'ft if\(J M MAIN; OR, SOUTHERN LIFE AS IT IS. BY MRS MAIY;H.: EASTMAN; 1852. AUNT PHILLIS'S CABIN; OR, SOUTHERN LIFE AS IT IS, BY MRS. MARY H. EASTMAN. TENTH THOUSAND. PHILADELPHIA: LIPPINCOTT, GRAMBO & CO. 1852. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1852, by LIPPINCOTT, GRAMBO & CO. in the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. PEEFACB. A WRITER on Slavery has no difficulty in tracing back its origin. There is also the advantage of finding it, with its con- tinued history, and the laws given by God to govern his own in- stitution, in the Holy Bible. Neither profane history, tradition, nor philosophical research are required to prove its origin or existence; though they, as all things must, come forward to sub- stantiate the truth of the Scriptures. God, who created the human race, willed they should be holy like himself. Sin was com- mitted, and the curse of sin, death, was induced : other punish- ments were denounced for the perpetration of particular crimes the shedding of man's blood for murder, and the curse of slavery. The mysterious reasons that here influenced the mind of the Creator it is not ours to declare. Yet may we learn enough from his revealed word on this and every other subject to confirm his power, truth, and justice. There is no Christian duty more insisted upon in Scripture than reverence and obe- dience to parents. " Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long 'in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee." The relation of child to parent resembles closely that of man to his Creator. He who loves and honors his God will assuredly love and honor his parents. Though it is evidently the duty of every parent so to live as to secure the respect and affection of his child, yet there is nothing in the Scriptures to 411449 12" '' .* ,'',' ' , ' //RfiFACE. authorize a child treating with disrespect a parent, though he be unworthy in the greatest degree. The human mind, naturally rebellious, requires every com- mand and incentive to submission. The first of the ten com- mandments, insisting on the duty owing to the Creator, and the fifth, on that belonging to our parents, are the sources of all order and good arrangement in the minor relations of life; and on obedience to them depends the comfort of society. Reverence to age, and especially where it is found in the per- son of those who by the will of God were the authors .of their being, is insisted upon in the Jewish covenant not indeed less required now; but as the Jews were called from among the heathen nations of the earth to be the peculiar people of God, they were to show such evidences of this law in their hearts, by their conduct, that other nations might look on and say, " Ye are the children of the Lord your God." It was after an act of a child dishonoring an aged father, that the prophecy entailing slavery as a curse on a portion of the human race was uttered. Nor could it have been from any feeling of resentment or revenge that the curse was made known by the lips of a servant of God ; for this servant of God was a parent, and with what sorrow would any parent, yea, the worst of parents, utter a malediction which insured such punishment and misery on a portion of his posterity ! Even the blessing which was promised to his other children could not have consoled him for the sad necessity. He might not resist the Spirit of God : though with perfect submission he obeyed its dictates, yet with what regret ! The heart of any Christian parent will answer this appeal ! We may well imagine some of the reasons for the will of God in thus punishing Ham and his descendants. Prior to the un- PREFACE. 13 filial act which is recorded, it is not to be supposed he had been a righteous man. Had he been one after God's own heart, he would not have been guilty of such a sin. What must that child be, who would openly dishonor and expose an erring pa- rent, borne down with the weight of years, and honored by God as Noah had been ! The very act of disrespect to Noah, the chosen of God, implies wilful contempt of God himself. Ham was not a young man either : he had not the excuse of the impe- tuosity of youth, nor its thoughtlessness he was himself an old man ; and there is every reason to believe he had led a life at variance with God's laws. When he committed so gross and violent a sin, it may be, that the curse of God, which had lain tranquil long, was roused and uttered against him : a curse not conditional, not implied now, as then, a mandate of the Eternal. Among the curses threatened by the Levites upon Mount Ebal, was the one found in the 16th verse of the 27th chapter of Deuteronomy : " Cursed be he that setteth light by his father or his mother." By the law of Moses, this sin was punished with death : " Of the son which will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother," " all the men of his city shall stone him with stones that he die." (Deut. xxi. 21.) God in his wis- dom instituted this severe law in early times ; and it must con- vince us that there were reasons in the Divine mind for insisting on the ordinance exacting the most perfect submission and re- verence to an earthly parent. " When, after the deluge," says Josephus, " the earth was settled in its former condition, Noah set about its cultivation ; and when he had planted it with vines, and when the fruit was ripe, and he had gathered the grapes in the season, and the wine was ready for use, he offered a sacrifice and feasted, and, being 14 PREFACE. inebriated, fell asleep, and lay in an unseemly manner. When Hani saw this, he came laughing, and showed him to his brothers." Does not this exhibit the impression of the Jews as regards the character of Ham ? Could a man capable of such an act deserve the blessing of a just and holy God ? " The fact of Noah's transgression is recorded by the inspired historian with that perfect impartiality which is peculiar to the Scriptures, as an instance and evidence of human frailty and im- perfection. Ham appears to have been a bad man, and probsftly he rejoiced to find his father in so unbecoming a situation, that, by exposing him, he might retaliate for the reproofs which he had received from his parental authority. And perhaps Canaan first discovered his situation, and told it to Ham. The conduct of Ham in exposing his father to his brethren, and their behaviour in turning away from the sight of his disgrace, form a striking contrast." Scott's Com. We are told in Gen. ix. 22, " And Ham, the father of Ca- naan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without;" and in the 24th, 25th, 26th, and 27th verses we read, "And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him ; and he said, Cursed be Canaan, a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. And he said, Blessed be the Lord God of Shem, and Canaan shall be his servant. God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem, and Canaan shall be his servant." Is it not preposterous that any man, any Christian, should read these verses and say slavery was not instituted by God as a curse on Ham and Canaan and their posterity ? And who can read the history of the world and say this curse has not existed ever since it was uttered ? "The whole continent of Africa," says Bishop Newton, "was PREFACE. 15 peopled principally by the descendants of Ham; and for how many ages have the better parts of that country lain under the dominion of the Romans, then of the Saracens, and now of the Turks ! In what wickedness, ignorance, barbarity, slavery, mi- sery, live most of the inhabitants ! And of the poor negroes, how many hundreds every year are sold and bought like beasts in the market, and conveyed from one quarter of the world to do the work of beasts in another !" But does this curse authorize the slave-trade ? God .forbid. He commanded the Jews to enslave the heathen around them, saying, "they should be their bondmen forever;" but he has given no such command to other nations. The threatenings and reproofs uttered against Israel, throughout the old Testament, on the subject of slavery, refer to their oppressing and keeping in slavery their own countrymen. Never is there the slightest impu- tation of sin, as far as I can see, conveyed against them for hold- ing in bondage the children of heathen nations. Yet do the Scriptures evidently permit slavery, 5ven to the present time. The curse on the serpent, (" And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle and above every beast of the field/') uttered more than sixteen hundred years before the curse of Noah upon Ham and his race, has lost nothing of its force and true meaning. " Cursed is the ground for thy sake : in sorrow shalfc thou eat of it, all the days of thy life," said the Supreme Being. Has this curse failed or been removed ? Kemember the threatened curses of God upon the whole lewish tribe if they forsook his worship. Have not they been fulfilled? However inexplicable may be the fact that God would appoint the curse of continual servitude on a portion of his creatures, 16 PREFACE. will any one dare, with the Bible open in his hands, to say the fact does not exist ? It is not ours to decide why the Supreme Being acts ! We may observe his dealings with man, but we may not ask, until he reveals it, Why hast thou thus done ? " Cursed is every one who loves not the Lord Jesus Christ/' Are not all these curses recorded, and will they not all be fulfilled ? God has permitted slavery to exist in every age and in almost every nation of the earth. It was only commanded to the Jews, and it was with them restricted to the heathen, (" referring en- tirely to the race of Ham, who had been judicially condemned to a condition of servitude more than eighteen hundred years before the giving of the law, by the mouth of Noah, the medium of the Holy Ghost.") No others, at least, were to be enslaved " forever." Every book of the Old Testament records a history in which slaves and God's laws concerning them are spoken of, while, as far as profane history goes back, we cannot fail to see proofs of the existence of slavery. " No legislator of history," says Voltaire, " attempted to abrogate slavery. Society was so accustomed to this degradation of the species, that Epictetus, who was assuredly worth more than his master, never expresses any surprise at his being a slave." Egypt, Sparta, Athens, Car- thage, and Rome had their thousands of slaves. In the Bible, the best and chosen servants of God owned slaves, while in pro- fane history the purest and greatest men did the same. In the very nation over whose devoted head hung the curse of God, slavery, vindictive, lawless, and cruel slavery, has prevailed. It is said no nation of the earth has equalled the Jewish in the enslaving of negroes, except the negroes themselves ; and exami- nation will prove that the descendants of Ham and Canaan have, as God foresaw, justified by their conduct the doom which he pronounced against them. PREFACE. 17 But it has been contended that the people of God sinned in holding their fellow-creatures in bondage ! Open your Bible, Christian, and read the commands of God as regards slavery the laws that he made to govern the conduct of the master and the slave I But again we live under the glorious and new dispensation of Christ; and He came to establish God's will, and to confirm such laws as were to continue in existence, to destroy such rules as were not to govern our lives ! When there was but one family upon the earth, a portion of the family was devoted to be slaves to others. God made a covenant with Abraham : he included in it his slaves. " He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money," are the words of Scripture. A servant of Abraham says, " And the Lord has blessed my master greatly, and he is become great, and he hath given him flocks and herds, and silver and gold, and men-servants and maid-servants, and camels and asses." The Lord has called himself the God of Abraham and 1 Isaac and Jacob. These holy men were slaveholders ! The existence of slavery then, and the sanction of God on his own institution, is palpable from the time of the pronouncing of the curse, until the glorious advent of the Son of God. When he came, slavery existed in every part of the world. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came from heaven and dwelt upon the earth : his mission to proclaim the will of God to a world sunk in the lowest depths of iniquity. Even the dear and chosen people of God had departed from him had forsaken his worship, and turned aside from his commands. He was born of a virgin. He was called Emmanuel. He was God with us. Wise men traveled from afar to behold the Child-God they 2* 18 PREFACE. knelt before him they opened their treasures they presented to them gifts. Angels of God descended in dreams, to ensure the protection of his life against the king who sought it. He emerged from infancy, and grew in favour with God and man. He was tempted but not overcome angels came again from heaven to minister to him. He fulfilled every jot and tittle of the law, and entered upon the duties for which he left the glories of heaven. That mission was fulfilled. " The people which sat in dark- ness saw great light, and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up." Look at his miracles the cleansing of the leper, the healing of the sick, the casting out unclean spirits, the raising of the dead, the rebuking of the winds and seas, the control of those possessed with devils and say, was he not the Son of God yea, was he not God ? Full of power and goodness he came into the world, and light and glory followed every footstep. The sound of his voice, the glance of his eye, the very touch of the garment in which his assumed mortality was arrayed, was a medicine mighty to save. He came on an errand of mercy to the world, and he was all powerful to accomplish the Divine intent; but, did he eman- cipate the slave ? The happiness of the human race was the object of his coming; and is it possible that the large portion of them then slaves could have escaped his all-seeing eye ! Did he condemn the institution which he had made ? Did he establish universal freedom ? Oh ! no ; he came to redeem the world from the power of sin; his was no earthly mission; he did not inter- fere with the organization of society. He healed the sick servant of the centurion, but he did not command his freedom ; nor is there a word that fell from his sacred lips that could be construed into PREFACE. 19 a condemnation of that institution which had existed from the early ages of the world, existed then, and is continued now. The application made by the Abolitionist of the golden rule is absurd : it might then apply to the child, who would have his father no longer control him; to the appentice, who would no longer that the man to whom he is bound should have a right to direct him. Thus the foundations of society would be shaken, nay, destroyed. Christ would have us deal with others, not as they desire, but as the law of God demands: in the condition of life in which we have been placed, we must do what we conscientiously believe to be our duty to our fellow-men. Christ alludes to slavery, but does not forbid it. "And the servant abideth not in the house forever, but the son abideth ever. If the Son therefore shall make you free, you are free indeed/' In these two verses of the Gospel of St. John, there is a ma- nifest allusion to the fact and condition of slaves. Of this fact the Saviour took occasion, to illustrate, by way of similitude, the con- dition of a wicked man, who is the slave of sin, and to show that as a son who was the heir in a house could set a bondman free, if that son were of the proper age, so he, the Son of God, could set the enslaved soul free from sin, when he would be free in- deed." Show me in the history of the Old Testament, or in the life of Christ, authority to proclaim as a sin the holding of the race of Ham and Canaan in bondage. In the times of the apostles, what do we see ? Slaves are still in bondage, the children of Ham are menials as they were before. Christ had come, had died, had ascended to heaven, and slavery still existed. Had the apostles authority to do it away ? Had Christ left it to them to carry out, in this instance, his revealed will? 20 PREFACE. "Art thou," said Paul, " called being a slave ? care not for it ; but if thou mayest be made free, use it rather. Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he is called." " Let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honor, that the name of God and his doctrines be not blas- phemed. And they that have believing masters, let them not des- pise them, because they are brethren, but rather do them service, because they are faithful and beloved, partakers of the benefit." It is well known and often quoted that the holy apostle did all he could to restore a slave to his master one whom he had been the means of making free in a spiritual sense. Yet he knew that God had made Onesimus a slave, and, wnen he had fled from his master, Paul persuaded him to return and to do his duty toward him. Open your Bible, Christian, and carefully read the letter of Paul to. Philemon, and contrast its spirit with the in- cendiary publications of the Abolitionists of the present day. St. Paul was not a fanatic, and therefore could not be an Abolitionist. The Christian age advanced and slavery continued, and we ap- proach the time when our fathers fled from persecution to the soil we now call our own, when they fought for the liberty to which they felt they had a right. Our fathers fought for it, and our mothers did more when they urged forth their husbands and sons, not knowing whether the life-blood that was glowing with reli- gion and patriotism would not soon be dyeing the land that had been their refuge, and where they fondly hoped they should find a happy home. Oh, glorious parentage ! Children of America, trace no farther back say not the crest of nobility once adorned thy father's breast, the gemmed coronet thy mother's brow stop here ! it is enough that they earned for thee a home a free, a happy home. And what did they say to the slavery that existed then and had been entailed upon them by the English govern- PREFACE. 21 ment? Their opinions are preserved among us they were dic- tated by their position and necessities and they were wisely formed. In the North, slavery was useless ; nay, more, it was a drawback to the prosperity of that section of the Union it was dispensed with. In other sections, gradually, our people have seen their condition would be more prosperous without slaves they have emancipated them. In the South, they are ne- cessary : though an evil, it is one that cannot be dispensed with ; and here they have been retained, and will be retained, unless God should manifest his will (which never yet has been done) to the contrary. Knowing that the people of the South still have the views of thei revolutionary forefathers, we see plainly that many of the North have rejected the opinions of theirs. Slaves were at the North and South considered and recognized as pro- perty, (as they are in Scripture.) The whole nation sanc- tioned slavery by adopting the Constitution which provides for them, and for their restoration (when fugitive) to their owners. Our country was then like one family their souls had been tried and made pure by a united struggle they loved as bro- thers who had suffered together. Would it were so at the present day ! The subject of slavery was agitated among them; many diffi- culties occurred, but they were all settled and, they thought, effectually. They agreed then, on the propriety of giving up run- away slaves, unanimously. Mr. Sherman, of Connecticut, " saw no more impropriety in the public seizing and surrendering a slave or servant than a horse !" (Madison's Papers.) This was then consi- dered a compromise between the North and South. Henry Clay and Daniel Webster the mantle of their illustrious fathers de- scended to them from their own glorious times. The slave-trade was discontinued after a while. As long as England needed the 22 PREFACE. and daughters of Africa to do her bidding, she trafficked in the flesh and blood of her fellow- creatures ; but our immortal fa- thers put an end to the disgraceful trade. They saw its heinous sin, for they had no command to enslave the heathen ; but they had no command to emancipate the slave ; therefore they wisely forbore farther to interfere. They drew the nice line of distinc- tion between an unavoidable evil and a sin. Slavery was acknowledged, and slaves considered as property all over our country, a-t the North as well as the South in Penn- sylvania, New York, and New Jersey. Now, has there been any law reversing this, except in the States that have become free? Out of the limits of these States, slaves are property, according to the Constitution. In the year 1798, Judge Jay, being called on for a list of his taxable property, made the following observa- tion: " I purchase slaves and manumit them at proper ages, when their faithful services shall have afforded a reasonable retribu- tion." "As free servants became more common, he was gra- dually relieved from the necessity of purchasing slaves." (See Jay's Life, by his son.) Here is the secret of Northern emancipation : they were re- lieved from the necessity of slavery. Rufus King, for many years one of the most distinguished statesmen of the country, writes thus to John B. Coles and others : " I am perfectly anxious not to be misunderstood in this case, never having thought myself at liberty to encourage or assent to any measure that would affect the security of property in slaves, or tend to disturb the political adjustment which the Constitution has made respecting them." John Taylor, of New York, said, " If the weight and influence of the South be increased by the representation of that which they consider a part of their property, we do not wish to diminish them. The right by which this property is held is derived PREFACE. 23 from the Federal Constitution ; we have neither inclination nor power to interfere with the laws of existing States in this particu- lar ; on the contrary, they have not only a right to reclaim their fugitives whenever found, but, in the event of domestic violence, (which God in his mercy forever avert !) the whole strength of the nation is bound to be exerted, if needful, in reducing it to subjection, while we recognize these obligations and will never fail to perform them." How many more could be brought ! opinions of great and good men of the North, acknowledging and maintaining the rights of the people of the South. Everett, Adams, Cambreleng, and a host of others, whose names I need not give. "Time was," said Mr. Fletcher in Boston, (in 1835, at a great meet- ing in that city,) "when such sentiments and such language would not have been breathed in this community. And here, on this hallowed spot, of all places on earth, should they be met and rebuked. Time was, when the British Parliament having de- clared 'that they had a right to bind us in all cases what- soever/ and were attempting to bind our infant limbs in fetters, when a voice of resistance and notes of defiance had gone forth from this hall, then, when Massachussets, standing for her liber- ty and life, was alone breasting the whole power of Britain, the generous and gallant Southerners came to our aid, and our ers refused not to hold communion with slaveholders. When the blood of our citizens, shed by a British soldiery, had stained our streets and flowed upon the heights that surround us, and sunk into the earth upon the plains of Lexington and Concord, then when he, whose name can never be pronounced by American lips without the strongest emotion of gratitude and love to every American heart, when he, that slaveholder, (pointing to a full- length portrait of Washington,) who, from this canvass, smiles 24 PREFACE. upon his children with paternal benignity, came with other slave- holders to drive the British myrmidons from this city, and in this hall our fathers did not refuse to hold communion with them. " With slaveholders they formed the confederation, neither asking nor receiving any right to interfere in their domestic rela- tions : with them, they made the Declaration of Independence." To England, not to the United States, belongs whatever odium may be attached to the introduction of slavery into our country. Our fathers abolished the slave-trade, but permitted the conti- nuation of domestic slavery. Slavery, authorized by G-od, permitted by Jesus Christ, sanc- tioned by the apostles, maintained by good men of all ag\3S, is still existing in a portion of our beloved country. How long it f will continue, or whether it will ever cease, the Almighty Ruler I of the universe can alone determine. I do not intend to give a history of Abolition. Born in fana- ticism, nurtured in violence and disorder, it exists too. Turning aside the institutions and commands of God, treading under foot the love of country, despising the laws of nature and the nation, it is dead to every feeling of patriotism and brotherly kindness ; full of strife and pride, strewing the path of the slave with thorns and of the master with difficulties, accomplishing nothing good, forever creating disturbance. The negroes are still slaves "while the American slave- holders, collectively arid individually, ask no favours of any man or race that treads the earth. In none of the attributes of men, mental or physical, do they acknowledge or fear superiority else- w.here. They stand in the broadest light of the knowledge, civili- zation, and improvement of the age, as much favored of Heaven as any other of the sons of Adam." AUNT PHILLIS'S CABIN. CHAPTER I. THERE would be little to strike the eye of a traveler accustomed to picturesque scenes, on approaching the small town of L . Like most of the settlements in Virginia, the irregularity of the streets and the want of similarity in the houses would give an unfavorable first impression. The old Episcopal church, standing at the entrance of the town, could not fail to be attractive from its appearance of age; but from this alone. No monu- ments adorn the churchyard ; head-stones of all sizes meet the eye, some worn and leaning against a shrub or tree for support, others new arid white, and glistening in the sunset. Several family vaults, unpretending in their appearance, are perceived on a closer scrutiny, to which the plants usually found in burial-grounds are clinging, shadowed too by large trees. The walls where they are visible are worn and discolored, but they are almost co- vered with ivy, clad in summer's deepest green. Many a stranger stopped his horse in passing by to wonder at its look of other days ; and some, it may be, to wish they were sleeping in the shades of its mouldering walls. The slight eminence on which the church was built, commanded a view of the residences of several gentlemen 3 25 26 AUNT PHILLIS'S CABIN; OR, of fortune who lived in the neighborhood. To the near- est one, a gentleman on horseback waS directing his way. The horse required no direction, in truth, for so accustomed was he to the ride to Exeter, and to the good fare he enjoyed on arriving there, that neither whip nor spur was necessary; he traced the familiar road with evident pleasure. The house at Exeter was irregularly built ; but the white stone wings and the look-out over the main building gave an appearance of taste to the mansion. The fine old trees intercepted the view, though adding greatly to its beauty. The porter's lodge, and the wide lawn entered by its open gates, the gardens at either side of the building, and the neatness and good condition of the out-houses, all showed a prosperous state of affairs with the owner. Soon the large porch with its green, blinds, and the sweet- brier entwining them, came in view, and the family party that occupied it were discernible. Before Mr. Barbour had reached the point for alighting from his horse, a ser- vant stood in readiness to take charge of him, and Alice Weston emerged from her hiding-place among the roses, with her usual sweet words of welcome. Mr. Weston, the owner of the mansion and its adjoining plantation, arose with a dignified but cordial greeting ; and Mrs. Weston, his sister-in-law, and Miss Janet, united with him in his kind reception of a valued guest and friend. Mr. Weston was a widower, with an only son ; the young gentleman was at this 'time at Yale College. He had been absent for three years; and so anxious was he to graduate with honor, that he had chosen not to return to Virginia until his course of study should be completed. The family had visited him during the first year of his exile, as he called it, but it had now been two years since he had seen any member of it. There was an engagement between him and his cousin, though Alice was but fifteen when it was formed. They had been associated from the SOUTHERN LIFE AS IT IS. 27 earliest period of their lives, and Arthur declared that should he return home on a visit, he would not be able to break away from its happiness to the routine of a college life : he yielded therefore to the earnest entreaties of his father, to remain at New Haven until he graduated. Mr. Weston will stand for a specimen of the southern gentleman of the old school. The bland and cheerful ex- pression of 'his countenance, the arrangement of his soft fine hair, the fineness of the texture and the perfect clean- liness of every part of his dress, the plaiting of his old- fashioned shirt ruffles, the whiteness of his hand, and the sound of his clear, well-modulated voice in fact, every item of his appearance won the good opinion of a stranger ; while the feelings of his heart and his steady course of Christian life, made him honored and reverenced as he deserved. He possessed that requisite to the character of a true gentleman, a kind and charitable heart. None of the present members of his family had any lawful claim upon him, yet he cherished them with the utmost affection. He requested his brother's widow, on the death of his own wife, to assume the charge of his house; and she was in every respect its mistress. Alice was necessary to his happiness, almost to his existence ; she was the very rose in his garden of life. He had never had a sister, and he regarded Alice as a legacy from his only brother, to whom he had been most tenderly attached : had she been uninteresting, she would still have been very dear to him ; but her beauty and her many graces of ap- pearance and character drew closely together the bonds of love between them ; Alice returning, with the utmost warmth, her uncle's affection. Mrs. Weston was unlike her daughter in appearance, Alice resembling her father's family. Her dark, fine eyes were still full of the fire that had beamed from them in youth ; there were strongly-marked lines about her mouth, and her face when in repose bore traces of the warfare of 28 AUNT PHILLIS'S CABIN; OR, past years. The heart has a writing of its own, and we can see it on the countenance ; time has no power to obliterate it, but generally deepens the expression. There was at times too a sternness in her voice and manner, yet it left no unpleasant impression ; her general refinement, and her fine sense and education made her society always desirable. Cousin Janet, as she was called by them all, was a de- pendant and distant relation ; a friend faithful and unfail- ing ; a. bright example of all that is holy and good in the Christian character. She assisted Mr*s. Weston greatly in the many cares that devolved on the mistress of a planta- tion, especially in instructing the young female servants in knitting and sewing, and in such household duties as would make them useful in that state of life in which it had pleased God to place them. Her heart was full of love^to all God's creatures; the servants came to her with their little ailings and grievances, and she had always a soothing remedy some little specific for a bodily sickness, with a word of advice and kindness, and, if the case required it, of gentle reproof for complaints of another nature. Cousin Janet was an old maid, yet many an orphan and friendless child had shed tears upon her bosoin ; some,, whose hands she had folded together in prayer as they knelt beside her, learning from her lips a child's simple petition, had long ago laid down to sleep for ever ; some are living still, sur- rounded by the halo of their good influence. There was one, of whom we shall speak by-and-by, who was to her a source of great anxiety, and the constant subject of her thoughts and fervent prayers. Many years had gone by since she had accepted Mr. Weston's earnest entreaty to make Exeter her home ; and although the bread she eat was that of charity, yet she brought a blessing upon the house that sheltered her, by her presence : she was one of the chosen ones of the Lord. Even in this day, it is possible to entertain an angel ua- SOUTHERN LIFE AS IT IS. 29 awares. She is before you, reader, in all the dignity of old age, of a long life drawing to a close ; still to the last, she works while it is yet day ! With her dove-colored dress, and her muslin three-cor- nered, handkerchief, pinned precisely at the waist and over her bosom, with her eyes sunken and dim, but expressive, with the wrinkles so many and so deep, and the thin, white folds of her satin-looking hair parted under her cap; with her silver knitting-sheath attached to her side, and her needles in ever busy hands, Cousin Janet would perhaps first arrest the attention of a stranger, in spite of the glowing cheek and golden curls that were contrasting with her. It was the beauty of old age and youth, side by side. Alice's face in its full perfection did not mar the loveliness of hers ; the violet eyes of the one, with their long sweep of eyelash, could not eclipse the mild but deep expression of the other. The rich burden of glossy hair was lovely, but so were the white locks ; and the slight but rounded form was only compared in its youthful grace to the almost shadowy dignity of old age. It was just sundown, but the servants were all at home after their day's work, and they too were enjoying the pleasant evening time. Some were seated at the door of their cabins, others lounging on the grass, all at ease, and without care. Many of their comfortable cabins had been recently whitewashed, and were adorned with little gar- dens in front ; over the one nearest the house a multiflora rose was creeping in full bloom. Singularly musical voices were heard at intervals, singing snatches of songs, of a style in which the servants of the South especially delight ; and not unfrequently, as the full chorus was shouted by a number, their still more peculiar laugh was heard above it all. Mr. Barbour had recently returned from a pleasure tour in our Northern States, had been absent for two months, and felt that he had not in as long a time wit- nessed such a scene of real enjoyment. He thought it 30 AUNT PHILLIS'S CABIN; OR. would have softened the heart of the sternest hater of Southern institutions to have been a spectator here ; it might possibly have inclined him to think the sun of his Creator's beneficence shines over every part of our favored land. "Take a seat, my dear sir," Mr. Weston said, "in our sweetbrier house, as Alice calls it ; the evening would lose half its beauty to us, if we were within." "Alice is always right," said Mr. Barbour, "in every thing she says and does, and so I will occupy this arm- chair that I know she placed here for me. Dear me ! what a glorious evening ! Those distant peaks of the Blue Ridge look bluer than I ever saw them before." "Ah! you are glad to tread Virginia soil once more, that is evident enough," said Mr. Weston. "There is no danger of your getting tired of your native state again." " Who says I was ever tired of her ? I challenge you to prove your insinuation. I wanted to see this great New England, the < great Norrurd,' as Bacchus calls it, and I have seen it ; I have enjoyed seeing it, too; and now I am glad to be at home again." "Here comes Uncle Bacchus now, Mr. Barbour," said Alice ; "do look at him walk. Is he not a curiosity ? He has as much pretension in his manner as if he were really doing us a favor in paying us a visit." "The old scamp," said Mr. Barbour, "he has a frolic in view ; he wants to go off to-morrow either to a camp- meeting, or a barbecue. He looks as if he were hooked together, and could be taken apart limb by limb." Bacchus had commenced bowing some time before he reached the piazza, but on ascending the steps he made a particularly low bow to his master, and theft in the same manner, though with much less reverence, paid his respects to the others. "./ "Well, Bacchus?" said Mr. Weston. SOUTHERN LIFE AS IT IS. 31 How is yer health dis evenin, master ? You aint been so well latterly. We'll soon have green corn though, and that helps dispepsy wonderful." "It may be good for dyspepsia, Bacchus," said Mr. Weston, "but it sometimes gives old people cholera morbus, when they eat it raw ; so I advise you to remember last year's experience, and roast it before you eat it." I shall, indeed/' replied Bacchus ; " 'twas an awful time I had last summer. My blessed grief ! but I thought my time was done come. But de Lord was mighty good to me, he brought me up again Miss Janet's physic done me more good though than any thing, only it put me to sleep, and I never slept so much in my born days." "You were always something of a sleeper, I am told, Bacchus," said Cousin Janet; "though I have no doubt the laudanum had that effect ; you must be more prudent; old people cannot take such liberties with them- selves." " Lor, Miss Janet, I aint so mighty ole now ; besure I aint no chicken nother; but thar's Aunt Peggy; she's what I call a raal ole nigger ; she's an African. Miss Alice, aint she never told you bout de time she seed an elerphant drink a river dry?" "Yes," said Alice, "but she dreamed that." " No, Miss, she actually .seed it wid her own eyes. They's mighty weak and dim now, but she could see out of 'em once, I tell ye. It's hot nuff here sometimes, but Aunt Peggy says it's winter to what 'tis in Guinea, whar she was raised till she was a big gall. One day when de sun was mighty strong, she seed an elerphant a comin along. She runned fast enough, she had no 'casion to grease her heels wid quicksilver ; she went mighty fast, no doubt ; she didn't want dat great beast's hoof in her wool. You and me seed an elerphant de time we was in Wash- ington, long wid master, Miss Alice, and I thought 'bout Aunt Peggy that time. 'Twas a 'nageree we went to. You 32 AUNT PHILLIS'S CABIN; OR, know I held you in my arms over de people's heads to see de monkeys ride. "Well, Aunt Peggy say she runned till she couldn't run no longer, so she clumb a great tree, and sat in de branches and watched him. He made straight for de river, and he kicked up de sand wid his hoofs, as he went along, till he come to de bank ; den he begins to drink, and he drinks, I tell you. Aunt Peggy say every swaller he took was least a gallon, and he drunk all dat blessed mornin. After a while she seed de water gitting very low, and last he gits enuff. He must a got his thirst squinched by dat time. So Aunt Peggy, she waded cross de river, when de elephant had went, and two days arter dat, de river was clean gone, bare as my hand. Master," continued Bacchus, "I has a great favor to ax of you." " Barbecue or campmeeting, Bacchus?" said Mr. Bar- bour. "If you please, master," said he, addressing Mr. Wes- ton, but at the same time giving an imploring look to Mr. Barbour, "'to 'low me to go way to-morrow and wait at de barbecue. Mr. Semmes, he wants me mightily ; he says he'll give me a dollar a day if I goes. I'll sure and be home agin in the evenin." "lam afraid to give you permission," said Mr. Wes- ton ; " this habit of drinking, that is growing upon you, is a disgrace to your old age. You remember you were picked up and brought home in a cart from campmeeting this summer, and I am surprised that you should so soon ask a favor of me." "I feels mighty shamed o' that, sir," said Bacchus, " but I hope you will 'scuse it. Niggers aint like white people, no how ; they can't 'sist temptation. I've repented wid tears for dat business, and 'twont happen agin, if it please the Lord not to lead me into temptation." "You led yourself into temptation," said Mr. Weston; you took pains to cross two or three fences, and to go SOUTHERN LIFE -AS IT IS. 33 round by Norris's tavern, when, if you had chosen, you could have come home by the other road." " True as gospel, ma'am," said Bacchus, " I don't deny de furst word of it ; the Lord forgive me for backsliding ; but master's mighty good to us, and if he'll overlook that little misfortune of mine, it shan't happen agin." " You call it a misfortune, do you, Bacchus ?" said Mr. Barbour ; " why, it seems to me such a great Christian as you are, would have given the right name to it, and called it a sin. I am told you are turned preacher ?" " No, sir," said Bacchus, " I aint no preacher, I warn't called to be ; I leads in prayer sometimes, and in general I rises de tunes." " Well, I suppose I can't refuse you," said Mr. Weston ; " but come home sober, or ask no more permissions." " God bless you, master ; don't be afeard : you'll see you can trust me. I aint gwine to disgrace our family no more. I has to have a little change sometimes, for Miss Janet knows my wife keeps me mighty straight at home. She 'lows me no privileges, and if I didn't go off some- times for a little fun, I shouldn't have no health, nor sper- rets nother." "You wouldn't have any sperrits, that's certain," said Alice, laughing ; " I should like to see a bottle of whisky in Aunt Phillis's cabin." Bacchus laughed outright, infinitely overcome at the suggestion. "My blessed grief! Miss Alice," said he, " she'd make me eat de bottle, chaw up all de glass, swaller it arter dat. I aint ever tried dat yet best not to, I reckon. No, master, I intends to keep sober from this time forrurd, till young master comes back ; den I shall git high, spite of Phillis, and 'scuse me, sir, spite of de devil hisself. When is he comin, any how, sir?" "Next year, I hope, Bacchus," said Mr. Weston. "Long time, sir," said Bacchus; "like as not he'll never see old Aunt Peggy agin. She's failin, sir, you 34 AUNT PHILLIS'S CABIN; OR, can see by de way she sets in de sun all day, wid a long switch in her hand, trying to hit de little niggers as dey go by. Sure sign she's gwine home. If she wasn't alto- gether wore out, she'd be at'somefin better. She's sarved her time cookin and bakin, and she's gwine to a country whar there's no 'casion to cook any more. She's a good old soul, but wonderful cross sometimes." " She has been an honest, hard-working, and faithful servant, and a sober one too," suid Mr. Weston. "I understand, sir," said Bacchus, humbly; "but don't give yourself no oneasiness about me! I shall be home to- morrow night, ready to jine in at prayers." "Very well-^-that will do, Bacchus," said Mr. Weston, who felt anxious to enjoy the society of- his friend. " Good evenin to you all," said Bacchus, retreating with many bows. We will see how Bacchus kept his word, and for the present leave Mr. Weston to discuss the subjects of the day with his guest ;' while the ladies paid a visit to Aunt Peggy, and listened to her complaints of " the flies and the little niggers," and the thousand and one ailings that be- long to the age of ninety years. SOUTHERN LIFE AS IT IS. 35 CHAPTER II. " You rode too far this afternoon, Alice, you seem to be very tired," said Mr. Weston. " No, dear uncle,. I am not fatigued ; the wind was cold, and it makes me feel stupid." "Why did not Walter come in?" asked Mr. Weston. "I saw him returning with you by the old road." < as he entered, rubbing his hands, "you've fought for your country this night; let's go tolbed." Mrs. Moore lit a candle, and put out the lard-lamp, won- dering if she had been impolite to Mr. Kent. She led the way to the staircase, in a reflective state of mind ; Nep- tune followed, and stood at the foot of the steps for some moments, in deep thought ; concluding that if there should be danger of any one's falling into a river up there, they would call him and let him know, he went back, laid down on the soft rug, and fell asleep for the night. ******* It does not take long to state a fact. Mr. Kent went to Washington on Abolition business, through the intro- duction of a senator from his own State he obtained access to good society. He boarded in the same house with a Virginian who had a pretty face, very little sense, but a large fortune. Mr. Kent, with very little difficulty, per- suaded her he was a saint, ready to be translated at the shortest notice. He dropped his Abolition notions, and they were married. At the time that my story opens, he is a planter, living near Mr. Weston, and we will hear of him again. SOUTHERN LIFfi AS IT JS. 60 CHAPTER VI. ARTHUR WESZON is in his college-room in that far-famed city, New Haven. He is in the act of replacing his cigar in his mouth, after having knocked the ashes off it, when we introduce to him the reader. Though not well em- ployed, his first appearance must be prepossessing ; he inherited his mother's clear brunette complexion, and her fine expressive eyes. His very black haiv he had thrown entirely off his forehead, and he is now reading an Aboli- tion paper which had fallen into his hands. There are two other young men in the room, one of them Arthur's friend, Abel Johnson ; and the other, a young man by the name of Hubbard. "Who brought this paper inta my room ?"- said Arthur, after laying it down on the table beside him. "I was reading it,'.' said Mr. Hubbard, "and threw it aside." " Well, if it makes no difference to you, Mr. Hubbard, I'd prefer not seeing any more of these publications about me. This number is a literary curiosity, and deserves to be preserved ; but as I do not file papers at present, I will just return it, after expressing my thanks to you for afford- ing me the- means of obtaining valuable information about the Southern country." -"What is it about, Arthur," said Abel Johnson, "it is too hot to read this morning, so- pray enlighten me ?" "Why, here," said Arthur, opening the paper again, "here is an advertisement, said to be copied from a South- ern paper, in which, after describing a runaway slave, it says : < I will give four hundred dollars for him alive, and the same sum for satisfactory proof that he has been 70 AUNT PIIILLIS'S CABIN; OR, killed.' Then the editor goes on to say, 'that when a planter loses a slave, he becomes so impatient at not cap- turing him, and is so angry at the loss, that he then does what is equivalent to inducing some person to murder him by way of revenge.' Now, is not this infamous ?" "But it is true, I believe," said Mr. Hubbard. ".It is not true, sir," said Arthur, "it is false, totally and entirely false. Why, sir, do you mean to say, that the life of a slave is in the power of a master, and that he i& not under the protection of our laws ?" "I am told that is the case," said Mr. Hubbard. "Then you are told what is not tru6 ; and it seems to me, you are remarkably ignorant of the laws of your country." "It is not my country," said Mr. Hubbard, "I assure you. I lay no claims to that part of the United States where slavery is allowed." " Then if it is not your country, for what reason do you concern yourself so much about its aifairs?" "Because," replied Mr. Hubbard, " every individual has the right to judge for himself, of his own, and of other countries." "No, not without proper information," said Arthur. " And as you have now graduated and intend to be a lawyer, I trust you will have consideration enough for the profes- sion, not to advance opinions until you are sufficiently in- formed to enable you to do so justly. Every country must have its poor people; you have yours at the North, for I see them we have ours ; yours are white, ours are black. I say yours are white ; I should except your free blacks, who are the most miserable class of human beings I ever saw. They are indolent, reckless, and impertinent. The poorer classes of society, are proverbially improvi- dent and yours, in sickness, and in old age, are often victims of want and suffering. Ours in such circumstances, are kindly cared for, and are never considered a burden ; SOUTHERN LIFE AS IT IS. 71 our laws' are, generally speaking, humane and faithfully administered. We have enactments which not only pro- tect their lives, but which compel their owners to be moderate in working them, and to ensure them proper care as regards their food." " But," said Mr. Hubbard, "you have other laws, police- laws, which deprive them of the most innocent recrea- tions, such as are not only necessary for their happiness, but also for their health." "And if such laws do exist," said Arthur, "where is the cause ? You may trace it to the interference of med- dling, .and unprincipled men. They excite the minds of the slaves, and render these laws necessary for the very protection of our lives. But without this interference, there would be no such necessity. In this Walsh's Ap- peal, which is now open before me, you will find, where Abel left off reading, these remarks, which show that not only the health and comfort of the slaves, but also their feelings, are greatly considered. < The master who would deprive his* negro of his property the product "f his poultry-hous^e or his little garden ; who would force him to work on holidays, of at night ; who would deny him common recreations, or leave him without shelter and provision, in his old age, would incur the aversion of the community, and raise obstacles to the advancement of his own interest and external aims.' ' "Then," said Mr. Hubbard, "you mean to say, he is kind from self-interest alone." "No, I do not," replied Arthur; "that undoubtedly, actuates men at the South, as it does men at the North ; but I mean, to say, so universal is it with us to see our slaves well treated, that when an instance of the contrary nature occurs, the author of it is subject to the dislike and odium of his acquaintances." "But," said Mr. Hubbard, "that does not always pro- tect the slaves which shows that your laws are sometimes 72 AUNT PHILLIS'S CABIN: 0-R, ineffectual. They are not always secure from- ill-treat- ment." "But, do your laws always secure you -from ill-treat- ment?" said Arthur. " Of course," said Mr. Hubbard, " the poorest person in New England is as safe from injustice and oppression, as the highest in the land.'* . "Nonsense," said Arthur, "don't you think I can judge for myself, as regards that ? Abel, do tell Mr. Hubbard of our little adventure in the bakehouse." "With pleasure," said Abel, "especially as you two have not let me say a word yet. Well, Mr. Hubbard, Arthur and I having nothing else to do, got hungry, and as it was a fine evening, thought we would walk out in search of something to satisfy our appetites, and there being a pretty girl in Brown's bakehouse, who waits on customers, we .took that direction. - Arthur, you know, is engaged to be married, and has no excuse for such things, but I having no such ties, am free to search for pretty faces, and to make the most of it when I find them. We walked on, arm-in-arm, and when we got to the shop, there stood Mrs. Brown behind the counter, big as all out doors, with a very red face, and in a violent perspiration ; there was some thing wrong with the old lady 'twas easy to see." "' Well, Mrs. Brown,' said Arthur, for I was looking in the glass cases and under the counter for the pretty face, ' have you any rusk ?' "'Yes, sir, we always nave rusk,' said Mr. Brown, tartly. "'Will you give us some, a'nd some cakes, or whatever you have? and then we will go and get some soda water, Abel.' " Mrs. Brown fussed about like a 'bear with a sore head,' and at last she broke out against *^a S IT IS. 79 "< Twelve and, a half cents,' said the deacon, slowly raising his spectacles from his nose.