vi ^^'Wm&Kw^S*^ bs^i^mb&^i* '/.V mm i. ' '-ti -<^ ^fe"^ - . ''%* 'd^ "jtir '"Tn R:3E2S3BV^ : y. *F- "" ^- f ^f ^OT^V^ * _i/ >f -OPPICIAL- WHO MARCHED WITH THE ARMY UNDER THE COMMAND OF MAJOR GENERAL WINFIELD SCOTT, FROM PUEBLA UPON THE CITY OF MEXICO, THE SEVENTH, EIGHTH, NINTH AND TENTH OF AUGUST, ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDBZD AND FOBTV-SEVBN, AND WHO WKRE ENGAGED IN THE BATTLES OF MEXICO. MEXICO. 1848. AMERICAN STAR PRINT -OFFIC&AL. X WHO MARCHED WITH THE ARMY UNDER THE COMMAND OF MAJOR GENERAL W i N FIELD SCOTT, FROM PUEBLA UPON THE CITY OF MEXICO, THE SEVENTH, EIGHTH, NINTH AND TENTH OF AUGUST, ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND FOaTT-SEVENT, AND WHO WERE ENGAGED IN THE BATTLES OF MEXICO. MEXICO. 1848. AMERICAN STAR PRINT. ERRATA ' N A M E V AC C I D E N T A L L Y OMITTED. 2d Lt. G. B. McClellan, Corps of Engineers ; Aug. 19 at Contreras ; Augi 20 at Contreras and Churubusco ; Sept. 8 at Tacubaya ; Sept. 12 Batteries ngainst Chapultcpec; Sept. 13 San Cosme ; Sept. 14 City of Mexico. 1st Lt. Andrew J. Lindsay, Regiment of Mounted Riflemen; Contreras on the 19th of Aug. ; near Contreras Aug. 20; Molino del Rey Sept. 8; near Chapultepec Sept. 12; Chapnltepec and San Cosrae Sept. 13; City of Mexico Sept. 14. ' n the 20th at and ; on the E-KrF-ifSpS , I Bancroi't Library OF OFFICERS of the United States Army and Volunteers who marched under the command of Major General Scott from Puebla, the Ttk, 8th, 9th and 10th of August, 1847, specifying where each was employed upon the Wth and 20th of August, and the 8th, 12th, 13M, and 14th of September, 1847. No. '. V'.I '. AND COUPS. WHEN AND WHERE EMPLOYED. Euukx. AUGUST. SEPTEMBER. 19. 20. 8. 12. 13. 14. GF.NKRAL-IN.CHlKr AND STAFF. Chapultepec and 1 Major-Gen. Winfield Scott. Ped regal. Churubusco. Molino del Rey. Tacubaya. operations beforeiCity of Mexico. Commanding Iho Army. the city gates. 2 Lt. Col. Hitchcock. do. do. do. do. do. do. Acting Inspctor General. 3 Capt. H. L. Scott. do. do. do. do. do. do. A. D. C. and Chief Adjutant Genera.}* Department. , 4 1st Lt. T. Williams. do. do. do. do. do. do. , A. D. C. 5 JBvt. 1st Lt. G. W. Lay. do. do. do. do. do. do. . Military Secretary, 6 2d Lt. Schuyler Hamilton. Disabled. Disabled. Disabled. Disabled. Disabled. Disabled. A. D. C., badly Ko'd near Mira Flore>, Au c . I;: 1I7 Chapultepec and 7 Major J. P. Gaines. Ped regal. Churubusco. Molino del Rey. Tacubaya. operations before City of Mexico. Volunteer A. D. C. the city gates. ENGINEER CORPS. 1 Major J. L. Smith. Pedregal. Churubusco. Tacubaya. Tacubaya. Chapultepec, Tacubaya and Mexico. Chief Engineer. 2 Capt. R. E. Lee. Contreras. Conlrcras and Churubusco. Molino del Rey and south front o city of Mexico. Batteries against Chapultepec. do. City of Mexico. -v j'tn ic i at Chanullepec on the. 13th Sept. 3 Capt. Jas. L. Mason. San Antonio. Churubusco. Molino del Rey. Disabled. Disabled. Disabled. Severely wounded at Molino del Rey, ou ;K* : '.> Sept. 4 Lt. P. G. T. Beauregard. ' Contreras. Contreras. South'n approach to the city. Batteries againsi San Antonio gate and Chapultepec Chapultepec and Belen. City of Mexico. Wonnded at Belen Gate on the U'tli Sent. 5 Lt. Isaac J. Stevens. do. Churubusco. VIolino del Rey. VIolino del Rey Battery against Chapultepec. San Cosme. Disabled. Wounded at San Cosme on the 13Ut Sept. G Lt. Z. B. Tower. do. Contreras. and southern ap do. Chapultepec. City of Mexico. Wounded at Chapultepec on the 13th 9fpt. proach to city. 7 Lt. G. W. Smith. do. Contreras and Churubusco. Tacubaya. do. San Cosme Gate. do. 8 Lt. J. G. Fostsr. do. do. Molino del Rey. Disabled. Disabled. Disabled. Wounded at Molino del Rey on the Sth Krct. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT. 1 Capt. Benjamin Huger. San Augustin. San Augustin. VIolino del Rey. Battery against Chapultepec. Chapultepec and San Cosme. City of Mexico. Chief of Ordnance Department. 2 1st Lt. P. V. Hagner, do. do. do. do. do. do. 3 2d Lt. C. P. Stone. do. do. do. do. do. do. TOPOGRAPHICAL ENGINEERS. 1 Maj. William Turnbull. Pedregal. Churubusco. VTolino del Rey. Tacubaya,! Chapultepec and 1 <,; f Mexi Gates. J Chief Topo'ical Eo'rteer Bervixl will f WHEN AND WHERE EMPLOYED. >. NAMES AND CORP.-. AUGUST. SEPTEMBER. REMARKS. 19. 20. 8. JO 13. 14. 1 2d DRAGOONS; Major E. V. Sumner, 2d Dra Coutreras. Churubusco, VIolino del Rev. With Quitman's Division. Left of Chapult'c. City of Mexico. Commanding. goons. 2 Geo. A. H. Blake, do. do. Coutreras. do. do. do. do. o Capt. Croghan Ker, do. do. Churubusco. do. Disabled. Disabled. Disabled . Severely Wounded at ill Mlino. Molino ^ R Churubusco At heavy battery against Chapul- tepec. Garitaof San Cosrae. City of Mexico. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. S an Anlonio. San Antonio & Mo , ino de , R Churubusco. Tacubaya. San Cosine cause way and Garita. City of Mexico. Commanding Regiment. do. do. do. do. do. do. Acting Major ot* thi Regiment. do. d. do. Miscoac. Miscoae. Miscoac. Severely wounded at Molino del Rey . Adjmmi do. do. do. Tacubaya. San Cosme cause way and Garita. City of Mexico- do. do. do. do. do. do. Mortally wounded in the City of Mexico .Sept. 14. do. do. do. do. do. do. San Augustin Sari Antonio. San Augustin. San Antonio &. Churubusco. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Guarding train at Sao Augurtiue, 19lh and 20th Augul. - do. do. do. do. do. do do. do. do. Miscoac. Miscoac. Miscoac. \VJ..;A: E J at Molino del Rey, Slh Sept. do. do. do. Tacubaya. San Cosme cause way and Garita. City of Mexico. do. do. do. do. Chapultepec. Killed in the assault ou Chapultepec, 13th Sept. San Augustin. San Antonio, do. San Augustin. San Antonio Sf Churubusco. do. do. do. do. do. do. do- San Cosme cause way and Garila. do. Chapultepec and San Cosme. City of Mexico, do. do. \T -I, Shtrmcri at Moiinodei Rey, acting Adjutant on la 13 and Hill Sept. With Slomers from 1st Division in the asiaull npon Cbi pulupeu. With heavy baf With heavy bat do. do do. ery against Cha- pultepec. tery against Cha- pultepec. do. San Antonio. San Antonio (S,- Churubusco. Molino del Rey. iospital Miscoac. hospital Miscoac. Hospital Miscoac Commanding Regiment at San Antonio; Commanding '. and Molino M Molii-.a del Key, Sept. 8. do. do do. do. do. do. do. do. do. t MounoddUcj, 8lh Sept. do. do. do. Tacubaya. Chapultepnc San Cosme Garit. City of Mexico Mortally Wounded ai El Molino del R<>y, 8 Jomman'lec] the npinirnt at Mulino nfier the denlh of I.i. n.l. >Voit. cnnmiauded ilia Ki'-imeiU on ihe 12th, U .tiid Uth yi?pt. 1617. do. do do. do do. do do. do do. do. do. do San Antonio. San Antonio Churubusco. do. do. Chapultepec, San Cosme, &c. do do. do do. do. Regimental train. Recri'tal train. do. do ' do. do. Chapultepec, San Cosme &, Garita. City of Mexico. Adjutant ulifhtly WtntndfH. WHE.V AND WHERE EMPLOYED. No AUGUST. SEPTEMBER. NAMES AND CORPS. REMARKS. 19. 20. 8. 12. 13. 14. 5TH INFANTRY CONTINUED. San Antonio & 11 12 1st Lt. M. Rosecrants. 1st Lt. C. S. Hamilton. San Antonio. do. Churubusco. do. Tacubaya. Molino del Rey. Miscoac. do. Miscoac. do. Miscoac. do Sick on the 8lh, 121 h, 13th and !4th Stpl. 13 2d Lt. F. T- Dent. do. do. do. do. do. do Severely ->undad ill Molino del Rej, Sept. S. 14 2d Lt. E. B. Strong. Hn do. An Severely woi.iid!da t Mujnu del Rey, Sept. a. 15 16 2d Lt. J. P. Smith. 2JLt. P.Farrelly. uu> do. do. do! do. ao. Molino del Rey. Tacubaya. Tacubaya. Miscoac Chapultepec. Miscoac. Klib-l .,1 Molino del Rey, 6lh Sept. Killed atthe assault of Chapultepec, 13th Sept. With Col. SrmJ,'. Infantry,, ; ,erei, wour. at ChurnbUMO, 20ih August. Miscoac 6TH INFANTRY. 1 Major B. L. E. Bonneville. San Antonio. San Antonio Sf Churubusco. Molino del Rey Tacubaya. Chapultepec anc Garita of Belen City of Mexico. Commanding. 2 Capt. William Hoffman. do. do. do. do. do. do. 3 Ciiotain A Cadv. do. do. do. Disabled. Disabled. Disabled. 4 CapMin T. L Alexander. do. do. Sick. Sick. Sick. Sick. Wounded at Molino del Rey, 8lh Sept. ' 5 Captain J. B. S. Todd. do. Sick. Tacubaya. Tacubaya. Sick. Sick. 6 Captain W. H. T. Walker. do. San Antonio fy Churisbusco. VIolino del Rey Disabled. Disabled. Disabled. Wounded severely at Molino del Rey en the 8th Sept. 7 8 Captain C. S. Lovell. 1st Li. E. Johnson. do. do. do. do. do. do. Tacubaya. Sick. Chapultepec, & Chapultepec, Sa Cosine Garita Sick. City of Mexico. 9 1st Lt. T. Hendrickson. do. do. Disabled. Disabled. Dis ibled. Disabled. Severely wounded at Churubusco, 20th August. 10 1st Lt. L. A. Annistead. do. do. VIolino del Rey. Tacubaya. Chapultepec. Sick. Wounded at Chapultepec, 13th Sdpt. 11 1st Lt. Geo. Wetmore. Sick. Sick. do. Sick. Sick. Sick. 12 IstLt. John D. Bacon. San Antonio. San Antonio i?,- Churubusco Disabled. Disabled. Disabled. Disabled. .Morlully wonnded al Chnrubusco, 20th Auguit. 13 1st Lt. A. Morrow. Molino del Rey. Tacubaya. Chapultepec an San Cosme. City of Mexico Transferred from the 9tli to the 6th lufatltry, after Aug. 14 2d Lt. A. D. Nelson. San Antonio. San Antonio fy Churubusco do. do. Sick. Sick. 15 2d Lt. R. F. Ernst. do. do. do Disabled. Disabled. Disabled. Mortally wounded at Molino del Rey, 8lh Sept. 16 2d Lieut. R. W. Kirkham. do. do. do. Tacubaya. Chapultepec ant San Cosme. i City of Mexico. Acting Assl. Adjt. Gen'] 2d Brigade. 17 2d Lt. E. Howe. do. do. do. do. do. do. Chapultepec anc 18 2d Lt. S. B. Buckner. do. do do. do. Garita of Belen. do. 19 2d Lt. W. S. Hancock. do. do. do. do. Sick. do. 8TH INFANTRY. 1 Major C. A. Waite. San Antonio. San Antonio Sf Churubusco VIolino del Rey. Miscoac. Miscoac. Miscoac. Wounded at Molino del Rey, 8th Sept. 2 3 Bvt. Major Geo. Wright. Capt. arid Bvt. Major W. R do. do. do.' do. do. Uhapukepec ant do. 'omrnnnded storming party at Molino, where he Montgomery. do. do. do: Tacuhaya. San Cosine. City of Mexico. Wouuded at El Molino del Rty, 8th Sppt. 4 Capt. R.B. Screven. do. do. do. Sick. Sick. Sick. 5 Capt. J. V. Bomford. do do. do Tacubaya. Chapultpec and San Cosine. City of Mexico. WHEN AND WHERE EMPLOYED. N( NAMES AND CORPS. AUGUST. SEPTEMBER. REMARKS. 19. 20. 8. 12. 13. 14. STH INFAFTKY CONTJM'fcD. 6 Capt. I. V. D. Reeve. San Antonio. San Antonio & Churubusco. Molino del Rey. Tacubaya.' Chapultepec and _. San Cosrne. Clt y of Mexic ' Serving with Col. Smith's Light Battalion. 7 Capt. C. R. Gates. do. do do. do. do. do. 8 9 i n Capt. Larkin Smith. 1st Lt. Joseph Selden. lot T f T f Rn rKo n\s do. do. do. do do. do. do. do. do. Miscoac. Tacubaya. Miscoae. Chapultepec. Miscoac. City of Mexico. Wounded at Molino del Rey, 8th Sept. Wounded in the assault on Chapultepec, 13th Sept- Mortally wouuded at Molino del Rey, 8lh Sept. I U 11 1 SI 1 .r J. U. IJUlUiUJtv. 1st Lt. John Beardsley. do. do. do. Miscoac Miscoac. Miscoac. Wounded at Molino del Rey, 8th Sept. 12 IstLf C. F. Morris. do. do. do. do. do. do. Mortally wounded at Molino del Rey, 8th Sept. 13 IstLt. J. D. Clark. do. do. do. do. do. do. Wounded at Molino del Rey, 8th Sept. 14 1st Lt. J. Lonustreet. do. do. do. Tacubaya. Chapultepec. City of Mexico Wounded at Clupultepee on the 13th Sept. 15 2d Lt. E. B. Holloway. do. do. Tacubaya. Miscoac. Miscoac. Miscoac. Wounded at Chnrnbusoo, 20th August, with Col 16 2d Lt. C. G. Merchant. do. do. Molino del Rey. Tacubaya. Chapultepec and San Cosme. City of Mexico. 17 2d Lt. Geo. Wainwright. do. do. do. Miscoac. Miacoac. Miscoac. Wounded at Molino del Rey, 8th Sept 18 ad Lt. J. G. S. Snelling. do. do. do. do. do. do. Wounded at Molino del Rey, 8lh Sept. 19 2d Lt. T. G. Pitcher. do. do. do. Tacubaya. Chapuhepec and San Cosme. City of Mexico. Serving iti Col. Smilh'i Light Battalion. 20 2d Lt. G. E. Pickett. do. do. do. do. do. do. 2d DIVISION, (REGULARS.) SMITH'S AXD RILEY'S BRIGADES. ] Brig Gen. D. E. Twiggs. Contreras. Contreras. San Angel. Piedad. Piedad. City of Mexico. Commanding Division. 2 1st Lt. W. T. H. Brooks. do. Contreras and Churubusco. do. do. do. 3 do. An do. i Acting Asi Utanl Adjutant General. 3 1st Lt. P. W. McDonald. do. do. do. 00. do. Aid-de-Camp. SMITH'S BRIGADE. ^ [Mounted Rifles, 1st Artille ry, 3d Infantry.! 1 Bvt. Brig. Gen. P. F. Smith. Contreras. Contreras and Churubusco. San Angel. Piedad. Chapultepec and Garita of Belen. City of Mexico. Commanding Brigade. 2 1st Lt. Earl Van Dorn, 7th do. do! do. do. do. do. A. D. C. aud AclingAuiilant Adjutant Central. Infantry. RILEY'S BRIGADE. [4th Artillery, 2d Infantry 1 7th Infantry.] Bvt. Col. B. Riley, 2d Inf. Contreras. Contreras am Churubusco. Molino del Rey. Piedad. San Cosme. "City of Mexico. Commanding Brigade. 2 Bvt. Capt. E. R. S. Canby do. do. do. do. do. do. Aseistaat Adjutant General. 3 2d Inf. 1st Lt. Julius Hayden, 2d Inf do. do. do. do. do. do. Aid-de-Camp. RECIMENT OF MOUNTED RIFLEMEN. 1 Major W. W. Loring. Contreras. Contreras am Churubusco. San Angel. Piedad. Chapultepec and sick, (wounded.) Garila de Belen. Severely wounded nearGaiita de Btlin en the I3tk Sept. 2 Capt. W. F. Sanderson. do. do. do. Miscoac. Miscoac. Miscoac. NAMES AND CORPS. I MOUNTED KIFLLMEN CONTiNtED. 3 Capt. Henry C. Pope- 4 Capt. George B Crittenden- 5^ Capt. John S. Simonson. 6 ; Capt. J. B. Backenstoss. 7 Capt. S. S. Tucker 8 Capt. B. S. Robert?. 10 li 12 13 14 15 16 17 Capt. Andrew Porter. 1st Lieut. M. E. Van Buren 1st Lieut. Llewellyn Jones. 1st Lieut. Noah Newton. 2d Lieut. Geo. McLane. 2d Lieut. K. M. Morris. 2d Lt. F, S, K, Russell, 2d Lieut. D. M. Frost. 2d Lieut. John P. Hatch. 18 21 Lieut. Gordon Granger. 19jBvt. 2d Lt.I. N. Palmer. 20|Bv : t. 2d Lt. James Stuart. 21 Bvt. 2d Lt. Alfred Gibbs. IK ARTILLERY. ijcapt. & B't. Maj. J. Dimick, S^apt. Geo. Nauman. 3 Capt. Francis Taylor. 4 Capt. John H. Winder. 5 Capt. John B. Magruder. 6 Capt. E. A. Capron. V^Capt, M. J. Burke. 8 Capt. John S. Hatheway. i 9 1st Lieut. Wm. H. French 10 1st Lieut.. J. A. Haskin. 1 1 list Lt. H. D. Grafton. 12 8 1st Lieut. S, K. Dawson. 1st Lieut, J. G. Martin. WHEN AND WHERE EMPLOYED. RBMAJLKI. AUGUST. SEPTEMBER. 19. 20. 8. 12. 13. 14 Contreras. Conlrt-ras and Churubusco. San Angel. Piedad. Chapultepec. Sick. Garita de Belen do. do. do. do. Piedad. and City. do. do. do. do. Chapultepec and Gariia de Helen. City of Mexico. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do do. do, do. do, do. do. Tisapan, do. -do. do. do. do. ' San Angel. do. do. do. do. Contreras. Disabled. Disabled. Disabled. Disabled. , ,: unruled at Conlrertti on tin S0;h Augu . Sick, Sick. San Angel. Sick. Sick Sick. rom ri'ylrneiiton the 19th nnd '?J'.\i \\if-M~- , Contreras, Contreras and Churubusco. do. Miscoac. Miscoac. Miscoac. 12llt, 13lh and IM do. do. do. Piedad. Chapultepec and City of Mexico. jarita de Belen. do. do. Tisapan. do. do. do. do. do. San Angel. do. do. do. Slightly wounded on the 13th Sept. :San Augustine Contreras. Churubusco. Contreras and Churubusco. do. do. do. do. Tacubaya, Chapultepec and Garita de Belen. do. do. Regimental Q.iiurU>rniaHler. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Disabled. Wounded near Chapntltpec en the 13th do. do. Contreras Chu do. do do. City of Mexico, do. rubusco & San do. do. do. do. Antonio Gate. Contreras, Contreras and Churubnsco. San Angel. Piedad. Chapultepec and City of Mexico. , Coiniuandiiij. Garita de Belen. do do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Piedad & n't Eng burying ground. do. Commanded light battery attichrf to Twiggt' I Division. t do. do. do. do. Chapultepec and i. do. Contreras. Molino d^l Rey. Near Chapultepec Garita de Belen. San Cosme. do. San Cosme. Commanding light batlery attached to Pillow' do. Contreras anc Division' Churubusco. do. rlfi. Killed at Churubusco, 20th Augiut. do. do. San Angel. Piedad. Chapultepec anc Garita de Belen City of Mex ico do, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Piedad & n'r Eng burying ground. Piedad. do. Disabled, Taylor's buttery. Wmmnd rxLntChapiillepec, 13th Sept,, with boim* do. do. do, do. do. City of Mexico. Ortlnancp ofllepr, Twiggs' division. In r,i Contreras. '" dla '-"' "<'' "'"", do. Contreras and Churubusco. Disabled. do. Disabled. In charge rrg't (rain. Disabled. In charge rog't ti.un. Disabled. Regimental Quarter Miutn Wounded at ChtirulniMO, SOtli Anu*l attach** i > Tuyjijr'i l)attery. No NAMES AND CORPS. WHEN AND WHERE EMPLOYED. REMARKS. AUGUST. SEPTEMBER. 19. 20. 8. 12. 13. 14. i Ut ARTILLERY CONTINUED. 13 st Lt. J. M. Brannan. Contreras. Contreras. and Churubusco. San Angel. Piedad. Chapultepec and Btlen. Disabled. YcundednearChapulUptc, 13th Sept. Adjutini' 14 2d Lt. Henry Coppee. do do. do. do. Chapultepec and City of Mexico- Garita de Belin. 15 2d Lt. E. C. Boynton. do. Churubusco, Disabled Disabled. Disabled. Disabld.l. Vounded at ChurubUBfo,. T*y lor'i Batttrj- 16 2d Lt. Thos. J. Jackson. do. Contreras. Molino del Rey N'r Chapultepec. N'r Chapultepec. San Cosine. 17 2d Lt. Truman Seymour. do. Conlreras and Churubusco. San Angel. Piedad. Piedad and near Eng. bury'g g'nd City of Mexico. T aylor'a Battery. 18 2d Lt. S. Hoffman. do do. 19 2d Lt. JohnB. Gibson. do. do. San Angel. Piedad. Garita Belen, City of Mexico. Killed at Churubusco, 20ih A aj. 20 2d Lt J P Johnston iln 3d INFANTRY. 1 2 Capt.. E. B. Alexander. 2apt. J. Van Home. Contreras. do. Contreras and Churubusco. do. San Angel, do. N'r Chapultepec. do Chapultepec and Garita Belen. rfn City of Mexico, do CommtndinglRegiment. 3 4 5 3apt. Lewis S. Craig. Capt. J. M. Smith. Capt. W.H. Gorden. do. do. do. do. do. do. Disabled. San Angel, do. Disabled. N'r Chapultepec. do. Disabled. Chap'pec& Garita do. Disabled. City of Mexico, do. Sererely wounded ai Churuhmco, 20th log. 6 Capt. Daniel T. Chandler. do. do. do. San Antonio Ga- do. do. 7 8 Capt. Stephen D. Dobbins. 1st Lt. O. L. Sheppard. do. do. do. do. do. do rita. ^Tear Chapultepec do. Chapultepec and Garita de Belen. ... do. do. Stormen at Chapuluptc, 9 1st Lt. W. B. Johns. do. do. do. Sao Antonio Ga- rita. do. do. 1U 11 12 13 1st Lt. D. C. Buell. 1st Lt. I. B. Richardson. 1st Lt. A. W. Bowman. 2d Lt. Henry B. Sehroeder. do. do. San Augustin. Contreras. do. do. San Augustin. Contreras and Churubusco. Disabled. San Angel, do. do. Disabled. N'r Chapultepec. Tacubaya. Miscoac. Disabled. Chapiiltepe and Gnriw Ac Belen. Tacubaya. Miscoac. Disabled. City of Mexico. Tacubaya. Miscoac. Severely Wounded at Churobaico, Aaj. 30. AdJ't Stormere at Chapultepcc. Regimental Quarter Muter. 14 2d Lt. Barnard E. Bee. do. do. do. N'r Chapultepec. Chapultepec. and Garita de Belen. City of Mexico. s torrocr at Chapullepec. : 15 2d Lf Henry B. Clitz. do. do. do. do. do. do. 16 2d Lt. W. H. Wood. do. do. do do. do. do. IV 2d Lt. J. D. Wilkins. do. do. do. do. do. do. 18 2d Lt. J. N. G. Whistler. do. do. do. do. do do. 19 3d Lt. Michael O'Sullivan; do. do. , H Kigne .. " N< NAMES AND CORPS. WHEN AND WHERE EMPLOYED. REMAUU, AUGUST. SEPTEMBER. ! 20. 8. 12. 13. 14. 4TII ARTILLERY. Major John L. Gardner. Contreras. Contreras. Molino del Rey Piedad. Piedad and Sar Cosme. 1 City of Mexico Commanding Kegicieiit. Bvt. Major H. Brown. do. do. do. do. do. do. Capt. S. H. Drum. do. do. do. Batteries agains Chapultepec. Chapultepec anc Garita de Belin. Killed dt the Girl:.-. -lr. ">-.??. oa t!u:13th Gtp- Piedad and San " Capt. S. C. Ridgely. do. do. do. Piedad. Cosme. City of Mexicco. | 1 1st Lt. John W. Phelps. do. do. do. do. do. do. 6 1st Lt. J. P. McCown. San Augustin San Augustin do. do. do. GO. ljRegiirirjr.u.1 er . j 1st Lt. G. W. Getty. Contreras. Contreras. do. do. do. do. 8 9 1st Lt. A. P. Howe. 1st Lt. C. Benjamin. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Batteries against Chapuitepec. do. Chapultepec and Garita de Belin. do. I Adjutant of the Regiment Uknm'i battery. Killed at the Qarita of Belio cc the ail, Kept, 10 1st Lt. D. H. Hill. do. do. do. Piedad. do. City of Mexico. 11 1st Lt. F. J. Porter. do. do. do. Disabled. do. Disabled. Wounded on the 13th Sept. 12 2d Lt. F. Collins. do. do. Disabled. do. Disabled. do. 1 Wounded at Contreras on th 2CJth Augur. 13 2d Lt. A. L. Magilton. do. do. Wolino del Rey. Piedad. Piedad, S. Cosme- City of Mexico. 14 15 2d Lt. G. A. De Russy. 2d Lt. S. L. Gouveueur. do. do. do. do. do. do. Chapnltepec. Piedad. S. Cosine do. do. do. do. 1 Stunners at Chapultepec. m INFANTRY. 1 1 Capt. T. Morris. San Geronimo. Contreras anc Churubusco. Molino del Rey Garita of San Antonio. San Cosme Ga rita. City of Mexico. Commanding 2d Infantry, 2 >apt. J J. B. Kingsbury. do. do. do. do. do. An 3 4 Capt. J. R. Smith. 3apt. Silas Casey. do. do. do. do. Disabled. Vtolino del Rey. Disabled Garita of San Disabled. Chapultepec. 00. Disabled, do. Severely wounded ut Churnbusco SOlli Auguit, Sevun'ly wrtuiirletl in the assault on Chapulispec . Antonio. Piedad and San wilh HI '. 1 Capt. James W. Penrose. do. do. do. do. Cosme. City of Mexico. 6 Capt. H. W. Wessells. do. do. do. do. do. do. Wounded fit Conlreras. 7 Capt. Jas. W. Anderson. da dn Wo-,,.^1 .uSan Gtaonimo- norUJl 8 1st. Lt. C. S. Lovell. U(J, do. UU t do. VIolino del Rey. San Antonio Ga rita. Piedad and San Cosme. City of Mexico. at Cliaru > \ Wjiuidttl slightly atf .ii-ubusco. 9 1st Lt. D. Davidson. do. do. do. do. do. do. 10 st Lt. Geo. C. tVestcott. San Augustin. San Augustin. San Angel. do. Chapultepec. do. i:m 13th Sept. Wounded at Con 11 st Lt. B. P. Tilden. San Geronimo. Contreras and Churubusco. Molino del Rey. do. Piedad and San Cosme. do. Regimental CommiBsarj' ou the 19Ui and 20th Auf . 12 st Lt, N- Lyon. do. do. do. do. do. do. llWounllcd in the city of Mexico: 13 d Lt. J. W. Schureman. Jo. do. Miscoac. Miscoac. Miscoac. MisCOaC. 1 Sick on the 8th, l*h, 13th ant Mtk Sept. 14 d Lt. C. E. Jarvis. do. do. Molino del Rey. San Antonio Ga rita. :*iedad and San Cosme. City of Mexico 15 d Lti David R. Jones. do. do. do do. do. do. 1 Adjutant. 16 d Lt. Frederick Steele. j do. do. do. do. Chapultepec. do, IpVithitormers on the 13ta Se;n. No- 18 in NAMES AND COUPS. WHEN AND WHERE EMPLOYED. AUGUST. SEPTEMRER. REMARKS. 2 1 INFANTRY CONTINUED. id Li. Thomas Easly. 2d Lt. Nelson H. Davis. 2d Lt. Wm. M. Gardner. Lt. Col. J. Plympton. Major H. Bainbridge. dipt. R. H. Ross. 4Capt. G. R.Paul. Capt. Charles Ha&sor>. Capt. J. C. Henshaw. 1st Lt. Henry Little. 1st Lt. C. H. Humber. I I! \ I 12 1st Lt. Gantt. 1st Lt. S. B. Hayman. 2d Lt. F. Gardner. 2d Lt. W. K. Van Bokklen. 13 2d Lt. Edmund K. Smith. 14|2d Lt. W. H. Tyler. 15|2dLt. S. B. Maxey. 16 2d Lt. T. Henry. 3d DIVISION, (Regulars.) I PEIRCE'S AND CADVVALADER'S BRI GADES. Maj. Gen. G. J. Pillow 2 Bv't. Capt. J. Hooker. 3' 1st Lt. G. VV. Rains, 4th Art 4' 1st Lt. R. S. Ripley, 2d Art. SJP'sd. Mid. Rogers, U.S. N. PEIRCE'S BRIGADE. 9th, 12th, and 15th Infantry Brig. Gen. F. Pierce. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Pedregal do. do. do. do. Contreras. 19. ao! - 8. | 12- _ , _ 13. . . . 14. i . J San Geranimo. do. Contreras. Sf Churubusco. do. Molino del Rey. San Antonio Ga- rita. Piedad and San Cosme. City of Mexico do. . do. Disabled. Disabled. Disabled Disabled. Contreras. Contreras. &. Churubusco. Molino del Rey. La Piedad. Piedad and San Cosme- City of Mexico do. do. do. do. do.. do. do. Contreras. Disabled. Disabled. Disabled. Disabled do. Contreras > Churubusco, Molino del Rey- Near Chapultepec Chapultepec. City of Mexic< do .-j do. L/ontreras. Contreras. fy Churubusco. Molino del Rey. La Piedad. Piedad and San Cosme. City of Mexico San Augustin. San Augustin. San Angel. do. do. do. Coutreras. Churubusco. do. Miscoac. Miscoac. Miscoac. do. Contreras. fy Churubusco. Molino del Rey. La Piedad. Chapultepec. Pitv nf Mpvi^f do. do. do, do. do. do do. do. do! do. do. San Angel. Molino del Rey do. Churubusco. Molino del Rey do. do. do! Contreras & Churubusco. Churubusco. do. do. do. do. do. do. do do. do. do. do. N'r Chapultepec do. do. do. do. I Killed at Churubusco. [[Severely Wounded nl Churubulco, AUJUII 50. Cosme. do. do. do. do. do. do. Molino del Rey. 'Near Chapultepec Chapultepec. do. do. do. do. Near Belen do. do. do. do. do. do. (Severely woundedat Contreras, 20th Aug. IWilhStormers. Mortally wounded atCoatreras, 20th Auj. Regimental QuartermasUr. Severely uounded t ChurauuKO, SOlh Aug. Killed atClmpuUepec, 13th Sept., with .lomtra. I Ad] Hut i Disabled IJcom'ding Mr. Wounded al Chapu!tp, City of Mexico. As>i!U "" Ad i uUnt Gene "'- do. A. D. C. do A. D. c. dO. I Vol. A. D. C. Garita de Belen. ||comm.od,o e B,i,.j. No NAMES AND CORPS. WHEN AND WHERE EMPLOYED. REMARKS. AUGUST SEPTEMBER. 19. 20. 8. 12. 13. 14. 2 3 PIERCE'S UR1GADE CONTINUED. Bvt. Capt. O. F. Winship. 1st Lt. H. Fitzgerald, 6th Inf. Contreras. do. Churubusco. do. Molino del Rey do, Near Chapultepec do. Near Belen. do. Garita de Belin. da. Aaailt. Adjiuinl_'General. Aid-de-Camp. CADWALADER'S BRISADE. [llth & 14th Infantry & Voltigerus 1 Brig. Gen. G. Cadwalader. Contreras. Contreras and Churubusco. Molino del Rey Near Chapultepec Chapultepec and San Cosme. City of Mexico, Commanding Brigade. 2 Bvt. Capt. Geo. Deas. do. do. do. do. do. do. Aatiatant Adjutant General. 3 IstLt. J. F. Irons. 1st Art. do. do. Aid de Camp. Mortally wounded at Churnbar I 9TH INFANTRY. Col. T. B. Ransom. Contreras. Contreras and Churubusco. Molino del Rey Near Chapultepec Chapultepec, _ Killed near ChapuUepec on tha !3th Sept. '2 Major T. H. Seymour. do. do. do. do do. Garita de Belen. 3 Capt. J. S. Pitman. do. do. do. do. do. do. 4 Capt. E. A. Kimball. do do. do. do. do. do. 5 Capt. N. S. Webb. do. do. do. do. do. do. 6,Capt. A. T. Palmer. 7 C.ipt. Lorenzo Johnson. Not engaged in any of Uie actiona. Not engaged in any of the actiona. 8. Capt. C. N. Bodfish. 9 Capt. J. W. Thompson. 10 lst\Lt. John S. Slocum. Contreras. do. do. Contreras and Churubusco. do. do. Molino del Rey. Sick. Molino del Rey. Sick. Sick. ^J ear Chapultepec Sick. Sick. Chapultepec. Sick Sick. Garita de Belen, 11 1st Lt. & Adjt. C. J. Sprague. do. do. do. do. do. Disabled. Wounded at Chapultepec on (he 13th Sept. 12 1st Lt. George Bovvers. 13 IstLt. J. H. Jackson. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Garita de Belen. 14 15 16 1st Albert Tracy. 1st Lt. J. M. Hathaway, 2d Lt. D. H. Cram. do', do. do! do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 17 18 19 2d Lt. A. A. Stoddard. 2d Lt. T. P. Pierce. 2d Lt- N. F. Swett. Contreras. do. Jontreras and Churubusco. do. Molino del Rey. do. Near Chapultepec do. Chapultepec. do. Garita de Belen do. Not engaged ID any ef the action* Not engaged in any of '.he action. 20 21 22 23 2d Lt. T. H. Crosby. 2d Lt. A. T. Palmer. 2d Lt. R. C. Drum. 2d Lt. John Glackin. Contreras. do. do. i Contreras and Churubusco. do. do. Contreras and Molino del Rey. Disabled. Molino del Rey. Near Chapultepec Disabled. Vear Chapultepec Chapultepec. Disabled, Chapultepec. Garita de Belen. Disabled. Garita de Belen. Wounded at Churubusco. 20th Auguit. 24 2d Lt. Le?i Woodhouse. do. Sick. Churubusco. Sick. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do- 25 2d Lt. H. De Wolfe. Not engaged in any of the acliami. 26 27 2d Lt. W. A. Newman. 2d Lt. John McNabb. Contreras. do. Uontreras and Churubusco. do. Disabled. Sick. Disabled. Sick. Disabled. Sick. Disabled. Sick. Wounded at Churubuico, 20th Aug. 12T1I INFANTRY. 1 Lt. Col. M. L. Bonham. Contreras. Diabled. Miscoac. Miscoac. Miscoac. Miscoac. Col. Bonh&m wounded on the tyeninj; the 19ta. 2 Capt. N. B. Holden. do. Jontreras and do. do. do* 4 Churubusco. uu do. 3 Capt. Allen Wood. do. r!n . do. do. do. A~ No. NAMES AND CORPS. WHEN AND WHERE EMPLOYED. REMARKS. AUGUST. SEPTEMBER. 19. j 20. 8. 13. 13. 14. 12TH INFANTRY CONTINUED- 4 Cjpt. J. W. Denver. Sick. Sick. Sick. Sick. Sick. Sick. 5 1st Lt. Charles Taplin. Contreras. Churubusco. Miscoac. Miscoac. Miscoac. Miscoac. 6 1st Lt. J. H. H Felch. do. do. do. do. do. do. 7 1st Lt. W. B. Giles. do do. do. do. do. do. 8 1st Lt. John C. Slinking. do do. do. do. do. do. 9 2d Lt. Henry Almstedt. do. do. do. do. do. do. lL J 2d Lt. W. A. Linn. do. do. do. do. do. do. 1 1 2d Lt. A. E. Steen. do. do. do. do. do. do. 12 2d Lt. J. M. Bronaugh. do. do. do. do. do. do. Acting Adjutant. 15TH INFANTRY. 1 Col. G. W. Morgan. Contreras. Contreras and Churubusco. Disabled. Disabled. Disabled. Disabled. Wounded at Churubuico, Wth Augmit. 2 Lt. Col. Joshua Howard. do. do. Molino del Rey. Battery against Chapultcpec. Chapultepec. Chapultepec. 3:M a ior F. D. Mills. do. do. 4 j Major Samuel Woods. do. Contreras. Molino del Rey. Bttery ngainst J i Cliapultepec. Chapultepec. Chapultepec. Killed near San Antonio Gale on th 20th Aoful 5 Capt. E. Vandeventer. Sick. Sick. Sick. Sick. Sick. Sick. C Capt. Daniel Chase. Contreras. i Contreras and Churubusco. Molino del Rey. Battery against Chapultepec. Chapultepec. Chapultepec. 7 Capt John A. Jones. do. do. do. do. Sick. do. 8 Capt. E. A. King. do. Contreras. do. do. do. do 9 Capt Isaac D. Toll. do. Contreras and Churubusco. Sick. Sick. do. Hv< Sick. 10 C;nfiriftsj*. vernon. 2d Lt. R. C. Forsyth. do. do. Molino del Rey. i Molino del Rey. Chapultepec. City of Mexico. Resigned. 19 2d Lt, T. D. Cochran. do. do do. do. do. do. 20 2iJ Lt. Robert Swan. do. do. do. do. do. do. 31 2.1 Lt. Geo. R.Kifrer. do. do. do. do. do. do. 22 2d Lt. G. S. Kintzin ff . do. do. do: do. do. do. 23 2d Lt. Wm. J. Martin. do. do. do. do. do. do. 24 2d Lt. J. H. Smythe. do. do. do. Sick. Sick. Sick. 28 2d Lt. James R. May. do. do. Sick. Sick, Sick. Sick. 26 2d Lt E.lwin C. Marvin. do. do. Molino del Rey. Molino del Rey. Chapultepec. City of Mexico. 27 2d Lt. Robert H. Archer. do. do. do. Sick. Sick. Sick. 2S 2d Lt. Washington Terrett. do. do: i do. Molino del Rey. Chapultepec. City of Mexico. 29 2d Lt. F. H. Lamed. do. do do. do. do. do. 30 2d Lt. James E. Slaughter. do. do. do. do. do. do. MOUNTAIN' HOWITZER B.VTTRRY; 1st. Lt. F. D- Call.nder. Contreras. Disabled.. Disabled. Disabl ed. Disabled. Disabled. Wounded on the 19th Aug. 1 Contrcrjis tin d 9 2d Lt. J. L. Reno. do. r-u v..,. Molino del Rev Molino del Rev niinnnltfinec. Chanultener. Wouaded on tha 13th Sevt No H 10 II 13 U 15 16 NAMES AND CORPS. [DIVISION OF VOLUNTEERS (Shields' Brigade and 2d Pa Volunteers.) Major Gen'lJ. A. Quitman. 1st Lt. M. Lovell, 4th Art. 2J Lt. C. M. Wilcox, 7tl Infantry. SHIELDS' BRIGADE. (Marine Corps, N. York am S. C. Volnnteers.) Brig. Gen. J. Shields. Bvt. Capt. F. M. Page. 1st Lt. R. P. Hammond, 3d Art. 1st Lt. G. T. M. Davis. MARINE CORPS- Lt. Col. S. E. Watson. Major Levi Twiggs. Major William Dulany. Capt. J. G. Reynolds. Capt. G. H. Terrett. 1st Lt. D. D. Baker. 1st Lt. J. S. Devlin. 1st Lt. R. C. Caldwell. IstLt. W.L. Young. 1st Lt. J. C. Rich. 2d Lt. D. J. Sutherland. 2d Lt F. Norvell. 2d Lt. J. S. Nicholson. 2d Lt. A. S. Nicholson. 2d Lt. C. G. McCauley. 2d Lt. Thomos Y. Field. 17|2d Lt. E. McDonald Reynolds. WHEN AND WHERE EMPLOYED. REMARKS. AUGUST. SEPTEMBER. 19. 20. 8. 12. 13. 14 San Augustin. San Augustin. San Augustin. Batteries against Cliapultepec. Chapultepec and Btlcn. City of Mexico. do. do. do. do. do. do. A. D. C. Bud Acting Aitiilanl Adjutant Qtnrrat. do. do. do. do. do. do. A. D. C. Contreras. San Geronimo & Churubusco. San Augustin. Batteries against Chapultepec. Chapultepec and Garita de Belin. City of Mexico. Commending Brigadi. (Wounded Sept. 13th.) do. do. do. do. do. do. Assistant Adjutant Gtoanl do. do. do. do. do. do. A. D. C. do. do. do. do. do. do. Vol. A. D. C. San Augustin. San Augustin. Coyoacan. N'r Chapultepec. Chapultepec and Garita Belen. City of Mexico. do. do. do. do. Chapultepec. Killed near Chapultepie on tin I3ih do. do do. do. Chapultepec and Garita de Belen. City of Mexico. do. do. do. do. do. do do. do. do. do. Chapultepec and San Cosme. San Cosme. do. do. do. Hn do. "> d >- IS 2d Lt. John A. Doyle. do. do. do. do. do. do. 19 2d Lt. Charles Bowers. i do. do. do. do. do. QO. j'r daly *i Auiit&Ql Surjeoa, [CIRCULAR] HEADQUARTERS OF THE ARMY, MEXICO, Dec. 29, 1847. . . Tin: commanders of the several regiments, and the chiefs of the several staff corps and departments, will furnish, as soon as practicable, a list of tin , officers of their respective JegimenVs, corps or departments that marched with this anny from Puebla, between the 7th and lOih of August last specifying, under the head of Remarks, opposiic the name of each officer, where such officer was September, und 12th, 13th and 14th of September. By command of Major-General SCOTT: employed on the 19th ;md 20th of August, 8th of The foregoing list of officers, compiled from the lists furnished in accordance with the above i3y command of Major-General SCOTT : ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, ) Mexico, February 7, 1848. ^ ' circular," is now H. L. SCOTT, A. A. A. G. published for general information. II. L. SCOTT, A. A. A. G. EXTRACT FROM THE REPORT OF MAJOR GENERAL WINFJ ELD SCOTT, DATED NATIONAL PALACE, MEXICO, SEPTEMBER 18TH, 1847. Leaving as we all feared, inadequate garrisons at Vera Cruz, Perote, and Puebla with much larger hospitals an =^v 5 a^C? - -^ v_^ ^tfr jpP*" r ,