UC-NRLF 323 25E LIST OF REFERENCES IN ECONOMICS 2 LIST OF REFERENCES IN ECONOMICS 2 ECONOMIC HISTORY OF EUROPE SINCE 1800, AND OF THE UNITED STATES REVISED, ENLARGED, AND REARRANGED CAMBRIDGE, MASS. PUBLISHED BY HARVARD UNIVERSITY 1920 M INTRODUCTORY NOTE THE following list of readings is a rearrangement, revision and extension of the references originally prepared by Pro- fessor E. F. Gay for use in connection with the courses in European and American Economic History at Harvard Col- lege. The changes and additions have been such as to make this practically a new list. It in no way purports to be a complete bibliography of the subject, nor is it necessarily definitive in form. It is intended simply to serve as a guide to reading on the topics of the course, especially on those subjects which are not covered by the lectures, and should prove particularly useful to graduate students who wish to pursue their studies independently. The aim has been to include only the more authoritative readings on a given topic, though on such questions as are ad- mittedly mooted an attempt is made to cite the more repre- sentative writers on either side. Occasionally, also, in lieu of any work treating of a given subject in a more satisfactory manner, books have been listed of which the compiler thor- oughly disapproves. In such cases, however, there are good reasons for the inclusion-. As the list is itself a careful selec- tion, it does not seem necessary for present purposes to add critical comments on the various authors. Each section (indicated by Roman numerals) maps out a week's work. The required reading for the present year (tested by means of fortnightly papers) is marked with an asterisk. There has, however, been such an arrangement of topics that the requirements can readily be varied from year to year. The bibliographies cited at the end of each section give further references on the topics under discussion; they are also useful as starting points in the thesis work of the course. EDMOND E. LINCOLN, M.A. (Oxon), Ph.D. L SUGGESTIONS TO STUDENTS ALTHOUGH no text-books are required in the course, most of the books in which reading is assigned are recommended for purchase by those who wish to start a library on the subject, and the following titles are suggested for those who desire to purchase a few inexpensive and rather general but thoroughly useful books: ECONOMICS 2a (European Economic History in the last century.) Ashley, P., Modern Tariff History (ed. 1910). Ashley, W. J., Economic Organization of England. Ashley, W. J., British Industries. Barker, J. Ellis, Economic Statesmanship (ed. 1920). Dawson, W. H., The Evolution of Modern Germany. * Day, Clive, History of Commerce. (Useful also in Economics 2b. Good bibliography.) Hobson, J. A., Evolution of Modern Capitalism. Marshall, A., Industry and Trade. V Morley, Life of Cobden. v /Ogg, Economic Development of Modern Europe. (Biblio- graphy at end of each chapter.) ^Ferris, G. H., The Industrial History of Modern England. Prothero, R. E., English Farming, Past and Present. Raper, Railroad Transportation. (Useful also in Econom- ics 26.) Robinson, E. van D., Commercial Geography; or Smith, J. R. Commerce and Industry. (Useful also in Economics 2b.) Toynbee, Industrial Revolution^, j Usher, A. P., Introduction to the Industrial History of England. Wallace, D. M., Russia (ed. 1912). ECONOMICS 26 (Economic History of the United States.) Bishop and Keller, Industry and Trade. Bogart, Economic History of the United States. ("Selected Readings " by Bogart and Thompson is also useful.) Callender, Economic History of the United States. (Selected readings before 1860.) Dewey, Financial History of the United States. (Biblio- graphy.) Jenks and Clark, The Trust Problem. Johnson and Van Metre, Principles of Railroad Transporta- tion. Noyes, Forty Years of American Finance. Taussig, Some Aspects of the Tariff Question. Taussig, Tariff History (ed. 1914). GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AIDS EN THESIS WRITING American Economic Review (Contains conveniently classi- fied lists of recent books and magazine articles from 1911 to date. Earlier lists are to be found in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1886-1907, and the Economic Bulletin, 1908-1911. Catalogue of Parliamentary Papers, 1801-1900; and Decen- nial Supplement, 1901-1910. Encyclopaedia Britannica (llth ed.), Bibliographies. Harvard College Library, Subject Catalogue by names of countries. Library of Congress, Bibliographies on special topics. Poole's Index of Periodical Literature. Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature (1900-). University of Chicago, Bibliography of Economics. ECONOMICS 2a FIRST HALF-YEAR ECONOMIC HISTORY OF EUROPE SINCE 1800 SUGGESTIONS TO STUDENTS AND AIDS TO THESIS WORK IN ECONOMICS 2a OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS Annuaire Statistique. Berichte uber Handel und Industrie. Parliamentary Papers, particularly Commercial Reports (annual); Statistical Abstract of Foreign Countries. Statistisches Jahrbuch. U. S. Dept. Commerce and Labor, Bureau of Statistics, Statistical Abstract of Foreign Countries (1909). U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Consular Reports (formerly pub- lished by the State Department) ; Special Agent's Series, and Bulletins. PERIODICALS Annual Register. Archiv fur Socialunssenschaft und Socialpolitik. Bankers' Magazine (London). Economic Journal. Journal des Economistes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. London Economist. (A weekly financial paper, well in- dexed, with valuable information on commercial and industrial subjects.) London Times, with Russian and South American Supple- ments. Revue d' Economic Polilique. Schriften des Vereins fur Socialpolitik. ENCYCLOPEDIAS, YEARBOOKS, DICTIONARIES, ETC. / Bartholomew, J. G., Atlas of the World's Commerce. Dictionary of National Biography. Encyclopaedia Britannica (llth ed.). 11 Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaft. Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie. McCulloch, Commercial Dictionary (ed. 1856). Palgrave, Dictionary of Political Economy (including 1909 supplement). Statesman's Year-Book. ^Worterbuch der Volkswirtschaft (ed. Elster). GENERAL BOOKS Bland, Brown, and Tawney, English Economic History: Select Documents. Cunningham, Growth of English Industry and Commerce, Part 2, Vols. II, III. (A carefully arranged, exhaus- tive bibliography at the end of Vol. III.) Dawson, Evolution of Modern Germany. Day, History of Commerce. (Useful bibliography with each chapter.) / Levasseur, Histoire des Classes Ouvrieres en France depuis 1789; Questions Ouvrieres et Industrielles en France sous la Troisieme Republique. Levi, L., History of British Commerce, 1763-1878. v Macpherson, D., Annals of Commerce^ Vol. IV. v Mavor, Economic History of Russia. Page, Commerce and Industry. (Based on Hansard's De- bates. Vol. II, "Tables of Statistics for the British Em- pire from 1815," is useful. v/ Porter, Progress of the Nation. (Hirst edition, 1912. Con- tains some interesting data for Great Britain.) Smart, Economic Annals of the Nineteenth Century, Vols. I and II, 1801-1830. (A convenient digest of economic materials in annuals and official publications of the time.) Smith, J. R., Industrial and Commercial Geography. ^ Sombart, Die deutsche Volkswirtschaft im Neunzehnten Jahrhundert. 13 Traill, ed., Social England. (Includes contributions by leading authorities on economics and economic history. Vols. V, VI cover the period of this course. Useful bibliography with each chapter.) Wallace, D. M., Russia (ed. 1912. Still probably the best general book on Russian economic conditions.) Webb, Trade Unionism (ed. 1911); Industrial Democracy. (These two volumes contain the best bibliographies on English labor problems.) Williams, J. B., Guide to English Social History, 1750-1850. (Contains some useful though frequently inaccurate bibliographies.) TEXT-BOOKS Economic histories of England are legion. Among these may be mentioned the following: Ferris, G. H., The Industrial History of Modern England (covers the period of this course); Rogers, J. E. T., Industrial and Commercial History of England; Tick- ner, Social and Industrial History of England; Usher, Introduction to the Industrial History of England; Warner, G. T., Landmarks in English Industrial History. Probably Dawson's Evolution of Modern Germany and Wallace's Russia are the most satisfactory books on these countries. * Russia: Its Trade and Commerce, by Raffalovich, is a useful recent book on Russia. For more general reading, Ogg's Economic Development of Modern Europe covers parts of the field of this course and has some useful bibliographies at the end of each chapter. Rand's Economic History since 1763 (a col- lection of readings) is still of some service. Slater, G., Making of Modern England, ancT^Hayes, C. J. H., Political and Social History of Modern Europe, attempt to link up political and economic development. 15 Required reading is indicated by an asterisk (*). Large Roman numerals indicate volumes; Arabic numerals pages. References in brackets [ ] are recommended but not required. I. THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION GENERAL READING *Hobson, Evolution of Modern Capitalism (ed. 1902), 10-82, or ed. 1910 and 1917, 30-102. *Toynbee, Industrial Revolution (ed. 1908), 22-96. Ashley, Economic Organization of England, 140-172. Bucher, Industrial Evolution, 150-184, 282-314. Cheyney, Readings in English History, 610-616. Cunningham, Growth of English Industry and Commerce, III, 620-668. Lewinski, L' Evolution Industrielle de la Belgique. Mantoux, Revolution Industrielle, 179-502. Rappard, La Revolution Industrielle en Suisse. Traill, ed., Social England, V, 301-357. Veblen, Imperial Germany and the Industrial Revolution, 168-270. Wood, H. T., Industrial England in the Middle of the Eigh- teenth Century. THE FACTORY SYSTEM Bland, Brown, and Tawney, English Economic History: Select Documents, 545-643. j^Engels, Condition of the Working Classes in 1844. Hutchins and Harrison, History of Factory Legislation (ed. 1911), 1-42. Marx, Das Capital, Vol. I, passim. Cooke-Taylor, The Modern Factory System, 44-225. Villerme, UEtat Physique et Moral des Ouvriers. Wallas, Life of Francis Place, 197-240. Webb, History of Trade Unionism, 24-101. Woolen Report of 1806; reprinted in Bullock, Selected Readings in Economics, 114-124. 17 INTRODUCTION OF TEXTILE MACHINERY Babbage, The Economy of Machinery and Manufactures. Chapman, The Lancashire Cotton Industry, 1-112. Clapham, " Transference of the Worsted Industry," Economic Journal, XX, 195-210. Guest, R., Compendious History of the Cotton Manufacture (1823). Radcliffe, W., Origin of the New System of Manufacture (1828). Walpole, " The Great Inventions," in History of England, I, 50-76; reprinted in Bullock, 125-145, and Rand, Selections illustrating Economic History, ch. ii. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Cannon, References for English History, 399-400. Cunningham, III, 944-946, 990-996. Hunt, W., Political History of England, 1760-1801 (Hunt and Poole Series, X), 468-469. Traill, ed., Social England, V, 364-365, 627. II. AGRARIAN MOVEMENT CONTINENT GERMANY *Dawson, Evolution of Modern Germany, 255-294.' *Morier, " Agrarian Legislation of Prussia," in Probyn, Land Tenure in Various Countries, 267-275; also in Rand, 98-108. *Seeley, Life and Times of Stein, I, 287-297; in Rand, 86-98. Brentano, " Agrarian Reform in Prussia," Econ. Jour., VII, 1-20 (March, 1897). Knapp, Bauernbefreiung in Preussen. Preuss, Die wirtschaftliche und soziale Bedeutung der Stein- H-ardenbergschen Reform. 19 Probyn, ed., Land Tenure in Various Countries, 243-287. Von der Goltz, Agrarwesen und Agrarpolitik, 40-50; also Geschichte der deutschen Landwirtschaft. FRANCE *Dumas, " French Land System," Econ. Jour., XIX, 32-50 (March, 1909). *Von Sybel, French Revolution, in Rand, Selections, 55-85. Cliffe Leslie, The Land System of France, in Carver's Se- lected Readings in Rural Economics, 410-432. De Foville, Le Morcellement, 52-89. Flour de St. Genis, La Propriete Rurale, 80-164. Levasseur, Histoire des Classes Ouvrieres (ed. 1867), 23-42. Young, A., Travels in France. OTHER COUNTRIES Chlapowski, Belgische Landwirtschaft. Faucher, J., Russian Agrarian Legislation of 1861, in Probyn, Land Tenure in Various Countries, 309-346. Laveleye, Economic Rurale de la Belgique. Leroy-Beaulieu, The Empire of the Czars, I, 403-580; II, 1- 57. Mavor, Economic History of Russia, I. Schulze-Gaevernitz, Volkswirtschaftliche Studien aus Russ- land, 308-383. Simkhovitch, Feldgemeinschaft in Russland. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Cambridge Modern History, X, 795, 884, 886. Lavisse et Rambaud, Histoire Generale, IX, 417, 622; X, 472. 21 III. AGRARIAN MOVEMENT ENGLAND * GENERAL AGRICULTURAL CONDITIONS *Prothero, R. E., English Farming Past and Present, MS- ISO, 207-252, 290-315. Caird, English Agriculture in 1850, 473-528. Curtler, Short History of English Agriculture, 190-270. Gamier, English Landed Interests. Levy, H., Large and Small Holdings (1911 transl.), 3-54. Levy, Entstehung und Ruckgang des landwirtschaftlichen Grossbetriebs in England. Parliamentary Reports : 1816, Committee on Mendicity and Vagrancy; 1821, IX, Committee on Agriculture; 1822, V, Committee on Agricultural Distress. Smart, Economic Annals of the Nineteenth Century, 1801-20, chs. vi, xx, xxii. ; 1821-30, chs. i, v, x, xii. Young, A., Tour through the Southern Counties (1768). THE SMALL HOLDER Broderick, English Land and English Landlords, 65-240. Colman, European Agriculture (2d ed.), I, 10-109, 133-174. Green, F. E., The Small Holding. Hasbach, History of the English Agricultural Labourer, 71-147. Johnson, A. H., Disappearance of the Small Land Holder in England, 7-17, 107-164. Prothero, R. E., English Farming, Past and Present, 190-206. Taylor, Decline of the Land-owning Farmers in England, 1-61. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Cambridge Modern History, X, 884-885. Gamier, English Landed Interests, II, 536, 553. Levy, H., Large and Small Holdings, 230-235. Traill, ed., Social England, V, 513; VI, 110. IV. AGRICULTURAL DEPRESSION AND RECENT AGRARIAN HISTORY ENGLAND AND IRELAND *Prothero, R. E., English Farming Past and Present, 316- 331, 346-418. Adams, lt Small Holding in the United Kingdom," Roy. Slat. Soc. Jour., 1907, 412-437. Arch, Autobiography, 65-144, 300-345. Barker, E., Ireland in the Last Fifty Years, 69-141. Bastable, " Economic Movement in Ireland," Econ. Jour., XI, 31-42. Besse, P., L' Agriculture en Angleterre de 1875 a nos jours. Caird, in Ward, Reign of Queen Victoria, II, 129-153. Caird, English Agriculture in 1850. Curtler, Short History of English Agriculture, 271-322. Curtis, C. E., and Gordon, Handbook upon Agricultural Tenancies. Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland, Report on Agricultural Credit in Ireland (1915). Gray, H. L., War Time Control of Industry, 249-269, " Agriculture." Green, F. E., History of the English Agricultural Labourer, 1870-1920. Haggard, Rural England, II, 536-576. Hasbach, English Agricultural Labourer, 274-353. Herrick, M. T., Rural Credits, 148-160. Levy, H., Large and Small Holdings, 55-213. Parliamentary Tariff Commission, III, Report of the Agri- cultural Committee, 1906. Plunkett, Ireland in the New Century (ed. 1905), 175-209. Royal Commission of 1897, Report on Agricultural Depres- sion, 6-87. 25 Thompson, " Rent of Agricultural Land in England and Wales," Roy. Stat. Soc. Jour., 1907, 587-611. Turner, E. R., Ireland and England, 188-225. OTHER COUNTRIES Brentano, Die deutschen Getreidezolle (ed. 1911). Chlapowski, Belgische Landwirtschaft. Dawson, Evolution of Modern Germany, 226-293. Ely, R. T., " Russian Land Reform," Am. Econ. Rev., VI, 61-68. Goulier, Commerce du Ble en France. Haggard, Rural Denmark and its Lessons. Herrick, M. T., Rural Credits, 34-147, 161-186. Imbart de la Tour, Le Crise Agricole, 24-34, 127-223. King and Okey, Italy To-day, 156-192. Mavor, Economic History of Russia, II, 251-357. Meline, J., Return to the Land, 83-144, 185-240. Morman, J. B., Principles of Rural Credits, 3-141. Rowntree, Land and Labour, Lessons from Belgium. Simkhovitch, " Agrarian Movement in Russia," Yale Rev., XVI, 9-38. Wallace, D. M., Russia. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Besse, P., L' Agriculture en Angleterre. Cambridge Modern History, XII, 856-862, 866-867, 872-873. Levy, Large and Small Holdings, 235-242. Traill, ed., Social England, VI, 452. V. THE FREE TRADE MOVEMENT ENGLAND *Armitage-Smith, G., Free Trade and its Results, (ed. 1898), 39-60, 130-163. *Morley, Life of Cobden, chs. vi, vii, xvi. Ashworth, Recollections of Cobden and the League, 32-64, 296-392. 27 Cambridge Modern History, XI, 1-21. Cheyney, Readings in English History, 702-716. Cunningham, Rise and Decline of the Free Trade Movement, 27-99. Curtler, Short History of English Agriculture, 271-293. Day, History of Commerce, 354-372. Levi, History of British Commerce, 218-227, 261-272, 292- 303; in Rand, 207-241. McCulloch, J. R., Dictionary of Commerce (ed. 1850), 411- 449, 1272-1289. Mongredien, History of the Free Trade Movement. Morley, Life of Gladstone, I, 247-303, 443-476; II, 18-69. Nicholson, J. S., History of the English Corn Laws. Northcote, Twenty Years of Financial Policy. Parker, Sir Robert Peel from his Private Letters, II, 522-559; III, 220-252. Parliamentary Reports: 1840, Committee on Import Duties; 1843-1845, Commission on the Health of Towns; 1842-1843, 1863-1868, Committees on Employment of Children, Young Persons, and Women in Mines, Manufactures, and Agriculture. Prentice, History of the Anti-Corn Law League, I, 49-77. Schulze-Gaevernitz, Britischer Imperiilismus, 243-375. Tooke, History of Prices, 1839-184?, V, 391-457. Trevelyan, G. M., Life of John Bright, 45-153. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Arnaune, Le Commerce Exterieur, 199-226, notes. Cambridge Modern History, X, 868-870; XI, 869, 871- 872. Cannon, References for English History, 423-424. Morley, Life of Cobden (ed. 1908), II, 495-504. N. Y. State Library, Bulletin, May, 1902, " Bibliography of the Corn Laws." 29 VI. TARIFF HISTORY CONTINENT GENERAL READING *Ashley, P., Modern Tariff Histocy (ed. 1910), 3-73, 359-372. Bastable, Commerce of Nations. Day, History of Commerce, 342-352, 391-417. Fisk, G. W., " Middle European Tariff Union" (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies, November-December, 1902). GERMANY *Bowring, " Report on Prussian Commercial Union," Parl. Doc., 1840, in Rand, Selections, 170-196. Bigelow, P., German Struggle for Liberty, III, ch. 17. Dawson, W. H., Protection in Germany. Lang, Hundert Jahre Zollpolitik, 168-230. Weber, W., Der Deutsche Zollverein. Worms, L'Allemagne Economique, 57-393. FRANCE Ame, Les Tarifs de Douanes, I, 21-34, 219-316. Arnaune, Le Commerce Exterieur et les Tarifs de Douane, 90-269. Meredith, H. 0., Protection in France. Morley, Life of Cobden, ch. xxix. Perigot, Histoire du Commerce Frangais, 77-185. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Ashley, P., Modern Tariff History (ed. 1910), 165-166, 437-438. Cambridge Modern History, X, 832; XI, 878. Lavisse et Rambaud, Histoire Generate, X, 472, 668. 31 VII. RECENT TARIFF HISTORY RETURN TO PROTECTION; FRANCE AND GERMANY *U. S. Tariff Commission, Reciprocity and Commercial Trea- ties, 461-510. Ashley, P., Modern Tariff History (ed. 1910), 80-121, 145- 154, 373-436. Arnaune, Le Commerce Exterieur, 247350. Dawson, Protecti6n in Germany, 26160. Dijol, La France sous la Regime Protectionniste de 1892. Meredith, Protection in France, 54-129. Zimmermann, Deutsche Handelspolitik, 218-314. ENGLISH CONTROVERSY; IMPERIAL FEDERATION *Ashley, W. J., Tariff Problem, 114-167. Armitage-Smith, Free Trade Movement and its Results, 188- 203. Balf our, Economic Notes in Insular Free Trade, 1-32 ; Fiscal Reform, 71-95, 97-113, 266-280. Caillard, V. H. P., Imperial Fiscal Reform. Chamberlain, Imperial Union and Tariff Reform, 19-44. Coates, G., Tariff Reform Employment and Imperial Unity. Cunningham, Rise and Decline of the Free Trade Movement, 100-168. Drage, G., Imperial Organization of Trade. Marshall, Fiscal Policy of International Trade, 30-82. Pigou, Protective and Preferential Import Duties, 1-117. (See also his Riddle of the Tariff, 1-107.) Root, J. W., Trade Relations of British Empire. Smart, Return to Protection, 27-44, 136-185. Tariff Reform League, Speakers' Handbook. 33 BlBLIOGKAPHIES U. S. Library of Congress, Foreign Tariffs (1906); British Tariff Movement (1904). Cambridge Modern History, XI, 878, 969; XII, 872. Lavisse et Rambaud, Histoire Generate, XII, 788. VIII. COMMERCE AND SHIPPING ENGLAND *Bowley, England's Foreign Trade in the Nineteenth Century, (ed. 1905), 55-96, 141-147. *Grosvenor, G. M., Government Aid to Merchant Shipping, 45-61, 75-86, 135-165. Bourne, S., Trade, Population, and Food. Cornewall-Jones, British Merchant Service, 252-260, 306- 317. Ginsburg, " British Shipping," in Ashley, British Industries. 173-195. Glover, " Tonnage Statistics of the Decade, 1891-1900," Roy. Stat. Soc. Jour., 1902, 1-41. Kirkaldy, British Shipping: its History, Organization, and Importance. Lindsay, Merchant Shipping, IV. Meeker, History of Shipping Subsidies, 1-67, 79-95. Porter, Progress of the Nation (Hirst, ed.), 473-546. Root, " British Shipping Subsidies," Atlantic Monthly, LXXXV, 385-394 (1900). Root, J. W., Trade Relations of the British Empire. Smith, J. Russell, Influence of the Great War on Shipping, 153-184, 244-265. Smith, J. R., The Ocean Carrier. Taylor, " British Merchant Marine," Forum, XXX, 463- 477(1900-1901). 35 U. S. Dept. of Commerce and Labor, Bureau of Statistics, Statistical Abstract of Foreign Countries (1909). Ward, T. H., Reign of Queen Victoria, II, 111-118. OTHER COUNTRIES Arnaune, Le Commerce Exterieur, 425-460. Austin, O. P., Effects of the War on World Trade and In- dustry. Bracq, J. C., France under the Republic, ch. 3. Charles-Roux, L'Isthme et le Canal de Suez, II, 287-339. Dawson, Evolution of Modern Germany, 65-74. Hauser, H., Germany's Commercial Grip on the World. Le Roux de Bretagne, Les Primes a la Marine Marchande, 93-224. Marx, A., Franzosische Handelsgesetzgebung. Snow, C. D., Germany's Foreign Trade Organization (U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Do- mestic Commerce, miscellaneous series, no. 57). Von Halle, Volks-und Seewirtschaft, 136-219. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Cambridge Modern History, XII, 872-873. Day, History of Commerce, 380, 398, 407-408, 417. Lavisse et Rambaud, Histoire Generate, X, 472. Van der Borght, Handel und Handelspolitik. IX. TRANSPORTATION PRIVATE OWNERSHIP *Cunningham, W. J., " Characteristics of British Railways," New Eng. R.R. Club, 8-60. *Hadley, Railroad Transportation, 187-202. *Raper, Railway Transportation, 14-60. 37 GENERAL READING Hendrick, Railway Control by Commissions, chs. ii, vii. Johnson, American Railway Transportation, 322-334. Parliamentary Papers, Reports of Board of Trade Railway Conference: 1909, Germany, Austria, and Hungary; 1910, Belgium, France, and Italy. Sterne, " Railway Systems in Europe," U. S. Sen. Misc. Doc., 66, II, 1886-1887. U. S. Industrial Commission, Report, IX, 946-949, 955-957. ENGLAND Acworth, Railways of England, 1-56. Acworth, Elements of Railway Economics, 61-74, 131-159. Cohn, G., Englische Eisenbahnpolitik. Dixon, F. H., and Parmelee, War Administration of the Railroads in the United States and Great Britain, 71- 127. Edwards, " Railways and the Trade of Great Britain," Roy. Stat. Soc. Jour., 1908, 102-131. Evans, A. D., " British Railways and Goods Traffic," Econ. Jour., 1905, 37^6. Forbes and Ashford, Our Waterways, 107-177, 215-252. Francis, J., History of the English Railway. Gordon, W. J., Our Railways. Gray, H. L., War Time Control of Industry, 1-13, "The Railways." Grindling, " British Railways as Business Enterprises," in Ashley, British Industries, 151-172. Jackman, W. T., The Development of Transportation in Modern England, particularly II. Johnson and Van Metre, Principles of Railroad Transporta- tion, 385-414. McDermott, Railways, 1-149. McLean, " English Railway and Canal Commission of 39 1888," Quar. Jour. Econ., XX, 1-55 (1905); also in Ripley, Railway Problems, 602-649 (ed. 1907). Moulton, Waterways versus Railways, 98-169. Porter, Progress of the Nation (ed. 1851), 287-339. Pratt, Railways and their Rates, 1184. Protheroe, E., The Railways of the World, 1-528. Stephens, E. C., English Railways; their Development and their Relation to the State. Thompson, H. G., Canal System of England, 1-73. Ward, Reign of Queen Victoria, II, 83-129. FRANCE Buckler, " Railway Regulation in France," Quar. Jour. Econ., XX, 279-286 (1906); also in Ripley, Railway Problems, 652-659 (ed. 1907). Colson, Legislation des Chemins de Fer, 3-20, 133-182. Colson, Railway Rates and Traffic, 53-111. Guillamot, L' Organisation des Chemins de Fer, 82-120. Kaufmann, Die Eisenbahnpolitik Frankreichs, II, 178-284. Leon, Fleuves, Canaux, et Chemins de Fer, 1-156. Lucas, F., Voies de Communication de la France. Monks well, French Railways. Picard, A., Traite des Chemins de Fer, 5 vols. Raper, Railway Transportation, 61-101. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Hadley, Railroad Transportation, 146-202, notes. Johnson, American Railway Transportation, 334. Lavisse et Rambaud, Histoire Generate, X, 472; XI, 876- 877. U. S. Library of Congress, Government Regulation of Rail- ways in Foreign Countries (1905-1907). 41 X. TRANSPORTATION - - STATE OWNERSHIP GENERAL READING *Raper, Railway Transportation, 278-305. Acworth, W. M., Historical Sketch of Government Ownership of Railways in Foreign Countries. Acworth, " Relation of Railways to the State," Econ. Jour., 1908, 501-519. Archiv fur Eisenbahnwesen. (Best general periodical for all aspects of continental railway problems and history.) Dunn, Government Ownership of Railways, 14-36. Hadley, Railroad Transportation, 236-258. Jevons, The Railways and the State. Johnson, American Railway Transportation, 336-348. McPherson, L. G., Transportation in Europe, 149-175. Pratt, Railways and their Rates, 185-236; Railways and Nationalization, 1-120, 253-293. GERMANY *Cunningham, " Administration of the State Railways of Prussia-Hesse," Proceedings N. Y. Railroad Club, XXIII, 3124-3127, 3146-3155. *Raper, Railway Transportation, 134-177. Cohn, G., " State Railway Administration in Prussia," 'Jour. Pol. Econ., I, 172-192. Dawson, Evolution of Modern Germany, ch. xi. Johnson and Van Metre, Principles of Railroad Transporta- tion, 415-434. Lotz, Verkehrsentwicklung in Deutschland, 2-47, 96142. Lenshau, Deutsche Wasserstrassen, 9-56, 95-161. Mayer, Geschichte und Geographic der deutschen Eisenbahnen, 3-41. Meyer, B. H., " Railroad Ownership in Germany, Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci., X, 399-421, also in Ripley's Railway Problems (ed. 1913), 803-825, 43 Meyer, H. R., Government Regulation of Railway Rates, 3-33, 69-92. Moulton, Waterways versus Railways, 170-323. OTHER COUNTRIES *Holcombe, A. N., " The First Decade of the Swiss Federal Railways," Quar. Jour. Econ., XXVI, 341-362. Cucheval-Clarigny, " Les Chemins de Fer Italiens," Rev. des Deux Mondes, July 1, 15, 1884. Hadley, Railroad Transportation, 203-235. Peschaud, "'Belgian State Railways," in Pratt, State Rail- ways, 57-107. Raper, Railway Transportation, 102-133. Tajani, " Railway Situation in Italy," Quar. Jour. Econ., XXIII, 618-651. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Cambridge Modern History, XII, 872-873, 883-884. U. S. Library of Congress, Government Ownership of Rail- roads; Railroads in Foreign Countries. XL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT: ENGLAND * Ashley, W. J., British Industries, 2-38. *Clapham, J. H., Woollen and Worsted Industry, 1-24, 125- 173. Ashley, W. J., Adjustment of Wages, 185-229, 268-311. Chapman, S. J., The Lancashire Cotton Industry. Cox, British Industries under Free Trade, 2-84, 142-175, 235-276. Gray, H. L., War Time Control of Industry, 61-100, "The Coal Mines." Great Britain: Coal Industry Commission (1919), Interim Report and Final Report ("Sankey Report"). Great Britain: Final Report of the Committee on Commercial and Industrial Policy after the War, Part. Doc. 9035 (1918). 45 Helm, E., " Survey of the Cotton Industry," Quar. Jour. Econ., XVII, 417-437. Jeans, J. S., Iron Trade of Great Britain, 1-72, 100-111. Jevons, H. S., The British Coal Trade. Jones, J. H., The Tinplate Industry. Lloyd, Cutlery Trades, 30-63, 171-208. Macrosty, Trusts and the State. Marshall, A., Industry and Trade, 32-106. Pollock, Shipbuilding Industry. Porter, Progress of the Nation (Hirst, ed.), 213-432. Schoenhof, History of Money and Prices, 148-173, 215-323. Spicer, A. D., Paper Trade. U. S. Dept. Commerce and Labor, English Cotton Industry (1907); British Iron and Steel Industry (1909). Ward, ed., Reign of Queen Victoria, II, 153-196 (Slagg, Cotton Trade); II, 197-238 (Bell, Iron Trade). XII. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT: THE CONTINENT GENERAL READING *Copeland, Cotton Manufacturing Industry, 275-332. Beck, Die Geschichte des Eisens. Brauns, Samt- und Seiden Industrie. Marshall, A., Industry and Trade, 107-139. Schultze, Die Entwicklung der chemischen Industrie. U. S. Dept. of Commerce and Labor, Special Agents Series, 1909-13; continued in publications of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. GERMANY *Helfferich, Germany's Economic Progress, 1888-1913, 13-85. Barker, J. E., Modern Germany. Berglund, A., " The Iron Ore Problem of Lorraine," Quar. Jour. Econ., XXXIII, 531-554. 47 Blondel, L'essor industriel et commercial du peuple allemand (3ded.), 1-114,272-412. Dehn, R. M. P., The German Cotton Industry. Dawson, Evolution of Modern Germany, 37-65. Farrington, F. E., Commercial Education in Germany. Von Halle, " Die deutsche Volkswirthschaft an der Jahr- hundertwende," Volks- und Seewirthschaft, 13-219. Haskins and Lord, Some Problems of the Peace Conference, 117-152, "The Rhine and the Saar." Hauser, Germany's Commercial Grip on the World; also Les Methodes Allemandes d' Expansion Economique. Howard, Recent Industrial Progress in Germany, 51-109. Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace, 56-251. Laughlin, J. L., Credit of the Nations, 1-38. Schumacher, H., Die westdeutsche Eisenindustrie. Sombart, Die deutsche Volkswirthschaft im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. Sombart, " Industrial Progress of Germany," Yale Rev., XIV, 6-17, 134-154. Williams, E. E., " Made in Germany." Wolfe, A. J., Commercial Organization in Germany (U. S. Dept. of Commerce, Sp. Ag. Ser. No. 98). OTHER COUNTRIES Aftalion, Le Developpement de la Fabrique dans les Industries de VHabillement. Fischer, Italien und die Italiener (ed. 1901), 240-267. The Industries of Russia, prepared by Department of Trade and Manufactures, Ministry of Finance, St. Petersburg, for the Columbian Exposition at Chicago in 1893. Kennard, The Russian Year Book (1911- ). La Belgique, 1830-1905, 397-617. Levasseur, Questions ouvrieres et industrielles en France sous la troisieme Republique, 27-166. 49 Machat, Le Developpement Economique de la Russie, 157- 229. Raffalovich, Russia: its Trade and Commerce. U. S. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Russia: A Handbook of Commercial and Industrial Conditions, (U. S. Consular Report, No. 61, 1913). Wolfe, A. J., Commercial Organization in France (U. S. Dept. of Commerce, Sp. Ag. Ser., No. 98). BIBLIOGRAPHIES Cambridge Modern History, XI, 931; XII, 866, 872, 883, 903, 960. Howard, Industrial Progress in Germany, x-xiii. U. S. Library of Congress, Iron and Steel in Commerce (1907). XIII. INDUSTRIAL COMBINATION *British Ministry of Reconstruction, Report of Committee on Trusts (1919), 15-30. *Marshall, A., Industry and Trade, 544-635. Baumgarten und Meszleny, Kartelle und Trusts, 83-152. Brodnitz, " Betreibskonzentration in der englischen In- dustrie," Jahrb. fur Nat. Oek., 1908-1909, XC, 173- 218; XCII, 51-86, 145-184. Carter, G. R., The Tendency toward Industrial Combination. Chastin, Les Trusts et les Syndicats, 13-127. Davies, J. E., Trust Laws and Unfair Competition, 529-662. Deutsches Kartell-Jahrbuch. Hauser, "La Syndicalisation Obligatoire en Allemagne," Revue d'Economie Politique, XXXII, 230-265. Kartell Rundschau. Liefmann, Kartelle und Trusts- (ed. 1910). Liefmann, Beteiligungs- und Finanzierungsgesellschaften. Liefmann, R., Die Kartelle in und nach dem Kriege. 51 Macrosty, Trust Movement in British Industry, 24-56, 81- 84, 117-154, 284-307, 329-345. Macrosty, " Trust Movement in Great Britain," in Ashley, British Industries, 196-232. Notz, W., "Kartels during the War," Jour. Pol. Econ., XXVII, 1-38. Passama, Formes Nouvelles de Concentration, 1171. Paul, L., Histoire du Mouvement Syndical en France (1789- 1910). Tosdal, " Kartell Movement in the German Potash Indus- try," Quar. Jour. Econ., XXVIII, 140-180. Tosdal, "The German Steel Syndicate," Quar. Jour. Econ., XXXI, 259-306. Tschierschky, Kartelle und Trusts. U. S. Industrial Commission, Report, XVIII, 7-13, 75-88, 101-122, 143-165. U. S. Federal Trade Commission, Report on Cooperation in the American Export Trade, I, 98-127, 272-279, 285- 292. Utsch, Kartelle und Arbeiter. Walker, Combinations in the German Coal Industry, 38-111, 175-289, 322-327. Walker, " German Steel Syndicate," Quar. Jour. Econ., XX, 353-398. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Cambridge Modern History, XII, 960-961. Carter, G. R., The Tendency toward Industrial Combination, xi-xv. Chastin, Les Trusts, 13-127, notes. Liefmann, Beteiligungs- und Finanzierungsgesellschaften, ix-x. Passama, Formes Nouvelles de Concentration, xxi-xxiii. 53 XIV. BANKING AND FINANCE IN RELATION TO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT *Hobson, C. K., Export of Capital, 95-163. *Riesser, The German Great Banks and their Concentration, 703-750. Andreades, History of the Bank of England, 331-369, 381- 388. Bastable, Public Finance (3d ed.), 629-657. Bagehot, Lombard Street (ed. 1910). Burrell, " Historical Survey of the Position Occupied by the Bank of England," etc., Journal of the Institute of Bank- ers, XXXVI (1915), 405-425. Dunbar, History and Theory of Banking (ed. 1917), 132-219. Giffen, Economic Inquiries, I, 75-97, 121-228. Giffen, Growth of Capital, 115-134. Huth, W., Die Entwickelung der deutschen und franzosischen Grossbanken. Jevons, Investigations in Currency and Finance, 34-92. Juglar, Crises Commer dales. Liesse, Credit and Banks in France (in Nat. Mon. Com. Reports) . McLeod, Theory and Practice of Banking (4th ed.), I, 433- 540; II, 1-197. Patron, Bank of France (in Nat. Mon. Com. Reports). Powell, E. T., The Evolution of the Money Market, 243-705. Van Antwerp, The Stock Exchange from Within, 323-412. Vidal, History and Methods of the Paris Bourse (in Nat. Mon. Com. Reports). Warburg, P. M., The Discount System in Europe ,(in Nat. Mon. Com. Reports. Withers, Meaning of Money, 85-106, 138-172. Withers, War Time Financial Problems, 15-30, 76-90, 163- 179. 55 XV. LABOR PROBLEMS GENERAL READING *Cole, G. D. H., World of Labor, 101-127. *Dawson, Evolution of Modern Germany, 106-134 [135-169]. *Hammond, M. B., British Labor Conditions and Legislation during the War, 3-21. *Webb, " Social Movements," in Cambridge Modern History, XII, 730-765. Ashley, W. J., German Working Classes, 1141. Board of Trade Report, 1909, Cost of Living of the Working Classes in the United Kingdom, Germany, France. Board of Trade Report, 1911, Cost of Living of the Working Classes in American Towns (comparisons with English conditions) . Booth, Life and Labor of the People in London. Bowley, Wages in the United Kingdom, 22-57, 81-127. Cole, " Recent Development in the British Labor Move- ment," Am. Econ. Rev., VIII, 485-505. Cole, G. D. H., The World of Labor. Dawson, German Workman, 1-245. Engels, Condition of the Working Class in 184$. Gray, H. L., War Time Control of Industry, 14-60, "Mu- nitions and Labor." Hammond, J. L., and Barbara, The Village Labourer (1760- 1832)', The Town Labourer (1760-1832)] The Skilled Labourer (1760-1832). Hammond, M. B., British Labor Conditions and Legislation during the War (passim). Hayes, C., British Social Politics. Herkner, Arbeiterfrage. Hutchins, Women in Industry (ed. 1920). Kirkup, History of Socialism. Lecky, Democracy and Liberty, II, 224-503. Levasseur, Questions Ouvrieres et Industrielles en France, 523-600. 5? Macrosty, Trusts and the Slate (passim). Nicholls, G., History of the English Poor Law, II, chs. xi-xii; III (supplementary vol., 1834-1898, byThos. Mackay). Rogers, Six Centuries of Work and Wages (one vol. ed., 1884), 468-575. Schloss, Methods of Industrial Remuneration. Shadwell, Industrial Efficiency (ed. 1906), II, 307-350; or in ed. 1909, 533-568. U. S. Commissioner of Labor, 15th Ann. Report (1900), Wages in Commercial Countries. U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bulletin 237, Industrial Unrest in Great Britain. U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Monthly Labor Review, April, 1918, 63-83, " Social Reconstruction Program of the British Labor Party." U. S. Commission of Labor, 21st Annual Report (1906), Strikes and Lockouts, 775-916. Wallas, G., Life of Francis Place, ch. viii. Ward, ed., Reign of Queen Victoria, II, 43-83 (Mundella and Howell, Industrial Association). Webb, English Poor Law Policy. Wood, " Real Wages since 1860," Roy. Stat. Soc. Jour., 1909, 91-101. LABOR ORGANIZATIONS Ashley, Adjustment of Wages, 160-183. Kulemann, Die Gewerkschaftsbewegung . Levasseur, Questions Ouvrieres et Industrielles en France sous la Troisieme Republique, 642-741. Levine, Labor Movement in France. Webb, S. and B., History of Trade Unionism (ed. 1920). Webb, Industrial Democracy. FACTORY LEGISLATION Barrault, La Reglementation du Travail a Domicile en Angleterre. 59 Commons and Andrews, Principles of Labor Legislation. Hutchins and Harrison, History of Factory Legislation (ed. 1911). Pic, Traite Elementaire de Legislation Industrielle (ed. 1912). Plener, English Factory Legislation. Taylor, R. W. C., Factory System and Factory Acts. U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bulletin 146, Administra- tion of Labor Laws and Factory Inspection in Certain European Countries. COOPERATION AND PROFIT-SHARING Aves, E., Cooperative Industry. Correard, J., Des Societes cooperatives. Dawson, Evolution of Modern Germany, 294-307. Fay, C. R., Cooperation at Home and Abroad (ed. 1920). Herrick, M. T. ; Rural Credits, 247-455. Holyoake, Cooperation in England (ed. 1908), I, 32-162; II, 361-396. Maxwell, W., History of Cooperation in Scotland, 43-114. Potter, B. (Mrs. Webb), Cooperative Movement in Great Britain. Report of U. S. Commission to investigate and study agri- cultural credit and cooperation in Europe (1914): 63d Cong., 2d Sess., Senate Doc. 380. Valleroux, La Cooperation. (See also topic no. IV of this list) WORKINGMEN'S INSURANCE AND UNEMPLOYMENT Beveridge, Unemployment. Dawson, Social Insurance in Germany. Frankel and Dawson, Workingmen's Insurance in Europe. Gibbon, I. G., Unemployment Insurance. Willoughby, Workingmen's Insurance, 29-87. U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bulletin 206, The British System of Labor Exchanges. 61 POPULATION AND EMIGRATION Bullock, Selected Readings in Economics, 255-286. Dawson, Evolution of Modern Germany, chs. xvi, xvii. Duval, Histoire de L' Emigration au XI X e Siecle. Foerster, R. F., Italian Emigration of Our Times, 3-202, 415-525. Godwin, Wm., Of Population. Gonnard, L' Emigration Europeenne au XIX e Siecle. Leroy-Beaulieu, P., La Question de la Population. Leroy-Beaulieu, P., De la Colonisation chez les Peuples Modernes, II, 435-522. Malthus, Essay on Population. Nitti, Population and the Social System. Philippovich, l i Auswanderung und Auswanderungspolitik in Deutschland," in Schriften des Vereins fur Social- politik, LII bd. Wakefield, E. G., The Art of Colonization. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Adams and Sumner, Labor Problems, references. Cambridge Modern History, XII, 960-966. Commons and Andrews, Principles of Labor Legislation, 465-488. Frankel and Dawson, Workingmen's Insurance, 435-443. Gibbon, Unemployment Insurance, 337-342. Harvard University, Dept. of Social Ethics, Guide to Read- ing in Social Ethics, 68-163, 183-209. Hutchins and Harrison, Factory Legislation, 279-284. Ogg, Economic Development of Modern Europe, at the end of chs. xvi-xx, inclusive. Taylor, F. L, Bibliography of Unemployment. Webb, Trade Unionism (ed. 1911), 499-543. Webb, Industrial Democracy, 879-900. Wright, Practical Sociology, references. ECONOMICS 2b SECOND HALF-YEAR ECONOMIC HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES SUGGESTIONS TO STUDENTS AND AIDS TO THESIS WORK IN ECONOMICS 26 OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS U. S. Bureau of the Census, Reports and Bulletins; Abstract of the Census of Manufactures (1914). U. S. Department of Agriculture, Annual Reports and Year- book. U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce: Commerce and Navigation (annual). Statistical Abstract (annual). Monthly Summary of Foreign Commerce (formerly Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance) (The above publications were formerly issued by the Treasury Department.) Daily Consular and Trade Reports. Special Consular Reports. (These two were formerly published by the State De- partment) . Miscellaneous Series. Special Agent's Series. U.S. Department of the Interior, Annual Reports and special reports; also Reports of U. S. Geological Survey. U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Monthly Labor Review and special bulletins. U. S. State Department, Commercial Relations (annual). U. S. Treasury Department, Annual Reports and reports of different departments, particularly those of the Comp- troller of the Currency and the Commissioner of In- ternal Revenue, and the Annual Report of the Federal Reserve Board. The Monthly Bulletin of the Federal Reserve Board is also useful. 65 67 U. S. Federal Trade Commission, Annual Reports (1915-), and special reports. U. S. Industrial Commission, Report (1900-1902). U. S. Interstate Commerce Commission, Annual Reports and Statistics of Railroads. State Bureaus of Labor Statistics and Industrial Com- missions. Massachusetts and New York have published particularly valuable documents. PERIODICALS American Ecortomic Review. American Almanac and Repository (1830-1863). Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annual Register (London, 1758 ). Bankers' Magazine (New York). Commercial and Financial Chronicle (1865 to date). DeBow's Review (1846-1870). Hunt's Merchant's Magazine (1840-1870). Journal of Political Economy. Niks' Weekly Register and Niles' National Register (1811- 1848). Quarterly Journal of Economics. ENCYCLOPEDIAS, YEARBOOKS, MANUALS, ETC. American Annual Cyclopedia (1861-1874), continued as Appleton's Annual Cyclopedia (1874-). American Year Book (19 10-). Bailey, L. H., Cyclopedia of American Agriculture. Bliss, Encyclopedia of Social Reform. Lalor, Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political Economy, and Political History of the United States. Moody's and Poor's Manuals of Railroads, Public Utilities, and Industrial Corporations. 69 GENERAL BOOKS Bishop, History of American Manufactures. Bolles, Industrial History of the United States, and Financial History of the United States. Charming, History of the United States. (Stresses the eco- nomic aspects. Vol. V, soon to be published, will bring this interesting work down to the Civil War period.) Cambridge Modern History, VII, " The United States." (Contains some Useful bibliographies.) Ch. 22, by Emery, contains an excellent brief account of the " Economic Development of the United States " (bibliography, 825- 829). Clark, V. S., History of Manufactures in the United States, 1607-1860. (Contains extensive bibliographies.) Commons, et al., Documentary History of American Indus- trial Society. Depew, Hundred Years of American Commerce. (A collec- tion of essays on the history of various American indus- tries and topics largely of economic interest.) Hart, American Nation Series. (Helpful bibliographical notes at the end of each volume.) Johnson, E. R., et al., History of Domestic and Foreign Com- merce of the United States. (Excellent bibliography in Vol. II.) MacGill, C. E. (ed. by B. H. Meyer), Transportation in the United States before 1860. (Contains extensive biblio- graphy.) McMaster, History of the People of the United States from the Revolution to the Civil War. Shaler, United States of America. Winsor, Narrative and Critical History of America. 71 BIBLIOGRAPHIES (Though some bibliographies have already been cited, it will be convenient at this point to group together some of the more useful lists of books in connection with the study of American Economic History.) Carnegie Institute of Washington. Index of Economic Materials in Documents of the States, 1789-1904- An invaluable aid to investigation in this field. Volumes already issued cover all New England States except Connecticut, as well as New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Illinois, Kentucky, California, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Channing, Hart, and Turner, Guide to the Study and Reading of American History. Clarke, E. E., Guide to the Use of the United States Govern- ment Publications. Debater's Handbook Series. While the references in these books are frequently selected with little judgment, they may prove suggestive to the student. On economic sub- jects the following have been published: American Mer- chant Marine; Central Bank of the United States; Com- pulsory Arbitration of Industrial Disputes; Conservation of Natural Resources; Federal Control of Interstate Cor- porations; Free Trade versus Protection; Government Ownership of Railroads; Government Ownership of Tele- phone and Telegraph; Immigration; Minimum Wage; Municipal Ownership; Open versus Closed Shop; Re- ciprocity; Trade Unions; Unemployment. Ringwalt, Briefs on Public Questions. Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature. Turner, F. J., List of References on the History of the West. U. S. Library of Congress. Special list of references on various economic topics, frequently revised. Among others, the following may be mentioned: Boycotts and Injunctions in Labor Disputes; Child Labor; Conserva- 73 tion of Natural Resources; Cost of Living and Prices; Cur- rency and Banking; Employers' Liability and Workmen's Compensation; Embargoes; Federal Control of Commerce and Corporations; Government Regulation of Prices; Gov- ernment Ownership and Control (general); Government Ownership and Control of Railroads; Government Owner- ship and Control of Telephone and Telegraph; Government Ownership and Control of Mines; Immigration; Industrial Arbitration; Iron and Steel; Labor Disputes; Merchant Marine; Monetary Questions; Municipal Ownership of Street Railways; Municipal Ownership of Gas and Electric Light; Parcels Post; Postal Savings Banks; Reciprocity; Taxation of Inheritance and Income; Trusts; Valuation and Capitalization of Railroads; Water Rights and the Con- trol of Waters; Workingmen's Insurance. U. S. Superintendent of Public Documents. Biennial and monthly document catalogues; also, special lists of Gov- ernment publications on economic subjects. (See also page 5 as well as the bibliographies cited with each week's reading.) TEXT-BOOKS No really satisfactory text-books on the general subject of American Economic History are available. However, the following may be mentioned as being serviceable to the beginning student: Bogart, Economic History of the United States. Coman, Industrial History of the United States (useful biblio- graphy). Bishop and Keller, Industry and Trade. Leroy-Beaulieu, United States in the 20th Century. Wright, Carroll D., Industrial Evolution of the United States. 75 Required reading is indicated by an asterisk (*). Large Roman numerals indicate vol- umes; Arabic numerals pages. References in brackets [ ] are recommended but not required. I. COLONIAL PERIOD GENERAL READING *Callender, Economic History of the United States, 6-63, 85-121. *Channing, History of the United States, II, 491-521, [251- 263, 271-279; III, 29-51, 81-113]. Andrews, C. M., Colonial Self -Government, 3-22, 314-336. Bourne, Spain in North America, 202-319. Greene, E. B., Provincial America, 228-248, 270-300. Howard, G. E., Preliminaries of the Revolution, 47-67.. Leroy-Beaulieu, P., Colonisation chez les Peuples Modernes (ed. 1908), I, 86-138. McMaster, History of the People of the United States, I, 1-102. Morris, H. C., History of Colonization, I, 260-276, 360-384, II, 17-52. Thwaites, France in America, 124-142. Tyler, L. G., England in America, 100-117. SOCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL HISTORY Bond, B. W., The Quit-Rent System in the American Colonies. Bruce, Economic History of Virginia in 17th Century. Clark, V. S., History of Manufactures in the United States, 1- 214. Davis, J. S., Essays in the Earlier History of American Cor- porations, I, 3-107, II, 3-33, 291-330. Lord, Industrial Experiments in British Colonies, 56-139. McFarland, R., A History of the New England Fisheries, 19- 120. Semple, American History and its Geographic Conditions, 36-51. 77 Tryon, Household Manufactures in the United States, 1-122. Weeden, Economic and Social History of New England. Wise, J. C., Eastern Shore of Virginia. COMMERCE AND COMMERCIAL POLICY Ashley, " Commercial Legislation of England/' Quar. Jour. Econ. } XIV, 1-29; also in his Surveys, 309-335. Beer, Commercial Policy of England, 5-158. Bell, H. C., " The West India Trade before the American Revolution/' Am. Hist. Rev., XXII, 272-287. Bryce, G., The Remarkable History of the Hudson Bay Com- pany. Cunningham, W., English Industry and Commerce, II, 331-360, 471-483, 583-588. Dickerson, American Colonial Government, 1696-1765. Egerton, Short History of British Colonial Policy (ed. 1908), 13-233. Eggleston, Transit of Civilization, 273-307. Giesecke, American Commercial Legislation before 1789. Johnson, E. R., et al., History of Domestic and Foreign Com- merce of the United States, I, 3-121, 145-189. Rabbeno, American Commercial Policy, 3-91. Seeley, Expansion of England, chs. ii-vi. EARLY MONETARY HISTORY Bullock, Essays on the Monetary History of the United States. Davis, A. M., Currency and Banking in the Province of Mas- sachusetts Bay. Sumner, History of American Currency, 1-43. White, Money and Banking, 79-90, 232-243. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Andrews, Colonial Self -Government, 340-344. Andrews, C. M., Guide for Materials in American History to 1783. 79 Bullock, Essays in Monetary History of the United Stales, 275-288. Cambridge Modern History, VII, 765. Charming, History of the United States, notes to chapters cited above. . Davis, J. S., Essays in the Earlier History of American Cor- porations, II, 347-395. Dewey, Financial History, 1-2. Howard, G. E., Preliminaries of the Revolution, 339-340. Greene, E. B., Provincial America, 332-336. Turner, List of References on the History of the West, 13-38. Tyler, England in America, 338-339. 1776-1860 II. COMMERCE, MANUFACTURES, AND SHIPPING COMMERCE AND MANUFACTURES *Callender, Economic History, 432-434, 449-486. *Hazard, " Organization of the Boot and Shoe Industry in Massachusetts before 1875," Quar. Jour. Econ., XXVII, 236-262. *Wright, Wool Growing and the Tariff, 35-60. Bishop, History of American Manufactures, II, 256-505. Bolles, Industrial History, 403-426. Channing, History of the United States, III, 388-430, IV, 379-401. Clark, Victor S., " The Influence of Manufactures upon Political Sentiment in the United States from 1820 to I860," Am. Hist. Rev., XXII, 58-64. Clark, HiS'ory of Manvfactures in the United States, 215- 401, 438-582. Gallatin, " Free Trade Memorial," in Taussig, State Papers, 108-213. 81 Hamilton, " Report on Manufactures," in Taussig, State Papers and Speeches on the Tariff, 1-107. Romans, Foreign Commerce of the United States (1857). Johnson, E. R., et al., History of Domestic and Foreign Com- merce of the United States, I, 122-144/193-253, 327-363; II, 3-53, 157-168. Latourette, R. S., " History of the Early Relations between the United States and China, 1784-1844," in Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts and Sci., 1917. McFarland, R., History of the New England Fisheries, 121- 198. McLaughlin, A. C., Constitution and Confederation, 71-88. Pitkin, Statistical View (ed. 1835), 368-412. Seybert, Statistical Annals (1818). Sterns, W. P., " Foreign Commerce of the United States, 1820-1840," Jour. Pol. Econ., 1899, VIII, 34-57, 452-490. Try on, R. M., Household Manvfactures in the United States. BEGINNING OF THE FACTORY SYSTEM American State Papers, "Finance," II, 666-689. Clark, V. S., History of Manufactures in the United States, 402-137. Martineau, H., Society in America. U. S. Census, 1860, Manufactures, Intro., 59-72; 1880, II, 537. White, G. S., Memoir of Samuel Slater and the History of Manufactures. SHIPPING Bates, American Marine, 93-149. Clark, A. H., The Clipper Ship Era. Marvin, W. L., The American Merchant Marine, 1-318. Paine, R. D., The Ships and Sailors of Old Salem. Spears, J. R., The Story of the American Merchant Marine, 1-297. 83 BIBLIOGRAPHIES Clark, History of Manufactures in the United States, 624-650. Johnson, E. R., et al., History of Domestic and Foreign Com- merce of the United States, II, 352-386. Tryon, Household Manufactures in the United States, 377- 397. 1776-1860 III. TARIFF *Callender, Economic History, 487-490, 498-514, [539-544]. *Taussig, Tariff History of the United States, 68-154. Adams, H., United States during First Administration of Jefferson, I, 1-74. Bassett, Federalist System, 117-135, 190-203. Brown, D. W., Commercial Power of Congress. Channing, Jeffersonian System, 195-223. Dewey, Financial History of the United States, 172-196. Hill, " First Stages of Tariff Policy/' Amer. Econ. Assoc. Pub., VIII, 107-132. Rabbeno, American Commercial Policy, 146-183. Rhodes, History of the United States, III, 3-113. Stanwood, American Tariff Controversies, I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Bassett, Federalist System, 306-309. Cambridge Modern History, VII, 795, 805-806. Channing, Hart, and Turner, Guide, 379-381, 415-417. Dewey, Financial History, 75, 143, 172. McLaughlin, Confederation and the Constitution, 327-328. Taussig, Topics and References in Economics 6, (Tariff Legislation in the United States), 1-13. Wright, Wool Growing and the Tariff, 329-334. 85 1776-1860 IV. INLAND TRANSPORTATION AND IN- TERNAL IMPROVEMENT GENERAL READING *Callender, Economic History, 271-275, 345-404. Adams, H., United States during the Second Administration of Jefferson, I, 1-21. Babcock, K. C., Rise of American Nationality, ch. xv. Bishop, State Works of Pennsylvania, 150-261. Donald, " Land Grants for Internal Improvements," Jour. Pol Econ., May, 1911. Gallatin, " Plan of International Improvements," Amer. State Papers, Misc., I, 724-921 (see especially maps, 744, 762, 764, 820, 830). Gephart, Transportation in the Middle West, 43-129. Hart, Slavery and Abolition, ch. iii. Pitkin, Statistical View (1835), 531-581. Ringwalt, Transportation Systems in the United States, 41-54, 64-166. Turner, F. J., Rise of the New West, chs. xiii, xvii. RAILROADS *Hadley, Railroad Transportation, 1-39. Carter, C. F., When Railroads Were New, 1-225. Cleveland, F. A., and Powell, Railroad Promotion. Haney, " Congressional History of Railroads to 1850," Univ. of Wis., Econ. and Pol. Sci. Series, III. MacGill, C. E., History of Transportation in the United States, 306-608. Pearson, An American Railroad Builder, John Murray Forbes, 17-106. Phillips, U. B., Transportation in the Eastern Cotton Belt, chs. 3-7. Ripley, Railway Rates and Regulation, 1-17. 87 WATERWAYS Chittenden, Early Steam Boat Navigation on the Missouri. Dixoq, F. H., " Traffic History of the Mississippi River System," National Waterways Comm., Doc. No. 11 (1909). Hepburn, Artificial Waterways. Hulbert, " The Ohio River," Historic Highways, IX. Mathews, L. K., " Erie Canal and Settlement of the West," Buffalo Hist. Soc. Pub., XII. McClelland and Huntington, History of the Ohio Canals. MacGill, C. E., History of Transportation in the United States before 1860, 131-299. U. ^. Census, 1880, IV; Purdy, " History of Steam Navi- gation," 1-62; " History of Operating Canals," 1-32. U. S. Senate Misc. Doc. 91, 49 Cong., 2 Sess., II (serial no. 2451), Laws relating to Improvement of Rivers and Har- bors, 1790-1887. Ward, G. W., ''Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Project," Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies, XVII. Whitford, N. E., Canal System of the State of New York. TURNPIKES Hulbert, A. B., " Cumberland Road," Historic Highways, XL Hulbert, " Pioneer Roads," Historic Highways, XIII-XIV. Searight, Old Pike. Wood, F. J., The Turnpikes of New England, 3-53. . Young, J. S., History of the Cumberland Road. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Babcock, K. C., Rise of American Nationality, 324-325. Gephart, Transportation in the Middle West, 266-273. MacGill, C. E., History of Transportation in the United States before 1860, 609-649. Turner, F. J., List of References on the History of the West, 66-71. Turner, Rise of the New West, 346-351. 89 1776-1865 V. AGRICULTURE AND LAND POLICY WEST- WARD MOVEMENT SLAVERY GENERAL READING *Callender, Economic History, $97-601, 666-692. *Carver, Principles of Rural Economics, 63-92. American State Papers, Public Lands. Bidwell, " Rural Economy in New England at the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century/' in Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts and Sci., 1916. Carver, " Historical Sketch of American Agriculture," Bailey's Cyclopedia of American Agriculture, IV, 39-70. Cheyney, E. P., "Anti-Rent Agitation in New York State, 1839- 1846. Coman, Economic Beginnings of the Far West, I, 289-375; II, 3-322. Commons et al., Documentary History of American Indus- trial Society, I, Plantation and Frontier (by Phillips). Donaldson, T., Public Domain. Fite, " West during the Civil War," Quar. Jour. Econ., XX, .259-278, also in Carver's " Selected Readings," Rural Economics, 302-316. Fite, The North during the Civil War, 1-23. Garrison, G. P., Westward Extension, 3-42. Hart, Practical Essays on American Government, No. 10, also Quar. Jour. Econ., I, 169-251, " The Disposition of our Public Lands." Hill, R. T., " Public Domain and Democracy," Columbia Univ. Studies, XXXVIII, 38-46. McDonald, Jacksonian Democracy, 276-291. Sato, Land Question, 128-177. 91 Schmidt, L. B., " The Influence of Wheat and Cotton on Anglo-American Relations during the Civil War," Iowa Jour. Hist, and Pol, VI, 400-439. Semple, American History and its Geographic Conditions, 52-74. Thompson, " Wheat Growing in Wisconsin," Univ. of Wis. Bulletin 292. Treat, P. J., National Land System, 1785-1820, 94-161, 263-285, 370-390. Turner, F. J., " Frontier in American History," Amer. Hist. Assoc. Rep., 1893, 199-227. Wellington, Political and Sectional Influence of Public Lands, 1828-1842. LAND CLAIMS ASSOCIATIONS Commons, J. R., ed., Documentary History of American In- dustrial Society, VIII, 44-51. Ford, Colonial Precedents of our National Land Systems, 112- 142. Hall, J., Statistics of the West (1836), 172-186. Shambaugh, History of the Constitution of Iowa, 30-65. AGRICULTURE AND THE TARIFF Annals of Congress, 16 Cong., 1 Sess., II, 2034 (Clay, April 26, 1820); 18 Cong., 1 Sess., II, 1964, 1997 (Clay, March 30-31, 1824). Cong. Debates, IV, part 2, 2098, 2105 (Buchanan, April 2, 1828). Wright, C. W., Wool Growing and the Tariff. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Cambridge Modern History, VII, 804-805. Garrison, G. P., Westward Extension, 338-340. Turner, List of References on the History of the West, 44-56. Turner, Rise of the New West, 346-351. 93 THE SOUTH AND SLAVERY *Callender, Economic History, 738-760, 793-819. Ballagh, " Land System of the South," Amer. Hist. Assoc. Pub., 1897, 101-129. Bassett, J. S., Federalist System, 178-196. Cairnes, The Slave Power (2d ed.), 32-103, 140-178. Chadwick, Causes of the Civil War, 17-36. Charming, Jeffersonian System, 100-110. Commons, Documentary History, I, 309-375. Commons, et al., Documentary History of American Indus- trial Society, II, " Plantation and Frontier." De Tocqueville, Democracy in America (ed. 1838), 336- 361, or eds. 1841 and 1848, I, 386-412. Emerson, F. V., " Geographic Influences in American Slavery," Amer. Geog. Soc., XLIII (January, February, March, 1911). Hammond, Cotton Industry, 34-119. Hart, The Southern South, 218-277. Helper, Impending Crisis of the South, 7-61. Phillips, " Economic Cost of Slave-Holding," Pol Sci. Quar., XX, 237-275. Phillips, U. B., American Negro Slavery. Rhodes, History of the United States, I, 303-383. Russell, North America, its Agriculture and Climate, 133- 167. Scherer, Cotton as a World Power, 113-297. THE SOUTH AND THE TARIFF Bolles, Financial History, II, 363-367. Congressional Debates, 1830, VI, 843-861. McMaster, History of the People of the United States, V, 170. Schurz, Henry Clay, II, 1-22. Wilson, Division and Reunion, 39-61. 95 SOUTHERN MANUFACTURES AND NON- AGRICULTURAL INTERESTS DeBow, Industrial Resources of South and West, II, 435- 454. Helper, Impending Crisis in the South, 331-359. Ingle, Southern Side-Lights, ch. 3. Olmstead, Seaboard Slave States (1856), 337-376, 540-549. U. S. Census, 1860, Manufactures, 11-14. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Bassett, Federalist System, 307-308. Cambridge Modern History, VII, 806. Chad wick, Causes of the Civil War, 351. Charming, Hart, and Turner, Guide, 421-426. Smith, T. C., Parties and Slavery, 317-319, 322-324. Turner, Rise of the New West, 344-345. 1776-1860 VI. FINANCE, BANKING, AND CURRENCY GENERAL READING *Dewey, Financial History of the United States, 98-101, 126-128, 144-171, 198-255. Babcock, K. C., Rise of American Nationality, 216-230. Beard, Economic Origin of Jeffersonian Democracy, 132-195. Bullock, Essays on the Monetary History of the United States, 60-93. Catterall, The Second Bank of the United States, 1-21, 68-113, 376 map, 402-403, 464-477. Channing, History of the United States, IV, 60-115. Davis, J. S., Essays in the Earlier History of American Cor- porations, II, 34-108. Garrison, Westward Extension, 174-187. Hamilton, a Reports on Public Credit," Amer. State Papers Finance, I, 15-37, 64-76. 97 Hepburn, History of Currency in the United States (1915), 33-178. Lodge, Alexander Hamilton, 84-135. Nat. Monet. Comm., Reports: Dewey, State Banking before Civil War; Chaddock, Safety Fund System; Holdsworth, First Bank of the U. S.; Dewey, Second U. S. Bank. Ross, Sinking Funds, 21-85. Scott, Repudiation of State Debts, 33-196. Stevens, J. A., Albert Gallatin, 176-288. Sumner, Andrew Jackson (ed. 1886), 224-276, 291-342. Sumner, History of Banking in the United States. White, Money and Banking (ed. 1911), 91-105, 244-347. REVOLUTION AND CONFEDERATION, 1775-1789 Bassett, J. S., Federalist System, 27-12. Beard, Economic Interpretation of the Constitution, 292-325. Bolles, Financial History (2d ed.), I (1774-1789). Bullock, Finances of the United States, 1775-1789. Greene, G. W., Historical View of the Revolution, 137-172. McLaughlin, Confederation and Constitution, 138-153. McMaster, History, I, 139-144, 187-193, 202-208, 266- 270, 281-293, 331-361. Morse, J. T., Benjamin Franklin, 217-332, Oberholtzer, Robert Morris, 60-213. Sumner, W. G., The Financier and Finances of the Revolu- tion. PANIC OF 1837 Benton, T. H., Thirty Years, II, &-67. Bourne, Surplus Revenue of 1887, 1-43, 125-135. Richardson, ed., Messages and Papers, III, 324-346. (Spe- cial Message, September 4, 1837.) Sumner, W. G., American Currency, 132-161. Von Hoist, Constitutional History, II, 173-216. INDEPENDENT TREASURY Kinley, Independent Treasury of the United States (Nat. Monet. Comm.), 7-110. Shepard, E. M., Van Buren, 278-299. Webster, D., Works, IV, 402-499. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Babcock, K C., Rise of American Nationality, 323-324. Catterall, Second Bank, 513-526. Dewey, Financial History, references to chs. ii, iv-xi. Garrison, Westward Extension, 345. Kinley, Independent Treasury of the United States, 331-333. McLaughlin, Confederation and Constitution, 331-332. U. S. Library of Congress, First and Second Banks (1908), Currency and Banking (1908). 1860-1920 VII. FINANCE, BANKING, AND CURRENCY GENERAL READING *Noyes, Forty Years of American Finance, 1-72. Agger, Organized Banking, 215-240. Barnett, State Banks and Trust Companies since National Bank Act (Nat. Monet. Comm.). Clews, Fifty Years of Wall Street. Dewey, Financial History of the United States, 298-476. Dunbar, Economic Essays, 227-247, 330-364. Hepburn, History of Currency in the United Stales (ed. 1915), 387-410. Howe, Taxation under the Internal Revenue System, 136-262. Kinley, Independent Treasury of the United States, 111-330. Oberholtzer, Jay Cooke, I, 121-658; II, 1-73. Pratt, Work of Wall Street. Smith, U. S. Federal Internal Tax History, 1861-1871. White, Money and Banking. 101 NOTE: The following financial periodicals can be used to advantage : Bankers' Magazine (New York), 1846-. Commercial and Financial Chronicle (weekly), 1865-. Financial Review (annual), 1873-. Journal of the American Bankers' Association. GREENBACK PERIOD, 1860-1879 *Dewey, Financial History of the United States. 272-297. Hepburn, A. B., History of Currency in the United States (ed. 1915), 179-286. Mitchell, History of the Greenbacks. Schwab, J. C., The Confederate States of America, 1861-186-5. U. S. Census, 1880, VII (Bayley, History of the National Loans), 369-392, 444-486. White, Money and Banking (ed. 1911), 106-139. THE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM Davis, A. McF., " Origin of the National Banking System " (Nat. Monet. Comm.) Dunbar, Theory and History of Banking, ch. 10. Dunbar, " National Banking System," Quar. Jour. Econ., XII, 1-26; also in his Economic Essays, 227-247. Hepburn, History of Currency in the United States (1915 ed.), 306-341. Hosmer, Outcome of the Civil War, 3-22. Swanson, W. W., Establishment of the National Banking System. CRISIS OF 1873 Blaine, J. G., Twenty Years, II, 556-566. Burton, Financial Crises, 286-289. Dunning, W. A., Reconstruction, Political and Economic, 220-237. 103 Sprague, Crises under the National Banking System, 43-107. White, H., " Financial Crisis in America," Fortnightly Rev., 1876, 810-829. CRISIS OF 1893 (See topic no. VIII) CRISES OF 1907 AND 1914 Andrew, A. P., " Hoarding in the Panic of 1907," Quar. Jour. Econ., XXII, 290-299; " Substitutes for Cash in the Panic of 1907," Ibid., 497-516. Mitchell, Business Cycles, 75-86, 515-548. Noble, H. G. S., The New York Stock Exchange in the Crisis of 1914. Sprague, Crises under the National Banking System, 216-320. Sprague, " Crisis of 1914 in the United States," Am. Econ. Rev., V, 499-534. VIII. FINANCE, BANKING, AND CURRENCY (continued) SILVER SITUATION, 1878-1896 *Noyes, Forty Years of American Finance, 73-206. Dewey, National Problems, 76-90, 220-237, 252-276, 314- 328. Hepbilrn, History of Currency in the United States (ed. 1915), 342-386. Lauck, Causes of the Panic of 1893. Laughlin, Bimetallism in the United States, chs. vii, xiv xvii. Sherman, Recollections of Forty Years, chs. 22, 24-27. Taussig, Silver Situation in the United States. White, " Silver Situation," Quar. Jour. Econ., 1890, IV, 397^407. 105 FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM *Willis, H. P., " What the Federal Reserve System Has Done," Am. Econ. Rev., VII (June, 1917), 269-288. Agger, Organized Banking, 241-307. Dunbar, History and Theory of Banking (ed. 1917), 249-291. Kemmerer, The A B C of the Federal Reserve System. Sprague, " The Federal Reserve Act," Quar. Jour. Econ., XXVIII, 213-254. Willis, " The Federal Reserve Act," Amer. Econ. Rev., IV, 1-24. Willis, H. P., The Federal Reserve. PRICES Burton, T. E., A Century of Prices. Fisher, I., Purchasing Power of Money (ed. 1911), 234-275. Garrett, P. W., Government Control over Prices. Laughlin, Money and Prices, 1-196. Report of the Mass. Comm. on the Cost of Living (1910). Stoddard, C. F., " Price Fixing by the Government during the W T ar," Monthly Labor Review, U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, May, 1920, 21-45. Taussig, " Price Fixing as Seen by a Price Fixer," Quar. Jour. Econ., XXXIII, 205-241. U. S. Bureau of Labor Stat., Bulletin 269, Wholesale Prices, 1890-1919; Bulletin 140, Retail Prices, 1890-1913; Bul- letin 270, Retail Prices, 1913-1919. U. S. War Industries Board, History of Prices during the War. Wright, Carroll D., Wages and Prices, 1752-1860, (16th Annual Report Mass. Bureau of Labor Stat., 1885). BIBLIOGRAPHIES Burton, T. E., Financial Crises and Periods of Industrial Depression, 347-377. Dewey, Financial History, references to chs. xii-xxi. 107 Dewey, National Problems, 337-338. Hepburn, History of Currency in the United States (ed. 1915), 479-495. Hosmer, Outcome of the Civil War, 312. U. S. Library of Congress, Banks and Banking (1904), Currency and Banking (1908), Postal Savings Banks (1908), Monetary Question (1913). 1860-1920 IX. TRANSPORTATION GENERAL READING *Dixon, F. H., " Federal Operation of Railroads during the War," Quar. Jour. Econ., XXXIII, 577-631. * Johnson and Van Metre, Principles of Railroad Transporta- tion, 84-96, [452-491], 492-563, [564-577]. Adams, C. F., Jr., Chapters of Erie, 1-99, 333-429. Bradley, G. D., The Story of the Santa Fe. Carter, C. F., When Railroads Were New, 266-312. Davis, " The Union Pacific Railway," Annals of the Amer. Acad., VIII, 259-303. Fagan, Labor and the Railroads. Hadley, Railroad Transportation, 40-62. Johnson and Huebner, Railroad Traffic and Rates. Johnson, American Railway Transportation. Merk, Economic History of Wisconsin during the Civil War Decade, 238-307. Oberholtzer, Jay Cooke, II, 146-294. Pearson, An American Railroad Builder, John Murray Forbes, 154-180. Pyle, J. G., The Life of James J. Hill. Railway Age. (Formerly Railway Age Gazette, and Railroad Gazette). "The Railroad Problem," Ann. Am. Acad. Pol Soc. Sci., LXXXVI (Nov., 1919). 109 Raper, Railway Transportation, 178-277. Ripley, Railroad Finance and Organization. Ripley, Railway Problems. Sparks, E. E., National Development, 53-67, 305-326. U. S. Industrial Commission, Report, IV, X, and XIX, 259- 444. U. S. Interstate Commerce Commission. Statistics of Rail- roads (annual), 1888- FEDERAL REGULATION Beale, Railroad Rate Regulation. Dewey, National Problems, 91-111. Dixon, " Interstate Commerce Act as Amended," Quar. Jour. Econ., XXI, 22-51; " Mann-Elkins Act," ibid., XXIV, 593-633. Haines, Restrictive Railway Legislation. Hammond, Railway Rate Theories of the Interstate Commerce Commission. Hart, National Ideals, 233-253. Johnson, American Railway Transportation, 349-428. Johnson and Van Metre, Principles of Railroad Transporta- tion, 467-191. Noyes, W. C., American Railroad Rates, 200-260. Rich, E. J., "The Transportation Act of 1920," Am. Econ. Rev. X, 507-527. Ripley, Railroad Rates and Regulation, 441-521, 538-579. Swayze, F. J., "The Regulation of Railway Rates under the Fourteenth Amendment," Quar. Jour. Econ., XXVI, 389- 424; also in Ripley's Railway Problems (ed. 1913), 716-744. U. S. Interstate Commerce Commission, Reports (annual), 1887-. INLAND WATERWAYS Jones, C. L., History of the Anthracite-Tidewater Canals. Johnson, E. R., Ocean and Inland Water Transportation, 323-385. Ill Johnson, E. R., et al., History of Domestic and Foreign Com- merce of the U. S., II, 319-334. Quick, American Inland Waterways. Semple, American History and its Geographic Conditions, 246-279. U. S. Census, 1890, Water Transportation, 243-465. U. S. Census Bureau, Transportation by Water, 1916, 137-230. U. S. Commissioner of Corporations, Transportation by Water in the United States. U. S. Deep Waterways Commission, Reports. U. S. Industrial Commission, Report, XIX, 466-481. U. S. Treasury Dept., Bureau of Statistics, Reports on Internal Commerce (annual), 1876-1891. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Bureau of Railway Economics, Government Ownership of Railroads (1913). Cleveland and Powell, Railroad Finance, 353-^29. Dewey, National Problems, 338-340. Ringwalt, Briefs on Public Questions, Nos. 15, 19-21. Stanford University Publications, 1895, Catalogue of the Hopkins Railway Library. Sparks, E. E., National Development, 361. U. S. Library of Congress, Government Ownership of Rail- roads (1903), Federal Control of Commerce and Corpora- tions (1904, 1909), Railroads and the Government (1907), Railroad Valuation (1909), Deep Waterways (1908). 1860-1920 X. COMMERCE AND SHIPPING MERCHANT MARINE *Berglund, A., "The War and the World's Mercantile Marine," Am. Econ. Rev., X, 227-258. * Jones, G. M., Government Aid to Merchant Shipping, 3044. 113 *Report on Steamship Agreements and Affiliations (63d Cong., 2d Sess., House Doc. 805), 281-314. Day, E. E., ' ' The American Merchant Fleet : A War Achieve- ment A Peace Problem/' Quar. Jour. Econ., XXXIV, (Aug., 1920), 567-606. Dunmore, W. T., Ship Subsidies. Hough, Ocean Traffic and Trade, 159-199, 327-352. Johnson, E. R., Ocean and Inland Water Transportation, 125- 287, 301-320. Johnson, E. R., et al., History of Domestic and Foreign Com- merce of the U. S., II, 295-318. Johnson and Huebner, Principles of Ocean Transportation, 447-461. Jones, G. M., ' Torts of the United States" (Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Bulletin 33) . Keiler, American Shipping. Kennedy, P. D., "The Seamen's Act," Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Soc. Sci., LXIII (Jan., 1916), 232-243. Marvin, The American Merchant Marine, 319-436. McVey, " Shipping Subsidies," Jour. Pol. Econ., IX, 24-46. Meeker, History of Shipping Subsidies, 150-171. Smith, J. Russell, Influence of the Great War on Shipping, 185-216, 266-307. Soley, " Maritime Industries of the United States," in Shaler's United States (2 vols., ed. 1894), I, 518-618. Spears, J. R., Story of American Merchant Marine. U. S. Census Bureau, Transportation by Water, 1916, 19-133. U. S. Commissioner of Navigation, Annual Reports. U. S. Shipping Board, Annual Reports (1917 .) Wells, Our Merchant Marine, 1-94. FOREIGN TRADE *Litman, S., " The Past Decade of Foreign Commerce in the United States," Am. Econ. Rev., X, 313-331. Bullock, Williams, and Tucker, " The Balance of Trade of the United States," Rev. of Econ. Stat., July, 1919. 115 Day, History of Commerce, 540-578. Hutchison, L., The Panama Canal and International Trade Competition. Johnson, E. R., et al., History of Domestic and Foreign Com- merce of the U. S., I, 254-323; II, 54-156, 241-294. Nelson, H. L., The United States and its Trade. Notz, W., " The Webb Law: its Scope and Operation," Jour. Pol. Econ., XXVII, 525-543. Paish, G., Trade Balance of the United States, (Nat. Monet. Comm. Rept.). Taussig, " The Present and Future of the International Trade of the United States," Quar. Jour. Econ., XXXIV, 1-21. U. S. Department of Commerce and Labor, Bureau of Statistics, Statistical Abstract of Foreign Countries (1909). U. S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Monthly Summary of the Foreign Commerce of the U. S., and Statistical Abstract of the U. S. (annual). U. S. Federal Trade Commission, Report on Cooperation in the American Export Trade, I, 11-24, 370-381. U. S. Industrial Commission, XIX, 550-581. U. S. Tariff Commission, Dumping and Unfair Foreign Competition. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Day, History of Commerce, 551552. Dunmore, Ship Subsidies, xi-xiii. Johnson, E. R., et al., History of Domestic and Foreign Com- merce of the United States, II, 352-386. U. S. Library of Congress, Shipping Policy, Merchant Marine, Subsidies (1906). (See also Bibliographies under topic XV, "The Tariff."} 117 1865-1920 XI. AGRICULTURE AND RECENT AGRARIAN PROBLEMS GENERAL READING *Carver, Principles of Rural Economics, 92-116. *Harris, S., " Methods of Marketing the Grain Crop," Annals Amer. Acad., 1911, "American Produce Ex- change Markets," 36-57. American Statistical Association, Quar. Pub., March, 1911: Census Reports and Agriculture; Changes in Land Values since 1900; Farm Tenancy in Iowa; Changes in Minnesota Agriculture. Coulter, " Agricultural Development in the U. S., 1900- 1910," Quar. Jour. Econ., XXVII, 1-26. Emerick, C. F., An Analysis of Agricultural Discontent in the United Stales, Carver's Selected Readings in Rural Eco- nomics, 699-763. James, " Land Grant Act of 1862," Univ. of III. Bulletin VIII, 10, Nov. 7, 1910. Nourse, E. G., The Chicago Produce Market, 1-158. Quaintance, Influence of Farm Machinery, 1-K)3. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bulletin, " Marketing of Farm Products" (1913). U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Annual Reports and Yearbooks. (Prior to 1862, see Reports of Commissioner of Patents; 1862-1888, Reports of Commissioner of Agriculture; 1889 to date, Reports of Secretary of Agriculture.) U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, The Market Reporter (weekly). U. S. Industrial Commission, Report, X, ix-ccclxxx, XIX, 43-200. U. S. Federal Trade Commission, Wholesale Marketing of Food, 119 PARTICULAR INDUSTRIES *Cherington, " Some Aspects of the Wool Trade of the U. S.," Quar. Jour. Econ., XXV, 337-356. *U. S. Commissioner of Corporations, Report on Beef Indus- try, 1-24. Halle, E. von, Baumwottproduktion in den nordamerikan- ischen Sudstaaten. Hammond, Cotton Industry, 120-226. Paxon, F. L., " The Cow Country," Am. Hist. Rev., XXII, 65-82. Potter, E. L., Western Live-Stock Management. Scherer, Cotton as a World Power, 301-331. Stocking, W. A., Manual of Milk Products. U. S. Department of Agriculture, The Sheep Industry in the United States. Wright, Wool Growing and the Tariff, 208-273. WHEAT TRADE Bengtson and Griffith, The Wheat Industry. Eldred, W., " The Wheat and Flour Trade under Food Ad- ministration Control," Quar. Jour. Econ., XXXIII, 1- 70. Eldred, W., "The Grain Corporation and the Guaranteed Wheat Price," Quar. Jour. Econ., XXXIV, 698-719. Bromhall, Review of the Grain Trade (1903-1910). Crookes, Wheat Problem. Dondlinger, Book of Wheat. Hubback, " Aspects of International Wheat Trade," Econ. Jour., March, 1911. Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, January, 1900, October, 1903. Rutter, Wheat-growing in Canada, the United States, and the Argentine. Smith, R. E., Wheat Fields and Markets of the World, 170- 219, 253-345. 121 AGRICULTURAL COOPERATION AND RURAL CREDITS Bulkley, R. J., " The Federal Farm Loan Act/' Jour. Pol. Econ., XXV, 129-148. Coulter, Cooperation among Farmers. Ford, Cooperation in New England, 87-188. Morman, J. B., Principles of Rural Credits, 145-279. Pope, " Agricultural Credit in the United States," Quar. Jour. Econ., XXVIII, 701-746, (also in Carver's Selected Readings in Rural Economics, 936-970). Powell, Cooperation in Agriculture, 87-270. Putnam, G. E., " Federal Farm Loan System," Am. Econ. Rev., IX, 57-78. TENANCY Hibbard, " Tenancy," Quar. Jour. Econ., XXV, 710-729; XXVI, 105-117, 363-376; XXVII, 482-496. Putnam, G. E., " Land Tenure Reform and Democracy," Pol Sri. Quar., XXXI (March, 1916), 53-65. Taylor, H. C., Agricultural Economics, 238-304. AGRICULTURE AND POLITICS THE GRANGER MOVEMENT NON-PARTISAN LEAGUE Adams, " Granger Movement," No. Amer. Rev., CXX, 394-424. Buck, The Agrarian Crusade: a Chronicle of the Farmer in Politics. Buck, The Granger Movement. Commons, et al., Documentary History of American Indus- trial Society, X, 39-136. Foster, "The Grange in New England," Annals Amer. Acad., IV, 798-805. Gaston, H. E,, The Non-Partisan League. McVey, F. L., The Populist Movement (also in abbreviated form in Carver's Selected Readings in Rural Economics, 666-698). 123 Martin, E. W., History of the Granger Movement. Pierson, " The Granger Movement," Pop. Sci. Monthly, XXXII, 201, 368. CONSERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES Boerker, R. H. D., Our National Forests. Carver, War Thrift, Coman, Industrial History of the United States, 375-413. Ely, Hess, Leith, and Carver, The 'Foundations of National Prosperity. Greeley, Wm. B., Some Public and Economic Aspects of the Lumber Industry. Lane, F. K.," Conservation through Engineering," in Ann.' Rept. of Secy. Interior, 1919. National Conservation Commission, Report (Senate Doc. 676, 60th Cong., 2nd sess.) Newell, F. H., Water Resources; Present and Future Uses. Newell, F. H., "Progress in Reclamation of Arid Lands in the Western United States," in Annual Report, Smith- sonian Institute, 1010. Smith, G. O., Our Mineral Reserves (Bulletin 599, U. S. Geo- logical Survey). Smith, G. O., The Strategy of Minerals. Spooner, H. J., Wealth from Waste. U. S. Geological Survey, Mineral Resources of the United States (annual). Van Hise, Conservation and Regulation in the United States during the World War. Van Hise, Conservation of Natural Resources in the United States. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Carver, Principles of Rural Economics, xi-xviii. Cambridge Modern History, VIII, 827-828. Morman, J. B., Principles of Rural Credit, 281-287. 125 Sparks, E. E., National Development, 358. U.S. Library of Congress, List of References on Conservation of Natural Resources in the United States (1912). 1860-1920 XII. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT *Copeland, Cotton Manufacturing Industry, 17-53, 140-153. *Taussig, Some Aspects of the Tariff Question, 217-260. GENERAL READING Depew, ed., One Hundred Years of American Commerce, I, 1-97. Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 37-95. Leroy-Beaulieu, United States in the Twentieth Century, 217-284, 308-320. Marshall, A., Industry and Trade, 140-162. Semple, American History and its Geographic Conditions, 337-366. Sparks, National Development, 37-52, 68-83. U. S. Bureau of the Census, Abstract of the Census of Manu- factures, 1914. U. S. Commissioner of Labor Statistics, 13th Annual Report (1898), Hand and Machine Labor, I. U. S. Industrial Commission, Report, XIX, 485-549. Wells, Recent Economic Changes, 70-113. XIII. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT (continued). PARTICULAR INDUSTRIES *Taussig, Some Aspects of the Tariff Question, 117-160, 171- 190, 322-365. Allen, F. J., The Shoe Industry. American Iron and Steel Association Reports. 127 Arnold, B. W., Tobacco Industry in Virginia, 1860-1894. Bacon and Hamar, American Petroleum Industry. Browne, Geo. W., History of Amoskeag Manufacturing Company. Cherington, P. T., The Wool Industry, 1-152, 237-248. Crowell and Murray, Iron Ores of Lake Superior. Depew, One Hundred Years of American Commerce, passim. Hammond, M. B., Cotton Industry. Iron Age Gazette. Jacobstein, Tobacco Industry. Jones, E., The Anthracite Coal Combination in the United States, 3-39. Johnson, E. R., et al., History of Domestic and Foreign Com- merce of the United States, II, 169-238 (Fisheries). Kellogg, R. S., The Lumber Industry, 9-57. Kelly and Allen, The Shipbuilding Industry. McFarland, R., History of New England Fisheries, 198-307. Nicolls, W. J., The Story of American Coals. North, S. N. D., " New England Wool Manufactures," in The New England States, I, 188-249. Pearson, H. C.,"The India Rubber Industry," in The New England States, I, 334-353. Smith, J. R., Story of Iron and Steel, 52-126. Stan wood, E., " Cotton Manufacturing in New England," The New England States, I, 117-175. Struthers, J., ed., The Mineral Industry (ed. 1903). Swank, D. M., Manufacture of Iron in all Ages (ed. 1892). U. S. Commissioner of Corporations, Report on Lumber In- dustry; Report on Cotton Exchanges. U. S. Industrial Commission, Report, XIX, 201-257. Vogt, P. L., Sugar Refining in the United States. Wyckoff, W. C., Silk Manufactures in the United States. Young, T. M., American Cotton Industry. 129 BIBLIOGRAPHIES Cambridge Modern History, VII, 828. Dewey, National Problems, 334. McFarland, Fisheries, 338-363. Sparks, National Development, 360-361. U. S. Library of Congress, Sugar (1910), Iron and Steel in Commerce (1907), Wool Woodbury, C. J. H., Bibliography of the Cotton Manufacture, 102-159. 1860-1920 XIV. INDUSTRIAL COMBINATION GENERAL READING *Liefmann, " Monopoly or Competition as the Basis of a Government Trust Policy/' Quar. Jour. Econ., XXIX, 308-325. *Marahall, Industry and Trade, 507-543. *Noyes, Forty Years of American Finance, 257-311, 331-355. Chastin, J., Les Trusts et les Syndicats Producteurs, 127-156. Cotter, A., The Authentic History of the United States Steel Corporation. Dewing, Financial Policy of Corporations, IV, ch. iii. Dewing, Corporate Promotions and Reorganizations. Dewey, National Problems, 188-202. Durand, " The Trust Problem," Quar. Jour. Econ., XXVIII, 381-416, 664-700. Durand, The Trust Problem. Halle, E. von, Trusts and Industrial Combinations. Hovey, C., The Life Story of J. Pierpont Morgan. Jenks and Clark, The Trust Problem. Jones, E., " Is Competition in Industry Ruinous ? " Quar. Jour. Econ., XXXIV, 473-519. Jones, E., Anthracite Coal Combination in the U. S., 40-97, 181-220. 131 Liefmann, Beteiligungs- und Finanzierungsgesellschaften. Montague, Rise and Progress of the Standard Oil Company. Moody, Truth about the Trusts. Report of the Committee Appointed to Investigate the Concen- tration of Control of Money and Credit (" Money Trust Investigation "), 62nd Cong., 3rd Sess. No. 1593. Stevens, W. H. S., Industrial Combinations and Trusts. Stevens, W. H. S., Unfair Competition. Tarbell, History of the Standard Oil Company (ed. 1911). U. S. Commissioner of Corporations, Report on Petroleum Industry, Part I; Report on Tobacco Industry; Report on Steel Industry; Report on International Harvester Cor- poration; Report on Lumber Industry; Report on Water Power Development in the United States. U. S. Federal Trade Commission, Report on the Meat Packing Industry; Report on the News-print Paper Industry; Report on Anthracite and Bituminous Coal; Report on the Price of Gasoline, 1915; Report on Pipe Line Transporta- tion of Petroleum. See also Annual Reports (1915 .) U. S. Industrial Commission, Report, XIII, and XIX, 595- 722. Van Hise, Concentration and Control. Virtue, G. O., "The Meat-Packing Investigation," Quar. Jour. Econ., XXXIV, 626-685. Willoughby, " Integration of Industry," Quar. Jour. Econ., XVI, 94-115. Wyman, Control of the Market, 142-277. FEDERAL REGULATION Burton, T. E., Corporations and the State. Da vies, J. E., Trust Laws and Unfair Competition, 1-23, 301-331. Durand, " Trust Legislation of 1914," Quar. Jour. Econ., XXIX, 72-97. Hendrick, R., Power to Regulate Corporations. 133 Hottenstein, " Sherman Anti-Trust Law," Amer. Law Rev., November-December, 1910. Prentice, Federal Power over Carriers and Corporations. Ripley, Trusts, Pools, and Corporations (ed. 1908), 121- 148, 230-288, 322-381. Stevens, " The Trade Commission Act," Amer. Econ. Rev., IV, 840-855; " The Clayton Act," ibid., V, 38-54. Young, A. A., " The Sherman Act and the New Anti-Trust Legislation," Jour. Pol. Econ., XXIII, 201-220, 305- 326, 417-436. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Bullock, " Trust Literature," Quar. Jour. Econ., XV, 167- 216 (1901); also in Ripley, Trusts, Pools, and Corpora- tions, 428-473. Dewey, National Problems, 340-341. Halle, E. von, Trusts, 338-350 (1895). Jenks and Clark, Trust Problem, 490-492. U. S. Library of Congress, Federal Control of Commerce and Corporations (1904, 1909, 1913, 1914), Trusts (1907, 1909). 1860-1915 XV. THE TARIFF GENERAL READING *Taussig, Tariff History (ed. 1914), 155-189, 361-449. Dewey, National Problems, 57-75, 174-187, 277-287. Hess, " Paper Industry," Quar. Jour. Econ., XXV, 650-681. Mason, F. R., "Silk Industry and the Tariff," Amer. Econ. Assoc. Quar., December, 1910. National Association of Wool Manufacturers, Bulletin (1869 to date). Sparks, National Development, 282-304. Stanwood, American Tariff Controversies, II, 243-394. Tarbell, Tariff History in Our Times. 135 Taussig, Some Aspects of the Tariff Question, 53-116 (Sugar), 261-295 (Cottons), 322-365 (Wool). Taussig, The Tariff, Free Trade and Reciprocity. Taussig, " Tariff and Tariff Commission," Atlantic Monthly, CVI, 721-729 (December, 1910). U. S. Tariff Board, Pulp and Paper Industry (Reports, Feb. 28, May 15, 1911); Report on Wool and Manufac- tures of Wool; Report on Cotton Manufactures. U. S. Tariff Commission, Annual Reports and Bulletins. U. S. Tariff Commission, Costs of Production in the Sugar Industry. U. S. Tariff Commission, Tariff Information Catalog. U. S. 61 Cong., 3 Sess., House Doc. 671, Tariff Acts, 1789- 1909. Wright, Wool Growing and the Tariff, 274-328. RECIPROCITY Laughlin and Willis, Reciprocity, 311-437. Osborne, " Reciprocity in the American Tariff System," Annals Amer. Acad., XXIII, No. 1. Robinson, Two Reciprocity Treaties, 9-17, 40-77, 141-156. U. S. 61 Cong., 3 Sess., Senate Doc. 831, Collected Reciprocity Treaties (1909). U. S. Tariff Commission, Reciprocity and Commercial Trea- ties. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Dewey, Financial History, 414, 435, 463. Laughlin and Willis, Reciprocity, 439. Sparks, National Development, 360. Taussig, Topics and References in Economics 6 (Tariff Legis- lation in the United States), 14-25. U. S. Library of Congress, Reciprocity (1902), Reciprocity with Canada (1907, 1911), Wool (1908, 1911). Wright, Wool Growing and the Tariff, 329-334. 137 Addenda LABOR PROBLEMS GENERAL READING Adams and Sumner, Labor Problems, 68-112, 502-547. Carlton, History and Problems of Organized Labor. Commons, Documentary History, IX, X, 1-35. Commons, History of Labor in the United States. Commons, Trade Unionism and Labor Problems. Dewey, National Problems, 40-56, 288-296. Laidler, Boycotts and the Labor Struggle. Lauck and Sydenstricker, Conditions of Labor in American Industries. Levasseur, American Workman, 436-509. London Board of Trade, Cost of Living in American Towns (1911). Mitchell, Organized Labor, 391-411. Schloss, Methods of Industrial Remuneration. Streightoff, Standard of Living among Industrial People. U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bulletins and Monthly Labor Review. U. S. Commission on Industrial Relations, Final Report (in one volume). U. S. Commissioner of Labor, 21st Annual Report (1906) Strikes and Lockouts, 11-118. .U. S. Department of Labor, Annual Reports. U. S. Industrial Commission, Report, XV, xix-lxiv; XIX, 723-955. Wehle, L. B., " War Labor Policies and their Outcome in Peace," Quar. Jour. Econ., XXXIII, 321-343. Wright, Practical Sociology, chs. ii-iv, vii-ix, xiii-xvi. 139 LABOR ORGANIZATIONS Brissenden, The I. W. W.: A Study of American Syndicalism. Brooks, American Syndicalism, The I. W. W. Carlton, History and Problems of Organized Labor, 11-94. Carlton, Organized Labor in American History. Eliot, C. W., Future of Trade Unionism and Capitalism. Groat, G. G., Introduction to the Study of Organized Labor in America. Hoxie, Trade Unionism in the United States. Klapper, " Organized Labor's Attitude toward Machinery," Jour. Account., December, 1910. Lescohier, D. D., " Knights of St. Crispin, 1867-1874," Univ. of Wis. Bulletin, Econ. and Pol. Sd. Series, VII, No. 1. Mitchell, Organized Labor. Spedden, E. L., "Trade Union Label" (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies), Series 27, No. 2. CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION Ashley, Adjustment of Wages, 160-184, 230-261, 312-362. Barnett and McCabe, Mediation, Investigation, and Arbitra- tion in Industrial Disputes. Mote, C. H., Industrial Arbitration. National Civic Federation, Industrial Conciliation. Suffern, Conciliation and Arbitration in the Coal Industry of America. U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Conciliation and Arbitra- tion Series, 1913-. LABOR LEGISLATION American Labor Legislation Review. Andrews, Mrs. I. R., Minimum Wage Legislation. Campbell, G. K., Industrial Accidents and their Compensa- tion. Commons and Andrews, Principles of Labor Legislation. 141 Douglas, D. W., " American Minimum Wage Laws at Work/' Amer. Econ, Rev., IX, 701-738. Eastman, C., Work Accidents and the Law. Fisher, W. E., " American Experience with Workmen's Compensation," Am. Econ. Rev., X, 18-46. Groat, G. G., The Attitude of American Courts in Labor Cases. Rhodes, J. E., Workmen's Compensation. Stimson, F. J., Labor in its Relations to Law. U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Workmen's Insurance and Compensation Series, 19 12-. U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Minimum Wage Legislation in the United States and Foreign Countries, 5-103. U. S. Commissioner of Labor, 21st Annual Report (1906), Strikes and Lockouts, 919-960. LABOR OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN Abbott, E., Women in Industry. Sargent, F. B., " Children in Manufactures/' Jour. Pol. Econ., October, 1910. U. S. Children's Bureau, Child Labor Legislation in the United States. U. S. Commissioner of Labor, Condition of Woman and Child Wage-earners in the United States (19 vols.) ; summarized in Bulletin 175 of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Women's Educational and Industrial Union (Boston), Studies in the Economic Relations of Women: I. A. F. Perkins, Vocations; II. Kingsbury, ed., Labor Laws; III. Bosworth, Living Wage. IMMIGRATION Brownell, W. J., History of Immigration into the United States (1856). Commons, Races and Immigrants in America. Coolidge, M. R., Chinese Immigration. 143 Faust, A. B., German Element in the United States. Fairchild, H. P., Immigration. Foerster, R. F., Italian Emigration of Our Times, 320-411. Hall, P. F., Immigration. Hourwich, Immigration and Labor. Jenks and Lauck, Immigration Problem. Millis, H. A., The Japanese Problem in the United States. Mayo-Smith, Emigration and Immigration, 33-78. Roberts, P., The New Immigration. Ross, E. A., The Old World in the New. Semple, American History and its Geographic Conditions , 310-337. Sparks, E. E., National Development, 20-36, 229-250. U. S. Immigration Commission, Final Report (in 2 vols.). Walker, F. A., Discussions in Economics and Statistics, II, 417-451. NEGRO QUESTION Evans, M. S., Black and White in the Southern States. Hoffman, Race Traits of the American Negro, 250-309. Kelsey, C., The Negro Farmer. Smith, W. B., The Color Line. Stone, A. H., Studies in the American Race Problem. Stone, " Plantation Experiment," Quar. Jour. Econ., XIX, 270-287. Tillinghast, Negro in Africa and America, 102-228. U. S. Bureau of the Census, Negro Population in the United States, 1790-1815. U. S. Census, Bulletin, No. 8. Washington, B. T., Up from Slavery. Washington, B. T., Future of the American Negro, 3-244. Weatherford, W. D., Negro Life in the South. 145 BIBLIOGRAPHIES Abbott, Women in Industry. Adams and Sumner, Labor Problems. Commons, History of Labor in the United States, II, 541-587. Commons and Andrews, Principles of Labor Legislation, 465- 488. Coolidge, Chinese Immigration, 505517. Dewey, National Problems, 333-337. Dunning, Reconstruction, Political and Economic, 351-354. Frankfurter, F., Brief for the Shorter Working Day, II, 986- 1021. Frunkfurter, F., Oregon Minimum Wage Cases, 766-783. Hall, Immigration, 369-374. Hart, National Ideals, 370-372. Harvard University, Dept. of Social Ethics, Guide to Reading in Social Ethics, 68-100, 183-191, 210-216. Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics, List of Publications from 1869 to 1915. Monthly Labor Review, U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, List of Current Publications. Sparks, National Development, 358-363. U. S. Library of Congress, Boycotts and Injunctions, Child Labor, Chinese Immigration, Cost of Living and Prices, Eight Hour Day, Employers' Liability, Germans in the United States, Industrial Arbitration, Immigration, Labor and Strikes, Negro Question, Old Age and Civil Service Pensions, Workingmen's Insurance. U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bulletin 174, Subject Index of all Publications of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1885-1915. (Continued in the " Monthly Labor Re- view.") Wright, Practical Sociology, references with chs. cited. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. JUN 10 1938 1 Ifitl " JUA/ Io I93fl WWQQ ^TOK ; . LD 21-95m-7,'37 407299 Yb UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY i