INDEX TO GRADUATE THESES ON CALIFORNIA GEOLOGY TO DECEMBER 31, 1961 By CHARLES W. JENNINGS, Geologist California Division of Mines and Geology and RUDOLPH G. STRAND, Geologist California Division of Mines and Geology iPECIAL REPORT 74 CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF MINES AND GEOLOGY FERRY BUILDING, SAN FRANCISCO, 1963 MINERAL SCIENCES BUILDING PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY University Park 5^- i > ft JOHNSON HALL UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON Seattle ILLINI UNION BUILDING UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Champaign-Urbana GEOLOGY BUILDING UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI Columbia ^^^% STATE OF C Edmund G. Brown, Governor *V «A - ' THI -„ THE RESOURCES AGENCY 1 ■ Mil ' ' ~ JL'^ go Fisher, Adminisfrafor au DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION DeWitt Nelson, Director \m\ DIVISION OF MINES AND GEOLOGY Ian Campbell, State Geologist SPECIAL REPORT 74 Pri ce $ 1.00 : > ^^ CONTENTS Page 5 Introduction 7 Part 1 — Theses concerning specific areas plotted on Plate 1 27 Part II — Theses not plotted on Plate 1 27 Regional studies 27 Geochemistry 27 Geophysics, seismology 27 Mineralogy, petrology 28 Paleontology, paleobotany, stratigraphy 29 Petroleum 30 Sedimentation 30 Oceanography 30 Geomorphology, physiography 30 Miscellaneous 31 Topical studies 31 Geochemistry 31 Geophysics, seismology 32 Mineralogy, petrology 33 Paleontology, paleobotany 33 Petroleum 34 Sedimentation 34 Oceanography 34 Miscellaneous 35 Part III — Author index In pocket Plate 1, Index to graduate theses on California geology 3] Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of California, Davis Libraries INDEX TO GRADUATE THESES ON CALIFORNIA GEOLOGY TO DECEMBER 31, 1961* By CHARLES W. JENNINGS and RUDOLPH G. STRAND INTRODUCTION This index is a systematic compilation of references to geologic theses prepared while compiling the Olaf P. Jenkins edition of the Geologic Map of California, scale 1:250,000. For many areas of the state, unpublished doc- tor's and master's theses are the only source of available geologic information, hence are essential for preparing a new map. The Division of Alines and Geology fre- quentlv refers geologists and engineers who are seeking information on specific areas to the valuable information in theses; the object of this bibliography is to indicate the sources of such information to everyone concerned v ith the geology of California. It is a companion ref- erence to the Division's Special Reports 52 and 52A "Index to Geologic maps of California," which are guides to all published geologic mapping in California Through I960. In order to make this index as complete and accurate as possible, the library catalogues of all institutions in California granting advanced degrees were searched for appropriate theses. These were cross checked by com- paring with all available geology department listings of theses. Bachelor theses were not included. Titles of mas- ter's and doctor's theses in fields related to geology were considered, and all that appeared to contain information on California geology were included. Consequently, be- sides titles in geology and paleontology, this index includes most thesis titles from the departments of geophysics, geochemistry, seismology, mining, and ocean- ography, as well as selected theses in the fields of petro- leum engineering, soils science, geography, physics, biology, and botany. In addition, many theses on Cali- fornia geology from out-of-state schools were included. Manuscript submitted for publication November 1962. These were obtained primarily from "Bibliography of theses in geology" by John and Halka Chronic and the Petroleum Research Corporation, published in 1958, and "Dissertation abstracts" published by University Micro- films, Inc. Approximately 1,200 thesis titles are listed in this re- port, of which about 70 are from schools outside the state. The earliest thesis recorded in this index is dated 1892, and the listings continue through 1961. Thus, ref- erences to nearly 70 years of student geologic research are included. In order that subsequent revisions or supplements may be as accurate and complete as possible, the authors ear- nestly solicit corrections and additions from users of this report. Explanation of Lists. This index is divided into three parts. Part I lists theses regarding specific areas, which are located on Plate I. The numbering sequence on Plate I starts at the northernmost part of the state and advances sequentially southward from left to right and back again from right to left. The location numbers are in the ap- proximate centers of the thesis areas. In areas where thesis studies overlap or where numbers are very close together, the relative positions of the location numbers on Plate I may not be exact. Where a thesis study treats two or more specific areas, additional location numbers appear on Plate I. Part II of this index lists theses which are not plotted on Plate I, because the studies were either broad regional studies not well represented by a point location, or topi- cal studies (from California schools only) not related to a particular location. Some of the topical studies include [5] CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF MINES AND GEOLOGY information collected from areas outside of the state. The code numhers of these unplotted theses are prefixed by the letter "U" for identification in the author list (Part III). Unplotted theses are grouped in the following major fields of interest: Geochemistry Geophysics Seismology Mineralogy Petrology Paleontology Paleobotany Stratigraphy Petroleum Sedimentation Oceanography Geomorphology Physiography Miscellaneous Part III of this index is an author index, where thesis titles are referred back to the numbered lists in Parts I and II. Availability of Theses. Nearly all theses listed in this index are available for reference at the main libraries of the universities at which they are on file; under cer- tain conditions, they may be borrowed for short periods on interlibrary loan. Many of the theses are also available from the department library or office to which the thesis was submitted. To facilitate the location of departmental copies of theses written outside a geology department, the appropriate department is indicated in this index. Photographic or microfilm reproductions of most theses may be purchased from the university library. Microfilm copies of most doctoral dissertations completed in recent years are obtainable from University Microfilms, Inc., 313 N. First Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. The addresses of the universities and colleges having copies of theses listed in this index follow: University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona Brown University Providence 12, Rhode Island Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California University of California Berkeley 4, California University of California at Los Angeles Los Angeles 24, California University of Southern California University Park, Los Angeles 7, California University of Chicago Chicago 37, Illinois Columbia University New York 27, New York Cornell University Ithaca, New York Fresno State College Fresno 4, California Harvard University Cambridge 38, Massachusetts University of Idaho Moscow, Idaho University of Nevada Reno, Nevada New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology Campus Station, Socorro, New Mexico Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois Oregon State College Corvallis, Oregon Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania Pomona College Claremont, California Princeton University Princeton, New Jersey University of Rochester Rochester 3, New York Scripps Institution of Oceanography La Jolla, California Stanford University Stanford, California State University of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa Syracuse University Syracuse 10, New York University of Toronto Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois The Johns Hopkins University Baltimore 18, Maryland University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana University of Minnesota Minneapolis 14, Minnesota University of Missouri Columbia, Missouri University of Utah Salt Lake City, Utah University of Washington Seattle 5, Washington George Washington University Washington 6, D. C. University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Yale University New Haven, Connecticut Acknowledgments. The preparation of this index was greatly facilitated by the help rendered by many indi- viduals. To these the authors owe a debt of gratitude. Foremost among them are the following librarians: Lila Chandra, Head General Reference Service The General Library University of California, Berkeley Kathryn N. Cutler, Geology Librarian Branner Geological Library Stanford University, Stanford Janet L. Earnshaw, Geology Librarian Ralph Reed Library University of California, Los Angeles Evelyn Huston Assistant Director of Libraries California Institute of Technology Pasadena Bruce E. Pelz University Library Reference Department University of Southern California Los Angeles Daphne F. Plane Geology Librarian California Institute of Technology Pasadena Esther E. Sweeney Reference Librarian The Honnold Library Claremont The following individuals also were very helpful in making this index possible: Dr. Clemens A. Nelson of the University of California at Los Angeles geology de- partment, who provided index maps and lists of master's and doctor's theses at that university. Dr. Richard H. Stone of the University of Southern California's geol- ogy department, for the list of theses for advanced de- grees awarded by the University of Southern California; Dr. J. Wyatt Durham, University of California, Berkeley, for a list of theses completed in the Department of Pale- ontology; Sidney F. Jenkins, University of California, Berkeley, for a list of theses completed in the Department of Geology; James B. Koenig, California Division of Mines and Geology, who helped check the university library catalogues; and Allen W. Lasley, California Divi- sion of Mines and Geology, who carefully indexed, cross indexed, and typed the numerous entries in this report. SPECIFIC AREAS 1 to 30 PART THESES CONCERNING SPECIFIC AREAS PLOTTED ON PLATE I ABBREVIATIONS (California Schools) CIT— California Institute of Technology UC— University of California UCLA-University of California, Los Angeles USC— University of Southern California 1. Back, William UC Reconnaissance of geology and ground water of Smith River plain, Del Norte County, California. MA, 1955. 2. Maxson, John H. CIT Geology of the western Siskiyou Mountains. PhD, 1931. 3. Smith, Clay T. CIT Geology and ore deposits of the northeast quarter of the Seiad quadrangle, California. MS, 1940. 4. Williams, William P. Northwestern Preferred orientation of olivine in the Seiad Creek peridotite, Siskiyou County, California. MS, 1944. 5. Masson, Peter H. UC Geology of the Gunsight Peak district, Siskiyou County, California. MA, 1949. 6. & 10. Mack, Seymour Syracuse Geology and ground-water resources of Scott and Shasta Valleys, Siskiyou County, California. PhD, 1957. 7. Russell, Richard J. UC Basin range structure and stratigraphy of the Warner Range, northeastern California. PhD, 1926. 8. Powers, Howard A. Harvard The geology and petrology of the Modoc Lava-bed quad- rangle, California. PhD, 1929. 9. Churkin, Michael UC Silurian stratigraphy of part of the Yreka and China Moun- tain quadrangles, Siskiyou County, California, MA, 1958 (paleo.). 10. Mack, Seymour Syracuse See: No. 6 11. Mclntyre, James R. UC Lower Paleozoic faunas of Plowman's Valley, California. MA, 1949 (paleo.). 12. Brewer, William A., III. UC The geology of a portion of the China Mountain quadrangle, California. MA, 1955. 13. Dickson, B. A. UC A chronosequence of soil and vegetation on recent mud-flow deposits on the lower slopes of Mount Shasta, California. PhD, 1952 (soil science). 14. Sanborn, Albert F. Stanford Geology and paleontology of a part of the Big Bend quad- rangle, Shasta County, California. PhD, 1952. 15. Gay, Thomas E., Jr. UC Geology of upper Coffee Creek, Etna quadrangle, California. MA, 1952. 16. Davis, Gregory A. UC Metamorphic and igneous geology of pre-Cretaceous rocks, Coffee Creek area, northeastern Trinity Alps, Klamath Mountains, California. PhD, 1961. 17. Manning, George A. UC The geology of the northern half of the Blue Lake quad- rangle, Humboldt County, California. MA, 1947. 18. Ogle, Burdette A. UC The geology of the southern half of the Blue Lake quad- rangle, Humboldt County, California. MA, 1947. 19. Cox, Dennis P. Stanford Geology of the Helena quadrangle, Trinity County, Cali- fornia. PhD, 1956. 20 & 30. MacGinitie, Harry D. UC See: No. 30. 21. Coogan, Alan H. UC The stratigraphy and paleontology of the Nosoni and Dekkas Formations (Permian), Shasta County, California. MA, 1957 (paleo.).. 22 & 29. Seager, George F. Yale See: No. 29. UC 23. Sinclair, William J. 1. The exploration of the Potter Creek Cave. 2. New mammalia from the Quaternary caves of California. PhD, 1904 (paleo.). 24. Boyle, Albert C. Columbia Geology and ore deposits of Bully Hill mining district, Cali- fornia. PhD, 1914. 25. Boyle, Albert C. Columbia The geology in the vicinity of Winthrop, Shasta County, California. MA, 1910. 26. Albers, John P. Stanford Geology and ore deposits of the East Shasta copper-zinc district, Shasta County, California. PhD, 1957. 27. Wheeler, Harry E. Stanford Stratigraphy and paleontology of the McCloud Limestone of northern California. AM, 1932. 28. Wheeler, Harry E. Stanford The fauna and correlation of the McCloud Limestone of northern California. PhD, 1934. 29. Seager, George F. Yale Geology and ore deposits of the Iron Mountain and Little Backbone districts, Shasta County, California. PhD, 1936. 30. MacGinitie, Harry D. UC The flora of the Weaverville beds, Trinity County, Cali- fornia. PhD, 1936. W. CALIFORNIA DIVISION OK MINKS AND GKOLOGY 31. Ogle, Burdette A. UC Geology of the Eel River Valley area, Humboldt County, California. PhD, 1951. 32 & 33. Stewart, Roscoe E. & Stewart, Katherine C. USC Local relationships of the Mollusca of the Wildcat coast sec- tion, Humboldt County, California. MS and MA, 1935. 34. Girord, Lewis V. UC Geological engineering study of a proposed tunnel through South Fork Mountain, Trinity County, California. MS, 1959. 35. Hollister, Victor F. UC Geology and ore deposits of the Shasta gold district. MA, 1950 (mining). 36. Church, H. Victor CIT The structure and stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous near Redding, California. MS, 1937 36a. Russell, Richard D. UC The Tehama Formation of northern California. PhD, 1932. 37. Trujillo, Ernest F. UCLA Upper Cretaceous Foraminifera from near Redding, Shasta County, California. MS, 1958. 38. Witherspoon, Alan J. UC Optical mineralogy of the rocks of Lassen Volcanic National Park. MA, 1955. 39. Rodda, Peter U. UCLA Geology and paleontology of a portion of Shasta County, California. PhD, 1959. 40. Murphy, Michael A. UCLA Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Horsetown Stage of northern California. PhD, 1954. 41. Wilson, Thomas A. UC The geology near Mineral, California. MS, 1961. 42. Anderson, Charles A. UC The geology and ore deposits of the Engels and Superior mines, Plumas County, California. PhD, 1928. 43. Donnay, Joseph D. H. Stanford The Engels copper deposit, Plumas County, California. PhD, 1929. 44. McMath, Vernon E. UCLA The geology of the Taylorsville area, Plumas County, Cali- fornia. PhD, 1958. 45. Ewing, Sydney C. Stanford Geology and ore-deposits of the Mount Ingalls district, Plumas County, California. AM, 1927. 46. Spitznas, Roger L. Missouri A study of pothole erosion along Little Kinshew Creek, Butte County, California. MA, 1950. 47. Saul, LouElla R. UCLA Senonian mollusks from Chico Creek. MA, 1959. 48. Young, Gerald C. UC A study of the physical stratigraphy in the northeast portion of the Paskenta quadrangle, Tehama County, California. MA, 1958. 49. Harrington, William C. UC Geology of the Paskenta district, Tehama County, California. MA, 1942. 50. Raymond, Martin S. UC The physical stratigraphy of the upper Mesozoic sediments of a portion of Glenn and Tehama Counties, California. MA, 1958. 51. Studley, Clarence K. UC The Chico fauna of the type locality. MS, 1913 (paleo.). 52. Cook, Rufus E. Stanford The Upper Cretaceous Chico Formation at the type locality (California). MS, 1949. 53. Gardner, William I. Minnesota Structural study of the Merrimac Batholith, Sierra Nevada, California. PhD, 1935. 54. Wilhelms, Don E. UCLA The geology of the eastern portion of the Spring Garden quadrangle, Plumas County, California. MA, 1958. 55. Fitzgerald, Jennifer K. UCLA Gabbro pegmatites of Eureka Peak, Plumas County, Cali- fornia. \IA, 1958. 56. Gilmore, Susan P. UC The La Porte flora of Plumas County, California. (VIA, 1935 (paleo.). 57. Creely, Robert S. uc Geology of the Oroville quadrangle, California. PhD, 1955. 58. Chuber, Stewart Stanford Late Mesozoic stratigraphy of the Elk Creek-Fruto area, Glenn County, California. PhD, 1961. 59. Dondonville, Richard F. UC The geology of part of northwestern Glenn County, Cali- fornia. MS, 1958. 60. Compton, Robert R. Stanford Petrology of the southwestern part of the Bidwell Bar (30') quadrangle, California. PhD, 1949. 61. Goodwin, Joseph G. uc The geology of the southern half of the Strawberry Valley quadrangle, California. MA, 1952. 62. Cooke, Herman R., Jr. Harvard The distribution of gold in the original Sixteen to One vein, Alleghany, California. PhD, 1945. 63. Fuller, Willard P., Jr. CIT Spectrographic study of gold-quartz ores from Allegheny, California. MS, 1942. 64. Daley, A. Cowles & Poole, David M. UCLA A geologic section in east-central California, eastward from Donner Pass. MA, 1949. 65. Lemmon, Dwight M. Stanford Geology of the Hoge mine, Nevada City, California. AM, 1935. 66. Stipp, Thomas F. Stanford The Eocene Foraminifera of the Marysville Buttes., Sutter County, California. AM, 1926. 67. Owens, John S. (JC The geology of parts of Colusa and Lake Counties, Califor- nia. MA, 1941. 68. Schlocker, Julius UC Geology of the Wilbur Springs district, California, MA, 1941. 69. Chandra, Deb K. UC Geology of the Colfax and Foresthill quadrangles, California. PhD, 1954. 70. Stewart, Lloyd L*. UC A chemical analysis of axinite found near Five Lake, Placer . County. MA, 1916. 71. Fisher, Grace M. UC Geology of Lake Tahoe and Glen Alpine. A4A, 1892. 72. McAllister, James F. Stanford Glacial history of an area near Lake Tahoe. AM, 1936. 73. Peikert, Ernest W. UC The Mt. Tallac roof pendent. Sierra Nevada, southwest of Lake Tahoe. MA, 1958. 74. Loomis, Alden A. Stanford Petrology of the Fallen Leaf Lake area, California. PhD, 1960. 75. Stock, Chester UC The Pleistocene fauna of Hawver cave. PhD, 1917 (paleo.). 76. Crutcher, John F. UC The geologic setting of the Pillikin chromite mine, El Do- rado County, California. MS, 1959. 76a. Olmsted, Franklin H. Bryn Mawr. Geology of the pre-Cretaceous rocks of the Pilot Hill and Rocklin quadrangles. PhD, 1961. 77. Rofe, Rafael Stanford Subsurface geology of the Dunnigan Hills gas field, Yolo County, California. MS, 1960. 78. Taylor, Robert K. UC Geology of the central portion of the Rumsey quadrangle, California. MA, 1955. 79. Lawton, John E. Stanford Geology of the north half of the Morgan Valley quadrangle and the south half of the Wilbur Springs quadrangle. PhD, 1956. 80. Brice, James C. UC Geology of a portion of the Lower Lake quadrangle, Cali- fornia. MA, 1948. SPECIAL REPORT 74 81. Brice, James C. UC Geologv of the Lower Lake quadrangle, California. PhD, 1950. 82. McNitt, James R. UC Geology and mineral deposits of the Kelseyville S. E. quad- rangle, Sonoma County, California. PhD, 1961. 83. Borglin, Edgar K. UC The geology of a part of the Morgan Valley quadrangle. MS, 1949. 84. Carter, William H. UC Geologv of the northeast corner of the Calistoga quadrangle. MA, 1948. 85. Conrey, Bert L., Jr. UC Geology of a southern portion of the Morgan Valley quad- rangle, California. MA, 1948. 86. Bentson, Herdis UC The stratigraphy and faunas of the Capay Eocene of the Sacramento Valley. PhD, 1941. 87. Gealey, William K. Cornell Geology of the Healdsburg quadrangle, Sonoma County, California. PhD, 1949. 88. Bauer, Francis H. UC Marine terraces between Salmon Creek and Stewarts Point, Sonoma County, California. MA, 1952 (geography). 89. Watson, Samuel E., Jr. UC The geology of a part of the Healdsburg quadrangle, Sonoma County, northern Coast Ranges, Californa. MS, 1941. 90. Borg, iris P. UC Studies in metamorphism: I. Planar structure within calcite of artificially deformed Yule marble. II. Glaucophane and related schists near Healdsburg, California. PhD, 1954. 91. Hurlbut, Elvin M., Jr. UC Geology of a portion of the Calistoga quadrangle. MA, 1948. 92. Crutchfield, William H., Jr. UC The geology and silver mineralization of the Calistoga dis- trict, Napa County, California. MA, 1953. 93. Johnston, Stedwell UC The geology of a portion of the Calistoga quadrangle. MA, 1948. 94. Angel, Loren H. UC Geology of a portion of the St. Helena quadrangle, Califor- nia. MA, 1948. 95. Enders, Dean W. UC A study of the Cretaceous and Upper Jurassic of the Monti- cello-Pope Valley region, Napa County, California. MA, 1940. 96. Boyd, Harold A. UC Geology of the Capay quadrangle, California. PhD, 1956. 97. Shouldice, James R. UC Geology of a part of St. Helena quadrangle. MS, 1947. « 98. Clark, Arthur W. UC Geology of a portion of the St. Helena quadrangle, Califor- nia. MA, 1948. 99. Goss, Charles R. UC Geologv of the southwest corner of the Calistoga quad- rangle. 'MA, 1948. 100. Higgins, Charles G., Jr. UC The lower Russian River, California. PhD, 1950. 101. Johnson, Francis A. UC Geology of the Merced Pliocene Formation north of San Francisco Bay, California. PhD, 1934. 102. Travis, Russell B. UC , The geology of the Sebastopol quadrangle, California. PhD, 1951. 103. Day, David W., Jr. UC The geology of a part of the Mount Vaca quadrangle. MA, 1951. 104. Kemper, Dorothy B. UC A fauna from the middle Eocene shales near Vacaville, Cali- fornia. MA, 1923. 105. Berthiaume, Sheridan A. Cornell Stratigraphy and foraminiferal fauna of the Meganos and Vacaville Formations (Eocene) of California. PhD, 1938. I. SPECIFIC AREAS 31 to 127 106. Dusenberry, Arthur N. Columbia The Foraminifera from G. D. Hanna's type locality in the Eocene near Vacaville, California. MA, 1933. 107. Boyd, Harold A. UC Eocene Foraminifera from the "Vacaville Shale". MA, 1949 (paleo.). 108. Lambert, Earl F. UC The geology of the Old Eureka mine, Sutter Creek, Cali- fornia. MA, 1949. 109. Parker, Ronald B. UC Petrology and structure of pre-Tertiary rocks in western Alpine County, California. PhD, 1959. 110. Curtis, Garniss H. UC The geology of the Topaz Lake quadrangle and the eastern half of the Ebbetts Pass quadrangle. PhD, 1951. 111. Wilshire, Howard G. UC The history of Tertiary volcanism near Ebbetts Pass, Alpine County, California. PhD, 1956. 112. Gilbert, Frances L. UC Metamorphism in the Lake Alpine area, Alpine County, Cali- fornia. MA, 1959. 113. Bates, Thomas F. Columbia Origin of the Edwin clay, lone, California. PhD, 1944. 114. Allen, Victor T. UC The lone Formation of California. PhD, 1928. 115. Turner, Mortimer D. UC The lone Formation of the Buena Vista area, Amador County, California. MS, 1954. 116. Weaver, Charles E. UC Geology of the Napa quadrangle, California. PhD, 1907. 117. Mason, Herbert L. UC A Pleistocene flora from the Tomales Bay region and its bearing on the history of the coastal pine forests of Califor- nia. PhD, 1932. 118. Thornburgh, Hubert R. UC Geology and ore deposits of the St. John's quicksilver mine, Solano County, California. MS, 1923. 119. Wilcox, Glenn A. UC The terraces of the upper San Francisco Bay region, with an appendix on the geology of the Suisun-Potrero Hills. MS, 1911. 120. Rose, Robert L. UC Tertiary volcanic domes of the Jackson quadrangle, Califor- nia. MA, 1949. 121. Slemmons, David B. UC Geology of the Sonora Pass region. PhD, 1953. 122. Johnson, Robert F. UC Geologv of the Masonic mining district, Mono County, Cali- fornia. MA, 1951. 123. Halsey, Jonathan H. UC Geology of parts of the Bridgeport, California, and Welling- ton, Nevada quadrangles. PhD, 1953. 124. Dunn, James R. UC Geology of the western Mono Lake area. PhD, 1951. 125. Baird, Alexander K. UC Superposed deformations in the central Sierra Nevada foot- hills, east of the Mother Lode, PhD, 1960. 126. Moss, Frank A. UC Geology of the Mother Lode in the vicinity of Carson Hill, California. MA, 1924. 127. Moss, Frank A. UC The geology of the Mother Lode in the vicinity of Carson Hill, Calaveras County, California. PhD, 1927. 10 CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF MINES AND GEOLOGY 128. McCall, Mary A. UC lower Tertiary subsurface foraminiferal sequence of Mc- Donald Island, California. MA, 1961 (paleo.). 129. Fulmer, Charles V. UC Stratigraphy and paleontology of the typical Markley and Nortonville Formations. PhD, 1956 (paleo.). 130 & 130a. Cebull, Stanley E. UC The structure and stratigraphy of portions of the Mare Island, Sears Point, and Richmond quadrangles, California. MA, 1958. 131 Anderson, Frank M. UC The geologv of Point Reyes Peninsula (California). MS, 1897. 132. Sheehan, Jack R. UC Structure and stratigraphy of northwestern Contra Costa County, California. MS, 1956. 133. Smith, Bernice Young UC Lower Tertiary Foraminifera from Contra Costa County, California. MA, 1951 (paleo.). 134. Vitt, Alfred W. UC The Pinole Tuff east of San Francisco Bay. MA, 1936. 135. Lutz, George C. UC The Sobrante Sandstone and its fauna. MA, 1950 (paleo.). 136. Schmidt, Otto M. Stanford The San Ramon Sandstone in the Pacheco syncline, Cali- fornia. MS, 1958. 137. Howard, Hildegarde UC The avifauna of Emeryville shellmound. PhD, 1928. 138. Palache, Charles UC The geology of the Grizzly Peak volcanic series. PhD, 1894. 139. Pease, Maurice H., Jr. UC Geology of the Sobrante anticline and vicinity. MA, 1954. 140. Graham, John J. UC The Foraminifera of the type Meganos, (Eocene) Formation of California. PhD, 1947 (paleo.). 141. Kvenvolden, Keith A. Stanford Normal paraffin hydrocarbons in recent sediments from San Francisco Bay, California. PhD, 1961. 142. Untermann, Billie R. UC A studv of the Wildcat fault in the Berkeley Hills. MA, 1935. 143. Doell, Edward C. UC Correlation of the Campus and Orinda Formations in the Berkeley Hills, California. MS, 1934. 144. Rossello, Pierina O. B. UC An Eocene foraminiferal faunule from Contra Costa County, California. MA, 1939 (paleo.). 145. Doumani, George I. UC Stratigraphy of the San Pablo Group, Contra Costa County, California. MA, 1957 (paleo.). 146. Poland, Joseph F. Stanford Ground-water conditions in Ygnacio Valley, California. AM, 1935. 147. Patten, Philip R. UC The San Pablo Formation north of Mt. Diablo, California. MA, 1948. 148 & 157. Mandra, York T. UC Eocene silicoflagellates from the Mt. Diablo area, California. MA, 1949 (paleo.). 149 & 158. Kanayo, Taro Stanford Eocene diatom assemblages from the Kellogg and Sidney Shales, Mt. Diablo area, California. MS, 1956. 150. Fulmer, Charles V. Washington Sedimentary petrography of the Eocene Series on the north side of Mount Diablo, California. MS, 1947. 151. Young, Rex J. UC Petrology of the Siesta Formation, Berkeley Hills, California. MA, 1961. 152. Arden, Daniel D., Jr. UC Sediments from borings along the east side of San Francisco Bay. PhD, 1961 (paleo.). 153. Richey, King A. UC The marine invertebrate fauna of the Orinda Formation, and its stratigraphic relation to the Namrippus tehonensis zone. MA, 1939 (paleo.). 154. Knox, Newton B. UC The geology of the Mt. Diablo mine. MA, 1938. 155. Colburn, Ivan P. Stanford The tectonic history of Mt. Diablo, California. PhD, 1961. 156. Kilmer, Frank H. UC Stratigraphy of the "Diablo formation". MA, 1953 (paleo.). 157. Mandra, York T. UC See: No. 148 158. Kanaya, Taro Stanford See: No. 149 159. Swinney, C. Melvin Stanford The geology and petrology of the Sonora quadrangle, Cali- fornia. PhD, 1949. 160. Solari, Allison J. UC The Tertiary formations of the Copperopolis quadrangle. MA, 1937. 161. Snow, David T. UC The geology of the northeast corner of Alameda County and adjacent portions of Contra Costa County, California. MA, 1957. 162. Oestereich, Ernest S. UC Geology of Tassajara quadrangle, California. MS, 1958. 163. Walsh, Thomas F. UC The proboscideans of the Black Hawk Ranch fauna, Mount Diablo, California. MA, 1959 (paleo.). 164. MacDonald, James R. UC The Pliocene carnivores of the Black Hawk Ranch fauna. MA, 1947 (paleo.). 165. Ham, Cornelius K. UC The geology of a portion of the Las Trampas Ridge quad- rangle, California. MA, 1951. 166. Mulryan, Henry Stanford Geology and ores of the Leona Heights pyrite deposit, Oak- land, California. AM, 1925. 167. Crandall, Roderic Stanford The geology of the San Francisco Peninsula. AM, 1907. 168. Bailey, Thomas L. UC The petrography and origin of the recent sediments along the east side of the San Francisco Peninsula. MA, 1921. 169. Aarons, Bernard L. UC Geology of a portion of the Las Trampas Ridge and Hay- ward quadrangles, California. MS, 1958. 170. Newton, Ralph J. UC The geology northwest of Dublin, California, in the vicinity of Divide Ridge. MA, 1948. 171. Smith, Merritt B. Stanford Ground water in the Livermore Valley, California. AM, 1934. 172. Pelletier, Willis J. UC Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Clarendonian continen- tal beds west of Tracy, California. MA, 1951 (paleo.). 173. Mannion, Lawrence E. Stanford Geology of the La Grange quadrangle, California. PhD, 1960. 174. Wheeler, Dooley P., Jr. UC Geology and mineralization in the vicinity of the Bondurant mine, Mariposa County, California. MA, 1941. 175. Tobisch, Othmar T. UC Geology of the Crane Flat— Pilot Peak area, Yosemite dis- trict, California. MA, 1960. 176. Rose, Robert L. UC Geology of the May Lake area, Yosemite National Park. PhD, 1957. 177. Kistler, Ronald W. UC The geology of the Mono Craters quadrangle, California. PhD, 1960. 178. Putnam, William C. CIT Geology of the Mono Craters, California. PhD minor, 1937. SPFXIAL REPORT 74 11 179. Mayo, Evans B. Cornell Petrography of a portion of the Sierra-Nevada Batholith, California. PhD, 1932. 180. Gilbert, Charles M. UC The Cenozoic geology of the region southeast of Mono Lake, California. PhD, 1938. 181. Anderson, George H. CIT Geology of the north half of the White Mountain quadran- gle. PhD major, 1933. 182. Ransome, Alfred L. Stanford Descriptive geology and ores of the Blind Spring Hill mining district, (Mono County, California. AM, 1937. 183. Kesseli, John E. UC Pleistocene glaciation in the valleys between Lundy Canyon and Rock Creek, eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada, Cali- fornia. PhD, 1938. (geography) 184. Benedict, Reba W. UC Aplite-pegmatite dikes of Tenaya Canyon, Yosemite: a study of their structures, textures, and mineralogy. PhD, 1959. 185. Smith, Arthur R. UC The modal composition of the major instrusions of the Yo- semite Valley. MS, 1958. 186. Short, Allan M. Cornell A chemical and optical study of piedmontite from Shadow- Lake, Madera County, California. MS, 1933. 187. Mayo, Evans B. Stanford The geology of the Mammoth Lakes area, Mono County, California. AM, 1929. 188. Bryson, Robert P. CIT Faulted fanglomerates at the mouth of Perry Aiken Creek, northern Inyo Range, California-Nevada. MS, 1937. 189. Emerson, Donald O. Penn. State Granitic rocks of the northern portion of the Inyo batholith. PhD, 1958. 190. Lemmon, Dwight M. Stanford Geology of the andalusite deposits in the northern Inyo Range v California. PhD, 1937. 191. Meddle, D. A. Toronto On a .crystal of augite from the commercial deposit of andalusite at White Mountain, California. MA, 1941. 192. Fiedler, William M. CIT Structure and stratigraphy of a section across the White Mountains, California. MS, 1937. 193. Woods, Earl H. State University of Iowa Geology of Long Valley, California. MS, 1924. 194. Brooks, Elwood R. UC Geology of the Bridalveil Creek area, Yosemite National Park, California. MS, 1958. 195. Hall, Francis R. Stanford Geology and ground water of a portion of eastern Stanislaus County, San Joaquin Valley, California. PhD, 1960. 196. Smith, Natasha J. UC The geology of a part of the Carbona quadrangle. MA, 1937. 197. Huey, Arthur S. UC The geology of the Tesla quadrangle of middle California. PhD, 1940. 198. Vickery, Frederick P. Stanford Structural dynamics of the Livermore region. PhD, 1924. 199. Hook, Joseph S. Stanford Geology of the Pleasanton quadrangle, California. AM, 1913. 200. Hall, Clarence A., Jr. Stanford The geology of the Pleasanton area, Alameda County, Cali- fornia. PhD, 1956. 201. Erickson, Martin R. UC Geology of the western portion of the Pleasanton quad- rangle, California. MA, 1946. 202. Smith, David D. Stanford The geomorphology of part of the San Francisco Peninsula, California. PhD, 1960. 203. Pant in, Jose H. Stanford Insoluble residues of the Calera Limestone in Santa Clara County, California. AM, 1946. I. SPECIFIC AREAS 128 to 222 204. Miranda, Leandro J. Stanford Insoluble residues of the Calera Limestone from its tyue locality, Calera Valley, San Mateo County, California. MS, 1947. 204a. Paguirigan, Francisco Stanford Geologic investigation of the San Pedro Point area, Califor- nia. AM, 1941. 205. Sinnott, Allen Stanford A textural study of certain beaches south of San Francisco. AM, 1941. 206. Darrow, Richard L. UC The geology of the northwest part of the Montara Mountain quadrangle, MA, 1951. 207. Glen, William UC Pliocene and lower Pleistocene of the western part of the San Francisco Peninsula. MA, 1957 (paleo.). 208. Haehl, Harry L. Stanford Miocene diabase of the Santa Cruz Mountains in San Mateo County, California. AM, 1902. 209. Clark, William O. Stanford Ground water resources of the Niles cone and adjacent areas, California. AM, 1915. 210. Funkhouser, Lawrence W. Stanford The geology of the Arroyo del Valle area, Alameda County, California. MS, 1948. 211. Harding, John W., Jr. UC Geology of the southern part of the Pleasanton quadrangle. MA, 1942. 212. Esser, Robert W. Stanford The reconnaissance geology of a part of the Woodside quad- rangle, northeast of Skyline Boulevard, San Mateo County, California. MS, 1958. 213. Troster, John G. Stanford Recent marine sedimentation in Halfmoon Bay, California. MS, 1949. 214. Classen, James S. Stanford The geology of a portion of the Half Moon Bay quadrangle, San Mateo County, California. MA, 1959. 215. Mack, John E., Jr. Stanford Reconnaissance geology of the Woodside quadrangle, San Mateo County, California. MS, 1959. 216. Soliman, Soliman Mahmond Stanford General geology of the Isabel-Fylar area, California, and petrology of Franciscan sandstones. PhD, 1958. 217. Hacker, Robert N. UC The geology of the northwest corner of the Orestimba quad- rangle and the northeast corner of the Mount Boardman quadrangle, California. iMA, 1950. 218. Bodenlos, Alfred J. Columbia Geology of the Red Mountain magnesite district, Santa Clara and Stanislaus Counties, California. PhD, 1950. 219. Crittenden, Max D. UC Geology of the San Jose-Mt. Hamilton area, California. PhD, 1949. 220. Lambert, Gerald S. Stanford Geology of a portion of Mt. Hamilton Range, California. AM, 1923. 221. Templeton, Eugene C. Stanford The geology and stratigraphy of the San Jose quadrangle, California. AM, 1912. 222. Lombardi, Leonard V. Stanford A quantitative study of Recent sediments in Halfmoon Bay, California. MS, 1949. 12 CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF MINES AND GEOLOGY 223. Touring, Roscoe M. Stanford Structure and stratigraphy of the La Honda and San Gre- gorio quadrangles, San Mateo County, California. PhD, 1959. 224. Cummings, Jon C. Stanford Reconnaissance geology of the Mindego Hill area, California. MS, 1956. 225. Strom, Robert G. Stanford Stratigraphy of the southwestern part of the Mindego Hill quadrangle, California. MS, 1956. 226. Cummings, Jon C. Stanford (icology of the Langley Hill-Waterman Gap area, Santa Cruz Mountains, California. PhD, 1960. 227. Vickery, Frederick P. Stanford The physiography of the Santa Cruz quadrangle. AM, 1919. 228. McKinlay, Philip F. Stanford Welded tuff and related rocks from near Lone Hill, Santa Clara County, California. MS, 1949. 229. Frames, Donald W. UC Stratigraphy and structure of the lower Coyote Creek area, Santa Clara County, California. A1A, 1955. 230. Maddock, Marshall E. UC Geology of the Mt. Boardman quadrangle, California. PhD, 1955. 231. Booth, Charles V. UC Geology of the west central portion of the Orestimba quad- rangle. MA, 1950. 232. Herkenham, Marjorie W. UC The petrography of the Guadalupe igneous complex, Mari- posa County, California. MA, 1946. 233. Best, Myron G. UC Metamorphic and igneous rocks in the Cathay area, western Mariposa County, California. PhD, 1961. 234. Greenwood, Robert CIT Geology of the Sugar Pine area, Madera County, California. MS, 1943. 235. Birmon, Joseph H. UCLA Glacial geology of the upper San Joaquin drainage, Sierra Nevada, California. PhD, 1957. 236. Beaty, Chester B. UC Gradational processes in the White Mountains of California and Nevada. PhD, 1960 (geography). 237. Pittman, Edward D. UCLA Geology of the northwest portion of the Blanco Mountain quadrangle, California. MA, 1958. 238. Whetten, John T. UC The geology of the central part of the Soldier Pass quad- rangle, Inyo County, California. MA, 1959. 239. Perry, Le Roy J. UCLA Geology of the east-central portion of the Blanco Mountain quadrangle, Inyo County, California. MA, 1954. 240. Bateman, Paul C. UCLA The geology of the Bishop 15 minute quadrangle, California. PhD, 1957. 241. Taylor, George F. CIT Quaternary fault structure of the Bishop region, east-central California. PhD, 1933. 242. Chasey, Kenneth L. Rochester Preliminary report on the geology and structure of the Sierra Nevada west of Bishop, California. MS, 1933. 243. Chesterman, Charles W. UC Contact metamorphism of the Twin Lakes region, Fresno County, California. MA, 1940. 244. Lyon, Ronald J. P. UC Studies in the geology of the western Sierra Neyada: I. Tec- tonic analysis of the Miles Creek area, Mariposa County, California. II. Mineralogic study of the ores of the southern foothill copper belt in California. PhD, 1954. 245. Collins, Donald F. UC The geology of the southern third of the Orestimba quad- rangle, Stanislaus and Merced Counties, California. MA, 1950. 246. Ortalda, Robert A. UC The geology of the northern part of the Morgan Hill quad- rangle, California. MA, 1950. 247. Atkinson, James E. UC Geology of the Guadalupe quicksilver mine and vicinity. MS, 1942. 248. Fairchild, William W. UC Foraminifera from the Butano, San Lorenzo, and Vaqueros Formations, southern Santa Cruz Mountains, California. MA, 1957 (paleo.). 249. Burchfield, Burrell C. Stanford Geology of the Two Bar Creek area, Boulder Creek, Cali- fornia. MS, 1958. 250. Brabb, Earl E. Stanford Geology of the Big Basin area, Santa Cruz Mountains, Cali- fornia. PhD, 1960. 251. McCollom, Robert L., Jr. Stanford Lithofacies study of the Vaqueros Formation, Santa Cruz Mountains, California. MS, 1959. 252. Sullivan, Frank R. UC Foraminifera from the type section of the San Lorenzo For- mation, Santa Cruz County, California. MA, 1956 (paleo.) 253. Wesendunk, Paul R. UC Lower Tertiary Foraminifera from the southern Santa Cruz Mountains, California. MA, 1956 (paleo.). 254. Leo, Gerhard W. Stanford The plutonic and metamorphic rocks of Ben Lomond Moun- tain, Santa Cruz County, California. PhD, 1961. 255. Trovers, William B. Stanford Geology of the Newell Creek area, Boulder Creek, California. MS, 1959. 256. Christensen, Roberta S. UC Foraminiferal studies in the lower Tertiary of Soquel Creek, Santa Cruz County, California. MA, 1960 (paleo.). 257. Mitchell, George D. UC The Santa Cruz earthquakes of October, 1926. MA, 1928. 258. Bradley, William C. Stanford Marine terraces and sedimentation in the Santa Cruz area, California. PhD, 1956. 259. Alexander, Charles S. UC The marine and stream terraces of the Capitola-Watsonville area, California. MA, 1950 (geography). 260. McAndrews, Martin G. UC Petrography of upper Miocene sandstones, southern Santa Cruz County, California. MA, 1948. 261. Buhn, William K. Idaho The geology and ore deposits of the Rianda mine, Santa Clara County, California. MS, 1951. 262. McKee, Elliott B., Jr. Stanford The geology of the Pacheco Pass area, California. PhD, 1958. 263. Gardner, Robert A. UC The associations of alluvial parent material from granitic and from sedimentary rock sources as indicated by soil character- istics in the Los Banos region, California. MS, 1940 (soil sci- ence). 264. Minton, Morris C. UC The geology of the Raynor Creek quadrangle, California. MA, 1941. 265. Robinson, Gershon D. UC The geology of the Daulton quadrangle, California. MA, 1941. 266. Ehrreich, Albert L. UCLA Geology of the Daulton quadrangle, Madera County, Cali- fornia. MA, 1955. 267. Hamilton, Warren B. UCLA Granitic rocks of the Huntington Lake area, Fresno County, California. PhD, 1951. 268. Harris, Walter S. UCLA Geology of the southwestern portion of the Blanco Moun- tain quadrangle, Inyo County, California. MA, 1958. 269. Blanc, Robert P. UCLA Geology of the Deep Spring Valley area, White-Inyo Moun- tains, California. MA, 1958. 270. Tabor, Lawrence L. UC Geology of the Crater sulphur deposits, Inyo County, Cali- fornia. MA, 1936. SPECIAL REPORT 74 13 271. Dorsey, Ridgely E. UCLA Geology of the Marble Canyon area, VVaucoba Spring quad- rangle, Inyo County, California. MA, 1960. 272. Scott, Kevin M. UCLA Geology of the Waucoba Springs area, Inyo Mountains, Cali- fornia. MA, 1960. 273. Pestana, Harold R. UC Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Johnson Spring For- mation, Middle Ordovician, Independence quadrangle, Cali- fornia. MA, 1959 (paleo.). 274. Saul, Richard B. UCLA The geology of the southwest quarter of the Waucoba Mountain quadrangle, California. MA, 1959. 275. Ishimoto, Tashio T. Fresno State Serpentine soil and the foothill woodland community in Fresno County, California. MA, 1952 (biology). 276. MacDonald, Gordon A. UC Geology of the western part of the Sierra-Nevada between the Kings and San Joaquin Rivers, California. PhD, 1938. 277. Briggs, Louis I. UC Geology of the Ortigalita Peak quadrangle, California. PhD, 1950. 278. Green, Charles F. Stanford Eocene and Cretaceous stratigraphy of the Laguna Seca Hills, Merced County, California. AM, 1942. 279. Leith, Carlton J. UC Geology of the Quien Sabe quadrangle, California. PhD, 1947. 280. Washburn, Edward D., Ill UC The geology of part of the Hollister quadrangle, San Benito and Santa Clara Counties, California. MA, 1946. 281. Allen, John E. UC Geology of the San Juan Bautista quadrangle, California. PhD, 1945. 282. Beard, Charles N. Illinois Drainage development in the vicinity of Monterey Bay, Cali- fornia. PhD, 1941. 283. Galliher, Edgar W. Stanford Sediments of Monterey Bay, California. PhD, 1932. 284. McCroden, Thomas J. Stanford Geology of a portion of the Gabilan Range, California. MS, 1949. 285. Martin, Lois T. Stanford Observations on living Foraminifera from the intertidal zone of Monterey Bay, California. AM, 1932. 286. Beal, Carl H. Stanford The geology of the Monterey quadrangle, California. AM, 1915. 287. Herold, C. Lathrop UC Preliminary report on the geology of the Salinas quadrangle, California. MS, 1935. 288. Dempster, Ryland E. UC Geology of the northeastern part of the Gonzales quad- rangle, California. MA, 1951. 289. Wilson, Ivan F. UC Geology of the San Benito quadrangle, California. PhD, 1942. 290. Alfors, John T. UC A structural and petrographic investigation of an area of glaucophane-bearing rocks in Panoche Valley quadrangle, California. PhD, 1959. 291. Janish, Jeanne R. Stanford Glaciation in the Kings River Canyon of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. AM, 1925. 292. Moore, James G. Johns Hopkins Geology of the Sierra Nevada front near Mt. Baxter, Califor- nia. PhD, 1955. 293. Phleger, Fred B., Jr. CIT Notes on certain Ordovician faunas of the Inyo Mountains. MS, 1932. 294. Greife, John L. UC Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Mazourka Formation, Middle Ordovician, Independence quadrangle, California. MA, 1959 (paleo.). I. SPECIFIC AREAS 223 to 316 295. Waite, Roy H. UC The Silurian of the Kearsarge area, California. MA, 1953 (paleo.). 296. Nelson, Rex W. UC Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Kearsarge area, Inyo County, California. MA, 1959 (paleo.). 297. Lombard!, Oreste W. N.M. Inst, of Mining & Tech. Observations on the distribution of chemical elements in the terrestrial saline deposits of Saline Valley, California. MS, 1957. 298. McAllister, James F. Stanford Rocks and structure of the Quartz Spring area, northern Panamint Range, California. PhD, 1951. 299. Tischler, Herbert UC Devonian and Mississippian of Rest Spring area, California. MA, 1955 (paleo.). 300. Wright, Lauren A. CIT See: No. 370. 301. Flint, Delos E. Northwestern The geology of the Beveridge mining district, California. MS, 1941. 302. Trowbridge, Arthur C. Chicago The geology of the Owens Valley, California, with special reference to the terrestrial deposits. PhD, 1911. 303. Bradley, Charles C. Wisconsin Petrogenesis of the granite of Mount Whitney, California, and its relationship to depth of erosion. PhD, 1950. 304. Patnode, Homer W. Cornell Petrographic study of an intraseptum intrusion in the Sierra Nevada. MA, 1935. 305. Ross, Donald C. UCLA The igneous and metamorphic rocks of a portion of Sequoia National Park, California, PhD, 1952. 306. Boulger, Martha L. UC The Kings River fan: a geographical interpretation. MA, 1938 (geography). 307. Bull, William B. Stanford Alluvial fans and near-surface subsidence, western Fresno County, California, PhD, 1961. 308. Zimmerman, John, Jr. Stanford The origin of the Tumey Sandstone (Tertiary), Fresno County, California. AM, 1942. 309. Enos, Paul P. Stanford Geologic problems in the western Vallecitos syncline, San Benito County, California, MS, 1961. 310. Andrews, Philip UC Geology of the Pinnacles National Monument. MS, 1934. 311. Galliher, Edgar W. Stanford A study of the Monterey Formation, California, at the type locality. AM, 1930. 312. Cassell, John K. Stanford Variation of the type Monterey Formation, California, near the type locality. MA 1949. 313. Trask, Parker D. UC The geology of the Point Sur quadrangle, California. PhD, 1923. 314. Fiedler, William M. UC The geology of the Jamesburg quadrangle, California. PhD, 1942. 315. Nickell, Frank A. CIT Geology of the Soledad quadrangle, central California. PhD, 1931. 316. Schombel, Leonard F. UC Preliminary report on the geology of the Soledad quad- rangle, Monterey County, California. MA, 1940. 14 CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF MINES AND GEOLOGY 317. Wasson, Edward B. Stanford 1 he geology of a part of the Metz quadrangle, San Benito and Monterey Counties, California. MS, 1948. 318. Mielenz, Richard C. UC The geology of the southwestern part of San Benito County, California. PhD, 1940. 319. Woodside, Edward R. UC Foraminifera from the Cantua Sandstone Member of the Lodo Formation, San Benito County, California. MA, 1958 (paleo.). 320. Coleman, Robert G. Stanford Mineralogy and petrology of the New Idria district, Cali- fornia. PhD, 1957. 321. Pratt, Willis L., Jr. UC Geology of the northwest quarter of the Joaquin Rocks quadrangle. MA, 1951. 322. Melcon, Zenas K. Stanford A preliminary study of the geology and ground-water of the Kings River area, California. MA, 1932. 323. Durrell, Corded UC Metamorphism in the southern Sierra-Nevada northeast of Visalia, California. PhD, 1936. 324. Knopf, Adolph UC The geology of Mineral King, California. MS, 1905. 325. Christensen, Mark N. UC Geologic structure of the Mineral King area, California. PhD, 1959. 326. Hall, Wayne E. Harvard Structure and ore deposits of the Darwin quadrangle, Inyo County, California. PhD, 1958. 327. Richards, Carrol A. USC Geology of a part of the Funeral Mountains, Death Valley National Monument, California. MS, 1958. 328. Hazzard, John C. USC The Paleozoic section in the Nopah and Resting Springs Mountains, Inyo County, California. PhD, 1937. 329. Murphy, Franklin M. CIT Geology and ore deposits of a part of the Panamint Range, California. MS, 1930. 330. Hopper, Richard H. CIT A geologic section from the Sierra Nevada to Death Valley, California. PhD major, 1939. 331. Davis, Dudley L. Nevada Anaconda's operation at Darwin mines, Inyo County, Cali- fornia. MS, 1955. 332. Glass, Herbert D. Columbia Fluorite-bearing clay from Darwin, California. MA, 1947. 333. Kelley, Vincent C. CIT Geology and ore deposits of the Darwin silver-lead mining district, Inyo County, California. PhD, 1937. 333a. Austin, Carl F. Utah Geochemical exploration in silicated limestones at Darwin, California. PhD, 1958. 334. Wilson, H. D. B., & Hendry, N. W. CIT Geology and quicksilver deposits of the Coso Hot Springs area, Inyo County, California. MS, 1939. 335. Power, Walter R., Jr. Johns Hopkins Geology and petrology of Haiwee Ridge, Inyo County, California. PhD, 1959. 336. Plafker, George UC Geology of southwest part of the Kaweah quadrangle, Cali- fornia. MS, 1956. 337. Ruckman, John H. UC Faunal succession of the Coalinga east side field, Fresno County, California. MS, 1914 (paleo.). 338. Bode, Francis D. CIT Fauna of the Merychippus Zone, north Coalinga district, California. PhD major, 1934. 339. Regan, Louis J., Jr. CIT Origin of the Eocene sands of the Coalinga district, Califor- nia. PhD major, 1943. Regan, Louis J., Jr. CIT The lower and middle Eocene Foraminifera of the Coalinga district, California. PhD minor, 1943. 340. Regan, Louis J., Jr. CIT The composition, texture, structure, and probable origin of the "Gatchell" Sand. MS, 1941. 341. Reed, Robert D. Stanford Tertiary petrology in the Coalinga district, California. PhD, 1924. 342. Robertson, Mary S. UC Petrography of the soda-rich White Creek stock, Fresno County, California. MA, 1940. 343. Phillips, Rose M. UC The general geology of a part of the Priest Valley quad- rangle, California. MS, 1939. 344. Lee, Huyler W. UC Description of some new species together with notes on the stratigraphy of the upper Miocene and lower Pliocene of lower Reliz Creek, Monterey County, California. MA, 1923. 345. Dickinson, William R. Stanford Tertiary stratigraphy and structure west of the Arroyo Seco, Monterey County, California. MS, 1956. 346. Thorup, Richard R. Stanford The stratigraphy of the Vaqueros Formation at its type lo- cality, Monterey County, California. AM, 1942. 347. Kleinpell, Robert M. Stanford A4iocene Foaminifera from Reliz Canyon, Monterey County, California. PhD, 1934. 345. Wardle, William C. UC Eocene Foraminifera from the Lucia Shale. MA, 1957 (paleo.). 349. Reiche, Perry UC The geology of the Lucia quadrangle, California. PhD, 1934. 350. Davis, Charles H. Stanford The geology of the Santa Lucia Mountains, California. AM, 1912. 351. Weidman, Robert M. UC Geology of the King City quadrangle, California. PhD, 1959. 352. Nicholls, William M. UC A geologic section across the middle Salinas Valley of Cali- fornia, from the San Antonio River to San Lorenzo Creek. MA, 1925. 353. Long, Robert E. USC The stratigraphy and paleontology of the type area of the Pancho Rico Formation, Salinas Valley, California. AM, 1958. 354. McLaughlin, Donald H., Jr. UC Geology of the Warthan Canyon-Upper Jacalitos Creek district, Fresno County, California. MA, 1954. 355. Nomland, Jorgen O. UC Relation of the invertebrate to the vertebrate faunal zones of the Etchegoin and Jacalitos in the Coalinga oil district, California. MS, 1915 (paleo.). 356. Von Estoff, Fritz E. Stanford The Kreyenhagen Shale at the type locality, AM, 1929. 357. Landis, Sam W. Penn State A petrographic study of the Kettleman Hills productive zones (California). MS, 1941. 358. Crume, Robert W. Stanford Avenal Sandstone (middle Eocene) of Reef Ridge, Califor- nia. AM, 1940. 359. Bradbury, Albert E. Stanford Geology of part of the Parkfield syncline, Monterey County, California. AM, 1941. 360. Richardson, Remond W. Stanford Shoreline physiography of the Santa Lucia Mountains (Cali- fornia). AM, 1924. 361. Pike, Ruthven W. Stanford Geological studies in the Bryson and Cape San Martin quad- rangles, Monterey County, California. AM, 1925. 362. Bell, Gordon L. UC A geologic section of the Santa Lucia Mountains, Coast Range, California. MA, 1940. 363. Hay, Edward A. UC Geology of the Cholame Ranch quadrangle, California. MA, 196 1 SPECIAL REPORT 74 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370, 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. Herrera, Leo J., Jr. UC Geology of the Tent Hills quadrangle, California. MA, 1951. Jenkins, Sidney F. UC A structural study of a portion of the Kernville Series. MA, 1961. Webb, Robert W. CIT Geology of a portion of the southern Sierra Nevada of Cali- fornia: The northern Kernville quadrangle. PhD, 1937. Johnson, Bradford K. UCLA Geology of a part of the Manly Peak quadrangle, southern Panamint Range, California. PhD, 1954. Regan, Dona I M. USC Geology of Butte Valley, Inyo County, California. MS, 1954. Stoertz, G. E. Columbia Oxidized lead-zinc ores of the Shoshone mines, Tecopa, California. MA, 1955. 300, 371 & 372. Wright, Lauren A. CIT Geology and origin of talc deposits of eastern California. PhD major, 1951. Wright, Lauren A. CIT See: No. 370 I. SPECIFIC AREAS 317 to 408 Wright, Lauren A. CIT See: No. 370 Pratt, Joseph H. Yale Northupite; pirssonite, a new mineral; gaylussite; and hank- site, from Borax Lake, San Bernardino County, California. PhD, 1896. von Kuene, Roland E. UCLA Structural geology and gravimetry of Indian Wells Valley, southeastern California. PhD, 1960. Addicott, Warren O. UC Miocene stratigraphy northeast of Bakersfield, California. PhD, 1956 (paleo.). Cook, Theodore D. UC Eocene Foraminifera from the Devil's Den area, California. MA, 1950 (paleo.). Marsh, Owen T. Stanford Geology of the Orchard Peak area, Kern, San Luis Obispo, Afonterey, and Kings Counties, California. PhD, 1954. Dosch, Earl F. UC The Las Tablas fault zone and the associated rocks. MA, 1932. Van Gundy, Clarence E. UC The relations of the Upper Cretaceous and Martinez Forma- tion in the northern part of the Adelaida quadrangle. MA, 1934. Childs, Theodore S., Jr. Stanford Stratigraphic significance of Lepidocyclina in the Vaqueros Formation, San Luis Obispo County, California. AM, 1941. Wilson, Robert R. Stanford A reconnaissance of the geology of the Adelaida quadrangle, San Luis Obispo County, California, with special reference to the stratigraphy of the Miocene formations. AM, 1930. Stanton, W. Layton, Jr. CIT Geology of the Adelaida quadrangle, California. PhD, 1931. Goudy, Clyde L. UC A structural and petrographic study of the Vaqueros and associated formations in the southeast portion of the Adelaida quadrangle. MA, 1937. Isaacs, Kalman N. UC Geology of the northern portions of the Commatti Canyon and Grant Lake quadrangles, San Luis Obispo County, Cali- fornia. MA, 1951. 385. Peryam, Richard C. UC Geology of the Annette quadrangle, San Luis Obispo and Kern Counties, California. MA, 1951. 386. Wagner, John P. UC Geology of Sawtooth Ridge quandrangle. MA, 1951. 387. Allen, Harry B. and Van Couvering, Martin UCLA Geology of Devils Den District, northwestern Kern County, California. MA, 1941. 388. Cifelli, Richard UC Eocene Foraminifera from the Point of Rocks area, Califor- nia. MA, 1951 (paleo.). 389. MacLeod, George M. Stanford The geology of the Packwood Creek area, Kern County, California. MS, 1948. 390. Key, Carlos E. Stanford Biostratigraphy of the Bitterwater-Packwood Creek area, Kern County, California. MS, 1955. 391. Droullard, Emerson K. UC Geology of the Packwood quadrangle, California. MA, 1951. 392. Heikkila, Henry H. Stanford Geology of the Bitterwater Creek area, northwest Kern County, California. MS, 1948. 393. Glover, Joseph J. E. UC Studies in petrology and mineralogy of sedimentary rocks: I. Stratigraphy and structure of the Chico Martinez-Bitter- water Creek area, Kern County, California; II. Investigation of authigenic albite with the universal stage. PhD, 1953. 394. Mallory, Virgil S. UC Eocene Foraminifera from Media Agua Creek, Kern County, California. MA, 1948 (paleo.). 395. Nugent, Lawrence E., Jr. Cornell Structure and stratigraphy of the Kern River salient. PhD, 1941. 396. McPherson, William J. Stanford An engineering study of Round Mountain oil field, Kern County, California. PhD, 1949. 397. Henshaw, Paul C. CIT A Tertiary mammalian fauna from the Avawatz Mountains, California. MS, 1938. 398. Kupfer, Donald H. Yale Structural geology of the Silurian Hills, San Bernardino County, California. PhD, 1952. 399. Dobbs, Phillip USC Geology of the central part of the Clark Mountain Range, San Bernardino County, California. MS, 1961. 400. Clary, Michael R. USC Geology of the eastern part of the Clark Mountain Range, San Bernardino County, California. MA, 1959. 401. Pray, Lloyd C. CIT The Mocam bastnaesite deposit, San Bernardino County, California. PhD minor, 1952. 402. Olson, Jerry C. UCLA Geologic setting of the Mountain Pass rare earth deposits, San Bernardino County, California. PhD, 1953. 403. Evans, James R. USC Geology of the Mescal Range, San Bernardino County, Cali- fornia. MS, 1958. 404. Patchick, Paul F. USC Economic geology of the Bullion mining district, San Bernar- dino County, California. MA, 1959. 405. Haskell, Barry S. USC The geology of a portion of the New York Mountains and Lanfair Valley. AM, 1959. 406. Barca, Richard A. USC Geology of the northern portion of Old Dad Mountain quadrangle, San Bernardino County, California. AM, 1961. 407. Grose, Lucius T. Stanford Rocks and structure of the northeast part of the Soda Moun- tains, San Bernardino County, California. PhD, 1955. 408. Smith, George I. CIT Geology and petrology of the Lava Mountains, San Bernar- dino County, California. PhD, 1956. 16 CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF MINES AND GEOLOGY Hulin, Carlton D. UC Geology and ore deposits of the Randsburg quadrangle, Cali- fornia. PhD, 1924. Hillis, Donuil M. Stanford The Randsburg mining district. MA, 1924. Peck, Dallas L. CIT Geology of Paradox No. 3, mine area. MS, 1953. Ceylon, Rasit USC Geology and ground water resources of Saltdale quadrangle, California. MS, 1952. Barnard, Ralph M. USC Geology of the Ricardo beds in the western portion of Salt- dale quadrangle, Kern County, California. AM, 1950. Somsel. Howard S. UCLA Geology of the southeastern quarter of the Cross Mountain quadrangle, Kern County, California. MA, 1952. Axelrod, Daniel I. UC A Miocene flora from the western border of the Mohave Desert. PhD, 1938. McNaughton, Duncan A. USC Geologic guides to oil accumulation in metamorphic rocks. PhD, 1950. Sasse, Jerome B. UC A paleontologic study of the Temblor middle Miocene of Kern County, California. MA, 1927 (paleo.). Borax, Eugene UCLA Mineralogy of the upper Miocene sandstones of the south- ernmost San Joaquin Valley. MA, 1942. Schultz, John R. CIT A late Quaternary mammal fauna from the tar seeps of Mc- Kittrick, California, PhD, 1937. Ross, Roland C. CIT Fossil geese of the McKittrick asphalt deposit. MS, 1932. Huckaba, William A. USC Subsurface geology of the Salt Creek and Sheep Springs oil fields. MA, 1952. Curran, John F. Stanford Eocene stratigraphy of the Chico Martinez Creek area, Kern County, California. MA, 1942. Welby, Charles W. UC The geology of the central part of the La Panza quadrangle, San Luis Obispo County, California. MS, 1949. Richards, George L., Jr. Stanford Geology of the Santa Margarita Formation, San Luis Obispo County, California. AM, 1933. Repecka, Albert L. UC Geology of the type Toro Formation, San Luis Obispo County, California. MA, 1940. Fernow, Donald L. UCLA The mineralization and general geology of the San Luis Range and the Osos Valley, San Luis Obispo County, Cali- fornia. MA, 1960. Tresselt, Peter UCLA Recent beach and coastal dune sands at Pismo Beach, Cali- fornia. MA, 1960. Muehlberger, Eugene B. Kansas Pismo Beach-Point Sal dune field, California. MS, 1955. Johnson, Francis A. UC A petrographic study of the San Pablo Formation in the Nipomo quadrangle of California. MS, 1931. 430. Graham, David H. UCLA Geology and petroleum possibilities of a part of the Huasana district, San Luis Obispo County, California. MA, 1938. 431. Oakeshott, Gordon B. UC The petrography of the Stanley Mountain Franciscan of the Nipomo quadrangle. MS, 1929. 432. Crandall, Bradford G. UCLA The stratigraphy of the Buckhorn Sandstone, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo Counties, California. MA, 1961. 433. Dougherty, Jack F. CIT A new Miocene mammalian fauna from the Caliente .Moun- tains, California. MS, 1939. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 434. James, Gideon T. UC The paleontology and nonmarine stratigraphy of the Cu- yama Valley badlands, California. PhD, 1961 (paleo.). 435. Hammond, Paul E. UCLA Geology of the lower Santiago Creek area, San Emigdio Mountains, Kern County, California. MA, 1958. 436. Wagner, Carroll M. UC The San Lorenzo series of the San Emigdio region, Cali- fornia. MA, 1918 (paleo.). 437. McGill, John T. UCLA Quaternary geology of the north central San Emigdio Mountains, California. PhD, 1951. 438. Schilling, Karl H. UC New species from the San Lorenzo and Monterey series of the San Emigdio region, California. MA, 1918 (paleo.). 439. Hoots, Harold E. Stanford Geology of Wheeler Ridge area, Kern County, California. PhD, 1925. 440. Stone, Robert UCLA Ground-water geology, geochemistry, and hydrology of the southeastern San Joaquin Valley, California. PhD, 1955. 441. Harris, Paul B. CIT Geology of the Tunis-Pastoria. Creek area, Kern County, California. MS, 1950. 442. Michael, Eugene D. UCLA The geology of the Cache Peak area, Kern County, Cali- fornia. MA, 1960. 443. Buwalda, John P. UC New mammalian faunas from Miocene sediments near Te- hachapi Pass in the southern Sierra Nevada. PhD, 1915 (paleo.). 444. Smith, George I. CIT The geology of the Cache Creek region, Kern County, California. MS, 1951. 445. McCulloh, Thane H. UCLA Geology of the southern half of the Lane Mountain quad- rangle, California. PhD, 1952. 446. DeLeen, John L. Geology and mineral deposits of Calico mining MA, 1950 (mining). 447. Winters, H. H. The Pleistocene fauna of the Manix Beds in the Desert, California. MS, 1954 448. Miller, Richard D. Stanford Geology of a part of the Afton fluorite mining district, San Bernardino County, California. MS, 1950. 449. Ellsworth, Elmer W. Stanford Physiographic history of the Afton basin, San Bernardino County, California. PhD, 1932. 450. Landwehr, Walter R. Factors of ore control. PhD, 1933. 451. Riccio, Joseph F. Morphology of the Lower Cambrian Mesonacidae of the southern Marble Mountains, California. MS, 1951. 452. Hazzard, John C. UC Paleozoic and associated rocks of the Marble and Ship Moun- tains, San Bernardino County, California, MA, 1932. 453 & 455. Gardner, Dion L. UC Geology of the Newberry and Ord Mountains, southeastern California. MA, 193 3. 454. Weber, F. Harold UCLA Geology and mineral deposits of the Ord Mountain district, San Bernardino County, California. MA, 1956. 455. Gardner, Dion L. UC See: No. 453. 456. Bowen, Oliver E., Jr. UC Geology of the Sidewinder and Granite Mountains, Califor- nia. MA, 1950. 457. Novotny, James R. UCLA The geology of the northeastern Shadow Mountains, western San Bernardino County, California. MA, 1955. 458. Troxel, Bennie W. UCLA Geology of the northwestern part of the Shadow Moun- tains, western San Bernardino County, California. MA, 1958. UC district. CIT Mojave Stanford USC SPECIAL REPORT 74 17 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. 476. 477. 478. 479. 480. 481. 482. 483. Simpson, Edward C. UC Geology of the Elizabeth Lake quadrangle, California. PhD, 1933. Borys, Edmund CIT A horizontal intensity magnetic survey across the Rosamond fault. MS, 1936. Maynard, Robert G. UCLA Geology of the Tropico mine, Rosamond, California. MA, 1947. Roberts, William B. CIT Geology of a part of the Rosamond Hills area, Kern County, California. MS, 1951. Nelson, A. Graham usc The geology of the northwestern portion of Soledad Moun- tain, Kern County, California. MA, 1940. Jordan, John T. CIT Geology of the Cactus mines, Rosamond, Kern County, California. MS, 1941. Smith, Alexander CIT The geochemistry and paragenesis of the ores of the Cactus mine, Kern County, California. PhD minor, 1947. Wiese, John H. UCLA Geology and mineral resources of the Neenach quadrangle, California. PhD, 1947. Parsons, Robert L. USC Geology and ore deposits of the Neenach mining district of California. MS, 1937. Evans, M. Harrison CIT The geology and ore deposits of the Manzana quadrangle, Los Angeles County, California. MS, 1936. Turner, Francis E. CIT Geology of the Quail Lake region. MS, 1928. Fine, Spencer F. UCLA Geology of part of the western end of Antelope Valley, California. MS, 1947. Jennings, Charles W. UCLA Geology of the southern part of the Quail quadr: ngle, Los Angeles County, California. MA, 19S2. Bettinger, Charles E. USC The geology of portions of Beartrap Canyon and Quail quadrangles, California. MS, 1948. Bass, Manuel N. CIT A vertebrate fauna from late Tertiary beds near Frazier Mountain, California. MS, 1951. Crowell, John C. UCLA Geology of the Tejon Pass region, California. PhD, 1948. Burnett, John L. UC The geology of the southern portion of Frazier Mountain near Gorman, California. MS, 1960 (mining). Marks, Jay G. Stanford Stratigraphy of the Tejon Formation in its type area, Kern County, California. AM, 1941. DeLise, Knoxie C. UC Foraminifera and Mollusca from the San Emigdio Forma- tion, Kern County, California. MA, 1957 (paleo.). Kupfer, Donald H. UCLA Geology of the colemanite deposits near Stauffer, Ventura County, California. MA, 1942. Carman, Max F., Jr. UCLA Geology of the Lockwood Valley area, Kern and Ventura Counties, California. PhD, 1954. Kirkpatrick, John C. UCLA A study of some marine middle Eocene formations in south- ern California. MA, 1958. Ziony, Joseph I. UCLA Geology of the Abel Mountain area, Kern and Ventura Counties, California. MA, 1958. Van Amringe, John H. UCLA Geology of a part of the western San Emigdio Mountains, California. MA, 1957. Sierveld, Fred G. UCLA Geology of a part of Pattiway Ridge, Kern and Ventura Counties, California. MA, 1957. I. SPECIFIC AREAS 409 to 502 484. Gazin, C. Lewis CIT Tertiary mammal-bearing beds in the upper Cuyama drain- age basin, California. MS, 1928. 485. Gazin, C. Lewis CIT Geology of the central portion of the Mt. Pinos quadrangle, Ventura and Kern Counties, southern California. PhD minor, 1930. 486. Newman, Peter V. UCLA Geology of the Round Spring Canyon area, northwestern Ventura County, California. MA, 1959. 487. Welday, Edward E. Pomona Geology of the San Guillermo Mountain area, California. MA, 1960. 488. Poyner, William D. UCLA Geology of the San Guillermo area and its regional correla- tion, Ventura County, California. MA, 1960. 489. Hartman, Donald C. UCLA Geology of the upper Wagon Road Canyon area, southern California. MA, 1957. 490. Adams, William L. UCLA Geology of the Dry Canyon area, northeastern Ventura County, southern California. MA, 1956. 490a & 583a. Maxson, John H. CIT A Tertiary mammalian fauna from the Mint Canyon For- mation, southern California. MS, 1928. 491. Exum, Frank A. UCLA Geology of a portion of eastern Cuyama Valley, Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties, California. MA, 1957. 492. Frakes, Lawrence A. UCLA The geology of the Quatal Canyon area, Kern, Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties, California. MA, 1959. 493. Hart, James M. UCLA The geology of a portion of the Santa Barbara Canyon area, northeastern Santa Barbara County, southern California. MA, 1959. 494. Madsen, Stanley H. UCLA The geology of a portion of the Salisbury Canyon area, northeastern Santa Barbara County, southern California. MA, 1959. 495. Hansen, Don A. UCLA Electromagnetic prospecting with application to ground wa- ter problems. PhD, 1953. 496. Dill, Robert F. USC Environmental analysis of sediment from the sea floor off Point Arguello, California. MS, 1952. 497. Weaver, William R. UC Upper Eocene Foraminifera from the southwestern Santa Ynez Mountains, California. MA, 1957 (paleo.). 498. Arnestad, Kenneth H. UCLA The geology of a portion of the Lompoc quadrangle, Santa Barbara County, California. MA, 1950. 499. Foxhall, Harold B. Stanford Geology of the upper Jalama Valley area, Santa Barbara County, California. AM, 1942. 500. Dailey, Donald H. UCLA Stratigraphic paleontology of the Jalama Formation, western Santa Ynez Mountains, Santa Barbara County, California. MA, 1960. 501. Norris, Robert N. UCLA-Scripps Geology of a portion of the Santa Ynez Range, Santa Bar- bara County, California. MA, 1949. 502. Herlyn, Henry T. UC Lower Tertiary Forminifera from the western Santa Ynez Mountains, California. MA, 1948 (paleo.). 18 CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF MINES AND GEOLOGY 503. Kelley, Frederic R. Stanford Stratigraphic allocation of Eocene Foraniinifera from the western Santa Ynez Mountains of California. AM, 1941. 504. Girard, Cecil M. Stanford Geology of a part of the western Santa Ynez Range, Santa Barbara County, California. iMS, 1949. 505. Molander, Gene E. UC Lower Tertiary stratigraphy and Foraniinifera of the eastern Santa Rosa Hills, Santa Barbara County, California. MA, 1956 (paleo.). 506. Drummond, C. Hanford Stanford Stratigraphy of the Nojoqui and Las Cruces Creeks district, Santa Barbara County, California. AM, 1941. 507. Hookway, Lozell C. CIT Geology of the region about Gaviota Pass. MS, 1930. 508. Wilson, Eugene J. UC Foraniinifera from the Gaviota Formation east of Gaviota Creek, California. MA, 1950 (paleo.). 509. Grender, Gordon £. Penn. State Petrology of the Vaqueros Formation near Gaviota, Cali- fornia. PhD, 1960. 510. Weaver, Donald W. UC The paleontology and stratigraphy of the Gaviota Forma- tion, Santa Barbara County, California. PhD, 1960 (paleo.). 511. Classen, W. J., Jr. UC Eocene Foraminifera from the vicinity of Las Cruces, Santa Barbara County, California. MA, 1953 (paleo.). 512. Carver, John A. UCLA The sedimentation of the Sespe and Alegria Formations, Santa Barbara County, California. MA, 1960. 513. Protzman, Donald L. UCLA The facies relationships of the Sespe and Alegria Formations, Santa Barbara County, California. MA, 1960. 514. Crook, Theodore H. UC The geology of a portion of the Santa Ynez Mountains south of the town of Solvang, California. MA, 1922. 515. Weaver, Donald W. UC Eocene Forminifera from west of Refugio Pass, California. MA, 1957 (paleo.). 516. Hornaday, Gordon R. UC Upper Eocene Foraminifera from south of Refugio Pass, Cal- ifornia. MA, 1954 (paleo.). 517. Hawley, Henry J. Stanford The stratigraphy and paleontology of a portion of the Santa Inez Alountains, Santa Barbara County, California. AM, 1918. 518. Orwig, Eugene R. UCLA The Vaqueros Formation west of Santa Barbara, California. PhD, 1957. 519. Kolpack, Ronald L. USC Tertiary sedimentology of the Tecolote section, southern California. Master thesis, 1961. 520. Walrond, Henry USC Geology of the upper Santa Ynez Valley area, Santa Bar- bara County, California. MS, 1952. 521. Lownes, Richard E. USC Geology of portions of the Santa Barbara and Goleta quad- rangles, California. MS, 1960. 522. Jeffreys, Stanley R. USC The Foraminifera of the formation represented at Packard's Hill, Santa Barbara, California. MS, 1940. 523. Snedden, Loring B. Stanford Stratigraphy and micropaleontology of the Rincon Forma- tion of California. AM, 1931. 524. Lian, Harold M. UCLA Geology and paleontology of the Carpintcria district, Santa Barbara Counts-, California. PhD, 1952. 525. Hill, Mason L. Wisconsin Mechanics of faulting near Santa Barbara, California. PhD, 1932. 526. Nelson, Richard N. UC The geology of the hydrographic basin of the upper Santa Ynez River, California. PhD, 1923. UCLA Santa Barbara and Stanford the Ventura quad- 527. Webber, Irma E. S. uc Pleistocene woods from Carpenteria, California, MA, 1927. 528. Wilson, Robert W. CIT Rodents and lagomorphs of the Carpinteria asphalt. MS 1932. 529. Lance, John F. ciT Evidence of termites in the Pleistocene asphalt of Carpin- tcria, California. MS, 1946. 530. Chauvel, Jean P. The geology of the Arroyo Parida fault Ventura Counties, California. MA, 1958. 531. Cartwright, Lon D., Jr. Sedimentation of the Pico Formation in rangle, California. AM, 1927. 532. Blaisdell, Robert C. uc Stratigraphy and Foraminifera of the Matilija, Cozy Dell, and "Coldwater" Formations near Ojai, California. MA, 1955 (paleo.). 533. Artusy, Ray USC A survey of the Pliocene microfauna in the Pico Formation of Ventura County, California. MS, 1939. 534. Keenan, Marvin F. Stanford The Eocene Sierra Blanca Limestone at the type locality in Santa Barbara County, California. AM, 1932. 535. Badger, Robyn L. UCLA Geology of the western Lion Canyon quadrangle, Ventura County, California. MA, 1957. 536. Hagen, Donald W. UCLA Geology of the Wheeler Springs area. MA, 1957. 537. Gross, David J. UCLA Geology of the Ortega area, Ventura County, California. MA, 1958. Dreyer, Frances E. UCLA The geology of a portion of Mt. Pinos quadrangle, Ventura County, California. MA, 1935. Larson, Edwin E. UCLA The geology of the Potrero Seco area, Ventura County, Cali- fornia. MA, 1958. 540. Kiessling, Edmund UCLA Geology of the southwest portion of the Lockwood Valley quadrangle, Ventura County, California. MA, 1958. 541. Schlee, John S. UCLA Geology of the Mutau Flat area, Ventura County, California. MA, 1952. 542. Shepard, John B., Jr. UCLA The geology of part of the San Gabriel fault zone, Los An- geles and Ventura Counties, California. MA, 1961. 543. Faggioli, Richard E. UCLA The geology of the Liebre fault. MA, 1952. 544. Smith, Victor M. UCLA Geology of the upper Castaic Creek region, Los Angeles County, California. MA, 1951. 545. Chambers, Earl F. USC Geology of portions of the Whitaker Peak and Beartrap Canyon quadrangles, California. MS, 1947. 546. Szatai, John E. USC The geology of parts of the Redrock Mountain, Warm Spring, Violin Canyon, and Red Mountain quandrangles, Los Angeles County, California. PhD, 1961. 538. 539. 547. 548. 549. Clements, Thomas CIT The geology of the southeastern portion of the Tejon quad- rangle. PhD, 1932. Stanton, Robert J., Jr. CIT Palcoecology of the upper Miocene Castaic Formation, Los Angeles Counts', California. PhD, 1960. Pfaffman, George A. USC The geology of the Martinez Formation of the Tejon and Elizabeth Lake quadrangles, California. MS, 1941. 550. Wallace, Robert E. A portion of the PhD major, 1946. San Andreas rift in southern CIT California. SPECIAL REPORT 74 19 551. Webb, Robert W. CIT The geology of eastern Sierra Pelona Ridge and vicinity, in the southeastern part of the Elizabeth Lake quadrangle, Cali- fornia. MS, 1932. 552 & 641. Hill, H. Stanton Pomona Petrography of the Pelona Schist of southern California. MA, 1939. 553. Beverly, Burt, Jr. Cornell Some graphite deposits of Los Angeles, California. MA, 1933. 554. Nickell, Frank A. CIT Geology of the southwestern part of the Elizabeth Lake quadrangle between San Francisquito and Bouquet Canyons. MS, 1928. 555. Ruiz, Elizondo Jesus CIT Geology of the St. Francis Dam area, Los Angeles County, California. MS, 1953. 556. Miller, Clarence J. UCLA Geology of portions of Red Mountain and San Francisquito quadrangles, California. MA, 1952. 557. Johnson, Bradford K. UCLA Geology of the Castaic Creek-Elizabeth Lake Canyon area. MA, 1952. 558. Dehlinger, Peter CIT The relationship of the Modelo and Ridge Route Formations in the southern Ridge Basin, California. PhD minor, 1950. 559. Harris, Herbert UCLA Geology of Palomas Canyon-Castaic Creek area, Los Angeles County, California. MA, 1950. 560. Scanlm, Donald G. UCLA Geology of the basal Modelo unconformity, Canton Canyon area, Los Angeles County, California. MA, 1958. 561. Shepherd, Glenn L. UCLA Geology of the Whitaker Peak-Canton Canyon area, southern California. MA, 1960. 562. Kriz, Stanislav J. Princeton Stratigraphy and structure of the Whitaker Peak-Reasoner Canyon area, Ventura and Los Angeles Counties, California. PhD, 1947. 563. Anderson, Robert M. UCLA Geology of part of the lower Piru Creek area, Ventura and Los Angeles Counties, California. MA, 1960. 564. Johnson, Raymond L. UCLA Geology of the northeastern quarter of Fillmore quadrangle, Ventura County, California. MA, 1959. 565. Cordova, Simon UCLA Geology of the Piru area, Ventura County, California. MA, 1956. 566. Robinson, Bobby B. UCLA Geology of the Holser Canyon area, Ventura County, Cali- fornia. MA, 1956. 567. Pollard, Dalton L. UCLA Geology of the Hasley Canyon area, Los Angeles County, California. MA, 1958. 568. Clements, Thomas CIT Geology of a portion of the southeast quarter of the Tejon quadrangle, Los Angeles County, California. MS, 1929. 569. Judson, Jack F. CIT Geology of the LeBrun and Mint Canyon quadrangles, Los Angeles County, California. MS, 1935. 570. Otte, Corel, Jr. CIT Geology of the upper Tick Canyon area, Los Angeles County, California. MS, 1950. 571. Muehlberger, William R. CIT Deposition and deformation in the northern Soledad basin, Los Angeles County, California. PhD, 1954. 572. Menard, Henry W. CIT The geology of the Agua Dulce Canyon area. MS, 1947. 573. Irwin, William P. CIT The Vasquez series in the upper Tick Canyon area, Los An- geles County, California. MS, 1950. 574. Holser, William T. CIT Geology of the Mint Canyon area, Los Angeles County, California. MS, 1946. I. SPECIFIC AREAS 503 to 594 575. Wright, Lauren A. USC Geology of the Mint Canyon series and its relation to the "Modelo" Formation and other adjacent formations, Los Angeles County, California. MS, 1943. 576. Dawson, Charles A. CIT Petrology of the igneous complex near Lang, California. MS, 1937. 577. Johns, Richard H. CIT Stratigraphy of the easternmost Ventura basin, California, with a description of a new lower Miocene mammalian fauna from the Tick Canyon Formation. PhD minor, 1943. 578. Uhrig, Leonard F. CIT Structural study of a portion of the Lang and Humphreys quadrangles, Los Angeles County, California. MS, 1936. 579. Hedden, Albert H., Jr. CIT The geology of the upper Tick Canyon area, Los Angeles County, California. MS, 1948. 580. Birman, Joseph H. CIT Geology of the upper Tick Canyon area, California. MS, 1950. 581. Wallace, Robert E. CIT Volcanic tuff beds of the Mint Canyon Formation. MS, 1940. 582. White, Robert C. CIT Age of the "Modelo" in Haskell Canyon, easternmost Ven- tura basin, California. MS, 1947. 583 & 633. Daviess, Steven N. UCLA Contact relationship between Mint Canyon Formation and upper Miocene marine beds in eastern Ventura basin, Los Angeles County, California. MA, 1942. 583a. Maxson, J. H. CIT See: No. 490a. 584. Dort, Wakefield, Jr. CIT The geology of a portion of eastern Ventura basin, Califor- nia. MS, 1948. 585. Edwards, Charles D. CIT Geology of the Del Valle area, Los Angeles Countv, Cali- fornia. MS, 1948. 586. Cooper, Jack C. and Kelley, Robert B. UCLA Geology of a portion of the Santa Susana quadrangle, Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, California. MA, 1941. 587. Rupnik, John J. CIT The geology of the Wiley Canyon area, Oak Ridge anticline, T. 3-4 N, R. 18-19 W, Ventura County, California. MS, 1941. 588. Eschner, Stanford UCLA Geology of the central part of the Fillmore quadrangle, Ven- tura County, California. MA, 1957. 589. McCullough, Thomas R. UCLA The geology of the Timber Canyon area, Santa Paula Peak quadrangle, Ventura County, California. MA, 1957. 590. Oliver, Garner W. UCLA Geology of a part of the Santa Paula quadrangle, California. MA, 1940. 591. Bush, Gordon L. UCLA Geology of upper Ojai Valley. MA, 1956. 592. Waterfall, Louis N. UC A contribution to the paleontology of the Fernando Group of Ventura County, California. MA, 1927 (paleo.). 593. Wiese, John H. UCLA The geology of a portion of the Santa Paula quadrangle, California. MA. 1941. 594. Quaide, William L. UC Petrography and clay mineralogy of Pliocene sedimentary rocks from the Ventura basin, California. PhD, 1956. 20 CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF MINES AND GEOLOGY 595. Knutson, Carroll F. UCLA An investigation of some petrophysical aspects of the Third Grubb zone, San Miguelito field, Ventura County, California. PhD, 1959. 596. Putnam, William C. Stanford Terrace levels in the Ventura district, California. AM, 1930. 597. Putnam, William C. CIT Physiography of the Ventura region, California. PhD major, 1937. 598. Loof bourow, John S. UCLA Geology of a portion of the Santa Paula quadrangle, Ventura County, California. i\1A, 1941. 599. Reinhart, Phillip W. Stanford Geology of the South Mountain oil field, Ventura County, California. AM, 1928. 600. Pressler, Edward D. UC Contribution to the paleontology and stratigraphy of the upper part of the Fernando Group of the Las Posas-South Mountain district, Ventura County, California. MA, 1928 (paleo.). 601. Lung, Richard UCLA Geology of the South Mountain area, Ventura County, Cali- fornia. MA, 1958. 602. Corey, William H. UC Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Vaqueros Formation (lower Miocene) of Oak Ridge and South Mountain, Ven- tura County, California, with notes on Vaqueros sections adjoining and in the western Santa Ynez Mountains of Santa Barbara County. MA, 1929 (paleo.). 603. Brown, Richard S. UCLA The geology of the Grimes Canyon area, Moorpark and Fillmore quadrangles, Ventura County, California. MA, 1959. 604. Jestes, Edward C. UCLA Geology of the Wiley Canyon area, Ventura County, Cali- fornia. MA, 1958. 605. Van Camp, Quentin W. UCLA Geology of the Big Mountain area. Santa Susana and Simi quadrangles, Ventura County, California. MA, 1959. 606. Bain, Roland J. UCLA Geology of the Eureka Canyon area, Ventura County, Cali- fornia. MA, 1954. 607. Martin, David R. UCLA Geology of the western part of the Santa Susana Mountains. Ventura County, California. MA, 1958. 608. Martin, J. Stewart CIT Geology of the Dry Canyon area in the eastern section of the Ventura area, California. MS, 1947. 609. Hetherington, George E. UCLA Geology of the south Tapo Canyon area, Santa Susana quadrangle, Ventura County, California. MA, 1957. 610. McMasters, John H. Stanford The Eocene Llajas Formation, Ventura County, California. AM, 1932. 611. Pertusio, Serge M. Columbia A microfauna from the Vaqueros Formation lower Mio- cene, Simi Valley, Ventura County, California. MA, 1941. 612. Ross, Thomas P. UC Subsurface sequence of Eocene Foraminifera, Simi Valley, California. MA, 1959 (paleo.). 613. Gottsdanker, Eugene N. UCLA Sedimentation in the Sespe Formation north of Simi Valley, Ventura County, California. MA, 1939. 614. Bell, Frank W. CIT The stratigraphy and foraminiferal fauna of the Santa Su- sana Formation. MS, 1933. 615. Levorsen, Robert I. UCLA Geology of the Las Llajas Canyon area, California. MA, 1947. 616. Lewis, William D. CIT The geology of the upper Las Llajas Canyon area, Santa Susana Mountains, California. MS, 1940. 617. Browning, John L. UC Foraminifera from the upper Santa Susana shale. MA, 1952 (paleo.). 618. Anderson, George H. CIT Stratigraphy and faunal relationships of Pliocene beds of San Diego age in the vicinity of Las Llajas Canyon, Simi Valley. PhD minor, 1933. 619. Grier, Albert W. uc Lower Tertiary Foraminifera from the Simi Valley, Cali- fornia. MA, 1953 (paleo.). 620. Edmundson, James W. CIT A study of the subsurface conditions prevailing in the New- hall-Potrero oil field. MS, 1947. 621. Winterer, Edward L. UCLA Geology of southeastern Ventura basin, Los Angeles County, California. PhD, 1954. 622. Cooksey, Charlton D., Jr. CIT The geology of portions of the Humphreys, Sylmar, New- hall, and Saugus quadrangles, Los Angeles County, Cali- fornia. MS, 1934. 623. English, Walter A. UC The Fernando Group near Newhall, California. MS, 1913 (paleo.). 624. Rice, H. M. Anthony CIT A San Diego (Pliocene) fauna in the Newhall quadrangle, California. PhD minor, 1934. 625. Townsend, James R. UCLA Geology of a portion of the Newhall quadrangle, Los An- geles County, California. MA, 1940. 625a. MacNeill, Robert J. CIT Geology of the Humphreys Station area, Los Angeles County, California. MS, 1948. 626. Holloway, John N. CIT Areal geology and contact relations of the basement com- plex and later sediments, west end of the San Gabriel Moun- tains, California. MS, 1940. 627. Smith, Raymond J. CIT Geology of portions of the Humphreys and Sylmar quad- rangles, Los Angeles County, California. MS, 1948. 628. Dehlinger, Peter CIT A magnetic survey of Sand Canyon for placer deposits, San Gabriel Mountains, California. MS, 1943. 629. Morrison, Robert R. UCLA Geology of the Sand Canyon-Placerita Canyon area, parts of the Humphreys and Sylmar quadrangles, Los Angeles County, California. MA, 1958. 630. Howell, Benjamin F., Jr. CIT Structural geology of the region between Pacoima and Little Tujunga Canyon, San Gabriel Mountains, California. PhD minor, 1949. 631. Wright, Lauren A. CIT An invertebrate assemblage from the "Modelo" Formation of Reynier Canyon, Los Angeles County, California. PhD minor, 1951. 632. Oakeshott, Gordon B. USC A detailed geologic section across the western San Gabriel Mountains of California. PhD, 1936. 633. Daviess, Steven N. UCLA See: No. 583. 634. Sharp, Robert P. CIT Geology of the Ravenna quadrangle, Los Angeles County, California. MS, 1935. 635. Agnew, Haddon W. CIT The geology of a part of the Ravenna quadrangle, Califor- nia. MS, 1948. 636. Orr, James M. CIT An investigation of the geological occurrence and use of titanium with special reference to the San Gabriel titanium deposits, California. MS, 1938. 637. Higgs, Donald V. UCLA Anorthosite and related rocks of the western San Gabriel Mountains, southern California. PhD, 1950. 638. Dreyer, Robert M. with Dawson, Charles A., Jr. CIT Magnetometer examination of the Monte Cristo magnetite- ilmenite deposits. PhD minor, 1939. 639. Whaley, Harry M. UCLA Geology of a part of the Rock Creek quadrangle, on the north side of the San Gabriel Mountains, Los Angeles County, California. MA, 1937. SPECIAL REPORT 74 21 640. Holwerda, James G. USC Geology of the Valyermo area, California. MA, 1952. 641. Hill, H. Stanton Pomona See: No. 552. 642. Yerkes, Robert F. Pomona The geology of a portion of the Cajon Pass area, California. MA, 1951. 643. Richmond, James F. Stanford Petrology and structure of the San Bernardino Mountains north of Big Bear Lake, California. PhD, 1954. 644. Shreve, Ronald L. CIT Geology and mechanics of the Blackhavvk landslide, Lucerne Valley, California. PhD, 1959. 644a. Fleury, Bruce USC The geology, origin, and economics of manganese at Road's End, California. MA, 1961. 645. Kemnitzer, Luis E. CIT Structural studies in the Whipple Mountains, southeastern California. PhD, 1937. 646. Forester, Robert D. CIT The magnetite-rich breccia masses at Iron Mountain, Silver Lake district, San Bernardino County, California. PhD minor, 1953. 647. Guillou, Robert B. UCLA The geology of the Johnston Grade area, San Bernardino Mountains, California. MA, 1951. 648. Owens, George V. Pomona Sedimentary rocks of lower Mill Creek, San Bernardino Mountains, California. MA, 1959 649. McNaughton, Duncan A. CIT Geology of the Lytei Canyon area, eastern San Gabriel Mountains. MS, 1934. 650. Ehlig, Perry L. UCLA The geology of the Mount Baldy region of the San Gabriel Mountains, California. PhD, 1958. 651. Trew, J. R. Brown Slope development in the San Dimas experimental forest, California. MS, 1956. 652. Wells, John C. CIT Petrology and structure of the Crystal Lake area, Los An- geles County, California. MS, 1938. 653. Phipps, Rodney T. CIT Geology of the Monte Cristo mining area. MS, 1951. 654. Kimm, Diamond USC The geology of the Dawn Mine district, San Gabriel Moun- tains, Los Angeles County, California. MA, 1933. 655. Chawner, William D. CIT The Montrose-La Crescenta flood of January 1, 1934, and its sedimentary aspects. iMS, 1934. 656. Johnston, Robert L. UCLA The geology of a portion of the western Verdugo Moun- tains. MA, 1938. 657. Cebeci, Ahmet CIT A study of quartz deposits near Highway Highlands, Los Angeles County, California. MS, 1944. 658. Beatie, Robert L. UCLA The geology of the Sunland-Tujunga area, Los Angeles County, California. MA, 1958 659. Hill, Mason L. Pomona A contribution on the structure of the San Gabriel Moun- tains. MA, 1929. 660. White, Walter S. CIT Geology of the Pacoima-Little Tujunga area. MS, 1937. 661. Ford, Waldo E. UCLA Geology and oil resources of a portion of the Newhall dis- trict, Los Angeles County, California. MA, 1941. 662. Merifield, Paul M. UCLA Geology of a portion of the southwestern San Gabriel Moun- tains, San Fernando and Oat Mountain quadrangles, Los Angeles County, California. MA, 1958. 663. Jennings, Robert A. UCLA Geology of southeastern part of the Oat Mountain quad- rangle and adjacent parts of the San Fernando quadrangle, Los Angeles County, California. MA, 1957. 1. SPECIFIC AREAS 11: ■ ■ 595 to 684 664. Cabeen, W. Ross CIT Geology of the Aliso and Browns Canyons area, Santa Susana Mountains, California. MS, 1939. 665. Bishop, William C. UCLA Geology of the southern flank of Santa Susana Mountains, county line to Limekiln Canyon, Los Angeles County, Cali- fornia. MA, 1950. 666. Zebal, George P. CIT The Upper Cretaceous paleontology and stratigraphy of the Simi Hills, Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, California. MS, 1943. 667. Conrad, Stanley D. UCLA Geology of the eastern portion of the Simi Hills, Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, California. MA, 1949. 668. Fantozzi, Joseph H. UCLA The stratigraphy and biostratigraphy of a portion of the Simi Hills on the south side of the Simi Valley, Ventura County, California. MA, 1955 669. Maclvor, Keith A. UCLA Geology of the Thousand Oaks area, Los Angeles and Ven- tura Counties, California. MA, 1955. 670. Pasta, Dave UCLA Geology of the Las Posas-Camarillo Hills area, Ventura County, California. MA, 1958. 671. Renke, Daniel F. UCLA Geology of a part of the Newbury Park quadrangle, Ventura County, California. MA, 1957. 672. Gamble, James H. UCLA Geology of the Point Mugu and Camarillo quadrangles, Ventura County, California. MA, 1957. 673. Stewart, Harris B., Jr. UCLA-Scripps Sediments and the environment of deposition in a coastal lagoon. PhD, 1956. 674. Rand, William W. UC The geology of Santa Cruz Island, California. PhD, 1934. 675. Scholl, David W. USC Geology and surrounding recent marine sediments of Ana- capa Island. MS, 1959. 676. Azmon, Emanuel UCLA Geology of Point Mugu quadrangle. MA, 1956. 677. Sonnentan, Howard S. UCLA Geology of the Boney Mountain area, Santa Monica Moun- tains, California. MA, 1956. 678. Guynes, George E. UCLA Geology of the Triunfo Pass area, Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, California. MA, 1959. 679. Mead, Richard G. USC Geology of a portion of Point Dume quadrangle, California. MS, 1953. 680. Elam, Jack G. UCLA Geology of the Seminole quadrangle, Los Angeles County, California. MA, 1948. 681. Brown, George E. UCLA Geology of parts of the Calabasas and Thousand Oaks quad- rangles, Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, California. MA, 1957. 682. Bergen, Frederick W. UCLA A restudy of the upper Mohnian-lower Delmontian boun- dary near Calabasas, California. MA, 1955. 683. Lohman, Kenneth E. CIT Diatoms from the Modelo Formation (upper Miocene) near Girard, California. MS, 1931. 684. Wozab, David H. USC Chemical characteristics of the ground water in San Fer- nando Valley, California. MA, 1953. 22 CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF MINES AND GEOLOGY 708. 709. 710. 711. 712. 713. 714. 715. 685. Corbato, Charles E. UCLA Gravity investigation of the San Fernando Valley, California. PhD, 1960. 686. Pierce, Richard L. USC Mohnian Foraminifcra and fish from Benedict Canyon, Sherman Oaks, California. AM, 1956. 687. Inderbitzen, Anton L. USC Geology of part of the Santa Monica Mountains with special reference to the geographical hazards. AM, 1960. 688. Brockhouse, Thomas E. USC The geology and paleontology of a portion of the Santa Monica Mountains. MA, 1932. 689. 723 & 725. Neuerburg, George J. UCLA Petrology of the pre-Cretaceous rocks of the Santa Mon- ica Mountains, California. PhD, 1951. 690. Brady, Thomas J. UCLA Geology of part of the central Santa Monica Mountains east of Topanga Canyon, Los Angeles County, California. MA, 1957. 691. Hazenbush, George C. UCLA Geology of the eastern parts of the Dry Canyon and Las Flores quadrangles, Los Angeles County, California. MA, 1950. 692. Susuki, Takeo UCLA Stratigraphic paleontology of the Topanga Formation at the type locality, Santa Monica Mountains, California. MA, 1951. 693. McGill, John T. ^ UCLA Geology of a portion of the Las Flores and Dry Canyon quadrangles, Los Angeles County, California. MA, 1948. 694. Simonson, Russell R. UCLA Conglomerates of the Sespe and Topanga Formations of the Dry Canyon quadrangle, Santa Monica Mountains, California. MA, 1936. 695. Buffington, Edwin C. CIT On invertebrate fauna from the "Modelo" of Dry Canyon, Los Angeles County, California. MS, 1947. 696. Sullwold, Harold H. UCLA The Tarzana fan, a deep submarine delta of late Miocene age, Los Angeles County, California. PhD, 1958. 697. Robertson, George K. USC The geology of the Santa Monica Mountains in the vicinity of Topanga Canyon, Los Angeles County, California. MS, 1932. 698. Wilson, H. D. Bruce CIT Stratigraphy of the Cretaceous and Eocene rocks of the Santa Monica Mountains. PhD minor, 1942. 699. Lindsay, Donald R. UCLA Geology of the central part of the Solstice Canyon quad- rangle, Los Angeles County, California. MA, 1952. 700. Newton, Robert C. UCLA The Malibu Bowl fault area, Santa Monica Mountains, Cali- fornia. MA, 1958. 701. Roth, Eldon S. USC Landslides between Santa Monica and Point Dume. MS, 1959. 702. Sheldon, Dean H. USC The geology of a portion of the Solstice quadrangle, Los Angeles County. MA, 1932. 703. West, John W. UCLA Geology of the southwestern part of the Malibu Beach quad- rangle, Los Angeles County, California. MA, 1955. 704. Kelley, Vincent C. CIT Geology of the Santa Monica Mountains west of the Malibu Ranch, Ventura County, California. MS, 1932. 728 - 705. Bass, Ralph O. UCLA Geology of the western portion of the Point Dume quad- rangle, Los Angeles County, California. MA, 1960. 72 °- 706. Wilson, Richard D. UCLA Geology of the southeastern part of the Point Dume quad- rangle. MA, 1955. 730. 707. Hall, Francis R. UCLA Geology of the southwestern portion of the Las Flores quad- 731. rangle, Los Angeles County, California. MA, 1952. O'Bert, Lawrence K. USC Geology of a portion of the Dry Canyon and Las Flores quadrangles, Santa Monica Mountains, California. MS, 1948. Bolles, Lawrence W. CIT Geology of the Las Flores and Dry Canyon quadrangles. MS 1932. Carter, Neville L. UCLA Geology of the Fernwood-Topanga Park area, Santa Monica Mountains, California. MA, 1958. Spencer, Frank D. USC Geology in the vicinity of Santa Ynez Canyon, Santa Monica Mountains. MA, 1932. Champerty, Jon D. UCLA Paleocene and Upper Cretaceous stratigraphy of Santa Ynez Canyon and adjacent areas, Santa Monica Mountains, Cali- fornia. MA, 1961. Schupp, Robert D. USC A study of the cobble beach cusps along Santa Monica Bay, California. MS, 1954. Nigra, John O. CIT A statistical study of the metapodials of the dire wolf from the Pleistocene of Rancho La Brea. MS, 1946. Traxler, J. Douglas UCLA Geology of the east central Santa Monica Mountains. MA, 1948. 716. Harding, Tod P. UCLA Geology of the eastern Santa Monica Mountains between Dry Canyon and Franklin Canyon. MA, 1952. 717. Truex, John N. UCLA Geology of the northern part of the Santa Monica Mountains between Beverly Glen and Laurel Canyon Boulevard. MA, 1950. 718. 719. 720. 721. 722. 723. 724. 725. 726. Elliott, John L. UCLA Geology of the eastern Santa iVlonica Mountains between Laurel Canyon and Beverly Glen Boulevards, Los Angeles County, California. MA, 1951. Hardey, Gordon W. UCLA Stratigraphy of the Topanga Formation in the eastern Santa Monica Mountains. MA, 1958. Terpening, John N. UCLA Geology of part of the eastern Santa Monica Mountains. MA, 1951. Howard, Hildegarde UC A review of the fossil bird Parapavo californicus from the Pleistocene asphalt beds at Rancho La Brea. MA, 1926 (paleo.). Frost, F. H. UC The Pleistocene flora of Rancho La Brea. PhD, 1927. Neuerburg, George J. UCLA See: No. 689. Carlson, Harry W. CIT Geology of the Elysian Park-Silver Lake district. MS, 1945. UCLA Neuerburg, George J. See: No. 689. Baudino, Frank J. USC The geology of the Glendale quadrangle, Los Angeles County, California. MA, 1934. 727. Weldon, John B. Pomona The geology of the Pasadena-Eagle Rock area, Los Angeles County, California. MA, 1955. Dudley, Paul H., Jr. UCLA Geology of the area adjacent to the Arroyo Seco Parkway, Los Angeles County, California. MA, 1955. Lamar, Donald L. UCLA Structural evolution of the northern margin of the Los Angeles Basin. PhD, 1961. Edwards, Everett C. CIT Foraminifera of the Repetto Hills. PhD minor, 1933. Quarles, Miller, Jr. CIT Geology of the Repetto and Montebello Hills. MS, 1941. SPECIAL REPORT 74 23 732. Taylor, George F. CIT Geology of the Merced Hills, Los Angeles County, Califor- nia, with a section on the radioactivity of the oils and waters. MS, 1931. 733. Karubian, Ruhollah Y. CIT Surface and subsurface geology of Montebello Hills, Califor- nia. MS, 1940. 734. Yungul, Sulhi CIT Magnetic survey of the San Gabriel Wash. MS, 1944. 735. Shelton, John S. Yale The Miocene Glendora Volcanics in eastern Los Angeles County, California. PhD, 1947. 736. Harshman, Elbert N. CIT Geology of the San Jose Hills, Los Angeles County, Califor- nia. MS, 1933. 737. Olmsted, Franklin H. Pomona Geology of Little Puente Hills, and western San Jose Hills, California. MA, 1948. 738. Cutsforth, David H. CIT The geology of a portion of the San Jose Hills. MS, 1949. 739. Mull, Bert H. UC Miocene volcanics of the San Jose Hills. MA, 1935. 740. Boird, Alexander K. Pomona Geology of a portion of San Antonio Canyon, San Gabriel Mountains. MA, 1956. 741. Hsu, Kenneth J. UCLA Petrology of the Cucamonga Canyon-San Antonio Canyon area, southeastern San Gabriel Mountains, California. PhD, 1954. 742. Burnham, Willis L. Pomona The geology and ground water conditions of the Etiwanda- Fontana area, California. MA, 1953. 743. MacKevett, Edward M. CIT The geology of the Jurupa Mountains, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California. MS, 1950. 744. Smith, Alexander CIT Structural petrology: Crestmore, California. PhD major, 1947. 745. Buchholtz, Herbert F. Pomona The fracture pattern in the Crestmore Mine, southern Cali- fornia. MA, 1960. 746. Daly, John W. CIT The geology and mineralogy of the limestone deposits at Crestmore, Riverside County, California. MS, 1931. 747. Cooney, Robert L. UCLA The mineralogy of the Jensen and Henshaw quarries, near Riverside, California. MA, 1956. 748. Smith, Ralph E. UCLA Geology of Mills Creek area San Bernardino Co., California. MA, 1960. 749. Ruiz, Elizondo Jesus CIT A study of the safe yield and replenishment conditions for the Yucaipa basin area, California. GE, 1954. 750. Vaughan, Francis E. UC Geology of the San Bernardino Mountains north of San Gorgonio Pass. MS, 1916. 751. Vaughan, Francis E. UC Geology of San Bernardino Mountains, north of San Gor- gonio Pass. PhD, 1918. 752. Rogers, John J. W. CIT Textural studies in igneous rocks near Twentv-Nine Palms, California. PhD, 1955. 753. MacLellan, Donald D. CIT Geology of the east Coachella tunnel of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. PhD major, 1936. 754. Proctor, Richard J. UCLA Geology of the Desert Hot Springs area, Little San Bernar- dino Mountains, California. MA, 1958. 755. Bramkamp, Richard A. UC Stratigraphy and molluscan fauna of the Imperial Formation of San Gorgonio Pass, California. PhD, 1935. 756. Allen, Clarence R. CIT The San Andreas fault zone in San Gorgonio Pass, Califor- nia. PhD, 1954. I. SPECIFIC AREAS 685 to 779 757. English, H. Duncan Pomona The geology of the San Timoteo Badlands, Riverside County, California. MA, 1953. 758. Shuler, Edward H. USC Geology of a portion of the San Timoteo Canyon Badlands near Beaumont, California. MS, 1953. 759. Akman, Mustapha S. CIT A map area south of Spadra, two and one-half miles south- west of Pomona, California. MS, 1943. 760. Stark, Howard E. Pomona Geology and paleontology of the northern Whittier Hills, California. MA, 1949. 761. Allen, Charles W. CIT Structure of the northwestern Puente Hills, Los Angeles County, California. MS, 1949. 762. Bellemin, G. Pomona A petrologic study of the Whittier conglomerates. MA, 1938. 763. Ericson, D. B. CIT Geology of the Whittier Hills, California. MS, 1933. 764. Edwards, Everett C. CIT Pliocene conglomerates of the Los Angeles Basin and their paleogeographic significance. PhD major, 1933. 765. Eaton, Gordon P. CIT Miocene volcanic activity in the Los Angeles Basin and vicinity. PhD, 1957. 766. Moore, Helen L. USC Pleistocene fauna of Centinela Park, Inglewood, California. MA, 1937. 767. Sinclair, John T. USC Subsurface geology of the Sentous zone development, Inglewood oil field, California. MS, 1943. 768. Driver, Herschel L. USC Inglewood oil field, Los Angeles County, California. MS, 1939 (petrol, engr.). 769. Hopper, Richard H. with Bryson, Robert P. CIT jMagnetic studies in the Inglewood district, California. PhD minor, 1939. 770. Waggoner, Eugene B. UCLA The nature of the schist basement in the western part of the Los Angeles Basin. MA, 1939. 771. Pelline, Joseph E. UCLA Geology of the adjacent parts of the Las Flores and To- panga quadrangles, Santa Monica Mountains, California. MS, 1953. 772. MacDonald, Gordon A. UCLA Sediments of Santa Monica Bay. MA, 1934. 773 & 840. Gorsline, Donn S. USC Marine geology of San Pedro and Santa Monica Basins and vicinity, California. PhD, 1958. 774. Reiter, Martin USC Seasonal variations in intertidal Foraminifera of Santa Mon- ica Bay, California. AM, 1958. 775. Zalesny, Emil R. USC Foraminiferal ecology of Santa Monica Bay. MS, 1957. 776. Kerr, Albert R. UCLA Littoral erosion and deposition of the Santa Monica Bay. MA, 1938. 777. Merriam, Patricia D. USC Geology of the El Segundo sand hills, California. MS, 1950. 778. Page, Gordon B. UCLA Beach erosion and composition of sand dunes, Playa del Rey-El Segundo area, California. MA, 1950. 779. Tovell, Walter M. CIT Geology of the nodular shale of the middle and upper Miocene of the western Los Angeles Basin. MS, 1942. 24 CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF MINFS AND GF.OLOGY 780. 781. 782. 783. 784. 785. 786. 787. 788. 789. 790 791. 792. 793. 794. 795. 796. 797. 798. 799. 800. 801. 802. 803. 804. MA, Pomona fault near Pomona Willis, David G. Stanford Analysis of deformation in sedimentary rocks with applica- tion to the Newport-Inglewood uplift. PhD, 1954. Hoskins, Cortex W. Pomona Geology and paleontology of Coyote Hills, Orange County, California. MA, 1954. Kundert, Charles J. Pomona The geology of the YVhitticr-LaHabra area, southern Cali- fornia. MA, 1951. Taylor, James C. Pomona The petrology of some subsurface Miocene sediments from the Brea oil field and vicinity, southern California 1953. Colburn, Ivan P. Stratigraphy and structure along the Whittier Yorba Linda, California. MA, 1953. Heath, Edward G. ( reology along the Whittier fault north of Horseshoe Bend, Santa Ana Canyon, California. MA, 1954. Price, Maurice C. Pomona Geology of the southeastern Puente Hills. MA, 1953. Lamar, Donald L. UCLA Geology of the Corona area, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties, California. MA, 1959. Lewis, Lloyd A. CIT Geology of the northern part of the Santa Ana Mountains, Orange County, California. MS, 1941. Adams, Bradford C. Stanford The stratigraphy of the northwestern spur of the Santa Ana Mountains. AM, 1932. & 803. Popenoe, Willis P. CIT The Upper Cretaceous stratigraphy and paleontology of the northern Santa Ana Mountains. PhD major, 1936. Hannah, William G. USC A geologic report of the Gypsum Canyon area in the north- ern Santa Ana Mountains, California. MS, 1952. Hilton, George S. Pomona Geology of a portion of the northeastern Santa Ana Moun- tains. MA, 1950. Gray, Clifton H. Pomona Geologic structure southwest of Corona, California. MA, 1953. Irving, Earl M. UCLA The geology of a portion of the Corona and Riverside quad- rangles, near Corona, California. MA, 1935. Osborn, Elbert F. Micrometric and petrofabric studies of the Val Tonalite, southern California. PhD, 1938. MacLeilan, Donald D. A San Diego fauna in the vicinity of Val Verde, California. PhD minor, 1936. Wilson, Robert W. CIT The heavy accessory minerals of the Val Verde Tonalite. PhD minor, 1936. CIT Verde CIT Pomona Riverside County, California. Pomona of the northwest Santa Ana Pampeyan, Earl H. Geology of the Cajalco area, MA, 1952. Vedder, John G. The Eocene and Paleocene Mountains. MA, 1950. Richmond, James F. Pomona Geology of Burruel Ridge, northwestern Santa Ana Moun- tains, California. MA, 1950. Wheele-, A. Edward UCLA Upper Cretaceous Foraminifera of the Santa Ana Mountains, California. MA, 1952. Popenoe, Willis P. CIT An analysis and comparison of the Trabuco and Baker con- glomerates of the Santa Ana Mountains. PhD minor, 1936. Popenoe, Willis P. CIT See: No. 790. Moore, Return F. CIT Geology of the prc-Cretaceous rocks in a portion of the Santa Ana Mountains. MS, 1948. 805. Rankin, Wilbur D. UC Geology of a portion of the Santa Ana Mountains, Orange County, California. MS, 1928. 806. Moore, Bernard N. CIT Geology of the southern Santa Ana Mountains, Orange County, California. PhD major, 1930. 807. Mann, John F. USC The sediments of Lake Elsinore. MS, 1947. 808. Schwarcz, Henry P. CIT Geology of the Winchester-Hemet area, Riverside County, California. PhD major, 1960. Schwarcz, Henry P. CIT Geochemical investigations of an arkosic quartzite of the Winchester-Hemet area, California. PhD minor, 1960. 809. Fraser, Donald M. Columbia The geology of the San Jacinto quadrangle south of San Gorgonio Pass, California. PhD, 1932. 810. Babcock, James N. UCLA Geology of a portion of the Pinyon Well quadrangle, River- side County, California. MA, 1961. 811. Popenoe, Frank W. UCLA Geology of the southeastern portion of the Indio Hills, Riverside County, California. MA, 1959. 812. Hays, William H. Yale Geology of the central .Mecca Hills, Riverside County, California. PhD, 1957. 813. VerPlanck, William E., Jr. Stanford Geology of a gypsum deposit in the Little Maria Mountains, Riverside County, California. MS, 1950. 814. Hoppin, Richard A. CIT The geology of the Palen Mountains gypsum deposit, River- side County, California. PhD major, 1951. 815. Simpson, Altus L. USC Physiography of the Canyon Spring quadrangle, Riverside County, California. AM, 1958. 816. Seastrom, Wesley C. USC Structural geology of the Canyon Spring quadrangle, River- side County, California. MA, 1953. 817. Williams, James J. UCLA Geology of part of the Orocopia Mountains, Riverside County, California. MA, 1956. 818. Johnston, Ian M. UC Eocene Foraminifera from the lower Maniobra Formation, Orocopia Mountains, Riverside County, California. MA, 1961 (paleo.). 819. Gillies, Warren D. UCLA The geology of a portion of Cottonwood Springs quadrangle, Riverside County, California. MA, 1958. 820. Raleigh, Cecil B. Pomona Structure and petrology of a part of the Orocopia schists. MA, 1958. 821. Ware, Glen C, Jr. The geology of a portion of the Mecca Hills, County, California. MA, 1958. 822. Sims, Samuel J. Geology of part of the Santa Rosa Mountains, County, California. PhD, 1960. 823. Mann, John F. Late Cenozonic geology of a portion of the Elsinore fault zone, southern California. PhD, 1951. 824. Engel, Rene CIT Geology of the southwest quarter of the Elsinore quadrangle. PhD major, 1933. Engel, Rene CIT Geochemical properties of the waters of the Elsinore quad- rangle. PhD minor, 1933. 825. Meserve, Clement D. UC A study of the faunal and stratigraphic relations of the mid- dle and lower Miocene of the Santa Ana Mountains, south- ern California. MA, 1924. 826. DeLong, James H„ Jr. CIT The paleontology and stratigraphy of the Pleistocene at Sig- nal Hill, California. MS, 1939. UCLA Riverside Stanford Riverside USC SPECIAL REPORT 74 25 827. Stolz, Harry P., and Winckel, E. E. USC Subsurface correlation of a portion of the southwest flank of the Long Beach oil field, with particular reference to legal proceedings involving trespass deviational drilling. MS, 1939 (petrol, engr.). 828. Wheatfill, Edward L. UCLA The possibilities of locating and developing deeper aquifers to augment the water well production for Long Beach, Cali- fornia. MA, 1957. 829. Witucki, Gerald S. UCLA A study of subsidence in the Wilmington oil field, California. MA, 1959. 830. Marlette, John W. USC The breakwater at Redondo Beach, California, and its effects on erosion and sedimentation. MA, 1955. 831. Schulti, John R. CIT Geology of the Whites Point outfall sewer tunnel, California. PhD, 1937. 832. Arnold, Ralph Stanford The geology of San Pedro Bay. AM, 1900. 833. Barnes, Sydney U. USC The Foraminifera of the Timm's Point Formation at San Pedro, Los Angeles County, California. MS, 1938. 834. Farrand, William H. USC The relation of a fossil Foraminifera fauna from Timms Point, San Pedro, to a Recent Foraminifera fauna from off the coast of San Pedro, California. MS, 1929. 835. Clark, Alex CIT The cool-water Timm's Point Pleistocene horizon at San Pedro, California. MS, 1932. 837. Arnold, Ralph Stanford The paleontology and stratigraphy of the marine Pliocene and Pleistocene of San Pedro, California. PhD, 1903. 838. Moyer, Dorothy A. USC The relation of a fossil Foraminifera fauna from Lomita quarry. San Pedro, California, to a Recent Foraminifera fauna off the coast of San Pedro, California. MS, 1929. 839. Redmond, Charles D. UCLA Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Lomita Formation. MA, 1936. 840. Gorsline, Donn S. USC See: No. 773. 841. Moore, David G. USC Marine geology of San Pedro Shelf. MS, 1952. 842. Smith, William S. T. UC The geology of Santa Catalina Island. PhD, 1897. 843. & 844. Kemnitzer, Luis E. CIT Geology of the San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands, southern California. MS, 1933. 844. Kemnitzer, Luis E. CIT See: No. 843. 845. Uchupi, Elazar USC Submarine geology of the Santa Rosa-Cortes Ridge. MS, 1954. 846. Norris, Robert N. Scripps The marine geology of the San Nicholas Island region, Cali- fornia. PhD.,. 1951. 847. Wrath, William F. Illinois Marine sedimentation around Catalina and San Clemente Islands. jMS, 1936. 848. McGlasson, Robert H. USC Foraminiferal biofacies around Santa Catalina Island. MS, 1957. 849. Bailey, Edgar H. Stanford Mineralogy, petrology, and geology of Santa Catalina Island, California. PhD, 1941. 850. Dolton, Gordon L. Pomona Geology of the southwest portion of the San Joaquin Hills, Orange County, California. MA, 1952. 851. Bruff, Stephen C. UC The Pleistocene history of the Newport Bay area, southern California. MA, 1940 (paleo.). I. SPECIFIC AREAS 780 to 872 852. Duggan, Michael D. UCLA Geology of a part of the San Joaquin Hills, Orange County, California. MA, 1961. 853. Stevenson, Robert E. USC The marshlands at Newport Bay, California. PhD, 1954. 854. Findlay, Willard A. CIT Geology of a part of the San Joaquin Hills. MS, 1932. 855. Bode, Francis D. CIT The structural geology of the San Joaquin Hills, Orange County, California. PhD minor, 1934. 856. Clark, George H. Pomona The geology of the eastern flank of the San Joaquin Hills. MA, 1952. 857. Corby, Grant W. Stanford The geology and paleontology of the San Joaquin and Mi- guel Hills, Orange County, California. AM, 1922. 858. Sullwold, Harold H. UCLA Geology of a portion of the San Joaquin Hills, Orange County, California. MA, 1940. 859. Fernandez, Alfred P. UCLA Geology of a portion of the Capistrano basin, California. MA, 1959. 860. Oates, Nevitt D. USC Geology of the western portion of the Canada Gobernadora quadrangle, Orange County, California. MA, 1960. 861. Roth, Jim C. UCLA Geology of a portion of the southern Santa Ana Mountains, Orange County, California. MA, 1958. 862. Levet, Melvin N. CIT Geology of the San Juan Canyon area, Orange County, Cali- fornia. MS, 1940. 863. White, William R. USC Miocene and Pliocene Foraminifera from the vicinity of San Juan Capistrano, California. MA, 1953. 864. Ball, Alexander R. USC Geology of the northern and western parts of the San Cle- mente quadrangle, Orange County, California. MS, 1961. 865. Southwick, Thomas S. CIT Geology of a portion of the Santa Ana Mountains, Cali- fornia. MS, 1929. 866. Stevenson, Robert E. UCLA The Cretaceous stratigraphy of the southern Santa Ana Mountains, California. MA, 1948. 867. Woodford, Alfred O. UC The San Onofre breccia and conglomerate: a southern Cali- fornia coastal facies of the Temblor Miocene. PhD, 1923. 868. Killen, John L. UCLA Geology of a portion of the San Clemente quadrangle, Cali- fornia. MA, 1961. 869. Hurlbut, Cornelius S., Jr. Harvard The structure and inclusions of the Bonsall Tonalite near Fallbrook, California. PhD. 1933. 869a & 873a. Donnelly, Maurice CIT The lithia pegmatites of Pala and Mesa Grande, San Diego County, California. PhD major, 1935. 870. Miller, Franklin S. Harvard The petrology of the San Marcos Mountains Gabbro, San Luis Rey quadrangle in California. PhD, 1934. 871. Jones, Benjamin F. USC Geology of the San Luis Rey quadrangle. MS, 1959. 872. Phillips, Irvine L. UC A study of the geology and soils of the Oceanside quad- rangle. MA, 1940. 26 CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF MINES AND GEOLOGY 873. Howes, Thomas B. CIT A brief study of the geology and ground water conditions in the Pauma Valley area, San Diego County, California. MS, 1955. 873a. Donnelly, Maurice CIT Sec: No. 869a. 874. Osterholt, William R. B. USC The origin of the main physiographical features of Borego Valley, California. MS, 1934. 875. Eckis, Rollin P. CIT Geology of a portion of the Indio quadrangle. MS, 1930. 876. Arnal, Robert E. USC Limnology, sedimentation, and microorganisms of the Salton Sea, California. PhD, 1957. 877. Soske, Joshua L. CIT Theory of magnetic methods of applied geophysics with an application to the San Andreas fault. PhD, 1935. 878. Sandberg, Edward C. CIT The gold quartz veins of the Julian district, California. MS, 1929. 879. Donnelly, Maurice CIT Preliminary report on the geology of the Julian region, Cali- fornia. MS, 1933. 880. Simpson, Dale R. CIT Geology of the Ramona pegmatites, San Diego County, Cali- fornia. PhD, 1960. 881. Merriam, Richard H. UC Geology of the southwestern part of the Ramona quadrangle, San Diego County, California. PhD, 1941. 882. Lance, John F. CIT The origin of the Pioneer pyrophyllite deposit, San Diego County, California. PhD minor, 1949. 883. Wimberley, C. Stanley Texas Marine sediments north of Scripps submarine canyon, La Jolla. MA, 1954. 884. Hanna, Marcus A. UC An Eocene invertebrate fauna from the La Jolla quadrangle, California. PhD, 1926. 885. Hudson, Frank S. UC Geology of the Cuyamaca region of California. PhD, 1920. 886. Donnelly, Maurice CIT Geology and mineral deposits of the Julian district, San Diego County, California. PhD minor, 1935. 887. Buttram, Glen N. USC The geology of the northeast corner of the Cuyapaipe quad- rangle, California. Master thesis, 1961. 888. Kew, William S. W. UC Tertiary echinoids of the Carrizo Creek region in the Colo- rado Desert. MS, 1914 (paleo.). 889. Everhart, Donald L. Harvard Geology of the Cuyamaca Peak quadrangle, San Diego County, California. PhD, 1953. 890. Crandall, Hector Stanford The geology of the La Jolla quadrangle, San Diego County, California. AM, 1916. 891. Chamberlain, Theodore K. UCLA-Scripps Mechanics of mass sediment transport in Scripps submarine canyon, California. PhD, 1960. 892. Inman, Douglas L. UCLA-Scripps Areal and seasonal variations in beach and nearshore sedi- ments at La Jolla, California. PhD, 1953. 893. Hand, Bryce M. USC Turbidite deposits of the San Diego Trough. MS, 1961. 894. Ludwick, John C. UCLA-Scripps Deep water sand layers off San Diego, California. PhD, 1950. 895. Hulsemann, Johnston E. USC Submarine geology of Cortes and Tanner Banks. MS, 1951. 896. Butcher, William S. UCLA-Scripps Part I. Lithology of the offshore San Diego area. Part II. Foraminifera, Coronado Bank, California. PhD, 1951. 897. Anderson, Richard E. USC Geology and micropaleontology of Point Loma, San Diego County, California. MA, 1961. 898. Webb, Robert W. CIT Paleontology of the Pleistocene of Point Loma, San Diego County, California. PhD, 1937. 899. Goldstein, Gilbert UCLA The geology of the Sweitzer Formation of San Diego, Cali- fornia. MA, 1956. 900. Hertlein, Leo G. Stanford The geology and paleontology of the Pliocene of San Diego, California. PhD, 1929. 901. Ferguson, Glenn C. USC A correlation of beds in and around San Diego with certain beds in the Los Angeles Basin, California. MS, 1933. 902. Foote, Royal S. CIT The geology of the Houser Canyon pegmatite with an X-Ray analysis of monazite. MS, 1951. 903. Christensen, Andrew D. UCLA Part of the geology of the Coyote Mountain area, Imperial County, California. MA, 1957. 904. Henshaw, Paul C. CIT Geology and mineral deposits of the Cargo Muchacho Moun- tains, Imperial County, California. PhD minor, 1940. ABBREVIATIONS (California Schools) CIT— California Institute of Technology PART II THESES NOT PLOTTED ON PLATE I REGIONAL STUDIES GEOCHEMISTRY U-1 U-2. Burham, C. Wayne CIT Metallogenic provinces of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. PhD, 1955. Eisenhardt, William C. UC Physical ages of some Franciscan schists as determined by potassium-argon methods. MA, 1958. GEOPHYSICS, SEISMOLOGY U-3. Bayoumi, Imam A. Stanford Gravity and magnetic study in the San Joaquin Valley. PhD, 1961. U-4. Bowers, Robert A. UC Gravity in northern California. PhD, 1958 (geophysics). U-5. Byerly, Perry E. Harvard Regional gravity in the central Coast Ranges and San Joa- quin Valley, California. PhD, 1954. U-6. Cameron, John B. UC Earthquakes in northern California coastal region. PhD, 1959 (geophysics). U-7. Carder, Dean S. UC A comparative study of the seismic surface waves and the crustal structure of the Pacific region. PhD, 1934. U-8. Dehlinger, Peter CIT Shear wave vibrational directions and related fault move- ments in southern California earthquakes. PhD major, 1950. U-9. Grobecker, Alan J. CIT Travel time curves at small distances and wave velocities of principal phases in the southern California ranges. MS, 1941. U-10. Healy, John H. CIT Geophysical studies of the basin structures along the eastern front of the Sierra Nevada. PhD, 1961. U-ll. Peterson, Raymond A. CIT Results of gravity measurements in southern California. PhD, 1935. U-12. Quigley, Milner D. CIT A restudy of existing graphical methods of interpreting magnetic data and their application to interpreting the results of magnetic surveys across the Los Angeles Basin. GE, 1950. U-13. Sanford, Allan R. CIT 1. An analytical and experimental study of some simple geologic structures. 2. Gravity survey of a part of the Raymond and San Gabriel basins, southern California. PhD, 1958. U-1 4. Scherb, Ivan V. CIT An investigation of the Mill Creek earthquake of October, 1935. MS, 1936. U-15. Shor, George G., Jr. CIT Crustal structure and reflections from the Mohorovicic discontinuity in southern California. PhD, 1954. U-16. Taylor, Samuel G., Jr. Stanford Gravity investigation of the southern San Francisco Bay area, California. PhD, 1956. U-17. Tocher, Don UC Seismic velocities and structure in northern California and Nevada. PhD, 1955. UC— University of California UCLA— University of California, Los Angeles USC— University of Southern California II. REGIONAL STUDIES U-1 to U-32 U-1 8. Walters, Charles P. Cornell Energy of the earth's rotation applied to the deformation of southern California. PhD, 1957. U-19. Withstandley, V. D. W., Ill UC Short-period microseisms in northern California. MA, 1952 (geophysics). MINERALOGY, PETROLOGY U-20. Azmon, Emanuel USC Heavy minerals in sediments of southern California. PhD, 1960. U-21. Babenroth, Donald L. Columbia Axinite from the Mother Lode, California. MA, 1938. U-22. Beveridge, Alexander J. Stanford Heavy minerals in lower Tertiary formations in the Santa Cruz Mountains, California. PhD, 1958. U-23. Cogen, William M. CIT A study of the heavy minerals of the Modelo Formation in the eastern portion of the Santa Monica Mountains. MS, 1933. U-24. Davis, Elmer F. UC Rocks of the Franciscan Group. 1. The sandstone. 2. The radiolarian cherts. PhD, 1917. U-25. Davis, Elmer F. UC A study of the cherts and associated shales of the Fran- ciscan Formation. MS, 1912. U-26. Dietz, Robert S. Illinois Phosphorite deposits on the seafloor off California. MS, 1939. U-27. Foshag, William F. UC The origin of the colemanite deposits of the western United States. PhD, 1924. U-28. Konkoff, Vladimir I. Columbia The genesis and geologic relations of gold ores in Cali- fornia. MA, 1930. U-29. Kramm, Hugo E. Stanford Serpentines of the central Coast Ranges of California. AM, 1909. U-30. Louderback, George D. UC On the origin of the glaucophane and associated schists of the Coast Ranges. A contribution to the theory of the crystalline schists. PhD, 1899. U-31. Pabst, Adolph UC Observations on inclusions in the granitic rocks of the Sierra Nevada. PhD, 1928. U-32. Powers, Delmor L. Stanford The pre-Tertiary cherts of the Pacific Ocean border. AM, 1924. [27] 28 CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF MINES AND GEOLOGY U-33. Pray, Lloyd C. CIT Studies of certain Sierran concrete aggregates. MS, 1943. U-34. Shawe, Daniel R. Stanford Heavy detrital minerals in stream sands of the eastern Sierra Nevada, between Leevining and Independence, California. PhD, 1953. U-35. Smith, Clay T. CIT The origin of some chromite deposits in the Pacific Coast region. PhD major, 1943. U-36. Smith, Hampton CIT Origin of some of the siliceous Miocene rocks of Cali- fornia. PhD, 1934. U-37. Sports, John H. Stanford 1 Ic.ivv minerals of some granitic rocks of central Cali- fornia. PhD, 1958. U-38. Switzer, George Harvard Glaucophane schists of the central California Coast Ranges. PhD, 1942. U-39. Taliaferro, Nicholas L. UC The manganese deposits of the Sierra Nevada of Cali- fornia. PhD, 1920. U-40. Walker, George W. Stanford A study of the sedimentary petrography of the Sierra Blanca Limestone and associate rocks, Santa Barbara County, California. MS, 1948. U-41. Woodcock, Edgar UC Some new occurrences of minerals in California. MA, 1918. PALEONTOLOGY, PALEOBOTANY, STRATIGRAPHY 11-4*2. Anderson, Frank M. Stanford Lower Cretaceous deposits in California and Oregon. PhD, 1930. U-43. Ashley, George H. Stanford Neocene of the Santa Cruz Mountains. PhD, 1894. U-44. Carson, Carlton M. Stanford The paleontology and stratigraphy of the marine Pliocene of southern California. AM, 1924. U-45. Clark, Bruce L. UC Fauna of the San Pablo Group of middle California. PhD, 1924 (paleo.). U-46. Clark, Sam G. UC The Milton Formation of the Sierra Nevada of California. PhD, 1931. U-47. Condit, Carlton UC Late Tertiary floras of central California. PhD, 1940. U-48. Cooper, William C. USC Intertidal Foraminifera of the California and Oregon coast. MA, 1961. U-49. Crouch, Robert W. USC Pliocene Ostracoda from southern California. MS, 1948. U-SO. Crouch, Smith A. USC A study of selected megafaunas of the Santa Monica Mountains. MA, 1930. U-Sl. Dickerson, Roy E. UC Fauna of the Martinez Eocene of California. PhD, 1914 (paleo.). U-52. Dodd, James R. CIT Palcoccological implications of the mineralogy, structure, and strontium and magnesium contents of shells of the west coast species of the genus Mytilus. PhD, 1961. U-53. Dorf, Erlinq Chicago Pliocene floras of California. PhD, 1930. U-54. Douglass, Raymond C. Stanford The foraminiferal genus Orbitolina in North America. PhD, 1957. U-5S. Druckerman, Daniel UC The genus Pecten in the New World. MA, 1961 (paleo.). U-56. Durham, John W. UC Epitoniidae of the Mesozoic and Tertiary of the west coast (l f North America. MA, 1936 (paleo.). U-57. Emerson, William K. UC A review of the eastern Pacific scaphopod mollusks. PhD, 1956 (paleo.). U-58. Evans, David L. W. Stanford A new Tertiary horizon in Ventura County, California AM, 1928. U-59. Gifford, Charles D. Stanford Foraminifera from the Monterey Formation of California. AM, 1924. U-60. Giles, Eugene uc Multivariate analysis of Pleistocene and Recent coyotes in California. MA, 1956 (paleo.). U-61. Grant, Ulysses S., IV and Hoyt R. Gale Stanford Catalogue of the marine Pliocene and Pleistocene Mollusca of California and adjacent regions, with notes on their morphology, classification, and nomenclature and a special treatment of the Pectinidae and the Turridae (including a few Miocene and Recent species). PhD, 1929. U-62. Harbaugh, John W. Wisconsin Stratigraphy and paleontology of portions of the Klamath Mountains, California. PhD, 1955. U-63. Harmon, Robert A. USC Distribution of Foraminifera within the Santa Barbara basin, California. MA, 1961. U-64. Herllein, Leo G. Stanford A revision of the Tertiary and Quaternary pectens of the Pacific Coast. AM, 1923. U-65. Hessler, Robert R. Chicago The Lower Mississippian proetid trilobites of North Amer- ica. PhD, 1959. U-66. Hoskins, Cortez W. Stanford Paleoecology and correlation of the lowest emergent Cali- fornia marine terrace, from San Clemente to Halfmoon Bay. PhD, 1957. U-67. Ingle, James C. USC Marine facies variation in the late Tertiary of southern California. MA, 1961. U-68. Jenkins, Olaf P. Stanford A study of the Kreyenhagen Shale of California; strati- graphy, character, mode of formation, structure, extent, probable age, and economic aspects. PhD, 1930. U-69. Kew, William S. W. UC Cretaceous and Cenozoic Echinoidea of the Pacific Coast of North America. PhD, 1917 (paleo.). U-70. Kirk, Mahlon V. UC The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in California. MA, 1950 (paleo.). U-71. Kirkpotrick, John C. UCLA A study of some marine middle Eocene formations in Southern California. MA, 1958. U-72. Kleinpell, Robert M. Stanford Miocene Foraminifera from the Salinas Valley, California. AM, 1928. U-73. Klucking, Edward P. UC The fossil Betulaceae of western North America. MA, 1959 (paleo.). U-74. Loel, Wayne F. Stanford The Vaqueros fauna of the lower Miocene. AM, 1917. U-75. Lohman, Kenneth E. CIT Cenozoic nonmarine diatoms from the Great Basin. PhD, 1957. U-76. Mallory, Virgil S. UC Age and distribution of lower Tertiary Foraminifera in the California Coast Ranges. PhD, 1952 (paleo.). Mandra, York T. Stanford Fossil silicoflagellates from California. PhD, 1958. Marianos, Andrew Louisiana State Some Cretaceous ostracodes encountered in a well section from the Sacramento Valley of California. MS, 1956. Martin, Bruce U £ Pliocene of middle California. MS, 1913 (paleo.). Martin, Lewis usc Some Pliocene Foraminifera from a portion of the Los Angeles basin, California. MS, 1951. U-77. U-78. U-79. U-80. SPECIAL REPORT 74 29 uc North UC CIT Mountains. Stanford PhD, UC 1916 U-81. McClellan, H. W. MIT Evolution in some Pliocene Foraminifera of southern Cali- fornia. MS, 1926. U-82. Merriam, Charles W. Fossil turritellas from the Pacific Coast region America. PhD, 1933. U-82a. Miller, Loye H. Contributions to the avian paleontology from the Pacific Coast of North America. PhD, 1912 (paleo.). U-83. Moore, Bernard N. Cretaceous paleontology of the Santa Ana PhD, 1930. U-84. Narasimhan, Tyagarajan Eocene discoasters and coccolithophores from central Cali- fornia. PhD, 1960. U-85. Natland, Manley L. ^ UCLA Pleistocene and Pliocene stratigraphy of southern Califor- nia. PhD, 1952. U-86. Newsom, John F. Stanford The thickness of the Carboniferous sediments in North America. MA, 1892. U-87. Nomland, Jorgen O. The Etchegoin Pliocene of middle California (paleo.). U-88. Oberling, John J. UC Shell structure of western America Pelecypoda. PhD, 1955 (paleo.). U-89. Packard, Earl L. UC Faunal studies in the Cretaceous of the Santa Ana Moun- tains of southern California. PhD, 1915 (paleo.). U-90. Parker, Pierre E. UC Fossil and Recent pelecypods of the genus Chione on the west coast of North America. MA, 1941 (paleo.). U-91. Peabody, Frank E. UC Trackways of Pliocene and Recent salamandroids of the Pacific Coast of North America. MA, 1940 (paleo.). U-92. Pickup, Clayton E. USC Is Ralph Arnold's Pliocene at Deadman Island W. Kew's Saugus? BS, 1927 (petroleum engineering). U-93. Putlitz, Fritz H. Stanford Significant Eocene sections of California. AM, 1939. U-94. Reinhart, Philip W. Stanford Tertiary Arcidae of the Pacific slope of North America. PhD, 1933. U-9S. Resig, Johanna M. USC Ecology of Foraminifera of Santa Cruz Basin, California. MS, 1956. U-96. Richards, Esther E. Fossill and Recent Turritellidae of the North America. MA, 1920 (paleo.). U-97. Roehl, Perry O. The Paleozoic geosyncline of the Klamath California. PhD, 1955. U-98. Russell, Richard D. UC The Tehama Formation of Northern California. PhD, 1932. U-99. Ruth, John W. UC The genus Siphonalia of the Pacific Coast Tertiary. MA, 1938 (paleo.). U-l 00. Savage, Donald E. UC Pleistocene vertebrates of the San Francisco Bay region. PhD, 1949 (paleo.) U-101. Smith, Clay T. CIT The biostratigraphy of Glycymeris veatchii in California. PhD minor, 1943. U-l 02. Smith, Hampton CIT The stratigraphic position of some of the diatomite hori- zons in the Los Angeles basin. PhD minor, 1934. U-103. Smith, Hugh P. UC Foraminifera of the Wagon wheel Formation. MA, 1950 (paleo.). U-104. Sparks, Dale D. Stanford Orbitoid Foraminifera of the California Eocene. AM, 1924 UC Pacific Coast of Wisconsin Mountains, U-105. Stirton, Ruben A. UC A phylogeny of North American Equidae with observa- tions on the development of teeth. PhD, 1940. U-106. Stokesbary, Walter A. Oregon State A faunal study of the Dallas Area (Oregon) in an attempt to determine the faunal horizon or horizons present and to correlate with other (early Tertiary) Oregon and Cali- fornia horizons. MS, 1934. U-107. Trask, Parker D. UC A study of the fauna and stratigraphy of the Briones For- mation of middle California. MA, 1920 (paleo.). II. REGIONAL STUDIES U-33 to U-l 23 Valentine, James W. UCLA Paleoecologic molluscan geography of the Californian Pleistocene. PhD, 1958. Verastegui-Mackee, Pedro Stanford The pelecypod genus Venericardia in the Paleocene and Eocene of western North America. MS, 1949. Vokes, Harold E. UC Middle Eocene molluscan faunas of the Vallecitos and Coalinga areas. PhD, 1935. Waring, Clarence A. Stanford Stratigraphic and faunal relations of the Martinez to the Chico and Tejon of southern California. MS, 1914. Watkins, James G. USC Foraminiferal ecology around the Orange County, Cali- fornia, ocean outfall. MS, 1959. Watson, Elizabeth A. Stanford Stratigraphic occurrences of Discocyclina in the Eocene of California. AM, 1941. Webber, Irma E. S. UC Pleistocene woods from the coast of California. PhD, 1929. Wemple, Edna M. UC New cestraciont teeth from the west-American Triassic. MS, 1906 (paleo.). Wiedey, Lionel W. Stanford Notes on the Vaqueros and Temblor Formations of the California Miocene with descriptions of new species. AM, 1928. Wiedey, Lionel W. Stanford The Oligocene and Miocene marine molluscan faunas of the Pacific coast and their correlations. PhD, 1929. Wilcox, Marion UC The Tertiary Cancellaridae of western North America. MA, 1926 (paleo.). Wilson, Robert W. CIT Pliocene rodents of western North America. PhD, 1936. Wolfe, Jack A. UC Tertiary Juglandaceae of western North America. MA, 1959 (paleo.). U-121. Zingula, Richard P. Louisiana State Cretaceous Foraminifera from the Sacramento Valley, California. PhD, 1957. U-122. Zullo, Victor A. UC Cenozoic Balanomorphia of the Pacific Coast of North America. MA, 1960 (paleo.). PETROLEUM U-123. Anderson, Arthur T. Stanford Development of petroleum reservoirs in fractured rocks of the Monterey Formation, California. PhD, 1954. U-108. U-l 09. U-l 10. U-l 11. U-l 12. U-l 13. U-l 14. U-l 15. U-l 16. U-l 17. U-l 18. U-119. U-l 20. 30 CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF iMINF.S AND GEOLOGY SEDIMENTATION U-124. Baldwin, E. Joan USC Pliocene turbidity current deposits in Ventura basin, Cali- fornia. AM, 1959. U-125. Conrey, Bert L. USC Sedimentary history of the early Pliocene in the Los An- geles Basin, California. PhD, 1959. U-126. Demirmen, Ferruh Stanford Sedimentation and diagenesis in the Permian McCloud Limestone, Shasta County, California. MS, 1960. U-127. Eymann, James L. USC A study of sand dunes in the Colorado and Mojave deserts. MS, 1953. U-128. Findlay, Willard A. CIT Sources of Miocene sediments in southeastern San Joaquin Valley. PhD, 1940. U-129. Handin, John W. UCLA The source, transportation, and deposition of beach sedi- ment in southern California. PhD, 1949. U-130. Lerbekmo, John F. UC The character and origin of late Tertiary blue sandstones in central California. PhD, 1956. U-131. Slosson, James E. USC Lithofacies and sedimentary-paleographic analysis of the Los Angeles Repetto basin. PhD, 1958. U-132. Stone, Richard O. USC A sedimentary study and classification of playa lakes. MS, 1953. U-133. Todd, Wallace Stanford Typical lake deposits of the Great Basin. AM, 1928. OCEANOGRAPHY U-134. Dana, Stephen W. USC A sedimentary study of bottom mud samples dredged by the Velero III. MS, 1942. U-134a. Holway, Rulift S. UC The cold water belt along the west coast of the United States. MS, 1904. U-135. Terry, Richard D. USC Bibliography of marine geology and oceanography, Cali- fornia coast. MS, 1956. U-136. Emery, Kenneth O. Illinois Lithology of the sea-floor off southern California. PhD, 1941. U-137. Revelle, Roger UCLA-Scripps Marine bottom samples collected in the Pacific Ocean by the Carnegie on it's seventh cruise. PhD, 1936. U-138. Tibby, Richard B. UCLA-Scripps Results of oceanographic investigations off the California coast, 1939-1940. PhD, 1944. GEOMORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOGRAPHY U-139. Drake, Noah F. Stanford Relief map of California. AM, 1894. U-140. Durst, Fred M. UC The identification and correlation of the marine terrace of the California coast between Santa Cruz and Bolinas. MA, 1915 (geography). U-141. Goldberg, James UCLA Geological significance of the coastal terraces of the Santa Monica Mountains. MA, 1940. U-142. Willis, Robin Stanford The physiography of the San Andreas fault between the Pajaro Gap and the Cholame Plains, California. PhD, 1924. U-143. Willis, Robin Stanford The physiography of the southern Santa Cruz Mountains. AM, 1922. U-144. White, Ella Marie USC Features of physical geography in southern California. MA, 1937. MISCELLANEOUS U-145. Babcock, Burt A. USC Ground water occurrence and quality, San Diego County. MS, 1958. U-146. Bonillas, Ygnacio, III CIT A study of Miocene vulcanism in southern California. MS, 1935. U-147. Bradley, Walter W. UC Quicksilver resources of California, with a section on metallurgy and ore dressing. ME, 1918 (mining). U-148. Briggs, Otis E. Stanford The relation between the faults and igneous flows of the Sierra Nevada mountains. AM, 1920. U-149. Faick, John N. Arizona Stratigraphy, structure and composition of Portland cement materials in north-central California. PhD, 1958. U-1 50. Fairbanks, Harold W. PhD, 1896 UC 1. Auriferous conglomerate in California. 2. Geology and mineralogy of Shasta County. 3. Geology of eastern California. 4. Geology of northern Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Benito, San Luis Obispo and Monterey Counties. 5. Geology of Point Sal. 6. Geology of Tehama, Colusa, Lake and Napa Counties. 7. Geology of the Mother Lode gold belt. 8. Geology of the Mother Lode region. 9. Mineral deposits of eastern California. 10. Notes on a further study of the pre-Cretaceous rocks of the California Coast Ranges. 11. Notes on some localities of Mesozoic and Paleozoic rocks in Shasta County, California. 12. Notes on the characters of the eruptive rocks of the Lake Huron region. 13. Notes on the occurrence of rubellite and lepiodolite in southern California. 14. On analcite diabase from San Luis Obispo County, California. 15. Relation between ore deposits and their inclosing walls. 16. Review of our knowledge of the geology of the Cali- fornia Coast Range. 17. Some remarkable hot springs and associated mineral deposits in Colusa County, California. 18. Stratigraphy of the California Coast Ranges. 19. The pre-Cretaceous age of the metamorphic rocks of the California Coast Ranges. 20. Validity of the so-called Wallala beds as a division of the California Cretaceous. U-1 52. Hake, Benjamin F. Stanford A study of faulting in the Coast Ranges, California. AM, 1930. U-1 53. Merenbach, Simon E. USC Some leading structural features of eastern Santa Monica Mountains, Los Angeles, California. MS, 1931. U-1 54. Norris, Mary L. George Washington The geology of southern California. MA, 1939. U-1 55. Perry, Esther P. UC Profile studies of the more extensive primary soils derived from granitic rocks in California. PhD, 1939 (soils science). U-1 56. Ransome, Frederick L. PhD, 1896 UC 1. Great Valley of California. A criticism of the theory of isostasy. 2. On lawsonite, a new rock forming mineral from the Tiburon Peninsula, Marin County, California. 3. The eruptive rocks of Pt. Bonita. 4. The geology of Angel Island. U-1 57. Stone, Richard O. USC A geologic investigation of playa lakes. PhD, 1956. U-158. Sutherland, J. Clark CIT The clays of Orange and Riverside Counties, southern California, MS, 1930. U-1 59. Thomas, Edwin S. UC Landslide forms and their origin in the middle Coast Ranges. MA, 1939 (geography). U-1 60. Wang, Chung Yu Columbia The Ell Mine; project of a drift mine in California. MA, 1904. SPECIAL REPORT 74 31 TOPICAL STUDIES GEOCHEMISTRY U-161 Arntson, Ronald H. UCLA Solubility of metallic sulfides in certain aqueous ore-form- ing solutions. MA, 1958. use limestones and dolomites as a U-162. Chilingar, George V. Use of Ca/Mg ratio of geologic tool. PhD, 1956. U-T63. Cleveland, George B. UCLA Some controls in biogeochemical prospecting. MA, 1955. U-164. Collins, Isabelle D. UC A micro-method for the determination of silica. MS, 1927 (oceanography). U-165. Ciomonske, Gerald K. Stanford A study of the solubilities of iron, lead, and manganese sulfides at elevated temperatures under conditions of geo- logic interest. PhD, 1961. U-166. Dickson, Frank W. UCLA Geochemical and petrographic aspects of mercury ore deposits. PhD, 1956. U-167. Douglass, Robert M. UC Studies in crystal chemistry of silicates: 1. Crystal struc ture of sanbornite montite. 1954. 2. High temperature study of lau- 3. X-Ray examination of dumortierite. PhD, U-168. CIT PhD U-169. U-171. U-172. U-173. of quicksilver mineralization. UCLA-Scripps UCLA Johns Hopkins the alkali amphiboles. quantitative Stanford chemical MS, UC 1950 UC MS, UC Dreyer, Robert M. The geochemistry major, 1939. El Wardani, Sayed A. Geochemistry of germanium. PhD, 1956. U-170. Engel, Celeste G. Desert varnish. MA, 1957. Ernst, Wallace G. Phase relations and stabilities of PhD, 1958. Fulton, Robert B., Ill Prospecting for zinc, using semi analysis of soils. PhD, 1949. Goldberg, Irving Fixation of molybdenum ions by clay colloids. (soil science). U-174. Harding, Maynard W. The quantity and significance of boron in sea water. 1932 (oceanography). U-175. Hemley, John J. Some mineralogical equilibria in the system K;0— AbO-t— SiO.-hhO. PhD, 1958. U-176. Lloyd, Ronald M. CIT The shell chemistry of some Recent and Pleistocene mollusks and its environmental significance. PhD, 1960. U-177. McKay, David S. UC Mechanism of crystallization of amorphous silica. MA, 1960. Miller, Charles P. Stanford Geochemical and biogeochemical prospecting for nickel. PhD, 1957. Naji, Taja UC The influence of bentonitic clay upon the uptake of cop- per by barley plants. PhD, 1957 (soil science). U-180. Pickering, Ranard J. Stanford Some solubility studies of alumina, ferric oxide and silica and their relations to laterization. PhD, 1960. U-181. Roberts, Ellis E. Stanford Geochemical and geobotanical prospecting for barium and copper. PhD, 1949. U-182. Robson, Homer L. UC The system MgSO,— H^O from 68° to 240°. PhD, 1927. U-183. Shaw, Charles MeE. UC An investigation of some chemical reactions involved in the genesis of metamorphic rocks. PhD, 1955. U-1 84. Staples, Lloyd W. Stanford Mineral determination by microchemical methods. PhD, 1935. U-178. U-1 79. U-1 85. Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. CIT O'VO' 6 ratios in co-existing minerals of igneous and meta- morphic rocks. PhD, 1959. U-1 86. Taylor, Robert W. UC Phase equilibria in the system FeO— Fe^Oa— TiCh>. MA, 1958. U-1 87. Whitman, Alfred R. UC The vadose synthesis of pyrite. MS, 1913. GEOPHYSICS, SEISMOLOGY U-188. Aydinoglu, Mustofa A. Energy in earthquakes. PhD, 1949. UC II. REGIONAL, TOPICAL STUDIES U-1 24 to U-205 U-1 89. Baker, William L. UC Characteristics of the P phase. PhD, 1960 (geophysics). U-190. Benioff, V. Hugo CIT 1. A linear strain seismograph. 2. The physical evaluation of seismic destructiveness. 3. A method for the instrumen- tal determination of the extent of faulting. PhD, 1935. U-191. Ben-Menahem, Ari CIT Radiation of seismic surface-waves from finite moving sources. PhD, 1961. U-192. Bhattacharya, Prabhat K. CIT An investigation of changes in the magnetic field. PhD, 1950. U-193. Byerly, Perry E. UC Dispersion of energy without dispersion of frequency in transverse elastic waves in earthquakes. PhD, 1924. U-194. Cox, Allan V. UC The remanent magnetism of some Cenozoic volcanic rocks. PhD, 1959 (geophysics). U-195. Dana, Stephen W. CIT Amplitudes of seismic waves reflected and refracted at the earth's core. PhD, 1944. U-196. DeBremaecker, J. C. UC Amplitude of Pn from 3 degrees to 23 degrees. PhD, 1952. U-197. DeNoyer, John M. UC The energy in seismic waves, PhD, 1958 (geophysics). U-1 98. Denson, M. Elner, Jr. CIT Longitudinal waves through the earth's crust. PhD major, 1950. U-199. DeWitte, Leendert CIT Experimental studies on the characteristics of the electro- chemical potentials encountered in drill holes. PhD major, pt. 2, 1950. U-200. Doell, Richard R. UC Remanent magnetism in sediments. PhD, 1955 (geo- physics). U-201. Doolittle, Russell C. CIT The theory, construction and field use of a direct current potentiometer for measuring earth resistivity. MS, 1940. U-202. Douze, Eduard J. Stanford Reflections and refractions of elastic waves from a transi- tion layer. PhD, 1960 (geophysics). U-203. Dyk, Karl UC On the reduction of seismograms obtained in shaking table experiments. PhD, 1934. U-204. Eaton, Jerry P. UC Theory of the electromagnetic seismograph. PhD, 1953. U-205. Eichelberger, A. M., Jr. CIT Application of well-logging methods to shot holes. MS, 1939. 52 CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF MINES AND GEOLOGY U-206. Ergin, Kazim CIT Energy ratio of the seismic waves reflected and refracted at a rock water boundary. PhD, I9S0. U-207. Evernden, Jack F. UC Direction of approach of Rayleigh waves and related phenomena. PhD, 1951. U-208. Farr, John B. UC P waves between 10° and 30°. PhD, 1953. U-209. Minn, Edward A. CIT Exact transient solution of some problems of clastic wave propagation. PhD, 1960. U-210. Forbes, Ronald F. S. UCLA Modeling of the electromagnetic response of mineral bodies, as a function of conductivity. PhD, 1957. U-211. Forester, Robert D. CIT Studies of the travel times, periods, and energy of seismic waxes SKP and related phases. PhD major, 1953. U-212. Fu, Ch'eng-Y. CIT Studies on seismic waves. PhD, 1944. U-213. Geldart, Lloyd P. CIT Periodic variations of the gravitational force. GE, 1949. U-214. Gould, Martin J. CIT The ground roll phenomenon of applied seismology. PhD, 1941. U-21S. Grao, Gerard CIT Sec. 1; On the reflection of plane waves by stratified sys- tems (normal incidence). Sec. 2; The determination of seismic velocities in layers with non-parallel interfaces. PhD, 1957. U-216. Green, David E. Stanford Measurements of the electrical resistivity of geological for- mations. ME, 1930. U-217. Heard, Hugh C. UCLA The brittle to ductile transition in Solenhofen Limestone as a function of temperature, confining pressure, and inter- stitial fluid pressure. MA, 1958. U-218. Heppner, James P. CIT A study of relationships between the Aurora Borealis and the geomagnetic disturbances caused by electric currents in the ionosphere. PhD, 1954. U-219. Holzman, Benjamin CIT Geophysical applications of radon measurements. MS, 1933. U-220. Hopper, Richard H. UCLA Electrical resistivities of synthetic oil sands. MA, 1936. U-221. Howell, Benjamin F., Jr. CIT Some effects of geological structure on radio reception. MS, 1942. U-222. Howell, Benjamin F., Jr. CIT Ground vibrations near explosions. PhD major, 1949. U-223. Kern, John W. UC 1 he effects of stress on the remanent magnetism of rocks. PhD, 1960 (geophysics). U-224. Kuo, John T. F. Stanford Theoretical and experimental study of seismic surface waves. PhD, 1958. U-22S. Lieber, Paul CIT Temperature perturbations and their effect on the tem- perature maxima and minima in the interior of the earth. MS, 1941. U-226. Lieber, Paul CIT Relaxation phenomena and the origin of earthquakes. PhD, 1951. U-226a. Lipson, Joseph I. UC Potassium-argon dating of sediments. PhD, 1956, (Physics). U-227. Lombardi, Leonard V. Stanford An analysis of the apparent absence of seismic reflectors in sedimentary geologic sections. PhD, 1952. U-22S. Lomnitz, Cinna CIT Creep measurements in igneous rocks with some applica- tions to aftershock theory. PhD, 1955. U-229. Martner, Samuel T. CIT Observations on seismic waves reflected at the earth's core boundary. PhD major, 1949. U-230. Mooney, Harold M. CIT A study of the energy contained in the seismic waves P and ,.P. PhD, 1950. U-231. Munk, Walter H. UCLA-Scripps Increase in the period of waves traveling over large dis- tances: with application to Tsunamis, swell, and seismic- surf ace waves. PhD, 1946. U-232. Nelson, Robert L. CIT A study of the seismic waves SKS and SKKS. PhD major, 1952. U-233. O'Malley, Frank W. Stanford Determination of the elastic behavior of rocks by means of the electrical strain gage. MA, 1948. U-234. Phinney, Robert A. CIT Propagation of leaking modes in a plane seismic waveguide. PhD, 1961. U-23S. Pye, Willard D. CIT A comparison of records from the linear strain and pen- dulum seismographs. MS, 1937. U-236. Rose, R. Burton UCLA An inductive study of mineral conductivity as a function of frequency. MA, 1939. U-237. Savage, James C. CIT Wave propagation in a continuously stratified fluid. PhD, 1957. U-238. Schafer, Sidney CIT Experiments testing the use of the magnetometer in deter- mining geologic structure. MS, 1936. U-239. Silgado, Enrique F. CIT The partition of amplitudes for an SV-wave by Zoep- pritz's method. MS, 1944. U-240. Smith, Stewart W. CIT An investigation of the earth's free oscillations. PhD, 1961. U-241. Sommer, Hulda H. UC On the question of dispersion in the first preliminary seismic waves. PhD, 1930. U-242. Spencer, Terry W. CIT Studies in acoustic pulse propagation. PhD, 1956. U-243. Stauder, W. V. UC The plane of polarization of S waves as related to the mechanism at the focus of an earthquake. PhD, 1959 (geophysics). U-244. Tuller, Burl A. UC Motion in the S phase of earthquakes. PhD, 1955. U-24S. Urick, R. J. CIT The determination of sound velocity in core samples. MS, 1939. U-246. Yungiil, Sulhi CIT Some uses of the spontaneous polarization method. GE, 1945. MINEROLOGY, PETROLOGY U-247. Adams, Charles E. UCLA An investigation of the x-ray crystallography of bornitc (Cu-FcS.). MA, 1949. U-248. Adams, Sidney F. Stanford Microscopic study of vein quartz. AM, 1920. U-249. Bieler, Barrie H. CIT The design, construction, and testing of a low magnifica- tion camera to photograph polished ore specimens. MS, 1952. U-250. Biren, Helen A. Columbia An electron microscope and a differential thermal analysis study of the serpentine minerals. PhD, 1957. U-251. Cook, Phillip G. CIT The optical and x-ray properties of the ferromagncsian olivine minerals and charts to aid identification. MS, 1950. U-252. Dreyer, Robert M. with Fraser, H. J. CIT Mutual interference in the micro-chemical determination of ore minerals. MS, 1937. U-2S3. Guild, Frank N. Stanford A microscopic study of the silver ores and their associated minerals. PhD, 1917. SPECIAL REPORT 74 33 Stanford 1923. CIT U-254. Kerr, Paul F. Stanford The determination of opaque ore-minerals by x-ray dif- fraction patterns. PhD, 1923. U-255. Kildale, Malcolm B. The arsenical type of cobalt-nickel ores. AM, U-256. Lovering, John F. Structural and compositional studies on selected phases of iron and stony-iron meteorites. PhD, 1956. U-257. Mahrholz, Wolfgang W. E. Stanford The microscopic study of ore minerals with transmitted near-infrared radiation. PhD, 1959. U-258. McGirk, Lon S., Jr. Stanford The examination of ferromagnetic minerals in polished section. PhD, 1952. U-259. Murphy, Michael J. UC An x-ray study of some mineral sulfo salts. MS, 1953. U-260. Neuerburg, George J. UCLA Optical figures obtained with the reflecting microscope. MA, 1947. U-261. Olsen, Edward J. Chicago Metamorphic differentiation during serpentization. PhD, 1958. U-262. Ray, Walter B. CIT Crystal structure of zunyite. PhD, 1956. U-263. Rigsby, George P. CIT Studies of crystal fabrics and structures in glaciers. PhD, 1953. U-264. Shappell, Maple D. CIT The cleavage of ionic minerals. The crystal structure of bixbyite and the C-modification of the sexquioxides. PhD, 1933. U-265. Shimazaki, Yoshihiko Stanford Mineralogy of basic carbonate minerals of copper and zinc. PhD, 1957. PALEONTOLOGY, PALEOBOTANY U-266. Anderson, Howard T. UC Head and neck musculature of phytosaurs. MA, 1935 (paleo.). U-267. Bentson, Herdis UC A monographic study of the fossil gastropod Exilia. MA, 1938 (paleo.). U-268. Bode, Francis D. CIT Characters useful in determining the position of individual teeth in the permanent cheek-tooth series of merychippine horses. MS, 1931. U-269. Findlay, Willard A. with Popenoe, Willis P. CIT Transposed hinge structures in lamellibranchs. PhD minor, 1940. U-270. Frizzel, Donald L. Stanford Studies in the molluscan superfamily Veneracea. PhD, 1935. U-272. Jones, David L. Stanford A taxonomic review of the Cretaceous pclecypod subfam- ily Inoccraminae. PhD, 1956. U-273. King, Truxton W. UC Intergradation between the genera Merycodus and Capro- nwryx in the family Antilocapridae. MA, 1952 (paleo.). U-274. La Motte, Robert S. UC Studies in Tertiary paleobotany. PhD, 1935. U-275. Mason, Herbert L. UC The genus Dodecatheoji—a systematic and experimental study. MA, 1923. U-276. Mawby, John E. UC Cranial anatomy of the late Cenozoic machairdonts. MA, 1960 (paleo.). U-277. Meyerhoff, Arthur A. Stanford A study of leaf venation in the Betulacae, with its appli- cation to paleobotany. PhD, 1952. U-278. Militante, Priscilla J. Stanford A systemiatic studv of the gastropod family Rissoinidae. PhD, 1961. U-279. Moses, Selma Stanford Laboratory techniques and statistical methods in pollen analysis. MS, 1949. U-280. Popenoe, Willis P. with Findlay, Willard A. CIT Transposed hinge structures in lamellibranchs. MS, 1933. U-281. Reinhart, Roy H. UC A review of the Sirenia and the Desmostylia. PhD, 1952 (paleo.). 0-282. Rensberger, John M. UC A new genus of platanistid cetacean from the Miocene of California. MA, 1961 (paleo.). II. TOPICAL STUDIES U-206 to U-298 U-283. Sander, Nestor J. UC A monograph of the species of the lamellibranch genus Mulinia. MA, 1938 (paleo.). U-284. Smith, Natasha D. UC Muscular and ligamentary attachments in the feet of Ter- tiary and Recent horses, with special reference to evolu- tionary development. MA, 1935 (paleo.). U-285. Smith, Warren DuP. Stanford Development of Scaphites. AM, 1904. U-286. Taylor, David N. UC Bone histology of fossil reptiles. MA, 1941 (paleo.). U-287. Taylor, William H. Stanford Studies on Recent ostracodes in relation to the taxonomy of fossil ostracodes. AM, 1931. U-288. VanderHoof, Vertress L. UC A study of the Miocene sirenian Desmostyhts. PhD, 1936. 0-289. Welles, Samuel P. UC Revision of elasmosaurid plesiosaurs. PhD, 1940. 0-290. Valov, Igor UC The development of bone in the skull of the rat embryo, with emphasis on the ear. MA, 1947 (paleo.). U-290a. Webb, David S. UC The osteology of Camelops. MA, 1961 (paleo.). PETROLEUM 0-291. Amer, Homed H. Stanford A study of the change in effective permeability of oil sands to waters of different chemical compositions. MS, 1948. 0-292. DeWitte, Leendert CIT Factors governing accumulation of oil and gas in strati- graphic traps. PhD minor, 1950. U-293. DeWitte, Leendert CIT Infiltration of porous formations by drilling fluids in rela- tion to the quantitative analysis of electrologs. PhD major, Pt. 1, 1950. U-294. Elbishlawi, Mohamed H. M. Stanford Kffect of free gas saturation on oil recovery by water flooding. PhD, 1952. U-295. Evans, Barry L. USC Compressibility of natural gas. MS, 1952 (petroleum engi- neering). 0-296. Gardescu, lonel I. UC The occurrence and behavior of natural gas in an oil reservoir. PhD, 1931. 0-297. Gosline, James E. UC The gas lift. PhD, 1934. U-298. Hash, Bender Stanford A stratigraphic correlation of oil well sludge samples by spectrograph^- analysis. PhD, 1952. 34 CALIFORNIA DIVISION OK MINI S AND GF.OLOGY U-299. Herold, Stanley C. Stanford The analytical effects of capillarity on the production of oil, gas, and water from wells. PhD, 1926. U-300. Hooper, Richard H. UCLA Klcctrical resistivities of synthetic oil sands. MA, 1936. U-301. Hurley, Nea I L. Stanford Groundwater motion and its relation to oil accumulation. PhD, 1952. U-302. Ruhlman, Fred L. USC A study of certain factors influencing the flow of hydro- carbons through reservoir sands. MS, 1941 (petroleum engineering). SEDIMENTATION Stanford UC Stanford U-303. Ekblaw, George E. Clastic deposits in playas. PhD, 1927. U-304. Meade, Robert H., Jr. Stanford Compaction and development of preferred orientation in clayey sediments. PhD, 1961. U-305. Scott, Theodore Sand movement by waves. MA, 1954. U-306. Thompson, Warren O. Original structure of beaches, PhD, 1934. OCEANOGRAPHY U-307. Corcoran, Eugene F. UCLA Quantitative studies of organic matter and associated bio- chromes in marine sediments. PhD, 1957. U-308. Mero, John L. UC An economic analvsis of mining deep-sea phosphorite. PhD, 1959 (mining)'. U-309. Ogilvie, Thomas F. UC Propagation of waves over an obstacle in water of finite depth. PhD, 1959 (oceanography). U-310. Varney, Frederick M., with Redwine, Lowell E. UCLA Development of a coring instrument for submarine geo- logical investigations. MA, 1937. MISCELLANEOUS U-311. Abad, Leopoldo F. UC Methods of evaluation of placer ground. MS, 1924 (min- ing). U-312. Cogen, William M. CIT Mechanics of landslides. PhD, 1937. U-313. Elliott, Douglas H. UC Photogeologic interpretations using photogrammetric dip calculations. MA, 1951. U-314. Knight, Charles A. Chicago The origin of pillow structure. PhD, 1959. U-315. Kruckeberg, A. R. UC An experimental inquiry into the nature of endemism on serpentine soils. PhD, 1950 (botany). U-316. Manning, John C. Stanford A statistical-petrographic test of the aggregate-alkali re- activity of concrete aggregate. PhD, 1951. U-317. Manson, Marsden UC Geologic and solar climates. PhD, 1893. U-318. Roscoe, Stuart M. Stanford Dilation diagrams, their application to vein-type ore de- posits. (Slocan district, British Columbia). PhD, 1951. PART III AUTHOR INDEX Unprefixed numbers refer to theses plotted on Plate I and are fully referenced in Part 1. Numbers prefixed by a "U" are theses not plotted on Plate I, and are refer- enced in Part II. Aarons, B. L. (169) Abad, L. F. (U-311) Adams, B. C. (789) Adams, C. E. (U-247) Adams, S. F. (U-248) Adams, W. L. (490* Addicott, W. O. (375) Agnew, H. W. (635) Akman, M. S. (759) Albers, J. P. (26) Alexander, C. S. (259) Alfors, J. T. (290) Allen, C. R. (756) Allen, C. W. (761) Allen, H. B. (387) Allen, J. E. (281) Allen, V. T. (114) Amer, H. H. (U-291) Anderson, A. T. (U-123) Anderson, C. A. (42) Anderson, F. M. (U-42) Anderson, F. M. (131) Anderson, G. H. (618) Anderson, G. H. (181) Anderson, H. T. (U-266) Anderson, R. E. (897) Anderson, R. M. (563) Andrews, P. (310) Angel, L. H. (94) Arden, D. D., Jr. (152) Arnal, R. E. (876) Arnestad, K. H. (498) Arnold, R. (837) Arnold, R. (832) Arntson, R. H. (U-161) Artusy, R. (533) Ashley, G. H. (U-43) Atkinson, J. E. (247) Austin, C. F. (333a) Axelrod, D. I. (415) Aydinoglu, M. A. (U-188) Azmon, E. (U-20) Azmon, E. (676) Babcock, B. A. (U-145) Babcock, J. N. (810) Babenroth, D. I. (U-21) Back, W. (1) Badger, R. L. (535) Bailey, E. H. (849) Bailey, T. L. (168) Bain, R. J. (606) Baird, A. K. (740) Baird, A. K. (125) Baker, W. L. (U-189) Baldwin, E. J. (U-124) Ball, A. R. (864) Barca, R. A. (406) Barnard, R. M. (413) Barnes, S. U. (833) Bass, M. N. (473) Bass, R. O. (705) Bateman, P. C. (240) Bates, T. F. (113) Baudino, F. J. (726) Bauer, F. H. (88) Bayoumi, I. A. (U-3) Beal, C. H. (286) Beard, C. N. (282) Beatie, R. L. (658) Beaty, C. B. (236) Bell, F. W. (614) Bell, G. L. (362) Bellemin, G. (762) Benedict, R. W. (184) Benioff, V. H. (U-190) Ben-Menahem, A. (U-191) Bentson, H. (U-267) Bentson, H. (86) Bergen, F. W. (682) Berthiaume, S. A. (105) Best, M. G. (233) Bettinger, C. E. (472) Beveridge, A. J. (U-22) Beverly, B„ Jr. (553) Bhattacharya, P. K. (U-192) Bieler, B. H. (U-249) Biren, H. A. (U-250) Birman, J. H. (235) Birman, J. H. (580) Bishop, W. C. (665) Blaisdell, R. C. (532) Blanc, R. P. (269) Bode, F. D. (855) Bode, F. D. (U-268) Bode, F. D. (388) Bodenlos, A. J. (218) Bolles, L. W. (709) Bonillas, Y., Ill (U-146) Booth, C. V. (231) Borax, E. (418) Borg, I. P. (90) Borglin, E. K. (83) Borys, E. (460) Boulger, M. L. (306) Bowen, O. E., Jr. (456) Bowers, R. A. (U-4) Boyd, H. A. (107) Boyd, H. A. (96) Boyle, A. C. (25) Boyle, A. C. (24) Brabb, E. E. (250) Bradbury, A. E. (359) Bradley, C. C. (303) Bradley, W. C. (258) Bradley, W. W. (U-147) Brady, T. J. (690) Bramkamp, R. A. (755) Brewer, W. A., Ill (12) Brice, J. C. (80) Brice, J. C. (81) Briggs, L. I. (277) Briggs, O. E. (U-148) Brockhouse, T. E. (688) Brooks, E. R. (194) Brown, G. E. (681) Brown, R. S. (603) Browning, J. L. (617) Bruff, S. C. (851) Bryson, R. P. (188) Bryson, R. P. (769) Buchholtz, H. F. (745) Buffington, E. C. (695) Buhn, W. K. (261) Bull, W. B. (307) Burchfiel, B. C. (249) Burham, C. W. (U-l) Burnett, J. L. (475) Burnham, W. L. (742) Bush, G. L. (591) Butcher, W. S. (896) Buttram, G. N. (887) Buwalda, J. P. (443) Byerly, P. E. (U-5) Byerly, P. E. (U-193) Cabeen, W. R. (664) Cameron, J. B. (U-6) Carder, D. S. (U-7) Carlson, H. W. (724) Carman, M. F., Jr. (479) Carson, C. M. (U-44) Carter, N. L. (710) Carter, W. H. (84) Cartwright, L. D., Jr. (531) Carver, J. A. (512) Cassell, J. K. (312) Cebeci, A. (657) Cebull, S. E. (130, 130a) Ceylan, R. (412) Chamberlain, T. K. (891) Chambers, E. F. (545) Champeny, J. D. (712) Chandra, D. K. (69) III. AUTHOR INDEX A to Co Chasey, K. L. (242) Chauvel, J. P. (530) Chawner, W. D. (655) Chesterman, C. W. (243) Childs, T. S., Jr. (380) Chilingar, G. V. (U-162) Christensen, A. D. (903) Christensen, M. N. (325) Christensen, R. S. (256) Chuber, S. (58) Church, H. V. (36) Churkin, M. (9) Cifelli, R. (388) Clark, A. (835) Clark, A. W. (98) Clark, B. L. (U-45) Clark, G. H. (856) Clark, S. G. (U-46) Clark, W. O. (209) Clary, M. R. (400) Classen, J. S. (214) Classen, W. J., Jr. (511) Clements, T. (568) Clements, T. (547) Cleveland, G. B. (U-l 63) Cogen, W. M. (U-23) Cogen, W. M. (U-312) Colburn, I. P. (155) Colburn, I. P. (784) Coleman, R. G. (320) Collins, D. F. (245) Collins, I. D. (U-164) Compton, R. R. (60) Condit, C. (U-47) Conrad, S. D. (667) Conrey, B. L. (U-l 25) [35] 36 CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF MINF.S AND GEOLOGY Conrey, B. L. (85) Coogan, A. H. (21) Cook, P. G. (U-251) Cook, R. E. (52) Cook, T. D. (376) Cooke, H. R., Jr. (62) Cooksey, C. D., Jr. (622) Cooney, R. L. (747) Cooper, J. C. (586) Cooper, W. C. (U-48) Corbato, C. E. (685) Corby, G. W. (857) Corcoran, E. F. (U-307) Cordova, S. (565) Corey, W. H. (602) Cox, A. V. (U-194) Cox, D. P. (19) Crandall, B. G. (432) Crandall, H. (890) Crandall, R. (167) Creely, R. S. (57) Crittenden, M. D. (219) Crook, T. H. (514) Crouch, R. W. (U-49) Crouch, S. A. (U-50) Crowell, J. C. (474) Crume, R. W. (358) Crutcher, J. F. (76) Crutchfield, W. H., Jr. (92) Cummings, J. C. (224) Cummings, J. C. (226) Curran, J. F. (422) Curtis, G. H. (110) Cutsforth, D. H. (738) Czamanske, G. K. (U-165) Dailey, D. H. (500) Daley, A. C. (64) Daly, J. W. (746) Dana, S. W. (U-134) Dana, S. W. (U-195) Darrow, R. L. (206) Daviess, S. N. (583) Davis, C. H. (350) Davis, D. L. (331) Davis, E. F. (U-24) Davis, E. F. (U-25) Davis, G. A. (16) Dawson, C. A. (576) Day, D. W., Jr. (103) DeBremaecker, J. C. (U-196) Dehlinger, P. (628) Dehlinger, P. (U-8) Dehlinger, P. (558) DeLeen, J. L. (446) DeLise, K. C. (477) DeLong, J. H., Jr. (826) Demirmen, F. (U-126) Dempster, R. E. (288) DeNoyer, J. M. (U-197) Denson, M. E., Jr. (U-198) DeWitte, I. (U-292) DeWitte, L. (U-293) DeWitte, L. (U-199) Dickerson, R. E. (U-51) Dickinson, W. R. (345) Dickson, B. A. (13) Dickson, F. W. (U-166) Dietz, R. S. (U-26) Dill, R. F. (496) Dobbs, P. (399) Dodd, J. R. (U-52) Doell, E. C. (143) Doell, R. R. (U-200) Dolton, G. I. (850) Dondanville, R. F. (59) Donnay, J. D. H. (43) Donnelly, M. (886) Donnelly, M. (879) Donnelly, M. (869a) Doolittle, R. C. (U-201) Dorf, E. (U-53) Dorsey, R. E. (271) Dort, W., Jr. (584) Dosch, E. F. (378) Dougherty, J. F. (433) Douglass, R. C. (U-54) Douglass, R. M. (U-167) Doumani, G. I. (145) Douze, E. J. (U-202) Drake, N. F. (U-139) Dreyer, F. E. (538) Dreyer, R. M. (638) Dreyer, R. M. (U-252) Dreyer, R. M. (U-168) Driver, H. L. (768) Droullard, E. K. (391) Druckerman, D. (U-55) Drummond, C. H. (506) Dudley, P. H., Jr. (728) Duggan, M. D. (852) Dunn, J. R. (124) Durham, J. W. (U-56) Durrell, C. (323) Durst, F. M. (U-140) Dusenberry, A. N. (106) Dyk, K. (U-203) Eaton, G. P. (765) Eaton, J. P. (U-204) Eckis, R. P. (875) Edmundson, J. W. (620) Edwards, C. D. (585) Edwards, E. C. (730) Edwards, E. C. (764) Ehlig, P. L. (650) Ehrreich, A. L. (266) Eichelberger, A. AA., Jr. (U-205) Eisenhardt, W. C. (U-2) Ekblaw, G. E. (U-303) Elam, J. G. (680) Elbishlawi, M. H. M. (U-294) Elliott, D. H. (U-313) Elliott, J. L. (718) Ellsworth, E. W. (449) El Wardani, S. A. (U-169) Emerson, D. O. (189) Emerson, W. K. (U-57) Emery, K. O. (U-136) Enders, D. W. (95) Engel, C. G. (U-170) Engel, R. (824) English, H. D. (757) English, W. A. (623) Enos, P. P. (309) Ergin, K. (U-206) Erickson, M. R. (201) Ericson, D. B. (763) Ernst, W. G. (U-171) Eschner, S. (588) Esser, R. W. (212) Evans, B. L. (U-295) Evans, D. L. W. (U-58) Evans, J. R. (403) Evans, M. H. (468) Everhart, D. L. (889) Evernden, J. F. (U-207) Ewing, S. C. (45) Exum, F. A. (491) Eymann, J. I. (U-127) Faggioli, R. E. (543) Faick, J. N. (U-149) Fairbanks, H. W. (U-150) Fairchild, W. W. (248) Fantozzi, J. H. (668) Farr, J. B. (U-208) Farrand, W. H. (834) Ferguson, G. C. (901) Fernandez, A. P. (859) Fernow, D. L. (426) Tiedler, W. M. (192) Fiedler, W. M. (314) Findlay, W. A. (U-128) Findlay, W. A. (U-269) Findlay, W. A. (854) Fine, S. F. (470) Fisher, G. M. (71) Fitzgerald, J. K. (55) Fleury, B. (644a) Flinn, E. A. (U-209) Flint, D. E. (301) Foote, R. S. (902) Forbes, R. F. S. (U-210) Ford, W. E. (661) Forester, R. D. (U-211) Forester, R. D. (646) Foshag, W. F. (U-27) Foxhall, H. B. (499) Frakes, I. A. (492) Frames, D. W. (229) Fraser, D. M. (809) Frizzel, D. L. (U-270) Frost, F. H. (722) Fu, C. Y. (U-212) Fuller, W. P., Jr. (63) Fulmer, C. V. (150) Fulmer, C. V. (129) Fulton, R. B., Ill (U-172) Funkhouser, L. W. (210) Gale, H. R. (U-61) Galliher, E. W. (283) Galliher, E. W. (311) Gamble, J. H. (672) Gardescu, I. I. (U-296) Gardner, D. L. (453) Gardner, R. A. (263) Gardner, W. I. (53) Gay, T. E., Jr. (15) Gazin, C. L. (484) Gazin, C. L. (485) Gealey, W. K. (87) Geldart, L. P. (U-213) GifTord, C. D. (U-59) Gilbert, C. M. (180) Gilbert, F. L. (112) Giles, E. (U-60) Gillies, W. D. (819) Gilmore, S. P. (56) Girard, C. M. (504) Girard, L. V. (34) Glass, H. D. (332) Glen, W. (207) Glover, J. J. E. (393) Goldberg, I. (U-173) Goldberg, J. (U-141) Goldstein, G. (899) Goodwin, J. G. (61) Gorsline, D. S. (773) Gosline, J. E. (U-297) Goss, C. R. (99) Gottsdanker, E. N. (613) Goudy, C. L. (383) Gould, M. J. (U-214) Graham, D. H. (430) Graham, J. J. (140) Grant, U. S., IV (U-61) Grau, G. (U-215) Gray, C. H. (793) Green, C. F. (278) Green, D. E. (U-216) Greenwood, R. (234) Greife, J. I. (294) Grender, G. C. (509) Grier, A. W. (619) Grobecker, A. J. (U-9) Grose, L. T. (407) Gross, D. J. (537) Guild, F. N. (U-253) Guillou, R. B. (647) Guynes, G. E. (678) Hacker, R. N. (217) Haehl, H. L. (208) Hagen, D. W. (536) Hake, B. F. (U-152) Hall, C. A., Jr. (200) Hall, F. R. (707) Hall, F. R. (195) Hall, W. E. (326) Halsey, J. H. (123) Ham, C. K. (165) Hamilton, W. B. (267) Hammond, P. E. (435) Hand, B. M. (893) Handin, J. W. (U-129) Hanna, M. A. (884) Hannah, W. G. (791) Hansen, D. A. (495) Harbaugh, J. W. (U-62) Hardey, G. W. (719) Harding, J. W., Jr. (211) Harding, M. W. (U-174) Harding, T. P. (716) Herman, R. A. (U-63) Harrington, W. C. (49) Harris, H. (559) Harris, P. B. (441) Harris, W. S. (268) Harshman, E. N. (736) Hart, J. M. (493) Hartman, D. C. (489) Hash, B. (U-298) Haskell, B. S. (405) Hawley, H. J. (517) Hay, E. A. (363) Haysi W. H. (812) Hazenbush, G. C. (691) Hazzard, J. C. (328) Hazzard, J. C. (452) Healy, J. H. (U-10) Heard, H. C. (U-217) Heath, E. G. (785) Hedden, A. H., Jr. (579) Heikkila, H. H. (392) Hemley, J. J. (U-175) Hendry, N. W. (334) Henshaw, P. C. (397) Henshaw, P. C. (904) Heppner, J. P. (U-218) Herkenham, M. W. (232) Herlyn, H. T. (502) Herold, C. L. (287) Herold, S. C. (U-299) Herrera, L. J., Jr. (364) Hertlein, L. G. (U-64) Hertlein, L. G. (900) Hessler, R. R. (U-65) Hetherington, G. E. (609) Higgins, C. G., Jr. (100) Higgs, D. V. (637) Hill, H. S. (552, 641) Hill, M. L. (659) Hill, M. L. (525) Hillis, D. M. (410) Hilton, G. S. (792) Hollister, V. F. (35) Holloway, J. N. (626) Holser, W. T. (574) Holway, R. S. (U-134a) Holwerda, J. G. (640) Holzman, B. (U-219) Hook, J. S. (199) Hookway, L. C. (507) Hoots, H. W. (439) SPECIAL REPORT 74 37 Hopper, R. H. (U-300) Hopper, R. H. (U-220) Hopper, R. H. (769) Hopper, R. H. (330) Hoppin, R. A. (814) Hornaday, G. R. (516) Hoskins, C. W. (U-66) Hoskins, C. W. (781) Howard, H. (721) Howard, H. (137) Howell, B. F., Jr. (U-222) Howell, B. F., Jr. (U-221) Howell, B. F., Jr. (630) Howes, T. B. (873) Hsu, K. J. (741) Huckaba, W. A. (421) Hudson, F. S. (885) Huey, A. S. (197) Hulin, C. D. (409) Hulsemann, J. E. (895) Hurlbut, C. S., Jr. (869) Hurlbut, E. M., Jr. (91) Hurley, N. L. (U-301) Inderbitzen, A. L. (687) Ingle, J. C. (U-67) Inman, D. L. (892) Irving, E. M. (794) Irwin, W. P. (573) Isaacs, K. N. (384) Ishimoto, T. T. (275) Johns, R. H. (577) Janish, J. R. (291) James, G. T. (434) Jeffreys, S. R. (522) Jenkins, O. P. (U-68) Jenkins, S. F. (365) Jennings, C. W. (471) Jennings, R. A. (663) Jestes, E. C. (604) Johnson, B. K. (557) Johnson, B. K. (367) Johnson, F. A. (101) Johnson, F. A. (429) Johnson, R. F. (122) Johnson, R. L. (564) Johnston, I. M. (818) Johnston, R. L. (656) Johnston, S. (93) Jones, B. F. (871) Jones, D. L. (U-272) Jordan, J. T. (464) Judson, J. F. (569) Kanaya, T. (149) Karubian, R. Y. (733) Keenan, M. F. (534) Kelley, F. R. (503) Kelley, V. C. (704) Kelley, V. C. (333) Kelly, R. B. (586) Kemnitzer, L. E. (843) Kemnitzer, L. E. (645) Kemper, D. B. (104) Kern, J. W. (U-223) Kerr, A. R. (776) Kerr, P. F. (U--254) Kesseli, J. E. (183) Kew, W. S. W. (U-69) Kew, W. S. W. (888) Key, C. E. (390) Kiessling, E. (540) Kildale, M. B. (U-255) Killen, J. L. (868) Kilmer, F. H. (156) Kimm, D. (654) King, T. W. (U-273) Kirk, M. V. (U-70) Kirkpatrick, J. C. (U-71) Kirkpatrick, J. C. (480) Kistler, R. W. (177) Kleinpell, R. M. (U-72) Kleinpell, R. M. (347) Klucking, E. P. (U-73) Knight, C. A. (U-314) Knopf, A. (324) Knox, N. B. (154) Knutson, C. F. (595) Kolpack, R. L. (519) Konkoff, V. I. (U-28) Kramm, H. E. (U-29) Kriz, S. J. (562) Kruckeberg, A. R. (U-315) Kundert, C. J. (782) Kuo, J. T. F. (U-224) Kupfer, D. H. (398) Kupfer, D. H. (478) Kvenvolden, K. A. (141) Lamar, D. L. (729) Lamar, D. L. (787) Lambert, E. F. (108) Lambert, G. S. (220) LaMotte, R.S. (U-274) Lance, J. F. (882) Lance, J. F. (529) Landis, S. W. (357) Landwehr, W. R. (450) Larson, E. E. (539) Lawton, J. E. (79) Lee, H. W. (344) Leith, C. J. (279) Lemmon, D. M. (65) Lemmon, D. M. (190) Leo, G. W. (254) Lerbekmo, J. F. (U-130) Levet, M. N. (862) Levorsen, R. I. (615) Lewis, L. A. (788) Lewis, W. D. (616) Lian, H. M. (524) Lieber, P. (U-225) Lieber, P. (U-226) Lindsay, D. R. (699) Lipson, J. I. (U-226a) Lloyd, R. M. (U-176) Loel, W. F. (U-74) Lohman, K. E. (U-75) Lohman, K. E. (683) Lombard!, L. V. (222) Lombard!, L. V. (U-227) Lombardi, O. W. (297) Lomnitz, C. (U-228) Long, R. E. (353) Loofbourow, J. S. (598) Loomis, A. A. (74) Louderback, G. D. (U-30) Lovering, J. F. (U-256) Lownes, R. E. (521) Ludwick, J. C. (894) Lung, R. (601) Lutz, G. C. (135) Lyon, R. J. P. (244) McAllister, J. F. (72) McAllister, J. F. (298) McAndrews, M. G. (260) McCall, M. A. (128) McClellan, H. W. (U-81) McCollom, R. L., Jr. (251) McCroden, T. J. (284) McCulloh, T. H. (445) McCullough, T. R. (589) McGill, J. T. (437) McGill, J. T. (693) McGirk, L. S., Jr. (U-258) McGlasson, R. H. (848) Mclntyre, J. R. (11) McKay, D. S. (U-177) McKee, E. B., Jr. (262) McKinlay, P. F. (228) McLaughlin, D. H., Jr. (354) McMasters, J. H. (610) McMath, V. E. (44) McNaughton, D. A. (416) McNaughton, D. A. (649) McNitt, J. R. (82) McPherson, W. J. (396) MacDonald, G. A. (276) MacDonald, G. A. (772) MacDonald, J. R. (164) MacGinitie, H. D. (20) Maclvor, K. A. (669) MacKevett, E. M. (743) MacLellan, D. D. (753) MacLellan, D. D. (796) MacLeod, G. M. (389) MacNeill, R. J. (625a) Mack, J. E., Jr. (215) Mack, S. (6) Maddock, M. (230) Madsen, S. H. (494) Mahrholz, W. W. E. (U-257) Mallory, V. S. (U-76) Mallory, V. S. (394) Mandra, Y. T. (U-77) Mandra, Y. T. (148) Mann, J. F. (807) Mann, J. F. (823) Manning, G. A. (17) Manning, J. C. (U-316) Mannion, L. E. (173) Manson, M. (U-317) Marianos, A. (U-78) Marks, J. G. (476) Marlette, J. W. (830) Marsh, O. T. (377) Martin, B. (U-79) Martin, D. R. (607) Martin, J. S. (608) Martin, L. (U-80) Martin, L. T. (285) Martner, S. T. (U-229) Mason, H. L. (U-275) Mason, H. L. (117) Masson, P. H. (5) Mawby, J. E. (U-276) Maxson, J. H. (2) Maxson, J. H. (490a) Maynard, R. G. (461) Mayo, E. B. (179) Mayo, E. B. (187) Mead, R. G. (679) Meade, R. H., Jr. (U-304) Melcon, Z. K. (322) Menard, H. W. (572) Merenbach, S. E. (U-153) Merifield, P. M. (662) Mero, J. L. (U-308) Merriam, C. W. (U-82) Merriam, P. D. (777) Merriam, R. H. (881) Meserve, C. D. (825) Meyerhoff, A. A. (U-277) Michael, E. D. (442) Mielenz, R. C. (318) Militante, P. J. (U-278) Miller, C. J. (556) Miller, C. P. (U-178) Miller, F. S. (870) Miller, L. H. (U-82a) Miller, R. D. (448) Minton, M. C. (264) Miranda, L. J. (204) Mitchell, G. D. (257) Moddle, D. A. (191) Molander, G. E. (505) Mooney, H. M. (U-230) Moore, B. N. (U-83) Moore, B. N. (806) Moore, D. G. (841) Moore, H. L. (766) Moore, J. G. (292) Moore, R. F. (804) Morrison, R. R. (629) Moses, S. (U-279) Moss, F. A. (126) Moss, F. A. (127) Moyer, D. A. (838) Muehlberger, E. B. (428) Muehlberger, W. R. (571) Mull, B. H. (739) Mulryan, H. (166) Munk, W. H. (U-231) Murphy, F. M. (329) Murphy, M. A. (40) Murphy, M. J. (U-259) Naji, T. (U-179) Narasimhan, T. (U-84) Natland, M. L. (U-85) Nelson, A. G. (463) Nelson, R. L. (U-232) Nelson, R. N. (526) Nelson, R. W. (296) Neuerburg, G. J. (U-260) Neuerburg, G. J. (689) III. AUTHOR INDEX Co to Of Newman, P. V. (486) Newson, J. F. (U-86) Newton, R. C. (700) Newton, R. J. (170) Nicholls, W. M. (352) Nickell, F. A. (315) Nickell, F. A. (554) Nigra, J. O. (714) Nomland, J. O. (U-87) Nomland, J. O. (355) Norris, M. L. (U-154) Norris, R. N. (501) Norris, R. N. (846) Novotny, J. R. (457) Nugent, L. E., Jr. (395) Oakeshott, G. B. (431) Oakeshott, G. B. (632) Oates, N. D. (860) Oberling, J. J. (U-88) O'Bert, L. K. (708) Oestereich, E. S. (162) Ogilvie, T. F. (U-309) Ogle, B. A. (31) Ogle, B. A. (18) Oliver, G. W. (590) Olmsted, F. H. (737) Olmsted, F. H. (76a) Olsen, E. J. (U-261) Olson, J. C. (402) O'Malley, F. W. (U-233) Orr, J. M. (636) Ortalda, R. A. (246) Orwig, E. R. (518) Osborn, E. F. (795) Osterholt, W. R. B. (874) Otte, C, Jr. (570) 38 CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF MINES AND GEOLOGY Owens, G. V. (648) Owens, J. S. (67) Pabst, A. (U-31) Packard, E. L. (U-89) Page, G. B. (778) Paguirigan, F. (836) Palache, C. (138) Pampeyan, E. H. (798) Pantin, J. H. (203) Parker, P. E. (U-90) Parker, R. B. (109) Parsons, R. L. (467) Pasta, D. (670) Patchick, P. F. (404) Patnode, H. W. (304) Patten, P. R. (147) Peabody, F. E. (U-91) Pease, M. H., Jr. (139) Peck, D. L. (411) Peikert, E. W. (73) Pelletier, W. J. (172) Pelline, J. E. (771) Perry, E. P. (U-155) Perry, I. J. (239) Pertusio, S. M. (611) Peryam, R. C. (385) Pestana, H. R. (273) Peterson, R. A. (U-ll) Pfaffman, G. A. (549) Phillips, I. L. (872) Phillips, R. M. (343) Phinney, R. A. (U-234) Phipps, R. T. (653) Phleger, F. B., Jr. (293) Pickering, R. J. (U-180) Pickup, C. E. (U-92) Pierce, R. L. (686) Pike, R. W. (361) Pittman, E. D. (237) Plafker, G. (336) Poland, J. F. (146) Pollard, D. L. (567) Poole, D. M. (64) Popenoe, F. W. (811) Popenoe, W. P. (790) Popenoe, W. P. (802) Popenoe, W. P. (U-280) Power, W. F., Jr. (335) Powers, D. L. (U-32) Powers, H. A. (8) Poyner, W. D. (488) Pratt, J. H. (373) Pratt, W. L., Jr. (321) Pray, L. C. (U-33) Pray, L. C. (401) Pressler, E. D. (600) Price, M. C. (786) Proctor, R. J. (754) Protzman, D. L. (513) Putlitz, F. H. (U-93) Putnam, W. C. (596) Putnam, W. C. (597) Putnam, W. C. (178) Pye, W. D. (U-235) Quaide, W. L. (594) Queries, M., Jr. (731) Quigley, M. D. (U-12) Ragan, D. M. (368) Raleigh, C. B. (820) Rand, W. W. (674) Rankin, W. D. (805) Ransome, A. L. (182) Ronsome, F. L. (U-156) Ray, W. B. (U-262) Raymond, M. S. (50) Redmond, C. D. (839) Redwine, L. E. (U-310) Reed, R. D. (341) Regan, L. J., Jr. (340) Regan, L. J., Jr. (339) Reiche, P. (349) Reinhart, P. W. (U-94) Reinhart, P. W. (599) Reinhart, R. H. (U-281) Reiter, M. (774) Renke, D. F. (671) Rensberger, J. M. (U-282) Repecka, A. L. (425) Resig, J. M. (U-95) Revelle, R. (U-137) Riccio, J. F. (451) Rice, H. M. A. (624) Richards, C. A. (327) Richards, E. E. (U-96) Richards, G. L, Jr. (424) Richardson, R. W. (360) Richey, K. A. (153) Richmond, J. F. (643) Richmond, J. F. (800) Rigsby, G. P. (U-263) Roberts, E. E. (U-181) Roberts, W. B. (462) Robertson, G. K. (697) Robertson, M. S. (342) Robinson, B. B. (566) Robinson, G. D. (265) Robson, H. L. (U-182) Rodda, P. U. (39) Roehl, P. O. (U-97) Rofe, R. (77) Rogers, J. J. W. (752) Roscoe, S. M. (U-31 8) Rose, R. B. (U-236) Rose, R. L. (120) Rose, R. L. (176) Ross, D. C. (305) Ross, R. C. (420) Ross, T. P. (612) Rossello, P. O. B. (144) Roth, E. S. (701) Roth, J. C. (861) Ruckman, J. H. (337) Ruhlman, F. L. (U-302) Ruiz Elizondo, J. (749) Ruiz Elizondo, J. (555) Rupnik, J. J. (587) Russell, R. D. (36a) Russell, R. D. (U-98) Russell, R. J. (7) Ruth, J. W. (U-99) Samsel, H. S. (414) Sanborn, A. F. (14) Sandberg, E. C. (878) Sander, N. J. (U-283) Sanford, A. R. (U-13) Sasse, J. B. (417) Saul, L. R. (47) Saul, R. B. (274) Savage, D. E. (U-100) Savage, J. C. (U-237) Scanlin, D. G. (560) Schafer, S. (U-238) Scherb, I. V. (U-14) Schilling, K. H. (438) Schlee, J. S. (541) Schlocker, J. (68) Schmidt, O. M. (136) Scholl, D. W. (675) Schombel, L. F. (316) Schultz, J. R. (831) Schultz, J. R. (419) Schupp, R. D. (713) Schwarcz, H. P. (808) Scott, K. M. (272) Scott, T. (U-305) Seager, G. F. (22) Seastrom, W. C. (816) Shappell, M. D. (U-264) Sharp, R. P. (634) Shaw, C. M. (U-183) Shawe, D. R. (U-34) Sheehan, J. R. (132) Sheldon, D. H. (702) Shelton, J. S. (735) Shepard, J. B., Jr. (542) Shepherd, G. L. (561) Shimazaki, Y. (U-265) Shor, G. G., Jr. (U-15) Short, A. M. (186) Shouldice, J. R. (97) Shreve, R. L. (644) Shuler, E. H. (758) Sierveld, F. G. (483) Silgado, E. F. (U-239) Simonson, R. R. (694) Simpson, A. L. (815) Simpson, D. R. (880) Simpson, E. C. (459) Sims, S. J. (822) Sinclair, J. T. (767) Sinclair, W. J. (23) Sinnott, A. (205) Slemmons, D. B. (121) Slosson, J. E. (U-131) Smith, A. (465) Smith, A. (744) Smith, A. R. (185) Smith, B. Y. (133) Smith, C. T. (U-35) Smith, C. T. (U-101) Smith, C. T. (3) Smith, D. D. (202) Smith, G. I. (408) Smith, G. I. (444) Smith, H. (U-102) Smith, H. (U-36) Smith, H. P. (U-103) Smith, M. B. (171) Smith, N. D. (U-284) Smith, N. J. (196) Smith, R. E. (748) Smith, R. J. (627) Smith, S. W. (U-240) Smith, V. M. (544) Smith, W. D. (U-285) Smith, W. S. T. (842) Snedden, L. B. (523) Snow, D. T. (161) Solari, A. J. (160) Soliman, S. M. (216) Sommer, H. H. (U-241) Sonneman, H. S. (677) Soske, J. L. (877) Southwick, T. S. (865) Sparks, D. D. (U-104) Spencer, F. D. (711) Spencer, T. W. (U-242) Spitznas, R. L. (46) Spotts, J. H. (U-37) Stanton, R. J., Jr. (548) Stanton, W. L, Jr. (382) Staples, L. W. (U-184) Stark, H. E. (760) Stauder, W. V. (U-243) Stevenson, R. E. (866) Stevenson, R. E. (853) Stewart, H. B., Jr. (673) Stewart, K. C. (32) Stewart, L. L. (70) Stewart, R. E. (32) Stipp, T. F. (66) Stirton, R. A. (U-105) Stock, C. (75) Stoertz, G. E. (369) Stokesbary, W. A. (U-106) Stolz, H. P. (827) Stone, R. (440) Stone, R. O. (U-132) Stone, R. O. (U-157) Strom, R. G. (225) Studley, C. K. (51) Sullivan, F. R. (252) Sullwold, H. H. (696) Sullwold, H. H. (858) Susuki, T. (692) Sutherland, J. C. (U-158) Swinney, C. M. (159) Switzer, G. (U-38) Szatai, J. E. (546) Tabor, L. L. (270) Taliaferro, N. L. (U-39) Taylor, D. N. (U-286) Taylor, G. F. (241) Taylor, G. F. (732) Taylor, H. P., Jr. (U-185) Taylor, J. C. (783) Taylor, R. K. (78) Taylor, R. W. (U-186) Taylor, S. G., Jr. (U-16) Taylor, W. H. (U-287) Templeton, E. C. (221) Terpening, J. N. (720) Terry, R. D. (U-135) Thomas, E. S. (U-159) Thompson, W. O. (U-306) Thornburgh, H. R. (118) Thorup, R. R. (346) Tibby, R. B. (U-138) Tischler, H. (299) Tobisch, O. T. (175) Tocher, D. (U-17) Todd, W. (U-133) Touring, R. M. (223) Tovell, W. M. (779) Townsend, J. R. (625) Trask, P. D. (313) Trask, P. D. (U-107) Trovers, W. B. (255) Travis, R. B. (102) Traxler, J. D. (715) Tresselt, P. (427) Trew, J. R. (651) Troster, J. G. (213) Trowbridge, A. C. (302) Troxel, B. W. (458) Truex, J. N. (717) Trujillo, E. F. (37) Tuller, B. A. (U-244) Turner, F. E. (469) Turner, M. D. (115) Uchupi, E. (845) Uhrig, L. F. (578) Untermann, B. R. (142) Urick, R. J. (U-245) Valentine, J. W. (U-108) Valov, I. (U-290) Van Amringe, J. H. (482) Van Camp, Q. W. (605) Van Couvering, M. (387) VanderHoof, V. L. (U-288) Van Gundy, C. E. (379) Varney, F. M. (U-310) Vaughan, F. E. (750) Vaughan, F. E. (751) Vedder, J. G. (799) Verastegui-Mackee, P. (U-109) VerPlanck, W. E., Jr. (813) Vickery, F. P. (198) Vickery, F. P. (227) Vitt, A. W. (134) Vokes, H. E. (U-110) SPECIAL REPORT 74 39 Von Estoff, F. E. von Huene, R. E. (356) (374) Waggoner, E. B. (770) Wagner, C. M. (436) Wagner, J. P. (386) Waite, R. H. (295) Walker, G. W. (U-40) Wallace, R. E. (581) Wallace, R. E. (550) Walrond, H. (520) Walsh, T. F. (163) Walters, C. P. (U-18) Wang, C. Y. (U-160) Wardle, W. C. (348) Ware, G. C, Jr. (821) Waring, C. A. (U-lll) Washburn, E. D., Ill (280) Wasson, E. B. (317) Waterfall, L. N. (592) Watkins, J. G. (U-112) Watson, E. A. (U-113) Watson, S. E., Jr. (89) Weaver, C. E. (116) Weaver, D. W. (515) Weaver, D. W. (510) Weaver, W. R. (497) Webb, D. S. (U-290a) Webb, R. W. (898) Webb, R. W. (551) Webb, R. W. (366) Webber, 1. E. S. (U-114) Webber, 1. E. S. (527) Weber, F, H. (454) Weidman , R. M. (351) Welby, C. W. (423) Welday, E. E. (487) Weldon, J. B. (727) Welles, S. P. (U-289) Wells, J. C. (652) Wemple, E. M. (U-115) Wesendunk, P. R. (253) West, J. W. (703) Whaley, H. M. (639) (174) Wheatfill, E. L. (828) Wheeler, A. E. (801) Wheeler, D. P. , Jr. (1 Wheeler, H. E. (28) Wheeler, H. E. (27) Whetten, J. T. (238) White, E. M. (U-144) White, R. C. (582) White, W. R. (863) White, W. S. (660) Whitman, A. R. (U-187) Wiedey, L. W. (U-116) Wiedey, L. W. (U-117) Wiese, J. H. (593) Wiese, J. H. (466) Wilcox, G. A. (119) Wilcox, M. (U-118) Wilhelms, D. E. (54) Williams, J. J. (817) Williams, W. P. (4) Willis, D. G. (780) Willis, R. (U-143) Willis, R. (U-142) Wilshire, H. G. (Ill) Wilson, E. J. (508) Wilson, H. D. B. (334) Wilson, H. D. B. (698) Wilson, I. F. (289) Wilson, R. D. (706) Wilson, R. R. (381) Wilson, R. W. (528) Wilson, R. W. (U-119) Wilson, R. W. (797) Wilson, T. A. (41) Wimberely, C. S. (883) Winckel, E. E. (827) Winterer, E. L. (621) Winters, H. H. (447) Witherspoon, A. J. (38) Withstandley, V. D. W., Ill Witucki, G. S. (829) Wolfe, J. A. (U-120) Woodcock, E. (U-41) Woodford, A. O. (867) Woods, E. H. (193) Woodside, E. R. (319) Wozab, D. H. (684) Wrath, W. F. (847) Wright, L. A. (300) Wright, L. A. (631) Wright, L. A. (575) Yerkes, R. F. (642) Young, G. C. (48) Young, R. J. (151) Yungiil, S. (U-246) Ylingul, S. (734) Zalesny, E. R. (775) Zebal, G. P. (666) Zimmerman, J., Jr. (308) Zingula, R. P. (U-121) Ziony, J. I. (481) Zullo, V. A. (U-122) (U-19) III. AUTHOR INDEX Ow to Z A78223 1-63 3,500 pyinted in California state printing office DIVISION OF MINES AND GEOLOGY IAN CAMPBELL STATE GEOLOGIST THE RESOURCES AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION SPECIAL REPORT 74 PLATE 1 W