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Solea lascaris, Bonaparte 20 CHAPTER 5. Solea variegata, Fleming (Donovan) 25 CHAPTER 6. Solea lutea, Bonaparte 29 CHAPTER 7. Solea G-rcenii, Giinther . 32 PART II. MORPHOLOGICAL. CHAPTER 1. The Osseous Skeleton 35 The Skull 35 The Vertebral Column 38 The Jaws and Branchial Arches 41 CHAPTER 2. The Fibrous Membranes and Musculature 45 The Fibrous Membranes 45 The Musculature 46 CHAPTER 3. The Viscera, and Vascular System 54 The Viscera, female 54 Ditto, male 56 Minute Structure of the Reproductive Organs, and Development of the Reproductive Elements 9 The Vascular System 64 A 2 IV Page CHAPTER 4. The Nervous System 66 The Brain 66 The Cranial Nerves. 68 CHAPTER 5. The Skin 73 Dermal Canals and Sense Organs 74 Minute Structure of the Skin, Dermal Tubes, and Sense Organs .... 79 CHAPTER 6. Embryology 84 CHAPTER 7. Structure of Phyllonella solece 93 PART III. BlONOMICAL. CHAPTER 1. Geographical Distribution 99 CHAPTER 2. Habits, Food, &c 101 Food 105 Parasites. . . 108 Enemies : 109 CHAPTER 3. Colour 110 CHAPTER 4. Breeding 114 CHAPTER 5. Development and Growth 119 PART IV. ECONOMICAL. CHAPTER 1. Artificial Propagation 129 CHAPTER 2. The Sole Fishery .137 CHAPTER 3. Practical Measures 142 PREFACE. THE distinction between theory and practice is one that is generally recognised in all departments of human affairs. By theory in this context is meant pure knowledge the knowledge of things as they are apart from any use which may be made of the knowledge. This kind of knowledge the result of the most careful investigation, continually corrected by improved experiments and more widely extended observation, and subjected to the most rigid criticism by successive generations of enquirers is pure science. Practice, on the other hand, or practical knowledge, is the knowledge of the methods by which the material and the forces of nature can be made to satisfy human needs and desires. Practice necessarily depends on some knowledge of the properties and relations of natural objects and forces, though in many cases it may simply consist in knowing that a certain desired result will generally be produced by particular operations. This is the kind of knowledge possessed by men trained and experienced in particular " trades " or crafts. The distinction has existed since the very commencement of human civilisation. The earliest representatives of humanity, like the most primitive savages now existing, had some knowledge of their surroundings which was not directly useful to them, while they understood very little the arts which they practised. To some extent the develop- ment of pure science and that of practical science have proceeded independently, but to a large extent they have influenced one another. Practical science has often received a. great impetus from the discoveries of abstract inquiry, and pure science has often made enormous strides by the study of the results exhibited by industrial processes. On the whole the tendency of the development of the two is towards a perfect harmony in which the knowledge of the universal interaction of natural forces would completely VI explain all that takes place in industrial processes, and on the other hand industrial processes would be perfected by the application of a complete knowledge of the mechanism of nature. Thus, although there is a great distinction between science and practice, each is to a large extent dependent on the aid of the other. Their influence upon each other could be illustrated by the history of any branch of science : it is illustrated by the history of biological arts and sciences. The discovery that the great depths of the ocean were inhabited by living animals was directly due to the laying of the telegraph cable from Europe to America. The medical sciences, anatomy and physiology, sprang not solely from the desire for knowledge, but from the practice of the healing art, and the desire to improve that art. Botany took its rise from the knowledge of simples, the use of plants as remedies for diseases and disorders of the human body. Zoology and comparative anatomy and physiology have been largely aided in their development by the medical sciences. Marine zoology has ever been to a great degree dependent on the assistance of fishermen and fishing engines. Science has received definite additions from investigations carried out with the object of cultivating oysters. The explanation of evolution is sought in the study of the variations of domesticated animals and plants. Are there, on the other hand, any cases in which human arts and industries have directly benefited by the biological sciences ? To answer this question by even briefly enumerating the recent discoveries concerning animal and vegetable, parasites which have revolutionised the practice of agriculture would require a volume. But it must be confessed that the fishing industry has hitherto, in this country at least, not been greatly benefited by the scientific knowledge of fishes hitherto available. Yet zoological science and the methods of that science have not been entirely without effect upon the supply of aquatic animals for the wants of man. Oyster-culture based upon scientific knowledge has been very successful in Holland and France. Knowledge of the conditions of life of the salmon has been applied to maintain and increase the abundance of that fish in this country, and of allied fishes in America. The shad has been propagated with great success on the Atlantic coast of the United States. It remains true that there exists a great deal of scientific knowledge of marine fishes which has hitherto not at all affected the sea-fishing industry. But it is also true that no great endeavours have yet been made to bring science and practice in this direction into relation with one another, and also that our knowledge of the life of marine fishes is in many respects still extremely Yll limited. The structure of these fishes and their place in the general classification of thtt animal kingdom has been to some extent ascertained, but of their conditions of life, their food, rate of growth, the causes which favour or limit their abundance, we still know very little. It was only in 1864, when Professor Sars identified the floating eggs of the cod, that it was first discovered that the eggs of any marine fish passed through their development while suspended in the surface waters of the sea. The know- ledge of structure and classification is not entirely useless from the practical point of view, for it is absolutely necessary as a basis from which to investigate the different conditions of life of the different species. The species must be considered separately, for their mutual relations are so complicated that it is impossible to deal with, them together. The object of the present work is to place side by side the results of a scientific study of the common sole and an account of the present condition of the sole fishery, and then to consider what are the possible practical applications of the former to the purpose of maintaining or increasing the supply of soles available for the market. The work was undertaken under instructions from the Council of the Marine Biological Association, and the investigations described were carried out at the Association's Laboratory at Plymouth. Nearly the whole of my time and energy since November, 1888, have been devoted to the subject. The instructions of the Council were quite general, but from Professor Lankester I have received much guidance as to the scope of the investigations and the plan of the book. The responsibility, however, for all the views and statements rests entirely upon myself. When studying the taxonomical part of the subject in November, 1889, I visited the British Museum of Natural History, and examined all the type specimens of European species of sole. I have to thank Dr. Giinther for the courtesy and assistance I then received from him. At that time I gathered from conversations with him that he still believed in an English species, Solea aurantiaca, distinct from the Solea lascaris of either Eisso or Bonaparte. I was therefore surprised to see that in a communication to the Zoological Society in January last he abandoned this opinion, and adopted the conclusion of most recent writers on the subject that the English and the Mediter- ranean form belong to the same species. My discussion of the question in the present work was written in November, 1889, immediately after my visit to the national collection. I have much pleasure in thanking Mr. Dunn, of Mevagissey, and my friend Eupert VI 11 Vallentin, Esq., of Falmouth, for the most important assistance they rendered me in procuring specimens of the sole in the younger stages of growth. I am still more deeply indebted to Miss Annie Willis for the skill and care which she devoted to the water-colour drawings reproduced in Plates I to IX. The beauty, minuteness of detail, and artistic finish of her work are evident enough in the lithographic copies, and I need only add that the drawings were executed from the actual objects under my direct supervision, and that I can answer for their perfect faithfulness. J. T. C. PLYMOUTH, March 13, 1890. PART I. TAXONOMICAL CHAPTER I. CLASSIFICATION OF THE FLAT-FISHES. IT is a matter of general knowledge and experience that the various kinds of flat- fishes resemble one another and differ from all other fishes in these conspicuous features : that their form is very flat, that one side is coloured and the other of a pure opaque white, and that there are two eyes on the coloured side and none on the white side. It is further generally known, from the observation of such fishes in the living state in aquaria, that when alive they are usually resting on the white side at the bottom of the water, sometimes gliding gently over the ground, sometimes burying themselves in the sand, which is the material on which they are accustomed to live, and only occasionally rising up from the bottom and swimming in a horizontal position through the water. The common sole is also as a rule recognised by everybody as a particular kind of flat-fish, being readily distinguished by its gently curved outline, especially by the regular, almost semicircular, shape of the snout, and by the dull brown colour of its upper side after death. But this is only true of the sole as it is usually seen by the majority of people, that is in its adult condition. Ordinary habits of observation are not sufficient to dis- tinguish the sole in its very young condition from other kinds of flat-fishes : only naturalists are able to separate the kinds from one another among individuals from one to three inches in length. Even fishermen, who might be supposed to have unusual opportunities of comparing different kinds of fishes, but who, as a matter of fact, have usually no leisure and no superfluous energy to devote to accurate and minute observation, constantly mistake various kinds of flat-fishes in their young stages for young soles. The reason of this is not that the young fishes between one and three inches long differ in their characters from full-grown specimens, but simply that the characteristic features are on a much smaller scale, and therefore are not seen without attentive observation. Untrained powers of observation are also unable to compare the degree of difference between one kind of flat-fish and another. The plaice and flounder are named independently ; but a fish which resembles the plaice and flounder far more closely than it does the sole is sold under the name of merry-sole in Devonshire and lemon- sole in London. This may be partly due to an inclination to enhance its value in the B 2 eyes of the consumer. Again, more than one kind of sole is sometimes sold under that name. It is evident, then, that before we commence the study of the common sole we must make ourselves accurately acquainted with its special features, so that we may not mistake other kinds for it, and may identify it with certainty at all stages of its existence. In order to discover these special features we must compare all the kinds of flat-fishes with other fishes and with one another and thus ascertain 1st, what features are common to all of them ; 2nd, what features are common to certain divi- sions of them and especially to the division which includes the sole ; 3rd, what are the differences between the several kinds or species included in this particular division. In order to study the characters of the flat-fishes we must of course give names to their various organs ; but all the bony fishes are made up of the same organs in different shapes and sizes and in various proportions to one another. Thus we have only to examine the sole and compare it with a fish of the more usual structure in order to recognise the various organs which have long borne appropriate names. In any fish of the ordinary type, for example, a salmon, herring, cod, perch, mackerel, &c., the two sides resemble one another in form, structure, and colour, and correspond to one another in the position and direction of their component organs. In other words, all the organs, with the exception of some of the internal, are in pairs, the two members of each pair being situated on opposite sides of the middle plane of the body, at the same level, and at equal distances from it. This plan of structure occurs in the majority of fishes and nearly all the other vertebrates, and also in the greater number of the lower animals, for instance in Crustacea and insects. To obtain a distinct idea of it we may reflect that the body of any animal in which it occurs, say a normal fish, a dog, or a man, has length, thickness, and breadth. The length is measured from the head to the posterior end of the body, the thickness from the back to the ventral surface, the breadth from side to side. Now the organs at opposite ends of the line which measures length are utterly different jp form and structure, and those at the back are equally different from those opposite to them at the ventral surface. But, wherever we measure the breadth, the parts at one end of the line along which we measure will be exactly similar in form and structure to those at the other, but exactly reversed in horizontal direction. This structural feature is called bilateral symmetry. The greater number of fishes are bilaterally symmetrical, and the line along the surface which separates the two similar halves passes between the eyes at an equal distance from each. If we look for the line which divides two similar halves in the sole we shall not be able to find it. It is obvious that a line drawn between the eyes does not divide the head into two equal and similar parts ; but if we look for the paired organs of the ordinary fish in the sole we shall find in most cases that one of each pair is on the coloured or upper side of the sole, and the other on the white or lower side, but that in many cases the two members of each pair are not so exactly similar as they are in the ordinary fish. Thus in the sole there is a gill-cover or operculum on the upper side and another on the lower, and beneath each is a similar gill-apparatus ; half the mouth is on the upper side and half on the lower ; there are two nostrils on the upper side and two on the lower ; a pectoral fin and a pelvic fin on the upper side and two corresponding fins on the lower ; scales on the upper side and similar scales with a corresponding arrangement on the lower; and finally a line of peculiar scales, a lateral line, along the middle of the upper side and a similar line on the lower. It follows, therefore, that the long continuous fins along the two edges of the sole correspond to the median fins of the ordinary fish, and as we find the anus and the junction of the gill arches on one edge of the sole, this edge corresponds to the ventral median line of the ordinary fish, so that the elongated fringing fins of the sole are the dorsal and ventral median fins respectively ; the ventral median fin is generally called the anal fin. We thus find that the upper side of the sole is the right side and the lower the left, and the edge on which the anus opens is the ventral edge, the other the dorsal. But the two eyes, though in other respects similar to the two eyes of an ordinary fish, are both on the right side, one nearer to the dorsal edge, the other nearer to the ventral. We may distinguish these eyes as the dorsal and ventral respectively, and even without further knowledge we might consider it probable that the dorsal eye corresponds to the left eye of an ordinary fish and the ventral to the right, and the idea would naturally occur to us that the left eye in the sole had been somehow drawn out of its original position on the left side and carried round to the right side. The fins of the sole are all supported by flexible or soft rays ; none of the rays are rigid pointed spines ; but this is a character which occurs in certain symmetrical fishes, for example, the cod and whiting. The possession of a single elongated median dorsal fin and a single similar ventral fin is also not peculiar to the sole : some members of the cod family have but a singLe dorsal and ventral fin. But no symmetrical fish has a dorsal fin extending so far forwards as the sole : in the latter this fin is continued to a point on the edge of the body anterior to the eyes, and in every flat-fish, except one species, it extends at least as far as a point above the dorsal eye, while in all symmetrical fishes the limit is somewhat behind the eyes. The lower or left side of the sole differs from the right side not only in being white instead of coloured, but also in being flatter, and the fin- rays of the median fins are also more prominent on this side. The examination of other flat fishes will show that they resemble the sole and differ from symmetrical fishes in the features just mentioned, if we except the fact that in some kinds it is the left side and not the right which is coloured and which bears the eyes. Thus the turbot and brill have the eyes on the left side, while the plaice flounder, dab, and halibut, like the sole, have them on the right side. All the various kinds of flat fishes thus resemble one another and differ from symmetrical fishes in the particulars now described, which may be thus summarised : Body much compressed bilaterally and extended dorso-ventrally : one side, on which the fish rests during life, opaque white, natter than the other, which is more convex and exhibits colour and markings : both eyes on the coloured side of the head. Pectoral and pelivc fins small, the former sometimes absent ; a single elongated dorsal fin which extends forwards as far as or beyond the level of the dorsal eye, except in one instance where it ends a little behind the eye; a single elongated anal fin extending from the base of the tail to the anus, which is a short distance behind the opercular apertures. The fishes thus characterised form a single family the Pleuronectidce ( = side- swimmers, from Greek 7r\ev/>a, the side ; irfx ** ^ swim). The large number of kinds or species which can be distinguished among them are divided into a number of groups according to the degree of difference between them, any two species of the same group being much more closely similar to one another than to the members of any other group. These groups are the genera. Thus the difference between a plaice and a sole is much greater than the difference between a plaice and a flounder. The plaice and the flounder resemble each other in the shape of the body, in the large prominent eyes, and the small terminal mouth and pointed snout. Again, if we compare a turbot and a brill we find that they resemble one another very closely : they both have a deep straight mouth cleft, the anterior end of which is at the extreme apex of the snout, and both have a more or less rhomboidal shape. The various kinds of sole are all distinguished from other flat fishes by the gradual and regular curve formed by the outline of the body, which, excepting the tail, is almost a perfect oval, the semicircular form of the snout being specially characteristic. The dorsal fin commences on the snout, and is not continuous with the caudal fin ; the cleft of the mouth on each side is curved downwards. The mouth is asymmetrical, the jaws being stronger on the lower side, and only on this side containing teeth, which are small and slender. The eyes are on the right side and small, the dorsal being in advance of the ventral. The scales are small and fringed with small projecting spines, that is, are of the kind called ctenoid. The lateral line is straight from the head to the tail, and runs along the middle of each side, but it also sends a curved branch forwards on the head which runs parallel to the base of the dorsal fin towards the snout. All the Pleuronectidce exhibiting the above features are called Solea, with a distinguishing adjective to indicate the particular kind or species referred to. In other words, the species which resemble one another in these particulars and differ only in more, minute details are classed together in a genus which bears the Latin name Solea in the universal language of Zoology. There are other kinds of sole besides the common sole, that is to say, there are other kinds of flatfishes which resemble the sole in all the features in which the sole differs from the turbot or the flounder, but differ from it in more minute details. One kind is sometimes sold together with the common sole without being distinguished, and sometimes is distinguished as the sand sole. It differs from the common sole chiefly in two characters : (1) it is somewhat lighter in colour after death, and instead of large black blotches on the coloured side it has small black specks scattered almost uniformly over the surface ; (2) the anterior nostril of the lower side is very large and conspicuous, it is dilated and has folds radiating from its wall into its cavity. At Plymouth and other places on the south coast of Devon and Cornwall another flat- fish is commonly sold which is called the thick-back. This is evidently a kind, of sole, but is distinguished by its smaller size, and by its colour and marking, which consists of black transverse stripes on a red ground. Several kinds of flat-fishes are obtained from British seas, which are too small and too scarce to be of any value as food, but which of course have been studied by zoologists equally with the edible species. After studying all the species of flat-fishes brought together in the British Museum from all parts of the world, Dr. Giinther has classified them in thirty-four genera, including Solea. But of these only seven include species which occur on the British coasts. Zoologists often differ as to the limitations of genera, because it is in many cases difficult to decide whether several species differ from one another to an equal degree and ought therefore to be classed in a single genus, or whether they differ in different degrees and ought to be separated into two or more genera. Eecent authorities also recognise seven genera among British forms namely, Hippoglossus, Hippoglossoides, Rhombus, Zeugopterus, Arnoglossus, Pleuronectes, and Solea. The external differences which distinguish the genera and species of British forms may be presented analytically thus : A. Eyes on the left side ; mouth terminal ; teeth on both sides ; ventral eye anterior to the dorsal. 1 . Rhombus. Shape rhomboidal, middle of the body being very broad ; mouth large ; lateral line with a semicircular curve anteriorly. Rhombus maximus, the Turbot. No ordinary scales, but pointed tubercles uniformly scattered over skin. Rhombus Icevis, the Brill. Small scales ; no tubercles. 2. Zeugopterus. Shape almost rectangular, anterior end obtuse ; lateral line with a semicircular curve anteriorly ; scales ctenoid. Zeugopterus unimaculatus, first dorsal ray elongated and undivided, median fins not prolonged under the base of the tail ; a conspicuous large dark spot towards the posterior end of the lateral line. Zeugopterus punctatus, first dorsal ray not elongated, median fins prolonged under the base of the tail. 3. Arnoglossus. Shape oval, rather narrow, with sharp snout; eyes large, almost level, ventral slightly more advanced. Cleft of mouth deep. Teeth small, one or two rows in both jaws ; present or absent from the vomer ; none on the palatines. Gill-membranes somewhat broadly united 8 at the throat. Dorsal fin commencing on the snout in front of the eyes, and not continuous with caudal. Nearly all the rays of the dorsal and anal simple and undivided. Scales somewhat large, easily detached, ctenoid. Lateral line with a rectangular bight above the pectoral. Arnoglossus megastoma (Megrim at Plymouth). Teeth on the vomer. Anterior dorsal rays united by membrane for half of their length. The base of the dorsal fin not passing on to the lower side of the head anteriorly. Anterior nostril of the lower side protected by a broad flap of flexible membrane. Eyes very large. Scales not so deciduous as in the following species. Snout pointed. Arnoglossus laterna (Scald-fish or Scald-back at Plymouth). No teeth on the vomer. Anterior dorsal rays free and separate ; the membrane of the rest of the fin very slight, the rays easily becoming separate. The anterior rays of the dorsal fin arise from the lower surface of the head. Eyes not very large. Snout somewhat blunt. The base of the left pelvic fin extends from the throat to the anus, and behind it are one or two prominent spines. The four anterior rays of the dorsal fin are very thick and much elongated in the male, not in the female. Arnoglossus lophotes, Giinther, is the male. B. Eyes on the right side. I. Mouth terminal and large, teeth on both sides. 1. Hippoglossus. Shape lanceolate ; dorsal fin commencing above the dorsal eye ; scales cycloid. Lateral line with a slight curve anteriorly. Hippoglossus vulgaris, the Halibut. 2. Hippoglossoides. Anterior end not much narrowed ; dorsal and ventral edges rather straight ; scales ctenoid. Lateral line straight. Hippoglossoides limandoides, the Long Eough Dab. n. Mouth terminal and extremely small ; teeth most developed on the lower side. 1. Pleuronectes. Dorsal fin commencing above the dorsal eye ; eyes large and prominent ; scales small or rudimentary. Pleuronectes platessa, the Plaice. Bony tubercles on the interorbital ridge. Bright red spots ; scales uniform. Lateral line nearly straight. Pleuronectes microcephalus, the Merry- sole or Lemon-sole. Skin slimy. Lateral line with a very small anterior curve. Colours mottled with a good deal of yellow ; scales cycloid. Shape somewhat rectangular. Pleuronectes cynoglossus, the Pole-flounder or Witch. Shape elongated; dorsal and ventral edges very gradually curved. Lateral line straight. Pleuronectes flesus, the Common Flounder. Ossicles at base of dorsal and anal fins. Scales rough along lateral line, elsewhere rudimentary. Pleuronectes limanda. Shape rhomboidal; snout pointed. Lateral line with a small semicircular curve anteriorly. III. Mouth rather small, and not terminal, but curved down to the ventral edge ; teeth present only on the lower side. 1. Solea. The shape oval, outline of the snout regularly semicircular. Scales ctenoid. Lateral line straight, but with an anterior dorsal curve on the head. Tactile filaments on the lower side of the snout. Paired fins may be rudimentary or absent. The dorsal eye anterior to the lower. Solea vulgarly the Common Sole. Pectorals on both sides of con- siderable size ; nostrils on the two sides similar ; filaments of the under side of the snout closely crowded together not forming any pattern. Markings of the upper side consisting of longitudinal series of black blotches on a yellowish-brown ground. Solea lascaris, the French Sole or Sand Sole. Differs from the preceding in two characters viz., the anterior nostril on the lower side is dilated and fringed internally ; each of the black blotches of the preceding species is represented by a number of small black specks. Solea variegata, the Thick-back. Nostrils on both sides similar ; pectoral and pelvic fins rudimentary ; filaments of the lower side of the snout connected at their bases by membranes which surround square depressions. Mouth more terminal and less curved than in the other species. Markings consist of five transverse dark bands. Solea lutea. Resembles the preceding in other respects, but has the mouth much curved, the dorsal fin commencing on the extreme anterior end of the snout. The markings consist of dark blotches arranged as in . rulgaris, but there is in addition a thin black line along every fifth or sixth ray in the dorsal and anal fins. Solea Greenii, a new species just defined by Dr. Gunther, has the scales, fin -rays, and filaments of the left side of the head as in vulgaris, but rudimentary pectorals. Plates I to VII, which exhibit with great accuracy the natural appearance of the fish, will illustrate the distinguishing external features of the four commoner British species of sole. But although the above-mentioned characters are those which principally distinguish the species from one another, they do not exactly resemble one another in every other respect. We may proceed to study their characters in greater c 10 detail, in order to obtain a complete knowledge of their specific peculiarities. In describing the characters of a fish, it is usual to commence by counting the fin-rays in each fin," the number of scales in the lateral line, wherever this is possible, the number of vertebrae, and the number of rays which support the membrane covering the gills beneath the operculum ; these are called the branchiostegal rays. These numbers are all put down in succession with initial letters to indicate the organs they refer to, so as to form a numerical formula. Thus : B. = Branchiostegal. D. = Dorsal fin. A. = Anal fin. L.I. = Lateral line. Pt. = Pectoral fin. Pv. = Pelvic fin. C. = Caudal fin. Vert. = Vertebras. The proportions of the fish are expressed numerically by stating the number of times a given length is contained in the total length : the reason of this is that the measurements are made with a pair of compasses, which are first adjusted to the length of a certain organ, and then used to mark off successive lengths equal to this along the body-length. 11 CHAPTER II. HISTOKY OF THE GENUS SOLE A. THE flat-fishes have been always placed together in one group in all attempts to classify fishes from the time of the ancient Greeks and Eomans up to the present. Thus Aristotle called them i/^TraJSeig. But in ancient times other fishes of a flat shape, but symmetrical, like the dorey and the skate, have often been united with them. Thus Eondelet includes among the " poissons plats " the dorey and two other symmetrical fishes and all the skates and rays. In the ancient and pre-Linnaean times ideas of classification were somewhat vague ; the idea of genus and species existed, though it was not accurately defined, but degrees of classification regularly subordinated to one another could not be established by men who had little real knowledge of the structure and physiology of animals. Eondelet includes all marine animals among his " Poissons," yet his arrangement of the true Pleuronectidse in genera and species is more similar to that which is now accepted than the classification adopted by Artedi and Linnaeus. Eondelet describes the genus Rhombus with two species, one with spines and the other without, the turbot and the brill ; the genus Rhomboides ; Citharus with two species ; Passer with four species, Passer, the plaice, Passer quad- ratulus, Passer liinanda, and Passer flesus (the flounder) ; the genus Solea, with six species, Solea, the common sole, Solea oculata (la Pegouse), la Pole, Arnoglossus, Solea linguki, and Hippoglossus. Artedi arranged all the flat fishes into one genus Pleuronectes, a name which he introduced into zoology for the first time, and Linnaeus followed his example. The 12th edition of the " Systenia Nature " was published in 1766. The successors of Linnaeus for some time continued to follow him and Artedi, merely dividing the genus in an arbitrary way into subgenera. Lacepede, in his " Histoire Nat. des Poissons," published in 1798, defines four subgenera of Pleuronectes, but without giving them distinguishing names : the first of them comprises only the halibut and the flounder, united because their eyes are on the right side and they have a curve in the lateral line. Similarly, Eisso, in his " Ichthyologie de Nice," 1810, arranges the species under two subgenera, according to the side on which the eyes are situated. Quensel in 1806 divided the genus into two, with the following definitions: Plearonecte-s, having complete jaws not covered with scales ; the maxillary dilated c 2 and free at its extremity ; the mandible with cutaneous folds between its limbs at the chin. Gill-opening extending above the opercular angle or at least above the pectoral. The lower eye more anterior than the upper one, and the nostrils distant from the jaws, that of the blind side being near the dorsal edge. Solea, in which the jaws are covered with scales, the superior one not fully developed, and the scaly mandible not showing the usual folds at the chin. Gill- openings wholly below the pectorals. The inferior eye farther back than the superior one. Nostrils on both sides near the jaws. All the fin-rays divided, no spine in the anal. (Richardson's Yarrell, Vol. I., p. 608.) In the "Regne Animal," first edition, 1817, Cuvier makes the Linnasan genus into a family, which he calls simply " poissons plats," and divides it into genera and species as follows : Platessa, including the plaice, Platessa platessa ; the flounder, Plaiessa flesus ; the dab, Platessa limanda. Hippoglossus. including the PI. hippoglossus of Linnseus, and several species of the Mediterranean described by other authors. Rhombus, including Rhombus maximus, the turbot and the brill, the PL nudus of "Risso (apparently an Arnoglossus), and other species in which the upper eye is at a great distance above and behind the lower. Solea, including the common sole, PL solea, Lin., the Pole of Belon, the Solea oculata of Hondelet, the Pegouse of Eisso, and the lascaris and theophilus of the same author. Also certain foreign species in which the vertical fins are continuous, PL zebra, Bloch, PL plagusia, Lin. (These species now form the genus Plagusia.} The Monochires, in which the right pectoral is very small, and the left minute or altogether wanting, e.g., Linguatula, Eondelet, and the Achires, which have no pectorals at all, are mentioned apparently as subgenera. Those Achires in which the vertical fins are continuous with the caudal are distinguished as Plagusia. The definition of Solea given by Cuvier is as follows : " Their peculiar character is that the mouth is twisted and as it were monstrous on the side opposite to the eyes, and furnished on that side only with slender teeth closely crowded together like the pile of velvet, while the side where the eyes are has no teeth. Their form is oblong, their snout round and always projecting beyond the mouth ; the dorsal fin commencing over the mouth, and extending like the anal up to the caudal. Their lateral line is straight ; the side of the head opposite to the eyes is generally furnished with a sort of villosity. Their intestine is long, with several convolutions, and without caeca." It is evident that this definition of the genus admits of but little improvement. Cuvier obviously meant the Monochires, Achires, and Plagusia to be mere subgenera 13 indicating the grouping of the various species. But subsequent authors frequently raised these divisions to the rank of distinct genera. Bonaparte, 1841, separated the last subdivision of Cuvier only as a distinct genus, namely, Plagusia. Dr. Gimther, in his important work, " The British Museum Catalogue of Fishes," gives a comprehensive classification of the Pleuronectidae, which includes all the forms up to that time described in the literature or represented in the great national collection. He distinguishes in all thirty-four genera, many of which are entirely new, while the limits and definitions of the rest are revised. His definition of Solea is as follows : Eyes on the right side, the upper being more or less in advance of the lower. Cleft of the mouth narrow, twisted round to the left side. Teeth on the blind side only, where they are villiform, forming bands : no vomerine or palatine teeth. The dorsal fin commences on the snout, and is not confluent with the caudal. Scales very small ; ctenoid. Lateral line straight. Thus the chief difference between this definition and Cuvier's is that it excludes all the forms in which the longitudinal fins are continuous with the caudal. All the British forms of sole described in the present work are included by Giiiither in the genus Solea. But almost every author defines the genera of Pleuronectidae, even at the present day, in some degree after his own fashion. There is a general agreement, together with differences of opinion on certain points. In the Pleuronectidae, as in nearly all families of animals, there are certain well-marked species which are recognised by all naturalists. There are others, especially those founded upon a small number of specimens, which are more difficult to separate, and concerning which differences of opinion exist. But the question of the arrangement of the species into genera gives rise to much greater differences of opinion. The arrangement of course depends on which of the characters possessed by several species in common, are taken as characterising a genus. If one character is taken, a certain number of species are united by it ; if another is taken the same species are scattered among other genera. Thus the fish called in this work Arnoglossiis mtgastoma is variously placed. By Giinther it is placed in the genus Rho?nbu$, because it possesses teeth on the vomer. By Moreau, whose arrangement seems to me more original than natural, it is placed in the genus Pleuronectes. The characters in which the species agrees with Ai*noglossus laterna s'eem to me to be more numerous and important than the presence or absence of vomerine teeth, and I have therefore followed those authors who include it in the genus Arnoglossus. In describing the British species I shall give not merely the range of variation of each numerical character, but the actual numbers observed in several individuals. It must be pointed out that the number of scales in the lateral line is always obtained not by counting the scales in the line itself, but the series of oblique trans- verse rows of scales which cross the lateral line ; the scales are so arranged as to form rows which run obliquely downwards somewhat from before backwards, other rows which run more obliquely downwards and from behind forwards, and others, 14 which are not so distinct, which run straight from before backwards ; it is the rows of the first kind which are counted. The number of these rows indicated by the letters L.I. is not so absolutely certain as the number of fin-rays in a fin, for the rows of scales are counted from the commencement of the lateral line to the base of the tail, and as the lateral line is actually continued to the very extremity of the tail, while the scales diminish in size gradually at the base of the tail until they get so small that the rows cannot be counted, there is, of course, no definite point where the counting ceases. 15 CHAPTER III. SOLEA VULGARIS, QCESSBL. [PLATES I to V.] Synonymy. ftoi--/\u.'affoi, A then, vii, p. 288. " Lingulaca," Varro and Plautus. " Solea," Ovid, v. 124 ; Plin., ix, c. 16. ''Bnglossns sive Solea," Kondeletius, xi, c. 11, p. 320, and other mediaeval authors. " La Sole," Rondelet, 1558, French edition, Lyons, p. 256. ' Plenronectes, sp.," Artedi, 1734, Genera, p. 18, No. 6 ; Species, p. 60, No. 5 ; Synonymia, p. 32, No. 8. %i Pleuronectes solea," Lin., Sytf. Nat., 1, p. -157 ; Bloch, 1784, Fi*che Deiitschl., ii, p. 42, taf. 45 ; Lacepede, iv, p. G23 ; Donovan, 1808, Brit. Fish., Hi. pi. 52; Risso, 1810, IcJith. Nice, p. 307. " Sole," Pennant, Brit. Zool., iii, p. 203. ' La Sole," Dnhamel, iii, sec. 9, p. 257, pi. 1. ''Solea vnlgaris," Quensel, 1806, Vet. Akad. Handl., p. 230; Risso, 1826, Nat. Hist. Eur. Mer., iii, p. 247 ; Bonaparte, Fauna Ital., iii, 26 ; Gunther, 1862, Brit. Mus. Catal., iv, p. 463; Moreau, 1881, Poissons de la France, p. 304; Francis Day, 1884, Fish. Gt. Brit, awl Ire., p. 39, pi. cvi. Males. Females. Total length j 16-9 cm. = 6g in. 26-4 cm. = 10| in. 33-2 cm. 17-6 cm. 19-4 cm. 35-6 cm. = 14 in. 38 cm. i = 15 in. Length ^ 3f 3rV 3^ I 3 a* *T\ height J Length 1 Kl C3 K3 ! head / t 6 6 4 5 4 5 4 b 12 D 90 83 86 86 83 81 87 A 74 69 74 69 66 73 70 C 21 20 21 20 21 22 20 Pt 7 8 8 8 ft 7 r. 81. 9 Pv 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 L.I 159 155 160 153 149 166 166 Yert " 50 48 50 48 A COMPAKISON of the above figures gives the following results. There are no constant sexual differences in any of the ten characters given in the table, except 16 that the females reach the larger size, nor any constant differences depending on size, although it is possible that a slight increase in the number of rows of scales takes place in individuals which grow very large. The largest individuals in the above table have the largest number of rows of scales. The number of pelvic fin-rays is constant, that of the pectoral rays, and of the caudal, nearly so. The number of vertebrae varies very slightly. The range of the numbers of the dorsal and anal fin-rays is considerable, in the above specimens 83 to 90, and 66 to 74, respectively The range for the lateral line scales is greater, namely, 149 to 166. In all these cases examination of a greater number of specimens would doubtless have extended the range. Fins. The dorsal fin commences a little in front of the dorsal eye, but behind the apex of the snout. The right pectoral is scarcely longer than the left and is contained two and a half times in the length of the head. Eyes. Longitudinal diameter of eye one-sixth the length of the head ; scaled skin between the eyes equal in breadth to the longitudinal diameter of the eye ; distance of dorsal eye from edge of the snout equal to the longitudinal diameter of the eye. Posterior edge of dorsal eye on a level with the middle of the ventral. Nostrils. On the right side both nostrils are close together immediately in front of the ventral eye and close to the edge of the upper lip. Both are tubular, the posterior a little the wider, the anterior the longer. On the left side the two nostrils are also thin walled tubes, the anterior being prominent and larger, the posterior quite obscure ; the latter is about half an inch (in adult) above and behind the former. Mouth. Extends backwards to beneath the middle of the ventral eye : the teeth on the lower side are slender rods set close together in a broad curved patch in each jaw. The villi on the under side of the snout are really connected at the base by slight membranes which enclose depressions of the surface, but the latter are very small and the villi are therefore closely crowded together. Scales. On the right side extend over the whole surface of the head up to its very edges, on the lower side they decrease in size in the neighbourhood of the villi and disappear where these are fully developed. The villous area is bounded posteriorly by a straight transverse line running a short distance behind the angle of the mouth. One of the largest scales from the middle region of the right side of the body (PI. XIV, 1) has sixteen radiating rows of spines, five spines in each of the middle rows. The curved anterior portion of the lateral line is very distinct on the right side, and can be traced running parallel to the edge of the body right to the apex of the snout. On the lower side a similar curve exists, and in addition a line belonging to the same system which runs straight forwards from the origin of the former above the mouth, giving off transverse branches. Colour. The dead sole in the market generally appears to be of a uniform dull dark brown on the upper side, but closer examination show r s that there are black blotches as well on the brown ground. During life the colours are much brighter, 17 and the markings much more conspicuous. Although the colours vary with the ground on which the animal rests, this variation is only in depth of tint ; the markings are constant for the same individual, and vary but little in different individuals, they have therefore quite as much importance as a specific character as any other feature in the aniniaL The markings, then, in the living fish consist of large dark blotches and small white spots on a yellowish-grey ground. The dark blotches, brown or black according to their intensity, are arranged symmetrically so as to form a definite pattern: the largest blotches are in three rows, one along the lateral line, one near the base of the dorsal, and one near that of the anal fin. Usually there are five or six of these blotches in each row, but in some specimens there may be as many as eight in one or more of the rows. The first blotch of the dorsal row is close behind the anterior curve of the lateral line, and the last near the base of the tail ; the first of the central row is just above the end of the pectoral fin, and the first of the ventral series is at the base of the pelvic fin. The first and last in each series are always fainter and smaller, while those in the centre of the series are larger and more conspicuous. In each of the intervals between the blotches in each series is a lighter white spot, smaller and with a more definite outline than the dark blotches. Other white spots frequently appear around the dark blotches. Between the central row of blotches, and each of the external rows is another row of similar blotches of smaller size ; these are closer together, nine or ten of them can be usually counted in each series, and in the intervals between them there are small white spots. These are the principal markings, but there are in addition narrow irregular branching streaks of a lighter brown extending from the edges of the dark blotches over the spaces between them ; these streaks usually contain dark or black specks, but under certain conditions they are everywhere almost as dark as the blotches, and then the latter are connected together by an irregular network of black streaks. Outside the external series of blotches, between them and the bases of the dorsal and anal fins respectively, is a band free from markings where the ground colour is uniform and lighter than elsewhere. The dorsal and anal fins themselves exhibit three distinct longitudinal bands of colour ; the basal third is dark, being densely sprinkled with minute black specks on a yellow ground, the middle portion is yellow without the black specks, while the extreme edge is colourless, the membrane between the rays being here transparent, while the skin over the extremities of the rays themselves is opaque white. The extreme dorsal and ventral edge of the tail fin are opaque white, the external portion of the tail, including the terminal half, is yellow, this portion being continuous with the light band which lies within the bases of the dorsal and anal fins ; the internal and basal part of the tail is sprinkled with black like the basal part of the dorsal and anal fins. The right side of the head is coloured like the parts of the body-surface between the blotches, that is, with blacks specks connected by faint brown lines on a yellowish ground. D 18 The pectoral fin has usually a black spot on its outer half, but very often this spot is only light brown, its intensity varying according to the action of light upon the animal. When we examine still more minutely the elements of the coloration now described, we find that each of them is compound, made up of still smaller markings which have a definite relation to the scales. The scales are imbricated like the tiles on a roof, and the exposed portion of each, which projects backwards, has the shape of the sector of a circle. Except in the white spots, where the whole sector is opaque white, the basal angle of the sector is lightest in colour, and the colour deepens in intensity to the extreme border which is darkest. Even in the lightest part of the ground colour the border of each scale is distinctly defined by its brownish colour, while in the darkest part of the blotches and black specks the curved edge and the posterior half of the scale is black, while the anterior angle is light brown or even yellow. The scales do not extend right up to the edge of the transparent cornea of the eyes, the skin bordering the cornea is smooth, and coloured green with brown specks, the iris is yellowish-grey marked with radiating brown lines. The pupil is black at its edges, but in the centre of it is a beautiful iridescent spot which dissection shows to belong not to the surface of the cornea, but to that of the crystalline lens. This species, being abundant on both the shores of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic coasts of Europe, has been generally known since the earliest historical times. It is mentioned by some of the ancient historical writers as /3ovyXwo- In the cod, which may be taken as exhibiting pretty nearly the original condition of the cephalic tubes of the sole and other flat-fishes, there are no superficial sense- organs on the head, and the tubes of the two sides are symmetrically arranged. 78 The diagram, Fig. B, shows the position and the relations of the cephalic tubes In that species. The supra-temporal tubes are short, and are surrounded by thin tubular scale-like bones. The sub-ocular tube is also enclosed in a series of tubular bony scales, the sub-orbital bones. Both these and the supra-temporal bones, though homologous with the ordinary dermal scales, are not similar to them, having a much larger size and deeper position. In the sole the changes which have taken place in the course of evolution are as follows : The supra-temporal tubes have become much elongated, having grown forwards with the anterior extension of the dorsal fin till they reach the extremity of the snout. On the right side the tube is no longer enclosed by peculiar scale-like bones, but by tubular dermal scales, closely resembling the ordinary scales of the skin. On the left side of the head, the scales having disappeared anteriorly, the supra- temporal tube has opened out on to the surface, and the sense-organs which belong to it have become superficial. The two supra-temporal tubes are symmetrical in relation to the two sides of the dorsal fin, but entirely asymmetrical in relation to other parts of the head ; for in consequence of their relation to the fin they both lie morpho- logically ventral to the left eye, between the left eye and the mouth. The lateral cephalic tube of the left side has been distorted by the change of position of the left orbit. Its posterior part retains its original position, but its anterior or supra-ocular part lying in the inter-orbital process of the left frontal bone, bends round towards the right side and runs close beside the right supra-ocular tube between the two eyes. The sub-ocular tube of the right side has disappeared ; that of the left side is represented by the numerous superficial sense-organs which lie above the mouth on the lower side of the head. The two pre-opercular tubes remain in their original position, but on the left side a number of superficial sense-organs have been developed over the region of the pre-opercular tube. This is, in some respects, one of the most remarkable of the peculiar developments in the head of the sole. It is intelligible that a dermal tube originally derived from a superficial groove should again become superficial ; but it is surprising to find surperficial organs developing anew, outside a tube which contains similar organs originally derived from the surface. The supra-temporal tubes are innervated by a long branch from the lateral nerve belonging to the vagus. On the left side a similar branch of the vagus passes forwards towards the sub-ocular sense-organs. Along the proximal part of the course of this nerve is a single series of superficial sense-organs, which lies over the proximal part of the lateral cephalic tubes. I have not been able to decide whether this series really belongs to the sub-ocular series of the left side, or bears the same relation to the proximal part of the lateral cephalic tube as the pre-opercular superficial organs to the pre-opercular tube. In studying the relations of the mucous tubes and epidermic sense-organs in the head of the sole, I have been very greatly assisted by a paper by 79 Dr. Eamsay H. Traqnair, published in 1865.*" The sole is not considered in this paper, but the interpretation of the distribution of the organs and canals in this species is comparatively easy after Dr. Traquair's lucid explanation of the derivation of the arrangements found in other flat-fishes from the original symmetrical condition. The diagram of the arrangement in the cod which I have given is copied, with slight modifications, from Dr. Traquair's ; and my diagram of the arrangement in the sole is constructed on the same plan as his diagrams of the arrangements in the plaice and other species. Minute Structure of the Skin, Dermal Tubes, and Sense-organs. Wlien thin sections of the skin are prepared and examined under the microscope, the derma is seen to be composed of a number of sheets and bands of felted fibres, as in PI. XIV, 6. In my preparations no nuclei are visible in this tissue, but the pieces of skin were decalcified in weak nitric acid before they were cut, in order to remove the lime from the scales, and the action of the acid may have somewhat altered the condition of the fibrils. The scales, as seen in section, consist of thin laminae lying one upon another ; the laminae are entirely homogeneous in structure, and seem to be simply sheets of the fibrous tissue which have been consolidated and then impregnated with calcareous salts. The scales are contained in cavities of the fibrous tissue. In the preparations the fibrous tissue is separated slightly from the surface of the scales, but this is doubtless due to the shrinking produced by the process of preparation, and in life the fibrous tissue is in contact with the surface of the scale. Above the scales there is a layer of delicate spongy fibrous tissue in which the fibres are short, and run in a vertical as well as a longitudinal direction; this reticular tissue contains numerous nuclei. This tissue separates the external surface of the scale from the dense fibrous laminated tissue, while the internal surface of the scale is in immediate contact with the latter. The epidermis consists of several, six or seven, layers of cells. At the base of the epidermis the cells are polygonal and as broad as they are high : each cell contains a large nucleus, which becomes deeply stained under the action of staining liquids. Towards the outer surface most of the cells become thin and flat, as in the human epidermis, but in preparations a certain number of them are large spherical vesicles. These are mucous cells. The surface of the sole as of most other fishes is. during life, always covered with a certain amount of slimy mucus which ia derived from the epidermis. This mucus is produced by the discharge of the contents of the globular mucous cells just mentioned. The cells at the base of Ihe epidermis are constantly multiplying and growing, and in consequence the outermost of them are gradually pushed to the surface. The superficial layers are as constantly broken down and, as it were, dissolved away, some of the cells becoming, before they reach the surface, converted into capsules of mucus, and this mucus, together with the * "On the Asymmetry of the Pleuronectidae, as elucidated by an Examination of the Skeleton in the Tarbot. Halibat, and Plaice." (" Trans." Lin. Soc., vol. xxv.) SO debris of the other superficial cells, forms the slimy coating of the fish's skin. There are no special glands connected with the skin of the sole. In the outermost layers of the fibrous derma, immediately beneath the epidermis, are situated the pigment cells or chromatophores. Some chromatophores are also found in a deeper position, in the fibrous tissue which lies between the deeper parts of the scales, but no pigment is found below the level of the skin to which the anterior edges of the scales reach. The epidermis and the thin subjacent layer of the derma, which contains the chromatophores, are continued over the exposed portions of the scales, with the exception of the longest most posterior spines of the scales : these pierce through the skin and epidermis and project beyond the latter. The appearance of a longitudinal section through the dermal tube of the lateral line, magnified 40 times, is shown in Fig. 6, Plate XIV. In other parts of the skin muscles are of course found below the derma, but the dermal tube of the lateral line lies directly above the connective tissue partition between the dorsal and ventral lateral muscles, and the connective tissue of this partition passes directly into the skin. The fibrous tissue of this partition contains large spaces occupied by loose reticular tissue the meshes of which are large and filled during life with lymph ; this tissue is seen in the lowest part of the figure. The figure includes one whole scale of the lateral line and parts of two others ; the three pores, p,p,p, corresponding to these scales are seen leading into the dermal tube. The section passes longitudinally through the centre of the dermal tube and therefore the roof of the tunnel formed by each scale is seen above the dermal tube, and the floor below it. The dermal tube is seen bending down to pass through the hole in one scale to enter the tunnel of the scale behind it ; beyond the hole in the floor of the scale a branch of the dermal tube passes backwards to open on the surface at the external pore. The dermal tube is lined by an epithelium which is only separated from the surface of the scales by a very thin fibrous membrane. This epithelium is continuous with the epidermis at the external pores, but differs much from the epidermis in character. It is of very slight thickness, consisting only of two or three layers of cells. The lowest layer consists of small undifferentiated cells which grow and multiply, continually replenishing the outer layers. Nearly all these outer cells are globular and vesicular ; that is they form hollow capsules, doubtless containing mucus. During life the dermal tube contains mucus, which is the product of this epithelium. But at certain places this epithelium contains sense-organs, consisting of portions of the epithelium which have an entirely different structure and function. The cells of the sense-organs are not secretory but sensory, and they are connected with nerve fibrils. One of these sense- organs, as seen in longitudinal section, is shown at s.o, in PI. XIV, 6. It is situated on the inner wall of the dermal tube, and lies on the floor of the tunnel of a scale a little in front of the hole through which the dermal tube passes to the next scale. At a point near the anterior and deep border of the scale containing the sense-organ there is a small aperture in the scale through which a nerve passes from the skin below the scale. 81 This nerve (n, Fig 6) runs posteriorly along the surface of the scale, beneath the epithelium of the dermal tube, to the sense-organ. The sense-organ consists of a number of thin elongated cells placed so that their length is almost perpendicular to the wall of the dermal tube. Each of these cells contains in its lower portion a spindle- shaped swelling which contains a nucleus. One end of each cell reaches the surface of the sense-organ, and the other reaches its basement membrane : the cells are all in contact, the nuclear swellings being so arranged that the cells are packed in the least possible compass. Thus the nuclear swelling of one cell is at its base, that of the next some- what higher up, so that the nuclei form two rows, and the nuclei of some of the cells are even higher still, forming a third row. But it is only the nuclei which are in two or three layers, the cells are all in a single layer side by side. The nuclei, in spite of the arrangement described, occupy more space than the cells, and consequently the base of the sense-organ is broader than its surface, so that only the central cells are straight, the external cells curving at their upper ends towards the centre of the sense- orcran. The upper end of each cell ends in a delicate protoplasmic hair which projects into the cavity of the dermal tube. The lower end of each cell is continuous with one of the ultimate fibrils of the nerve previously mentioned. I have not made out this connection in all the cells, but I have traced it in some, and believe that it exists in all. In some preparations a kind of clot is seen on the surface of the sense organ, and sometimes this seems to have separated from the surface of the organ, breaking off the sensory hairs and taking them with it. This clot often present a laminated appearance, as if formed of thin layers one over another. It has been seen in some fishes in an organ examined in a perfectly fresh condition. Prof. Emery* concludes that the laminse of the clot, which is generally called the cupula, are successive cuticles secreted by the peripheral cells of the sense organ. I think it is difficult to accept this conclusion, and am inclined to think the cupula is, during life, of a mucous nature, and therefore semi-liquid. It seems certain that the sensory hairs are imbedded in the cupula. It is difficult to understand how such cells as those of the sense-organ should secrete mucus or form a cuticle : perhaps the cupula is nothing more than the ordinary mucus of the dermal tube which keeps a constant position in preparations because it is retained by the numerous sensory hairs. There is not a sense-organ to every scale of the lateral line ; in the middle of the body there is a sense organ on every third scale, that is to say, there are two scales bearing no sense-organs between two scales which bear them. The position of the sense-organ in relation to the scale on which it is situated is always the same. The function of these sense organs is still entirely unknown. It has been suggested that they convey to the fish a sense of its position in the water, and so enable it to retain its vertical position, but the evidence for this is not very conclusive : if it were true we should expect to find the organs atrophied in the flat fishes which have * " Fauna and Flora des Golfes von Neapel," "Fierasfer." II 82 abandoned the vertical position altogether. What stimulus affects the organs it is difficult to imagine : and it is also difficult to understand how the sensory hairs act immersed as they are in the substance, whether it be mucus or not, which forms the so-called cupula. But that these organs are of great importance to aquatic vertebrates there can be no doubt, since they occur not only in all kinds of fishes but in aquatic Amphibia : they are even present in the tadpole and other larval batrachians so long as they retain their aquatic respiration. These sense-organs are in all cases first developed in the superficial epidermis ; the development of the dermal tube in which they are enclosed takes place subsequently. The dermal tube is formed from a superficial groove which appears on the surface of the skin along the line where the sense-organs are situated. The groove becomes deeper and its edges meet over it and coalesce everywhere except where the pores are left by which the tube communicates with the exterior. In some fishes, e.g., Gobius, the sense-organs remain superficial throughout life, no lateral dermal tube being developed. As I have already mentioned (p. 76) there are also a number of superficial sense-organs on the under side of the head of the sole. These organs are situated in the depressions between the villi or tactile filaments with which the skin in this region is provided. The minute structure of this part of the skin is illustrated by Fig. I, Plate XV, which is drawn from a section of the part of the skin above the posterior half of the mouth cleft on the lower side of the body. Some of the filaments are long and slender, others short and blunt. Eunning up the centre of each filament is a sausage- shaped supporting rod which is composed of a tissue having the structure of fibro-cartilage. In section this body exhibits fibres anastomosing with one another and running in a direction transverse to the longer axis of the rod. These fibres contain nuclei, and the interspaces between them are filled by a homogeneous solid substance of the nature of cartilage. These supporting rods belong to the derma. The epidermis is continued over the filament, becoming thinner at the apex, and between the supporting rod or core and the epidermis is a continuation of the fibrous tissue of the derma. Running up the sides of the supporting rod are several fine nerves. These nerves send off fibrils which branch, and their ultimate ramifications enter the epidermis. There are no special sense-organs of any kind in connection with these nerve fibrils : the ultimate termination of the fibrils I have not been able to trace : they penetrate between the cells of the epidermis, and doubtless ultimately come into connection with some of the epidermic cells. Nerve-fibrils are known to enter the epidermis in the same way in the skin of the tip of the human finger, and in all probability help to give that skin its delicate sense of touch. I have indicated the connection of the ultimate nerve-fibrils with the epidermis on the right side of the figure. On the left side of the figure are sections of four short blunt filaments which do not project far beyond the surface of the skin. Around the cores of these, besides the black lines indicating parts of nerves, is a coarse stippling which represents the appearance of a curious granular 83 tissue occurring in lliis position in all the filaments. This tissue obscures the nerve fibres and makes it somewhat difficult to follow out their course in the sections. The sections from which the present description is taken, and one of which is represented slightly diagrammatic-ally by the figure, were prepared from pieces of skin treated when fresh with chloride of gold. This reagent stains the nerves black or violet, and affects the remaining tissues slightly or not at all. Thus the nerves can be traced through the granular tissue just mentioned. The granular tissue is somewhat opaque, consisting of irregularly branched cells the contents of which are coarsely granular. These cells exactly resemble in structure the chromatophores of the right or coloured side of the body, but they are not coloured. In fact, to use a seeming paradox, these cells are colourless chromatophores ; that is to say, they are chromatophores of which the granules instead of being black or orange are white and opaque. Thus the white colour of the under side of the sole is not due to the absence of chromatophores, but merely to the absence of what is usually called colour in the chromatophores ; the pigment cells are not absent from the skin of the lower side, but are bleached. It is a very common thing to find coloured blotches on the lower side of a sole, and from the above it is evident that these coloured blotches are not due to the development of chromatophores in certain areas while they are absent elsewhere, but are due to the fact that the chromatophores in these areas are coloured, while in the rest of the skin of the lower surface they are white. One of the superficial epidermic sense-organs of the under side of the head is represented in section in the figure. It will be seen that they do not differ in structure from the sense-organs of the dermal tube of the lateral line. The sensory hairs are present in these organs, though not shown in the figure, as they are not well preserved by the chloride of gold method of preparation. M 2 84 CHAPTER VI. EMBEYOLOGY. THE ripe ovum of Solea vulgaris after it has been removed from the body of the fish and is floating in sea water, and when it has not been fertilised, has the following structure: The whole ovum is a spherical transparent body measuring 1'47 to 1-51 mm. ('05 to '06 inch) in diameter, the size of different eggs varying within these limits. The ovum consists of a definite thin transparent membrane surrounding a solid mass ; the former may be called the vitelline membrane, the latter the ovum in a stricter sense of the word. The whole of the egg with its envelope corresponds only to the yolk of a hen's egg, there is nothing about it which represents the " white " or the shell of the latter. The yolk of a hen's egg is surrounded by a thin membrane of its own which corresponds to the vitelline membrane of the sole's egg. The ovum proper within the vitelline membrane consists of two different parts : a smaller somewhat protuberant portion which is more granular and less transparent, and a more transparent larger portion. The former is the germ (blastodisc), and consists of living organic matter known as protoplasm. This germ is actually alive, and it exhibits spontaneous movements and changes which gradually lead to the formation of the young fish, while the larger portion is the yolk, and is simply a supply of very nutritious food on which the germ lives and by means of which it grows. The yolk is in fact gradually absorbed by the embryo during its development. In consequence of the protuberance of the germ, the vitelline membrane being stiff and spherical, there is a space between the membrane and the surface of the ovum all round the junction of the germ with the yolk : this is the perivitelline space. Immediately beneath the germ the yolk is divided up into large separate masses of a cubical shape : these masses form a single layer, the rest of the yolk being undivided. The yolk is more or less liquid, and it is confined within a delicate pellicle of protoplasm which extends from the edge of the germ all round the yolk. Thus the yolk is really contained within the protoplasmic germ. In fact the germ is the essential part of the ovum ; some animals produce ova without either membrane or yolk : the yolk is to be regarded as an accumulation of food material within the protoplasm of a reproductive "cell" or plastid. On the surface of the yolk, immediately beneath its protoplasmic pellicle, are several groups of minute oil globules. On account of their refracting power these appear opaque white by reflected light and dark by transmitted light. They represent an excess of fatty matter belonging to the yolk. I have not seen the ripe ovum of the sole immediately after its escape from the ovary. But the ova of other flat-fishes have been studied by myself and others immediately after extrusion, and it has been found, e.g., in the cod and the flounder, that at first the germinal protoplasm is not aggregated into a protuberant mass, but is more extended over the surface of the yolk, and that the vitelline membrane is everywhere in direct contact with the ovum. The aggregation of the protoplasm into a distinct germinal mass and the consequent formation of the perivitelline space take place after the extrusion of the ovum, and take place in the same way whether the ovum is fertilised or not. I have not particularly studied the spermatozoon of the sole, but have observed it sufficiently to state that it does not differ in structure in any important respect from that of other flat-fishes. The milt is very scanty in quantity and thin and transparent in appearance, but its peculiarities will be considered in connection with the subject of the artificial propagation of the species. I have given a figure of the spermatozoon of the dab, Pleuronectes limanda, PL XIII, 7, having accidently omitted to make a drawing of that of the sole. In all bony fishes (Teleostei) the head of the spermatozoon is pear- shaped, the pointed end being directed forwards in motion. The long slender vibratile filament or " tail " is attached to the broader end of the head. The spermatozoa are exceedingly small, quite indistinguishable to the unaided eye, but when the fresh milt is placed under the microscope multitudes of them are seen actively lashing themselves about in all directions. The total length of a spermatozoon of the sole is about youths of an inch ("07 mm.). Fertilisation of the ovum usually takes place immediately after extrusion, and consists in the entrance of a single spermatozoon into the germinal protoplasm. I have not studied the details of the process in the sole's ovum, but have done so in the ova of the dab (Pleuronectes limanda) and another species (PL cynoglossus). The process in the sole is doubtless the same as in these species, and is as follows : Over the centre of the germinal protoplasm there is a minute aperture in the vitelline membrane which is called the micropyle. Through this aperture a spermatozoon passes, and penetrates into the germinal protoplasm. In the latter is the nucleus which, as the ovum matures, becomes indistinct, and can only be made visible by coagulating the protoplasm with acetic acid or some other chemical reagent. This nucleus can also be stained, as it absorbs colouring fluids, such as solutions of carmine, to a greater extent than the surrounding protoplasm. The nucleus before fertilisation is complete passes to the surface of the germ and gives off in succession two small portions of itself, the polar bodies, which are expelled from the ovum. The nucleus after this forms the female pronucleus, and the head of the spermatozoon which has entered the germ forms a similar minute body, the male pronucleus : these two unite into a single nucleus, the segmentation nucleus 86 The fertilised ovum of the sole, then, possesses the same structure as was above described in the unfertilised, and also something not mentioned in the previous description, namely, a nucleus in the germ formed by the coalescence of two pronuclei, one derived from the nucleus of the unfertilised egg, the other from the head of a spermatozoon. The first visible change which takes place after fertilisation is the division of the germinal mass into a number of small segments. The mass first divides into two halves separated by a superficial furrow extending across its middle. Another furrow then appears crossing the first, so that the mass is divided into four portions. Each of these divides again into two and then into four, so that there are now sixteen segments. Then divisions take place in a direction parallel to the surface of the mass, so that it comes to consist not of one layer of segments, but of several layers. As this process of segmentation continues the segments continually become smaller, so that the condition is reached which is seen in Plate XV, Fig. 3. During this time movement of the protoplasm on the surface of the yolk and between the yolk segments has caused the latter to extend somewhat beyond the edges of the germinal mass. The mass of protoplasmic segments into which the original single large mass has thus been converted now begins to become thinner and broader, extending itself so as to envelop the yolk, as in Plate XV, Fig. 4. When this process begins a cavity is formed between the yolk and the central part of the germinal mass. The germinal mass as it extends over the surface of the yolk soon becomes so thin that it must now be called the germinal membrane (blastoderm). Fig. 5 shows the stage at which the germinal membrane has enveloped more than half the yolk. The external part of the germinal membrane for some distance from the edge is thicker than the central portion : this thicker portion rests upon the yolk, while the central part is separated from the yolk by the flat cavity already mentioned. This cavity is not exactly in the centre of the membrane, the thicker external ring extending farther inwards (on the right of Fig. 5) at one point than elsewhere : this broadest part of the germinal ring is also the thickest part, and it forms the rudiment which will give rise to the upper or dorsal part of the body of the young fish. It must be observed that the layer of yolk segments extends pari passu with the germinal membrane, and that the patches of oil globules are always at the edge of the extending membrane. As the germinal membrane continues to extend the circumference of the germinal ring of course gets smaller ; the rudiment of the young fish above mentioned remains with its internal extremity in the same position, continually increasing in length as the edge of the membrane extends over the yolk, until when the yolk is completely enclosed, the whole of the germinal ring has been taken up into this rudiment. The dorsal rudiment by this time has become much thicker and forms an almost cylindrical rod, from the sides of which the germinal membrane extends over the yolk. The oil globules are now arranged beneath the sides of the dorsal rudiment, while the yolk 87 segments form a layer extending over the whole surface of the yolk. The end of the rudiment which was originally turned towards the centre of the germinal membrane becomes enlarged and forms the head of the fish ; the point where the edges of the membrane closed together forms the posterior end. After a short time two spherical masses are seen defined in the head of the embryo : these are the first rudiments of the eyes. The centre of the dorsal rudiment begins to be divided by transverse divisions into segments : these segments are blocks of tissue which will afterwards form the large lateral muscles of the fish. At the tail end a small round cavity appears, which afterwards becomes part of the cavity of the intestine. These various structures are seen in Plate XV, Fig. 6, and Plate XVI, Fig. 1, one of which shows a profile, the other a ventral, view of the embryo at the stage now described. At this stage scattered black dots have appeared on the external surface of the dorsal rudiment, extending out over the surface of the yolk some distance from the sides of the latter. These are pigment cells, and are situated in the skin : they are usually called chromatophores. What I have called the dorsal rudiment is the solid dorsal portion of the young fish containing the rudiments of the brain and spinal cord, of the backbone below these, and of the lateral muscles at the sides. The yolk sac represents the abdomen of the young fish. The intestine is formed as a simple tube beneath the dorsal rudiment resting on the surface of the yolk. It is at first closed at each end, neither mouth nor anus being yet formed After this stage a cavity appears at the anterior end of the embryo between the germinal membrane and the yolk. The segmentation cavity previously described ceased to be visible after the envelopment of the yolk by the germinal membrane, the latter having come into contact with the former. The cavity which now appears has exactly the same position as the segmentation cavity. The embryo grows out posteriorly, forming a tail which is independent of the yolk sac. The black chromato- phores increase in number and extend over the whole surface of the yolk sac, at the same time they become branched, sending out short branches in all directions so as to assume a stellate form. Other chromatophores also appear in addition which are of a yellow colour, appearing darker when seen by reflected light. These changes are seen in Plate XVI, Fig. 2. As the tail increases in length a fold of the skin is formed in the middle line along its dorsal and ventral edge ; the dorsal fold extending to the head of the embryo. The other changes which have taken place by the time the young fish is hatched will be understood by reference to Plate XVI, Fig. 3, which shows the fish immediately after hatching. The yolk is now considerably diminished and the intestinal tube opens behind it by the anus. The tail measured from the anus is as long as the distance from the anus to the front of the head. The wide membranous fold is seen extending along the middle ventral line of the tail and along the median dorsal line of the fish to the back of the head : this is the primordial median fin. There is still no mouth. '88 Behind the eye is a small oval cavity containing two specks. This is the primitive ear, the black specks being small particles of carbonate of lime formed within the auditory cavity. Beneath the throat is seen a small tubular structure, which in the living young fish pulsates regularly : this is the heart. From the line where the wall of the yolk sac, or abdomen, joins the body there projects a semicircular membranous fold, which is the beginning of the pectoral fin. No indication of the pelvic fins is yet present. The trunk of the young fish is seen to be divided by a series of curved transverse lines : these are the divisions between the muscular masses of which the trunk muscles are composed. A kind of tube runs down the centre of the body, the contents of which show a recticulate structure. This tube is the notochord, which contains gelatinous material in a number of cavities divided from one another by thin partitions like the cavities of a sponge. No bone is yet formed, but the vertebrae when they develop arise as a series of bony rings formed round the notochord. The chromatophores are now much more abundant than in the embryo before hatching ; there are still only two kinds, the black and yellow, and both are much branched ; the two kinds are everywhere mingled together. The pigment is abundant in the primordial median fin, except at its posterior extremity. Fig. 4 is a drawing from another recently-hatched sole, a few hours older than that shown in Fig. 3. It will be observed that this figure shows the left side of the fish, while Fig. 3 shows the right side, and that the two sides correspond in all respects. The newly-hatched sole, or larva of the sole as it may be called, exhibits perfect bilateral symmetry and therein resembles the adults of the greater number of marine fishes. In Fig. 4 the olfactory organ is seen in front of the eye : it is on each side a simple rounded cavity opening by a small aperture to the exterior. It may be explained here, though it is not evident in the figures, that the cavity surrounding the yolk in the larval sole contains primitive blood ; this primitive blood contains minute colourless corpuscles, but no red corpuscles, which are not formed till a later stage. The posterior end of the heart is open to this cavity, and the blood is propelled from the cavity along the vessels at the side of the throat into the aorta which runs beneath the notochord, and from the aorta to the cavity again. The newly-hatched larva is from 3'55 to 3*75 mm. in length ('142 to '15 inches), or between one-seventh and one-sixth of an inch, and about two and-a-half times as long as the diameter of the ovum. Up to this point the stages of development have been described as they are seen in the living egg or newly-hatched fish, and all the figures referred to are from drawings made by the aid of the camera lucida with a low power of the microscope. But, although I have not studied the subject especially in the egg of the sole, it will be con- venient here to give a brief description of the internal processes of development so far as they are known to occur in the eggs of fishes. The germinal ring when examined by means of prepared thin sections is found to consist of three layers of cells. The outermost, which is two cells thick, is called the 89 epiblast, and gives rise to the epidermis and other organs, the innermost, which is only one cell thick, is called the hypoblast, and gives rise to the intestine, the middle layer is called the niesoblast, and gives rise to the bones, muscles, and blood vessels. In the dorsal rudiment the same three layers are found, but the epiblast is here thickened into a great keel which extends inwards and causes the projection of the rudiment ; the greater part of this keel ultimately separates from the extreme outer layer and forms the brain and spinal cord. In the centre of the rudiment beneath the keel is a cylindrical rod of cells which become converted into an elastic supporting structure, the notochord. Bound the yolk, when it has been completely enveloped, there is a layer of protoplasm containing nuclei, but not divided up into cells. The hypoblast rests on this layer which is called the periblast. In the ventral region of the developing embryo there is nothing but epiblast separated from the periblast by the flattened cavity previously mentioned and called the segmentation cavity. The hypoblast bends round and forms a straight tube which lies in a depression in the periblast. This tube is the intestine, and when first formed has neither anterior nor posterior opening, neither mouth nor anus. The swelling of the anterior part of the epiblastic keel forms the brain and causes the protuberance of the head. The sense organs are formed by thickenings of the epiblast: these thickenings become hollow and globular and, sinking into the interior part of the head (except the nasal organs), become connected with the brain by the sensory nerves. The nasal organs become cup-shaped, their cavities being open to the exterior by a single aperture each, which is ultimately divided into two, the two nostrils of each organ. The heart is formed from mesoblast which extends below the front part of the intestinal tube ; it opens posteriorly at first from the segmentation cavity, but when the yolk is absorbed becomes connected with veins. The inner part of the mesoblast forms the muscles and skeleton, the outer part forms the fibrous layer of the skin in which the scales are produced. Eings of bone formed round the notochord give rise to the vertebrae, while the bones of the skull are formed from the mesoblast round the brain. The formation of the mouth and gills takes place after hatching by the development of rods of cartilage between which clefts appear placing the anterior part of the intestine in communication with the exterior. The mesoblast on each side splits horizontally, its inner thinner layer remaining attached to the intestine to form the muscles and fibrous tissue of the gut, while the outer part forms the body muscles. The cavity thus formed is the body cavity, and at the dorsal part of it are formed the kidneys and reproductive organs. The liver is formed as an outgrowth from the intestine. The fins are merely folds of the skin, the mesoblast of which gives rise to their muscles and bony rays. I have not succeeded in obtaining any specimens of the young sole in process of metamorphosis ; the next stage in which I have met with it is that of a small fish having in almost all respects the same structure as the adult. The smallest specimens of this kind which I obtained were from J in. to in. in length (12 to 15 mm.). One of them is represented in Plate XVI, Fig. 5, magnified 8J times. The great N 90 similarity of the young sole at this minute size to the full-grown adult is evident from the figure. The chief difference is in the relations of the intestine. The right lateral diverticulum of the body cavity is scarcely at all developed, and the four lengths of intestine which occupy that diverticulum in the adult are absent. The intestine extends backwards only very slightly beyond the anterior ventral interspinous bone. The dorsal eye is slightly nearer to the edge of the head than in the adult, otherwise the metamorphosis is complete. The colour has disappeared from the lower side, the markings of the species are completely developed on the upper side. The pigmentation of the upper side is not nearly so dense as in the adult, and the whole body is some- what translucent, but nevertheless when the young fish is seen in the living state by reflected light, whether resting on the bottom or swimming horizontally in the water, its upper side shows the same colour as the adult, and undergoes the same changes of colour on different materials in consequence of the action of light. The identification of the young sole, Solea vulgaris, at this stage is neither doubtful nor difficult, for, although some of the characters of the adult are not discernible, others can be perceived easily enough. The large number of anal fin rays distinguishes it from either S. variegata or minuta, while the tubular form of the anterior left nostril distinguishes it from lascaris. I obtained specimens of this stage on three occasions within a short time, in 1889, from the shore at low water at spring tides. On the third occasion I received only one specimen which was nearly three-quarters of an inch long (18 mm.). I could not trace the further development of these young soles, for they disappeared from the shore. But no important changes of structure were required to produce the adult, further development consisted almost entirely in the increase of size. For the discussion of the later growth reference must be made to the next part of this memoir. The only other species of Solea whose development I have been able to study is S. variegata. The eggs of this species are smaller than those of vulgaris, measuring 1'28 to 1-36 mm. in diameter. The egg, Plate XVI, Fig. 6, is easily recognised and distinguished from that of S. vulgaris by the peculiarity of its oil globules, which, instead of being very minute and numerous and aggregated in a number of distinct groups. are of considerable size and scattered singly and separately all over the surface of the yolk. The external layer of segmented yolk is present as in S. vulgaris. The develop- ment of course takes place in the same way as in the latter. When the chromatophores appear they form another distinguishing feature ; there are both yellow and black chromatophores as in vulgaris, but the former are much lighter in this species, inclining to lemon colour, while those of vulgaris are darker. Figs. 1 and 2 on Plate XVII show two stages of the hatched larva of the " thick- back." The younger, Fig. 1, immediately after hatching, has of course the largest yolk-sac and the shortest length of body; it is 2 '42 mm. in length. The heart is just visible, but is compressed between the yolk and the under side of the throat, the pericardium being but slightly developed and scarcely visible. The stage shown 91 in Fig. 2 is that of a larva two days after hatching ; the larva from which the figure was taken was 2*52 mm. in length. The eggs of the other species of Solea I have not yet seen, but for the sake of comparison I have illustrated the development of several species of flat-fish. Figs. 3, 4, 5, Plate XVII, and Fig. 1, Plate XVIII, represent a series of stages in the development of the common flounder, Pleuronectes flesus, from the time of hatching till the completion of the metamorphosis. Fig. 3, Plate XVII, is from a larva hatched under artificial conditions on February 18, 1889, and drawn two days afterwards : its length was 3'56 mm. The chromatophores are arranged in such a way as to form two transverse bands, one at the level of the anus, the other some distance behind it ; two dark bands in these positions are more or less conspicuous in several species of Pleuronectes in the adult condition. Fig. 4 shows the same larva when the yolk has been entirely absorbed and the mouth and gill-slits have been developed : its length was 3' 94 mm. The pectoral fin is relatively very large at this stage. This condition was reached in confinement on February 24, by larvae hatched on February 18. The next stage was observed in young fish found in the harbour at Mevagissey at low tide on April 2, and is represented in Fig. 5. The length of the fish from which this figure was drawn was 10*5 mm., or a little over three-eighths of an inch. This stage O 7 O O is the beginning of the metamorphosis. The left eye has travelled upwards so as to project above the edge of the head, but it is still on the left side. The little fish in this condition swims on its edge, but slightly inclined to the left side. It is still extremely transparent, so that when alive it is only rendered visible by the metallic brilliancy of the choroid coat of the eyes, which shine through the transparent tissues in the sun like two metal beads. The yellow spot in the visceral cavity in the figure is the gall bladder. Fig. 1, Plate XVIII, shows a later stage in which the left eye has reached the edge of the head, so that its lens and cornea are visible on the right side. The fish from which this figure was taken was actually smaller than that represented in Fig-. 5, Plate XVII, probably because its metamorphosis had begun somewhat earlier. It seems that in some individuals the metamorphosis is completed while they are smaller in size than others at an earlier stage of development. The fish represented in Fig. 1, Plate XVIII, was exactly 1 cm. in length. It was much more opaque and more pigmented than the stage previously described ; in fact, though slightly translucent when seen under the microscope by transmitted light, to the unaided eye it appeared quite opaque. It will be noticed that the interval of time between the stage of Fig. 4, and that of Fig. 5, Plate XVII, was about five weeks, and that in that time nearly all the organs had reached their final form. The muscles and skeleton have developed very greatly. The part of the body behind the anus has increased very much in dorso-ventral breadth, and in it the vertebrae with their spines, the interspinous bones, and the fin rays have been completely formed. Fig. 2, Plate XVIII, represents the larva of the dab (Pleuronectes limandd] imme- diately after hatching. The larva from which this figure was taken was hatched in x 2 92 the Laboratory from an egg artificially fertilised on March 1, 1889. The length of the larva was 2 '87 mm. The development of chromatophores in the median fin fold does not take place in this species at so early a stage as in P. flesus. Fig. 3 of the same Plate represents a stage in the development of P. microceplialus, the merry sole of the Plymouth fishermen, the lemon sole of Scotland and most parts of England. The larva from which this figure was drawn was also hatched in the Laboratory, and was four days old ; a small quantity of yolk still remained in the body cavity. The chromatophores at this stage form five well-marked interrupted transverse bands. Fig. 4 of the same Plate represents a larva of the plaice (P. platessd], just after the complete absorption of the yolk, This larva was also hatched in confinement : it was drawn on February 27, five days after hatching. The larva of the plaice is much larger than that of any of the other species here mentioned : at the stage figured it was 6 '5 mm. in length. Fig. 5 represents the appearance and natural size of a living larva of the brill (Rhombus Icevis). The young of the turbot and brill remain pelagic until after the completion of the metamorphosis, that is, they swim about near the surface of the water, and are commonly met with in the still waters of inlets and harbours at the proper time of year, namely, in June and July. The one here represented was taken in Sutton Pool, Plymouth, on June 1. Their pelagic habit is correlated with the development of a relatively large air bladder, an Organ which is entirely wanting in the adult. Although they swim freely in the surface waters they do not swim vertically when the right eye has migrated to the left side, but horizontally ; during metamorphosis their inclination from the vertical in swimming is proportional to the degree of asymmetry of their eyes. CHAPTER VII. STRUCTURE OF PHYLLONELLA SOLE^E, VAN BENEDEN AND HESSE, A PAEASITE OF THE COMMON SOLE. ON the lower side of the sole are usually found specimens of a small parasitic flat worm which lives on the surface "of the skin. This creature was first named and described by two Belgian zoologists, Van Beneden and Hesse, who called it Phyllonella solece. It is of flattened shape, the dorsal surface being slightly more convex than ay. /P ERRATA. For Figs. 6 and 6, see page 93 of the text. For Fio-. 7, read Fig. 6 (marked Fig. 6 in plate). rig. U. Fig. C. Egg of PJiyllonella solece^ seen under microscope in the fresh condition. Magnified 100 times. Fig, D. Phyllonella solece, the ventral side uppermost, magnified 17 times; p.s., posterior sucker; a.jji, anterior glandular patches; p., aperture of penis-sheath ; ., aperture of .the uterus. 92 the Laboratory from an egg artificially fertilised on March 1, 1889. The length of the larva was 2'87 mm. The development of chromatophores in the median fin fold does not take place in this species at so early a stage as in P. flesus. Fig. 3 of the same Plate represents a stage in the development of P. microcephalies, the merry sole of the Plymouth fishermen, the lemon sole of Scotland and most parts of England. The larva from which this figure was drawn was also hatched in the Laboratory, and was four days old ; a small quantity of yolk still remained in the body cavity. The chromatophores at this stage form five well-marked interrupted transverse bands. Fig. 4 of the same Plate represents a larva of the plaice (P. platessa), just after the complete absorption of the yolk, This larva was also hatched in confinement : it was drawn on February 27, five days after hatching. The larva of the plaice is much larger than that of any of the other species here mentioned : at the stage figured it was 6 - 5 mm. in length. Fig. 5 represents the appearance and natural size of a living larva of the brill (Rhombus Icevis). The young of the turbot and brill remain pelagic until after the completion of the metamorphosis, that is, they swim about near the surface of the water, and are commonly met with in the still waters of inlets and harbours at the proper time of year, namely, in June and July. The one here represented was taken in Button Pool, Plymouth, on June 1. Their pelagic habit is correlated with the development of a relatively large air bladder, an organ which is entirely wanting -i_^w_oilij Althmmh they. swim. freely in the surface waters they do not swim CHAPTER VII. STKUCTUKE OF PHYLLONELLA SOLE^E, VAN BENEDEN AND HESSE, A PAEASITE OF THE COMMON SOLE. ON the lower side of the sole are usually found specimens of a small parasitic flat worm which lives on the surface "of the skin. This creature was first named and described by two Belgian zoologists, Van Beneden and Hesse, who called it Phyllonella solece. It is of flattened shape, the dorsal surface being slightly more convex than Fig. C. Fig. D. Fig. C. Egg of Pfiyllonella solece, seen under microscope in the fresh condition. Magnified 100 times. Fig. D. Phyllonella solece, the ventral side uppermost, magnified 17 times; p.s., posterior sucker \ a.g>, anterior glandular patches ; p., aperture of penis-sheath ; u., aperture of the uterua, 94 the ventral, and the outline of the body is an oval with projecting ends, so that its shape resembles that of a small leaf. The animal, when adult, is usually about one- fourth of an inch in length (6 or 7 mm.), and one-eighth of an inch (3 mm.), in greatest breadth, but young individuals are smaller, and larger specimens are often seen. The structure of this parasite is shown in the accompanying woodcut, Fig. D, which represents the appearance of a living specimen under the microscope. At the posterior end of the body is a large muscular sucker, p. s., almost circular in shape : the concavity of this sucker is ventral, and it is attached to the body by a peduncle at about the middle of its dorsal surface. On the ventral side of the sucker are two pairs of hooks imbedded in the skin, with their recurved points protruding. One pair of these hooks are long and directed backwards, their points being near the posterior edge of the sucker, the other pair are short, and their points near the centre of the sucker. At the anterior end of the body there is a semicircular projection, the ventral edges of which are provided with a pair of glands, a.g., for adhesion Behind this projection is the small mouth, and at the left hand side of the projection are the two genital apertures, p., u., close together. The worm crawls about on the skin of the lower side of the sole, anchoring itself to the spines of the fish's scales by means of its sucker and its hooks, and using the anterior glands for adhering by that end when it moves its posterior sucker from one position to another. The most extensive and conspicuous organs are the generative, male and female, for the animal is hermaphrodite, arid each individual produces both spermatozoa and ova. The digestive organs are small, consisting only of a sac-like organ into which the mouth opens, and which is lined by very large cells with enormous nuclei. This organ may be called the alimentary sac, since it presents no distinction of parts. In front of the alimentary sac dorsally are two simple nerve ganglia, giving off a main lateral nerve cord on each side, which passes backwards. In the skin above these ganglia, the cerebral ganglia, are two pairs of eyes, or rather pigment spots which are doubtless organs sensitive to light. The renal organs consist of a system of minute ramified ciliated tubes communicating with two main lateral tubes, which probably open by a single dorsal opening at the posterior end. The rest of the body consists of the generative organs, and a dense parenchyma of cells filling up the interspaces between the various organs. Uniformly scattered throughout the parenchyma of the body are a large number of globular organs consisting of aggregations of peculiar cells : these are the yolk-glands. They are situated at the ends of the ultimate ramifications of a ramified system of tubes which are the yolk-ducts, and which are completely filled with granular gtobules similar to the contents of the cells of the yolk-glands. The yolk-ducts on each side of the body ultimately unite into a single large duct which opens into a sac situated a little to the left of the middle line, about one-third of the length of the body from the anterior end. This is the yolk-reservoir : it is elliptical in shape and transversely placed. The yolk-reservoir is filled with the same material as the yolk-ducts ; the terminal yolk-ducts 95 which open into it on each side are ventral in position. The ovary is a flattened sac with a circular outline situated immediately behind the yolk-reservoir. It is filled with small spherical ova, each containing a large nucleus or germinal vesicle. In front of the ovary, dorsal to the right main yolk-duct, is a sac with the shape of a pyramid. Into this sac or vestibule open a short oviduct from the ovary, a short duct from the volk-reservoir, and two minute short ducts from two spherical capsules containing spermatozoa. Here the egg is fertilised. From the vestibule the oviduct is continued for some distance as a narrow convoluted tube, which then suddenly expands into a thick-walled sac shaped like a club, the thick end being internal, and the thin end opening to the exterior on the edge of the body to the left of the anterior apex. This thick-walled sac may be called the uterus. The fertilised ovum in the vestibule is surrounded by a quantity of yolk, and the compound mass thus formed passes down the oviduct to the uterus, where it is surrounded by a chitinous hard shell produced from the wall of the uterus. The shell has the shape of a triangular pyramid, and its apex is prolonged into a long thin filament, swelling at intervals into bead-like globules. This filament is doubtless adhesive, and by it the egg when laid, Fig. C, is attached to the skin of the sole, there to develop into a young Phyllonella. The primary male organs are a pair of globular testes situated a short distance behind the ovary, one on each side of the middle line. These testes are simple sacs, the walls of which are lined by cells which give rise to the spermatozoa. Some of these cells become free in the cavity of the testis, and undergo subdivision, each of them forming a spherical cluster of small cells, the spermatoblasts, each of which is converted into a spermatozoon. From the anterior surface of each testis passes off a tube or duct, the vas deferens ; the two ducts unite just behind the ovary, and the single vas deferens passes round the left side of the ovary, and the left side of the yolk- reservoir, dorsal to the left main yolk-duct. In the part of its course which lies in contact with the yolk-reservoir the vas deferens is connected with a coiled sac closed at its farther end. This is a reservoir for the ripe spermatozoa, and must be called the vesicula seminalis. After a tortuous course the vas deferens opens into an intromittent organ, the penis. The mechanism of this organ I have not been able completely to elucidate. It consists principally of a club-shaped structure lying between the uterus and the alimentary sac. Along its outer half this structure contains a canal, which is at the side of it, not in the centre : into this canal the vas deferens opens, and by it the spermatic fluid is conveyed to the exterior. The inner half of the structure contains granular matter, but, as far as I can make it out, is not a gland. At the base of the penis is a pear-shaped structure with radiating bands in its interior, which converge into a band apparently of muscle, which seems to run into and become merged in the substance of the penis. I am inclined to think that these structures have something to do with the protrusion and retraction of the penis, but I am unable to understand how they act. In the chief features of its structure Phyllonella solece resembles a number of other 96 external parasites of fishes which are classed in a family called the Tristomidse. Most of these forms possess a small sucker on either side of the anterior end of the body as well as one large posterior sucker, hence the name of the family. The glandular areas described on the anterior end of Phyllonella represent the anterior suckers. The Tristoniidas belong to the order Trematoda. PART III. BIONOMICAL. O 99 CHAPTER I. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. THE common sole is a somewhat southern species. In the neighbourhood of the British Islands it is found in considerable abundance all over the southern part of the North Sea, south of a line drawn from Flamborough Head in Yorkshire to the north-west coast of Denmark. North of this line it is scarce. It is occasionally taken off the mouth of the Firth of Forth, but very rarely. It is said to have been taken in the Moray Firth, and off the Orkney and Shetland Islands. On the east side of the North Sea it enters the Baltic, being occasionally taken on the north and east coasts of Denmark and the coasts of Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg. Further east in the Baltic it has not been observed. Occasional examples have been taken on the west coast of Norway up to the sixty-fourth degree of north latitude the neighbourhood of Trondhjem. It occurs in some abundance all round the shores of Ireland, and on the west coast of Britain from the mouth of the Firth of Clyde southwards, becoming more abundant towards the south. It is abundant in the Bristol Channel and throughout the English Channel, in the Bay of Biscay and southward along the west coast of Portugal. It extends throughout the Mediterranean and probably into the Black Sea. How far south the species extends along the coast of Africa I have not been able to ascertain : it is not mentioned in Lowe's " Synopsis of the Fishes of Madeira," 1837. The other three species, lascaris, variegata, and lutea, are common to the south-west coast of England and the shores of Italy. In all probability they occur also along all the intermediate coast-line. Lascaris occurs also at Madeira, if the specimen called lascaris by Gimther is to be considered as of the same species as the English form. Solea impar, Bennett, and probably S. margaritifera, Giinther, both closely allied to lascaris^ come from the Atlantic coast of northern Africa. There are a large number of other species of Solea as here denned besides those which occur in Britain. There are several which exist in the Mediterranean, namely, Solea Kleinii, Solea ocellata, Solea monochir. One species is known from the west coast of Africa, viz., Solea senegalensis. On the west side of the Atlantic the genus is but slightly represented. One of the few things in which the citizens of the United o 2 100 States of America confess that their country is inferior to Europe is that they have neither the sole nor the turbot in their seas. The only species of Solea on the northern part of the Atlantic coast of the United States is Solea achirus, Linngeus, a species with no pectoral fins, which grows to the length of only six inches, and is quite useless as food. Solea inscripta, Gosse, occurs at Jamaica. Other similar species, with pectorals rudimentary or absent, occur at the Keys of Florida. Solea reticulata, Gronovii, maculipinnis, mentalis, Jenynsii, in Dr. Gunther's catalogue, are all forms with rudimentary pectorals occurring on the Atlantic coasts of the West Indies and South America. In the Indian Ocean, according to Dr. Gtinther, there is one species, Solea Indica, from Madras, also belonging to the subgenus Achirus, In the East Indian seas there are several species known: Solea heterorhina, from Celebes and Amboyna, and Solea humilis, from the Malacca Straits and Java, with well developed pectorals; Solea trichodactylus and S. Thepassii, with rudimentary pectorals. Solea microcephala lives on the coast of New South Wales in Australia; further north on the west side of the Pacific we have S. Japonica, from Japan, S. ovata, from Chinese seas. On the east side of the Pacific, on the coast of Central America, there are Solea scutum, S. Fonsecensis and S. fimbriata. Thus the genus is well represented in all the tropical seas, extending into the temperate zones both to the north and south. But no species is of any importance as human food except the Solea vulgaris of Europe. 101 CHAPTER II. HABITS, FOOD, ETC. THE habits of the adult sole in its natural state cannot be directly observed : we can only ascertain the means by which it is captured, the character of the sea-bottom whence it is taken, the animals which are taken with it, and the food which is found in its stomach. By supplementing the knowledge thus gained with observations on the living fish kept in large aquarium tanks we can obtain a tolerably complete knowledge of the sole's mode of life. The sole is rarely, if ever, captured by any other instrument than the trawl. The great majority of the soles brought to market are obtained by the large beam trawl, worked by the large deep-sea trawlers, but it is also frequently captured by the otter- trawl used chiefly by amateurs, and also by the small trawls used for catching shrimps and prawns. The usual depth at which soles are found is from 20 to 40 fathoms, but it may exist at greater depths ; it probably does not extend beyond 100 fathoms. Adult soles may occur at any depth less than 20 fathoms, but usually in shallow water, less than ten fathoms deep, only young individuals are found. However, exceptions to this rule occur not infrequently ; the fisherman of the Plymouth Laboratory has several times caught an adult sole in Plymouth Sound within the Breakwater. Once he caught a full-grown specimen of large size in the Catwater, which is the estuary of the Eiver Plym, opening into the north-east corner of the Sound. On May 9, 1889, he took a specimen 13f in. (35 cm.) long, a short distance from the mouth of the same estuary, and a third specimen he captured a little later in another part of the Sound. Small specimens six and a half to nine and a half inches (17 to 23 cm.) in length are not uncommon in the Sound, half a dozen being frequently taken in two or three hours' work with the shrimp trawl. These immature soles in fact, according to my experience, are more abundant within the Sound than on the neighbouring open shores outside it. Off Plymouth soles are comparatively scarce at the present time : it is rare to take more than four or five in a single haul of the trawl, and sometimes only one or none at all are obtained. At a considerable distance south of the Eddystone they become 102 somewhat more plentiful. They are much more abundant on a rough area of ground to the west of the Eddystone, off Dodman Point in Cornwall. In this neighbourhood I saw about fifteen soles in a single haul of the trawl in April, 1889. This ground is often called the " California " ground, a name which was given to it when it was first worked at the time of the rush to the gold-diggings in California. On the area called by the Plymouth fishermen the Mount's Bay ground, soles are fairly abundant. This ground lies off the entrance of Mount's Bay to the south of the Wolf Eock. When I was on a trawler working there in April, 1889, the catches of soles numbered six, seventeen, and fifty-seven, in three different hauls. The species is still more abundant on the fishing grounds off the north coast of Cornwall, and in 1889 large numbers of trawlers from Lowestoft, Grimsby, and other ports on the east coast worked over these grounds for several months in the earlier part of the year ; but I have never been there myself. In 1889 the Newly n fishermen, who are usually exclusively engaged in drift-net fishing, found that large soles were abundant inside Mount's Bay on the west of the Land's End promontory. They obtained small trawls about twenty feet long which they worked over this area from their small luggers in the month of March, when no mackerel or other surface fish were to be caught. One boat in which I went out obtained eleven, seventeen, and eleven soles in three separate hauls, many of the fish being very fine specimens. None of the grounds mentioned are at a much greater depth than forty fathoms ; over the ground last mentioned the ground varies from twenty to thirty-five fathoms. All these areas are more or less sandy, the sand being in all cases of a very fine texture and of dull grey colour. Trawls cannot be worked over a hard and rugged bottom formed of rocks, but some of the grounds above mentioned where trawling is carried on are by no means smooth. From the California ground the trawl brings up numbers of the large mussel-like bivalve, Pinna nobilis, called caperlonga at Plymouth, numbers of Pectens, called at Plymouth queens, at other places scallops or clams, and large rugged stones. But we may conclude from the habits of the sole in the aquarium that such ground contains patches of loose sand or gravel, and that the soles live on these ; for in the aquarium the sole invariably when alarmed, like all other flat-fish, buries itself in sand or gravel by rapidly shaking its longitudinal fins. If a live sole in captivity is placed in sea water on a smooth solid surface, such as the bottom of a flat porcelain dish, or the bare wooden or slate bottom of a tub or tank it instinctively shakes its fin in the peculiar way by which it shakes the sand or gravel over its " back." when there is any sand or gravel beneath it. This rapid movement of the fins is therefore a characteristic of its habits of life, and it is extremely effective. The fish on a layer of sand, when alarmed, disappears in an instant, the agitation of the sand renders the water around it turbid so that it is difficult to locate the exact spot where the fish has buried itself. Usually when resting undisturbed beneath the sand or gravel it leaves its eyes uncovered, and these can be detected by careful search : but not easily for they do not differ greatly in appearance from small 103 bright pebbles or fragments of fctone. When the material the fish rests on is fine, like sand, or contains an admixture of fine particles, a thin layer of the finer material remains on the back of the fish when it emerges and moves about ; the fine particle are retained on the skin partly by the adhesive property of the viscid mucus which exists on the skin of all fishes, and partly by the minute spines of the scales The sole thus moving gently about with its upper side covered with sand is partially concealed, often only its actual movement betrays its existence. Solea lascaris is a rare fish in the neighbourhood of Plymouth. For a long time I never met with a single specimen. The fishermen did not seem to know it by any of the vernacular names given in books. The first specimen I obtained was discovered by the Laboratory fisherman among a number of common soles exposed on the fish quay for auction. He selected it on account of its peculiar appearance, after I had described the species to him and requested him to search for specimens. The fisherman to whom it belonged when asked its name said it was a " sand-sole." I could not ascertain accurately where this specimen was taken, but it probably was caught a long distance from land towards the central region of the channel. On June 17, 1889, 1 trawled at night in Whitsand Bay for the purpose of obtaining if possible young specimens of the common sole. In the products of this trawling I discovered on my return three small specimens of Solea lascaris measuring 7|, 7^, 6f inches (19 cm., 19 cm., 17 cm.), respectively. The depth of water where these were taken was three to five fathoms, the bottom a fine clean sand of light yellow, almost silvery, colour. Solea varieyata, the thickback, is very common off Plymouth, but only in deep water. I have never met with a specimen in or near the Sound, either young or adult. On April 19, 1889, when I was on board a trawler fifteen or sixteen miles S.~W. of the Eddystone, 213 thickbacks were taken in a single haul of the trawl. On the Mount's Bay ground they are much less plentiful. Half-grown specimens of Solea lutea are fairly common in Plymouth Sound, but I have never found adults there. The only adults I have seen were obtained from deep water by a larger trawl, and the exact locality was not recorded. In the Sound the young specimens, one to two inches in length, are especially abundant in Cawsand Bay, in three to five fathoms of water on a bottom of fine sand of a dull grey colour. I have frequently taken half a dozen there in a single haul of the shrimp trawl, together with young scald-backs (Arnoglossus laterna). The shrimp trawlers believe both these fish to be the young of the common sole. I have not been able to keep thickbacks alive in the aquarium, but there are living specimens of the lascaris and lutea in our tanks, and they do not differ in their habits from the common sole. There is no doubt, then, that the common sole lives naturally on ground consisting of sand or gravel or other loose material, and that it has the instinct of seeking concealment by burying itself beneath the surface of the ground by a rapid shaking of 104 its fins, an instinct which is exercised at the least cause of alarm, as the fish is exceedingly shy and timid. All the other flat-fishes have the same habit, but of those observed in our aquaria, namely, the plaice, dab, flounder, and turbot, none remain concealed so persistently as the sole, at least in the daytime. In the night soles behave quite differently, they then emerge from beneath the ground and move actively about in search of food. In the daytime it is extremely difficult to discover how many soles there are in a given tank even by driving them out of the gravel with a stick : but on going to the same tank in the dark with a lighted taper one may count twenty or thirty where only five or six were expected. But they soon disappear if the light is held over the surface of the water. The sole then is a nocturnal fish in the aquarium, and therefore doubtless also at the bottom of the sea. This agrees with the belief of the majority of trawlermen that more soles are caught in the trawl by night than by day. I have met one or two fishermen who deny this and assert that they have sometimes taken a good number of soles in a daylight haul and scarcely any in the following night. But of course exceptional cases may well occur, and are probably to be explained by the fact that soles were abundant in the track passed over by the trawl in the daytime, and very scarce in the ground swept at night. Of course some soles are taken in daylight, and it will be easily understood when the mode in which the trawl works is considered, that it depends on the position and behaviour of each individual sole whether it passes over the foot-rope into the net or not. If the foot -rope is heavy and the trawl going at a moderate speed it may disturb the ground deep enough to cause most of the soles in its path to rise from the bottom, in which case they will most likely pass over the foot-rope and be swept into the net : if on the other hand the foot-rope passes more lightly over the surface, or if the soles bury themselves more deeply instead of rising in alarm the rope will pass above them and they will escape capture. There can be no doubt that at 30 to 40 fathoms depth beneath the surface of the sea there is in the daytime a good deal of light, but still much less than at the surface or in an aquarium tank. It has been ascertained that light disappears altogether at 200 fathoms, and if we assume that the absorption is proportional to the depth there must be at 50 fathoms three-quarters of the quantity of light that exists at the surface. Now the quantity of light in our aquarium is a great deal less than the quantity outside, as a great part of the windows are obscured. It follows, therefore, that the tanks in the aquarium are not very much more illuminated than the sea bottom at a depth of thirty fathoms, and it may justly be concluded that soles in their natural condition at that depth will for the most part remain buried during the day and emerge from the sand to seek food at night : the sole therefore is a nocturnal fish in its natural state. 105 The Food of the Sole, and its Method of Feeding. Although the sole is more active by night than by day, it can often be seen feeding in our tanks in the daytime : there is not a constant supply of food in the tanks, and when food is thrown in the fishes are usually so hungry that they begin to feed at once. The food supplied to the soles and other flat-fishes consists principally of marine worms (chiefly Nereis Dumerilii}, shrimps, and fish cut up into small pieces, usually pilchard, mackerel, or gurnard. Of these the soles prefer the worms. In seeking their food the soles are guided first of all by the sense of smell : by this they perceive the presence of food in their neighbourhood, and the sense of sight is not employed for this purpose. But in hunting for their food, and in localising its position before biting at it, they rely entirely on the specialised tactile filaments of the skin on the under side of the head. A sole when searching for food moves slowly about gently tapping every part of the sandy bottom with the lower surface of its head. While the sole is thus engaged its back is very frequently covered with a thin layer of sand, so that scarcely any part of it is visible except the eyes and mouth and some of the filaments below the snout when the latter is raised : it is only noticeable on account of its movements, and because its form can be traced out and distinguished from the flat surface of the sand around it. When in the course of this deliberate exploration the lower side of the head feels a worm or other morsel of food, the sole immediately seizes it with a vigorous and sudden snap of the lower half of the jaws where the teeth are situated, and then swallows it with the sand which adheres to it. I have often placed a worm on the upper side of a sole thus engaged in hunting its prey. When this is done it makes not the slightest difference to the sole's behaviour : the fish goes on tapping as before, evidently unconscious that it is carrying a palatable morsel about with it. When the sole feels a worm or other piece of food with its tactile filaments it cannot see it, and it never snaps at any food which it has not first felt in this way. It is in fact unable to localise the position of its food and so to direct the motion of its jaws to the object to be seized unless it has felt this object with these tactile filaments. In other words the afferent sensory impulse produced by the contact of the food with the sensitive filaments is necessary for the co-ordination of the movements of the head and jaws by which the food is seized. I have examined the intestines of a large number of soles in order to discover what they had been feeding on before they were caught. It is the custom of trawlers to gut their soles on board before they put them away in the hold of the vessel. They also gut turbot, brill, dorey, and haddock, though of the latter they do not usually catch many off Plymouth ; sometimes they take a considerable number off Mount's Bay and the north coast of Cornwall. I obtained the intestines of soles sometimes by putting them into a jar of spirit when I was out with a trawler myself, more frequently by sending jars of spirit on board a boat and paying the men to bring back in them the p 106 intestines of all the soles they caught. It is very seldom that anything is found in the stomach or intestine of a sole which can be satisfactorily identified. The stomach is very slightly differentiated, it is only distinguished by the somewhat greater thickness of its walls from the intestine, and is only marked off from the latter by a slight pyloric constriction situated beneath the middle of the liver. The stomach after death is almost invariably found empty. In the course of the intestine in a small percentage of specimens small masses of the indigestible remnants of food occur. These masses are usually black and enveloped in mucus. Usually they contain fragments of shells with bristles of marine (Cheetopod) worms and other debris, and rarely something is found in them whose specific origin can be recognised. The following is the record of the intestines I have examined : December 22 and 23, 1887, 9 miles W. by S. of Eddystone, 40 fms. A number of specimens : six contained food. (1.) Proboscis of Gasteropod, one small Ophiurid, pieces of Lamellibranch shells. (2.) Pieces of Lamellibranch shells, and remains of the contained animals. (3.) Fragments of Lamellibranch shells. (4.) Ditto. (5.) Ditto, and a long specimen of errant Poly chaste worm, genus and species unrecognizable. (6.) Fragments of Lamellibranch shells. January 23, 1888. Nine miles S.W. of Eddystone, nine specimens, two containing food. (1.) Nika edulis, Eisso (a Decapod Crustacean) a single specimen; also a Holo- thurian, sp. ? (2.) Kernains of Chastopoda. Same date. Six miles S. of Eddystone, sixteen specimens, all empty except one. (1.) A piece of Sertularella (Hydroid). January 30, 1888. Nine miles S.E. of Eddystone ; bottom sand. Fourteen specimens, three containing food : (1.) Two Synapta digitata. (2.) Several Ophioglypka albida. (3.) Two Ophioglypha albida. February 7, 1888. Seven or eight miles W. by S. of Eddystone ; queen ground," i.e., Pecten opercularis abundant on the bottom; nine specimens, four con- taining food. (1.) Nine Ophioglypha albida ; one Chajtopod unrecognizable. (2.) One Chastopod. (3.) Two Ophioglypha albida, one Amphipod. (4.) Four Ophioglypha albida, one Amphipod. 107 February 17, 1888. Twenty-five miles off the Lizard, 40 fms., sand. A great number of specimens, eight containing food. (1.) Eemains of Ophioglypha albida, and fragments of Lamellibranch shells. (2.) Fragments of Lamellibranch shells. (3.) A few fragments of shells, small pieces of membrane, and a large number of large Chaetopod bristles, Aphrodite or Hermione. (4.) Small Lamellibranch shells and fragments. One of these close to the anus was entire, the colour unaltered and the animal undigested. (5.) Small Lamellibranch shells and bristles of Aphrodite or Hermione. (6.) Fragments of shells ; one small Lamellibranch Donax shell entire near anus, animal absent. (7.) Chaetopod bristles. March 24. Off Mount's Bay. Thirty-seven specimens, ten containing food. (1.) Pieces of Sertularian Hydroid, and remains of Chaetopod tube. (2.) Anterior part of large Chsetopod of fam. Terebellidae. Fragments of shells. Piece of Cellaria fistulosa. (3.) Fragments of shells. Piece of Chaetopod tube. (4.) Large Chaetopod bristles, probably of Hermione. (5.) Piece of Chaetopod tube. Fragments of shells (6.) Large bristles, probably of Hermione. (7.) Piece of Chaetopod tube. Fragments of shells. (8.) Fragments of shells. (9.) Large bristles, probably of Hermione. (10.) Tail of Decapod Crustacean, probably shrimp. April, 1889. Off Mount's Bay. A large number of specimens. (1.) Brfstles of Chaetopoda. (2.) Bristles of Chaetopoda, among them the dorsal hook of Melinna cristata, Malmgren. (3.) Cuticle of a long specimen of Lumbrinereis sp. (4.) A long, much-digested specimen of a Gephyrean, Sipv.nculus (?) Also in several the aciculi of Hermione or Aphrodite and, in several, cylindrical masses of debris containing small shells, e.g., Pecten tigrinus and fragments of shells, entangled fibres, and pieces of membrane from the tubes of tubicolous Chaetopoda ; also fragment of calcareous Polyzoon. I believe that the fragments of shells and pieces of tough membrane which occur so frequently in the sole's intestines are the remains of the tubes of Thelepus circinncita, Malmgren, a Chaetopod belonging to the family Terebellidae, which inhabits a mem- branous tube attached by its whole length to stones or shells, and covered externally with calcareous fragments of all kinds, such as fragments of shells, or entire small p 2 108 shells, small stones, pieces of calcareous Polyzoa, &c. If this is so, this species and others possessing a similar tube must form a large portion of the sole's food. The total number of specimens the contents of whose stomachs are recorded in the above list is thirty-six. Of these eighteen, or 50 per cent., contained remains of marine annelids (Chtopods). If we add to these the number of specimens which contained no remains of ChaJtopods but fragments of shells, probably derived from the tubes of annelids, the number becomes twenty-eight or 77 per cent. Seven specimens contained OpUoglypha alUda or other Ophiurid, or 19 per cent. One specimen contained Synapta digitata, and one another Holothurian. Crustacea were present in four specimens, or 11 per cent. In three specimens there were Mollusca probably not derived from the tubes of Chsetopods, or over 8 per cent. Thus it is evident that soles in their natural state feed chiefly on Chastopods, and it is probable that the bodies of these are rapidly digested, so that it is very difficult to identify the species to which their remains belonged. Parasites. The common sole is remarkably free from parasites, which in many fishes occur constantly in great number and variety. I have seen no internal parasites in the sole except an occasional Nematode, or small thread-worm. Of external parasites the only form I have observed is the Trematode, Phyllonella solece, whose structure has been described at length in the preceding Section. This creature appears to do no harm to the fish. I have never seen any signs of irritation or inflammation of the skin on which numbers of the parasite were living. Sometimes as many as twenty or thirty specimens of the parasite occur on a single sole. Phyllonella is, as I have described it previously, hermaphrodite, but it does not fertilise its own eggs. I have not seen it in copula- tion, but it may be inferred from the structure of the generative organs that two indi- viduals copulate reciprocally, the penis of each being inserted into the uterus of the other, and the seminal fluid received by each uterus passing up the oviduct to be stored up in the spermathecae. Fertilisation of the ova then takes place after copu- lation, and is effected by the spermatozoa which are expelled from the spermathecse into the vestibule into which the ova pass from the ovary. The fertilised ovum, together with a quantity of yolk, is surrounded by its peculiar shell in the uterus and then the deposited ovum adheres by its filament to the skin of the sole. I have not traced the development of the parasite, but have no doubt that it is direct, that the young is hatched in a form closely resembling the adult, and immediately adheres by its posterior sucker to the sole's skin. The parasite doubtless is nourished by the mucus of the skin on which it lives, but how far its nutrition is effected by digestion of the mucus within the small alimentary sac, and how far by direct absorption through the surface of the body, it is impossible to say. The parasites spread from one sole to another in all probability when the fish accidentally come into contact with one another. 109 Enemies. I am inclined to think that the principal and most deadly enemy of the sole is man. But my evidence on this subject is by no means extensive. I have never seen an adult sole in the stomach of any fish except the angler, but on the other hand, I have not devoted much time to recording the contents of the stomachs of the larger predatory fishes. Considering the great timidity of the sole it is difficult to avoid the inference that it has many enemies to fear. Probably young soles and other flat-fishes living in the conditions in which I found them in Mevagissey harbour are largely devoured by gulls and shore birds when left by the receding tide in the shallow pools of the shore, but I cannot assert this from direct observation. I have once or twice seen large conger seize and devour flounders in a large tank of our aquarium ; there were no soles in the same tank, but it may be inferred that conger would devour soles when they had the opportunity, and that they do devour them in the open sea. But it must be mentioned that our captive conger have by no means eaten all the flounders in their tank ; probably they are never so hungry when fed regularly in captivity as when they have to seek their own living in the wild state, and therefore conger may reasonably be reckoned, on the south coast, among the enemies of the sole. I have never eeea the common spotted dog-fish (Scyllium canicula and Sc. catulus) eat flat- fishes in the tanks, though they are kept together in the same tank, but I think cod and hake probably eat soles and other flat-fishes sometimes. One of the commonest and most destructive enemies of ground fishes is the angler (Lophius piscatorius] which grows to an enormous size and consists almost entirely of a huge mouth and a small conical tail. I have frequently seen several large specimens of this fish in a single haul of the trawl, and it constantly swallows other fish, including flat-fish, even after it is in the trawl, its voracity being so great that it devours its fellow captives. I have often seen soles taken from its stomach on the deck of a trawler, and when extracted they are usually quite uninjured and are packed away with the rest for market ; so that when we eat a sole we cannot be certain that it has not been swallowed before. The angler is very inactive, its powers of locomotion being limited. It partly buries itself in the sand on which it lives, and its colour and appendages are such that in this condition its true character is perfectly concealed. Over the head are long flexible filaments which are supposed to serve as a lure to attract other fishes, but which probably have lit t tle effect on soles because they do not hunt by sight. The angler thus forms a living and deadly pitfall. Any fish coming unconsciously near its terrible gape is seized and engulphed in the great cavity of its mouth, and soles of the largest size are swallowed by it with ease. 110 CHAPTER, III. COLOUR. THE colour and markings of the upper side of the common sole, so far as they are permanent.and characteristic of the species, have already been described. But, as was mentioned in connection with that description, the skin of the fish is capable during life of exhibiting considerable changes in the intensity and to some extent in the quality of its colours. It is- exceedingly difficult to study these changes of colour in a living fish if the material on which it is placed consists of fine particles, like sand or mud. For the fish will persist in burying itself, and it is impossible to keep the skin free from particles of the material, so that an accurate estimation of the colour under particular conditions can scarcely be made. It is not difficult to keep a sole alive and in a healthy condition for several days or even weeks in a shallow vessel supplied with a current of sea water. In order to study the colour-changes carefully I kept specimens in this way, allowing them to rest either on a solid surface or on a material of coarse texture without fine particles, namely, coarse gravel or broken coal thoroughly washed in running water. It is generally believed that the colour and marking of the sole's skin assimilates itself to the colour and texture of the ground on which it rests. The following observations were made in order to obtain definite results as to the extent and character of this assimilation : I found that the contrast between the markings and the ground-colour of the skin was most conspicuous when the fish was lying on a coarse bright clean gravel. The gravel which I used had a general orange tint, but it contained, besides yellow and orange coloured pebbles, a considerable number of black and white. The appearance of the fish when resting on this gravel is shown in Plate I. The ground colour is a greenish grey, and on this ground all the spots and markings ever present in a sole are well marked. The principal dark blotches are very conspicuous and well defined ; the irregular lighter bands which connect them ramify in the spaces between them. The blotches are in places quite black, the black being always confined to the outer part of the scales, the anterior part of these being always somewhat lighter. The small white spots alternating with the blotches are also fully expressed. The dark spot at the outer end of the pectoral is pronounced. It is evident from the drawing that there is no exact similarity between the colour and markings of the fish and the appearance of the surrounding gravel ; but it is also Ill evident that the sole in this condition has, like the gravel, a variegated colouring which at some distance from the eye renders it less conspicuous. The black spots and the small white spots resemble the black and white pebbles of the gravel ; but on the other hand, the continuous streak of opaque white along the edge of the fins is distinctly conspicuous. A sole on gravel of this kind in a tank of some size is usually either completely or partially buried under the gravel, and when the fins are thus concealed and only part of the body exposed the sole may easily escape notice from a human observer. On the other hand, it is also very easy to discover a sole in such a condition when one looks for it. I believe that soles are seldom on gravel in their natural state ; for I have found that on gravel or sharp sand they nearly always sooner or later injure their fins or skin, and that abrasions so produced usually lead to inflammation which causes death. I placed another sole in a large shallow dish of white porcelain of the kind .used in photographic manipulation. No material of any kind was placed in the dish, the fish rested on the smooth white surface of the porcelain, and it was exposed to the full daylight of the south windows of the Laboratory. Plate III is a reproduction of the water colour drawing made from the sole in this condition. The paleness of the colouring is extraordinary. The darkest tint in the blotches is a straw colour, scarcely darker than the yellow of the fin-membranes. The ground-colour is a pale grey with a slight tinge of blue in places. The white spots have disappeared entirely, a result which would not have been expected : the spots where they existed are somewhat blue. The dark spot on the fin is the darkest colour in the whole surface, and has still streaks of dark brown between the fin rays. The sole used in this experiment was a male 10^ inches (26'7 cm.) long ; but I found that the sole from which Plate I was drawn became as pale as this when placed under the same conditions. The drawing of the sole just described was finished on June 8, 1889. This sole died shortly afterwards and its appearance the day after death is represented on PL IV. Another sole was taken for the drawing given in PI. I. I found when this latter specimen was placed on the white porcelain that it became in a few minutes as light as the figure on PI. Ill, but after it had been left all night in the same condition, on the following morning the small spots which on gravel were opaque white had become quite a dark grey and formed a marked contrast to the surrounding yellow. To ascertain the maximum darkening of colour possible I used the same sole from which PL I was taken. At first I found it difficult to produce any colouring much darker than that of PL I. I lined the porcelain dish with black paper and placed the fish on that, but it showed much the same colours. Then I varnished the dish with black varnish of a deeper black than the paper, but got no better result. It then occurred to me that the maximum of darkness could not be obtained until the quantity of light was reduced ; accordingly 1 placed some washed coal at the bottom of a tub about nine inches deep, and placed the sole on this ; then I placed the tub on the 112 north side of the Laboratory at some distance from the windows in a position where it was partly shaded. Then the result shown in Plate II was produced. But the drawing for this plate had to be finished from the sole in the position I have described. When the sole in the tub at its maximum darkness was carried to a table in front of the window, the colours immediately began to get lighter. I found that the white spots were exceedingly curious in their behaviour. As I have mentioned, on white porcelain with plenty of light the white spots disappear as such and are changed into bluish spots which sometimes become quite dark and conspicuous. The white spots also disappeared in the sole which was kept on coal with very little light, reappearing in a few seconds when more light was admitted. Thus the white spots are generally visible except on white ground with a great deal of light, or black ground with very little. As to the rate of change it is usually quite rapid. A sole placed on the white dish begins to get lighter almost immediately ; when it is disturbed with the hand the colours become darker again, but when left alone it continues to grow paler. However, the full effect is not seen till the fish has been some hours on the white ground. A sole kept on coarse yellow gravel in front of a window is very inconstant in its colouring : it sometimes exhibits its markings quite distinctly for some hours, and then begins to grow pale, its black blotches almost vanishing. On May ^2, I took a sole in which the markings were well expressed and the colour moderately dark, and placed it on the white porcelain dish ; in a short time the colours had become pale, and the dark blotches had become yellow. Then I placed some fine shingle in the dish, intending to bring the markings out again, but to my surprise the black blotches had not returned when I examined the fish the next morning, and did not return completely when I placed it in an oaken tub nine inches high, although the ground colour became somewhat darker. All the changes are evidently due to the action of light and depend on the quantity of light acting on the sole, not on the tint or texture of the ground on which it' rests. The behaviour of the white spots I cannot yet explain, but all the rest seems to me easily intelligible when regarded in this way. The colour and markings of the skin are due to a vast number of chromatophores situated in the skin beneath the epidermis : these are of two colours, the black and the yellow, and in some places there are others containing a somewhat iridescent pigment. The last are particularly abundant in the white spots, the black especially abundant in the dark markings. Light causes these chromatophores to contract. When expanded the chromatophores or pigment-cells are stellate, giving out ramified processes on all sides. When they are contracted all these processes are withdrawn and each cell becomes a mere minute speck of pigment. The position of these chromatophores is fixed, and therefore when they are expanded, in the absence of light, the markings always reappear 'in exactly the same positions, in fact the markings never entirely disappear. When a very strong light falls upon the sole all the chromatophores are contracted, and all the parts become proportionally 113 lighter; when the light is diminished the chromatophores expand and the colours become darker. It is evident that with the same amount of illumination the alteration of the colour and composition of the ground on which the sole rests alters the quantity of light acting on the fish. For if the ground is black all the light which falls upon that ground is absorbed, and the sole is only affected by the rays which fall directly upon it, while if the ground is light-coloured nearly all the light which falls upon it is reflected, and the diffused light which falls upon the sole is therefore greatly increased. Just as a room is much lighter with the same windows if its walls are white than if they are black. The sole does not become uniformly coloured on a uniformly coloured ground. In some of the laboratory tanks we have at the bottom a dark grey fine sand brought from a part of the sea shore. This sand is extremely uniform in colour, and is exactly of the same kind as the sand brought up by the trawl from the trawling grounds off Plymouth and off Mount's Bay. In the tanks the soles usually have some of this sand on their skins, and are therefore by no means conspicuous, but whenever their skins are visible it is seen that the black markings are pronounced. The ground colour of the soles in this condition approximates closely to that of the sand, but the presence of the black spots does not seem to me to aid in the resemblance at all. I placed a large sole in a shallow tub on some of this sand in order to make a careful observation. After three days the colouring of this sole was as follows : The intermediate black spots were almost invisible ; of the dorsal series the second was faint, the third, fourth, and fifth well marked and black ; of the median series only the third and fourth were well marked', but not black. The ventral spots were all visible but faint ; termination of the pectoral reddish-brown, white spots alternating with black quite distinct. 114 CHAPTER IV. BREEDING. THE egg of any particular species of fish is derived from a female individual of that species, and after a process of development becomes another individual of that species, presenting the characteristic specific characters. As the eggs of nearly all marine fishes are left to themselves after being shed from the body of the female, the parents taking no care of them, there are only two possible methods of ascertaining the species to which a particular kind of egg belongs, or of tracing the development of any particular species of fish. One method is to observe the deposition of the eggs by the female, or to detain them by artificial fertilisation, then to examine these eggs and study their development. The other is to examine all kinds of eggs that can be obtained, and to trace their development up to the stage when the young fish presents specific charac- ters by which it can be identified. The latter method presents more difficulties and uncertainties than the former. The greater number of marine fishes shed eggs or spawn at one particular period of the year, a period extending over one or a few months. During the rest of the year the development of ova in the ovaries proceeds gradually until the next annual breeding season, when the annual crop of mature ova is again shed. As the ova develop in the ovary they increase greatly in size and number, and thus the ovary itself becomes much enlarged, and finally attains a very considerable size in proportion to the rest of the body of the female. This enlargement of the ovary produces a corresponding enlargement of the visceral region of the female. The small testes do not exhibit any corresponding increase in size in the sole. In most fishes the testes in the male enlarge at the breeding season in some degree, and in some they become very nearly as large as the ovaries in the female. In the herring, for instance, it is not possible to distinguish the males from the females among ripe specimens taken from the net when captured, except by squeezing them and observing whether eggs or milt escape from the genital aperture. But in the sole the ripe females can be easily distinguished by the enlarge- ment of the ovarian region. It is not so easy to distinguish the smaller males from small immature females, but among larger specimens the males can usually be identi- fied by holding the fish up against the light, when in the male the posterior part of the ventral region behind the intestines is seen to be translucent ; while in the female even 115 if the ovary be not much enlarged it usually produces an opacity extending back far behind the intestines near to the base of the tail. The enlargement of the ovaries in the female sole becomes noticeable in January and February, and ripe actively moving spermatozoa are found at this season by examining under the microscope a portion of the testis of the male. I have not succeeded in observing the natural deposition of the ova by living soles in captivity. I attempted to do this in the spring of the present year (1889). At my request living soles were brought to the aquarium during the previous winter months from the deep sea trawlers and from the shrimp trawls worked in Plymouth Sound. But the specimens obtained from the latter were all small, and although they lived well were too young to breed ; while the larger ones from the large trawlers although living when brought in invariably died after a few days in the tanks. The reason of this was that the large soles were always more or less injured by the trawl or by subsequent handling. The large trawls are towed usually for a long time, six to twelve hours or more, and the captured soles and other fish during this time are injured by their struggles and by the pressure and weight of the whole contents of the trawl. After the soles are placed in tubs of water on board the vessel the voyage back to harbour occupies a long time during which they are knocked about by the motion of the vessel. In consequence of this mechanical violence the skins of soles brought to me from the deep sea were always more or less abraded, and the scales torn off at one or more places. The injured parts of the skin in a few days always underwent inflammation and sloughing, and the diseased condition spread over the surface till the fish died. I have found that the sole is tenacious of life and will bear a great deal of handling so long as the skin is uninjured and the scales not removed, but that very slight injury to the skin and scales leads to inflammation and death. In other fish, for instance, the conger and grey mullet (Mugil chelo], considerable wounds on the skin are healed up in a very short time without any inflammation ; the mullet will reproduce nearly all its scales in a week or two. I was unable therefore to study the breeding of the sole in specimens living in captivity, and my investigations of the reproduction of this species, as of many others, have been carried on at sea on board of trawling smacks by examination of the fish when brought up by the trawl. With very few exceptions the eggs of all deep sea food-fishes have been found to be small in size, spherical in shape, transparent, and buoyant in sea water, and after being extruded by the parent fish to undergo development while suspended, separate and independent of one another, in the surface waters of the sea. All the flat-fishes investigated have been found to shed eggs of this kind, and the sole proves to agree in this respect with its allies, the plaice, flounder, turbot, &c. As in other fishes, gentle pressure by the fingers and thumb applied to the ovarian region of the ripe female sole causes the ripe ova to escape from the aperture by which the ovaries open to the exterior. The ovaries lie entirely behind the aperture, and therefore the pressure must Q 2 116 be exerted from behind forwards. To examine the eggs and keep them alive they must be received when pressed from the fish into a bottle of clean sea water. By squeezing a number of captured soles in this way in March, when the ovaries are found to be much enlarged and soft to the touch, some are found from which transparent eggs can be pressed out. When a considerable pressure is exerted part of the contents of the ovary can be squeezed out of any sole in which the ovaries are large, but when the ripe transparent ova have once been obtained it is easy to distinguish them from the .smaller unripe ova which escape when too much pressure is applied. These unripe ova are yellowish-white and quite opaque : they do not separate from one another when they fall into sea water, and membranes containing blood, derived from the tissues of the ovary, are usually seen connected with them. In March a number of soles taken at one haul of the trawl include, besides somewhat small immature specimens and males, some large females which yield no ripe eggs, whose eggs have not yet reached maturity, and only one or two from which ripe eggs can be obtained. Very often only a small number of ripe eggs can be obtained when the fish is first squeezed, afterwards unripe e^crs escaping. This proves that the eggs in the ovary are not matured all at once, but in gradual succession. But the process of ripening seems to become more rapid towards the end of the spawning period in a given fish than at the beginning, and the eggs are evidently extruded immediately after they are ripe ; for although I have examined large numbers of female soles which yielded a few dozen ripe ova. and whose ovaries after the extrusion of these remained distended with unripe ova, I have only once found a specimen whose ovaries contained ripe ova only. This specimen was captured in a small-sized trawl worked from a Newlyn drift-net boat, on the morning of March 23, 1889. I squeezed several thousand ripe ova from it, and the ovaries were then completely empty. When all the ova of one season are shed the ovaries are left as flaccid sacs which soon shrink considerably in size. Fish in this condition are usually said to be "spent" or "shotten": the latter is the Scottish expression. The specimen just referred to was of very large size. It measured 20tjr inches in length, 9^ in breadth. The boat by which it was taken was trawling at a depth of about 30 fathoms on the north-west side of Mount's Bay, off the coast of the Land's End promontory. At the same haul, and in others previously made, shotten females, partially ripe and unripe females were taken. The only conclusion to be drawn from these facts is that only a few ova are ripened at a time in a given female at the earlier stages of the spawning process; while at the later stages though a large number of ova are ripened at one time they are very soon shed, and therefore the capture of a female at the par- ticular moment when she contains a large number of ripe ova is a rare occurrence. As stated above the spent condition of the female is easily recognised, and when only spent females are captured the end of the spawning period for the species is determined. I investigated the duration of the period during the two successive seasons of 1888 and 1889, and found that it ended some weeks earlier in the latter year than in the former, a fact which can only be explained by the warmer weather 117 and consequently higher temperature of the sea in the spring of 1889. In the latter year, when on board a trawler south of the Wolf Eock which lies to the west of the Land's End, on April 11 and 12 I found nearly all the female soles completely spent, a few containing nothing but a small number of ripe ova. The surface tempera- ture of the sea at that time and place was 48'5 F. (9 0- 2 C.). In 1888 the fisherman in the service of the Plymouth Laboratory obtained ripe soles on April 26 and 27 at a distance of 40 miles north of the Land's End where the surface temperature was 46 0> F. (7-7 C.) and the bottom temperature at 50 fins, was 45'0 F. (7-2 C.). The temperature on April 6, 1888, to the south of the Wolf Eock was 46'0 F. (7-7 C.). The following temperatures of the surface of the sea will show the difference of the two seasons : 1888. 1889. March 6. S. of Wolf Rock .... F. C. March 1. S. of Wolf Rock .... F. C. 45 -8 7 -6 48 -0 8 -8 April 4. .... May 10. .... 45 -5 50 -1 7 -5 10 -0 April 9. 48 -5 9 '2 March 26. S. of Plymouth Breakwater 9Q ** April 9. Plymouth Sound .... May 31. S. of Plymouth Breakwater 43 -0 43 -5 44 -0 49 -0 6-l 6'3 6 -6 9 -4 April 3. S. of Plymouth Breakwater May 15. ,, 21. 46 -0 54 -0 56 -5 7 -7 12 -2 13 -6 I have not determined so exactly the commencement of the spawning period in the two seasons. In 1888 I examined several soles taken nine or ten miles W. by S. of the Eddystone, on February 6. Only one yielded a few ripe ova, about a dozen ; the rest were all unripe. It is thus evident that the spawning period of the sole extends from the middle of February to the end of April ; but that the greater number of individuals shed their spawn in March, and the early part of April ; and that in warm seasons the spawning is completed by the end of the second week in April ; while in colder seasons some individuals are found still spawning up till the end of April, and a few eggs may not be shed till the middle of May. Little has yet been said about the males. Necessarily the male reproductive elements consisting of the fluid milt, which contains the innumerable spermatozoa, are discharged at the same period as the ova. But the testes and the milt of the sole differ remarkably from those of any other marine fish I have examined. In other fishes the testes in the spawning season are much enlarged, and very soft, so that when the fish is opened very slight handling tears or ruptures the testes, causing the escape of a thick viscous opaque white fluid, the milt. When the ripe male fish is gently squeezed the milt escapes from the genital aperture in large white drops having the appearance of milk, which when allowed to fall in sea water mix with it and render it turbid. But when a male sole is opened in the breeding season the testes 118 are neither much enlarged nor soft : they present much the same appearance as at any other time of the year, though spermatozoa may be seen in a portion examined under the microscope. And when the male is squeezed in the region of the testes, no milk-white fluid is seen to escape ; some fluid may, and does, escape, but it is small in quantity and thin and transparent, so that it is almost impossible when handling soles on board a trawler to distinguish milt thus squeezed out from the sea water, urinary fluid, or mucus from the skin, which also drip from the fish. 119 CHAPTER V DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH. THE eggs of fishes do not develop unless acted upon by the milt of the male. In all species of marine bony fishes, with very few exceptions, the eggs do not come [into contact with the milt until after they have been discharged from the body of the female ; the whole process of development takes place outside the body of the parent in the water of the sea. When the egg of a bird is laid it requires only to be kept at a certain constant temperature to develop into a chick. When the egg of a snake or lizard is laid it develops at the natural temperature of the air without any additional warmth derived from the mother's body, and after a certain time a young snake or lizard is hatched from it. When the egg, or " purse," of the skate is laid, or taken from the body of the mother, it develops into a young skate as it lies at the bottom of the sea, or in an aquarium tank. In the spiny dog-fish (Acanthias vulgaris), the eggs develop within the oviducts of the female, and do not escape till they have reached the condition of actively moving young dog-fish, in all respects except size resembling their parents. But in all these cases the egg has been acted upon by the milt of the male while still within the body of the female. When ripe eggs are pressed from the ovary of the female sole into clean sea water they do not develop into young fishes, but after floating for a few days in the condition previously described as that of the unfertilised ovum they die, sink to the bottom, and decompose. This proves that the eggs of the sole are not fertilised or acted upon by the male repro- ductive elements within the body of the mother, but only after extrusion. I have not been able hitherto to observe the natural process of shedding and fertilising the eggs of the sole in living specimens in our tanks, and it is of course impossible to observe the process in living soles in the sea. It is known that in pelagic fish, like the herring, the fish spawn while collected in crowded shoals, males and females being mingled together, and that the females simply shed their eggs, and the males their milt into the water near the bottom simultaneously. The water into which the eggs pass is thus teeming with spermatozoa, and none of them can escape fertilisation. But in the herring the testes are as large as the ovaries, and the quantity of milt produced by a single fish is very large. In most flat-fishes 120 the testes are smaller than the ovaries, but still they are of considerable size, and a considerable quantity of milt is produced. When we consider the small size of the testes in the sole, and the small quantity of milt produced by a single male, it seems difficult to understand how the large number of eggs produced by a single female get fertilised at all. It seems to me that the only way to explain the facts is to suppose that soles pair together like birds, or at least that the males do not like some other fish shed their milt into the water at random, but shed it in the immediate neighbourhood of a female at the moment when she discharges some ova. Some of the wrasses pair and shed their milt in this way : I remember watching the process once in one of the tanks of the Naples aquarium, but I do not remember to what species the fish I saw belonged. After I had drawn the inference that some kind of direct fertilisation took place in soles, I found my opinion supported in a curious way by a statement of JSTordman in his description of the fishes of the Black Sea, published in 1840 (see DemidofTs " Voy. Euss. Merid. Zool., Ill, Poissons," Solea nasuta). The statement I refer to is that the male and female of the species called by Nordman Solea nasuta, which is, as far as I can see, the same as the Solea lascaris of the English coast, during copulation adhere together by means of a glutinous liquid, and are sometimes taken in the nets in this condition. The ripe ova pressed from female soles during the spawning period, when placed in a bottle containing sea water taken from the surface of the sea at the place where the fish are caught, float at the surface of this water. That ova so obtained are perfectly ripe and uninjured by the artificial method by which they are taken from the fish is proved by the fact that when milt is added to the water the eggs are fertilised, and when taken on shore and kept in proper conditions will go on developing until they hatch into normal young fish. This is the process of artificial fertilisation which will be more fully considered in the next section. The observation of artificially fertilised ova kept in aquaria shows the rate at which the development proceeds at a given temperature, for it must be noted that the rate of development of all fishes' ova varies considerably according to the temperature of the water in which they are contained. The following are the details of my observations on artificially fertilised ova kept in aquaria : May 16, 1888. Two or three soles' ova fertilised south of the Wolf Eock at 4 p.m. Temperature of surface of the sea, 50 F. (10 C.). May 19. One of the above ova still alive: the blastoderm had completely enveloped the yolk, and the dorsal rudiment with Kupher's vesicle was completely formed. Temperature in hatching jar, 53'0 F. (ll-7 C,). March 23, 1889. Several thousand soles' ova fertilised off the Land's End promon- tory at 7 a.m. Temperature of the sea water at surface, 48'2 F. (9'0 C.). Eggs placed in hatching jar at the Laboratory the same evening. 121 March 24. Examined the eggs ; found segmentation completed, the blastoderm commencing to spread over the yolk. Temperature of water in the hatching jar, 50-1 F. (10'l C.). March 25. Blastoderm covering three-fourths of the yolk. Temperature the same. March 26. The yolk completely enveloped by the blastoderm, stage shown in PI. XV, Fig. 4. March 27. Eggs all dead. 00" March 29. Six soles' ova obtained from surface of the sea in stage just after the closing of the blastopore, that is, after ' the envelopment of the yolk by the blastoderm. Placed in a small jar with water at 50'3 F. to 53*6 F. (10*2 to 12 C.). April 5 and 6. Three of the above eggs hatched. The eggs last mentioned were at about the same stage when first obtained as the previous lot when they died. It may be inferred therefore that at the temperature above given, about 50 to 53 F. (10 to 12 C.), soles' eggs would hatch ten or eleven days after fertilisation. The following experiment is more complete : April 11. 12.5 a.m. Several hundred ripe eggs obtained from soles trawled south of the Wolf Rock : artificial fertilisation attempted with testes taken from the males and crushed in the water. Temperature of surface water of the sea, 48-5 F. (9-2 C.). April 13. Eight of the above eggs found to be fertilised and developing; temperature of the water in the bottle in which they were carried, 9*5 C. These were transferred to a small jar in the Laboratory ; temperature, 10'0 C. Density of the water brought from south of Wolf Bock, r0271. Density of aquarium water, 1'028. April 16. Two of the eggs killed for investigation; one died. Temperature in aquarium, 9'0 C. April 17. Temperature in aquarium, 9*2 C. April 18. Temperature in aquarium, 9'7 C. April 20. Two of the eggs hatched out. Thus two of these eggs hatched on the tenth day after fertilisation in water at a temperature of 48'0 F. to 50'0 F. (9 to 10 C.). Now, as I have shown, the spawning period of the sole terminates sooner or later according to the temperature of the sea, and scarcely any ova are shed after the temperature has risen to 50'0 F. At the beginning of the spawning period, in the latter half of February, the temperature is B 122 from 43 to 45 F. (6'l C. to 7'2 C.), and at this temperature the ova would probably take between two and three weeks to hatch. It is certain that the eggs of the sole do undergo the same development at about the same rate in their natural condition as they do in experimental conditions. For the characteristics of the sole's ovum having been observed, namely, the size, the layer of segments in the yolk, and the groups of minute oil globules, it is possible to identify ova found in the sea possessing these characteristics as those of the sole. The surface waters of the sea off the coasts of Devon and Cornwall contain nearly all the year round vast numbers of buoyant fishes' eggs. These can very easily be collected by slowly towing through the water from a boat a conical net made of muslin or silk bolting cloth. Among the eggs so collected those of the sole are found in small numbers in March and April, sometimes at the end of February or beginning of May, but at no other time of the year. The development of the sole within the egg is rather slow compared to that of some other flat-fishes. The eggs of Pleuronectes flesus, the flounder, hatched in my hatching jars in six days at a temperature of 50 F. (10'0 0.) ; the eggs of the plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) hatched in 10 days at the same temperature; those of Pleuronectes microcephalus, the merry-sole, hatched in eight days at a temperature of about 49-l F. (9-5 C.). I have never found the ova of the common sole very numerous among the pelagic ova collected by means of the tow net. The largest number I have obtained at one time is six : these were taken a little to the south-west of the Mewstone. The density of the water in which soles' ova are found suspended at sea varies slightly in different places. Examples of water from the sea to the south of the Wolf Eock I have found to be 1*027 (distilled water being 1 ? 0), while samples from the sea off Plymouth, inside the Eddystone, have a density of 1-0267 or 1'0268. I found in my experiments that the sole's ova frequently sank in the aquarium water towards the close of their development, that is shortly before they hatched, and that the larvse lay on the bottom of the jar after hatching : yet the density of this water was 1'027. This shows that the eggs become heavier as development advances, though the sinking of the eggs is probably hastened in the hatching apparatus by the accumu- lation of particles of sediment upon them. The eggs themselves certainly float in the sea until they are hatched, for they are frequently taken in the tow net when just ready to hatch. I have not been able to keep the larvse alive mo-re than a day or two after hatching. In fact, owing to the difficulties of artificial fertilisation I have never had a sufficient number to experiment with. I have been equally unsuccessful in procuring the larvae from the sea: it is probable that soon after hatching the larvse sink towards the bottom. Some of the stages given in the illustrations to this book of the larvae of other species of flat-fishes show that at first one of the most obvious changes which takes place after hatching is the absorption of the yolk. Nourished by the yolk thus 123 absorbed the larva developes in all its organs. The pectoral fin grows into a large semicircular paddle, the length increases, the black pigment of the eyes (in the choroid) is developed, and the jaws acquire their definite structure. When the sole is first hatched it has no mouth, and takes no food : the mouth is developed before the yolk is absorbed, but not until the absorption is completed does the young fish begin to feed. The newly -hatched sole is 3*55 to 3*75 mm. long, between jth and i-gths of an inch. It is perfectly symmetrical, having an eye on each side of its head, and swimming vertically in the water, but it swims with its ventral edge uppermost, because the yolk is lighter than the back of the fish. The next stage in which I have discovered the young sole is immediately after the completion of its metamorphosis, that is, after it has ceased to be symmetrical and to swim vertically in the water, and has taken to lying flat on the sand, and has both eyes on the right side of its head. I had searched everywhere for larval soles at the bottom of the sea, after the eggs had disappeared from the surface, and had had a special trawl with very small meshes made to capture them with, but could not discover any. At last I obtained some through the assistance of Mr. Matthias Dunn, of Mevagissey, who has been for years the friend and counsellor of all naturalists engaged in the study of British fishes. On April 3, Mr. Dunn sent up to the Plymouth Laboratory a number of young living flat-fishes-. I found on examination that these were all Pleuronectes flesus, the flounder. Some of these were very transparent and only partially metamorphosed, the left eye being still on the lower side, but near the edge of the head ; in others the eye was actually in the edge of the head, looking horizontally outwards. Mr. Dunn said nothing about soles, in fact at this time there were no young soles in process of metamorphosis. Having failed to obtain young soles by trawling, I wrote to Mr. Dunn, and arranged with him to meet him at Mevagissey and examine the place where he caught his young flounders. I went to Mevagissey on May 15, and found that the young flounders were found in thousands, if not millions, in the pools and runlets left at low water during spring tides on the bottom of the harbour. The old harbour at Mevagissey (a new additional outer harbour was then being built) is completely emptied of water at the ebb during springs, and the bottom consists of sandy mud. I went over the harbour with Mr. Dunn, and caught numbers of the young flounders with an ordinary cup. The little fish are in constant motion, some of them continually rising to the surface of the shallow pools in the sand and then sinking again to the bottom. We found a few soles along with the innumerable flounders. Many of the flounders were still transparent and only partially or scarcely at all metamorphosed, but in all the soles the metamorphosis was complete. On this day I only caught three young soles, but the following day Mr. Dunn sent to me at Plymouth fifteen more. These young soles were from 12 to 15 mm. long: their characters are represented in PI. XVI, 3, which is 8j times the natural size. They possess nearly all the characters of the adult, the chief exception being that the intestine is simpler and shorter, its coils only R 2 124 extending back a little behind the anterior end of the ventral fin. The eyes are both on the right side as in the adult. The skin and body are more transparent than in full-grown soles, but the pigment of the upper side exhibits perfectly the arrangement of spots which characterises Solea vulgaris. On May 17, I examined at low water the shores of Sutton Pool and the mouth of the Catte water in order to find out whether young flounders or soles were to be seen in the tidal pools there, as in the harbour at Mevagissey. I could not find a single specimen, but the next day some boys brought me two specimens of young flounders (PL flesus) taken at low tide on the shore of Sutton Pool. These young soles, 12 mm. long, from Mevagissey could not have been more than two months and a half to three months old, if the eggs from which they grew were shed at the middle of February or the beginning of March, that is at the commence- ment of the spawning period of the sole ; and it is very probable that they were only two months old or even less. As the larvie are not hatched until a fortnight after fertilisation, we may conclude that the metamorphosis occurs within about six weeks after hatching. At the next spring tides, namely, on May 31, Mr. Dunn sent me up some more young flat-fishes from Mevagissey harbour: among these was one young sole, the only one he could find, it measured j in. (18 mm.) in length. After this he could find no more young soles in the tidal pools : they all disappeared, having either left the shore for deeper water, or having become strong enough and active enough to swim away with the retreating tide and avoid being left between tide marks. Durin^ the following months I perseveringly endeavoured to capture young soles in their later stages. I trawled with my specially constructed trawl in Whitsand Bay frequently both by night and day, and also in Cawsand Bay and other sandy parts of Plymouth Sound, but I never got any young soles. In Whitsand Bay at night I got a large number of young plaice, pouting (Gadus luscus), and other young fishes, but not a single sole. Mr. Dunn having told me that he believed there were large numbers of young soles in the estuaries of the Fal and Helford rivers, I asked my friend Mr. Eupert Vallentin, of Falmouth, to make investigations and see if he could find any specimens. Mr. Vallentin accordingly made a most careful and complete examination of the two estuaries with the following results. He went to Malpas, a place about two miles below Truro, and there found one man, the innkeeper, who possessed a seine which he used for taking flat-fish. On the 27th July Mr. Vallentin had a series of hauls made with this seine, the meshes of which were so small as only to admit the tip of the little finger. After several hauls the total catch of flat fishes was: Four Flounders from 8 to 12 inches long, Four Soles, 5| inches, 5| inches, 6 inches, 7| inches in length. The two smallest of the soles were sent to me, and I was able therefore to make certain that they were really Solea vulgaris. 125 Mr. Vallentin next on July 29, had a large seine sixty fathoms long and two fathoms deep hauled in the Helford Eiver ; two hauls were taken, and a number of red mullet and flounders were taken, but only one sole, which was sent to me. It was 4-fg inches in length. Now it is obviously impossible to believe that young soles which were inch in length on May 31, could have grown to 5 inches in length by the end of July. The growth of flat-fishes is not so rapid as that. The spawning of the plaice at Plymouth takes place in February, and is completed early in March. On June 17, 1889, I obtained a large number of young plaice by trawling at night in Whitsand Bay : these measured If to 2-^ inches (3'4 to 5'9 cm.) in length; another specimen which I got from Sutton Pool on September 28, measured 2-^ inches (6 '2 cm.). On May 16, 1889, I obtained a large number of small plaice from the Cattewater, where I saw them caught in a small seine : these measured 4f to nearly 7 inches in length. It is evident therefore that these last specimens were more than a year old, namely, fifteen months, and it is obvious that the soles caught by Mr. Vallentin were sixteen months old, reckoning from the end of March as the spawning time. They were soles in the second year of their growth. I have in my collection another small sole, measuring 4| inches (12'5 cm.) which was caught either in Plymouth Sound or on the trawling ground off Plymouth, at the end of February, 1888. This must have been just a year old. Why I have failed to obtain soles in the first year of their growth, after the stage of those found at Mevagissey in May, I cannot understand. It may be owing to some peculiarity of habit, that though I obtained young plaice and other species of flat- fishes by trawling in shallow water in Whitsand Bay, I caught no soles. Of course soles in the neighbourhood of Plymouth are much less numerous than plaice, flounders, dabs, or merry-soles (PI. 'microcephalus), and this doubtless adds to the difficulty of finding them. However, the problem will, I hope, be solved next year. It has been shown that the young soles spawned in March have completed their metamorphosis by the middle of May, when they are ^ to ^ inch in length (12 to 15 mm.); that on May 31 they are about inch long (18 mm.); and that in one year they grow to about 5 inches in length. We have now to consider their subsequent growth. Soles of small size but larger than any of those just mentioned are taken in Plymouth Sound in considerable numbers by the small shrimps trawls, which have a beam of 12 to 15 feet in length. Such trawls are regularly worked in the Sound for shrimps and prawns, and one of them is regularly used for the collecting work of our Laboratory. On May 10, 1889, the Laboratory fisherman took with the shrimp trawl in the Cattewater, six soles measuring 6f to 7 inches in length (17'1 cm. to 19'6 cm.). Another caught on May 6, measured 9^ inches (23 - 3 cm.). I consider these soles to be just over two years old. Soles from this size upwards are almost always to be caught in the Sound, but the larger are less plentiful. They are never very abundant, but usually about half-a-dozen can be caught in a day's work. 126 Adult soles, as sold in the market, vary from about 12 to 16 inches in length (30 to 40 cm.). If we take the medium size, 14 inches (or 35 cm.), it is evident that this size cannot be reached in one year more by soles which at two years are only 6| to 9 inches in length. In all probability the length of 14 inches is not reached until after the fish is four years old, and at three years it is only about 11 inches long. The difficulty of distinguishing the ages of soles after the first year is due to the fact that at a given time a series of sizes may be found from those which are probably two years old to those which are three. The explanation of this is, first, that the spawning time lasts altogether at least two months, and that the rate of growth doubtless varies in different individuals according to the amount of food they have been able to obtain. The largest sole I have ever seen was one I obtained when trawling off the Land's End in March, 1889. It was a ripe female, and measured 20 J inches in length, 9J in breadth (52 cm. by 24 cm.). But still larger specimens have been recorded. According to Day a Mr. Grove, of Charing Cross, received one from Torbay in 1882, which was 24 inches (61 cm.) long, and weighed 6J Ibs. Yarrell mentions one taken to the Totness market in 1826 which was 26 inches (66 cm.) long, 11 J inches (29-2 cm.) broad, and weighed 9 Ibs. Probably the sole, like most fishes, goes on growing as long as it lives, and taking the growth as 3 inches a year after the first year, when it grows 5 inches, the fish I saw. which was 20^ inches long, must have been six years old. PART IV. ECONOMICAL. 129 CHAPTER I. ARTIFICIAL PEOPAGATION. THE commonest and most obvious method of attempting to increase the supply of a valuable fish is to hatch its eggs. The young when hatched may be disposed of in one of two ways. They may be kept in captivity and regularly supplied with food until large enough to be valuable, or they may be set free in the natural haunts of the species so as to replenish its numbers. The question of the best way to increase the supply of soles will be fully discussed subsequently. At present I shall describe my own experiments on the artificial propagation of the species. In the case of a number of species of valuable marine food-fishes there is no great difficulty in obtaining large numbers of eggs from the fish, fertilising and hatching them. The eggs become ripe at the spawning period, and it is perfectly easy to tell whether the eggs of a given species are ripe or not. The number of eggs which ripen at one- time varies in different species. In some, as the herring, nearly all the eggs become ripe simultaneously. When the eggs are ripe they can be squeezed out of the ovary by gently squeezing the abdomen of the fish with the fingers and thumb. They run out in a continuous stream, and no blood or membranes escape with them : if the eggs are not ripe no eggs escape unless considerable pressure is applied, and when they are forced out they are accompanied by blood and by membranes containing blood' vessels. When the eggs in the ovary all ripen simultaneously, or nearly so, as in the herring, the ovaries can be entirely emptied by gentle pressure. In all fishes that I have examined, the number of eggs ripe at the same time increases after the .spawning has commenced, so that the ovaries after a certain number of eggs have been shed contain ripe eggs only and can be entirely emptied. In the cod family the ripening of the eggs goes 011 very gradually, so that only a portion of the eggs in the ovaries of a female can be pressed out at one time. The eggs of the sole ripen gradually at first, but after spawning has commenced and some of the eggs have been shed the rest all ripen simultaneously. The eggs also seem to be shed as soon as they are ripe. These are the conclusions I form from my experience, which is that I have usually met with soles whose ovaries were either full of unripe eggs and yielded very few which were ripe, or else were quite empty, all the eggs having been shed. I commenced my experiments on the sole in 1888. At my first attempt, which wa,s 130 on a trawler to the west of the Eddystone on February 6, I got a few, very few, ripe ova, and could get no milt by squeezing any of the fish. I did not then know that the testes were small and the milt small in quantity in die sole. Only two or three of the ova then obtained were found to be floating in my bottles when I returned to shore, and none of these were fertilised. My next attempt was on March 6 and 7, when I was on a trawler to the S.E. of the Wolf Eock. Only two or three females out of nearly a hundred were then found to yield ripe ova, and as I could squeeze no milt from the males, I cut out the testes, cut them into two or three pieces and placed them in the bottles with the ova. On my return to Plymouth on March 8, I found only about a dozen ova floating, and of these only two or three were fertilised and showing the commencement of development. I made another attempt on the same fishing ground between April 3 and 7, but on my return found that not a single ovum was fertilised. On this occasion I got a considerable number of ripe eggs altogether, but only a few from each fish. From May 15 to 18, when I was in a trawler on the same ground, we had very bad weather : nearly all the soles were spent, but some ripe ova were obtained from one specimen, and three or four of these were found to be fertilised by the pieces of testis. It seemed therefore from these experiments made in 1 888 that the artificial fertilisa- tion of soles' ova was a matter of the greatest difficulty. T had succeeded in ascertaining the characters of healthy fertilised ova from the few I had been able to procure, and was therefore able to identify the sole's ovum when it occurred in the produce of the tow-net, and I had also observed and made drawings of some stages of the development, but this, though valuable knowledge, brought me very little nearer to the practical object of my experiments. In the season of 1889 I continued the experiments. I had found that soles were scarce on the Plymouth trawling ground, which extends from the Dodman Point in Cornwall, to the neighbourhood of Bolt Head in Devon, both inside and outside the Eddystone. On this ground very often no soles at all are found in a haul of the trawl, and when there are some very often all are immature, or when a ripe female is taken there are no males. On February 12, 1889, I was on a trawler which towed her trawl from off Looe to a point south of the Plymouth Breakwater lighthouse : four soles were taken in this haul of which only one was adult, and that not ripe. On March 14, I went out again, and this time the trawl was worked about 10 miles south of the Eddystone. Two hauls were made : in the first there was one sole, in the second none, although the first haul was made in the night. After this I heard that some of the Newlyn mackerel boats were working small trawls in Mount's Bay in order to earn something while waiting for the commencement of the mackerel season. I therefore went down to Penzance by rail, taking with me a number of collecting bottles to bring back soles' ova. I went out in one of the boats on March 22. On this occasion I examined the testes very carefully. I tried a large number of males, and could not squeeze from any of them the thick milk-white milt which is so characteristic of the 131 ripe males of other fishes I have examined. Liquid came from them of course, and in some cases it had a slightly milky appearance, but it was never possible to distinguish the milt derived from the testes from the urine coming from the urinary bladder. It was therefore useless to squeeze a male sole over a bottle containing ova in order to fertilise them, for it was impossible to know whether any milt entered the bottle or not. I dissected out the testes themselves from several specimens, and cut them in half and crushed them between my fingers, and .found that all the liquid that came from them was thin and almost clear, only very slightly turbid. It is evident, therefore, seeing that these testes came from ripe males, that the sole does not produce any milk- white thick secretion such as constitutes the milt of other fishes. The milt of the sole is not only very limited in quantity, but is a thin liquid only slightly turbid, which is difficult to distinguish when the male is squeezed. A considerable number of soles were taken on this excursion. Some of the females were spent, some unripe, some yielded only about a dozen ripe ova. But one female, the largest specimen I ever saw (see page 126) yielded several thousand ripe ova. The ovaries of this specimen con- tained ripe ova only : she was at the last stage of spawning, and probably these ripe eggs were nearly half the entire number produced that season, the rest having already been shed. Having fully investigated the males I concluded that the only method likelv to ensure fertilisation was to extract testes from the male soles, and crush these up into a pulp between my fingers in the water into which the ova were to be allowed to fall. In this way the whole of the milt contained in the male organs was sure to be set free in the water containing the ova. I found this method perfectly successful. At the Laboratory there was now a constant circulation of sea-water, and apparatus for hatching floating ova which had been found to work admirably. The year before the Aquarium was unfinished and there was no constant supply of sea-water. I landed at Penzance with fertilised soles' eggs on the morning of March 23. The eggs were contained in short wide glass jars such as are used for conveying sweets: over the mouth of each was tied silk bolting cloth to prevent the eggs escaping, and this, to some extent, prevented the water splashing over. I placed the bottles, held in a divided basket, in the break-van of a train, and took them to Plymouth, where I arrived the same evening. The eggs were at once placed in the hatching jars ; they seemed quite healthy, and microscopic examination showed that they were all fertilised. The apparatus and method I adopted last spring for hatching floating eggs were as follows : The apparatus is a modification of that recommended by H. C. Chester, of the United States Fish Commission.* The arrangement of Chester's apparatus is represented in Fig. E (p. 132) : it consists of a tall glass jar, j, which has an open narrow neck above and is widely open below. This is placed in a tank having a constant supply of sea-water, the overflow of which takes place through a siphon tube, s, having a diameter greater than that of the inflow. The water in the jar is of course always at the same Vide "Devel. Osseous Fishes," by J. A. Ryder, Rep. U. S. Fish Commission for 1885, p. 499. 132 level as the water in the tank. When the siphon of the outflow tube is empty the water in the tank and jar rises until the level of its surface reaches the bend of the siphon. Then the siphon fills and commences to act and the level of the water sinks gradually until it falls below the short leg of the siphon, when the latter empties and the outflow stops. The wide opening at the bottom of the jar is covered with a single thickness of coarse cheese cloth to prevent the escape of the eggs which are introduced into the jars through the narrow opening of the neck above. The rise and fall of the water is only five inches vertically. Eyder says that cod eggs were hatched in this way with a loss of only five per cent. I tried this apparatus with a large number of eggs of the flounder and plaice (Pleuronectes flesus and P. platessa). /\ Fig. E. Fig. F. Fig. E. Diagram of a transverse section of an apparatus for hatching buoyant fish eggs, arranged according to the method devised by Captain Chester, of the United States Fish Commission. Fig. F exhibits the modification of the apparatus adopted in the Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association. j, The glass hatching jar, resting on two bricks in a small tank containing sea-water ; o, the overflow tube ; s, siphon in the overflow tube ; t, an indiarubber tube conducting the inflowing water into the interior of the hatching jar. The dots represent the eggs. On February 12 I placed a large number of ova of the flounder, artificially fertilised the same day, in two glass jars of the form described. The jars were 8 inches wide and 17 inches high. The bottom of each jar was covered with silk bolting cloth. Each jar was supported on two bricks resting on the bottom of a shallow aquarium tank made of slate and glass. The water escaped from the tank by a stand pipe into which I fitted a glass siphon so that the level of the water in the tank oscillated between limits about 4 inches apart. The water inside the jar was of course perfectly still : its gradual rising and sinking caused no disturbance in it, in fact I found that the upper part of the water in the jar was scarcely changed or affected by the rise and fall. This will readily be understood. The total height of water in the jar was about 10 inches : at the top of this floated the eggs which formed a layer about J inch thick. As the level of the water in the tank sank, the water at the bottom of the jar escaped through the bolting cloth. When the tank was at its lowest level the height of the water within the jar was still 6 inches. When the water rose again all this water was bodily lifted up with the layer of eggs at its surface, while 4 inches of new water 133 entered the bottom of the jar. Thus the 6 inches of water simply rose and fell gradually without being renewed or circulated : the only change effected in it was that which took place at the bottom layers by contact with the new water which entered the jar every time the level of the water rose. The upper layer of water containing the ova was practically stagnant. . The fall and rise of the water occupied each three quarters of an hour. On February 161 found that about half the ova in each jar were dead, lying on the bolting cloth at the bottom and contaminating all the water that entered the jar. I therefore removed these dead ova by means of a siphon, and changed the arrangement in one jar. I left the jars in the same position, but removed the siphon from the overflow pipe of one tank and introduced into the jar (Fig. F) an indiarubber tube, t, leading from a jet supplying clean sea-water. I regulated the force of the water discharged by the indiarubber tube. The tube reached just below the lowest level to which the water in the jar sank, and the force of the water escaping from it kept the ova in constant but very gentle motion. Thus clean water was constantly entering the jar and escaping through the bolting cloth at the bottom, and the eggs were separate in the water, not in contact with one another in a dense layer. On February 17, I found that all the ova in the unaltered jar, except a dozen or two, were dead, while in the jar provided with the new arrangement, only a dozen or two out of several thousand had died. But I found that the new arrangement was not perfect. The water when its surface fell in the jar left a number of ova adhering to the sides of the jar, which were thus for a considerable time out of water. These eggs so stranded died. I therefore placed the jar in another tank in which there was no siphon in the overflow pipe, so that the water in the tank and jar was at a constant level. I made the indiarubber tube delivering inside the jar longer so that the water escaping at its end threw it into a regular gentle rhythmical motion which served to keep the ova uniformly distributed throughout the water in the jar. I found this method answered perfectly. The water in the jar was constantly renewed, and, a very important point, no sediment settled on the ova. In. fact, the eggs thus treated were as clean and transparent as eggs taken by the tow-net from the sea, a result I never before obtained with ecrgs artificially treated. On February 18, I found all the ova in the new apparatus had hatched ; in the jar left with the original arrangement a few eggs were still alive and some of these were hatched, but not all. It seems therefore that the motion of the eggs facilitates hatching, as it enables the larva to get rid of its egg shell more easily than it can in still water. The number of larvae hatched in the unaltered jar was quite insignificant, not more than a dozen altogether, while in the altered arrangement I had between one and two thousand healthy la.rvas. The two jars originally contained about the same number of eggs. In a third jar I had placed, on February 12, a large number of fertilised ova of the plaice. This jar was arranged on the American plan, and was left in this condition without change. On February 19, only about twenty of these e< s remained ; the rest had all died, notwithstanding that I took care to remove all dead eggs every day. The arrangement which I adopted and found perfectly satisfactory is shown in the diagram, Fig. F. It may of course be carried out on any scale, and does not require a great deal of space. It is better to increase .the capacity of the apparatus by increasing the number of the jars rather than by increasing the size. Jars larger than those I have described become unwieldy. I found the method suited the hatched flounder larvae extremely well : they lived in the jars in perfect health until the yolk was entirely absorbed. I did not succeed in feeding them after that period. It would probably be necessary when the yolk was absorbed to turn then out into a larger tank, as feeding in a confined space contaminates the water. A few of the plaice eggs hatched on February 22, and one or two of them lived till the yolk was absorbed in the apparatus arranged on the American method ; but this was the total result out of several thousand ova. To return to the eggs of the sole which I obtained in Mount's Bay on March 23. I placed them in two hatching jars arranged in the way I have described. There were several thousand of the eggs, but I did not count them. As I have said, they were all fertilised and had commenced to develop when placed in the hatching jars. On March 24, when I examined them, I found to my surprise that nearly half in each jar were dead. The blastoderm in the dead ones was formed, but some abnormal appearances were seen round its edge. I removed the dead eggs, and hoped the mortality was over arid that the rest would live. But the next day I found again half of those left had died. In the living ones the germinal membrane had enveloped more than half the yolk : many of them seemed unhealthy. On March 26, only about six eggs- in each jar were left alive, and these were dying, although in them the embryo was already formed. As I had succeeded in keeping eggs of the sole, artificially fertilised, alive for a considerable time with only the roughest apparatus, and as I afterwards hatched eggs taken by the tow-net from the sea, the cause of death in the above experiment clearly could not be attributed to the water of the aquarium or any of the conditions under which the eggs were kept after they were brought to the Laboratory. I could only attribute it to the railway journey which had shaken and jolted the eggs and so injured them mechanically. It might be suggested that there was too great a difference of temperature between the water in which the eggs were carried from Penzance and the water of the hatching jars, but other experiments showed that eggs taken from the sea lived well in the sea water of the Laboratory, and the weather during the railway journey was neither hot enough to heat the water in the jars containing the eggs nor cold enough to cool it to any extent. Believing it useless to carry fertilised eggs by rail, I went out on April the 8th, on board a trawler which was going to fish on the Mount's Bay ground. On April 11, 12.5 a.m., the trawl was hauled with seventeen soles in it. Of these I examined ]35 eleven, the rest were not found till afterwards when the decks were cleared np. Of these eleven, three were females almost spent but still containing some ripe ova : one was a female still unripe, four were spent females, and three were males. I got 300 or 400 ecro-s altogether which I tried to fertilise as before by crushing testes in the GO O O water. At 4.30 p.m. the same day from six soles taken I got about a dozen more ova. On April 12, at 8 a.m., after a good night's haul, fifty-seven soles were brought on deck. Of these fifteen were small, under nine inches in length, and not sexually mature ; eighteen were males ; nineteen large females entirely spent ; five large females, which yielded a few ripe ova. I may conveniently refer to the eggs obtained from the different hauls of this cruise as lot ], lot 2, and lot 3. On April 12, while still at sea, I observed that a large proportion of the eggs of lot 1, fertilised the previous day, had died and sunk. These were probably not fertilised, but I do not know why the . fertilisation had failed ; it may have been because the males were either immature or spent. I found when I returned to the Laboratory, on April 13, that only eight eggs in lot 1 were alive and developing ; in lot 2 some were floating but none fertilised ; in lot 3 two or three ova were alive and developing. On April 15, there were altogether nine eggs left alive : of these I preserved two for microscopic examination and left the other seven in a small glass jar provided with a circulation, not in one of the hatching jars above described, but an ordinary jar, the only difference in the arrangement being that the overflow of the water took place through a protected siphon, the jar standing in the air, not in the water of a tank. On April 16, I again went to sea, and returned on April 20, when I found of the seven eggs I left in the Laboratory two were hatched, two alive but unhatched, and the rest dead. The circulation had almost stopped, the supply tube having got choked. On April 21 the two larvae were dead, and one of the eggs: the last egg hatched on April 22, but died the same day. The above results prove that it is possible to artificially fertilise the eggs of the sole and to hatch the eggs so fertilised in a hatching jar provided with a circulation. They prove also that the cause of the death of the large number of eggs brought from Penzance was not in any of the conditions to which they were exposed in the Laboratory. The reason that I did not place the seven eggs just mentioned in a large hatching jar was that it is difficult to find such a small number in such a jar, or extract them for closer examination. POSTSCRIPT (May 3, 1890). While these pages have been passing through the press the spawning period of the sole has again arrived, and I have renewed my endeavours to perfect a method of artificial propagation. In consequence of previous experience my success has been greater than in former seasons. During a week I spent on a Lowestoft trawler in the Bristol Channel from April 9 to April 16, I obtained a large number hundreds of thousands of ripe soles' I tried to fertilise these in the usual manner by extracting the male organs and crushing them in the water containing the eggs. On my return. I found less than half the eggs taken were floating, but only about half of these last proved to be fertilised. However, those which were fertilised were hatched in the hatching jars without difficulty, and I obtained thousands of larvae. Some of the eggs were lost before hatching because they ceased to float, and many larvse were lost for a similar reason, as they began to sink two or three days after hatching. However, a large number of the larvas were successfully kept alive until the mouth had developed, the yolk was almost entirely absorbed, and feeding had commenced. Then they all died. Thus when the eggs are once fertilised they can be hatched without difficulty. 137 CHAPTER II. THE SOLE FISHEKY. WE have next to consider the present condition of the sole fishery and to ascertain whether the supply of soles in British waters has decreased in recent times. The materials available for this enquiry are extremely scanty. Fishery statistics have been systematically recorded for many years past in Scotland, but as there are no soles, except as occasional rarities, in Scottish waters, these statistics are of no use for our present purpose. The statistics of Irish fisheries on the other hand have only been collected at all comprehensively since 1887, and the quantity of soles and other fish landed at a certain number of Irish ports is recorded for only two years up to the present time, namely, 1888 and 1889. For England and Wales analytical statistics have been published in the " Statistical Tables and Memorandum relating to the Sea Fisheries, &c." compiled by the Fisheries Sub-department of the Board of Trade, since .the year 1886. The figures in these tables of the total quantities of soles and other prime fish landed on the English and Welsh coasts in successive years are given in the following table : Soles. Turbot. Prime Fish not separated. Quantity. Cwts. Value, jp Average price per cwt. Quantity. Cwts. Value. Average price per cwt. Q.uantity. Cwts. Value. Average price per cwt. 1886 . . 98,078 427,452 s. d. 472 59,850 182,665 s. d. 3 1 0* 370,014 369,089 *. d. 19 11J- 1887 . . 85,316 389,414 4 11 3| 63,166 184,662 2 18 5f | 115,850 368,674 3 3 7J 1888 . . 72,522 379,382 5 4 7t 55,041 171,967 3 2 5f 113,415 316,966 2 15 10J 1889 . . 74,143 431,269 5 16 4 53,576 180,841 376 35,982 126,924 3 10 6i Totals of Prime Fish. Totals of all Fish except Shell-fish. Quantity. Cwts. Value. Average price per cwt. Quantity. Cwts. Value. Avera S e price per. cwt. 1886 .... 527,942 979,206 s. d. 1 17 1 6,412,433 s. d. 3,688,079 11 6 18S7 .... 264,332 942,750 3 11 4 6,029,481 3,778,958 12 6 1888 .... 240,978 868,315 3 12 Of 6,348,072 3,948,013 12 5i 1889 .... 163,701 739,034 4 10 3 6,464,564 3,862,389 11 1H 138 All the above figures, according to the explanation given by the officials who publish the statistics, refer to the fish as landed ; the prices are the " wholesale values at the places of landing," by which I believe is meant the prices actually paid to the auctioneers who sell the fish for the fishermen and smackowners. The classification is made according to the way in which the fish are packed when brought ashore. The best and the largest quantity of the soles and turbots are placed in boxes by themselves not mixed with any other fish, while if there are not sufficient soles or turbots in a catch to make it worth while to pack them separately they are put together with other kinds of " best " or " prime " fish. Therefore the figures under the heading " soles " do not represent the total quantity of soles landed. There are tons of soles and turbot included under the heading of " prime fish not separated." Now, if we look at the figures referring to soles only, we find that in the three years 1886, 1887, 1888, there was an annual decrease of 13,000 cwt., a very startling result. But in 1885) there was an increase of nearly 2,000 over 1888. But this latter increase is much more than balanced by the enormous decrease in the quantity of miscellaneous prime fish in 1889, a decrease of 77,433 cwt. In no year was the decrease in the quantity of separated soles balanced by an increase in the quantity of mis- cellaneous prime fish ; on the contrary, there was a steady decrease in the latter in 1887, 1888, and 1889. The figure of this item in 1886 must be kept apart, for in five months of that year haddock were included under it at Billingsgate when packed with prime fish, while since then haddock have been ostimated separately. This alteration also affects the totals of prime fish; but neglecting 1886 there was a great annual decrease in the total quantity of prirne fish landed. There is no doubt therefore on the whole that since statistics have been kept, since the year 1886, there has been a steady decrease in the quantity of soles landed on the coast of England and Wales. I think it is very probable that the slight increase in the quantity of soles landed separately in 1889 is due to the fact that in the earlier half of this year a large number of North Sea trawling smacks left their own grounds and went to work off the north coast of Cornwall, on a trawling ground which had previously been almost entirely neglected, and on which soles were found in great abundance. This ground was first tried by some Brixham trawlers in 1887. Another sure indication of the increasing scarcity of soles is the steady rise in price. The price of soles sold separately has risen 4s. to 13s. per cwt. every year. The price of turbot has not increased so steadily, though there is indication of increasing scarcity of this fish also. The price of mixed prime fish is somewhat irregular : that of the year 1886 is of no value to our inquiry for the reason before mentioned, and the prices in other years may and probably do vary with the proportion of soles in the boxes. The average price of prime fish taken altogether has increased steadily. In 1889 it was 18s. 3d. per cwt. greater than in 1888. The Board of Trade tables give the average price of soles per Ib. for each year, and it is interesting to compare these with the prices for the ten years 1856 to 1865. In the report of the Sea Fisheries 139 Commission of 1866 1 find a table giving the price of various kinds of fish during those years both in the Manchester Fish Market and that of Newcastle-on-Tyne. The figures are as follows : MANCHESTER. r 1856. 1857. 1858. 1859. 1860. 1861. j 3d. to 4-d. Qd. to 8d. 5rf. to 8& r fT~~7 ' PLATE VI. Fig. 1. The Lemon or Sand Sole (Solea lascaris\ natural size. Fig. 2. Lower side of the head of the same, showing the dilated anterior nostril. PLATE VII. Fig. 1. The Thickback (Solea variegata), natural size. Fig. 2. Lower side of the head of the same. Fig. 3. The Solenette (Solea lutea\ natural size. Fig. 4. Lower side of the same. f PLATE VIII. Fig. 1. The viscera of the female Common Sole in situ, natural size. Fig. 2. The body cavity of the female Common Sole after all the viscera have been removed except the ovary and kidneys, which are left in situ. The wooden rod passes through the anus, the blue probe passes through the external aperture of the common oviduct up into the left ovary, the black bristle passes into the urinary bladder which lies beneath the oviduct. PLATE IX. Fig. 1. The viscera of the male Common Sole in situ, natural size. Fig. 2. The body cavity of the male Common Sole after all the viscera have been removed except the testes and kidneys, which are left in situ, natural size. The wooden rod passes through the anus, the black bristle passes into the urinary bladder, which lies beneath the cords containing the testicular ducts. I PLATE X. Fig. 1. The skeleton of the Common Sole; the branchial arches, jaws, and bones of the paired fins have been removed, all the other bones are in their natural position in relation to one another. Fig. 2. One of the dorsal fin-rays : a. from the side ; b. from the front. PLATE X Fig. 1. The superficial bones of the right or upper side of the head of the Common Sole. Fig. 2. The superficial bones of the left or lower side. Eefereiice letters : Jim, hyomandibular. ms, mesopterygoid. mt, metapterygoid. m, mandible. pt, pterygoid. pa, palatine. s, symplectic. q, quadrate. x, maxilla. px, pre maxilla. o, opercular. po, preopercular. io, iiiteropercular. so, subopercular. Fig. 3. The bones of the branchial arches and paired fins, lateral view. Fig. 4. The bony branchial arches spread out and seen from the dorsal side. Eeference letters and numbers : 66 1, 1st basibranchial. 66 2, 2nd ditto. 663, 3rd ditto. 6A, basihyal. Tih, hypohyals. ch. ceratohyal. c6 1, 1st cerate-branchial. c6 2, 2nd ditto. Ip, lower pharyngeal. up, upper pharyngeal. 2, stylohyal. 3, epihyal. 8, 1st pharyngobranchial. 9, 1st epibranchial. 11, 1st hypobrancbial. 14, 2nd epibranchial. 16, 2nd hypobrauchial. 17, 3rd pharyngobrauchial. 18, 3rd epibranchial. 19, 3rd eeratobranchial. 20, 3rd hypobranchial. 21, 4th epibranchial. 25, post-temporal. 26, supra-clavicular. 27, clavicle. 28, jugular. 29, scapulfi. 30, coracoid. 31, pubic. Fig. 5. The skull, showing the separate bones and their sutures, from the right side. Fig. 6. The same from the left side. Fig. 7. The same from the dorsal side. Fig. 8. The posterior surface. Eeference letters : 6.0. s.o. ex.o. ep.o. pt.o. op.o. pr.o. sp'.o. basioccipital. supraoccipital. exoccipital. epiotic. pterotic. opisthotic. prootic. sphenotic. pa. parietal. l.f. left frontal. r.f. right frontrJ. pa.s. parasphenoid. vo. vomer. tries, e. mesethmoid. r.ect.e. right ectethmoid. l.ect.e. left ditto. .-.ep.o 1 ' PT.O. Solea vulgaris Imp Camb. Sci.h PLATE XII. General view of the musculature of the Common Sole seen from the right side, after removal of the skin. The superficial abductors of the ventral fin have been removed, to expose the elevators and depressors of the ventral fin-rays which lie beneath them : the same dissection has been made along the anterior fourth of the dorsal fin. t I '/ f ^ vf xV PLATE XIII. Fig. 1. Transverse section of the right ovary of a young Common Sole, 7^ inches long, killed May 2, 1889 ; magnified 45 times, linear. f.e. fibrous tissues forming the wall of the ovary. o.g. ovigerous lamellae. b.v. blood-vessels, ovarian artery and vein. Fig. 2. Portion of an ovigerous lamella from transverse section of an ovary of a Sole 10J inches long, killed January 28, 1889 ; magnified 450 times. g.e. germinal epithelium. o. ova. Fig. 3. Section of an ovum approaching maturity, from the ovary of a Sole killed when spawning was almost finished, on April 11, 1889 ; magnified 70 times. b.v. blood-vessels. f.e. follicular epithelium. f.m. follicular membrane. v.m. vitelline membrane. Fig. 4. Transverse section of the right testis of a Sole 9 inches long, immature ; magnified 45 times. f.e. fibrous envelope. r.t. radial testicular tubes. l.t. longitudinal testicular tubes. Fig. 5. Closed end of one of the radial testicular tubes shown in Fig. 4 ; magnified 450 times. f.e. fibrous envelope. g.e. male germinal epithelium. Fig. 5a. Longitudinal portion of a testicular tube from the same section cut transversely, containing spermatoblasts and ripe spermatozoa ; magnified 450 times. Fig. 6. Transverse section of the cord containing the testicular ducts from an adult male Sole killed in the breeding season, March 23, 1889; magnified 70 times. f.t. fibrous tissue. l.t. the testicular ducts. u.l). urinary bladder lined by an epithelium. Fig. 7. Spermatozoon of Dab (Pleuronectes limanJa) ; magnified 500 times. : OQ , Solea vuljaris imp Csonb i PLATE XIV. Fig. 1. Scale of Common Sole from middle of body ; magnified. Fig. 2. One of the lateral line scales of the same. Fig. 3. Scale of Thickback. Fig. 4. Scale of Lemon or Sand Sole. Fig. 5. Scale of Solenette. Fig. 6. Phyllonella solece, the parasite from the skin of the Common Sole ; magnified. p.s. posterior sucker. p. aperture for the penis. u. aperture of the uterus. a.g. anterior glandular areas. Fig 6a. Egg of same, magnified 100 times. Fig. 7. Ideal longitudinal section of the skin along the lateral line of the Common Sole ; magnified 70 times. ep. epidermis. c. chromatophores. d.t. dermal tube. s.c. scale in section. /. fibrous tissue of the derma with areolar tissue in spaces. p. external pores. s.o. sense organ. n. nerve. ,J> -.n.del Solea vulgar is -."ib Sc: PLATE XV. i<*. 1 . Section of a portion of the skin of the lower side of head of the Common Sole; magnified 70 times. Reference letters as in Fig. 7, PI. XIV, with the addition of//, tactile filaments. Fig. 2. Lower side of the head of the Sole dissected to show the cutaneous nerves : natural size. V 2. Maxillary branch of the 5th. V 2 a. palato-nasal branch of 5th. V 2. mandibular branch of 5th. VII 1. mandibular branch of 7th. VII 2. hyoidean branch of 7th. VII 2 a. opercular branch of 7th. X 6 a. supra- temporal branch of vagus. X 6 b. another anterior branch of the vagus. Fig, 3. Egg of Common Sole taken in tow-net in Mount's Bay, March 1, 1889. Magnified 45 times, bl. blastoderm, y.s. yolk segments, o.g. oil globules. Fig. 4. An egg of the same, artificially fertilised, March 23, 7 a.m. ; drawn March 24, 5 p.m.; same magnification. Fig. 5. An egg of the same, artificially fertilised, March 23, 7 a.m. ; drawn March 25, 12 noon ; same magnification. Fig. 6. An egg, fertilised artificially, April 12, 1889 ; dranw April 15, 4 p.m. Both black and coloured pigment cells present, the latter green by reflected light ; e. eye, m.s. mesoblastic somites. :. Solea vuljaris PLATE XVI. Fig. 1. Egg of Common Sole, artificially fertilised, April 12, 1889, 10 a.m.; drawn April 15, 4 p.m. Magnified 45 times ; same stage as that shown in PL XV, Fig 6, in profile, o.g. oil globules. Fig. 2. An egg of same taken in tow-net off Plymouth (near the Mewstone), March 29, 1889 ; drawn March 30 ; same magnification, e. eye. yk. yolk. Fig. 3. Larva of same taken 4 m. south of the Mewstone, March 30, 1889 ; right side ; magnified 35 times, yk. yolk. au. auditory organ, na. nasal capsule. Fig. 4. Larva of same, hatched March 28, from egg taken off Penlee Point, March 27, left side ; magnified 35 times, ht. heart, pt. pectoral fin. int. intestine. Fig. 5. Young Common Sole f inch long, taken in Mevagissey Harbour, May 15, 1889 ; magnified 8J times. Fig. 6. Egg of the Thickback (Solea variegata), taken in tow- net S. of the Eddystone ; drawn April 21, 1889; magnified 45 times. Plate X\7. v-.-.*"; :; *-'-;' :-*:/*. ;' ' 3*$+*'$^: '* l " ,'*- SOLL'A VAR:: Fig. 1-'5. SOLEA VULGARIS. Fig. 6. SOLEA VARIECATA. PLATE XVII. Fig. 1. Larva of Thickback newly hatched, April 24, 1889 ; magnified 35 times. Pigment as seen by reflected light, yk. yolk. Fig. 2, Larva of same two days after hatching, April 23, 1889. Same magnification pt. pectoral fin. ht. heart. Fig. 3. Larva of Flounder (Pleuronectes Jlesus), two days after hatching, February 20, 1889, from egg artificially fertilised ; magnified 35 times. Fig. 4. Larva of same six days after hatching, February 24, 1889, from the same lot as the preceding ; same magnification. Fig. 5. Young Flounder taken in Mevagissey Harbour, April 2, 1889 ; drawn April 5 ; magnified about 18 times. Plate X\ + <> PLEURONECTES FLESUS. ;;ze I PLEURONECTES FLESUS F&1.2. SOLEA VARIEGATA. Fig 3 5 PLEURONECTES FLESUS. PLATE XVIIL Fig. 1. Young Flounder (Pleuronectes flesus] taken in Mevagissey Harbour, April 2, 1889 ; magnified about 14J times, pv. pelvic fin. Fig. 2. Larva of Dab (Pleuronectes limanda) newly hatched, from artificially fertilised egg, March 11, 1889; magnified 35 times, pt. pectoral fin. yk. yolk. Fig. 3. Larva of Merry Sole (Pleuronectes microcephalus\ March 25, 1889, four days after hatching, from artificially fertilised egg ; same magnification. I. liver. Jit. heart. Fig. 4. Larva of Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa\ February 27, 1889, five days after hatching, from artificially fertilised egg; same magnification, a. anus. nch. notochord. Fig. 5. Young Brill (Rhombus Icevis) taken at surface of water in Button Pool, June 1, 1889 ; natural size. vmsff ^i^P ' -^. ~ ' 'j,'J~r . HARRISON AND SONS, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, LONDON.

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