University of California
A 1
Printed by J. B. Lippincott Company
The Washington Square Press, Philadelphia, U. S. A.
THIS volume is intended to place in the hands of engi-
neers and experimenters such theoretical and practical data
as are now available in the solution of the problem of the
gas turbine.
At the present time such machines are yet in the experi-
mental stage, and it is still uncertain to what extent they
may become generally practicable. There has, however, been
expended much study and effort, both in the investigation of
the theoretical principles upon which the gas turbine depends,
and in the construction of machines intended to realize, more
or less effectively, the possibilities which have been indicated
/by such studies.
Much of the information contained in this book is included
in the transactions of learned societies, in the pages of peri-
odicals, and in the records of private experimenters, and it is
believed that by gathering in one volume the results of the
work of English, French, German, and other organizations,
the engineers and mechanics who are investigating the sub-
ject may be assisted by perceiving what has already been
accomplished, and thus avoid unnecessary repetition of
work which is already on record.
The gas turbine need not be a machine of exceedingly
high thermal efficiency in order to be available for many
purposes. The advantages accompanying a continuous turn-
ing effort, instead of the intermittent impulses of the recip-
rocating gas or gasoline motor, may, in many instances, over-
balance a somewhat lower fuel economy; while the reduction
in weight, consequent upon the attainment of a very high
rotative speed, may become of controlling importance. It is
therefore of the utmost desirability that all the conditions be
taken into account, and it is for this purpose that the present
volume has been prepared, collecting together the relative
influence of the various elements of which the problem is
The author desires to acknowledge the assistance which
has been freely rendered to him in the preparation of this
volume. To the memory of his colleague in the Societe des
Ingenieurs Civils de France, M. Rene Armengaud, he records
his obligations for personal communications describing the
experimental work conducted in the laboratory at St. Denis;
and to M. Alfred Barbezat he desires to express his apprecia-
tion for the continuation of this most important work. To
M. Armand de Dax, Secretaire Administratif of the Societe
des Ingenieurs Civils de France, and to M. L. Sekutowicz, his
colleague in the Societe, he acknowledges the kind permission
to translate the important paper of the latter author; and to
Mr. Edgar Worthington, Secretary of the Institution of
Mechanical Engineers (London) as well as to the author, Mr.
R. M. Neilson, he is indebted for permission to reproduce the
paper of the latter, as well as the discussion which it elicited.
The writer also wishes to express his indebtedness to Dr. San-
ford A. Moss, Dr. Charles E. Lucke, Prof. Sidney A. Reeve,
Prof. Lionel S. Marks, and Dr. H. N. Davis, for valued sug-
gestions and assistance.
NEW YORK, November, 1909
The Smoke Jack, the First Gas Turbine; Barber's Turbine; Ferni-
hough's Patent; Burdin's Experiments; Tournaire's Communication
to the French Academy; Bourne's Suggestions; Boulton's Patents;
the Stolze Hot- Air Turbine; Parsons's Patent; Laval, Lemale, Armen-
gaud; Later Papers.
Paper by R. M. Neilson, Discussing Various Available Cycles and
their Merits and Disadvantages; Discussions by Messrs. Henry
Davey, F. W. Burstall, James Atkinson, Col. R. E. B. Crompton, H.
M. Martin, Robert H. Smith, and Mr. Neilson. Communications
from Dugald Clerk, W. J. A. London, E. Kilburn Scott, and George
A. Wigley.
Paper by M. L. Sekutowicz, Treating of the Mechanical and Ther-
modynamic Efficiencies of the Gas Turbine, the Various Cycles and
the General Details of Construction.
(Continued) 219
Comments on the Paper of M. Sekutowicz by MM. Armengaud, Rey,
Hart, Bochet, and Letombe.
Experiments of Dr. Charles E. Lucke; Table of Temperature Drop
with Compressed Air in the Laval Turbine; Trials of Turbines at St.
Denis; Desirability of Further Experiments.
The Explosion Gas Turbine; the Combustion Turbine; the Original
Experimental Machine at St. Denis; Details of Combustion Chamber;
Structural Arrangement of Parts; the Rateau Polycellular Air Com-
pressor; the 300 Horse-Power Gas Turbine; Gas Turbines in Subma-
rine Torpedoes; Data and Results of Tests; the Karavodine Turbine.
INDEX . 255
ALTHOUGH the gas turbine was one of the earliest forms
of combustion motor it failed to attain practical or com-
mercial importance, and it is only since the steam turbine
has reached its present commanding position that the possi-
bility of developing the gas turbine in similar manner has
been seriously considered.
The practical difficulties in the way of the realization
of a successful gas turbine are very great. The high tem-
peratures involved demand especial care in order that the
strength of the material may not be unduly affected. The
high rotative speeds required, if high efficiencies are to
be secured, render the mechanical problems connected with
centrifugal action more serious even than with the steam
turbine; while the doubt as to the action of hot gases in
diverging nozzles renders an important element in the
theory yet uncertain.
At the same time there has been going on, during the
past few years, in Europe and in America, some very effec-
tive experimental work upon the gas turbine; while the
theory has also been made the subject of elaborate study
by English, French, German, and American scientists.
Most of the information regarding this work is in a form
unavailable for the practical engineer and investigator.
The theoretical discussions are, for the most part, contained
in the transactions of professional societies; much of it in
languages other than English. The practical experiments
are being conducted behind closed doors and reliable infor-
mation is not generally attainable in detailed form.
It has therefore been thought desirable to gather under
one cover the most important papers which have appeared
upon the subject of the gas turbine in England, France,
Germany, and Switzerland, together with some account
of the work in America, and to add to this such information
upon actual experimental machines as can be secured.
FIG. 1. Scheme of gas turbine with reciprocating compressor.
In the present state of the art this is all that can be done,
but it is believed that this will aid materially in the conduct
of subsequent work, and place in the hands of the gas-power
engineer a collection of material not generally accessible
or available in convenient form.
The general lines along which the plans of the various
gas turbines, now under experimental investigation, are con-
structed, will be understood from the accompanying sche-
matic diagram. This is substantially as given by Dr. Sanford
A. Moss in connection with his thesis upon the gas turbine
presented to the faculty of Cornell University in 1903.
The fuel, in this case some form of liquid hydrocarbon,
is forced into a combustion chamber, together with the
proper amount of compressed air for its combustion. The
products of combustion are discharged through a diverg-
CombusElon Chamber
Turbine & I
FIG. 2. Scheme of gas turbine with multiple wheels and rotary compressor.
ing nozzle upon the buckets of an impulse wheel which is
thus caused to rotate, a portion of the power developed
being used to drive the compressor, and the remainder being
available for external use.
Since one of the presumed advantages of the gas turbine
over the ordinary gas engine is the substitution of continu-
ous rotary motion for the reciprocating action of a piston
in a cylinder, it is undoubtedly desirable that a rotary com-
pressor be used, so that the reciprocating pump may be
dispensed with. The general arrangement of such an appa-
ratus, including also a multistage turbine, is here given, as
devised by Mr. Rudolf Barkow (Fig. 2).
Here the air is drawn in and compressed by a rotary
compressor, mounted on a continuation of the turbine shaft.
The compressed air is delivered to the combustion chamber,
into which the liquid fuel is also injected, and the combustion
takes place under pressure, the gases and products of com-
bustion passing through the diverging nozzle to the buckets
and guide vanes of the turbine.
The extent to which these schematic forms have been
developed from the earliest beginnings, and the lines along
which theory and experiment have been pushed, will be
seen in the following pages.
THE use of the expansive action of heat upon elastic gases
to operate a revolving wheel for the production of power
is by no means recent; in fact it antedates the employ-
ment of a piston reciprocating in a cylinder for the same
purpose. Considered in this broad sense there is no doubt
that the windmill is entitled to be called a gas turbine, since
the pressure of the moving air upon its sails can be traced
to 'the currents produced by changes of temperature in the
Leaving aside the windmill, however, there can be little
question as to the claims of the mediaeval "Smokejack"
to be considered as a gas turbine. This machine, the origin
of which it is impossible to trace, has been attributed to
Leonardo da Vinci and illustrations of it are to be found
in his engineering sketch books. A somewhat later form is
shown in the illustration, this being taken from an engraving
in Bishop Wilkins's book " Mathematical Magick," published
in 1648, the present engraving and following description
being found in the edition of 1680.
After referring to the action of windmills and to Eolipiles,
the learned bishop continues: "But there is a better inven-
tion to this purpose mentioned in Cardan,* whereby a spit
may be turned (without the help of weights) by the motion
of the air that ascends the Chimney; and it may be useful
for the roasting of many or great joynts : for as the fire
must be increased according to the quantity of meat, so
the force of the instrument will be augmented proportionably
to the fire. In which contrivance there are these conveni-
ences above the Jacks of ordinary use :
* Cardan. De Variet. Rerum. I. 12, c. 58.
"1. It makes little or no noise in the motion.
"2. It needs no winding up, but will constantly move of
itself, while there is any fire to rarifie the air.
"3. It is much cheaper than the other instruments that
are commonly used to this purpose. There being required
with it only a pair of sails, which must be placed in that
part of the Chimney where it begins to be straightened, and
one wheel, to the axis of which the spit line must be fastened,
according to the following Diagram.
FIG. 3. The smoke jack. The first gas turbine. From Bishop Wilkins's "Mathematical
Magick," 1680.
"The motion to these sails may likewise be serviceable
for sundry other purposes, besides the turning of a spit,
for the chiming of bells or other musical devices; and there
cannot be any more pleasant contrivance for continual and
cheap music. It may be useful also for the reeling of yarn,
the rocking of a cradle with divers the like demestick occa-
sions. For (as was said before) any constant motion being
given, it is easie for an ingenious artificer to apply it unto
various services.
"These sails will always move both day and night, if
there is but any fire under them, and sometimes though
there be none. For if the air without be much colder than
that within the room, then must this which is more warm
and rarefied, naturally ascend through the chimney, to give
place unto the more condensed and heavy, which does
usually blow in at every chink or cranny, as experience
After the smoke jack, the next proposition for a gas
turbine appears to be that of Barber, who took out a British
patent in 1791, No. 1833, which seems like a very complete
.anticipation of nearly all the most recent developments in
this line. Barber's patent includes the distillation of the
gas from wood, coal, or oil, its delivery, with the proper
amount of air into a combustion chamber, and the discharge
of the products of combustion upon the buckets of a turbine
He even went so far as to inject water into the combus-
tion chambers to reduce the temperature, the mixed steam
and gases acting upon the wheel.
The illustration, Fig. 4, gives an idea of Barber's patent.
The vessels marked 1, 1, are retorts for the production
of the gas to be used, these being intended for the distilla-
tion of coal, wood, etc., by means of an external flame.
When it is remembered that Murdock did not begin his
experimental investigations into the manufacture of coal
gas until 1792, one year after Barber's patent, and only
made his results public in 1797, it will be seen that Barber
was distinctly in advance of his time. The retorts shown
in Barber's drawing are in duplicate, for alternate charging
FIG. 4. Barber's gas turbine, 1791.
and discharging, the' gas being delivered into a cooling
chamber B, from which it is drawn by one of the compres-
sing pumps C, D, and delivered to the receiver 4, from
which it passes to the triangular-shaped combustion cham-
bers. The other compressing pump delivers air and vapor
of water into the combustion chamber, and the products
of combustion are discharged upon the buckets of the wheel
to effect its rotation. The drawing shows the reducing
gearing for operation of the compression pumps, the power
to be taken from the upper gear shaft.
It is evident that Barber's machine involved construc-
tive problems altogether unsolved in his time, but the appa-
ratus was surprisingly complete in its conception, including
combustion at constant pressure, with pumps for the supply
of air and fuel, together with the use of vapor of water for
the reduction of temperature, and a train of gear wheels
for the reduction of the speed.
FIG. 5. Fernihough's turbine, 1850.
Nothing seems to have been done for more than fifty
years after the patent of Barber, but in 1850 a mixed steam
and gas turbine was proposed by W. F. Fernihough, and
patented in Great Britain, No. 1328, of 1850. This appa-
ratus, Fig. 5, consisted of a chamber A, lined with refractory
material, and fitted with a grate B, on which the fuel was
ignited. Air was supplied under pressure through E, while-
water was sprayed from above at H, and the mixture of
steam and the gases of combustion were delivered through
the nozzle I upon the wheel L, L.
In the mean time Burdin, in France, had proposed, in
1847, to make a hot-air turbine, using a multiple-wheel
rotary compressor to deliver air through a heating chamber
to a corresponding rotary motor. This plan was included
in the remarkable communication of Tournaire, presented
to the Academic des Sciences in 1853. The original memoir
of Tournaire is remarkable in many ways, both for the
breadth of its conception of the problem, and also because
it refers to " elastic fluid turbines," not limiting the action
to steam, but including hot air and gases, and thus distinctly
including the gas turbine. In view of the importance of
this communication it is here translated entire, from the
Compte Rendu des Seances de V Academic des Sciences of
March 28, 1853, pp. 588-593.
"APPLIED MECHANICS. Note upon multiple and succes-
sive-reaction turbine devices for the utilization of the motive
power developed by elastic fluids; by M. Tournaire, Ingenieur
des Mines. Commission: MM. Poncelet, Lame, Morin,
Combes, Seguier:
" Numerous attempts have been made to cause the vapor
of water or other gaseous substances to act by reaction upon
the blades or passages of rotative apparatus similar to tur-
bines or other hydraulic wheels; but down to the present
time these inventions have not been crowned with practical
success. The economical application of the principle of
reaction to machines operated by elastic fluids would never-
theless be of a very high degree of interest, since the moving
portions would thereby be reduced to very small dimensions,
and, in the great majority of cases, the transmission of the
motion would be lightened and simplified. In a word, such
machines would enable the same advantages to be realized
as are found with hydraulic turbines compared with water-
wheels of large diameter.
" Elastic fluids acquire enormous velocities, even under
the influence of comparatively low pressures. In order to
utilize these pressures advantageously upon simple wheels
analogous to hydraulic turbines, it would be necessary to per-
mit a rotative motion of extraordinary rapidity, and to use
extremely minute orifices, even for a large expenditure of fluid.
These difficulties may be avoided by causing the steam or
gas to lose its pressure, either in a gradual and continuous
manner, or by successive fractions, making it react several
times upon the blades of conveniently arranged turbines.
1 'We must attribute the origin of the researches which
we have made upon this subject to the communications
which M. Burdin, Ingenieur en Chef des Mines, and membre
Correspondant de I'lnstitut, has had the courtesy to make
to us, and which go back to the close of 1847. M. Burdin,
who was then engaged upon a machine operated by hot
air, desired to discharge the compressed and heated fluid
upon a series of turbines fixed upon the same axis. Each
one of these wheels was placed in a closed chamber, the air
to be delivered through injector nozzles and discharged
at a very low velocity. The author proposed to compress
the cold air by means of a series of blowers arranged in a
similar manner. This idea of employing a number of suc-
cessive turbines in order to utilize the tension of the fluid
a number of times seemed to us a simple and fertile one;
we perceived in it the means of applying the principle of
reaction to steam and air engines.
"Since the differences in pressure, as used in steam
engines, are considerable, it became evident that a large
number of turbines would be required to give a sufficient
reduction in the velocity of the fluid jet. The lightness and
small dimensions of the moving parts permits of very high
rotative speeds compared with those of ordinary engines.
" Notwithstanding the multiplicity of parts, it is essential
that the apparatus should be simple in its action, susceptible
of a high degree of precision, and that adjustments and
repairs should be readily made. We believe that we have
fulfilled these essential conditions by means of the following
arrangements :
"A machine is composed of several independent motor
axes, connected by means of pinions to a single wheel for
the transmission of the motion. Each of these axes carries
several turbines; these receive. and discharge the fluid at
the same distance from the axis.
" Between two turbines is placed a fixed ring of guide
blades. The guides receive the discharge from one reaction
wheel and give to it a direction and velocity suitable to
act upon the following wheel. Each of these systems of
fixed and moving organs is to be enclosed in a cylindrical
case. The guide blades will form portions of rings or annular
pieces placed in the fixed cylinder, and these should be fitted
very exactly the one to the other. The turbines should also
have the form of rings, and should be fitted to a sleeve
attached to the shaft. Projections fitting into grooves
secure the guides to the cylindrical case, and fasten the
turbines to the shaft. The first set of guides, which act
simply as injector nozzles, may be made in one solid piece,
carrying the journal of the shaft. Nothing could be easier
than to erect or dismount such an apparatus. In order to
transmit the motion it is necessary that the shaft should
pass through the end of the cylindrical case through an
opening fitted with a tight packing; such a single stuffing
box will answer for each series of reaction wheels.
" After having acted upon the turbines on the first shaft,
and thus parted with more or less of its elasticity, the fluid
is caused to act upon the turbines of the second series, and
so on. For this purpose large openings connect the end of
each case with the beginning of the one which follows.
These cases and passages may form portions of the same
casting. Since the steam or gas expands in proportion to
its passage through the blades of the turbines and the
guides, it is necessary that these blades should offer pas-
sages of continually increasing size, and the last portions
of the apparatus will have much greater dimensions than
the first.
u As in the case of hydraulic reaction wheels, the last
turbine on each shaft should discharge the fluid with a very
low velocity. At its flow from the other turbines the fluid
should have a velocity best adapted to its entrance into the
passages between the guide blades. The motive power
developed by these wheels will be produced, in great part,
not by the extinction of the actual velocity of the fluid, but
from the differences in pressures in entering and leaving
the blades. This difference in pressures will produce a great
excess in the relative velocity of discharge over the relative
velocity of entrance, and, in order that this effect may be
obtained, it will suffice, by reason of the continuity of the
motion, for the orifices of discharge of the passages to be
of smaller area than the entrance orifices; this corresponds,
in general, to the arrangement in most hydraulic turbines.
Considered with regard to the relative velocity of rotation,
the velocity of flow through the passages of our turbines
will be much greater than in the passages in ordinary reac-
tion wheels, and, in consequence, they will be capable of
utilizing a much greater proportion of motive power.
u As is the case in all kinds of machinery, there are many
causes tending to dimmish the useful effect of our apparatus,
and to render it lower than the theoretical effect.
"One portion of the fluid will escape through the clear-
ance intervals which must be left between the fixed and
moving portions, and will have no effect upon the turbines
and will not be directed by the guide blades. There will be
produced shocks and eddies at the entrance and discharge
of the buckets. The considerable friction, due to the narrow-
ness of the passages, will absorb a considerable portion of
the theoretical work.
"All these injurious effects are produced in hydraulic
turbines, some with an intensity almost equal in degree,
others, such as the frictional resistances, to a much less
extent. These reaction wheels are, nevertheless, excellent
machines. In order that our steam or hot-air machines
should equal them in respect to the effective power utilized,
a very perfect construction will be necessary, which it will
perhaps be difficult to attain, because of the small size of
the parts. But if we consider the results obtained with
piston engines operated by steam we see that we may make
a large allowance for losses before our turbines fail to give
equally good results. Many of the causes of loss inherent
in the use of pistons and cylinders will be avoided. Thus,
the cooling effect due to radiation from the exterior walls
in contact with the surrounding medium will become negli-
gible, since our cylindrical casings offer a very small mass
and volume, traversed by a very large flow of heat.
"In order that the application of our principles may be
successfully applied to engines operated by elastic fluids
it is necessary that great care and a very high degree of pre-
cision be given to the construction and erection of the parts,
and that the dimensions and curves of the blades be care-
fully studied.
"It is necessary that the teeth of the gear wheels, which
are operated at very high speeds, should run with great
smoothness, without shock or vibrations; the helicoidal
system of gearing of White will probably be found desirable.
The shafts should also be held by outside collars in order
that the metallic stuffing boxes may not be subjected to
heavy pressures. The journals will receive the pressure
parallel to the axis; this, however, will be small, on account
of the small dimensions of the turbines.
11 As for the regulators of the flow of the fluid, their
functions will be performed by two slides or valves, one
placed in the pipe connecting the engine to the generator,
and the other in the opening through which the exhaust is
discharged into the atmosphere.
"The principal advantage offered by the motors which
we propose lies in the extreme lightness and small size which
they offer. This is a point upon which we believe it unneces-
sary to insist at length. The present engines are too heavy
and cumbersome, and are yet incapable of application to
many purposes which are still accomplished by the physical
effort of man. Without doubt the realization of our pro-
jects would extend widely the domain of mechanical power.
11 Applied to steam motors we believe that our multiple
turbines would permit a reduction in the dimensions of the
reservoirs or generators of the fluid; because, the consump-
tion of the motive material being continuous, the ebullition
will be effected very regularly in the boiler, and there will
be much less danger of the entrainment of a large proportion
of water. If hot air be substituted for steam, as we may
hope from the beautiful and fertile experiments of Ericsson,
our turbines will replace, very happily, the enormous cylin-
ders and pistons used by the Swedish engineer to receive
the action of the compressed air. It remains to be seen if
similar rotative apparatus may not be usefully employed
for the compression of cold air. In case of success a complete
mechanical revolution will be effected not only with regard
to the quantity of combustible consumed but also in the
matter, not less important, of the masses and volumes
which enter into machine construction."
It seems surprising that the clearly expressed ideas of
Tournaire failed of immediate realization, especially as
they were passed in review under the eyes of such a com-
mittee of mechanical specialists as Morin, Lame, and Ponce-
let; but it is probable that constructive difficulties, the
extent of which was fully realized by Tournaire, stood in
the way. His work seemed to have been almost entirely
overlooked until recently, but there is no doubt that he
fully grasped the problem, as the text of his communication
to the French Academy shows.
At the present time the term " elastic-fluid" turbine
appears in nearly all patent specifications for such machines,
their scope not being limited to steam alone. Tournaire
not only used this very expression, but also foresaw the
application of the multiple-turbine principle to pressure
blowers as well.
He further saw that high fuel economy, while probably
attainable with the turbine, was not the only advantage,
but that material reduction in weight and in bulk might
also be attained, points which to-day are of even more
importance than they were fifty years ago.
An interesting forecast of the practicability of the gas
turbine appears in the fifth edition of Bourne's large treatise
on the steam engine, published in 1861. Discussing the
advantages of superheated steam, Mr. Bourne says:
" Steam of a high temperature will, therefore, be more
economical in its use than steam of a lower temperature,
and surcharged steam being much hotter than common
steam is consequently more advantageous. After all, how-
ever, the temperatures which it is possible to use with any
kind of steam in an engine are too low to render any very
important measure of economy possible by their instrumen-
tality. We are, therefore, driven to consider the applicability
of other agents, the most suitable of which appears to be air,
and this brings us back to the point from whence we started
at the commencement of the present chapter. Small meas-
ures of improvement are worth very little consideration
when great and important steps of progress are apparently
within our reach, and to us it appears quite clear that the prod-
ucts of combustion may be employed to produce motive power,
not through the instrumentality of a cylinder and piston, but
rather by means of a turbine or an instrument like a smoke
jack or Barker's mill, and which may be made to work in
water or some other liquid. In this way very high tempera-
tures may be dealt with, and it is only by employing very
high temperatures that any very great step of improvement
is to be attained."
FIG. 6. Boulton's multiple jet system
In 1864 the problem of combustion at constant pressure,
in connection with the operation of a gas turbine, was inves-
tigated by M. P. W. Boulton, and his British patent, No.
1636 of 1864, contains some points of interest, in the light
of what has been done since. He realized that the high
velocity of the jet of gases issuing from the nozzle offered
a practical difficulty, and proposed to remedy this by the
use of successive induced jets of increasing volume and
consequently lower velocity. This is shown in Fig. 4, the
gases being delivered through the nozzle A, inducing a cur-
rent in B, and this again in C. The turbine is represented
at D, operated by the increased volume of fluid at the
reduced velocity.
Another method proposed by Boulton for maintaining
combustion at constant pressure is shown in Fig. 7. The
gas is burned at A, in a chamber C, under water, the prod-
ucts of combustion passing up through the water between
the baffle plates E, E, and the mixed gases and steam being
delivered to the turbine from the top of the chamber B.
FIG. 7. Boulton's constant-pressure combustion chamber.
The idea of combustion at constant pressure to furnish
an elastic fluid composed of hot air and products of com-
bustion for use in a turbine appears to have occupied the
attention of a number of engineers from 1870 onward. John
Bourne, the well-known British engineer and writer on the
steam engine, took out two patents, one in 1869 and the
other in 1870, relating to the combustion of coal dust for
the production of gases for use in a turbine. His plans
included the dilution of the gases with air and with the vapor
of water, and involved the use of high pressures, up to 1,000
pounds per square inch. Bourne's patents refer entirely
FIG. 9. The Stolze hot-air turbine.
to the production of the working fluid, and do not give any
details of the turbine which he proposed to use.
Another British patent of about the same time is that
of James Anderson, this including the combustion of a mix-
ture of gas and air in the combination chamber or channel,
the gases resulting from the combustion being led into a
reaction turbine. He also proposed to make the combina-
tion chamber in the arms of the turbine itself.
It does not appear that any of these plans were ever put
into actual operation. In 1872, however, we find that Dr.
F. Stolze, of Charlottenburg, near Berlin, applied for a
patent from the Prussian Government for a so-called "fire
turbine, " this practically being the same as the machine
experimented upon by Burdin in 1847 and described by
Tournaire in his communication to the French Academy
of Sciences. The general scheme of the Stolze turbine is
shown in Fig. 8, there being a multiple turbine compressor
and a multiple power turbine on the same shaft, the com-
pressed air being passed through a heating chamber and
thus deriving energy from the heat of the fuel before pass-
ing to the power turbine. The exterior of the Stolze turbine
is shown in Fig. 9, this representing his experimental
machine at Charlottenburg.
The early work of the Hon. C. A. Parsons is generally
supposed to have related wholly to the steam turbine, but
in his original patent of 1884 (British Patent No. 6735) the
following reference to the gas turbine occurs :
" Motors, according to my invention, are applicable to a
variety of purposes, and if such an apparatus be driven, it
becomes a pump arid can be used for actuating a fluid column
or producing pressure in a fluid. Such a fluid pressure-
producer can be combined with a multiple motor, according
to my invention, to obtain motive power from fuel or com-
bustible gases of any kind. For this purpose I employ the
pressure-producer to force air or combustible gases into a
furnace into which there may or may not be introduced
other fuel (liquid or solid). From the furnace the products
of combustion can be led in a heated state to the multiple
motor which they actuate. 'Conveniently, the pressure-pro-
ducer and multiple motor can be mounted on the same shaft,
the former to be driven by the latter; but I do not confine
myself to this arrangement of parts. In some cases I employ
water or other fluid to cool the blades, either by conduction
of heat through their roots or by other suitable arrangement
to effect their protection."
FIG. 10. Combustion nozzles of De Laval gas turbine, 1893.
In 1893 De Laval proposed to deliver compressed air
into a combustion chamber into which a liquid fuel was
sprayed, the products of combustion being directed upon
the blades of a wheel similar to that of the steam turbine
known by his name. The general arrangement is shown
in Fig. 10. The compressed air enters at a and the sprayed
combustible at b, the combustion taking place in the space
B. At c provision is made for an injection of water if neces-
sary, the gaseous products passing through the nozzle C to
the wheel D.
The first patent of M. Charles Lemale was taken out in
1901, followed in 1903 by a more complete development of
the combustion chamber and expansion nozzle. M. Lemale,
in conjunction with the late M. Rene Armengaud, continued
to experiment with the gas turbine, under the auspices of
the Societe des Turbomoteurs, and the results of this work
will be given hereafter at length.
In the United States Dr. Sanford A. Moss published, in
1903, a discussion of the subject of the gas turbine, in the
form of a thesis presented to the faculty of Cornell Univer-
sity, this containing an examination of the thermodynamics
of the gas turbine and a brief account of some experimental
The question has been discussed from a theoretical view-
point by Mr. R. M. Neilson in a paper presented before the
Institution of Mechanical Engineers in October, 1904, which
with the discussion it evoked will be given in a following
It was also very fully examined by members of the Societe
des Ingenieurs Civils de France in consequence of an important
paper by M. L. Sekutowicz, presented at the session of Feb-
ruary 2, 1906, the discussion being taken up by MM. J.
Deschamps, Rene Armengaud, Jean Rey, G. Hart, L.
Letombe, and A. Bochet. M. Armengaud presented an
important paper upon the subject before the Mechanical
Section of the International Engineering Congress at Liege
in June, 1905, this having been revised for publication in
Cassier's Magazine for January, 1907.
In the Schweizerische Bauzeitung for August 27, 1904
there appeared an analysis of the action of the Armengaud
and Lemale gas turbine by Alfred Barbezat, while two papers
by Dr. Charles E. Lucke in the Engineering Magazine of
April, 1905, and August, 1906, and one by Professor Sidney
A. Reeve in the same magazine for June, 1905, formed cur-
rent contributions to the theory of the subject.
An elaborate investigation of the practicability of the
gas turbine was published in the Zeitschrift fur das Gesamte
Turbinenwesen by A. Baumann, of Zwickau, this appearing
in the issues between December 15, 1905, and May 20, 1906.
Several pamphlets upon the subject have appeared in Ger-
many, among which may be mentioned : Studien zur Frage
der Gas-Turbine (Studies upon the Question of the Gas Tur-
bine), by Rudolf Barkow; Ein Praktisch Brauchbare Gas-
Turbine (A Practical, Useful Gas Turbine), by Dr. Richard
Wegener; and Die Aussischten der Gas Turbine (The Out-
look for the Gas Turbine), by Felix Langen.
The most important work from a theoretical point of
view is given in the discussions before the Institution of
Mechanical Engineers, in London, and the Society of Civil
Engineers of France, and these are given practically entire,
followed by abstracts of other papers, and as much informa-
tion concerning actual machines as can at present be made
ON October 21, 1904, Mr. R. M. Neilson, Associate Mem-
ber of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers read before
the Institution at its house in London, a paper entitled:
"A Scientific Investigation into the Possibilities of Gas
Turbines." By the kind permission of the Council of the
Institution this paper is here given entire, together with
the discussion which it elicited from the membership, this
forming one of the most important contributions to the
question which has yet appeared in England.
In examining this paper and the discussion upon it, it
must be remembered that at the time of its presentation,
1904, the investigations of Dr. Charles E. Lucke upon tem-
peratures and pressures in free expansion of hot gases in
nozzles had not yet been made public, nor had the work of
Professor Rateau in the construction of turbine air com-
pressors of high efficiency been completed.
Associate Member, Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
A prophecy expressed frequently in engineering circles at
the present day is that turbines actuated by hot gases other
than steam will eventually come to the front as prime mov-
ers. The idea of employing hot gases (other than steam)
to drive turbines is by no means new; but the success of the
steam turbine has recently brought the question into prom-
inence. Although the subject is interesting and important,
and although many minds seem to be considering it, there
appears to be hardly any literature on the subject, except
that which is found in patent records.
There is no doubt that many persons speak of the advan-
tages of gas turbines without duly considering the difficul-
ties to be encountered. There are probably many others
who have valuable ideas on the subject, supported in some
cases by experimental data, but who are apt to let their
thoughts run in a groove and to consider (rightly or
wrongly) that the only possible solution of the gas turbine
problem lies in the particular direction in which they are
This Paper is written with the object of expressing and
and comparing as concisely as possible the advantages and
possibilities of gas turbines worked on different cycles, and
the difficulties to be overcome to make these turbines a suc-
cess. A further and more important object is to draw opin-
ions from other engineers who have studied the question,
and especially from those who have conducted experiments.
If these objects be obtained, even in an imperfect manner,
the author believes that a foundation of knowledge will
be obtained and placed on record, which will be of consider-
able use to engineers who may be endeavoring or about to
endeavor to produce practical machines.
Carnot's formula for the efficiency of an ideal heat engine
is well known, but its real meaning is sometimes forgotten;
and it may not be out of place here to put in a reminder
that, in Carnot's cycle, all the heat is put in at tempera-
ture T 1 and all the heat withdrawn at temperature T 2 . An
increase in the range of temperature does not necessarily
cause a thermodynamic gain, and it is possible largely to
increase the range of temperature (as for example by super-
heating steam before use in a steam engine) without ther-
modynamically increasing the efficiency by more than a,
small percentage.
The greatest possible efficiency of a gas engine (recipro-
cating or turbine) working on Carnot's cycle between the
limits of temperature 1600 C. (2912 F.) and 17 C., will be
found to be:
(1600 + 273)- (17 + 273) nQ
1600 + 273
If the gas engine be an explosion motor with compression
to 60 pounds per square inch above atmosphere, combustion
at constant volume, and expansion to atmospheric pressure,
the greatest possible efficiency between the same limits of
temperature is only 0.50; and, in the engine work on the
ordinary Otto cycle with the same compression and between
the same limits of temperature, the greatest possible efficiency
is only 0.37.
Efforts must therefore be made not so much to get the
maximum and minimum temperatures respectively as high
and as low as possible, but to get the mean temperature at
which heat is given to the gas and the mean temperature at
which heat is withdrawn from it respectively as high and as
low as possible. Of these two temperatures the lower one
is usually by far the more important. An ideal gas engine
working on Carnot's cycle between the limits of temperature
2000 C. (3632 F.) absolute and 300 C. (572 F.) absolute
will lose as much by an increase of 100 C. to the lower
temperature as it will by a decrease of 500 C. from the
higher temperature.
Coming now to discuss more particularly gas turbines,
there are four cycles on which it seems to the author that
these could be worked with the possibility of good results.
Two of these are what Mr. Dugald Clerk designates Type 2
and Type 3.* The author will call them respectively
Cycle I and Cycle II.
It has not been considered worth while to discuss the Car-
not cycle at length, but a few remarks are made about it
towards the end of the Paper (page 74).
Y B, B B 2 r
FIG. 11. Pressure-volume diagram.
A pressure-volume diagram of an engine working on
Cycle I is shown in Fig. 11, and an entropy-temperature
diagram in Fig. 12.
b ; a /id
FIG. 12. Entropy-temperature diagram.
The working fluid is compressed adiabatically from A to
B. Heat is then supplied by combustion at constant pres-
sure from B to C; the gas expands adiabatically from C to D,
and the fluid is then cooled at constant pressure from D to
A. Reciprocating gas engines have been worked on this
cycle by Brayton and others, but have never come into com-
mon use. (The Diesel engine may be considered to belong
* "The Gas and Oil Engine," by Dugald Clerk (Longmans & Co.), Chap-
ter III.
to this class, although no decided constant-pressure line is
discernible on indicator diagrams taken from the engine.)
One great difficulty that has been experienced in working
reciprocating engines on this cycle is that of getting com-
plete combustion during the period B C without the charge
occasionally firing back. If the air and fuel are brought into
contact only on entering the cylinder, it is difficult to get good
combustion during the period B C. If, on the other hand, the
air and fuel are previously mixed together, it is difficult
to prevent occasional firing back. Of course the chamber
in which the air and fuel are mixed may be made strong
enough to stand explosions; but any back firing upsets the
regular working of the engine and is otherwise objection-
It has been proposed for gas turbines to cause air and fuel
to unite in a nozzle, which thereafter diverges, the idea
being that the air and fuel will combine on meeting each
other, and the hot products of combustion will then acquire
a high velocity in the divergent nozzle with which velocity
they will enter the turbine buckets. The results of a trial
of such a scheme would be interesting. The author doubts
if the combustion would be quick enough to give a good
efficiency. If, however a combustion chamber of ample
size were provided in which the burning gases could rest a
short interval before passing to the turbine, better results
could, in the author's opinion, be expected. The air and
fuel would be separately pumped into the chamber from
which the products of combustion would flow continuously
and uniformly by one or more passages into the turbine.
At any rate the difficulties should not be as great with
turbines working on this cycle as with reciprocating engines,
as the latter have to receive the hot gases intermittently,
while the turbine receives a continuous flow. This is an
important point as regards controlling the flame. With an
engine of the Brayton type the fuel has to be ignited in the
cylinder for every working stroke, and the supply of gas to
the flame has to be cut off for every working stroke. With
a turbine the fuel and air could be supplied at a constant
velocity to the flame and a steady flame maintained without
interruptions. This is important, because, if a mixture of
air and fuel be always supplied to the flame with a velocity
greater than the velocity or propagation of the flame, there
can of course be no firing back, and this result can be ob-
tained without the use of a wire-gauze screen. The main-
taining of this velocity of supply to the flame above the re-
quired minimum when starting and stopping the motor,
and when running at low powers, is of course a problem
to be considered, and some consideration is given to it later
on (pages 77 and 78). The strength of the mixture of air
and fuel should be kept constant. The power of the tur-
bine can be varied by other means, which will be referred to
later (pages 77 and 78). It must be noted that if the air
and fuel are compressed adiabatically to a sufficient extent,
which depends on the nature of the fuel, combustion will
occur immediately the two are brought into contact with
each other. It is therefore necessary in such cases to keep
the air and fuel apart until the instant when combustion is
desired. It must also be noted that with a turbine there
will be no hot waste gases mixed with the fresh air and gas to
be compressed.
This cycle allows of a fairly high ideal efficiency being
obtained with a moderate maximum temperature. Now a
moderate maximum temperature is of the utmost impor-
tance in the case of a turbine of the Parsons type. A Par-
sons turbine with steel blades could probably be designed
without any great difficulty to stand a temperature of about
700 C. (1292 F.) without any water jacketing or cooling
devices of any sort (except for the bearings). With temper-
atures above this, the blades would need to be cooled.
This would necessitate a radical alteration in design. The
question of designing a turbine to stand high temperatures
will be considered later on. It is only desired here to point
out that great difficulties with a certain class of turbine are
avoided by keeping the maximum temperature moderate.
The cycle under consideration may therefore have great
advantages for turbines.
It had better be stated here that the author has made
several assumptions with regard to the working fluid or
fluids. These assumptions are as follows:
1. That the specific heats of gases dealt with are con-
stant at all temperatures and pressures, and are as follows:-
Specific heat at constant pressure or Kp =0.238.
Specific heat at constant volume or Kv=0.17
2. That weight per cubic foot of gases dealt with =
0.0777 pounds at a pressure of 15 pounds per square inch
absolute and a temperature of 17 C.
3. That PF = a constant for all pressures and temper-
4. That PF = a constant for isothermal expansion and
compression at all temperatures and pressures.
5. That combustion produces no change of volume ex-
cept that due to change of temperature.
Some of these assumptions will probably be appreciably
inaccurate in certain cases ; but it seemed advisable to sacri-
fice something for simplicity and uniformity. As regards
the variability of the specific heats, it has . been thought
better to assume constancy until more knowledge on the
subject has been obtained and a scale of change (if any)
has been agreed upon.
Pressures have been reckoned in pounds per square inch,
and temperatures have generally been reckoned on the
Centigrade scale, although for convenience the corresponding
readings on the Fahrenheit scale have also been given. The
numbers on the diagrams representing pressure and temper-
ature are all representative of absolute pressures in pounds
per square inch, and temperatures on the absolute Centi-
grade scale.
Referring to Fig. 12 (page 31), the heat absorbed by the
fluid is represented in this figure by the area aBCd, and the
heat abstracted or discarded by the area aADd. The heat
converted into work is represented by the area ABCDj and
consequently, if E represents the ideal efficiency of an engine
working on this cycle,
area ABCD
E =
area aBCd
AT * u i * ^ AB DC V r ^
Now, as it can be proved* that ~ a ^~ == ~^r~ == where pqr
is any ordinate cutting the lines ad, AD, and BC, which are
all constant-pressure lines,
therefore tf____. (1)
Let t represent the temperature before compression.
Let Z c represent the temperature at the end of compression.
Let T represent the temperature at the end of combustion.
Let T l represent the temperature at the end of adiabatic
* Since all vertical lines represent adiabatic expansion, therefore, by the
laws of adiabatic expansion,
temp, at AT press, at A~\
temp. at B |_ press, at B J
where 7=
Similarly temp, at q _ I" press, at q "I y
temp, at r [_ press, at r J
But press, at A = press, at q, since AqD is a constant-pressure line; and press.
at B = press, at r, since BrC is a constant-pressure line,
therefore temp, at A_ temp, at q
temp, at B temp, at r
therefore AB = DC _qr
aB dC pr
Then, from equation (1) and referring to Fig. 12,
This can be proved quite well without any entropy-
temperature diagram.* The diagram, however, shows the
efficiency better.
It is important to consider the amount of negative work
done and the ratio of this to the total or gross work. The
negative work is the work of compressing the gas and de-
livering it in its compressed state. It is true that with
some engines there is no work of delivery. In a reciprocat-
ing gas engine in which the gas is compressed in the motor
cylinder, the only negative work (ideally) is that of com-
pressing the charge; and, even when a separate cylinder is
used for the compression, the work of delivering might be
avoided. With a turbine, however, the fluid cannot be com-
pressed in the motor; and, whatever arrangement is adopted,
the compressed fluid will have to be delivered after compres-
sion. The author has, therefore, considered it better in all
cases to include in the negative work the amount required
to deliver the compressed gas. The motor proper of course
gets the benefit of this work.
In Fig. 11 (page 31) the work to compress the gas is
represented by the area AbB, and the work to deliver it in
compressed state by the area yYBb. The total negative
work is therefore represented by the area yYBA. The gross
work of the motor is represented by the area yYCD, of which
the part yYBb represents the work done before expansion,
and the part bBCD the work done during expansion. By
deducting the negative work from the gross work the net
work is obtained; this is represented by the area ABCD.
This net work is the same as that represented on the en-
tropy-temperature diagram, Fig. 12 (page 31), by the area
* See "The Gas and Oil Engine," by Dugald Clerk, pages 46-48.
Cycle I, Case 1.
If the gas is required to be used in a Parsons turbine with-
out cooling arrangements the maximum temperature must
not exceed 700 C. (1292 F.). A case with this maximum
temperature will now be considered :
In all cases
Let t and p represent respectively absolute temperature C. and absolute pres-
sure pounds per square inch before compression.
Let t c and p represent respectively absolute temperature C. and absolute pres-
sure pounds per square inch after compression.
Let T and P represent respectively absolute temperature C. and absolute pres-
sure pounds per square inch after combustion.
Let T l and P, represent respectively absolute temperature C. and absolute
pressure pounds per square inch after expansion to atmospheric pressure.
Let v represent one cubic foot of the fluid at temperature t and pressure p.
Let v c , V and V, represent the volume of the same at t c , p c ', T, P, and T lt
P 1 respectively.
Suppose that in all cases t = 17 C. (290 absolute C.) and
the corresponding pressure = 15 pounds absolute. First
by compressing to 42 pounds absolute: t c will then be 389
absolute C. This compression is shown by the line AB on
the pressure-volume diagram, Fig. 13 (page 38), and on the
entropy-temperature diagram, Fig. 14.
Let heat be supplied and the gas expand at constant pres-
sure along the line BC till the temperature is 973 absolute
C. Let the gas expand adiabatically along the line CD till
the pressure falls to 15 pounds absolute. The fluid is then
exhausted into atmosphere, and as the new charge is taken
at the same pressure and at temperature t, it can be assumed
that the discharged gas is cooled at constant pressure and
used over again. Both diagrams can therefore be com-
pleted by the constant-pressure line DA.
The heat absorbed by the fluid is represented by the area
aBCd in Fig. 14, and the heat rejected by the area aADd.
The heat converted into work is represented by the area
ABCD and
area ABCD ^ c - * = 389 - 290 = 99
~ t c 389 ~389
The negative work is represented in Fig. 13 by the area
yYBA, the gross work by the area yYCD, and the net work
by the area ABCD,
negative work _ area yYBA
gross work area yYCD
\ 2 3
FIG. 13. Cycle I, Case 1. Pressure-volume diagram.
The expansion line is carried right down to atmosphere.
It should be possible in practice without difficulty to do this
very nearly in a turbine, although the volume at D is 2}
times the volume at A. In dealing with large volumes and
C T-973
FIG. 14. Cycle I, Case 1. Entropy-temperature diagram.
small pressures there is an immense difference between tur-
bines and reciprocating engines. Reciprocating engines re-
quire large cylinders. These large cylinders, besides being
objectionable on account of bulk and cost, necessitate great
frictional losses. The low pressure dealt with is of little
import as regards friction, which will be nearly the same
whether the pressure is 13 pounds below atmosphere or
13 pounds above atmosphere. With a turbine, however.
the large volume of the fluid does not necessitate such a
bulky machine. Moreover in a turbine the friction depends
on the pressure. With high pressures the friction is great,
with low pressures very small. (In marine propulsion by
steam turbines it is not considered worth while uncoupling
the reversing turbines when the vessel is going ahead.
These turbines are allowed to rotate (above their normal
speed) in the low pressure which exists at the exhaust ends
of the main low-pressure turbines.
Cycle I, Case 2.
700 C. (1292 F.) must not, however, be considered as
the limiting temperature for gas turbines. Much higher
temperature can be employed if water-cooling or other
cooling arrangements be used. Mr. Parsons has circulated
steam for heating purposes through passages formed in the
rings supporting the fixed blades of his radial-flow steam
turbines.* Water could as easily be circulated, and there
should be no great difficulty in passing the water also through
the rings supporting the moving blades.
It has been proposed by Mr. Parsons and others to circu-
late water or other cooling fluid through the actual blades
of a turbine, these being formed hollow. It has also been
proposed to keep the blades of a single-wheel turbine cool
by causing the actuating fluid to act only at one point of the
circumference of the wheel, while a cooling fluid is projected
onto the blades at another point.
By the employment of cooling devices a turbine might
possibly be made to stand a temperature of 1500 C.
(2732 F.) or even 2000 C. (3632 F.). 2000 C. is a very
high temperature, and there would be great difficulty in de-
vising and constructing cooling arrangements which would
keep the blades in good working order when acted on
* " The Steam Turbine," by R. M. Neilson (Longmans and Co.) , pp. 43-45.
by gas at a temperature approaching this. Let it be as-
sumed, however, that 2000 C. is allowable for the maximum
temperature; then, if the same compression is kept as in
Case 1, the ideal pressure- volume and entropy-temperature
diagrams will be as shown in Figs. 15 and 16. In these
Figs, the line CD has been reproduced from Figs. 13 and 14
(page 38), and is shown in dotted lines in order that the
two cases may be readily compared.
5 V
FIG. 15. Cycle I, Case 2. Pressure-volume diagram.
Referring to Fig. 16 the heat absorbed by the fluid is rep-
resented by the area aBEf, the heat rejected by the area
aAFf, and the heat converted into work by the area ABEF.
Therefore P 1 ~~~ tc *
area aBEj
The increase in the maximum temperature has, therefore,
added nothing to the efficiency, and this will always be the
case if the initial temperature and pressure are unchanged
and compression is made to the same amount. That is to
say, as long as the constant pressure lines are started from
the same points, A and B, they can be extended any dis-
tance to the right and connected by any adiabatic line;
E will remain unchanged. In Fig. 16 the additional area
dCEf is divided by the line DF in the same ratio as the orig-
inal area aBCd is divided by the line AD.
The negative work (in Case 2) is represented in Fig. 15
by the area yYBA', it is the same as in the last case. The
gross work is represented by the area yYEF, and the net
work by the area ABEF,
negative work area yYBA
^ = 0.171.
gross work area yYEF
The ratio of negative work to gross work has, therefore,
been very considerably diminished.
E T-2273
FIG. 16. Cycle I, Case 2. Entropy-temperature diagram.
Cycle I, Case 3.
In Case 1 it was necessary to have a low compression be-
cause a high compression with a maximum temperature of
only 700 C. (1292 F.) would have given an impractically
high value to the ratio of negative work to gross work. In
fact this ratio was high even with the low compression
With the maximum temperature raised to 2000 C.
(3632 F.), however, a much higher compression can be
adopted. Suppose a compression to 300 pounds per square
inch absolute is adopted. This will make t c 682.5 absolute
C. (1260.5 F.). The pressure-volume and entropy-tem-
perature diagrams will then be as shown in Figs. 17 and 18.
FIG. 17. Cycle I, Case 3. Pressuie-volume diagram.
Referring to Fig. 18 it is seen that
area AGHK
area aGHk
L-t 682.5-290
= 0.58
which is much better than (more than double) that in Cases
1 and 2. There is, however, the inconvenience of a high com-
pression, and compared with Case 1 more heat is likely to be
lost through radiation owing to the higher average temper-
ature. This question of radiation will be more or less impor-
tant according to the type of turbine.
The negative work is represented in Fig. 17 by the area
zZGA, the gross work by the area zZHK, and the net work
by the area AGHK.
,, . negative work area zZGA
Therefore . = , 7 w =0.3.
gross work
FIG. 18. Cycle I, Case 3. Entropy-temperature diagram.
Cycle I, Case 4.
It will be interesting to find what efficiency can be ob-
tained with a maximum temperature of 2000 C. (3632 F.)
by increasing the compression till the ratio of negative work
to gross work is 0.4 the same as in Case 1. This ratio will
be attained when t c = 909 absolute C. (1668 F.), which
corresponds to a pressure of 818 pounds absolute.
E= 909
The pressure-volume and entropy-temperature diagrams
for this case are given in Figs. 19 and 20.
The line BG is shown dotted on Fig. 20 to allow Case 4
to be compared with Case 1.
FIG. 19. Cycle I, Case 4. Pressure- volume diagram.
The sharp corner at M would likely be rounded off in
practice. This would reduce the efficiency slightly. It
would also, however, reduce the maximum temperature, and
for this reason it might be advantageous in some cases to
round off the corner intentionally.
In every case it has been assumed that the compression is
adiabatic; it is usually important that it should be at least
nearly so. If, for example, in Figs. 11 and 12 (page 31)
the compression, instead of being along the adiabatic AB
had been along the line AB l} which is below the adiabatic
line, that is, if heat had been allowed to escape during the
M T*2273
FIG. 20. Cycle I, Case 4. Entropy-temperature diagram.
compression, the heat absorbed by the fluid for the same
value of T would have been increased by the area b^B^Ba in
Fig. 12, while the heat converted into work would have
been increased only by the relatively small area AB^B.
E would, therefore, have been reduced.
If on the other hand the compression had been along the
line AB 2 , which is above the adiabatic, that is, if heat had
been put into the fluid during compression, the heat ab-
sorbed and the heat converted into work would both have
been reduced by the same amount, namely, the area ABB 2 .
E would, therefore, obviously be reduced in this case also,
assuming that the heat put into the fluid during compression
is obtained by the combustion of fuel.
If, however, the heat put into the fluid during compression
is obtained for nothing if, for example, it is heat that would
otherwise be radiated away or carried away by convexion
the effect on E is not obvious.
A compression along the line AB 2 , Figs. 11 and 12, will
give a higher value to E than a compression along the line
AB, if the heat absorbed during the compression AB 2 is got
for nothing, and if the two cases are otherwise the same;
but a compression along the line AB 2 produces a higher ratio
of negative work to gross work. This will be clear from Fig.
11. Now with this ratio of negative work to gross work,
a still higher efficiency could be obtained by keeping the com-
pression adiabatic and continuing it further. A hot com-
pression, such as along the line AB 2J when the heat is got for
nothing, may be advantageous in a few cases, viz., T 1 is low
compared with t c ] but generally such a compression will be
It is, in general, disadvantageous to heat the air or fuel
before compression, no matter what be the source of heat.
If gas is allowed to enter a water-cooled turbine at a high
temperature, such as 2000 C. (3632 F.), there will neces-
sarily be a great amount of heat carried away by the water.
In a reciprocating engine the metal surface with which the
gas comes into contact is very small compared with that in a
multiple-expansion turbine; and in a reciprocating engine
the bulk of the gas may expand and fall from its maximum
temperature to the temperature at exhaust without ever
coming near a metal surface. In a multiple-expansion tur-
bine, on the other hand, every particle of gas must practi-
cally slide along a metal surface immediately it comes to the
first ring of blades. With turbines employing gas which
enters the turbine casing at such a temperature, the heat
lost through the walls and carried away by the water must
necessarily be very great indeed. It is true that the metal
surface in contact with the gas can be allowed to be at a
much higher temperature than the inside of the cylinder
walls of a reciprocating engine; but, in spite of this, the
heat lost through the walls and carried away by the cooling
water (or other cooling medium) will probably be much
greater with a turbine actuated by gas entering the turbine
casing at about 2000 C. than in a reciprocating engine in
which the maximum temperature is 2000 C. This loss of
heat will cause the actual work done by the engine to be very
much below the ideal. This is not only important in itself,
but, as will be explained subsequently (pages 50 and 51),
it prevents useful employment of a high ratio of negative
work to gross work. The question of utilizing this lost heat
will be discussed later on pages 59 to 66.
Cycle I, Case 3a.
Instead of employing cooling arrangements for the metal,
some or all of the available heat energy of the gas can be
converted into kinetic energy before causing it to act on the
turbine, so that the latter is not exposed to an unduly high
temperature. This can be done by allowing the gas, when
at the maximum temperature, to expand in a divergent
nozzle till its temperature falls to a degree that the turbine
can stand. More than one nozzle can be employed, but, to
reduce the radiation losses, the nozzles should be large and
few in number.
Suppose that the gas is compressed adiabatically to 300
pounds absolute, and then is heated at constant pressure to
a temperature of 2273 absolute C. (4132 F.), as in Case 3.
If now the gas be allowed to expand in a suitable nozzle,
adiabatic expansion can be obtained; and if this be continued
till the pressure falls to 15 pounds absolute the temperature
will be 966 absolute C. (693 C.). This is just below the
temperature which was fixed on as a maximum for a turbine
without artificial cooling. The entropy-temperature diagram
will be the same as in Case 3, Fig. 18 (page 43) , and E
will therefore be the same, namely 0.58. The ratio of nega-
tive work to gross work will also be the same as in Case 3,
namely 0.3.
Referring to the pressure-volume diagram for Cycle I
Case 3, Fig. 17 (page 42), the area zZHK represents the
kinetic energy of the gas leaving the nozzle, which kinetic
energy equals 33,840 foot-pounds. This is for a quantity
of gas which measures 1 cubic foot at A. The velocity is
5290 feet per second.
For the sake of comparison it may be advantageous to
mention the velocities of the steam jets employed in De
Laval steam turbines. If saturated steam at 50 pounds,
absolute pressure is expanded adiabatically to a pressure of
0.6 pounds absolute, which corresponds to a temperature
of 85 F., and its heat energy turned into kinetic energy,
the velocity acquired works out at 3690 feet per second.
If saturated steam at 300 pounds absolute pressure were
treated similarly, the velocity would be 4380 feet per
second. The velocities actually obtained in practice must
be somewhat less than these figures, owing to friction in
the nozzles.
To get the best results from a fluid velocity such as 5290
feet per second would require, with a single turbine wheel, a
vane speed which cannot be obtained at present for want of
a sufficiently strong and light material the stresses pro-
duced by centrifugal force are too great. This difficulty is
experienced with De Laval turbines. The obvious way out
of the difficulty is to employ several wheels in series, the gas
passing through the several wheels with diminishing velocity,
but with nearly constant pressure. This has been done in
steam turbines.
With the same object of reducing the vane speed, a device
has been proposed whereby the nozzles are mounted on a
wheel which rotates in the opposite direction to the wheel
carrying the vanes. If the two wheels rotate at the same
speed (in opposite directions) this speed will be half of that
of the single wheel if the nozzles were stationary. The cen-
trifugal force is, therefore, only one-fourth of what it would
otherwise be.
The frictional losses in the nozzles of a gas turbine will
probably be less than those in the nozzles of a steam turbine
for the same velocity of exit from the nozzle.
Cycle I, Case 4a.
If one tries to work to the same entropy-temperature
diagram as in Case 4, Fig. 20 (page 45), but employs a
divergent nozzle, as in Case 3a, to reduce the maximum
temperature to 700 C., so that the gas can be used in a tur-
bine without cooling arrangements, T l in this case will be
725 absolute C. (452 C.). It is not necessary, therefore, to
perform all the adiabatic expansion in a divergent nozzle, but
a portion of it can be performed in the turbine. If the fluid
is expanded in the nozzle only till its temperature falls to
700 C. (1292 F.), the pressure will then be 42 pounds abso-
lute; so that 27 pounds can be dropped in the turbine.
Referring to the pressure-volume diagram for Cycle I,
Case 4, Fig. 19 (page 44), the line qQ is drawn to represent
the pressure at which the gas leaves the nozzle. The kinetic
energy of the gas leaving the nozzle is represented by the
area XMQq. It can be ascertained that this amounts to
33,660 foot-pounds (for one cubic foot of gas measured at A),
and the velocity works out at 5280 feet per second. E will
be the same as in Case 4, and so will the ratio of negative
work to gross work.
It seems to the author that an engine working on this
cycle, according to Case 3a or Case 4a, or between these, has
good prospects. The ideal efficiency is high from 0.58 to
0.68. How near one could approach this efficiency in prac-
tice would depend, of course, both on the losses in the motor
proper and on the losses in the pump.
The losses in the motor proper may be taken to include
the losses in the combustion chamber, if such is employed,
and in the nozzles. The motor losses will then consist of :
1. Loss of heat by radiation and conduction.
2. Fluid friction.
3. Friction in turbine bearings.
4. Loss due to incomplete expansion.
The first loss will be large, but should be less than in re-
ciprocating engines, owing to the higher velocities employed
and to the higher temperatures allowable in the metal.
The second loss will be considerable, but much less than in
turbines using saturated steam. It has been found by ex-
periment that hot dry air causes much less friction than wet
steam. (The steam is always wet in a De Laval turbine
casing, unless it enters the nozzles with a large amount of
The third loss will be trifling and the fourth loss should be
moderate. The discharge of heat with the exhaust gases is
here only considered as a loss in so far as it exceeds that of an
ideal engine.
It is. difficult to estimate the pump losses. Rotary com-
pressors on the turbine principle seem to have been em-
ployed up to only about 80 pounds pressure. Whether or no
they are suitable for high pressures is a point which it is very
desirable to ascertain. One would be inclined to believe that
the fluid frictional losses with such machines would be very
great if attempts were made to obtain high pressures. It
by no means follows, however, that a fairly efficient rotary
air compressor cannot be devised.
A reciprocating compressor always has the disadvantage
that the air when drawn in becomes heated by contact with
the hot metal surfaces before compression commences. This
evil is reduced by compounding. It is an evil which occurs
to a serious extent with reciprocating gas engines working
on the Otto cycle.
With a reciprocating compressor it will be difficult to
avoid the necessity of jacketing the cylinder if high compres-
sions are employed. This will bring the compression curve
below the adiabatic and reduce the efficiency as before ex-
In any case, whatever be the nature of the pump, there is
bound to be a certain amount of heat passed through the
walls of the pump cylinders or casing. If this loss be made
up by friction or impact within the pump, the compression
may be along an adiabatic curve, but the loss will still have
to be considered.
The ratio of negative work to gross work (in the particular
cases here referred to) is somewhat high 0.3 to 0.4. In
the case of a turbine one need not fear the increase in the
bulk of the engine due to this high ratio; for the bulk of the
turbine will probably be very small for the power. Fric-
tional and other losses become, however, of much greater
importance when the ratio is high. To show this forcibly,
consider an extreme case. Suppose that the ratio of nega-
tive work to gross work in an ideal engine is 0.5, or, in sim-
pler language, suppose the pump requires half the gross
power of the machine, there being no friction. If now the
machine is not ideal, and if the mechanical efficiency of the
pump is only f and that of the motor proper only f , no useful
work whatever will be got out of the machine all the work
will be absorbed by friction. For, if the power of the motor
proper, including that spent on friction, is 100, the pump
will require 50, and as its efficiency is , it will take 75. This
is exactly what the motor will give out after deducting
friction. There will, therefore, be no power got out of the
machine. When there is a high ratio of negative work to
gross work, success will, therefore, be dependent largely on
the efficiency of the pump. Unless the pump is at least
fairly efficient, success cannot be expected. In the Diesel
engine the bulk of the air is compressed to about 500 pounds
per square inch, and the air which carries the oil into the
cylinder is compressed from 100 pounds to 200 pounds
higher.* It would be interesting to know with what effi-
ciency the air is compressed in the Diesel engine.
FIG. 21 Cycle II, Case 1. Pressure-volume diagram.
Otto cycle reciprocating engines having ideal efficiencies
of 0.4 to 0.45 have given practical efficiencies of half that
amount. By practical efficiency is meant ratio of brake
horse-power to thermal units in gas consumed, calculated on
the higher calorific value. When the ideal efficiency is
*"The Diesel Engine," by H. Ade Clark. Proceedings, Inst. Mech.
Engrs., 1903, Part 3, page 395.
increased above 0.45, the ratio of practical efficiency to ideal
efficiency usually falls below 0.5 the greater the ideal effi-
iency, the greater are the losses. With a turbine the losses
ought also to increase when the ideal efficiency is increased,
but whether to the same extent as with an Otto engine it is
T T=2273
FIG. 22. Cycle II, Case 1 Temperature-entropy diagram.
difficult to say. When considering high compressions, it is
well to note that the Diesel engine, with a high compression
and an incomplete expansion, has given some of the highest
practical efficiencies yet attained. The compression should
not cause the same trouble in starting a turbine as in starting
a reciprocating engine, as with a turbine it should be practi-
cable to arrange that at every instant the gross work is
greater than the negative work. With a reciprocating
engine having a single cylinder working on the Otto cycle
there are, of course, periods when the negative work exceeds
the gross work.
Cycle II, Case 1.
With regard to explosion turbine engines, suppose that
the fluid is compressed adiabatically to, say, 101 pounds per
square inch absolute, that is to a temperature of 500 abso-
lute C. (932 F.). Let it now be heated at constant volume
by explosion, and let there be a mixture of such a strength
that the temperature will rise to 2000 C. (2273 absolute
C.). The pressure will then be 459 pounds absolute. If the
gas is now allowed to expand adiabatically till its pressure
is atmospheric (when its temperature will be 855 absolute
C.), and then cooled at that pressure till it resumes its
original state, the pressure-volume and entropy-temperature
diagrams will be as shown in Figs. 21 and 22 (pages 52 and 53).
In Fig. 22 the heat supplied to the fluid is represented by
the area aRTs, the heat rejected by the area aASs, and the
heat converted into work by the area ARTS.
area ARTS
The negative work can be compared with the gross
work in Fig. 21. The ratio of negative work to gross work
area v VRA
Cycle II, Case 1, very nearly resembles common practice
to-day with reciprocating explosion engines. The expansion
is, however, continued to atmospheric pressure. This as a
rule is not desirable in a reciprocating engine, on account of
the extra length required to be given to the engine cylinder,
which not only increases the loss by friction but increases
the loss of heat by the expanding gas and, if the same
length of stroke is employed for drawing in the fresh charge,
increases the heating of the charge before compression.
The case, however, is very different with turbines; and there
seems no good reason why with these the adiabatic expan-
sion should not be carried practically to atmospheric pres-
In practice the maximum pressure and the average maxi-
mum temperature throughout the gas would be less than the
values here indicated, owing to radiation losses.
Cycle II, Case la.
The gas could not be allowed into an uncooled turbine at
the maximum temperature in Cycle II, Case 1; but, if the
expansion was performed wholly or nearly wholly in a
divergent nozzle, the temperature of exit from the nozzle
would be sufficiently low to allow of the gas entering an
uncooled turbine.
For example, if the gas at the maximum temperature of
2273 absolute C. (4123 F.) and the maximum pressure
of 459 pounds absolute were expanded in a perfect divergent
nozzle till the temperature fell to 700 C. (973 absolute
C.), which was fixed on as the maximum allowable temper-
ature in an uncooled turbine, the mean pressure on leaving
the nozzle would be 23.5 pounds absolute. The kinetic
energy of the gas (1 cubic foot at A) on leaving the nozzle
would be represented by the area VRTQ& in Fig. 21, and
would amount to 20,500 foot-pounds. The mean velocity
(the square root of the mean square) would be 4120 feet per
On comparing Cases 1 and la of Cycle II by reference to
the Table (page 75) with Cases 2, 3, 3a, 4 and 4a of Cycle I,
which have the same maximum temperature, it will be found
that the efficiency is very much greater than Cycle I, Case 2;
is nearly as great as Cycle I, Cases 3 and 3a; and is con-
siderably below Cycle I, Cases 4 and 4a. The ratio of nega-
tive work to gross work is, however, greater than in Cycle I,
Case 2, and less than in Cases 3, 3a, 4 and 4a of Cycle I.
There are two objections to the use for turbines of a cycle
such as Cycle II, and these objections must be set against the
advantage which turbines would possess over reciprocating
explosion motors, in being able to make better use of the tail
end of the pressure-volume diagram.
One objection is that explosions at constant volume have
to take place intermittently, while a turbine desires a contin-
uous supply of fluid. If the supply is not continuous the
power of the turbine is less than it would otherwise be for a
given size of machine; and the initial cost, the bulk and
most important the loss by friction are greater in propor-
tion to the power developed than they would otherwise be.
The other objection is that the fluid must leave the explo-
sion chamber at varying pressure. This necessitates, unless
special means' are provided to prevent it, the fluid entering
the turbine casing either at varying pressure or at varying
velocity, which of course is objectionable, as the speed of ro-
tation of the turbine cannot, during the period of a cycle, be
made to vary correspondingly.
The second objection might be met by employing in a par-
allel flow turbine of the De Laval type long radial blades,
and causing the nozzles to be altered in position according to
the pressure, so as to direct the gas onto the outer ends of
the blades at low pressures. The difficulty could also be met
by an arrangement of reciprocating engine combined with a
turbine, the gas being first expanded in the reciprocating
engine to a certain pressure and then passed on to the tur-
bine to complete its expansion. If several reciprocating cyl-
inders were employed, the first objection also would be got
over, but it is true that with such a combination some of the
most important advantages of the turbine would be lost.
The idea is, however, in the author's opinion, worthy of con-
sideration. Reciprocating steam engines have been success-
fully combined with steam turbines in this manner.*
Cycle II, Case 2.
An explosion engine, in which a very high compression
pressure is employed, will now be considered. If compres-
sion be carried to 818 pounds absolute as in Cycle I, Case 4,
one obtains with a maximum temperature of 2000 C.
(3632 F.) a maximum pressure of 2045 pounds absolute
and a very high ratio of negative work to gross work. If a
much lower compression namely 417 pounds absolute is
adopted, this will give a temperature of compression of 750
absolute C. (1382 F.). Working on the same cycle as in
the last case and arranging the explosive mixture to give a
maximum temperature of 2000 C. (2273 absolute C.), a
maximum pressure of 1265 pounds absolute is obtained,
and the pressure-volume and the entropy-temperature dia-
grams will be as shown in Figs. 23 and 24 (page 58).
Referring to Fig. 24,
area aUW w
Referring to Fig. 23,
negative work _ area ^
gross work area u 1 U l UWW l
E is the same as in Cycle I, Case 4, and the ratio of negative
work to gross work is also the same. The compression is
lower than in Cycle I, Case 4, but the maximum pressure, is
very much higher.
The excessively high maximum pressure is an objection
to this case.
* See Paper by Professor Rateau read before the North of England Insti-
tute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers at Newcastle-on-Tyne, Dec. 13, 1902;
or Paper by the same author read at the Chicago Meeting of the Institution of
Mechanical Engineers, Proceedings 1904, Part 3 (page 737).
FIG 24. Cycle II, Case 2. Temperature-
entropy diagram.
FIG. 23.-Cycle II Case 2. Pressure-
volume diagram.
Cycle II, Case 2a.
If the expansion took place in an ideal divergent nozzle as
before till the temperature fell to 700 C. (973 absolute C.),
the gas would still have a pressure of 70 pounds absolute,
while the mean velocity of exit from the nozzle would be
4300 feet per second. If the gas were expanded in the
nozzle down to 25 pounds absolute, the temperature would
then be 741 absolute C. (1366 F.), and the mean velocity
of the gas leaving the nozzle would be 4830 feet per second.
Cycle III, Case 1.
It has been proposed, when a water-jacket is employed, to
utilize the heat passed into the jacket water by causing this
heat to generate steam from the water. This steam could
then receive further heat from the products of combustion,
which would therefore be reduced in temperature, while the
steam would be superheated. The steam and products of
combustion could then expand adiabatically, doing work in
the same or in separate turbines. The carrying out of this
idea would affect the efficiency in the several cases consid-
ered of Cycle I. Cooling arrangements are not required in
Cycle I, Case 1, so this case need not be further considered.
In Cycle I, Case 2, let it be supposed that the combustion
chamber is jacketed and that the jacket water is heated
and converted into steam by heat taken from the products of
combustion, which have their temperature thus lowered from
2000 C. to 700 C., that is, to the temperature at which they
can safely be allowed into an uncooled turbine, the steam
being superheated up to 700 C. Let this be called Cycle
III, Case 1.
Referring to Fig. 16 (page 41), the heat in the products
of combustion which is converted into work is now repre-
sented by the area ABCD instead of by the area ABEF.
The heat represented by the area dCEf has, however, been
employed in heating water and generating and superheating
steam. The fraction of this heat which is converted into
work will not now be as great as in the original scheme
of working. That is to say, the net work got out of the heat
put into the water and steam will be less than the area
4 ' DCEF. By transferring heat to the water and steam from
the gas, E is therefore reduced. There must, however, in any
case, as already mentioned (page 30), be lost in practice a
large amount of heat when the products of combustion enter
the turbine casing at a temperature such as 2000 C., and,
by adopting this combined steam and gas scheme, a much
higher practical efficiency may possibly be attained than
would otherwise be possible. As the net work ideally is less
than in Cycle I, Case 2, and as the negative work is not less
(and may be greater by the amount of work required to
pump the water into the jacket if under pressure), the ratio
of negative work to gross work is increased. In Case 2 of
Cycle I, the ratio of negative work to gross work is low, and
it will, therefore, be allowable to increase this ratio.
Cycle III, Case 2.
Case 3 of Cycle I could be modified in the same way by
reducing the temperature of the products of combustion from
2000 C. to 700 C., and by employing the heat so given up
in heating water and generating and superheating steam.
The steam could be generated at 300 pounds pressure ab-
solute (the same pressure as the products of combustion)
and superheated to 700 C. at this pressure. The steam and
gas could then be expanded adiabatically in the same or
separate turbines. As in the previous case, E would be
reduced, and the ratio of negative work to gross work
increased. As in the previous case, the practical efficiency
might also be largely increased.
The pressure-volume and entropy-temperature diagrams
for the gas in this case (called Cycle III, Case 2) are shown
in Figs. 25 and 26 respectively (pages 61 and 62). The gas is
compressed along the line AG as in Cycle I, Case 3, till its
pressure is 300 pounds absolute and its temperature is
409.5 C. (682.5 absolute C.). It is then heated by com-
bustion at constant pressure along the line GH as in Cycle I
Case 3, till its temperature is 2000 C. (2273 absolute C.).
Heat is now withdrawn from the gas at constant pressure and
transformed to the water and steam, the temperature of the
gas falling along the line HH lt to 700 C. (973 absolute C.)
at H r The heat transferred from the gas to the water is
LV- 0-392
FIG. 25. Cycle III, Case 2. Pressure-volume diagram gas.
represented, Fig. 26, by the area kJH^Hk. The gas now ex-
pands adiabatically along the line H^K^ till the pressure
is 15 pounds absolute, when the temperature will be 140 C.
(413 absolute C.). The contraction of the gas at constant
pressure along the line K^A completes the cycle. Dotted
lines have been placed on Figs. 25 and 26 to illustrate Cycle I
Case 3, where this differs from the present cycle. The two
cycles can thus be compared.
Pressure-volume and entropy-temperature diagrams for
the water are shown in Figs. 27 and 28 (pages 63-65). Re-
ferring to Fig. 28, the water is heated at a constant pressure
of 300 pounds per square inch absolute along the line fc from
100.6 C. (373.6 absolute C.) to 214 C. (487 absolute C.),
which is the boiling point at this pressure. The water is
now converted into steam, this process being represented by
the line eg-, and the steam is superheated at constant pressure
as represented by the line gd, till its temperature is 700 C.
FIG. 26. Cycle III, Case 2. Entropy-temperature diagram gas.
(973 absolute C.). The steam is then expanded adiabati-
cally along the line de till it falls to 15 pounds absolute
pressure, its temperature then being 184 C. (457 absolute
C.). The steam is now exhausted and cools along the line
eh. At h it is saturated, its temperature being 100.6 C.
(373.6 absolute C.), and thereafter it condenses along the
line hf and is compressed to its initial state.
Fig. 27 shows the work done by the steam in its generation,
superheating and adiabatic expansion. The work done in
forcing the water into the chamber at 300 pounds pressure is
not shown in Fig. 27 and is negligible in the present inves-
The heat required to raise the water from 373.6 absolute
C. to 487 absolute C., is represented in Fig. 28 by the area
tjcc v The area c 1 cgg 1 represents the latent heat of steam
at a pressure of 300 pounds absolute (the temperature being
487 absolute C.), and the area g l gde 1 represents the heat re-
FIG. 27. Cycle III, Case 2. Pressure-volume diagram steam.
quired to superheat the steam from 487 absolute C. to 973
absolute C. The area fjhh^ represents the latent heat of
steam at a pressure of 15 pounds absolute, and the area
h l hee l represents the heat required to superheat this steam
from 373.6 absolute C. to 457 absolute C.
Comparing this case with Case 3, of Cycle I, it is found
that the total heat absorbed is the same in both cases, being
represented by the area aGHk in Fig. 26. The portion of
this heat which is converted into work in Case 3, Cycle I, is
represented by the area AGHK, while the corresponding
portion in the present case is represented by the sum of the
areas AGH^K^ Fig. 26, and fcgdeh, Fig. 28. This sum is less
than the area AGHK, and E in this case is only 0.33 as com-
pared with 0.58 in Case 3 of Cycle I. The fall in the value
of E is due to the relatively low efficiency of the steam por-
tion which has an ideal efficiency of only 0.28. (For a
steam engine this is really not low.)
The feed-water has been taken at a temperature corre-
sponding to atmospheric boiling-point. It has been assumed
that the steam is exhausted into the atmosphere, and is not
condensed for use over again. It would, therefore, be neces-
sary, in order to follow the cycle, to heat the feed-water to
100 C. It should not be difficult to approximately accom-
plish this by utilizing the heat of the exhausting gases.
By heating the feed-water still more, the efficiency could
be improved; but the improvement would be slight (less
than in an ordinary steam engine) and the feed-water would
have to be under pressure. As, moreover, any increase of
exhaust or back pressure is a serious matter with a turbine,
and as feed-water heaters must to a certain extent affect
this back pressure, any prospect of gain by heating the feed-
water beyond 100 C. need not be considered.
The gross work in the present case is represented, Figs.
25 and 27, by the area zZH^ + the area acde. This is less
than the gross work in Cycle I, Case 3, which is represented
by the area zZHK. The negative work in Cycle I, Case 3,
was represented by the area zZGA. In the present case it
is also represented by this area, neglecting the work of pump-
ing the water into the jacket. The ratio of negative work
to gross work in the present case is 0.41 as compared with
0.3 in Cycle I, Case 3. This ratio (0.41) is rather high. It
will, however, probably not be so objectionable in the pres-
ent case as the ratio 0.40 in Case 4 of Cycle III, as the real
efficiency in practice will come nearer to the ideal in this case
than in Case 4 of Cycle III. In the present case the ratio
could be reduced by lowering the compression. This would
reduce E.
As the mass of the water employed is not the same as the
mass of the air and fuel, the scale for entropy in Fig. 28
has been made different from that in the other entropy-
temperature diagrams, so that in all these diagrams areas
represent quantities of heat to the same scale. In all the
pressure-volume diagrams the scales are the same except in
Fig. 29 (page 66), which will be referred to hereafter. It
might be mentioned here that all the numerical results given
in this Paper have been obtained by calculation and not by
scaling the diagrams.
973 d
FIG. 28 Cycle III, Case 2. Entropy-temperature diagram steam.
It will be seen that it has been assumed that the gas and
steam expand adiabatically separate from each other. The
adiabatic curve of the one is different from that of the other,
as the specific heats are different; and, while the gas falls to
a temperature of 140 C. (413 absolute C.), the steam falls
only to 184 C. (457 absolute C.). This will be correct if the
steam and gas are not mixed. It is much simpler to consider
this case than to consider the case where the gases are
intimately mixed. In this latter case the diagram Fig. 26
would be altered, and it could not so easily be seen where the
loss of efficiency came in. In practice, however, it will prob-
ably be found convenient to mix the gases. This will alter
the diagrams and the efficiency somewhat; but what has
been considered gives a good idea of the general effect of the
employment of steam in conjunction with gas. If the steam
and gas are not mixed, a condenser could be employed for the
former. The steam could then be expanded to a much lower
temperature and pressure, and the efficiency would be con-
siderably raised.
Cycle II could be modified by combining steam with the
gas, in the same way as Cycle I was modified. A case of this
nature has not been worked out; but Case 1 of Cycle II
could probably be modified in this way. Case 2 of Cycle II
could not be so treated on account of the high ratio of nega-
tive work to gross work that would occur.
FIG. 29. Pressure-volume diagram. The horizontal scale is half that of the other diagrams.
One might try to improve on all these cycles, by extending
the adiabatic expansion line of the gas below atmosphere,
instead of stopping it at atmospheric pressure. It would,
of course, be necessary to compress the fluid back again to
atmospheric pressure; but, if this compression were isother-
mal or between the isothermal and adiabatic, there would
be an increase of efficiency. Carnot's cycle is in fact being
approached in the lower part of the diagram.
Figs. 29 and 30 are respectively pressure-volume and
entropy-temperature diagrams of Cycle I, Case 3, modified
by continuing the adiabatic expansion to a pressure of 2
pounds per square inch absolute. The scale for volumes in
Fig. 29 has, for convenience, been made half that of the other
diagrams. Kb represents the addition to the adiabatic line of
expansion, and be represents isothermal compression of the
gas from 2 pounds absolute at b to 15 pounds absolute at c.
There should be no difficulty in a turbine in extending the
expansion from K to b. There may be difficulty, however, in
H T2273
FIG. 30. Entropy-temperature diagram.
getting isothermal compression from b to atmospheric pres-
sure at c. As the volume at b is 14 times the initial volume
it will be desirable to get the fluid discharged as quickly as
possible. A rotary compressor will probably be best for this
purpose. A compression, sufficiently near to the isothermal
and sufficiently remote from the adiabatic to raise the effi-
ciency appreciably, should be obtainable.
The temperature at b is 270 C. (543 absolute C.), and if
the compression were isothermal, this would of course be the
temperature all along the line be. The gases could be passed
through or around water-cooled tubes to keep down the tem-
perature during compression. With the gas at a temperature
of 543 absolute C. it would not do to spray water into it,
unless sufficient water were sprayed to cool the gas below the
boiling-point of the water, which is 326 absolute C. at this
If compression takes place along the isothermal line be, a
net amount of work will be gained, represented by the area
Kbc. The gas will be discharged into the atmosphere at c,
the volume at discharge being 1.874 of the original volume
(at A). Even if the compression is not isothermal, an
amount of work may be gained which will wipe out the .extra
losses in the machine, provide for pumping out the cooling
water, and perhaps leave a margin of net gain.
In Fig. 30 the heat absorbed by the fluid is represented by
the area aGHk, the heat rejected by the area aAcbk, and the
heat converted into work by the area AGHbc. As the heat
absorbed remains unchanged, while the heat converted into
work is increased by the area Kbc, E is of course increased.
__area AGHbc
~ area AGHk
This enlarging of the diagram of course affects the ratio of
negative work to gross work. Referring to Fig. 29 (page
gross work = area zZHKebc
negative work = area zZGA + area Keb
net work = area AGHbc
negative work _ area zZGA + area Keb
gross work area zZHKebc
In the free piston explosion engines, which were at one
time in fairly common use, the best known of which is the
Otto and Langen, the expansion was carried to a pressure
considerably below the atmosphere. The compression to at-
mospheric pressure which followed must have been between
the isothermal and the adiabatic.
If this continuation of the adiabatic expansion below at-
mospheric pressure is not found to be advisable to the extent
that has just been described, it may be found advisable to a
less extent. If it is found advisable in any case, it is more
likely to be so in a case in which the high pressure of the gases
after combustion is reduced to a low pressure in divergent
nozzles, before the gas is allowed into the turbine casing,
than in a case in which the whole fall of pressure takes
place in the turbine casing. In the former case very high
vane speeds are necessary, and the friction between the
rotating parts and the fluid in the casing is an extremely
important matter. The reduction of the pressure within the
turbine casing from atmospheric pressure (or above that)
to one-quarter or one-eighth of that amount may therefore
very much reduce the frictional losses. It is true that the
rotary pump, if such is employed for completing the cycle,
has to deliver at atmospheric pressure, but the rotating
parts of the pump can revolve at a much lower speed, and
the friction will therefore be of much less consequence.
With such high speed turbines there is another question to
be considered. It has been stated in discussing Cases 3a and
4a of Cycle I, and la and 2a of Cycle II, that the velocity
of the gases escaping from the divergent nozzles would be
over 4000 feet per second, if the heat energy converted
into kinetic energy was as mentioned. The author is not,
however, aware of any results of experiments having been
published in which velocities of these amounts were obtained,
when the pressure of the medium into which the divergent
nozzle discharged was atmospheric. It is supposed by some
that there is a maximum limit to the velocity of a gas leav-
ing a divergent nozzle and escaping into a given medium
which is at a given pressure, etc., and that this limit velocity
is dependent on the pressure in the medium into which the
nozzle discharges, and is less when the pressure in this medium
is greater, and vice versa. That is to say, it is supposed by
some that, after a certain velocity of discharge has been
attained, no increase in the initial temperature or pressure
will increase this velocity; but a reduction of the pressure in
the medium may do so. The author does not express any
opinion himself on this point, but if it should be found
that the reduction of the pressure inside a turbine casing
below atmospheric pressure enables the heat energy of the
gas to be more effectively converted into kinetic energy, this
will be a further argument in favor of so reducing the pres-
sure. Whether or not there is an advantage to be gained
remains to be proved, but there is at any rate a possibility
of gain by thus extending the expansion and it is a possibility
which, in the author's opinion, should not be ignored. In
dealing with large volumes and small pressures there is, as
already mentioned, an immense difference between turbines
and reciprocating engines.
Cycle IV.
The fourth cycle which will be considered in this Paper is
one in which a high ideal efficiency can be obtained with a
low compression, and without having an abnormally high
ratio of negative work to gross work.
Figs. 31 and 32 are, respectively, pressure-volume and
entropy-temperature diagrams for an engine working on
this cycle. In explaining the cycle it is best to start at E l .
At this point the temperature of the fluid is 1592 C. (1865
absolute C.), and the pressure is 30 pounds absolute.
Let the fluid be heated by combustion at constant pressure
along the line E l C l till the temperature reaches 2000 C.
(2273 absolute C.). Now let the gas expand adiabatically
from C 1 to D l till the pressure is atmospheric. The tempera-
ture will then be 1592 C. (1865 absolute C.). Now let the
gas pass through a regenerating chamber and be cooled at a
constant pressure from D l to F l till the temperature is 80 C.
(353 absolute C.)- The gas escapes at F l into atmosphere,
and thereafter cools at constant pressure to 17 C. (290
absolute C.) at A. A new charge is taken at A and com-
pressed adiabatically to B 1 where the pressure is 30 pounds
absolute and the temperature 80 C. (353 absolute C.).
The fluid is now passed through the regenerating chamber,
and is heated at constant pressure along the line B 1 E\
taking back the heat given up by the last charge. This
will raise its temperature to 1592 C. (1865 absolute C.) and
place the fluid in the condition it was at the start.
FIG. 31. Cycle IV. Pressure- volume diagram.
Referring to Fig. 31, the gross work is represented by the
area g l G l C l D l , the negative work by the area g l G 1 B l A ) and
the net work by the area AB*C 1 D 1 .
,, . negative work area Q 1 G 1 B 1 A
Therefore _ = - _^=o. 16 (0.1553).
gross work area g*G l l D l
The heat absorbed by the fluid (other than that obtained
in the regenerator from a previous charge) is represented in
Fig. 32 by the area eE l C l d. The heat rejected (other than
that given to the regenerator) is represented by the area
aAF*f. The heat converted into work is represented by the
difference of these two areas.
= area aB l C*d area aB l E l e area aAF l f
=area eE^d
Therefore the area AB 1 C 1 D 1 represents the heat converted
into work
area eE l C l d
The ideal efficiency is high; but the highest actual effi-
ciency which could practically be obtained would be very
a -f e , the mechanical efficiency >?, and the total useful effect
represented by their product.
Now, as we shall see, these efficiencies are not always
limited by the extreme limits of temperature. Other factors,
no less important, must be considered. In the present case
these are: the limits of pressure, the ratio of the work of
compression to the useful work, and the quantity of useful
work produced by a kilogramme of air.
The lower temperature limit is usually that of the atmos-
phere, and may be taken as about 300 C. absolute. The
final temperature of the expansion, however, will generally
be much higher. This value is most important, since it is
the temperature of the gases delivered upon the rotating
metallic portion of the turbine.
We will assume that the turbine wheel can be so con-
structed as to stand a temperature of 700 C. absolute,
without injury. This fact has been fully demonstrated in
practice. In all that follows, therefore, we shall consider
the temperature at the end of the expansion as being 700,
except when examining the influence of variations of this
The upper temperature limit is determined largely by
the heat resistance of the refractory material used, not only
for the lining of the combustion chamber, but also for the
construction of the nozzle in which the expansion takes place.
There are now available such substances as carborundum,
which are capable of resisting the highest temperatures
Under these circumstances the maximum temperature
is limited by the following conditions:
1. It must be such that, with the degree of expansion
attainable, the final temperature of expansion shall not
exceed 700 C. absolute.
2. It must be attainable by the combustion of ordinary
fuels with a sufficient quantity of air to insure a complete
As is well known, combustion under constant volume
produces a much greater elevation of temperature than is
caused by combustion at constant pressure. Besides this,
when the compression is adiabatic the temperature of the
gas is raised to a greater or less degree before combustion,
this effect being added to the temperature of combustion.
For a compression of 30 atmospheres the temperature will
reach 800 C. absolute.
Thus, illuminating gas requires 5.5 times its volume of
air in order to enable perfect combustion to be effected.
If, in practice, we assume that 6 volumes of air are required,
1 kilogramme of the mixture will evolve 574 calories. Under
these conditions, starting from the ordinary atmospheric
temperature, the combustion, if conducted at constant
volume, would produce a temperature of 2450 C., absolute.
If the combustion takes place under constant pressure the
temperature would be about 2000 absolute. With acety-
lene this limit may be extended. With other gases slightly
different results are obtained, as shown hereafter.
The upper limit of pressure is determined almost wholly
by practical considerations. As we shall see, it is without
direct influence on the velocity of discharge. If the com-
pression is isothermic it may be increased without increas-
ing the ratio of the work of compression to the useful effect.
We may consider compressions of 40 to 60 atmospheres
(600 to 900 pounds per square inch) as entirely admissible,
both with respect to the compressor and the combustion
The lower limit of pressure will be that of the atmos-
phere if the exhaust is made into the open air, or it may
be a very low pressure, approaching a perfect vacuum if
the discharge is made into a space provided with an air
The ratio of the work of compression to the useful effect
C7 c
=- plays an important part in the gas turbine, because
cr u
the compressor, being necessarily distinct from the turbine,
its mechanical efficiency T} C (which includes that of the
transmission mechanism by which it is driven) has a very
marked influence upon the efficiency of the entire machine.
When this ratio is very high the importance and bulk of the
compressor occasions some practical inconveniences. A
ratio approaching unity is practically prohibitory.
Finally, the quantity of useful work produced per kilo-
gramme of gas gives a measure of the specific power of the
These are the principal elements which form the criterion
in the discussion which follows. But, before commencing
this discussion it remains for us to indicate the hypothesis
and the numerical data upon which it is based. In this
connection it may be noted that all the computations have
been made with the slide rule, this giving a degree of pre-
cision quite within the limits of error of the premises.
We begin with the simple and well-known laws of ther-
modynamics as used by M. Witz in his classical labors upon
the gas engine. As a first approximation we assume the
specific heat as constant, the value for hot air at constant
pressure C P being taken at the usual value 0.2375, and the
specific heat at constant volume c v being taken as 0.1686,
so that their ratio is
r -^-i.4i.
c v
The specific constant of air is taken at 29.3. We neglect
the contraction, which may attain 5 per cent.
For the vapor of water we adopt the value C P = OAS.
It is only in special cases that we shall take into account
the variation of specific heat with the temperature, using
the linear formula of M. Lechatelier, C = a+bT.
We shall retain for adiabatic expansion the formula of
Laplace or Poisson:pv y = constant.
The modern exponential formulas are very interesting,
but their use would burden this discussion to such an extent
as to render comparisons impossible.
After having cleared away the general discussion we
shall return to the special modifications to which our results
must be submitted if we desire to follow the laws of gases
to a higher degree of precision.
The Mechanical Efficiency of the Gas Turbine.
We have to consider two distinct machines the turbine
and the compressor, each having its own efficiency. More
or less of the heat energy which is transformed into work
in the turbine, with the particular efficiency of this machine,
is expended in driving the compressor, and the available
power is only the difference between the two values.
Thus, let Q be the quantity of heat furnished by the com-
bustion of a kilogramme of gas, q the heat rejected with the
exhaust, and p the total thermal efficiency, equal by defini-
tion, to
Q q
If all the losses are reduced to losses of a
thermal order there will be produced in work :
c a a
FIG. 39. Useful work and work of compression.
Now let ^c be the theoretical work of compression per
kilogramme of air (this being computed hereafter for each
case), and let TJ C be the mechanical efficiency of the com-
pressor, defined in such a manner that is the quantity
of work delivered to the shaft of the compressor to compress
one kilogramme of air.*
On the other hand each kilogramme of air produces in
the motor turbine a quantity of " indicated" work, equal,
by definition, to the sum of the net available work on the
shaft and all the passive resistances (friction, etc.). This
* In the case of isothermal compression the theoretical amount of work
may be computed by the law of Mariotte. If this law is not exactly followed
and if the gas is slightly heated by the compression the corresponding energy
is included in the mechanical losses and in the value of n c .
work ^T, which we shall compute for each case, is equal to the
useful work 'tfu, denned above, increased by the work of com-
pression ^c, as we shall see by examining the diagram, Fig. 39.
FIG. 40. Values of efficiency in terms of tempera-
ture ratio.
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 I
FIG. 41. Values of tem-
perature ratio in terms of
The indicated power furnished by the motor turbine,
per kilogramme of air, is:
*& indicated = ^u + ^c. (1)
If we call the mechanical efficiency of the turbine yt the
effective work on the shaft will be:
^ effective = yt^u + C"c) . (2)
It follows that the effective work available upon the com-
mon shaft of the turbine and the compressor, supposing
them to be connected thus as one machine, will be:
*C" net work =
If the compressor be driven through any intermediate
transmission the efficiency of this transmission should be
included in T) C .
The mechanical efficiency of the two machines together
will then be:
net work / IX^c , >
The mechanical efficiency then disappears when
For example, taking 7)t = r} c the efficiency will be zero for
which gives the following values:
7^ = ^ = 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
^ = 0.34 0.56 0.96 1.78
We shall see later on that under the actual conditions
of turbine construction yt will have a value of about 0.7.
As for the efficiency of the compressor i) c , this will be
for improved reciprocating machines 0.8 to 0.9.
Since it is necessary, however, to introduce a speed-
reduction transmission, i) c will be reduced to 0.75 to 0.85.
If the compressor is made of the multicellular turbine
type, permitting direct connection, it is possible that the
efficiency will be in the neighborhood of 0.6 to 0.7.
If we take rj t = rj c = 0.7 we see that the mechanical effi-
ciency will be totally annulled for
< TTc = c Cw, about.
We have in general
This shows the fundamental importance of the ratio of the
work of compression to the useful work.
In order to establish our ideas in this respect, we may
consider theoretically that this ratio will lie somewhere
between 0.2 and 0.4, which will cause the total mechanical
efficiency to range between 0.4 and 0.6. As we shall find
the thermal efficiency to lie between 0.4 and 0.6 we see that
the total useful efficiency will be from 0.16 to 0.36.
We shall now pass to the discussion of the various cycles
applicable to the gas turbine.
A. Cycles Using the Isothermic Introduction of Heat.
The typical cycle of this group is that of Carnot. Diesel
has sought to use this by realizing isothermal combustion
in his motor. This result can be obtained in a gas tur-
bine only by causing the combustion to be continued in the
expansion nozzle, or by causing the expansion to take place
in several stages with successive interheaters. This last
solution, however, would only be an approximative one.
The Carnot Cycle.
The kilogramme of gas under consideration is compressed
from p to p t maintaining at the same time the initial tem-
perature T . This isothermal compression absorbs a quan-
tity of work ^i, given by the equation:
c i = RT log hyp
The gas is now compressed adiabatically from p 1 to p 2 .
The temperature passes from T to T 2 and the work absorbed
by the compression is
We also have:
We then introduce the quantity of heat Q upon the
isothermal CD, at the temperature T 2 , during which period
the pressure falls from p 2 to p r
We then have:
We know that the thermal efficiency of the Carnot cycle
is equal to:
FIG. 42. The Carnot cycle.
and that the useful work is:
We also have:
,ART 2 .
Po Ps
The properties of the cycle depend only upon the tern-
perature of combustion T 2 , the total compression ratio ,
and the introduction of the heat Q. The temperature of the
exhaust is that of the atmosphere, about 300 C. absolute.
The thermal efficiency, which depends only upon T 2 ,
may reach very high theoretical values, but to attain these
involves the use of excessively high compressions; thus:
Temperature of combustion T 2
Thermal efficiency p
Adiabatic compression ratio
We see that it is impossible to pass a thermal efficiency
of 0.66 without being obliged to have recourse to excessive
compressions, since it is necessary to multiply the adiabatic
compression ratio, which we shall calculate.
FIG. 43. Efficiency and ratio of adiabatic compression. Carnot cycle.
This latter : is a function of . For T 2 = 900 degrees,
Pi 1 2
and Q=300 calories, we have: r = 0.333, and
J- >
* = 120.
The ratio of the work of compression to the useful work
is given by:
2 _ i
In our particular case we have:
We have seen above that the mechanical efficiency dis-
appears as the ratio between the work of compression and
the useful work approaches unity. As a matter of fact we
cannot even admit sufficiently high values for the thermal
efficiency and for the temperature T 2 , since the latter,
resulting from the adiabatic compression, cannot exceed
700 degrees C. absolute, whether we employ a reciprocating
piston compressor or a rotary turbine compressor.
The Carnot cycle is therefore not adapted to the gas
turbine, since the high thermal efficiency which can be real-
ized by its use is obtainable only by the employment of
very high compressions and enormous masses of gas. In
consequence, the compressor, which is admittedly the weak
point of the gas turbine, assumes an excessive importance,
and the mechanical losses would absorb all the useful work.
The Diesel Cycle.
Theoretically the cycle of Diesel differs from the Carnot
cycle by the substitution of a wholly adiabatic compression
for the two successive compressions, isothermal and adia-
batic, of Carnot. The rejection of heat to the cooling
medium is thus produced by the non-closure of the cycle :
Here again the isothermal expansion is defined by:
and a considerable degree of expansion is required to enable
a sufficient quantity of heat Q, to be introduced.
FIG. 44. The Diesel cycle.
Even if we admit that the temperature of combustion,
obtained at the end of the adiabatic compression, may
attain 800 degrees (corresponding to a compression of 35
atmospheres), we have, for:
Q = 100 200 300 calories
37 220
We cannot therefore exceed an introduction of 200 calories,
and even at this figure there would no longer be an adiabatic
The maximum temperature of the cycle should therefore
occur at the beginning of the combustion, and should be
superior to that produced by the compression, and thus
the curve of combustion should keep above the isothermal.
In any case this cycle is not adapted to the gas turbine.
Partial Isothermal Cycles. Some writers, Barkow among
others, have suggested that the combustion should be
started under constant pressure, and completed isother-
mically. We shall examine this solution later on, but it is
difficult of realization in turbines, and offers no especial
B. Cycles Using the Isobaric Introduction of Heat.
Combustion under Constant Pressure. With combustion
at constant pressure the temperature of the gas is raised.
It is preceded by a compression which may be either adia-
batic or isothermic. In the first case the compression is
not accompanied by the transfer of any heat to the cooling
medium, but it involves the expenditure of a greater amount
of work. A complete computation is necessary to show
which of the two systems should be adopted. The follow-
ing table will serve as a basis for the calculations :
Compression ratio.
Final temperature of adiabatic compression . .
Equivalent in calories of work ( adiabatic
of compression , 1 isothermal . .
Ratio of the two efforts
These figures are calculated upon the assumption of an
initial temperature of 300 degrees C. absolute, and result
in the following considerations:
The work absorbed by the compressor consists of the
compression, properly so-called, which is given, in the case
when operating at constant temperature, by the formula
and the work necessary to drive the compressed air into
the reservoir at the pressure p^ that is p l v^ p V Q .
But in this case the second term is zero, and we have
5 cr
40 50
70 80
FIG. 45. Equivalent in calories of the work of compression per kilogramme of air.
In the case of the adiabatic compression the first term
has a value EC V (T 1 T ), and the second (p l v l p Q v ) is equal
to R(T l T Q ), whence:
and since
we have:
E(C P c v )
From this it follows that:
* lo
'(IT- 1
This ratio tends to approach unity for infinitely small
compressions. It decreases rapidly as the compression
ratio increases, and falls to 0.5 for a compression of about 80.
The power absorbed by the compressor is therefore less,
for the same compression, with the isothermal method than
with the adiabatic. This difference is still more marked
if, for any reason, the gas which has been compressed adia-
batically is allowed to return to its initial temperature.
Thus a compression of 20 will drop to about 8.4. This fact
renders adiabatic compression inadmissible for the ordinary
applications of compressed air. In the case of the gas tur-
bine, however, the sensible heat of the adiabatically com-
pressed gas is not lost, and a fuller discussion of the subject
becomes necessary.
Adiabatic Compression.
During the compression the pressure passes from p to
Pi and the temperature from T to T r
We have: fe-
Po \T
The introduction of Q calories, at the constant pressure
p v raises the temperature to T 2 , the temperature of combus-
tion, and
Q = C P (T 2 -T l ).
The mixture then expands adiabatically from T 2 to T 3 , and
We see that:
The quantity of heat rejected to the cooling medium is
equal to the heat carried off by the exhaust gases, that is:
The thermal efficiency p will then be :
_Q-q_ _T
p - Q
We therefore obtain the same efficiency as in a Carnot
cycle having the same ratio of adiabatic compression, but
without having the necessity for the preliminary isothermal
FIG. 46. Cycle of isobaric combustion with adiabatic compression.
The total compression is therefore much lower, but the
upper temperature of the cycle is much higher, a matter
which offers no inconvenience.
The ratio of the work of compression to the useful work
is given by
TO^T" l ~^ Cv ~^'
It is easy to see that this ratio is constant if we give the
temperature T 3 at the end of the expansion a fixed value,
rwi rji
for we have 7^ = 7^, and consequently :
^3 -*
This ratio attains greater value, therefore, as the tem-
perature T 3 has a higher value. Since, however, for con-
structive reasons, T 3 cannot be allowed to exceed 700 degrees
C., we have:
C7V. 1
= 0.75
^u 700_
The corresponding value of the total mechanical effici-
ency T), given by the equation ^=0.700 0.729^, is there-
fore only about 0.15.
The properties of the most advantageous family of cycles
are given below:
Ratio of compression
Final temperature of compression T t
Final temperature of combustion T 2
Final temperature of expansion T t . .
Heat introduced (calories) Q
Heat lost in the exhaust q
Thermal efficiency p
Equivalent A^c of work of compression .
Equivalent A*Cu of useful work . .
Total useful effect py
Equivalent An*Gu of net mech. work ....
Consumption of air per H.P. hour, kg
Ratio of powers - -
7 1
7 1
7 1
7 1
7 i
These results, plotted in the diagram, are not very
encouraging. An adiabatic compression of 20 gives a final
temperature of 716, which should not be exceeded.*
The useful effect does not exceed 9 per cent., and the mass
of gas required to produce a unit of work is considerable.
* That is, if the action is truly adiabatic, without any artificial cooling of
the parts in contact with the gas. If this is not the case it is impossible to cal-
culate accurately the results which may be attained.
CO **-
d d
P s ^
8 S
d d
CO 00
d d
| g 8 g |
00 IO
C^J O5
d d
s .
o v
FIG. 49. Cycle with isobaric combustion and isothermal expansion.
We may mention here a modification suggested by
Barkow among others, in which the combustion, commenced
under constant pressure, is completed in the course of an
isothermal expansion.
Let us suppose the adiabatic expansion is the same as
in the preceding case, and the final temperature 700 C.
absolute. It follows that the upper temperature limit will
be the same, and consequently also the quantity of heat Q,
introduced under constant pressure. But we may introduce
a supplementary quantity of heat K, during the isothermal
expansion. Let / be the ratio of this expansion, we will
then have: K = ART 2 log hyp (/).
The total compression will be /-times greater than
before, so that the work of compression will be increased
by a supplementary amount
There will then be a gain of work equal to:
AR(T 2 -T.} log hyp (*) or ^~^K.
1 2
The quantity of heat introduced at constant temperature
is then utilized with a thermal efficiency equal to that of the
Carnot cycle, so that the efficiency of the entire cycle is im-
proved. It is necessary, however, to give a considerable
value to /, in order that K may obtain any importance.
A complete computation shows that it would be better,
so far as the total useful effect is concerned, to utilize all
the compression available to raise to a maximum the intro-
duction of heat under constant pressure.
Discussion of Comparative Efficiencies.
We may now make a definite comparison of the two
modes of compression.
It will be seen at once, by an inspection of the diagram,
that the thermal efficiency p is slightly greater when we
use adiabatic compression. But since, with this system we
cannot exceed in practice a compression ratio of 20, the
maximum value for p is 0.58; while when the compression
is isothermal, we may carry the compression as high as 60,
which gives for p the maximum value 0.63.
The superiority of isothermal compression is still more
marked from the point of view of the mechanical efficiency.
While this remains constant whatever the compression in the
adiabatic system, it increases with the compression in the iso-
thermal system, and attains values ranging from double to
triple those realized in the first case. The same is practically
true with regard to the total efficiency py, which, according
to our hypotheses, appears to have a limit of about 0.30.
It will, therefore, be necessary to expend 2120 calories
per effective horse-power hour, delivered on the shaft, which
corresponds to a consumption of 212 grammes of hydro-
carbon fuel, having a calorific value of 10,000 calories (lower
calorific value). The Diesel and the Banki motors have a
consumption of 180 to 250 grammes. Gas engines operating
with blast-furnace gas require at a minimum about 2000
calories per effective horse-power.
The fuel consumption of the gas turbine is therefore
comparable with that of the best motors known. The weak
point appears in the fact that the effective power absorbed
by the compressor is equal to about 85 per cent, of the net
effective power practically available on the shaft.
^It should be noted that if, by reason of the defective
arrangement of the compressor, the heat developed during
the compression is not immediately absorbed by the injection
of water and by cooling the walls, but only disappears in the
flow of the gas between the compressor and the turbine, the
efficiency will be much less than in the two preceding cases./
We have, in fact, the following results: the ratio of the
work of compression to the useful work will be constant
whatever the degree of compression for any given tempera-
ture of exhaust. For an exhaust temperature of 700 C.
absolute, this ratio is 0.75, whence y =0.17. As for the ther-
mal efficiency, it will vary as shown in the following table :
Ratio of compression.
Heat introduced Q
Heat lost in compression, Q'
Equivalent ^L^w, useful work
Thermal efficiency p
Total useful effect pn
The results would not be as low as indicated in the table
if the compression were effected in several stages, because
the cooling of the gas between the cylinders reduces the
expenditure of work. It might be possible to obtain a
satisfactory result if the compression were divided into a
number of stages, with complete inter-cooling.
Cycles with Isopleric Introduction of Heat.
(Cycles for Explosion Motors.)
Without discussing, for the moment, whether or not this
method is practically applicable to the gas turbine we may
examine the efficiencies which it is theoretically capable of
The introduction of heat at a constant volume causes
an increase of pressure, and produces a greater rise of tem-
perature than if a constant-pressure system is employed.
Adiabatic Compression.
If the compression is effected adiabatically the final
temperature of the explosion will be very high, and the
introduction of heat per kilogramme of gas cannot be very
great. In fact we are obliged to require excessive final
Ratio of compression
Final temperature compression !7\
Final temperature combustion T 2
Heat introduced Q (calories)
Thermal efficiency p
Equivalent A e Cc of work of compression .
Equivalent A^Tu of useful work . ...
Ratio ~
Mechanical efficiency f)
Total useful effect pri . . . .
Ratio of power . . ....
Ratio of pressures . .
Net available mechanical work 77 TO*
Consumption of air, kg. per H.P. hour. . .
FIG. 50. Cycle with adiabatic compression and isopleric combustion. Exhaust escaping
at 700 degrees C. absolute.
explosion pressures in order to attain the temperature of
700 at the end of the expansion. It is therefore impractica-
ble to exceed a compression ratio of 15, which leads to an
explosion pressure of 49 atmospheres. Under these condi-
tions, themselves difficult to realize, the thermal efficiency
p will be about 0.64, with a mechanical efficiency of 0.33
and a useful effect of 0.21, as shown in the table on page 133,
which gives, as before, the results of a series of cycles, for
an exhaust temperature of 700 C. absolute.
Explosion turbines with adiabatic compression have,
therefore, a low efficiency, the total useful effect not exceed-
ing 20 per cent. Increase of initial compression has but a
slight influence, so that such machines are of interest only
for small powers, or in cases in which the consumption of
fuel is a secondary consideration.
Isothermal Compression.
In this case we introduce a quantity of heat Q for each
kilogramme of gas and have:
The pressure becomes
The adiabatic expansion brings the temperature down
to T 3 .
We then have:
and T. =
The heat discharged to the cooling medium is composed
of the calories rejected with the exhaust: C P (T 3 T ) and
the heat subtracted during the isothermal compression:
RT Q log hyp M^J. The thermal efficiency will then be:
c v (T 2 -T )-C p (T s - T )RT log hypf^- 1
P = V ^o
o ' v
FIG. 51. Cycle with isopleric combustion and isothermal compression.
If, as before, we take the exhaust temperature at 700 C.
., we have the corresponding family of cycles as follows:
Compression ratio
Temperature of compression T 2
Heat introduced. Q (calories)
Heat lost in the exhaust q
Heat lost in the compression
Thermal efficiency p
Equivalent A ^c of work of compression .
Equivalent A^u of useful work
r> * ^
Katio .
Mechanical efficiency y . .
Total useful effect prj ....
Ratio of powers .
Ratio ^
Ratio ^ 2 ..
Net available mechanical work ^'Cw
Consumption of air, kg. per H.P. hour . . .
_ THE GAS TURBINE. _ _ 137
The ratio of the work of compression to the useful work
is low, which is a great advantage. But with even a com-
pression ratio of 10 the final pressure passes 80 atmospheres,
a limit very difficult to handle. The total useful effect then
reaches 0.38, while with isothermal compression followed
by combustion at constant pressure the limit is 0.31.
If the exhaust is discharged into a space having a reduced
pressure it becomes practicable to use higher pressure ratios.
Thus, with a compression of 3 and an introduction of 430
calories, the maximum pressure reaches 28.5 atmospheres.
If we allow this to escape into a space having a pressure of
i atmosphere we get a total expansion of 143 times, this
being necessary to reduce the temperature of the gas from
2850 to 700 absolute, which gives a useful effect of 0.365,
while the power of the compressor will be reduced to about
one-half the net available power. These results are very
encouraging. Unfortunately, it is not easy to construct a
satisfactory explosion turbine, the operative portions of
the explosion chamber being unable to resist the very high
temperatures developed.
It may readily be shown that the efficiency becomes less
favorable if the temperature of the exhaust is made lower
than 700 degrees.
Isopleric Combustion Cycles without Compression.
If the gas is not compressed before the explosion the
efficiency is low, as we have already seen. We may investi-
gate the manner in which it varies if the temperature T 3 of
the exhaust is varied.
We have:
T 7 , _ HP rp _ rp
It is easy to see that efficiency will be a minimum when
T , and increases with the increase of T 3 above its
minimum value T .
We have
and hence
We see that the highest efficiency corresponds to the
highest temperature of the exhaust admissible, with regard
to the endurance of the metallic turbine wheel. Under the
most favorable conditions the total efficiency cannot be
expected to surpass 14 per cent.
Cycles with Expansion Prolonged below Atmospheric
In the cycles thus far examined the gas has been ex-
panded down to the pressure of the atmosphere and rejected
at a temperature dependent upon the conditions of opera-
tion; chosen, however, as high as possible, with respect to
FIG. 52. Cycle with prolonged expansion.
the endurance of the turbine wheel. There is, however,
nothing to prevent the arrangement of the parts in such a
manner as to cause a part of the process to be conducted
at a pressure below that of the atmosphere; as has already
been done in the so-called "atmospheric" gas engines, using
a free piston.
In the case of the turbine this may be effected by the
use of an air pump. When, however, the large dimensions
are considered, a piston pump is seen to be unsuited for
this purpose. It is necessary, therefore, to use multicellular
turbine machines similar to those already designed for com-
pressors. For a reduction of the pressure to i atmosphere
it will not be found necessary to use more than five turbine
wheels. In order, however, to reduce the amount of work
absorbed by this machine it is necessary that it should be
FIG, 53. Turbine with exhaust under reduced pressure without regenerator.
operated at a constant temperature, and it is desirable that
the temperature of the exhaust gases should be brought
down to 300 C. absolute, before these gases enter the suction
blower, because the work absorbed by the machine, R T\og (/),
is proportional to the absolute temperature of the gases.
This result may be obtained by cooling the gases by
means of an abundant injection of water, in connection
with the use of a sort of barometric condenser ( Fig. 53),
or by the use of a tubular refrigerator with circulating
water (Fig. 54).
It is evident that this latter method may be used in con-
nection with some system of regeneration. The gases may
also be cooled in the vaporizer of sulphurous-acid gas,
forming part of a refrigerating machine, as we shall see here-
after (Fig. 55).
FIG. 54. Turbine with exhaust under reduced pressure, without regenerator, with inter-
Exhauster Turbine
^SOz Liquid
, S0 2 Gas
FIG. 55. Turbine with exhaust at reduced pressure, with recovery of waste heat by a
sulphur dioxide turbine.
The system of exhausting at low pressure enables a
regenerator to be employed, but the construction of the
regenerator is not very easy, because the transmission of
heat is not very active at low pressures.
There are three methods in which the system may be
The temperature of the exhaust may be brought below
700 degrees by the use of some one of the cycles already dis-
cussed, this plan permitting the use of a multistage turbine,
although at the expense of a certain increase in the work
of compression. The actual balance of power can only be
definitely determined by examining each case by itself.
Still we have already seen, that, in general, if we attempt
to increase the efficiency y by the use of a multistage tur-
bine, the total effect will be improved to a greater extent
if we increase the amount of heat supplied rather than by
lowering the temperature of the exhaust.
The second application of the system which we are con-
sidering consists in increasing the expansion ratio, and
utilizing this increase to allow a corresponding increase in
the amount of heat supplied, while maintaining the tempera-
ture of the exhaust at 700 degrees. This method presents
especial advantages in cases in which the efficiency is limited
by consideration of the maximum pressure of the cycle;
which is notably true in the explosion cycles.
Finally, we may utilize the low-pressure exhaust in a
manner which avoids the use of a piston compressor. We
shall see that multicellular turbine compressors are not well
adapted for the production of very high pressures. Under
such conditions their efficiency is materially reduced by
reason of the friction of the latter wheels of the series
in the gas or air of high density. It is therefore better to
arrange a turbine compressor to deliver the gas into the
combustion chamber at a pressure, say, of six atmospheres,
and follow the gas turbine by an exhaust blower, reducing
the exhaust pressure to J atmosphere, than it is to employ a
single compressor operating at a pressure of 36 atmospheres.
In addition, the power turbine will operate with less
frictional resistance by reason of the lower pressure.
It seems as if some such arrangement as this is necessary
if the piston compressor is to be entirely eliminated in gas
turbine design.
From a thermodynamic point of view there should be
no difference between the operation with exhaust at low
pressure or at atmospheric pressure, provided the ratio of
the two extreme pressures is the same in both cases; and
provided that the two compressors operate isothermically
and at the same temperature T , in both cases.
Cycles Using Heat Regenerators.
It is understood that it is possible to employ cycles
having the same efficiency as that of Carnot between the
same limits of temperature, by replacing the adiabatics of
the Carnot cycle by two isodiabatics. The two simplest
solutions of this problem are those of Stirling and of Erics-
son, but the first of these involves reheating under constant
volume, and is not applicable to our case.
The Ericsson Cycle.
In the Ericsson cycle, on the contrary, the exchanges
of heat are made under constant pressure: the two isodia-
batics are isobarics.
A fo
FIG. 56. Ericsson cycle.
The gas is compressed along AB at the constant tempera-
ture T m , it is reheated under constant pressure (p^ along
BCj by means of a regenerator, which raises the tempera-
ture to T 2 . The heat furnished by the fuel is introduced
along CD at the constant temperature T 2 , during which
the pressure falls to p . Finally the gas is cooled in the
regenerator, from T 2 to T , at the constant pressure p .
Unfortunately this cycle cannot be realized in practice
any more than can the Carnot cycle.
Independently of the practical difficulty of obtaining
an isothermal combustion in the expansion nozzle, we en-
counter the impossibility of introducing large quantities
of heat without using excessively high compressions, for
we have:
Pi = e ARJ r 2
The thermal efficiency p = l TTT cannot exceed 0.57,
* 2
since the gases are discharged upon the turbine wheel at a
temperature T 2 .
The work of compression "TTc is given by:
Ur o loghyp(f) or RT.-^r
\PQ/ A-tt 1 3
We then have ,0 = 0.57 and = 0.75
also )?=0.15 and ^^=0.15X0.57=0.086
We see, therefore, that the Ericsson cycle is neither
practicable nor advantageous. It is possible, however, to
apply the principle of regeneration to other cycles, and as
we shall see, with advantageous results.
In general, the method of regeneration is available only
for cycles using isothermal compression, and especially those
in which the combustion takes place under constant pressure.
Cycles Employing Isobaric Introduction of Heat.
As large a proportion as possible of the heat contained
in the exhaust gases should be recovered by passing these
hot gases through a system of tubes by means of which
they heat the compressed gas on its way to the combustion
chamber. We see that with a regenerating surface of
infinitely great extent we might recover all the heat, if the
compressed gas to be heated left the compressor at the ordi-
nary temperature (say about 300 C. absolute). This
involves an isothermal compression, while if the compres-
sion is adiabatic the exhaust gases cannot be cooled below
the final temperature of compression.
FIG. 57. Cycle with isobaric combustion and isothermal compression.
The compression is accompanied by a consumption of
We then introduce by regeneration K calories under
the constant pressure p iy and the temperature passes from
T to TV We have
K = C P (T,-T.}.
The fuel, furnishing Q calories, raises the temperature
from T 1 to T 2 :
The adiabatic expansion from p^T 2 to p T 3 gives:
If the regeneration could be complete the gas would
enter the regenerator at T 3 and leave it at T , the surround-
ing temperature, leaving behind it C P (T 3 T ) calories.
But in reality the temperature of the gases is not reduced
to T , besides which the compressed gas cannot acquire all
the heat units thus gathered, because of the losses by radi-
ation, conductivity, etc. If we call the total efficiency of
the operation //, we have :
For example, if the gases leave the turbine at 700 degrees
they contain 92 calories per kilogramme which are recover-
able, and we have K =92 /*.
Here the quantity of heat introduced in the cycle is
(K + Q), the quantity given up in cooling during the com-
pression is Q' ', and that which is discharged with the exhaust
is equal to
The quantity of heat converted into useful work is there-
fore equal to:
(K+Q)-Q'-C P (T 3 -T ).
The actual amount of heat abstracted from the fuel
being Q, we then have:
(K+Q)-Q'-C P (T,-T a )
p = nr
If we maintain a standard temperature of the exhaust,
say 700 C. absolute, the value (K+Q) of the total heat
introduced is' equal, for each compression ratio, to that
which has been computed for cycles without regeneration.
It follows that the useful work obtained per kilogramme of air
is*s 1 1
'^^fr^ t^-cocoo "^
'iSlii coi>-i>-oo co
dddd dddd
d d
d d
THi-IOD COO-^QO 232^S?
^^^ sss sill
w d o
i ico
Ils3 1
s\+ 8
Temperature of combusti
Total introduction of hea
O 02
Si58 8S8 8SJ28
o'drH dddr-5 dodi-H
5L^^- =t 5J_ 5L =L =L . =L .
i 3
Ratio =-
echanical efficiency
1 S.
Heat furnished by combustible Q
Thermal efficiency p
Eouivalent A ""GYt of useful work ....
Ratio ^
^u ' '
IVlechanical efficiency f] ...
Total useful effect py
Equivalent Arj^u of net mechanical work TJ^U . .
Consumption of air kg per H P hour eff
14 10
5 70
Ratio of calories regenerated to effective work . . .
We thus obtain the same results as with combustion at
constant pressure, but with compressions only about one-
half as great. The absolute maximum of useful effect is not
increased, since we are limited by the consideration of the
pressure and temperature of explosion to compression
ratios only about one-half as great.
Cycles Involving the Injection of Water, Steam,
or Cool Gases.
We have already seen that it is very desirable to be able
to reduce the amount of gas to be compressed to realize a
given amount of work. If, to fix our ideas upon this matter,
we assume compression ratios above 80 to be excessive, we
cannot introduce more than 450 calories per kilogramme of
gas, while there are certain combustible mixtures which
readily furnish from 550 to 600 calories. We are therefore
obliged to dilute these latter, and thus increase the volume
of gas to be compressed some 20 to 30 per cent. This incon-
venience becomes aggravated with lower compressions.
This fact has led to investigations as to whether we may
not use the rich combustible mixtures without dilution by
using certain artifices to limit either the temperature of
combustion or the terminal temperature.
Limitations of the Temperature of Combustion.
The external cooling of the combustion chamber is en-
tirely inconvenient. The calories thus abstracted take no part
in the development of power. It would be simpler and more
economical to reduce the amount of combustible introduced.
^To steam
>*-Water injected
FIG. 59. Combustion chamber for gas and steam turbines.
But, if the heat abstracted can be used to vaporize water,
and if the steam thus produced is delivered, either to a
separate turbine; or, by a separate nozzle, to the main gas
turbine; or into the expansion nozzle of the gas; or, finally,
into the combustion chamber itself, this heat will partake
in the development of power according to a cycle more or
less effective, and the loss will be reduced.
Suppose, for instance, that the steam thus produced
is utilized in a separate turbine, which may be either con-
nected to a condenser or exhaust into the atmosphere.
The combustion chamber of the gas turbine will then act
as the furnace of the steam boiler for the separate turbine.
Leaving aside, for the moment, the complication of this
arrangement, and assuming that we vaporize the water
in the generator to a pressure of 20 atmospheres and super-
heat the steam to a temperature of 700 degrees absolute,
by means of the calories derived from the walls of the com-
bustion chamber we obtain a temperature of ebullition of
488 degrees absolute.
The heat contained in a kilogramme of water will be:
If the exhaust is discharged into the air, the temperature
will be 373 absolute, while if a condenser is used the tem-
perature will be about 320.
The thermal efficiency of the steam portion of the system
wilF be:
Exhausting into atmosphere:
_ ^700 - ^73 _ 843 - 637
~ "
Exhausting into a condenser:
- 700
^ = 0.185.
In steam turbines the mechanical efficiency y is about
0.70. The result obtained when operated with a condenser
corresponds to a consumption of steam of about 4 kilo-
grammes per effective horse-power (8.8 pounds). Now a gas
turbine, without regeneration or water injection and with a
compression ratio of 10, gives a total efficiency ^=0.18.
The arrangement which we have been discussing is
therefore without interest as regards efficiency unless we
adopt compressions higher than 10. The only advantage
lies in the reduction in the importance of the compressor.
If the steam, produced at the expense of the heat devel-
oped in the combustion chamber, is delivered upon the
wheel of the gas turbine through separate nozzles, the effici-
ency will be the same as above, and the same conclusions
To the ?
FIG. 60. Combustion chamber for mixed turbine taking steam from jacket.
Water injected
FIG. 61. Combustion chamber for mixed turbine with independent water injection.
follow. The same is true if the steam is mingled with the
burned gases in the expansion nozzles of the gas turbine
itself; and with this arrangement certain precautions, im-
portant from a kinetic point of view, are necessary, as will
be seen hereafter.
Finally, if the steam produced at the expense of the heat
in the combustion chamber is delivered into the combustion
chamber itself, the result will be the same as if the water
were delivered directly into the combustion chamber in
the liquid form. This is the arrangement which we shall
now examine (Fig. 60).
Let x be the weight of water injected per kilogramme
of gas burned, and let p be the pressure in the combustion
chamber. The tension p l of the steam is found from the
law of the mixture of gases and vapors, and is equal to :
P ~
in which R and R l are the specific constants of air and of
the vapor of water. Supplying these constants, we have:
i = 46.8 a;
P ~ P 29.3+46.8z*
Let 6 be the temperature of ebullition which corresponds
to this pressure p 1 .
The heat absorbed by the vaporization of 1 kilogramme
of water injected at 0, into the combustion chamber, is
given by:
The steam produced is also superheated, and if we
represent the mean value of the specific heat of this steam,
superheated between the temperatures of 6 and 7 7 2 , by Cp&^ 21
the superheating will absorb
CpoT 2 (T 2 6) calories.
The total amount of heat absorbed by 1 kilogramme
of steam may readily be calculated by assuming 0.48 as the
mean value of the specific heat of steam, and by using the
formula of Lorenz
which gives:
\ a
with a = 0.43 and b = 36Xl0 5 .
If we take the value of 7- the same for the superheated
steam as for the gas, we may calculate the temperature at
the end of the expansion T s and the corresponding heat of
the steam X Tz , from whence the thermal efficiency p of the
steam, considered separately, will be:
It will be observed that X T2 and X Tz are dependent upon
the ratio x, or the proportion of water to gas, by weight.
The lower this ratio is the more the tension of the steam is
reduced with relation to the pressure of combustion p. If
the computations are made it will be found that the results
differ very little from those corresponding to the case of
saturated steam without the presence of any air (in which
x = infinity) at least when the temperatures are relatively
high, as in the case which we are considering.
The following table gives the results:
Absolute pressure of combustion p
Temperature of combustion T 2
Temperature of ebullition
Heat of vapor Aj^
Heat of vapor Ay 3 . . . .
< for the vapor . .
Thermal efficiency p . < , A .
1 for the gas
( for the vapor . .
Total efficiency ?/>... < , .,
1 for the gas
This table is computed on the assumption that x = in-
finity, T 3 = 700 absolute, and that the exhaust is discharged
against atmospheric pressure. If the exhaust pressure is
reduced the figures will be modified.
It will be seen that the thermal efficiency of the cycle
of the vapor is lower than that for the gas, but if we consider
the total efficiency T^O, taking the efficiency of the turbine
at 0.7, and that of the compressor (including its transmis-
sion) also at 0.7, these results are reversed. This follows
because the work of the compressor is reduced by the use
of the steam.
We conclude from this analysis, that the injection of
water is more advantageous than the introduction of an
excess of air for combustion, above all because it permits
a material reduction in the dimensions of the compressor.
It may be desirable to consider whether or not there is
any risk of the dissociation of the water under the conditions
of temperature and pressure existing in the combustion
chamber. In all probability there is no danger of such
action, since dissociation does not begin, at atmospheric
pressure, until a temperature of 1300 degrees C. absolute,
and the tension of dissociation does not reach a value of 0.5
until 2100 C. At the pressures under consideration there
can therefore be no appreciable dissociation, and there can
be still less during the expansion, for the drop in tempera-
ture with the pressure is very rapid.
Injection into the Combustion Chamber, of Steam
Produced in a Regenerator.
It has been proposed to replace the introduction of an
excess of air in the combustion chamber by an injection
of steam. If this steam is produced by the combustion of
fuel under a boiler the result will be the same as in the case
of the injection of water which we have just examined.
This arrangement, however, would be accompanied with
the heat losses involved in the use of a separate boiler,
together with the mechanical complications accompanying
it, besides which it would be necessary to inject much more
steam to produce the same effect.
Assuming, as before, that x = infinity, the total amount
of heat absorbed by the injection of a given weight of water
in the liquid state is 1.5 to 2.5 times greater than if it is
injected in the form of steam at 6 degrees.
The injection of steam into the combustion chamber is
of interest only when the steam is generated in some form
of regenerator, heated by the exhaust gases of the turbine.
We will examine this case, always assuming that the pres-
sure of the steam in the mixture is the same as that of the
pressure of combustion.
10 20 30
FIG. 62. Efficiencies for mixed turbines.
The exhaust being at the temperature of 700 degrees
absolute, each kilogramme of exhaust gases represents 92
calories. Each kilogramme of water carries 790 calories,
but only 153 calories (the sensible heat) can be regenerated
without condensation, if the exhaust takes place at atmos-
pheric pressure. The result will be improved if the exhaust
occurs at reduced pressure, and if we take into account the
fact that the pressure of the vapor is lower than that of
the surroundings into which it is discharged.
If, then, x kilogrammes of water are mingled with 1 kilo-
gramme of burnt gases we may regenerate 92 + 153x calories,
and the effective recuperation will be /*(92 + 153z), which
gives a vaporization of a weight of water x:
The weight of steam which may be injected is thus well
denned and distinctly limited. If 6 is the temperature of
ebullition corresponding to the pressure of the vapor of
water in the mixture, each kilogramme of steam injected will
absorb a quantity of heat equal to CpoT-t (^2 ^)- This
quantity is computed below, assuming for simplification
that 6 is equal to the temperature of ebullition at the pres-
sure p (page 160).
The injection of water absorbing ? calories per kilo-
gramme of gas burned, it is possible to increase the amount
of heat introduced by an equal amount without modifying
the temperatures T 2 and T 3 , provided the calorific power
of the combustible will permit it.
It will thus be found, if we take the same efficiency for
the regenerator (0.75, for example), that the total useful
effect obtained differs very little from that secured by the
use of a regenerator heating the compressed air. Never-
theless the actual consumption of air per effective horse-
power is less, a fact which has a distinct practical advantage.
This method is especially applicable when the nature
of the combustible permits the introduction of a large
amount of heat, and when the exhaust is discharged at a
reduced pressure.
T* rH 1C ^ rH
s a
o "*
^ OO
iC <>l
o o
8 -
o *""
8 S S a a ^ ^ ^
gs 33^8*3^23
3^ w^ ^T 1
rH 01
S 8
3 > O ^
^ 01 W ^ W ^. ^
0:1 rH .-: O O
O rH
QlQ)Q)QjQ>Q>Q)Qj . . . .
C g 'C *C 'C "C 'C 'C
1 li s g"s
S 6
The regenerator may be made in the form of a boiler
similar to the Serpollet flash boiler, or of the type proposed
by Colonel Renard.
The gases enter the regenerator at a temperature of 700
degrees, and leave it at about 400 degrees absolute. The
water, raised from a temperature of zero to 450 or 500
degrees absolute, will be vaporized at this latter tempera-
ture, at a pressure of about 5.30 atmospheres. It is easy
to compute that the mean drop in temperature will be about
100 degrees in the boiler, and 75 degrees in the regenerator,
corresponding to a heat transmission of 3000 and 1500
calories respectively per square metre per hour. This will
require about 0.0366 square metre of surface per kilogramme
of air consumed per hour in the turbine, or about 0.16 square
metre per horse-power delivered on the shaft, the consump-
tion per horse-power hour being 4.25 kilogrammes of air,
and 0.51 kilogramme of water, for a combustion pressure
of 30 atmospheres.
The necessary heating surface will therefore be of the
same order of magnitude as that of the condenser of an ordi-
nary marine engine, but probably greater than that of a re-
generator for a gas turbine using a regeneration of gas to gas.
Practically, vaporization under pressures exceeding
30 atmospheres may appear to offer certain difficulties.
This method of regeneration, however, becomes very simple
if the exhaust is discharged at reduced pressure. The pres-
sure of combustion, for example, being from 5 to 10 atmos-
pheres, and the exhaust pressure | atmosphere. The regen-
erator-boiler should be operated at pressure ranging only
from 5 to 10 atmospheres. The drop in temperature would
be materially increased, which would facilitate the trans-
mission of heat. At the same time, the efficiency of the cycle
would be increased.
Under such a system, using a producer of the Gardie
type, operating under 5 to 10 atmospheres pressure, the
. 11
loss of the sensible heat of the gas could be avoided, and
the proportion of steam or water injected increased.
It may be noted that in the case of compressors using
water injection, the vapor produced from the injected
water is evolved with the gaseous mass, and permits an
increase in the amount of heat introduced, thus improving
the efficiency.
The Use of Large Injections of Water in Connection with a Very
Rich Fuel. Turbines Using Liquid Oxygen.
As a matter of curiosity it may be noted that if pure
oxygen be used in the combustion, the total weight of gas
burned would be only about one-fourth that otherwise
required; and therefore, the introduction of heat being
quadrupled, might reach 2000 calories per kilogramme.
The injection of water into the combustion chamber might
then be materially increased. Such a mixed turbine would
require a much smaller compressor, consuming much less
power, or if liquid oxygen were used a small centrifugal
pump operating at high pressure would replace the air
A machine of this kind would require three such pumps;
one for the liquid oxygen, one for the liquid fuel, and the
third for the water. A tubular heater, heated by the exhaust
gases, would heat the water and vaporize the liquid oxygen,
the only other elements required being the combustion
chamber and the turbine wheel.
The temperature of combustion would be the same as
before, but the temperature of the exhaust would be materi-
ally lowered by reason of the calories absorbed by the vapor-
ization of the oxygen, so that the thermal efficiency should
be at least equal to that computed above.
With regard to the mechanical efficiency >?, this, neglect-
ing the work absorbed by the pumps, would be above 0.70,
because of the absence of the compressor. The total useful
effect, pi], would therefore be 0.70 or 0.75 times 0.70, or
about 50 per cent. Although the amount of work available
would thus be very high, the velocity of discharge of the
mixture would be much greater than in the ordinary case,
and the mechanical efficiency of the turbine would be lower.
Such a machine, however, would be extremely light.
It is true that it would be necessary to carry 4 kilogrammes
of liquid oxygen and 5 kilogrammes of water for every kilo-
gramme of petrol, but for certain applications the final
result would be very favorable.
While this application of the gas turbine is yet within
the domain of scientific curiosities, it is by no means an
absurdity. M. Cailletet has not hesitated to propose a 1
similar combination, using piston engines, for the design
of extremely light and powerful motors for aerial or sub-
marine navigation.
* * v
Limitations of the Temperature of Expansion. Injection of
Water, Steam, or Cool Gases after Expansion.
If the exterior of the expansion nozzle is cooled, the
expansion is no longer adiabatic* and cannot be subjected
to computation. All the energy thus abstracted, however,.
is evidently lost.
The same is not the case if the expanding gases are
cooled by an injection of water, since the vapor thus formed
is added to the fluid mass. Nevertheless, at a temperature
of 700 degrees, and at atmospheric pressure, about -^ of the
calories absorbed by the injection are lost and absorbed by
the vaporization properly so-called.
We are therefore led to consider the injection of steam.
If the velocity of the steam is lower than that of the current
of gases, there is caused, as we shall see, an important loss
of energy. Let us then assume that the two currents have
the same velocity. In order to accomplish this, it is neces-
sary that the vapor be generated at a pressure higher than
that of the gas in the combustion chamber. We will pass
over this difficulty. In order to obtain a better result than
is secured by the direct injection of water the steam must
be regenerated by the use of waste heat. Under these con-
ditions, and assuming that the expanded steam is still
saturated, dry, or slightly superheated, and calling x the
weight of this steam delivered for each kilogramme of air,
calculated as heretofore, we may complete the temperature
7y of the expanded gas.
Cp(ZY-700) = 0.48(77-373)3
whence '* -0.24-0.48z*
We may then calculate the new temperature of combustion,
the new introduction of heat, and the new efficiency:
With a coefficient of regeneration of 0.75 we may inject
12 to 13 per cent, of water, and permit a final temperature
of expansion of the gas of 800 degrees absolute instead of
700 C.
It is thus seen that for a given compression ratio, the
useful effect is slightly lower than that obtained by injecting
the steam before the expansion. In practice the injection
of steam after the expansion, offers considerable difficulties
of a kinetic order.
We will now consider the injection of cool .gases.
Injection of Cool Gases at Low Velocities.
Stodola has shown in the following manner that a mix-
ture of two currents of gases having two different velocities
V)i and w 2 results in a material loss of kinetic energy.
There are two cases to be considered. The first corre-
sponds to the use of a mixing chamber so formed as to per-
mit the operation to be effected without raising the pressure.
The second case corresponds to the use of a cylindrical
chamber, which leads to an elevation in the final pressure.
If we call dP x the force acting axially upon an element
dm, and call 77^ 77 2 , and n = IJ l +II 2 the flow by weight, the
theorem of quantities of motion gives:
ndt fn^dt n 2 dt \
w [ -lWi H w 2 } = 2dtdP 3
Q \ Q a
from which we get:
IJw=II l w 1
This is the formula for impact of non-elastic bodies,
and the loss of energy is:
_ 1/77! 2 77 2 2 \ 1/7
Z = - -^ X + 2 iu 2 ) -s
2\ 2 J 2
w .
g g
If we call ^3 and the respective temperatures of the
two gaseous currents before mixture, and T 3 ' the tempera-
ture after mixture, we have:
~ = n 2 (T,'
These three relations enable us to compute the tempera-
tures and the efficiency.
Let us take the extreme case in which the gas is
injected cold and without velocity. We have :
w 2 = 0; and w = -~ w \
nji 2 wf
whence -JT20*
The ratio of the lost energy to the amount of energy
available in the gaseous current before the mixture will then
be, for this particular case*
For example, if # 2 = 1 kilogramme, and it is desired to
reduce the temperature to T' 3 = 700 degrees by injecting
U 2 kilogrammes of air without velocity at 300 degrees abso-
lute (or #=300), the limiting case corresponding to T 3 = T' 3
will be attained when -r = 95 77 2 .
If x be the thermal equivalent of the kinetic energy of
1 kilogramme of burned gas before the mixture, we have:
-r=-ffXf whence jfx-=Q5U 2 , and U = ~ 1
A 11 11 yo
For example,
for /=100 200 300 400 calories
we have 77 2 >0.05 1.10 2.15 3.20 calories
and e>0.05 0.52 0.68 0.76 calories.
There is, therefore, a considerable loss in the kinetic
energy of the gaseous current when the latter attains a con-
siderable value.
Suppose that we are using a cylindrical mixing chamber.
The pressure beyond the zone of mixture will then be higher
than that in front of it. Professor Stodola, who has ex-
amined this question, finds that there may be two solutions,
and that the velocity of the mixture may have two distinct
values. One of these corresponds to a simple mixture,
with a loss of kinetic energy and a relatively moderate rise
in temperature. The other corresponds to a velocity greater
than that of sound and involves the existence of a shock
of compression of which we shall speak hereafter. However
the mixture may be effected there is no more advantageous
result to be expected than in the preceding case, and there
is nothing to be deduced from the idea other than the results
involved in progressive mixtures in successive chambers.
Injection of Cold Gases at the Same Velocity as the
Principal Current.
Suppose now that the cold gases are given, by the
use of a blower or similar apparatus, a velocity equal to
that of the principal current, and that the mixing chamber
is of such a shape that there is no increase in pressure. In
this case there is theoretically no loss of energy.
It is, however, necessary to expend, in driving the blower,
an amount of energy equal to the necessary kinetic energy.
The question then presents itself as follows: Is it more
advantageous to compress all the air required and deliver it
at once to the combustion chamber, or to compress only a por-
tion of it to the pressure of combustion, and to cause the re-
mainder to be delivered by a blower to the mixing chamber?
Let us suppose, for example, that we have a combustible
capable of permitting an introduction of about 520 calories
per kilogramme of mixture. If we compress to 10 kilo-
grammes per square centimetre, we can introduce only about
260 calories per kilogramme to exhaust at 700 degrees. If
we do introduce 520 calories we shall have a temperature
of combustion of 2500 degrees and an exhaust of 1270
degrees. The kinetic energy will be equivalent to 290
calories per kilogramme of gas. In order to bring the tem-
perature of 1270 to 700 it will be necessary to mix with
each kilogramme of burned gases 1.32 kilogramme of air,
and the kinetic energy to be imparted to this cold air will
be equivalent to 1.32x290=410 calories. We then have
at the outlet of the mixing chamber a kinetic energy equiva-
lent to 290+410=700 calories for 2.30 kilogrammes of
mixture. We will get in work on the shaft 0.7 X700 =490.
Now, the work required for the compressor will be 48 calories
and for the blower 410, a total of 458. There will therefore
each have to give an efficiency of 0.94 in order that they
should not absorb more power than the turbine itself pro-
duces. The injection of cold gases is therefore wholly
Combination Cycles. The Adaptation of a Second
Engine to Utilize the Waste Heat.
It has been suggested that the waste heat discharged
by a gas turbine should be utilized to operate a second tur-
bine, employing sulphurous acid gas, for instance, or even
vapor of water. We have already shown that the exhaust
gases should be discharged at a temperature of about 700
degrees C., absolute, and that it is not advantageous to
lower this temperature by diminishing the amount of heat
The heat abstracted from the gas during compression
may be carried off by water circulating about the compres-
sion cylinders and through the inter-coolers. The amount
of heat thus withdrawn compares in importance with that
escaping with the exhaust gases, but its temperature is
much lower. Theoretically, the temperature of the jacket
water should not materially exceed that of the atmosphere,
and in no case should it be higher than 50 to 100 degrees C.
It is therefore necessary to resort to some substance having
a low boiling point, such as sulphurous acid, in order to
utilize this heat in a secondary engine.
We have at our disposal from 150 to 200 calories per
kilogramme of gas burned. If we use a steam turbine as
the secondary motor, operating at a pressure of 20 kilo-
grammes per square centimetre, superheating to 700 degrees
absolute, and operating condensing, the thermal efficiency
will be:
The total useful effect will then be:
^=0.70X0.265 = 0.185.
Now if the vapor of water had been used directly with
the gases of combustion it would have given a useful effect
of about 0.30.
It has been proposed to replace the vapor of water by
a gas which is readily liquefiable, such as sulphurous acid.
According to Professor Josse an indicated horse-power may
be obtained in the secondary motor with a consumption
* This result agrees with practice, since it corresponds to a consumption
of 4 kg. (8.8 pounds) of steam per horse-power hour, and consumptions below
4.6 kg. have already been obtained.
of 7800 calories, or even with 5000 calories when operating
at a pressure of 25 atmospheres (90 degrees C.) in the
This last figure gives a thermal efficiency of 0.127, or a
net useful effect of 0.7 X0.127, or 0.089.
This result might be materially improved if we could
permit the superheating of the sulphurous acid gas without
causing corrosion upon the parts of the turbine with which
it came in contact.
In any case a secondary turbine would permit a recupera-
tion of 150 to 200 calories X0.09 = 14 to 18 calories, if we
use sulphurous acid, or 92x0.185 = 17 calories, if we use
water, admitting a coefficient of recuperation /* equal to
unity. Taking /i=0.75, we get work equal to about 13
calories per kilogramme of gas. Now the net mechanical
effort y^u realizable per kilogramme of gas, with or without
recuperation, varies between 25 calories and 200 calories
when the pressure of combustion varies from 5 to 100
The amount of work recoverable by the use of a second-
ary machine is therefore not of sufficient importance to
warrant the complication of a separate machine to secure it.*
Conclusions from the Thermodynamic Study of the Gas Turbine.
Method of Development to be Adopted. Probable Efficiency.
Probable Divergence Between Theory and Practice.
The study of the gas turbine from a thermodynamic
point of view does not appear to reveal any combination
capable of giving results greatly differing from those already
obtained from the latest improved gas engines. The high
thermal efficiencies theoretically probable seem to be offset
by the low mechanical efficiency. But this latter is capable
* In practice the relative importance of the work recovered might be a
little greater, since all losses of energy have the effect of increasing the amount
of heat in the exhaust gases, and of such leaks we have taken no account.
of improvement, so that there remains a margin for progress
which is encouraging for the future.
The analysis which we have undertaken may be reviewed
as follows:
1. Combustion under constant volume, as compared
with combustion under constant pressure, shows, for the
same initial pressure, a better efficiency, while at the same
1000 2000 8000
FIG. 63. Efficiencies for various combustion temperatures.
time it permits the use of a less important compressor.
Nevertheless, the absolute value of the efficiency is not
greater, because we are more promptly limited by the maxi-
mum limit of permissible temperature of combustion T 2 .
This is true either for the specific power, or for the consump-
tion of air per horse-power hour.
This method is advantageous, therefore, only from the
point of view of the necessary compression ratio. This is
a matter for consideration if we limit ourselves to the use
of rotary compressors. In practice the mechanical efficiency
is low because of the kinetic losses due to irregularities of
flow under varying operation, besides the inconveniences
attending an explosion machine. As a matter of fact, the
explosion turbine is applicable only to very small powers,
and for machines of light weight, in which the efficiency is
a matter of secondary importance, and preliminary compres-
sion is undesirable.
2. Isothermal combustion involves excessively high
ratios of compression, and is otherwise not practically
3. It follows that the best method available for the gas
turbine corresponds to that for the gas engine; namely,
combustion under constant pressure, with a preliminary
isothermal compression.
4. If the ratio of the extremes of pressure has a given
value, it is immaterial whether these pressures are high or
low, in an absolute sense. This point is of interest in con-
nection with the question of exhausting at low pressure,
and with the use of multiple rotary compressors.
5. The temperature of the exhaust should be as high
as practicable, with regard to the maintenance of the revolv-
ing wheels. It is deceptive to attempt to lower it by pro-
longing the expansion by the use of an air pump.
6. The best method of saving the heat escaping in the
exhaust is by a simple tubular regenerator transferring the
heat from outgoing to incoming gas. Regeneration by means
of a steam boiler is worthy of consideration only for very
rich combustibles, and the best plan then is to deliver the
steam into a combustion chamber.
It may now be asked what important relations may be
established practically between the above theoretical deduc-
tions and the practical results attainable with such machines
as may actually be constructed.
It is probable that the practical cycles will differ from
the theoretical ones in the gas turbine much as they do in
the gas engine, but to a less extent.
Thus, as concerns the compression', there are two differ-
ences between theory and practice in effecting isothernal
compression. One is the increase in the work of compression;
the other, the elevation in temperature of the compressed
gas, reducing the value of Q, and consequently the specific
power. The results in practice lie between those computed
for isothermal compression and those corresponding to
adiabatic compression. But, as we have seen, the difference
is not very great, and we have taken a sufficiently low value
for the mechanical efficiency >? c to cover any discrepancy
on this account.
With respect to the combustion, there are more import-
ant divergences between theory and practice, which must
be taken into account. Thus, we have assumed that the
reaction is effected in surroundings w T hich are strictly adia-
batic. This cannot be effected in practice, and notwith-
standing all our precautions a loss of heat will occur.
The combustion will also be incomplete, hence there will
be a loss of a portion of the combustible, or a partial dissocia-
tion, this being less probable under pressures of 30 to 40
These three, causes have one and the same result, an
increase in the weight of combustible consumed per horse-
power hour. This, however, does not affect the general
development, especially if the fuel is in the liquid or solid
state, since the additional amount of fuel required does not
affect the work of compression.
The specific heat of the products of combustion differs
materially from that of air, and varies with the temperature;
and it is probable that the value taken for the temperature
of combustion is greater than the real value. It follows
that the introduction of heat is more limited than in our
-calculations, at least in the case* in which this limit is fixed
by -the calorific value of the combustible. But since this
limit is not likely to be reached in practice the only effect
resulting from the disagreement between theory and prac-
tice is to reduce the amount of air required for dilution.
Finally, the expansion is not strictly adiabatic, and
the form of the expansion curve is not precisely that which
corresponds to the relation
pv l ' 4l = constant.
Thus, there is a loss of heat which may be small, but
can never be strictly zero. Besides, the gas is heated to a
certain extent by friction. The true law of the expansion
can be determined only by experiment. In any case the
exponent 7 in the formula will differ from 1.41 because we
are dealing with gases other than air and because the ratio
'- is not constant when the temperature varies between
very wide limits.
Even taking into account the variability of the specific
heats with the temperatures, M. Vermand has shown that
the law of Poisson is expressed practically by the relation:
p v y = constant
when 7-=i-f
in which a =0.162, so that for air 7- = 1.441.
If we use data obtained from certain trials of gas engines,
we are led to accept for 7- values such as 1.3 to 1.2.
The corresponding results differ materially from those
which we have computed above.
Thus, to obtain the theoretical temperature of 700
degrees for the exhaust, with a combustion pressure of 30
atmospheres, it is necessary to produce a combustion tern-
perature of 1880 degrees, introducing 375 calories per kilo-
gramme of air.
These are the results obtained above for 7- = 1.4 (giving
= 1, for we have =* = (30)= 1
and Q then becomes zero.
It may be of interest to note the following values for
F = -, at a temperature of zero, and at atmospheric pres-
sure, for the gases named:
H,0,N, Air, CO 1.41
H 2 O 1.34
CO 2 1.29.
In engines utilizing the explosion of gases behind a
piston, the value of the exponent f has been deduced from
the form of the expansion curve, and the figures thus ob-
tained range from 1.3 to 1.6. In such machines, however,
the action of the walls of the cylinder play an important
part, while in the diverging nozzle of a gas turbine this
action is reduced to a minimum, because a continuous flow
is maintained.
However this may be, the true law of expansion in the
nozzle of a turbine constitutes the principal unknown
practical element which presents itself in the gas turbine.
It has even been maintained that 7- may become equal to 1,
and that the expansion may be accompanied by no drop in
temperature, and hence be incapable of producing any use-
ful effect.*
Some experimenters have not been able to find the drop
in temperature by thermometric observations, and have
attributed this fact to the heat developed by the friction
of the gases upon the thermometer. We cannot go into this
objection at length. The expansion doubtless follows the
formula of Poisson, pv y = constant, but the true value of
the exponent 7-, and consequently of the efficiency, can be
determined only by experiment.
We may note here a final reason for the discrepancies
in our calculations between theory and practice. This is
* See Charles E. Lucke, Ph.D., Practical Investigations in the Gas
Turbine Problem; Engineering Magazine, April, 1905. The Gas Turbine,
Engineering Magazine, August, 1906.
the relative inexactness of the simple physical laws which
we have accepted as relating to the substances under con-
sideration: the laws of Mariotte, of Gay Lussac, of the
constancy of specific heats, etc. In all standard works there
may be found formulas which are more precise than those
which we have used, and these may be substituted for the
more simple laws. The greater degree of precision thus
obtained is of minor interest, since the inevitable uncertain-
ties of the question render any such excessive precision
Influence of the Nature of the Combustible.
Before leaving the thermodynamic study of the gas
turbine it is desirable to examine whether the nature of the
fuel available may have any important influence upon the
possible efficiency.
In order to use the most advantageous cycles it is desira-
ble, from what we have already seen, to be able to introduce
from 375 to 415 calories, if we do not inject any steam, and
from 470 to 524, if steam injection is to be used; the pres-
sure ranging from 30 to 40 atmospheres.
Now, even using lean gases, such as that made in the
Dowson producer, or the waste gases from blast furnaces,
with a heating value of 800 calories per cubic metre (about
90 B.T.U. per cubic foot), it is possible to introduce about
460 calories per kilogramme of mixture; while with the
richer gases, such as illuminating gas, acetylene, etc., we
may get from 500 to 600 calories. The nature of the com-
bustible has, therefore, a minor influence from this point
of view. The constitution of the burned gases varies but
little for the different combustibles, so that the specific
heats are not greatly different. The cycles calculated upon
the actual composition of the mixtures will therefore agree
fairly well with those which we have based upon the prop-
erties of air.
It also follows that the total weight of gas to be com-
pressed varies but little, and the same is true of the work
required for compression. When a liquid fuel is used a
greater amount of air is required per kilogramme of combus-
tible than with a gaseous fuel.
It is an error to assume, as has sometimes been done,
that gaseous fuels are less easily employed than liquid fuels.
This may be the case for motors of the Diesel type because
the intermittent action brings in the important question
of ignition. Apart from the necessity for two separate
compressors, however, the compression is not more trouble-
some when a gaseous fuel is employed. Since the combus-
tion is continuous in the case of the gas turbine, the question
of ignition is of secondary importance.
In the accompanying table the computations have been
made according to the stated compositions of the various
gaseous mixtures, taking the data calculated by M. Vermand.
It will be seen that C P varies about 20 per cent., and
f about 1 per cent., in passing from one mixture to another.
The composition of the burned gases varies but slightly.
Nitrogen predominates, being 62 to 74 per cent., followed
by carbon dioxide, 12 to 33 per cent. Oxygen appears to
be present in very small quantities, so that oxidation of
metallic parts need hardly be feared.
The number of cubic metres of air and of gas to be com-
pressed to correspond to the introduction of an amount
of heat equal to 100 calories into the cycle, gives an idea
of the necessary capacity for the compressor, or compres-
sors. As this quantity varies from 148 to 180 litres, a differ-
ence of 22 per cent., this is not an element in which a serious
error need enter.
In like manner the total weight of gas to be compressed
per 100 calories introduced forms a measure of the total
power required for the compression. The extreme limits
are 0.17 and 0.22 kilogramme, a difference of 30 per cent.
a CO CO O rH '
g CN co ^ co ;
gj rH rH rH rH ]
o c fc"
CO 1C Tf* t
gas burned
p ic p p
co cd csi "t
t^ O CO 1>-
^ 1C O C^l I>- t s> *
^ 05" rH CO '.
IP 1=1
CNJ 00 (M ^
1 rH CO rjn o
C> O
rH rH rH rH
I s 1
O O C5 O O
1C -* 1 CM
*- S 0!
r* rH CO CO 1C 1C
O I"- CO 1C CM rH
. CO CO O rH
be C^ CO rH CO
SP.2 o ^
^ rH rH rH rH
&i s s
! : . .
" f-t
-? $)
>^ ti)
'* rH -3 I S
N * pM
"3 ' r-J CO
. JH O (M
*o *S3 +
^ * CO r- +
> . .S 02
50 1 + *. '
'o o .g
|2 ||i
> i 1 +
c 3 "^ 1 + i
-S tjo S a) ~
^^ Vin f^ O /C
I II ~
fl jj ^
B P -^ &VP
r2 O ^ O "S
P^ Q PQ i/
4fe m , given by:
IT /o r /^mXY
/7 = S m -t /2^ f- rf--)
V * f + lXttt/
For air we have 7- = 1.4 and hence:
It can be demonstrated that p m cannot fall below this
value, and that w m cannot exceed the velocity of sound.*
To release the air without loss of energy, down to the
pressure of the atmosphere; or, more generally, down to any
given pressure p 2 , we must therefore use: if we have w 2 >
0.529^, a converging nozzle; if we have w 2 < 0.529^, a
converging-diverging nozzle. The latter case is the only
one to be considered for an air turbine, in which we always
have to 2 = l, and w 1 >1.9 kilogrammes.
Length and Final Section of Nozzle.
In practice the diverging portion of the nozzle is made
in the form of a cone of an angle of about 10 degrees, in
order to avoid the breaking of the vein, which cannot follow
the walls if a greater angle is used. The final section s 2 ,
and hence the length, of the nozzle, will then be determined
V m
1 ,~, (11)
Since, as for air, we have a> m = 0.529^, we have
5 2 ( r\ Kc>r\ co i\ y /I (0.529) y . /ir>x
- ji = (0.529- J ^ / '-^r- (1^)
Sm ( j -y -^
* The velocity of sound in a gas of which the absolute density is D is
given by the formula of Newton:
E, being the coefficient of elasticity of the gas, has for its value X p. We
then have V
Thus, for example, we have, for
The diagram (Fig. 69) shows these results. It will be
seen that the ratio of cross-sections for a given expansion
is less in the case of air than for steam. The nozzle will,
therefore, be shorter.
10 ZO 30 40
Fio. 69. Ratio of nozzle sections for air and saturated steam.
This relation depends wholly on and not on the tem-
Velocity in the Neck of the Nozzle.
The velocity w m in the neck of the nozzle depends upon
the absolute temperature lt and not upon the relation of
the pressures, as is shown in equation (8), in which we may
replace aj^^ by R6 l
r -4-[ R6 i ( 13 )
Thus we have for:
7^ = 1000 1500 2000 2500
to m = 484 593 685 765.
metres per second.
Velocity of Discharge.
If, in equation (5), we note that:
we have:
Vf 1
^-i4C;) Y -'>
which demonstrates the correctness of our original result
based upon the principle of the conservation of energy.*
Influence of the Lower Pressure.
We have already seen that the velocity in the neck of
the nozzle is entirely independent of the expansion ratio,
and depends wholly upon the temperature of the gas before
the expansion. Thus, in the case of air, the pressure in the
neck of the nozzle is
Beyond the neck the expansion continues and the velocity
increases regularly, while at the same time the pressure falls.
* Equations (3) to (14) have been taken from Stodola's treatise on the
steam turbine; also figures 70 and 71.
If the cross-section increases as the square of the distance
from the neck (a conical nozzle) the pressure varies accord-
ing to a law which we may determine by taking the value
of the velocity at each point (which is dependent upon the
section), calculating the resulting variation in kinetic energy
(from the neck to the point under consideration), and thence
obtaining the temperature and the pressure for the given
point, according to the law of adiabatic expansion.
If the angle of opening is given it will then be possible
to determine a definite pressure for the terminal section
as a function of the length of the nozzle.
The question arises : What will be the result if the medium
into which the gas is discharged from the nozzle has a differ-
ent pressure from that at the end of the nozzle?
The experiments of Professor Stodola upon steam have
shown that if the pressure is lower than that of the exhaust
it will produce sound waves, the pressure varying accord-
ing to a sinusoidal curve in the discharge chamber.
Emden has calculated for air, and Prandtl for the vapor
of water, the corresponding wave lengths.
The formula, of the form:
fV>m* ,\/>
"h-- 1 )
in which c is the velocity of sound in the discharge chamber,
and w m the velocity of the fluid at its discharge, shows that
the waves can be produced only when the velocity of dis-
charge is greater than that of sound (Fig. 70). Professor
Stodola admits that the fluid leaving the nozzle expands at
once to the pressure of the surrounding medium, this causing
the transformation of an excess of the potential energy of
the exhaust fluid into living force. It is this excess which
causes the sound waves and which is transformed into heat
by friction and eddies.
If the pressure of the discharge chamber is greater than
that corresponding to the terminal section of the discharge
nozzle a sudden shock will be produced, causing a rebound
in the pressure curve, followed by strong waves (Fig. 71).
This rebound may even force its way back into the nozzle,
as shown in curve D.
Absolute Pressure
vcw 2
We can then deduce a value of ? which takes into account
the friction in the jet. Experiments of this kind will enable
the best form of nozzle to be determined, as has already been
done with the steam turbine, and especially to permit
the question whether the form of constant acceleration pro-
posed by Proell is preferable to the ordinary conical form.
Finally it is desirable to make an experimental determi-
nation of the value of the coefficient of transmission of heat
from one gas to another through the walls of an assemblage
of tubes, in order to aid in determining the dimensions of
heat regenerators.
The Future of the Gas Turbine.
Having now discussed the question of the construction
of the gas turbine we may take up the subject of the future
in store for machines of this kind.
Their great theoretical interest has been apparent to all
those who have examined these questions since the period
when the success of the turbine of Laval demonstrated the
value of the pressure type of steam turbine. This cele-
brated inventor follows the thought of Burdin and Tournaire,
and suggested very early the idea of constructing a gas tur-
bine. Many years have now passed, however, without the
practical realization of this idea.
Other investigators have taken up the same idea,
but thus far their efforts' have not reached commercial suc-
cess, while during the same period the steam turbine has
emerged from the experimental workshop and acquired its
well-known position among heat engines.
This should offer no reason for surprise, when we con-
sider the multiplicity of technical difficulties which present
themselves in the realization of a practical gas turbine.
The success of the steam turbine, however, has elicited
investigations of the greatest interest which lead us to
approach the construction of a gas turbine without hesita-
tion. Some investigations are yet required to enable the
determination of the conditions of combustion and the exact
laws governing the expansion. When these have been com-
pleted we will be in possession of all the data necessary for
the turbine itself without guesswork.
Rotary compressors, multicellular blowers, turbine com-
pressors of the Parsons, Curtis, and other types, are rela-
tively further from a definite, practical solution, but every-
thing leads us to believe that no material delay will occur in
this direction.
We may thus expect to see commercially produced, a
gas turbine, uniting in a certain degree the advantages of the
gas engine and the steam turbine.
Without overlooking the inconvenience resulting from
the presence of a compressor distinct from the motor itself,
the gravity of this objection may be exaggerated.
If we are willing to accept the piston compressor (or use
the alternative of the reduction of exhaust pressure below
atmosphere) the gas turbine presents the same advantages
of moderate bulk and weight which have made the success of
the steam turbine.
The thermal efficiency of the new machine will be supe-
rior to that of the gas engine, but the lower mechanical
efficiency of the gas turbine will reduce the total useful
effect to about the same order as that of the Diesel motor;
while motors using blast furnace gases should give an effec-
tive horse-power with an expenditure of 2000 calories.
It does not appear that any sensational invention
can modify these results materially in the future. It is only
by continual improvements in structural details that the
mechanical efficiency may be increased by the reduction of
mechanical losses.
The gas turbine will not be a universal panacea, neither
will it dethrone the steam turbine. When we have to deal
with the combustion of ordinary coal, nothing can surpass
the steam boiler.
But for other combustibles, petrol, various hydrocarbons,
alcohol, producer gas, furnace gases, etc., direct combustion
is advantageous. It permits the avoidance of many important
losses, and removes many operative objections and dangers.
The utilization of blast-furnace gases, coke-oven gases,
etc., presents in itself an important field for the gas turbine,
which may well replace the bulky engines now in use.
The gas turbine also appears to be as well adapted to the
driving of dynamos and alternators as is the steam turbine.
The same is true as regards the propulsion of ships.
It is also possible that the development of the gas tur-
bine will permit the realization of motors of excessively light
weight for use in aerial navigation.
We may thus predict for the gas turbine an extensive
field of application, and it is altogether possible that
practical experience will enable many special advantages
to be developed, as so often has been the case in connection
with the appearance of new and improved appliances.
ENGINEERS. (Continued.)
THE paper of M. Sekutowicz, which has been given in full
in the preceding chapter, naturally elicited an animated dis-
cussion which will be found in the memoirs of the Societe.*
M. Rene Armengaud gave an account of his own experi-
mental researches made at St. Denis in connection with M.
Lemale, and these will be discussed at length in a following
M. Jean Rey discussed especially the problem of the com-
pressor, showing the importance of the development of a satis-
factory rotary or turbine compressor. To use a reciprocating
compressor would be to deprive the gas turbine of most of
the advantages to be gained over the ordinary gas engine.
Passing to the turbine compressor, M. Rey described the
multiple turbine compressor of Rateau, as installed in the
mines at Bethune, and constructed by Sautter, Harle & Co.
In this machine there are four sets of turbine wheels
arranged in series, revolving at 4500 revolutions per
minute. The first set draws in the air at atmospheric
pressure, and raises it to 1.7 kg. per square centimetre abso-
lute (24 pounds per square inch). The second set increases
the pressure to 2.9 kg. (41 pounds); the third to 4.9 kg., and
the fourth to a final pressure of 7.2 kilogrammes absolute
per square centimetre (102.4 pounds per square inch).
This compressor has a capacity of 1 kilogramme of free
air per second; it has attained a capacity of 1.25 kilogramme,
and the pressure has been pushed up to 8.2 kilogrammes
absolute, or 7.2 kilogrammes above atmospheric pressure, or
* Memoires et Compte Rendu des Travaux de la Societe des Ingenieurs
Civils de France: May, 1906. Mm. Armengaud, Rey, Hart, Letombe, Bochet,
about 100 pounds per square inch over and above atmos-
pheric pressure.
The efficiencies of the various sections differ, attaining 70
per cent, for the first, and 55 per cent, for the fourth; the
mean efficiency of the entire machine being about 63 per cent.
M. Rey does not consider it practicable to construct such
compressors to produce pressures of 30, 40, or 50 kilogrammes
per square centimetre, as required by M, Sekutowicz, so
that it would be necessary to supplement it by a small piston
M. Rey computes the practical efficiency of a turbine
by calculating the energy absorbed in the compression of 1
kilogramme of air, as well as the energy developed by a
kilogramme of burned gases upon the wheel, and his compu-
tation shows these two amounts to be about equal, so that
there would be no power available for external use. This,
however, hardly seems correct, since we have the energy
furnished by the burned fuel added to that contained in the
compressed air, and their sum should be considered. The
practical operation of the turbine of Armengaud and Lemale
also furnishes a refutation of the theoretical calculations
of M. Rey, since it has developed 500 horse-power, only
about one-half of which was required to operate the Rateau
compressor by which it was served.
M. G. Hart called attention to the practical structural
difficulties attending the realization of an operative gas tur-
bine. In addition to the question of an efficient rotary
compressor for high pressures, there are several other ques-
tions to be settled. Among these he emphasized the high
rotative speeds to be realized, these bringing centrifugal
stresses upon the materials of which the resistance would
necessarily be reduced by the high temperatures. Even
if the difficulties attending the cooling of the rotating parts
are successfully overcome, there will be expansion and con-
traction stresses which must be taken into account.
As regards the combustion chamber there are several
questions involved in its successful construction, although
M. Armengaud appeared to have adopted an effective design.
M. Hart suggested that several combustion chambers
arranged in series might be found more advantageous than
a single one of larger size, especially in connection with speed
regulation for light loads.
The practical solution of the gas turbine question,
according to M. Hart, appears to lie in the perfection of a
number of details, a result attainable only by means of ex-
haustive experimental investigations.
M. Bochet called attention to the fact that high degrees
of compression were necessary if high thermal efficiencies
were to be attained, citing the experience of the Diesel
motor, in which the temperature of compression is sufficient
to cause the ignition of the combustible. Such high com-
pressions, however, are as yet entirely beyond the powers of
the best turbine compressors, a fact which militates severely
against the success of the gas turbine so far as efficiency is
M. L. Letombe compared the possibilities of the gas tur-
bine with the achieved performances of the piston gas en-
gine. He believed that the steam turbine had, in some
cases, been found preferable to the steam engine because of
its greater simplicity, but it seemed as if this point could not
be advanced for the gas turbine, because the latter machine,
at least so far as developed at present, was more complicated
than the reciprocating gas engine.
In closing the discussion, M. Sekutowicz reviewed the
criticisms which his paper had elicited, commenting upon the
influence which the variability in the specific heat of gases at
very high temperatures might have upon his computations,
and emphasizing the desirability of submitting the doubtful
points to the test of actual investigation in the mechanical
ONE of the most essential elements in the success of the
gas turbine lies in the practicability of the conversion of the
original potential energy of the gases into kinetic energy in
the nozzle. The extent to which this can be accomplished
is yet a matter for discussion.
Experimental investigations upon the free expansion
of gases in nozzles, conducted by Dr. Charles E. Lucke, at
Columbia University, appear to show that the nozzle is a far
less efficient means for the conversion of energy than the
piston and cylinder. Referring to experiments made upon
the expansion of compressed air to show the extent of
temperature drop, Dr. Lucke says:
"Holding a thermometer in the stream of air issuing from
an open valve or nozzle on a compressed air main will show,
for even a pressure drop of 100 pounds per square inch, only
three or four degrees temperature change. This also may
be due to impact on the thermometer raising the temperature
of the moving gases by bringing them to rest on the bulb;
but again this will not account for the whole difference be-
tween what is observed and what would be were this free
expansion equivalent to balanced expansion. To eliminate
the errors of impact as much as possible, a thermal couple
stretched axially along the jet and made of fine wire has
been used by the author for a measurement of the tempera-
ture of the air when moving at the maximum velocity. The
maximum temperature drop for air under 100 pounds initial
pressure, expanding through a steam turbine nozzle into
atmosphere, is only 30 degrees F. This result is only 12 per
cent, of the temperature drop that would have resulted did
the air suffer balanced expansion without gain or loss of heat.
"Another instance of the same lack of equivalence in re-
sults by free and balanced expansion is found in the experi-
ments of Tripler and Linde on the making of liquid air. In
this work air highly compressed (2000 to 3000 pounds per
square inch) is first cooled by water and then some of the
air freely expanded through a hole, the discharge passing
around the pipe feeding the hole. This was intended to cool
the air in the pipe lower than the critical temperature for
liquefaction under the high pressure used. The results
were enormously different from the case for balanced expan-
sion, the temperature drop through the nozzle being about
\ degree F. per atmosphere-pressure drop, according to one
report. More accurately the results for the Linde process
are shown in the following table, the initial pressure being
220 atmospheres.
Temperature approaching the Actual temperature drop
nozzle. through nozzle.
+ 30 F. 35 F.
F. 65 F.
30 F. 80 F.
60 F. 96 F.
-100 F. 112 F.
150 F. 135 F.
"Unless, by an increase of knowledge of free expansion of
perfect gases, it becomes possible to produce results equiva-
lent to those obtained with balanced expansion, there cannot
be the same amount of heat transformed into work by the
gas turbine engine as by the cylinder-and-piston gas engine."
Later investigations made by Dr. Lucke in operating
a De Laval steam turbine with compressed air gave interest-
ing results, an abstract of which is here given.
"For convenience of operation the air was cold air,
whereas in the practical gas turbine the air would be hot
and possibly more or less mixed with steam, or possibly no
air at all, but carbon dioxide. In any event, the working
fluid would be largely a perfect gas. The turbine used was
a De Laval standard 30 horse-power machine intended for
steam at 110 pounds pressure and having six nozzles. The
turbine wheel runs at 20,000 revolutions per minute, and the
power shaft 2000 revolutions. The air used for driving
the turbine was measured by a Westinghouse metre. The
tests were run on no load, because the compressor used was
not sufficiently large to supply the amount of air needed at
full load, or even at full speed without load. With each type
of nozzle three different initial pressures were used, each
with a different number of nozzles. Readings were taken of
the temperature of the air entering the turbine and the
temperature of the air in the exhaust chamber, with the
corresponding pressures. The nozzles fitted to this turbine
in holes Numbers 1 and 4 are 110 pounds pressure and 25 J
inches vacuum; in holes Numbers 3 and 6 for 110 pounds
pressure and 26.3 inches vacuum; and in holes Numbers 2
and 5 for 110 pounds steam pressure and atmospheric
exhaust. The results of the pressure-drop runs are given
in the following table, which also gives the theoretical
temperature-drop, assuming an adiabatic expansion of air
between the same pressures.
"From this it appears that the temperature-drop realized
varies from 4 to 18 per cent, of the theoretical or adiabatic
temperature-drop. The preceding results are given with re-
spect to speeds also, which varied from 520 to 1920 revo-
lutions per minute. To show according to what law this
complete process takes place, the exponent of the tempera-
ture ratio in the equation between pressure ratio and tem-
perature ratio, which for adiabatic expansion of air is .29,
was determined and found to lie between .1005 and .0380."
These results obtained by Dr. Lucke must be compared
with the practical ones secured by the engineers of the
Societe des Turbomoteurs at St. Denis and the experiments
made by M. Alfred Barbezat upon the small experimental
ascoco^co GO oc oo GO ox
OasCni ' CO O5 I CO CO GO
1 1 Hi iLLiiiiu 1 1 1 1 jj n
-a |_i (-1 t ' tO I i
tOOiH- '^lOCni '
t ' CO 4^ h- h- 1
5' *
g ^
g t9
I fe 1
O5 GO CO 'in CO
turbine of Mm. Armengaud and Lemale show a much
greater drop. It is greatly to be desired that this whole
subject of free expansion in nozzles for steam, for air, and
for mixed gases, at various temperatures should be thor-
oughly investigated experimentally, and it might well occupy
the efforts of some of the highly equipped mechanical and
physical laboratories of the technical schools.
THE most complete account of the Armengaud and Le-
male turbine, the gas turbine which, by its practical perform-
ances has done the most to demonstrate that the gas tur-
bine is a reality, and not merely an academic discussion, is
contained in an article by the late M. Rene Armengaud,
published in Cassier's Magazine, and here reprinted.*
M. Armengaud reviews the principles of the gas turbine,
and describes some early devices, and then proceeds :
Heat motors in general service at the present time may
be grouped into the following classes :
1. Alternating steam motors (reciprocating steam en-
2. Alternating combustion motors (reciprocating gas
3. Continuous steam motors (steam turbines).
4. Continuous combustion motors (gas turbines).
Of these various machines the latest, and certainly the
least known, is that which appears to have a most interesting
future, the gas turbine, and it is this which I now propose
to discuss.
A successful gas turbine aims to combine the great advan-
tages of the gas engine, including the elimination of the
steam boiler and a high thermal efficiency, with the special
advantages of the steam turbine, i. e., simplicity of construc-
tion, lightness, and the greatly desired property of continu-
ous motion in one direction, with the accompanying features
of control and regulation.
The various plans which have been discussed for the de-
* The Gas Turbine. Practical results with actual operative machines in
France. By Rene Armengaud, Cassier's Magazine, January, 1907.
sign of the gas turbine may be divided into three groups : hot-
air turbines, explosion turbines, and combustion turbines.
So far as the first group is concerned, I have not attempted
to make any investigations in this direction, believing this
system to offer few advantages. The only machine of this
kind of which I have any knowledge is that of Dr. Stolze, of
Charlottenburg, of which the following description is ab-
stracted from his patents. Air is compressed by means of a
helicoidial compressor to about 1J atmospheres. The air,
after having circulated about a furnace, expands, and is then
passed through a turbine attached to the same shaft as the
FIG. 74.-<-General arrangement of explosion gas turbine.
In the case of the second group, the explosion turbines,
the air compressor is eliminated or greatly simplified. The
explosive mixture is formed in the same chamber in which
it is ignited, being either at atmospheric pressure or slightly
above, and by its expansion, consequent upon the explosion,
it acts upon the turbine wheel. The principle of such a
machine is shown in Fig. 74. The explosion chamber is
.closed at the back by a valve A held to its seat by a light
spring B, the chamber having an expanding nozzle opening
at C. The gas enters at small openings, as at E under the
seat of the valve, and the air is admitted at F, the mixture
being ignited electrically at H, and discharged through tho
nozzle C upon the buckets of the turbine wheel T. The dis-
charged gases pass through an induced current nozzle G which
acts to reduce the temperature of the issuing gases and lower
the velocity of the jet as it acts upon the turbine wheel.
Such an apparatus, when properly proportioned, will make
about three explosions per second, and will continue to run
automatically after it has once been started.
o 0.05- o.i o
FIG. 75. Explosion turbine diagram.
Various theories have been advanced to explain the ac-
tion of this device. The most satisfactory explanation of
the periodic action is that of the sudden cooling of the cham-
ber after each explosion. This cooling causes a correspond-
ing drop in the pressure, followed by the opening of the valve
A and the aspiration of the air and gas, and as soon as the
explosive mixture reaches the igniter a fresh explosion
follows. In Fig. 75, the variations in pressure in the cham-
ber are shown as a function of time. The maximum effective
pressure ranges from 2 to 3 kilogrammes per square centi-
metre, or about 30 to 45 pounds per square inch, although
the theoretical pressure in such an open vessel should
reach 4 kilogrammes, so that the mixture of the gas and air
is probably imperfect.
Theoretically, the explosion turbine should have a certain
thermal advantage over the corresponding cycle for a com-
bustion turbine. The specific heat at constant volume be-
ing lower than the specific heat at constant pressure, the
same quantity of heat acting upon the same mass of gas
should produce a higher temperature after the explosion
than after a combustion. Since, according to the principle
of Carnot, the efficiency is proportional to the maximum
temperature of the fluid before expansion, the explosion tur-
bine should be more efficient than the combustion turbine.
Unfortunately the high velocities of discharge of the gases,
and the variations in the pressure, render it impracticable to
realize more than a small fraction of the energy of the jet
upon the wheel. Thus, the theoretical efficiency of such a
FIG. 76. Combustion gas turbine. A, combustion chamber. B, fuel inlet. C, fuel sprayer.
E, expansion nozzle. F, turbine.
machine should be about 16 per cent., while the actual per-
formance does not exceed 3 to 4 per cent. In addition to
this defect there are operative difficulties with the springs
and valves, and the frequent breakages and delicate adjust-
ments have rendered experiments to improve the apparatus
There remains, then, the combustion turbine, which, in
spite of the necessity for an air compressor, is greatly
to be preferred, especially for large units. This machine
consists in principle of a combustion chamber A Fig. 76.
supplied by a continuous current of compressed air, and also
by a continuous supply of liquid fuel, gasoline, petroleum,
or the like, under pressure through a tube B, the mixture
being ignited at the start by a platinum wire C, the combus-
tion developing a constant temperature of about 1300 de-
grees C. in the chamber D. The fluid products of combustion
are then continuously discharged through a nozzle E, upon
the buckets of the turbine wheel F.
The principal defect in this apparatus in comparison with
the reciprocating gas engine is the necessity for a separate
air compressor, instead of having the compression of the
charge effected in the motor itself. This defect is partially
remedied by the diminution of the losses through the walls,
and by the possibility of an expansion which is practically
FIG. 77. Diagram for combustion turbine.
adiabatic. The combustion is also more complete than is
possible in a working cylinder, and all the products of com-
bustion are utilized.
The action of a combustion turbine is graphically shown
in Fig. 77. In this diagram the area OABC represents the
energy required for the air compressor. The combustion of
the liquid fuel increases the volume from CB to CD. If any
vapor of water is introduced, this volume will be diminished
from CD to CD l} while at the same time its mass increases
the volume of CD^ to CE. The effective energy exerted by
the turbine will be represented by the area OFEC and that
available after the deduction of the work of compression will
be AFEB.
In endeavoring to produce such a cycle in an actual
working machine, the following practical difficulties must
be overcome:
A gaseous fluid moving at a high velocity must be kept
constantly ignited, by a device which must not be affected
by the high temperature of the combustion chamber.
The mixture of the combustible and the air must be made
as perfect as possible.
The injurious action of the gaseous products at a high
temperature upon the parts of the apparatus, and upon the
turbine wheel itself, must be prevented.
For three years a machine complying with these condi-
tions has been running successfully in the shops of the So-
ciete des Turbomoteurs at Paris, this apparatus being the
Armengaud-Lemale turbine, of which some further descrip-
tion will be given.
The original machine was made from a De Laval steam
turbine of 25 horse-power, arranged to be operated with
compressed air instead of steam. The air was supplied at
any desired pressure from a high speed compressor, of which
the efficiency had been closely determined, while prolonga-
tions of the pipe which connected the compressor to the tur-
bine formed the combustion chamber. At the entrance of
each chamber the gasoline, mixed with the air, was ignited
by an incandescent platinum wire, this ignition being neces-
sary only at the starting of the operation, the combustion
being maintained continuously thereafter at constant pres-
sure. The combustion chambers were lined with refractory
material, and a temperature of about 1800 degrees C. was
produced. In order to reduce the temperature to practical
limits the chamber was cooled by the introduction of vapor
of water generated in a spiral imbedded in a portion of
the combustion chamber. The steam thus produced was
allowed to mingle with the gases of combustion before expan-
sion in such proportion that the temperature of the mixture
was about 400 degrees C.
FIG. 89. The 30 horse-power experimental gas turbine of the Societe des Turbomoteurs.
FIG. 90. The 300 horse-power gas turbine of Armengaud and Lemale connected to th
Rateau polycellular turbine compressor.
Although this apparatus was necessarily crude and not
proportioned in such a manner as to give the best results, it
enabled the conditions essential for a good efficiency to be
Among the practical points thus determined were proofs
that it was entirely possible to maintain the combustion
chamber, turbine wheel, and fuel pulverizer in operative con-
dition. The experiments also showed it to be practicable to
maintain a very high temperature continuously in the actual
combustion chamber, and, by means of this high heat to
secure a perfect combustion of any combustible. The work
of compression having been carefully ascertained for the pur-
pose of deducting it from the brake power developed by
the entire machine, it appeared that even with this imperfect
apparatus the total power was about double that necessary
to drive the compressor. This result was attained with a
pressure of about 10 kilogrammes per square centimetre, and
a temperature of 400 degrees C. at the exhaust.
As has already been said, the excessively high tempera-
tures developed were reduced in the earlier experiments by
mixing a certain quantity of steam with the gases of com-
bustion before expansion. This method, while accomplish-
ing the result desired, also acted to lower the efficiency of the
turbine, doubtless because of the latent heat of vaporization
lost in the exhaust. In the diagram, (Fig. 78) the curves
show the manner in which the economical performance of this
machine varied, represented as a function of the upper pres-
sure and of the temperature of the exhaust gases. This dia-
gram has been computed upon a basis of 60 per cent,
efficiency of the turbine wheel, and 80 per cent, of the com-
pressor. For example, with a pressure of 30 kilogrammes
per square centimetre, and an exhaust temperature of 450
degrees C., an efficiency of 18 per cent, is obtained.
It thus appears that the efficiency depends both upon the
pressure and upon the temperature of the exhaust gases.
In order, therefore, to obtain the best efficiency it is neces-
sary to prevent cooling the gases before expansion, either by
introducing steam into the combustion chamber, or other-
wise, and to effect the greatest possible reduction in temper-
ature in the expansion alone.
The difficulties accompanying the high temperatures
may be met in the case of the combustion chamber and other
fixed parts by the use of a water jacket and by the employ-
t 1750'C
I 5 to 20 30
FIG. 78. Gas turbine economy curves.
ment of a refractory lining, and the real difficulties are
reached only when it becomes necessary to provide for the
effect of the highly heated fluid upon the rotating metallic
wheel, already weakened by the heavy centrifugal stresses
to which it is necessarily subjected.
The most practical way of keeping the turbine wheel cool
is to follow the jet of hot gases by another jet of a low tem-
perature so that the buckets of the wheel pass successively
through alternate hot and cool zones, the average tempera-
ture of the two jets being sufficiently low to prevent injury to
the metal. The low temperature jet found most practicable
is that of low pressure steam, and this is readily provided
from the water jacket and from a device arranged as a re-
generator in connection with the exhaust gases.
This arrangement, shown in Fig. 79, gives a general idea
of the system. The air from the compressor enters at D and
is mixed with the liquid fuel in the concentric nozzle EE and
FIG. 79. Mixed gas and steam turbine. Air enters at D, fuel at F, the ignition is made
at G. The combustion chamber A is lined with carborundum. The nozzle H is water-
jacketed, and the hot water passes to the steam generator L, which is heated by the exhaust
gases from the turbine. The steam acts to propel and cool the wheel by the nozzle M .
ignited by the platinum wire at G. The combustion takes
place continuously at constant pressure in the chamber A,
and the products of combustion are discharged through the
expansion nozzle H upon the buckets of the turbine wheel 1.
The nozzle itself is protected by a water jacket C, the water
leaving the jacket at K. On the other side of the wheel
there is arranged a sort of flash steam generator L, this
being composed of a serpentine pipe of continually increasing
diameter, the water entering the small end at K, this en-
trance forming a part of the discharge pipe from the water
jacket of the nozzle H. The steam generator L is placed in
the path of the exhaust gases leaving the turbine wheel,
and these highly heated gases furnish the heat necessary to
convert the water into steam, the vapor thus produced
being discharged through the nozzle M upon the turbine
wheel, thus acting both to aid in the propulsion and to
form a zone of comparatively low temperature to abstract
heat from the wheel. By this arrangement it is possible to
reduce the temperature of the wheel to practicable limits,
provided the temperature of the exhaust gases is sufficiently
high to produce enough steam. That is, the expansion of
FIG. 80. The Lemale combustion chamber.
the gases in the nozzle must not lower their pressure and
temperature so far as to keep down the volume of steam too
low. In such case it is always practicable to admit a small
quantity of superheated steam into the combustion chamber
and thus obtain the required temperature without affecting
the efficiency of the machine too much.
The general heat balance of a gas turbine using a steam
regenerator according to the above plan is shown in Fig. 81,
in which the total -quantity of energy produced by the fuel
is represented by the dimension X, and the various losses
indicated by the cross hatched portions in the body of the
diagram. The efficiency of the machine is then obtained
as the ratio Y : X, Y being composed of two parts, one of
which is obtained from the action of the gases upon the wheel
and the other by the steam.
In this arrangement the expansion of the gases and the
steam occur in parallel, so to speak, this being clearly
indicated in the diagram. For constructive reasons, how-
ever, it is found convenient to adopt the previous system,
the steam produced in the regenerator being delivered into
FIG. 81. Heat balance diagram for mixed gas turbine. I, total energy developed by
the combustion of the fuel. II, kinetic energy available at the discharge of the nozzle.
Ill, energy developed on the turbine wheel. IV, energy developed less the power required
to drive the compressor. V, energy recovered in the steam. VI, energy available in the
expanding steam. VII, energy developed by the steam on the wheel. X, total energy con-
tained in the fuel. Y, total energy produced in indicated work, a, Radiation losses from
the combustion chamber, b, Loss in the nozzle, c, Compressor losses, d, Theoretical
work of compression, e, Radiation losses from the turbine. /, Losses in the exhaust
steam, g, Losses in the exhaust gases.
the same nozzle as that used for the gases, and this plan has
been adopted in our most recent turbine, even at some re-
duction in the thermal efficiency.
This machine, shown in several views, is of the same
general type as the Curtis steam turbine, and is capable of
delivering from 400 to 800 h. p., according to the compressor
capacity utilized. The turbine is operated at 4000 revolu-
tions per minute, and the speed regulation is effected by a
throttling valve in the air admission pipe for small speed var-
iations, and by a change in the fuel supply for larger changes,
the regulating valves being controlled by a Hartung gover-
nor. There are three pumps attached to the machine, one
the air compressor, another for the fuel supply, and the
third for the water.
The combustion chamber is made of cast iron, lined with
carborundum, the cast iron being protected with a water
jacket. An elastic non-conducting lining is placed between
the carborundum and the outer shell, this providing a bed-
ding for the carborundum and also permitting a slight move-
ment for differences in expansion and contraction. The
extremity of the chamber and the nozzles are surrounded
by a jacket space in which the water and steam circulate,
the nozzles being of the expanding type similar to those of
the De Laval steam turbine, although the expansion is
completed in a shorter time. It is necessary that the expan-
sion should be effected in a single operation in order that the
temperature be sufficiently reduced before the gases reach
the wheel.
The gasoline or other liquid fuel is delivered into the
combustion chamber through a pulverizer, or atomizer, the
construction of which is shown in Fig. 86. This is arranged
with a reverse annular opening B delivering the fuel back-
ward against the incoming stream of air, the angle causing
the gasoline to form a sort of cone of minute particles, these
becoming ignited as soon as their decreasing velocity per-
mits. The preheating of the fuel also riders the ignition
easy. The atomizer is protected against the intense radiant
heat of the chamber wall by the current of air with which it
is continually surrounded. The igniting coil of platinum
wire D is protected by a steel cap (7, the electric current
entering by the central insulated rod E, the circuit being
completed through the machine itself. A pressure of 2
FIG. 82. The Armengaud and Lemale gas turbine. A view of the 500 horse-power turbine
in the experimental laboratory at St. Denis.
FIG. 83. The Armengaud and Lemale gas turbine. This view and the preceding one
show the wheel casing, governor, and general arrangement.
FIG. 84. The Armengaud and Lemale gas turbine. This view shows the combustion
chamber, air and fuel inlets and connections.
FIG. 85. The Armengaud and Lemale gas turbine. Another view of the combustion
chamber, with air and fuel connections.
volts is found sufficient to render the platinum wire incandes-
cent. The atomizer is inserted into the combustion cham-
ber in such a manner that it can readily be removed for in-
spection and cleaning, this operation also giving complete
access to the chamber itself.
The turbine wheel is arranged to be cooled by water cir-
culation as shown in Fig. 87, this representing a section of
the rim and a portion of the disc. A and B are circular
channels in the body of the rim, these being supplied with
water by radial passages as at E. Small passages also per-
mit the water to enter into each blade of the turbine and the
FIG. 86. Section of pulverizer and igniter.
difference in specific gravity between the hot and cold water
is found to make an automatic circulation, in connection with
the centrifugal force due to the high velocity of rotation.
The air supply for the turbine is furnished by a polycel-
lular rotary compressor of the Rateau system. This impor-
tant adjunct to the gas turbine, shown in Fig. 88, is composed
of a number of turbine blowers arranged in series and espe-
cially designed to be operated at very high rotative speeds,
so that it may be directly connected to the gas turbine.
The importance of the compressor is second only to that of
the turbine itself, since it is of little value to possess a rotary
combustion motor if a reciprocating compressor is a necessary
auxiliary. It is on this ground, more than almost any other,
that the design of a successful gas turbine has been consid-
ered problematical, and here, as in many other cases in the
FIG. 87. Section of wheel of gas turbine, showing passages for cool ing- water.
history of the development of a device, the progress of other
departments of work becomes essential to complete success.
The work of M. Rateau in the improvement of the steam
turbine is well known, and by the application of the expe-
rience thus gained, a machine for the supply of compressed
t- O
air to the gas turbine has been produced, involving only ro-
tary motion, and thus capable of being driven directly by the
turbine, and having an efficiency sufficiently high to permit
a good performance of the combined apparatus.
The Rateau compressor is practically a reversal of the
steam turbine, and is composed of a number of elements
connected in series, so that the pressure is cumulative, the
action being similar to that of the multiple centrifugal
pumps which have been employed with such success for
delivering water against high heads.
Each element of this compressor consists of two parts,
the revolving wheel and the diffuser. The diffuser is ar-
ranged to provide discharge passages for the air, having
gradually increasing section for the flow, in order that the
velocity of the air as it leaves the wheel may be reduced
with the least possible loss, the kinetic energy being con-
verted into pressure. The length of the machine is such that
intermediate bearings have been introduced to provide sup-
port and stiffness to the rotating parts, and the whole design
of the compressor has been so carefully worked out that an
efficiency of 65 per cent, has been already attained, and pres-
ent experiments indicate that this performance will be sur-
In Fig. 88 a Rateau compressor of three sections is shown,
but larger machines have been constructed, and the pressures
attained naturally depend upon the number of sections.
Experiments have shown that in the first section the air is
compressed to 1.7 kilogrammes per square centimetre, or
about 24 pounds per square inch, absolute, the succeeding
pressures being 2.9 kilogrammes, 4.9 kilogrammes, and 7.2
kilogrammes per square centimetre, the latter corresponding
to 112 pounds per square inch above vacuum.
In a subsequent issue of Cassier's Magazine,* an article
was published containing a communication from M. Alfred
* Cassier's Magazine, April, 1908.
Barbezat, who had been associated with M. Rene Armen-
gaud, and who continued in the work after the death of the
M. Barbezat reviewed the early work of M. Armen-
gaud, and then described the later progress as follows:
The general principle of the machine involves the delivery
of air under pressure into a pear-shaped chamber lined with
refractory material and provided with an expanding nozzle
through which a uniform flow of gases can be delivered upon
the blades of the wheel. In the centre of the air nozzle there
is arranged an axial tube, with a pulverizer at the inner end,
through which the fuel, in the form of gasoline, or similar
liquid hydrocarbon, is forced into the chamber. The electric
sparking device enables the fuel to be ignited on starting,
after which the high temperature of the chamber maintains
the combustion indefinitely. The high temperature pro-
duced by the combustion greatly increases the volume of the
air, and this, together with the gaseous products of the com-
bustion of the fuel, flows at a high velocity through the ex-
panding nozzle upon the blades of the wheel.
In dealing with such high temperatures, the temperature
of the combustion being about 1800 degrees C., the best re-
fractory lining for the combustion chamber has been found to
be carborundum, this being a product of the electric furnace,
and thus having already sustained even higher temperature
than those in the turbine combustion chamber. An elastic
backing of asbestos provides for the expansion of the carbor-
undum lining, and the nozzle through which the gases are
discharged upon the wheel is also made of carborundum.
In addition to the provision of a refractory lining, it has
been found necessary to surround the combustion chamber
with a water jacket in the form of a coil of pipe imbedded
in the metal of the chamber walls, much in the same manner
as such coils are used in the tuyeres of blast furnaces, and
the circulation of the water in the coils aids in keeping the
temperature of the combustion chamber walls within practi-
cable limits.
After the water has circulated in the jacket tube it is
delivered, through small holes, into the gases just before
they enter the nozzle, and is there converted into steam,
this acting both to lower the temperature of the issuing gases
to a point where they will not injure the blades of the tur-
bine, and also itself being discharged upon the wheel with
the gases and forming a part of the jet, which is thus com-
posed of mingled gas, steam, and highly heated air.
In order to obtain the desired result of a machine involv-
ing only rotary motion, it is necessary that the compressed
air by which the combustion chamber is fed should be pro-
duced, not by a reciprocating piston compressor, but by
some form of rotary machine, preferably so arranged
that it can be coupled directly to the turbine itself. This
means that the complete gas turbine must also include a
rotary air compressor, and that such a compressor must have
a high efficiency in itself, otherwise it will produce such a
large proportion of negative work as to detract materially
from the efficiency of the combined machine, even though
the actual thermal efficiency of the turbine be high.
After a number of experiments upon single impeller tur-
bine air compressors, driven at high rotative speeds by De
Laval steam turbines, the services of Professor Rateau were
enlisted in the work, and a multiple turbine compressor,
designed by him especially for this work, was constructed at
the works of Brown, Boveri & Co., at Baden, Switzerland.
This machine is arranged in three sections and provided with
continuous cooling circulation, and, being thoroughly tested,
was found to be capable of delivering one cubic metre of air
per second at a pressure of 6 to 7 atmospheres, with an
efficiency ranging between 60 and 70 per cent.
The illustration (Fig. 90) shows the arrangement with this
compressor coupled directly to the large experimental tur-
bine constructed by M. Armengaud, the turbine and the
compressor thus forming practically one machine.
In this arrangement the compressor was found to absorb
about one-half the total power developed by the turbine, the
machine, when running at about 4000 revolutions per minute
developing about 300 horse-power over and above the nega-
tive work absorbed by the compressor. At the present
time experiments are being made upon the thermal efficiency
of the machine, which is, as yet, not as high as that of the re-
ciprocating gas engine; but these tests are not yet completed,
and the results not available for publication.
During the past few months a practical application of
this turbine has been made in connection with the operation
of submarine torpedoes.
It is well known that in certain types of such machines
the motive power for the brief period which elapses between
the discharge and the contact with the target is derived
from a store of compressed air, and in some such torpedoes
the compressed air acts upon a turbine wheel similar to the
steam turbine. This principle has now been extended to the
use of the gas turbine, the compressed air from the reservoir
passing through a combustion chamber and the total
products of combustion together with the vapor of water
acting on the turbine, and its capacity thus increased over
that operated by compressed air alone.
The turbines made for this purpose develop 120 horse-
power at a speed of 1000 revolutions per minute, the
expansion ratio being 8.4. The weight of the turbine alone
is 73.16 kilogrammes, or about 1.3 pounds per horse-power.
Including the weight of the reservoir of compressed air,
together with the petrol and water for a discharge lasting 80
seconds, the total weight of the whole apparatus is about
295 kilogrammes, or a little less than 2.5 kilogrammes, or
5.5 pounds per horse-power.
Although the gas turbine is, therefore, still in the experi-
mental stage, it has made material advances in the past
year, the 300 horse-power combined compressor and turbine
being an accomplished fact, and a number of 120 horse-
power machines of a special type being actually installed
in submarine torpedoes completed for active service.
When this rate of progress is compared with the time re-
quired to bring the reciprocating gas engine to its present
state of perfection, there appears to be reason for encourage-
ment and interest.
' \
6000 10000 15000 20000 25000
FIG. 91.
The accompanying diagram (Fig. 91) gives the results of
practical tests of a Rateau multiple air compressor, as well
as a characteristic curve of the small experimental gas tur-
bine of M. Armengaud and Lemale, as communicated to the
author by M. Alfred Barbezat, who has been associated
with the late M. Rene Armengaud in much of his work.
Experiments with the large turbine and compressor have
shown the operative practicability of the machine, but the
consumption of petrol (1200 to 1300 grammes per horse-
power hour) being too high for industrial purposes. Exper-
iments which we are not yet at liberty to publish, however,
indicate that the fuel consumption will be very materially
The following data concerning gas turbines furnished by
the Societe des Turbomoteurs to the Creusot Works for use
in submarine torpedoes, show the extent to which the practi-
cal development of the gas turbine has already attained:
Power 120 horse-power
Speed 1500 revolutions per minute
Expansion ratio 8.4 to 1.4 atmospheres (1: 6)
Weight of turbine 73.16 kilogrammes (162 Ib.)
Weight of petrol 1.55 kilogrammes (3.4 Ib.)
Weight of water 11.00 kilogrammes (24.2)
Weight of air and reservoir, 32 + 177 = 209 kilogrammes (627.6 Ib.)
' During the past year there has been built in Paris, by
M. Karavodine, an explosion gas turbine developing about
2 horse-power, and operating with regularity and success;
and from recent tests of this machine by M. Alfred Barbezat
we are able to give some quantitative data concerning its
The Karavodine explosion gas turbine tested by M.
Barbezat was provided with four explosion chambers, the
products of the explosions being directed through four
separate nozzles upon a single turbine wheel. This wheel
was of the De Laval type, about 6 inches in diameter (150
centimetres), carried upon a flexible shaft, and fitted with
a Prony brake.
The general construction of the explosion chambers is
shown in the illustration. The body of the chamber B is
composed of cast iron and provided with a water jacket A,
which does not extend all the way to the top, thus per-
mitting the portion nearest the discharge nozzle to become
heated. At the lower end there is provided an opening C
for the entrance of the fuel, either gas or hydrocarbon vapor;
also, an opposite opening D for the entrance of air. These
openings are both provided with throttle valves, not shown
in the illustration, by means of which the proportions of
air and gas may be regulated. At E is an electric ignition
plug, and at F is a plate steel valve, opening inward, and
held to its seat by a spiral spring G, its lift being regulated
by a set-screw H. The discharge nozzle is shown at 7, and
also a portion of the perimeter of the turbine wheel.
FIG. 92. Combustion chamber of the Karavodine turbine.
In starting the machine the air opening D is closed by
its throttle valve and a blast of air is blown through C, the
explosive mixture being ignited by a spark at E. After
the first explosion the air entrance D is opened and a sort
of pulsometer action follows, thus: After each explosion
there follows a depression, or partial vacuum, which acts
to draw air and hydrocarbon vapor or gas into the chamber
B, lifting the valve F. This mixture is instantly ignited
by the spark at E, and another explosion follows, to be
again followed by another suction, and so on indefinitely.
After a short time the upper part of the chamber B becomes
so hot that the igniter E may be shut off, the charge being
exploded by the heat of the chamber. The nozzle 7 is made
rather long, and it is found that the friction against the
walls and the inertia of its contents prevent any material
negative or back suction through it, so that the chamber
B is filled at every stroke almost entirely from the air and
gas openings below.
When the tension on the spring G and the lift of the
valve F are both carefully adjusted this simple device will
run for hours, without miss or interruption, the explosions
following each other so closely as to make practically a
continuous discharge upon the turbine wheel.
In order to investigate the action and pressure in this
explosion chamber, a special form of recording gauge was
made. The pressure in the chamber acted upon a thin
steel diaphragm, of which the deflections actuated a small
mirror, throwing a beam of light upon a rapidly-moving,
sensitive film. The result was the production of a curve
of the sine type, in which the ordinates represent pressure
and the abscissae show time.
In the diagram shown in the illustration the solid curved
line is made up from the average of a number of diagrams,
while the dotted line shows the one which deviated most
widely from the mean. During the period A E there was a
partial vacuum in the chamber, and the mixed charge was
drawn in. From E to D the pressure of the explosion oc-
curred, and the contents of the chamber were discharged
upon the wheel. The ignition began at B } and the force of
the explosion reached its maximum at C, while the period
A B includes the inertia action of the gases. The diagram
shows that a complete oscillation required 0.026 part of a
second, corresponding to between 38 and 39 explosions per
second. The mean pressure A F in the diagram was 1.139
kilogrammes per square centimetre (absolute), or about
pounds per square inch, the maximum force of the explo-
sion being 1.345 kilogrammes, or about 19 pounds per square
inch. The lowest suction pressure was 0.890 kilogramme, or
12.6 pounds absolute, thus giving a negative pressure of
FIG. 93. Diagram of the explosion turbine.
about 2 pounds to draw the charge in, and a discharge pres-
sure of between 4 and 5 pounds on the wheel.
In the machine tested by M. Barbezat the volume of
one chamber was 230 cubic centimetres. Each nozzle was
3 metres long and 16 millimetres bore, slightly curved at
the end to conform to the shape of the wheel. The wheel
itself was 150 millimetres in diameter, or 5.9 inches, and
made 10,000 revolutions per minute, corresponding to a
perimeter velocity of 78.5 metres, or about 258 feet per
At the same time the above diagrams were taken the
amount of air drawn into the four chambers was measured
by a meter, and the quantity of gasoline consumed was
measured, while the power developed was determined by
the Prony brake. The data and results were as follows:
Air consumed per hour, 62.5 cubic metres = 80 kg.
Gasoline, 6.5 litres = 4.7 kg.
Length of brake arm, 46.4 centimetres.
Weight on brake, 248 grammes.
Speed, 10,000 revolutions per minute.
From these figures the brake power works out 1.6 horse-
power, and as the wheel and journal friction was determined
at 0.5 horse-power, the actual indicated power was 2.1
horse-power. This gives a fuel consumption of 2.24 kilo-
grammes of gasoline per horse-power hour, which is very
fair for such a small machine, being only about one-third
greater than that of the old Lenoir gas engine.
In considering the availability of such a machine there
are a number of considerations other than the mere fuel
consumption. The continuous turning effort is often most
desirable, and when it is considered that the wheel of this
machine was less than 6 inches in diameter, the possibilities
of such an apparatus may become evident. The absence of
a compressor and corresponding reduction in weight and
size give such a machine marked advantages over the
combustion turbine, in which the compressor is much larger
than the turbine itself, and even if the fuel consumption is
as high as indicated above.
IN the previous chapters there has been shown broadly
the mathematical and thermodynamical principles upon
which the possibilities of the construction of a practicable
gas turbine may be based, together with some account of
the success which has attended the design and operation
of actual machines. Much remains to be done before the
gas turbine can be expected to enter the market in competi-
tion with existing gas engines of the reciprocating type, but
there are many active and energetic minds at work upon
this portion of the problem, and commercial results may
soon be expected to follow.
So far as predictions may be made at this stage of the
question, it seems as if the most immediate results are to
be anticipated from the so-called " mixed" turbine; the
type in which the injection of water for cooling purposes
causes the machine to partake of the combined nature of
the gas and the steam turbine. This is especially true of
the combustion turbine, in which a continuous combustion
in a closed chamber provides the gases under pressure to
act upon the wheel. The turbine of the explosion type,
notwithstanding its low thermal efficiency, appears to have
arrived at a practical stage already, and the machine con-
structed by Karavodine, and tested by Barbezat, has
demonstrated that a dry gas turbine of this type is an
operative machine already about as efficient as a steam
engine of the same capacity.
Apart from the question of thermal efficiency, the
development of the gas turbine depends to a large extent
upon other properties.
One of the principal difficulties with the reciprocating
gas engine lies in the intermittent character of the impelling
forces upon the crank shaft, a defect which the multiplica-
tion of cylinders in engines designed for automobiles and
aeroplanes is intended to remedy as far as practicable with
machines of that type. The continuous rotary action of
the turbine is such an advantage as to outweigh to a large
degree its present lack of fuel economy. In like manner the
high rotative speed lends itself to a corresponding reduction
in weight per unit of power, a matter which closely con-
cerns the development of mechanical flight. In this matter,
as in the case of submarine propulsion, fuel economy is a
secondary consideration. The late Professor Langley, in
speaking of the engine of his flying machine, is reported to
have said that it might burn gold if necessary, so long as it
fulfilled all the other requirements of the problem.
The development of the rotary air compressor has an
important bearing upon the success of the combustion tur-
bine, and the work of Rateau in this respect has shown
what may be accomplished by concentration upon such a
question. The analysis of M. Sekutowicz shows the advan-
tages of a high degree of compression, and the high efficiency
of the Diesel motor is well known to have resulted largely
from the high compressions employed in that most econom-
ical heat engine.
What is needed for the further development of the gas
turbine, then, is the experimental determination of the
data which mathematical analysis has shown to be lacking;
data concerning the behavior of gases in diverging nozzles,
concerning the action of highly heated gases upon the
resistance of materials of construction, data concerning the
velocity of efflux from nozzles, data upon the practicability
of maintaining extremely high rotating velocities in prac-
tical work.
Here is ample work for the engineering laboratories of
technical schools; work which can be conducted with exist-
Ing equipment, and which would form valuable contribu-
tions to knowledge, while at the same time providing most
fruitful examples for instruction in the very department of
engineering in which future progress is to be expected, the
subject of the manufacture of power and its utilization to
the greatest advantage.
Academie des Sciences, Tournaire's,
communication to, 14-19
Action of heat on metals, 86
Actual behavior of gases in nozzles, 222
Adiabatic compression, 31, 45, 54,
123 ; 133
efficiency of, 118
expansion, 35, 37, 48, 69, 70
law of, 112
flow, formula for, 181
Advantages of high compression, 128
of regenerator, 147
Aerial motors, 163
Air compressor, Rateau, 240
compressors, 197
efficiency of, 91
Analysis of mixed turbines, 156
Applications of the gas turbine, 105,
Armengaud and Lemale, 227
Armengaud and Lemale turbine,
illustrated, 238
Armengaud, Re"ne", 26, 227
Atkinson, James: Discussion of Neil-
son Paper, 86
Atomizer for gas turbine, 239
Banki motor, 132
Barber's turbine, 11-13
Barbezat, Alfred, 26, 241
Barkow, R., 8, 27, 121, 130
Baumann, A., 27
Blades, losses in, 191
Blast furnace gases, 176
Bochet, A., 26, 221
Boulton's patents, 21, 22
Bourdon, M., 201
Bourne's suggestions, 20, 22
Bray ton engine, 31, 32
Bucholz turbine, 104
Burdin, 14, 15, 19
Burstall, F. W.: Discussion of Neil-
son Paper, 82
Butler, Edward: Discussion of Neil-
son Paper, 96
Carnot's formula, 29, 91
cycle, 29, 74, 116
Cassier's magazine, 26, 227
Centrifugal force, stresses due to, 48
Circulation of cooling water, 39
Civil engineers of France: Discus-
sion before, 108-221
Clark, Ade, 84
Classification of gas turbines, 191
Clerk, Dugald, 30
Clerk, Dugald: Discussion of Neilson
Paper, 97
Combes, 14
Combination cycles, 167
Combined gas and steam turbines,
60-70, 153
turbines and reciprocating en-
gines, 102
Combustible, influence of nature, 176
mixtures, 207
Combustion apparatus, Davey, 80
chamber, Boulton's, 22
cooling of, 152
details of, 208
dimensions of, 209
injection of steam into, 157
Lemale, 236
lining for, 242
for mixed turbine, 154
cycles without compression, iso-
pleric, 137
experiments with Davey appa-
ratus, 81
Combustion, isobaric, 124, 144
nozzle, de Laval's, 25
temperatures, efficiencies for
various, 170
limitations of, 152
turbine, 230
diagram for, 231
under constant pressure, 110 ?
under constant volume, 110
Comparative efficiencies, 131
table of cycles, 75
Compound, efficiency, 92
Compression, adiabatic, 31, 45, 54,
123, 133
advantages of high, 57, 128, 148,
efficiency of adiabatic, 118
for gas turbines, 83
isothermal, 68, 127, 135
work of, 113
Compressions, low, 70
Compressor, efficiency of, 115
losses, 50
Rateau, 240
reciprocating, 6
rotary, 7, 83
Strnad, 201
tests, 201
Compressors, air, 51, 197
efficiency of, 91
efficiency of rotary, 88
high-speed, 202
piston, 197
rotary, 203
turbine, 93, 204
Computations for gas turbine, 213
for mixed turbine, 155
Conclusions from thermodynamic
study, 169
Constant pressure, combustion under,
110, 121
volume, combustion under, 110
Construction of gas turbines, details,
104, 197
Cool gases, injection of, 151, 164-167
Cooling of combustion chamber, 152
of gas turbines, 39, 101, 105
losses, 84
of turbine wheel, 239
water circulation of, 39
Creusot works, 246
Crompton, Lt. Col. R. E. B.: Dis-
cussion of Neilson Paper, 87
Curves of isobaric cycles, 147
Cycle, Carnot, 116
Diesel, 118
Ericsson, 142
Cycles, Clerk, 30-59
combination, 167
comparative table of, 75
curves of isobaric, 147
for explosion motors, 133
gas turbines, 108, 109
involving the injection of water,
using heat regenerators, 142
using isobaric introduction of
heat, 121, 144
using isopleric introduction of
heat, 133, 150
using isothermic introduction of
heat, 116
table of isobaric, 146
Davey combustion chamber, 80
Davey, Henry: Discussion of Neil-
son Paper, 80
De Laval gas turbine, 25
Delaporte, 190
Deschamps, J., 26
Details of gas turbine construction,
104, 197
Development methods for gas tur-
bines, 169
Diagram for combustion turbine, 231
explosion, 229
of nozzle sections, 182
of nozzle velocities, 182
Diesel cycle, 118
Diesel motor, 31, 52, 53, 83, 132
Difficulties with the gas turbine, 83,
Discharge from nozzles, velocity of,
103, 180
Discs, efficiencies of revolving, 191
friction of revolving, 192
Discussion on Neilson Paper, 79-107
Dissociation in mixed turbines, 157
Divergent nozzles, 84, 88, 89
Dowson gas, 176
Economy curves, gas turbine, 234
Efficiencies, comparative, 131
compression, 99
expansion, 99
of mixed turbines, 158
of revolving discs, 191
for various combustion temper-
atures, 170
Efficiency of adiabatic compression,
of air compressors, 91, 115
compound, 92
of gas turbine, mechanical, 51,
109, 112
of gas turbines, probable, 169
practical, 75, 220
of rotary compressors, 88
in terms of temperature ratio, 114
thermal, 109
Elastic-fluid turbines, 19
Elements of the gas turbine problem,
Energy conversion in nozzles, 85, 180,
kinetic, 69
Engineering Congress at Lige, 26
magazine, 26, 175
Entropy- temperature diagrams, 31,
38, 41, 43, 45, 53, 58, 62, 65, 67, 72
Ericsson cycle, 142
Exhaust gases for operating turbines,
under reduced pressure, 139
Expansion, adiabatic, 35, 37, 48, 69,
of air in nozzles, 223
exponent of, 173-175
law of adiabatic, 112
in nozzles, free, 222
prolonged below atmospheric
pressure, 138
temperature, final, 109
limitations of, 163
Experimental investigations needed,
researches, 214
turbine, at Paris, 232
Experiments with trial turbine, 233
Explosion diagram, 229
motors, cycles for, 133
turbine, Karavodine, 247
applicability of, 171
turbines, 54, 56, 57, 171, 228,
Exponent of expansion, 173-175
variations of, 174
Fernihough, 13
Final section of nozzle, 183
Flame, propagation of, 33, 101, 107,
Flow of gas, formula for, 181
of gases through nozzles, 179
Fluids, working, 34
Formula of Saint Venant, 181
France, Discussion before the Society
of Civil Engineers, 108-221
Societe des Ingenieurs Civils de,
Free expansion in nozzles, 222
Friction of discs revolving in air, 192
losses in nozzles, 49, 188-190
Frictional losses, 50
Fuel, gaseous, 207 9
liquid, 208
solid, 207
Furnace gases, 176
Future of the gas turbine, 217
Gardie producer, 207
Gas, Dowson, 176
engine, 30
flow through nozzles, 179
formula for flow of, 181
lean, 176
regeneration, 206
and steam turbines, 60-70, 153
turbine, applications of, 218
atomizer for, 239
Barber's, 11-13
Bucholz, 104
computations for, 213
cycles, 30, 108, 109
De Laval's, 25
economy curves, 234
future of, 217
general design of, 212
large, 244
mechanical efficiency of, 112
Patschke, 104
problem, elements of, 108
scheme of, 6, 7
turbines, applications of, 105
classification of, 191
cooling of, 101
details of construction, 197
losses in, 50
materials for, 104
method of development, 169
pressure limits in, 111
probable efficiency of, 169
regulation of, 194
scientific investigation into,
small, 76
for submarine torpedoes,
temperature limits in, 110
water circulation in, 39, 101,
Gaseous fuel, 207
mixtures, 177
Gases, furnace, 176
injection of cool, 151
Gases in nozzles, actual behavior of,
velocity of discharge, 69, 103
General design of gas turbine, 212
Governing of gas turbines, 194
Grashof, 187
Gross work, 41, 42, 46, 49, 51
Guide blades, 16
Gutermuth, Prof., 201
Hart, G., 26, 220
Heat balance for mixed turbine, 237
diagrams, 212
motors classified, 227
regenerators, cycles using, 142
specific, 112
from water jacket, utilization of,
High compression, advantages of, 57,
128, 148, 221
High-speed compressors, 202
Hot-air turbine, Burdin's, 15
Stolze's, 23, 24
Influence of nature of combustible,
of temperature limits, 109
of terminal pressure, 185
Inge"nieurs Civils de France, Socite
des, 26
Initial cost, 92
Injection of cool gases, 151
after expansion, 163
at high velocity, 166
at low velocities, 164
of regenerator steam, 157
of steam, cycles using, 151
after expansion, 163
of water, cycles using, 151
after expansion, 163
Institution of Mechanical Engineers,
Intercooler, 140
Introduction, 5
Investigations, programme for future,
Isobaric combustion, 124, 144
cycles, curves of, 147
table of, 146
introduction of heat, cycles
using, 121, 144
Isopleric combustion cycles without
compression, 137
cycles, regeneration with, 150
introduction of heat, cycles using,
Isothermal compression, 68, 127, 135
cycles, partial, 121, 130
Isothermic introduction of heat,
cycles using, 116
Jets, velocities in steam, 48
Josse, Professor, 168
Karavodine turbine, 247
Kinetic energy, 47, 69, 85
Lame, 14, 19
Langen, Felix, 27
Laplace, 112
Large gas turbine, 244
Laval turbine, test of, 223, 224
Law of adiabatic expansion, 112
Laws of thermodynamics, 112
Lean gas, 176
Lechatelier, M., 112
Lemale, Charles, 26
Lemale combustion chamber, 236
Length of nozzle, 183
Leonardo da Vinci, 9
Letombe, L., 26, 221
Liege, engineering congress at, 26
Limitation of temperature of com-
bustion, 152
Limitations of expansion tempera-
ture, 163
Lining for combustion chamber, 242
Liquid fuels, 105, 177, 208
oxygen, turbines using, 162
London, W. J. A.: Discussion of
Neilson Paper, 100
Lorenz, 187
Losses in blades, 191
in gas turbines, 50
Low compressions, 70
Lucke, Charles E., 26, 28, 175, 222,
Martin, H. M.: Discussion of Neilson
Paper, 88
Materials for gas turbines, 93, 104
strength at high temperatures,
Maximum temperature, 110
Mechanical efficiency, 51, 109, 112
engineers, institution of, 28
features of turbines, 179
Mekarski, M., 197
Metals, action of heat on, 86
Mixed turbines, 60-70, 102, 235
analysis of, 156
combustion chamber for, 154
computations for, 155
dissociation in, 157
efficiencies of, 158
heat balance for, 237
table of, 160
Morin, 14, 19
Moss, Dr. Sanford A., 7, 26
Motor losses, 50
Multiple turbines, Tournaire's, 15
Murdock, 11
Nature of combustible, influence of,
Negative work, 36, 41, 42, 49, 51, 83,
Neilson, R. M., 26, 28-79, 93
Nozzle, final section of, 183
length of, 183
sections, diagram of, 182
ratio of, 184
velocities, diagram of, 182
velocity in neck of, 184
Nozzles, actual behavior of gases in,
Nozzles, combination, 89
construction of, 210
diverging, 84, 89
energy delivered from, 180
of gases in, 216
expansion of air in, 223
experiments with, 85
flow of gases through, 179
free expansion in, 222
friction losses in, 188-190
oscillations in, 90, 95, 186-188
rotating, 49
shock in, 187
Stodola's experiments with, 88
temperature drop in, 222
measurements in, 215
velocities in, 85
velocity of discharge from, 180
Oscillations in nozzles, 90, 95
Otto cycle, 30
Oxidation of turbine blades, 211
Oxygen, turbines using liquid, 162
Parallel flow turbine, 56
Parsons's patent, 24
Parsons turbine, 33
Partial isothermal cycles, 121
Patschke turbine, 104
Piston compressors, 197
Poisson, 112
Poisson's law, 173
Poncelet, 14, 19
Power regulation of turbines, 77
Practical efficiency, 75
Prandtl, 187
Pressure limits in gas turbines, 111
volume diagrams, 31, 38, 40, 42,
44, 52, 58, 61, 63, 66, 71
waves in nozzles, 90, 186, 188
Probable efficiency of gas turbines, 169
Proell, 187
Programme for future investigations,
Prolonged expansion, 138
Propagation of flame, velocity of,
101, 107
Radiation losses, 50
Rateau air compressor, 240
Ratio of nozzle sections, 184
Rayleigh, 187
Reeve, Sidney A., 26
Reduced pressure exhaust, 139
Regeneration from gas to gas, 206
with isopleric cycles, 150
by steam, 206
of waste heat, 145
Regenerator, 70-73
action, table of, 149
advantages of, 147
cycles using heat, 142
design, 161
steam, injection of, 157
thermal, 205
Regulation of gas turbines, 77, 194
Revolving discs, efficiencies of, 191
friction of, 192
wheels, construction of, 211
Rey, Jean, 26, 219
Rich fuel with water injection, 162
Rotary compressors, 83, 203
Rotating nozzles, 49
Saint Venant, formula of, 181
Sautter, Harle and Co., 219
Scheme of gas turbine, 6, 7
Schweizerische Bauzeitung, 26
Scott, E. Kilburn: Discussion of
Neilson Paper, 103
Section of nozzle, final, 183
Seguier, 14
Sekutowicz, L., 26
Sekutowicz, L., Paper by, 108-218
Shock in nozzles, 187
Small gas turbines, 76
Smith, Robert H.: Discussion of
Neilson Paper, 90
Smoke jack, 9-11
Societe des Ingeriieurs Civils de
France, 26
Societe des Turbomoteurs, 224, 245
Specific heat, 34, 112
Steam, cycles using injection of, 151
and gas turbine, 60-70, 153
injection after expansion, 163
of regenerator, 157
jets, velocities in, 48
regeneration by, 206
Stodola, A., 88, 164, 187, 189, 190
Stodola, experiments with divergent
nozzles, 88
Stodola's experiments with jets, 94
Stolze, hot air turbine, 23, 24
Strength of materials at high tem-
peratures, 211
Strnad compressor, 201
Structural difficulties with turbines,
Submarine motors, 163
torpedoes, gas turbines for, 24
Suction gas for turbines, 77
Sulphur dioxide turbine, 140
Table of mixed turbines, 160
of regeneration with isopleric
cycles, 151
Temperature of combustion, limita-
tions of, 152
drop in nozzles, 222
of expansion, 109
limitations of expansion, 163
limits, influence of, 109
maximum, 110
measurements in nozzles, 215
ratio in terms of efficiency, 114
Temperatures, efficiencies for various
combustion, 170
in gas turbines, 86
practicable, 33, 37, 39
Terminal pressure, influence of, 185
Tests of compressors, 201
of explosion turbine, 248
Thermal efficiency, 109
Thermal regenerators, 205
Thermodynamic study, 169
Thermodynamics, laws of, 112
Torpedoes, gas turbines for sub-
marine, 244
Tournaire, 14, 19
Trial turbine, experiments with, 233
Turbine, applications of the gas, 218
atomizer for gas, 239
combustion, 230
combustion chamber for mixed,
compressor at Bethume, 219
compressors, 93, 204, 219
computations for gas, 213
construction, material for, 93
economy curves of gas, 234
experiments with trial, 233
future of the gas, 217
general design of gas, 212
heat balance for mixed, 237
Karavodine explosion, 248
parallel flow, 56
at Paris, experimental, 232
practical efficiency qf, 220
waste heat, 167
wheels, construction of, 211
Turbines, computation for mixed,
efficiencies of mixed, 158
elastic fluid, 19
explosion, 54, 56, 57, 228
using gas and steam, 60-70
liquid fuel for, 106
using liquid oxygen, 162
mechanical features of, 179
mixed, 235
operated with exhaust gases, 100
for submarine torpedoes, 244
table of mixed, 160
uncooled, 55
Turbomoteurs, Socie"te* des, 26, 224, 245
Uncooled turbines, 33,55
Utilization of heat from water jacket,
Velocities in nozzles, 85
in steam jets, 48
Velocity of discharge from nozzles,
103, 180
of gases, 69
in neck of nozzle, 184
of propagation of flame, 101,
Vermand, M., 173
Vinci, Leonardo da, 9
Waste heat recovery, 140
turbine, 167
Water circulation in gas turbines, 39,
101, 105
injection, cycles using, 151
after expansion, 163
with rich fuel, 162
Water jacket, utilization of heat from
siphons for gas turbines, 97
Waves in nozzles, pressure, 90, 186, 188
Weber, 187
Wegener, Richard, 27
Wheel, water cooling for, 239
Wheels, construction of, 211
Wilkins, Bishop, 9, 10
Windmill as a gas turbine, 9
Witz, M. A., 112
Work of compression, 113
gross, 41, 42, 46, 49, 51
negative, 36, 41, 42, 49, 51
Working fluids, 34
Zeitschrift fiir des Gesamte turbin-
enwesen, 27
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