoinan. Mine Ngan-yalak. Miscarry, to Waugalan. Miss, to, the aim Wil-yan. Mist Dul-ya ; Jiudi ; Kulyir. Misty, appearance of approaching rain ; Ngu-yang. Misunderstand, to Barra-kattidj. Mix, to Widang; Weyang. Mock, to; imitate Ijan. Moon Miga ; Miki ; Mimak ; Miak. M oo n light Mika ng. Moon, waxing : New moon Werbarang-warri. First quarter Maraugorong. Half - moon Bang-al. Second quarter Kabbul. Full moon Gerradil katti. Moon, waning : Binabardok. Three : quarters- Burno wandat Half - moon Jidik golang. Quarter moon Narrat, 105 Monster, fabulous, of the water Waugal. Its supposed shape is that of a huge winged serpent. More Ngatti. Morrow ; to-morrow Biasing ; Morh-ragadak ; Morhro-godo ; Man-yana. Mosquito Nido ; Nirrgo. Moss Nangatta ; N-yula. Mother Ngangan . Mother-in -Jaw Man -gat. Motherless Nganganbru. Mouldy Min -yudo. Mount, to Dendang. Mountain Katta Murdo or Mordo Mountain duck Tadorma; Guraga Mountaineer, a Murdong; Mur- dongal. Mourning, to go into Murh-ro nabbow ; Dardak nabbow. Mouse, small burrowing kind, eaten by the natives Djil-yur. Mouse, species of Mardo ; Ngul- bungar. Mouse, small species Mandarda. Mouse, large, eaten by the natives Nuji ; N-yuti (Upper Swan). Mouse, small species, supposed to be marsupial Djirdowin. Moustaches Mun-ing. Mouth Dta. Move, to Murrijo ; Ennow ; Gul- bang ; Kolo. Move, to, slowly along Yannow. Much, adj. Bula ; Gi.oriuk? Mucus of the nose Ngoro. Mud Nano. Mullet fish Kalkada ; Ngamiler. Mumbling food Gulang-in. Muscle of the bod} Ilyn. Muscle of the thigh Yoyt. Muscle, fresh-water Inbi ; Marel. Mushroom Yalle. Musk duck, or steamer Gatdarra. Musk, obtained from the male musk duck, being the oil gland of this bird Burdi. My Nganna. N. Nails of the hand Birri ; Birrigur. Naked Baljarra ; Bukabart ; Maggo. Name Kole ; Quele. Nape of the neck Nan-gar. Narrow Nulu ; Nund-yfmg (Up- per Swan word). Navel Bil-yi ; Ngowerit. Navel-string Nanna. Near Barduk. Nearer Yulang. Neck Wardo. Neck, back of Bodto. Nectar of flowers Ngon-yang. Needlessly Darrajan ; as Darra- jan wingow, to talk on needlessly or incessantly. Nephew My-ur ; Gotitkar. Nest, birds' Jidamya ; Jidakalla ; Manga. Nest, white ants' Molytch. Neutral ; connected by blood with two hostile parties, but not im- plicated in the quarrels of either Jidyt. New Milgar ; Yy- inang. News Warda. Niece Gambart. Night Kumbardang ; Myardak ; Kattik. Nipple of the breast Bibi mulya. No Yuada. Noise Gurdor. Noiseless Daht ; Gutiguti. Noiselessly Bettikbettik. Nol-yang Gallinula ; Nolyang. Nondescript, a ; any indescribable object Nytbi. 106 Nonsense, no such thing Yaga. Noo n M al -yarak. North Djerral. Northern people Welo. Nose Mulya. Nose bone Mulyat ; Waylmat. Nostrils Mul-ya bunan. Not Bart ; Bru ; Yuada. Nothing Kyan ; Yuat. Nothing particular Arda. Now Yy-i ; Winnirak ; Yy-inang Now, just now Gori. Now, at this very time Winni- jinbar (Upper Swan word) ; Wynikanbar (K.G.S. word). Nut, York nut Marda. Nuthatch ; Sitella Melanocephalus Gumalbidyt. O. Off, be off Watto. Offended Mul-yabin. Offensive, in smell Bidjak. Oh ! Nah. Old, aged Guragor. Old, useless Windo ; windang. Once Gyn-yang. Once, at once Gwytch ; Ilak. One Gyn ; Dombart Only, merely, simply Arda ; Yaga Open, to Yalgaranan. Open, a clear open space without trees Waullu. Opening, an Bunan ; Dta. Openly Barnak; Bandak. Opossum, large grey ; Phalangista Vulpina Kumal. Opossum, small, squirrel-like Ballagar ; Ballawarra ; Madun ; Ballard. Opossum, ring-tailed ; Phalangista Cookii Ngora. Opossum hair-girdle^ Nulbarn, Opossum band for the neck Bu- ruro. Opossum band worn round the head Kun-yi. Or Ka. Orphan Barnap ; Ngangan-bru. Other, the Wautnma ; Bille. Otherwise Warba. Our Ngannilak ; Ngillelung. Outside (out of doors) Bandak ; Barnak. Overflowing Waubatin. Overturned Mudjerdo. Owl, White ; Strix Cyclops Binar Owl, Barking ; Athense Wul- bugli. Owl, Lesser White ; Strix Delica- tulus Yonja. Owl, Small Brown, or Cuckoo ; Strix Gurgurda ; Gugumit. Ownerless Barna. Oyster Notan (K.G.S. dialect). P. Pain, to Bakkan. Pained (in pain) Mendyk ; Min- dyt Pair, a Gurdar. Palatable Mul-yit mul-yit. Palate of the mouth Gun-yan. Paper-bark, or Tea-tree, which grows on the banks of rivers, a small species Koll; Mudurda; Bewel. Paper bark, or Tea-tree, larger kind, growing on swampy plains Modong. Paper-bark tree, bark of Mya. Parasite (a plant) Warrap. Parasite, seed of a species of Wallang. Parched up Injar-injar. Parched up ground Gulbar. Parrots, in general Dammalak, 107 Parrots, a species of Burnungur ; Djalyup ; Woljarbang. Parrot, Blue-bellied ; Platycercus Djarrylbardang. Parrot, Twenty-eight; Platycercus Zonarius Dowarn. Parrot, Red- breasted ; Platycercus Icterotis Guddan-guddan. Parrot, Screaming ; Trichoglossus Kowar. Parrot, Little Ground ; Nanodes Venustus Gulyidarang. Parrot, Crested ; Nymphicus Novse Hollandiae Wuraling. Parrot, Mountain ; Polytelis Me- lan ura Waukan -ga. Parrot, Variegated Ground ; Pezo- porus Formosus Djulbatta ; Djardong-garri. Part, a, of anything Bang-ga ; Karda. Parts, in Mul-mul. Pass, to, on one side Yallingbart. Pass, to, through or under Dar- bow. Passion Garrang. Path Bidi ; Kungo. Patient (adjective) Banj.tr. Peaceable N agal. Pear, Native ; Xylomela Occiden- talis Janjin ; Duinbung. Pebbles Molar. Peep sideways, to Nalja. Peevish Yetit yetit. Pelican ; Pelecanus Novae Hol- landise Budtaliang ; Nirimba. Pendant Dowiri Dowalman ; Mannangur. Penetrate, to Dtan. Penis ; Membrura virile Meda ; Merda. People Yung-ar. Perceive, to Djinnang. Perhaps Gabbyn. Perspiration Ban-ya ; Kungar. Perspire, to Ban-ya. Pheasant, Colonial Ngowo. Pick up, to Djabbun. Piddle, to Gumbu. Pierce, to Dtan. Pierce through, to Waugartdtan. Pig Maggorong. Pigeon, Bronze-winged ; Columba Wodta. Pigeon, Blue ; Graucalus Nular- g- Pinch, to Binun ; Bettinun. Pinion, outer, of wiug Jili. Pit-patting, agitation, fluttering of the heart Badbadin. Pitching down, lighting aa a bird Gargan-win. Place, to Ijow. Planet Venus Julagoling. Plant, to Niran. Play, to Waubuow. Pleased, to be Gurdugwubba. Plenty Bula ; Murgyl ; Orpin. Plover, Long-legged; Himantopus Djanjarak. Plover, Black-fronted ; ^Egialitis nigrifrons Nidul-yorong. Pluck up, to Maulbarrang ijow. Pluck out feathers, to Budjan ; Bar-nan ; Bwonegur. Pointed finely Jillap. Poise, to, a spear, preparatory to throwing Miran. Pool, of water, in a river Monong Pool, of water, in a rock Xgamar. Porpoise Warranang. Portion, or part of a thing Karda. Possessing (having) Gadak. i osteriors Byi. Pound, to (beat to powder) Kol- yurang. Pounding roots, the act of Yu- dangwinuan. 108 Powerful Murduin ; Bidimurduin Praise, to Yang-ana n. Pregnancy Kobbolak, Pregnancy, early state of Bun- gallor. Present, a. N-yal. Present, to Yong-a. Presently Burda ; Burdiik. (Mur- ray R.) Pretty Gwabba; Ngworryn ng- worryn. Previously Gwadjat. Probably Gabbyn. Proceed, to Gulbang. Produce, to, as animals having young, or trees, fruit, &c. Ijow. Proper Gwabba. Property, personal Bunarak. Property, personal, of an indi- vidual deceased Bin-dart. Property, landed Myar ; Kallip ; Kalla budjor. Proud Wurabubin. Pubes, the Mando. Pubes, first appearance of, in youth Quelap. P ublicly Barnak. Pudenda Babbalya ; Dardi. Pull, to Maulbarrang. Purloin, to Ngagynbarrang. Purposely Bandak. Pursue, to, on a track Balgang. Push, to Gurnu ; Billang ; Bil- langur. Put, to Ijow. Put, in order Gwabbanijow. Put, on a covering Wolang, Wan dang. Q. Quail, brown ; Coturnix Australis, Gould Murit. Quail, painted ; Hemipodius Va- rius Murolang ; Nani (Upper Swan). Quartz Borryl ; Bard-ya. Quick, quickly Yabbra ; Getget ; Wellang ; Welawellang ; Yira- kal ; Y urril. Quiet, peaceable Nagal. Quietly Bettikbettik. Quit, to Wanja. U. Rage Garrang. Rail, water rail ; Rallus N-yanin. Rainbow Walgen ; N-yurdang. Raise up, to Wyerow. Rapid Yabbra ; Getget. Rascal Multchong. Rase, to (to pull down) Yutto- barrang. Rat, Marsupial species ; Bandicoot Kundi ; Gwende. Rat, water, species of ; Hydromus Leucogaster Murit-ya; Ngurju. Rat, kangaroo rat Wal-yo. Raw Dal-yar; Tdodak? Rays of the sun Nganga Batta. Really, truly Bundo ; Karnajil ; Karnayul. Red, blood-coloured Ngubulya ; Wilgilam. Reed creeper (brown) Djardalya. Reflect, to Kattidj. Regardless, careless Wallarra. Relate, to, to tell Warrang-an. Related by marriage Noy-yang. Relation Murut. Remain, to; long in a place Nginnow. Ren o w n W ar da. Renown, a man of Wardagadak. Residence, place of Myar, 109 Resin of the Xanthorhea, prepared for use by mixing it with char- coal Tadibi ; Tutdeba ; Bigo. Resin of Xanthorhea Arborea Nallang ; Firing. Resin of the tough- topped Xan- thorhea Kadjo. Restrain, to Wungan. Retaliation, in retaliation Bang- al. Retaliate, to Bang-al buma. Return, to Garroyual. Revenge, to Bang-al buma. Ribs, the Ngarral ; Nimyt. Ribs, the short Bun-galla. Right, proper Gwabba. Right arm Ngunman. Ring, a circle for enclosing game Murga. Rise, to Irabin. River Bilo. Robber Nagalyaug. Robin ; Petroica Multicolor Guba. Robin, red-crowned ; Petroica Goodenovii Minijidang. Rock Bu-yi. Rock, crystal, species of Wirgo. Rocking Binbart binbart. Rocky Buyi billanak. Rogue Multchong. Roll, over, to (a. v.) Billang ; Billangur. Rolling from side to side Binbart binbart. Roots of plants or trees Nganga ; Djinnara, or Jinnara ; Wannyl. Roots, decayed Mandju. Roots, edible 1. Hsemadorum Spicatum Bohn. 2. An orchis, like a small potato Djubak. 3. Hsemadorum Djakat. Roots, edible 4. Ganno. 5. Gwardyn. 6. a species of rush Jitta. 7. Jitetgorun. 8. Kogyn. 9. Kuredjigo. 10. a large kind of Bohn Mini. 11. Hsemadorum Panicula- tum Madja. 12. Marang. 13. Nangergun. 14. Ngulya. 15. Resembling Bohn Nguto. 16. One of the Dioscorese ; a species of yam Warran 17. Typha angustifolia; broad- leaf marsh flag Yanjidi Rope Madji. Rough Batiri ; Burr. Round about ; on the other side Wunno. Rub, to, on, or over Nabbow. Rub together Yurang yurang. Rubbing, pounding Barrang yur- rarangin. Rump Byi; Kakam. Run, to Yugow murrijo. Run away, to Bardang. Rushes in general Gurgogo ; Batta. Thysanotus Fimbriatus ; used by the natives in sewing the kangaroo skins together to form their cloaks Batta. Salmon Melak ; Xgarri ; Ngarril- gul. Salt (subst.) Gal-yarn (Eastern word), 110 Salt (adj.) Djallam. Samphire Mil-yu. Sand, or Sandy land Go-yarra. Sandhills near the coast Ngobar. Sandal wood tree ; Sandalum Lati- folium Willarak. Sandy district Gongaa. Sanfoin bird ; Ophthiamura Albi- frons Yaba wilban. Satin bird Kalgong ; Wanggima. Satisfied Murada. Save, to To save the life of any one Barrang dordak-anan. Saw-dust N-yetti. Scab Djiri. Scar Barb -ran . Scold, to Gorang. Scorpion Karryma ; Konak- marh-ra. Scrape to, the earth Bian. Scrape a spear, to point it Gar- bang ; Jingan. Scraped, pointed Garbel. Scrapings N-yetti. Scratch, to Djirang. Scratch, to, up earth Bian. Scream, to Wanga-dan. Sea Odern ; Mammart. Sea-breeze Gulam win . Sea-sh ore Wai bar. Seaweed Nula. Seal, the hair ; Phoca Man-yini. Search, to, for Wargatta. Seasons The aborigines reckon six in number. 1. Maggoro ; June and July Winter. 2. Jilba ; August and Sep- tember Spring. 3. Gambarang ; October and November. 4. Birok ; December and January Summer. Seasons 5. Burnuro ; February and March Autumn. 6. Wun-yarang, or Geran ; April and May. Secret Ballar ; Kopin. Secrete, to Ballar ijow ; Kopin ijow. *See, to Djinnang ; N-yang-ow. See, to, obscurely Ngallarar djin- nang. Seed Nurgo ; Kundyl. Seed vessel of the Banksia Bi- ytch ; Metjo. Seed vessel of the Eucalyptus, or gum-tree of any sort Durdip. Seedling-trees Balgor. Semen Djidji ; Bema. Separate, to, violently Jeran. Separated by distance Bang-al. Separately Wallakwallak; Kortda Serious Ngwidam. Set, tOj as the sun Dtabbat. Set in order Gwabbanijow ; Gwabgwabbanijow. Seven Marh-jin bangga-gudjir gudjal. Shade Mallo. Shadow Malliji. Shag, a bird ; Phalacrocorax Medi. Shake, to Yurang yurang. Shallow Danjal ; Ngardyt. Shank Bandi ; Matta. Share, to, or divide amongst seve- ral persons Wallak-yong-a. Shark Mundo ; Bugor (Leschen- hault dialect). Shark, species of Madjit Sharp, sharp-edged Ngoyang. Sharp, pointed Jillap. Sharpen, to ; to point Djinganan ; Yijatgur. Shavings N -y etti. Ill She-Bal. She oak, the A species of Casua- rina Gulli. Shells, sea-shells Korel ; Yukel. Shells, fresh-water shells Marel ; Yinbi. Shells, egg-shells Nurgo imba. Shells, pearl oyster Bedoan. Shield Wunda. Shining Bunjat ; Birrikon. Shiver, to, in pieces Kardatakkan Shiver, to, with cold or fear Kur- gin yugow. Shoe, an English Jinna nganjo. Short ; Gorad ; Gorada.. Shorten Goradan. Shoulder Munga. Shoulder or blade-bone : Djardam. Shout, to, in order to frighten and alarm B urnburman . Shove, to Gurnu. Shower, a Jidi. Shut, to Didinwanjow ; Notod- tan. Shy Gulumburrin. Sick Mendyk ; Ngandyn ; Wau- in ; Mindyt ; Arndin ; Arn- dinyang (u.) Side, the Bun-gal ; Narra. Side, on this or that Belli belli. Side, from side to side Ngarrak ngarrak. Sidle along, to Kandi. Silently Gutiguti. Silly Balbyt. Silver fish ; silver herring Colo- nial name, Didi. Similar to Mogoin ; Winnarak ; Burbur ; Mogin. Sinew Gwirak. Sing, to Yeddigarow. Singing Malyangwin (North dia- lect). Single Dombart Sink, to. as the sun Dtabbat. Sister Djuko. Sister, eldest Jindam. " Sister, middle, younger Kowat. Sister, youngest Guloyn. Sister, married sister Mirak. Sister-in-law Deni. Sit, to Nginnow. Skewer Djunong ; Balbiri ; Djungo ; Yir. Skilful Boiloit. Skin, outer covering of anything Mabo. Skin of an animal Ngal-yak. Skin of a dog's tail with the fur on Dy-er. Sky Gudjyt ; Barrab. Slate stone, species of Gande. Slay, to Ballajau. Sleep Bidjar ; Kopil. Sleep, heavy Nogoro. Sleep, to Bidjar ngwundow. Slender Wyamak ; Wiril. Slight Wy-yul ; Wiril. Slippery Garragar. Slow Dtabbak. Slowly Bettikbettik. Sly Daht. Slyly, noiselessly Gutiguti. Small Batdoin ; Bottyn ; N-yu- map ; Kardidi. Smear, to Nabbow ; Yul-yang. Smell Min-ya. Smell, to (active) Bindang. Smoke Bu-yu ; Gerik. Smooth Gun-yak. Snake Waugal. Snake, species of, small Kyargang Snake, Carpet Majinda. Snake, small, white with red bands Bidjuba. 112 Snake, very venomous Dubyt ; Kabarda ; Nona : Norna ; Kwon- da. Snake, a kind much liked by the natives Wan -go. Snake a species not eaten by the natives Worri ; Wye. Snapper fish Ijarap. Sneeze, a sneezing Mul-yaritch. Sneeze, to Mulyar-ijo. Snore, to Nurdurang. So many Winnir. Soft, smooth Gunyak. Softly Bettik. Sole of the foot Jinnagabbarn. Son Mammal. Song Yeddi ; Yetti. Sorcerer Boyl-yagadak ; Gul-yar- ri ; Kobbalo bu-yirgadak ; Yu- kungadak. Sorcery Boylya. Sore Birrga. Sore, a Btrrgyn. Sores, covered with Birrga bogal. Soul, the Gurdumit ; Noyt ; Wu- yun ; Kadjin ; Kwoyalang ; Kwoggyn ; Kyn-ya ; Waug. Sound, a Gurdor. South Bu-yal ; Kanning ; Mi- nang ; Nurdi. South-west wind Karing. Sowthistle Waudarak. Sparks of fire Jitip ; Girijit ; Bi- nitch. Speak to, so as to be understood Barra wan -go w. Spear Gidji. Spear, glass or quartz-headed Boryl ; Gidjiboryl. Spear, fishing Garbel ; Gidjiboryl Spaer, fishing Garbel ; Gidjigar- bel. Spear, boys' Djinjing. Spear- wood from the hills Malga ; Wonuar. Spear-wood from the south Bur- dun. Spear- wood found in swamps Ku- bert. Spear, to Gidjal ; Dtan. Speedily Getget ; Yabbra. Spew, to Kandang. Spider Kara. Spill, to Darang-a t. Spin, to twirl round Gorang. Spindle, a coarge kind used by the natives Djinjing. Spirit, evil Jilgi ? Mettagong ; Waugal. Spirit, the ; the soul Noyt. Spit, to Narrija gwart. Spittle Dtalyi ; Narrija. Spleen, the Maap. Spring, the Jilba ; Menangal. Spring, flowing, of water Garjyt ; Gabbi garjyt. Spring, small Ngirgo (Northern dialect). Sprinkle, to Yirrbin. Squeeze, to Binun. Squirrel, grey ; Petaurus Mairarus Bellogar. Staff, woman's Wanna. Stale Min -yudo. Stamping Narrang. Stand, to Yugow. Stare, at, to Wundun. Stars Mil-yarm ; Ngangar ; Tien- di. Startle, to Darnavan-ijow; Ngunt- burbung. Steadfastly Met. Steal, to Quippal; Ngagynbar- rang ; Yurjang ; Ngagyl-ya ; Tapingur. Steal, to, creep on game Ganna- ngiunow ; Ngardang ; Kandi. Stealthily Gutiguti. 113 Steamer, musk duck : Biziura lo- bata Gatdarra. Steep Mordak. Steep, to, in water N-yogulang. Step, to tread Gannow. Step, to, on one side to avoid a spear or a blow Gwelganow ; Quelkan (Upper Swan). Stick, a, any piece of wood Garba. Sticks 1. The throwing stick D- yuna; Dowak; Wal- ga ; Juwul. 2. Woman's stick or staff Wanna. 3. Crook for pulling down the Banksia flowers Kalga. 4. Stick or skewer for fas- tening thecloak Bal- bir Bindi. 5. Peeled ornamental stick, worn in the head at a C< rroberry by the dancers Inji ; Mar- romarro ; Jingala. Stick, to, to stick half way, to get jammed Ngarran. Stiffened, benumbed Nan-yar. Still, yet Kalga. Still, to, the wind by enchantment Kalbyn. Stingray fish Bamba. Stingy Guning ; N-yelingur. Stinking Bidjak. Stirring up Yurirangwin. Stolen Ngagyn. Stomach Kobbalo. Stone Bu-yi. Stony Bu-yi billanak. Stoop, to Darbow. Stop ! Nannap. Stop up, to Didin ; Dtandidin. Stopped or stayed behind Bang- al. Stout Boyn-gadak; Ilynngomon. Straight, in a direct line Wiring; Durgul ; Tolol ; Range ; Yun- gitch. Straight, upright Wyamak. Strange Mogan g. Stranger Wurrar bo-yang ; Yy- inang ; Mogang. Stranger, not related Nanning. Stray, anything found without an owner Barna. Straying, having lost one's road Waummanlbbin. Stream, a Bilo ; Garjyt. Strike, to Buma. Strike, to, so as to stun or kill Car-gang. String Madji. String of a bag Ngwonna ; Nalba. Strong Murduin ; Bidi murduin. Strongly Gwidjar. Strutting Wumbubin. Stuck in Nungurdul. Stun, to Dargangan. Stunted Gorad ; Gorada. Sufficient Gyn-yak ; Bel-lak. Sugar Ngon-yang ; this, which is the name of a saccharine juice, exuding from the red gum-tree, is applied to sugar, on account of its sweetness. Sulky Mul-yabin. Summer Birok. Sun Nganga ; Batta ; Djat. Sunbeams Batta mandu ; Nganga batta. Sun-set, time of Garrimbi. Sun, shine and heat Monak. Superfluously Darrajan ; as Dar- rajan Yong-a ; to give more than is expected. Superior (adj.) Belli. Surround, to Engallang ; Tergur Swallow, of the throat Gunidi. Swallow, to Ngannow. H 114 Swallow ; Hirundo Kannamit ; Budibring. (Upper Swan). Swallow, wood ; Ocypterus Albo- vittatus Biwoen. Swallow, white-throated ; Hirundo Budibudi. Swallow, sea ; Tern Kaljirgang. Swamp Bura ; Mulyin ; Yalgor ; Gotyn. Swamp, hen Porphyrio ; Gullima Swamp, little Zapornia ; Warraja. Swan, black Kuljak ; Guroyl ; Mal-yi ; Mele. Sweat Ban-ya. Sweat, to Ban-ya. Sweep, to Barnang ; Kaling. Sweet Mul-yi mul-yit Swim, to Kowangow? Kowan- Swoon, to Yowirgwart; Pandb- pen. (Northern dialect). T. Tadpole Gobul. Tail Moro ; Nindi. Tail, skin of wild dog's Dyer. Take, to Gang-ow. Take off, to Bil-yan. Take by force, to Yurjang. Take up, to Djabbun. Take in the hand Barrang. Take care, look out Garrodjin. Talk, to Wangow. Tall Wal-yadi ; Urri. Tattoo, to, with scars Born ; Ngambarn born. Tattooing, marks of Ngambarn. Tea- tree, small sort growing in low grounds Kolil. Tea- tree, of which the spears are made Kubert ; Wunnara. Tea-tree, large sort growing on the open grounds Modong. Tea-tree, species of Mudurdu ; Djubarda, Teal ; Anas Ngwol-yinaggirang. Tear, to Jeran. Tear Mingal-ya ; Mingal ; Min- yaiig. (Murray River). Tease, to Yetit yetitan. Teasing, the act of teasing Dtal- lang-yak. Teeth Nalgo. Teeth, of the upper jaw Ngardak- yugowin. Teeth, of the lower jaw Ira-yu- gowin. Tell, to Warrang-an. Temples, the Yaba. Terrify, to Darnavan ijow. Terror Darnavan. Testicles Yadjo; Yoytch. (Moun- tain dialect). That-Alla; N-yagga ; Yalla. That very thing Yallabel. Their Balgunak ; Bullallelang. Them Balgup. Then Garro. There Bokojo ; Yallala ; Bungo. These Nin-ya, nin-ya. They Balgun; Bullalel. They, two (dual) Brothers and sisters, or friends Bula. They, two (dual) Parent and child ; uncle and nephew, or niece Bulala. They, two (dual) Husband and wife Bulen. Thief Nagal-yang ; Ngagyl-yang. Thieve, to Ngagylya. Thigh Dtowal. Thin Kardidi ; Kot-yelara; Wi- ding ; Wi-yul ; Eotyedak ; Bat- doin. Thine N-gunallang ; N-yunalak. Th irsty Gabbigurdak. This Nidja. This way, this side Bellibelli ; Wunno, 115 Thistle, sow-thistle WaudarS,L Thou Nginni Thou (interrogatively) N-yndu ; N-yundul. Three Warh-rang ; Mardyn. (North dialect) Murtden. Throat, neck Wardo. Through, pierced through Wau- gart. Throw, to Gwardo ; Gwart ; Wonnang. Throw, to, the spear Gidjigwart. Throw, to, off Bil-yan. Thro wing-board for the spear Miro. Thrush, grey ; Colluricincla Gudilang. Thrush, yellow-bellied ; Pachyce- phala gutturalis Pidilmidang. Thunder Malgar. Thunder, to Kundarnangur. Thunder, to sound like Edabun- gur. Thus Wunnoitch ; Wuling. Tickle, to Djubodtan. Tie, tu Yuttarn ; Yudarn. Timid Gulumburin. Tired Bidibaba. Tiresome Karradjul ; Yetit yetit. To-day Yyi. Toes, large toe Ngangan ; Jina- mamman. Toes, small Gulang gara. Together Danjo ; Indat. To-morrow Binang ; Morh-rogo- do ; Morh-ragadak ; Manyana. Tongue Dtallang; Dtakundyl. Top of anything Katta. Topay-Turvy Mudjardo. Tortoise Bu-yi ; Ng-yakyn ; Ya- gyn; Kilung. Track Balgang ; Kungo. Track, recent, of an animal Warda. Trackless Tdurtin. Traveller A person constantly on the move Jinnang-ak. Tread, to Gannow. Tree Burnu. Troublesome KarradjuL Trowsers Matta boka. Truly, or true Bundo ; Karnajil ; Karnayul ; Minam. Tuft, ornamental, of emu feathers Ngalbo ; Yanji. Tuft, ornamental, of cockatoo feathers Ngower. Turkey, see Bustard Bibil-yer ; Burabur. Turn to, or spin anything round Gorang ; Gorang-anan. Turn over, to, for the purpose of examining underneath Billang djinnang. Turtle, sea, long-necked; Chelo- dinia longicollis Bu-yi. Turtle, snake-necked freshwater Yagyn. Twilight, evening Ngallanang. Twilight, morning Waullu. Twirl, to, round Gorang-anan. Two Gudjal; Gurdar. Two, we (dual) Parent and child Ngala. Two, we (dual) Brother and sister, or two friends Ngalli. Two, we (dual) Husband and wife Ngannik. Two, we (dual) Brothers-in-law Ngannama. Two, ye (dual) Brother and sister ; parent and child Nubal. Two, ye (dual) Man and wife Nubin. Two, they (dual) Brothers and sisters or friends Bula. Two, they (dual) Parent and child ; uncle and nephew, or niece Bulala. 2 H 116 Two, they (dual) Husband and wife Bulen. U. Unable from any cause to do what may be required Mordibang. Unanimous Gurdu gyn-yul. Uncle Kangun. Unconnected, unrelated Nanning Uncooked meat Dal-yar. Uncovered Baljarra. Underneath Yendun. Understand, to Kattidj. Understand, not to Kattidjburt ; Kaddung. Uneven Dardun ; Bulgangar. Unfasten, to Began. Ungainly Wai -yadi. Unintelligible Bilgitti. Unintentionally Balluk. Unknown, strange Mogaug ; Bo- Unloose, to Bil-yan ; Began. Unlucky in the chase Marralak ; Mallaluk. Unsteady Binbart binbart ; Ngar- rak ngarrak. Unwell Mendyk ; Ngandyn ; Bidibabba ; Mindyt. Up, upwards -Irak. Up, get up Ira p. Upright Ira. Upside down Mudjardo. Us-Ngannil. Used to Malyn. Useless Djul ; Windo ; Windang. V. Vain, proud Wumbubin. Vain, in vain Murdo. Valley, a Wedin ; Burdak. Varnish, to, with gum Yul-yang. Vegetable food Maryn. Vegetation Jilba ; Bobo. Vein Bidi. Venus, the planet Julagoling. Vermin Kolo. Very, super, affix Jil ; as Gwabba, good ; Gwabbajil, very good. Voice Kowa? Mya. Void, to, the excrement Konang ; Kona ; Nujan. Vomit, to Kan dang. W. Walk, to Ennow ; Yannow ; Mur- rijo. Walloby Ban -gap. Wander, to, from the right road Barrabart. Warbler reed ; Salicaria Gurji- Warbler, spotted, winged ; Seri- cornis frontalis Girgal. Warm Kallak ; Kallarak. Warm, applied to water Kallang ; Gabbikallaug, warm water. Waste, a ; barren land utterly de- stitute of vegetation Battardal. Wasted, thin Wiyul ; Batdoin ; Bottyn. Water ; Gabbi ; Kypbi ; Kowin ; Yemat ; Djarn ; Djow ; Badto. Water, fresh Gabbidjikap ; Gab- bigarjyt. Water, salt, in lakes and rivers Gabbikilruing. Water, salt, of the sea Gabbio- dern. Water, running Gabbikolo ; Gab- by tch. Water, standing in a pool Gabbi warri. Water, standing in a well Gnura. Water, standing in a rock Gnamar Water, to make Gumbu. Waterfowl, species of Wakurin ; Winin ; Yaet. Wattle bird ; Authochaera Lewi- mi Djang-gang. Wattle tree Galyang. Wandunu, A species of insect Wandunu. Wave of the sea Ngy anga. Way, a path Bidi ; Kungo. Way, this way Wunno. We Ngannil ; Ngalata ; Ngillel. We two (dual) between husband ane wife Ngarmik. We two (dual) between parent and child Ngalla. We two (dual) brother and sister, or two friends Ngalli. We two (dual) brothers-in-law Ngannama. Weak Babba; Bidibabba. Wear, to, or carry on the back Wan dang. Weasel ; colonially, native cat Dasyurus Maugei ; Barrajit. Weather, fine, sunny Monak. Weather, clear, calm Budulu. Weighty Gumbar ; Gundipgun- dip ; Botal-yang ; Kandal-yang Banyadak. Well, good Gwabba. Well in health Wan-gen. Well recovered from sickness Barr-ab-ara ; Dordak. Well, of water, native Gnura. Well-behaved Karra gwabba. West Urdal ; Winnagal (Moun- tain dialect). Wet Bal-yan ; Yalyet; Yalyuret. Whale, a Mimang-a. What Nait ; yan. Where Winjalla ; Winji. Wherefore Naitjak. Whinstone, species of Gagalyang Kadjor. Whirl, to, round Goranganan. Whirlwind Warh-ral. ; Monno. Whistle, to Wardyl. White Wilban ; Dalbada ; Djidal Djundal. White of an egg Mammango. Whither Winji. Who Ngan ; Nganni ; Ngando ; Indi. Who will ? Ngandul. Whole Mundang ; Bandang. Whose Ngannong, Enung. Why Naitjak. Wide Gabbar. Widow Yinang. Widower Yinang. Wife Kardo. Wild, desolate Battardal. Will you ? N-yundu ; N-yundul. Wiiyu (Edienemus longipennis ; Wilyu. Wind Mar. Wind, north Birunna. Wind, north-west Durga ; Dtal- lajar. Wind, south Wiriti. Wind, south-east Win-it ; D- yedik. Wind, south-west Earring. Wind, east Nandat; Nangalar. Wind, west Durga. Wind, sea-breeze Gulamwin. Wind, land wind Nandat. Windpipe Dtagat ; Mungurdur. Wing Kanba. Wing, outer pinion of Jili. Wink, to Butak-butak. Winter Maggoro. Witchcraft Boyl-ya. Withered, dried up ; applied to wood or animals when dead Mandju. Withered ; applied to leaves Derer. Within Bura. 118 Without, wanting anything Bru ; as Boka bru, without a cloak. Wittingly Bandak. Wive, to ; steal a wife Kardo barrang. Wizard Boyl-ya-gadak. Woman Yago. Woman, unmarried, or one who has attained the age of puberty Kung-gur. Woman who has not had children Mandigara. Woman who has had children Yulang-idi ; Yulang ara. Womb Dumbu. Wonder, to Wundun. Wood burnu. Wood, well seasoned Mandju. Wooded, covered with trees Man don. Word Warryn. Worms bred in sores Ninat. Worms, intestinal Ninat. Worn out Windo ; Windang. Wound, to Ngattang. Wounded badly Birrga ; Bilo Wounded mortally Kalla dtan naga. Wren, emu ; Stipiturus Malachu- rus Jirjil-ya. Wren, ash-coloured ; Georygone culicivorus ? Warrylbardang. Wren, short-billed ; Gerygone brevirostris Giaterbat. Wren, brown -tailed ; Acanthiza Tiemenensis Djulbidjulbang. Wren, yellow-tailed ; Acanthiza Chrysorrhoea J ida. Wrist Mardyl. Wrong, wrongly Barra. X. Xanthorrhsea ; colonially, grass - tree or black boy. Xanthorrhsea arborea Balga. Xanthorrhsea arborea, species of Ballak ; Galgoyl ; Yango ; Tdudtin. Xanthorrhsea arborea, tough-top- ped Barro. Xanthorrhsea arborea, under- ground Burarap ; Mimidi. Xanthorrhsea, leaves of Mindar. Xanthorrhsea, stem of the flower Waljap. Yawn, to Dtawang. Ye Nyurang. Ye two, brother and sister, parent and child Nyubal. Ye two, man and wife Nyubin. Yellow Yundo. Yellow, bright yellow Kallama. Yellow, dark yellow Ngilat Yes I-i ; projecting the chin for- ward, and keeping the mouth nearly shut, when uttering this guttural sound Kwa ; Ky ; Koa ; Kya. Yesterday Marh-rok. Yet Yalga. Yolk of an egg Natdjing. You N -yurang. You will N-yundu ; N-yundul. Young Yyinang. Young of anything Nuba; No- pyn (Mountain word). Younger (middle) sister Kowat. Younger (middle) brother Kardi- jit; Kardang. Yours Ngunallang ; N-yurangak; N-yunalak. Youth, young man Gulambiddi. Z. Zamia tree ; Encephalartos Spir- alis DjirijL 119 Zamia tree, species of, growing Zamia tree, kernel of D-ytmdo ; near the coast Kundagor. Wida. Zamia tree, fruit of By-yu ; Zamia tree, nut of, a species of Tdongan. Kwinin. Zamia tree, stone of Gargoin. THE END. LONDON : PRINTED BY M. WALBROOK, 180, BROMPTON ROAD, S.W. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY I^Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 > this material to the library 'Arrowed. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 001 027 964 4 DU 372 1884