REESE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. ,:;...,,,.::. v .,,^9o-: r f ^Accession No. .92342 Class A': WORKS OF J. H. CROMWELL PUBLISHED BY JOHN WILEY & SONS. A Treatise on Toothed Gearing:. 1-2010, cloth, $1.50 A Treatise on Belts and Pulleys. 12010, cloth, $1.50. A TREATISE ON TOOTHED GEARING. Containing Complete Enstructions FOR DESIGNING, DRAWING, AND CONSTRUCTING SPUR WHEELS, BEVEL WHEELS, LANTERN GEAR, SCREW GEAR, WORMS, ETC., THE PROPER FORMATION OF TOOTH-PROFILES. FOR THE USE OF MACHINISTS, PATTERN-MAKERS, DRAUGHTSMEN, DESIGNERS, SCIENTIFIC SCHOOLS, ETC. BY J. HOWARD CROMWELL, Pn.B. FOURTH EDITION. SECOND THOUSAND. NEW YORK: JOHN WILEY AND SONS, 43-45 EAST NINETEENTH STREET. 1901. COPYRIGHT, 1883, BY J. HOWARD CROMWELL. PREFACE. IN presenting to the mechanical public this little work, I am fully aware that I am treading upon well-worn ground, and that I have devoted time and labor to a subject which is well-nigh "old as the hills," and likewise, to many, as familiar. It may also seem to some, who have read more extensively than I have upon the subject of toothed gearing, that this book contains nothing new, or original with its author : had such been my belief, the book would never have been written, much less published. In my experience as a mechanical engineer I have sought often and earnestly, but always in vain, for a terse, compact, yet complete and comprehensive work on the subject of toothed gearing. Compelled, therefore, by necessity to gain the requi- site knowledge from many works, and also from some failures on my own part, and believing, that, in the crowded field of technical literature, room yet remained for such a publication. I decided to write a book on toothed gearing, which should contain all that I had dug out from so many sources, and ns much more as my experience and originality had taught me, yet being concise, terse, and simple enough to suit even " the wayfaring man, though a fool." Such were the somewhat iii 92342 IV PREFACE. exalted intentions of the author in writing this book : whether or not the reality equals the anticipation, is for the reader to judge. Notwithstanding the apparent tendency to lay aside the old and simple " rules of thumb " for the surer and better methods, involving, to a certain extent, a knowledge of algebra and geom- etry, there are still many mechanics who continue to look with extreme distrust upon any thing in the shape of a book, because " books are generally too deep and too theoretical." For this reason I have given throughout the following pages simple rules, as well as formulas, for performing each and every operation necessary in designing and laying out the various kinds of gears. He who possesses the requisite knowledge of algebra and geometry for which any man will be the better off may make use of the formulas in designing the gears he may have to construct ; while he whose knowledge of mathematics goes not beyond the simple rules of arithmetic may obtain precisely the same results, and do in every way as good work, by using the corresponding rules. Throughout the book I have used a uni- form system of notation in order to avoid confusing or burden- ing the memory of the reader, and the numerous examples will serve to illustrate sufficiently the application of the various rules and formulas. In all cases where the contrary is not stated, forces and weights are taken in pounds, and dimensions in inches. I have also carefully avoided any use of the metric system ; because I believe the good old English inch, foot, and pound to be accurate enough for the proper construction of any machine, engine, or thing which can be made by the use of the metric system. In fact, American and English machin- ery being the best in the world, I see no reason to doubt the efficacy of the English system of weights and measures, from a machinal point of view at least. In writing upon a subject PREFACE. V so old, and upon which so much has been written from time to time, it is impossible that I should not, to a certain extent, have copied the thoughts of others, even though in many cases they are also honestly my own. I deem it best, therefore, to say that I have taken the liberty of referring to and quoting such standard writers as Reuleaux, Camus, Unwin, Haswell, and others, but never, I believe, without giving them due credit. In writing the paragraph on " Special Applications of the Prin- ciples of Toothed Gearing," I have been greatly assisted by referring to Mr. Henry T. Brown's valuable little book entitled " 507 Mechanical Movements," without which the work of col- lecting the various contrivances explained in this paragraph would have been indeed laborious. I trust, that, while much that is printed in this book may be found in other works on the subject, it also contains much that cannot be found else- where, and that my earnest desire to make it a simple, compre- hensive, and convenient companion in the shop and scientific school, may be in some measure, if not fully, realized. J. H. C NEW YORK, Feb. i, 1884. TABLE OF CONTENTS. SECTION I. PAGE. Introduction. Fundamental Principles. The First Gear-Wheel. First Transformation i SECTION II. Proper Form of Tooth- Profiles. The Epicycloid and Hypocycloid. Conditions necessary for Minimum Friction. Conditions necessary for Uniform Velocity. Proper Size of Generating Circle. The Involute 9 SECTION III. Comparison. Advantages and Disadvantages of Cycloidal and Involute Teeth. Experiments with Involute Teeth. The In- volute a Limiting Case of the Epicycloid SECTION IV. Practical Methods for laying out Teeth, Exact and Approximate. Epicycloidal Faces and Hypocycloidal Flanks. Involute Teeth. Straight Flanks 28 SECTION V. Rack. Internal Gears. Methods for laying out their Teeth .. 37 vii viii CONTENTS. SECTION VI. PAGE. Special Forms. External and Internal Lantern Gears. Mixed Gears. Gear at Two Points ....... 42 SECTION VII. Bevel Gears. Pitch Cones. Supplementary Cones. Method for laying out the Teeth. Internal Bevels. The Disk or Plane Wheel ........ .... 49 SECTION VIII. Screw Gears. Angles of the Teeth and Shafts. Screw Gear and Spur Pinion. Screw Rack and Pinion. Method for laying out the Teeth. Worm and Wheel. Worm and Rack. In- ternal Worm Wheel ......... 54 SECTION IX. Hyperbolic Gears. Calculations. Examples. Teeth of Hyper- bolic Gears ........... 65 SECTION X. Relations between Diameter, Circumference, Pitch, Number of Teeth, etc. Diametral Pitch. Methods for stepping off the Pitch on the Pitch Circle ........ 72 SECTION XI. Ratios. Velocity. Revolution. Power. Examples ... 78 SECTION XII. Line of Contact. Arcs of Approach and Recess. Arc of Con- tact . .......... . CONTENTS. IX SECTION XIII. PAGF.. Strength of Teeth. Rules and Formulas for determining the Pitch and Other Tooth Dimensions. Tables for determining the Pitch. Examples. Table for converting Decimals into Frac- tions. High Speed Gears 89 SECTION XIV. Strength of Arms. Rectangular, Circular, Elliptical, and Flanged Cross-Sections. Number of Arms. Rim, Nave, Shafts, etc. Tables for determining Diameters of Steel and Wrought- Iron Shafts. Approximate Weight of Gear-Wheels . . 107 SECTION XV. Recapitulation of Formulas and Rules, with Uniform Notation . 139 SECTION XVI. Complete Design of Spur Wheel, Bevel Wheels, Screw Gears, Worm and Wheel, Internal Gears, Lantern Gears, and Gear Train, with Full Working Drawings 151 SECTION XVII. Special Applications of the Principles of Toothed Gearing. Devices for producing Variable Motion. Rectangular Gears. Triangular Gears. Elliptical Gears. Scroll Gears, etc. . 197 APPENDIX. Relative Values of Circumferential and Diametral Pitches. Ex- planation of the Process of cutting Gear-Teeth. Diametral Rules and Formulas -^ 3 TOOTHED GEARING. I. Introduction. Fundamental Principles. IN the Science of Machinery, a science of vast conse- quence to the world, and vital to the wealth and power of any nation, there is, perhaps, no more important branch than the transmission of power and motion by means of toothed gearing ; for in toothed gearing we have practically the only means of the all-necessary transmission. Having been known for thousands of years, and in practical use for centuries, in reviewing this subject we should naturally look for many succes- sive alterations and improvements, even in fundamental principle ; but no such result will be found by the most diligent research. Contrary to the natural and seem- ingly inevitable course of mechanical contrivances, in principle toothed gearing stands as an exception to the well-nigh universally accepted theory of "small begin- ning and gradual development." Improvement in this branch of machinal science has been slow and retarded ; and strangely discordant with the general belief that first principles are always erroneous, or at least faulty ones, is the fact that the fundamental principle of toothed gearing, as it may be expressed to-day, is pre- TOOTHED GEARING. cisely what it was ten centuries ago. The slow-moving centuries which have witnessed the successive changes in water-motors from the simple undershot wheel, driven in mid-stream by the impulsive force of the river's current, first to the overshot and Poncelet, then to the turbine and water-engine of the nineteenth cen- tury, each involving a different, and, in its turn, an improved, principle can tell of no such advance in the essential principle of toothed gearing. Throughout the years which have changed the steam-engine from an atmospheric-pressure engine to a high-pressure ex- pansion steam-motor ; throughout the years which have produced the locomotive-engine, the ocean steamer, the telegraph, the electric light, the gas-engine, and the telephone, with all their successive alterations in prin- Fig. I /* & B A ( ciple and theory, the science of toothed gearing almost alone has been able to attest, that in one case at least, if no more, first principles have been sound and per- fect, so perfect as to stand the test of years without change or improvement. This principle, most simple, although the underlying principle of the whole theory and study of toothed gearing, may be succinctly ex- TOOTHED GEARING. 3 pressed as follows : If two cross-shaped pieces be placed as in Fig. i, the arms of A being somewhat shorter than those of B, and the pieces being allowed only the motion of rotation about their fixed axes, or centres, then, if a continuous rotary motion in the direction indicated by the arrow be given to the piece B, a similarly contin- uous rotary motion in the opposite direction will be given to the piece A. For the arm a, in contact with the arm a 1 , will act as a lever upon it, forcing it down- ward, and at the same time bringing the arms b and b' into such relative positions, that a similar action will take place between them. Thus successively each arm of the piece B will act upon the corresponding arm of the piece A, and a continuous rotary motion will be transmitted from the piece B to the piece A. Simple Fig.2 and crude as our sketch may appear, and however childish and primary our statement of this fundamental principle may seem, a most complete analogy exists between them and the most smoothly and accurately running gears of the present day ; for each one of the countless scores of accurately profiled teeth, working so industriously and almost noiselessly in our machine- TOOTHED GEARING. shops and factories, is but the projecting arm of our cross-shaped pieces, modified in accordance with the advance in machine manufacture, and shaped to suit the increased demand for accuracy of transmission. Since, doubtless, the first gear-wheels were similar to those represented in our figure, let us examine a little more minutely their action and the conditions neces- sary for such action. Let us suppose each wheel to consist of three long, slender pieces, or arms, crossed and fixed in such a manner that their ends divide the circumscribing circles into six equal arcs ; that is, they form the diagonals of a regular hexagon (Fig. 2). The arrows indicate the directions in which the wheels revolve. Now, in order that the rotary motion be continuous, it is obvious that contact between the arms d and d' must not cease until contact is begun between the following pair of arms, c and c: otherwise the wheel o would move some distance without moving the wheel etc. The curve o o'o"o" r . . . o vf , gener- ated by a point of a string as it unwinds from the cir- cumference of a circle, is called an involute to the circle, or an involute simply. Suppose (Fig. 19) the primi- Fig.18 01V tive circle to be a regular polygon, having an infinite number of sides. As the string bao' unwinds, there will be, for an instant, a revolution about the point a ; and the point o' of the string will then generate a circular arc having its centre in the point a, and Fig. 19 a radius ao'. Therefore, as was shown in Fig. 14 for the epicycloid, the involute also fulfils the condition necessary for uniform power and velocity. For this reason the involute curve has been, and still is, exten- sively used for tooth-profiles, the curve forming the 22 TOOTHED GEARING. whole profile, cd (Fig. 20) ; or the teeth having involute faces and radial straight flanks, as in ab. We have now two kinds of tooth-profile, cycloidal ^ and involute ; each having, it is presumable, its advantages and its disadvantages in practice. A comparison between the two is therefore necessary. III. Comparison. Advantages and Disadvantages of Cycloidal and Involute Teeth. Cycloidal teeth have a great advantage over involute teeth, in that the number of teeth, for wheels of the same diameter gearing together, may be reduced to seven, without in any degree interfering with the uniformity of action. Reuleaux gives the smallest number of involute teeth necessary for proper action, eleven. In cycloidal teeth the loss of power and wear due to friction is not so great as in involute teeth ; also the effect upon the action of the teeth by wear is less in cycloidal than in involute teeth, because the wear is evenly distributed in the former, and the teeth, even when considerably worn, present more nearly the original form of profile. Involute teeth, on the other hand, have the advantage of being easier and cheaper to construct than the compound profiles of cycloidal teeth. They are also stronger for the same width on the pitch circle. Again : the axles of wheels having involute teeth may be moved slightly from or toward each other without disturbing the proper action ; while a very slight alteration of the distance between the TOOTHED GEARING. 2$ axles of cycloiclal gears destroys the accuracy of motion. Straight flanks are acknowledged by all to be poor forms, both on account of their weakness, and loss of work by friction. They should never be used except for large wheels, where the distance of the centres from the pitch circles renders them more nearly parallel, and consequently stronger. The principal objection offered to involute teeth is, that, especially in small wheels, the great obliquity of the profiles tends to produce a pressure upon the journals and bearings, as before noticed. Considerable difference of opinion exists as to the truth of this objection, and of late years actual experiment seems to assert its falsity. The following experiments were tried by Mr. John I. Hawkins, and are taken from his English translation of that portion of M. Camus's " Cours de Mathematiques " relating to the teeth of wheels. Simi- Fi fl ,2i lar experiments tried by the N author of this book, with wheels carefully sawed out of black walnut, gave es- sentially the same results. The approach noticed by Mr. Hawkins in his Experi- ment II., however, failed to appear in the experiments of the author. Having constructed the sectors of two wheels, each of two feet radius, and each containing four teeth of the same curve as those shown in Fig. 21, one of the sectors (No. i) was mounted on a fixed axis, and the other on an axis so delicately hung, that a force of even a few grains would cause the axis of the latter to recede from that of the former in a direct line. The following experiments were then made: 24 TOOTHED GEARING. EXPERIMENT I. The teeth of both sectors being engaged their full depth of an inch and a half, No. i was moved forwards and backwards a great number of times, without exhib- iting the least tendency to thrust No. 2 to a greater distance, notwithstanding the tangent to the surfaces of the teeth in contact formed an angle of nearly sixteen degrees with the line of centres. The points of contact of the teeth at the line of centres were three-quarters of an inch from the ends of the teeth. EXPERIMENT II. The teeth were engaged an inch and a quarter deep : consequently the ends of the teeth were a quarter of an inch free from the bottoms of the spaces ; the tangent of contact made an angle of nearly seventeen degrees with the line of centres ; and the point of con- tact at the line of centres was five-eighths of an inch from the ends of the teeth. The sector No.- i, being repeatedly moved forwards and backwards, sometimes caused sector No. 2 to approach, but never to recede. In Experiment I. the approach could not take place, because the teeth were engaged their full depth. EXPERIMENT III. The teeth were engaged one inch deep, leaving half an inch between the ends of the teeth and the bottoms of the spaces. The angle of the tangent of contact with the line of centres was eighteen degrees ; the points of contact at the line of centres were half an inch from the ends of the teeth. On the sector No. i being moved frequently forwards and backwards, no motion of the axle of No. 2 appeared, TOOTHED GEARING. 2$ EXPERIMENT IV. The teeth of the sectors were engaged three-quarters of an inch deep : consequently the ends of the teeth were three-quarters of an inch free from the bottoms of the spaces ; the points of contact of the teeth at the line of centres were three-eighths of an inch from the ends of the teeth ; the angle of the tangent of contact v,-ith the line of centres was nineteen degrees. The axle of sector No. 2 neither approached nor receded on numerous trials made by moving No. i. EXPERIMENT V. The teeth were engaged half an inch deep ; the point of contact was a quarter of an inch from the ends of the teeth at the line of centres ; the ends of the teeth were one inch from the bottoms of the spaces ; the tangent of contact formed an angle of full twenty degrees with the line of centres. In a great number of repetitions of this experiment, a slight receding of sector No. 2 sometimes appeared. EXPERIMENT VI. The teeth were engaged a quarter of an inch : the ends of the teeth, therefore, were one inch and a quarter from the bottoms of the spaces ; and the points of contact, one-eighth of an inch from the ends of the teeth at the line of centres ; the angle of the tangent of contact with the line of centres was rather more .than twenty-one degrees. In this experiment, which was repeated very frequently, a tendency to recede appeared several times, but so slightly as to be of no practical importance. The quiescent state of the axle was much oftener manifest than the receding. 26 TOOTHED GEARING. " These experiments," says Mr. Hawkins, "tried with the most scrupulous attention to every circum- stance that might affect the results, elicit this important fact, that the. teeth of wheels in which the tangent of the surfaces in contact makes a less angle than twenty degrees with the line of centres, possess no tendency to cause a separation of their axes : consequently there can be no strain thrown upon the bearings by such an obliquity of the tooth." Such an obliquity as twenty degrees must, unless counteracted by an opposite force, tend to separate the axes ; and, as suggested by Mr. Hawkins, this opposite force is most probably the fric- tion between the teeth, which tends to drag the axes together with as much force as that tending to separate them. Of course the friction between teeth sawed out of wood is greater than in metal teeth ; but Mr. Haw- kins cites experiments tried by a Mr. Clement, with metal wheels lying loosely upon a work-bench, in which no tendency to separate the axes of the wheels could be noticed. This very serious objection to involute teeth having once been fairly removed, then the relative value of the two kinds of profile must depend upon the action between the teeth in each case, the amount of friction and wasted power, and the relative expense and difficulty of construction. The fact, that, in cycioidal teeth, less power is lost in overcoming friction than in involute teeth, seems to be well established, in theory at least, if, perhaps, not so well in practice ; but whether or not the gain in this respect is sufficient to compen- sate for the additional expense of construction over the involute system, is still a question which must be finally settled by practice and actual experiment. In this TOOTHED GEARING. 27 practical age, the value of any one mechanism, com- pared with that of another, is simply a comparison between the relative amounts of work to be obtained from them and the relative costs ; and that system of tooth-profiles from which can be obtained "the most work for the least money " must eventually gain the supremacy. In Fig. 18, while generating the involute curve, as fast as any portion of the string is unwound, it is held rigid, and forms a straight line tangent to the circle at the point of contact ; as, for instance, the portion p iv o v is tangent to the circle C at the point p iv . Since this portion is that which generates the curve, and upon which alone a the curve depends, we may assume the whole string to be rigid and straight, and the re- sult will be the same, a' Let oa (Fig. 22) be a a . straight line, which rolls from right to left upon the circumference of the circle C. When the line oa has rolled sufficiently, the point b will fall upon the point / (the arc op being equal to the line ob), and the point o will take the position o' . When the line has rolled sufficiently, the point b' will fall upon the point /' (the arc p'o being equal to the line b'o\ and the point o will then take the position o". When the point b" falls upon the point /", the point o will take the position o"\ etc., and the curve o o'o"o'" thus generated will be an involute to the circle C. Thus we have generated an involute by rolling a straight line 28 7VOTHED GEARING. upon the circumference of a circle. But a straight line is the circumference of a circle the radius of which is infinitely long; and the curve generated by a point of a circle which rolls upon the circumference of another circle is an epicycloid : consequently an involute curve is simply an epicycloid the generating circle of which has an infinitely long radius ; or, in other words, the involute is but a limiting case of the epicycloid. Thus, without coming to any actual decision as to the relative mechanical value of these two curves, or rather two different forms of the same curve, we have, neverthe- less, the satisfaction of having verified our former con- clusion, and may still assert that the cycloidal form of tooth-profile fulfils all the conditions and requirements, and is therefore the most useful and advantageous. IV. Practical Methods for laying out Teeth, Exact and Approximate. Because of the difficulty with which exact epicycloidal and hypocycloidal profiles are constructed, approximate methods are very generally used ; and they are found to answer the practical purpose very well. Any one of the following approximate methods will give very good results, and will, in ordinary cases, answer as well as the more difficult and tedious exact methods, also given here for use in special cases : METHOD i (exact). Let O (Fig. 23) be the primitive or pitch circle. Take the diameters of the rolling cir- cles C and K, each equal to one-third the diameter of the pitch circle. Strike the circles C', C" , C'" , etc., which represent the different positions of the rolling circle (7, and from the points of tangency, b, b', b"> etc., measure TOOTHED GEARING. 2 9 off the following arcs : bp' bp, b'p" = b'p, b"p r " b"p, etc. The points /',/",/"', etc., thus found, are points of the epicycloid which is to form the face of the tooth ; and the curve pp r p" . . . p* v , drawn through them, is the face-profile. For the hypocycloidal flank, after having struck the circles /, O f> ', O'" y lay off the arcs da' = dp, d'a" = d'p, etc., from the points of tangency d, d', etc. The curve pa' a" a'", drawn through the points a' t a", a'", thus found, is the hypocycloid which Fig. 23 is to form the flank of the tooth. The other profile, xyz t which is similar to the one just found, is found by starting at the point y (py being the given width of the tooth at the pitch circle), and rolling the gen- erating circles in the opposite directions from those just described. We have now but to limit the tooth at the top and bottom by circle-arcs, AA and BB, and the profile is complete. METHOD 2 (exact}. In Fig. 24 O is the pitch circle, 3O TOOTHED GEARING. Cf and O" the rolling circles, and A the pitch point. Divide the pitch circle and rolling circles into an equal number of small parts, equal each to each, as shown in the figure. Let the point 5 of O' correspond to point 5' of O, the point e of O" correspond to the point e of O, etc. From A and 5' as centres, with 5 5' and the chord A$ respectively as radii, describe arcs intersecting in the point c ; then from the centres A and 4', with the radii 4 4' and ^4, describe arcs intersecting at <:', etc. Fig.24 The points thus found are points of the epicycloid Ac'c. Similarly, for the hypocycloid, from the points A and /, with radii e'e and Ae, describe arcs intersecting at the point /, and thus determine the curve Ap'p. In these two methods, the closer together the positions of the rolling circles and the points of division of the pitch and rolling circles are taken, the more accurate will be the curves. When either of these methods is used, the work of laying out the teeth may be greatly simplified by accurately working out one entire profile TOOTHED GEARING. 31 upon a smooth piece of wood, and cutting out this profile for a template with which to trace the profiles around the pitch circle. METHOD 3 (approximate}. From the points i', 2', 3', etc., a', b f , c f , etc. (Fig. 24), as centres, and with the corresponding chords of the rolling circles as radii, draw circle-arcs. Thus the radius for centre 5' is A$ t for centre 3' is A 3, for centre e f is Ae, etc. The en- velope of these arcs, or the curve which is tangent to them, is very nearly the correct profile of the tooth. Fig.25 METHOD 4 (approximate). In Fig. 25 let A A be the pitch circle, and B and C the rolling circles. Let, also, / be the pitch point, and te and tk the heights of the tooth above and below the pitch circle. Take /;/ = fte, and strike through ;/ the arc ;/;/ concentric with the pitch circle. Step off on the pitch circle to tu, and from o as a centre, with the chord n't for a radius, strike an arc cutting ;/;/ in the point /. Draw po. The point / is a point of the epicycloid, and po is the normal to the curve at the point p. Find now, upon the line po l 32 TOOTHED GEARING. the centre for an arc passing through the points / and /. In the figure, o' is this centre, and o'p is the radius for the faces of the teeth. The centres for all the faces are upon the circle aa drawn through o' t and concentric with the pitch circle. Similarly, for the flanks, take tm | tk, strike the arc mm' , step off tb = tin', and, with the centre b and radius bt, strike an arc cutting mm' in the point x. Draw xb, and find the centre b' for an arc passing through / and x. The radius for the flanks is b'x ; and the centres are all upon the circle dd y drawn through tf, and concentric with the pitch circle. METHOD 5 (approximate}. Let A (Fig. 26) be the pitch circle, and a the pitch point. Draw af tangent to the pitch circle at the pitch point, and make it equal to 0.57 the diameter of the roll- ing circle, or \\ times the circular pitch of the ' teeth. Draw dfe parallel to the diameter aO, make df = af, and ef the diameter of the rolling circle. Draw Od and O Oep, and, taking ab = ac \af, draw bp and gp r parallel each to af. The point / of the intersection of Op and bp is the centre for the flank ax. Make p'c = eg, and /' is the centre for the face ay. As before, all the face centres are upon a circle drawn through /' concentric with the pitch circle, and ali the flank centres are upon a circle drawn through p. METHOD 6 (approximate}. Let A (Fig. 27) be the pitch circle, C and B the rolling circles, and a the pitch TOOTHED GEARING. 33 point. Draw a'c'b and cB'd through the centres of the rolling circles, each making angles of 30 with the line of centres. Draw the line cabf through the points c and b, and join a' and d with the centre O. The points g and f are the centres for the face bx and flank cy respectively. These approximate meth- ods are from Reuleaux's A' " Const ructeur," and Un- win's " Elements of Ma- chine Design," and are as accurate as any in use at the present time. When a set of wheels is to be constructed so that any wheel of the set will gear with any other, the same generating circles must be taken for all the teeth of the set. Sometimes the generating circle is taken with a diameter equal to the radius of the smallest wheel of the set. The following are some of the simpler and rougher meth- ods of approximation in use : they are convenient and easy, but give poor re- sults, and should only be used in rough work. Fig. 28, 34 TO OT PI ED GEARING. draw ac, making 75 with the line of centres bd, and make be equal to one-tenth the pitch of the teeth multi- plied by the cube root of the number of teeth. Take ab = ^bc : c is the centre for the face bi, and a the centre for the flank bk. The following values of ba and be give better results: ba - - -, and be = o. 1 2p\lN t in 2N 20 which / represents the pitch, and N the number of teeth. In Fig. 29, oo is the pitch circle, and bb and aa the circles which limit the teeth at top and bottom. Fig. 29 The centres for both faces and flanks are taken upon the pitch circle ; the flank centre for gk and mn being in the centre of the tooth width at x, and the face centre for cd and ef being* in the centre of the space width at y. Still another rough rule is to take the centres upon the pitch circle, and take the radius for the faces equal to one and one-fourth times the pitch, making the flanks radial straight lines. TOOTHED GEARING. 35 For laying out involute teeth, the exact method is as follows : Fig. 30, O is the circle of the bottoms of the teeth, and / the starting-point of the involute, or the root of the tooth. Lay off the distances pp ', p'p", p"p f ", etc., along the circle OO ; draw the tangents /Y, p"a", etc. ; and step off p'a arc //, p"ct' = arc />, p'"a'" = p'"p, etc. The curve a a" a'", etc., drawn through the points thus found, is the true involute profile. In the same manner, the profile cf is found, and the tooth limited in height by the circle bb. Radial straight flanks are often used in involute teeth ; but, for reasons already given, they should never be used except for large wheels, and even then only for rough work. True involute profiles may be easily traced by means of a straight spring arranged to hold a pencil, or other mark- er, at one end, and fas- tened at the other end to the circumference of a wooden circle-segment of the same radius as the bot- tom or root circle of the teeth of the wheel. Because of the comparative ease with which true involute profiles may be traced, approximate or circle arc methods are not much in use. The following methods, however, give very close approximations to the true curve, and are, perhaps, more in use than any others. In Fig. 31 ei is the working height of the tooth, i.e., the actual height less the clearance between the end of the tooth of one wheel and the bottom of the corresponding space of the other wheel, and im is the actual height. Make TOOTHED GEARING. ea = \ei, and draw ad tangent to the circle A ; make pd \ad, and / is the centre for the profile bak. A circle through /, concentric with the circle A, gives the positions of the centres for all the profiles. The part kc may be a straight line tangent to bak at k, since the profile which engages with bak does not touch this part at all. It is better, however, to round this part, as in kf, for greater strength and bet- ter casting. Let O (Fig. 32) be the pitch circle, c and d the circles limiting the tooth at top and bottom (top circle and root circle], and a the pitch point. Draw the straight line ap through the pitch point, and making angles of 75 with the line of cen- V tres ; draw fp through the centre /, and per- pendicular to ap; and p is the centre for the profile shown in the fig- ure. For small teeth, the centres are often taken on the pitch circle, and the radius taken equal to the pitch of the teeth. Fig.32 TOOTHED GEARING. V. Rack. Internal Gears. 37 If, in a pair of gear-wheels, we assume the radius of one of the pitch circles to be infinitely long, this pitch circle becomes a straight line tangent to the other pitch circle at the pitch point, and the wheel becomes a rack. The rolling circles which generate the tooth- profiles for the rack now roll along a straight line in- stead of upon and within the circumference of a circle, and consequently the faces and flanks of the teeth are no longer epicycloids and hypocycloids, but both are ordinary cycloids. Fig. 33 represents one of the exact methods for tracing the teeth. OO is the pitch circle, Fig. 33 and a the pitch point. The generating circles roll in the directions indicated by the arrows, and the points a, a", b r , etc., are found as in Fig. 23 ; the arc/V being equal to p'a, p"a" p"a, rb" ra, etc. The approxi- mate methods for cycloidal teeth, explained in the pre- ceding paragraph, are applicable to the rack, Some of these we give as examples, TOOTHED GEARING. Fig. 34 METHOD 4 (approximate). Let A (Fig. 34) be the pitch circle, B and C the rolling circles, and / the pitch point. Let also // and tk be the heights of the tooth above and below the pitch circle. Take /;/ = f//, and draw ;/;/, cut- ting the rolling circle C in the point ;/'. Step off to arc /;/, and from ;^7 o as a centre, with the chord in' as a radius, strike an arc cutting ;/;/ in the point /. Draw po, and on it find the centre o' for an arc of a circle passing through the points / and /. It is obvious that the curvature of the flank will be the same as that of the face. Therefore, to find the flank centre, make o"o"' = o m o', draw o"b par- allel to the pitch circle A, and make ab = xo': b is A the flank centre. The centres for all the flanks will be on the line o"b, and all the face centres will be on the line GEA RJiVG. 43 execution, but which, in practice, are admissible only for particular cases. If we ^ake, for the generating circle, the pitch circle of one ot the wheels, we obtain, for the profiles of the teeth of the wheel corresponding to the pitch circle upon which it rolls, epicycloidal arcs, while for the other wheel the profiles are reduced to points. It is in this kind of profile that we include Ian tern-gears. External Lantern Gears (Fig. 42). From the pitch FIg.42 point a describe a circle having a radius equal to \^ the pitch. This gives the profile of the rung, or spindle, corresponding to the point a. The face of the tooth of the wheel R' is formed by a curve parallel to or equidistant from the epicycloidal arc ab, generated by the point a in the rolling of the circle R upon R' (the arc tb the arc to). The envelope of circles described 44 TOOTHED GEARING. from different points of ah. with a radius equal to that of the rung, gives the face profile cd: the flank di is a circle quadrant. The arc of contact coincides with the circled; its length al, of which the limit / is deter- mined by the top circle k, ought to be greater than the pitch, and hence at least i.i times the pitch. This last value serves to determine the height g and the real height g f of the face. Internal Lantern-Gears (Fig. 43). The following manner of proceeding is similar to the one just de- Fig.43 scribed : The portion cd of the tooth-profile is found by a curve parallel to the hypocycloidal arc ab, generated by the point a in the rolling of the circle R within the circle R f (the arc tb the arc to). The arc of contact al ought to be taken at least equal to i.i times the pitch. The flank ci is a radial straight line connected with the rim of the wheel by a small circle arc. In Fig. 44 the hollow wheel is the lantern : the face TOOTHED GEARING. 45 cd is parallel to the pericycloidal arc ab, generated by the point a in the rolling of the circle R f upon R (the Fig. 44 Plfl,45 arc tb = the arc to). The arc of contact al ought to be at least i.i times the pitch : the flank ci is a radial straight line connected with the rim by a small circle arc. Fig. 45 represents a particular case of Fig. 43. We have R = %R', and consequently the number of teeth in R = J the number of teeth in R' (N = N f ). In this case, N = 2, and N' 4. The profile cd is parallel to the straight line ai y to which the hy- pocycloid reduces (the arc ab = the arc bi) : al is the arc of contact. This arc is here necessarily greater than the pitch : since, however, the straight form of the 46 TOOTHED GEARING flanks of the teeth of the wheel R' permits the sup- pression of all play between the teeth, so that the same rung gears at the same time with two opposite flanks, the arc of contact may be considered equal to twice al. Many writers regard this kind of gear as a special mechanism, since in actual practice the rungs are mov- able rollers provided with axles. If in Fig. 43 we consider the radius R' as infinitely long, we obtain the mechanism of the rack, in which the profiles of the teeth upon the rack itself afe formed by curves parallel to ordinary cycloids. If, again, in Fig. 44, we consider the radius R' as infinitely long, we obtain a very simple form of rack, which is very often used in preference to the preceding. Upon the pinion the profiles of the teeth are formed by curves parallel to an involute to the pitch circle. Lantern-gears, in cases which require a certain precision and not very frequent use, offer the advantage that the rungs can be easily and exactly described with a pair of compasses. Lantern-racks of wrought iron are very useful in practice for apparatus exposed to cold and wet ; such as for lifting gates, draw- bridges, etc. Gear at Two Points (Fig. 46). If we connect togeth- er two gears at a single point, we obtain a new style of gear, which allows us to adopt for one of the wheels a very small number of teeth, and consequently a great difference in the revolutions of the two wheels, even though both wheels are quite small. In the figure the two pitch circles are at the same time the generating circles of the profiles of the teeth : ac is an epicycloidal curve (generated by the rolling of R' upon R), which, for the length of contact al, gears with the point a of TOOTHED GEARING. 47 the wheel R' ; ab is a second epicycloidal curve (gen- erated by the rolling of R upon R f ), which, for the length of contact all, gears with the point a of the wheel R ; ai and ai' are the profiles for the flanks of the teeth for the wheels R' and R. The small wheel is used frequently for shrouded wheels. This kind Fig.46 of gear is frequently met with in cranes and hoisting- machines. Mixed Gear (Fig. 47). - This kind of gear, which is very convenient for the small pinions of hoisting- machines, has the advantage of diminishing the space 4 8 TOOTHED GEARING. at the root of the tooth. This result is due to the use of radial straight lines for the flanks of the teeth of the small wheel. In order to obtain a sufficient duration of engagement, it is convenient to use upon both wheels the curves which form the faces of the teeth as far as their points of intersection. In the figure, ac is an arc of a cycloid, or involute, generated by the rolling of R/ Fig.47 (which here, for a rack, is a straight line) upon R: ai' is a radial straight line generated by the rolling of the circle J^upon the inside of R (the radius of W= | that of R). The gearing of the profile ac with the point a takes place for the length of contact all. The cycloidal arc ab, generated by the rolling of W upon R', gears with the flank ai' for the length of contact ai. TOOTHED GEARING. 49 Fi ? .48 VII. Bevel Gears. The different gears hitherto described are intended to transmit power from one shaft to another parallel shaft. If we wish to transmit from one shaft to another which is not parallel, or which makes an oblique angle with the first, we must make use of either bevel or screw gears. A bevel or conical gear differs from a cylindrical or spur gear in that its two pitch cir- cles (at the two ends of the teeth) are of differ- ent diameters, and conse- quently the ends of any one tooth are of differ- ent heights, widths, etc. The pitch circles of a pair of bevel wheels limit frusta of cones, the api- ces of which meet at the point of intersection of the axes of the wheels. Thus, in Fig. 48, o is the point of intersection of the axes ox and oy ; a'b', ab> a'c f , and ac are the pitch circles; a'c'ca and a'b'ba, the "pitch frusta;" and a' do and a'b'o, the "pitch cones." The axes may make any angle with each other. It should, however, be remarked that wheels such as are represented in (c) are seldom used in practice, since the same angle may be obtained with the wheels shown in (b). To lay out \ 5' the angles made by the teeth with the "middle planes " of the wheels, as shown in the figure. It is plain that the angle aob is equal to the angle : conse- quently we have from the figure, < + <' + = 1 80. This condi- tion must be fulfilled, else the wheels will not gear properly to- gether. Another ne- cessary condition in screw gears is, that ~~ the pitches of two gears which work to- gether, taken normal to the directions of the teeth or the nor- mal pitches, must be equal. It is more convenient to lay off the pitches on the pitch circles ; that is, to lay off the circumferential pitches, instead of the normal. In Fig. 54, ab represents the normal pitch, and ae the circumferential. The angle aeb being equal to <, we have ae = -^ , the circumferential sin < pitch equal the normal pitch divided by sin <. In order that the wearing surfaces may be equal, the lengths of 50 TOOTHED GEARING. the teeth of a pair of screw gears should be equal. The width of face depends upon the length of tooth and the angle <. Thus, in Fig. 54, / = ec being the length of the tooth, and I' = dc the width of face, we have the angle ced =: angle , and consequently /' / sin <. Suppose (Fig. 53), = 40, and 60 : hence <' + 60 + 40 = 1 80, ' = 80. If / and / represent Fig.54 Fig.55 the circumferential pitches, and // the common normal pitch, we shall have, sin and sin 60 0.866 sin $' sin 80 0.985 Also, for the widths of faces of the two wheels, we shall have /' = / sin = 0.866/, and I" = / sin ' 0.9857. TOOTHED GEARING. $'/ If we make 9 = 90, we will have an ordinary spur- wheel gearing with a screw gear (Fig. 55). In this *igure, < 90 and = 40 : hence ' =. 180 - (90 + 40) = 50. We therefore have, for the circum- ferential pitches and widths of faces, = , p = n 0.766' sm 90 sm 50" /' = / sin 90 = /, and /" = / sin 50 = 0.766^. Let 6 90, that is, the axes are at right angles with each other (Fig. 56) : consequently -f- 9' = 1 80 90 = 90. The angles 9, 9', may be equal or unequal : in the figure they arc taken equal. 9 = 0' = 91 = 45 . 2 From this, and I' = I" = I sin 45 ^ 0.7077.* In Fig. 57 the axes are parallel, or = o : hence -f- 9' = 180. This sig- nifies that 9 and 9' are supplementary, 9 = 180 9'. The inclinations of the teeth across the faces of the wheels are in opposite directions. We have taken 9' = 60 : hence less than the angle of repose, which, for cast-iron on cast-iron, is about 10, only the wheel /" can be the driver: the wheel I' then restrains motion in the direction opposite to that in which it is driven. TOOTHED GEARING. Since the sin. of an angle equals the sin. of its supple ment, / = / and /' = /" = / sin < = / sin $ = o.86f Frg.57 Screw Rack and Pinion. If we make the radius of one of a pair of screw gears infinitely long ( oo ), the Fig.58 Fig.59 I I wheel becomes a screw rack, and the pair constitutes a screw rack and pinion, shown in Fig. 58. Let = 45, TOOTHED GEARING. 59 and = ;/ 75: hence $ = 180 - (45 + 75) = 60, ;/ ;/ ;/ _ //___ ~ sTnT' "~ 5^66' - ' sin * = 0.9667, and 7" = / sin <' = O.866/. Fig. 59 represents a spur rack gearing with a screw pinion, 6 = 45, = 90 : hence ' = 0.7077. - = 7 ' and l " Fig. 6 I \ \ \ We may also have a screw rack gearing with a spur pinion, by making ' = 90 (Fig. 60). Let 45, and sin 9 = ;/, I' I sin = 0.7077, and 7" = 7 sin <' = 7. If we make the radii of both wheels of a pair of screw gears equal to infinity, the pair becomes two screw racks gearing together (Fig. 61) ; and if we make or <' = 90, we have a spur-rack gearing with a screw rack (Fig. 62). 6o TOOTHD GEARING. To draw the tooth profiles for a screw gear we pro- ceed as follows : Having determined the angle < of the teeth, and the length /, draw the horizontal line xy (Fig. 63). Draw db, making the angle < with xy, and make it equal in length to /. Drop the lines dc and be per- pendicular respectively to xy and dc. The line be is the length of the tooth projected in the plane of the pitch circle P. Strike, now, the pitch, top, and root circles, P, /, and r, and make aU = be (a being the pitch point). Fig. 62 Fig.63 Find the centres for faces and flanks, as in spur gears, and draw the profiles through a, b', and f. In con- structing screw gears, it is advantageous to make the angles of the teeth equal (< = ' 2 and R, = \A#/ 2 + r' 2 . R' and R t ' are known from what precedes when we have given the length SA = !. The angles ft and f? are determined by the relation -_ and tan/T= n A ,. . + cos v -f- cos As in bevel gearing, the problem permits of two solutions, according as the line SA is drawn withir the angle 0, or within the supplementary angle BSC' (Fig. 69). These two solutions differ from each other in the direction of rotation of the driven arbor. One of these solutions leads to an internal gear, as in bevel gears ; but this, to our knowledge, has never been actually constructed, and it cannot possibly have any TOO THED GEARING. practical value. When the angle of inclination, 0, is made equal to 90, we have, and '-,-* B -ffi r \a I a n 2 -f- ;/ 2 ' n* -f / It is easily seen, from what precedes, that hyperbolic gears present a more limited number of solutions than Fig.69 ordinary screw gears, with which, however, they pre- sent many analogies. In the latter, for one value of the angle of inclination of the axes, we can give an arbitrary value to the angle of inclination of the teeth of one of the wheels ; while in hyperbolic gears there is only one pair of values admissible for the angles of inclination. The primitive surfaces of two hyperbolic gears are 68 TOOTHED GEARING. formed by corresponding zones of two hyperboloids of revolution. When the distance (shortest) between the axes is small, the zones comprising the circles of the gorge, of which r and r (Fig. 68) are radii, cannot be utilized as primitive surfaces, and we must have re- course to zones somewhat removed from these circles. These may ordinarily be replaced by simple frusta of cones, and the construction thus rendered compara- tively simple. The following examples will serve to illustrate the preceding formulas and remarks : Example I. = 40, - = -, a = 4". From the R' ri R f i formula 7 = we have -=- f =. - = 0.5 ; RI n K. l 2 also we have r 0.5 4- 00340 _ 1.266 7 =: 2 + cos 40 := ^66 = 4577 r i 4- 2 cos 40 _ 2.532 = a i -f 2 x 2 cos 40 -f 4 8.064 r= 1.2559", r' = 2.744". For the angles ft and fi' we have o sin 40 0.6428 tan ft := 2 + cos 40 = ^66- = or ^813 5', and jtf = 40 = 26 55'. For the distance SA = / = 8" we have R' = /sin 13 5' = 8 X 0.226368 = 1.81" ^P/ = 8 X sin 26 55' = 8 x 0.452634 = 3.62". TOOTHED GEARING. 69 Finally, R =Vi^ and R, = N/p^ 2 + ^74 2 - 4-54". Example 2. 90, - (a value which will be satisfied by the numbers of teeth TV^^ 36 and N' = 20), and # = 0.8". From the preceding formulas we have 8 1 5 2 4- 9 2 106 and / = o.i 86". We have also tan /? 1.80, or /8 = 60 57', and consequently /^ = 29 3'. For R = 2" we have the formula R' = \JR 2 r* = \2 2 - o.6i 2 = 1.90" and 9 9 Also for R, we have Rt = ViTo6 2 -f- oT89 2 = i. 08". 70 TOOTHED GEARING. Example^. = 90, = i. As before, tan ft = '=i or/2=45, = V=i, orr = /. Also R =. R It and the hyperboloids are congruent. Example 4. In the particular case where the rela- tion is numerically equal to cos 0, and the line of division which determines the angle ft is situated within the supplementary angle of in such a manner, that, tak- ing into consideration the sign, we have = cos 0, one of the primitive surfaces reduces to a cone, and the other to a hyperboloidal plane. This hyperbolic plane (or disk) wheel corresponds to the disk wheel in bevel gears, and can be made to gear with an ordinary bevel wheel. It offers, however, no practical advantage, since the disk wheel interferes with the" prolongation of the arbor of the bevel. For = 60, -- = cos 60, 11 2 T _ we obtain the disk wheel, and have tan ft - y/3, ft = 30, R=R', R, V^/ 2 + (i 2 \/4^ 2 + a 2 . If -were neg- ative, and less than cos 0, we would obtain a hyperbolic internal gear ; but gears of this kind are not at all practical. With hyperbolic gears we may obtain, as a limiting case, the mechanism of a rack and pinion. The rack, m this case, carries oblique teeth ; while the pinion is TOO THED GEA RING. Fig.70 formed by the zone corresponding to the circle of the gorge of a hyperboloid of revolution. But since the construction of this pinion is much more difficult than that of a screw gear, the effect of which is equivalent, it results that the latter should be used in all cases where this effect is to be produced. Teeth of Hyperbolic Gears. If we wish to give to the teeth of hyperbolic gears perfectly accurate forms, we meet with very serious difficulties in the execution. We may, however, content ourselves with approximate forms. In this case, to determine the teeth of a hyper- bolic gear, we begin by tracing the supplementary cone of the hyperboloidal zone, which is to be used as the primitive sur- face. The apex H of this cone (Fig. 70) is obtained by drawing a perpendicular AH to the gen- eratrix SA, parallel to the plane of the figure. We then deter- mine the profiles of the teeth for the normal pitch p tl upon the circle of the gorge as if it was acted upon by a screw-wheel having a diameter r, and an in- clination of teeth 90 /?; then we continue the profiles thus obtained upon the conical surface HJL, taking care to increase the dimensions parallel to the circle of division in the proportion of / to p n (p being the circumfer- ential pitch), and the lengths in the proportion of K to r, K representing the length of the generatrix of the supplementary cone. We repeat the same construction 72 TOOTHED GEARING. for the supplementary cone corresponding to the other base of the zone, being careful to decrease the values of / and K. Thus we obtain for each tooth two pro- files, sufficiently exact, of which the corresponding points must be joined by straight lines to form the body of each tooth. In certain cases a cone frustum may be substituted for the hyperboloidal zone, upon the condition of prop- erly determining the apex. To this effect, we revolve the generatrix SA about the axis HS until the point A becomes coincident with the point J : the projection of the generatrix, in this position, determines by its intersection with HS the desired apex of the cone. X. Relations between Diameter, Circumference, Pitch, Number of Teeth, etc. Diametral Pitch. Methods for stepping off the Pitch. The circumference of a circle is expressed by the formula C= irD, or C= 271-7? (i) where C is the circumference, D the diameter, R the radius, and TT the constant 3.14159. From these formu- las we may write, c c /? = -, R=~ (2). TT' 2?r Thus, to find the circumference, multiply the diameter by 3.14159, or the radius by 2 X 3.14159 = 6.28318. Inversely, to find the diameter, divide the circumfer- ence by 3.14159: to find the radius, divide the circum- ference by 6.28318. The simple, old rule, which says, TOOTHED GEARING. 73 This " To find the circumference of a circle, multiply the diameter by 22, and divide by 7, to find the diameter, multiply the circumference by 7, and divide by 22," ordinarily answers the purpose well enough. The cir- cumferential pitcJi or circular pitch (generally called simply the pitch) of a gear of any kind is the distance from the centre of one tooth to the centre of an adja- cent tooth, measured on the pitch circle, or, what is the same thing, the distance on the pitch circle, which includes one tooth and one space, distance, laid off a certain num- ber of times around the pitch circle, divides the pitch circle into a certain number of equal parts, each containing one tooth : consequently the circumference of the pitch circle divided by the pitch will give the number of teeth, and the pitch multi- plied by the number of teeth will give the circumference of the pitch formula, N being the number of teeth, and / the pitch, From formula (i) we may write , and, from the 6 wD i N i N third of formula (3), - = -^. Hence - = , or N 7T 7T _ = _=^ and - = / (4). 74 TOOTHED GEARING, This ratio of the constant quantity TT 3.14159 to the circumferential pitch is called the diametral pitch, because it is equal to the ratio of the number of teeth to the diameter of the pitch circle. We represent this diametral pitch by p d . The diametral pitch gives the number of teeth in a gear wheel per unit (say inch) of length of the pitch-circle diameter. To illustrate., suppose we have a pitch circle of 10" diameter and i circumferential pitch of 3. 141 59". From formula (i) the circumference is C * X 10 = 31.41-59", and from for- mula (3) the number of teeth is N =. =- ^ = 10. P 3.HI59 Hence, from formula (4), p d = i ; that is, there is one tooth in the gear for each inch of length in the diameter of the pitch circle. In order to distin- guish the diametral from the circumferential pitch, the former is often designated as "pitch No. ." Diame- tral pitch No. i = circumferential pitch of - =. 3.14159", diametral pitch No. 2 = circumferential pitch of = i.57079"> etc. Since the circumference of a circle cannot be meas- ured exactly (the quantity TT being irrational), it is often tedious work to step off the circumferential pitch arounc the pitch circle (especially in large gears), a great many trials being necessary before the equal division of the pitch circle is obtained. A formula, by the use of whicl: this work is simplified, may be obtained as follows : Let bed (Fig. 72) be a circle, be a circle chord. In the tri angle abc we have, from trigonometry, the proportior TOOTHED GEARING. sin angle bac \bc\\ sin angle bca : ab. 75 But ab = R, the radius of the circle, and be = I", the circle chord. Calling the angle bac 6, we have, since ac = ab = R, the relation, - 2 angle bca = Substituting these values in the above proportion, we obtain Hence But . /i8o - sin I - V 2 /i8o-0\ / 0\ sin f J = sin I 90 j = cos and, from trigonometry, sin = 2 sin J 6 cos J 0. These values, substituted in the last expression for I' 1 ', give Fig.72 sn cos cos4<9 or (5). Suppose, now, the arc be to repre- sent the pitch laid off on the pitch circle of a gear. If we represent by N the number of 360 teeth in the gear, we shall have for 6 the value 6 = , 76 TOOTHED GEARING. 1 80 and consequently \ = -^-. From this, by substitu- tion in formula (5), we have for the length of the chord be, (6). Rule. To find the length of the chord subtended by the pitch arc, multiply the diameter of the pitch circle by the sine of the angle obtained by dividing 1 80 by the number of teeth. Example i. Suppose D = 24" and N= 80. Hence T 0-.O i o if^L 2 15',- sin 2 15' = 0.03926, and /" = 24 oO X 0.03926 = 0.942". Example 2. D = 39!" and the pitch =. p =. 4". From formula (i) the circumference is C = trD = 124", and from formula (3) N =. 331. Formula (6) 4 therefore gives I" 39^ sin /L 8o !\ 39^ sin 5 48' 23!" V 31 / = 392 X 0.1011683 = 3-99 6// - Mr. W. C. Unwin, in " Elements of Machine Design," gives the following : " To lay off the Pitch on the Pitch Line. The follow- ing construction is convenient when the wheel is so large that it is impossible to find the exact pitch by stepping round the pitch line. Let the circle (Fig. 73) be the pitch line. At any point, a, draw the tangent ab. Make ab equal to the pitch. Take ac equal to \ab. With centre c and radius cb, draw the arc bd. Then the arc ad is equal to ab, and is the pitch laid off on the TOOTHED GEARING. 77 pitch line. When the wheel has many teeth, the arc ad sensibly coincides with its chord ; but, if it has few teeth, there is an appreciable error in taking the chord ad equal to the pitch." Unfortunately neither of these rules gives exactly the required distance; for, in the first case, the sin f _J is usually a number containing six, eight, or even more decimal places, and consequently the chord be will be such a number, not capable of exact measurement with the compasses ; and, in the second case, the pitch (being the circumference F| 73 an irrational quantity di- j> c a vided by the number of teeth) cannot be exactly laid off on the line ab. Such simple and easily remembered rules, how- ever, simplify in some degree the work of the draughtsman and mechanic, and are therefore worthy of our notice. An accurately con- structed ""Tr-rule" (pi-rule), used in connection with the preceding method, gives very close results. To con- struct such a rule, have a four-inch circle turned, as accurately as possible, out of wood or metal. Mark a point anywhere upon the circumference, and starting with this point tangent to a straight, true ruler about 14" long, roll the circle along (taking care not to slip or slide) until the point is again tangent to the ruler. The distance thus developed upon the ruler is equal to the circumference of the 4" circle, equals 4?r. Divide the developed length into four parts : each part is equal to one TT (pi), and may be divided into halves, quarters, 7 8 TOOTHED GEARING. eighths, etc., or into tenths and hundredths. The total distance now marked off is 477, and the divisions are equal to TT, JTT, JTT, JTT, etc., or -^TT, and yJ-^TT. As an example to illustrate the use of the 7r-rule, suppose the diameter of a gear to be constructed is 10", and the number of teeth 100. The circumference of the pitch circle is IOTT, and the pitch is IOTT divided by 100, or -^QTT. This, measured on the 7r-rule, and laid off on the tangent line ab (Fig. 73), will give the arc ad (or chord ad) as accurately as any method with which we are acquainted. XI. Ratios. Velocity. Revolution. Power. The velocity ratio of two gear wheels is the velocity at the circumference of one wheel divided by the velocity at the circumference of the other, both velocities being taken in terms of the same unit (generally feet per second), or the ratio of the velocity at the circumference of one to the velocity at the circumference of the other. The velocity ratio of two toothed wheels which gear together is always constant, and equal to unity ; that is, the velocity at the circumference of one is equal to the velocity at the circumference of the other.* To prove this, let the circles of Fig. 74 represent the pitch circles of a pair of gear wheels. Suppose R to be the driver, * When two gear wheels are fixed upon the same shaft, their veloci- ties are proportional to their diameters or radii. Thus, let D and D' be the diameters of two such wheels. The velocities at the circumferences of the wheels are v = Cn, and v' C'n ; v, v', C, and C f being the velo- cities and circumferences. Hence i/ nzy* jy R r - = - r _ =:gr = TOOTHED GEARING. 79 Fi 8 .74 and r the driven wheel. As the wheels revolve, it is plain, that, as each tooth of R passes the imaginary line AB, it carries with it a tooth of the wheel r. Thus equal numbers of teeth of the two wheels pass the line AB in equal times. But, since the pitches of the wheels are equal, equal numbers of teeth must lie on equal arcs of the two pitch circumferences : therefore, with- out reference to the relative sizes of the wheels, equal arcs of their pitch circumferences pass the line AB in equal times, or, in other words, the velocities at the circumferences are equal. The revolution ratio of two gear wheels which gear together is the greater number of revolutions di- \ \ vided by the less, or the ratio of the \ greater number of revolutions to the less. For example, if one of a pair of gear wheels makes 100 revo- lutions per minute and the other 20, the revolution ratio is ^V" = i> anc ^ we say the wheels are geared 5 to i. in Fig. 74 that equal numbers of teeth of the wheels R and r pass the line AB in equal times. Let us suppose the number of teeth (N) of the wheel R to be 100, and that (N') of r to be 25. When 25 teeth of-.-/? have passed the line AB, 25 teeth (all) of r have also passed the line ; that is, R has made J of a revolution, and r has made i entire revolution. When 50 teeth of R have passed the line AB, 50 teeth of r have also passed the line, or R has made of a revolution, and r has made 2 entire revolutions. Thus, when 100 teeth of R have We have proved 80 TOOTHED GEARING. passed AB, or when R has made i entire revolution, r has made *- = 4 entire revolutions. The revolution ratio of the pair is therefore -*, the small wheel making 4 revolutions while the large wheel makes i. But the ratio of the number of teeth of the small wheel (r) to that of the large wheel (R) is -f^ = ^ : therefore it is plain that tJie revolution ratio of a pair of toothed wheels is inversely equal to the ratio of the numbers of teeth of the wheels. Letting ;/, N, R, D, and C represent the number of revolutions, number of teeth, radius, diameter, and circumference respectively, of the smaller wheel, and ;/, N', R', D f , and C the number of revolutions, etc., of the larger wheel, we have, since the number of teeth is directly proportional to the radius, diameter, or circumference, n N' R D C' Rule. The number of revolutions of the smaller wheel is to the number of revolutions of the larger wheel as the number of teeth, radius, etc., of the larger wheel are to the number of teeth, radius, etc., of the smaller wheel. Example i. Two bevel wheels are to gear together so that the revolutions per minute are respectively n = 1 60 and ;/ = 40. The diameter of the smaller wheel is D = 8", and the pitch of the teeth, p = $ '. It is required to find the diameter of the larger wheel (ZX) and the numbers of teeth (N and N'} of each wheel. We have here * = = i From formula (7), i = ^ ;/ 40 i I 8 D' = 32". From formula (i), C = * X 8 = 25. i", and, TOOTHED GEARING. 8 1 from formula (3), N = -~- 50. From formula (7), 2 again, ^ , or N' = 200. Example 2. A shop shaft makes 120 revolutions per minute. From this shaft it is required to gear down to 8 revolutions per minute. The diameter of the wheel on the first shaft is 12" . Find other diameters and the numbers of teeth of each wheel, supposing the Fig. 75 pitch = i". The revolution ratio is 152=11. From o I formula (7), I* = , D' 1 80" = 1 5 feet. A wheel of this size is out of the question : we therefore must have recourse to a train of wheels such as is repre- sented in Fig. 75. We may take the revolution ratio between D and D' \ , and that between D" and D'" \ : we then have f X f = ^ as the ratio between D and D'". From formula (7), then, - t = 3 = . ZX = 36", and n ~ = 1 = ^. Taking Z> /x = D = 12", we have D"' = 6o". From formula (i), C= * X 12 = 37.7, and, 82 TOOTHED GEARING. from formula (3), JV= ^ZiZ =38. Hence, from formula (7), N' = 1 14, N" = 38, and N"' =. 190.* In a pair of gears in which N= 25 and IV' = 100 the revolution ratio is , = -. The same ;/ TV 25 i teeth are therefore in contact once in every revolution of the larger wheel, or once in every 4 revolutions of the smaller wheel. Contact taking place so frequently between the same two teeth, if these teeth happen to be rough and poor, the wear between them must be greater than in any other part of the wheels. If, how- ever, we make N= 26, the revolution ratio is Ye ' 3iJ> practically the same as before, and the two poor teeth are in contact only once in 13 revolutions of the larger, or 50 revolutions of the smaller wheel. By means of this "wear tooth " the wear of the wheels may be more evenly distributed, and the durability of the wheels con- siderably increased, without seriously interfering with the revolution ratio of the wheels. Power Ratio. The power or force of a gear wheel is the force with which the circumference of the wheel .turns : it is equal to that force, which, when applied to the circumference in a direction contrary to that of rotation, is just sufficient to stop the rotation of the wheel. The power ratio or force ratio- of two gears is the greater power divided by the less, or the ratio of the greater power to the less. The powers of two wheels which gear together are equal, the power of the * The gears D' and Z>", being fixed upon the same shaft, of course make the same number of revolutions per minute, regardless of diameters or radii. TOOTHED GEARING. Fig.76 driver being transmitted directly to the driven wheel : in this case, therefore, the power ratio, as the velocity ratio, is constant, and equal to unity. Let R and R' (Fig. 76) represent the radii of a pair of gears, and ;' the radius of a pulley which is fixed upon the axle of R, and arranged to lift a weight W by means of a string passing around its circumference. Let the power or force of the driver R' be denoted by P. This force is transmitted to R in the direction shown by the arrow. We may regard the imaginary line ac as a simple lever, the fulcrum of which is at b, and the arms of which are abr and bc=.R, The force P acts upon the long arm, and the force W upon the short arm. By the prin- ciples of the lever, the mo- ments of the forces with reference to the fulcrum must be equal : hence we have W R Wr = PR, or -p = - (8). That is, the forces of the wheels R and r are inversely proportional to their radii. Since the radii R and r are directly proportional to the velocities of the circumfer- ences, and the power and velocity of R are equal to the power and velocity of R r , we may write, W PV Wv LL^L v 84 TOOTHED GEARING. where V and v are the circumferential velocities of R and r respectively. From this formula we may write the following : Ride. The relative powers of the wheels of a train of gears are inversely proportional to the circumferen- tial velocities of the wheels. To find the power of any wheel of a train of gears when the power of the next wheel is known, multiply the power of the latter by its own velocity, and divide by the velocity of the former. Example i. In a train of gears such as is repre- sented in Fig. 76, the force of the driver is ^==50 pounds, the velocity of the driver is V=. 10 feet per second ; that of the pulley, v = 5 feet per second. Re- quired the weight W which can be lifted by the pulley. The force of R is equal to that of the driver, since their velocities are equal. By the rule, . force of R' X velocity of K _ force of R = - = : ^-~- = force of tf. velocity of R From formula (9), or the rule, ___ PV 50 x 10 W = = = 100 pounds.* 5 Example 2. In the gear train represented in Fig. 77 the force of the driver R" is P= 500 pounds, R = R' = 12", r r' = 5". It is required to find the * The gain in power is obtained by a sacrifice of time ; for the wheel y?, having twice the velocity and half the power of the pulley r, can lift twice as far a weight equal to ^ W in the same time, or just as far a weight equal to W in half the time. The work inherent in these two wheels is therefore the same : r simply does double work in double time. If, however, we have only 50 pounds of force at our disposal, we can lift 100 pounds at one lift only by means of such a train, or a similar mechanism. TOOTHED GEARING. weight, W, which can be lifted by the pulley r, and the distance per minute which W can be lifted, supposing the wheel R' to make 15 revolutions per minute. The power of R' is equal to that of the driver = P. From formula (8), P' representing the power of r', r>f pf n' i J\ * ~P^V 12 = , Jr= 1 200 pounds. 500 5 This power is transmitted directly to R : hence W R W P' , W ' = 2880 pounds. 1 200 5 R' and r' make the same number of revolutions, being Fig.77 on the same shaft. From formula (7), ' and n being the numbers of revolutions of r r and R, we have r R 15 12 The circumferential velocity of r, which is the velocity with which the weight W is lifted, is 2-rrrn 12 12 = 16.36 feet per minute. 86 TOOTHED GEARING. Example 3. Required an expression for the weight which can be lifted by a train similar to that of Fig. 77, containing any number of wheels. From Example 2, P r R f , PR' A W R ,,, P'R - rr = -r or JT = T- and -TV - or W= - . P r r r' P' r r Substituting in this expression the value of /", just r> r> r>/ written, we obtain W-=- -7. In the same manner, rr for any number of wheels, R, R ', R" , R"' y etc., repre- senting the radii of the large wheels, and r y r', r", /", etc., f .. , . 1J7 PRR'R"R'", etc. those of the pinions, we obtain W 7 __ _____ rrrr, etc. , D Wrrr"r m etc. Inversely, P = Example 4. We have a shaft which drives a gear with a force of 250 pounds : we wish with this power to lift a weight of 1,500 pounds. Required the radii of the wheels of the necessary train. We can see at a glance that a simple train, such as Fig. 76, will not be 1 practi- cable, for in this case = - ; and, if r= 6" P r 250 I (as small as is convenient), R r X 6 36", or the diameter of our large gear will have to be 6 feet. This is practically out of the question : we must therefore use a train with 4 or more wheels. Let us try 4. r) r> ir>/ From Example 3 we have W= -- j. Taking r r' 36 36 250 = 216. We can now assume a value for R, and find the corresponding value of R r . Say R=.\2" t then TOOTHED GEARING. 8/ In the preceding examples no account has been taken of the friction of the gear teeth and axles, since they are given simply to illustrate the use of the rules and formulas which precede them. The detrimental fric- tion is, of course, very considerable, even in the best wheels, and increases rapidly as we increase the num- ber of wheels in a train : therefore the trains spoken of in the examples, if actually made and used, would accomplish considerably less than the examples give them credit for. Were this not the case, we could, with the slightest possible amount of power, by means of a train containing a sufficient number of wheels, per- form an infinitely great amount of work manifestly, from a practical point of view at least, an absurdity. XII. Line of Contact Arc of Contact. In a pair of toothed wheels, each tooth of one wheel is in contact, for a certain, definite length of time or distance of revolution, with a tooth of the other wheel, and there is always at least one pair of teeth in contact. Whether or not the same two teeth come into contact at each revolution depends, as we have already seen, upon the relative numbers of teeth of the two wheels. If, during the contact of a pair of teeth, a curve be drawn through all the successive points of contact, this curve will represent the entire contact of the teeth. Such a curve is called the line of contact, and its length represents the duration of the contact. The line of contact may be found by drawing different positions of two teeth while in contact, and drawing a curve through the points of contact thus determined. This operation is, however, often a difficult one, because the effect of 88 TOOTHED GEARING. the preceding pair of teeth upon the early contact of the pair in question cannot easily be taken into consid- eration, and this effect is very often too important to be neglected. Reuleaux has pointed out the following method for determining the line of contact : Let O and O' (Fig. 78) be the centres of two toothed wheels which gear together, OpO' the line of centres, and / the pitch point. From different points along the profile apc f draw normal lines intersecting the pitch circle in the points b, b' y b" d r , etc., and from O as a centre strike circle- arcs through the points a, a', a", c, etc. We have seen, that, for uniform velocity ratio, it is necessary that the common normal to two teeth in contact at the point of contact shall pass through the pitch point. If, there- fore, from the pitch point / as a centre, with radii equal to ab, a'b ', a"b", dc, etc., we strike arcs intersecting the TOOTHED GEARING. S() above-mentioned arcs, the points of intersection will be points of contact of the teeth, and a curve drawn through these points will be the line of contact. The arcs Kp and K'p, taken on the pitch circles, and limited by the top circles, are called the arcs of approacJi and re- cess, according to the direction of rotation, and together form the arc of contact. The length of the arc of con- tact depends upon the diameters of the pitch circles of the gears and the height of the teeth between the pitch and top circles ; while the length and position of the line of contact depend not only upon these dimensions, but also upon the form of the profiles of the teeth and the number of teeth in contact at one time. In ordinary gearing, where the height of the teeth between the pitch and top circles is the same for both wheels, the arcs of approach and recess are equal, and, in wheels having cycloidal profiles, the lengths of the line and arc of contact are, according to Reuleaux, equal. The length of the arc of contact must be at least equal to the pitch of the teeth, else there would be less than one pair of teeth in contact at one time : in ordinary machine gearing this length varies from i to 2| times the pitch. XIII. Strength of Teeth. Rules for determining the Pitch, and other Tooth Dimensions. Before taking up the subject of strength of wheel teeth, our notation for the calculations under this head must be explained. The total height of the tooth, i.e., the sum of the heights above and below the pitch circle, we denote by // ( = // + //') ; the breadth of the tooth on the pitch circle, by b ; and the face width of 90 TOOTHED GEARING. the tooth, by /(see Fig. 79). In calculating the strength of a wheel tooth, the curved profile is disregarded, as is also, in ordinary gearing, the influence of the velocity of the wheel, and the tooth regarded as a simple beam or semi-girder supported at one end, and having a weight or force, W, acting at the other end (Fig. 80). The width b is taken equal to the width of the tooth on the pitch circle. The safe working-load for a beam Fig.79 Fig.80 such as is represented in Fig. 80 is expressed by the formula W-^ W 6k in which W is the safe working-load, f the greatest safe working-stress in pounds per square inch for the material used, and the other quantities the same as in Fig. 80. It is evident that the width b of the tooth must be less than half the pitch, else the space would not be wide enough to admit the tooth of the mate- wheel ; and, in order that the tooth may be sufficiently strong when it becomes worn, we take, at the sugges- tion of Unwin, b Q.^p; p being the circumferential pitch. Also we may take, as is now generally done, TOOTHED GEARING. 9 1 // = // + //' = o.4/ + o. ip = o.7/. These values, sub- stituted in the above formula, give In this expression W^is the actual load or strain on one tooth. It is more convenient to use this formula in terms of the total force, P, transmitted by the wheel. Ordinarily, more than one pair of teeth are in gear at once : therefore the whole force transmitted is not sus- tained by one tooth. The number of teeth in gear at once varies considerably in different wheels ; but we may safely say that no tooth bears more than three- fourths of the entire force transmitted. We have, then, J'F !/>, and consequently flx 0.1296^ Reducing this equation, we obtain > 0.041 14^/ From this, by transposing, p p V _ 0.04 1 1 4/ / or This formula may be termed the general formula for determining the pitch. It may be used for any ma- 92 TOOTHED GEARING. terial whatever by substituting for the quantity f its proper value. From the formula, therefore, we may write the following : General Rule. To determine the pitch of a gear of any material, divide the total force to be transmitted by the greatest safe working-stress per square inch for the material of the wheel, multiply the quotient thus obtained by the ratio of the pitch to the face width,* extract the square root of this product, and multiply the result by 4.93. The degree of safety necessary in calculations for strength of gear teeth varies with the work to be done by the. gear, in other words, with the amount of clanger to be incurred. Thus the degree of safety necessary is greater when the gear is to be subjected to sudden, violent shocks than when no such shocks occur, be- cause the danger of breakage or accident is greater. This degree of safety we obtain conveniently by vary- ing the value of the quantity f, taking small Values when the danger is great, and vice versa. For ordinary, good cast-iron we may take f= 4,000 pounds when there are sudden, violent shocks upon the gear, f= 5,000 pounds when only moderate shocks occur, and /= 10,000 pounds when there is little or no shock. By substituting these values of f, in turn, in formula (10), and reducing, we obtain the following formula for determining the pitch of a cast-iron gear : * Ordinarily this ratio is assumed. For example, we may assume =j = - sumed. -, or y = -3, and determine the pitch for the particular value as- TOOTHED GEARING. 93 For violent shock, / = 0.078^ P x -. (a) For moderate shock,/ = 0.07 For little or no shock, / = 0.05 P x t P . To determine the pitch for a cast-iron gear, multiply the total force to be transmitted by the ratio of the pitch to the face width, extract the square root of the product, and multiply the result by 0.078 for violent shock, 0.07 for moderate shock, or 0.05 for little or no shock. In ordinary machine-gearing the face width is very often taken equal to twice the pitch j/=2/, y -j; because a greater relative face width does not, in the same degree, add strength to the tooth, the principal effect being to increase the stiffness of the tooth. If we make y = i in each of the formulas (u), we obtain p = 0.078^ X |, / = o.07\//' x J, and / = 0.05^ Px ?. Reducing these, we have, for the three cases given above, the formulas / = 0.055^ / = 0.05 ^P p = 0.035^ (o (0 (12). Rule. To determine the pitch for cast-iron gears when the face width is equal to twice the pitch, multi- 94 TOOTHED GEARING. ply the square root of the total force to be transmitted by 0.055 f r violent shock, 0.05 for moderate shock, or 0.035 f r little or no shock. A horsc-poiver, as commonly used, is that force which will lift a weight of 33,000 pounds one foot high in one minute, 33,000 foot-pounds. If we let //represent the horse-power, and v the velocity at the circumference of the wheel in feet per second, we shall have the expres- sion, _ 550^ 607; v This value of P, substituted in formulas (11), gives the following convenient formulas for the pitch when the horse-power and the velocity in feet per second, instead of the force transmitted in pounds, are given : For violent shock, p = 1 &Z\ ~~ 7 ( a ) I j-f -ft For moderate shock, / = i.64\/ -j (b) For little or no shock, p i.i 7y - (c) Rule. To determine the pitch from the horse- power and velocity in feet per second, multiply the ratio of the horse-power to the velocity by the ratio of the pitch to the face width, extract the square root of the product, and multiply the result by 1.83 for violent shock, 1.64 for moderate shock, or 1.17 for little or no shock. By substituting the above value of P in formulas (12), we obtain for the pitch, when the face width is not less than twice the pitch, the formulas : TOOTHED GEARING. 95 For violent shock, p ' Jl For moderate shock, / = i.iyV/ (b) For little or no shock, / = 0.8 2V/ (for No. Little or no shock. Moderate shock. Violent shock. r 816 4OO 331 , l| 1,276 625 513 2 '* 1,837 900 743 3 If 2,500 1,225 1,012 4 2 3,265 1, 6OO 1,322 5 2* 4J33 2,025 1,670 6 2 5,102 2,500 2,066 7 2f 6,173 3,025 2,5OO 8 3 7,347 3,600 2,975 9 31 8,622 4,225 3,49i 10 3 10,000 4,900 4,050 n sf 11,480 5,625 4,649 12 4 13,061 6,400 5,289 13 41 14,745 7,225 5,97i 14 4* 16,531 8,100 6,694 15 4f 18,418 9,025 7,459 16 "5 20,408 10,000 8,265 17 5i 22,500 11,025 9,111 18 5 24,694 12,100 10,000 19 Sf 26,990 13,225 10,930 20 6 29,388 14,400 11,900 21 6 34,490 16,900 13,967 22 7 40,000 19,600 16,198 23 7* 45,918 22,500 i8,595 24 8 52,245 25,600 21,157 25 102 TOOTHED GEARIfiG. TABLE II. From formula (14, #, b, and c.) p in inches. H , - for v No. Little or no shock. Moderate shock. Violent shock. I 1.49 0-73 O.6O I '* 2.32 1. 14 0.94 2 * 3-35 1.6 4 1-35 3 I4 2 4-55 2.24 1.84 4 2 5-95 2.92 2.40 5 2* 7-53 3.69 3.04 6 2 9-30 4.56 3.76 7 2| 11.25 5.52 4-54 8 3 13-38 6-57 541 9 3* 15.71 7.72 6-35 10 3 18.22 8.95 7.36 ii si 20.91 IO.27 8.45 ' 12 4 23.80 11.69 9.61 13 4* 26.86 I3-I9 10.85 H 4 30.11 14.79 12.11 *5 4f 33-56 16.48 I3.56 16 5 3M8 18.26 15.02 17 5* 40.99 20.13 16.56 18 5 44.99 22.09 18.18 19 5f 49.17 24.15 19.87 20 6 53-54 26.30 21.63 2I 6* 62.83 30.86 25-39 22 7 72.87 35.80 29.45 23 7 83.66 41.09 33-80 24 8 95.18 46.75 38.46 25 TOOTHED GEARING. TABLE III. From formula (16, #, <5, and c). p in inches. H Ti~ for z># No. Little or no shock. Moderate shock. Violent shock. I 0.0065 0.0032 O.OO26 I I* O.OIOI 0.0050 O.004I 2 I* 0.0146 0.0072 O.OO59 3 If 0.0198 0.0098 O.OO8O 4 2 0.0259 0.0127 O.OIO5 5 2* 0.0328 0.0161 0.0133 6 2* 0.0405 0.0199 0.0164 7 2j 0.0490 O.024I 0.0198 8 3 0.0583 0.0287 0.0236 9 31 0.0685 0.0336 0.0277 10 3 0.0794 0.0390 0.0321 ii 3! 0.0912 0.0448 0.0368 12 4 0.1037 0.05IO 0.0419 13 4J 0.1171 0.0575 0.0473 H 4 0.1313 0.0645 0.0530 15 . 4f 0.1463 0.0719 0.0591 16 5 0.1621 0.0796 0.0655 17 Si 0.1787 0.0878 0.0722 18 5* 0.1961 0.0963 0.0792 19 si 0.2143 0.1053 0.0866 20 6 0.2334 O.II46 0.0943 21 ^ 0.2739 0.1346 O.II07 22 7 0.3177 0.1560 0.1283 23 7* 0.3647 0.1790 0.1473 24 8 0.4149 0.2038 0.1676 25 IO4 TOOTHED GEARING. Example I. Required the pitch of a cast-iron bevel wheel which will transmit a force of 10,000 pounds, moderate shock. In Table L, column for moderate shock, line 17, we find P = 10,000 pounds. In the pitch column, and directly opposite this value of P, we find the required pitch, / = 5". Hence /= 2p 10", etc. Example 2. The force transmitted by a cast-iron gear under violent shock is 6,000 pounds. Required the necessary pitch. Table L, column for violent shock, line 14, gives P = 5,971 pounds ; and the corresponding pitch is / 4j". Since this pitch corresponds to a value of P slightly less than the required one, we may take for our required pitch / = 4". Example 3. The pitch of a cast-iron gear subjected to little or no shock is 2^". Required the force in pounds which can be safely transmitted by the gear. In Table L, pitch column, line 6, we find/ = 2%'. The value of P for little or no shock, corresponding to this pitch, is 4,133 pounds. Example 4. Required the pitch for a cast-iron gear which will safely transmit 24-horse power, violent shock, at a circumferential velocity of 8 feet per sec- ond. In this case = = 3. In Table II., column v 8 TT for violent shock, line 6, we find = 3.04 ; and the TT corresponding pitch (found opposite this value of V in the pitch column) is p 2 J". Example 5. A certain cast-iron gear transmits 75- horse power. The pitch of the gear is 3|". Required the circumferential velocity safe for the gear at mod- TOOTHED GEARING. 1 05 erate shock. We have from Table II., column for TT moderate shock, the value 8.95, corresponding to /=3j. Hence ^^8.95, v = ^= 8.38 feet per v 8.95 second. Example 6. Required the pitch for a cast-iron gear to transmit safely 5O-horse power, violent shock, at 100 revolutions per minute ; the diameter of the gear being 16". We have H 50 i In Table III., column for violent shock, line 11, we find TT - = 0.0321. The corresponding pitch is/ = 3^". The following table will be found very convenient in converting'decimals into fractions: io6 TOOTHED GEARING. TABLE IV. V) etc.), and finding the \/t l 2 ft t 4 / corresponding value of h v For convenience, we may write formula (17) in the form of an equation having one unknown quantity, thus : (18) * The dimensions bi and 7/ x are taken at the rim of the wheel, and tapered, as shown in Fig. 81. TOOTHED GEARING. 109 and find values of the co-efficient x for different values of b t and /.* The following table gives values of x for different values of -^ and / : h* TABLE V. 1 ;rfor x '= k\ 4 5 6 8 IO i O.I 00 0.093 0.087 0.079 0.074 1 0.126 0.117 O.IIO O.I 00 0.093 1 0.144 0.134 0.126 0.114 O.I 06 1 0.159 0.147 0.139 0.126 0.117 Rule. To determine the width of cast-iron gear arms in the plane of the wheel, multiply the force transmitted by the radius of the pitch circle, extract the cube root of this product, and multiply the result by the tabular number corresponding to the given values of ^ and /. h, Example i. A cast-iron gear the diameter of which is 48" transmits a force of 5,000 pounds. Required the width and thickness of the arms, of which there are 5. If we assume 7 1 = -, Table V. gives, for the value of the co-efficient, x =. o. 1 1 7. becomes Hence formula (18) * This form is given by Umvin in Elements of Machine Design. 10 TOOTHED GEARING. h l = o.i 171/7^ = o.uysooo x 24 = o.ny' 12000 = 0.117 X 49-324 = 5-77" or in fractions, from Table IV., //, = 5ff": hence *, = #, = i X 5-77 = 14425" = i&". Example 2. A cast-iron 72" gear transmits a force of 15,000 pounds. Taking n' = 6, and - -, required //! 2 the dimensions of the arms. From Table V., x = 0.087 : hence, from formula (18), we have h l = 0.08 7 V^# = 0.08 7'V 1 5 ooo x 36 = 0.087 X 81.433 = 7-0847" =7*". For the thickness we have *, = fa = j x 7.0847 = 3-54235" = 3H"- - If, instead of rectangular, we have circular cross- sections for gear arms, and represent the diameter by d r , the equation for equilibrium becomes P _ /x 0.0982^3 ?" ~~R~ or, for cast-iron, P _ 3000 x 0.0982^'* 7~ ^ Reducing and transposing this equation gives PR TOOTHED GEARING. Ill Rule. To determine the diameter for cast-iron gear arms having circular cross-sections, multiply the force transmitted by the pitch radius, divide this product by the number of arms, extract the cube root of the quo- tient thus obtained, and multiply the result by 0.15. Example 3. A cast-iron gear of $6" diameter has 5 arms (circular cross-sections), and transmits a force of 600 pounds. Required the diameter for the arms. From formula (19) we have ,, * 3/i 8 X 600 R/ - d = o.i5y --- = o.i5V2i6o = 0.15 x 12.927 = 1.939 or, from Table IV., b,, = /i,,= fi", and #~ i T 5 g". For arms with cross-sections, flanged as in Fig. 83, the equation for equilibrium is P___f_ BIT* - b,,h,* n/ ~~ 7? X 6H' ' = 3,000 in this equation, we have, for cast-iron, P (22) * n!~ RH' or b,,h,t PR Example 6. A 48" cast-iron gear transmits a force of i ,000 pounds, and has 5 arms, the cross-sections being flanged as in Fig. 83. Required the arm dimenr TTf J sions. Let us take B= t //// = //', and ~\H'. 2 2 These values, substituted in formula (22), give 1000 X 24 H 1 5 X 5 * Reducing, we have 256 TOOTHED GEARING. and = 0.3623" = The number of arms in a gear-wheel is often deter- mined, according to the pitch diameter, by the following table : For a gear of i J to 3^ feet diameter, 4 arms. For a gear of 3^ to 5 feet diameter, 5 arms. For a gear of 5 to 8 feet diameter, 6 arms. For a gear of 8| to 16 feet diameter, 8 arms. For a gear of 16 to 25 feet diameter, 10 arms. Reuleaux gives for the number of arms the formula (23) in which ;// is the number of arms, ^V the number of teeth in the gear, and/ the pitch.* Ride. To determine the number of arms for a gear- wheel, extract the square root of the number of teeth and the fourth root of the pitch, multiply the roots together and the product by 0.56. Example 6 a. A gear-wheel has 100 teeth and a * Small pinions, and sometimes narrow-faced gears, are made without arms; i.e., having a continuous web cast between the rim and nave. Il6 TOOTHED GEARING. pitch of i". Required the number of arms. From for mula (23) / = 0.56^100 V7 = 0.56 X 10 X i = 5.6 or 6. A convenient formula for the arm dimensions, in terms of the horse-power transmitted and the revolu- tions, may be obtained as follows. As explained in XIII., we have the expressions v = 0.008 Rn and P= v being the circumferential velocity in feet per second, H the horse-power, and n the revolutions per minute. By combining these we obtain H This value of P substituted in formula (17) give's 63000;? R s i *fr i n s\ t Rn SOCK/ or IT M, a =i26 , (24). Tin i Rule. To determine the quantity bji? (the thick- ness multiplied by the square of the width) for cast-iron gear arms, from the horse-power and revolutions, mul- tiply the horse-power by 126, and divide by the product of the number of revolutions into the number of arms. Example 7. A 36" cast-iron gear makes 80 revolu- tions per minute, and transmits 15 -horse power. Re- TOOTHED GEARING. 1 1/ quired the dimensions of the arms. From the table we have for the number of arms ;// = 4, and from for- mula (24) 126 x 15 ^ = -8^r := s - 9 6 - We may now assume b l = : hence 7/ 3 Mi 2 = = 5-906 h* = ^23.624 = 2.869" = 2 J" and _/Z r _ 2.869 _ 23" *,---- - : 0.717 For arms having circular cross-sections we have, as above, P = 63000^ which, substituted in formula (19), gives, for the diame- ter of the arm cross-section, or ' H r, (25). Rule. To determine the diameter for cast-iron gear arms having circular cross-sections, from the horse- power and revolutions, divide the horse-power by the product of the number of revolutions per minute into the number of arms, extract the cube root of this quo- tient, and multiply the result by 5.969. Example 8. The diameter of a cast-iron gear is 48", Il8 TOOTHED GEARING. the horse-power transmitted 15, and the number of revo- lutions per minute 40. Required the diameter for the circular cross-sections of the arms. From the table, the number of arms is 5 : hence, from formula (25), 5-969 X 0.4217 = 2.517 = 2 ff". For elliptical cross-sections, of which a and b' are respectively the major and minor axes, we have, by substituting in formula (20), the value />= 63000 -g, H R b'a? = 0.00339 x 63000 =- x > Rn n' or * V = 2I3 - 57 J? (26) - Rule. To determine the quantity b'a? (the minor axis multiplied by the square of the major), for cast-iron gear arms having elliptical cross-sections, from the horse-power and revolutions, multiply the horse-power by 213.57, an d divide by the product of the number of revolutions per minute into the number of arms. Example 9. A 48" cast-iron gear makes 40 revolu- tions per minute, and transmits 2O-horse power. Re- quired the arm dimensions for elliptical cross-sections. In this case, n' = 4, and hence formula (26) gives TOOTHED GEARING. 119 If we take b' = \a, we shall have a* * = -- = 21.357 = ai.357X 2 = 3496"= 3*" and For arms having cross-sections flanged, as shown in Fig. 82, we obtain, by substituting in formula (21) the value of P determined above, b.,H'* + Bh,t H R - - -- = 63000 -5- X -- 7 H' Rn soo, or (27) which may be solved as explained in Example 5 of this section. Similarly, for arms having cross-sections flanged, as in Fig. 83, we obtain (28) * It is often convenient to calculate the dimensions of the arms from the pitch and radius of the gear. Formulas for the arm dimensions, in terms of these quantities, may be obtained as follows : From formula (12, b) we may write ~" 0.0025 I2O TOOTHED GEARING. which, substituted in formula (17), gives or ?. To determine the quantity bji? (the thick- ness of the arm multiplied by the square of its width) from the pitch and radius of the gear, divide the con tinned product of 0.8 into the square of the pitch into the radius, by the number of arms. Example 10. Required the dimensions for the arms of a gear-wheel, the diameter of which is 24", and the pitch i". In this case, n^-=.^\ hence, from formula 0.8 X i X 12 = f- in formulas (19), (20), 0.0025 (21), and (22), the following formulas may be obtained. For arms having circular cross-sections, of which d r is the diameter, ( 3 o). TOOTHED GEARING. 121 For elliptical cross-sections, a and b' being the major and minor axes respectively, (3i). "i For cross-sections, as shown in Fig. 82, H f n{ For cross-sections, as shown in Fig. 83, (32)- H' (33)- Example n. Taking the data of Example 10, re- quired the diameter for arms having circular cross- sections. Formula (30) gives, by substituting the numerical data, = S VJ= i.i5937"= itt". Example 12. With the same data, required the dimensions for arms having elliptical cross-sections. From formula (31) we have I X 1 2 tfa 2 1.356 = I-356 X 3 = 4.068. 4 Assuming b f = \a b'a? = = 4.068 a \/4^o68~X*2 =s 2" fi'=ia= i". 122 TOOTHED GEARING. Example 13. Using the same data, it is required to determine the dimensions for flanged arms having cross- sections, such as shown in Fig. 83. From formula (33) b,,h,t 0.8 X i X 12 H' = 2.4. Let us take B = ///,= #"' and -= j/f: hence = h,, = iff' =0.862" = _. A and More often than otherwise, the arms of gear-wheels are made straight, as in Fig. 81 : sometimes, however, especially in large gears and in gears subjected to violent shock and strain, curved arms are preferred, as tending to stiffen and support the rim better. Also curved arms, as a general rule, cast better. When single curved arms are used, they may be constructed as follows : After having determined the number of arms by one of the foregoing rules, and having marked their cen- tres A, C (Fig. 84), upon the circumference ABC, take the arc AB = f arc A C, and draw the radial line OB. From the centre O of the wheel, erect the line OD per- pendicular to OB, and find upon OD, by trial, the centre TOOTHED GEARING. 123 a for a circular arc passing through the points O and A. This arc is the axis of the arm. Lay off, as shown in the figure, // ( the distance from the cen- tre of the shaft to the point at which the force acts, i.e., the radius of the gear ; and d, the diameter of the shaft. The greatest safe torsional strain which can be sustained by the shaft is given by the expression _ *?** _ (ZED in which f is the greatest safe shearing-stress in pounds per square inch for the material of the shaft. From this, PR - T 9 6 35/ or , d i. (37). Rule. To determine the diameter of a gear shaft of any material, multiply the total force transmitted by 128 TOOTHED GEARING. the gear by the radius of the gear, divide this product by the greatest safe shearing-stress in pounds per square inch for the material of the shaft, extract the cube root of the quotient thus obtained, and multiply the result by 1.720. Example 1 7. Required the diameter for an oak shaft, upon which is a 60" gear transmitting a force of 1,000 pounds, taking /' 500 pounds. From formula (37), = 1.720 x 3-915 = 6.734" = 6". We propose to take, for steel, /' = 12,000 pounds; for wrought-iron, f = 8,000 pounds ; and, for cast-iron, /' = 4,000 pounds. These values of f are nearly mean between those used by Stoney, Haswell, and Unwin, which differ far more than is conducive to any degree of accuracy. Substituting the above values of f suc- cessively in formula (37), and reducing, we obtain; For steel, d = v.v\$PR (38) For wrought-iron, d = o.o86'V/^ (39) For cast-iron, d '= 0.108 ^fPR (40)* Rule. To determine the diameter for a gear shaft of steel, wrought or cast iron, multiply the total force transmitted by the radius of the gear, extract the cube root of the product, and multiply the result by 0.075 for steel, 0.086 for wrought-iron, and o. 108 for cast-iron. Example 18. A 48" gear transmits a force of 100,000 pounds. Required the diameter for a steel TOOTHED GEARING. 1 2g shaft. From formula (38) we have d= 0.075^100000 x 24 = 0.075 x 62.145 = 4-66 v = 4ff". Example 19. Taking the data of Example 18, re- quired the diameter for a shaft of cast-iron. Formula (40) gives d = o.ioSViooooo x 24 = 0.108 X 62.145 = 6.712"= 6|-f". Formulas for the diameters of gear shafts, in terms of the horse-power transmitted and the revolutions per minute, may be obtained as follows : As before explained, we have the expression ^=63000^ H representing the horse-power, R the radius of the gear, and ;/ the number of revolutions per minute. Substituting this value of P in formulas (37), (38), (39), and (40), and reducing, we obtain the following : fjr General formula, d 68.44 y-y/ (4 1 ) .984^-^ For steel, =-, R~- (2). 7T 27T Rule. To find the diameter of the pitch circle, di- vide the circumference by 3.14159. To find the radius, divide the circumference by 6.28318. TOOTHED GEARING. 141 C C W=, C=Nj>, P^T (3). Rule. To find the number of teeth, divide the cir- cumference by the pitch. To find the circumference, multiply the number of teeth by the pitch. To find the pitch, divide the circumference by the number of teeth. _N_ir_ _ jr_ Rule. To find the diametral pitch, divide the num- ber of teeth by the diameter, or divide 3.14159 by the pitch. To find the pitch, divide 3.14159 by the diame- tral pitch. Rule. To find the length of the chord which sub- tends the pitch, multiply twice the radius by the natural sine of half the angle limited by the pitch. (6). Rule. To find the length of the chord which sub- tends the pitch, divide 180 by the number of teeth, take the natural sine of the angle thus obtained, and multiply by the diameter. 'n'~~N~~R~T>~~~C '"" Rule. The ratio of the numbers of revolutions of a pair of gears is inversely proportional to the ratio of their numbers of teeth to the ratio of their radii, diameters, or circumferences. 142 TOOTHED GEARING, =- r (8). Rule. The ratio of the powers of two gears on the same shaft is inversely proportional to the ratio of their radii. (9). W V PV Wv - = , W= ) P= -jy P v v V R^ile. The ratio of the powers of two gears on the same shaft is inversely proportional to the ratio of their circumferential velocities. (10). Rule. To find the pitch for a gear of any material, divide the force transmitted by the greatest safe work- ing-stress in pounds per square inch for the material, multiply the quotient by the ratio of the pitch to the face width, extract the square root of the product, and multiply the result by 4.93. For cast-iron.* Violent shock, / = o.oySy/ P x ~ (a) Moderate shock, / = 0.07 y P X ^ (b) Little or no shock, / = 0.05 y P x ~ (c) (ii). Rule. To find the pitch for a cast-iron gear, multi- ply the force transmitted by the ratio of the pitch to the face width, extract the square root of the product, and * h = o.;/, ti o-4/, h" 0.3^, and b TOO THED GEA AYA'C. 143 multiply the result by 0.078 for violent shock, 0.07 for moderate shock, or 0.05 for little or no shock. When / = 2p, Violent shock, / = 0.055^ (a) Moderate shock, / = 0.05 ^P (b) (12). Little or no shock, / = 0.035^ (c) Rule. To find the pitch for a cast-iron gear when the face width is twice the pitch, multiply the square root of the force transmitted by 0.055 for violent shock, 0.05 for moderate shock, or 0.35 for little or no shock. Violent shock, / = 1.83! f / J-f *h Moderate shock, / = i.64y x -, (b} Little or no shock c,/=i.i7\/f x^ 7 (<) (13) Rule. To find the pitch for a cast-iron gear from the horse-power transmitted and circumferential velocity in feet per second, divide the horse-power by the cir- cumferential velocity, multiply the quotient by the ratio of the pitch to the face width, extract the square root of the product, and multiply the result by 1.83 for violent shock, 1.64 for moderate shock, or 1.17 for little or no shock. When / = 2/, I H Violent shock, /=i.29y (a) Moderate shock, / = Little or no shock, / = f- 144 TOOTHED GEARING. Rule. To find the pitch for a cast-iron gear, from the horse-power and velocity, when the face width is twice the pitch, divide the horse-power by the velocity, extract the square root of the quotient, and multiply the result by 1.29 for violent shock, 1.17 for moderate shock, or 0.82 for little or no shock. Violent shock, / = sy.yiy -=- x j (a) Moderate shock, p = 24.84^7 - x (V) Little or no shock, / = I 7-7 2 y ^ x / ( c ) (15) Rule. To find the pitch for a cast-iron gear from the horse-power and number of revolutions per minute, divide the horse-power by the product of the diameter into the number of revolutions, multiply the quotient by the ratio of the pitch to the face width, extract the square root of the product, and multiply the result by 27.71 for violent shock, 24.84 for moderate shock, or 17.72 for little or no shock. When / = 2/, Violent shock, / = 19. 72\/ Moderate shock, /= 17 Little or no shock, p = 12.42^ H_ Dn Jf (16). Rule. To find the pitch for a cast-iron gear, from the horse-power and number of revolutions per minute, when the face width is twice the pitch, divide the horse- TOOTHED GEARING. 145 power by the product of the diameter into the number of revolutions, extract the square root of the quotient, and multiply the result by 19.54 for violent shock, 17.72 for moderate shock, or 12.42 for little or no shock. /, i ;, I a = -^- 7 (17). 5oo;// Rule. To find the quantity^//, 2 (the thickness of the arm multiplied by the square of the width) for cast- iron arms, multiply the force transmitted by the radius of the pitch circle, and divide the product by 500 times the number of arms. (18). Rule. To find the width of the arms in the plane of the pitch circle, multiply the force transmitted by the radius of the pitch circle, extract the cube root of the product, and multiply the result by the tabular number (in Table V.) corresponding to the required number of arms and value of -i. Rule. To find the diameter for cast-iron arms having circular cross-sections, multiply the force trans- mitted by the radius of the pitch circle, divide the product by the number of arms, extract the cube root of the quotient, and multiply the result by 0.15. PR b'a? = 0.00339 7 (20). n l . To find the quantity of b'a 2 (the minor axis 146 TOOTHED GEARING. of elliptical cross-section multiplied by the square of the major axis) for cast-iron arms, multiply the force trans- mitted by the radius of the pitch circle, divide the product by the number of arms, and multiply the result by 0.00339. b,,H's + Bh,t PR (21) * H' ~ 500;;, - b,,h,t PR soon (22) f (23). Rule. To find the number of arms, extract the fourth root of the pitch and the square root of the num- ber of teeth, multiply the two roots together, and the product by 0.56. (24). Rule. To find the quantity bji? (see formula 17) for cast-iron arms, from the horse-power and number of revolutions per minute, multiply the horse-power by 1 26, and divide by the product of the number of revolu- tions into the number of arms. Rule. To find the diameter for cast-iron arms having circular cross-sections, from the horse-power and number of revolutions per minute, divide the horse- power by the product of the number of revolutions into * See Fig. 82. t See Fig. 83. TOOTHED GEARING. 147 the number of arms, extract the cube root of the quo- tient, and multiply the result by 5.969. TT t'a* = 2iwj (26). Rule. To find the quantity b f a 2 (see formula 20) for cast-iron arms, from the horse-power and number of revolutions per minute, divide the horse-power by the product of the number of revolutions into the number of arms, and multiply the quotient by 213.57. H' ' nnT -b,,h,t I26H . ^A 2 = -^r- (29). Ride. To find the quantity bji? (see formula 17) for cast-iron arms, from the pitch, multiply o.S times the square of the pitch by the radius of the pitch circle, and divide the product by the number of arms. (30). Rule. To find the diameter of cast-iron arms having circular cross-sections, from the pitch, multiply the square of the pitch by the radius of the pitch circle, divide the product by the number of arms, extract the cube root of the quotient, and multiply the result by 1.105. * See Fig. 82. t See Fig. 83. 148 TOOTHED GEARING, b'a* = 1.356^ (3')- "I Rule. To find the quantity b'a 2 (see formula 20) from the pitch, multiply the square of the pitch by the radius of the pitch circle, divide the product by the num- ber of arms, and multiply the result by 1.356. (3*) (33) t H' H' / = o.i2+o.4/ (34). Rule. To find the thickness of the rim, add 0.12" to 0.4 times the pitch. * = o. 4 V/^ + t (35). Rule. To find the thickness of the nave, multiply the square of the pitch by the radius of the pitch circle, extract the cube root of the product, multiply the root by 0.4, and to the result add J". Rule. To find the length of the nave, divide the diameter of the pitch circle by 30, and to the result add the face width of the teeth. (37). Rule. To find the diameter of a gear shaft of any * See Fig. 82. t See Fig. 83. TOOTHED GEARING. 149 material, multiply the force transmitted by the radius of the pitch circle, divide the product by the greatest safe shearing-stress in pounds per square inch for the material, extract the cube root of the quotient, and mul- tiply the result by 1.720. For steel, d = 0.0751^? (38) For wrought-iron, d 0.086'^^ (39) For cast-iron, d o.io8 3 V ' PR (40). Ride. To find the diameter of a gear shaft, multiply the force transmitted by the radius of the pitch circle, extract the cube root of the product, and multiply the result by 0.075 f r steel, 0.086 for wrought-iron, and 0.108 for cast-iron. = 68.44^1 , x (40. Rule. To find the diameter of a gear shaft of any material from the horse-power and number of revolu- tions, divide the horse-power by the product of the number of revolutions into the greatest safe shearing- stress in pounds per square inch for the material, ex- tract the cube root of the quotient, and multiply the result by 68.44. fff For steel, ^=2.984^ (42) For wrought-iron, d = 3.422^- (43) 3/5" For cast-iron, ^=4.297^ (44) 150 TOOTHED GEARING. Rule. To find the diameter of a gear shaft from the horse-power and number of revolutions, divide the horse- power by the number of revolutions, extract the cube root of the quotient, and multiply the result by 2.984 for steel, 3.422 for wrought-iron, and 4.297 for cast-iron. (45). Ride. To find the diameter of a gear shaft of any material from the pitch, multiply the square of the pitch by the radius of the pitch circle, divide the product by the greatest safe shearing-stress in pounds per square inch for the material used, extract the cube root of the quotient, and multiply the result by 12.673. For steel, d = o.P 2R (46) For wrought-iron, d=o.6i ) $p 2 R (47) For cast-iron, dQ.^lp^R (48) Rule. To find the diameter of a gear shaft from the pitch, multiply the square of the pitch by the radius of the pitch circle, extract the cube root of the product, and multiply the result by 0.553 for steel, 0.634 for wrought-iron, and 0.796 for cast-iron. (49) S'=o.i6 + (50). Rule. To find the mean width of a fixing-key, divide the diameter of the shaft by 5, and to the result TOOTHED GEARING. 151 add o. 16". To find the thickness of the key, divide the diameter of the shaft by ro, and to the result add 0.16". O.OOI4/V 72 ) (si). Rule. To find the approximate weight of a spin- wheel, add 0.215 times the number of teeth to 0.0014, the square of the number of teeth, and multiply the sum by the product of the face width into the square of the pitch. When / = 2p, G=p* (0.4307V -f 0.00287V 2 ) (5 2) . Rule. To find the approximate weight of a spur wheel when the face width is twice the pitch, add 0.430 times the number of teeth to 0.0028 times the square of the number of teeth, and multiply the sum by the cube of the pitch. XVI. Complete Design of Spur-Wheel, Bevels, Worm, Screw Gear, etc. Example I. Required to design and make full work- ing drawings for a 36" cast-iron spur wheel to transmit a force of 5,000 pounds, violent shock. For the pitch we have, from formula (12, a), p = o.o55\/5ooo = 0.055 X 70-71 = 3-889" for the face width, /= 2 p= 2 x 3.889= 7.778". As explained in XIII. , we have for the total height 152 TOOTHED GEARING. of the teeth, and heights below and above the pitch circle, h = h' + h" = o.4/ -f o.3/ = 0.7 x 3.889 = 2.7223" ^'=0.4 x 3-889= 1.5556" ^"=0.3 x 3.889= 1.1667". We may take, for the breadth of the teeth on the pitch circle, b = o.^p= i. 75". From formulas (i) and (3), for the circumference and number of teeth, (7=3.14159 x 36 = 113.10 and 113.10 _ 'IW From formula (23), the number of arms is /= 0.56^29 ^3.889 = 0.56 x 5.385 x 1.40 = 4. If we wish to have elliptical cross-sections for the arms, we have, from formula (20), ,, qooo x 1 8 b a* = 0.00339 x = 0.00339 X 22500 = 76.275. 4 Taking *>'="-> ^ 2 = ^= 76.275; or, for the major axis of the cross-section, a = ^152.55 = 5.343" and, for the minor axis, '=^=2.6715". TOOTHED GEARING. 153 For the thickness of the rim, from formula (34), /= 0.12 -f 0.4 x 3.889 = 0.12 4- 1.5556 = 1.6756." Formula (35) gives, for the thickness of the nave, k = 0.4V3-889 2 x 18 4- \ = 0.4 x 6.481 -f \ = 3.092". The length of the nave is, from formula (36), /' = 7.778 -f f- = 7.778 4- 1.2 = 8.978". Formula (39) gives, for the diameter of the wrought-iron shaft, d 0.086^5000 x 18 = 0.086 x 44.814 = 3.854". For the mean width and thickness of the fixing-key we have, from formulas (49) and (50), s = 0.16 -f l- = O .i6 4- 0.7708 = 0.9308" and s t = 0.16 4- ^-^ = 0.16 -|- 0.3854 = 0.5454". We may now recapitulate our dimensions, and by means of Table IV. convert the decimals into convenient fractions : Diameter, D = 36" Pitch, / = 3^ Face width, / = yf f" Total tooth height, h = 2ff " Height below pitch circle, ti = iff" Height above pitch circle, h" iJ" Breadth of tooth on pitch circle, b = i f" 154 TOOTHED GEARING. Number of teeth, N = 29 Number of arms, n/ = 4 Axes of arm cross-sections, < 7 , ~ ff,, ( ^ 2 F4 Thickness of rim, / = iff'' Nave length, I' = 8JJ" Nave thickness, k = 3-^" Diameter of shaft, d = 3fJ" Key width, s \%"' Key thickness, s, = f }". Fig. 89 shows the working drawings for the above spur wheel. Fig. (/?) is a simple horizontal projection of the gear, showing the pitch, tooth dimensions, thick- ness of rim and nave, dimensions of arms, number of teeth, arms, etc. Fig. (c) is a vertical projection taken from Fig. (b), as shown by the dotted lines, and Fig. (a) is a sectional, vertical projection taken from Fig. (b) on the line AB, and showing the face width, nave length, etc. The profiles were drawn by the method of IV., Fig. 26. Example 2. Required to design and make full work- ing drawings for a pair of cast-iron bevel wheels to transmit a force of lO-horse power from a smoothly running turbine wheel (moderate shock), the smaller bevel to be fixed upon the 3" shaft of the turbine wheel, which makes 30 revolutions per minute, the bevel wheels to be 15" and 30" diameters. The circumfer- ential velocity of the smaller bevel (as also that of the larger) is ^o x TT x is ^o x 47.124 v = - = = 2 feet per second nearly. 12 X 60 12 X 60 TOOTHED GEARING. ttg.89 155 fe) * The scale of all working drawings should be , |, i, -rV, TjV, etc. The scale of - 4 3 U - is taken here in order to bring the drawings of convenient size. 1 56 TOOTHED GEARING. For the smaller bevel, from formula (14, b), we have, therefore, for the pitch, /= i..i7y = 1.17 x 2.236 = 2.616". For the face width, /= 2 x 2.616 = 5.232". For the total height of the teeth, h = 0.7 x 2.616 = 1.8312". For the heights below and above the pitch circle, h' ' = 0.4 X 2.616 = 1.0464" and #'=0.3 x 2.616 = 0.7848". Taking, for the breadth of the teeth at the pitch circle, b = 0.48^, we have b = 0.48 x 2.616 = 1.25568". The bevel, being so small, may be made without rim or arms, i.e., cast solid, as shown in the drawing (Fig. 91, a). From formula (3) the number of teeth is 2.616 For the thickness of the nave, from formula (35), k = 0.4V2.62 2 x 7i 4- \ = 2". From formula (36), for the length of the nave, we have /' = 5.232 -Hi = 5.732"- TOOTHED GEARING. 157 The diameter of the shaft is that of the turbine, or d = 3". From formulas (49) and (50) the mean width of the key which fixes the bevel to its shaft is 0.16 + 1 = 0.76" and the thickness, = o.i 6 = 0.46". For the larger bevel the pitch and tooth dimensions are the same as for the smaller bevel. From formula (3) the number of teeth is TTX 30 _ 94.25 _ " 2.616 2.616 ~ 3 ' From formula (34) the thickness of the rim is *= 0.12 -f- 0.4 x 2.616 =s 1.1664". Formula (23) gives for the number of arms, n s '= 0.56^36^2.616 = 4. For the number of revolutions per minute, we have, Fig.90 from formula (7), n = 15. For the flanged cross-sections of the arms, such as that represented in Fig. 90, taking b,, equal to the rim-thickness = 1.1664", //// = i", and B = //"', we have, from for- mula (27), 1.1664 X ff f * + H* X i _ 126 X io H 1 15X4 158 TOOTHED GEARING. or 1.1664^3 + 1 = 21. Hence and B = H f =4.141". For the thickness of the nave, from formula (35) we have _ k = 0.4V2.62 2 X 15 + i = 2.36". Formula (36) gives, for the length of the. nave, /'= 5-232+18 = 6.232". For the diameter of the wrought-iron shaft we have, from formula (43), ,/= 3.422^4 = 3 ". Formulas (49) and (50) give, for the mean width and thickness of the fixing-key, j = o.i6 + =0.76" and / = o.i 6 + T 3 o = 0.46". Our dimensions in fractions instead of decimals are as follows : For smaller bevel. Diameter, D = 15" Pitch, / = 2ft" Face width, / = sjf" Total height of teeth, h = iff" Height below pitch circle, h' = i&" Height above pitch circle, h" f }" TOO THED GEA RING. 159 Breadth on pitch circle, Number of teeth, Thickness of nave, Length of nave, Diameter of shaft, Key width, Key thickness, For smaller bevel. b = itf" N = 18 k = 2" i' = sir d = 3" s = ' For larger bevel. D = 30- A = i Diameter, Pitch, Face width, Total height of teeth, Height below pitch circle, Height above pitch circle, Breadth of teeth at pitch circle, b = i JJ" Number of teeth, N = 36 Rim thickness, t = iJJ" Number of arms, /= 4 (ff= 4 A" Arm dimensions. See Fig. 90. B = 4&" *- t" /<= i" Thickness of nave, Length of nave, Diameter of shaft, Key width, Key thickness, /' = 6H" + <' = 180 - 60 = 120. If we assume = 60, we have, ^= 1 20 -60 =60.* For the larger wheel the dimensions are calculated as follows : The pitch, from formula (14, c), is / = o.82\/ ^ = 0.82^91 = 0.82 x 1.382 = 1.133". ? 1.047 The face width is /= 2 x 1.133 = 2.266". The heights of the teeth are h = 0.7 x 1.133 = 0.793" ^'= 0.4 x 1.133 = -453 2 " and A" =0.3 X 1.133 = 0.3399". * We can assume 90, in which case the gear upon which the inclination of the teeth is = 90 is a spur wheel, and then have f = 120 90 = 30 for the inclination of the teeth of the other gear. 1 66 TOOTHED GEARING. For the breadth of the teeth at the pitch circle we may take b = o.48/ = 0.48 x 1.133 = 0.54384"- From formula (3) we have, for the number of teeth, Ar_ 37-7 _ ~' Formula (34) gives, for the rim thickness, /= 0.12 + (0.4 X I.I33) = 0.573 2 ". From formula (35), the thickness of the nave is k = 0.4VI.I33 2 X 6 + i = 0.4V7.70 + \ = 0.4 x i. 9 7-f|= 1.29". Formula (36) gives, for the nave length, /' = 2.266 + j#= 2.666". The fixing-key width and thickness are, from formulas (49) and (50), s = 0.16 -f- - = 0.41" and /=o.i6 + = 0.285". The gear is small enough to be made without arms. The thickness of the web between the nave and rim may be calculated from formula (24), by assuming the gear to have 10 arms, the width of each being one- tenth the outer circumference of the nave. Thus the TOOTHED GEARING. 1 67 shaft diameter is 1.2$", and the nave thickness 1.29": hence the diameter across the nave is 1.25 -f (2 x 1.29) =3.83" and the circumference 12.052". The width of the assumed arms is therefore - ' , or//, = 1.203". For- mula (24) becomes b, x i.2O3 2 or *, = -^ = 0.87". 1.447 For the smaller gear the pitch and tooth dimensions are the same as for the larger gear, as is also the rim thickness. The thickness of the nave is, from formula (35), k = o. 4 Vi.i33 2 X 3 + J = o. 4 V 3 .8 5 i + J = 0.4 X 1.567 + I = I.I268". From formula (36) we have, for the length of the nave, /'= 2.2664- & = 2.466". From formula (3), for the number of teeth, we have 18.85 N= 5.= 17. i-i33 The diameter of the wrought-iron shaft is, from for- mula (43), and from formula (3) the number of teeth is = 69. 1 72 TOOTHED GEARING. Formula (34) gives, for the rim thickness of the pinion, /= 0.12 + (0.4 x 3.486) = 1.51". Since in an internal gear the rim is not supported by the arms, as in an external gear (see Fig. 93, #), we may take the rim thickness for the internal gear equal to 2t = 3". From formula (35), the thickness of the nave for the pinion is k = o. 4 3 v/3.486 2 x 12.75 + \ = 0.4^/12.15 X 12.75 4- } = 0.4 x 5.371+^=2.6484", and, for the internal gear, k = o.4'V 3 .486 2 x 38.25 + \ = 0.4^12.15 x 38.25 + 1 = 0.4 x 7.746+1= 3.598". Formula (36) gives for the nave lengths of the pinion and internal gear respectively, /' = 8.715 + 2 -~ = 8.715 + 0.85 = 9.565" and /'= 8.715 + ^ = 8.715 + 2.55 = 11.265". The pinion may be without arms, and the thickness of the web calculated from formula (29) by assuming the pinion to have 10 arms, each having a width of one- tenth the outer circumference of the nave. Thus the diameter of the shaft is 3.6875", and the nave thickness 2.6484": hence the diameter across the nave is 3.6875 + (2 x 2.6484) = 9", TOOTHED GEARING. and the circumference 28.27". We therefore have //, = 2.827"; anc l formula (29) gives 0.80 x 3.486* x 12.715 ^X2.82 7 2 =- ^_ ^=12.393, or 12,393 7-99 For the number of arms for the internal gear, formula (23) gives n! = 0.56^ >/3.486 = 0.56 x 8.307 x 1.366 = 6.35, say ;// 7. If we wish to have elliptical arm cross- sections, we have from formula (31), taking the minor axis equal to one-half the major, 03 3.486* x 38.25 *, = - = 1.356 6 - ^ * = 90.03. Hence _ a = V9-3 x 2 = 5.647" and * I = S^47 = 2i8 . From formula (39), the diameter of the wrought-iron shaft for the internal gear is and the circumference is 4.55 x 3.14159=-= 14.294". Hence //, = 1.43", and formula (17) becomes 1000 x 6.0621% bth? = 2.045^, = - 500 x 10 1.2 I 2 S b l = 0.599". 2.045 The dimensions, converted into fractions, are as fol- lows : Diameter of pinion, D = i2|" Length of rack, 9' Pitch, / = iff" Number of teeth, N = 24 Face width, / = 3&" Total height of teeth, h = !&" Height below pitch circle, h' f" Height above pitch circle, h" f " Breadth of teeth, b = ft" Thickness of rim, / = f " Thickness of nave, k i" Length of nave, /' = Diameter of shaft, d =; Width of key, s Thickness of key, / = Thickness of web, , = TOOTHED GEARING. 179 The working drawings are shown in Fig. 94, drawn to a scale of T 3 6 -, and dimensions marked. Fig. (a) is a full projection of the rack and pinion in gear, the rack being broken in order to save space ; Fig. (c), a full projection taken from Fig. (a) ; and Fig. (#), a sectional 180 TOOTHED GEARING. projection of the rack and pinion, taken from Fig. (a), on the line xy. The cycloidal profiles of the teeth were drawn by the method given under Fig. 26 for the pinion, and under Fig. 35 for the rack. Example 7. Required to design, and make working drawings for, a cast-iron lantern gear and pinion to transmit a force of 1,600 pounds, moderate shock, the revolution ratio of the lantern to the pinion being . From formula (12, b), for the pitch, p = 0.05^1600 = 0.05 x 40 = 2". The total height of the teeth is h = 0.7 x 2 = 1.4", and the breadth may be b = 0.46 x 2 = 0.92". The face width is 1=2 X 2= 4 ". If we take, for the diameter of the lantern, 19^", we have for the number of teeth, from formula (3), 60.08 ;V=- - = 3 o and, from formula (7), the diameter of the pinion is a*-6r. The number of teeth for the pinion is 20.02 = 10. 2 Formula (34) gives, for the rim thickness, /= 0.12 -f- (0.4 x 2) = 0.92". TOOTHED GEARING. l8l Formula (35) gives for the nave thickness, for the lan- tern, k = 0.41/2- x 9.5625 + | = 0.4-^38.25 + i = 0.4 x 3.369 + = 1.8476", and for the pinion, k = o.4'V2 2 X 3.1875 -f- 1= o.4'Vi2.75 -h | = 0.4 x 2.336 + 1 = 1.4344"- For the nave length of the pinion we have, from for- mula (36), and for the lantern, r- 4 + ^ = 4.6375". The diameter of the pinion shaft, from formula (39), is * = 0.15^/3825 = 0.15 x 15.64= 2.346". 4 As explained in VI., under Fig. 42, the radius for the lantern rungs is j$ X 2 = 0.475". Dimensions for the lantern. Diameter, D = ipj" Pitch, / = 2" Face width, / = 4"* Radius of rungs, = Jf" Number of rungs, N = 30 Thickness of rim, / = fj" Number of arms, / = 4 Diameter of arm cross-section, d r = 2 JJ" Thickness of nave, k = iff" Length of nave, /' = 4f" Diameter of shaft, d = 2^" Width of fixing-key, j = J|" Thickness of fixing-key, / = f " * See Fig. 95 (c). TOOTHED GEARING. 183 Dimensions for the pinion. Diameter, D = 6f " Pitch, / = 2" Face width, / = 4" Total height of teeth, h if" Breadth of teeth, b = f J" Number of teeth, JV 10 Thickness of nave, k i-fr" Length of nave, /' = Diameter of shaft, d = Width of fixing-key, s = Thickness of fixing-key, / = T 5 /'. Fig. 95 gives the working drawings of the lantern and pinion, drawn to a scale of -%- One of the lantern rungs is shown in section in Fig. (c) in order to show that the rungs are to be cast on the lantern, instead of being made separately, and driven into holes along the lantern rim, as is ordinarily the case. The arrangement of the rim, etc., is sufficiently explained by the figure. The teeth of the pinion are drawn according to the explana- tion given in VI., under Fig. 42. Example 8. Given the data and dimensions of the pinion of Example 7, it is required to design an internal lantern, the revolution ratio of which to the pinion shall be \ ; the rungs of the lantern to be of wrought-iron, and to be driven into holes along the rim. The radius for the rungs is the same as in Example 7, as is also the calculated rim thickness. But for an in- ternal gear we take the rim thickness from ij times to twice that of an external gear (see Fig. 96, b). From formula (7), the diameter of the lantern is D = 6 X 4 = 25 J' ', 1 84 TOOTHED GEARING. and, from formula (3), the number of rungs is .. 80.1 N= = 40. Formula (23) gives, for the number of arms, n' 0.56^40 \/2 = 0.56 x 6.32 x 1.187 = 5 From formula (19) the diameter for the circular cross- section of the arms is .3/1600X12.75 s/ r~ = o.i5y- - = 0.15^4080 0.15x15.98 = 2.40. TOOTHED GEARING. 185 For the nave thickness, formula (35) gives, = 0.4^2* x 12.75 +i = 0-4^5 r +4 = 0.4x3.7 -f J = 1.98", and the nave length is, from formula (36), /'= 4 + 2 S = 4.8 S ". Formula (39) gives, for the diameter of the wrought-iron lantern shaft, d o.o86'Vi6oo x 12.75 = o.o86Y20400 = 0.086 X 27.32 = 2.349"- The width and thickness of the fixing-key are, from for- mulas (49) and (50), and = 0.16 + = 0.395 " Dimensions for lantern. " Diameter, D 25% Pitch, / = 2" Face width, / = 4" Radius of rungs, -Jf " Number of rungs, N = 40 Thickness of rim, / = ff-" Number of arms, #/ = 5 Diameter of arms, d' = 2\%' Thickness of nave, k = iff" Length of nave, /' = 4f|" Diameter of shaft, d = 2f" Width of fixing-key, j = JJ" Thickness of fixing-key, / = |f" 1 86 TOOTHED GEARING. Dimensions for pinion. Diameter, D = 6f" Pitch, / = 2" Face width, / == 4" Total height of teeth, h = i-|f" Breadth of teeth, = f" Number of teeth, ^V = 10 Thickness of nave, k = i-&" Length of nave, /' = 4-^" Diameter of shaft, // = ifj" Width of fixing-key, j = f" Thickness of fixing-key, / = ^". The working drawings for Example 8 (shown in Fig. 96, drawn to a scale of ^) need but little explanation. The dimensions are marked on the drawings ; and the arrangement of the lantern arms, proportions of the rim, etc., will be sufficiently explained by a glance at Fig. (b). The teeth of the pinion were drawn by the method explained in VI., under Fig. 44. Example 9. Required to design a train of cast-iron gears to lift a weight of 8,000 pounds (say, moderate shock) by means of a drum and cord as outlined in Fig. 97- " The circumferential force of the driving-gear r is 1,000 pounds, and the diameter of the driver 12". Let us assume that ten per cent of the driving-force is lost in overcoming the friction of the gear teeth, shaft bear- ings, etc. We have, therefore, an effectual force of 10001000X0.10 = 900 pounds, with which to lift the weight of 8,000 pounds. We must gear our power from 900 pounds to 8,000 pounds, or, in other words, we must gear our power up -^o - = 9 times. Since the powers of the gears are inversely proportional to their TOOTHED CKAKIXG. IS 7 radii (formula 8), we must gear down our radii 9 times. We can gear from R to r' 2\ times, and from R f to the drum r" 4 times (2\ x 4 = 9). If, therefore, we take R = 13^", we have 1 88 TOOTHED GEARING. and, if we take R' 28", we have, for the radius of the drum, Fig. 97 The power (or circumferential force) of the gear R is, of course, that of the driver r, 1,000 pounds;* and from formula (8) the power of the gear r f (and conse- quently that of the gear R') is 1000 X 2\ = 2250 pounds. The total power of the drum is 2250 X 4 = 9000 pounds. Our ex- ample is now reduced to two very simple ones ; viz., first to design a pair of gears (r and R) to transmit a force of 1,000 pounds (moderate shock), the diameters to be 2r = 1 2", and 2R = 27" ; and, second, to design a pair of gears (r' and R') to transmit a force of 2,250 pounds (moderate shock), the diameters being 2r'=i2", and 2R' $6". Let us take them in the order given. From formula (12, b), the pitch for the gears r and R is / = 0.05^1000 = 0.05 x 31.62 = 1.581" for the face width, /= 2 x 1.581 = 3.162". * We do not take the lost power into account in calculating the strength of the gears. TOOTHED GEARING. 189 The heights are, h = 0.7 x 1.581 = 1.1067" h' 0.4 x 1.581 = 0.6324" and h" = 0.3 x 1.581 = 0.4743". Taking the breadth of the teeth equal to 0.45^ gives b = 0.45 x 1.581 = 0.7115". From formula (3), the number of teeth for r is ^=37^9 1.581 and for R, Formula (34) gives, for the rim thickness, /= 0.12 4- (0.4 x 1.581) = 0.7524". The gear r is without arms. For the gear R the num- ber of arms, from formula (23), is / = 0.56^54 Vi.sSi = 0.56 X 7.348 x 1. 121 = 5. For elliptical cross-sections, taking b' = -, formula (20) gives a* 1000 X 13.5 b'a* = ~ = 0.00339 -- = 9-153 or a = Vi8.so6 = 2.636" 19 TOOTHED GEARING. Formula (35) gives, for the nave thickness for r, k = o. 4 Vi.58i a x 6 + J = o. 4 Vi5 + | = 0.4 x 2.466 4- \ 1.486" and for R, k = o. 4 Vi.58i 2 X 13.5 4- i = 0.4Y/33-744 + I = 0.4 X 3.231 + = 1.794", From formula (36), the nave length for r is /'= 3.162 4-t = 3.562", and for J?, /' =3.1624-1$ = 4-062". The diameter of the shaft for r is, from formula (39), d 0.086^1000 x 6 = 0.086 x 18.17 = 1.5626" and for R, d 0.086^1000 x 13.5 = 0.086 x 23.81 = 2.0477". Formulas (49) and (50) give, for the width and thick- ness of the fixing-key for r, 1.^626 s = 0.16 H = 0.4725" and /= 0.16 + ^^ = 0.3163", and for R, ,= . l6 + ^ = and /= 0.164-^^ = 0.3648". For the thickness of the web between the nave and TOOTHED GEARING. 191 rim of the gear r, the calculations are as follows. The diameter across the nave is equal to d+ 2k = 1.5626 4- (2 X 1.486) = 4.535" and the circumference is 14.2$". Supposing the gear to have 10 arms, each having a width of one-tenth the nave circumference, we have Formula (17) therefore gives, for the web thickness, 1000 x 6 bji* 2.03/>, = 500 x 10 or 1000 x 6 b l = = 0.591". 500 X 10 X 2.03 For the second pair of gears, r f and R f , formula (12, b) gives a pitch of / = o.o5V / l2~50 = 0.05 x 47434 = 2.3717"- The face width is /= 2 x 2.3717 = 4.7434". For the heights of the teeth we have h = 0.7 x 2.3717 = 1.6602" /&'= 0.4 x 2.3717 = 0.9487" and A" =0.3 x 2.3717 = 0.7115". The breadth of the teeth at the pitch circle is ^ = 0.45 x 2.3717= 1.0673". 192 TOOTHED GEAK1XG. From formula (3), the number of teeth for r 1 is and for R' t N = 115^3 = 2-3717 The small gear r f is without arms. From formula (23), the number of arms for R f is /= 0.56^74 V2.37I7 = 0.56 x 8.60 x 1.241 = 6. For elliptical cross-sections, taking tf = -, formula (20) gives 7, , 3 2250 X 28 * * = ~ = 0.00 3 39 - 5-_- - = 35.60, or a = ^71.20 = 4.1447" and j,_ 4.H47 = 2 ,/ 2 The thickness of the rim is, from formula (34), /= 0.12 -h (0.4 x 2.3717) = 1.0687". Formula (35) gives, for the nave thickness for /, k = 0.4/2.37 2 x 6 -f \ = 0.4^33.701 + = 0.4 x 3.23 +|= 1.792" and for the gear R f , k = o. 4 V2. 3 7 2 x 28 + = 0.4^157.273 + J = 0.4 x 5.398 + 1= 2.6592". From formula (36), the nave length for r' is /'= 4.7434 -f if = 5.1434", TOOTHED GEARING. 193 and for R\ /'= 4-7434 4-18 = 6.61". For the shaft diameter for /-', formula (39) gives d = 0.086^2250 x 6 =0.086^13500 = 0.086 x 23.81 = 2.048" and for R' t //= 0.086^2250 x 28 =0.086 v 63000 = 0.086 x 39.79 = 3.42 1 9". For the width and thickness of the fixing-key for r' formulas (49) and (50) give ,r = o.i6 + - - 0.5696'' and /= o.i 6 + ^^ = 0.3648", and for R' t and 10 For the web thickness for ;-', as before, the nave diameter is d + 2k = 2.048 + (2 x 1.792) = 5.63", and the circumference is 17. 69": hence 10 From formula (17), 2250 x 6 i i 3- J 3 i ^ 00 x I0 or 500 x 10 x 3.13 194 TOOTHED GEARING. Dimensions for gear r. Diameter, D = 12" Pitch, / = ifj" Face width, / = 3^" Total height of teeth, h = i-fa" Height below pitch circle, h' J|" Height above pitch circle, h" = if" Breadth of teeth on pitch circle, b = if" Number of teeth, N = 24 Rim thickness, / = -" Nave thickness, k = ifj" Nave length, /' = 3yV Shaft diameter, d = r^-" Width of fixing-key, s = ^f " Thickness of fixing-key, / = -$" Thickness of web, b, = \\ " Dimensions for gear R. Diameter, D = 27" Pitch, p = ifj" Face width, / = 33%" Total height of teeth, h i^" Height below pitch circle, h' |-J" Height above pitch circle, h" = tt" Breadth of teeth on pitch circle, b = f|" Number of teeth, N = 54 Rim thickness, / = f" Number of arms, n/ = 5 Major axis of cross-sections, a = 2^" Minor axis of cross-sections, b' = i A" Nave thickness, = ifj-" Nave length, /' = 4 T y Shaft diameter, d = 2-^" Width of fixing-key, s = |f" Thickness of fixing-key, / = f J" TOOTHED GEARING. 195 Dimensions for gear r'. Diameter, D = 12" Pitch, / = 2f" Face width, / = 4j" Total height of teeth, h = if|" Height below pitch circle, h' f J" Height above pitch circle, h" = jj" Breadth of teeth on pitch circle, ^ = i^" Number of teeth, N = 16 Rim thickness, t = i^V' Nave thickness, / = if J" Nave length, /' = 5^:" Shaft diameter, d = 2^" Width of fixing-key, j = fj" Thickness of fixing-key, / = f f" Thickness of web, b^ f }' r Dimensions for gear /?'. Diameter, Z> = 56" Pitch, / = 2|" Face width, / = 4j" Total height of teeth, h ifj" Height below pitch circle, # = f J" Height above pitch circle, //' = ^}" Breadth of teeth on pitch circle, b i^" Number of teeth, N = 74 Rim thickness, / = i^r" Number of arms, n{ 6 Major axis for cross-sections, a 4^" Minor axis for cross-sections, b' = 2-faf' Nave thickness, k 2%%" Nave length, /' = 6}|" Shaft diameter, d = Width of fixing-key, s Thickness of fixing-key, / = I 9 6 TOOTHED GEARING. The working drawings for the train are given in Fig. 98, drawn to a scale of g 3 ^. Fig. (a) is a full projec- tion of the whole train, showing the pairs in gear ; and Fig. (6) is a sectional projection of the whole train, taken TOOTHED GEARING. 197 from Fig. (a), on the line AB, The double curved arms of the large ($6") gear were drawn by the method ex- plained in XIV., under Fig. 87. It may be remarked here that very often, perhaps in the majority of cases, in order to save calculation and work, the pitches for all the gears of a train are taken the same. Obviously, when such is the case, the common pitch must be taken equal to that of the gear which transmits the greatest force ; in the last example, that of the gear R f (or r' which transmits the same force). Suppose the driving- gear r to make 120 revolutions per minute ; then, from formula (7), the number of revolutions per minute made by R is 120 X Jf 53^. The gear r' y being fixed to the same shaft, makes the same number of revolutions as R ; and the number of revolutions per minute of R f , and consequently of the drum r" , is 53^ X \\ 11.43. The diameter of the drum is 14", and its circumference 43.98" : hence the circumferential velocity of the drum, or the velocity with which the weight will be lifted, is 43.98 X H.43 _ 4 , i8g feet per minute XVII. Special Applications of the Principles of Toothed Gearing. In the foregoing pages the subject of toothed gearing has been treated in so far as it relates to ordinary ma- chinery only. The simple, uniform, rotary motion of the spur wheel, bevel, or screw gear, the continuous rectilinear movement of the rack these are met with daily in almost every shop and factory. But there are many special cases in which these simple, uniform mo- tions are not sufficient. According to the work which is to be performed, we need, in one case, an intermittent 198 TOOTHED GEARING. rotary or rectilinear motion ; in another, a gradually in- creasing or decreasing speed ; and, in another, a recip- rocating movement. These variations must be obtained from the uniformly rotating shop-shaft ; and there arc few fields in which the ingenuity of man has had wider scope, or produced more variety and beauty of mechan- ism, than in that of special gear-contrivances. Some of the more useful and common of these many special mechanisms will be found explained in the following pages. Fig.99 (i) Spur Gearing. Fig. 99 represents a pair of "square" or "rectangular" gears, the object of which is to obtain a varying speed for the driven gear 2, O$, etc., as radii, strike arcs cutting the line of centres in the points b, c, d, etc. With the centre O' and radii O f b, O'c, O'd, etc., strike circle arcs, and lay off the arcs ax, xy, yz, etc., equal respectively to ai, 12, 23, etc., taking care that the points x, y, z., etc., fall upon the corre- sponding arcs, of which the point O' is the centre ; so on, until the entire required pitch line is determined by the points thus found. As may be at once seen by comparing Figs. 99 and 100, the shape of the driven periphery depends upon the amount of curvature of the " corners " of the driver. Thus, for very slightly curved corners, the driven periphery becomes more nearly star shaped, as in Fig. 100. If we take the radius of curva- ture for the corners (b'd ', Fig. 99 ) equal to b'c, the gear peripheries become equal and similar, and the gears square, with rounded corners. Fig. 101 represents a pair of "triangular" gears, the object of which is to obtain an alternating, varying speed from the uniformly rotating driver, as in rec- TOOTHED GEARING. 20 T tangular gears. Triangular gears give fewer changes of speed per revolution than rectangular gears. In Fig. 101, C being the driver and C the driven gear, the speed of the latter is at its minimum when the gears are in the positions shown in the figure. Since, from these positions, the radius of the driver gradually in- creases, and that of the driven gear decreases, as far as the points b and b r , the speed of the driven gear will gradually increase until the points b and b' are in contact, or for one-sixth of an entire revolution. The reverse action will then take place until the points c and c' are in contact, and so on. Thus while, in rec- tangular gears, each gradually increasing or decreasing period takes place during one-eighth of a revolution, in triangular gears each of these periods occupies one- sixth of a revolution ; that is, in rectangular gears there are eight alternately increasing and decreasing periods in one entire revolution of the driven gear, and in trian- gular gearing there are but six. In "elliptical" gears (shown in Fig. 102) we have still another means of obtaining the same result, with the difference, that, in elliptical gears, each period of 202 TOOTHED GEARING. gradually increasing and decreasing speed takes place during one-fourth of a revolution : in other words, there are but four periods of increasing and decreasing Fig. 102 speed during one entire revolution of the driver. To construct the pitch lines of triangular and elliptical gears, we proceed as already explained, under Fig. 100, for rectangular gears. Fig. 103 represents a pair of Fig. 103 "scroll" gears ; c being the driver, and c the driven gear. From the positions shown in the figure (in which the greatest radius of the driver gears with the smallest radius of the driven gear), as the gears revolve in the TOOTHED GEARING. 203 directions indicated by the arrows, the radius of the driver gradually and uniformly decreases, while that of the driven gear gradually and uniformly increases. The speed of the driven gear is therefore at its maximum when the gears are in the positions shown, and gradu- ally and uniformly decreases during the entire revolu- tion. The moment before the positions shown in the figure are reached, the smallest radius of the driver gears with the greatest radius of the driven gear : the speed of the latter is then at its minimum, and sud- denly (as the gears assume the positions in the figure) Fig, 104 changes to its maximum. To construct the pitch lines for a pair of scroll gears, proceed as follows. Con- struct the square 1234 (Fig. 104), each side of which is equal to one-fourth the distance and two driven bevels c and d, of differ- ent diameters, and running on the same shaft. The bevel d, being smaller than the bevel c', is driven at a greater speed, and in a direction contrary to that of /. The bevel c is fixed to a collar or hollow shaft, g, which fits over the shaft k, thus allowing it to revolve in a con- trary direction. If the driving bevel c is mutilated, and Fig. 118 the bevels c' and d fixed to the shaft k, an alternating rotary motion will be given to the shaft, the alternations being at different speeds. The same result may be obtained for the shaft c by mutilating the gears c' and d so that the toothed part of one is opposite the toothless part of the other, and making the bevel c the driven gear. Fig. 118 represents a method of obtaining an alter* nating rotary motion from a uniformly rotating shaft, the driving and driven shafts being at right angles with 214 TOOTHED GEARING. Fig. 119 each other. The mutilated driving bevel c drives the shaft c'd alternately in opposite directions, according as it gears with the bevel c' or d. The speeds of the for- ward and return motions are the same, since the bevels /and d are of the same diameter. This contrivance was once used to give the reciprocating motion to planer-beds; a thread on the shaft c'd, which worked in a female thread in the bed, pro- ducing the rectilinear motion. The arrangement soon fell into disuse, for the reason that as much time was required for the return as for the forward motion, a waste which is now obviated by the more modern "quick return." The device represented in Fig. 119 is intended to trans- mit a gradually increasing speed to a shaft from the uniform rotary motion of a shaft at right or oblique angles. The scroll bevel C is the driver, and the ordi- nary bevel C the driven gear. Starting with the small- est radius of the scroll bevel (at the point a) in gear with the driven bevel, and rotating in the direction indicated by the arrow, the radius gradually and steadily increases until the bevels assume the positions shown in the figure : consequently the speed of the driven bevel gradually and steadily increases during the entire revo- lution. The toothed part of the scroll bevel may be carried farther than in the figure, as indicated by the dotted lines, and the described action thus made to take TOOTHED GEARING. 215 place during more than one revolution. The shaft of the driven bevel carries a feather, which allows the bevel to slide along it without interfering with the ro- tary motion. In the figure, when the described action begins, the driven bevel C is in its highest position on the shaft ; and, as during the rotation the radius of the driving bevel increases, the former bevel is forced down- ward upon its shaft until the positions shown in the figure are reached. If the scroll bevel be made to rotate in a direction opposite to that indicated in the figure, it is plain that the teeth, not being prevented from so Fig.120 doing by the converging of their lines, will lift out of gear as the radius decreases, and thus destroy the action. Fig. 1 20 represents a peculiar kind of bevel gear, more properly a pair of right-angle gears. The driving gear C bears upon its circumference small rollers, which gear into curved projections, or grooves, in the face of the driven gear C' t and, by rolling down these curves, give to the driven gear a rotary motion at right angles with that of the driver. The motion of the driven gear depends upon the shape of the projections. If these are curved, the curves being more oblique to the verti' 216 TOOTHED GEARING. cal at the bottoms than at the tops, as in the figure, the motion of the driven gear will be variable, slow when each roller of the driver gears with the upper part of a projection, and gradually faster as the roller progresses downward. If, instead of being curved, the profiles of the projections are straight lines, the motion of the driven gear will be nearly uniform. The motions described under Fig. 113 may be trans- mitted from one shaft to another at right or oblique Fig. 121 angles, by using mutilated bevels in place of the spur gears shown in that figure. Fig. 121 represents an ar- rangement of bevels known as the " mangle wheel" and pinion, the object of which is to obtain an alternating rotary motion for the mangle wheel C f . This wheel has teeth upon both sides, one side only being shown in the figure. As the driving bevel C rotates, it drives the mangle wheel in the direction indicated by the arrow, until the opening ef is reached. At this point the guide a comes into contact with the shaft of the driver, which TOOTHED GEARING. it forces downward through the opening, and into such a position, that the driver gears with the teeth on the other side of the mangle wheel. The latter is then driven in an opposite direction, until the opening cf is again reached, when the guide b lifts the driver up through the opening into gear with the first-mentioned side of the mangle wheel. This operation is repeated indefinitely; the mangle wheel making one entire revo- lution alternately in each direction. The shaft of the driving bevel carries a universal joint, x, which allows Fig. 122 it enough freedom of motion to fall and rise through the opening in the mangle wheel. Fig. 122 represents an arrangement of bevel gears, the object of which is to produce a double or half speed ; the three bevel gears having the same diameter. The bevel c is rigidly fixed (so that it cannot rotate) to the bed of the mechanism, and the shaft ab runs loosely through it. The bevel c r runs loose upon the shaft ab, which carries a short, right-angle shaft, cf. Upon this right-angle shaft the bevel d runs loose. If, now, a rotary motion be given to the shaft ab, the right-angle 2l8 TOOTHED GEARING. shaft ef, and with it the bevel d, will be made to revolve in a vertical plane about the axis ab. The bevel d will also, by its gearing with the fixed bevel c, be made to rotate upon its own axis, ef. Since the bevels c and d are of the same diameter, the speeds of these two rota- tions will be the same : therefore the bevel d will trans- mit to the bevel c' the effect of two speeds, each equal to that of the shaft ab. And, since the speeds are in the same direction, the bevel c' will be made to rotate about the shaft ab with a speed equal to twice that of the shaft ; that is, while the shaft ab makes one entire revolution in a given direction, the bevel c' will make two revolutions in the same direction. If the bevel c' be made the driver, its rotary motion will transmit to the bevel d a rotary motion about its axis ef, and, by means of the fixed bevel c, also a revolving motion in a vertical plane about the axis ab. The bevels having equal diameters, half the speed of the driver is trans- mitted in the rotation of the bevel d about its axis ef, and half in the vertical rotation about the axis ab ; that is, the shaft ab will be made to rotate with a speed equal to one-half that of the driver : while the driver c' makes two entire revolutions in a given direction, the shaft ab will make one revolution in the same direction. The relative speeds of the shaft ab and the bevel c may be varied by changing the relative diameters of the bevels. (3) Screw Gearing. Fig. 123 represents a very com- mon mode of transforming uniform rotary into uniform rectilinear motion. The threaded shaft ab, rotating upon its axis, and restrained from other motion by the collars xy and fg, works in a female thread in the piece TOOTHED GEARING. Fig. (23 r, thus giving to the latter piece a rectilinear motion upon the slides k, k. By reversing the direction of rota- tion of the shaft ab, the direction of the motion of the piece C will also be changed. This device is seen in the leading-screws of lathes, in the arrange- ment for feeding the tool holders in planing ma- chines, drills, etc. In Fig. 1 24 the cylinder C has right and left spiral grooves cut in its surface, as shown in the figure. The Fi g .i24 Fig. 125 tooth k of the slide / fits into the grooves. Upon giving to the cylinder a rotary motion about its axis ab (supposing the tooth k < to be working in the right- hand groove), the slide / is made to move along the frame d, upon which it rests, until the end of the groove is reached, when the tooth runs into the left-hand groove, and the slide f returns in the opposite direction. Thus a reciprocating rectilinear mo- tion is obtained from the uniform rotary motion of the cylinder. In Fig. 125 a uniform rotary motion of the pulley C gives to the slide / a reciprocating rectilinear motion along the frame d, by means of the zigzag groove upon the pulley surface, in which the tooth k of the slide 220 TOOTHED GEARING. works. By giving to the groove in the surface of the pulley the proper shape, the motion of the slide f may be made uniform, variable, or intermittent. Fig. 126 represents a device for transforming uniform rotary motion into two rectilinear motions in opposite Fj g . 126 directions. The shaft ab, which carries the right and left screw- threads shown in the figure, rotates within its bearing O. The right and left screws work in female screws within the pieces C and C' : consequently these pieces are driven in contrary direc- tions, approaching each other, or receding from each other, according to the direction of rotation of the shaft ab. This arrangement is used in presses of .various kinds, the arms indicated by the dotted lines being drawn together at their tops by the action of the screws, and the point x being forced slowly down- ward with great force and steadiness. The arrange- ment of worm wheels rep- resented in Fig. 127 is intended to produce two uniform rotary motions in oppo- site directions. The right and left worms on the shaft ab cause the worm wheels C and C' to rotate in opposite directions when the shaft is given a rotary motion. The Fig. 127 TO O THE!) GEA R L \ T G. 221 Fig. 129 same effect may be obtained with one worm, by gearing with it two worm wheels, C and d, on opposite sides of the shaft, as indicated by the dotted circle. Fig. 128 represents a peculiar example of screw gear- ing. The disk C carries upon its side Fig.i28 an elevated spiral, as shown in the figure. This spiral gears with an ordi- nary spur gear C f , the shaft of which is at right angles with that of the disk. At each revolution of the disk C, the constantly changing radius of the spi- ral causes the spur gear to rotate for a distance equal to one tooth ; the pitch / of the spiral being equal to the pitch of the spur gear. By gearing with the spiral two spur gears (the second is indicated in the figure by the dotted lines), motion may be transmitted from the spiral to two shafts at right angles with each other. In a like manner the spiral may be made to drive several spur gears at once, the shafts making oblique angles with each other. In Fig. 129 we have represented a " side " worm wheel C', and worm. The former carries upon its side pro- jections or teeth, as shown in the fig- ure ; and the worm on the shaft ab t gearing with these teeth, causes the wheel C' to rotate uniformly, the ac- tion being similar to that of an ordinary worm and wheel. By gearing with the worm two side worm wheels (the second being indicated in the figure by the dotted circle 222 TOOTHED GEARING. d\ the teeth being on the sides of the wheels which face towards each other, two uniform rotary motions in opposite directions may be obtained, as in Fig. 127. The motions described under Fig. 113 may be obtained for shafts at right angles with each other by substitut- ing for the mutilated spur gears a worm and mutilated worm wheel. Fig. 130 represents a kind of worm and worm wheel sometimes used to transmit very heavy powers. The Pig.,30 primitive surface cdef, of the worm, instead of being a right cylinder, as in ordinary worms, is a solid of revolution gener- ated by the revolution of the circle arc cf about the axis ab. The object of this is to obtain a contact of several teeth at one time. In the figure* seven teeth of the worm are in gear at the same time with the teeth of the worm wheel, and each tooth sustains an equal share of the transmitted strain. In Fig. 127 only two teeth of the worm are in gear at one time with the teeth of the driven wheel C. If, therefore, we have to transmit such a force that the strain on the teeth is 10,000 pounds, for example, each tooth of the worm in Fig. 127 will sustain a strain of -i.Q-.2-0 _ pounds ; while under similar circumstances each tooth of the worm in Fig. 130 will sustain a strain of -1M.Q.& z= 1,430 pounds : in other words, the latter worm is capable of transmitting | = 3| times the force of the former worm with the same strain upon each tooth. APPENDIX. THE present tendency among mechanical men in favor of the use of the diametral instead of the older and more widely known circumferential pitch, together with the increasing importance of cut gears (in the construction of which the diametral pitch seems to be especially con- venient), has induced the author to devote an appendix to the brief discussion of the relative values of the two kinds of pitch, to a brief explanation of the method of constructing cut gears, and to the working-out of simple rules and formulas, by means of which all the necessary calculations may be made without the use of the circum- ferential pitch. From X we have the expression pd = -, in which p d and / represent respectively the / diametral and circumferential pitch, and TT the irrational constant 3.14159-}-. The following table gives values for the diametral pitch, for different circumferential pitches, in inches. A glance at the table will show, that, in the list of most common circumferential pitches, not one corresponds to a diametral pitch of whole numbers, or even exact eighths, sixteenths, thirty-seconds, etc. In fact, the diametral pitch can be a whole number only 223 224 TOOTHED GEARING. when the corresponding circumferential pitch is an exact divisor of the irrational constant TT, a condition which is not at all likely to be fulfilled. p A* P A* I 25.1327 3* 0.8976 I 12.5664 4 0.7854 i 6.2832 4* 0.6981 } 4.1888 5 0.6283 I 3.1416 5* 0.5711 II 2.7926 6 0.5236 I* 2.5132 6 0.4833 I 2.0944 7 0.4488 If 1.7952 7* 0.4188 2 1.5708 8 0.3927 2* i -3963 9 0.3491 2 1.2566 10 0.3142 2| 1.1424 12 0.2618 3 1.0472 H 0.2244 For this reason, in all gears which have to be laid out, as cast gears, in the construction of which the pitch must be stepped off around the pitch circumference in the drawings and pattern, the circumferential pitch only can be conveniently used. In such cases, even if we have given the diametral pitch, we must practically find the circumferential pitch before we can properly divide our pitch circumference, and lay out the teeth. At this point of the construction, the important ques- tions are, " How many teeth is the gear to have?" and " How much space on the pitch circle does each tooth need?" We care as little how many teeth there are per TOOTHED GEARfNG. 22$ inch of diameter as how many teeth there may be per pound of metal. In performing the calculations neces- sary to the laying-out of gears, the diametral pitch offers no advantages over the circumferential. Thus, to ob- tain the number of teeth with the latter pitch, we divide the pitch circumference (an irrational quantity) by the pitch ; while in using the former pitch the case is no better, for, to find the number of teeth in the gear, we must multiply the pitch diameter by the diametral pitch (itself an irrational quantity). Again : the rules and formulas for the tooth dimensions at present in use in the shops are in terms of the circumferential pitch, for example, the formulas /= 2/, or /= 2\p, h = o.?/, etc., given in the preceding pages, and, while using the diametral pitch, we must either obtain the circumferen- tial pitch in order to find our tooth dimensions, or devise and introduce new rules and formulas in terms of the diametral pitch. The author having taken the pains to ask a considerable number (68) of draughtsmen and pattern-makers in the States of Jtfew York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Connecticut, their preferences, finds that a very large majority (61 to 7) of those spoken to favor the use of the old circumferential pitch. This would seem to indicate, that, while the same theorists who are striving to force upon the American mechanic the French metric system are clamoring for an absolute discontinuance of the use of the old pitch, the practical mechanic, who does the measuring and constructing, goes steadily on with his work, looking neither to the right for a "centimeter," nor to the left for a "diametral pitch." But while, according to the opinion and experience of 226 TOOTHED GEARING. the author, the diametral pitch is of no practical use in cast gears, it cannot be reasonably disputed, that, in the construction of cut gears, this pitch has, indeed, advan- tages over the circumferential, and for this reason deserves the attention and respect of every intelligent mechanic. In the construction of cut gears the wheels are first cast without teeth, the entire thickness of the rim being its own thickness when finished plus the height of the teeth (t -f- //). The spaces between the teeth are then cut out by means of revolving circular cutters, the blades of the cutters being as nearly. as possible the shape of the required spaces. In order to properly con- struct cut gears, a shop must be provided with different sets of cutters, corresponding to the different pitches and diameters of gears. The principle of the gear-cutter series may be illustrated as follows. Suppose we wish to construct a set of cutters for a No. i pitch.. The extreme variation in the shape of the cutters must obvi- ously be between the cutter for the gear having the greatest diameter (the rack) and that for the gear having the smallest diameter (say the pinion having eleven teeth). Between these two we must have a sufficient number of cutters to cut No. I teeth for a gear of any diameter without serious error. Similarly, for each other necessary pitch, we must have a set of cutters composed of a sufficient number to make our errors unimportant. Of course the greater number of cutters we have in each set, the more accurate will be our work. Thus, if we have a cutter of each pitch for a gear of eleven teeth, another for a gear of twelve teeth, another for thirteen teeth, and so on, our gears will be theoretically accurate. TOOTHED GEARING. 22 / But gear-cutters are expensive tools, and it is therefore important to reduce the number to the minimum which can be used without making the errors so great as to do practical harm. Mr. George B. Grant, in an article pub- lished some months ago in the "American Machinist," points out the fact, that, since the extreme variation in the shape of the cutters is less for fine than for coarse pitches, the number of cutters necessary for the same degree of accuracy is less in the former than in the latter. He gives for the proper number of cutters in the different sets the following table : For a 1 6 pitch or finer, 6 cutters For an 8 to 1 6 pitch, 1 2 cutters For a 4 to 8 pitch, 24 cutters For a 2 to 4 pitch, 48 cutters. If we substitute for the circumferential pitch, / in formula (10), its value in terms of the diametral pitch, L v 3-i4i59\' \ p =j*=-*r) we shall have or From this, by transposing, we have, or "* (') 228 T007WED GEARING. Rule. To find the diametral pitch for a gear of any material, divide the greatest safe working-stress in pounds per square inch for the material used by the force transmitted, multiply the quotient by the assumed ratio of the face width to the circumferential pitch, ex- tract the square root of the product thus obtained, and multiply the result by 0.637. By substituting . * = 3^4159 P Pd pd in formulas (12, a t b, c\ we obtain, , = 3.14.59 yj? pd p.t and From these, by transposing, we have, _ 3.14159. /i *-*= and ^3- I 4i594/i * : 0.035 \ p or, reducing the three last found equations;, we have, TOOTHED GEARING. 2 29 For violent shock, pd= ST- 12 \ ~p ( a ) i For moderate shock, pd 62.83^ -p (b) i For little or no shock, pd = 89. 76V/ (c) Formulas (12, a, b, c) were determined upon the condition that the face width equals twice the circumfer- ential pitch : hence substituting/ = in the expression Pd l2p gives, 27T 6.283 After determining the diametral pitch p d from formula (2), the face width must not be taken less than . Pd Ride. To determine the diametral pitch for a cast- iron gear, when / = -II, extract the square root of Pd the reciprocal of the force transmitted, and multiply the result by 57.12 for violent shock, 62.83 for moder- ate shock, or 89.76 for little or no shock. The above value of the circumferential in terms of the diametral pitch, substituted in formulas (14, a, b, c), gives ^-'W? pd * = 3-I4'59 = Lx-i/fl Pd Pd ' V V and Pd Pd 3.14159 = 0.82^. 230 TOOTHED GEARING. By transposing, and or, reducing, we have, For violent shock, p d = 2.435X7 -^ (a) f 77 For moderate shock, /?= 2.685X7^ (^) For little or no shock, pd = 3-83 iy -73. (<:) (3). As before, the condition / ^ -^- must be fulfilled. /^ Rule. To determine the diametral pitch for a cast- iron gear from the horse-power and circumferential velocity in feet per second, when / = , divide the Pd velocity by the horse-power, extract the square root of the quotient, and multiply the result by 2.435 f r v ^- lent shock, 2.685 f r moderate shock, or 3.831 for little or no shock. In a similar manner, by substituting p =. in formulas Pd (16, a, b, c), we obtain, TOOTHED GEARING. H and p d Transposing and reducing these three equations, as with the preceding, we have For violent shock, pd = o.i6i\/-^ (a) - _ For moderate shock, pd = o. 1 7 yV -^ .// For little or no shock, /^ = 0.253^^ (4). ?. To determine the diametral pitch for a cast- iron gear from the horse-power and number of revolu- tfans per minute, when / = - ^, multiply the diameter Pd of the gear by the number of revolutions, divide thc product by the horse-power, extract the square root of the quotient thus obtained, and multiply the result by o. 161 for violent shock, 0.177 for moderate shock, or 0.253 for little or no shock. Example i. Required the diametral pitch for a steel gear which will transmit a force of 30,000 pounds, as- suming -=13; the greatest safe working-stress per P 232 TOOTHED GEARING. square inch being 20,000 pounds. From formula (i) we have, /- = 0.637^2 = 0.637 x 1.41 -0.898. 2OOOO Example 2. Required the diametral pitch for a cast- iron gear to transmit a force of 900 pounds, moderate shock. From formula (2, b) we have, /~7~ 62.83 pd 62.83V/ ~ = = 2 -9- ^V 900 30 Hence /= 6.283 = 6.283 = ,/ p d ~ 2.09 Example 3. The horse-power to be transmitted by a cast-iron gear is 10, moderate shock, and the circum- ferential velocity 5 feet per second. Required the diametral pitch. Formula (3, b) gives '- 90 Arms : If, in formula (23), we substitute for/ its value of , we will have pd Extracting the fourth root of * in this equation gives x i. or _ I ~~" */T' ' V ft. \JJ* TOOTHED GEARING. 233 Rule. To determine the number of arms in a gear, extract the square root of the number of teeth and the fourth root of the reciprocal of the diametral pitch ; multiply these two roots together, and their product by 0.746. From the expression / = t-^ we may obtain, by Pd squaring both sides, p 2 = 5-A This, substituted in Pd formula (29), gives - ' S x 9.86965;? or Rule. To determine the quantity bji? (the thick- ness of the arm multiplied by the square of the width), divide the radius of the gear by the product of the square of the diametral pitch into the number of arms, and multiply the quotient by 7.896. By substituting/ 2 = , in formula (30), we ob- tain, d' = 1.105^/9.86965^-, which reduces to Rule. To determine the diameter for arms having circular cross-sections, divide the radius of the gear by the product of the square of the diametral pitch into the number of arms, extract the cube root of the quotient, and multiply the result by 2.37. 234 TOOTHED GEARING. In a similar manner we may obtain from formulas (31), (32), and (33), the expressions, D b'a* = 1.356 X 9.86965--^-, b,,H'* + ,,3 7? -7T- 0.8x9.86965, and BH'* - b,,h,t R -- = o.8x 9 .86 9 6 5 / , which reduce respectively to the following : and BH'* - b.,hj Rim, Nave, etc. : The total rim thickness before the spaces between the teeth are cut out is equal to / + / / - If we add together formula (34) and the expression for the total height of the teeth, // = o.//, we shall have, and, by substituting for/ its value of = 0:12 Pd 0-7 X 3.14159 pd Pd * See Fig. 82. t See Fig. 83. TOOTHED GEARING. 235 Or, calling the total thickness of the rim /, and reducing, we obtain (i,). . Rule. To determine the total thickness of the rim (the height of the teeth plus the true rim thickness), divide 3.46 by the diametral pitch, and to the quotient add o.i 2". The expression p 2 ^-^, substituted in formula Pd (35)i S ives ,3/9.8696 = 4 V /~ + = 4 X .86965^ R ^~ or * = .858^| + i (12). Rule. To determine the thickness of the nave, divide the radius of the gear by the square of the di- ametral pitch, extract the cube root of the quotient, multiply the root by 0.858, and to the result add J inch. For the length of the nave we have formula (36), which is, Formula (45) becomes, on substituting for p* its value in terms of the diametral pitch, which reduces to 236 TOOTHED GEARING. Rule. To determine the diameter of a gear shaft of any material, divide the radius of the gear by the prod- uct of the square of the diametral pitch into the greatest safe shearing-stress in pounds per square inch for the material of the shaft, extract the cube root of the prod- uct thus obtained, and multiply the result by 27.184. Similarly we may obtain from formulas (46), (47), and (48) the equations, 8/ R ^=0-553^9-86965 =o.i6+* Q (19). Example 4. Required to design a 24" cut gear-wheel (of cast-iron) which will safely transmit a force of 1,000 pounds, moderate shock. From formula (2, b) we have, for the diametral pitch, / i 62.83 pd 6 2.83V/ - ~ == ~^~ = 2 ver Y nearly. V 1000 31.62 The face width is consequently For the number of teeth in the gear we have the ex- pression, N = pdD= 2 x 24 = 48. Therefore formula (5) gives, for the number of arms, n' 0.746^48 Vj = 0.746 X 6.928 X - - = 4. If we wish to have rectangular cross-sections for our arms, and take the thickness equal to one-half the width, formula (6) gives hf 7-896 X 12 O !/J , 2 = ---- = - . 2 4X4 Hence h, = ^ 1 1. 844 = 2.28" and 2.28 " 238 TOOTHED GEARING. From formula (11) we have, for the total thickness of the rim, /' = 0.12 + - = 0.12 + 1.73 = 1.85". he thickness of the nave is, from formula (12), k = 0.858^- + | = 0.858 x 1.44 + | = 1.736" and the length, from formula (13), is /' = 3.14 + |-J = 3.94". Formula (16) gives, for the diameter of the wrought- iron shaft, d= 1.36?^- = 1.36 x 1.44 = 1.96", say 2". Formulas (18) and (19) give, for the mean width and thickness of the fixing-key, 5=0.16+ f =0.56" and 5' =0.1 6+ ^ = 0.36". The following table will be found convenient in constructing cut gears of cast-iron. To illustrate its application, suppose we have to construct a cut gear which will transmit a force of 4,000 pounds, moderate shock. We find in the table, column for moderate shock, P = 3,948 pounds, which corresponds to a No. I diametral pitch. We also find in the table the face width of 6.28", and the total rim thickness of 3.58". TOO 7^HED GEA RING. 239 "V V P P P 77 H 77 /' / p* Moder- Little Little Violent Violent Moderate In shock. ate shock. or no shock. shock. shock. or no shock. inches. In inches. i 52203 6 3 l66 128910 0.0106 0.0087 0.0043 13.96 25-I3 ! 23201 28074 57293 0.0237 0.0195 0.0095 9-36 16.76 i I305I I579I 32227 0.0423 0.0350 0.0170 7.04 12.57 1 8352 IOI06 20625 0.066 0.054 0.027 5 .66 10.05 I 5800 7018 H323 0.095 0.078 0.038 4-73 8.38 i 3263 3948 8057 0.169 0.139 0.068 3-58 6.28 'i 2088 2527 5156 0.265 0.217 0.107 2.89 5-03 ii 1450 1754 3581 0.380 0.312 0.153 243 4.19 'i 1066 1290 2631 0.519 0.425 0.208 2.10 3-59 2 816 987 2014 0.676 o-555 O.272 1.85 3-14 a* 644 779 1591 0.858 0.702 0-344 1.66 2.79 4 522 632 I28 9 1.056 0.867 0.425 1.50 2.51 2} 43i 522 1065 1.283 1.049 0.514 1-37 2.28 3 362 439 8 95 I.52I 1.248 0.612 1.27 2.09 4 204 247 504 2.704 2.219 1. 088 0.99 1.57 5 131 158 322 4.225 3467 1.700 0.81 1.26 6 9i no 224 6.084 4-993 2.448 0.70 1.05 7 67 81 164 9.281 6.796 3-332 0.61 0.90 8 5i 62 126 10.816 8.877 4-352 0.55 0.79 9 40 49 99 13.689 11.235 5.508 0.50 0.70 10 33 40 8r 16.863 13-870 6.812 0.47 0.63 12 23 27 56 24-336 19-973 9.792 0.41 0.52 INDEX. [The numbers refer to the pages.] A. Actual pitch, 52. Angle of repose, 57. Arc of approach, 89. of contact, 44, 89. of recess, 89. Arms, circular sections, no. curved, 122. elliptical sections, HI. flanged sections, 112. methods for drawing, 122. number of, 115. rectangular sections, 108. straight, 122. strength of, 107. B. Bastard gears, 54. Bevel gears, 49. angle of shafts of, 49. design of, 154. drawings of, 160. internal, 53. method for drawing, 52. mutilated, 213. scroll, 214. Bevel rack, 54. Breadth of teeth, 89, 97. Breaking-weight, 96. C. Cam-pinion, 206. Circle, generating, 15, 20, 33. of centres, 32. of the gorge, 68. pitch, 15, 17,49. primitive, 17, 19. rolling, ii, 28, 31. root, 36. top, 36. Circumference, 72. Circumferential pitch, 73. Conditions for minimum friction, icx for uniform velocity, 1 5. Cone, pitch, 49. supplementary, 50. Constant TT, 72. Crown gears, 210. . Cycloid, 37. Cycloidal teeth, 22. Cylindrical gears, 49, 54. D. Decimals, table of, 106. Design of bevel gears, 154. of gear train, 186. of internal lantern, 183. of internal spur gear, 169. of 1-antern gear, 180. 241 242 INDEX. Design of rack and pinion, 175. of screw gears, 164. of spur gear, 151. of worm and wheel, 160. Diameter, 72. Diametral formulas, arms, 232. cutters, 227. nave, 234. rim, 234. shafts, 235. Diametral pitch, 74. Dimensions for bevel gears, 158. for gear train, 194. for internal lantern, 185. for internal spur gear, 174. for lantern gear, 182. for rack and pinion, 178. for screw gears, 168. for spur gear, 153. for worm and wheel, 163. Disk wheel, 53. Drawings of bevel gears, 160. of gear train, 196. of internal lantern, 187. of internal spur gear, 176. of lantern gear, 184. of rack and pinion, 179. of screw gears, 170. of spur gear, 1 55. of worm and wheel, 164. E. Elliptical gears, 201. Epicycloid, u, 17. Epicycloidal faces, 13, 16. Examples, arms, 109-120. bevel gears, 154. diameter, 80. face width, 97-100. gear train, 186. Examples, hyperbolic gears, 68. internal "lantern, 183. internal spur gear, 169. keys, 136. lantern gear, 180. nave, 126. number of teeth, 80. pitch, 74, 96-100. pitch, diametral, 74. power, 84. rack and pinion, 175. revolutions, 81. rim, 125. screw gears, 164. shafts, 128-135. spur gear, 151. velocity, 84. weight of gears, 137. worm and wheel, 160. Experiments v/ith involute teeth, 24. F. Face, epicycloidal, 13, 16, involute, 22. width, 89-93. Flank, hypocycloidal, 13, 16. radial, 19, 48. straight, 19, 48. Formulas for arms, circular, no, 117, 1 20. for arms, elliptical, in, 118, 121. for arms, flanged, 112, 114, 119, 121. for arms, rectangular, 108, 116, 120. for chord of the pitch, 75. for circumference, 72. for diameter, 72. for diametral pitch, 73. for fixing-keys, 136. for nave kugth, 126. INDEX. 243 Formulas for nave thickness, 125. for number of arms, 115. for number of revolutions, 80. for number of teeth, 73. for pitch, from force trans- mitted, 91-93- for pitch, from horse-pow- er, 94-96. for pitch, from revolu- tions, 95. for power, 83. for radius, 72. for rim, 125. for shafts, 127-131. for velocity, 83. for weight of gears, 136. Fractions, table of, 106. Friction, minimum, 10. Fundamental principle, 2. G. Gears, bastard, 54. bevel, 49. cast, 224. crown, 210. cut, 226. cylindrical, 54. elliptical, 201. high-speed, 107. hyperbolic, 65. internal, 40, 169. lantern, 43. mangle, 216. mixed, 47. mutilated, 208, 214. pin, 212. rectangular, 198. screw, 54. scroll, 202. sector, 204. spur, 49. Gears, square, 198. stepped, 206. triangular, 200. Gear at two points, 46. Generating circle, 15, 17, 33. Generating of epicycloid, n. of hypocycloid, i: of involute, 21. H. Height of teeth, 90. working, 35. High-speed gears, 107. Horse-power, 94. Hyperbolic gears, 65. Hypocycloid, 12, 18. Hypocycloidal flanks, 13, 16. I. Infinite radius, 28, 37. Intermittent motion, 205. Internal bevels, 53. lantern gears, 44. spur gears, 169. worm wheel, 62. Introduction, i. Involute, 21. faces, 22. profiles, 21. Irregular motion, 208. K. Keys, formulas for, 136. rules for, 136. L. Lantern gears, 43. internal, 44. Line of contact, 87. M. Mangle wbel, 244 INDEX. Method for drawing bevels, 52. for drawing curved arms, 122. for drawing cycloidal pro- files, 28, 31. for drawing involute pro- files, 35. for stepping off the pitch, 76. Minimum friction, 10. Mixed gears, 47. Motion, intermittent, 205. irregular, 208. quick return, 207. reciprocating, 208. rectilinear, 197. rotary, 3, 198. \ uniform, 10. variable, 212. N. Nave, 125. Notation, 139. Number of arms, 1 1 5. of revolutions, 80. of teeth, 73. P. Pcricycloid, 45. Pin wheel, 212. Pi-rule, 77. Pitch, actual, 52. circle, 15, 17, 49. circumferential, 73. cone, 49. diametral, 74. frusta, 49. point, 15. virtual, 52. Plane wheel, 53. Power ratio, 82. Primitive circle, 17, 19. Primitive gear wheel, 4, 7. Profiles, cycloidal, 37. epicycloidal, 13. hypocycloidal, 13. involute, 21. Q- Quick return motion, 207. R. Rack, 37. Radius, 72. infinite, 28, 37. Ratio, power, 82. revolution, 79. velocity, 78. Recapitulation, 139. Reciprocating motion, 208. Rectilinear motion, 197. Rolling circle, n. Root circle, 36. Rotary motion, 3, 198. Rules for arms, circular, in, 117. for arms, elliptical, in, 118. for arms, rectangular, 109. for circumference, 72. for diameter, 72. for fixing-keys, 136. for nave length, 126. for nave thickness, 125. for number of arms, 115. for number of revolutions, So. for number of teeth, 73. for pitch, from force transmit- ted, 92, 93. for pitch, from horse-power, 94, 95- for pitch, from revolutions, 95,96. for power, 84. for radius, 72. for rim, 125. INDEX. 245 Rules for shafts, 127, 130. for weight of gears, 136. S. Safe shearing-stress, 127. working-stress, 90. Screw gears, 54. rack, 58. Scroll gears, 202. Sector gears, 204. Shafts, cast-iron, 132. formulas for, 127, 131. rules for, 127, 131. steel, 132. tables for, 133. wrought-iron, 132. Special forms, 45. Spur gears, 49. Square gears, 198. Stepped gears, 206. Straight flanks, 19, 48. Strength of arms, 107. of keys, 136. of nave, 125. of rim, 125. of shafts, 127. of teeth, 89. Supplementary angle, 66. cones, 50. T. Tables for arm widths, 109. for decimals and fractions, 106. for diametral pitches, 224. Tables for number of arms, 1 1 5. for number of gear cutters, 227. for pitch, 101. for shaft diameters, 133. for weight of gears, 138. Teeth, cast, 224. cut, 226. cycloidal, 22. involute, 22. of bevels, 52. of hyperbolic gears, 71. of screw gears, 60. Top circle, 36. Train of gears, 81, 186. Triangular gears, 200. U. Uniform motion, 10. velocity, 15. V. Variable motion, 212. Velocity ratio, 78. Virtual pitch, 52. W. Wear on teeth, 8, 63. Weight of gears, 136. Working height, 35. stress, 90. 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Baker's Elliptic Functions 8vo, 1 50 *Bass's Differential Calculus 12mo, 4 00 Briggs's Plane Analytical Geometry 12mo, 1 00 Chapman's Theory of Equations 12mo, 1 50 Comptou's Logarithmic Computations 12mo, 1 50 Davis's Introduction to the Logic of Algebra 8vo, 1 50 Halsted's Elements of Geometry Svo, 1 75 " Synthetic Geometry 8vo, 1 50 Johnson's Curve Tracing 12mo, 1 00 " Differential Equations Ordinary and Partial. Small Svo, 3 50 " Integral Calculus 12mo, 150 " " Unabridged. Small Svo. (In press.) " Least Squares , 12mo, 1 50 *Ludlow's Logarithmic and Other Tables. (Bass.) Svo, 2 00 * " Trigonometry with Tables. (Bass.) Svo, 300 *Mahan's Descriptive Geometry (Stone Cutting) Svo, 1 50 Merrimaii and Woodward's Higher Mathematics. Svo, 5 00 11 Merriinan's Method of Least Squares 8vo, $2 00 Rice and Johnson's Differential and Integral Calculus, 2 vols. in 1, small 8vo, 2 50 " Differential Calculus Small 8vo, 3 00 " Abridgment of Differential Calculus. Small 8vo, 1 50 Totten's Metrology 8vo, 2 50 Warren's Descriptive Geometry 2 vols., 8vo, 3 50 " Drafting Instruments .12mo, 1 25 " Free-hand Drawing 12mo, 100 " Linear Perspective 12mo, 100 " Primary Geometry 12mo, 75 Plane Problems 12mo, 1 25 " Problems and Theorems 8vo, 2 50 " Projection Drawing 12mo, 1 50 Wood's Co-ordinate Geometry 8vo, 2 00 " Trigonometry 12mo, 1 00 Woolf's Descriptive Geometry Large 8vo, 3 00 MECHANICS-MACHINERY. (See also ENGINEERING, p. 7.) Baldwin's Steam Heating for Buildings .12mo, 2 50 Barr's Kinematics of Machinery 8vo, 2 50 Benjamin's Wrinkles and Eecipes 12ino, 2 00 Chordal's Letters to Mechanics 12mo, 2 00 Church's Mechanics of Engineering 8vo, 6 00 " Notes and Examples in Mechanics 8vo, 2 00 Crehore's Mechanics of the Girder 8vo, 5 00 Cromwell's Belts and Pulleys 12mo, 1 50 Toothed Gearing 12mo, 1 50 Compton's First Lessons in Metal Working 12mo, 1 50 Compton and De Groodt's Speed Lathe 12mo, 1 50 Dana's Elementary Mechanics 12mo, 1 50 Dingey's Machinery Pattern Making .12mo, 2 00 * Dredge's Trans. Exhibits Building, World Exposition. Large 4to, half morocco, 5 00 Du Bois's Mechanics. Yol. I., Kinematics 8vo, 3 50 " " Vol. II., Statics 8vo, 400 " " Vol. III., Kinetics 8vo, 350 Fitzgerald's Boston Machinist 18mo, 1 00 Flather's Dynamometers 12mo, 2 00 Rope Driving 12mo, 200 Hall's Car Lubrication 12mo, 1 00 HoMy's Saw Filing 18mo, 75 12 * Johnson's Theoretical Mechanics. 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Allen's Tables for Iron Analysis 8vo, 3 00 Egleston's Gold and Mercury Large 8vo, 7 50 Metallurgy of Silver Large 8vo, 7 50 * Kerl's Metallurgy Steel, Fuel, etc 8vo, 15 00 Kunhardt's Ore Dressing in Europe 8vo, 1 50 Metcalf's Steel A Manual for Steel Users 12mo, 2 00 O'Driscoll's Treatment of Gold Ores 8vo, 2 00 Thurston's Iron and Steel 8vo, 3 50 Alloys 8vo, 250 Wilson's Cyanide Processes '. 12mo, 1 50 MINERALOGY AND MINING. Barringer's Minerals of Commercial Value Oblong morocco, 2 50 Beard's Ventilation of Mines 12mo, 2 50 Boyd's Resources of South Western Virginia 8vo, 3 00 Map of South Western Virginia Pocket-book form, 2 00 Brush and Penfield's Determinative Mineralogy. New Ed. 8vo, 4 00 13 Chester's Catalogue of Minerals 8vo, $1 25 Paper, 50 " Dictionary of the Names of Minerals .8vo, 3 00 Dana's American Localities of Minerals Large 8vo, 1 00 " Descriptive Mineralogy. (E.S.) 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Baldwin's Steam Heating for Buildings 12mo 2 50 Clerk's Gas Engine Small 8vo, 4 00 Ford's Boiler Making for Boiler Makers 18mo, 1 00 Hemen way's Indicator Practice 12mo, 2 00 Kent's Steam-boiler Economy , .'. 8vo, 4 00 Kneass's Practice and Theory of the Injector 8vo, 1 50 MacCord's Slide Valve 8vo, 2 00 Meyer's Modern Locomotive Construction 4to, 10 00 Peabody and Miller's Steam-boilers 8vo, 4 00 Peabody's Tables of Saturated Steam 8vo, 1 00 " Thermodynamics of the Steam Engine 8vo, 5 00 Valve Gears for the Steam Engine 8vo, 250 " Manual of the Steam-engine Indicator 12mo, 1 50 Fray's Twenty Years with the Indicator , , , .Large 8vo, 2 50 14 Pupin and Ostcrberg's Thermodynamics 12mo, $1 25 Reagan's Steam and Electric Locomotives . .12mo, 2 00 Rontgen's Thermodynamics. (Du Bois. ) 8vo, 5 00 Sinclair's Locomotive Running 12mo, 2 00 Snow 's Steam-boiler Practice 8vo. 3 00 Thurston's Boiler Explosions 12mo, 1 50 Engine and Boiler Trials 8vo, 500 " Manual of the Steam Engine. 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