UC-NRLF m. REESE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Deceived ccession No. 7 / < )/ / Class No. THE CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS AN INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL CRYSTALLOGRAPHY BY ALFRED J. MOSES, E.M., PH.D. Professor of Mineralogy Columbia Unvver$ity, New York City NEW YORK D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY 1*9* COPYRIGHT 1899 BY ALFRED J. MOSES 77.2-4 PRESS OF THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY, LANCASTER, PA . PREFACE. I have attempted, in this book, to describe, simply and con- cisely, the methods and apparatus used in studying the physical characters of crystals, and to record and explain the observed phe- nomena without complex mathematical discussions. In the last chapter the graduate course in Physical Crystallography given in Columbia University has been outlined. The works most consulted have been Grundriss der Physikalis- chcn Krystallographie, 1 896, by T. Liebisch ; Physikalische Krys- tallographie , 1895, by P. Groth ; Traite de Crystallographie, 1884, by E. Mallard; Treatise oil Crystallography, 1839, by W. H. Miller; Crystallography, 1895, by N. Story-Maskelyne. Footnote references are also given to many important articles. It is hoped the book will be found useful to organic chemists, geologists, mineralogists and others interested in the study of crystals. A. J. M. MlNERALOGICAL DEPARTMENT, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, NEW YORK CITY, MARCH, 1899. CONTENTS. PART I. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY 1-9 CHAPTER II. THE GENERAL GEOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF CRYS- ERRATA. In Figs. 41, 89, 190 the axis of composite symmetry should be dotted rig. 1 80 is upside down. P. 50 for \h h 2 h i\ read \h h 2 hi}, P- 53> line 7, for dehexagonal read dihexagonal. P- 56, line 4, for Fig. m read Fig. 162. P. 82, line 20, forOA=i. 73 2readOAXi. 7 32. P. 84, line 5, for O read O'. P. 96, last line, for Weinschenk read Weinshenk. '114 Hne next to last for ^ = .009 read A = 530 /*/*. P. 123, line 28, for two circular read two equal circular P. 142, line 5 from the bottom, for acute read obtuse P. 145, lines 3 and 4, for 146 and 147 read 118 and 119. P. 146, lines 14 and 22, for 146 read 118. dron, 47; C. 19, of 3 ord. Trigonal Bipyramid, 4&]~U^2o^~oi Jji- trigonal Pyramid, 48; C. 21, of Ditrigonal Scalenohedron, 48; C. 22, of Ditrigonal Bipyramid, 49; C. 23, of 3 ord. Hexagonal Pyramid, 52 \ C. 24, of Hexagonal Trapezohedron, 52 ; C. 25, of 3 ord. Hexagonal Bipyramid, 52; C. 26, of Dihexagonal Pyramid, 53; C. 27, of Dihex- agonal Bipyramid, 53; Projection and Calculation, 55. ISOMETRIC: C. 28, of Tetartoid, 57; C. 29, of Gyroid, 57; C. 30, of Diploid, 58; C. 31, of Hextetrahedron, 58; C. 32, of Hexoctahedron, 58; Projec- tion and Calculation, 61. OF THE UNIVERSITY CONTENTS. PART I. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY 1-9 CHAPTER II. THE GENERAL GEOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF CRYS- TALS 10-15 Symmetry, 10; Axes, n; Law of Rational Indices, n; Param- eters, 12; Indices, 12; Determination of Elements of a Crystal, 13. CHAPTER III. SPHERICAL PROJECTION 16-24 Zones, 1 6 ; Symbol for Zone Axis, 17 ; Equation for Zone Control, 17 ; Face in Two Zones, i 7 ; Fourth Face in a Zone, 18 ; Zone of Two Pinacoids, 19; Zone through one Pinacoid, 19; Zones in which two In- dices are Constant, 19; Changing Axes, 19; Changing Parameters, 20; Stereographic Projection, 20; Problems in Stereographic Projection, 21-24. CHAPTER IV. THE THIRTY-TWO CLASSES OF CRYSTALS. . . 25-62 TRICLINIC: C. i, Unsymmetrical, 26; C. 2, of Pinacoids, 26; Projection and Calculation, 28. MONOCLINIC : C. 3, of Sphenoid. 31; G. 4, of Dome, 31; C. 5, of Prism, 31; Projection and Calculation, 33. ORTHORHOMBIC : C. 6, of Bisphenoid, 35 ; C. 7, of Pyramid, 35 ; C. 8, of Bipyramid, 36; Projection and Calculation, 38. TETRAGONAL: C. 9, of 3 ord. Bisphenoid, 40;. C. 10, of 3 ord. Pyramid, 40; C. n, of Scalenohedron, 41: C. 12, of Trapezohedron, 41; C. 13, of 3 ord. Bipyramid, 41 ; C. 14, of Ditetragonal Pyramid, 42; C. 15, of Ditetragonal Bipyramid, 42; Projection and Cal- culation, 45. HEXAGONAL: C. 16, of 3 ord. Trigonal Pyramid, 47; C. 17, of 3 ord. Rhombohedron, 47; C. 18, of Trigonal Trapezohe- dron, 47; C. 19, of 3 ord. Trigonal Bipyramid, 48; C. 20, of Di- trigonal Pyramid, 48; C. 21, of Ditrigonal Scalenohedron, 48; C. 22, of Ditrigonal Bipyramid, 49; C. 23, of 3 ord. Hexagonal Pyramid, 52 ; C. 24, of Hexagonal Trapezohedron, 52 ; C. 25, of 3 ord. Hexagonal Bipyramid, 52; C. 26, of Dihexagonal Pyramid, 53; C. 27, of Dihex- agonal Bipyramid, 53; Projection and Calculation, 55. ISOMETRIC: C. 28, of Tetartoid, 57; C. 29, of Gyroid, 57; C. 30, of Diploid, 58; C. 31, of Hextetrahedron, 58; C. 32, of Hexoctahedron, 58; Projec- tion and Calculation, 61. vi CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. MEASUREMENT OF CRYSTAL ANGLES. ... . . 63-75 Application Goniometers, 63 ; Goniometers with Horizontal Axes, 64 ; Goniometers with Vertical Axes, (56 ; Errors due to Imperfect Cen- tering, 7 1 ; Special Cases in Measurement, 7 2 ; Theodolite or Two- Circle Goniometers, 74. CHAPTER VI. CRYSTAL PROJECTION OR DRAWING 76-84 Linear Projections, 76; Orthographic Parallel Perspective, 77; Clinographic Parallel Perspective, 79. PART II. THE OPTICAL CHARACTERS. CHAPTER VII. THE OPTICALLY ISOTROPIC CRYSTALS 85-96 Light Rays, 85 ; Ray Surfaces, 85 ; Ray Front and Front Normal, 85. CRYSTALS WHICH ARE SINGLY REFRACTING: Ray Surface, 86; Index of Refraction, 86 ; Determination by Prism Method, 88 ; by Total Reflection, 90. CRYSTALS WHICH ARE CIRCULARLY POLARIZING, 95. Absorption, 96. CHAPTER VIII. THE OPTICALLY UNIAXIAL CRYSTALS . . . .97-121 CRYSTALS IN WHICH THE OPTIC Axis is A DIRECTION OF SINGLE RE- FRACTION : Double Refraction, 97; Plane of Vibration, 98; Plane of Polarization, 100 ; Ray Surface, 100; Optical Indicatrix, 101 ; Deriva- tion of Positive Ray Surface, 102 ; Direct Determination of Principal Indices of Refraction, 103. INDIRECT DETERMINATIONS WITH PLANE POLARIZED LIGHT: Interference, 106; Poiariscopes, 106; Phenomena with Parallel Monochromatic Light and Crossed Nicols, no; With Parallel White Light, 112; Interference Colors, 113; Phenomena with Convergent Light and Crossed Nicols, 115; With Parallel Nicols, 116; Determination of Planes of Vibration or Extinction, 117 ; of Vibration Directions of Faster and Slower Rays, 118 : of the Retardation A, 118; of the Strength of the Double Refraction, 119; of Thickness of Section, 119; Approximate determination of Principal Indices, 120; Determina- tion of Character of Ray Surface ,120. CHAPTER IX. THE OPTICALLY UNIAXIAL CRYSTALS (Continued). 122-131 CRYSTALS IN WHICH THE OPTIC Axis is A DIRECTION OF CIRCULAR POLARIZATION: Plane, Circular and Elliptical Polarization, 122; Rota- tion of Plane of Polarization, 1^3; Optic Axis a Direction of Double Re- fraction, 124; Ray Surface, 125; Phenomena with Parallel Monochro- matic Light and Crossed Nicols, 126; With Parallel White Light, 127; With Convergent Light, 127 ; Determination of Direction of Rotation, 128; of Angle of Rotation, 129; Absorption and Pleochroism, 130. CONTENTS. vii CHAPTER X. THE OPTICALLY BIAXIAL CRYSTALS 132-144 Optical Indicatrix, 133; Ray Surface, 133; Positive and Negative Ray Surfaces, 136 ; Refraction, 136 ; Phenomena with Parallel Monochro- matic Light and Crossed Nicols, 137 ; With Parallel White Light, 137 ; With Convergent Monochromatic Light, 138; With Convergent White Light, 140; Distinctions between Orthorhombic, Monoclinic and Tri- clinic Crystals, 140. CHAPTER XI. DETERMINATION OF THE OPTICAL CHARACTERS OF BI- AXIAL CRYSTALS 145-162 Orientation and Determination of the Principal Vibration Directions, 145 ; Measurement of the Principal Indices, 146 ; Determination of Angle between Optic Axes, 148 ; of True Axial Angle, 153 ; Calculation of Axial Angle from Indices, 153 ; Determination of Character of Ray Sur- face, 154; Crystals in Thin Rock Sections, 154; Absorption and Pleo- chroism, 155. Absorption Tufts, 158; Metallic Refraction or Metallic Lustre, 159; Surface Colors, 159; Fluorescence, 160; Phosphorescence, 161 ; Norremberg and Reusch Combinations of Mica Plates, 161. PART III. THE THERMAL, MAGNETIC AND ELEC- TRICAL CHARACTERS, AND THE CHARAC- TERS DEPENDENT UPON ELASTIC- ITY AND COHESION. CHAPTER XII. THE THERMAL CHARACTERS 163-171 Heat Conductivity, 164; Expansion by Heat, 166; Direct Meas- urement of Linear Expansion, 167; Measurement of Expansion by Change of Diedral Angles, 168; Determination of Expansion by Changes in the Optical Character, 169. CHAPTER XIII. THE MAGNETIC AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS 172-184 The Magnetic Induction of Crystals, 172 ; Strength of Magnetization in Different Directions in a Crystal, 173; Transmission of Electric Rays, 175; Electrical Conductivity, 175; Thermoelectric Currents, 176; Dielectric Induction in Crystals, 177; Pyro-Electricity, 180; Piezo- Electricity, 182 ; Theory of Pyro- and Piezo-Electricity, 183. CHAPTER XIV. ELASTIC AND PERMANENT DEFORMATION OF CRYS- TALS '... 185-198 Homogeneous Elastic Deformation, 185 \ Elastic Deformation Due to Pressure in One Direction, 185 ; Surface of Extension Coefficients, viii CONTENTS. 1 86; Effect of Pressure in One Direction Upon the Optical Characters, 187 ; Cleavage, 188 ; Gliding Planes, 190 ; Parting, igi ; Percussion Fig- ures, 191; Etch Figures, 192; Corrosion Faces, 196; Hardness, 196; The Methods of Static Pressure, 198. APPENDIX. SUGGESTED OUTLINE OF A COURSE IN PHYSICAL CRYSTAL- LOGRAPHY 199-206 Preliminary Experiments, 199 ; Systematic Examination of the Crystals of Any Substance, 203. PART I. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. It s a general property of definite chemical substances to as- sume at solidification regular forms bounded by planes and obser- vation has proved that the forms which occur are related to each other and characteristic of the substance. The geometric study of crystals has for its purpose the group- ing of crystals into series, each of which shall consist of the forms in which one substance can appear ; the determination of the angles between the faces of crystals, and from these the elements and sym- FlG. I. FIG. 2. bols of the faces, or conversely the determination of the form and angles from the elements and the face symbols. The term crystal originally meant the angular forms of the sub- stance called rock crystal, Figs. I and 2, which, according to PLINY,* was only "water frozen by the most excessive cold and found only in places where snow is changed into ice." The an- * Quoted by Rome Delisle, Essai de Crystallographie (1772), p. 3. 2 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. gular shapes of this substance and of garnet,* beryl and possibly diamond, were known to the ancients, but were regarded as acci- dents and no general property was suspected. In 1568 WENTZEL jAMiTZER,f a Nuremburg .goldsmith, devel- oped in perspective over one hundred and forty simple and complex shapes from the geometric tetrahedron, octahedron, cube, dodecahedron and icosahedron by replacing all similar edges and angles by one. or more planes, and the famous astronomer KEPLER, in 1619, developed a similar series of figures. Many of these shapes correspond to crystals, and the method of modifica- tion may have suggested to Rome Delisle the method used by him more than a century later. The development of chemistry from alchemy was accompanied by the study of many salts, the solutions of which, on evaporation, yielded regular and constant shapes which were suspected to be to FIG. 3. some extent at least characteristic of the salt, for LIBAVIUS,^: in 1597, stated that the nature of the saline components of a mineral water could be ascertained by an examination of the crystalline form of the salts left on the evaporation of the water. In 1669 NICOLAS STENO, a Danish anatomist, announced that if * " There is also an incombustible stone found about Miletum which is of an angu- lar shape, and sometimes regularly hexangular ; they call this also a carbuncle." The- ophrastus's History of Stones. Trans, by Sir John Hill, p. 77. f-Perspectiva Corporum Regularum, Quoted in Marx's Geschichte der Krystalkunde. ^Roscoe Schorlemmer's Treatise on Chemistry, I. 705. $De solido intra solidum naturaliter contento dissertationis prodromus. Florentiae, 1669: English translation, London, 1671. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. different specimens of rock crystal were examined, it would be found that in spite of the variation in the relative size of the faces and in the shape of the crystal there was no variation in the angles between the faces. This he illustrated by figures of sections at right- angles to a prism edge and others of sections at right angles to an edge between a prismatic and a pyramidal face, as shown in Fig. 3. A statement showing a very considerable, advance from this was made by DOMINICO GULIELMINI in 1704, who asserted that every salt had its peculiar shape which .never changed .--and that even in imperfect and broken crystals the angles were constant. T.ORBERN BERGMAN* records that his pupil GAHN having broken a piece of Dogtooth Spar observed that it divided into little rhom- bohedra. In studying this, Bergman found that by laying together these rhombohedra in certain ways he could build up either a hexa- gonal prism terminated by this form or the common scalenohedron of calcite, or a form like the rhombic dodecahedron, all of which are shown in Fig. 4. From this he deduced that there was a relation be- tween outer form and inner structure and that the con- stituent parts of all crystals could be referred to a very small number of primitive forms which could be found by breaking the crystals. In the preparation of models of crystal forms ROME DELISLE, about 1783, measuredf the interfacial angles directly with an application goniometer devised by Carangeot for this purpose. He described over four hundred crystal forms and formulated the now univer- sally accepted law of constancy of interfacial angles FIG. 4. as f u ows : j 4 , then h =o and the symbol is (o//). * Experience shows that the faces which most frequently occur will, with proper selection of the parametral plane, have as indices o or I or rarely 2. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. 13 The values of the intercepts OH, OK, OL, become the para- metral values only when kkl=ni. For with these values only can we obtain : DETERMINATION OF THE ELEMENTS OF A CRYSTAL, The three axial planes and the " parametral face " constitute the elementary planes. These are chosen to yield the simplest indices and are usually planes of cleavage, or twinning or gliding planes, and are preferably planes of symmetry. In the most general case there are five undetermined elements, namely : The angles between the axes, Y Z or a, X Z or /?, X Y or y. The ratio between the parameters a^ b,c, in which b = I. I Determination of the angles between the axes. These may be determined most simply from the measured angles between the axial planes, as follows : Let the surface of a sphere, described around O, the centre of the crystal, meet the axes in X, Y and Z, Fig. 29. Construct A B C the polar triangle of X Y Z, then will A be the pole of the axial plane YOZ, B the pole of XOZ, and C the pole of XOY. The sides of A B C therefore measure the normal angles between the axial planes, FIG. 29. that is between the planes (oio), (100), (ooi) and these angles are determined by measurement A B = (loo) (oio), B C= (oio) (ooi), A C=(ioo) (ooi). The angles of the triangle can therefore be calculated by formula - cos BC for instance : cos CAB = cosABcos AC : r - o : ^-~ sin A B sin A C Since ABC and X Y Z are polar triangles a= YZ=i8o CAB, /9=XZ= 180 CBA, =XY= 180 ACB. 14 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. The angles between the axes are therefore determined. EXAMPLE. In Axinite by measurement it is found that log. cos. log. sin. ABor(ioo oio) = 482i' 8" whence 9.82253 9.873465 BC or(oio^ooi)=9750 / 8" " 9-13459 9-99593 AC or (loo ooi)= 93 48' 56" " 8.82311 9.99904 /cos C A B= 9.09181 CAB=82 54' 1 3" or 97 5' 47" a = 97 5' 47" or 82 54' 1 3" Similarity /? and Y can be determined 2 Determination of the parameter ratios . In Fig. 29 let HKL be any plane cutting the three axes and with known indices likl. The spherical triangle rst described from L as a centre can be solved because its angles are /=(ioo (oio) s= (100) (Jikl] and r= (oio) (hkl), all of which may be measured. The sides, tr and ts t may be calculated by formula, for instance : cos .y+cos t cos r. cos tr= : sin t sin r These sides measure angles in the plane triangles H O L and K O L, respectively, and in each of these one other angle has al- ready been determined. The triangles may, therefore, be solved for the relative lengths of their sides that is, for the intercepts of the plane. For instance, in K O L, the angle at L is measured by ts, and the angle atO by Y Z or , hence the angle at K is 180 (a + ts), and the sides are given by the formula, O L : O K=sin (180 ats ) : sin ts Similarly, O L : O H = sin (180 /? tr ) : sin tr EXAMPLE : Given /= 100 41', ^=59 10', r=76 33', =822i / , /5=73 n f . Required a, b and c. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. 15 cos J+CQS / cos r_. 5125 + . I854X. 2335 _ sin / sin r .98215 x .9726 t9 ' ^-54 35'- cos ? + cos / cos s .2335 + . I854X. 5125 COS ts = - sin t sins -. 98215 X. 8587 ^=67 5'. In triangle K O L O L: O K==sin (180 82 21' 67 5'): sin 67 5',=sin 30 34 r : sin 67 5^=0.5085 : .9205 = ^525 : I. In triangle HOL OL:OH=sin (180 73 u'_54 35') : sin 5435 r =sin 52 14': sin 54 35^=0.7905 : .8150=. 5525 : .5696 Hence O H : O K: O 1^.5696: I : .5525= a-.b'.c. CHAPTER III. SPHERICAL PROJECTION. Imagine a sphere described around the centre of a crystal with any radius and radii drawn normal to each face. The point in which the radius normal to any crystal face meets the surface of the sphere, is called the pole of the face, and is de- noted by the symbol of the face. Planes which intersect in parallel edges will evidently have their normals in one plane and their poles in the circle which it cuts from the sphere of projection. Such a series of planes constitute a Zone, the plane of the normals is the Zone Plane, the circle is the Zone Circle, and the line through the centre parallel to the face and edges of the zone is the Zone Axis. Fig. 30 represents the section made by a zone plane, the normals to the faces A, B, C, etc., meet the zone circle in the poles A p ~B V C lt etc. The same radii are evidently nor- c< mal to the crystal faces of the enclosed ideal form in which equivalent faces are equally distant from the centre. Hence the poles on the surface of the sphere, in their arrangement will reveal the hidden regularity of unequally de- veloped crystals. Fig. 30 shows, also, that the arc of the zone circle between any two poles measures the normal angles, the supplements of the angles between the corresponding faces. Different intersecting zone circles give spherical triangles, the sides of which are normal angles, which can be solved by simple formulae, provided certain parts have been determined by measurement or previous calcula- tion. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. 17 A number of simple relations between the faces in zones have been deduced by means of which it is possible to greatly reduce the number of necessary direct measurements and to simplify the calculations. SYMBOL FOR A ZONE Axis. The direction of intersection* of two crystal faces (Jikt) and (li 1 k' I 1 ) is [uvw] in which u = kl' Ik', v = Ik' hi 1 , vr^htfMi'. These values may be obtained by cross multiplication of the twice written indices, striking off end terms and reading down alternately from left to right and from right to left, thus : k I k k XXX k' I' h' - k' As all the terms are whole numbers the values of u, v and w will be also. A zone is designated by this symbol [uvw] or by the symbols of two of its planes \Jikl, pqr^ y or by letters designating the faces [P, Q], always enclosing with the parallel bars. EQUATION FOR ZONE CONTROL OR CONDITION THAT A FACE MAY BELONG TO A ZONE. If a face (pqr) lies in a zone [uvw] its indices must satisfyf the equation /u + qv -\- wr = o. If two indices of a face are known, and the zone is known, the third index may therefore sometimes be found. Example. By test with a reflection goniometer the face (3/i) is found to be in the zone [mj; substituting in the above equation ^iX i = o whence 3 k i = o and k= 2. FACE IN TWO ZONES. The indices of a facej which lies in the zones [uvw] and [u'v'w'] will be h = uv' vu', k = vw' wv', /= wu' uw'. These values may be obtained by cross multiplication. Example. By test a face (kkl) is found to lie in the zones [ 2! o ] and [ o i 2 ], required the values of //, k and /. * Miller's Treatise on Crystallography , p. 7. j- Ibid p. 10. J Ibid, p. 8. i8 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. o I O 2 I XXX = 2 O, =0-1-4, / = 2 O, I 2 O I that is, (hkl) = (242)= (121). To FIND A FOURTH FACE IN A ZONE.* Let A = (efg), B = (///) and C = (pqr} be known faces of a zone, the poles of which lie in the order named. To find the position of any fourth face, D =(mno}, if its in- dices are known. AC cot A D== AB cot AD). AC A B The values of ^-^ and ^-=? are such as result by cross multi- (^f .L/ -D J_/ plication of pairs of corresponding indices : V / X / g X p q eqfp . q r frgq . V* = > CD p q pn qm X m n ' S X or <- X qo rn p r p o rin X m o e f X AB h k ekfh f g X k I _flgk IT^l^ ko ln ; X n o e g X h I _ elgh h I ho Im X m o Very frequently two of the three identical ratios are indeter- minate. BD h k~ hn fan X or * Groth's Fhysikalische Krystallographie^ III. ed., p. 584. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. 19 EXAMPLE. In a crystal of pyroxene, given: A= (efg] = (100) , B = (likl) = (101), C=(/^=(ooi), D=(w;w)=(3~oi)., AB=49 39', A C = 73 59'. Required A D. By trial the first and third ratios are found to be indeterminate, but from the third we obtain AC i.i o.o i AB i.i o.i I CD o.i 1.3 3 B D i.i 1.3 4 substituting in the equation i (cot 73 59' cot AD)=-(cot49 39' cot AD) 1.1504 4 cot AD 2.54873 cot AD. cot AD= 1.3983 AD= 144 26' ZONE OF TWO PINACOIDS. Every face in the zone will have that index zero which is zero in both pinacoids. For example if a face lies in the zone of [100, oio] its third index must be zero for the zone symbol is [ooi] p. 17 and h. o -f k. o -f /. I = o can be true only if / o. ZONE THROUGH ONE PlNACOID. The ratio of the two indices which are zero for the pinacoid, is constant for all faces of the zone. For example the symbol of the zone [\oo,hkl~\ is \plk~\. Any third face (pqr) must satisfy the k a equation p& -\- q I r = o, that is q 1= rk or -=- = ~ ZONES IN WHICH TWO INDICES ARE CONSTANT. If two faces have two corresponding indices in each with the same ratio, all faces in their zone will have those two indices in that ratio. For example, the symbol of the zone of the faces (123) and (245) is [210] A face (hkl) to be in this zone must satisfy the equation 2/*-f/-fo/=o, that is 2 h = k. CHANGING AXES.* If three edges are preferred to those originally selected as axes directions proceed as follows : From the original indices of the new axial planes determine the symbols of their intersections (that is, their zone symbols), [uvw], [u lVl wJ [u 2 v 2 w 2 ]. ______ * Miller Treatise on Crystallography, p. 17. 20 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. Then, if the indices of any face referred to the old axes is (hki), its new indices h^k^ and ^ will have the following values: h v /m -f hv -f //w k l ku v -f- ^Vj + / 7 w 1 / t = /u 2 + /v 2 + /w 2 . CHANGING PARAMETERS. hkl the indices of a face referred to parameters 4, , 4, 5- 3 . 3. > 5- i 4, . > 5- 4, 3. , 3. , 5- -, 4, * Plane of projection the pinacoid (010). GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. 33 FIG. 59. > -4 FIG. 60. FIG. 61. FIG. 62. FIG. 63. FIG. 64. LIMIT FORMS OF CLASS 5. FIG. 65. FIG. 66. FIG. 67. FIG. 68. OTHER LIMIT FORMS WHICH ARE NEW SHAPES. PROJECTION AND CALCULATION OF MONOCLINIC FORMS. The plane of projection may be the pinacoid (oio), which is a plane of symmetry in classes 4 and 5, when the poles of all 34 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. planes in the zone of b will lie in the primitive circle as given in preceding table. Or the projection may be made, as in the tri- clinic system, upon a plane normal to the vertical axis, in which case the poles of planes in the zone of b will be projected on the vertical diameter as described in example, p. 24. The poles will be found as in the triclinic system. When a plane of symmetry appears as a diameter in the pro- jection, all poles and indices will be symmetrical to this diameter. DETERMINATION OF ELEMENTS. In Fig. 29, p. 13, B and Y will coincide and BC, AB and / become 90. Then AC ft. In the spherical triangle rst, OL cos ts cos tr = - cos s costs = cos? sin r sin s ' OK sin ts = cot ts OL s\n(iSo-AC tr) Tr _ gj -. If P is the parametral plane, OH: OK: OL = a\b\c, if not, a = OHJi, b = OK.k, c = OL.!. That is three angles suffice for the determination of the elements. To DETERMINE THE POSITION OF ANY POLE P. Using notation of Fig. 69, r 7 ~-^ b .jcot/ 3 sin CK a CK j sin AK; sin AK k sin AD tan OB ch % h = sin AD sinCK ~al ' T ~ sin CD ' s'mAK* -j ( cot AD cot AC) ; cos PA = sin PB cos AK\ cos PC= sin PB cos CK tan PB = ~r l s'mAD k sinAK tan OB. Aioo FIG. 69. Because B is pole of zone circle AA' t CK= PBC, AK = PBA and CK= i8o(PA + CA'), that is the sines and cosines of these angles may be substituted for those of the arcs in any^of the formulae above. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. 35 To FIND THE ARC JOINING TWO POLES, PandP'. Proceed as in triclinic, p. 30. ORTHORHOMB1C SYSTEM. All forms in this system must be referable to three nonequiva- c lent axes, Fig. 70, at right angles to each other. The three axes are physically of equal impor- tance, any one may be chosen as c, the vertical ; the longer of the other two will be the macro or b ^^ axis ; the shorter axis (from front to back) the brachy or a axis. There are as many series of forms possible as there are irrational values for -7 and T b b FIG. 70. 6. CLASS OF THE RHOMBIC BISPHENOID. With three axes of binary symmetry at right angles to each other. As shown in the. projection, Fig. 71, four faces satisfy the symmetry of the most general form or RHOMBIC BISPHENOID, Fig. 72: EXAMPLE. Epsomite. \. ^ X a FIG. 71. FIG. 72. 7. CLASS OF THE RHOMBIC PYRAMID. With two planes of symmetry perpendicular to each other and intersecting in an axis of binary symmetry. As shown in the pro- jection, Fig. 73, four faces satisfy the symmetry of the most gen eral form or RHOMBIC PYRAMID, Fig. 74. EXAMPLES. Calamine, struvite. * Story-Maskelyne's Crystallography, p. 436 and Groth's Phys. Kryst., p. 578. CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. -ib a FIG. 73. FIG. 74. 8. CLASS OF THE RHOMBIC BIPYRAMID. With three planes of symmetry at right angles to each other which intersect in three axes of binary symmetry. These are shown in Fig. 75, and the planes divide space into eight octants, shown in projection, Fig. 76, as four trirectangular spherical tri- angles. Any upper face corresponding to a pole x in the projection would, by rotation of 180 around the vertical binary axis, coincide with an upper face in the alternate octant, these reflected in the vertical symmetry planes coincide with two other upper faces and the four reflected in the horizontal plane coincide with four lower planes the poles of which are marked by circles. Since ft, k and / retain a constant order, there can be sign permutations only cor- responding to one plane in each octant. The symmetry of the class is therefore satisfied by eight faces for the most general form or RHOMBIC BIPYRAMID, Fig. 77.* EX- AMPLES. Aragonite, marcasite, barite. U-" FIG. 75. FIG. 76. FIG. 77. *There may be many different pyramids in a series with rational indices hkl which may be all equal, any two equal or all unequal. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. 37 THE Six LIMIT FORMS. In each class there are six limit forms corresponding to special positions of the faces of the general form. These may be tabu- lated as follows : Position of Any Face and its Pole. Symbol* Name of Form. Classes to which Form Belongs. I. Parallel to a and b Poles are projected at cen- ter. i'S BASAL PINACOID, Fig. 78. BASAL PLANE. one face of Fig 78. 6, -, 8. , 7, 2. Parallel to a and c. PINACOID, Fig. 79. 6 7, 8 Poles are at intersections of b axis and primitive circle .... . . < OI0 5 (Brachy Pinacoid). 3. Parallel to b and c . . . . Poles are at intersections of a axis and primitive cir- cle '! PINACOID, Fig. 80. (Macro Pinacoid). 6, 7. 8. 4. Parallel to a. Poles are on the b axis \*ki\ PRISM, Fig. 81. (Brachy Dome). 6, -, 8. 5. Parallel to b. Poles are on the a axis .... {*,/] DOME, Fig. 84. PRISM, Fig. 82. (Macro Dome). , 7, 6, -, 8. 6. Parallel to c. Poles are on the primitive circle . . . \Uv] DOME, Fig. 85. PRISM, Fig. 83. (Rhombic Prism). 7 6, 7, 8. FIG. 8 1. FIG 82. FIG. 83. LIMIT FORMS OF CLASS 8. * To obtain type symbols. The order is invariably hkl with reference to a, b t Any may become zero. CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. FIG. 84. FIG. 85. OTHER LIMIT FORMS WHICH ARE NEW SHAPES. PROJECTION AND CALCULATION OF ORTHORHOMBIC FORMS. The pinacoid (ooi) is usually selected as the plane of projection. The poles are as in the table and their exact positions usually re- sult from the intersections of known zones or by Problem 3, p. 22. It is sometimes convenient to calculate the position of a plane (hko] corresponding to the plane (hkl), lay off this on the primitive circle thus determining the zone [/z/o ooi]. CALCULATION OF ELEMENTS. The interaxial angles are all right angles. In the spherical triangle rst, t = 90, r = hkl : oio, s = hkl\ 100 Substituting in formulae p. 34. cos s cos r cos tr = -7 , cos ts = - sin r sin s OL OL m ~cot&, m cot a = OH.k, b=OK.k, c = OL.l. Also, a = tan y 2 (100 : 1 10) and c = tan y 2 (01 1 : 01 1) = a tan y 2 (101 :Toi). Vihol A 100 FIG. 86. FIG. 87. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. GENERAL EQUATION BETWEEN AXES AND INDICES. y cos PA = t cos PB, = 4 cos ^ h k I To DETERMINE * ANY POLE P. cot PA = -^ cos /**= cos cot P = ^ cos PBC=~cvs PBA = ^ = kc tan PC A = 4/ , tan PBC=~, tan For Unit Plane O a:b\c=co$OB cos OC : cos <9<7 cos OA\ cos O4 cos OB. To FIND THE ARC JOINING ANY Two POLES Pand P' Let 5 denote JPPc* + /&W + / 2 ^ 2 , 5 r a similar quantity from indices h'k'l' of second pole. IfP' = A, B, C, H, Kor L of Fig. 87 cos P(7 = sin PZ = If P and P' are faces of the same form f a I tan P^ = j ^ ; tan J (//^/) : (^/) = - - j cos sin J (//>&/) : (//J/) = cos \ (hkl) : (hkT) cos PC A sin J (tiki) : Qikl) = cos J (//>&/) : (^7) sin PC4. TANGENT RELATION BETWEEN ^/= P, and h'k'l P 1 which lie in a zone with A, B or (7. ^ tanPM_^ / _/ / > k'tenP'B _l r _h r m I' tenP'C_h f _k' H ' tan PA~~k~~T' ~k tanP ~7~h ' 7 " tan/^~~/~J * Miller's Crystallo'graphy, p. 79, and Story-Maskelyne's Crystallography, p. 443. fGroth, jP^/j. Kryst., p. 574. CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. TETRAGONAL SYSTEM. FJG. 88. All forms of this system must be referable to two equivalent axes, a, at 90 to each other, Fig. 88, and the axis c, conven- tionally vertical, at 90 to both. The forms possible on crystals of the same substance can all be referred to one value of - a 9. CLASS OF THE THIRD ORDER BISPHENOID. With composite symmetry to a quaternary axis and a plane at right angles thereto. As shown in the projection, Fig. 89, four faces satisfy the symmetry for the most general form or TETRA- GONAL BISPHENOID OF THIRD ORDER, Fig. 90. No examples are known. \ O : fa a FJG. 89. FIG. 90. 10. CLASS OF THE TETRAGONAL PYRAMID OF THIRD ORDER. With one axis of quaternary symmetry. As shown in the stere- ographic projection, Fig. 91, four faces satisfy the symmetry for the most general form or TETRAGONAL PYRAMID OF THIRD ORDER, Fig. 92. EXAMPLE. Wulfenite. a FIG. 91. FIG. 92. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. 41 II. SCALENOHEDRAL CLASS. With two planes of symmetry at right angles to each other and intersecting in an axis of quaternary symmetry. Also two axes of binary symmetry midway between the planes. As shown in the projection, Fig. 93, eight faces satisfy the symmetry for the most general form or SCALENOHEDRON, Fig. 94. EXAMPLE. Chal- copyrite. FIG. 93. FIG. 94. 12. TRAPEZOHEDRAL. CLASS. Without planes of symmetry, but with the five axes of Class 15. As shown in the projection, Fig. 95, eight faces satisfy the sym- metry for the most general form or TRAPEZOHEDRON, Fig. 96. EXAMPLE. Nickel sulphate, NiSO 4 .6H 2 O. / \ r KO FIG. 95. FIG. 96. 13. CLASS OF THE TETRAGONAL BIPYRAMID OF THIRD ORDER. With one horizontal plane of symmetry and one vertical axis of quaternary symmetry. As shown in the projection, Fig. 97, eight faces satisfy the symmetry for the most general form or TETRA- GONAL BIPYRAMID OF THIRD ORDER, Fig. 98. EXAMPLE. Scheelite. CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. FIG. 98. 14. CLASS OF THE DlTETRAGONAL PYRAMID. With four vertical planes of symmetry intersecting in an axis of quaternary symmetry. As shown in the projection, Fig. 99, the essential change from Class 15 is the omission of the plane of sym- metry normal to the quaternary axis. The general form is there- fore geometrically like the upper or lower half of Fig. 103. Fig. 100 shows the six- faced most general form or DITETRAGONAL PYRAMID. EXAMPLE. Silver fluoride, AgF.H 2 O. FIG. ico. 15. CLASS OF THE DITETRAGONAL BIPYRAMID. With four planes of symmetry at 45 to each other, which inter- sect in an axis of quaternary symmetry, and one plane normal to these which intersects the four planes in axes of binary symmetry. The planes divide space into sixteen sections, Fig. 101 shown in the projection, Fig. 102, as eight birectangular spherical tri- angles with angles at the center of 45. Any upper face corre- sponding to a pole X, by rotations of 90 coincides successively with three other upper faces. These four reflected in a vertical planes coincide with four others and the eight reflected in a hori- zontal plane coincide with eight lower faces marked with a circle. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. 43 FIG. 10 1. FIG. 103. Since /remains with the third axis, the letter permutations are only /^/and khl. Each of these is subject to eight permutations in sign + + + ,+ + , --- + ,- + +,+ + -,+ -- , --- ,- + . Both symmetry and permutations show that there must be in this class sixteen faces in the most general form or DITETRAGONAL BIPYRAMID Fig. 103. EXAMPLES. Zircon, cassiterite, rutile. LIMIT FORMS OF CLASS 15. FIG. 104. FIG. 105. FIG. 106. FIG. 107. FIG. 108. FIG. 109. 44 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. THE Six LIMIT FORMS. In each class there are six limit forms corresponding to special positions of the faces of the general form. These may be tabulated as follows: Position of any Face and its Pole. Symbol* Name of Form. Classes to which the Form belongs. I. Intersects the vertical 5 OOI i * BASAL PINACOID, Fig. 15,, 13,12, II, ,9. axis and is parallel to 104. both basal axes. Poles are projected at the BASAL PLANE, one face ,14,,,, io,. center. of Fig. 104. 2. Intersects the vertical \hol\ TETRAGONAL BIPYRA- 15, ,13, 12, II,,. axis and is parallel to MID, SECOND ORDER, one basal axis. Poles Fig. 105. tire on cixicil dicimctcrs TETRAGONAL PYRAMID IA ' io SECOND ORDER, Fig. HTc'T'D A /TM\T A T T^TCT>TTT7 Q J. ii.1 KALrUWAL* X51bl rill*- NOID, SECOND OR- DER, Fig. in. 3. Intersects the vertical \hhl\ TETRAGONAL BIPYRA- 15, , 13, 12, , , . axis and is equally in- i 5 MID, FIRST ORDER, clined to both basal Fig. 106. axes. Poles are on di- TETRAGONAL PYRAMID, , 14,, , , io,. agonal diameters. FIRST ORDER, Fig. 114. TETRAGONAL BISPHE- NOID, FIRST ORDER, Fig. no. 4. Parallel to the vertical axis and to one basal axis. Poles are at inter- 5.00J TETRAGONAL PRISM, SECOND ORDER, Fig. 15,14,13,12, ii, io, 9. sections of primitive cir- 107. cle and axial diameters. 5. Parallel to the vertical axis and equally inclined to the basal axes. Poles {110} TETRAGONAL PRISM, FiRST ORDER, Fig. 15, 14, 13, 12, II, 10, 9. are at intersections of 1 primitive circle and di- agonal diameters. 6. Parallel to the vertical \ hkv \ DlTETRAGONAL PRISM, 15, 14, ,12, II,, .- axis and unequally in- < > Fig. 109. clined to the basal axes. TETRAGONAL PRISM, , , 13, , , io, 9. Poles are on the primi- THIRD ORDER, Fig. tive circle. 112. * The first and second indices will be h and k or both h if equal, or ho if the face is parallel to one basal axis. The third symbol will be i or o as the face intersects or is parallel to the vertical axis. These must be reduced to simplest form. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. LIMIT FORMS OF CLASS 15. 45 FIG. 112. OTHER LIMIT FORMS WHICH ARE NEW SHAPES. FIG. 113. FIG. 114. PROJECTION AND. CALCULATION OF TETRAGONAL FORMS. The basal pinacoid is usually selected as the plane of projec- tion, the poles lying as stated in the table. On p. 23, Fig. 36, is described the projection of the poles of a crystal of cassiterite. DETERMINATION OF ELEMENTS. In Fig. 86, cos tr = -. - and = cot tr. c = OL./ sin r OH Also in Fig. 115 if hhl = F. c = tan FC cos 45 = tan KC sin KC = tan KF cot 45 tan PC To DETERMINE POSITION OF ANY POLE* P. cot PA = tan PH = {* cos PAB = k , C cos PAC = la ch Lk&o Aioo Miller's Crystallography, p. 44, Story-Maskelyne's Crystallography, p. 449. 4 6 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. cot PB = tan PK = f- cos PBA = ^cos PBC la cot PC = tan PL = cos PCA = =- cos PCB = kc kc GENERAL EQUATION BETWEEN AXES AND INDICES. -cosPA = ~ n, k = cos PC. / FORMULA FOR ANGLE BETWEEN Two PLANES. cos PP = . la Formulae for angle between two faces of same form are as on P- 39- ANGLE PC WHEN PC KNOWN tan PC tan PC. HEXAGONAL SYSTEM. All forms in this system must be referable to three equivalent axes a in one plane at 60 to each other and a fourth axis c nor- mal to these, conventionally placed vertically. Fig. 116. The system comprises two grand divisions. The Hexagonal division with five classes in which the fourth axis is an axis of senary symmetry. The Rhombohedral division with seven classes in which this axis is 2 an axis of ternary symmetry. The vertical and basal axes being non-equivalent, the ratio of the parameters - is always an irrational number and for each different ratio a different series of forms exists, one series only being capable of occurrence on the crystals of the same substance. The basal axes are most conveniently considered in the order of GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. 47 the figure, for then* the third index is always the algebraic sum of the first and second. THE RHOMBOHEDRAL DIVISION. 1 6. CLASS OF THE TRIGONAL PYRAMID OF THIRD ORDER. Without planes of symmetry, but with an axis of ternary sym- metry. As shown in projection, Fig. 117, the symmetry is satis- fied by three faces for the general form, or TRIGONAL PYRAMID OF THIRD ORDER, Fig. 118. EXAMPLES. Sodium periodate NaIO 4 .sH 2 O. V: y FIG. 117. FIG. 1 1 8. 17. CLASS OF RHOMBOHEDRON OF THE THIRD ORDER. With composite symmetry to a ternary axis and a plane at right angles thereto. As shown in the stereographic projection, Fig. 119, the symmetry is satisfied by six faces for the most general form or RHOMBOHEDRON OF THE THIRD ORDER, Fig. 120. EX- AMPLES. Dioptase, phenacite. o ia FIG. 120. FIG. 119. 1 8. CLASS OF THE TRIGONAL TRAPEZOHEDRON. Without planes of symmetry, but with the four axes of sym- metry of Class 22. As shown in projection, Fig. 1 21, the sym- metry is satisfied by six planes for the general form, or TRIGONAL TRAPEZOHEDRON, Fig. 122. EXAMPLES. Quartz, cinnabar. * Simple proof in Bauerman's Systematic Mineralogy, p. 76. 4 8 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. FIG. 1.2 1. FIG. 122. 19. CLASS OF THE TRIGONAL BIPYRAMID OF THIRD ORDER. With one plane of symmetry at right angles to the axis of ter- nary symmetry. As shown in the projection, Fig. 123, the sym- metry is satisfied by six planes for the most general form, or TRI- GONAL BIPYRAMID OF THIRD ORDER, Fig. 124. No examples are known. FIG. 1.23. FIG. 124. 2O. CLASS OF THE DlTRIGONAL PYRAMID. With three planes of symmetry at 60 to each other which in- tersect in the axis of ternary symmetry. These forms are geomet- rically the upper or lower halves of those of Class 22. As shown in projection, Fig. 125, the symmetry is satisfied by six planes for the most general form, or DITRIGONAL PYRAMID, Fig. 126. EXAMPLES. Tourmaline, proustite, pyrargyrite. FIG. 125. FIG. 126. 21. CLASS OF THE DITRIGONAL SCALENOHEDRON. With three planes of symmetry at 60 to each other and inter- secting in an axis of ternary symmetry, and three axes of binary GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. 49 symmetry bisecting the angles between the planes. As shown in projection, Fig. 127, the symmetry is satisfied by twelve faces for the most general form, or DITRIGONAL SCALENOHEDRON, Fig. 128. EXAMPLES. Calcite, hematite, corundum. FIG. 127. FIG. 128. 22. CLASS OF THE DITRIGONAL BIPYRAMID. With three planes of symmetry at 60 to each other which in- tersect in an axis of ternary symmetry and one plane normal to these which intersects the others in axes of binary symmetry. The planes, Fig. 129, divide space into twelve equal parts, shown in projection, Fig. 130, as six birectangular spherical triangles with angles at the center 60. Anyjapper face, corresponding to a pole X in one of the tri- angles, would by rotations of 120 around the ternary axis coin-, cide with two other upper faces. Each of these by reflection in a vertical plane of symmetry coincides with another face and the sixjby reflection in the horizontal plane of symmetry coincide with six lower faces, the poles of which are indicated by circles. The symmetry of the class is satisfied by twelve faces for the most general form or DITRIGONAL BIPYRAMID, Fig. 131. No ex- amples are known. FIG. 129. FIG. 130. CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. THE Six LIMIT FORMS. In each class there are six limit forms corresponding to special positions of the faces of the general form. These may be tabu- lated as follows : Position of any Face and its Pole. Symbol* Name of Form. Classes to which the forrn belongs. I. Parallel to all basal axes. Poles projected at the centre. 2. Oblique to the vertical axis but parallel to one basal axis. Poles are on joooij ShoTiii BASAL PINACOID, Fig. 153- BASAL PLANE,one plane of Fig. 153. TRIGONAL BIPYRAMID FIRST ORDER, Fig. 132. RHOMBOHEDRON FIRST 22,21, ,19, 18,17, . ,,20,,,, 1 6. 22, , , 19, , , . the interaxial diameters. ORDER, Fig. 135. TRIGONAL PYRAMID 3. Oblique to the vertical axis and equally inclined to alternate basal axes. Shfahil FIRST ORDER, Fig. 136. HEXAGONAL BIPYRA- MID SECOND ORDER, Fig. 155- HEXAGONAL PYRAMID 22,21, ,,,,. Poles are on the axes. SECOND ORDER, Fig. 1 60. TRIGONAL BIPYRAMID SECOND ORDER, Fig. ,,,19,18,,. 17 -' OND ORDER, Fig. 140. TRIGONAL PYRAMID > > > > */ ,16. 4. Parallel to the vertical axis and to one basal axis. Poles are at inter- sections of primitive cir- cle and interaxial di- ameters. 5. Parallel to the vertical axis and equally inclined to alternate basal axes. Poles are at intersections of axes and primitive circle. 6. Parallel to the vertical and unequally inclined to all basal axes. Poles are S loloj {"*} SECOND ORDER, Fig. 141. TRIGONAL PRISM FIRST ORDER, Fig. 133. HEXAGONAL PRISM FIRST ORDER, Fig. 156. HEXAGONAL PRISM SECOND ORDER, Fig. "57- TRIGONAL PRISM SEC- OND ORDER, Fig. 138. DITRIGONAL PRISM, Fig. 134- DlHEXAGONAL PRISM, 22, 21,20, 19, , , 16. ,,,,18,17,. 22,21,20, -,l8,I7,. , , ,19, , ,16. 22, ,20, ,8 1,,. ,21, , , , , Fig. 158. TRIGONAL PRISM THIRD ORDER, Fig. 139. HEXAGONAL PRISM THIRD ORDER, Fig. 161. , , , 19, , , 1 6. ,,, ,,17, . * See footnote under hexagonal division, p. 54. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. FIG. 132. FIG. 133. FIG. 134. FIG. 135. FIG. 136. FIG. 137. FIG. 138. FIG. 139. FIG. 140. LIMIT FORMS IN RHOMBOHEDRAL DIVISION WHICH ARE GEOMETRICALLY SHAPES NOT INCLUDED IN HEXAGONAL DIVISION. FIG. 141. 52 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. THE HEXAGONAL DIVISION. 23. CLASS OF THE THIRD ORDER HEXAGONAL PYRAMID. Without planes of symmetry but with one axis of senary sym- metry. As shown in the projection, Fig. 142, six planes satisfy the symmetry of the most general form or HEXAGONAL PYRAMID OF THIRD ORDER, Fig. 143. EXAMPLE. Nephelite. FIG. 142. FIG. 143. 24. CLASS OF THE HEXAGONAL TRAPEZOHEDRON. Without planes of symmetry but with the seven axes of Class 27. As shown in projection, Fig. 144, twelve faces satisfy the symmetry for the most general form or HEXAGONAL TRAPEZOHE- DRON, Fig. 145. EXAMPLE. (SbO) 2 BaC 4 H 4 O 6 .KNO 3 . \ v FIG. 144. FIG. 145. 25. CLASS OF THE THIRD ORDER HEXAGONAL BIPYRAMID. With one plane of symmetry normal to the axis of senary sym- metry. As shown in projection, Fig. 146, twelve faces satisfy the symmetry for the most general form or HEXAGONAL BIPYRAMID OF THIRD ORDER, Fig. 147. EXAMPLE. Apatite, pyromorphite. FIG. 146. FIG. 147. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. 53 26. CLASS OF THE DlHEXAGONAL PYRAMID. With six planes of symmetry at 30 to each other and intersec- ting in the axis of senary symmetry. From the projection, Fig. 148, it is evident that the general form, or DIHEXAGONAL PYRAMID, Fig. 149, is geometrically the upper (or lower) half of the general form, Fig. 152, of the next class. FIG. 148. FIG. 149. 27. CLASS OF THE DIHEXAGONAL BlPYRAMID. With seven planes of symmetry, six being normal to the seventh and at 30 to each other as shown in Fig. 150. The common intersection of six planes of symmetry is the axis of senary sym- metry and their intersections with the seventh are axes of binary symmetry. FIG. 150. FIG. 152. In projection, Fig. 151, the planes of symmetry form twelve equal birectangular spherical triangles with angles at the centre, 30. Any upper face, with a pole marked x , by rotations of 60 around the senary axis coincides successively with five other upper faces represented by crosses in the alternate triangles. Each of the six reflected in a vertical plane of symmetry coincides with another face and the twelve reflected in the horizontal plane coincide with twelve lower faces represented by circles. 54 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. The letter permutations of the general symbol (1ikli\ in which i always must remain in fourth place, are hkli, hlki, khli, klhi, Ihki, Ikhi, and each may have four sign permutations, +-j f-, j-+, + -j and 1 or twenty-four permutations in all. Pro- jection and permutation both show that the symmetry of the class is satisfied by twenty-four faces for the most general form or Di- HEXAGONAL BlPYRAMID, Fig. 152. EXAMPLE. Beryl. THE Six LIMIT FORMS. In each class there are six limit forms corresponding to special positions of the faces of the general form. These may be tabu- lated a follows : Position of any Face and its Pole. Symbol* Name of Form. Classes to which the formbel'ng's I. Parallel to all basal axes. Poles projected at the center. 2. Oblique to the vertical axis but parallel to one basal axis. Poles are on the interaxial diameters. 3. Oblique to the vertical axis and equally inclined to alter- nate basal axes. Poles are on the axes. 4. Parallel to the vertical axis and to one basal axis. Poles are at intersections of primi- tive circle and interaxial di- ameters. 5. Parallel to the vertical axis and equally inclined to alter- nate basal axes. Poles are at the intersections of axes and primitive circle. 6. Parallel to the vertical but unequally inclined to all j basal axes. Poles are on the primitive circle. !OOOI \hhzhi\ 1010 1 1 20; BASAL PINACOID, Fig. 153. BASAL PLANE, one plane of Fig- 153- 27, ,25,24, . ,26, ,,23. HEXAGONAL BIPYRAMID [27, ,25,24, . FIRST ORDER, Fig. 154. | HEXAGONAL PYRAMID ,26, , ,23. FIRST ORDER, Fig. 159. HEXAGONAL BIPYRAMID 27, ,25,24,- SECOND ORDER, Fig. 155. HEXAGONAL PYRAMID SEC- ,26, , ,23. OND ORDER, Fig. 160. HEXAGONAL PRISM FIRST 127,26,25,24,23. ORDER, Fig. 156. HEXAGONAL PRISM SEC- OND ORDER, Fig. 157. 27,26,25,24,23- DlHEXAGONAL PRISM, Fig. 27,26, ,24, . 158. HEXAGONAL PRISM THIRD , ,25, ,23. ORDER, Fig. 161. * In the type symbols the first and second indices relate to the relative inclination of the faces to the alternate basal axes. If unequally inclined hk, if equally inclined hh, if parallel to one ho. The third index is /, the algebraic sum of the first and second with the opposite sign. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. 55 FIG. 153. FIG. 154. FIG. 155. FIG. 156. FIG. 157. LIMIT FORMS OF CLASS 27. FIG. 158. FIG. 159. FIG. 1 60. LIMIT FORMS GEOMETRICALLY NEW IN THE OTHER CLASSES. FIG. 161. PROJECTION AND CALCULATION OF HEXAGONAL AND RHOMBOHE- DRAL FORMS. The basal pinacoid is the plane of projection. The position of the poles are as in the tables, pp. 50 and 54. The indices of a face truncating an edge of any form are the sum of the indices of the faces forming the edge, for example, the edge between ion and oui is truncated by 1122. THE ZONAL RELATIONS Are calculated from three indices of which one must relate to the vertical axis. For instance, by method of cross multiplication CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. the zone indices of the planes hkliji'k'l'i' w\\\ be determined by hki and h'k'i' : u = ki' ik' , v = ih' hi', w = hk' kh' . DETERMINATION OF ELEMENTS. Two equal basal axes at 120 to each other and at right angles to the vertical are sufficient. In Fig. -f u the spherical triangle rst has /== 120. cos s -f- V 2 cos r OL cos tr = - : -^= ; cot tr = () rr] c = OL.i or // c tan (oooi) :(II22) = ^ = - = c Cooo/JfT ono FIG. 162. FIG. 163. To DETERMINE THE POSITION OF ANY POLE P. Using notation of Fig. 163 and denoting by M the quantity 31 c(2/i -f k) cos PA = - --~, cos m To FIND THE ARC JOINING TWO POLES P AND P. cos PP' = - TANGENT PRINCIPLE. c(h + 2k) c(k - Ji) - -^ , cos /^ = A ^- /v/3 MM' tan PC _ k _ h tarTF^ ~" V ~ Ji' GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. 57 THE ISOMETRIC SYSTEM. All forms in this system must be referrable to three equivalent axes at right angles to each other. The system includes five classes. 28. CLASS OF THE TETARTOID. The forms have seven axes of symmetry but no planes of symmetry. Three of the axes are binary normal to the faces of the hexahedron and four are ternary through diagonally opposite solid angles of the hexahedron. As shown in the projection Fig. 164, twelve faces in each alter- nate octant satisfy the symmetry for the most general form or TETARTOID, Fig. 165. EXAMPLES Sodic chlorate, baric nitrate. .-";;*. -.. a FIG. 164. FIG. 165. 29. CLASS OF THE GYROID. Without planes of symmetry but with all the axes of symmetry of class 32. As shown in the projection Fig. 166, twenty-four faces, three in each octant, satisfy the symmetry for the most gen- eral form* or GYROID, Figs. 167 and 168. EXAMPLES, Halite, sylvite, cuprite. FIG. 1 66. FIG. 167. FIG. i 68. *The right form, Fig. 168, and the left form, Fig. 167, are enantiomorphic, that is, their elements are equal and the faces of the one are parallel but oppositely placed with respect to those of the other. CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. 30. CLASS OF THE DIPLOID. The forms have three cubic planes of symmetry, the intersec- tion of these are three axes of binary symmetry and there are four diagonal axes of ternary symmetry. As shown by the projection, Fig. 169, the symmetry of the class is satisfied by twenty-four faces for the most general form or DIPLOID, Figs. 170 and 171. EXAMPLES Pyrite, smaltite, cobal- tite. FIG. 169. FIG. 170. FIG. 171. 31. CLASS OF THE HEXTETRAHEDRON. The forms * have the six dodecahedral planes of symmetry of Class 32 and the seven axes of symmetry formed by their intersec- tion. Of the latter, four are ternary and three binary. As shown in the projection, Fig. 172, the symmetry of this class is satisfied by twenty-four faces for the most general form or HEXTETRAHEDRON, Figs. 173 and 174. EXAMPLES. Sphalerite, tetrahedrite, diamond. FIG. 172. FIG. 173. FIG. 174. 32. CLASS OF THE HEXOCTAHEDRON. /\ The forms of this class have three planes of symmetry parallel to the faces of the cube and six planes of symmetry through diag- * The forms of this class exist in pairs which are said to be congruent, that is either by a revolution of 90 about an axis may brought into the position of the other. They are distinguished as right and left forms. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. 59 onally opposite edges of the cube, that is parallel to the faces of the rhombic dodecahedron Fig. 181. FIG. 175. FIG. 176. FIG. i 7 || The intersections of these planes are axes of symmetry; three are quaternary the intersections of the planes parallel the hexahe- dron ; four are ternary, each the intersections of three diagonal planes ; and six are binary, each the intersection of a plane of each kind. These planes and axes of symmetry are shown in stereographic projection, Fig. 176. The number of faces in the most general form may be deter- mined as follows : In any quadrant the pole marked I of a face in the upper half of the crystal by rotations of 120 around the ternary axis must coincide successively with faces the poles of which are 2 and 3. These three by reflection in the planes of symmetry must coincide I with 4, 2 with 5, 3 with 6. Since there is a vertical axis of quaternary symmetry the entire quadrant must coincide succes- sively pole for pole with the second, third and fourth quadrants and finally the resulting 24 faces reflected in the horizontal plane of symmetry must coincide with 24 lower faces. That is, the form must consist of 48 faces with a pole in each of the right spherical triangles made by the planes of symmetry. This result could also be reached by considering the possible permutations of letter and sign in the symbol of the general form \hkl \ . The letter permutations are : hkl, hlk, klh, khl, Ikh, Ihk. Each of these can undergo eight permutations in sign according to the octant in which the plane occurs. Upper octants + + +,_ + +,- . +, + +, Lower octants + -\ , ( , , H , 6o CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. or 48 permutations in all. That is to satisfy the symmetry the most general form or HEXOCTAHEDRON, Fig. 177, must consist of 48 faces six in each octant. EXAMPLES. Garnet, fluorite, spinel. THE Six LIMIT FORMS. In each class there are six limit forms corresponding to special positions of the faces of the general form. These may be tabu- lated as follows : Position of any Face. Symbol* Name of Form. Classes to which Form belongs. I. Equally inclined to all three axes. Poles on ternary axes. J'"J OCTAHEDRON, Fig. 178. TETRAHEDRON, Fig. 184. 3 2, ,30,29, . ,31, ,,28. 2. Equally inclined to two axes, more nearly parallel the third. Poles are on the short s'des of triangles. {Ml] TRIGONAL TRISOCT'AHEDRON, Fig. 179- TETRAGONAL TRISTETRAHE- DRON, Fig. 185. 32, ,30, 29, . ,3' .28- 3. Equally inclined to two axes less nearly parallel the third. Poles are on hypothe- nuse. {Mi} TETRAGONAL TRISOCTAHE- DRON, Fig. 1 80. TRIGONAL TRISTETRAHE- DRON, Fig. 1 86. 32,, 30,29,, .31, ,,28. 4. Equally inclined to two axes,parallel thethird. Poles at vertices cf right angles. S"i RHOMBIC DODECAHEDRON, Fig. 181. 32,31,30,29,28. 5. Unequally inclined to two axes parallel thethird. Poles are on the long sides. w TETRAHEXAHEDRON, Fig. 182. PENTAGONAL DODECAHE[ DRON, Fig. 187. 32,31, ,29, . , , 30 28. 6. Parallel to two axes. Poles are on the quaternary axes. l,oo] HEXAHEDRON, 183. 32,31,30,29,28. FIG. 178. FIG. 179. FIG. 1 80. * The type symbols of the forms are easily obtained without direct reference to the intercepts by noting parallelism and relative nearness to parallelism to the axes. Zero being the symbol of parallelism and conventionally h > k > /. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. 61 FIG. 181. FIG. 182. LIMIT FORMS OF CLASS 32. FIG. 183. FIG. 184. FIG. 185. FIG. 1 86. LIMIT FORMS GEOMETRICALLY NEW THE OTHER CLASSES. IN FIG. 187. PROJECTION AND CALCULATION* OF ISOMETRIC FORMS. The forms are usually projected on a cubic face and the poles are as stated in the table, the positions being usually found by zone intersections. The planes of symmetry divide space into forty- eight similar parts each shown in stereographic projection as a right triangle in which : the hypothenuse (54 44'), is the angle between a binary and a ternary axis ; the longer side (45) is the half angle between two binary axes; the shorter side (35 16') is the half angle between two ternary axes. CALCULATION OF ELEMENTS. The parameters are all equal and the angles between the axes are right angles. * Millers' Crystallography, pp. 25; Story-Maskelyne's Crystallography, p. 453. 62 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. GENERAL EXPRESSION OF RELATION BETWEEN ANGLES AND INDICES* cos PA _ cos PB _ cos PC ~k~ ~T~ ~T~ To DETERMINE POSITION OF ANY POLE. P=(hkl). Adopting notation of Fig. 188 equations become tan BAP= \ tan = cos PA = sin PH= -^=; k Vihol Lk&Q cos PC = smPL = -W n which A ioo FIG. 188. To FIND THE ARC JOINING P= hkl and P* = h'k'l' cos/y-^ + ^tf CHAPTER V. MEASUREMENT OF CRYSTAL ANGLES. The instruments used in measuring the angles between the faces of crystals are called goniometers, the simplest form being the appli- cation goniometer invented for Delisle by Carangeot and con- sisting of a semicircular grad- uated arc and two arms moving upon a pivot, the position of which may be changed accord- ing to the size and position of the crystal. In the older instru- ments the arms are fastened to FlG l8 9- the arc, but in the later types, as in Fig. 189, they are detached from the arc during measurement and replaced for the reading. In use the arms are each in close contact with a face and at right angles to the edge between the , faces. They cannot be relied upon closer than one degree, and are, therefore, practically limited to the identification of previously measured angles. All measurements of ac- curacy are obtained by ro- tating the crystal around the edge between the faces and determining, by the aid of a ray of light fixed in direction, the angle between the position in which the first face gives a reflection and that in which the sec- ond face does the same. In Fig. 190 the crystal is so adjusted that an edge 1( , 90> coincides with the axis of 6 4 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. rotation O. The fixed direction of the ray of light is CO 7 that 'is, the incident ray is CO and the eye or telescope is at T. Then OA will be the direction of the first face when it acts as a reflecting surface, and OB will be the direction of the second face at that time, and only when rotated to the respective direc- tions, OA' and OB f t will a reflection be obtained from the second face, that is, after a rotation measured by the equal arcs A A' , BB 1 or NN' t the normal angle between the faces. GONIOMETERS WITH HORIZONTAL AXES. The original reflection goniometer is that of Wollaston.* In this a base and column support in a collar a hollow axle to which there is attached at one end a vertical disc with a graduated rim and at the other end a handle. Through this axle passes a second axle, with at one end the crystal holder and at the other a handle. These two axles may be clamped to turn together, or, by the inner axle, the crystal may be rotated without the graduated circle. In the simplest forms of this goniometer the crystal is fastened FIG. 191. with wax to a thin, flexible, brass plate, and this is fixed in a holder which has several simple motions by means of which the *,W. H. Wollaston, Description of a reflective goniometer, Phil. Trans., 1809, p. 253-25.9. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. 65 faces of the zone to be measured can be made to project clear of the apparatus and the edge to coincide with the axis of rotation. The signal may be a horizontal window bar twenty to thirty feet away, or better, a horizontal slit in a screen before an artificial light and it must be parallel to the axis of rotation. The eye is brought almost into contact with the crystal and there watches for the re- flection of the signal as the faces successively move into position. To secure a constant line of sight a reference mark may be made below the crystal parallel to the signal, or better, a second image of the signal may be obtained in a small mirror, the plane of which is parallel to the axis of rotation, or still better, a telescope with cross hairs may be used. In each case the rotation is continued until the image of the signal is bisected by or coincides with the reference mark. Mallard's* modification of the Wollaston goniometer, shown in Fig. 191 on the left, differs from the earlier types in the sub- stitution of a better crystal holder ; the crystal is supported in the manner suggested by Groth, that is, it is fixed with wax on a small circular disc, d, and, by turning the screws v, v, and v' f v' , can re- ceive two movements of rotation on two arcs of circles perpendic- ular to each other which have their common center near the middle of the crystal, A, so that the changes of orientation of the crystal do not too much displace its center of gravity. / For the proper centering, the entire system which holds the crystal is attached to two sliding planes, g and g* , which, by means of the screws, u and ', impart to the crystal two movements of translation in a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation. There is also a tangent screw for fine rotation and the mirror, M, has four motions of adjustment parallel to the axis of rotation. Any signal may be used, but preferably the collimator and artificial light, as shown in the figure. The collimator is a cylinder, C, with at one end a large lens, L, and at the other, which is the exact focal plane of the lens, an ad- justable plate, Fig. 192, pierced with signals, /,/',/", of various forms beneath each of which is a fine reference slit. The light from an Argand gas lamp, R, or a Welsbach burner passes through the central signals, emerges as parallel rays from the lens and is reflected to the eye at the same time from the crystal face and the mirror. * Er. Mallard, Annales des Mines, Nov.-Dec. 1887. 66 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. A greater degree of accuracy would be secured by the addition of an observation telescope, as in the Mitscherlich* modification of the Wollaston, but this is accompanied by loss of light and usually makes a dark room necessary, whereas the Mallard-Wol- laston gives good results in ordinary light. H h ffl. FIG. 192. Professor Groth describes-)- a simple, inexpensive Wollaston with a telescope fixed parallel to the plane of the graduated circle and centered on the goniometer axis. The crystal holder is like that of the Mallard instrument, but the inner axle, which ordinarily rotates the crystal independently, is replaced by a screw which moves the crystal horizontally in the direction of the axis. The signal used by Professor Groth is a very small incandescent light at a distance of about thirty feet where it appears like a luminous point. The principal objection to the Wollaston type of goniometer is that the weight of the crystal tends to throw it out of adjustment. GONIOMETERS WITH VERTICAL AXES. Babinet, v. Lang, Miller, Websky and others have gradually de- veloped this more perfect and more generally applicable variety of goniometer, and there is little doubt that for simplicity of adjust- ments and perfection of construction the instrument known as the Fuess Model II. at present excels all others. It is shown in Fig. 193 and consists of: a. THE STAND. A tripod with a conically bored head-piece sup- porting three concentric axles the outer axle carrying the vernier circle and telescope, and turned by the latter ; the fine adjustment is by the tangent screw, F, and the clamp screw, , the middle axle carrying the graduated circle and turned by the disc, g> or more *Ueber ein Goniometer Abhandl. Berlin Akad , 1843, 189-197. \Physikalische Krystallographie, III. Ed., p. 613. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. 67 FIG. 193. / conveniently by ';* the fine adjustment is by the tangent screw, G, and the clamp screw, /?, the inner axle guiding the rod of the crystal carrier and which may be turned separately or clamped to the others. The circle is graduated to half degrees. The vernier circle is protected by a ring, A", with glass windows over the verniers, while between the tripod and the vernier circle is a ring with two arms each with a magnifier and a mirror, s, by means of which the vernier can be read to half minutes and estimated to quarter minutes. a. THE CRYSTAL CARRIER is like that described in the Mallard- Wollaston, the crystal being attached to a platef by wax, and this to * The part g' is omitted in many instruments and the clamping of the inner axle is by a vertical screw. f Two or three sizes are furnished. For very small crystals platinum wire may be used with a cement of gelatine and acetic acid. By bending the wire the different zones may be adjusted. 68 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. two cylinder arcs, which are moved by tangent screws around inter- secting axes at right angles to each other and to the goniometer axis. The common point of intersection is within the crystal, so that their motions tip the crystal without moving it much out of center. The arcs rest upon sliding parts, which are moved by micrometer screws, in the direction of the axes of the arcs. c. THE TELESCOPE L. The observation telescope turns with the vernier circle, to which it is attached by a pillar, and its axis always intersects and is perpendicular to the axis of the gonio- meter. The vertical cross hair is parallel to the axis. Before the infinite distance objective swings an extra lens of a focal length equal to the distance to the goniometer axis. When in use this converts the telescope into a weak microscope. There are four eye pieces magnifying respectively six diameters, three diameters (generally used), two diameters (for distorted reflections) and a diminishing combination which is used with very small faces to re- duce the signal to one third of its natural size. d. The COLLIMATOR. The infinite distance collimator is fixed firmly to the tripod by the pillar C and its axis and the telescope axis are in the same plane perpendicular to the goniometer- axis. The signals are either separate tubes or all four may be on a revolv- ing target in the focal plane of the collimator lens. The Schrauf signal is a light diagonal cross on a dark back ground, with, at the center, very minute cross hairs which are used in the adjustments and with rare very perfect faces. The Websky Signal is an orifice bounded by two circular discs of equal diameter, the distance apart of which is regulated by a screw. This admits more light than a narrow cleft though still very narrow in the center and if dilated by a narrow face (see p. 23) and diminished in intensity the shape may still be divided symmetrically with some accuracy. The Slit Signal is an adjustable vertical cleft especially adapted to broad faces or for measurement of indices of refraction. The Pinhole Signalis a round J^mm. opening used in adjusting and in recognizing slight deviations from the zone or, by multiple reflection, cracked and facetted faces. After the instrument is in adjustment* once for all the process of measurement is as follows : *The complete adjustments are : I. Adjtistmeiit of the vertical hair. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. 69 Several of the smallest and most brilliant crystals are selected, carefully cleaned with chamois skin and thereafter handled only with pincers or a tapering pencil of wax. Sketches are made showing striations, flaws and other peculiarities as revealed by the magnifier and later by the micro-telescope. Letters are assigned to all faces and thereafter represent them. The most prominent zone is first measured and is designated by the letters of its two most prominent faces, say [A C~\. The crystal is fastened with a conical pencil of wax to the plate so that the zone axis is approximately vertical and one face is parallel to one of the motions of translation. The crystal is brought into view by the extra lens and raised or lowered by the mother screw k. With one arc at right angles to the telescope axis one of the edges of the zone is made coincident with A needle is adjusted in the axis of the goniometer, so that during rotation it does not appear to move. An eyepiece is adjusted so that its cross hairs are distinct and is then placed in the telescope tube, focussed on some distant object, the extra lens dropped into position and the eyepiece turned until one hair is parallel to the needle, then the cross hairs are moved horizontally until this hair coincides with the needle. Making Telesccope axis normal to Goniometer axis. A plate of parallel glass is fastened to the holder approximately parallel to the goniometer axis and perpendicular to the telescope axis and is made exactly so by re- flecting light upon the cross hairs from another plate fastened in front of the eyepiece at about 45 to the telescope axis. The reflected light throws an image of the cross hairs upon the parallel glass, which is reflected back into the telescope. By aid of the arcs the images reflected from opposite sides of the parallel glass are made to take the same position in the field, that is, the plate is made exactly parallel to the axis of the goniometer, and by raising or lowering the cross wires their center is brought into coincidence with its image as seen after reflection. The telescope axis is then normal to the plate and^therefore to the axis of the goniometer. Adjustment of Horizontal hair. During rotation of the outer axle the image of the intersection of the cross wires should move across the field in coincidence with the horizontal wire, if not, raise, lower, or turn the wire as needed. The Collitnator Adjustment. The pin hole signal is first inserted, focussed, and its center made to coincide with the horizontal wire of the telescope by the screw which fastens the pillar C to the tripod. The vertical slit and Websky's signal are focussed and made symmetrical to the tele- scope cross hairs and finally the cross hairs of the Schrauf signal are brought into ap- parent coincidence by their traversing screws. the Other Eyepieces, Are adjusted by means of Schrauf 's signal. All eyepieces and signals have sliding collars with a projecting tooth which fits into a notch in the tube of the telescope or col- limator. The collar is tightened when the tube is in final adjustment and thereafter is fixed. (M. Websky, Zeit. /. Krystallographie, IV., 545.) 70 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. the vertical hair by means of the corresponding micrometer screws ; then with the other arc at right angles to the telescope axis the same adjustment is made with the other screws, and this is repeated until during a rotation the edge and vertical hair appear to be one, and on raising the extra lens the image of the signal from any face in the zone is symmetrically bisected by the cross hairs. Except in the case of very narrow faces* it is not necessary to recenter on each edge, but is sufficient by a slight motion with the centering screws to make the vertical hair coincident with an imag- inary central axis within the zone. With the telescope at some convenient angle to the collimator (100 to 1 20 degrees) and with only /? undamped, the graduated circle and -crystal are turned together by the disc g until the re- flected signal is seen through the telescope, then ft is tightened, the signal moved by the tangent screw G until it is bisected by the vertical cross hair and the vernier is read and recorded. The screw /9 is again loosened and the rotation continued until the signal is received from a second face, and this is centered by G and /? and recorded as before and the difference between the two readings is the normal angle. The position of a third face is de- termined in the same way and so on around the zone. At least three measurements of any angle should be made and preferably with different portions of the circle. For the second measurement when the signal from the second face is centered the clamp / is loosened and the crystal alone is turned until the signal from the first face is centered, then / is tightened and /5 loosened and the crystal and circle turned together as before. This is repeated before a third measurement. It is important to assign a quality mark to each image of the signal. For instance, a distinct image may be 2, a poor image I, a band or shimmer o, and the proportionate value of any measure- ment may then be taken as the sum of the quality marks of the readings. These may be recorded in tabular shape, as in the fol- lowing example : * See page 23. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. CRYSTAL i. Zone [m m'"] | ! Face. READINGS. Mean Times to be First. Second. Third. Normal Angle. counted. , / / / m m' \ 137 S4 53 54 332 IS 332 249 21 mm' 8231*- m'a' 48 45! 1 + 2 = 3 2+2^4 a' 2 6 6 36 201 5 a'm" 48 44^ m" m'" I 2 317 334 S6* 234 *5 2 5i 22 "8 20| m"m'i' 82 28f '" 48 44i 1 + 2 = 3 0+2=2 a O 867 1 1 103 3i 21 6 am 4845! 0+1 = 1 m I 112 24 54 534 332 21 The angles indicate that m, m' , ;//', /"' are faces of one form and that a, a! are faces of another form truncating the first as in Fig. 194. The most probable angles will be determined by averaging. For in- stance, the probable angle m-m" r may be the average of: FIG. 1 94. Minutes. 2 m a 2m'" a 2 m' a' =97 3 =97 2 =97 3 2 m'" a' =97 180 mm' = 97 o m"m'" = 97 m m'" = 97 m'.m" =9J Times to be counted. i or i i 2 n 3 3 3 3 = 97 2 9F ERRORS DUE TO IMPERFECT CENTERING. Let E denote the error. Let a denote the angle between the crystal edge and the goni- ometer axis. Let f denote the angle obtained. * The errors in the first four are already doubled, hence they can be allotted only half the sum of their quality marks. 2 57g~ 4 "5* 3 85 6 171 6 187 6 177 6 179 34 1012 72 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. a 2 Then m\\E=*--y= [cos 45 cos (2 r + 45)]. This value is a maximum when cos (2^ -f- 45) is I, that is, when Y = 67^2 for which E= -f^ a 1 (approximately) and a mini- mum when cos (2 ? + 45) = + i or Y = 1 57^ for which = T L a 2 . This error is guarded against by the coincidence of signals from different faces of the zone. In addition. Let / denote angle of incidence of the light. Let d and d' denote the distances of the faces from the axis. Let r denote the distance to the light source. Then will E=2=*smi. r This diminishes as r increases or i decreases and is zero if r is infinite or d= d' ; that is, the second error is eliminated by an in- finite distance collimator, and even without it is only about 9" if d d' = j4 mm. and r = I o m. SPECIAL CASES IN MEASUREMENT. Narrow faces tend to broaden the image by a phenomenon analogous to diffraction. The diminishing eyepiece may obviate this, but as the error is proportionatell to the eccentricity of the face, in such a case each edge must be separately centered. Transparent Crystals give colored images due to total reflections within the crystal, if the crystal and telescope are turned steadily in one direction these images at a point move backwards (angle of least deviation) ; when such an image coincides with the true one it is only necessary to alter the angle of incidence. Finely Striated Faces yield a bright colorless image with colored images on each side. The bright image is due to the plane tan- gent at the edges of the striae and only when an image is obtained after the plane has been turned into some other zone is it proved that there is a definite crystal face underneath the striae. Bent or Cracked Faces yield distorted or manifold images. An risblende eyepiece will limit the reflection to a selected best por- tion, or an approximate measurement may be obtained from the outer member of each group, or by measuring in several zones f Story Maskelyne's Crystallography, p. 414 \ Ibid, 402. For other reasons i is commonly 50 to 60. I! Mull. Soc. Min. de France, I., 35. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. 73 to the opposite face the properly oriented portion may be' found. The best way is to use another crystal. 7 win Crystals and Composite Crystals in approximately parallel position will give good images in part of a zone and in the rest the images will be a little out of center. Dull Faces* may be coated with thin varnish or cover glasses may be glued to them or the extra lens may be used, the col- limator slit narrowed to the smallest width which will give an illu- mination and the position of BRIGHTEST ILLUMINATION of both faces recorded several times. Traube's attachment to the collimator of the Fuess goniometer^ shown in Fig. 195 may be used. It is FIG. 195. practically a little extra dark room ; the light passing through the collimator and the conical tube d to the crystal. The cylinder e shuts out much of the extraneous light giving a darker field in which the luminous signal is by contrast brighter. Still more light can be shut out by laying a card over the top of e or better by the cap g t which may be turned to diminish the window /to a mere slit. Small and 'nearly parallel faces which yield a combined image may be distinguished by changing the angle of incidence. Crystals which alter in the air may be protected during measure- ment by replacing the crystal plate by a hollow cylinder a t Fig 196, supporting a hemisphere z and plate /, the whole cov- ered by a little glass bottle with bottom pressed in and ground to fit air-tight on the oiled hemisphere. In the channeled bottom is placed sulphuric acid or chloride of lime for deliquescent crystals, and *Groth describes an elaborate application goniometer " das Fuhlhebel goniometer " for measuring dull crystals Physikalische Krystal., III. Ed., pp. 604-608. \Neus Jahrb. f. Mineralogie, 1894, Bd. II. \Jahrb. d. geol. Reichsanstalt, 1884, 329. 74 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. FIG. 196. water, etc., for efflorecent crystals. The bottle is steadied by the spring clamp A, and the light enters and emerges normal to the plane windows of the bottle. Imbedded crystals may be measured to within one degree by means of impressions in sealing wax. THEODOLITE OR TWO-CIRCLE GONIOMETERS. In the reflection goniometers described all faces of the zone which is placed perpendicular to the graduated circle reflect the signal and if the circle is considered to be the plane of projection their poles are in the circumference at angles apart equal to those meas- uring the rotation. If a second direction of rotation at right angles to the other be added, any face in any zone may be referred to this first zone by the two motions necessary to bring it into the field, the one giving the point where its meridian cuts the primitive circle, the other giving the number of degrees on this meridian from the primitive circle. Czapski, Goldschmidt* and v. Federovv have described such instru- ments; that of the latter, shown in Fig. 197, consists of a telescope B y which is also the collimator. The signals are on the revolving disc b y and the light entering at the focal plane of the objective passes through a small total reflecting prism and emerges as parallel rays. There is an extra lens / to bring the crystal into focus or, by *Zeit.f. Kryst. XXI., 210-232. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. 75 FIG. 197. means of the spring clamp h and the rack and pinion H and K, one of the weaker objectives of a microscope may^be focussed 'on the crystal. The eye-piece has an adjustable irisblende. The stand consists of a tripod with a bored conical head in which rests the graduated circle C turned by d and read by the fixed ver- nier N, using clamp e and tangent screw/. The stand also sup- ports D, the carrier of the vertical circle, which can be clamped to the stative by g, or to the horizontal circle by e. The vertical circle is a complete Wollaston goniometer, but rotates with the horizontal circle when e is clamped. By trans- ferring the centering apparatus to the horizontal circle the instru- ment may be used as a goniometer with vertical axis. CHAPTER VI. CRYSTAL PROJECTION OR DRAWING. For the purposes of calculation and for a comprehensive view of the relations between the faces, the latter are more con- veniently represented either by points, Fig. 198, as described pp. 20-24, under stereographic projections, or by lines as in the so- called Linear projection. For description and illustration some projection which actually figures the shape of the crystal is usually preferred. LINEAR PROJECTIONS. In Quenstedt's linear projection* each face of the crystal is as- sumed to be moved parallel to itself until it cuts the vertical axis at a unit's distance above the the plane of the basal axes. The line in which the face then intersects the plane of the basal axes represents the plane. For example, the crystal of topaz, Fig. 201, is orthorhombic in crystallization with a : b : ^=.529 : I : .477. The basal axes are drawn at right angles, and the proportionate lengths .529 : I laid off upon them. As the crystal is symmetrical to the axial planes it is only necessary to determine the projections of the faces of one octant, say the upper right hand. The indices of these, therefore, are written, then their reciprocals, which are the axial intercepts (p. 12), and finally, these divided by the third term, that is, the inter- cepts of the faces when they cut the vertical axis at unity Indices. Reciprocals. Unit c intercepts. in ill in 110 III 001 120 i^o ooi^: 223 I** . If i 041 i\i i\l * Beitrdgen zur rechnenden Krystallographie, Tubingen, 1848. f In Goldschmidt's Euthygraphic Projection the faces cut a unit's distance below the basal axes. Ueber Projection u. graph, Krystal., p. 25. \ Prisms are all projected as lines through the center parallel to the projections of pyramids of the same zone. In this case such a pyramid as 121. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. 77 The points on a and b corresponding to the first and second term of each unit c intercept, are then connected by a straight line which is the linear projection of the face. Fig. 200. The projection of the edge between any two faces" is evidently the line from the center of the projection to the intersection of the two lines representing the faces, and the direction of that edge is the line from the intersection to the unit point on the vertical axis. Hence all faces projected in lines with a common intersection in- tersect in parallel edges or lie in one zone. Evidently also a face lying in two zones will be projected in the line through the two common intersections or zonal points. The zonal equations may be here used as described, pp. 17-20, and calculations may be made, though less conveniently than with the stereographic projection. PROJECTIONS IN PARALLEL PERSPECTIVE. If the eye be conceived to be at an infinite distance the visual rays become parallel, and all parallel lines remain so * when pro- jected, -and the proportionate lengths into which any line is divided are .not changed, although the line may be foreshortened. ORTHOGRAPHIC PARALLEL PERSPECTIVE. The plane of projection is at right angles to the visual rays. If the plane is the base the basal axes are full length, but if it is at right angles to the vertical axis the axis a in monoclinic crystals will be foreshortened to a sin p and in triclinic crystals a will be- come a sin ft and b will become b sin a. The faces of the zone normal to the plane of projection will be projected as lines bounding the figure at their true angles. The edges between other faces will be parallel both to the edge projec- tions (see above) of the linear projection on the same plane or to the tangent to the primitive circle at the intersection with the zone circle of the two faces. For instance, in Fig. 199, the direction of the orthographic projection of any edge, say [041, 223], is both that of the line Oc, Fig. 201, and of the tangent at O, Fig. 198. * Lines parallel in projection are not necessarily so in the crystal, for all lines in a plane through two rays are projected in the same line. CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS FIG. 200. FIG. 201. FIG. 202. PROJECTIONS OF A TOPAZ CRYSTAL. 198. Stereographic. 199- Orthographic Parallel. 200 . Linear. 201. Clinographic Parallel. 202. Linear upon axial cross. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. 79 CLINOGRAPHIC PARALLEL PERSPECTIVE. The plane of projection is oblique to the visual rays. This method gives an appearance of solidity and usually is made upon a vertical plane, the point of sight being to the right and above the crystal. The Axial Cross, or perspective view of the axes, is first prepared. If the angle to the right', or horizontal angle, is denoted by d and the angle of elevation by e, then the following relations* exist be- tween these angles and the projected lengths and angles of the isometric axes in which the notation is as in Fig. 203. f^V.i^ cos 2 ^ cos 2 e ; OB = ^/ i sin 2 d cos 2 e ; OC= cos e cot AOC= d sin e ; cot BOC= tan <5 sin e ; cot 8 = I cot AOC cot BOC COS SiUL = OB* - OC*) (OB 1 + OC* - OA Z ) ~ ' cos BOC = \/(OA 2 + OC* OB*) (OA* 4- OB? OC*) . 2 OB.OC The following table gives a series of projections, of which num bers 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 are usually preferred. Number." Angles of Revolution. Angles between projected Axes. Foreshortened lengths of axes for true length = i. Approximate Proportionate lengths. 6 e ^#= 0.492 = <9/; then is Oa the projection of one-half the desired axis. These results are more quickly made with the quadrant previously described. In the HEXAGONAL CROSSES, Fig. 206, the proportionate value of c is laid off on CO and the basal axes are derived as follows : Make Op= 6^4^.1.732 ; draw pB and pB' ; bisect Op by a line parallel to BB'\ then are OB, Oa and Oa^ the projections of desired semi-axes. DETERMINATION OF EDGES. OF THE DIRECTION FIG. 206. The unit form always results from joining the extremities of the axial cross by straight lines and other sim- ple forms are easily drawn by meth- ods which suggest themselves, for in- stance, the unit prism bylines through the terminations of the basal axes It is always possible, also, to obtain two points of any edge by actually constructing the two planes and rinding the intersection of their traces in two axial planes. The method, however, is cumbersome. In all systems the projected intersection may be most easily found by the following method : A linear projection of the faces parallel to the vertical axis. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. 83 is made (Fig. 202) upon the basal axes of the axial cross precisely as described for the ordinary linear projection. One point of the edge between any two planes is the unit point on the vertical axis ; another is the intersection of the linear projections of the two planes and the line connecting these is the edge. For instance, Oc, Fig. 202, is the direction of the edge [041, 223] and is so drawn in Fig. 201. CONSTRUCTION OF THE FIGURE. The edges thus formed must be united in ideal symmetry, yet so as to show, as far as possible, the relative development of the forms. A second axial cross is drawn parallel to that used in determin- ing the edge directions and these are transferred by triangles, care being taken that all corresponding dimensions are in their proper proportions and in accord with the planes of symmetry. Gen- erally it will be best to pencil in and verify the principal forms and later work in the minor modifying planes. The back (or dotted) half of many crystals can be obtained by marking the angles of the front half on tracing paper, turning the paper in its own plane 1 80 and pricking through. This is also a test of accuracy, for the outer edge angle for angle should coin- cide. TWIN CRYSTALS. These have two set of axes, the second so related to the first that it corresponds to a revolution of 1 80 about the twin axis or line normal to the twining plane. The two individuals may be in apposition, that is, the twin plane coinciding with the combination face. In this case the twin axis which passes through both centers normal to the twin plane will be bisected by the latter. In interpenetrating twins the two centers may coincide or be near together. The orientation, however, will be as in the former case. Given the axial cross of one crystal to find that of a second crystal in apposition thereto.* Let OA OB OC, Fig. 207, be the axial cross of the first crystal and HKL the twinning plane. To find first the point Zat which the normal from cuts HKL, draw H'L and HL f parallel AC and draw KL" and K' L parallel BC. Complete the parallelograms *Groth, Physikalisoche Krystallographie, p 599, III Ed. 8 4 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. FIG. 207. OH' ML' and OK'NL" and draw their diagonals OM and ON and from the intersections of these with HL and LK draw RK and SH respectively ; their intersection is the desired point Z. Because the crystals are in apposition prolong OZ till ZO' = OZ, then is the center of axes for the second crystal and as the face HKL is common 0'H t 0' K and O'L are in direction and length the coordinates of this face on the new axes. The unit lengths will be found by drawing AA' t BE' and CO parallel to O'Z. All constructions on the axes of the second crystal follow the rules previously given. OPTICAL CHARACTERS. 87 of time. The ray front in the first medium at the expiration of this time would be TE, E being a point of the front just impinging on AB, therefore also a point of the new ray front, that is of the tangent plane ES. The refracted ray is therefore * OS to the point of tangency. OYis the corresponding reflected ray. In the triangles OETand OES, Fig. 208, >, os OE = - ^r~ = -r^ and OE = x-\ j * rt-\ - C*Vt \S ** ' x-~\ 7"" {~* "' '"' * sin OET sin 2 sm OES sin /> hence, 7', sin i v^ sin p Usually the ratio recorded is that of the crystal with respect to air. Denoting the velocity in air by v and the indices of the outer medium and crystal with respect to air by n L and n, we have v - v n. = and n = . v \ v z and substituting these values we have sin i n = 1 sin p There is no refraction for normal incidence, for sin z o, hence o sin p which is only possible if p o. With a plane-parallel plate the ray emerging is parallel to the entering ray, for at entrance, Fig. 210, sin i sin z, and at emergence n^ = n sin p sin^ #j sin p sm ^ but / t = p hence i= p^ An approximate determination of the index of refraction may be made by meas- FIG. 210. uring the displacement of the focal distance * This is called the Huyghens construction, each point of the border surface becom- ing a new center of propagation of light. A still simpler construction is that of Snel- lius, Fig. 209, ^ is a sphere with radius the index of refraction of outer medium, R.^ a sphere with index of crystal. Prolong IO to T. Draw TS parallel the normal ON, then is OS the refracted ray, and OK the corresponding reflected ray. 88 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. of a microscope caused by the interposition of a known thickness of crystal as described, p. 120, but usually one of the following meth- ods will be employed. Determination of Index of Refraction by Prism Method. Let AOC, Fig. 211, be the section of the prism at right angles to the refracting edge O. About O describe the circles R^ and R 2 with radii proportionate to the indices of refraction of the outer medium and prism respectively. Let 10 be the incident ray, then, by the construction of Snellius (foot note p. 89), is OS the direction of the ray in the prism. From Sdraw SP normal to the surface CO, then is OP the direction of the ray on emergence. Denoting the prism angle by / NON 1 the total deviation by d = TOP, the incident angle by z = TON, and the angle of refraction at the second surface by Pl =PON l . <5 + 7 = TOP + NOW = 2 TOP + PON + TON 1 , i + ^ = TON+ PON 1 = 2 TOP + PON + TON 1 hence, 3 + X = * + Pl or d = i + Pl - x . d -4- y This value of d is least * when i= /> lt then <5 = 2 z 7 z = - . When z = />! the ray RS, Fig. 212, within the prism must be nor- mal to BD, the bisectrix of the refracting angle, therefore will NRS = ABD or p = y 2 /. Hence substituting in the formula for index r f ,.- Sm * u of refraction ;/ = n,~ , we have, sm/> PRACTICAL MANIPULATION. Two perfect faces of a clear trans- parent crystal are required, making such an angle (40 to 70) with each other that at the second surface the ray is incident at less than the angle of total reflection, p. 90, or with a larger angle, the prism may be immersed in a strongly refracting liquid in a parallel walled *The arc TP or rf, Fig. 211, cut by SP and ST, is least when they make equal angles with OS that is when the first deviation i p equals the second p l i l for with any other position of IO the point 7' moves a certain number of degrees and one of the arms TS or PS approaches OS, becoming less oblique and cutting off a part of TP, the other recedes becoming more oblique and adding a larger arc to TR, hence the combined change yielding a larger value for J. OPTICAL CHARACTERS. 89 glass vessel. If necessary, faces may be ground at the proper angles. The other faces of the crystal should be coated with lamp black. FIG. 211. FIG. 212. The most satisfactory instrument is a goniometer with vertical axis seep. 66-74. The angle / is centred and measured as de- scribed, p. 69. The telescope is then clamped at 7] Fig. 2 12, directly opposite the collimator K and a reading made, the crystal is moved by the centring screws so that the edge B is a little beyond the centre, and, the telescope and graduated circle remaining clamped, is revolved into, for example, the position shown in the figure. The telescope is then undamped and turned towards the left until the image is in the field. The crystal is turned towards the right and if the image moves it is recentred by a movement of the tele- scope towards the right, and this double motion is continued until the image appears for a moment to be stationary and then starts to move in the opposite direction. The position of rest T r is the position of least deviation and Monochromatic light* is essential. * Certain solids vaporized in the flame of a Bunsen burner emit light essentially monochromatic. Three very commonly used are RED /, = 0.000670 Lithium sul- phate, YELLOW ? = 0.000589 Sodium sulphate, Green ?= 0.000535 Thallium sul- phate. Purer light may be obtained by using portion of a spectrum. A. E. Tutton de- scribes an instrument for thus producing light of any desired wave length of greater brilliancy than that yielded by a colored flame. Proc. Royal Soc. 1894, v. 55, p. ill. The production of monochromatic light by absorption of the other colors is not pos- sible. Blue cobalt glass permits to pass only blue and extreme red. Certain solutions absorb certain rays; aniline blue absorbs yellow; permanganate of potash, green ; sul- phate of copper, red ; chromate of potash, blue. The light passed through a series of these may become essentially monochromatic, e, g. t Sulphate of copper, aniline blue and chromate of potash, leave green. CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. If the instrument used does not permit of independent rotation of the crystal the position of minimum deviation and the reading T' are obtained by alternate movements of the telescope and di- vided circle and the reading of the collimator or T is obtained last. Determination of Index of Refraction by Total Reflection. When the index of refraction n of the outer medium is greater than n of the crystal there is a so-called "critical" angle of inci- dence for which the angle of refraction is 90 ; that is, the refracted ray travels along the border surface. If p =3 90, sin p = I ; hence, n n^ sin i or sin 2 = . n \ For any angle of incidence greater than this the light is to- tally reflected. The following is the construc- tion of Snellius: If AB, Fig. 21 3, is the border surface, R and R z circles with radii proportionate to the indices of refraction of the first and second substances, then for the critical angle the direction of the refracted ray must be OP and from the tangent at P results the direction lOTot the limit incident ray. According to the relative position of the observation telescope and the incident light two different results are obtained. i. TOTAL REFLECTION PROPER. If diffused light is admitted in the quadrant AN, Fig. 213, and the telescope axis is in the direction OW, all rays incident at less than the critical angle are in part re- flected, e. g. t Y along OM and in part penetrate the crystal ; while all rays incident at more than the critical angle are entirely reflected ; that is, the telescope field re- ceives on one half totally reflected rays, on the other partially reflected rays ; between these is a sharp line, Fig. 214, which is the intersection of the focal plane of the telescope with a limit sur- face or cone the vertex of which is at O and the elements of which make the critical angle with the normal to the reflecting surface. This limit line is a curve, but FIG. 214. OPTICAL CHARACTERS. FIG. 215. within the limits of the field of the telescope is essentially straight. 2. GRAZING INCIDENCE, or Observation of Transmitted Light.* If the light is shifted to the quadrant AL, or, which is equivalent, the light remains in y^Vand the telescope axis is made to coincide with OT and the transmitted rays are viewed, then, assuming the faces at entrance and emergence to be parallel, the incident and emerging rays are parallel. All rays incident at less than the critical angle are partially transmitted, but all of greater angle are totally reflected at the first surface ; the tele- scope field is on that side dark, Fig. 215, but on the other side is illuminated by the rays in- cident at less than the critical angle. In the Kohlrausch apparatus the substance is supported in a liquid of higher index of refraction than the crystal, in such a way that the reflecting surface is vertical and the crystals can be rotated about a vertical line in the reflecting surface. The crystal holder may be simply a metal plate with a window-like opening bisected by a platinum wire and adjusted once for all so that the back surface is in the desired position of the reflecting face and the wire coincides with the vertical cross-hair of the telescope. It is only necessary with this to fasten the crystal face over the win- dow. A more elaborate holder permits rotation of the crystal in its own plane and other adjustments. The rotation is observed by a horizontal telescope placed in the direction 719, Fig. 216, normal to a plane front of the vessel holding the liquid, and the rotation is recorded upon a gradu- ated circle. The best posi- tion for the light is found by trial. When the sharp limit linebetween thetotally * Apparatus for observation of the transmitted ray with liquids were constructed by Christiansen, Pogg. Ann., 1871, 143, p. 250 and others; and for solids by Quinke Zeit. f. Jfryst., 1879, 4,540. FIG. 216. 92 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. and partially reflected rays has been made to coincide with the vertical hair of the telescope the light and screen are moved to the opposite side and the plate is rotated until the limit line is again obtained and centered. Since the angle between the telescope axis and the normal is the critical angle the rotation NON 1 = 22 whence by ;/ = ;/ A sin i the index of the solid results. A simpler apparatus is made as an attachment to the No. 2 Fuess Goniometer* and is shown in Figs. 217, 218. The pin a fits in place of the pin of the usual crystal plate of the instrument ; pro- vision for approximate adjustment is made but the accurate adjust- ments of the Fuess instrument are the principal reliance. To secure approximately constant temperature the holder is covered by a box of asbestos with proper openings. The mineral is at- tached to the little plate/, and the con- trol mineral at g. The rough adjust- ments are made by the eye, so that the necessary rotation can be secured ; then the finer adjustment is made with the Fuess centring screws, and the vessel filled with the refracting liquid. FIG. 217. FIG. 218. The cover box is then put on, the light adjusted, and the boundary found and centred. After standing, say V 2 hour, with light burning, the boundary is recentred and this repeated till no change takes place. The usual readings are then made, after which, without disturbing vessel or cover, the control mineral f is raised into the field by the vertical screw and readings obtained from it From these the index results by the formula , sin t n = n'. sin P in which i = half the angle of rotation of the mineral tested. F= " " " " " " " control mineral. n' = index of refraction of the control mineral. *A. J. Moses and E. Weinschenk, Zeit f. Krystallog., XXVI., 150 and S cf M. Quarterly, XV ill., p 12. f For a control mineral fluorite is very suitable, as its refraction has been carefully determined, and further, it is isotropic, has a low index of refraction and is easily obtained. OPTICAL CHARACTERS. 93 These instruments require either monochromatic light, or sun- light may be used if the eye-piece is replaced by a spectroscope, in which case at the proper angle the light of all colors will be totally reflected and the field will show on one side a bright spectrum, on the other a relatively dark spec- trum, separated by a line oblique to the verti- cal hair, Fig. 219. The critical angles cor- responding to the Frauenhofer lines can be successively determined by bringing the points of intersection of these lines with the limit line into contact with the vertical hair. The Liebisch apparatus, Fig. 220, employs a glass prism P of high index of refraction, firmly mounted* with the refracting edge vertical and one face normal to the axis of the holder. Diffused monochromatic light is admitted at the side AB, Fig. 221, reflected at the second side JSCand emerges at the third side AC. The edges of the prism are first made vertical; the crystal is then glued to the cap z and adjusted by the screws q so that a collimator signal from the crystal remains fixed in the telescope during a complete rotation by T. By the centring screws y y of the goniometer a central line of the crystal is made to coincide with the goniometer axis. FIG. 219. FIG. 220. *As made by Fuess two prisms with indices 1.6497, '-7849 are furnished. 94 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. The prism is then moved into contact with the crystal, close contact being secured by a drop of strongly refracting liquid. The determination of the index of the plate requires the meas- urement of j the index of the prism, of = ACB, the refracting v angle of the prism, and of d, the de- \ viation of the emerging ray from the \ normal to the face of emergence. To determine o three readings are ' ^ needed : First t the telescope and col- limator are placed opposite each other, say at T and V respectively. Second, the telescope is arbitrarily \ moved to some position L and the carrier turned until the limit line is centred. Third, the carrier is turned T still further until AC gives a signal, FlG - 221 - that is, until RN bisects ZFat OH, This gives TL 9 NH t and HL= y 2 (180 - TL). Then the deviation d = LN= NH HL. To find an expression for the index of refraction of the substance : Since i is the critical angle of the prism, n = n^ sin i (p. 90). From the figure, a = ACB = AN,R = N^OR + N^RO = i + ft, whence z = a /9, or in general i= a =fc p t since as n approaches u ft diminishes and may become negative ; that is, the ray RL may be on the other side of RN. Substituting, n = ^ sin (a =t /9) = ;/! (sin a cos /5 cos a sin /?.) The reflected ray OR is refracted at R sin /9 i where -~- = - , whence sin d n sin 8 I sin /? = - and cos /? = - \/// 2 sin 2 Substituting, sin a \/n 2 sin 2 <5 cos a sin / ///^ Pulfrich apparatus the glass prism is replaced by a vertical glass cylinder, the substance resting upon the upper base and il- luminated from below by diffused light, no light being permitted to enter at the top. The angle d of deviation from the normal on emergence is measured by a right-angled telescope revolving OPTICAL CHARACTERS. 95 on a horizontal axis. For this n =-v 2 In the Abbe apparatus the glass prism is replaced by a hemi- sphere of glass with the substance resting upon the horizontal base. The critical angle is measured directly by a telescope centred upon the centre of the sphere. For this n ;/ x sin i. The refracting liquid used may be : Thoulet solution, Rohrbach solution, mono-Bromnapthalin, Methylene iodide alone or satu- rated with iodoform or sulphur or any other sufficiently stable and transparent liquid, the index of refraction of which is higher than that of the mineral to be tested. Density. Temp. Li or B. Na = D. Tl or E. Decrease for i increase, Glycerine. C 3 H 8 O 3 1.2594 20 i.47 2 93 Thoulet Solution. Potassium. 3.122 18 B 1.6960 1.7167 E 1.7391 Mercury, 2.493 '8 B 1.5855 1.6001 E 1.6160 Iodide. 2.091 18 B 1.5129 1.5235 E 1.5347 Rohrbach Solution. Barium. 3 564 23 I-793 1 E 1.8265 Mercury. Iodide. Bromnapthalin a. C 10 H 7 Br. 8 1.66264 .00045 Na 1.4914 20 1.65820 Methylene Iodide* CH 2 T 2 8 Li 1.746 1.7466 Tl 1.7584 .00067 Li. 0007 1 Na 19 1.7421 .00073X1 II. OPTICALLY ISOTROPIC CRYSTALS WHICH ARE CIRCU- LARLY POLARIZING. Certain isometric crystals possess the power of rotating the plane of polarization (see p. 100) of the incident light ivhatever the direction of transmission ; they are therefore still isotropic, but doubly refracting, this rotation having been experimentally proved to be due to two rays transmitted with different velocities and circularly polarized in opposite directions. RAY SURFACE. Either circularly polarized ray is transmitted with a constant velocity in any direction, but with respect to each other the velocities have a constant difference, hence the ray surface must * Saturation with iodoform raises the index about .02 and with sulphur as much as .04. Li line is at 32; B at 28. Tl line is at 68; E at 71. 96 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. be two concentric spheres. Since on reversing any section the di- rection of observed rotation is not changed it follows that at the extremities of any diameter of the ray surface the rotations in the same shell must be opposite in direction. There can, therefore, be no planes of general symmetry, though every diameter is an axis of isotropy. The division is, therefore, necessarily limited to classes 28 and 29 which have no planes of symmetry. Examples in class 28 are barium nitrate, sodium chlorate and sodium bromate. The phenomenon has not yet been observed in class 29 and it is evi- dent that symmetry is not the only determining cause. The phenomena and testing of circularly polarizing crystals will be described more fully under uniaxial division IV. ABSORPTION IN ISOTROPIC CRYSTALS. In optically isotropic crystals monochromatic light diminishes steadily in intensity as the distance traversed increases, but is in- dependent of the direction of transmission. With white light the different component colors are absorbed at different rates. A section of any given thickness therefore of an isometric crystal* will transmit the same color tint whatever the direction in which the crystal may be cut. By decomposing this color with a prism the absorption spec- trum is obtained, which usually shows a gradual change in absorp- tion in adjoining portions, perhaps increasing from one end towards the other, perhaps increasing in both directions from the centre. With even a moderate thickness certain colors may be absorbed completely so that the spectrum shows dark bands. *The color tints due to the combination of the partially and unequally absorbed rays may vary greatly in specimens of the same substance, which may be properly colorless or faintly colored in ordinary thicknesses and yet frequently occur of brilliant colors, which, nevertheless, conform perfectly in absorption to the crystal symmetry. It is prob- able that this is due to minute amounts of oxides of rarer metals titanium, zirconium, cerium, etc., dissolved like coloring matter in solution. See Weinschenk, Zcit.f. Anorg. Chemie, XII., 372. OPTICAL CHARACTERS. 97 CHAPTER VIII. THE OPTICALLY UNIAXIAL CRYSTALS. In every crystal of the hexagonal or tetragonal system the direc- tions equally inclined to the crystallographic axis c are optically equivalent, so that c is an axis of isotropy and being a fixed crystallographic direction may be called an Optic Axis.* , All diameters normal to c are axes of binary symmetry. III. OPTICALLY UNIAXIAL CRYSTALS IN WHICH THE OPTIC AXIS IS A DIRECTION OF SINGLE REFRACTION. DOUBLE REFRACTION. In a moderately thick calcitef cleavage, Fig. 222, mounted with a rhombic face vertical and so that it can be revolved about a hor- FIG. 223. izontal axis normal to a vertical face, any light ray, IT, nor- mally incident, Fig. 223, at the vertical face, is transmitted in the rhomb as two rays of essentially equal brightness;}: (giving twa images of any signal), and as the rhomb is turned about the axis * It will be seen later that while the optic axis in uniaxial crystals is fixed, the so- called optic axes in biaxial crystals change with the light or by heat or pressure. f Calcite is chosen because of the marked divergence of the two rays. The discus- sions, however, are general. \ Absorption is more marked in the case of one image than the other. 9 8 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS, one of these remains fixed in position, the other moves around the first and always so that both remain in a plane parallel to a b c d (the so-called principal section) and at a constant distance apart. With crystals optically isotropic and normal incidence the fixed image only would have been seen, hence this is called the ordinary and the other by contrast the extraordinary. If a second calcite rhomb similarly mounted is placed in front of the first and revolved, the other remaining stationary, each of the two rays from the first is again split into two rays, an ordinary and an extraordinary, lying in the principal section of the sec- ond calcite, and these are no longer of equal brightness, but wax and wane in turn, the sum of their intensities remaining constant. PLANE OF VIBRATION. The changes in intensity (brightness) corresponding to different values of , the angle between the principal sections, correspond exactly to the assumption that the varying elliptical vibrations of common light are converted by > the first calcite into two sets of straight-lined vibrations, one parallel to the principal section, one at right angles thereto. Since the rays are of equal intensity, with equal vibration amplitudes, if we de- note the ordinary and extraordi- nary rays from the first calcite by O and E and their ordinary and extraordinary components in the second calcite by and E E e , it will be seen from Fig. 224. If the principal section is the plane of vibration of the ORDI- NARY RAY. Ray. Direction. Amplitude. E ab Ok = cos a Og = sin a Oc=l a i^i O&r=s\n a e . E \< ) : Describe the circumscribing circle or section of the ordinary shell, then are Of and OH the velocities of extraordinary and or- dinary ray v e and V Q . From Oc X Oa = Of x EN, have 01= v^ = -,., JH.V Ocx Oa From <9# = 6>c and OA = Oa, 0/f = z> = OA that is v* : v n = Moreover, jSTV in the principal section and OA normal to it are respectively the directions of vibration of rays to which they cor- respond. That is : For any diameter of the ellipsoid considered as a direc- tion of transmission there are two points of the surface, the nor- mals from which are also normal to that diameter. These normals are at once the directions of vibration and the reciprocals of the velocities of the rays transmitted in the direction of the diameter. DERIVATION OF POSITIVE RAY SURFACE. Upon a and c, Fig. 226, the directions of vibration of the fastest and slowest rays, make Oa = a Oc = Y- Oc is the axis of rotation and the ellipsoid result- ing is the indicatrix. Section ac of Ray Surface. For the direction Oc the two normals are Oa and Oa, for the direction Oa the two normals are Oa and Oc, for any other direction, Of, the two normals are OA = Oa and EN, in which EN varies between Oa and Oc according to the di- rection of transmission. According to the rule then this section of one shell is a circle with constant radius -^ =- and of the other shell is an ellipse Oa a with axis in direction a = 7^- = - and in direction c = 7^- = - Oc r Oa a corresponding exactly to Fig. 226. SECTION cm- For every direction of transmission two normals exist, Oc and Oa ; that is, this section of the double surface is two I i . i I concentric circles with radii -=- = and -=-=. Oc r Oa a OPTICAL CHARACTERS. 103 Determination of Optical Characters. The determination of the optical characters of a uniaxial crys- tal consists essentially in the determination of the axes of the Indi- cate ix ; that is, of the principal indices of refraction (indices of the two rays transmitted normal to the optic axis c\ The determina- tion may be direct or indirect. Direct Determination of Principal Indices of Refraction. (a) Prisms with refracting edge B t Fig. 212, parallel to the optic axis give for minimum deviation, p. 88, a direction of transmis- sion RS normal to the optic axis. (b) In prisms with refracting edge B, Fig. 212, perpendicular to the optic axis and faces AB and AC equally inclined thereto the optic axis is BD and the direction of transmission RS for minimum deviation is normal to it. Because the horizontal section aa of the ray surface is two con- centric circles, the formula p. 89 holds good for both rays sin y 2 ( + x] sin V 2 ($' -f x\ a n, . v . r n \ . , sin y 2 x sin y 2 x (c] In a prism ABC, Fig. 228, with one face AB parallel to the optic axis, rays normally in- A cident* at that face experience no refraction, because in sections normal to the optic axis both shells are circles, but on emergence from the second face the two rays are differently re- fracted. Denoting the prism angle by x, the deviation of the faster ray by d and that of the slower ray by S r and measuring these only we have : a = sin PSN w M sin (x 4- d) 'Sin 737V- sin OSN Sin 737V ~ t sin (x 4 8') 1 sin;r * With this face vertical and with collimator and telescope at any convenient angle obtain a signal from the face, then turn the crystal through one-half this angle until normal to the collimator. 104 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. (d) The indices and f may be calculated from the indices ob- tained with other prisms.* (e) In any crystal face or section one of the extinction direc- tions, p. 117, is in a plane through the optic axis and the other is at right angles thereto and, therefore, is itself at right angles to the optic axis. If this direction is made horizontal in a total reflectometer the transmission will be at right angles to the optic axis and the methods and formulae of pp. 90-95 will be available. There will be two distinct limit lines which may both be in the field at once as in Fig. 229 or may not, and are successively brought into coinci- FIG. 229. dence.with the vertical hair of the telescope. The measurements determine the relative values of and ?-. By means of a nicols prism, p. 105, which transmits only light vibra- ting in a plane through its shorter diagonal, the ordinary and extra- ordinary rays may be distinguished, the former being transmitted when the shorter diagonal is at right angles to the optic axis, the latter when the shorter diagonal is parallel, as previously explained. In positive crystals the ordinary is the faster, that is, corresponds to . In negative crystals the ordinary is the slower, that is, corresponds to Y- Indirect Determination with Plane Polarized Light. Parallel faced (plane-parallel) sections of known orientation are prepared. Cleavages are used when obtainable, or if the section is to be parallel to a crystal face this face is cemented to a glass and an opposite artificial face ground on with emery and polished with rouge. When the desired section is not parallel to any known face it is fastened to glass by slowly hardening cement, adjusted at the proper angle and ground, the new face being verified gonio- metrically with reference to other faces. Crystals soluble in water are ground in some other liquid, as mono-bromnapthalin or benzine, and if fragile are ground only on a glass plate. After grinding the sections are cleaned and trans, ferred to another plate. A very perfect apparatus in which true planes may be rapidly *Th. Liebisch, Phys. Kryst., 1891, 384-390. OPTICAL CHARACTERS. 105 ground within 10' of any desired direction has been described by A.E. Tutton.* PLANE POLARIZED LIGHT may be produced from common light, (a] By reflection at a particular angle of incidence (tan /= ), the vibrations being at right angles to the plane of reflection (plane through incident and reflected ray) in accordance with the assumption of p. 99. (&} By refraction through a series of parallel glass plates, each plate increasing the proportion of polarized light. In this case the vibrations are in the plane of reflection. In (a] and (b] common light is always present. (c] By double refraction and total reflection of one of the rays. The best known device for securing this effect is the so-called Nicol's prism,t made from a cleavage of calcite with a length about twice its thickness, Fig. 230. The two small rhombic faces at 71 to the edge are ground away and replaced by faces at 68 to the edge. The prism is then cut through by a plane at right angles both to the new terminal faces and to the principal section. The parts are carefully polished and cemented by Canada balsam, the index of refraction of which is 1.54 or about that of the extraordinary ray bd^ which, therefore, passes through the balsam with but little change in direction; the ordinary ray be, however, with an index of refraction of 1.658, being incident at an angle greater than its critical angle, is totally reflected. The vibration direction of the emerging light is, therefore, parallel to the short diagonal of the face of the nicol, as shown by the arrow. (d) By double refraction and absortion. Cer- tain substances absorb one ray much more FIG 2 o rapidly than the other, hence thicknesses can be * Proc. Royal Soc. 1894. Vol. 55, p. 108. t Described Jamesons New Journal, V. 6 1828. Various modifications of this prism have been made to decrease the cost and increase the field. See Ze.it. f. Kryst., XL, 179, 410, for instance. The Foucault's prism uses a layer of air instead of Canada balsam and is cut at a different angle requiring a shorter prism but giving a smaller field. In the Hartnack prism the terminal planes are at right angles to the axis, the prism is shorter and the field reaches 420. It is much used. The Bertrand prism is of flint glass with the high index of refraction of 1.658. It is bisected by a plane at 76 43' to the base and between the two halves is a thin calcite io6 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. chosen for which one is totally absorbed, the other is partially transmitted as light, the vibrations of which are in one plane. In tourmaline the ordinary ray is the more rapidly absorbed. INTERFERENCE. A ray of polarized monochromatic light AB Fig. 231, incident at the lower surface of a plane-parallel doubly refracting plate at any angle, is broken into two rays BC and BD Y vibrating in planes at right angles to each III other and following different paths in the 1 C J >] plate. On emergence they follow parallel but not coincident paths and do not produce inter- ference. But among the other incident rays from the same source and parallel to AB there are rays EG and FH, such that from all points 231. anc j o ^ ^ U pp er sur f ace there will emerge the ordinary component of one ray and the extraordinary of another following the same path. These rays will have travelled over slightly different paths in the plate with different velocities. If a second polarizer is placed in the path of these rays each ray will be by it resolved into components the vibrations of which are in and at right angles to the plane of vibration of the polarizer and only the former will be transmitted. That is, there will emerge two rays advancing in the same line and with parallel vi- brations. If these vibrations are alike in phase the intensity of the resultant ray will be proportionate to the square of the SUM of their amplitudes, but if unlike in phase the intensity will be propor- tionate to the square of their DIFFERENCE. POLARISCOPES. The instruments used for producing and study- ing the interference phenomena are called POLAHISCOPES. In these parallel rays of plane polarized light, or converging bundles of par- allel rays, are incident at one surface of the plate at a known angle, traverse the plate undergoing single or double refraction ac- cording to its nature; and, if doubly refracting, the rays following; the same path are reduced by the analyzer to one plane of vibra- tion producing interference phenomena. The essentials of a polariscope for parallel light are shown in cleavage properly oriented. The light enters the prism, and reaching the calcite is doubly refracted ; the ordinary ray, with a refractive index about that of the glass, con- tinues its course; the extraordinary with a much lower index is totally reflected. The field is about 45. Compte Rendu, Acad. Sci., Sept. 29, 1884. OPTICAL CHARACTERS. 107 Fig. 232. The mirror M sends parallel rays through the lower lens L, which concentrates them at the centre of the polarizer P\ this point is also the focus of the equivalent upper lens L. On emergence from L the rays are again parallel, undergo refraction in the plate 5 of the substance and reach the analyzer A, which transmits only those components of the resultant rays the vibra- tions of which are in its own plane. Convergent light is obtained by the S addition of a lens or system of lenses ,, of short focal length just above the plate 5 and a corresponding system just below the plate, Fig. 233. Any point/ of the focal plane of the lower lens system is illuminated by a cone of rays the base of which is the lens. This cone is made a cylinder of par- allel rays by the lens. The rays of each cylinder which traverse the plate are again concentrated by the upper lens system at points />', etc., are sorted by the analyzer and finally exhibit a picture or image the shape brightness and tints of which depend upon the structure of the plate for all the directions traversed by the cylin- ders of parallel rays. The polariscope of to-day is usually a polarizing microscope. In the simpler types, such as the Seibert * n A, the polarizer below the stage can be raised, lowered and turned ; the analyzer above the objective can be pushed in and out and convergent light images can be obtained with high power objective by placing a small convergent lens on top of the polarizer, raising the latter till it touches the section and removing the eye-piece. An orifice above the objective is always provided for the insertion of test plates, p. 146, and with increasing complexity there are added special micrometer eye-pieces, Bertrand lens for magnification of con- vergent light image, sliding motions of the stage and so on. _ P\ 232. FIG. 233. * For description of this instrument and its manipulation, see L. Mel. Luquer, S. of M. Quarterly, 1896, p. 442-445. io8 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. FIG. 234. The Fuess microscope * model VI., Fig. 234,13 at present prob- ably the finest instrument made for this work. The stage reads to minutes and has quick rotation by hand, slow rotation by ratchet and sliding motions in two directions. There is an independent * Aeues Jahrbuch f. Mineralogie Beilage, Bd., X., 180, by C. Leiss. OPTICAL CHARACTERS. 109 FIG. 236. focussing screw for the interference figure and a special device of cog wheels r Z, r l Z l , by which there may be a simultaneous rotation of polarizer and a special cap analyzer, the object remain- ing at rest, but the same relative change taking place as if the stage were revolved and the nicols at rest. Two forms of the Norremberg apparatus as constructed by Fuess are here shown. Fig. 235 shows the so-called Universal no CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. Apparatus, ee' are collecting lenses on each side of the polarizer ; above e' are four plano-convex lenses, n, forming the condenser and just over these the stage. In a separate tube system above are the objective, composed of four similar plano-convex lenses o, and at their focal plane the glass plate r, on which a cross and a scale are marked ; the image there formed is magnified by t and viewed through the analyzer q. By removal of n, o, r and / the apparatus yields parallel rays. Fig. 236 shows a later less expensive type, in which the lower nicol is replaced by a pair of mirrors. The high cost of iceland spar is the principal reason for the change and the results are very satisfactory. WITH PARALLEL MONOCHROMATIC LIGHT, AND CROSSED NICOLS. With crossed nicols none of the light from the polarizer can pass through the analyzer and the field must be dark. FIG. 237. FIG. 238. In sections normal to the optic axis the field remains dark through- out the entire rotation of the stage, and no interference phenomena are possible, because the light from the polarizer traverses the section in the direction of the optic axis, therefore, without change. In all other sections there is double refraction and interference. The field is dark at intervals of 90 ; that is, whenever the planes of vibration of the rays produced in the section coincide with the planes of vibration of the nicols. For all other positions the field is illuminated by the components of the rays which pene- trate the analyzer and this brightening is most intense in the diag- onal positions. OPTICAL CHARACTERS. in The rays pursuing the same path are by the analyzer brought into one plane of vibration and there interfere, the kind of inter- ference being determined by J, the difference in the retardations which the two rays have undergone, the formula being* Or for normal incidence, A = /(, - n) In which J is the retardation (difference in retardation) in ////. millionths of a millimeter. / is the thickness of the plate in ////. A is the wave-length in /J./J.. i is the angle of incidence. i? l is the index of refraction of the slower ray. ;/ is the index of refraction of the faster ray. When J = A, 2A, 3 A, etc., the field ts dark during an entire revolu- tion, tor Fig. 237, the components of PP,on emergence from the plate with vibration directions RR and DD, must be of the same phase that is the simultaneously displacing forces' acting upon any ether particle are Or and Os, which when reduced to the plane of the analyzer are Oa and Oa lt in opposite directions and equal. When J = 1A, fA, fA, etc., the light will be at its brightest because the components of PP must then on emergence from the plate be of opposite phase, Fig. 238, and the simultaneous displacing forces acting on any ether particle O are Or and Os, which reduced by the analyzer to its plane are Oa and Oa l in the same direction and equal. EXPERIMENT. If a wedge of double refracting crystal, Fig. 239, cut so that its planes of vibration are parallel to the length and breadth, is placed between crossed nicols and illuminated by perpendicularly incident monochromatic light and there revolved. It will be perfectly dark when in the normal positions and in all others will show a series of dark and light parallel stripes which are most marked in the diagonal position. If the nicols are made parallel the portions formerly light become dark. With light of a dif- ferent wave-length, the distance between the dark bands is changed. * Reduced from formula, p. 364, Glazebrook's Physical Optics. 1 1 2 CHARACTERS OF CR YSTALS. *These relations may be deduced from the formula for intensity of emerging light /= a 2 sin 2 2 (. sin 2 in which a = amplitude of incident ray, /^wave-length, J = retardation,

1896, p. 271-275. OPTICAL CHARACTERS. Blaci / ron -gray Lavender- gray WhiU YelUo Oranye-ytttow . 430 Orange 4 5o Jnd'igo Blue Green . yellow yio Orange 94 J F ft eddn/i -orange m conforming to similar uniaxial sections. Relation between Extinction Directions and Optic Axes. As just explained, the extinction directions are the diameters JTand HH, Fig. 264, of that central section of the indicatrix which is parallel to the plate. The two circular sections must intersect any central section in equal diameters tt which from the nature of an ellipse must be symmetrical to the axis of the ellipse, that is, to the ex- tinction directions. If planes be passed through the plate normal and each optic axis their traces ee will be at 90 to those of the circular sections, hence also symmetrical to the extinction directions. That is, the extinc- tion directions must* bisect the angle between the traces of the two planes, each through the plate normal and an optic axis. WITH PARALLEL WHITE LIGHT AND CROSSED NICOLS. In sections normal to an optic axis for light of one color there is *Upon this principal and after a device by Prof. Groth, B5hm and Wiedemann, of Munich, construct a model for graphic determination of extinction directions. 138 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. constant illumination throughout rotation because of internal con- ical refraction p. 1 36 ; the optic axes for other colors are, however, more or less oblique to the section and double refraction takes place, and as the resulting vibration directions are somewhat dif- ferently oriented for each color, color tints result somewhat as in circular polarization. In all other sections. If there is no marked dispersion of the principal vibration directions there will be approximately perfect extinction every 90 and interference colors as in the uniaxial, but with marked dispersion the vibration directions in any plate di- verge for the different colors and the plate can never be perfectly dark and moreover in any position the interference colors due to phase difference are modified by color tints due to the partial or complete extinction of certain colors. WITH CONVERGENT MONOCHROMATIC LIGHT AND CROSSED NICOLS. In sections normal to a or c there will be darkness whenever the vibration planes of the emerging rays coincide with those of the nicols and whenever -- is a whole number; see p. in. The A points of emergency of the optic axis will therefore be dark, since = o, and the points corresponding to ' = I will together form A A a ring around each axis and similarly for values of 2, 3, 4, etc., until the pair corresponding most nearly to the value for the cen- tre of the field* unite at or near the centre to a cross loop or figure eight around both axes and subsequent rings form lemniscates around this as in Fig. 265. If for the FIG. 265. centre is less than unity even the first ring must surround both axes, giving them a figure more *For the rays transmitted normally at the center of the field = (n, ). If A A the direction of transmission is c them # x n= y,3 and if direction is a then n l n ft a. In either case is known and determines the number of rings between the axes and the centre. OPTICAL CHARACTERS. 139 FIG. 266. similar to that of a uniaxial crystal. As all parts of the lemniscates are independent of positions of planes of vibration, there will be no change during rotation of the stage. When the stage is rotated so that principal sections are parallel to the vibration planes of the nicols all the rays transmitted in those sections (therefore vibrating in or at right angles to those sec- tions) will be extinguished and there will be a sharp dark band joining the poles and another some- what thicker lighter band at right angles to the first and midway be- tween the poles. These are often called brushes. For any other po- sition of the stage the vibrations of some other rays are parallel to those of the nicols, and these are always so distributed that the resultant dark spots form the branches of an hyperbola through each of the axes, effect is as in Fig. 266. As the stage is rotated the straight bars appear to dissolve into the hyperbola, the branches of which appear to rotate in the oppo- site direction to the stage, the convex side always toward the other axis. If is nowhere equal to I there will be no dark rings, but A the hyperbola will appear as before. Because the two principal sections are planes of symmetry the curves and brushes are at all times symmetrical to the traces of the sections. In sections normal to S the dark curves due to = I, 2, 3* etc., are hyperbolae similar to those shown, Fig. 243. No brushes are visible. /// sections normal to an optic axis there will be the same forma- j tion of dark rays corresponding to whole numbers lor .the A curves, however, will be more nearly circles, Fig. 267. There will be a straight black bar bisecting the curves whenever the trace of the plane of the optic axes coincides with the vibration direction of either nicol, and for all other angles of rotation there will be At the diagonal position the 140 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. one arm of an hyperbola through the axis, Fig. 268, the convex side towards the other axis. This arm will rotate in the opposite direction to the stage. FIG 267. FIG. 268. WITH CONVERGENT WHITE LIGHT AND CROSSED NICOLS. In sections normal to the acute bisectrix Because of the dispersion of the optic axes described, p. 130, the centres of the ring systems are not the same for the different colors. If there is also a dis- persion of the bisectrices the section can only be exactly normal to the bisectrix for one color. These facts, added to the general one that for different colors the greater the wave-length the greater the distance apart of the rings, render it possible in white light to determine the crystalline system by the distribution of the colors, thus obtaining Divisions V, VI and VII. V. ORTHORHOMBIC CRYSTALS. The color distribution must be symmetrical to the line joining the optic axes and to the line through the centre at right angles thereto, because these are the traces of the principal sections com- mon to the ray surfaces of all the colors. Assuming that the same principal section is the axial plane for all colors there may be two cases : i. The axes for the longer wave-lengths may be most dis- persed, that is, the angle between the optic axes for red greater than that for violet, or p > o. 2. The axes for the shorter wave- lengths may be most dispersed, that is, the angle between the optic axes for red less than that for violet, or p < o. Figure 269 illustrates the second class. In the interference figure for the diagonal position the hyperbolae will pass through the axial points for each color and in each that color will be ex- tinguished, giving, if the dispersion is great, a series of colored bands ranging from red (white minus violet and part of blue) OPTICAL CHARACTERS. 141 through the violet axes ; to blue or violet (white minus red and part of yellow) through the red axes. Generally the intermediate colors overlap, producing a dark band, except on the outer fringes. That is, the colors* fringing the hyperbola are in in- verse position to the axial points. Similarly, if the full line circles represent the first extinction ring for violet and the dotted those for red, then as we pass from the centre red is first ex- tinguished and the violet tint shown. For /> < L> the red is fur- ther from the centre than the blue. For f>^>o the red is nearer the centre than the blue. Or in gen- eral, the color with the larger angle is nearer the centre of the field. If the axial plane is not the same for all colors, that is, if b for certain colors becomes a or c for others, then the interference fig- ures will be turned 90 with respect to each other and, if superposed in white light, will give a complex figure as in brookite. FIG. 269. VI. MONOCLINIC CRYSTALS. There must also be considered the dispersion of the* bisectrices. Three general cases have been distinguished, in all of which oio is a principal section and the ortho axis b a principal vibration direc- tion. * The dotted curves should be colored blue ; the full line curves red, in Figs. 269- 272. 142 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. V R (a) Inclined Dispersion. The optic axes for all the colors lie in the plane oio and the ortho axis b is 6, the intermediate principal vibration direction, but a and c vary in position in the plane oio. Evidently the color distribution will be symmetrical to oio. Let Fig. 270 represent the plane oioin a section cut normal to the acute bisectrix for yellow light. The acute bisectrices for red and violet will be ob- lique to this section as represented. Assume P > a and construct the interference hyperbolae and first ring for the di- agonal positions. Four things are at once no- ticed : I . The color-distribu- tion and shape are sym- metrical to the trace of oio and to this line* only. 2. The combination color rings around the axes due to overlapping of rings for the different colors are very different, the one relatively small, circular and intense, the other larger, oval and re- latively dull. The se- ^ JG 2 Q quence of colors may be the same or reversed. 3. The smaller ring is further from the centre of the field. 4. One hyperbola band is much broader than the other. ^ (b) Horizontal Dispersion. If the ortho axis b is the acute bisec- trix (either a or c as the crystal is -J- or ) then the planes of the optic axes must for all colors pass through it and be normal to the plane oio. In a section cut normal to the acute bisectrix for yel- low light let Fand R, Fig. 27 1, represent the axial planes for violet * Line connecting the axial points. OPTICAL CHARACTERS. 143 and red, rr the optic axes for red, vv those for violet. The plane oio (not shown) is normal to all the axial planes. In the interference figure it is evident that the color-distribution and shape of the lemniscates are symmetrical to the trace* of oio but not to any other line. Hence, for normal position the hori- FIG. 271. zontal dark bar will be centrally black from overlapping colors, but on the edges will be red and violet or blue. (c) Crossed Dispersion. If the ortho axis b is the acute bisectrix (either c or a as the crystal is positive or negative) then will the section normal to the acute bisectrix for one color be normal for all and will itself be parallel to oio. The axial planes for all colors will pass through b, and as b corresponds to a or c it is an axis of binary symmetry, hence the color-distribution and shape of the lemiscates must be such that any straight line through the centre of the field passes in each direction through similar points. That is, diagonally opposite parts of the field are similar. In Fig. 272 Fand R are the axial planes for violet and red. It will be noticed that the chief reliance throughout is upon the * Normal at centre to line joining the axes. 144 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. colors that fringe the horizontal brush or the hyperbola, and that this is in every case the other end of the spectrum to the color of the light producing it. FIG. 272. VII. TRICLINIC CRYSTALS. With triclinic crystals there is no symmetry at all in the arrange- ment of the colors in the interference figure from white light. Two or more varieties of dispersion may occur at once. Plates normal to the obtuse bisectrix show similar phenomena, though frequently it is impossible to obtain the interference figures within the field. The color-distribution is naturally changed as the dispersion of axes is in the opposite direction. CHAPTER XI. DETERMINATION OF THE OPTICAL CHARACTERS OF BIAXIAL CRYSTALS. Some of the determinations are exactly as described under the uniaxial. References may therefore be made of follows : Faster and sl&iverray, p. 146 ; Retardation, p. f7f ; Strength of double refraction, p. frzjT*-; Thickness of section , p. 147. V I % DETERMINATION OF PLANES OF VIBRATION OR " EXTINCTION." In biaxial crystals complete extinction in general is only ob- tained with monochromatic light, p. 138. The methods of deter- mination are as described, p. 1 37. In sections normal to one of a, B, or c the extinction directions are the other two principal vibration directions. In sections par- allel to a, 6, or c one extinction direction must be a principal vibra- tion direction. In sections normal to an optic axis no extinction directions are obtained. The general relation between extinction di- rections and optic axes is described, p. 1 37. This test is often suffi- cient to determine the crystalline system, especially when an entire crystal can be examined and the extinction directions determined in all faces and zones. In ortJwrhombic crystals extinction will always be parallel or sym- metrical to crystallographic edges, cleavage cracks, etc. In pina- coidal faces the vibration direction will be parallel to the crystal axes. In monoclinic crystals there will be parallel or symmetrical ex- tinction in the zone [ooi 100] and in this zone the vibration direc- tions in the base and orthopinacoid will be parallel to the axes. In all other zones the extinction will be oblique. In triclinic crystals all extinctions will be oblique. THE ORIENTATION AND DISTINCTION OF THE PRINCIPAL VIBRA- TION DIRECTIONS. If the positions of the optic axes are known then all three prin- cipal vibration directions a, b and c are also known, for a and c are 146 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. the bisectrices of the angles between the optic axes and 6 is normal to their plane. The indices a, ft and f may then be determined, as described later, and the indicatrix and ray surface therewith con- structed. In orthorhombic crystals the pinacoids are normal to a, b and c. That normal to b will show with convergent monochromatic Itght hyperbolae* similar to Fig. 243 and those normal to a and c will show lemniscates, Fig. 270. In monoclinic crystals the clinopinacoid is necessarily either nor- mal to b and shows the hyperbolae, Fig. 243, with convergent monochromatic light, or is normal to a or c and shows lemniscates. The extinction directions therein are the other two principal vi- bration directions, and the faster and slower ray may be distin- guished as described, p. 146. Plates may be ground normal to these directions. In triclinic crystals by trial a face is found which with convergent monochromatic light shows, even eccentric, the hyperbolae or lemniscates or axial image ; from this the direction is judged in which a new face may be ground exactlyf normal to a principal vibration direction. The extinction directions in the new face will be the other principal vibration directions and the faster and slower rays corresponding may be distinguished as on p. 146. Sections may be ground normal to them. If there is dispersion of bisec- trices accurate work will require special sections for each color, if the dispersion is not large, sections for a middle color, usually soda yellow, are used. DIRECT MEASUREMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL INDICES OF RERFACTION. (a] Prisms with a refracting edge B, Fig. 212, parallel to a principal vibration direction will give for minimum deviation, p. 8&, a direction of transmission RS so lying in an optical principal section that the ray vibrating parallelj to the edge B will yield a principal index. In general the other obtainable index is not a principal index. By Fig. 259 it is seen that if B is parallel to c the transmission * By means of one of the attachments to the polarizing microscope described later, sections approximately normal to a, b or c may be tipped so that the lemniscates or hyperbolae are obtained. fit is important to leave faces of known forms so that later the ground faces may be goniometrically oriented. JThe ray which penetrates a nicol when the short diagonal is parallel to B. OPTICAL CHARACTERS. 147 is in ab and the ray vibrating parallel to B yields ^. Similarly if B is parallel to b, ft results; and if B is parallel to a, a. results. If the bisector BD, Fig. 212, is also the trace of an optical prin- cipal section then the direction of transmission RS for minimum deviation is also a principal vibration direction and both rays yield principal indices. (6) Prisms in which BD, Fig. 212, the bisector of the refracting angle B is a principal vibration direction also give for minimum deviation a direction of transmission RS lying in an optical prin- cipal section. Therefore the index of the ray vibrating parallel to BD, that is at right angles to the edge B, is a principal index. By Fig. 259 it is seen that if BD is parallel to c the transmission RS being normal to BD lies in the plane normal to c, that is in the optical principal section ba and the ray vibrating parallel to BD or at right angles to B will yield Y. Similarly if BD is parallel to B the ray vibrating at right angles to B will yield ft and if BD is parallel to a the ray vibrating at right angles to B will yield . If a, b, or c, bisect the exterior angle B, Fig. 212, then is the bisector BD normal to this principal vibration direction and RS parallel thereto, that is for minimum deviation the direction of transmission is a principal vibration direction and both rays yield principal indices. The formulae under (/;), p. 103, hold for (a) and 0). , (c] If one face AB, Fig. 228, of a prism is an optical principal section and the refracting edge A is a principal vibration direction, rays normally incident at AB will be transmitted in the direction RS parallel to another principal vibration direction and each ray will yield a principal index. If AB is ab and A is either a or b, Fig. 259, then RS is c and a and ft result. The formulae under (c), p. 103, hold good. (d) In any crystal face or section parallel to a principal vibration direction, by the methods and formulae of pp. 90-95, if this direction is made the direction of transmission the two limit lines, as in p. 104, correspond to principal indices ; for instance if the transmission direction is a the two limit-lines correspond to ft and f. If the plate is turned 90 in its own plane the direction of transmission will be normal to a principal vibration direction (to a in case given) and the limit-line of the ray the vibration direction of which is at right angles to this direction of transmission will correspond to the third index. 1 48 CHAR A CTERS OF CR YS TALS. If the plate is parallel to a principal section* then either prin- cipal vibration direction used as a direction of transmission will give two of the principal indices. DETERMINATION OF THE ANGLE BETWEEN THE OPTIC AXES. This is usually accomplished in a plane parallel plate cut nor- mal to the acute bisectrix. In orthorhombic crystals the same plate will be normal for all colors, but in the other systems this is not so, but if the plate be cut normal for a middle color, say yel- low, the results for all colors will be approximatelyf accurate. The apparent angle,;); denoted by 2, is larger than the true angle, denoted by 2 V, and, since light transmitted in the direction of the optic axis has the middle index /?, p. 136, then If 2E exceed 180 the plate is usually surrounded by oil or some other dense medium in a vessel with plane parallel sides. Denot- ing the angle then obtained by 2H and the index of the surround- ing medium by n n sin H - By measuring a second plate normal to the obtuse bisectrix there results T7 . nsvsiE' sin V but as 2F-f2F=i8o then V+ V -=90 and sin V cos whence sin V n sin Eft sin E r tan V '' = n sn *lf the plate be parallel to the optic axes the two boundaries approach as the plate is turned and meet at the optic axis. In fact the shape of both sections of the Fres- nel's surface may be plotted and even the optic axial angle measured. Liebisch, Grundriss der Phys. Kryst., 373. f The rays can only emerge at the true angle when the optic axes are normal to the surface, as in a sphere or in a cylinder the axis of which is perpendicular to the axial plane; or when the outer medium has the same index of refraction as the ray trans- mitted in the direction of the optic axis. The former is rarely practicable, the latter will be described later. \ Plates normal to obtuse bisectrix yield V = 900 V. OPTICAL CHARACTERS. 149 This measurement involves actual rotation of the plate about b as an axis between the lenses of a polariscope, the plane of rotation being at 45 to the vibration planes of the crossed nicols and the arms of the hyperbola being brought in succession into tangency with one cross hair. The line joining the optic axes in the images must coincide with the other cross hair. The Groth Universal Apparatus. The optical portion of the polariscope shown, Fig. 235, is placed in horizontal position in another stand, Fig. 273. The nicols are crossed at 45 to the horizon and just enough space left between the objectives to permit free rotation of the crystal around a vertical axis. Above is a horizontal graduated circle A" with concentric central rings R and F which in turn support the vertical crystal carrier. The lat- ter has motions of adjustment for the crystal plate which in the latest type of instrument are exactly those of the Fuess Goniometer, p. 67, but more frequently are simple sliding motions of a plate at f and spherical segment (" mushroom joint ") at H. In this simpler type the mineral is centered by drawing the front tube back until the crystal is in focus, then centering as in the goniometer, then ISO CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. the images are centered by the mushroom joint until both stay on a horizontal line. The closer the lenses the larger the image : that is, a small crys- tal should be used, and as the best results are obtained with rather narrow interference rings the crystals should be of such a thick- ness (selected or obtained by grinding) that the lemniscates are distinct. In measuring in a denser medium* the glass vessel J/is used and the lenses touch its walls. It is usually a sufficiently accurate selection of a plane normal to a bisectrix if the center of the lemniscate coincide with the cen- ter of the field. Groth givesf methods for more accurate deter- mination of the plane. The No. 2 Fuess Goniometer, Fig. 193, maybe used for the meas- urement of axial angles by substituting nicols for the signal tube in the collimator and for the eye piece in one of the telescopes ; both nicols are adjustable. A tube containing a condensing lens is fitted over the objective end of the collimator like a cap and the telescope is converted into a weak microscope by the extra lens used to bring a crystal into focus. The crystal section is carefully mounted as previously described. The telescope is set opposite the collimator, the nicols being crossed 45 to the plane of rotation of the goniometer and rotation of the carefully centered crystals brings the two branches of the hyper- bola successively into contact with the vertical cross hair. By a combination of the axial angle apparatus with a spectro- scopej the angle for all portions of spectra can be determined. A Polarizing Microscope may be used, the interference figure be- ing seen : (a] By placing an extra lens (Klein's lens) above the eye piece, thus making visible a little image which forms there, or (&} By placing below the eye piece but above the focal plane of the objective a weak magnifying lens (Bertrand lens). Two methods of measuring are possible : (a) Measurement of Distances Apart of Emerging Axes. The nicols are set at the diagonal positions and the distance d from the *May use olive oil, a Brom-Napthalin, Methylene Iodide, etc., see p. 95. \Fhysikalische Kryst., 714. t A. E. Tutton, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London, 1894, 185, 913. E. A. Wulfing, in. Mitth., 1896, 15, 49. gTschermak's Min. MittheiL, XIV., 375. OPTICAL CHARACTERS. 151 centre to either hyperbola, or the average of the two distances, is read by either a glass- or screw-micrometer eye piece. Then d d d sin E = or in liquid, sin H wv> or sin V =, t in which C is a constant for the same system of lenses and is determined once for all with a crystal of known axial angle. If the section is oblique to the bisectrix it may be tipped so that the axis of the microscope coincides with the direction of a bisectrix, and in this way a well defined interference figure is fre- quently obtained. A simple instrument for this purpose* con- sists of a clip supported 15 mm. above the stage by a ball and socket joint giving free motion in all directions, through an angle of about 45. Delicacy of manipulation is secured by a long key fitting into the clip arm. A special lens combination is needed in order to bring the condenser nearer the section. (^) Measurement by Rotation of the Section as in tlie Universal Ap- paratus. This involves some form of rotation apparatus attached to the stage of the microscope, by which the angle of rotation can be read. Two forms of one of the simpler devices are shown in Fig. 274. The crystal is fastened by wax to the end of a glass axle the rotation of which is measured on a graduated vertical cir- cle. The crystal projects into a little glass trough filled with re- fracting liquid and must, by trial, be adjusted so that the plane of the' optic axes is vertical. The measured angle is then 2 H. A similar apparatus is described by Bertrand.f If the rotation necessary to bring the hyperbolae into tangency with the cross hair cannot be secured on account of the closeness of the objective to the section ; one hyperbola may be brought just into the field, then the other hyperbola to the corresponding point on the opposite side of the field. The angle of rotation necessary to install the second point, plus the angle equivalent to 2 d, the distance apart of the two points, will be 2 H. A much more elaborate device is needed to both orient the axial plane and measure the axial angle. Perhaps the best for the examination of small complete crystals is the so-called Universal Rotation Apparatus^ of Professor Klein, Fig. 275, which is espe- *Described by T. A. Jaggar, Jr., Amer. Jour. Sci., III., 129, 1897, and made by Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., Rochester, N. Y. \ Hull. Soc. Min. de France, III., 96, 1890. C. Klein, Sitzitngsber. der. Akad. Wissenschaften, Berlin, 1895, p. 91. " Der Universaldrehapparat," etc. 152 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. FIG. 274. cially designed as an attachment to a No. VI. Fuess Microscope, p. 108. The microscope is tipped with its axis in horizontal position and the plate G of the rotation ap- paratus fastened to the microscope stage by strong clips so that the axle P is vertical. The crystal is attached at Fby wax and centered by the cross hairs of the microscope and the rect- angular and rotary movements of the microscope stage. Thereafter it may, while still in the line of sight, be rotated measured amounts in three planes at right angles to each other by the vertical arcs L and L lt and the horizontal circle K. A small cubical vessel with two opposite walls of glass is filled with a strongly refracting liquid and raised into posi- tion between the converger and objective, and so that the crystal is immersed. If by previous examin- ations p. 145 or from the geomet- ric properties any optical principal section is known, this will be placed parallel to one of the planes of rotation. If by manipulating the arcs L and L\ with the nicols horizontal and vertical, a position of the crystal is found, such that the field remains dark throughout a complete rotation by K\ a prin- cipal section is horizontal, for in no other sections would the vibra- tions of the refracted rays remain horizontal and vertical, p. 1 37. If this principal section is the plane of the optic axes, four times in the course of the rotation there will be a brightening of the field due to the emergence of an optic axis (internal conical refraction), p. 135. If this does not occur the crystal is remounted with this principal section vertical and parallel to one of arcs L, L r Then, if the arc is tipped and trial is made by K, another principal section must be found and FIG. 275. OPTICAL CHARACTERS. 153 90 away the third, and one of these must be the axial plane. Having found the plane of the optic axes the approximate posi- tions of the axes are noted, the converger is then introduced, the nicols are set in the diagonal positions, the Bertrand lens inserted or the Klein ocular, the branches of the hyperbola are brought into tangency and the four positions of the emerging axes are read. A special lens system is needed with this apparatus to counter- act the unusual distance between crystal and objective. MEASUREMENT OF THE TRUE AXIAL ANGLE. If the refracting liquid used in any of the preceding methods has an index of refraction equal /? then sin H= sin V. To practi- cally obtain this, a liquid with n a little above ft is used and the dilu- ent added drop by drop until the boundaries of the crystals fade. Then for the accurate determination some coarse powder of the substance is placed on an object glass, a drop of the liquid added, a cover glass pressed on and the extinction directions determined in a selected grain. With the condenser lowered and the analyzer out, the two directions of extinction are successively made to co- incide with the vibration direction of the polarizer, and the micro- scope is focussed sharply on the dark boundary between the liquid and the grain. The objective is then raised and the dark bound- ary line appears to move towards the substance with the higher index, of refraction. If the liquid is of the mean refractive index of the crystal the border will for one position move towards the liquid and for the other towards the grain. A final proof of the correctness of the preparation is that if = ft 2// a -f- 2H Q = 1 80, but if on measurement 2H a + 2// ft < I So , then _< I and too much diluent has been added or if 2fi a -f 2// < 1 80 then- > I and more diluent should be added. CALCULATION OF AXIAL ANGLE FROM INDICES. This angle may be calculated from the principal indices of re- fraction by the equation _' + ' tanF= ' "' 154 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. DETERMINATION OF CHARACTER OF RAY SURFACE. This requires in general a section normal to a or c that is show- ing the lemniscates, Fig. 266, with convergent monochromatic light or an oblique section tipped to show these lemniscates. The difference between the lemniscates formed normal to the acute bisectrix and the obtuse bisectrix cannot always be judged and may require measurement of the axial angle. If the section is normal to the acute bisectrix then the latter may be proved to be c or a, that is, the Ray Surface proved to be posi- tive or negative as follows : (a) The line joining the optic axes is placed in diagonal posi- tion between crossed nicols with parallel white light the insertion of a test plate will determine as described, p. 118, whether this direction is the vibration direction a of the faster ray or c of the slower ray (the other extinction direction being 6), that is, whether this section is normal to c or a and p. 1 36, Bx a = c, -f- ; Bx a a, (b) With convergent light and crossed nicols the line joining the axial points is placed in diagonal position and the quartz wedge, p. 1 1 8, gradually inserted with the direction c parallel to this line. If the crystal is positive the rings around each axis will expand, moving toward the centre and merging in one curve, and will contract and increase in number, if the crystal be negative, the change increasing with the thickness of wedge interposed. If the direction c of wedge and the line joining the axial points are crossed the effects are reversed ;* that is expansion of the rings when the length of the wedge is parallel to the line joining the axes proves positive character and expansion when these direc- tions are crossed proves negative character. (c) If with the line joining the axial points in normal position the mica plate is inserted in the diagonal position the black cross is destroyed and the rings broken and new flecks developed in the same quadrants as in uniaxial, but the positions of the flecks do not so satisfactorily suggest the signs -f- and If the section is normal to the obtuse bisectrix all the results are reversed. CRYSTALS IN THIN ROCK SECTIONS. The proper orientation of a haphazard section may be obtained with the Jaggar apparatus, but for precise measurement a more * Hence it is always practical to develop the lemniscate, even when only the hyper- bolae are visible, by inserting the wedge so as to produce contraction. OPTICAL CHARACTERS. 155 elaborate apparatus is essential. The different types of univer- sal stage of von Federow* require the sections to be mounted upon a special round glass with high index of refraction, while the apparatus of Klein,f Fig. 276, permits the use of ordinary square or rectangular object glass, the cover glass, however, being removed. The metal plate G is clamped to the microscope stage. The metal vessel B, which is somewhat more than a half sphere, is filled with some liquid of high refractive index, usually glyerine n = 1.46. T FIG. 276. The light enters through the glass plate a. The section is sup- ported in the liquid by the glass plate 5 in the rim 7j and re- ceives motions of rotation around the horizontal axis c by the grad- uated circle 7] and in its own plane by the knob k, which turns the fine-toothed wheel z in contact with teeth in the rim 7\. ABSORPTION AND PLEOCHROISM. The vibration directions of the rays of monochromatic light which undergo greatest and least absorption and a direction at right angles to these constitute the so-called absorption axes. Their lengths are quite independent of the lengths of the axes of the optical indicatrix, but their directions are frequently though not necessarily the same. Upon these axes can be constructed an absorption ellipsoid from which the absorption in all directions can be deduced. /;/ otthorliombic crystals the directions of the absorption axes coincide/tfr all colors with the directions of crystal axes and the axes of the optical indicatrix. In monochnic crystals one absorption axis is parallel to the crys- tal axis b, therefore to one of the axes of the optical indicatrix; the * Zeit.f. Kryst. v. 25, p. 351. f Sitzungsber. Berlin Akad., 1895. I 5 6 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. other axes lie in the plane oio, but for any color may or may not coincide with the axes of the optical indicatrix for that color. In triclinic crystals no coincidence is essential. Although subject to many exceptions, the law of Babinet is generally correct that "the slower transmitted ray is the more ab- sorbed." The relative absorption of the two rays for any direction of transmission can be obtained by use of the spectrophotometer of P. Glans, which consists, Fig. 277, of a collimator C, telescope H FIG. 277. FIG. 278. and prism P. The vertical slit D in the collimator is divided into halves by a cross piece of metal, and the entering light passes through a so-called Rochon's quartz prism B, which gives a double image, Fig. 278, of each half of the slit, the height of the slit be- ing so chosen that the extraordinary image of one and the ordinary of the other are in contact in the centre of the field and the other two are shut out in the telescope. If now the crystal plate is placed in front of the slit with its extinction directions parallel and at right angles to the slit the two rays developed will pass through the prism P and their spectra be seen in the telescope one above the other, and by means of the horizontally movable eye plate E any portion may be viewed alone and compared. By introducing a nicol N arranged with a graduated circle, so that when at zero its plane of vibration coincides the principal section of the Rochon prism, either ray may be shut out at will by turn- ing the nicol to o or 90 and the spectrum of the transmitted ray compared with a spectrum scale sent through >S and reflected into the telescope. A quantitative comparison can be made as follows for any portion of the spectrum. The crystal plate is removed and the angle of OPTICAL CHARACTERS. 157 rotation a of the nicol determined at which the two spectra of the flame are equally bright; this will be somewhere near 45 but not exactly. The plate is then replaced and the nicol again turned through an angle /? to secure equal intensity for the desired portion of the spectrum. The relative intensities are : f = tan 2 a cot 2 /?.* N If only one of the halves of the slit is covered the intensity may be compared with that of the incident light. Transmission along one of the principal vibration directions a, a or c will yield the intensities for vibrations parallel to the other two. As pointed out these are directions of absorption axes in the orthorhombic crystals but not necessarily in the monoclinic or triclinic crystals. Generally speaking, the records made are simply comparative, for instance: Absorption strong a>b>c, or, Absorption feeble parallel a. More commonly the record is as to pleochroism or effect with white light, the color differences for vibrations parallel b, b and c for some middle color being recorded, or, the colors for directions referred to some definite crystal face.f The pleochroic images are viewed either with a microscope or dichroscope as described, p. 131, or the apparatus of Klein, Fig. 275, may be conveniently used, after the measurement of the angle between the optic axes, by adjusting the crystal with the plane of the optic axes horizontal. If the plane of vibration of the polarizer is vertical and the analyzer is out, the color obtained throughout a rotation by K corresponds to b. If the vibration plane of the the polarizer is horizontal, transmission parallel to the bisector of axial angle yields the color for one of a or c and by a rotation of 90 with K the color of the other results. *Liebisch Grundriss der Phys. ICryst., p. 312. f For example: Andalusite. Pleochroism a blood red to rose red, b = c olive green. Dana's System, p. 496. Titanite. a = yellowish red, 6 greenish red, c = pale yellow. Ripidolite. Yellow to reddish for vibrations normal to coi, green parallel ooi. Rosenbusch liuifitabellcn, Hie. Axinite. Pieochroism strong, normal to r pale olive-green, giving with dichroscope olive-green and violet blue, parallel r and normal to edge r\M cinnamon brown, giving cinnamon brown and violet blue. Dana's System, p. 528. 158 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. FIG. 279. ABSORPTION TUFTS. Plates of crystals with strong absorption, especially if cut normal to an optic axis, often show in convergent non-polarized light two dark tufts symmetrical to the plane of the optic axes, but sepa- rated by a bright space. If white light is used the pencils are of different color to the rest of the field. In Fig. 279,^ is the optic axes to which the plate is normal ; A' is the other optic axis. Oblique rays emerging at any point m on the line AA f have been transmitted in the plane of the optic axes and, there- fore, one of the rays vibrates in the plane of the optic axis, the other parallel to the principal vibration dir- ection b or AN. Oblique rays from any point m' on the line AN normal to A A' will vibrate (see p. 1 37) par- allel and at right angles to the bi- sector of the angle Am'A'. As explained by Mallardf the intensity of the pencil of rays emerging at m 1 is necessarily less than that of the pencil of rays emerging at m, the difference increasing the nearer the points are to each other, that is, normal to AA' is a dark tuft growing lighter on each side of A. Similar effects are ob- tained for points not on AN, the total result being two tufts or pencils of hyperbolic shape tangent to AA'. When white light is used if the optic axes are dispersed, the tufts are not exactly superposed and the borders show color tints. The test may be made by holding the crystal section close to the eye and looking at the bright sky or by removing the polarizers from a converging polariscope. If the plates are examined in convergent polarized light, the analyzer being removed, two types may be distinguished as follows : TYPE I. The dark tufts will appear normal to the plane of the optic axis and in a clear field, when the plane of the optic axis is normal to the vibration plane of the polarizer. Example : Anda- lusite of Brazil. Plate cut normal to acute bisectrix and placed on a thin plate of azurite shows black tufts on a blue ground. * W. Voigt zur Theorie der Absorption des Lichtes in Krystallen IViedemann's Ann., 1885, XXIII., 577. f Traiet de Cristallographie, II., 361. OPTICAL CHARACTERS. 159 TYPE II. The same phenomenon results when these planes are parallel. Example : Epidote of Knappemvand Tyrol. Cleavage plate parallel ooi gives tufts symmetrical to oio, with white light the borders towards the acute bisectrix are dark green and the opposite are dark red. In both types, with a rotation of the plate through 90 from these positions, tufts also appear parallel to the plane of the optic axes. METALLIC REFLECTIONS OR METALLIC LUSTRE. The metals do not obey the usual laws of reflection ; incident plane polarized light is reflected as such, only when the plane of vibration of the incident light is parallel or at right angles to the plane of reflection ; and in both of these cases there is developed a change of phase, which is, however, greater in the latter case than in the former. For all other azimuths of vibration the vibra- tion of the reflected light is the result of two unequal* compo- nents at right angles and is, therefore, elliptically polarized. The intensity! of the reflected light differs also from that obtained with transparent substances. For normal incidence it is not zero, but considerable, decreasing as the angle of incidence increases up to a value of 50 to 60, thereafter again increasing until the angle of grazing incidence is reached. , For a given incidence certain colors are reflected by metals more strongly than others, whereas, transparent substances, even if colored, reflect white light. The combined effect of this intense and selective reflection is called Metallic Lustre. SURFACE COLORS. Between metallic and transparent substances are certain which are transparent for light of certain wave-lengths, but stop others so completely that even with thin sections they are represented in *Varying from o for normal incidence to A/2 for grazing incidence and for a parti- cular angle, which is experimentally found to be the angle of maximum polarization of common light, passing through the value A/4. f Cauchy, Voigt and Drude have studied the phenomena and calculated the indices of refraction and absorption for a number of metallic substances for different vibration directions upon fresh cleavage surfaces. For gold and silver a higher velocity c flight was found than in air, but very high absorption ; for lead, platinum and iron the indices of refraction were high, but the absorption relatively low. Very high absorption indices were obtained for stibnite and galena. Kundt discovered phenomena of double re- fraction of light transmitted through extremely thin electrically deposited metallic films. 160 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. the spectrum* by absorption bands. These rejected colors are reflected. When white light is used the reflected or surface color is strik- ingly unlike the transmitted or body color, for instance, a drop of fuchsin solution dried on a glass plate shows the surface color green with metallic lustre and the body color red, or if a glass be laid over the surface color is blue-green. A crystal of potassium permanganate polished to a thin layer on glass gives a yellow sur- face color and a dark violet body color. The surface and body colors are only approximately comple- mentary as Wiedemannf has shown. The surface colors in uniaxial crystals, moreover, are non-polarized when reflected from basal sections, but dichroic, that is, elliptically polarized and made up of two components vibrating in and at right angles to the plane of reflection for other sections. For instance, with crystals of mag- nesium platinocyanide the light reflected from the basal plane is violet and not to be decomposed, whereas the green color from a prism face is always resolvable into two colors varying with the angle of incidence. FLUORESCENCE. Certain organic compounds, fluorite containing dissolved organic matter and uranium glass possess the property of absorbing light and again emitting it as light of a different color. If sunlight is focussed on a dilute solution of quinine sulphate it becomes deep blue near the surface of entrance. If the spectrum of the trans- mitted light is examined the violet and ultra violet rays are missing, that is these have in the solution been turned into blue. A test tube of the solution held in a solar spectrum beyond the visible rays becomes blue. In fluorite and uranium glass, which are isotropic, the color produced is independent of the direction of transmission. In the uniaxial magnesium platinocyanide crystals^ with sunlight passed through blue or violet glass the green surface color disappears on the prism faces, and by polarizing either the incident or emerging light a dichroic fluorescence is observed, scarlet red for vibrations ^Christiansen found that the spectrum of the red solution of fuchsin lacked green and that blue was deviated more than red. \Ann. de Phys. v. 151, p. 625, 1874. {Lommelin Ann. de Fhys., VIII., 634, XLIV., 311. OPTICAL CHARACTERS. 161 normal to the optic axis, orange yellow for vibrations parallel to the optic axis. If the violet rays are incident normal to the base, polarization reveals only one color, orange yellow, whatever the azimuth of the vibrations. PHOSPHORESCENCE. Phosphorescence, or the emission of light by a substance in the dark after it has been exposed to light, heat, friction, mechanical force, or an electrical discharge, has not been clearly shown to be de- pendent in any way upon the crystalline structure. It is developed by one process or another in a large number of minerals and salts.* THE NORREMBERG AND REUSCH COMBINATIONS OF MlCA PLATES. The optical phenomena of combinations of differently oriented layers of a doubly-refracting substance are of great value in the development of theories of structure. Muscovite in which the acute bisectrix is nearly normal to the cleavage plane is especially convenient for these experiments. If two plates of muscovite of equal thickness are laid so that their axial planes are at right angles, then with parallel light and crossed nicols, the phase difference originated in one is exactly compensated by that in the other, and the field will be dark throughout rotation of the stage. With convergent light four axes will emerge equally distant from the centre and between them thin hyperbolic color curves, the asymptotes to which form a black cross. Norremberg discovered^ that if the plates were made so thin that the phase difference of the rays developed in any plate was less than a wave-length, and that if a pile of 12 to 36 of these were made the axial planes in adjacent plates being at right angles, then not only did the compensation of the phase differences give a dark field with parallel light and crossed nicols, but with convergent light the isochromatic curves produced by the oblique rays were circles, that is, the effect of the pile was exactly equivalent to a basal section of an uniaxial crystal, Fig. 280. Reusch found,J by piling 12 to 36 similar plates so that the axial planes of adjacent plates were at 120 to each other as in Fig. 281, *Lommel in Ann. de P/iys., VIII., 634, XL1V., 311. |D. Hahn, Phosphorescenz der Mineralien, Zeif. f. d. ges. Natur-wiss., Bd. XLIIL, I, 131, 1874. \ Berichte. Ak. Wissens. Berlin, July 8, 1869, p. 530. 1 62 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. that with parallel incident light there emerged a plane polarized ray, the vibration plane of which had been rotated in the direc- tion of the piling through an angle proportionate to the thick - FIG. 280. FIG. 281. ness of the pile that is, if starting at the lowest plate the piling had been with a change in the direction of the hands of watch the rotation was also in that direction, and the color produced with white light would, by rotation of the analyzer, also in the direc- tion of the hands of a watch, pass in the order, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet. With convergent light Fig. 281 resulted, the centre being colored. This conforms strictly to the behavior of a basal plate of right- handed quartz, except that by rotation of the stage, a slight change of color takes place, this, however, decreases as the mica plates are made thinner. If the piling were in opposite direction the rotation of the plane of vibration would be opposite and the color order also. Based on these and similar experiments, theories as to the structure of cer- tain crystals have been developed by Mallard,* Sohncke and others. * Trait* de Cristallographie II., 262-304; Zeit.f. Kryst., etc., XIX., 529. PART III, THE THERMAL, MAGNETIC AND ELECTRL CAL CHARACTERS, AND THE CHARACTERS DEPENDENT UPON ELASTICITY AND COHESION. CHAPTER XII. THE THERMAL CHARACTERS. Certain substances, such as halite, are essentially transparent to both heat and light ; and if sunlight be decomposed by a prism of such a substance there is obtained not only the visible color spec- trum consisting of the rays between the least refracted red (A = 760.4 /J.IJL) and the most refracted violet (A= 393.3 ////), but if each ray is tested by a delicate thermo-pile the temperature will be found to increase from the violet end towards the red and to a certain dis- tance beyond the red where it is a maximum and thereafter to de- crease, proving the existence of invisible heat rays beyond the red. Experiments show also that these heat rays are reflected and refracted and absorbed like light rays, that they may be doubly refracted, as first shown by Knoblauch in calcite, that they may be polarized by reflection or refraction and that when polarized their power to penetrate crystals varies not only with the direction of transmission but with the direction of vibration. For instance, heat will not penetrate crossed nicols, but the interposition of a plate of doubly-refracting substance will permit components to penetrate, except at intervals of 90 when the planes of vibration of the heat rays produced in the plate coincide with those of the nicols. In- terference and circular polarization of heat rays have also been experimentally proved. Heat rays may, therefore, be regarded as invisible light rays which are in general of greater wave-length and less refrangibility than the visible rays, but are subject to the same laws. It is pos- sible, though difficult, to determine experimentally a series of con- stants for crystals with respect to these invisible rays, as in the famous experiments of Knoblauch.* * Knoblauch, Pogg. Ann., LXXXV, 169; XCIII, 161. 1 64 CHARACTERS OF CHVSTALS. Simpler and more convenient tests can be made with respect to the conductivity or rate of transmission of heat from particle to particle, and to expansion. For both a dependence is found to exist upon the crystal structure. HEAT CONDUCTIVITY. The shape of the " surface of conductivity " or isothermal surface, the radii of which are the rates of conductivity in different direc- tions, is most easily determined from the surface conductivities in sections of known orientation. The relative surface conductivies are most satisfactorily obtained by Rontgen's modification of the older de Senarmont method. The previously cleaned and polished section is breathed upon, quickly touched by a very hot metal point normally applied, and instantly dusted with lycopodium powder. The section is then turned upside down and tapped carefully, when the powder falls from where the moisture film had been evaporated, but adheres elsewhere, giving a sharply outlined figure. The entire operation should take less than three seconds. In all homogeneous substances in which the surface tested is large enough to allow for irregularity of contour the resultant fig- ure is either an ellipse or a circle, that is a section of an ellipsoid. The major and minor axes of the ellipse are carefully measured under the microscope with a micrometer eyepiece. In the old method of de Senarmont the surface of the section is coated with a very thin layer of wax or paraffin either applied with camels' hair brush * or by melting a thin bit on the surface and pouring off the excess. The wax-covered surface is placed in a horizontal position and heat applied at one point either : (a) By a wire or narrow tube of metal (silver, platinum, copper) passing through a hole pierced normal to the waxed surface and heated either by a lamp at some distince,f or by an electric current, J or by a current of hot air. (&) By touching with a hot pointed wire vertically applied. (c) By a little platinum ball soldered to a platinum wire, the latter being surrounded to avoid radiation and heated by an electric cur- rent. *Tyndall, Heat as a Mode of Motion, p. 189, D. Appleton, 1891. f de Senarmont, 1847, Ann. de Chitn. et de phys., XXI., 457; XXII., 179. JTyndall, 1. c., 190. gjannetaz, Bull. toe. Min., I., 19. THERMAL CHARACTERS. 165 Voigt recommends* a mixture of 3 parts elaidic acid with I part of wax, the mixture melting at 40 to 50 C. A constant temperature is maintained until the coating has melted far enough from the point of application of the heat. The boundary of the melted patch is then the isothermal curve show- ing the distances which the heat has been transmitted, and is visible after cooling as a ridge which is always in the shape of an ellipse or circle. As a result of the experiments it is found that : i In singly-refracting crystals (isometric) all sections yield circular isothermal curves; that is, the isothermal surface is a sphere. 2 In optically-uniaxial crystals ( tetragonal or hexagonal ) ba- sal sections yield circular curves, but all other sections yield ellip- tical curves which become more eccentric as the section becomes more nearly paraiiei to the optic axis. That is, the isothermal sur- face is an ellipsoid of revolution around c , the optic axis. As for light a division may be made into -f and . For instance, in quartz the conductivity is more rapid parallel c and in calcite at right angles to c, hence quartz is thermally positive, calcite thermally negative. 3. In optically-biaxial crystals the isothermal curves are all ellipses and the isothermal surface is a triaxial ellipsoid, the axes of which are at right angles to each other. In orthorhombic crystals these axes coincide with the crystallographic axes, and the major and minor axes of the ellipse obtained in any principal section are parallel to the crystal axes therein. In monoclinic crystals one axis of the isothermal surface coincides with b and the other two lie in the plane oio. In the zone [oio 100] the major and minor axes of the isothermal curves should coincide with crystal axes. In triclinic crystals there is no essential or probable parallelism of crystal axes and axes of ellipses in any section.t * Elemente der Krystallphysik, 78. f Jannetaz showed an apparent connection between directions of cleavage and ease of conductivity. For instance, the isothermal surface for uniaxial crystals which have an easy basal cleavage is usually a flat oblate spheroid. If the direction of cleavage is not basal, but oblique, the longer axis will often be in the section most nearly parallel to the cleavage. As will be later explained, planes of cleavage are supposed to be directions of greatest closeness of molecules, and it seems, therefore, that the rapidity of transmission increases as the molecules are closer together. It is curious, however, that if an amorphous substance, such as glass, is subjected to compression or tension the isothermal circles become elliptical, the shorter axis being in the line of greater press- ure or packing of molecules. 1 66 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. EXPANSION BY HEAT. Most * substances increase in volume when heated and contract on cooling, and experiments show that in crystals the rate of ex- pansion is not the same for directions crystallographically unlike, but varies as follows : 1 Isometric Crystals. The rate of expansion is the same for all directions. A sphere heated becomes a sphere of larger diameter. 2 Tetragonal and Hexagonal Crystals. The rate of expansion is the same for all directions equally inclined to the axis r, is either a maximum or a minimum parallel to c, and varies regularly from this to the direction at right angles. A sphere heated becomes an ellipsoid of revolution around c as an axis. 3 Orthorhombic, Monoclinic and Iriclinic Crystals. There is no axis of isotropy. The directions of maximum and minimum expan- sion are at right angles, and a sphere heated becomes a triaxial ellip- soid, the axes being these directions and a third at right angles to their plane. Orthorhombic, the axes coincide with the crystal axes. Monoclinic, one axis coincides with b, the others lie in oio, but not coincident with conductivity axes or principal vibration directions. Triclinic, the axes have no fixed positions relative to the crystal axes. DIRECT MEASUREMENT OF LINEAR EXPANSION. The coefficient of linear expansion, that is the increase in a unit of length for a temperature change from o to i C. may be accurately measured for any direction by the method of Fizeau f which as perfected by Abbe is as follows : J In Fig. 282 is a plane parallel plate of the crystal, about 10 mm. thick, which rests upon three projec- tions turned upon the steel plate 7. Three screws, with a fine 2 mm. thread, pass through T and support the glass plate P, which tapers slightly so that *A few expand on cooling below a certain point and one, at least, iodide of silver, contracts when heated above the ordinary room temperatures. f Description by J. R. Benoit, Trans, et Mem. du bur. internat. des poids et wes.,1., i, 1881; VI., i. 1888. \ Described by C. Pulfrich, Zeit. f. Instrumentkunde, XIII., 365, 401, 437. THERMAL CHARACTERS. 167 when the upper surface is horizontal the lower is inclined about 20 minutes. By adjusting the screws a thin wedge-like film of air is left between the horizontal polished surface of the substance and the lower surface of the glass. The telescope PO, Fig. 283, is at once telescope and collimator, that is the light from a Geissler tube, shown at L in the smaller Fio. 283. figure, enters at the side, is deflected by the prism P, made parallel by the lens system O, decomposed by the two flint glass prisms P l and P 2 and by varying the angles at which these are set by the screw S, rays of any chosen color are made to pass vertically through R and reach the interference apparatus within the brass vessel G. The rays incident at the upper surface of the crystal plate and the lower surface of the glass plate interfere on reflection producing parallel dark bands wherever the thickness of the air film is -J-A, f A, etc. The distance between two adjacent bands is therefore a func- tion of the wave-length of the light used. This distance is meas- ured by a screw micrometer M which moves a vertical double hair horizontally across the held. The vessel G containing the interference apparatus is enclosed in two concentric cylinders, the outer one containing a liquid. When the liquid is heated the crystal plate and the interference 1 68 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. apparatus both expand and the interference bands change in dis- tance apart. From this change and from the previously deter- mined effect of the expansion of the apparatus the change due to the expansion of the crystal is calculated.* Voigt describesf a simpler apparatus in which the expansion of the crystal tips one of two parallel mirrors. Reflected signals from the two mirrors are viewed by a telescope one meter distance and their divergence measured. The apparatus is heated by im- mersion in paraffin oil at 60 to 70 C. MEASUREMENT OF EXPANSION BY CHANGE IN DIEDRAL ANGLES. The indices and therefore the zone rela- tions are not changed by uniformly heat- ing a crystal, for any series of points on a straight line remains on a straight line and at the same proportionate distances apart. If, therefore, in Fig. 284 ABC is the unit plane and HKL any other plane, the points 0, K and B will after expansion be on a straight line and the same proportionate distance apart, so also 0, L and C or 0, H and A. Therefore, the indices of HKL after expansion will be t OL' OL ^__ t> OB FIG. 284. QA' OA OH J ~OH OK' OK _ ' ~ ~ k; OB' In isometric crystals the angles are unchanged by expansion,, but in all other systems all diedral angles are altered except that : (a) Faces parallel to two expansion axes remain parallel to their original position and normal to all faces in the zone of the third axis. (&) If the rates of expansion are equal parallel to two axes the faces in the zone of the third axis remain parallel to their original positions. In tetragonal and hexagonal crystals by (a) the basal planes remain at 90 to the faces in the prismatic zone, so also any face in the prism zone remains at 90 to all faces of the zone originally normal to it and by (b) all angles in the prismatic zone remain constant. *Zeit.f. Instk., XIII., 440, etc. \ Wied. Ann., XLIIL, 831, 1891. THERMAL CHARACTERS. 169 In orthorhombic crystals since a, b and c are expansion axes, each pinacoid remains at 90 to every face in the zone of the third axis. In monoclinic crystals the clino pinacoid remains at 90 to faces in the zone of b. From the change in angle the linear coefficients may be calcu- lated.* The change in angle is usually small, /~ / / requiring delicate measurement. It may be demonstrated f by cutting a plate - like cleavage of calcite, Fig. 285 a, / \ \ normally and parallel to the longer di- ^- ^ ^ agonal of the larger face, reversing one- half and gluing as in b with water glass. On heating, the adjacent angles expand in the same direction and, as exagger- ated in c, one-half becomes inclined to the other about 20' for 100 C. temperature change. This bend- ing is easily shown by reflection of a signal on a screen 3 meters distant. DETERMINATION OF EXPANSION BY CHANGES IN THE OPTICAL PHENOMENA. The expansion of a crystal produces a change in the rapidity of transmission of light which may be determined by measurement of the indices of refraction or indirectly by the interference phe- nomena. In singly refracting (isometric) crystals the change is alike in all directions. The crystal remains optically isotropic but the index of refraction may become smaller as with fluorite, or larger, as with diamond. In uniaxial (tetragonal and hexagonal) crystals the changes in velocity are unequal, that is the principal indices of refraction and * For instance if the rhombohedral angle of a calcite cleavage, which decreases almost 9' for 100 elevation, is 105 5' at 10 C. and 104 56' at 110 C. then by formulae, sin a = cosi^X I - I 55> tan a X .866 = ^, (Moses* and Parson's Mineralogy, p. 60) we have / sin a = 9.84663, a = 44. 63, tan a X -866 = c .8549, and / sin a' ir= 9.84732, a' = 44 72, tan a X - 866 = c' = - 8 5/ 5- f Voigt, Elemente der Krystalphysik, p. 49. CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. a vary unequally and not necessarily in the same direction.* The strength of the double refraction ? may be either increased, rais- ing the interference color and contracting the rings in the interfer- ence figure, or the reverse may take place. The change when y a is made less may, for a certain temperature, reduce the double re- fraction to zero, that is for that color of light and at that tempera- ture the crystal is optically isotropic and for a further temperature change in the same direction will change in optical character from + to or to -f . In biaxial crystals (orthorhombic, monoclinic and triclinic) the unequal changes in a, / and y, the principal indices of refraction, are indicated not only by raising or lowering the interference colors and in the contraction or expansion of the rings of the interference figure but by changes in the angle between the optic axes, which is simply a function of the principal indices. If either a or f at any temperature become equal to /5 then for that temperature and light the crystal is uniaxial and the axial angle is zero and for a further change in the same direction the former middle index ft will become or ? t that is b will become a or c and the optic axes will pass into a plane at right angles to the former position of the axial plane. Fig. 286 represents successive changes in such a transformation. The following selected examples illustrate these facts. BARITE (Orthorhombic). 2.E for sodium flame increases with rising temperature from 64 i' at 20 C. to 68 51' at 100 C. and 77 16' at 200 C. GLAUBERITE (Monoclinic). The principal vibration directions are essentially un- changed, but 2.E decreases with rising temperature. Within a range of 40 C. the crys- tals become successively uniaxial for all colors and the axes thereafter are in a plane at right angles to the former axial plane. FIG. 286. Temperature Centigrade. 1 8 22 36 46 58 Apparent Angle 2E for Li Red. Na Yellow. Tl Green. 13 30' 11 8' 8 14' 11 i' 8 9' o 8 40' o 7 8' o 7 14' 10 32' Blue. 8 42' 11 8' 13 2 * With increased temperature : Calcite a increased 7 increased 7 a increased Beryl quartz increased decreased increased decreased decreased decreased THERMAL CHARACTERS. 171 GYPSUM (Monoclinic). The angle 2E decreases with rising temperature and the principal vibration directions change, the dispersion changing from inclined to hori- zontal. Temperature. 2ZTfor Temperature 2E for Centigrade. Na Yellow. Centigrade. Li Red. 20 92 20 96 50 79 47 76 100 51 71 59 116 36 95 39 I34 9 116 The test is usually made by replacing the glass vessel M, Fig. 273, by a metal air bath, Fig. 287, consisting of a rectangular hol- FJG. 287. low box of copper, which projects on either side beyond the po- lariscope, and is heated by gas burners. At the top is an opening for the crystal carrier, and at the large sides are glass windows so set in tubes, that by a key the distance apart can be made as small as the crystals will permit. From the top of the box project two thermometers T reading to 300 C. The crystal section is adjusted, and the angle is determined'at room temperature, the two burners are then lighted and the heat- ing continued until a constant temperature can be maintained for one-half hour, when a new reading is made ; this is repeated^ for different intensities of flame. CHAPTER X11I. THE MAGNETIC AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. MAGNETIC INDUCTION OF CRYSTALS. All substances are either attracted or repelled in some degree when in the field of a strong electromagnet. If attracted they are said to be "paramagnetic" or " magnetic \" if repelled they are " diamagnetic " If a rod of any substance is suspended by a fibre so as to swing freely horizontally between the vertical poles of an elec- tromagnet, ab t Fig. 288, mag- netic induction takes place and as the lines of force between the poles are essentially hori- zontal, the effect of the pull or thrust upon rotation is greatest for the particles furthest from the axis of rotation. If para- magnetic, therefore, the effect is to pull the rod into a longi- tudinal or "axial" position with its ends as near the poles of the magnet as possible, and if diamagnetic the rod is pushed into a transverse or " equator- ial" position with its ends as far from the magnetic poles as possible. Fig. 288 shows the apparatus of Edmond Becquerel* in which A and B are the poles of a large electro-magnet, C and C' square soft iron pole pieces and DE, D' E long narrow soft FIG. 288. T V natural size. iron pole pieces placed so that * Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. y 1850, V., 28, p. 283. MAGNETIC CHARACTERS. 173 the back face of D E and front face of D r E f lie in the same plane through the torsion thread. Bars of 25 mm. long, 2 to$ mm., broad are suspended in the position a b and adjusted by the torsion head N until a scratch at one end of the bar coincides with the cross hair of the telescope L. The current is then turned on and the deviation due to attraction or repulsion observed and measured by the amount it is necessary to turn the circle H H' to restore the original position. With crystals, however, the particles in certain directions be- come more strongly magnetized than in others, and the para- or diamagnetism is judged by hanging a thin glass tube, filled with powder of the substance, between the magnetic poles, the particles of the powder having all possible orientations all effect of direction is eliminated. To DETERMINE THE RELATIVE STRENGTH OF MAGNETIZATION IN DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS IN A CRYSTAL. The crystal is suspended by a silk fibre and should be of such a shape that the section normal to the axis of suspension is circu- lar. If, however, the crystal is small, the form is less important. Plucker used for his experiments a large electromagnet with six Groves elements, the poles of the magnet being 1.6 inches apart and the space around the poles protected from currents of air by a glass cage. The crystal was suspended by a double silk thread from a torsion balance. The direction, in the section normal to the axis of suspension, which is most strongly affected will evidently take an axial posi- tion with paramagnetic crystals and an equatorial position with diamagnetic crystals. By suspending a cube by its three rectangular axes, a, b and c, successively the magnetic intensities in these directions may be compared, for example: Suspended by : a b c Axial direction assumed by b a b Equatorial direction assumed by c c a If the crystal is diamagnetic, then, since c was twice equatorial, c is the axis of greatest magnetization, but if paramagnetic, then is ^the axis of greatest magnetization. The relations cannot yet be said to be well understood as very 174 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. few minerals have been thoroughly tested. It does not appear that isometric crystals are magnetically isotropic, for the latest in- vestigations of magnetite show that prisms cut parallel to a ternary axis are most strongly magnetized, those parallel to a binary axis only a little more feebly and those parallel to a quaternary axis much more feebly.* The experiments of Pluckerf appear to prove that all crystals of other systems are magnetically anisotropic and that a suspended sphere in a uniform magnetic field is in stable equilibrium only when the direction most strongly magnetized is " axial," that is, is parallel to the lines of force. In hexagonal and tetragonal crystals the direction of maximum magnetization is either parallel or at right angles to the vertical axis c and the crystal is said to be magnetically positive or mag- netically negative. If a sphere is suspended with c horizontal then four cases J result. Paramagnetic positive, the position of c is axial. Paramagnetic negative, the position of c is equatorial. Diamagnetic positive, the position of c is equatorial. Diamagnetic negative, the position of c is axial. In orthorhombic, monoclinic and triclinic crystals the directions of maximum and minimum intensity, are at right angles to each other and the intensity of the third axis of the " induction ellip- soid " is at right angles to their plane. In orthorhombic crystals these axes are the crystal axes a, b, c. In monoclinic crystal one axis is parallel to b t the others are in oio, but not necessarily or probably parallel either to axes of * Aimantation non isotrope de la Magnetite cristallisee. P. Weiss. C. R., CXXII. 1405. f Pogg. Ann., v. 72, p. 315; v. 76, p. 576; v. 77, p. 447 ; v. 78, p. 427 ; v. 86, p. I. \ Examples are : -{-Paramagnetic, Paramagnetic, -f- Diamagnetic, Diamagnetic, Siderite, Tourmaline, Calcite, Bismuth, Wernerite, Beryl, Mimetite, Arsenic, Torbernite, Vesuvianite, Wulfenite, Zircon. g Examples are : Strength of Magnetization. 01 > 02 > 03 Topaz, Paramagnetic, a c b Anhydrite, Diamagnetic, a b c Barite, Diamagnetic, cab Epsomite, Diamagnetic, c b a ELECTRICAL CHARACTERS. 175 thermal conductivity or optical principal vibration directions. In triclinic crystals there are no fixed relations. Practically no satisfactory determinations have been made of absolute values of coefficients. TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC RAYS. * Electric waves differ from light waves only in their vastly greater length, they travel with the same velocity and exhibit similar phe- nomena. Many substances opaque to light waves are transparent to electric waves, and in this lies the hope of a series of tests for optically opaque crystals corresponding to the series for optic- ally transparent crystals. Professor Bose | describes an apparatus, essentially an electric polariscope, the polarizer and analyzer consisting of wire gratings, made by winding fine copper wire 2 mm. diameter around a thin sheet of mica (about 25 lines per cm.) ; the mica pieces are then dipped in melted paraffine, after which a round disc is cut from the sheet. The electric waves are produced by a small Ruhmkorfif coil causing oscillatory discharges between two small (ij^ cm.) metallic spheres ; beyond these in the same tube is a convex lens with a spark gap at its principal focus, then follow in order the grating polarizer, the crystal, the grating analyzer, a modified coherer, and a connected, distant d'Arsonval galvanometer. When the gratings are crossed no current is shown, the in- troduction of the crystal produces a current which is shown by the throw of the needle reflected by a mirror upon a scale. When the principal vibration directions of the crystal coincide with those of the gratings no current passes. Crystals of moderate size are successfully tested by this apparatus. ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY. Electrical conductivity, although varying between very wide limits in different substances,f appears to be dependent much more * The Polarization of Electric Rays by doubly refracting Crystals. ]. C. Bose, Jour. Asiatic Soc., Bengal, LXIV., 291, 1895. f No substance possesses absolute electrical resistance ; practically, however, con- ductivity may be considered to be limited to the metals ; some metalloids ; most sulphides, tellurides, selenides, bismuthides, arsenides and anlimonides, some of the ox- ides ; and, at higher temperature, a few haloids. 176 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. upon the constitution of the chemical molecule than upon the crystalline structure. A certain dependence upon crystallographic direction has, nevertheless, been observed in a few substances. The principal experiments are those of Wortman,* and the more recent series by Beijerinck.f Both used essentially the same method, in which a prism of known dimensions was introduced into a direct weak current, the strength of which was varied by re- sistances and the deviation observed in a galvanometer. Good contact was obtained by using tough copper amalgam or sometimes bright sheet lead or simply graphite rubbed on with a lead pencil. Natural faces were cleaned with acid, caustic soda, water and alcohol, and sometimes even with hydrofluoric acid. To study the effect of temperature the substance was heated in a small air bath made with double walls of asbestos and covered with copper, thus giving a very regular distribution of temperature without thermo-electric effects. The principal results bearing upon crystal structure are as fol- lows : Isometric Crystals. Magnetite, the electrical conductivity is essentially alike in all directions. Tetragonal and Hexagonal Crystals. Hematite,J hexagonal, the electrical conductivity parallel to c is essentially twice that normal to c and for any direction making the angle a with c\ the resistance is ^ = w a sin a a + w c cos 2 a in which Aragonite Calcite 4.1125 4.0500 2.240 3-768 3.668 2.175 I.OpI 1.105 1.022 The condenser Fig. 289 consisted of a ring C of gutta percha serving as a frame for the two vertical brass plates A and B. Through C passed the glass tube D with a torsion head to which the discs were hung between A and B by a single thread of silk. Tile motions of the disc were observed through the opposite glass windows E. A voltaic cur- rent passing through a commu- tator produced alternately -f and charges in A and B in some instances as rapidly as 6,000 al- ternations per second. As all dielectrics have some degree of conductivity the elec- tric polarity is apt to be modified FIG. 289. by the more slowly developed conductivity phenomena. The effect of conductivity in use of the constant current was shown by suspending a calcite plate with c horizontal, c was at first axial but in less than two minutes turned reversing the poles, whereas with alternating current c was equatorial. The strength of the induction in any direction is indicated by the so-called dielectric constant* which may be determined by * Maxwell assumes to be proportionate to the square of the constant A in Cauchy's for- n mula for dispersion, n = A-\ or, since if A = oo n = A, to the square of the index of refraction for light of infinite wave-length vibrating parallel the given direction. (Groth, Phys. Kryst., III. Ed., 194.) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERS. 179 the method of Bolzmann * in which the attractions exerted are measured as follows : A small sphere of the dielectric to be tested is attracted by a fixed charged metal sphere and the amount of its deviation h determined by the deflection of a mirror; the sphere is then replaced by another sphere of the same diameter but coated with tin foil and the deviation h' of this produced by the same charge in the metal sphere is determined ; then, according to Bolz- mann, if s is the dielectric constant h' either for uniaxial crystals or for biaxial crystals in which an axis of dielectric symmetry is parallel to the lines of force. The constants may also be determined by comparison ot capacity.f From the dielectric constants in the principal directions the con- stants for any direction may be calculated.^ If D a D b D c are the principal constants the constant D r for any di- rection is : D a cos 2 (a.f) + D cos 2 (b r) -*- D c cos 2 (c-r) The conductivity on the plane surface of a dielectric crystal theoretically must con- form to the dielectric constants in different directions. Wiedemann 's$ Experiment. An insulated needle was fastened in proper holder in normal contact to a crystal face, previously covered with a poorly conducting powder such as lycopodium or minium, and positively charged by contact with the knob of a leyden jar. The powder near the point is tossed aside in shapes which are elliptical or circular according to surface. The results can be made permanent by collodion. In general the longest axis is in the vibration direction of the light of greatest velocity. de Senarmonf s\\ Experiments. de Senarmont coated the crystal with tin foil except that a circular hole was cut in the foil covering the face to be studied. The foil was grounded the crystal was placed in partial vacuum opposite a point of brass wire from which positive electricity was discharged following a direction assumed therefore to be that of easiest conductivity. The tests are made in the dark. * Ber. Ak. Wien. (2), LXX., 342, 1874, also Ch. Borel, Arch. Soc. Fhys. et nat. de Geneve (3), XXX., 131, 1893. f Liebisch, Grundriss der Phys. Kryst., 230. J A. Lampa, Ber. Ak. Wein., CIV., 1179. \ p gg. Ann., 76, 404, 1849. || de Senarmont, Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. (3), 28, 257, 1850. i8o CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. PYRO-ELECTRICITY. Equal positive and negative charges of electricity are developed at different points 'or poles of certain crystals during a uniform change of temperature. A temperature change of at least 70 to 80 C. is desirable. Usually the crystal is heated in an air bath to a uniform tempera- ture, then drawn quickly once or twice through an alcohol flame to remove any electricity occurring on the surface, and then brought into a cooler place and allowed to cool. If heating injures the crystal it rr.ay be cooled from the room temperature by a freezing mixture.* During the cooling of the crystal the positive charges collect at the so-called antilogue poles, and the negative charges at the ana- logue poles, f and may be distinguished by their effect on other electrified bodies. For instance, a cat's hair rubbed between the fingers becomes positively electrified and is attracted by the analo- gous pole and repelled by the antilogous pole, or as in the method of Hankel,J the poles may be touched by a platinum wire care- fully insulated and worked by a system of levers, and the charge conducted to an especially constructed gold leaf electrometer. Kundt's method is, however, most generally employed and con- sists in blowing upon the cooling crystal a fine well dried || mix- ture of equal parts of powdered sulphur and red oxide of lead. The nozzle of the bellows is covered by a muslin net and, in passing through, the sulphur is negatively electrified and is attracted by the positive poles coloring them yellow, while the minium is positively electrified and is caught by the negative poles coloring them red. By pressing the crystal upon sticky paper a permanent record can be obtained. The dust should fall evenly and the bel- lows be held far enough away to prevent direct action of the blast. The figures here shown^[ represent crystals dusted with sulphur and minium during cooling, the darker dotted portions showing the analogue poles, the hatched portions, the antilogue poles. * Snow or ground ice and salt ; 3 pts. snow or ground ice with I pt. H 2 SO 4 ; 2 pts r snow or ground ice with 3 pts. crystals CaCl 2 . \ With rising temperature these are reversed. \ G. W. Hankel, Inaug. Dissertation. \ Fogg. Ann., CXXXVI., 612, 1862; Weid. Ann., XX., 592, 1883; XXV., 145. 1886. || Dry over H 2 SO 4 in a vessel from which the air has been partially exhausted. \ Drawn from the colored plate III. in Groth, Phys. Kryst., III. ed. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERS. 181 Fig. 290 represents a tourmaline crystal, Fig. 291 a calamine crystal, in both of which polarity is shown with reference to the FIG. 290. FIG. 292. vertical axis. Fig. 292 represents a boracite crystal, showing polarity with reference to four axes, and Fig. 293 a quartz crystal with three axes of polarity. Fig. 294 shows a basal section of quartz. FIG. 293. FIG. 294. FIG. 295. Quantitative examinations were made by Gaugain* by coating the ends of a cylinder of the crystal with tin foil, connecting one end to the ground and the other to some form of self-discharging electroscope. The number of discharges are counted and serve as a relative measure especially if the capacity of the electroscope is small. In this way it was shown that with tourmaline the amount is independent of the time of cooling, is alike for the same change of temperature in either direction, and is independ- ent of the length, but proportionate to the cross section and to the difference between the end temperatures. THEORY OF LORD KELVIN. Lord Kelvin theorized f that tourmaline, in which pyroelec- tricity was first observed, is internally in a state of uniform electric polarity, and that, therefore, at the surface there should be an * Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., III., 57. fMath. phys. papers Sir. William Thomson, I., 315. 1 82 CHARACTERS OF CRYS1ALS. electric charge of uniform surface density. In a medium not perfectly insulating such as damp air there is gradually formed by induction an electric layer completely neutralizing the charge in the tourmaline, that is making it essentially non-electric. But if the tourmaline is heated or cooled the strength of the internal polarization is altered, while that of the electrified layer of outer medium is more slowly altered and the effect is electric polarity. Riecke * confirmed this theory by showing that, in a fairly per- fectly insulating medium, tourmaline remained electrified twenty to thirty hours, after cooling to its normal temperature. The heated tourmaline while still non-electrified was placed under an air pump over a gold leaf electroscope and the air slightly rarefied. PIEZO-ELECTRICITY. Electric charges may be developed by pressure, for instance, calcite pressed between the fingers becomes positively electrified, tourmaline compressed in the direction of c shows a positive charge at the antilogue end and a negative charge at the analogue end or precisely the charge which would result from cooling ; whereas, if the pressure is removed and the crystal allowed to expand the charges are reversed conforming to rising temperature. The quantity developed is always proportionate to the pressure. If strains are developed by unequal heating electrical charges may be developed as, for instance, by standing a basal section of quartz upon a hot centrally placed metal cylinder, the distribution of charges conforming to the effect of cooling a complete crystal, whereas, with a hot metal ring the charges are reversed. The methods for detecting the charges are the same as for pyroelectricity. Fig. 295 shows the distribution of the charges in a basal section of quartz produced by pressure in the direction of the arrows which conforms evidently to Fig. 294, or the effect of cooling. For quantitative examination J. and P. Curie used the following method.t The crystal is cut in the form of a rectangular parallelopipedon, Fig. 296, and two opposite faces, A, B, covered with tin foil. One of these, A, is grounded ; the other, B, is connected with one of the plates of a condenser C of known capacity, and also with one * E. Riecke, Wied, Ann. 28, 43, 31, 889, 40, 264, ^9,421. fCompte Rendu, XCL, 294, 383 ; XCII., 350. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERS. 183 of the couples 55 of a Thomson-Mascart electrometer. The other plate of the condenser is grounded, and the couple 5' 5' of the electrometer is connected with one pole of a Daniell cell, the other pole being grounded. The relation between the pressure employed and the electricity developed is de- termined as follows : Let D denote the potential of the Daniell cell, C the ca- pacity of the condenser, and .c the capacity of the system, FIG. 296. consisting of the plate B, the couple 55 and the conductors. For some pressure P t in the direction of the arrows, the needle of the electrometer will be at zero and the entire system charged to a potential D. That is, the pressure will have developed* a quantity Q=(C+c)>. If the condenser is removed the pressure necessary to bring the needle again to the zero position will be P t and the quantity de- veloped will be Q' = cD, hence for the pressure P F the quantity developed is Q Q' = CD, that is a quantity sufficient to charge a condenser of known capacity C to a known potential D. THEORY OF PYRO- AND PIEZO-ELECTRICITY.! Whenever the volume of a crystal is altered either by a tempera- ture change or by mechanical pressure a portion of the heat energy or mechanical energy may be converted into electric en- ergy, which, in poorly conducting crystals, will frequently be mani- fested by the accumulation of positive and negative charges at different points or poles. Conversely, as shown by Lippmann,J a section which becomes for instance, positively electric by normal pressure must, if charged with positive electricity, expand in the direction of the normal. In other words, the electric charges are functions of the change in ^volume. * Quantity equals capacity times potential. fW. Voigt, Wicd. Ann.,UV., 701, 1895. J G. Lippman, Ann. (.him. et Phys,, (5) XXIV, 145. 1 84 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. J. and P. Curie devised* a delicate apparatus for measuring the force of such expansions and the measured results for quartz, checked almost absolutely with the calculated results. Crystals symmetrical to a central point (Groups 2, 5, 8, 13, 15, 21, 22, 25, 27, 29, 30, 32) cannot develop opposite charges at the ends of a diameter. The apparent exceptions obtained by Harikel and others have not all been explained, but may in part be due to influences dependent on the method of conducting the operation, in other cases, barite, for instance, they have been ascribedf to twin structure. EFFECT OF ELECTROSTATIC FIELD UPON OPTICAL CHARACTERS. Kundt J coated two of the sides, parallel c, of a quartz parallel- opiped, with tin foil, connected these with the electrodes of a Holz machine and found that the circular interference rings became elliptical, the minor axes of the ellipses being parallel to the direc- tion of expansion produced by the charge. Pockels shows that the change is too great to be simply a consequence of the expan- sion and must be in part due to a direct influence of the electric force on the light motions. * Brief description Liebisch, Grundriss der Phys. Kryst., 481. t Beckenkamp, Zeit. f. Kryst., XXVII., 85. % Wied. Ann., XVIII., 228, 1893. \ F. Pockels, Abh. d. k. Ges. a. Gottingen, XXXIX., 1-204. CHAPTER XIV. ELASTIC AND PERMANENT DEFORMATION OF CRYSTALS. In an elastic substance the distance apart and relative position of the particles may be changed by mechanical force, and up to a certain so-called " elastic limit " the particles will, on removal of the force, regain their former position. Such a change is called an elastic deformation or form-alteration. Any strain or pressure in excess of the so-called " elastic limit " produces a permanent change of form. HOMOGENEOUS ELASTIC DEFORMATION. The only recorded experiments by pressure on all sides were made upon halite by aid of a piezometer.* The cubic compression coefficients have, however, been calculated by Voigt for a number of species. The same five classes result as with the homogeneous deformation produced by changes of temperature. The alteration produced by a change of temperature cannot be exactly compensated by uniform pressure on all sides except in the case of isometric crystals. f ELASTIC DEFORMATION DUE TO PRESSURE IN ONE DIRECTION. Observation shows that the extension or compression of any rod of length /, breadth b and thickness /, produced by a weight W WL acting in the direction of the length, is -rr E, in which E is a char- acteristic factor called the coefficient of extension. Obviously if W, /, b and / are unity, the extension becomes equal E, that is the coefficient of extension is the extension produced upon a unit rod by a unit weight. *R6ntgenand Schneider, Wied. Ann., XXXI., 1000, 1887. f Liebisch, Phys. Kryst, 1891, 576. 1 86 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. The most convenient method of obtaining the extension coeffi- cient for any direction in a crystal is by cutting a thin rod R, Fig, 297, of rectangular cross section, in the given direction, supporting it, as shown, upon the two rests A and B, and loading by a weight W connected with a centrally placed knife edge. The deflec- tion of the central section pro- duced by the weight is deter- mined by Koch as follows:* A FIG 2 rectangular glass prism P is placed just below and with one face parallel to the rod, and another face vertical. Monochro- matic light is reflected upon the hypothenuse face, and, very much as in the Fizeau apparatus, p. 167, interference bands are pro- duced by the rays reflected from the lower surface of the rod R and the upper surface of the prism P, and are viewed by a horizon- tal telescope through the vertical face. As the rod is bent an interference band coincides with the cross hair whenever the thickness of the air film is an odd multiple of J^A for the light used, that is the depression corresponding to the inter- val between two successive bands coincident with a cross hair is for sodium light 589.5 millionths of a millimeter. Denoting the central depression produced by any weight W by n the coefficient of extension in the direction of the length of the rod is given by the formulaf SURFACE OF EXTENSION COEFFICIENTS. Nine classes result from the measurements of extension coefficients of crystals. 1. Isometric crystals all yield an extension surface symmetrical to- nine planes and thirteen axes. The four central sections parallel to the octahedral planes are circles. The cubic axes are direc- tions of maximum or minimum extension and the octahedral axes are correspondingly minimum or maximum. 2. Hexagonal. Classes 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27. The exten- sion surface is a surface of rotation around c . Each vertical cen- tral plane and the horizontal central plane are planes of symmetry, * Wied. Ann., XVIIL, 325, 1883. f Groth, Phys. Kryst., III. ed., 203. ELASTIC DEFORMATION. 187 3. Hexagonal. Classes 18, 20, 21. The extension surface has one circular section horizontally through the center. In general the shape is that of a rhombohedron with rounded edges and angles symme- trical to three vertical planes and to a ternary vertical axis. Fig. 298 shows the section of the surface for calcite made by a principal section normal to a rhombic face, the dotted lines being the directions of greatest and least extension. Fig. 299 shows the section nor- mal to this. 4. Hexagonal. Classes 1 6 and 17. Like No. 3 but without the three vertical planes of symmetry. 5. Tetragonal. Classes n, 12, 14 and 15. 6. Tetragonal. Classes 9, 10 and 13. 7. Orthorhombic. The extension surface symmetrical to the three FIG. 298. FIG. 299. FIG. 300. FIG. 301. FIG. 302 pinacoidal planes. Figs. 300, 301, 302, show these sections for barite. 8. Monoclinic. The extension surface symmetrical to the clino- pinacoid and to the axis b. 9. Triclinic. No investigations are as yet recorded. EFFECT OF PRESSURE IN ONE DIRECTION UPON THE OPTICAL CHAR- ACTERS. If a rectangular parallelopipedon* C, Fig. 303, is compressed be- tween the parallel jaws of a screw press f in general the velocity of the ight vlibrating parallel to the pressure is increased. If the pres- sure is uniform the convergent light effects are studied by bring- ing the specimen over the stage of a polariscope, but if at all un- FIG. 303. * Pockels used rectangular parallelepipeds 13 mm. high, 25.5 broad and thick and compressed from 30 k. g. with quartz to 2 k. g. for sylvite per sq. mm. fFor press recording pressure exerted see Groth, Phys. Kryst., III. ed., 215. 1 88 CHARACTERS OF CRYS1ALS. equal, determinations in parallel light of vibration directions, faster and slower ray and strength of double refraction are more safe. Amorphous Substances. Glass* gives under compression a negatively uniaxial figure the optic axis parallel to the direction of pressure ; that is c parallel a, or the ray vibrating parallel to the pressure is the more rapidly transmitted. Optically Isotropic Crystals. In general become biaxial but when the pressure is applied parallel to the cubic (quaternary) or octahedral (ternary) axes the crystal becomes uniaxial. Optically Uniaxial Crystals (Denoting by a, b, c the principal vibra- tion directions and also velocities). In positive crystals c is parallel to c and a = b > c, while in nega- tive crystals c is parallel to a and a > b = c- Pressure parallel to c, in positive crystals, will cause c to approach a and possibly to equal (isotropy) or exceed it (negative) ; while in negative crys- tals pressure will only make a still greater. In either positive or negative crystals pressure!, parallel a, will make the three veloci- ties a, b, c unequal, that is develope a biaxial structure. Optically Biaxial Crystals. The relations are more complex. Pressure perpendicular to the plane of the optic axis decreases the axial angle in positive crystals, and the crystal may be, as with heat, p. 170, for a certain pressure uniaxial or the axes may pass into a plane at right angles to their former position ; with negative crystals the axial angle is. increased. Pressure parallel to the obtuse bisectrix will in positive crystals increase the axial angle and in negative crystals decrease it. CLEAVAGE. In crystals the elastic limit varies with the direction, that is, in certain directions there is a weaker cohesion of the particles than there is in others, and many crystals tend to separate or cleave * If the pressure is not uniformly applied at all points of the opposite surface the effect may resemble biaxial lemniscates. f The centre of each ring system thus developed in quartz is colored, that is parallel to each optic axis there is a rotation, and it has been shown that in these directions t wo elliptically polarized waves are transmitted. PERMANENT. DEFORMATION. 189 along more or less smooth plane surfaces normal to these direc- tions of weaker cohesion. This is undoubtedly due to the fact that whatever form of reg- ular grouping of particles may exist in a crystal, ad- jacent molecular planes in certain directions will be further apart than adjacent planes in other directions, and, therefore, held together with less force. For in- stance, in Fig. 304, it is evi- dent that the closer the par- FIG. 304. tides are along any direction ab t cd, ef y gh the greater is the distance to the adjacent row a'&', c'd', e t f t ,g t h l , and as undoubtedly the fur- ther apart the particles are the weaker their cohesion, cleavage will be most likely to occur parallel to the planes in which the crystal molcules are most closely* packed. The same general relations exist for elastic and permanent de- formation.t Cleavage will therefore be expected normal to the di- rection of greatest elastic extension, therefore parallel to faces with simple indices. The possible cleavage directions are : System. Cleavage Form. i Isometric. Hexahedron. Octahedron. Rhombic Dodecahedron. Hexagonal. Basal Pinacoid. Hexagonal Prism. Rhombohedron. Hexagonal Pyramid (rarely). Tetragonal. Basal Pinacoid. Tetragonal Prism. Tetragonal Pyramid (rarely). Orthorhombic. Pinacoid. Prisms or Domes. Pyramid. Monoclinic. Clinopinacoid. Basal pinacoid. Orthopinacoid. Orthodome. Prism. Pyramid (rarely). In triclinic crystals there can only be equally easy cleavage parallel to one plane. Nevertheless if there is a direction of nearly perfect cleavage one of the principal vi- bration directions will be approximately normal to this and the two others parallel thereto. * The densest planes are usually the faces of common forms with simple indices, f Groth, Phys. Kryst., III. ed., 229. Examples. Galenite. Fluorite, diamond. Sphalerite. Beryl, pyrosmalite. Nephelite, apatite. Calcite, siderite. Pyromorphite. Apophyllite. Rutile, wernerite. Scheelite. Anhydrite, topaz. Barite. Sulphur. Orthoclase, gypsum. Muscovite, orthoclase. Epidote. Epidote. Pyroxene, amphibole. Gypsum. CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. GLIDING PLANES. In those directions ef,gh, Fig. 304 in which the adjacent molecular planes are closest together and therefore most strongly held to- gether it sometimes happens that under tangential pressure the particles glide or rotate, without separation, into a new position of equilibrium. This phenomenon has been observed in calcite, pyroxene, anhy- drite, stibnite and other minerals. In calcite for instance let ab'c'd Fig. 305 represent a section through the optic axis normal to a rhombic face (see abed, Fig. 222) then will ac f t the optic axis, make an angle of 63 45' with ad t the direction of y 2 R, and an angle of 45 23^' with ab 1 the short diagonal of a cleavage face. FIG. 305. FIG. 306. If pressure is applied gradually in the direction of the arrows, that is parallel to ad t there will be produced, about some plane ef parallel to ad, a gliding or rotation of the particles until eV has taken the position eb at which feb = 180 feb' = 70 5 1 y 2 ! In this rotated portion the optic axis will be bd r making with the optic axis ac' of the unchanged portion an angle of 52 30' as shown. Instead of rotation about a single plane ef there may be rotation about several parallel planes as in Fig. 306 producing twin lamellae. If a little calcite cleavage is placed, as in Fig. 307, with an edge ad of a larger angle resting upon a steady support and the blade of a knife is pressed steadily down at some point i of the opposite PERMANENT DEFORMATION. 191 edge the portion of the crystal between z and c will be slowly pushed as indicated into a new position of equilibrium as if by rota- tion about fghm, or y 2 R, until the new face^vr'/z and the old face gch make equal angles with fghm. If carefully done gcfh will be a perfect plane , but more frequently it is step like and the rotated portion is apt to separate at the'gliding plane. FIG. 307. FIG. 308. In the described phenomenon of gliding the particles evidently assume new relative positions. If however a rod of ice of square cross section is cut with one pair of long faces parallel to the optic axis the other perpendicular to the optic axis and a bending pres- sure, Fig. 308, applied normal to the axis there is no change in the direction of the optic axis, indicated by the arrows, nor any especial point at which the movement ceases ; that is the particles have evi- dently slipped* without change in orientation. This has been called TRANSLATION. PARTING. The planes along which a slipping has occurred, although pre- viously directions of maximum normal cohesion may thereafter be planes of easy separation or Parting,\ differing from true cleavage, however, because in parting the easy separation is limited to the planes of actual molecular disturbance while true cleavage is obtained with equal ease in any part of the crystal. PERCUSSION FIGURES. If a rod with a slightly rounded point is pressed FIG. 309. *Mugge, Neues Jahrb.f. Min., 1895, JI - 2I1 - f Similar planes of easy separation may be due to other causes, for instance, during the growth of a crystal the planes at certain intervals may be coated with dust or fine lamellae of a foreign substance and later the crystal may grow further. This may be repeated several times forming thus parallel planes of easy separation, e. g. t capped quartz. 192 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. against a firmly supported plate of mica and sharply tapped with a light hammer, three planes of easy separation will be developed as indicated by little cracks radiating * from the point, Fig. 309. One of these is always parallel to the ortho axis b, the others are at a definite angle x thereto of 53 to 56 in muscovite, 59 in lepidolite, 60 in biotite, 61 to 63 in phlogopite. In halite, in the same way, on cube faces a cross is developed with the arms parallel to the diagonals of the face, while on an octahedral face a three-rayed star is developed. CORROSION AND ETCHING. Liquids or gases do not dissolve or attack chemically a crystal with equal rapidity in all directions.*]" This may be shown experimentally by treating a sphere of the crystal in a solvent as, for instance, a sphere of quartz in hydro- fluoric acid ; or plates of different orientation may be placed for an equal time in the same solvent and their decrease in thickness compared. ETCH FIGURES. The attack of any liquid or gas upon any crystal face does not commence at the same time at all points but proceeds from certain points first and later from others. From each point of attack the action proceeds with different velocities in crystallographically different directions and if stopped at the right time the face will be found to be pitted with little an- gular etch cavities of definite shape. As these increase in number and size they finally reach a stage when they either touch or are separated only by little elevations, etch hills, the sides of which are the faces of the etch cavities. SHAPE OF ETCH FIGURES. Provided the same conditions exist of solvent, time and tem- perature, the etch figures developed on any one face of a crystal will be of the same shape and in parallel position plane for plane. On similar faces the etch figures will be alike, and on dissimilar faces will be unlike. * By pressure alone three cracks diagonal to these are developed. f Growth and solution appear to be reciprocal and the predominating faces of crystals growing in a solvent are the very planes which oppose greatest resistance to solution in that solvent. PERMANENT. DEFORMATION 193 The figures produced by solutions of different strength are not necessarily exactly the same, and with different solvents there may be a still greater difference,* as strikingly illustrated by the tests of Baumhauer f upon apatite with hydrochloric and sul- phuric acids. Fig. 310 represents the etch figures in general, but FIG. 310. FIG. 311. the basal planes treated with hydrochloric acid show side by side, dark deeply etched figures, usually consisting of a negative third order pyramid truncated by the base a, Fig. 311 ; and lighter less deep figures, usually a positive third order pyramid, ft, Fig. 311. With 100 per cent, acid the dark a figures are negative, but ap- proximately second order pyramid, while the lighter images ft are positive and also near the second order. If weaker solutions are used, the figures are differently oriented. With sulphuric acid still different orientations are obtained. The following are the average values obtained for e, Fig. 31 1, for different strengths, 100% HC1 being Sp. Gr. 1. 1 30 and 100% H 2 SO 4 aSp. Gr. of 1.836. ioo 60 50 20 10 5 i per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. a figures HC1 ( ) 2 7 2 o' ( ) 22 57 ' ( ) 2 o 4 8' ( ) l8 44 ' ( ) i82i' ( ) i8 5 ' ( ) I 7 34' j3 figures HCl (+)2 7 io' (-f)28s6' (+)26 4 o' ( + ) 2 8 3 i' (+)28 3 i' ( )2 7 4 i' ( ) i 7 o 34 ' figures H S S0 4 (+)i 3 7 ' (+) 8 35 ' (+)ito S (-) i939' (-) l6 S*' (-) '3 6 ' SYMMETRY OF ETCH FIGURES. Whatever the solvent, the etch figures conform to the symmetry of the class to which the crystal belongs, and are rarely the limit * For this reason it is not safe to assume any relation between the shapes of the etch figures and of the crystal molecule. f Ber. Ak. Milnchen, 1887 , p. 457. 194 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. forms common to several classes. Although the first developed etch figures may be the simple forms bounded by the planes of greatest resistance to solution, these are soon modified by other planes with complex indices, because the saturated solution in each cavity FIG. 312. FIG. 313. is replaced much more slowly near the bottom than near the border, and the attack is slower. The etch figures serve, there- fore, as an important means (perhaps next to geometric form the most important) for determining the true grade of symmetry of a crystal. For instance, Figs. 312 and 3 1 3 show the shape and direc- tion of the etch figures on cubes of galenite and sylvite, respec- tively. Fig. 314 shows the planes and axes proper to class 32, the highest grade of symmetry in the isometric system. Evidently the etch figures of galena satisfy all of these, whereas those of sylvite are not symmetrical to the planes of symmetry, but are to the axes. That is, galenite belongs to class 32, sylvite to class 29. FIG. 314. FIG. 315. Similarly Figs. 316 and 317 show the shape and direction of etch figures on rhombohedra of calcite and dolomite, respectively. Fig. 315 shows the planes and axes of symmetry of class 21. The etch figures of calcite satisfy all of these, while those of dolomite are PERMANENT DEFORMATION. 195 not symmetrical to the planes of symmetry, but are to the axes. That is, calcite belongs to class 21, dolomite to class 17. FIG. 316. FIG 317. Similarly, the etch figures of wulfenite Fig. 318 show the min- eral to belong to class 10, and the etch figures of pyroxene Fig. 319 show it to belong to class 5. MANIPULATION. No general rule can be given, it being principally a question of ease of solution. The operation may consist merely in a slight pressure from a rag moistened with water, or the sliding of the crystal across a moistened spot in smooth filter paper, or, more frequently, the crystal is immersed for various periods in one of the mineral acids, caustic alkalis, or the mother liquor, hot, warm or cold, dilute or concentrated. High pressure steam, water, hydro- fluoric acid, a pasty solution of caustic potash at 100 to 150 C., or even a red-hot fusion of acid potassium sulphate and fluorite have been used. FIG 318. FIG. 319. Natural faces are usually most satisfactory for etching ; cleavages are sometimes successfully etched. The etch figures are usually microscopic, and if large are not apt to be sharp and distinct. 196 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. CORROSION FACES. The continued action of a solvent may dissolve away certain crys- tal edges, replacing them by planes conforming in symmetry to that of the crystal. These planes have been called corrosion faces. HARDNESS. The resistance of a smooth plane surface to abrasion is called the hardness, and is commonly recorded in terms of a decimal scale of ten common minerals selected by Mohs. In the light of the later more exact methods it is seen that there is no even ap- proximately common difference in hardness between neighboring members* of this scale. More exact methods, in which greater uniformity in pressure, cutting edge, condition and position of surface, etc., have been used by various experimenters. Exner f and others supported the crystal upon a little carriage moving on a horizontal track. The face to be tested was horizontal, the pressure p on the scratching point of steel or diamond was vertical and the carriage was moved back and forth by a weight W. The method preferred by Exner was with ^constant to determine the pressure/ necessary to pro- duce a visible scratch. From the results obtained Exner constructed the so-called hardness curves, for instance, Fig. 320 represents a dodecahedral cleavage face of sphalerite, radii are laid off from the center, each of a length proportionate to the value of /, for that direction and by connecting their ends a symmetrical figure is obtained, show- ing six directions of maximum and six of minimum hardness. * Jaggar gives the following comparison of the hardness of the minerals of the Mohs scale Amer. Journ. Sci., IV., 411, 1897 : Scale of Pfaff by Jaggar by Rosiwal by Mohs. boring with a boring with a grinding with a diamond point. diamond point. standard powder. 1. Talc, laminated 2. Gypsum, crystallized 12.03 .04 .34 3. Calcite, transparent 15.3 .26 2.68 4. Fluorite, crystalline 37.3 .75 4-7 5. Apatite, transparent 53.5 1.23 6.20 6. Orthoclase, white cleavable 191. 25. 28.7 7. Quartz, transparent 254. 40. 149. 8. Topaz, transparent 459. 152. 138. 9. Sapphire, cleavable 1000. 1000. 1000. -j- Harte an Krystallflachen, 38, 60, 103, 164. PERM AN EN T DEFORM A TION. 197 Similarly in Fig. 321 a basal plane of barite shows a figure of lower symmetry. The results of Exner show that the variations in hardness ob- served in any crystal are dependent upon the cleavages. Faces not cut by cleavage planes have constant hardness in all directions, while faces intersected by cleavage planes show minimum hard- ness parallel to the intersection with the cleavage plane and if the cleavages are of unequal ease the minimum hardness is parallel to the plane of easiest cleavage. So absolute is this relation that it may be expressed algebraically. Very similar apparatus was used by Franz and Turner,* the mineral, however, being fixed and the point moving. FIG. 320. FIG. 321. PfafTf drew a diamond splinter of definite shape 100 times back and forth in one place, then shifted and repeated, widening the groove. The loss in weight of the crystal for the same number of movements of the diamond over the same area and with a constant pressure serve as approximate values for hardness, i. e., hardness is inversely as the loss in weight. PfafT also used a revolving diamond point. For equally deep penetration the hardness was as the num- ber of revolutions. Jaggar J designed an attachment to the microscope, in which the point of a cleavage tetrahedron of diamond is rotated at a uni- form rate and under uniform pressure until a cut of uniform depth is obtained (measured by focusing on the rulings of a Zeiss mi- crometer glass, which is slightly inclined and follows the downward movement of the diamond point). The number of rotations of the point varies as the resistance of the mineral to abrasion by diamond. * Proc. Phil. Soc. Birmingham, 1886. \ Ber. Ak. Munchen, 1883, 1884. \ Microsclerometer, for determining Hardness of Minerals. T. A. Jaggar, Jr. Amer. Jour. '., IV., Vol. IV., 399, 1897. 198 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. The effect of grinding has also been used as a test for hardness, for instance, Jannetaz and Goldberg* employed a so-called " Us- ometer," consisting of a rotating grinding disc, upon which four plates, the hardness of which is to be determined, were pressed by normally acting weights, the loss of weight of each giving the rela- tive hardness. THE METHODS OF STATIC PRESSURE. Following the definition of hardness given by Hertz, Auerbach devised a method in which a piano convex lens of any mineral is pressed against a horizontal plate of the same mineral. Both are bent and touch throughout a circular space, and for some pressure P the elastic limit is reached, at which there is produced, if the mineral is brittle, a circular fissure, or, if the mineral is tough, a circular permanent indentation. According to Auerbach f the limit pressure P l upon a square mm. of surface varies with the radius p of the lens, but the product of P l into the cube root of this radius p is essentially constant and may be called the Absolute Hardness, that is On this basis he determines J the absolute values of the Moh's scale to be: corundum, 1,150; topaz, 525 ; quartz, 308; orthoclase, 253; apatite, 237; fluorite, no; calcite, 92 ; gypsum, 14. * Ass. franc, p. /. avanc. d. sc., IX., Aug., 1895. fF. Auerbach. Wied. Ann., XLIIL, 61 ; XLV., 262, 277. I Wied. Ann., LVIIL, 357. APPENDIX. SUGGESTED OUTLINE OF A COURSE IN PHYSICAL CRYSTALLOGRPHY. PRELIMINARY EXPERIMENTS. In order to secure systematic work the following outline of experiments has been prepared : A. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERS. Preliminary practice should be given with crystal models in the study of the thirty two classes and the Miller indices, also in the use of the zonal equations and in stereographic projections. The hand goniometer and the 743 model set of Krantz furnish excellent practice. 1. MEASUREMENT OF CRYSTALS. (Pp. 62-75.) Practice should first be given in accurate adjustment and measurement of a known angle, for instance the cleavage angle of calcite. Crystals of known system may then be measured, the elementary planes (p. 13) being chosen and, by a preliminary examination, the zones noted and the angles selected which it will be necessary to measure in order to determine the elements of the crystals and the indices of the faces. Practice should, if possible, be given : NJ (a) With horizontal circle goniometer. Babinet or Fuess. (b) With vertical circle goniometer. Wollaston, Mallard or Groth. *(^) With two circle (theodolite) goniometer. 2. DETERMINATION OF ELEMENTS, in part by spherical triangles (p. 6), in part by special formulas. (Pp. 13-15, 34, 38, 45, 56.) 3. DETERMINATION OF INDICES AND ANGLES. In so far as possible by zonal equations (pp. 1 7-20) but also by spherical triangles and spe- cial equations. 4. CRYSTALS PROJECTION OR DRAWING. In addition to the free -hand perspective and stereographic projections needed in the measuremeut, accurate drawings by the various methods should be prepared, especially : (a) Stereographic projection. (Pp. 20-24.) (b) Clinographic prospective. (Pp. 76-84.) * Chas. Palache. Am. Jour. Sci. S. 4, Vol. II., p. 279, 1896. 200 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. B. OPTICAL CHARACTERS. >/5. DOUBLE REFRACTION AND POLARIZATION. (Pp. 97.100.) With mounted calcite rhombs. (P. 97.) (#) A ray of common light through one rhomb, is split into two rays of approximately equal intensity which remain always in a principal section. (b) If one of these rays is sent through a second calcite rhomb, the two resultant rays vary in intensity as if due to a resolution of a vibration parallel (or perpendicular) to the principal section of the first rhomb, into components parallel and perpendicular to the principal section of the second rhomb. V 6. DETERMINATION OF INDICES OF REFRACTION, with monochromatic light. Graphic determination (pp. 86-90) of the direction of the refracted ray and of the ray incident at the critical angle should be made with as- sumed indices, after which measurements should be made both upon singly and doubly refracting crystals by : (a) Prism method. (Pp. 88-90, 103, 146-147.) () Total reflection methods. (Pp. 90-95, 104, i47d.) (c*) Displacement method. (Pp. 120.) If singly refracting, the substance will yield the same index for all di- rections. If doubly refracting the principal indices will only be yielded in certain directions. v 7. PROPUCTION OF POLARIZED LIGHT. (Pp. 105-110.) Examination of Nicol and Hartnack prisms (double refraction and total reflection), tourmaline pincers (double refraction and absorption), glass plate polarizers (reflection or refraction). Polariscopes (combina- tions of two polarizers), including older types Norremberg, and later types of Universal Apparatus, and Polarizing Microscopes. N 8. DETERMINATION OF EXTINCTION (VIBRATION) DIRECTIONS. (Pp. 117, J 450 With polariscope (or polarizing microscope) and monochromatic par- allel light, sections between crossed nicols are black when, Fig. 237, tp = 90, 180, 270, 360, and midway between show brightest illumi- nation. With white light use a test plate (gypsum red) or special eye piece. Re- sults are less accurate if there is marked dispersion. The section, if too thick, will admit rays at directions not normal, pre- venting perfect extinction. Sections of enstatite and pyroxene illustrate respectively parallel and oblique ex- tinction. APPENDIX. 201 9. INTERFERENCE OF PLANE POLARIZED RAYS. (Pp. 110-115.) (a) With monochromatic parallel light and crossed nicols, extinction (throughout revolution) takes place when J = A, 2/1, 3^, etc., and for J = i/l, |-A, |^ there is the brightest illumination. (b) With white parallel light Newton's colors of i, 2, 3, etc., order result. Wedges of quartz, gypsum, or mica, or plates of different thickness of any mineral serve for illustration. ,/ 10. DETERMINATION OF A AND n^ n. (Pp. 118-119.) By the v. Federow mica wedge, quartz wedge or Babinet compensator J is found and checked by color chart. Obtain n l n by formula J = t(n^ ;/) , / being measured. Use the sections of tests 8 and 9. \/ ii. DETERMINATION OF VIBRATION DIRECTION OF FASTER RAY. (Pp. 118.) By test plate of mica or gypsum or by wedge of quartz or mica. Use the sections of tests 8 and 9. 12. OPTICALLY ISOTROPIC CRYSTALS. Between crossed nicols, with either parallel or convergent light all sections remain dark throughout rotation. The index of refraction is in- dependent of the direction. Use sections garnet, haiiynite, nosite, etc. 13. OPTICALLY UNIAXIAL CRYSTALS. Models of positive and negative ray surfaces and indicatrices should be studied. (Pp. 100-102.) (a) Sections normal c between crossed nicols. In parallel light the sec- tion (if not too thick) remains dark throughout rotation. In convergent monochromatic light the arms of the cross remain fixed during rotation of the plate, the rings are wider apart in thinner sections, and with white light are colored in the order of Newton's colors. (Pp. 110-117.) (b) Sections parallel c : interference hyperbolae in monochromatic light and approximate indices by displacement. (Pp. 116.) (c) Sections oblique to c. (Pp. no, 112, 116.) (d) Determine character of ray surface by different methods. (Pp. I2O-I2I.) Sections of zircon, quartz, calcite, beryl, and apatite form a good series. 14. UNIAXIAL CYSTALS IN WHICH c is A DIRECTION OF CIRCULAR POLARIZATION. (Pp. 122-130). (a) Circular and elliptical polarization, with Fresnel rhombs. () Sections normal c, with parallel light. 202 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. Monochromatic, determine the direction and amount of rotation of analyzer to produce extinction. White, note the sequence of colors on rotation of the analyzer. (V) In section normal c, with convergent light. (Pp. 127.) Monochromatic, interference figure, giving the inter-wound spirals with *^ undulation plate, or with superposed right and left sections. White light, interference figures with colored center, changing on rota- tion of analyzer in the same sequence as for parallel light. (d) Sections parallel or oblique to c essentially conform to 13 () and (c). Use sections of quartz and cinnabar. Compare thickness of quartz wedges cut re- spectively parallel and normal to c, which give the same color. 15. BIAXIAL CRYSTALS. Models of positive and negative ray surfaces and indicatrices should be studied. Given three principal indices of refraction for yellow light construct the three optical principal sections. (Pp. 132-137.) (a) In sections normal to the acute bisectrix. 1. In parallel light essentially as in tests 8 and 9. The relation of the vibration (extinction) direction to any cleavage or crystalline outline should be noted. (Pp. 137, 138.) 2. In convergent monochromatic light leminiscates depend upon thick- ness, but the distance apart of the axial points does not. (Pp. 138, 139.) 3. In convergent white light determine character of dispersion. (Pp. 140-144.) Examine models of dispersion. 4. Determine character of Ray Surface. (Pp. 154.) Sections of aragonite, niter, cerussite, barite, calamine, topaz, gypsum, titanite, di- opside, orthoclase, borax, heulandite, muscovite and phlogopite illustrate all phases. () In sections normal to an optic axis in parallel monochromatic light there is a uniform illumination of the field, in convergent monochromatic light will be seen rings and one dark arm, which rotates in opposite di- rection to the stage. (Pp. 137-139.) #16. ORIENTATION OF a, b and c, IN BIAXIAL CRYSTALS. (Pp. 145, 146.) By extinction directions and interference figures in variously oriented pairs of parallel planes (natural faces, cleavages or planes obtained by grinding). Use suite of sections or crystals of one substance. 17. DETERMINATION OF ANGLE BETWEEN OPTIC AXES. (Pp. 148-154.) (a) By measurement of apparent angle in sections normal to the bisec- trices either by rotation about b, with universal apparatus or its equiva- lent, in air or in a liquid of known index (pp. 148-150, 152), or by measurement of the distance apart of the emerging axes in a microscope or pclariscope. (Pp. 151.) APPENDIX. 203 (&) By measurement with entire crystal in a liquid of approximately or exactly the same index as the crystal. (Pp. 151.) Use sections of muscovite and complete crystals. 18. ABSORPTION AND PLEOCHROISM. .(Pp. 96, 130, 131, 155-159-) In isotropic crystals there is no pleochroism, but there may be either color (unequal absorption) or no color (equal absorption). The absorp- tion is independent of the direction. In uniaxial crystals there is no pleochroism for transmission parallel c, but there may be pleochroism in other directions with greatest differ- ences for transmission normal to c . In biaxial crystals the greatest differences in color are for rays vibrating parallel to certain directions which in orthorhombic crystals are a b c, in monoclinic crystals, one is b and in triclinic they are not related to the crystal axes. Sections of vesuvianite, tourmaline, penninite, iolite, andalusite, chrysoberyl, epi- dote, titanite and axinite. Absorption tufts in epidote and andalusite. ^19. MICA COMBINATIONS. (Pp. 161-162.) Production of uniaxial interference figure and rotation of plane of vi- bration by piling mica plates. C. THERMAL CHARACTERS. 20. CONDUCTIVITY. (Pp. 164-165.) Illustrate surface conductivity by methods of Rontgen and Voigt, obtain- ing circular figures in isotropic or in uniaxial normal to c , but in other sections ellipses in which note relation of axes of ellipse to crystal axes. *2i. EXPANSION. (Pp. 166-171.) Indirect determination by observing the effect of heat upon the optical characters, especially the effect upon the position of the optic axes. (P. 170.) Sections of gypsum. Indirect determination by observing change in diedral angle with cal- cite cleavage. (P. 169.) D. ELECTRICAL AND MAGNETIC CHARACTERS. 22. MAGNETIC INDUCTION. (Pp. 172, 175.) Suspension between the poles of an electromagnet of a small mass no too unequal in dimensions. Isometric Crystals indifferent equilibrium for all positions. 204 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. Tertragonal or Hexagonal Crystals. With c vertical all positions are in indifferent equilibrium, but with c horizontal it takes either axial or equatorial position. Note -j- and paramagnetic or diamagnetic character. Crystals without any axis of magnetic isotropy (orthorhombic, mono- clinic, triclinic). Determine position and relative strengths of magnetization axes. (P- 1730 Experiments illustrating electrical transmission (p. 175), conductivity (p. 175), thermoelectric currents (p. 176), or dielectric induction (p- 177), may be devised when apparatus is available. 23. PVROELECTRICITY. (Pp. 180-182.) Qualitatively by Kundt's dusting with sulphur and minium upon crystal while undergoing uniform change of temperature. Quantitatively by self -charging electrometer. Crystals of tourmaline and quartz. 24. PIEZOELECTRICITY. (Pp. 182-183.) Qualitatively by Kundt's method, developing the strain either by un- equal heating, or by direct pressure. Basal Sections of Quartz. E. CHARACTERS DEPENDENT UPON ELECTICITY AND COHESION. 27. ELASTIC DEFORMATION FROM PRESSURE IN ONE DIRECTION. (Pp. 185-188.) Effect of pressure in one direction upon the optical characters of cubes of glass and of different minerals. 28. CLEAVAGE ANG GLIDING PLANES. (Pp. 189-191.) In Calcite, Pyroxene, Stibnite and the Micas. 29. ETCH FIGURES (192196.) Examination of suite of Apatite, Calcite, Calamine, etc. SYSTEMATIC EXAMINATION* OF THE CRYSTALS OF ANY SUBSTANCE. The objects are to obtain a record of the physical characters for differ- ent directions, and to determine, from the physically equivalent direc- tions, the grade of structural symmetry. The best crystals (p. 69), are chosen, the symmetry judged by exami- nation with a hand glass or microscope and checked by an approximate * Based upon Groth, Phys. Kryst., III., 537-543. APPENDIX. 205 determination of extinction directions (p. 117, 145), and possibly of in- terference figures (115, 127, 138). Great assistance may here be given by a rotation apparatus (p. 151, 152). The crystals are sketched and letters assigned to the faces. Elemen- tary planes (p. 13) are chosen parallel' to cleavages (p. 189) or according to prominence. GEOMETRIC CHARACTERS OR SYMMETRY OF GROWTH. The crystals are mounted, centered and measured (pp. 63-70), by zones, precedence being given to the angles between the elementary planes. A record is kept, as described (p. 71), and also upon a free hand stereographic projection (p. 20). A quality mark is assigned (p. 70), to each reflection and used in the averaging. The elements are calculated (pp. 30, 34, 38, 45, 56, 61) by the for- mulae given or by spherical triangles (p. 6). The indices are determined in general by intersecting zones (p. 17-19), and all angles are calcula- ted from the indices and elementary angles by solution of the spherical triangles (p. 6), in the stereographic projection, or by special formulae, or by zonal equations, and compared with the measured angles. One or more perspective drawings are then made. (Pp. 76-84.) ETCH FIGURES, OR THE SYMMETRY OF SOLUTION. Experience shows that the symmetry of the etch figure is almost in- variably the true structural symmetry of the crystal. More than one sol- vent should be tried and the conditions varied. OPTICAL CHARACTERS AND SYMMETRY. For transparent crystals the optical characters are the safest proof of symmetry, often proving apparently simple crystals to be complex. The optical constants for transmission are a, ft and y (133) for light of different wave-length (89) and their orientation (145) and direct meas- urement by the prism method (88, 103, 146) or by total reflection (90, 104, 147) for light of each of Frauenhofer's lines is sometimes made. More frequently the determination is limited to the orientation and to constants dependent on a, ft and ^, such as retardation (118), strength of double refraction (ii9),character of ray surface (120, 154), and, if biaxial, angle between optic axes (148). These determinations are for sodium flame and possibly for lithium and thallium (89). If biaxial the interfer- ence figure should also be observed in white light for dispersion (132-144). Absorption and pleochroism are determined (96, 130, 155). If the crystals show a rotation of the plane of polarization (123) the amount (129) and direction (128) is determined. 206 CHARACTERS OF CRYSTALS. THE REMAINING PHYSICAL CHARACTERS. The most frequently used tests remaining are the effects of heat, elec- tricity and pressure upon the optical characters. In addition, however, and especially in minerals opaque to light the following may be determined without very elaborate apparatus. (#) The heat conductivity, Rontgen or Voigt methods (p. 164). (b) The pyroelectric charges, Kundt's method (p. 180). (<:) Cleavage (p. 189), gliding planes (p. 190), percussion figures (p. 192). Thermal expansion, Magnetic Induction, Electrical conductivity, Thermoelectric currents, Dielectric induction, Elastic deformation rarely form part of an investigation. The ascertained facts may be conveniently recorded as suggested by Groth* and constitute a Crystallographic description. (#) Class of Symmetry. () Geometric Characters. Elements, Enumeration of forms and description of habit with per- spective drawings, Twinnings, Conditions of temperature solution, etc., in production of crystals. (V) Cleavages, Tabulation of measured and calculated angles, Gliding Planes and Etch Figures. (d} Optical Characters. (i) Other physical characters. * Phys. Kryst, III., 543. INDEX. Abbe, total reflectometer, 95. Absolute hardness, 198. Absorption, 96, 130, 155. Absorption bands, 1 60. Absorption axes, 155. Absorption, measurement'of relative, 156. Absorption tufts, 148. Adjustments, Fuess' goniometer, 68. Airy's spirals, 128. Amplitude, 85. Analyzer, 107. Analogue pole, 180. Angle alteration by expansion, 1 68. Angles between crystal axes, determining, *3- Angles between axial planes, 13. Angles between optic axes, 148. Angles between any two planes, 46. Angles, constancy of interfacial, 3. Angles and indices, relations between, 29, 39, 46, 62. Antilogue pole, 1 80. Auerbach, absolute hardness, 198. Apparent axial angle, 148. Axes, 8, ii. Axes, changing, 19. Axes, equivalent, II. Axes of elasticity, 101. Axes, optic, 97, 122, 124, 131, 133, 148. Axial angle, measurement, 148. Axial angle, calculation, 153. Axial angle changed by heat, 170. Axial angle apparatus, 149. Axial cross, 80. Axial image, 115, 127, 140. Axial plane, 135. Babinet, compensator, 118. Basal pinacoid, 32, 37, 44, 50, 54. Basal plane, 32, 37, 44, 50, 54. Basal section, superposition, 121. Becke, method indices of refraction, 120. Becquerel, magnetism, 172. Beijerinck, electrical conductivity, 176. Bending rods of crystals, 186. Bergman, Torbern, 3. Bernhardi, 7. Bertrand, eyepiece, 117. Bertrand, lens, 150. Bertrand, prism, 105. Biaxial crystals, 132. Biot, quartz plate, 130. Bipyramids, 44, 50, 54. Bipyramidal classes, 36, 41, 42, 48, 49, .52, 53- Biquartz, 130. Biradials, 133. Bisectrices, 136, 148. Bisphenoids, 44. Bisphenoidal classes, 35, 40. Body colors, 160. Bolzman, method dielectricity, 179. Bose, electrical polariscope, 175. Brightest illumination, 73. Bromnaphthalin, a, 95. Calculation of crystals, 28, 33, 38, 45, 55, 6l. Centering, 65, 71. Character of ray surface, 120, 154. Circular polarization, 95, 122, 126. Cleavage, 5, 188. Clinographic parallel perspective, 79. Collimator, 65. Cohesion, 188. Color distribution in lemniscates, 140, 143. Color rings, 115. Color tints, 96. Colors, interference, 113. Colors, surface and body, 160. Compensators, 118. Conical refraction, 135, 136. Constants, optical, 103, 145. Composite crystals, 73. Contact goniometer, 3, 63. j Conductivity, electrical, 175. Conductivity, thermal, 164. Convergent light, 107. Corrosion faces, 196. Critical angle, 91. Cross and rings, 115. Crossed dispersion, 143. Crystal, definition, I. Crystals in rock sections, 154. Crystal carrier, 67. Curie, piezoelectric method, 182. Decretion, 7. Deformation, elastic, 185. Deformation, permanent, 188. Deformation, effect on optical characters 187. Derivation, II. Diamagnetism, 172. Dichroscope, 131. Dielectric coefficients, 179. Dielectric induction, 177. Dihexagonal bipyramid, class of, 53. Dihexagonal prism, 50, 54. Dihexagonal pyramid, class of, 53. | Diploid, class of, 58. I Dispersion of axes, 132, 140. 208 INDEX. Dispersion of the bisectrices, 132, 141, 144, Displacement method, 120. Ditetragonal bipyramid, class of, 42. Ditetragonal prism, 44. Ditetragonal pyramid, class, 44. Ditrigonal bipyramid, class, 49. Ditrigonal prism, 50. Ditrigonal pyramid, class, 48. Ditrigonal scalenohedron, class, 48. Dogtooth spar, 3. Domes, 32, 37. Dome class, 31. Double refraction in calcite, 97. Double refraction by pressure, 188. Double refraction of electric rays, 175. Double refraction of heat rays, 163. Drawing, 76. Dull faces, 73. Edges, 82. Elastic deformation by pressure, 185. Elastic limit, 188. Electric polariscope, 175. Electrical conductivity, 175. Electro-optical phenomena, 184. Elementary planes, 13. Elements determination, 30, 34, 38, 45, 56,61. Elements of a crystal, 13. Elliptical polarization, 122, 123. Enantiomorphs, 125, 126. Etch figures, 192. Ether, 85. Exner's hardness curves, 197. Expansion by electric charge, 183. Expansion measurements, 167, 168, 169. Expansion by heat, 166. Extension coefficients, 186. Extension surfaces, 186. Extinction, 117, 145. Extinction directions and optic axes, 137 Fizeau, expansion measurements, 167. Fluorescence, 160. Foucault, prism, 105. Fresnel, rhomb, 123. Fuess, goniometer, 66. Fuess, microscope, 108. Fundamental form, 9. Fundamental law of crystals, II. Gahn, 3. Gaugain, pyroelectricity, 181. Glans, spectrophotometer, 156. Gliding planes, 190. Goldschmidt, projection, 76. Goniometer, application, 3, 63. Goniometer, reflection, 63, 64. Goniometers with horizontal axes, 64. Goniometers with vertical axes, 66. Goniometer, two-circle, 74. Glycerine, 95. Graphic method, 9. Grazing incidence, 91. Grinding new faces, 104. Groth, goniometer, 66. Groth, universal apparatus, 149. Gulielmini, Dominico, 3. Gypsum test plate, 1 1 8. Gypsum red, first order, 121. Gyroid, class of, 57. Haidinger, dichroscope, 131. Hankel, pyroelectric method, 180. Hardness, 196. Hardness absolute, 198. Hardness curves, 197. Hartnack, prism, 105. Hausmann, 8. Hatty, Abbe, 5. Heat conductivity, 164. Heat rays, 163. Heat expansion, 166. Hemihedrism, 25. Hexagonal bipyramid, 50, 54. Hexagonal bipyramid third order, class of, 52. Hexagonal crystals, projection and calcu- lation, 55. Hexagonal prism, 50, 54- Hexagonal pyramid, 50? 54- Hexagonal pyramid, third order, class of the, 52. Hexagonal system, 46. Hexagonal trapezohedron, class of, 52. Hexahedron, 60. Hexoctahedron, class of, 58. Hextetrahedron, class of, 58. Historical introduction, I. Horizontal dispersion, 142. Huyghen's construction, 80, 87. Homogeneous deformation, 185. Hyperbolae, interference, '116. Imbedded crystals, 74. Inclined dispersion, 142. Index of refraction, 86. Index of refraction by prism method, 88, 103, 146. Index of refraction by total reflection, 90, 104, 147. Indicatrix, optical, IOI, 133. Indices, see index. Indices of planes, 12. Indices of zones, 17. Indices and axes, equation between, 29, 39, 46, 62. Induction dielectric, 177. Induction, magnetic, 172. Inner conical refraction, 136. Integrant molecules, 6. Intensity of rays, 112, 157. Intercepts, 9, II. Interfacial angles, constancy of, 3. Interference, 106, no, in. INDEX. 209 Interference colors, 112. Interference figures, 115, 127, 138. Interference phenomena uniaxial crystals no. Interference phenonmena, biaxial crystals 137- Isometric crystals, projection and calcula tion, 61. Isometric system, 57. I so tropic crystals, 85. Jaggar, apparatus, 154. Jamitzer, W., 2. Kepler, 2. Kelvin, theory of pyroelectricity, l8l. Kernel, 7. Klein, lens, 150. Klein, Universal Apparatus, 151, 155. Koch, measurement extension, 186. Kohlrausch, total reflectometer, 91. Kundt, method pyroelectricity, 180. Law of Babinet, 156. Law of rational indices, 7. Law of symmetry, 3. Lemniscates, 138. Least deviation, 89, 103, 146, 147. Liebisch, total reflectometer, 93. Light rays, 85. Linear expansion, 167. Linear projections, 76. Magnetic induction, 172. Magnetization, relative, 173. Mallard, goniometer, 65. Measurement of angles, 63, 70. Metallic lustre, 159. Metallic reflections, 159. Methylene iodide, 95. Mica test plate, 118, 120. Mica wedge, v. Federow, 118. Mica combinations, 161. Microscope, Seibert n A, 107. Microscope, Fuess VI, 108. Miller, W. H., 9. Minimum deviation, 89, 103, 146, 147. Mitscherlich, goniometer, 66. Mohs, 9. Molecular net structure, 189. Monochromatic light, 89. Monoclinic crystals, extinction directions, 145- . Monoclinic crystals, interference figures, 141. Monoclinic crystals, projection and calcu- lation, 33. Monoclinic dome, class of, 31. Monoclinic sphenoid, class of, 31. Monoclinic system, 30. Narrow faces, 72. Negative ray surface, IOI, 104, 121, 136. Negative crystals, 101, 104, 121, 136. Neumann, F. C., 9. Nicol, prism, 105. Norremberg, mica combination, 161. Norremberg, polariscope, 109. Octahedron, 60. Optic axes, 97, 133. Optic axes, angle between, 148. ! Optical characters during pressure, 187. Optical characters during heating, 170. Optical characters in electrostatic field, 184. Ordinary ray, 98. Orientation of principal vibration directions, 145- Orthographic parallel perspective, 77. Orthorhombic crystals, extinction, 140. Orthorhombic crystals, projection and cal- culation, 38. Orthorhombic system, 35. Outer conical refraction, 135. Parallel polarized light, 106. Paramagnetism, 172. Parameters, 12. Parameters, changing, 20. Parameter ratios, 14. Parting, 191. Pentagonal dodecahedron, 60. Percussion figures, 191. Permanent deformation, 1 88. Permutations of letter and sign, 36, 42, 54. Phosphorescence, 161. Piezoelectricity, 182. Pinacoids, fig. 79, 27, 32, 37. Pinacoid, class of, 36. Plane, or pedion, 27, 32. Plane-parallel plates, 87. Plane polarized light, 105. Plane of polarization, 100. Plane of vibration, 98. Pleochroic images, 157. Pleochroism, 130, 155. Pliicker, magnetization, 173. Polariscopes, 106. Polarizers, 105. Polarization apparatus, 1 06. Polarization colors, 112. Polarization of electric rays, 175. Polarization of light in calcite, 98. Polarization of heat rays, 163. Polarized light, 105, 122. Polarizing microscope, 107, loS. Pole of a face, 16. Pole, position of any, 29, 34, 39, 45, 56, 62. Poles, arc between, 30, 35, 39, 56. Positive crystals, IOI, 104, 121, 136. Positive ray surface, IOI, 104, 121,^136. Pressure figures, 192. Pressure, uniform, 185. Pressure in one direction, 185 Pressure, effect on optical characters, 187. 210 INDEX. Primitive form, 4, 5. Primitive circle, 20. Principal indices of refraction, 103, 132. Principal optical sections, 132. Principal vibration directions, 132. Prism, 32, 37, 44, 50, 54. Prism methods indices refraction, 88, 103, 146. Prismatic class, 3 1 . Projections in parallel perspective, 77. Projections, stereographic, 9, 20, 28, 33, 38, 45, 55, 61. Pulfrich, total reflectometer, 94. Pyramids, 44, 50, 54. Pyramidal classes, 35, 40, 44, 47, 48, 52. Pyroelectricity, 180. Quadrant in drawing axial cross, 84. Quality mark, 70. Quarter undulation mica plate, 118, 120. Quartz wedge, 118. Quenstedt, linear projection, 76. Rationality of parameters, 7. Ray axes, 133. Ray front, 85. Ray surfaces, 85, 86, 95, 100, 125, 133. Ray surfaces, character of, 1 20, 154. Reflection goniometer, 63, 64. Refraction in biaxial crystals, 136. Refraction for normal incidence, 87. Refracting liquid, 95, 153. Retardation, 118. Reusck, mica combination, 161. Rhombic bipyramid, class of, 36. Rhombic bisphenoid, class of, 35. Rhombic dodecahedron, 60. Rhombic pyramid, class of, 35. Rhombohedral crystals, 47. Rhombohedral class, 47. Rhombohedron, 50. Rontgen, conductivity, 164. Rohrbach, solution, 95. Rome Delisle, 3. Root, dielectric induction, 177. Rotation of polarization plane, 123, 128, 129. Rotation by Reusch mica combination, 161. Scalenohedral class, 41, 48. Sclerometric tests, 196. Secondary forms, 4, 5. Senarmont, electrical conductivity, 175. Senarmont, thermal conductivity, 164. Sensitive tint, 129. Signals, 68. Snellius', construction, 87, 90. Soleil, quartz plate, 130. Sorby, displacement method, 1 20. Spectroscope in index measuring, 92. Spectrum photometer, 156. Sphenoid, 31. Sphenoidal class, 31. Spherical projection, 6. Spherical trigonometry formulae, 28. Static pressure tests, 198. Steno, N., 2. Stereographic projection, 9, 20. Strength of double refraction, 119. Striated faces, 72. Structure, 7, 162. Surface colors, 159. Symmetry axes, 10. Symmetry, composite, II. Symmetry grade, IO, 25. Symmetry of etch figures. Symmetry plane, lo. Symbol, II, 17. Symbols, see indices and index. Systems, 9. Tangent principle, 39, 56. Tetartoid class, 57. Tetragonal bipyramid, 44. Tetragonal bipyramid 3 order, class, 41. Tetragonal bisphenoid, 44. Tetragonal bisphenoid 3 order, class, 40. Tetragonal crystals, projection and calcu- lation, 45. Tetragonal prism, 44. Tetragonal pyramid, 44. Tetragonal pyramid 3 order, class, 40. Tetragonal system, 40. Tetragonal trisoctahedron, 60. Tetragonal tristetrahedron, 60. Tetrahedron, 60. Tetrahexahedron, 60. Theodolite goniometers, 74. Thermal characters, 163. Thermal conductivity, 164. Thermal expansion, 1 66. Thermoelectric currents, 176. Thirty-two classes, crystals, 25. Thickness of section, 119. Thoulet, solution, 95. Tint of passage, 129. Total reflection, 90, 104, 147. Total reflectometers, 91. Tourmaline distribution of charge, 182. Translation, 191. Transparent crystals, measuring, 72. Traube, attachment goniometer, 73. Trapezohedron, 47. Trapezohedral class, 41, 47. Triclinic crystals, projection and calcula- tion, 28. Triclinic crystals, extinction, 145. Triclinic system, 26. Trigonal bipyramid, 5- Trigonal bipyramid, 3 order, class, 48. Trigonal prism, 50. Trigonal pyramid, 50. Trigonal pyramid 3 order, class, 47. Trigonal trapezohedron, class, 47. Trigonal trisoctahedron, 60. INDEX. 211 Trigonal tristetrahedron, 60. True axial angle, 153. Twin crystals, 73, 83. % Unsymmetrical class, 26. Uniaxial crystals, 97. Universal stage of v. Federow, 155. Universal apparatus, Groth, 149. Universal rotation apparatus, Klein, 151, 155- Vibration, direction of faster ray, Il8. Vibration plane, 98, 117, 145. Vibration, principal directions of, 132, 146. Vibration of ordinary and extraordinary ray, 98. Voigt, measurement expansion, 167 Wave-lengths, 85, 89, 113. Weiss, 8. Whewell, 9. Wiedemann, surface conductivity, 179. Wollaston, goniometer, 64. Zone, 1 6. Zone circle, 1 6. Zone plane, 1 6. Zone axis, 17. Zone control, 17. Zone during expansion, 168. Zone, fourth face in a, 18. Zone indices or symbols, 17. Zone through one pinacoid, 19. Zone of two pinacoids, 19. Zone projection, 23. Zonal relations, 55. USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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