.migineering Library UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING BERKELEY December Eighteenth 1922 Dear Professor Derleth: I take pleasure in transmitting to you a copy of the Extension Division Correspondence Course .3RIALS OF ENGINEERING COHSTRUCTOT, the raultigraphing of vrhich has Just teen oorapleted. I thought that you might like to have a copy in the department files. Sincerely yours, professor C. Derleth Jr., Dean, College of Civil Engineering, C a m p u s. 1/IMU UNIVERSITY QF CALIFORNIA EXTENSION DIVISION. Correspondence Course MATERIALS QF ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION Civil Engineering 8. ] By C. T. Associate Professor of Civil Engineering. A Course of Thirty Assignments, In Two tarts, 8a and 8b. 1922 :oqe.! . .8 snii II. .0 e;*loc . = in Ib. per sq. in. Modulus of rupture is not the actual stress because it is used v:ith the ultimate value of M whereas the formula was developed on the assumption that the elastic limit rras not exceeded. It is sufficient to remember that the actual stress is less than the modulus of rupture. Modulus of rupture is easily computed and is always given as the cross-breaking or transverse strength of materi- al in question. Study Article 28, omiting the derivation of the Civil Engr. 8. r Assignment 1. jo>^ _ i.fc. intensity of shearing stress, and the last two paragraphs. Remem- ber that wooden beans must be inventigatad for horizontal shear. This is sometimes called longitudinal shear. Or.it Articles 29 to 32 inclusive. Resilience:- Under this subject study only Article 33 and the third paragraph of Article 37, omit ing the remainder of the chapter. Civil Engr. 8. Assignment 1. pagr 1;'. Reference Books on Mechanics of Materials. Elementary texts-. Kottoanp, J. P. STRENGTH OF MATERIALS, Wiley nnrt Sons, Murdock, H. E. , STRENGTH OF MATERIALS, Wiley and Sons, Smith, H. E. , STRENGTH OF MATERIALS, Wiley and Sons, 1914. Slocum S. E.* RESIST/^CE OF MATERIALS, G-inn and Co., 1014. More oonprehensive texts : Boyd, J. E., STRENGTH OF MATERIALS, McGraw - Rill, l**f Fuller and Johnson, APPLIED MECHANICS Vol. II, Wiley and Sons Merriman, MECHANICS OF MATER IALS, Wiley and Sons, Merely, STRENGTH OF MATERIALS, Longmans, Green % Co, London, Civil Engr. 8. Questions to Assignment 1. page 14. Answer all questions submitted to you as clearly as pos- sible. Do not go into detail unless details are requested, "but do not fail to answer all parts of each question completely. Arrange your answers neatly. Use a typewriter if svailable. 1. Define intensity of stress, unit deformation, modulus of rupture and modulus of elasticity. Note: Always give the units in which the quantities are measured. 2. Define stiffness, toughness, and ductility. 3. Can stiffness be measured quantitatively? (If no other infor- mation is given always answer a question of this type as completely as possible, not simply by yes or no.) 4. The diagram on page 10, in the text, was obtained from an actual test in which the load was applied continuously increasing from zero to its maximum value as indicated. Was the so-called elastic limit determined? (Do not read the description to answer this question, you should know the answer if you have studied the assignment.) Why is the point indicated the most probable value of the elastic 1 * limit? 5. what is the unit stress in a rod having an area of 1/2 sq. in. when subjected to a stress of 8,000 lb.? Ans. 16,000 Ib. 6. What is the allowable pull on a 1" diameter steel bolt if the allowable intensity of stress is 16,000 lb. per sq. in.? Ans. 12,600 lb. 7. The head of a 1" diameter bolt is 5/8" thick. When the bolt is subjected to a pull of 15,000 lb. what is the unit shearing Civil Engr. 8. Questions to Assignment 1. stress tending to strip the head from the bolt? .'aAns. 7,600 Ib. per sq. in. 8. Would the chattering of a machine tool (caused by bending of the tool) be diminished by making it of stronger steel? 9. Which bolt - one left full site or one turned down to the di- aneter at the base of the threads - will sustain the greatest impact loading? 10. Name the kinds of stress developed in: (a) an inflated tire casing, (b) the connecting rod of a double acting pump, (c) a key in an axle shaft, (d) stud bolts holding on a man-hole in a pressure tank. 11. Prepare a list of structures or machines in which the var- ious properties listed below govern the selection of the material to be used : (a) Strength (d) Toughness (b) Stiffness (e) Hardness. (c) Flexibility 12. Prepare a list of structures or machine? vhioh are liable to occasional overloading. 13. Name several structures or machines that could be mads of brittle materials. 14. What kind of stress exists at the neutrel surface of a load- ed beam? 15. What kind of stress exists in the fibers on the leeward side of a flag pole bent by the wind? UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. EXTENSION DIVISION" Correspondence Courses Materials of Engineering Construction Civil Bngr, S. professor C. T. Wi.skocil Assignment 2. MACHINES AND APPLIANCES FOR TEST ING Reading assignment;* Johnson's Materials of Construction, Chapter II, pages 49-96. Preliminary:- In a comprehensive study of the important materials of engineering construction, such as we are making, it is desirable to have a knowledge of the machines and appliances used in determin- ing the various properties such as strength, elasticity, and tough- ness. If properly studied, this chapter will eive yo\i the necessary information without an actual inspection of a testing laboratory. There are testing machines in 'the San Francisco Bay region, Los Angeles, Sacramento and Fresno - possibly in other California cities, Make an effort to witness an actual test performance. If you should visit a laboratory do not expect to see all the machines and appli- ances described in this assignment. Probably no laboratory in the i country, not even the one in the Bureau of Standards at Washington, b.C. , contains all of them. TESTING MACHINES The discussion of testing machines constitutes the first part of the assignment. A. testing machine is defined in Article 42; in general, it must provide means for (a) applying the load (b) mea- suring the load and (c) holding the test specimen. A testing Civil Bngr-8. Assignment . Page 2. machine is not necessarily a costly device like those illustrated in the te;:t book; it may be a simple wooden lever arrangement with the load, a bucicet of aand at the end of the long lever, such as is used in the field testing of drain tiles. Testing machines vary in capacity from the 10,OUC,OCC lb. machine shown on page 56 to er.aH tension machines for testing faoric, or briquette-testing machines like the ones shown on page 396. There are also various types of machines which will now be discussed in detail. In general all testing machines must be both accurate and sensitive. Universal Testing Machines Classes jsfjaniversal teeting machines:- Study Article 43. Univer- sal testing machines may be divided into two classes, (a) vertical and (b) horizontal. Both of these classes may be divided into two groups based upon the method of applying the load; namely, screw- gear and hydraulic. Hydraulic machines may be either plain or of the Emery type. As a class universal machines &re in most general use in the United States, probably because of their adaptibility. They are mostly the vertical screw-gear type either of Olsen or Riehle make, both of which will be described later. Weighing devices used in testing machines are levers, gages, and manometers. The Olsen and Riehle machines use the lever system. The advantage of the horizontal machine, besides the one riven on page 50 in Article 43, is the ease with which large speci- mens can be put in place. The principal disadvantage, as indicated, is the bending of the specimen due to its own weight, It also takes up a large amount of floor space. Civil Engr-8. Assignment 2. Page 3. General conditions which should jbts obtained in universal machines;- The principal requirements are accuracy and sensitiveness. Accuracy is insured as indicated in paragraph 1, the second sentence in paragraph 2 and the first sentence in paragraph 3 or Article 44. paragraphs 1 and 6 of this article refer to sensitiveness. The last sentence of paragraph 7 and paragraph 10, with those already given, are the important ones of the article. Olsen testing machines;- Study Article 45. The essential parts of the Olsen machine are shown in Figure 1. These are usually four and three-scret; machines. The screws referred to are the main ones which move the cross-head. In this machine the screws do not rotate on their axes, but move the cross head to which they are attached by the axial motion given to them by the rotation of the geared nuts through which they pass. The geared nuts bear against the frame of the machine. The weighing mechanism is shown diagramatically in Figure 3. Note that when the scale beam is in balance the position of the poise -weight indicates the amount of the load. It resembles the usual Fairbanks platform scale. The purpose of the counter- weight is to counteract the unbalanced weight of the various levers in the system. Civil Engr-6 Assignment 2 Page 4 -* II II 1 <\ -- -- i s X i ^ - -- Upper or Fixed Head - --Position of Tensile Specimen -Frame Figure 3 Civil Engr-8 Assignment 2, Page 6. Riehle testing machines ;- Study Article 46, It describes the liiehle (pronounced r8 lay) testing machine. This is the principal competitor of the Olsen machine. Figure 2 shows the essential pfirts of the Riehle machine. It is a two-screw machine. The cross- head is threaded to receive the main screws which revolve and cause it to move. The main screws revolve without axial motion. The weighing mechanism is of the eatue design as the 'Olsen. The Emery testing machine;- Study Article 47 and Figure 4 in the text, The wide range in capacity and sensitiveness of this type of machine is illustrated by the footnote on page 54. A high degree of accuracy is not always necessary. The Emery machine is made to order and is very expensive. Note that the load is applied to one end of the specimen by the usual hydraulic press which can have friction of any amount or variation without affecting the load which is measured at the other end of the specimen by the pressure in a completely closed chamber. There are two of these chambers or cap- sules, one to take the full load on the specimen and another, of smaller size, connected to it by hollow tuoing. The smaller capsule actuates a lever system similar to Figure 3 (in the notes) which measures the load on the capsule. The liquid in the capsules is incompressible, therefore there is no friction. The diaphrans have only very small exposed surfaces and can therefore be made of thin material. In the Emery weighing levers the fulcra consist of thin in plates (in tension), whereas/ the Olsen and Riehle levers, the fulcra are knife edges (in compression). The Emery lever system is the more sensitive. Civil Engr-8. Assignment 2. Page 7. Tension Testing Machines This type is not mentioned in the text book but there are ma- chines which will test only in tension. In construction and operation they are similar to the Olsen and Riehle universal testing machines. A machine for testing briquettes in tension is shown on page 396. Ma- terials frequently tested in tension are wire, various kinds of fabric, leather and paper. Compression Testing Machines Study Articles 48 and 49, Read Article 50, remember that the largest machine has a capacity of ten million pounds in compression only. It is a hydraulic machine and the screws (shown in Figure 6 in the text, page 56) are merely for changing the position of the cross- head . Transverse Testing Machines Beams of wood, concrete, and steel are tested in this type of machine. Study article 51 and Figure 9 together with the text referring to it on the middle of page 59. Read Article 52. In the cross-bend- ing test of cast iron which is made on the machine illustrated in Fig- ure 9, page 59, the bending moment is a maximum under the load. The span is usually 12 inches. The other type of transverse loading is illustrated on page 202, Figure 2, It is known as the third point loading, the beam being divided into three parts, usually equal. Equal loads are applied at equal distances from the ends of the beam. The bending moment between the loads is constant and the shear is zero. This is a more desirable condition than that obtained by the center loading. Cold -Bend Testing Machines Read Articles 54 and 55. The cold bend test is usually used for various kinds of steel, both rolled and cast. The bend test is a very important one for steel to be used for reinforced-concrete. Civil Engr-8. Page 8. Torsion Testing Mac nines The torsion test is most satisfactory for testing the shearing strength and elasticity of ductile materials. Torsion can- not be put on a specimen in a machine of the universal type, it takes a special form of machine such as shown in Figure 15 page 63. Torsion test specimens are usually circular in section, either hollow or solid. Read Article 57. Impac t Testing Machines TJber impact test is used to determine the amount of energy (measured in foot-pounds or inch-pounds; necessary to stress a specimen up to its elastic limit or to rupture it. The machine shown in Figure 19, page 66 is used by the United States Forest Service to test the toughnesfe of -wood. The usual impact test is in flexure but impact compression and tension tests can be made in the Turner machine. The pendulum t^ ; pe of impact testing machine subjects the specimen to flexural stresses; it can be arranged to test a specimen in tension. If ductile meter ials are tested in impact-flexure the specimen is usually notched so as to localize the stress and insure failure. Study Articles 58, 59, and 60 in the text. Endurance Testing Machines Endurance or repeated stress testing machines in common use are of two general types. The Upton-Lewis machine (not shov;n in the text) and the Kommers machine (shown in Figure 26, page 72) produce flexural stresses by simple bending of the specimen, where- Civil Sngr-8. Assignment 2 Page 9. as the White-Southtr machine produces flexural stresses by rotating a loaded specimen (The machine is shown in Figure 25, page 71). In both types of machines there is a reversal of stress ^from tension to compression) as the specimen is bent or rotated. The Up ton- Lewi s machine works best at stresses aoove the elastic limit. Read Articles 64 and 6& and 1 -.study article 66- Hardness Testing Machines Hardness testers could not be classed as testing machines if the definition previously given vere strictly interpreted. They are comvaonly called testing machines and will, therefore, be dis- cussed under this heading. Filing, Cutting, and scratch tests have been proposed to test hardness, but the indentation method has come into the most general use. The Brinell machine and the Scleroscope represent,-, machines using the indentation method- Read Article 61 and study Articles 62 and $3. AUXILIARY APPLIANCES BELOVED IN LOO) IMG SPECIMENS In tension and compression tests it is essential to have the load applied axially and uniformly over the cross-section of the test specimen. Devices For Tension Tests Study Articles 68, 69, and read Article 70. If carefully used the devices shown will give satisfactory results. None of them give absolutely uniform distribution of stress. Devices For Direct She?r Tests Study Article 56 with Figures 13 and 14 which are given Civil Engr-8. Assignment 2. Page 10. under testing machines in the text. These devices give the approxi- mate shearing strength of the material tested/ because it is im- possible to make the test without producing some bending or com- pressive stresses in the test specimen. Loading Appliances for Compression Tests Study Articles 71 to 74 inclusive. For ease in testing, the spherical-bearing block should be placed on top of the specimen. The radius of the bloc.*, r in Figure 32, page 76, should be equal to r, the radius of the specimen tested. Bedments It is essential to have flat surfaces on the ends of compression test specimens. If possible the use of bedments should be avoided. If a flat surface cannot be secured plaster of Paris is used. Porous surfaces should be shellaced before being capped with plaster of Paris. A satisfactory surface can be secured by pressing out the excess p3,aster on a smooth, plane surface of glass or metal. The resulting bedment should not exceed 1/8" in thickness, plaster of Paris bedments should be allowed to set (about five hours) before testing the specimen. Study Articles 75 to 78 inclusive. Deformeters An instrument used to measure the change in length of a specimen tested in tension is called an extensometer ; if used in a compression test, it is called a compressoineter. Any device for measuring the amount of bending of a beam is a def lectometer , whereas a troptometer is used to measure the amount of twist in a torsion test. Civil Li'.^r-S. ..3si nrr.ent . Page 11. Extensoraeters :- Study the first paragraph aad those marked 1, 2 and 3 of Article 79, Article 80 and the last paragraph of Article 82 which describes the Berry Strain-Gage. Read Articlts 81, 83 and 84. Note that the Berry Strain-Gage could be used as a compress- ometer. It requires very careful manipulation to get accurate re- sults. C orupre ssometer s ; - Study Articles 85 and 36. The instrument shown in Figure <*6, page 87, is frequently made vjith a stiff rod instead of wires to actuate the pointer on the dial. The rod is attached to one ring and bears on the roller of a dial on the other ring. TWO dials would be required if rocs v,ere used in the compressomfcter shown. Read Articles SI and S2. These articles describe special applications of compress outers and extensometers. Deflectoneters:- Study Articles 87 and 90, read articles 88 and 89. Troptcmeters :- Read Articles 93 and 94. Miscellaneous devices:- Read Articles 95 and 97. Omit article 96. Civil Er.gr -8. Questions to Assignment 2 Page 12. Answer the following questions; . 1. What is a testing machine? 2. What is a universal testing machine? 3. Describe the mechanism for applying the load to s ihe 'test- specimen in a testing machine of the screw-gear type. 4. Describe the weighing mechanise of a screw-gear testing machine. 5. Make a diagrarnatic sketch of the weighing system of a screw- gear testing machine 6. What are the advantages t disadvantages, and limitations of (a) screw-gear, (bj hydraulic, and (c) Emery types of testing machines? 7. Describe the essential part of the Er.,ery testing machine. 8. Name the various types of impact testing machines. 9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the vertical and horizontal types of universal testing machines? 10. What are the essential requirements for (a) a universal test- ing machine (b) an impact testing machine? 11. Name the types of hardness testing machines. 12. Describe a scleroscope. 13. Briefly describe the various types of endurance or repeated- stress testing machines. 14. In what units are the test results of (a) Turner and (b) Rus- sell machines measured? 15. What kind o5 a machine would you use to determine the Shearing modulus of elasticity of a material? Civil Engr-8. Questions to Assignment 2, page 13. 16. In what kind of tests are spherical oearihg blocks used? Why are they used? 17. What is the purpose of a bedment? 18. Can the use of bedments be avoided? 19. Name the various types of def oraeters. 20. Describe a Berry Strain-Gage. 21. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Berry Strain- Gage? 22. What -re the essential requirements for extensometers? 25. Make a diagramatic sketch and describe a micrometer* screw electric -contact extensoaeter. 24. What is a troptometer? JfiUVBKSITY CF C*iLIFOKMI, EXTENSION l> IV IS ION Correspondence Courses Materials cf Engineering Construction Civil Er.gr -8. Professor C. T. Wiskocil Assignment 3. TESTING OF STRUCTURAL lidTER IALS Reading assignment:- Johnson's Liiate rials of Construction, Chapter III, pages 97 to 139. preliminary :- The foundation for a comprehensive study of the Materials of Engineering Construction will be completed with this assignment. The information is closely related to the study of ths materials themselves and will possibly be found more interest- ing than the first two assignments. Most of the properties of materials have been determined by mechanical tests. Materials whose properties are not well known rill be tested according to present standards or by methods to be devised and perfected by research testing which is conducted for the purpose of determining the proper size of test specimen, the effect of methods of procedure on the test results, and similar questions. The results of mechanical tests are reliable criteria for the acceptance or the rejection of structural materials. Mechanical tests for quality and conformity to specifications, chemical analyses, and microscopic examinations are used in com- mercial testing. Examinations for surface defects, surface finish, correctness of dimensions, and the supervision of manufacture to insure adherence to predetermined methods are called inspection. Civil Bngr-8. Assignment 3. Page 2. General observations:- Study Article 98. The article emphasizes the fact that test results are, in most instances, affected by the methods by which they were obtained. For this reason it is neces- sary to standardize methods of procedure in order that results se- cured under such conditions may have relative value at least. The selection of standard methods should be made with reference to the practical use of the material. Materials anc? finished products are tested under a wide variety of standards which frequently, in certain tests, show exact agreement. Some of the standards in com- mon use are: American Society for Testing Materials, Society of Automotive Engineers, United States Bureau of Standards, United States Navy Department, International Aircraft Standards, and those of Lloyels of England. Mechanical tests classified.-- Study Article 99. Static tests yield most of the published test results. Dynamic and wearing tests are very important but have not yet been thoroughly standardized. Accelerated weathering tests have not proved satisfactory. Never- theless such tests would supply very important information. Structural tests are not so v;ell standardized as specimen tests; frequently, however , acceptance depends entirely upon structural tests. Full-size forms are not always tested to. failure; anchors, for instance, are only subjected to proof-loads. THE ACCURACY OF MACHINES AND APPARATUS Methods of determining the accuracy and sensitiveness of testing machines:- Study Article 100. Testing machines should be cali- brated when installed and if the machine is in constant use the cali- Civil Engr-8. Assignment 3. Pag 3. bration should be checked at regular intervals. The calibrated tension bar or compression prism can be made of such size as to load the machine to be calibrated up to its full capacity. This produces large deformation and increases the relative accuracy of the determination. Furthermore the apparatus is portable. This is a desirable feature since few owners of testing machines have means of calibrating them and must therefore call upon outside assistance. The cost of such assistance would be greatly increased if standard weights had to be shipped for each calibration. The so-called standard bar has a known modulus of elastici- ty (which was obtained in a machine of known accuracy or one whose accuracy was determined by standard weights). Its cross-sectional area and the gage length, length over which the deformation is measured, are also known. The actual load producing any measured deformation can be readily computed. This computed load is then compared with the load observed on the scale-beam of the machine. The difference between the loads, divided by the actual or true load is the percentage error in the machine. Its sign, indicating whether the machine reads high or low, should always be given. In a well-designed machine the per- centage error is constant over its entire range. The extensometer must be permanently attached to the standard bar. The calibration of apparatus for measuring deformations;- Read Article 101. It is not necessary that measuring apparatus be cor- rect. The errors, however, must be known and they should pre- Civil Engr-8. Assignment 3. Page 4. ferably be constant or should change at a constant rate. For any important test or investigation all apparatus, including machines and instruments, should be calibrated. If in error, the required corrections must be applied to the observed measurements. SELECTION AND PREPARATION OF SPECIMENS Selection of specimens;- Study Article 102. The proper selec- tion of samples is of great importance. Careless or improper sampling is one of the most serious sources of trouble in commercial testing. The preparation of the specimen:- Study Article 103. It has been known for a long time that the size, s;hape and method of preparation of the test specimen affect the test results. The effect of these controlable variables is studied in research testing which is be- ing carried on in government, industrial, and educational labora- tories. XENSION TESTS Tension tests are universally used to specify the proper- ties of ductile materials. They are so generally used because they give the elastic limit strength, ductility, and toughness besides the tensile strength and modulus of elasticity. When the strength of a material is spoken of it is generally understood to mean the maximum tensile strength. The -best practice is, however, to specify the particular strength meant. Brittle matter ia Is, namely cast iron and cementing materials, are tested in tension. Only the ultimate tensile strength of these materials Civil Engr-8- Assignment 3. Page 5. is obtained. Cements are tested in tension, because the machine for such tests is much cheaper than a compression machine and the specimens are more easily prepared and tested. Tension tests are gradually giving wa^ to the compression test, because cement and mortar, which are brittle materials, are generally used in com- pression. Study Articles 104, 105, the first and last paragraphs and the tsxt under Figure 2 on page 106 in Article 106, Read ^j-ticle 107. The essential points to remember are: The averagb diameter or dimensions are determined and the gage length then laid off (usually 2" or 8";^ The gage length is not divided into equal spaces as indicated in the text. The speed of testing should be such that the scale-beam can be kept in balance so chat the phenomena of yield point and maximum can be accurately determined. The properties of soft steel do not seem to be effected by speeds up to six inches per minute. Study Article 108, 109, 110 and 111. See the typical stress-deformation curves on pages 210, 256, 476 and 601. The drop of the scale-beam indicates the yield point in the commercial tension test of medium carbon steel or any material having a de- cided yield point. The load is applied continuously and the scale- beam is kept balanced. In order to keep the beam in balance the poise -weight must be advanced at a steady uniform rate, depending upon the speed at which the cross-head of the machine is moving. At the yield point the rate of increase in load is suddenly changed Civil Fngr-8. assignment 3. Page 6. and in sane cases actually becomes negative (see Figure 2 page 811, diagrams for G.37f and 0.53$ oar boa steels). Before the rate of motion of the poise-weight can be changed it has advanced too far and causes the beam to fall, sometimes the load actually decreases as in Figure 2 just referred to, so that the beam is out of balance. This phenomenon is known as the drop JD beam. COMPRESSION TESTS The compression test is used chiefly for the brittle materials. Study Article 112. Read Article 113, study Figure 7 on page 114 in this article. Whereas the compression test specimens in the past have been cubes, the tendency is to increase the length of the specimen. Most concrete specimens are 6" in diameter and 12" long.. Mortar specimens are 2" in diameter and 4" long while met^l specimens %re aoout 1" in diameter and 4 U long. Omit Article 114. Tne important facts in Article 115 are: that when the elastic limit and modulus of elasticity are determined the defor- mation should be measured on at least two sides and the yokes of the compressometer should be placed not less than half of the diameter from the nearest bearing surface. A spherical bearing plate should be used. Study Articles 116 and 117. TRANSVERSE TESTS Study Articles 118 to 122 inclusive, omit only Table 1, page 122. The calculated stresses of tension and compression - modulus of rupture - are nominal values and are higher than the Civil Engr-8. Assignment 3. Page 7. actual stresses. Cast iron is the only material in which the size of the test piece affects the modulus of rupture. In other materi- als it is independent of the size of the specimen, provided, of course, that the material is the same, but depends upon the shape of the cross-section. IMPACT TESTS Study Articles 123 to 127 inclusive. No impact test has "been accepted as a universal standard because the results are affected by both the design of the machine and the shape and size of the test specimen. A drop-test for railway rails has been standardized and adopted, see Figure 20, page 67. Lloyds Register of Shipping specifies a definite drop-test for ship anchors. The notched-bar test of the Charpy and similar pendulum machines is quite widely used in Europe but has not been adopted here. HARDNESS TESTS Study Articles 128 to 135 inclusive; Omit Taole 2 on page 129 and the formulas in Article 134. The Brinnell machine and the Scleroscope both test the relative hardness or the uni- formity in hardness of a given material. The Scleroscope is well adapted to testing the hardness of gear teeth. When a manufactured piece has given satisfactory service, its hardness may be determin- ed; and other. pieces bought later may be required to show the same degree of hardness. Hardness depends upon other properties and for any given material the hardness indirectly measures the tensile strength. Civil Er.gr-8. Assignment 3. Page 8. Study Articles 136 to 139 inclusive. Remember that the direct shear test will determine only the breaking strength in shear. TORSION TESTS Study Articles 140 to 142 inclusive. Remember that the torsional modulus of rupture, the ultimate shearing stress in tor- sion computed from formula 16 on page 22, is not the actual shear- ing strength of the material. The formula is similar to the one for extreme fiber stress in bending, the modulus of rupture. Ten- sion is a secondary stress developed in the torsion test; for brittle materials it is less than the shearing strength and brittle materials subjected to torsion will, therefore, fail in tension. The torsion test will, however, determine the modulus of rigidity of brittle materials. BEND TEST OF METALS Study Articles 143 to 148 inclusive. The bend test is generally used to estimate the ductility of metals, the metal may be cold or heated. The test can be used to determine whether a given metal is ductile enough to be put through certain manu- facturing processes. DRIFTING TEST OF METALS The drift test like the bend test gives an indication of the ductility of metals. It is used on steel plates to be fastened together by rivets because rivet holes in field joints are brought into alignment by the use of a drift pin. This operation should Civil F-ngr-3. Assignment 3. Page 9. not cause the metal to crack or tear. In the best grade of wori rivet holes should be reamed, because drifting weakens the joint. Study Article 149. RESUME OF CHAPTER III Study Article 150; it is a condensed statement of the properties revealed by the testa described in the assignment and the uses made of the tests. Civil Engr-8 Questions to Assignment 3. Page 10. Answer the following questions;* 1. What should be the guiding. principle in the preparation of new testing methods and the design of testing machines? 2. Make a list of structural forms, machines or machine parts which are tested as a v/hole or full-size. 3. Name the different ways of calibrating testing machines. 4. Describe the standard bar method of calibrating a testing machine. 5. In the method described in question 4 make a sample calcula- tion to show how the error and the percentage error in a testing machine is calculated. Assume all necessary data. 6. What are the objects to be kept in view when selecting samples for test specimens? 7. What are the general requirements for the preparation of test specimens? 8. What is the significance of the tension test? 9. What is a commercial tension test? 10. Describe the tensile fracture of medium carbon steel. 11. How is the yield point in a tension test determined? 12. What causes the drop of beam in the tension test of medium carbon steel? 13. How is the elongation in a tension specimen distributed with reference to the point of fracture? 14. Prepare a stress-deformation diagram. Put in a curve for mild steel and show the elastic limit, the apparent elastic limit, the proportional limit and the yield point. 15. Make a list of materials usually tested in tension. 16. What information can be secured from a compression test? 17. Make a list of materials usually tested in compression. 18. How are the deformations in the transverse test measured? 19. What materials are tested in bending? Civil Er.gr-8. Questions to Assignment 3. Page 11. 20. What is the object of the impact test? 21. Compare the Brinnell and Scleroscope methods for measuring hardness. 22. How does direct shearing stress differ from the shearing stress computed in the torsion test? 23. What information can be obtained in the torsion test? 24. How do brittle materials fail in torsion? 25. What property of materials is determined in the bend test? 26. Name materials which are tested in bending. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. EXTENSION DIVISION Correspondence Courses Materials of Engineering Construction C'.vil Engr-8. Professor C. T. Wiskocil Assignment 4. USES AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF WOOD Reading Assignment:- Johnson's Materials of Construction, Chapter IV, pages 140 - 178. Introduction;- Wood is one of the primary materials of construction and, due to the ease with which it can be worked and its comparative light weight, it has always been used as a structural material. Wood has sufficient strength and hardness for general purpose s^but .. is inflammable and subject to decay. Its general use is therefore, confined to inexpensive or temporary construction. It is used for railroad ties chiefly because of its resilience. Wood is an organic material. Its physical and mechanical properties are dependent upon its structure, which in turn is de- pendent upon life processes, age, and other physiological causes. Because of its complex cellular structure specimens of wood cut from the same stick and appearing to be identical often show marked variations in strength. Importance of Wood:- Read Article 151. The latest estimates in- dicate that there is a total of 2,800 billion board feet of standing timber in the United States. (Timber is usually measured in board feet. The unit is one foot square and one inch thick or 144 cubic inches). This estimate includes only trees of sawlog size and aot wood that could be used for such purposes as fuel and pulp. Civil Engr-8. Assignment 4. page 2. It has been frequently stated that the -supply of timber in the United States will be exhausted within the next thirty or forty years because the rate of annual depletion by insects, fires, and lumbering (wood cut for all purposes) is aoout 100 billion board feet. Remember that these are scientific estimates and the extent to which known factors will control the result cannot be exactly determined and the possibility of unknown factors must be provided for. The virgin forests of Douglas fir and southern yellow pine alone, will continue to supply satisfactory structural timber for several generations. The increasing practice of forestry will insure an increased annual growth and minimize the occurrence of fires. Three California redwood companies have announced plans for permanent forest management whereby they will work their prop- erties so as to yield regular crops of timber and thus insure a permanent supply of raw material for their plants. Large tracts of non-agricultural land which are well suited for the production of timber could be utilized if necessary. Furthermore the more general use of preservatives and the more economical use of wood both tend to conserve the supply. The exhaustion of our forests is, therefore, problematic. Production:- About one half the available supply of timber in the United states is in the Pacific Coast forests (Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, and Montana). It consists principally of Douglas fir, western hemlock, sugar pine, western yellow pine, redwood, and cedar. Civil Engr-8. Assignment 4. page 3. The annual production of timber is about forty billion board feet. Washington and Louisiana produce the most; together they supply about one fifth of the total production. About one fifth of the wood cut annually is used in engineer- ing construction. The following table gives the approximate dis- tribution: Structural timber and lumber 13 % Ties 4 Mine timbers 2 Car construction 1 Poles .2 Ship construction .2 About 40 % is used for firewood and \Z% for pianing-miil products such as doors and window-sashes. Wood is also made into pulp, shingles, laths, furniture, posts and containers (barrels, boxes, and crates). Wood, Timber, and Lumber:- Wood is the hard fibrous substance of trees and shrubs. It is composed of lignocellulose , which is a starch- like substance, permeated by materials known as lignin, resin, coloring-matter, water and small proportion of inorganic matter (evident as ash). Timber is wood suitable for construction whether in the tree or cut and seasoned. When applied to cut wood the term is used to designate pieces of comparatively large breadth and width. Lumber is timber that is sawed or split into boards, planks, or other forms of comparatively small dimensions. This term is used chiefly in the United States. Civil Fngr-8 Assignment 4. GENERAL. CHARACTERISTICS OF WOOD Structure and appearance : -Read Article 152. A knowledge of the structure of wood is important because of its relation to the mechani- cal properties. In general the structure is cellular, consisting of minute, hollow, elongated tubes grown together and closed at the ends. In some woods the tubes are open to permit the movement of sap. Because of its structure and composition wood can "be cut easily and nails and other fastenings can be readily driven into it. The empty cells are dead air spaces and retard the conduction of heat and sound. Because of its porous nature it will take up pre- servatives. Paint and ether surface finishes will readily adhere to its surface and thus prolong its life. Classes of trees:- Read Article 153. The botanical classification of trees whose wocd is used in construction in the United States is as follows : I Gymno sperms I A Coniferae II Angiosperms IIA Dicotyledons The seeds of the gymnospermB are not enclosed in fruit. The gymno- sperms are divided into three groups. TWO of them grow principally in the tropics; tne other one, the coniferae, is the only one that yields merchantable lumber. The pines, firs and cedars are some of the trees included in this group. The seeds are borne on a series of overlapping scales, arranged on cones. The leaves are narrow, stiff or needle-like. The trees are sometimes designated Civil Engr-8. Assignment 4. page 5. as needle-leaf, softwood, evergreen, coniferous, and cone-bearing. The seeds of the angiosperms are always enclosed. There are two groups of angiosperms. They differ principally in the structure of their stems or trunks. The first group, the monocotyledons, have one seed leaf or cotyledon (therefore the name mono-cotyledon;. These trees, which include the palm and the bamboo, grow principally iu the tropics. The second group, the dicotyledons, have two seed- leaves. This group includes the oaks, maples, and hickories, which are sometimes called broad-leaf, hardwood, or deciduous trees. The conifers yield the largest proportion of woods used for structural purposes. Classification of Woods;- Frequently woods instead of trees are classified. In the botanical classification of trees given in a previous paragraph the two important groups were the conifers and the dicotyledons. They grow in the same manner and their woods, therefore, are in one group sometimes called out side -growers, banded woods, or exogens. The elements of the woods in this group develop in the cambium layer which is just inside the bark of the tree. Each growing season new wood is added to the previous growth. In cross-section, these seasonal additions appear as concentric circular layers or rings. The names conifers and dicotyledons are applied to the divisions of this group. The designation soft-wood for the conifers is not logical because some of the woods of this division are actually very hard as in the case of some of the pines, while the term hardwood is incorrectly applied to the dicotyledons Civil Engr-8. Assignment 4. page 6. basswood and chestnut whose wood is soft. The terms needle-leaf and broad-leaf are more exact but the designation conifers and dicotyledons is preferable. The other group of woods includes the unimportant mono- cotyledons in which the wood elements are in separate bundles scat- tered throughout the tree. The cross-section of these woods has a dotted appearance. The trees grow largely by expansion of the cells already formed and do not continually increase in diameter but attain their maximum diameter early in their growth. The name endogen is sometimes given to this group; other names are inside- grower and non-banded woods. The use of the terms endogen and exo- gen should be avoided because engineers and botanists seldom em- ploy them in the same way. Botanical Names:- The use of botanical nomenclature obviates the confusion v,'hich occurs when trees are designated by common or local names. Thus the names of the species Pinus palustris are longleaf, yellow, hard, Georgia, and southern pine, in addition to some 25 others. Botanical names are made up of terms which denote genus and species. Sequoia is the generic name for all species of redwoods. Sempervirens and washingtoniana are names of particular species of redwoods; the latter is the Big Tree or Mammoth Redwood. Botanists have sometimes given different names to the same species* The abbreviated name of the person responsible for a given designation is therefore added to the complete name. An example is Sequoia sempervirens Endl. Civil Engr-3. Assignment 4. page 7. A genus is a group of related species while a species is the smallest group of individuals to which distinctive characteristics can "be assigned. Structure of wood in general:- Read Article 154. The accompanying diagram shows the cross-section of a tree. The pith stores up plant food for the young stem and it seems to be of only temporary service. A layer of spring wood and one of summer wood constitute a so-called annual ring. Early and late growth would be better designations for the parts of the annual rings. Early growth is usually formed in the spring when the tree requires most water. The water-conducting wood -elements predominate and produce porous or less compact wood. The late growth is formed in the summer and early fall; it is heavier and denser than the early growth. Distinct periods of rapid and slow growth may be caused by wet and dry seasons which sometimes occur oftener than once a year. The number of so-called annual rings does not always give the exact age of the tree. This has been at found to be the case in certain trees which were c:ut/a known age. Pith Cambium^ _J Heart \\ ood 3ar.< ^ ,, , ^ - Wood _ Spring Wood (light) -SuiEraer Wood $ark Cross Section of Tree Civil Engr-8 Assignment 4. page 8- HBARTWOOD;- While the ceil structure of heart-wood is the same as that of sapwood, the protoplasm is absent and inert minerals and pigments appear. The thicker cell-walls of heartwood are probably caused by the accumulation of deposited materials. The change from sapwood to heartv/ood does not take place ring by ring or a little each year but may skip many years and eight or more rings may change to heartwood in one year. The change is not uniform around the tree, it may occur in one side before the other so that one ring may be part heartwood while, the other part remains sapwood. (Reference - U.S. Bureau of Plant industry Bulletin No. 14 p. 15.; In most trees, however, the line of division between the heartwood and the sapwood and that between the sapwood and the bark, are concentric around the pith. , S^PWOOD :- Sapwood lies between the bark and the heartwood. It de- rives its name from the fact that it carries up-ward sap currents. (The descending currents pass through the inner bark) BARK:- The barK affords protection to the tree and is an agent in its development. CAMBIUM LAYER:- The cambium layer consists of a thin layer of small cells between the bark and the sapwood. These cells develop into the wood cells of the sapwood and form the annual rings. The outer cambium cells develop into new bark. GRAIN OF WOOD:- Study Article 155. Wood is said to be straight grained when the direction of the wood elements is parallel with the pith- If the elements are arranged in a spiral course around the Civil Engr-8. Assignment 4. Page 9. pith, the wood is spiral grained. The grain of a small stick is influenced by the way it is cut from the log. If the lines on the surface (formed by cutting the annual layers of v;ood cells) run diagonally across the piece, the bending and compress ire strength will be reduced. Iriclination of more than 1 in 20 to the edge of the stick should not be allowed in high grade material. Spiral grain can be detected by season checks or by splitting the stick. STRUCTUHAL ELEMENTS OF WOOD:- Study Article 197. The four princi- pal wood elements are tracheids, wood fibers, vessels, and parenchyma, The cell walls of these elements are composed of Xylem (xl/ - lem) or wood tissue. Tracheids are small thin-walled tubular cells which, in coniferous wood, are about 0.2 inches long and polygonal in cross- section with a diameter of aoout 0.002 inches, The cells with their longitudinal axis parallel with the pith of the tree, are arranged in radial rov;s. The thick walls of the cells formed to- ward the end of the season's growth reduce the size of the opening in the cells but add to the strength of the element. Tracheids have bordered pits in their side v;alls. These pits are small por- tions of the wall where the original cellulose membrane of the cambia 1 cell has not been thickened by the addition of lignin (inert minerals). These pits allow the passage of water between adjacent cells. Wood fibers are small thick-walled tubular cells with taper- ed ends rarely over 0.1 inch in length. They usually have small Civil F.ngr-3. Assignment 4. page 10. simple pits. They are not found in coniferous -woods, but are -che principal source of hardness and toughness of broad leaved woods. Vessels are long tubular elements with mfcny border pits. Vessels often extend the entire length of the tree. The;, vary in diameter from 0.003 to 0.03 inches. They are formed by the union of original cambial cells in which the end walls become partially or wholly absorbed so that they present an unobstructed passage for water from the roots to the branches of the tree. Parenchyma are made of thin-walled cells joined end to end. The end and side walls are of equal thickness and have many simple rounded pits. Parenchyma resemble wood fibers in shape. Their chief function is the storage and distrioution of food materials. Pays, often called medullary rays, are radial bands of cells which cross the tree at right angles to the pith. In some species the rays are composed of parenchyma, in others, the cells are tracheids The principal function of the rays is the lateral distribution of plant food. Coniferous woods are composed principally of tracheids with rays at right angles to these cells. Resin ducts occur in the resin- bearing trees usually between the early and the late wood. These ducts have no walls of their own but are only intercellular channels with an average diameter of 0.01 inches for the larger ducts. Coni- ferous woods are quite uniform in cross -section and because of the absence of large vessels are called non-porous. The thick-walled cells in the late wood give that portion of each annual ring a darker color than the early wood. Study Article 198. Civil Engr-8. Assignment 4. page 11. Broad leaved woods have a more complex structure. They con- sist chiefly of wood fibers with prominent medullary or pith rays of parenchyma. Broad leaved woods are ring-porous or diffuse- porous depending upon the distribution of vessels or pores. In the ring-porous woods the pores are grouped in the early wood and make a pronounced annual ring, whereas in the diffuse-porous woods, the vessels have a uniform dispersion and the annual rings are not so distinct. Stuoy Article 199, note the statement regarding tyloses See Figure 2 on page 143). Omit Article 200. DEFECTS IN TIMBER:- Study Article 156. The most common defects in timber are knots, checks, and shakes. Knc*s are classified as sound, loose, or decayed. They affect the compressive and transverse strength of wood, also its workability and shrinkage. Checks are caused by stresses set up in seasoning. Large structural timbers are difficult to season without checking. The outer portions dry and shrink while the inner part is still tooist, thus bausing the wood to split. A shake is a separation between two annual rings. Both checks and shakes decrease the resistance to longitudinal shear besides affecting the durability by admitting air and moisture* poles with checks the entire length are also weak in torsion - the cross-arms twist the pole when the wires break. Density and weight;- Study Article 158. The term specific weight means the weight of a specific or definite volume, which in this book is taken as the cubic foot. The specific weight of different Civil Engr-3. Assignment 4. .Vage 12. woods varies with the moisture Content. With a given percentage of moisture, however, the specific weights for each species are not the same hut they vary due to the structure of the wood. The amount of wood substance, then, determines the specific weight. Wood sub- stance itself with a specific gravity of 1.55 would not float on w&ter. A cubic foot of water weighs 62.5 pounds, a cubic foot of wood substance (not possible in natures) would weigh 1.55 times 62.5 or approximately 97 pounds. (A cubic foot of anthracite coal weighs about 97 pounds, j The following table indicates the effect of moisture on the specific weight of the species of wood listed. Air -dry wood contains from 12 to 15 % moisture while a wood with Q% moisture is said to be kiln dry. Note that the average specific weight for a given lot of wood may vary by 5 % from the values in the table and individual pieces may show as auch as - 20 % variation. Air ' Kiln - Green Dry Dry Blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus; 70 54 52 White oak (Quercus alba) 61 47 46 Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga taxifolia; 40 33 32 ?fe stern yellov, pine (Pinus ponoerosa, 53 29 28 Sugar pine (pinus lambertiana) 50 27 26 Sitka spruce (Ficea sitchensis) 33 26 25 Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) 38 24 23 Western red cedar (Thuja plicata) 24 22 21 Moisture in wood ;- Study Article 159. Water exists in only two conditions in wood, - (1) as free water in the pores and (2) as absorbed water in the cell walls. (1) and (2) as given in the text are practically identical. The moisture content of green wood as given in Table I, facing page 196, is computed on the basis of Civil Eiigr-8. Assignment 4. page 13. cried to a constant weight at luO degrees Centigrade. The crying of tinker:- Study Article 160. The principal reasons for ,se-uscn.tn v.ood are given in the first part if Arti:;l i ( ' Q "i H< ff> (D 8 ' 9: H- 3 3 CO > en 2! (B pr M s~* M- - v H< ^1 *>d P ^ CD CD *rJ CD *T? f H- H- 0. ^ ,, s^ i H* H* 1 H- H- ' n ^J CD cO O ' , .. , 3 h- 1 3 H- D3 c c hrt *rJ C Q C O -- . -" o CD CD i cr - cf H- 0) 5 C" S; c*~ "rj C^ *^j r- B 1 CD i-J i CD 3 CD 3 P CO C' cn _. t-- : 1 C vj *r3 "T? IV^ ^ X CT x >-j ^ cy c c*- cn <-+ en O H- O H- H- C H- C H- CO B CO P CO I-" H 1 3 3 3 3 Hh Qj t-*> CL> O f-f- ^s v_ X- l> 1^ _J SB *-> d. CD CX CT) ^ 3 ff> rj JO fD CD H-* C^" t ' C*" CD t S 3 - g NJ >-< t-" CO H- *^ HJ v_ i O C o c l/ro .- i cq CO ^ ' 0q _. JO SB 3^ r ""*" -.. T o s B O5 CO ' ( ' ro cn O CO CD T! CD 3 D -i. Ki OO r ~o -j (-* i JO 93 rtl kfc CD ^ CD CD O 3 3 C O i ^_- CD 1 1 S ^g H- *C H- O P - t ro L ro ro t ro ro ro ro 3 ^5 3 CO !* CD 3 ^ oo CO oa 05 oa CD P co *J V (D p o o 8 OJ o O 1 C to 8 O O O o H- i J r 1 - f- h 1 - B P "! a H- CO CD CD a 3 \ Q- H- j. i i c*- (* co *^ p. CO o co 3 en h" C/. f* CO OJ cn ro cn CO cn ro CO CD s r*- C C C -0- 3 c+ CTt C/: C O o o c O o O O o o o CD ' O OP H- 3- O , co O 03 cn O -3 K 1 O O5 CP o o ro CT> C UJ O 01 o o c ^^ 0^5 ^^ g T ~- fi> 03 Q * M- fl> ^ tt H-- , 0^ i w -J 7_ CD ^--OT L. 10 O cn O o c en C ' CD *1 H- V P C* g P H- o o 3 CO cn en CT. cn 3 i-O I [. ' * = I-- ro 1 -g OT ^ H- H- C/2 *r> cn o O CD C ~j O O 00 00 c 05 O CD CD O o 0) c H- c+- en 3 r- CX' _ M *-- O H- H- CO * n V * * > CT >-t. D 3 rt- o ro en O cx> o co O ro C c h- ' o 01 6 CD 05 ^^^ en ,_, H- fl) ^ Q w > 1 t*^ &? j<^ 3 3 CD O O o 8 ! o c 8 O O O O 8 c c z co O c* Q- a- CD < CO co 0) 3 P *"t3" f *^' o^" S'*? M \-> *- H-" ro ro -"j H S & Q Q cn H- ct o o o fl 1 ^ O ( ro CO -< CD Oi CD f-' C M H-, P c o f - cr ^J *75 CO f+ C7' CX> (- CD J CD O * *^ t- W w O H- CD r-* 73 ^ H- I * | i j Civil Engr-S. Assignment 6. page 5. Table I is an excellent reference. If recent data are need- ed Forest Service Bulletin 556 will be found to be more complete. It is a good idea to take some common species of wood such as Douglas Fir and remember the data, given in the abstracted table in these notes, for the wood in the green condition. Most of the tests from which such values are obtained were made at the Forest products Laboratory at Madison, Wisconsin (see page 195 in text). The test pieces v;ere all straight -grained and free from de- fects, such as knots, shakes and checks, and in the same condition of seasoning. The values given were based on about 130,000 tests on 126 species of wood. Data are given for green and air dry con- ditions because the properties of all species are not changed in the same proportion bj. drying and all the properties are not equally affected, .air-dry woods should have the same moisture content in order to be strictly comparaole, but in the case of wood in the green condition, even though quite different for the different species, the moisture content is adov.a. the fiber saturation point and above this point changes in moisture do not affect the strength. Tests on individual pieces may be expected to vary from "t j to "i 14^ from the values given in these tables. Compressive Strength:- btudy Article 227. The compressive strength parallel to the grain is important in estimating the strength of columns and struts. It is determined by tests on 2 by 2 by 8 inch specimens. A compressometer with a 6 inch gage length is used so that the elastic limit and the modulus of elasticity can be determin- ed. A typical curve is shovjn in Figure 6 on page 210. The maximum Civil Engr-8. Assignment 6. Page 4. strength is more easily determined than elastic limit strength and is also less variable. Working stresses must be well below the elastic limit. For columns in dry interior construction having a length less than 10 times the least dimension, a working stress of about 1/3 of the c empress ive strength of green wood is used. Wood is also tested in compression perpendicular to the grain. The specimen is 2 by 2 by 6 inches with the load applied through a steel plate 2 inches wide. The area under load is, there- fore, 4 sq inches. A def lectometer of the type shown in Figure 48 on page 89 is used to get a stress-deformation curve similar to the one shown in Figure 6 on page 210. Only the stress at the elastic limit is determined because this is the maximum stress that can be applied without injury. Greater loads crush the specimen without a definite point of failure. Furthermore, the deformation measure- ments are easily obtained so that the elastic-limit determination is a simple one. Strength perpendicular to the grain is developed in bearing areas of beams, railroad ties, and in any construction where the load is similarly applied. A working stress of approximately 2/3 the elastic limit of green wood may be safely used in dry in- terior construction. Omit Tables 2 and 3; They are useful only when specific information is needed. Tensile strength of wood:- Read Article 228. The tensile strength of wood parallel to the grain is rarely determined. The Forest Service tests the tensile strength perpendicular to the grain. The form of specimen and the manner of loading are shown in Figure 1 on page 201. The data from this test are of value in establishing Civil Engr-8- Assignment 6. Page 5. the resistance of wood to the splitting action of bolts and other fastenings. The shearing strength of wood:- Read Article 220. Shearing stress parallel to the grain is developed in most structural uses of wood. It is of importance in beams (see Figure 2 on page 202), where it is called horizontal or longitudinal shear. It is also of importance in the design of wooden joints (see Figure 3 on page 203). Shearing stress across the grain is rarely listed. The specimen and the method of making the shearing test parallel to the grain are shown in Figure 14 on page 63. Longitudinal shear is greatest at the neutral surface of the beam and is affected by checks and shakes which re- duce the effective area resisting shearing stresses. These defec^s must be expected in structural timber; therefore safe working stresses for longitudinal shear in beams are about 1/8 of the values obtained from tests on clear, straight grained pieces. For joints and small details where checks and shakes can be avoided the work- ing stress may be increased to 1/4 the strength of green wood. Omit Tables 4 and 5. Transverse strength of wood .-- Study Article 230. This property of wood is determined by the static bending test. The specimen is 2 by 2 by 30 inches, tested on a 23-inch span. The load is applied at the center. A def lectometer is used so that a load-deflection curve similar to that in Figure 6 on page 210 can be drawn. Large timbers are loaded at the third-points as shown in Figure 2 on page 202. The static bending test is easily made and yields important data. Working stresses in bending must be below the elastic limit Civil Engr-8. - ssignment 5. for if wood is stressed to its elastic limit in static bending it will ultimately fail. Determinations of elastic limit are not so reliable as those of the maximum fiber stress, ^'hich is known as the modulus of rupture. Working, stresses should, therefore, be based on the latter. Remember that the modulus of rupture is not the actual fiber stress, because it is based upon a theory which is valid only when the elastic limit is not exceeded. A green timber relatively free from defects will have a modu- lus of rupture of about 3/4 as large as small deter pieces cut from it. Safe working stresses for structural timber in interior con- struction should be about 1/5 the modulus of rupture for green wood. For exposed construction the working stresses should be lower. Strength in longitudinal shear must also be considered when design- ing wooden beams. Omit Taole 6. The time element in loading wood:- Read Article 231. The strength of wood is affected by the rate at which the test load is applied. The speed of testing should, therefore, be considered (See the Forest Service program as given in this article). The most import- ant fact in this article is that the resistance of wood under per- manent loads is less than 7; hen it is under temporary loads. It takes about 50^ of the ultimate load as applied in a testing machine to cause failure if permanently applied. This is another reason why working stresses are so low when compared with ultimate strength as determined by tests made in a testing machine. Civil Engr-8. Assignment 6. Page 7. Stiffness and other mechanical properties:- Study Articles 232, 253, 234 and 235. Stiffness, which is measured Dy the modulus of elas- ticity, has an average value of aoout 1,200,000 Ib. per sq. in. In the case of a beam the modulus of elasticity is a measure of its resistance to deflection. The importance of this property is in- dicated in Article 232. Green wood is not so stiff as air seasoned wood. Stiffness is usually determined in the static bending test. Toughness is sometimes defined as the ability of wood to withstand impact loads. Impact loads are sustained by spokes of an automobile wheel, ax or implement handles and athletic goods such as baseball bats. A measure of toughness is ootained by the impact bending test and the energy of rupture in the static bending test. Impact bending is made on a 2 by 2 by 30 inch specimen tested on a 28 inch span. The machine used is shown in Figure 19 on page 66. A 50 Ib. hammer is usually used. The height of drop to produce failure indicates the toughness of the wood as stated in Article 233. Wood in the green condition is tougher than after it is seasoned. A suddenly applied load has tvrice the effective force as -when gradually applied. The fiber stress at the elastic limit in impact is approximately douole the fiber stress at the elastic limit in static bending. Stated in another way: a small beam, if the load is suddenly applied, will deflect twice as much as under the same load gradually applied - provided the loads are under the elastic limit. The height of drop is an aroitrary value but it gives an excellent comparison of the toughness of the different woods tested. Civil Engr-8. Assignment 6. page 8. While cleavability is an important property in some uses of wood, it is not usually tested. A special test for it is described in Article 234. The hardness of wood is frequently determined. The method is to measure the load required to embed a 0.444 inch ball to 1/2 its diameter in the wood. The test is applied to end, tangential, and radial surfaces. Radial and tangential hardness are quite similar and are called sice hardness as distinguished from end hardness, which is usually much greater. Hardness is an important quality in wood used for paving blocks, floors, railroad ties, and furniture. Read Article 235 in the text. Conditions affecting Lechanical Properties of timber:- Read care- fully Articles 236 to 245 inclusive. Differences in the strength of wood are usually due to differences in defects, moisture content, or density. Defects, while discussed at this time, would be more properly taken up under the subject of grading. The most important conditions, then, which affect the mechanical properties of wood are moisture and density. Density or specific gravity was defined under the subject of physical properties of wood. Apparent specific gravity (the ratio of the weight of a given volume of wood to the weight of an equal volume of water) is an indefinite quantity unless the circumstances under which it is determined are specif ied, because the weight in a given volume changes with the shrinkage and swelling caused by changes in the moisture content. Specific gravity is based on the Civil Bngr-8. .assignment 6. page fc, volume of wood when green, and when air-dry or ov'eft-dry. Specific gravity based on green volume is not affected by the shrinkage of wood and is therefore more reliable than air or oven dry specific gravity. Note: Correction is made for the amount of moisture in the wood. Specific gravity, aside from actual strength test data, is the most reliable criterion on the strength of clear wood. The Forest Products Laboratory examined seven species of woods, both conifers and dicotyledons and found only a 4 1/2 % variation in the specific gravity of the wood substance. The specific gravity of a piece of wood is, therefore, a measure of the amount of wood sub- stance it contains. The greater the density the more wood it con- tains and therefore the greater its strength. This relation is shown in Figure 3 on page 213. Since the weight per cubic foot depends upon the moisture in a green wood, it is quite variable. The conditions under which it is obtained should, therefore, be specified. The effect of rate of growth, measured by the number of rings per in^jis shown in figure 10 on page 215. Rate of growth is ex- tremely variable. The curves show no definite relation between rate of growth and strength. Wood which has tfrown slowly is usually below average strength. In coniferous wood of very rapid growth the strength is also likely to be below average. In the dicotyledons, however, the wood of rapid growth is usually above average strength. The amount of summerwood in any species is indicative of Civil Engr-8. Assignment 6. Page 10. the density. The amount of summerwood is measured along a repre- sentative radial line and expressed in percentage of the entire area. When the difference in color between spring and summer (early and late) wood is not clear and distinct, accurate measure- ments cannot be made and the results are of no practical value. of The relation of the percentage/ summerwood to certain mechanical properties are given in Figure 12 on page 216. Differences in strength of wood as caused by differences in location, of growth, and of differences in position in the tree have usually been overestimated. The influence of defects such as knots, checks, and shakes is described in Article 240. Stucly this article carefully. Heartwood and Sapwood:- The difference between the strength of heartwood and sapwood is not discussed in the text. The following recent statement is taken from a/ report by the Forest Products Laboratory: "in over 300,000 tests which have been made at the Forest products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, on the various species of wood grown in the United States, no effect upon the mechanical properties of wood due to its change from sapwood into heartv:ood has ever oeen noticed. Any difference in the strength of heartwood and sapwood can usually be explained by the growth and density of the wood". Comparative value of wood cut from live and dead trees:- This sub- ject is not discussed in the text but some specifications preclude the use of lumber cut from dead trees. This subject has been studied at the Forest Products Laboratory and they report that there Civil Engr-6. assignment 5- page 11. is no known method by which lumber cut from dead' trees can "be distinguished from that cut from live trees- Furthermore all avail- air 13 information indicates that wood cut from insect or fire killed trees is just as good for any structural purpose as that cut from live trees of similar quality, providing the wood has not been sub- sequently injured by decay or further insect attack. Heartwood in a living tree is entirely dead and in the sapwood only a few cells are alive. Most of the wood cut from trees is. dead, regardless of whether the tree itself is lining or not. Specifications, instead of providing that wood must we cut from live trees, should state that mate-rial showing evidence of decay or insect attack exceeding a definite limit will not be accepted. Articles 42 to 245 are relatively unimportant - just read them over- In the case of preservatives, Article 243, it would be more exact to say that the effect of preservative treatment on the strength of wood is independant of the type of preservative because it is the method or process and not the kind of preservative used that affects the strength of wood. Creosote, which is the most common preservative, does not appear to effect the strength of wood, A preservative process that weakens one species of wood may -not affect the strength of another species. The results are also affected by the form and size of timber treated as well as its con- dition. Article 241 - The Effect of Moisture on the Mechanical Properties. The relation between moisture content and strength is Civil Engr-8. Assignment 6. Page 12. clearly shown in Figure 15 on page 220. ibis is. for small, clear pieces. For large timbers, the increase in strength produced by a decrease in moisture is often entirely offset by checks and > Similar defects which develop during the seasoning process. Under most conditions it is advisaole not to expect additional strength due to seasoning. Seasoning of beams increases the liability to failure by horizontal shear. The curves shorcn are typical. The importance of the fiber- saturation point is evident from this illustration. It occurs at about 25$ moisture. Table I opposite page 196 was obtained from small green sticks which were clear, straight grained, and free from defects. In general, air dry wood is about 50$ stronger and kiln dry wood is about 100$ strong- er than wood in the green condition. Re soaked -wood is not so strong as green wood. The modulus of rupture in static bending and the compressive strength parallel to the grain are changed about 4$ by a change of 1$ in moisture content (when it ie aoout 12$). For example, com- pare the modulus of rupture of Douglas Fir and Western Yellow Pine as given in the table in these notes. Douglas Fir at 9.4$ moisture has a modulus of rupture of 10,300 Ib. per sq. in. The Western Yellow Pine has a moisture content of 10.8$ with a modulus of rup- ture of 9,300 Ib. per sq. in. To change the latter to 9.4$ moisture will increase the strength (10.3 - 9.4) x 4 - 5.6$ .056 x 9,800 = 550 Ib. per sq. in. 550 + 9,800 = 10,350 Ib. per sq. in. Civil Engr-8. Assignment 6. page 13. The modulus of rupture of Western Yellow pine at- 9.4$ moisture is* therefore, about 10,350 Ib. persq. in. For large differences in moisture content this 4$ difference iB strenth v;ill not be accurate. Strength of Nails in Wood :~ Read Articles 246 to 248 inclusive. The holding force of nails, expressed in terms of adhesive strength, in Ib. per sq. in. of imbedded surface varies with the density of the wood and the form of the ".nail. The most recent tests, reported in Bulletin No. 1, "Tests on the Holding Power of Railroad Spikes 11 , Dy Beyer and Krefeld, Department of Civil Engineering, Columbia University, show that the driving of spikes into holes, bored into the tie to receive them, reduces the crushing and bunching of the wood fibers. The pre- bored hole increases the resistance to withdrawal of the spike. In soft woods the elastic limit of the fastening is reached at very small withdrawals - Q.004 to 0.006 inches - and in oak the elastic limit is somewhat higher. A rail fastening, to approach permanance, must &t no time be stressed beyond its elastic limit holding power. The shearing strength of nails, in nailed joints, varies with the density of the wood and the size and depth of penetration of the nail. Working Stresses :- Study Article 249. Safe working stress for a material is the unit stress which, under conditions of use, will not cause structural damage, \ioring stresses must be considerably below the ultimate strength of the material for several reasons, (a) Where stressed to the point of failure materials undergo Cvil Engr-8. Assignment 6. Page 14. mrked distortion and have less stiffness. These changes would cuse unsatisfactory service in the case of a machine or structure. ( ) The exact loading to which a structure will be suojected can- rt be determined. Actual conditions may vary considerably from csign assumptions, (c) Structures are liable to overload and some ,^in of safety nust be provided for such contingencies, (d) The :act strength of the materials used is never available, furthermore he strength may be affected Dy deterioration or accidental damage. Where human life is endangered by failure of a structure, Drking stresses should be low. Under other conditions "where the esults of temporary collapse are not important, the use of higher tresses are justified. Working stresses are frequently determined by dividing the Itimate strength of the material, as determined by actual test, y a factor of safety. This factor varies from 2.5 to as much as for different materials and different conditions of use. If a structure is designed with a factor of safety of 4, it does not aean that it will fail at four times the working or design load, forking stresses should be based on and be well below the elastic limit of the material. All large timbers, since they have season checks, knots and other defects should not be considered to be stronger than green timber. "Working stresses should be based on tests of green wood. In the design of wooden structures it should be remembered that the actual dimensions of commercial lumber are usually less Civil Engr-8. Assignment 6, Page 15. than the nominal dimensions. Sawed lumber is not considered as "short" in dimensions unless an actual dimension is 1/4 inch or more less than nominal. For dressed lumber (as lumDer which has been planed is known) ,an allowance of 1/4 inch for each dressed face is made. A 12 by 12 inch stick, if dressed on four sides, would, therefore, actually measure about 11 1/2 by 11 1/2 inches. Working stresses for structural timbers which pass the grad- ing rules proposed by the Forest Products Laboratory are affected by the moisture content. The following table was taken from recent Forest Service publications: Working Stresses permissible for Structural Timbers, Ib. per sq. in. Species Bending Compression Stress in extreme fiber Horizon* al Shear // to t '... 1 Wet . Out** loca-* side tion! lca i tion rrain 1 In- side - loca- tion J. t< Wet loca* tion 3 grain Out-J In- side jside loca-j loca- tion it ion Wet loca- tion Outside : . Inside loca- loca- tion tion 1 _ 4 A u loca- tions Douglas Fir (No. 1 Struck tural) 1100 1400 L - , 1600 1 100 i i 900 1100 1200 225 250 350 i i __. Douglas Fir (No. 2 Struc- tural) 900 900 1100 1300 90 - 800 900 1000 200 225 300 i | Western Hem- lock 1100 1300 75 i i 800 900 750 I 900 j 900 1000 200 125 225 300 Redwood i , 800 : 1000 1200 ! 70 ! l ' 160 ;250 Wet or damp location - docks, piling, and sills Outside location -not in contact with soil, bridges, and open sheds Inside location - under shelter in a dry location, factories and wa-rehouses. Civil Engr-8 Assignment 6. page 16. Gracing rules:- Read Article 250. Structural timbers are graded or classified, by inspection, into groups or grades so that each stick in a jiven group T . ; ;ill have the same value for a certain purpose. Grading rules are generally prepared by timber producers such as saw mill associations and lumber manufacturers' associations while timber specifications, which are written for the purpose of having timber that fulfills the requirements suitable for a definite purpose, are prepared bj the timoer user. iiany grading rules are based on the number and the character of defects; they have been satisfactory in classifying saw mill products for wood v or king industries out they have not been effective in classifying timber in accordance v;ith strength. The Forest Ser- vice, the American Society for Testing Materials, and the Southern Pine Association have adopted rules which provide for the quality of the wood as v;ell as limit the position, size, and condition of defects. Since the quality of wood is indicated by the character of the annual rings as seen on the cross section, and the location and size of defects, it is possible to use these factors in grading wood as to strength. Durability is judged largely from the proportion of sapvrood which is less resistant to decay than heartwood. Dura- bility is also affected by the degree of seasoning as indicated by the moisture content. Study Figure 21 on page 232 and the text paragraph describ- ing it . Civil En^r-8. ^signment 6. page 17, Laminated Wood ;- Wood, as has been thoroughly explained, is a non-homogeneous material. It has widely different properties in the various directions relative to the grain. Were wood homogeneous, with the sane strength properties in all directions that it has parallel to the grain, it would be unexcelled for all structural uses where, strength with small weight is desired. Laminated wood approaches this desired condition in that it produces equality of tensile strength in two directions - parallel and perpendicular to the board. Ply.vood is the name usually given to this type of con- struction. plywood Is made by gluing together plies of wood, usually an odd number, so laid that the grain of alternate layers is approxi- mately at right angles. Three-ply and five -ply construction is most common. The -niddle layer or core with equal layers on both sides gives a construction that is symmetrical causing an equaliza- tion of shrinkage stresses so that the wood should not warp. Warp- ing does occur, howev:< - QUESTIONS: 1. Classify clays according to geological formation. 2. TJfhat can be considered a good brick? 3. Could a brick be satisfactory for one purpose and unsuited for another? 4. What bricks are made in your locality? which are preferred and why? 5. How does sewer pipe differ from drain tile? 6i How are sand-lime bricks made? /^ 7. '.That is efflorescence? Can it bo prevented? 8. HOT; is architectural terra cotta madey 9. Give the average compressive strength, transverse strength, and modulus of elasticity of building bricks r.nd paving bricks. 10. How does the strength of brick masonry compare with that of the individual brick used in its construction? UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXTENSION DIVISION Correspondence Courses Materials of Engineering Construction Civil Engr-S.A. Assignment 9. Professor C. T. Y/iskocil PORTLAND CEMFNT Introduction:- The cementing materials used in engineering construction are classified in Article 326- Portland cement is not only the most important of these materials but it ranks as one of the principal structural materials. Fortlr.nd cement is a grey powder (some white Portland cement is made) which when mixed with water to form a paste has the property of hardening into a stone-like mass whether in air or under water. Its property of hardening under water together with the fact that it develops considerable compressive strength gives Portland cement a -vide variety of uses it would not otherwise have. It is rarely used neat, that is, as a mixture of cement and water. Neat cement is too expensive and besides it is subject to excessive shrinkage. Cement is usually mixed with an inert material. If this inert material is sand, the resulting mixture is called mortar; if larger broken stone or gravel is used with the sand, the mixture is known as concrete. In both cases the cement paste is the binding material. Mortar is used in the fabrication of stone, brick and terra cotta masonry; where used for surfacing interior and exterior walls, it is called plaster or stucco. AS concrete it is poured into molds to form monolithic structures such as foundations, walls, dams and all types of pavements. When steel is placed in concrete to take Civil Engr-8. Assignment 9. page 2. tensile stresses tne product is known as reinforced concrete. Proper reinforcement makes it possible to use concrete for practical' ly every type of engineering, structure, such as complete ouildirigs, from the foundation tnrough the columns,, beams, floor slabs, and walls, to the roof; and as "bridges, reservoirs, arches, chimneys, and evsn ocean-going ships. Read .article 326 in the text. Definition:- '.Yhile port land cement is only an artificial mixture c^ of calcareous (which means lime bearing), and argillaceous (which means clayey) materials, ourned to a clinker at a temperature of incipient fusion and afterward ground to a fine powder. It is well to know the definition given in Article 327 because many times a verbatim repetition is required. Incipient fusion is the stage at v;nich fusion is just about to occur. It is sometimes spoken of as initial fusion. Characteristics of portland cement;- Study Article 323. The weight of portland cement is usually taKen as 9 0> " O H. Mj P H- 1 tn P H- A I SB M "=W PS co Hr o o P -o I-" CD *J to <:* H- 3 H- 3 1 d. (B H *T! 3 O CO h- 1 c*- H. 3 OJ 3- en Civil Engr-8. Assignment 9, Page 10- Conditions Affecting the Properties of Cement:- Read Articles 350 to 354 inclusive. The properties mentioned in these articles will be described in detail in Chapter XII begining on page 371 in the text. Soundness is the most important property of cement. Un- sound cement cracks and disintegrates after it has set. It is thought that the principal element causing unsoundness is free lime. Thorough seasoning, fine grinding of the raw materials and the clinker, and the use of the nininum amount of gypsum tend to pre- vent unsoundness. Fineness of grinding is the principal factor affecting the tensile strength of cement :nortf>r. The tensile strength of sand mortars is improved, "but that of neat cement mortar is decreased by fine grinding. The time of set is decreased by fine grinding of the cement. Finely ground cements sometimes develop a flash set which makes them unfit for use in engineering structures. The degree of season- ing, the temperature of the air and the mixing water all affect the time of set. The fineness of cement is influenced by the hardness of the klinKer and the efficiency of the grinding machinery used. There is no relation bet-ween the strength of concrete and the fineness of cement if different cements are considered. Long seasoning is the chief cause of a low specific gravity of cement. . Civil Engr-8. Questions to Assignment 9. page 11. 1. Define ^Ttland cement. 2. Explain the derivation of the term port land in the name Portland cement. 3. Outline the process of manufacture of portland cement. 4. What are the nair.es of the principal constituents of portland cement? 5. State the colloidal theory of setting and hardening of cement as advanced "by Michaelis. 6. What is the temperature at which cement is calcined? 7. What is meant by incipient fusion? 8. How does fine grinding effect the strength of neat cement mortar? 9. What is the principal cause of unsoundness in cement? 10. Define unsoundness. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXTENSION DIVISION Correspondence Courses Materials of Engineering Construction Assignment 10. Civil Engr-e.A^. Professor C.T- Wiskocil PORTLAND CELERY (continued) and NATURAL CEi&NT Tensile and compressive strength of cement;- Read Articles 355 and 356. As has already been mentioned, neat cement is rarely used in engineering construction. Recently it has been used to make joints in laying be 11-and -spigot cast iron pipe. The cement is mixed with juwt enough water to hydrate it so that when ready for use it is not a paste but is merely moist. In this condition it can be rammed into the joint where it hardens -without shrinkage cracks. These joints have been very successful. Most of the tests on neat cement were made during the develop- ment and standardization of this important structural material. Those reported in Bulletin 333 of the United States Geological Survey (mentioned in Article 356) were made in the period from 1905 to 1907. They were published in 1908. Sinr:e that time it has been found that the strength of neat cement is no criterion of the strength of mortar or concrete made from it. Furthermore, tensile strength tests of a given cement h?.ve been found to be de- cidedly influenced by the methods of mixing and molding and other variables that may be grouped into what is called the personal equation. Standard specifications once included the test of neat cement, but it should be noted that at the present time only a 1 to 3 standard sand mortar is tested (see page 372 of the text). . ;.-; . Civil Engr-S. Assignment H>. page 2. The data given in Figure 13 on page 331 do not checic tnose given in Figure 16 on pa^e 335. Remember that in addition to the personal equation, conditions of storage t temperature of mixing water, form of briquette, and amount of mixing water used all effect the strength of the cement: moreover, different brands have in- dividual qualities. The principal difference between the sets of data mentioned is that those in Figure 16 do not show the decided decrease in strength at the age of one year. Since the tensile strength of neat cement is not inportant it is sufficient to remem- ber that the strength increases with age to a maximum of about 1,000 Ib. per sq. in* The cornpressive strength of neat cement also varies with age, the size and shape of the test-specimen, and the amount of mix- ing water used. The consistency of the freshly made cement paste varies considerably with the amount of water used; yet, in spite of the fact that this factor has a great influence on the ultimate strength of the hardened mortar, it v/as seldom recorded in early experiments, such as these used in preparing Figure 14 in the text. The data in Figure 14 shew that the c oppressive strength of neat cement one year old varies from about 11,OCO to 13,000 Ib. per sq. in. Some tests reported by A.C. Alvarez in THE C OPPRESSIVE STRENGTHS OF PORTLAND CEfcENT hCHTARS OF VARIOUS PROPORTIONS, University of California puoiications in. Engineering (1915), give the compressive strength of neat cement mortar cubes, 4& days old, as 10,000 Ib. per. sq. in. The cement paste was of normal consistency, ZZ% water Civil -Engr-8. Assignment 10- Page 3. being used. Increasing the amount of mixing water v;ould decrease the ultimate strength. The relation would prooably be similar to that shown in Figure 1 on page 816 in the text. The effect of the variaale amount of mixing water and another variaole, the mold- ing pressure, is clearly shown in an article, PRESSING OUT MIXING WATER ADDS TO CEAiErIT IIORTAR STRENGTH bj, C.I. Wiskocil, Engineer ing - News Record, 83, 13C (July 17, 1919). The following facts are taken from that article: "Neat cement mortar made with 25% water had a compressive strength of 6,800 ID. per sq. in. at 7 days. In- creasing the amount of water to 37$ reduced the 7-day strength to 2,500 Ib. per sq. in. The paste used in making the latter speci- WAS mens ^we** molded under a pressure of about 30,000 Ib. per sq. in., TKe4 f resort allowing the expressed water to escape, Dr oduo ec spec imens whoae d # 7-day strength wa^l7,000 Ib. per sq. in." Since the strength of neat cement is not. important, take 10,000 Ib. per sq. in. as the average eonipressive strength. It is easily remembered with the 1,000 lo. per sq. in. for the average t.SRsile strength. "Expansion and contraction dae to changes in moisture content :- Read Article 357. The important fact is that dry mortar as well as concrete (see Article 522 on page 480 in the textj will expand when it becomes v T et and contract again upon drying. Frequent ly changes in moisture content are as important as temperature changes in producing variations in linear and volumetric dimensions of mortar and concrete. Civil Engr-8. Assignment 10. Page 4. Effect of remixing on the strength of cement ;- Read Article 358. The practice of using cement that has set is seldom allowed in engineering construction. Remixing is the use of set cement while retempering, is the addition of water to set cement; but since neither practice is in general use the subject is not important. Remixed mortar is frequently used in laying floor and v/all tile because of the impression among the artisans that this procedure increases the cementing qualities of the mortar. The data in Figure 21 show that the compressive strength of neat cement mortar is not materially affected by remixing even several hours after it has been prepared. The central mixing plant, which necessitates some long hauls of wet concrete, is frequently used in road construction, particularly on large contracts. Recent tests by the Bureau of Public Roads show that the compresaive strength of concrete will not ''be affected so long as it remains workable. Test specimens mace from wet concrete which had been hauled in trucks for periods up to three hours showed no appreciable decrease in compressive strength. The concrete, howerer, became too dry for hand finishing 45 minutes after it had been prepared. These remarks are inserted at this point uecause the subject is not discussed under CONCRETE in the text. Effects of high and low temperature on ceiaent;- Read Articles 359 and 360. The setting and hardening of cement paste is retard- ed and may oe entirely stopped by decrease in temperature. These effects are not appreciaole until the temperature falls below Civil Engr-8. Assignment 1C. 40 degrees Fahrenheit, Alternate freezing and thawing of cement before it sets is particularly harmful. High temperatures produce marked reductions in the strength of cement mortar. Remember that cement begins to fuse at approxi- mately 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperature of cement during, period of set;<- The effect of alkali on the durability of cement concrete is being intensively studied at the present time. As yet no conclusions are available. There are numerous examples of failure of cement subjected to the influence of alkali but the history of the preparation of the con- crete, v;hich is thought to have considerable effect on its dura- bility, is not always available. Sugar and animal and vegetable oils disintegrate cement mortar and concrete. Effect of storage on cement :- This subject is not satisfactorily discussed in the text (see page 373) but it is one that can -.be taken up at this point. The question is important because a shortage of fresh cement on a joo will frequently necessitate the use of cement that has been stored from six months to a year or produce an enforced delay until a new shipment can be secured. The storage of cement is of interest to the manufacturer and dealer as well as the user oecause it is becoming the practice tc deliver concrete materials on the job prior to the opening of the construc- tion season. The principal study of this question has been made at the Structural Materials Research Laboratory, Lewis Institute, Civil Engr-3. Assignment 10. page 6. Chicago, and reported in Bulletin 6, EFrECX OF STORAGE OF CE&ENT, by D-A. Abrams. The cement was stored in cloth and paper sacks under three different conditions; namely, indoors v;ith uniform temperature and low humidity, indoors at lower temperature and higher humidity (average basement conditions), and under average shed conditions, which afford protection from direct contact with rain and snow but allow free circulation of outside air with variable temperature and humidity. The principal conclusions are the following: There is no marked difference in the quality of the cement stored in paper and cloth sacks for periods up to 1 1/2 years of storage. The exact condition of storage is not of ^reat importance so long as the cement is protected from direct contact with moisture. The deterioration of stored cement is probably due to the absorption of moisture fron the air, which causes a partial hydra- tion of the cement. The principal effect on the mortar and concrete making qualities are the decrease of early strength and the pro- longing of the time of setting. The effect of storage is clearly shown in the accompanying diagram. Civil Engr-8. Page 7 4 8 12 16 20 24 Age of test specimens, in months The Effect of Storage of Cement on the compressive strength of 1-5 concrete tested at different ages. The compressive strength of concrete and mortar showed a decrease in strength with storage of cement for all samples, for all conditions and periods of storage and at all test ages. The decrease was greatest for the samples stored in the shed and nearly as great under basement storage. The age of the concrete has a large influence on the re- sults obtained. Taking the poorest condition of storage, that under the shed, the specimens tested at the age of 7 days, made from cements and all periods of storage, was 64$ of the strength of the specimens made with cement when received from the vrarehouse; at 28 days, 71%; at 6 months, 73%: at 1 year, S2% and at 2 years 85%. Similar results were obtained from specimens under Civil Engr-8. Assignment 10. page 8. other conditions of storage. These data tend to show that the strength of concrete, say 3 or 4 years after it has been poured, is not affected "by the length of time (age) the cement was stored prior to use. The use of reclaimed cement, that is cement that is obtained cement from used/sacks of pneumatic methods or shaking, is questionable practice and should not be permitted on any engineering structure. Effect of fineness of cement;- Fineness is a distinct property of cement and should be discussed at this time. It is briefly noted on page 322 in the text. The most important tests were made by D.A. Abrams and reported by him in EFFECT OF FINENESS OF CEMENT in the Proceedings of the American Society for Testing katerials, Vol XIX, part II, 1919. The following are his principal con- clusions : There is no necessary relation between the strength of concrete and the fineness of the cement, if different cements are considered. In general, the strength of concrete increases with the fineness of a given lot of cement. Fine grinding oi cement is more effective in increasing the strength of lean mixtures than rich ones. The principal result of finer grinding of cement is to hasten the earl;/ hardening (strength; of the concrete. Fine grinding of cement reduces its time of set. Ordinary concrete mixtures shov an increase in strength of about l.&% for \% reduction in the residue of the cement on the No. Civil Engr-8. Assignment 10. page 9. 2CO sieve. (Kemember that the fineness is measured by the residue on a No. 2uO sieve . ) It has been found by other investigators that the principal cause for rejection of finel^ ground cement is the development of a flash set after delivery; the mill tests shoeing the cement to be normal at the tiire cf shipment. Natural cement:- Keac Articles 365 to 369 inclusive on natural cement. When clay-bearing limestone is heated to about 200C de- grees Fahrenheit, it g.ivea off carbon dioxide and forms a clinker, which when finely ground is knov;n as natural cement. The clinker will not ^.ir slr.ke but when mixec vith water the resulting paste will harden in air or under vjater just as portland cement does. Natural cement is not as uniform as portland cement ar\d it has less 15 strength. In spite cf its cheapness H * very little A used. It has been used for mortar for masonr^ and ior concrete where strength we. 6 not a r,rir:e requisite. Miscellaneous cements:- Read Articles 370 to 373 inclusive. White portland cement is crobajiy the jiost important of the varieties mentioned. It is impossible to get the proper shades cf color in stucco made with colored aggregate when using the ordinary grey portland cement; white portland cement is used almost exclusively for this purpose. In the construction of light colored masonry it is necessary to have a mortar that will not stain the stone. \Vhite portland is much more satisfactory than a natural cement (which is also stainless) for this purpose. Civil Engr.-8. Assignment 10. Page 10. Pazzolana cement:- iazzolana is the name used in Europe to desig- nate the cements made from volcanic material. These were first used as a cementing meter ial at pczzuoli, Italy, Puzzolan (pro- nounced pot-S'.vo-lan) cements v;ere widely used in the days of the Roman Empire. A fe-.v of the structures made at that time are still in a fair state of preservation. This class of cements in- clude all hydraulic cementing materials ^/hich are made by the incorporation of natural or artificial puzzolans v;ith hydrated lime without subsequent calcination. The only natural puzzolan materials of importance are puzzuolana, trass, and tuff or tufa. Blast furnace sla^, ie an artificial puzzolan materiel. PC not con- fuse the so-called slag ceuent with the true portland cement made with blast furnace slag. The tufa cement used in the construction of the Los Angeles aqueduct was neither a true pert land nor c true puzzolan cement. It was a blended ce:ient as described in Article 572. These blended, improved, or puzzol&n cements are never brought into competition ^ith portland cement where ^reat strength is required. Alumina cements^:- Alumina cements are not discussed in the text probably because they have nexer been made on a commercial scale in this country. In France, where they were produced first, they are only now coming into .general use. Alumina cements differ from portlend cements in che.racil composition and the rate of hardening. Both mortars and concretes Civil Engr-3. Assiemmeut 10. P a ge 11. develop greater strength within 48 hours (and in most instances within 24 hours) than corresponding mixtures made with portland cement develop in 28 days. Furthermore, alumina cements have great resistance to the action of sea water and alkali -"bear ing waters. Investigations on these cements were begun about 1902 by H.S. Spackman and E. W. Laze 11 in the United States. In France, J. Bied began his studies on this material in 1908* Recently P. H- Bates of the United States Bureau of Standards has reported on his study of alumina cements. In 1912 the firm of J. and A. Pavin Lafarge marketed alumina cement under the name of CE&ENT FONDU. It was manufactured for military use, only during the war, but in 1919 its commercial use was resumed. The approximate composition of alumina cement is 50$ lime, 4C$ alumina and IQf* silica and impurities. It is sometimes referred to as a mono-calcic aluminate. It is low in lime and silica, and high in alumina as compared with normal portland cement. In France it is made in small blast furnaces which are charged with coke, limestone and bauxite. The fused slag or clinker is cooled and ground. If the bauxite is pure the cement is white in color but the commercial cements are dancer than Portlands because of the impurities in the raw materials. Since actual fusion is not necessary this cement could be made with the same machinery used in the manufacture of portland cement. The cost of manufacture of the cements would be about the same but the actual cost of alumina cement is dependent upon the cost of bauxite which at present would Civil Engr-8. Assignment 10. page 12. bring it over that of ordinary port land cement. Alumina cements are slow setting and are gaged like the ordinary port land cement, heports on the French cements give, for a 1:1:3 gravel concrete, compressive strengths of 7,500 Ib. per sq. in. at 3 days 8,500 lo. per sq. in. at 28 days 9,000 Ib. per sq. in. at 3 months Other reports sta^e that a 1 to 3 sand mortar developed 75% of its own 28-day strength in 24 hours. During the war heavy guns were moved on alumina-cement -concrete foundations 24 hours after they had been poured. Civil Engr-8. Questions to Assignment 10. page 13. 1. How does a change in moisture content of hardened cement mortar effect its volume? 2. Give the approximate tensile and compressive strengths of neat cement mortar. 3. Name the various factors that affect the strength of cement mortars. 4. Does the long haul of wet concrete, made necessary by the use of central mixing plants, affect the strength of the hardened concrete? 5. What is the principal precaution to be taken when storing cement ? 6. Would you allo?/ the use of cement that had been stored on the job - say for 18 months? 7. Under what conditions would you allow the use of so-called reclaimed cement? 8. How does the fineness of the cement affect the time of set and what is the importance of time of set? 9. What is the relation between the strength of concrete and the fineness of the cement used? 10. Differentiate between slag cement and portland cement made from blast furnace slag. 11. Will natural cement set under water? UNIVERSITY OF CAL IF CRN IA EXTENSION DIVISION Correspondence Courses Materials of Engineering Construction Assignment 11. Civil Engr-8. A. Professor C-T. Wiskocil LIMB Introduction:- Line, as used in the preparation of mortar, was one of the building materials used by the early Greeks and Romans. Probably the earliest known use of line-mortar was in the con- struction of the Egyptian pyramids. During the recent war the manu- facture of lime was declared to be an essential industry, not be- oause of its use in building construction - although large quanti- ties were used in the construction of buildings by the United States Housing Corporation - but on account of its importance as a chemical reagent in the manufacture of guncotton, leather and other essential products . Definition and classification:- Lime is the product obtained by heating limestone so as to drive off the carbon dioxide. It is, therefore, a calcium oxide. Study Article 379; it contains a more detailed definition and a partial classification of lime. There are two general grades of lime; selected and run-of-kiln, both of which are described in the article noted. Lime is frequently sold as lump lime, in -which the size of the individual pieces is left as they come. from the \kiln, '.and pov.'dered lime, which is oroken up so that it will all pass a 1/4 inch screen. The classification adopted by the American Society for Testing Materials is referred Civil Engr-3- Assignment 11. Page 2. to in Article 379; it is as follows: high calcium lime, not less than 90^ calciur oxide; calcium lime, not less than 85 or more than 9C/o calcium oxide; magnesian lime, not less than 10 nor more than 25$, magnesium oxide; and high magnesian lime, not less than 25$ magnesium oxide. If these limes contain less than 5f of silica, alumina, and iron oxide, which are known as impurities, they are called rich or fat limes. Limes containing more than 5$ of these impurities (noted adovej are known as poor or lean limes. Sometimes lime is classified according to the purpose for which it is best fitted, as agricultural, building, finishing, or chemical lime. Manufacture ;~ Study Article 380 and read Article 381. While lime- - - stone has been described before, rege&p some of the important facts about it ::.since it is the raw material from which lime is made. Since limestone is of sedimentary origin it is never found pure. It is essentially calcium carbonate with impurities of magnesia, iron, alumina, and silica. Very pure cyrstallized limestone ie called calcite. when the amount of magnesia increases it is called magnesian limestone until the ratio of calcium to magnesium caroon- ate becomes 100 to 84; it is then called dolomite. When magnesia remains low but impurities increase, the rock may tie an argillaceous limestone, natural cement rocic, or calcareous shale. There are three principal types of kilns for burning lime; the pot kiln, the patent kiln and the rotary kiln. The mixed-feed type described in the text is the pot kiln. The separate-feed type Civil Eiigr-8. Assignment 11. Page 3- is the patent kiln, and is the best type. As indicated in Article 37S the reaction produced in the heating cf limestone is essentially CaCG, -r heat * QaO -t- CO,, w 2 The carbon dioxide is driven off as a gas which leaves the lime as a mixture of oxides. The amount of heat required depends upon the chemical composition of the stone. Under ordinary conditions cal- cium carbonate breaks ur at 898 C (1648 F- ) When the temperature reaches about 219GF, the calcium oxide and the impurities in the stone combine to form compounds that produce partial vitrification and retard the slaking of the lime. The required amount of heat may be supplied quickly at a high temperature or over a longer period at a lower temperature. Since the activity of the impuri- ties becomes noticeaule belovv 21GOF- , better quality is secured at lower temperatures of ourning. Wood-burned lime, oecause of the lower temperature of burning, usually commands a higher price than coal-burned lime. The introduction of steam into the kiln during the burning process tends to increase the quality of the lime by decreasing the temperature of decomposition from 1648F to aoout 1450F. Slaking or hydration of lime;- Study Article 382. Quicklime is prepared for use in building construction by slaking *hich is the addition of water to form a paste. Slaking is a process of hydra- tion, in which the calcium oxide combines with -water to form the hydroxide. Civil Fugr-8. Assignment 11. CaO T h 2 9- Ca (QHJg Slaking is usually done in a shallow watertight box. The water is poured over the lime. Hiah calcium lime must de stirred continu- ously to prevent the heat generated from ourning the lime. The water absorbs the excess heat. Too much water lowers the tempera- ture and retards the slaking, impairing the plasticity of the product. The addition of too much v;ater is known as drowning. A high-caiciuir. lime is subject to burning, while the slaking of a high-magnesian lime must be watched to prevent drowning. A skilled operator is required to slake quicklime properly. Both underburned and over burned lime will slake more slowly than that which is prop- erly burned. The rate of hydration (slakingj indicates the burning temperature. Slaked lime, which is a thick paste, is sometimes called lime-putty. It will keep indefinitely if it prevented from drying out. It is stored in casKs or in the boxes in which it is made. It w5.11 not harden under water. Setting and hardening:- The setting is caused by the evapora- tion of excess water from the lime paste. Hardening is a chemical action involving the replacement of the water in the hydroxide by car con dioxide, with the result that the lime paste reverts to the calcium carbonate. Hardening is accelerated by increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the air and by the use of moist air. The first condition is produced by the use of salamanders and the second by the frequent wetting of mortar. These methods are used in hardening interior plastering Civil Engr-8. Assignment 11. Page 5. Properties of lime:- Study Article 385. In general, lime is a white substance which v. r ill slake when water is' added to it. Dur- ing the slaking process the "w^ter enters into chemical combination r?ith the lime with a resulting, generation of heat and increase in volume. When exposed to air, slaked lime will set and harden. The carbon dioxide from the air combines with the lime and forms the carbonate. Setting is always accompanied by a decrease in volume. Lime when exposed to air will air-slake as described in Article 382. This term air-slaked lime is rather confusing, be- cause the substance is practically identical with finely ground limestone and therefore has no value as lime for structural pur- poses. The strength of lime mortar depends principally upon the method by which it is prepared and the kind of sand used. Mortar made with dolomitic lime is generally stronger than that made with high-calcium lime. This may be due to the fact that the greater shrinkage in high-calcium lime mortars may tend to weaken the oond... Moreover, magnesian mortars are made up with less water so that they contain more actual binding material; and again, since high- calcium limes will carry more sand they are frequently overloaded; that is, the proportion of lime paste to sand is relatively large and hence the resulting mortar is weak. Lime mortar is never used where strength is required. The choice between limes should be made not on the basis of strength but rather on relative cost and previous experience. Civ ; .I Fingr-8. Lor tar joints ir. iTK-,soury are seldom over 1/2 inch thick. The actual resistance to c oppressive loads is therefore greater than indicated in the tables such as the one given on page 364. Commercial forms:- Lime is put on the market in two forms, lump and ground. Lump lime is shipped in DulK and in wooden barrels of 180 or 280 Ib. net capacity. Ground lime is screened through a 60 mesh sieve and shipped in air-tight casks. Hydrated lime :- Study Article 333- Ordinary quicklime is treated at the mills, with only enough water to slake it completely. Hydrated lime is a fine powder consisting of calcium hydrate and magnesium oxide. Lechanical hydrators are used and the product is under strict control. The tensile and compressive strengths of hydrated lime mortars are higher than those of the corresponding quicklime mortars, Hydrated lime mortars, besides having greater strength, set more quickly and shrink less than ordinary quicklime mortars, but the latter excel in plasticity, sand-carrying capacity, and yield. The consumer must pay freight on a considerable amount of water when he bays hydrated lime, out in its use the danger of burn- ing or drowning and the time and laoor required in the slaking of quicklime are eliminated. The principal use of hydrated lime as a structural material is in portlarid cement mortars and concretes. Testing of limes:- Read Article 384. Uses of lime:- Read Article 86* Besides the uses mentioned in this article lime is used for the manufacture of sand-lime brick, Civil Bn fe r-8. ^ssigruusnt 11. .Fags 7. and of glass, paints and pf.per. It is also used as c. fertiliser and in the tanning of leather- Hydraulic liiue and grappier cement:- Read Articles 387 and 388. liyoraulic line was used for structural purposes before the superior natural and port land cements were introduced. Its use at the present ti;Tie is limited. The raw material is a siliceous or argillaceous limestone. The ideal stone is one that has sufficient free lime remaining after calcination to disintegrate the clinker by its disruptive action when slaked. During calcination the silica combines with the lime to form lime silicate which gives the product its hydraulic proper- ties. The slaking of hydraulic lime, as in the case of hydrated line, is done by the producer. The lumps that are not disintegrated during the slaking process do not contain a sufficient amount of lime or they are under-burned. These lumps have been called grappiers When they contain sufficient lime silicate they are finely ground and marketed as grappier cement. Lafarge cement, noted in Article 388, is a grappier cement. The properties of hydraulic lime are very low in value, when compared to those of port land cement. GYPSUM Introduction:- Read Article 389- Wall plasters and plaster of Paris, as noted in this article, are made of gypsum. It is also used in the manufacture of precast structural products and struc- tural members cast in place. Gypsum is added to portland cement to retard its set, a ad raw gypsum, which is known as land-plaster, Civil Eni--8. Assignment 11. Page 8. is used as a fertilizer. Occurrence:- Read Article 320. Gypsum is a common mineral; its iiios-c distinguishing characteristic is its extreme softness. The pure material consists of approximately 32.6$ lime, 46.5^ SO* a ^d 20.9$ water. It is a neutral substance; that is, it is neither acio nor as. sic. Calcined gypsum;- Read Article 392. Calcined gypsum is known by many name 3, some of which are derived from the purpose for which it is used, as dental plaster, molding plaster, casting plaster and potter's plaster. These materials are all calcined gypsum and differ only in the tirae of set, which has been regulated. The most common name for calcined gypsum is plaster of Paris. Calcined gypsum is produced by heating finely ground raw gypsum. The product is made in kettles which hold from 2 to 20 tons. During the heating process the gypsum is continuously stirred oy a power -driven paddle. The water held in chemical com- bination is driven off as steam which fluffs up the whole mass and makes it appear to boil. It settles down to its normal volume when the boiling action ceases; this usually te.Kes about an hour for a kettle full of material. The exact time depends upon the charge and the temperature. The product is calcined gypsum but to the operator it is known as first-settle stucco. It is partially dehydrated gyps am, with chemical formula usually written CaS0 4 * 1/2 HgO Calcined gypsum, when mixed with water, sets and hardens rapidly to form a material identical with the original gypsum Civil Er.i'-8. Astsi^iiirsnt 11. Page 9. . The setting of n.c?rae.l calcined gypsura occurs in from 5 to 10 minutes. When used for dental purposes the time of set is accelerated but when used as a wall plaster the time of set is retarded. Some wall plasters are regulated so as to set in about 20 minutes while in others the set is retarded to aoout six hours. Set gypsum, when the normal calcined gypsuia is used, has an approximate eompressive strength of 1,500 Ib. per sq. in. and a tensile strength of 400 Is. per sq. in. bince moisture in the specimen decreases its strength, the maximum value can be develop- ed . only when the material is dry. The amount of mixing water has a dec iced effect on the strength of set gypsum. For maximum strength the least possible amount of mixing water should be used. Gypsum wall plaster:- Read Article 393- It has been estimated that three-quarters of the gypsum mined is made into wall plaster., Calcined gypsum is the simplest wall plaster. It is not used pure but is added to lime paste. Calcined gypsum is not plastic and therefore is difficult to spread with a trowel. It has become the practice to add aoout fifteen percent of clay or rvydrated lime to it at the mill. A retarder is added to the material so that it will set in from one to six hours. This product is known as hard -wall plaster on the eastern market, but in the west, the same material is called cement plaster. The principal disadvantage of calcined gypsum when used pure is its lack of plasticity. By proper methods of manufacture, which Civil Er.gr -8. Assignment 11. page 10. are explained in an article, PLASTIC GYPSUJa &ADE POSSIBLE BY A NEW METHOD, by w.E. Emley, Engineering News-Refcord 86, 1U23, June 3.6, 19P1, it can be mace as plastic as lime. Fine grinding of ctlcined gypsum liberates the water of crystallization just as heat- ing does. If the escape of the water is prevented, so that the finely ground gypsum contains the water of crystallization, it produces not only a more plastic and slower setting material but also a stronger one. If the water of crystallization is allowed to escape during the grinding process the product will be the soluble anhydrite which rapidly reabsorbs water from the air and reverts to the calcined gypsum. There is no advantage in fine grinding under such conditions. The new plastic -gypsum is very stable; it has been exposed to air for four months without apparent detriment to its plasticity. Second -settle calcined gypsum:- If calcined gypsum is properly heated it will appear to boil and subside just as the raw gypsum did when it was heated. During the second uoiling all the water held in chemical combination is driven off so that CaSO^ remains; this is anhydrous calcium sulphate. To distinguish between this product and the natural anhydrite which has the same formula but very different physical properties, the former is called soluble anhydrite. The mineral anhydrite is quite inactive. It is weeks before it combines with water to form set gypsum. The sol- uble anhydrite sets more rapidly than the calcined gypsum and makes a harder and stronger set gypsum. The soluble anhydrite is not stable - it readily absorbs water from the air to form the Civil Engr-8. Assignment 11. Page 11. calcined gypsum; but because of its greater strength it is used at the mill to make precast products. The material cannot be shipped or stored. Hard finish plasters:- Read Article 394. Calcined gypsum is chang- ed to the soluble anhydrite at aoout 500 degrees Fahrenheit. The latter material is converted into the natural or mineral anhydrite by prolonged heating or higher temperatures. In spite of its slow set, the natural anhydrite is used in Europe as a floor surface. Keene's cement is described in the text on page 369. It sets more slowly than calcined gypsum and makes a harder surface. Gypsum building products:- Read Article 395. One variety of gypsum tile, which is generally used for partitions, is made at the mill with calcined gypsum to which aoout b% of wood fiber has been added. This variety is made cellular like the clay partition blocks shown on page 2S3. The usual dimensions are 12 by 30 inches with thicknesses varying from 2 to 8 inches. Roofing tile must be stronger than partition tile. They are, therefore, made of second-settle calcined gypsum and are frequently reinforced with steel rods and v; ire -mesh. Standard roof coverings are used to protect gypsum tile from the weather. Kiln-dried gypsum products, like roofing tile, gain their full strength within a few hours. Gypsum plaster board is made in laminations - a thin layer of calcined gypsum between layers of paper. It is used as sheet- lath as a base for plaster. The gypsum usually contains a wood- fiber to decrease its brittleness. Gypsum wall board is Civil En^r-8, Assignment 11. Page 12. similar to the plaster "board. In the case of the latter, however, plaster is apoiieo to the surface wnile the wall "board has a sraoc-h surface and is not plastered, tut forms the finished wall. Saeetrock is the trace name for a gypsum -flail- board now bsing widely advertised. otractural members such as roofs can be poured into place just as in cemenc-corcrete construction. On page 4 of the ad- vertising, section of the March 23, 1922 issue of the Engineering News-Record, is an illustration in which the roof of the National Tube Company's pirnc, at Lorain, Ohio, is being poured with gypsum. Structural gy?sun gains strength rapidly; the forms are taken off the day after the gypsum has been poured. The compressive strength is affected by several variable factors, the principal ones being the amount of mixing water used and the amount of aggregate - send or wood-fiber. Prolonged moisture reduces the strength of structural gypsum. An average value of the compressive strength is 1,500 lb. per sq. in. It weighs about 80 lb. per cu. ft. and has a modulus of elasticity of about 1,000,000 Ic. per sq. in. Magnesia cement;- This material is not discussed in the text. It is made by mixing magnesium oxide v;ith a solution of magnesium chloride. Various aggregates such as, sand, sawdust and asbestos, are added to the cement. It is sometimes called Sorel cement, after its inventor, Stanislaus Sorei, and also megnesium oxychlor- ide cement. It is used principally as an interior \vall finish and as flooring. In the East it is nov; being used as an exterior wall surface. Civil Engr-8. Assignment 11. Page 13. The magnesium oxide is prepared by calcining and grinding inagr.es it e (^~00,). There are large deposits of magnesite on the Pacific Coast. The more important deposits which are being worked are in Greece, ItP.ly, and Austria. The methods of manufacture and the properties of magnesia cenents are being studied by the U.S. Bureau of Mines and the Dow Chemical Company, who operate a well equipped magnesium-oxychlor- ide research laboratory. The following notes were taken from reports by the Dow Chemical Company. The stancarc stucco mix is 1 part calcined magnesite to 2 parts Silex (powdered silica) to 5 parts graded silica sand mixed with 22 degree Eaunie magnesium chloride. The strength of this material varies (from various test results) from 200 to 1000 Ib. per sq. in. at 30 days. When placed on the wall its average ten- sile strength is about 500 Ib. per sq. in. Its compressive strength is about 5 1/2 times its tensile strength. Its modulus of elasticity is approximately 3,000,000 Ib. per sq. in. Standard flooring mix is 5 parts calcined magnesite, 3 parts Silex, 1 part ground talc, 1 part fiber (wood or asoestosj and one part color pigment, all mixed with 22? Baume magnesium chloride. For heavy duty the following mixture is used: 12 1/2% calcined magnesite., 35^ Silex, 62 1/2^, pure silica sand. This is also mix- ed with 22 degree Baume magnesium chloride, kagnesite makes a sanitary, resilient floor which has a good appearance and excellent Civil Engr-3. ^ssigni^snt 11. Page 14. wee.riiig qualities. It is fre<= fron, the splintering action of wood floors and ir not suoject to dusting or sanding. By actual test it v.as found to oe more durable than linoleum. Most of the early literature on the suoject states that cxychlcride cements are disintegrated by continuous wetting or i;amer;=ion in water. &t the present time lit is oelieved that the degree of burning affects the water resisting properties. Since oxychloride cements are usec for exterior stucco it is evident that -vhe.n properly designed and applied they are water resistant. Commercial magnesium cements can be secured which make a stucco that is practically water resistant. Ci'.'il Engr-S. Assignment 11. page 15. QUESTIONS 1. What is slaked lime? 2. Vifiiat precautions must be ta&en in slaking lime? 3. Can lime mortar be used uncler water? 4. What is doloinitic lime? 5> HOV ? is .lydrated lime made? 6. Outline the manufacture of calcined g,ypsum 7. What are the general uses of gypsum as a structural material? What factors affect the strength of gypsum? 9. How does plastic -gypsum d lifer from ordinary calcined gypsum? 10, irVhat is magneaiua-oxychlorid* cement? Whet is it used for? UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXILNSION DIVISION Correspondence Courses Materials of Engineering Construction Assignment 12. Civil Engr-gA Professor C-T- Wiskocil TESTING OF HYDRAULIC CEL-NTS Necessity for testing cenent:- Read carefully that part of Article 396 which is given on page 371, and then Article 443. The third para- graph on page 371 is v-sry important - study it. The physical tests are the most important and are made for the purpose of comparing the given cement with a standard -which has been adopted after long experience. The results of laooratorj tests do not represent the properties of the material under v/ or king conditions but they are of relative value when compared -.vrth test results of cements that have been found satisfactory in practice. Standard ^specifications ior portland cement:- Read the remainder of Article 396. Study the perts narked II and V, because they are important. Be acle to name the various tests and give the standard requirements. These specifications are used throughout the United States. The United States Government specifications are substanti- ally the same. STANDARD TESTS Samp 1 ing : - Read Articles 397 to 401 inclusive. The important thing to be remembered in selecting a sample of cement is that it should be fairly representative. This is -well emphasized in the text, together vith the importance of proper storage and mixing. Civil Engr-8. Assignment 12.. Page 2. in the quartering process described in Article 401, it is the usual re\Or practice to^dibie&aid opposite quarters of the pile and combine the remaining quarters which are again mixed and divided into quarters. The process is repeated until the amount remaining gives the size of the sample desired. Chemical analysis:- Read Articles 402 and 407. Since the chemi- cal tests are relatively unimportant, omit Article 403 to 406 inclusive. Specific Gravity:-. Read Articles 408 and 448. This test is not very significant. For that reason, as indicated in the specifi- cations on pags 372, it is made only when specifically called for. Adulterants such as, Slag, limestone, and natural cement could be present in quite appreciable amounts before the specific gravity would be noticably affected. The specific gravity test does, however, indicate the degree of seasoning. Cement clinker and ground cement both absorb water and carbon dioxide from the air, causing the specific gravity to decrease. The loss due to season- ing is regained upon ignition of the sample. Low specific gravity may be the result of adulteration. It is also indicative of the degree of seasoning. Since seasoning is desirable in portlar.d cements a value below 3.10 for the spe- cific gravity should not be cause for rejection without some ,* f definite reason based on the history of the cement in question. Fineness:- Read Articles 409 to 412 inclusive, and Article 447. The paragraphs nar::ed 34, 35, and 36, in Article 409, are the most Civil Engr-8 Assignment 12. Page 3 important. The standard method^ of hand sieving is given preference over mechanical methods^ Since the eand carrying capacity and comprcssive strength of mortar and concrete are increased by fine grinding it is desirable for the manufacturer to obtain the maximum degree of fineness compatible with reasonaole manufactur- ing costs. Fine grinding decreases the time of set. Fine cements itfill leave a residue of about 2f on a No. 200 sieve while those of average fineness leave from 10 to 15^. Article 412 is relatively unimportant. The air analyser developed by the united States Bureau of Standards, mentioned on page 381, has proved to &e ver^ {satisfactory in separating into smaller sizes cement which passes the No. 200 sieve. Liixing oi cement paste and normal consistency:- Read Articles413 to 418 inclusive The making of cement paste and mortar is of importance in the laboratory in which test specimens are prepared. Tbe cement paste is useo in the determination of soundness and the time of set. Cement mortar is made into briquettes for the tension test. In order to ootain results comparable to those jiven in the text the cement paste and mortar snould be made in strict accordance with the directions in the text. In a general course in iiA-IER LaLS these directions are relatively unimportant. The plasticity or consistency, as it is called in the text, affects the strength and also the time of set. It is necessary, therefore, to have cements tested ur.cer tie same conditions ae those under which the stancarc tests were made* This is ac- complished by having the cement paste of a given plasticity as Civil Engr-8. Assignment 12. Page 4. determined in a specified manner with the Vicat apparatus illus- trated on page 383. This determination is of importance only in the laboratory. A cement paste is of normal consistency when the rod of the Vicat apparatus, which weighs 300 g. and is 1 cm. in diameter, sinks 10 ens. into the paste in 1/2 minute after being released. This method is very satisfactory - but only for neat mixtures. The amount of water to be used for sand mixtures, in the standard tension tests is given in the table on the top of page 384. Articles 417 and 418 are not important. Soundness:- Read Articles 419 to 424 inclusive and Article 444. Soundness is the most essential property of cement. The ability of a cement to develop a high degree of strength is of no value if it is not able to withstand the disintegrating effects of the atmosphere when it is finally placed in the structure, tyhile the conditions in this test are more severe than those to which the cement will be subjected when it is put in use, the results are, nevertheless, quite satisfactory in indicating the durability of a given cement. The illustrations on page 386 show par^s that have failed to pass the soundness test. Articles 421, 422, and 423 are not important. Time of setting;- Read Articles 425 to 427 inclusve and Article 446. The rapidity with which a cement sets is a criterion of its adaptibility under given conditions of use. In some types of construction it might be desirable to have a cement which would set quickly. In other circumstances, where it is impossible to place the concrete without delay, it is necessary to have a slower Civil Engr-8. Assignment 12. Page 6. setting cement. The influence of the temperature and the amount of mixing water used ere explained on pages 327 and 328 in the text. The tables are given in a previous assignment but it is desirable to review the general affect of these variables at this time. Paragraphs marked 48 and 50 in Article 425 are the most important. Tension test:- Read Articles 428 to 439 inclusive, and Article 445. The standard tension test is made on briquettes of sand mortar. The proportions of the mortar are, one part cement to three parts standard sand, mixed with the amount of water deter- mined by the normal consistency test, according to the table on page 384. A special sand, described in the paragraph marked 52 on page 391, is used. Study Articles 429 and 431. The latter article explains that the stress across a briquette under test is not uniform. This non-uniformity of stress in a test specimen is an undesir- able feature in a tension test. Since the modulus of elasticity of mortar varies with age, the temsion tests at various ages do :. not give a true indication of the variation .in. the average tensile strength of the material. This is not important in the standard tests here described but it is important in research problems. In such work the compression test on cylindrical specimens is more generally used. Articles 432, 433 and 434 ere not important. Storage of test specimens :- Test specimens are stored in a moist closet, as described in Article 441, for 24 hours. Alter Civil Engr-8. Assignment 12. Page 7. that they are removed from the molds and immersed in water. As stated in Article 440, it is important that the temperature of the air in the moist closet and the temperature of the water, in which test specimens are stored, should be as nearly 70 degrees Fahren- heit as possible. Miscellaneous methods of testing cements :~ Read Articles 449 to 453 inclusive. All of these tests are unimportant. In most re- search problems it is frequently necessary to devise new methods of testing, and special apparatus. Civil Engr-8. Assignment 12. QUESTIONS 1. Name the standard physical tests for portland cement. 2. Give the standard requirements for the tests given in (1). 3. What is the relative importance of the tests given in (1)? 4. What constitutes grounds for rejection of a b iven cement? 5. Explain the quartering process as applied to the sampling of cement. 6. HOW is unsoundness of cement usually manifested? 7. What is meant by the tsrm"normal consistency of cement'*? 8. Why is it necessary to determine the normal consistency? 9. What are the two methods used to determine the t,ime of setting? 10. What are the reasons for the tension test of cement? UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXTENSION DIVISION Coi respondence Courses Materials of Engineer ing Construction Assignment 13. Civil 3ngr-8A. Professor C-T- Wiskocil C ONC9ETE AgGKES ATE S Int rod action:- Study Article 454; it is important. There is a growing tendency among engineers to specify the consistency and strength requirements for concrete on various portions of a job, and to give the contractor an opportunity to furnish concrete of required strength according, to his own methods. DEFINITIONS Study Articles 45 to 464 inclusive. All the terras used in the discussion of mortar and concrete are defined and it is necessary trat they "be thoroughly understood. Mortar :- As defined in Article 455, mortar is essentially a mix- ture of fine aggregate, which is usually sand, cement and water. Concrete:- Concrete is defined in Article 456. It consists of a large bulk of inert materials in a finely divided state, bound to- gether "by a comparatively small amount of cement. The amount of water used in mix.ing the ingredients is of great importance. Con- crete is frequently named according to the kind of aggregate used, as crushed-stone concrete, gravel concrete, cinder concrete and rubble or cyclopsan concrete. Cement:- Cement has been previously defined. In this text only Portland cement concrete is discussed. Bituminous concrete is used principally for the surfacing of roads and highways. Civil Engr-8. Assignment 13. Fage 2. Aggregate:- As stated in Article 453 aggregates are divided by the 1/4 inch screen. TLhose that pass, are classed as fine aggregates and those that are retained are called coarse aggre- gates. Sand is tLe principal fine aggregate, while crushed stone and gravel are the predominating coarse aggregates. Silt:- See Article 459. Silt is usually considered as the fine material which passes a No. 200 sieve. In rich mixtures silt is an undesirable ingredient and is classed as an impurity. A cer- tain amount of silt, however, will benefit or improve the strength of lean mixtures. Specific Weight :- This term is defined in Article 460. It is the weight in pounds of a definite volume, usually specified as one cubic foot. Since there are no standardized methods for its determination it is necessary to state the conditions under '-vhich it is determined. The moisture content as shown in Figure 5 on page 418 is an important factor in the case of fine aggregates. For coarse aggregates the shape and size of the measuring oox affects the specific -wei^iTt. The method of filling the measure or of compacting the aggregates into it are important for both fine and coarse aggregates. Voids:- Voids as described in Article 461 are the spaces between the particles of aggregate. The vcid space is alv.-ays expressed as a percentage. The two methods of determining the void space in an aggregate are described in this article. There is a direct relation between the specific weight and the percentage voids. Civil Fn^-r-3 Assignment 13. page 3. method of determining the percentage voids the first term in the numerator gives the weight of a cuoic foot of solid material, the second term gives the actual weight of a cuoic foot of the aggre- gate; the difference is, therefore, the amount of void space, which, wnen divided by the first term, gives the percentage void spaces. Mechanical analysis-.- The first paragraph in Article 462 and the second paragraph on page 411, which describes the method of making a mechanical analysis, are the most important. All scien 1 - tific methods of Delecting and proportioning aggregates are based on mechanical or sieve analyses. The amounts passing or retained on each sieve in the series are expressed in percentage and usually put in the form of a diagram similar to that on page 417. Yield;- The customary method of determing yield is described in Article 463. The minimum yield obtained by varying the proportions of given aggregates, but keeping the proportion of cement to total aggregate cor.ste.nt, is used as a means of proportioning concrete aggregates. This method will be discussed in the next assignment. See page 429. Yield is frequently determined in investigations on concrete. It is taker, as the ratio of the volume of concrete t2 produced by a given volume of mixed aggregates. The volume of the concrete is measured when the specimens are removed from the molds. For 1 to 6 concrete the yield is usually about unity (1.0) but for rich mixtures, one part cement to two parts sand, it may in- crease to 1.3. For lean mixtures, such as 1 to 9, it may be con- sidered as being unity. Additions of hydrated lime cause an in- Civil En b r-8. Assignment 13. page 4. crease in the yield of the us^al concrete mixtures. Density: As defined in Article 464, density is the ratio of total solid material in the concrete to its volume. The volume of the concrete is determined after it has hardened. It is one minus the void space -when the latter is expressed as a ratio of voids to total volume. The density of 1 to 5 mortars is about .71, while for 1 to 5 concrete having aggregates up to 1 1/2 inch it may in- crease to aoout .S3 Density is affected by the richness of the mix anc the amount of water used in the mixing - CH^RACriRISTICS AND PROPERTIES OF FINE AGGREGATE Importance of good aggregate is emphasized in Article 465. The last sentence in that article is important. What it says is this: the best criterion for the suitability of a given aggregate for concrete is actually to maKe some concrete with the aggregate and test it. This means thai the value of a fine aggregate cannot be determined by a mortar test. Sampling aggregate:- Read Article 466. Considerable judgment is required in securing a representative sample from a sand or gravel deposit. Care is necessary in sampling material that is piled. This is intimated in the last paragraph in the article. Requirements for fine aggregate:- Study Article 467. The last sentence in the article is particularly important. Note that the sharpness of sand grains is not essential. At one time all specifi- cations stated that the sand grains should be sharp. When it is necessary to use an untried sand, which appears to have a satis- factory grading and hard grains, its suitability can be quickly Civil Engr-8. Assignment 3.3 Page 5. estimated by the color test described at the bottom of page 4J.5. The presence of organic matter which might prevent the setting of the cement can be readily detected by this method. On important r.'ork an untried sand should not be used. Composition of particles;- Read Article 468, and study the last paragraph, '.vhich gives a list of some of the objectionable minerals in fine aggregates - Impurities :- Ltudy Article 469. A sufficient number of tests have been made tc substantiate the statements made in the first paragraph regarding clay. From the discussion thus far it is evident that strength tests on the finished concrete would prove the suitability of given aggregates without tests for impurities. Gradation of the sizes of the particles:- Study Article 470 and the curves in the diagram on page ^17. Stone- screenings are gen- erally not as desirable as sand for fine aggregate for concrete, because they decrease the plasticity of the concrete, and if the plasticity of the mixture is brought to the desired point with water the strength of the concrete "will be decreased. Voids and specific weight;- Study the first two paragraphs of Article 471, and read the remainder of the article. Remember the general tendency oi the curves in diagram 5. The voids in a satur- ated sand my be equal tc or lo^er than those in the dry sand. The moisture content must be known when the voids are determined. The actual amount of fine sand, containing two to ten percent moisture, in a cuoic foot of the material is much less than it Civil Engr-8. Assignment 13. Page 6. would be if the sand were dry or saturated. Remember these average values for sand: Specific gravity, 2.65; voids, SOjfe; weight in Ib. per cu. ft., 11Q. Mortar tests :- Study the second paragraph in Article 472 and read the remainder of the article. In comparing mortars of given pro- portions it is necessary to mix them so that they have the same consistency. The consistency of sand mortars is not so easily de- termined as that of neat cement paste. The Vicat apparatus is not satisfactory and other methods must be resorted to; one of them is outlined on page 420. Compressive tests on cylindrical specimens are cmost. satisfactory. The molds for these specimens are 2 inches in diameter and 4 inches long. CHARACTERISTICS AND PROPERTIES OF COARSE AGGREGATE Requirements for coarse aggregate :- Head Article 473. Roughly cubical or rounded stones are preferable to those of other shapes. The use of the different stones as concrete aggregate has been given in a previous assignment. Characteristics and properties of broken stone :- Read Article 474. For unreinforced concrete the usual size of coarse aggregate varies from 1/4 to 1 1/2 inches. The maximum size of particle is smaller for reinforced concrete, usually being limited to that which will pass through a 1 inch ring. If the amount of reinforcement is large and closely spaced, as was the case in the concrete ships, the maximum size of aggregate is_tstill smaller. Table 2 on page 423 is interesting in that it shows the effect Civil Engr-8. Assignment 13. page 7. of jarring and vibration caused oy hauling, on the specific weight of crushed stone. This increase may be expected in the case of any course aggregate as was intimated under the discussion on specific weight. The diagram on the upper part of page 423 will be referred to when proportioning is discussed in the following assignment. Characteristics and properties of gravels ;- Read Article 475. Gravel, when properly graded and otherwise satisfactory in regard to absence of impurities and hardness of material, makes an ideal coarse aggregate for concrete. Broken stoae and gravel compared:- Study Article 476, Either class of aggregate may "be perfectly satisfactory and neither can be said to be entirely superior to the other. Miscellaneous aggregates :- Read Article 477. During the develop- ment of the concrete ship various light-weight aggregates, such as crushed brick, slag, volcanic scoria and puarnice, were used. The aggregate finally adopted was a specially burnt clay or shale which was full of nonconnecting cells so that it made a strong aggregate of light weight. It was crushed to two sizes, the coarse ranged from 1/2 to 3/16 inches, and the fine passed a screen with 3/16 inch round openings. The concrete was rich, being made in the pro- portions of 1 part cement to 2 parts total aggregate. In addition a special fine -ground cement, 9Q% passing the No. 200 sieve, was used. The concrete weighed about 118 Ib. per cu. ft instead of the usual 150 Ib. per cu. ft. of ordinary concrete. Its strength was from 3,500 to 5,000 Ib. per sq. in. in 28 days. It was necessary Civil Eagr-8. Assignment 13. Page 8. to make the concrete rich in cement because, in order to pour it in thin sections with heavy reinforcement it had to be very wet. A sl^mp of 9 inches was specified. The artificial aggregate was essentially a bloated brick. It ras '.nade of basic clay or shale which when subjected to a tem- perature of aoout 2,000 degrees becomes plastic and sears over on the surface. The coating which is formed retains the gases gener- ated by the decomposition of the contained chemicals. This expand- ing gas blows the cla^ full of cells and bloats it to several times its original volume. Civil Engr-8. Assignment 13. Page 9. QUESTIONS 1. What is concrete? 2. Dsfine density as applied to concrete. ?. How is the void space in concrete aggregates determined? 4. What is the relation between the voids and the density of concrete V 5. What is the value of the mortar test in determining the suit- ability of a given se.nd as a fine aggregate for concrete? 6. What is the use of the so-calied color test? 7. How 7;ould the proportions of a mortar be affected if a damp sand, say one having aoout 6% moisture, and the cement were proportioned by volume? 8. What are the principal requirements for a coarse aggregate for concrete? 9 Compare the merits of gravel and broken stone aggregates. 10. Name some aggregates other than stone and gravel that are used in the making of concrete. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXTENSION DIVISION Correspondence Courses Materials of Engineering Construction Civil Engr-8-A- Professor C-T. Wiskoci 1 Assignment 14. PROPORTIONING OF CONCRETE The principles of proportioning:- Study Article 478. The statements made in this article are a summary of the discussion of strength and permeability of concrete which will be taken up in assignments 16 and 17. Proportioning concrete is a subject which involves the question of relative costs as affected .by the selection and com- bination of aggregates.' When different materials which have differ- ent characteristics are available, the proportioning involves the selection of those which are best suited for the purpose. After the aggregates of proper size and grading have been selected it is necessary to decide upon the proportions, or the ratio of cement to total aggregates, so that concrete of proper strength may be made. The consistency, as affected by the quantity of mixing water used, must also be considered. Frequently the concrete must T *be very plastic so that it can be poured into the molds. If high strength is an additional requirement the concrete must contain more cement than would be required to produce the same strength if drier con- crete could be used. Proportioning of concrete must take into account all of these factors. The first methods of proportioning concrete were based on the theory that the maximum strength and impervious ness were secured :M...:, & ;.,' JLilSt -. <-i Civil Engr-3. Assignment 14. page 2. Tchei, the concrete v;as of ma::imum density. According to these methods there *.vere : arbitrary proportions, proportions based on roics, proportions based on minimum yield, and proportions based on mechanical analysis. The more recent methods, one based on surface areas of materials and the other based on fineness modulus ana -water ratio, do not use the maximum density criterion. These ruethods tvill now be explained in detail. The measurement of proportions : Read Article 47S. The tendency at the present time is toward greater accuracy in the measurement of concrete aggregates. The vheel barrow is the measur- ing device in general use but automatic measuring scales are on the market. Tnese devices can be economically used only on large jobs. In the laboratory the materials are proportioned by weight, unless otherwise specified. Arbitrarily selected proportions ;- Study Article 480. Con- crete proportions are usually stated by volume. A 1:2:4 mixture, one part cement to two parts fine aggregate to four parts of coarse aggregate, is standard. In this method it is assumed that there are generally about 50^ voids in the coarse aggregates. The amount of fine aggregate (sand) specified is, therefore, one half the volume of the coarse aggregate even though the cement and water used v;ill bring the resultant mortar to more than 50^ of the vol- ume cf the coarse aggregate. The ratio of volume of cement to volume of fine aggregate is determined by the engineer on the basis of pyt experience and the strength the concrete must have. Arbi- trarily selected proportions seldom exceed 1:4:8, which is a lean Civil Engr-8. Assignment 14. Page 3. mixture used only in large masses for unimportant ;vork Arbitrary proportions are less than 1:1-1/2:3, which is a rich mixture used where strength is a prime requirement. As indicated in the text the proportion of fine aggregate is sometimes varied according to the proportion of void space in the coarse material. In general, arbitrary proportions are made without regard for the size and grc-.ding of the aggre b ates; the method is, therefore, not scientific and yields satisfactory results only in the hands of those exper- ienced in its use. In. most instances the cement is not economically used. Yet this method is probably more widely employed than any other at the present time. Proportions based on voids:- Study Article 481- While this method is not in general use it is believed, by those who use it, to be quite scientific. The text points out the inaccuracies in the method and some of the errors in the assumptions upon which the method is based. Proportions based on minimum yie Id:- btudy Article 482. The method described in this article is sometimes called "Propor- tions based on Maximum Density" and "Proportions by Trial Mixtures". It is a very satisfactory method and gives immediate results if only one fine and one coarse aggregate are available. It is not well adapted for the selection of aggregates when there are several of each type available. When the method is applicable it deals with the materials mixed under field conditions and yields good results. ' ' :. .vssignraent 14. page 4. Proportioning by mechanical analysis : - Study f s t ic le 433 . Tne methods of proportioning, concrete aggregates previously des- cribed might be classed as cut -and -try methods. The use of me- chanical cr sieve analysis of aggregates gives the engineer an opportunity to make intelligent use of the materials a^ his disposal anc brings proportioning out of the rule -of -thumb class into the scientific field. Mechanical analysis was probably first used to proportion coacrete aggregates by Fuller and Thompson in 1907. Their method of proportioning is described in the text in Article 483. This method will, in general, give a dense, impermeable concrete. It permits the determination of the best proportions of coarse and fine aggregates; it also enaoles the engineer to tell -what sizes of material;.- should be added or tvhat sizes /should be screened out to improve trie grading of given aggregates. By this process he is aole to o&tain an ideally graded aggregate which, in large work, may also be found to be economical, inasmuch as the cost of screening and handling the aggregates may be less than the cost of the additional cement that would be required to produce concrete of equal strength and imperviousness from ungraded materials. The cement ratio is usually assumed, being taken as the ratio of cement to total aggregate a& 1:7. The ratio of cement to sand and coarse aggregate may come out as 1: 2.3:4.7, depending upon the combination that most nearly approaches the ideal curve. The proportions may be expressed by weight or volume. ... ,. t. '.}*:.. Civil Lngr-3. Assignment 14. Page 5. Fineness modulus method for proportioning concret.^:- Read ^pp<=ndix 3, pages 815 to 824 inclusive. This information is given in mere detail by Duff A. Abrams in Bulletin 1 of the Structural I'aterials Research Laboratory, Lev;is Institute, Chicago DESIGN OF CONCRETE ...JXiURES. Abrade ' method of proportioning is based upon the principle that v;ith given concrete materials the quantity of mixing water used determines the strength of the concrete so long as the concrete is plastic and the aggregate is not too coarse for the quantity of cement used. The relation between strength and water ratio is shc-vn in Figure 1 on page 816. Water ratio is the usual designation for the ratio of volume of water to volume of cement as defined on page 316. Figure 1 is very important, it is unfortunate that the same symbols should have been used to designate two differ- ent mixes. If it is remembered, however, that the concrete must be plastic, the difficulty will be overcome. Notice, for instance, that x is used to designate a 1 :2 mix as well as a 1 ;9 mix. The symool, however ; could not designate the latter mix in the upper part of tfoe curve. In this part, it indicates strengths of approximately 6,000 I'D. per sq. in, and since the cor re spending water ratio is 0.50, very dry mix would result if the proportions were 1:9. These x's must, therefore, represent the 1:2 mix. The 1:9 evidently is repre- sented by those marks under 1,000 Ib. per sq. in. and the 1:2 by those above that strength The amount of mixing, water used must be carefully considered. This factor has not been taken into account in those methods of pro- portioning so far discussed in the assignment, Fig ure 1 indicates ;:: ,'V. Civil Engr-8. Assignment 14- page 6. the effect of excess -water. A slight excess of water may reduce the strength as much as 40%. Abrams ' tests show that the strong- est concrete is that which requires the least amount of -water in terms of cement (water ratio; to produce concrete of the required consistency, i/vith a given aggregate and increasing amounts of cement - that is. increasing the richness of the mix- the -water re- quired to produce a plastic consistency will give a decreased Tiater ratio. This is in accordance with previous tests which show that for the same aggregate the richer mixtures are the strongest. While the effect of water on the strength of concrete had been known in a general way Abrams was the first to express the re- lation in the definite terms of water ratio and make tests covering a wide range of aggregates and mixtures. He found that aggregates of considerable difference in grading may give the same strength but that there is a definite relation between the grading of the aggregate and the quantity of water required to produce a plastic concrete. The size and grading of the aggregate and the proportion of cement all affect the amount of water necessary to produce a workable concrete. The fineness modulus, ^vhich is defined on page is 815 - see also table 1 on page 8 17, /a measure of the grading of a material. A coarse aggregate may have a fineness modulus over 7.00 while a fine sand may be as low as 1.25 The amount of water is required to :vet an aggregate of a given fineness modulus is always the same irrespective of its grading. Study the relation betwe.-en fineness modulus and strength as given in Figures 2 and 3 on pages Civil Engr-3. Assignment 14. 817 and 818 respectively. Read cart 3 fully the outline of method of designing concrete mixes beginni;Dg on page 821. Add the following to the paragraph marked 1. Experience or trial is the only guide in determining the relative consistency of concrete necessary in the work. A relatix^e consistency of 1.00 is dry and requires taaiping. Con- crete having a relative consistency of 1.10 is about the driest that can be used for concrete road construction. For most rein- forced concrete construction the relative consistency should be about 1.20;' and it' should never be aoove 1.25 It is not expected that you be able. to design .a concrete mixture by Abrams ' method, but you should be able to tell in a gen- eral way how it is done. Remember the following criterion: Use the smallest quantity of mixing water that will produce a concrete of the required plasticity. Proportioning by surface areas :- This method of proportion- ing is not described in the text. It was proposed by L.N. Edwards, who applied his theory to the proportioning of mortars. R.B- Young later used the surface area method to proportion concrete aggregates The underlying principle assumes that the strength and other prop- erties of mortars and concretes are dependent upon the amount of ceirent used in relation to the total surface area of the aggregates. The use of the method is simplified by tables prepared by Edwards and Young from which the surface area of an aggregate can be de- termined i&hen its sieve analysis is known. They have also made '.f Civil Engr-8. Assignment L*. Page 8. diagrams which give the relation of strength to ratio of cement to surface area. These latter diagrams have been prepared from actual test data. When several aggregates are available, the best combination, -which is also the most economical, is the one which has the least surface area for a given volume. The effect of water on the strength has been taken into account in this method of pro- portioning. When the method is used in the field, as it has been, very successfully, by R.B. Young, the water content and cement con- tent are changed in the same proportion until the desired consist- ency is obtained- This procedure does not effect the strength of the ;nix. It is not always necessary to change the water ratio determined in the laboratory. Comparison of methods of proportioning concrete:- The methods of arbitrarily selected proportions, proportioning by voids, and proportioning by minimum yield do not require a laboratory study of the aggregates, but they may be wasteful of cement. When high strength, imperviousness and resistance to abrasion are required, the proportioning must be done with more care and the methods based upon sieve analyses yield economical and satisfactory concretes. Abrams ' Fineness Modulus method and the Surface Area Method are proo- ably most satisfactory, in such cases, since they were determined by t-ests in which a wide variety of aggregates was used. For in- stance, Fuller and Thompson's method, which led to the conclusion that concrete of maximum density was the strongest, was based on tests of a very limited number of aggregates. Abrams' tests, in Civil Engr-8 i.ssignr.ient 14. Page 9. the determination ana study of the fineness modulus Method, baseo on a much ^;ider selection of concrete aggregates proved on the contrary that concrete of maximum density was not always the strongest. Proportions commonly used in different constructions. Read Article 454. Do net attempt to memorize the tabulation given in this article. The l;2:-i concrete is a common standard. -Sometimes a strength specification of 2,000 lo. per sq. in. at 28 tteys, is made . Jesting the quality of -concrete :~ Strength tests are most valuabl-e in determining the quality and uniformity oi concrete. 1'he usual specimen is a 6 by 12 inch cylinder, tested at 28 days. I 1 he specimens should be poured with concrete ta^en from the mixer or just before it is placed in the structure. Rea<3 Article 435. Quantities of materials required for one cubic yard of concrete:- Read article 486. Omit laoles 4 and 5. Remember Fuller 1 s rule as given on page 434. Interpretation of the meaning, of proportions:- Study Article 487; it is important, ihe statements given in this article will be evident to the student v;no has stadieo the assignments up to this point. If two cuoic feet of sand are mixed with four cubic feet of rock it is obvious that the combination will not fill a six cubic foot measure. When the proportions of fine and coarse aggregates are stated, the specifications should read "each of the con- stituent materials shall be measured separately". Civil Engr-8. Assignment 14. Page 10. QUESTIONS 1. What is meant by proportioning as applied to concrete aggre- gates? 2. How are the relative amounts of fine and coarse aggregates determined in the method called aroitrary selection? 3- What determines the ratio of cement to total aggregates in the method of arbitrary selection? 4. What are the errors in the assumptions used in proportioning concrete aggregates by voids? 5. Discuss the adapt ibility and limitations of the proportioning of concrete aggregates by trial mixtures. 6- Describe Fuller and Thompson's method of proportioning con- crete. 7. What are the advantages of methods using mechanical analyses over earlier methods in which such analyses were not used? 6. Define water ratio as used in Abrams ' method of proportioning. 9. What is meant by the term fineness modulus? 10. How does the amount of mixing water used affect the strength of concrete? 11. What is the surface area method of proportioning concrete? 12. Which of the methods discussed is the most widely applicable and why? 13. Approximately how much cement, sand, and stone will be requir- ed to make 20 cubic feet of concrete if the proportions are 1:2:4? OF CALIFOHN la LXj^Nb'ION DIVISION Correspondence Courses iv.aterials of Engineering Construction Civil Engr.-3 Assignment 15 Prof. C. T. klXING, JrUC ING AND CURING OF CONC&ETE. Principles of proper mixing.- Study Article 488. The materials should be uniformly distributed throughout the mass so that the mixture is hor.o?ene->us and uniform in color. The same amount of v,ater should be added to each batch in order to maintain the desired consistency. In hand nixing the water is usually measured in buckets v:hile machine mixers are provided v/ith -water -measuring devices. Kand mix ing. - Read article 489. The following specifications were taken from the latest reports of the ASTL. : "i.hen hand mixing is authorized oy the engineer it shall be done on a water-tight platform. The sand shall be spread on the platform and the cement spread evenly over the sand. The material shall then be shoveled into a cone shaped pile by casting centrally on the pile. This pile shall then be divided by casting into two or more cone shaped piles and the operation of dividing and reuniting continued until the batch is uniform in color. Only sufficient water to produce the desired consistency shall then be added by sprinkling as the batch is turned. The coarse aggregate previously moistened shall then be mixed v/ith the mortar in the manner specified for mixing sand and cement." This method is productive of better results than can be secured by the methods commonly used. ngr.-8 Materials of Engineering Construction. Assn. 15, pgge 2 Machine mixing.- Study Article 490. The A. S.T.k. specifica- tions read, "Li:: ing, unless otherwise authorized -by the engineer, shall be done in a batch mixer of approved type " The Continuous mixer, while it can be operated rapidly and cheaply, rarely gives a uniform product. Since it cannot be relied upon, the batch mixer is preferable. The tirje of mixing is specified as follows: "The mixing of each batch shall continue not less than 1 minute after all the materials are in the mixer, during which time the mixer shall rotate at a peripheral speed ef about 200 feet per minute....." Although the data given in the text, shown in Figures 9 and 10, would indicate that a longer period of mixing vould be desirable, and the A. Sk formerly recommended 1 1/2 minutes as the mixing tL.,e, recent tests seem to warrant the minute mix. fixing produces a change in the consistency of concrete, the water content remaining constant. The change is particularly marked between 30 seconds and 1 minute, but the additional change after 1 minute is slight. It is possible to obtain the same degree of plasticity (consistency) oy mixing for 1 minute as -would be obtained oy mixing for 1/2 minute with 25f more water. Contractors sometimes resort to the shorter mixing periods in order to save time, and add more water in order to bring the concrete to the desired consistency. The A. S.T.M specifications, however, do not permit the retempering of mortar or concrete, that is the remixing with or without additional cement, aggregate, or water. Engr.-8, materials of Engineering Construction. Assn. 15, page 3 Hand vs. machine mixing*- Head Article 491. Good mixing can be secured by hand as well as machine mixing;' the former however, requires heavy labor and is usually not thoroughly done. For all except the smallest jobs, machine mixing will be less expensive than hand mixing. The tests referred to in this article would indicate that hand mixing is inferior to machine mixing. With reference to hand mixing as it is usually done , this is probably true. The last sentence in the article, which states that the hand mixed concrete referred to in the test required more water to bring it to the con- sistency of that mixed by the machine, shows that the mixing by hand had been slighted. If the hand mixing had been thoroughly done there would have been no marked difference between the concrete produced by the two methods. Handling of concrete.- Read Article 4S2. The fundamental no principle in the handling of concrete is that there must be/ oppor- tunity afforded for a segregation oetween the mortar and the course aggregate. Besides the methods descrioed in the text, concrete is transported in large motor-trucks from a central mixing plant in road construction. Sometimes the hauls are very long. In order to determine the effect of such transportation the Bureau of Public Roads has recently made a series of tests in which the concrete was hauled for diffenent periods, up to 3 hours. They found that after 45 minutes of hauling the concrete became too stiff for hand finishing, but that the strength was not reduced as long as the concrete remained workable. s *f iMgiueer ing Construction. ..ss. . '.E, Concrete should not be deposited under water if it is practical to exclude the water by means of cofferdams. There is always uncertainty in depositing concrete under water even if the methods described in the text are used* If it is impractical to use other methods concrete should be placed under water only under experienced supervision. This is particularly true in the case of sea water. The usual methods in which the trernie, drop-bottom bucket s, and bags are used, are described in the text. Placement of concrete.- Read Article 493. Concrete should be placed in the forms in its final position so as to make re- handling unnecessary. It should be placed in uniform horizontal layers and not allowed to flow down a slope so as to permit a segregation of fine and coarce materials. During and immediately after depositing, the concrete should be thoroughly compacted by spading or rodding. Some compacting is necessary to make the concrete flow into the corners of the molds and around the rein- forcement since it is usually mixed with as little water as possible. The days of wet, soupy concrete which did not require rodding are over. Relatively dry concrete can be used in the construction of concrete pavements since power -driven tampers and metal rollers can be used to compact it. Concrete used in reinforced construction must be more plastic so that it can be properly placed. d^*v be. Cement mortar * deposited by an apparatus known as a cement ^ gun. This device is described on page 444 of the text. The cement gun is being widely used. It produces a dense strong mortar. Engr.-S Materials of Engineering Construction, .-.ssn. 15, page 5. Joining old and new work.- Read Article 494. If work is not continuous, joints cannot be avoided. In making joints every precaution should be taken to make the bond as strong as possible. The methods of bonding are described in this article. Laitance is mentioned. It is a whitish scum which comes to the surface of wet concrete. Laitance is formed when concrete is deposited under water or vrhen water comes to the surface of the concrete xvhich has been mixed with an excess of water. It is composed of finest particles of cement and the dirt in the aggregates. While the composition of laitance is practically the same as that of cement it does not have the same properties. It does not harden or acquire much strength and consequently if it is not removed it prevents tfoe bonding of successive layers of concrete. Forms. * Read Article 495. Forms should be sufficiently tight to prevent the leakage of mortar and they should be so braced andtied together as to maintain their position and shape. Before concrete is deposited in the forms all debris should be removed from the place to be occupied by the concrete. The forms should be cleaned fcnd thoroughly wetted or oiled to prevent absorption of water from the concrete. Steel has been used for some time for forms for concrete pipe, tunnels, sewers, curbs, retain- ing walls and dams, and it is gradually replacing wood for formwork ir. standardized building construction. Read the information regarding the pressure of wet concrete againit'.the forma .as given on page 447. More recent experiments give lovrer values. The most reliable are given in POURING AND Engr.-8 Materials 6f Engineering Construction. Assn.15, page 6. PRESSURE TESTS OF CONCRETE by Slater and Goldbeck, U.S. Bureau of Standards, Technologic Paper No. 175. Their principal conclusions are: (a) The maximum pressure against the forms during pouring of concrete izras fouAd to be equivalent to that of a liquid weighing about 124 Ib. per cu. ft. (b) The maximum pressure was found to be that due to the head of concrete existing at the end of about 40 minutes. After that time the pressure gradually decreased in spite of increasing the head of concrete. These data are of value in the design of forms. The time for removing forms is determined by the strength of the concrete. As indicated in this article the strength of the concrete can be found only by actual tests. The removal of the forms from concrete structures that have not developed sufficient strength has resulted in many failures. On the othsr hand, much money value is sacrificed if the forms are left on too long. Weather, position of the form, quality of the cement, and the load are the principal factors which influence the time of removal of the forms. Warm, dry weather hastens the setting and hardening of concrete, while cold, damp weather retards hardening, Forms for horizontal members, such as beams, should remain in place longer than forms for vertical members, such as columns and walls. The forms may obviously be removed sooner from concrete made with quick-hardening cement than from normal concrete. When the load carried by a KA member i<5 nearly all live load/ such as machinery, equipment, and people, the forms may be removed sooner than when the total load on the member is largely dead load. For this reason roof forms and Engr.-8 Materials of Engineering Construction . ^ssn. 15, page 7. top -story columns arc left on longer than those for other floors. The following table is abstracted from Hool and John son ' s CONCRETE ENGINEER'S HANDBOOK: Removal of forms Above 60 p. 50-60 F. 40-50 F. Column Sides Beam Bottoms Within 3 days Within 14 days 5 days 18 days 10 days or more 24 days or more Expansion joints*- Read Article 496. Concrete shrinks when it sets in air and expands when it sets in water. After it has set, changes in moisture content cause volume changes. Concrete expands when it is wet and contracts when it dries out. Expansion and contraction are also caused by heating and cooling respectively. The forces which produce volume changes may counteract one another so that there will be no effect on the concrete. They may also act together or separately and cause volume changes which become evident as expansion and contraction. The change in length in 100 ft. of concrete is about O.Sinches per 100 degrees Fahrenheit. In contraction, this produces cracks in walls, walks and pavements. In expansion, it buckles curbs and walks unless expansion joints are provided. Long stretches of wall may be built without expansion joints provided that enough steel is put in to hold the concrete together- The steel does not stop the movement but it distributes the total change in length and produces a large number of very fine cracks \?hich do no damage. The A.S.T.M. specifications provide that "structures exceeding 200 ft. in length andof width less than 2ngr.-S ..later Lils of Engineering Construction. Assn 15, page & about one-half the length, shall be divided by means of expansion joints, located near the middle, but not more than 200 ft* apart > to minimize the destructive effects of temperature changes and shrinkage.*..." When such expansion joints are used they should be arranged to separate completely the parts of the building and should extend from the bottom 60 the top of the structure. An expansion joint should separate all parts such as beams, columns and slabs from the main part of the structure. When expansion joints are placed in retaining walls they should be spaced about 30 ft. apart. Curing.- Read Article 497. The process of keeping concrete damp is called curing. Concrete is cured by immersion, sprinkling and the use of steam. Hydration of the cement goes on after the concrete has hardened, so that it is necessary to prevent it from drying out too rapidly. Allowing the forms to remain in place helps to retain the moisture. Newly laid concrete pavements are protected from the direct rays of the sun by means of canvas and after the concrete has set, it is covered with moist earth or flooded vdth water . Concrete products such as described in Chapter XV are cured by the three methods mentioned above, immersion, sprinkling and the use of steam. The American Concrete Institute specifies protection from the sun and strong currents of air for at least 7 days; continuous sprinkling andmaintenance of a temperature of not less than 50 degrees Fahrenheit and storing in the yards for about 1 days before shipment. For steam curing, their specifications Engr.3 ^at-arials of Engineering Construction. Assn. 15, page 9t read, "The products shall be removed from the molds when the conditions permit and shall be placed in a steam curing chamber containing an atmosphere of steam saturated with water for a period of at least 48 hours. The curing chamber shall be kept at a temperature between 100 and 130 degrees Fahrenheit- The product shall be removed and stored for at least 8 days." Protection against freezing. - Read Article 498. Concrete should not be mixed or deposited at a freezing temperature unless precautions are taken to overcome the effects of low temperature. Uork nay be carried out during freezing weather by heating the materials and the structure or by the addition of some substance to lower the freezing-point of water. Wherever the temperature drops to 35 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit the materials should be heated. After concrete has been placed it should be protected against the cold for 48 hours to 5 days, dependingupon the temperature. ?Jhen important structures must be constructed during periods of low temperature they are completely enclosed with tarpaulin or heavy canvas even though they may be large buildings. The interiors are then heated, as explained in the text. QUESTIONS 1. 7/hat constitutes proper mixing? 2. Describe the method of hand mixing recomnended by the A- S-T.M 3. ^/hat are the principal factors that should be considered in the purchase of a concrete mixer? Engr.-8 Materials of Engineering Construction- Assn. 15, page 10 QUESTIONS, con. 4. How long should concrete be mixed when a batch mixer is used? 5 What is the fundamental principle in the transportation and deposition of concrete? 6. What methods are used to deposit concrete under water? 7. What precautions should betaken in bonding to old concrete work? 5. ?i/hat approximate lateral pressure is exerted against the forms by fresh concrete? 9. What causes concrete to shrink? What is the effect of shrinkage and hovr is it overcome? 10. What precautions must be taken -when concreting at or belovr freezing temperatures? 11* What is meant by curing concrete? 12. Why is a batch mixer considered better than a continuous mixer? IS. In "what way may the quality of concrete be impaired by methods of placing in ordinary construction? UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXTENSION DIVISION Correspondence Courses Materials of Engineering Construction Civil Engr.-8 Assignment 16. Professor C.T.Wiskocil PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MORTAR AND CONCRETE. Introduction.- Read Article 499. While the effect of the important factors which influence the physical properties of mortar and concrete are discussed in this assignment it should be remembered that in any investigation all factors are not known, and that it is consequently not possible to control them all properly, and that the re suits, therefore, should be taken as being indicative only. In many of the data given in the tejtfc, no attempt is made to state the conditions under which the tests were made. This information is frequently omitted even from the original publications fron which the data were compiled. Strength of mortar s - Read Articles 500 to 506 inclusive. The principal use for mortar is in the construction of masonry. Mien strength is required in stone, brick or terra cotta structures, Portland cement mortar is used. Cement mortars in various proportions are also used for stucco. Stucco may be defined as a material used in a plastic state to form a hard coating for the exterior walls or other surfaces of any building or structure. Mortar is relatively unimportant when compared to concrete The effect of proportion of cenent on the strength of mortars is discussed in Article $00 and shown in Figure 1 on page 452. Compare the strength of neat cement given in Figure 14 on page 332 Engr.-8 Materials of Engineering Construction Assn. 16. page 2. with the compressive strength given for neat cement on page 452. Compare also the figure on page 354 with that on page 452. The strength of neat cement as well as mixtures of cement and fine aggregate varies with the brand of cement used - cements cb not all have the same cementing value. Other factors which affect the strength of cement and cement mixtures are: the amount of water used in mixing, the conditions of storage and testing and the 453 gradation of the sand (as shown in the figures on pages 452/and 454.) Because of the relative unimportance of mortar as a structural material make no attempt to remember the data in Article 500 to 502 inclusive. Probably the most comprehensive tests of ceuent mortars are reported in Technologic Paper No. 58 of the U. S.Bureau of Standards. From this publication the following information is taken u (a) The quality of a sand cannot be judged from its gradation alone. (b) For most fine aggregates the highest strengths are obtained with those having a gradation of particles approaching a straight line, but often materials having a gradation varying widely from a straight line will give high strength in mortars* (c)No fine aggregate should be rejected because of its silt content (determined by washing or assuming the material passing the No. 200 sieve as silt) as it may be advantageous even in relatively large quantities or detrimental in small quantities, depending upon its form, character and distributicn.(d)The only satisfactory method of determining the Engr.-8 Materials of Engineering Construction. As.sn. 16, page 3. value of a fine aggregate in mortar mixtures is to test it in the mixture, in the proportion to be used, exposed to the same conditions as in the proposed structure." These above remarks are of importance in the consideration of mortar. The strength in compression and in cross bending can be estimated with sufficient accuracy from the average strength of neat mortar, 10,000 lb. per sq. in. (compression) and 1,000 lb. per sq. in. (cross bending), and from the general shape of the curves on page 452, which give the relation between strength and proportion of cement to aggregate. A 1:6 mortar has an approximate compressive strength of 1,000 lb per sQ. in. and an average transverse strength of 300 lb- per s. in. The effect of the amount of mixing water on the compressive strength of mortars is similar to that shown on page 816 in the case of concrete. This relation for neat and 1:5 mortars is shown in Figure 10 on page 33, Bulletin No. 8, of Structural Materials Research Laboratory, Lewis Institute, Chicago. Mica decreases the compressive strength of mortar. Recent experiments made by Professor Abroms at Lewis Institute bear out this statement but his tests indicate that the decrease is not as marked as that found by Wills. See Article 504. Tests reported in Bulletin No. 8 of the Structural Materials Research Laboratory, previously referred to, indicate that the use of hydrated lime decreases the strength of cement mortar. About Engr. 8, Materials of Engineering Construction. Assn. 16, page 4. 8,000 tests on briquettes and 2 by 4 inch cylinders were made during this investigation* The tests mentioned in Article 505, since they are few in number, cannot be given as much consideration. Merely read Article 506 on adhesion of mortars; it is relatively unimportant. Strength of concrete.- Read Articles 507 to 517 inclusive. The strength of concrete is affected by various factors, the most important of which are; age, proportions of cement to aggregate, kind of aggregate, amount of mixing water, and curing conditions. In view of these variables, good average figures to remember are: 2,000 Ib. per sq. in. in compression, 200 lb per sq. in in tension and 1,000 Ib* per sq* in. in shear at 28 days. At the age of one year concrete is about 2 1/2 times stronger than at 28 days, the usual testing period. Concrete is a brittle material, and as the average values given indicate, is strongest in compression. Its tensile strength is lov; and is neglected in the design of reinforced concrete structures. The shearing strength of concrete is about 1/2 its compressive strength. The compressive strength increases vrith the richness of the mix. The tables on pages 459, 460 and 461 shew this fact - but not in a form that can be easily remembered. The following diagram gives average values for soft limestone concrete stored in a damp location* The proportions are the total of fine and coarse aggregates measured separately. The diagram also indicates the normal increase Engr-8. Materials pf Engineering Construction. Assn. 16, page 5 in strength with age. The dotted curve vas plotted from data for gravel, hard limestone or hard sandstone concrete 28 days old, taken from the report of the Joint Committee on Concrete and Reinforced Concrete. The values are based on tests of 8 by 16 inch cylindrical specimens stored under laboratory conditions* 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 4 10 11 12 Proportion of Aggregate to one part of Cement Figure 1 Engr.-8 Materials of Engineering Construction* A.ssn.16, page 6. Under ordinary conditions concrete will not gain much strength after one year but if concrete does not dry out its compressive strength increases indefinitely. See EFFECT OF AGE ON THE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE by D. Abrams, A. S. T.M. Proceedings, 1918, page 317. The age- strength relation for mortar and concrete is expressed by the equation og a + k where 3 is the compressive strength, a_ is the age and n and are constants whose value depends upon the cement and other test conditions. This equation has been derived from tests in American and European laboratories on specimens up to nine years in age. Since there are so many factors which affect the density- strength relation (see Article 509), density is not a reliable criterion of strength. The effect of size of coarse aggregate, v/hich is discussed in article 510, is well illustrated in Figure 3 on page 818. The effect of proportion of mixing water on the strength of concrete is explained in Article 511. The water ratio - strength relation - is shown in a clear-cut, definite manner in Figure 1 on page 816. The following conclusion is made by Abrams: Vi/ith given concrete materials and conditions of test the quantity of mixing water used determines the strength of the concrete, so long as the mix is of a workable plasticity. The information in Article 512 is relatively unimportant. Remember that the tensile strength of concrete is about 1/10 of its compressive strength. Engr.-8 Materials of Engineering Construction. Assn. 16, page 7. Because of its low tensile strength concrete without steel reinforcement is rarely used where it would be subjected to trans- verse loads. The discussion on transverse strength in Article 513, therefore, is of little importance. Read carefully the first paragraph of Article 514. The remainder of the article is not important. Remember that the shearing strength (punching shear) of concrete is about 1/2 of its compressive strength* The effect of type of aggregate is well illustrated in the Joint Committe Report (previously referred to) from which the following data were taken: Granite, trap rock 2,200 Gravel, hard sandstone, hard limestone 2,000 Soft limestone, soft sandstone 1,500 Cinders , 600 fe & ^1* S<7, I*. The values given are for compressive strength^at 28days for 1:6 concrete, the fine and coarse aggregates being measured separately. The conditions under which concrete is cured have a great influence upon its strength. The following statements were taken from EFFECT OF CURING CONDITION ON THE v/EtoR AND STRENGTH ;ould be of interest %t this point. The date of the first use of iron is not known. Archaeological research has determined that it has been in use through a period of only about 4,000 years. Since iron corrodes and therefore leaves no trace, it is difficult to find evidence of its early use. Doubtful evidence exists to show its use in the construction of the pyramids about 4000 B.C. , but its use by the Assyrians about 1500 B.C. and later by the Greeks is more certain. The Romans became quite proficient in the use of metallurgy, as is shovn uy their weapons. The Britons had some knowledge of iron before the Roman occupation of England under iC-aesar- At that time iron v;as probably produced by heating ore and charcoal in a flat bottomed forge until a small body of pasty metal was obtained -which could be hammered and worked into wrought iron. A process similar to this 7/as used in Europe until about 1350. At Civil Engr-8 B. Assignment 18. Page 6. this time there was first used a crude blast furnace in which was produced an iron that could be cast. The blast furnace method was improved in England in 1619 by the use of coke instead of charcoal as the fuel. Aoout 200 years later the hot blast -was introduced. The first American iron -works was operated in Vir- ginia in 1619 and the first blast furnace was built about 100 years later. The most important advances in blast furnace con- struction and operation began to be made about 1880. The reduction of iron ore to pig iron is brought about by alternate layers of ore, fuel, and flux in proper proportions through a specially designed opening into the top of a blast fur- nace (a tall vertical stac.i: , lined with fire brick) , while hot air is blown into the bottom of the furnace. The nitrogen and the products of combustion pass upward through the furnace and es- cape at the top. At periodic intervals impurities , in the form of slag, are drawn off near the bottom and molten metal is re- moved through a tap-hole in the hearth. In early furnaces the metal was cast in sand molds which were arranged in rows and re- sembled a litter of pigs; hence the metal was called pig iron. The operation of a blast furnace is continuous, one charge following another without a creak. Since iron ore is gen- erally an oxide it must be deoxidized or reduced in order to obtain metallic iron. Carbon is the reducing agent and, in the form of coke, it is used as fuel. During the reducing process the iron absorbs carbon so that pig iron has a high carbon content. Civil Engr-8 B- Assignment 18. Page 7. Coke is the principal fuel used in the manufacture of pig iron. Anthracite coal anc: charcoal are used to a limited extent. Coke is the residue of the destructive distillation of bituminous coal. For blast furnace use it must be porous, so as to be readily burned, and strong so as to withstand the load of the ore and other materials above it without crushing. The by-product or retort process for making coke is rapidly replacing the bee -hive process. In the latter process air is admitted into the coking chamber and the products of distillation are burned and thus wasted, In the by-product process the coking chamber is air tight and heat is supplied to the outside to coke the coal. The products of distillation are recovered. These products are hydrocarbon gases, tar and ammonia. The method of manufacture has little effect on the quality of the coke. Smelting is a metallurgical operation in which metal, in a state of fusion, is separated from impurities with which it is combined. It involves two processes, one, the reduction of the metal, and the other, the separation of the metal from the mix- ture. These operations are facilitated by the use of a flux. The primary function of the flux is to render the materials more readily fusible and the secondary function is to supply a substance with which the elements originally combined with the metal may combine. The flux should be free from impurities such as sulphur and phosphorus. The materials to be fluxed determine the character of the flux. If they are basic, an acid flux must be used. In most ores, however, the impurities are acid so that the predomina- Civil Engr-3 B. Assignment 18 Page 8. ting flux is basic, basic fluxes are limestone and dolomite. In the smelting zone of the blast furnace the flux combines with the gangue to form slag. Slags furnish the means by v;hich impurities are separated from the metal and removed from the furnace. In the blast furnace the slag, on account of its fusibility and dis- solving power , ( forms the only positive method of removing sulphur. Slag has a lew density and floats upon the metal. It protects the metal from the hot gases and prevents overheating and at the same time conserves the heat in the metal. Since it has the power of dissolving oxides it keeps the metal clean and also facilitates the separation of impurities from the molten metal. The modern blast furnace and its accessories are illustrated in Figure 1 on page 534. Be able to sketch the cross section of a blast furnace. Be sure to shov; the double Dell-hopper at the top. The beet practice today in blast furnace construction is represented by furnaces from 90 to 100 ft. high (see the informa- tion at the bottom of page 533 in the text). In these furnaces, the hearth or crucible is about 10 ft high. The bosh zone is from 10 to 12 ft. high, and the stacK 70 ft. or more. Be able to describe the operation of the hot stoves. The air is heated to about 1000 degrees Fahrenheit in the stoves and forced into the furnace through tuyeres (pronounced twe~ yar ) at abcut 15 Ib. per sq. in. pressure. The temperature in the blast furnace varies from a maximum of about 3500 degrees F at a point just above the tuyeres to about 500 degrees F. at the stack line, Civil Enpr-8 B. Assignment 18. Page 9. at tne top of the furnace. The efficiency of the furnace is greatly increased by the use of preheated air. The greatest single improvement in blast furnace operation since Neilson's hot blast is James Gay ley's dry blast process. It has been estimated that in the summer months a furnace which uses 40,000 cu. ft. of air per minute will take in with this amount of air about 225 gal. of water per hour. It is obvious that this water will reduce the efficiency of the furnace. In Gay ley's process, the moisture is removed from the air by drawing it over a system of pipes coded with brine which in turn is cooled with liquified ammonia. The moisture is condensed and frozen on the pipes., leaving the air practically dry. This is a refrigeration process. The dry air is forced through the hot stoves and then in- to the furnace. In spite of the advantage of the dry blast it is still most common practice to use undried air. It is probable, however, that the dry blast will soon become as universally used as Neilson's hot blast. The amount of materials used by a modern blast furnace in 24 hours is very impressive. These are given in the last paragraph of Article 578 on page 535. It is evident that even a single unit plant means a large production which necessitates large working capital. Civil Engr- 8 B assignment 18.. page 10. BIASH > i i MATERIAL 9000 #s ^ \ ^ CHAINED \ Limestone 1200jjte~ Coke 2000 #s Iron Ore 4000 #s Tunnel Head mat 5i Gases 12,360 #s \ 1 .- V HITERIA.L S PRODUCED Slag^ 1600 $s Pig iron 2240 #s "ial charged and produced in making < of pi'g iron. This represents American olast furnace practice in the northern district. If pi b iron is to be used in the production of steel it is transferred to the converters or steel furnaces in the molten con- dition if they are near by. When the blast furnace is not part of the steel plant it is necessary to cast the metal into pigs and transport it in that condition. The old method was to use sand molds, from the arrangement of which, as has-oeen stated, pig iron Civil Engr-8 B. Assignment 18. page 11. got its name. The present method is to use casting machines. These are an endless chain of buckets lined with fire clay which receive the molten metal as it comes from the blast furnace and dump the solidified pigs into cars. The length of the bucket line is such that the iron has time to solidify before the bucket is dumped. Blast furnace slag is run off into slag cars and dumped on the waste pile or granulated with a stream of water and used later in the manufacture of port land cement, A. stream of vrater is more effective than dumping the slag into a body of water. Some slag is used for ballast for railway tracks and some in the manufacture of mineral 7/ool; most of it, however, is wasted. Fig iron itself is not. a structural material. When remelted and cast into molds it is called cast iron. Cast iron forms the basic material for the manufacture of steel. Civil Engr-8 B. Assignment 18. Page .112.. QUESTIONS 1. Where are the principal iron ore deposits in the United States? 2. What are the principal iron ores? Give the miner a logical name and the approximate iron content in tabular form. 3. Outline the process of manufacture of pig iron* 4. What is pig iron? Why is it called pig iron? 5. What is a flux? Why is a flux used in the manufacture of pig iron? . Of what use is slag in the process of smelting? 7. Sketch the cross section of a blast furnace, give the approxi- mate dimensions and name the essential parts. / 8. What are the two recent improvements in blast furnace operation which have greatly increased its efficiency? 9. How much raw material is charged into a blast furnace to pro- duce a ton of pig iron? 10. What are the principal changes involved in the production of pig iron from the iron ore? 11. What are the requirements for blast furnace coke? i UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. EXTENSION DIVISION Correspondence Courses Materials of Engineering Construction Cixil Engr-8 B. professor C.T. Wiskocil Assignment 19. TrE MANUFACTURE OF YiROUGHT IRON Introduction:- Read Articles 585 and 586. In the blast furnace operation the metal absorbs large amounts of carbon which, together with other impurities, render it too brittle and coarse for structural use. .all the methods used to refine pig iron are essentially processes for the removal of the carbon by means of oxidation. As sty own in Article 586, carbon is the only impurity that is removed in the form of a gas. Other impurities are taken up by the slag and separated from the metal in that way. Before large-scale production of steel was possible, wrought iron was the most important metallic structural material. it was rolled into various shapes, which were used in the construction of buildings, ships, bridges and structures of all kinds. It had sufficient strength besides it* toughness and ductility. Further- more it was easily forged. These properties made it more adaptable than cast iron. it was used for tools and implements that did not require a tempered edge. The development of the Bessemer and open- hearth processes for making steel occurred in the latter part of the nineteenth century; since that time steel has replaced wrought iron as the principal structural material. Wrought iron is still extensively used for general blacksmith work, and for water and -*'- ' '**-" Civil Engr-8 B. Assignment 19. page 2. gas pipes, because of the belief that it resists corrosion better than steel, it is also used for rods and bolts which are to be subjected to impact or shock because of the belief that this material, with its fibrous structure, is more resistant to shock than steel. Wrought iron has failed to compete successfully with soft steel chiefly on account of the high cost of labor. The process of manufacture is most laborious and yet requires consider- able skill. The skill gained by experience in the process is superior to a theoretrical knowledge of it. These conditions make it difficult to obtain men since the intelligence required could obtain higher rewards in other pursuits. The International Association for Testing Materials defines wrought iron as "malleable iron which is aggregated from pasty particles without subsequent fusion, and containing so little car- bon that it does not harden usefully when cooled suddenly." Bradley Stoughtor.'s definition is, "Wrought iron is almost the same as the very low-carbon steel except that it is never produced by melting and casting in a mold but is always forged to the desired size and form. It usually contains less than 0.12^ of carbon. Its chief distinction from the low-carbon steels is that it is made by a process which finishes it in a pasty, instead of a liquid form and leaves about 1 to 2 7 of slag mechanically disseminated through it," The puddling process.-- Read Article 588. In the manufac- ture of wrought iron, a special grade of pig iron known as forge pig is used. It is high in silicon. The silicon is desirable since Civil Engr-8 B. Assignment 19. Page 3. it aids in the formation of sufficient slag to cover the bath and prevent excessive oxidation of the iron. Phosphorous and sulphur must be kept low since they are not completely removed with the slag. Basic iron oxides are used to fettle the hearth. Iron ore is frequently used to line or fettle the furnace. The position of the fettling material is shown in Figure 1 on page 544. During the boiling stage the carbon unites with the oxygen supplied mostly by the fettling material and later by the air passing over the bath. The slag mu'st be strongly basic at this stage so that it will retain the phosphorous and sulphur. Slag is never completely removed in the squeezing process* It is always present in wrought iron in the form of fibers which extend in the direction of rolling. This is the distinguishing characteristic of wrought iron. It can be detected by etching a polished surface with acid. Under the microscope the structure is clearly revealed, as shown in Figure 1 on page 598. The nick-bend T^eMAtVy test is also used to d^te^t wrought iron. The piece of metal is cut partly through and then bent. The fibrous structure will be shown by this test. The classes of wrought iron are given in Article 589. Charcoal irons are the purest grades of wrought irons. They are used in the manufacture of electrical apparatus and boiler tubes, as well as for those purposes listed in Article 589. Wrought iron costs more than low-carbon steel. It is, therefore, sometimes adulterated with steel scrap. The scrap and the wrought iron are . V P-:-;: . ...-, . I* hV>. . i: Civil Engr-8 B. Assignment 19. Page 4. piled together and brought to a welding temperature and rolled into merchant bars. The product Is sold as wrought iron. This material should not be confused with the charcoal or knobbled iron described in the text. Read Article 589. THE MANUFACTURE OF STEEL Introduction:- Read Article 590. It is not possible to give a concise definition of steel. Probably the most satisfactory one is that given by R.M. Howe. "Steel is that form of iron which is malleable at least in some one range of temperature, and in addi- tion is either (a) cast into an initially malleable mass; or (b) is capable of hardening greatly by sudden cooling; or (c) is both so cast and so capable of hardening. 11 Cast iron and pig iron are not malleable but chrome and manganese steels are malleaole only through a short range of high temperatures; at ordinary temperatures they are not malleable. The condition in (a) distinguishes steel from malleable oast iron, which is made malleable by special treat- ment after it is cast. Wrought iron is not cast and it cannot be hardened by sudden cooling. Cementation steel (see page 656) is not cast, but it will harden upon sudden cooling; there are also many carbon steels which are cast but will not harden. These facts will show why it is difficult to define steel. Iron oxide and air are available for the purification of pig iron. The oxide of iron is the principal substance used in the manu- facture of wrought iron. Iron ore and air ar the oxidizing sub* stances used in the manufacture of steel but they require different . s . Civil Engr-8 3. Assignment 19. Page & kinds of apparatus. The two chief methods of -purification are the pneumatic and the open hearth. In both methods the purification may be accomplished by oxidation alone, in which cse they are called acid processes. If oxidation is carried on in the presence of strong bases the process is known as the basic process. In the acid process, only carbon, silicon, and manganese are removed from the iron. In the basic process, in addition to these elements, the phosphorus is also removed. The pig iron produced in this country is best adapted to treatment by the basic open hearth and the acid Bessemer process. These are the leading methods used in the manu- facture of steel. The Bessemer process of making steel;- Read Articles 591 to 595 inclusive. This process consists essentially in blowing air under a pressure of 20 Ib. per sq. in. through a bath of molten iron contained in a specially constructed vessel known as a convert- er. The silicon and manganese combine with oxygen and form a slag while the carbon forms Co and COg and passes out of the bath. The heat required to maintain the temperature of the bath is obtained from the chemical action which occurs when the elements are oxidized Steel made in this way contains oxides which render it unfit for use. A recarburizer must, therefore, be added after the metal is blown to give it the necessary strength and toughness. The process is explained in detail in Article 593; study this article carefully. The mixer described in Article 593 and illustrated in Figure 3, on page 548, is very important in the Bessemer process. Besides acting as a storage place for hot metal as indicated in the text -i ;*;' ::' -'t ' -3 ' 'I 1 '" ', I ' ' 1 " ' " ' - ...>.!.. I ..-/'. -. ;. '. ., 3 j -.-; J : : :.' . . Civil En 5 r-8 B. Assignment 19. p age 6. : conserves the heat in the molten metal and makes the charge taken to the converters more uniform. Mixers average in size from 200 to 1200 tons capacity. Pig iron suitable for the manufacture of steel by the pneumetic process (acioj should contain 3 to 4$ carbon, 1 to 1.5$ silicon, less than Q.lf phosphorus, and small amounts of sulphur and manganese. Basic Bessemer is successful only with pig iron which -is high in phosphorus and low in silicon. There are practically no ores mined in the United States that are high enough in phosphorus for the basic Bessemer process. Pig iron with too much phosphorus for the acid Bessemer is made into steel by the basic open hearth process. The Siemens process of making steel:- Read Articles 596. to 598 inclusive. The process is described in detail and is very important. There are several distinct modifications of the basic open hearth process. There is the pig-and-ore process, the pig-and- scrap process and the ail-scrap process. The pig-and-scrap process is now in most general use. When pig iron is expensive, as it is out here on the Pacific Coast on account of high transportation charges, the all-scrap process is most economical. The mills in the bay region, such as the Pacific Coast Steel Company at South San Francisco, the Judson Steel Company at Emeryville, and the Columbia oteel Company at Pittsourg, all use the all-scrap process. Civil Engr-8 B. Assignment 19. Page 7. The basic open hearth method is employed and a high grade of steel is produced. The nearest blast furnace is at Pueblo, Colorado. Remember that the recarburization of basic steel cannot be accomplished in the furnace because the carbon, silicon and manganese in the recarburizer would reduce the phosphorus in the slag and re- store it to the metal. For this reason the recarburizer is added to the metal in the ladle. Since the recarburizer cannot convenient- ly be molten, it must be ferro-rnanganese instead of the spiegeleisen which is used in the acid open hearth process. Study Article 599. In it is a summary of the two most im- portant processes for making steel. Read Articles 600 and 601. A method by which the acid Bessemer and the basic open hearth processes are combined is de- scribed in the latter article. This process is known as the duplex process. It is used extensively in the south where the ore has a high phosphorus content. Read Articles 602 to 604 inclusive on the minor methods of making, steel. The manufacture of blister steel or cementation steel is described in Article 602. This steel is very expensive but is of high quality. The cementation process has never been used to any great extent in the United States. The cementation process re- sembles the case hardening process used to give wrought iron and soft steel a hard surface of high-carbon steel. See Article 710 in the text. - -' Civil Engr-8 B. Assignment 19. Page 8 The manufacture of crucible steel is described in Article 603. This method of making steel is widely used when a high grade product is wanted. Obviously crucible steel cannot be made in large quantities. This steel is superior to open hearth and pneumatic steel because it is made in closed vessels out of con- tact with the air. Crucible steel is less expensive than blister steel. Electric steel:" Study Article 604. The Stassano furnace is of the radiation arc type. From an electrical standpoint this furnace has the important advantage of uniform power consumption. Only small sized Stassano furnaces have been built and are not in wide use. The induction type of furnace was adapted to the manufacture of steel by Kjellin. It is impossiDle to obtain high temperatures in this type of furnace, hence it is not adapted for desulphuriz- ing operations in which sulphur is removed as sulphide. The Heroult furnace of the arc resistance type heads the list of electric furnaces in use for the manufacture of steel. The following information was taken from a paper by Keeney and Lyon, of the United States Bureau of Mines: "For many years all high grade steels were manufactured by the crucible process but since the advent of the electric furnace there has been a gradual adoption of that furnace for refining steel. For the complete refining of the higher grades of steel, the use of the electric furnace is now thoroughly established. Any products that cen be . Civil Engr-8B - Assignment 19. page 9. made by the crucible process can be made by the electric process, and in most cases with cheaper raw materials and at a low cost. In the electric furnace complex alloy steels can be made with pre- cision. The hig;h temperatures attainable facilitate the reactions, and alloys need not be used so largely for the purpose of removing gas. Very low carbon steel can be kept fluid at the high tempera- tures. Steel free from impurities and of great value for electri- cal apparatus can be made. With the electric furnace large cast- ings can be made from one furnace, whereas in the crucible process steel from several crucibles must be used. For small castings, which require a very high grade metal free from slags and oxides, electrically refined steel is especially adapted. The electric furnace gives a metal of low or high carbon content as desired, hot enough to pour into thin molds, and steel free from slags and gases. "Recent experiments show that electric processes have the following advantages over acid Bessemer and basic open hearth methods, A more complete removal of oxygen; the absence of oxides caused by the addition of silicon, manganese, etc.; the production of ingots of 8 tons and smaller that are practically free from segregation; the reduction of the sulphur content to .005^ if desired; and the reduction of the phosphorus to .005$ c , but with the complete removal of the oxygen." Considering the various methods of making steel, the process in which the electric furnace is used in connection with the basic .'" ' Civil Engr- 8 B Assignment 19. Page 10. open hearth will yield the greatest amount of 'steel \vith highest efficiency "and quality of product. The assigned subject is thoroughly covered in the text, Chapter XVIII, and it should be carefully studied since it is very important. The following questions cover only a few of the im- portant point's. You should be able to answer similar questions x* on the other points in the chapter. Civil Lngr-8 B- Assignment 19, page 11, QUESTIONS 1. What is the importance of wrought iron as a structural material? 2. Define wrought iron. 3. Describe "briefly the process by which "wrought iron is made. 4. What is the source of the oxygtn required to purify pig iron in the p-ucl cling process? 5. Why is it necessary to have a basic slag? 6- What tests are used to distinguish wrought iron from soft or or lov -carbon steel? 7, Why is wrought iron sometimes adulterated with steel scrap? 8. Whe.t are the leading methods of making steel in the United States? 3. Describe briefly the pneumatic process. 10. What is a recarburizer and why is it used? 11. Why is the basic Bessemer process not used in the United States? 12 Sketch the cross section of a converter. 13. What are the principal chemical changes that take place during tiie open hearth process of making steel? 14 Why are different furnace linings used for the acid and basic processes? 15. When is the recarb"-izer added in the basic process and "why? 16. Compare the pneumatic and the open hearth processes for making steel by tabulating the advantages and disadvantages. 17. Why is crucible steel more expensive than open hearth or Bessemer steel? 18. Why is it that a higher grade of steel can be obtained by the crucible process than by the Bessemer method? 19. What are the advantages of the electric furnace in the manu- facture of steel? 20. Why does the electric furnace produce a higher grade of steel na^> Via*+ Vi r>v // e e 9 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. EXTENSION DIVISION Correspondence Courses Materials of Engineering Construction Civil Engr-8 B Professor C-T. Wiskocil Assignment 20. THE MANUFACTURE OF IRON AND STEEL SHAPES Study Article 605 to 616 inclusive. Methods of shaping steel:- Read Article 605. The next step in the manufacture of steel, after the refinement of the cast iron, is to make it into the various shapes and forms required by the uses to which it is to be put. The shaping is a process either of casting or of mechanical working. Since steel is usually in a molten state after being refined, it would appear that cast- ing vjould be the nost economical method of shaping it. But metal cast from the molten state has an inherent lack of strength and ductility when compared with similar metal which has been mechanic- ally worked into shape. Some shapes are so intricate in form that they must be cast and in others no great strength is required so that casting is a regular method employed for shaping many steel products. The chief causes of weakness in steel castings are blow holes, segregation, and crystallization. These defects can be minimized by proper methods of manufacture and the use of alloys is resorted to so that steel castings can be made of rela- tively high strength and quality of metal. The mechanical v/orking of steel can be carried out by three different methods; namely, hammering, pressing, and rolling. Ham- mering and pressing are frequently classed together as forging. Civil Engr-8 B. Assignment 20. Page 2. i Steel is probably more widely used in rolled shapes than in any other form. Steel plate for tanks and boiler shells; structural shapes, such as I-beam* , channels and angles; bolts, nuts, rivets, nails, rails, wire, chain; and tubing and pipes are some of the products made from rolled steel. Steel ingots:- Read Article 606. Steel ingots for roll- ing or forging usually weigh from 3 to 10 tons. The average life of an ingot mold is about 100 heats. During cooling, ingots naturally develop certain defects. The principal defects are mentioned in this article. They are pipes, blow holes, segregation, and crystallization. Other de- fects, such as. checks, scabs, and slag inclusions, are incidental. Pipes are caused during the solidification of the metal, as described in the text. The size of the pipe in Figure 2 on page 560 is rather larger than usual. Pipes are caused where the surface of the metal becomes oxidized so that it will not weld up in rolling; when thi.p occurs : v .-' ; the pipe appears as a defect even in the smallest section into which this part of the ingot may be rolled. Pipes are liable to cause accidents in rolling. The only way of dealing with the pipe is to crop the ingot and dis- card the part which includes the pipe. This method causes con- siderable waste and various schemes have, therefore, been devised to overcome the pipe without having to crop the ingot. The most promising is the hot-top mold. The idea is, to .putt it briefly, to keep the top of the mold molten and thus prevent the formation of the pipe. In the ordinary mole the top is the first to solidify. Civil Engr-8 B. Assignment 20. page 3. To .Tjaice the top the last to freeze the upper part of the ingot is Ljade larger, anc the upper part of the mold is made thinner. A different method, whicb has been used to a limited extent, is that in which the ingot is compressed while the interior is molten. This also tends to prevent the formation of the pipe. Blow holes are another serious defect. The illustration (Figure 2, on page 560) is again slightly inaccurate. The surface cavities are very small, while the deep seated blow holes are frequently large. The latter may be over an inch in diameter. While the holes just beneath the sicin of the ingot may be micro- scopic in size they are, nevertheless, the most troublesome. They are nore lia&le to develop oxidiaed surfaces and thus to produce seams in the finished products. The deep seated holes are not subject to oxidation and since they tend to reduce the size of the pipe they are not harmful. The method of compressing the ingot, previously referred to, prevents the formation of large blow holes as well as pipes, but it is expensive. It is not "widely used, be- cause the cropping of the ingot is after all more economical. The metal discarded in cropping is used in the refining process as steel scrap. Steel that has been properly made and deoxidized at the time of recarburization will not have troublesome blow holes. Molten steel which is not properly deoxidized, and from which gas is bubbling, is known as wild steel. Aluminum is very effective in quieting or killing wild steel and it does not affect the properties of the steel. The killing is done in the ladle. Steel should be quiet before it is poured. Civil Engr-3 B. Assignment 20. page 4. Electric steel, on account of its being refined without contact with air currents is particularly free from blov; holes. Segregation is the localization of the impurities in the ingot. The ingredients in the molten ^netal have different freezing points. The substance with the lowest freezing point will be located near the top and center of the ingot, about at the bottom cf the pipe. Segregation cannot be overcome but it can be mini- mized by rapid cooling. Coarse crystalline structure or ingotism is inherent in netal that is cooled s lovely from a high temperature. The size of the crystals depends upon the rate of cooling. Large crystals make the ingots likely to tear in rolling. The rolling process refines the grains and prevents the effects of coarse crystals showing up in the finished product, if it has been properly worked A. mold having a rough surface causes resistance to the natural contraction of the cooling metal and produces checks or small cracks in the ingot skin. If the ii:old is improperly poured so that the metal is splashed against the sides of the cold mold where it sticks anc oxidizes, the ingot will have scabs on its surface after it is stripped. These defects produce a seamy pro- duct. In plates they will form surface defects. Slag inclusions may be formed by dirt in the ladle or mold, or slag may be formed by the oxidation of the metal in the ladle. Small slag inclusions do not have time to rise to the surface of the metal. In the finished product, slag inclusions are the source of surface blisters Civil Engr-3 B. Assignment 20. Page 5. Pipes, blow holes, and segregations cannot be entirely prevented. Their bad effects can be minimized, howex^er, by the use of aluminum to quiet the metal and by rapid cooling. Since slow cooling is necessary to minimize piping, careful study and exercise of judgment are necessary to secure the best quality in any lot of steel. Heat treatment of ingots ;- Study Article 607. Ingots are placed in the soaking pits in a vertical position. This is necessary because the ingot should be stripped as soon as possible so as to conserve the most heat and also so as to require a mini- mum of extra he&ting in the soaking pit. Since the interiors in the ingots when they are stripped are still soft the ingot must remain in the upright position in which it was cast. Otherwise the extent of the pipe may be increased and its position altered. The upright position also exposes the greatest surface of the in- got so that it will more quickly come to a uniform temperature. General method of rolling;- Read Article 608. Rolling, as a method of shaping steel, is now most extensively used. Kenry Cort is credited with having rolled the first steel in 1783. Other metals were evidently rolled before that time. Rolling is a very rapid method of shaping steel. In the breakdown of the heavy ingots large mills are used. These reduce the ingots to lighter sections, in such simple shapes as round, square, and rectangular. When the ingot is reduced to a square section six inches .In r grr on a side, or to rectangular sections in which the widths are less than twice the thickness, Civil Engr-8 B. Assignment 20. Page 6. these sections are called blooms. If the section of the metal is square, and between 1 1/4 and 6 inches on a side it is called a billet. If in width the section far exceeds the thickness it is called a slab. Blooms, billets and slabs are cut into convenient lengths. Mills for the shaping of steel are named after the prod- uct they make; as olooming mill and slabbing mill. In England a mill making blooms is known as a cogging mill. Rolling mills; Read Article 609. The various types of mills are described in this article. The rolls are illustrated in Figure 3 on page 561. They are made of cast iron, steel, or alloy mixtures. Rolls must be tough to withstand the shock pro- duced as the piece enters them: they must have high transverse strength to work under the high pressures developed in rolling; they must be hard so as to have good wearing qualities; and they must be sound so that they will not develop surface defects, and thus cause the rejection of the finished products. Cast iron rolls are known as sand rolls and chilled rolls; alloy steel rolls are given the trade names of steel rolls and adamite rolls. Chilled rolls are expensive but they must be used where a high grade finish is required. A higher tonnage is obtained from these rolls than from any other kind. Chilled rolls for plate mills have been made as heavy as 40 tons. These require a mold about 23 feet in length. Besides being subject to violent impact and heavy pressure, rolls are unevenly stressed, and unevenly heated, and even over heated and then suddenly cooled. These are very severe conditions and they can be stood only by well made rolls. Civil Engr-8 B. Assignment 20. page 7. Steel rolls, while they hava the required strength, do not hold their finish uncer the high temperatures of rolling. They are seidOiQ used for finishing rolls, but they are well adapted to the work of the blooming mills and heavy roughing stands. The adamite rolls have not ^et been very Widely used. plates ;- Read Article 610. Plates are rolled in an ordinary mill and sheared, as indicated in this article, or they are roilec in a universal mill. Plates are known as sheared or universal mill plates, according to the method by which they were rolled. Sheared plates are not suitaole for girder construction; universal mill plates with rolled edges are desirable for this purpose. Universal mill plates can be rolled to exact and uniform widths so that shearing, costs are reduced, and furthermore, machin- ing is frequently unnecessary. Moreover, universal mills turn out great tonnage so that universal mill plates are lower in cost than sheared plates. Sheets:- Read Article 611 on the manufacture of thin steel sheets. Pipes:- Read Article 612. The manufacture of seamless, but -welded, and lap-welded tubing is explained in this article. Wire:- Read Article 613; it explains the manufacture of wire. Wire dies are made of steel plate and chilled iron. The latter are most extensively used in this country. They are ex- tremely hard. Forging and pressing :- Read Article 614. Shaping by hammer forging is a slow process. However it is a simple one and Civil Engr-8 B- Assignment 20. page 8. was the first method used to shape metals. The first power hammer was built in England but the first steam hammer was a French invention. It was first operated in 1842. It was a single acting hamraer in which the head or top was raised by steam. The invention of the double acting steam hammer, which employed steam power on the downward stroke, was a decided improvement. The first one was built in Pennsylvania, in 1888. The suddenness of the hammer blow tends to localize the effect and hence only the exterior of the metal is refined. If each blow of the hammer reduces the metal to a considerable de- gree, or if the metal is thin, this method will produce material that is superior to rolled steel. Small objects made of high- grade steel, such as stock for cutlery and tools, are usually hammered into shape . The making of drop forgings is explained in the text. Forging presses are an English invention of about 1860. They were introduced into the United States in 1887. The sizes & and working pressures are g,iven in Article 614. The action and effect of pressing is different from that of hammering. Pressing is so slow that a kneading action takes place and the effect, therefore, penetrates deep into the steel instead of refining only the surface as does hammering. Both methods improve the quality of steel. Steel castings:- Read Article 615. During recent years there has teen much development in the quality of steel castings Civil Engr-8 B. Assignment 20. Page 9. and also in the types of objects cast. Large castings which are subjected to heavy stresses are now made of cast steel. Loco- motive frames, stern frames for ships, anchors, buckets, and bucket tumblers for gold dredgers are some of the articles made of carbon ard alloy steels in the form of castings. The Columbia steel Company at pittsburg, California, is the largest steel casting plant on this part of the pacific Coast. Most of their steel is made in basic open hearth furnaces of steel scrap. They also operate a small acid open hearth furnace. The production of good steel castings requires considerable foundry experience. Many complex foundry problems are involved. In order to produce sound castings it is necessary to have large sink heads so placed in the mold that the hot steel is available to fill any part of the casting where there is a tendency on account of too rapid cooling, to produce a cavity. Due to the excessive shrinkage of steel castings there are severe internal stresses set up in the cooled product. These stresses can "be relieved and the structure of the casting refined by proper anneal- ing. Steel castings must be carefully designed so that there are no sharp angles in the outline. The molds for large castings must be well reinforced to withstand the heavy loads of molten metal. Omit Article 616 on page 5(qf. The statistics given in this article are not important. Civil Engr-8 B. Assignment 20. Page 10. QUESTIONS 1. What methods are used in shaping steel? 2. How do the various processes employed in shaping steel affect its quality? 3. What is an ingot, a blooa, a "billet? 4. What is a pipe? How is it caused? Can its occurrence be prevented? How does it affect the metal in a rolled section? 5. What is segregation and how is it minimized? 6. How are blow holes formed? Can their formation be prevented? 7. What is a universal mill? 8. What are the rolls of a steel mill made of? 9. How is steel tubing made? 10. How are the cooling stresses in steel castings relieved? 11. Why is it necessary to soften wire during the drawing process? How is this softening accomplished? UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. EXTENSION DIVISION Correspondence courses ' loiter ials of Engineering Construction Civil Engr-8 B < professor C-T- Wiskocil Assignment 21, FORMATION AND STRUCTURE OF ALLOYS Alloys in general-.- Read Articles 617 to 6266 inclusive* Reasons for alloying metals are given in Article 617. By the alloying process, desirable properties may "be improved and un- desirable properties may be lessened An alloy may be tougher, harder or more ductile than any of the constituent metals. The cost of production may be decreased by introducing cheaper metal into the alloy and by producing an alloy that is more easily worked (cast and machined) than the metals from which it is made.. A mixture is defined in Article 618. In a mixture the tiro or more ingredients do not bear a fixed proportion to one another, and however thoroughly corn-mingled maintain a separate existance^ The constituents of a mixture can alv/ays be detect- ed by microscopic examination. As indicated in Article 619, elements combine in definite fixed proportions to form compounds. The formation of chemical compounds is not of much importance in the consideration of iron and steel. Solid solutions are described in Article 620. The most familiar examples of solutions are in the form of liquids. How- ever it should be remembered that every mixture of gases is a solution Civil Engr-8 B. Assignment 21. Page 2. and that even metals may form solutions which, when they solidify, are known as solid solutions. The solidification of a liquid solution does not necessarily produce a solid solution. If the constituents separate rr>on solidifying the solid is a mixture. In a mixture the individual ingredients may be seen although in some cases of thoroughccccBrciiingling the use of a microscope is nec- essary . But if the constituents remain completely merged so that they retain in the solid state the essential characteristics of a solution, the solid is called a solid solution. The solid solu- tion must possess such uniformity of structure that the constitu- ents cannot be detected by physical means such as microscopic examination, and furthermore the combination of the component parts in any proportion must be possible. In these regards it differs from a compound- Glass is a solid solution; an alloy of gold and silver is another. In the latter case the elements combine into the same kind of crystal no matter -v?hat their relative amounts may be . Study Article ?? carefully. As explained in this article most alloys of steel are formed by fusion. Low carbon steels are given a hard exterior surface by the method of diffusion in which the diffusing material may be solid, liquid or gas. The term miscible used in this article means capa"bldl*-y of being mixed; raixable Read Article 622 on allotropy- Allotropy may be defined as the ability of an element to exist in two or more conditions, Civil Engr-8 B- Assignment 21. Page 3. which are distinguished by differences in properties. Carbon, for instance, may exist as diamond, charcoal, lampblack, and black- lead. Iron has several allotropic forms. See Article 658 on page 590. Study Article 623 on the crystalline structure of metals. Metals are inherently crystalline, and it is, therefore, in- correct to speak of the crystallization of iron and steel as a result of fatigue. See Article 822, on page 771. The strength and toughness of metals are influenced by the shape and size of the crystals as well as by the chemical com- position of the metal. Steel of high strength has very small crystals and they can be detected only under a powerful microscope. The microphotographs on pages 596 and 597 will illustrate this point. The effect of heat treatment on the shape and arrangement of crystals is shown in the illustrations on pages 628, 629 and 630. Until recently the examination of the fresh fracture of iron and steel was the only method of classifying the product. Even at the present time, melters in charge of open .hearth furnaces cast, break and examine the fresh fracture of small bars of metal, in order to watch the elimination of the impurities from the bath, and at the end of the heat to determine the carbon content, which they predict to within a few points. If the carbon content of a piece of steel is known, skilled inspectors can determine approxi- mately by its fracture the heat treatment it has received, and its probable strength and toughness. Civil Engr-8 3. Assignment 21. page 4. As explained in Article 623, when steel passes from the liquid to the solid state, the molecules of the various constitu- i ent arrange themselves to form small bodies having regular geometrical outlines. This phenomenon is called crystallization. Individual crystals may be octahedral or cubical bodies, and under ideal conditions of high fluidity, absence of foreign particles, slow cooling, and undisturbed liquid, will form perfect geometric shapes. However, under conditions of manufacture, steel solidifies into imperfect crystals v;ith irregular form, which are sometimes called grains. Read Article 62 Because of the effect carbon has on the physical and mechanical properties of steel, its presence is necessary in very small amounts only. Even in the hardest tool steels it does not exceed 1.5$ by weight. Carbon is usually measured in hundredths of one per cent, each unit (or 1/100 of one percent) of which is spoken of as a point. A steel having a carbon content of 0.25$ would be designated as 25-point carbon steel. Civil Engr-8 B- Assignment 22. Page 2, Steel was defined in Assignment 19 under the subject Manufacture of Steel. You should be able to give definitions in Articles 640 to 655 at the time the materials in question are dis- cussed and should make no attempt to remember definitions of materials that are not discussed* Furthermore, you should not memorize definitions in the words of the text, but should define materials and processes in your own words. Read over Articles 640 to 655 inclusive and see hovr your own definitions agree with those in the text. Read Article 656 but omit the table. The equilibrium diagram for alloys of iron and carbon will now be taken up in de- tail. The remainder of the chapter should be carefully studied. The critical temperatures for pure iron are given in Article 658. Critical temperatures were referrecd to in the previ- ous assignment, number 19, under the discussion of cooling curves. If eutectoid steel is considered it will be found to have only one critical point. The heating and cooling curve would be approximate' ly as f ollov/s : ^ecalescence Point r Removed from furnace Recalescence Point Cooling Time Civil Bngr-8 B- Assignment 22, Page 3. As explained in the text the critical points 'are higher on heating than on cooling. The recalescence point for eutectoid steel (0. $% car"bon) is about 690 degrees Centigrade, Since the structur- al changes -which occur do not take place suddenly the critical temperature or critical point is more properly designated by the term critical range, "When eutectoid steel passes through its critical range during the process of cooling the temperature of the steel will actually rise if the conditions are favorable. An attempt has been made to show this condition in the diagram just given. In the case of pure iron the change in rate of cooling is not very marked. There is no actual rise in temperature , or recalescence, at the critical temperature which occurs about 900 Centigrade The leaver critical range at 760C. is less marked than the first. Below 760 the steel cools normally to atmospheric temperatures. In a lor; carbon steel, say one having 0.1$ carbon, there are three thefVftl retardations.. The most pronounced is at 850 c, the second about 760 and the third near 700c The last tvro are quite indistinct. As carbon is added to the alloy the two upper critical temperatures, found in the 10-point carbon steel, will approach each other and at carbon contents of .35 to .4C$ will merge into one, so that these steels have only two critical tempera- tures, one at about 740 and the other at about 700. Further f\ additions of carbon seera to cause the t7/o remaining critical tem- peratures to merge into one at about C.6^ carbon and over- Theoreti- cally the merging should not occur until the eutectoid composition is reached at O.S? carbon, The actual determination of two critical Civil Engr-3 B. Assignment 22, Page 4. temperatures, -when they are close together, is very difficult, and this fact accounts for the apparent merging with the lesser per- centage of carbon . The critical ranges are illustrated in the equilibrium diagram. The diagram on page 591 refers to the critical ranges on cooling. All critical ranges are denoted "by the letter A. TO indicate the period of heating the A is followed by a small c, which stands for the French word "chauffage" which means heatingo Ar denotes a critical temperature on cooling, the r being the abbreviation for the word "refroidissement" , meaning cooling. The designation Ac and Ar are further modified by the numerals 1, 2 and 3 to signify the critical ranges in the order they are encountered; thus, Acj means the first critical ra range encountered upon heating the steel. In carbon steels there is a difference of about 30 degrees between the critical temperature on heating and the critical temperature on cooling.. Theoretically these temperatures should be the same. It lias been proved that one important factor caus- teiaperature ing this/lag is the ordinary phenomenon of hysteresis* The process of slow heating and cooling bring these critical temperatures closer together. Two other minor causes for the difference are the impurities contained in the steel The maximum temperature to which the steel is heated is another factor which causes a temperature lag between the critical points. For ordinary com- mercial steels and usual practice these latter causes are of no consequence. Civil Engr-8 B. Assignment 22. Page 5. Cementite and ferrite, two important constituents of steel, are lefined in Article 659. Ferrite is soft, weak, and ductile. Its tensile strength is estimated to "be about 40,000 lb, per sq. in. It is strongly magnetic and has a high electric conductivity* It has no hardening poorer * Ferrite appears "best in microphoto- graphs of low carbon steel, containing from 10 to 30-point of carbon; in these raicrophotographs it has a white color., See (b), (c), and (d) in Figure 3 on page 596. When steels are cooled from a high temperature all the carbon is combined with iron in a chemical compound ^nich in microphotographs is alyrays referred to as cementrte. Steel made by the cementation process contains considerable cementite (Fe-zC) Little is known of its actual properties except that it is the hardest constituent of steel. It will scratch glass but not quartz . It is very brittle. Cementite is thought to have a high shearing strength but to be weak in tension. It occurs free in hypereutectoid steels; see (g) and (h) in Figure 3 on page 596. Pearlite is defined in the first paragraph on page 592. The eutectoid of steel is called pearlite because of its resenfa b lance to mother of pearl* It is a mechanical mixture of minute crystals of cementite and ferrite. always in definite proportions as given in the text. It contains approximately 0,9$ carbono Pearlite commonly occurs in slowly cooled steels in the lamellar phase which is shown in (b) of Figure 4 on page 597, in which Civil Engr-8 B. Assignment 22. Page 6. it is composed of alternate layers of ferrite and cementite. Note the high magnification necessary to bring out the required detail in the illustration referred to. Besides existing in globular form," ras shown in (a) of the same figure, pearlite has been found to exist in three other, but less important, forms. The size of the grains has a marked effect on the strength of pearlite. Under normal conditions its maximum tensile strength is estimated to be over 100,000 Ib. per sq in. It is about 2.5 times harder than ferrite, but it is not hard enough to make tools which require a cutting edge. Austenite (named after Sir Roberts -Austen) is a substance determined microscopically as a constituent of steel under certain conditions and regarded as a solid solution of carbon or iron carbide in iron. See paragraph IV on page 591 in the text. Be able to draw the iron-carbon equilibrium diagram given on page 591. Include in this diagram as much information as possible. In the construction it is necessary to remember the location of certain important points, such as A, G, 0, P, S, and E. When these points are located the main lines in the diagram can be sketched in. The eutectic contains about 4.3$ carbon. This is point E in the diagram. For hyper-eutectic alloys graphite separates from the melt along ED until the point E is reached, when the eutectic solidifies* It might be expected that iron would separate from the melt along the line jffi. This, how- ever, is not the case, but a mixture of iron and carbon contain- ing approximately 2% carbon and knovm as primary austenite sepav- Civil Engr-8 Bo Assignment 22. Page 7. rates from the melt to the right of the point S in the diagram. In this portion of region II the iron-carbon alloys exhibit the phenomenon of selective freezing, as do the lead-tin alloys- See Figure 3 on page 575. To the left of point S, or in alloys having less than 2$ carbon, the freezing is non-selective, simi- lar to that of the alloy whose equilibrium diagram is shovm on page 579* This kind of freezing is characteristic of the gold- silver alloys. Consider an iron-carbon alloy having about 1.5% carbon at a temperature of 1500 C It is a solution of carbon in iron, which if allowed to cool will begin to crystallize trhen the temperature reaches the line AE or about 1400 C- Solidi- fication will continue until the temperature reaches a point on the line AS, or about 1220 C, at which point the solution is ex- hausted and the entire mass becomes solid. Each crystal that separates from the me It will contain 1.5$ carbon; therefore, the entire mass is a solid solution of carbon and iron. It is also known as primary austenite. During the cooling of primary austenite ih the region IV, below the line AS, it undergoes changes similar to tlt&ps&t which occur the cooling of a liquid solution. Along the line PS, for alloys having more than .9$ carbon and known as hyper-autectoid steels, cement ite is precipitated . For alloys having less than 9$ carbon, that is hypo-eutectoid steels, pure iron or f err ite is thrown out along the line GOP until the eutectoid composition is reached. At this point both f err ite and cement ite are precipi- Civil Engr- f 8 B- Assignment 22. page 8. tated at the same time and the eutectoid pear lite is formed. The change from austenite to pearlite is not instantaneous; "but, as irill be explained under the discussion of heat treatment and tempering, the austenite may pass through a series of stages in which it is known as martensite, troostite, and sorbite; finally it becomes pearlite. If a steel which contains 0. 9j carbon is cooled slowly from a point above its critical temperature, so that it will have an opportunity to pass through all transition stages, it will consist entirely of pearlite and be known as a eutectoid steel. Steel having above 0.3$ carbon is supposed to have the ability to harden but edge tools are usually made from low carbon steels, in which the carbon ranging froa 50 to 125 point. While 2.Q;^is the theoretic division line between steel and cast iron, coiimercial tool steels rarely exceed 150 point carbon (1.5$ carbon). Commercial cast irons usually range between 2.2 and 40j carbon- Most of the information discussed in connection with the iron-carbon equilibrium diagram is given in- the following sketch: Civil Engineering-SB Assignment 22 Page 9 ro -a O ro O o OJ en O CO O c* I CD C H C+- 0) o :o . H 3s CD O <+ O CL CO t- ro en -3 O OJ o o o o Temperature -b O CO 01 I H' "1 "I O O H- 3 P CO H- O P CO Dividing '. ro ro W 3 0) O ine between steel and cast j iron j c m P 3 Q- I CD O h- O .EMtflCtiC. CD 3 H" c+ CD 3 0, O 3 CD 3 ct- CD O on CD O 3 M H- e+ c*- CD CD 3 O CD 3. H- P 3 CX C CD O H- O CD CD CD CO 3- CD > CD CD CD 3 3 -, temperature. This, as can be seen in O ~ & * J the equilibrium diagram, is the critical temperature for eutectoid steel. To convert both the pearlite and the free cementite in hyper-eutectoid steels into austenite it T/ould be necessary to heat them to a point above the A temperature. This would cm cause a coarsening in the grain size, an undesirable condition which is avoided by heating only to the Ac temperature . O~fe*"l Steel quenched from the lower temperature is harder because it contains some free cementite, which is harder than martensite. IThen quenched at the higher temperature (Acm) it contains all Microscopic structure of hardened steels:- Study Article 704. If high carbon steel is rapidly cooled, say in brine, a Civil Engr-S B Assignment 24. page 8* considerable portion is left in the form of austenite. Austenite is rarely an ingredient of low carbon steels at normal tem- peratures except in the cases of some alloys- If the steel is cooled at a slower rate, the characteristic structure of marten- site will be developed. See Figure 22 on page 637 Martensite is very hard and brittle. It is suitable for sharp-edged tools, "but, on account of its brittleness, not for machine parts sub- jected to impact o With slower cooling the structure known as troostite is developed. This structure gives a steel that is slightly weaker but more ductile than martensite. Steel com- posed of troostite or a mixture of troostite and martensite is used for cutting tools and machine parts . With still slower cooling the steel assumes the structure known as sorbite. This is an intermediate structure between that of hardened and that of annealed steels. This structure produces steel of high strength with fair ductility; in other words a tough steel. Steel of A o or bite structure is considered to be ideal for use in A stress-carrying parts of machines . Annealing produces a struc- ture made up of pear lite and ferrite for hypo-eutectoid steel, and of pearlite and cenientite for hyper -eutectoid steels. Tempering:- Read Article 705 to 709 inclusive. In the diagram in Figure 25, it should be noted that as the weight F decreases the end of the spring rises to the indicated positions; this action is analagous to the passing of the steel through the various transitional stages in the decomposition of austenite, Civil Engr-8 B. Assignment 24. page 9. as a result of the release of fractional restraint. Fully hardened steel is too brittle for use. It is tem- pered or draTm to regulate the hardness and brittleness, to tough- en it, or to release the hardening strains- The process consists in reheating the steel to some temperature be lor; the critical range, after it has been hardened. The tempering of edge tools is explained on page 643. The end of the piece to be tempered is heated just above the critical range and only the tip of this end is quenched; then the desired amount of heat, as judged by the change in color of the cleaned tip, is allowed to flow into the tip from the uncooled shaft. When the secondary heating has proceeded to the desired point the influ;: of heat is stopped by quenching the whole of the heated portion. Care should be taken to avoid a sharp line between the hardened and the unhardened portions of the steel. The tool should be kept in motion to pre- vent the development of this line during the quenching process. High carbon steels must not be kept at high temperatures any longer than necessary because the carbon is precipitated out under great heat in the form of graphite and thus the carbon content is reduced This occurs only in the case of the presence of large amounts of carbon. Silicon also aids the precipitation of graphite. Drawing is usually done in furnaces or baths maintained at the proper temperature This temperature is determined by pyrometers; judging temperature by color of the steel is too uncertain for accurate work. Civil Engr-8 3. Assignment 24. Page 10. Maintaining steel at the drawing temperature for a con- siderable length of time will result in additional temperingc The details given in Article 711 on the influence of hardening and tempering on the mechanical properties of steel can- not be remembered o Read this article and summarize in general terms the effect of this treatment on steel. Remember that tempering decreases the hardness and brittleness, and also the tensile strength and elastic limit. The ductility, as ex- pressed by the percentage elongation and reduction in area, is increased by tempering. Toughening consists in heating the steel to its critical range, quenching it and then drawing it back at a relatively high temperature so that little if any of the hardness due to the quenching remains. This practice is usually limited to steel with carbon contents ranging from .4 to .6 f , that is, to medium carbon steels. Toughening produces greater strength and ductility than annealing.. In annealing; strength is sacrificed for ductility and softness- The quenching retains the fine grain size of austenite so as to insure the maximum strength of which the steel is capable. The drawing process relieves the quenching strains without increasing the grain size. Toughened steel is largely composed of sorbite, which gives the highest combination of strength and ductility. Case hardening:- Read Article 710. Case hardening is essentially a special application of the cementation process. Civil Engr-8 3. Assignment 24. Page 11. T/Then case hardened, the products are partially cartmrized so that the exterior case penetrates only a short distance "below the surface and leaves the interior unchanged. It is employed to give a hard, v/ear -resist ing surface to a tough core. Low carbon steels are used in this process. Civil Engr-83. Assignment 24. page 12. QUESTIONS. 1. Explain why eutectoid steels only reach complete refinement in structure just above the Ac-^ temperature. 2. Describe changes in structure which occur on heating hypo- eutectoid steels through their critical range in temperature. 3. Why is steel annealed? 4. What is meant by "works" or "process" annealing? 5. What are the three steps in the process of true annealing? 6. What are the properties of burnt steel? 7. Will proper heat treatment restore the quality of steel that has been overheated or burnt? 8. HOT; is steel hardened? 9. Why cannot lov; carbon steels (such as structural steel) be hardened by ordinary methods? Why is it necessary to specify the method of hardening of steel according to its use? 10. How does an increase in carbon affect the hardening power of steels? 11 . How does the quenching nedium affect the hardness of quenched steel? What are the principal quenching media? 12. What are the names given to the transition stages occurring in the process of the hardening of steel. 13. What is meant by the tempering or drawing of steel? 14. What is the structure of toughened steel? What are the advantages of toughening over annealing? 15= Why are lor; carbon steels used for case hardening? UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. EXTENSION DIVISION Correspondence Courses' Materials of Engineering Construction Civil Engr-S B. Professor C-T. Wiskocil Assignment 255 EFFECTS OF MECHANICAL WORK OH STEEL Effect of hot -work on the structure:- Read Article 712, If steel is worked at its critical range by any of the methods previously discussed the grain structure -will "be refined. After the critical range has "been passed additional work will not cause any change in size of the grains , The refinement of grain structure in a steel casting due to forging is shown in Figures 11 and 13 on page 628. By the time the steel has "been worked, its temperature should be near the lower critical value so that the grain structure will not be changed by heat that may remain in the piece No changes will occur below the critical range. Effects of hot work on the properties:- Read Article 713. Since hot work during the cooling of steel through the critical range in temperature refines the grain size it is to be expected that the physical properties of the steel will be improved* Cer- tain examples are given in the text. Large shafts must be forged with heavy blows so that the effect of the mechanical work will penetrate the material, or they should be made hollow so that better metal will be assured. Effects of cold working:- Read Articles 714 to 717 in- clusive. Steel is ordinarily rolled at a red heat, and through this process the strength and ductility are increased, because of the Civil Engr-8 3. Assignment 25-' Page 2 refinement in grain size, as previously noted. If steel is "brought to its final size at temperatures "below its critical range, it is called cold-rolled steel. Working the steel at this temperature increases its tensile strength and elastic limit but decreases its ductility c The grains are distorted and do not reduce in size as they do at temperatures within the critical range. The distortion of the grains or crystals produces internal stresses that raise the strength and elastic limit c Cold drawing of rods and wires has the sane effect as cold rolling of steel. Cold rolled steel is used for shafting "because the process leaves a smooth surface and true dimensions so that machining is not necessary. If machining is done, such as cutting keyways or holes, it is liable to distort or warp the shaft due to the redistribution of the stresses caused by the cole! working. Most steel wire is cold drawn and cold dravm shafting may be obtained up to 3" in diameter. The effect of cold working can be removed by annealing. From previous discussions on the changes in grain structure caused by annealing the refinement of structure and release of internal stresses in cold worked steel can be readily under stood This change is well illustrated in Figure 39 on page 659. Grain growth in steel Read Article 718. Cold working may cause the growth or enlargement of crystals in the case of certain pure metals but not in the casge'of commercial iron and steel. Overheating, that is heating over the critical temperature, will cause increase or coarseness in the structure of steelo Civil Engr-8 B* .Issigiment 25. Page 3* Stead's "brittleness is a condition caused by heating from 650 to 750C for long periods of time,, It occurs in lov: carbon steel and causes large crystallization with a decrease in ductili- ty. It is not often encountered "because the necessary conditions rarely occur in practice. Where it does occur, cthe original grain structure can be regained by proper annealing. Influence of form on properties of steel:- Read Articles 719 to 723 inclusive . The form of the piece affects both the dis- tribution of stress and the elongation under tension. These con- siderations are of most importance in design and investigation. It is natural to expect that where steel is confined, it -will have greater strength and elastic properties, as discussed in Article 723. These matters, however, are relatively unimportant in a course in Materials. Wire rope :- Read Articles 724 and 725ii The properties of steel wire are given in Article 724i Methods of manufacture have been previously discussed, plow-steel is one of the strongest materials used in the construction of wire rope. The name originat- ed in England where it was applied to a strong grade of crucible steel wire which VTB.S used in the construction of strong ropes employed to pull gangs of plows. At present it is used to designate a high grade of open hearth steel; and in wire rope made of plow- steel, the tensile strength of the wire is about 250,000 Ib. per sq. in. The proportional limit of plow steel is about 70f of its ultimate strength while its ductility is very lor;; the average Civil Engr-8 B. Assignment 25. Page 4. > percentage elongation is 5$. While ploy/ steel is an unsatis- factory name it has been associated with the trade for such a long time that it has come to have a fairly definite meaning Lang-lay rope is defined in Article 725, The difference between this type of rope and ordinary rope should be remembered. In regular lay rope, the wires of the strands are twisted in one direction and the strands laid into the rope in the opposite direction. Most of the rope used in America is regular lay rope; and rope of this type has become standard for most work. In Lang- lay rope both the vires in the strands and the strands are in the same direction. It is more easily untwisted than regular lay rope and it is also more difficult to splice. It is well adapted to external wear and grip action. Its use is rather limited compared to that of regular lay rope. Most rope is made right lay, which means that it is twisted to the right, like the threads of a right hand screw of long pitch. The majority of oil-well drilling ropes are made left lay. The construction is specified by giving the number of strands in the rope and the number of vires in each strand. A 6 by 19 rope is one having 6 strands of 19 wires each. The strands are laid around a hemp or manila center to form the complete rope. The hemp or fiber center holds the lubricant and affords a bedding for the strands The life of a rope depends on a number of factors : the character of the metal used, the construction of the rope, the diameter of drums, sheaves, and pulleys over which it operates; Civil Engr-8 B . Assignment 255 Page 5- and to a great extent how it is lubricated. When intended for heavy wear the henp center should be saturated with a suitable lubricant. The lubricant reduces friction between the component parts of the rope and prevents corrosion. The diameter of a rope is usually baleen a a the diameter of '\4s CJrosr-Sc-dktj*. * a circle just enclosing t&firxape ... In a 1 1/2 inch rope the r smallest cross -sectional dimension may be as little as 1 3/8 inches 'this latter measurement is Domo times taken as the diameter. A There are various classes of wire rope. Tiller rope is the most flexible. It is used motly for boat tillers. Guy rope is used for guying steel stacks, derrick masts, and gin poles/ and for similar purposes where there is static load without im- :: pact. It is sometimes used also in hauling where the ropes are not bent over sheaves. The wires are usually galvanized. Hoisting rope of crucilb$ steel is eommonly used for mine hoists, elevators, conveyors and derricks. Hoisting rope *>u plow steel is used in heavy work, as for instance in locomotive and wreck- ing' cranes, Extra-flexible rope of plow steel is used on steam-shovel gear and in cases where it is wound around small diameter drums . The ratio of strength of rope to average strength of wires is usually called the efficiency of the rope. This value ol'is usually about 85^. The strength of the rope depends upon the material and method of its construction upon its diameter. Civil Engr-8 B. Assignment 25S Page 6* THE STRENGTH AMD ELASTIC PROPERTIES OF iJETALS AT ElEVATED TE1.SEKATUHES Read Articles SOS to 82.0 inclusive. The uses of metals under conditions of high temperature are listed in Article 809. In spite of the importance of the subject there has "been little systematic research undertaken. In a general "way, the diagram in Figure 6 on page 763 gives the results of investigations so far completed. Steel reaches a maximum tensile strength a"bout 600 Fahrenheit, and for temperatures over that value the strength decreases quite uniformly to about 1600 F- at which temperature it looses practically all its strength. It is possible that dif- ferent steels will exhibit different points of maximum strength but in general the figures given represent average conditions. The ductility decreases until about 600 F. is reached and for higher temperatures it continually increases. The proportional gradual limit and modulus of elasticity show a/decrease with the increase over atmospheric temperature. Cast, iron and wrought iron are similar to steel in their reaction to elevated temperatures. Brass and aluminum show a uniform decrease in tensile strength as the temperature is increased. When steel is used at elevated temperatures as the fire- box of a boiler or the stays in an open hearth shed furnace it is under stress: investigations , therefore, should be made with long -continued or permanent loads. Up tc this time no such ' V studies have been undertaken. Civil Engr-3 B. Assignment 25. Page 7. Welding of steel:- This subject is not discussed in the te::t. The welding of wrought iron urns referred to in Article 674 on page 606. Steel welding, which is known as welding at plastic heats, is successfully practiced with soft steel , but hard steel (high carbon) can be welded by this method only by an experienced . operator. Cast iron cannot be welded by plastic welding,, Plastic welding is done in a forge fire or by electricity. The parts to be joined are brought to a temperature a little below fusion and pressed or hammered together. When electricity is used the method is called resistance or spot welding. Pieces that do not have to transmit heavy stresses are fastened together by this method. Pieces which are later to be more thoroughly joined are often tacked together by spot welding. Spot welding is often well adapted to certain kinds of manufacturing operations, such as the making of wire fabric for concrete reinforcement, and of wire reinforcement coils for concrete pipe, chain manufacture, and Ke^tis welding valve stems to valve seats. The temperature can be closely controlled in this process. There are three principal methods of fusion or autogenous welding. The first is oxyacetylene welding in which the metal is actually fused by high temperatures resulting from the burning of the gas, usually acetylene, in a stream of pure oxygen. The two gases are fed through a blow pipe torch and ignited at the tip. The high temperature, approximately 5000 degrees Fahrenheit, fuses MteXXt* a narrow strip of metal at the joint and vmfri^o the parts. A narrow steel, or iron rod is melted in the joint to supply additional Civil Engr-8 B Assignment 25* page 8 me tal Most metals can be "welded "by this process. In this operation, the oxyaoetylene torch is used as a cutting toolo For this purpose the oxygen is supplied in excess and the temperature is increased so that the steel is burned. It is used in cutting off lugs, gates and risers from steel cast- ings where the cold -saw was previously used. The torch has brought about large savings in this operation., It is also used to cut up scrap and wreckage of various kinds, Osyacetylene veld ing is applicable to thin plates of metal. It produces a coarse structure since it is essentially a casting., A connon weakness in this method is that the metal at the joint is not thoroughly welded at the middlelof the thickness of the plates. Joints of this kind can be made so that the average efficiency is about 8C^ but as usually made under ordinary conditions by the average workman the efficiency approaches nearer to 5($. Torch welding is widely used in repair work in which cast as well as rolled metals are to be repaired, and is the method in most general use. A second method of fusion welding is the thermit methods The necessary temperature is secured by igniting a mixture ory furnace. An air furnace resembles the puddling furnace used in the manufacture of -wrought iron. The copula is used for melting iron for gray iron castings T?hile the air furnace is used in the production of vhite cast iron for mal- leable cast iron and for cast irons of special compositions. The open-hearth furnace is used to a limited extent in the manufacture of cast iron. It is more economical in the consumption of fuel than the air furnace - but to be used to advantage it must be operated continuously. This requires a large floor space for molding and a l^rge output of cast iron- Study Article 743 on the comparison of the cupola and the air furnace. The air furnace uses about ttrice as much fuel as the il Engr-8B. Materials of Engineering Construction* Assignment 27 , page 4. cupola "but it produces purer metal and in larger quantities. Both types of furnace are widely used. Molding o cast iron: Read Articles 744 to 749 inclusive. Only in the case of the chilled castings is the quality of the metal affected by the mold. Under normal conditions of cooling the quality of the metal depends upon its composition. The molding of cast iron is of importance to the engineer and machine designer. The pattern must be so designed j?hat it can be removed from the sand and leave the mold intact and the shape of the casting must be so designed that dangerous shrinkage stresses are not set up when the casting cools The three methods - green- sand, dry- sand, and loam molding - are all explained in the text. Patterns are divided into two classes. In the first class, which includes most of the castings, the patterns are solid. In the other class the hollow part is formed by a core which is in- serted in the mold after the pattern is removed. The materials from which patterns and cores are made are described in the text The use of chills is described in Article 748. They are used to produce a hard wearing surface on such castings as rolls and car wheels. Chilled-iron car wheels are cast with a chill against the tread and the inside of the flange, the remainder being in sand. The composition of the metal is such that under the imposed condi- tions the metal against the chill will show white iron to a depth of about 7/8 of an inch, the remainder of the wheel being graphitized or gray. So as to relieve the severe cooling stresses the wheels Civil Engr-8B. Materials of Engr. Construction-* Assignment 27, page 5. are stripped from the mold while still red hot and placed in a soaking pit where they are allowed to cool slowly. A maximum tem- perature of about 725 degrees Centigrade has been found to be sat- isfactory for this annealing process. If the temperature is higher an under sirable formation of graphite occurs within the xvhite tread. The effect of chills on the structure of cast iron is shown in Figure '6 on page 6S5. The cleaning of castings is described in Article 749. The three methods are rattling, pickling, and sand blasting. Rattling is satisfactory only in the case of the simplest castings. Pick- ling is in more general use; and sand blasting is most convenient for large castings. Often the sand blast is followed by pickling. In all these methods, the final cleaning operation is the smoothing of irregularities such as are left where gates and fins have been broken off. This is done with a cold chisel, with a pneumatic chipping tool, or an emery wheel. Composition and constitution of_ cast iron; Read Article s 750 to 758 inclusive. Cast iron is a complex alloy composed of six important elements - iron, carbon, silicon, phosphorus, sulphur, and manganese; other unimportant elements are often present. The most important element is carbon because of its pronounced effect on the strength of cast iron. It occurs free as graphite and in the combined form as cementite (FegC) which is sometimes called iron carbide or combined carbon. The importance of the other Civil Engr-8B. Materials of Engr. Construction* Assignment 27, page 6 elements is due to their influence upon the carbon. There are three distinct classes of cast iron, depending upon the state in which the carbon occurs. In gray cast iron the carbon occurs chiefly as free carbon in graphite flakes. In white cast iron it is prin- cupally in the combined form, while 'in mottled cast iron there is a mixture of particles of gray and white iron. A product of the air furnace or cupola containing from 20 to 50$ steel scrap is known by the misleading trade name of semi-steel (see definition on page 588). The metal is actually a fine grained cast iron. It is much stronger than ordinary cast iron but it is not steel. It is used v;here a strong, close grained metal is required, as in hydraulic cylinders; and in parts requiring strength and shock re- sisting ability, as in shear and punch frames. The composition and the rate of cooling, through the range of solidification and immediately below that temperature determine whether a given mass of molten cast iron will be gray, white or mottled. The more rapid the cooling the less the graphitization (white cast iron, for instance, made by chilling the molten irori)- Carbon in cast iron is discussed in detail in Article 751. The range in carbon content for commercial cast irons was given on the equilibrium diagram for iron ^nd carbon. The strength and other properties of the casting are dependent upon the form in which the carbon occurs. Figure 6 (after Howe} on page 699, shows the effect of graphite and combined carbon. The important features in Civil-Engr-8E Materials of Engr Consturction.. Assignment 27, page 7. this diagram are: the names of the cast irons in the upper part of the diagram; the tenacity, ductility, and hardness of the whole with ordinates and abscissaes in the central portion; and all of the lower part of the diagram. In this latter portion, note that mottled cast iron is not alluded to except to state that it is harder o Irons of this type have no special adaptation and their production is not intentional. Graphitization, that is the decomposition of the combined car- bon to form graphite, is facilitated by increased carbon or silicon content and by slow cooling. Graphitization is retarded by sulphur, excess manganese, and rapid cooling* This is a brief summary of Article 751. The effect of the various elements will be discussed separately in detail. Silicon in cast iron is discussed in Article 752. It ranks below iron and carbon in its importance as a constituent. The amount of silicon in cast iron can be controlled. It acts prin- cipally as -"- precipitant of graphite, causing a maximum precipita- tion when about a quantity of 5%. Below 3^ it will aid in the production of gray iron, but over 3% causes iron silicide, which results in a hard brittle metal. Small amounts decrease shrinkage and minimize blowholes- The effects of sulphur are discussed in Article 752. As in the case of silicon the amount of sulphur in the cast iron can be controlled during the manufacturing process. Sulphur has a decided Civil Engr. SB. Materials of Engr. Construction. Assignment 27, page 8. effect upon the properties of cast iron. It prevents graphitiza- tion and produces hard, "brittle iron. Specifications limit the sulphur content to 0.1$ and some even to as little as 0.50^. Sul- phur causes red- shortness and blow-holes. It is an undesirable element. The effect of sulphur can be neutralized by silicon and manganese, About 15 parts of silicon or tv/o parts of manganese are required to neutralize one part of sulphur* In the best grades of- gray iron the phosphorus content is limited to O.SJb. High phosphorus causes cold- shortness. But when fluidity is important, as in the pouring of thin castings which must have a good impression of the mold, and where toughness is not required, about 1.0^ phosphorus is used. The amount of phos- phorus cannot be controlled, 5t is determined by the amounts present in the materials from which the cast iron is made. When manganese is present in small amounts it combines with the sulphur to form manganese sulphide and tends to decrease the hardness and brittleness of the iron; but in greater quantities it causes increased hardness. The other elements that may be present in cast iron are of importance to the iron manufacturer but not to the student of a general course in Materials. Article 758 with Table 1 can be onitted since the approximate allowable proportions of the various elements have already been discussed and the student therefore has a general idea of the composition of good cast iron. E:igr-8B- Materials of Engr. Construction. Assignment 27, page 8. Read Article 757 on defects and remember what the principal defects are and how they are caused. PROEBRT J1RS_ OAST IRON Shrinkage: Read Article 759. The pattern maker must make allowance for shrinkage and the designer and the iron founder must consider this phenomenon "because of the induced stresses and con- sequent danger of checking. It is usually assumed that shrinkage is about 1/8 of an inch per foot. It is quite variable, the chief factors vrhich influence it being the presence of silicon, the rate of cooling, and size of the cross- sect ion of the casting. Hardness: Read Article 760. Hardness is the term generally used to designate that quality which has to do with the resistance of a metal to cutting or machining, or to xvearing or abrasion. As shown in Figure 5 on page 699, the hardness increases directly vrith the amount of combined carbon. This may be due to the hardness of the cement ite itself and to the decrease in graphite which acts as a lubricant to the cutting tool. Hardness is measured by the drill test and the ball-indentation test. Both are empirical. Review Article 129 on page 127. Tensile strength: Article 761 is relatively unimportant. Tensile strength is important but in a direct test it is difficult to determine. For average gray iron the ultimate tensile strength is about 20,000 Ib. per sq. in. Omit the tables on pages 707 and 708. Remember the typical stre ss-def ormation curves on page 709. 01;?.l Fr.'.g."8}3. Materials of Engro Construction.. Assignment 27, page 9. They show that ca~t iron has no proportional limit. It is important to not ^ that cast iron is weakest in torsion. In torsion or com- er nad stress the piece vill fail in tension and its strength will be limited "by the tensile -stcpngth of the metal. Compressive strength: Read Article 763 o The average compres- sive strength of ordinary gray cast iron at the proportional limit, or yield, point, as it should more properly be called, is about 30,000 Ib. per sq. in. The ultimate strength is about 70,000 Ib. per sq* in. Figure 11 on page 710 represents a typical stress- deformation curve. Transverse strength : Read Article 764. The arbitration bar is described in this article. It is the most important test speci- men of cast iron. Under standard conditions an arbitration bar of average gray cast iron \vill give a modulus of rupture of about 45,000 Ib. per sq. in. This test gives a valuable criterion of the quality of the metal. It is necessary that the conditions for the test be standardized, because the size of specimen and its method of preparation affect its strength. The removal of the skin by machining decreases the strength, while tumbling hardens the skin and increases the strength. The A.S.T.M. minimum requirements for the modulus of rupture in the test of the regulation arbitration bar are 39,000., 45,000 and 50,000 Ib. per sq. in-, respectively, for light, medium, and heavy castings. The minimum deflection is 1/10 of an inch. inl Engr3B. Materials of Engr Construction. Assignment 27, page 10 Modulus of elasticity: Read Article 765. The modulus of G&o elasticity of cast iron is quite variable; 15,000 )K lb. per sq. in. nay be taken as the average* Articles 766 to 771 inclubive are relatively unimportant. Remember that the shearing strength of cast iron is greater than its tensile strength. When subjected to torsion cast iron fails in tension which in this case is a secondary stress. Ductility : The ductility of cast iron is very slight. MALLEAEIE CAST IROH Introduction: Read Articles 772 and 773 on the nature and importance of malleable cast iron. Malleable cast iron is white cast iron, which, after it has been cast into final form, is ren- dered malleable by an annealing process. Malleable cast iron can "be cast into complicated forms, and after casting, its toughness, ductility, and strength can be materially increased. It is used principally for implements, machinery, and rolling stock. For these purposes it is surpassed only be steel castings and forgings* It is also ussd in the manufacture of articles whose form is too com- plicated for economical forging. 1,-anuf acture : Read Articles 774 to 776 inclusive. Malleable cast iron is made from foundry pig iron, scrap from the casting floor, steel scrap, and to a limited extent annealed malleable iron scrap. The cupola, air furnace, and openhearth furnace methods are those chiefly used in melting the charge. The metal must be il Engr~-8B. Materials of En^r. Construction. Assignment 27, page II poured ^hile very hot and as rapidly as possible. The annealing process consists in heating the castings to a red heat (about 1300 degrees Fahrenheit) for several days. This treatment changes the ccubiued carbon in the Yfhibe oast iron into graphite. The carbon does not precipitate in flakes as in the case of gray cast iron but in a finely divided form called temper carbon. In this amor- phous form, hovrever, carbon is readily oxidized, and in order to prevent oxidation the castings may be packed in any inert material like sand, or clay. Stronger castings are made -when a decarboniz- ing material such as iron oxide is used. Constitution: Read Article 777. The composition of malleable cast iron is not of great importance; it is important, however, to remember that good malleable cast iron consists principally of fer- rite and temper carbon* None of the carbon remains in the combined form. If sand or clay is used as packing material the heat and slow cooling are sufficient to change the combined carbon into tem- per carbon, and the fractured section of an annealed casting is black. Hovrever, if iron oxide is used to pack the castings, it will oxidize the carbon, forming CO, so that the outer surface will be practically pure iron. When such a casting is broken the fracture has a white exterior with a black center. The white skin of carbon- less iron is rarely over -J- of an inch thick. This type of casting is called "black-heart." The outer layer may be case-hardened, hardened, or tempered. Civil Engr-8B. Maxerials of Engr. Construction. Assignment 27, page 12 Mechanical properties: Read Article 779, omit Table 7. The proportional limit of malleable cast iron is about 20jOOO Ib. per sq. in. In compression, since it is a ductile material, this yr.iue is practically its ujtimate strength for long slender speci- mens. In tension its ultimate strength is about 45,000 Ib. per sq. in. Its average modulus of elasticity is about 20,000,000 Ib. per sq. in. In tho transverse test of a linch square specimen its modulus cf rupture is about 70,OCO Ib. per sq. in. on a 12 -inch span. Under these conditions its deflection is about -|- inch. The ductility of malleable cast iron as measured by its elongation is about 7f . QUESTIONS: 1. What are the principal uses for cast iron in engineering construction? 2. Define cast iron. 3. Why are castings not made directly from the molten iron as it comes from the blast furnace? 4. Compare the foundry cupola and the blastfurnace. 5. Is the cupola or the air-furnace cheaper to operate and why? 6. Compare the two principal methods of producing cast iron. 7. What are the various types of molds used in the production of iron castings? 8. What is chilled iron? What is it used for? 9. How does annealing from a high temperature (say over 750 degrees Fahrenheit) affect chilled cast iron? Civil Engr-8B. Materials of Engr. Construction. Assignment 27, page 13 10. What is semi- steel? What is it used for? 11. How does the rate of cooling affect the graphitisation of cast iron? 12. Discuss the effect of silicon and carbon on the properties of cast iron. 15. What is white cast iron? How can gray cast iron be produced? 14 What is the maximum sulphur content allowed in cast iron by most specifications? Could raw materials having more than the allowable amount of sulphur be used? 15. Name the principal defects in iron castings. 16. What is malleable cast iron? Hov; is it made? 17- Why must a packing material be used in the annealing process? 18. List the strength, elasticity, and ductility of malleable and gray cast iron* UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXTENSION DIVISION Correspondence Courses s of Engineering Construction Assignment 28 Civil I^igr-SB Professor C.T.ftiskocil NQN-FERROOS METALS Introduction." Iron, copper, aluminum, zinc, lead, tin, and nickel are the metals of greatest industrial importance. Iron is the most important metal used in engineering construction and for this reason it is usually classed by itself. The other metals are usually grouped together and called, as in the heading of this chapter in the text, non- ferrous metals. Many secondary metals such as cotalt, molybdenum, tungsten, and vanadium have no industrial importance except as alloying elements. Copper. - Read Articles 780, 781, 782 and the paragraph on copper on page 522. Copper ores exist in a great variety of forms, usually as sulphides or oxides. The principal deposits of copper in the United States are in the I^.ke Superior region and in the Rocky ilountains. In the Lake Superior region it exists as native copper ^.hile in the mines of Arizona, Utah, and Montana it is found as copper sulphide and copper-iron sulphide. Copper sulphide is known as chalcocite or copper glance, CusS Most of the world's supply comes from the copper pyrites or chalcopyrite, CuFeS,, Cupr ite and malachite, both given in the text, are decomposed sulphides. If the copper ore does not contain sulphur the extraction of the metal is simple. Lake copper, for instance vhich is free from Civil Sngr-8B assignment 28. page 2. sulphur^ is mechanically concentrated and then melted, usually in a reverberatory furnace, and the slag skimmed off. The resulting metal is refined by electrolytic or fire methods. If copper is obtained from sulphide orss the process is more difficult. It usually involves four stages; roasting, smelting, converting, and refining. The object of the roasting is to drive off most of the sulphur in the form of dioxide gas and leave th3 metal in the form of oxides* All of the sulphur is not driven off because it is desirable to retain some to facilitate smarting which is the next step. The purpose of the smelting is to concentrate the ore by removing the gangue in the fom of slag. The metallic concentrate is known as matte vhich is essentially metallic sulphides of copper, iron, and any other metals originally present in the ore. Smelting is done in a blast furnace or in a reverberatory furnace, the latter furnishing a richer matte. The matte is purified in a Bessemer converter. The air blown through the molten metal eliminates the sulphur and forms -That is knovrn as blister copper. Blister copper is refined by fire and electrolytic methods. The electrolytic method is used to produce the finer grades of copper, .jaodes of blister copper are placed in a strongly acid copper sulphate solution. Cuthod.es of very pure copper are used and pure copper from the anodes is deposited on them - r hen an electric current is passed through the circuit. Impurities are insoluble in the electrolyte, and fall to the bottom in the slices. T.hen these include trie precious metals they can bo recovered from the re siduc. Civil ngr.~8E Assignment 23. page 3. % The two principal classes of copper are electrolytic copper, v/hich is obtained by the method just described; and Lake copper, v;hich is obtained from ores mined in the Lake Superior region. Copper is a malleable, ductile metal having high electric conductivity and great resistance to atmospheric corrosion. Copper does not cast veil, most copper products being therefore dravm or rolled. Ilechanical working, such as drawing has a greater effect on the physical properties of copper than it does on steel. Hot rolled copper has an ultimate tensile strength of 30,000 Ib. per sq. in., and an elastic limit of 7,000 Ib. per sq. in., -vvith an elongation of 5C^. Cast copper has approximately the same strength but its elongation is much less, being about 7/b. Cold drawn copper in the form of wire, has an ultinate tensile strength of 50,000 Ib. per sq. in., an elastic limit of 30.000 Ib. per sq. in* with an elongation of about 2^. Its modulus of elasticity is about 15,000,000 Ib, per sq. in. The uses of copper are well stated in Article 782. Zinc.- Eead Articles 783,734, 765 and the Daragraph on zinc on page 523. Zinc sulphide, which is known as zinc blendq (ZnS)> is the principal source of zinc. The deposits of zinc carbonate, called zinc spar or calamine (ZnCO^), are being rapidly exhausted. 2.inc silicate (Zn^SiOS- rL-,0) is of lesser importance. The chief deposits ( rr C in the United States are in Wisconsin., .lisscuri and NOT Jersey. Civil Engr.-8B Assignment 28. page 4. Zinc ores are roasted to convert them into the oxides, -rhich are then mixed with carbon and heated. The carbon combines with the oxygen of the oxide and pure zinc is volatilized. The zinc vapor is condensed and poured into ingots. In this form it is known to the trade as spelter. Spelter is rcmelted and rolled into sheet sine. Since zinc is rarely usod as a stress-carrying member of - - i a machine or structure its tensile strength is not important. The fact that it casts well and has a high resistance to atmospheric corrosion makes it adaptable for a protective coating for iron and steel. , which is a " essential ingredient of clays. The bauxite is converted into alumina which is dissolved in molten cryolite (AlPj.SHaF) from ^vhich mixture the metallic aluminum is separated by electrolysis. Aluminum is very light but has considerable strength; it is malleable, non-corrosive, and ductile, and it has high electric conductivity. It is made into various shapes by rolling, pressing, drawing, and casting. Because of its low electric resistance and lightness it is v/ell adapted for use on long-span transmission lines. It is also used for bus-bars and rode in power houses. aside from the uses stated in Article 738 it is used to quiet molten metal before casting, for thermit, which is used in welding (pre*- viously referred to), and in the form of powdered aluminum, as a paint pigment and in explosives. Cast aluminum has a tensile strength of about 13,000 Ib. per sq in. rith an elastic limit of 9,000 Ib. per sq. in. and elongation of 20%. When drawn its tensile strength increases to 30,000 Ib. per sq. in. and its elastic limit to about 20,000 Ib. per sc. in. while its ductility is decreased. Lead.- Read Article 789 and the paragraph on lead on page 522. Galena (?bS) is the only important ore of lead. The United States le?^s in the production of lead. The essential steps in the extraction of lead from its ores are roasting and smelting. There are other secondary operations, ^jaong these is the desilverizing Civil Bngr-8B Assignment 28 page 6 the lea 4, if there are sufficient amounts cf silver present. The properties of lead which are of most importance are its malleability, plasticity, and resistance to atmospheric ccrrogim. Its chief uses ars listed in the text but an important use is omitted, namely, its use in the manufacture of storage battery plates. Tin.- Read article 790. The ores of tin, their occurence, and the method used in extraction of the metal are clearly described in the text. The uses of them are also given. Its high degree of malleability and its resistance to atmospheric corrosion mc.ke it of commercial importance. Tin plate is thin sheet steel (a soft lo*v-carbon steel is used) covered r/ith a coating of pure tin. Nickel.- Read /article 791. Nickel is highly resistant to atmospheric corrosion. It has a silvery appearance and is used to plate iron, steel and other metals. Pure nickel \voulc be an excellent structural material, since its properties ?re similar to those of medium carbon steel, Taut it is too expensive. Alloying nickel with copper to form v/hat is known as monel metal makes the product somerrhat cheaper, iionel metal contains about 67f nickel, 28% copper and b% other metals, among which are iron, silicon, manganese, and carbon. Its values for tensile and compressive strength, and its uses are listed in the te:rt. Its strength compares well with that of steel, and this fact coupled with its great re- sistance to corrosion and the action of sea vater, make it a very desirable naterir.l. Civil Engr.-8B. Assignment 28. . page 7o NON-FERROUS ALLOYS Introduction.- Lietais are alloyed to change their properties. Undesirable properties can "be decreased and desiraole properties G'-.n be increased through the use of alleys. Alloys may be harder, tougher, more ductile, and may have better casting qualities, or greater tensile strength than any of the constituent elements, Furthermore the cost of production can Le lessened. Brasses. - Read Article 722 and 793. An alloy of copper and zinc is knov/n as brass-, la special brasses a third metal is added* Brass and bronze, an a] loy of copper and tin, which vill be discussed later, form the commonest yet the .-lost important of the non-ferrous alloys. They can be cast into the desired shapes or rolled into sheets c.nd rods. Brass can be draivn into -.vire, while bronze is usually cast into shape. In general, brass hrs less strength than bronze. Brasses and bronzes are not so strong c.s iron and steel, but they are less subject to corrosion, and are used ivhere long exposure to moisture is necessary, as in pumps, and for hydraulic fittings. Br<.'.ss is also used as a bearing metal for steel shafts. Brass is relatively expensive, being aboat seven tirr.es more costly than steel. The proportions of copper and zinc, in the manufacture of brass, may be varied ever vide limits. I he figure on page 741 is quite complex. It is sufficient to remember that ~hat is knov;n as standard brass (about 2 parts copper to 1 part zinc) Civil Engr.-8B. Assignment 28. . page 8. is most commonly used of all tne brasses. Jn the cast form its ultimate tensile strength is about 50,000 Ib. per sq. in. and the elongation is about 30%, with a modulus of elasticity of about 13,000,000 Ib. per 54. in. Standard brass is more resistant to corrosion than brasses which contain less copper. Munz metal, 60$ copper to 40% zinc, is not used as much as formerly. Manganese bronze is the nost important of the special brasses. The manganese is added to the brass in the form of ferro-nanganese as a deoxidizer. The effect is to strengthen and harden the alloy. Usually there are only traces of manganese left in the finished product since most of it is fluxed off. Its strength and toughness are equal to those of steel; besides, it is readily cast and is highly resistant to corrosion by sea wtter, alkali vater, and r/eak acids. Bronze.- Read ^irticles 794 and 795. ^J.loys of copper and tin have oeen known since prehistoric times. Commercial bronzes usually contain more than 80^o copper. LJachinery bronze generally contains about 85$ copper. It is used as a bearing inet^l, for cut gears, bushings, stuffing boxes, and plumbing fixtures. Gun netal and bell metal are uhe more important of the simple bronzes. Machinery bronzas, in the cast form, has a tensile strength of about 30,000 Ib. per so. in. with an elongation of 10/i and a modulus of elasticity of 15,000,000 Ib. per sq. in. Civil Engr.-8B ^ssigrnnent 28- pc.ge 0". The special bronzes, copper -tin- zinc alloys, are the most valuable and in most general use. Machinery bronze referred to sbotf-e is usually made with some zinc. The addition of phosphorus to any bronze produces a mcrked increase in its strength and ductility, '.-Then of proper composition, phosphorus -bronze can be dr-^wn cold, forged, rolled, and cast. It is used where high strength '.nd resistance to corrosion are controlling factors, phosphorus, as in the case of manganese, is a strong deoxidizing agent. Only small amounts of residual phosphorus remain in the finished metal. The three -metal alloys (copper-zinc-tin) can be m^de so that they have high strength and considerable ductility. The final properties of the alloy depend upon the mechanical treatment, such as rolling and drawing, as ^ell as upon composition and foundry practice, which Y/ould include temperature of pouring. Cold v/orking, driving, or rolling generally raises the elastic limit uid ultimate strength of these alloys. Season crack:.ng of brass and bronze.- Read Articles 796, 797, and 798. Sound metal in the form of sheets, rods, and tubes vili often develop crocks under service or even while in storage. Crocking of this kind is also produced by corrosion and sudden changes in temperature. It is called season crocking anc sometimes corrosion cracking. Season cracking may be prevented by annealing ana springing. Civil Engr. -SB- ^ssigniaent 28. . page io. Springing is described in the text. Annealing must be carefully done so us not to weaken the metal, especially if it is to be used for springs. The concentration of stresses .at the base of scratches and corrosion pits can be prevented by polishing the metal. These localized stresses are a source of season crack-ing. The chief cause of season cracking is the internal stresses set up in the metal by cold "working. The presence of internal stresses, besides subjecting the metal to possible season cracking, causes distortion, if part of the stresses are relieved by the removal of some of the metal, by boring, or by the cutting of keyivays. This condition exists also in the c^ss of cole 1 rolled steel shafting. Alloys of aluminum.- Read Articles 799 to 803 inclusive. The Uoes of thsse alloys are given in ^tide 799. The principal alloys are aluminum bronze, aluminum-zinc alloys, and duralumin. ^iuminum bronze contains about 90^ copper and 10^' aluminum. Since it contains no tin it is really not a bronze. Aluminum bronze is an alloy of high strength and ~ood ductility. Duralumin contains about 9b% aluminum with copper, magnesium and manganese as indicated in the text. On account of the large percentage of aluminum, it is very light in weight, about 175 Ib. per ctu ft. , as compared with 480 Ib. per cu. ft. for rolled steel. It is used for drawing and rolling. Similar alloys are sold under various trade names but their properties are similar to Civil &npr.-8B ^jssignment 23. tliose of duralumin. These alloys have made the large dirigibles (air ships of the Zeppelin type) possible. In their constr action the strength of stesi with the lightness of aluminum is necessary. Bearing metals.- Read ^jrtidsfi 804 to 808 inclusive. Satisfactory bearing metals must have sufficient compressive strength to withstand the bearing pressure, and they must develop little friction \/hen the surfaces coine into actual contact, as *vhen a shaft stops rotating. j. Yrell oiled bearing in notion vill hr.ve little friction irrespective of the kind of metal used because of the oil film on the moving surfaces but when motion stops the oil film is broken and the metal surfaces come into contact and anti-friction metal is then necessary. Host shafting and sliding p^rts of machines are made of steel; bearings cannot be ma.de of steel because steel surfaces ruboing together v;ould cut and tear each other* Cast iron, bronze, brass, Babbit metal and other anti- friction matals are used. Lead is too soft for a bearing metal. ; L s indicated in Table 4 on page 757, alloys of lead and antimony (used to hirden the lead) are the softest bearing metals. Good bearing metals have a crystalline structure composed of tvjo types of crystal, soft and hard. The hard crystals carry the load r-nc resist wear. The soft crystals yield and allow the harder crystals to adjust themselves to any irregularities in the moving surface, and also wear out belcr.v the actual surface of the bearing, thus forming a surface which readily holds the lubricant. The soft bearing metals, of which Babbitt metal is the bast c^wnift ^y^ o *+. rM reetlv in clr.ce and usually require no machining Civil Engr.-8B Assignment 28. page 12' QUESTIONS 1. Name the metals of greatest industrial importance. HOT; :.re they generally classified? 2. V.hTt are the principal copper bearing ores? 3o HOY; is metallic copper obtained from the sulphide ores? That are the appro:: irac.te tensile strength and elastic limit of hot rolled and cold drawn copper? 5. Vvhat is galvanized iron? HOW is it made? 6. Why is aluminum particularly adapted for use in long-span transmission lines? 7o What are the principal uses for lead e.nd tin? 8. What is monel metal? uhat are its chief characteristics? 9. What is brass? 10. What is bronze? 11. Row does manganese affect the properties of brass? 12. Why is brass that has been i/orked cold more liable to season cracking than orass that has been worked while hot? 13. What precautions can be taken to prevent season cracking? 14. What are the requirements for a good bearing metal? 15. Name the different bearing metals. 16* What ?.re the advantages of bronze over BabDitt metal as a bearing metal? 17. Why would bronze be preferrable to cast iron for a bearing for a steel shaft? UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXIEfc'Sia* DIVISION Correspondence Courses Materials of Engineering Construction Civil Engr-8B Assignment 29 Prof. C. T. Wiskocil FATIGUE OF METALS Introduction: Read Article 821. Fatigue results from the inability of a metal to carry repeated loading rrhich does not stress it in excess of its elastic limit. The fatigue strength or endurance limit, as it is often called, seems to be a definite unit stress, as isrell defined a property as the ultimate tensile strength. Vihen metal parts of machines or structures are subjected to static or impact stresses they either withstand the load or they fail, that is, they are actually ruptured or else rendered un- usable by distortion or deformation. The maximum loading under these conditions can be quite accurately estimated by the results of relatively simple tests; but under conditions of repeated stress such as occur vhen a piece of metal carries a load perhaps a mil- lion times and then suddenly ruptures, the maximum safe load is not so easily determined. The load, up to the time of actual fracture, apparently does no\ damage. This is the characteristic feature of the fatigue of metals. In the design of metal bridges and buildings the loads are kept v/ithin the elastic limit and localized stresses do not cause static failure. It has been estimated that the stresses in mem- bers of an ordinary railway bridge are repeated less than tiro Oivil Eng:*-8B Assignment 29 Page 2 million times during a period of fifty years. In these structures the unit stresses are not large and they are repeated a relatively small number of times. Fatigue, therefore, is not important and the criterion of static strength governs the design. In the case of machine parts, however, fatigue is a major factor. The crankshaft of an airplane motor is subjected to about twenty million reversals of stress in less than 200 hours of fly- ing. The stresses are relatively high since the motor is constant- ly operated at nearly maximum power. The stresses in the shaft of a steam turbine, if operated continuously for ten years, would "be reversed about sixteen billion times. Fatigue, therefore, must te considered in the design of machine and automobile parts such as crankshafts, piston rods, connecting rods, crankpins, springs and axles. If a loud is put upon a piece of steel and then removed, the metal is said to have been subjected to a cycle of stress. Since steel is A homogenous, the minute constituent particles move on one another during a cycle of stress. For a single cycle, if the maximum stress is within the elastic limit, the heat generated by the microscopic movement is not appreciable but if the stress cycle is repeated the rise in temperature of the metal is noticeable The friction, 7/hich presumably causes this heat, finally weakens some minute element to such an extent that it actually ruptures. This failure of some minute element undoubtedly forms a concentrated Civil Engr-8B Assignment 29 Page 3 area of high stress and from this nucleus the fracture spreads to adjacent crystals and the progressive increase in the size of the original cleavage plane or crack causes the failure of the entire member. High localized stress is also formed at the base of sur- face scratches or at the root of a screw-thread or at a minute blow-hole or similar internal defect. These are typical conditions which lead to failure from fatigue. It should be noted too, that failure of machine parts is often the result of a combination of fatigue and damage by occasional overstrain. The relative movement of the elements of minute steel crystals, v.'hen under stress, was first observed by Evring and Rosenhain in 1899 r The movement became evident as dark parallel lines across the faces of individual crystal grains as they were viewed under the microscope when illuminated by oblique lighting. The accomp- anying diagramatic cross- sectional sketch shows how the light would cast sh.".dovs T'hich vould appear as parallel lines, called slip- lines, v.-hen viewed from the direction indicated. Four years later Eving and Humphrey (as will be described under the subject of slip- lines) observed that the slip-lines developed in steel by subjecting Direction of observationL, ^Direction of light *MX *j Polished surface ^-J*~JF of Crystal boundaries not shown Civil Engr-8B Assignment 2-9 Page 4 it to repeated cycles of stress, would develop into microscopic cracks which in turn vrould spread and cause ultimate failure of the entire member. Crystallization of steel: Study Article 822. \flien steel is subjected to a sufficient number of reversals of stress, even though the stress is -within the elastic limit, the induced fatigue makes it liable to sudden rupture. With this type of failure there is no preliminary deformation (read third paragraph on page 779) and the fracture is crystalline as in the case of cast iron or any brittle metal. The appearance of the break and the characteristic suddenness with -which failure occurs gave rise to the theory of the cold crystallization of steel - and it is still popularly be- lieved that fatigued steel becomes crystallized. This misconcep- tion is fostered by the fact that sudden failures display the crystalline structure of a metal, which in the case of gradual failure as in a static test, is disguised by the elongation and necking of the piece due to its ductility. Therefore, when fatigue failure occurs in a ductile metal, such as steel, it is argued that since it brote suddenly with a crystalline fracture the material be- came crystallized, and hence was made brittle, by the induced fatigue . Sudden failure is attributed to brittleness but it is possible to produce a crystalline fracture in a piece of mild steel of known ductility by cutting or sawing a rod .part way through and then completely breaking it by a single blow with a hammer. The . Civil Engr-8E Assignment 29 Page 5 resultant fracture will be granular because the grains haye had no time to elongate and disguise the crystalline structure- The fracture resembles that c.f brittle metals which fail suddenly and without apparent warning. The popular conception of fatigue being caused by vibration and repeated stress under conditions of continuous service is cor- rect, although the deterioration is not produced as easily as is beleived; but the phenomenon implied by the term crystallization does not exist. The crystallization of steel occurs when it^ solidifies from the liquid state, therefore, the metal in the solid state is inherently cyrstalline. The crystalline structure of steel has been repeatedly referred to; see illustrations such as those on pages 628, 632 and 637 in the text. Change in crystal size or recry stallization can nevertheless be produced by thermal treatment. (The increase in grain size by overheating without proper annealing has been discussed under the subject of Steel). The misconception arises in the meaning of the term crystallization because the laymen who still adhere to the theory of cold crystal- lization believe that the fatigue of steel, which occurs under in- fluence of shocks and vibration, produces gradual enlargement of the crystals and corresponding brittleness. Two reports on failures attributed to cold crystallization because of the large crystals appearing in the fracture were later discredited when it was found that the ruptured members had at one time been heated - undoubtedly overheated. These reports appeared Civil Engr-8B Assignment 29 Page 6 in the Engineering Record of December 13, 1913 as an editorial note, and in the Report made on Division Street Bridge Failure in Spokane, Engineering Record, Vol.73, page 29 (January 1, 1916), and also an editorial on the saae subject in the following issue (January 8, 1916). It will be recalled from previous discussions on this subject that fresh fractures of overheated steel show large brilliant facets which are a criterion of the actual struc- ture. The overheating causes an increase in the size of the crystals and a decrease in the strength and ductility of the metal. The large facets in a fatigue failure are formed -while the deterio- ration is in progress by a continuous cleavage plane extending through two or more adjacent crystals which tends to exaggerate the apparent size of the crystals on the surface of the break. But according to Deseh a microscopic examination of the metal be- hind a fatigue fracture shows no change in its structure or in- crease in size of the individual crystals. While crystal size can be increased by thermal treatment there is no evidence that crystal growth of steel can be produced by strain at atmospheric temperatures. This statement is true for nearly all metals. Lead is an exception, however, inasmuch as overstrain by plastic deformation results in a decided crystalline grovrbh in this metal even at atmospheric temperature s The popular idea of cold crystallization of steel still exists, &***. in spite of the fact that the true cause of fatigue, which will be discussed later, was discovered in 1903. The statement :- -.. - _ = -.-'.. . '.. -'-. ' Civil Engr-83 Assignment 29 ' Page 7 is often heard that the axles of Ford automobiles crystallize in service due to continued vibration. This is not to be wondered at since as late as 1915 many engineers still believed in cold crystallization. In THE LIFE OF IRON AND STEEL STRUCTURES by Frank?/. Skinner (consulting engineer, Nev York) Paper No. 107 of the International Engineering Congress, IS 15, San Francisco, California, Volucne on Materials of Engineering Construction, page 442, we find the following statement on the subject of crystalli- zation: "That iron and steel are often found after severe service with a damaged crystalline structure, is undoubted, but it is many times a moot question i/hether this condition vras developed in ser- vice, or during the original manufacture of the metal u In the discussion of the same paper, however, Edgar Marburg cautioned against the perpetuation of the erroneous cold crystallization theory. Slip -lines: Study Article 823; it is very important. Marked progress in the study of the fatigue of metals ?ras made by the English scientists, Swing and Humphrey. Their investigations are remarkable for the accuracy of observation and the ingenious check on their theories- In 1903 the paper "The Fracture of Metals under Repeated Alternation of Stress" explained their experiments and proved that the primary cause of fatigue failure in a ductile metal (steel) was the result of localized deformation which was evident under microscopic observation as a sliding of the crystal elements on each other and the final rupture of individual crystals. : Civil Sngr-CB Assignment 29 page 8 Their test pieces which could be subjected to any desired bending moment, ^ere short rods supported in a revolving mandrel. The region of greatest stress was polished and etched beforehand, for the purpose of observation under the microscope before and after a definite number of revolutions, which produced reversals of stress in the rods. These observations 'were repeated at frequent intervals. The formation of and development of slip-bands or slip -lines, are clearly described in the text. The slip-bands, which were first observed by Ewing and Rosenhain on the polished surface of overstrained metal, mark the boundaries or cleavage planes between the elements of the indi~ vidual crystal as its resistance is weakened by repeated reversal of stress, and it draws out, the elements slipping on each other like a pack of cards. The formation of slip-bands does not involve any change in the crystal arrangement or any increase in crystal size. In normal metal the actual failure or break passes through the crystal. From these phenomena and the observations of Beilby which lead to the discovery of the nature of the surface produced on metals by polishing, we get a satisfactory explanation of the action oi 1 metals under stress. The mechanical movement in polishing causes the extreme outer layer of metal to flow thus forming a skin possibly hundreds of molecules in thickness. Similar but much thinner films of amorphous metal are formed on the surface of intra- crystalline cleavage planes which become so strongly cemented by Civil Engr-8B Assignment 29 Page 9 the hardening of the film, after a period of temporary mobility, that planes where no slip has occurred are weaker in comparison. In this manner the weak portions have their strength increased and a greater stress is necessary to effect slip or deformation than was first required. This process results in the increase in elastic strength of the material when the metal has been over- strained. It has been shown that there is slight movement along the inter crystal line surfaces but it appears that the actual do- ne sion between adjacent crystals is much stronger than that be- tween different layers of the same crystal. This explains the high elastic limit given to drawn wire by the overstraining of the metal as it is drawn through the die. In the action of metal under reversals of stress the slip between different layers of a crystal is continuously reversed in direction and at such frequent intervals that the mobile amorphous film eventually solidifies without cementing the adjacent layers- A microscopic crack develops which weakens that particular crystal, and additional stress is thereby -transferred to adjacent crystals, which undergo slip and gradual deterioration in the same way. Final rupture occurs at a unit stress below the primitive elastic limit* Experiments on fatigue: Read Article 824. The first study of fatigue and its effect on iron and steel was undoubtedly made by Fairbairn who published his results in 1864. His experiments are referred to in the text. In 1870 Wohler presented his data, Civil Engr-8B Assignment 29 ' Page 10 which were talisn during an investigation extending over a period of 12 years. Wohler ! s conclusions are substantially in accord with the latest experimental information. Spangenberg substantiated Wohier's conclusions in 1874, while the famous Baushinger published the results of his work twelve years later. The first information on the true action or mechanism involved in fatigue failure was not knovna until 1903 when Ewing and Humphrey reported their study of metals under repeated stress. Fatigue tests of metals have also been made at the Watertovm Arsenal. Important conclusions were reached in an investigation of the fatigue of metals conducted by The Engineering Experiment Station, University of Illinois, in co- operation with The National Research Council, The Engineering Foundation, and The General Electric Company. The results are re- ported in Bulletin No. 124 of the University of Illinois Engineering Experiment Station, by H. F. Moore and J B Kbmmers (Dated October 1921). The most important conclusion in the Illinois tests was the confirmation of the existence of a limiting stress (see paragraph 4, Figures 1 and 2, and the discussion relating thereto on page 773) ivhich they named the endurance limit, belovr vhich fracture will not occur, no matter hov often the stress is repeated. Their conclusion is, "For the metals tested under reversed stress there was observed a well-defined critical stress at which the relation between unit stress and the number of reversals necessary to cause failure changed markedly. Below this critical stress the metals Civil Bngr-8B Assignment 29 ' Page 11 withstood 100,000,000 reversals of stress, and, so far as can be predicted from test results, vrould have withstood and indefinite number of such reversals. The name endurance limit has been given to this critical stress." Other conclusions will be referred to later The rotating beam type of machine, see Figure 25 on page 71, is most commonly used in repeatsd stress investigations. Effect o heat treatment: Read Article 825. The results of the Illinois investigation are summarized as follov/s: "The test re sluts indicate the effectiveness of proper heat treatment in raising the endurance limit of the ferrous metals tested. It should be noted that an increase in static elastic strength due to heat treatment is not a reliable index of increase of endurance limit rever se under A str ess. Effect of speed: In the Illinois tests the speed was varied from 200 to a maximum of 5,000 r.p.m. and the endurance limit at extreme speeds was not different from that obtained for the same steels when tested at 1,500 r.p.m. The information given in Article 826 is, therefore, inaccurate. Effect of surface condition and change o section: The in- formation given in Article 327 was confirmed by the Illinois in- vestigation. "Abrupt changes of outline of specimens subjected to repeated stress greatly lowered their resistance. Cracks, nicks, and grooves caused in machine parts by wear, by accidents.! blovs, by accidental heavy overload, or by improper heat treatment may Civil Engr-8B Assignment 29 Page 12 cause such abrupt change of outline. Shoulders with short radius fillets are a marked source of weakness." "poor surface finish on specimens subjected to reversed stress was found to te a source of TO a lone ss. This weakness may be explained by the formation of cracks due to localized stress at the bottom of scratches or tool marks." with different heat treatments. composition: Alloy steel s/\such as nickel and chrome - nickel steels, were used in the Illinois investigation. The re- sults showed that the higher the ultimate strength the higher the endurance limit* That is, if a heat treated carbon steel had a higher ultimate strength than a chrome-nickel steel the carbon steel v/ould also have the higher endurance limit. Relation to elastic limit and ultimate : Read Article 829* The conclusion on this subject from the Illinois investigation is as follows: "in th^econnaissance tests made in the field of ferrous metals no simple relation was found between the endurance limit and the elastic limit, however determined. The ultimate tensile strength seemed to be a better index of the endurance limit under reversed stress than was the elastic limit. The Brinell hardness test seemed to furnish a still better index of the en- durance limit a " The mechanism of fatigue as viewed under the mi- croscope is a phenomenon of actual rupture - the crystal elements slide on each other and finally tear apart.- Some microscopic element, an individual crystal, reaches its ultimate strength and starts the crack which produces failure of the entire piece. Civil Engr-SB Assignment 29 Page 13 Under fatigue ^here is no flow of the material such as occurs at the elastic limit, and it seems reasonable that the endurance limit is more closely correlated to ultimate strength than to elastic limit. Te st s beyond the y ie Id point: Read Article 830. Up to the present time no mechanical device has been found in which the specimen can be stressed beyond the elastic limit at a relatively small number of reversals of stress, say less than one million, and the endurance limit thereby predicted. In stress-number of rever- sal curves like those on page 775 in the text, the endurance limit is clearly indicated by a decided break in the curve. For all re- versals of stress over 10 million the curves in the Illinois tests were horizontal lines. The most reliable method of determining the strength to resist repeated loading is to determine the endur- ance limit by testing a series of specimens, subjecting them to re- versals of stresses of various magnitudes, and constructing dia- grams based on stress and number of reversals. The ultimate tensile strength and the Brine 11 hardness tests are less reliable indices of fatigue strength. "Accelerated or short-time tests of metals under repeated stress, using high stresses and consequent small numbers of repeti- tions to cause failure, are not reliable as indices of the ability of metal to with stand millions of repetitions of low stress. ' This is one of the important conclusions of the Illinois tests. Civil-Engr-8B Assignment 29- Page 14 Rapid determinations of fatigue strength: Read Article 831. The rise-in-temperature method suggested by Stromeyer (see page 778 in text) gives promise of becoming a satisfactory commercial method of determining the endurance limit of steel. Temperature measur events were made in connection with the Illinois tests with the following conclusions: "The endurance limit for the ferrous metals tested could be predicted v^ith a good degree of accuracy by the measurement of rise of temperature under reversed stress ap- plied for a fev: minutes." The endurance limit is indicated by the sharp break in the curve drawn between unit stress, and by rise in temperature after 1,000 reversals of stress. Bauschinger l s theory of fatigue failure as explained in Article 832 has never been applied to recent test results. But while it does not imply a change in crystalline structure such as was outlined in the erroneous cold-crystallization theory, it does imply change in the inherent nature of the material. The localized stress theory proposed by Moore and Kommers, therefore, seems more probable. "The effect of external non-homogeneity due to scratches, tool marks, square shoulders and notches is well known. Internal non -homogeneity niay be due to blow-holes, pipes, inclusion of slag, irregularity of crystalline structure on account of the presence of two or more constituents of varying strength, variation in orientation of crystals, or the presence of initial stresses caused by mechanical 7/orking or heat treatment. Owing to the minute area Civil Engr-8B Assignment 29 Page 15 over which it exists, this localized stress produces no appreciable effect under a single load, but under load repeated many times there is started from this area a microscopic crack, at the root of which there exists high localized stress -which under repetition of stress spreads until it finally causes failure. Fatigue failures are not necessarily due to accidental flaws or irregu- larities. Such failures may, in practice, often be due to such causes, but the definiteness of the endurance limits points to the conclusion that the endurance limit is a property of the material just as much as the ultimate strength- If failure is due to flaws, these flaws are an inherent part of the structure of the steel." Articles 832 and 835 inclusive give no information on the phenomenon of fatigue and since the diagrams and formulae were worked out on the basis of incomplete data these articles may be omitted. Endurance limit in terms of ultimate tensile strength: The following is taken from the Illinois report: "in none of the under ferrous metals tested did the endurance limit completely reversed stress fall below 36$ of the ultimate tensile strength; for only one aaetal did it fall below 40^, while for several metals it was more than 50f . However, these metals were to a high degree free from inclusions or .other internal defects; the specimens had no abrupt changes of outline, and had a good surface finish." Endurance limit under repeated stress: A reversed stress is one that varies alternately from tension to compression. A repeated -.V, ; : Civil Engr-88 Assignment 29 Page 16 stress is one which varies from zero to a maximum either in ten- sion or compression. Recent experiments made at the University of Illinois indicate that the endurance limit under repeated stress is approximately 1.5 times that under reversed stress. QUESTIONS: 1. Define fatigue* 2. What is the theory of cold crystallization of steel? 3. Is a crystalline fracture necessarily the result of brittleness? 4. What causes the crystalline appearance of a fatigue fracture? 5. Explain the mechanism of fatigue failure. 6. What is meant by the term endurance limit? How can the en- durance limit be determined? 7. How does heat treatment effect the endurance limit of steel? 8. What is the effect of surface condition and change of sec- tion on the endurance limit of steel? 9. VJhat is tne best criterion of fatigue strength or so-called endurance limit? 10. Can endurance limit be predicted by tests in which the specimen is stressed beyond the yield point of the material? 11. Discuss the value of the rise in temperature of steel under repeated stress as an index of fatigue strength. 12. What is the relation between the endurance limit under re- peated stress and reversed stress? -.,"- ' v .- . * - - . ^. UNIVERSITY 0? CALIFORNIA. EXTEKaiON DIVISION Correspondence Courses .Materials of Engineering Construction Civil Engr.-8B Assignment 30 Prof, C.T.Yttskocil THE CORROSION OF METALS The importance of corrosion* - Study Article 83V. The rapid coating of the light-colored glistening surface of machined iron and steel by a dull layer of oxide is a familiar phenomenon. Prolonged exposure to air and moisture increases the conversion of the netal into a loosely coherent compound known as rust r ;hich has a dark reddish-brown color. The formation of unif ore. coat ing of , a/rust, is not as injurious as the corrosive action known as pitting. The corrosion of iron and steel usually occurs in the latter form, in ivhich small deep holes are eaten into the metal. The importance of protecting exposed ferrous metals against corrosion has long been recognized, but unfortunately the experimental studies made have lead to contradictory results and hence there is little agreement between investigators as to the true mechanics of the phenomenon of corrosion. Corrosion implies the conversion of metallic elements into compounds which are usually insoluble in water. The corrosion of iron and steel is generally known- by the term rusting. Rust, which is a hydrated red-oxide of iron, (Fe 2 <^*H 2 0) occupies about ten times the volume of the original steel. The x in the formula indicates that there is a variable amount of combined water in rust. Oi\-ll Engr.-SB -Assignment 30. page All metals, with the possible exception of gold, are subject to corrosion. In the case of steel, corrosion, when once started, continues until the metal is destroyed; but the thin film of o^ids that forms on the exposed surface of aluminum brings atmospheric corrosive action to a standstill. Ferrous metals are protected by being plated with nickel, although nickel itself corrodes. It is relatively stable, however, because as in the case of aluminum, a surface film of oxide forms and protects the underlying natal. Copper is also one of the stable metals. Upon exposure to the atmosphere the surface of the metal is rapidly converted into the green basic carbonate which retards the cor- rosive action. In spite of the fact that those metals which resist corrosion, such as nickel, aluminum and copper, become coated with a filn which prevents the actual contact between the corroding nedium (a combination of air and moisture) and the metal, little ex- perimental work has been done on the formation of protecting films. If a protecting film is the solution of the rust problem it is evident that it must be a self-healing film. It will be remembered that in the case of the preservative treatment of wood the most effective method was to maintain a perfect toxic coating. If this surface was broken so as. to expose the untreated vood the whole piece was then subject to the attack of fungi Civil Engr.8B Assignment 30, p age 3> which could gain entrance at the break in the protective coating. Parkerized iron resists corrosion "because of a film of oil and phosphate but the film must be unbroken to protect the underlying matal. It is common practice to paint or varnish metals to pro- tect them from atmospheric corrosion. More durable protective films are those of zinc, as on galvanized iron, and nickel, on nicks 1 -plated iron and steel. At the present time (1922) all authorities seem to agree that corrosion of iron will occur only Irst in the presence of both water and oxygen. See /statement to this effect given on page 791 - the sentence in the first paragraph of article 846. Iron will not rust in dry air. Furthermore, when submerged in v/ater from which all the dissolved oxygen has been excluded, iron will n6t rust. The water must be placed in a sealed tube which contains no air. If the surface of the water is exposed to air it will absorb cocygen and the immersed iron will begin to rust* Variation in durability of iron.- Read Article 838. The remarkable state of preservation of the Pillar of Delhi is re- ferted to in this article. Examples of buried cast iron water mains, in which the water is in motion, which have withstood corrosion for long periods are more numerous than examples of exposed iron such as the Pillar of Delhi. It is quite evident, hov/ever, that unprotefcted exposed iron will, in occasional instances only, resist the destructive action of atmospheric corrosion. Any examples are noteworthy. ttivtl r_jiig:r.-8B Assignment 30 Page 4. It should be noted that the destruction of the shin .ic^aera, also referred to in this article was not due to atmo- spheric corrosion. It is obvious that iron Trill be destroyed by electrolytic action. This is referred to in Article 843 under the heading of local couples. Electrolytic action is sometimes referred to as galvanic action. While action of this kind is confaon, many engineers do not take into consederation its pre- vention in their designs, so that replacements are necessary. A striking example occured at the Panama Canal in the corrosion of certain parts of the lock machinery, as noted in Article 843. Electrolytic action was set up between bronze and ..steel and also betv/een babbitt metal and cast-steel. The bronze had to be replaced and the Babbitt metal iras removed and Greenheart, a durable tropical wood, was substituted. This tupe of corrosion -:hich here occured, can be prevented by preventing electrolytic action. Dissimilar metals, in the presence of water, will always be corroded when a closed circuit can be established." TThen the netals cannot be effectively insulated a poor conductor must be used. Bronze bearings in submerged turbines would soon corrode. These bearings are usually made, therefore, of wood such as lignum vitae. Ele ctrolytic action was responsible for the de- struction of the $500,000 yacht Sea Call. As noted in Iron Age, February 1, 1917, the plates of the hull frere made of Monel. iietal and Mere fastened directly to the steel frame of the ship. Civil Engr.-SB Assignment 30 Page 5, The contact of these dissimilar metals set up destructive eloc- t^olytic action. Validity of the acid test.- Read Article 839. AS yet the acid test has not been developed so that it can be used as a measure of resistance to atmospheric corrosion. Relative corrosion of ferrous metals.- Read Article 840. Manufacturers of wrought iron and steel widely advertise the rust resisting qualities of their products. Steel marketed under the trade name of ingot iron is advertised as being particularly durable. Few comparative tests have been made by disinterested parties, so that the relative durability of these metals is not accurately knorm. Une relative rust-resistive qualities of ur ought iron and steel are therefore much disputed. Read Articles 841 to 845 inclusive. Pitting and local couples have already been referred to. It has been knoivn for a long time that dissolved air stimulates corrosion* The uncertainty as to the true action of atmospheric corrosion is demonstrated by the varied practice of the steel manufacturers. Some attempt to secure the maximum purity r/hile others, add copper, a foreign metal, in the attempt to obtain increased durability. The com- mittee on Corrosion of Iron and Steel of the American Society for Besting Materials have recently reported that, "copper -bear ing metal ; shows marked superiority in rust-resisting properties as compared to non-copper-bearing metal of substantially the same Civil 3ngr.-8B Assignment 30. page 6. general composition." It should be noted that copper, in copper- bearing steels, is no protection when the steels are immersed in liquids. :iill-scale, the black oxide of iron (Fe^O/), forms a good protective coating, but unfortunately it is brittle and is easily broken. If an unbroken layer could be maintained, no further treat- ment would be necessary. Since this is impractical the best prac- tice is to remove the mill-scale before applying any of the common metal or paint coatings. The Electrolytic Theory of Rusting.- Read Article 846. The follor/ing statement is taken from Cushman and Gardner, see references listed at the bottom of page 787. " Iron has a certain solution tension.; even -when the iron is chemically pure and the solvent pure -water, the solution tension is modified by impurities or additional substances contained in the metal and in the solvent. The effect of the slightest segregation in the metal vill throw the surface out of equilibrium, and the solution tension will be greater at some points than at others. The points or nodes of maximum solution pressure v/ill be electro-positive to those of minimum pressure, and a current will flow, provided the surface points are in contact, through a conducting film. If the film is water, cr in any way moist, the higher its conductivity the faster the iron will pass into solution in the electro-positive areas, and the faster the corrosion proceeds. Positive hydrogen ions Civil Engr.-3B Assignment 30. Page 7. migrate to the negative areas, negative hydroxyls to the positives. "If the concentration of the hydrogen ions is sufficiently high, the hydrogen ions will exchange their electrostatic charges w:th the iron atoms sweeping into solution, and gaseous hydrogen is seen escaping from the system. This takes place \vhenever iron is dissolved in an acid. If, however, as is usual in ordinary rusting, the acidity is not high enough to produce this result, the hydrogen ions r/ill polarize to a great extent around the positive nodes vdthout accomplishing a complete exchange. This polarization effect resists and slows dcr.m action. Nevertheless, some exchange takes place and iron slowly pushes through." According to this theory iron goes into solution as a result of electro-chemical action similar to that which occurs in a simple form of primary cell. Carbonic acid theory.- According to this theory, which is also mentioned in Article 846, iron will not rust without the action of carbonic or some other acid. This explanation of the corrosion of iron is plausible but the theory has been discredited by investigators who have made iron rust in water containing oxygen without a trace of carbon dioxide. In fact they have made iron corrode in slightly alkaline solutions in which the effect of any acid v/ould have been neutralized. Due to the controversial status of the subject of corrosion the remainder of this chapter in the text is not important. It should be read, however, and the following points noted: Civil Sn^r.-SB Assignment 30. Page 8. The electrolytic action between strained and unstrained metal as explained in Articles 852 and 853 is sometir.es of im- portance.. Article 855 on the protection of iron and steel against corrosion is, in a "way, repetition, since many of the nethods mentioned have already "been referred to. Surface coatings of painx protect steel quite well against atmospheric corrosion. Two thin coats are better than one thick one. The results observed from prolonged exposure under v/ater shor.v that painted steel is not protected against corrosion. ^.t one time, alkalies "were supposed to inhibit corrosion but it has been shov/n that weakly alkaline solutions of many salts induce corrosion. It has been found very difficult to protect iron and steel laid in alkali soils from the destructive effects of pitting. The difference between atmospheric corrosion and the often preventable galvanic action between unlike metals, and corrosion caused by stray currents should be recognized. Civil Engr.-83 Assignment 30. Pa^e 9. QUESTIONS 1. What is rust? 2. Yifhat is meant by corrosion? 3. Why is pitting more destructive than a uniform coating cf rust? 4. Explain the reason for the relative stability of aluminum, nickel and copper when subjected to atmospheric corrosion, 5. What is the chief requisite for protecting films? 6. Why do unlike netals such as steel and bronze corrode when placed in contact under water? 7. Why are submerged turbine bearings made of wood? 8. Discuss the value cf copper in copper -be a ring steels as a means to increase the durability of steel against corrosion. 9. Give a clear statement of the electrolytic theory of corrosion. 10. Explain the acid theory of corrosion. 11. Why is the acid theory an unsatisfactory explanation of the corrosion of iron and steel? 12. What methods are used to protect steel from corrosion? Civil Engr.-SB Assignment 30. Page 10. (Special) Summary of important physical properties of materials given in the order in which they r:ere studied. Approximate values given. Material Compressive Strength, lb. per sq, in, Ilodulus of Rupture lb. per sq. in Modulus of Elasticity, lb per sq. in. Granite 20,000 1,500 8,000,000 Douglas Fir (air dry) (parallel to grain) 7,000 10,000 1,500,000 (perpendicular to grain) 900 Building brick 4,000 1,000 6,000,000 Paving brick 10,000 2,000 6,000,000 Hollow tile (on end) 7,000 4,000,000 Portland cement (neat) (6 mo. )10,000 1,OCO Portland cement mortar 1.6 1,000 300 (6 no.) Gyp sun 1,500 400 1,000,000 Magnesite stucco 2,700 Tension 500 ; Ftear 3,000,000 Concrete (1 to 6 at 28 days) 2,000 200 1 ,000 2,000,000 Tensile strength lb. per sq. in. Elastic Unit Ult iuate Fr ought iron 30,000 50,000 Steel (6. 2$;carbon ) 30,000 60,000 Plo-u steel iire 170,000 250,000 Cast iron (gray)* 20,000 Halleabie cast iron 20,000 45,000 Copper(hot rolled) 7,000 30,000 *4uninun (draT/n) 20,000 30,000 Iionel netal (Rolled) 50,000 85,000 Brass (Cast) 50,000 Bronze (Cast) 30,000 Compressive strength lb, per sq, in* 30,000 30,000 70,000 20,000 percentage codulus elongation of Elastic- ity, lb. per sq.in. 35 27,000,000 35 30,000,000 5 30,000,000 15,000,000 7 20,000,000 50 - 40 20,000,000 30 13,000,000 10 15,000,000 *;iodulus of rupture 45,000 lb. per- sq. in. YE 03745 Library UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. FNG1NEERING LiBRAnt /- 1950 i 1950