CM GO UC-NRLF 2fl 7ES GIFT OF Class of 1887 AS TAUGHT BY CHRIST JESUS APPLIED TO THE PEACE PROBLEM Copyrighted by DR. J. J. SHANER SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA This application faithfully done, will remove the mountains of wars as well as all other errors. All false beliefs vanish before this leaching now as it did in the years 30-33. TShe Great Law of Health Exemplified and Proven -: by :- Dr. John Junius Shaner AUTHOR OF The 20th Century Evangelist or The Great Moral Philosopher The Scientific Healer or The Great Moral Philosopher The Character Builder or The Scientific Healer The Character Builder or Scientific Christianity The Character Builder Dr. J. J. Shaner 163 West Santa Clara St., San Jose, Calif. NOTE: These works can be obtained at the small price of $2. OC per volume in cloth while the present edition last. From Dr. J. J. Shaner. INTRODUCTION. E have given this teaching in varied forms, but have never left out Abba; this is the one thing needful to all mankind to know that Mother- Father, or, as Christ Jesus taught it, Abba-Atta is the name of Spirit; this name in plain English is Mother- Father. The only way then, to follow Christ Jesus is to * ; ,} think, say, talk or tell our f ellowman this Goodspell now , . written Goapel. This mode of doing right will bring "j.easo on earth and good will to men." Does the world want peace? Then apply this law of universal love and obtain it. Let us all be decent and stop our robbing of ourselves, our f ellowman as well as Spirit, our Infinite parents, who is the God that we all worship. "We can only do this by using this approachment in our prayer, Mother-Father, for this is the only name that can save. Spirit requests that they be addressed thus, by their children. Can we not be humble enough to comply to their request as Christ Jesus taught in those three years of his teaching, when he spoke as never man spoke ? This is the solution of our problem. It is an individual question and each Individual must know that name, Mother-Father, for it is written "every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess my name and my name is Mother-Father. " "I will set him on high because he hath known my name." Psalms 91, verse 14 (last half). Christ Jesus did know "my name", hence he is set on high, for we all honor him, but we will be shown how to go and how to work in this matter, for it must be done as our Mother-Father wills. We are yours truly for the peace of the entire world. J. J. SHANER, M. D. C PSYCHOLOGY AS TAUGHT BY CHRIST JESUS. THE ONE MIND ; .. . : ., . By DR. j. j. SHA^]R; '' ...,!,$.'.! should be careful and not 'pray amiss. Mind leads. Mind is the comforter and when Spirit is thus addressed does lead into all of Truth. There- fore we have given his prayer as recorded by John in the 17th chapter, as given by mind; any one that will read this chapter has the same Mind that is in the Christ Jesus Spirit when that person was in the flesh. That person's Mind is still true to the sentiments expressed, as thus rendered we hold the pencil, therefore since there is only one Mind like the Mind that is in Christ Jesus, and since this Mind controls all flesh, we have no fear of any one trying to find fault with the print that we offer to the world. John, in the last words of Revelations, prays that this Grace be with all of us his brethern and we join in that prayer of Christ Jesus, where he asks Mother- Father that they may be all one, as I am one with thee or them, Spirit is one, yet Spirit's name is Mother-Father. Hence this grammar may be in correct for a time, but patience worketh holiness and all of us shall know his or their name even from the least to the greatest. The name of this great metaphysician or psychologist is writ- ten everywhere. But my name or His name, Mother-Fath- er, shall be written in the secret places where we, as chil- dren must dwell. Psalm 91, That is in the hearts of their children, for we do dwell in them, for we have been and always will be with Spirit. Spirit being everywhere we are always with them, they being unseen to us, but we can know that they are present. Our finite Mother and Father may be absent, but not so with our Infinite Moth- er-Father. Since they are Infinite they are always pres- ent. We can find them by saying or thinking Mother- Father. Three times Mother-Father, Mother-Father, Mother-Father. Just as a little child cries for its finite Mother or Father so we must cry for our Infinite Mother-Father, 3 not as two, but as one, for they are one inseperable whole, Mi'.c^'-they-aye dual, .yet bounded by Truth, of which we are if part, : th'.Mv!">v<- we are with the Trinity and are the !h' f oriscicuce that binds the super-conscience to the subcojisca-nc,', Ihus combining the three great In- finites in one whole, or one Great Infinite. Therefore we use the Great Infinite super-conscience as the univer- sal conscience of man, for man does dwell in this Great Infinite Spirit which rules mankind as well as all other creatures that Infinite Spirit Intelligence, the one only, the one true God, of whom we are the offspring, not we only, but this law of Love applies to the entire universe. Hence the true and only way to pray is to pray as Christ always desire good, never evil, always the other fellow as Jesus did, "in Spirit and in Truth." Thus praying we knowing that we will be taken care of and our prayers for the other fellow will be answered when we pray or say Mother-Father. In praying thus we cannot hate lust nor be angry for then we are not in the secret places of the most high. Thus we find that to pray aright we enter our closet and shut our door by simply saying or think- ing Mother-Father. We always think Mother-Father unless we are teaching some one the way, which is preaching the gospel. This has been explained in the Character Builder. Scientific Christianity is simply demonstrating and living the life of Christ; trying or desiring to do this is followed by the cry within, of Mother-Father. Paul, or Saul as he was then known, asked who art thou, Lord, that I should obey? Then we have as a result Romans 8-15, as well as Galatians 4-6. In John we have, perfect love casteth out fear also, he that hath this hope in him purifieth himself as he is pure ; also that grace that he speaks of in the last chapter of Revelations. Jude sums it up in Jude 3, as Faith that was given unto those that were sent or the sev- enty, the five hundred as well as many others, for this phrase was sown broadcast by Jesus and the twelve, and all were taught to talk it. All those that talked it reaped great benefit and so it is today that all can reap great 4 benefit, for the fields are white for the harvest as it was then. "Except ye hate Mother, Sister, Brother, all blood re- lations, ye cannot be my disciples, ' ' for you must become as the little child, and this Great Truth will free you, for Mother-Father is this great Truth and it will lead, or teach us all things that it is important for us to know. Therefore we must deny ourselves from all wrong doing, do right, countenance no wrong or evil, let our light shine so that the world will see that we too have been with the Master or that great mind Mother-Father, the one princi- ple that we should stand for, that we too are sons of God, but above all, teach others this grand Truth that all man- kind belong to that one family, and that this gospel should reign in every heart. He that is without sin let him cast the first stone. As we walk in the way, or as we work for the Master, or carry or bear his burden, we become spiritual, we reflect love in the way as we bear Mother-Father, thus we too become way showers, for we are letting our light shine and the beauty of it is the world sees it in our face which begins to assume the shape of the moon. Now the word moon is sin translated so Christ Jesus could exclaim, he that is without the reflection of love let him cast the first stone, there was not one of these but what had obtained the living water from Christ Jesus, hence all showed in their face that full orb of the risen Christ ; therefore we say, let him that is without moon cast the first stone. None of these had the temerity to do so, nor did Christ Jesus do so ; therefore this woman went away condemned not. Had she had the teachings of Christ Jesus as given in Mark 14-36, she would not have been caught in such an act so Christ Jesus said in effect, do not moon in this manner any more, that is, do not love promiscuous but if necessary marry a good man. His teachings were of and for the good of all, not for the few. He recognized that there is no need of want and that all had a right to Life liberty, as well as the pur- suit of Happiness. There is plenty to go around, for all 5 that any one gets is just what they can use, or eat and wear. This is pure metaphysics, and is intended for all, for it puts every man on an equal footing. We are the brother of many brothers for we too are a son of God. Yet as a little child we are holding the pencil for this book. Thus we see this broad mind that is developed by that Mind, that is in those that exhibit the Christ Spirit or Love one another as Christ Jesus taught develops a broad face. We need not try to hide it, but we must let it shine so that others may see it, that we may have an op- portunity to tell the glad news, that the Christ reigns. We need not delay for the command is "be ye always ready for what simply to teach my burden Mother-Father, for this is the pure Gospel or Good Spell of Christ Jesus." If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say unto this mountain, be ye removed hence, and it shall be done for you. To be plain, suppose you meet a friend in the street, he has a claim which is a mountain to him as well as you, but he says, I know that you can help me. I wish to sign a card with some one. I wish to quit drink- ing. You give him a card. He writes his name and ad- dress on this card, and leaves it with you. This man is not healed for he depends upon the card. You see him as we have done about a year afterwards, under the in- fluence of liquor. You pass him and wait for another op- portunity. This opportunity comes and you do as we did, give him Mother-Father, explaining that we are brothers and that all mankind are sons of Spirit. Therefore should call Spirit, Mother-Father, as well as tell him that it is their good pleasure to give us all the Kingdom. Thus we teach our fellowman to do right, for this teaching is just the way the master taught, he being the greatest teacher that history records, for he had Spirit without measure. He is the one for us to follow and to follow him is to bear his burden, which is Mother-Father. The Character Build- er explains what is a mustard seed as well as the scienti- fic parts of the same. "And these signs shall follow them, that believe in my name shall they cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues." Those that use Mother-Father have this gift, for they have all their desires fulfilled. All those that we desire to be benefited have it done unto them, hence we desire good for all and all are benefited that see us. Evil Mind is eliminated, for there is truly from a psycho- logical sense, only one error, this begins with conception in many. This is anger. How can we overcome this great error ? Simply by using Mother-Father as directed in the Character Builder. Hence the importance of this work to the rising generation, therefore we wish it in our schools where our young people can get it. This is the way to re- move our political mountains of all kinds, such as politi- cal economy. Economics and all that man has to over- come in the way of living such as the high cost of living. This great evil vanishes before this great thought Mother- Father. Christ Jesus exclaimed, ye are whitened sepul- chers full of dead men's bones. This is a true description of the condition of man as in the flesh, for even the blood is in that firey state and is at war the white blood corpuscles eating up the red. This is known to the biologist, for this condition has been photographed and has been exhibited as a scientific material fact. The Christ Spirit has con- trol of all flesh, but does not go where it is not invited. That is the rule to do unto others as you would have oth- ers do unto you. Hence it is our duty to give when we see that the person hath need and that without money and without price. Therefore the way is Mother-Father. Hence the key to his teachings is Mother-Father, which gives us eternal life. John 17-3 : this is sufficient for all adherents of Truth and can be proven by the way-bearer, for this knowledge does bring rest for the soul as well as for the body. Christ Jesus is the greatest of all physiologists that ever taught man, for he spoke as never man spoke. The great physiologist or great teacher of mind always ac- knowledged that Spirit was and is his parents, hence his Mother-Father. This little act of love gave him access to all intelligence ; hence he used this key to the Kingdom to accomplish all of his desires and the whole world 7 knows the results. He thus became the greatest mind reader that the world has ever known. He was always a gentle man in his material home and one of the first water in his true home, where he was mannerly to the house keeper, his Infinite Mother, as well as to his Infinite Fath- er, but always approached the super-conscience first, he being conscience and his Father, the sub-conscience. Yet who can differentiate. He being from love, love is always first. Hence as a metaphysician he always puts Mother first ; therefore by this little act of right doing he gained great influence at the throne of grace, for Mother-Father is his grace and through this phrase he did all his healing. This simple language of the little child Mother-Father gave him the Kingdom as well as a perfect birth-right. This he did not try to conceal, but did let his light shine, telling all that they too could overcome the world, for he had done this to show them how and they too being sons of Spirit they had a perfect birth-right and could do all things in my name, which is Mother-Father. This is all of metaphysics as well as psychology. The world should know this, for it is pure Christianity, primitive in form; hence it includes all orders, sects, factions, denominations, in fact the entire world, for we are all of us brothers of that great order of the Brotherhood of Man, our elder being Christ Jesus, and our parents, Mother-Father. This new tongue is to talk Mother-Father. This is the entire truth which is needed by the world; then let every one teach, as well as talk Mother-Father. All learned physicians recognize man as a cannibal when in the state of fever, this a mild way of saying in a state of Hell. This is true for the individual and many have experienced this state. Now a state of mind can be changed. There is nothing that will equal the antidote given by Christ Jesus to Peter 's wife 's mother for fever ; that antidote is Mother-Father. This medicine chest is the Infinite Mind. This is the true method of healing and will remove all our troubles. Is there trouble, take it to Spirit Mother-Father is their name and through this name all evil is cast out, even seven from one woman by the master. 8 So this woman had seven states of mind; hence she had seven states of Hell or seven devils, evils which were all overcome by that one grand state of Mind that is pro- duced by being decent, that is saying Mother-Father. Friends, we could continue this conversation for many pages more, but this is enough for a pamphlet which we started to write. Fear is a state of mind and can be eradicated by this simple child phrase, Mother-Father, for Spirit is ever present with their offspring and always ready to give each one the victory, but it is an individual problem. Hence it is the one great problem of mankind. Eliminate fear and we have won the first victory. After this all things are done for us, but we still have our material work to do for the great I am that I am. At their requests we do much work, go to many places for them at their command, never refusing any work that they wish us to do. This varies from day to day, some- times it is one that has the disease that whiskey produces, languor of the worst type, for whiskey first produces an exhiliration effect, or state. A state of happiness. Then this -reaches its climax of highest state. We have this highest state followed by a state of depression or drousi- ness. This is one . of the chief diagnostics of fever and also it is the chief characteristic of all drugs, for all contain alcohol which is the chief ingredient of liquors of all kinds. All drugs act similar. This is the result of getting angry, a rise in temperature followed by a fall of temperature or depression. Hence this whiskey disease can and should be treated just as anger is treated. The best system to treat an- ger is the Christian system properly applied, but we can- not stop with only half of the Truth. Now half of the Truth is Abba-Father. Mark 14-36, to complete this we have translated Abba as it should be, into Mother. There- fore we have Mother-Father. Now since fever is present in some form it follows that all of our troubles come from anger. Hence Christ Jesus taught that anger is an old liar, Satan, the old serpent, that mutual picture that ap- pears to so many, yet it is not necessary. The moon, or 9 as the Bible has it, is the facial picture that is on the face of man after this one mind has given or made the person even partially free. Christ Jesus had no double standard, one for men and another for women. Mother-Father accepts no double standard from any one. They are the Christ Spirit and rule all flesh, even Christ Jesus was ruled by this one Spirit or Mind, for he is the first of many brethren that great family of Good, hence Christ Jesus is Good, but Good has two ways to be spelled ; first Good or good, and then God. Therefore we can worship Christ Jesus as God, but does that benefit any one, not one whit does it, and it is simply a play on the word good, for he said there is none good, but Spirit, for the flesh is of no profit. That is the flesh is only temporal, yet this flesh was important from the Greek standpoint, for they came to the disciples asking to see Jesus. That is, they wished to know the Christ, for Jesus is the anointed or * ' God with us. ' ' Thus we see that the Christ Spirit is no longer, even knowing ; for knowing is knowledge. We must move forward; we must understand Spirit to have eternal life. This under- standing is gained only through obedience and this, obe- dience is gained by following Christ Jesus accurately. He was very obedient to Spirit for they. are his parents and he delighted to call them Mother-Father, he receiving great joy for doing this little act of kindness and saying these little words of love. What is more expressive of love than Mother-Father of loving kindness? Thus we grow out of belief into the real thing. Into the real life of that Infinite home of Christ Jesus, where we live even in the flesh, and as we do right and walk in that straight and narrow way, we gain Spirit for they do anoint us with loving kindness. Hence all evil flees, or vanishes; that is Joy becomes so great and real that there is no place for anything but good. Thus only good Mind exists and that Mind is the Christ Mind; hence Christianity ceases to be any longer a belief but is the true understanding of that "one true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. This is the 10 true life and the only way that we can go to our fellow- man with the Gospel. Hence Christ Jesus could cry, I am the way, the life, and the truth. We can all do this, even from the least to the greatest. Then we will not have to invite people to attend church, but have to think how we are going to seat them when we open the doors. See them crowding in to hear what the Good Shepherd has to say about Mother-Father. They may forget God, but they will never forget the Good Spirit, the one altogether lovely, who is Mother-Father. Then shall they know me from the least unto the greatest. It is no longer guess work, it is the real thing eternal life, joy forevermore. Then we know the Mother-Father as well as the son. This son we know as ourself, for we love him as ourself. We cannot know until we have seen or felt. We may see the son, but only the finite, or in a finite, small way, for Truth is real as well as Infinite ; hence we can see the Father in a small way, for He too is Infinite. But oh ! the Mother ! How can we know her? Simply by giving a cup of cold water in his or their name, which is saying Mother-Fath- er to some one. This is the Infinite love that all Chris- tians do. Light in this great principle is truly workable and does lead into all Truth. Hence Christ Jesus valued it as the pearl of great price. Some have sought for this and found it not, but there it is in that grand old book, the Bible, Mark 14-36, in the shape of Abba-Father, or properly rendered it is Mother-Father. Thus we seek, thus we ask, thus we knock, always using Mother-Father, the good old way, the only way, the way that gives us our perfect birth-right, the title of being the son of Being, the Good Being, the only True Being, hence the only Spirit. 11 THE GREAT LAW OF HEALTH. difference between the mortal mind and the immortal mind 'is that the offspring of spirit that knows the one true God and Jesus. Christ whom thou hast sent is immortal, the one that does not know this great fact in Science is mortal. The way that we know the only true God is to bear Christ Jesus' burden. This burden is that Christ Jesus mission, is that Spirit, the only true God and our parents' wishes to be called by their children Mother-Father. For this little act of love Christ Jesus has been exalted by Mother-Father through man whom Mother-Father, Spirit controls. Spirit see us, feeds us, leads us, teases us, gives us joy, takes care of us, causes us to do many things provided we are of a willing mind. To know them we must act the little child. Say Mother-Father, thus be- coming as the little one that he set in the midst of the disciples. This is the primary truth, but we must put this great truth into action or we will not win the glory that the Master won. This truth must be lived, for we may have great* faith yet not be in harmony with the Master, for faith without works is not good, for faith saves, but we are saved by faith through works. We thus let our light shine which we are commanded to do. Hence to work is a corollary to the law of love, which is written Mother-Father. Hence we find that many of our friends did not know that spirit is their parents until we began to write the Character Builder. Yet those very persons had given us the means whereby we have been able to preach unto those that have passed on before. Thus we develop mind or Spirit whereby even those that have passed on before know Mother-Father. This is not new, for Christ Jesus did the same, thus gathering around him such as Moses and the other prophets as well as many of the prominent as 12 well as the lesser lights of the past ages that had lived and did not know that Spirit is God or that Spirit is man's parents. Science was not developed in the minds of the average man until the beginning of the year 30. Then the Christ anointed Jesus, who had been promised by I am that I am, in years past for the Christ Spirit has always been in the world. This spirit was given to Jesus without measure or stint. Jesus was high born, but still of humble origin. Spirit displayed itself in a remarkable manner at his birth, attending to his wants through Moses. Vessels were sent many miles to visit him. The gifts he received were many and valuable, but were real hence not material. One of these gifts was love from the Eternal Father without measure, whose all-seeing eye was ever with him to see that he was always correct. Then this Infinite Mother-Father had their servants, Mary and Joseph always on hand, who were faithful to the end, both of whom were well repaid for these little deeds of kindness and little words of love, for they not only knew how to say Mother-Father but knew how to act it to this half orphan of the flesh. The child was taken to Egypt, but Mary went with him, for she was the only property that he had. Her body was called the goat by Isaias and her mammary glands sheep. This is all the property that Christ Jesus had save his own person and a few clothes that he wore, yet his robes were of purple and fine linen, for they were robes of righteousness. These had been gained by thirty years of struggle with material life. The fear of the trouble coming back or the disease of long standing returning is completely healed by the method of the Christ healing. Our elder brother, Jesus Christ used this method and succeeded in all of his dem- onstrations, for he asked in the scientific manner. Hence his method is scientific. By the use of this method we can do the work of the Master if we follow him in right doing. Hence right doing is the only Christianity that is worth considering. Therefore the Christ healing as done by Christ Jesus is the only scientific method, for 13 it is the only accurate method of healing. All other methods are without a foundation. They have no sci- entific basis on which to stand. In other words they are man made doctrines, hence are built on sand or matter, therefore will fall. Religion to be worth anything must be true, therefore it must be accurate. But to be ac- curate we must be scientific, and to be scientific is to be a true follower of the Master, our Lord, of His Righteous- ness. Science and Health with the Key to the Scriptures by Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy, page 494-19-24, "the unbroken reality of scientific being" is sufficient for our little say. Abba-Atta is that unbroken reality, for with this unbrok- en reality we conquer all, for Spirit is all and all. We get this unbroken reality from Mark 14-36, where Abba-Atta stands for those Infinite persons whom Christ Jesus talked to as we find in the 17th chapter of John, where Abba has been eliminated six times, this is the greatest piece of literature that has ever been written and should be restored to its original shape or form. The great teach- er who is the real author of this chapter, is also the au- thor of the 36th verse of the fourteenth chapter of Mark, for they were uttered at the same time and place, but were written or taken down by the disciples Mark and John. Mark's should read: And he (Christ Jesus) said Mother-Father, or, in the true phonetic, Abba-Atta, all things are possible unto thee; take away this task from me ; nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt ; but John, in the original, gives an entire conversation of this family affair, for Christ Jesus is with that Infinite Being, whom the Christ addresses as Abba-Atta, this is that say- ing that he taught his disciples to keep, in the following words: Verily, verily, verily, he that keepeth my saying (Abba-Atta, or Mother-Father), shall never see death, therefore Mother-Father, or that phrase in any language that means those Infinite parents, is the true healing phrase, hence Christ Jesus promise is true that if we obey him, or do what he has commanded, we should not only do the works that he had done, but even greater works, 14 so we find that he talks to Abha-Atta about these things, yet before doing this he says to his disciples to be of good cheer ; I have overcome the world, therefore we can over- come the world by doing as he did, saying simply our lit- tle piece as a little child, Mother-Father. Thus "these words spoke Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to Heaven and said, Mother-Father, the hour is come; glorify thy son, that thy son also may glorify thee. As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. I have glorified thee on earth ; I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do, and now Mother-Father glo- rify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. I have manifested Mother-Father unto the men, which thou gavest me out of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them me and they have kept thy word. Now they have known that all things whatsoever thou hast given me are of thee. For I have given unto them Mother^Father, which thou gavest me, and they have received them and have known surely that I come out from thee and they have believed that thou did'st send me. I pray for them ; I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me ; for they are thine and all mine are thine and thine are mine ; and I am glorified in them (for they are my disciples since they say Mother-Father) and now I am no more in the world ; but there are in the world, and I come to thee. Mother-Father, keep through thine own name (Mother-Father), those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one as we are. While I was with them in the world I kept them in thy name, those that thou gavest me I have kept and none of them is lost, but the son of prediction that the scriptures might be ful- filled ; and now I come to thee, and these things I speak in the world that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves. I have given them thy word (Mother-Father) and the world hath hated them because they are not of the world even as I am not of the world (therefore acting 15 the little child by saying Mother-Father does produce Heaven or Harmony). I pray not that thou shouldst take them out of the world, but that thou shouldst keep them from the evil (state) (Hell is a state just as Heaven is a state). They are not of the world even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through thy truth, Mother- Father is thy Truth, or thy name is Mother-Father. As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I sent them into the world, twelve at one time, seventy at another time, and five hundred at another time, four thousand, also five thousand, besides women and children, then we can add the ten lepers as well as many individuals ; all to bear the burden, or the phrase Mother-Father; all to do little words of love, and for their sakes I sanctify myself that they also might be sanctified through the Truth, Mother-Father, the only Truth that can produce that real Harmony that is Heaven. Neither pray I for these alone (that is Mother-Father, my desire is that all of these that I have sent forth to fish for men may be successful), but for them also which shall believe on me (that I was sent from the Mother- Father), through their telling that it is thy desire that thy children call thee in thy home Mother-Father, for we are in thy house and we are thy offspring, therefore we call thee Mother-Father that we as well as they all may be one, as thou Mother-Father art in me and I in thee ; that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that thou hast sent me (all are sent that bear Mother- Father) and the glory which thou gavest me I have given them (that is I have showed them the way; I have talked Mother-Father, I have become as a little child in thy pres- ance and their presence that they may be one even as we are one : I in them and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one (thus proving that Mother-Father Truth is the perfect love that John speaks of in another chap- ter), and that the world may know that thou hast sent me and hast loved them as thou hast loved me. Mother- Father I will that they also, whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory 16 which thou hast given me, for thou lovest me before the foundation of the world. Mother-Father the world hath not known thee, but I have known thee and these have known that thou hast sent me, and I declare unto them thy name (Mother-Father) and will declare it that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them, thus we all become one family as we progress in knowledge and gain the understanding that our creator is Mother-Father, and as we cease to rob them of that joy that they desire and gain by being called Mother- Father we grow in wisdom, get knowledge, but above all get understanding which is gained by working this prin- ciple, Mother-Father, this work gains for those that know my name, which is Mother-Father, the promise: "I will be with them in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him, with long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation," this is from the last part of Psalm 91. We shall continue to think Mother-Father, and thus demon- strate this Psalm as well as many of the thoughts demon- strated by Christ Jesus, but it is the Christ Jesus that we must obey or we cannot be led into all truth. To illus- trate, we were led to investigate Abba-Atta, which has been done, we were led to correct verse two, chapter four, of Malachi. We have been shown many favors simply by being decent and not robbing Mother-Father or Spirit of their just dues, not in material wealth, for they own all since they have created all, but by simply being kind to those Infinite parents in whose home we live, for we are of the Household of Faith, but Faith is that grace that was given unto those that were sent, which grace Jude, in his third verse tells us that we should earnestly contend for this common salvation, or faith which was once deliv- ered unto those that were sent, but above all is the third verse of the third chapter of first John, who tells us that every one that has this hope in them should purify them- selves, even as the Master is pure, to do this we must cease to rob that Infinite Spirit of the pleasure that it gives them for us, their children, to call them Mother- Father; as we cease in this robbery we will cease to rob 17 ourselves of that happiness that is due us as the sons of God or Good, hence Spirit, for we live and move and have our being in them ; therefore they are ever present ; therefore they know each one of their offspring and are always ready and willing to give us the kingdom even as Christ Jesus says it is Mother-Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom, which is a state, and is produced by right action, just as Hell is produced by wrong action. Then let us stay in the good way that that great teacher Christ Jesus showed, Mother-Father, thus having one brotherhood of man, one family, the head of which is our Eternal parents who respond to that child-like thought, Mother-Father, but which stands for all in all and all, hence this thought can be the only answer to the problem in that Divine, Infinite Calculus that Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy speaks of on page 520, 14-15, Science and Health with Key to Scriptures. The solution of this problem clears up that problem of the fourth dimension that has been puzzling mathemati- cians for many years, as well as all other problems that humanity is heir to, even sin, sickness, disease, as well as death, thus demonstrating the divinity of Christ, and the Immaculate Conception of Jesus, as well as the universal relationship of mankind, causing this relationship to be founded on that great joined stone, or that philosopher's stone that we have spoken about in our writings, thus barring mankind forever from claiming relationship with the monkey. Thus we see the end of the Darwinian the- ory that of the science of protoplasm, for life is life wher- ever found, yet it is so Infinite and intimately blended with love and truth that we cannot differentiate Life, yet taken as a whole and differentiated as a mass and in- tegrated as a volume we find it summed up as all in all and all, which is Infinite, or as Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy ex- presses it, Divine, Infinite Calculus, or as expressed in the Character Builder, as the Divine, Infinite Calculus of Di- vine Infinite Love, of which we are the offspring and are living in their home, hence we are their children; there- for to be decent it behooves us to call them Mother-Father, 18 as our elder brother did whom we are following, even Christ Jesus, our redeemer or teacher, to show us the way to clean Spirit or God. A FEW THOUGHTS ON PIECE OR PEACE WORK- ING WITH PIECE WE GET PEACE. HIS is March 5, 1914. We have had a desire since 1853 to help to do and have always lent a helping hand to those that we saw or see in need ; at pres- ent we see a great need to help, we have visited an army of unemployed in San Francisco for five days in succes- sion, but the last day we did not find them. They had crossed the bay, over to Emeryville. We followed them. We find that this is one way to study economics; look into the homes of the unemployed. Oakland, that beautiful city across the bay, did not wish this bunch of people, since they were not profitable to their trade. They had but little money, hence from the economic standpoint they could only consume and not produce. That city is generous, but she turned these people from the main highway to the east and would not allow them to pass through their city. This is economics from Oakland's standpoint. But what about our inter- state commission ? We see that there is room here for the city of Oakland to get into trouble with the general Gov- ernment. What is the remedy for such cases? Education in eco- nomics. This must be true education, hence it involves Character Building. Educated in this line we know just how to live and give other people the least trouble. Teach the boy and girl that they are the offspring of Spirit and the economic conditions will right themselves in a very short time. This has always produced a prosperous coun- try wherever taught fully, but this teaching cannot stand unless it be universal. This great moral must be taught world-wide, hence it is an international job and must be 19 done by co-operation. This will clean up all Nations. Then the outcast will disappear from society and the tramp question will be settled, as well as the immigration question. The probation courts will then disband for want of work. This economics can be taught to all that wish to become citizens, for it builds character in the aged as well as the youth. This develops gentleness, love and all good qualities, hence good citizens, as well as in- telligence in the highest degree. Therefore it is the true way to build character. It is likewise very accurate. In doing this great work, therefore it is the true road to economics. Hence the sayings of Christ Jesus, seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all things will come unto you. My peace I leave with you. This peace is spelled piece, and means Mother-Father. Change our army to an army of right doers, or peace workers, put that into them that Col. Roosevelt's friend, Dr. Woods Hutchinson, claims has been left out, and we have a body of men that will police the entire world and never fire a gun of any kind, do not disarm them, no, not even the side-arms, as we have had experience before just in this line. History gives this incaution as the result of those teachings of the prophet Jesus, the Christ. His teachings properly taught will make better soldiers for defense, but not passive soldiers. It does not take the fight out of a man, that has been proven time and again, without num- ber, for self-defense is the first corollary of that only law of Mother-Father. This is the same thing that has been left out of man; put this in and we again have the true man; hence the true soldier. Our army then becomes an army of salvation. . It is not proper to say salvation army, for that is the army that General Booth organized, whom we would not defame or take from him one laurel from his brow. This law, Mother-Father, fulfills all laws, as well as all prophets. It adds to life, hence it is Good to put in the place for that which has been left out. This builds character, and is just what Dr. Woods Hutchinson finds has been left out. This will give his class of crimi- nals the true strength to become normal persons, "sons 20 of God". These are the kind of soldiers we wish, for they have clean characters, not soldiers of the cross, but broth- ers whose password is Mother-Father, the piece that Christ Jesus left with his disciples, then our army will have become efficient, our Government will grow strong, peace and good will to men on earth will come through the use of this piece of our Master Jesus Christ, Mother- Father. We are using two words. First we use piece (Mother-Father) and we get the results. Peace which the whole world is after, but before this can occur we must all become as a little child and use Mother-Father; then will war cease. This should be taught in our schools; for it builds character; it is the one thing needful; even Martha needed it, who was in the presence of Christ Jesus. This alone will produce an efficient character, for it is the great moral that Christ Jesus taught to the Jews and which became a stumbling block to them as well as fool- ishness to the Greek. This is what the Character Builder teaches. This book is well known, but will be better known as we advance in thought, for this great Infinite Spirit who is our Mother-Father or creators will lead us into all peace, as we say our piece which is Mother- Father. This will appeal to all the nations of the world and Europe will join us in this movement, for she has imposed this great duty upon us by placing at the entrance of New York harbor, a statue that this move recognizes as coming into actual view, the real liberation of the entire race of man, causing us all to treat one another as broth- ers. The vast amount that we thus save is beyond con- jecture for we learn that from two to three millions of people are, or have that sick belief every day, thus we see if we allow the amount of one dollar and one half per day as lost by even this class of people in time alone we have the snug sum per diem of about four to five millions per day; then when we reckon this per year we have much greater amount when we know that by thinking Mother- Father, we come into complete health, we see what this 21 method of thinking will do and thus we see what a vast saving occurs by using this moral. Then we begin to find out the real value of Christ Jesus ' saying, Mother-Father, which will supply this want that is in all men and truly is wonderful. How can we wake the world up to this prob- lem? Simply show them from a financial standpoint what the loss is. This would take pages to do and takes up the subject of economics, which should be taught in all of our schools. Yet, when you begin to think how to proceed, you will find that economics vanish when we teach Mother-Father. Thus we shorten our school course ; therefore we can get a glimpse of why Christ Jesus was, while in the flesh, such a great teacher. He taught only one law, and that law is Mother-Father. MOTHER-FATHER. HIS phrase is the expression used to close or shut the world out from one or place metaphorically speaking, one in his or her closet, barring all thoughts except that thought that we are the offspring of that Infinite Divine Love, Life and Truth, that pervades all space, hence Christ Jesus could cry Spirit is all, the flesh profiteth nothing. Christ Jesus was extremely nat- ural and Mother-Father was the way through and by which he did all things, hence he is the only way, there- fore he could say spiritually I am the way, the life and the truth. Shut or close your closet door. How we do this is told in a few words. We simply think Mother- Father. Biology is life exemplified, vigorous correct life produces healthy plants as well as healthy animals. We are working for man first, since man has by divine right control of all living beings. Man must be corrected first. To do this all of their actions must be correct or man will not be in that happy state of mind that produces the proper governing state. A governor of any body of men must be in perfect accord with that body or rebellious 22 thoughts will creep into that body, which is made up of individuals who, in their turn are made up of members of that individual such as the hands and arms, feet and legs ; these members are made up of muscles and tendons as well as bones, nerves, blood, vessels, fascia that rap the muscles, or the various striae of these muscles which striae are made up of cells that are made up of molecules ; these molecules are made up of atoms, the atoms of ions, the ions of force, this force obeys one universal law when this law is set in action properly. This force is a force of good, hence as life goes it is Health. This health can be obtained by thinking pure thoughts, as we think, so are we. Then let us think as the little child, Mother-Father. This thought controls the primary cells of the f ormulative matter that builds up the child, and that matter is in the shape of cells. The egg is simply a cell, the spermatazoa are cells, hence we can see that the cell should be healthy, but the cell is controlled by mind, but mind is Spirit; therefore the cells are controlled by Spirit, but Spirit is our creators and it is their desire for their children to call them Mother-Father ; hence this is the great law that one should think to obtain health by thinking. ' This is the way, the life and the truth; therefore all honor to Christ Jesus who said Abba-Atta. Mark 14-36, or as the King James version has it, Abba-Father. This is the most scientific law that has been promulgated as science since the foundation of the universe. All laws are corollary to this one universal law. How shall we ap- ply it? Simply as a little child. Permit us to illustrate. Take any case where mankind says the person is sick. How can we apply this great law of health ? Simply have the patient think Mother-Father. This can be best done by teaching that man, which includes all mankind, are brothers and sisters, that we are all the offspring of spirit that we all have one fatherhood, even God, Good, hence Good Spirit; therefore we are the offspring of this one person or persons, that we live in the home of this Spirit, for we live and move and have our being in God ; therefore God's home is our home; therefore we belong to that fam- 23 ily, the Holy Ghost, Father and Son, and live in that home with them ; therefore we must treat every member of this home as we would have the members of our family treat us. Our Mother or Father call us son or daughter, as the case may be. We in return to call our finite parents Mother or Father, as is proper, but our unseen parents we address as Mother-Father. This is our shield of faith, our breastplate of righteous- ness, our helmet of salvation, the undivided garment of salvation. Let us give the patient this shield as the pass- word to the brotherhood of man, then watch him glow. He has fever, either normal or abnormal, even anger will produce fever though the thermometer may not show any rise of temperature, but it is not necessary to diagnose the case. Christ Jesus never did, for all of his work was done for him. Spirit did the work for the son, working in complete harmony as one harmonious family, Mother- Father, or Mother-Father and Son. This Son Truth being Spirit, and being in perfect accord with the parents, did with their aid perfect work, therefore be ye perfect as I am perfect, is to say Mother-Father, and all things shall be added unto you. That is, your prayers will be ans- wered for Harmony being established, Health will return or be gained. This is called the good fight, this establish- ing Harmony, this testing of this phrase is to be continued through our temporal existence and is called "Bearing his or their or my name, that is simply addressing our par- ents in our home or their home, for we are all of one fam- ily, since we be brethren, thus we commune and break the Bread of Life to all. This is preaching the Good Spell or Gospel. Hence we thus become sent or mission- aries, teachers, preachers, apostles, but we should do this work in an humble way. Giving it as we give a cup of cold water we give the living water that brings health to all. Even the blood corpuscles cease to be angry, therefore stop devouring one another, the white change their action to right action, they assume a red color and help to build tissue, cease to tear down and begin to build up the body, setting everything aright in the blood vessels, where per- 24 feet harmony reigns, thus health is established and the person makes a complete recovery. This has been demonstrated by the writer in the case of cancer and consumption. In wrong doing and in many other troubles this law starts with the blood and thus be- gins the purifying at the primary centers of life and does it through love and truth, hence it is the true Christ way of healing all trouble. We must establish harmony. All recognize this. The doctor has his nurse that he swears by, one that can give peace of mind for the time being, but the command is : Be ye perfect as I am perfect, then to have perfect harmony is to be decent and we can not have a perfect home until we do become decent, but to be- come decent is to say Mother-Father, as a little child. Not on our bended knees, but in our daily walks in life, as we go abroad or about our daily duties. We can keep these pure words in mind and thus grow in this way of faith, which is the only way. All orders, denominations, fac- tions, fractions, as well as sects, have their ways, but my way is the only way. Walk ye in it, sayeth the only one, that is able to open that great book, the Bible. Therefore it becomes us to be decent, that is to say Mother-Father, and see to it that all get it, for it is written that all shall know my name, which is Mother-Father. John fifteen, verse 26. But when the comforter is come whom I will send you as Mother-Father, even the Spirit of Truth, which is obtained by saying or thinking Mother-Father, he shall testify of me, Spirit. HAT shall we teach the youth of our country, as well as the entire world? This is the most im- portant question of the day. The manner of doing this involves the peace of the world, hence the happiness of all the human races. We will give a synopsis of this as we see it from that great moral standpoint, Mother- Father, or Abba-Atta. The child is the offspring of Spirit and should be so taught. The child is from heaven or harmony and being 25 from harmony will return to harmony, hence should re- main in harmony while in the flesh as well as after de- parting from the flesh. Therefore we see the finite per- son can have two states of being, Heaven and Hell. By being taught as Christ Jesus taught, this finite person can be happy or unhappy. Obey the teachings of Christ Jesus and all are happy. Then how can we obey Christ Jesus ' teachings ? Simply carry his burden as he did, and know as he knows, that all we get while we are in the flesh is what we can eat and wear, as far as materiality is concerned. Spirit gives us happiness; to know him is to have eternal life. How can we teach the child to know Spirit ? By teach- ing Mother-Father, in whom we all live and move and have our being. Give the child access to the Character Builder and all of that person's troubles end. The same may be said of all five volumes that we publish. These build the citizen that we, as fellow citizens, can feel proud of. All are benefited by these works, none need be afraid of them, for they all cast out fear. Any of these works are good. These last pages should form part of the books. Since in them is summed up the entire work of Christ Jesus, Mother-Father as taught by the author and finisher of our faith, produces the perfect child in Spirit as well as in flesh. This great lesson as taught by the master, leads into all Truth. The child gets its bearings, and is ready to work for his fellowman, hence is ready to serve, and as this person serves, this person is exalted. Thus producing a citizen of the first quality an honor to his country where- ever he or she goes, gaining Intelligence from all sources, for he knows that he is at home wherever this person is, be he a male or female, always ready to give to his or her fellow person any needed assistance; thus brightening the world wherever this person is. Thus letting their light shine so that it may be seen of men and enjoyed. We have nothing to say against the present school sys- tem, nor any teacher or person ; simply say that Mother- Father, or the Great Character Builder is the Moses to 26 lead you out of all your troubles. These are many for every teacher, but follow Spirit as directed and your mountains will be removed just as sure as there is love, life and Truth. This is the only scientific way. We can not become a brother of Christ Jesus until we take up his burden and follow him. We have fixed be- yond a doubt that Christ Jesus carried Abba-Atta, that he cried Abba-Atta, that Abba-Atta, translated into plain English, is Mother-Father that Spirit responds to this call of their children. That it is Spirit's good pleasure to give their children the Kingdom as we advance in the way; that they are no respecter of person; that in this Kingdom is the greatest university that this world has that all, have access to this great school, that all things are added thereto as we gain this Kingdom, that this Kingdom is a state and is obtainable by all, hence when all gain this state wars will cease, hence peace will reign then that glad sound of great joy will be appreciated. "Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given," this then is the way that the true political economist would educate. The true scientific student needs no other way, for he can know that there is no other way that man can be led into all Truth. We do not know what Love is, nor do we know what home is until we have lived in the home of Christ Jesus, with those Infinite parents day by day and night by night. We can only know this by following Christ Jesus, crying Mother-Father, for this is the perfect translation of Abba-Atta. It is the persons in the home that makes the home ; then get acquainted with these persons, Moth- er-Father-Truth, which is the son. Then will you be hap- py, and not until then will the world know what it is to be happy. These unseen persons are real and eternal per- sons, for Spirit has the power to assume any shape they choose, but it is the joy that they give, accompanied with that loving care that our finite parents try to bestow and do to their utmost, but the Infinite has the power to do things better, for they have created all and hence own all. This happiness comes by degrees ; it is a state just as Hell 27 is a state, so we can pass from death or Hell unto life or Heaven. Then let us teach the child, and not only the child, but everybody, that Mother-Father is the way to eternal life and is the chief cornerstone unto all educa- tion ; the only true foundation that education has to build upon. Place this foundation in your or our educational system and the gates of Hell cannot prevail against it, for the state of Hell will have disappeared and we will have our harmonious whole Heaven. We are giving to the world scientific facts, no theories. We know something about theories, such as the theory of Molecular Motion as worked out in Bartlett's Mechanics, a text book of the highest order, used at the West Point Military Academy of the United States of America; also as used by such scientists as Geot, Bloxam, Tindal, and many others. The atomic theory rested on this basis, but some one divided the atom, then we had to use another invention, the aeon ; but this was proven to be sound ; then we had to use the ion. Ion is simply a metaphysical prop- osition, but Mother-Father is the real thing and is neither theory nor fad, for it is eternal and the beauty of it is that the little child can use it. Nor does the child have to study until twenty or twenty-five years of age before they reap the benefit from the use of this joined stone. The work begins at once and the person begins to reap at once the grand benefits of the use of this phrase. The blood begins right action at once, the whole frame re- sponds to Spirit which soon eliminates fear. The advancement is rapid. Even the child of the low- est standing soon derives great good from this teaching of Christ Jesus. So it is not a new discovery, but is the true teachings of our Master, Christ Jesus, to teach man- kind the way back to that one creator, the only true God. Hence, as he says, this knowledge is Eternal life. Hence this teaching is not theory, nor some wild plan or fad, or fake, but is the genuine biblical teaching of Christ Jesus, even undiluted and without a competitor. Nor can any one rise up and say that it is not the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the very Truth. 28 We are desirous of this great Truth being given to the world. Yet, being so simple, it is the child language; therefore, unless we say it we cannot enter into that state of rest, called harmony. The line between inharmony and harmony is simply in, this is the difference between Heaven and Hell, between peace and war, between right doing and wrong doing. Yet to enter in we must say as a little child, Mother-Father. Only one person has told me that he could not say Mother-Father. We do not know why he did, but anyone present could understand that he did, for he said, "Doc, I will not say Mother- Father. ' ' So you see he lied, yet that man was so full of love, and gave it out so freely that he told me he loved every bone in my body; yet, just a while before this he told me that "Mrs. Eddy's book is a very dangerous one." This man had great wealth, for he was full of love, which cannot be bought. Wealth does not consist of materiality. It is real. This man had built his up by acting the little child. Yet he did not wish to say Mother- Father, for to him, it was a stumbling block, showing that he belonged to the house of Abraham, for by their works ye shall know them. Thus, we differentiate mind and find out the origin of man. Yet this man is saved, for he has said Mother-Father; hence he shall be shown my salvation, which is perfect harmony. Let us all join in one sweet accord and praise God. Out of the mouth of babes thou shalt have perfect praise, Mother-Father is perfect praise, none other will do. Yet we must be doers of the word, as well as sayers of it, for faith with- out works is dead. That is the simple saying of Mother- Father, is not all that makes wealth, for the minister that we spoke of, loving every bone in our body, did not wish to praise God by saying Mother-Father, yet he was do- ing much building of character. Now, a character with- out the foundation stone is one of those that are built on sand, for the teachings of the master mind is explicit on this matter; except ye become as a little child ye cannot be my disciples, for all of my disciples are fishers of men and they must, all use the bait that I gave Peter to fish with, and this bait is Mother-Father. 29 JESUS' sole purpose in life was to benefit his fellow man, and his plan was the simple little phrase, Mother-Father. This is, and was his text book. It was always Abba-Atta in thought, if not in word. Abba-Atta in English is Mother-Father. He knew that he lived in and through Spirit, and by Abba-Atta he gained all of his victories. He learned his lesson well and handled all of his problems by saying his piece Abba-Atta. This was his seal of love, for he knew that it gave his parents, those Infinite persons, those three in one, great pleasure for to be called Mother-Father by their son Truth, this being the name that those Infinite Beings knew Jesus by. We, on the other hand, know him by Christ Jesus, or the one Jesus whom Spirit anointed without measure. As he gave pleasure to these Infinite parents, they gave him pleasure and this pleasure was without measure. This caused his blood to circulate in his veins in a correct manner, for since he gave honest dues to Mother-Father, it was returned to him without stint ; hence his blood was pure ; therefore he had no pain nor sorry thoughts as long as he assumed the attitude of a perfect child, which is to say Mother-Father. Saying this he gave joy unbounded, for Spirit is unbounded; therefore we all can do this same thing, thus we cease to do wrong and learn to do what is correct. Saying or thinking Mother-Father changes the wayfarer to the way- bearer, or the criminal to the honest man. The wayward boy to the honest man, the boy that is on probation to the boy who needs no such officer, for they all soon learn that they too are sons of Spirit or God, and that that all- seeing eye is upon them, for they too find that they have friends that are watching over them. That all unrighte- ousness comes from the want of the knowledge of this great fact that our first and greatest moral obligation is to say Mother-Father. This moral will cleanse from all desire to do wrong and cause any one that uses this thought of Love to do right. Therefore it is our duty to love God and keep his commandment. His commandment is to say Mother-Father. This is the summation of the 30 Bible. Teach this to man and the world will soon be at peace, for it is a purifier of the blood as nothing else purifies, for it first purifies the mind, shutting out all evil thoughts, since no two thoughts or subjects can be retained in the mind at the same time. Mother-Father is the only one. Hence Mother-Father is the true founda- tion for to build character upon. Such a character can- not be shipwrecked. It will sail in any sea without dan- ger or fear, for Mother-Father eliminates fear to the limit. Watching, waiting, saying Mother-Father makes the per- fect character, as it appears before us in the character of Christ Jesus. Thus mankind can think themselves into health as well as all right doing. Thinking thus one avoids the wrong and does the right. "Wrong doing becomes obnoxious to them and they shun it. This continues, and as one knows their name, Mother-Father, their salvation is sure. They know that they are in the presence of those parents, for they are their offspring and do belong to the great broth- erhood of man, the family of the one only God who is true to all his or their children. These parents take a pride in caring for their offspring, for they are real as well as eternal and do not do things half way as the translators of our Bible have done with that phrase, Mother-Father, for they have left Abba untrans- lated. This puts all of Christ Jesus' teachings in reach of all, gives every one a chance to enter those pearly gates of Infinite Love, which are entered by doing as directed, saying and doing Mother-Father. This cleanses us from all unrighteousness. Our blood takes part in the material action, but this action cannot take place without the Spiritual, which is started and kept agoing by saying Mother-Father. Talking this to your fellowman is preaching the Gospel. Thus man is saved from all unrighteousness, they, therefore, can say there is no sin, sickness, disease, nor death, for the blood once set in motion by right doing does its perfect work, for by saying this password and giving it out, we become as the perfect child, who was Christ Jesus, and who said 31 that the waybearer, though foolish man, could do this. We can testify that his testimony is true, and we have seen the results of this wonderous story of this wonder- ous love, which is brought about by that child language, Mother-Father, by thinking this our prayers or desires are fulfilled, as well as many things that are not asked for. They cannot do enough for offspring that try to be decent, as well as kind, starting with Mother-Father and ending with the password to the brotherhood of man. CHRIST JESUS, HIS MEHTOD OF DEMONSTRATION. HRIST JESUS did one thing while on earth that few have thought of. He established that grand scientific fact that Truth will overcome error and He called this error, Satan, or the world, self. He told his disciples that they need not fear for he had overcome the world. That is, he had established that scientific fact that the thinking, talking, telling, or preaching, Mother-Father, would destroy inharmony; that is, elim- inate all anger from the blood. People up to this time had taught and been taught that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. That our prayers could never be answered unless there was a sacrifice. That someone had to become a victim, in some way blood had to flow. This, our Elder Brother, called that old lie, the same that caused that hatred to arise in the mind of Cain until he slew Abel. Christ Jesus proved that there is no neces- sity of this and that instead we should love one another. He proved that we are one with God; he proved that he was the perfect offspring of Spirit ; he proved that it is the desire of those Infinite parents that we, their children, call them Mother-Father. He proved by going on the cross that life cannot be de- stroyed, which he had done three times before this trage- dy, the greatest acting on the stage of this world that was ever done. Yet with all this evidence we see not, nor do 32 we hear that glad sound of great joy that rings out in the heavens, Hosannah, Hosannah, Hosannah, the Lord of his righteousness reigneth. This is simply a state and is heard only by a few that obtain it by living this God- spell. Peace on earth and Good will to men. We cannot purify our blood by mineral water, or by any dieting, bleeding, or in any material manner. We have seen this tried in many ways and as a physician was very success- ful, but the finite cannot be compared in power to the Infinite. Neither can physics be compared to psychology. The seventy made a report on this matter ; that is record- ed and stands as a matter of history. Truth, and Mother- Father is the Infinite Truth bound by the bonds of love and life, is more powerful than a two-edged sword, for this Truth pervades all space and is the universal remedy for all false beliefs. War being a false belief or a disease of the mind is subject to this great Truth as explained and demonstrated by Christ Jesus. He proved that Spirit is all and that matter is nothing. Yet this proof involved the fact that Spirit did control matter, since this is true for one portion of the body and is true for a cut finger to stop bleeding it is true for all of the blood corpuscles of the body. Spirit controls and takes care of all flesh. Therefore let us all become decent and since we are always in Spirit, let us see to it that we address Spirit as Mother-Father, for we too are in that home of Christ Jesus that is built without hands and is eternal Harmony. If we do our part as we should, then we too become as pure as he is pure, for we to have that hope within us; the hope that Paul had, Romans 8-15, and Galatians 4-6, which we quote in their order. For ye have not receiv- ed the Spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have re- ceived the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry Mother- Father. Then Galatians 4-6: And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his son (Truth) into your hearts crying Mother-Father. Thus we see that Paul purified himself by the use of Mother-Father. John did the same ; Jude did thus, and the entire Christian people continued this for many years after the death and resur- 33 rection of the material body of Jesus. This body being a belief was subject to the same law, Mother-Father, hence when it was no longer necessary for the Christ to occupy. It too vanished perhaps into the Dead sea for he said to that one that the dead should bury the dead. This body of water destroyed decaying matter very quickly, hence the saying, let the dead bury the dead. Christ Jesus had this Christ Spirit without measure. Hence he was always in sympathy with all that were in distress, any one that was afflicted could apply to him, he being in harmony with Mother-Father, who are his good parents, and who are all powerful Spirit, being ever pres- ent, are able to and willing to give even the complete reign of that harmony that passeth all understanding until we are able and willing to say Mother-Father, then we gain understanding for they do lead us into all Truth, since Truth is everywhere and binds love to life and life to love, thus forming that Infinite Being, Spirit, God, all of his prayers were answered in a short time. Hence, when we pr5y and wish our desires accomplished we must pray as Christ Jesus prayed. John gives us one prayer delivered the evening of Christ Jesus arrest. Mark 14-36 we find the other. These are not the same prayers, for Christ Jesus, Mark records, prayed three times and tells us that he spoke the same words, that is Abba-Atta, thy will be done, Mother-Father, not our will, but thine be done, is the prayer of faith, the prayer that the little child should know. Christ Jesus taught this in season and out of season. It was always confidence in that grand and great spirit, Mother-Father, that caused him to get his prayers answered. This is the strong prayer and should be known by all, for it is the prayer that exalts one. Christ Jesus always asked in that one form, Abba- Atta, and in no other, hence the Bible should conform to his mode of prayer. Change his history back to the form it had in the year 100 and we will have Mother-Father, where we have Father as applied to Good. Then Our Father should be written Our Mother-Father, who art in heaven. This becomes us very much that we do this as a 34 nation, for as a nation we should learn to do correctly, and not guess that we are right, but know that we are. That grand man David Crockett always tried to know, be- lief did not count. Hit or Miss, David Crockett's motto was "Be sure you are right, then go ahead." He acted Mother-Father; he taught as a child, and talked as a grand man. Even the fowls of the air he claimed, helped him in his electioneering. God led him, but outnumbered he met his fate at the Alamo. We do not wish to talk war but we can say that all nations should be decent; there- fore all nations should be taught that God is our Creator ; that God is Spirit; that Man is the offspring; hence the sons and daughters of Spirit. Therefore the sons and daughters of God. THE TREATMENT OF WAR AS DISEASE. HE basis of all disease is anger. All diseased con- 1 1 ditions are accompanied with fever. All drugs given in regular doses produce an increase of tem- perature. Anger always produces an increase of temper- ature. The fever is produced by "alcohol, by tobacco and many other stimulants. These stimulants act through the blood. The fever may be of such a low order that there is no increase of temperature. As it is in the case of nag- ging, fault finding, quarelling, as is the case of man and wife many times over their little family affairs. These differences may be very slight, but they always tell on the health of the individuals involved in the controversy; therefore inharmony is hell, and hell should be avoided. Inharmony is always accompanied with fever, and as long as the inharmony lasts the fever lasts ; therefore war is accompanied with an increase of the diseases that are fashionable, such as itch, chickenpox, whooping cough, measles, mumps, scarlet fever, berri-berri, typhoid, spinal meningitis, which may be tubercular in character, yellow fever, remittent or intermittent fever, in fact all those 35 errors that fear produces for anger, is always accom- panied by fear, yet many will say that they are afraid of nothing. We all say that we are afraid of war and dread its breaking out, but war is the result of anger; therefore war is a disease and is amenable to treatment, just as any other disease can be treated, so can war be treated. You ask in surprise, is that true? Can you, as a student, or as a wise man, find any fault in our reason- ing? Therefore it is true and we have our Master's word for it that "My piece I leave with you." He also said peace be still, to the storm, and there was a calm. Did this occur? Yes, it is true, and we too can produce this same state of mind. Not only in our mind as we did to- night, but in all minds, for our Infinite parents have given us the Kingdom within us and the promise is that our efforts shall be recognized just as well as our elder brothers were on the Sea of Galilee, so the thought came to us tonight about nine P. M., that the war is over that President Huerta has agreed to an amicable or peaceful settlement of the trouble between the two nations. We can truthfully say that this has been our desire and that we have so expressed it to our Mother-Father, that Spirit who control all flesh, to whom we give all the glory, for they do rule the minds of men. We ask that all recognize war as a disease and the antidote to it, Mother-Father, and to whom all should say these words of love as well as do this little deed of child-like faith, to which faith we should cling, for it is that faith that Jude 3, which we have quoted. Here faith stands for Mother-Father, that master piece of literature that brings all writings into science, for there is no discord between science and liter- ature, for this piece brings peace; hence the Bible and science do agree. Christ Jesus proved his teachings and those teachings are proven daily, both by works as well as the teachings of Christ Jesus. This proves that we are joint heirs with him in that great legacy that he left us and of which Paul spoke so fluently about, as well as writing his own language in such fine form. Then to be scientific is to know that Christ Jesus does live and have 36 his being in Spirit, also that we too are correct in the po- sition that we take that Spirit is all in all and all. That in a comparative sense there is nothing left but the Christ, for this Christ is so much greater than the world, that we loose all sense of fear and anger, as well as hate in this grand thought, that we too are sons of Spirit, who is God. Allow ourselves to be controlled by this Infinite person and all evil vanishes, for we are then in harmony with Mother-Father, which is Heaven, and that we can under- stand them, for they are our Mother-Father. Thus we gain peace for the individual, gaining peace for the in- dividual by and through his piece, Mother-Father. We can gain it for the family and if for the family, therefore the community, county, city, state, therefore for the Na- tion ; hence this peace can be gained for the entire world, but we must treat it as a disease just as Christ Jesus treated mankind in his days, in the flesh, when he cast out the inharmony in Peter's wife's mother, casting out the inharmony of her settled the whole question, for she got up out of bed, and went to work ; hence her fever was produced by anger, which, being destroyed, the fever was eliminated. How simple all this appears as we gain that under- standing of Mother-Father, that is the Mind which Christ Jesus had. We thus see that this Mind properly taught will lift all nations out of their crooked ways and put them into the straight and narrow way, which is Mother- Father. This proof has been given in our works that are mentioned on the fly leaves of this pamphlet. Thus we see that it is the individual that we start with, but we must use the undivided word to gain the same results that Christ Jesus gained. This undivided word is the proven pure translated perfect word of Christ Jesus, for the command is "Be ye perfect as I am perfect," .also, "and for their sakes I sanctify myself th&t they also might be sanctified through the truth," John. We have tried to make this plain so that all can know as well as we do, for Spirit is no respecter of person, for all are off- 37 springs of the same person, yet we all must strive to enter in. Yet the door is Mother, who is Infinite Love and through her we come into the knowledge of the Father; hence we too become one with them, for we live, and move and have our being in them. This is explained in John 17, but here we find that some robber has robbed this fine chapter of Abba in six places. All can rest assured that until the New Testament is restored to its original status it is not the will of Christ Jesus, yet when this is done his Kingdom will be seen where ever that Grand Will is read. This is a work that can and will be taken up by the peace commission, for they have the money to do the work and it is their work. We know some of these men and can say that we have no fear of them not doing the work that is set before them, thus restoring the will of our Lord and Master, Christ Jesus, in all of its simplicity and grandeur of the original writing. Should these gen- tlemen fail we know that that Infinite Mind will find some one else that will carry out this one thing that is so needful to the entire body of mankind. To heal disease, the waste or dead material must be eliminated. This can be done only through the blood, the action of this blood must be harmonious as a whole. There is nothing that can expel this inharmony in a sure and perfect way like the Christ way, which is Mother-Father. This is the living way, the living fountain, the live wire that joins man to man, and man to God, or more properly speaking Spirit. Abba belongs to the dead language, hence it has no place among the living. It must be cast out or buried as all dead things should be. Replace Abba by the living word for Mother, in any language that the Bible may be printed in. The Bible will be greatly im- proved. All flesh should unite in thus honoring that Im- maculate son of Spirit, our elder brother, thus following him in Spirit and in Truth, gaining that plaudit, well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joys of our Kingdom, which is peace on earth and good will to men. This comes from doing correctly and the only way is to 38 restore his will which was written in perfect harmony by those four disciples, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Thus restored we could and would bear his burden, Moth- er-Father, and it would only be a short time until all would know his name, my name, their name, even from the least unto the greatest. But we must cast out the dead from the living. This is the great sanitary material law that all society demands of us and is correct. There are other words that have not been translated. These have been taken up in the Character Builder and its colleagues and discussed. The word sin comes in as a dead language word. Christ Jesus used the word in the sense of light when he said, he that is without sin let him cast the first stone. His very presence produced this effect in their faces just as the presence of Spirit pro- duced that effect in the face of that grand man, Moses, whose face was all aglow, so much so that none of the children of Israel could look upon him. All of these men that brought this woman to Christ Jesus knew him and were not afraid of him, for they had learned his piece and were helping him to clean up the nation. This word, sin, cannot be translated into any other word than moon. Where moon means his brightness or that light that light- eneth from the East even unto the West as the moon does and as Mother-Father will do when placed in the Bible in proper form. That this phrase is the living truth is proving itself daily and any one can use this Gospel, for it does spell God as no other word can. Mother-Father is Spirit as Christ Jesus recognized them. For this phrase properly handled proves that all are the sons of God and that God is Spirit, that Christ Jesus is the Immortal Im- maculte of the Virgin Mary, who lacked nothing as far as Spirit is concerned, nor is there anything impossible with him. He rules all flesh. Hence he rules all of their sons, yet when we address him we should do this address- ing in an humble manner, and the only way is the Christ way as Jesus did it. He used Abba-Atta, which, translated is Mother-Father this is the true way that he fished for men and taught all of his followers to walk in this straight 39 and narrow way. When he used Abba-Atta this phrase belonged to a living language. Now that language is dead. One-half of it is living as the Bible has it, but the greater half is dead, for all gentlemen recognize their wife as the better half. Hence Mother being the better half should be restored in all places where Abba has been eliminated, then the Bible will cause the people to grow in grace, for grace will then be restored and faith also, so people can easily find that mind that is in Christ Jesus. Then will the cookies be put on the lower shelf where the babies can get them, for many are yet babes in Christ Jesus. Then the people will grow strong and our men will be played for the people and the city of our God. Then the Gentiles shall see a great light and this great light will be caused by the use of Mother-Father. Then will we feel the effect of their kingdom and see it. So we then, in our great law of Health see that the Master's saying is Moth- er-Father, and he who keeps this saying shall never see death, for the light does shine in dark places, and this light is Spirit, the same that sups with us as we, in our silent hour think Mother-Father, not on our bended knees, but erect as men worshipping in Spirit and in Truth communing one with another, always thinking Mother-Father, after desiring to do good to our fellow men. Thus desire is prayer and saying Mother-Father is the asking that prayer may be answered, as we write our great desire is that that inharmony between the great people that are at strife be overcome and that by Spirit we feel that our prayer is being answered. We also know that it is the only way, but to be permanent we must cast those dead words out of the Bible and replace all words of the form of Abba by Mother, then we have that pearl of great price, Mother-Father, by which Christ Jesus overcome the world, hence this phrase will overcome the world for us if we will build our character upon it, for it is the great foundation stone on which all character is built. But those that have this foundation stone are per- fect, as Christ Jesus is perfect ; hence he that thus build- eth builds as described in the Bible without hands, then it 40 behooves all to put in this chief cornerstone and see to it that it is well placed and the foundation is firm. This foundation stone is the burden or message that that Im- maculate prophet who came from Spirit and returned to Spirit, delivered unto the saints or those that were sent, that is the twelve, the seventy, the five hundred, the four thousand and many others that received this Gospel. Apply this phrase as we have mapped out and the Bible will glow, for then it will be true of it that this great family tree of the Jewish nation, leaves will heal the na- tions of all their errors or anger. "When this is done then peace reigns, and his Kingdom is come. We have said that anger is the basis of all disease. Since this is true we can see why Christ Jesus said, "Love ye one another." He obeyed this command in his own household of Spirit, for he said in that language that was then spoken in Judea, Mother-Father, not my will, but thine be done. He knew that he came from Spirit and re- turned to Spirit, yet he recognized that all of mankind are his brethren, thus we see this great teacher of men teach- ing them all how to catch men, that is, showing them how to get rid of their troubles, for troubles have their origin in that old lie who Christ Jesus called evil, evil being an untranslated word which translated, is anger. Thus we find that we differentiate all these dead words. We have the living truth and this living truth is Mother-Father, that is we cannot differentiate Truth from Love and life, for these three blend into one harmonious whole just as Mother-Father-Son is that great Integer of Divine love that we have worked out from that Infinite Calculus of Infinite divine love that we describe in the Character Builder, and have quoted the "Divine Infinite Calculus" from Science and Health with the Key to the Scriptures, page 520-14-15, by Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy. This is the true sum of the sermon on the Mount, in these words Mother-Father, where the hyphen is Truth. The bond that binds love to life and establishes forevermore the triune God, or Good, whose name they, our parents say, is Mother-Father, which thought does beget love, hence 41 love ye one another is also correct, therefore we prove all things and hold fast to the Good, the real and the true, for this great Mother-Father, who created us forms the great human family, both the seen and invisible, who are always present with us, for we all be brethren of one God- head of whom Christ Jesus is the elder brother ; hence we are joint heirs to this great inheritance of that great Truth that sets free from anger and its accompaniments which are legions. This great scientific work of Christ Jesus should be demonstrated so that all may travel the straight and narrow way now, for we all must know this way since it is their name. We can not say too much in the favor of using this way as the child way. In all of our writings we have tried to avoid the throw- ing of mud or dirt on any one, to cause any one or any- body of persons to become angry is not doing right, for that is not obeying the great law of love. There is no ne- cessity for to become angry with any one, in any field of work, for we all should follow the meek and lowly Christ Jesus. We get a glimpse of the true Christ on the even- ing of his arrest, when he healed the servant's ear after Peter had, in one of his angry moods, cut it off. "He touched it and healed it." Peter had hit a heavy blow, cutting the member from the body. Christ Jesus was moved for this man of humble character (for he knew how to serve), who was a servant of the high priest, hence a Jew, and therefore one to whom Christ Jesus had been sent to tell this tale of love, that Mother-Father, whom the Jews called Lord or Jehovah, desired their children to call them Mother-Father. This is the true mission of the Christ now and forevermore. This has always been Christ's mission and this Spirit has always been in the world. Spirit gives to their children just as they ask, as we desire to do good, then let us ask aright, that is ask as Christ Jesus did. He asked Mother-Father and always received, for he never asked amiss. This Spirit will build up and will fulfill all the promises in Psalms 91. There is one command that we should not forget, that 42 does not appear in the Bible in the form given here and that is "Look." Yet Christ Jesus puts it thus. If the blind lead the blind they will both fall into the ditch. Then let us Look as Moses commanded in the wilderness when he raised up the brazen serpent, something that we need not do, for we are following Christ Jesus, who said, go ye into all the world, preach or talk these words which spell Good. Let us be honest and look for we are dead to the world, and need not participate in any wrong dong. We need not draw the sword, but we can all say Mother-Father, and when the entire world does this then we will see the whole world glow, the faces will all have that light in them that lighteth the world ; thus anger is overcome. This eliminates all disease, destroys all error by this simple little child-saying, Mother-Father, for this is the whole Truth, and this Truth will cause the world to rejoice, for this phrase will overcome and even the gates of Hell cannot prevail against it, for it differentiates all error, since by this differentiating all the nothings are dropped out and only the real and eternal are conserved. Thus we begin to see our way clear to show the way over the mathematical way which is straight and narrow and does consist of the two words Mother-Father. Thus we find that there is only one way that is correct and that is the way our Redeemer trod to eternal harmony, Mother- Father is this way and this way gives us the eternal law to Health, therefore restore the Bible into its primitive simplicity, and we have a scientific book of the first water. Then all can unite on one platform, for Har- mony will be restored, war will cease, and all can unite on the password to the brotherhood of man. Then every one will have plenty, for the sense of want will have van- ished, and we will have one grand and great home in which we will have one united people. 43 AN INTERCEPTED LETTER. DITORS of Educational News, many thanks for the April number of your journal. On page 255 we quote from Helen Keller the following words, ' l Not until we let the child lead us shall we find the true edu- cation", "Suffer little children to come unto me, sayeth the Spirit. " " And a little child shall lead them, ' ' sayeth Isaias. These all point to the volume that we left you to- day, The Scientific Healer, or the Great Moral Philoso- pher. Without that one great thought contained in this work we can do nothing, for we are as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. We do not know where we are from, where we are going, or what we are here for. We quote again from Miss Helen Keller, ' ' The greatest asset of the Nation is its children." "Locked up in them are the re- sources, the talents and the potentialities that will shape the destinies of the race." Then use the key that will unlock and let loose these qualities in these young people. This is so easily done that the world will blush when they find out this great joined stone that has been hid away for so long a time. "A wise generation should see to it that none of these precious resources are wasted," Helen Keller. It is true that the waste is enormous, way beyond computation in dollars and cents. Yet the fixing of one phrase in the mind of the child would do much to stop this waste, for this cornerstone to character is simply a phrase that that greatest of teachers taught, but is not taught at present. Even our churches do not teach it; it is not taught in the Bible. Teaching to be well done must get results. We must get results. We want perfect results. Some say that Christ Jesus is not the son of Jehovah. This work that we refer to settles this in the affirmative forever more. Then give it to the child so that child may become a good citizen, of value to his state as well as his fellow- man. ' ' This brings me back to where I started : I make a plea for universal education education that will educate all 44 the people and secure for them means and opportunity of service and expression, education that will open up to them everything that has ever engaged the great and eager affections of men and women since time began," Helen Keller. What a plea? Does God, that Infinite Spirit answer such prayers? Yes, always yes. Can you down such a spirit as Helen Keller? Can you down Truth ? You may doubt that the sun doth move, but you can not doubt that Helen Keller loves all. Her writings prove it. We would rather be a world lover than have the greatest office in the gift of the people. We have summed up in the work referred to the mode of the greatest teach- er that ever taught so that the little child can lead us into all truth. J. J. SHANER, M. D. 45 FOURTEEN DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. l8Jan'56Rf ' LD 21-100m-2,'55 (B139s22)476 General Library University of California Berkeley Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros., Inc Makers Stockton, Calif. PAT. JAN. 21, 1908 YC 930871^ THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY