THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE, WRITTEN AS A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO THE PREPARATION OF SENSITIVE SURFACES BY THE CALOTYPE, ALBUMEN, COLLODION, AND GELATINE PRO- CESSES, ON GLASS AND PAPER, WITH SUPPLEMENT- ARY CHAPTERS ON DEVELOPMENT, ETC., ETC. 3? 1 1 BYTHE iMA -- 1 ' 1 REV. W. H. BURBANK, Author of Photographic Printing Methods, etc., etc. NEW YORK: SCOVILL MANUFACTURING COMPANY. W. IRVING ADAMS, Agent. 1888. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1888, by the SCOVILL MANUFACTURING COMPANY, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress.'at Washington, D. C. -B CONTENTS. PREFACE 3 CHAPTER I. GENERAL REMARKS ON SENSITIVE SURFACES, ETC 7 CHAPTER II. PRELIMINARY REMARKS ON EXPOSURE, DEVELOPMENT, FIXING, ETC. . . 23 CHAPTER III. CALOTYPE 32 CHAPTER IV. SENSITIVE SURFACES ON GLASS. PREPARATION OF THE GLASS 39 CHAPTER V. THE ALBUMEN PROCESS 44 CHAPTER VI. THE OLD COLLODION PROCESS, WET PLATES 50 CHAPTER VII. THE COLLODION PROCESS, DRY PLATES 65 CHAPTER VIII. COLLODION EMULSION. COLLODIO-.BROMIDE OF SILVER . 73 CHAPTER IX. THE GELATINE PROCESS 86 CHAPTER X. COATING THE PLATES 110 CHAPTER XI DEVELOPMENT, FIXING, ETC 115 CHAPTER XII. PAPER NEGATIVES. STRIPPING FILMS ON PAPER, CARD-BOARD, AND COLLODION 130- 11 CONTENTS. PAGE CHAPTER XIII. FAILURES IN THE GELATINO- BROMIDE PROCESS 147 CHAPTER XIV. METHODS OF STRIPPING FILMS FROM GLASS PLATES 151 CHAPTER XV. COLOR-SENSITIVE PLATES 153 CHAPTER XVI. BLACK AND WHITE NEGATIVES 160 CHAPTER XVII. INSTANTANEOUS PHOTOGRAPHY 164 CHAPTER XVIII. TOUCHING-UP THE NEGATIVE 169 CHAPTER XIX. PHOTO- MICROGRAPHY 171 CHAPTER XX. MICRO-PHOTOGRAPHY 183 CHAPTER XXI. THE TRANSFORMATION OF NEGATIVES INTO POSITIVES 186 CHAPTER XXII. OBERNETTER'S METHOD FOR THE DIRECT PRODUCTION OF NEGATIVES FROM NEGATIVES . . .190 INDEX 193 PREFACE. THIS book, like its companion, "Photographic Printing Methods," is the outcome of my wish to testify to the exceed- ing great interest which I take in photography, an interest which has been deepened by my study of the literature of the science and a growing knowledge of the many processes to which it has given birth. Some few of those processes I endeavored to explain in my former volume. Others of equal interest I have selected for description in the following pages. I have aimed to select only those methods known to have a permanent value. If it be objected that some of them no longer have a prac- tical value, let it be remembered that an acquaintance with them is necessary to a thorough knowledge and appreciation of the enormous advance which photography has made in these later years. It is folly to neglect the treasures of past experience. There is a culture, a completeness of knowledge, in this as in other sciences. I have endeavored to make this knowledge easy of attain- ment by giving a few typical formulae under each of the his- torical negative processes. The arrangement of the chapters follows the historical or chronological order of the development of the negative proc- ess, from the calotype of Fox-Talbot to the pellicular film of to-day. 1 make no other claim to originality than is implied in the selection and arrangement of the material at my command. The appended list of authorities bears abundant witness to my indebtedness to better workers in the same field. I have sought to make a practical book, valuable alike to the amateur and to the professional, and I bespeak for my effort the kindly criticism which well-meant striving always merits. To Dr. Charles Ehrmann and W. I. Lincoln Adams, of the Photographic Times, my thanks are due, as well for the warm interest which they have shown in the work, as for the valuable advice and assistance they have freely given. It is with a feeling of regret that I bring to a close a task which has been full of pleasure and profit, and one which I trust may have a genuine, though, perhaps, a small value to my brother photographers, to whom I respectfully dedicate my work. R&v. W. H. Burbank. NEWBUKG, N. Y., February, 1888. LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHIC WORKS CONSULTED. ABNEY, CAPT. W. DE W. Photography with Emulsions. Scovill Mfg. Co., N. Y. 1886. ABNEY, CAPT. W. DE W. A Treatise on Photography. D. Appleton & Co., N. Y. 1878. BOIVIN, E. Procede au Collodion Sec. Gauthier-Villars, Paris. 1883. DAVANNE, A. La Photographic. Gauthier-Villars, Paris. 1886. DAVID and SCOLIK. Die Photographic mit Brom-Silber Gelatine. Hart- leben, Wien. EDER, J. M. Modern Dry Plates. E. & H. T. Anthony & Co., N. Y. 1881. HARDWICH, REV. T. F. A Manual of Photographic Chemistry. Scovill Mfg. Co., N. Y. 1886. HUBERSON, G. Precis de Microphotographie. Gauthier-Villars, Paris. 1879. LIESEGANG, PAUL. Die Collodion-Verfahren. Ed. Liesegang. Diissel- dorf. MALLMANN and SCOLIK. Mittheilungen. MARTIN, A. Handbuch der Gesammten Photographic. Wien. 1854. PELEGRY, ARSENE. La Photographic des Peintres, des Voyageurs, et des Touristes. Gauthier-Villars, Paris. 1885. PIERRE PETIT FILS, A. La Photographic Industrielle. Gauthier-Villars, Paris. 1887. Roux, V. Traite Pratique de la Transformation des Negatives en Posi- tives. Gauthier-Villars, Paris. 1881. TISSANDIER, G. A History and Handbook of Photography. Scovill Mfg. Co., N. Y. 1877. TRUTAT, E. Traite Pratique de Photographic sur Papier Negatif. Gau- thier-Villars, Paris. 1884. VIALLANES, H. La Photographic Appliquee aux Etudes d'Anatomie Microscopique. Gauthier-Villars, Paris. 1886. VOGEL, H. W. Progress in Photography. Edward L. Wilson, Philadel- phia. 1883. VOGEL, H. W. Handbook of the Art and Practice of Photography. Benerman & Wilson, Philadelphia. . 1871. VOGEL, H. W. Die Photographic Farbiger Gegenstande. Oppenheim, Berlin. 1885. WILSON, E. L. Photographies. E. L. Wilson, Philadelphia. 1883. WILSOX, E. L. Quarter Century in Photography. E. L. Wilson, New York. 1887. ~ Valuable information has also been derived from the British Photo- graphic Annuals, from the American Annual of Photography for 1887, and from the columns of The Photographic Times and other American and foreign photographic journals. CHAPTER I. GENERAL REMARKS ON SENSITIVE SURFACES, ETC. IT is proposed in this chapter to give a brief statement of the nature of the various sensitive compounds in most com- mon use in photography, followed by brief notes on the ma- nipulations common to all negative methods described in sub- sequent chapters. Substances Sensitive to Light. The number of substances which are sensitive to the action of light is infinite. There is reason to believe that there is no substance which is not more or less changed in outward appearance or in internal struc- ture by the continued action of light. But while this is true, thus far but three compounds have come into general use for the production of photographic negatives ; these are the iodide, the bromide, and the chloride of silver ; and more rarely, the fluoride of silver. These prod- ucts of double decomposition are very far from possessing equal value in negative work. The bromide of silver is the one of the three compounds which most perfectly meets all the requirements demanded by the varying needs of the photographer, which are that the result due to the action of light shall be effected as speedily as possible, that the tone values of different colors shall be repro- duced on the plate as they are on the retina, and that the quantities of light which give the impression of high lights, half-tones, and shadows shall produce the same effect on the sensitive surface that they produce on the human eye. As the result of much experiment and investigation, it has been found that while the iodide and the chloride possess one or more of these qualities in a higher degree than the bromide, the latter is superior to the others in that it meets fairly well 8 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. all the requirements. It is more sensitive, and gives a better rendering to half-tones than either of the others. For certain purposes, however, the iodide or the chloride may be advan- tageously substituted for the bromide, or combined with it. For the reproduction of plans, engravings, designs, etc., in line work, the iodide is superior to either of the others. The chloride, owing to its comparative slowness, is but little used in negative work, but is invaluable for the production of positives on glass. The fluoride of silver has been recommended by Obernet- ter and Yogel for orthochromatic plates. Many formulae are based on the combination in different proportions of the iodide and bromide, and, less often, the chloride, in order that the excellencies of one may counter- balance the defects of the others. No difficulty will be experienced in effecting this combina- tion if care be taken to have the amount of silver at least equal to the total of the combining weights of the salts. The necessity for this is based on the law of chemical affin- ity. The iodides, bromides, and chlorides differ in the order named in their affinity for nitrate of silver. If a solution of nitrate silver be added gradually to a solution containing an iodide, a bromide, and a chloride, the iodide of silver will be formed first ; next, the bromide of silver after all the soluble iodide has been converted, and after the conversion of the bromide, the chloride is fonned. So powerful is the law of affinity governing these combina- tions, that the precipitates formed will be decomposed, if necessary, to satisfy it. If sufficient of a solution of chloride of sodium has been added to a solution of nitrate of silver to convert all the nitrate into the chloride, the latter will be decomposed and transformed into the bromide of silver, if a bromide solution is added, which in turn will be changed into the iodide of sil- ver on the addition of an iodide solution. The Film. Owing to the impossibility of spreading the sensitive salt of silver formed by double decomposition when an iodide, a bromide, or a chloride solution is poured into a GENERAL REMARKS ON SENSITIVE SURFACES, ETC. solution of nitrate of silver, directly upon the glass, and of holding it there during all the manipulations necessary to the production of the finished negative, it was found necessary to incorporate the sensitive salts with other substances capable of giving the glass support a regular, continuous, and adhering surface. Many important considerations govern the choice of these substances. They must be capable of liquefaction in order that they may be easily and quickly spread upon the glass or other support ; they must have the property of setting, or hardening on the support ; they must be or become insoluble in the suc- cessive baths through which they must be passed ; they must be easily permeated by the various reagents to whose action they will be submitted, and they must have no injurious effect upon the sensitive salts. The result of patient and laborious investigation long- continued has narrowed the list of suitable substances down to three : albumen, collodion, and gelatine, given here in the order of their introduction. Each of these has given its name to a group of processes, the best of which will be described in later chapters. At this point it is sufficient to say that each of these sub- stances has its merits and its defects. Albumen gives films to the finest grain, but of great tenuity. It must be coagulated by a strong nitrate bath, which lessens its permeability, and thus lengthens the time of exposure. Collodion films set very rapidly, owing to the evaporation of the solvents ; they are easily permeated by the various photographic reagents ; they are easy and economical of production, and while they do not always unite great sensitiveness with good keeping quali- ties, they unquestionably yield negatives of irreproachable print- ing qualities, superior in many respects to those produced on the modern gelatine plates. The collodion process has too many points of excellence to be finally superseded by any rival methods, although at present it may seem to be in abeyance, owing to the great popularity enjoyed by gelatine emulsion plates. Gelatine gives quickly- setting, highly-sensitive films, which retain their good quali- 10 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. ties for an indefinite period, and which are easily acted upon by the reagents, and notwithstanding some drawbacks, gelatine has usurped the place once held by collodion in the photo- graphic laboratory. The Dark-room and Laboratory. The convenience and comfort of the photographer will be greatly enhanced by the arrangement of the room or rooms in which his work is done. The dark-room in which the sensitive surfaces are prepared and developed may be of any size within reach of the operator; it must be lighted in such a way as to enable him to see what he is doing without the light ex- erting any injurious effect upon the preparations. Experi- ment has shown that the red end of the spectrum has least in- fluence upon iodide and bromide of silver ; therefore a light varying from orange to red or ruby is in common use. It must be borne in mind that no light is absolutely non- actinic, that is, without reducing power on salts of silver ; the only difference between rays of different colors being the length of time required to effect the reduction. The orange- red end of the spectrum being the slowest in its action, some one of these colors, or a combination of them, is used for dark- room illumination. For albumen, collodion, and slow gelatine plates yellow light is safe; for highly sensitive gelatine plates a ruby or a green- ish-yellow light must be used, and the plate exposed to its ac- tion as little as possible. For orthochromatic plates, which are made highly sensitive to the yellow and red rays, the smallest possible amount of illumination is necessary, and the plates must be most carefully guarded from the direct rays. Schu- man, Eder, and others use a screen made of three thicknesses of brown tissue-paper. This gives a pleasant and safe light, which is especially recommended for color-sensitive or ortho- chromatic plates. The source of light may be gas, oil, electricity, or the sun, according to the taste of the operator ; it may be inside or out- side the dark-room, as preferred. My own preference is for an oil or gas light outside the rooms. An opening of conven- ient size, shape, and position is cut in one of the walls of the GENERAL REMARKS ON SENSITIVE SURFACES, ETC. 11 dark-room ; this is provided with sliding frames carrying re- spectively a ground glass, a yellow, a green, and a ruby glass ; a curtain is arranged to slide back and forth behind these frames, and a shade is hinged to the wall above. This com- bination of arrangements seems to give all the necessary modi- fications, and the changes are quickly and easily made. The size and internal fittings of the dark-room will vary to suit the convenience of the operator, and the amount and kind of work to be done in it. If the room is used only for devel- opment it need not be larger than six by eight feet. If it is to be used as well for the preparation of plates it must neces- sarily be larger ; nine by twelve feet will be a convenient size for a room of this description. For the guidance of those who may wish to fit up such a room the following diagram and description is given : 9ft. FIG. 1. A, is a broad shelf at which the coating of thejplates is done. On it is the levelled slab used to hasten the setting of gelatine plates, and above are shelves containing the various chemicals, vessels, and utensils used in the preparation of the sensitive compounds. B, immediately facing the window, is the devel- oping shelf. It inclines slightly toward the sink E, and is covered with sheet lead. Above it on suitable shelves are stored the developing solutions and chemicals. The space un- derneath is divided into vertical compartments to hold the 12 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. various sized trays used for development. C, is a shelf run- ning across the room. The end nearest the sink is used for fixing, and here are kept all fixing solutions and trays. D, is the drying-box, and F, is a light-tight closet for the storage of plates, sensitive paper, etc. The double door arrangement shown in the cut is a great convenience, allowing ingress or egress without the necessity of covering the plates to prevent them from being light-struck. The open space in the middle of the room is large enough to be utilized for enlarging purposes. The wall space above and below the shelves shown in the cut may be fitted up to suit special needs. The room is ventilated by boring holes at the top and bottom of one side and covering them in such a way as to prevent the ingress of light. The method shown in the cut below is simple and effective. JL J FIG. 2. Cleanliness will be greatly promoted by covering the floor with oil cloth ; this is easily cleaned and can be renewed when worn out. Such a room as this would seem to meet all the requirements of the professional or amateur photographer, especially if a good supply of running water can be laid on. In default of this, a large tank can be fastened to the wall above the sink and fitted with a tap. The Drying-Box. Many photographic processes, both negative and positive, require a place in which the sensitive GENERAL REMARKS ON SENSITIVE SURFACES, ETC. 13 surfaces can be dried by heat or otherwise, and in which they can be protected from light and dust. FIG. 3. The drying-box shown in Fig. 3 will answer all these needs, and it is easy of construction and effective in operation. It may be placed in the dark-room, if the coating is done there, or elsewhere, to suit the convenience of the workman. It is impossible to give any very definite dimensions, as these vary according to individual needs. A convenient size for the amateur workman is three feet high, two feet wide, and one foot deep from back to front. The box is divided into two unequal sized compartments, each closed by a door fitted light-tight. The upper portion, which occupies about three-fourths of the box, is the drying space proper, and is fitted as shown with notched side pieces to allow easy displace- ment of the shelves. The bottom is a moderately thick piece of sheet iron, accurately and tightly fitted to the sides of the box, to prevent the escape of gas into the drying chamber. In. 14: THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. one corner of this plate a hole is cut to take the ventilating- pipe, which passes through the back and is there again bent at right angles. A second pipe, also bent, leading from the top of the box, serves in connection with the first to establish a current of air. If it is necessary to dry the sensitive surfaces by hot air, the source of heat is placed in the lower compart- ment, immediately under the iron plate. If a current of cold air is desired, a lamp 6r gas jet is placed in the upper pipe. When not in use as a drying-box, it can be used for other pur- poses. Wood may be used in its construction in place of metal, but the danger of fire is increased. This is the box recommended by M. Davanne, who also gives the following method for drying the plates vertically. FIG. 4. As shown by the cut, Fig. 4, the racking arrangement con- sists of three bars of wood placed side by side on the movable ledges of the drying-box. The middle bar, which is one-quar- ter of an inch thinner than the two side bars, is provided with a series of vertical rods placed about four inches apart ; they are about six inches high, and of sufficient size to prevent bending or shaking. Between these bars pieces of glass rods, one-half an inch high, are fixed. With this arrangement two plates can be placed between the rods. If it is preferred, the glass rods can be dispensed with, and the wooden uprights brought nearer together, but one plate can then be placed against each upright. The side bars are one-quarter of an inch higher than the middle one. Their two upper surfaces are GENERAL REMARKS ON SENSITIVE SURFACES, ETC. 15 beveled off, and glass rods are fitted into grooves cut in the tops of each. The plates rest on these rods, which are easily cleaned after each operation of drying. When paper coated with emulsion is to be dried in this box, it is only necessary to remove the middle bar, and to pin the paper to the two side bars. FIG. 5. -6 6 jl m i 3 i B -3 E 4i i c c ^__D FIG. 6. l> 66 WJ^ FIG. 7. FIG. 8. FIG Figures 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, illustrate the details of the con- struction of a more elaborate drying-box, of German origin, I believe. Fig. 5, is a general plan of the framework, showing the sliding door. Fig. 6, shows the ventilating arrangements from the front ; Fig. 7, is a side view ; Fig. 8, the bottom plan, and Fig. 9 the cut-off for excluding light from the interior. Dust is excluded by a strip of muslin glued over the opening of the cut-off. D, Figures 6, 7, and 8, is a sheet-iron box, six inches deep, fastened to the bottom of the drying-box, projecting far 16 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. enough beyond the back, to allow the insertion of the six-inch pipe, E, Figures 6, 7, and 8. On the inside are riveted two pieces of sheet iron, four and one-half inches wide, and passing completely across. C, C, Figures 6, 7, and 8, are pieces of two- inch iron pipe, four inches long, projecting into the box, D, and opening into the drying chamber, F. Figure 7, is a gas jet, which, burning inside the pipe, E, produces the current. K, Figure 7, is a door in the pipe, which allows the height of the flame to be seen. In default of gas, an oil lamp can be used, supporting it on angle-irons riveted inside the pipe. The shelving arrangements can be made to suit the fancy of the operator. Tbe framework is of wood, the sides may be of wood, sheet iron, or zinc, as desired. If the coating-room is dry, well ventilated, free from dust, and light-tight, the plates may be racked away on shelves placed near the top of the room to dry spontaneously. This is my own practice, and I prefer it to the most elaborate dry- ing-boxes, which do not always dry well. Utensils. It is manifestly impossible to give a complete in- ventory of all the various glasses, graduates, and other para- phernalia which accumulate in and about the photographic work- shop. Some pride themselves on doing all their work with the fewest possible conveniences ; while others must have an infinite number of belongings before setting to work. The list which is here given is intended to cover everything really needed in the performance of all the processes included in these pages. If the list seems a long one it must be re- membered that the number of negative processes is large, and that all of them have special requirements in the way of apparatus. For development a number of flat trays of different sizes will be needed. These may be of glass, porcelain, gutta percha, japanned iron, wood, or even pasteboard in an emer- gency. Glass and porcelain are the cleanliest, and must have the preference for regular work in the dark-room. For the chemicals nothing can be better than the wide- mouthed glass-stoppered bottles used by druggists. For mixing solutions the cylindrical glasses known as beak- GENERAL REMARKS ON SENSITIVE SURFACES, ETC. 17 ers are well adapted, and a number of these of different capacities should be provided, together with a goodly number of glass stirring-rods. Graduates of different sizes are a necessity; test tubes, pipettes, porcelain capsules for heating liquids, a glass mortar and pestle, specific gravity glasses for de- termining the specific gravity of liquids, glass funnels of various sizes, Bohemian glasses of various shapes and sizes for emulsion making, a retort stand, a Bunsen gas burner, or a Liebig spirit lamp, a retort or two, a hot-water bath, two or three drying racks, a washing box, a distilling arrangement, and an apparatus for hot filtration will well stock the photographic laboratory. Not all of them need be kept in the dark-room. Most of them should be kept in a room set apart for such operations as do not shun the light of day ; a working laboratory in fact, which may be fitted up to suit the inclination and purse of the ex- perimenter. It should have a sink, an abundant supply of water, a strong work table, with a stone or marble top, and a draining rack where the various glass bottles, etc., may be put FIG. 10. to drain and dry after washing. Such a rack is shown in Fig. 10, and its use is sufficiently apparent to need no further de- scription. 18 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. Solutions. The photographer uses all his chemicals in the form of solutions. The- most common method of making a solution is to weigh out the proper amount of the chemical required, throw it into the bottom of a bottle, add the proper quantity of water, and then leave it to take care of itself. This is the simplest method and the poorest. It produces a local saturation of the lower portion of the liquid, and in a short time the process of solution ceases entirely. A better way is to pulverize the chemical before adding the water, and to assist the solvent action by frequent stirrings. The best way is to keep the chemical near the surface of the liquid, or even above it. This hastens solution, because the liquid in contact with the chemical is continually being replaced as the heavier saturated portion falls to the bottom. Two methods may be adopted to effect this result ; one is to pour the liquid into a wide-mouthed bottle and to suspend the chemical in a bag, so that it is just covered ; another way, and the more scientific, is shown in Fig. 11. A gutta-percha tube fitting tightly into the mouth of a flask is forced tightly over the tube of a funnel to pro- duce an air-tight joint. Two-thirds of the liquid is poured into the flask, the remaining third and the chemical to be dissolved are placed in the funnel and the mouth of the flask is hermetically sealed by forcing the rubber tube into it. The lower end of the tube must be below the surface of the liquid. As the air cannot escape, and the heavier saturated liquid must descend, two cur- rents are soon established in the tube, one de- scending, bearing the saturated liquid, the other ascending, bearing fresh portions. The operation is automatic and speedy. If the filtered solution is wanted it is only necessary to place a filter paper in the funnel. A saturated solution is FIG. 11. made by placing in the funnel an excess of the substance to be dissolved. Filtration. To produce clean work in photography all solutions must be filtered. The means of doing this with or- GENERAL REMARKS ON SENSITIVE SURFACES, ETC. 19 dinary aqueous solutions are too well known to need descrip- tion. Solutions containing gelatine, gum, and similar sub- stances, as a rule need to be kept warm during fil- tration to prevent them from cooling down and filling the pores of the paper. Two very effect- ive systems of warm fil- tration are shown in Figs. 12 and 13. In both the inner glass funnel is tight- ly fitted to the outer one of tin by means of a pierced cork. Warm water is poured into the outer funnel and its tem- perature maintained by a spirit, gas, or oil lamp. Upward filtration will FIG 12. be found a valuable method for filtering emulsions of any kind, as bubbles are entirely prevented. One or more thick- nesses of muslin, ac- cording to its fineness, are tied over the mouth of a beaker or other glass, the bot- tom of which has been , removed. The emul- sion is placed in a ves- sel a trifle larger than the filter, which is allowed to sink by its own weight. When full it is withdrawn and the emul- 20 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. eion poured out. The dish containing the emulsion should be placed in a hot water bath. In case of need the ordinary filter paper may be replaced with glass, as in the case of strong acid or alkaline solutions, which might attack the paper, or with filtering cotton, or a piece of chamois skin previously well soaked in a sal soda solu- tion and well washed for collodion or gelatine emulsion. Flaxen tow is also sometimes used for this purpose. Precipitation. The term precipitates is applied to the in- soluble substances which are formed in a solution, when by a change in the nature of the substance held in solution or in the solvent, insoluble and non-crystalline bodies are formed. Precipitation is resorted to to obtain certain substances or fluids difficult or impossible to be had in any other way. The liquid and the precipitate are first separated by filtration, and then the precipitate, if wanted, is freed from impurities by washing. Washing Precipitates. Precipitates are commonly washed on filter paper, small quantities of water being poured into the filter until the drainings when treated with the proper reagents,show no traces of the dissolved substances from which the precipitate has been formed. Another method is to use the washing bottle of the chemist, shown in Fig. 1 4. A, and B, are two glass tubes bent as shown, and tightly fitted into the cork which closes the mouth of the bottle. The precipitate is placed in the bottle, which is then partly filled with water ; the cork is then inserted, and by blow- ing through B, a stream of water is forced through A, the upper end of which is drawn out somewhat to diminish the size of the bore. Decantation. When the precipitates are coarse grained and heavy they may be easily and quickly washed by decanta- tion. The precipitate is placed in a large beaker or tumbler, which is then filled with water, and the contents well stirred with a glass rod. As soon as the precipitate has fallen to the GENERAL REMARKS ON SENSITIVE SURFACES, ETC. 21 bottom the water is carefully poured off as closely as possible. This operation is repeated ten or more times, and the precipi- tate is then thrown on a filter and allowed to drain. The use of a decantation flask will greatly facilitate the operation. This is a flask provided with two tubes, a large and a small one. A piece of fine muslin is tied over the mouth of the smaller tube, the water and the precipitate are introduced through the larger. The water is poured away through the smaller tube. Distilling Apparatus. Many photographic operations re- quire distilled water to secure the best results; it would be well to use nothing else in making up solutions. The use of distilled water would probably be more general were it not for the high price and great bulk of the ordinary worm still. Pig. 15 illustrates a simple form of a portable still which is open to neither of these objections. It can be easily and cheaply constructed by any tinman ; it is effective in operation and easily kept clean. The dimensions given below will give a still capable of distilling a gallon of water at a time. It is made of stout tin or copper, as preferred. The cylindrical FIG. 15. body, A, is thirteen inches high and seven inches in diameter. The funnel-shaped lid, B, is eight and a half inches in diam- eter and five inches in height from base to apex. It is pro- vided with a flange, 0, C, to fit accurately inside the cylinder 22 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. like an ordinary pail cover, and a tube, D, a couple of inches long, near the top of the cone. About five inches from the top of the body a tube, E, about ten inches long, is passed through, terminating at the inside in a small funnel, F, exactly under the tip of the cone. The other end projects about three inches at the outside of the cylinder. The three legs, made of strap iron, are riveted to the body, and may be of any conven- ient length. Common tap water is poured into the cylinder, the cone lid is put in place, and the apparatus is placed over a gas or oil stove near the water supply. A gentle stream of running water is led into the cone by a piece of rubber tubing. The steam produced from the boiling water is condensed on the under side of the cone, and runs down into the funnel and tube, and is caught in a flask placed underneath the pipe. This still is the invention of Mr. C. C. Vevers, of England, the description being given nearly in his own words. If running water cannot be had the cone can be occa- sionally replenished with cold water from a pail, or small lumps of ice can be thrown in now and then to keep the water cool. CHAFTEE II. PRELIMINARY REMARKS ON EXPOSURE, DEVELOPMENT, FIXING, ETC. IT will serve to pave the way to the more practical discus- sion of the manipulations peculiar to the different negative processes if a few pages are devoted to the general principles common to all. The production of a negative by any of the methods, de- scribed later, requires an exposure to light more or less pro- longed, followed by development, fixing, washing, and in many cases a strengthening or weakening of the image pro- duced by development. While each of these manipulations has special modifications to adapt it to the different pro- cesses, they all agree in certain broad and general principles, - the knowledge of which is essential to that complete mastery of the subject without which the operator will be continually working in the dark. These general principles will be discussed in this chapter, leaving their application to special cases to be explained later on. Exposure. Whenever a ray of light falls upon a sensitive surface a change of some kind is produced. Of the precise nature of this change we, at present, know but very little, and where little is known, little had best be said. We do know, how- ever, that this change, invisible to the eye, can be made visible by the application of certain reagents to the exposed surface. The latent image then shows itself with a perfection and de- tail proportioned to the duration of the exposure and the strength of the reagent. The behavior of the exposed surface in the developer is to some extent a means of determining the correctness of the exposure. If the image appears suddenly in #11 its details and then as suddenly clouds over, we know 24: -THE- PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. the exposure was too prolonged. If the image comes up slow- ly and is poor in detail, the exposure was not sufficient. In neither of these cases will a geod negative be produced. A good printing negative is one in which the high lights show points of opacity, and the deepest shadows almost bare glass, with an infinite gradation of tones between these two extremes. Such a negative is largely the product of correct exposure. Much may be done in development to make amends for a faulty exposure, but the best technical negative will always be the properly exposed and rightly developed one. Beyond question the time of exposure is one of the most important of photographic manipulations, and even with a careful study of all the facts which determine its length, aided by much experience, it is only possible to acquire an approximately correct judgment. Three different sets of facts must be considered in this con- nection ; viz., the physical, chemical, and optical conditions present and influencing the duration of the exposure. The physical conditions are such as the following: the nature, intensity, and color of the light, and the distance, color, and lighting of the object to be reproduced. These the view photographer has little or no power to change. He must take them as he finds them, and rely on his own judg- ment as to the time of exposure best suited to the view before him. Despite many ingenious attempts, no mechanical means of settling the question have as yet been discovered of sufficient accuracy to take the place of long experience and good judg- ment. The simplest are based on the darkening action of light on sensitive paper confined in a box and exposed through a narrow slit cut in its cover. The best and most accurate require too much scientific knowledge to be generally useful, and none give anything more than a relative estimate of the intensity of the light. The chemical conditions depend on the method employed in making the sensitive compound; sensitiveness increasing in the following order : albumen, calotype, collodio-albumen, PRELIMINARY REMARKS ON EXPOSURE, ETC. 25 dry collodion, wet collodion, gelatino-bromide. The compar- ative rapidity of each is approximately given in the following table : Albumen 10 to 30 minutes Calotype 8 to 20 minutes Collodio-Albumen 3 to 10 minutes Dry Collodion - 1 to 5 minutes Wet Collodion 5 to 60 seconds Gelatino-Bromide 1 to 10 seconds These figures represent average results with emulsions or preparations of medium sensitiveness in each class. The optical conditions influencing the exposure are the focal length of the objective, the size of the diaphragm, the number, thickness, and degree of coloration of the lenses, and the distance from the view. These conditions are subject to one or more of the following 1. The time of exposure varies directly as the focal lengths of the objectives. 2. The time of exposure is inversely proportioned to the squares of the diameters of the diaphragms. 3. The time of exposure varies inversely as the distances of the objects to be photographed. To this law is due the repro- duction of the effect known as aerial perspective. Development. To the eye, and even to the microscope, an exposed plate shows nothing to distinguish it from an unex- posed one. The developer alone detects the difference, with- out, however, conveying any information as to the nature of the change. Notwithstanding much patient investigation the question of the nature of the latent image is still an unsettled one. The most commonly accepted theory is that a molecular change is produced by the action of light upon sensitive compounds, the molecules being pulled apart, as it were, and so made less stable. This molecular change is not supposed to produce any sep- aration of elements, such as occurs when a visible image is formed by the action of light. 26 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. The function of a developer is to make this change visible by reducing the silver in those parts acted upon by light to the metallic state. It has long been a disputed question among photographic savants whether the change produced in a sensitive com- pound of silver is a physical or a chemical change. With- out burdening the reader with the arguments advanced in sup- port of each of these positions, it may be stated that at present the weight of authority seems to be on the side of a chemical change. It may be regarded as a tolerably certain fact that under the action of light the haloid salts of silver, that is, the bromide, iodide and chloride, have a tendency, more or less powerful, to return to the metallic state; a tendency which is promoted and made permanent by the action of developers, which are al- ways reducing agents ; that is, they are substances which are able to reduce the soluble salts of silver to the metallic state. We may thus take it for granted, for the present at least, that the change of condition produced in the sensitive compounds employed for the production of negatives is a chemical, not a physical reaction. The development of negatives may be eifected in one of two ways: 1st Method. The new compound may possess an attractive force. The action of light on sensitive compounds of silver tends to cause the formation of a substance capable of attract- ing the metal of which it is a salt, when slowly deposited from a solution. This first deposit is capable of attracting more of the metal, and in this way an image is gradually built up. This is the theory of the physical development of wet collodion plates. 2d Method. The image may be the result of the reduction,, more or less complete, to a more elementary state, of the altered compound when treated with certain solutions; in which state it may have the same attractive power as before. This is the rationale of all alkaline development. The proper development of a negative is an art acquired only after long experience and many failures. It cannot be PRELIMINARY REMARKS ON EXPOSURE, ETC. 27 learned from books ; it must be acquired at the developing table. The problem to be solved is to bring forth on the ex- posed surface a reproduction of the original which shall pre- serve all the varied tones, and be capable of reproducing in the print the impression made by the original. As a first step towards the solution of this problem it is best to begin with a weak developer, strengthening it 1 as need arises. This gives more control of the reducing action by which the image is built up, and gives the operator time to see and meet the needs of each case. This method is particularly desirable with instantaneous exposures. Here a strong devel- oper would probably ruin the plate, burying the high lights be- neath an opaque deposit of metallic silver long before any detail was visible in the shadows. It is always best to make sure of the details before securing density. The latter is always possible at any stage of development, while if the proper degree of density is reached before the details are well out, the plate will be lacking in that exquisite gradation of tone which makes the charm of a perfect negative. The common practice is to keep the developer in constant motion, in order to renew the portion in contact with the plate, and so secure uniformity of action. Many operators, however, claim that finer details are secured by allowing the plate to remain undisturbed. In the case of pyro development there is less danger of the film becoming stained by the oxidization of the pyro. When prolonged development is necessary, it is best to turn the plate face down in the developer, supporting it by the extreme edges in such a way as to leave a fair depth of the solution between the plate and the bottom of the tray. When the development is very rapid, as with wet collodion plates developed with protosulphate of iron, the plate is to be held in the hand and as much developer as the plate will hold poured on and allowed to act until the process of develop- ment is completed. If the latent image flashes up at once under the action of the developer, the exposure was too great. If, however, the high-lights only appear, the half-tones hanging back, the ex- 28 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. posure was too short. Both of these errors can be corrected, to a certain extent, by certain modifications of the developer. Development must be continued until the proper degree of density is reached, generally until the image is faintly visible at the back of the plate. Viewed by transmitted light the highest lights should be nearly opaque, and the gradations be- tween the shadows, the half-tones, and the high-lights should be well marked and distinct. After development, the plate is washed in several changes of water and then fixed. Fixing. The office of the fixing-bath is to dissolve out all the silver salts not converted to the metallic state by the devel- oper. If this were not done, and the unfixed plate were exposed to the action of light, the surface of the plate would assume a uniformly dark tint and the image would be lost. There are many substances which possess this power of dis- solving the salts of silver, but only three of them are of use in photography; these are the alkaline sulphocyanides (potassi- um or ammonium), the cyanide of potassium and the thio- sulphate of soda, commonly known as hyposulphite of sodium. The chemical action of all these compounds is practically the same. In conjunction with the salts of silver they form re- spectively the sulphocyanide, the cyanide, and the hyposul- phite of silver, all of which are insoluble in water, but soluble in an excess of alkaline sulphocyanide, cyanide, or hyposul- phite. Hence the necessity of employing an excess of the fix- ing agent. The sulphocyanide and the cyanide fixing-baths are but little used ; the former on account of its cost, the latter be- cause of its exceedingly poisonous nature. Hyposulphite of soda is cheap, harmless, and effective ; its sole drawback being the difficulty of eliminating it entirely from the negative, without which perfect elimination the keep- ing qualities of the negative are greatly lessened. The effect of the fixing-bath is to deprive the negative of its milky appearance due to the unreduced silver. This it does by dissolving the unreduced salts, but in so doing the ex- ceedingly unstable compound known as hyposulphite of silver PRELIMINARY REMARKS ON EXPOSURE, ETC. 29 is formed. This is a white substance which rapidly decom- poses into black sulphide of silver. The decomposition does not take place in an excess of hyposulphite of soda ; in this case double salts are formed and rapidly dissolved. The quan- tity of the hypo must then be in excess of the amount actually required to dissolve the unreduced salt. The fixing action is commonly supposed to be complete when the negative has lost its milky appearance. Portions of the double salts may still be undissolved, however, and it is best to allow the fixing agent to act for a few moments after the milky appearance has disappeared. The negative is then ready for washing. Washing. Hyposulphite of soda has a strong inclination to remain in the pores of the film, especially gelatine films. These require a thorough washing and a subsequent treatment with some hypo eliminator to eliminate the last traces of the salt. The negative may be washed in ordinary trays in running water, or by frequently changing it, but this method requires longer washing, as the negative lies in the bottom of the tray with its face up, upon which the heavy hypo-charged liquid rests. Another method is to place the negatives in washing boxes provided with grooves, and then wash in running water. The most effective method is to place the negatives film side down in a triangular box provided with a stop cock at one end, and to wash in running water or with frequent changes. The hypo as it leaves the film falls to the bottom of the tray and is drawn off through the stop cock. Negatives washed for twenty minutes in running water in this box show no traces of hypo even to the most delicate tests. Whatever method of washing is adopted it is always safe to test for hypo, which may be done in several ways, as shown later on. After sufficient washing, the negatives, if on gelatine films, may be soaked for a short time in a strong alum bath to harden the film. They are then washed a few moments longer, and after the faces have been brushed over with a broad carnePs-hair brush to remove all adhering particles, they are racked away to dry in a place free from dust. 30 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. When dry, proofs are taken to determine if the negative needs any further treatment in the way of strengthening, re- ducing, or local touching up before being varnished. Intensification. It often happens that the negative through over-exposure or under-development lacks sufficient density to give good prints. In such cases it must be strengthened or intensified. This is done by causing the negative to take a deposit of some chemical substance in order to produce greater thickness of the lines. Intensifies differ according to the na- ture of the sensitive surface. With albumen and collodion the most common intensifier consists of a mixture of gallic and pyrogallic acids and nitrate of silver strongly acidified with acetic acid. For gelatine films most operators employ a sat- urated solution of bichloride of mercury ; this forms the chlo- ride of silver and the insoluble proto-chloride of mercury which is deposited on the film, causing it to assume a creamy tint, which is changed to a brown or black by subsequent treatment with a solution of ammonia or sulphite of soda. Specific instructions for the use of these and other intensifiers will be found under the various processes described. Reduction. Over-development is apt to produce hard negatives incapable of yielding prints full of soft and delicate gradations. Such negatives may often be made fit for use by reducing the excessive thickness of the deposit of metallic silver. This may be effected by treating the negative with solutions of iodide, cyanide, or the perchlorides. These change the deposit on the film into the iodide, cyanide, or chloride of silver, which are then dissolved in a cyanide or hypo bath. Success in this treatment is by no means certain, owing to the impossibility of knowing to what extent the metallic silver has been converted to the soluble salt until the negative is taken from the fixing-bath. Keduction, therefore, is to be re- sorted to only in extreme cases. Other methods will be found in Chapter XI. Varnishing. Collodion negatives must, albumen and gela- tine negatives should, be protected from chance of injury by flowing over the films a thin coat of varnish. If the negative does not require touching up, any good negative varnish will PRELIMINARY REMARKS ON EXPOSURE, ETC. 31 answer. The following is as good as any and is easily made : Dissolve pure yellow lac in alcohol in the proportions of 150 grains of lac to three and a half ounces of alcohol, sp. gr. .83. Some days are required to effect solution, during which the flask is occasionally shaken. The varnish is then well filtered, and is applied to the plate, previously slightly warmed, by pouring it upon the plate held in a horizontal position. When the plate is well covered the surplus is poured off, and the varnish dried by gentle heat, the plate being rocked to pre- vent the formation of ridges. A good retouching varnish is made as follows : Sandarac .1 ounce Castor oil 1 dram Alcohol 6 ounces The sandarac is first dissolved in the alcohol, after which the oil is added. CHAPTER III. (JALOTVPE. THIS is the name which Fox Talbot gave to the process by which he obtained the first negatives ever made. In this process, paper of a fine and even texture, as free from grain as possible, is immersed in a bath containing an iodide, and when wanted for use is sensitized on a bath of nitrate of silver, and then exposed. Plain Saxe or Rives paper is immersed in a dilute solution of hydrochloric acid, the acid removed by thorough washing, and the sheets hung up to dry. As soon as dry they are ready to be treated with the silver iodide bath, made as follows : No. 1. Silver nitrate 46 grains Distilled water 6 drams No. 2. Potassium iodide 46 grains Distilled water 6 drams The silver iodide is formed by pouring No. 2 into No. 1, with constant stirring. The iodide falls to the bottom of the beaker as a precipitate, which is allowed to settle ; the water is then poured off as closely as possible, and the beaker again filled and the precipitate well stirred. The operation is repeated three or four times to eliminate the bye-product, potassium nitrate, which is not wanted. The precipitate is then dissolved in the following potassium iodide solution : Potassium iodide 462 grains Water 2J ounces This is poured over the precipitate and well stirred. To insure complete solution, crystals of the potassium salt are added with constant stirring until the solution turns milky. CALOTYPE. 33 The solution is applied to the paper with a Buckle's brush, made by inclosing a thin tuft of cotton in the loop of a doubled string passed through a bore of a piece of glass tubing six or seven inches long. The loop being pulled up into the tube, a brush of cotton wool is formed. The paper is cut to the proper size and pinned to a flat board, and the solution is brushed over its surface, brushing up and down and across, to secure an even coating. As soon as surface-dry the paper is immersed in a dish of distilled water, and after a two-minutes soaking is removed to a second dish, and then to* a third ; care must be taken to remove all air bells. After two or three hours soaking the potassium iodide will be removed. The paper is then hung up to dry, after which it may be preserved in any convenient way for future use, but as it is somewhat sensitive to light, it is best to store it in a dark, dry place. When the paper is wanted for use it is sensitized by brush- ing over it, first pinning it to the board as before, a mixture of the following solutions : No. 1. Silver nitrate 77 grains Glacial acetic acid 2% drams Water 14 drams No. 2. Saturated solution of gallic acid in distilled water To every dram of No. 1, add 60 drams of distilled water, then 1 dram of No. 2, and finally 30 drams of distilled water. In warm weather the proportion of water may be still further increased to prevent the speedy reduction of silver nitrate, owing to the presence of gallic acid. The mixture is well stirred and applied plentifully to the surface of the paper. All excess of moisture is then blotted off on pure filter paper. The paper is most sensitive while moist, but it will give images when dry, until the surface of the paper becomes discolored owing to the reduction of gallate of silver. For exposure the paper may be placed between two pieces of glass and inserted in the holder, or if preferred it may be gummed by the corners to a glass plate or piece of thick paste- board. The time of exposure is long, varying from five to twenty minutes. The sensitiveness may be increased by 34 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. increasing the proportions of the silver and gallic acid in the sensitizing mixture, but the keeping qualities of the prepared sheets diminish as their sensitiveness increases. It has been noticed that for brilliantly lighted subjects a highly sensitive condition gives the best results, while poorly lighted subjects require a paper of low sensitiveness to avoid fog. Development is effected by pinning the exposed sheets to a board and applying the sensitizing mixture given above with the brush. As soon as the development seems to flag, the gallic acid solution No 2 is applied sparingly until the shadows begin to grow dim. Under-exposed pictures require more of No. 1. If the iimge is fairly visible before development the paper was over ex- posed ; in this case more of No. 2 should be added. ~ The negative is fixed in Sodium hyposulphite 15 drams Water 35 ounces Fixing is complete when the yellowness of the iodide is no longer visible by transmitted light. A thorough washing for three or four hours in many changes of water is necessary to eliminate the hypo. When dry the negative can be printed from as it is, but the quality of the prints will be greatly improved by waxing the negative. This is readily done by heating a flat-iron hot enough to melt white wax, a cake of which substance is applied to the iron as it passes over the surface of the paper. As soon as the negative is evenly translucent, a sheet of blot- ting-paper is laid down upon it and the iron again applied to remove all superfluous wax. Care must be taken not to have the iron too hot, or the blotting-paper will absorb too much of the wax and cause the grain of the paper to become visible. The above is a description of the method by which Fox Talbot obtained his first negatives, and it is given more as a matter of historical interest than because of its practical value. The great disadvantage of this and other like methods was the rapid deterioration of the sensitized sheets, owing to the com- bination of the silver nitrate with the vegetable fibres and the sizing of the papers, and also to the formation of a very fugi- tive compound of iodo-nitrate of silver. CALOTYPE. 35 Le Gray, in his once famous process, by waxing the paper before sensitizing, and by washing away all excess of nitrate, greatly increased the keeping qualities of the paper but dimin- ished its sensitiveness, and M. Pelegry, a French amateur who has given much attention to the process, has of late years still further increased the keeping qualities of the paper and has also materially decreased the time of exposure. LE GRAY'S PKOCESS. Waxing. A piece of thick sheet-iron is placed over an oil or gas stove and heated up to the melting point of wax. One or two sheets of blotting-paper are then placed on the iron, and upon these a sheet of the paper to be waxed. This is evenly waxed by rubbing it with a piece Qf white wax. A second sheet is laid over the one already treated, and waxed as before. This operation is continued until a dozen sheets have been im- pregnated. The sheets are then separated and again placed on the hot iron plate, but with a sheet of unwaxed paper between each waxed sheet. The pile is next evenly pressed down with a pad of clean blotting-paper, being frequently turned over. This process remelts the wax and impregnates the unwaxed sheets. If now, on separating the sheets, any of them show unwaxed spots, they are to be rewaxed as before, one at a time. The sheets are best dried by placing them, separately between blotting-papers, or two unwaxed sheets, and placing them on the warm iron plate. All excess of wax is now easily removed by using the pad of blotting paper. Excessive heating of the plate must be avoided during this operation, as this will pro- duce a grained appearance impossible to remove by rewaxing. The iodide lath. Whey (serum) 35 ounces Iodide of potassium 130 grains Bromide of potassium 30 " Milk sugar (crystals) 308 " NOTE. The whey or serum is produced by boiling 40 to 45 ounces of milk. As soon as the milk boils acetic acid is added drop by drop until the milk is coagulated. The liquid is then 36 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. filtered through a piece of linen and allowed to cool, when the white of an egg, beaten to a froth, is added. The mixture is again boiled to coagulate the albumen, which clarifies the serum. The liquid is ready for use as soon as filtered. As this bath soon ferments, it must be used within two days of its preparation. The bath is filtered into a deep porcelain tray, and a waxed sheet is first floated on it, avoiding air bubbles, and then com- pletely immersed in it, all air bells being removed with a clean camel's hair brush or a glass triangle. This process is repeated until a sufficient quantity of paper has been immersed, great care being taken that no air bells are allowed to form between the sheets. After soaking for two hours the sheets are pinned up by one corner to dry. In this condition they will keep in- definitely. Sensitising. The sheets are immersed one after the other in the following bath : Distilled water 3 ounces Nitrate of silver 108 grains Glacial acetic acid ... 125 to 150 grains To this are added eight to ten drops of the iodide solution given above. The mixture is well stirred and filtered into a porcelain tray used only for this purpose. The iodized sheets are to be immersed in this bath as described for iodizing, avoiding air bells. The sheets must not be allowed to stick together, and each one is turned over with a pair of bone or glass pincers before another is introduced. After three or four minutes immersion the sheets are re- moved one by one and passed successively through three or four baths of distilled water. They are then placed between sheets of strong, pure blotting-paper and all excess of moisture removed, after which they are dried under pressure between fresh blotters. The first and second wash waters should be renewed for every three or four sheets. The more thorough the washing the longer the sheets will keep, but the less their sensitiveness. In any event they will keep only two or three days. CALOTYPE. 37 The paper, after being: iodized, usually loses somewhat of its waxed appearance, which can be restored by placing the sheets previous to sensitizing between. blotters and smoothing with a warm iron. Exposure. The prepared sheets are made ready for expos- ure as in Talbot's process and the exposure varies from ten to twenty minutes, according to circumstances. Development and Fixing. These operations are the same as in Talbot's method, except that the waxed paper is im- mersed in the developer. Pelegry's Process. This method is superior to the forego- ing in the superior keeping qualities which it confers upon the sensitized sheets and in its greater sensitiveness. Plain Saxe paper is immersed for a few moments in the iodide bath given in Le Gray's method, and hung up by one corner to dry. When wanted for use the dried sheets are sensitized by a three minutes immersion in the following bath : Distilled water 3^ ounces Nitrate of silver 154 grains Citric acid 10 grains The sheets are immersed in the bath as in Le Gray's pro- cess, but no more than five sheets must be sensitized at the same time. After remaining in the bath the requisite length of time, the sheets are removed one by one, allowed to drain slightly, and placed in a tray containing distilled water. Five more sheets are then sensitized and placed with the others. After a short soaking, during which the tray is rocked, the water is poured away, and a fresh supply added. The tray is again rocked -for a few moments and the sheets are next placed in a tray containing a filtered solution of chloride of sodium, one to one hundred, to destroy the last traces of nitrate of silver. After a short sojourn in this bath they are well washed in several changes of water, and finally immersed for two min- utes in a tannin bath made as follows : Two hundred and thirty grains of dextrine are macerated in a mortar with a little water ; when solution is complete the 38 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. bulk is made up to twelve ounces of water, and the solution filtered. To this is added a filtered solution of two hundred and thirty grains of tannin in twelve ounces of water, and finally forty-five grains of gallic acid previously dissolved in four drams of alcohol. After treatment with this preservative the paper is hung up to dry. Paper prepared as above and preserved in a dark dry place will keep good from three to six months. The above formulae will prepare 18 by 22 sheets of paper. Exposure. Well-lighted landscapes require from five to six minutes exposure. Sombre views will require at least thirty minutes for full exposure. Development. The development should, if possible, be ef- fected within a few hours of exposure, but in case of necessity it may be deferred for some days. The developer is thus compounded : Water 3i drams Pyrogallic acid 15 grains Citric acid 15 grains The sheet to be developed is first moistened in a tray con- taining pure water and then immersed in the pyro solution, in which it is turned several times to insure equalization of the developer. The negative is then removed from the developer to which a dram or two of a three to one hundred solution of nitrate of silver is added : the tray is rocked to insure an equal mixture, and the negative is again placed in the solution. The image soon appears and development is arrested as soon as the details are well out and the density seems sufficient, the tray being well rocked. The negative is then washed in two changes of water and fixed in a one to six hyposulphite of soda solution, in which it is allowed to remain from thirty to- forty minutes. It is then well washed and dried between blotting-papers. As soon as dry it is ready for oiling, which may be done as best suits the operator's taste and convenience,, either with castor oil, translucine, vaseline, or wax. OHAPTEK IV. SESSITIVE SURFACES ON GLASS. PREPARATION OP THE GLASS. THE glass plates should be selected with great care. They should be flat, and free from scratches and bubbles. For small sizes ordinary glass of good manufacture will answer, but for large pictures and process work, plate, or patent-plate, should be used. The rough edges should be smoothed down with a flat file, and the glasses should never be packed with pieces of printed paper between them, since printer's ink is apt to leave greasy spots on the plates, which must be perfectly clean before they are coated with the collodion or emulsion. New plates should be soaked for some hours in a solution of carbonate of soda, and then well washed and soaked for some time in a solution of equal parts of nitric acid and water. They are then well washed and dried, if not to be albumenized. Old collodion plates should be immersed over night in the fol- lowing solution : Sulphuric acid 1 ounce Bichromate of potash 1 ounce Water 16 ounces and then washed. This solution quickly destroys organic substances, but it must be renewed as soon as crystals are formed. In all cases it is well to drain the plates on blotting paper, and to rub them dry with a piece of canton-flannel, which is used for no other purpose. The Final Cleaning of the Glasses for the Albumen and Collodion Processes. After the preliminary treatment with acid or bichromate of potash the dried plates are breathed on and rubbed with a clean towel kept for this purpose exclu- sively. It is important that the fingers do not touch the plate. 40 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. The towel is spread out on a clean table, the plate is laid upon it, and one end of the towel is folded over one edge of the plate, which is then rubbed with the other end of the towel. After both sides and the edges of the plates have been thoroughly rubbed, it is tested by breathing upon it and ex- amining it by reflected light. If it is perfectly clean the moisture of the breath will evaporate evenly. If, however, it shows spots it must be again breathed on and rubbed. If this fails to remove the spots, the plate must be returned to the acid bath. "When the plate appears perfectly clean after this treatment, it is ready for the final polishing, which is done with chamois leather pads. The plate may be held in a clean- ing vice or laid on a clean towel. A small quantity of alcohol is then poured on the plate and rubbed over it with one of the pads ; the plate is next polished with another pad, and may be considered finished when it takes the breath evenly. Instead of alcohol, old and worthless collodion is often used. Varnished plates must be soaked for some hours in a solution of soda ; they are then washed with water, soaked in the acid bath, washed, and polished as above. The towels and chamois skins used for cleaning and polish- ing must be washed in soda, never with soap. Albumenizing the Glasses. In order to avoid the tedious operation of polishing, many operators prefer to flow an albu- men solution over the plate after it has been treated with the acid bath given above. The following solution is poured over the plate while still wet : Whites of 2 eggs Water 64 ounces Ammonia 1 dram Iodide of potassium % dram This is placed in a bottle containing glass broken up into small pieces and well shaken for fifteen minutes ; it is then filtered and flowed over the glasses, the surplus being drained away to waste. The plates are racked away to dry in a room free from dust. They will keep for a month, and give as good results as those which have been polished. SENSITIVE SUKFACES ON GLASS. 41 TREATMENT OF THE GLASSES FOR THE GELATINE EMULSION PEOCESS. The glass of old negatives which, for any cause, have become useless for printing, may be again coated after the films have been removed. The simplest method of removing old films is to soak the plates in a moderately strong solution of hydro- chloric acid until the films are easily detached from the glasses, which after being well washed in clean warm water and rubbed with a coarse cloth to remove all adhering pieces of film, are ready for further treatment. Cleaning the Glass. Both old and new glass should be soaked in a ten per cent, solution of nitric acid, then well washed, and immersed in a solution of carbonate of soda con- taining a little alcohol. The plates while in this solution are well rubbed with a clean cloth, then washed in clean cold water until it flows evenly over them, rinsed in distilled water, and stood up to dry on blotting-paper. When dry they should be well wrapped up to prevent dust from settling on them. Polishing with Talc. When the films are to be stripped from the glass after fixing, the plates must be polished with French chalk. This is done by dusting a little of the chalk over them and polishing with a clean piece of linen, using a circular motion. All excess of chalk is dusted off with a camel's-hair brush. The plates are then flowed with plain collodion, and coated with the emulsion when the collodion is dry. Substrata. It is the practice of many coaters to give the plates a substratum of some kind to prevent blisters, or to as- sist the flowing of the emulsion. A few of the best of these substrata are here given. 1. White of egg-. 1 ounce Water 20 ounces Alcohol 1 ounce Carbolic acid 20 drops Add the carbolic acid to the alcohol, and stir well ; then pour the mixture into the albumen and water which have been pre- viously mixed, then filter. 42 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. DR. VOGELS. 2. a. Gelatine 150 grains Acetic acid % ounce Dissolve by heat. b. Chrome alum 10 grains Water K ounce For use take of a, 2^ parts ; Z>, 1 part ; alcohol, 70 parts, and filter. Coat the plates as with collodion. 3. Soluble water glass 1 ounce Albumen . 8 ounces Water Bounces The wet plates are coated with this solution, drained, dried, and washed. 4. Gelatine 75 grains Distilled water 60 ounces Ammonia 2 drams Alcohol 1 ounce Soak the gelatine in half the given quantity of water, then add the remaining half at the boiling point ; when cool add the ammonia and alcohol, and filter. 5. White of egg 1 ounce Water 100 ounces Ammonia 5 drops Shake well for five minutes, and then filter. 6. India rubber 10 grains Water 1 ounce Filter and flow over the plates like collodion. More care must be taken in cleaning the plates when a sub- stratum is to be used, the difficulty being to secure an even coating. Instead of flowing the above solutions over the plates, they may be applied with a Blanchard brush, which is made by tie- ing a double thickness of fine canton-flannel, ribbed side out, over one end of a strip of glass about six inches long and two SENSITIVE SURFACES ON GLASS. inches wide. The brush is dipped in the solution and the ex- cess squeezed out against the side of the beaker. The plate is then brushed smoothly down the surface in parallel lines. In this way a thin and even coating is applied. CHAPTEK Y. THE ALBUMEN PROCESS. . THE second step in the development of the negative process was the employment of albumen as a vehicle for the suspen- sion of the finely-divided sensitive salts, and, in consequence, the use of glass as the means of support. Niepce de Saint Yictor seems to have been the first to work out a practical method for the use of albumen, and the process was greatly improved by later experimenters. Although rarely used to-day, the process is a valuable one for delicate work, where the utmost possible fineness of grain is desired. The drawbacks to the more general adoption of a process which undoubtedly yields the very finest photographic results, are, the long exposure necessary, the difficulty of securing an even coating of the extreme tenuity required to prevent the film from leaving the glass, and the extreme care demanded to prevent dust from settling on the films while drying. Methods of overcoming these difficulties will be given under the practical manipulations soon to be described. The general outline of the process is as follows : The whites of several eggs are carefully separated from the yolks and germs, and beaten to a froth with a bundle of quill pens or a wooden fork. After standing for some hours, the deposit of albumen is decanted and filtered by upward filtration, as de- scribed on page 19. An addition of an aqueous solution of iodide and bromide of potassium or ammonium is then made, and the mixture is well stirred and filtered as before. From this point on, the greatest precautions must be taken to prevent particles of dust from settling in the mixture. THE ALBUMEN PKOCESS. 45 The plates, which must be plate or patent plate, are next coated and dried in a perfectly horizontal position. In this condition, the plates are insensitive, and will keep for an indefinite period. They should be stored in a dust-proof box. When wanted for use, they are sensitized by an immersion in a nitrate of silver bath acidified with glacial acetic acid. The effect of this bath is to coagulate the albumen, to form the albuminate of silver, and to transform the soluble, insensitive iodide and bromide into the insoluble and sensitive iodide and bromide of silver. Therefore, the operation of sensitizing must be performed in yellow light. After being sensitized, the plates are washed in many changes of pure filtered water, to remove all traces of nitrate of silver; they are then dried by heat and are ready to be GOBERT'S ALBUMEN METHOD. Formulae. No. 1. THE ALBUMEN MIXTURE. Albumen from fresh eggs 26 drams Iodide of ammonium 15 grains Bromide of potassium 4 grains Iodine in pellets 4 grains First dissolve the salts in two ounces of water and then dis- solve the iodine. Then add the solution to the albumen, beat to a froth, and, after standing for some" hours, decant the albu- men and filter twice, as described above. No. 2. THE SENSITIZING BATH. Distilled water 4 ounces Nitrate of silver 155 grains Glacial acetic acid 2% drams MANIPULATIONS. Cleaning the Glass. Pour a few drops of hydrochloric acid on the surface of the glass plate, previously freed from all im- purity by soaking first in a solution of caustic potash, then in dilute nitric acid, and well washed under the tap. Then polish 46 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. with a dabber of cotton dipped in the following iodine solu- tion : Iodine 4 grains Alcohol 4 ounces This is well rubbed in, and the plate dried with a piece of fine linen. Coating. A sufficient quantity of solution No. 1 is poured over the plate, which is held in the left hand by means of a pneumatic holder having a vertical handle provided with a small brass hook at the end. The albumen should be poured in a pool on the right-hand upper corner of the plate. When the surface of the plate is completely covered, to effect which some coaxing with a glass rod may be necessary, the excess is drained off in a reserve flask for filtration. A pipette will be found very convenient for getting the albumen on the plate free from bubbles. After draining as closely as possible, the plate is rocked gently to equalize the film. If any specks of dust or air bells are noticed, they must be removed with the point of a clean piece of paper, or with the pipette. Notwithstanding the close draining, the film is still too thick ; it must be made thinner, and at the same time equal- ized. This is done by suspending it, film down, by catching the hook in the handle in the loop of a doubled string hanging from the ceiling of the room. A slow rotary movement is then given to the plate. - The centrifugal force thus generated throws off all excess of albumen, and equalizes the film except along the edges, where ridges are formed which are dried with blotting-paper when the plate is removed from the string. In order to avoid spots of albumen on the floor and walls, it is best to suspend the plate in a large round metallic tray. Drying the Plate. The plate must be dried rapidly, and in a perfectly horizontal position. Perhaps the best method of combining these requisites, while at the same time reducing to a minimum the danger of dust falling on the film, is to place the plate film downwards on three levelling screws provided with needle points ; these screws stand on an iron plate placed over an oil or gas stove. THE ALBUMEN PROCESS. 47 The old daguerreotype gilding stand will be found a very convenient drying apparatus. If neither of these means are at hand, the plate may be dried by placing it on a warm iron plate film up, first putting two or three sheets of blotting- paper on the iron to equalize the heat. Fuming with Vapors of Iodine. The action of the sensit- izing bath is greatly assisted by fuming the dried film with the vapors of iodine. The simplest way of doing this is to cut a rectangular opening, somewhat smaller than the plate, in the cover of a wooden box four or five inches in depth. Some pellets of iodine are placed in the bottom of the box, and the plate is laid over the opening in the cover film down, and fumed until it assumes a rich golden hue. It is then taken from the box, and after a short exposure to the atmosphere to allow the excess of iodine to volatilize, it is ready to be sen- sitized. Sensitizing. The plate is sensitized in yellow light by a three minute immersion in solution No. 2, above. It is then well washed in several changes of water, allowed to drain, and the preservative, a saturated solution of gallic acid, is flowed over it. It is then dried by gentle heat. The dried plates will retain their good qualities for some weeks. The films should have a decided opalescent appearance. If this is want- ing, the film is too thin, owing to a too rapid rotation on the pneumatic holder. The remedy is obvious. The time of ex- posure varies from 10 to 30 minutes, according to circumstances. Development. The exposed plates are developed in a bath containing a saturated solution of gallic acid, to which has been added a few drops of a 1 to 30 solution of nitrate of silver. The process should not be unduly hastened ; the best results are gained by slow development. The developer must be thrown away when it becomes cloudy. The developer thus compounded will bring out all the details and give good printing density on properly exposed plates. If, however, the image shows a lack of detail and density after prolonged development, a fresh developer, containing gallic acid and silver, must be compounded. Fixing. After development the plate is rinsed in clean 48 TllE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. water and immersed in a ten per cent, solution of hyposulphite of soda until the opalescent appearance has disappeared. It is then well washed in running water, to eliminate the hypo, and when dry it is ready to be printed from. VARIOUS MODIFICATIONS OF THE ALBUMEN PROCESS. Numerous experiments have been made by different investi- gators to shorten the time of exposure by introducing various modifications, consisting chiefly in the use of a larger propor- tion of iodide and the addition of certain substances to produce a more porous, and, therefore, more sensitive film. A few of the best of these are here given. Sellers Modification. Water 5 drams White sugar 120 grains Iodide of potassium 61 grains Iodine in pellets 12 grains Bromide of potassium. 12 grains Pour the solution into 14 ounces of albumen, beat to a froth, and, after standing for twenty-four hours, decant three-fourths of the liquid for use. The remaining manipulations are the same as described above. tiagofs Modification. Dextrine 140 grains Iodide of potassium 46 grains Bromide of potassium 8 grains Distilled water 11 drams Dissolve by heat, filter and add the whites of six eggs. All the other operations are as described above, with the following exceptions : Sensitize on a ten per cent, solution of nitrate of silver, containing twenty -five per cent, of glacial acetic acid, and develop in the following bath : Distilled water . 12)^ ounces Gallic acid 108 grains Acetate of lime 46 grains at a temperature varying from 120 to 140 deg. THE ALBUMEN PROCESS. 49 Couppier's Modification. Albumen 25 drams Distilled water 6)^ drams Iodide of potassium 15 grains The manipulations are the same as in Gobert's method. The Albumen Honey Process. The following description of this process, as formerly worked by Whipple and Black, is taken from the Photographic Times. The plates are given a thin, even coating of the following solution : Albumen 8 ounces Honey 7 ounces To which has been added Iodide of potassium . v 3 grains Bromide of potassium 20 grains Chloride of sodium 10 grains Water 2 ounces The mixture is beaten to a stiff froth, allowed to settle, and then filtered. The dried plates are sensitized, while still warm, in the fol- lowing bath : Nitrate of silver 1 ounce Acetic acid, No. 8 8 to 10 drams Water 10 ounces The plate is kept in constant motion while in the bath. After sensitizing, the plates are washed slightly, if to be used immediately. If, however, they are to be kept for any length of time, they must be washed until all the silver is washed away. Development is effected in a saturated solution of gallic acid, to which a few drops of a nitrate of silver solution have been added. CHAPTER VI. THE COLLODION PROCESS, WET-PLATES. LB GKAY was the first to suggest collodion as a vehicle for the suspension of the salts of silver in place of the albumen method of St. Victor. To Scott Archer and Dr. Diamond, however, belong the credit of having been the first to intro- duce the collodion process in the practical form in which it is still used. This was in 1851, and the publication of their process revo- lutionised photographic methods, and incited many experi- menters to investigate the new process. It would be impracticable to enter into a detailed discussion of the improvements discovered by such patient investigators as Martin, Gaudin, Spiller, Sutton, Schnauss, Carey Lea, Sdronheim, Roettcher, Bellitzky, Vogel, Eder, Duchochois, and others, to all of whom photography is deeply indebted. The history of photography has been ably treated in another volume of this series, and need not be repeated here. The advent of gelatine plates by no means sounded the death knell of collodion. It is still in common use by not a few of our best practitioners in all cases where the extreme of rapidity is not called for, and in the opinion of many good judges collodion negatives possess qualities which are only with extreme difficulty conferred upon gelatine plates. For these reasons, the process is fully described in all its details, as practised by the best operators. The base of collodion is the substance known as pyroxyline, or soluble gun-cotton, which is prepared by submitting cotton, paper, or other like substances, to the action of a mixture of sulphuric and nitric acids. The resulting substance, when dis- solved in a mixture of ether and alcohol, forms the volatile, viscous compound known as collodion. THE COLLODION PROCESS, WET-PLATES. 51 The preparation of pyroxyline suitable for photographic work is a somewhat delicate operation, and, as a rule, it is wise to purchase it ready-made of the dealer. The two formulae for its manufacture which are given below, are recommended by Hardwich, who at one time made many experiments in this direction. No. 1. Sulphuric acid, sp. gr. 1.842 at 59 deg. F 18 ounces Nitric acid, sp. gr. 1.456 6 ounces Water 4% ounces Cottonwool 360 grains No. 2. Sulphuric acid, 1.842 6 o.unces Nitrate of potassium 3^ ounces Cotton wool 62 ounces Water 1 ounce Mr. Abney says the cotton must be first well steeped in an aqueous solution of carbonate of soda, and 'then be well washed and perfectly dried. It should then be made up into ten or twelve balls. The nitrate of potassium should be as free from chloride of potassium as possible, and dried in an air bath at a temperature of about 120 deg. The water and nitric acid are poured into a porcelain dish and well mixed, then the sulphuric acid is added with constant stirring. The temperature will rise to about 170 deg., and the liquid must be allowed to cool down to about 150 deg. The balls of cotton are then immersed separately in the liquid, as rapidly as possible, to prevent decomposition. After receiv- ing a thorough soaking, using a glass or porcelain spatula to keep the balls submerged, they are allowed to remain ten or fifteen minutes in the solution. They are then raised by the spatula, as much of the liquid as possible being extracted by pressing them against the side of the dish, and then they are placed in a large vessel full of clean water. The washing must be continued until a piece of blue litmus paper retains its color after two or three minutes' contact with the cotton, which, when dried, should weigh about 25 per cent, more than the original cotton. 52 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. It is important that the acids be of the specific gravity indi- cated in the formulae, as any deviation will materially change the character of the pyroxyline. The second formula is usu- ally to be preferred. The Solvents. Alcohol and ether in varying proportions are the solvents of pyroxyline employed in the manufacture of collodion. Many modifications may be made in the film by altering the proportions of the solvents. Up to a certain point an increase in the quantity of alcohol confers greater sensitiveness and density. It must not be too largely in ex- cess, however, or tender, porous films will result. An excess of ether gives strong, contractile films, which are easily stripped from the glass. The specific gravity of the alcohol must be varied to suit the sample of pyroxyline used in making up the collodion. For pyroxyline prepared at a high temperature the alcohol should have a spec-iric gravity of .812. For the tougher variety of pyroxyline a specific gravity of .820 is about right. The ether should be as pure as possible. The normal proportion of the solvents is equal volumes of each, but this may be modified as required. The lodizers. These are the various metallic iodides and bromides which are added to the collodion to produce, when the plate is immersed in the silver bath, the sensitive iodide and bromide of silver. Obviously only those iodides and bromides can be used, which are soluble in alcohol and ether. Those most commonly employed are the iodides and bromides of potassium, ammonium, calcium, cadmium, sodium, and, more rarely, lithium. These are not all of equal value for the preparation of the salted collodion. Three factors determine the choice of the Boluble salt, viz., the physical action of the salts ; the perman- ency of the resulting collodion, and the solubility of the salt. Cadmium, although very soluble and giving a collodion of good keeping qualities, has a tendency to thicken the film, and must, therefore, be used with caution and only in connec- tion with other salts. The iodides of potassium and ammonium give more intense THE COLLODION PROCESS, WET-PLATES. 53 images than the iodide of cadmium, but they are not so solu- ble and the resulting collodion does not keep so well. The salts of sodium and lithium are but rarely used on ac- count of their decomposing action. A collodion containing iodide alone gives great density with little detail in the shadows, one containing bromide only gives less density but more detail in the shadows. For this reason the common practice is to use mixed collo- dion for general work to secure both density and detail. Plain Collodion. It is customary to make up a stock of plain collodion to be iodized in sufficient quantity for the work in hand. This plain collodion can be kept indefinitely in well-stoppered bottles. The following formulae are given for its preparation : FOR COLD WEATHER. Pyroxyline 185 to 215 grains Alcohol 16 ounces Ether 19 ounces FOR WARM WEATHER. Pyroxyl ine 185 to 215 grains Alcohol 17J ounces Ether 17 ounces The quantity of pyroxyline may be increased if desired, but it should not exceed two per cent. An increase in pyroxy- line increases the sensitiveness but diminishes the flowing quality of the collodion. The usual method of making up the plain collodion is to add the pyroxyline to the alcohol and then to add the ether in small quantities, shaking well after each addition. Some operators, however, prefer to add the pyroxyline to the ether, shaking it up well until the fibres are well dis- tended, and then to add the alcohol in small quantities with constant shaking. In either case the solution is allowed to stand for twenty- four hours before being used. Sufficient of the clear liquid for the work to be done is then decanted off. Salted Collodion. Plain collodion is iodized or salted by the addition of soluble iodides or bromides, or both. 54: THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. The following formulae will be found suitable for general landscapes, and portrait work : BROMIZED COLLODION. Bromide of zinc 247 grains Plain collodion 35 ounces IODIZED COLLODION. a. Iodide of ammonium 123 grains Plain collodion 35 ounces b. Iodide of cadmium 154 grains Plain collodion 35 ounces a must be used at once ; 5 will keep indefinitely. BROMO-IODIZED COLLODION. a. Iodide of ammonium 108 grains Bromide of cadmium 62 grains Plain collodion 35 ounces b. Iodide of cadmium 139 grains Bromide of cadmium 62 grains Plain collodion 35 ounces a can be used soon after making ; b must be allowed to ripen for some time before it will flow well. Another method of salting the collodion is to add to ninety parts of plain collodion, ten parts of the following bromo- iodide solution : Absolute alcohol 7f ounces Iodide of cadmium 154 grains Bromide of cadmium 154 grains Iodide of ammonium 154 grains Mr. John CarbutCs Methods. Mr. Carbutt first prepares the double salts of potassio-cadmium iodide and ammonio- cadmium bromide with which he prepares two collodions, which are mixed for use in varying proportions. The potassio-cadmium iodide is made as follows : 332 parts of iodide of potassium and 366 parts of iodide of cadmium are dissolved in the smallest possible quantity of distilled water, and evaporated to dryness by gentle heat, and bottled for use. The ammonio-cadmium bromide is prepared by taking 196 parts of bromide of ammonium and 272 parts of bromide THE COLLODION PROCESS, WET-PLATES. 55 of cadmium and treating them as in the preparation of the double iodide. The iodized collodion is made up as follows : Double iodide 6 grains Ether .. Jounce Alcohol i ounce Pyroxyline 2 grains To make the bromized collodion take Double bromide 10 grains Alcohol 3 drams Ether 5 drams Pyroxyline 2 grains For special use these collodions are mixed in the following proportions : For interiors and dimly lighted subjects, two parts iodized to one part bromized. For quick exposures, three parts iodized to one part bromized. For copying and process work, five parts iodized to one part bromized. Mr. Carbutt states that this collodion should be allowed to ripen for six or eight weeks before it is used. If a few drops of tincture of iodine are added, it will be in good working or- der in a few days. DR. VOGEL'S COLLODION. Iodide of cadmium 1 part Iodide of sodium i part Bromide of ammonium i part Alcohol 80 parts After filtration one part, by measure, of the filtrate is added to three parts, by measure, of -plain collodion, contain- ing two per cent, of pyroxyline. The mixture may be used after three days. EQUIVALENT COLLODION. a. Iodide of cadmium 18 parts Alcohol 270 parts b. Bromide of cadmium 17 parts Alcohol 270 parts Two measured parts of a are added to one measured part of b, and nine measured parts of plain collodion, containing two per cent, of pyroxyline. 56 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. This collodion will keep for years. Care of the Collodion. The proper care of the collodion is a matter of great importance to the photographer who wishes to secure uniformly good results. The chemical changes which a salted collodion undergoes are manifested by a change of color to yellow and red, and by a decrease of sensitiveness. Red collodion may be corrected by the addition of cadmium collodion, which remains white for months. A collodion which has a tendency to turn red should be mixed only as wanted for use, the plain collodion and the iodizer being kept in separate bottles. The collodion also becomes thick by the evaporation of the solvents. When it becomes too thick to flow well it must be thinned down by the addition of a sufficient quantity of alcohol and ether in the proportions of three to five. When the excess of collodion is drained from the plate into the stock bottle it gradually becomes filled with dust, giving rise to spots on the plates. This evil may be avoided by drain- ing the excess into a separate bottle. After settling for a week the clear liquid can be decanted off and used for coating. The neck of the stock-bottle should be kept covered with a bell glass, and the stop- per should be left out as little as possible to prevent evaporation. Filtering Collodion. Many collodions set- tle so slowly as to require a tedious length of time to render them fit for use unless filtered. Fig. 16 shows a collodion filter. A is a glass funnel fitting closely into the neck of the bottle, and closed by the glass stopper B to prevent the evaporation of the collodion. C is a piece of glass tubing, around which ^^^ *S washed cotton is loosely packed, through FIG. 16. which the collodion slowly filters. The Sensitizing athThe office of the bath is to make the collodion film sensitive by changing the metallic iodides and bromides into iodide and bromide of silver. THE COLLODION PROCESS, WET-PLATES. 57 The utmost care and cleanliness must be exercised in the preparation of the bath, and a generous amount of it should be made up. It is customary to add a trace of iodide of potas- sium to prevent the bath eating away the film, owing to the solubility of iodide of silver, in a solution of nitrate of sil- ver. Dilute nitric acid is also added sparingly when the plates show signs of veiling. Other additions are sometimes refcom- mended, but their utility is doubtful. The strength of the bath varies somewhat according to the nature of the work in hand ; from 35 to 50 grains of silver to the ounce may be taken as the limits in either direction. Dr. Yogel recommends the following: Nitrate of silver (neutral) 100 parts Distilled water 1000 parts To which are added 25 parts of 1 per cent, aqueous solution of iodide of potassium. If the bath gives veiled images, a 20 per cent, aqueous solution of nitric acid is added drop by drop until a trial plate developes free from fog. Hardwich recommends the following baths: . FOR BROMO-IODIZED COLLODION. Nitrate of silver 35 grains Distilled water 1 ounce The required quantity of solution is made up and iodized by the addition of a few grains of iodide of potassium. If the bath shows a neutral or alkaline reaction acidify with dilute nitrate acid until blue litmus changes slightly to red. FOR IODIZED COLLODION. Nitrate of silver 30 grains Distilled water 1 ounce The bath is iodized as before, and, if necessary, made acid by the addition of acetic acid. Great care must be taken when acidulating the nitrate bath not to add too much acid, which diminishes the sensitiveness of the film and gives weak images. The proper way is to add only a few drops at a time, and to sensitize, expose, and develop a trial plate after each addition until the image shows no deposit of silver in the deepest shadows, i. stratum : Gelatine 60 grains Water 8 ounces Chrome alum (10 grain solution) 2 drams The gelatine is swelled in cold water, well drained, and COLLODION EMULSION. 79 enough boiling water added to make the bulk up to eight ounces. Then the alum solution is adde.d and the mixture well stirred for a few moments, and then filtered, avoiding air bubbles. This solution is flowed over the washed plates while still wet. Two coats are given, the first being drained away closely. The plates are then dried in an airy place, free from dust. The plates are coated with the emulsion, and when the films are set they are to be well washed ; a grooved negative washing- box answers well for this purpose. Wash until all signs of greasiness have disappeared, and then immerse for one minute in the following bath : Albumen, dried 60 grains Water 3 ounces Ammonia 1 dram Again wash well, flow over with a two-grain gallic acid pre- servative, drain and dry. These plates seem to possess indefinite keeping qualities, develop well with any good alkaline developer, and possess great latitude of exposure. They should be backed to prevent halation. A good backing is made as follows : Powdered burnt sienna . . 1 ounce Gum 1 ounce Glycerine 2 drams Water 10 ounces This is applied to the back of the plate with a stiff brush, and washed off with a damp sponge previous to development. Capt. Abney's Collodio-A Ibumen Emulsion. PLAIN COLLODION. a. Alcohol 4 drams Ether 6 drams Pyroxyline 16 grains BROMIDE SOLUTION. b. Bromide of zinc 16 grains Chloride of calcium 4 grains Alcohol 1 dram Add bromine water to impart a yellow tint. ALBUMEN SOLUTION FOR EACH HALF OUNCE OF COLLODION. c. White of egg 8 drops Alcohol... 1 dram 80 THE PHOTOGKAPHIC NEGATIVE. Add the albumen in drops and stir well. First add b to #, and then drop in the proper quantity of c, and stir well. Then by the method given on page 76 add forty grains of nitrate of silver, previously dissolved in the smallest quantity possible of water and hot alcohol. The emulsion is then poured out into a shallow dish to set ; it is then washed as usual. Capt. Abney recommends covering it with a weak solution of nitrate of silver after the second washing, and then to continue the washing until the traces of silver are very faint. The pellicle should be re-dissolved in equal quantities of ether and alcohol, in the proportion of seven grains of the pellicle to each ounce of the mixed solvents. After being coated, the plates are well washed, flooded with a two-grain gallic acid preservative, and dried. These plates are more rapid than ordinary wet-plates, and can be developed with any of the alkaline or ferrous oxalate developers. Capt. Abney's Collodio- Chloride Emulsion, with Excess of Chloride. This emulsion can be used within a quarter of an hour of its preparation. The process is described in Captain Abney's own words. Weigh out the following : Pyroxyline, easily soluble 10 grains Pyroxyline, easily soluble 5 grains Chloride of calcium 20 grains Nitrate of silver 50 grains Dissolve the calcium in one-half ounce of alcohol, by warm- ing over a spirit-lamp. Place the five grains-of pyroxyline in a two-ounce bottle, and pour on it the alcohol containing the cal- cium. After a couple of minutes, add one-half ounce of ether, when the cotton will dissolve. Dissolve the 50 grains of silver in a test tube in 25 drops of water, and add to it one ounce of boiling alcohol and 'mix. Previous to this, the 10 grains of pyroxyline should have been placed in a four-ounce bottle, and the alcohol containing the silver should be poured in. Next add one ounce of ether, little by COLLODION EMULSION. 81 little, with continuous shaking. Take the two bottles into a room lighted by yellow light, and gradually pour the chloride of calcium collodion into the nitrate of silver collodion. A test plate should now be coated, washed under the tap, and placed in the dark slide. The slide should be taken into white light and half the front pulled up for a second and then closed. The ferrous citro-oxalate developer given below should then be applied and the result noted. The film should show no blackening except on the exposed half of the plate. Should blackening take place, add two or three drops of a 20-grain solution of chloride of gold or cobalt to the emulsion and shake well ; the fog will then disappear. There seems to be no advantage in washing the emulsion. The coated plates are washed and then flooded once with Beer 5 ounces White sugar , 1 lump Pyrogallic acid 5 grains Or the two-grain gallic acid preserver may be substituted. These plates will be fonnd quite sensitive. They are developed with the ferrous citro-oxalate developer, prepared as follows : Citrate of potassium, neutral 100 grains Ferrous oxalate 22 grains Water 1 ounce First dissolve the citrate by heat, and, when nearly boiling, add the ferrous oxalate and shake well. A weaker form of the same developer is Citrate of potassium 50 grains Ferrous oxalate 12 grains Water 1 ounce These solutions keep well when corked in bottles. The plates are first rinsed in water, and then immersed in the developer. The image soon appears, and is of an ivory- black tone, well adapted to collodion transfers or positives on glass or paper. If a warmer tint is desired, tone with Nitrate of, uranium 10 grains Ferricyanide of potassium 10 grains Water . . 10 ounces 82 THE PHOTOGEAPHIC NEGATIVE. Canon BeecTiey's Process. This is a very simple and reliable process. Plates made by it possess admirable keeping and technical qualities of about one-half the sensitiveness of average wet-plates. The following solutions are made up : 1. BKOMIZED STOCK SOLUTION. Bromide of cadmium (anhydrous) 300 grains Alcohol (805) ' 8 ounces The solution is allowed to settle until clear. The super- natant liquid is then carefully decanted off, and one dram of hydrochloric acid is added. In this condition the solution will keep for years. 2. COLLODION. Bromized solution Bounce Absolute ether 9 drams Pyroxyline 12 grains These ingredients are placed in a clean bottle and shaken until the pyroxyline is dissolved. The quantity given above is sufficient to coat one dozen whole plates. 3. THE SENSITIZER. Nitrate of silver 40 grains Alcohol v . 1 ounce The best way of effecting solution is to pulverize the silver in a mortar. The powder is then placed in a test tube, the alcohol poured over it, and boiled until solution is effected. It is then poured in a fine stream into the collodion, with con- stant stirring. The emulsion is allowed to stand for twenty- four hours in a dark place, being occasionally shaken. It is then ripe enough for use, and should have a creamy appearance. The plates to be coated must first have been given a sub- stratum. Any of those given in Chapter IY. will answer. They are then coated as usual, and, when set, washed in pure water until all greasiness has disappeared. They are then im- mersed in the preservative stale beer thirty ounces, pyro thirty grains and dried as usual. Before coating, the emulsion should be well shaken and filtered. COLLODION EMULSION. 83 Development Any good alkaline developer will work well with these plates. Before development the plates must be immersed in pure water to remove the preservative. DEVELOPERS FOK COLLODION EMULSION PLATES. Alkaline Developers. l. a. Pyrogallic acid 6 grains Water ... 1 ounce b. Bromide of potassium 20 grains Water 1 ounce c. Ammonia 1 ounce Water 32 ounces To develop : Take two parts of a, two parts of J, and one part of c. 2. a. Pyrogallic acid 6 grains Alcohol 1 ounce b. Bromide of potassium 120 grains Water 1 ounce c. Carbonate of ammonium 80 grains Water 1 ounce Six drops of , three drops of 5, and three drams of c, form the developer. 3. a. Carbonate of ammonium (pure) 10 grains Bromide of potassium 2 grains Water 1 ounce b. Pyrogallic acid 50 grains Alcohol 1 ounce One ounce of , and fifteen drops of b, form the developer. Ferrous-Oxcilate Developer. a. Ferrous sulphate 160 grains Water *. 1 ounce b. Oxalate of potassium (neutral) 1 ounce Water 3 ounces Add one part of a to two parts of b immediately before wanted for use. 84 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. Hydrochinone Developer. a. Hydrochinone. . . 12 grains Sulphite of soda 60 grains Water 1 ounce b. Carbonate of soda 60 grains Water 1 ounce For the developer take two ounces of a, one ounce of b, and one ounce of water. This developer, although expensive, is recommended by the author for fine work, especially for positives on glass or paper, on account of the velvety blackness of tone and the clearness of shadows obtained by it. The hydrochinone solution will keep indefinitely; the mixed developer can be used to develop many plates, and the developer does not stain. Previous to development, the plates should be soaked in water or alcohol, as required, to remove the preservative. Gum or albumen preservatives dissolve only in alcohol. When the latter solvent is used, the plate must be washed in pure water until all repellent action has ceased. The devel- oper is then poured over the plate. If the image is Slow in appearing, pour off the developer and apply a new one con- taining less bromide, or add more of the alkaline solution. Intensify, if necessary, with the following : a. Pyrogallic acid 2 grains Citric acid .2 grains Water 1 ounce b. Nitrate of silver 20 grains Water 1 ounce Wash the plate well, and cover with a. Drop four or five drops of b into the graduate and pour the solution on the plate into it ; then return the mixture to the plate and allow it to act until sufficient density is reached. Defects. Those most commonly met with in collodion emulsion plates are the following : Black spots : due to dust settling on the film while drying. Crape markings : due, a, to the solvents of the emulsion being too aqueous ; 5, to failure to shake the emulsion before COLLODION EMULSION. 85 using it; or, c, to the bromide of silver being too coarse, owing to improper enralsification. Difficulty in flowing the emulsion : due to a deficiency in the solvents. The films leave the plates : the pyroxyline was too tough ; use a more powdery kind. CHAPTER IX. THE GELATINE PROCESS. Gelatine as a vehicle for the suspension of the sensitive salts of silver was recommended by Poitevin as early as 1850, but owing to the difficulty of obtaining it in the high state of purity necessary for photographic purposes, and the supposed greater facility and rapidity of manipulation possessed by col- lodion, Poitevin's suggestion found but little favor. Maddox, King, Burgess, and Kenneth, during the years 1871 to 1874, published formulae in which gelatine replaced collo- dion as the vehicle of suspension, but it was not till Bennett, in 1878, discovered the extreme sensitiveness conferred upon a gelatino-bromide emulsion, by digesting it at a high tempera- ture, that the new process met with favor among photograph- ers. From that time its advance has been rapid and continu- ous. Although the writer believes that it is a mistake to bring all photographic processes under the rule of the new claimant, he recognizes the immense advantages possessed by the gela- tine method, advantages which may well outweigh any defects inherent in it. It has been the custom to give the highest praise to the modern process on account of the extreme sensitiveness easily given to it. The writer, however, believes that its best claim for recognition is found rather on the artistic side. In the old collodion days the operator having to prepare hi& plates himself as he had occasion to use them was under the temptation of unduly magnifying the chemical aspect of hi& work and to neglect somewhat the artistic. But the advent of gelatine dry-plates has relieved the pho- tographer from the task of preparing his plates, and left him free to devote all his care and thought to the production of artistic results. Art is ever averse to manipulation, and now that the photographer is to a great degree emancipated from the manipulatory miseries inseparable from the collodion pro- THE GELATINE PROCESS. 87 cess, he has the opportunity of becoming more of an artist of putting more of himself into his work. Without touching upon the many other advantages possessed by gelatino-bromide plates, the author now addresses himself to the pleasant task of explaining the details of the production of the plates and the development of the image. PREPARATION OF GELATINE EMULSIONS. General Observations. Theory of the Method. The preparation of the gelatino- bromide of silver consists essentially in forming a precipitate of bromide of silver in a warm solution of gelatine ; this pre- cipitate must be sufficiently fine to remain in suspension in the liquid in which it is produced ; it is then said to be in a state of emulsion. The sensitive bromide of silver is obtained by double de- composition, that is, by combining a soluble bromide with ni- trate of silver; the result of this combination is the formation of insoluble bromide of silver and an alkaline nitrate corres- ponding to the bromide employed. This nitrate must be re- moved by washing. It is necessary that the bromide be in excess in order to pre- vent fog and to regulate the action of the developing reagents. As a result of this there always remains in the emulsion a cer- tain quantity of undecomposed alkaline bromide, whic-h, unless removed by washing, would greatly lower the sensitiveness of the finished emulsion. The most common mode of washing is to allow the emulsion to set, then to break it up into small pieces and to wash for some hours in many changes of distilled or filtered rain water. During the washing the emulsion gradually gains in sensitive- ness, owing to the more complete removal of the alkaline ni- trate and bromide. Hence the greatest precautions should be taken against exposing the emulsion to the action of any light save when absolutely necessary, and then only for the shortest possible time. After the washing is completed, the emulsion is freed from all excess of water by draining, then melted with gentle heat, filtered, and flowed over the plates, which, after the film is set, are dried and stowed away for future use. 88 THE PHOTOGKA.PHIC NEGATIVE. Time, temperature, and degree of alkalinity affect the sensi- tiveness of gelatino-bromide emulsions. At low temperature great sensitiveness is reached only after long digestion. If the temperature is raised to 100 deg. F. the same grade of sensitiveness is reached after five or six days. A temperature of 145 deg. F. will give the 1 same result within three or four hours. If the emulsion be kept at the boiling point, thirty minutes gives the maximum of sensitiveness. These conditions are changed if any addition is made with a view to produce a chemical ripening. Ammonia is often employed for this purpose. This produces an alkaline condition in the emulsion which thus reaches its maximum of sensitiveness after standing for some hours in a cool place. With this method it is not advisable to seek to hasten the ripening by employing heat. Choice of Soluble Bromides. The bromides of ammonium and potassium are the ones most commonly employed in the man- ufacture of gelatine emulsions. There is little choice between them. Emulsions prepared with one show little or no differ- ence from those prepared with the other. On this point Eder says that potassium bromide, owing to its stability, appears more suitable than the hygroscopic ammonium salt, which dis- colors under the action of light. Some operators use a mixture of the two salts, claiming superior results, a claim which numerous experiments of my own have failed to substantiate. Either of the two salts may be employed without necessarily prejudicing the quality of the resulting emulsion. In substituting one salt for the other it must be remembered that their combining weights are different, as shown in the fol- lowing table ; the combining weight of the potassium bromide is 1 1 9, that of the ammonium is 98 ; hence one part of the former may replace 0*823 of the latter, or one part of the ammonium bromide may be replaced by 1'214 of the potassium salt. The principal bromides, chlorides, and iodides which are likely to be used in emulsions of either gelatine or collodion have been included in these tables. Table No. I. presents to the reader, without any mystification which may be involved in equivalents, the actual weights of haloid or silver, as the case may be, required to convert or combine with one grain of the other. THE GELATINE PROCESS. TABLES FOR THE SIMPLIFICATION OF EMULSION CALCULATIONS. No I. i c -D ^ g 2*0 o *> T3 C e/3 " 0*3 2. c ,2 o'-o 11 Js "c3 j C-cj ;* ^ '3 CO tJD tj O "43 C S i "^ fe'O -C fj t * *3 JJ >O 1 sl lit * c VM "O 2 M pf 5|i **M ^ s^ *D t^ o _r2 ^ hr ^ o ^ ^ QJ gj 43 ^ 8 bpo> c D-g'g ^crbo |! ' 5 1 ^ 0. ||1 s| l!_ Ammonium bromide 98 1-734 576 1-918 521 ] Potassium bromide 119*1 1-437 *700 1-578 633 Sodium bromide 103 1-650 606 1-825 548 Cadmium bromide, com 172 988 1-012 1-093 915 {1-106 Cadmium bromide, anh 136 1-25 800 1-382 723 Zinc bromide . . . 112-1 1-509 663 1-670 600 Ammonium chloride ..... 53-5 3*177 315 2-682 373 Sodium chloride 58.5 2-906 344 2-453 408 ^ 844 Ammonium iodide 145 1-172 853 1-620 617 Potassium iodide . . 166-1 1-023 977 1-415 '707 1 Sodium iodide 150 1-133 882 1-566 638 L 1-383 Cadmium iodide . . . 183 929 1-076 1-284 778 J In order to test the utility of this table, let us suppose that it is desired to make (say) ten ounces of emulsion by a new formula, which, for the saKe of showing the working of the table, we write down as follows : Bromide of potassium 150 grains Iodide of Potassium 10 grains Chloride of ammonium 10 grains Gelatine 200 grauis Now we want to know how much silver nitrate should be employed in sensitizing this mixture. For this purpose we use the first column, in which we find against each haloid the exact quantity of silver nitrate required to fully decompose one grain. Taking, then, the figures we find in column No. 1 against the three salts in the above formula, and multiplying them by the number of grains of each used, we have the fol- lowing sum : Potassium bromide 150 X 1'427 = 214 Potassium iodide 10 X 1*023 = 10'23 Chloride of ammonium. .. 10 X 3*177 = 31*77 Weight silver nitrate required. or the total quantity of silver nitrate required for full conver- sion, 256*00 grains. 90 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. Cadmium Iodide. 10 ? CO ? 5 t- B i 05 CO i> i OS 00 v* Sodium. Iodide. 1 1 i (O I to t- s CO C5 CO 1 1 1-1 P Potassium Iodide. OS t- t- p ! ~ S i 1 I co i-i i 1 Ammonium Iodide. o 1 l QO P s 1 co > r^ i -j< 1 ! Sodium Chloride. 1O 1 ! >O 5s ! ! ounces * According to Mallmann and Scolik's analysis, azaline is a com- pound of chinoline red and chinoline blue (cyanine), 500 c. c. m. contain- ing one gramme of red and one decigramme of blue. COLOR-SENSITIVE PLATES. 157 2. Carbonate of soda 1J ounces Water 35 ounces Mix one volume of No. 1 with two volumes of No. 2. Schumann's Method with Cyanine. 1. PRELIMINARY BATH. Water 7 ounces Ammonia J^ to 1 dram 2. COLOR BATH. Distilled water 7 ounces Alcohol 3 drams Ammonia 68 drops Alcoholic solution of cyanine (1 to 500) 3 drams Immerse the plates for two or three minutes in No. 1, and then treat with No. 2 for ninety seconds. Expose through the yellow screen, and develop with the following : 1. Sulphite of soda 6 drams Sulphuric acid 8 drops Pyro 2 drams Water 3J ounces 2. Carbonate of potash 3 drams Sulphite of soda 6 drams Water 7 ounces Start development with the following weak developer : Solution No. 1 6 drops Solution No. 2 6 drops Bromide of potassium solution (1 to 10) 1 drop Water 2 ounces adding more pyro, if necessary. Obernetter* s Method with Fluoride of Silver. The plates are washed with distilled water for one minute, then drained and covered one minute with a solution of fluoride of silver (1 to 2,000). They are next washed slightly under a tap, and the following solution flowed over them three times, in differ- ent directions : Erythrosine solution (1 to 1,000) 7 drams Azaline solution (1 to 2,000) 35 drops Carbonate of ammonia solution (1 to 6) 14 drams Water 35 ounces 158 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. The plates are then drained and dried. No yellow screen is necessary with these plates. The alkaline pyro developer is to be preferred. If the plates fog in the developer, the usual bromide of potassium restrainer must be used. Wellington's Method. The plates are immersed for two minutes in the following bath, then rinsed and dried : Nitrate of silver 20 grains Carbonate of ammonia 90 grains Erythrosine solution (1 to 500) 10 drams Distilled water 16 ounces To avoid fog the exposed plates are immersed for twenty seconds before development in the following bath : Bromide of potassium 120 grains Ammonia 4 drams Water. 10 ounces Then well rinsed and developed with any good developer. The use of the yellow screen is unnecessary if the exposures are to be made by gas or lamp-light. For day-light expos- ures the screen must be used if the object to be copied contains much blue. The interesting feature about the two last-mentioned methods is that they seem to disprove the commonly accepted absorp- tion theory, according to which the function of the various dyes is to act simply as optical sensitizers, by increasing the absorption power of the film for certain colors. But the fluoride and carbonate of silver processes seem to prove that the orthochromatic effect is due rather to a chemi- cal change, produced by the presence of free silver and a new compound formed with dye. The theory is now meeting with general adoption, and it makes the function of the dye, in combination with a sensitive silver haloid, that of a color-screen merely, each dye acting according to its color or shade of color. The fact that Ducos du Hauron and Edward Bierstadt have been able to secure good orthochromatic effects by exposing ordinary collodion or gelatine plates through variously colored COLOR-SENSITIVE PLATES. 159 glasses, or cells, filled with colored liquids, seems an additional argument in support of this theory. Development. The use of color-sensitive plates necessitates no changes in the ordinary process of development, which may be effected with oxalate of iron or the alkaline developer. Great care must be taken not to expose the plates to the direct rays of the dark-room light, until development is well started. Schumann and Eder recommend the use of three thicknesses of brown tissue-paper as a safe medium through which to filter the light. Eder's Method of Developing Color-Sensitive Plates. Dr. Eder prefers the oxalate of iron developer, and begins devel- opment with an old developer. A properly-exposed plate should show all the details in from five to ten minutes, but the image will probably be weak. In this case it is necessary to add to the old developer one-half, or an equal bulk of freshly mixed developer, and to prolong the development ten minutes. In some cases the development must be continued for thirty minutes. Slowly developed negatives give the best results. Angerer, Scolik, Schumann, Ehrmann, and others, prefer the potash developer for the development of color-sensitive plates. Captain Abney has recently made the discovery that all that is necessary to render any plate color-sensitive is to coat it with a solution of the dye (eosine, cyanine, etc.), in alcohol or collodion. The action of light taking place at the surface of the plate, it is said to be sufficient to have the dye in contact with the surface molecules only. Coming from so high an authority, the new method is pre- sumably practical; but further knowledge of the results is necessary before accepting it as a rival of older and well-tried methods. CHAPTER XYI. BLACK AND WHITE NEGATIVES. MOST of the mechanical printing processes require negatives of greater density than is necessary or desirable in negatives used solely for printing upon sensitized paper. All the details of lines or lettering must be reproduced with perfect sharpness in the negative, the high lights being in- tensely black to prevent the light from penetrating through on to the bichromatized gelatine plate beneath. Such negatives are technically known as "black and white negatives." The favorite process for the production of this class of work has long been, and still is, wet collodion. Undoubtedly it is possible to produce negatives of abnormal density on gelatine plates, as will be described later in the chapter, but the wet collodion, in the opinion of those most skilled in this class of work, offers greater facilities in working, and produces better and more uniform results. The directions given in the following pages are based on articles on this subject which appeared in The Photographic Times. Wet Collodion Process. While any good collodion may be used, the following is especially recommended : Alcohol 5 ounces Ether 5 ounces Iodide of ammonium 50 grains Bromide of ammonium 20 grains Pyroxyline 50 grains The silver bath should be acidulated with acetic acid, which is better suited to vigorous development, and decreases the like- lihood of a foggy deposit upon the clear portions of the nega- tive. BLACK AND WHITE NEGATIVES. 161 The plates are collodionized and sensitized as usual. The time of exposure is a factor of great importance in this class of work. If the plate is under-exposed, the lines will be rough and heavy. If over-exposed the fine lines or stipple are blocked up. A correctly exposed plate shows the finest lines only feebly. The development should not require longer than three or four minutes, or the negative will suffer. The following de- veloper gives good results : Water 16 ounces Sulphate of iron 1 ounce Acetic acid 1 ounce to which 1 dram of sulphate of copper may be added to give more solidity to the deposit. The negative, after development, should be rather thin, and will need to be intensified. The best and safest method is that of Dr. Eder, with nitrate of lead. The negative, after fixing and a thorough washing, is im- mersed in the following bath : Nitrate of lead 2 ounces Red prussiate of potash 3 ounces Water 50 ounces The bath must be filtered. In this bath the color of the negative soon changes to a yellowish-white, which must be allowed to deepen until the proper degree of density is reached. The chemical action of this bath is thus explained. The silver in the image acts as a reducing agent, and deoxidizes the ferri-cyanide to ferro-cyanide, which unites with the nitrate of lead to form the insoluble ferro-cyanide of lead. After being removed from the lead bath the negative is washed until the drainings give no blue precipitate when the sulphate of iron is added. It is then blackened by immersion in a 1 to 6 solution of hydro-sulphate of ammonia. The ac- tion of this bath is continued until the film is black on both sides. The negative is then well washed, and should show great clearness in the lights, and great density in the ground. 162 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. If sufficient density was not conferred by the lead bath, the negative may be whitened in a 1 to 10 sulphate of cadmium solution, then washed and blackened as before with ammonia, which transforms lead, cadmium, and silver into the corres- ponding sulphides. Yellow fog or stains are due to insufficient washing after fixing, but they can be removed by flooding the plate with a sherry-colored solution of iodine and iodide of potassium, fol- lowed by fixing in a weak cyanide of potassium bath. Negatives properly intensified with nitrate of lead, are won- derfully clear in the lines, of great density, and produce fine and high reliefs on bichromatized gelatine. Stripping. Negatives intensified with lead are stripped by coating the films first with a 5 grain solution of pure india- rubber in benzine, and then with a tough plain collodion. When dry the edges of the film are cut through to the glass, and the plate immersed in 1 to 10 acetic acid solution. The film soon loosens, and may then be detached from the plate. Gelatine Process. The great convenience attending the use of gelatine emulsion plates has led to many experiments for the purpose of giving the negatives on gelatine films the quali- ties necessary for mechanical printing. For this purpose plates of a low order of sensitiveness are correctly exposed, and developed with the oxalate of iron de- veloper, to each eight ounces, of which have been added fifty drops of the following solution : Iodine 10 grains Iodide of potassium 10 grains Water .... 3 ounces As soon as the image appears, a small quantity of the bro- mide of potassium restrainer should be added. Properly exposed plates thus developed will need no intensi- fication. If the negatives are not sufficiently intense they may be strengthened by whitening the films in the following bath : Chloride of ammonium 16 grains Bichloride of mercury 1 dram Water. . 24 ounces BLACK AND WHITE NEGATIVES. 163 The negatives are then most thoroughly washed and treated with the following : Cyanide of potassium 30 grains Iodide of potassium 15 grains Bichloride of mercury 15 grains Water 7 ounces After reaching a certain degree of density in this bath the reducing power of the cyanide begins to show itself, and the density is thus reduced. By taking advantage of this fact the operator can easily determine the character of the negative. CHAPTER XYIL INSTANTANEOUS PHOTOGRAPHY. THE time of exposure necessary to imprint a developable image on the sensitive surface, has been reduced to the one twenty-six-hundredth part of a second, and even lower, under exceptionally favorable circumstances. This great increase in sensitiveness has opened a new and delightful field to the photographer, making it possible for him to give graphic delineations to fleeting effects of motion, expression, and grouping, which but lately were impossible of exact and accurate delineation. The detective camera has become a necessary part of the photographic outfit, and the tourist who is provided with one of these modern instruments, finds little difficulty in securing interesting studies of the lands and peoples visited by him. But instantaneous photography, with detective cameras and highly sensitive plates, is not so certain as the more common method of longer exposures on slower plates. If the development of a correctly-timed exposure is a deli- cate operation, much more delicate is it to coax a good print- ing image from a plate which has received an exposure of only a fraction of a second. It is, however, but a transfer of difficulties and perplexities from one stage of the process to another. In the case of a timed exposure the operator's judgment is most exercised to determine the length of exposure best suited to the view be- fore him. "With instantaneous exposures, however, it is in development that good judgment is most needed to make the most possible out of the plate. He who would be successful in instantaneous work must INSTANTANEOUS PHOTOGRAPHY. 165 have a thorough knowledge of the plate used, the distance and illumination of the object, and the conditions of development. It is taken for granted that the plates used have at least as high a sensitometer number as 25, which is rapid enough for most purposes, and even in the detective camera they are more often over than under-exposed, owing to the use of a diaphragm with too large an opening. The distance and illumination of the object determine the amount of light to be admitted, and, consequently, the size of the diaphragm and the speed of the shutter. Objects near at hand require the admission of more light than those at a distance, because their actinic force is dis- tributed over a larger area of sensitive surface. If the illumination is from behind the camera, a smaller diaphragm may be employed than when the shadows fall transversely across the field. Objects in shadow will require a larger diaphragm than those fully illuminated. In general it may be said that the best effects, both as regards definition and tone, are secured by using a medium- sized diaphragm and increasing or diminishing the speed of the shutter. The following table is given as the results of the author's experiments with a Morrison lens of 8-inch focus, using No. 25 plates. For brightly-illuminated landscapes, with rapid shutter, use diaphragm opening T ^-. For seascapes, with quick shutter, use ^. For figures, animals, etc., in the foreground, use T , with moderate speed. For thick foregrounds, with foliage in the middle distance, use full opening, with fair speed of shutter, or, for better definition, y^-, with slower shutter. For buildings and confined scenes generally, when well illuminated, use T ^-,.with moderate speed. These may be taken as standard measurements, and the resulting exposures, if properly developed, will yield negatives with sufficient pluck to print well. 166 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. Development. Instantaneously exposed plates should be developed slowly, using a developer weak in pyro and alkali, and the plate should be protected from the action of the light. The following method is given, not as the best or only pos- sible one, but as the one which has given the author uniformly good results. The developer is compounded as follows : No. 1. Pyro 1 ounce Sulphite of soda 1 ounce Sulphuric acid 10 drops Water 10 ounces Dissolve the soda first, then the pyro, and then add the sul- phuric acid. No. 2. Carbonate of potash 1 ounce Sulphite of soda f 1 ounce Water 10 ounces One dram of each of these solutions contains six grains of pyro, sulphite and carbonate. To develop. Take Water 4 ounces Solution No. 1 1 dram Solution No. 2 1 dram Immerse the plate in this and cover the tray with an opaque screen. If after two or three minutes the high lights do not appear, add half a dram of No. 2. As much as four drams of No. 2 can be added without producing fog, but in most cases two to three drams will be found sufficient. As soon as the details are well out, add one dram of No. 1, and continue the development until the image is visible at the back of the plate. Instantaneous exposures seem to lose more density in the fixing-bath than timed exposures, therefore they should be developed further. If, after the addition of two drams of No. 2, the details still hang back, do not seek to hasten matters by the addition of more alkali, but dilute the developer one-half with water, or INSTANTANEOUS PHOTOGRAPHY. 167 remove the plate from the tray and immerse in a weak alka- line solution (one dram of No. 2 to four ounces of water) until the details appear, then return to the developer to which the second dram of No. 1 has been added. It will generally be advisable to give the plates a prelimin- ary soaking for two or three minutes in the weak alkaline solution, given above, before applying the developer. This method is valuable in the case of heavy foliage and dark shadows. If the image flashes up immediately, add a few drops of a ten per cent, solution of bromide of potassium. The following method of developing instantaneous expos- ures with Beach's formula, given on page 121, is taken from the Photographic Times. "Take of solution No. 1, or pyro, 45 or 50 minims, and mix with 3 fluid ounces of water, not too cold about 60 deg. in summer and 70 deg. in winter is most satisfactory. Add 30 minims of the No. 2, or potash, solution, and flood the plate without previous soaking in water. Have at hand, in soak in a basin of clean running water, a wide camel's-hair brush, such as is commonly sold for dusting off plates, and with it lightly brush the surface of the plate under the liquid, to prevent air-bells and pin-holes. The picture will come up slowly and steadily, and should be pushed to considerable den- sity, until the outlines begin to " sink in." When the plate is held up to the red light, the dark parts should be of an opaque, velvety black, and a dim, but clear, ruddy glow ought to shine through the lighter details. Looked at on the wrong side, the image should be discernible. It is safer to press the develop- ment a trifle too far than to halt too soon, for it is always easy to reduce an over-developed plate , but in practice there is not much likelihood of over-intensity in a well-timed instantaneous plate, for it loses density prodigiously in fixing. Wash well before fixing, and when the whiteness goes off, transfer to a cool bath of fresh hyposulphite, and let it soak for a few minutes longer. It sometimes happens that, even with this weak developer, the image conies up too rapidly, giving full details while den- 168 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. sity lags. In such cases, add half a dram more of the pyro- gallol mixture and ten or fifteen drops of the following solution : Water 4 ounces Sodium sulphite 1 ounce (437 grains) Sodium carbonate (chem. pure, dry) 1 ounce (437 grains) Ammonium bromide 20 grains On the other hand, if the image shows undesirable contrast and backwardness in the details, the developer should be fur- ther diluted with an ounce of water, and ten, or even twenty, drops of the standard No. 2 (potash) solution added." The careful study of these two methods will enable the intelligent operator to employ any alkaline developer for the development of instantaneous exposures. CHAPTEE XVIII. TOUCHING UP THE NEGATIVE. NEGATIVES are rarely perfect in every respect when fin- ished. There is often a want of harmony, frequently an over- abundance of pin-holes. These and various other defects necessitate judicious doctoring before good prints can be ob- tained. Avoiding any discussion concerning the retouching of por- trait negatives as too difficult and serious a matter to be ade- quately treated in a general work like the present, a few methods of improving poor negatives and remedying the defects of faulty ones will be briefly indicated in the present chapter. A very common fault, in landscape negatives, is a want of harmonious blending of the tones; the high lights are too dense, the shadows too thin. Such a negative, if printed from without any touching up, would give very unsatisfactory prints. The shadows must be brought up to the proper density to print well with the high lights. A common method of securing this end is to paste tissue or tracing paper over the back of the negative, cutting out the high lights with a sharp penknife. In this way the den- sity of the shadows is increased ; the effect may be hightened by applying black lead with a stump to the parts which re- quire it. Another very efficient means of securing better gradation, . is to coat the back of the plate with a plain collodion, to which a tinge of red or yellow has been given by the addition of aniline dyes. This method is particularly good for strength- ing weak negatives, as any desired depth of color may be 170 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. given to the collodion by increasing the amount of dye added. The author much prefers, to either of these methods, the use of the mat varnish, the formula for which is as follows : One dram of powdered sandarac is dissolved in fourteen drams ;of ether, fifteen grains of Canada balsam, and five or six grains of pure benzine or benzole are then added and the varnish filtered. It is applied by flowing it over the back of the negative, which is not warmed. If one coating does not give sufficient density two or three may be given. The advantage of this varnish is that it may be removed from the denser portions of the negative with a brush dipped in mastic varnish, and that it admits of any amount of re- touching with plumbago and the stump, or with the pencil. If desired, the varnish may be colored with aniline dye. Pinholes, scratches, and other defects of a similar nature, should be touched up with India ink applied with a very fine brush. The ink should be used nearly dry and laid on thinly, to attain, as far as possible, the density of the surrounding parts. Local reduction of density may be effected by rubbing the over-dense portions with a piece of fine linen drawn over the finger end and moistened with alcohol, or by mixing a small quantity of any of the reducing agents, given on page 128. with gum water, and applying the mixture with a brush. Local intensification may be produced in the same way. These general hints are sufficient to enable the skillful operator to improve the printing quality of defective nega- tives, which is their only aim. CHAPTER XIX. PHOTO-MICROGRAPHY. PHOTOGRAPHY has proved a most useful handmaid to micro- scopy, and the photographic camera has, to a large extent, emancipated the microscopist from the camera lucida. Vari- ous methods have been devised for the photographic reproduc- tion of the highly magnified images given by the microscope, some of the best of which have been selected for description. Mercer's Plwto-j&Licrograpliic Camera. This instrument is so well illustrated in Fig. 30 as to require but little further explanation. It is light and portable, and can be used with the microscope in any position. It is used in connection with the eye-piece, and carries plates measuring 2| by 3^ inches. Its essential parts consist of a small box, to which is at- tached a brass cone provided with a draw tube for insertion into the body of the microscope. The weight rests upon the brass arm, as shown, none of it being upon the sliding parts. Coarse adjustment is made by sliding the instrument up and down on the arm; the fine adjustment is given by the micro- meter screw of the microscope. This little instrument, while not well adapted for serious scientific work, is well suited to the wants of the amateur, on account of the small cost, its simplicity, and the rapidity of its manipulation. The Scomll Photo-Micrographic Camera. Fig. 31 illus- trates another simple form of the micrographic camera, using plates 4 by 5 inches. It consists of an ordinary bellows camera, having a cone ex- tension in front to give the additional length of focus neces- sary to give the desired amplification to the image. To this cone the body of the microscrope, inclined horizon- 172 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. FlG. 31. PHOTO-MICROGKAPHY. 173 tally, is adapted by means of a black velvet sleeve. The source of illumination shown in the cut is Carbutt's multum in parvo lantern, with the condensers in place. Any other method of illumination may be substituted. AtwoocPs Photo-Micrographic Camera Fig. 32 illustrates a very convenient form of apparatus which dispenses with the microscope body. The coarse adjustment is effected by slid- ing the stage upon the solid base. The sub-stage bar is on the plane of the stage, and is provided with an adjustable and centering sub-stage to hold any accessories desired. The fine adjustment is in the nose piece, a brass tube with society screw to receive any ordinary microscopic objective. The focusing is done by means of a rod passing under the box to the back and terminating in a milled head as shown. The illumination is from a lamp from behind the stage. Amplifiers are provided to increase the size of the image thrown on the ground-glass screen. The whole apparatus is mounted upon a cherry board of convenient length. FIG. 32. The form shown in the cut allows the use of plates 4 by 5 inches and under, but a modification has been introduced, with bellows extension, which increases the size of the image to the whole plate. Either form may be fitted with mirrors, stereoscopic and other attachments required by the varying needs of the investigator. Walmsley's Photo-Micrographic Camera. Figs. 33 and 34 illustrate the very complete and ingenious apparatus, de- vised by Mr. W. H. Walmsley, and manufactured by the American Optical Company. 174 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. Fig. 33 illustrates the original and cheaper form, adapted only to the making of negatives up to the half-plate size. FIG. 33. Fig. 34 shows the latest form by which the original appara- tus is converted into a small enlarging, reducing, and copying FIG. 34. The following description of the complete camera, first pub- lished in the Photographic Times, is also applicable to the PHOTOMICROGRAPHY. 175 cheaper form, excepting that the latter cannot be used for en- larging, reducing, or copying. In all other particulars the two boxes are identical. " The camera box (of mahogany) is square, carrying a Flam- mang single plate-holder for 4^ by 5^ plates ; usable vertically or horizontally, and with kits for 3^ by 4J plates. The bel- lows are in two sections, with a central division of mahogany, which carries a removable partition, to which a suitable recti- linear photographic lens can be attached, for enlarging, re- ducing, or copying. A light-tight door on one side of this wooden section gives ready access to the lens for inserting or removing diaphragms, or other necessary manipulations, whilst a milled head, accessible from the same opening, clamps the lens-bearing section firmly to the bed of the camera at any desired point. " The bellows have an extension of two feet in addition to the length of the box, sliding very smoothly upon Y-shaped ways, which, for greater convenience, are made in two sections, firmly attached to each other by wooden dowels and a solid brass screw, worked by a milled head. "The bellows are firmly held at any desired point of exten- sion by a cam, operated by s a lever conveniently placed at the rear of the focusing screen, which latter is hinged at the bot- tom, and, when not in use, lies out of the way upon the exten- sion bed. The screen itself is of the very finest ground-glass, but is used only for arranging the portion of the object to be photographed properly in the center of the plate, as no sur- face can be ground finely enough to permit the sharp focusing of any delicately-lined object. For this purpose, a circle or disc of thin microscopic covering-glass is attached with bal- sam to the center of the ground-glass screen, which clears away all the inequalities of the latter, and leaves an exquisitely fine surface to receive the image, which, by using an ordinary focusing glass, may be as sharply defined as in the eye-piece of the microscope. " The front of the camera (which is double-shifting, for the purpose of centering) carries a cone-shaped tube, which re- ceives the tube of the microscope when the latter is inclined 1Y6 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. to a horizontal position, and conveys the image-bearing rays of the light therefrom into the body of the camera. This cone is removable, and in its place may be inserted kits, carry- ing negatives from quarter to half size for enlargement, or re- duction to lantern slides, as may be desired. Or a front board, bearing a lens, may be inserted in its place, converting the camera into a copying one. Indeed, a more complete instru- ment for all the purposes for which it was devised could scarcely be conceived or desired. Its design was the result of several years' work and experiment on the part of Mr. Walms- ley ; and the Scovill Manufacturing Company have carried out his plans in their usual masterly manner, leaving nothing to be desired. " In use, the camera is attached to a solid platform (which also carries the microscope and lamp) by a screw, such as is used with an ordinary tripod. By this means any jar or tre- mor, produced by a passing vehicle or other means, is com- municated to microscope and camera alike, preventing any diminution of sharpness in the negative. By this arrange- ment, also, the whole apparatus is so compact that, with the bellows closed,- the operator can easily see the image upon the ground glass, and at the same time reach the milled heads upon the microscope controlling the stage and focusing movements, permitting the arrangement of the subject with the greatest nicety. But, when the bellows are extended to their full length, some appliance becomes necessary to operate the fine adjustment of focus, whilst the eye can discern the changes upon the screen. This is most simply effected by Mr. Wahns- ley, in the employment of a fine cord passing in a groove around the periphery of the milled head of the fine adjust- ment screw, and thence through a series of hook-eyes to the rear of the camera bed, where it is held taut by a couple of leaden weights. The slightest pull upon either cord moves the fine adjustment screw with the utmost nicety." Nothing more complete or convenient than this apparatus can well be devised. By its use no difficulty will be experi- enced in securing by lamp-light photo-micrographs of all trans- parent objects requiring microscopical examination. Opaque PHOTO-MICROGRAPHY. m bodies may be photographed by illuminating them by sun- light reflected from a mirror. White's Pttoto-Micrographic Apparatus. Fig. 35 is an FIG. 35. illustration of a novel piece of apparatus, which dispenses with the use of the microscope, and projects a magnified image of the object upon a movable screen. It is the invention of Mr. T. Charters White, of England, who claims for it the follow- ing advantages : That the field of view is only limited by the size of plate employed ; that a great range of amplification is possible, and the ease with which all the adjustments are made. The following description of the construction and method of working is condensed from that given by Mr. White in the " British Journal Almanac, for 1887." A narrow, lidless box is fastened by screws to one end of a baseboard, two inches in thickness, and two and a half feet in length. The other end of the baseboard is provided with a groove, in which slides the wooden bar which carries the f rame which holds the focusing screen and sensitive plates. An or- dinary printing frame answers well for this purpose. An ob- long opening is cut in the top of the box over which a metal chimney is fitted. In the end of the box, facing the plate-holder, a square opening is cut and closed with a brass plate tapped with the standard screw gauge, thus allowing the use of any standard 178 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. objective. The movable stage support is fastened to the end of the box, below the brass plate, the stage being moved to and from the objective by a long micrometer screw. The front of the box is covered with a black velvet curtain. Two focusing screens are used ; one, for coarse adjustment, is made by gumming a sheet of smooth white paper on a glass plate. This is placed in the holder, and the object roughly ar- ranged and focused. The screen is then removed, and a piece of plain glass substituted for it, having fine lines, drawn close together with a writing diamond, on the surface which faces the object. These lines are brought into the focus of a focus- ing glass, placed against the back of the glass, and the stage moved back and forth until the details of the object are seen with equal sharpness. The glass is then removed and the sen- sitive plate substituted for it. This apparatus presents some novel features, and seems well adapted to the photographing of transparent objects. Of course all white light must be excluded from the room while the sensitive plate is in position, save that which comes through the objective. Apparatus for the Vertical Microscope. It is sometimes necessary, or desirable to retain the microscope in the vertical position. Such an arrangement is shown in Fig. 36, the microscope being omitted as unnecessary to the clearness of the description. A A, are slotted bars supporting the camera body, B, with its bellows. There are three of these bars fastened firmly to a slab of hard- wood, as shown in the cut. The box, B, carries the ground glass frame, D, at its upper end, and is provided with a door, C, in one side. The object of this door is to admit of focusing, without mounting FIG. 36. a step-ladder. It must fit light-tight. The microscope is adapted to the cone in the base of the in- strument by means of a velvet sleeve. PHOTOMICEOGRAPHT. 179 There are many other ways of securing photographic repre- sentations of the images seen in the microscope, but they are all modifications of the various arrangements just described, which are believed to be sufficiently varied to meet all possible needs. It is now proposed to enter somewhat fully into the practical manipulations of photo-micrography, and to give some hints on the choice of the microscope and objectives. The Microscope. Any standard form of microscope, bin- ocular or monocular, may be employed ; the body should be capable of being included to the horizontal position. The best form for photo-micrography is one with a broad short tube, because the field of illumination is then less restricted than when a long tube is employed. If the binocular stand be used, the prism must be withdrawn sufficiently to allow all the light to pass through the straight tube. The eye-piece may be used, or not, as the operator prefers. If it is not used, the tube must be lined witli some soft dark material, to prevent reflections which cause spectral spots called " ghosts," in the negatives. A mechanical stage, revolving in the optical axis of the mi- croscope, a sub-stage revolving in the plane of the stage, a con- denser, and a double or triple nose-piece will be found neces- sary for serious work. The latter is especially necessary when working with high powers, as an object can be quickly brought into proper posi- tion under a low power, and the high power substituted by re- volving the nose-piece. The Objectives. The experimenter is recommended to be- gin with the low powers, and to attempt higher powers only after he has gained complete mastery over the manipulations with the low powers. The one-half inch objective is a very good power to begin with, and the one-eighth inch is about as high as can be worked in photo-micrography, although much depends upon the skill of the operator. When working by artificial light with low powers, no diffi- culty will commonly be experienced through want of coinci- dence between the chemical and visual foci. With higher 180 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. powers, however, it is necessary to determine the difference by actual experiment and allowed for it in focusing, or specially corrected objectives, may be employed. The photo- micrographic series of the Bausch Lomb Company, of Roches- ter, are free from this defect, besides giving a very flat field and fine definition. Source of Light. The object to be photographed may lie illuminated by sunlight or artificial light, the latter being pre- ferred on account of its greater certainty and uniformity. Any good microscopic lamp, burning oil, will answer well for photo-micrographic work, and a little practice will enable the operator to make such simple arrangements as may be neces- sary to secure the best results. The usual practice is to place the lamp behind the object and in line with it. Some opera- tors, however, prefer to illuminate the object by means of light reflected from a white screen placed behind the stage. With objectives of low powers, condensers will not be needed ; they must, however, be used when working with the higher powers, which require the most careful adjustments and the most scrupulous attention to minute details, and which are, therefore, not recommended except to the most advanced manipulators. If lamps with flat wicks are used, the flame must be placed at an angle to the plane of the stage, in order to avoid the dark spot in the center of the field. Even illumination of the object must be secured by the use of the diaphragms with which the stage should be provided. The author believes that the incandescent electric light is superior to the oil lamp, as it occupies less space, gives out no heat, and can be adapted to the revolving sub-stage bar. A very efficient light of this kind is manufactured by the Bausch & Lomb Company. Measuring the Magnification. The scientific value of a photo-micrographic print is greatly increased if its exact mag- nification is indicated. This is easily effected by placing upon the stage a microme- ter ruled in -rta and Wmi of an inch, and focussing its image upon the ground-glass. The exact value of each division is then readily determined. fHOTOMICROGRAPHY. " l8l To avoid the necessity of making this measurement each time an object is to be photographed, it is well to make the measure- ments at various points in the extension of the bellows, and to mark those points with their exact power of magnification. The Sensitive Plates. The nature of the work to be done will determine the kind of plate to be employed. For micro- metric purposes, where the greatest precision is absolutely neces- sary, collodion films are to be preferred to gelatine films, be- cause their distortion is less, being not more than 2 or 3 in 1000 parts, while gelatine films often show an error of 1 in 100 parts. For studying details, however, gelatine is vastly superior to collodion. The method of preparation must have been such as to combine extreme sensitiveness with density and strong contrasts. Abney states that the best plates for this class of work are those prepared with iodide of silver, by boiling, and without the use of ammonia. For colored objects the use of color-sensitive plates in con- nection with the yellow screen is strongly advised. Plates coated with Davanne's emulsion, given on page 102, are well adapted to photo-micrographic work. Focusing. For arranging the object in the field, and for the preliminary focusing the ground-glass is used. For the final focusing the ground-glass is replaced by a plain glass, on whose inner surface a series of fine parallel lines have been drawn with a writing diamond. The focus of a focusing-glass placed against the back of the glass plate is adjusted to render these lines sharp and distinct. The image is then brought into focus, and the exposure made. Exposure. The time of exposure varies according to the nature and color of the objects, the power of the objective, and the nature of the illumination. Mr. Walmsley gives the fol- lowing table for the different powers with the oil lamp : l-J- inch 3 to 45 seconds 1 inch 5 to 60 seconds finch i to 1 minutes ^jinch i to 3 minutes inch 2 to 7 minutes inch. 5 to 10 minutes 182 THE PHOTOGKAPHIC NEGATIVE. These figures, however, are only approximate, and the oper- ator must learn from experience here as in other departments of photography. Development. Any form of developer may be used, either the oxalate of iron or the alkaline. It is best to develop more for detail than for density, resorting to intensification, if neces- sary, to bring the negative up to the proper printing density. CHAPTER XX. MICRO-PHOTOGRAPHY. THE term micro-photography has been applied to the pro- duction, on a scale of microscopic fineness, of positives on glass from large negatives. These positives are subsequently mounted at one extremity of a Stanhope lens of great magni- fying powers and enclosed in many ways in tiny opera-glasses, keys, penholders, medallions, etc., and sold as curiosities. The process by which these microscopic pictures are pro- duced is little known and rarely practised. To the best of the writer's knowledge, there is but one producer of these articles in America, and his methods are not known to the author. The method here given is that employed by the best French producers of micro-positives, and is described in all its details to enable the experimenter to produce good results. A negative is first made, on a whole plate, of the object to be reproduced. This negative should not be made over-dense, A as it is to be used in the copying camera for the re- production of the reduced positives. It is not to be varnished, but when dry it is copied by any method known to the operator, the usual copying lens being re- placed by a brass plate carry- ing from twenty-five to fifty very small objectives, as _ shown in Fig. 37, which Fig 37 shows only a few of the objectives. This apparatus is known as the microscopic apparatus, and can be obtained of most large dealers in photographic goods. 184: THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. It will give fifty reduced positives on a 2x2 inch plate. There- fore, by using a 4x5 plate, and a holder adapted for making two exposures on one plate, one hundred impressions may be taken without changing the plate. A piece of ground-glass is placed behind the negative to be copied, which is accurately focused on the ground-glass at the back of the copying camera, using for this purpose a powerful focusing glass. The exposure is made as usual, and the plates developed in the customary manner. Since, owing to the small size of the image, it is manifestly impossible to watch the progress of development very closely, a few trial exposures must be made, developed, and fixed, that the operator may acquire a knowledge of the proper duration of the exposure, the correct strength of the developer, and the time of development. After development, the plates are fixed, washed, and dried, and then varnished with the following varnish : Benzoin 220 grains. Alcohol 3^ ounces. They are then laid face down on a clean sheet of white paper, and cut in parallel lines with a diamond between the positives, which are then separated from each other, after which they are mounted. Mounting. For this purpose a table with a sheet-iron top is needed. The edges of the top are turned up to form a tray, which is filled with fine sand, over which is spread a piece of thick black cloth, on which are placed the Stanhopes and the positives, with the side bearing the images uppermost. The sand is kept warm by means of a spirit or oil-lamp. A jar of Canada balsam, previously warmed, a pair of small brass pliers, and a small, flat stick of wood are also placed within convenient reach. One of the lenses is, taken with the right hand between the pliers, and a small quantity of the balsam applied to its flat end, which is then placed upon one of the small images, after which it is set aside to cool. When cool, the edges of the MICKO-PHOTOGRAPHY. 185 positives are rounded off on a grindstone, and then covered as desired. Wet collodion plates are best suited for this purpose, owing to the liability of gelatine film sustaining some damage when the plates are cut down. Although these micro-positives are chiefly used as curious ornaments, they have a more serious value, as affording means for the storage in small space of reduced copies of valuable originals, and for the reproduction of reduced maps, charts, etc , for the tourist's use. CHAPTER XXI. THE TRANSFORMATION OF NEGATIVES INTO POSITIVES. MANY heliographic processes require a positive for the production of the printing plate, as does also the production of enlarged negatives. Many methods have from time to time been proposed to obviate the necessity of taking a positive di- rect from the negative by contact printing or by exposure in the copying camera. Methods have also been worked out for producing positives direct in the camera, but all these methods have proved too uncertain to come into general use. M. E-oux, a skilful French manipulator, has worked out a practical process for the chemical transformation of negatives into positives, which should prove valuable to the process worker. All essential details of the process are given in the present chapter. No. 1. Collodion for Drawings and Engravings. PLAIN COLLODION. a. Ether 21 J^ ounces. Alcohol 10% ounces Pyroxyline 150 grains IODIZER. b. Alcohol 2% ounces Iodide of potassium 123 grains Iodide of cadmium 30 grains Iodine 0.7 grains Chloride of zinc 30 grains %. Collodion for Half-tones. PLAIN COLLODION. a. Same as above. IODIZER. b. Alcohol 3^4 ounces Iodide of cadmium 92 grains Iodide of ammonium 30 grains Iodide of zinc 30 grains Bromide of cadmium 22 grains Bromide of ammonium 22 grains Chloride of zinc 80 grains THE TRANSFORMATION OF NEGATIVES INTO POSITIVES. 187 THE SENSITIZING BATH. Distilled water 85 ounces Nitrate of silver 1234 grains Acetic acid 1% ounces The plates are sensitized as usual, and dried moderately. Exposure. For negatives which are to be transformed, the exposure should be a trifle longer than would be necessary for an ordinary negative. Development. The following developer is recommended by M. Koux: Water 35 ounces Sulphate of iron 770 grains Acetic acid l^j ounces Alcohol IJg ounces Nitric acid 30 drops Ammonia 30 drops The best method of preparing the developer is to pulverize the sulphate, then to add the nitric acid, and, after stirring, the ammonia. The iron turns black, and stifling fumes are given off. As soon as these cease, the water is added, and, finally, the alcohol and the acetic acid. Negatives developed in this bath are strong and brilliant, with good printing density. For the present purpose, how- ever, it is necessary to intensify them slightly, after washing off the developer, with the following : Water 35 ounces Pyrogallic acid 77 grains Citric acid 385 grains Alcohol 3 drams to a sufficient quantity of which are added, when wanted for use, a few drops of the following : Distilled wnter 35 ounces Nitrate of silver 308 grains Acetic acid If ounces After intensification, the negative is washed slightly, but not sufficiently to remove all the free nitrate, a slight excess of which is useful in determining the formation of the positive image during the latter exposure to diffused light. The Transformation of the Negative. Two operations are necessary to transform the negative into a positive : 188 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE. 1. Exposure of the unfixed negative to diffused light. 2. Destruction of the negative image by dissolving the re- duced silver, and development of the positive image. 1. Exposure to Diffused Light. The unfixed negative is placed, face up, on a piece of black cloth, and exposed to weak diffused light until the positive image viewed by the reflected light is clearly seen with a bluish-black tone on the grey ground of the silver of the negative image. The time neces- sary to produce this effect will vary from a few seconds to two or three minutes, according to the strength of the light. The color of the positive image is due to the presence of a small quantity of chloride of silver. 2. Destruction of the Negative Image, and Development of the Positive. If re-development followed immediately upon the exposure to diffused light, the two images would be con- fused together. Hence it is first necessary to destroy the negative image. This is done by placing the plate, after wash- ing slightly, in the following solution : Water 25 ounces Bichromate of potash 460 grains Nitric acid lOf ounces The plate is immersed in this bath until the reduced silver of the negative image is entirely dissolved ; that is, until the film assumes a yellow color, except in the lines of the positive, which will strike a slightly reddish tint, owing to the forma- tion of chromate of silver. The plate is then washed until all traces of the acid are removed. The positive image is then developed by pouring over the plate sufficient of the following : Water 35 ounces Pyrogallic acid : 385 grains Citric acid 308 grains Alcohol 1 ounces. This solution is allowed to remain on the plate for a few seconds ; it is then poured off into a graduate containing a few drops of aceto-nitrate of silver solution, given above, and the mixture poured back on the plate. THE TRANSFORMATION OF NEGATIVES INTO POSITIVES. 189 The positive image will now gradually develop with a strength proportioned to the amount of silver added to the developer. Reproductions of line-work require a strong and rapid development in order to preserve the fineness of the lines and perfect transparency of the ground. Reproductions of portraits, landscapes, and paintings require slow develop- ment with little silver to preserve the gradations of the half- tones. Fixing. The developed positive is fixed as usual, reproduc- tions of line-work, preferably in a 1 to 50 solution of cyanide of potassium ; those in which it is desired to preserve the half- tones, in the usual hypo solution. Intensification. The positive, if too thin, may be intensified either with the usual pyro and silver intensifier or with bi- chloride of mercury. Success with this method depends on the quality of the negative and the complete washing away, after the exposure to diffused light, of all the free silver. Reversed negatives obtained by exposure through the glass are, after development and drying the backs, exposed to dif- fused light through the glass in the plate-holder. Without this precaution there is danger of fog, unless all the iodide of silver acted upon by light was reduced by the developer and the intensifier. CHAPTEK XXII. OBERNETTER'S METHOD FOR THE DIRECT PRODUCTION OF NEGATIVES FROM NEGATIVES. IN the " American Annual of Photography for 1887," the late E. Obernetter described a practical method for the repro- duction of negatives in any size. In the issue of the "Annual for 1888," Herr F. Mueller gives a few valuable notes on the process. Both of these papers have been freely drawn upon in the following description, which has been written only after a thorough trial of the method, which has demonstrated its practical utility. This test of the process was the more severe, since the negatives thus reproduced were in many cases very far from possessing that high degree of technical excellence which is to be desired in negatives which are reproduced. The first requisite to complete success is faultless negatives of moderate density. The next is that the plates on which the reproduced negatives are made be thinly but evenly coated with an emulsion containing a comparatively small percentage of gelatine. Evenness of coating is greatly assisted by using plate or patent plate glass. The negative to be reproduced is placed in the copying camera, with the film side turned away from the lens, and focused to the desired dimensions, and the sensitive plate exposed for a considerably longer time than would be neces- sary for the production of a good positive, and developed with the usual oxalate of iron developer till the positive image is distinctly visible at the back of the plate. If the exposure was sufficiently prolonged, the image flashes up at once, the plate blackens quickly, and the development is completed withinjtwo minutes. DIRECT PRODUCTION OF NEGATIVES FORM NEGATIVES. 191 It is important that both sides of the plate appear black, with only faint indications of the high lights. Unless this is the case the reproduced negative will fail to give the fine details and gradations of the original. When fully developed, the plate is well washed, and then immersed in the following chromic solution till the black deposit has completely changed to white : Water 35 ounces Bichromate of potassium 1540 grains Nitric acid (c. p.) 17)^ ounces For use, the solution is diluted with water in the proportion of 1 to 15. Three or four minutes' immersion in this bath will be re- quired to produce a thorough change of color. When the change is complete, the plate is thoroughly washed, and then made sensitive by pouring over it repeat- edly, and flowing, from corner to corner, the following solu- tion: Water 35 ounces Ammonia 6 drams Bromide of ammonium 308 grains The plate is again washed, and exposed to diffused daylight for a length of time varying from one to six seconds, according to the sensitiveness of the plate and the intensity of the light. After this second exposure, the plate is re-developed with the developer used for the first development. The negative will develop slowly with every appearance of being under-exposed. But if the second exposure was suffi- ciently prolonged density will gradually increase to the desired degree. If, however, the time of exposure was too short, the negative will refuse to gain in strength. The plate is fixed in the usual hypo solution, well washed, treated with dilute hydrochloric acid to clear up the shadows, and finally washed again to remove all traces of the acid. INDEX. Preface 3 List of Authorities 5 GENERAL REMARKS ON SENSITIVE SURFACES, ETC. Substances Sensitive to Light. . 7 The Film 7 The Dark-room and Laboratory 10 The Drying-box 12 Utensils 16 Solutions 18 Filtration 18 Precipitation 20 Washing Precipitates 20 Decantation 20 Distilling Apparatus 21 PRELIMINARY REMARKS ON EXPOS- URE, DEVELOPMENT, ETC. Exposure 23 Physical Conditions Governing the Exposure 24 Chemical Conditions Govern- ing the Exposure 24 Optical Conditions Governing the Exposure 25 Development 25 Fixing 28 Washing 29 Intensification 30 Reduction 30 Varnishing 31 CALOTYPE PROCESS, THE. Fox Talbot's Process. Sensitizing Solutions 32 Exposure 33 Development 34 Fixing 34 Waxing 34 Le Gray's Process. Waxing 35 Iodide Bath 35 Sensitizing.. . . . 36 Exposure 37 Development 37 Pelegry's Process. Sensitizing 87 Tannin Bath 37 Exposure 38 Development 38 SENSITIVE SURFACES ON GLASS. Preparation of the Glass. Cleaning Bath for Old Collo- dion Films 39 The Final Cleaning of the Glass for the Albumen and Collo- dion Process 39 Albumenizing the Glass 40 Treatment of the Glass for the Gelatine Process. Cleaning the Glass 41 Polishing with Talc 41 Substrata 41 ALBUMEN PROCESS, THE. General Remarks 44 Gobert's Method. Formulae 45 Cleaning the Glass 45 Coating 46 194 INDEX. Drying the Plates 46 Fuming with Iodine 47 Sensitizing 47 Development 47 Fixing 47 Sella's Modification 48 Bagot's Modification 48 Couppier's Modification 49 Whipple and Black's Albumen Honey Process 49 COLLODION PROCESS, WET PLATES, THE. General Remarks 50 Preparation of Pyroxyline 51 The Solvents 52 Thelodizers 72 Plain Collodion 53 Salted Collodion 53 Bromized Collodion 54 Iodized Collodion 54 Bromo-iodized Collodion 54 Carbutt's Collodion 45 Vogel's Collodion 55 Equivalent Collodion 55 Care of the Collodion 55 Filtering Collodion 56 The Sensitizing Bath 56 Management of the Bath 58 Testing the Strength of the Bath 59 Development 60 Intensification 60 Fixing 61 Practical Manipulations. Sensitizing in the Vertical Bath 62 Sensitizing in Trays 62 Exposure 62 Development 63 Intensification 64 Fixing 64 Varnishing 64 Defects .. 64 COLLODION PROCESS, DRY PLATES, THE. General Remarks 65 Taupinot'sCollodio-albumen Pro- cess. Manipulations 66 Exposure and Development. . . 67 Boivin's Process. Manipulations 68 Sensitizing 69 Development 70 The Tannin Process. The Collodion 71 The Preservative 71 Development 71 Sutton's Process 71 The Gum-gallic Process 72 COLLODION EMULSION, COLLODIO- BROMIDE OF SILVER. General Remarks 73 The Pyroxyline 73 The Bromides 74 Making the Collodion and Emulsion 74 Ripening the Emulsion 75 Washing and Organifying 75 Chardon's Method. The Collodion 76 Emulsifying 76 Re-emulsification 77 Cooper's Process. The Collodion 78 The Emulsion 78 The Substratum 78 The Preservative 79 ItfDEX. 195 Abney's Collodio-bromide Emul- sion. Plain Collodion 79 Bromide Solution 79 Albumen Solution 79 Emulsification ... 80 Abney's Collodio-chloride Emul- sion. Emulsification 80 The Preservative 81 The Developer 81 The Toning-bath 81 Canon Beechey's Process. The Bromized Solution 82 The Collodion 82 The Sensitizer 82 Development 83 DevelopersforCollodion Emul- sion Plates 83 Intensification 84 Defects 84 GELATINE PROCESS, THE General Remarks. .. ..86 Preparation of Gelatine Emulsions. General Observations 87 Theory of the Method 87 Choice of Soluble Bromides. .. 88 Tables for Emulsions, Calcula- tions 89 Choice and Treatment of the Gelatine 91 Proportion of the Ingredients.. 92 Emulsifying 93 Silvering 96 Digesting 97 Breaking-up and Washing. ... 97 Draining 98 Re-melting 98 Formulae for Emulsions. Andra's 98 Henderson's Ammonia Method 99 Eder's Ammonio-nitrate of Sil- ver Method 99 Braun's Method 100 Scolik's Ammonio-nitrate of Silver Method 101 Scolik's Modification of Hender- son's Cold Emulsion Method. 101 Davanne's Method 102 Burton's Precipitation Method. 103 Fabre's Method 103 Burton's Slow Emulsion 105 Gelatine-Chloride Emulsion for Slides and Transparencies. . .106 Wellington's Citro - Chloride Emulsion for Opals 106 Sczekely's Process with Car- bonate of Silver. .. ..107 COLLODIO-GELATINE EMULSIONS : Dr. Vogel's 108 Kosarzewenski's 109 COATING THE PLATES : The Levelling Shelf 110 Button's Cooling Tank 110 Coating Tripod 110 Coating Board 112 Coating Box 113 Other Methods of Coating 113 Quantity of Emulsion Necessary to Cover Various Sizes of Plates: 114 Drying 114 Packing the Plates 114 DEVELOPMENT, FIXING, ETC.: Development General Remarks 115 Oxalate of Iron Developer. ...116 196 ISfDEX, Alkaline Development General Remarks. 118 Density 120 The Quantity of Pyro and Alkali to be Used 120 Formulae Cooper's 121 Beach's 121 The Author's 122 Carbutt's 123 Edward's 124 Henderson's 124 E. Van Sothen's 124 Dr. Martell's 124 Notes on the General Composition of Developers TheOxalateof Iron Developer. 124 Alkaline Developers 124 The Hydrochinone Developer. .125 The Alum Bath 125 Fixing 125 Washing 125 Test for Hypo 126 Bellitzki's Hypo-Eliminator 126 Intensifying : Formulae Eder's 126 Thompson's 127 Wallace and Bartletfs 127 Uranium Intensifier 127 Reduction Farmer's Reducer 128 Bellitzki's Reducer 128 Varnishing 128 PAPER NEGATIVES, STRIPPING FILMS ON PAPER, CARD-BOARD, AND COLLODION : The Paper 130 Sizing the Paper 131 PAGE Coating the Paper 131 Balagny's Method 133 Stripping Films, Paper Support Chenneviere's Method 134 Balagny's Method 135 Fabre's Method 135 Milson's Method 138 Eastman's Method 138 Stripping Films on Cardboard Supports 136 Balagny's Method with Methyl- alcohol 136 Coating Board 137 Pellicular Films Without Sup- port 138 Mefhods of Exposing Films on Paper Supports 139 Development 140 Drying 142 Oiling 143 Retouching 143 Printing 143 Preserving Paper Negatives . . .143 Stripping Eastman's Method 143 Chenneviere's 145 Fabre's 145 Failures in the Gelatino-Bro- mide Process 147 METHODS OF STRIPPING FILMS FROM GLASS PLATES : Collodion Films 151 Gelatine Films 152 COLOR-SENSITIVE PLATES : General Remarks 153 The Light-Screen 154 Color-Sensitive Gelatine Emul- sion 155 Color-Sensitive Bath Plates 155 INDEX. 19T PAGE Scolik's Method with Erythro- sine 155 Ehrmann's Method 156 Vogel's Method, with Azaline. .156 Obernetter and Vogel's Ery- throsine Bath 156 Schumann's Method with Cy- anine 157 Obernetter's Method with Fluor- ide of Silver 157 Wellington's Method 158 Development 159 Abuey's Method of Making Dry- plates Color-sensitive 159 BLACK AND WHITE NEGATIVES. General Remarks 160 The Wet Collodion Process. The Collodion 160 The Silver Bath 160 The Exposure 161 The Developer 162 The Intensifier 162 Stripping 162 The Gelatine Process. The Developer 162 The Intensifier 162 INSTANTANEOUS PHOTOGRAPHY. General Remarks 164 Development. The Author's Method 166 Beach's Method 167 Touching-up the Negative 169 PHOTO-MICROGRAPHY. Mercer's Photo-Micrographic Camera 171 The Scovill Photo-Micrographic Camera... 171 PAGE Atwood's Photo-Micrographic Camera 173 Walmsley's Photo-Micrographic Camera 174 White's Photo-Micrographic Apparatus. 177 Apparatus for the Vertical Mi- croscope 178 The Microscope 179 The Objectives 179 The Source of Light 180 Measuring the Magnification. . .180 The Sensitive Plates 181 Focussing 181 Exposure 182 Development 182 MICRO-PHOTOGRAPHY. General Description of the Pro- cess 183 Mounting 184 THE TRANSFORMATION OF NEGATIVES INTO POSITIVES. Roux's Process. The Collodion 186 Development 187 The Transformation of the Neg- tive 187 Exposure to Diffused Light 188 Distinction of the Negative Im- age 188 Development of the Positive Image 188 Fixing 189 Intensification 189 Obernetter's Method for the Di- rect production of Negatives from Negatives 190 198 INDEX. LIST OF CUTS. Number. PAGE 1. Plan of Dark-room 11 2. Ventilation of Dark-room... 12 3. Davanne's Drying-box 13 4. Davanne's Drying-rack 14 5-9. Scolik's Drying-box 15 10. Draining-rack 17 11. Apparatus for Making Solu- tions 18 12-13. Apparatus for Hot Filtration 19 14. Washing Bottle 20 15. Vever's Distilling Apparatus 21 16. Collodion Filter 56 17. Silvering Apparatus 76 18. David and Scolik's Emulsify- ing Apparatus 93 19. Davanne's Emulsifying Ap- paratus 94 20. Spraying Apparatus 96 21. Abney's Washing Apparatus 97 22. Levelling Screw Ill 23. Burton's Cooling Tank Ill 24. Coating Tripod Ill 25. Coating Board Ill 26. Coating Box 113 28. Apparatus for Coating Paper. 132 29. Coating Board 137 30. Mercer's Photo-Micrographic Apparatus 172 31. Scovill's Photo-Micrographic Apparatus 172 32-33. W a 1 m s 1 e y's Photo-Micro- graphic Apparatus 174 34. White's Photo-Micrographic Apparatus 177 35. Apparatus for the Vertical Microscope 178 36. Arrangement of Lenses for Micro-Photography. 183 John C. Njoss. p~a N| A Njoss 7v.rrf. J. E. P^msey OF eVeRV Des(RiP tlON ' Send green stamp (or circular. Send pholograph. drawing or print, for estimate. a/S^^o-aSSs OUR SPECIALTY Firje Illustrated Circulars by our VJosg-Type Process. SPECIMEN OF "MOSS-TYPE" ENGRAVED BY THE MOSS ENGRAVING CO., 535 PEARL STREET, NEW YORK. SPECIMEN OF M MOSS ENGRAVING CO. SS TYPE" ENGRAVED BY THE 535 PEARL STREET. NEW YORK. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. 8L JAN 2 5 1999 VQl !V UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY .FACILITY 001 190 477 8