BIOLOGY UB8ARY G GUIDE TO ,THE STUDY OF INSECTS,, AND A TREATISE ON THOSE ItfJUEIOUS AND BENEHCIAL TO CKOPS : FOR THE USE OF COLLEGES, FARM-SCHOOLS, AND AGRICULTURISTS, BY A. S. PACKARD, JK., M.D. \\ WITH FIFTEEN PLATES AND SIX HUNDRED AND SEVENTY WOOD-CUTS. FOURTH EDITION. SALEM : NATURALISTS' AGENCY BOSTON: ESTES & LAURIAT. NEW YORK: DODD & MEAD. LONDON: TRUBNER & co. 1874. ft. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1869 by A. S. PACKARD, JR., in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. Printed at the SALEM PRESS. F. W. Putnam & Co., Salem, Mass. Plate # TRANSFORMATIONS OF MOTH PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. SEVERAL corrections of some importance have been made in this edition, mostly, however, verbal, due in part to changes in synonymy. On p. 78, fig. 68 of the third edition has been replaced by a figure of Arthrolycosa antiqua Harger. On p. 258 correct figures of the larva and pupa of Melitcea Harrisii are given. The most important addition, however, is on p. 438, where a brief account of LeConte's new family Platypsyl- lidce is given, and his figure of Platypsylla castoris Ritsema reproduced. On p. 597, line 20, it is stated that the mouth of the Libellulidse " is not furnished with palpi." This is morpho- logically inexact, as Gerstaecker has recently stated that the dragon-flies possess a one-jointed maxillary palpus, and two- jointed labial palpi. These are not of the usual palpus shape, but more or less rudimentary and modified in accordance with the peculiar mouth parts of these and allied insects. On p. 669, for lines 22, 23, read Macrobiotus Americanus JPack. has been discovered by Rev. W. R. Cross in Maine. Some important changes have been made in the classifica- tion of the Coleoptera. The weevils, Curculionidce, should in accordance with the views expressed by Dr. LeConte be placed at the end of the group. The Coccinellidce and Erotylidce should also in accordance with the views of Mr. G. R. Crotch (Check List of the Coleoptera of America north of Mexico, 1874), be placed in the Clavicorn series, those and allied families being placed in the following succession : Der- mestidce, JEndomychidce, Cioidce, Erotylidce, Atomariidce, Cu- cujidce, Colydiidce, Rhizophagidce, Trogositidce, Nitidulidce, Coccinellidce, Cistelidce, etc. At the end of the series the succession of families is as follows : Cerambycidce, Bruchidce, Chrysomelidce, Tenebrionidce, ^Eyialitidce, Alleculidce, IV PREFACE. Pyrochroidce, Anthicidce, Melandryidce, Mordellidce, Stylopidce, Meloidce, Cephaloidce, (Edemeridce, Mycteridce, Pythidce, Cur- culionidce, Scolytidce, and Anthribidce, Brenthidce being the last. The author should here state, in justice to himself, that the primary object in preparing the systematic portion of the work was to give as clear a view as possible of the larger groups of insects ; so that the groupings of the families into subdivisions of suborders have been omitted for the sake of perspicuity. Thus, the difference between the Heteropterous and Hemipterous divisions of the Hemiptera is not perhaps so clearly indicated as may seem desirable ; so also, the difference of the Tenthredinidae and Uroceridae from the rest of the Efymenoptera, of the Lice from the rest of the Hemiptera, or the Lepismatidae, Campodese and Poduridse, from the remainder of the Neuroptera. Perhaps in endeavoring to bring out clearly the essential unity of organization in the members of the larger groups, sufficient justice has not been paid to the frequent diversity observable. Certain small and unimportant families have also been omitted ; it is believed, without detri- ment to a work of this scope. Most authors regard the Hymenoptera and equivalent groups as "orders" rather than "suborders." When the reader prefers, he might alter to suit his views. It is not improbable that the Hexapoda, Arachnida and Myriopoda are subclasses ; hence, the Hymenoptera, etc., may be considered as orders, and then, for example, the Hemiptera, Heteroptera and Lice (Pediculina and Mallophaga) might be regarded as suborders of the grand group Hemiptera. It matters little to the author, so long as the fact (or what he believes to be the fact) be recognized, that the Hexapods, Arachnids and Myrio- pods are subdivisions of a class, and not separate classes equivalent each to the Crustacea, for example. Salem, April, 1874. PREFACE . THIS introduction to the study of insects is designed to teach the beginner the elements of entomology, and to serve as a guide to the more elaborate treatises and memoirs which the advanced student may wish to consult. Should the book, imperfect as the author feels it to be, prove of some service in inducing others to study this most interesting and useful branch of natural history, the object of the writer will have been fully attained. In order to make it of value to farmers and gardeners, whose needs the writer has kept in view, and that it may be used as a text book in our agricultural colleges, concise ac- counts have been given of insects injurious or beneficial to vegetation, or those in any way affecting human interests. When the localities of the insects are not precisely given, it is to be understood that they occur in the Eastern Atlantic States from Maine to Pennsylvania, and the more northern of the Western States. When the family names occur in the text they are put in spaced Italics, to distinguish them from the generic and specific names which are Italicized in the usual way. The succession of the suborders of the hexapodous insects is that proposed by the author in 1863, and the attention of zoologists is called to their division into two series of sub- orders, which are characterized on page 104. To the first and highest may be applied Leach's term METABOLIA, as they all agree in having a perfect metamorphosis ; for the second and lower series the term HETEROMETABOLIA is pro- v PREFACE. posed, as the four suborders comprised in it differ in the degrees of completeness of their metamorphoses, and are all linked together by the structural features enumerated on page 104. ^ The classification of the Hymenoptera is original with the author, the bees (Apidse) being placed highest, and the saw- flies and Uroceridse lowest. The succession of the families of the Lepidoptera is that now generally agreed upon by en- tomologists. Loew's classification of the Diptera, published in the "Miscellaneous Collections" of the Smithsonian Institution, has been followed, with some modifications. Haliday's suggestion that the Pulicidae are allied to the Mycetophilidae gives a clue to their position in nature among the higher Diptera. Leconte's classification, of the Coleoptera is adopted as far as published by him, i.e., to the Bruchidae. For the succeeding families the arrangement of Gerstaecker in Peters and Cams' "Handbuch der Zoo- logie" has been followed, both being based on that of Lacor- daire. The Hemiptera are arranged according to the author's views of the succession of the families. The classification of the Orthoptera is that proposed by Mr. S. H. Scudder. This succession of families is the reverse of what has been given by recent authors, and is by far the most satisfactory yet presented. The arrangement of the Neuroptera (in the Lin- mean sense) is that of Dr. Hagen, published in his "Synop- sis," with the addition, however, of the Lepisrnatidse, Cam- podeae and Poduridae. The usual classification of the Arachnida is modified by placing the Phalangidse as a family among the Pedipalpi, and the succession of families of this suborder is suggested as be- ing a more natural one than has been previously given. The arrangement of the Araneina, imperfect as authors have left it, is that adopted by Gerstaecker in Peters and PREFACE. V Carus' "Handbuch der Zoologie." In the succession of the families of the Acarina, the suggestions of Claparede, in his "Studien der Acariden," have been followed, and in the preparation of the general account of the Arachnids the writer is greatly indebted to Claparede's elaborate work on the " Evolution of Spiders." In the preparation of this "Guide" the author has con- suited and freely used West wood's invaluable "Introduction to the Modern Classification of Insects;" Gerstaecker's " Arthropoden" in Peters and Carus' "Handbuch der Zoo- logie;" Siebold's " Anatomy of the Invertebrates" (Burnett's translation, 1854) ; Newport's Article "Insecta" in Todd's Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology; and Dr. T. W. Harris' "Treatise on Insects injurious to Vegetation." He would also acknowledge his indebtedness to Professor L. Agassiz for many of the general ideas, acquired while the author was a student in the Museum of Comparative Zoo- logy at Cambridge, regarding the arrangement of the orders and classes, and the morphology of the Articulates. For kind assistance rendered in preparing this book, the author is specially indebted to Baron R. von Osten Sacken, who kindly read the proof sheets of the chapter on Diptera ; to Mr. F. G. Sanborn for the communication of many speci- mens and facts ; and also to Messrs. Edward Norton, S. H. Scudder, J. H. Emerton, C. T. Robinson, A. R. Grote, G. D. Smith, E. T. Cresson, P. R. Uhler, C. V. Riley, Dr. J. L. Le- conte, Dr. Hagen, W. C. Fish, and E. S. Morse. For much kind assistance and very many favors and suggestions, and constant sympathy and encouragement during the printing of the work, he is under special obligation to his valued friend, Mr. F. W. Putnam. The types of the new species noticed here are deposited in the Museum of the Peabody Academy of Science. He would also express his thanks to VI PKEFACE. the American Entomological Society, the Society of Natural History at Boston, the Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Agriculture, the Essex Institute, the Smithsonian Institu- tion, the Secretary of the Maine Board of Agriculture, and to Mr. R. Hardwicke, the publisher of "Science-Gossip," Prof. Sanborn Tenney, the author of "A Manual of Zo- ology," and to his coeditors of the "American Naturalist," for the use of many of the cuts, a list of which may be found on the succeeding pages. PEABODY ACADEMY OP SCIENCE, SALEM, Nov. 10, 1869. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. FiGS. 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 84, 86, 87, 91, 93-106, 124, 126, 130, 131, 132, 142, 144, 146, 151, 180, 191-196, 201, 202, 204, 205, 206, 207, 2086, 209, 212, 213, 215, 219, 220, 221, 224, 225, 226, 246, 256 -260, 267, 320, 321, 332, 333, 379, 404, 408, 409, 421, 422, 442, 455, 480, 481, 484, 485, 487, 493, 500, 501, 502, 509, 513, 518, 519, 521, 531, 534, 535, 552, 561, 562, 576, 579, 593, 601 and 651, were borrowed from the American Entomological Society, at Philadelphia. FIGS. 2, 14, 15-24, 27, 48, 63-67, 69, 181, 216, 217, 222, 230, 231, 233 -235, 247, 369, 389, 420, 424, 427, 435, 436, 438, 497, 508, 578, 630 and 631 were loaned by the Boston Society of Natural History. FIGS. 25, 36, 37, 55, 83, 128, 136, 237, 242, 269, 350, 352-357, 362, 368, 372, 373, 380, 511, 512, 514, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546, 556, 585-587, 589, 590, 591, 594, 602, 603, 604 and 605, were borrowed from the report of the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture for 1862. FIGS. 155-165, 169-179, 270, 271, 285-296, 300, 303-306, 345-348, 358, 359, 632, 633 and 634, were loaned by the Smithsonian Institution. FIGS. 1, 5, 8, 10, 30, 31, 32, 51, 52, 57, 58, 62, 64, 68, 72, 79, 80, 81, 82, 85, 89, 92, 110-121, 127, 185, 186, 227, 228, 239, 248, 250, 252, 262, 263, 273, 278, 298, 307-314, 317-319, 322, 324-327, 329-331, 334-343, 361, 363a, 375, 387, 412, 413, 425, 426, 428, 430, 432, 433, 437, 439, 447-451, 456-458, 463, 464, 474, 475, 504, 516, 576, 577, 580-584, 588, 592, 608, 613, 615, 627, 636, 637, 638, 639, 641, 642, 646-649, were taken from the " American Naturalist." FIGS. 41, 70, 71, 88, 129, 138, 143, 152, 200, 232, 249, 253, 255, 349, 492, 554, 618, and 645 were borrowed from the "Report of the Maine Board of Agriculture for 1862." FIGS. 73-78, were kindly loaned by Prof, Jeffries Wyman. FIGS. 570, 571, 574, 575, 617 and 635, were loaned by the Illinois Geological Survey. I am also indebted to Prof. Sanborn Tenney for the use of Figs. 189, 190, 198, 315, 323, 563-567, from his "Manual of Zoology." The publishers of Hardwick's " Science-Gossip," London, afforded me stereotypes of Figs, 517, 557, 569, 573, 606, 607, 609-611, 616, 620 -622, 628, 629 and 640. Electrotypes of Figs. 119, 261, 281, 281c-284, 328, 344, 351, 360, 363, 367, 374, 376, 414, 429, 434, 452-454, 466, 468-471, 477, 479, 494, 506 1 , 506 2 , 510 ? 522-526, 530, 532, 533, 536-541, 547-551, 564, 568, 595-598, were purchased of the publishers of the " American Entomologist." The following figures were engraved expressly for the work, viz : Figs. 11, 12, 13, 26, 28, 29, 42, 43-47, 49, 50, 53, 54, 56, 59-61, 80, 107- (Vii) 2 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. Articulated animals are also very distinctly bilateral, i. e. the body is symmetrically divided into two lateral halves, and not only the trunk but the limbs also show this bilateral symmetry. In a less marked degree there is also an antero- posterior symmetry, i.e. each end of the body is opposed, just as each side of the body is, to the other.* The line separating the two ends is, however, imaginary and vague. The antenna, on the anterior pole, or head, are represented by the caudal, or anal, stylets (Fig. 2), and the single parts on the median line of the body corre- spond. Thus the labrum and clypeus are represented by the tergite of the eleventh segment of the abdomen. Fig 2 In all Articulates (Fig. 3) the long, tubular, alimentary canal occupies the centre of the body ; above it lies the "heart," or dorsal vessel, and below, upon the under side, rests the nervous system. be a The breathing apparatus, or u lungs," in Worms consists of simple filaments, placed on the front of the head ; or of gill-like processes, as in the Crustaceans, which are formed by membran- ous expansions' of the legs ; or, a Fig . 3 . as in the Insects (Fig. 4), of delicate tubes (tracheae), which * Professor Wyman (On Symmetry and Homology in Limbs, Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, 1867) has shown that antero-posterior symmetry is very marked in Articulates. In the adjoining figure of Jcera (Fig. 2) the longi- tudinal lines illustrate what is meant by bilateral symmetry, and the transverse lines "fore and aft" symmetry. The two antero-posterior halves of the body are very symmetrical in the Crustacean genera Jcera. Oniscus, Porcellio, and other Crustacea, and also among the Myriopods, Scutigera, Polydesmus, " in which the limbs are repeated oppositely, though with different degrees of inequality, from the centre of the body backwards and forwards." "Leuckart and Van Beneden have shown that Mysis has an ear in the last segment, and Schmidt has described an eye in the same part in a worm, Amphicora." From Wyman. FIG. 3 represents an ideal section of a Worm. / indicates the skin, or mus- cular body-wall, which on each side is produced into one or more fleshy tubercles, usually tipped with bristles or hairs, which serve as organs of locomotion, and THE CLASS OF INSECTS. 3 ramify throughout the whole interior of the animal, and con- nect with breathing pores (stigmata) in the sides of the body. They do not breathe through the mouth as do the higher ani- mals. The tracheae and blood-vessels follow closely the same Fig. 4. course, so that the aeration of the blood goes on, apparently, over the whole interior of the body, not being confined to a single region, as in the lungs of the vertebrate animals. Thus it is by observing the general form of the body-walls, and the situation of the different anatomical systems, both in relation to themselves and the walls of the body, or crust, which surrounds and protects the more delicate organs within, that we are able to find satisfactory characters for isolating, in our definitions, the articulates from all other animals. We shall perceive more clearly the differences between the three classes of Articulates, or jointed animals, namely, the WORMS, CRUSTACEANS, and INSECTS, by examining often as lungs. The nervous cord (a) rests on the floor of the cylinder, sending a filament into the oar-like feet (/), and also around the intestine or stomach (6), to a supplementary cord (d), which is situated just over the intestine, and under the heart or dorsal vessel (c). The circle c and e is a diagram of the circulatory sys- tem ; c is the dorsal vessel, or heart, from the side of which, in each ring, a small vessel is sent downwards and around to e, the ventral vessel. Original. FIG. 4. An ideal section of a Bee. Here the crust is dense and thick, to which strong muscles are attached. On the upper side of the ring the wings grow out, while the legs are inserted near the under side. The tracheae (d) enter through the stif/ma, or breathing pore, situated just under the wing, and their branches sub- divide and are distributed to the wings, with their five principal veins as indicated THE CLASS OF INSECTS. their young stages, from the time of their exclusion from the egg, until they pass into mature life. A more careful study of this period than we are now able to enter upon would show us how much alike the young of all articulates are at first, and how soon they begin to differ, and assume the shape characteristic of their class. Most Worms, after leaving the egg, are at first like some infusoria, being little sac-like animalcules, often ciliated over nearly the entire surface of the infinitesimal body. Soon this sac-like body grows longer, and con- tracts at intervals ; the intervening parts become unequally enlarged, some segments, or rings, Fig. 5. formed by the contraction of the body-walls, greatly exceeding in size those next to them; and it thus assumes the appearance of being more or less equally ringed, as in the young Terebella (Fig. 5), where the ciliae are restricted to a single circle surrounding the body. Gradually (Fig. 6) the cilise disap- \ e pear and regular locomotive organs, consisting of minute paddles, grow out from each side ; feelers (antennae), jaws, and eyes (simple rudi- mentary eyes) appear on the few front rings of the body, which are grouped by themselves into a sort of head, though it is difficult, in a large proportion of the lower worms, for un- skilled observers to distinguish the head from the tail. Thus we see throughout the growth of the worm, no attempt at subdividing the bod} r into regions, each endowed with its peculiar L functions ; but only a more perfect system of , , Fi 6 ' rings, each relatively very equally developed, in the figure, also to the dorsal vessel (c), the intestine (6), and the nervous cord (a). The tracheas and a nervous filament are also sent into the legs and to the wings. The tracheae are also distributed to the dorsal vessel and intestine by numerous branches which serve to hold them in place. Original. FIG. 5. Young Terebella, soon after leaving the egg. From A. Agassiz. FIG. 6 represents the embryo of a worm (Autolytus cornutus) at a later stage of growth, a is the middle tentacle of the head ; e, one of the posterior tentacles; b, the two eye-spots at the base of the hinder pair of feelers ; c is one of a row of oar-like organs (cirri) at the base of which are inserted the locomotive bristles, THE CLASS OF INSECTS. 5 but all becoming respectively more complicated. For example, in the Earth-worm (Lumbricus) , each ring is distinguishable into an upper and under side, and in addition to these a well- marked side-area, to which, as for example in marine worms (e. g. Nereis) , oar-like organs are attached. In most worms eye-spots appear on the front rings, and slender tentacles grow out, and a pair of nerve-knots (ganglia) are apportioned to each ring. In the Crustaceans, such as the fresh-water Crawfish (Astdr CMS), as shown by the German naturalist Rathke ; and also in the earliest stages of the Insect, the body at once assumes a worm-like form, thus beginning its embryonic life from the goal reached by the adult worm. The young of all Crustaceans (Fig. 7) first begin life in the egg as oblong flattened worm-like bodies, each end of the body being alike. The young of the lower Crustaceans, such as the Barnacles, and some marine forms (Copepoda), and some lowly organized parasitic species inhabiting the gills of fishes, are hatched as microscopic embryos which would readily be mistaken for young mites (Acarina). In the higher Crus- taceans, such as the fresh-water Crawfish, the young, when hatched, does not greatly differ from the parent, as it has passed through the worm-like stage within the egg. Fig. 7 represents the young of the fresh- water Lobster (Crawfish) before leaving the egg. The body is divided into rings, ending in lobes on the sides, which are the rudiments of the limbs, b is the rudiment of the eye- Fig. 7. stalk, at the end of which is the eye ; a is the fore antennae ; c is the hind antennae ; d is one of the maxilla-feet ; e is the first pair of true feet destined in the adult to form the large "claw." Thus the eye-stalks, antennae, claws, and legs are moulded upon a common form, and at first are scarcely distin- with the cirri serving as swimming and locomotive organs ; d, the caudal styles, or tail-feelers. In this figure we see how slight are the differences between the feelers of the head, the oar-like swimming organs, and the caudal filaments; we can easily see that they are but modifications of a common form, and all arise from the common limb-bearing region of the body. The alimentary canal, with the proventriculus, or anterior division of the stomach, occupies the middle of the body; while the mouth opens on the under side of the head. From A. Agassiz. FIG. 7. Embryo of the Crawfish. -From Rathke. 1* 6 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. guishable from each other. Here we see the embryo divided into a head-thorax and a tail. It is the same with Insects. Within the egg at the dawn of life they are flattened oblong bodies curved upon the yelk- mass. Before hatching they become more cylindrical, the limbs bud out on the sides of the rings, the head is clearly demarked, and the young caterpillar soon steps forth from the egg-shell ready armed and equipped for its riotous life. As will be seen in Fig. 8, the legs, jaws, and antennae are first started as buds from the side of the rings, being simply elongations of the body-wall, which bud out, become larger, and finally jointed, until the \x buds arising from the thorax or abdomen become legs, % those from the base of the head be- come jaws, while the antennae and palpi sprout out from the front rings of the head. Thus while the bodies of all articulates are built up from a common em- bryonic form, their, appendages, which are so diverse, when we compare a Lobster's claw with an Insect's antenna, or a Spider's spinneret with the hinder limbs of a Centipede, "are yet but modifications of a common form, adapted for the different uses to which they are put by these animals. FIG. 8. A Caddis, or Case-fly (Mystacides) in the egg, with part of the yolk (#) not yet inclosed within the body- walls, a, antennae; between a and b the mandi- bles; 6, maxilla; c, labium; rf, the separate eye-spots (ocelli), which afterwards in- crease greatly in number and unite to form the compound eye. The "neck" or junction of the head with the thorax is seen at the front part of the yolk-mass ; e, the three pairs of legs, which are folded once on them selves;/, the pair of anal legs attached to the tenth ring of the abdomen, as seen in caterpillars, which form long antenna-like filaments in the Cockroach and May-fly, etc. The rings of the body are but partially formed; they are cylindrical, giving the body a worm-like form. Here, as in the other two figures, though not so distinctly seen, the antennae, jaws, and last pair of abdominal legs are modifications of but a single form, and grow out from the side of the body. The head-appendages are directed forwards, as they are to be adapted for sensory and feeding purposes ; the legs are directed downwards, since they are to support the insect while walking. It appears that the two ends of the body are perfected before the middle, and the under side before the upper, as we see the yolk-mass is not yet inclosed and the rings not yet formed above. Thus all articulates differ from all vertebrates in having the yolk-mass situated on the back, instead of on the belly, as in the chick, dog, or human em- bryo. From Zaddach. THE CLASS OF INSECTS. 7 The Worm is long and slender, composed of an irregular number of rings, all of very even size. Thus, while the size of the rings is fixed, their number is indeterminate, varying from twenty to two hundred or more. The outline of the body is a single cylindrical figure. The organs of locomotion are fleshy filaments and hairs (Fig. 3,/) appended to the sides. In one of the low intestinal worms, the Tape-worm (Tcenia), each ring, behind the head and "neck," is provided with organs of reproduction, so that when the body becomes broken up into its constituent elements, or rings (as often occurs naturally in these low forms for the more ready propagation of the species, since the young are exposed to many dangers while living in the intestines of animals) , they become living inde- pendent beings which "move freely and somewhat quickly like Leaches," and until their real nature was known they were thought to be worms. This ami other facts prove, that, in the Worm, the vitality of the animal is very equally dis- tributed to each ring. If we cut off the head or tail of some of the low worms, such as the Flat Worms (Planaria, etc.), each piece will become a distinct animal, but an Insect or Crab sooner or later dies when deprived of its head or tail, (abdomen). Thus, in the Worm the vital force is very equally distributed to each zoological element, or ring of the body ; no single part of the body is much honored above the rest, so as to sub- ordinate and hold the other parts in subservience to its peculiar and higher ends in the animal economy. The Crustacean, of which the Shrimp (Fig. 9) is a typical example, is com- posed of a determinate number (21) of rings which rig. 9. are gathered into two regions; the head-thorax (cephalo- thorax) and hind -body, or abdomen. In this class there is a broad distinction between the anterior and posterior ends of the body. The rings are now grouped into two regions, and the hinder division is subordinate in its structure and TIG. 9. A Shrimp. Pandalus annulicornis. a, cephalothorax ; 6, abdomen. 8 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. uses to the forward portion of the body. Hence the nervous power is transferred in some degree towards the head; the cephalothorax containing the nervous centres from which nerves are distributed to the abdomen. Nearly all the organs perform- ing the functions of locomotion and sensation reside in the front region ; while the vegetative functions, or those concerned in the reproduction and nourishment of the animal, are mostly carried on in the hinder region of the body (the abdomen). The typical Crustacean cannot be said to have a true head, in distinction from a thorax bearing the organs of locomotion, but rather a group of rings, to which are appended the organs of sensation and locomotion. Hence we find the appendages of this region gradually changing from antennae and jaws to foot-jaws, or limbs capable of eating and also of locomotion ; they shade into each other as seen in Fig. 9. Sometimes the jaws become remarkably like claws ; or the legs resemble jaws at the base, but towards their tips become claw-like ; gill-like bodies are sometimes attached to the foot-jaws, and thus, as stated by Professor J. D. Dana in the introduction to his great work on the Crustacea of the United States Exploring Expedi- tion, the typical Crustaceans do not have a distinct head, but rather a "head-thorax" (cephalothorax). When we rise a third and last step into the world of Insects, we see a completion and final development of the articu- late plan which has been but obscurely hinted at in the two lowest classes, the Worms and Crustaceans. Here we first meet with a true head, separate in its structure and functions from the thorax, which, in its turn, is clearly distinguishable from the third region of the body, the abdomen, or hind-body. These three regions, as seen in the Wasp (Fig. 10), are each provided with three distinct sets of organs, each having distinct functions, though all are governed by and minister to the brain force, now in a great measure gathered up from the Fig. 10. posterior rings of the body, and in a more concentrated form (the brain being larger than in the lower articulates) lodged in the head. Here, then, is a centralization of parts headwards ; they are FIG. 10. Philanthus ventildbris Fabr. A Wood- wasp. From Say. COMPOSITION OF THE INSECT-CRUST. 9 brought as if towards a focus, and that focus the head, which is the meaning of the term " cephalization," proposed by Pro- fessor Dana.* Ring distinctions have given way to regional distinctions. The former characterize the Worm^ the latter the Insect. In other words, the division of the body into three parts, or regions, is in the insect, on the whole, better marked than the division of any one of those parts, except the abdo- men, into rings. COMPOSITION OP THE INSECT-CRUST. Before describing the composition of the body-wall, or crust, of the Insect, let us briefly review the mode in which the same parts are formed in the lower classes, the Worms and Crustaceans. We have seen that the typical ring, or segment (called by authors zoonule, zoonite, or somite, meaning parts of a body, though we prefer the term arthromere, denoting the elemental part of a jointed or articulate animal), consists of an upper (tergite), a side (pleurite), and an under piece (sternite). This is seen in its greatest simplicity in the Worm (Fig. 2), where the upper and ventral arcs are separated by the pleural region. In the Crus- tacean the parts, hardened by the deposition of chitine and therefore thick and unyielding, have to be farther subdivided to secure the necessary amount of freedom of motion to the body and legs. The upper arc not only covers the back of the ani- mal, but extends down the sides ; the legs are jointed to the epimera, or flanks, on the lower arc ; the episternum is situated between the epimerum and sternum ; and the sternum, form- ing the breast, is situated between the legs. In the adult, there- fore, each elemental ring is composed of six pieces. It should, however, be borne in mind that the tergum and ster- * In two papers on the Classification of Animals, published in the American Journal of Science and Arts, Second Series, vol. xxxv, p. 65, vol. xxxvi, July, 1863, and also in his earlier paper on Crustaceans, " the principle of cephalization is shown to be exhibited among animals in the following ways : 1. By a transfer of members from the locomotive to the cephalic series. 2. By the anterior of the locomotive organs participating to some extent in ce- phalic functions. 3. .By increased abbreviation, concentration, compactness, and perfection of structure, in the parts and organs of the anterior portion of the body. 4. By increased abbreviation, condensation, and perfection of structure in the posterior, or gastric and caudal portion of the body. 5. By an upward rise in the cephalic end of the nervous system. This rise reaches its extreme limit in Man." 10 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. num each consist, in the embryo, of two lateral parts, or halves, which, during development, unite on the median line of the body. Typically, therefore, the crustacean ring consists pri- marily of eight pieces. The same number is found in all insects which are wingless, or in the larva and pupa state ; this applies also to the Myriupods and Spiders. In the Myriopoda, or Centipedes, the broad tergum overlaps the small epimera, while the sternum is much larger than in the Spiders and Insects. In this respect it is like the broad flat under-surface of most worms. Hence the legs of the Centipede are inserted very far apart, and the "breast," or sternum, is not much smaller than the dorsal part of the crust. In the Julus the dorsal piece (tergum) is greatly developed over the sternum, but this is a departure from what is ap- parently the more typical form of the order, i. e. the Centipede. In the Spiders there is a still greater disproportion in size between the tergum and the sternum, though the latter is very large compared with that of Insects. The epimera and episterna, or side-pieces of the Spiders, are partially concealed by tne over-arching tergum, and they are small, since the joints of the legs are very large, Audouin's law of development in Articu- lates showing that one part of the insect crust is always developed at the expense of the adjoining part. In the Spider we notice that the back of the thorax is a single solid plate consisting originally of four rings consolidated into a single hard piece. In like manner the broad solid sternal plate results from the reunion of the same number of sternites cor- responding, originally, to the number of thoracic legs. Thus the whole upper side of the head and thorax of the Spider is consolidated into a single hard horny immovable plate, like the upper solid part of the cephalothorax of the Crab or Shrimp. Hence the motions of the Spiders are very stiff com- pared with those of many Insects, and correspond to those of the Crab. The crust of the winged insect is modified for the per- formance of more complex motions. It is subdivided in so different a manner from the two lower orders of the class, that it would almost seem to have nothing in common, structurally speaking, with the groups below them. It is only by examin- COMPOSITION OF THE INSECT-CRUST. 11 ing the lowest wingless forms such as the Louse, Flea, Podura, and Bark-lice, where we see a transition to the Or- ders of Spiders and Myriopods, that we can perceive the plan pervading all these forms, uniting them into a common class. A segment of a winged six-footed insect (Hexapod) consists typically of eight pieces which we will now examine more leisurely. Figure 12 represents a side-view of the thorax of the Telea Polyphemus, or Silk- pt- worm moth, with the legs and wings 4*emoved. Each ring consists primarily of the tergum, the two side-pieces (epimerum and episternum) and the sternum, or breast-plate. But one of these Fig. 11. pieces (sternum) remains simple, as in the lower orders. The tergum is divided into four pieces. They were named by Au- douin going from before backwards, Fig. 12. the prcescutum, scutum, scutellum, scm ms " and postscutellum. The scutum is invariably present pt and forms the larger part of the upper portion (tergum) of the tho- rax ; the scutellum is, as its name indicates, the little shield so promi- nent in the beetle, which is also uniformly present. The other two tr te c" tr c'" tr pieces are usually minute and crowded down out of sight, and placed between the two oppos- ing rings. As seen in Fig. 11, the praescutum of the moth is a small rounded piece, bent vertically down, so as not to be seen from above. In the lowly organized Hepialus, and some FIG. 11. Tergal view of the middle segment of the thorax of Telea Polyphemus, prm, praescutum; ms, scutum; scm, scutellum; ptm, postscutellum; pt, patagium, or shoulder tippet, covering the insertion of the wings. Original. FIG. 12. Side view of the thorax of T. Polyphemus, the hairs removed. 1, Pro- thorax ; 2, Mesothorax; 3, Metathorax, separated by the wider black lines. Tergum of the prothorax not represented, ms, mesoscutum ; scm, mesoscutellum; ms" , metascutum; scm", metascutellum ; pt, a supplementary piece near the inser- tion of patagia; w, pieces situated at the insertion of the wings and surrounded by membrane ; em, epimerum of prothorax, the long upright piece above being the episternum; epm", episternum of the mesothorax; em", epimerum of the same; epm", episternum of the metathorax; em", epimerum of the same, divided into two pieces; c, c", c", coxae; te', le", le", trochantines ; tr, tr, tr, trochanters. Original. 14 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. insects. In the higher series of suborders, comprising the Dip- tera, Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera, placing the highest last, the thorax shows a tendency to assume a globular shape ; the upper side, or tergum, is much arched, the pleural region bulges out full and round, while the legs conceal at their insertion the sternum which is minute in size. In the lower series, embracing the Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Orthoptera, and Neuroptera, the entire body tends to be more flattened ; in the thorax the terguin is broad, especially that of the prothorax, while the pleurites (episterna and epimera) are short and bulge out less than in the higher series, and the ster- num is almost invariably well developed, often presenting a large thick breast-plate bearing a stout spine or thick tubercle, as in (Edipoda. We can use these characters, in classifying insects into suborders, as they are common to the whole order. Hence the use of characters drawn from the wings and mouth- parts (which are sometimes wanting), leads to artificial dis- tinctions, as they are 2)eripheral organs, though often convenient in our first attempts at classifying and limiting natural groups. ^ The abdomen. In the hind body, or third region of the trunk, the three divisions of the typical ring (arthromere), are entire, the tergum is broad and often not much greater in ex- tent than the sternum ; and the pleurites also form either a single piece, or, divided into an epimerum and episternum, form a distinct lateral region, on which the stigmata are sit- uated. The segments of the abdomen have received from Lacaze-Duthiers a still more special name, that of urite, and the different tergal pieces belonging to the several rings, but especially those that have been modified to form the genital armor have been designated by him as tergites. We have applied this last term to the tergal pieces generally. The typi- cal number of abdominal segments is eleven. In the lowest insects, the Neuroptera, there are usually eleven ; as we have counted them in the abdomen of the embryo of Diplax. In others, such as the Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera, there may never be more than ten, so far as present observation teaches us. The formation of the sting, and of the male intromittent organ, may be observed in the full-grown larva and in the in- COMPOSITION OF THE OVIPOSITOR. 15 complete pupa of the Humble-bee, and other thin-skinned Hymenopterous larvae, and in a less satisfactory way in the young Dragon-flies. If the larva of the Humble-bee be taken just after it has become full-fed, and as it is about to enter upon the pupa state, the elements (sterno - rhab- dites Lacaze- Duthiers), or tubercles, destined to form the ovipositor, lie in separate pairs, in two groups, exposed distinctly to view, Fig. 16. Fig. 14. as in Figures 14-18. Fig. 15. The ovipositor thus consists of three pairs of slender non-articulated tubercles, situated in juxta- position on each side of Fig. 17. 17 a. the mesial line of the body. The first pair arises from the eighth abdominal ring, and the second and third pair grow out from the ninth ring. The ends of the first pair scarcely reach beyond the base of the third pair. With the growth of the semi-pupa, the end of the abdomen decreases in size, and is Fig. is. FIG. 14. Rudiments of the sting, or ovipositor, of the Humble-bee. 8, 9, 10, sternites of eighth, ninth, and tenth abdominal rings in the larva, a, first pair, situ- ated on the eighth sternite ; 6, second and inner pair ; and c, the outer pair. The let- tering is the same in figures 14-22. The inner pair (6), forms the true ovipositor, through which the eggs are supposed to pass when laid by the insect, the two outer pairs, a, and c, sheathing the inner pair. Ganin shows that in the embryo of Polynema (Fig. 655), the three pairs of tubercles arise from the 7th, 8th and 9th sg- ments respectively. FIG. 15, 16. The same .1 little farther advanced. FIG. 17. The three pairs now 'appear as if together growing from the base of the ninth segment; 17 a, side view of the same, showing the end of the abdomen grow- ing smaller thi-ough the diminution in size of the under side of the body. FIG. 18. The three pairs of rhabdites now nearly equal in size, and nearly ready to unite and form a tube; 18, side view of the same; the end of the abdo- men still more pointed ; the ovipositor is situated between the seventh and tenth rings, and ib partially retracted within the body. 18 a. 12 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. Neuroptera, such as the Polystcechotes (Fig. 13 a), the prse- scutum is large, well developed, triangular, and wedged in between the two halves of the scutum. The little piece succeeding the scutellum, i. e. the postscu- tellum, is still smaller, and rarely used in descrip- tive entomology. Thus far we have spoken of the middle, or mesothoracic, ring, where these four pieces are most equally developed. In the first, al | or prothoracic, ring, one part, most probably the scutum, is well developed, while the others are aborted, and it is next to impossible to trace them in most insects. The prothorax in the higher in- sects, such as the Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, and Diptera is very small, and often intimately soldered to the succeeding or mesothoracic ring. In the lower insects, however, such as the Coleoptera, the bugs (Hemiptera), grasshoppers and their allies (Orthoptera), and the Neuroptera, the large broad pro- thorax consists almost entirely of this single piece, and most writers speak of this part under the name of "thorax," since the two posterior segments are concealed by the wings when the animal is at rest. The metathorax is usually very broad and short. Here we see the scutum split asunder, with the praescutum and scutellum wedged in between, while the post- scutellum is aborted. On the side are two pieces, the upper (epimerum) placed just beneath the tergum, which is the collective name for the four tergal, or dorsal, pieces enumerated above. In front of the epimerum and resting upon the sternum, as its name im- plies, is the episternum. These two parts (pleurites) compose the flanks of the elemental ring. To them the legs are articu- lated. Betweetf the two episterna is situated the breast-piece (sternum), which shows a tendency to grow smaller as we ascend from the Neuroptera to the Bees. In those insects provided with wings, the epimera are also subdivided. The smaller pieces, hinging upon each other, as it were, give play to the very numerous muscles of flight FIG. 13. A tergal view of thorax of Hepialus (Sthenopis} ; 1, prothorax ; 2, meso- thorax ; 3, metathorax. The prothorax is very small compared with that of Poly- stcechotes (13 a, 1), where it is nearly as long as broad. Original. COMPOSITION OF THE INSECT-CRUST. 13 needed by the insect to perform its complicated motions while on the wing. The insertion of the fore wing is concealed by the " shoulder tippets," or patagia (Fig. 11), which are only present in the mesothorax. The external opening of the spiracles just under the wing perforates a little piece called by Audouin the peri- treme. A glance at Figures 11 and 12 shows how compactly the various parts of the thorax are agglutinated into a globular mass, and that this is due to the diminished size of the first and third rings, while the middle ring is greatly enlarged to support the muscles of flight. There are four tergal, four pleural, two on each side (and these in the Hymenoptera, Lepi- doptera, and Diptera subdivide into several pieces), and a single sternal piece, making nine for each ring and twenty- seven for the whole thorax, with eight accessory pieces (the three pairs of peritremes and the two patagia) , making a total of thirty-five for the entire thorax ; or, multiplying the four tergal pieces by two, since they are formed by the union of two primitive pieces on the median line of the body, we have thirty-nine pieces composing the thorax. TABLE OF THE PARTS OF THE THORAX APPLIED TO THE PRO-, MESO-, AND METATHORAX, RESPECTIVELY. * Praescutum, Dorsal S Scutum, Surface i Scutellum, * Postscutellum. , C Epimerum, Thorax Pleural > Episternum, Surface ^ Episternal apophysis, Stigma, Peritreme. We must remember that these pieces are rarely of precisely the .same form in any two species, and that they differ, often in a very marked way, in different genera of insects. How sim- ple, then, is the typical ring, and how complex are the va- rious subdivisions of that ring as seen in the actual, living insect, where each part has its appropriate muscles, nerves, and tracheae ! We have seen how the thorax is formed in Insects generally, let us now advert to the two types of thorax in the six-footed 16 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. Fig. 19. gradually incurved toward the base (Fig. 18), and the three pairs of rhabdites approach each other so closely that the two outer ones completely ensheath the inner, until a complete extensible tube is formed, which is gradually withdrawn entirely within the body. The male genital organ is originally composed of three pairs (two pairs, apparently, in ^32s- chna, Fig. 19) of tubercles all arising from the ninth abdominal ring, being sternal outgrowths and placed on each side of the mesial line of the body, two be- Fi s- 20. ing anterior, and very unequal in size, and the third pair nearer the base of the abdomen. The ex- ternal genital organs are to be considered as probably homologous with the limbs, as Ganin has shown that they bud out in the same manner from (see p. 704 fig. 655) the arthromere.* ~ b This view will apply to the genital armor of all Insects, so far as we have been able to observe. It is so in the pupa of jiEschna (Fig. 21), and the pupa of Agrion (Fig. 22), which com- pletely repeats, in its essential features, the structure of the ovipositor of Bombus. Thus Agrion the ovipositor consists of a pair of closely appressed ensi- form processes which grow out from under the posterior edge of the eighth abdominal ring, and are embraced between two pairs * This term is proposed as better defining the ideal ring, or primary zoological element of an articulated animal than the terms somite or zoonite, which seem too vague ; we also propose the term arthroderm for the outer crust, or body Avails, of Articulates, and arthropleura for the pleural, or limb-bearing region, of the body, being that portion of the arthromere situated between the tergite and sternite. FIG. 19. The rudiments of the male intromittent organ of the pupa of ^schna, consisting of two flattened tubercles situated on the ninth ring; the outer pair large and rounded inclosing the smaller linear oval pair. FIG. 20. The same in the Humble-bee, but consisting of three pairs of tubercles, x, y, z; 8,9, 10, the last three segments of the abdomen. FIG. 21. The rudimentary ovipositor of the pupa of JEschna, a Dragon-fly. FIG. 22. The same in pupa of Agrion, a small Dragon-fly. Here the rudiments of the eleventh abdominal ring are seen, d, the base of one of the abdominal false gills. The ovipositor of Cicada is formed in the same way. Figs. 14-22 original. Fig. 21. in and COMPOSITION OF THE OVIPOSITOK. 17 L of thin lamelliform pieces of similar form and structure, arising from the sternite of the ninth ring. These outgrowths appar- ently also homologize with the filiform, antennae-like, jointed appendages of the eleventh ring, as seen in the Perlidae and most Neuroptera and Orthoptera (especially in Mantis tes- sellata where they (Fig. 23) closely resemble antennae), which, arising as they do from the arthropleural, or limb- bearing region of the body, i. e. between Fig. 23. the sternum and episternum, are strictly homologous with the abdominal legs of the Myriapoda, the " false legs" of cater- pillars, and the abdominal legs of some Neuropterous larvae (Corydalis, Phryganeidce, etc.). It will thus be seen that the attenuated form of the tip is produced by the decrease in size of certain parts, the actual disappearance of others, and the perfection of those parts to be of future use. Thus towards the extremity of the body the pleurites are absorbed and disappear, the tergites overlap on the sternites, and the latter diminish in size and are withdrawn within the body, while the last, or eleventh sternite, entirely disappears.* Meanwhile the sting grows larger and larger, until finally we have the neatly fashioned abdominal tip of the bee concealing the complex sting with its intricate system of visceral ves- Fig. 24. sels and glands. The ovipositor, or sting, of all insects, therefore, is formed on a common plan (Fig. 24). The solid elements of the arthro- *In Ranatra, however, Lacaze-Duthiers has noticed the curious fact that in order to form the long respiratory tube of this insect, the tergite and sternite of the pregenital (eighth) segment are aborted, while the pleurites are enormously en- larged and elongated, so as to carry the stigmata far out to the end of the long tube thus formed. FIG. 23. End of the abdomen of Mantis tessellata ; p, many-jointed anal style resembling an antenna. 5-11, the last seven abdominal segments; the 8-llth ster- nites being obsolete. From Lacaze-Duthiers. FIG. 24. Ideal plan of the structure of the ovipositor in the adult insect. l-7t, the tergites, connected by clotted lines with their corresponding sternites. b, the eighth tergite, or anal scale; c, epimerum; a, a, two pieces forming the outer pair of rhabdites; i, the second pair, or stylets; and /, the inner pair, or sting; d, the 18 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. mere are modified to form the parts supporting the sting alone. The external opening of the oviduct is always situated between the eighth and ninth segments, while the anal opening lies at the end of the eleventh ring. So that there are really, as Lacaze-Duthiers observes, three segments interposed between the genital and anal openings. The various modifications of the ovipositor and male organ will be noticed under the different suborders. THE STRUCTURE OF THE HEAD. After studying the com- position of the thorax and abdomen, where the constituent parts of the elemental ring occur in their greatest simplicity, we may attempt to unravel the intricate structure of the head. We are to determine whether it is composed of one, or more, segments, and if several, to ascertain how many, and then to learn what parts of the typical arthromere are most largely developed as compared with the development of similar parts in the thorax or abdomen. In this, perhaps the most difficult problem the entomologist has to deal with, the study of the head of the adult insect alone is only guesswork. We must trace its growth in the embryo. Though many writers consider the head as consisting of but a single segment, the most emi- nent entomologists have agreed that the head of insects is com- posed of two or more segments. Savigny led the way to these discoveries in transcendental entomology by stating that the appendages of the head are but modified limbs, and homol- ogous with the legs. This view at once gave a clue to the complicated structure of the head. If the antennae and biting organs are modified limbs, then there must be an elemental segment present in some form, however slightly developed in the mature insect, to which such limbs are attached. But the best observers have differed as to the supposed number of such theoretical segments. Burmeister believed that there were two only ; Carus and Audouin thought there were three ; McLeay and Newman four, and Straus-Durckheim recognized seven. From the study of the semipupa of the Humble-bee (Bombus) support of the sting; , the support of the stylet (i). R, the anus ; 0, the outlet of the oviduct. The seventh, eighth, and ninth sternites are aborted. From Lacaze- Duthiers. THE STRUCTURE OF THE HEAD. 19 and several low Neuropterous forms, as the larva of Ephemera, but chiefly the embryos of Diplax, Chrysopa, Attelabus, Nema- tu&, and Pulex, we have concluded that there are four such ele- mental segments in the head of hexapodous insects. On reference to fig. 57 it will be seen that there is a sternal portion on the under side of the two posterior segments of the head, and in the embryo of Attelabus we have seen sterna also developed in the antennal and mandibular segments, so that we may conclude that there are four segments in the head of all six footed insects, corresponding to the jointed appendages, i. e. the labium, or second maxillae, the first maxillae, the man dibles, and the antennae. Though having, in accordance with the generally received opinions of Milne-Edwards, Dana, and others, believed that the eyes of Crustacea, and therefore of Insects, were the homologues of the limbs, and developed on separate segments placed in front of the antennal segment, as stated in the previous editions of this work ; I have, however, on farther study of the subject, been led to reconsider the mat- tir, and decide that the eyes are but modified dermal sense cells, and in certain articulates developed on limb-bearing seg- ments. Thus in the King Crab (Limulus) a pair of ocelli are situated on the first segment of the body, and the large com- pound eyes grow out on the back of the third segment, both bearing limbs. In the embryos of all the insects yet exam- ined, the eyes are groups of specialized cells of the skin which grow out on the upper, or tergal, side of the same segment which bears the antennae. In certain mites, as Hydrachna, and its allies, the simple eyes are situated over the second pair of legs, and at a considerable distance behind the head. Among the worms, also, organs of sight, as in Polyoplithalmus, are developed on each segment of the body ; or, as in certain Pla- narians, scattered irregularly over the body. The three ocelli, when present, are developed after the eyes appear. Each of these three ocelli is situated upon a distinct piece ; but we must consider the anterior single ocellus as in reality formed of two, since in the immature pupa of Bombus the anterior ocellus is transversely ovate, resulting from the fusion of two originally distinct ocelli. There are, therefore, apparently two pairs of ocelli. The clypeus and labrum are 20 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. simply a fold of the skin of the front part of the antennary segment, and are not to be compared with the tergite or rudi- ment of the eleventh segment of the abdomen. Now, since the arthropleural is the limb-bearing region in the thorax, it must follow that this region is quite well devel- oped in the head, while the tergal region, bearing the organs of sight, sometimes of enormous size, is perhaps still more largely developed ; and as all the parts of the head are subordinated in their development to that of the appendages of which they form the support, it must follow logically that the larger por- tion of the body of the head is pleural and tergal, and that the sternal parts are very slightly developed. Thus each region of the body is characterized by the relative development of the three parts of the arthromere. In the abdomen the upper (tergal) and under (sternal) surfaces are most equally devel- oped, while the pleural line is reduced to a minimum. In the thorax the pleural region is much more developed, either quite as much, or often more than the upper, or tergal portion, while the sternal is reduced to a minimum. In the head the tergites form the main bulk of the region, and the sternites are reduced to a minimum. TABLE OF THE SEGMENTS OF THE HEAD AND THEIR APPENDAGES, BEGINNING WITH THE MOST ANTERIOR. Preoral. First Segment ( Antennary) , Tergal, Antennas, together with the labrum, epipharynx, clypeus, eyes, and ocelli. Pastoral. Second Segment (Mandibular), } Pleural, Mandibles. Third Segment (First Maxillary'), | Pleural, First maxillae. Fourth Segment (Second Maxillary, or) Labial), ^Tergal (occiput), > Pleural (gena), } Sternal (gula), Second maxillae (Labium). The Appendages. We naturally begin with the thoracic appendages, or legs, of which there is a pair to each ring. The leg (Fig. 25) consists of six joints, the basal one, the coxa, in the Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, and Diptera, consisting of two THE APPENDAGES. 21 pieces, i. e. the coxa and trochantine (see Fig. 12) ; the tro~ chanter; the femur; the tibia, and, lastly, the tarsus, which is subdivided into from one to five joints, the latter being the normal number. The terminal joint ends in a pair of claws between which is a cushion-like sucker called the pulvillus. This sucking disk enables the Fly to walk upside down and on glass. In the larva, the feet are short and horny, and the Fig. 25. joints can be still distinguished. In Myriopods, each segment of the abdomen has a pair of feet like the thoracic ones. We must consider the three pairs of spinnerets of Spiders, which are one to three-jointed, as homologous with the jointed limbs of the higher insects. In the six-footed insects (Hexapoda), the abdominal legs are deciduous, being present in the Coleopterous grub, the Dipterous maggot, the caterpillar, and larva of the Saw-fly, but disappearing in the pupa state. They are often, as in most maggots, either absent, or reduced in number to the two anal, or terminal pair of legs ; while in the Saw-flies, there are as many as eight pairs. These "false" or "prop-legs" are soft and fleshy, and without articulations. At the retrac- tile extremity is a crown of hooks, as seen in caterpillars or the hind-legs of the larva of Chironomus (Fig. 26), in which the prothoracic pair of legs is reduced to inarticu- late fleshy legs like the abdominal ones. The position of the different pairs of legs deserves notice in connection with the principle of " antero-posterior symmetry." The fore- legs are directed forwards like the human arms, Fi s- 26< but the two hinder pairs are directed backwards. In the Spiders, three pairs of abdominal legs (spinnerets) are retained through- out life; in the lower Hexapods, a single pair, which is ap- pended to the eleventh segment, is often retained, but under a form which is rather like an antenna, than limb-like. In some Neuropterous larvae (Phryganea, Corydalus, etc.) the anal pair of limbs are very well marked ; they constitute the " anal forceps " of the adult insect. They sometimes become true, many-jointed appendages, and are then remarkably like FIG. 25. A, coxa; B, trochanter; C, femur; D, tibia; F, tibial spurs; E x tarsus, divided into five tarsal joints, the fifth ending in a claw From Sanborn. 22 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. antennae, as in the instance of Mantis tessettata described by Lacaze-Duthiers (Fig. 23). In the Cockroach these append- ages, sometimes called "anal cerci," resemble the antenna? of the same insect. In the Lepidoptera and Itymenoptera they do not appear to be jointed, and are greatly aborted. The Wings. The wings of insects first appear as little soft vascular sacs permeated by tracheae. They .grow out in the preparatory stages (Fig. 27) of the pupa from the side of the thorax and above the insertion of the legs, i.e. between the epimerum and tergum. During the pupa state they are pad-like, but when the pupa skin is thrown off they expand with air, and in a few minutes, as in the Butterfly, enlarge to many times their original size. The wings of insects, then, are simple expansions of the crust, spread over a framework of horny tubes. These tubes are really double, consist- ing of a central trachea, or air tube, inclosed within a larger tube filled with blood, and which performs the functions of the veins. Hence the aeration of the blood is carried on in the wings, and thus they serve the double purpose of lungs and organs of flight. The number and situation of these veins and their branches (veinlets) are of great use in separating genera and species. The typical number of primary veins is five. They diverge outward at a slight angle from the insertion of the wing, and are soon divided into veinlets, from which cross veins are thrown out connecting with others to form a net-work of veins and veinlets, called the venation of the wing (Figs. 28, 29). The interspaces between the veins and veinlets are called cells. At a casual glance the venation seems very irregular, but in many insects is simple enough to enable us to trace and name the veinlets. The five main veins, most usually present, are FIG. 27. The semipupa of Bombus, the larva skin having been removed, show- ing the two pairs of rudimentary wings growing out from the mesothorax () and metathorax (m). n and the seven succeeding dots represent the eight abdominal stigmata, the first one (n) being in the pupa situated on the thorax, since the first ring of the abdomen is in this stage joined to the thorax. Original. Fig. 27. THE WINGS. 23 Fig. 28. called, beginning at the costa, or front edge, the costal, subcostal, median, submedian, and internal, and sometimes the median divides into two, making six veins. The costal vein is un- divided ; the subcostal and me- dian are divided into several branches, while the submedian and internal are usually simple. The venation of the fore- wings affords excellent marks in separating genera, but that of the hind wings varies less, and is consequently of less use. The wings of many insects are divided by the veins into three well-marked areas ; the costal, median, and internal. The costal area (Fig. 316) forms the front edge of the wing and is the strongest, since the veins are nearer together than elsewhere, and thus afford the greatest resistance to the air Fi g . 2 g. FIG. 28. Fore and hind wings of a Butterfly, showing the venation. I. fore wing : a, costal vein; b, subcostal vein; 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, five subcostal veinlets; c, inde- pendent vein (it is sometimes a branch of the subcostal, and sometimes of the me- dian vein) ; d, median vein ; di, d2, ds, d4, four median veinlets ; e, submedian vein ; /, internal vein ; ft, interno-median veinlet (rarely found, according to Doubleday, except in Papilio and Morpho) ; 6 and d are situated in the " discal cell ; " g l ,g2,'g3 t the upper, middle, and lower discal veinlets. In the Bombycidae and many other moths gi and g% are thrown off from the subcostal and median veins respectively, meeting in the middle of the cell at g%. They are sometimes wholly absent. II. The hind wing; the lettering and names of the veins and veinlets the same as in the fore wing. Slightly changed from Doubleday. FIG. 29. Fore wing of a Hymenopterous insect, c, costal vein; sc, subcostal vein; m, median vein; sm, submedian vein; i, internal vein; c, 1,2,3, the first, second, and third costal cells ; the second frequently opaque and then called the pterostigma. sc, 1, 2, 3, 4, the four subcostal cells; TO, 1, 2, 3, 4, the median cells; sm r 1, 2, 3, the three submedian cells ; il, the internal cell; this is sometimes divided into two cells, and the number of all but the costal cells is inconstant, the oute row of cells (4, 4, 3) being the first to disappear. The costal edge extends from c to c ; the outer c, the apex ; the outer edge extends from the apex (c) to , and the inner edge extends from n, the inner angle, to the insertion of the wing at i. Original. Figs. 30-32 from Scudder. 24 THE CLASS OF INSECTS, during flight. The median area (Fig. 31 a) is the largest. It is in the grasshoppers and crickets sometimes modified to form a musical organ, being drum-like, as in the CEcantlius (Fig. 30), or rasp-like, as in Archyp- tera (Fig. 31 a). The internal area (c) is the smallest, and less dis- tinctly marked than the two other regions ; the musical file-like or- gan of Phaneroptera curvicauda, a grass- hopper (Fig. 32 d) is situated on this area. The limits of the edges of the wing vary in almost every genus, and their comparative length affords excellent generic characters. The front edge (Fig. 29) is called the costal, its termina- tion in the outer angle of the wing is called the apex; the outer edge is situated between the apex and the inner an- gle, between which and the base of the wing is the inner, or internal, edge. These distinc- tions are of most use in describing the butter- flies and moths. The Appendages of Fig. si a. the Head. These organs are divided into two groups, the first of which comprise the sensory organs, i. e. the ocelli, eyes, and antennae, which are attached to the region in front of the mouth, or preoral region of the head. The second group consists of the sensorio-digestive appendages, combining the power of finding and seizing the food and preparing it for digestion. They are inserted behind the mouth and belong to the jpostoral region of the head. THE APPENDAGES OF THE HEAD. 25 We will first describe the ocelli, which are theoretically the most anterior organs of the head, ending with the basal appen- dages, the labium (second maxillae) being the hindermost. The simple eye, Ocellus, or JStemma, is the simplest form of the eye. Its most elementary form (seen in the larva of the ^Bot-fly and the Cecidomyian larva of Miastor) is that of a brown spot, or group of pigment-cells lodged under the skin and against which a nerve-filament impinges. Over this spot New- port states that the tegument is transparent and convex, resembling a true cornea, or eye-lens. A well-developed ocellus consists, according to Newport, of a "very convex, smooth, single cornea, beneath which is a spherical crystalline lens, resting upon the plano-convex surface of the expanded vitreous humor, the analogue of the transparent cones of the compound eyes." Muller believes that the function of the ocelli is the perception of nearer objects, while that of the compound eyes is to see more distant objects. The ocelli constitute the only visual organs in the Myriapods (except Cermatia), the Arachnida, and the larvae of many Six-footed Insects ; they are usually from one to six on a side. In adult insects they are generally three in number, and are generally present except in the large majority of Coleoptera. Their normal site is in front of the eyes, but they are usually j^g. 33. thrown back, during the growth of the insect, behind the eyes, on the vertex, or topmost part of the head (Fig. 33). The Compound Eyes are a congeries of simple eyes. During the growth of the insect the simple eyes of the larva increase in number, and finally coalesce to form the compound eye, or compound cornea, the surface of which is Fig. 34. very convex and protuberant in the predaceous insects, or those requiring an extended field of vision. The number of facets, or cornese, vary from fifty (in the Ant) to 3,650, the latter number being counted by Geoffroy in the eye of a Butterfly. These facets are usually hexagonal, as in the Dragon-fly (Fig. 34), or, rarely, quadrangular. FIG. 33. Ocelli of three species of Sand-wasps, Pompilus. From Cresson. FIG. 34. Three hexagonal facets of the compound eye of a fossil Dragon-fly, greatly magnified. From Dawson. 26 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. The Antennae (Figs. 35, 36) are inserted usually in the adult insect between, or in front of the eyes, though in the embryo they are inserted below and in front of the eyes. It is normally a long, filiform, slender, many- jointed appendage, undergoing great changes in form. When it is highly specialized, as in Coleoptera and Hymenoptera, it is divided into three parts, the basal or scape, the middle or pedicel, and the terminal part or flagellum, Fi s- 36 - Fig. 35. or davola, which usually comprises the greater part of the antenna. It is believed by some that the sense of hearing is lodged in the antennae, though Siebold has discovered an auditory apparatus situated at the base of the abdomen of^ some, and in the fore-legs of other species of Grasshoppers. Mr. J. B. Hicks has made the latest studies on the auditory apparatus. According to him "it consists first of a cell, sac, or cavity filled with fluid, closed in from the ah* by a mem- brane analogous to that which closes the foramen ovale in the higher animals ; second, that this membrane is, for the most part, thin and delicate, but often projects above the surface, in either a hemispherical, conical, or canoe-shaped, or even hair- like form, or variously marked ; thirdly, that the antennal nerve gives off branches which come in contact with the inner wall of the sacs ; but whether the nerve enters, or, as is most probable, ends in the small internally projecting papilla which I have shown to exist in many of these sacs, it is very difficult to say. The principal part of the nerve proceeds to these organs, the remaining portion passing to the muscles, and to the roots of the hairs, at least to those of the larger sort." On the other hand, Lefebvre, Leydig, and Gerstaecker regard this so-called "auditory apparatus" as an organ of smell. The antennae have also the sense of touch, as may readily be observed in Ants, Bees, and the Grasshopper and Cockroach. "The Honey-bee, when constructing its cells, ascertains their proper direction and size by means of the extremities of these FIG. 35. Filiform antenna of Amphizoa. From Horn. FIG. 36. A, lamellate antenna of a Lamellicorn Beetle; B, antenna of a Fly, with the bristle thrown off from the terminal joint; C, bristle-like antenna of a Dragon-fly, Libellula, From Sanborn. THE APPENDAGES OF THE HEAD. 27 organs ; while the same iirsect, when evidently affected by sounds, keeps them motionless in one direction, as if in the act of listening." (Newport.) After cutting off one or both antennae of the June beetle, Lachnosterna, the insect loses its power of directing its flight or steps, wheeling about in a senseless manner. Dr. Clemens observed that the Cecropia moth was similarly affected after losing its antennae. The Mandibles (Fig. 37) are inserted on each side of the mouth-opening. They usually consist of but a single joint, Fig. 37. representing probably the basal part of the ideal limb. This part, however, is often subdivided by two longitudinal furrows into three parts, each ending in a "tooth" of unequal size for tearing and cutting the food. This tripartite form of the man- dibles, to which attention has been called by Mr. Scudder, is more fully carried out in the maxilla, where each portion is highly specialized. The mandibles vary greatly in form and size. The two cutting edges are usually opposed to each other, or frequently overlap in the carnivorous forms. Their base is often concealed by the clypeus and labrum. Their motion is transverse, being the reverse of the motion of the jaws of Ver- tebrates. Fig. 38. b The JfoazKce(Figs.38&,39)are Fig. 39. much more complicated organs than the mandibles. They are FIG. 37. Different forms of mandibles. A, mandible of Cicindelapurpurea; B, Phylloptera, a green grasshopper; C, Libellula trimaculata; D, Vespa maculata, or paper-making Wasp ; E, " rostrum" or jointed sucker of the Bed-bug, Cimex lectu- larius, consisting of mandibles, maxillae, and labium; F, proboscis, or sucker, of a Mosquito, Culex, in which the mandibles are long and bristle-like. From Sanborn. G, mandible of Amphizoa ; H, mandible of Acratus, a genus of Cockchafers. From Horn. FIG. 38. a, mentum and labial palpi; b, one maxilla, with its palpus, of Acra- tus. From Horn. FIG. 39. Maxilla of Amphizoa, with the two lobes (stipes and lacinia), and the palpifer bearing the four-jointed palpus. From Horn. 28 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. inserted on the under side of the head and just behind the mouth. The maxilla consists of a basal joint, or cardo, beyond which it is subdivided into three lobes, the stipes, or footstalk ; the pdlpifer, or palpus-bearer ; and the lacinia, or blade. The stipes forms the outer and main division of the organ. The lacinia is more membranaceous than the other parts, and its upper surface is covered with fine hairs, and forms a great part of the side of the mouth. It is divided into two lobes, the superior of which is called the galea, or helmet, which is often a thick double-jointed organ edged with stiff hairs, and is used as a palpus in the Orthoptera and many Coleoptera. The inferior lobe is attached to the internal angle of the lacinia. It terminates in a stiff minute claw, and is densely covered with stout hairs. The maxilla^ palpi are long, slender, one to four-jointed organs. In Perla I have found that both pairs of palpi bear organs probably of smell. The maxillae vary greatly in the different groups. Their office is to seize the food and retain it within the mouth, and also to aid the mandibles in comminuting it before it is swallowed. This function reminds us of that of the tongue of vertebrate animals. The labium, or second maxillce (Fig. 40), is placed in front of the gula, which forms the under part of the head, and is bounded a on each side by the gence, or cheeks, and f]T\ posteriorly by the occiput. The genae are \ J bounded laterally by the eplcranium and LJ the under side of the eyes. In front are **& 40 - situated the basal parts of the labium, or second maxillae, which embraces the submentum and mentum (or labium proper). The labial palpi are inserted into the mentum, but often the latter piece is differentiated into two, the anterior of which takes the name of palpiger, called by Dr. Leconte (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections) the ligula, and from which the palpi originate. The ligula is the front edge of the labium, being thfe piece forming the under lip. It is often a fleshy organ, its inner surface being continuous FIG. 40. Ligula and labial palpi of AmpMzoa, an aquatic beetle. It is quadrate and without paraglossae; a, mentum of the same, being deeply incised, and with a tooth at the bottom of the excavation. From Horn. THE APPENDAGES OF THE HEAD. 29 with the soft membrane of the mouth. In the Bees, it is enor- mously developed and covered with soft hairs. It is often confounded with the palpiger. In Hydrous it is divided into two lobes. In most of the Carabidce and Bees it is divided into three lobes, the two outer ones forming the paraglossce (Fig. 41 m), and acting as feelers, while the middle, usually much longer, forms the lingua, or tongue, being the continuation of the ligula. In the bees, where the ligula is greatly developed, it performs the part of the tongue in Vertebrates, and aids the max- illae in collecting nectar and pollen. The roof of the mouth is formed by the labrum and the epipharynx (Fig. 42 c), a small fleshy tubercle concealed beneath the labrum. It is seen in the bees on turning up the labrum. It probably corresponds to the "labellum" of Schiodte. The labrum (Fig. 41 e) is usually transverse and situated in front of the dypeus (Fig. 416). The shield-like dypeus is the broad, Fig. 41. visor-like, square piece forming usually the front of the head. Behind it is the dypeus posterior, or supra-dypeus, a subdivision of the clypeus, and especially observable in the Hymenoptera. The epicranium forms a large part of the head ; it is bounded posteriorly by the occiput, on the sides by the eyes, and in front by the clypeus, and though usually described as a single piece, is really composed of several. The ocelli often appear to be situated upon it, though in reality they are placed upon a distinct piece or pieces. The " epicranial suture" is the line of junction of the two "procephalic lobes" (Huxley). FIG. 41. Front view of the head of a bee, Anthopliora. a, compound eyes; c, three simple eyes, situated upon the epicranium; 6, clypeus; e, labrum; d, an- tennae;/, mandibles; i, maxillae; h, maxillary palpi; I, palpifer; j, labial palpi; m, paraglossae ; k, ligula. From Newport. 3* 30 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. (These lobes will be explained farther on when speaking of their development in the embryo.) Behind the epicra- nium is the occiput, or base of the head. It belongs to the la- bial, or second max- illary segment, and helps to form a com- plete ring, articulat- ing with the thorax. It is perforated by a foramen to afford a connection between the interior of the head and thorax. It is sometimes, as in many Coleoptera, Or- thoptera, and Hemip- tera, elongated be- Fi s- 42 - hind and constricted, thus forming a "neck." It will be seen beyond, that the labrum and clypeus are in the embryo developed from a 4 'tongue-like process whose inferior part eventually becomes the labrum, while superiorly it sends a triangular process (the rudiment of the clypeus) into the interval between the proce- phalic lobes." * This part (i. e. the clypeus and labrum) is the most anterior part of the head, and in the embryo, as in the adult, is normally situated in front of the ocelli, but is not to be compared with the " anal plate," or eleventh tergite, of the larva, or with the telson of the scorpion, as Huxley f supposes. FIG. 42. Side view of the front part of the head, together with the mouth- parts of the Humble-bee (Bombus). a, clypeus covered with hairs; 6, labrum; c, the fleshy epipharynx partially concealed by the base of the mandibles (d); e, lacinia, or blade of the maxilla?, with their two-jointed palpi (/) at the base ; j, the labium to which is appended the ligula ( 51 ? pupa), and Epliydra, and also in some perfect insects, as in Nepa and Ranatra, the parts sup- porting the stigmata are prolonged into slen- Fig. 50. der tubes, through which the insect, on rising to the surface, breathes the atmospheric air. Agrion (Fig. 52) affords a good instance of branchiae or gill-like expansions of the crust, or skin. It . is supposed that these false gills, or branchiae, "absorb the air from the water, and convey it by the minute ramifications of the tracheal ves- sels, with which they are abun- dantly supplied, and which ter- Fig.51. minate in single trunks, into the main tracheae, to be distributed over the whole body, as in insects which live in the open atmosphere." (Newport.) Of branchiae there are three kinds. The first, as in the larvae and pupae of Gnats, consist of slender fila- ments arranged in tufts arising from a single stem. Fig.ra. In the larva of Gyrinus and the aquatic caterpillar of a moth, FIG. 49. Chamber leading into the trachea; a, a, external valve protecting the outer opening of the stigma, or breathing hole; 6, c, c, inner and more complicated valve closing the entrance into the trachea (Z, &); m, conical occlusor muscle closing the inner orifice. From Straus DurcJcheim. FIG. 50. Portion of a trachea divested of its peritoneal envelope, a, spirally convoluted fibre, closely wound around the trachea, as ate; c, origin of a secondary tracheal branch. From Straus DurcJcheim. FIG. 52. One of the three gill-like appendages to the abdomen of the larva and pupa of Agrion enlarged, consisting of a broad leaf-like expansion, permeated by tracheae which take up by endosmosis the air contained in water. Original. 4* 42 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. Hydrocampa stratiolata, they form short stiff bristles placed along the side of the body. Ayr ion and Ephemera, in their larval stages, afford the second kind of branchiae, and Libellula the third kind, or internal gill, situated in the colon. The Mosquito breathes both by branchiae which form large club- shaped organs, and by lateral filaments. In those insects that fly, most of the tracheoa are often dilated into air-vesicles, so that by filling and emptying them of air the insect can change its specific gravity. That their use is also to lighten the body is shown by their presence in the heavy mandibles and head of the male of Lucanus cervus. In the adult Humble-bee there are two very large vesicles at the base of the abdomen. These vesicles are not found in the larvae, or in the adult forms of creeping insects. The act of respiration consists in the alternate dilation and contraction of the abdominal segments, the air entering the body chiefly at the thoracic spiracles. As in the Vertebrates the frequency of the acts of breathing increases after exertion. " When an insect is preparing itself for flight, the act of res- piration resembles that of birds under similar circumstances. At the moment of elevating its elytra and expanding its wings, which are, indeed, acts of respiration, the anterior pairs of spiracles are opened, and the air rushing into them is extended over the whole body, which, by the expansion of the air-bags, is enlarged in bulk, and rendered of less specific gravity ; so that when the spiracles are closed at the instant the insect endeavors to make the first stroke with and raise itself upon its wings, it is enabled to rise in the air, and sustain a long and powerful flight with but little muscular exertida. In the pupa and larva state respiration is performed more equally by all the spiracles, and less especially by the thoracic ones." During hibernation the act of breathing, like the circulation of the blood, almost entirely ceases, and the heat of the body is greatly lowered. Indeed Newport has shown that the devel- opment of heat in Insects, just as in Vertebrates, depends on the "quantity and activity of respiration, and the volume and velocity of the circulation." The Humble-bee, according to Newport, possesses the voluntary power of generating heat by breathing faster. He says, confirming Huber's observations, ORGANS OF SECRETION. 43 "the manner in which the bee performs her incubatory office is by placing herself upon the cell of a nymph (pupa) that is soon to be developed, and then beginning to respire at first very gradually. In a short time the respirations become more and more frequent, until at length they are increased to one hundred and twenty, or one hundred and thirty per minute. The body of the insect soon becomes of a high temperature, and, on close inspection, is often found to be bathed with per- spiration. When this is the case the temperature of the insect soon becomes reduced, and the insect leaves the cell, and an- other bee almost immediately takes her place. When respira- tion is performed less violently, and consequently less heat is evolved, the same bee will often continue on a cell for many hours in succession. This extreme amount of heat was evolved entirely by an act of the will in accelerating the respiratory ef- forts, a strong indication of the relation which subsists between the function of respiration and the development of animal heat." ORGANS OF SECRETION. The urinary vessels, or what is equivalent to the kidneys of the higher animals, consist in In- sects of several long tubes which empty by one or two common secretory ducts into the posterior or "pyloric" extremity of the stomach. There are also odoriferous glands, analogous to the cutaneous glands of vertebrates. The liquid poured out is usually offensive, and it is used as a means of defence. The Bees, Wasps, Gall-flies, etc., and Scorpions, have a poison-sac (Fig. 54 g) developed in the tip of the abdomen. The bite of the Mosquito, the Horse-fly, and Bed-bug is thought by New- port to be due to the simple act of thrusting their lancet-like jaws through the skin, and it is not known that these and other insects which bite severely eject any poison into the wound. But in the spiders a minute drop of poison exudes from an orifice at the end of the mandibles, "which spreads over the whole wound at the instant it is inflicted." This poison is secreted by a gland lodged in the cephalo-thorax, and which is thought by Audouin to correspond in position to the salivary apparatus and the silk glands of the Winged Insects. ORGANS OF GENERATION. We have already described the external parts. The internal parts of the male insect consist, 44 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. of a duct, the ductus ejaculatorius, which opens into the external intromittent organ. This duct extends backwards, connecting with the vesiculce seminales, which lead by the vasa deferentia to the testes (Fig. 53). The latter are usually rounded glandular bodies, sometimes, as in Mdolontha and Lucanus, numbering six on a side. These organs lie in the abdominal cavity, usually above and on each side of the alimentary canal. The sperm, or fertilizing fluid, contains very active spermatic par- ticles which are developed in large cells in the testes, Fig. 53. where they are united into bundles of various forms. In the female, the internal re- productive organs (Fig. 54) are more simple than those of the other sex. The external open- ing of the female is situated at the end of the oviduct, that leads by two tubes to the ovary, which consists of two or more tubes (in the Queen Bee one hundred and sixty to one hundred and eighty) in which the ova are developed. On the upper side Fig. 54. FIG. 53. Male organs of Athnlia centifolice. h, the penis, or external portion, in which the ductus ejaculatorius (/) terminates, which extends backwards, and is connected with the vesiculce seminales (e), and rasa deferentia (rf) which are con- nected with the epididymis (6), and the testes (a), i and I, two pairs of homy plates, surrounded by a horny ring (/). ?, horny prehensile hooks attached to k. m, two elongated muscular parts inclosing the penis (7i). From, Newport. FIG. 54. Female organs of generation of Athalia centifolife. a, 6, c, the eighteen ovarial tubes originating from each of the two' oviducts (e), and containing the im- mature eggs ; /, the spermatheca ; <7, poison-sac, the poison being secreted in the secretory vessels h. The poison flows through the oviduct into the sting and thence into the wound made by the sting. 10, the terminal ganglia of the nervous cord. From Newport. ORGANS OF GENERATION. 45 of the oviduct are from one to five appendages, the most impor- tant of which is the spermatheca (the others being sebaceous glands), which receives the fertilizing fluid of the male during sexual union, and in which, according to Darwin, the male ele- ment "is enabled to keep alive four or five years." Insects bisexual. With the exception of the Tardigrades, which are doubtfully referred to the Mites (Acarina), there are no hermaphrodites among Insects, that is, there are no individ- uals having both male and female organs, and capable of self- impregnation. On the contrary, the sexes are distinct ; Insects are bisexual. Hermaphrodites, so-called.t Cases not nnfrequently occur in which from arrest of development of the embryo, the sexual organs are imperfectly developed, so as to present the appear- ance of being both male and female. "Siebold has investigated some hermaphrodite Honey-bees belonging to the Italian race, obtained from a Dzierzon hive at Constance. He found in many of them a combination of sexual characters, not only in the external parts, but also in the generative organs. The mixture of the external characters is manifested sometimes only in the anterior or posterior part of the body, sometimes in all parts of the body, or only in a few organs. Some specimens pre- sent male and worker characters on the two sides of the body. The development of the internal organs is singularly correla- ted with these peculiarities of external organization. The sting, with its vesicle and gland, is well developed in hermaphrodites with the abdomen of the worker ; soft in those with the drone- abdomen. The seminal receptacle, when present, is empty. The ovaries contain no ova. In the hermaphrodites with the drone-abdomen, the male sexual organs are well developed, and the testes contain spermatozoids. Frequently with testicular and ovarian organs present on each side, the epididymis and copulatory apparatus are well developed, and an imperfect poison-apparatus exisfs. In these cases the tube contains spermatozoids, but there are no ova in the ovaries. The her- maphrodites are thrown out of the cell by the workers as soon as they emerge, and speedily perish. Siebold ascribes the pro- duction of these hermaphrodites to an imperfect fecundation of the ovum." (Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaftliche Zoologie, 1864, p. 73. See Gunther's Zoological Review for 1864.) 46 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. Mr. Dunning describes a specimen of Fidonia piniaria, "which was sexually a female, and the abdomen was appar- ently distended with eggs ; the general color was midway be- tween the colors of the ordinary male and female, but the size and markings were those of the male. (Transactions Ento- mological Society, London, Aug. 7, 1865.) Professor West- wood states that "he had an Orange-tip Butterfly (Anthocharis cardamines) , which was female in every respect, except that on the tip of one fore- wing were about a dozen of the bright orange scales which characterize the male." THE EGG. Professor H. J. Cl^i'k (Mind in Nature) defines an egg to be a globule surrounded by the vitelline membrane, or yelk-envelope, which is protected by the clwrion, or egg- shell, consisting of "two kinds of fluid, albumen and o?7, which are always situated at opposite sides or poles." "In the earli- est stages of all eggs, these two poles shade off into each other," but in the perfectly developed egg the small, or albu- minous pole, is surrounded by a membrane, and forms the Purkinjean (germinal) vesicle ; and thirdly and last, the inner- most of the three globules is developed. This last is the Wagnerian vesicle, or germinal dot. The oily matter forms the yolk. Thus formed, the egg is the initial animal. It becomes an animal after contact with the male germs (unless the product of organic reproduction), and the egg-shell or chorion is to be considered as a protection to the animal, and is thrown off when the embryo is hatched, just as the larva throws off its skin to transform into the pupa. So that the egg-state is equivalent to the larva state, and hence there are four stages in the life of an insect, i. e. the egg, the larva, the pupa, and the imago, or adult state. The egg is not always laid as a perfect egg (Clark). It sometimes, as in the Ants, continues to grow after it is laid by the parent, like those of frogs, which, according to Clark, "Are laid before they can hardly be said to have become fully formed as eggs." Again, others are laid some time after the embryo has begun to form ; and in some, such as Melopliagus and Bmula, the larva is fully formed before it is expelled from the oviduct. THE EGG. 47 Eggs are usually small in proportion to the size of the parent ; but in many minute forms (i.e. Pulex, Pediculus, etc.) they are proportionately much larger. In shape eggs are either spherical or oblong. In some there are radiating append- ages at one end, as in those of Nepa and Eanatra ; or they are provided with a single stalk, as in Chrysopa, Cynips, and Opliion. The eggs of most Hymenoptera, Diptera, and many Coleop- tera are usually cylindrical ; those of Lepidoptera are more generally spherical. The eggs of the Mosquito are laid in a boat-shaped mass, which floats on the surface of quiet pools, while those of the Chrysopa, or Lace-winged Fly (Fig. 55), are supported on long pedicels. They are almost invariably laid near or upon objects des- tined to be the food of the Fig. 55. future larva. Thus the Copris, or "Tumble-bug," places its egg in a ball of dung which it rolls away to a secure place ; the Flesh-fly oviposits on meat ; and all vegetable-feeders lay their eggs on the food-plant where the larva, upon its exit from the egg, shall readily find an ample supply of food. The posterior end of the egg is more often the fixed one, and it may thus be distinguished from the anterior pole. In the eggs of some Diptera and Orthoptera, the ventral side of the embryo, according to Gerstaecker, corresponds to the convex side of the egg, and the concave side of the latter corresponds to the dorsal region of the embryo. The surface of the chorion, or egg-shell, which is dense and brittle, is often covered by a mosaic-work of more or less regu- lar facets. In many small eggs the surface is only minutely granulated, or ornamented with ribs and furrows, as in those of many Butterflies. TJie Micropyle. On the anterior end (though sometimes at both ends) of the egg is one or more pores of exceeding minuteness, through which the spermatozoa (more than one of which, according to Darwin, is requisite to fertilize an ovule) enter to fertilize the egg-contents. In some cases these micropyles are scattered over the whole surface of the egg. Fig. 56 a represents the micropyles of Nepa cinerea, consisting 48 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. of a whorl of long bristles. Those of Locnsta viridissima (Fig. 566) slightly resemble toadstools. Fig. 56 c represents the an- terior pole of the egg with the mieropyles of Pyrrkocoris apterus. (From Gerstaecker.) ^ This contact of a maUr sperm-cell with the yolk is the fertilization of the egg. From this moment begins the t5 life of the embryo. Fertiliza- tion of the female germ by Fig - M- means of the male sperm, through the congress of the sexes, is the rule with bisexual animals, but there are exceptions among insects. An embryo may start into being without the interposition of the male ; to this mode of generation has been applied by Leuckart the term Parthenogenesis. Among certain species of insects there are some individuals which, by a sort of budding process, and with- out the aid of the male element, throw off summer broods, con- sisting of "asexual" individuals, which, as winter approaches, are succeeded by a brood of true males and females, the latter of which lay eggs. This phenomenon, called by Steenstrup ''alternation of generations," has been observed among a com- paratively few species, and the apparent design of such an anomalous mode of reproduction is to afford an immense num- ber of individuals, thus providing for the continuance of the species. The individuals in whom this budding process takes place are called "asexual" because, though they may resemble the female sex outwardly, their sexual organs are only partially developed. This budding process is the same in kind with that observable in the Jelly-fish, which throw off b}- parthenogen- esis, or alternations of generations, summer broods of immense extent, but in winter propagate b} r true eggs. Huxley has studied the development of Aphis by parthenogenesis, the anomalous nature of which had previously been discovered by Bonnet, Trembly, Lyonet, Degeer, Kyber, and others, arid arrives at the following conclusions : "1. Ova deposited by impregnated female Aphides in autumn are hatched in the spring. ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS. 49 2. From these ova viviparous, and, in the great majority of cases, apterous forms proceed. 3. The broods to which these give rise are either winged or apterous, or both. 4. The number of successive broods has no certain limit, but is, so far as we know at present, controlled only by tempera- ture and the supply of food. 5. On the setting in of cold weather, or in some cases on the failure of nourishment, the weather being still warm, males and oviparous females are produced. 6. The males may be either winged or apterous. 7. So far as I am aware, there is no proof of the existence of any exception to the law that the oviparous female is apte- rous. 8. Viviparous Aphides may hybernate, and may co-exist with oviparous females of the same species." (Linnsean Transac- tions, xxii, p. 198.) The origin of the viviparous, asexual, or agamic (from the Greek a, without ; game, marriage) individual, as it may be more properly called, is, up to a certain stage, the same as that of the true egg, i.e. until the germ (pseudovum) of the former is detached from the false ovary (pseudovarium). "From this point onwards, however, the fate of the pseudovum is different from that of the ovum. The former begins at once to be converted into the germ ; the latter accumulates yelk-sub- stance, and changes but little. Both bodies acquire their mem- branous investment rather late; within it the pseudovum becomes a living larva, while the ovum is impregnated, laid, and remains in a state of rest for a longer or shorter period. "Although, then, the pseudovum and the ovum of Aphis are exceedingly similar in structure for some time after they have passed out of the condition of indifferent tissue, it cannot be said that the sole difference between them is, that the one requires fecundation and the other not. When the ovum is of the size of a pseudovum which is about to develop into an em- bryo, and, therefore, long before fecundation, it manifests its inherent physiological distinctness by becoming, not an em- bryo, but an ovum. Up to this period the influence of fecunda- tion has not been felt ; and the production of ova, instead of 4 50 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. pseiidova, must depend upon a something impressed upon the constitution of the parent before it was brought forth by its viviparous progenetrix." (Huxley.) Siebold has also shown that the "ova of the Queen-bee pro- duces females or males, according as they are fecundated or not. The fecundated ovum produces a queen or a neuter according to the food of the larva and the other conditions to which it is subjected; the unfecundated ovum produces a drone." This is analogous to the agamic reproduction of Aphis, and " demonstrates still more clearly the impossi- bility of drawing any absolute line of demarcation histologi- cally between ova and buds." This process of reproduction is not known in the Myriapods. It occurs among the mites (Acarina), and occurs in isolated genera of Hemiptera (Aphis, Chermes, Lecanium, and Aspidi- otus according to Gerstaecker). Among Lepidoptera the Silk-moth sometimes lays fertile eggs without previous sexual union. This very rarely hap- pens, for M. Jourdain found that, out of about 58,000 eggs laid by unimpregnated silk-moths, many passed through their early embryonic stages, showing that they were capable of self-development, but only twenty-nine out of the whole number produced caterpillars. (Darwin.) Several other moths* have been found to lay fertile eggs without previous sexual union, and among Hymenoptera, Nematus ventricosus, Cynips, Neuroterus, perhaps Apophyllus (according to Gerstaecker), and Cynips spongijica (according to Walsh, Proceedings of * We give a list from Gerstaecker (Bronn's Classen und Ordnungen des Thier- reichs) of all the known cases of agamic reproduction in this suborder, with the number of times the phenomenon has been observed, and the names of the ob- Gastropacha quercus, once (Plieninger). Liparis dispar, once (Carlier). Sphinx ligustri, once (Treviranus). Smerinthus populi, four times (Nord- mann). Smerinthus ocellatus, once (Johnston). Euprepia caja, five times (Brown, etc.). " villica, once (Stowell). Telea Polyphemus, twice (Curtis). Gastropacha pini, three times (Scopoli, Gastropacha quercifolia, once (Easier). potatoria, once (Burmeis- ter). The subject has been also discussed by Siebold in his work entitled, A true Par- thenogenesis in Lepidoptera and Bees; by Owen, in his "Parthenogenesis," and by Sir J. Lubbock in the Philosophical Transactions, London, vol. 147, pt. 1. " Efjgermoth" (? Liparis dispar), (Tardy, Westwood). Liparis ochropoda, once (Popoff). Orgyia pudibunda, once (Werneburg). Psyche apiformis, once (Rossi). " helix (Siebold). Solenobia lichenella (Siebold). " triquetrella (Siebold). Bombyx mori, several times. ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS. 51 the Entomological Society of Philadelphia). Parthenogenesis, or agamic reproduction, is, then, the result of a budding pro- cess, or cell-growth. This process is a common mode among the Radiates, the low Worms, and the Crustaceans. Metamor- phosis is simply a series of marked stages, or periods, of growth ; and hence growth, metamorphosis, and agamic re- production are morphologically identical. All animals, there- fore, as well as plants, grow by the multiplication of cells. After hearing the surprising revelations of Bonnet, Reaumur, Owen, Burnett, and Huxley on the asexual mode of generation in the Aphis, we are called to notice still a new phase of repro- duction. None of the observers just mentioned were accus- tomed to consider the virgin aphis as immature, but rather as a wingless adult Plant-louse. But Nicolas Wagner, Professor of Zoology at Kasan,* supported by able vouchers for the truth of his assertions, both in Russia and in Germany, who have repeated and thoroughly tested his observations, has observed an asexual reproduction in the larva of a Cecidomy- ian fly, Miastor metraloas (Fig. 297), and Meinert has observed it in this species and the Oligarces paradoxus Meinert. Says Dr. R. Leuckart, whose article f we have drawn largely upon in the present account, "This reproduction was said to commence in autumn, to continue through the winter and spring, giving origin, during the whole of this period, to a series of successive generations of larvae, until, finally, in June, the last of them were developed into perfect and sexually mature animals. The flies, then, as usual, after copulation, lay eggs, and thus recommence the developmental cycle just described." Professor Leuckart has observed these facts anew in the larvae of a species of dipterous gall-fly, and which he believes distinct from the Russian species, found under the bark of a half dead apple-tree that was attacked by fungi. The young are developed within the body of the larva-like parent from a *K. E. Von Baer, "Report on a New Asexual Mode of Reproduction observed by Professor Wagner in Kasan." Bull. Acad. St. Petersburg, 1863, pt. vi, p. 239. Also, Wagner in the Journal of the University of Kasan, 1861. f On the Asexual Reproduction of Cecidomyia Larvae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, March, 1866. Translated from Zeitschrift f ttr Wissenschaftliche Zoologies Bd. xiv. 52 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. "germ-ball" essentially agreeing with the ovary, and the asex- ual larvae begin life as egg-like bodies developed from this germ-ball, just as eggs are developed in the little tubes of which the ovary is an aggregation. Hence these worms bud out from the germ-stock, just as we have seen in the case of the Aphides. Leuckart and Wagner farther agree, that " the so-called chorion never being formed in either of them, the vitellus [yelk] remains without that envelope which has so re- markable and peculiar a development in the true egg of in- sects." .... "The processes of embryo-formation agree in all essential points with the ordinary phenomena of devel- opment in a fecundated egg, exactly as has been proved (by Huxley) to be the case in the Aphides." .... "The only difference consists in the germ-chambers of the Cecidomyide larvae separating from the germ-stock, and moving about freely in the cavity of the body, whilst in the Aphides they remain permanently attached, and constitute an apparatus which, in its form and arrangement, reproduces the conditions of the female organs." Another case of psedogenesis, which unites that of Miastor with the parthenogenesis of the Cocci dee, has been discovered by Grimm who found, in the spring of 1869, the pupa of a species of Chironomus laying eggs. But in the autumn other pupae become flies without laying eggs, while the fly itself de- posits a larger number of eggs than the spring pupa. Grimm also found that on removing from the perfectly developed in- sect, before it has left the pupa-case, the eggs which would otherwise have been fertilized, and preserving them in water, the development of the larva took place in them also, but lasted a little longer (about six days). Previous to the forma- tion of the primitive band, the germ develops as in the Coc- cidce ; afterwards it resembles that of other Diptera (Simu- /wm and Chironomidce). Dimorphism is intimately connected with agamic reproduc- tion. Thus the asexual Aphis, and the perfect female, may be called dimorphic forms. Or the perfect female may assume two forms, so much so as to be mistaken for two distinct spe- cies. Thus Cynips quercus-spongiftca occurs in male and female broods in the spring, while the fall brood of females were DIMORPHISM. 53 described as a separate species, C. aciculata. Mr. B. D. Walsh considers the two sets of females as dimorphic forms, and he thinks that C. aciculata lays eggs which produce C. quercus- spongifica. Huber supposes there are two sizes of the three forms (i. e. male, female, and worker) of Bombus, one set being a little larger than the other. Alfred Wallace has discovered that there are two forms of females of Papilio Memnon of the East Indies ; one is normal, having its wings tailed and resembles a closely allied species, Papilio Coon, which is not dimorphous, while the other is tail- less, resembling its tailless male. Papilio Pammon has three sorts of females, and is hence "trimorphic." One of its forms predominates in Sumatra, and a second in Java, while a third, (described as P. Romulus) abounds in India and Ceylon. P. Ormenus is trimorphic, as Mr. Wallace obtained in the island of Waignion, "a third female quite distinct from either of the others, and in some degree intermediate between the ordinary male and female." Much the same thing occurs in the North American P. Turnus. Papilio Glaucus is now known to be a dimorphic form of the former butterfly, both having, according to Mr. Uhler, been bred from the same batch of eggs. Mr, W. H. Edwards has found that Papilio Ajax is polymorphous, the same batch of eggs giving rise to P. Ajax, and varieties Walshii, Telamonides, and Marcellus. The male sex also pre- sents dimorphic forms. Mr. Pascoe states that there are di- morphic forms of Anthribidce; that they occur in the males of Stenocerus and Micoceros. Six species of Dytiscus have two female forms, the most common having the elytra deeply sul- cate, while in the rarer forms the elytra are smooth as in the male. There is a tendency, we would observe, in the more abnor- mal of the two sexual forms, to revert to a lower type. Thus the agamic Aphis is more generally wingless, and the tailless female butterfly mimics the members of a lower genus, Pieris. The final cause of Dimorphism, like that of agamic reproduc- tion, is the continuance of the species, and is, so far as yet known, an exceptional occurrence. Mimetic forms. Many insects often resemble, in a remark- 54: THE CLASS OF INSECTS. able manner, those of other groups. They are called mimetic forms. Insects are related to each other by analogy and affin- ity. Thus the truly tailless species of Papilio, i. e. those where the tail is absent in both sexes, are related by affinity to Pie- ris, which has rounded hind wings. They also stand next to Pier is in the system of Nature. But there are, on the other hand, mimetic forms, which borrow the features of groups far above them in the natural system. Thus the Sesia resembles a Bee, Bombylius and Laphria resemble Bombus; the Syrphus flies are easily mistaken for Wasps. So in the second series of suborders of Insects, Forficula resembles the Staphylinus ; Termes resembles the true Ant ; Psocus, the Aphis; Ascalaphus resembles Papilio ; Mantispa recalls the Orthopterous Mantis, and Panorpa reminds us of the Tipulce (Bittacus being strikingly analogous to the Dipterous Bittacomorpha) . Thus these lower, more variable groups of insects strive, as it were, to connect themselves by certain analogous, mimetic forms, with the more stable and higher groups. Comprehensive types are mimetic forms which combine the characters of other and generally higher groups. Thus each Neuropterous family contains mimetic forms which ally them strongly with some one of the six other suborders of insects. The early fossil insects are remarkable for combining the char- acters of groups which appear ages after. The most remark- able comprehensive type is a Carboniferous insect, the Eugereon Boeckingi mentioned farther on. HYBRIDITY. Hybrids are sometimes produced between differ- ent species, but though it is known that different genera unite sexually, we know of very few authentic instances of the pro- duction of hybrids therefrom. One is related by Mr. Midford, who exhibited at the March 4th (1861) meeting of the London Entomological Society, hybrids produced from a male Phiga- lia pilosaria, and a female Nyssia hispidaria. " The males resemble JV. hispidaria, but in color have the lighter and greener tint and transparency of wing of P. pilosaria." THE DEVELOPMENT OF INSECTS. Immediately after the fer- tilization of the egg, the first act in the organization of the THE DEVELOPMENT OF INSECTS. 55 future embryo is the formation of the germinal layer, or blas- toderm (from the Greek, meaning primitive skin) . This layer is formed at the surface out of a surface-layer of largerj often nucleolated, cells which nearly encompass the yolk-mass. At one point there is a break in this cellular layer, and the yolk granules reach to the surface, so that it appears darker than the other parts of the egg. This cellular layer is soon resolved into the blastoderm, or germinal layer, which thickens and narrows, forming a longitudinal band. This is the first stage of the embryo, which lies as a thin layer of cells upon the outer surface of the yolk. Both ends of the body are alike, and we shall afterwards see that its back lies next to the centre of the egg, its future ventral side looking outwards. The embryo is thus bent on itself backwards. In the next stage the blastoderm divides into a certain num- ber of segments, or joints, which appear as indentations in the body of the embryo. The head can now be distinguished from the posterior end chiefly by its larger size, and both it and the tail are folded back upon the body of the embryo, the head especially being sunk backwards down into the yolk-mass. In a succeeding stage, as we have observed in the embryo of Diplax, a Dragon-fly (Fig. 57), the head is partially sketched Fig. 58. out, with the rudiments of the limbs and mouth-parts ; and the sternites, or ventral walls/ of the thorax and of the two basal rings of the head appear. The anterior part of the head, in- cluding the so-called "procephalic lobes" overhangs and con- FIG. 57. Side view of embryo. The procephalic lobes are not shown. 1, antennae; 2, mandibles; 3, maxillae; 4, second maxillae (labium); 5-7, legs. These numbers and letters are the same in all the figures from 57-60. The under-side (sternum) of six segments are indicated. FIG. 58. Ventral view of the same. 56 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. ceals the base of the antennae. It is probable that more careful observation would have shown the end of the abdomen folded back upon the dorsal region, as usual at this period in the embryos of those insects whose embryology has been studied. The antennae, mandibles, and maxillae form a group by them- selves, while the second maxillae (or labium) are very much larger and turned backwards, being temporarily grouped with the legs. There are traces only of the two basal sterna of the abdo- men. This indicates that the basal abdominal segments grow in succession from the base of the abdomen, the middle ones appearing last. The post-abdomen (Fig. 59 A) has probably been developed synchronous with the procephalic lobes, as it is in all insect and crustacean embryos yet observed. As stated by Zaddach, these two lobes in their development are exact equivalents ; antero- posterior symmetry is very clearly de- marked, the two ends of the body at first looking alike. But in this stage, after the two ends of the body have been evolved from the primitive cell-layer, development in the post-abdomi- nal region is retarded, that. of the head progressing with much greater rapidity. In the next stage (not figured) the yolk is completely walled in, though no traces of segments appear on the back or side of the embryo. The revolution of the embryo has taken place ; the post-abdomen being curved beneath the body, and the back presenting outwards. The rudiments of the eyes appear as a darker, rounded mass of cells indistinctly seen through the yolk-granules, and situ- ated at the base of the antennae. They consist of a few epithe- lial cells of irregular form, the central one being the largest. The second maxillae are a little over twice the length of the first maxillae and are grouped with the legs, being curved back- wards. They are, however, now one-third shorter than the an- terior legs. The second maxillary sternum is still visible. The tip of the abdomen (or post-abdomen) consists of four segments, the terminal one being much the larger, and ob- scurely divided into two obtuse lobes. The abdominal sternites are now well marked, and the ner- THE DEVELOPMENT OF INSECTS. 57 32 E 1 C vous cord is represented by eight or nine large oblong-square 'seen sideways) ganglia, which lie contiguous to each other. The formation of the eyes, the post-abdomen, the sternites, and median portion of the nervous cord seems nearly synchro- nous with the closing up of the dorsal walls of the body, though the division of the tegument into segments has not apparently taken place over the yolk-mass. The succeeding stage (Fig. 59) is signalized by the appear- ance of the rudiments of the intestine, while the second maxillae are directed more anteriorly. In form the body is ovate-cylin- drical, and there is a deep constric- tion separating the post -abdomen from the anterior part of the abdo- men. The terminal (eleventh) ring is immensely disproportioned to its size in the embryo just pre- vious to hatching (see Fig. 61, where it forms a triangular piece situated between its appendages, the anal stylets). At a later period of this stage two more ab- dominal segments have been added, one to the end of the main body of the abdomen, and another to the post- abdomen. They have been apparently interpolated at the junction of the post-abdomen to the abdomen proper. Should this observation be proved to be correct, it may then be considered as a rule that, after reaching a certain number of segments, all additional ones are interpolated between the main body of the abdomen and its terminal segment or segments. This is the law of increase in the number of segments in Worms, and in Myriopods (lulus, according to Newport's observations), in Arachnids (Claparede), and Crustacea (Rathke). The next stage (Fig. 60), is characterized by the differentia- FIG. 59. An embryo much farther advanced, c, clypeus; E, eye; A, bi-lobed extremity of the abdomen ; i, the rudiments of the intestines. c!23 58 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. tion of the head into the rudiments of the antennary ring, and the supraclypeal piece, and clypeus, together with the approx- imation of the second pair of maxillae, which, when united, form the labium, the extremities of which are now situated in the middle of the body. r