THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GIFT OF Martha Green The HANDY COOK BOOK With a Familiar Talk on Cookery by MARION HARLAND Illustrated C. S. HAMMOND & CO. NEW YORK PREFATORY AND FAMILIAR TALK BY MARION HARLAND. PRACTICALLY it is impossible to overrate the value of the stomach to the human body. Educate it aright and treat it well, and it is a stronghold of reserved and active forces for good. Abuse or neglect it, and you convert it into an enemy who will harass every moment of your life. JEsop told this story two thousand five hundred years ago, albeit not accurate in the use of anatomical terms. If I had to repeat the tale I should reverse the order of actors and show what would come to pass were the Stomach in hot mutiny against the Members. It is in the power of this central force to withhold iron and coloring matter from the blood, phosphates and marrow from the bones, oils from the flesh, and gray matter from the brain. All this and more it does not scruple to do when irritated, ill-fed, or overworked. It does not require a very lively imagination to picture this all-important organ as a citadel built to guard the hid treasures of life, usefulness, and happiness. Above the gateway as we may style the diaphragm is some such in- scription as was cut rudely upon the muzzle of " Queen Elizabeth's Pocket Piece," the cannon mounted upon the walls of Dover Castle and frowning across the English Channel at the French coast, fifteen miles away: " Aim me right and keep me clean I'll carry a ball to Calais Green." It follows, from even an imperfect statement of the many offices performed by this much misunderstood factor in the 025 ' K PREFATORY AND FAMILIAR TALK. sum of human welfare, that it should be consulted 3utifully by the possessor and treated with respectful consideration at all times. And since food to carry out the figure of the " Pocket Piece " is the ammunition without which the citadel could not be defended, it follows yet more naturally, that supplies, sufficient as to quantity and of the best quality, should be provided for the use of the valiant garrison that holds the fort. If the stomach be the fortified castle of the body the kitchen is the head and center of the home. If there be but one room in the dwelling that one room is the kitchen. The family may sleep and sit and eat on the floor. Beds, stools, and tables are luxuries. 'But one piece of furniture is a necessity. That is the range, or stove, or open fireplace, or brazier, or fire of sticks, or moss, in the middle of the wig- wam, where food is prepared for the stomach. The domestic staff of the household may be wanting in chambermaid, butler, seamstress, and laundress. A cook of some sort is a must-be. These are not empty or didactic sayings, but a line of argument which he who runs, or she who swings away the hours in that nest of idle ease, the American rocker, may read; which every woman should ponder and lay up in her heart. I write it down, without fear of contradiction, that there is more excellent raw food-material spoiled in the United States than in any other country marked upon geographical charts as " enlightened." It is a waste of words to add that the American dyspepsia is as familiarly known to the scien- tific man of medicine as Asiatic cholera. From cradle to deathbed, three-fourths of our population suffer from the slow poison of their daily food. The most hopeless part of the problem is that a mighty majority of the unfortunates do not suspect that they are poisoned. In other words, cooks, and those who consume PREFATORY AND FAMILIAR TALK. what is prepared by the cooks, do not know good foo'd from bad. Greasy soups, " fried things," reeking within and with- out with fat; heavy, hot breads; badly cooked vegetables; leathery or oily pastry, are swallowed (and regretted) in crass ignorance that is not bliss, but sin and misery. j| The " Spectator " of Addison and Steele suggested in a serio-comic paper that no girl should be allowed to marry who could not show a complete assortment of household and body linen made up by herself in proof of her ability to care for her household. In all seriousness I assert that, were I a legislator, I should introduce, and force forward, a bill to the effect that no woman should be married until she had learned practical cookery in all its branches. She should know how to mar- ket judiciously, what articles of food are nutritious, and what are not. She should be so well versed in the chemistry of cookery and the structure and needs of the human system as to understand how to adapt nourishment to the various constitutions of those for whom she caters. She should master the small economies that make the Frenchwoman mistress of the art of furnishing her table daintily at the lowest cost. The old bachelor who married his maid-of-all-work be- cause he could not afford to keep both cook and wife, and could not do without a cook, was not such a simpleton after all. Man needs aliment that will give him staying- power in the day of battle, which is every day in this, our land of push and competition. The woman who equips him for the fray by sending him forth to his daily labor and strife with a stomach comfortably lined with the sort of food that, as -old-fashioned folk say, " will stick to his ribs," is a genuine helpmeet. Sympathy and sentiment are good as far as they go, but they do not go nearly all the way. A faint stomach makes a faint heart. Well-chosen, well-cooked, and palatable PREFATORY AND FAMILIAR TALK. meals, eaten leisurely and in gladness and singleness of heart, are a bank from which one draws an assured income of daily strength for daily needs. Our housewife may be so well off that she can hire a suc- cession of cooks all her days. If she have no practical knowledge of their craft she is like a sailing-master who de- pends upon first and second mate for his success in naviga- tion. She is at the mercy of such winds and tides as are represented by the moods and tenses of a guild whose tem- pers are notoriously uncertain. It is not enough for her to order three meals a day. She must know how each dish is to be prepared, what is amiss should the cookery be un- satisfactory, and how to right the wrong. Her husband could not keep for one month the post of superintendent of workmen who know their business better than he. The woman who is her own cook, or could be should need arise, has the whip-hand from the outset of her housewifely career. Nothing else so commands and retains the respect of the servant as the consciousness that her em- ployer could do the hireling's work better than she herself can, if she were obliged to undertake it. If I speak in forceful earnest in commending the study and the practice of the culinary art to every sensible woman, it is because many years of experience and observation have convinced me that no other accomplishment is so essential to the health and happiness of husband and children, or of whomsoever the housemother may be in charge of, tempo- rarily or permanently. If our national kitchen is to be redeemed from deserved reproach it will be, not by cooking-school lectures or writ- ten instructions, but by the intelligent, sustained efforts of the woman who is her own cook. MARION HARLAND. SUNNYBANK, September, 1900. Table of Contents DOMESTIC COOKERY, 15 1. THE ART OF COOKING, i'7 2. SOUPS, SOUP STOCK, ETC 35 3. FISH, OYSTERS, ETC 46 4. POULTRY AND GAME 61 5. MEATS, 70 i. Beef, 70 ii. Veal, 76 iii. Mutton and Lamb, 82 iv. Pork, 85 6. VEGETABLES, 91 7. SALADS AND SAUCES, 102 8. CROQUETTES AND FRITTERS, in 9. EGGS, . 117 10. BREAD, BISCUIT, HOT CAKES, ETC., 126 i. Bread, 126 ii. Toast, 131 iii. Fancy Breads, 132 iv. Rolls, .>.... 134 v. Biscuit, Rusk, and Buns, 136 vi. Muffins and Waffles, 140 vii. Griddle Cakes 142 viii. Yeast and Yeast Cakes 145 11. PASTRY AND PUDDINGS, 148 12. CREAMS, JELLIES, AND LIGHT DESSERTS, 166 13. CAKES AND CAKE BAKING, 179 14. FRESH FRUITS AND NUTS, 201 15. JELLIES, JAMS AND PRESERVES, 207 16. CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, 219 17. PICKLES AND CATSUPS, 224 18. BEVERAGES, 234 19. CANDIES, 242 20. INVALID DIET, ;.......>... 248 GENERAL HINTS, , ... 254 DOMESTIC COOKERY. rpHERE is a beautiful legend that tells how Elizabeth oJ 1 1 Hungary, having been forbidden by her lord to carry food to the poor, was met by him one day outside the castle walls as she was bearing a lapful of meat and bread to her pensioners. Louis demanding sternly what she car- ried in her robe, she was obliged to show him the forbidden burden. " Whereupon," says the chronicler, " the food was miraculously changed, for his eyes, to a lapful of roses, red and white, and his mind disabused of suspicion, he gra- ciously bade her pass on withersoever she would." It would be well for some husbands if " their eyes were holden " in such a way that food served them would seem other and better than it really is. But the sense of taste is a rebellious member especially in the men. It will cry out against the best appearing dish, if its flavor is not of the best. There is but one way to sure success. The house- wife herself must be the angel who casts the spell about the humble board and the lowly fare, and invests them with forms and odors of irresistible attractiveness. This is the true poetry of Domestic Cookery; and blessed is the home where one presides who knows this art, and makes each meal a feast, and every guest a glad participant. 16, DOMESTIC COOKERY. But things do not always take so happy a form. For instance : there was recently a brutal murder in Troy, N. Y., and a paper, reporting the case, clumsily said : " A poor woman was killed yesterday in her own home, while cooking her husband's breakfast in a shocking manner." Quoting this statement, a contemporary remarked : " There are many women who cook their husbands' breakfasts in a shocking manner, but it is seldom that justice overtakes them so summarily." The subject is a serious one to joke over, but the turn given by the commenting paper is bright and suggestive. The fact is, that by skillful manipulation the plainest fare may be transformed into dishes fit for kings, while by igno- rance and inattention the best viands may be rendered unfit for human food. Which turn should housewives attempt to give their own culinary affairs? There can be but one reply. But, be it remembered, that freaks of favoring for- tune, such as came to Elizabeth, come only to those who are zealously pursuing the line of helpful duty. There is no royal road to success as a housekeeper or a cook. You must " work your passage," but the way will be smoothed by careful study of pages such as follow, provided the study take shape in wise action. Remember, too, that the ministry of Domestic Cookery is by no means an unimportant one. It is worthy of the best attention of any housewife. " The stomach," says an eminent medical authority, " is the mainspring of our system ; if it be not sufficiently wound up to warm and support the circulation, the whole business of life will, in proportion, be ineffectually performed ; we can neither think with precision, walk with vigor, sit down with comfort, nor sleep with tranquility. There would be no difficulty in proving that it influences (much more than people imagine) all our actions." Dyspepsia is a fearful foe to the human race. I THE ART OF COOKING. 'T^HERE is a science and there is an art of cooking. The science tells what should be done and why ; the art takes hold and does the thing, without, in most cases, knowing any reason why certain methods produce certain results. The one is theoretical, the other practical ; the one deals with principles, the other with performances. The science of cookery proceeds on the basis that man needs certain elements of repair and growth for the various tissues of his body, that these elements exist in nature in various forms, and that the mission of the cook is so to prepare these suitable substances that man may receive them in their most enjoyable and assimilable forms, and thus have his waste repaired and his growth provided for. This basis is solid. On it the whole culinary system is founded. But, from the merely utilitarian idea of repairing waste and supplying force, cookery rises to the supreme height of exquisitely delighting the taste while doing its most impor- tant work of feeding the body. Indeed, the art of cooking well, and of serving well-cooked victuals well, is " a fine art " in the best sense of the term. There are artistes in this line. Meals may be served artistically. They may become a delight to the most refined natures and a real benefaction to both body and soul. The great aim of all cooking is to retain all the valuable elements of the food, and to put them into such forms as shall awake desire, stimulate digestion, and secure to the eater, in the readiest and most pleasing way, all the nutriment these viands afford. For instance, in cooking meats it is desirable to retain all the natural juices. To this end, when meat is to be boiled it should be plunged into hot water, which at once renders the outer part measurably impenetraf a 17 18 EVERY WOMAtf HER OWN COOK. ble, ana so confines the juices. On the other hand, if the juices are to be drawn out for the production of soup, it must be placed in cold water, and gradually warmed and slowly boiled, so as to allow the exudation of the juices. On the same principle, broiling and roasting, by quickly clos- ing the surface of the meat, retain the juices as well as the odors, and make the meat both juicy and savory. The re- tention of the fatty substances renders such preparations somewhat less digestible, however, than boiled food or lean meat. High art in cookeiy, as elsewhere, demands high rates ol expenditure. Instructions on that grade alone would not meet the want of American homes. But high aims in this department are equally commendable with high aims else- where. So important a factor in domestic economy as cook* ing cannot be ignored and should not be treated lightly. Good food, well cooked and well served, goes far to make home happy and its inmates healthy. The chemical aspect of food and cooking may be left to the chemist and the physiologist. They will perfect the scientific aspects of the case. But the art of cooking, which teaches just how and when to do the right things, is for us to learn and to practice day by day. Such is the relation of stomach and brain on the one side, and of stomach and cook on the other side, that the cook becomes the sov- ereign, to whom many a brain mightier than his own bows in servile allegiance. What cookery was practiced in the garden of Eden his- tory does not tell. Vegetarians insist that permission to eat animal food was not given until after the flood (Genesis xi, 3, 4), when, by indulgence, man's appetites had become abnormal. If vegetable food only were used in Eden, and that mainly of the nature of fruits, but little cooking was needed, and the simplest forms would suffice amply. Ancient Writers say that cooking came into use immediately on the TffE AKT OF COOKING. 19 discovery of fire, whenever that was, and that its introduc- tion was in imitation of the natural processes of mastication and digestion. The first reference of the Bible to cooked food is to "a mor- sel of bread" (Genesis xviii, 5). Sarah, in this instance, made ready " three measures of fine meal," which she kneaded, and of which she made cakes " upon the hearth." These were, doubtless, the simplest form of unleavened cakes. UNLEAVENED BREAD, ANCIENT AND MODERN FORMS. flattened thin and baked upon a hot stone. A tender calf was hastily dressed on this occasion also, but whether by boiling or stewing, by roasting on a hot stone or by broil- ing over the fire on the point of a stick, is not known. Cer- tainly, the whole dressing required but little time and was not very elaborate. For these same guests Lot baked un- leavened bread, and, as the record is, " he made them a feast," quite hurried and simple, no doubt. When Abraham's servant, searching for a wife for Isaac, reached her father's house, " they did eat and drink," un- questionably in a festive way. Isaac was so fond of veni- son that he became unduly partial to his son Esau, who excelled as a hunter in capturing game for this dish. The preparation of the meat was in some elaborate style, which Isaac denominated " savory meat," and the eating of it so pleased him that he spoke of it as the meat " that I love," and asked it " that I may eat, and that my soul may blew 20 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. thee before I die." Irreverent critics may say this was man* like, but reverent ones will pronounce it quite human, and all may conclude that cookery was taking attractive shapes in that early day. So Esau thought, undoubtedly, upon see- ing his brother Jacob with a pottage of red lentiles. He was willing to sell out his birthright, with all its high preroga- tives, that he might eat of this tempting dish. All these in* cidents from the book of Genesis indicate that punctuality at the table and systematic forethought for its proper service were undeveloped arts at that time. Many later Biblical references indicate a higher state of culture in these respects, sumptuous fare and great feasts being matters of frequent reference. In the ceremonial law many directions were given concerning the killing and the cooking of animal food. Ovens are often mentioned in the Bible. In the cities and villages they were located generally in the establishments of bakers (Hosea vii, 4), or in large private establishments. Portable ovens were used by many who lived in a nomadic way. The portable oven was a large earthen jar, widening at the bottom, and having a side opening there by which to extract the ashes and to insert the bread or meat. These are referred to as the possession of every family, in Exodus viii, 3 ; though in time of destitution, or scarcity of fuel, one oven answered for many families, as Leviticus xxvi, 26, shows. These ovens could be hastily heated by a quick fire of twigs, grasses, etc., whi^h fuel suggested the reference ANCIENT V |GYPTIAN in Matthew vi, 30, to grass, which to-day is in the field and to-morrow is cast into the oven. Loaves or meat were placed inside, and thin cakes upon the outside of these ovens. The remote East, the land of spices, was the first to develop cookery in its higher ranges. Carefully wrought THE ART OF 1 COOKING. 21 and highly seasoned dishes were first prepared there. Many curious notions are recorded of the various nations in re- spect to food and cooking. The universal custom in Oriental lands is to cook meat as soon as killed. It never becomes cold, as with us. Goose is a great favorite with the Egyp- tians. Plutarch says only one class of this nation would eat mutton, and at Thebes it was wholly prohibited. Pud- dings made from the blood of slaughtered animals were favored by Egyptians but hated by Moslems. Egyptians never ate the head of any animal. Pastry among them was worked into the shapes of animals, and was always sprinkled with caraway and anise. The Greeks esteemed cookery so highly, that royal per- sonages took pride in preparing their own meals. Homer's poems contain many illustrations of such service. Achilles once personally served up a great feast, its special feature being that smaller meats were garnished with entrails of oxen. It was common at great feasts of the Greeks to dedicate certain dishes to certain gods, and then to eat them in honor of those gods. In the time of Pericles a class of professional cooks had come into prominence who boasted that they could serve up a whole pig, boiled on one side, roasted on the other, stuffed with cooked birds, eggs, and other delicacies, and yet the whole so neatly done that it could not be discovered where the animal had been opened. Invention was then taxed to invent a new cake, or a new sauce, and he who did it was deemed worthy of high honor. One Greek distin- guished himself by devising a new method of curing hams , another devised a cake which took his name and made him famous. In Athenian dishes, assafoetida was a popular ingredient, as were rue and garlick. To compound one famous dish, certain uninviting parts of sows, asses, hawks, seals, porpoises, star-fish, etc., were used. One visitor to Greece, having eaten a celebrated 22 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. " black broth," said he had learned why the Spartans were in battle so fearless of death, as the pains of death were preferable to existence on such abominable food. A Greek poet, Archistratus, traveled the world over to study the gastronomic art, and then wrote a poem, " Gastrology," which became the standard among Greek epicures. Greek cooks took special pride in so flavoring and disguising com- mon fish and meat, that epicures even would be deceived by their preparations. Roman cooking surpassed the Grecian in the more solid dishes, until the decline of the Empire began, when Roman epicures and gluttons came to the front and soon surpassed the world. Fishes, birds, and wines were their chief delica- cies, and to secure those of rarest quality the known world was laid under contribution. There is record of a single feast at which were served peacocks from Samos, chickens from Phrygia, kids from Melos, cranes from ^Etolia, tunny fishes from Chalcedon, pikes from Pessinus, oysters from Tarentum, mussels from Chios, dates from Egypt, and inci- dentals from as many more points. Snails were fattened for table uses till their shells would contain a quart ; fishes and birds were fed on the choicest dainties to prepare them for human food, while even hogs were fattened on whey and dates. Lucullus was in the habit of spending fifty thousand denarii (about eight thousand dollars) on each of his sump- tuous feasts. Galba's daily breakfasts were each of sufficient cost to feed a hundred families. Vitellius made a single dish of pheasants' brains, peacocks' brains, nightingales' tongues, and livers of the rarest fishes. Its cost was one thousand sesterces (about forty thousand dollars). On another occasion two thousand choice fishes and seven thousand rare birds were served by him. It is said his kitchen expenses for four months amounted to twenty-five million dollars. THE ART OF COOKING. Q& Heliogabalus had a favorite dish for his own suppers made from the brains of six hundred thrushes. Pork was the choice Roman dish at a later day. It was often served in the famous style already referred to, being half baked, ANCIENT ROMAN COOKING UTENSILS. i. Sugar, or Vegetable Boiler. 2. Frying Pan. 3. Measuring Urn.- 4. Boiler, OB Tripod. half boiled, and stuffed with birds, eggs, etc. The process of this preparation was long a profound and marvelous secret. It was accomplished, however, by bleeding the animal under the shoulder, removing the intestines by the 24 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. throat, and refilling by the same passage. The upper side was then baked while the lower lay imbedded in a thick paste of barley meal mixed with wine and oil. The paste was then removed and the lower side boiled in a shallow saucepan. ANCIENT ROMAN COOKING UTENSILS, 1 i. Measure for Grain. 2. Kitchen Boiler. 3. Fire Grate. 4. Pitcher, or Um, far Fluids. Cooking utensils were elaborately made for the homes of the rich. The finest grades were made of bronze, and usually they were plated with silver. Some articles were of brass, others even of silver. Kitchens were royal apart- ments then, many of them having marble floors and being decorated with costly paintings. Even the aspirations of THE ART OF COOKING. 23 our modern " help " would have been gratified fully by the kitchen appointments of those days. Schools of cookery, under the most accomplished professional care, were nu- merous at that time. One of the most princely pieces of extravagance ever brought out by good cooking was in the case of Antony. When Cleopatra praised a repast he furnished, Antony at once called the cook and presented him with a city. An- other piece of extravagance was when Lucullus entertained ANCIENT ROMAN COOKING UTENSILS. t. Bowl. ^2. Soup Pot. 3. Grater. 4. Measure for Fluids. 5. Cook's Knife. - 6. Hashing Knife. Cicero and Pompey. They three partook of a little feast which cost not less than five thousand dollars. Geta in- sisted on as many courses at his state dinners as there were letters in the alphabet, and each course was required to contain every viand known, the name of which began with that letter. Alexander the Great once entertained ten thousand guests, all of whom were seated at the tables at one time, and in silver chairs upholstered with purple. Pos- sibly the most extensive " spread " ever made was by the Karl pf Warwick when &s brother was installed Arch- 26 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. bishop of York in 1479. The record of its appointments is as follows : 300 quarters of wheat, 300 tuns of ale, 104 tuns of wine, I pipe of spiced wine, 10 fat oxen, 6 wild bulls, 300 pigs, 1,004 sheep, 300 hogs, 3,000 calves, 300 capons, 100 peacocks, 200 cranes, 200 kids, 2,000 chickens, 4,000 pig- eons, 4,000 rabbits, 4,000 ducks, 204 bitterns, 400 herons, 200 pheasants, 500 partridge, 5,000 woodcocks, 400 plovers, 100 curlews, 100 quails, 100,000 eggs, 200 roes, 4,000 roe- bucks, 155 hot venison pasties and 4,000 of them cold, 1,000 dishes of jellies, 2,000 hot custards and 4,000 of them cold, 400 tarts, 300 pikes, 300 bream, 8 seals, and 4 por- poises. The Earl in person was steward; 1,000 servitors, 62 chief cooks, and 515 under cooks and scullions offi- ciated on this monster occasion. After the fifth century it is said that " cookery, like learn- ing, retired into convents." For several centuries religious houses alone were the abodes of good cooking. In the tenth century the art reappeared among the wealthier citizens of Italy. Discoveries of new countries and the increasing activity of commerce continually enlarged the field for gas- tronomic delights. Italy, the leader in fine cookery in those days, began to send her methods and her cooks into France, where they received a hearty welcome from Catharine de Medici and her royal spouse. Under these fostering im- pulses several cities became famous for specialties in food ; Hamburg, for example, for hams, Strasburg for sausages, Amsterdam for herrings, Ostend for oysters, Chartres for pies, etc., etc. The ancient Britons and Saxons knew none of the refine- ments of the culinary art. Their meal was simple bruised barley ; their meat, half-cooked game. The Danes did more at drinking than at eating, at brewing than at baking. The Normans, however, introduced the better styles of food and the cook again loomed up grandly. So great was the excess of these times that the friars of St Swithin's com* THE ART OF COOKING. 27 plained to King Henry II that three of their thirteen regu iar dinner courses had been withheld from them by their abbot. Cranmer ordered, in 1541, that archbishops should be limited to six dishes of meat daily, bishops to five, and lower orders of clergy to four, or three in certain cases. The poultry to be used was also limited, and the fish. After the Crusades the higher classes of England imitated the luxurious methods they had learned abroad. Peacocks be- came a favorite dish. They were usually served with the tail feathers remaining and spread to their fullest extent. In the reign of Elizabeth cooks reached the zenith of their power, many classical scholars willingly espousing this pro- fession. The early inhabitants of France subsisted chiefly on roots and acorns. After their subjugation by Caesar they quickly took on the Roman methods, and later the Norman methods, until in the fourteenth century they produced Taillevant, the greatest cook of history. In the reign of Louis XII a company was chartered to make sauces and another to cook meats on the spit. These were the days when fancy cook- ing ran toward the impossible. Eggs cooked on the spit, butter fried, roasted, etc., were the surprising delicacies produced by the masters of gastronomy. In the days of Louis XIV cookery in France was at its height of sumptuousness. A reaction in favor of modera- tion then began to prevail. Cooks were out of employment. Restaurants then appeared under their care, and they soon found abundant patronage. Careme, of France, is con- fessedly the greatest of modern French cooks. He has exalted the science of cookery while he has nobly advanced the art. There are several national or provincial dishes which are well known ; for example, the roast beef and plum pudding of England ; the sauerkraut of Germany ; the salt beef of Holland ; the fittau of Turkey (made of rice and mutton 28 EVERY WOMAN- HER OWN COOK. fat) ; the macaroni of Italy ; the potatoes of Ireland ; the oat-meal of Scotland ; the pork and beans and the pumpkin pie of New England. Books on the science and the art of cookery are numerous. The oldest dates from the last half of the four- teenth century. It is from a Frenchman, Le Sage, who has blended moral maxims and culinary recipes in a wonderful manner. The next in order is from Taillevant, already referred to, dated 1392. Scappi, chief cook to Pope Pius V, published a valuable book on cookery in 1570. So have they been multiplied as the years have rolled by, and one who is not an expert in cookery cannot lay his defect at the door of authors or publishers. But books are not sufficient to elevate a people. There must be instruction, by which the text-books may be ex- pounded and their lessons be illustrated to the masses. The art of cookery must be learned, as are the other arts. There are those who say that domestic cooking should be learned in the home that the mother should teach the daughters,, and that skill and knowledge should thus be handed down from generation to generation. This is a splendid theory ; but if the mothers themselves are ignorant and unskillful, what then can be hoped for from the daughters ? Then, too, a fixed set of culinary traditions would be handed down in each family by this method, and the children would follow the ways of the parents, irrespective of better ways practiced by their next-door neighbors. In the face of these facts, it was not at all strange that schools of cookery arose centuries ago ; but it is strange that these schools were not extended in their scope, to in- clude others than professional cooks. They aimed merely to provide skilled help for the kitchens of royalty and Wealth. This they did to perfection, but the common people knew nothing of the methods whereby their plain fare might be made more toothsome or more beneficial, It has re- THE ART OF COOKING. 29 mained for this later day, this utilitarian age, to establish schools designed to furnish good, practical cooks for our homes, and to develop them from our wives and our daughters. This " cooking-school " movement arose in England. The working classes there were so sadly unskilled in using provision, and provision was so enormously costly, that the question necessarily arose, Is there no way where- by these masses can use what little they have to better ad- vantage ? How to make the most of what was in their kitchens was the practical problem. Schools of domestic economy then arose, under the patronage of benevolent per- sons, to promote the practical solution of this difficulty. The managers of the South Kensington Museum of Arts, in West London, made the first organized movement in this matter by establishing public lectures on the preparation of food, with platform demonstrations of various culinary operations. But the inadequacy of this course was soon evi- dent. Exposition and illustration were good, but practice was needed. Cookery is like music, in that the only way to do it well is to do it well. Lectures on the capabilities of the piano, though supplemented by brilliant illustration, could never make musicians, and the course inaugurated at Kensington Museum was not capable of making cooks. Practice schools soon became an admitted necessity. To found schools of this character was no easy task. Public sentiment was not up to the need. Teachers, text- books, and even pupils were wanting. It was unavoidably an expensive method of education, and no great names stood ready to back the movement. But the parties chiefly in- terested were determined, and they moved onward. The first organized classes for graded instructions and practice in cookery were formed in 1874. These classes were open to all, but especial encouragement was given to those pro- posing to go out as teachers of this art, In this respect tho 30 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. work was a great success, and large numbers of cooking* schools have been formed in England. These schools employ a series of printed " lessons/' suited for use in all the work in all the various grades. These lessons contained a list of ingredients needed for each dish, with their quantity and cost. Then followed a specifi- cation of the several steps to be taken, each distinct in itself and numbered. Nothing was assumed to be known; nothing was here taken for granted, all was clearly specified and, if need be, explained. As trial showed defects in the several lessons, they were carefully revised, and at last text- books were issued. Every pupil learned what to do in each case ; then they did it ; then they kept on doing it until they could do it to perfection. As at " Dotheboys Hall," he whose turn it was to spell " scrub " was set to scrub the floor, etc., etc., so at these practice schools, she who studied " Irish stew," made Irish stew, and capped the climax by eating it. It is surprising that so diversified a company gathered in these schools. An observer of the Kensington Museum establishment says of the attendance : " There were cultivated ladies, the daughters of country gentlemen, old house- keepers, servants, cooks, and colored girls from South Africa, together with a large proportion of intelligent young women who were preparing to become teachers." It may strike one who goes over these lessons that there is a wearisome attention to trivial details* But it should not be forgotten that the chief difference between good and bad cookery lies just here* It is a prime point in cooking- schools to make each item so prominent that it cannot be overlooked. Strict attention to details is the corner-stone of the culinary art. Schools of cookery are now numerous in this country. New York, Philadelphia, and all the principal cities have institutions of this character. Text-books are numerous top, EHza A, ypumans, Juliet Corson, and othwr THE ART OF COOKING. 31 have nobly led the van of culinary artistes, and their man- uals are standards for cooking-schools. To illustrate the method of the cooking-schools, two " lessons " are here added, both on the making of Cabinet Pudding. The first is from the American edition of Lessons in Cookery, the handbook of the London school. LESSON : CABINET PUDDING. Ingredients. One dozen cherries or raisins, and two or three pieces of angelica. One dozen finger-biscuits and half a dozen ratafias. One ounce of loaf-sugar and fifteen drops of essence of vanilla. Four eggs. One pint of milk. Time required, about one Iwur. To make a Cabinet Pudding: 1. Take a pint-and-a-half mold and butter it inside with your fingers. 2. Take a dozen raisins or dried cherries, and two or three pieces of angelica, and ornament the bottom of the mold with them. 3. Take one dozen stale sponge finger-biscuits* and break them in pieces. 4. Partly fill the mold with pieces of cake and a half a dozen ratafias:^ 5. Take four yelks and two whites of eggs and put them in a basin. 6. Add to the eggs one ounce of white sugar, and whip them together lightly. 7. Stir in, by degrees, one pint of milk. 8. Flavor it by adding fifteen drops of essence of vanilla. 9. Pour this mixture over the cakes in the mold. 10. Place a piece of buttered paper over the top of the mold. 1 1. Take a saucepan half full of boiling water, and stand it on the side of the fire. * To be had at the baker's. | For sale at all large grocery -houses. 32 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. 12. Stand the mold in the saucepan, to steam for from three-quarters of an hour to an hour. N. B. The water should only reach half way up the mold, or it would boil over and spoil the pudding. 13. For serving, turn the pudding carefully out of the mold on to a hot dish." The other " lesson " is from Miss Corson's Cooking- school Text-book. It is the method pursued in the New York Cooking-school and its offshoots. LESSON: CABINET PUDDING. INGREDIENTS. j^lb. candied cherries, ..... 20 cents. 2 oz. citron, .......4" j^lb. macaroons, - - - '"" ' - ^ - - 15 " Sponge cake, .-....-10" I pt. milk, 4 " % z. gelatine, - - - X 3 " I lemon, 2 " 3 oz. powdered sugar, -....-2" Total, ..... 60 cents. (i.) Soak the gelatine in two tablespoonfuls of cold watei until it is soft, and then put it over the fire in a saucepan with the milk, sugar, and the yellow rind of the lemon cut very thin, and let it heat thoroughly, stirring occasionally until the gelatine and sugar are dissolved. (2.) Cut the citron in thin slices. Butter a plain pudding mold rather thickly with cold butter, and ornament the bottom and sides by placing some of the fruit against them in some pretty shape. (3.) Place the remaining fruit and the cake in the mold in alternate layers, and then strain the milk into the mold. Set it where it will cool and grow firm, which will be in four or five hours, and then turn it QUt of the mold and serve it cold" . THE ART OF COOKING. 33 Every city has its leading caterer, who illustrates, when opportunity offers, to what heights the gastronomic art may be carried. On special occasions great " spreads " are made, the cost of which will surprise the uninitiated. From two to five dollars per plate is an ordinary charge for these en- tertainments. Ten dollars for each guest is by no means unusual. Twenty-five dollars for each guest, the wines in- cluded, is a price often charged, and Delmonico, of New York, furnished a dinner to ten persons, the cost of which was estimated to be no less than four hundred dollars each. The dinner was given by a distinguished yachting-man, who insisted that the five men in waiting should be dressed as sailors. He furnished the suits, new and elegant. The guests drank, or tasted, every vinted liquor that has ever been brought to America not that they drank every brand of wine, but every grade was represented. They finished with apousse cafe made of eleven liquors. The bills of fare were a striking feature of the display. Before each plate sat a cut-glass basin, about twenty inches in diameter and four inches deep. Each was nearly filled with water, perfumed with ottar of roses, on the surface of which floated half-open pond lilies. In the basin a perfect model of the yacht owned by the gentleman who gave the dinner was placed. It was cut in red cedar wood, with cabin, rail, wheel for steering, brass work, such as belaying- pins, binnacle, etc., man ropes worked and trimmed with sailor knots, scraped pine masts and booms, rigging of silken cords colored as it would be in the prototype, and sails of satin. The sails carried the bills of fare. On the flying jib were the words : " Compliments of ," naming the giver of the dinner; on the jib the date and place; on the foresail was the name of the guest who sat at the place where each little vessel floated ; and on the mainsail was the menu. As the guest had occasion to consult his bill of fare, he used a a 34 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. little gold oar that rested on the ringers of a silver naiad who peered over the containing glass, and held out both hands to grasp the oar. After the dinner each guest either carried away his bill of fare or had it sent to his home. The bills of fare were supposed to have cost at least one hundred dollars apiece. Of course, the viands spread at such a table were the finest the markets of the world could afford. An artistic conclusion to an elaborate luncheon in New York is thus described by one who was there : " The last course was quite classic. A Greek would have appreciated it. It would have given him visions of Hybla and Hymettus, and their luxuriant growth of wild thyme. Everything was removed from the table except the ferns in the centre. A glass jug, some small glasses, and a plate of water crackers were brought in. The hostess poured out for each guest a tiny glass of metheglin. Any one who had forgotten the old reputation of this liquor and of what it was made would have been enlightened by seeing the jug. It looked like a honeycomb. Through the wax-looking cells painted upon its surface the liquor appeared like yellow honey. On the stopper was a black and gold bee. The caster, or tray, in which the jug stood was of glass also, covered with white clover and other heather flowers, which give the delicate flavor to Scotch and French honey. Such a finale seems to claim for America mention among those nations which Shakespeare describes as * exquisite in their drinking.' " n. SOUP STOCK, SOUPS, ETC, GENERAL SUGGESTIONS ON SOUP STOCK AND SOUP MEAT, HOW TO PREPARE THEM, HOW TO ENRICH THEM, THICKENING SOUP, COLORING SOUP, FLAVORING SOUP, ETC. THIRTY-TWO RECIPES FOR SOUPS AND INCIDENTAL PREPARATIONS. THE first and great essential to making good soup is stock, or good, fresh meat. To make stock, take the liquor left after boiling fresh meat, bones large or small, the large ones being cracked, that the marrow may be extracted, trimmings of meat, bones, and meat left over from a roast or broil, put any or all of these in a large pot or soup-kettle with water enough to cover them. Let th^m simmer slowly over a steady fire, keep the kettle covered, stir frequently, pour in now and then a cup of cold water, and skim off the scum. If it is fresh meat or bones, com* mence with cold water ; if cooked, with warm water. Bones are as useful as meat in making stock, as they furnish gela- tine. A quart of water is usually enough for a pound of meat. Six to eight hours will make stock fit for use. Let it stand over night, then skim off the fat, put the stock into an earthen jar, and it is ready for use. Fresh meat should be freed from all superfluous skin and fat, which make a soup greasy, rather than rich. The glutinous substance contained in the bones renders it important that they should be boiled with the meat, as they add to the strength and thickness of the soup. The meat, however, should be cut off the bone and divided into small pieces. Place in cold water over a gentle fire and boil by the long and slow process, that the essence of the meat may 35 36 EVERY WOMAN" HER OWN COOK. be drawn out thoroughly. When it comes to the boiling point, throw in a little salt to assist the scum to rise ; then skim carefully to prevent its becoming turbid. When no more scum accumulates, and the meat is softened so as to readily separate with the use of the fork, it should be strained, the vegetables put it, the seasoning done, and the necessary amount of hot water added if too much has boiled away. All soup meats are better boiled the day before using, so as to allow the grease to chill over night, when it can readily be removed before putting over the fire again. The following thickening is almost indispensable to all good soups : A tablespoonful or more of flour mixed to a smooth paste with a little water, and enriched with a tea- spoonful of butter, or good beef drippings well stirred in. If it be necessary to add water to a soup, always use boil- ing water, as cold water injures the flavor. If making a rich soup that requires catsup or wine, let either be added just before the soup is taken from the fire. Soup may be colored yellow by the use of grated car- rots; red with the juice of tomatoes ; green with the juice of powdered spinach ; brown with carefully scorched flour, kept ready for use. Onions are thought by many to be a necessity in all soups that their flavor must lurk some- where, either defined or undefined. Their flavor may be much improved if fried until nicely browned in hot butter before being added to the soup. Potatoes should never be boiled with soup, because they add nothing to its flavor and are themselves injured by the long cooking. They should be boiled separately, and then added. A most desirable quality in soup is that no one flavor predominate over the others, but, that by a careful blending of the different ingredients it shall contain and harmonize all flavors. Soups and broths should always be strained. It SOU* 4TOCK, SOUPS, ETC. 3? makes them more relishable as well as inviting to the eye. A slight acid, like lemon or tomato, gives a peculiar relish to some soups, as do many of the palatable condiments prepared by such manufacturers as Durkee & Co., Annear & Co., Cross & Blackwell, and several others, for this especial purpose. With such helps and a sufficient quan- tity of stock on hand, a choice, rich soup of any variety may be gotten up in thirty minutes. RECIPES. Beef Soup. Boil a shin of beef, or a piece off the shoulder, slowly and thoroughly, the day before desiring to use it ; skim well the next day and thin the jelly, if necessary, with water ; add a little brandy, a grated carrot, two tablespoon- fuls of butter rubbed smooth in brown flour, a little vermi- celli, and spices to taste. Two or three eggs may be boiled hard, mashed smooth, and placed in the tureen before turning in the soup. Beef Soup, No. 2. Boil a shin of beef of moderate size, crack the bone, remove the tough outside skin, wash, and place in a kettle to boil with six or eight quarts of water. Let it boil about four hours, until it becomes perfectly tender, then take it out of the liquid. Add salt, one pint of tomatoes, two onions cut in small pieces, two turnips cut in quarters, one grated carrot, one large tablespoonful of sugar, a little sweet marjoram and thyme rubbed fine, one red pepper cut in very small pieces, also a celery top or a small quantity of bruised celery seed. This soup may be thick- ened according to taste either with vermicelli, macaroni, noodles, or drop dumplings. For an incidental side dish, take the soup meat that has been cut from the bones, chop fine while warm, season with salt and pepper, add one teacup of soup saved out before 38 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. putting in the vegetables. Pack in a dish, and slice down for tea or lunch when cold. Beef Sonp with Okra. Cut a round steak in small pieces and fry in three tablespoonfuls of butter, together with one sliced onion, until very brown ; put into a soup kettle with four quarts of cold water, and boil slowly an hour ; add salt, pepper, and one pint of sliced okra, and simmer three and one-half hours longer. Strain before serving. Corned Beef Soup. When the liquor in which corned beef and vegetables have been boiled is cold, remove all the grease that has risen and hardened on the top, and add tomatoes and tomato catsup and boil half an hour thus making an excellent tomato soup ; or add to it rice, or sago, or pearl barley, or turn it into a vegetable soup by boiling in the liquor any vegetables that are fancied. Several varieties of soups may have this stock for a basis and be agreeable to the taste. Ox-tail Soup. Chop the ox-tail into small pieces ; set on the fire with a tablespoonful of butter, and stir until brown, and then pour off the fat; add broth to taste, and boil gently until the pieces of tail are well cooked. Season with pepper, salt, and three or four tomatoes ; boil fifteen minutes and then serve. This soup can be made with water, instead of the stock broth, in which case season with carrot, onion, turnip, and parsley. Mutton Broth. After the steaks have been cut from the leg, the lower part is just adapted for a soup. The neck- piece is also very nice. Boil the meat very gently in cold water, adding a turnip, a carrot, and a spoonful of rice. All the fat should be removed. Toward the last, add a little minced parsley. Dumplings are an excellent addition. Vegetable Soup. Take two pounds of shin of beef and two pounds of knuckle of veal ; remove all the fat and break SOUP STOCK, SOUPS, ETC. the bones and take out the marrow ; put into a pot with five pints of water ; add a teaspoonful of salt, and then cover and let it come to a boil quickly ; remove the scum that rises, and set where it will simmer for five hours ; one hour before serving, add two young carrots, scraped and cut in slices, half a head of celery, and a small onion cut into squares ; in half an hour add one turnip sliced, and in fifteen minutes one cauliflower broken in small pieces. Bean Soup. Soak one and a half pints of beans in cold water over night. In the morning drain off the water, wash the beans in fresh water, and put into soup-kettle with four quarts of good beef stock, from which all the fat has been removed. Set it where it will boil slowly but steadily for three hours at the least. Two hours before it is needed for use, slice in an onion and a carrot. Some think it im- proved by adding a little tomato. If the beans are not liked whole, strain through a colander and send to the table hot. Black Bean Soup. Three pounds soup bone, one quart black beans, soaked over night and drained ; one onion, chopped fine ; juice of one lemon. Pepper, salt, and Durkee's Challenge Sauce to taste. Boil the soup bone, beans, and onions together six hours ; strain, and add seasoning. Slice lemon and put on top when served. Tomato Soup. Take a knuckle of veal, a bony piece of beef, a neck of mutton, or almost any piece of meat you may happen to have ; set it over the fire in a small quantity of water, cover it closely, and boil very gently, to extract the juices of the meat. When nearly done, add a quantity of peeled tomatoes, and stew till the tomatoes are done ; add salt and pepper to your taste. This is a very cheap, healthful, and easily made soup. Tomato Soup, No. 2. Take one quart of tomatoes. When boiling, add one teaspoonful of soda, two pulverized soda 40 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. crackers, one pint of hot water, one pint of milk, salt, and pepper ; strain through a colander and serve hot. Green Pea Soup. Boil the empty pods of a half-peck of green peas in one gallon of water one hour ; strain them out ; add four pounds of beef cut into small pieces, and boil slowly for an hour and a half longer. Half an hour before serving add the shelled peas, and twenty minutes later half a cup of rice flour, salt, pepper, and a little chopped parsley. After adding the rice flour stir frequently so as to pre- vent scorching. Dried Split Pea Soup. One gallon of water, one quart of soaked split peas, half a pound of salt pork, one pound of beef. Put over the fire, seasoning with salt and pepper, celery salt, salpicant, curry powder, marjoram, or savory; let it boil slowly for two hours, or until the quantity of liquor does not exceed two quarts. Pour into a colander and press the peas through with a spoon. Fry two or three slices of stale bread in butter till brown, scatter them in the soup after it is placed in the tureen. Corn Soup. Cut the corn from the cob, and to a pint of corn allow one quart of hot water ; boil an hour and press through a colander; put into a saucepan an ounce of but- ter and a tablespoonful of flour, being careful to stir well to prevent it being lumpy, then add the corn pulp, a little cayenne pepper, salt, a pint of boiling milk, and half a pint of cream. Onion Soup. Slice ten medium-sized onions and fry brown in butter with a tablespoonful and a half of flour ; put into a saucepan, and stir in slowly four or five pints of milk and water (about one-third water) ; season to taste, and add a teacupful of grated potato ; set in a kettle of boiling water, and cook ten minutes ; add a cup of sweet cream and serve quickly. SOUP STOCK, SOUPS, ETC. 41 Mock-turtle Soup. Scald a calf's head and wash it clean ; boil it in a large pot of water for half an hour, cut all the skin off, and take the tongue out. Take the broth made of a knuckle of veal, put in the tongue and skin, with one onion, half-ounce of cloves, half-ounce of mace, half a nut- meg, all kinds of sweet herbs chopped fine, and three anchovies. Stew till tender ; then take out the meat, and cut it in pieces two inches square ; cut the tongue, previously skinned, in slices ; strain the liquor through a sieve ; melt half a pound of butter in a stewpan ; put in it half a pound of flour and stir it till smooth if at all lumpy, strain it; add the liquor, stirring it all the time ; then put to the meat the juice of two lemons, or one bottle of Madeira wine, if pre- ferred ; season rather highly with pepper, salt, and cayenne pepper ; put in a few meat balls and eight eggs boiled hard. Stew gently one hour, and serve in a tureen ; if too thick, add more liquor before stewing the last time. Mock-turtle Soup? No. 2. Take a calf's head and about two pounds of delicate fat pork. Put both into a soup- kettle, with two onions, sweet herbs, celery, pepper, and mace. Fill the kettle with water, and boil very gently till the meat is tender. Take out the head and the pork, return the bones of the head into the soup ; let it stew several hours longer ; and, when cold, take off the fat, strain the soup, and thicken; add the juice of a lemon and half a pint of white wine. Cut up the head and pork into pieces ; warm them up in the soup, adding some choice meat balls made from finely minced, savory meat. The pork will be found quite an addition to the soup and a substitute for the fat of the turtle. Gumbo Soup. Cut up two chickens, two slices of ham, and two onions into dice ; flour them, and fry the whole to a light brown ; then fill the frying-pan with boiling water, stir 42 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. it a few minutes, and turn the whole into a saucepan con- taining three quarts of boiling water ; let it boil forty min- utes, removing the scum. In the meantime soak three pods of okra in cold water twenty minutes ; cut them into thin slices, and add to the other ingredients ; let it boil one hour and a half. Add a quart of canned tomatoes and a cupful of boiled rice half an hour before serving. Southern Gumbo Soup. Cut up one chicken, and fry it to a light brown, also two slices of bacon ; pour on them three quarts of boiling water ; add one onion and some sweet herbs tied in a bag ; simmer them gently three hours and a half; strain off the liquor, take off the fat, and then put the ham and chicken (cut into small pieces) into the liquor; add half a teacup of sliced okra, also half a teacup of boiled rice. Boil all half an hour, and just before serving add a glass of wine and a dozen oysters with their juice. Julienne Soup. Scrape two carrots and two turnips, and cut in pieces an inch long ; cut slices lengthwise about one- eighth of an inch thick; then cut again, so as to make square strips ; put them in a saucepan, with two ounces of butter, three tablespoonfuls of cabbage chopped fine, and half an onion chopped ; set on the fire and stir until half fried ; add broth as you wish to make thick or thin ; boil until done ; salt to taste ; skim off the fat, and serve ; it takes about two hours to prepare this soup properly. It can be served with rice or barley. Macaroni or Vermicelli Soup. Two small carrots, four onions, two turnips, two cloves, one tablespoonful salt, pep- per to taste. Herbs marjoram, parsley, and thyme. Put any cooked or uncooked meat and its bones in enough water to cover them; when they boil, skim them and add the vegetables. Simmer three or four hours, then strain through a colander and put back in the saucepan to reheat SOUP STOCK, SOUPS, ETC. 43 Boil one-half pound macaroni until quite tender, and place in the soup tureen, and pour the soup over it the last thing. Vermicelli will need to be soaked a short time only not to be boiled. White Soup. Boil a knuckle of veal for three hours. Add a quarter of a pound of macaroni, and when done, a pint of cream. Season with lemon-peel and mace. Turkey Soup. Take the turkey bones and boil three- quarters of an hour in water enough to cover them ; add a little summer savory and celery chopped fine. Just before serving, thicken with a little browned flour, and season with pepper, salt, and a small piece of butter. Chicken Soup. To the broth in which chickens have been boiled for salad, etc., add one onion and eight or ten tomatoes ; season with pepper and salt ; add Challenge Sauce or Salpicant, if desired ; boil thirty minutes ; add two well* beaten eggs just before sending to the table. Lobster Soup. To boil a lobster, put it in a fish-kettle and cover it with cold water, cooking it on a quick fire. Remove the small bladder found near the head, and take out a small vein found immediately under the shell all along the back of the lobster, and use the rest. Two lobsters will make soup for six or eight persons, and salad also. All the under shell and small claws are pounded in a mortar to make the soup ; when pounded, put it into a pan and set it on the fire with broth or water. The meat is cut in small pieces, to be added afterward. The soup is left on the fire to boil gently for half an hour ; then put it in a sieve and press it with a masher to extract the juice. To make it thicker, a small piece of parsnip can be added and mashed with the rest into a pan, so that all the essence is extracted in that way from the lobster. When you have strained it put a little 44 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. butter with it and add as much broth as is required ; put some of the meat in the tureen and pour the soup over it. Clam Soup. Wash the clams free from grit; boil them in a pint of water till they will come from the shells easily. Take a small quantity of the liquor, add some milk, thicken it with a little flour, and add the clams. Split crackers are veiy nice added. Portable Soup. Boil a knuckle of veal, also the feet, a shin of beef, a cowheel or any other bones of meat which will produce a stiff jelly, in a large kettle, with as much water as will cover them. Let it stand a long time over the fire before it boils. Skim it most thoroughly, until the broth appears entirely clear. Then fill up the kettle with hot water, and boil it eight hours, or until it has evaporated so as to be somewhat thick. Run it through a hair sieve, set it in a cool place where it will harden very quickly. Skim off every particle of fat, and return it to a saucepan ; skim and stir continually, so that it may not scorch, and all the previous labor be lost, until it becomes a very thick syrup. As soon as it can be no longer done in this way, transfer it to a deep jar, and set into a kettle of water, hot, but not boiling, until it jellies very thick. This will keep good many months, if packed dry in tin canisters. This is the con- centrated essence of soup, and is a most convenient article of use, either at home in an emergency or in traveling, and especially at sea. To make a pint of soup, cut off a piece as large as a walnut, dissolve it in the boiling water, and it is ready for use. Fluid Bee Among the advanced preparations of the day meat extracts are taking a high place. One of the finest of these preparations is " Johnston's Fluid Beef." It contains all the nutritive constituents of the beef, and is readily available for soups, sandwiches, beef tea, etc. For medi-. cal uses, traveling, picnics, etc,, it is very convenient. To SOUP STOCK, SOUPS, ETC. 4$ use for soups and beef tea, add a teaspoonful to a cup of boiling water and season to taste ; or as a sandwich paste, it may be used on toast, with or without butter. Put up in cans of various sizes, from two ounces to one pound, which can be left open without injury to contents. RECIPES INCIDENTAL TO SOUPS. Meat Balls for Soup. Take fresh cooked meat or fowl and chop fine ; season with pepper, salt, and herbs, and a little lemon ; mix together with an egg ; roll in bread-crumbs, and fry in hot lard. Browned Flour for Soups. Dredge the bottom of a spider well with flour, and shake it over hot coals, letting it brown gradually, but not burn. Keep it in a dry place, in a tin canister, without wholly closing the lid. It is very con- venient to have it already prepared, although when used fresh it is much nicer. Home-made Noodlesa substitute for Vermicelli Wet with the yelks of four eggs as much fine, dry, sifted flour as will make them into a firm but very smooth paste. Roll it out as thin as possible, and cut it into bands of about an inch and a quarter in width. Dust them lightly with flour, and place four of them one upon the other. Cut them in the finest possible strips, separate them with the point of a knife, and spread them on the pie-board so that they may dry a little before they are used. Drop them gradually into the boiling soup, and in five minutes they will be done. Drop Dumplings. Take prepared flour, add a little beef drippings or lard, well rubbed through, and moisten to a soft dough. With floured hands pinch off very small pieces and form into balls by rolling in the palm of the hand. In boil- ing dumplings of any kind, put them in the water one at a time. If they are put in together they will blend with each other. III. FISH, OYSTERS, ETC. HINTS CONCERNING FISH TESTS OF FRESHNESS, HOW TO HOW TO DRESS, HOW TO BOIL FISH, HOW TO BAKE FISH, HOW TO BROIL FISH, HOW TO FRY FISH, ETC. FIFTY-THREE RECIPES FOR COOKING FISH, OYSTERS, ETC., AND FOR INCI- DENTAL PREPARATIONS. FISH should be eaten as soon as possible after being taken from the water. In every kind of fish, the brightness of the eyes, redness of the gills, firmness of the flesh, and stiffness of the fins are indications of fresh- ness. Fish should be thoroughly cleaned as soon as prac- ticable. Great care should be taken to remove every atom of blood, to rinse carefully, and not to soak them longer than necessary. Fish are dressed in a variety of ways to suit different tastes boiled, baked, broiled, and fried. The most ordinary methods are broiling or frying. In boiling, large fish should be wrapped in a cloth previously floured to prevent sticking, tied with a string, and covered with from two to three inches of cold water already salted ; from six to ten minutes per pound will generally be found suf- ficient for boiling. Remove from the fire the moment it is done, and place upon a sieve to drain. In baking fish, cleanse and wipe dry ; fill to taste ; sew to- gether ; place in a dripping-pan ; season with salt and pepper ; add sufficient water to baste with, or if a filling of oysters is used, baste with the liquor off them. The space between the fish and the sides of the pan may be filled with slices of raw potatoes one-quarter of an inch thick, and serve fish and potatoes together, A large fish will bake in an hour. 46 PISH, OYSTERS, ETC. 47 For broiling, thoroughly cleanse and dry ; split open so that the backbone will be flat in the middle ; season with salt And pepper, and place on a buttered gridiron over a clear fire with the inside downward until it begins to brown, then turn over. When done, serve on a hot dish and butter lib- erally. Fish may be very nicely fried in hot lard with only a seasoning of salt and pepper, and a little flour dredged over it, or it may be spread with beaten eggs and rolled in cracker or bread crumbs before frying. Challenge sauce, Worcestershire sauce, and similar condiments upon fish will be found to give a most delicate and piquant flavoring. RECIPES. Broiled Shad. Scrape, split, wash, and dry the shad on a cloth; season with pepper and salt; grease the gridiron well ; as soon as it is hot lay the shad on to broil with the inside downward. One side being well browned, turn it. It should broil a quarter of an hour or more, according to thickness. Butter well and send to table hot. Baked Shad. Many people are of the opinion that the very best method of cooking a shad is to bake it. Stuff it with bread-crumbs, salt, pepper, butter, and parsley, and mix this up with beaten yelk of egg ; fill the fish with it, and sew it up or fasten a string around it. Pour over it a little water and some butter, and bake as you would a fowl. A shad will require from an hour to an hour and a quarter to bake. Halibut Cutlets. Cut your halibut steaks an inch thick, wipe them with a dry cloth, and season with saJt and cay- enne pepper. Have ready a pan of yelk of eggs well beaten and a dish of grated bread-crumbs. Put ornp fresh 48 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. lard or beef drippings in a frying-pan and hold it over thi fire till it boils. Dip your cutlets in the egg, and then in the bread-crumbs. Fry a light brown; serve up hot. Salmon or any large fish may be fried in the same manner. Baked Cod or Halibut Use a piece of fish from the middle of the back, weighing four, five, or six pounds. Lay the fish in very cold salt-and-water for two hours ; wipe dry ; make deep gashes in both sides at right angles with the back- bone, and rub into these, as well as coat it all over with, a force-meat made of the crumbs, pork, herbs, onion, and seasoning, made to adhere by raw egg. Lay in the baking- pan and pour over it the drawn butter (which should be quite thin), season with the anchovy sauce, lemon juice, pepper, and a pinch of parsley. Bake in a moderate oven nearly an hour or even more if the piece be large basting frequently lest it should brown too fast. Add a little butter-and-water when the sauce thickens too much. When the fish is done, remove to a hot dish, and strain the gravy over it. A few capers or chopped green pickles are a pleasant addition to the gravy. Boiled Halibut. Take a small halibut, or what you require from a large fish. Put it into the fish-kettle, with the back of the fish undermost ; cover it with cold water, in which a handful of salt and a bit of saltpetre the size of a hazel-nut have been dissolved. When it begins to boil skim it care- fully, and then let it just simmer till it is done. Four pounds of fish will require half an hour nearly to boil it. Drain it, garnish with horse-radish or parsley. Egg sauce, or plain melted butter, are served with it. Boiled Rockfish. After the fish has been nicely cleaned, put it into a pot with water enough to cover it, and throw in salt in the proportion of half a teaspoonful to a pound of fish. Boil it slowly until the meat is tender and easily sep- OYSTERS, ETC. 4ft Arates from the bones. A large fish will require an hour to cook. When done, serve on a hot dish, and have a few hard-boiled eggs, cut in thin slices, laid around it and over it. Eat with egg-sauce. WMte Fisk This fish may be broiled, fried, or baked. To bake it, prepare a stuffing of fine bread-crumbs, a little salt pork chopped very fine ; season with sage, parsley, pep- per, and salt. Fill the fish with the stuffing, sew it up, sprinkle the outside with salt, pepper, and flour, and bake. In frying white fish, pour off the fat as it accumulates, as it is apt to be too fat when served. Broiled Salmon. The steaks from the centre of the fish are best. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, spread on a little butter, and broil over a clear but slow fire. Smoked Salmon, Broiled. Take a half pound of smoked salmon and parboil it ten minutes ; lay in cold water for the same length of time ; wipe dry and broil over a clear fire. Add two tablespoonfuls of butter while hot ; season with cayenne and the juice of half a lemon; pile in a "log- cabin " square upon a hot plate, and serve with dry toast. Boiled Salmon. A piece weighing six pounds should be rubbed with salt, tied carefully in a cloth, and boiled slowly for three-quarters of an hour. It should be eaten with egg or caper sauce. If any remain after dinner, it may be placed in a deep dish, a little salt sprinkled over, and a teacupful of boiling vinegar poured upon it. Cover it closely, and it will make a nice breakfast dish. Baked Salmon with Cream Sance. Butter a sheet of fools* cap paper on both sides, and wrap the fish up in it, pinning the ends securely together. Lay in the baking-pan, and pour six or seven spoonfuls of butter-and-water over it. Turn another pan over all, and steam in a moderate oven 4 50 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. from three-quarters of an nour to an hour, lifting the cover, from time to time, to baste and assure yourself that the paper is not burning. Meanwhile, have ready in a sauce- pan a cup of cream, in which you would do well to dis- solve a bit of soda a little larger than a pea. This is a wise precaution whenever cream is to be boiled. Heat this in a vessel placed within another of hot water ; thicken with a heaping teaspoonful of corn-starch ; add a tablespoonful of butter, pepper and salt to taste, a liberal pinch of minced parsley, and when the fish is unwrapped and dished, pour half the dressing slowly over it, sending the rest to table in a boat. If you have no cream, use milk, and add a beaten egg to the thickening. Salmon Steaks or Cutlets Pried. Cu': slices from the middle of the fish one inch thick ; wipe dry, and salt slightly ; dip Jin egg, then in cracker crumbs ; fry very quickly in hot butter ; drain off every drop of grease, and serve upon a hot dish. Sprinkle green parsley in bunches over it. The French use the best salad-oil in this recipe instead of butter. Pickled Salmon. Soak salt salmon twenty-four hours, changing the water frequently ; afterward pour boiling water around it, a&d let it stand fifteen minutes ; drain off and then pour on boiling vinegar with cloves and mace added. Pried Perch. Scale and clean them perfectly ; dry them well, flour and fry them in boiling lard. Serve plenty of fried parsley round them. Pried Tront Wash, drain, and split ; roll in flour, season with salt ; have some thin slices of salt pork in a pan, and when very hot put in the fish and fry to a nice brown. Stewed Tront Clean and wash the fish with care, and wipe it perfectly dry ; put into a stewpan two tablespoonfuls of butter, dredge in as it melts a little flour, grate half a FISH, OYSTERS, ETC. 51 nutmeg, a few blades of mace, a little cayenne, and a tea- spoonful of salt ; mix it all together ; then lay in the fish, let it brown slightly; pour over some veal gravy, a lemon thinly sliced ; stew very slowly for forty minutes ; take out the fish, and add two glasses of wine to the gravy. Lay the fish on a hot dish, and pour over it some of the gravy. Serve the rest in a sauce-tureen. Pried Catfish. Catfish must be cooked quite fresh if pos< sible, directly out of the water. The larger ones are gener- ally coarse and strong ; the small-sized fish are the best. Wash and clean them, cut off their heads and tails, remove the upper part of the backbone near the shoulders, and score them along the back with deep gashes or incisions, Dredge them with flour, and fry them in plenty of lard, boiling fast when the catfish are put into the pan. Or you may fry them in the drippings or gravy saved from roast beef or veal. They are very nice dipped in a batter of beaten egg and grated bread-crumbs, or they may be done plain, though not in so nice a way, with Indian meal instead of bread-crumbs. Drain orT the lard before you dish them. Touch each incision or cut very slightly with a little cay- enne before they go to table. Pried Eels. After skinning, emptying, and washing them as clean as possible, cut them into short pieces, and dry them well with a soft cloth. Season them with fine salt and cayenne, flour them thickly, and fry them in boiling lard ; when nicely browned, drain and dry them, and send to the table with plain melted butter and a lemon, or with fish-sauce. Eels are sometimes dipped into batter and then fried, or into egg and dried bread-crumbs, and served with plenty of crisped parsley Fish Chowder. Take a fresh haddock, of three or four pounds, clean it well, and cut in pieces of three inches 52 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. square. Place in the bottom of your dinner-pot five or six slices of salt pork, fry brown, then add three onions sliced thin, and fry those brown. Remove the kettle from the fire, and place on the onions and pork a layer of fish. Sprinkle over a little pepper and salt, then a layer of pared and sliced potatoes, a layer of fish and potatoes, till the fish is used up. Cover with water, and let it boil for half an hour. Pound six biscuits or crackers fine as meal, and pour into the pot ; and, lastly, add a pint of milk ; let it scald well, and serve. New England Chowder. Take a good haddock, cod, or any other solid fish, cut it in pieces three inches square ; put a pound of fat, salt pork, cut into strips, into the pot ; set it on hot coals and fry out the grease ; take out the pork, but leave the grease in the bottom of the pot, and put in a layer of fish, over that a layer of sliced onions, over that a layer of fish, with slips of the fried pork, then another layer of onions and a few sliced raw potatoes, and so on alternately until your fish is all in ; mix some flour with as much water as will fill the pot ; season to suit your taste, and boil for half an hour ; have ready some pilot bread, soaked in water, and throw them into your chowder five minutes before tak- ing off; serve in a tureen. Fish-balls. Two cupfuls cold boiled codfish, fresh or salted. Chop the fish when you have freed it of bones and skin ; work in one cupful of mashed potatoes, and moisten with a half cup of drawn butter with an egg beaten in. Sea- son to taste. Have them soft enough to mold, yet firm enough to keep in shape. Roll the balls in flour, and fry quickly to a golden-brown in lard or clean dripping. Take from the fat so soon as they are done ; lay in a colander or sieve and shake gently, to free them from every drop of grease. Turn out for moment on white paper to absorb any lingering drops, and serve on a hot dish. FJfSff. 0*STKS, MTC. 6$ Stewed Oysters. Take one quart of oysters ; put the liqtior (a teacupful for three persons) in a stewpan, and add half as much more water, salt and pepper to taste, and let it boil, Have your oysters ready in a bowl, and the moment the A iquor boils, pour in all your oysters, say ten for each per- json, or six will do. Now, watch carefully, and as soon as it begins to boil take out your watch, count just thirty seconds, and take your oysters from the stove. You will have your big dish ready, with one and a half tablespoonfuls of cream or milk for each person. Pour your stew on this and serve immediately. Never boil an oyster in milk. Maryland Stewed Oysters. Put the juice into a saucepan and let it simmer, skimming it carefully ; then rub the yelks of three hard-boiled eggs and one large spoonful of flour well together, and stir into the juice. Cut in small pieces quarter of a pound of butter, half a teaspoonful of whole allspice, a little salt, a little cayenne, and the juice of a fresh lemon; let all simmer ten minutes, and just before dishing add the oysters. This is for two quarts of oysters. Panned Oysters. Have ready several small pans of block tin, with upright sides. Cut stale bread in thin slices, then round them to a size that will just fit in the bottoms of your pans. Toast these quickly to a light brown, butter, and lay within your tins. Wet with a great spoonful of oyster liquid, then, with a silver fork, arrange upon the toast as many oys* ters as the pans will hold without heaping them up. Dust with pepper and salt, put a bit of butter on top, and set the pans, when all are full, upon the floor of a quick oven. Cover with an inverted baking-pan to keep in steam and flavor, and cook until the oysters " ruffle." Eight minutes in a brisk oven should be enough. Send very hot to the table in tins in which they were roasted. Next to roasting in the shell, this mode of cooking oysters best preserves theii native flavor. 54 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. Roasted Oysters. Take oysters in the shell; wash th* shells clean, and lay them on hot coals ; when they are done they will begin to open. Remove the upper shell, and serve the oysters in the lower shell, with a little melted butter poured over each, and season to taste. Oyster Toast Select fifteen plump oysters; mince them, and season with mixed pepper and a pinch of nutmeg ; beat the yelks of four eggs and mix them with half a pint of cream. Put the whole into a saucepan and set it over the fire to simmer till thick ; stir it well, and do not let it boil, lest it should curdle. Toast five pieces of bread, and butter them ; when your dish is near the boiling-point, remove it from the fire and pour it over the toast. Cream Oysters. Fifty shell oysters, one quart sweet cream ; butter, pepper, and salt to suit taste. Put the cream and oysters in separate kettles to heat, the oysters in their own liquor, and let them come to a boil; when sufficiently cooked, skim ; then take them out of the liquid and put them into a dish to keep warm. Put the cream and liquid together. Season to taste, and thicken with powdered cracker. When sufficiently thick, stir in the oysters. Broiled Oysters. Drain select oysters in a colander. Dip them one by one into melted butter, to prevent sticking tc the gridiron, and place them on a wire gridiron. Broil over a clear fire. When nicely browned on both sides, season with salt, pepper, and plenty of butter, and lay them on hot buttered toast, moistened with a little hot water. Serve very hot Oysters cooked in this way and served on broiled beefsteak are delicious. Pried Oysters. Select the largest and finest fresh oysters, put them into a colander and pour over a little water to rinse them ; then place them on a dean towel and dry them. Have ready some grated bread-crumbs, seasoned with FISH, OYSTERS, ETC. 55 pepper and salt, and plenty of yelk of egg beaten till very light ; and to each egg allow a large teaspoonful of rich cream or of the best fresh butter. Beat the egg and cream together. Dip each oyster first into the egg and cream, and then into the crumbs. Repeat this twice, until the oysters are well coated all over. Have ready boiling, in a frying-pan, an equal mixture of fresh butter and lard. It must very nearly fill the frying-pan, and be boiling fast when the oysters go in, otherwise they will be heavy and greasy. Fry them of a yellow brown on both sides, and serve hot. Oyster Salad, see Salads. Spiced or Pickled Oysters. Put into a porcelain kettle one hundred and fifty large oysters with the liquor ; add salt, and simmer till the edges roll or curl ; skim them out ; add to the liquor one pint of white wine vinegar, one dozen blades mace, three dozen cloves, and three dozen pepper- corns ; let it come to a boil, and pour over the oysters. Serve with slices of lemon floating in saucer. Oyster Omelette. Allow for every six large oysters or twelve small ones one egg ; remove the hard part and mince the rest very fine ; take the yelks of eight eggs and whites of four, beat till very light, then mix in the oysters ; season and beat up thoroughly ; put into a skillet a gill of butter, let it melt ; when the butter boils, skim it and turn in the ome- lette ; stir until it stiffens ; fry light brown ; when the under side is brown, turn on to a hot platter. To brown the upper side, hold a red-hot shovel over it. Scalloped Oysters, No. 1. Open the shells, setting aside for use the deepest ones. Have ready some melted butter, not hot, seasoned with minced parsley and pepper.- Roll each oyster in this, letting it drip as little as may be, and lay in the shells ; which should be arranged in a baking-pan. Add 66 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. to each a little lemon juice, sift bread-crumbs over it, and bake in a quick oven until done. Serve in the shells. Scalloped Oysters, No. 2. Cover the bottom of a baking- dish (well buttered) with a layer of crumbs, and wet these with cream, put on spoonful by spoonful. Pepper and salt, and strew with minute bits of butter. Next, put in the oys- ters, with a little of their liquor. Pepper them, stick bits of butter in among them, and cover with dry crumbs until the oysters are entirely hidden. Add more pieces of butter, very small, and arrange thickly on top. Set in the oven, invert a plate over it to keep in the flavor, and bake until the juice bubbles up to the top. Remove the cover, and brown on the upper grating for two or three minutes. Serve in the bake-dish. Oyster Pie. Line a dish with a puff paste or a rich bis- cuit paste, and dredge well with flour ; drain one quart of oysters ; season with pepper, salt, and butter, and pour into the dish ; add some of the liquor ; dredge with flour, and cover with a top crust, leaving a small opening in the centre. Bake in a quick oven. Oyster Patties. Put one quart of oysters in a saucepan, with liquor enough to cover them, set it on the stove and let them come to a boil ; skim well, and stir in two table- spoonfuls of butter, a little pepper, and salt Line some patty-pans with puff-paste, fill with oysters, cover with paste, and bake twenty minutes in a hot oven. The upper crust may be omitted, if desired. Oyster Macaroni. Boil macaroni in a cloth to keep it straight. Put a layer in a dish seasoned with pepper, salt, and butter, then a layer of oysters, until the dish is full. Mix some grated bread with a beaten egg, spread over the top, and bake. Oyster Sauce, see Sauces. FISH, OYSTERS, ETC. 57 Boiled Lobster. If purchased alive, lobsters should be chosen by weight (the heaviest are the best) and their live* liness and briskness of motion. When freshly boiled they are stiff, and their tails turn strongly inward ; when the fish appear soft and watery, they are stale. The flesh of the male lobster is generally considered of the finest flavor for eating, but the hen lobster is preferred for sauce and soups, on account of the coral. To properly boil lobsters, throw them living into a kettle of fast-boiling salt and water, that life may be destroyed in an instant. Let them boil for about half an hour. When done, take them out of the kettle, wipe them clean, and rub the shell with a little salad-oil, which will give a clear red appearance. Crack the large claws without mashing them, and with a sharp knife split the body and tail from end to end. The head, which is never eaten, should also be sepa- rated from the body, but laid so near it that the division is almost imperceptible. Dress in any way preferred. Deviled Lobster. Procure a live, heavy lobster ; put it in a pot of boiling water, with a handful of salt to it. When done and cold, take out all the meat carefully, putting the fat and coral on separate plates; cut the meat in small pieces, rub the coral to a paste ; stir the fat in it, with a little salt, cayenne, chopped parsley, essence of anchovies, and salad-oil, or melted butter and lemon juice ; cut the back of the lobster-shell in two, lengthwise ; wash clean ; stir the lobster and sauce well together; fill the shells; sprinkle bread-crumbs and a few bits of butter over the top ; set in the oven until the crumbs are brown. Stewed Lobster. A middling-sized lobster is best; pick all the meat from the shells and mince it fine ; season with a little salt, pepper, and grated nutmeg ; add three or four of rich gravy m$ a srnall bit pf butter, If ypy PpWlfwJs 58 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. have no gravy, use more butter and two spoonfuls of vinegar ; stew about twenty minutes. Lobster Salad, see Salads. Lobster Croquettes, see Croquettes. Lobster Sauce, see Sauces. Lobster Patties. Proceed as in oyster patties, but use the meat of a cold boiled lobster. Terrapins. Put the terrapins into a pot of boiling water, where they must remain until they are quite dead. You then divest them of their outer skin and toe-nails ; and, after washing them in warm water, boil them again until they become quite tender, adding a handful of salt to the water. Having satisfied yourself of their being perfectly tender, take ofF the shells and clean the terrapins very care- fully, removing the sandbag and gall without by any means breaking them. Then cut the meat into small pieces and put into a saucepan, adding the juice which has been given out in cutting them up, but no water, and season with salt, cay- enne, and black pepper to your taste, adding a quarter of a pound of good butter for each terrapin and a handful of flour for thickening. After stirring a short time, add four or five tablespoonfuls of cream, and a half pint of good Maderia to every four terrapins, and serve hot in a deep dish. A very little mace may be added and a large table- spoonful of mustard; just before serving, add the yelks of four hard-boiled eggs. During the stewing, particular attention must be paid to stirring the preparation frequently ; and terrapins cannot possibly be served too hot. Mock Terrapin. Take half a calf's I'Ver, season and fry it brown ; chop it into dice, not too small ; flour it thickly, and add a teaspoonful of mixed mustard, a little cayenne pepper, two hard-boiled eggs chopped fine, a lump of but- FISH, OYSTERS, ETC. 59 ter the size of an egg, and a teacupful of water. Let it boil a minute or two. Cold veal will do as well as liver. Scalloped Crabs. Put the crabs into a kettle of boiling water, and throw in a handful of salt. Boil from twenty minutes to half an hour. Take them from the water when done and pick out all the meat ; be careful not to break the shell. To a pint of meat put a little salt and pepper ; taste, and if not enough add more, a little at a time, till suited. Grate in a very little nutmeg, and add one spoonful of cracker or bread crumbs, two eggs well beaten, and two tablespoonfuls of butter (even full) ; stir all well together ; wash the shells clean, and fill each shell full of the mixture ; sprinkle crumbs over the top and moisten with butter, then bake until nicely browned on top. Soft-shell Crabs. Season with pepper and salt; roll in flour, then in egg, then in bread-crumbs, and fry in hot lard. Serve hot with rich condiments. Stewed Clams. Chop the clams and season with pepper and salt; put in a saucepan butter the size of an egg, and when melted add a teaspoonful of flour; add slowly the clam liquor and then the clams, and cook three minutes; then add half a pint of cream, and serve. Deviled Clams. Chop fifty clams very fine; take two tomatoes, one onion chopped equally fine, a little parsley, thyme, and sweet marjoram, a little salt, pepper, and bread- crumbs, adding the juice of the clams until the mixture is of the consistency of sausage ; put it in the shells with a lump of butter on each ; cover with bread-crumbs, and bake one-half hour. Clam Chowder. Forty-five clams chopped, one quart of sliced potatoes, one-half pint sliced onions. Cut a few slices fait pork, fry to a crisp, chop fige, Put in fcettje $ JjjttJe fyl 60 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. from the pork, a layer of potatoes, clams, onions, a little pep* per and salt ; another layer of chopped pork, potatoes, etc., until all are in. Pour over all the juice of the clams. Cook three hours, being careful not to burn. Add a teacupful of milk just before serving. Scallops. Wipe dry; dip separately into seasoned egg, then into cracker dust, and fry in hot lard. RECIPES INCIDENTAL TO FISH. Bread Stuffing for Fish. Take about half a pound of stale bread and soak in water, and when soft press out the water; add a very little chopped suet, pepper, salt, a large table- spoonful of onion minced and fried, and, if preferred, a little minced parsley cook a trifle, and after removing from the fire add a beaten egg. Bread Stuffing, No. 2. Bread-crumbs with a little chopped parsley and pork, salt, pepper, and butter. Fill up the fish, sew it closely, then bake. Cleaning a Shad. Scale and scrape it carefully; split it down the back and remove the contents, reserving the roc or melt. Wash well and cook as desired. Soaking Salt Fish. Very salt fish should be soaked several hours in three or four changes of warm water. Place the skin side up, so that salt crystals may fall away from the under or meat side. Wipe carefully and clean, then soak for an hour in very cold water. Fish in Season. As a rule, fish are in best condition just before they spawn, and many are so while they are full of roe, as smelts, mackerel, and shad. As soon as spawning is over, they become unfit for food, some of them becoming positively unwholesome. In season, the flesh is firm and it boils white ; when it boils to a bluish hue, the fish are not in season, or are stale, IV. POULTRY AND GAME. REMARKS ON POULTRY AND GAME HOW TO SELECT, PREPARATION FOR BOILING, FOR ROASTING, ETC. THIRTY-ONE RECIPES FOR POULTRY AND GAME. POULTRY should invariably be selected young, plump, and well fed, but not too fat. If old and tough, fowls are never as savory when cooked as if they be young and tender. This applies especially to ducks and geese. The flesh of young fowls will be firm and fleshy to the touch, and heavy in proportion to their size ; the skin should be clear, white, and finely grained, the toes pliable and easily broken when bent back, the end of the breast-bone also pliable. All kinds of poultry, turkeys especially, are im- proved by hanging a day or two, unless the weather should be exceedingly sultry. Dark-legged fowls are best for roasting, while the white-legged ones should be chosen for boiling. In preparing fowls for boiling, some persons soak fowls an hour or two in skimmed-milk and then sew them in a floured cloth. This tends to preserve them of a nice color, but it may be dispensed with by carefully skimming them while over the fire. In dressing poultry, care should be taken not to break the gall ; a thorough cleansing in every part also is necessary. The hairs should be singed off with a well-lighted piece of paper, holding the fowl before a hot fire. All the pin* feathers should be carefully and entirely removed, as also the oil-bag at the end of the back. The legs should be cut off at the first jpint aext tp the feet, The inside should b$ 62 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. washed and rinsed several times in cold water, after every- thing has been removed. Remove extra fat, as it tends to make the gravy greasy. The heart should be slit open and cleansed, also the gizzard, and both should be put by themselves to soak in water. Roasted or broiled poultry of all kinds should be thor- oughly cooked and handsomely browned. It is not easy to state exactly the time required for the different sorts to be well done. Experience and practice are the only sure guides. RECIPES. Roast Turkey. A young turkey, weighing not more than eight or nine pounds, is the best. Wash and clean thor- oughly, wiping dry, as moisture will spoil the stuffing. Take one small loaf of bread grated fine, rub into it a piece of butter the size of an egg, one small teaspoonful of pep- per and one of salt; a sprinkling of sweet marjoram, sum- mer savory, or sage, if liked. Rub all together, and fill the turkey, sewing up so that the stuffing cannot cook out. Always put the giblets under the side of the fowl, so they will not dry up. Rub salt, pepper, and butter on the out- side; put into dripping-pan with one teacupful of water, basting often, turning the fowl till brown all over ; bake about two hours ; take out the giblets and chop fine. After taking out the turkey, put a large tablespoonful of flour into the pan and stir until brown. Put the giblets into a gravy- boat, and pour over them the gravy. Boiled Turkey. Stuff the turkey as for roasting. A very nice dressing is made by chopping half a pint of oysters and mixing them with bread-crumbs, butter, pepper, salt, thyme, and wet with milk or water. Baste about the turkey a thin cloth, the inside of which has been dredged with flpur, and put it to boil in cold water with a teaspoonful of salt POULTRY AND GAME. 63 in it. Let a large turkey simmer for three hours, skim while boiling. Serve with oyster sauce, made by adding to a cupful of the liquor in which the turkey was boiled the same quantity of milk and eight oysters chopped fine ; sea- son with minced parsley ; stir in a spoonful of rice or wheat flour wet with cold milk ; a tablespoonful of butter. Boil up once and pour into a tureen. Boned Turkey. Boil a large turkey in as little water as possible until the meat falls from the bones ; remove all the bones and skin ; pick the meat into small pieces, and mix dark and light together ; season with pepper and salt ; put into a mold and pour over it the liquor, which must be kept warm, and press with a heavy weight. Roast Chicken. Having selected your chickens in view of the foregoing hints, proceed, in the matters of cleansing, filling, and preparing for the oven, precisely as directed in the case of roast turkey. As the roasting goes on, baste and turn as may be needful to secure a rich brown all over the fowls. Prepare the gravy as in the former case. Stewed Chicken. Clean and cut the chicken into joints ; put it in a saucepan with the giblets ; stew in just enough water to cover it until tender ; season with pepper, salt, and butter ; thicken with flour ; boil up once and serve with the gravy poured over it. Broiled Chicken. Only young, tender ehickens are nice broiled. After cleaning and washing them, split down the back, wipe dry, season with salt and pepper, and lay them inside down on a hot gridiron over a bed of bright coals. Broil until nicely browned and well cooked through, watch- ing and turning to prevent burning. If chickens are large, steaming them for one-half hour before placing on the grid- iron will better insure their being cooked through* 64 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. Fricasseed Chickens. Cut them in pieces, and put in the stewpan with salt and pepper ; add a little water, and let them boil half an hour ; thon thicken the gravy with flour ; add butter and a little cream, if you have it. Catsup is an additional relish to the gravy. Smothered Chicken. Dress your chickens ; wash and let them stand in water half an hour to make them white ; cut them open at the back; put into a baking-pan, sprinkle salt and pepper over them, putting a lump of butter here and there ; cover tightly with another pan the same size, and bake one hour ; baste often with butter. Pried Chicken. Prepare the chicken as for stewing ; dry it, season with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and fry brown in hot butter or lard ; take it out, drain, and serve with Challenge Sauce, or some other savory condiment, or pour into the gravy left in the frying-pan a cup of milk, thicken with flour, add a little butter, and season with Sal- picant; boil once and pour over the chicken, or serve sepa- rately. Chickens Fried with Rice. Take two or three chickens, cut them up, and half fry them ; then boil half a pint of rice in a quart of water, leaving the grains distinct, but not too dry ; stir one large tablespoonful of butter in the rice while hot ; let five eggs be well beaten into the rice, with a little salt, pepper, and nutmeg, if the last is liked ; put the chick- ens into a deep dish, and cover with the rice ; brown in an oven not too hot. Chicken Pie. Line the sides of a deep pie-dish with a good puff paste. Have your chicken cooked, as for a fricassee, seasoned with salt and pepper and a little chopped parsley. When they are nearly cooked, lay them in a pie^ dish with half a pound of salt pork cut into small squares, some of the paste also cut into hatf-inch pieces; pour POULTRY AND GAME. fl5 to a part of the chicken gravy, thicken with a little flour, and cover the dish with the paste cover. Cut a hole the size of a dollar in the cover, and cover it with a piece of dough. When baking, remove this piece occasionally and examine the interior. Brush egg over the top crust of the pie, and bake in a quick oven. Should the pie become dry pour in more of the gravy. Pigeon pie or any other bird pie may be made by the above recipe. Chicken Pot-pie. Cut and joint a large chicken. Cover with water, and let it boil gently until tender. Season with salt and pepper, and thicken the gravy with two tablespoon- fuls of flour mixed smooth in a piece of butter the size of an egg. Have ready nice, light bread dough ; cut with a biscuit-cutter about an inch thick ; drop this into the boiling gravy, having previously removed the chicken to a hot platter; cover, and let them boil from one-half to three- quarters of an hour. To ascertain whether they are done, stick them with a fork ; if it comes out clean, they are done. Lay them on the platter with the chicken, pour over the gravy, and serve. Pressed Chicken. Boil three chickens until the meat comes off the bones ; then, removing all bones, etc., chop, not very fine ; add a piece of butter as large as an egg, salt and pepper to season well. Have about a pint of the broth, into which put one-half box gelatine until dissolved; then put back tha chopped chicken and cook until the broth is evenly ab- sorbed. Press under a weight in a pan until cold. Veal may be treated in a similar manner with very excellent results. Jellied Chicken. Boil a chicken in as little water as pos- sible, until the meat falls from the bones ; chop rather fine, and season with pepper and salt ; put in a mold a layer of $ 66 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. the chopped meat, and then a layer of hard-boiled eggs cut in slices ; then layers of meat and egg alternately until the mold is nearly full ; boil down the liquor left in the pot one-half; while warm, add one-quarter of an ounce of gela- tine, and when dissolved pour into the mold over the meat Sit in a cool place over night to jelly. Roast Goose and Duck. A goose should always be par- boiled, as it removes the rank taste and makes it more palatable. Clean, prepare, and roast the same as turkey, only adding to the force-meat a large onion chopped fine. Ducks do not require parboiling (unless very old), otherwise they are cooked the same as geese. Canvas-back Duck. Having picked, singed, and drawn it well, wipe it carefully, so as to have it clean without wash- ing. Truss it, leaving the head on, to show its quality. Place it in a moderately hot oven for at least three-quarters of an hour ; serve it hot, in its own gravy, on a large chafing- dish. Currant jelly should be on the table. Roast Pigeons. Clean, wash, and stuff the same as poultry; lay them in rows in a dripping-pan with a little water. Unless they are very fat, baste with butter until they are half done, afterward with their own gravy. Roast Snipe. Clean and truss, but do not stuff Lay in rows in the dripping-pan, sprinkle with salt, and baste well with butter, then with butter and water. When they begin to brown, cut as many slices of bread as there are birds. Toast quickly, butter, and lay in the dripping-pan, a bird upon each. When the birds are done, serve upon the toast, with the gravy poured over it. The toast should lie under them while cooking at least five minutes, during which time the birds should be basted with melted butter seasoned with pepper. The largest snipe will not require above twenty PO UL TR Y AND GAME. 67 minutes to roast. Or, dip an oyster in melted butter, then in bread-crumbs, seasoned with pepper and salt, and put in each bird before roasting. Small birds are especially de- licious cooked in this way. Roast Partridges, Pheasants, or Quails. Pluck, singe, draw, and truss them ; season with salt and pepper ; roast for about half an hour in a brisk oven, basting often with butter. When done, place on a dish together with bread-crumbs fried brown and arranged in small heaps. Gravy should be served separately in a tureen. Quail on Toast. Clean, wash, slit down the back, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and lay them on a gridiron, the inside down. Broil slowly; when nicely browned, butter well. Serve with cream gravy on toast. Omitting the cream, gravy, and toast, you have the ordinary broiled quail. Pigeons, woodcock, and small birds may be broiled in the same manner, and are delicious and nourishing for invalids. Fried Rabbit After the rabbit has been thoroughly cleaned and washed, put it into boiling water and let it boil for about ten minutes ; drain, and when cold, cut it into joints; dip into beaten egg, and then into fine bread-crumbs, seasoned with salt and pepper. When all are ready, fry them in butter over a moderate fire fifteen minutes ; thicken the gravy with an ounce of butter and a small teaspocnful of flour. Serve hot. Roast Rabbit. Dress nicely and fill with a dressing made of bread-crumbs, a little onion, sage, pepper, and salt, and a small piece of butter ; tie a piece of salt pork over it ; put into a dripping-pan with a little water in a quick oven; baste often ; serve with currant jelly. Broiled Steaks of Venison. Heat the gridiron, grease it well, lay on the steaks ; broil quickly, without scorching, 08 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. turning them two or three times; season with salt and pepper. Have butter melted in a well-heated platter, into which lay steaks, hot from the gridiron, turning them over several times in the butter, and serve hot with currant jelly on each steak. It is well to set the platter into another containing boiling water. Game or Poultry in Jelly. Take a knuckle of veal weighing two pounds ; a slice of lean ham ; one shallot, minced ; a sprig of thyme and one of parsley ; six pepper-corns (white) and one teaspoonful of salt, with three pints of cold water. Boil all these together until the liquor is reduced to a pint ; strain without squeezing, and set to cool until next day. It should then be a firm jelly. Take off every particle of fat. Then take one package gelatine, soaked in one cupful cold water for three hours ; one tablespoonful of sugar ; two table- spoonfuls strained lemon juice, and two tablespoonfuls of currant jelly, dissolved in cold water, and strained through a muslin cloth. Pour a quart of boiling water over the gela- tine, stir for a moment, add the jellied " stock," and when this is dissolved, add sugar, lemon juice, and coloring. Stir until all are mixed and melted together, and strain without shaking or squeezing through a flannel bag until quite clear. Have ready several hard-boiled eggs, and the remains of roast game, roast or boiled poultry, cut in neat, thin slices, and salted slightly. Wet a mold with cold water, and when the jelly begins to harden, pour some in the bottom. Cut the whites of the eggs in pretty shapes stars, flowers, rings, leaves with a keen penknife, and arrange these on the lowest stratum of jelly, which should be thin, that the forms may be visible. Add more jelly, and on this lay slices of meat, close together. More jelly, and proceed in this order until the mold is full. Set in a cool place to harden, and then turn out upon a flat dish. A mold with mooth, upright sides, te best for this purpose. POULTRY AND GAM. 69 RECIPES INCIDENTAL TO POULTRY, GAME, ETC. Gravy for Poultry. Boil the giblets very tender; chop fine ; then take the liquor in which they are boiled, thicken with flour ; season with salt, pepper, and a little butter ; add the giblets and dripping in which the turkey was roasted. Plain Stuffing. Take stale bread, cut off all the crust, rub very fine, and pour over it as much melted butter as will make it crumble in your hands ; salt and pepper to taste. See also under " Roast Turkey." Potato Stuffing. Take two-thirds bread and one-third boiled potatoes grated, butter size of an egg, pepper, salt, one egg ; mix thoroughly. Oyster Stuffing. By substituting oysters for potatoes in the above, you have oyster filling. See also under " Boiled Turkey." Stuffing for Boiled Chicken. One cupful of bread-crumbs, one tablespoonful of butter, one egg, half a teaspoonful of salt, and one tablespoonful of sweet marjoram. Mix well ; stuff and sew in. Capons. Young male fowls, prepared by early gelding, and then nicely fattened, are the finest delicacies in the poultry line. They may be known by a small head, pale comb, which is short and withered, the neck feathers longer than usual, smooth legs, and soft, short spurs. They are cooked as ordinary chickens. Keeping Game. Game is rendered more tender, and its flavor is improved by keeping. If wrapped in a cloth satu- rated with equal parts of pyroligneous acid and water, it will keep many days. If in danger of tainting, clean, rub well with salt, and plunge into boiling water, letting it run through them for five minutes ; then hang in a cold place. If tainted, put them in new milk over night. Always hang them up by the neck. V. MEATS. I. BEEF. HOW TO SELECT BEEF J CHOICE ROASTING PIECES, STEAKS, BOIL- ING PIECES, SOUP PIECES, ETC. HOW TO ROAST, BROIL, AN BOIL BEEF. NINETEEN RECIPES FOR COOKING BEEF. beef may be known by its color. That of a I y deep, healthy red, fine, smooth, open grain, veined with white, being the best. The fat should be oily, smooth, and inclined to white, rather than yellow, as yellow fat is a sure sign of inferior quality. The sixth, seventh, and eighth ribs and the sirloin are considered the choicest cuts for roasting. The inside of the sirloin and the rump are the most tender for steaks, though here is a point where individual taste may be exercised. By some epicures what is known as the pin-bone steak is regarded as superior to any other. The round, buttock, shin, or brisket may be boiled or stewed. The neck or shoulder is generally used for soups, gravy, etc. In roasting beef it is necessary to have a brisk fire. The roast must be well seasoned with salt and pepper and dredged with flour. Baste it frequently. About fifteen minutes is required for roasting every pound of beef. To broil meats well, have the gridiron hot and the bars well greased before putting on the meat. In boiling beef, or indeed any fresh meat, plunge it into boiling water, that the outer parts may contract, and so retain the internal juices. Salt meats should be put on in cold water, that the salt may be extracted in the cooking. In boiling meats, it is important to keep the water constantly 70 MEATS. ft boiling, otherwise the meat will absorb the water. Be careful to add boiling water only, if more is needed. Cold water will check the process of cooking and spoil the flavor. Remove the scum as soon as the boiling commences. Allow about twenty minutes boiling for each pound of fresh meat, and from one-half to three-quarters of an hour for all salt meats, except ham, which requires but fifteen minutes to the pound. The more gently all meats boil the more tender they will be. Slow boiling makes meat far better. RECIPES. Roast Beef. The best roasting-pieces are the middle ribs and the sirloin. The ends of the ribs should be removed from the flank, and the latter folded under the beef and securely fastened with skewers. Rub a little salt into the fat part ; place the meat in the dripping-pan with a pint of stock or water ; baste freely, and dredge with flour half an hour before taking the joint from the oven. Should the oven be very hot, place a buttered paper over the meat to prevent it scorching while yet raw. When the paper is used it will need very little basting. Or, turn the rib side up toward the fire for the first twenty minutes. The time it will take in cooking depends upon the thickness of the joint and the length of time the animal has been killed. Skim the fat from the gravy and add a tablespoonful of prepared brown flour to the remainder. Roast Beef with Yorkshire Pudding. Take a large rib roast ; rub salt and pepper over it, and dredge with flour. Place on a rack in a dripping-pan, with very little water, until it is heated thoroughly; baste frequently. When nicely browned on the upper side, turn and baste. About three-quarters of an hour before it is done, take out the meat, pour off most of the dripping, put the batter for the 72 EV2RY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. pudding in the bottom of the pan, allowing the drippings from the beef to drop into it. When the pudding is done, return the meat and finish roasting. Add some hot water t the dripping and thicken with flour for the gravy. For the batter of this pudding, take half a cup of butter, three cups of flour, three eggs, one cup of milk, and two teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Beef a la Mode. Take a round of fresh beef, extract the bone, and take away the fat. For a round weighing ten pounds, make a seasoning or stuffing as follows : Half a pound of beef suet ; half a pound of grated bread-crumbs ; the crumbled yelks of three hard-boiled eggs; a little bundle of sweet marjoram, the leaves chopped ; another of sweet basil; four onions minced small; a large tablespoonful of mixed mace and nutmeg powdered. Season lightly with salt and cayenne. Stuff this mixture into the place from whence you took out the bone. Make a number of deep cuts about the meat, and stuff them also. Skewer the meat into a favorable shape, and secure its form by tying it round with tape. Put it into a tin bakepan, and pour over it a pint of port wine. Put on the lid, and bake the beef slowly for five or six hours, or till it is thoroughly done. If the meat is to be eaten hot, skim all the fat from the gravy, into which, after it is taken off the fire, stir in the beaten yelks of two eggs. Minced oysters may be substituted for onions. Spiced Beef. Boil a shin of beef weighing ten or twelve pounds, until the meat falls readily from the bones. Pick the meat to pieces, and mash the gristle very fine, rejecting all parts that are too hard to masih. Set away the liquor in which the beef has boiled till it is cold ; then take off all the fat. Boil the liquor down to a pint and a half. Roll a dozen crackers very fine, and add them to the meat. Then return the meat to the liquor, and heat it all. Add salt and pepper to taste, half a teasooonful of cloves, half a teaspoon- MEATS. 73 ful of cinnamon, half a teaspoonful 01 parsley chopped fine, and a little powdered nutmeg. Let it boil up once, and put into a mold or deep dish, with a weight adjusted to press it down. When it is entirely cold, cut into thin slices. Savory Beet Take a shin of beef from the hind-quarter, saw it into four pieces, put it into a pot, and boil it until the meat and gristle drop from the bones ; chop the meat very- fine,, put it in a dish, and season it with a little salt, pepper, clove, and sage, to your taste ; pour in the liquor in which the meat was boiled, and place it away to harden. Cut in slices and eat cold. Minced Beef Cut cold roast beef into thin slices; put Some of the gravy into a stewpan, a bit of butter rolled in flour, pepper and salt, and boil it up Add a little catsup, and put in the minced slices, and heat them through, but do not let it boil. Put small slices of toast in the dish, and cover with the meat. Deviled Beef. Take slices of cold roast beef, lay them on hot coals, and broil ; season with pepper and salt, and serve while hot, with a small lump of butter on each piece. Curried Beef. Take about two ounces of butter and place them in a saucepan with two small onions cut up into slices, and let them fry till they are of a light brown ; then add a tablespoonful and a half of curry powder, and mix it up well. Now cut up the beef into pieces about an inch Square ; pour in from a quarter to a third of a pint of milk, and let it simmer for thirty minutes ; then take it off and place it in a dish with a little lemon juice. While cooking stir constantly, to prevent burning. Send it to table with a wall of mashed potatoes or rice around it. Beef Hash. Chop fine cold steak or roast beef, and cook in a little water ; add cream or milk, and thicken with flour ; season to taste, and pour over thin slices of toast. 74 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. Beef Stew. Cut cold beef into small pieces, and put into cold water ; add one tomato, a little onion, chopped fine ; pepper and salt, and cook slowly ; thicken with butter and flour, and pour over toast. Boiled Corned Beet Put four or five pounds of lean corned meat into a pot with plenty of water. The water should be hot. The same care should be taken in skimming as for fresh meat. Allow half an hour for every pound of meat after it has begun to boil. The excellence of corned beef depends very much upon its being boiled gently and long. If it is to be eaten cold, lay it, when boiled, into a coarse earthen dish or pan, and over it a clean board about the size of the meat ; upon this put a heavy weight. Salt meat is much improved by pressing. Stewed Shin of Beef. Wash, and set it on to stew in suffi- cient cold water to keep it just covered until done. When it boils, take off the scum, and put an ounce and a quarter of salt to the gallon of water. It is usual to add a few cloves and some black pepper, slightly bruised and tied up loosely in a fold of muslin, two or more onions, a root of celery, a bunch of savory herbs, four or five carrots, and as many turnips, either whole or sliced ; if to be served with the meat, the last two will require a little more than the ordinary time of boiling, but otherwise they may be simmered with the meat from the beginning. Give the beef from four to five hours' gentle stewing, and serve it with part of its own liquor thickened and flavored, or quite plain. Boiled Tongne. Soak the tongue over night, then boil four or five hours. Peel off the outer skin and return it to the water in which it was boiled to cool. This will render it juicy and tender. Baked Heart Wash carefully and stuff nicely ; roast or bake and serve with gravy, which should be thickened with MEATS. 75 some of the stuffing. It is very nice hashed, with a little port wine added. Broiled Beefeteak. Have the choice steaks cut three- quarters of an inch thick ; grease the gridiron and have it well heated. Put the steak over a hot, clear fire. When the steak is colored, turn it over, which must be done without sticking a fork into it and thus letting out the juice. It should be quite rare or pink in the centre, but not raw. When cooked sufficiently, lay on a hot platter and season with pepper and salt ; spread over the top some small bits of butter, and serve immediately. Salt extracts the juices of meats in cooking. Steaks ought not to be salted until they have been broiled. Beefsteak with. Onions. Take a nice rumpsteak, and pound it with a rolling-pin until it is quite tender ; flour and season ; put it into a frying-pan with hot lard and fry it. When well browned on both sides, take it up and dredge with flour. Have about two dozen onions ready boiled ; strain them in a colander and put them in a frying-pan, seasoning with pepper and salt ; dredge in a little flour, and add a small lump of butter ; place the pan over the fire and stir the onions frequently, to prevent their scorching. When they are soft and a little brown, return the steak to the pan, and heat all together. Place the steak on a large dish, pour the onions and gravy over it, and send to the table hot. Beefeteak and Tomatoes. Stew a dozen good-sized tomatoes one hour, with salt and pepper. Then put in a pound of tender beefsteak, cut in small pieces, and boil fifteen min- utes longer. Lay buttered toast in a deep dish, pour on the steak and tomato, and you have a most relishing and healthful dish. Staffed Beefeteak Take a rump steak about an inch thick. Make a stuffing of bread and herbs, and spread it over the steak. Roll it up, and with a needle and coarse thread sew 76 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. it together. Lay it in an iron pot on one or two wooden skewers, and put in water just sufficient to cover it. Let it stew slowly for two hours longer if the beef is tough ; serve it in a dish with the gravy turned over it. To be carved crosswise, in slices, through beef and stuffing. Beefsteak Pudding. Prepare a good suet crust, and line a cake tin with it; put in layers of steak, with onions, toma- toes and mushrooms chopped, a seasoning of pepper, salt, and cayenne, and half a teacupful of water before closing it, Bake from an hour and a half to two hours, and serve hot. II. VEAL. CHOOSING VEAL, FOR ROASTING, FOR STEWING; THE HEAD, FEET, KIDNEYS, SWEET-BREADS, ETC.; GENERAL USEFULNESS. TWENTY-ONE RECIPES FOR COOKING VEAL. VEAL should be fat, finely grained, white, firm, and not overgrown. When large, it is apt to be coarse and tough, and if too young, it lacks flavor and is less wholesome. it is more difficult to keep than any meat except pork, and should never be allowed to acquire the slightest taint before it is dressed. The fillet, the loin, the shoulder, and the best end of the neck, are the parts preferred for roasting ; the breast and knuckle are more usually stewed or boiled. The head and feet of the calf are valuable articles of food, both for the nutriment which the gelatinous parts of them afford, and for the greater variety of modes in which they may be dressed. The kidneys, with the rich fat that surrounds them, and the sweet-breads especially, are well-known delicacies; the liver and the heart also are very good eating ; and no meat t* so generally useful for rich soups and gravies as veal. MEATS. 77 The best veal is from calves not less than four, or more than six weeks old. If younger it is not wholesome. If older its character begins to change materially from the calf's use of grasses and other food. RECIPES. Roast Veal Take a loin or fillet of veal ; make a stuffing as for roast turkey ; fill the flat with the stuffing, and sew it firmly to the loin ; rub the veal with salt, pepper, and flour, and put it into a pan with a little water. While roasting, baste frequently, letting it cook until thoroughly done. Allow two hours for a roast weighing from six to eight pounds. When done, remove the threads before sending to the table ; thicken the gravy with a little flour. Veal should be rather overdone. Pot-roasted Fillet. Remove the bone and fill the cavity with a force-meat made of bread-crumbs, a very little salt, pork chopped fine, sage, pepper, salt, and ground cloves. Lay in the pot a layer of slices of salt pork ; put in the fiL let, fastened with skewers, cover with additional pork, pour over it a pint of good stock, cover down close, and let it cook slowly two or three hours ; then take off the cover and let it brown. Serve hot. Boiled Fillet A small and delicately white fillet should be selected for this purpose. Bind it round with tape, after having washed it thoroughly ; cover it well with cold water, and bring it gently to a boil ; clear off carefully the scum as it rises, and be veiy cautious not to allow the water to become smoked. Let the meat be gently simmered for three hours and a half to four and a half, according to its weight. Send it to table with rich white sauce. Veal Stew. Cut four or five pounds of veal into strips ; peel a dozen large potatoes, and cut them into slices ; place a, layer of sliced salt pork with salt, pepper, sage, and onion 78 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. on the bottom of the pot, then a layer of potatoes, then I layer of the veal nicely seasoned. Use up the veal thus, Over the last layer of veal put a layer of the pork, and over the whole a layer of potatoes. Pour in water till it covers the whole ; cover the pot closely ; heat it rapidly fol a few minutes, and then let it simmer two hours. Veal Hash. Take a teacupful of boiling water in a sauce- pan, stir into it an even teaspoonful of flour wet in a table- spoonful of cold water, and let it boil five minutes ; add one-half teaspoonful of black pepper, as much salt, and two tablespoonfuls of butter, and let it keep hot, but not boil. Chop the veal fine and mix with half as much stale bread- crumbs. Put into a pan and pour the gravy over it, then let it simmer ten minutes. Serve this on buttered toast. Veal Pie. Line a pudding-dish with good pie crust ; into this put a layer of veal cut into small slices from the neck, or other less valuable part ; make a second layer of hard- boiled eggs sliced thin ; butter and pepper this layer. Add a layer of sliced ham, or salt pork, squeezing a few drops of lemon juice on the ham. Add more veal, as before, with eggs, ham, etc., till the dish is nearly full. Pour over a cupful of stock and cover with a stout crust. Bake in a moderate oven for two hours. Veal Pot Pie. Make a crust of a dozen mashed potatoes, two tablespoonfuls of butter, half a teacup of milk or cream, a little salt, and flour enough to stiffen it nicely. Fry half a dozen slices of salt pork, then cut up the veal and boil these together, in but little water, till the veal is almost done. Peel and slice a dozen potatoes quite thin, and roll the dough about half an inch thick and cut it into strips. Now build in your pot a layer of crust, meat, potatoes ; then sprinkle with salt and pepper. Then another set of layers, and top off with crust. Pour on the liquor in which the weat was cooked, and let all simmer for half an hour, or until MEATS. 73 the top crust is cooked. Brown the crust by holding over it a red-hot shovel. Veal Loa Take a piece of butter the size of an egg, three pounds of raw veal, one heaping teaspoonful of salt, one of pepper, and two raw eggs. Chop the veal fine and mix all together, and put in about two tablespoonfuls of water. Mold this into a loaf, then roll it in eight tablespoonfuls of rolled crackers, and pour over it three tablespoonfuls of melted butter ; place in a pan and bake two hours. To be sliced off when cold, and served at luncheon or tea. Veal with Oysters. Cut the veal in small, thin slices, place it in layers in a jar with salt, pepper, and oysters. Pour in the liquor of the oysters, set the jar in a kettle of boiling water, and let it stew till the meat becomes very tender. Veal with Rice. Pour over a small knuckle of veal rather more than sufficient water to cover it ; bring it slowly to a boil ; take off all the scum with great care ; throw in a tea- spoonful of salt, and when the joint has simmered for about half an hour, throw in from eight to twelve ounces of well- washed rice, and stew the veal gently for an hour and a half longer, or until both the meat and rice are perfectly tender. A seasoning of cayenne and mace in fine powder, with more salt, should it be required, must be added twenty or thirty minutes before they are served. For a superior stew, good veal broth may be substituted for the water. Veal with Peas. A quart or more of full-grown green peas, instead of rice, added to the veal, prepared as above, as soon as the scum has been cleared off, will make a most excellent stew. It should be well seasoned with white pepper, and the mace should be omitted. Cutlets in Cracker. Pound the cutlet and season, cut the edges into good shape ; take one egg, beat it a little, roll the cutlet in it, then cover thoroughly with rolled crackers. 80 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. Have a lump of butter and lard mixed hot in your skillet \ put in the meat and cook slowly. When nicely browned stir in one spoonful of flour for the gravy ; add half a pint of sweet milk, and let it come to a boil. Salt and pepper. Cutlets, Broiled. Trim evenly ; sprinkle salt and pepper on both sides ; dip in melted butter, and place upon the grid- iron over a clear fire; baste while broiling with melted butter, turn over three or four times ; serve with melted butter, or tomato sauce. Pressed Veal. Put four pounds of veal in a pot ; cover with water ; stew slowly until the meat drops from the bone, then take out and chop fine ; let the liquor boil down until there is a cupful ; put in a small cupful of butter, a table- spoonful of pepper, a little allspice, and a beaten egg ; stir this through the meat ; slice a hard-boiled egg ; lay in a mold, and press in the meat ; when put upon the table gar- nish with celery tops or parsley. Minced Veal. Heat a cupful of well-thickened gravy to a boil ; add two tablespoonfuls of cream or rich milk, one tablespoonful of butter, pepper and salt, parsley to taste, a small onion, and three eggs well beaten. When these are stirred in, add the cold minced meat, salted and peppered. Let it heat thoroughly, but not boil. Veal Scallops. Mince the meat very small, and set it over the fire ; season with grated nutmeg, pepper and salt, and a little cream. Then put it into scallop-shells, and cover with crumbs of bread, over which put bits of butter, and brown at a quick fire. Serve hot, with catsup or mushroom sauce. Calf's Liver or Heart. Cut the liver in slices, plunge into boiling water for an instant, wipe dry, season with pepper and salt, dredge with flour, and fry brown in lard. Have it per- fectly done. Serve in gravy, made with either milk or water. Calf's heart dressed in this way is also very palatable. MEATS. gj Broiled Sweet-breads. Parboil and blanch the sweet- breads by putting them first into hot water and keeping it at a hard boil for five minutes, then plunging it into ice- cold water somewhat salted. Allow them to lie in this ten minutes, wipe them very dry, and with a sharp knife split in half, lengthwise. Broil over a clear, hot fire, turning when- ever they begin to drip. Have ready upon a deep plate melted butter, well salted and peppered, mixed with catsup or Challenge sauce. When the sweet-breads are done to a fine brown lay them in this preparation, turning them over several times ; cover and set them in a warm oven. Serve on fried bread or toast in a chafing-dish, a piece of sweet- bread on each. Pour on the hot butter and send to table. Stewed Sweet-breads. Parboil, blanch, and cut into small pieces ; boil fifteen minutes in milk ; stir into this chopped parsley, a little butter, and cornstarch to thicken. Serve hot. Broiled Kidneys. Skin the kidneys carefully, but do not slice or split them. Lay for ten minutes in warm (ngfc hot) melted butter, rolling them over and over, that every part may be well basted. Broil on a gridiron over a clear fire, turn- ing them every minute. Unless very large, they should be done in about twelve minutes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, and lay on a hot dish, with butter upon each. Calf's Tongue. Of all the tongue preparations, calf's tongue is regarded as best. To pickle them, use for each a quarter pound of salt, one ounce of saltpetre, and a quar* ter pound of sugar. Rub the tongues daily with this, allow* ing them to lie in pickle for two weeks, after which they will be ready for smoking or boiling. If used without smoking, they require no soaking, but should simmer sev eral hours till perfectly done, when the skin will peel oft readily. If soaking is needed, lay them first in cold water and then in tepid water for two hours each; then boil tiW done. e EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. III. MUTTON AND LAMB. CHOOSING MUTTON AND LAMB, FOR ROASTING, FOR BOILING J CUTLETS, SUITABLE VEGETABLES, ETC. THIRTEEN RECIPES FOR MUTTON AND LAMB. THE best mutton is small-boned, plump, finely grained, and short legged ; the lean of a dark, rather than of a bright hue, and the fat white and clear ; when this is yellow, the meat is rank, and of bad quality. The leg and the loin are the desirable joints ; and the preference would probably be given to the latter, but for the superabundance of its fat, which renders it a somewhat wasteful part. The parts for roasting are the shoulder, saddle, or chine, the loin, and haunch. The leg is best boiled, unless the mutton is young and very tender. The neck is sometimes roasted, but it is more generally boiled ; the scrag, or that part of it which joins the head, is seldom used for any other purpose than making broth, and should be taken off before the joint is dressed. Cutlets from the thick end of the loin are commonly preferred, but they are frequently taken from the best end of the neck and from the middle of the leg. Lamb should be eaten very fresh. In the fore-quarter, the vein in the neck should be blue, otherwise it is stale. In the hind-quarter the fat of the kidney will have a slight odor if not quite fresh. Lamb soon loses its firmness if stale. New potatoes, asparagus, green peas, and spinach, are the vegetables to be eaten with roast lamb. RECIPES. Roast Mutton. Wash the meat well, sprinkle with pepper and salt, dredge with flour, and put in the dripping-pan, with a little water in the bottom. Baste often with the drip- pings, skim the gravy well, and thicken with flour. MEATS. S3 Boiled Leg of Mutton. Cut off the shank-bone, trim the knuckle, and wash the mutton ; put it into a pot with salt, and cover with boiling water. Allow it to boil a few min- utes ; skim the surface clean, draw your pot to the side of the fire, and simmer until done. Time, from two to two hours and a half. Do not try the leg with a fork to determine whether it is done. You lose the juices of the meat by so doing. Serve with caper sauce, or drawn butter, well sea- soned. The liquor from this boiling may be converted into soup with the addition of a ham-bone and a few vegetables boiled together. Mutton Dressed like Venison. Skin and bone a loin of mutton, and lay it into a stewpan with a pint of water, a large onion stuck with a dozen cloves, half a pint of port wine, and a spoonful of vinegar ; add, when it boils, a little thyme and parsley, and some pepper and salt ; let it stew three hours, and turn it often. Make some gravy of the bones, and add it at intervals to the mutton. Broiled Mutton Chops. Trim off a portion of the fat, or the whole of it, unless it be liked ; heat the gridiron, rub it with a bit of the mutton suet, broil over a brisk fire, and turn often until they are done, which, for the generality of eaters, will be in about eight minutes, if the chops are not more than half an inch thick, which they should not be. Add salt and pepper with melted butter, and serve on a hot plate. Mutton and Green Peas. Select a breast of mutton not too fat, cut it into small, square pieces, dredge it with flour, and fry to a fine brown in butter ; add pepper and salt, cover it with water, and set it over a slow fire to stew, until the meat is perfectly tender. Take out the meat, skim off all the fat from the gravy, and just before serving add a quart of young peas, previously boiled with the strained gravy, and let the whole boil gently until the peas are entirely done. 84 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. Irish Stew. Blanch three pounds of mutton chops by dip* ping them first in boiling water, for two or three minutes, and then into ice-cold water. Place them on the bottom of a clean stewpan, barely covering them with cold water. Bring them slowly to a boil ; add one teaspoonful of salt ; skim clean ; add a little parsley, mace, and a few pepper- corns. Simmer twenty minutes ; add a dozen small onions whole, and two tablespoonfuls of flour mixed well with cold water. Let it simmer for an hour ; add a dozen potatoes pared and cut to about the size of the onions. Boil till these are done ; then dish, placing the chops around the edge of the plate, and pouring the onions and potatoes into the centre. Strain the gravy, add three tablespoonfuls of chopped parsley, and pour over the stew. Boiled Leg of Lamb. Choose a ewe leg, as there is more fat on it ; saw off the knuckle, trim off the flap, and the thick skin on the back of it ; soak in warm water for three hours, then boil gently (time according to size). Serve with oyster sauce. (See Sauces.) Roast Lamb. Wash well, season with pepper ana salt, put in the dripping-pan with a little water. Baste often with the dripping ; skim the gravy well and thicken with flour. Lamb Stewed in Butter. Select a nice loin, wash well, and wipe very dry ; skewer down the flap, and lay it in a close-shut- ting and thick stewpan, or saucepan, in which three ounces of good butter have been just dissolved, but not allowed to boil ; let it simmer slowly over a very gentle fire for two hours and a quarter, and turn it when it is rather more than, half done. Lift it out, skim, and pour the gravy over it; send to table with brown gravy, mint sauce, and a salad. Saddle of Lamb. This is a dainty joint for a small party. Sprinkle a little salt over it, and set it in the dripping-pan, With a few small pieces of butter on the meat; baste it JIB ATS. 35 occasionally with tried-out lamb-fat; dredge a little flour over it a few minutes before taking from the oven. Serve with currant jelly and a few choice early vegetables. Mint- sauce may be served with the joint, but in a very mild form. (See Sauces.) Broiled Lamb Chops. Trim off most of the fat ; broil over a brisk fire, turning frequently until the chops are nicely browned. Season with pepper and salt, and baste with hot butter. Serve on a buttered dish. Breaded Lamb Chops. Grate plenty of stale bread, season with salt and pepper, have ready some well-beaten egg, have a spider with hot lard ready, take the chops one by one, dip into the egg, then into the bread-crumbs ; repeat it, as this will be found an improvement; then lay the chops sep- arately into the boiling lard, fry brown, and then turn. To be eaten with currant jelly. Lamb Steaks, Fried. Dip each steak into well-beaten egg, cover with bread-crumbs or corn-meal, and fry in butter or new lard. Mashed potatoes and boiled rice are a necessary accompaniment. The gravy may be thickened with flour and butter, adding a little lemon juice ; pour this hot upon the steaks, and place the rice in spoonfuls around the dish to garnish it. IV. PORK. PORK REQUIRES CAREFUL CHOOSING; NEEDS THOROUGH COOk ING. NINETEEN RECIPES FOR COOKING PORK. T^ORK, more than any other meat, requires to be chosen with the greatest care. The pig, from its gluttonous habits, is particularly liable to disease, and if killed and eaten when in an unhealthy condition, those who par- take of it will probably pay dearly for their indulgencCi Dairy-fed pork is the best. 86 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. If this meat be not thoroughly well-done, it is disgusting to the sight and poisonous to the stomach. " In the gravy of pork, if there is the least tint of redness," says an emi- nent medical authority, " it is enough to appall the sharpest appetite. Other meats under-done may be unpleasant, but pork is absolutely uneatable." RECIPES. Roast Pig. A fat pig about three weeks old is best for a roast. Wash it thoroughly inside and out ; chop the liver fine with bread-crumbs, onions, parsley, pepper, salt, and potatoes boiled and mashed ; make it into a paste with but- ter and egg. Put this stuffing into the pig and sew it up ; put in a baking-pan with a little water and roast over a bright fire, basting well with butter; rub frequently also with a piece of lard tied in a clean rag. When thoroughly done, lay the pig, back up, in a dish, and put a red apple or pickled-mango in its mouth. Make a dressing with some of the stuffing, with a glass of wine and some of the drip- ping. Serve with the roast pig, and also in a gravy-boat. Roast Pork. Choose for roasting, the loin, the leg, the saddle, the fillet, the shoulder, or the spare-rib. The loin of young pork is roasted with the skin on, and this should be scored in regular strips of about a quarter inch wide before the joints are laid to the fire. The skin of the leg also should be cut through in the same manner. This will prevent blistering, and render it more easy to carve. In beginning the roasting the meat should be placed at some distance from the fire, in order that it may be heated through before the skin hardens. The basting should be constant. The cooking must be thorough and the meat well-browned before removed from the fire. Roast Spare-rib. Spare-rib should be well rubbed with and pepper before it is roasted. If large and thick, it MEATS. gf f will require two or three hours to roast ; a very thin piece may be roasted in an hour. Lay the thick end to the fire. When you put it down to roast, dust on some flour, and baste with a little butter. The shoulder, loin, and chine are roasted in the same manner. Leg of Pork Roasted. Parboil a leg of pork, take off the skin, and then roast ; baste with butter, and make a savory powder of finely minced or dried or powdered sage, ground black pepper, salt, and some bread-crumbs rubbed together through a colander ; add to this a little very finely minced onion ; sprinkle the meat with this when it is almost done ; put a half pint of gravy into the dish. Baked Pork Tenderloins. Split the tenderloin lengthwise nearly through ; stuff with a filling of bread-crumbs, pep- per, salt, and sweet marjoram. Tie a string around it, to keep the filling in, and bake in a hot oven for half an hour, basting well as the cooking proceeds. Pork Cutlets. Cut them about half an inch thick from a delicate loin of pork, trim into neat form, and take off part of the fat, or the whole of it when it is not liked ; dredge a little pepper or cayume upon them, and broil (or fry) over a clear and moderate fire from fifteen to eighteen minutes, sprinkle a little fine salt upon them just before they are dished. They may be dipped into egg and then into bread- crumbs mixed with minced sage, then finished in the usual way. When fried, flour them well, and season with salt and pepper. Serve with gravy made in the pan. Boiled Ham. The soaking which must be given to a ham before it is boiled depends both on the manner in which it has been cured and on its age. If highly salted, hard, and old, a day and night, or even longer, may be requisite to open the pores sufficiently and to extract a portion of the salt. The water must be several times changed during the steeping. After the ham has been scraped or brushed as 88 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. clean as possible, pare away lightly any part which may b blackened or rusty. Lay it into a suitable kettle and cover it plentifully with cold water ; bring it very slowly to boil, and clear off the scum, which will be thrown up in great abundance So soon as the water has been cleared from this, draw the pot to the edge of the stove, that the ham may be simmered slowly but steadily, until it is tender. On no account allow it to boil fast. When it can be probed very easily with a sharp skewer, lift it out, strip off the skin, and return the ham to the water to cool. Baked Ham. A ham of sixteen pounds must be boiled three hours, then skin and rub in half a pound of brown sugar, cover with bread-crumbs, and bake well for two hours. Glazed Ham. Take a cold-boiled ham from which the skin has been removed, and brush it well all over with beaten egg. To a cup of powdered cracker allow enough rich milk or cream to make into a thick paste, salt it, and work in a teaspoonful of melted butter. Spread this evenly, a quarter of an inch thick, over the ham, and set to brown in a moderate oven. Ham and Eggs. Cut the ham in very thin slices, and fry long enough to cook the fat, but not long enough to crisp the lean. A very little boiling water may be put into the frying-pan to secure the ham moist and tender. Remove the ham when it is done, break eggs gently into the pan, without breaking the yelks, and fry till done, about three minutes. The eggs will not require to be turned. Cut off the uneaven edges, place the eggs around the ham, and pour in the gravy. Ham or Tongue Toast. Toast a thick slice of bread and butter it on both sides. Take a small quantity of remains of ham or tongue, grate it, and put it in a stewpan with two MEATS. 89 hard-boiled eggs chopped fine, and mixed with a little but- ter, salt, and cayenne ; heat it quite hot, then spread thickly upon the buttered toast. Serve while hot. Broiled Salt Pork. Cut the pork in thin slices. Put a lit- tle water in the pan, and when it has boiled three minutes pour it off; dredge the pork with flour and brown it. Bacon Broiled or Fried. Cut evenly into thin slices, or rash- ers; pare from them all rind and rust; curl them round; fasten them with small, slight skewers, then gently fry, broil, or toast them ; draw out the skewers before they are sent to table. A few minutes will dress them either way. They may be cooked without being curled. The slow cooking is necessary that the meat may be well done without being dried or hardened. Fried Sausage. Sausages should be used while quite fresh. Melt a piece of butter or dripping in a clean frying-pan ; when just melted, put in the sausages, shake the pan for a minute, and keep turning them ; do not break or prick them ; fry them over a very slow fire till they are nicely browned ; when done, lay them on a hair-sieve before the fire to drain the fat from them. The secret of cooking sau- sages well is to let them heat very gradually. If so done the skins will not burst if they are fresh. The common practice of pricking them lets the gravy out, which is un- desirable. Baked Sausages. The most wholesome way to cook sau- sages is to bake them. Place them in a baking-pan in a single layer, and bake in a moderate oven ; turn them over when half done, that they may be equally browned. Serve with pieces of toast between them, having cut the toast about the same size as the sausage, and moistened it with a little of the sausage fat. Sausage Meat Many prefer to use sausage meat in bulk. 90 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. Small portions of the meat should be packed lightly b> gether and fried slowly until nicely browned. When done, drain through a hair-sieve. Do not pack hard. It will make the sausages tough. Scrappel. Boil a hog's head one day, and let it stand five or six hours, or all night. Slip out the bones and chop fine ; then return the meat to the liquor ; skim when cold ; warm and season freely with pepper, salt, sage, and sweet herbs. Add two cupfuls of buckwheat-meal and one cup- ful of corn-meal. Put into molds, and when cold cut into slices and fry for breakfast. Boiled Pork The shoulder or leg are regarded as the most economical pieces for boiling. They should be well salted first, by about ten days' pickling. Boil precisely as ham is boiled, but not for so long a time, about three hours sufficing to thoroughly cook an ordinary sized leg of pork. After it has come to the boiling point, let the process pro- ceed slowly as possible. Peel off the skin when done and spot the surface with dashes of red and black pepper, or with allspice, or garnish with parsley. Souse. Pigs' feet and ears may be soused by cleaning thoroughly, soaking in salt and water several days, and then boiling till the bones can be picked out with ease and the skin peeled off. Cover the meat and gelatinous substance with boiling vinegar, highly spiced with peppercorns and mace. This may be eaten cold or the meat may be fried after dipping in egg and cracker. Pig's head may be prepared the same way, the meat being chopped fine and mixed with pounded crackers. Mix with herbs, spices, salt, and pepper to taste, and a small quantity of vinegar. Press into a mold, or a jar, and cut in slices. To be eaten cold. VI. VEGETABLES. rEGETABLES SHOULD BE FRESH HOW TO WASH AND PRESERVE-- HOW TO COOK WELL, AND IMPORTANCE OF SO DOING SUITABLE POTS FOR COOKING VEGETABLES VEGETABLES SUITABLE TO CERTAIN MEATS. FIFTY-FIVE RECIPES FOR COOKING VEGETABLES. ALL vegetables should be used when fresh as possible. Wash them thoroughly, and allow them to lie in cold water until ready to be used. Great care must be taken to remove gravel and insects from heads of lettuce, cabbage, and cauliflower. To do this, lay them for half an hour or more in a pan of strong brine, placing the stalk ends uppermost. This will destroy the small snails and other insects which cluster in the leaves, and they will fall out and sink to the bottom. Strong-flavored vegetables, like turnips, cabbage, and greens, require to be put into a large quantity of water. More delicate vegetables, such as peas, asparagus, etc., require less water. As a rule, in boiling vegetables, let the water boil before putting them in, and let it continue to boil until they are done. Nothing is more indigestible than vegetables not thoroughly cooked. Just when they arc done must be ascertained to a certainty in each particular case, without depending upon any general directions. Never let boiled vegetables stand in the water after com* ing off the fire ; put them instantly into a colander over a pot of boiling water, and let them remain there, if you have to keep them back from the table. An iron pot will spoil the color of the finest greeks ; they should be boiled by themselves in a tin, brass, or copper vessel. 92 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. Potatoes are good with all meats. Carrots, parsnips, tur- nips, greens, and cabbage belong with boiled meats ; beets, peas, and beans are appropriate to either boiled or roast. RECIPES. Boiled White Potatoes. Peel off a strip about a quarter of an inch wide, lengthwise, around each potato. Put them on in cold water, with a teaspoonful of salt in it. Let them boil fifteen minutes, then pour off half the water and replace it with cold water. When the edge of the peel begins to curl up they are done. Remove them from the pot, cover the bottom of a baking-tin with them, place them in the oven, with a towel over them, for fifteen minutes, leaving the oven door open. Then serve with or without the skins. The use of cold water in boiling potatoes, as in this recipe, is exceptional. Hot water is generally used, but for this purpose cold seems preferable. Roasted WMte Potatoes. Select the largest and finest potatoes for roasting. Wash them thoroughly and put in the oven with their skins on. Roast about one hour, turn- ing them occasionally with a fork. When done, send them to the table hot, and in their skins. Potatoes Roasted with Meats. To roast potatoes with beef, poultry, and other meats, peel the potatoes, lay them in a pan, and cook them in the gravy. It is quite proper to roast both white and sweet of potatoes in the same pan. Mashed Potatoes. Steam or boil pared potatoes until soft, in salted water ; pour off the water and let them drain per- fectly dry ; sprinkle with salt and mash ; have ready hot milk or cream, in which has been melted a piece of butter ; pour this on the potatoes, and stir until white and very light. A solid, heavy masher is not desirable. An open wire tool is much better. VEGETABLES. S3 Stewed Potatoes. Take sound raw potatoes, and divide each into four parts, or more, if they be very large. Put them into the stewpan; add salt, pepper, and a piece of fresh butter; pour in milk, with a little cream, just to keep the potatoes from burning. Cover the saucepan, and allow the potatoes to stew until thoroughly soft and tender. Fried Potatoes. Boil some good and large potatoes until nearly done; set them aside a few minutes; when suffi- ciently cool, slice or chop them ; sprinkle them with pepper and salt, and fry in butter or fresh lard until they are of a light brown color. Serve hot. Saratoga Potatoes. Peel and slice the potatoes on a slaw- cutter, into cold water ; wash them thoroughly, and drain ; spread between the folds of a clean cloth, rub and pat until dry. Fry a few at a time in boiling lard ; salt as you take them out. Saratoga potatoes are very nice when eaten cold. They can be prepared three or four hours before needed, and if kept in a warm place they will be crisp and nice. They may be used for garnishing game and steaks. Potato Cakes. Mash thoroughly a lot of potatoes just boiled ; add a little salt, butter and cream ; fry brown on both sides, after making into little cakes. Boiled Sweet Potatoes. Take large, fine potatoes, wash clean ; boil with the skins on in plenty of water, but without salt. They will take at least one hour. Drain off the water, and set them for a few minutes in a tin pan before the fire, or in the oven, that they may be well dried. Peel them be- fore sending to the table. Roasted Sweet Potatoes. Sweet potatoes are roasted in the same manner as white, but they require a little longer time. Fried Sweet Potatoes. Choose large potatoes, half boil them, and then, having taken off the skins, cut the potatoes in slices and fry in butter, or in nice drippings. 94 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. Stewed Tomatoes. Pour boiling water on the tomatoes to be used, and then peel and slice them. Stew them gently, without adding any water, fifteen minutes ; then add some pulverized cracker or bread crumbs, sufficient to thicken it a little, and salt and pepper to your taste. Stew fifteen min- utes longer, and add a large piece of butter. The thickening suggested is not essential. Many prefer the pure tomatoes. Try both ways and adopt the more pleasing. Broiled Tomatoes. Cut large tomatoes in two, from side to side, not from top to bottom ; place them on a gridiron, the cut surface down ; when well seared, turn them and put on butter, salt, and pepper ; then cook with the skin side down until done. Fried Tomatoes. Cut the tomatoes in slices without skin- ning ; pepper and salt them well ; then sprinkle a little flour over them and fry in butter until browned. Put them on a hot platter ; then pour milk or cream into the butter and juice, and when this is boiling hot, pour it over the tomatoes, Tomatoes Baked Whole. Select a number of sound, ripe tomatoes. Cut a round hole in the stem side of each, and stuff it with bread-crumbs, nicely peppered and salted ; cover the bottom of the pan with the tomatoes, the opened side upward ; put in a very little water, dredge with flour, and bake till brown. Serve hot. Baked Sliced Tomatoes. Skin the tomatoes, slice in small pieces ; spread a thick layer in the bottom of a pudding dish ; cover with a thin layer of bread-crumbs, and sprinkle salt, pepper, and a few small pieces of butter over them ; add another layer of tomatoes, then of crumbs, etc., until the dish is filled ; sprinkle over the top a layer of fine rolled crackers ; bake one hour. Canned tomatoes, put up whole ; may be used nicely this way. VEGETABLES. 95 Tomatoes a la Creme. Pare and slice ripe tomatoes ; one pound of fresh ones or a quart can ; stew until perfectly smooth, season with salt and pepper, and add a piece of but- ter the size of an egg. Just before taking from the fire, stii in one cup of cream, with a tablespoonful of flour stirred smooth in a part of it ; do not let it boil after the flour is put in. Have ready in a dish some pieces of toast ; pour the tomatoes over this and serve. Boiled Green Corn. Take off the outside leaves and the silk, letting the innermost leaves remain on until after the corn is boiled, which renders the corn much sweeter. Boil for half an hour in plenty of water, drain, and after fully re- moving the leaves, serve. Baked Corn. Grate one dozen ears of sweet corn, one cup of milk, a small piece of butter ; salt to taste, and bake in a pudding dish for one hour. Corn Fritters, see Fritters. Lima Beans. Shell, wash, and put into boiling water; when boiled tender, drain and season them. Dress with cream, or with a large lump of butter, and let the whole simmer for a few moments before serving. Snccotash. Take ten ears of green corn and one pint of Lima beans ; cut the corn from the cob, and stew gently with the beans until tender. Use as little water as possible. Season with butter, salt, and pepper milk, if you choose. If a few of the cobs are stewed in the succotash, it will improve the flavor, as there is great sweetness in the cob. String Beans. Remove the strings of the beans with a knife, and cut off both ends. Cut each bean into three pieces, boil tender, add butter when they are done, pepper and salt, and serve hot. Boiled Beans. Dried beans must soak over night in soft water ; put them in a strong bag, leaving room for them to 96 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. swell ; let them boil in a plenty of water until done ; hang up the bag that all the water may drain off; then season with butter, pepper, and salt to the taste. Baked Beans. Put the beans to soak early in the evening, in a dish that will allow plenty of water to be used. Change the water at bed-time. Next morning early, parboil two hours ; pour off nearly all the water ; take raw pork, scored on top ; put the beans in a deep dish, a stoneware jar is very nice, the pork in the middle, sinking it so as to have it just level with the surface. Add half a teaspoonful of soda, two tablespoonfuls of molasses, and bake at least six hours. As the beans bake dry, add more water, a little at a time, until the last hour, when it is not necessary to moisten them. Boiled Green Peas. The peas should be young and freshly shelled ; wash and drain them carefully ; put them into fast- boiling, salted water ; when quite tender drain, and add pep- per, butter, and a little milk. Serve hot. Boiled Asparagus. Scrape the stems of the asparagus lightly, but make them very clean, throwing them into cold water as you proceed. When all are scraped, tie them in bunches of equal size ; cut the hard ends evenly, that all may be of the same length, and put into boiling water. Prepare several slices of delicately browned toast half an inch thick. When the stalks are tender, lift them out and season with pepper and salt. Dip the toast quickly into the liquor in which the asparagus was boiled, and dish the veg- etable upon it, the points, or the butts, meeting in the cen^ tre of the dish. Pour rich melted butter over it, and send to the table hot. Boiled Beets. Wash, but do not cut them, as cutting de^ stroys the sweetness ; let them boil from two to three hours, or until they are perfectly tender ; then take them up, peel and slice them, and pour vinegar, or melted butter, over them, as may be preferred. VEGETABLES. 97 Boiled Turnips. Pare and cut into pieces ; put them into boiling water well salted, and boil until tender ; drain thor- oughly and then mash and add a piece of butter, pepper, and salt to taste. Stir until they are thoroughly mixed, and serve hot. Boiled Onions. Skin them carefully and put them to boil ; when they have boiled a few minutes, pour off the water, add clean cold water, and then set them to boil again. Pour this away also, and add more cold water, when they may boil till done. This change of waters will make them white and clear, and very mild in flavor. After they are done, pour off all the water, and dress with a little cream, salt, and pepper to taste. Pried Onions. Peel and slice fresh, solid onions very evenly, then fry them in a pan of hot butter till slightly browned. Boiled Leeks. Trim off the coarser leaves of young leeks, cut them into equal lengths, tie them in small bunches, and boil in plenty of water, previously salted. Serve on toast, and send melted butter to the table with them. Boiled Squash. Remove the seeds ; boil till very tender ; then press out all the water through a colander, and mash, with butter, pepper, and salt. Pried Squash. Pare the squash, cut in slices, dip in egg seasoned with pepper and salt, then into cracker dust, and fry to a nice brown. Boiled Parsnips, Scrape thoroughly, then wash and boil in a little water well salted. When done, dress with butter and a little pepper, or drawn butter, if desired. Fried Parsnips. Having boiled your parsnips, split open the largest ones, season with pepper and salt, dredge a little flour over them, and fry to a light brown, j 7 98 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. Pried Implant Pare and cut in slices quarter of an incli thick ; sprinkle with salt ; cover and let stand for an hour. Pour off the juice or water which exudes ; wipe each slice dry ; dip first in beaten egg, then in rolled cracker or bread crumbs. Season with pepper and salt, and fry brown in but- ter. Serve very hot. Pried Egg-plant No. 2. Put into water and boil until soft, then cut in two and scoop out all the inside ; season ; take a tablespoonful of the remaining pulp at a time, dip in egg and bread-crumbs, and fry in hot lard. Serve hot. Baked Egg-plant Boil them till somewhat tender, in order to remove the bitter flavor. Then slit each one down the side, and take out the seeds. Have ready a stuffing made of grated cracker, butter, minced herbs, salt, pepper, nut- meg, and beaten yelk of eggs. Fill with this the cavity left by the seeds, and bake the plants in a hot oven. Serve with well-seasoned gravy poured around them in the dish. Boiled Cabbage. Strip off the loose or withered leaves, and wash well ; then split in two, or if the head be very large, into four pieces, and put into boiling water with some salt ; let it boil slowly, skimming carefully and frequently. When done, strain through a colander. Serve in a vegetable-dish and lay inside, among the leaves, some bits of butter ; sea- son with pepper, and serve while hot. Boiled Cauliflower. Trim off all the outside leaves ; wrap in a cloth and put into boiling water well salted ; boil until tender, and then serve with drawn butter. Cabbage a la Cauliflower. Cut the cabbage fine, as for slaw ; put it into a stewpan, cover with water, and keep closely covered ; when tender, drain off the water ; put in a small piece of butter, with a little salt, one-half a cupful of cream, or one cupful of milk. Leave on the stove a few minutes before serving. VEGETABLES. 99 Boiled Spinach. Boil the spinach in plenty of water, drain, and press the moisture from it ; chop it small, put it into a clean saucepan, with a slice of fresh butter, and stir the whole until well mixed and very hot. Smooth it in a dish, and send it quickly to table. Boiled Greens. Turnip-tops, mustard-tops, cabbage-leaves, beet-tops, cowslips, dandelions, and various similar articles are much relished in the spring, boiled in salt and water or with salt pork. When done sufficiently they will sink to the bottom. Stewed Celery. Clean the heads thoroughly ; take off the coarse, green, outer leaves ; cut the stalks into small pieces, and stew in a little broth ; when tender, add some rich cream, a little flour, and butter enough to thicken the cream. Season with pepper, salt, and a little nutmeg, if that is agreeable. Boiled Artichokes. Soak the artichokes and wash them in several waters ; cut the stalks even ; trim away the lower leaves, and the ends of the other leaves; boil in salted water with the tops downward, and let them remain until the leaves can be easily drawn out. Before serving, remove the surrounding leaves, and send the remainder to the table with melted butter. Broiled Mushrooms. In order to test mushrooms, sprinkle salt on the gills ; if they turn yellow, they are poisonous ; if they turn black, they are good. When satisfied at this point, pare, and cut off the stems, dip them in melted butter, season with salt and pepper, broil them on both sides over a clear fire, and serve on toast. Stewed Mushrooms. Being sure you have the genuine mushrooms, put them in a small saucepan, season with pepper and salt, add a spoonful of butter and a spoonful or two of gravy from roast meat, or, if this be not at hand, the 100 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. same quantity of good, rich cream ; shake them about over the fire, and when they boil they are done. Boiled Bice. Wash a cupful of rice in two or three waters ; let it lie for a few minutes in the last water, then put it into three quarts of fast-boiling water, with a little salt ; let it boil twenty minutes, then turn into a colander, drain, and serve, using such sauce or dressing as may be desired. Boiled Hominy. Soak one cupful of fine hominy over night in three cupfuls of water, and salt to taste ; in the morning turn it into a quart pail ; then put the pail into a kettle of boiling water, cover tightly, and steam one hour ; add one teacupful of sweet milk, and boil fifteen minutes additional, then serve hot. Stewed Macaroni. Break the macaroni into small pieces, wash it, and put into salted hot water ; cook about twenty minutes; drain, and put in a vegetable dish a layer of macaroni, sprinkle with grated cheese, bits of butter, pepper and salt ; proceed in this manner until the dish is full, but omit the cheese at the last. Set the dish in the oven for a few minutes, and let it get thoroughly hot. Baked Macaroni. For baked macaroni, proceed as in stewed, but, when prepared fully as above, pour a few spoonfuls of milk over the top, and bake half an hour. Macaroni with Tomatoes. Have water boiling in a large saucepan ; throw into it macaroni, broken, but not too short ; let it cook twenty to thirty minutes, pour over it some cold water, and strain it quite dry ; cut an onion into small dice, throw it into cold water and squeeze it dry in a cloth ; put some olive oil, butter, or clarified fat into a saucepan ; the oil, of course, is best. Throw into it the onion, and let it sook, shaking occasionally, until the onion is almost melted away. Have some cooked tomatoes ready to add to this VEGETABLES. 101 sauce. If it is too thick, add some cold water by teaspoon- fuls at a time. Let all simmer for ten minutes longer. Sprinkle some grated cheese over your macaroni, which must be piping hot, in a dish. Pour the sauce over this and serve. A quarter of a pound of macaroni makes a large dish, and takes about a third of a can to half a can of tomatoes. Sliced Cucumbers. Peel and slice the cucumbers as thin as possible ; lay the slices in salted water for an hour ; then pour off the water ; cover them with vinegar, half a tea- spoonful of pepper, and salt as may be necessary. Stewed Oyster-plant Cut off the tops of a bunch of salsify, or oyster-plant, close to the root ; scrape and wash well, and slice lengthwise or round ; stew until tender in salted water ; drain and put in a stewpan, cover with milk ; to one pint of salsify add a tablespoonful of butter rolled in flour ; season with salt and pepper ; let it stew a few min- utes and add a little vinegar, if liked. Mock Pried Oysters. Scrape one bunch of salsify, and boil until tender ; mash through a colander, add one beaten egg, a small piece of butter, salt and pepper to taste; drop by the spoonful into hot lard and fry brown. VII. SALADS AND SAUCES. SALADS DEFINED HOW DRESSED, COMBINED, AND SERVED. SAUCES DEFINED THEIR USES AND COMPOSITION. HOW TO PREPARE INGREDIENTS FOR SALADS, WHAT VEGETABLES TO EMPLOY, FRESHNESS, EXCELLENCE, ETC. FORTY-SIX RECIPES FOR SALADS AND SAUCES. T TNDER the head of salads all preparations of uncooked II herbs or vegetables is placed. They are usually dressed with salt, vinegar, oil, and spices. Sometimes they are combined with meat or shell fish, as chicken, veal, lobster, etc. They are used chiefly as relishes with other food. Sauces are generally used to impart a relish to articles of food. Sometimes vegetables are employed as the basis of sauces, but they are compounded chiefly of savory con- diments, that they may add zest to eating. Meat or fish used in salads should not be minced, but rather picked apart, or cut in pieces of moderate size. Cab- bage, celery, asparagus, cauliflower, water-cress, and all kinds of lettuce are the vegetables best adapted for use in salads. They must be used when quite fresh and crisp, and all the ingredients used In their dressing must be of the best quality and flavor. All condiments are in some sense sauces, but the term is usually confined to those which are the result of compound- ing a variety of articles. RECIPES. Ooldslaw. With a sharp knife, or, better, with a knife made for the purpose, cut up into fine shavings a firm head of cabbage ; sprinkle with as much salt and pepper as you 102 SALADS AMD SAVCES. deem necessary ; beat up the yelk of one egg, add a lump of butter the size of a walnut, a gill of cream, the same quantity of vinegar, a tablespoonful of sugar, an even tea- spoonful of mustard, and a pinch of bruised celery seed. Heat these condiments together, without boiling, and pour over the sliced cabbage ; then toss it with a fork until thor- oughly mixed. Allow time for it to cool before serving. Coldslaw, No. 2. Take equal parts of chopped cabbage and the green stalks of celery. Season with salt, pepper, and vinegar. Maryland Coldslaw. Halve the cabbage and lay it in cold water for one hour ; shave down the head into small slips with a sharp knife. Put in a saucepan a cup of vinegar, and let it boil ; then add a cup of cream, with the yelks of two eggs, well beaten ; let it boil up, and pour over the cabbage. As soon as the cabbage is cut it should be sprinkled with a little salt and pepper. Salad. Take one head of fine, white cabbage, minced fine ; three hard-boiled eggs ; two tablespoonfuls of salad oil ; two teaspoonfuls white sugar ; one teaspoonful salt ; one teaspoonful pepper ; one teaspoonful made mustard ; one teacupful vinegar. Mix and pour upon the chopped cabbage. Lettuce Salad. Take a good-sized head of lettuce and pull the leaves apart. Wash them a moment, then shake off the water and dry the leaves. Examine them carefully, wipe off all grit, and reject those that are bruised. Take the yelks of two hard-boiled eggs ; add one-half teaspoonful of mixed mustard, and mix to a paste with a silver fork ; then add slowly, mixing carefully, about one-half a cup of vinegar, one teaspoonful of sugar, and salt to taste ; cut the lettuce small as may be desired with a sharp knife, and pour the dressing over it ; garnish with hard-boiled eggs. 104 EVER? WOMAN' HER OHW COOK. Potato Salad. Steam and slice the potatoes ; add a very little raw onion chopped very fine, and a little parsley, and pour over the whole a nice salad dressing. Serve either warm or cold, as may be preferred. Potato Salad, No. 2. Cut up three quarts of boiled potatoes, while hot, into neat pieces ; add a tablespoonful of chopped parsley, a tablespoonful of chopped onion, a teaspoonful of pepper, and one of salt ; also add a cupful of oil, and mix ; then add a cupful of warm stock, a wineglassful of vinegar (from the mixed-pickle bottle) ; mix the ingredients together carefully, and do not break the potatoes any more than is absolutely unavoidable. Set the whole in the ice-box and serve cold. The onion and parsley may be omitted, and boiled root celery added, or a little stalk celery chopped fine. CMcken Salad. Boil a small chicken until very tendef. When entirely cold, remove the skin and fat, cut the meat into small bits, then cut the white part of the stalks of celery into pieces of similar size, until you have twice as much celery as meat. Mix the chicken and celery together; pour on Durkee's Salad Dressing, and stir all thoroughly. Cold veal used in place of chicken will also make a very excel- lent salad. CMcken Salad, No. 2. Take three chickens, boil until very tender ; when cold, chop them, but not too fine ; add twice the quantity of celery cut fine, and three hard-boiled eggs sliced. Make a dressing with two cups of vinegar, half a cup of butter (or two tablespoonfuls of oil), two eggs beaten, with a large tablespoonful of mustard, saltspoonful of salt, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, tablespoonful of pepper, or a little cayenne pepper ; put the vinegar into a tin pan and set in a kettle of boiling water ; beat the other ingre- dients together thoroughly and stir slowly into the vinegar until it thickens. Cool it and pour over the salad just be* fore serving. SALADS AND SAUCES. 105 Lobster Salad. To a three-pound lobster take the yelk of one raw egg beaten very lightly ; then take the yelks of three hard-boiled eggs (cold), and add to the raw yelk, beating all the time ; add, a few drops at a time, one-half bottle of the finest olive oil, stirring all the while ; then add one and a half tablespoonfuls of the best English mustard, salt and pepper to taste ; beat the mixture until light and add a tablespoonful of strong vinegar. Cut the lobster into small pieces and mix with it salt and pepper ; pour over it the dressing just before sending to the table ; garnish with the white of boiled eggs, celery tops, and the small claws. Salmon Salad For a pound can of salmon, garnished with lettuce, make a dressing of one small teacupful of vinegar, butter half the size of an egg, one teaspoonful of mustard, one-half teaspoonful of cayenne pepper, one-half teaspoon- ful of salt, one teaspoonful of sugar, two eggs. When cold, add one-half teacupful of cream and pour over the salmon. Mixed Mustard. One tablespoonful qf mustard, one tea- spoonful of sugar, one saltspoonful of salt, enough vinegar to blend into a paste. Plain Horse-radish is grated and merely covered with sharp vinegar. Horse-radish Sance. Take one tablespoonful of grated horse-radish, a dessertspoonful of mustard, half a teaspoonful of sugar ; then add vinegar, and stir it smooth. Serve in a sauce-tureen. Tomato Sauce. Stew one-half dozen tomatoes with a little chopped parsley ; salt and pepper to taste ; strain, and when it commences to boil add a tablespoonful of flour, stirred smooth with the same quantity of butter. When it boils it is ready to take up. 106 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. Tomato Sauce, No. 2. Halve the tomatoes and squeeze out the seeds and watery pulp. Stew the solid portions gently with a little gravy or strong broth until they are entirely softened. Strain through a hair sieve and reheat with additional gravy, a little cayenne pepper and salt. Serve hot. Green Tomato Sauce. Cut up two gallons of green toma- toes ; take three gills of black mustard seed, three table- spoonfuls of dry mustard, two and a half of black pepper, one and a half of allspice, four of salt, two of celery seed, one quart each of chopped onions and sugar, and two and a half quarts of good vinegar, a little red pepper to taste. Beat the spices and boil all together until well done. Chili Sauce. Take ten pounds of ripe tomatoes, peeled and sliced ; two pounds of peeled onions chopped fine ; seven ounces of green peppers finely chopped, without the seeds ; six ounces of brown sugar ; four ounces salt ; a pint and a half of vinegar. Boil all together in a porcelain-lined kettle for several hours, until thick as desired ; put up in tight cans or jars, and use with soups and gravies. Celery Sauce. Pick and wash two heads of celery ; cut them into pieces one inch long, and stew them in a pint of water, with one teaspoonful of salt, until the celery is tender. Rub a large spoonful of butter and a spoonful of flour well together ; stir this into a pint of cream ; put in the celery, and let it boil up once. Serve hot with boiled poultry. Mint Sauce. Wash the sprigs of mint, let them dry on a towel, strip off the leaves, and chop them very fine ; put in a sauce-boat with a cupful of vinegar and four lumps of sugar; let it stand an hour, and before serving stir all together. Mint sauce, if bottled, will keep a long time, and be just as good, if not better, than when freshly made. Asparagus Sauce. Take a dozen heads of asparagus ; two teacupfuls drawn butter; two eggs; the juice of half a SALADS AND SAUCES. 107 lemon ; salt and white pepper. Boil the tender heads in a very little salt water. Drain and chop them. Have ready a pint of drawn butter, with two raw eggs beaten into it ; add the asparagus, and season, squeezing in the lemon juice last. The butter must be hot, but do not cook after putting in the asparagus heads. This is a delightful sauce for boiled fowls, stewed fillet of veal, or boiled mutton. Mushroom Sauce. Pick, rub, and wash a pint of young mushrooms, and sprinkle with salt to take off the skin. Put them into a saucepan with a little salt, a blade of mace, a little nutmeg, a pint of cream, and a piece of butter rolled in flour ; boil them up and stir till done. Caper Sauce. Make a drawn butter sauce, and add two or three tablespoonfuls of French capers ; remove from the fire and add a little lemon juice. Cranberry Sauce. Cover a quart of cranberries with water and let it simmer gently till thoroughly cooked. Strain the skins out through a colander, and add to the juice two cup- fuls of sugar ; let it simmer again for fifteen minutes, and pour into a mold previously wet in cold water. Strawberry Sauce. Rub half a cupful of butter and one cupful of sugar to a cream ; add the beaten white of an egg and one cupful of strawberries thoroughly mashed. Lemon Sauce. One-half a cupful of butter, one cupful of sugar, yelks of two eggs, one teaspoonful of corn-starch. Beat the eggs and sugar until light ; add the grated rind and juice of one lemon. Stir the whole into three gills of boiling water until it thickens sufficiently for the table. Lemon Sauce, No. 2. One large tablespoonful of butter, one small tablespoonful of flour, one cupful of sugar, grated rind and juice of one lemon. 108 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. Vanilla Sauce. Put half a pint of milk in a small sauce- pan over the fire; when scalding hot add the yelks of three eggs, and stir until it is as thick as boiled custard ; remove the saucepan from the fire, and when cool add a tablespoonful of extract of vanilla and the beaten whites of two eggs. Venison Sauce. Mix two teaspoonfuk of currant jelly, one stick of cinnamon, one blade of mace, grated white bread, ten tablespoonfuls of water ; let the whole stew till thoroughly cooked, when done serve with venison steak. Anchovy Sauce. Stir two or three teaspoonfuls of pre- pared essence or paste of anchovy, into a pint of melted butter ; let the sauce boil a few minutes, and flavor with lemon juice. Lobster Sauce. Break the shell of the lobster into small pieces. Pour over these one pint of water or veal-stock and a pinch of salt ; simmer gently until the liquid is re- duced one-half. Mix two ounces of butter with an ounce of flour, strain the liquid upon it and stir all, over the fire, until the mixture thickens, but do not let it boil. Add two tablespoonfuls of lobster meat chopped fine, the juice of half a lemon, and serve. Oyster Sauce. Strain fifty oysters; put the juice into a saucepan ; add one pint of new milk ; let it simmer, and then skim off whatever froth may rise. Rub a large spoon- ful of flour and two of butter together ; stir this into the liquor ; add a little salt and pepper. Let this simmer five minutes, but do not add the oysters till just as they are to be sent to the table, as oysters much cooked are hard. For turkeys, etc., this is a splendid dressing. Plain French Dressing. A plain French dressing is made simply of salt, pepper, oil, and vinegar. Three tablespoon- fuls of oil *o one of vinegar, saltspoon heaping full of salt, an even saltspoonful of pepper mixed with a little cayenne. SALADS AND SAUCES. 109 Mayonnaise Sauce. Work the yelks of two raw eggs to a smooth paste, and add two saltspoonfuls of salt, half a salt- spoonful of cayenne, a saltspoonful of dry mustard, and a teaspoonful of oil; mix these thoroughly and add the strained juice of half a lemon. Take what remains of half a pint of olive oil and add it gradually, a teaspoonful at a time, and every fifth teaspoonful add a few drops of lemon juice until you have used two lemons and the half- pint of oil. ranaise Sauce, No. 2. Rub the yelks of three hard- boiled eggs with the yelk of one raw egg to a smooth paste ; add a heaping teaspoonful of salt, two saltspoonfuls of white pepper, and two saltspoonfuls of made mustard; mix thoroughly and work a gill of oil gradually into the mixture, alternated with a teaspoonful of vinegar, until you have used three tablespoonfuls of vinegar. Should the sauce appear too thick, add a wineglassful of cream. Butter Sauce. Mix well together two tablespoonfuls of butter, some chopped parsley, juice of half a lemon, salt, and pepper. For broiled meat or fish. Brown Butter Sauce. Put butter into a frying-pan and let it stand on the fire until very brown ; then add a little pars- ley and fry a moment longer. Drawn Butter Sauce. Take one-quarter pound of butter ; rub with it two teaspoonfuls of flour. When well mixed, put into a saucepan with one-half pint of water ; cover it, and set the saucepan into a larger one full of boiling water. Shake it constantly till completely melted and beginning to boil ; season with salt and pepper. Boiled Egg Sauce. Add to half a pint of drawn butter sauce two or three hard-boiled eggs, chopped. 110 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. WMte Sauce. Thicken half a pint of new milk with a lit/ tie flour or arrowroot. After it has boiled, stir in slowly about two ounces of fresh butter, cut into small pieces. Continue to stir until the butter is completely dissolved. Add a few thin strips of lemon rind, a little salt, and pounded mace. White Sauce, No. 2. Boil a few thin strips of lemon peel in half a pint of good veal gravy just long enough to give it their flavor. Stir in a thickening of arrowroot, or flour and butter ; add salt and a quarter of a pint of boiling cream. Cream Sauce. Beat the yelks of three eggs, three table- spoonfuls of white sugar, and vanilla flavor. Turn on it a pint of boiling milk, and stir well. Brandy Sauce. Four ounces of sugar and two ounces of butter, well creamed together ; then beat an egg into it, with two ounces of brandy. Wine Sauce. Take one pint bowl of white sugar, not quite a quarter of a pound of butter, one glass of wine, one grated nutmeg, and a tablespoonful of warm water ; beat together steadily for half an hour. Hard Sauce. One cupful butter, three cupfuls sugar; beat very hard, flavoring with lemon juice ; smooth into shape with a knife dipped into cold water. Sauces in General Worcestershire, Challenge, Annear, and other sauces in the market have each their specially good points. Trial of them should be made and the best used. VIII. CROQUETTES AND FRITTERS. CROQUETTES DEFINED ; FRITTERS DEFINED ; USES OF BOTH. TWENTY-FOUR RECIPES FOR CROQUETTES AND FRITTERS. THE term croquette (pronounced cro-ket) is from a French verb, meaning " to crunch." It designates all that class of preparations made of minced meat, or other in- gredients, highly seasoned and fried in bread-crumbs. Fritters, like croquettes, are fried, but they are made of batter containing other ingredients, as taste may dictate. Both these preparations are used as accessories of the din- ner or tea table rather than as principal dishes. RECIPES. Rice Croquettes. Put a quarter of a pound of rice into a pint of milk. Let it simmer gently until the rice is tender and the milk absorbed. It must then be boiled until thick and dry, or it will be difficult to mold. Add three table- spoonfuls of sugar, one of butter, one egg, and flavor to taste with vanilla or cinnamon ; beat thoroughly for a few minutes, and when cold form into balls or cones, dip these into beaten egg, roll lightly in bread-crumbs, and fry in hot butter. Hominy Croquettes. To a cupful of cold boiled hominy (small grained) add a tablespoonful of melted butter and stir hard ; moisten by degrees with a cupful of milk, beating to a soft, light paste. Put in a teaspoonful of white sugar and a well-beaten egg. Roll into oval balls with floured hands, dip in beaten egg, then in cracker-crumbs, and fry in hot lard. W 112 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. Potato Croquettes. Season cold mashed potatoes with pep- per, salt, and nutmeg. Beat to a cream, with a tablespoon- ful of melted butter to every cupful of potato. Add two or three beaten eggs and some minced parsley. Roll into small balls; dip in beaten egg, then in bread-crumbs, and fry in hot lard. Oyster-Plant Croquettes. Wash, scrape, and boil the oyster- plant till tender ; rub it through a colander, and mix with the pulp a little butter, cream, salt, cayenne, and lemon juice; mix the ingredients thoroughly together to a smooth paste, and set the dish in the ice-box to get cold ; then shape it into small cones, dip them in beaten egg, roll in crumbs, and fry crisp and brown. Chicken Croquettes. Add to the quantity of minced chicken; about one-quarter the quantity of bread-crumbs, also one egg well beaten to each cupful of meat ; pepper, salt, and chopped parsley to taste, add the yelks of two hard-boiled eggs rubbed smooth. Add gravy or drawn butter to moisten it, make into cones or balls, roll in cracker-dust or flour, and fry in hot lard. Veal Croquettes. Make these the same as chicken cro- quettes, by substituting for the chicken cold minced veal and ham in equal parts. The salt may be omitted, as the ham usually supplies it sufficiently. Turkey, duck, or the remains of any cold game or meat may be used in the same way with very satisfactory results. Oyster Croquettes. Take the hard ends of the oysters, leav- ing the other end for a soup or stew ; scald them, then chop fine, and add an equal weight of potatoes rubbed through a colander ; to one pound of this combination add two ounces of butter, one teaspoonful of salt, half a teaspoonful of pep- per, half a teaspoonful of mace, and one-half gill of cream, make in small rolls, dip them in egg and grated bread, fry in deep, hot lard, CROQUETTES AND FRITTERS. 113 Lobster Croquettes. Chop the lobster very fine ; mix with pepper, salt, bread-crumbs, and a little parsley; moisten with cream and a small piece of butter ; shape with your hands ; dip in egg, roll in bread-crumbs, fry in hot lard. Plain Fritters. Take one pint of flour, four eggs, one pint of boiling water, and one teaspoonful of salt. Stir the flour into the boiling water gradually, and let it boil three minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from the fire and stir in the yelks of the eggs, afterward the whites, they hav- ing been well beaten. Drop this batter by large spoon- fuls into boiling lard and fry to a light brown. Serve hot, powdered with white sugar. Bread Fritters. Grate stale bread until you have a pint of crumbs ; pour a pint of boiling milk upon these, a table- spoonful of butter having been dissolved in it, and let the whole stand for an hour. Then beat up the mixture and flavor with nutmeg. Stir in gradually a quarter pound of white sugar, two tablespoonfuls of brandy, six well-beaten eggs, and currants enough to flavor the whole. The cur- rants should be washed, dried, and floured. Drop by large spoonfuls into boiling lard and fry to a light brown. Serve with wine and powdered sugar. Potato Fritters. Break open four nicely baked potatoes j scoop out the insides with a spoon, and mix with them a wineglassful of cream, a tablespoonful of brandy, two table- spoonfuls of powdered sugar, the juice of one lemon, half a teaspoonful of vanilla extract, and well-beaten yelks of four and the whites of three eggs ; beat the batter until it is quite smooth ; drop large tablespoonfuls of the mixture into boil" ing fat and fry to a light brown ; dust them with powdered sugar and send to table hot. Corn Fritters. Scrape twelve ears of corn, mix with twt I 114 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. eggs, one and one-half cups of milk, salt and pepper to taste^ and flour enough to hold all together. Fry in hot fat. Hominy Fritters. Two teacupfuls of cold boiled hominy ; stir in one teacupful of sweet milk and a little salt, four table- spoonfuls of sifted flour, and one egg ; beat the white sepa- rately and add last ; drop the batter by spoonfuls in hot lard and fry to a nice brown. Bice Fritters. Boil a quarter of a pound of rice in milk till it is tender, then mix it with a pint of milk, two eggs, one cup of sugar, a little salt and cinnamon, and as much flour as will make a thick batter. Fry them in thin cakes and serve with butter and white powdered sugar. Parsnip Fritters. Boil four good-sized parsnips in salted water until tender ; drain them, beat them to a pulp, and squeeze the water from them as much as possible ; bind them together with a beaten egg and a little flour. Shape into cakes and fry in hot lard. Fruit Fritters. The following recipe will serve for many kinds of fruit or vegetable fritters : Make a batter of ten ounces of flour, half a pint of milk, and two ounces of but- ter ; sweeten and flavor to taste ; stir in the whites of two eggs well beaten ; dip the fruit in the batter and fry. Small fruit and vegetables should be mixed with the batter. Apple Fritters. Take one egg, two tablespoonfuls of flour, a little sifted sugar and ginger, with milk enough to make a smooth batter ; cut a good sized apple into slices and put them into the batter. Put them into a frying-pan, with the batter which is taken up in the spoon. When fried, drain them on a sieve and sift on powdered sugar. Currant Fritters. Take twocupfuls dry, fine bread-crumbs, two tablespoonfuls prepared flour, two cups of milk, one- half pound currants, washed and well dried ; five eggs CROQUETTES AND FRITTERS. H5 whipped very light and the yelks strained, one-half cup pow- dered sugar, one tablespoonful butter, one-half teaspoonful mixed cinnamon and nutmeg. Boil the milk and pour over the bread. Mix and put in the butter. Let it get cold. Beat in, next, the yelks and sugar, the seasoning, flour, and stiff whites, finally the currants dredged white with flour. The batter should be thick. Drop great spoonfuls into the hot lard and fry. Drain them and send hot to table. Eat with a mixture of wine and powdered sugar. Oyster Fritters. Take one and one-half pints of sweet milk, one and one-fourth pounds of flour, four egg (the yelks having been beaten very thick) ; add milk and flour ; stir the whole well together, then beat the whites to a stiff froth and stir them gradually into the batter ; take a spoonful of the mixture, drop an oyster into it, and fry in hot lard ; let them be a light brown on both sides. Clam Fritters. Take a dozen chopped clams, one pint of milk, three eggs. Add liquor from the clams, with salt and pepper, and flour enough to produce thin batter. Fry in hot lard. Cream Fritters. Take one cup of cream, the whites of five eggs, two full cups prepared flour, one saltspoonful of nut- meg, a pinch of salt. Stir the whites into the cream in turn with the flour, put in nutmeg and salt, beat all hard for two minutes. The batter should be rather thick. Fry in plenty of sweet lard, a spoonful of batter for each fritter. Drain and serve upon a hot, clean napkin. Eat with jelly sauce. Do not cut them open, but break or pull them apart French Fritters. Take two cupfuls of flour, two teaspoon- fuls of baking powder, two eggs, milk enough for stiff batter, and a little salt. Drop into boiling lard and fry light brown. Serve with cream and sugar or sauce. 116 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. Spanish Fritters. Cut stale bread into small, round slices about an inch thick ; soak them in milk, and then dip them into well-beaten egg which has been sweetened to taste. Sprinkle thickly with cinnamon and fry in hot lard. Venetian Fritters. Take three ounces of whole rice, wash and drain into a pint of cold milk. Let it come slowly to a boil, stirring often, and let it simmer till quite thick and dry. Add two ounces of powdered sugar, one of fresh butter, a pinch of salt, the grated rind of half a lemon. Let the whole cool in the saucepan, and while still a little warm mix in three ounces of currants, four ounces of chopped apples, a teaspoonful of flour, and three well-beaten eggs. Drop the batter in small lumps into boiling fat, allowing them to fry till the under side is quite firm and brown ; then turn and brown the other side. When done, drain through a hair sieve, and powder with white sugar when about to serve. IX. EGGS. NUTRITIOUS VALUE OF EGGS TEST OF FRESHNESS PACKING EGGS PRESERVING EGGS. TWENTY-EIGHT WAYS OF COOKING EGGS. HIGH chemical authorities agree that there is more nutri- ment in an egg than in any substance of equal bulk found in nature or produced by art. They are much used for food the world over, and few articles are capable of more varied employment. The freshness of an egg may be determined in various ways. In a fresh egg, the butt end, if touched on the tongue, is sensibly wanner than the point end. If held to- ward the light and looked through (" candled "), a fresh egg will show a clear white and a well-rounded yelk. A stale egg will appear muddled. Probably the surest test is to put the eggs into a pan of cold water. Fresh eggs sink quickly ; bad eggs float; suspicious ones act suspiciously, neither sinking nor floating very decidedly. Of all articles of food, doubtful eggs are most certainly to be condemned. On the packing of eggs, the following conclusions may be regarded as established among egg-dealers : By cold storage, temperature forty to forty-two degrees Fahrenheit, kept uniform, with eggs packed properly or in cases, they will keep in good condition from six to nine months ; but they must be used soon after being taken out of the cold storage, as they soon spoil. Eggs become musty from being packed in bad material. They will become musty in cases, as a change of temperature causes the eggs to sweat and the wrapping-paper to become moist and taint the eggs. 117 118 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK'. Well-dried oats, a year old, makes the best packing. Eggs become " mixed " by jarring in shipping. Fresh eggs mix worse than those kept in cold storage. Eggs which have been held in cold storage in the West should be shipped in refrigerator cars in summer. Eggs will keep thirty days longer if stood on the little end than in any other position. They must be kept at an even temperature and in a pur atmosphere. Eggs laid on the side attach to the shell and are badly injured. To prevent imposition as to the freshness of the eggs, the egg gatherers should " candle " them when they get them from the farmers. Eggs keep better in the dark than in the light. Methods of preservation for domestic purposes are, to pack them in bran or salt, the small end down ; to grease them with linseed oil, or dip them in a light varnish. For extra long keeping, slack one pound of lime in a gallon of water ; when this is entirely cold, place it in a jar and fill with fresh eggs. Do not agitate the contents when eggs are removed from the jar. Eggs kept so will continue good for a year. The French method of preserving eggs is to dissolve beeswax and olive oil and anoint the eggs all over. If left undisturbed in a cool place, they will remain good for two years. RECIPES. Boiled Eggs. Put into a saucepan of boiling water with a tablespoon, being careful not to break or crack them. Boil steadily three minutes, if you want them soft ; ten, if hard. Another way is to put them on in cold water, and let it come to a boil. The inside, white and yelk, will be then of the consistency of custard. Still another way is to put them in water, heated to the boiling point, and let them stand from five to seven minutes without boiling. If desired for salad, boil them ten minutes; EGGS. then throw them in cold water ; roll them gently on a table or board, and the shell can be easily removed. Wire egg racks, to set in boiling hot water with the eggs held in place, are exceedingly convenient. Boiled Eggs, with Sauce. Boil hard, remove the shell, set in a hot dish, and serve with seasoning and sauce to taste. Poached Eggs. Have the water well salted, but do not let it boil hard. Break the eggs separately into a saucer, and slip them singly into the water ; when nicely done, remove with a skimmer, trim neatly, and lay each egg upon a small thin square of buttered toast, then sprinkle with salt and pepper. Some persons prefer them poached rather than fried with ham ; in which case substitute the ham for toast. Poached Eggs with Ham Sauce. Mince fine two or three slices of boiled ham, a small onion, a little parsley, pepper, and salt ; stew together for a quarter of an hour ; put the poached eggs in a dish, squeeze over them the juice of a lemon, and pour on the sauce hot but not boiling. Poached Eggs a la Creme. Nearly fill a clean frying-pan with water boiling hot ; strain a tablespoonful of vinegar through double muslin, and add to the water with a little salt. Slip your eggs from the saucer upon the top of the water (first taking the pan from the fire). Boil three min- utes and a half; drain, and lay on buttered toast in a hot dish. Turn the water from the pan and pour in half a cup- ful of cream or milk. If you use the latter, thicken with a very little corn-starch. Let it heat to a boil, stirring to pre- vent burning, and add a great spoonful of butter, some pep- per, and salt. Boil up once and pour over the eggs. Or better still, heat the milk in a separate saucepan, that the eggs may not have to stand. A little broth improves the sauce. 120 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. Steamed Eggs. Butter a 'tin plate and break in your eggs set in a steamer ; place over a kettle of boiling water, and steam until the whites are cooked; they are more orna_- mental when broken into patty tins, as they keep their form better ; the whites of the eggs, when cooked in this manner, are tender and light, and not tough and leathery, as if cooked by any other process. Eggs in this style can be eaten by invalids, and are very much richer than by any other method. Whirled Eggs. Put a quart of water, slightly salted, into a saucepan over the fire, and keep it at a fast boil. Stir with wooden spoon or ladle in one direction until it whirls rapidly. Break six eggs, one at a time, into a cup and drop each carefully into'the centre, or vortex, of the boiling water. If kept at a rapid motion, the egg will become a soft, round ball. Take it out carefully with a perforated spoon, and put it on a slice of buttered toast laid upon a hot dish. Put a bit of butter on the top. Set the dish in the oven to keep warm, and proceed in the same way with another egg, hav- ing but one in the saucepan at a time. When all are done, dust lightly with salt and pepper and send up hot. Eggs a la Mode. Remove the skin from a dozen tomatoes, medium size, cut them up in a saucepan, add a little butter, pepper, and salt ; when sufficiently boiled, beat up five or six eggs, and just before you serve, turn them into a sauce* pan with the tomato, and stir one way for two minutes, allow- ing them time to be well done. Baked Eggs. Mix finely chopped ham and bread-crumbs in about equal proportions, season with salt and pepper, and moisten with milk and a little melted butter ; half fill your small patty pans with the mixture, break an egg over the top of each, sprinkle with fine bread-crumbs, and bake; serve hot EGGS. Baked Eggs, No. 2. Butter a clean, smooth saucepan, break as many eggs as will be needed into a saucer, one by one, and if found good, slip each into the saucepan. No broken yelk must be allowed, nor must they crowd so as to risk breaking the yelk after put in. Put a small piece of butter on each, and sprinkle with pepper and salt. Set into a well- heated oven, and bake till the whites are set. If the oven is rightly heated, it will take but a few minutes, and the cooking will be far more delicate than fried eggs. Eggs snr le Plat. Melt butter on a stone-china or tin plate. Break the eggs carefully into this ; dust lightly with pepper and salt, and put on top of the stove until the whites are well set. Serve in the dish in which they are baked. Scrambled Eggs. Put into a frying-pan enough butter to grease it well ; slip in the eggs carefully without breaking the yelks ; add butter, and season to taste ; when the whites begin to set, stir the eggs from the bottom of the pan, and continue stirring until the cooking is completed. The appearance at the end should be marbled, rather than mixed. Scrambled Eggs with Ham. Put into a pan, butter, a little pepper and salt, and a little milk ; when hot, drop in the eggs, and with a knife cut the eggs and scrape them from the bottom as the whites begin to set ; add some cold ham chopped fine, and when done, serve in a hot dish. Toasted Eggs. Cover the bottom of an earthenware or stone-china dish with rounds of delicately toasted bread, or with rounds of stale bread dipped in beaten egg and fried quickly to a golden-brown in butter or nice dripping. Break an egg carefully upon each, and set the dish imme- diately in front of a glowing fire. Toast over this as many slices of fat salt pork or ham as there are eggs in the dish, holding the meat so that it will fry very quickly and all the dripping fall upon the eggs. When these are well set, they we d and a tablespoonful of flour mixed in a cup of milk. Pour into a well-buttered pan and put into a hot oven ; when thick, pour over it the whites of three eggs beaten light ; then brown nicely, without allowing the top to be* come crusted, Serve 124 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. Omelet a la Mode. Beat the yelks and whites of six eggs separately until light, then beat together and add one table- spoonful of cream. Have in the omelet pan a piece of butter ; when the butter is boiling hot, pour in the omelet and shake until it begins to stiffen, and then let it brown, and season to taste. Fold double and serve hot. If a larger omelet is desired, a tablespoonful of milk to each egg may be added, and one teaspoonful of corn-starch or flour to the whole. Cheese Omelet Butter the sides of a deep dish and cover with thin slices of rich cheese ; lay over the cheese thin slices of well-buttered bread, first covering the cheese with a little red pepper and mustard; then another layer of cheese ; beat the yelk of an egg in a cup of cream or milk, and pour over the dish, and put at once into the oven ; bake till nicely browned. Serve hot, or it will be tough and hard, but when properly cooked it will be tender and savory. Meat or Fish Omelet Make the same as plain omelet. When it is done, scatter thickly over the surface cold, boiled ham, tongue, poultry, fish, or lobster, chopped fine, and season nicely to taste ; slip the broad knife under one side of the omelet and double, inclosing the meat. Then upset the frying-pan upon a hot dish, so transferring the omelet with- out breaking. Or the minced meat may be stirred in after the ingredients are put together, and before cooking. Be careful not to scorch the egg. Omelet with Oysters. Allow one egg for each person, and beat yelks and whites separately, very light ; season to taste, and just before cooking add the oysters, which have been previously scalded in their own liquor. Sandwiches. Hard boil some fresh eggs, and, when cold, cut them into moderately thin slices, and lay them be- tween slices of bread and butter cut thin, and season well EGGS. 125 with celery salt. For picnic parties or for traveling, these sandwiches are very nice. Deviled Eggs. Boil the eggs hard, remove the shell, and cut in two as preferred. Remove the yelks, and add to them salt, cayenne pepper, melted butter, and mixed mustard to taste ; then stuff the cavities of the hard whites, and put the halves together again. Serve garnished with parsley. For picnics, etc., each egg can be wrapped in tissue paper to preserve its form. Pickled Eggs. Boil the eggs until very hard ; when cold, shell them, and cut them in halves lengthways. Lay them carefully in large-mouthed jars, and pour over them scalding vinegar, well seasoned with whole pepper, allspice, a few pieces of ginger, and a few cloves of garlic. When cold, tie up closely, and let them stand a month. They are then fit for use. With cold meat, they are a most delicious and delicate pickle. Egg Balls. Rub the yelks of hard-boiled eggs with the raw yelk of an egg, well beaten, and season to taste. Roll this paste into balls the size of marbles, adding flour if neces- sary to thicken, and boil two minutes. A valuable embel- lishment and enrichment of soups. X. BREAD, BISCUIT, HOT CAKES, ETC. AN immense department is opened up by the title of this chapter; and it is a department of immense im- portance. Bread is confessedly the " staff of life," and, therefore, it should be good. And whatever takes the place of bread, be it biscuits, hot cakes, muffins, or what not, should also be good, or nothing is gained by the exchange. Many a housekeeper can make excellent pies, cakes, etc., but when bread is needed, she flies to the bakery, confessing her total inability to prepare this indispensable commodity. But even bread may become distasteful as a steady diet. To vary it with the long line of splendid substitutes which are possible, and which are discussed in this chapter, is a most desirable ability. This department, therefore, is worthy of every housewife's devout study. I. BREAD. ESSENTIALS TO MAKING GOOD BREAD J HOW TO KNOW GOOD FLOUR ', YEAST ; RAISING BREAD ; BAKING BREAD. TWELVE RECIPES FOR BREAD. npHREE things are essential to the making of good bread, namely, good flour, good yeast, and judicious baking. A fourth might be added, experience, without which none of the domestic arts can be successfully carried on. In selecting flour, first look to the color. If it is white, with a yellowish straw-color tint, buy it. If it is white, with a bluish cast, or with black specks in it, refuse it. Next, its adhesiveness ; wet and knead a little of it be- BREAD, BISCUIT, HOT CAKES, ETC. tween your fingers ; if it works soft and sticky, it is poor. Then throw a little lump of dried flour against a smooth surface ; if it falls like powder, it is bad. Lastly, squeeze some of the flour tightly in your hand ; if it retains the shape given by the pressure, that too is a good sign. It is safe to buy flour that will stand all these tests. Good yeast may easily be obtained in cities, in the form of fresh yeast cakes or at the baker shops. Where access cannot be had to these aids, home-made yeast must be depended on, which see under " Yeast," at the end of this chapter. After the yeast is properly added, the dough must stand several hours in an even temperature of moderate warmth, so that the process of " rising " may go on. This is simply a fermenting, or leavening, or lightening of the dough. If this process, by too much heat or other causes, goes too fast or too far, sour bread is the result ; if it goes too slow, or not far enough, heavy bread is the result. It must go just far enough, and just at the right moment the process must be arrested by baking. The walls of dough which inclose the innumerable vesicles of gas formed in the fermenting are thus made firm around those open spaces, and what we know as " light bread" is secured. The baking is the final test in the case. The oven must be just right at the outset, and must be kept so as the operation proceeds. Experience must decide the exact heat required, but an oven in which the bared arm may be held for about half a minute is regarded as approximately correct. Hot bread, or hot cake, should always be cut with a hot knife. If so cut, it will not become clammy. RECIPES. Wheat Bread. Put seven pounds of flour into a breadpan ; hollow out the centre, and add a quart of lukewarm water, & teaspQQnfiii pf ajt, and a wineglassful of yeast Have 128 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. ready more warm water, and add gradually as much as will make a smooth, soft dough. Knead it well, dust a little flour over it, cover it with a cloth, and set it in a warm place four hours ; then knead it again for fifteen minutes and let it rise again. Divide it into loaves, and prick them with a fork, and bake in a quick oven from forty minutes to an hour. Potato Bread. Three and one-half quarts of sifted flour, three boiled potatoes, one quart warm water, one teacupful of yeast, one even tablespoonful salt. Mix at night ; put the flour in a large bowl ; hollow a place in the centre for the mashed potatoes, water, and salt. Stir in flour enough to make a smooth batter ; add yeast ; stir in the rest of the flour. Put the dough on the floured board ; knead fifteen minutes, using barely enough flour to prevent sticking. Flour the bowl, lay the dough in it, cover and leave it to rise. In the morning, divide in four parts ; mold into loaves; when light, prick, and bake in a moderate oven. Salt Rising Bread. Pour a pint of hot water in a two-quart pail or pitcher on one-half tablespoonful of salt ; when it has cooled a little, add one and one-third pints of flour ; mix well, and leave the pitcher in a kettle of water, as warm as that used for mixing. Keep it at the same temperature until the batter is nearly twice its original bulk, which will be in from five to eight hours. It may be stirred once or twice during the rising. Add to this a sponge made of one quart of hot water, two and one-half quarts of flour adding as much more as may be necessary to make a soft dough ; mix well, and leave in a warm place to rise. When light, mold into loaves, keeping them as soft as possible ; lay in buttered tins. When light again, prick and bake. Milk Bread. Let two quarts of milk come to a boil ; stand it aside to cool, and when it becomes tepid, add flour to it gradually until it makes a batter just soft enough to beat up BREAD, BISCUIT, HOT CAKES, ETC. ] 29 with a spoon. To this add one cake of compressed yeast thoroughly dissolved in lukewarm water. The batter should then be well beaten. Cover with a towel and set in a warm place to rise. When light, add two tablespoonfuls of salt, one of lard, one of light brown sugar, and flour enough to make a soft dough. Knead steadily for about half an hour. This quantity should make four or five medium-sized loaves. Put them in greased pans and let them rise again. When light, prick with a fork and bake in a quick oven. Vienna Bread. The Vienna bread that became so famous on the Centennial Exhibition grounds in 1876 was made on the following recipe : Sift in a tin pan four pounds of flour ; bank up against the sides ; pour in one quart of milk and water, and mix into it enough flour to form a thin batter, and then quickly and lightly add one pint of milk, in which is dissolved one ounce of salt and one and three-quarter ounces of yeast ; leave the remainder of the flour against the sides of the pan ; cover the pan with a cloth, and set in a place free from draught for three quarters of an hour ; then mix in the rest of the flour until the dough will leave the bottom and sides of the pan, and let it stand two and a half hours ; finally, divide the mass into one-pound pieces, to be cut in turn into twelve parts each ; this gives square pieces about three and a half inches thick, each corner of which is taken up and folded over to the centre, and then the cases are turned over on a dough-board to rise for half an hour, when they are put in a hot oven that will bake them in ten minutes. Rye Bread. Scald two handfuls of corn-meal with a quart of boiling water, and add a quart of milk and a tablespoonful of salt. When cool, add a teacupful of yeast, and enough rye flour to make it as stiff as wheat-bread dough. After it has risen put it in pans and bake an hour and a half. Brown Bread. Take one cup 01 bread-crumbs, one pint of 9 130 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. sweet milk, one cup of molasses, butter the size of an egg, one teaspoonful of soda, corn-meal enough to make a stiff batter, with salt to taste. Turn the whole into a buttered basin and steam for two hours ; then bake in a quick oven half an hour. Boston Brown Bread. Take three and three-fourth cupfuls of Indian corn-meal, two and one-half cupfuls rye-meal, two- thirds cupful molasses, one quart milk, either sweet or sour ; two even teaspoonfuls soda, dissolved in the milk ; steam in a tin pudding boiler five hours ; take off the cover and set in the oven to brown. Corn Bread. Two heaping cupfuls Indian meal, one cup- ful wheat flour, two heaping teaspoonfuls Durkee's baking- powder; mix well together while dry; one teaspoonful salt, two tablespoonfuls white sugar, two eggs, one tablespoonful lard, two and a half cupfuls cold milk ; beat the eggs, melt the lard, and dissolve the salt and sugar in the milk before add- ing them to the flour ; bake in buttered pans in a quick oven. Graham Bread. Three quarts of Graham flour ; one quart of warm water; one gill of yeast; one gill of sirup; one tablespoonful of salt; one even teaspoonful of soda. Mix thoroughly and put in well-buttered pans to rise. Bake about an hour and a half. This same mixture may be thinned and baked in gem pans for Graham gems. Rice Bread. After a pint of rice has been boiled soft, mix it with two quarts of rice flour or wheat flour. When cold, add half a teaspoonful of yeast, a teaspoonful of salt, and enough milk to make a soft dough. When it has risen, bake in small buttered pans. Unleavened Bread. Mix wheat flour into a stiff dough With warm water or milk ; add a little lard, or suet, and bake in thin cakes. Bake as soon as mixed, and eat hot. BREAD, BISCUIT, HOT CAKES, ETC. II. TOAST. WHAT TOAST IS GOOD FOR. SIX METHODS OF PREPARING TOAST, AS a palatable method of disposing of stale bread, as well as to furnish a variety of agreeable dishes, toast is an important factor in the culinary economy of the home. As a dish for invalids it is indispensible. RECIPES. Dry Toast is produced by browning stale baker's bread over glowing coals. A toasting fork, or rack, of which there are various patterns, is a great convenience. Do not burn the toast, nor allow it to be so browned as to harden it. It should be eaten hot, as it becomes tough when allowed to cool. Buttered Toast For buttered toast, the slices should be thicker than for dry toast. Butter the slices as toasted, and keep warm until served. Excessive buttering should be avoided. - Egg Toast On slices of buttered toast lay poached eggs. Serve with Worcestershire sauce for breakfast. French Toast Beat three eggs light, add one cupful of milk, with pepper and salt to taste. Dip into this slices of bread, then fry them in hot butter to a delicate brown. Milk Toast Toast the bread an even, delicate brown, and pile into a hot dish. Boil milk with a little salt, a teaspoon- ful of flour, and one of butter, rubbed together; pour it over the toast and serve hot. Cream Toast Take slices of baker's bread from which the crust has been pared and toast it to a golden brown. Have on the range a shallow bowl or pudding-dish, more than half full of boiling water, in which a tablespoonful of butter has been melted. As each slice is toasted, dip in thi* 132 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. for a second, sprinkle lightly with salt, and lay in the deep heated dish in which it is to be served. Have ready, by the time all the bread is toasted, a quart of milk scalding hot, but not boiling. Thicken this with two tablespoonfuls of corn-starch or best flour ; let it simmer until cooked ; put in two tablespoonfuls of butter, and when this is melted, the beaten whites of three eggs. Boil up once, and pour over the toast, lifting the lower slices one by one, that the creamy mixture may run in between them. Cover closely, and set in the oven two or three minutes before serving. III. FANCY BREADS. FANCY BREADS AND PLAIN CAKES ; THEIR GENERAL USEFULNESS. EIGHT RECIPES FOR FANCY BREADS. SOME special preparations come naturally between bread and cake. For convenient classification, they are grouped here under the title of Fancy Breads, though they might as well be classed as Plain Cakes. They serve a good purpose for variety, for luncheon, etc. See plainer forms of cakes. RECIPES. Sally Lunn.- One quart of flour, a piece of butter the size of an egg, three tablespoonfuls of sugar, two eggs, two tea- cupfuls of milk, two teaspoonfuls of cream tartar, one of soda, and a little salt. Scatter the cream of tartar, the sugar, and the salt into the flour ; add the eggs, the butter (melted), and one cup of milk ; dissolve the soda in the remaining cup, and stir all together steadily a few moments. Bake in two round pans. Sally LtUffl, No. 2. Rub into a quart of flour two teaspoon- fells of baking-powder ; beat together nearly half a cup of , BISCUIT, ito? CAKES, ETC. butter and two tablespoonfuls of sugar ; put into the flour and mix with a pint of milk ; then add two eggs, beaten light. Mix and bake as above. Johnny Cake. One quart of buttermilk or sour milk, one quart Indian meal, one quart of flour, one cup of molasses, a teaspoonful of soda, two scant teaspoonfuls if the milk is sour, a teaspoonful of salt. Bake in shallow pans in a quick oven. Hoe Cake. Scald one quart of Indian-meal in enough water to make a thick batter ; add a teaspoonful of salt, one of molasses, and two of butter. Bake on a board before a hot fire or in a pan. Scotch Short-cake. Two pounds of fine flour, one pound of fresh, sweet butter, half a pound of finest sifted sugar ; throughly knead together without water; roll out to half an inch in thickness, and place it on paper in a shallow pan ; bake very slowly until of proper crispness. The cake, to be good, must be very brittle. Pumpkin Bread. Stew and strain a sufficient quantity of pumpkin ; add enough Indian-meal to stiffen it, with yeast and a little salt; when sufficiently raised, bake as in ordi- nary bread. Pone, This is a dish prepared by the Indians, called also paune. Take two cupfuls of corn-meal, two of wheat flour, one o sugar, and half a cup of melted butter. Add one egg, one teaspoonful of salt, one of soda, and two of cream of tartar. Mix with enough milk to make a moderately stiff batter, and bake in a hot oven. Barley Bread. In Scotland, Norway, and other climates where wheat is not grown, barley bread is used extensively. It is both wholesome and palatable. Mix the barley meal with warm water and a little salt, but no yeast. Mix to a stiff dough, roll into flat cakes, and bake before the fire or in an ^>ven. Eat hot, with butter. 134 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. IV. ROLLS. A FAVORITE BREAKFAST DISH. SEVEN VARIETIES OF ROLLS. A FAVORITE departure from the ordinary forms ol bread is furnished in rolls. They are exceedingly pop- ular for breakfast, served warm. There are sufficient variations in rolls to make them suitable for use day after day, if this be desired. RECIPES. Plain Rolls. Boil six potatoes in two quarts of water, and when done pour and press the whole through the colander ; when cool, but not cold, add flour to make a thick batter ; add half a cup of yeast, or one-half cake of compressed yeast, and set to rise ; when light, add half a cup of lard and but- ter mixed, a tablespoonful of sugar, teaspoonful of salt, and flour to make a soft dough ; knead well and set again to rise ; when light, knead down again ; repeat three or four times ; an hour before they are to be used cut in small pieces, roll out, spread with melted butter, and fold over, laying them in a pan so that they will not touch each other ; set them in a warm place, and when light bake quickly. Or, make into an oblong roll without spreading and rolling, and just before putting them into the oven, gash deeply across the top with a sharp knife. English Rolls. Two pounds of flour, two ounces of butter, three tablespoonfuls of yeast, one pint of warm milk ; mix well together, and set in a warm place to rise ; knead, and make into rolls ; let them rise again and bake twenty min- utes. Breakfest Rolls. One quart of sifted flour, three teaspoon- fuls baking-powder, half teaspoonful salt ; mix well together dry, then add three and half gills of cold milk, or enough to make it the consistency of batter, and drop with a spooa BREAD, BISCUIT, ftOT CAKES, ETC. into gem baking-pans, which should have been previously heated very hot and buttered. French Rolls. One pint of milk, scalded ; put into it while hot half a cupful of sugar, and one tablespoonful of butter ; when the milk is cool, add a little salt and half a cupful of yeast, or one cake of compressed yeast ; stir in flour enough to make a stiff sponge, and when light mix as for bread. Let it rise until light, punch it down with the hand, and let it rise again, and repeat this process two or three times ; then turn the dough on to the molding board, and pound with rolling-pin until thin enough to cut. Cut out with a tumbler, brush the surface of each one with melted butter, and fold over. Let the rolls rise on the tins ; bake, and while warm brush over the surface with melted butter to make the crust tender. Vienna Rolls. One quart sifted flour, two heaping tea- spoonfuls of a good baking-powder; mix well while dry; then add a tablespoonful of butter or lard, made a little soft by- warming and stirring, and about three-fourths of a pint, or enough cold, sweet milk for a dough of usual stiffness, with about half a teaspoonful of salt dissolved in it. Mix into a dough easily to be handled without sticking ; turn on the board and roll out to the thickness of half an inch, cut it out with a large cake-cutter, spread very lightly with butter, fold one-half over the other, and lay them in a greased pan without touching. Wash them over with a little milk, and bake in a hot oven. Parker House Rolls. One teacupful of yeast, or one cake of compressed yeast, a little salt, one tablespoonful sugar, piece of lard size of an egg, one pint milk, flour sufficient to mix. Put the milk on the stove to scald with the lard in it. Prepare the flour with salt, sugar, and yeast. Then add the milk, not too hot. Knead thoroughly, and when mixed set to rise ; when light, knead again slightly. Then roll out 136 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN and cut with large biscuit-cutter. Spread a little butter oa each roll and lap together. Let them rise again very light, and bake in a quick oven. Geneva Rolls. Into two pounds of flour break three ounces of butter, add a little salt, and make into a sponge with yeast, previously mixed with milk and water. Allow the batter to rise ; then mix in two eggs, made lukewarm by the adding of hot milk, and work the sponge to a light dough. Let it stand for three-quarters of an hour longer ; mold into small rolls ; place them in buttered pans. When light, brush them with beaten yelks of eggs, and bake for twenty minutes or half an hour. Serve hot V. BISCUIT, RUSK, AND BUNS. SPECIAL CARE REQUISITE IN THIS DEPARTMENT ; ATTENTION TO INGREDIENTS, OVEN, ETC. ; HOW TO BAKE THEM j BAKING-POW- DER BISCUITS, SODA BISCUITS, ETC. j CARE OF PANS. FIFTEEN RECIPES FOR BISCUITS, BUNS, ETC. REAT care is requisite in making biscuits that quantities I y be accurately observed and that the ingredients used are of proper quality. Flour should be a few months old. New flour will not make good biscuits. It should always be sifted. The oven, too, needs careful attention. On its condition the success of biscuit baking will depend. Rolls and bis- cuit should bake quickly. To make them a nice color, rub them over with warm water just before putting them into the oven ; to glaze them, brush lightly with milk and sugar. Baking-powder biscuit and soda biscuit should be made as rapidly as possible, laid into hot pans, and put in a quick oven. Gem pans should always be heated and well greased. BREAD, BISCUIT, ffOT CAKES, ETC. RECIPES. Potato Biscuit. Pare ten potatoes, boil them thoroughly, and mash fine ; add two cups of lukewarm milk, two table- spoonfuls of white sugar, half a cup of yeast, and flour enough to make a thin batter. Mix well and allow it to rise. Then add four tablespoonfuls of melted butter, a little salt, and enough flour to make a soft dough. Let this rise again ; roll into a sheet about an inch thick, and cut into cakes. Set to rise again, and bake in a quick oven. Light Biscuit. When kneading bread, set aside a small loaf for biscuits. Into this, work a heaping tablespoonful of lard and butter mixed and a teaspoonful of sugar. The more it is worked the whiter it will be. As it rises, mold it down twice before making into biscuit. Roll out and cut with a biscuit-cutter. The dough should be quite soft. Soda Biscuits. One quart of flour, a tablespoonful of but- ter and two of lard, a teaspoonful of salt, and one teaspoon even full of cream of tartar, one teaspoonful of soda ; sift the cream tartar with the flour dry ; rub the butter and lard very thoroughly through it ; dissolve the soda in a pint of milk and mix all together. Roll out, adding as little flour as possible; cut with a biscuit-cutter, and bake twenty minutes in a quick oven. Tea Biscuit. Take one quart sifted flour, one tablespoon- ful shortening, half teaspoonful salt, and two teaspoonfuls Durkee's baking-powder ; mix well together dry, then add sufficient cold milk or water to form a very soft dough ; bake immediately in a quick oven. Cream Biscuits. Dissolve one teaspoonful of soda in a quart of sour cream, add to it flour sufficient to make a soft dough and a little salt ; or use sour milk, and rub a table-* spoonful of butter into the flour. 138 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. Graham Biscuits. Take one quart of water or milk, butte* the size of an egg, three tablespoonfuls sugar, two of baker's yeast, and a pinch of salt ; take enough white flour to use up the water, making it the consistency of batter cakes ; add the rest of the ingredients and as much Graham flour as can be stirred in with a spoon ; set it away till morning-, in the morning grease the pan, flour your hands ; take a lump of dough the size of a large egg, roll it lightly be- tween the palms, and let the biscuits rise twenty minutes, then bake in a tolerably hot oven. Maryland Biscuits. Take three pints of sifted flour, one tablespoonful of good lard, one pint of cold water, salt to the taste; make into a stiff dough ; work it till it cracks or blisters, then break, but do not cut it, into suitable portions, and make into biscuits ; stick the top of each with a fork and bake. Yorkshire Biscuits. Make a batter with flour sufficient and one quart of boiling hot milk. When the batter has cooled to lukewarmness, add a teacupful of yeast and a half tea- spoonful of salt. Set to rise again and let it become very light ; then stir in a half teaspoonful of soda, two eggs, and a tablespoonful of melted butter. Add flour enough to make the dough into small, round cakes ; let them rise fifteen minutes, and bake in a slow oven. Short Biscuits. Mix one quart of flour with a quarter pound of butter melted in boiling water. Add enough cold milk to make a stiff dough. Work into small biscuits and bake in a quick oven. Flavored Biscuits. Biscuit dough made as for Light Bis- cuit may be flavored with any essence, or with lemon or orange peel, as desired. Tea Rusk. Three cups of flour, one cup of milk, three- BREAD, BISCUIT, HOT CAKES, ETC. fourths of a cup of sugar, two heaping tablespoonfuls of butter, melted ; two eggs, three teaspoonfuls baking-powder. Let them rise, and bake in a moderate oven. Glaze while hot with white of egg, in which has been stirred, not beaten, a little powdered sugar, or sift the powdered sugar in while the egg is still moist on the top. Rusks should never be eaten hot. Sweet Rusk. One pint of warm milk new is best one- half cup of butter, one cup of sugar, two eggs, one tea- spoonful of salt, two tablespoonfuls of yeast ; make a sponge with the milk, yeast, and enough flour to make a thin bat- ter, and let it rise over night. In the morning add the sugar, butter, eggs, and salt, well beaten up together, with enough flour to make a soft dough ; let it rise again ; then work out into round balls, and set to rise a third time. Bake in a moderate oven. Buns. One cupful of warm water, one cupful of sweet milk, yeast and sugar, with flour enough to make a stiff batter ; let this rise over night ; in the morning add a cupful of sugar, a cupful of raisins or currants, mold well ; let it rise till light, then make into buns ; rise again till very light, and bake. Use any spice desired. Hot Cross Buns. Three cupfuls sweet milk ; one cupful of yeast ; flour to make thick batter. Set this as a sponge over night. In the morning add one cupful of sugar ; one-half cupful butter, melted ; half a nutmeg ; one saltspoonful salt, and flour enough to roll out like biscuit. Knead well, and set to rise five hours. Roll half an inch thick, cut into round cakes, and lay in rows in a buttered baking-pan. When they have stood half an hour, make a cross upon each with a knife, and put instantly into the oven. Bake to a light brown, and brush over with a feather or soft bit of rag, dipped in the white of an egg beaten up stiff with white sugar. 140 EVERY WOMAN HER OWNJWOK. Pop Overs. Mix four cupfuls of flour, four cupfuls 4A milk, four eggs, and a little salt. This quantity will make about twenty puffs in gem-pans, which must be baked quick and done to . nice brown. VI. MUFFINS AND WAFFLES. HOW MUFFINS AND WAFFLES DIFFER ; THEIR RELATION TO OTHER KINDRED PREPARATIONS; MUFFIN-RINGS AND WAFFLE-IRON^ WHEN TO USE MUFFINS AND WAFFLES ; HOW TO SERVE THEBf. ELEVEN RECIPES FOR MUFFINS AND WAFFLES. MUFFINS are baked in rings on a griddle, or in gem- pans, over a quick fire. Waffles are baked in waffle- irons, which inclose the batter and imprint both sides of the cake as it rises in the process of baking. Both muf- fins and waffles form a medium between bread and biscuits on the one side and griddle-cakes on the other. Muffin- rings were formerly about four inches in diameter, but now, with better taste, they are used much smaller. The approved waffle-irons of to-day are circular, baking four waffles at once, and suspended on a pivot that permits them to be turned with a touch of the fork. Both muffins and waffles are suitable for tea, and with stewed chicken and such deli- cacies they are really delicious. They should always be served hot and with the best of butter. Waffles and catfish are a famous dish at some eating-houses. RECIPES. Muffins. Two eggs lightly beaten, one quart of flour, one teaspoonful of salt, three teaspoonfuls of Durkee's baking- powder, one tablespoonful of melted butter, one pint of milk, and two teaspoonfuls of vanilla extract, if liked. Beat up quickly to the consistency of a cake batter ; bake in buttered gem-pans in a hot oven. BREAD, BISCUIT, HOT CAKES, ETC. Muffins, No. 2. One cup of home-made yeast or half of a compressed yeast cake, one pint of sweet milk, two eggs, two tablespoonfuls of melted butter, two tablespoonfuls of sugar. Beat the butter, sugar, and eggs well together ; then stir in the milk, slightly warmed, and thicken with flour to the consistency of griddle-cakes. When light, bake in muffin- rings or on a griddle. If wanted for tea, the batter should be mixed immediately after breakfast. Muffins should never be cut with a knife, but be pulled open with the fingers. Rice Muffins. Take one quart of sour milk, three well- beaten eggs, a little salt, a teaspoonful of soda, and enough of rice flour to thicken to a stiff batter. Bake in rings. Hominy Muffins. Substitute hominy, well cooked and mashed, for the rice, and proceed as above. Bread Muffins. Cut the crust off four thick slices of bread ; put them in a pan and pour on them just enough boiling water to soak them thoroughly. Let them stand an hour, covered ; then drain off the water and stir the bread to a smooth paste. Stir in two tablespoonfuls of flour, a half pint of milk, and three well-beaten eggs. Bake to a delicate brown in well-buttered muffin-rings. Graham Muffins. One quart of Graham flour, two tea- spoonfuls of baking-powder, a piece of butter the size of a walnut, one egg, one tablespoonful of sugar, one-half tea~ spoonful of salt, milk enough to make a batter as thick as for griddle-cakes. Bake in gem-pans or muffin-rings in a hot oven. Corn Muffins. Mix two cupfuls of corn-meal, two cupfuls of flour, one cupful of sugar, half a cupful of melted butter, two eggs, and one teaspoonful of salt. Dissolve one tea- spoonful of soda and two of cream tartar in a little milk, and beat it through. Add milk enough to make a moderately batter, and bake in rings or gem-pans. 142 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. Crumpets. Three cupfuls of warm milk, half a cupful of yeast, two tablespoonfuls of melted butter, one saltspoonful each of salt and soda dissolved in hot water, flour enough to make a good batter. Set these ingredients leaving out the butter and soda as a sponge. When very light, beat in the melted butter, with a very little flour ; stir in the soda hard, fill patty-pans or muffin-rings with the mixture, and let them stand fifteen minutes before baking. Raised Waffles. One quart of warm milk, one tablespoon- ful of butter, three eggs, one gill of yeast, one tablespoon- ful of salt, and flour to make a stiff batter. Set to rise, and bake in waffle-irons, which must be well heated before used. Quick Waffles. One quart flour, two teaspoonfuls Durkee's baking-powder, one teaspoonful salt ; mix dry ; then stir in one tablespoonful melted butter, two well-beaten eggs, and enough cold, sweet milk for a batter thin enough to pour ; bake at once in waffle-irons. Rice Waffles. Mix a teacupful and a half of boiling rice with a pint of milk, rubbing it smooth over the fire. Take from the fire and add a pint of cold milk and a teaspoonful of salt. Stir in four well-beaten eggs with enough flour to make a thin batter, and bake as above. Waffles should always be served hot. Powdered sugar with a flavor of powdered cinnamon makes a pleasing dressing for them. VII. GRIDDLE-CAKES. WHAT GRIDDLE-CAKES ARE j HINTS ABOUT GRIDDLES J HOW TO COOK GRIDDLE-CAKES ; HOW TO SERVE THEM ; WHEN TO SERVE THEM; WITH WHAT TO SERVE THEM. TEN RECIPES FOR GRIDDLE-CAKES. AKES made of a batter so thin that it flows easily upon la griddle, and that can, therefore, be quickly baked and be served hot, are griddle-cakes, and great favorites they arc. BREAD, BISCUIT, HOT CAKES, ETC. All new griddles are hard to manage, but as the only way to get old ones is to make them out of new ones, we are shut up to the necessity of using the new, though they do not work so well. Opinions divide between iron griddles and those of soapstone. The latter require no greasing. Hence trouble is saved, and the smoke of the fat used in the constant greasing of a hot iron griddle is entirely avoided. But still, many housekeepers prefer the old style. A hot griddle is essential to good griddle-cakes. But it must not be hot enough to burn before it bakes. A cold griddle will make cakes tough, unpalatable, and decidedly unwholesome. Hot cakes may be served with powdered sugar, molasses, maple sirup, or any other of the many excellent sirups in the market. Cold days are the gala days for hot cakes. Time immemorial, buckwheat cakes and sausage have gone to the table side by side. There is delightful harmony in this union ; but to serve hot cakes and fish together would introduce discord into the best regulated family. There is an eminent fitness between hot cakes and certain other dishes, and it must never be disregarded. RECIPES. Buckwheat Cakes. One quart of buckwheat-meal, one pint of wheat-flour or Indian-meal, half a teacupful of yeast, salt to taste ; mix the flour, buckwheat, and salt with as much water moderately warm as will make it into a thin batter; beat it well, then add the yeast ; when well mixed, set it in a warm place to rise ; as soon as it is very light, grease the griddle and bake the cakes to a delicate brown. Butter them with good butter and serve hot. Graham Griddle-cakes. Scald a cupful of Indian-meal in a pint of boiling water, and strain it over night. Thin it with * quart of milk, and make into a sponge with a cupful of 144 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. Graham flour, a large tablespoonful of molasses, and half & cupful of yeast In the morning, add salt to taste, a cupful of white flour, half a teaspoonful of soda, dissolved in hot water, and a tablespoonful of butter or lard. Stir in enough water to make batter of the right consistency, and bake on a hot griddle. Flannel Cakes. Three eggs, one quart of sweet milk, about one quart of flour, a small teaspoonful of salt, two table- spoonfuls of prepared baking-powder ; beat the yelks, and half of the milk, salt, and flour together ; then the remainder of the milk ; and last, the whites of the eggs well beaten. Bake in small cakes on a hot griddle. Flannel Cakes, No. 2. One quart of milk, three eggs, one cupful of yeast, one dessertspoonful of salt, flour enough for a thinnish batter, and a teaspoonful of butter ; set to rise ; bake like buckwheat cakes. Cakes half Indian and half wheat are very nice, and good cakes may be made even without the eggs. Rice Cakes. Soak a cupful of rice five or six hours in enough warm water to cover it. Then boil slowly till soft. While still warm, but not hot, stir in a tablespoonful of but- ter, a tablespoonful of sugar, a teaspoonful of salt, and a quart of milk. When cold, add three eggs, beaten very light. Sift a half teaspoonful of cream of tartar into a quarter cupful of rice flour, and add them to the batter, first beating into it a quarter teaspoonful of soda dissolved in hot water. Rice Cakes, No. 2. Boil a cupful of rice until quite soft, setting it aside until cool. Beat three eggs very light, and put them into the rice, with a pint of flour, into which you have sifted three teaspoonfuls of prepared baking-powder. Add a teaspoonful of butter and one of salt, making it into $ batter with a quart of milk, Bake on a griddle. BREAD, BISCUIT, HOT CAKES, ETC. Hominy Cakes. Mix with cold boiled hominy an equal quantity of white flour until perfectly smooth ; add a tea- spoonful of salt and thin off with buttermilk, in part of which a teaspoonful of soda has been dissolved ; when of the proper consistency for griddle cakes, add a dessertspoon- ful of melted butter, and bake as usual. Sour Milk Cakes. One pint sour milk, one teaspoonful of aoda, a little salt, two eggs, and flour to make a thin batter ; bake on a hot griddle. Indian Griddle Cakes. One large cupful Indian-meal, four tablespoonfuls of wheat flour, two tablespoonfuls of Durkee's baking-powder, one teaspoonful salt, mix together dry, then add sufficient cold water for a batter ; bake at once on a hot griddle. Slapjacks. One pint of milk, three eggs, one teaspoonful of soda, and one of salt, flour enough to make a thin bat- ter. Butter your griddle, and fry them the size of a tea- plate ; when one is done, turn it on the dish, sprinkle with a little white sugar, and continue in this way till they are all fried. Always fry them with butter. A little nutmeg may be grated with the sugar on each cake. VIIL YEAST AND YEAST CAKES. NATURE OF YEAST ; ACTION OF YEAST IN DOUGH ; CAUSES OF LIGHT BREAD AND HEAVY BREAD ; CARE OF YEAST. SIX RECIPES FOR YEAST AND YEAST CAKES. IN this chapter, yeast has been so often referred to that its special consideration seems important just here. An- alytically considered, it consists of an innumerable quantity of infinitesimal fungi, called the yeast-plant. The remarkable characteristic of these minute plants is, that under fayoring conditions they multiply to an incredible * 10 146 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. extent in a very short time. Thus the production of yeast; in proper mixtures, is an easy matter. When yeast is placed in dough, it immediately produces fermentation, in the process of which gases are generated, which permeate the dough, filling it with gas-vessels and so producing the spongy appearance so familiar in raised bread. If this process goes too far, it sours the dough and unfits it for food. If arrested by placing the dough in a hot oven, the gases will be driven off by the heat, and the thin dough walls will be set and baked. If the oven be slow, the gases will be driven off, the dough walls will col- lapse, and heavy bread will be the result. The proper use of yeast is most important, therefore. It must be watched as carefully as any other tender plant. Excessive heat of cold, or rough mechanical usage will quickly destroy it, RECIPES. Brewer's Yeast. This yeast is produced during the process of fermenting malt liquors. It is the most effective yeast in use, being about eight times the strength of any other kind. Hop Yeast Boil four pounds of pared potatoes in three quarts of water and stir through a colander. Boil a hand- ful of hops in one quart of water for ten minutes, and strain this upon the potatoes. Add a half pint of salt, a half pint of sugar, and a tablespoonful of ginger. The quantity should now measure five quarts. If it be less, add enough tepid water to make the quantity correct. When lukewarm, add a half pint of home-brewed yeast, mix thoroughly, and stand in a warm place till bubbles form on the surface, which indicate that it has become light Cover the vessel contain- ing the yeast, and allow it to stand in a dry, cool place. It will keep well for months. A gill of this yeast will suffice for an ordinary baking, requiring a quart of water or milk, BREAD, BISCUIT, HOT CAKES, ETC. \1 Patent Yeast. Boil two ounces of hops in four quarts of water for a half hour. Strain and cool till lukewarm, then add a handful of salt, a half pound of sugar, and a pound of flour, all mixed well and beaten up together. After it has stood forty-eight hours, add three pounds of potatoes, boiled and well-mashed. Let it stand twenty-four hours, stirring it often ; then strain and bottle. It is ready for im- mediate use, or will keep several months. Keep in a cool place. Potato Yeast Pare and boil six potatoes; mash them through a colander and mix with them six tablespoonfuls of flour. Pour on a quart of boiling water from that in which the potatoes were boiled. Add half a teacupful of sugar, a tablespoonful of salt, and when cool, a teacupful of home- made yeast, or one-fourth the quantity of brewer's yeast. Yeast Cakes. Thicken good yeast with Indian-meal till it becomes a stiff batter. A little rye will make it adhere bet- ter. Make into cakes an inch thick and two by three inches in area. Dry them in the air, but not in the sun. Keep them in a bag in a cool, dry place. One of these cakes is enough for four quarts of flour. To use them, soak in milk or water several hours and use as other yeast. Compressed Yeast There are many valuable preparations of this yeast, excellent in quality, and convenient to use. They must be fresh, however, or they will fail of their pur- pose. XL PASTRY AND PUDDINGS. CARE IN INGREDIENTS AND MANIPULATION ESSENTIAL ; KEEP IW- GREDIENTS COOL ; MIX QUICKLY ; HOW TO SHORTEN ; HOW TO ROLL; THE FILLING; THE BAKING. SEVENTY-NINE RECIPES FOR PASTRY AND PUDDINGS. THAT pastry may be wholesome and appetizing, great care in the selection of ingredients and in their ma- nipulation is absolutely essential. One fact must always be borne in mind that inferior ingredients cannot be made into superior compounds though the finest ingre- dients may be ruined by careless or unskillful handling. Some suggestions of general application are therefore de- sirable. Be careful to have all the materials cool, and the butter and lard hard ; use cold water (ice-water if convenient) ; use a cool knife, and work on a marble slab if it can be had. Put the ingredients together quickly, handling as little as possible ; slow mixing and much contact with the hands or fingers make tough crust. Always use well-sifted flour. Except in puff-paste, lard and butter in about equal pro- portions make the best crust ; if made of butter alone, it is almost sure to be tough. That of lard alone, though ten- der, is usually white and insipid. Beef drippings, or the drippings of fresh pork, make a very light and palatable crust, lighter and more tender indeed than that made with butter alone, much better tasted than that made with lard alone, and quite equal to that made with butter and lard combined. Never use mutton drippings in crust. Use very little salt and very little water ; pour the latter in gradually, only a few drops at a time, unless you want tough crust, 141 PASTA Y AMD PVbblNGS. 149 Use plenty of flour on your paste-board, to keep the paste from sticking. Work the crust of one pie at a time, and always roll from you one way only. The filling for the pie should be perfectly cool when put in, or it will make the bottom crust heavy. In making juicy pies, cut a slit in the top to let the steam escape, else the pie will be puffed unduly. The oven should be hot, but not sufficiently so to scorch or to set the paste before it has had time to rise ; if too slack, the paste will not rise at all, but will be white and clammy. The best paste has a tinge of yellow. If per- emitted to scorch or brown, even the best paste becomes rancid. RECIPES. Pie Crust. Take one-half cupful of lard, one-half cupful of butter, one quart of sifted flour, one cupful of cold water and a little salt. Rub the butter and lard slightly into the flour ; wet it with the water, mixing it as little as possible. This quantity will make two large or three small pies. Pie Crust Glaze. To prevent juice from soaking the under crust, beat up the white of an egg, and before filling the pie, brush over the crust with the beaten egg. Brush over the top crust also, to give it a beautiful yellow brown. Puff Paste. Take one pound of sifted flour, on which sprinkle a very little sugar ; take the yelks of one or two eggs, and beat into them a little ice-water, and pour gently into the centre of the flour, and work into a firm paste, adding water as is necessary; divide three-quarters of a pound or a pound of firm, solid butter, as you prefer, into three parts ; roll out the paste, and spread one part of the butter on half of the paste ; fold the other half over, and roll out again, repeating the process until the butter is all rolled in ; then set the paste on the ice for fifteen or twenty 160 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. minutes, after which roll out again three times, each time rolling it the opposite direction ; then put on the ice again until cold, when it is ready for use. Such paste will keep several days in a refrigerator, but should not be allowed to freeze. Paste Shells. Take sufficient rich puff-paste prepared as in the preceding recipe, roll very thin, cut to shape, and bake in a brisk oven in tin pans. Baked carefully, before fill- ing with fruit, the paste rises better. When cool, the shells may be filled with stewed fruit, jelly, preserves, rich cream whipped to a stiff froth, raspberries, strawberries, or sliced peaches. These are delicious light desserts. Raspberries, strawberries, or sliced peaches, smothered with whipped cream on these shells, are really exquisite. Apple Pie. Line a pie plate with paste, and fill it heaping full with tart apples, sliced very thin. Sweeten and spice to taste, mixing well into the apples. Put in plenty of butter, and moisten well with cream. Bake until the apples are thoroughly done. Use no upper crust. Apple Meringue Pie. Stew and sweeten ripe, juicy apples. Mash smooth, and season with nutmeg. Fill the crust, and bake until just done. Spread over the apple a thick me- ringue, made by whipping to a stiff froth the whites of three eggs tor each pie, sweetening with a tablespoonful of pow- dered sugar for each egg. Flavor this with vanilla ; beat until it will stand alone, and cover the pie three-quarters of an inch thick. Set back in the oven until the meringue is well set. Eat cold. Peach Meringue Pie. Proceed as above in all respects, simply substituting peaches for apples. Whipped cream will make a delightful substitute for the whipped egg in either of these meringue pies. Peach Pie, Bake rich shells about two-thirds done; if your peaches are fully ripe, cut them into halves or quarters. PASTRY AND PUDDINGS. \\ put in the shell, sweeten and flavor to taste, cover or not as you choose, and finish baking in a quick oven; if the peaches are ripe, but not soft, it will improve the flavor to sugar them down some hours before you wish to use them ; if not ripe, they should be stewed. Gooseberry Pie. Stew the gooseberries with plenty of white sugar, and use plain puff-paste for crust. Cherry Pie, Having removed the stones, put in sugar as may be needed, and stew the cherries slowly till they are quite done, if you use shells, or till nearly done if you use paste. A few of the pits added in stewing increase the richness of the flavor ; but they should not go into the pies. If baked slowly the cherries need not be stewed at all. Rhubarb Pie. Remove the skin from the stalks ; cut them in small pieces ; pour boiling water over and let stand for ten minutes ; drain thoroughly ; then fill the pie-dish evenly full ; put in plenty of sugar, a little butter, and dredge a trifle of flour evenly over the top ; cover with a thin crust, and bake the same as apple pie. Equal quantities of apple and rhubarb used in the same manner make a very good pie. Pumpkin Pie. Stew the pumpkin until thoroughly done, and pass it through a colander. To one quart of stewed pumpkin, add three eggs, and one pint of milk. Sweeten, and spice with ground ginger and cinnamon to taste. Add butter, rose water, and a little brandy. The quantity of milk used will vary as the pumpkin may be moist or dry. Sweet Potato Pie. Scrape clean two good-sized sweet pota- toes ; boil ; when tender, rub through the colander ; beat the yelks of three eggs light ; stir with a pint of sweet milk into the potato ; add a small teacupful of sugar, a pinch of salt; flavor with a little fresh lemon, or lemon extract; bake to a nice brown ; when done, make a meringue top with the whites of eggs and powdered sugar; brown this a moment in the oven. EVERY WOMAN' HER OWN COO 1C. Custard Pie. Take one quart of milk, five eggs, four table* spoonfuls of sugar, a small piece of butter. Sift over the top Durkee's mixed spice. Lemon Pie. Let two cupfuls of water come to a boil ; put in two tablespoonfuls of corn-starch dissolved. When it has boiled enough, take it from the stove, add the juice and rind of two lemons, two cupfuls of sugar, a piece of butter the size of a walnut, and the yelks of two eggs. Beat the whites of these eggs with pulverized sugar, and put on the top of the pies when done. Put into the oven to brown. Orange Pie. Beat the yelks of three eggs until light, and add to them the juice and grated rind of one orange, three- quarters of a cupful of sugar, and a tablespoonful of corn- starch mixed in half a cupful of water. Bake without upper crust, using the whites of the eggs for meringue. Cream Pie. One pint of milk, scalded ; two tablespoonfula of corn-starch, three tablespoonfuls of sugar, yelks of two eggs. Wet the starch with a little cold milk ; beat the eggs and sugar until light, and stir the whole into the scalding milk. Flavor with lemon or vanilla, and set aside to cool. Line a plate with pie-crust and bake ; fill it with the cream, and cover with frosting made of the whites of the eggs, beaten dry, with two tablespoonfuls of sugar. Bake to a delicate brown. Cocoamit Pie. One quart of milk, half a pound of grated cocoanut, three eggs, six tablespoonfuls of sugar, butter the size of an egg. Bake in open shells. Cheese-cake Pie. This may be made from the above recipe, substituting cottage-cheese for the cocoanut. Sprinkle the top with Durkee's mixed spices. Mince Pie. Seven pounds of beef, three and a half pounds of beef suet, five pounds of raisins, two pounds of currants, one-half peck of apples, four pounds of sugar, three-quarters PASTRY AND PUDDINGS. 15$ of a pound of citron, one-quarter of a pound of preserved lemon, two large oranges, four nutmegs, half an onnce of cinnamon, half an ounce of cloves, and three pints of brandy. This quantity of mince-meat will make from twenty to twenty-five pies. When making the pies, moisten the meat with sweet cider. Tarts. Use the best of puff-paste; roll it out a little thicker than pie-crust, and cut with a large biscuit-cutter twice as many as you intend to have of tarts. Then cut out of half of these a small round in the centre, which will leave a circular rim of crust ; lift this up carefully, and lay it on the other pieces. Bake in pans, so providing both the bottom and tfie top crusts. Fill with any kind of preserves, jam, or jelly. Pineapple Tart. Take a fine, large, ripe pineapple; re- move the leaves and quarter it without paring, grate it down till you come to the rind ; strew plenty of powdered sugar over the grated fruit; cover it, and let it rest for an hour; then put it into a porcelain kettle, and steam in its own sirup till perfectly soft ; have ready some empty shells of puff- paste, or bake in patty-pans. When they are cool, fill them full with the grated pineapple; add more sugar, and lay round the rim a border of puff-paste. Tea Baskets. Make a short, sweetened pie-crust ; roll thin, and partly bake in sheets ; before it is quite done take from the oven, cut in squares of four inches or so, take up two diagonal corners and pinch together, which makes them basket-shaped ; now fill with whipped cream, or white of egg, or both, well sweetened and flavored, and return to the oven for a few minutes. Strawberry Short-cake. Make a good biscuit crust, and roll out about one-quarter of an inch thick, and cut into two oakes the same size and shape ; spread one over lightly melted butter, anuJier ingre- dients, and bake in a deep dish, with or without an under- crust. Cocoanut Pudding, No. 2. Put a pint of milk to boil in a farina kettle. Take four tablespoonfuls of corn-starch and dissolve it in a little cold milk, then stir it into the boiling milk. Add half a cupful of sugar, the well-beaten whites of four eggs, half a grated cocoanut, and a teaspoonful of va- nilla extract ; turn into a mold to cool. For a suitable sauce put a pint of milk to boil, beat the yelks of four eggs with two tablespoonfuls of sugar till light, then add the boiling milk, with a tablespoonful of vanilla extract. Cook for two minutes in a farina kettle, then turn out to cool. Rice Pudding. One quart of milk, three eggs, half a cup- ful of rice, three-fourths of a cupful of sugar, half a cupful of butter, one cupful of raisins, seeded. Soak the rice in a 158 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. pint of the milk an hour, then set the saucepan containing it where it will slowly heat to a boil. Boil five minutes ; re- move and let it cool. Beat the eggs, add the sugar and but- ter, the rice and the milk in which it was cooked, with the pint of unboiled milk, and finally the raisins. Grate nut- meg on the top, and bake three-quarters of an hour, or until the custard is well set and of a light brown. Serve with hard brandy sauce. Bice Pudding, No. 2. Three-quarters of a cupful of soaked rice, one cupful of sugar, three pints of milk, one table- spoonful of butter. Season with lemon rind or spice to taste. Bake three-quarters of an hour. Cottage Pudding. Three cupfuls flour, or sufficient to make the batter ; one teaspoonful butter, one cupful sugar, two eggs, one cupful milk, half a teaspoonful soda, one tea- spoonful each of cream of tartar and salt ; mix the cream of tartar with the flour, beat the whites of the eggs ; put the butter, sugar, and yelks of the eggs together; then work in the milk, soda, and salt, adding gradually the flour and whites of the eggs ; there should be flour enough to make a fairly stiff batter ; butter a mold or dish, and bake ; it may be turned out or served from the dish ; to be eaten with any liquid sauce. Rennet Pudding. Take one quart of milk, and warm it enough to remove the chill ; in summer it does not need warming at all ; stir into it three tablespoonfuls of granu- lated sugar, two of rose-water, and four of rennet wine ; stir it gently, not more than a minute ; let it stand, and do not move it till it is curdled, then place it gently in the ice chest and grate nutmeg on the top. Be careful not to shake it in moving, for if the curd is disturbed it will turn to whey. Lemon Pudding, Take the yellow part of the rind of one, find the juice of two large, juicy lemons. Beat to a cream half & pound pf butter, and the same of powdered sugar, Beat; PASTRY AND PUDDINGS. 159 six eggs very light, and stir them gradually into the mix- ture. Add a glass of wine or brandy. Put the whole into a dish with a broad edge ; put round two of three layers of puff-paste. Bake half an hour, and when cold sprinkle white sugar over it. Oranges may be used in the same way. To be eaten cold. Orange Pudding. Two oranges the juice of both and grated peel of one; juice of one lemon; one half-pound lady's-fingers stale and crumbled ; two cupfuls of milk ; four eggs, one-half cupful sugar; one tablespoonful corn* starch, wet with water ; one tablespoonful butter, melted. Soak the crumbs in the cold milk, whip up light, and add the eggs and sugar, already beaten to a cream with the batter. Next add the corn-starch, and when the mold is buttered and water boiling hard, stir in the juice and peel of the fruit. Do this quickly, and plunge the mold directly into the hot water. Boil one hour ; turn out and eat with very sweet brandy sauce. Apple Pudding. Fill an earthen baking-dish with finely chopped apples; season -with sugar and nutmeg, add a little water, set it on the back of the range until the apples are tender ; then make a crust of one teacupful of sweet milk, one tablespoonful of butter, a little salt, one teaspoon- ful baking-powder, flour enough to roll out; lay the crust on top of the apples and bake. To be eaten hot with sweet sauce, flavored with lemon or vanilla. Other kinds of fruit may be used in the same manner. Bread Pudding. One pint bread-crumbs ; one quart milk ; rind of one lemon grated into milk ; yelks four eggs, beaten and mixed with one-half cupful sugar. Bake one-half hour. Spread meringue on top. Fruit Bread Pudding. Soak three large cupfuls of very fine bread-crurnbs, through which has been mixed two teaspoon- fete pf cream, tartar, in a quart of milk; next beat io three 160 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. eggs well whipped, and a cupful of sugar ; add half a cup* ful of finely chopped suet, a little salt, nutmeg, and cinna- mon. Whip the batter very light, and then add fruit as fol- lows, it having been well dredged wvth flour : Half pound of raisins, seeded and cut in too ; one tablespoonful of finely sliced citron ; half a pound of Sultana raisins, washed well and dried. Add a teaspoonful of soda, dissolved in hot water ; heat for three minutes ; put into a buttered mold, and boil hard for two hours. Eat with brandy sauce. Delmonico Pudding. One quart of milk, four eggs, using the white of one only ; three tablespoonfuls of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of corn-starch, one cupful of cocoanut, a little salt. Put the milk in a farina boiler to scald ; wet the starch in cold milk ; beat the eggs and sugar, and stir all into the scalding milk ; add the cocoanut, and pour the whole into a pudding-dish ; whip dry the three whites, reserved as above, with three tablespoonfuls of sugar ; flavor with lemon or vanilla ; spread over the pudding and bake a light brown. Eat hot or cold. Almond Pudding. Turn boiling water on to three-fourths of a pound of sweet almonds ; let it remain until the skin comes off easily ; rub with a dry cloth ; when dry, pound fine with one large spoonful of rose-water ; beat six eggs to a stiff froth with three spoonfuls of fine white sugar ; mix with one quart of milk, three spoonfuls of pounded crackers, four ounces of melted butter, and the same of citron cut into bits ; add almonds ; stir all together, and bake in a small pudding-dish with a lining and rim of pastry. This pudding is best when cold. It will bake in half an hour in a quick oven. Cup Custard. One quart of milk, five eggs, teaspoonful of butter, sugar to taste. Pour into buttered cups, season with Durkee's mixed spices, and bake, This can be baked in a pudding-pan, if preferred. PASTRY AND PUDDINGS. Rice Custard. Into a quart of boiling water stir two tablespoonfuls of rice flour, dissolved in a little cold milk ; add two well-beaten eggs to the boiling mixture ; sweeten and flavor to taste. Chocolate Custard. Three pints of sweet milk, four table- spoonfuls of grated chocolate, three tablespoonfuls of corn- starch, and two eggs. Put the chocolate and a little milk on to boil, stir it until smooth, then add a little cold milk. Beat up the eggs in the remainder of the milk, and pour all into the chocolate. Stir until it thickens ; take off the fire, and add sugar and vanilla to taste. Place in a glass dish, and when cold, drop large spoonfuls of the whites of eggs, beaten very light with sugar, over the top, in the centre of each, a little currant jelly. This makes a very ornamental, as well as palatable dish. Chocolate Pudding. Make a corn-starch pudding with a quart of milk, three teaspoonfuls of corn-starch, and three tablespoonfuls of sugar. When done, remove about half and flavor to taste, and then to that remaining in the kettle add an egg beaten very light and two ounces of vanilla chocolate. Put in a mold, alternating the dark and light, and serve with whipped cream. Baked Indian Pudding. Boil one pint of milk ; while boil- ing stir in one cupful of Indian-meal ; let it cool a little, and add three eggs well-beaten, one pint of cold milk, one table- spoonful of flour, one-half cupful of sugar, one cupful of molasses, one teaspoonful of ginger, one of cinnamon, and a little salt. Bake an hour and a half. Queen's Pudding. One pint of bread-crumbs, one quart of milk, yelks of four eggs, rind of one lemon; sweeten to taste. Bake as a custard. After baking, spread the top with cur- rant jelly. Beat the whites of the eggs, add to them one cupful of sugar dissolved in the juice of a lemon. Spread this over the pudding, and brown. 11 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. Brown Betty. One loaf of stale bread crumbled fine, one- half cupful of milk, and twelve apples. Alternate layers of bread and sliced apples, sugared, buttered, and spiced. Moisten with the milk. Bake in a tin pudding-pan for three hours. Poor Man's Plum Pndding. One cupful of molasses, one cupful of suet chopped very fine, beaten smoothly together ; one teaspoonful of salt and one of soda mixed through a half-pound of flour, one pint of milk, one pound of raisins, seeded and chopped, and a half-pound of sliced citron. Boil three hours. English Plnm Pudding. Two pounds of chopped suet, three pounds of seeded raisins, two pounds of currants, one- half pound of citron, two pounds of sugar, five eggs, one pint of milk, one-half pint of brandy., two nutmegs, a little salt, flour sufficient to make it very stiff. Put it into one or two bags, and boil in a large quantity of water seven or eight hours. Serve with sauce. Spice Pudding. One cupful of sour milk, one cupful of butter, four cupfuls of flour, two cupfuls of currants, one cupful of sugar, four eggs, four teaspoonfuls of cinnamon, one teaspoonful of cloves, and one teaspoonful of soda. Bake in a quick oven, and serve with brandy sauce. Paradise Pudding. Stew until tender three ounces of rice in a pint and a quarter of milk, add four ounces of raisins, three ounces of suet chopped fine, two and a half ounces of sugar, two eggs, a little nutmeg and lemon peel. Boil three hours. Serve with hard sauce. Jelly Pudding. Two cupfuls very fine stale biscuit or bread-crumbs ; one cupful of rich milk half cream, if you can get it ; five eggs, beaten very light ; one-half teaspoon- ful of soda, stirred in boiling water ; one cupful of sweet jelly, jam, or marmalade. Scald the milk ajid pour over the PASTR Y AND ^PUDDINGS. crumbs. Beat until half cold, and stir in the beaten yelks, then whites, finally the soda. Fill large cups half full with the batter ; set in a quick oven and bake half an hour. When done, turn out quickly and dexterously ; with a sharp knife make an incision in the side of each ; pull partly open, and put a liberal spoonful of the conserve within. Close the slit by pinching the edges with your fingers. Eat warm with sweetened cream. Cabinet Pudding. Take of the remains of any kind of cake broken up two cupfuls, half a cupful of raisins, half a can of peaches, four eggs, one and a half pints of milk. Butter a plain pudding mold and lay in some of the broken cake, one-third of the raisins, stoned, one-third of the peaches ; make two layers of the remainder of the cake, raisins, and peaches. Cover with a very thin slice of bread, then pour over the milk beaten with the eggs and sugar. Set in a saucepan of boiling water to reach two-thirds up the side of the mold, and steam three-quarters of an hour. Turn out carefully on a dish, and serve with peach sauce, made as follows : Place the peach juice from the can into a small saucepan ; add an equal volume of water, a little more sugar, and eight or ten raisins ; boil ten minutes, strain, and just before serving add six drops of bitter almond. Delicious Pudding. Bake a common sponge cake in a flat- bottomed pudding-dish ; when ready for use, cut in six or eight pieces ; split and spread with butter, and return them to the dish. Make a custard with four eggs to a quart of milk, flavor and sweeten to taste ; pour over the cake and bake one-half hour. The cake will swell and fill the custard. Any stale cake will do about as well as sponge cake. Bird's-nest Pudding. Make the foundation of the nest of corn-starch or blanc-mange. Cut strips of lemon peel, boil in a sirup of water and sugar till tender, and arrange around the blanc-mange to represent straw. Extract the contents 164 EVERY WOMAtt HER OWN COOK. of four eggs through a small hole, and fill the shells with hot blanc-mange or corn-starch. When cold, break off the shells, and lay the molded eggs in the nest. Snow Pudding. Soak an ounce of gelatine in a pint of cold water for one hour ; then place it over the fire, stir gently, and remove as soon as it is dissolved ; when almost cold, beat to a stiff froth with an egg-beater. Beat the whites of three eggs to a stiff froth, and add it to the gelatine froth, together with the juice of three lemons, and pulverized sugar to the taste. Mix the whole well together, pour into a mold, and set aside to cool. Serve on a dish with soft custard made from the yelks of the eggs. Cherry Pudding. Two eggs, one cupful sweet milk, flour enough to make a stiff batter, two teaspoonfuls of baking- powder, and as many cherries as can be stirred in.. Eat with sauce made of the cherries. Blackberry Mush. Put the berries into a preserving kettle and mash with sugar enough to make sweet ; set over the re, and when it begins to simmer, stir in very gradually one tablespoonful, or more if needed, of corn-starch to a quart of fruit ; stir until well cooked, and eat either hot or cold with cream ; raspberries also may be used this way. Roley-poley. Make a good biscuit dough, and roll about three-quarters of an inch thick, and spread with berries, preserves, or slices of apple ; roll up and tie in a cloth ; boil or steam an hour and a half. Berry or Fruit Puddings. One quart sifted flour, two table- spoonfuls shortening, half teaspoonful salt, and two tea- spoonfuls baking-powder ; mix well, then form a soft dough of milk or water, roll out thin, and spread with any kind of berries, fruit, or preserves ; roll it up, tie in a cloth, and place in the steamer, or boil in a mold. This makes fine dumplings. PASTRY AND PUDDINGS. (Stemian Puffs. Two cups of sweet milk, two cups of flour, three eggs, and a little salt Bake in buttered cups. Indian Puffs. Into one quart of boiling milk stir eight tablespoonfuls of corn-meal and four tablespoonfuls of brown sugar ; boil five minutes, stirring constantly ; when cool, add six well-beaten eggs bake in buttered cups half an hour. Eat with sauce. WMte Puffs. One pint rich milk ; whites of four eggs whipped stiff; one heaping cupful prepared flour ; one scant cupful powdered sugar ; grated peel of half a lemon ; a little salt. Whisk the eggs and sugar to a meringue, and add this alternately with the flour to the milk. Cream, or half cream half milk, is better. Beat until the mixture is very light, and bake in buttered cups or tins. Turn out, sift powdered sugar over them, and eat with lemon sauce. Oak Balls. Three cupfuls each of flour and milk, three eggs, whites and yelks beaten separately and very light, three tablespoonfuls of melted butter, a little salt. Pour in well-buttered muffin-rings, and bake to a nice brown. Apple Dumplings. Make a biscuit dough, and cover the apples (pared and cored), singly ; tie in cloths and drop in boiling water. Let it boil half an hour. If preferred, mix flour and a little salt, and scald with boiling water. When cold enough to handle, roll it out and cover the apples. Or a pie-crust may be made for a cover and the dumplings may be baked in the oven. Peach Dumplings. These may be made according to the preceding recipe, substituting peaches for apples. Lemon Dumplings. Take suet, four ounces ; moist sugar, four ounces ; bread-crumbs, one-half pound ; one lemon. Grate the rind of the lemon, squeeze out the juice, mix all the ingredients. Put in buttered teacups and bake three- quarters of an hour. XII. CREAMS, JELLIES, AND LIGHT DES- SERTS. LIGHT DESSERTS FOR HOME USE; FROZEN PREPARATIONS; FREEZERS ; HOW TO FREEZE CREAMS, ETC. J HOW TO TURN OUT THE MOLDS ; WHIPPED CREAMS, JELLIES, ETC. FORTY- FIVE RECIPES FOR CREAMS, JELLIES, BLANC-MANGES, ETC. THERE is a delightful range of light desserts which need to be introduced more generally into our homes. They have too long been allowed to rest in the con- fectioner's under the erroneous notion that they were be- yond the capacity of the ordinary housekeeper. Prominent among these desserts are ice-cream and water- ices with all their splendid possibilities of variety. For hints concerning freezers and other tools for the home manufac- ture of these preparations, see the last chapter of this department In making ice-cream, use only the best materials. Avoid milk thickened with arrow-root, corn-starch, or any farina- ceous substance. Pure cream, ripe natural fruits, or good extracts of the same, and sugar of the purest quality, com- bine to make a perfect ice-cream. To freeze the cream, assuming it be already flavored, first pound up ice and mix with it a quantity of coarse salt, in the proportion of about one-third the quantity of salt to the amount of ice used. Put the freezing-can in the centre of the tub, taking care that the lid is securely fastened down, and pile the mixed ice and salt around it to within three inches of the top, or certainly as high as the cream reaches on the inside. Begin to stir the cream at once, and stir rapidly and con- stantly. This is essential to make the cream smooth. If J66 CREAMS, JELLIES, AND LIGHT DESSERTS. the cream is allowed to freeze to the sides of the can with- out being quickly removed, there will inevitably be lumps of ice through it. The freezing has progressed sufficiently far when the cream will stand heaped upon a spoon. When a small can of cream has been made for table use, it is desirable to serve it in a cylindrical form as it comes solid from the can. To remove it in this form, take the can from the ice and wipe off all the salt and ice which adheres to it. Remove the lid and invert the can upon a plate. Wrap about the can a towel wet with warm water. This will sufficiently relax the freezing within the can to allow the cream to slide out in compact form. Molds of cream may be removed in the same manner, by dipping them in warm water for a moment. Water-ices and frozen fruits need the same general treatment. For whipping cream, etc., some of the improved beaters, described at the end of this department, will be found to be superior to the old hand methods. In all delicate dishes the best ingredients must invariably be used. RECIPES. Vanilla Ice-cream. Two quarts of pure cream, fourteen ounces of white sugar, flavored with vanilla bean or extract of vanilla to taste ; mix well, and freeze as directed above. Pure cream needs no thickening or boiling. Milk may be boiled or thickened with arrow-root or corn- starch, but it will not produce ice cream. Lemon Ice-cream. For the same quantity of cream and sugar, as above, stir in the juice of from four to eight lemons, according to size and juiciness, and grate in a little of the rind. Then freeze as above. Orange Ice-cream. Proceed as in lemon cream, using oranges, and regulating the quantity of sugar as the fruit is more or less sweet. 168 &VERY WOMAN HER OWN COOX. Chocolate Ice-cream. For one gallon of ice-cream, grate fine about one-half cake of Baker's chocolate ; make ice- cream as for the recipe above ; flavor lightly with vanilla and stir in the chocolate. Strawberry Ice-cream. Mash one pint of fresh, ripe straw- berries ; sprinkle them with half a pound of fine sugar ; let it stand about an hour ; strain though a fine sieve, or a cloth ; if the sugar is not dissolved, stir it well ; add a little water; stir this juice into the cream prepared as above and freeze. Raspberry Ice-cream. Make the same as strawberry, sub- stituting the raspberries merely. Peach Ice-cream. Take fine, ripe freestone peaches ; pare, chop fine, mash, and work as for strawberry cream. Pine-apple Ice-cream. Pare the fruit, shred fine, and work as in strawberry cream. Orange Water-ice. Take one dozen oranges; grate the skin and squeeze out the juice; add six quarts of water and ten ounces of white sugar to each quart of water ; mix well and put into the freezer. Be careful to stir steadily while freezing, or the mixture will cake into lumps. The amount of sugar and of orange-juice may be varied to suit taste. Lemon Water-ice, To one quart of water, add the juice of four lemons and one pound of sugar. Then proceed as above. Currants, raspberries, strawberries, and all the juicy fruits may be treated in the same way. Tutti Frutti One quart of rich cream, one and one-half ounces of sweet almonds, chopped fine ; one-half pound tf sugar ; freeze, and when sufficiently congealed, add one- CREAMS, JELLIES* AND LIGHT DESSERTS. 109 half pound of preserved fruits, with a few white raisins chopped, and finely sliced citron. Cut the fruit small, and mix well with the cream. Freeze like ice-cream, and keep on ice until required. Frozen Fruits. Take two quarts of rich cream and two teacupfuls of sugar, mix well together and put into a freezer with ice and salt packed around it. Have ready one quart of peaches, mashed and sweetened. When the cream is very cold, stir them in and freeze all together. Strawberries can be used in the same way, but will require more sugar. Cherries are specially delightful in this form. WMpped Cream. To one quart of cream whipped very thick, add powdered sugar to taste ; then add one tumbler of wine. Make just before using. Italian Cream. Divide two pints of cream equally in two bowls ; with one bowl mix six ounces of powdered sugar, the juice of two large lemons, and two glassfuls of white wine ; then add the other pint of cream, and stir the whole very hard ; boil two ounces of isinglass with four small tea- cupfuls of water till reduced one-half; then stir the isinglass, lukewarm, in the other ingredients ; put them in a glass dish to harden. Syllabnb. Whip a small cupful of powdered sugar into a quart of rich cream, and another cupful of sugar into the whites of four eggs. Mix these together, and add a glass of white wine and flavoring to taste. Spanish Cream. Three half-pints of milk, half a box of gelatine, five tablespoonfuls of white sugar, three eggs, and two teaspoonfuls of vanilla. Soak the gelatine in cold milk ; put on to boil ; when boiling, add the yelks of the eggs with the sugar and flavoring extract beaten together. When it thickens to the consistency of cream, or after about three 170 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. minutes' boiling, take off the fire, and stir in the whites of the eggs well beaten. Pour into molds, and set aside to cool. To be eaten cold, with or without cream. Tapioca Cream. Soak half a cupful of tapioca in water over night. Let a quart of milk get steaming hot, and add to it the tapioca. Let it boil three minutes, then mix five tablespoonfuls of white sugar with the yelks of four eggs ; stir them into the milk and tapioca, and let it come to a boil again. Beat the whites up stiff; stir them rapidly and thoroughly through the boiling tapioca; add two table- spoonfuls of wine and a pinch of salt. Let it stand till cold and garnish with macaroons. Orange Cream. Put half a box of gelatine to soak for halt an hour in cold water enough to cover it. Take three half- pints of cream, whip half of it, and heat the other half; dis- solve the gelatine in the heated cream ; then strain it, and return to the boiler again. Take the yelks of five egpgs and a cupful of sugar ; beat them together till light, and add to the boiling cream ; cook about two minutes, stirring: con- stantly ; take from the fire, and while it cooks, stir in the whipped cream and the juice of four oranges, and pour into a mold to stiffen. Stir the cream constantly before putting into the mold, to prevent it from thickening in lumps. Pink Cream. Three gills of strawberry or currant juice ; mix with one-half pound of powdered sugar, one-half pint of thick cream ; whisk until well mixed ; serve in a glass dish. Chocolate Bavarian Cream. Whip one pint of cream to a stiff froth, laying it on a sieve; boil a pint of rich milk with a vanilla bean and two tablespoonfuls of sugar until it is well flavored ; then take it off the fire and add half a box of gela- tine, soaked for an hour in half a cupful of water in a warm place near the range ; when slightly cooled, add two tablets of Baker's chocolate, soaked and smoothed. Stir in the eggs CREAMS, JELLIES, *ND LIGHT DESSERTS. well-beaten. When it has become quite cold and begins to thicken, stir it without ceasing a few minutes, until it is very smooth ; then stir in the whipped cream lightly until it is well mixed. Put it into a mold or molds, and set it on ice or in a cool place. Turret Cream. Soak one box of gelatine in a cupful ol milk four hours. Scald three cupfuls of milk; add one cup- ful of the sugar ; when this is dissolved, add the soaked gelatine. Stir over the fire until almost boiling hot ; strain and divide into two equal portions. Return one to the fire and heat quickly. When it nears the boiling-point, stir in the beaten yelks of three eggs. Let all cook together two minutes, and turn out into a bowl to cool. When it has cooled, churn one pint of cream very stiff, and beat the whites of the eggs until they will stand alone. Divide the latter into two heaps. As the yellow gelatine begins to " form," whip one-half of the whites into it, a little at a time. To the white gelatine add the rest of the whites in the same manner, alternately with the whipped cream. Season the yellow with vanilla, the white with lemon juice beaten in at the last. Wet the inside of a tall, fluted mold with water, and arrange in the bottom, close to the outside of the mold, a row of crystallized cherries. Then put in a layer of the white mixture; on this crystallized apricots or peaches cut into strips ; a layer of the yellow, another border of cherries, and so on until your mold is full. When firm, which will be in a few hours if set on ice, wrap a cloth wrung out in hot water about the mold, and invert upon a flat dish. Eat with sweet cream, or, if you like, with brandied fruit. Not only is this a very palatable dish, but it is also very beautiful, well repaying the trouble of its preparation. Velvet Cream. Half an ounce of isinglass dissolved in one and a half cupfuls of white wine ; then add the juice and grated peel of a lemon, three-quarters of a pound of loaf 172 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. sugar ; simmer all together until mixed well ; strain and add one and a half pints of rich cream, and stir until cool ; pour into molds, and let it stand till stiff enough to turn out. Calf's Foot Jelly. Take one pair of calf's feet, and put them into a gallon of water ; let it boil half away and skim constantly ; strain it when cold ; take the fat from the top and bottom ; then warm it ; add sugar, the juice of three lemons, a pint of Madeira wine, and the whites of seven eggs ; boil it half an hour, strain through a flannel bag, and cool in molds. Wine Jelly. One box of Coxe's gelatine dissolved in one pint of cold water, one pint of wine, one quart of boiling water, two cupfuls of granulated sugar, and three lemons. Cool in molds. Wine Jelly, No. 2. Soak one package of sparkling gelatine in a large cupful of cold water. Add to this all the juice and half the rind of a lemon, two cupfuls of white sugar, and a half teaspoonful of bitter almond or two peach leaves, and cover for half an hour ; then pour on boiling water, stir, and strain. After adding two cupfuls of pale sherry or white wine, strain again through a flannel bag. Wet a mold and set it in a cold place until the next day. Jelly Oranges. Soak a package of Coxe's gelatine about three hours in a cup of cold water. Cut from the top of each of a dozen fine oranges a round piece, leaving a hole just large enough to admit the bowl of a small spoon or the handle of a larger. The smaller the orifice, the better your dish will look. Clean out every bit of the pulp very care- fully, so as not to tear the edges of the hole. Scrape the inner skin from the sides with your fore-finger, and when the oranges are emptied lay them in cold water while you make the jelly. Strain the juice of all and grated peel of three of the oranges through coarse, thin muslin over three cupfuls of sugar, squeezing rather hard to get the coloring matter* JLLLIES, AND LIGHT DESSERTS. J73 Stir this until it is a thick sirup, and add a quarter teaspoon- ful of cinnamon. Pour two cupfuls of boiling water upon the soaked gelatine, and stir over the fire until well dissolved ; add the juice and sugar, stir all together, and strain through a flannel bag into a pitcher, not shaking or squeezing it, lest it should become cloudy. Wipe off the outside of the oranges, set them close together in a dish, the open ends uppermost, and fill very full with the warm jelly, as it will shrink in cooling. Set it away in a cold place where there is no dust. Next day cut each in half with a sharp knife, taking care to sever the skin all around before cutting into the jelly. If neatly divided, the rich amber jelly will be a fail 1 counterfeit of the orange pulp. Pile in a glass dish, with green leaves around, as you would the real fruit. This is a delicious dish, and it is highly ornamental on the table. Apple Jelly. Soak half a package Coxe's gelatine in one cupful of cold water. Pare, core, and slice a dozen well- flavored pippins, throwing each piece into cold water as it is cut to preserve the color. Pack them in a glass or stone- ware jar with just cold water enough to cover them ; cover the jar loosely that the steam may escape ; set in a pot of warm water and bring to a boil. Cook until the apples are broken into pieces. Have ready in a bowl the soaked gela- tine, two cupfuls of powdered sugar, the juice of two lemons, and the grated peel of one. Strain the apple pulp scalding hot over them ; stir until the gelatine is dissolved ; strain again through a flannel bag, without shaking or squeezing it ; wet a mold with cold water, fill it, and set in a cold place until firm. This preparation is greatly improved if formed in a mold with a cylinder in the centre, the cavity being filled and heaped with whipped cream or syllabub. Peach Jelly. Proceed as in apple jelly, using peache^ with a few peach-kernels broken up and boiled with the fruit 174 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. Lemon Jelly. Stir together two large cupfuls of sugar, the juice of six lemons and grated peel of two, and a package of well-soaked gelatine. Cover for an hour. Pour three pints of boiling water over them ; stir until the gelatine is quite melted ; strain through a close flannel bag, and pour into a wet mold. Orange Jelly. Soak a package of gelatine in two cupfuls of water ; add two cupfuls of sugar, the juice of six large oranges, and grated peel of one, the juice of two lemons, and peel of one, and cover for an hour. Pour three pints of boiling water over them ; stir until the gelatine is quite melted; strain through a flannel bag; add a little good brandy if desired and strain again ; pour into a wet mold. Orange Trifle. Stir half a package of soaked gelatine into a cupful of boiling water. Mix the juice of two oranges and rind of one with a cupful of powdered sugar, and pour the hot liquid over them. Should the gelatine not dissolve readily, set all over the fire and stir until clear. Strain, and stir in the beaten yelks of three eggs. Heat quickly within a vessel of boiling water, stirring constantly lest the yelks curdle. If they do curdle, strain again through coarse flan- nel. Set aside until perfectly cold and slightly stiff, then whip in a pint of frothed cream. Wet a mold, fill, and set it on ice. Orange Dessert Pare five or six oranges ; cut into thin slices ; pour over them a coffeecupful of sugar. Boil one pint of milk ; add, while boiling, the yelks of three eggs; one tablespoonful of corn-starch (made smooth with a little cold milk) ; stir all the time ; as soon as thickened, pour over the fruit. Beat the whites of the eggs to a froth ; add two tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar ; pour over the cus- tard, and brown slightly in the oven. Serve cold CREAMS, JELLIES, AND LIGHT DESSERTS. 175 Apple Snow. Grate half a dozen apples to a pulp ; press them through a sieve ; add half a cupful of powdered sugar and a teaspoonful of extract of lemon ; take the whites of six eggs, whip them for several minutes, and sprinkle two tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar over them; beat the apple pulp to a froth, and add the beaten egg ; whip the mixture until it looks like stiff snow ; then pile it higfy in rough portions on a glass dish ; garnish with small spoonfuls of currant jelly. Floating Island. Beat the yelks of six eggs until very light ; sweeten and flavor to taste ; stir into a quart of boil- ing milk ; cook till it thickens ; when cool, pour into a low glass dish ; whip the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth ; sweeten, and place over a dish of boiling water to cook. Take a tablespoon and drop on the whites of the cream, far enough apart so that the " little white islands " will not touch each other. By dropping little specks of bright jelly on each island a pleasing effect will be produced. Blanc-mange. Take one quart of milk, one ounce gelatine, and sugar to sweeten to taste ; put it on the fire, and keep stirring until it is all melted, then pour it into a bowl and stir until cold ; season with vanilla ; pour it into a mold, and set in a cool place to stiffen. Tapioca Blanc-mange. Take one pint of new milk, half a pound of the best farina-tapioca soaked in water four hours, three-fourths of a cupful of sugar, two teaspoonfuls of almond or vanilla extract, a little salt. Heat the milk, and stir the soaked tapioca. When it has dissolved, add the sugar. Boil slowly fifteen minutes, stirring all the time ; take from the fire, and beat until nearly cold. Flavor and pour into a mold dipped in cold water. Sago blanc-mange may be made in the same manner; 176 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. Corn-starch Blanc-mange. One quart of milk, four tables spoonfuls of corn-starch, wet with a little water, three eggs, whites and yelks beaten separately, one cupful of sugar, a little salt, flavor with lemon extract Heat the milk to boil- ing ; stir in the corn-starch and salt, and boil together five minutes ; then add the yelks, beaten light, with the sugar ; boil two minutes longer, stirring all the while ; remove the mixture from the fire, and beat in the whipped whites while it is boiling hot. Pour into a mold wet with cold water, and set in a cold place. Eat with sugar and cream. Chocolate Blanc-mange. Heat a quart of milk; stir in a cupful of sugar and half a package of soaked gelatine ; strain through flannel ; add three large spoonfuls of grated chocolate ; boil ten minutes, stirring all the time. When nearly cold, beat until it begins to stiffen. Flavor with vanilla ; whip up once, and put into a wet mold. It will be firm in six or eight hours. Neapolitan Blanc-mange. Dissolve one-third of a box of gelatine, and stir into one quart of milk. Add three-fourths of a cupful of sugar. As soon as the gelatine is thoroughly dissolved, remove from the fire, and divide into three parts. Flavor one with vanilla ; color another with the beaten yelk of one egg; color the third with grated chocolate. Set away, and when quite cold and a little stiff, pour into a mold first the white, then the yellow, and last the brown. Peach Meringne. Put on to boil a scant quart of new milk, omitting half a teacupful, with which moisten two table- spoonfuls of corn-starch. When the milk boils, add corn- starch, stir constantly, and when it commences to thicken, remove from the fire ; add one tablespoonful of perfectly sweet butter ; let cool ; then beat in the yelks of three eggs until the custard seems light and creamy ; add one-half tea- cupful of fine sugar ; cover the bottom of a well-buttered baking-dish with ripe, juicy peaches, that have been pared, CREAMS, JELLIES, AND LIGH'f DESSERTS. 177 xoned, and halved ; sprinkle two tablespoonfuls of sugar yer the fruit, pour the custard over gently, and bake in a quick oven twenty minutes ; draw it out, and cover with the well-beaten whites of the three eggs ; sprinkle a little fine sugar over the top, and set in the oven until brown. Eat warm with sauce, or cold with cream. Charlotte Russe. Dissolve half a box of gelatine in cold water. Beat the yelks of four eggs with two cupfuls of white sugar. Whip one quart of sweet cream very stiff, add flavoring, then the yelks and sugar, and blend all the ingredients. Add the whites, turn into a bowl lined with sponge cake or lady-fingers, and set away to cool. Charlotte Russe, No. 2. Two tablespoonfuls gelatine soaked in a little cold milk two hours ; two coffeecupfuls rich cream ; one teacupful milk. Whip the cream stiff in a large bowl or dish ; set on ice. Boil the milk and pour gradually over the gelatine until dissolved, then strain ; when nearly cold add the whipped cream, a spoonful at a time. Sweeten with pulverized sugar and flavor with vanilla. Line a dish with lady-fingers or sponge cake ; pour in the cream and set in a cool place to harden. Chocolate Charlotte Russe. Soak in cold water one ounce of isinglass or of gelatine ; shave down three ounces of the best chocolate, without spice or sugar, and mix it gradually into one pint of cream, adding the soaked isinglass ; set the cream, chocolate, and isinglass over the fire in a porcelain kettle, and boil slowly till the isinglass is dissolved, and the whole well mixed'; take it off the fire and let it cool ; have ready eight yelks of eggs and four whites beaten together until very light ; stir them gradually into the mixture with half a pound of powdered sugar ; simmer the whole, but do not let it boil ; then take it off, and whip to a strong froth ; line the molds with sponge cake, fill with the paste, and set them on ice. 13 178 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. Figs a la Genevieve. Dissolve two ounces of best sugar in half a pint of cold water in an enameled stewpan, with half the very thin rind of a large lemon ; when this is done, put into it half a pound of Turkey figs, and put the stew- pan over a moderate fire, so that the figs may stew very slowly ; when quite soft, add one glassful of common port or any other wine, and the strained juice of half a lemon ; serve them cold for dessert. About two hours or two hours and a half is the average time for stewing the figs, and the flavor may be varied by using orange peel and juice in- stead of lemon, and by boiling two or three bitter almonds in the sirup. Biscuit Glace. Make a quart of rich boiled custard, flavor it with vanilla, and let it cool. Then mix with it a quart of grated pineapple or mashed peaches. Stir them well to- gether, and add enough sugar to allow for the loss in freez- ing. Freeze in the usual way, stirring in a pint of cream, whipped, when it is beginning to set in the freezer. Partly fill little paper cases with the mixture, and smooth the tops nicely. Place them carefully in the cleaned and dried freezer, and let them remain embedded in ice for several hours. Sometimes the cases are filled with pistachio or chocolate ice-cream, in which case blanched almonds are laid over the top, when they are served. Or they may be filled with frozen whipped cream, and served with a spoonful of sonit bright sherbet upon the top of each. Xni. CAKES AND CAKE-BAKING. BEST MATERIALS REQUISITE FOR CAKE-MAKING; WHAT THEY SHOULD BE; WEIGHING AND MEASURING INGREDIENTS; HOW TO MIX CAKE; FRUITS AND FLAVORS FOR CAKE; HOW TO BAKE CAKE ; HOW TO TEST IT ; HOW TO KEEP IT ; HOW TO ICE IT. NINETY-SEVEN RECIPES FOR CAKES. IN cake-making it is absolutely essential that the best materials be employed. Stale eggs, strong butter, musty flour, or common sugar are not so much as to be thought of in this connection. The idea that such refuse " will do for cooking " is most unworthy. When a luxury, such as cake, is attempted, the maker should certainly be willing to luxuriate in acceptable ingredients. Flour for cake should be white and dry. It should always be carefully sifted. Sugar should be white, dry, and free from lumps. Eggs and butter should be sweet and fresh ; the milk rich and pure. Fruit and extracts must be of the best. The weighing and measuring of ingredients must be accurately done. Guessing at quantities has spoiled many a cake. For mixing cake, an earthen or wooden dish and a wooden spoon are requisite. Butter and sugar should be beaten together to a cream before using. Butter may be softened for this purpose, if too hard to manage readily, but it must not be melted. Whites and yelks of eggs must be beaten separately, until there is no stringiness visible, and the froth can be taken up on a spoon. Beat eggs in a broad, shallow dish, and in a cool place. It is well to lay the eggs in cold water for an hour before beating them, as they will beat the lighter for such treatment. Sweet milk is best for 179 180 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COO 1C. solid cake ; sour milk, for light cake. The two should never be mixed. Baking-powder should be mixed dry through the flour. Soda and cream of tartar should be dissolved in milk. Flavoring extracts, fruit, and spices must be added the last thing, and fruit should always be well sprinkled with flour before it is put in the dough. Currants and such fruit should be washed, picked over, and dried before using. Almonds should be blanched by pouring boiling water over them till they pop from their skins. Cake should be beaten as little as possible after the flour has been added. When it requires long baking, the bottom and sides of the pan should be lined with paper well buttered. This will insure the easy turning out of the cake when done. Much of the success in cake-baking depends on the heat- ing of the oven. If the oven is very hot when the cake goes in, it will bake on top before it becomes light. If the oven is too cool, it will rise and fall again before done. If the top of the cake browns too fast, cover it with thick paper. Try it by inserting a broom-splinter or knitting- needle in the thickest part of the cake, and if nothing ad- heres when it is drawn out, it is done. Turn out of the tins at once, taking care not to expose the cake to draft. Cake should be kept in earthen pans or crocks, or tin boxes, but never in wooden boxes or drawers. It will keep better for being wrapped in a cloth, and more than is needed should not be cut. Cake that is to be frosted should be baked in pans with perpendicular sides. The icing should be put on as soon as the cake is removed from the oven. This will insure its drying smooth and hard. RECIPES. Loaf Dutch Cake. Take one cupful of light bread dough, tie egg, sugar and salt to taste, half a teaspoonful of soda, CAKES AtfD CARE-*BAKING. half a pound of raisins, and, if desired, a little butter and nutmeg ; work all together very smooth ; let the dough rise about half an hour, and bake as bread. Bread Cake. Two coffeecupfuls of bread dough, two tea- cupfuls of sugar, two eggs, one teacupful of butter, two tea* spoonfuls essence of lemon, one nutmeg, a teaspoonful each of cloves, cinnamon, and allspice, a wineglass of brandy, and a coffeecupful of raisins. Let it rise before baking. Cinnamon Bun. Put one pint of milk on to boil and mix a cupful of butter in a little lukewarm water ; add a tea- spoonful of salt, and half an yeast cake dissolved in luke- warm water ; add two quarts of sifted flour; mix all together, and let it stand over night till morning. Now beat two eggs and half a cupful of sugar until light, and mix it with the dough; use just flour enough on the board to keep the dough from sticking ; roll the dough out into a sheet one- fourth of an inch in thickness ; spread a little butter, and sprinkle a little sugar on it, then some pulverized cinnamon, a few currants or chopped raisins. Now roll the sheet up into one long roll and cut in pieces about one inch thick ; a sharp knife must be used for this purpose ; put the pieces in a baking-pan, the cut side or end downward, and let them stand in a warm place for an hour, when they will be ready for the oven, which must be moderately heated. Soft Molasses Cake. Into one pint of molasses, put one tablespoonful of ginger, one teaspoonful of cinnamon, one tablespoonful of butter ; add one teaspoonful of soda and two teaspoonfuls cream of tartar in one-half cupful of milk, one egg, and two and a half cupfuls of flour. Bake half an hour. Gingerbread. One cupful of molasses, one cupful of but- ter, two cupfuls of sugar, one cupful of sour milk, four eggs, three cupfuls of flour, one tablespoonful of ginger, and one teaspoonful of soda. Mix well and bake quickly. 182 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. Ginger Snaps. Mix one pint of flour, one cupful of sugar, a piece of butter the size of two eggs ; three heaping table* spoonfuls of ginger, and a little salt. Pour into this two cupfuls of heated molasses. Add flour enough to make it roll out thin. Bake three or four minutes. Cookies. Six cupfuls of flour, two of sugar, one of butter, one of milk, teaspoonful of soda, flavored with cinnamon or nutmeg, as you like. Roll thin, cut with biscuit-cutter, and bake quick. Small Sugar Cakes. One heaping teacupful of sugar; three-quarters teacupful of butter; one-quarter teacupful sweet milk ; two eggs, well beaten ; two teaspoonful s cream tartar ; one teaspoonful soda, dissolved in hot water ; use flour sufficient to enable you to roll out the dough ; one saltspoonful salt, nutmeg and cinnamon to taste. Cut into round cakes and bake quickly. Knickerbocker Cakes. Beat half a pound of fresh butter to a cream ; add half a pound of powdered sugar, three-quarters of a pound of sifted flour, a tablespoonful of orange-flower water, and one of brandy, and four ounces of washed cur- rants ; add five well-beaten eggs, and beat the mixture until very light. Line some shallow cake-tins with buttered paper, pour in the mixture until they are half full, and bake in a quick oven. Scotch Wafers. Take one pound of sugar, half a pound of butter, one pound of flour, two eggs, two teaspoonfuls of cinnamon. Roll thin and bake quickly. Shrewsbury Cakes. Mix a pound of flour and a half pound of butter ; stir in a pound of brown sugar and two tablespoonfuls of cinnamon. Mix all thoroughly into a paste with three eggs, roll very thin, using as little flour as possible, and bake in a quick oven. CAKES AND CAKE-BAKING. Soft Cookies. One egg, two cupfuls of sugar, two cupfuls of cream, one even teaspoonful of soda, salt and flavor to taste. Flour to stiffen so they will drop from the spoon ; leave a space between them, as they spread in baking. Apees. One cupful of butter, one large cupful of sugar, three eggs, half a teaspoonful of soda, one teaspoonful of cream tartar, and flour enough to roll out thin. Bake quickly. Cinnamon Cakes. Take six ounces of butter, a pound of fine, dry flour, three-quarters of a pound of sifted sugar, and a dessertspoonful of pounded cinnamon. Make these ingredients into a firm paste with three eggs, or four, if needed. Roll it, not very thin, and cut out the cakes with a tin shape. Bake them in a very gentle oven from fifteen to twenty minutes, or longer, should they not be done quite through. Lemon Cakes. Lemon cakes can be made on the above recipe by substituting for the cinnamon the rasped or grated rinds of two lemons, and the strained juice of one, when its acidity is not objected to. Seed Cakes. Two pounds of flour, one pound of sugar, fourteen ounces of butter, one tablespoonful of caraway seed, half a pint of milk, two tablespoonfuls of saleratus. Rub the butter, sugar, and flour together, then add all the other ingredients ; knead all well together into a smooth dough ; roll it out quite thin, cut with a round cutter, place the cakes on tins, and bake in a moderate oven. Walnut Cakes. One pound of sugar, six eggs, three tea. spoonfuls of yeast-powder, half a pound of butter, flour to make a dough, and one cupful of walnut kernels ; bake in a moderate oven. Jumbles. Three-fourths of a cupful of butter, one and a half cupfuls of sugar, three eggs, three tablespoonfuls of 184 EVERV WOMAN HER OWtt COOtf. milk, flour enough to make it roll, and a teaspoonful of bak- ing-powder ; roll ; sprinkle with granulated sugar and gently roll it in ; cut out, with a hole in centre, and bake. Currant Jumbles. One pound each of flour and powderecj loaf sugar, half a pound each of butter and currants, eight eggs, brandy to taste ; cut out as in plain jumbles and bake on tins. Cocoamit Cookies. One cupful of butter, two cupfuls of sugar, two cupfuls of prepared or grated cocoanut, two eggs, flour enough to make a stiff batter, and one teaspoon- ful of soda ; drop on buttered paper in pans. Doughnuts. Two teacupfuls of sugar, three eggs, one and a half teacupfuls of buttermilk or sour milk, two teaspoon- fuls of saleratus, one teaspoonful of salt, six tablespoonfuls of melted lard, flour enough to roll out nicely ; boil or fry in lard enough to cover them. If not well covered in the cooking they will be tough. Raised Doughnuts. One pint of sweet milk, one half pint of lard, one pint of sugar, three eggs. Mix soft at night, using the milk, one-half the sugar and lard, and one-half pint of yeast. In the morning, add the rest with the eggs, one nutmeg, two tablespoonfuls of whisky, and a little soda. Knead well, and allow to rise. When light, roll out thin, and after cutting, let rise again before frying. One- half beef suet and one-half lard is better to fry them in than all lard. Crullers. Two cupfuls of sugar, one-half cupful of butter, one-half cupful of milk, two eggs, one teaspoonful of soda, two of cream tartar. Roll out, and cut according to fancy, and boil in fat. French Straws. Mix well eight eggs, ten ounces of sugar, and half a teaspoonful of cinnamon and nutmeg with flo'ir enough to form a dough ; beat the eggs very thick and add CAKES AND CAKE-BAKING. 185 the sugar, spices, and flour ; knead well, and roll to about half an inch thick ; cut in strips, give each a twist, and boil them in plenty of lard to a rich yellow ; sift sugar on when cool. Love Knots. Five cupfuls of flour, two of sugar, one of butter, a piece of lard the size of an egg, two eggs, three tablespoonfuls of sweet milk, half a teaspoonful of soda; rub the butter, sugar, and flour together fine, add the other in- gredients, roll thin, cut in strips one inch wide and five inches long, lap across in true-love knots, and bake in a quick oven. One, Two, Tliree, Four Cake. One cupful of butter, two cup. fuls of sugar, three cupfuls of flour, four eggs ; rub well to- gether, and add some milk or cream, with one teaspoonful of soda and two teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar ; flavor with grated lemon rind and juice ; bake carefully in a quick oven. Tea Cake. Three and a half cupfuls of flour, two of sugar, one of butter, four eggs, a teaspoonful of soda in a table- spoonful of milk or wine, and a half grated nutmeg. Bake carefully in quick oven. Tumbler Cake. Five tumblerfuls of flour, three of sugar, two of butter, four eggs, one of milk, one pint and a half of raisins, stoned, one nutmeg, one teaspoonful of allspice, a teaspoonful of soda dissolved in the milk. Bake in deep pan with a hot oven. Cider Cake. Two cupfuls of sugar, one cupful of butter, five eggs, one and one-half cupfuls of cider, with one tea- spoonful of soda dissolved in it ; spices or nutmeg to taste ; four and one-half cupfuls of flour, two cupfuls of fruit. Bake quickly. Puff Cake. Two cupfuls of sugar, one of butter, one of sweet milk, three of flour, three eggs, one and one-half tea- spoonfuls ^f yeast powder, extract of lemon. Bake q 186 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. Pinafore Cake. One cupful of butter, three half cupfuls oi sugar, three half cupfuls of flour, one-half cupful of corn- starch, one-half cupful of milk, four eggs, one teaspoonful of cream of tartar, one-half teaspoonful of soda, and a pinch of salt Flavor to taste. Cork Cake. Two cupfuls of sugar, two-thirds of a cupful of butter, three eggs, one cupful of warm milk, three cupfula of flour, a teaspoonful of baking-powder, and a half pound of currants. Use the whites of two of the eggs for icing, and put the yelks into the cake. Poor Man's Cake. One cupful of cream, one of sugar, two of flour, one egg, one teaspoonful of soda, and two of cream tartar. Cup Cake. One cupful of butter, two cupfuls of sugar, half a cupful of molasses, one teaspoonful of soda, two of cream tartar in half a cup of milk, two eggs, and two and a half cups of flour. Moravian Cake. Two cupfuls of sugar, one cupful of but- ter, five eggs, two cupfuls of flour, half a cupful of sour milk, one teaspoonful of cream tartar, and half a teaspoonful of soda. Flavor with a little grated nutmeg and a teaspoonful of vanilla. Silver Cake. Whites of twelve eggs, five cupfuls of flour, three cupfuls of sugar, one cupful of butter, one and one- half cupfuls of sweet milk, one teaspoonful of soda, two tea- spoonfuls of cream tartar, one teaspoonful of almond extract. Gold Cake. Substitute the yelks for whites of eggs, and flavor with vanilla, then make it same as preceding recipe. Lincoln Cake. Two cupfuls of sugar, half a cupful of but- ter, two eggs, one cupful of cream or sour milk, three cup- fuls of flour, one teaspoonful of cream tartar, half a tea- epppnful pf soda, and pne teaspopnful pf essence CAKES AND CAKE-BAKING. 187 Washington Cake. One pound of flour, one pound of sugar, half a pound of butter, five eggs, one pound of raisins, one cupful of brandy and water, one teaspoonful of soda, two of cream tartar. Pound Cake. One pound of butter, one pound of sugar, one pound of flour, and eight eggs. Bake one hour. White Pound Cake. Beat to a cream one pound of sugar and one-half pound of butter ; two teaspoonfuls of baking- powder in one pound of flour ; whites of sixteen eggs beaten very stiff and added last. Cover with frosting before it cools. Sponge Cake. Five eggs, half a pound of sugar, quarter pound of flour, juice and rind of half a lemon. Beat yelks of eggs, sugar, and lemon together till light ; add half the beaten whites, then half the flour, the balance of the whites and balance of flour. Avoid beating after the ingredients are all together. Almond Sponge Cake. Take half a pound of loaf sugar ; rub the rind of a lemon on a few of the lumps, and crush the whole to a powder ; separate the whites from the yelks of five eggs, beat the yelks, and add the sugar gradually ; then beat the whites to a stiff froth ; add it to the dish, and sift in flour enough to make a batter; add a tablespoonful of essence of almonds ; butter and paper a tin, pour in the mix- ture until the tin is two-thirds full, and bake one hour in a moderate oven. The bottom of the tin may be studded with small pieces of almonds. Cream Sponge Cake. Beat together a cupful of sugar and the yelks of three eggs. Add a half teaspoonful of soda, a teaspoonful of cream tartar, a cupful of flour, and the whites of the eggs. Bake in three layers, and put between them the following filling : One egg, a half cupful of cream, a cupful of sugar, and a piece of butter the size of a walnut Boil tUi like a cream, and when gpia flaypr t9 188 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. Snow Cake. Take one pound of arrowroot, quarter of a pound of powdered white sugar, half a pound of butter, the whites of six eggs, flavoring to taste. Beat the butter to a cream ; stir in the sugar and arrowroot gradually, at the same time beating the mixture ; whisk the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth ; add them to the other ingredients, and beat well for twenty minutes ; flavor with essence of almond, vanilla, or lemon, as may be preferred ; pour into a buttered mold or tin, and bake in a moderate oven. Spice Cake. One cupful each of butter and cold water, three cupfuls of flour, two cupfuls of sugar, three eggs, one teaspoonful of soda, two teaspoonfuls of ground cinnamon, one-fourth pound each of currants and raisins. Spice Cake, No. 2. One cupful of butter, two cupfuls of sugar, four eggs, a teaspoonful of cream tartar, half a tea- spoonful of soda, half a cupful of sour milk, one cupful of molasses, three cupfuls of flour, a teaspoonful of ground cloves, two teaspoonfuls of cinnamon, two teaspoonfuls of ginger, one nutmeg, and a small pinch of Cayenne pepper. Coffee Cake. One cupful of brown sugar, one cupful of butter, one cupful of strained coffee, one cupful of molasses, three eggs well beaten, one pound of raisins, two cupfuls of flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking-powder. Wine Cake. Beat t,o a cream half a cupful of butter with two full cups of powdered sugar ; add the yelks of four eggs, and half a glass of sherry wine ; beat till very light ; add half a cupful of cream with a pinch of soda in it ; beat two minutes, and stir in very quickly the whites of the eggs, three and a half cupfuls of prepared flour, and a little grated nutmeg. Fig Cake. One cupful butter, two and a half cupfuls sugar, one cupful of milk, six cupfuls of flour, three tea- spoonfuls baking-powder, whites of sixteen eggs, and, at the CAKES AND CAKE-BAKING. 189 last, one and a quarter pounds of figs, cut and floured. Bake well but do not burn. Walnut Cake. One coffeecupful of sugar, two of raisins (stoned and chopped), one cupful and a half of flour, half a cupful of butter, half a cupful of sweet milk, three eggs, two teaspoonfuls of baking-powder, half a nutmeg grated, one teaspoonful of lemon or vanilla, one cup heaping full of nuts, which must be cracked and picked, before anything else is done to the cake. Bake slowly, with a buttered paper in the bottom of the tin. Hickorynut Cake. One pound of flour, three-quarters of a pound of sugar, half a pound of butter, half a pint of milk, five eggs, two quarts of hickorynuts, one teaspoonful of soda, and two of cream tartar. Cocoanut Cake. One pound of grated cocoanut, one pound of sugar, one-half pound of butter, six eggs, three-quarters of a pound of flour. Flavor to taste. New Year's Cake. One and a quarter pound of raisins, seeded, one and a quarter pounds of currants, half a pound of sliced citron, half a pound of butter, half a pound of brown sugar, half a pound of flour, five eggs, half a tumbler- ful of brandy, half a bottle of rose-water, one teaspoonful of cinnamon, two of cloves, two of mace, and a grated nut- meg. Currant Cake. One cupful of butter, two cupfuls of pow- dered sugar, four eggs, half a cupful of sweet milk, three cupfuls of prepared flour, half a nutmeg grated, and half a pound of currants washed, dried, and dredged with flour. Citron Cake. Six eggs, beaten light and the yelks strained; two cupfuls of sugar, three-quarters of a cupful of butter, two and one-half cupfuls of prepared flour, or enough to make good pound cake batter. With some brands you may need three cupfuls ; one-half pound of citron cut in thin 190 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. shreds ; juice of an orange, and one teaspoonful of grated peel. Cream the butter and sugar; add the yelks, the whites, and flour by turns, then the orange, and lastly, the citron, dredged with flour. Beat all up hard, and bake in two loaves. Plum Cake. Two and a half pounds of raisins, two and a half pounds of currants, one pound of citron, one pound of butter, one pound of sugar, ten eggs, one pound of flour, one-half pint of brandy, and a little molasses. Fruit Cake. Take of butter two cupfuls ; sugar, four cup- fuls ; molasses, one cupful ; sour milk, two cupfuls ; flour, eight cupfuls ; eggs, eight ; soda, one tablespoonful ; cloves, two tablespoonfuls ; cinnamon, two tablespoonfuls ; raisins, two pounds ; currants, two pounds ; almonds, one pound ; citron, half a pound ; two nutmegs ; two lemons cut fine ; bake four hours. Wedding Cake. One pound of powdered sugar, one pound of butter, one pound of flour, twelve eggs, one pound of cur- rants well washed and dredged, one pound of raisins, seeded and chopped, one-half pound of citron cut in slips, one tablespoonful of cinnamon, two teaspoonfuls of nutmeg, one teaspoonful of cloves, one wineglass of brandy. Cream the butter and sugar, add the beaten yelks of the eggs, and stir all well together before putting in half of the flour. The spice should come next, then the whipped whites stirred in alternately with the rest of the flour, lastly the brandy. The above quantity is for two large cakes. Bake at least two hours in deep tins lined with well-buttered paper. The icing should be laid on stiffand thickly. Bake this well, and, if kept in a cool, dry place, it will not spoil in two months. Test the cakes well, and be sure they are quite done before taking them from the oven. Black Cake. One pound of browned flour, one pound of sugar, one pound pf citron, two pounds of currants, CAKES AND CAKE-BAKING. 191 three pounds of stoned raisins, three-quarters of a pound of butter, one teacupful of molasses, two teaspoonfuls of mace, two teaspoonfuls of cinnamon, one teaspoonful of cloves, one teaspoonful of soda, twelve eggs. Farmers' Fruit Cake. Three cupfuls of dried apples, two cupfuls of molasses, one cupful of butter, one cupful of brown sugar, one pound of raisins, one quarter pound of citron, two eggs, one lemon (both juice and rind), two teaspoonfuls of soda, one pound and small cup of flour. Soak the apples over night, chop fine, and boil till done in the molasses and one cupful of the water they were soaked in. Flavor with nutmeg, cinnamon, and a very little cloves. Bake three hours. Chocokte Cake. One cupful butter, two cupfuls sugar, two and one-half cupfuls flour, five eggs, one cupful sour milk, one teaspoonful soda, dissolved in a little boiling water ; one-half cake Baker's chocolate, grated and put in the cake before stirring in the flour, with one teaspoonful of vanilla. Bake in jelly tins in four layers. Chocolate Cake, No. 2. One cupful of butter, two cupfuls of sugar, three cupfuls of flour, half cupful sweet milk, half teaspoonful soda, one teaspoonful of cream tartar, seven eggs. Bake in layers, and put between the layers the following filling: Quarter of a pound of Baker's best vanilla chocolate, one gill of sweet milk, one egg, sugar to taste. Scald the gill of milk and the chocolate together ; beat one egg thoroughly, and stir it in ; add sugar and vanilla to taste. Chocolate Cake, No. 3. Two cupfuls of sugar, one of but- ter, five eggs, half a teaspoonful of soda, a teaspoonful of cream tartar, half a cupful of sour milk. Grated nutmeg and vanilla. Bake in layers, and put between the layers the following filling : One cupful of Baker's chocolate, grated, a mall cupfu} pf sugar, Put in a dry bowl, and 192 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. the bowl in a pan of boiling water. Stir until the heat of the bowl dissolves the chocolate and sugar into a thick paste. Add a tablespoonful of clear table sirup and two eggs well beaten. Let this cook in the boiling water about ten minutes, then add two teaspoonfuls of vanilla. Jelly Cake. Beat three eggs well, the whites and yelks separately ; take a cupful of fine white sugar, and beat that in well with the yelks, and a cupful of sifted flour, stirred in gently ; then stir in the whites, a little at a time, and a tea- spoonful of baking-powder and one tablespoonful of milk ; pour it in three jelly-cake plates, and bake from five to ten minutes in a well-heated oven, and when cold spread with currant jelly, and place each layer on top of the other and sift powdered sugar on the top. Jelly Roll. Add one cupful of powdered sugar and one cupful of flour to three well-beaten eggs ; stir well, and add one teaspoonful of cream of tartar, half a teaspoonful of saleratus dissolved in three teaspoonfuls of water ; bake in two pie-pans ; spread as evenly as possible ; as soon as done, turn the cake, bottom side up, on to a dry towel ; spread it evenly with jelly, roll up quickly, and wrap closely in the towel. Peach Cake. Bake sponge cake in layers ; cut peaches in very thin slices, and spread upon the cake; sweeten, flavor, and whip some sweet cream, and spread over each layer and over the top. Pineapple Cake. One cupful of butter, two cupfuls of sugar, one cupful milk, three cupfuls of flour, whites of six eggs and yelks of four, three teaspoonfuls of baking-powder well mixed through flour ; bake in jelly-cake pans ; grate a pineapple ; sprinkle with sugar, spread between the layers ; pineapple jam may be substituted ; frost the outside ; beat two tablespoonfuls of the pineapple into the frosting. CAKES AND CAKE-BAKING. Cocoanut Cake. Two eggs, one cupful white sugar, one- half a cupful sweet milk, one-quarter cupful of butter, one and one-half cupfuls of flour, one and one-half teaspoonfuls baking-powder. Bake in a moderate oven in pans one inch deep. To prepare the desiccated cocoanut, beat the whites of two eggs to a stiff froth, add one cupful of pulverized sugar and the cocoanut, after soaking it in boiling milk. Spread the mixture between the layers of cake and over the top. White Mountain Cake. Make the cake with one pound of fiour, one pound of sugar, half a pound of butter, six eggs, one cupful of milk, one small teaspoonful of saleratus dis- solved in the milk. Bake four thin cakes in flat pie plates ; frost each of these cakes, laying one on another. When all are done, even the edges with a knife and frost the sides. Use the following frosting preparation : Beat to a standing froth the whites of four eggs made thick v/ith sifted, refined sugar, and add the sugar and juice of one lemon. Delicate Cake. Two cupfuls of pulverized sugar, half a cupful of butter, three cupfuls of flour, nearly three-fourths of a cupful of milk, whites of eight eggs, half a teaspoonful of cream tartar, one-fourth teaspoonful soda. This may be baked in jelly cake tins and put together with icing. Cream Cake. Take two cupfuls of sugar, two-thirds of a cupful of butter, one cupful milk, one teaspoonful of soda, one and a half teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar, two and a half cupfuls of flour, three eggs. Make the custard for the cake with one cupful of milk, and one teaspoonful of corn- starch dissolved in it, and brought to a boiling heat, with the yelk of one egg dropped in to color it. Flavor with lemon or vanilla; let it 'cool. Bake your cake in round pie-tins; use just enough batter in the tin so that when they are baked two of them put together will make one proper sized cake. Make the custard first, and let it cool ; put the 13 194 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. cakes together when they are warm, with plenty of custard between them. Orange Cake. Two cupfuls of sugar, one of butter, five eggs, half a cupful of sour milk, one teaspoonful of cream tartar, half a teaspoonful of soda, and two cupfuls of flour. Bake in four layers, and put between the layers the follow- ing filling : Beat two eggs, add to them a small cupful of sugar, heaping tablespoonful of butter. Simmer gently until it thickens. Remove from the fire, add the juice, grated pulp, and part of the rind of one large orange. Ice-Cream Cake. Two cupfuls of sugar, half a cupful of butter, three eggs, a cupful of milk, three cupfuls of flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking-powder. Bake in layers. Boil two small cupfuls of sugar and two-thirds of a cupful of water for ten minutes. Beat the white of an egg, and pour it over the mixture when it cooks a little. Beat till cold and stiff, and put between the layers. Union Cake. Two-thirds of a cupful of butter, two cupfuls of sugar, one cupful of milk, three cupfuls of flour, four eggs, two-thirds of a teaspoonful of cream tartar, and one-third of a teaspoonful of soda. Divide into three equal parts, and into one part put a cupful of seeded raisins, two-thirds of a cupful of currants, and one-quarter pound of citron. Bake in three pans of the same size. Put icing, flavored with extract of lemon, between the layers and on the top and sides. Marble Cake. Two cupfuls of white sugar, one cupful of butter, the whites of seven eggs, two teaspoonfuls of cream tartar, one of soda, three and a half cupfuls of flour, and half a cupful of milk. In another bowl three cupfuls of brown sugar, one of butter, one of molasses, the yelks of seven eggs, two tablespoonfuls of cinnamon, two of allspice, one teaspoonful of cloves, half a nutmeg, half a cupful of milk, three cupfuls of flour, one teaspoonful of soda ; and two of AuVD CAKE-BAKINC. 195 cream tartar. Arrange by dropping in first a tablespoonful of dark batter, then of the light, to imitate marble. Watermelon Cake. White part : One-half cupful of butter, one cupful of powdered sugar, whites of three eggs, one- third of a cupful of sweet milk, half a tablespoonful of bak- ing-powder, and three half cupfuls of flour. Red part : One- half cupful of butter, one cupful of red sugar, yelks of five eggs, one-third of a cupful of sweet milk, one tablespoonful of baking-powder, two cupfuls of flour, and half a pound of seeded raisins. Put the red part in the centre of the pan, with the white on the outside. Raisins may be introduced in the red part to represent seeds. Red sugar can be had of the confectioners. Neapolitan Cake. Mix a yellow portion thus: Two cup- fuls of powdered sugar, one cupful of butter stirred to light cream with sugar; five eggs beaten well, with yelks and whites separately ; half a cupful of sweet milk, three cupfuls of prepared flour, a little nutmeg. Mix a pink and white portion thus : One pound of pow- dered sugar, one pound of prepared flour, half a pound of butter creamed with sugar, the whites of ten eggs whisked stiff Divide this batter into two equal portions. Leave one white, and color the other with a very little prepared coch- ineal or with red sugar. Mix a brown portion thus : Three eggs beaten light, one cupful of powdered sugar, quarter cupful of butter creamed with sugar, two tablespoonfuls of -cream, one heap* ing cupful of prepared flour, two tablespoonfuls of vanilla chocolate grated and rubbed smooth in the cream, before it is beaten into the cake. Bake each of these parts in jelly-cake tins. The above quantities should make three cakes of each color. Mix a filling for the cake thus : Two cupfuls of sweet milk, two tablespoonfuls of corn-starch, wet with milk, two 196 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. eggs, two small cupfuls of fine sugar. Heat the milk, stir in the sugar and corn-starch, boil five minutes, and put in the eggs. Stir steadily until it becomes quite thick. Divide this custard into two parts. Stir into one two tablespoonfuls of grated chocolate and a teaspoonful of vanilla ; into the other, bitter almond. Prepare another filling thus : Whites of three eggs, whisked stiff, one heaping cup of powdered sugar, juice and half the grated peel of one lemon. Whip all together well. Lay the brown cake as the foundation of the pile ; spread with the yellow custard; add the pink, coated with choco- late ; then add the white and yellow with the frosting be- tween them. Vary the order as fancy dictates. Cover the top with powdered sugar or with icing. Angel's Food. Use the whites of eleven eggs, a scant pint of granulated sugar, a large half pint of flour, one teaspoonful of cream tartar (even full), and a teaspoonful of vanilla. Sift the flour four times, then measure ; add cream of tartar, and then sift again. Sift the sugar four times, then measure it. Beat the eggs to a stiff froth on a large dish, and on same dish add the sugar quickly and lightly ; add the flour in the same way, and last of all the vanilla. Put at once into a moderate oven, and bake forty minutes or more. Do not grease the pans. Turn upside down to cool, putting small blocks of wood under the edges that air may reach the cake. Macaroons. Blanch half a pound of almonds with boiling water, and pound them to a smooth paste. Add a table- spoonful of essence of lemon, half a pound of powdered sugar, and the whites of two eggs. Work the paste well to- gether with the back of a spoon. Wet your hands, and roll them in balls the size of a nutmeg, and lay them an inch apart on a sheet of paper. Wet your finger, and press gently over the surface to make them shiny. Bake three-quarters of an hour in a very moderate oven. AND Chocolate Macaroons. Put three ounces of plain chocolate in a pan, and melt on a slow fire ; then work it to a thick paste with one pound of powdered sugar and the whites of three eggs; roll the mixture down to the thickness of about one-quarter of an inch ; cut it in small, round pieces with a paste-cutter, either plain or scalloped ; butter a pan slightly, and dust it with flour and sugar in equal quanti- ties ; place in it the pieces of paste or mixture, and bake in a hot but not quick oven. Cream Puffs. Stir one-half pound.of butter into a pint of warm water, set it on the fire in a saucepan, and slowly bring it to a boil, stirring often. When it boils, put in three- quarters of a pound of flour, and let it boil one minute, stir- ring constantly. Take from the fire, and turn into a deep dish to cool. Beat eight eggs light, and whip into this cool paste, first the yelks, then the whites. Drop in great spoon- fuls on buttered paper so as not to touch or run into each other, and bake ten minutes. Split them, and fill with the following cream : One quart of milk, four tablespoonfuls of corn-starch, two eggs, two cupfuls of sugar. Stir while boil- ing, and when thick, add a teaspoonful of butter. When cold, flavor. Kisses. Beat the whites of four eggs very stiff, add one- half pound of pulverized sugar, and flavor to taste. Beat until very light, then lay in heaps the size of an egg on paper. Place the paper on a piece of wood half an inch thick, and put in a hot oven. Make the surface shiny by passing over it a wet knife. Bake until they look yellowish, when they are done. Chocolate Kisses. Beat stiff the whites of two eggs; beat in gradually one-half pound of powdered sugar. Scrape fine one and a half ounces of chocolate ; dredge with flour, mixing the flour well ; add this gradually to the eggs and sugar, stir- ring the whole very hard. Cover the bottom of a pan with 198 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. white paper, and place on it spots of powdered sugar the size of half-dollars. Heap the mixture on these spots, smooth with a broad knife, sift with powdered sugar, and bake quickly. Cocoannt Steeples. One pound of powdered sugar ; one- half pound of grated cocoanut ; whites of five eggs. Whip the eggs as for icing, adding the sugar as you go on until it will stand alone, then beat in the cocoanut. Mold the mix- ture with your hands into small cones, and set these far enough apart not to touch one another upon buttered paper in a baking-pan. Bake in a very moderate oven. Meringues. Mix the whites of four eggs, beaten to a stiff froth, with one pound of pulverized sugar, and flavored to the taste. Beat stiff, bake the same as macaroons, when light brown, slip them from the papers, and put the smooth sides together, with jelly between. Lady-fingers. One-half pound pulverized sugar and six yelks of eggs, well stirred; add one-fourth pound flour, whites of six eggs, well beaten. Bake in lady-finger tins, or squeeze through a bag of paper in strips two or three inches long. Lady-fingers, No. 2. Rub half a pound of butter into a pound of flour ; to this add half a pound of sugar, the juice and grated rind of one large lemon, and, lastly, three eggs, the whites and yelks beaten separately, and the whites stirred in after all the other ingredients are well mixed together. This dough, if properly made, will be stiff enough to make rolls about the size of a lady's finger ; it will spread when in the oven, so that it will be of the right size and shape. If you wish them to be especially inviting, dip them in cho- colate icing after they are baked, and put two together. See that the icing is so hard that it will not run, and set the cakes on a platter in a cool jroom until thejdng is firm. CAKES AND CAKE-BAKING. 199 Eclairs a la Creme. Three-fourths pound flour, one pint water, ten eggs, one-half cupful butter. Put the water on the fire in a stewpan with the butter ; as soon as it boils stir in the sifted flour ; stir well until it leaves the bottom and sides of the pan, when taken from the fire ; then add the eggs, one at a time. Put the batter in a bag of paper, and press out in the shape of fingers on a greased tin. When cold, fill with cream, prepared as follows : One and one-half pints of milk, two cupfuls sugar, yelks of five eggs, one tablespoonful butter, three large tablespoonfuls corn- starch, two teaspoonfuls extract vanilla. Frosted with choco- late, they are much improved in appearance and flavor. Icing for Cakes. In making icing, use at least a quarter of a pound of pulverized sugar to the white of each egg ; if not stiff enough, add more sugar. Break the whites into a broad, cool dish, and throw in a small handful of sugar. Begin whipping it in with long, even strokes of the beater, adding the sugar gradually. Beat until the icing is smooth and firm, then add the flavoring. Spread it on the cake with a broad-bladed knife, dipped in cold water. If orna- mentation of the icing is desired, it may be done by affixing prepared leaves, flowers, etc., which can be had at the con- fectioners' stores or at their supply stores. To make letters, tracery, etc., for cakes, roll into a funnel shape a piece of thick, white paper; fill this with icing in the soft state, allowing it to drip out slowly from the small end of the paper cone. Apply this carefully, and allow it to harden. Orange Icing. Whites of two eggs, one-half pound of pulverized sugar, and the juice of a large orange, treated as above. Lemon Icing. Whites of two eggs, one-half pound of pulverized sugar, juice and part of the rind of one lemon. Chocolate Icing. Whites of two eggs, one-half pound of 200 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. pulverized sugar, and three tablespoonfuls of grated choc WHAT KETTLES AND JARS SHOULD NOT BE USED IN PICKLING J CHOOSING THE FRUIT, SPICES, ETC. ; HOW TO KEEP PICKLES ; CATSUPS, HOW MADE, ETC. THIRTY-THREE RECIPES FOR PICKLES AND CATSUPS. PICKLES are very popular as a relish, but it must be confessed that they are not the most wholesome diet. This is due chiefly to the fact that they are made of hard, crude, and often of unripe fruit. Then, too, the ex- cess of acid and the high seasoning disagree with many constitutions. It is deemed important that pickles for the market be well greened. To accomplish this end, copperas and other chemicals are employed or copper kettles are used. All this is poisonous, and should be shunned. No metal ket- tles or spoons should be tolerated in pickling. Glazed jars are not desirable either, as salt and vinegar decompose the glazing and set free the lead which it contains. An ordinary stone jar is the vessel to use, or a porcelain-lined kettle. Be careful to select perfectly sound fruit or vegetables for pickling, and use none but the very best cider vinegar. Good white wine vinegar does well for some sorts of pickles, but be ever watchful against chemical preparations called vinegar, that destroy instead of preserving the articles put away in them. In the selection of spices there is so much diversity of taste that no general directions will be of prac- tical value. But get the purest articles you can find. Pickles must be kept from the air, It is a good plan to 284 PICKLES AND CATSUPS. 226 put them up in large jars, and for use to empty the large jar at once into smaller ones, using these one at a time. Keep them wholly covered with the vinegar. Water will soon cause the jar of pickles to spoil. The same hints given above apply to the making of cat- sup, which is really but a pickle cooked to a more advanced point. It needs to be tightly corked and sealed, that it may keep well. RECIPES. Cucumber Pickles. Make a weak brine, hot or cold ; if hot, let the cucumbers stand in it twenty-four hours ; if cold, forty-eight hours ; rinse and dry the cucumbers with a cloth, take vinegar enough to cover them, allow one ounce of alum to every gallon of vinegar, put it in a brass kettle (or porcelain-lined, if the greening is not desired) with the cucumbers, and heat slowly, turning the cucumbers from the bottom frequently ; as soon as they are heated through, skim them out into a crock, let the vinegar boil up, turn i' over the pickles, and let them stand at least twenty-fou. houis ; drain off the vinegar. Take fresh vinegar, and to every gallon allow two tablespoofuls of white mustard-seed, one of cloves, one of celery-seed, one of stick cinnamon, one large, green pepper, a very little horse-radish, and, if you like, one-half pint of sugar. Divide the spices equally into several small bags of coarse muslin, scald with the vine- gar, and pour over the pickles. If you like your pickles hard, let the vinegar cool before pouring over them. Cucumber Pickles, No. 2. To a gallon of water add a quart of salt, put in the cucumbers, and let them stand over night. In the morning, wash them out of the brine, and put them carefully into a stone jar. Boil a gallon of vinegar, put in while cold, quarter of a pound of cloves, and a tablespoon- ful of alum ; when it boils hard, skim it well and turn ovef the cucumbers. In a week they will be fit for use. 15 226 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. Pickled Onions. Select small white onions, put them ovet the fire in cold water with a handful of salt. When the water becomes scalding hot, take them out and peel off the skins, lay them in a cloth to dry; then put them in a jar. Boil half an ounce of allspice and half an ounce of cloves in a quart of vinegar. Take out the spice and pour the vinegar over the onions while it is hot. Tie up the jar when the vinegar is cold, and keep it in a dry place. Pickled Onions, No. 2. Take small, white onions and peel them ; lay them in salt water for two days ; change the water once; then drain and put them in bottles. Take vinegar enough to cover them, spice with whole mixed spices, scald it, and pour over the onions. Pickled Garlic and Eschalots. Garlic and eschalots may be pickled in the same way as onions. Pickled Nasturtiums. Nasturtiums should be gathered quite young, and a portion of the buds, when very small, should be mixed with them. Prepare a pickle by dissolv- ing an ounce and a half of salt in a quart of pale vinegar, and throw in the berries as they become fit, from day to day. They are used instead of capers for sauce, and by some persons are preferred to them. When purchased for pickling, put them at once into a jar and cover them well with the vinegar. Pickled Watermelon. Take the outer part of the rind of the melon, pare and cut in small pieces. To one quart of vinegar add two pounds of sugar, one ounce of cassia buds. In this boil the rind until clear and tender. Pickled Walnuts. Walnuts for this pickle must be gathered while a pin can pierce them easily. When once the shell can be felt, they have ceased to be in a proper state for it Make sufficient brine to cover them well, with six ounces of pour into a barrel with some lemon peel, and let it stand six months. Then bottle and tie down the corks. It is ready for immediate use, or will keep for months in a cool place. XIX. CANDIES. CARE NEEDED TO COOK CANDY; WHEN COOKED ENOUGH; FLAVOlb ING, COOLING, AND PULLING. TWENTY-ONE RECIPES FOR CANDY. THE great danger in candy-making is that of burning the sugar. To properly cook the candy requires a heat of about two hundred and fifty degrees. Less than that heat will leave the candy soft and sticky. A very little more than two hundred and sixty degrees will burn it. Here, then, is the need of care in candy-making. In the cooking, allow the heat to reach the bottom of the pan only. Have a quick fire that the work may be done in the shortest possible time. When cooked for about fifteen minutes, test a spoonful of the mass upon a cold plate. If it form a viscid, tenacious mass, which forms a long, adherent thread when drawn out, then it is nearly done, and it needs special care lest it burn before the work be completed. Test frequently now, dropping a little in cold water. When the hardened portion is crisp as a pipestem, the cooking has gone far enough. Then comes the flavoring and coloring. When the mass has cooled on a stone or buttered plate, so that it can be handled, it is ready for pulling, rolling into sticks, shaping into forms, etc. The pulling process is simply a mechanical means of whitening the candy. It is literally a pulling, the candy being thrown on a hook and pulled out from it, then being thrown on it again and again pulled, and so on, as may be desired, the longer pulling giv- ing the whiter candy. For home-made candies use pure materials and good fruit. Enough of earths and starch and decayed fruits are bought in the cheap candies of the stores. 243 CANDIES. 243 RECIPES. Molasses Candy. Three cupfuls of brown sugar, one-half cupful of molasses, one cupful of water, one-half teaspoonful of cream tartar, butter the size of a walnut. Bring to aboil, and when crisp by testing in cold water, flavor ; pour out on a. buttered plate, and pull to whiteness if desired. Butter Scotch. Two cupfuls of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of water, a piece of butter the size of an egg. Boil without stirring, until it hardens on a spoon. Pour out on buttered plates to cool. Ice-cream Candy. Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, half a cupful of water, and add one-quarter of a teaspoonful of cream tartar dissolved in a teaspoonful of boiling water. Put it in a porcelain kettle, and boil ten minutes without stirring it. Drop a few drops into a saucer of cold water or on snow. If it become brittle, it is done ; if not, boil till it is. Add a piece of butter half as large as an egg while it is on the fire, and stir it in. Pour into a buttered tin, and set on ice or snow to cool enough to pull it white. Flavor with vanilla just before it is cool enough to pull. Work into strands and cut into sticks. Cream Candy. One pound of white sugar, three table, spoonfuls of vinegar, one teaspoonful of lemon extract, one teaspoonful of cream tartar. Add a little water to moisten the sugar, and boil until brittle. Put in the extract, then turn quickly out on buttered plates. When cool, pull until white, and cut in squares. Cocoanut Candy. Grate very fine a sound cocoanut, spread it on a dish, and let it dry naturally for three days, as it will not bear the heat of an oven, and is too oily for use when freshly broken. Four ounces will be sufficient for a pound of sugar for most tastes, but more can be used at pleasure. To one pound of sugar, take one-half pint of water, a very 244 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. little white of egg, and then pour over the sugar ; let il stand for a short time, then place over a very clear fire, and let it boil for a few minutes ; then set it one side until the scum is subsided, clear it off, and boil the sugar until very thick ; then strew in the nut, stir and mix it well, and do not quit for an instant until it is finished. The pan should not be placed on the fire, but over it, as the nut is liable to burn with too fierce a heat. Almond Candy. Proceed in the same way as for cocoanut candy. Let the almonds be blanched and perfectly dry, and do not throw them into the sugar until they approach the candying point. Candied Nuts and Fraits. Three cupfuls of sugar, one cup- ful of water ; boil until it hardens when dropped in water, then flavor with lemon. It must not boil after the lemon is put in. Put a nut on the end of a fine knitting needle, take out, and turn on the needle until it is cool. If the candy gets cold, set on the stove for a few minutes. Malaga grapes, and oranges quartered, may be candied in the same way. Chocolate Caramels. Two cupfuls of sugar, one cupful of warm water, one-half cupful of grated chocolate, three- fourths of a cupful of butter. Let it boil without stirring until it snaps in water. Chocolate Caramels, No. 2. One cupful of rich, sweet cream ; one cupful of brown sugar ; one cupful of white sugar; seven tablespoonfuls of vanilla chocolate ; one tablespoonful of corn-starch, stirred in the cream ; one tablespoonful of but- ter ; vanilla flavoring ; soda, the size of a pea, stirred into cream. Boil all the ingredients, except the chocolate and vanilla extract, half an hour, stirring to prevent burning. Reserve half of the cream, and wet up the chocolate in it, adding a very little water if necessary. Draw the saucepan to the side of the range, and stir this in well ; put back on CAX&MS. 245 the fire and boil ten minutes longer, quite fast, stirring con- stantly. When it makes a hard, glossy coat on the spoon, it is done. Add the vanilla after taking it from the range. Turn into shallow dishes, well buttered. When cold enough to retain the impression of the knife, cut into squares. Lemon Taffy. Two cupfuls of white sugar, one cupful of boiling water, one-quarter cupful of vinegar, one-half cupful of butter ; flavor with lemon ; pour in buttered plates to cool. Butter Taffy. One tablespoonful of vinegar, one cupful of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of molasses, and a piece of buttef the size of an egg. When done, add a little soda. Cream Chocolates. For the creams, boil two cupfuls of white sugar and one-half cupful of milk for five minutes ; add one teaspoonful of vanilla, then beat until stiff enough to handle and make into drops. For the chocolate, take three-quarters of a half-pound cake of Baker's chocolate, grate and steam over the teakettle. Drop the creams when hard, one at a time, into the hot chocolate, using two forks to take them out quickly ; set the drop on one fork on the bottom, using the other fork to scrape the chocolate off the cream ; gently slip the drop upon a buttered dish. If, when cool, the drops stick to the dish, hold it over the steam of the teakettle for an instant. Chocolate Creams. Inside : Two cupfuls of sugar ; one cup- ful of water ; one and a half tablespoonfuls of arrow-root ; one teaspoonful of vanilla. Mix the ingredients, except the vanilla ; let them boil from five to eight minutes ; stir all the time. After this is taken from the fire, stir until it comes to a cream. When it is nearly smooth, add the vanilla and make the cream into balls. Outside : Melt a half pound of Baker's chocolate, but do not add water to it. Roll the cream balls into the chocolate while it is warm. 246 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOfc Cream Walnuts. Two cupfuls sugar, two-thirds cupful water. Boil without stirring until it will spin a thread; flavor with vanilla. Set off into a dish with a little cold water in it ; stir briskly until white and creamy. Have the walnuts shelled ; make the cream into small, round cakes with your fingers ; press half a walnut on either side, and drop into sifted granulated sugar. Cream Dates. For cream dates, take fresh California dates, remove the stones, and fill the centre of dates with the same cream as used in cream walnuts. Drop into sugar. Peanut Candy. Boil one scant pint of molasses until it hardens in cold water. Stir in two tablespoonfuls of vanilla, then one teaspoonful of soda, dry. Lastly, the shelled pea- nuts, taken from four quarts measured before shelling. Turn out into shallow pans well buttered, and press it down smooth with a wooden spoon. Philadelphia Groundnut Cakes. Boil two pounds of light brown sugar in a preserving kettle, with enough water to wet it thoroughly and form a sirup. Have ready a quarter of a peck of groundnuts (peanuts). When the sugar begins to boil, throw in the white of an egg to clear it. Skim and try by dropping a little into cold water to see if brittle or done. When it is brittle, remove from the fire, and stir in the nuts. Drop on wet plates, free from grease. The white of egg may be omitted. Gum Drops. Dissolve one pound of gum arabic in one and a half pints of water; strain and add one pound of refined sugar ; beat until the sugar is entirely dissolved. Flavor to taste, and add coloring if desired. Then evaporate with a slow heat until the mass is thick as honey. Have a shallow box, or dish of fine starch ; in this make a series of dents with a rounded stick, the size desired for the gum drops. Into cacn of these indentations drop from a spout, or a CANDIES. 247 spoon, just enough of the thickened mass to fill the cavity, then set away in a warm place till the drops become suffi- ciently set to allow handling. This may require several days. Jujube Paste. Dissolve gum arabic, and add sugar as for gum drops. Evaporate till very thick, and while still warm flavor and pour out into shallow tin pans to cool. Fig Paste. Chop up one pound of figs, and boil in a pint of water till reduced to a soft pulp. Strain through a fine sieve, and add three pounds of sugar. Evaporate over boil- ing water till the paste becomes stiff, then pour it into a mold of wooden strips tied together. When cool, cut into squares ; sugar each well, and put away for use. Flavors may be added to taste, or fresh fruits may be mingled with the paste. Peppermint Drops. Mix granulated sugar with enough water to form a paste, and put it to boil in a saucepan hav- ing a lip from which the contents can be poured or dropped. Allow it come almost, but not entirely, to a boil. Stir con- tinually. Allow it to cool a little, and flavor to taste with strong essence of peppermint. Then drop the mass on sheets of tin or of white paper. To drop it properly, allow just enough to gather at the lip of the saucepan, and then stroke it off with a piece of stiff wire. They should dry in a warm, place. XX. INVALID DIET. INVALIDS NEED THE BEST OF DIET ; WHAT INVALID DIET SHOULD FURNISH; "SICK-DIET KITCHENS;" HOME COOKING FOR THE SICK. THIRTY RECIPES FO* SICK-ROOM DIET. WHAT is more disgusting to an invalid than to be served with a liberal supply of food adapted to a laboring man or to a person in robust health ? Deli- cate appetites need to be delicately appealed to with dainty dishes, nicely served. But these dishes must be nourishing and easily digested. In short, the problem in sick-room diet is, how to furnish the patient the most valuable nutri- tion in the pleasantest form, and with the least tax upon his enfeebled powers. To meet this need, organized movements have been made in many cities in the line of " Sick-Diet Kitchens." Benevo- lent contributions and skilled work are the corner-stones of these institutions. The foods are well prepared by compe- tent hands. The sick who choose to purchase delicacies which can be relied on, can find them at these places. Those who are too poor to purchase, but who are deserving, can have them free. Instruction concerning diet for the sick is given also. But many cannot reach such establishments, and do not care to if they can ; hence the chapter of directions given below. If anywhere in cookery good materials and skillful manipulation are of value it is in cooking for the sick. RECIPES. Beef Tea. One pound of lean beef, cut into small pieces, into a jar without a drop of water, cover tightly, set in 248 INVALID DIET. 249 a pot of cold water. Heat gradually to a boil, and continue this steadily for three or four hours, until the meat is like white rags and the juice all drawn out. Season with salt to taste, and when cold, skim. The patient will often prefer this ice-cold. Beef Tea, No. 2. Take lean, juicy beef, chopped very feiely ; cover with cold water, and set on back of the range for two hours; then draw forward, allowing it to heat gradually; then boil for five minutes. Season and strain. Mutton Broth. One pound of lean mutton, cut small ; one quart of water, cold ; one tablespoonful of rice or barley, soaked in a very little warm water; four tablesp&onfuls of milk, salt and pepper, with a little chopped parsley. Boil the meat, unsalted, in the water, keeping it closely covered, until it falls to pieces. Strain it out, add the soaked barley or rice; simmer half an hour, stirring often; stir in the seasoning and the milk, and simmer five minuter after it heats up well, taking care it does not burn. Serve hot, with cream crackers. CMcken Broth. Proceed precisely as above, but substitute chicken for mutton. Chicken Jelly. Half a raw chicken, pounded with a mallet, bones and meat together ; plenty of cold water to cover it well, about a quart. Heat slowly in a covered vessel, and let it simmer until the meat is in white rags and the liquid reduced one-half. Strain and press, first through a colan- der, then through a coarse cloth. Salt to taste, and pepper if you think best; return to the fire, and simmer five min- utes longer. Skim when cool. Give to the patient cold just from the ice with unleavened wafers. Keep on the ice, or make into sandwiches by putting the jelly between thin slices of bread spread lightly with butter. Soft Boiled Eggs. Put in a pan of boiling water, and set on ft part Qf the range where they Will not bpil for several 250 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. utes. At the end of that time they will be like jelly, per- fectly soft, but beautifully done, and quite digestible by even weak stomachs. Egg Gruel. Beat the yelk of one egg with one tablespoon- ful of sugar ; pour one teacupful of boiling water on it ; add the white of the egg beaten to a froth, with any seasoning or spice desired. To be taken warm. Raw Egg. Break a fresh egg into a glass, beat until very light, sweeten to taste, and add two tablespoonfuls of port wine, then beat again. Egg Cream. Beat a raw egg to a stiff froth ; add a table- spoonful of white sugar and a half wineglass of good black- berry wine; add half a glass of cream; beat together thoroughly, and use at once. Indian-meal GrueL One tablespoonful of fine Indian-meal, mixed smooth with cold water and a saltspoonful of salt ; pour upon this a pint of boiling water and turn into a sauce- pan to boil gently for half an hour ; thin it with boiling water if it thickens too much, and stir frequently ; when it is done, a tablespoonful of cream or a little new milk may be put in to cool it after straining, but if the patient's stom- ach is weak it is best without either. Some persons like it sweetened and a little nutmeg added, but to many it is more palatable plain. Oatmeal GrneL Soak a handful of oatmeal over night in water, in order that the acid gases which oatmeal contains may be withdrawn. Pour off the water, and add a pint of fresh ; stir it well, add salt, and boil an hour and a half. This is much used, prepared in this way, by dyspeptics. Sago. Soak and wash it well ; add a pint of water, a little salt, and boil till clear. Add lemon-juice or wine, if permitted. Arrow-root JeUy.Boil a pint of water with a few bits of INVALID DIET. 251 cinnamon or yellow rind of lemon ; stir into it two table- spoonfuls of arrow-root, dissolved in a little water ; boil ten minutes ; strain, salt, and season with sugar, wine, and nut- meg, if proper. Arrow-root Broth. Put half a pint of water into a sauce- pan ; add a little lemon-juice, sugar and nutmeg, and a very little salt. Boil it up, and stir in a teaspoonful of dissolved arrow-root ; boil five minutes. It should be taken warm and be very thin. Cracked Wheat. To one quart of hot water take one small teacupful of cracked wheat and a little salt ; boil slowly for half an hour, stirring occasionally to prevent burning. Serve with sugar and cream or new milk. Cracker Panada. Six Boston crackers, split; two table^ spoonfuls of white sugar, a good pinch of salt, and a little nutmeg ; enough boiling water to cover them well. Split the crackers, and pile in a bowl in layers, salt and sugar scat* tered among them. Cover with boiling water and set on the hearth, with a close top over the bowl, for at least an hour. The crackers should be almost clear and soft as jelly, but not broken. Eat from the bowl with more sugar sprinkled in. Bread Panada. Set a little water on the fire in a very clean saucepan ; add a glass of wine, if allowed, some sugar, nutmeg, and lemon-peel. The moment it boils up stir in a few crumbs of stale baker's loaf. Let it boil very fast for five minutes. It should be only thick enough to drink. Chicken Panada. Boil a chicken ; take a few bits of the breast and pound fine in a mortar. Season it with a little salt, a grate of nutmeg, and a bit of lemon-peel ; boil gently till a little thick, but so that it can be drank. Soft Toast Some invalids like this very much indeed, and nearly all do when it is nicely made, Toast well, but 252 EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. too brown, a couple of thin slices of bread ; put them on a warm plate and pour over boiling water ; cover quickly with another plate of the same size, and drain the water off; re- move the upper plate, butter the toast, put it in the oven one minute, and then cover again with a hot plate and serve at once. Milk Porridge. Two cupfuls of best oatmeal, two cupfuls of water, two cupfuls of milk. Soak the oatmeal over night in the water; strain in the morning, and boil the water half an hour. Put in the milk with a little salt, boil up well, and serve. Eat warm, with or without powdered sugar. Thickened Milk. With a little milk, mix smooth a table- spoonful of flour and a pinch of salt. Pour upon it a quart of boiling milk, and when both are thoroughly mingled put all back into the saucepan and boil up once, being careful not to burn, and stirring all the time to keep it perfectly smooth and free from lumps. Serve with slices of dry toast. It is excellent in diarrhoea, and becomes a specific by scorch- ing the flour before mixing with the milk. Toast Water. Toast stale bread until quite brown, but do not burn it ; put it into a large bowl, and pour over it boil- ing water ; let it stand for an hour or so, strain, and put in a piece of ice before drinking. Barley Water. Soak one pint of barley in lukewarm water for a few minutes ; then drain off the water. Put the barley in three quarts of cold water and cook slowly until the barley is quite soft, skimming occasionally. This barley water, when cold, flavor with a little jelly or lemonade. Bice Milk Pick and wash the rice carefully ; boil it in water until it swells and softens ; when the water is partly boiled away, add some milk. It may be boiled entirely in milk, by setting the vessel in which the rice is in boiling water ; sweeten with white sugar and season with nutmeg. It also may be thickened with a little flour or beaten egg. INVALID DIET. 263 Flaxseed Tea. One-half pound of flaxseed, one-half pound of rock candy, and three lemons pared and sliced; pour over this two quarts of boiling water ; let it stand until very cold ; strain before drinking. This is good for a cougk. Appleade. Cut two large apples in slices, and pour on them one pint of boiling water; strain well and sweeten. Ice it before drinking. Apple Water. Roast two large, tart apples until they are soft. Put them in a pitcher, pour a pint of cold water on them, and let them stand in a cool place for an hour. No sweetening is needed. This drink will be found very refreshing if the patient have fever or eruptive diseases. Roast Apples. Good-sized, juicy, tart apples are best for roasting. Wipe them clean, and put in a slow oven, allow- ing an hour for the work of roasting. When entirely done, sift fine, white sugar over them, and serve warm or cold, as desired. Wine Whey. Sweeten one pint of milk to taste, and when boiling throw in two wineglassfuls of sherry ; when the curd forms, strain the whey through a muslin bag into tumblers Blackberry Sirup. One quart of blackberry juice, one pound of sugar, one-half ounce of nutmeg, one-half ounce ot cinnamon, one-fourth of an ounce of cloves, one-fourth of an ounce of allspice. GENERAL HINTS. AFTER the broad scope of this book has been covered, there still remain many things to be said. They are hardly worth discussion ; mere statement is sufficient. They are hints merely on a variety of subjects. Let it not be supposed that every suggestion here given has been subjected to test by the editor of the department. But every one has been culled from a trustworthy source and has been subjected to careful scrutiny. All of them are worth trying; but try them conscientiously. More pre- scriptions have failed from unskillful handling than from inherent defect. An Irish cook who delayed some fifteen minutes when his master had ordered a soft-boiled egg, excused himself by declaring that it had boiled fast all the time, but showed no signs whatever of becoming soft. So many other domestic manipulators fail. HINTS FOR THE KITCHEN. To Keep Meat Fresh. Take a quart of best vinegar, two ounces of lump sugar, two ounces of salt. Boil these together for a few minutes, and when cold anoint with a brush the meat to be preserved. For fish the mixture is to be applied inside ; for poultry, both in and outside. Or : Place the meat in the centre of a clean earthenware vessel and closely surround it with common charcoal. Or : Cover the meat lightly with bran and hang it in some passage where there is a current of air. To Make Poultry Tender. Give the fowl, shortly before killing, a tablespoonful of vinegar, EVERY WO^tAN HER OWN COOK. 255 To Test Mushrooms. In eatable mushrooms the stalk and top are dirty white and the lower part has a lining of salmon fringe, which changes to russet or brown soon after they are gathered. The poisonous manifest all colors, and those which are dead white above and below should be let alone. Sprinkle salt on the spongy part, and if they turn yellow they are poisonous, but if they become black they are good. Let the salt remain on a little while before you decide on the color. Mushrooms are in season during September and October. To Keep Flour SweetInsert a triangular tube of boards or tin bored full of small holes, into the centre of the barrel, which allows the air to reach the middle of the meal, and it never gets musty. A barrel of good flour, dry as it appears to be, contains from twelve to sixteen pounds of water. To Test Coal Oil. Pour a little oil in an iron spoon and heat it over a lamp until it is moderately warm to the touch. If the oil produces vapor which can be set on fire by a flame held a short distance above the liquid, it is bad. To Remove Clinkers. Throw half a dozen broken oyster shells into the fire when the coal is all aglow, and cover them with fresh coal. When all are red hot the clinkers become doughy, and are easily removed. Cheap Fire-Kindler. Melt three pounds of rosin in a quart of tar, and stir in as much saw-dust and pulverized charcoal as you can. Spread the mass upon a board till cool, then break into lumps as big as your thumb. Light it with a match. To Keep a Broom. If a broom be inserted every week in boiling suds, it will be toughened and last much longer, will not cut the carpet, and will remain elastic as a new broom. To Preserve Oil-cloths. An oil-cloth should never be scrubbed j but after being swept it should be cleaned with 256; GENERAL HINTS. ft soft cloth and lukewarm or cold water. Never use soap, or water that is hot. When dry, sponge it over with milk ; then wipe with a soft, dry cloth. To Prevent a Lamp from Smoking. Soak the wick in vine- gar, and dry it well before using. To Remove Rust from Steel. Cover with sweet oil, well rubbed on, and let it remain forty-eight hours, then rub With unslacked lime powdered fine. To Prevent Rust. Take one pint of fat-oil varnish, mixed with five pints of highly rectified spirits of turpentine, and rub with a sponge on bright stoves or mathematical instru- ments, and they will never contract spots of rust. To Freshen Stale Bread or Cake. Plunge the loaf one instant in cold water and lay it upon a tin in the stove for ten or fifteen minutes. It will be like new bread, without its deleterious qualities. Stale cake is thus made as nice as new cake. Use immediately. To Soften Hard Water. Put half an ounce of quicklime in nine quarts of water. This solution in a barrel of hard water will make it soft. A teaspoonful of sal soda will soften from three to four pails of hard water. Time of Boiling Green Vegetables. This depends very much upon the age, and how long they have been gathered. The younger and more freshly gathered, the more quickly they are cooked. The following is Miss Parloa's time-table for cooking : Green Corn, 25 minutes to I hour. Potatoes, boiled, . . 30 minutes. Potatoes, baked, . . 45 minutes. Sweet Potatoes, boiled, 45 minutes. Sweet Potatoes, baked, . I hour. Squash, boiled, . . 25 minutes. Squash, baked, . . 45 minutes. Green Peas, boiled, 20 to 40 minutes. Shell Beans, boiled, . . I hour. String Beans, boiled, , i to 3 houn, 40 Asparagus, . . 1 5 to 30 minutes. Spinach, . . . . I to 2 hours. Tomatoes, fresh, . . . I hour. Tomatoes, canned, . 30 minutes. Cabbage, . 45 minutes to 2 hours. Cauliflower, . . . I to 2 hours. Dandelions, t , f a to 3 houn EVERY WOMAN HER OWN COOK. 25? Keeping Hams. After smoking, make coarse cotton cloth sacks so that one ham will go in easily, pack cut hay all around between the sack and the ham, tie the sack at the top, hang in a cool place, and be sure the sacks are whole. To Make SMrts Glossy. Take of raw starch, one ounce ; gum arabic, one drachm; white of egg, half ounce; soluble glass, quarter of an ounce ; water. Make starch into fine cream, dissolve with gum in a little hot water, cool and mix it with the egg, and beat up the mixture with starch liquid; then add the water, glass (solution), and shake together. Moisten the starched linen with a cloth dipped in the liquid, and use polishing iron to develop gloss. Blackening Stoves. If a little vinegar or cider is mixed with stove polish it will not take so much rubbing to make the stove bright, and the blackening is not likely to fly off in fine dust. Mnsty Coffee and Tea Pots. These may be cleaned and sweetened by putting wood ashes into them and filling them with cold water. Set on the stove to heat gradually till the water boils. Let it boil a short time, then put aside to cool, when the inside should be faithfully washed and scrubbed in hot soap-suds. To Clean Pots and Kettles. When washing greasy pots and kettles, take a handful of meal or bran and rub all around. It absorbs all the grease and leaves them perfectly clean. To Clean Ceilings Smoked by Kerosene Lamps. Wash with a sufficiently strong solution of soda in water. To Prepare a New Iron Kettle for Use. Fill with clean potato parings; boil them for an hour or more, then wash the kettle with hot water, wipe it dry, and rub it with a little lard ; repeat the rubbing half a dozen times after using. To Remove Fruit Stains. Procure a bottle of Javelle water. If the stains are wet with this before the articles are put 58 GENERAL HINTS. into the wash they will be completely removed. Those who cannot get Javelle water can make a solution of chloride of lime. Four ounces of the chloride of lime is to be put into a quart of water in a bottle, and after thoroughly shaking allow the dregs to settle. The clear liquid will remove the stains. Be careful to thoroughly rinse the article in clear water before bringing it in contact with soap. When Javelle water is used this precaution is not necessary; with chloride of lime liquid it is, or the article will be harsh and stiff. Washing. To wash flannels : First, never apply soap directly to any woolen fabric. Make a strong, hot suds and plunge the garment in it. Second, never dip a flannel in cold, or even cool, water, but always hot. Wash first in hot suds and rinse in hot water made very blue. Third, dry- flannels as quickly as possible. Wring dry from the second water and hang either in the hot sun or before a brisk fire. When nearly dry, press with a hot iron. None but soft water should be used upon flannels, and resin soap is much inferior to common soft soap, as it hardens the fibres of woolens. To wash chintz : Take two pounds of rice and boil it in two gallons of water till soft. When done, pour the whole in a tub ; let it stand till of about the warmth you use in general for colored linens ; then put the chintz in and use the rice instead of soap. Wash it in this till the dirt appears to be out ; then boil the same quantity, as above, but strain the rice from the water and mix it in warm, clear water. Wash in this till quite clean ; afterward rinse it in the water in which you have boiled the rice. This will answer the end of starch and no dew will affect it and it will be stiff as long as you wear it. To wash clothes without fading them : Peel Irish pota- toes and grate them in cold water. Saturate the articles to be washed in this potato-water and they can then be washed EVERV WOMAN HER OWiV COOK. 250 with soap without any running of the color. Oil may be taken out of carpets with this potato-water when simple cold water would make the color run ruinously. This will also set the color in figured black muslins, in colored merinos, in ribbons, and other silk goods. Often the potato-water cleanses sufficiently without the use of soap ; but the latter is necessary where there is any grease. When no soap is needed, take the grated potato and rub the goods with a flannel rag. Sour milk removes iron-rust from white goods. To make silk which has been wrinkled appear exactly like new, sponge it on the surface with a weak solution of gum arabic or white glue, and iron on the wrong side. A tablespoonful of black pepper put in the first water in which gray or buff linens are washed will keep them from spotting. It will also keep the colors of colored or black cambrics or muslin from running, and does not harden the water. To extract ink from cotton, silk, and woolen goods, satu- rate the spot with spirits of turpentine and let it remain several hours ; then rub it between the hands. It will dis- appear without injuring the color or texture of the fabric. For linen, dip the spotted part in pure tallow and the ink will disappear. When clothes have acquired an unpleasant odor by being kept from the air, charcoal laid in the folds will remove it. To take oil or grease from cloth : Drop on the spot some oil of tartar or salt of wormwood which has been left in a damp place until it is fluid ; then immediately wash the place with lukewarm soft water and then with cold water, wad the spot will disappear. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED AGRICULTURE LIBRARY ^ Giannini Hall - Tel. No. 642-4493 This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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