Law Lib. KFN 5014.2 1695a ITHDRAW ■i'r^ '-^XTT^--:^ "'•■■'■'•" "'"'' ' "■'■' '■" iiii...-iiin,iiiii)r„iiiiiliiiiiliiiii.miiijmiimiimLa- ' A J r-thSXtHyC ^«/M',,^()S- Taking into considera- tion the date of issue, and the absence of typographical imperfections which mar some of Bradford's later work, this print may be accepted as representing, in all respects, a very good example of Bradford's work at its best, iv A JOURNAL OF THE JJoufe of Reprefentatavcs For His MAJESTIES 53^otJtnce of 0m W^^^ I M AMERICA Begun the 2oth day oF fufie; inthc feventh year of Die Saturni Ante Mtrhf. June 1695. By Order of the Houfe of Reprefentatwes ^ I do appoint William Bradford taPiint the fournd of this Houfe, Ja. Graham^ Spedker^ Priaced and Sold by Willism Bradford, Priater to his Majefty, Kidg W/JKH at the Sign of the Bible ia NavSorh 16 gi. A T T*;T of the feveral ReprePentatlves, returnea (purFuant to ^y^Zen\elwnt) tofervein Genera! Affembly , for the '^fpiSi re"and Countks of the Province of Ne..rork, .r^ '^amesGrahanf, "1 Brandt Schuyler, f City and County of New-TorJcn l4xpreme Reade, / The/inis de ^9* j JQSian Ranfiaery> Henry Beek?»dn, l^in^y County, Willtamd.' Meyer, ^ ^ Humphry VndahillX^^^^yn^Y Cbttfitj* ^ojcph Purdyy S John vaa Eklin, lj^i„ni County. Corm/tPisSdrany^ Daniel Whitehead,! q^^^^^^ County, ^ohn "Jackfony S Matthew Hotveff,} ^^i^ Cm„ « nomai StiJlwelO^^^^„^ q^^^j^^ ElistJ^kxhrryi ^ A Journal of the Houfe of Reprefentatives^ &c. tie ytvit Ant. MeriJ. Junt io. i-f/4Wr and Coll. ^4)rice : The one camot be long Uv'd teithottt The Houfe returned, 'Mr.'SpeaTcer refurfled the Chair, and recites to the Honfe his Excellency's Speed), ut fnpra. , . r In regard that hi5Excellency''s Speech did cor Tifl of feveral Heads, Whereof fame may have ijeen omitted in the Recital thereof by the Speaker, it isOrdetv-d, That Major W(j^//i and Mr. T-ir/jr/dowait uponnis Excellency, andiodekre that the Heads of his Speech might be fen t to this Houfe in writing.- John Jackfon, one •f the Reprtfentativcs of Queens County, cauie to the Houfe, Whereupoa it was Ordered, That Mx 'Purdy, one of the Menibers thereof, do go with him to the Fort, and fee the Oiths appointed, c?"f, ndminilted to him, and that he fubfcribethe Tefi-. Mr. Ptirdy returncl, and declared. That he was prefent when the Oaths wer^adfriiniftred "to J^l^im by Co.'. Cnnrttanct pncl CoH. Btcjard, and likewife faw him fubfcribe th* left. V/hereupon the fjid J-c^/tf^ delircd to take his place accordingly. Ordered, That the further Conlideraiion of his Excellency^ Speech ba refcri'cd till the After-noon. Major W^f^r///ard Mr. Tn-htl ^o reprt from his Exre:iPncy, That hi« txcellcncv will take care the Heads of his Speech )c prepared ana tent to theHodfc inwritin*^ according to the Mellage ronimitcd to ikirr.-' , ^* 9™' ,7*"^' '^^ *^°'' '^^ ^''^ "'^'"^ ^"^ ""^^ over. Upon calling over tht RoH ' Major a-o-f//, returned a Reprcfcntative for 5;;/o/i^ County, and Henry BceUnanllX ^t"T ,^Z'' returneJ Reprcfcntatives for the County of\;i/?,r, were abfcnt Ordered That the Speaker do iiF.e out his Warrant, Requii ing the fa d Seto uve? forth- with to attend the fervice of this Houfe. K-epreientar Adjourned till Two .a Clock P*fi. Merid. ^ ^" yener'is i hor. P. M. Jme ii T V O T E S OF THE Houfe of Reprefentatives for his Majeftidf Province of New -York, Die Satttrni hor. S. J. M. '^une 22. t ^ 9 c. Upon the Confideration of the (econd Head of his Excellency'^ Speech, Ordered, That Mr. Van Eklin and Mr. Tuthil^^ wait upon his Excellency and Council, and humbly defird a Lift of the Quota's appjinred by his Majefty , for the fecurity 0? chis Province. Mr. T/tthil znd Mr. Van Ecklirt returned, and brought a Liftof tfiC feveral Quota's appointed by his Majefty for tlie fecurity of this ffo* vince, {viz.) ^tds of Men ordered by their Maje(iies 6ut of the fever d CoSotiieS here-under mentionedy for the J^Jiance of the Provinse of ^eW'S YotK viz. Pennfihania^ 0_ A^aryUud, f| Vtrgima^ . R hodt^ I/tana and Province PlaaiaitoHy ig ConneSticut^ ^. . NerV'Torkt „ _, ' 2oo> j» aH 1198 Ordersdy That his excellency be addtefled tcJ order the PrIntertO print thd dkily Votes of this Houfe^ the Publick Charge, and that Mr. Redd and Mr. St:l>ratt do wait upon his Excellency with the laid Addrefs. Mr. Re4d&n6 Mr. Se^fah return'd from his Excellency, and reporfa C(!, That his Excellency is very willing the daily Votes of this Houf$ fhould be printed at the publick Charge, but hopes thaf theHoilfe^ (before the Se(non ends) will allow the Printer fomcthingof furthea? eacouiagement than what already eftabliiited,, Tfiac the Votrstfes Hour« he dafly printeYoik« 1695* C 9 -^ i^MlSi. $. VOTES O F T H E Houfe of Reprefenracives for his Majefties Province ot New-YorL Die ^ovit Ant. Merid. June ijf. i6<}<. TKe Report oltlic Committee appointed to examine what Forces have bceij imployed for the fc:ciirity of the Fronteers, fince the firft of May /^ft, gnd what they (hould have for the faid Service, was read, and contained as followeth, Wft. Jtu/e 2(5. 169 5. PurfuanC to the within Order, the Committee ordered Mr. D'/Ce/ and Mr. Welfels to w^it upon his Excellency the Governor, and defire the Mufter Rolls of the Forces now in the Service at .^/^4«;', d-f. who brought anfwer. That they fliould be immediately fent- . About an hour after the (aid Rolls were fent. Ordered, That the Committee be adjourned till two a Clock in the &fternOon, The Comm'ttee, according to ad/jurnment, met at two a Clock in the after- Ij00n> and think it requifue that the Pctlbns mentioned intfiefaid Mufter RoIls» according to Mr. {yfj(/e/i report, being in aftual Service, ought to have for their j&jd Service, from the day of their being lifted, & 'tho Second Lieutenant, Four Ser(ants, FoOr Corporals, One Mofitrofs, Oup Drum. Oiie ClerN . and Thirty oii(; Centinals have been in the Service at Mi*^ \iace the 1//. ol M«y laft. W.^oalfo find more In the raid Service, W^. Cxncc Ma; the 7 th One Centmil ^^S Three Cenrinak. In alf fortyoneCentinatS. , ^.. c • VVe^do aid find under the Command of Major Horvel, in the fa.d Service :,rltm f,ncethei8chofM.^Iall, OneMajor, one Captain, one Lieutenant, ^'„fSg„, tour Seriants, two Drums, fotrr Corporals, one Clerk, and thirty ^ And fincc the"raid 1 8ch day of Miy, we find entered into the faid 5ervrce, «//r. May the 2 id. Fifteen Centinals. May 25;-^, Seven Ccntinals. May^Sth^ Two Cennnals. luall 58 Ccnttaals. £//i^ Dtixburyy Chairman. Whereupon it was objected. That the aflowanceof Major .9.%Arf Company was not according to Promife. It is therefore Ordered T hit the lame be re- eommirted to the faid Commita-c, for their further Conhderation of the allow- aicetothe Paid Company, according to faid Promife, and make their i?eporC thereof fort'i-wuh. The Commirtee, to whom the Examination of what Forces were imployed for the Defence of tlie Tronteers, &c. bring m their Report that was recommitted to them, which was ordered to be Read, and contained as followcrh, f/*. "J line x}\t 2jth. I 6 9 v The Committee appointed to examine what Forces have been imployed for the Security of the Frontcers, fince thctirft of Mxy lall, and what Reward they Jliallhavefor the laid Service, do Report, That the fcveral Forces mentioned in the Mufter-ZloIIs, unto tjs produced by Major IVejft/t, and enumerated in the annexed, are in a£ludl Service, and ought to have for their faid Service (from the day ol their corringinto the fame^ the fevera! Sums follO'Ving, •&/«. Tc every Field OfTiccr and Commiffion OSccrs &c. accordmg to former Eftabhfli. ment. To every private CcnHnal of Ma)or Sc/jnylers Compdny , % 2d. per D.ent, withtheadvrance iVIortey already paid them. And to every private Centina! of Major Wwels Company, 8 d. per dtem Aid that they dj think it requifite, that a Fundberaifed for the payment of the faid Forces cnci! t!ie firft of Augufi next, according to the allowance abovefaid. hy Order of tkt Committeey Ellis Duxbury, Chiurmaa, Which Report is approved by the unanimous Confcnt of the Houlc, and its ordered. thatCapt. Hehuykr^ Mr. Tuthely Capt. Whitehetd, Mr. VaderhtU and. Mr. Ecklitt be a Committee to examine how much the Sum of the faid Service Jhall amount to, and the Quota's and Proportions of eacli rcfp^aive City andl County accordingly, and make Report thereof to morrow Mjraiog at eight of the Clock. ° A Bin to enable ttie City and County of Mtny to defray their oecelTary Charge M?as Read, and ordered a fecond Reading. / v b Adjourned till to morrow Morning eight a Clock. B 7 Order of the llouft of Keprefentttivts, I do Jppoint WilUam Bradford to ) Print the 'Jottrnal of this Houfe, Ja. Graham, Speaker, VOTES O F TH E Houfe of Reprefentatives for lii$ Majeflies Province of Nexv-York. Die VtMrii % hdr. Ant, Merict. ^tme 2%. i5rt^. THe Report of the Committee appointed to examine fiotff much the Stim to pay the Forces at Alh^ny fhaU amounc to, and the Quota's and Proportions of each refpe£tiv« City and County, &a wastcad, and was in thefe words following ^uttt 28. 169^. Pufuantto the within Order, we have examined how mBcii tise Sura of the f^id Set'vice fliall amount to, and do find that the Suni tff eight hundred Pounds will fatisfie and pay the Forces jmpfoyecl on the Fronteers fince the firft of May lafl, until the fir(t of ^mttfi next enfuing, with the incidental Charges. And that the Levy ouha feid Soo /. be raifed in each refpedbive City and County, according td the Quota's and Proportions following, via, ^ City and County of Ncw-Xork, ^ 2^> County of We^chefter, ,^ County of Richmond, ^^ Kjnii County i Ij^ Queens Counfff jig S^Ik County, ji50 Vljier County, |g Craffge Comtyp og g«»tfi„ — — ^ , ''' "^ B/ Order if the Committet^ Daniel Whitehead, Chiimim^ Which IS approved of by th& whole Houfe and ordered t^ thefaid Sum be raifed accordihj^ly* ^^ ( 1^ ) This Houfe h^mg r^^^^^:^ ^^fs^^^^^ ;aiers lately fent over by his Majall^ at ^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ Excellerjcy, for the fecunty .«fj'V?^f] ^^"hfs coming over to this ti> Death, for aMutuDy by him i^^^^.i^^^^onfidering tlie Service Province. The Houfe of ^^P^^f "^^"^.e "^ being willing thofe Forces came to do in this Pto^"^^ , a 6 ^^^ ^^b to encourage iheminthe fauhfu^d» E.ccUency, Thaf future, become Twmble SupphanK ""^^ V^.^^ g^ant unto the your-Excellency would raw)urab!y ^f ^^'^^V? §^^„cc . ^vluch Ld Souidicr his Pardon ^^^f-^^'^and all h^ Majemes fhali ever b. gratefully ^^^^^f-^^fl^^\f^ ^ r prefent. ' And good Subj^as ^^h^" ^^'^^^'^^72eJ Mr.^^M Mr, Tehran. ^*'-£^^^^^^^ reported, That he ^aited «pon hi. Ex^Uencv with the Addrcfs, and that his Excellency was very ^Uin^'o^o^^^^ the Requeft of the Houfe, and that the^ vAddrefs (hould be accordingly granted. ThaMh7 Speaker do draw up a Tiill for the Talfing of one THoUp fand Poundsupon the refpeaive Inhabitants, &c. ot tins Proviixc* theonehalf-t^heteoftobeprefented to his Excellenoy, andtheother half to the Officcrsana Souldiets lately come over for the fccrciity of this Frovince. Ordered^ That the Speaker draw up a BPl for the railing of eight hundred Pounds, for the paying and fatisfying the Forces imployedisy his Excellency for the fecurity of the Fronteers from the firft of M-^' laft untifthefirftiof Augitfi riext enfuing ; and bring the lame into this Houfe on Munday next. Adjourned till Mumltf next at two a Clock in the after ftOOd. B V Order of thUouft cf Reprefentatives, I da A^po'utt WiUiait) Bradford to^Jint tbejournd of this Houfe J a. Granani, Speaker ^ Primed and Sold by William Brajfford, Printer to his Maiefty, King 9ViU/40ff aithe Bible ia Me W.York, i6$%* i ^f J ^mb. T. VOTES O F T H E Houie of Reprefentatives for his Majefties Province of New-York. Die Lvnx 2 hor. P. M. Jufy i» 1 6 g <. COlIonel Hear^ Beekmm and Major William D* Meyr returned Reprefentatives {or Vlfier County, and Major Matthm Howett lecurncd a Keprefentative for S'lffolk Ccuntyf> came to the Houfe, and taving taken the Oaths, &c. and fubfcribed the Teft (asap* pearcdby Certificate under the hands of Coll Stephanus va» Court* itadt and ColL Nicholas B-«7iwi> were defircd to take their places accordingly. A Bill for the preventing the dcferiing of his Majefties Service, among;* the Forces arrived for t fie Security of this Province, and for giving a Reward to fuchas difcovcr che lame, was Read, aad oider*d a fecoad Re4diag. A Bil! for the encouraging of Sea men, was Read, and ordered a iecond iteading. •o' A Bill granting tbhis M^jefty oneThouland Pounds, the ooc lulf to be allowed unto his Excellency, and the other half unto the Officers and ^Sbuldiers lately arrived, for their encouragement, was read, and ordered a fccond Readiog.* A Bill for the raifing eight hundred Pounds, for the paying and inaintaiuing the OSccrs and Souldiers imployed for the fecurini? the Frontcers cHTiis Province at Mum, from the firftof Maj laft 10 the fir ft of Jugiefi. was read, and ordered a fccond Reading. A Bill for the preventing the defertiflg of his Majefties Service, among thei^ Forces arrived lor the fecurity of this Province, and for giving a Reward to fuchas fliall difcovcr the fame, was i. Tccond Kuaeicad, and ordered ro be cnsirofled. o ^ ^ r i4) The Bill for the encouraging of Sea-men v/as a fccond time resd, and ordered to be engrofled. The Bill granting to Iiis Majeftyone Thoufand Pounds, the one half to be allowed unto his Excellency, and the other half unto the Officers and Souldiers lately arrived, for their encouragement, was a fe'cond time read, and ordered to be engrofTcd. The Bill for the raifing eight Hundred Pounds, for the paying and maintaining the Officers and Souldiers im ployed for the fecu- rinRthc Frontecis of this Province at Albciny, from the fir/} o{ May to the firft of Ai^gu^^ was read a fccond time, and ordered to be cngroded. The Speaker, at the requefl of Coll. HavnUon, moved this Houfe, That the A^: of General AfTembly, cnticulcd, An ASi for the encouraging a Pojh Office, might be continued for three years longer. Qrckred^ That the Speaker do bring In a Bill accordingly* Adjourned till to morrow Morning eight of the ClocL B T (Wer of the Hoi ft of ReprefenUtivcs, I do Appoint William Bradford toFrint thejourmt of this Houfe, Ja. Graham, Speakr. Printed and Sold by mifiam Bradford, Printer to his Majefty, King mUtam, at the Bible in New-York, 1695. c^% J Bum. t VOTES O F THE Houfe of Reprefentatives for his Majefties Province of New-York. Die Mortis Z hor. Ant. Merid. ^uly z. 1695. MR. Speaker, according to the order of the Houfe yefterday, brought iQ a Bill for continuing the A£t for encouraging the Poft-Office three years longer, after the expiration! of the faid Ad:„ which *^as read, and ordered a fecond reading. The faid Bill was read a iecond time, and ordered to be en- groffed. The Bill to ehabie the City and County of J/^^»y to defray thek neceffary Charge, was a fecond time read, and ordered to beea- groffed, with the amendment of two years, iaftead of three. The Bill granting to his Maj-efly one Thousand Pounds, the Que half to be allowed unto his Excellency, and the other half unto ths Officers and Souldiers lately arrived, for their encouragement* was read the third time, and paded, and ordered that the fame be fentug to the Governour and Council for their affent. The Bill for the raifing eight Hundred Pounds, for the payings and maintaining the Officers nfld Souldieis imployedfor the lecu^ ring the Fronteers of this Province ac A/hf/, from the fir/t of iJ/i^" to the firft oiAifgnjl was read the jd time, and pafled, and ordered to befent \xp to the Governour and Council fa their affent. Or/kred^ That Coll. ISeekman^ Mr. Tttthdl, Cap.. ^*ckfo», and Mr, Se^rd» do Wait upon his! Excellency and CouQci with the faid Bills paiTed, for their A (Tent. A Bill for the preventing the defertingof his Majefties Service* among the Forces arrived for the Security of this province, an<2 for giving a Reward to fuch as ihill difcovcr the fame, was Read cho third time, and approved, anddrder'd tt.atitBefent uptofc^Ga« vsraour and Council for their aflent. The. Bill fop the encouraging of Sea- Die Mortis P. M. 2 hor. 'July 2. 5^9^. Tbe Bill to enable the City of New-Tork, &c. was read the third time, andpafled, and ordered chat it be fent up to the Governour and Council for their affent. OrdercA, That Capt. ^ohuyler, Capt. D' /C*7> and Capt. Rsade do wait upoQ his Excellency & Council with the faid Bill for their aflent. The Petition of the Reprefentatives of the County of fFe/^t^e^er Vras read, and granted, And ordered chat a Bill be brought in accor- Aqournedtilltomorrpw Morning 8 a ClocRk Br Orfkr oftheHouf^ofReprefentafives, I do Jpfiot/tt WilliaOL I Biradford to Print fi>e Journal of this Houfe, Ja. Graham, Stealer. hinted and Sold hy Wimm Bradford, Printer to his Majcfty, KfaP WiltUn^ at tk Bible m New-York, 169$. ^ *7 ^ Bntm. ^ VOTES O F T H E Hoofe of Reprefentatives for his Majefties Province of New-York. DieMercurij Zhor. Ant. Merid. Jufy ^. \6()t^. ABitl to enable the Reprefentarives of the County o^ive^hefier to receive their allowance, according ro Ad of General AfTem- t^iy, &c was, according to the Order of the Houie yefterday^ iirought 'm and read, and ordered a ftcond reading. Tfee faid Bill was read the fecond time, and ordered to fc© etrgtoSed. The aforefaid Biff to enable theReprefenrativesof theCouaty of We^ckjltr,, was read the third time, acd palled, and orderoitoije fet up to the Goveraour and Council for their affcnt. Orskr&d, That Mr. Vnderhill aad Mr. Ptirdy do wait upott |iis EscsUeacy and Council with the fald Bill, for their aflfent, ColL Cdd^ Hetsthcofe and Witliam V^irihorty Efq; brought a Mefl iagetotheliourefrom his Exceliency and Council, with the Bilfs fiw'preventiRgOeferters^c^ff. and the BilUor encouraging of Sea-men» wiifedie Aiaendmeats annexed^ and defire this Houie to conient to The Houfe took into Confideration the Amendments annexed CO the A£t for encouragingof Sea-men, and igree to the ^me. Ordtr*dy That Mr. Re^d and Mr Ake* do carry up the Blil fot csia>ur^gmgQf Sea-mei^ with the amendments. The Hoofe of Reprefenrativts taking into Confideration the j^iaesidaxeots feoc down by his Excellency and Cioujacii^ with tb.6-Bill rautulcd, A Bill for ^rtvtntwg the deferttng of bis Majefiies Serviee, .i#*. and caaoot agree to the Srft Araeidment, foj the chaogir^ ibfi I'ijle of the faid Bill, b'^eaufe ihis Sosfe did frame the ' ■ ■ Sill Bill on r^P»'l?"'V%'"ttHprnctandtf„r^^ lij^Ein %^; -dVto a"SuTag: tUe o„!y Forc^ from de- fertiStte raid Service, and to correft and pun,* fuch of the Inha- bit of .his PrOvinc'tha. n,ould be in .=ny.n'^<"'« »f »»y -'^"'S or affifting to the encouraging of them tnerein. ^Houre does agree^o the third Amendment, that the words ( Jw /e.z.e A.^; hu proper Officer) be left our, and to the fame words intheFaraeraph mentioned, and agree to mention the K.ngs Re.gti when the AS of Parliament, mentioned m thefaid Bill, was made. That }At'^e[[e/j and Mr. Van Ecklen carry up the faid Bill, with the faid Amendments. Adjourn'd till two a Clbck in the after-noon* Bit Mercurij P.M. 2 hor. Ju/j 5. 169^. The Houfe of i^eprefentatives now convened in General AlTembl^ do humbly addref^ his Excellency and Council, and pray, that they wiil allow unto W^///^'i'» 1^^'J^<"'<^, his Majefties Printer tor this Pro- vince, the yearly Sallary of Twenty Pounds currant Money of this Province, over and above the Sallary already allowed him by his Excellency and Council. And ordered that Coil. Beekman^ Major BorveUy Mr. Rtude, Capt. IVhitehe^d, Major D' Meyr, and Mr. RaKjldLf do wait on his Eicellency and Council with this Addrels. Adjourn'd till lo\morrow Morning 8 a Clocfc. B T Order of the Houfe of Reprefentatives, I do Appoint William Bradford to Print the Journal of this Houfe, Ja. Graham^ Speaker. PriflSedand Sold by RV/£^ Bradford, Printer to his Maje%, Kj% mWxop, asdUAibteiQ New-Yoyfe^ 169$, Urn Aattka Caaty Uw Libnrr ( «9 J iRninb. low VOTES O F T H E Floufe of Reprefentatives for his Majeflies Province of New-YorL 1 Die Jovis %bor. Ant. Merid.^'Jttty 4. i5o^. Ordereiy THat the Clerk of this Hou fe do bring io an Account of what Ch^^^ hath accrew'd for Officers Salearys, HoufcRent, anil othe?F? pences duiingthis 6'eflions. ^" The AccoutJt ot the Houfe- Rent; Salaries, EKpenccs, &c. wasaccordinfilir brought in by the Clerk, and read, and ap|)rovcd, &c. °^ Ordtnd^ That an Addrefsbe made to his Exctllccyr'the Governor and Council, to order his Ma)efties Colleaor and Receiver General to my to J mtion that they migl)t make Report ihfe.toJ agan-it iht: next ^^mc,ns. And thereupon was pica fed to the Afferrvbly «^"7,.^^^J"f .^f g^irneJandrcquLd.he ataJance of the Houfe to the Cuy Hall fo^ the Publ.cation of the Bills paft. Whereupoo the Speaker wub the whole Houfe, attended him accordingly ; and there was ibeo puhhihed th© Bills following, v/a. j j c t ' J Bill to enabU the City of New- fork toreUevt the Poor, and depay that fiueffary and publick Ch^rgt. A BtUto emble the City and County 0/ Albany to defray their necejjary Charge. ji Bill for encouraging of Sea men. A Bill for contimung the Acl for eacouraging the Fofi Office three years longer after the expiration of the f aid, AB. A Bill for raifsng eight hundred Pounds for paying and maintaining the Officer i and Sould/ers imploded for the Security of the f rentiers of this Province at Albany, from the frli of May to the frft of A iiguft. The Houfe raking Into confidcranon the Report m^de to thisHoufc bf the Speaker, of his Excellency'^ Speech, do order. That Jhe Thanks of this Houfe be return'd to his Excellency for the care that he hath taken for the eafe and fafety of this Province, and the affurance lit had given them of the continuance of the fame. Ordered, ThatCapt •fe^'V'^^; Vix.Uead, Capt. D* Mcfr, Qzipt. Whitehead, Mr. Ddxbary, Major Howell, Mr. Abeet, Mr. Vnderhill, Mr. Ranper, and ^r.Van Ecklm, dp. wail upon his Excellency with this Addrefs, and be like* wife a Committee to examine the Accounts of the Government, of wh^t Money hath been raifed,& whatdisburfcd from the arrival of Coll Slaughter^ iintil thiiday. And for the moreeafie and effeftual doing thereof, That they do meet at the City of Nem.Toik ten days before the meeting of the nexc Seffions of Afftmbly, and they or any feven of them to be this Committee, and make Report thereof to the next SeOions of AfTcmbly. And the Houfe accordingly, to the time direScdby his Excellency, did Adjourn this Hcufc until the firft day of 0(?oAer next at ten a Clock in the Morning. And this Houie is adjourn'd accordingly. B t Order of the Houfe of Re^refenlatives, I do Appoint William Bradford (a Print tbt'jourttal of this Houfe, Ja. Graham, Stealer, ^iis&tAzxA^tMhy William Bradford, Printerto his Majefty, KingWil/iMn, at the JSible ia New>Yoik. i 6 9 {. I UC SOUTHERN RE(,IOIvAI LIURAHH ALILITY D 000 870 143 5 ^^ Date Due ^TM DEMCO NO 3ti 1 yss ^ A^ ^ >x ^ j-^ ^ \ % < «^ <^ v^ k. ^ ^