INDIAN AND SON ORT RI "-■^i l-l". \ir:. ^S|: pfc >« JcE c n 1 i INDIAN STORY AND SONG FROM NORTH AMERICA INDIAN STORY AND SONG FROM NORTH AMERICA By ALICE C. FLETCHER Holder of the Tbaiv Felloivsbip Peabody Museum Harvard Uni-versity Boston Small Maynard & Company Publishers Copyright y igoo. By Alice C. Fletcher Entered at Stationers' Hall To MY INDIAN FRIENDS from whom i have gathered Story and Song 5b»)'> V PREFACE. At the Congress of Musicians held in connection with the Trans-Mississippi Exposition at Omaha in Julyi l8g8f several essays upon the songs of the North American Indians were read, in illustration of which a number of Omaha Indians, for the first time, sang their native melodies to an audience largely composed of trained musicians. This unique presentation not only demonstrated the scientific value of these aboriginal songs in the study of the development of music, but suggested their avail- ability as themes, novel and characteristic, for the American composer. It was felt that this availabil- ity would be greater if the story^ or the ceremony which gave rise to the song, could be known, so that, in developing the them,e, all the movements might be consonant with the circumstances that had inspired the motive. In response to the expressed desire of many musicians, I have here given a number of songs in their matrix of story. Material like that brought together in these pages has hitherto appeared only in scientific publications, where it has attracted the lively interest of specialists both in Europe and America. It is now offered in PREFACE a more popular fornti that the general public may share with the student the light shed by these untutored melodies upon the history of music ; for these songs take us back to a stage of development antecedent to that in which culture music appeared among the an- cients, and reveal to us something of the foundations upon which rests the art of music as we know it to-day. Many of the stories and songs in this little book are now for the first time published. All have been gath- ered directly from the people , in their homes ^ or as I have listened to the earnest voice of the native priest explaining the ancient ceremonials of his fathers. The stories are close translations^ losing only a cer- tain picture squeness and vigour in their foreign guise ; but the melodies are exactly as sung by the Indians. Indian myths embodying cosmic ideas have passages told in song J tribal legends have their milestones of song, folk-tales at dramatic points break into song ; but into these rich fields I have not here entered. This collection reveals something of the wealth of musical and dramatic material that can be gleaned outside of myth, legend, and folk-lore among the natives of our country. Aside from, its scientific value, this music possesses PREFACE a charm of spontaneity that cannot fail to please those who would come near to nature and enjoy the expres- sion of emotion untrammelled by the intellectual control of schools. These songs are like the wild flowers that have not yet come under the transforming hand of the gardener ALICE C. FLETCHER. Peabody Museum, Harvard University. Ix CONTENTS. Story and Song of the He-dhu^-shka .... 3 Story and Song of IshM-buz-zhi 14 Story and Song of the Leader 21 The Omaha Tribal Prayer 26 Story and Song of the Bird's Nest 30 A Trysting Love-song 34 Story and Song of the Deathless Voice ... 39 Story and Song of Zo^v^-zi-moa^-de 45 Love-song. Poetical Transcription by Miss E. D. Proctor 49 Story and Song of the Wren 53 The Omaha Funeral Song 57 Story and Song of the Mother's Vow .... 61 A Love-call 68 A Game Song from the North-west Coast . . 70 Story and Song of the Indian Coquet .... 74 An Old Man's Love-song 77 Story of the WE^-TOiv Song 81 A Pawnee Love-song 86 Story and Song of a Warrior 88 The Mocking-bird's Song 94 A Song of the Ghost Dance 96 Sacred Songs of Peace loi Comforting the Child 108 Music in Indian Life 114 The Relation of Story and Song 120 LIST OF SONGS. Pagb. The Insignia of Thunder (Omaha) 6 The Warrior's Prayer (Omaha) 9 The Laugh (Ponka) 13 ISH^-i-BUZ-ZHi. Dance Song (Omaha) 18 The Leader's Song (Omaha) 24 Tribal Prayer (Omaha) 29 The Bird's Nest (Pawnee) 33 Trysting Love-song (Omaha) 36 The Deathless Voice (Dakota) 42 Zoiv^-zi-MOA^-DE (Omaha) 45 Love-song. Poetical Transcription by Miss E. D. Proctor (Omaha) ^o The Wren (Pawnee) 54 Song to the Spirit (Omaha) 58 The Mother's Vow (Dakota) 66 A Love-call (Omaha) 69 Game Song (Vancouver's Island) 72 The Indian Coquet (Omaha) 75 An Old Man's Love-song (Omaha) 78 We-'-toa^ Song (Dakota) 84 Love-song (Pawnee) 87 A Warrior's Song. Mi^-ka-thi (Ponka) 92 Mocking-bird's Song (Tigua) 95 Song of the Ghost Dance (Arapaho) . k . . . 98 Choral. Sacred Song of Peace (Omaha) 105 The Gift of Peace (Otoe) 107 Kawas, thy Baby is crying (Pawnee) 109 xiii LIST OF SONGS Pags. Thy Father is coming (Pawnee) iii Look Up (Pawnee) 113 Prayer for Rain (Mexico) 123 KwAKiUTL Song (British Columbia) 123 XIV INDIAN STORY AND SONG STORY AND SONG^ OF- T«t:'%':" HE-DHU'-SHKA.* It had been a warm September day ; and I was rest- ing in my hammock, swung from a wide-spreading tree that stood near the tent of my Indian host. We had partaken of our evening meal beside an out- door fire. The mother was busy clearing away the supper dishes, the men had gone off to look after the horses, the children had fallen asleep, and I lay watching the shadowy darkness come out of the east and slowly pursue the glowing trail of the retreat- ing sun, thinking of the Indian's imagery of night ever haunting and following upon the track of day, seeking to gain the mastery. I was aroused from my musings by hearing the mother say, *'It is chilly!" for the fire had died down, and the deep blue of twilight was all about us. She dropped beside the embers, blew them into a feeble blaze, threw on fresh wood, that crackled and sent up a shower of sparks and soon bright yellow flames illumined the under side of the branches beneath which I was swinging. The call of the fire summoned one tall form after * In the Indian words and vocables the voweU have the continental sound. G is hard, as in ^^ ; ^ is like ih in the ; ih, as in thin ; « as in French en. ;: ; INDIAN STORY AND SONG bother otit of tbe dusky surroundings, and around the blazing logs robes were spread here and there, on which the men reclined. By and by the women came and dropped down near the fire, and added the treble of their voices to the deep tones of the men, as the chat of the day's occurrences went on. It was a peaceful, picturesque scene upon which I looked ; and by very contrast my thoughts reverted to the preceding evening, when I had attended a meeting of the He-dhu'-shka, society composed of warriors. The gathering had been in a large tent; and, as the night was warm, the bottom of the tent cover had been lifted to let the breeze blow through. This had given an opportunity for the crowd outside to look within and watch the cere- mony and the dramatic dance. To the right of the door, in two circles around the drum, sat the choir of men and women, all in their gala dress. Each mem- ber of the society, wrapped in his robe, with meas- ured steps entered the tent, and silently took his seat on the ground against the wall. The cere- mony had opened by the choir singing the ritual song which accompanied the act of charring the elder wood with which the face of the Leader was afterward to be painted. As memory brought back 4 THE HE-DHU'-SHKA the scene in vivid colours, — the blazing fire in the centre of the wide circle of muffled warriors, the solemn aspect of the Leader awaiting the prepara- tion of the elder wood, and his strange appearance after the painting of his face, — I pondered wonder- ingly as to what it all might signify. In my per- plexity I spoke from my hammock to one of the elder men in the group before me : — ** Grandfather, I wish you would explain to me the meaning of what I saw yesterday at the He-dhu'- shka Society. Tell me why the Leader put black on his face." My friend was accustomed to my questionings, and all eyes were turned toward him as he replied : **The Leader put the black cloud over his face, because the black cloud is worn by Thunder when it comes near to man. The song sung while this is being done tells that the Leader is making ready and impatiently awaits the commands of the ap- proaching god of war. "... This is the song which accompanied the prepara- tion and the putting on of the insignia of the thun- der god. The music is expressive of the tremulous movement of the leaves, of the flying of the birds, of the stir of all nature before the advancing storm, 5 i PUTTING ON THE INSIGNIA OF THE THUNDER GOD. Omaha. He-dhu' -shka. Harmonized by Prof. J. C. Fillmore. Mysteriously and with Agitation. d — ^ — 4- ¥-fc^ S^fctfcizj: izzt ^g ^ i=r'=^F=^E=Ff tat Non-g'dhe dhe-te hi-dha-ki-un te dhon-hi-de, Double Drum Beat. #-|t ^ p; t : 24_LLai— g— H ^ a^ p^rf. 4 4 4* * /'«rf. ^ ^ ^ | -F^ ^ Non-g'dhe dhe-te hi-dha-ki-un te dhon-hi-de, H i .rn — ^^- — ^ « 5 ^^^ t=x ^ -■»— 1^ * Ped. :je i M: ?f^ fn ^ p^ T^-i^-i^ ni- -& It -& -^ Non-g'dhe dhe-te hi-dha-ki-un te dhon-hi-de Wi in.n i iin ^m n f %r Utt PedT PUTTING ON THE INSIGNIA. I M t=A m: Non-g'dhe dhe-te hi-dha-hi-un te dhon-hi-de, F ^ P peel :f=f=P:ri ^±5 Z'^^. i tJ: a Non-g'dhe dhe-te hi-dha-ke-un te dhon-hi-de. m H— Try t—J^ ^y "^"^^ /w. INDIAN STORY AND SONG typifying the stirring of the heart of man when sum- moned to fight the enemies of his people. At the close of the song and ceremony of blacken- ing the Leader's face, I had seen the Leader take the pipe belonging to the society, fill it, and rever- ently lift the stem upward. "When the Leader's face is painted," continued the old man, '*he offers the pipe to Wa-ko«'-da (god). The words of the song then sung mean: Wa-ko«'-da, we offer this pipe (the symbol of our unity as a society). Accept it (and us). All the members must join in singing this prayer, and after- ward all must smoke the pipe." **The He-dhu'-shka Society is very old," contin- ued my friend. "It is said to have been in exist- ence at the time when the Omahas and the Ponkas were together as one tribe. There is a song with a dance which must be given at every meeting. It is to keep alive the memory of a battle that took place while we were migrating westward, and where defeat would have meant our extermination as a tribe. I will tell you the story.* "One morning the tribe, whose country had been invaded by the Ponkas, made an unexpected assault * The translation given is by my collaborator, Mr. Francis La Flesche. 8 i PRAYER OF THE WARRIORS BEFORE SMOKING THE PIPE. Omaha. He-dhu* -shka. Harmonized by Prof. J. C. Fillmore. strt ^ m& *^ 1^ S 9 t w- & f^ Wa-kon-da dha-ni ga dhe ke, Wa-kon-da dha - ni Double Drum Beat.^ -#- :> => ~A.± ^ Con Pe< It^^- qtlZpE II I - I: U 'U \J m ■E^ ^- H— 11 i PS N— t- r^ ga dhe ke, Wa - kon-da dha - ni ga dhe ke, E- ^ :p=5C I L I r G7« Pgd. m I yg-T-T :3=J: I :«: ha dha-ni hin ga we dho he dho. V I n n . n J? g^i iL>^>"^ i j ^"^^ INDIAN STORY AND SONG upon the camp of the invaders. For a time it seemed as though the Ponkas would fare badly at the hands of their assailants, who were determined to drive out or destroy the intruders; but after a desperate struggle the Ponkas pushed their enemies back from the outskirts of the village, until finally their retreat became a rout. Both sides suffered great loss. The ground was strewn with the dead, and the grass stained with the blood of the warriors who fell in the battle; but the victory was with us, and we had conquered the right to dwell in that country. *'At the outset of the conflict a man bent with age emerged slowly from the door of one of the tents. The breezes played with his long white hair as he stood leaning on his staff, shading his face with one hand and looking intently in the direction whence came the noise of battle. As he recognised the voice of a warrior rushing to the fray, imitating as he ran the cry of some animal (his tutelary god), the aged man called after him : ** *Once more! Once more be the undaunted warrior you have hitherto been! Utter aloud your mystic cry, and make the enemy to tremble with fear!' lO THE HE-DHU'-SHKA "If a youth passed by, singing his death song, the old man would ask : — ** *Who is that young man? He promises well.* Upon being told whose son he was, the aged man shouted : *Ho-o ! You have the spirit of your father. Be like him : turn not your face from the foe ! ' **A11 day the old man stood at his door as though rooted to the ground. As the hours sped on, fainter and fainter grew the shouts and the cries of the con- tending men, until finally the sounds died away. Even then the venerable man moved not from his tent, but still stood watching. Lower and lower dropped the sun toward the western horizon, and all through the village anxious faces were turned in the direction whence the last sound of the fight had been heard. Suddenly a woman cried, — ** * There they come ! ' *'At her words the old man leaned forward, straining his dim eyes to discern the distant figures on the far-off hill. In single file, on the warriors came, one preceding another, according to the grade of the honours he had won in the battle. The Her- ald hastened forth from the village to meet them and to learn their tidings. After a halt he turned and came on in advance of the men, shouting as he It INDIAN STORY AND SONG came near the village the names of those who had fallen in battle. As each name was called, the wife or mother of the slain man rent the air with sudden cry and wail, so that the whole village vi- brated with the sound of sorrow as the victorious warriors drew near. In the midst of all this com- motion the aged watcher remained motionless, giv- ing no sign of emotion as the wailing grew in vol- ume, and stirring not even when he heard the names of his two sons called in the long death-roll. *'As the warriors entered the village., the Herald proclaimed the names of those who had distinguished themselves in that memorable fight. Slowly the men of valour approached their aged chief, who bowed acknowledgment as each one spoke and laid at his feet a trophy of war. ** Among the veterans came a young warrior, who, in this his first battle, had, in a hand to hand con- test, wrenched a club from the grasp of his antago- nist, and had slain the enemy with his own weapon. This club he presented to the old man, recounting the deed. The chief, lifting the weapon, exclaimed with a dramatic laugh : 'Ha, ha, ha ! It is thus you should treat your enemies, that they may fear you. My exhortations to our young men have not fallen THE HE-DHU'-SHKA on deaf ears. Those who sought to destroy our people lie scattered and dead on the ground. Wherever their shadows may wander, even there the fear of you shall be. The enemy sought to make me weep, but I laugh. * And the old man danced to his triumphant laugh for the victory of that day. '* SONG OF THE LAUGH. Ponka. He-dhu'-shka, Ha, ha, ha ha ha ! Ha ha ! hi hi ! ha ha ! hi ! So this was the meaning of the monotonous song that had accompanied the opening dance I had seen at the He-dhu'-shka Society, where the dancer, with body bent and with short rhythmic steps, had kept time to the dramatic laugh of the song, — a song that had seemed so aimless to me only the night before. ** Every song of the Society has its story which is the record of some deed or achievement of its members," said another old man who was lying beside the fire. **I will tell you one that was known to our great-great-grandfathers," and rising upon his elbow he began : — 13 THE STORY AND SONG OF ISH'-I-BUZ-ZHI. **LoNG ago there lived an old Omaha Indian couple who had an only child, a son named Ish'-i-buz-zhi. From his birth he was peculiar. He did not play- like the other children ; and, as he grew older, he kept away from the boys of his own age, refusing to join in their sports or to hunt with them for small game. He was silent and reserved with every one but his mother and her friends. With them he chatted and was quite at ease. So queer a little boy could not escape ridicule. The people spoke of him as one 'having no sense,' and it seemed as though he would have no friends except his parents and a few women intimates of his mother. ** During the long winter evenings, when the old men who came to his father's lodge talked of bygone times and told tales of ancient heroes, this silent, seemingly heedless boy caught and treasured every word. He noted that the stories said that the mighty men of early days were armed only with clubs. He mused on this fact, and determined to make himself such a weapon. So he fashioned a M ISH'-I-BUZ-ZHI four-sided club, practised with it in secret, and kept it constantly with him. He was well laughed at because he clung always to his club and would not learn the use of the bow; but he kept his own counsel, and, as the years went on, no one knew that the Sparrow-hawk had talked to him in a vision, and that he had become possessed of two of its sacred feathers. "One day when Ish'-i-buz-zhi had grown to be a man, he heard a group of warriors discussing plans for an expedition against a tribal enemy. He de- termined to go with them ; but he said nothing, and silently watched the men depart. That night he stole away and followed the trail of the warriors. In the morning one of the servants of the war party discovered him and reported to the Leader, who ordered that he be brought in. When the men saw that it was Ish'-i-buz-zhi, they joked him, and asked why he who cared only for the company of old women had come to them ; but the Leader rebuked the warriors and received the youth kindly, and, when he found that the young man was not properly provided with clothing, bade his followers to fit him out from their own supplies. They obeyed, and they also made him a bow of ash and gave him some arrows. 15 INDIAN STORY AND SONG ** After many days' travel the party drew near to the enemy. A scout discovered their camp and re- ported having seen one of their men. At once the warriors prepared for battle, putting on the sacred paint and divesting themselves of unnecessary gar- ments, which they handed over to Ish'-i-buz-zhi to take care of during the fight. But the young man had his own plans, and went to the Leader and asked permission to go and look at the enemy. With many cautions not to give an alarm and prevent sur- prise, the Leader consented, and off Ish'-i-buz-zhi started. *' Catching sight of the enemy, he threw away his bow, and, armed only with his club, rushed suddenly upon the foremost man, overthrew and killed him. When the war party came upon the scene, they saw with amazement what he had done, — how by the might of his single arm he had killed the Leader of the enemy and scattered his warriors. **0n the return of the Omaha men to their village the Herald, according to custom, proclaimed the deed of Ish'-i-buz-zhi. The old mother sitting in her tent heard his words, and called to her husband: " *What is this that I hear.^ Go you out and learn the truth. ' i6 ISH'-I-BUZ-ZHI *' *It is only their ridicule of our boy,' said the old man, loath to stir. *' The Herald cried again, and the old man arose and stood at the door of the tent. Then of a truth he learned that, single-handed, his son had van- quished the enemy. Again and again did Ish'-i- buz-zhi join war parties, and he was always the foremost to meet the enemy and to scatter them with his club. "Many tales are told of him ; for he was fond of joking, and was often absent-minded. It is said that his wife was skilled in embroidery, and would decorate his moccasins with fine porcupine quill work; and it disturbed her to see him put them on to go out of a morning when the dew was on the grass. So she took him to task for his thoughtless- ness. ** 'While the grass is wet,'" said she, ** *carry your moccasins in your belt. * **He obeyed; but he forgot to put them on when the grass was dry, and came home with feet bruised and sore, and his moccasins still in his belt. "But these peculiarities no longer provoked ridi- cule, as when Ish'-i-buz-zhi was a boy; for as a man, generous and strong, he was beloved by the people. 17 DANCE SONG. (Ichibuzzhi.) Omaha. He-dhU'Shha, Harmonized by Prof. J. C. Fillmork. Presto. Light and Spirited. ^ T^r^ y t t P - ?-^-F-H t ^^ Ni - ka wi - ta wa-gun-dha ti - be - no, A A A A A A /Vi. y \ \ 1^ 1 ^ 1 j^ 1^-^ \, — . ^ ^ life m^ f ff-r Shu-b'dhe adhin-he on-don-ba i ga ho. Shu- s gi§ a- p^^. i ^^ N i<^:r ^ BE5 i=:3i b'dhe adhin-he on-don-ba i ga ho. a^. ^ ^^ ^ i* — V- * />««; i fF2y// spirit. 5£K iizi -* -m-f^ on-zhin-ga ha, dha - dhu anon-zhin on - don-ba ga, hin W>— jV m ^s Jsdi i ff'///^ Solemnity. ■\r^=^ W^H ^ r ^T^^-^t^ ^ he. V Wa W ^ Icon - da hi - dhe-g'dhon ^ * Z'^^. SONG OF THE LEADER. i^ :£ .K..N i ^—7^=^ — ^ S i=ti? be dho he dhoe. On - don - ba ga m ^ 33 i b ^- ,:? ^^ "* Z'^^. t=:iM i s^ Sha-on-zhin - ga ha dhe - dhu he. ^ ?== ^ -=M/- ^=^ /'(fdT. i t liz^i* J: anon-zhin on - don - ba ga he Wa- =1= f ^5 :i^* ^3 fei i 5r^ /•^f/. i^«// fl«^ Solemn. ^^^^^^ kon - da hi dhe-g'dhon be dho he 3F^ ^s==i I THE OMAHA TRIBAL PRAYER. According to the Omaha idea, a child during its infancy had no recognised existence as an individual or distinct member of the tribe, but remained as a part of its parents. When it could walk alone, at about three years of age, it was initiated into the tribal organisation through certain religious rites; but its responsible and individual life did not begin until its mind had ** become white," as the Indians say. This expression referred to the dawn, to the passing of night into day, and represented the com- ing of the child out of the period where nothing was clearly apprehended into a time when he could readily recall past events with their distinctness of detail. This seeming mastery of the minutiae of passing occurrences indicated that a stage of growth had been reached where the youth could be inducted into the religious mysteries through a distinct personal experience acquired in the rite, No?^'- zhi«-zho;^, — a rite which brought him into what was believed to be direct communication with the supernatural powers. In preparation for this rite the Omaha youth was taught the Tribal Prayer. He was to sing it during 26 THE OMAHA TRIBAL PRAYER the four nights and days of his vigil in some lonely place. As he left his home, his parents put clay on his head; and, to teach him self-control, they placed a bow and arrows in his hand, with the in- junction not to use them during his long fast, no matter how great the temptation might be. He was bidden to weep as he sang the prayer, and to wipe his tears with the palms of his hands, to lift his wet hands to heaven, and then lay them on the earth. With these instructions the youth departed, to enter upon the trial of his endurance. When at last he fell into a sleep or trance, and the vision came, of bird, or beast, or cloud, bringing with it a cadence, this song became ever after the medium of commu- nication between the man and the mysterious power typified in his vision; and by it he summoned help and strength in the hour of his need. In this manner all mystery songs originated, — the songs sung when healing plants were gathered and when the medicine was administered; when a man set his traps or hunted for game; when he desired to look into the future or sought supernatural guid- ance, or deliverance from impending danger. The Tribal Prayer was called in the Omaha tongue Wa-ko«'-da gi-kon: Wa-ko«'-da, the power 27 INDIAN STORY AND SONG which could make or bring to pass; gi-ko;/, to weef from conscious insufficiency, or the longing for something that could bring happiness or prosperity. The words of the prayer, Wa-ko«'-da dhe-dhu wah- pa'-dhi« a-to;^'-he, literally rendered, are, Wa-ko«'- da, here needy he stands ; and I am he. This prayer is very old. Its supplicating ca- dences echoed through the forests of this land long before our race had touched its shores, voicing a cry recognised by every human heart. $ THE OMAHA TRIBAL PRAYER. Harmonized by Prof. J. C. Fillmore. Slow. Grave, Solemn. vtp . /?v *Cv /^^ t=^- -^=?IL ^ '^ -% ¥ ^ ±1 Wa-kon-da dhe - dhu Wa-pa dhin a - ton - he. m ^ -y9- ^ ?^ Con Fed. * $ i ^ -i^— #- ^ -^ ]^ Wa-kon-da dhe - dhu Wa-pa-dhin a - ton -he. ^ f I g -(S>- 45^ Fed. ♦ STORY AND SONG OF THE BIRD'S NEST.* Scattered through an elaborate ritual and relig- ious ceremony of the Pawnee tribe are little par- ables in which some natural scene or occurrence serves as a teaching to guide man in his daily life. The following is an example. The words of the song (**the sound of the young ' ') are purposely few, so as to guard the full meaning from the careless and to enable the priest to hold the interpretation as a part of his sacred treasure. They are sufficient, however, to attract the attention of the thoughtful ; and such a one who desired to know the teaching of the sacred song could first perform certain initiatory rites and then learn its full meaning from the priest. '*One day a man whose mind was open to the teaching of the gods wandered on the prairie. As he walked, his eyes upon the ground, he spied a bird's nest hidden in the grass, and arrested his feet just in time to prevent stepping on it. He paused to look at the little nest tucked away so snug * An old priest of the rite gave me the story and song through Mr, James R. Murie, an educated Pawnee, and they are here for the first time made public. 30 THE BIRD'S NEST and warm, and noted that it held six eggs, and that a peeping sound came from some of them. While he watched, one moved; and soon a tiny bill pushed through the shell, uttering a shrill cry. At once the parent birds answered, and he looked up to see where they were. They were not far off, and were flying about in search of food, chirping the while to each other and now calling to the little one in the nest. **The homely scene stirred the heart and the thoughts of the man, as he stood there under the clear sky, glancing upward toward the old birds and then down at the helpless young in the nest at his feet. As he looked, he thought of his people, who were so often careless and thoughtless of their chil- dren's needs; and his mind brooded over the matter. After many days he desired to see the nest again. So he went to the place where he had found it ; and there it was, as safe as when he left it. But a change had taken place. It was now full to over- flowing with little birds, who were stretching their wings, balancing on their small legs, and making ready to fly ; while the parents with encouraging calls were coaxing the fledglings to venture forth. ** *Ah ! ' said the man, *if my people would only 31 INDIAN STORY AND SONG learn of the birds, and, like them, care for their young and provide for their future, homes would be full and happy, and our tribe be strong and pros- perous. **When this man became a priest, he told the story of the bird's nest and sang its song; and so it has come down to us from the days of our fathers. * * SONG OF THE BIRD'S NEST. Pawnee. Transcribed from Graphophone and harmonized by Edwin S. Tracy. Introduction. | ^ ^^^^ A=T Ho-o ... Ha -re ha -re re ha - re S t Pe'df: FFPfS I M ^x fT ^m ^^^^=^^=^^^^=^ ^3 Ha - re ha - re e ha - re Re wha - ka m r=f=^ ^ -b'— -V i A=^: 4^=:t ^: atzztfat^ ha -re re ha -re, wha-ka ha -re re ha ^Fr ^ 4?^ Wr u $ m i ^£^3 ir* ^^r f f- f-: f « re Re wha - ka ha - re re ha - re. i ^^^^^^^^^r^ii A TRYSTING LOVE-SONG. One of the few delights of life in camp is the opportunity the tent affords of ready access to the open air. There is no traversing of stairways, no crossing of halls, and no opening of reluctant doors, but only the parting of the canvas, and our world is as wide as the horizon and high as the heavens. Even when the tent door-flap is snugly closed, nature is not wholly shut out. Often I have lain looking up at the stars as they passed slowly across the central opening, and listened to the flight of the birds as they travelled northward at the coming of spring. And I have watched the birth of many a day, from the first quivering primrose hue to the full flush and glow of rosy colour, and then the stir- ring breeze, the waking leaves, and the call of the birds breaking into song. One morning I rose from my blankets and stepped out under the broad dome of the sky, while all about me in their shadowy tents the people slept. I wan- dered toward a glen, down which the water from a little spring hurried to the brook. As I sat among the fresh undergrowth, I watched the stars grow dim and the thin line of smoke rise from the tents, tell- 34 A TRYSTING LOVE-SONG ing that the mother had risen to blow the embers to a blaze and to put another stick or two upon the fire. As I sat, thinking a multitude of thoughts, I heard a rustling upon the hill opposite me. Then there was silence, quickly broken by movements in another direction; while from the hill came the clear voice of a young man singing. In a moment more two women, whom I recognised as aunt and niece, appeared at the spring, the one elderly, the other young and pretty; but the singer was still invisible. The cadences of the song were blithe and glad, like the birds and the breezes laden with summer fragrance. The words, *'I see them com- ing!" carried a double meaning. The girl for whom he had waited was in truth coming, but to the singer was also coming the delight of growing love and abundant hope. The women filled their water vessels. The elder took no note of the song, but turned steadily toward the home path. The eyes of the maiden had been slyly searching the hillside as she slowly neared the spring and dipped up the sparkling water. Now, as the aunt walked away, the song ceased; and a light rustling followed, as the lover, bounding down the hill, leaped the brook and was 35 TRYSTING LOVE SONG. Omaha. Harmonized by Prof. J. C, Fillmork. i Light and Flowingly. .^ atzit ±ZjIL SEfcSE mf Hi dha ^Se? ho! Sha :i!i4^- a - ma wi un-don- 4r- n- - r t^"— z S^ /•^= -yT — A . _ _ ] \ ^ \ / , 1/ 1 H -^<. Pp^ 1 be a - me dho he i s 2*=?= f • T Sha P * T'^^/. ma wi un-don TRYSTING LOVE SONG. $ -./ e. 1- ^^ i^aa ? ? 43E __Ha^^_H- be a - me dho he dhoe. Hi dha ho! Sha IS^ 3=t -=q-4- ^^S Z*^^. a ^ i^E^^Jl^^E^S^ ^ a - ma wi un-don - be a -me dho he. Sha AlJ%. 4= »-— * /v^/. a - ma wi un-don - be a - me dho he. ^ ^Jh-JTFi ^r ^ i INDIAN STORY AND SONG at the side of the girl. A few hasty words, a call from the aunt, a lingering parting, and I was alone again. The brook went babbling on, but telling no tales, the birds were busy with their own affairs, and the sunbeams winked brightly through the leaves. The little rift, giving a glimpse of the inner life of two souls, had closed and left no out- ward sign ; and yet the difference ! There was a measured thud upon the trail, and an old woman with stooping shoulders passed down the glen. As she bent over the spring and took her water supply, I heard the young man's voice in the distance, singing his song as he wended his way home. The old woman heard it, too. She straight^ •ened up and looked steadily in the direction of the singer, slowly shook her head, picked up her water vessel, and turned away, her crooked figure disap- pearing in the shadows. Then I arose and followed the singer, trying to forget the warning shake of the old woman's head. 38 STORY AND SONG OF THE DEATH- LESS VOICE.* ORIGIN OF THE MA-WA'-DA-NI SOCIETY. A LONG, long time ago a large number of war- riors, under the leadership of a man noted through- out the warlike tribes for his valorous deeds, started forth to harass and, if possible, to drive a powerful people from a territory which abounded in game. This war party was out many days, had many a weary march in search of the enemy, scouring the country far and wide, keeping their scouts in the front, rear, and flank ; for the leader was determined not to return to his village without the trophies of war. They came one day to a large grove with a clear brook running through it. Here the Leader ordered the camp to be pitched, that his little army might rest awhile and repair their moccasins and clothing. Sentinels were stationed so as to guard against surprise. Hunters were sent forth, and returned laden with game. Night came on. There was no moon; and it was dark, although the stars shone brightly. A fire *The translation of the story is by Mr. Francis La Flesche. 39 INDIAN STORY AND SONG blazed in the open air, and the men whose duty it was to dress and cook the meat, were moving about the burning logs; while others sat mending their moccasins by the firelight, listening to stories of battles, marvellous escapes, and strange adventures. Supper was cooked, and the meat was piled on freshly cut grass spread upon the ground ; and near by were set the pots of broth and the wooden bowls and horn spoons. The Leader was called to perform the usual sacred rites observed before the serving of food; and all the warriors gathered around the fire, each one eager for his portion of the meal. At a signal from the Leader every man bowed his head, and there was silence. Not a breath of air was stirring. Now and then could be heard the far-off dismal howl of the grey wolf or the cry of a strange bird startled from its nest by a coyote. Save from these and the crackling of the fire there was still- ness in all the surroundings. The warriors had made their silent petitions to Wako;2'-da, the power that moves all things. The Leader lifted his head. Then from the pile of meat he took a bit and raised it toward the sky, as an offering to that mysterious power, when suddenly the stillness was broken and the ceremony interrupted by a clear 40 THE DEATHLESS VOICE voice bursting into song, the echoes in the hills and valleys catching and repeating the strain. Each warrior involuntarily grasped his bow. The Leader, ever keen and alert, exclaimed in a hoarse whisper, **The fire! the fire! " Immediately many hands were rubbing the flaming wood into the earth. Commands were hastily given by the Leader; and the warriors, with palpitating hearts, started out to form a ring around the spot whence the thrilling sounds came. The voice sang on. The ring grew smaller and smaller until in an open space the shadowy form of a tree loomed up before the advancing warriors. No escape was now pos- sible for the singer, yet the song went on without hesitancy. The tree was now clearly visible. The song came to a close, and the echo died away in the distance. The men kept on toward the tree, with bows drawn and arrows strung. No form was seen running around inside the ring, seeking an opening for escape ; but, lo ! at the foot of the tree lay scat- tered the whitened bones and the grinning skull of a man. Death had claimed the body of this warrior and compelled its return to dust, but had failed to silence the voice of the man who, when living, had often defied death. 41 SONG OF THE DEATHLESS VOICE. Dakota. Majestic and Martial. Harmonized by Edwin S. Tracy. Hi dho ho . . . hi . .^ano h^^i dho dho hi Ben Sostenuto. r- f. fl^-r^ TA SONG OF THE DEATHLESS VOICE. $ §A ^^ trt ^3 hi .^ano ho i dha i / Ah hi dho hi dho h Sostenuto. ^^^ £^ i tt ^^-- -^-^ ^ Ped.\ ah hi . . dha ha i dha ha ^ % ^- Ped\ i ** I r ^ P-A- 1=3 5t 5t:i dha ha ha hi dha e dho he . . p- dho. «^ ^ iS S #-^ S:± f r^-^. INDIAN STORY AND SONG The Leader, looking around upon his followers, lifted his voice and said : — "This was a warrior, who died the death of a warrior. There was joy in his voice ! " The men to whom the strange experience nar- rated in this story came, afterward banded them^ selves together in order the better to serve their people, to present to the young men of the tribe an example of generosity in time of peace and of steadfast valour on the field of battle. They kept together during their lives and added to their num- ber, so that the society they formed continued to exist through generations. The story and song which has been handed down through all these years as the inspiration of the founders of the Ma-wa'-da-ni Society, embodies a truth honoured among all peoples, — that death can- not silence the voice of one who confronts danger with unflinching courage, giving his life in the defence of those dependent upon his prowess. Such a man might fall in the trackless wilderness, and his bones lie unhonoured and unburied until they blanched with age : still his voice would ring out in the solitude until its message of courage and joy should find an echo in the heart of the living. 44 STORY AND SONG OF ZOiV-ZI'-MOiV-DE. Victory songs, of which this is one, were sung when the people with rhythmic steps celebrated ceremonially the return of victorious warriors. Be- cause of its peculiar accessory, the scalp, this cere- mony has been called by us the ** scalp dance," al- though no Indian so designates it. The contrast between the sentiment of this story, teaching respect and honour to the old, and the cere- mony, as we baldly see it, is startling. But it is with the Indian as with ourselves : the cruelties of war and the gentler emotions are often intertwined, the latter surviving and lifting up a standard for emulation, the former passing away, dying with the instigating passion. Among the many hundreds of Indian songs I have known, none commemorate acts of cruelty. Years ago the Omaha tribe and the Sioux met while searching for a buffalo herd; and, as was usual, a battle ensued, for each tribe was determined to drive the other from the region of the game. Although the Sioux outnumbered the Omaha, the latter remained victors of the field. An old Omaha, interested to observe how some of 45 ii ZOiV-ZI-MOiV^-DE. Omaha. Harmonized by Prof. J. C. Fillmore. Spirited. M. M. J\ = iS2. 3llI3t ^-J^ k±i±4=f: =p=tp -^ f — r- ye ha he mf Ye ha he ya e he dha Double Drum Beat. i ^ a t#4 5t=J: 3*^ S^ tit * ya e he dha ah ha ya e he dha ye ha he A .... - A A ^ P ^ P S^MES^E^ Stfc I I I t=t=x -»-H*--+ » »- -I — I » 1 ^^1 -^-=1- A-^ s^a -.■i=i=t- ■m — #- m ya e he dha dha ha dhoe. Zo« - zi - mo»-de :^^ J^S^^^ ^^ ZOiVT-ZI-MOiV^-DE. ±^5 M=^ ma sha e dhe. Sii - ' r "I" Ah ha ya e he dha g^FFIf dt^zt Coined. % ^^: i:^ ^ n e na h he -^— ^ -» — »- ya e ha dha dha ha dho. i— i i I i H grrtrM — f— f ^^^ m I INDIAN STORY AND SONG the tribe would conduct themselves in their first battle, made his way toward the scene of conflict. It chanced that just as a Sioux warrior had fallen, pierced by an arrow, and the Omaha men were rushing forward to secure their war honours, this old man was discovered coming up the hill, aided by his bow, which he used as a staff. One of the young warriors called to his companions : — **Hold! Yonder comes Zon-zV -mon-de, let us give him the honours. " Then, out of courtesy to the veteran, each young warrior paused and stepped aside, while the old man, all out of breath, hastened to the fallen foe. There he turned and thanked the young men for per- mitting him, whom age had brought to the edge of the grave, to count yet one more honour as a war- rior. * The words of the song give the exclamation of the generous youth : ^ ' Zon-zi' -mon-dQ comes! Stand aside! He comes." * To be the first to touch the body of an enemy counts as a war honoiir. AN OMAHA LOVE-SONG. The words of many love-songs refer to the dawn, the time of the day when they are usually sung; but this reference is not a literal one. It figures the dawn of love in the breast of the singer. The Ind- ian stands so close to Nature that he sees his own moods reflected or interpreted in hers. The Indian words of this song, freely translated, are: — As the day comes forth from night So I come forth to seek thee. Lift thine eyes and behold him Who comes with the day to thee. Miss Edna Dean Proctor has rendered into charm- ing verse the scene and the feeling of the hour, giv- ing us an Indian love-song in its entirety. By her courtesy I am able to reproduce here her poem writ- ten some years ago, on hearing the melody which I had then recently transcribed during one of my sojourns among the Omaha Indians: — Fades the star of morning, West winds gently blow, Soft the pine-trees murmur, Soft the waters flow. 49 LOVE SONG. .l^tlJL Omaha. Harmonized by Prof. J. C. Fillmore. ' I J h-\ fv-^, m iS^t ^i=r:i: iJ^i^ (9- -Sl ■f- ^s Fades the star of morn-ing, West winds gently blow -f5>- S3 X:^ i ^tt^ }^ I P^ :^=zz^~Fg ••— #-^ &^-^ --(S^- :2 j2- ^ ^ gently blow, gently blow. Soft the pine trees murmur, i ^ jfca a *5 a i i=f;f? ^^^^ M 2 Mu f ♦ ^ ^ zjt=z^ P Soft the wa-ters flow, Soft the wa-ters flow, ^ I 1^ 3tlJt 4. I mm i '&^ E^2E? P Soft the wa - ters flow. Lift thine eyes, my LOVE SONG. $ ^ f :j: 5t 5t :it maid-en. To the hill - fop nigh. ^^ SS3f ^=^- T r -G i d=i i a^3 ?^ v-^ i^ ^#==2: ^ Night and gloom will van - ish When the pale stars die, a A=q: A=q==q: :^it=it '•— 25* 3^ P:i:: When the pale stars die, When the pale stars die. I ^ I ^ i^ iS :2 i^ I MeS f==r^^ ^*-* .Hr Lift thine eyes, my maiden. Hear thy lov - er's cry. i ^H^ -8=g i^ r I ■ST INDIAN STORY AND SONG Lift thine eyes, my maiden, To the hill-top nigh. Night and gloom will vanish When the pale stars die ; Lift thine eyes, my maiden, Hear thy lover's cry! From my tent I wander, Seeking only thee, As the day from darkness Comes for stream and tret. Lift thine eyes, my maiden, To the hill-top nigh ; Lo ! the dawn is breaking, Rosy beams the sky ; Lift thine eyes, my maiden, Hear thy lover's cry ! Lonely is our valley. Though the month is May ; Come and be my moonlight, I will be thy day ! Lift thine eyes, my maiden, Oh, behold me nigh ! Now the sun is rising. Now the shadows fly ; Lift thine eyes, my maiden, Hear thy lover's cry ! THE STORY AND SONG OF THE WREN.* This little parable occurs in the ritual of a relig- ious ceremony of the Pawnee tribe. The song has no words, except a term for wren, the vocables being intended only to imitate the notes of the bird, nevertheless, one can trace, through the variation and repetition of the musical motive, the movement of the gentle thoughts of the teacher as given in the story which belongs to the song. **A priest went forth in the early dawn. The sky was clear. The grass and wild flowers waved in the breeze that rose as the sun threw its first beams over the earth. Birds of all kinds vied with each other, as they sang their joy on that beautiful morning. The priest stood listening. Suddenly, off at one side, he heard a trill that rose higher and clearer than all the rest. He moved toward the place whence the song came, that he might see what man- ner of bird it was that could send farther than all the others its happy, laughing notes. As he came near, he beheld a tiny brown bird with open bill, the feathers on its throat rippling with the fervour of its song. It was the wren, the smallest, the least * Both story and song were recited to me by an old priest of the rite, and were interpreted by Mr. James R. Murie. 53 SONG OF THE WREN. Pawnee. Transcribed from Graphophone and harmonized by Edwin S. Tracy. Flawingly and Lightly, Ke-chi ra-ku-wa-ku whe ke re re we chi, i 1^ iz-az* s t=^ Ke-chi ra-ku-wa-ku whe ke re re we chi, ^fe=f=i: Ke-chi ra-ku - wa-ku whe ke re re we chi, m T=t± ^- i=^ Tf J X SONG OF THE WREN. i l!^=rt ^ — i^-"-^ — ^ — *-^-^ — i^ P- Ke - chi ra - ku - wa - ku whe ke re re we chi, m - ^^-^ ^ 7c Ke - chi ra - ku - wa - ku whe ke re re we chi, 1 ^ -#-^- 71 Ke - chi ra - ku - wa - ku whe ke re re we chi. ^ m <^\, I INDIAN STORY AND SONG powerful of birds, that seemed to be most glad and to pour out in ringing melody to the rising sun its delight in life. ''As the priest looked, he thought: 'Here is a teaching for my people. Every one can be happy, even the most insignificant can have his song of thanks. ' "So he made the story of the wren and sang it; and it has been handed down from that day, — a day so long ago no man can remember the time." •>6 THE OMAHA FUNERAL SONG. There was but one funeral song in the Omaha tribe, and this was only sung to honour some man or woman who had been greatly respected by the people. What one would see, when this song was sung, was in violent contrast to the character of the music. The blithe major strains suggest only happiness. They hardly touch ground, so to speak, but keep their flight up where the birds are flitting about in the sunshine; and, if there are clouds in the blue sky, they are soft and fleecy, and cast no shadows. Yet the men who sang this song were ranged in line before the tent where the dead lay ready for burial. They had drawn the stem of a willow branch through a loop of flesh cut on their left arm, and their blood dripped upon the green leaves and fell in drops to the ground. The meaning of this strange spectacle and its musical accompaniment, so apparently out of keep- ing, must be sought for in the beliefs of the people. It was a drama touching two worlds. The shedding of blood was to express how vital was the loss. This act, visible to the mourners, was 57 SONG TO THE SPIRIT. Omaha. Harmonized by Prof. J. C. Fillmore. Smoothly^ with Tender Feeling. i N = 96, I 4_ It E a dha ah E he a ha Light beats on willow sticks. No drums. 1 ^ ^ iSr z± Peds. f and p. * Ped. zte sai^i ,^-n II: it-jt ± P3 ah, he ah E dha ah he a ha lEt S5-r£: ah :■& 13& * /v- ^=i=^ u uJIj" lj lj U U^ GAME SONG. $ i=i r=i ^E^B ^ s ?^-raa 5J3 5=2: 5=fcS: #¥P :f=f: ^=i m a=i ^ -• — h a^^ tj" tj- i ij r*: a ^1 ^^^ m ^mM -J— J- II ^ 2 -#— #• gt / L j^""^ LJ LJ * Ped. i i^ r2: I ffi£::4 ^S ^ -#-^ ^ -J. ^ I ^^^m ^fc> ' -Lr p--gg STORY AND SONG OF THE INDIAN COQUET. In the last century there lived a man who, in his young days, was a desperate coquet. He played havoc with the plans of many a young man, robbing him of the fancy of his sweetheart, and then leav- ing the maiden all forlorn. His behaviour aroused the anger and jealousy of both sexes, but he seemed as impervious to the contempt of his fellows as he was callous to the woe of his victims. The whole village buzzed with the gossip of his adventures, and every one wondered how he managed to escape pun- ishment. After the manner of the people, a song was made about him and his career, that has outlasted his vain victories. It is difficult to convey in concise English the sarcastic humour of the original. The words picture this young man as sitting on a hill, near the village where he lived and achieved so many conquests. The warm summer breeze wafted up to him the hum of the people as they talked, blaming him for his actions. ''But why blame me?" says the irresist- ible youth, stretching himself at full length in the 74 SONG OF THE INDIAN COQUET. Omaha. Harmonized by Prof. J. C. Fillmore. Swinging rytkm ■^--w^^=x n=^- i±jE ^=^i =j ^^ Ta won gdhon dhe- nun- ye de. . Un - dhon- I jL g«5 -»— -»-^ -»— ■ S: Ped. * Ped, ^^^^i 4=^ SE* -*— 1^ ge - a dhon- ke dhe. . . wa-kon-da he-gi-mon - te W l± 9-^ * Ped. * m t^ -S: -*■ -5-: -S-: ^ • -#- -J- -j:: -Ji: J^ in- dhin-ga - ye ga - ma hi - a me . . Hi ! i ^ M F^ ^ :pLZ=: P«d. :f:Ped. *Pcd. :j^ INDIAN STORY AND SONG sunshine. "It was the gods that made me as I am : blame them, if you will ! " And he gave a sigh of satisfaction, ''Hi!" The music carries the story well. The swing of the last six bars suggests his shrug of irresponsi- bility. THE OLD MAN'S LOVE-SONG. Early in the century there lived an Omaha Ind- ian, a tall and comely man, gifted with a fine voice and a good memory, and who was greatly ad- mired by the men and women of the tribe. Al- though genial with every one, he was reserved ; and none knew all that had transpired in his life or that occupied his thoughts. He was a prosperous man. His lodge was well supplied, for his skill as a hunter was equal to his valour as a warrior. Years passed; and here and there a silver thread glistened in his black hair, the furrows deepened in his handsome face, and more and more his thoughts seemed to dwell on the past. One day he was heard singing a love-song of his own composition, and gossip became busy as to what this song might mean. His actions threw no light on the mystery. He was the same kind husband and father, the same diligent provider, and he sought no new companion- ship. Nevertheless, at every dawn he went upon the hill near his lodge; and, while the morning star hung like a jewel in the east, he sang the melody carrying the words, — " With the dawn I seek thee ! " 77 THE OLD MAN'S LOVE SONG. Omaha. Solibitum, Harmonized by Prof. Flowingly, With feeling. ~t 1 **' J tl-^ ^ ^ . C. Fillmore. r^f*^ — \ 1 — I ^A^^ --4^-^^ V^4 # |i^ ^ *' ^' 1 V' ^ r — Ha he -L^: 1 ha ha he ha T — dhe ha dha he ha we '^^ ^' _^2_! 4^_ 4^ rt-^ i 1 ^ L., 4 ' _) 1 1 ' Ped. :Js Ped. * Ped. tfcrS: J^ ^ >>, a ^ t3tr*: ^B T f ^ e ha dhoe, T". — g Um - ba e - don ha - i- don, fi-P- P'^-P- & Pcd. * Ped. * Ped. * Fad,. Pi jN±zt=f