In the Month of March, 1825, will be published, (price 2s.) JAMES TAYLOR'S CATALOGUE OF VALUABLE BOOKS, on Sale at 130, North-street, (two doors from the Royal Colonnade) Brighton. iofitri) are tfje FOLIO. Anstis's Order of the Garter, 2 vols ; Architecture, Peinturc, &c., de la Maison de Ville d'Amsterdam ; Baker's Chronicle ; Barnes's Edward III ; Barrow's Works, 3 vols ; Biondi's Civil Wars, 2 vols ; Bolfamer Nurnbergische Hesperides ; Brooke's Catalogue of Nobility ; Burnet's History of the Reformation, 3 /ols ; Caltnet, suite des portraits des Dues et Duchesses de Lorraine, russia; Camden's Britannia, by Gough, 3 vols. niisia; Carter's Ancient Architecture ; Chauncy's Hert- fordshire, with all the plates, and original drawings inserted, a matchless copy, in russia ; Clarendon's Rebellion, Life, and Tracts, 5 vols ; Col- lection of Coats of, Arms ; Collins on Baronies, L. P. ; Dart's West- minster, 2 vols ; uugnaie's iviuiKisiicuu Auglicnnum, with Stevens's Continuation, 3 vols ; Dugdale's Baronage, 2 vols ; Dugdale's Origines Juridicialcs, russia ; Douglas's Peerage of Scotland ; Harris's Voyages, 2 vols ; Holbein's Court of Henry VIII ; Howel's Perlustration of London, ntssia ; Lister, Historia sive Synopsis Methodica Conchyliorum ; Madox's History of the Exchequer ; Morant's Essex, 2 vols ; Plot's Staffordshire; Rademaker Vues de-Rhynland; Segar on Honour; Stackhouse's Nereis Britannica ; Stowe's London, by Strype, 2 vols ; Stukeley's Itinerarium Curiosum, 2 rols, best edition ; Thoroton's Not- tinghamshire, original edition ; Whitby on the New Testament, 2 vols. QUARTO. Holy Bible, notes by D'Oyley and Mant, Scott, Saunders, Brown, Styles, Priestley, &r. ; Aikin's Manchester ; Anson's Voyage, L. P. russia ; Antiquarian Repertory, 4 vols. L. P. morocco ; Banks's Stemmata Anglicana, L. P. ; Bentham's Ely, 2 vols; Bromley's Cata- logue of British Portraits, 2 vols, MS. additions ; Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible, 5 vols -, Cooke's Voyage, 3 vols ; Costume of England ; Dale's Harwich ; Dallaway's Heraldry ; Dassier's Medals ; Deering's Notting- ham ; Doddridgc's Family Expositor, 6 vols ; Ducarel's Works ; Dun- combe's Herefordshire, 2 vols ; Ellis's Shoreditch, illustrated -, Encyclo- paedia Britannica, 20 vols ; Encyclopaedia Metropolitana, 10 vols ; Euripidis, Egertoni ; Grose's Military Antiquities, 2 vols ; Hunter's Lon- don, 2 vols. L. P. ; Hntchinson's Durham, 3 rols. russia, Jenkins's Exeter, L. P. ; Johnson's Dictionary, 2 vols. russia; Lavater's Physi- ognomy, by Hunter, 5 vols. L. P. ; Lenfant's Council of Constance, 2 vols. L. P. morocco:, Medallic History of Napoleon, morocco ; Bp. New- ton's Works, 3 vols ; Newcome's St. Alban's, illustrated, russia ; Og- borne's Essex, L. P. ; Pennant's London, 5 vols ; London, from Magna Britannia, and New View of London, 4 vols; in all 10 vols, illustrated; Pole's Windsor, L. P. ; Sandby's Virtuosi's Museum, morocco ; Spils- bury's Gems, morocco ; Staunton's Embassy to China, 3 vols ; Steuart's Sallust, 2 vols. L. P. ; Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, 3 vols. russia , Tin- dal's Evesham ; Views in Rome, 2 vols ; Walker's Independency, illus- trated ; Warner's Hampshire, 6 vols ; Warton's History of English Poetry, 4 vols ,- Whittaker's WHaTley, 2 vols. OCTAVO. Alton's Hortus Kewcnsis, 5vols; Beauties of England, 11 vols; Bingley's Quadrupeds, largest paper, russia; British Poets, 100 vols, morocco; British Theatre, 17 vols; Button's Birds, 9 vols; Clarendon's Rebellion and Life, 9 vols ; Dibdin's Library Companion, 2 vols ; L. P. ; Dibdin on the Classics, 2 vols. L. P. ; Douce's Illustra- tions of Shakspeare, 2 vols ; Ellis's Original Letters, 6 vols ; English Dance of Death, 2 vols. morocco -, Gent's Pieces ; History of Essex, 6 vols ; Hume's England, 13 vols ; Ireland's Hogarth ; Michaelis on the New Testament, (j vols : Quarterly Review, 28 vols ; Jeremy Taylor's Works, 15 vols ; The Topographer, 4 vols ; Warton's History of Poetry, 4 vols ; Willis's Mitred Abbies and Cathedrals, 5 vols ; The Works of Addison, Beveridge, Blair, Bolingbroke, Butler, Burns, Byron, Cowper, Drake, Fielding, Goldsmith, Johnson, Jay, Mackenzie, Mavor, Moon,, Paley, Parkhurst, Pope, Rollin, Romaine, Robertson, Scott, Shakspeare, Smollett, Sterne, Seeker, Swift, Tillotson, W&tts, &c. &c. &c. A large collection of Biography, including Chalmers's Biographical Dictionary, 32 vols. ; Strype's Lives of Cranmer, Parker, &c. ; Fiddes's Life of Wolsey ; North's Lives of the North's ; Clarke and M' Arthur's Life of Nelson ; 2 vols. L.P. russia ; Fox's Life of James II. L.P. ; Knight's Life of Dean Colet; &c. &c. &c. Together With an Tntorot>n0 K^lootinn t\t n and ex- tends to f. 84 ; is continued at f. 110, and is concluded at f. 140. Pedigrees of families in the Counties of BERKS, Bucks, Oxford, &c. It has not any index - - - 5819 Pedigrees of Berkshire families in alphabe- tical order - 5822 Pedigrees and Arms in colours, of families in the County of Berks, taken at the Visitation of 1623. Unfinished - - 6173 Monumental Inscriptions in Berkshire, Buck- inghamshire, and Oxfordshire, collected in 1660 - 4170 Ibid, in Berkshire, Oxfordshire, and Nor- thamptonshire - 6365 Pedigrees of families in Berkshire, Oxford- shire, and Buckinghamshire, written nar- ratively, with the Arms tricked - - 5828 Part of the Parish Register of Steventone in Berkshire, i. e. from 1558 to 1599 - 2395 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Anno. Harl. MSS. 1566 William Harvey, Clarenceux - - 5181 Another copy of the said Visitation - < " ' | fo. 68 to 84. This copy is full of continuations and additions. 1574 Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, by his deputy Richard Lee, Portcullis - 1139* Another copy of the Visitation of 1574, enlarged by that of 1634 Richard St. George, Clarenceux, and John Burrough, Norroy, by their ) 1533 deputies, John Philipot, Somerset Herald, and William Ryley, Blue- mantle, with some additions t Another copy of the Visitation of 1634 Another copy of the said Visitation - 1102 1151 1193 Another copy of the same Visitation An imperfect copy of the same Visi- tation - 1234 Ibid. - - - 1136 Another copy ; written by John Saun- ders, herald-painter, with consi- derable additions ; a few Pedigrees * This MS. also contains the Visitations of Hampshire in 1576, and of Berkshire in 1566. f Note. This MS. is the best for general reference. 10 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, continued. Harl. MSS. are not, however, entered, viz. D'Oylly, Borlase, &c. - - - 1391, f. 12 Pedigrees of a few families in Bucks, Ox- ford, and Berks, written narratively, with the Arms tricked ... 5828 Pedigrees of families transcribed from the Visitation of 1566, with the Arms tricked, interspersed with some Deeds and Grants 5832 Pedigrees of Buckinghamshire families - 5868 Abstract of the Parish Register of Denham in the County of Bucks, from 1564 to 1695 3361 Arms from the Visitation of 1634 - - 1482, f. 14 Monumental Inscriptions in Buckingham- shire, Oxfordshire, and Berkshire, col- lected in 1660 - - - - 4170 Although not strictly within the object of this little work, it is sufficiently relevant to the subject to state here that Hare's MSS. in the College of Arms contain a very extensive collection for Buckinghamshire. These valuable MSS. unfortunately written in rather an ille- gible hand, are undigested, and unindexed ; but, not- withstanding these imperfections, it is, perhaps, the most valuable collection of materials for a History of that County which is extant. 11 CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Anno. Harl. MSS. 1575 Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, continued" by that of 1619 William Camden, Clarenceux, by his deputy, Henry St. George, Rich- mond Herald ; with some addi- tions* - - -- Another copy of the Visitation of 1619^ with a few additions f - -- Another copy of the Visitation of 1619 - This copy does not contain all the Arms. - Two copies of the said Visitation, 1 6769 bound up together - - 3 6770 Ayscough Addit. MSS. ' Another copy of the said Visitation - 4962 1534 1043,fo.53 1401 Arms and some Descents from the Visita- tion of 1619 - Ibid. - - Harl. MSS. 2198, f. 1 2230, f. 10 * A valuable copy of this Visitation, with notes and additions (some in the autograph of Peter Le Neve, Norroy) with a variety of Church Notes and Inscriptions at the end of the Volume, is in the collection of the Compiler's friend, Charles George Young, esq. F. S.A.York Herald. t Note. The best Index is at fo. 113. This MS. also contains the Visitation of the County of Worcester in 1569. 12 CAMBRIDGESHIRE, continued. Sixty Volumes of Collections by the Rev. ^ William Cole, chiefly relating to the His- I tory and Antiquities of Cambridge and I Cambridgeshire, but mixed with similar Collections for other Counties, and with a variety of miscellaneous matter - General Index to the first Forty -six Volumes Indexes - Two Volumes of Heraldry and Pedigrees - Twenty-four Volumes, containing Collec- tions for an " Athenae Cantabrigienses," alphabetically arranged A List of Bachelors of Arts graduated at Cambridge, from 1500 to 1735 Lives of the Illustrious Men who have been educated in the University of Cambridge from the foundation thereof to the year 1715, collected by Morris Drake Mor- ris, Esq. - - Vol. I. contains the Archbishops and Bishops educated at Cambridge, with a complete Index of Names, and many engraved Portraits. Vol.11, contains Learned Men in general, but only 319 pages are filled, and there are but a few Portraits. This volume is entitled " Athenae Cantabrigienses." The Index at the end gives the names of those intended to be inserted, as well as of those actually entered. Addit. MSS. 5802 to 5861 5801 5799,5800 5798 A-B. 5862 to 5884 5585 Harl. MSS. 7176,7177 CAMBRIDGESHIRE, continued. 13 Harl. MSS. Abstracts of Wills proved in the Registry of\ ~ ^ the Bishop of Ely at Cambridge, from > f. 153 to 177, 1478 to 1551 - J andf - 265 - Abstracts of Wills recorded in the Registry of the University of Cambridge, from 1500 to 1559 - - 7033, f.261 Ibid, from 1559 to 1590 - - 7030, f. 307 A Transcript of Mr. Layer's MS. description of the Hundreds of Armingford, Long Stowe, Papworth, North Stowe, Chester- ton, Wetherley and Thriplowe in Cam- bridgeshire, in the year 1639 - 6768 Pedigrees of families in Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire, with their Arms - 6774 Pedigrees of Cambridgeshire families, with some Papers and Letters relating to the History of that County - 6775 Pedigrees and Arms of families - - 6830 A Catalogue of all the Provosts, Fellows, and Scholars elected into King's College, Cambridge, from the foundation in 1441 to 1703; together with their several prefer- ments, either in Church or Commonwealth 6114 An extensive Collection of Monumental In- scriptions in divers Churches and Chapels in Cambridge - - - -6121 Extracts from the Records of Christ's Col- lege, Cambridge - - 6981 Twenty-three Volumes, containing very^ 7027 valuable Collections relative to the Col- > to leges of the University of Cambridge -j 7050 14 CHESHIRE. Anno. Harl. MSS. The Visitation of Lancashire in 1533, Harl. MS. 2076, fo. 11, includes a part of Cheshire. Vide " LANCA- SHIRE." 1580 William Flower, Norroy, by his de- puty, Robert Glover, Somerset Herald - 1505 Another copy of the said Visitation ; the Pedigrees in which are entered in alphabetical order, with some continuations - 1424, f. 12 k Another copy of the said Visitation - 5182 1612 Richard St. George, Norroy, with some additions - - - 1535, f. 35 This MS. has no Index. A Fragment of the ORIGINAL VISITATION of the City of Chester, by Chaloner, in 1591, which appears never to have been finished - 2163, f. 71 Other parts are in - - - 2161, f. 263 Pedigrees, partly taken from the Visitations, and partly added ; with other matter con- nected with Cheshire families - <(> 2119 Pedigrees of the same description - - 2142 CHESHIRE, continued. 15 Harl. MSS. Pedigrees from the Visitations of 1580 and 1612 - 2187 Arras of Cheshire families, etched in copper plates - - 2230, f. 18 Arms, with some Descents - f. 28 A very extensive Collection of Monumental Inscriptions, by the third Randal Holme, entitled " Cheshire Monuments." 2151 -\ 1920 Holme's Collections for Cheshire - " r 2187 also 3 7568^ 7569 Ayscough Addit. MSS. Pedigrees compiled in 1630 - - 5529 Lansd. MSS. A Calendar of all the Knights Fees or Mi- litary Tenures in the County of Chester, from Edw. III. to Hen. VII., with an Alphabetical Index of Names of Persons and Places - - - 271 Warburton's Collections for Cheshire 644 Funeral Certificates of the Counties of Cheshire, Lancashire, Shropshire, and North Wales, begun 1 March, 1600 - 879 Harl. MSS. Funeral Certificates of the Counties of Ches- ter, Lancashire, and North Wales, begun 28 May, 1606 - 2041 Crests of Cheshire families - 1963 Daniel King's Description of Cheshire - 5175 An Excellent Book concerning most of the 16 CHESHIRE, continued. Harl. MSS. Lands, Descents, Coat Armours, and other passages both Legal and Historical, of the County of Chester. Collected out of Records, Private Evidences, Epitaphs, and divers Monuments, by Laurence Bos- tocke - 139 Names of the Earls, Abbots, Constables,^ Justices, Chamberlains, Sheriffs, and Es- > ^' ' f cheators of Chester since the Conquest ' Certaine verie rare Observations of Chester ^ and some parts of Wales, with divers I Epitaphes, Coats Armour, and other Mo- >> 473 numents, apparently by Sampson Erdes- wicke in 1574 - -J Note. Harl. MSS. 471 is the Index to this Collection. Erdeswick's Collections for Cheshire, with some additions by Bostocke and Starkey 506 Liber Feodorum Militum in Comitatu Pal. Cestriae et Flynt per Robertum Vaudray deputatum Camerarij ibidem de Memo- rand, et Record, in Sc'cario Cestr. rema- nentium, &c. 15 June, 1557 - 699 Cheshire Pedigrees, taken from Pedigrees ( 774, by Glover- - * '. - - - J f. 14b tof.31> An Alphabet of the Arms of the Gentry of Cheshire and Lancashire - - 893 Pedigrees from the Visitation of 1580 - -< 1045, ) f. 116 to f. 132 CHESHIRE, continued. 17 Harl. MSS. A Treatise on the History and Antiquities*\ of Cheshire, apparently by William Smith f 1046 in 1588, containing many valuable Anti- f~ f- 122 to f. 175 quarian and Genealogical notices - -J Pedigrees and Arms from the Visitation of 1580 - - 10/0 Parts of the ORIGINAL Papers of Arms and Pedigrees of Cheshire Gentry, from the Visitation of 1613 - Ibid. f. 68 to 147 Pedigrees, apparently taken from the Visi- tations of 1566, 1580, and 1613 - - 1170 Copy of the Register of the Parish of St. Bridget in Chester, from 1560 to 1638 - 2177 Abstract of the Register of Trinity Church in Chester, from 1598 to 1653 - - Ibid. f. 55 Copy of the Register of the Parish of St. Mary-on-the-Hill in Chester, from 1547 to 1553 - - - Ibid. f. 113 Copy of the Register of Christenings and Weddings within the Parish of St. Olave in Chester - - Ibid. f. 161 Wills copied from " the Great Register Booke which hath a parchment cover on it, remaining in the Will Office within the Abbey Court of the City of Chester." These Wills commence about the year 1520, and extend to the year 1660 - 2067 18 CORNWALL. Anno. Harl. MSS. 1573 Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, and 1620 William Camden, Clarenceux, by his deputies, Henry St. George, Rich- mond Herald, and Sampson Len- nard, Bluemantle - 1079* Part of the ORIGINAL VISITATION of 1620, by Henry St. George, Rich- mond Herald, and Sampson Len- nard, Pursuivant - 1162 The remaining part of the ORIGINAL VISITATION of 1620, by St. George 1164 This part is bound up with the Origi- nal Visitation of Devon in the same year. Devon begins f. l, and ends f. 54, where the Cornish pedigrees commence. - Another copy of the Visitation of 1620 1142 " A clean copie " of the said Visitation 1 149 Arms of the Gentry of Cornwall blazoned - 891, f . 1 to f . 6 Ibid. - - j- 1956 Arms of the Gentry of Cornwall and Devon 4632, f.23 * Note. The Visitation of 1573 ends at fo. 51. CORNWALL, continued. 19 Harl. MSS. An old book, entitled " A Discourse of Devonshire and Cornwall, with Blazon of the Arms, the Bishops of Exeter, the Revenues of the Deaneries, Parsonages, and other Gentlemen " - 5827 Arms of the Cornish families from the Vi- sitation of 1620 - - - 1482, f. 5 A considerable number of Cornish Pedi- \ grees, generally very extensive and va ~/" f t^ qn luable - - - - - -) " Speculi Britanniae pars, or a Topographi- cal and Historical Description of Corn- wall, by the Perambulac'on, View, and Deliniac'on of John Norden." Dedicated to James I. : the title is illuminated, and the maps engraved, with several coloured views, &c. not dated, but apparently a copy presented to the King in MS. - 6252 Norden's Cornwall was not printed until 1728, though it was surveyed by that industrious antiquary in 1584. Cott. MSS. Names and Arms of Gentlemen in Cornwall) Faustina and Devonshire -3 *" ***' 20 CUMBERLAND. Anno. Harl. MSS. 1615 Richard St. George, Norroy - - 1374*, f. 12 . Another copy of the said Visitation, with many additions - - - 1536 ' This MS. also contains the Visitation of Westmoreland in 1615. 21 DERBYSHIRE. Anno. 1569 William Flower, Norroy, with some additions by Ralph Brooke - Another copy of the said Visitation - Ibid. The Index is at f. 101. Part of the said Visitation, written narratively - Another copy of the Visitation of 1569, with some continuations t - Another copy of the said Visitation, with continuations from that of 1611 Richard St. George, Norroy - Another copy of the Visitation of 1611, written narratively Another copy of the said Visitation, grounded on that of 1569 - This copy of the Visitation of 1611 abounds with Extracts from Deeds, Sketches of Seals, and Church Notes. &c. Harl. MSS. 886* 2134, f.99 6592 2113, f.34 1484, f. 23 1093 1153, f.93 1486, f. 23 Another copy of the said Visitation, with some additions 1662 William Dugdale, Norroy 1537 61041 Extracts from Dugdale's Visitation in 1662 1082, f. 81 Pedigrees of families, with their Arms tricked 5809 In the Archives of the College of Arms is a very valuable Collection for this County by Dr. Christopher Pegge, in seven volumes. * This MS. also contains the Visitations of Stafford in 1563, and Nottingham in 1569. t Vide a note under " Suffolk" relative to this MS. J This MS. contains likewise the Visitation of Staffordshire 1663. 22 DEVONSHIRE. Anno. Harl. MSS. 1 564 William Harvey, Clarenceux - - 3288, f. 25 This is beautifully written, and has a very copious Index, all the names of persons whose Pedigrees are in- serted being written in red ink to distinguish them from the references to alliances ; and the Arms of each family are very neatly sketched. Another copy of the said Visitation - 5185 Another copy of the said Visitation of 1564, written narratively, in the hand of Ralph Brooke, York He- rald, but it is somewhat doubtful if it be entire - 1567 Another copy of the said Visitation, written narratively - - - 1399 Another copy of the said Visitation - 5840 Ibid. - - 5871 Another copy of the said Visitation in the hand of Chaloner - - 1091 1620 William Camden, Clarenceux, by his deputies, Henry St. George, Rich- mond Herald, and Sampson Len- nard, Bluemantle ; to which is added the Visitation of 1564 '? 1080 NOTE. In this MS., the Visitation of 1620 extends from fo. 1 to fo.363>, DEVONSHIRE, continued. 23 Anno. Harl. MSS. at which folio the Visitation of 1565 commences. 1620 Part of the ORIGINAL VISITATION of 1620 - 1163 The remaining part of the ORIGINAL VISITATION of 1620 - - - 1164 Pedigrees taken from the Visitations of 1564 and 1620 ; in some instances the descents are continued to 1637 - - 1538 Arms and Pedigrees from the Visitation of) 2230 1564 - -3 fo. 54-59-65 Pedigrees by Hugh Cotgrave, Richmond J Herald, with some additions by Ralph /" 3967 Brooke, York Herald - -J NOTE. The Pedigrees in this MS. are not continued so low as the Visitation of 1620. Pedigrees, apparently fragments of a copy^ 1169 of the Visitation of 1564 - - > f- 125, et seq. Arms of the families of Devon from the Visitation of 1620, with those of families of Dorset and Somerset from the Visita- tion of 1623 - 1482, f. 10 A Collection of Devonshire Pedigrees, with the Arms in Blazon, by Mr. Thomas Westcote, Recorder of Totness - - 2297 24 DEVONSHIRE, continued. Harl. MSS. The History or Antiquities of Devonshire, by Thomas Westcote, Esq. Recorder of Totness temp. Jac. I. et Car. I. - - 2307 Arms and Pedigrees from the Visitation of 1564 889 Descent of several Devonshire families - 1408, f. 41 Pedigrees - 2121, f. 45 Cotgrave's Collections of Devonshire PediO 2189, grees - -> f- 15 and 22 Arms of Gentry of Devonshire and Cornwall 4632, f . 23 An old book, entitled " A Discourse of Devonshire and Cornwall, with Blazon of the Arms, the Bishops of Exeter, the Revenues of the Deaneries, Parsonages, and other Gentlemen " u- , 5827 An account of some Noble families in De- vonshire, and of some Members of the Parl. in 1640, by Samuel Somast: (query Somaster) Sept. 1694 - - 6861 A folio volume, which belonged to Peter Le Neve, containing 1. Perambulatio Forestae de Exmore in Com. Somers. et Devon in Turri London, remanens. 2. Inquisitiones post Mortem Anno 28* Regis Henrici tertii, in turre London, remanentes. folio 12, cum Indice al- phabetico. 3. Inquisitiones post Mortem in Comit. DEVONSHIRE, continued. 25 Harl. MSS. Devon, temp. Edw. I. ibidem rema- nentes, folio 58, cum Indice Nominum locupletissimo. 4. Epitome Recorder um quorundam post Mortem, &c. pro Com. Devon temp. Edw. II. folio 41, cum Indice ut supra Tenentum in capite. 5. Epitome Com. Devon temp. Edw. III. folio 57, cum Indice ut supra. Scuta Armorum passim coloribus depicta 6126 Cott. MSS. Names and Arms of Gentlemen in Devon-") Faustina shire and Cornwall -> E - IIT - 26 DORSETSHIRE. Anno. 1565 William Harvey, Clarenceux, with some additions - Another copy of the said Visitation, written narratively Another copy of the said Visitation, written narratively Part of the said Visitation, with addi- tions, by William Penson, Lancas- ter Herald - Fragments of the said Visitation, writ- ten narratively - Another copy of the said Visitation, to which is added the Visitation of 1623 William Cam den, Clarenceux, by his deputies, Henry St. George, Rich- mond Herald, and Sampson Len- nard, Bluemantle 1 565 William Harvey, Clarenceux, to which ^ is added 1623 Another copy of the Visitation of 1623 --- Harl. MSS. 2186 888*, f. 37 1153t, f.69 1092 1046, f. A. f. 126, and f. 181 1451 :1 1539 * This MS. likewise contains the Visitation of Wiltshire in 1565. t This MS. contains also the Visitations of several other Counties. DORSETSHIRE, continued, 27 Anno. Harl. MSS. 1623 Supposed to be the ORIGINAL Visita- tion of 1623 - - - 1166 Pedigrees, perhaps copied from the Visita- tion of 1565, with many additions - 1150 Abridgments of the Inquisitions post Mor- tem of the Tenants of the Crown in the Counties of Dorset and Somerset, from the reign of Hen. III. to Ric. III. ; toge- ther with Abstracts of Records and other Evidences relating to those Counties - 4120 Pedigrees of families in the County of Dorset - - - 5888 Arms from the Visitation of 1623 - - 1482, f. 10 28 DURHAM. Anno. Harl. MSS. 1575 William Flower, Norroy - 1171, f. 65* Another copy of the said Visitation, with that by 1615 Richard St. George, Norroy - - 1540 This MS. has several Pedigrees, not inserted in either of the Visitations ; and many continuations are added to the descents registered on those occasions. Another copy of the Visitation of 16 15 1153, f. 48i> Another copy of the said Visitation, bound up with other articles - 1397, f. 201 Another copy of the Visitation of 1615 1168 NOTE. The Visitations of 1575 and 1615 have been printed, though not with accuracy. Pedigrees of families residing in the Bishop- rick of Durham - - - - 2118, f. 35* 29 ESSEX. Anno. Harl. MSS. 1558 William Harvey, Clarenceux, with many of the descents continued to the year 1614 - - - 1137*, f. 11 Another copy of the said Visitation - 1484, f. 52 1612 William Camden, Clarenceux, by his deputy, John Raven, Richmond Herald - 6065 1634 Richard St. George, Clarenceux, and Sir John Burrough, Norroy, by their deputies, George Owen, York Herald, and Henry Lilly, Rouge Rose - 1083 Another copy of the said Visitation - 7017, Article 40 Another copy of the said Visitation, with some additions - 1542 Arms and some Descents from the Visita-") 2198, tionof!634 > f. 12-48-50 Pedigrees from the Visitation of 1612 - 1398, f. 4 A large Collection of Pedigrees from the Visitation of 1583, by Robert Cooke, * This MS. contains the Visitations of several other Counties. 30 ESSEX, continued. Harl. MSS. Clarenceux, and also from the Visita- tions of 1612 and 1634, with some con- tinuations ------ 1541 Pedigrees and Arms, registered at the Visi- tations of 1558, 1583 and 1612 - 1146, f. 10 Pedigrees and Arms : some dated as low as 1657 - 1432* Arms and Pedigrees - 4944 Arms of the Nobility and Gentry of Essex, from the Visitation of 1612 - - - 887 Monumental Inscriptions in several Churches in Essex, Suffolk, and Norfolk - - 6762 * This MS. contains also the Visitation of Kent ; the Index re- lating to Essex is at f. 1, but it is imperfect. 31 GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Anno. Harl. MSS. 1583 Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, with many continuations ; together with the Visitation of 1041, f. 18 1623 William Camden, Clarenceux, by his deputies, Henry Chitting, Chester Herald, and John Philipot, Rouge Dragon - -J , f. 77* 1583).... ., > Ibid, with many additions 1623 1543 Pedigrees of many ancient Gloucestershire families - - Arms with some Descents from the Visita- tion of 1569 Pedigrees taken in 1634 - Pedigrees from the Visitation of 1569, by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux - Arms and Pedigrees of families of the Coun- ties of Gloucester, Hereford, and Wor- cester, circa 1634 - ... Pedigrees and Arms of Gloucestershire fa- milies - Ibid. - Ibid. - Arms and Pedigrees from the Visitation of 1583, preceded by Lists of all the Sheriffs of Gloucestershire from the reign of Hen. II. to 43 Eliz., Anno 1601, and of the Justices of the Peace of that County in 1601 and 1620 - Arms of the Nobility and Gentry of the County of Gloucester - 2121, f. 72 2230, f. 92 6139 615, f. 173 6139 6185 6174 1191 1041, f. 18 1042, f. 79 32 -"] HAMPSHIRE. Anno. 1531 Thomas Benolte, Clarenceux - 1575 Robert Cooke, Clarenceux 1622 William Camden, Clarenceux, by his deputy, John Philipot, Rouge Dra- gon ; with some additions - - J This Visitation, though begun in 1622, was not finished until 1634. 1575 Another copy of the Visitation of 1575 NOTE. Harleian MSS. 1186, and 1483, f. 167, are called " Copies of the Visitations of the County of South- ampton in 1575, by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux." They are apparently copies of the Visitation of Hampshire in that year. Harl. MSS. 1544 1139* Arms hastily tricked from the Visitation of 1575 - - 1054, f. 13 Addit. MSS. Town Records of the Town of Yarmouth in the Isle of Wight, from 1600 to 1766 - 5669 * This MS. contains likewise the Visitations of Berkshire and Buckinghamshire. 33 HEREFORDSHIRE. Anno. Harl. MSS. 1586 Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, with many additions - - 1159 Another copy of the said Visitation, with many continuations and addi- tions - 1545 A Collection of Pedigrees, supposed to be a copy of the Visitation of 1586 - - 1442 A Collection of Pedigrees, supposed to have been chiefly copied from the Visitation of 1619 - - 1434 Arms and some Descents, apparently ex- tracted from the Visitation of 1634 - 2230, f. 110 Pedigrees from the Visitation of 1569 - 615, f. 20 Arms and Descents - - - 5799 Arms and Pedigrees of families of the Coun- ties of Hereford, Gloucester, and Wor- cester, circa 1634 - 6139 Pedigrees, with the Arms slightly coloured 6596 Pedigrees and Arms of, and various Notes relating to, Herefordshire families - 1140 Pedigrees 2121 34 HEREFORDSHIRE, continued. Harl. MSS. Names of all the Mayors of the City of Hereford from 7 Ric. II. to 2 Car. I. ; together with the Pedigrees of several Herefordshire families - - 2141 History of the City of Hereford - - 4046 Arms of families in Herefordshire, and the History of the Bishops of Hereford to the year 1602 - - 4056 A small volume relating to Herefordshire - 4174 Acta in Domo Capitulari Herefordensi ab a. 1622 ad 1635 - 4833 " Collections out of an old imperfect Regis- ter of the Church of Hereford." The first Charter in it is dated 1393 - - 6203 Topographical Collections for Hereford- shire, containing also a List of the Sheriffs of that County to the year 1659 - - 6726 Valuation of the Estates in Herefordshire, with part of a History of that County, by Silas Taylor - - 6766 " Evidenciae extract, de Libro Feodorum et aliis Memorand. Sc'cii de Feod. Militum in Com. Hereford lib'and. collect- Scutagii de exercitu Scotiae anno l mo Edw. III. a conquestu in eodem Com. per informa- conem h'end. de eisdem Scutag. levand." 6765 Collections towards a History of Hereford- shire 6868 HEREFORDSHIRE, continued. 35 Harl. MSS. " Collections on the Antiquities of Here- ford, of various ages and in various hands." At the end is an account of the Feods in each Hundred, written at least as early as the reign of Elizabeth - - 7366 Liber sive Codicellus collectus deEvidentijs extractis de Libris Feodorum Militum et alijs Memorandis tarn Scaccarij quam Cancel larice ; continens in se Nomina et Tenuras omnium et singulorum Domino- rum, Maneriorum, et Terrarum in Comi- tatu Hereford, tentorum de Domina Re- gina in Capite, et aliter, et per Servicium Militare; per Thomam Havard, Armige- rum, Feodarium Regine in eodem Comi- tatu; jubente D. Thoma Parrye Milite, Magistri Curie Wardorum, &c. anno primo R. R. Elizabethee - 762 Deeds relating to Lands in Egleton, co. Hereford - 6720 c 2 36 HERTFORDSHIRE. Anno. 1572 Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, with some additions - Another copy of the said Visitation - Another copy of the said Visitation in the hand of Thomas Knight, Chester Herald, with a few con- tinuations - Another copy of the said Visitation,- with some additions ; and that of 1634 Sir Richard St. George, Clarenceux, and Sir John Burrough, Norroy, by their deputy, Henry St. George, Richmond Herald Another copy of the Visitation of 1634 Another copy of the said Visitation, but apparently somewhat imper- fect Harl. M9S. 1433t 1504 f. 130 1547 1234:, f.112 * In the first folio of this MS. are the names of such persons resi- dent in the County of Herts as may spend 102. a-year or above, from a record of the time of Edward IV. or Richard III. f This MS. contains likewise the Visitation of Surrey in 1572. J This MS. likewise contains the Visitation of Bucks, with notices of Pedigrees and Arms of other Counties. HERTFORDSHIRE, continued. 37 Pedigrees and Arms of Hertfordshire fa- milies --._-. " Excerpta ex libro M ri Grafton de Visita- tione com. Hertf." - - Court Rolls of the Manor of King's Langs- ley in the County of Hertford, whereof Thomas Houlker, Esq. is Lord The Customary Tenants of Hertford Manor and Castle, as far as they appear from the Court Rolls, beginning anno 1628 - Ibid, of the Manor of Clothall and Quicks- wood, co. Hertford Harl. MSS. 1429, f. 7 7022, ArtlS 6005 h 6708 38 HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Anno. Harl. MSS. 1564 William Harvey, Clarenceux, by his deputy, Hugh Cotgrave, Richmond Herald - 890*, f. 99 1613 William Camden, Clarenceux, by his deputy, Nicholas Charles, Lancas- ter Herald, with several Church and other Notes, and is altogether a better copy than Harl. MSS. 1075 1179 Another copy of the said Visitation - 1075 Cott. MSS. - Another copy of the said Visitation - Julius F. VHI.f Lansd. MSS. Arms from the Visitation of 1613, hastily tricked - 1054, f. 19 Pedigrees of Huntingdonshire families, with transcripts of a few old Charters - - 5825 \ Heraldical and Topographical Collections for the County of Huntingdon, by Sir Robert Cotton, with some interleaved ad- ditions by Mr. Astry - - 921 * This MS. also contains the Visitation of Northamptonshire in 1566. f- This MS. is erroneously called the Original Visitation in the Catalogue of the Cottonian Manuscripts. t This MS. is said to hare been purchased of the daughter of Henry Lily, Rouge Dragon, (quere Rouge Rose.) 39 KENT. Anno. 1574 Robert Cooke, Clarenceux Another copy of the said Visitation, with many additions - 1589 Fragments of the ORIGINAL Visita- tion of 1589, by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux - .,,' Part of the said Visitation, with addi- tions from that of 1 6 1 9 1619 William Camden, Clarenceux, by his deputy, John Philipot, Rouge Dragon - Another copy of the said Visitation - Another copy of the said Visitation, with additions Another copy of the Visitation of 1619, with many valuable addi- tions by Mr. Hasted, the Historian of Kent 1619 A fine copy of the said Visitation Harl. MSS. 1484*, f. 60 Addit. MSS. 5532 Harl. MSS. 1196, f. 104 to 109, andf. 112 2198, f. 86 1106 1432 f 1548 Addit. MSS. 5507 5526 * This MS. contains the Visitations of several other Counties. f" The Visitation of Kent commences about the middle of the volume, the pages of which begin anew after f. 163. The whole of the first part relates to Essex. 40 KENT, continued. Harl. MSS. Pedigrees registered at the Visitation of 1574 - - 1824 Cott. MSS, An Alphabetical Index of Names of the-\ Gentlemen of Kent in the reign oft Faustina VTT f E.II. f.216 Henry VII. Harl. MSS. Abstract of the Parish Register of the Church of Bromley, from 1651 to 1698 - 3361 Arms of Baronets, Knights, Esquires, and Gentry of Kent, in alphabetical order - 908 Monumental Inscriptions and Arms in Churches in Kent, with a few Pedigrees, apparently by Philipot - 3917 Monumental Inscriptions in Churches in the Diocese of Rochester, with an Index of Parishes - 6587 " Armes of ancient Kentish families, out of an olde booke of Clarencieulx Harvyes" f. 43 Arms of families of Kent - 5843 Pedigrees and Arms - 5862 Ibid. - 6175 Pedigrees, with some continuations from the Visitation of 1619, formerly belonging to Henry Lily - - 6138 Addit. MSS, Pedigrees and Arms - - 5480 Ibid. - - 5509 Ibid. .- - 5520- Ibid. 5528 KENT, continued. 41 Authenticated Pedigrees continued to 1 760 Index to the Visitation of 1619, and Genea- logical Notes - NOTE. Addit. MSS. 5480, 5528, and 5538, are part of Hasted's Collections. John Philipot, Somerset Herald's, Collec- tions for the County of Kent, containing a Calendar of all the Fines levied in that County from 2 Hen. III. to 35 Edw. I., with Indexes Nominum et Locorum Another volume of the said Philipot's Col- lections for that County - Ibid, chiefly consisting of Extracts from Records ------ Church Notes taken in Kent, with other curious matter, drawn up by Peter Le Neve, Esq. in 1603 An Alphabetical Index of the Proprietors") of Lands in Kent _---.) Addit. MSS. 5534* 5538 Lansd. MSS. 267 and 268 269 276 Addit. MSS. 5479 5517,5518, 5519 It is worthy of observation, that the Library of the Society of Antiquaries contains a very extensive MS. collection relative to the Diocese of Rochester ; chiefly consisting of Extracts from Testamentary and Parochial Regis- ters, Transcripts of Deeds, copies of Monumental In- scriptions, and other important Genealogical and Topo- graphical information. * This volume, though very large, contains but few Pedigrees. 42 LANCASHIRE. Anno. Harl. MSS. 153S Thomas Benolte, Clarenceux, by his deputy, William Fellows, Lancaster Herald - - 2076, f. 11 This is supposed to be the ORIGINAL. It also relates to some part of Cheshire.* 1567 William Flower, Norroy - - 2086 This MS. is neatly written in the hand of the celebrated Glover, Somerset Herald, who accompanied his fa- ther-in-law, Flower, in the Visita- tion. It has some continuations by other hands. Another copy of the said Visitation, written narratively - 891 1, f. 59 - Another copy of the same Visitation, iq tables - - 1468J, f. 12 Another copy of the said Visitation, entered alphabetically, with some continuations - - 1549 * Vide a long note on this MS. in " Bibliotheca Heraldica," p. 582. t This MS. contains also the Visitation of Suffolk, and other Pedigrees, t This MS. likewise contains the Visitation of Middlesex in 1664. LANCASHIRE, continued. 43 Anno. Harl. MSS. 1.567 Another copy of the said Visitation, written and augmented in 1598 by William Smith, Rouge Dragon ; " a work" stated in the Harl. Cata- logue to be " carefully executed, but unfinished." The Arms are all neatly coloured - : < : .*,.. \ - - 6159 1613 " Many if not most of the loose pa- pers " of the Visitation, by Richard St. George, Norroy - V '1437 Descents registered at the Visitation of 1613 - - 1549, f. 108 Pedigrees, supposed to be copied from the Visitation of 1567, by Thomas Knight, Chester Herald - - 1152 Arms of families of Lancashire and Cheshire blazoned ------ 893 Pedigrees apparently copied from the Visi- tation of 1567 - - 1158 " Lancashire Pedigrees," supposed to be copied from the Visitation of 1567, with continuations, by the two last Randle Holmes, so low as the year 1704 - 1987 Lansd. MSS. Funeral Certificates of the Counties of Lan- caster, Cheshire, Shropshire, and North Wales, begun 1 March, 1600 - 879 44 LANCASHIRE, continued. Harl. MSS. Funeral Certificates of the Counties of Lan- caster, Chester, and North Wales, begun 28 May, 1606 - - 2041 Randle Holmes' Collections for Lancashire, chiefly consisting of Extracts from Deeds 2042 Ibid. - - 2112 Collections, Historical, Heraldical, and Ju- ridical, principally relating to Lancashire 7386 45 LEICESTERSHIRE. Anno. 1619 William Camden, Clarenceux, by his deputies, Sampson Lennard, Blue- mantle, and Augustin Vincent, Rouge Rose Another copy of the said Visitation - Ibid. -. Another copy of the said Visitation, with a few additions - --j f! - Another copy written narratively Another copy of the said Visitation - Harl. MSS. 6125 6183 1431 1180 1187* f.97 1189 810, Pedigrees and Arms from the Visitation of| William Harvey, Clarenceux, in 1564, I OAV by his deputy, Robert Cooke, Chester j f,i to 21 Herald - -j Pedigrees and Arms apparently written and tricked by Nicholas Charles, Lancaster Herald " - Pedigrees of Leicester families Some of the ORIGINAL Papers whereon the Descents of several Leicestershire Gen- tlemen were registered at the Visitation 1619 1195, f. 72 1113 6590 1 * This MS. also contains the Visitation of Northampton in 1618. f This MS. is bound up with No. 1189. 46 LINCOLNSHIRE. Anno. 1564 William Harvey, Clarenceux, by his deputy, Robert Cooke, Chester Herald, with some continuations - Another copy of the said Visitation, with many continuations Another copy of the said Visitation, with that of 1592 Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, by hig deputy, Richard Lee, Richmond Herald,, with many continuations -. Ancient Baronies in the County of Lincoln, with the Descents of their owners, con- tinued to Anno 1646 - Antiquities of the County of Lincoln, con- . sisting principally of Monumental In- scriptions, with the Coats of Arms of the Gentry painted - Copy of the Descents registered at the Vi- sitations of 1562 and 1592, in alphabeti- cal order, with some additions Harl. MSS. 1190 1484* f. 3 1550 Addit. MSS. 5531 Harl. MSS. 6829 1436 * Vide a note under " Suffolk," relative to this MS, LINCOLNSHIRE, continued. 47 Harl. MSS. Pedigrees and Arms - - 5874* Arms of Lincolnshire families - 5845 Pedigrees collected from the Visitations of) 2145 1562 and 1592 - - 5 f * to' 99 Records connected with the County of Lin- coln, temp. Hen. III. : 1. " Nomina diversorum Villarum, Maneriorum, terrarum, tentorum & hereditamentorum intra Com: prae- dict. 2. " Nomina liberorum tenencium intra Com: predict." - - 6289 At the end are two alphabetical Indexes. Pedigrees and Arms registered at the Visi- tation of 1562 - - 1097, f. 40 Lansd. MSS. The valuable Collections of Gervase Holies, Esq. for the County of Lincoln, contain- ing Extracts from Records, Church Notes, Pedigrees, &c. - - 207 Six volumes folio. Cott. MSS. " Catalogus tenentium terras per singulas^j hundredas sive Centurias in comitatu ' Claudius Lincolniensi tempore Regis Henrici I. A [ C. v circiter 1100" - - - -J * Tins MS. is bound up with No. 5845. 48 LONDON. Anno. Harl. MSS. 1568 Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, with many additions - - 1463 NOTE. The Index is at f. 281. 1634 Sir Richard St. George, Clarenceux - 1476 Part of a Visitation of several Churches in London, made 27th March, 24 Hen. VIII. 1533, by Clarenceux - - 544, f. ill This MS. also contains the Names of Persons of Consequence buried in St. Paul's Ca- thedral f.40 Extensive Extracts from the Register of the Friars' Minors of London, concerning the Foundation of their Convent and Church, with the Names and Donations of their chief Benefactors, and a List of the Persons buried there - - - f. 43* Persons of Consequence buried at St. Peter's West- minster - - - - - - - - f. 75 . in the Priory of the Holy Trinity called Christ's Church f. 76 b in the Charter- House by Smithfield - - - - - f. 77 in the White Friars Ibid.f in the Black Friars f. 78 J in the Augustine Friars f. 78b * Vide also Harl. MSS. 6033, f. 55 ; f. 34 of which MS. likewise contains the Names of Persons buried in the Grey Friars. f Ibid. f. 29. : Ibid. f. 29>. Ibid. f.31. LONDON, continued. 49 Pedigrees of families of London, apparently taken from the Visitations of 1634 and 1664 - - ; .. ** Monumental Inscriptions from the Churches of St. Mary Magdalen, Old Fish Street St. Nicholas, Gordon Abbey - - - - St. Mighuel, Pater Noster, Old Royal St. Michael, Queen Hithe .... St. Mary Mounthaw - St. Nicholas Olave's - St. Mary Somerset's, near Broken Wharf - St. Leonard's, Shoreditch - St. Katherine's, Fenchurch Street - Arms of the Lord Mayors of London, from the first Mayor, to the year 1618 - Arms of the Sheriffs of London Arms of Mayors of London - Pedigrees copied from the Visitation of 1634 Arms of the Citizens of London, being Gentlemen, taken A. D. 1664 and 1665, by Sir Edward Bysshe, Clarenceux Arms of families of the City of London, in 1668 - Arms and Crests of families of London, from the Visitation of 1634 Arms and Crests of London families Epitaphs in and about London Harl. MSS. 1096, f. 12-118- 133-144 f. 110 f. llOb f. 112 f. 113 f. 114 f. 114 f. 115b f. 116b f. 117*> 1349, f. 3 f. 55-95 2097, f. 2 and f. 78 1444 1086 6076 1358 5869 5348 50 LONDON, continued. Epitaphs in and about London and West- ) an< i ' Harl. MSS. - ) j Arms of the Companies of London, toge- ther with the Arms of the Lord Mayors and Sheriffs, and some Aldermen, in their proper colours - - 6860* Pedigrees - '"'*< 2134,f.l9H Arms and some Descents, apparently taken from the Visitation of 1634 - 8230, f. 146 Arms and Pedigrees - - - - 5810 Addit. MSS. Pedigrees, some of which are continued to Anno 1640 - - 5533 * This MS. is bound up with No. 472. 51 MIDDLESEX. Anno. Harl. MSS. 1663 Sir Edward Bysshe, Clarenceux, by his deputies, William Ryley, Lan- caster Herald, and Henry Dethicke, Rouge Croix - - 1468,*f.H2 NOTE. A copy of the Visitation of 1663 has been printed. Pedigrees registered at the Visitations of 1634, and of such families as were livin^ o in 1593, by Mundy - - - Pedigrees, apparently the same as is con- tained in Harl. MSS. 1551 - Arms of Middlesex families, and numerous Pedigrees of those of London, circa 1664 1551 Addit. MSS. 4964 1096 * This MS. likewise contains the Visitation of Lancashire in 1567. D 2 52 NORFOLK. Anno. 1563 William Harvey, Clarenceux - Another copy of the said Visitation - Another copy of the said Visitation - Ibid. - Fragments of the said Visitation, writ- ten narratively - Part of the said Visitation A copy of the said Visitation, en- larged by that of 1589 Robert Cooke, Clarenceux ; to which is added that of 1613 William Camden, Clarenceux, by his deputy, John Raven, Richmond Herald, with some additions Another copy of the Visitation of 1612 Part of the said Visitation, written \ narratively - - ) Harl. MSS. 4755 5189 1177*,f.98 6093 1174, f. 116 & 153 6166, Art.2 1552 5823 1154, f. 43-61-64- to 149. Pedigrees from the Visitation of 1563 * This MS. also contains the Visitation of Suffolk in 1561. NORFOLK, continued. 53 Harl. MSS. Pedigrees, circa 1612 - . 4756* Arras of Norfolk families - - noi Epitaphs from Churches in Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex - - 6762 Kempe's Heraldical and Historical Collec- tions, relating to the Counties of Norfolk and Suffolk . . 901 Addit. MSS. Pedigrees - 5522 * Thee MSS. are bound up with Harl. MSS. 5823. Vide supra. 54 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Anno. Harl. MSS. 1566 William Harvey, Clarenceux, by his deputy, Hugh Cotgrave, Richmond Herald - 890* Another copy of the same Visitation ; the Pedigrees are arranged alphabe- tically, and considerable additions have been made to them - - 1171 1, f. 19 Another copy of the said Visitation, written narratively - - 1138 Another copy of the said Visitation, - with that of 1618 William Camden, Clarenceux, by his J- 1553 deputy, Augustine Vincent, Rouge Rose, with some additions Another copy of the said Visitation, with many additions, grounded upon the Visitation of 1566 - - 1094 Another copy of the Visitation of 4 1618 - - 1184 A preferable copy of the Visitation of 1618 to Harl. MSS. 1184, the Pe- digrees being more laboured, and * This MS. also contains the Visitation of Huntingdon in 1566. t This MS. contains likewise part of the Visitation of Yorkshire in 1575. Anno. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, continued. 55 Harl. MSS. from its containing Church Notes, Extracts from Records, &c. - - 1187*, f. 10 1618 Fragments of the said Visitation - 1084, f. 15 Part of the said Visitation - - 1188 Pedigrees and Arms, supposed from the Visitation of 1618 Arms of Northamptonshire Gentry - Pedigrees from the Visitation of Arms of Northamptonshire Gentry in blazon Monumental Inscriptions in Churches in Northamptonshire, Oxfordshire, & Berk- shire - Monumental Inscriptions in Thirty-two Churches in Northamptonshire An Account of sundry Parish Churches and Monumental Inscriptions in Northamp- tonshire, in two parts, collected by Wil- liam Taylor, A. D. 1720 - 1467, f. 11 1045, f. 150 6066 1353, f.6l 6365 6763 Lansd. MSS. 1042 This MS. also contains the Visitation of Leicester in 1619. 56 NORTHUMBERLAND. Anno. Harl. MSS. 1575 William Flower, Norroy, with that of 1615 Richard St. George, Norroy, with some additions - 1554 Another copy of the Visitation of 1615, with several transcripts of Deeds, tricks of Seals, &c. - - 1448 An imperfect copy of the said Visita- tion - - 1153*, f.50 Arms from the Visitation of 1615 - - 1429, f. 45 Certain Pedigrees of Northumberland fami-") 1171, lies, as registered at the Visitation of > *:}?' ^' 4( * 1575 - -J 81b*82b,84b * This MS. also contains the Visitation of Dorset in 1565. 57 NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Anno. Harl. MSS. 1530 Thomas Tonge, Norroy - - 1499*, f.4l 1569 William Flower, Norroy, with some additions - 886 f, f.52 Another copy of the said Visitation,^ with that of 1614 Richard St. George, Norroy, with f many continuations and additions J Another copy of the Visitation of 1614, with enlargements Part of the Visitation of 1614, written narratively 1555 1400 1082, f. 64 Imperfect Notes concerning the Baronets of Nottinghamshire, and their behaviour to King Charles I. - - - Arms from the Visitation of 1614 Pedigrees of families of Nottinghamshire, with numerous extracts from Deeds, Mo- numental Inscriptions, and other Church Notes ------ Pedigrees, Evidences, and other matters re- lating to Nottinghamshire families, col- lected by Sir Richard St. George, Cla- renceux ------ 2043, f. 184 5870 6593^ Lansd. MSS. 871 * This MS. is more fully described under Yorkshire. f Tliis MS. also contains the Visitation of Derbyshire in 1569. I These MSS. are bound up with Harl. MSS. 1400. Vide supra. 68 OXFORDSHIRE. Anno. Harl. MSS. 1566 William Harvey, Clarenceux - - 1097 Lansd. MSS. 1574 Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, by his deputy, Richard Lee, Portcullis - 880 Harl. MSS. Another copy of the said Visitation - 5187 - Ibid. - - 808 Another copy of the said Visitation, with continuations - 1556 - Ibid. - - 6166, f. 138 Ibid, with Church Notes and other additions - - 1095 A good copy of the Visitation of 1574. The Index is at f. 69 - 1412*, Art. 29 1634 Sir Richard St. George, Clarenceux, and Sir John Burrough, Norroy, by their deputies, John Philipot, So- merset Herald, and William Ryley, Bluemantle - 1480 Another copy of the said Visitation, with many enlargements and con- tinuations - - - - 1557 * The pages of this MS. after f. 69 are begun anew, so that the Visitation of Oxford begins at f. 1 of the second series. OXFORDSHIRE, continued. 59 Hrl. MSS. " Pedigrees of Oxfordshire families, being a copy of C. 29, the Visitation of 1634, in the College of Arras, copied at Lested 1665, by Francis Nowers." Also part of another Book of Arms and Pedigrees of families of the said County - Pedigrees and Arms of families of Oxford- shire - - - Monumental Inscriptions in Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, and Berkshire, col- lected A. D. 1660 Monumental Inscriptions in Churches in Oxford and Oxfordshire, Berkshire, and Northampton Pedigrees of a few families in Oxfordshire, Bucks, and Berks - 3966, f.91 5812 4170 6365 5828 60 RUTLANDSHIRE. Anno. Harl. MSS. 1618 William Cam den, Clarenceux, by his deputy, Augustine Vincent, Rouge Rose, with many continuations, and also several Pedigrees not con- tained in the Visitation of 1618 - 1558 Another copy of the said Visitation - 1094*, f.230 * This MS. also contains the Visitation of Northampton in 1619. 61 SHROPSHIRE. Auno. Hail. MSS. 1584 Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, by his deputy, Richard Lee, Portcullis, with additions to the year 1620 - 1241 Another copy of the said Visitation, with continuations to the year 1666 - - 6172 1623 William Camden, Clarenceux, by his deputies, Robert Treswell, Somer- set Herald, and Augustine Vin- cent, Rouge Croix, grounded on, and continued from the Visitation of 1584, with some additions - 1396 Another copy of the Visitation of 1623, with many additions; but there is no Index - - 1982 An imperfect copy of the said Visita- tion ------ 1472 An imperfect tract, entitled " Visitation of Salop taken 33 Eliz." 1590, in which year it was not visited - - 1982, f. 72 J. Chaloner's original Collections - - 2163, f. 19i> NOTE. In the Harl. Catalogue this MS. 62 SHROPSHIRE, continued. Harl. MSS. is described as apparently " The ORIGINAL VISITATION of 1591 ;" but Shropshire was not visited either in 1590 or l.*>91 ; the Pedigrees are writ- ten narratively, and are crossed over as if to mark that they have been re- copied. Pedigrees taken in 1569, by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux - - Pedigrees of Shropshire families, circa 1623 Pedigrees and other articles relating to the Visitations, forming a genealogical col-- lection for the County - The Names and Arms of all the Knights, Esquires, and Gentlemen, who appeared at the Visitation of 1623 - 1112 Pedigrees of Shropshire families, chiefly those of Welsh descent - 1157 Part of the Pedigrees registered at the Vi- sitation of 1584 - - 1161 Pedigrees from the Visitation of 1623, with many important continuations and addi- tions, Church Notes, Extracts from Deeds, &c. The arms in this collection are coloured - - - -1983 Shropshire Pedigrees - - 1984,f. I89 b Pedigrees of families of Shropshire and Wales - - - 6153 SHROPSHIRE, continued. 63 Lansd. MSS. Funeral Certificates of Shropshire, Lanca- shire, and Cheshire, and North Wales, begun 1 March, 1600 - 879 Vide also Harl. MSS. 2041. Harl. MSS. Deeds relating to the Town of Newport, in the County of Salop, A. D. 1648 - - 1985, f. 240 A folio volume, compiled by command of Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel and Surrey, A. D. 1635, by John Davies of Middleton, and relates solely to the Town and Barony of Oswestrie in Shropshire - 1981 64 SOMERSETSHIRE. Anno. 1573 Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, with some additions - - ... Another copy of the said Visitation/ with that of 1591 Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, by his deputy, Ralph Brooke, Rouge Croix ; to which is added the Visi- tation of 1623 William Camden, Clarenceux, by his deputies, Richard St. George, Rich- mond Herald, and Sampson Len- nard, Bluemantle, with many con- tinuations, and some Extracts from Deeds and Church Notes * - Another copy of the Visitation of 1623, grounded on the preceding Visitations of 1573, 1591, and 1623 .... The ORIGINAL VISITATION of 1623 - NOTE. The Index is at f. 133. Harl. MSS. 1385 1559 1445 1141 * The Pedigrees in this MS. are very extensive, and, although the writing is rather illegible, it is by far the best for general reference. SOMERSETSHIRE, continued. 65 Harl. MSS. A Book used at the Visitation of 1623, containing some Descents, the names of persons summoned, their excuses, &c. - 1145 Abridgments of the Inquisitions post Mor- tem of the Tenants of the Crown in the Counties of Somerset and Dorset from the reign of Hen. III. to that of Ric. III., together with Abstracts of Records and other Evidences relating to those Coun- ties - - 4120 Arms from the Visitation of 1623 - - 1482, f. 10 66 STAFFORDSHIRE. Anno. Harl. MSS. 15 Part of a Visitation apparently earlier than that of 1583, and bearing some Art. 14 * marks of being ORIGINAL - 1563 William Flower, Norroy - - 886 1, f. 65 1583 William Flower, Norroy, by his de- puty, Robert Glover, Somerset Herald, with some additions - 1570 Another copy of the said Visitation, with many additions, Church Notes, Extracts from Deeds, &c. - - 1077 Ibid. - - 1415, f. 105 Ibid. ; containing also a list of the Sheriffs of Staffordshire from the reign of Hen. II. to 18 Jaq. I. f. 14, and of the Justices of the Peace and Gentry, Anno 1620, f. 147 - 6128 Lansd. MSS. Another copy of the said Visitation - 843, f. 5)8 Harl. MSS. Another copy of the said Visitation,") with - - I 1173 1614 An unfinished copy of the Visitation f of Richard St. George - j f. 112 * And f. 18 of the new series, which commences after f. fi3 b . t Improperly called, in the Harleian Catalogue, " Visitation of 1566." This MS. also contains the Visitation of Derby in 1569. STAFFORDSHIRE, continued. 67 Anno. Harl. MSS. 1614 Another copy of the Visitation of 1614 - - 1439 1663 William Dugdale, Norroy - - 6104* Erdeswick's Collections for Cheshire, which contain several articles relating to Staf- fordshire - - - 506 Erdeswicke's Collections for Staffordshire - 818 Some early Records relating to Stafford-") 1935, shire - - - - - -> f- 199>'to 213 Names of all the inhabitants of Litchfield early in the reign of Queen Anne - - 7022 A large Collection of Pedigrees, particularly of the Counties of Stafford and York, temp. Eliz., with some continuations - 1995 Pedigrees from the Visitation of 1563 - 2145, f. 99 Arms and Seals from the Visitation of 1583 - - 2203 A View of Staffordshire, containing the Antiquities of that County, by Sampson Erdeswicke, Esq. begun in 1593, and continued to his death in April 1603, with the names of each person and place men- tioned in the text written in the margin by the second Randle Holme - 1990 * This MS. also contains the Visitation of Derby in 1663. E 2 68 STAFFORDSHIRE, continued. Lansd. MSS. A copy of the Arms taken in the Visitation of Stafford 1663 and 1664, in Dugdale's han4 - 857 Harl. MSS. Descents written narratively, copied from the Visitation of 1663, with Arms and Pedigrees from earlier Visitations - 1429, folios 28b, 33, 34b, 37t>, 38b, 39b, 42b, 45t>, 48b, 49b, to 52b. Pedigrees - - 2043,f.i86t> 69 SUFFOLK. Anno. Harl. MSS. 1561 William Harvey, Clarenceux - 155 Another copy of the said Visitation, written narratively, with some ad- ditions - 1103 Another copy of the said Visitation, copied by Sampson Lennard, Blue- mantle, In 1618 - - - 1177 Another copy of the Visitation of 1561, with extensive continuations 1449 Another copy of the said Visitation, with those of 1577 Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, and 1611 William Camden, Clarenceux, by his deputy, John Raven, Richmond Herald, with many additions Another copy of the Visitation of 1611, written narratively - - 1820, f. 11 .... " Copie of a Booke of the Vicytation ofSuffolke" - - 1484 NOTE. The Pedigrees are dated in 1581, but Suffolk was not visited in that year. This MS. is bound up with others ; the Visitation of Suffolk commences near the end of the book, at p. 4], the Index to which is at f. 51. 70 SUFFOLK, continued. Anno. Harl. MSS. " Visitation of by , with~) some additions by Brooke." Ap- r 891* parently a copy of the Visitation f of!577 J Pedigrees and Arms copied from the Visi- ) 1136, tationof!561 - _Jf.l7to68 Addit. MSS. Pedigrees - - 5523 Ibid. - - 5524 Harl. MSS. Sir Simon D'Ewes Collections for Suffolk, chiefly consisting of Abstracts of Char- ters, Deeds, &c. - Arms of the Nobility and Gentry of Suffolk Kempe's Historical and Heraldical Collec- tions for the Counties of Suffolk and Norfolk - 901 A large Collection of the Pedigrees of Suf- folk families - 1169, f.5 b " A Breviary of Suffolk, or a plain and fa- miliar description of the County, the fruits, the buildings, the people and inha- bitants, the customs, the division politi- call and ecclesiastical!, houses of religion with all their several valuations, the chiefest men of learning, as of divines, * This MS. is bound up with that of Lancashire in 1567. SUFFOLK, continued. 71 Harl. MSS. privy councillours, marshall-men, and na- vigators of former times ; with several other things of note and observation within this County of Suffolk." Dedicated to Sir Robert Crane, Knt. in a letter signed REYCE, and dated Feb. 9, 1618 - - 3873 Arms and Pedigrees of families of Suffolk - 5842* Monumental Inscriptions in divers Churches in Suffolk, Norfolk, and Essex - - 6762 Short Abstracts of Wills from the Registry 1 of the Archdeacon of Sudbury, between I the years 1354 and 1560; these Notes ! QQA merely contain the dates of the Probates, i f. 156 b to 162 and the names of the Wives and Execu- tors of the different Testators j Lansd. MSS. Arms and- Pedigrees of Suffolk families, col- lected by William Harvey, Clarenceux, temp. Elizabeth 876 It may be useful to observe, that there is a valuable volume of Notes and Collections for Suffolk in the Library of the College of Arms. * This MS. is bound up with Nos. 1103 and 772. 72 SURREY. Anno. Harl. MSS, 1530 Thomas Benolte, Clarenceux - 1572 Robert Cooke, Clarenceux 1623 William Camden, Clarenceux, by his deputies, Samuel Thompson, Wind- J, 15QI sor Herald, and Augustine Vin- cent, Rouge Dragon, with some continuations - 1572 Another copy of the Visitation of 1572, in the hand of Knight, Ches- ter Herald, with } 1433, f. 25b 1623 Another copy of the Visitation of 1623 -J f. 1* Another copy of the Visitation of 1623, with some continuations - 1147 Another copy of the said Visitation, with Church Notes - - 1397, f.38 Ibid, apparently in the hand of Vin- cent, with some additions - - 1430 Another copy of the said Visitation - 1046 It commences at f. it>, and extends to f. 22, and is continued at f. 189. Another copy of the Visitation of 1 623, with Collections of Arms and * Of the second series, which commences after f- SURREY, continued. 73 Anno. Ayscough's Cat. Pedigrees of the Gentry of the same County, begun in 1669, and finished in 1671, by Samuel Walker 4963 Addit. MSS. 1662 Sir Edward Bysshe, Clarenceux - 5533 Harl. MSS. Pedigrees of Surrey families - - 5830 Transcripts of Surveys of the Manors of East Mulsey alias Mulsey Priors, and West Mulsey alias Mulsey Matham, in the County of Surrey, parcel of the honor of Hampton Court, and formerly belong- ing to the Abbey of Merton; together with many particulars, Extracts from the Parish Register, Court Rolls, &c. relating to most of the Tenements within the said Manors, and to the Tenants of the same 779 The Customary Tenants of the Manor of Redereth in Surrey, apparently taken from the Court Rolls - - - - 6708 74 SUSSEX. Anno. 1530 Thomas Benolte, Clarenceux, with that of 1633 Sir Richard St. George, Clarenceux, and Sir John Burrough, Norroy, by their deputies, John Philipot, Somerset Herald, and George Owen, York Herald, with some additions - - 1574 Robert Cooke, Clarenceux 1633 Another copy of the Visitation of 1633, with a few additions - Another copy of the said Visitation, with Extracts from Deeds, &c. Another copy of the said Visitation - Another copy of the Visitation of 1633, hastily written - Another copy of the said Visitation, which although not so perfect as Harl. MSS. 1135, has some addi- tions and notes not to be found therein - Harl. MSS. > 1562 1484*,f.60b 1076 1084, f. 22 1135 1406 1194 * This MS. contains also the Visitations of several other Counties. SUSSEX, continued. 75 Anno. Harl. MSS. 1633 A copy of the said Visitation on Vel-~| lum, with the Arms handsomely i painted. There being no Index in ^ 6164* the book, one is inserted at p. 334, vol. 3, of the Harleian Catalogue , I -J Pedigrees taken from an old Visitation, with some additions - 892 Arms of families of Sussex placed alphabe- tically. At the beginning of the volume are such arms as were presumed to be doubtful - 906 Court Rolls of the Manors of Cliva juxta Lewes, Duddleswell, Fulmer, Loxfelde, Ringemer, Stoneham, and Uckfelde - 6721 Addit. MSS. Sir William Burrell's Collections - - 5679 to 5706 Pedigrees - - 5691 to 5696 Monumental Inscriptions, Extracts fromj ' Parish Registers, &c. - - i 5699 A large volume of Pedigrees continued be- low the year 1750 - 5711 Hayley's Collections for Sussex, in four volumes, entitled " Notitia Sussexiensis 76 SUSSEX, continued. Addit. MSS. sive Sussexia? Antique et Nova ;" to wit, an account Chorographical, Genealogi- cal, and Historical, of the County of Sussex, collected from Records, Charters, Deeds, Manuscripts, and other authori- ties, interspersed with Epitaphs, Inscrip- tions, Arms : Historical The Bishoprick of Chichester - Genealogies, Vol. 1 - Vol. 2 * A Collection of Pedigrees of Sussex fami- lies, with transcripts of ancient Deeds and Charters - Warburton's Collections for a History of Sussex _.__-- 6343 6345 6346 6347 Lansd. MSS. 873 886 and 918 * The second volume contains very few Pedigrees, but those in the first are extremely valuable, being in many instances continued to the year 1760. 77 WARWICKSHIRE. -^ is I Anno. Harl. MSS. 1563 Robert Cooke, Chester Herald 1619 William Camden, Clarenceux, by his deputies, Sampson Lennard, Blue- Y 1563 mantle, and Augustine Vincent, ! Rouge Rose, with many additions J -- Another copy of the Visitation of 1619, chiefly in Lennard's own hand - - 1167 - Another copy of the said Visitation - 1100 Arms and Pedigrees - 6060 Some of the ORIGINAL Papers whereon the Descents of several families of Warwick- shire were entered at the Visitation of 1619 - 1195, f. 101 Arms of the Gentry of Warwickshire in blazon - - 1353 Ibid, in trick, with quarterings - f. 13 A List of the Mayors of Coventry, from 1348 to 1688 - .... 6388 78 WESTMORELAND. Anno. Harl. MSS. 1615 Richard St. George, Norroy, with many continuations - 1435 A Collection of Descents of families resid- ing in the Barony of Kendal, made by Mundy in 1638 1564 79 WILTSHIRE. Anno. Karl. MSS. 1565 William Harvey, Clarenceux, copied by Brooke, York Herald, written narratively - 888* Another copy of the said Visitation - 1111, f. 28 Another copy of the said Visitation, with some additions - - - 1181 Another copy of the Visitation of 1565, written narratively, with many additional Pedigrees, and very considerable enlargements - 1565 Another copy of the said Visitation - 5184 1623 William Camden, Clarenceux, by his deputies, Henry St. George, Rich- mond Herald, and Sampson Len- nard, Bluemantle, supposed to be the ORIGINAL - 1165 Another copy of the Visitation of 1623, grounded upon the Visitation of 1565 1443 The ORIGINAL Note Book of William Har- vey, Clarenceux, during his Visitation in 1565 1111, ' folios 7-22 Arms of the Gentry of Wiltshire, from the Visitation of 1623 - 1054, f. 13 Ibid. - - 1482, f. i * This MS. also contains the Visitation of Dorset in 1565. 80 WORCESTERSHIRE. Anno. Hurl. MSS. 1569 Robert Cooke, Clarenceux - - 1043*, f. 13 Another copy of the said Visitation, with a few continuations - - 1352 The Pedigrees being entered alpha- betically, an Index is not required. Another copy of the Visitation of 1569, with some additions, and in which the Pedigrees are also placed in alphabetical order - - 1486 Another copy of the Visitation of 1569, with many enlargements, ap- parently from the Visitation by Sir Richard St. George, Clarenceux, and Sir John Burrough, Norroy, by their deputies, George Owen, York Herald, and Henry Lilly, Rouge Rose, in 1634 - 1566 Pedigrees and Arms, apparently copied from the Visitation of 1569 by Cooke, with several continuations - - 1133 * This MS. also contains the Visitation of Cambridge in 1619. WORCESTERSHIRE, continued. 81 Harl, MSS. Pedigrees and Arms of families of Wor- cestershire, Monumental Inscriptions, Ex- tracts from Charters, &c. - - 5814 Pedigrees and Arms, apparently from the Visitation of this County in 1569 - - 5841 Arms and Pedigrees of families of Worces- tershire, Herefordshire, and Gloucester- shire, circa 1634 - 6139 " Genealogyes of Gentlemen of Wooster, Hereford, Gloster, and Shropshere," taken by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, at his Vi- sitation in 1569 - 615 Worcestershire is at - - - f. 97 82 YORKSHIRE. Anno. Harl. MSS. 1530 " The Book of the Visitation of the North Parts of England*, as the same was made and taken by Tho- mas Tong, Norroy; being begun at Syr Brian Stapuhon's of Not- tynghamshire, 7 August, 1530." " This seemeth to be the Original Visitation-book ; or, at least, the Office-book for that Visitation, by a title at the beginning of Sir Wil- liam Dugdale's hand-writing, and by divers particular matters con- tained in the book." The descents are written narratively - 1499, f. 41 1530 Thomas Tonge, Norroy -") 1584 William Flower, Norroy - - V 1487 1612 Richard St. George, Norroy - -J 1575 Parts of the Visitation of William Flower, Norroy - - 1171, folios 1, 39t>, 46>>, 51 and 52 This MS. is called in the Harl. Cata- logue, " Part of the Visitation of * Nottinghamshire and Yorkshire appear to be the only Counties included in this Visitation. YORKSHIRE, continued. Anno. 1575, which has some evidence of being ORIGINAL." 1584 William Flower, Norroy, by his de- puty, Robert Glover, Somerset He- rald, with some additions and nu- merous Church Notes Another copy of the said Visitation - Part of another copy of the said Visi- tation - Another copy of the Visitation of 1 584, hastily written, but with some additions and Extracts from Deeds, &c. - - 1664 Sir William Dugdale, Norroy - Most of the Pedigrees registered at the Vi- sitation of 1584, with some additions Descents and Arms extracted from the Vi- sitation of 1664 - - Arms and Pedigrees of several of the Gentry in the West Riding of Yorkshire - This MS. is a very useful addition to Harl. MSS. 1487 , some of the Descents being continued as low as the year 1700. Historical, and other Collections for a His- tory of several Towns, &c. in Yorkshire, F 2 83 Harl. MSS. 1394 1415 f.48 1420 Lansd. MSS. 826, f. 100 Harl. MSS. 1182 1420, f.228 4630, Art. 11 84 YORKSHIRE, continued. Harl. MSS. from the MSS. of Dodsworth, but more methodically arranged - 793 to 805 The Index to No. 805 is in the Harl. Catalogue, Vol. i. p. 444. Pedigrees registered at the Visitation of 1584, with numerous continuations and enlargements, Extracts from Private Evi- dences, &c. - - - - -1571 A large Collection of Pedigrees, both of fa- milies of England and Wales, particu- larly those of Yorkshire and Staffordshire, taken temp. Elizabeth, with some con- tinuations, Church Notes, &c. - - 1995 " Yorkshire Pedigrees," containing a large collection of Pedigrees of that county, placed in alphabetical order - - - 2118, f. 1 and f. 48 Arms and Descents of Yorkshire families - 4198 The best Index to this Collection is at f. 169. Arms and Descents of families of the county of York - - 6070 A List of the Mayors of Doncaster, from 1493 to 1641, also Notices of the City of York and Beverley, &c. - 6387 Abstracts of several Wills from the Registry of the Archdeaconry of Richmond in Yorkshire, from the year 1522 - .. - 7029 YORKSHIRE, continued. Pedigrees, with an Index - Collections for Yorkshire, by John Warbur- ton, Somerset Herald - Ibid. Miscellaneous Collections relating to the History and Antiquities of Yorkshire A Collection of Muniments relating to the honor of Richmond - 85 Lanad. MSS. 900, f. 81 889 to 901 908 to 919 Addit. MSS. 4792, f.184 5466 The valuable unpublished Collections for this County, by John Charles Brooke, Esq. Somerset Herald, in many folio volumes, are in the Library of the College of Arms. WALES. Harl. MSS. Arms of the Founders of Welsh families - 1946, 1370, 1143,1386, f.27 Pedigrees of Shropshire families, most of which are of WELSH descent - - 1157 Arms of Welsh families - - 1441,f.i4-39 Welsh Descents - - 1412, f. 54b Arms of Welsh families : also the Names of the Justices of the Peace in the Counties of Brecknock, Radnor, Pembroke, Mon- mouth, Glamorgan, and Merioneth, A.D. 1620 - 1933 A Collection of Welsh Pedigrees, written narratively in the WELSH LANGUAGE - 1935 Pedigrees of several families in the Coun- ties of Anglesey, Carnarvon, Merioneth, Montgomery, and Denbigh - 1936 Arms of divers old Welsh families, rudely tricked and coloured, A. D. 1580 - - 1961 Welsh Pedigrees, amongst which are those of each of the fifteen tribes, excepting one 1969 Extensive collections of Welsh Pedigrees, chiefly those of North Wales - 1970 to 1979 WALES, continued. &7 Harl. MSS. Welsh Pedigrees - - 1997 A collection of Welsh Pedigrees - 2291 A large collection of Welsh Descents, prin- cipally in the WELSH LANGUAGE - - 2299 A collection of Pedigrees of families of Carnarvonshire - - 2300 Pedigrees of Welsh families in the WELSH LANGUAGE ------ 2414 An extensive collection of Welsh Pedigrees 2288 Ibid, but chiefly of families of the County of Brecknock ----- 2289 The Register Book of Funerals in North Wales, and in the Counties of Chester, Salop, and Lancaster, begun 28 May, 1606 - 2041, and Lansd. MSS. 879 Harl. MSS. A short History of Wales, from A. D. 688 to A.D. 936 ; with some Welsh Genealo- gies and Epitaphs in several Churches in Wales - - 3325 Welsh Pedigrees in detail, badly written and torn ------ 3538 Pedigrees of several Welsh families - 2218 4031, f. 58 to 71 Welsh Pedigrees - Pedigrees and other matter chiefly Histo- rical, relating to Wales - - 4181 Arms of Welsh families - 4291 88 WALES, continued. Harl. MSS. / Genealogies of Welsh families - - 5058 Arms and Descents of 197 Welsh families 6102 Pedigrees of several families in Wales V 6068, f. 56 A full and extensive Description of the County of Pembroke, Anno 1603, con- sisting of 106 pages and 28 chapters, carefully transcribed as for the press, and containing some curious matter - - 6250 Part of Hugh Thomas's materials for a " Genealogical History of the ancient and present Nobility and Gentry of Wales, deduced from authentic records, Monu- mental Inscriptions, &c. - 6823 Parts of the said Collection - . 6870 The remaining part of the said Collection - 6831 The first part of this collection is de- scribed in the Catalogue as containing a considerable quantity of undigested matter, but very valuable to any per- son meditating a similar work. Pedigrees of families of Wales and Shrop- shire - - 6153 Arms of Welsh families, coloured - - 6122 Pedigrees of several families of Wales, chiefly by Handle Holme - - 2094 Lansd. MSS. Extracts from the Pipe Rolls relating to Wales f - ^ 4 List of the Nobility of Scotland, their mar- riages and issue - - f. 240 A List of Earls and Lords in Scotland - B.V.f.156 Addit. MSS. Collections for a Feudal History of Scotland 4532 Font's Collections of the Names and Arms of the 2d degree of Gentry in Scotland - 940 93 IRELAND. Hail. MSS. Pedigrees of the Nobility of Ireland, dated 1615 and 1617 - - 1425 Arms of Irish Nobility - f. 195, et seq. An account of the Irish Earls, Viscounts, and Barons, their Creations and Arms, circa 1640 - 1373 Arms of the Irish Nobility and Gentry - 1351, f. 148 Arms of the Nobility of Ireland, with Notes relative to their Creations, A. D. 1629 - 1362 Arms of Knights created by Sir William Russell, Lord Deputye of Ireland, 1st Sept. 1594 - 1386, f. 100 Arms of most of the Irish Nobility temp. Charles II. - - 1412, f. 33 Arms of the Irish Nobility - - 1384, Art. 4 A true coppye of an auncient Booke of Armes of the Irishe Nobility and Gentry, collected by Mr. Thomas Poyninges, and by him delyuered into the office, with a coppye to himselfe reserued : truely ex- amined and allowed, per R. Glover, So- merset Herehaught, and W. Flower, Nor- 94 IRELAND, continued. Harl. MSS. rey : and now written by Thomas Chalo- ner, alias Vlster principal! Herauld and Kinge of Armes of the Realme of Ire- land, at Chester, A. D. 1590 - - 2120, f. 40 These Arms are mostly in blazon, and to this collection many additions have been made by the said Mr. Chaloner, by the second Randle Holme, &c. Arms of many of the Irish Nobility - - f. 7 & 20 The Names and Arms of the Governors, Lieutenants, Lord Justices and Deputies of Ireland, since the Conquest thereof by Henry II. - - f. 10 (Vide also Harl. MSS. 5866, and Cott. MSS. Vitellius C. XVII. f.318.) " How the Lords sitt in the Parliament House in Ireland " - - -. f. 56 The Names and Arms, in colours, of the Earls, Viscounts, and Barons of Ireland- 1482, f. 13*> Creations of the Nobility of Ireland, with their Arms to the year 1627, and con- tinued to A. D. 1629 - -: 1951, f. 52 The Names of the Kinges of Armes, Her- haughtes, and Pursuvauntes, in Irelande, aunciantly - - f. 48 " A Book of the Arms, Crests, and Sup- porters, with the several Quarterings of all the Nobility of Ireland in their several ranks, collected together by me John Withie, A. D. 1630," preceded by the IRELAND, continued. 95 Names of the Irish Nobility living in 1629, shewing the time of their several Creations, their Titles, Surnames, and the pages of the volume in which these Arms are to be found - A similar collection made by the said John Withie in 1613 - The Names of the Baronets of Ireland to the year 1630 - The Names of the chiefest and auncientest names and families in the Kingdom of Ireland .___._ Alphabet of Arms of the Irish Gentry, in trick - - Arms of Irish families - Harl. MSS. 1403 1071 1441, f. f. 39 f. 40 4039 4040 4024 Arms of the Nobility of Ireland An alphabet of the Names and Arms of certain Nobility and Gentry of Ireland, and Coats of Irish Arms, tricked - Arms of all the Nobility and Gentry of Ireland, A.D. 1603, alphabetically ar- ranged, and beautifully coloured - Arms, &c. relating to Ireland - An imperfect work, containing some Gene- alogies of Irish and Scotch families Vide a note to p. 90. Topographia Hibernias : authore Silv. Gi- raldo Cambrense ; manu neoterica parum accurate exarata -/ - Faustina, C. IV. 5866 6096 4632, f. 18 6151 Cott. MSS. 9G IRELAND, continued. Titus, B. XI. f.31 Cott. MSS. Nomina Magnatum Hiberniae, 5 Hen. III. 1221, with a short Pedigree of the Courcys - - The Names of the Lords of the Parliament^ Titus, B.XIII. holden at Dublin, 25 April, 1585 - -3 f " 381 Genealogies of several Irish families, and ) Titus, B. CX. J f.46 some Papers on the state of Ireland Lansd. MSS. A volume formerly belonging to Peter Le Neve, Rouge Croix, 1703, entitled " A breefe of sundrie recordes concerninge Ireland, remayening in the Tower of London, and the coppies at large of the Creations of divers Noblemen of that Kingdom remayneing also there" - 323 Henry's Description of Lough- ere, and other parts of Ireland - Hiberniae Descriptio 38 Eliz. Anno 1596 - Collections for a feudal History of Ireland Copies of Records relating to Ireland A Terrier of the Crown Lands in Ireland ; with the Names of the Tenants' quantity Rent, under what Covenants they are held, and what Improvements they are capable of. Circa A. D. 1680 - A Terrier of the Fee-farm Rents in Ireland Dr. Jeffrey Keating's History of Ireland, in> IRISH- - - - ^aMl -J Addit. MSS. 4436 1691 4532 4570 4756 4758 3806,3807, 4779 IRELAND, continued. 97 Knights made in Ireland from 1666 to 1678, and those made by Sir William Drury just before his death List of Persons indicted for High Treason and outlawed from Ireland, from Hillary Term 1641 to Easter Term 1642 Copybook of Grants, Fiats, Presentations, Pardons, &c. granted by the Earl of Essex, during his government of Ireland, from Sept. 18, 1672, to June 28, 1677 - Important Collections relating to the His- tory of Ireland, being Vols.XV.,XX VIII., XXXIII., XXXIV., XXXV., XXXVI., XXXIX., XLIL, XLVL, XLVIII., XLIX.,LV.,LXVI.,LXVIII.,LXXVII., and CXXXII. of the Clarendon MSS. - The contents of this highly valuable Col- lection are fully described in Ays- cough's Catalogue of Additional MSS. Vol. 1. p. 319 to 337. Among the various matters of interest to Genealogical Writers and Antiquaries, will be found A List of Persons who received the honor of Knighthood or other Dignities from Addit. MSS. 4763, f. 12 and 13 4772 4778 4783 to 4801 and 4821 4822 98 IRELAND, continued. Addit. MSS. the Lord Deputies or Justices of Ireland, from 1599 to 1639 - - - 4784, f. 202 An account of sundry records concerning Ireland, with copies of the Creations of diverse Noblemen of that kingdom re- maining in the Tower of London, from 1 John 1199 to 18 Hen. VI. 1439 - p. 343 List of the Ancient Nobility of Ireland that are extinct - - - - - 4788 Extracts from the Visitation of Michael Narbon, Ulster King of Arms - - 4789, p.40>> " The Register of the Mayors of Dublin from 1406 to 1622, with other memorable observations" ----- 4791 The Nobility of Ireland rated to the subsidy by Sir Arthur Chichester, 8th July, 1615 4792, f. 175 An extensive Pedigree of Thomas, late Earl of Ormond and Ossory, by Robert Rothe, in 1616 - - ... f >30 Extracts from an old Roll, chiefly of deaths in the family of Marshall - 4793, f. 187 A Commonplace-Book of Miscellaneous Collections from MSS. &c. relating to the History of Ireland, and the remark- able Men that were born there, with an account of some of the families of Ireland - - - 4821 Extracts from a Funeral book, 1597, 1621 4793, f. 123 IRELAND, continued. 99 Addit. MSS. Arms and Descents of many of the Nobility and Gentry of Ireland - 4814 Copies of various Grants of Arms by the Office of Arms in Ireland, with several Catalogues of Arms in alphabetical order; and Aaron Crossly's Collections for a Peerage of Ireland - - 4815 A Collection of Funeral Certificates of many of the Nobility and Gentry who died in Ireland from 1634 to 1729 - - - 4820 o * VALUABLE GENEALOGICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL MANUSCRIPTS. ESCHEATS, RECORDS, &c. Cott. MSS. An Index of the Heirs of Noble families extracted from the Escheats and other . Records in the Tower, from the reign of r Edw. I. to the end of the reign of Henry VIII. This extremely useful MS., which is ar- ranged in alphabetical order, is very clearly written, and is apparently in the autograph of the celebrated Glover. The selection appears partial, and is taken from the Inquisitions Post Mor- tem and other Records in the Tower. As it does not extend beyond the reign of Henry VIII. it forms a very neces- sary addition to Cole's Escheats, and, together with that Collection, presents a body of Genealogical Evidence wor- thy of considerable attention. VIJI ESCHEATS, RECORDS, &c. 101 The Genealogical matter in the Escheats, from the 1st Edvv. III. Anno 1327, to 10 Hen. V. Anno 1422, chronologically ar- ranged, but the names are entered alpha- betically under each year Extracts from the Escheats, taken from the Registry of the Court of Wards, by Tho- mas Cole, Clerk of the said Court, with Indexes of Names of Persons at the com- mencement of each volume, and of Places at the end arranged under the different Counties - - The Sixth and Seventh Volumes of the said7 Collection - --> This valuable Collection commences about the 32d Hen. VIII., and, though not well arranged, and written in a very illegible hand, is nevertheless of im- portant value to Antiquaries and Ge- nealogical writers. A Collection out of the Records in the Tower ; showing the Foundation and En- dowment of all Monasteries, Abbeys, Priories, Hospitals, Chapels, and Chaun- tries, and also of all the Colleges in the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge ; the Incorporating of all Cities and Bo- rough Towns, with the Companies in Cott. MSS. Faustina C.x. Harl. MSS. 756 to 760 410 411 102 ESCHEATS, RECORDS, &c< Harl. MSS. them : of all Fraternities and Guilds, with their several Liberties and Privileges. The Custody of Honors, Castles, Manors, Parks, and Forests granted, with other things of a similar nature. With Indexes of Towns, Places, and Persons. A folio of 1192 pages - .wrf. 744 The several Summonses to Parliament from 49 Hen. III. Anno 1264, to 21 Hen. VIII. Anno 1529 - - 778 This MS. is described as being in some places more extensive and correct than Dugdale's printed Lists, though in others that work is more correct than this. This volume contains, however, an alphabetical List of the Barons so summoned, as well as an alphabetical List of all the Judges, Serjeants, and other Law and Civil Officers, who were summoned to Parliament ex officio, within the above period. Summonses to Parliament from 49 Hen. III. Anno 1264, to 13 Car. II. Anno 1661, with a complete Index of Names - 3323 Writs and Summonses to Parliament and Prorogations from 44 (query 49) Hen. III. to 21 Hen. VIII. - - ,,%*(, - 6204, f. 8 et seq. ESCHEATS, RECORDS, &c. 103 Harl. MSS. Liber Miscellaneorum Roberti Gloveri, So- merseti Heraldi : transcriptus per W. Smith, Rouge Dragon, A. D. 1600 245 This valuable MS. is a copy of two vo- lumes now in the College of Arms, and contains Abstracts of numerous Re- cords and Charters, together with se- veral Pedigrees and other Miscella- neous Genealogical information which is entitled to much consideration. It is well indexed, and is described at length in the Harleian Catalogue, Vol.1, pp.74 and 75. Pedigrees, Arms, and Notes, relating to numerous ancient families, collected by and in the autograph of Robert Glover, Somerset Herald - ... 807 This MS. is peculiarly worthy of atten- tion from the high authority which is justly attributed to all Glover's Pedi- grees ; from there being about one hun- dred families noticed in this Collection, it presents a body of Genealogical in- formation which, considering the ex- alted professional reputation of the Compiler, cannot perhaps be too high- ly appreciated. The contents of the volume are fully described in Vol. 1. 104 ESCHEATS, RECORDS, &e, Harl.MSS. p. 445 and 446 of the Harleian Cata- logue, and a copious Index is given at the end of the MS. A folio volume written on parchment, appa- rently in the reign of Richard II., for the use of Roger Mortimer, Earl of March, entitled " Liber Niger de Wigmore," and contains transcripts ofalmostall the Deeds and Evidences relating to the Estates of the Earl of March - . cUrm - 1240 To the account of this curious MS. in the Harleian Catalogue, the following judicious note is added, " It is need- less to specify the names of the ancient and noble families whose histories and genealogies may be illustrated by the help of this book, since Cartularies, as well those of private families, as those of Monasteries, Churches, Col- leges, and Hospitals, afford such store of materials of that kind, as to be con- stantly consulted by the best Antiqua- ries, upon such occasions." Ralph Brooke, York Herald's, Extracts from Registers of Abbeys, and other Re- cords, concerning Pedigrees, with draw- ings of seals, in 1598 and 1611 ; and another by Peter Le Neve, 1691. A Duplicate of a MS. in the College of Arms, and was therefore sold, circa 1706 4757 ESCHEATS, RECORDS, &c. 105 Transcripts of certain Inquisitions, &c. re- lating to Gray's Inn, containing, amongst other valuable matter, An Alphabetical List of Gentlemen ad- mitted to that Society, with the dates of their admission, from 1521 to 1674 Table of the Admittances into Gray's Inn, declaring the names of the Gentlemen, the Town and Country whence they came, and the Day, Month, and Year, when admitted, from the year 1626 to 1677 - Arms and Names of Noblemen and Knights admitted to the said Society - An Alphabetical List of all Persons called to the Bar by the said Society - This MS. is of singular importance, as it is presumed to be unique, all the early Records of the Society of Gray's Inn having been destroyed by fire. Names of Benchers, Associates, Utter Bar- risters, &c. of Lincoln's Inn - Ibid, of the Inner Temple, and of the Stu- dents of 'the several Inns of Court, ap- parently about the end of the reign of Elizabeth - Diary of the Parliaments held at Westmin- ster 1st, 3d, and 8th Henry VIII. by J. Harl. MSS. 1912 f. 5 f. 85 f. 162 f. 208 Lansd. MSS. 106, Art. 15 Art. 17 Harl. MSS. 106 ESCHEATS, RECORDS, &c. Tayler, Clerk of Parliament - " Quod raro accidit." On the outside of this volume is the fol- lowing note. " From this book, which endeth with the 7th of Hen. VIII., there is no book extant among the Re- cords untill the 25th year of his reign." A List of Sheriffs of most Counties in En- ^ gland, from the reign of Henry II. to that of Car. I., with their Places of Re- f sidence, and in most instances with their j Arms in blazon - -J Court Rolls of the Manors of Auste, Ald- wicke, Angerleigh, Bealmes, Childock- ford, Clavering, Kingsworthy, North Curry-cum-Well, Obbley, Thornfaucon, Wrington, and Winterhead, belonging to Sir Arthur Capell, Knt. temp. Jaq. I. - A Transcript of the Book called Nomina Villarum, kept in the office of the Trea- surer Remembrancer in the Exchequer, and contains the Names of the Lords of every Manor throughout the Counties of England from the year 1316 to 1559 - Names of Persons who obtained Grants Arms, from 10 Elizabeth to the year 1600, in alphabetical order - ,,, Harl. MSS. 2235, f. 24 2122 5171 6006 6281 Cott. MSS. Faustina E. n. f. 223 ESCHEATS, RECORDS, &c. 107 Lansd. MSS. " Marescalcia," or a Catalogue of the Mar- shals of England, from the reign of King Henry the First to the year 1638, shew- ing their Descents, both by Father and Mother : also the dates and tenors of their Patents and Commissions, their Arms, Deaths, and Places of Burial. Collected from Records in the Tower - 195 An Abstract of the Decrees in the Court of Wards, from 7 Edw. VI. Anno 1553, to 23 Elizabeth, Anno 1581, inclusive, " which I the more value," says Mr. Um- freville, to whom this and Lansd. MSS. 607 and 608 belonged, " in regard the original books are not now to be found" 606 Another volume, containing the Decrees in the Court of Wards, and also various cases in that and other Courts during the reigns of Edward VI., Mary, Elizabeth, James I., and Charles I., but not chro- nologically arranged - 607 A Collection of Precedents of Forms, Judg- ments, &c. belonging to the Court of Wards and Liveries, by Thomas Cole of the same Court, verified by the Records 608 Vide also Lansd. MSS. 648 and 647. Two volumes, containing various Acts and 1 Official Proceedings in the Earl Mar- [ 867 shal's Court and Heralds' Office, brought j" 868 down to the end of the 1 7th century - J 108 ESCHEATS, RECORDS, &c. An Abridgment of the Patent Rolls in the Tower, temp. John, Henry III., Edward I. and Edward II., by Mr. Bowyer, Keeper of the Records if *a >.' n.j Register of Requests, from 1660 to 1669 - Addit. MSS. 5511 5759 BARONAGES, &c. The Names and Arms of all the Nobility of England, from the Conquest to 1580 The Names, Arms, Crests, Mottoes, and Supporters of the Nobility of England to the year 1629 '.- J An account of the English Nobility since the Conquest, and of their several Crea- tions, commonly ascribed to Robert Cooke, Clarenceux. In this copy, the Arms of each Nobleman are both painted and blazoned - - Pedigrees of Peers living in 1587, a very valuable MS., as it contains the issue of the then existing Peers, and of their fa- thers and grandfathers > ft A valuable MS. relating to Baronies by Writ The Descents and Pedigrees of the English Nobility, by Peter Le Neve, Norroy This MS. contains many original papers and documents relating to the various families, which are worthy of attentive Harl. MSS. 896 1114 1183 806 5019 5808 BARONAGES, &c. 109 Harl. MSS. examination : they are very numerous, and consist of Original Letters, Grants, and Epitaphs, which render this collec- tion both curious and valuable. Volume the Second of Peter Le Neve, Norroy's, Collections for Pedigrees of the British Nobility in 1707 - - 6180 Addit. MSS. Arms and Descents of all the Nobility from the Conquest to 1586; the Arms co- loured - - 5525 The Baronage of England, containing the Arms and Pedigrees of the Nobility from the Conquest to 1572, by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux ----- 5504 MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS. Harl. MSS. Twelve volumes of Monumental Inscrip- tions from the year 1400 to the year 1716, collected from various Churches in England, by John Le Neve, gent. At the end of each volume is an excellent Index, with the dates of the inscriptions opposite to the names - - 3605 to 3616 Another volume of the same description, inscribed " Collections of Monumental 110 MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS. Harl. MSS. Inscriptions, beginning with the year 1600, and ending with 1649, not yet printed by me, Jo. Le Neve, April 21, 1718." At the other end, " An Index of what Inscriptions are printed by me, John Le Neve, in each year, and each volume, together with the Names of those collected since." These extend from 1650 to 1679 - - 5321 The above Collection appears to have been part of the work he published in 1717, 1718, and 1719, in five volumes octavo, entitled " Monumenta Angli- cana," being " Inscriptions of several eminent Persons deceased in or since the year 1 600, to the end of the year 1718." Vide Infra, No. 6404, et seq.* A folio containing the Inscriptions upon the Tombs and Grave-stones in the Dis- senters Burial-place near Bunhill Fields, fairly written in a large and very legible hand- - - - 6212 Monumental Inscriptions in different Churches and Churchyards - - 6894 Epitaphs in the hand-writing of Dr. Hutton collected in various parts of England - 5529 Ibid, in and about London - - 5348 * A List of printed works, which contain Monumental Inscriptions, is given in Moule's " Bibliotheca Heraldica," p. 115. Ill KNIGHTS. Cott. MSS. The Names and Arms of such as have been') advanced to the order of Knighthood in the reigns of Henry VII., Henry VIII. , Edward VI., Mary and Elizabeth ; and the Names of such as were knighted by King James I., with an Index Claudius C. in. Lansd. MSS. A Catalogue of all the Knights made in the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. - 678 Harl. MSS. Pedigrees of Knights created by Charles II.,") James II., William and Mary, William I 5801 III., and Queen Anne, by Peter Le Neve, f 5802 Rouge Croix, 2 vols. folio - - -J These MSS. are exceedingly valuable ; the Pedigrees of Baronets by the same able Genealogist are now in the Col- lege of Arms. BIOGRAPHY. Harl. MSS. Le Neve's Collections for " Fasti Ecclesiae^ 6404 Anglican*" - -> 6418 This Collection contains an Obituary from 1658 to 1680, and likewise forms part of his Collection for his Monu- rnenta Anglicana. 112 BIOGRAPHY. Harl. MSS. Lives of Illustrious Men educated at the University of Cambridge, from the Foun- dation to the Year 1715 - --7176,7177 See also Harl. MSS. 6114, described under " Cambridge," p. 12 and 13. Addit. MSS. Part of Sir William Musgrave's Collections, containing, 1. An Obituary, alphabetically ar- ranged - 5727 to 5740 2. Supplement to the Obituary, also alphabetically arranged - 5741 to 5749 3. Biographia Adversaria, alphabe- tically arranged - - - 5718 to 5722 4. Ibid., not arranged - - 5723,5724 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO FOREIGN HERALDRY AND GENEALOGY. Harl. MSS_ Noms des Gentils hommes qui ont este juges a la Chatnbre de la Reformation de la Noblesse de Bretagne, suivant 1'ordre alphabetique - - . - 4452 La Coppie du Registre de Messrs, de Roissy, Repichon et Croissy, Commissaires corn- mis par sa Majeste pour la Recherche des Nobles de la Generalite de Caen aux annees 1598 et 1599, collation^ avec 1'original - - 4567 Documents connected with the same subject 4568- " Copie du Registre de M. de Chamillart pour la Recherche des Nobles de la Ge- neralite de Caen," 1666 ... 4581 A valuable Collection relating to the Nobi- lity of Normandy - - - 4582 Recherche de la Noblesse de la Generalite de Rouen, faitte depuis 1666 jusqu'en 1682, par Mre. Jaques Barin, Chev. Marquise Seigneur de la Galissioniere, &c. - ... 4897 H 114 Cott. iMSS. Statutes of the Order of St. Esprit in 1577 j j . vii. Harl. MSS. Arms of the Knights of St. Esprit, from 1577 to 1622, superbly drawn and bla- zoned - 4037 Lansrt. MSS. Pedigrees of the Noble Families of Portu- gal, entitled " Livro das linhages de Por- tugal ordenado por Don Antonio de Lima P ra Anno 1620." - 189 Addit. MSS. Privileges of the Earls in the Empire of Germany - - 1786, f. 26 " Genealogia Nassovica" - 2764, p. 44 Harl. MSS. History of the Noble Families of Italy, writ- ten about the year 1687 ... 3546 THE NAMES OF THE OFFICERS OF ARMS fHmttonetJ in tlje preceding images, WITH THE DATES OF THEIR SEVERAL APPOINTMENTS AND DEATHS. Chiefly taken from Noble's History of the College of Arms. The object with which this List, and that of the Heraldic Collectors which follows it, is inserted, is to shew the Date of the Collections attributed to Individuals whose Names occur in this compilation ; and as it comprises the majority of the Members of the College of Arms in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, it may be useful for other purposes. THOMAS BENOLTE, ROUGE CROIX, temp. Hen. VII. WIND- SOR, temp. Hen. VII. NORROY, temp. Hen. VII. CLARENCEUX, 1516. Ob. 1534. SIR JOHN BOROUGH, MOWBRAY HERALD EXTRAORDINARY, June 1623. NORROY, 16 December, 1623. GAR- TER, 27 December, 1633. KNIGHTED, 17 July, 1624. Ob. April 1644. H 2 116 RALPH BROOKE, ROUGE CROIX, 1580. YORK, 2 March, 1592,3. Ob. 15 October, 1625, a>t. 73. JOHN CHARLES BROOKE, ROUGE CROIX, 1773. SOMERSET, 31 January, 1778. Ob. 3 February, 1794, set. 46. SIR EDWARD BYSSCHE, LANCASTER, 1646. During the Usurpation he became CLARENCEUX, and was appointed GARTER in 1646, but on the Resto- ration he returned to the office of CLAREN- CEUX, and was then Knighted. Ob. 15 Decem- ber, 1679. WILLIAM CAMDEN, born 21 May, 1551. RICHMOND, 22 October, 1597, and was the next day appointed CLAUENCEUX. Ob. 1623. ROBERT CHALONER, BLUE MANTLE, July 1660. -LANCAS- TER, ]665. Ob. I November, 1676. NICHOLAS CHARLES, BLANCH LION PURSUIVANT EXTRAOR- DINARY, temp. Hen. VIII. LANCASTER, 21 April, 1609. Ob. 19 November, 1613. HENRY CHITTING, CHESTER, 18 July, 1618. Ob. 7 Jan. 1637-8. ROBERT COOKE, ROSE BLANCH, 25 January, 1561. CHES- TER, 29 January, 1561-2. CLARENCEUX, 1566-7. Ob. 1592. HUGH COTGRAVE, ROUGE CROIX, 15 November, 1553. RICHMOND, 1566. Ob. circa 1584. HENRY DETHICKE, ROUGE CROIX, July 1660. RICHMOND, 30 April, 1677. Ob. June 1677, set. 84. SIR WILLIAM DUGDALE, born 12 Sept. 1605. BLANCH LION PURSUIVANT EXTRAORDINARY, 24 Sept. 1638. ROUGE CROIX, 18 March, 1639. CHESTER, 117 16 April, 1644. NORROY, 18 June 1660. GAR- TER, 26 April, 1677. KNIGHTED on the follow- ing day. Ob. 10 February, 1685-6, set. 81. WILLIAM FELLOWS, LANCASTER, 1 Nov. 1527. NORROY, 9 July, 1536. WILLIAM FLOWER, GUISNES PURSUIVANT EXTRAORDINARY, 10 June, 1536. ROUGE CROIX, temp. Hen. VIII. CHESTER, temp. Hen. VIII. NORROY, 8 Feb. 1561-2. Ob. ante 1593, set. circa 85. ROBERT GLOVER, PORTCULLIS, 1567. SOMERSET, 1571. Ob. April 1588, set. 45. JOHN HARE, ROUGE DRAGON, temp. William III. RICH- MOND, temp. Ann. Ob. 14 May, 1720, set. 52. WILLIAM HARVEY, BLUE MANTLE and SOMERSET, temp. Hen. VIII. NORROY, 4 Feb. 1549-50. CLA- RENCEUX, 21 Nov. 1557. Ob. 27 Feb. 1566-7. GREGORY KING, ROUGE DRAGON, 7 May, 1677. LANCAS- TER, July 1689. Ob. 29 August, 1712, aet. 63. THOMAS KNIGHT, ROUGE CROIX, 26 March, 1592. CHES- TER, 5 April, 1617. Ob. October 1618, having previously resigned his situation. RICHARD LEE, PORTCULLIS, 30 March, 1571. RICHMOND, 10 June, 1585. CLARENCEUX, 11 May, 1594. Ob. 23 September, 1597, eet. 66. PETER LE NEVE, bom 21 January, 1661-2. ROUGE CROIX, temp. William and Mary. RICHMOND, 1707. NORROY, 25 May, 1704. Ob. 24 Sept. 1729, set. 67. HENRY LILLY, ROUGE ROSE PURSUIVANT EXTRAORDINARY, circa 1634. ROUGE CROIX, January 1637-8. Ob. 19 August, 1638. 118 SAMPSON LENNARD, ROUGE ROSE PURSUIVANT EXTRAOR- DINARY, February 1615. BLUE MANTLE, 22 March, 1615-6. Ob. August 1633. GEORGE OWEN, YORK, 9 December, 1633. During the Usurpation, Anno 1658, he became NORROY, but at the Restoration was reduced to his legal office of YORK. In 1663 he surrendered his patent of YOBK HERALD, and died 13 May 1665 or 1666. WILLIAM PENSOK, LANCASTER, 16 December, 1613. Ob. 20 April, 1637. JOHN PHILIPOT, ROUGE DRAGON, 19 November, 1618. SOMERSET, 8 July, 1624. Ob. 25 Nov. 1645. JOHN POMFRET, ROUGE CROIX, 26 July, 1725. Ob. 24 March, 1750-1, aet. 49. JOHN RAVEN, ROUGE DRAGON, 8 June, 1588. RICHMOND, 23 October, 1597. Ob. 13 February, 1615. WILLIAM RYLEY, ROUGE ROSE, 31 July, 1630. LANCAS- TER, 11 November, 1641. Appointed NORROY by the Parliament, 20 October, 1646, but re- duced at the Restoration to his legal office of LANCASTER. Ob. July 1667. SIR RICHARD ST. GEORGE, BERWICK PURSUIVANT EXTRA- ORDINARY, 1602. WINDSOR HERALD, temp. Eli- zabeth. NORROY, 1603. CLARENCEUX, 17 Sep- tember, 1623. KNIGHTED, 28 September, 1616. Ob. 17 May, 1635. WILLIAM SMITH, ROUGE DRAGON, temp. Elizabeth. Ob. 1 October, 1618. FRANCIS THYNNE, BLANCH LION PURSUIVANT EXTRAOR- DINARY, circa 1602. LANCASTER, 22 April, 1602. Ob. 1608. THOMAS TONGE, YORK, temp. Hen. VII. NORROY, 8th October, 1522. CLARENCEUX, 2 August, 1534. Ob. circa 1536. ROBERT TRESWELL, or CRESWELL, BLUE MANTLE, 21 February, 1588. SOMERSET, temp. Elizabeth. He sold his office 14 June, 1624. AUGUSTIN VINCENT, ROUGE ROSE PURSUIVANT EXTRAOR- DINARY, 22 February, 1615-6. ROUGE CROIX, 29 May, 1621. WINDSOR, 1 June, 1624. Ob. 11 January, 1625-6. JOHN WARBURTON, born 28 February, 1681-2. SOMER- SET, 6 June, 1720. Ob. 11 May, 1759. HERALDIC COLLECTORS, WHOSE NAMES OCCUR IN THIS WORK. REV. WILLIAM COLE. An eminent Antiquary. Born 1714. Ob. 1782. SIR ROBERT COTTON. A most distinguished Antiquary, and the Founder of the Cottonian Library. Born 22 January, 1570. KNIGHTED in 1603. Created a BARONET in 1611. Ob. 6 May, 1631. WILLIAM DAVISON. Secretary of State and Privy Coun- cillor to Queen Elizabeth. Born circa 1540. Ob. December 1608. SAMPSON ERDESWICKE. Of Brazen Nose College, Ox- ford, 1553-4. The Historian of Staffordshire. Ob. 11 April, 1603. EDWARD HASTED, ESQ. Born 1782. The Historian ot Kent. Ob. 14 January, 1812. 120 HANDLE HOLME, the First. Ob. 1655. RANDLE HOLME, the Second. Ob. September 1659. RANDLE HOLME, the Third. The author of " ACADEMIK OF ARMOEIE." Ob. 1700. RANDLE HOLME, the Fourth. Ob. 1707. JOHN NOKDEN. The Historian of Cornwall. Born circa 1548. Ob. circa 1626. THE REV. SAMUEL PEGGE, LL. D. Rector of Whitting- ton, co. Derby. He was the Antiquary who formed the Collections for Derbyshire noticed in p. 21, and which are there erroneously attributed to his grandson, Dr. Christopher Pegge. He was born 5 November, 1704, and died 14 February, 1796, set. 91. JOHN SAUNDERS. A Herald Painter. He went the Vi- sitation of 1664 with Elias Ashmole, Windsor Herald. Sannders' Collections were purchased by Spicer. SILAS TAYLOR, called by Anthony Wood alias DOMVILLE. Born 1624. Ob. 1673. JOHN WITHIE. A Herald Painter, temp. Charles II. His Collections were purchased by Saunders above mentioned, and with Saunders' other books were probably bought by Spicer. DATES OF ALL THE HERALDS' VISITATIONS. This mark * indicates that there is not a copy of the Visitation made in that particular year, in the British Museum. Many of the following Dates are evidently only Dates of different Genealogical Collections ; for although very considerable pains have been taken to ascertain precisely the Dates of the different VISITATIONS, it was found im- practicable to give a List which could be relied on. Several corrections have been made in this List from that given in the First Edition of this Publication, which was chiefly taken from Moule's Bibliotheca Heraldica and Noble's College of Arms ; both these works, how- ever, and more particularly the former, have, on exami- nation, proved to be extremely erroneous. It is also to be observed, that many Visitations, though under the authority of the same Commission, were necessarily made in different years. Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire. Cheshire. 1566 1566 *1566 1582 1574 1580 1634 *1580 1612 *1669 1634 *1663 *1669 Berkshire. Cambridycshire. Cornwall. *1533 1575 *1530 1566 1619 1578 1584 *1684 1620 *1597 1623 1664 122 Cumberland. Essex. Hun t inydonshire . *1530 1558 1564 1615 *1570 1613 *1665 1612 *1684 1634 *1664 Derbyshire. Gloucestershire. Kent. *1564 *1530 *1530 1569 *1569 1574 1611 1583 1592t *1634 1623 1619 1662 *1683 *1669 Devonshire. Hampshire. Lancashire. *1531 1531 1533 1564 1575 1567 1620 Began 1622") Finish d 1634J *1686 1613 Dorsetshire. Herefordshire. Leicestershire. *1531 *1560 *1563 1565 1586 1619 1623 *1619 "1682 *1677 *1683 Durham. Hertfordshire. Lincolnshire. 1575 1572 1564 1615 1615 1592 *1666 1634 , *1634 *1669 *1666 f The Visitation of Kent in 1592 is erroneously described in the Harleian Catalogue, and consequently also in p. 39, as the Visitation of 1589. 123 London. Northumberland. Somersetshire. 1568 *1530 *1531 *1593 *1557 1573 1634 1575 1591 *1664 1615 1623 *1687 *1666 *1672 Middlesex. Nottinghamshire. Staffordshire. *1572 1530 *1528 *1634 1575J 1563 1663 1614 1583 *1663 1614 1663 Monmouth. Oxfordshire. Suffolk. *1683 *1530 1561 1566 1577 1574 1611 1634 *1664 *1668 Norfolk. Rutlandshire. Surrey. 1563 1618-9 1530 1589 *1681 1572 1613 1623 *1664 1662 Northa mptonshire. Shropshire. Sussex. *1564t *1569 1530 1618 1584 1570 *1681 1623 1633 *1663 *1662 f The Visitation of Northamptonshire in this year is erroneously called the Visitation of 1566 in the Harleian Catalogue, and in p. 54. J Query, if it is not the Visitation of Nottinghamshire in 1575 which in the Harleian Catalogue, and p. 57, is called the Visitation of 1569. Erroneously called the Visitation of 1574, in p. 66 and in the Harleian Catalogue. 124 Warwickshire. Wiltshire. Yorkshire 1563 *1531 1530 1619 1565 1563 t *1682 1623 1584 *J677 1612 1665 Westmoreland. Worcestershire. *1530 *]530 1615 1569 *1664 *1634 *1683 WALES. *1530 t In p. 82, on the authority of the Harleian Catalogue, a Visita- tion of Yorkshire is said to have been made in 1575, but the MS. there referred to, viz. Harl. MSS. 1171, is probably only a copy of part of the Visitation of 1563, by William Flower, Norroy, with some continuations to the year 1575, for it does not appear that Yorkshire was visited in 1575. NUMERICAL INDEX TO THE HERALDS' VISITATIONS. Harl. MSS. 155 Suffolk. 808 Oxford. TDerby. 886 < Nottingham. ^Stafford, ooo V Dorset. 8 \ Wilts. 890 I Huntin g don - \ Northampton. 891 CLancashire. ^Suffolk. 1041 Gloucester. 1043 I Cambrid S e - Worcester. 1046 Dorset ' Surrey. 1075 Huntingdon. 1076 Sussex. 1077 Stafford. 1079 Cornwall. 1080 Devon. Harl. MSS. 1081 Berks. 1082 Nottingham. 1083 Essex. 1084. f Northampton. ^Sussex. 1091 Devon. 1092 Dorset. 1093 Derby. 1094 J Northampton. l_ Rutland. 1095 Oxford. 1097 Oxford. 1100 Warwick. 1102 Bucks. 1103 Suffolk. 1106 Kent. 1111 Wilts. 1135 Sussex. 1136 Bucks. 1137 Essex. 1138 Northampton. 126 Harl. MSS. ("Berks. 1139< Bucks. (^ Hampshire. 1141 Somerset. 1142 Cornwall. 1147 Surrey. 1 149 Cornwall. 1151 Bucks. ( Derby. 1153^ Dorset> j Durham. V Northumberland. 1154 Norfolk. 1159 Hereford. 1162 Cornwall. 1163 Devon. ,,,,.( Cornwall. Ilo4 < T-. I Devon. 1165 Wilts. 1166 Dorset. 1167 Warwick. 1168 Durham. {"Durham. 1171< Northampton. (^York. 1173 Stafford. 1174 Norfolk. , , 77 ("Norfolk. 177 ^Suffolk. 1179 Huntingdon. 1180 Leicester. 1181 Wilts. 1182 York. 1184 Northampton. . 7 C Leicester. ' ( Northampton. 1188 Northampton. 1189 Leicester. Harl. MSS. 1190 Lincoln. 1193 Bucks. 1194 Sussex. 1196 Kent. i not $ Bucks. 1234 {Hertford. 1241 Shropshire. 1352 Worcester. 1374 Cumberland. 1385 Somerset. 1391 Bucks. 1394 York. 1396 Shropshire. 1397i Durham ' Surrey. 1399 Devon. 1400 Nottingham. 1401 Cambridge. 1406 Sussex. 1412 Oxford. Stafford. York. 1420 York. 1424 Cheshire. 1429 Bucks. 1430 Surrey. 1431 Leicester. 1432 Kent. 1433 |^ erts - ^Surrey. 1435 Westmoreland. 1437 Lancashire. 1439 Stafford. 1443 Wilts. 1445 Somerset. 1448 Northumberland. 1449 Suffolk. 1451 Dorset. . . , _ 1415 127 Harl. MSS. Harl. MSS. 1463 London. 1550 Lincoln. IAPQ (Lancashire. b } Middlesex. 1472 Shropshire. 1476 London. 1480 Oxford. 1552 Norfolk. 1553 Northampton. 1554 Northumberland. 1555 Nottingham. 1556 Oxford. 1483 Berks. 1557 Oxford. Essex. 1558 Rutland. Derby. i A o A \ Kent. 1484s T , Lincoln. Suffolk. 1559 Somerset. 1560 Suffolk. 1561 Surrey. 1562 Sussex. .Sussex. 1563 Warwick. I Worcester. 1487 York. 1565 Wilts. 1566 Worcester. 1567 Devon. 1 4QQ i No "Jngham. iTt/i/ S -*T -I I York. 1504 Herts. 1505 Cheshire. 1570 Stafford. 1 820 Suffolk. 1982 Shropshire. 2076 Lancashire. 1530 Berks. 2086 Lancashire. 1531 Bedford. 2109 Bedford. 1532 Berks. 1533 Bucks. 1534 Cambridge. 1535 Cheshire. 21 1 o J Derby. 6 \ Stafford. 2134 Derby. 2186 Dorset. 1536 Cumberland. 2198 Kent. 1537 Derby. 1539 Dorset. 3288 Devon. 4108 Berks. 1540 Durham. 1542 Essex. 1543 Gloucester. Arnn $ Bedford. 4600 { T. , I Berks. 4755 Norfolk. 1544 Hampshire. 1545 Hereford. 5181 Bucks. 5182 Cheshire. 1546 Herts. 5184 Wilts. 1547 Herts. 5185 Devon. 1548 Kent. 5186 Bedford. 1549 Lancashire. 5187 Oxford. 128 Harl. MSS. Harl. MSS. 5189 Norfolk. 6592 Derby. 5823 Norfolk. 6769 Cambridge. ^Bedford. 6770 Cambridge. roao J Bucks. 7017 Essex. 5828 i Oxford. (^Rutland. Lansdown MSS. 5840 Devon. 826 Yorkshire. 5871 Devon. 843 Staffordshire. 6065 Essex. 880 Oxford. 6093 Norfolk. Cotton MSS. R1 . ( Derby. b!04 < c-x rr j Stafford. F.VlTl. Huntingdon 6125 Leicester. Ayscough's Catalogue. 6128 Stafford. 4961 Berks. 6147 Herts. 6159 Lancashire. 4962 Cambridge. 4963 Surrey. 6164 Sussex. Kiac S Norfolk, bibb \ r\ c i ( Oxford. Addit. MSS. 5507 Kent. 6172 Shropshire. 5526 Kent. 6173 Berks. 5532 Kent. 6183 Leicester. 5533 Surrey. THE END. Printed by S. and R. Bentlcy, Doriet-street, Flect.itreel, London. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. RECTO LO-URL JUN 04 199E A 000 089 334 7