frA The Fotygraft Album Shown to the New Neighbor by Rebecca Sparks Peters Aged Eleven ^m 1 Drawings and Text by Frank Wing Chicago The Reilly & Britton Co. Copyright, 1915 by The Reilly & Britton Co. First Edition Published May 7, 1915 Second Edition Published Aug. 23, 1915 Third Edition Published Nov. 10, 1915 Fourth Edition Published Dec. 15, 1915 TUON 2030202 "Why, how d'do, Mrs. Miggs? Come right on in. Ma's jist run over t' Smith's a minute t' borruh some thread and some m'lasses and a couple uh aigs. Aw! yes, come on she'll be right back. Let's see: S'pose we set on th' sofa and I'll show yuh th' album, so's yuh'll kinda begin t' know some of our folks. We like t' be real neighborly and make new folks feel t' home. There! now we're fixed. " This here first one's ma when she was little. Ain't she cute? Her Uncle Seth kep' a store up t' Davenport and he give her them furs. Real mink, I think it was. " Turn over." " That's Aunt Mary Jane Darnell. Her jimp- son-weed salve and peach perserves was th' best he ever see, pa says. She couldn't abide a man that primped." *' Them's grampa and gramma Sparks, ma's pa and ma. Grampa liked bees and made lots of money off'm honey. He was awful good t' gramma. ' ' Ma says you kin allus trust a bee man. ' ' " Here's Ferdinand Ashur Peebles, a favo- rite cousin of ma's. He ain't got much time fer them 't ain't so good as what he is, so pa don't like him so very well. Says he's a hip- percrit. One time ma was showin' this pitch- ure t' somebody and she says, ' This is a boy we're proud of: Cousin Ferd, full of good works ' ' and prunes,' pa puts in, and it made ma awful mad. " Turn over." " Them's pa's pa and ma, grampa 'n' gramma Peters. Jist look at her feet! All her folks toes in even pa, some, but he denies it. Gram- pa's got a turribul temper. Onct he was up in a tree a-sawin' out limbs and a little branch scratched him onto his head and he turned round quick's a wink, a-snarlin', and bit it right smack off. Fact! " " That's Sophrony Ann Gowdey, kind of a distant cousin of ma's. She's gifted weth th' secont sight. Onct when grampa lost his false teeth they called her in and she set right here in this room and tranced and after a bit she woke up suddent and says, wild like, ' Seek ye within th' well! ' she says; so they done it, but they didn't find 'm. But only a week after- wards, when they cleaned th' cistern, there them teeth was. Pa says, ' Well, anyhow, Phrony knowed they was in th' damp,' he says. " Turn over." " That's Uncle Mel Burgstresser. Don't he look like Charles Dickens, th' great Scotch poet, though? I think he does, exactly. He's ma's uncle, but he's sich a nice man that even pa likes him. They can't nobody help likin' him, he's so nice; but ever 'body laughs at him, he says sich blunderin' things sometimes. Onct when Aunt Alviny (that's his wife) was a-makin' oyster soup, Uncle Mel he come and looked over her shoulder and says, ' Put lots o' water in it, mother, 'cause I'm hungry,' he says. " Turn over." " That's my cousin, Willie Sparks, same age as me but not when that pitchure was took. He wasn't only 9 then. Don't he look awful meek? But mebbe you think he ain't got a temper! One time when his pa come home from work after dark and Willie ain't got his chores done, he scolded him, and when Willie brung in th' coal fer th' kitchen stove he was cryin' and he jist hauls off, he's s' mad, and kicks th' stove an awful welt, and says, ' Yuh will burn coal, will yuh! ' he says. " Turn over." I " That's ma's cousin, Rebecca, and her man, took th' day they was married. Him and her quarreled somethin' awful, she gener'ly havin' th' upper hand. I was named after her." 11 That there's Peletiah Parrett, a friend of pa's since they was boys. He's a singin' school teacher and he's been to our house lots of times, but he lives at Ohio. He kin sing awful good. You'd jist ort t' hear him sing well, I fergit what th' name of th' piece is but it goes like this: " ' Three dretful groans he heered And then her ghost appeared From head t' foot besmeared Weth purple gore.' " "Pa's cousin Stella, dressed up in some of her ma's old clothes fer a mask ball. Pa drawed in that streak and that printin'. He's a reg'lar artist and he ain't never had a lesson in his life, neither. " He calls this pitchure ' Stella as Ajax defyin* th' lightnin'! ' " " Here's Deacon Samuel Phillips. He mar- ried ma's greatuncle Myron's widow, but I don't know what relation that makes him t' us. He's an awful good man, but clost. Pa says onct he got an awful jolt t' Chicago, where him and some other men went t' sell their stock. It seems that after they got their tradin' done they went down town t' one of them stylish hotels fer dinner. Deacon hadn't never been in one of them places before and didn't know noth- in' 'bout 'm. There was breaded veal cutlets on th' bill-of-fare and Deacon liked 'm, so he ordered 'm, along with a lot of other stuff, with- out noticin' th' price. Bimeby th' bill come, . and it was fer two-fifty. ' Two-fifty! ' the dea- con hollers. * Why Heck! man, I kin buy a calf fer that money! ' he says. " Turn over." :. '