THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES A- UNIONIST CONVENTION FOR PROVINCES OF Leinster, Minister & Connaujjhf (JUNE, 1892.) Report of Proceedings, Lists of Committees, Delegates, etc. DUBLIN: HODGES. FIGGIS & CO., LTD., 104 GRAFTON STREET. IKIN1EU l.V HUMI'HRE\ A: ARMOl'K. 2. CROW STK1CET, DUBLIN. DA CONTENTS. I'AOE. INTRODUCTION 7 LIST of EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 11 LIST OF GENERAL COMMITTEE 15 LIST OK DELEGATES : Carlow, 31 : Clare, 31 ; Cork, 32 ; South Dublin, 34 ; Xor th Dublin, 37 ; City of Dublin, 39 ; Dublin University, 44; Galway, 45; Kerry, 45; Kil- dare, 46 ; Kilkenny, 47 ; King's County, 47 ; Leitrim, 48 ; Limerick, 49 ; Longford, 50 ; Louth. 50 ; Mayo, 51 : Meath, 51 : Cjueen's County, 52 ; Roscommon, 52 ; Sligo, 53 ; Tipperary, 54 ; \Vaterford, 55 : Westmeath, 55 ; Wexford, 56 ; Wicklow, 57 - 31-58 PROTEST AND DECLARATION 61 REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS IN HALL No. 1. Mr. J. M. Finny, M.P., 71; J. F. G. Bannatyne, 74 ; Earl of Fingall, 74 and 134 ; Sir Thomas Butler, Bart.. 78 ; Mr. J. T. Tim, 79: The Duke of Leinster, 82 ; Mr. J. C. Colvill, 82; Right Hon. David Plunket. M.P., 85: Professor Ed. Dowden, 97 ; Mr. Wm. Dodds, 101 ; Rev. George Salmon, P.M., 103; Right Hon. Daniel Dixon (Lord Mayor of Belfast), 105 : Mr. Adam Duifin, 106; Mr. II. de F. Montgomery, 110: Mr. \Y. J. Doloughan, 112 ; Mr. John R. \Yigham, 116 and 128; Alderman J. II. Scott (High Sheriff of Cork), 120: Rev. Samuel Prenter, M.A., 124; Hon. Horace Plunkett, 129 : Sir Henry Grattan Bellew, Bart., 133 : 69-134 402123 REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS IN HALL No. 2. PAGE. Mr. T. C. Franks, 140 ; Sir Henry Cochrane. 142 ; Mr. T. P. Cairnes, 142 and 198; Mr. W. G. Cox, 147; Mr. Maurice E. Dockrell, 148; Lord Castletown of Upper Ossory, 151 ; Mr. J. Malcolm Inglis, 156 ; Mr. J. Forbes Maguire, 163; Mr. E. J. Phillips, 167; Dr. MacCullagh (Mayor of Uerry), 170 and 192; Mr. W. J. Hurst, 172; Mr. Frank Johnston, 174; Right lion. David Plunket, ji.r , 177; Mr. William Findlater, 180; Mr. Thomas Pirn, junr., 181; Rev. H. Evans, D.D., 187; Mr. W. Kenny, q.c., 193; Mr. George Pollexfen, 195; Sir Richard Martin, ]!art., 198. 139-199 LETTERS OF APOLOGY FOR NOX-ATTENJJANCE - 201 TELEGRAMS OF SYMPATHY - - 209 L I S T F T O K T 11 A 1 T S . NAMK. Sir Thomas P. Butler, Bart. The. Earl of Fin trail Mr. .T. Mn.ireu Finny, .M.I). Mr. J. F. (i. liannatyne, ,!.!>. Mr. J. Todhr.uter Pirn The Duke of Lcinster Mr. J. C. Colvill Riirht Hon. David Plunket. M.P. Professor Edward Dowden, LL.D. Mr. \V. Dodds Rev. (Jeorsc Salmon, I). D. (Provost Trinity College. Dublin) Right Hon. Daniel Dixon (LordMayi of Belfast) Mr. Adam Duffin Mr. II. do F. Montgomery, D.L. Mr. W. J. Dolonirhan Mr. John R. Witrkain, J.I 1 . Alderman J. It. Srott (tliirk Shcrilf Coik) luT Ill 11:: 117 f 1-Jd Rev. Samuel Pi-enter, M.A. Hon. Horace I'lunkett Sir II. Grattan Hellcw. B:irt. Mr. T. ]. Cainics. ,I.P. Mr. T. C. Knuik> Alderman Sir II. Cm'hran . -I. Mr. \V. (i. C'i.\ Mr. Maurice K. I) x-kivll. ,1.1'. Lord (.'a-itlcti.wii of l']>p r <)>; Mr. .1. Malcolm Inglis .l.P. Mr. .1. Forbe- .\la;,'uiiv Mr. E. .1. Phillips Dr. MacCulla-h (Mayor of D< Mr. Frank Johnston Mr. William Findlater, D.L. Mr. Th'imis 1'iin, juu., .1.1'. K. v. Henry Evans, D.D. Mr. William Kenny, (J.C. Mr. Heoivo Pollexfen,, I. P. Sir Richard Martin, Hart. INTRODUCTION. The project of holding a Convention representative of the Unionists of the Provinces of Lcinster, Munstcr, and Connaught, was first discussed at a meeting of the Council of the Irish Unionist Alliance, held on the 28th of April, 1892. At this meeting, after full and careful consideration, it \vas resolved : '' That this Council approves of holding a Meeting or Con- vention in Dublin for the purpose of expressing an opinion on Home Rule, and that it be referred to the Executive Committee to consider, as early as possible, whether it is practicable, and if so, to carry it out." The Executive Committee ot the Alliance met on the 3Oth of April, and, having considered the foregoing resolution, came to the conclusion that it was practic- able to hold such a Convention, and decided to summon a Conference of leading Unionists in the three Southern Provinces of Ireland for the purpose of taking steps to cany the project to a successful issue. This Conference met on the iSth May, under the presidency of the Earl of Fingall, and was very largely attended. The decision to hold a Conference was ratified, the Declaration to be submitted to it (which will be found on page 61), was approved, and General and Executive Committees were appointed to carry cut the details. The Executive Committee of the Convention determined at its first meeting that the Convention should be a gathering of the most representative character. The largest halls in Dublin were imme- diately secured, and special .steps were taken to increase the seating accommodation to the utmost capacity. The number of delegates from each Parlia- mentary Division in the three Southern Provinces was strictly apportioned to the estimated loyalist strength of each constituency. The project, which had the hearty support of the Unionist Press, was enthusiastically taken tip by the local Unionist organizations through- out the country, and it very soon became apparent that the Leinster Hall premises, although the largest that could be had, were utterly inadequate for the accommodation of those who were anxious to be present. Of the success of the Convention itself it is needless to say anything here. That a Convention of such a character could, at a month's notice, beheld, bringing together the scattered Loyalists of the South and West of Ireland, was a fact which could not but impress itself on public attention. Its importance was full\- acknowledged, and its purpose was ratified in the political manifesto issued by Lord Salisbury on the eve of the General Election of 1892. This volume contains a carefully revised report of the speeches delivered in support of the various resolutions, the full text of the more important letters received from distinguished persons who were unable to attend, and of the numerous telegrams of sympathy from Unionist organizations in Great Britain, together with lists of the delegates from the various constituencies who were present at the Convention. It is offered by the Executive Committee to each delegate as a souvenir of an unique and important event in the historv of Irish, Unionism. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. R. BACWEI.L, Ksi[., D.I.., Marlfield, Clonmel. MAJOK A. \V. BAILEY, 13 Morehanipton Road. F. ELRINGTON BALL, Es[., .I.P., Taney House, Dumlnmi. SIR CHARLES BARRIXGTOX-, Hart., Glenstal, Murroe, Limerick. A. L. BARLEE, Esq., Florence House. Men-ion. SIK THOMAS P. BI:TI.KK, Bart., D.I.., Ballintemple, Tullow. T. P. CAIKNES, Esq., J.P., Stameen. Drogheda. W. K. CALDHECK, Esq., J.P., Eaton Brae, Shankliill. THE LOUD CASTLKTOWX OK UPPER OSSOKY, Granston Manor. Abbe/leix. GEORCE CHAMHKKS, Esq., J.P., 12 Stephen's (J-reen. J. C. COLVILL, Esq., Coolock House, Raheny. It. F. COLVILL, ESIJ., .J.V., Killester Abbey, Artanu. SIR H. Corn KANE, D.L., Woodbrook, Bray. C. PfiiDON COOTK, Esq., D.L., Bear Forest, Mallow. HENRY CLEMENTS, Esq.. D.L., Lou^h Rynn, Dromol. RAYMOND DE I.A POER, Esq., J.P., Kilcronagh, Waterford. COLONEL (TEKALD DEASE, D.I, , The Abbey, Celbridge. SURGKON-GEXEKAL A. DE RlCN/Y, (Mi.. 18 Clyde Road. MAJOR-GENERAL DEVENISH-MEARKS, D.I... M wires' Court. Ballynacargy. J\i:v. J. G. DuiOEs, Lough Rynn, Dromod. HON. LTKE (r. DILLON, .I.P., Cloiibrock. Ahaseragh. ^^. E. DOCKKELL. Esq., .i.i'., Camolm, Monkstown. I'ROK. KD. Dow DEN, LI.. D., D.C.I... 1 Ap)iian Way. C. L. KAI.KINER, E-MJ., H.L., 36 Molesworth Stn.-et. R. FAUKELL, ESIJ., .i.r., Thornhill, Bray. WlLLIAJI KlNDI.A'I'ER, Ivsq., D.I.., 22 I''i t/. willialll Square. (COLONEL. I. KKoi.I.lOT. D.L., I lollvbruok, Uoyle. I. R. FOWLER, Ksq., .I.P., 6 Dune-urn Terrace, lira} 1 . . I AMKs Gl.ASCO, Ksq., 4 Foyle Terrace, Fairview. f. PERRY GOODUODY, lOsij., .I.P., Inc-hinore House. Clara. M Alters (JooDUODY, Ivsq., .1.1'., Obelisk I'ark, lilackrock. W. .1. (ioi I.DINC, Ksq., D.I.., Roebuck Hill, Booterstown. REV. T. T. GRAY, M.A., F.T.C.D., Trinity College, Dublin. JONATHAN llouc, Esq., Stratford, Orwell Road, Ratligar. L. O, HI-TTON, Ksq.. 8 Fit/.william Place. T. M^. INC i. is, Ksi|., .I.P., Trenton, Ball's Bridge. W. Mc.M. KAVANACH, Ksq.. ,i.i>., D.L., Kellestown, Carlow. A. D. KENNEDY, Esq., Gleii-na-geragh Hall, Glenageary. \V. IVKNNI, Fsi|., g.c., 35 Fit/william Place. PF.KCY LA TOUCHF., Ks<(., .1.1-., Xuwberry, Kilcullen. \V. LIVINGSTON, Fs<|., T.C., Westport. K. K. LONGFIF.I.D,| , J.P., Lon^ueville, Mallow. PKOF. .T. p. MAMAFFY, M..\.. F.T.C.D., Trinity College. Dublin. SIK RICIIAKD MAKTIN, Bart . iu,., 81 Merrion Square. -I. P. MAI -NSKI.I.. Ks(,.. 49 .Mespil Iload. TIIK L'Ki) .\roNTKAiu:, Mount Trenchard, l-'oyne^, f'-M'^'AP- THK HON. II. I'. ^FONCK, .i.r., Cliarlfvilk-, I'.ray. II. S. MOOUK, Ks([., .1.1'., 7 HcrV)ert Street. L. .1. M'DoNNKi.L, Ks,,.. 38 Men-ion Square. T. (J. Xi"i"i'iN(.. Ksi|., .i.i'., (iortnioiv, Diuulriuii. JOSKPH I'IKK, Ksi|., .[. i'., I)unslaiul, ( Jlanmiiv. THOMAS PIM, Ksi ( ., Jiuir., .1.1-.. Giveiikuik, Miinksto\vn. losKrii T. PIM. Ksi|., IJinnainara. Monkstowji. HON. HORACK I'l.i NKF.TT, Dunsaiiv Cattle, Dunsaiiv. I. TAI.HOT I'o\vi:ii. I-'si|., D.I... Leopardstown IFoii.^e, Stillor^an CAPTAIN L. KIAI.U D.I.., Old C'onna Hill P.ray. W. HOBKUTSON, Ks|., 30 Fimvilliam Si|uare. K. STAIM.KS, Ksi|., D.I... ])unniore, Durroxv. CTKOHGK F. STKNVAKT, Fs. C. TOTTKNIIAM, KSIJ.. .I.P., Tottenham Park, Mullin^ar. C4OHDON F. TOM UK, Fsi| , .i.i 1 ., Kildare Street (.'lub. C. T". n"o\v\NiiKND, Fsi(.. i.i'., Hatley, Burliiigtun Koa'l. T. COOKK TI;I:NCII. Ks<|.. D.I... Millicent, X'aas. ]>n. II. P. Tin KI.L. .i.r., Clonmamion, Ashford. Co. \\'i;-klo\\ . W. WATSON, Fs,,.. .i.r., 25 Fitxwilliain Place. .1. H. \\"K;IIAM. Fsi|., .i.r., Albany House, .Monksto\vn JAMKS \\~II.SON, Fsq., D i.., C'urry^rane, Kdgeworthstown .1. M. WII.>ON, Fs(|.. .I.P.. MR. \VM. CKO. COX. H) GHAFTOX STRKET, DU15LIX LIST OF GENERAL COMMITTEE. LIST OF GENERAL COMMITTEE, The Lord Ardilaun, St. Ann's, Clontarf. The Earl of Arran, Castle Gore, Ballina. R. O. Armstrong, Esq., J.i>., Clifton Terrace, Monkstown. Captain E. M. Armstrong, Mealiffe, Thurles. R. G. A. Alanson-Winn, Esq , Glenbeigh, Killarney. Colonel W. Aldworth, Newmarket, Co. Cork. Sir John Arnott, D.I,., Woodlands, Cork. T. Anderson, Esq., D.L., Grace Dieu Lodge, Waterford. C. Ambrose, Esq., u-.n., Waterford. F. H. Armstrong, Esq., Chaffpool, Ballymoate, Sligo. The Lord Ashtown, Woodlawn, Co. Galvvay. Rev. T. R. Abbott, D.D., 9 Seafield Avenue, Monkstown. S. F. Adair, Esq., J.P., 24 Fitzwilliam Square. P. Askin, Esq., J.P., 67 Northumberland Road. C. O. Aldworth, Esq., Tivoli, Cork. A. H. Smith-Barry, Esq,, M.P., Fota, Cjueenstown. Sir Thomas P. Butler, Bart., Ballintemple, Tullovv. Lord Arthur Butler, The Castle, Kilkenny. F. J. Bloomfield, Esq., D.L., Newpark, Waterford. R. Bagwell, Esq., D.I.., Marlfield, Clonmel. F. Brooke, Esq., J.P., Shillelagh, Wicklow. Sir H. Burke, Bart., Marble Kill, Loughrea. Sir H. W. Gore-Booth, Bart., Lisadell, Sligo. A. L. Barlee, Esq., Florence House, Merrion. The Right Hon. H. Bruen, D.L., Oak Park, Carlow. I. Beckett, Esq., J.P., Altamont, Dundrum. B. R. Balfour, Esq., J.P., D.L., Townley Hall, Drogheda. Professor S. H. Butcher, Killarney. Major R. H. Borrowes, D.I.., Gilltown, Newbridge. J. W. Bond, Esq., D.I.., Farragh, Longford. W. Browne-Clayton, Esq., D.I.., Brown's Hill, Carlow. Captain P. Bernard, D.L., Castle Hackett, Tuam. F. Elrington Ball, Esq., j.i>., Taney House, Dundrum. Major A. W. Bailey, J.P., 13 Morehampton Road. Captain Barrett-Hamilton, .J.P., Kilmanock House, New Ross. The Earl of Bandon, Bandon, Co. Cork. 1 6 W. C. Bayly, Esq., .1.1-., Ardrishan. Carlow. Sir Charles Burton, Bart., Pollacton House, Carlow. E. 0. Blacker, Esq., J.P., Woodbrook, Enniscorthy. Rev. R. C. Blacker, Do. do. G. F. Brooke, Esq., Somerton, Co. Dublin. R. P. Bell, Esq., j.i>., Pegsboro', Tipperary. Colonel Biddulph, St. Kilda, 1'arsonstown. J. L. Brinkley, Esq., D.I.., Portland Easky, Sligo. Sir Charles B. Barrington, Bart., Glenstal, Murroe, Limerick. W. Besuchamp, Esq., George's Street, Limerick. The Lord Bellew, Barmeath, Dunleer. Sir R. L. Blosse, Bart., Athavalle, Castlebar. Sir H. Grattan Bellew, Bart., Mount Bellew, Ballinasloe. E J. Beaumont-Nesbitt, Esq , j.i>., Tubberdaly, Edenderry. J. F. Bannatyne, Esq., Summerhill, Limerick. H. L. Barnardo, Esq., 5 Auburnville, Rathgar. Rev. F. H. Bernard, K.T.C.D., 6 Trinity College. H. C. Bloxham, Esq., Glenone, Terenure Road, Rathgar Captain R. Boyd, 4 Leinster Square, Rathmines. H. Brown, Esq., ,i.r., T.C., 10 Herbert Place. G. F. Brunskill, Esq., 2 Grosvenor Square, Rathmines. M. Burke, Esq., n.i,., 107 Lower Baggot Street. Dr. J. G. Burne, 28 Westland Row. Rev. C. Brown, Edgeworthstown. Major H. L. Barton, D.I.., Straffan. Rev. W. Brennan, Ballisodare. C. M. Bury, Esq., J.P., Prosperous, Naas. The Earl Belmore, Castlecoole, Enniskillen. W. H. Bible, Esq., P.L.U., Diamond Hill, Cork. William Bannister, Esq., IM..<;., Victoria Lodge, Cork. \V. Cooper, Esq., Cooper Hill, Carlow. The Earl of Carysfort, Glenart Castle, Arklow. The Earl of Courtown, Courtown House, Gorey. A. Congreve, Esq., D.I.., Mount Corigreve, Waterford. Colonel H. T. Clements, .1.1-., D.I.., Killadoon, Celbridge. Colonel R. A. G. Cosby, J.P., D.L., Stradbally Hall, Stradbally. The Marquis of Conyngham, Slane Castle, Meath. T. P. Cairnes, Esq., ,i.r., Stameen, Drogheda. C. Purdon Coote, Esq., D.L., Bear Forest, Mallow. Colonel E. H. Cooper, D.I.., Markree Castle, Collooney, Sligo. J. C. Colvill, Es<}., Coolock House, Raheny. Sir R. Cusack, D.I.., Furry Park, Raheny. '7 J. Chambre, Esq., Mespil House, Mespil Road. The Lord Castletovvn, Granston Manor, Abbeyleix. Colonel H. D. Garden, D.I. , Knightstown, Portarlington. Right Hon. \V. H. F. Cogan, D.I.., Tinode, Blessington, Wickljw. E. H. Carson, Esq., Q.C., M.I'., 80 Meirion Square, Dublin. "W. E. Calclbeck, Esq., .1.1-., Eiton Brae, Shankhill. Sir John Colomb. K.C.M.C;., Dromguinna, Kenmare. Sir H. Cochrane, D.I.., 45 Kildare Street. M. C. Cramer, E=q., D.I.., Rathmore. Kinsale. Sir G. Colthurst, Bart., D.I... Blarney Castle, Cork. The Lord Carew, Casileboro', Enniscorthy. N. N. Cookman, E-q.. D.I.., Monart House, Enniscorthy. Sir J. Garden, Bart., D.I.., Templemore Abbey, Templemore. Captain A. Cooper, .I.P., Killenure Castle, Cashel. Captain R. T. Carew, .I.P., Ballinamona Park, Waterford. Colonel J. H. Co^er, D.I.., Dunboden, Mullingar. Colonel Coddington, Oldbridge, Drogheda. C. P. Coghill, E-q., -i.r., Rushbrook, Kells. R. Caldbeck, Esq., J.P., Bullacolla House. Balhcolla. The Hon. C. Crofton, .i.i'., Moate Park, Ballymurry. Major Campbell, Oranmorc, Sligo. The Lord Clarina, Elm Park, Limerick. Colonel R. Caulfield, .).!>., Camolin House, Camolin. Colonel J. Crosbie, D.I.., Ballyheigue Castle, Tralee. The Lord Cloncarry, Lyons, Ilaz ehatch. Lt. -Col. The Hon. C. K. Crichton, .i.r., Mullaboden, Ballymore Eustace. Major J. H. Connellan, D.I.., Coolmore, Thomastown. Sir C. Cuffe, Bart., Lyrath, Kilkenny. II. Sharman Crawford, Esq., .37 Raglan Road. R. T. Callow, Esq., .i.r., Ardnachree House, Dalkey. Serjeant Campion, Esq., o,.c., 13 Hatch Street. Ur. \V. Carte, .i.r., Royal Hospital, Kilmainham. G. Chamber;, l^scj., .i.r., 12 Stephen's (ireen. A. Cleary, Esq., ^.c., 46 Lower Leesoa Street. J. W. Craig, Esq., q.c., 94 Lower Leeson Street. E. P. Culverwell, Ksq., K.T.C.D., 40 Trinity College. Rev. Dr. Coulter, Manorhamilton. Rev. J. Cook, Glene&ly. C. C. Clarke, Esq., (Jr.iiguenoe Park, Thutles. C. M. Doyne, Esq., D.I.., Wells, Gorey. M. E. Dockrell, E-q., .i.i'., Camolin, Monkstown. Raymond De la Poer, Esq., j.r., Kilcronagh, Waterford. i; T8 The Hon. L. G. Dillon, .i.i 1 ., Clonhrock, Anascragh. Colonel G. Dease, .J.r., The Abbey, Celbridge. Alexander Deane, Esq.. 56 Upper Mount Street. Professor E. Powden, I.L.D., D.C.I... i Appian Way, Leeson Park. R. Digby, Esq., J.P., The Castle. Gcashiil. Major P G. De l>urgh, i.i.., Oldtown, Xaa-. The Earl of Desart, Desart Court, Kilkenny. The Lord Dunally, Kilboy, Xenagh. F. P. Dunne, Esq., .1.1*., Bal I\v>r, Binagher. Edmond Count De li Poer, D.I... Gurteen le Poer, Kilshelin. The Viscount De Vesci, Abbeyleix. Captain T. A. Drought, n.r... Letty brook, Kinnetty, King's County. The Earl de Montalt, Dundrum. Cashel. James Dobson, Fsq., .;.!>., Cambridge House, Kathmines. W. \Vestropp Da\vson, Esq.. D.I... Charlesfort, Ferns. The Right Hon. W. W. F. Dick, D.I... Humewood. Kiltegan. Captain G. K. S. Massey Dawson, D.I... Ballinacourte, Tipperary. Major-General \V. L. Devenish-Meares, D.I.., Meares Court, Uallv nacaryy, Co. Westmeath. Surgeon-General A. C. C'. De Renzy, r.,{., 18 Clyde Road, Dublin. Sir J. F. Dillon, Bart., D.I.., Lismulien, Carlow Cro^s, Navan. R. II. P. Dunne, Esq., J.P., Brittas, Clonaslie. The Lord De Freyne, French Park. Roscommon. Rev. J. G. Digges, Lough Rynn, Dromod. The Earl of Dunraven, Adare Park, Adare. Colonel J. H. Dopping, J.P., Derrycassin. Dring, Granard. II. J. Dudgeon, Esq., .i.r., The Priory, Stillorgan, The Honourable S. Daly, Kildare Street Club. R. M. Dane, Esij., M.P., 7 Percy Place. Wellington Darley, Esq.. Violet Hill, Bray. Colonel A. V. Davoren, J.P., .; Seaview Terrace, Donnybrouk. T. Davy, Esq., I.I..D.. 85 Merrion Scjuare. W. Deverell, Esq., 26 Leeson Park. D. LJrummond, Escj., .i.i 1 ., Dur.filan, Rathgar. J. F. Duncan, Esq., M.D., S L'pper Merrion (Street. The Lord Dunsany, Dunsany Castle. R. A. Duke, Esq.. i> i.., New Park, Ballymote. Robert Day, Esq., IM..I;., 3 Sydney Place, Cork. Rev. H. Evans, D.D., Charles Street, Dublin. The Lord Emly, Tervoe, Limerick. Major X. T. Everard, D.I.., Randalstown, Xavan. The Hon. L. G. F. A. Ellis, D.I, , Gowran Castle, Gowran. R. Fowler, Esq., n.r.., Rahinstown, Enfield. The Hon. D. F. Fortescue, D.L., Summerville, Dunmore, E. Water- ford. Captain M. Fox, u.x., n.r.., Annaghmore, Tullamore. R. U. P. Fitzgerald, Esq., M.P., Oueenstown. Colonel J. ffolliott, n.r.., Hollybrook, Boyle. E. J. Figgis, Esq., Glen-na-Smoil, Upper Rathmines. The Earl Fitzwilliam, Coolattin, Co. Wicklow. R. Farrell, Esq., J.P., Thornhill, Bray. C. L. Falkiner, Esq., B.L., 36 Molesworth Street. J, R. Fowler, Esq., j.r'., 6 Duncairn Terrace, Bray. B. Fitzgerald, Esq., Listowel, Kerry. Captain C. French, n.r.., Castle Bernard, Kinnetty. Lord M. Fitzgerald, Johnstown Castle, Wexford. W. Fitzmaurice, Esq., Kelvingrove, Carlow. J. Fenton, Esq., ,).!>., Butler's Grange, Tullow. Savage French, Esq., J.P., Cuskinny, Queenstown. Professor Fitzgerald, F.T.C.D., Trinity College, Dublin. G. Frend, Esq., ,i.i>., Silverhills, Cloughjordan. The Earl of Fingall, Killeen Castle, Tara. R. R. Fitzhetbert, Esq., n.r.., Blackcastle, Navan. Colonel II. Taaffe Ferrall, n r.., 73 Merrion Square. W. De S. Filgate, Esq., D.L., Lisrenny, Ardee. Sir T. O. Forster, Bart., Ballymascanlon, Dundalk. J, Findlater, Esq., J.P., Melbeach, Albany Avenue, Monkstown. W. Findlater, Esq., n.r,., 22 Fitzwilliam Square. Henry Fitzherbert, Esq., J.P., Millbrook, Abbeyleix. Marcus Goodbody, Esq., J.P., Obelisk Park, Blackrock. W. R. F. Godley, Esq.,j.i>., Fonthill, Chapelizod. James Glasco, Esq., 4 Foyle Terrace, Fairview. R. Grubb, Esq., J.P., Castlegrace, Llogheen, Tipperary. R. E. Gibson, Esq., Allenswood, Lucan. G. Goold, Esq., 42 Grand Parade, Cork. Rev. T. T. Gray, F.T.C.D., Trinity College, Dublin. General Sir C. Gough, K.C.B., Innislough, Clonmel. W. G. GofT, Esq.,j.r>., Glenville, Waterford. N. ff. Gyles, Esq., J.P., Lismore. Surgeon-General F. L. G. Gunn, J.P., Rockdale, Orwell Road, Rathgar. T. Gerrard, Esq., n.r.., Boyne Hill, Navan. Archibald Godley, Esq., n.r.,., Killegar, Killeshandra. J. R, Garstin, Esq., D.L., Eraganstown, Castlebellingham. The Viscount Gort, Gal way. The Viscount Gough, Loch Cutra, Galwp.y. Toier R. Garvey, Esq., .i.i>.. Parsonstown. J. P. Goodbody, Esq., .i.r.. Inchmore House, Clara. Sir P. Grace. Bart., n.i.. Holey, Monkstown. P. C. Gaussen, Esq.. ij Warrington Place. Jonathan Goodbody, Esq.. Pembroke House, Blackrock. Joseph Gough, Esq., 101 Leinster Road. Rathmines. Sir Howard Grubb, 51 Kenilworth Square, Rathmines. II. Guinness, Escj.. .i.r.. Burton Hall, Leopardstown Road, Stillorgan. W. J. Goulding, Esq., n.i.., Roebuck Hill, Booterstown. J. Gibbs, Esq.,.j P., 56 Pembroke Road. Rev. \V. Godley, Carngallen. Rev. J. Galbraith, Knocknarea, Siigo. Colonel Fox Grant, .i.r.. 41 larinda Park. Kingstown. Colonel Graham, Castlecrin, County Clare. J. V. Gregg. Esq., r.i..<;., Marlborough House, Cork. Colonel V. La Touche Hatton, n.i... Wexford. II. A. Hamilton, Esq.. D.I.., Hampton, Halbriggan. The Marquis of Ileadfort, Headfort House, Kells. The Earl of Howth, The Castle. Ilowth. H. Hendrick-Aylmer, Esq. ..7. p., Kerdiffstown, Xaas. The Right Hon. I. T. Hamilton, r.c., D.I... Abbotstown. Castleknock. R. Huggard, Esq., .i.r., Nelson Street, Tralee. Captain E. C. Hamilton, .I.P., Innistioge, Kilkenny. Mitchell Henry, Esq., .i.r., Kylemore, Clifden. J. Hogg. Esq., Stratford, Orwell Road. Rathgar. T. G. Palmer Hallett. Esq.,.i.i'., Galway. R. Hassard, Esc}., Summerville, \\"aterford. II. Harden, Esq., i.i.. n., 84 Lower Gloucester Street. S. M. Uussey, Esq., .1.1-., Edenburn, Tralee. Captain R. C. Halpin, .I.P., .'I inakelly House, Rathnew, \Yicklo\\. Rev. I). Hanan. D. D., Rectory. Tipperary. Colonel R. \V. Ilartlev, .i.r., IJeechpark. Clonsilla. Sir R. Ilodson. Bart., D.I.., Ik'llybrook, Bray. The Lord Harlech. Derrycove, Dromocl, Leitrim. R. \V. Hall-IJare. Esq.,.i.i-., Xewtownbarry. ^fajor Ileighington, .I.P., Donard House, Baltinglass. Vere Hunt, Esq., .).!'., High Park, C'appawhite. Colonel G. E. Hillier, D.I.., Mocollup Cattle, Lismore. \V. E. Iloimes, Esq., .i.r., Carrarowe Park. Roscommun. S. L. Hamilton, Esq., J.r., Grosvenor I'ark, Rathmines. 2 I G. Healy, Esq.,.i r., Hughenden. Castle Avenue, Clontarf. L. O. Ilutton, Esq., X Fitzwilliam Place. Rev. T. G. Heffernan, Newport, Tipperary. V. G. Ilines, Esq., Stradbally. R. R. Hayes, Esq., Achill. R. Hadden, Esq., Granard. Rev. S. E. Hoops, D.D., Fenagh Rectory, Carrick-on-Shannon. Edwin Hall, Esq..!. p., Yinehurst, Blackrock, Co. Cork. George L. Heard, Esq., Lehanagh, Cork. W. B. Ilartland, Esq., Ardcairn, Cork. J. M. Inglis, Esq., .LI-., Trenton, Ball's Bridge. The Lord Inchiquin, Dromoland, Newmarket-on-Fergus, Clare. J. K. Ingram, Esq., I.I..D., K.T.C.D., 34 Trinity College. T. Dunbar Ingram, Esq., 13 Wellington Road. W. Irvine, Esq., j.c., Prospect Hill, Carrickmines. The Lord Iveagh, St. Stephen's Green, Dub in. Henry Jones, Esq., jun., Efl'ra Road, Rathmines. A. S. Jackson, Esq., ^.c., 45 Lower Leeson Street. Lieutenant-Colonel W. Johnson, Castle Lyons, Fermoy. St. G. R. Johnston, Esq., ,1.1-., Mount Prospect, Kinloch. John Jameson, Esq.. .J.P., 5 Upper Merrion Street. H. W. Jackson, Esq., 44 Fitzwilliam Square. The Earl of Kingston, Kilronan Castle, Keadue, Carrick-on- Shannon. Sir R. Keane, Bart, Cappoquin, Waterford. W. Kenny, Esq., o..c., M.r., 35 Fitxwilliam P. ace. Colonel C. II. Knox, .i.r., Creagh, Ballinrobe. The Lord Kilmaine, Killucan. W. Kingsman, Esq , 4 Banna Villas, Ranelagh. The Earl of Kenmare, Killarney House, Killarney. W. M'M. Kavanagh, Esq., D.I,., Kellestown, Carlow. T. Kemmis, Esq., D.I.., Shaen, Maryboro'. Sir G. King, Bart., D.I.., Charleston, Drumsna. U. A. Knox Esq., D.I... Mount Falcon, Ballina. Thomas Kough, Esq., .1 i\, Xewtown Villa, Kilkenny. W. de V. Kane. Esq., .1 i 1 ., Sloperton Lodge, Kingstown. W. Keating, Esq.. Sybil Hill, Kaheny. ('.. Kinahan, Esq., .I.P., Roebuck Park, Dundrum. T. \V. Kinahan, Esq., M.A.. 24 Waterloo Road, Dublin. A. I). Kennedy. Esq., (Henageragh Hall, dlenageary. Kelly, Ks.|.. Oil Mills, Sixmilebriclge. Co. Clare. M. Den Keatinge, Esq., .I.P., D.I.., Crlin.yford, Kilkenny. 22 !'. W. Low, Esq.. D.L., Kilshane, Tipperary. K. E. Longfield, Esq., ,7. p., Longueville, Mallow. The Earl of Limerick, Dromore Castle, Pallaskenry. S. Little, Esq., .i.r., George Street, \Vexford. Thomas Leech, Esq., .T.I>., Fruitlawn, Abbeyleix. J. Ormsby Lawder, Esq., D.I... Lawderda'e, Carrick-on-Shannon. Percy La Touche, Esq., D.I. , Xewberry, Kilcullen. The Earl of Longford, Pakenham Hall, Castlepollard. The Duke of Leinster, Carton, Maynooth. J. F. Lecky, Esq., I--.T.C.D., D.L., Lenham Lodge, Milford, Carlow. Dames Longworth, Esq., D.I... Glynwood, Athlone. Professor B. Lewis, 49 Sandy's Well, Cork. H. C. Levinge, Esq., D.L., Knockdrin Castle, Mullingar. The Lord Langford, Summerhill, Co. Meath. Godfrey Levinge, Esq.. Lisdufi, Ballybrophy. J. M. Lloyd, Esq.. .i.r., Croghan House, Boyle. Guy Lloyd, Esq., D.I.., Croghan House, Boyle. C. L. L'Estrange, Esq.. j.p., \Voodville, Sligo. A. L. Lee-Norman. Esq., j.p, Corballis. Ardee. J. W. Leahy. Esq.. .i.r., South Hill, Killarney. The Earl of Listowel, Convamore, Mallow. Colonel Sir J. Langrishe, Bart., Knocktopher Abbey. Thomastown. T. P. Law, Esq., (i.e., 48 Stephen's Green. Sir H. Lawrence, Bart., Bel.:ard, Clondalkin R. F. Lidwell. Esq.. .i.r., 21 George's Street, X. J. Little, Esq., M.D., 14 Stephen's Green. The Yen. Archdeacon of Lismore. Thomas Leonard. Esq.. .1 p.. \Varrenstown. Dunsany. F. La Touche. Esq.. .i.i>., The Castle, Dromahair. Lieutenant-Colonel G. Lindsay. D.I.., Glasnevin House. William Livingston, Ks j., We.stport. Rev. James Lyons, The Manse, Manorhamilton. The Lord Massey, Hermitage. Castleconnell, Limerick. General Maquay. Ashfield, Monasterevan. Sir R. Musgrave, ]'>art.. D.I.., Tourin. Cappoquin, J. Malcomson. Esq.. Dunmore, E. Waterford. C. r>. Maria}-. Esq., D i. , T.ulvedere. Mullingar. Major R. St. L. Moore, .i.r., Kilashee, Xaas. Rev. J. P. Mahafly. F.T.C.D., Trinity College. H. S. Moore, Esq., .i.r.. ~ Herbert Street. J. H. Moore, Esq., i; i.. , 32 Upper Mount Street. S. Moore, Esq.. D i.., liarne, Clonmel. 23 The Viscount Monck, Charleville, Enniskerry. The Viscount Massereene, Oriel Temple, Collon, Louth. H. V. Macnamara, Esq., D.L., Ennistymon House, Ennistymon, Clare The Viscount Midleton, Cahirmore, Limerick. The Earl of Meath, Kilruddery, Bray. General \V. (j. D. Massy, Grantstown, Tipperary. Captain M. Morton, j.r, Little Island, Clonmel. The Earl of Mountcashel, More Park, Kilworth, Co. Cork. The Hon. G. \V. I. Monsell, D.I.., Tervoe. Limerick. The Lord Monteagle, Mount Trenchard, Foynes. The Lord Muskerry, Springfield Castle. Drumcollagher. J. Macgillycuddy, Esq., .].!'., Aghadoe, Killarney. The Earl of Mayo, Palmerston House, Straflan. Rev. I). E. Montmorency, Castle Morres, Knocktopher. Ed. Morrison, Esq., Parsonstown. Sir R. Martin, Bart., D.I.., Si Merrion Square. Sir G. Moyers, .1.1-., S Vesey PI ice, Kingstown. G. (). Molley, Esq. (i.e., y Henrietta Street. C. E. Martin, Esq , J.i' ., 12 Fitzwilliam Place. W. Moore, Esq., ji.i,., 76 Lower Leeson Street. \V. G. Murphy, Esq., 42 Lower Sackville Street. G. Macnie, Esq., .1.1-., Baymount, Clontarf. J. P. Maunsell. Esq., 49 Mespil Road. 1". Maple, Esq., .i.i>, Marino Park, Plackrock. Colonel Magrath, Banaboo, Wexford. Rev. H. Mitchell, Ouarrymount. Uallybrophy. Rev. S. Martin, Kilcock. Thomas Mitchell, ICsq., Parsonstown. G. F. Murphy, Esq., .1.1-., The Grange, Dunsany. Rev. Thomas M >ran. 34 Henry Street, Limerick. J. \V. Mullins, Ivscj .. .I.P., 13 Rutland Square. East. Luke J. M'Donnell, Es. M'Xamara, ICsi]., .1.1-., Rjck Lodge, Liscannor, Clare. H. M Comas, Esq., .I.P., Homestead, Dundrum. S. M 1 Comas, Esq., .I.P., Rockfort, Dalkey. J. M'Evoy, l'"sq., .i.i'., I^ower Bag^ot Street. J. M'Kee, Es<]., C'ollon, (.'o. Louth. Rev. Canon M'Cheaae, Wellbrook, Ereshfor-I. Co. Kilkenny. Alexander M'Ostrich, ESIJ.. Eglantine. Cork. The lion. Captain H. C. Monck, D.I... Charleville, Enniskerry. J. L. Naper, Esq., D.I.., Loughcrew, OKlcastle. Alexander Nelson, Esq.. .i.i 1 ., Waterford. Dr. Xadin, Tipperary. ]. P. Newton, Esq.. n.i.., Punleckney Manor, Bagnalstown. J. (i. Nutting, Esq.. .1.1-., Gortmore. Dundrum. T. li. North, Esq., ,i.i'.. no Grafton Street. The Marquis of Ormonde, The Castle, Kilkenny. M. W. O'Connor, FS., Lissard, Skibbereen. E. W. O'Brien, Esq., D.I... Cahermoyle, Ardagh, Limerick. P. O'Reilly, Esq., D.I,., Coolamber, Rathcwen. R. W. Orme, Esq., .I.P., Owen me re, Crcssmolina. T. G. Overend. Esq., Q c. , i Terrace Sorrento, Dalkey. Sir G. Owens. M.D., uo Lower Haggot Street. Rev. Canon O'Connor, Baltinglass. Rev. Canon O'Sullivan, Cloughjordan. Joseph Pike, Esq.. D.I. , Dunsland. Glanmire, Cork. Owen Phibbs, Esq .. n.i.., Coradoo, Boyle. Sir R. J. Paul, Bart.. D.I.., Ballyglan. Waterford. James Pim, Esq., jun . Killarney Wood, Bray. Thomas Pim, Esq., Glen-na-Geragh House. Glena^eary. Joseph T. Pim, Esq., Rinnamara. Monksto\\n. G. R. Price. Esq., g.r.. 34 Lower Leeson Street. R. L. Power. Esq., Inch House, Thurles. Samuel Perry, Esq.. D i. , Woodroofe, Clonmel. Sir Roger Palmer, Bart., D.I... Rush House. Rush. Joshua J. Pim, Esq., .i.r . Cabinteely House. Cabinteely. The Hon. H. 1'lunkett. M.P., Dunsany House. Co. Meath. D. R. Pack-Beresford, Esq., D i.., Eenagh House, Bagnalstown. E. Pike, Esq., ,I.P., Shanakiel. Cork. R. H. Power, Esq., .I.P., The Castle, Lismore. Rev. II. R. Poole, D.D.. K.T.C.D., 15 Lower Fitzwilliam Street. Sir.!. T. Power, Bart., D.I... Edennine, Lnniscorthy. J. C. P(]., .I.P., Bally\\alter, Corey. Major C. Pepper, n i.., Ballygarth Castle, Julianstown. J. N. G. Pollock, Esq., .I.P., Mountainstown, Navan. The Hon. T. Preston, D.I.., Silverstream, Balbriggaa. The Earl of Portarlington, I'.mo Park, Portailingion. W. T. Potts, Esq., .I.P., Correen Castle, Ballinasloe. C. C. Palmer. Esq.. .I.P., Raheen House, I '.(lender ry. Sir R. C. Power, Bart.. D.I.., Kilfanc, Thomastown. J. T. Power, Escj.. D.I.., Leoi~ardstown Park. Stillorgan. The Viscount Powerscourt, K.I'., Powersco'irt, Enniskerry. The t'arl of Pembroke, 7 Carlton House Terrace, London, S.W. Thomas Pirn, Esq., jun., J.r., Greenbank, Moukstown. F. W. Pirn, Esq., Blackrock Lodge, Blackrock. Rev. G. B. Power, Thomastown. G O. Potter, Esq. (Mills), Ballinrobe. Albert Quill, Esq., H.I.., 42 Ilarcourt Street. The Earl of Rossc, K.P., Birr Castle, Parsonstown. G. Ryan, Esq., i> i... Inch House, Thurles. J. M. Kiyse, Esq., .i.i'., Thornton, Dunlavin. William Robertson, Eiq., 30 Fitzwilliam Square. John Ross Esq., o,.c., M.r. , 66 Fitzwilliam Square. Richard Reeves. Esq.. 51 Merrion Square. W. Rochfort, Esq., .J.r., Cahir House, Chir. Ciptain L. Riall, D i... Old Conna Hill, Bray. R. W. C. Reeves, 10 *q. D.I... Bissborough, Killimer, Cl.xre. Major R. Rice, J.i'., Bushmount, Lixnaw, Kerry. The Lord Rathdonnell, Lisnavagh, Rathvilly, Carlow. Colonel Rowan, .1.1-., Uelmont, Tralef. E. llotheram, Esq., .J.P.. Crossdrum, Oldcastle. M. H. Rotheram, Es<|., .i.i'.. Belview, Crossakiel. The Hon. II Rowley, D.I. , Summerhill, Meath. W. Ruxton, Esq., v.i. , Co. Louth, Ardee House, Ardee. A. J. Russell, E.i... Uunmore, Durrow. \V. J. Shannon, F-(|., 62 Upper Leeson Street. R. >exton, Esq., .J i> , 70 Ilarcourt Street G. E. Searight, I-'.sq., ^prirgfield, Shankhill, Dublin. Mnjor-General F. W. Stubbs, .i.i 1 .. Uroiuaikin House, Castlebcllingham. R. V. Stoney. Esq., .J.r., Ro?turk, Co. Mayo. Rev. (ieorge Salmon, D.D., Provost of Trinity College, Dublin. The Viscount Stopford, !>.[.., Courtown House, Gorey. 26 Rev. F. De B. Sidle/, The Rectory, Granard, Long r ord. Colonel Pratt Saunders, D.L., Siunders Grove, Siratford-o.i-Sliney, Wicklow. W. Stanford, Esq., Ounavarri, Lucan. J. William Scott, K-.q., J.P., Russ'evin, Ennis, CUre. Aldermin John Harley Sc-vtt, .I.P., Park Vie* Terrace, Cork. R. M. D. Sanders, Esq.. .7.!'., Sanders Pa'k, Charleville. Colonel E. Shuldham, n.r... Coolkellure, Danmanway. J. \V. P. Sheares, Eq.. .IP, Ro-jkhurst, Mj.ikstowa. Cork. Professor Shaw. Trinity College, Dublin. D>vaynes S:nyth, Esq., J.P., Bray Head, Bray. W. A. Sargent, Eq., Waterford. R. H. Stubber. Esq., D.I.., Moyne, DJITO.V. The Marquis of Sligo, Westport Hou-e, Sligx J. T. Soigne, Eq., (jrennan House, Thimastown. Colonel H. J. R. V. S:uirt, J.P., Capetown, Carri:k-on-Sair. D. Sherlock, E?q., D i. , Kaheen Lodge, Tullamore. Joseph Studholme, H.q.. J.P., Billyeig'ian, Par>9isto\vn. R. W. Shekleton, Esq., v c.. 42 Fity.william Place. Dr. P. C. Smyly, v.K.r.s.i., 4 Merrion Square. Piev. J. \V. Stubbs, K.T.C.D., 39 Fitzwilliam S:reet. Sir Edward Sallivan, Bart., 32 Fitzwilliam Pia:e. EJward Sclater, Esq., Caddagh Hou=e. Xavan. J. D. SarsfielJ, E^q., Doughcloyne, Cork. E. \V. S nyth, E-q.. Ab'ootsford. Park Av;me, Sandymount. Tne HDO. Cosby Trench, D L., SDp.v^ll Hal'., Clraghprdau. Majir K. D. Tanner, J.P.. Belleville Park, Cappoquin. Colonel F. Trant, D i... Dovea, Thurles. J. G. Ta'ljw, Eq., 14 Sou'.h Frederick Sireet. (r. F. Trench, Esq., J.P., Ardfert, Kerry. C. U. Townshenl, Eq.. J p., Ha'ley, Burlington R^ad, Dablin. T. Cooke Trench, Esq., D.I,., Millicent, Xais. G. E. Tombe, Eq.. J.P., Kildare Sireet Club, Dablin. Dr. II. P. Truell, J.J'. , Cionmannon, Ashford, \\"icklow. Colonel C. G. Tottenhan. D r.., Ballycurry, Ashf jr 1, \Vicklow. G. L. Tottenham, Eq., D.I... Glenjdj Iliuse. Kinlough, BanJoran. Siapland M. Tandy. E ; j., Ciarin-U Park. Kingstown. W. T. Trench, Eq., J.P.. Liu^T.on, Mjne/gill, King's County. R. Tyrrell, Esq., K.T.I . n., 63 t.'pper Lecson Street, l^ublin. H. II. Townsend, Eq., .'.P., Condingan Ma lor, Tipperary. J. Tisdall. E-q. ; D.I.., Charlesfort, Kells. C. E. Townsend, Eq.. .I.P.. Mount Coote, Kilmallock. Colonel J. T. Talbot-Crosbie, J.P., Ardfert Abbey. Ardfert. II. R. G. Toler, E-q., D.I.., Durrow Abbey, Tullamore. W. J. H. Tyrrell, Esq., .I.P., Grange Castle, Edenderry. G. B. Thompson, Esq., 13 Fit/.william Place. E. II. Tatlow, Esq., 10 Sar.bury Gardens. G. Thompson, Esq., J.P., 3 Win Isor Road, Rathmines. G. Tickel', E-q., .i.i'., Biymount Castle, Clontarf. Rev. Chancellor Tisdall, 22 Herbert Place. W. G. Twomey, Esq., I.I..D. , Sidmonton, Bray. II. Tivy, Esq., Cork Constitution. F. N. Le P. Trench, Esq., g.r., 7 Hitch Street. Rev. J. W. Tristram, Rectory, Maynooth. T. S. Trench, K., Clontarf Castle, Clontarf. W. L. Vaughan, E->q., D.I.., (iolden drove, Roscrea. James W 7 ilson, Esq., D.I.., Currygrane, 1C Igeworthstown. J. M. Wilson, Esq., .i.i'., Currygrane, Edgewirthstown. W. D. Webber, Esq., D.I.., The Castle, Mitchels'own. C. C. 1!. Whyte, E-q., n.i... Ilatley Manor, Carrick-on-Shannon. Edward Watson, E -q., 15 1C len Oaay. William Watson, Esq., .I.P, 15 Eden Qjny. J. II. Wigham, Esq., .i.i'., Albany HJUSC, Monkstown. The Marquis of Waterford, K.P., Cmraghmore, Portlaw. George Orr Wilson, Esq., D.I... Dunandagh, Blackrock. Richard Wright, Esq., H.I.., Arkindale Road, dlenageary. A. H. Wynne, E i.., Kilmoroney, Athy. J. If. Weldon, Esq., J.P., Ash Hill Towers, Kilmallock. Major-General 0. B. Woolsev, D.I.., Milesdown, Castlebellingham. J. Wakeley, Esq., D.I.., Hallyburley. Edenderry. H. Watson, Esq., .i.i>., 1'allyroan House, Rathfarnham. J. I). Wardell, Esq.. 2 Fit/.william Place. G. Walpole. Esq., Windsor Lodge, Seafield Avenue. Monkstown. John A. Walker, Esq., .I.P., Seafort Lodge, Williamstown. Piers F. White, Esq., <;.<., 10 Fitzwilliam Square. G. Wright, Esq., (i.e., i Fitzwilliam Square. Rev. II. Yere White. Waterford (All Saints' Hectory). Hev. J. Warner, Ki'lenaule. Yen. Archdeacon A. Wynne, Queenstown. W. Waller, Escj., D.I.., Castletcnvn, I'allaskenry. Limerick. Arthur Webb. Esq., Wilton. Mallow. The Earl of Westmeath, Palla?, Tynagh, Loughrea. A. Wood Wright, Esq., Passage West, Cork. H. L. Young, Esq., .J.P., Leemount, Cork. LIST OF DELEGATES ATTENDING THE CON V E N T I O N LIST OF DELEGATES ATTENDING THE CONVENTION. COUNTY CAUI.OW. Sir T. P. Butler, Bart., D.L. ; Messrs. J. Frederick Lecky, D.L. ; I'. J. Newton, D.L. ; W. Browne- Clayton, D.L. ; Captain I I.E. Maxwell, Major liloomfield, Messrs. Gordon Fishbourne, J.I'. ; Robert M. McMahon, J.P. ; R. Clayton Browne,). Cole Baily, J.P. ; R. Lecky Pike, J.P. ; G. S. Kitzmaurice, J. Cornwall Brady, J.P. ; Rev. T. G. J. Phillips, Mr. William Fitzmaurice, Hon. E. S. Stopford, Messrs. Colin Malcomson, George Langran, Henry Stuart, George Alcock, C. M'Dowell, M.D. ; Robert G. Watson, Denis Pack Beresford, D.L. ; Captain Henley, j.i>. ; Mr. W. More, Captain P. C. Newton, J.P. ; Messrs. W. Watson, Robert Bates, Charles Duffield, James Butler, Henry Burgess, F. A. Malcomson, Colonel Vigors, J.P. ; Messrs. Chas. II. Thorp, Robert Kepple, Richard Newland, J. Scanlon, G. P. Wilson, R, Smith, James O'Xeill, W, L. Burne, J. Valentine. W. Perrin, Samuel Neill, Peter Salter, W. Hopkins, J. Jackson, T. Jackson, J. le Blanc, Thomas James, Kane Smith, John Moody, Robert Pigott, R. Burland, Win. Murphy, W. Hatton, John Fenton, J.P. ; J. W. Kerr, H. Meredyth, James Cassells, Samuel Bolton, Ven. Archdeacon Jameson, Messrs. Alex. Smith. F. N. Archdale, John Thorp, J. Leyburne, Thomas Caldbeck, Wm. Giltrap, Wm. Carey, Thomas Corrigan, II. B. Warren, Robt. C. Langran, Rev. R. Uoupe. COUNTY CLARK. Messrs. J. W. Scott, H. de L. Willis, Bagot Blood, Rev. J. B. Greer, Captain J. O'C. Westropp, Mr. Marcus Keane, The Lord Inchiquin. Colonel M'Adam, Major Wilson- Lynch, Rev. J. Griffith, Messrs. Hugh Westropp, R. R. Studdert, R. G. Parker, E. Newport Singleton, M. Roche Kelly, T. B. Browne, P. Driscoll, Colonel H. Vincent, Colonel Graham, Hon. E. D. O'Brien, .Messrs. J. O'G. Delemege, C. R. A. M'Donnell, Thomas Crowe, W. C. V. Burton, H. V. Mac- nunara, Rev. C. M'Dowell, Messrs W. H. W. Fit/gerald, E. P. Westby, F. Hickman. R. C. Reeves, Captain R. Ellis, Messrs. Charles R. Ellis. W. F. Crowe, Hector S. Yandeleur, M. Kelly, James Bennet, Benjamin Cox, Lt. W. Henn. CITY OF COKK. H. L. Tivy, Alderman .J. H. Scott, (High Sheriff;, Messrs. J. C. Rowe, i.e. : F. H. Thompson, W. H. P>,b!e, J.P. ; J. Lovell, G. A. Goold. T. Farrington, M.A. ; J. AYibon Hall, J. Forbes Maguire, W. Lovell, II. J. Forde, J. Pigott, J. C. W. Batterfield. \V. T. Hungerford, 'i.e. ; W. J. Good, J. Skuse, \V. Gibson, A. Jackson, R. A. Robinson, F. \V. Gelling, A. M'Ostrich, F. Jackson, J. II. Thompson, R. Sunner, G. Walker, J. G. Moore, J. Sarsfield, R. Kirwan, Rev. W. Bell, Messrs. AV. Hill, T. H. G. Wallis, H. R. Crofts, R. Gregg, R. Taylor, AY. Tyler, L. Scully, J. \V. Baker, H. R. Harley, G. R. Meyers, G Harvey, .1. Pike, T. .!. Babington, S. G. Babington, -- Goodman, -- M'Ewen, -- Campbell, - Taylor, Connor. Sullivan, -- Boate, -- Wilkie, E. Xewenham, Ackland, Lapham, Grindley, -Carey, Muirheadj^Good, Mayne. F. Mayne, J. Ros?, Hammond. - Mangerton Arnott, G. Joyce, C. O'Grady, F. Lewis, Mrs. T. J. Babington, Miss Rose Gregg. COUNTY OF COKK. Rev. J. \V. Lindsay, D.D. ; Rev. T. R. Matthews, Captain Tonson Rye, D.L. ; Messrs. J. B. Tonson Rye, J.P.; Henry Reid, Thomas Reid, Thomas II. Barter, E. Pike, J.l'. ; Captain Herrick, Captain Woodlev. Rev. \Y. V. Miller, Messrs. J. Barter, H. Webb Gillman, J.P. ; R. St. L. B. Chinnery, Richard Kingston, Hugh Massey, (ieorge Logan, Thomas Henderson, Richard Barter, John C. Wood. Robert Topp, S. C. Woodroffe, John Hanlon, Win. Murphy, Matthew Breever, John Ryan, Rev, W. F. Archdall, Messrs. James Spiers, John Hopkins, John Paul, r,.\ , R.IM. ; James I'urdon Fitzgerald, Samuel Howe, W. Cassidy, Pixzy, William H. Beamish, R. D- Hare, S, French, Thomas Waggett, William Taylor, William Osborne, William Davidson, Rev, Thomas Moore, LT..I>. ; Messr.-. Joseph Tike, 1". H. Thompson, T. \V. Gubbins, J. A. Russell, Robert William^, Rev. C. Toucnham, Messrs. J. Bradfield, M'Donnell, T. Daunt, William Rowe, - Jagoe, William Gash, Rev. G. Herrick, Mr. II. T. Daunt, Captain Allen, Messr;. 15. Robertson, Newenliam Crone, Giles Crone, H. B. Walker, -- Savage, -- Fryer, Colonel Stoyte, Messrs. R. Pratt, -- Lamb, William Blea/by, jun. ; Robert Bleazby, William Walton, William Benstead, John Meade, jun.; Robert Meade, Haynes, William Kent, Thomas J. Kingston, R. \\. Heard, Miss Heard, Miss Daunt, Mr. Jonas Alcock Stawell, Major Hewitt 1'oole, Rev. E. Emerson, ]>.]>. ; Messrs. T. A. Ludlow Hewitt, R. L. Allman, Ludlow Scaly, C. Sealy King, H. Hungerford, ). H. Payne, Rev. Somers Payne, Rev. \V. Hanlon, Rev. .1 . S. Ruby, Rev. A. W. Whhley, Messrs. "\Vilson Caibuiy, G. T. Appelbe. R. T. Haynes, M. Dennehy, G- Emerson, John Jones, \\illian; P.ird, E. 15ird, B. Scott, R. W. Sherlock, R. AV. Beamish, J. Bird, T. J. Good, J. Stanley, A. Buttimer, S. Ford, r.L.c. ; J. Hawkins, T. Good, H. Xorthridge, P. Colter, Rev. H. W. Townsend, M.A. : \"ery Rev. the Dean of Ross, Messrs. Richard H. Townshend, J.i>. ; James S wanton, Fit/ John de Burgh, J. Mason, J. Bric.i, W. Fitzmaurice, Rev. '/.. W. Miller, Messis. AV. Connell, Matthew Swectman (Lisnalig), Daniel, Hegarty, Samuel Sweetman, Matthew Sweetman Betslx rough), Michael Trinder, James Trirder, John Trinder, J. E. Barrett- Carrigan, S. Payne, R.G. Bird, Rev. R. Canon O'Grady, Messrs. Jonas AYoli'e, G. Wright, E. H. Townsend. J. E. Barrett. J.I'. ; AV. S. Bird, J l'. ; Charles Duklow, E. Godfrey, Paul Shannon, Colonel Johnson, Colonel Deane, Rev. William Godfrey, Rev. L. Henry, Mr. Thomas Ryall, Colonel Deane. .M'. ; Kev. L. Fleury, Rev.AVilliam Godfrey, Mr. T. Ryall, Colonel Johnson, j.i 1 .; Messrs. W. Dowries Webber, j i>. ; James Wayland,J. Fail-brother, J. A. Tuckey, AV. W. Purcell, J. (). Harold, J.l>. ; C. P. Coote, l) ].. ; George Montgomery, J.I'.; Edward Montgomery, Vcn. 11. C. AA'illis, D.D., Archdeacon of Cloyne ; Messrs. James S. Hunt, Percival Hunt, Colonel Williamson, CM;. ; Messrs. Charles Haine.s lames Creagh, M.D. ; Frank Lyons. Chailes A. Webb, Miss M. Fairholm, Messrs. R. Willis, Wm. Bolster, W. S. Ronayne, P. S. Ronayne, Edmond Ludgate, C. Ronayne, John (Myott, 34 Robert Ludgate, H. D. Spratt, John Farmer, Richard Warner. Godfry Levinge, J.I'. ; G. S. Bolster, j.r. ; Surgeon Bolster, Messrs. William Stawell, R. M. D. Sanders, J.P. ; .). Harol J Barry, J.l'.; Edward Croker, J.P. ; R. E. Long field, D I,., J. A. R. Newman, D.L., Win. X. Leader, j I'.; T. J. Leahy, J.P. ; John Diskin, Colonel Aldworth, D.I,.; Messrs. Philip Philpot, George M'Elroy, Michael Barker, Dr. Dodd, Isaac Wolfe, Ralph Dagg, Captain C. TI. Bolster, P.L.G. ; Mr. G. W. F. Smith, Rev. T. Olden, Messrs. John W. Evans, J.P. ; Win. N. Hatte. COUNTY OF Dri;ux S'TTIL DIVISION), Rathmincs.- Messrs. J. Hatchell, D.I.. ; E. McFarland, A. Wihnot, Iloman Fossetl, J. Hollander, J. Swiff, R. E. Mellony, A. Mellon, Captain S:. George Stewart, Messrs. William Jordan, Robert M igee, Robeit Cox Armitage, II. C. Bloxham, R. Phillips, C. Langford, E. Thompson, J. Bird, A. Murphy, William Brady. A. Sheppard, J. I - isher, A. Davis, George Hillman, J. Thornton, William M'Naught, J. Johnston, T. Johnston, R. Baxter, II. Coffey, S. Sherwood, \V. Evans William Davis, J.P. ; James Marks, Robert Flynn, Thomas Tra^y, Robert Richard Glascott, William B. Kyle, R. R. Belshaw. Henry Jones, Tiiom is Catley, Edward Leorcd, II. J. Campbell, J. M iguire, James Henderson, James Thornton, Charles Longford, George Browne, Rev. P. Hunt, A. J. Taylor, M. A. ; John RedJy, Thomas Roddy,' M. A. Browne, Henry Abbott, R. A, Bohon, R.G.Goodfellow, Joseph H. Fisher, A.M. \\"il mot, George Kcrford.J.M. Bond, Samuel Hobson, William Deverell, George Cox, A. Mason, R. Miller, A. Goodbody, William Farmer, James Brunker, R. Lapham ( T. Draper, A. Gilbert, R. Short, George Downes, J. Marks, William Free, D. Dalton, A. Hall, J \V. Foster, S. Revell, R. W. Philips R. L. Warren, J. M. Coyne, William Smith, Thomas II. Hayes, George Messias, Dr. Mason, Messrs. S. G. MUMMY, F. Stephens, William G. Leslie, T. Draper, II. Page. A-thur Brew, Fredeiick 1 Sutler, William Barrett, Dr. J. Hilles, Rev. E. Johnston-Smith, Messrs. John Gilbert, William Jackson, Thomas McGovern, Charles Kelly, C. Alexander. William Wilson, Rev. Dr. Moffatt, Messrs. R. II. Hall, C. Baird, R. Cooke, II. Bible, J. P. Ho-g, S. C.. Reeves, H. F. Campbell, Robert Briars. A. Harris, J. Burner, W. Smeltzer, William Thorpe, William H. Bryan, Edmund J. Browning, Rev. W. B. Bryan, Messrs. R. Morton, Robert Christian, Richard Wall, E- H. Tallcn, A. Tuthill, J. I). Russell, John McCready, Rev. S Bird, Messrs. Samuel Boycl, G. W. Shannon, R. A. Shrimpton, S. Stoney, Simon Xol in, William Davis, Adam Lennon, G. Kerford, Robert Wells, T. Stephens, Frederick White, George Rtidd, R. Dowling, William Hayes, Thomas R. Brunskill, Robert Lapham,T. Short, jun. ; T. Talbot, Colonel Dolan, Messrs. J. Sturd, A. J. Davis, S. McClure, J. D. McCready, Alfred E. Alexander, R. H. Fisher. T. A. Jones, J. C. Walter Jones, E. H. Warren, T. Beahan, Erancis II. Cookman, Rev. Samuel M. Harris, M.A. ; Messrs. William Dowling, John G'-iffin, John A. Rcddy, James Barnett, George Barnett, Edwin Liller, James Ritchie, Robert Eaglesham, Robert Thyne, George Laclley, Thomas H. Duggan, J. Forde, Dr. M. Browne, Dr. Montgomery A. Ward, Captain Dr. J. II. Taffe, Surgeon-General Gunn, Messrs. J. Coulter, A. Reid, Samuel McClure. Joseph F. Smith, R. D. Barber, Jackson Goulding, P. J. Grubb, William J. Roe, G. B. Busteed, W. J. Harrison, G. A. Davis, Henry White, Henry Maguire, Thomas Saul. J. W. Rudd, E. Goddard, W. J. Keogh, 1'. Birmingham, Dr. Mackintosh, Messrs. Ludlow, R. Hamilton, E. P. M.icFarlan, Captain Shaw, Messrs. B. Gubbins, T. J. Tracy, J.P. ; R. X. Bo'ton, Samuel Bolton, J.P. Kingsloii'n District. Messrs. T. P. Cairnes, J.P. ; Robert J. Browne, Shapland Tandy, S. Adams, A. D. Kennedy, Isaac Molloy, Colonel Beamish, Captain Richards, Messrs. William Johnson, John Russell, Dr Scott, Messrs. Thomas Ross, W. W. Robinson, J. Plasto, P. M. Kirton, Guy Lestrange, H. de V. Kane, W. Dunn, S. Wilmott, W. Moyers, W. G.irnett, J.P. ; Captain Cross, Captain Dowman, Messrs. H. C. Ath\vool : T.C., P. L. ; S. R. Going, James Semple, J. W. Galloway, Dr. Lucas, Messrs. S. Browne, J. M'Cullagh, Arthur Samuels, G. R. Lyster, C. M. Wilson. J. Evans, James Carson. Rev. Mr. Lynch. Rev Patterson Smith, Rev. W. Somerville, Messrs. Samuel Martin, John Bryan, Dr. Ha/elton, Rev. Mr. Gardiner, Messrs. W. Winnett, F. Thompson, W. G. Barrett, J. Hamilton Reid, C. Speir, T. Pennell. J. Thornton, J. Jones, Captain Jones, Messrs. George Bell, W. Bunsfield, Talbot Coall, George Sutton, William Wallace, William M'Comas, J.P. ; J. M'Cormack, Rev. J. Rice, 36 Messrs. Devereux Spratt, F. J. Lewers, George H. Finlay, J r. ; Allan Ingram, LL.I;. ; S:r George Moyers, Bart. ; Messrs. Thomas Pirn, jun. ; Samuel Walkington, Rev. John C. Dowse, Dominick Burke, j.r. ; George Hamilton, John Bryan, William M'Cormack, jun. ; E. Lowry, John Best, William J. Harper, H. Warren Darley, James Dillon, t'.K. ; John Parker, George Perrin, J. H. North, J.r. ; Colonel Maunsell, Messrs. John Darlington, A. de C. Gildea, F. Bourke,A. Findlater, Joseph H. Carson, Rev. W. Fit/p'itrick, Messrs. Arthur Lawler, W. C. Fitzwilliam, Thomas G. White. T. W. Robinson, H. R. New- land, Edward Seymour, Alexander Downes, C. R. Drouton, Captain M'lvor, Messrs. C. W. Wilson, Digby Chamberlain, Major-General Baatty, Major P. T. Bsames, Capt. Darwell, R.X.: Messrs. II. V. ! rench, A. If. Middleton, C. Johnson, G. F. Dunn, John Kempste'". R. G. Perrin, John Hall, Thomas Fiiziimons, John Bentley, J.i'. ; James Scanlon, Thomas Cooey. Blackrock. Messrs. Edgar A, Pirn, C. W. Bcthams, Colonel D. Browne, n L ; Michael F. Crowe, Thomas Drew, loaathan Goodbody, W. H. Ilartigan, John Ha/Icy, E. M. Kelly. Robert Marchbank, John Colclough, William Mitchell, Greenwood Pirn, W. H. Spain, James Sweeney, John R. Wigham, William J. Wilkinson, William Wright. John Walker, Westley Morris, J. Brownel, Samuel J. Cluff, Thomas Doherty, James M. Johnston, J. Blevin, William Harpur, Arthur J. Murray. John Ilaweston, Thomas Hunt, Charles Hunt, Joseph T. Pirn, Frederic Pirn, H. Bailey, Charles Broun, F. 1). Finucane, William G. Richardson, Robert Richardson, James Denny, William Willoughby, Joseph II. Woodworth, D. J. Kelly, Spencer Kelly. Hartfort Kelly, Edward D. Kelly, Joseph J. Semple. William Brennan, John II. Mas-ey, Frederick Andrews, Arthur J. Woodwort'i, WiilLun J. Dudgeon, J. Dudgeon, Herbert Dudgeon, Thomas Fox, Hugh \Vilson, John Poulton, John Torkington, James C. Tisdall, Nicholas Hopkins, David Evan?, James Christian, George Blake, Benjamin Barker, Henry Wilmott. Robert Peebles, ( Jeorge < >rr Wilson. J. Pect. Sydenham Davis, William R. Wigham. John Cuthbcrt William. 37 Callow, J.F. ; Dr. St. John Lyon, Messrs. Charles X. Cibbs, Thomas Kiernan, Nathaniel Bradford, Frederick Wright, C. Murray Ross, John Smallman, Frederick Hawksworth, .1. .!. Wilson, C. Hawlett, G. D. Beggs, William R. Maguirc, Joseph R. Fitzgerald, William Hanbury, William Colclough. James Lewers, Rev. Kerr, Messrs. C. C'oyle, Hubert H. Hanbury, Captain Waller Fox, Samuel McComas, l.r ; Captain. H. C. Fox. AV/////. ; .!. R. Or; en, Canon Stavely, Rev. Day, S. \". Feet. W. J. Bramley, J. Watts, R. Murphy, J. M. Haughton, R. Sadlier, Col. Dewitson. Diiniirian. Messrs. John Low, W. T. Rambaut, Edward Stokes, Everard Hamilton, James Men in, Thomas Kearney, William Oakes, James Dobbs, W. J. M'Xeight, Samuel Blackburne, William Scanners, Richard Ouinsey, J. M.Williams, William Hunter, William Greer, Edward Stanley, Isaac Long, William Tyndall, James Price, A. Johnston, Allen Foster, David Jameson, Wm. Thompson, W. Richardson, William Thompson, W. J. Corballis, j P. ; A. Davis, H. Stoker, M. F. Roche, S. W. Rossiter, W. Sheppard, Hugh Swectman, John Wheatley, J. I). Blackburne. Cabintccly. Messrs. John Bannister, Thomas Bassett, John Best, John Charters, Thomas Davis, Francis A. Fan ell, Henry Featherston, Charles Freeman, George Gorham, Samuel Graham, Joshua Hadnett, George Harris, George Heatley, Henry Hubbard, William Irvine, o.c. ; ' Jeorge Jessop, James Jones, James Kavanagh, William Kinsella, E. D. M'Crec, E. Harris M'Cree, Benjamin Pollard, Richard Reeves, Captain Riall, n.L. ; Rev. D. F. Ringwood, Messrs. William Scott, William II. Scale, G. E. Searight, William Smith, .John Sutton, J. Thompson, T. C. Townsend, David Towsor, '. J. Turkington, James Wallace. COUNTY OK Di:uux (Nouni DIVISION) Messrs. F. Sandys, William Sandys, T. J. Myles, Robert Smith, .l.i v . ; I). J. Wilson, F. J. Lowe, S. E. Armstrong, Russell Dowse, William 402123 38 Jarratt, Captain Malcolmson, Messrs. Richard McMullen, George Atkinson, Charles Cole, W. F. Cooper, G. H. McLean, J. M. Webb, George Davies, Francis Finlay, C. Batt, Rev. J. W. Stubhs, Messrs. George Watson, .1. J. Gray, II. Lowe, E. V. Selfe, Charles Kingston, Frederick Kingston, W. G. Kingston, W. J. Watts, E. A. Ferguson, J. A. Ardill, John Hilfirty, J. H. Giltrap, Rev. X. Carr, Rev. H. Carson, Messrs. 11. Best, T. P. Law, o.c. ; J. Blackwell Meade, M. Singleton, J. II. Kerse, George, Isaac Lord, R. L. Richardson, W. H. MatTett, George Price, J. II. Harrison, J. Davidson, Robert Alexander Davidson, R. C. Collins, Thomas Collins, John Collins, Thomas Gilbert, James Glasco, Robert Paul, J. G. Day. M. Gricr, Charles Bailey, Alf Downey, Dr. Patton, Mr. \V. Parnell, Rev.H.Carleton, Captain Watts, Messrs. George Kyre, F. Millington, D. McArdle, John Payne, William Bell. James Coade, Blayney Mitchell, G. Clarke. Andrew Malone, C. W. Frith, V. Judson, W. II.McKittrick, W. II. Wynne, C. McCleary, T. W.Wilkinson. W. G. Murphy, G. A. O. Maclagan, John Logan, Colonel F. \"ernon, D.I.. ; Sir F. Brad- street, Bart.; Rev. M. Bradshaw. Rev. J. L. Morrow. Rev. G. B. Taylor, Rev. F.G. Hayes, Rev.S. I!. McGce, Rev. J.S. Cooper. Rev. W. F. Wilkinson. Rev. John Moran. Captain Rueben Howell, Messrs. G. Macnie, George A. Colley, Walter Keating, George Healy, John Whyte, William Graham, Forbes Morrow, F. St. J. Morrow, J. R. Clegg, William North, M. F. Higginbotham, R. Croker King, William Hunter, Samuel Young, .1. Greene. I). Cairns, P. J. Walsh. William Watson, Charles Lyndon, Thomas Stuart, Arthur Taylor, Dr. Armstrong, Messrs. T. B. Rowland, John White, John Humphrey, Major Moore, Messrs. J. Rynd, R. < >. O'Connor, M..\. ; Hugh Brown. F. W. Warren, George Dixon, R. Taylor, Jacob Crosse, .Richard Taylor, Captain Percy, Messrs. T. W. Mitchell, G. H. Rowe, Thomas Davis, J. H. McLean, G. Webster, R. Slater, F. Harrison, J. Clarke, D. Matthews, John Darcy, William Jordan, William Lyons, A. Morrow. F. Lewis, Samuel Farlow, A. ( 'lements, A. II. Clements, W. Peate, J. Henderson, J. Smyth. ! . McGuinness, Thomas Aylward, Rev. Thomas Mills, M.A. ; .Messrs. T. II. Burns, Barter Hayes, Dr. Burns, Messrs. 11. F. Burns, W. Cunningham, R. Broadbent, D. J'ressly, M. Molony. C. Black, J. Broadbent, N\'. B. Walker, T. H. Richardson, AV. Richardson, J. Wilson, Rev. 39 W. Carse, Mr. Richard Shew, Col. R. \V. Hartley, J.P. ; Messrs. J. \V. Stanford, jr. ; D. Bellamy, j. P. ; W. G. II. F. Godley, John Godley, A. McClelland, J.P. ; Rev. C. \V. Benson, Messrs. G. F. Brooke, .1 i>. ; W. F. Clarke, R. G. Nash, J.i'. : R. K. Gibson, II. Fit/gibbon, M.D. ; James Wills, Frederick Wookey, A. Kirkpatric'c, Captain Fetherstonhaugh, Mr. R. Tedcastle. [P.; Hon. H. Rowley, Messrs. William Daly, Milward Jones, J.I'. ; Edward Blackburne, J.P. ; John Lane, John McEntaggart, J. Madden, George Elliott, AVilliam Gregory, William Curtis, II. C. Walker, Rev. J. Carr, Messrs. E. Guinness, J.P. : P. P. Metze. J. Taylor, Rev. S. Bird, Messrs. Henry Hodgen?, J.P. ; W r . Taylor, Captain D'Arcy Irvine, Messrs. E. P. Culverwell, i-vrc.n. : R. Dowse, Thomas L. Plunkett, D.L. ; H. D. Gray, B. J. Newcombe, A. W. C. New combe, Robert Boyd, David Campbell, J. A. C. Ruthven. Robert Bullick, William Mollan, J. W. Mcllwain, Rev. II. S. Kerr, Messrs. Richard Campbell, S. W. Wright, J. C. Chambers, J. (I. Drury, II. T. Finlay, J. W. Mullins, R. O'C. O Meara, J. G. Nutting, J.P. ; James Shiel, W. D. Mackay, M.D. : George Whiteside, R. II. A. McComas, W. C. Hastings, J. Dowager, Loftus Buckley, J. Bruce, John Keeley, E. II. Woods. D.I., J.P. : A. S. Hussey. J.P.; J. II. Tlutchinson, J.P, D.L. ; William Whyte, J.P. : Townley M. Filgate, jun. ; Mark Perrin, J.P : George II. Fowler, Joseph Backhouse, T. \V. Hamlet, Arthur Maxwell, J.P. : Colonel Robert II. Ffrench, J.P. : Messrs. W. St. L. Woods, J.P. : A. S. Deane, J.i'. : Henry A. Hamilton, P.I.. ; Lewis Whyte. Colonel J. F. Forster. Di'in.ix CITV. Messrs. P. Atkinson, G. Archer, S. F. Adair, D. Anderson, G. Atkinson, William Anderson. J. T. Andrews, J. Atkinson, G. Alcock, J. S. Atkinson. C. T. Attwooll, .1. F. Alexander, J. Ashton, S. Angus, C. Armstrong, J. Allgood, W. Allen, J. Armstrong, J. Appleyar.i. Thorn is Armstrong, A. J. Barrett, W. P. Ball, J. Beatty. J.P. ; T. W. Belford, C- Burn- ham, W. H. Beckett, Rev. R. I). Bluett. Messrs. G. P.;yan, R. I). Brunton, II, Brown. J.P. ; (j. F. Brunskill, M. Burke, R. II. Beauchamp, j P. ; G. Beckett, J. Bradneld, Brain- bell, Thomas Berry. H. O. Bernard, R. Bolton, B. Burdett, G. W. Barrett, R. Blackburn, Rev. G. N. Bailee- Major 4 o B;iilcy, j.r. ; Messrs. J. Birmingham, W. Bradfield, R. Blake, J. W. Brien.j.P. ; F. K. Bland, S. H. Barker, B. Bradshaw, 11. R. Belstow, H. L. Ramardo, (',. Bo wen, 15. Birmingham, II. Brady, H. ] 'urges?, E. Brown, Ur. II. T. Bewley, Itev. T. Berry, Messrs. James Bullock, J. Bowes, J. C. Burne, N. J. Brennan, R. P>uchanan, Thomas II. Barnett, E. Burns, II. P. Brady, \V. Boyd, A Bevin, II. Bevan, J. J. P.evan, J Byrne, r.T. .<:.; A. Baiton, G. II. Beare, R K. Bmcl. J. Burke. I. Beckett, J.I'.; G. W. Browning, J. Bm, P.P.. Barry, W. H. Boyd, C. 1'. Bushe, R. M. Boyd, S. P>ew!ey, William Boyle, S. Barnes, W. Bailey, L. K. Bradford, J. Battersby, W. Bellamy, S. P. Boyd, II. (J. Burbidge, James Buchanan, Crokcr Burington, Booker, (i. Beckett, 1 T . Broughton, T. Brereton, M. Bewan, II. ('.. Cooper, J. Christian, D. W. Carpmills. T. Pv. Chamber:. (.'. Cole, T. Curtis, ;. P. ; W. S. Collis, T. Callaghan, Cr. Crawford, LL.D. ; J. II. Cannon, J. Charles, P. Clarke, William Clement?, F. F. Collins, J. Crozier, S. II . Caithness, J. R. Chambers, D. Christie, R.W. C'olles, E. Carson, o.c., M.I-. ; C,. (). Carolin. j.P. : H. Con- stable, J. Capley, I!. Campbell, li. Caldwell. E. J. Collins, P. J. Campbell, J. Cooper, C. W. Coulter. E. Carry, Wm Cobbe. .\. E. Caithness, J. W. Congdon, J. C. Campbell, J. H. Coade, \V. E- Caldbeck, .i.i 1 . ; T. Callaghan, Sergt. Campion, (j.C. ; Messrs. J. II. Campbell, G. A. Crawford, G. Collins, .1. Clements, T. Clyde, R. Cjles, T. Comnr, }. Coulter, G. Cox, J. J. Crawford, G. \V. Casson. Rev. F. Carroll, Messrs. \V. 1C. Crawford, William Crawford, F. Crawford, F. St. C. Caithness. Dr. Cowen. Messrs. P. Chawsser, J. \V. Co-.vper, M. X. Cunningham, II. W. Coven- try, J. C. Douglas, William J. Doherty, S. Doherty, ^". Dobbs, P. Douglas, J. J. Duff, E. Dunne. M". De (-root, II. Drummond, A. Deane, (J. De Groot, Al. Davis, A. Vesey Davorcn, Surgeon- Cieneral De llenzy, Messrs. M. Dockrell, J.P. ; C. Deny, F. Donaldson, C. Dunne, I;.L. ; Dr. Davoren, Messrs. Thomas Dixin, W. ('. Draffan, J. Doyle, A. Dunn, F. I. Drew. T. M. Deane, ''. R. Deverell, William Deverell, M, Devitt, A. Darcy, ^1. J. Darry, William J. Depcc, F. Deacon, L. Deacon,]. Dobson, D. Daxiclge, W. Dee, C. Dolling, W. F. Dillon. J. Dowdell, H, Diaper, -- Daniel, -- Duggan, W. Klliard, J. Entwissle, S. J. 1C wing, W. A. Elliott, T. Elliott, J. Ewer, (1. C. Evans, Thomas Elley. C. Evans, II. R. Eccies, '4' E. Evans, Earl, Cecil Evans, II. Evans, J. French, Mijor Forster, Rev. Dr. Fletcher, Messrs. J.Farrell, A. Fleury.J. Foster, C. Flint, E. J. Fostei-Delaney, \V. P. Fit/patrick, Thos. Farrel!, Rev. R. S. Fleming, Messrs. Fleming, - - Foster, R. French, W. L. Fleming, T. (1. Fleming, M. French, J. \\'. Fleming, J. W. Flynn, II. Fleming, J. Fisher, A Fos'er, I). Fletcher, C. Fielding, li. Fielding, Captain Fielding, Messrs. J. I). Fit/gerald, Kendal Franks, M.I). ; R. Flann, J. Gough, (.Gray, F. Guest, Thomas E. Gray, J.T.Geoghegan. X. Goddard, II. Guinness, (i. (ireene, S. Gteer, J. Ganley, (iuthrie, I'. Galbraith, W. P. Gibb, R. Gilchtist, J. Gibson, J. Govan, 1C- M. Greer, Griffith, William Garnett, G. R. Goodfellow, I. Gocdfellow, Thomas Guilfoyle, William J. Goulding, G. C. Gray, V. Gilman, P. Gibb, William Going, Thomas Gilbert, F. Gordon, jun. ; F. Gordon, sen.; V. Gallagher, II. Gibson, J. Guilfoyle, G. Ilealy, J.I'. ; L. F. Harrison, M. Holland, W. Hill, J. F. Hark-in, J. Hampton, K. H. Hallowe?, J. G. Haslett, F. Hamilton, |. Harris, FL. Hastings, II. Harden, Professor Harvey, Messrs. William Ilanton, D. G. Hall, R. M. Hennessey, [. W. Henderson, Colonel Ilewetson, Colonel D. Hepenstal, Messrs. E. C. Harte. W. S. Hall, J. Hogg, A. Hudson, W. Hill, II. S. Hall, P. Hackett, R. J. Hopkins, D. Hopkins, \V. E. Hill, jun. ; Messrs. II. Hanse, E. Hamilton, F. Hamilton, E. W. Hughes, C. W. Harrison, II. A. Harvey, F. W. C. Hall, H. Hunt, A. Hamilton, A. Henshaw, William Hogan, J. J. Haslett, Edward Henry, R. S- Hamilton. J. Hall, G. Holies, \Y. Hug, F. Hill, E. Hopkins, J. II. Hall, W. Hughes, Thomas Hunter, E. Hairihon, II. Hannan, J.I'.; - Hopkins, W. Hopkins, E. Hughes, Rev. .1. Hamilton, Messrs. J. Ha/lett, J. Hughes, G. K. Horner, J. Ireland, W. C. Ingram, William Ireland, -- Invin, G. Jordan, W. G. Jefferson, Sir T. A. Jones, Messrs. E. P. Johnson, II . .(ones, R. Johnston, J. Johnston, Sergeant Jellett, o..r. ; Messrs. Thomas A. Joynt. (i. Jenkinson, Johnston, R. P. Jackson, J. C. Jones. A. Jordan, G. Jordan, jun. ; II. Jordan, II. Jones, A. E. Johnston. J. Johnston, R. K. Johnston, J. Jackson. C. Jepps, R. S. Jackson, J. Johnston, C. A. Jauncey, J. Johnston, W. Jordan, G. H, Johnston, R. II. Jephson, II. Johnston, William Johnston, D. Kellett, W. Kirkwood, Win. Ktngsman, R. II. Kenny, I-".. H. 4- Kenny, E. Kiernan, J. [1. K?nt, Kearney, Thomas Keogh, .1. Kelly, E. Kenny, G. Kendrick, J. \V. Kearon, F. Kennedy, II. Kennedy, J. Kennedy, Kellet, James Kennedy, J. P. Kent, George Lightfoot, R. F. Liduill, Frank Linc'say, G. A. !.eighton,John Lundy, F. \V. Leslie, S. L'Amie, Robert Lawson. J. A. Lunny, .John Lundberg, Whitney Lindsay, John Lambert, Hubert Lees, ('<. II. Lyster. Hugh Latimer. William Lawson, W. II. Ledbetter, Albert Ledbetter, John Ledbetter, Ferdinand Leopold. G. L'Amie. D. L'Amie, W. A. Lewis, G. de L. Willis, W. II. Lane, John Liddell, Thomas Lisle. Lewis Morton, Moses MacAnhur. A. \\ . Meredith. F. W. Meredith, William Merry, Rev. Thos. Mills, Messrs. Andrew Miller, Charles Murphy, Edward Morphy. vven, Aylward O'Connor, William Phillips, J. II. V. Pooley. C. M Pooley, E. Pierce, Captain R. J. I'osnett, Messrs. J. C. Parkes, G. R. Price, Q c. ; R. G. Pilkington, -- Pride, (' Palmer, M. A. Partridge, F. Pilcher, R. Perrin, C. Piercy, J. Peard, William Perrin, J. G. Porter, J. Potter, J. J. Perolxe, \V. Packer, A. Pigott, J. Parr, F. W. Price, J. J. Pirn, William Page, William Perrin, John Purdon, John Parr, Thomas E. Powell, C.iptain R. Persse, Messrs. Charles J. Paul, J. Pike, J. W. Perrin, J. Perrin. Thomas Phillips, A. Pike, C. Piercy. II. W. Perrott, C. II. Pohlman, C. A. Phibbs, Charles II. Pillar, A. Patterson, William E. Patterson, A. Patterson, jun. : J. Pattison, W. Ouinn, Samuel Reynolds, John Richardson, Thos. Reilly, Thos. Russell, W. 11. Rudd, E. Rankin, E. T. Roney, Cordon Rudd, Robert E. Reeves, II. Reeves, C. Reynolds, Major W. Rogers, j.i 1 . ; Messrs. W. Rutledge, L. 15. Robinson, J. Reeves, E. Rice, \V. W. Robinson, II. Redburn, II. Reeves, J. T. Ray, T. Ross, 15. Reeves, J. Robinson, \V. Ryan, L. Robinson, Archibald Robinson, A. Robinson, T. W. Rutherford, J. R. Rogerson, J. A. Kooney, A. E. Rutherford, \Villiam Spray, James Stuart, II. W. Sevenoaks, George Stafford. J. Slator, \\". Sibbery, Edward Scale, T. St. George, E. V. Selfe, Arthur Scott, R. W. Sheckleton, Thomas Smyth, J. II. Shaw, P..T .: William J. Smith, II. Smith, M. R. Steed, D. Sword, W. C. Slator, George Searight, R. Sullivan, Alderman Sexton, j.i>. ; Messrs. Alfred Sexton, j.i 1 . ; Walter Sexton, J. Stothers, W. II. Stephens, W. Smith, C. Smith, J. II. Shegog, W. II. Shegog, \V. Sherwood, M. Sorahan, T. Stanley, T. Scott, W. Sprowle, F. Shanks, Michael Smith, II. Kill Steele, Colonel Siree. Messrs. John Stirling. William Smarte, E. Stoney, W. 11. Shears, Henry Stephens, John Smith, Thomas Shirlow, |. X. Smith, (ieorge Sinclair, R. Shea, 1\. II. Shea, ^. Y. Savage, J. Smith, George Stewart, G. Scott, W. S. Stone, T. S. Sibthorpe. W. II. Saale, George Scott, J. E. Scott, \Y. Siblcy, Dr. W. 15. 15. Scriven. Dr. (ieorge Scriven, Messrs. 1C. Simmons, W. Spence, J.P. : R. R. Shaw, G. S:ewart, J. 15. Swayne, J. St. Lawrence, T. Shirlow, J. Scott. Lieutenant- Colonel Taaffe Ferrall, D i .. : Messrs. S. Thornton, F. F. Tarleton, |. J. Twigg, (J-C. ; C'. Ross Todd, A. Thornton, A. II. Thompson, R. Taylor, Dr. Taaffe, Messrs. George Thompson, j.i>. ; F. Tubman, C. Thompson, Richard Todd, 44 M. Trench, W. G. Taggart, A. J. Thompson, Topping, - Tyrrell, G. F. Toole, James Twamley, William Tracey, Matthew Tracey, Thomas Turner, James Twamley, Chailes I'. Townsend, Charles L. Townsend, James Twamley, junior ; \\". J. Tallow, P. ('. Trench, L. Talbot, Edward \"aughan, Fane Yernon, W. II. R. Yerschoyle, I'eter Valentine, F. Varne, F. \ r incent, John Wilson, George \\'ilson, lames Wilson, William Webster, John Webster, R. Webster. William Wheatly. Major Whyte, Messrs. If. J. Wilson, John Williams, William Wright, George White, Loftus Walsh, William Williams, Edward Williams, W. A. Wisdom. John N. Wilson, Rev. P. Wilson, Messrs. (.1. X. Walker, Marriott Wilson, X. William, J. Webster, W. Warren. L. J. Waterhouse, F G. Watney, S. Wadsworth, M. Whi taker, W. Willis. Robert II. Willis, M. Walker. Alex. Wilson, George Woods. Benjamin Young, M.I>. ; Thomas Young, James Young, John Young. TRINITY ('<>I.LK<;F. Rev. M. Xeligan, D.D. ; Mr. R. W Shekleton. (j.c. ; Sir G. Meyers, LL.D. ; Messrs.. I. T. Geogbegan, A. X. Quill, (j.c. ; J. R. Strangways, 1C. S. Robertson, James Wilson, D.L. ; Sir Charles Barrington, Hart.: Messrs. G. F. Fitzgerald, M.A.. F. T.C.I). ; 1C. H. Benuett, M.n.; J. K. Ingram, LL.D.. F.T.c.n. ; Very Rev. Il.Jellett. n.n.. Dean cf St. Patiick's; Rev. .!. A. Monahan. D.D.; Messrs. Piers F. White, .D., S.r.T.C.D : R. Y. Tyrrell, M A.. F.T.C.D. ; Sir John Bank;;, K.c .1:., M.n. ; Messrs. A. A. Rambaut, J. Hawtry Benson, M.D. ; G. \". Dixon, i; A. ; The Rev. Canon Walsh, ]).]>. ; Messrs. .!. R. Garstin, D.L. : ICd. O'Brien, D.L. ; I-'. A. Tatleton, LL.D., r. T.C.D. ; A. H. Benson, M.A., M.n., [-M<. C.S.I. : J. 1C. Rcynckls, M.D., F.K.S. ; H. St. J. lirooks. M.n.; Re\'. J. W. Tristram, D.I). ; Gordon M'CulIagh, Rev. D. ( )'Lcary, D.D. ; Rev. B. Young, \\'. \\". Wcstropp Robert?, M. W. J. Fry, F.T.C.D. ; Very Rev. The Dean of Ross, ICd. Pcnnyfather, (J.C.. D.L. : Rev. Dr. Warren, Rev. <. B. Taylor, Messrs. G. S. Cathcart, F.T.C.D. ; Jonathan I-'ii.i, G. F. Stewart, J.P. : Rev. A. 45 Craig, A. A. Weld, Sir A. Weldon, Birt. ; Messrs. H. E. Richardson, I!. W. Rooke, A.M. ; Rev. C. A. Courtney, Messrs. A Crawford, H. Richards, J. H. Wharton, .1. Cookc, D.I.. ; Sergeant H. P. Jellett, ij c. ; A. Traill, I.I..D., M.l>., l.i.c.D. ; W. G. llubancl, i:. \. ; W. 11. Robinson, I). J. Wilson, M.L. ; M. Rotheram, j.i'. COUNTV OF GAI.WAY.- -The Lord Ashtown, Sir H. (."-rattan Bellew, Bart. ; Messrs. James McDermott, Samuel Johnstone, E. G. Armstrong, F. A. Harpur, 1'. M. Scanlon, J. Joyce, T. Lancaster, Hon. L. C. Dillon, Messrs. E. C. Villiers, C. Graham, T. Cornwall, T. Stratford Eyre, T. Bourns, T. K. Mahon. J. Saunderson, R. Ronaklson, C. Finny, U. Churcher, T. Walker, T. Cooke, Acheson Ffrench, D.I.. : X. Richardson, T. Methven, E. Denhani, J. Taihot, Hon. R. A. Nugent, Sir H. G. Burke, Bart. ; Colonel J. A. Daly.Messrs. Michael Flannery, J . C. Bagot, M. II. Burke, Gerald Persse, C. S. Graham, J. M. A. Lewis, P. II. Dolphin, Edward, William Daly, JohnLuJlow, John Gloster, John J. White, Edmund Whelan, John Hardy, F. T. Lewin. D.I,., High Sheriff, Co. Gahvay ; C. D. U'Rorke.J.P. : W. J. Burke, J.P. ; C. R. Henry, J.r. ; Captain Martin, j.i 1 . : William Ronaldson, \\'illiam Wilkins, \\'illiam Bailey, Rev. Canon Roberts, I:.D. ; Messrs. James E. Jackson, Henry Hodgson, Peter J. King, John Joyce. COUNTY OF KERRY. The Loid \"entry. Messrs. S. H. Butcher. \V. Blennerhassett, Thomas Greany, S. M. llussey, J. \V. Leahy, W. Martin, Maurice Leonard, John MacGillycuddy, I). O'Connell, Charles Talbot, William Wharton. AVilliam \'anston, James Gloster, T. McKay. Mijor Rice, Messrs. Rattray, John M'Carthy, Captain Leslie, Mr. Talbot Crosbie. Colonel Crosbie, Colonel Trent-Staughton, Sir Maurice Fit/- gerald (Knight of Kerry), Messrs. Geoi^e Sandes, George llewson, Goodman Gentleman. J.r. ; George F. Trench, Stephen 1^. Collis, Robeit Smyth, T. Newman, T. Hewson, (i. R. Browne, 1-Lrnest Kinnear, John O'Brien, George F. Stack, J.I'. : Colonel E. Nash, Messrs. Frederick Batcman. J.r. : D. Todd Thornton, J.P. ; Capt. M'Gill, I I 1 .; Messrs. R. G. Allanson- \Vinn, J.P. : Patrick Connor, \\'. Leslie, \\". J. DeLap, J.P. : 4 6 Robert M'Clure, J.P. ; Francis McG. Denny, R. Fitzgerald, C. Leahy, Colonel Rowan. Messrs. George Collier, John Casey, Richard Talbot, J. Turner Huggard, Denis Couitney, Thomas Huggard, Michael Murphy, John Gray, Oliver M'Cowan, T. West, Professor Brindsley Fit/gerald, Messrs. Morgan Ross O'Connell, Scott, Miss Rowan. COUNTY OF IVII.DARK. Messrs. A. More O'Ferrall, n.L. ; Chas. Colley Palmer, D.L ; Henry Williams, J.P. ; W. H. Tyrrell, J.P. ; Francis Metcalf, J.P. ; Right Hon. W. H. F. Cogan, D.L., p.c. ; Algernon Aylmer ; H. Hendrick Aylmer, J.P. ; Sir E. D. Borrowes, Hart., D.L. ; Robt. II. Carter ; T. J. De Burgh ; Ed. De Burgh, D.L. ; Baron De Robeck, D.I,. ; Messrs. Geo. Giltrap, W. S. Gray, Samuel Hill, James Little, Sir John Kennedy, Bart.. D. I.. ; Mr. Ebenezer Molloy, Major R. St. L. Mcore, J.P. ; Messrs. J. Murphy, J.P. ; Samuel Scott, G. de L. Willis, W. A. Lamphier, Hugh A. Henry, J.P. ; fohn Hill, R. W. Manders. J.P. ; Chas. Mills. Samuel Mills, P.L.G. : E. Sweetman. J.P. ; Rev. Canon Sherlock. Thomas Cooke Trench, D.L. ; Lieutenant-Colonel Wilson, Messrs. S. V. Coote. Henry Yodden, Benjamin Beegan, W. Philip Stronge, Thos. Murdook, Geo. Young. Robt. Allen, Richard Xevitt, Joseph Lazenby, Wm. Chandler, Richard Graham, W. H. Cooper, Moses Gallop, James Graham. Thomas Johnston. Henry Manders, Richard T. Ruth, Henry Byrne, Richard Dillon, Fleetwood Rynd, J.P. ; C. M. Bury, J.P. ; Gen. McMahon, Messrs. J. Brownlow, George Mansfield. J.P. : Major Mansfield, Messrs. T. B. Reeves, j.P. ; James Smith, \Vm. Waters, M.r>. : H. Smith, William Pilkington. J.P. : Lieutenant-Colonel Bond, Colonel II. S. Higginson, Rev. Canon Tristram, Colonel Norman, Messrs. Percy Nugent, Samuel Barker, John Johnston, J.P. : Messrs. Carty, Simpson, Wade, Lieut. - Colonel Dease, J.P ; Major H. L. Barton, D.L. ; Rev. 11. J. (',. Mollan, Joseph Tedcastle, William Meek, Algernon llervey, James Sutherland, John A. Simmonds, James Hencly, William Edgehill, Rev. Standish Smithwick, Captain H. Greer, Colonel Bond. Rev. H. Baker, Messrs. W. H. Twamley, R. II. Giltrap, \Y. Blacker, J. M'Lean, J. M. Royse, Percy La Touche, Rev. W. Morrison, Lord Walter Fitzgerald. Messrs. C. f. Engledo\v, John Sandal, Geo. Cowan, James 47 Taylor, James Fitzgerald, II. O'C. Henchy, M'Lean, junior ; F. Carrol, G. Ronaldson, T. Shaw, W. S. Ferguson, Rev. W. Somerville Large, Sir John Kennedy, Hart. ; Messrs. T. Anderson, E. Winder Kennedy, W. Kennedy, F. R. Henry, William Hopkins, Francis Freeman, Wm. Scott, Phillip Harring- ton, Sir Erasmus Horrowes, Hart. ; Mr. J. Paslcy, Rev. Charles Ganley, Major Ho:ro\ves, Mr. T. H. Ree'. es. COUNTY AND CITY OK KILKENNY. Messrs. A. Gladwell Boyd, John P.. Browne, George D. Burtchaell, Lord Arthur Hutler, Messrs. Richard Colles, William Crawford, The Veiy Rev. the Dean of Ossory, Mr. Waller de Montmorency, Rev. R. Forsythe, Messrs. Thomas Hyde, R. Chaloner Knox, Lindesay Knox. M. W. Lalor, Thomas Molc.ny, Henry M'Creery, Bryan M'Der- mott, Thomas Kough, Louis Prim, James Poc, jun. ; Rev. G- W. Rooke, Messrs. Robert Thompson, Fiancis Ranalow, Edward L. Warren, Joseph Dobbs, Rev. II. Humphreys, Messrs. Robert Hall, A. Campion, D. Keating, Hervey de M. Fleming, W. Kavanagh, Godwin Swifte. W. C. Ireland, Rev. Canon M'Shane, Sir C. W. Cuffe, Bar''. ; Mr. T. Aylward, Colonel Butler Kearney, Messrs. Thomas Kidd, William H. Barton, Colonel H. Flood, Messrs. Theophilus St. George, Charles Thorpe, John Smithwick, J. Purefoy Poc, Robert Thompson, YV. Craw- ford, W. Summerville, W. Dobb?, A. C. Anderson, Edward W. P>riscoe, Major Butler, Major Connellan, Sir Charles Wheeler Cuffe, Messrs. Ambrose Daniel, John Daniel, jun., H.C. Gregory, Major Hamilton, Messrs. John Hopkins, John Hutchinson, Richard Hutchinson, Colonel Izod, Messrs. R. De la 1'oer, Frederick Power, John Suttie, Lt. -Colonel Yilliers-Stuart, Messrs. Thomas Tenison, Peter Walsh, F. Weldon Walbhe, W. P. Adams, Isaac O'Leary, G \v\nne Dyer, T. Tpylor, W. James. KINC'S COUNTY. Captain Burdett, Messrs. F. Allt, F. P. Dunne, Captain C. Fiench, Captain F. A. Drought, Rev. Cane n Russell, Rev. James Ashtcn. Messrs. J. E. Darby. G. Rya', Major Bennett, Messrs. Geo. M'Alister, \\"m. Kinsella, Ralph Ashtcn, John Ashton, John P. Armstrong. R . E. Mooney, i>.i . ; Thomas Mulock, D,I.. ; A. R. Eeamsbottcm, J, Ueamsbcttom, Re bert Beauchamp, E. Revington, W T . Long, William Lowe, W. B. 48 Homan Mulock, Rev. |. A. Nicholls, Rev, Thomas Hill, Mtssrs. Johnstone V. Stoney, Alfred I. Ryal, George A. Fiend, John Hunt, William Hogg, R. Shaw,, Rev. Samuel I lemphill, H. J. '1 . Bennett, Toler R, Garvey, Ed.Morrisson, John Jackson, I. (ireen, Rev. 'J'. Irwin, Messrs. George 13. Garvey, Henry Dloomfield Trench, John White, Ernest P>rown,R. D. Abraham. Capt. Maxwell Fox, Messrs. C. [. Bannon, W. K. Marshall. D.!.. ; John Shortt, John Gates, Major-General L'Estrange, Messrs. H. B. Kenny, J. Wallace, Thomas Hodgins, Win. Jackson, A M. Webbe. George Fawcett, A. J. Robinson, Ed. Jackson, W. U. Clarke, \V. R. Pec, W. II- Atkinson. W. G. Lloyd Yaughan, D.T,. ; C. 1). E. Seymour, Colonel Biddulph, Messrs. Joseph Studholnc, .'ohn Galbraithe, Win. Carroll, T. Roberts Garvey, T Wallace, W. K. Fayle, John Wright, Robert Wellwood, Richard Telforcl. D.Cole, J. Demr.sey, John Clements, Thomas Lewi?, A. R. M-Mullen, M. Pierce, W. E. Haines, .lames Hay, Captain Ihiscoe, Messrs. E. de S. II. Jirown, George Turnbuil, J. Terry Goodbody. Rc^bert Mullens, A. W. Tisdall, Reginald Digby, Walter S. Turnbull. Rev. \V. G. Russell, Messrs. .John Wakeiy, John ISarnes, C. 11. Manners, John Ridgeway, G. Tynell. Jasper Joly, Charles Champ, Isaac Champ, George Gibson, Edward Walker, Francis Ward, Thomas Moody. COUNTY OF LEITRIM. Rev. J. Coulter, i>.i>. ; Messrs. R. Lons- dale, Sol. ; R. 1C. Davis, John Irwin, Henry Gumming?, Allan Nixon, Percy Clarke. Charles Porteou?, Richard Tate, Rev. Canon Elliott, Messrs. Wilton Yaugh, George Hewson, . ; Thomas Corscadden, J.I'. ; Thomas Conboy, William Woods, Francis Cooke, James Goodwin, Rev. .lames Godley. Messrs. Henry Wilson, Arthur Parkc. l\obt. Morrow, Samuel Ennis. Robei t 49 O'Brien, J. Johnston, Rev. H. Justice, Messrs. R. C. Roberts, Tnomas Cairnes, W. II. Heaney, H. Pentland, M.D. ; D ivid O'Brien, Joseph Irwin, W. Rose, Rev. L. Cloak, Messrs. W. H. Burke, William Dundas, Peter Harkiu, William McCoy, Rtv. S. E. Hoops, D.D. ; Messrs. James Creamer, James W. Slacke, Re/. II. Moore, Messrs. Robert H. Bournes, James Moreton, Robert Lonney, J. Tyrrell-Byrne, Shaw Xotley, W. Sydney Lawder, J. R. Xotley, Tnomis Fisher, Rev. C. Cooney, Messrs. William Johnston, Francis Lipsey, John Lipsey, John Richardson, R. Duke, Thomas Lloyd, John Ennis. COUNTY AND CITY OF LIMKIUCK. Messrs. Samuel Xorris, Joseph Smythe, William Rennison, W. Smythe, R. Heavenor. M. Bovenizer, Francis Wair, R. Lynch, r.L.c.. ; J . Miller, George Drew, Peter Swiuer, William Waller, IJ.L. ; Christopher Keayes, John Keayes, Robert Keyes, Richard Bourke, John Thorn, J. B. Barrington, J.P. ; M. Kearney, John Childs, Samuel Young, George Frizzell, John Mee, Cecil E. Yandeleur, J.P. ; Henry Childs, William Holloway, Hugh H. G. Massy, C. Eyre Townsend, J.P. ; R. Latchford, John Lowe, Michael Heck-Ruttle, John Sheppard, Peter Griffi.i, J.P. ; Robert Delmege, Albert Teskey, John Modler, William Tcskey, Arthur Ssviuer, Thomas Teskey, John Bowan, Gerald Walshe, General Lloyd, J.P. ; Messrs. \\'. H. Hewson, P. Barkman, R. Alfred. M. Legear, William Doherty, S D.uipe, Frank T'osbery, CM:. ; W. Shire, Rev. J. Moran, Rev. L. O'Brien, Messrs. Robert Ferguson, T. E. Lloyd. Edward William OP-rien, D.I.. ; John O'Dell, - Perrott, John Shire, Patrick Ilartigan, Thomas Keayes, Edward Madden, William Goggin, Patrick M Cormack, R. J Gabbett, J.P. ; George Keayes, William Griffin, John Griffin, John Wheeler, William T. Lloyd, Colonel Hubsey de Burgh,.!, p. : Messrs. John Roche Kelly, u.i, ; John Russell, J.P. : Frederick T. A'erschoyle, J.P. ; Robert E. Reeves, J.P. : Robert Pigoti. .1. Nea/or, James Ford, Henry Ashe, Joseph ^latterson. J.P : F. G.M. Kennedy, J P. ; Mhomas II. Cleave, J.I'. : Thomas Rice. Moses Caffrey, Edward Hewson, Edward Walshe, '/.. Ledger, John Doyle, Alexander Jordan. J. Fife, William llosford. M. Enright, Massy Hewson, Thomas Dicken, J. O'G. Uelmege, J.P. ; Peter Fii/gerald, J.P. 5 COUNTY ov LOX;FORD. Messrs. John Muir. Francis West, Ben- jamin Lloyd, W. Mullen, John Adams, J. P. ; John Moorhead, W. (}. Kelly, W. Yance, Matthew Kenny, John Harris, Thomas Foster, Alexander Percival. Alexander Moorehead, Win. Navan, Alexander Percival. jun. : Robert Acheson, (George Hamilton, William Cox, inn.; John Greer. Robert Hacklon, J. M. Wilson, J.l'.; George H. -Miller, William Martin, Thomas Armstrong, George Campbell, Smyth Bond. J.P. : William Jones, William Rogers, Henry Diran. Jolm Ryder, Joseph Allen, John Payne, John Higgins, lames Wilson, D.I.. ; .1. C. Bickerstaff, Samuel Russell, J.P. ; John Waters, Thompson Taylor, G. E Coates, Robert Haggarty, Robert Mills, James Wilson, M . J. Raymond, (ieorge Miller, Edward Shore, Edward Cody. Loren/.o Hewitt, William Rollins, S. Murphy. COUNTY OF LOITII Messrs. Blaynev I\. Balfour, D.T.. : \Ym. Townsend, Colonel Brodigan, Messrs. C. I!. Marlay,( i. W. Ruxton , H. C. Lloyd, A. II. Wynne, Robert Usher, Richard Ouin, -I. R. Garstin, George Pentland, Henry Chester. William Filgate, Hon. Bertram Bellew, Rev F. G. M'Clintock. Messrs. William Moore, II. Harbinson, Joan Emerson, Edmond ( t'Connr, Robert Perdue, William Carroll, R. Taylor, Captain G. Nicholson. Messrs. Blacker Douglass, Thomas McKeever, J. II. Cooke J Eager. J. J. Russell, The Lord Louth, Messrs. J. W. Dowdy, Robert Newcomen, G. W. lames, Colonel Walter S. Butler, Messrs. R. Ba : lie, Andrew Johnston. Colonel Sir Oriel Forster. Bart., CM'.. ; Messrs. L. A. Lee-Norman, D.I.., J.!'. ; Arthur Macan, D.I.., J.P. ; Thomas M. Richardson, J.P. ; Captain Matthew Fortescue. Messrs. Henry Brush, J.P. ; J. J. E Bigger. J.P. ; Major-General F. W. Stubbs, J.P. ; Messrs. Malcolm B. Murray, J.P. : J. M. Bolton, J.P. ; Colonel G. M. Dobbin. J P. ; Messrs. Joseph A. Coulter, J.P : Edward Tipping, fames Barton. Thomas Barbor, M.D. , J.P. : J. Johnston, J.P. ; Rev. R. M. Morrison, Rev. R. T. Bluett, Rev. H. Yereker, Rev. J. C. MacMillan, Rev. J. G. Rainsford, D.D. ; Rev. \Y. J. McCully, i:.,\. ; Messrs. W. Tempest, \Y. M. Patteson, J-P-; Thomas J. Thomson, Thomas Finch, Gordon Holmes, Peter ]\ogan, Eastwood Bigger, ]'un. ; John Nesbit Doran, J. Randall Dona'dscn, John 5> W. Turner, Captain E. Macartney Filgate, Messrs. William Stoddart, Alexander Dickie, William McDowell, John C. Park, John Bailie Coulter, J. D. Burn, Norman Steel, Albert JerTers, John S. Johnston. MAYO. Messrs. Joseph Pratt, I'. A Knox, Major- General Saunders Knox-Gore, Messrs. R. Wm. Orme, G. H. Johnston, Wm. Hogan, Rev. J. Perdue, Messrs. T. C. Perkins, Christopher Armstrong, Thomas Robinson, Robert Ekins, George Carroll, R. Massey, J. Joynt, Captain R. Wade Thompson, Messrs. C. L. Fitzgerald, F. O'Donel, Rev. Canon Taylor, Messrs. E. Thomas O'Donel, R. V. Stoney, Francis O'Donel junr., William E. Kelly, Jacob Beckett, Arthur Oram, Edward Brewster, Henry R. Yereker, Dominick A. Browne, Colonel Knox, Messrs. ,1. Willson Walshe, G. .1. Darley, H. Lindsay Fitzpatrick, James Simson, Anthony Ormsby, J. E. .Jackson, Captain H. Lynch, Messrs. Francis Ruttledge, K. B.McCausland, C. J. Wallace. COUNTY OF MEATH. Marquis of Conyngham, Messrs. J. L. Naper, D.L. ; T. Rothwell, D.L. ; T. Gerrard, D.I.. ; J. A. Farrell, D.L. ; N. T. Everard, D.L. ; Lieutenant-Colonel Donaldson, D.L. ; Lieutenant-(.'olonel Coddington, D.L. ; Messrs. R. FitzIIerbert. D.L. ; John Purdcn, William Hopkins, John Butler, F. Battersby, Henry Walker, Frederick Clayton, John Chadwick, George Boylan, William Mason, Charles Coughlan, J. Lowry, \V. Radcliff, J. R. Roberts, Rev. Canon Keene, Rev. J. A. Jennings, Rev. A. Fearon, Messrs. W. H. Barnes, J. R. Ringwood, M.D. ; D. L. Coddington, J. Penrose, M. W. O'Connor, E. Sclater, R. Rennicks, J. N. G. Pollock. R. M'Keever, The Lord Langford, .Messrs. G. F. Murphy, J. S. Winter, Major Pepper, Colonel Johnston, Mr. Patrick Thunder, Colonel Brodigan, Sir John Dillon, Bart. ; Messrs. Tnoinas Leonard, George W. Cuppage, Robert Wilkinson, Rev. J. E. II. Murphy, Messrs. W. D. Ferguson, W. Potterton, W. J. Good- man, Thomas Boylan, G. H. Lennon, P. G.isteen, Bernard Parr, Major Montgomery, Messrs. John Wilkinson, David Trotter, M.n. ; W. Thompson, junr. ; H. A. Cooper, F. St. G. Smith, Rev. S. Craig, Mr. Robert Fowler, Rev. A. T. Harvey, Colonel Gernon, Hon. II. Plunkett, Mr. C. 1'. Hamilton. 5- Qi'Ki^x'.s OorxiY. Capt. J. \V. Thomas, j.p. ; Mtssrs. W. A. Cooper, J.l'. ; llobert M. M'Mahon, J.P. ; Humphrey Fishbourne, Abner Connor, Joseph Samuel Edge, J.P. ; Herbert B. Warren, Samuel 11. Carter, James Xe;tle, Isaac Langrell, William Fennell, James Manas, J.P. ; (J. M. Robbins, M. S. Corseleis, Captain Young, Messrs. Alfred Johnson, George Matthews, Horence Turpin, Matthew Cassan, J.P. ; James C. Louis, Loftus T. Roc, John Lyon, George Shannon, Henry Burns, James Thompson, Thomas D.ivis, H. .M. Redmond, J.P. ; John Edge, P. La/.enby, Charles Fenton, Edward Furlong, William Davis, Colonel Cosby, J.P. ; Dr. Percival. Messrs. Valentine Hinds, Thomas Hinds, Arthur (Ireenham, George Ross, Samuel Turpin, Thomas Graham, RichardWilkinson, R. Oldham, Rev. G. Graham, Messrs. Tnomas Trench, Arthur Marsh, Isaac Allerdyce, Benjamin Chambers, George Hethington, James Johnson, Harvey Armstrong, Samuel Foster, Samuel Leigh, H. Palmer, S. S. Swan, J. M. Young, H. M. Badger, William Dodds, A. St. George, Robert Staples, D.L. ; R. Caldbeck, Edmund White, General R. White, Mr. P. R. Carter, Rev. Canon Kellett, Messrs. S. Hemphill, M. II. Franks, R. Marsh, II. Marsh, C. Murphy, James Mowbray, W. W. Despard, J. Hawkesworth, Thomas R. White, A. Metcalf, T. W. Baldwin, Arthur Xeville, Edmund Burnett, T. Walpole, J. Allen, T. R. Ely, T. Wallace, James Henly, John England, Henry C. White, Thomas F. Drought, E. Fitzpatrick, Alex. Cornelius, Richard Pearson, Joseph Talbot, James J'rott, F. O. Foot, C. P. Hamilton, W. Mercier, S. Hipwell, Robert C. Roe, Andrew Pearson, John Thompson, William Hodgens, T. Dtigdale, W. F. Mackey. Coi-'NTY OF Rosco.M.Mox.--The Earl of Kingston, Messrs. George R. Acheson. Hubert Hamilton, William Patterson, Cornelius Banahan, "William Lawrence, James Poynton, Stephen Lawrence, Thomas A. Cox, Arthur Cox, Thomas Cox, John McWilliam, Gilbert L. 1'oynton, John Anderson, (ieorge McGarry, Alfred Little, John Scott, J. Mcrrick LK-,yd, Robert Kane, John Patterson, Rev. James Carey, Messrs. William Parke, John II. Lloyd, Hugh Stewart, G S. Guinness, William J. Robinson, Maurice Hussey, William J. Walpole, Edward X. Mulhall, Thomas Russell, Skeffington Thompson, William. 53 Mercer, Ilanison Burnett, Henry K. Leslie, George Clarke John Kilroe, William Yatigh, Daniel White, Thomas Feeney, John Siggins, George Payne, .lames X. Flynn, Robert Stud- dart, Cox Cotton, Richard Flynn, William .!. llynes, John Hynes, John Ward, Mark A. Levinge, Patrick McDonnell, Colonel Irwin, Messrs. Benjamin J.Greene, James .1. Xeilan, Thomas French, Thomas Lancaster, Lancelot McManway, Percy Magann, Henry Jones, Thomas Strcxens, Charles II. Bagot, Bernard W. Bagot, James Clancy, John Kelly, Joseph Redding, W. J. Talbot, Colonel H.Taaffe Ferrall. C'orvrv OF Su<;o. Messrs. George Kerr, Thomas R. Wilson, Jolin Hunter, Sir Malby Crofton, Bart., J I'., D.I..; Messrs. Edward Layng, Rev. W. H. Winter, Captain O'Hara, J.i'. ; Alderman James Xelson, J.I'. ; Rev. II. M. Knox, Messrs. Alexander Lyons, j.i 1 . ; Given Wynne, j.i'., D.L. ; Richard St. Gco. Robinson, J.I'. ; R. A. Duke, J.I'., D.I.. ; R. Patterson, Robert 15. M'Xeilly. Edward Martin, William Layng, Robert Morrisson, Captain M. B. Armstrong, J.i'. ; Messrs. Thomas Clark, George Brett, John Morrisson. Rev. \V. Brennan, Messrs. William Lockhart, Fergus M'Xeice, Essex Williams, John Loyd, Robert Williams, jun. ; Robert Shaw, George Denisson, John Frizzell, John Doyle, John V. O'Donnell, James Clark, John Higgins, W. J. Doran, George T. Pollexfen, j.i'. ; Arthur Jackson, Noble Thompson, Lieut. -Colonel James Campbell, Messrs. Thomas Sebery, David Sebery, George Simpson, Thomas Clark, William Simpson, Robert Anderson, Thomas Simpson, Robert Clarke, George Mullin, Isaac Hunter, Robert Williams, James Xoble, William Alexander, William Petrie, Edward Parke, Captain R. G. Ilillas, j.i 1 . ; Messrs. John I,. Brinkly, J.T. : James Young, John Rea, John Mildrum, Joseph Graham, Robert Maveety, W. S. Moore, William Hood, Robert Caldwell, T. Lindley, William Ross, John Cameagy, R ev. Thomas G. Walker, Rev. J. S. Smith, Messrs. John Shaw, Robert Williams, Edward Williams, William Boyers, John Thompson, William Thompson, John Paike, Hector F. Knox, F. M. Olpherts, J.l 1 . ; John Carr, James Young, Percy Clarke, John Laird, M.D.; Hugh Sinclair, Eccles Phihbs, Henry Gilmore, John Millikin, William Barlow, James Lougheed, Thomas Patterson, George Acheson, Samuel Patterson, Hubert M-Master, 54 R. Kerr Taylor, William Orr, John Lougheed, William Lougheed, James Clifford, James Craig. John Beatty, C. M. Robinson, William Barber, James Chamber?, Colonel John ffolliott, .1-1'.; Messrs. James Ormsby, John Crowe, C.eorge Brett, William Lougheed. Edward Hunt, Ilemy Brett, George Warren, Charles Anderson, John Monisson, Robert Boyer?, Richard (',. Bell, E. M'Dowell, M.I). ; Charles Graham. J. Costello, J r. ; William Craig, Robert I'orteus, Alexander Cuff, Rev. R. Rowan. Harper Campbell, j.i 1 . COUNTY OF TIPPKKAKV. The Earl de Montalt, The Earl of Donoughmore, Lord Dunally, Mr. J. Atkinson (High Sheriff), Captain Poe. j.r. : R. Waller, J.P. ; R. Wolfe, J.P. ; Colonel Kingsley, Messrs. R. Galway, T. Webb, G. P. Smithwick, E. Bayley, J. Head. William Trench. J.P. ; R. Ealkiner, J.P. ; Grey Woodward, The Hon. Cosby Trench, Messrs. R. Donald Young, C. E. Tuthill, J.P. ; .1. Smithwick, j. i-. : W. Bentley, C. (ioing, A. Parker, J.P. ; Wm. Rochfort, J.P. ; Edwin Taylor, J.P. ; Llewellyn Fennell, J.P. ; Messrs. Robert Franklin, Edward M'Cuaig, Wm. W T hisker, Louis II Grubb, J.P. ; Mrs. William Rochfort, Miss Maria L. Grubb, V. Wise Low, D.I, : Rev. Dr. Hanan, Messrs. W. R. Cole-Baker. William Peare, J. 1C. K. Xadin, M.D. ; F. Massey, J.P. ; H. H. Townsend, J.P. ; Messrs. R. P. Bell, W. Mulcahy, Alexander Going. E. Phillips, Rev. (',. Costello, Cross, T. Brady, W. Hodgkins, D. A. Macready, P.L.G. ; R. Carden, B. Otway, - - Ruthven, T. Kenny, H. D. Kenny. Jas. Wellington, J. Wall. O. Bethel). M. Ampthill, J. Harlam, E. H. Breton, J. M'Dowell, D. Carroll, S. II. Cruise, A. Parker, Edward Philips. M. Massey. E. C. Bayly, R. Ilemphin, D. H. Higgins, (. H. Power, |. H. Barnes, Colonel Rial], Messrs. V. S. Morton, S. Moore, R. Phillip?, T. Langley, T. Sutcliffe, C. Clarke, J. McCuaig, R. Bagwell, R. Kerr. Geo. 'I". l!yan,j.P. ; J. Heaton Armstrong, P. Penny, The Venerable Archdeacon O'Connor, Messrs. R. Pennefathcr. II. Lloyd, J.P. ; (J. Jackson, Captain E. Lloyd, Captain E. M. Armstrong, D.L. ; Messrs. 11. Ashley, Deeve?, Sutcliffe. E. Knox, J.P. ; (i. Langley, I.]'.; J. Howard, Robert Howard. Henry Howard. J. Boyle, Richard Molloy, Wm. Watson. Henry Sparling, William Hanly, T. O. Read. K. Roe. G. Roe, S. E. Smith, J. Smallman, j. :o Hodging, J. Parr, J. Griffith, R. Eaton. H. P. Bridge. W. Bridge, V. Bridge, P. S. Bridge T. Hick?, Lt.-Col. F. Trant, J.P. ; Jones. CITY AND Coi'NTY OK WATKKKOKD. Mr. Ambrose C.ingreve, D.I,., J i>. ; Mijor Wheeler Cuffe, Messrs. Alexander Nelson, j.i>. ; W. R. Ward, J.P. ; William Price, W. A. Sargent, n.L. ; Rev. H. Evans, I>.r>. ; Messrs. Charles Ambrose, Esq., I.L.D. ; C. Moore, George M'CleHand, R. \V. X alley, J. Brown, W. Claxton, W. E. De la Poer, .1. S. Kent, B. Lynch, Sir Robert Paul, Bart., v.i.., j.p. ; Sir Richard Musgrave, Bart., n.L., J.P. ; Count I)e la Poer, D.I.., j.p. ; Hon. Dudley Fortescue, n.L., j.p. ; Messrs. .1. W. Anderson. n.L., J.P. ; .]. T. Medlycott, n.L., J.P. ; F. G. Bloomfield, J.P. ; C. Perceval Bolton, J.P. ; .!. B. Dobbin, J.P. ; J. Peclder Furlong, J.P. ; Charles Langley, J.P. ; R. J. Ussher, J.P. ; Peter Walsh, J.P. ; W.Abbott, Richard Ilassard, C. Langley, jun. ; George Malcomson, E. Ussher Roberts, Rev. Chancellor Toppin, Messrs. Thomas Baternan, Patrick Kelly, Thomas Kilcoyne, J. E. Kent, Rev. Canon Parker, W. Lamb, Colonel II. C. Yilliers Stuart, n.L., J.P. ; Maior Chearnley, n.L., J.P. ; Lady Keane, Captain Percival Maxwell, n.L., J.P. ; Colonel Keane, c.p,. ; Colonel Cotton, J.P. ; H. Marmion, Major N. Gyles, J.P ; Miss Blacker, Major Deane Tanner, J.P. ; Yen. Archdeacon Burkitt, Rev. Charles Carrol, Messrs. F. E. Currey, J.P. ; Richard Foley, E. Foley, .1. Kiely, Colonel Holroyd, Very Rev. Dean of Lismore, Rev. John McKeown, Miss F. Musgrave, Messrs. J. Pope, R. H. Power, Yen. Arch- deacon Ryland, Messrs. Percy Smyth, D.I.., J.P. ; H. Yilliers Stuart, of Dromana. COUNTY OF WKST.MEATIL Captain Gilbert Xugent, Messrs. T. Quin, Geo. Meares, Arthur Fetherston-H., Sol. ; Chas. Anderson, Jeremiah Gibson, James Xewburn, II. M. Pilkington. o.f. ; William Ryland, F. Russell, John Coughlan, Thomas B. Wakefreld. James Shaw, Edward Wakefield, William Russell, H. C. Levinge, Frank Small. Lawrence Kelly, T. McCutchen, Richard Talbot, Robert Allen, J. Ilodscn, W. Gray, William English, W. II. Thomas, F. Russell, jun. ; Joseph Yaughan, George Claxton, W. H. Thomas, Benjamin Greene. Johnston, 56 John Lowe. Sir M. Chapman, Rut.; Messrs. John Darling, John Lewis, John Xugent, Win. Crawford, Jno. Evans, Edmund IJease, Charles McCullach, James Holmes, 1'hillip O'ktelly, John Gordon, W. Mitchell, John Cantwell, Edward Raymond, James Gibson, George Little, George Ronaldson, Rev. Matthew Muiphy, Rev. \Villiam Falkiner, Messrs. |ohn Taylor, James Mears, George Mitchell, Thomas Mitchell. Thomas Robinson, Lockart Ramage. W. II. Bagnell, S. C. Claike. COUNTY or AVKXFOHD. Lord Maurice Fit/gerald. Sir John Power, Bart., D.I,. ; Messrs, .John C. 1'ounden, J ]'. ; .James B. Tomkins, P.L.O. ; William Xolan, John Dowling, Rev. J. AV. Chambers, LI..I). ; Messrs. William As:le Ryan, James Johnson, General Doian, C.1J. ; Co'. Chailes Walker, Captain T. J. Walker, D.L. ; Messrs. .John F. Kane. J.I'. ; John Bennett, Colonel J. R. Magratb, Messrs. Ai thur Kelle't.R. II. 1 Vnte. Rev. John Macbeth, LI..D. ; Rev. R. S. C. Slacker, .i.i 1 . : Messrs. William Ma; tin, Godfrey Macbeth, Cusa- k Metge, Her.ry II. Moore, George Freeman, William Rogers, folm I Ian is, Gecrgc Hemplestall, Henry C. Ouin, Rev. William Arr.old, Messrs. X.X. Cookman, D.I..: William Cookman, M.D., J.r. ; llenry Ringwood. D.v.c. ; John 1 1 ill, William Restnck. Fred. Sykes, Thomas Chapman, Richaid Giccne, Colonel Cau'.iield, J.r.; Messrs. Charles Roaik, Richaid Donovan, l.r. ; Joseph Tomkins, John Tomkins, John Warren, T. 1'innions. W. X Webster, lierjamin Webster, 1'atiick C. Pour.den, M.I 1 .. : James Watkins, Thomas Hill, J. II. AV. Sterlii:-, Charles M. Poyne, D.L. ; Jcjhn llayley. Geoige A\'alsh, P.L.C. ; \\"illiam Webster, Jonathan AYalsh, Thomas Rhuih.ait. Hon. G. Stopfc>rd, Messrs. Benjamin Wanen, Benjamin AVhitr.ey, Richaid ( Iraham, Charles I). Rce, Thomas F( xton, Josejih Rath, l^dward ^^'tbster, Major-Gtn. Guise, CM:.; Messrs. William Rates. R. W. Hall- Dare, J.! 1 . ; \Yilliam B. I'crtcr. !'.!.(;.; Ilcrbeit Bio\\nrigg, Thcnr.s F.Whitmore, Albert l!i( hauls. J.i 1 . : M. A. Mahc-r. D.I.. ; F. AV. A\"ai:cr, Mo;ti-Cen. Richaids. l.r. \ Messrs. Richard Gailar.d, Rcbert Heid, R. Bollard, Cr< rj,c Hand-tcik, Ribeit Doyr.e, Dennett Doyr.e. h'lancisA. Leigh. D.I.. : F. Spiini.'. J.r. : \\". Mcnck Gibbon. J.P. ;_ Captain. Barrett Hamilton. Mr. \Ym. 57 Little, Major Harman, J.i'. ; Messr?. M. Huggard, James M. Vicary, Rev. Canon Latham, D.I). ; Captain Herbert, Messrs. Richard Elgee, J. L. Winter), Richard Sealy, James Shuddal, A. Gore, Charles Cole. Cot'XTY OF WICKLOK, Messrs. E. A. Dennis, J.P. ; William Fenton. J.P. ; Geo. Leonard, Geo. Douglas, Cha?. Wynne, Mark Taylor, J.i 1 .; Colonel R. Pratt-S.iunclers, J-l'. , D.I..; David Mahoney, j.i 1 ., n.L. ; W.J. Westhy, J.P., D.I,. ; Thomas Dowser, W E. Grogan, j.i 1 ..; Richard Gillespie, J.P. ; William Wilson, W. J. Langri', Thomas Driver, 11 >bert Hawkins, Colonel F. Tynte J.P., D.I..; Messr;. Edward Pennefather. Q.C., J.P., D.L. ; James Valentine, J. Molyneux, J. Ramsay, Rev. D. Anderson, Messrs. John J. White, R. G. Dixon, Fletcher Moore. J.I 1 . ; W. Cotton, j.i". ; John Finninior, J.P. ; G. Hornidge, J.i 1 . ; N. Smith, George Darker, Charles Smith, Edward Rowell, William lioothman, Samuel Wallace, R. Panton, William Henry, John Spcares, Colonel W. Kemmis, J.i 1 . ; Messrs. Edward Ellison. p.i..< ;.:.!. \). Edge, Richard Appleby, Isaac Wilmot, John Jordan, Joseph Condill, Robert Lavender, Francis Newmin, Rev. W.J. Stokc=, Messrs. William Coleman, James Gilchrist, Joseph Tyndall, James Hunter, Thomas Valentine, Henry Langrill, George Long, M. Mason, James Coleman, Hemy Harding, Edward Langrill, Matthew Langrill, William Carter, Thomas Stephenson, William Strahan, Rev. Canon O'Connor, Messrs. Kichard Fenton. j.i 1 . ; G. Fenton, P. Hollard, J. Allen, Edward Wilson, J. I). Plant, J. Xiele, J. D. De Mcn/y, II. M. Dowse, If. Hopkins, Ilalph Laurcnson, l-'rank lirooke, j.i 1 ., K.I.. ; Rev. 11. Ellison, Messrs. T. Symes, R. S. Goodison, \\'. Rickerby, (!. Matthews, Louis Montfort, J.i 1 . ; Thomas Swan, T. W. \Vhelan. J.P. : C. C. Fenton, Albert Laurcnson, S. Mennion, de R. Lawrenson, J.P. ; R. Fenton, Thomas Haskins, J. 11. Kerr, W. T.uh.r, Thomas Irwin, J. S. Leeson, W. Parker. (-. Pasley, I. Gtandy, Edwaid Dreilin, Walter IJoyd, Francis I'.uckley, William Ilurne, T. H. Craig, T. Craig, Robert Cuthbcrt, Captain Ch. Dennis, Messrs. .1. Douglas, Wm. Ellis, Patrick Flynn, Kd. Farrell, J.P. ; .lohn R. Fowler, W. G. Mori is. J.P. ; Geo. Kd. Goobody, Ven. Aichdeacon Galbraith, Messrs. \V. II. M'Failand, Ed. Lee, Capt. Geo. Hefferman, Messrs. Gi'bft Ilodson. H. Vincent Jarkson, CHway .Johnson, Geo. Keogh, Wm. King. ^\'. W. Knox, Hon. Henry Monck, .Messrs. J. Mills, .!. II. Moore, .'ames B. Massey, .lames Price, R. G. Pilkington, Rev. W. Connolly, Messrs. \\'. .!. Shcpard, .lohn Johnson, Rev. Geo. Tombe, Messrs. T. Dowhng, Rd. Craydor, John Laurenson. lohn A. Revel!, R. Bell, II. A. Townley, A Tailyour R. Philpot.j.l 1 . ; Rev. R. C. Halloues, Messrs. 1 1. Jones, Edward Kearon, C. Ruskell, F. Kvans, R. Halpin, .1. Storey. R. Kearor- J. Tyrrell, Ed. Cole, S. Marshall, R. \Vhitinore, J. Burne. Robert Hea'h, W. Alfoid, .). Manley, George H. Stepney. Alex Sturgeon, F. Heatley, John Sutton, Rd. I). Thomas, Rd. C" Thomas. John Tunstead, Ed. Watson. Rt- Cathcart Dobbs, Fredk. M . Crea, E. X. \Vynn, j.i'. ; Captain I lalnin, J.I'. : Messrs. K. ICdwards, John Nolan, John Passant. Francis M'Phail, Rev. Matthew \V. J)ese ; x, Colonel Tottenham, Messis. II. Crofton. E. Stoicy, A- Keene. H. A. Ten-be, .l.i'. : P. C'.ood, C. Chamney. George Bodey. PROTEST AM) DECLARATION AIHJITKD I5V THE CO XV EXT 1 THE PROTEST AM) DECLARATION ADOPTED LY THE COXVEMIOX. \\'e. Irishmen, belonging to the three Southern Provinces, being of all creeds and classes, representing many separate interests, and sharing a common desire for the honour and welfare of our country, hereby declare our unswerving allegiance to the Throne and Constitution, and our unalterable determination to uphold the Legislative Union between Great Britain and Ireland. \Vc protest against the creation of a Parliament for Ireland, whether separate or subordinate. \Ye protest against the creation of an Irish Executive, dependent for its existence upon the pleasure of an Irish Parliament. V.'c do so upon the following grounds: Because any measure for the creation of a separate Irish Parliament, and a separate Irish Executive, would produce mo.-t dangerous social confusion, involving a disastrous- conflict of interests and classes, and a serious risk of civil war. Because such a measure would endanger the com- mercial relations between Ireland and Great Britain, 62 and would cause in Ireland widespread financial distrust, followed by a complete paralysis of enterprise. Because such a measure would imperil personal liberty, freedom of opinion, and the spirit of tolerance in Ireland. Because such a measure, instead of effecting a settlement, would inevitably pave the way for further efforts to\vards the complete separation of Ireland from Great Britain. Because no statutory limitations restricting the authority of an Irish Legislative Assembly, or the power of an Irish Executive, could protect the freedom and the rights of minorities in the Provinces of Lcinstcr, Munstcr, and Connaught. Because, while in the divided state of Irish Society, no part\- in Ireland can safely be entrusted with powers of Government over the other sections of the community, such a measure would hand over Ireland to the Government of a party which has proved itself unworthy of the exercise of power by its systematic defiance of the law, and disregard of the elementary principles of honest}-, liberty, and justice. Because the Imperial Parliament is lull}- competent and willing to legislate for Ireland, to maintain justice and equality, and to promote, by wise enactments the welfare of our country. Finally, regarding the question from a wider point of view than that which concerns alone the internal 63 government of Ireland, highly pri/ing as \vc do the advantages \vc derive from our present Imperial position, and being justly proud of the place which Irishmen have long held amongst those to whom the Empire owes its prosperity and fame, having been faithful in our allegiance to our Sovereign, upholders of the Constitution, and observers of the law, we protest against any change that will deprive us of our Constitutional birthright, by which we stand on equal ground with Englishmen and Scotchmen, as subjects of our beloved Ouecn and as citi/.cns of the British Empire. TIIK KAKI. ('I-' KIXi.AI.I.. PROCEEDINGS IN HALL No. 1. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF FINGALL. R E P H T OK PROCEEDINGS IN HALL No. 1. t'h(firmnnTttK KM. in HON. TIIK EAIU. OF FINCAI.L. The following preliminary description is taken from the daily papers : At a quarter to seven o'clock the doors were thrown open, and the large assemblage of delegates who had been col- i n O O lecting for some time, poured in rapidly, but with perfect order, and soon the hall was filled. The floor and balcony was divided into sections, which were allotted to the different counties. In the side balconies were seated a number of ladies, who not only lent a pleasing grace to the proceedings, but took a lively interest in all that went on before them. Stationed on the platform there was an orchestral band, who, before the noble chairman, the Earl of Fingall. took his seat, played a capital selection of music in a spirited manner. "God bless the 1'rince of Wales" was loudly cheered ; so, too, was '" Rule Britannia," but the enthusiasm was simply unbounded when the strains of the National Anthem fell on the ear. The great assembly rose to its feet like one man, and a magnificent cheer almost shook the walls. It was repeated again and again until the music, vigorous as it was, was drowned. When the last bar of the fine old air had been played the cheering was renewed, and continued for some moments. 7 The following noblemen and gentlemen \vere present on the platform : His Grace the Duke of Leinster, E irl of Belmore, Karl of Pembroke, Earl of Mayo, Viscount De Vesci, Lord Emly, Lord Yentry, Lord Massy. Lord Rathdonnell, Lord Louth, Lord Monteagle, Lord Dunsanv. Lord Muskerry, Lord Maurice Fitzgerald, Lord Arthur Butler, Viscount Carlow, Lord Clan- morris, Lord Dunally, Lord Cloncurry, his Grace the Archbishop of Dublin, Marquis Conyngham, Sir Thomas Butler, Bart., u.L. ; Sir |ohn Power, Hart. ; -Sir Richard Martin. Bart. ; Sir Montagu Chapmar. Hart. ; Sir Percy Grace. Bart. : the lion. Horace Plunkett, M.P. ; Right Hon. David Plunkct, M.r. ; Hon. L. G. Dillon, Sir Fentcn Hort, Bart. . Sir H. Grattan Be'.lew. Bart. : the Rev. Provost, T.C.I). : Hon. Richard Nugent, A. L. Bailee. Esq. ; General Devenish- Meares, W. F. Colvill, Esq.: Bnnsley Fit/gerald, F. E. Ball. Esq.; S. H. Bolton, Esq.; |. R. \Yigham, Esq.; Col. |. C. Lowry. J. \\". Copland, Esq.; J. P. Maunsell. Esq.: W. G. Goodbody, Esq. ; R. Bagwell, Esq. ; \Y. |. Goukling, Esq. : \\ . E. Longfield Esq.; Major II. L. Barton. H. S. Moore. Esq.: C-eorge Chambers, Esq. ; A. M'Donnell, Esq. : Captain C. G. \\eitropp, G. Orr Wilson, Esq. : Rev. S. Prenter. C. L\ Townshend. Esq. : Fane Yernon, Esq.; Col. Tottenham. James Wilson, Esq.; |. A. Scott, Esq. ; H. |. Dudgeon, Esq., J.I'. ; Mangerton Arnotf. Esq.; Dr. James C. Semple, C. A. M'Donnell, Esq. : R. Farrell, Esq.: Dr. H. Truell, Rev. Dr. Nicholas. J. Hone, Esq.: Rev. |. G. Digges, 15. S. Dunning, Esq.: Dr. I-".. 'J'. Lee, Owen Wynne, Esq.; Fletcher Moore, Esq. ; D. Mahony, Esq.; Alderman Scott (High Sheriff, Cork" ; \Y. H. Newell, Esq. ; II. L. Tivy, Esq. : Rev. Canon Neligan. D.J. ; Todd Thornton, Esq. ; Clifford Lloyd. ICsq. ; J. Henderson, Esq. : I. M. Finny, Esq., M.I). : 1. F. Bannatyne, Esq.: Professor Edward Dowden, LL.n. ; Mr. YV. Dodds, Professor S. H. Butcher, Esq. ; R. (). Armstrong, J. M. \Yilson, Esq.; R. Fowler. Esq.: Col. It. Cosby, \Y. M'Murrough Kavanagh, ICsq. ; Jonathan Hogg, Esq.; I. R. Fowler, Esq.; Major Burrowes, Joseph T. I'im, Esq. ; M. Goodbody, Esq. ; L. O. Hutton, FLsq. ; J. P. Goodbody, Escj. ; H. L. Barnardo, Esq. ; Major Bailey, R. T. Callow, Esq. ; M. Weld O'Connor, Esq. : II. Staples, Esq. ; J. C. Colvill, Esq. : E. Skeffington-Smyth, Esq.; Colonel (. Deasp, (1. 1- . Stewart, Esq.; J. \V. Doyne, Esq.; A. D. Kennedy, Esq. ; Coidon E. Tombe, Esq. ; \\'. T. Stewart, &c., &r. .1. MACKK KIN.NY Punctual!}- at half-past seven o'clock, the hour lu'imcd for the commencement of the proceedings J. MAC.I.K FINNY. Ks<|.. M.D., 1'rcsiilcnt of the Ro);il College of Physician; of Ireland, rose and said My 72 lords and gentlemen, I have much pleasure in moving the preliminary resolution to be submitted for your approval this evening namely, that the Earl of Fingall do take the chair because it needs no words of mine to commend it to your favourable consideration, and because we are all glad to have a distinguished Irish nobleman to preside over this meeting. We are met here to-night with a common cause at heart and actuated by a common motive. A ''union of hearts " of a very different character and of a truer and djepsr significance than that which is implied by the meretricious use of the term has brought us here ; and in selecting a chairman the executive committee have wisely settled on one whose interests and those of every delegate present arc identical, and I doubt not his lordship \vill discharge the duties with the considera- tion, tact, and dignity which are born of sympathy and innate to an Irish gentleman. I know not why I. who am but one of the delegates from the University, was asked to take so prominent a part at this great and representative meeting, for I am not a politician, and have never before stood upon a public platform, except it be that as a physician I may be supposed to represent a numerous class whose work is usually done in private, or whose voice is not generally heard, but that on an occasion such as this it be- hoves every man to come forward and give expression to his sentiments when the issues are so vital and so great. It may also be because I knew much of the intimate relations oi bodv to mind, of nutrition to development, of nerve force to free muscular action, and that, with the authoritv of this knowledge, I can assure you, unless the nourishment of my hand or other distant part of my body be not maintained equally with and by intimate union to the more central parts, its growth, nay its existence, would be imperilled ; unless the nerve energy be conveyed from the brain in unbroken union its seemingly independent and varied 73 action is impaired inco-ordination is the outcome and paralysis the result. Need I point the moral? Surely not. Gentlemen, the union between this country and England must be maintained. Nothing must be allowed to imperil Ml!. .1. F. C. BANNA its preservation or curtail its influence, if we, as men of learning, commercial enterprise, or agricultural pursuits, residing in Ireland, are to discharge the duties and enjoy the civil and religious rights pertaining to citi/cns of the United 74 Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. It was said to me the other day by a distinguished fellcnv-riti/en. in reference to the Ulster demonstration, "Oh, it is easy to get a crowd of Orangemen together to cheer and shout : " hut while entirely repudiating the sneer of his remark, I cannot look upon this assemblage of delegates without saying it is a damning reply to my friend, and feeling satisfied that Lemper, Munst^r, and Connaught are equally alive with their Ulster brethren to the greatness, the importance, and the gravity of the issue before them, and are nut a whit behind them in enthusiasm and self-reliance in upholding the t'nion b\ rejecting Home Rule. Over such a meeting as this, with objects of such a character. 1 ha\e the honour and the pleasure of proposing that Lord Fingall do preside and do now take the chair. Mr. J. F. (1. B. \\XAIYNK.* of Limerick, seconding the motion, said I have verv great pleasure in seconding the motion that the Karl of Fingall clo take the chair. All who have the pleasure of knowing him feel assured that he will preside over this great meeting with honour and dignity that will strengthen the Unionist cause, not only in Ireland, but throughout the British Kmpire. The Right Hon. the KAKI. OF i-'ixoAi.i.t having taken the chair, said The occasion of our meeting is of so great moment that I shall not occupv your time with conventional, though unusually appropriate, remark> upon my un\vorthiness of the honour conferred upon me. I must, however, in my brief opening address be caretul to recognise that the selection as chairman of a Catholic and Liberal Unio.iibt has a significance which throws all personal considerations int:> the background. I hasten on behalf ot 75 loyal Catholics and Liberal Unionists to assure our Pro- testant and Conservative companions in arms that \ve will stand by them as long as they stand by us. I am not aware that in the Southern provinces of Ireland there has ever been seen an assembly such as I am addressing. Even creed an;! class, all professions, trades, and occupations are represented here, each county having sent its proper propor- tion of delegates duly appointed at meetings of electors. No- doubt we shall be told that our coming here is a mere poli- tical move, an election device, perhaps, in response to t he- call of party leaders in England. Accepting the full respon- sibility of an utterance from the chair, 1 state emphaticallv that our action is spontaneous that this meeting isastricth Irish convention, that it was not promoted or even suggested bv any parly or leaders outside ourselves. It is our opponents, and not our friends, who have forced us to come here and speak out to-night. Having failed bv ridicule to discount beforehand the importance of the great convention in Belfast, seeing that the laugh was going to be on the other side, they fell back upon the oft-repeated fiction that outside a small portion of Ulster Unionism was only kept alive bv what their leaders have described as "a despicable minority." It may be that we South of Ireland Unionists have ourselves to blame for the apathy with which we have negL'Cted to initiate and maintain an effective political organisation. Organisation, as a friend of mine said the other dav to electors in this county, " is the life-blood of political parties." ] look upon this gathering as the most important step ever taken by the Loyalist party in Southern Ireland, and 1 am sure there is not on<- present who does not feel relieved bv the consciousness that he is performing a duty which i> " better done late than never done at all.'' 1 think 1 may say that the duty which lies before us is two-fold. Firstly, we are to declare in the most solemn manner that we are determined to uphold the Uni m between (Ireat 76 Britain and Ireland ; and, secondly, in order to give effect to our determination, we, without further delay, must strengthen and confirm the bond of union amongst ourselves. So clear is our course with regard to our first duty, and so fully will it be dealt with by the speakers who follow, that not wishing to take up too much of your thru I will address myself in mv few remaining remarks to our second duty, "the union of Irish Unionists." Five years ago we Liberals joined hands with men to whom we had often been bitterly opposed, and to-night in this same hall we are able to congratulate ourselves on a matured friendship and seemingly permanent alliance. Time has almost obliterated the differences which formerly kept us asunder, and while we Unionists do not claim a monopoly of patriotism, we may at least contrast our behaviour to former opponents, with the behaviour of so-called Nationalists to former friends. And, what is far more encouraging, time is dealing with the religious difficult}', with (I use the expression not without sorrow) the religious ul^tacle to peace in Ireland. So far as Catholics are concerned I cannot help thinking that if our faith can be said to have anv political tendency at all it is rather towards the main- tenance of the Union than towards Home Rule. This was illustrated a few \ears ago when Home Rulers called to their aid the most inhuman political agencies, which the head of my Church was constrained to condemn. Referring to the famous rescript, Mr. Gladstone at Clapham on Saturday last u>ed words which throw a strange light upon the connection which it is sought to establish between Catholicism and Nationalism. Mr. Gladstone said " The whole mass of the Irish Roman Catholics, except a portion of the upper class opposed to Nationalism and to Home Rule the whole mass of the Irish Roman Catholics, including the clergy and almost every bishop, opposed this rescript and protested, led on by their members of Parliament, that the Tope had no right 77 to dictate to them the course they were to pursue in political concerns." Now, this assertion that the clergy and almost every bishop opposed the rescript is no more true, but of course less capable of immediate and complete refutation, than the suggestion made in the same speech as to the bogus signatures of the Irish Nonconformists. As a mat- ter of fact, the rescript, or rather Papal decree, \vas promulgated in this very diocese by the archbishop who ordered it to be read in all the churches. But the quotation I have given you contains one remarkable and damning admission on the part of Mr. Gladstone namely, that in order to bolster up the Home Rule movement our priests are led in a new crusade against the authority of the Pope by the Irish members of Parliament. It is not for us to inquire whether under Home Rule the priests would dictate to members of Parliament as to their politics, or whether members of Parliament would dictate to priests as to their obedience to the Pope. I prefer to follow the simple instincts of an inherited faith rather than the guidance of even such an intellectual giant as Mr. Gladstone, and thus I come by the belief that the Catholic- religion is better safe-guarded under the protection of the Imperial Parliament than it would be under any form of Home Rule Government which Mr. Gladstone can devise. I shall not dwell further on the sectarian hopes and fears which centre round the great issue that brings us here. But let me point out that our resistance to this threatened destruction of the United Kingdom will become more and more powerful as we grasp the undoubted, but often forgotten truth, that whatever claims individuals may assert neither my creed nor any other (-reed represented here to-night contains any tenets or provisions which cither directly or by implication can be held to justify "clerical domination " or ' religious ascendency.'' I have said enough to show that those whom I have the honour to represent are determined in their loyalty to the cause that they feel honoured by the trust you repose in your new allies that they are devoted to their Queen, and proud to remain as Irishmen an integral nnd governing portion of the Hritish Empire. So long as our birthright is being offered for sale to an English party, :md the Empire which has risen by union is being hurried along on a do\vmvard course. \ve give notice to all who would tamper with our freedom, our fortunes, and our lives, that Ireland will continue to block the way. SIR THOMAS BUTI.KR, Hart.,* said lie was requested on behalf ot the Organising Committee to apologise to so many delegates and applicants for tickets, at not being able to furnish them with seats. The number of applicants for tickets would have been sufficient to fill this room three times over. He had also to state on behalf of the committee that up to the time of the < hairman taking the chair they had received upwards of 84 telegrams and 40 letters of regret from persons who were unable to be present. To read those letters or to Jell them Irom whom they came would take too long. There had been handed to him M'nce he came into this room one, .and which he would wish to mention. It had been handed to him by a delegate, and it was signed bv 700 names they were not bogus names either. This communication came ^rom a part of the South of Ireland, and it was desirable that it should be read. It was as follows : We, the undersigned , on behalf of 700 Unionists of the Parish of Youghal, hereby express our hearty sympathy with the objects of the Unionist Convention held in Ulster, and with that about to be held in Dublin, and we join in protesting strongly against the passing of any law which would alter our present position as an integral portion of the United Kingdom. (The letters of apology and telegrams of sympathy referred to by Sir Thomas Butler will be found in the appendices.) * A Porir.ut ol Sir Tnoinas Hi. tier, Hart., will 1 c four.d on Page 10. 79 MR. JOSEPH TODHUNTER PIM, at the request of the chairman, read the Declaration which was after- wards submitted to the meeting for adoption, as follows : We, Irishmen, belonging to the three Southern Provinces, being of all creeds and classes, representing many separate interests, and sharing a common desire for the honour and welfare of our country, hereby declare our unswerving allegiance So to the Throne and Constitution, and our unalterable determina- tion to uphold the Legiblative Union between Great Britain and Ireland. \Ye protest against the creation of a Parliament for Ireland, whether separate or subordinate. We protest against the creation of an Irish Executive, dependent for iis existence upon the pleasure of an Irish Parliamen f . We do so upon the following grounds : Because any measure for the creation of a separate Irish Parliament, and a separate Irish Executive, would produce most dangerous social confusion, invohing a disastrous conflict of interests and classes, and a serious risk of civil war. Because such a measure would endanger the commercial relations between Ireland and G -eat Britain, and would cause in Ireland widespread financial distrust, followed by a complete paralysis of enterprise. Because such a measure would imperil personal liberty. freedom of opinion, and the spirit of tolerance in Ireland. Because such a measure, instead of effecting a settlement, would inevitably pave the way for further efforts towards the complete separation of Ireland from Great Britain. Because no statutory limitations restricting the authority of an Irish Legislative Assembly, or the power of an Irish Executive, could piotect the freedom and the rights of minorities in the Provinces of Leinster, Munster, and Connaught. Because, while in the divided state of Irish Society, no party in Ireland can safely be entrusted with powers of Government over the other sections of the community, such a measure \vould hand over Ireland to the Government of a party which has proved itself unworthy of the exercise of power by its systematic defiance of the law. and disregard of the elementary principles of honesty, liberty, and justice. Because the Imperial Parliament is fully competent and willing to legislate for Ireland, to maintain justice and equality, and to promote, by '.vise enactments, the welfare of our country. 8i Finally, regarding the question from a wider point of view than that which concerns alone the internal government of Ireland, highly prizing as we do the advantages we derive from our present Imperial position, and being justly proud of the F,-oin ';/ Ln{,,\;<-it<, l>nl,li,i. HIS UHACE TI1K DfKK OF I.K1SSTE .!. place which Irishmen have long held amongst those to whom the Empire owes its prosperity and fame, having been faithful in our allegiance to our Sovereign, upholders of the Constitution and observers of the law, we protest against any charge that F 82 will deprive us of our Constitutional birthright, by which we stand on equal ground with Englishmen and Scotchmen, as subjects of our beloved Queen and as citizens of the British Empire. At the conclusion of the reading of the Declaration there \vas loud and prolonged cheering. His GRACE THE DUKE OF LKIN.STER said My lords, ladies, and gentlemen, the enthusiastic way in which the reading of the declaration has heen received persuade me that an)- words of mine will not add anything to the importance of the declar- ation. That declaration was drawn up at a preliminary meeting, as you are aware, and was very carefully studied. Agreeing so entirely as I do with every word in that declaration I feel that every person present will agree with it also. Personally taking little part or pleasure in politics, I still feel that every individual has a right to speak out strongly in the Unionist eausj at the present crisis. On an occasion of the kind such a meeting as this must do good. This must be my only excuse for speaking to-night. This i-. an occasion on which we must say what we mean, and \ve mean to stand by our principles. 1 beg to move the following resolution : " That this Convention hereby adopts the Declaration now read, and earnestly appeals to the Electors of the United Kingdom to give effect to its objects and policy by supporting with their votes the maintenance of the Legislative Union in its integrity, and the preservation to the people of Ireland of equality of rights and privileges with the people of England and of Scotland as fellow-citizens of the United Kingdom." MR. J. C. COI.VII.L, Chairman of the (ireat Southern and Western Railway, Director of the (Ireat Northern Railway, Director of the Hank of Ireland, k place i:i the value of all Irish securities : and when his bill was thrown out in the following June a reaction at once set in prices returning to their normal values; public opinion thus showing in the most unmistakcable manner what might be expected from the establishment of any separate legislature in Ireland. We cannot overlook how our would be future legislators have in recent years carried out their ideas of mutual confidence and goadu-ill in trade towards one another. Tne history of New Tipperary can never be forgotten. I shall not further encroach on the time: allotted to other speakers ; but I trust the Unionists, both North and South, will be ever found standing together for the maintenance of our constitutional birthright as citi/ens of the British Empire. The Right Hon. DAVID PLUXKKT, M.P., First Commis- sioner of Works, said My Lord Fingall, ladies, my lords and gentlemen, I beg to thank you most sincerely for the great favour which you have conferred upon me in asking me to take part in the glorious gathering of to-night, and also for the very warm welcome which you have given to me personally. I think you have done so not only because I happen to be a member of that Government which is led in the Upper Mouse by Lord Salisbury, and in the Lower by Mr. Balfour. [Mr. Plunkct was here interrupted by the entrance of the Deputation from the Ulster Convention, con- sisting of the Lord Mayor ol Belfast, Mr. H. dc Fellenbcrg Montgomery, D.L. ; Mr. Adam D tiffin, and Mr. \V. F. Doulaghan. The Delegates, upon the entrance of the Deputation, rose to their feet and greeted them with loud and prolonged cheering, renewed again and again.] The Right Hon. Mr. Plunket, resuming, said Gentlemen, when that most agreeable and welcome interruption occurred, which really strikes the keynote of all our proceedings here to-night, I was venturing to thank you for the reception which vou have given me, and I said that 1 knew it was not 86 only because I \va> a member of tliat (Government, to the name of whose leader you liave given such a hearty recep- tion, nor even because I have the honour to represent in the Imperial House of Commons that ancient University which no Irishman (of whatever party or creed) can help, looking back to with respect and affection; but I think you have invited me to speak to you to-night because now, for the three-and-twenty years that I have been in Parliament. I have endeavoured to the best of my ability to maintain the great cause in support of which we are assembled here to-night. Certainly never within those twenty-three eventful years have I seen never, I believe, in the memory of any living man has there been assembled so vast, so representative a meeting ot the loyal men of the three Southern Provinces of Ireland. I congratulate you heartily upon the splendid success of this Convention, and cer- tainly never before has there been so urgent a cause for the summoning of such an assembly, for this is the critical moment at which we know that issues touching the most vital parts of the Constitution issues deeplv and immediately affecting the safety of our property, our liberties, and it may be our lives, are about to be submitted to the electorate of the Three Kingdoms. Gentlemen, I am glad to be able to assure you, coming as I do. direct from headquarters, that every hour, as the great day of struggle approaches, the prospect^ of the Unionist cause grow brighter, and the confident bragging of our opponents sounds fainter and more hollow. Hut, however hopeful we may ourselves feel as to the issue, it would be madness to risk such tremendous interests as are now at stake upon a confident forecast of an event so uncertain as must at the best be the chances of a general election in these days of vast and swaying democratic con- stituencies. I say, therefore, that in such circumstances it is a serious and a pressing necessity that we should, by thiN great representative Convention, place upon record, and 8; urge by all means in our power upon our fellow-subjects throughout the Three Kingdoms, our solemn protest against a policy which we who live in Ireland, and who will be the first to suffer, know must not only be ruinous to ourselves, the minority it may be at this moment of the Irish people, THK lUiiHT H0.\. From a Photograph] IAV1U ri.l.NKKT, .M.I'. but also fatal to the true and abiding interests of our common country. Ulster has spoken ; she has spoken in language of serious and measured moderation, which has dashed the hopes of those assailants who evidently expected that some 88 words might be uttered, some deeds might he done, on which they could sei/e, in order to represent her action as dictated by passion or by bigotry. Those hopes have been totally disappointed. But Ulster has spoken also with a 'firmness and clearness of purpose which cannot be gainsaid or ignored, and I doubt not that short as is the time between that great pronouncement an:l the general election, the lesson will sink rapidly and deeply into the minds of men of all parties throughout the Three Kingdoms ; so that many voters who bjfore may have been apathetic or doubtful will hesita'e no longer, but will decide that thev \vill never hand over the great and prosperous and loyal province to a domination to which, with a sincerity which can- not be questioned, she has declared that she never will submit. But the men of Ulster have done more ; they have faiihfullv remembered their brethren, the Unionists of the South and East and West of the island, and they have held out the right hand of encouragement to us who are less fortunate and less capable of self-protection than they are. That strong and true right hand we clasp to-night in friendship and in gratitude; and while we cannot attempt to rival the greatness and splendour of their mighty assemblage, with all our hearts we join with them in the solemn and majestic protest they have made. But are there not many reasons besides why, even if Ulster had not led the way, it is well that we should hold this Convention ? Not only are the dangers which would befall us (if the policy of Home Rule be ever carried into effect) more immediate and pressing not only are we less able to protect ourselves from these dangers but theiv is also this further reason, that except bv such a representative meeting as this the Unionists uf the South and West have no other means of making their feelings and their fears nay of making their existence known to our fellow-subjects in Great Britain. It is a strange outcome of the present system of the Parliamentary representation of 8 9 Ireland that, save through the members for the University of Dublin, the Unionists of Ireland (counting as they do, by hundreds of thousands) have no representative for any con- stituency outs'de of Ulster to speak for them at the present moment in the House of Commons. I say at the present moment, for I trust that within the next few days the County and the City of Dublin, at all events, will, so far as in them iie>. do something to redress this injustice; indeed, I am sure of it, if only the Unionist voters in those constituencies will realise the surpassing importance of the struggle, and at whatever cost of the convenience or interests of the moment, carry through to the end of the contest the splendid energy and zeal of this meeting. But up to the present moment in the Parliament which is dying I say the Unionists of the three Southern Provinces have had no representative in the House of Commons. The number of Irish Protestants outside of Ulster was. I believe, calculated under the last Census at between 300,000 and 400,000. These Protestants are. as we know, almost to a man Unionists. There are, besides multitudes of Catholics and their number is steadily increasing who are absolutely devoted to the maintenance of the integrity of the Imperial Parliament. But thinly scattered amongst overwhelming masses of their political opponents, they could not make their influence felt at the polling booths ; they could not make their voices heard in the House of Commons. Therefore. I say it was essential that this Convention should be summoned. And how is this great meeting composed ? The thousands of earnest men whom I am now addressing are the delegates regular! v chosen at open meetings from all the Parliamentary constituencies, sent here to represent the hundreds of thousands of Unionists who are dwellers throughout the three Southern Provinces. They are sent here to speak for loyal men of every < reed an 3 class of Irishmen, from the highest to the lowest. You will be addressed to-night bv countrv gentlemen, bv tenant- farmers, by the leaders of the learned profession, by the representatives of trade and commerce in all their branches, the leaders of enterprise and progress the men who have given to our southern enterprise whatever success- it has achieved. 1 say these delegates to-night represent 300.000 Protestants \vho d\vell outside of Ulster, and multitudes of Catholics. Let no man dare to say that this meeting is gathered in any spirit of sectarian animosity. Your presence, my lord, in the chair to-night must by itself forbid such an imputation. The name of the ancient house of Fingall lias been for centuries an ornament to the Catholic community in Ireland, and I am proud to remember that your and my ancestors were foremost, side by side, amongst the men who. in the earlier years of this century, struggled for and achieved the great measure for the enfranchisement of the Catholics of Ireland. Yes, and many others of your faith are here, and some of them will no doubt address this meeting. Catholics who do not recognise in the violent o o appeals of clerical agitators the true teachings of their religion, and who believe that the bast interests and the freedom of their Church are more secure in the keeping of the Imperial Assembly than they would be under any separate legislature which might bs set up in this country. Therefore, Catholic^ and Protestants of every denomination, we stand here to- night, shoulder to shoulder as loval Irishmen, to maintain unbroken and undiminished the po\ver and the greatness of the united Parliament of (Ireat Britain and Ireland. M\ lord, I shall not attempt in the brief space which I can claim of your time even to refer to all the many strong and cogent reasons set forth in this protest and declaration. Many of them have been already ably supported, and 1 know that other speakers will follow me specially qualified Im- personal knowledge and experience to deal with them. But there is one broad question which is sometimes ail dressed to us bv men in England and elsewhere who do not know the 9 real state of affairs and the present conditions of life in Ireland. They ask us what is the practical reason for the dread with which so many men of education and experience belonging to all classes and creeds, raid differing on most other political matters, shrink back in alarm from the mere proposal to establish a separate Parliament and a separate Executive in Ireland. They cannot understand why it was that when, six years ago, the Home Rule measure was brought forward with ample professions of an intention to safeguard in the new scheme all interests why it wa; that instantly capital started aside like a frightened horse ; that all Irish stocks and securities fell, that men of business were preparing to take away as quickly as they could, and at any cost and sacrifice, whatever property they could carry off from their own country ; and they ask us, with a sneer at an implied want of courage and patriotism on our part, why we so distrust those of our fellow-country- men who might be expected to form a majority in, and to control a modern Irish Parliament ? They seem to say- Have you really so bad an opinion of the original nature of Irishmen that they cannot be trusted to govern themselves? No, my lord, I have not that opinion of the original character and nature of my fellow-countrymen. But I do say that the course of events in the history of Ireland in by-gone time, and the course of events even in oar own time, have set up in Ireland such a condition of society, have created such unfortunate reciprocal relation? between the various classes and interests which go to make up the nation, as to render the Irish people of the present day the least suited, the least qualified, for the sober and safe exercise of the uncontrolled powers of a separate Parliament. Let me not be misunderstood. I am myself an Irishman Irish to the backbone and proud that 1 am. 1 never said I could not say either in public or private one word against the character of my fellow-countrymen. 1 know well t'le many generous and noble qualities of the race its valour, its brilliant abilities, and the other fascinating and delightful traits of its character. But consider for a moment what are the present conditions of Irish society with which an Irish Parliamjnt would have to deal a poor country I am speaking now mainly of Ireland outside of Ulster- poor, that is, as compared with its richer neighbours and competitors; an upper class whether of landowners or merchants small, comparatively in numbers, never wealthy, and latelv almost ruined ; yet retaining enough of property to make it still an object of envy to the less fortunate, an easy pre\ for the agitator to point to and mirk down for plunder ; and between the vast misses below and the few m^n of means above, an almost toM.1 absence of great middle class, which in England and other more favoured countries gives strength to the social fabric, gives ballast to the ship of State, and forms the true and sure 'oasis and support of self-government against the abuse of democratic power. It O O i is useless now to enter into the historic causes of these unfortunate social conditions. They are with us to-day and we must count with them. Steadily, if slowly, these evils are being lessened under a better and wiser system of govern- ment : yet it must take years before this baneful legacy of former times will disappear. But the sad events of our earlier history have worked more and deadlier mischief: they have infused into this unbalanced society the prejudices and the passions of old religious hatreds, not yet wholly subdued, and ever ready to burst forth again in frenzy aye, and old traditions of conquest and defeat and the lessons of race hatred and retaliation, lessons, alas ! as we have see." in our own time, too often taught witli fatal skill and burning elo [tience to men whose fierv natures can easily be influence.! by such appeals. These are the overwhelming influences, at least in the three southern provinces, in the constituencies bv which the Home Rule Parliament must be elected ; and 93 everyone who hears me knows that I have not in the least over-coloured the picture. What chance have any counsels of moderation or of educated political thought, any settled respect for law, of finding their way into the representative assembly ? Am I not entitled to ask our English critics would they like to have all their dearest interests handed over to the wild will of such a passionate untrained electorate as this ? And if this be the kind of constituencies by which a Home Rule Parliament must be returned, who and what manner of men are those who would inevitably be its leaders and its rulers, who would certainly form the " separate executive " which has been promised ? They would undoubtedly be the same m.-n who are now chosen (and naturally) by these constituencies. I do nor deny the elo mence and the ability which sonu of them often display, and sometimes use with advantage in the calmer atmosphere and under the authority of the Imperial Parliament. But what has been the record of their policy and of their action, at times even within the walls of the British House of Common-, and always when they had found themselves released from the controlling iniluence of the English common-sense and the Scorch prudence of their fellow- members ? I need not describe that policy and that a 'lion in any words of mine. It is enough for me to state what is a matter of history, that their policy, the'r action, their methods have been again and again condemned and denounced by the highest tribunal^ that could pass judgment upon them. Their policy has been denounced as a policy of dishonesty and injustice, and their public acts have been condemned as leading directly to public plunder and the cruel oppression of innocent men, and that denunciation and condemnation have proceeded from the highest authorities of all churches. Catholic and Protestant, from the highest judges borh in this country and in England ; aye. and by no others have they been so bitterly and solemnly condemned and denounced .as by the same statesmen \vho now propose to hand over to these very men the fortunes and the liberties of all the loval subjects of the Oueen in Ireland. I am addressing many here to-night who have had terrible experience not many years ago of how these men used their authority when they did to a great extent exercise an executive power, when, as they boasted, the law of the League had superseded the law of the land. Hearing in mind those awful times, which are branded into the memory and conscience of all who lived through them, 1 ask any fair-minded man to ans\ver what, in such a Parliament as I have described, under such an executive as that Parliament must surely provide what chance of safety would there be for the property, for the liberty, even for the lives of a scattered minority ? Of what avail would it bj in such an assembly to appeal for moderation, to plead for justice, or for mercy? It is all very well for Mr. (Gladstone when he desires to reconcile the English people to his great surrender, to lecture them in elo.jueut periods ho\v they must now wipe out the wrongs of centuries, committed bv England against Ireland, by handing over the destinies of our Country to such a Parliamjnt and such an executive as I have described. We. on the other hand, would dr.r.v a different lesson from the past, and we appeal to our fellow- subjects in England and Scotland, in whose justice and honour we have full confidence. We appeal to them not <>:ilv for own protection, but in the true interests of all the Irish people; and we ask them, are they prepared to shake off their responsibility for it was under the supremacy of their C.overnment that in former times these unhappy social and political conditions were produced I ask them, are they prepared, in order to get rid of the unpleasantness of facing and dealing with such difficulties, to hand over the interests of their loyal Irish fellow-subjects to immediate destruction, and the interests of all classes of Irishmen to ultimate and 95 speedy ruin? These, my lord, are some of the reasons and if they stood alone they would be reasons strong and sufficient why I heartily support that most true and weighty paragraph of our protest which declares that "while in the divided state of Irish society no party in Ireland can safely be entrusted with powers of government over other sections of the community, such a measure would hand over the rountry to the government of a party which has proved itself unworthy of the exercise of power by its systematic defiance of the law and disregard for the elementary principles of honesty, liberty, and justice.'' And now let us turn for one moment to the alternative policy which is set forth in the next paragraph of our resolution, which states that the Imperial Parliament is fully competent to maintain justice and equality, and to promote by wise enactments the welfare of the country. It is not, I think, necessary to argue long in support of that proposition ; it is enough to recal what the Imperial Parliament has actually been able to accomplish in the short space of the last six years. Cast your eyes backwards, and try tobehold again what was the condition of Ireland as you saw it at the commencement of that period- What was the state of social chaos into which the country had been allowed to lapse? The outrages, the boycotting, the open defiance in many- parts of Ireland of the authority of the Government : the seeming helplessness of the law to protect the personal liberty of any man who had made himself obnoxious to the leaders of the League. Remembering these things, does not the change seem magical which has been wrought in the space of only six years by the firm and fearless action of the Imperial Parliament ? The number of agrarian outrages has fallen from more than in 1886 to less than half that total in 1891. The number of boycotted persons stood at the terrible aggregate of nearly 5.000 in 1887, but that most cruel of all forms of oppression has been banished. On the 3ist of last March not one person was boycotted throughout the 9 6 whole country, while in the same period the number of evictions in each year has decreased by one-third. Viewing this happy and blessed change in the state of society, let me furtlier ask, at what cost of punishment to the malefactors has the authority of the law been restored and the liberty of the individual vindicated ? Four years ago it was found necessary to proclaim nineteen Irish Counties under the summary jurisdiction clauses of the Act of 1887. These proclamations have since been removed, as their existence became no longer necessary, and there is now onlv one County (Clare) proclaimed in that respect, while a> to actual punishment inflicted I heard my colleague (the Attorney-general) state last week in the House of Commons that four is now the total number of persons imprisoned under what we were told was the most cruel act of coercion ever imposed on any people ! ' coercion,'' as it was ridiculously called, " for ever and ever." My lord, it was the open boast of the Nationalist partv th.;t in order to enforce the necessity of the surrender to their demand of a separate Parliament for Ireland, they would make the Government of this country by the imperial Parliament impossible. This complete re-establishment of order this triumph of the law is the answer that can now be given. But we say further that the Imperial Parliament is able to secure, not onlv the personal liberty, but also the material prosperity of our people : we have seen that a> disorder was defeated, as lawlessness was put down, prosperity has returned, and has grown day by day: and, tried by that unfailing Us'., the confidence of the money market, we see Ireland has advanced and is advancing in the material well-being of all classes of the people. But the Imperial Parliament has in those six years done more. Great measures have been passed, greater in number, greater in magnitude, than have ever before been attempted bv any former Government for the permanent prosperity, the social regeneration, the abiding happiness of all classes and creeds of our countrymen aye. 97 and especially for alleviating the perennial poverty and mitigating the ever-recurring distress of the poorest and most afflicted parts of the island. Gentlemen, I know that as I speak of these great legislative achievements, which had often to be carried through in the teeth of relentless opposition in the House of Commons as I recall the wonderful improvement which you, coming from all parts of the southern provinces, have seen worked out. under your own daily observation, in the happiness and contentment of the people amongst whom you live, I know that there is a name that rises in your minds and to your lips a name that I daresay is whispered to-day with thankfulness and hope in many a poor peasant's cottage, in many a poor fisherman's hut, on the inhospitable, rocky coast by the wild waves of the Atlantic a name that certainly shall never hereafter be spoken in any assembly of loyal Irishmen with- out calling forth feelings of the most profound admiration, of the warmest gratitude need I utter the name of .Mr. Balfour ? But amongst the other many and signal services which Mr. Balfour has rendered to the State none other, I think, will be of more abiding value than the proof which, by his firm and fearless administration, he has given, that Ireland can be governed under the Impjrial Parliament in peace and freedom and happiness. PROFESSOR EDWARD DOWDEX, LL.l)., D.C.L., in supporting the resolution, said In criticising the Ulster Convention Mr. Morley made a singularly academic remark ; not one new argument, he said, was advanced against Home Rule. The men of Ulster did not assemble to enter on a discussion. Thev gathered together to declare their convictions, and to formulate their deter- mination as to a line of action. If they advanced no new arguments in words, they constituted in their own persons 9 8 an argument formidable enough, I believe, to shatter into fragments any scheme of Home Rule. Each of these t\velve thousand delegates was a living argument, the logic of which will prove in the end irresistible. In like manner we, representatives of the southern provinces, four thousand chosen delegates, with tens of thousands at. our backs, meet this evening, not so much to rehandle the Home Rule question in words as to declare that, having considered it during a course of years, our hostility to any Home Rule Parliament and any Home Rule executive is and will be undying. Six years have intensified our hatred to the very name of Home Rule, and our energies, no less than those of the men of Ulster, will be devoted to resist it, to subvert it, to destroy it. This, after \ve have considered all the issues, is our serious and solemn resolve. We prove this evening that if there be the Ulster difficulty, there is the Ulster difficulty and something more. If we are rogues and fools, we are at least, through our numbers, rogues and fools who must be reckoned with. We are rogues and fools who have built up much of the industrial prosperity of Ireland ; rogues and fools who have been workers in the world of intellect ; rogues and fools to whom religion in Ireland has O O been and is a serious concern. We are rogues and fools who have been loyal to the Constitution, obedient to the laws, friends and lovers of England, and. I will add, not the least faithful friends and lovers of this island of our birth. We seek for no ascendency : but we cannot be satisfied with subjection to those who have been proved disloyal conspirators, breakers of the law, and enemies to the empire. To our fellow-electors in England we say, " You must act upon the evidence before you ; " but as a portion of the evidence, here is a great bodv of opinion outside Ulster to add to the body of opinion presented already by the North. The task of establishing Home Rule, already proved by Ulster to be of the gravest danger, and the extremes! difficulty, will not be the easier because in every southern county of Ireland there are foodies of men not inconsiderable in numbers alive and 7-Y.iin a P7,ofo<;raj.?<] ' K>j KMtin, DiiUii,. I'HOKKSSOU KinVAKl) |K)\VI)KN, I.1..D., D.C.I.. awake and organized, who are ready to take part in defence of their freedom with their brethren of Ulster. What hope can there be that a measure which will rend 100 society in t \vain can bring peace and prosperity to our country? We appeal to every elector in Great Britain who has thought of supporting a Home Rule policy to reconsider his intention. Thousands of electors in Great Britain who voted in 1886 for Mr. Gladstone sincerely believed that he was conferring a boon upon a united Ireland. Can they believe so still ? We solemnly give them in our declaration a forecast of what we hold to be the inevitable results of a Home Rule measure. We made certain forecasts six years ago. Our opponents at the same time made certain forecasts. Which forecast has time confirmed? We declared that, with a firm administration of the law. order and prosperity would begin to flow back upon our distracted country. Our opponents declared that they would make the government of Ireland impossible. Which has proved the more trustworthy adviser ? We declared that the leaders of the Home Rule partv were men steeped in criminal conspiracy ; men who said one thing in Ireland and America and another thing in Scotland and England : men who accepted Mr. Gladstone's measure dishonestlv. as but an instalment to something beyond : men who had not the discretion or self-control which would qualify them to govern a country. Have not our assertions been justified by a solemn tribunal? Have they not been justified bv histor'c facts? And now when we give warning again warning of social disorder: a risk through the develo; ment of irresistible forces, even of that great calamity civil war : a grievous injury to the industrial and commercial prosperity of Ireland : a grave danger to the spirit of tolerance is not our warning worth some serious consideration? On the other hand, we can point to peace an 1 prosperity, in large measure alreadv attained through obedience to the la\v. and in conseiuence of those advantages which our countrv derives from the government of Ireland bv the restraining and fostering care of a united Parliament. And we sav. " Continue in the way which has led to prosperity and peace, and peace and prosperity will enlarge their borders." Is this the counsel of rogues and fools, or the counsel of men of common sense who love their country ? Choose a wild plunge into chaos, or a steadfast advance in the path of order. We have no doubt of the ultimate result. Let each of us be prepared to do, and, if need be, to suffer for our righteous cause. Our word to-night is " Forward,'' side by side, and shoulder by shoulder, with our brethren of the North, and let there be no pause in our advance, no falter- ing in our resistance, until the safety of Ireland and the integrity of the Empire be assured beyond dispute. Mr. W.M. DODUS (Tenant Farmer), of Durrow, said, after the exhaustive speeches that had been delivered to-night he would not be very long. He considered it an honour, a privilege, and a pleasure to take part in this meeting to-night, ff he was not an Irishman O O he had spent the best clays of his life in Ireland, for he had been for more than twenty-five years identified with her interests. Her welfare was his welfare, and with her lie stood or with her he fell. It was most encouraging, and it augured well for the success of their cause, to sec such an enormous assembly of delegates from Leinster, Minister, and Connaught, men of all creeds and denominations, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Roman Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, Independents, Unitarians, and others, and of all ranks and classes of society, landlords and tenant-farmers, professional gentlemen, merchants, artisans, and labourers, all laying aside their common differences, and uniting heart and hand to resist Home Rule, and to maintain the integrity of the Empire. That was a grand and noble purpose, for which they were assembled in their thousands to-night. They were determined to have no other government than the Imperial Parliament to rule over them. Home Rule would be a. bad thing for both England and Ireland. If Ireland was separated from England, and if England was ever sunk in any disasters or difficulties by reason of war, Ireland could be used as a landing place for a hostile army to invade the British coasts. The Duke of \Vellington, it had been >tated, never left any unguarded point in battle, and if Englishmen and Scotchmen were not bereft altogether of their patriotism, and even of their common sense, they would not leave unguarded this point in fact make this point for their enemies. It would be a bad day for Ireland, for it would enormously increase her taxes and cess. Mr. Michael Davitt said when the people of Ireland were purchasing their farms they should be aware not to give too much for them, for the time would come when the whole taxes would be laid upon the land. It would be a bad day for Ireland, because it would continue for many a long year one of Ireland's greatest needs, the want of capital, for who would invest their funds in Ireland under Home Rule when there would be no stability and security. England had what Ireland wanted, and they called upon the Imperial Parlia- ment to come to Ireland's aid and to endeavour to resuscitate those industries which had been so long neglected. In conclusion he had to express the hope that they would stand together, shoulder to shoulder and man to man, united in one great invincible phalanx, determined every man to do his duty, leaving it to the great Disposer of all events to crown their efforts with triumphant success. (The Chairman here introduced the Mayor of Dcrry, Mr. W. J. Hurst, J.P., and Mr. Frank Johnston, the members of the Ulster Deputation, who had spoken in Hall No. 2). The Rev. GEORGK SALMON, D.I)., Provost of Trinity College, Dublin, said As the hour is getting late, and I think the meeting have had as much oratory as they want, they will therefore excuse me if I content myself with expressing my sympathy with the objects of the meeting. The Chairman then put the resolution to the meet- ing 'That this Convention hereby adopts the declaration no\v read, and earnestly appeals to the electors of the United 104 Kingdom to give effect to its objects and policy by supporting with their votes the maintenance of the Legislative Union in its integrity, and the preservation to the people of Ireland of equality of rights and piivileges \\iththepeopleofEnglandand Scotland as fellow-citizens of the United Kingdom." The resolution was carried with cheers. The Chairn r.n s.iitl I will now call on the Mayor of Belfast." A Voice "The Lord Mavor." I0 5 The Right Hon. DANIEL Dixox, the Lord Mayor of Belfast, said My Lord Fingall, my lords and gentlemen, coming from Ulster wo arc delighted to see such a large and enthusiastic gathering of the Unionists of the other provinces of Ireland. We are commissioned by our great Ulster Conven'.ion of the jyth inst. to bring you a message io6 of sympathy and good-will, and I can assure you there was no resolution passed with more enthusiasm than the one which I have the honour of presenting to you, and which reads as follows : " That \vc extend to our brother Unionists in the other provinces of Ireland the assurance of our profound sympathy, recognizing their position as even more critical than our o\vn, and declare our determination to make common cause with them in resisting any attempt to deprive them of the liberty and security which they now enjoy under the Union with Great Britain." Besides being passed at the great Convention, this resolution was also enthusiastically confirmed at open- air meetings held immediately afterwards, presided over by myself, the Mayor of Londonderry, and Mr. Johnston. both of whom accompany me on this deputation, and at those meetings it was estimated that there were 100,000 persons present; and we can assure you that the Unionists of the North will never be parties to the severance of Ireland from Great Britain. Mr. ADAM DTITIX. who met with a coidial welcome, said the Lord Mayor of Belfast had shown that he was not a man who made long speeches. They did not think the worse of him in Belfast because he was a man of action rather than of words. The message which they had to convey from the great Ulster Convention of the i;th, had just been read bv iiis lordship. Our first duty is to thank this meeting for the warm reception thev have given us to night, and to thank them also for the opportunity they have given us of standing here side by side with the Loyalists of the other province^ io 7 of Ireland, and of telling you in the name, and with the authority, of our great gathering on last Friday that we regard your cause as our cause, that we hold your rights and your interests as dear, and will maintain and guard them as jealously as our own. I desire lo assure you, that assembled as we were as a Convention of Ulstcrmen only we did so in no narrow provincial spirit, and with no idea of separating for one moment or putting forward the claims or interests io8 of Ulster as in any way distinct from those of the rest of Ireland, but we did feel that we could muster our own forces more effectively in our city of Helfast, to which of course we had no right to summon you from South and East and West, and we believed that the voice of Ulster would make itself heard more sharply and distinctly in the constituencies of Great liritain if we spoke in the first instance alone. And, gentlemen, if we met and spoke as Ulstermen, we did not forget, and I trust we never shall forget, that we are Irishmen first of all, and although the cause of the Union is, no doubt, to some extent, specially the cause of Protestant Ulster, we regard it at the same lime as the cause of Ireland ;ill round, and it was that conviction that gave us a confidence and determination in maintaining it that we could not otherwise have had. Gentlemen, proposals have been made from time to time, and may possibly be renewed by some of those tinkers of constitutions to separate the Government and the political life of Ulster, or a part of Ulster, from the rest of Ireland. We ask you to believe that from whatever ([iiarter these suggestions come they take no inspiration from us. 1 have never heard .vuch a suggestion made in Ulster that was not set aside at once as unworthy even of a moment's consideration, and although for that vcrv reason we have no express mandate to speak to you from our Convention on that subject, still I sav without hesitation, with the knowledge I have of the men who formed that Convention, that if ever such a proposal is made to them they will reject it with indignation and with scorn ; first, because any scheme of the kind would be impracticable and absurd ; but 1 trust we shall also reject it, because it would be unpatriotic and unjust. Unjust, craelly unjust : above all to those scattered Lovalists through the rest of Ireland who have boldly held up the ilagof the Union under dangers and trials ot which we in I. Ister had no experience, and unjust also if for no other reason than this we say it would 109 be as unfair to submit the Catholic minority of Ulster to the rule of the Protestant majority, whom they have learned, unhappily, to regard with jealousy and mistrust, a> it would be to submit us to the domination of a Parliament in which there would be an overwhelming majority of Nationalists, to whom we have been so bitterly opposed. It ha; been said by- those who wish to make the least of oar great Loyalist demonstration that it was a cleverly engineered piece of electioneering manoeuvre, a successful theatrical display. Nothing could be further from the truth. We Ulster people do not deal in shams. The position we have taken up and defined in the resolutions of our Convention was not adopted without much anxious deliberation and searching of heart. It was the solemn, spontaneous, earnest utterance of senti- ments and convictions wlv'ch are deep-rooted in the hearts of all classes of our people. Well, we may have been somewhat slow of utterance, for we found it hard to believe even in the possibility of our being treated with such injustice at the hands of the Parliament of Great Britain, but we have spoken out. We hope we may have made our meaning understood. and you may depend upon it we shall stick to what we say. I would like to mike some reference to a speech made by Mr. Gladstone. Gentlemen, time was, and not so long ago. only a few short years, when we who were once followers of Mr. Gladstone, as I was, would have been indignant indeed to hear these sounds of execration with which you have treated his name. If now it brings a blush to our cheek it is not on our account, but upon his our former leader, oive the mist eloquent advocate of the cause he has deserted and betrayed. He has brought charges against us of having fallen away from the position of tolerance and liberalitv which he so much admired in our ancestors of one hundred vears ago who swelled the ranks of the Belfast Volunteers. We claim to understand what was the positic-n of these men as well as lie does, and we are prepared to maintain th it the cause for which they spoke is the same cause which we Unionists maintain to-day the old cause of civil and religious liberty, and we assert that if they lived in our times, with our experience of what the Parliament of the United Kingdom has been found ready and willing to do, these men would be found standing where we stand to-day. We do deeply regret our separation from so large a part of our Irish people, but ve are satisfied that in opposing them as \ve have done we have set our feet on the path of duty, and it is the dearest wish of our heart that the day may come when our Nationalist fellow-countrymen, all that is best amongst them, may fling away the leaders by whom they have been misguided and misled, may awake from dreaming of the unhappy past, and descend to the common sense level of the present, and abandon these unreal schemes of separate nationality which divide, and if persisted in, must ever hopelessly divide us Irishmen ; and if they do. thev will find us ready to join them heart in hand under the broad banner of the Union, in working for the sol.'d advancement, and the true freedom of our countrv. Mr. H. de F. MONTI, ;>MF.KY. P. L. I did not come here to make a speech, but to help to deliver a message. I think that message has been well delivered by Mr. Puffin. If any Southern brother Unionist lias hitherto imagined that our opposition to Home Rule meant sitting still while the yoke of a Healyite Parliament \vas being firmly strapped on to your necks and then saving ourselves from the coi^equences by setting up a little Home Rule shop of our own, 1 trust he has now dismissed that idea. The least inconsistent of our opponents Mr. J. Morley very honestly told his supporters a day or two ago that there were great difficulties in the way <>f Home Rule. I believe we. Ulster Unionists, are one of I he greatest difficulties. We mean to be a difficult}- that < annot be got over. ( )ur opponents have now left off calling us a despicable minority we no longer hear that a few score 1 1 1 of constables will send us to the right-about, or a few pinches of the dust of ridicule dissipate the Ulster Convention. We are now told that we are a powerful body, well able to take /,-.>, ,l l'hnt.,.,,-,1,,1, /.'!/ Ki __ Ml!. II. 1>K !'. MONTCOMKKY, D.I.. rare of ourselves. I believe we are able to take rare of our- selves, and I trust we shall also be able to help you to take rare of yourselves. In the part of Ulster I come from the regions about Enniskillen we took care of ourselves once before with some success, and we have our own traditions about how to do it. We in Ulster shall take the liberty of choosing our own way to take care of ourselves, and our own time to set about it. Some well known words were once used on behalf of that little band known to history as ' the Enniskillen men." from one of whom I have the honour to be descended. T think these words correctly express the present position of the whole body of Ulster Unionists. ' : We stand upon our guard, and do resolve, by the blessing of God, rather to meet our danger than expect it." Mr. AY. J. DoLoi"<;nA\ (tenant-farmer, Coolsallagh, Dromore, County Down), said 'My lords and gentlemen, I had little time to get my ideas put into presentable shape, but I fully endorse all that has been so eloquently said by those members of the deputation who have preceded me. AVe feel intensely interested in the posi- tion of the Unionists of Leinster, Munster. and Connaught, and we herebv convey to you the heartfelt sympathy and support of your Ulster brethren. You are surrounded by those who have added the word "boycott "' to the English language ; who have done deeds that compel Irishmen to conceal their nationality in every part of Christendom. Methods of political warfare have been sanctioned by the leaders of the would-be rulers of Ireland brutal enough to make the blood run cold in the veins of a savage. It is very hard to keep untainted amidst such an atmosphere. Pope has written ' Vice is a monster of so frightful mien. That to be hated needs but to be seen ; Yet seen too oft. familiar with her face, AN e lirst endure, then pity, then embrace/' Your difficulties have been great, and your temptation- strong, yet you have borne a manful part through them all The unkindest cut, however, is the proposition to place those men over you as rulers, to dispense justice, and to direct the destinies of this country, who during the past five years have done their little best to destroy Ireland. At the South MI:. \v. j. Doi.or<;ii i N. Molton election campaign, not long since, 1 heard a rhara ter given by a Gladstonian speaker of the majority of the Irish people that burned itself on my memorv. He said they were nothing better than the Reel Indians of a America. Is this a qualification for self-government? I tried as best I could to show the untruthfulness of that description, and, in doing so, spoke of those Irishmen who were my o\vn familiar friends. A very few years since Irish farmers got bv the Arrears of Rent Act t\vo millions of money from the Irish Church surplus to place them on straight footing. Their methods of fanning, however, in the Nationalist districts are of so primitive a character th;it even this could not keep them from ruin. Mr. T. I). Sullivan also took part in the same electoral contest, and he never once gave a definition of the local government which the Iri>h Nationalists want, in conformitv with that defined bv Mr. Timothy Healv a constitution which will allow Ireland to assume Nationalist proportions, and i- thank God (said Mr. Healy) she will assume those proportions." Such talk is a trifle bf.mbastical. Fancy building a nation with gutter sparrows, or rearing a Government of any security with the men who one day, in this very building. 1 believe, pledged themselves to stick by the man who brought them out of obscurity and led them Lo such positions as thev occupy, and a few days afterwards turned 0:1 him with all their native ferocity, and hounded him to his grave Sarelv such gentry would make a great nation ! I defy any Nationalist to point to a single place on earth where such material ever accomplished a praiseworlhv project. All Mr. Sullivan did was to plead in the pathetic tones of his most mournful poetry for justice to the pour downtrodden Irish people. He never once mentioned a single injustice that an Irish 1'arliament could re< tify better than the Imperial Legislature. He did not tell the South Mohijn electors that his countrv the best adapted lor dairv produc e in the world had allowed itself to be so handicapped by Danish and Normandv tanners that the word flung in one's teeth in the Lnnlish market is. No Irish need apply. '' What industry, except the manufa< lure of illiterate voters, lias any "5 Nationalist leader assisted to construct ? Would it not be more truthful and manly for them to say that the struggle for survival of the fittest was so tough that a vast mass of Irishmen, partly by clerical compulsion, partly by successful agitating parasites, and partly from other causes, were being driven to the wall. Downright straightforwardness is com- mendable, and could not the Nationalist representative even temporarily try his hand at honesty as a new occupation ? ( it that almost, as by magic, has drawn into one great < oalition men of all creeds and classes, from all parts of our < ommon countrv. and banded them together in one magnificent army of defence ? It is this and I wish it to peal forth from this meeting to-night as with the crash and voice of thunder it is the deadlv peril which hangs over Ireland. We believe that Home Rule means the rule of Ireland by the men of the National League. What that League was in the past we know only too well. It is a league which, by its organised crueltv. invented bovcottin' r . fastened down the yoke of the Plan of Campaign, murdered its most obnoxious opponents, maimed cattle, and established a reign of terror in this island, which, as Mr. Lecky, the historian, truthfully said, was without a parallel even in Russia or the wor>t JYom KKV. SAMUKL I'KK.NTKR. M.A. provinces of Turkey. For six years Mr. Gladstone has been coquetting with that league ; he has condoned its crimes, denounced all men from the Tope down, who ventured to> condemn them, and, above all, he and his party did their very 126 utmost to thwart the great statesman, Mr. Balfour who by his genius struck the destructive weapons from their hands, and had the courage to declare that Ireland must in future be governed not by force, nor by terror, but by justice and righteousness and truth. And what are the aims of the Gladstonian party now? Simply to hand Ireland over to the men of the National League. That is to say, simply to make them the fountain of power, of justice, and of civil order the legislators, the administrators, the judges, and the tax gatherers of this country. It is the presence of this danger that has brought us together. North and South, and it is the pros- pect of the wees which the Gladstonian policy too certainly forecast that unites you and me here to-night. Mr. Glad- stone has made Irishmen politicians in a sense that he never intended, and he has united Irishmen in one great confederacy for a purpose precisely the reverse to that which he sought. We are here to-night to clasp hands as Irishmen on the eve of a fierce battle. We. the Li;ioni-4s of Ireland, North and South, clasp hands in a solemn league and covenant that we shall be one. The Nationalists are divided, and at war with one another. We are the true united Irishmen ; shoulder to shoulder we stand together : one love binds us, and that is pure love of motherland : one hope animates us. and that is the hope of a preserved and regenerated country in tlu generation that is to come : and one fjjlii makes us strong either to stiller or to dare, and that is the fahh that ours is the cause of h'bertv, of light, of prosperity, of union, and of the fear cf God. Here!, '-night the four provinces of Ireland meet together thn nigh their accredited representatives. Lister is here to promise that she will execute her determination so clearlv expressed on l-'riday last in her splendid Convention. What \va- that determination? I I ere it is couched in burning words bv Mr. Thomas Sinclair, who in this particular is the true spokesman of the tens of thousands of Lister's veomanrv 127 " We will have nothing to do with a Dublin Parliament. If it be ever set up \ve shall simply ignore its existence. Its acts will be but as waste paper. Its police will find our barracks preoccupied with our own constabulary. Its judges will sit in empty courthouses. The early efforts of its executive will be spent in devising means to deal \\ith a passive resistance to its taxation, coextensive with loyalist Ulster." Ulster comes IK.TC to tell us that this policy she will stubbornly and persistently carry out. But that very policy carries responsibilities towards the loyalist minority in the other provinces which cannot be ignored. Ulster has taken up that position, and she is well justified in doing it. Hut if the civil and religious libertv of Ulster is in danger from Home Rule, how much greater is the danger to the Unionists of the South and West ? Nay, the very refusal of Ulster to enter a Home Rule Parliament intensifies the dangers of the whole situation a hundred-fold. The sturdy force of the Ulster representatives would not be present as a moderating force in the Legislature or Administration. Then the genius of the National League, which trampled under its feet human hearts before, would, without let or hindrance, stamp out all opposition, and in one generation the light of civil and religious liberty would be utterly extinguished in three provinces. Here, therefore, are the delegates of these provinces to-night to clasp the hand which Ulster stretches across the l>oync, and to unite in one National confederation for the defence of libertv, for the defeat of the enemies of our countrv, and for the promotion both of material and religious prosperity. There may be, and perhaps there are. evil days before us. The forces of anarchv may \v;;i a tem- porary triumph. Clod knows. Manv of us mav perish in the storm which alreadv frowns upon the hori.:'>n. IV it so. We shall make no compact with the \\icked nun who are now so amiably presenting the world with coloured photographs 123 of one another. We shall not touch the hand which is stained with the blood of Irishmen and Irishwomen. We shall have nothing to do with the heroes who gloat over the agonies of the dumb creatures of the field. We shall render them no obedience, as we recognise in them no authority. It is true we are what an ex-Lord Lieutenant calls us a despicable minority. But it is a thousand times better to be in a minority in the right than in a majority in the wrong. We arc weak in numbers, so were the early Christians in Jerusalem. who counted only one hundred and twenty against the world. So was the great Xieene Lather, of whom it was said, " Athanasius centra mundntn : So is England herself in a minority in India, and in a despicable minority in presence of the armed Empires of Europe. God protects minorities when they are in the right, anil when with mamr spirits they cling to the right. Let the worst come, we can but die. True, we want to live, and t< live for the land that gave us birth. We want to work f<.r her welfare, and gather around her the sympathies and the help of the world. We want at last to sleep peacefully under her green sward, and to transmit to our children the liberties, civil and sacred, which we have inherited. The resolution was carried unanimously amid loiu! cheers. The Lord Mayor of Belfast briefly thanked t he- Convention for the resolution, and apologised for the absence of Viscount Tcmplctown, who was attending a great meeting of Unionists in Edinburgh. o o o Sir Thomas Butler, Bart., having moved Mr. John R. \Yigham into the second chair. Mil. WIGHAM said I would like to make an obser- vation respecting this great gathering, the greatest perhaps ever seen in this city, and to compare it with the historic demonstration of 1887, to which I have already referred. 129 Having had the privilege of viewing both meetings from this chair I have come to the conclusion that this meeting is the more momentous, and more likely, under the Divine blessing, to influence beneficially the destinies of this country. The attendance is as large there are as many thousand people to-night crushed into these premises. On our platform to-night as on that occasion, there are men of station, wealth, and culture, leaders in the learned professions, some of the highest and brightest intellects among us, and above all a preponderance of thct staunch mercantile class which has a real stake in the country, and is not easily led astray by spurious patriotism, and the vapourings of professional agitators. But this meeting is not an ordinary public meeting, open to all whom curiosity or any other motive might induce to attend. This great gathering of all creeds and classes is a Convention, and every person present is delegated to represent not only himself but the political faith of those who sent him. They come from all parts of the three southern provinces of Ireland, sent to testify by their presence here that there is in these districts a deeply-rooted determination to oppose- to the very uttermost any measure which may in the slightest degree tend to the disintegration of the Kingdom. Our friends everywhere may feel assured that if this Convention, following the grand demonstrations in the City of Belfast, does not convince the English people that any tampering with the Union is dangerous, and cannot and must not be attempted, it is because they are unwilling to open their minds to conviction, and desire to listen to one man rather than to the voice of the one million and a half of educated Irish people who absolutely refuse to be robbed of their birth- right as citi/ens of the British Empire. The Hon. HOR.VCK PI.UXKF.TT, Dunsany Castle, County Meath, said Mr. Chairman, my lords and gentlemen, a task which would at any time have been a pleasure namely, that of proposing a vote of thanks to the Earl of Fingall for his conduct in the chair is rendered doublv grateful bv the manner in which he has discharged From a J his duties. An intimate knowledge of his character prevents my wounding him in his tenderest spot that unassuming modesty which lias ever been the leading 13* characteristic of his family. Lord Fingall's public appear- ances have been fe\v heretofore. But T am sure I speak the mind of this meeting when I say that those who have heard his opening address to-day will feel that he has qualified himself as a representative man one to whom his country will look to take his part in the great crisis through which we have to pass. Those who called upon him as the premier Catholic of Ireland to come and preside over this great gathering had little to guide them as to how lie was likely to perform his duty beyond his reputation as a good landlord, a model country gentleman, and no small indication of fitness for his task to-night, a popular and courteous master who \vent straight with hounds. I am sure none of us failed to admire the manner in which he went straight to-night. Without hurting the feelings of one of the vast majority of us who differ from him in religion, he manfully upheld the dignity of his faith, and whilst preserving both religious and political independence, he sho\ved that a Catholic could be as good a Unionist as any man amongst us. Lord Fingall is not only consistent to himself, but he is true to the traditions of his ancestors. Writing at the end of 1798, in the last days of the last Irish Parliament. Lord Cormvallis, the Viceroy, gives us this remarkable picture of the attitude towards the LTnion of the great grandfather of the present Earl " I rather think we shall carry the point of the Union of this countrv without verv great difficulty. The Catholics are for it, and the principal persons amongst them, such as Lord Fingall, Lord Kenmare. Dr. Troy, Titular Archbishop of Dublin, say that they do not wish the question of Catholics being admitted into representa- tion to be agitated at this time, as it would render the whole measure more difficult. They do not think the Irish Parliament capable of entering into a cool and dispassionate consideration of their case, and that they trust that the United Parliament will at a proper time allow them every privilege that may be consistent with the Protestant Establishment." History has almost repeated itself, but not quite. Lord Fingall is with us in person, and Lord Ken mare in sympathy. Would that the picture were complete, and that another prominent Catholic to whom the mantle of Dr. Troy had descended were now on this platform, by the side of Lord Fingall, solemnly warning his co-religion- ists against the danger to which their spiritual and material welfare would be subjected by the heat and passion oi an Irish Parliament. At this late hour I cannot ask you to listen to a speech of any length, but I must ask your indulgence for a few minutes while I refer to one or two other points in Lord Fingall's address. We cannot repeat too often the necessity for organixation of our forces and do not let us neglect to make use of this great opportunity to set in motion the machinery by which the union of the Unionists (to use his expression) can be maintained, not as a mere abstraction, but as a force in politics. Our course is plain. Let us strengthen and support the Irish Unionist Alliance, which has shown its efficiency by the way in which it has enabled the hitherto disorganised Smith of Ireland Unionists to make as authoritative announcement as has ever been made by a political party. Lastly, let us not regard this great Convention (which Lord Fingall rightly described as a duty better done late than never done at all) as the be all and end all of our resistance to Home Rule. Another duty will be upon us in the immediate future the duty of reaffirming our protest in the great constitutional battle of the polls. And when that battle is over and the excitement of the crisis dies away, when we have gained, as please (iod we shall, some portion of the representation which is our lawful due, let us still hold together, and take some part as a strong and growing party in the government of the United Kingdom. Above all, in our strength let us forget the past, and remember that our main object is to satiVfv no sectarian or 33 partisan cravings, but to promote the material and industrial welfare of our beloved country. SIR HKNRY G RATTAN BEI.I.EW, Bart., Mount Bellow, Mount Bellew Bridge, Co. Gahvay, in seconding the resolu- tion, said It is with a double pleasure that 1 second this motion ; in the first place, for the political importance Avhich attaches to the action of our noble chair. nan, and in the second place for the service he has rendered to us Catholic Unionists of Ireland in the effort he has made to dispel the libellous notion which largely prevails that the Catholic leligion in Ireland has become subservient to politics. In many parts of England the name of Irish Catholic is synonymous with Nationalist Home Ruler. We loyal Catholics of Ireland are envious of the Protestant inhabi- tants of the North, who have up to this apparently got the credit of being the only loyal men in Ireland. 1 speak not as a landlord, but as a delegate from the West of Ireland, and I see before me my brother delegates, mostly Catholics and comprising farmers, who live by farming only. If Mr. Gladstone only knew a little about Ireland he would have included in his list of rogues and fools vast numbers of Catholic- from the .South. East, and West of Ireland, who are firmly determined to maintain the Union, and to win for Ireland her permanent and proper place in the British Empire an Empire largely von on manv a hard-fought field by the bravery of Irish soldiers, and often saved by Irish genius, and of which Empire as Irishmen we are justly proud. Mr. Wigham put the resolution to the meeting, and declared it carried by acclamation. The EARL OF FIX<;AI.L. in returning thanks, said Mr. Chairman, my Lord Mayor, ladies and gentlemen, at this verv late hour of the evening, il I am to keep up to the reputation which you have given to me in that song you have sung of being "A jolly good fellow," I must merely thank you as shortly as I can for the vote of thanks which has been proposed, seconded, and passed to me : and I will make way for what is. and what I hope, trust, and believe ahvays will be, our National Anthem, " Cod save the Queen." The proceedings then concluded with the singing of the National Anthem, in which the whole audience joined with enthusiasm. H E P It T <>;' PROCEEDINGS IX MALI, No. 2. L'liah man : MR. THOMAS PLUNKET CAIRNES, J.P. Dirc.torofthc Bunkof Ircl.-.nd, DircctjroftlieCrejt Northern KailiL'ay, e' R E P K T or PROCEEDINGS IX HALL No. -2. Chairman ItlR. THOMAS 1'i.r.VKKT CAIKXKS, .1.1'., .-oj'iht! liiitefo:e the opening of the proceedings the delegates occupied themselves by singing "God save the Queen" and other patriotic songs, and by cheering for the foremost champion of the Unionist cause. Amongst those present on the platform were The Earl de Montalt and the Ladies Maude, the Eirl of I) jnoughmore. Lord Crofton. Lord Casrletown, the Solicitor- General, Sir Richard .Martin. Hart. : Sir Edward Sullivan, Bart.; Messrs. T. P. Cairnes. J.I'.; G. V. Brooke, D.I..; |. Talbot-Power. D.I..; \V. E. C.tklbeck, J.P. ; < 'jlonel Donaldson; Mr. William Findlater, j p., D.I..; Rev. Dr. Evans; Mr. J. Malcolm Inglis, J.P. ; Mr. Maurice Djckrell. J.P. ; Sir Henry Cochrane, D.I,. : .Messrs. T. ( '. Frank?. \Y. G. ( 'o\. |. Forbes Maguire, E. J Phillip;, Thomas Pirn, un., J p.: \Y.n. Kenny, o ( . : Valentine Ball. D. I.. ; R. \\". Shekleton. <, c. ; Piers White, (j.c. ; Alex. Kennedy ; Alderman Robert Sexton, J.P. ; Sir John Hanks, M.D. ; Sir George Porter, B.irt.. D.I,. : M ". \Ym. Paisley, M r. Lloyd Yaughan, D.L. ; Hon. C. Trench: Messrs. G. Pollexfen. J.P. ; K. F. Brooke, \\'. J. Siewart : Captain E. Stewart, and Messis. E. II. Tallow, C. G. Tatlow. \\ . Roberts. J. G. Nu.ting, X. Hammond, Stephen Moore, D.I.. ; Percy La Touch e, D.L. Punctually at half-past seven o'clock, p.m - Mr. T. C'. FRANK-, President of the Incorporated Law Societv of Ireland, said Gentlemen. I cannot sa\ how pleased I am to see such a githering here this evening, and our only regret is that our space did not admit of double, .aye treble the numbers, so that the committee could have ace xnmodated some more of the numerous applicants for admission. The committee have done their utmost accord- ing to the space at their command, and with the most untiring energy have, I think, succeeded most satisfactorily in accommodating delegates from every part of the three MK. T. C. KKANKS. provinces, and making it in every respect a most represen- tative meeting of all classes. Such a gathering as this shows. I think, that the representatives of unionism in this country are up and stirring, and, I trust, is a good augury that iu> 142 individual efforts may be spared at the approaching election. It is not sufficient that a fe\v should exert themselves, but every man should do his own part at such a time as tin's, and every Unionist elector should record his vote at the coming election, and while I regret to say too much apathy lias been r>hown on our side in past elections. I sincerely trust there may be a;>ne in this. I have now. gentlemen, to propose that Mr. T. 1'lunket Cairnes do take the chair. The motion was briefly seconded by Alderman Sir Henry Cochrane, D.L. Mr. THOMAS PLTNKF.T CAIRNIX J.P..* Director and ex-(iovernor of the Bank of Ireland, Director of the fiivat Northern Railway, having taken the chair, said We are assembled here this evening on no ordinary occasion. We meet to discuss no ordinary political question. We are assembled at what must be regarded as a <.ri>is in the historv of our country, to express the opinion of loyal Unionists on the great constitutional question that transcends all others in its momentous importance to us Irishmen the question of the supremacy of the Imperial Parliament the maintenance of the Union- to record our solemn protest against Home Rule. Nor is this assembly an ordinarv political gathering taken at random from the public at large reflecting indis- tinctlv the passing opinion of the day. On the contrary, it is thoroughly representative, composed entirely of delegates selected for this very purpose by Unionist electors through- out the three southern provinces, representing every (lass and creed, and varied interest in the community, but all thoroughlv united in their unwavering attachment to the Union and their loyalty to the Crown. It is not unfitting that I should at the outset remind you of this that I should endeavour to impress on even' individual member ol this vast a'atheriiiLf the resnonsibilitv under which he is acting. '43 But six years have elapsed since the country pronounced in a very decided way on this issue pronounced its fixed determination that the Union should be maintained. Everything that has since occurred has been calculated t ) deepen and confirm that determination ; and now that ALDF.HM.VN Sill HtNKY COCHKANK, !>. 1. I-Yoiii (I J'/idfr../.-!!].;.] [/>'y ', i-wt-r, />ril,fiii. this issue is once more to be raised, may we not reason- ably anticipate that the country will return the same verdict, and return it in a manner that will prove decisive and final? And now, in comparing the present political 144 situation with that which existed when this issue was last raised, there are two points to which I would direct your attention first, that the issue to he decided remains- practically unchanged, and, second, that the relative posi- tion of the two parties concerned has become completely reversed. First, the issue remains practically unchanged No doubt there have been many changes in the form in which that issue has been stated from time to time, many widely different versions of what is to be understood by Home Rule ; but all these, however they may vary, have this objectionable feature in common, that they all propose to interfere with the supreme authority of the Imperial Parliament, all involve legislation that will weaken, if not break, the bond that unites this country to Great Britain. While the Parnellite section avow that they still demand all that was included in the bill of 1886, and some- thing more, the Federationists and Gladstonians try to make their demands appear as moderate as they can. They profess that they merely ask that " Irishmen should be allowed to manage Irish affairs " a very plausible phrase but when you come to define what it means, you find that "Irishmen'' means Irish Nationalists, to the exclusion of all who differ from them while Irish affairs include every question in which Irish Nationalists desire to meddle, no matter ho\v deep an interest Englishmen or Scotchmen may have in them too. They indeed show much ingenuity in disguising the real issue and confusing the question and in endeavouring t<> show that they contemplate no revolutionary measures ; but describe it as they will, and disguise it as they may, the question still involves the maintenance of the Union the supremacy of the Imperial Parliament. To parody the well- known lines of Moore They may twist, the\ may obscure the cause as they will, But the taint of disloyalty clings to it still disloyalty to the Constitution, closely allied with which is 145 disloyalty to the Crown. I prefer to judge these gentlemen by their acts rather than their professions, and the manner in which they have received every measure introduced by the present Government for the benefit of this country shows conclusively that what they want is not free and equal laws, not liberal measures or local government, but to be placed in such a position that they can impose their will on all who differ from them. Secondly, while the issuj between us remains the same, the relative positions of the two parties has been completely reversed. In 1886 the Nationalist party presented an apparently united and unbroken front, highly organized, well disciplined, and acting with perfect unanimity under the control of one leading spirit, bound by a formal engagement to sit and act and vote together. We do not forget the weight Mr. Gladstone attached to the unanimous demand of 86 representatives : how he made it a pretext for recanting all his former opinions, proving false to nil the traditions of his previous career. Happily he can do so no longer. This apparent unanimity has proved to be unreal: this formidable phalanx has been broken up into innumerable sections, no two of which are agreed as to the nature or form of their demands, and which are animated with the bitterest hostility towards each other, while their Glatlstonian allies are obliged to take refuge' in the vaguest generalities, and to resist every attempt to elicit their real opinions. If we now turn to the Unionists, we shall see how completely their position, too, has been altered in an opposite direction. In 1886 the Unionist panv could hardly be said to exist. The Conservatives, stunned by the panic caused by Mr. Gladstone's sudden apostacy uncertain what course might be adopted by the other Liberal leaders, were thoroughly disheartened. Xo\v all this is changed. The Liberal Unionists, acting in a manner that cannot be too highly praised disregarded their personal interests, broke with their apostate leader, and adhered to their principles. A^six K i 4 6 years' experience has drawn the t\vo sections of the party closely together, inspired them with mutual confidence, and shown that they can act cordially together, and can pass measures of the first importance for the benefit of this country and of Great Britain in the face of the bitterest opposition. In short while one party has become disorganised and discredited torn into contending factions the other has become consolidated and strengthened, and shown that it can conduct most ably the affairs of this great Kmpire. Xow, to what conclusion do all these considerations point? If the issue at stake remains the same, and we are now better informed as to the nature and extent of the danger we have to face ; if the Nationalists have been disorganised and discredited; and have demonstrated by their own conduct their utter unfitness for the position they would assume ; if, on the other hand, the Unionist party, consolidated and strengthened, have shown that they can act together cordiallv, and that the government of Ireland by an Imperial Parliament is possible do not all these considerations point in one direction namely, in inducing us to support the present Government in encouraging us to persist with increased determination and increased confidence in our opposition to " Home Rule." And now I would say a word on the immediate object in view in holding this Convention. It has been held mainly to dispel misapprehension on two points ist. That the opposition to Home Rule is confined t:> Ulster: 2nd. That the landlords alone are concerned in it. The voice of this meeting, spontaneously assembled from every part of the three southern provinces, composed as it is of men of all creeds and classes and sections of the communitv. must remove such a misappre- hension from any reasonable mind. Let that voice be heard in clear ami decisive tones, and let it tell the English electorate that there is in the southern provinces, as well as Ulster, a body of loyal men. who, warmly sympathising with Ulster in M7 this matter, have thoroughly made up their minds 0:1 this sub- ject, and are determined to make their voices heard. A declara- tion has, as you are aware, been drawn up, setting forth ia plain, sober, but most decisive terms what I may describe as the political creed of Unionists at this juncture. This will now be read and submitted for your adoption. It is not necessary that I should enter further into the doctrines it enunciates. They will be fully dealt with by succeeding speakers; but this, I would say, before I sit down, wkh all the emphasis in my power let us, acting under a sense of the responsibility imposed upon us at this time, give a clear and unanimous response in favour of this declaration. Let us say, without threat or menace, but with calm and fixed resolve, that we will oppose to the utmost of our power, by every constitutional, by every legitimate means, any measure of Home Rule, however plausible and however specious, that would impair in any degree the supreme authority of the Imperial Parliament, which we regard as the only adequate safeguard of our civil and religious liberty any measure, call it what you may, that would tend to weaken or loosen the bond that unites this country to Great Britain. Mr. W. G. Cox, Secretary, said they had received that afternoon up to a hundred, perhaps more than a hundred, telegrams of sympathy from Unionists in every part of Great Britain. It would almost take the time accorded to the whole meeting to read these messages, but they had received three letters that the Committee thought ought to be read. One was from the Duke of Devonshire, another was from Mr. Lecky, the historian, and the third was from Professor Tyndall. Mr. Cox then read the letters, the salient passages in which were loudly applauded by the audience.* * TUt tu'xt of the letters ir il toll-gram.-? ;uv given hi Appendices. i 4 S MR. MAURICE E. DOCKRELL. J.P., then read the "following Declaration : \\e, Irishmen, belonging to the three Southern Provinces, being of all creeds and classes, representing many separate inteiests, and sharing a common desire for the honour and welfare of our countiy. hereby declare our ur.s\ver\ ing allegiance to the Throne and Constituiion. and oar unalterable determina- tion to uphold the Legislative Union between Great Britain and Ireland. M9 We protest against the creation of a Parliament for Ireland, whether separate or subordinate. We protest against the creation of an Irish Executive, dependent for its existence upon the pleasure of an Irish Parliament. MK. M.VL'UICK K I lOCKIi Kl I., J.I'. We do so upon the following grounds : Because any measure for the creation of a separate Irish Parliament, and a separate Irish Executive, would produce most dangerous social confusion, involving a disastrous conflict of interests and classes, and a serious risk of civil war. Because such a measure would endanger the commercial relations between Ireland and Great Britain, and would cause in Ireland widespread financial distrust, followed by a complete paralysis of enterprise. Because such a measure would imperil personal liberty, freedom of opinion, and the spirit of tolerance in Ireland. Because such a measure, instead of effecting a settlement, would inevitably pave the wa / for further efforts to\vards the complete separation of Ireland from Great Britain. Because no statutory limitations restricting the authority of an Irish Legislative Assembly, or the power of an Irish Executive, could piotect the freedom and the rights of minorities in the Provinces of Leinster, Munster, and Connaught. Because, while in the divided state of Irish Society, no party in Ireland can safely be entrusted with powers of Government over the other sections of the community, such a measure would hand over Ireland to the Government of a party which has proved itself unworthy of the exercise of power by its systematic defiance of the law, and disregard of the elementary principles of honesty, liberty, and justice. Because the Imperial Parliament is fully competent and willing to legislate for Ireland, to maintain justice and equality, and to promote, by wise enactments, the welfare of our country. Finally, regarding the question from a wider point of view than that which concerns alone the internal government of Ireland, highly prizing as we do the advantages we derive from our present Imperial position, and being justly ptoud of the place which Irishmen have long held amongst those to whom the Empire owes its prosperity and fame, having been faithful in our allegiance to our Sovereign, upholders of the Constitution, and obseivers of the law, we protest against any change that will deprive us of our Constitutional birthright, by which we stand on equal ground with Englishmen and Scotchmen, as subjects of our beloved Queen and as citizens of the British Empire. LORD CASTI.F:TO\VX of Upper Ossory moved the follow- ing resolution : " That this Convention hereby adopts the Declaration now read, and earnestly appeals to the Electors of the United I.OHD C.\STI,I-:TO\VN OK Kingdom to give effect to its objects and policy by supporting with their votes the maintenance of the Legislative Union in its integrity, and the preservation to the people of Ireland of equality of rights and privileges with the people of England and of Scotland as fellow-citizen; of the United Kingdom." LORD CASTLETOWN said Fellow-countrymen, \vc are met here to-night at one of the most important meetings of our time, if not of any time in the history of this country. Delegates from every constituency throughout the three Southern provinces are in the t\vo great halls to-night. Men of all classes, men of all creeds, Roman Catholics, Presbyterians, Church of Ireland men. Nonconformists, all are iiere to-night. Men descended from all the nationalitcs which make up our Irish race are blended here to-night -Celt and Norman, Dane and Crom\vellian. Men whose forefathers fought bitterly in times gone by non- stand shoulder to shoulder for the great cause; but not only that, landlord and tenant, labourer and artisan, the merchant prince and the leaders of our literature and thought, ail are now united and determined in one cause, and one protest. The caiu'e is the cause of the Union, and we protest against the creation of a Parliament in Ireland, whether separate or subordinate, and against the creation of an Irish executive dependent for its existence upon tlie pleasure of an Irish Parliament. The great and stupendous meeting in Belfast has shown the United Kingdom the stuff of which our brethren in the North are made. We know that should the evil day arise they will stand >houlder to shoulder with us and we thank them for their sympathy, and we shall welcome their assistance. But. fellow-countrymen, our position is far more critical than theirs. We should, in the event of a I lome Rule Parliament being established, be absolute! v at the mercy of that Parliament and the executive connected with it. Ho'.v should we fare? We kno\v the measure that was meted out to those who resisted the Land League. We know the tyranny that is practised when Parnellite meets Anti-l'arnellite, or Ar.ti- Parnellite defeats Parnellite. I will not prophesy what might happen, I will not in this great and solemn assembly, say one word to hurt the feelings of those who differ from us, but I will call into prominence the reasons why we 'protest, and that shall bo our answer. There are three salient reasons in our Declaration. First, personal liberty will be endangered. Gentlemen, to my mind the first reason covers all personal liberty. Is there any land in which man is so free as in our United Kingdom? Ask the foreigner : ask the American. Our personal liberty is the very essence of freedom. I ask you, as nun from Leinster, Minister, and Connaught, what would be our liberty if a Parnellite or Anti-Parnellite Parliament were sitting in Dublin. Xay. more, if the Parliament were Anti-Parnellite what liberty would be given Parnellite or Unionist ? Now we are the free citi/ens of the greatest Empire of the world, then we should be the slaves of a sectarian oligarchy, or of a revolutionary conclave. Shall we accept this fate without a struggle ? I say we will not. Our brethren in Ulster are by our side, the Unionists of England and Scotland are with us ; and, if not at this election, victory in the long run is certain to be ours. Personal liberty to every man, be he Unionist, Parnellite, or Anti-Parnellite, will be secured. We will not tolerate dictation ; we want no ascendency, we ask for no undue power, but we will submit to no tyranny. Every Irishman is now a freeman, and by God's help we true Irishmen, sons of our beloved soil, will maintain that freedom inviolate. What is our second reason for this protest? We sav the Imperial Parliament is fully able and willing to legislate for the welfare of our country. For twenty long years Parliament has been doing all it can to ameliorate the condition of every class in this country, and to atone for the errors of the past, and what is the result ? Ireland is more prosperous, has made greater strides in prosperity, in proportion to her resources, than any portion of the United Kingdom, and if peace is maintained that prosperity will increase by leaps and bounds. The Imperial Parliament is our birthright, and it alone, unbiassed by faction, unmoved by sudJen tempests of i>opular emotion, can pass without mk those equal laws for all three nations to which we are entitled. I am astounded when I hear our opponents praising, urging the creation of a Parliament in College Green. Are Irishmen so degenerate that they dare not fight for Ireland's good in the councils of the Empire, but must seek some pettifogging assembly in which Parnellite may squabble with Anti-Parnellite over the water and gas rate of Skibbjreen. Are we not still the nation that sent into the arena of the Empire men like Burke, O'Connell, Wellington, Grattan, and all the great band of Irishmen who have made our name famous in the world? Fellow-countrymen, it is a disgrace to our nationhood that men should be found in Ireland so mean-spirited, so willingly factio:iist, as to surrender the proud birthright of our race equality with England and Scotland in tlvj forum of our Empire. Now for our third reason. This may seem a selfish one. We protest because such a measure would cau^e financial distrust, and endanger commercial relations. You who are here- to-night know this is true. Do our opponents realise it ? J speak to them. Do they know that the day a Home Rule Parliament is established in Dublin our financial credit would disappear? The great works now carried on by Imperial aid would close. Taxation would rise by leaps and bounds, everv stock and share would fall by 20, 30. 50 per cent. Merchants now employing hundreds of men would and must close their works. The great banks would cease to aid enterprise of any kind, and absolute financial paralysis would supervene. Do our opponents see this? Do they dare to face it ? Will not their dupes, the voters they have bribed bv insensate promise, rend them to pieces when the truth is known, when British credit is ours no longer, when labourers are starving in our streets, and no work is to be obtained, when Ulster has closed her ports, and the taxgatherer trom Dublin dare not set foot in Down or Antrim. "U e. I say, know and realise this awful ri>k. this terrible possibility. But '55 the illiterate voter, the poor farmer, the ignorant labourer, hunted to the poll by Fenian emissary or parish priest, has no notion that his vote for Home Rule will deprive him not only of personal freedom, not only of his great imperial birthright, representation in the councils of the empire, but even of that financial assistance from the sister isle that \ve stand so deeply in need of, and that is due to us as atone- ment for years of suffering, and years of misgovernment. AVe are all Irishmen here to night. The very existence of our is at stake. Let me make one appeal to those who are not now on our side. Ulster has told them that the men of the North will hold the North against all comers, and they will do it. AVe will not speak in terms of defiance. \Ve wish to live at peace with our fellow-countrymen, opponents though they be. But we will ask them Why continue our beloved land as the battle-ground of part)- politicians? The Home Rule of the Fenian, the Home Rule of the anti- Parnellites shall not be. AVe will resist it to the last. The North will not tolerate it. The Unionists of Great Britain \vill not permit it. In Heaven's name condemn not or.r common land to dire sorrows and evils for the sake ot a sentimental chimera. If Irishmen would but stand together for the welfare of their land, there is no measure of relief we could not obtain. Which is the patriot's course? What should be the desire of the Nationalist? To free our land from sorrow, from turmoil, from agitation, from tumult. 1 know, and they know, that victorv is with our side. Within a few short weeks the result will be known. Let us tell our opponents to-night, again, we want no ascendency ; we want n J tyranny over the minority ; we wi>h for equal laws, equal freedom, and equal birthright for all in our native land. A\ e will bury the hatchet if they choose, and stand shoulder to .shoulder to obtain any legislative changes that TMV benefit our land ; but if they will not have peace, if this crv for Home Rule is not a sentiment, but is, as I believe it to be, a '56 deep-laid, vigorous conspiracy against our native land, against our Empire, then, I say, we are prepared for the fray, and we will fight on till they come at last and beg for reconciliation with their fellow-countrymen whom they have wronged. K.vry man in these halls to-night knows that he has right, frejdom, liberty on his side. He knows that the great Unionist party will never cease to battle till victory permanent and certain is secured. To every one of us is the deep trust confided to protect our land from slavery. Shall we shrink from our task, surrender our birthright? Shall we allow our countrymen, driven hither an 1 thither by the wind of agitation and faction, to imperil our freedom? Shall we hesitate because we may still have time of sorrow and gloom before us? I believe, I feel, the day is slowly dawning when Irishmen will once more be united, when those who now oppose us will realise that we have saved oin country from degradation, and when 'he long night of darkness i'i this land, lull as it has been for all of bitter memories, tears, and griefs, will pass away, and in Moore's glorious words Krin, thy silent tear never shall cease, Etin, thy languid smile ne'er shall increase, Till, like the rainbow's li^ht, Thy various tints unite, And form, in Heaven's sight, One arch of peace. Mr. J. MALCOLM IKCJ.IS, J.P.. Commissioner of National Education in Ireland, Secretary Liberal Union of Ireland, in seconding the resolution, said -Mr. Chairman, I had the pleasure of being present at the Ulster Convention in Belfast last "week, and it was a truly grand and impressive ceremony, calculated. I believe, to produce a profound impression on the people of England and Scotland. The delegates conven- tion, which numbered about 12,330 persons, was representa- tive of even- portion of the province of Ulster, and every J57 -speaker and every resolution gave evidence of steady, determined purpose ; while the mass meeting in the Botanic Gardens, numbering over ico,ooo persons, was even more enthusiastic, and not less determined. And yet I am not at MI;. .1. J:A:.COLM, .1.1-. all sure that our meeting here to-night, expressing as" it doe? the views ot the three southern provinces, will not have even a greater effect on the minds, and. I trust, on the votes of the .British electorate. The strength of the 1'lster position con- '58 stitutes its weakness, while our weakness constitutes our strength, in an appeal to the British elector. Ulster is so strong, so resolute, so bold, that the British elector may feel that she is able to take care of herself, and so may vote for Home Rule with a light heart, believing that Ulster can protect her own interests. But we in the three southern provinces claim the consideration of the British elector 0:1 the very ground of our weakness. We are a small minority, not concentrated, like the Unionists of the North, in o:ie province, but scattered amongst a large hostile majority over the three provinces. We make no pretence of being able to hold our own, or to oppose resistance, either active or passive, to the edicts of a Home Rule Parliament, should such be constituted, and therefore we appeal to the strength of Britain to protect us in our weakness, and I do not believe we shall appeal in vain. How is it that the English and Scotch people, ay, and a large section of the Irish people, have arrived at such a mistaken estimate of the effect of Home Rule ? Simplv because they have ignored experience, and have been willing to accept instead pleasant but utterly misleading theories. The Irish peasant has been told that he will have his land for nothing, and that in some unexplained way peace and plenty will prevail every- where, while poverty and discontent will disappear : and. in fact, he has been promised the advent of a millennium, where he will have very little work to do. and a very big income f >r doing it. I need scarcely say that this theory is opposed to all experience. The most that wise legislation can do, is to give free scope for a man's effort, and secure him the fruits of such effort; but result is always proportioned to effort, and no legislation, no Home Rule, can make individuals or o nations prosperous. The secret of success in anv under- taking is the capacity for hard work, and the leaders who tell Irishmen that Ireland can be made prosperous and con- tented without hard work are either fools or knaves, or both. Then the same theory is preached to Englishmen and Scotch- men by political leaders there. There is no attempt to explain how the result is to be brought about. Ireland, at present poor and discontented, is to be made prosperous and contented, and all the existing discordant elements are to be made harmonious by the mere granting of Home Rule. The lion and the lamb are to lie down together, and all is to be peace. Well, in nature the lion and the lamb sometimes do lie down together, but then the lamb is generally found lying inside the lion. Then, no doubt, there is peace, but of a kind which we would raiher not experience. Xow, as opposed to this theory, what are the teachings of experience ? We all remember the state of the country at the time of the introduction of Mr. Gladstone's Home Rule Bill. Was the result of the introduction of that bill to bring about prosperity, peace, and content? Just the reverse. Trade and com- merce were paralysed, capital was withdrawn in all directions, every class of Irish security became greatly depressed, while doubt, distrust, and dread brooded over all. If this was so commercially, were things any better socially? Not a whit. F.ven we in Dublin had some experience of those awful times, but mild, indeed, as compared with the experiences of many of you delegates from the South and West. The boycotting, the moonlighting, the cattle maiming, with the occasional murder, just to show what was in reserve. These things must have made the life of many one continued nightmare, afraid to go to bed at night, lest before morning the moonlighter or midnight assassin might have paid his dreaded visit : and afraid to go out in the morning lest day- light should reveal some horrible mutilation of the poor, dumb, helpless creatures belonging to you. I said dumb creatures, but I believe that as the blood of Abel cried to heaven for vengeance of old, so surely will the blood of these inoffensive creatures be required at the hands of those who were guilty of these horrid dexd-i. Then look at the i6o tyranny practised by Irishmen upon their fellow-Irishmen. lalk of coercion. Yes: there was coercion of the most awful type practised in Ireland, but not by the Saxon, not bv the Imperial Parliament: but, as already stated, by Irishman upon his fello.v-Irishman. and especially on those of his o\vn class. Against them all the engines of tyranny were put in force. No man dared to have an opinion of his o\vn. or he must take the consei>i> in the maintenance of the Ikiti-h connection an 1 in the continued supremacv of the Imperial Parliament. The experience of the past -ix years lias fully proved the capacity and the willingness ot the Imperial Parliament t<> legi-late wiselv and Well for us. Under a stead}' administration of the law the country has prospered amazingly, confidence has been restored, trade and commerce have flourished, the values of all Irish securities havL advanced, peace and order reign, bo\cotting. moonlighting, and outrage have ceased, and the country is being governed under the operation of the ordinary la\v. We know all this, bu; what we have got to do is to impress it on the minds and cons ;iences of the British elec- torate. Mr. Gladstone's policy of Home Rule was a policy of despair, based on the assumption of the inability of the Im- perial Parliament to govern Ireland. Its ability has been amply proved by the Unionist Government for the past six years ; so there is no excuse for reverting to the policy of despair. An extraordinary combination of circumstances seemed to make Home Rule possible in 1886. It was necessary that Ireland should demand it with apparent unanimity, and, owing to the marvellous power and ability of Mr. Parnell this apparent unanimity was secured. Then it was necessary that a British statesman of sufficient weight and authority to carry the electorate with him, should be found, willing to turn his back on his own previous convictions and on the entire previous policy of the Imperial Parliament. Such a statesman was found, to his eternal disgrace, in Mr. Gladstone, and but for the decisive stand taken by a section of the Liberal Party, now known as Liberal Unionists ; the Home Rule plan would have been consummated, and we would have had an Irish Parliament sitting in College Green. But the great master mind which kept the Irish Pnrty together is no more, and the voice of '" United Ireland " is a thing of the past. How many parties there are now, and which of them "voices the aspirations of the Irish Nation, " we may leave to Mr. Gladstone to determine. Then, Mr. Gladstone's influence is distinctly on the wane. The Unionist Government have been too successful in their treatment of Ireland, in spite of all the efforts of the patriots and of the Opposition, to make its government impossible ; and Mr. Gladstone has been so reticent as to his plan, that many even of his own friends and supporters are beginning to be doubtful whether he has any plan at all. And now, sir, what is our position to-night on this great question? Many centuries ago a King of Israel, for his L own selfish political ends, wishing to detach Israel from Judah, and fearing the effect on the people of their going up to Jerusalem to worship, made golden calves which he set up locally in two of the cities of Israel, and then made proclama- tion Jo the people "It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem. B jhold thy gods, ( ) Israel ! '' And so in our day a great political leader, for his own selfish political ends, pro- poses to sever our connection with the Parliament of (ireat Britain, and to give us instead a local Parliament composed of the class cf people I have been describing, and then pointing triumphantly to the Parliament of his creation, he would prc- claim, ''It is too much for you to go up to London. Behold thy rulers, O Ireland ! " What shall we answer him, and what shall we ask the people of Kngland and of Scotland to answer him? One word and only one i; Never.'' The people of Israel acted on the advice of King Jeroboam, with conse- quences disastrous to both kingdoms. We shall not act on the advice of the modern Jeroboam. Mr. Gladstone. He has nothing to offer us. As citi/ens of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, we have all that we de-ire. The cry u Ireland a nation" possesses no charms tor us. We can be good Irishmen, and yet be citi/ens of an Empire, the greatest Empire the world has ever seen, an Empire with a glorious past, a splendid present, and a boundless future. Why should we circumscribe our destinies within the narrou limits of ' Ireland a nation.'' Xo, gentlemen, let us abate no jot or tittle of our great inheritance. Let us claim all the privileges of our 1 irthright, and let us from this Convention appeal solemnly to our fellow-citi/ens in England, in Scot- land, and in Wales, without distinction ot creed or class or party, to assist us in maintaining the rights which we share in common with them, as free-born citi/ens of the United Kingdom of ('.real Britain and Ireland, one and indivisible. I have much pleasure in seconding the adoption of the resolution. I 63 Mr. J. FORBES MAGUIRE (Cork) supported the motion. He said As the honoured delegate and mouthpiece of the Unionists of Cork City, it is my duty and my privilege to say at this meeting, on their behalf, that they object to, and MR. .1. KOKHKS MA<;i IKK. protest against, the granting of Home Rule to Ireland, just as strongly and as emphatically as the 'prentice bovs of Derry or the hardy citi/ens of Belfast, and \ve trust \ve shall not be considered over presumptuous if \ve say that we, \vho 164 enjoy the very distinguished and exceptional privilege of being residents of " Rebel Cork,'' ought to know as much about Home Rule, and ought to bj able to form as sound an opinion concerning it, as any of the " fools and rogues " of Midlothian, not excluding therefrom the father and premier member of that ilk himself. We are here to say we do not want Home Rule. Our reasons for saying so which it is quite reasonable we should be asked to give are, the facts of the past regarding Home Rule which we know, and the facts of the future regarding it which \\cfe\ir, and we think we have very good reason to believe that our fears for the future are just as well founded, and as fully justified, as the facts of the past are unmistakable and eloquent. We in Cork City can still ' Remember Mitc'iels- town,'' which is in Cork County, and we have seen in recent years no reason whatever for altering our opinion and con- viction that the party which has all along been clamouring and agitating for Home Rule is still the parly which is ' marching through rapine to the dismemberment of the Empire.'' Judging the future of the Home Rule movement. and the Home Rule movers, by our experience in past years, when the law of the land was paralysed, we have no hesita- tion in saying that the true and proper description and designation of Home Rule and its apostles can onlv be correctly given under a triple-headed "big, big ])" Disgustingly Despotic-, Disgracefully Dishonest, and Diaboli- cally Destructive. Surely the whole country has been furnished during recent years with, abundant and overwhelm- in"' proof of the correctness of this definition, vet it mi^ht o i - O not be out of place, and \ hope it will be excusable, if I should, in addition to the great weight of general proof which has been given of the correctness of this description and definition of Home Rule, briefly refer to a few purely local facts, facts wh'ch we in Cork have experienced during the progress of this agitation, and which, perhaps, may not be i6 5 known outside that city. The local organ of Unionism, loyalty and constitutionalism in Cork is a paper called the Cork Constitution. This paper has from the first very strongly resisted, and unflinchingly exposed the policy and performances of the Home Rule party. Seven years ago mark the time it was almost impossible to obtain a single copy of that paper from any newsvendor, either in the streets of Cork, or in any newsvendors' shops ; with one exception they Avere everyone afraid to sell the paper, and afraid to let it be known that they had anything at all to do with it. There was one man, however, who had the courage to sell the paper in the streets. He was a cripple a poor, unfortunate, deformed creature. I suppose he thought this deformity would be his protection, but in this he was mistaken, for he was brutally assaulted and seriously injured in the streets, and had to abandon his avocation. To-day that same paper, conducted on the same lines exactly, is sold broadcast all over Cork, both by the newsvendors in the streets and in the shops, and more than that, many of those shopkeepers who sell the paper have over their doors and windows prominent posters informing all whom it may concern that the Cork Constitution can be had within. Look on that picUire and on this the latter the result of six years of wise and firm government. We therefore say it is dis- gustingly despotic. Again, some years ago, one of the most prominent and best known advocates and champions of Home Rule in Cork, whose name would be recognised by many here if I were to mention it, was negotiating and arranging for the purchase of a farm under Lord Ashbjurne's Act, and at the very same time he was going about our county denouncing the Act, and trying to prevent the people availing of its terms, and what was the meaning of this ? While denouncing this Act all over the county, and tr) ing to frustrate its operations, he was trying to purchase under it himself. Either he believed that Act to be the real 1 66 message of peace and prosperity to Ireland, or he was con- soling hinvself with the expectation that when his own darling Home Rule Parliament should come into power and possession in College Green it would immediately proceed to release all its faithful sons and supporters from the discharge of their just obligations, and the fulfilment of their contracts, and all the more so if their debts happened to be due to an Imperial Exchequer. We say, therefore, that it is disgrace- fully dishonest. Again, seven years ago I am stating simple hard facts which do not require argument the very state- ment of them is their proof seven years ago, to my personal knowledge, several of the richest and most useful residents in our vicinity were actually making their preparations, and had to a large extent completed them, for removing their residences, families, properties, and businesses, either to the neighbourhood of Belfast or across the water to England. This they would have done the moment Mr. Gladstone's. Home Rule Bill was passed. But. thank God. it was nut passed : and, furthermore, they believed it never would be passed. Now, every intelligent person knows, and even- honest person will admit, that these few facts are only small samples of what was taking place at that time, and for many years, throughout the length and breadth of the land : and yet, unparalleled audacitv. in the face of these facts, and in spite of our experience throughout these recent twelve or thirteen years, we are still asked to exchange our present position of guaranteed security and prosperity for a position of guaranteed disturbance and disaster. We do not object in any of the relations or departments of life to a fair and equitable exchange with our fellow-men, but we do most emphatically object to any act of barter which shall leave a heavy and permanent balance on the debit side of our account, and, therefore, we do object to exchange our membership of, and identity with, the greatest and grandest empire that the sun of heaven has ever shone upon, for i6 7 national vagrancy, national vagabondism, and ultimately national nonentity. We do object to exchange the telescopic- clearness and force and reliability of statesmen like Lord Salisbury and Mr. Balfour, for the dishonest and imbecile- delusions and deceptions of the Grand Old Parliamentary Kaleidoscope. We do object to exchange the protection of one of the grandest and most magnificent protective forces in the universe, namely, the Royal Irish Constabulary, for the tender mercies of the Transatlantic dynamitard, the Continental Nihilist, and the indigenous, maurauding Moon- lighter. We do object to exchange Imperial taxation by a representative assembly, for local confiscation by a rebel rabble, and we do object to exchange and barter our glorious heritage and birthright of civil and religious liberty under the British Constitution, for a degrading and enslaving mess of Irish-American pottage, and we will not take the dose. Therefore, shoulder to shoulder with our brethren of Ulster, we shall continue to resist the granting of Home Rule to Ireland, and we shall continue to use every legitimate means within our reach to prevent it, and frustrate it, unto our very lives' end, so help us God. Mr. K. J. PlliLUi'.s, of Caslv.;l Mr. Chairman, ladies, and gentlemen, after the able speeches you have heard to-night I have little to say; but having personal experience of what the loyal minority of the South of Ireland may expect if Home Rule be granted, or an Irish Parliament ever sit in Dublin, I would like to say a few words. Gentle- men, for no earthly reason, but that I refused to give up my home, to forfeit my improvements, value for ^1,200, and thus assist, as they foolishly thought, in the ruin of Mr. Smith-Barry, my landlord a gentleman whom every honest man should be proud to honour for the noble stand which he made to put down tyranny and robbery, anj in defence of law and order for this I was rigidlv boycotted for eighteen 1 68 months, and that through the advice and by the assistance of some Irish members of Parliament, the very men who we are now asked to submit to be governed by. I say never, and the wish of my heart is that Mr. Gladstone should ex- perience for some few months what he calls exclusive dealing. Perhaps when he saw his children lying ill, and the chemist refusing medicine, one of his household lying dead, and the undertaker refusing a coffin going to his rest at night, or 169 what ought to be his rest, with a revolver beneath his head, expecting to be awoke by the crack of the Moonlighter's rifle or the glare of the fire of the incendiary then I imagine he would say this dealing was rather too exclusive. I ask you, gentlemen, are these the men to govern any country men who encouraged atrocities a Ne\v Zealander would be ashamed of or to have the disbursements of our hard-earned money to scatter to the winds, as they did their thousands over that ridiculous fiasco, New Tipperary ? The Loyalists of the South are few in comparison to our brothers of the North, but, let me tell you, not one step behind in love for their Queen and for a United Kingdom ; but knowing they will never desert us, enables us to join the coming struggle with hearts full of hope in the future, always remembering for the success of Unionism we must all be united ; and I trust that every man of you when leaving this hall to-night will bear in mind that in the coming fight there are but two sides -no middle course union and separation, and the man who gets the chance of recording his vote for the. former, and fails to do so, runs the terrible risk of being looked upon as a supporter of the latter in the future. For my own county I can speak. If a Unionist candidate is put forward, we will show such a record that for once in a way we can borrow the watchword or war cry of our opponents, and. say, il Well done, gallant Tipperary.'' The chairman then put the resolution, which passed amidst loud cheers. The following gentlemen, forming a portion of the deputation from the Ulster Convention, were then introduced The Worshipful the Mayor of Deny, Mr, W. J. Hurst, J.P., and Mr. Frank Johnston. The deputation was received with great enthusiasm. 170 The Worshipful the Mayor of Deny, (Dr. MACCUI.I.AGH), who was received with loud applause, said I feel very highly honoured at being the medium of presenting to you the resolution which was passed at our Convention THK YVUKSHU'H I. THK JIAYOK <>f I'KIUIY. in Belfast last week, expressing the sympathy of the Unionists in Ulster with you, our Loyalist and Unionist fellow-countrymen in the other three provinces, who have met here to express, as we have already done, your fixed determination n2vcr to submit to Home Rule a rule which \ve all feel assured would prove fatal to those privileges and liberties which we enjoy under the British Constitution. We do not forget that your perils are identical with ours, nay, that they are greater, and it is to prove this, if any such proof were needed, that we have been deputed to represent our Ulster brethren at this great Convention, and I echo no idle sentiment when I say that the minds and hearts of hundreds of thousands of Ulstermen are with you this evening, and I should be indeed neglectful of my duty if I did not convey to you a special message of sympathy and encouragement from the Unionist citizens of that city of which I have the honour to be chief magistrate, our old and historic city of Derrv. Now that the Loyalists and Unionists not only of Ulster, but, as evidenced by this great and monster demonstration of the whole of Ireland, have, sinking all minor differences of creed and party, made common cause against a great overshadow- ing danger, and have pledged themselves to resist by everv means in their power any scheme which would deprive them of their rights as British subjects. Surely we can appeal with confidence to the British electorate in the coming struggle o oo not to jeopardise our prosperity and liberty, but allow us still to remain an integral part of that great Empire on which the suns never sets, to remain, in the words of the Poet Laureate k> One with Britain, heart and soul, one life, one Hag, one fleet, one throne." I have much pleasure in handing you this resolution, and in again assuring you that we in I'lster consider your interests as identical with our own, and though this resolution has been sent you by those who have been designated as "rogues and fools," we venture to hope that it will be none the less acceptable. Dr. MacCullagh then read the following resolution of the Ulster Convention : " That we extend to our brother Unionists in the other provinces of Ireland the assurance 172 of our profound sympathy, recognizing their position as even more critical than our own, and declare our determination to make common cause with them in resisting any attempt to deprive them of the liberty and security which they now enjoy under the Union with Great Britain." Mr. W. J. HURST. J.P., County Down, who was warmly received, said I am heart and mind with every word of the resolution of sympathy with the Unionists of the South and West of Ireland. As an Ulsterman I have the profoundest sympathy with and admiration of every member of those minorities scattered over the other three provinces. It is easy for Ulstermen to maintain and proclaim their prin- ciples numbers and strength embolden the most timid; but manfully to hold aloft the standard of Unionism in Cork or Kerry, in Waterford or Dublin or Clare, demands men of mettle ; and that such are not wanting this great meeting proves. I believe Dr. Kane spoke the mind of Ulster when in moving this resolution at the Belfast Convention he said " It is possible to write the word Ulster too large in this controversy, and the proposal to have one Parliament in London and one in Dublin is no more foolish or treasonable than the proposal that there should be one in London, one in Dublin, and one in Belfast/' I endorse fully the eloquent words of your Archbishop on this subject in his sermon last Sunday in Belfast. I say we should be guilty of the most arrant cowardice and folly, and the most dishonourable betrayal of our countrymen, if we deserted our brethren of the South and West, and I solemnly declare on my own behalf, antl, I think. I may say on behalf of almost every Ulster Unionist, that if any attempt were made to buy up our opposition by either proposing to give Ulster a separate 173 Parliament or retaining her under the present British Parlia- ment \ve in Ulster would elect to fight the question out at the polls, or in case of an Irish Parliament being established, fight it out in the \vay indicated by the resolutions of the Belfast Convention, rather than secure, as might be thought, our o\vn safety by any such dastardly compromise. No, sir, on this point we will keep in line with English and Scotch Unionists. Th^ir opposition to the Nationalist proposals is, no doubt, greatly stimulated by sympathy with their fellow-countrymen in Ulster, as our Ulster opposition is stimulated by our sympathy with you ; but, sir, statesmen like the Duke of Devonshire, Lord Salisbury, Mr. Balfour, or Mr. Chamberlain know well that if every man and woman in Ireland demanded a statutory Parliament such as the Nationalists claim, the duty they owe to the Imperial interest and necessities, the dire effects all over that Empire in which the sun never sets, of such a base surrender to crime, outrage, and foreign gold would compel them to refuse it. Sir, the men of Ulster are Imperialist in every fibre of their nature, not holding Imperialism as merely a sentiment, though it is a glorious sentiment, but as merchants, as manufacturers, as workingmen, who send the products of our brain and our manual skill to every clime, we recognise the fact that trade foMo\vs the Union Jack, and that our very existence, as well as tlu civili/ation of vast continents demand the maintenance of the Empire in the good old spirit of no surrender, and therefore demand the maintenance of the Legislative Union. Men of Leinster, Munster, and Connaught, brave defenders of our outposts, when you return to those who sent you tell them Ulster will stand or fall with them. (The entire audience rose and cheered this sentiment again and again.) Tell them we will secure a common safetv or meet a common danger. Tell them we have a plan of campaign, and that while our hopes are higher than ever as to the favourable results of the general election, yet that if it come to the worst the most determined and the least excitable people in Ireland have decided to "leave" nn Irish Parliament '' severely alone.' 5 and if necessary to resist its decrees and demands by every legitimate method, and '" legitimate " is a word of wide meaning to the sons of 1688. Sir, the elections will, we trust, relegate the leaders of this conspiracy to their natural obscurity. The people will a'.vake from the horrible dream of the last ten or twelve years, and, freed from the despotism of boycotting, their old generous instincts will have free play. Then, as true united Irishmen, we must and will all unite to make our country happy and prosperous under the rule of the old Parliament and Constitution we love so well. MR. FRANK JOHNSTON (Belfast), said My lords and gentlemen, the Unionists of the North have done me the honour of sending me as one of the deputation here to-day from the great Belfast Convention, and I now extend to you, the picked Unionists of the South and West of Ireland, the assurance of our profound sympathy, and our fixed deter- mination to make common cause with you in resisting the attempt to impose a Home Rule Parliament upon this country. It is now rather late in the dav to a>k how the I- nitecl Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland became connected. The work is done, and the bond must now be regarded as permanent. In sending her representatives to the British Parliament and making the force ot her votes felt in the Legislature of the United Kingdom. Ireland has for years proved that she forms an integral portion ot the United Empire. Our Ulster Convention was held so that we might convince our fellow-countrymen in England and Scotland that we would never submit to the Home Rule Government of an Irish Parliament, and we sent forth a solemn voice of warning and entreatv of warning that the '75 enforcement of such an act would not bring peace to Ireland but disgrace, ruin, and a swo:d ; of entreaty, so that they might not make us the victims o r such an unparalleled piece of treachery, destroy the peace and security that are now ^ MR. FRANK. JOHNSTON. enjoyed throughout the length and breadth of the country, and do a grievous wrong to the Unionists scattered throughout Ireland, whose only offence is their loyalty to the Throne and their pride in being an integral portion of such a glorious i 7 6 nation. We have no hostile feeling towards our Roman Catholic fellow-countrymen. God forbid. We claim for them the same civil and religious liberty that we claim for ourselves. In Ireland we have three millions and a half of Roman Catholics to one million and a quarter of Protestants. Jt is, therefore, evident that Roman Catholic influence would predominate in an Irish Parliament. Will the Roman Catholic clergy control that influence, or will any large portion of the Roman Catholic laity act independent of their clergy many of whom have taught their people to regard fraud as a virtue, embezzlement as patriotism, shame as honour ? They have put darkness for light, e\ il for good, perverted the conscience, and drugged the reason of more than one half of the population. Gentlemen, we are threatened with Home Rule, with the ascendency of dis- loyalty, of disloyalty to the Queen, to the Imperial Parliament, to the glorious Empire of Great Britain, under whose aegis the Unionists of Ireland have found security for their lives, their civil liberties, and the free exercise of their religious worship. Men of the South and West, is thi> protection to be allowed quietly to slip away from us? Shall we hold it with heartless apathy, or shall we insanely surrender it in lieu of the promised protection of the McCarthys, the Tanners, the He.ilys, the O'Briens, or even the immortal Sexton men who hate us simply because we are lo\al to the Throne. These men. who control Mr. Gladstone now. would be the leading spirits of the Dublin Parliament ; and we cannot forget the many acs of cruelty on men and women, the reign of oppression and dishonesty, which spread like a pestilence or plague, keeping whole counties in a state of turmoil and terror, and the>e member- never uttered a word of protest against it. But the voice of England was raised against it. and order was restored bvthe o o enforcement of the Imperial law, administered from the hands of Mr. Balfour. Fellow-countrymen, as a represeri- i 7 7 tative of 11,879 picked Loyalists of every creed, class, and party throughout Ulster, I say the Northerns will stand shoulder to shoulder with you in resisting the establishing of a Home Rule Government. How can we do otherwise without being haunted, as by a ghastly spectre, with the memory of our fathers, to whom their birthright as British citixens was dearer even than life, and who, to hand down this birthright to us, actually surrendered their lives? How can we do otherwise and look in the face of our God, who has given us our liberties, and who would have us guard them as a most precious heritage and sacred trust ? How can we do otherwise when we believe that the only cure for Ireland's woes is for us to remain as we have been, loyal subjects, with our civil and religious liberties protected under The flag that braved a thousand years The battle and the breeze. The Right Hon. DAVID PLUNKET, M.P.,* who was received with loud applause, said he had no right to claim their attention even for a few moments, for he had said his say in the other hall, where he imagined from the cheering they heard from it they might suppose they had a very good time of it. There was, however, one reason why he wished to say a word to them. He was the bearer of a message from his colleague in the representation of Dublin University he meant the Attorney -General for Ireland, who for years past of struggle in Parliament had done such yeoman's ser- vice for Mr. Balfour's administration. It was a source of great disappointment and sorrow to him (the Attorney- General) that he was not able to avail himself of the invitation they gave him to be in this hall that night and address them. He (Mr. Plunket) was happy to arrive at the moment when they were hearing that interesting speech from the delegate * A Portrait of Mr. Plunket will be found on Pa.uc 87. M from Belfast. He did not believe that there had ever been a more extraordinary event in political history than that marvellous demonstration in Belfast. It had struck the imagination and the conscience of the English people. That Convention in Belfast was also the beginning of a bond between the Unionists of all parts of this country and Eng- land. They would join from one end of the country to the other for the purpose of safeguarding the glorious cause which they came there that night to support. He dared say that they had learned from the papers the terrible stress to which the leaders of the Separatist party had been reduced in reference to that Convention. They first said it was a bigoted and bloodthirsty affair, and for encouraging which Lord Salisbury should be hanged, drawn, and quartered. Now that it was held they said they had made a mistake they said it was quiet and tame. They went further and said it was a big meeting, but that it was a got-up thing that it was an affair of political fireworks manufactured in London. But the attacks now being made on that Conven- tion would recoil on the heads of those who uttered them. That Convention was one of the noblest and most spon- taneous expressions of feeling ever known in any part of the Three Kingdoms. Who were those Separatist leaders who were so very nice and punctilious about making political capital? They were led by a statesman who in 188:5 implored the electors of the Three Kingdoms to give him a majority that his followers might not be obliged to coquette with the Irish part}' ; but the moment that Irish party was elected, consisting of 85 representatives, led by a capable leader, he at once surrendered to them. In what position were they now ? Either they had not a settled plan at all and they were beguiling the English electors with their words, or else it was of such a plan of disastrous kind that they dare not lay it openly before the public. But these demonstrations could not be ignored because they were the 179 serious outcome of a serious feeling ; for if Home Rule were carried it would mean a serious danger to the prosperity of the glorious Province of Lister, and for them they could realise what it would mean, seeing how the body of men who were working for Home Rule had dealt with each other, and so they could judge how they would deal with them. This act of surrender, this proposal of granting a Home Rule Parliament, was at the present moment as unnecessary and wanton as it was wicked. Whatever might be said of the necessity for the English Government granting Home Rule in 1886, the real danger of the time was gone by. How was it Mr. Parnell achieved his power? He had hooked on the flagging agitation for Home Rule to the land agitation, and so he had obtained his power in Ireland. But now the land agitation had been laid an Irish tenant could get fixity of tenure or become the owner of his farm under recent legislation. The land agitation need have no further terrors for the Imperial Parliament, but Mr. Parnell had acquired his influence in America when he flung the green banner on the wind and said he would set no limits to the nation's march and absolute independence. Mr. Parnell and his power had passed away, and so soon as the majority of his followers abandoned his tottering fortunes and made terms with the English Radical party the flow of dollars from America, which had been the real source of their power, dried up. Therefore he said there was no excuse on the ground of any alleged State necessity for yielding to the pressure of the Home Rule party. The only formidable element that remained was its power of offering the bribe of eighty or ninety votes to a minister in the House of Com- mons. The general election would be upon them in a feu- days. There were not many seats in those southern pro- vinces that the Unionists might hope to win, but there were some that they could win, and if there was any man there who had influence in such constituencies he would solemnly i8o urge him to put forth his utmost effort and bring as many votes as lie could to the side of the Unionist candidate. MU. WILLIAM FINDLATKK, !>.],. From a F<>,-lcf, Mr. ~\YII.UAM FJNDLATKI;, D.L., said I have been requested by Mr. Wigham, the hon. secretary of the Dublin Chamber of Commerce, \vho is engaged in the other hall, to read on his behalf a resolution of the Council of that body which I hold in my hand. The resolution read as follows : " That the Hon. Sec. be authorised to attend the Conven- tion to be held on the 23rd inst. , and to put before the Con- vention the views of the Chamber of Commerce on the question of the maintenance of the Union as affecting the trade and commerce of this country, such views having been expressed repeatedly in the annual reports which have been adopted by the Chamber, and to state that the Council continues to hold these views. As one of the Council who took a part in passing it I have much pleasure in submitting it to this great meeting, which I feel assured will appreciate its importance, coming as it does from a non-political body which thoroughly under- stands and represents the trading and commercial interests of this great community. I may mention the resolution only reiterates the opinion so often expressed by the Chamber, that any measure calculated to weaken the union between Great Britain and Ireland would be productive of consequences most disastrous to the trading and com- mercial interests of both countries. This opinion, I trust, the Chamber will ever continue to entertain and express. Mr. THOMAS PIM, jun., J.P., in moving the following resolution : "That we hereby heartily thank the Unionists of Ulster for sending a deputation to this Convention to convey to us the expression of their sympathy and the assurance of their determination to make common cause with the three Southern Provinces in resisting the attempt to impose a Home Rule Parliament on Ireland," said The duty laid upon me at this great Convention of being permitted in your name to convey to our brethren in Ulster our warm tribute of thanks for sending us the deputation which they have clone to assure us of the bonds of sympathy which unite us together, is a responsibility which I deeply feel. In the name of this great representative gathering from all parts of Southern and Western Ireland, I desire to say to Ulster in your name, \ve are one with you, we protest as strongly as you do against the proposal to rob us of our birthright, to take from us our position as joint heirs with England and Scotland and Wales ofthepo\ver of the Imperial Parliament; we refuse, with Ulster, to be placed under a subordinate Parliament, 1 83 because a subordinate Parliament is an indignity which is hateful on account of its inferiority ; and a co-ordinate Parliament, although it means nominal equality, is a simple impossibility, and would lead to a demand for separation. With Ulster, therefore, we protest against any separation from the Imperial Parliament. This Convention, which no ingenuity of the Opposition leaders can term a meeting of either landlords or Tories, but a meeting of all religions and all interests, protest with all the strength of its character against any constitutional change which will separate us from the Imperial Parliament, or place us in any different position to\vards the Imperial Government than either England or Scotland. We thank our brethren in Ulster for their sympathy and noble determination, and we can only say to them that in this matter they and we are one people. And now that I have a very few minutes, let ITU address myself to the objects of this great Convention. This is no manufactured meeting got up by wire-pullers or party managers. No, it is the corning together of representatives, almost spontaneously, but of course with system and deter- mination, from the East, West, and South of our native land, and we have come together for one common object at a crisis which we feel to be the most serious in the life of this generation of Irishmen. We have come to protest against an act which, put it in any way you like, must end in the .severance of national feeling, common interest, and united law between Great Britain and Ireland. I am well aware that many Englishmen think otherwise. I do not wish to say hard words of them, but they are actuated by various feelings, and each of the many parties which now constitute the Gladstonian army have their own particular way of looking at the matter. Mr. Labouchere and his cynical followers of the extreme Radical school don't care two straws for either Loyalists or Nationalists in Ireland ; he simply wants to get rid of the whole lot, and if he could succeed in 1 8 4 this Ireland might "stew in her own juice" for the rest of time for all that he or his many followers would care. Then, there is another set of philanthropic Radicals who represent the Nonconformist conscience, and who are perfectly ignorant of Ireland, but who listen with open ears for every lying story about the iniquities of the Government of this country, in whose eyes Mr. Balfour is the personification of everything that is cruel and wicked ; who believe that our judges are all partisans, and that the Loyalists are only so because they are " actuated," as stated by Mr. John Morley, k by the bad spirit of ascendency.'' Good heavens! to accuse us of the spirit of ascendency, when many of us have been fighting against that spirit all our lives, and have been doing what little lay in our power to help our country forward, and to promote equal rights and personal liberty for all. And then there is the front bench of the Opposition, who are straining every nerve and making every promise that a diversified party consider they require to get back into power. Mr. Gladstone has at last honestly and straightly said that he now only lives as a politician for Home Rule. Hut to gain that end he studies the Nonconformist conscience, and he encourages his lieutenants to hold out baits to his believing followers even wilder and more tempting than are contained in that great volume called "The Newcastle Pro- gramme." Brother Unionists from Southern and Western Ireland, this is what we have to face; these are the parties we have to fight. These form the party and are the men who wish to drive us out of our rightful position in the Imperial Parliament. They care not for us ; our votes are too few. Mr. Gladstone says he did not call us "rogues and fools." He only applied the epithet to those who may resist his party's Imperial will, but there are many modes of resistance ; and as all the Unionists in Ireland will passively resist, we are, therefore, all included in his anathemas. Of one thing he may be sure, that the Unionists of Ireland will never willingly consent to pay into the Exchequer of Great Britain a large sum per annum without representation, and he may be equally assured that the million and a half of Loyalists will be England's bitterest opponents should the party falsely calling itself Liberal attempt any such iniquity I say, therefore, we are the rogues and fools of Mr. Gladstone. We are the " despicable minority '' of ray Lord Spencer. We are the butts of the elephantine sneers of Sir William Vernon Harcourt. We are the men to whom Mr. John Morley puts the question, (t Of what is Ulster afraid ? '' I will tell him of what we are afraid, for we are all one with Ulster. We are afraid that in order to carry out the sudden whim of a past great man, which now, in his old age, he has magnified into a sort of fanatic belief that the Gladstonian party will break up a great and glorious Empire, which, in the century now closing, we Irishmen have helped in no small degree to build up and strengthen. We are afraid of being robbed of our birthright as a. part of this O O JL mother country; we are not only afraid, but we know that a subordinate Parliament would never work, because an inferior Parliament is a degradation to which we could not submit. We are afraid that we should have no longer power to watch our many interests in the army, navy. Civil Service in India, and in our Colonies ; we are afraid that the Parlia- ment in Westminster would be deaf to our fair requirements, and that if it suited their interests they could ruin our trade, exactly as they did before, when we had a subordinate Parliament of our own. No ; a subordinate Parliament in these days, when we are so intimately connected by trade, by common interest, and by kinship, can never succeed ; and, therefore, if we must be thrust out fiom the Imperial Parliament, let it be complete. Let it be separation. Put in the history of the world was such an act ever heard of? We who have given to England a Wellington, a W olseley, a Roberts, Lords Lawrence. Mayo, and Dufferin, Purke, i86 Sheridan, and Goldsmith ; we, some of whose sons have carried her and our flag over land and sea, and wrapped their loved colours round their breast on many a blood -red field, are now the " despicable minority " for which the Gladstonians have nothing but sneers. Brother Irishmen, we will not have it. A political crime of such magnitude can never be carried out. We live in peace and kindly good-will amongst our countrymen ; we blame them not for their views ; we ask them to respect ours : we feel sure they have not realised the terrible injury this country will sustain by separation from Great Britain ; we feel sure that if it was accomplished that in time they would find out that it was a sad political error. Mr. Gladstone, who is now their friend, cannot live long. Will they be treated in the same kindly way by those who may succeed him ? Mr. Gladstone has appealed several times to the Northern Presbyterians, asking them how it is that they, some of whose forefathers were rebels against the Crown, are not now with him in his endeavour again to separate the two countries. The answer is " We have learned by experience during the century that a United Parliament is better, and we stand by it." Is there any argument so strong against Mr. Gladstone ? And may it not be that before another century has well commenced that those who are now loudest in demanding separation will be succeeded by descendants who will believe in unity? Brother Unionists, afcer this Convention is over, let us go back to our several districts more determined than ever to fight the battle of the Union. Any voter who lets either his pleasure or his convenience come between him and his duty, is a traitor to the cause in this hour of trial, and he is unworthy of his citizenship. I have now only to remind you that it is because we love our dear land that we are here to-night, so let us unite in one solemn protest against its being degraded by a subordinate Parliament. Let North and South shake hands in one common, determination to i8 7 utterly refuse Home Rule, and in doing so we are surely actuated by the truest love of our native land. We can say with all the warmth of patriots " God save Ireland." Save her from separation, and keep her united under the flag we love, the Parliament we stand by, and the Sovereign we acknowledge as our honoured Queen. REV. H. EVANS, D.D., Methodist Minister, Dublin, Commis- sioner of National Education, said We are met here in this great Convention on an occasion of momentous importance, not only to the Unionists of Ireland whom we represent, but of momentous importance to our fellow-countrymen who have had the misfortune to be misled by the selfish traffickers in politics, whose baleful trade has so long been a curse to this country. For, did those who blindly clamour for what is called Home Rule only consider what loss of credit, loss of capital, loss of security, loss of open liberty, and equal, fair opportunity, must inevitably follow from separation from the powerful and wealthy country of Great Britain, they would see that the cause we are met to night to promote is their cause, and the advantages we seek to retain are their advantages, as really as they are ours. And not only is this occasion of such high importance to the people of Ireland it is of no less importance to the rest of the Empire. The maintenance of the Union of Ireland with England is the maintenance of the United Kingdom in unshorn glory and invincible strength, whereas the day that sees the setting up of a separate Legislature in Ireland, and a separate Govern- ment will be the beginning of troubles and misfortunes to the Empire at large of which no one can predict the progress or the widespread mischief. The delegates from Leinster, Munster, and Connaught do not meet here in a selfish spirit. They neither ask nor want any exceptional advantage ; nor do they entertain any feelings of antipathy or ill-will towards any part of their fellow-countrymen. What we want 1 88 for ourselves we want for all, and that is equal security and equal liberty. For these objects Ulster struggles in common with ourselves. Consequently the resolution which has been sent to this meeting from the magnificent Convention held last week in Belfast, tendering the sympathy of Ulster with REV. II. EVAXf the Unionists of the other three provinces, and pledging us their support, is received by this Convention with cordial appreciation and fraternal gratitude. To-day Xortli and South join hands in Dublin. Our cause is one ; our interests 189 arc one ; our perils are one. We are heirs of the same birthright of liberty. We are blessed alike by the benignity of the same Imperial Constitution and we should be damaged in common by any severance of our relations to Great Britain. The system of government under which Ulster has prospered is alike favourable to our prosperity. The moral, industrial, and commercial welfare of Ireland throughout all the provinces depends on the same causes, and these causes are dependent for their beneficial operation on the stable, equal, continuous administration of one United Kingdom, which embraces and safeguards all classes alike. We are grateful to the Ulster Unionists for making common cause with us, the Unionists of the South and West. Henceforth we stand or fall together, in one citizenship, under one Constitution, one Legislature, one sceptre. We thank our Ulster brethren for their unselfishness. Their circumstances possess advantages which we do not have. They are near enough in neighbourhood to succour each other. Their numbers enable them to secure representation on civic boards, juries, and other local councils. They can use their common power for common advantage ; but to our regret and loss, the Unionists of the other provinces are not thus able to afford each other effective help. They are too widely scattered to influence the administration of boards generally or to sway elections. It is therefore of the utmost importance that there should be a real alliance between the Unionists of North anil South. For the common good we this day make common cause. Henceforth we speak with one voice, stand side by side for mutual defence, and, being of one mind as to the ruin which a severance of the Union with (ire at Britain would entail on our native land, we unite in declaring our abhorrence of the insane policy called Home Rule. From east, west, north, and south, we proclaim with one voice that we do not want Home Rule, will not have Home Rule, nor anything called igo by whatever name it may be, which \vould partake of the nature of a separate Legislature or a separate Government. Six years ago such a policy was formulated in a bill. The shadow of that measure fell on our capital, our industries, our trade and commerce, like the drifting east wind on the life of spring. Depreciation came over property like a fatal blight. Credit fell, confidence weakened, industry halted, universal fear prevailed. The sad experiences through which this country has gone then and since afford bitter proofs of the calamity which, being exiled from the Imperial Consti- tution, must inevitably bring us. Men of all classes, of all callings, and of all creeds, have anxiously considered what kind of legislature, what kind of government, what kind of administration we should have under a Parliament elected by the suffrages and under the auspices of leaguers, moonlighters, and boycotters, and have marvelled beyond expression that anybody in his senses could suppose it possible to be other than a source of misery to our distracted country. The more we look at separation the more we dislike it. Our knowledge of men, our observations of party aims and methods, our very instincts tell us that in a divided population such as unhappily obtains in this countrv, to set one party in supreme authority over the rest, would be to imperil society and provoke civil war. It would be as though in a party of four authority were given to three to bind the one, and plunder his substance at will. And yet this is what Mr. Gladstone calls "Justice to Ireland.' Mis justice to Ireland is simply a proposal to put powers into the hands of the thriftless, the disaffected, and the anti- English to bring into subjection to their avaricious designs and racial animosities, the industrious, law-abiding, and loyal minority, and to do this by every instrument of administration, as well as by their enacted law. Speaking a^ I do on tin's occasion, more especially as one who. if in England, would be called a Nonconformist, it mav be allowed me to voice the convictions of Nonconformists, and utter a protest in their name against being exiled from the citizenship of the United Kingdom, and forced to become against our heart and mind and conscience the subjects of an authority created by the suffrages of moonlighters, boycotters. and Fenians. Under the law of the United Kingdom we are content with such security for person, property, home, and altar, as are enjoyed by all our fellow-subjects without distinction ; but we shrink with dire apprehension from the proposal to cut us off from this country and doom us instead to put up witn such substitutes as must be expected from the rule of Anarchists and Campaigners. \Ye refuse to have our civil and religious liberties, our educational interests, our social and moral concerns, placed at the mercy of a hostile majority, who have threatened in advance to use the bench of justice and the baton of the policeman to force upon us their odious will instead of the guarantees of British juris- prudence. The principles of Nonconformists and the principles of so-called Nationalists are diametrically opposed, and I freely and deliberately say that every English Nonconformist who votes against the Unionist Government votes to set up in Ireland all his people have struggled from generation to generation to put down in England. Six years ago the Conference of the Methodist Church in Ireland deemed it necessary for the information of their brethren in England to make a public declaration against the policy of Home Rule. Since then the subject has been in everv one's mind, has been debated on thousands of platforms, and discussed in innumerable pamphlets and articles. '\Ye have considered all that has been said by the friends of separation, and have had our eyes and ears open to all that lias been transpiring around us, with the result that we are more firmly convinced than ever that Home Rule, or any approximation to it. would be fatal to much and prejudicial to all that we regard as essential to the welfare of our native countrv. And in pursuance of lliis conviction the Methodist Conference now in session in Belfast renews and re-affirms with stronger emphasis than ever its protest against a divided Parliament. In a recent speech Mr. Gladstone has had the temerity to question the authenticity of an address which was signed by well-nigh all the non-Episcopal ministers of Ireland. My friend. Dr. Ball of London, has chastised Mr. Gladstone's rashness by publishing in the Times a full list of the signatures, and I may now add that I have in my possession the written reasons of the very few who did not sign, and of these only two or three withheld their names on account of difference of opinion from that address. Some of those that hesitated then do not hesitate now. and some of them have been among the strongest opponents of Home Rule in the recent demonstrations which have been made. I have- great pleasure in seconding the resolution in reply to the deputation from Belfast. I have, in conclusion, the pleasure of informing you that at an important Conference which is now being held at Belfast in connection with the denomination to which I have the honour to belong, resolutions against Home Rule were to-day, after a vigorous debate, passed by 193 to 11. Similar resolutions were passed in 1886. but the majority then was 137 56 fewer than it is now. The minority then was 22, whereas the minority to-day has gone down to ii. The resolution was put to the meeting and passed unanimously. THK MAYOR OF DF.RRY said 1 thank you sincerely for the manner in which you have passed this resolution. A higher honour could not have been given to us than the manner in which you have received us this evening. We expected a reception such as the men of the South and West could give, but our imaginations could not at all reach 193 the height at which to place the cordiality of the reception you have accorded us. On behalf of those in Ulster assembled in Convention at Belfast, I thank you for the way you have received us, and I will again assure you that Ulster is not fighting for herself. Ulster is determined to have no separation ; she is determined to stand by the rest of Ireland. We want to remain with the rest of Ireland, and we will do our best to prevent that scheme of Mr. Gladstone's, which has never been disclosed, his scheme of Home Rule from being carried out. MR. WILLIAM KENNY, Q.C., Unionist candidate for Stephen's Green Division of Dublin, was received with cheers on rising to move a vote of thanks to the chairman. He said I beg to move that Mr. Cairnes do leave the chair, and that it be taken by Sir Richard Martin. Sir Richard Martin, Bart.,* having taken the second chair, Mr. WILLIAM KENNY, continued 1 have much pleasure in proposing that the thanks of this great Convention be offered to Mr. Cairnes for his presidency this evening. No more representative man in this community could have presided over this meeting. Mr. Cairnes is a gentleman whose position in the world of commerce is so well assured and so widely recognised that it would be mere waste of language for me to dilate upon it. In great and broad-minded benevolence he has few to compete with him. He has filled a position which, perhaps, more than any other has enabled him to form a true and just estimate of the condition and requirements of this country that of Governor of the Bank of Ireland. This is not the first time that Mr. Cairnes has taken his stand on a Unionist platform. In 1887.011 the occasion of the great Hartington-Goschen demonstration in this Hall. Mr. Cairnes, then, as now, showed by his presence that he. in * A Portrait of Sir Richard Martin appears en page 197. i 9 4 common with almost every man who had a stake in the country, protested against a social revolution which he believed would be attended with disaster to the best interests of Ireland. Gentlemen, this is a solemn and impressive meeting over which Mr. Cairnes has presided. No threats of any sort have been uttered at it. Warnings may have been given of what we believe to be the unquestionable results of any attempt by any future administration to force a measure of Home Rule upon this country, but the language of to-night has been temperate, weighty, and dignified. Gentlemen, it is a deplorable thing to find a great statesman, such as Mr. Gladstone was, now in the decline of life, when his intellectual faculties are not so vigorous as they were, endeavouring to tamper with the act of Union which, during his long previous career, he had justified in speech after speech. May I remind you of Mr. Gladstone's opinion of the Union in the year 1856. He then said (referring to Mr. Pitt) I5ut the hurricane of the French Revolution swept over the face of Europe, and drew him into a war, which again postponed for a quarter of a century all attempts at legislative progress, with the splendid but isolated exceptions of the union with lie- land, and the abolition of the slave trade. That was the deliberately formed opinion of a then mature statesman. Can we trust to the change which has come over him when an all-mastering desire for power has obscured his sense of justice to the law-abiding people of Ireland, and has dulled his appreciation of the duty which lies upon the Privy Councillor of the Queen to safeguard every section of her subjects. The men who have come here to- night men like Mr. Cairnes and Sir Richard Martin men who have filled high and trusted positions in this country who have been always actuated by a sense of duty towards their fellow-countrymen, protest with all their power against any weakening of the Legislative Union of 1800. MR. GKORC.K POI.I.KXFEN, J.P., (Sligo) said that he seconded the motion as one of 600 delegates from Connaught, and but for the want of room, they could have sent four times that number of delegates. As Mr. Cairnes had stated, this was no party movement, in the sense that it belonged to one section of the community, that it was not composed exclusively of landlords or tenant farmers, or of professional or business men. The members of the wage-paying and wage-earning classes were in it, and as a business man and connected with one of the most considerable Mil GUOIK.E I'OLLKXl'KX. manufacturing industries in the West of Ireland he, the speaker, claimed the right to thank their chairman, Mr. Cairnes, on behalf of those business men. Mr. Cairnes had filled many most important and useful positions both 197 private and public, and as a financier he was in the first rank in the country, but never before did he fill an office so eminently useful to his country as by presiding over this great meeting. There was one lesson that he and his brother SIR UICIIAKD MAKHX, I!VHT. F,Y.m a P/iofo.jnij'7'J L J>'y Cl delegates would take home with them, and that was that Ulster would stand or fall with them. When they saw men like Mr. Cairnes, Sir Richard Martin, Mr. Pirn, Mr. Inglis, and 198 all the other gentlemen connected in the metropolis, and in the country, coming there to oppose the granting of a separate Parliament that appeared to be attempted for the purpose of putting an old man gone wrong into office, or if not for that, then for the purpose of pleasing disaffected people in Ireland. When they saw men like these coming there to oppose such a proposal it formed the strongest argument against it. From the way in which the message for Ulster had been conveyed, and the responsive manner in which it was received, he thought that the effect which it would produce in the country would be very great indeed. Sir Richard Martin, in putting the motion, said he was satisfied that there was not a gentleman in Ireland who took a greater interest in the prosperity of the country, and in the prosperity of every class in the country, than Mr. Cairnes. The vote of thanks was carried with the greatest enthusiasm. MR. T. P. CAIRXF.S, in reply, said Notwithstanding the compliment of Mr. Kenny. I think a word of explanation is due from me as to the reason why one who, so far from being a prominent politician, really takes no part in political movements, should have been selected for so prominent a position as I have held to-night. The explanation is ;\ simple one. T belong to the class ot sober minded business men, whose opinions on this subject have hardly been spoken out as fully as it ought to have been. It has been Wj much the custom to leave the Northerns to fight our battle, instead of going forward and making known our own sentiments. I feel that this is no ordinary question, that it is no party question or political question. It is a question which calls on everyone to come forward and speak. It is a question which goes direct to the very roots of the 199 Constitution, that touches every interest of the country. It is a question not of reform, but of revolution. The chairman of a meeting has great privileges. He has the last word. And that will be do not let this movement, which has been originated so ably this evening, die of inanition. Let us use this organization to bring Loyalists and Unionists together, .and thus they will really learn their strength, and the strength that proceeds from union. The entire meeting then sang the National Anthem, and the proceedings concluded with vigorous cheers for Mr. Balfour, Lord Salisbury,, and the Duke of Devonshire. APPENDIX A. LETTERS OF APOLOGY FOR NON-ATTENDANCE AT THE CONVENTION From HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. DEVONSHIRE HOUSE, PICCADILLY, YY., June 22?id, 1892. MY DEAR SIR, I regret that old engagements, which I cannot postpone, to address meetings in England to-day and Friday, prevent my attendance at the great gathering of delegates from the three Southern Provinces, which is to assemble at Dublin to-morrow. There can be no doubt as to the immense impression which has been produced by the remarkable demonstration of Ulster Unionists which took place last week, but its effect would have been incomplete in the absence of any proof that their opinions on the subject of the Union are shared by large numbers of their fellow-countrymen in the other provinces. I understand that the delegates who will assemble to-morrow will be repre- sentative of men of all creeds and classes who are opposed to the Repeal of the Legislative Union, and that they will be entitled to speak in the name of a great majority of those on whom the commerce and industrial enterprise of Ireland depends. No one who has the prosperity of Ireland at heart can be indifferent to the judgment deliberately formed and temperately expressed of the representatives of those classes> and I hope that the proceedings of to-morrow will induce many in this country to give a more full and calm consideration to the great Irish interests which are involved in the result of the approaching general election than they have hitherto done. I remain, yours sincerely, DEVONSHIRE. The Secretary to the Committee of Unionist Demonstration. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OK ABERCORX sent the following telegram : "I cannot refrain from offering my hearty congratulations to all my friends assembled at the Dublin Convention, and to assure them that we in the North will never desert the rest of Ireland." l-'rom THE KARL OK KEXMARE. I .ON DI )X. June 20th, 1892. MY DEAR EIN<;AI.I,. I regret it will not be in my power to be present at the Convention of Unionists of the three Southern Provinces, to be held in Dublin on the 2jrd inst, a-nd over which I am glad to see >ou are to preside. I thoroughly endorse every word of the three resolutions which it is intended to propose, for they declare our unswerving allegiance to the Throne, our unalterable determination to 203 uphold the Legislative Union between Great Britain and Ireland. They protest against a Parliament for Ireland, whether separate or subordinate, and against the creation of an Irish Executive, dependent for its existence upon the pleasure of an Irish Parliament. I cannot add to the force of these words, which fully embody my views on the Home Rule Question. Yours very sincerely, KENMARE. 1-rom PROFESSOR TYXDALL. HIND HEAD, HASLK.MKRE. loth June, 1892. DEAR SIR THOMAS, Broken health will, I grieve to say, prevent me from attending the meeting of the Dublin Convention on the 23rd. The Convention was a happy thought. Wanting it, the loyalism of Ireland, and the opposition to Mr. Gladstone's Irish policy, might be supposed to be confined to Ulster. I know Ireland well, and still remember the noble congregations (chiefly Methodist) with which in early clays I mingled in the South Throughout the island, and more particularly along its eastern fringe, are to be found individuals, families, and communities whose civic virtue would bear comparison with those of any other people on the face of the earth. The law-abiding, loyal, but out-numbered ones almost wholly Protestant whom Mr. Gladstone would hand over to the tender mercies of their hereditary foes, will be worthily represented by the Convention. To no priesthood ought to be conceded the supremacy at which the Roman Catholic Hierarchy in. Ireland aim, and which, in elections and other matters, they already exercise. Gladstonian priests describe me as an i: Ulster Orangeman." Were this true I should accept the designation with pride. The term Orangeman is, for the time being, the most forcible antithesis to the term "traitor." But I am a Leinster man born on the banks of the beautiful Barrow, nearly sixty miles south of Dublin. I have been an Orangeman. Indeed my desire throughout life has been to soften those sectarian animosities which after a lull of consider- able duration the evil genius of Mr. Gladstone has so effectually revived. That the Separatists are taken aback by the attitude of Ulster is not surprising. For when Mr. Gladstone and that arch-doctrinaire, Mr. John Morley (who, it is alleged, first planted the microbe of repeal in the brain of his venerable friend), launched the first Home Rule scheme, they forgot that there was any Ulster at all. With the same fatal ignorance they now mis- interpret the attitude of Ulster. Of Mr. Morley 1 would speak more in sorrow than in anger. of us who once knew him as a man of elevated mind, and regarded him with a feeling warmer than friendship, now mournfully behold him degraded to the level of the professional politician. In an amicable moment I once offered to accompany Mr. Gladstone to Ulster, and to make him acquainted with the land of " rogues and fools." As an illustration of the roguery and foolery I proposed to take him through the City of Belfast. I ventured to invite him to pay a visit to the famous Ulster Hall, where he might tell the people his Home Rule story, and allow me afterwards to tell them mine. Had he come, and had he opened his eyes, he would never have ventured on his atrocious insult to the men of the North. For this he has already begun to eat humble pie a process which practice renders easy to him. More than four years ago I had the privilege of conversing with Mr. John Bright, whose letters at the time were so many nails in the coffin of Home Rule. He* confined himself, he told me, to writing letters lest in the heat of speaking he should rend his old chief to pieces. We dwelt on the appalling wickedness of Mr. Gladstone's Irish policy, and on the bloodshed which, if successful, it would inevitably cause. At the close of our con- versation he said, firmly and fervently, " it must never be." No trace of personal hostility can mingle with my feelings towards Mr. Gladstone. At a time when my physicians predicted that a few hours would finish my career on earth, his warm and generous sympathy was abundantly shown. Would that his course were one that I could follow and applaud. 15ut fealty to him would be treason to something indefinitely higher. In 1890, when I visited Belfast, the kite Sir Edward Cowan, Lord Lieutenant of the County Antrim, said to me with a sigh i( Up to 1886 Mr. Gladstone was our idol we worshipped him until his treachery almost broke our hearts.'' This was the sentiment of every man who is now a Liberal Unionist in Ulster ; and these are the men whom Mr. Gladstone and his flippant son think fit to insult and revile. These are the men who, with their brother Unionists now confront him like a granite cliff. I have no doubt as to the power of that cliff to repel and roll back any wave which Mr. Gladstone dares urge against it. The first loyalist blood shed in Ulster for the sake of Messrs. Walsh, Croke, and Healy would rouse in this country a feeling which would sweep his Irish policy to perdition. And now for a practical winding up. I occupy no post ; I receive no wages ; I enjoy no pension, but a money driblet comes to me occasionally from a more precarious source. Some time ago I received from ir.y publishers the sum of ^103 ~s. ~,d. in payment for two little books of mine. This seasonable windfall I have divided into two parts, one of which, 5 ~s. ^cl., I keep for myself; the other, 100, I send to you. May your efforts Aid the warning of Lord Sa'isbury in averting the catastrophe 2O6 which must follow Mr. Gladstone's return to power. My heart's desire would be to see Protestants and Catholics living together in amity, as they might, and would do, were it not for pestilent agitators, with a political priesthood at their back. If Mr. Gladstone had rendered such peace impossible, then I can only say that I would spend something far more precious than money in defending the rights of Irish loyalists, and the integrity of this glorious empire. Yours very faithfully, Jcmx TVNDALL. Sir Thomas Butler, Bart., Chairman of the Irish Unionist Alliance. ATHEX.V.UM CLUJ;, LONDON, June iS///, 1892. DEAR SIR, I regret that I shall not be able to be present at your meeting, but I desire to express my full sympathy with its object. Xo Government of our time has, in my opinion, so amply earned the confidence of the nation as the Unionist Government which is about to appeal to the verdict of the constituencies. In six years it has raised Ireland from a condition of dis- graceful anarchy to prosperity and peace. It has laid in a greatly increased diffusion of the ownership of land the best foundation for a permanently improved social condition. It has done more than any of its predecessors to open out the resources and alleviate the wretchedness of the poverty-stricken districts of the West. It has at the same time conducted the foreign affairs of the nation with eminent dignity and success, restored to its old efficiency the navy, which had been shamefully neglected, administered the finances with a skill which even its enemies have been obliged to acknowledge, and carried in spite of much persistent obstruction a long list of domestic measures of capital importance. It has been emphatically an Administra- tion of honest men, and it has rested upon an alliance which is one of the most disinterested as well as one of the most successful in English history. But the chief of all its merits is that it has defeated a great crime and averted a great calamity. When the glamour of party rhetoric shall have passed away, history will have little difficulty in estimating the character of an English statesman who, for the purpose of winning a majority, deliberately attempted to place the Government of an integral part of the Empire in the hands of men whom he had himself denounced in the strongest language as both dishonest and disloyal. After the overwhelming evidence collected by the Parnell Com- missioners, and after the sentence of the judges, it is impossible for any candid man to doubt that the Parnell he movement was essentially a treasonable conspiracy, promoting its ends by calculated fraud, violence, and lawlessness, by an amount of cruelty and oppression seldom equalled in modern times, by constant and systematic appeals to the worst passions of the Irish people. No respectable Government ever was or ever will be founded on such methods. Any attempt to place such men at the head of Irish affairs would in my opinion only lead to widespread anarchy and ruin, very possibly to civil war and separation. I remain, yours faithfully, W. II. LECKY 208 Letters regretting their inability to attend were also re- ceived from the following noblemen and gentlemen amongst others : The Marquis of Headford, K.I'. The Marquis of Ormonde, K.I'. The Earl of Pembroke. The Earl of Bandon. The Earl of Courtown. The Earl of Carysfort, K.P. The Earl of Gosford, K.P. The Earl of Howth, K.P. The Earl of Kilmorey. K.P. The Earl of Listowel, K.P. The Earl of Rosse, K.P. The Viscount Downe. The Viscount Gort. The Viscount Middleton. The Viscount Monck. The Viscount Valentia. The Lord Clarina. The Lord Digby. The Lord Harlerh. The Lord Inchiqain. The Lord Bishop of Meath. The Rt. Hon. J. T. Ball, P.C. The Rt. Hon. Ion Trant Hamilton, P.C. Sir Maurice Fitzgerald, Bart. (The Knight of Kerry-. Sir John Colomb, K.C.M.G. The Hon. R. T. O'Neill, M.P. R. U. Penrose Fitzgerald, Esq., M.I'. William Johnston. Esq., M.P. Thomas Lea, Esq., M.P. Captain J. M'Calmont, M.P. A. H. Smith-Barry, Esq., M.P G. W. Wolff, Esq., M.P. A. Hamilton Bryce, Esq., LL.D. Edmund Dease, Esq.. D.L. Edward Carson, Esq., O.C. William Gray, Esq. Chairman G.N.R.C.) A P P E N D I X U . lcniis of sympathy received during the Conrention from Unionist Organizations in Great Hritain and I reland. LEEDS, PUDSEY, AND BAKK.STON Asu LIBERAL UNIONIST ASSO- CIATION. " We send assurances of hearty sympathy, and wish success to your Convention." "TlIE KCCLES LIBERAL UNIONIST ASSOCIATION, LANCASHIRE, send greetings, and wish success to the good cause." Tin: LEEDS CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION wish your Convention every success. It has our entire sympathy." PioriiERHAM UNIONIST ASSOCIATION. ' We warmly sympathize with object of Convention, and heartily wish you success. " FINCHI.EY LIBERAL UNIONIST ASSOCIATION. ' The honest and true men of Ireland are right in their determination never to submit to the despotic rule of a Parliament, election of majority of which will be decided by the dictation of the priest and the terrorism of the assassin." 'THE MANCHESTER LIBERAL UNIONIST ASSOCIATION send you greeting and hearty sympathy. 1 ' '' TlIE IIUTCHINSON-TOWN AND 15l.ACKKHlARs' DIVISION, ( il.AS(.iOW LIBERAL UNIONIST ASSOCIATION express deep sympathy, and wish every success to your Convention.'' "THE SOMERSET LIBERAL UNIONIST ASSOCIATION greets the Dublin Unionist Convention, and warmly sympathize with its protest against the policy that would deprive Irish Unionists of their inheritance in the Union, and transfer them to the rule of men whom Mr. Gladstone desciibed as marching through rapine to the dismemberment of the empire. Ross AND CHOMAKTY LIBERAL UNIONIST ASSOCIATION. 'Scottish Highlanders strongly support Irishmen and co- religionists in maintaining unity and integrity of empire, and will always stand shoulder to shoulder with them in defence of religious and civil freedom.' 1 WJ->T or SCOTLAND LIBERAL UNIONIST A>-o t IATION. ' The warm sympathies of the Liberal Unionists of the West of Scotland are with you in your courageous iCbistance to tyranny, and your determination to remain citi/.ens of the United Kingdom. ' NORTH-EAST LANCASHIRE LIBERAL UNIONIST ASSOCIATION, DARWEN DIVISION. " Best wishes for success of Conven- tion." " KENT UNIONISTS heartily sympathize with the objects of the Dublin Convention." ' BUCKHAVEX FIFE LIBKRAL UNIONIST ASSOCIATION wish success to the Dublin Convention now assembled in its efforts to maintain the integrity of the Empire." " EDINBURGH LIBERAL UNIONIST ASSOCIATION wish your meet- ings every success.'' PETERBORO' LIBERAL UNIONIST ASSOCIATION. -"This Associa- tion enters fully into the justice and objects of your Convention, and wishes you every success. " " HUDDEUSFIELD UNIONIST ASSOCIATION hereby express their hearty sympathy with all the Loyal Unionists in Ireland, and wish great success to your Convention. " MANCHESTER CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION desires to express its earnest sympathy with the object of the Dublin Convention to maintain the Union between Great Britain and Ireland for the benefit of both countries.' 1 "THE DORSET LIBERAL UNIONIST ASSOCIATION proffer their most hearty wishes of sympithy to the Dublin Unionist Convention, and trust they will meet with the same glorious success which attended the Convention in Belfast." VORK CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION. "The Irish Unionists have the entire sympathy of the Unionists of this city. Strenuous efforts are being made to send to the next Parliament Mr. Butcher, one of your fellow-countrymen, to uphold the unity of the Empire." 'BRECHIN UNIONIST ASSOCIATION desire to express their sym- pathy with the Convention, and hope it may be a success." "HAMILTON LIBERAL UNIONIST AND CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIA- TION send greetings of sympathy and success.'' "Hui.L LIBERAL UNIONIST ASSOCIATION congratulate you on the efforts you are making to secure the good old Empire's Unity." UNIONISTS OF UEAMN*;. "Every good wish for success of your Convention from Unionists of Reading." ' WEST HULL CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION send hearty good wishes for the success of your efforts in the common cause of the Unity of the Empire." 'Tin-; LIBERAL UNIONISTS OF HEYWOOD tender their good wishes to the members of the Dublin Unionist Convention, and express their eutiie sympathy with the objects thereof." NORTH KENSINGTON LIBERAL UNIONIST ASSOCIATION. "Success to your meeting and its object." ' COVENTRY UNIONISTS express hearty sympathy with you." " CARDIFF CONSERVATIVE CLUB sends heartiest wishes that yuur loyal efforts may be crowned with success." " UNIONISTS OF WOLVERHAMPTON offer heartiest sympathy and cordial wishes for success of your Convention." CONSERVATIVE CLUB, WATFORD. " Heartiest sympathy from Conservatives of West Hertfordshire." "WIRRAL DIVISION OF CHESHIRE UNIONIST PARTY heartily wishes success to your meeting, and the cause for which we are fighting." " HUDDERSFIELD UNIONISTS send greeting and deepest sympa- thy. Success to your efforts." "DERBY UNIONISTS send hearty sympathy to the Unionist Convention to-day at Dublin. We are fighting hard here." BOLTON CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION. "Trust your Convention will be a great success, and produce further evidence of the determination of the Loyalists in Ireland to repudiate any scheme of Home Rule." "UNIONIST PARTY OF CARDIFF, the metropolis of gallant little Wales, and the biggest single member constituency in the United Kingdom, sends you best wishes for success of to-day's Convention.'' MANCHESTER AND DISTRICT LIBERAL UNIONIST ASSOCIATION. "Warmest sympathy and pledge of every effort in aid of our Unionist friends in Dublin and South of Ireland.'' "KIDDERMINSTER UNION heartily sympathize with object of your Convention, and will send you a Unionist member to Parliament to support you." GUILDFORD LIBERAL UNIONIST ASSOCIATION. ' Your cause has our best wishes ; may it succeed.'' " SPAI.DING UNIONIST ASSOCIATION congratulate and sympathize with you." THE SOUTH BEDFORDSHIRE LIBERAL UNIONIST ASSOCIATION. " We most heartily wish your Convention every possible success." " LCTON CONSERVATIVE AND CONSTITUTIONAL CLUB wish your Convention success." "SOUTH BEDFORDSHIRE CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION wish suc- cess to your Convention, and assure you of hearty sympathy and support." " CLAPHAM LIBERAL UNIONIST ASSOCIATION- send their good wishes and sympathy to their brothers in Dublin." " PRESTON t'ANs LIBKRAI. UNIONIST ASSOCIATION send message of goodwill to the Dublin Unionist Convention now assem- bled. As we ourselves wish to live under the protection of the Imperial Parliament, we sympathixe heartily with your effort to avert the evils which menace you and the whole Empire from the reckless intrigues of shallow political theorists." "CHRISTCHURCH AND "BOUKNKMOUTH LTIIKHAL UNIONIST ASSO- CIATION send their expression of their hearty sympathy with the objects of your great gathering, and are sure the appeal to your brethren in England will meet with the sympathy and support it so well deserves." "MKLROSK, RO.\IH:ROIISIIIRE, sends heartiest sympathy; also hopes for successful meeting." AI.YTII AND MKIULE DISTRICT LIHKRAT, UNIONIST ASSOCIATION. ' The members of the Association express the pleasure with which they view the eneigy displayed by the Unionists in Ireland, and hope that the Dublin Convention will bear good fruit in due season. They also feel deep sympathy with the aim and object of your Convention, and assure you of their unswerving support." THE LIHKRAL UNIONIST ASSOCIATION, II KNK. "The members of this Association unanimously express their sympathy with the aims of the Convention held in Dublin, and hope that Ireland will be able to icturn a large number of members to the new Parliament, and that England and Scotland will swell the majority in favour of Union, \\hich will settle the question for cveiv' OTI.KY LIBERAL UNIONIST ASSOCIATION. "The President, Vice- President, Committee, and other officers and members of this Association desire to tender their most loyal and hearty wishes for the success of your Convention, and to assure you of their earnest belief in the coining triumph of a great and just causeUnionist principles at the forthcoming polls. We think the splendid success of the Uelfast meeting will be followed by an equally signal demonstra- tion in Dublin. \Ve have a just and righteous cause, and can and must win." '' THE DOVER PRKMIK.R-IN-K K.NT HAKITATION OK Tin: PRIMROSE Li-:.v;rE heartily sympathi/.e with Iri>h Unionists in the struggle to maintain the integrity of the Kingdom, and hope, by the united efforts of all Pcyali-ts, to defeat the pernicious attempts of Separatists to destroy the unity of the Empire." " WORCESTER ("'oxsKRVATivK. ASSOCIATIONS send heartiest sympathy." '' JJKAY UNIONISTS heartily sympathize with you and objects of Convention ; are doing our best to re-elect sound supporter for old Ireland's real interests and welfare.'' STOCKTON CONSTITITIONAL OKUANI/ATION. "Every good wish for your meeting to-day. -) "SHEFFIELD UNIONIST PARTY send kindly greetings and heart- felt sympathy with Irish Unionists at Dublin Convention.'' ' POSSII.PARK LIBERAL UNIONIST Asso< TATIoN, ( I LASi ,O\V. " Our sincerest sympathies are with you, wishing your Convention every success.' 1 CITY OF PKRTII LIIIERAT. UNTONI.-TS. li You have our heartiest wishes for the success of your great and glorious meeting. " REK;ATE DIVISION, SFRREY LIBERAL UNIONISTS, send hearty greetings and sincere sympathy." II.KLEY YORKSHIRE CONSTITUTIONAL Ci.u:. " Hearty good wishes for a most successful meeting.' 1 ''UNIONISTS OF LIVERPOOL send most cordial sympathy with their Irish brethren, and are ready, heart and soul, to help them. 1 ' " NORTH AMPTON CONSERVATIVES sympathize with the objects of your Convention, and wish every success.'' 'BLACKPOOL DIVISION CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION hope Con- vention will l)e a great success, and demonstrate determina- tion of Irish Unionists to resist Home Rule to the last." " STOCK PORT UNH>NI>TS send greetings and best wishes for successful meeting." ' Br TENHEAD UNIONIST PARTY heartily wishes success to your meeting, and the cause for which we are lighting hard." TUAl>ESToN LlP.ERAI. UNIONIST ASSOCIATION. "This AsSOci.1- tion wish the Dublin Convention all success, we having the greatest sympathy for those people in Ireland who are doing the great work of endeavouring to maintain the Union. \Ve may add that we have strong hopes of being able to retain the seat for our present Unionist member, Mr. Cameron Corbett." 'EAST PERTHSHIRE LIP.ERAL UNIONIST COMMITTEE wish you great success, and may you have a splendid meeting." CHELSEA LIP.ERAL UNIONIST ASSOCIATE >N._<- The Liberal Unionist Committee of Chelsea beg to express to you feelings of sympathy, and a determination on our part to support you in your galUnt tight for civil and religious liberty against rebels and fanatics. '" "BIRMINGHAM CONSERVATIVES send warmest sympathy ; hear- tiest wishes for success ; a united party here upholds Unionist flag, and will return solid seven to new Parlia- ment." "THE WEST HERTS LIBERAL UNIONIST ASSOCIATION desire to offer you the assurance of their sincere sympathy in the present crisis, and of their support in resisting the attempt to set up a separate Parliament in Ireland." " DUNDEE UNIONISTS ask you to accept hearty sympathy." "PRESTON CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION heartily in sympathy with Unionist Convention. Union and no surrender." COCKERMOUTH DIVISION LlBERAI. UNIONIST ASSOCIATION. '' The 'Executive Committee of this Association are pleased to find you are making such a bold front ; they desire to express sympathy with you, and to assure you that they will use every endeavour in their power to prevent so great an iniquity as the handing over of the loyal subjects in Ireland to the mercies of the originators of boycotting and the Plan of Campaign.'' BOSTON LIBERAL UNIONIST ASSOCIATION. " I have great plea- sure in writing to express, on behalf of the Boston Liberal Unionist Association, the deep sympathy we feel with you in the present Home Rule crisis, to assure you of our untir- ing efforts to secure the return of a supporter of the present Government in this borough, so as to assist in preventing what we feel convinced would mean separation of Ireland from Great Britain. We hope the Unionists of the South of Ireland may speak as decidedly as those of Ulster in their Convention." "LIBERAL UNIONISTS OF Tin: SOUTHPORT DIVISION <>i LANCA- SHIRE desire to convey their heartiest greeting on the Unionists assembled in Convention in Dublin. \Ve look on your great gathering in the chief City of Ireland, intensely representative as it is in every sense, as a most powerful evidence of the inter mistake of legislative separa- tion. Your Convention, and the marvellous Convention of Belfast, speak with a voice from Ireland which will echo throughout the Empire, and which will sustain the Loyalists, both in Ireland and England, at the polls such as probably nothing else could do." " LISKEARU UNIONISTS send you hearty good wishes.'' CONSERVATIVES OF WEST HERTFORDSHIRE." Heartiest sym- pathy from Conservatives of West Hertfordshire.'' LASSWADK AND COCKPIX LIBERAL UNIONIST ASSOCIATION. "Cause greatly strengthened by Belfast Convention. Fervently wish success to your Convention to-night." "WEST NOTTINGHAM LIBERAL UNIONISTS wish all success.'' EAST BLINGTON LIBERAL UNIONIST ASSOCIATION. "Best wishes and hearty sympathy." " ENNISKILLENERS, remembering the past, are watchful and ever ready to render assistance when occasion arises.'' "NOTTINGHAM ASSOCIATION heartily wish you success in efforts to drive back forces of disunion." "EDINBURGH IRISH UNIONISTS send warm sympathy to the Loyalists of Leinster, Munster, and Connaught in their resolve to retain their liberties and to uphold the Empire." " HAWICK LIBERAL ASSOCIATION sends warm sympathy." MAGUIRESBRIDUE FERMANAGH PRIMITIVE CHURCH METHODIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY assembled. " Heartily sympathize with principles of Dublin Unionist Convention, and assures them of support.' 1 "UNIONISTS SOUTH OF CORK are thinking of Convention with deep interest and sympathy. ' " SCOTTISH UNIONISTS send greetings to Dublin Convention, and express their determination to stand by their Irish brethren." "AvR LIBERAL UNIONIST ASSOCIATION send their warmest sympathy with great object of your Convention, and their earnest desire for its complete success.'' WALWORTH LIBERAL UNIONISTS. "Greeting. \Ve are one with you. Be more than ever determined to have the tlag nailed to the mast." ' PETTINUS AND BROOKHILL send heartfelt sympathy." "LisBEi.i.AW UNIONISTS sympathize with their brethren in the South and West." 'NORTH FERMANAGH LOYALISTS send sympathetic greetings and promises of support when necessary. 'CENTRAL FINSBURY CLERKENWELL LIBERAL UNIONIST ASSO- CIATION heartily sympathize with and commend your action." UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-100ni-9,'52(A:!105 M 14 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS AM.LLLS A 001238537 DA 957 15 8r