BEHEMOTH: A LEGEND ^ -"". .v">. *\ ; v THE MOUND-BUILDERS. // NEW-YORKs J. & H. G. LANGLEY. BOSTONi WEEKS, JORDAN * CO* * 1839. 73 cording to aft of CoBf rcu, la the year 1839, BY J. * II. 0. tANGLEY, In the Clerk s office of the DUtrict Court of the Southern District of New-York. illiam-street. 5475S PREFACE. THE author solicits the attention of his coun trymen to the following work. He ventures to do so for reasons which seem to him a sufficient justification of his present labors. His main de- sign was to make those gigantic relics, which are \ found scattered throughout this country, subser vient to the purposes of imagination. He has, therefore, dared to evoke this Mighty Creature from the earth and striven to endow it with life and motion. Simultaneous and co-eval with this the great race that preceded the red men as the I possessors of our continent, have been called into * being. With whatever success the author may ^ have accomplished this portion of his task, the * venerable race which struggled and enduredfin ^ ^0Q5v,. ":> &; i r PRIFACK. these fair fields, ere they became our home and dwelling place, must be allowed to awaken our feelings and share our generous regards. In de scribing the Mound-builders no effort has been made to paint their costume,, their modes of life or their system of government. They are pre sented to the reader almost exclusively under a single aspect, and under the influence of a single emotion. It matters not to us whether they dwelt under n monarchical or popular form of polity ; whether king or council ruled their realms ; nor, in fine, what was their exact out ward condition. It is enough for us to know, and enough for our humanity to inquire, that . they existed, toiled, felt and suffered ; that to them fell, in these pleasant regions, their portion of the common heritage of our .me e, and that around those ancient hearth-stones, washed to light on the banks of the far western rivers, once gossiped and enjoyed life, a nation that has utter ly faded away. We are moved deeply in looking upon their mortuary remains those disinterred and stately skeletons for we know that they once PREFACE* T were men, and moved among men with hearts full of human impulses, and heads warm with mortal schemes and fancies, Of this, History could make us no surer. Over the earth where they repose, purple flowers spring up, and with the brilliancy of their hues, and the sweetness of their breath, give a splendor and fragrance to the uir. This touches him as deeply, the author must confess, and seems to his untravelled eyes as beautiful as any thing he can read of Athens, of cloudless Italy, or the sunny France. , Humanity and nature are all with which the heart wishes to deal/and we have them here in their naked out lines and grandeur. There is enough here for author and reader if they be of strong minds and true hearts. A green forest or a swelling mound is to them as glorious as a Grecian temple; and they are so simple as to be well nigh as much af fected by the sight of a proud old oak in decay near at home, as by the story of a baronial castle tottering to its fall three thousand miles off. The author is aware of the difficulty and mag- n i tude of his undertaking. He knows as well as i. Vl PREFACE. - any one can know, the obstacles to vanquish and remove ; and he also knows the obstacles that will not be vanquished nor removed. Notwith standing all this he feels assured, if he has con tended in any degree successfully with the great ness and majesty of the subject, he will have ac complished some slight service for the literature of his country, and something, he ventures to hope, for his own good name. New- York, January, 1839, . PART FIRST. Ill f . BEHEMOTH PART FIRST, UPON the summit of a mountain which beetled in the remote west over the dwellings and de fences of a race long since vanished, stood, at the close of a midsummer s day, a gigantic shape;, whose vastness darkened the whole vale beneath* > The sunset purpled the mountain-top, and crim soned with its deep, gorgeous tints the broad Oc cident ; and as the huge figure leaned against it, it seemed like a mighty image cut from the solid peak itself, and framed against the sky. Below in a thousand groups were gathered, in their wonted evening worship, that strange people who have left upon our hills and prairies so many monuments of their power, and who yet, by some mighty accident, have taken the trumpet out of the hand of Fame, and closed for ever, as regards their historical and domestic character, tho 1 BEHEMOTH. busy lips of tradition. Still we can gather vaguely, that the Mound-builders accomplished a career in the West, corresponding, though less magnificent and imposing, with that which the Greeks and Romans accomplished in what is styled by courtesy the Old World. The hour has been when our own West was thronged with empires. Over that Archipelago of nations the Dead Sea of Time has swept obliviously, and subsi ding, hath left their graves only the greener for a new people in the present age to build their homes thereon. But at the time whereof we write, living thousands and ten thousands of these ancient denizens were paying their homage to their deity, and as they turned their eyes in unison) to bid their customary solemn adieu to the depart ing sun, they beheld the huge shape of which we have spoken. The first feeling which arose in their bosoms as they looked upon the vision was, that this was some monstrous prodigy exhibited by the powers of the air or the powers of dark ness to astonish and awe them. But as they gazed they soon learned that it had a fixed and symmetrical form, and possessed the faculty of life. BEHEMOTH. O When they discovered that the huge apparition was animate indeed, a new terror sprang up in their soul, They gathered about their mounds, their places of worship, and on the plain, in various and fearful groups, In one spot were collected a company of priests and sages, the learned and prophetic of the race, who with Intent eyes watched the mighty spectre ; and to gain a clearer conception of its proportions, scanned its broad and far-cast shadow and marked the altitude of the sun. Each one searched his thoughts for some knowledge applicable to the sudden and vast ap pearance. Not far from this group was drawn toge- ther a score of women, who still retained their devotional posture and aspect, but yet cast ing side-long and timid glances towards each other s countenances as if hoping to discover there, an interpretation of the spectacle. Chil dren clung to their garments and looking up piteously, seemed to ask " if that was not the God whom they were taught to fear and wor ship?" Each moment the awe increased and spread ; from lip to lip the story ran across the plain and through the walled villages until the 4 BEHEMOTH. spectre embraced in its fearful dominion a circuit of many leagues. Bach moment conjecture grew more rife and question more anxious and frequent. . In the opinion of many of the wisest for even from their souls superstitious misgivings were not wholly banished the apparition which crowned the mountain was the Deity of the nation, who had chosen to assume this form as the most expressive of infinite power and terrific majesty. Other nobler spirits, and who drew their knowledge rather from the intellect than the feel- ings, believed it was the reappearance of a great > brute which, by its singular strength, in an ago . long past and dimly remembered, had wasted the fields of their fathers and made desolate their ancient dwellings. A tradition still lingered among them, that oi that giant race, which had been swept from the earth by some fearful catastrophe, one still lived and might, from a remote and obscure lair, once more corne forth, to shake the hills with his trampling, and with the shadow of his coming darken the households of nations, In the more thoughtful minds of these theorists BEHEMOTH. 5 the vivid and traditionary descriptions of the mighty herd of brutes which had once tyrannized over the earth, had left an impression deep, abiding and darkly colored. The memories of their progenitors had handed them down as a Titanic tribe of beings who, in their day, excited a terror which kindled human fear, and with it, the best growth of fear, human ingenuity. They remembered that in that distant age, as the history ran, a new a id majestic race of heroes, moulded of Nature s noblest clay, had sprung into life to battle with and finally van quish these brute oppressors of their country. Day faded fast. Its last streaks died away in the West and yet the solemn shap stood there in its vast, unmoving stillness. Ai?cl still the people retained their postures of wonder and fear, while in hushed voices they spoke of the occupant of the mountain. Gray, cold twilight at length cast its mantle upon the vision, and they scattered in anxious parties towards their homes, But with them they bore the image of the huge visi tant. They could not shake it from them. A general and deep awe had fallen on the multi tude, and even when they sought their slumbers that giant shape passed before their sealed lids in 6 BEHEMOTH. a thousand forms, assuming as many attitudes of assault and defence ; for from the first, by a strange instinct, they had looked upon it as their foe. To watch its movements, for it could be yet seen, in the clear distinctness of its immense . stature, calm, majestic, silent; to sound the alarm ; if need be to meet it face to face, should it descend from its pinnacle, the chieftains of the Hound-builders thought fit to station armed sen tries at various corners of the streets and high* ways of their towns and oities,on the walls of their fortresses, and as a more commanding position, on the summit of their mounds and in the square, stone observatories which crowned a portion of jj them. The relics of the fortresses and observatories that night manned by the sentinels of that pecu- liar people, still stand and moulder on the soil of the far west. They are constructed on principles of military science now lost or inexplicable.(l) But, -whatever the code of tactics on which they were fashioned, we cannot but admire, in the midst of our conjectures^ their peculiar sym metry, their number and their duration* Paral lel with the foundations of Rome these walls went up, far back ia the calendar of time, and BEHEMOTH. 7 time-defying, they seem destined to pass down, as far from the present into a misty and pregnant future, as the actual history of a populous and mighty race. Like the lost decades of Livy, some passages are wanting to their completeness, but in what stands we may read the power, the strength, the decay, and the downfall of our own American ancients. They were men of war and those ramparts first built against a human enemy were now occupied to keep at bay a new and un tried foe. From time to time, along the line of guardsmen went the watchword ; the sentries of different posts occasionally whispering to each other that the apparition was still visible on the mountain. Not a few, overwearied with their fears, slumbered. The middle watch of the night had come* The air was dark and still. Not a breath nor voice broke the universal quiet : when, clear and sharp, there fell upon the ears of the sleeping populace, a sound like the crash of sudden thunder. The earth shook as if trodden by heavy footsteps, and through the air came a noise like the rushing of some mighty bulk in violence and haste. Ponderous hoofs trampled the earth and drew nigh. It was he the traditionary brute 8 BEHEMOTH. Behemoth and before his irresistible force fell whatever strove to gainsay his advance. The whole region trembled as when a vast body of waters bursts its way and rolls over the earth, ocean-like, wave shouting to wave, and all crowd- ing onward with thunderous tumult. In vain was the solid breast- work ; the piled wall was in vain j in vain the armed and watchful sentry. Like some stupendous engine of war, he bore down on them, rendering human strength a mockery and human defences worse than useless, for as wall, bastion and tower fell, they redoubled death and ruin on their builders. With a speed of which no common celerity can give us a conception he / swept through the towns and villages, the till- / ed fields and pleasure gardens of the Mouiid- builders desolating and desolate none daring to stand before his feet thus dreadfully advanced. The trepidation of the day grew an hundred fold ; from the dark, dim light which the stars forced through the drifting and solid clouds, they could but guess vaguely at his bulk, yet out of their fears and the darkness they wrought an awful imago of vastness and strength. Night banded with the monster, and terror walked in their train. BEHEMOTH. U The morning dawned, and its light fell upon the face of an early wakened ard fear stricken people. On every countenance was graven the clear and visible imprint of terror ; but the expression was by no means that of ordi nary alarm, such as is . engendered by siege, or battle or death ; nor did it stamp the countenance with the characters of a daily and familiar fear. A dread which changed the whole aspect, such as distorts the features and takes from them their old, household look, was upon all. In the con sternation and imbecility of the moment messen gers were speeded forth and hurried to and fro through the many villages of the Mound-builders bearing tidings to which us answer, they received the same tidings in return! The visitation had been universal; in each one of their five thousand villages were left like marks of brute ravage and strength !(2) Behemoth had been with them all; and his largo footsteps were traced wide over the plain until they broke off abruptly at its extreme bounds/ and wheeled heavily into the mountains. Wheti their dismay had subsided from its first flood-tide, they began to compare observations and consult with each other. The memories of most were 10 BEHEMOTH* bewildered in endeavoring to recall the ocfcur- lences of the past night ; but from what with their confused faculties, they could grasp, they were well assured that the whole circuit of deso- 1 lation had been accomplished within the passage of a single hour. And now the time was come for them to look forth and measure that desola tion to what side shall they first turn ? Every where is some monument of that irresistible power. In one brief hour he has overthrown what Time, with his centuries, could not touch. There at the track of his first foot-prints is a crushed wall driven through by some powerful, and to them as yet unknown, weapon of strength, which has left its dints upon the shattered frag ments. Massive portions of it have fallen to powder beneath his weight. Across the path which he seems to have chosen out to stalk in rude triumph, through the very heart of their dwellings, lies a dead guardsman whom his might must have first dashed to the earth by some other unconjectured instrument of power, and then trampled upon, for at every pore the blood issues in torrents. Against a dwelling pinned to its wall is the corpse of a second sentinel which seems to have been hurled with BEHEMOTH. 11 scorn by the brute invader into its present abi ding-place. On the threshold of her own home lies a mother with her child closely clinging to her neck, its little lips pressed to its parent s both smitten into death by a single blow. Look forth from this narrow scene and read the map of a broader ruin the traces of a more fearful mastery ! Yon mound, consecrated by the entombed dust of a generation of sages am heroes is embowelled, and its holy ashes laid open to the vulgar air and the strumpet wind. And yon gardens, once the resort of blooming beauty and gentle childhood its walls strew the ground and its flowers, broken and withered, are \ sunken by the massy weight which has spoiled them, deep into the earth. And lo! that trodden and miry field, shut in by the standing fragments / of two oblong wallsyesterday morn it was a fair greensward where strength wrestled kindly with strength and age looked on approvingly. In another quarter behold a tall tower of stone is cast down before the same incomprehensible might ! The enclosure which surrounded and guarded it is battered to the earth, and aboiat it is collected at this morning hour not a few of the chiefs of the Mound-builders, deeply lamenting the 12 BEHEMOTH. overthrow of so scientific and regular a muni* meat. Sad words pass from each to each and they look despondingly into each other s faces, and find no hope, but rather a triumphant despair. From among the group which hung thus powerless and complaining over the shattered battlement boldly stood forth Bokulla, the most fearless and energetic chieftain of the nation. Bokulla was a man of singular and prompt cou rage, of great earnestness of purpose and energy of character ; yet modest and unobtrusive. In every enterprise he kept himself aloof until the resources of all his co-laborers were exhaust ed, and then when all eyes were turned towards him as the last star of hope, he sprang with alacrity to the front, prepared to match the emer gency with some new and vigorous suggestion. Bokulla was a philosopher no less than a soldier; not artificially framed by filling his mind with learned apothegms and pithy instances, but with a philosophy which was the growth of a medita tive spirit that looked into all things and gathered wisdom from most. He possessed, nevertheless, a thoroughly martial and energetic mind, and found in every path of life, some accessory valu able to strengthen and adorn that character. Un- BEHEMOTH. 13 like, however, the majority of professed militants, he rarely exhibited the gay buoyancy which is so generally considered in them, an essential. On, the contrary, even in the maddest onset and in the high flush of triumph his brow was saddened, ofttimes with a passing cloud of gloom; the mark which distinguishes too often those who are born to be the leaders and benefactors of their race, The mind of Bokulla partook of another pecur iiarity in common with many men of masterly genius. Whenever defeated or foiled in any at tempt, his heart would be plunged for a moment in the deepest and most torturing despair but only for the moment and then reassuming its lofty strength like an eagle unchained or slipped from its darkened cage, his soul would spring into the clear, broad sunshine of its former con dition. Such was Bokulla, and when those grouped around him had each offered his several remark, and they had mutually mourned over the pre sent desolation, he stood forth from their midst and said, Men ! the day is spent with repining, and the night comes, and with it, perchance, our dread Enemy. Let us rebuild the wall and show at least that we can oppose our old strength to 2 14 BEHEMOTH. his inroads. He has but the instinct of a brute, we have the reason of men. Let him not, he cried, " let him not find us, for our soul s sake, let him not find us greater cravens than yester night !" With these words and with the consent of the chieftains who stood about him, he ordered the rebuilding of the rampart, and the erection of an inner one to flank it. Before the passages which had been previously left free of egress and ingress, he directed the construction of short and solid walls which should suffice to arrest access if made ; in full front, leaving however side-passages be tween the extremities of the main and those of the newly erected ramparts. Under the authoritative and cheering voice of Bokulla, the building-tool and the trench ing-iron ply busily. Parties of laborers hurry fromquarter to quarter of the work, aud something like a manly and worthy spirit seems again to fire their bosoms and lighten their toil. While some gather together the broken por tions of earth and remould them to their purpose, others bring from the distance new supplies, and still others quarry and shape the stone to crown their summits. Under his quick and command- BEHEMOTH. 15 ing eye the tower of observation goes up and its defences are restored. But, while Bokulla and his aids build up the strong wall to guard the living is there no duty and service due to the dead ? There is ; and under other guidance the manly forms, which were laid in the recent encounter, are stretched for their last repose. Devoted hands compose their discolored limbs and bathe them with embalming drugs, while their kindred, those nearest and dearest in life, collect to accompany them in this their last journey, whatever can consecrate or dignify their sepulture.(3) Those who have fallen fell in the defence of the nation, and aro therefore worthy of the nation s honors. Let them be buried then as becomes heroes of the Mound-builders bearing away with them into the Unknown Land tokens of merit and badges of high desert. Their bodies are swathed in fine raiment at their right hand are placed the weapons of war, grasping which they fell ; at their sides are arrayed mirrors of glass or metal (according to their rank) in which they were wont to look for the reflection of their own martial features when set for the stern ser vice of war. At their beads are disposed the 16 BEHEMOTH. helms which covered them in the day of battle, and on their now pulseless breasts lie polished pieces of copper in the form of the crow.(4) Can it be possible that those antique warriors were Christian men ? That, among them, they thus cherished trophies of the Crucifixion, and upheld the ark of that reverend creed ? Or at least some stray fragments of the holy structure obscurely delivered over to them by paternal or patriarchal hands? I know not, but this is the language which their discovered relics speak to us of the present generation. Slowly from each dead hero s dwelling winds forth the solemn procession with its weeping troop and its religious mourners. Gathering at a central spot they unite into one body, and thus collected, take their way towards the funeral mounds. At tendants send forth from marble instruments, shaped like crescents and highly polished, a slow and mournful music.(5) Beside the bier of each fallen soldier walks his wife and children, while at its head marches solemnly the priest who, in life was his spiritual father, Winding through the villages over tb mea dows and along the stream-side, they reach the bank right opposite the mounds in which the dead BEHEMOTH. IT are to find their final slumber. Descending into the limpid and shallow stream the bearers gently dip each corpse beneath the waters thus purify* ing it by a natural sort of baptism from every earthly grossness, and then they resume their way all following with bared ankles through the placid rivulet. At length they reach the sacred mound. At its side, toward the East, the earth is removed, arid, turning their faces to the sun, while the marble breathes forth , a higher strain, the bearers of the dead enter the hollowed mound. As they enter, the throng chant together a simple ballad, reciting the virtues and the valor of the departed, and, at its close recommending them to the Giver of life and the God of the seasons. The bier bearers place the mortal remains of the heroes whom they have borne within the cavity, upon the earth with their faces upwards, their feet pointing to the North-east (perhaps the home of their progenitors) and their heads toward the more genial South-west. Thus were the common soldiers, among those who had fallen buried : but one of that number ho who had been captain of the guard, and a man of note among the people, received separate and more especial rites. 18 BEHEMOTH. His remains were borne apart to a distinct mound and there when they were laid out with the honors of a chief who had lost his life in bat tle, martial music breathing from the instru ments, and the whole multitude joining in a chaunt commemorative (like those recited over the common soldier) of his valor and character they proceeded to burn his body and gather his ashes into their separate tomb. They then closed the mouths of all the mounds, and when the priests had offered a prayer for the peaceful repose of their dust, the multitude turned toward their homes. All was hushed and silent save the gentle tread of the homeward tending people. The mourning relatives of the dead had lulled into a temporary calm their troublous feelings, and wept with com posure. The spirit of peace was over all. Sud denly a shrill voice was heard to cry, " He comes!" " He comes /" It proceeded from a child, who, unobserved, had climbed to the upper window of one of the stone observatories. The multitude were arrested by the voice, and turning to the quarter from which it issued, saw the finger of the alarmist pointing to a body of woods which lay a short distance West from the path which they BEHEMOTH. 19 were taking to their homes. As at the bidding of a god the whole multitude with one accord swerved round and gazed toward the foreut, and there they beheld Behemoth. Fixed in en atti tude of astonishment and dread, they stood gazing and still gazing upon the spectacle a boundless and motionless gallery of laces, It was near the sunset. Overhead in its level light, a gray bald eagle, just flown from its neighboring eyrie, hung poised in wonder, as if turned to stone by the novel sight of so vast a creature, In its motion less suspension it seemed as if sculptured from the air while its wings were gilded, like some remains of the old statuaries, by the golden touch of the sun. Visible above the woods, moving heavily through the sea of green leaves, like leviathan in the deep, appeared the dark and prodigious form of the Mastodon : an awful ridge rolling like a billow, along the tops of the pine and cedar which grew beneath him. The boundless bulk moved through the trembling verdure, like an island which, in some convulsion of nature, shifts itself along the surface of the sea. The forest shook as he advanced, while its scared and bar* 20 BEHEMOTH. barons denizens, the prairie wolf, the gopher and the panther, skulked silently away. As yet his whole mighty frame was not visible. Even amid the trepidation and fear of the Mound- builders a curiosity sprang up to behold the sum of his vast proportions : to see at once before thorn and near at hand the actual dimensions of that shape whose shadowy outlines had, when first seen, wrought in them effects so boundless and disastrous. Occasionally as the Mastodon glided along, a green tree-top wavered for a moment in the wind, leaned forward into the air and fell to the earth as if pushed from its hold by the chance-exerted strength of the groat brute. Again, they heard a crash, and a giant oak which had just now lorded it over its fellows was snapped from its stem and cast fur forth over tho tops of the forest. His very breath stirred the leaves till they trembled, and every step of his march denoted, by some natural appearance, the possession of monstrous and fearful power. After stalking through a large tract of wood land without allowing any greater portion of his bulk to become apparent, he wheeled through the forest and descending into a wooded valley disap- BEHEMOTH. 2i peared, each step reverberating nlong the earth with a deep and hollow sound. It was a long time ere the Mound-builders resumed their old, homeward progress, and when they did it was with alarmed and cheerless spirits. The awe of the great shadow was upon them. Now more than ever they felt the folly of gainsaying or attempting to withstand a Power which shrouded itself in a form so vast and inaccessible. From that day forth a gloom settled upon the minds of the Mound-builders deep, rayless and full of fearful omens ; for though personal energy may rescue individuals from that desperate condi tion, it is a hopeless and a dreadful thing when na tions become the victims of despair. All the mighty wheels of life are stopped ; all the channels through which the soul of the people once coursed are now closed, and, in most cases, closed for ever. The arteries through which the life-blood once gushed are deadened, and the warm current is ar rested as if the winter had descended upon it in its very spring-tide. The Mound-builders were now fallen into that sad estate. Neither the spirit-stir ring voice of Bokulla ; nor the trump of war ; nor the memory of their fathers fields or their fathers 1 valor, could awaken them to a sense of what was 22 BEHEMOTH. due to their manhood or their duty. The Mas* todon seemed resolved to preserve the spell by an almost perpetual presence-. Day after day in the same gray twilight did Behemoth cast his shadow from the summit of some near elevation ; and midnight after midnight, at the same cold and sullen hour, did he descend and force his huge bulk through the villages of the Mound-builders : breaking their walls in pieces, rending their dwellings, disclosing their mounds and despoiling their pleasure gardens from end to end. He had become the spectral visitant of the nation; the monstrous and inexorable tyrant who, apparently gliding from the land of shadows, presented him self eternally to them, the destroyer of their race. He seemed, in these terrible incursions, to be fired with a mighty revenge for some unforgiven inju ry inflicted on his dead and extinct tribe by the human family. In the calm and solemn quiet of night, when fretted labor sought repose and anxious thought craved slumber, he burst down from the mountains like thunder and bade them " Sleep no more !" The internal and external influence of an ha rassment like this could not be otherwise than large and disastrous, First came the dire change BFHEMOTH. 23 in the mind itself: when this terrible shadow glided among its quiet emotions, its familiar habits, and its household and national thoughts. All objects that had hitherto occupied a place in the mind of the people now assumed a new color and complexion as this portent fell upon them, in the same manner as every thing in nature catches a portion of the gloom of twilight when it suddenly approaches. No angle of the wide realm of the Mound-builders escaped from the darkness of fear, and every where the fountains of social life became stagnant and ceased to issue in healthy currents, like streams that are silent and still when light has departed from their surface, Tho voice of joy died away into a timid and feeble smiling; proud and stately ambition fell humbled to the earth, and love and beauty trembled and fled before the gloomy sha dow of the general adversary. Men shunned each other as if from a consciousness of their abasement, and skulked away from the face of day, unwilling that the heavens should look in upon their desolation and shame. Some abandoned their homes and took refuge in cliffs and inaccessible precipices ; preferring poverty and exposure to wind and tempest and 24 BEHEMOTH. hostile weather, rather than encounter with a foe so dreadful and triumphant. The great mass however lingered in their customary dwellings : but so thoroughly was every motive to action numbed nnd paralyzed, they neglected to re pair the roof that had fallen, the beam that had decayed, or the foundation that had yielded to the summer s rain, and innumerable buildings throughout the whole realm tumbled into ruin, and many that stood on the borders of rivers, undermined by the motion of their currents, tottered and fell into the stream, while their terror-stjicken inmates, in many cases, perished without a struggle. The ordinary occupations and duties of life were performed with feeble hands and vague thoughts, or entirely deserted. This mighty and puissant nation, whose strengtli was that of a giant and whose glory rivalled^ the sun, was stricken by terror into a feeble and child-like old age. All its proportions were diminished ; its heart was shrunk, and it dragged on a slothful and decrepid existence amid the cold and monumental ruins of what had once been its beautiful domain and its house of honor and joy. That salient and almost motiveless BEHEMOTH. 28 energy which drives a nation on through toils, battles and discomfitures, to prosperity and tri umph: that hazardous and all venturous daring which pushes doubt aside, and which, while it questions nothing strives at every thing, was utterly departed. From the silence and quiet of his studied retire ment, Bokulla beheld the shadow as it slowly and fearfully crossed the national mind ; from the first he saw the change which was coming over it, and knew that human wisdom was too weak to arrest or avert it, unless the great first cause could be removed. And yet, while others yielded thus submissively to a meek despair, he, keeping him- self invisible to the general eye, tasked his bold and liberal mind for some remedy for the eviL In the calm and dead quiet of his private chain* ber he sat from day to day brooding over plans and enterprises whereby to rescue the nation. Bokulla entertained a deep founded confidence in the human character. Himself equipped with n indomitable will and faculties stout and reso- Inte as iron, he was assured that by similar quali ties the nation was to be redeemed from thraldom. Amidst a thousand changes of nature man had endured * mountains had been cleft asunder; 3 25 , BEHEMOTH. seas had leaped upon continents and marched triumphantly over every barrier and obstacle; great orbs had been extinguished, like tapers of an evening, in the skies ; yet man stood stead* fast amid the shock and the mutation. Along the bleak coasts of inhospitable time he had voyaged in a secure and upright vessel ; on this ridge of earth he still stood while the visible uni verse passed through changes of season, through increase or diminution of splendors, and through worlds created or worlds destroyed. Was man, who thus out-lasted seas, and stars, and mountains, to be crushed at last by mere bru tul enginery and corporal strength ? Reflections like these wrought the mind of Bokulla to a condition of fearless and manly daring, and he brought his whole soul to the labor of discovering or contriving the means of triumph or resistance. It may well be supposed that tower as his thought might, it strove in vain to over top the stature or master the bulk of the Masto. don : what were fosses, and bastions and battle* ments to him that moved like a mountain against opposition. No wall could shut him out : seas might interpose in vain to cut off his fearful pursuit of a fugitive people. Resting or in mo- BEHEMOTH. 27 (ion that terrible and far-reaching strength would overtake them and accomplish ils purposes of de solation and ruin. With this stupendous and inevitable image the whole might of Bokulla s soul wrestled for a long time. An untiring invention that kept steadily on the wing started suggestion on suggestion, but all unequal to the mighty necessity of the occasion. He gathered facts OH which to build the fabric of opposition huge enough to counter vail a superhuman force, but they tottered and fell to the earth before the ideal presence of Behe moth. He surveyed mountains and in imagina tion linked them together with wide arches and empyreal bridges; and compassed the people round about with rock built circumvallations and ramparts of insurmountable altitude and strength. But it would have required ages to complete the defences suggested by a swift imagination which would have been equal to their object ; and others which great labor might have more readily erected, would have been swept away in a single night by the barbaric invader. When this conclusion forced itself upon him, Bokulla telt, for a moment, the pangs of a hope less and overwhelming despair, A midnight <tar knesp eame over his mind, and it wa* for a time AS if the sun and the heavens were obliterated from his view, and as if he were doomed to travel henceforth a gloomy turnpike where all was sor row, and wailing, and terror without end. But the light gradually broke in upon his soul, and his palsied faculties began to awaken and cast off the slumber and the delusion. His reflections, it is true, had taught him that his countrymen could act in defence against their vast oppressor with but frail chance of success. He was satis fied that a weight and bulk as monstrous as that of Behemoth would burst their way by their mere impetuous motion through any barrier or redoubt they might erect, There was another tnonght, however, worthy of all consideration could not the Mound-builders, a naturally adventurous and valiant people, act on the offensive ? Abandon ing passive and barbarous suffering, was not bat tle to be waged and waged with hope against the despoiler? This question Bokulla had put anxiously to himself, and he watched with an eager eye for some favorable phase of the na tional feeling ere he addressed it to the country, From one crisis of fear to another the Mound- builders passed rapidly, and as the shades of night BEHEMOTH. 29 thicken one upon the other, each aspect of their condition was gloomier than the former. At length as darkness deepened and strengthened^ itself, light began to dawn in the opposite quar ter. Hardened by custom, and familiar in a> measure with the object of their dread, they now " ventured to lift their pale, white countenances and gaze with some steadiness of vision upon the foe. Naturally of a noble character and constitution, the Mound-builders needed only that the original elements of their temper should be stirred by some powerful conviction to excite them to ac tion.^) A new spirit,or rather the ghost of the old and exiled one, had returned to the nation, and they now saw before them, unless they resumed their manhood and generously exerted strength and council, ages of desolation and fear for them selves and their children. Were they men and should no hazard be dared, no toil nor peril en countered to break the massive despotism that held them to the earth ? Were they the posses- sors of a land of sublime and wonderful aspects) the dwellers amid interminable woods and lakes of living water, and were no glorious nor resolute 3" 3Q UKUEMOTH. energies matured by these, capable to cope with that which was mighty and awful ? At this fortunate stage of feeling; Bokulla ap peared. He clothed the thoughts of the people in an eloquence of his own. He first painted thfe portrait, of t[ieir past condition in life-like and startling colors. He told them that from the ap parent size and solidity of the Mastodon, and the uniform analogy of nature he might endure for centuries, yea, even beyond the duration of man kind itself, unless his endless desolation could be arrested. If theysutfered now under his irresistible sway they might suffer for a thousand years to / come. That vast frame, he feared, decay could . not touch. And in a stature so tremendous must reside an energy and stubbornness of pur-, pose, endurable and unchanging. Next, addressing them from the summit of a mound, around which many of the people were grouped in their old worship (some faint image of which they had kept up through all their terror) he appealed to them by the sacred and inviolate ashes that rested underneath his feet. If old warriors and generous champions, never dishonored, could awaken from the slumbers of death and breathe again the pure air of that glo- BEHEMOTH. 31 rious clime, what voice of denunciation or anger would they utter ! " Are these men, that creep along the earth, like the pale shadows of autumn, Mound-builders and children of our loius? "What hath affright ed them ? Look to the mountains, and lo ! an in ferior creature, one of the servants and hirelings of man, hath the mastery. Arouse! arouse! our sons ! Place in our old, death-withered hands tho. swords we once wielded crown us with our familiar helms and we will wage the battle for you. Victory to the builders of the mounds? victory to the lords and masters of the earth) should be our cry of or set and triumph !" The national pulse beat true again, and Bo- kulla hastened from village to village, quickening and firing it. Every where the hour of renova tion seemed to have come. Every where ascend ing their high places he appealed to them by me mories to which they could not but hearken. Every where an immense populace gathered about him and listened to his words as if they were the inspired language of hope. And wheiv their souls were fired, as it were, under the fer- vent heat of his eloquence, he skilfully moulded ihena to hi* own plan aad purpose. He recounted 32 BEHEMOTH. to them the mode, the time and course he thought fit for them to adopt in seeking battle* with Behemoth. After consultation with their chieftains, the levy expected und demanded of each was soon settled. They were to venture forth with an army (easily collected in that populous nation) of one hundred thousand strong. Bokulla was to be the leader-in-chief. Approved men were to be his counsel and aids. The day of setting forth on the great campaign was fixed ; not far distant. In the mean time, nil diligence and labor were to be employed in disciplining, equipping, and in spiriting the troops: in burnishing and framing the necessary armor, and in constructing certain new engines of war, which Bokulla had invented, and which might be of use in the encounter with the terrible foe. Every village now presented a picture of busy preparation and warlike bustle. The forges, whose fires had smouldered in long disuse, were again rekindled, and their anvils rang with the noise of a thousand hammers rivalling each other in the skill with which they moulded the metals into heroic shapes. While one wrought out with BEHEMOTH. 83 ready dexterity the breast-plate, with its large, circular bosses of silver, another, with equal, but less costly felicity, framed the brazen hatchet, and the steel arrow-head. In every workshop there were employed artizans in sufficient number to not only begin with the rude ore and shape it into form, but also to carry it through every stage of labor tipping it with silver burnishingorna menting completing them, affixing leathern^ handles to the bosses by which to grasp and v i- hold the shield, and arranging them in due order for inspection by the appointed officers.(T) At another and higher class of laboratories they, V were employed in framing and fashioning wea pons for chieftains and warriors of note; swords i of tempered steel and scabbards of silver, capped with points of other and less penetrable material : and helmets of copper and shields, with orna mental and heraldic devices. Some busied themselves in furnishing large shields of brass, which they polished with care until they glittered again while still farther on, they wrought out large bows of steel, from which to speed the barbed arrows prepared by their fellow-workmen. Farther up, near the mountain-side, there lay a { range of shops in which a thousand operatives 84 BEHEMOTH. constructed military wagons and other Vehicles for the expedition; for they knew not how far it might extend, nor through what variety of hill and dale. To the right of these were gathered artizana under the immediate superintendence of the commander-in -chief, who labored at certain vast and new engines of battle, more especially con- trived for conflict with the vast Brute. These were large and ponderous wooden structures, something like tho towers used in Roman war fare, hut, as the strength and stature of the foe / required, of far greater height and stiffness. They were to be planted on heavy wheels and of great circumference placed far apart, so as to furnish for the whole edifice a broad and iramove- able base. On the outer side, they were armed with every sort of sharp-edged weapon, cutlass, falchion, and spearhead, so as to be, if possible, unassailable by Behemoth. Internally, they were furnished with great store of vast bows and poison ed shafts, with which, if such thing might be, to pierce him in some vulnerable point, or at least to gall him sorely and drive him at a distance. Be sides these there were suspended, in copious abun dance, divers ingenious implements, each con- BEHEMOTH, 35 trived for some emergency of battle, to strike, to ward, to wound, and to destroy. Others were building, taller and stronger, at the summits of which were suspended great mas ses of metal and ponderous hammers, tons in weight, with which to wage a dreadful battery against the mighty foe. By some internal machine* ry, it was so contrived that these solid weights of metal could be swung to and fro with fearfu) swiftness and violence, by the application of a small and apparently inadequate power. Another structure, like these, was prepared, from which to cast, by means of capacious instruments, large quantities of molten metals, kept in fusion by mighty furnaces, to be hurled upon the enemy from afar, and to descend upon him in sulphur* ous and deadly showers, like those which fell on Sodom and Gomorrah of old. Day and night, night even to its middle watches, were devoted to the construction and fabrication of engines and implements like these : for theii minds were now so anchored on this great enter* prise, that all other ties were cast loose, and in this alone they embarked every thought and pur* pose. The hours hitherto given to repose and 36 BEHEMOTH. Bleep, were now made vassal* to the new adven ture. It was magnificent spectacle to see a whole nation thus gathered under the dark wing of the midnight, working out battle for their dread ad versary. Athwart the solid darkness which pressed upon their dwellings, the gleams of swar thy labor shot long and frequent. Far through the hills echoed the clangor of armorers, and the sharp sounds of multitudinous toil, labor ing, each in its kind, toward the redemption of a people. Grouped thus about their forges, and hurrying from one task to another with rapid and quiet tread, they might have seemed to the eye of imagination, looking down from the neighbor ing heights, to be employed in infernal labor, and vexing the noon of night with unearthly and Satanic cares. But over the wide scene there rested a blessing, for the srnile of Heaven always shines upon the oppressed who nobly yearn and vigorously strive to break their chains. The long and bright hours of day, too, were crowded with their pecu liar duties. The gardens and the enclosed plains, again restored to their old symmetry and beauty, BEHEMOTH. 37 were now filled with a soldiery which, under the eye of dexterous leaders, were drilled, deployed, marshalled, and schooled into new manoeuvres, before this unknown in the wars of the Mound- builders, and adapted to the character of trwir unwonted antagonist. They were taught to wheel with novel evolutions, to retreat in less orderly but more evasive movements and marches than of old, and to attack with a wariness nud caution hitherto unpractised in their encounters with mortal enemies. Over all the eye of Bo- kulla glanced, giving system to the orders of the chieftains, and confidence to the obedience of their legions. Apparently performing duty no where, he fulfilled it every where, with a calm and masterly skill, which, while it was unobserved by the careless, was an object of admiration to the higher order of men, who were made the immediate channels of his influence, and who were therefore brought more directly under the *pell, " Upon my soul," cried the taller of two offi cers, who stood near the trunk of a withered cedar, which overshadowed a wide and deep sunk en well!, looking upon one of these novel parade?, < upon my sou), BokulUi hath the power and the 4 98 BEHEMOTH. knowledge of a God. Out of these men, but yesterday dumb and torpid with. fear, he has struck the spirit of life, arid that with the same ease as my sword-blade strikes from this dull stone at my foot, sparks of fire." ""Who can withstand those giant machines which tower yonder, like mountains, above our dwellings?" cried his corrjanion. "The Spirit of Evil himself, if en bodied in the frame of the Brute, must full before those whirlwind hammers of brass aud tempests of molten copper !" "While he spoke, one of the vast oaken struc tures hud been \\hrelcd out, arid its ponderous enginery set in motion, and brought to tear upon a crag that projected from the mountain near which it rested. To nnd fro they swung with fearful force and velocity, at each blow shattering vast masses from the rock, nnd bringing them headlong down the mountain. At the some time, not far distant, tons of crude ore were cast into the furnaces, affixed to the other towers, and hurl ed forth upon the prairie in clouds of fire, which, as they fell upon the earth, scathed and withered eyery thing before them. Although the multitude entertained hearts oi favor and hope towards the project of meeting BEHEMOTH, 39 Behemoth in battle, there were a few who doubt* od its wisdom and foreboded a gloomy result. " The dinging of those anvils," said an nged man who sat at the sunset in the front of his dwelling, to his spouse (no less stricken in years), who leaned out at the window, " the dinging of yon anvils is to my ears a mere death-dirge* Wherefore are the youth of our land to be led forth on this vain pilgrimage? They are fore doomed by the hooting of the owl, which has been ceaseless in our woods sinco first it was planned. The dismal bat and the brown vulture flap their wings over our bright day-marshal lings in expectancy of a banquet." " And as for the chieftain, Bokulla," continued his wife, prolonging the dolorous strain of conver- sation, " his defeat, if not death, is already doomed in Heaven. The star which fell but yesternight luridly athwart his dwelling, foretold that sequel too well. And his spouse, stumbled she not essay ing but this morning to cross its threshold and grcottho norm-return of ibkiilla from the distant villages ?" " This army, five score thousand in numbers/* reiterated the old man, " will be but as the snow in the whirlwind before the breath of Behemoth 40 BEHEMOTH. They have forgotten, senseless -men ! the story of our fathers. They recollect not how in ancient days the fellow of this vast Brute (perchanc ethis living one himself) was met by onr hunters in the mountain gorge : that his roar was like thunder near at hand, and his tread like the invasion of waters ! that they shrunk before him into the hollows of the rocks as the white cloud scatters before the sun !"(8) 11 1 pray Heaven the wife of Bokulla be not wi dowed," echoed his spouse. "The chieftain is a bold man, and submits but poorly to the lording of any, be it man or brute." "1 .fear this spirit pricks him on too far in this emprise; I have warned him secretly," concluded the old mound -builder, in a deep and solemn tone of voice ; " I have warned him, but he scorns my warning. He will not be stayed in his purpose. 1 will warn him yet once more, for he dreams not that he goes out to war with one who is a giant in instinct as well as in strength I" . The eventful morning of going forth against the Mastodon came : it was a morning bright with beautiful auspices. The sky overhead glittered with its fresh and airy splendors : no cloud dimmed tho world of indescribable blue which hung calm and BEHEMOTH. 41 motionless like heaven itself on high. Occasion ally against its clear canvass a passing troop of wild-fowl painted their forms, and vanished ; or, a tree-top here and there stood out, pencilled upon it, with its branches and foliage all distinct. The sun rode just over the horizon, and through the innumerable villages of the Mound-builders the martial trumpet sounded the spirit-stirring alarum. At the call, one hundred thousand right-good men of battle seized their arms and marched through the territory of their brethren in solid array, First at the head of the van, drawn in a two^ wheeled chariot of wood, studded with iron and ornamented with an eagle at each of its four points, front and rear, and drawn by a single powerful and jet-black bison, came Bokulla himself. He stood erect in the vehicle, while his burnished ar mor and towering helm flung their splendor far and wide ; in his hand he held no rein but guided the noble beast by his mere intonations of voice* Behind Bokulla followed a company of men-at- arms, each bearing a long and stalwart club, armed at its heavier extremity with a four-edged sword or falchion, to the point of which was af. fixed a spear-like weapon stiff and keen. Of these 42 BEHEMOTH. there were one hundred, each cosed in a mail of elk-skin, which, while it wns flexible and yielded to every gesture of the body, was yet a sufficient defence against any ordinary assault. These were expected, beside guarding and sustaining Bokulla, to close with Behemoth, and taking ad vantage of the unwieldy motion of his frame, to wound his legs or otherwise annoy and disable him. Behind these followed an equal phalanx of spear-men, whose allotted duty it was with a long er weapon to probe the Brute at a distance, and draw his attention from any quarter to which it might appear directed with too much vigor and chance of danger. Jn> the rear of the company of spear-men- marched a strong body of common sol diers, bearing the customary Mound-buildersMn- atruments of war, namely, vast steel bows six feel or more in length, and quivers fiHed with corres pondent shafts tipped with poisons, and on their led arms bearing the usual shield of copper with bosses of silver. In the rear of these heavily rolled on two of those newly-invented machines, which rose like pyramids above the array. These were drawn by scores of yoked bisons, and dri ven forward by private soldiers who walked at their sides. The earth shook under their Jura- BEHEMOTH. 43 bering weight. Their -bowels were filled with captains and privates who had charge, each in his station, of their implements of death. Follow ing those, in order, inarched a numerous squad ron, sustaining over their sinewy shoulders heavy axes of steel with edges sharp as death, and han dles of immoveable oak. Drawn by a thousand bensts of burthen, behind these, came innumera ble provision and baggago wagons, provided for the emergency of a protracted search for the ene my, and long delay in vanquishing and destroy ing him. These were accompanied with troops and officers. Behind these walked countless va rieties of battle : soldiers, the very conception of whose armor and weapons is lost in the oblivious and mouldering past. Rearmost came six other towers bearing their immense hammers and fiery furnaces, with ten thousand troops to guard, to guide them ; to select even roads for their pro* gress, and last to wield their vast forces in the hour of conflict. Over the whole floated a hundred bright and emblematic pennons, while the sonorous metal kept time to their waving folds as the morning wind dallied them to and fro. It was a glorious thing to see ten times tea thousand thus equipped and 44 BEHEMOTH. embattled going forth on that gay morning) to the war. "Wherever their course lay it was thronged with the multitude pushing to gain n sight of Bokulla and his compeers, the solid soldiery and the stupendous structures. Every window was filled, every elevation seized on, every housetop covered by spectators straining; their vision to ga ther in ev^ry appointment and device, banner and sword, bison, chieftain and all. Ah ! well might their eyes ache to look upon that numerous chi valry ! Well might they hang with lingering gaze upon the fair cheeks of that youthful array ! Well might their hearts keep time with the on ward steps of that glorious host ! Happy is it for mortals that they can enjoy the pageant of the present, and have no power to prefigure in it the funeral procession and the mournful company into which the future may change it ! As the foot of the last soldier left the territory of the Mound-builders, the drums and trumpets sounded a farewell, and the army, taking the right bank of a rapid stream which ran due West, pur- sued its march. The ground over which their course lay was a smooth and pleasant green sward, the verdure of which was still wet with BEHEMOTH. 45 the dews of tho night. Occasionally it rose into a gentle elevation which, for the first few miles, brought the advancing army once again in sight of the expectant gazers who still kept their posts upon housetop, tower and mound. At length from one of these eminences they descended into a valley which bore them altogether from the view of the most favorably-stationed looker-out. And yet, even when their banners and tall structures had passed wholly from the sight, gushes of music, fainter and fainter at each note, reached their ears, and reverberated from the neighboring cliffs and hill-sides. Onward they passed through the long vale which stretched before them, choosing out the clearest paths, and still keeping their march toward the Occident. In selecting this route they were guided by large tracks which appeared at remote strides in the earth; and by frequent signs of do vastation fallen trees and crushed underwood. Ouce they came to a river of great width, on the near margin of which, at the water s edge, appeared two large foot-prints, while on the opposite bank were discovered indentations equally vast but impressed deeper in the soil, as if the monstrous Beast had reared on his 46 BEHEMOTH. hindermost feet and with supernatural strength and agility thrown himself across the intervening breadth of waters. As there were no bridges near at hand they were forced to compass the river by a circuitous route to regain the tracks which had been espied on the other bank. After attaining the utter extremity of the vale, through which the stream in question poured its tide, they pursued their chosen way into a thick wood, the path of the Mastodon through which seemed to have been created by sweeping before him, with a flexible power, whatever obstructed his progress. On every side of the huge gap into which the army now entered, lay prostrate trees of greatest magnitude; oak, pine and sycamore. Some, apparently, had been cast en high, and, descending into the neighboring for est, left their roots naked in the air, unnaturally inverted and exposed. And yet, save in the im mediate path of the Desolutor, nature smiled unalarmed and innocent, in its primeval and vir gin beauty. Here and there, shone out in the forest bright green patches, rising often into gen tle slopes, or softening away iiito vales as gen tle. Frequently the upland was crowned with groups of small trees, and the vales were tesse- BEHEMOTH* 47 lated with sweet wild-flowers. Then they crossed babbling brooks and rivulets, which ran across their march with a melodious murmur, eloquent with reproaches on the warlike task they were at present pursuing. Again, a large stream, which had gathered volume from the neighboring motmfnins, come rushing down declivities, and seemed to shout them on to battle. At times, in the course of this variegated march, they fell upon open spaces where, for a small circuit, no tree was to be seen ; rich mea dows, the chosen pastures of the wild beings of the prairies, pranked with red nnd white clover, and fragrant as the rose, in their unmown fresh ness. Sometimes they passed through sudden and narrow defiles, overhung by frowning cliffs and clothed with a dank verdure which seemed to be the growth of a century. One gorge, in particular, of this kind, they encountered whose beetling rocks in their dark and regular gran- deur, looked as if they might have been wrought out by the hands of the old Cyclops or " Pelas- gians strange." They seemed to be the solemn halls of u great race which had its seat of em- pire there (beyond even the age of the Mound- 49 BEHEMOTH. builders) and chambered in its tabernacles of ever* lasting stone. But Nature alone built these halls for herself, arid through them toward the West she walks at the twilight and morning hour in pomp and majesty. I see her, her skirts purpled with evening, and flowing forth in the fresh breezes of that untainted clime, now pacing those mighty avenues and recalling, in their awful still ness, the nations which slumber at her feet. Her face brightens like a sun, as she meditates over the empires which have faded fromearih into thedust beneath her ; she thinks and kindles in knowing and remembering that while man is mortal and psrisheth, she is eternal arid thrones with God. The glittering and long-extended host of the Mound-builders marched on through this cliff- walled passage, and passed next from all glimpse of the sun into douse and almost impervious woods ; impervious but for the way hewn out by the mighty Pioneer in whose tracks they conti nued to tread. Gloom, with its midnight wings, sate on high and brooded over the boundless thicket. The very leaves seemed dipped in a deeper hue of green, and the grass was thick and matted underneath, as if in that desolate region it clung BEHEMOTH. 49 closer to the earth. Above stood in their ancient stillness (apparently unbroken for ages) the tall, sombre trees, while about their trunks venerable ivies and mosses clung desperately, and mounted far up toward their topmost branches. Athwart the solid darkness no wing, save that of a melan choly owl or bat, clove and furnished to the tene brous realm the sign of life or motion. On the earth no living thing was to be seen, unless amid the dank grass an occasional toad or serpent, sit ting or coiled on the cold stone. And yet, though life seemed extinct, or exhibited itself only in rep tile and hateful forms, the Mound-builders, as they marched on through the gloomy quiet, in pursuit of their mighty prey, saw, in the dimly discovered foot-marks which they still followed, a token of vast and inexplicable power which deepened the darkness about them and infused a portion of its weird influence into their souls. And yet with purpose unshaken, they advanced. Again the blessed sunshine greeted them, and the low mist I rolled heavily from their minds and again their I purpose stood out to their inward eye clear and | determinate. Emerging from the awful woods they came to a broad prairie across which the large foot-steps 50 BEHEMOTH. were deeply visible. On every side, as far as the eye could reach, the ample plain was desert and unoccupied. The innumerable herds of bison which had once been its tenantry had now, before the terror of Behemoth, fled away, and the wild wolf, which once lurked amid the rank grass, skulked from a Power which seemed to overshadow the earth. Still there was a province of animated nature into which the,alarm scarcely ascended : for on high, as in the quiet and fear less hours of earlier times, the brown vulture and the bald eagle flew, silently sailing on, or sending through the air their shrill notes of ecstacy and rapture. The boundlessness of those mighty meadows was in itself calculated to strike an awe through the bosom of the advancing army ; be fore it they lay the Map of the Infinite : a vast table on which, as on the tables of stone the fin gers of an omnipotent had written Majesty, Power and Eternity. Contemplations like these were sufficient in themselves to fill the mind of the armed host with feelings of awe and hu mility, but when, over the immense prairie, they saw evidences that something had passed which for the moment rivalled Deity ; more palpable in its manifestations, nearer in its visible strength, BEHEMOTH. 51 and less merciful in its might ; when the tracks about them and the desert solitude which Behe moth had created became thus clearly, apparent, they shrunk within themselves and doubted the wisdom of their present enterprise. This feeling however reigned but for a moment More manly and martial thoughts soon took their place, and they pressed on in the path pointed out with alacrity and courage. The verge of the plain, which they had now reached, bordered on a long and high ridge of mountains, which stretched from the margin of the prairie far West. Upon these summits they now advanced. Ar rayed in broad and solid columns the army moved on over the mighty causeway, their trum pets filling the air with novel music ; while the echo of their martial step, sounding through the wilderness, affrighted Silence from his ancient throne. Against the clear sky their bright ban ners flaunted, and high up into the heaven as pired the warlike tower flashing death from every point. The gleam of ten thousand swords streamed from those broad heights far into the depths of air above, around, below lighting the solitude like " a new-risen sun." The pride of war now truly kindled their 52 BEHEMOTH. breasts fear skulked aside from their heroic way, and Death, could he have come forth a personal being, on those clear summits, as their pulses freshened in treading them, would have been no - .phantom. Through the ranks a soldierly joy prevailed, and with the rousing drum their spirits beat high, They had reached the extreme limit of the mountain ridge, and were preparing to descend into the plain which broadened at its foot, when, afar off, they espied, slowly heaving itself to and fro in the ocean, which sparkled in the mid-day sun beyond the plain, a vast body which soon shaped itself to their vision into the form of Behemoth. The army halted and stood gazing. The giant beast seemed to be sporting with the ocean. For a moment he plunged into it, and swim ming out a league with his head and lithe pro boscis 1 reared above the waters, spouted forth a sea of 1 bright, blue fluid toward the sky, ascend ing to t the very cloud, which, returning, brightened into innumerable rainbows, large and small, and spanned the ocean. Again he cast his huge bulk along the main, and lay " floating many a rood" in the soft middle sun, basking in its ray and BEHEMOTH. 53 presenting in the grandeur and vastness of his repose, a monumental image of Eternal Quiet. Bronze nor marble have ever been wrought into sculpture as grand and sublime as the motionless shape of that mighty Brute resting on the sea. Even at the remote distance from which they viewed him they could catch at times through the ocean-spray, the sparkle of his small and burning eye. Once, it seemed for a moment steadily fixed upon their host as it stood out con spicuously on the height, and, abandoning his gambols, Behemoth urged his bulky frame toward the land. Breasting the mighty surges which his own motion created, he sought the shore, and as he came up majestically from the water, a chasm ensued as if the Pacific shrunk from its limits. With a gurgling tumult the subsiding waves rush ed into the broad hollow, and continued to eddy about its vortex. Meantime Behemoth stood upon the earth, and rearing on his hindmost feet his fore most were lifted high in the air, and with a roar loud and fearful (like the gathering of an earthquake with its powers of desolation in thj bowels of the earth) he brought them to the plain with a weight and energy which made it tremble 54 BEHEMOTH. to its utmost verge. He moved on; making straight toward the army of the Mound-builders. To the eyes of the astonished host, as he shouted with his fearful voiee, he seemed like a dread thunder cloud which gathers tone and volume as it rolls on assaulting with its hollow peals the very walls of Heaven. Bokulla was undismayed and calm. He saw that the hour for action had arriv ed, and marshalling his tro5ps in proper order, he led them down a winding and gentle slope which descended to the plain. A short time sufficed and they reached the level ground. Dis posing themselves in the preconcerted order, they awaited the on-coming of Behemoth. The tow ers were planted firm on the earth ; the pioneers put forth and the instrumental sounds began. As an additional thought a battalion of troops was placed on a level ledge of rocks, on the side of the mountain, and in advance of the main army, to gall him as he passed. On his part there was no delay : with strides, like those of goda, he stalked forward. And still he seemed, to the Mound-builders, to grow with his advance. His bulk dilated, until it came be tween them and heaven, and filled the whole cir cuit of the sky. The firmament seemed to rest BEHEMOTH. . 55 upon his wide shoulders as a mantle. As he near- ed upon their view, they saw more of his structure and properties. His fnce was like a vast coun tenance cut in stone, hewn from the hard granite of the mountain-side, with features large as those of the Egyptian sphinx. Before him he bore- terrible instruments of power ! a mighty and lithe trunk, which, with swift skill, he coiled and darted through the air, like a monstrous serpent, instinct with poison and death. Guarding the trunk were two far extending tusks, which curv ed and flashed in the sun like scimitars. Over his huger proportions fear cast its shadow, and they saw them as through a cloud darkly. He moved forward, nevertheless, a vast machine of war, containing in himself all the muniments and defences of a well-appointed host. To the cool and courageous sagacity of the leader he seemed to join the strength and fojce of an embattled soldiery : to sharp and ready weapons of offence he added the defence of a huge and impenetrable frame. Through his small and flaming orbs, his soul shot forth in flashes dark and desperate. His neck was ridged with a short and stiff mane, which lent an additional terror to his bulk. On he came. He neared the host of the 50 BEHEMOTH. Mound-builders. His fearful trunk was uplifted, and his tusks glanced in the broad beam of day over the heads of the army. Not a sword left its scabbaro\ Not an arrow was pointed. The bra zen hammers and vessels of molten copper, which had alone been raised, fell back to their places, powerless and ineffective. The palsy of fear was upon the whole host. The near and unexpected vastness of Behemoth awed their souls. Bokulla alone retained his self-possession, and shouted to the affrighted squadrons: "Onward! Mound- builders cheer up, and onward ! the battle may yet be with us !" It was in vain. The vast pro boscis descended, and crushed with its descent a whole phalanx. A second sweep, and the mighty wooden towers, with their hammers of brass, their molten copper, and their indwelling defen ders, were hurled on high, and rushing to the earth, strewed the plain with their wreck. Ten thousand perished under his feet as he trampled onward. Ten thousand fell stricken to the earth by th<a mere icy bolt of fear. The legion, stationed on the level ledge, were swept from their post, as the whirlwind sweeps the dust from the autumn leaf. Twice ten thousand .. and more fled up the mountain ; across the prai BEHEMOTH. 57 rics ; and some, in their extreme of trepidation, sought shelter in the sea. With infinite ruin the main host lay scattered upon the prairie, shield, sword, bow, wagon, wagoner, spearsman, and pioneer. Over the plain, maddened by terror, the bisons, with their vehicles, following in clattering haste, galloped, they knew not whither. Of a \ body of about fifteen thousand men, Bokulla, col lected as ever, took command, and marshalling them through a narrow defile, led them up the ^ mountain, from which the whole army had a few J hours before descended in pomp and glory. Guid ing them along the ridge by new and well chosen paths, he hurried them forward. In the mean time Behemoth had perfected his work upon the squadrons which -were left. When the task of death and ruin was completed, he stood in the middle of the wreck, and, gazing about, seemed to seek for some portion of the host on \rhom desolation was yet to be wrought. With saga cious instinct he soon discovered the path which the missing legions had taken. Instantly abandoning the plain, he pressed toward the gap through which the retreating troops had fled. Rushing through the defile, he was soon stand- 58 BEHEMOTH. ing on the steps of Bokulla and his flying troops. Through each narrow pass of rocks the chief tain skilfully guided them, taking advantage of every object that might be an obstacle to the mon strous frame of their pursuer. Sometimes they mounted a sudden ascent, sometimes hastened through a narrow vale, or around a clump of mighty sycamores and cotton-woods. Neverthe less Behemoth pressed on. Behind them, terrible as the voice of death, they heard his resounding roar, and turned pale with affright. They had reached the crown of a hill, and were compassing a tall rock, which stood in their way, to descend, when they heard heavy, trampling steps behind them, and looking back, they beheld the ponder ous bulk of the Mastodon urging rapidly up the ascent. Trepidation fastened on the ranks. Their knees smote together, and rrany, in the weakness of sudden fear, fell quaking to the earth. Some, in their alarm, cast themselves headlong from the height j some escaped into the neighboring woods, and two or three, bereft of sense by terror, fled into the very jaws of the huge beast himself. A small band only kept on their way with Bokulla. Surging up the steep, and down the oppo- BEHEMOTH. 69 site descent, Behemoth pushed forward, tram pling to the earth those who stood rooted in his path- statues of despair and was soon at the rear of the small flying troop. He was at the very heels of the pale fugitives j and Bokulla, placing a trumpet at his lips, blew a long, loud, and what, in the hour of battle and under other auspices, would have been an inspiriting blast, and endeavored to arouse in them sufficient spirit and strength to bear them to the shelter of a gigantic crag which stood in their path. Past this the velocity and impetus of the brute would inevitably force him, and they might rest for a moment while he rushed down and re- ascended (if re-ascend he should) the declivity. The attempt was successless: the trumpet-blast, vainly blown, was borne far away into the for ests, and, echoing from cliff to cliff, seemed only to awaken the idle air. From Bokulla, one by one, his followers fell off, and perished by Behemoth, or crept into the grass and underwood to die a more lingering death. JkiJength the chief tain was alone before his mighty pursuer. And yet he " bated not a jot of heert or hope, but still bore up and steered right onward," With 60 BEHEMOTH. the emergency his courage, resolution, and fore thought rose. He kept his way steadily, and the bison which drew him nobly seconded his purpose, and ex hibited, as if inspired by the greatness of the occasion, the power of reason in comprehending, and a giant s strength in carrying out, the most expedient means for the rescue of his master s person. He seemed to apprehend every direction of Bokulla s at a thought. To the right be tween yon stout oaks ! To the left onward Bokulla is at your mercy!" shouted the rider, and they swept along like the prophet and his chariot of fire. The night had gradually conie on. Palpable twilight now overspread the scene, and, in a moment, the moon glided to her sta-- tioti in the zenith. The woods tn rough which Bokulla passed were now filled with shadows, which crossing and blending with each other, would have con fused mere human skill in selecting a path ; but the bison dexterously steered on. With cum brous but swift steps Behemoth still pursued, over hills, vales, mountains. At length Bokulla reached that very summit where first the gigantic Phantom had appeared BEHEMOTH. 6i and where the impress of his steps was yet clear ly led. He had just commenced his descent to ward the villages of the Mound-builders, (thou sands of whom looked toward his chariot as he sounded another peal on his trumpet) and Behe moth stood behind him. The mighty brute, from some unconjecturable motive, paused. He saw the chariot of Bokulla rapidly verging to ward its home. He abandoned the pursuit, but yet yielded not his purpose of destroying the last of the army of the Mound-builders ; for, loosening from its base a massy rock, which hung threat ening over the village, he lifted it with his tnsks nnd pushing it forward, urged it with tremendous force directly in the career of the chieftain. Thun dering it followed him. It neared his chariot, Another turn and Bokulla is crushed : but the Mound-builders shout in one voice <( To the right, Bokulla ! to the right !" and turning his chariot in that direction, he escapes the descending ruin, though enveloped in the dust of its track. Emerging quickly from the cloud, and avoiding the rocky mass, which rushed past him with terrible fury, Bokulla now reached the bottom of the mountain, and was surrounded instantly by innumerable Mound-builders, each with a fearful 63 BEHEMOTH. question on his lips, and the dread of a yet more fearful answer written in his countenance. Bo- kulla, alone and in flight, was a reply to all their thoughts could imagine or dread of what was terrible. Gazing upon him for a while in mo tionless silence, they at length burst the stupor which made them dumb, and each one asked for husband, brother, son,-r-who had gone forth but a few days since, full of life and vigor, against Behemoth. " Death defeat and flight !" were all that escaped from Bokulla, and, breaking his way through the multitude, he sought his own home, Gathering about the house of the chief tain, men, women and children, in large crowds, they cried out through the live-long night, while their tears fell for their relatives who had ven tured to the battle, and asked wherefore they came not back ? The next day, about noon, there rushed into the village, covered with foam and quaking with fear, troops of bison, followed by the frame work on which the towers and machines of war had been raised, and clattering through the streets with their enormous arid lumbering wheels till they reached their stalls they fell dead. To some of them a handful of men clung tenaciously, BEHEMOTH. 63 though pale and terror-stricken, and to the rear of one hung by his feet, which were entangled in the leathern strap that had bound the frame together, a lifeless body, the skull of which was broken by rude and hasty contact with the earth, while the tufts of hair which remained, were matted with grass, thorns and mire, gathered as it was drawn swiftly along through the different varieties of verdure, marsh, and brambles. The next day after that, at about night-fall, there came down the mountains which Bokulla had descended under circumstances of so much peril, a lean and tattered company, marshalled forward by the ghost-like figure of a chieftain, with a broken helm, husky voice, and swordless scabbard. They were a portion of the army which had gone forth with Bokulla, and had been reduced to their present pale and ragged condi tion partly by fear and partly by the want of food for the two days during which they had wander ed in search of home. Many a wife and mother shed tears of mingled gratitude and pity as she looked upon the shattered wreck of her son or husband, thus cast up from the waves of war* Two or three days after this, and day by day, for some week or two, came into the villages of the 64 BEHEMOTH. Mound-builders, single fugitives, or in pairs, when they had coupled themselves together, that in this sorrowful fellowship, they might aid each other in bearing up against terror, hunger and death. And even after a month had rolled round, and tears had been shed and rites performed for the absentees, two or three strayed home lunatic; poor idiots, whose brains had been crazed by the triple assault of fear, famine, and the dread of in stant death under the hoofs of the enemy. From the account that could be gathered from their own wandering and confused wits, they had fled every inch of the way from the battle-ground under the terrible apprehension that Behemoth was at their heels. Through brake and through briar they had hastened ; they had scrambled over rocks and waded wide ponds : they had climbed trees and rested a little, and then swinging themselves from the branches, had run miles over hot and streamless prairies, until they had reached their native villages, sad, witless idiots t The catastrophe now stood out before the Mound-builders, drawn in bold, strong and fear ful strokes ; painted in colors borrowed from the midnight, and dashed upon the canvass (it almost BEHEMOTH. 65 seemed) by the hand of destiny itself. _The ma lignant planet which had so long lowered in the atmosphere, had now burst, and poured from its womb all that was dreadful, pernicious and en* during. The earth was now to them a cold, comfortless prison, into which they were plunged by an inexorable power, and where they were doomed to drag through tHeir allotted portion of life, under the eye of an eternal and terrible foe j joyless, hopeless and prostrate., The multitude gave themselves to a quiet and passionless despair. Bokulla was silent or invisible. Great occasions beget great men, but what is singular and rarely noted, they have also a ten dency to nurse into life a swarm of petty spirits, which take the opportunity, uninvited, to push themselves into prominent posts. Thus the same emergency which elicited the resources of Bokul- la s large and fruitful mind, also, drew out the vagaries and absurdities of a puny intellect, Kluckhatch by name. On account of his dwarf ish size and an unlucky curvature in the legs, this valorous gentleman had been rejected from the military companies. Nevertheless he kept a drum on his own account, with which he was wont to regale a rabble crowd of urchins and 6* 66 BEHEMOTH. maidens ; making a monthly tour through the villages and refreshing them with the dulcet sounds. He also wore in this itinerant and vo lunteer soldiery of his a small sword ; a bright pyramidal blade of steel with a handle of elk s horn, the tip of which was surmounted with a clasp or circlet of silver and ornamented with the device of an owl hooting. The person of Kluckhatch was, as I have hinted, pigraean rather than otherwise. He had a low forehead with prominent cheek bones, and a broad full-moon face with large eyes, in which idiocy and self-con ceit predominated, though they were occasional ly enlivened with an expression of mirth and good-fellowship, and sometimes even brightened with a humorous conception. On the crown of his head, to complete his garniture, Kluckhatch bore a cap of conical figure, with a flattened cir cular Bummitj-entling at the apex with a round button of copper. Attached to the sides of the cap were two large ear-flaps of deer-skin, or that of some other indigenous animal, made to cover ears as large. I believe," said this self-constituted champion, when every plan suggested and acted upon had proved fruitless, "I believe," said he, "/must BEHEMOTH. 67 take this huge blusterer in hand. I look for a mound of the largest size at least for my memory if I lay him at length, and a patent of nobility for my family. Kluckhatch is no fool is he?" asked the vainglorious militant, turning with cocked eye to a shock-headed youth who stood gaping at his elbow. The boy replied with a similar squint, and Kluckhatch ran on, detailing at length, like a crafty plotter, the whole course of strategy he intended to put in practice against Behemoth, naming the time when, arid the place where, he expected to achieve his capture at least, if not his death. In accordance with this carefully matured plot, one bright and cold autumn morning Kluckhatch sallied forth accoutred to a point with dagger, hat and sword-belt, to which was attached special ministrant in the anticipated capture, his little drum, with the melodious sounds of which he ex* peeled to quell and mollify the mighty rage of Behemoth. Over his right shoulder he bore a light ladder of pine of great length, with which he intended to mount to Behemoth s neck and in flict the fatal wound with his trenchant blade. Thus armed and accoutred Kluckhatch set forth. Fortunately on the morning which he 68 BEHEMOTH. chose for his adventure, the Mastodon was not far off but pastured in a broad open meadow within sight of the Mound-builders villages. When Kluckhatch first beheld him opening and closing his mighty jaws as he cropped the tall verdure, his soul trembled within him and vi brated to and fro, like a mariner s needle, between the determination to retreat and that to advance. At length however it settled down true to its pur pose. He marched forward beating a reveille" on his dwarfish drum, while he whistled faintly as an accompaniment. He was now within stone s throw of tho monster. He had lowered the lad der from his shoulder, that he might be better prepared to scale the sides of the Beast. Behe moth ceased from the labor of feeding ; a moment his eye twinkled on the puissant Kluckhatch, and the next, unrolling his trunk, he coiled it about the slender body of the adventurer, and lifting hint gently from the earth, as gently tossed him sonic score of yards into a neighboring pond, which was about five feet deep, and mantled with a covering of stagnant water. Into this Kluck hatch descended and fell amid a noisy company of large green bull-frogs who were holding a meeting for general consultation and the expression of BEHEMOTH. 69 opinion. Amid the blustering assembly the valiant little hero fell. For a time, as he hung balanced in the air, it was doubtful which portion of his person would first penetrate the water. The levity of his head and the weight of his splay-feet, at length brought the latter first to the pool, and dividing the stagnant surface, they sank through and reached a bottom of mud ; still they sank and continued to settle down deeper and deeper, Kluckhatch knew not where his descent would stop, nor where in the end he might arrive. His feet at last found support just as his chin reached the waters edge, and, looking up, the first object which fell upon his vision was a house, hold of venerable and contemplative crows who, seated on a dry tree at the edge of the pool, seemed to be philosophizing over his mishaps, in their most doleful discords. One, an old rake, with only an eye left in his head, ap peared to Kluckhatch, as he leered knowing- y upon him, to be a desperate quiz. When, after many vain efforts, he had brought his scat tered senses into something like order, reaching forth one hand he grasped his drum, which floated at a distance on the pool, and held it up 70 BEHEMOTH. tremblingly, while with the other he drew from his belt a drum-stick which survived hie fall. Stretching out the hand that held the stick, he struck up a faint tatoo on the parchment, with the double purpose of driving off those accursed and hard-hearted crows, and also to draw help from the nearest village. To the instrumental sounds thus elicited he added a humble vocal effort. Here was a scene for a painter : Kluckhatch, the drum, and the crows, all in unison, running down the scale from lofty bass to shrill treble. The hero soon tired of his toilsome essays at the two kinds of music under his charge, and put ting forth all his strength in a desperate venture, he succeeded, scrambling, floundering, and pad dling, in reaching the shore endued in a coat-of- mail, composed of black slime and green ooze, with long locks of eel-grass dangling at his heela, as trophies of his exploit. Satisfied with this valorous attempt at the capture of the "huge blusterer," Kluckhatch skulked home. Some two months more had passed when a new enterprise was set on foot by a desperate band, un der the control of two or three daring and reck less leaders. Their daring, however, was not the fruit of experience, for they had not been out with the army against the fearful enemy. BEHEMOTH, 71 The Mastodon, with that attachment to particu lar scenes and localities, which even the brute che rishes to a certain degree in common with man, had been observed to exhibit a fondness for one spot, which seemed to be dearer to his mighty spirit than all others. It was a wide plain, in whose centre grew a few tall elm trees, where Behemoth, through the oppressive hours of noon, was wont to rest. Beside their roots bubbled a cool rivulet, in which he sometimes cast his lim ber trunk and sported with its waters, This was the spot where the last of his brute brethren hod fallen, Here his gigantic frame fell, and here it reposed. The earth about Behemoth was the dust of his mighty bones, and every green thing which sprang from the mould drew its nourish ment from the great Dead. The desperate crew, to which we have allu ded, or rather one of their chiefs, conceived a plan, based on the Mastodon s frequent resort to this locality, which might eventuate in his de- * struction. The chief, with whom it originated, suggested that five or six bands or bodies of men should commence mining the earth at a consi derable depth, from so many distinct quarters, g the ground where Behemoth was accus- 72 BEHEMOTH. tomed to repose, the common centre of their operations. They should delve thus far below the surface until they had reached the spot in question, that the earth might be sufficiently solid to bear up the weight of the prodigious Brute, as he crossed it to and fro : but that, when they had attained the appointed centre subterrane- ously, they should then so. far diminish the body of earth as to leave a mere shell through which his bulk must needs bear the Mastodon and bring him to the bottom of the pit, thus prepared for him, with rapid and deadly haste. The latter port of the mining, as they approached the cen- tro, was to be conducted by means of broad spades attached to long handles, while the miner stood back in the subterranean halls secure from the sudden downfalling of the heavy bulk. The day came to put in trial this desperate in- ventipn for the overthrow of the heroic enemy. A company of about five hundred men, under five leaders, went forth to their allotted labor. Day af ter day they toiled under the earth. Cautiously in the morning they sallied out to their duty, and at night stole back as cautiously to their slumbers. They had finished the whole plan in detail as mapped out by its projector ; they had hollowed BEHEMOTH. 73 the earth with their far withdrawn instruments of labor, until the weight of the Mastodon rested at noon, casting its shadow far east, upheld but by a thin shelf of earth. They toiled on, Withhisquicfc intelligent ear he heard the click of their many mattocks, and giving a bold and agile spring wonderful for so ponderous a frame he pressed his feet strongly upon the mould ; it yielded and fell in with dire ruin, and Behemoth landed be yond its fatal circle on the bright greensward, and bellowed forth a fearful roar of triumph and scorn. The subterranean toilers, when they heard the thunderous voice of Behemoth, clear and sonor ous on high, knew that he had escaped ; while not a few of their number, whose fool-hardiness had carried them too near the falling mass, pe rished under it. The remainder, abandoning all things, fled, dismayed, toil-worn and discomfited, toward their native villages. PART SECOND. PART SECOND. IT was two hours before sunrise. Through tho wide realm of the populous West not a soul was stirring, save a single human figure, which might have been seen threading its way through the streets of one of the great cities of the Mound- builders. This solitary object moved at a slow, measured pace, as if its progress was actually re tarded by the weight of the thoughts with which it was engaged. The eyes gleamed as if they beheld afar off so me enterprise of magnitude and obstinacy sufficient to call up the whole soul of the man, and the lines of the countenance work ed, and the hands were clenched as if he was ak ready employed in the struggle. If one could have looked into his bosom, he might have seen all his faculties mustering to the encounter ; and among other passions aroused and assembling there, he might have noted discomfiture and mor tification thrusting in their hated visages, and 7* 76 BE HK MOTH. lending a keener stimulus and quicker motion to the current of his thoughts. If the power of thus inspecting that breast were given to him, he might have also discovered an heroic resolution, almost epic in its proportions and strength, tower ing up from amid the ruins ofmany cast-down and desolated projects, and assuming to contend with unconquerable might. The solitary figure was that of Bokulla, who was thus venturing forth, self-exiled and alone, todisco- ver in the broad wilderness toward the sea, what ever means of triumph he might, over a power that had hitherto proved itself more than a match for human strength or cunning. A great spirit had ta ken possession of the chieftain, and the shame of an inglorious defeat aided to kindle the energy of his passions, Over that defeat he had already pondered long and anxiously. He confessed to himself that he had formed but a vague opinion of the hugeness and strength of Behemoth when ho had proposed the battle, But he dwelt in the midst of a terrified und perishing people : As a man, he was touched by the sufferings and alarms of his nation. Danger and death were before them, and up gale of safety or mercy open ed. He saw this people not only in the present BEHEMOTH. 79 time, but through a long futurity, scourged and suffering : the old tottering into a hasty grave, pursued by u hideous phantom that increased its terrors ; the young growing up with images and thoughts of fear, interwoven with their tender and plastic elements of being. Was there no one man in this whole nation who would go forth, in the spirit of martyrdom and self-sacrifice, and seek, even in the desert it self, the knowledge that would bring strength and safety in its wings ? It was he that was now passing away from his country for a while, and launching himself in the boundless wilderness of the West. Championed by doubt and solitude, he was plunging into a region which stretched, he knew not whither, and to a fate, perchance, his heart dared not whisper to itself. What fruit might spring from this hardy enterprise, it was vain to conjecture ; but he was determined to gather some knowledge of the habits and some information as to the lodgment of this terrible scourge of his people. With rapid and firm step, he therefore proceeded on his way. By secret paths, and through dark woods, he advanced, and mid-day brought him to a spot which overlooked 80 BEHEMOTH. the whole of the wide territory of the Mound- builders. v He stood upon a cliff which pushed out boldly from the wooded region that lay behind it, and hung, like the platform of a castle, over a valley and river that wound round its base. It was co* vered in patches with verdure and earth from which a few stately trees threw up their branches, and underneath these Bokulla now stood. Casting his eye abroad he beheld a scene which the boldest fancy of our time can scarcely con ceive, accustomed as we are to think of the prairies as tenantless and houseless deserts, and the whole broad West as a wild, unpeopled re gion never disturbed unless by bands of straggling Indian hunters, or a mad herd of buffalo sweep ing like a tornado over their bosom. From his Jofty stand, the self-exiled chieftain looked down upon a country as broad as Europe spread out in the most glorious variety of hill, and vale, and meadow, with a thousand streams intersecting the whole, sometimes mingling with each other, occa sionally ploughing their way through a genial valley, orcuttingdeep into the heart of a mountain whose slope was covered with forests. A numer ous population lined their banks, or hovered BEHEMOTH. 81 on their eminences, whose dwellings and national edifices reared themselves in the air and darkened the land with their number. Over those vast, verdant deeps, the prairies, were scattered like islands, countless cities in whoso suburbs tall towers of granite and marble sprang to the sky and resembled the masts of ships of war just put ting out from the ahore, In another direction a mighty bastion of earth, with its round green summit, heaved itself into view like the back of some huge sea monster ; and the long grass of the prairies, swept by occasional winds, rolled to and fro and furnished the ocean-like surges on which all these objects rode triumphant. Upon this scene Bokulla gazed long and earnestly while many dark thoughts and sad emo tions followed each other like the clouds of sum mer through his mind and darkened his counte nance as they passed. Beneath him he saw an hundred cities devoted to ruin : tower, and tern* pie, and dwelling crumbling to the earth, and no hand lifted to arrest their fall, A wide populace was wasting away from a robust and manly vigor into a pale and shadow-like decrepitude. I Day by day the august majesty of a prosperous and ambitious nation dwindled into a shrunken BEHEMOTH. and counterfeit image of itself. To them there was now no alternation of sunshine or shadow : seasons passed without their fruits : the golden summer no longer smiled in their midst, and ge nerous autumn departed without a blessing and unheeded. To these miserable and suffering realms Bokulla now bade farewell His present enterprise might he without fruit, or fraught with disastrous and fatal results to ^himself : yet in the strength of Nature he would once more presume to cope with the dreaded enemy, for he still believed that man must be triumphant in the end over this bestial domination. To man the earth was given as his kingdom, and all tribes and classes of creatures were made his subjects and vassals. In this faith he turned away from a scene which suggested so many fearful topics of thought, and bent his course towaro the West, guided by such know ledge as he already enjoyed, and such marks as occurred to his observation, determined to avoid the face of man and to be familiar only with soli tude and danger until some new means of tri umph were clearly discovered. In pursuance of this resolve he pushed forward with speed and energy; plucking by the way wild berries and BEHEMOTH. S3 other natural fruits as food, and drinking of the cool shaded rivulet, his only beverage : for, from thefirst moment that he had conceived the thought of this venturous self-exile, he vowed to cast him self on Nature and to be received and sustained by her as her worthy child, or to perish as an alien and outcast on her bosom. He had therefore come forth unprovided with food, and trusting entirely to her bounty for a supply. Hand in hand thus with liberal Nature, Bokulla pressed onward until night-fall, when lie halted, and, sheltering himself safely within the hollow of a rock, he gathered himself for repose. Thus for many days did this solitary pilgrim journey on, seeking no other couch but the over hanging cliff or the sheltering bank, and finding no other canopy but the broad, open sky and the green roof of the branching tree. A constant grandeur of soul sustained him in the midst of many pressing hardships, and a noble purpose bore him forward as the winds propel the eagle that trusts to their strength. Guided by appa rent tracks and obvious landmarks, about the middle of the afternoon of the second day he reached a solemn wood, into th<5 heart of which he made hid way. v 84 BEHEMOTH. He was something wearied with travel, and seeing the remains of a large old oak thrusting themselves up from the tangled and chequered shade, he seated himself upon them. The wild underwood and smaller foliage were twisted into a thousand fantastic shapes, which wreathed themselves round, and the prodigal forest-flowers had scattered their colors here and there so pro fusely over the seat which the self-exile had chosen, as to furnish somewhat the appearance of a rich and cushioned throne. What wonder if the resemblance struck the excited imagination of Bokulla, and his eye glanced about the forest as if in search of attendants that should hedge this seat of honor round. " Am I alone here !" half-muttered the chieftain. " Is all this pleasant realm of air, and this verdurous spot of earth void and barren ! No, no ; I am not in an un- populous solitude even here. Airy citizens throng about me in this remote and unfrequented wood. Busy hopes, immortal desires, passions, longings, and aspirations that lengthen like shadows the nearer we approach the sunset of life. Mighty and tumultuous wishes and emotions gather around me in this pathless and woodland region, and tell me I am not, that I cannot be, alone. BEHEMOTH. 85 Shadowy creatures ! wnich sway us beyond all corporal powers and instruments ye swarm now in these shaded walks and foremost Ambition and Fame, glorious twins ! stand forth and tower in cloudy stature, grasping at impossible objects and plucking at the heavens themselves ! Im mortal powers and faculties ! in these retired and natural chambers, 1 know you as the internal and silent agencies which are to guide and sustain me through this hardy and venturous pilgrim age." In this wood he found a suitable shelter and stretched himself for sleep. Notwithstanding the great cares with which he was oppressed, the mind of the chieftain was visited by pleasant dreams; and he was borne far back from the gloomy and troubled present, into an old and cheerful time, where every thing wore a counte nance of joy, and a golden atmosphere floated about all. He wandered along the banks of mighty streams, watching the careless flight of birds, or the idle motions of their currents, on which many vessels of gallant trim, with every sail set, were hastening toward the sen. Around him a thousand familiar sounds made the com mon music of day ; trumpets were sounded in 8 86 BEHEMOTH. the distance ; citizens were hurrying forth or home on errands of business, or pleasure, or tender sorrow ; and all was human and delightful. The chieftain himself seemed to have the heart of youth, and to ramble onward amid these pleasant scenes of life as if no morrow was coming, as if the sun that was now in mid-heaven would never set. Near the close of the night, this pageant passed away, and the slumbers of the champion were interrupted by a loud sound, like that of a storm gathering in the distance, and which drew near er by, increasing every moment. Presently it seemed to cross the western quarter of the wood with a clashing and tumultuous noise, resembling that of a great cataract, and then it passed far to the north-west, and died away after a long time like rattling thunder, among the distant peaks of the mountains. Nothing could be more alarming to the imagi nation than this midnight tumult, and Bokulla felt that his situation was like that of the wretched ma riner, whose bark is dashed on the rocks of some inhospitable shore, where night and the raging winds press on him behind, and darkness and the wild beast prepare to fasten on his weather-beaten BEHEMOTH. 87 body as he strikes the land. But no sound that Bokulla had ever known could represent the character of that which all night long had re bellowed, and thundered, and died away. The stormy shouts of a warlike assault, the furious outcry of popular rage, the howling of winter winds, all commixed, would be an imperfect image of its depth, and strength, and varying loudness, In the morning, disturbed and per plexed, he girded himself again to his task, and shaped his course toward that region of the fo rest by which the indescribable tumult had swept. An hour s swift travel brought him to a large wooded slope, which presented to his view, in the uncertain light of a. sun obscured by the gray mist of morning, an astonishing spectacle, A thousand vast old trees, each large enough for the main column of a temple, were dashed against the upland and lay there, leaning half-way down, as if they had contested against overthrow, like mighty ships, blown over in the harbor of some great city, when tho north has bilrst upon them and commanded that they should veil their pen nons and high-aspiring standards. From obvious footmarks he easily discovered the course which the strength that caused this desola- 88 BEHEMOTH. tion had taken, and pursuing the indications thus furnished, he was soon out upon an open plain. The region that now spread before him was a wide and trackless waste, barren, void of vegeta tion, and apparently deserted of nature. Such her bage as lingered about its borders, was small, scanty, and withered, and crept gloomily along the dusty banks of dricd-up brooks and rivulets, Over this arid desert, as Bokulla slowly plodded, he discovered the same large foot-prints as he had followed all along, crossing and re-crossing each other, sometimes diverging and again keeping straight on, in a manner so irregular and wan dering, as to bewilder him, and set any attempt to pursue them entirely at nought. la some places the earth was ploughed up and rent with seams recently made, and in others it was scattered far and wide, in irregular and bro ken heaps, The whole wilderness presented an appearance as if it had been recently trampled by spme angry and barbaric puissance, that had swept it from end to end, like a storm. What now rendered his situation still more perplexing, was a circumstance which would seem at first a source of self-gratulation and comfort, after the fearful sounds of the preceding BEHEMOTH. 89 night. A dead silence hung all around him, which was, if possible, more dreary and depress ing than the unearthly noises of midnight, A soundless and voiceless quiet filled the air, the sky, and brooded over the inanimate sea of sand slumbering at his feet. Through this confused and desolate region the chieftain resolved to make his way to the summit of some one of the mountains that dominated this arid plain at its farthest extremity, and from thence, as from a citadel, look abroad and make such discoveries as he might. Bokulla at length reached the summit of a high mountain, and looking forth towards the East, he beheld a mighty region of hill and valley, whose immensity astonished and overwhelmed him. In one direction an hundred peaks towered one above the other, until the farthest was lost, it seemed, on the very threshold of the sky. In another, torrents dashed through numerous de clivities, tearing down mountains, it almost seem* ed, in their rage, and threatening to wash away tho very foundations of the earth, as they leaped over rocks, and crags, and rugged precipices. Huge passes and defiles that ploughed their way through the bosoms of solid mountains, and led 8* 90 BEHEMOTH. down as it were to the central fires, were visible in other quarters, and exhibited more or less of their dreary turnpikes as the sun-light fell upon one or the other. As Bokulia looked forth he descried a dark object moving slowly along a dis tant peak. Sometimes it paused, and then again advanced ; at length it plunged down the moun tain-side into a deep and dark valley, but still some portion of it was apparent j and at intervals, as it crossed a seam or gap that intersected the valley, the whole figure came into view. Thus it wound through the immense region, al most the whole time conspicuous to the eye of the gazer, who, however, was unable to discover its character, so remote was the distance at which it moved. At length it emerged from the many defiles and declivities, among which it had pass ed, and came out upon the open plain. As a numerous fleet of war ships, all their canvass spread, double some one of the Atlantic capes, and come within the ken of the anxious watcher on shore, so did this vast object steer round the mountain-base and stand before the eye of Bokulia. Like a huge fog that has settled in autumn upon the ground, and creeps along until it has mastered the earth with its broad dimcn- BEHEMOTH. VM sions, so did the stature and bulk of the Masto don tower and enlarge as it drew nigh. Among those mighty peaks, and along that immeasura ble plain, he seemed to move the suitable and sole inhabitant. Rocks piled on rocks, and rivers, the parents of oceans, calling unto rivers as large, and dreadful summits that hung over the earth and threatened to crush it, were not its massy plains and platforms broad enough to uphold mountains an hundred fold vaster, this was the proper birth-place and dwelling of the mightiest creature of the earth. Amid these great elements of nature, Bokulla beheld the motions of the Mastodon as he trode the earth in gigantic sway ; and thought swelled upon tumultuous thought, like waves that break over each other in the middle ocean, at each step of that unparalleled and majestic progress, What wonder, if at that moment he deemed the great creature before him unassailable and immortal ? Behemoth passed onward, and for the first time in many hours was lost to the gaze of the chieftain, as he entered a dark gap in a great mountain range far to the East. Intent on the daring and venturous purpose which had drawn him forth into the wilderness, he descended from his lofty 92 BEHEMOTH. station and shaped his course to the barriers within which the unconquered Brute had pass ed. With incredible labor he toiled over a thou sand obstacles; clambering high mountains, plodding through gloomy valleys, and compass ing, by contrivance sometimes, sometimes by sheer strength, broad streams, he found himself at length, as the night approached, fixed on a lofty ridge, whence his eye fell upon a spacious am phitheatre of meadow, completely shut in by rocks and mountains, save at a single narrow cut or opening. In the centre of this he beheld Be hemoth couchant (his head turned toward the chieftain himself) like a sublime image of stone in the middle of a silent lake. Bokulla exhibit ed no symptoms of terror or trepidation, and the beast lay motionless and quiet. Great emotions filled the breast of the chieftain as he looked upon the Mastodon reposing in this fortified solitude, He closely scrutinized the whole circle of mountains, and took an accurate survey of the gate which led out into the open country beyond. Among other circumstances, he observed large hollows, hew and there, in different quarters of the plain, as if worn there by the constant habitation of Behe moth ; and also, that as the wind sighed through BEHEMOTH. &3 the branches of trees that stood in its centre and along its border, the Mastodon moved up and down the amphitheatre with a slow and gentle motion as if soothed by the sound. While he was thus engaged, night descended upon the scene ; and the dark hours were to be passed by Bokulla alone in that far off wilderness, and within reach of the mighty and terrible foe. As well as he might he addressed himself to sleep ; but it was almost in vain, for it seemed as if the fearful strength beneath was slumbering at his side, and as if its tall, cold shadow fell upon him and froze the very blood in his veins. Armed beings of an inconceivable and super-human stature passed and re-passed before his mind ; and the vision of a conflict mightier than any that his mortal eyes had ever witnessed, in which huge trumpets brayed and enormous shields clashed against each other, swept along. Then it chang ed, and it seemed as if the mountains rocked to and fro and pent winds strove to topple down peaks and pinnacles, while in their midst one mighty Figure, neither of man nor of angel, stood chain ed, and, in a deep and fearful voice, cried to the heavens for succor. Perplexed by images and visions like these, Bokulla wakened before the 94 BP.HEMOTH, dawn and turned his steps, with scarce any guide or landmark) toward his own home. And now an appalling fate was before the champion) for he was without food in the very centre of the desert. The liberal fare upon which he had at first subsisted was gone long ago, and the scanty supply which nature had lately fur nished from hedges and meadows, had entire ly ceased. Barrenness, barrenness, barrenness, spread al I around . After toil and exertion of body and mind, almost beyond mortal strength, he seem ed likely to perish in the wastes with the great project that his soul had conceived unknown to living man. Interminable and gloomy disasters lowered over his country if he should perish in the wilderness, He struggled onward with an guish and hunger at his heart. At last, one day, when his strength was fast ebbing, he espied a bird rising sluggishly from a marshy thicket, and bearing in its pounces a quarry which Bokulla could not distinctly ascer tain. He knew, however, that it must be some esculent, and doubted not that it had been seized by the hawk, which bore it in its clutches, as a valuable prey. The bird had no sooner risen on the wing, than the chieftain ran forward and BEHEMOTH. 95 shouted with all his might, at the same time stretching out both his hands, with the hope of frightening the hawk, and causing her to drop her booty. She was, however, a strong and courageous plunderer, and fixing her talons still deeper into the sides of her burden, which Bo- knlla had now discovered, by a feather that had fallen, to be a plump and well-fed wood partridge, she soared up into the sky : the weight of her booty seeming to be such as to prevent her from attaining a lofty flight. The chieftain was too nearly famished to relinquish at once this chance of food. He accordingly cast his weather* stained and mouldering cloak from his shoulders, and rushed forth, keeping the fugitive barely in sight. The hawk which had attained her top most pitch, now flew level with the earth, and with a steady and not too rapid wing. Regardless of every other object, the pursuer pushed on, with his face ever and anon turned up to the sky, through brake and pool, over rocks and rugged places, although, at times, in peril of his life. j Gaunt famine had spread her wings, and on them, as it were, sustained, he swept along like a wind. His heart rose and fell with every varia tion in the motions of the bird, which bore in its 96 BEHEMOTH. clutch the precious quarry. In this way the hawk flew on for the first day, Bokulla keeping even with her flight, and watching it with an anxiety that every moment increased. At night-fall the bird alit in the upper branche- of a dry sycamore, which stood by the side of a pool filled with its sere dead leaves, and with two or three withered and hard-featured lizards for its inhabitants. The chieftain lay down at a distance and pre tended to sleep. When he supposed the bird had fallen into its slumbers, he crept cautiously to ward the tree with a stout stick in his hand, hoping to strike her dead from the perch. He had stolen thus within a few feet of her rest, and raising his weapon to hurl it at the hend of the hawk, he saw her bright eyes staring through the dark ; in a moment she flapped her wings and passed wholly out of sight. Al\ that night Bokulla was stretched on the earth in the most dreadful torture of mind and body. In the dreary darkness which had settled over all things, he conld not tell whether the frighted bird had flown from his view for ever or not. With the first streak of morning he sprang to his feet, and at the same time, startled by his BEHEMOTH. 97 abrupt movement, the hawk again took wing from a neighboring tree, where she had passed the night, and put forth steadily on her journey. Bokulla followed, with the hope that some lucky chance would place her booty in his pos session. And so it well-nigh happened, for, as he still pursued the bird, on the afternoon of this second day, a sudden gust of wind fell from the sky, and sweeping down upon the hawk, bore her to within arm s length of the eager chieftain. He immediately stretched forth the cudgel, which he still carried, to strike her to the ground ; but as he raised his arm, the wind shifting its course, swept her again high into the air. The country which he had now reached pre sented the most wild and sublime aspect. On every side of him he saw stupendous peaks, springing up into the sky, covered from crown to base with dazzling sheets of snow, which looked like mighty tents pitched in the desert. Between these a heady river roared and brawled, like a noisy and vaunting herald sum- raoning to the fight. Along its banks Bokulla speeded. The hawk alighting on a stone which reared its bald head in the middle of the stream, i mule of its waters. The chieftain, first imitating 98 BEHEMOTH. her example and quaffing of the stream, taking advantage of two or three straggling trees that stood on its margin, stole along and hurled a stone at the bird, which, from his feebleness, fell far short of its mark, and pashed into the stream with a dull, sullen sound. Again springing on the wing, she steered her course between the peaks of the mountains, and kept steadily on ward. In this way the chase continued until the darkness set in, when the hawk fell abruptly into a thicket of reeds, and finding a covert, settled to rest for the night. When the day dawned Bo- kulla found himself at the foot of a rocky ascent, sheer through the centre of which a rapid current cut its Xvay, breaking midway up into a magnifi cent fall, which dashed with impetuous violence from the height into a granite basin beneath. A little below the point where the waters thus fell, they expanded into a quiet lake, over which the rays of the newly-risen orb flickered, forming here and there, over its smooth expanse, friths of sunlight, which ran in from the centre of the lake to the edge of the green shore. As the sun attained a higher station in the heavens, radiant bows began to gather over the BEHEMOTH. 99 river, and it rushed joyously on its course through these bright arches of its own creation. Bokulla plunged into the reed-brake in the hope of seizing the unwary hawk asleep on her perch, but he had no sooner taken the first step into the covert than she started up, and shaped her flight over the rugged ascent before them. The journey up the steep was too toilsome for the chieftain, and he feared that he must abandon the pursuit. For tunately, as he was forming this desperate resolve, he discovered a wild steed, of deep jet-black color, browsing on the grass by the river s side. Cautiously approaching him, Bokulla, springing forward, seized his long, flowing mane, and with an agility characteristic of his better days, he vaulted upon his back and turned his head up the ascent Wildly he urged him forward, and he rushed up the rocky steep with a force and vigor similar to that with which the cascade dashed in an op posite direction. His ears and crest were erect, his tail streamed in the wind, and every muscle was strained to its utmost power. His cap had fallen from the chieftain s head, his cloak was gone, and he sate on the back of the steed, his hair floating abroad, his eyes straining eagerly 100 BEHEMOTH. forward presenting the image of some goblin horseman of the desert. Every tread of the courser on the hard rock rang through the wil derness, and Bokulla shouted him madly for ward. The hawk overhead) still retaining in her talons her contested quarry, kept in the advance, screaming with delight and apparently stirred by the excitement of the pursuit. In this way the gallant bird flew on, and the mettlesome courser pursued, up the declivity and down the opposite side. Onward they flew over the plain the hawk steering on in an almost un varying line toward the south-east. Over hills- through forests and along stream-sides the wild chase continued until the afternoon of the third day, when, just as he had emerged from a long tract of woods, and had turned his eye toward the sky, to recover sight of the hawk, she gave a wild scream, a sudden wheel into the clouds, and disappeared for ever.(l) To his utter astonishment, the moment that the hawk vanished a populous city burst upon his gaze directly before him, and ere he could discern further, the wild steed dashed down a travelled way and was entering its streets. The circui tous pursuit, which had changed its direction ma- BEHEMOTH. 101 ny times, had brought him unexpectedly to al most the very spot from which he had set out on his pilgrimage. If the astonishment of Bokulla was great at this miraculous termination of his journey^ that of the inhabitants, among whom he was thus thrown, was no less ; and as the coal* black steed galloped through their streets they beheld the rider, his features gaunt and unearthly, and his hair streaming wildly to the wind, with amazement mingled with terror. Some fled from his path and sought refuge in their dwellings, while others rushed out to gaze upon him as he scampered, wild and spectre-like, along the dis tance ; and others gathered together, and in sub dued voices,, conjectured or canvassed the cha racter of the sudden apparition. Many wild guesses and shrewd suggestions were ventured. " This is a fiend of the prairie," said ono. " He that rambles up and down the big meadow, blow ing his horn, and who calls the wolves and gob lins together when a carcass is thrown out or a traveller perishes in crossing them." " It is a lunatic escaped from his friends," said a second, " who has been out seeking his wits in the mountains." " You are wide of the mark, my good sirs," said 102 BEHEMOTH. a sharp eyed little man, glaring about and looking up at the windows as if afraid of being overheard ; and the group pressed more closely about him as if expecting a communication of great weight and shrewdness " a whole bow-shot wide of the mark : it is the keeper of Behemoth \ n At this they all turned pale and lifted up their eyes in astonishment, and admitted that nothing could be nearer the truth. By .this time Bokulla had reached his own door, and throwing himself from his steed of the desert prepared to enter in ; but ere he could ef fect this object, several stout citizens pressed be fore him and arrested his steps. "Wherefore is this?" said the foremost. "Will you rush into a house of mourning in this guize ? Know you not that this is the mansion of Bokul la, the champion and that his widow is in sack- cloth and tears within ? Begone elsewhere, mad man P This remonstrance was seconded by another, and a third, until it swelled so high that the crowd would have seized him and wreaked some injury upon his person, had he not succeeded in obtaining a moment s pause ; and standing on an BEHEMOTH. 103 elevation, he shouted out, " Peace, Mound-build ers it is Bokulla before you !" At this declaration many began to recognise in the shrunken features and toil-worn frame before them, their great champion and chieftain, and a shout was raised, " life and health to Bokulla, the father of his country 1" " Pleasant dew fall upon him !" " Long may he tread the green earth under his feet !" and many national invocations and blessings. The rumor now spread rapidly abroad, and the cry was taken up wherever it reached and re newed with hearty good-will, for all were rejoiced at the return of their great leader, whom some had considered lost for ever ; and who all admit ted was the only one that could contend, with any chance of success, against their barbaric foe. Even the little group of gossips that had construed him into a fiend, a lunatic, and the keeper of Behe moth, but a moment before, now rushed eagerly forward and were among the first to welcome him back, the sharp eyed little man invoking a special blessing on his pleasant countenance, which look ed, he said, "like that of a saving angel." Escap ing from these numerous tokens of admiration and regard, Bokulla withdrew into his dwelling, 104 BEHEMOTH. find the crowd, after lingering about for many hours to glean Such information as they might of his absence, and to catch a view of his person, at length dispersed, each, he knew not why, with a lighter heart, and more joyous look, than had fall en to his lot for many long and weary months. From the dwelling of Bokulla let us turn our steps for a while toward the suburbs of the city, and enter the sick chamber of Kluckhatch, the blusterer. The adventure of that valiant pre tender against Behemoth had been accompanied with serious, and, from the aspect they at present assumed, perhaps fatal consequences. The alarm of spirits which he had suffered, together with the dreary submersion in the pool, had thrown the adventurer into a violent ague. Day by day the malady became more tyrannical, and the mind of Kluckhatch more fretful and restless. His soul seemed like the sun to expand as it approached its final eclipse, and nature, who, at his birth, had exhibited the art and skill of a bottle-con juror in crowding so puissant a spirit into so narrow a body, now seemed at a loss to drive the obstinate tenant from its residence. The little man clung more desperately to life the more forcible the attempt made to wrest it from bin). BEHEMOTH. 105 The pale Ague assailed him with its whole band of forces ; throttling him by the throat, as it were, it essayed by rough and uncorteous usage to shake the vital spirit from him, but it adhered closer and closer, and the attempt of nature U> cast off the pigmy militant, resembled that of a horse, in whose flank on a mid-summer s day a burr has chanced to fix itself: he feels annoyed and irritated he whisks the hairy brush to and: fro he runs ho gallops he rears he plunges, but all in vain, the barbarous annoyance clings to him with the more zeal, until, at some quiet moment, it drops gently from its hold and dis turbs him no more. Thus stood the account be tween Nature and Kluckhatch. In his bed he lay, trembling like an earthquake or an ocean, under the coverlid. After a while the ague re*- laxed and the fever came on, -and then he sat up in his couch and grasping a wooden sword, which had been made to amuse his sick and distem pered fancy, he made airy thrusts and lounges, and called out fes if he were plunging it deep in invisible ribs, or hacking at the head of some monstrous chimera. Then again he would ap pear to seize the end of some palpable object, and drawing it along would measure and cut off y 106 BEHEMOTH. * pieces of a yard in length at a time. It was evU dent, from the whole tenor of his strange action, that the Mastodon was in his phantasy ; and this was amply confirmed by his breaking out, after the fever had partially subsided) into the follow ing wild invective, into which his soul seems to have thrown its whole collected powers : " This huge bully : this fleshly continent : this vagabond traveller : this beast mountain : this tornado in leather : this bristly goblin :" ("Pray be calm, Kluchhatch," whispered the shock-headed youth, who stood at his bed-side terrified and quaking) : " this huge moving show : this two- horned wonder: this tempest of bull s beef: this land leviathan: fiend: wood-elf: this devil s ambassador : this territory of calves hide stretch ed on a mountain : this untanned libel on leather- dressers : this unhung homicide :" (" Uncle Kluckhatch," again interrupted his attendant, " Uncle Kluckhatch, wherefore do you rail after this fashion ? you but madden your fever") : " this Empire of bones and sinew : this monstrous Government on legs : this Tyrant with a tail : this rake-hell y : this night-brawler: this mea sureless disgust : this lusty thresher with his end less flail : this magnified ox : this walking abomi- BEHEMOTH. 107 nation : this enormous Discord sounding in bass : this huge, tuneless trombone" The sick dwarf fell back on his pillow exhaust ed, his lips still moving as if laden with other bitter epithets of denunciation. His hour now rapidly drew nigh. His strength gradually ebbed away, and at length the conviction that he must die forced its way into the heavy brain of Kluck- Jiatch, In a few words he made his humble and of course lean will. " I leave," said he to his gaping companion " I leave to you my fame, my virtues, and my drum !" He then gave di rections for his burial, which, if obeyed, would make it a spectacle rare and unexampled : and, rising once more in his bed, he said he wished to expire in a sitting attitude. Tho last sinking wave of life was dying upon the shore. His simple attendant had taken in his hand, to survey its fashion and properties) the testamentary bequest of his departing friend. " Strike up ! strike up once more P exclaimed Kluckhatch, as his eye kindled with the gleam of death, and as the first sounds rolled from the drum, under the obedient hand of its new pos sessor, the spirit of the pretender, mingling with them, left the earth. 108 BEHEMOTH. The second morning after his death, at an early hour, the funeral procession set out from the doraicil of Kluckhatch for the tomb of his fore fathers: a snug family-vault just beyond the skirts of the town. Under the direction of the shock-headed youth, who enacted the master of ceremonies, the solemn cavalcade was drawn up and proceeded in the following order : First, led on by the legatee himself, in front of whose person hung suspended the testamentary drum, hobbled slowly along a sorry and cadaver ous jade, which had been the pack-saddle of Kluckhatch in his strolling tours. One eye of the sad creature was wholly closed and useless, but the other, as if to make amends, was a sea- green orb of twice the ordinary dimension, and with its ample circle of white blazed like the moon crossing the milky-way in the sky. His lank, hollow body bore clear evidence of the ne glected meadows and scant mangers of the Hound- builders ; for he had been on fast (broken by occasional spare morsels) for more than a month, and glided along in the procession like a spectre. Behind this monkish-looking beast followed a low wagon or four-wheeled cart, drawn by a pair of venerable and spiritless bisons, in which sai BEHEMOTH. 109 the blusterer himself, erect, and in the costume of every-day life, his strange red coat, shining, like a meteor, conspicuous from afar, while his conical cap nodded gaily to the one side or the other, as the wind swayed it. The strange whipster held the reins firmly between his skeleton fingers and exhibited on his countenance a broad, ghastly grin, which, at the first view, startled the behold ers, but after they had recovered from the shock, caused them to burst into a hearty laugh. On each side of the vehicle, thus strangely driven, marched, in serious order, six sturdy men, each bearing a huge rustic pipe or whistle, wrought of reed, on which they blew soft and melancholy music. Behind the wagon, the favorite dog of Kluckhatch, crest-fallen and whining, was led in a string. In the rear of this faithful mourner followed the friends and admirers of the de ceased, and after these scrambled a promiscuous rout of his townspeople, of every variety, age, sex and hue. Creation itself, both overhead and on the earth, was something in unison with the grotesque ob sequies. The sky resembled the bottom of a rich sea suddenly disclosed. In one quarter a vast cloud, like a whale, floundered and tumbled over 10 110 BEHEMOTH. the azure depths, In another, the clouds lay piled in heaps of shining silver ; here they as sumed the form of a shattered wreck, fleecy vapors standing out as mast or bowsprit, with - evanescent bars for rigging, and there a black and jagged mass of them stretched along like a reef of dangerous and stubborn rocks. Lower down, a small, dismantled fragment, mottled with white sunlit scales, represented a mackerel at full lengtli, opening his mouth and biting at the tail of a cloudy grampus, that stood rampant just over head. In the mid-air, drawn thither by the strangely exposed remains of Kluckhatch, a sable- coated troop of ravens kept the procession com pany, occasionally demanding, in coarse, rude clamors, their reversionary right in the deceased; Now and then a timid bird put forth his head from the trees and bushes at the road-side, and twittering for a moment, and seeming to smile at the defunct rider, hopped back into its cool hiding place. In k little while they reached tbe place of burial; a small, suburban vault, the passage to which, through a wooden door, led down to a score of cells or apartments, all of which, save one, woro occupied. Over the entrance to th BEHEMOTH. Ill vault stood the weather-bleached skeleton of a robustious ancestor of Kluckhatch, balancing on one of his short, stout legs, flourishing the other as if in the act of going through a piroifette and holding in his out-stretched right hand the effigies of an owl, the favorite family-bird and. device. *\ For what reason, or whether for any, the little, queer skeleton occupied this position, it would be now difficult to decide. Perhaps in his life time he had been a hard, weather-beaten hunter, who preferred to be left thus in the free, naked air, and under the open sky, which during life he had enjoyed without stint or circumscription. Passing underneath the figure of this portentous guardian and through the passage, they bore the mortal remains of the last of the Kluckhatch s, and placed them in their upright posture in the only cell which remained untenanted. The mo ment it was known that the corse was deposited in its final place of rest, the twelve stout whistlers let off four successive volleys of their peculiar music ; the dog came forward and howled, and the shock-headed youth stood at the entrance of the vault sobbing and weeping, while the beast, whose halter he held in his hand, silently de- 112 BEHEMOTH. voured the drum-head, and looked inside for further viands. A few moments mere and the door was closed for ever between the world and Kiuckhatch. The unexpected departure of Bokulla from their midst had been a source of fruitful and anx ious speculation to the Mound-builders. They were conscious of his absence, as if the great orb itself had left the skies and deprived the earth of its light and influence. His presence diffused amongst them the only cheerful ray that enlight ened their gloomy condition ; and although his recent enterprise had proved disastrous, they were satisfied that the great chieftain would promptly grasp the first favoring circumstance and energetically use it against the fearful foe. . Of the causes of his absence none were advised, nor as to the direction his steps had taken. Some dreaded lest he had gone forth to perish by his own hand in the wilderness ; and by these scouts had been dismissed in every quarter to bring back the fugitive warrior, or his body, for honorable sepul ture if he had perished. The agitation and fear, excited by the causeless and unexplained absence of Bokulla, were only less than those occasioned by the terrible presence of the Mastodon. His BEHEMOTH. 113 return, therefore, was welcomed with every de monstration of rejoicing. Lights were displayed as glad signals, from every tower ; processions and cavalcades were formed to make triumphal marches through the realm, and bodies of citi zens constantly gathered under the window of the chieftain to express their delight at his re turn. During a whole week this universal fes tivity was sustained, and it seemed as if the flow er of national hope once more blossomed in their midst 4 Merry games were celebrated in their gardens : religious worship again assumed its robe, and walked forth with serene and placid fea tures in the traces of its early duty. What gave additional animation to this un wonted scene was, that Behemoth, during its con tinuance, ceased to sadden or alarm them with his presence ; it may have been that the dazzling splendor of the illumination, and the loud sound of innumerable instruments all playing together, kept him back. About two weeks after the return of the self- exiled chieftain, and at the close of their joyous celebrations, he appeared before the Mound-build ers, and declared " that his strange and unexplain* - ed absence had not been without its uses. Na- 10* 114 BEHEMOTH. hire," he said, " had put forth her mighty hand and generously furnished the means of deliver ance. Liberty was now before them, but it must be attained through many perils and through toil, sanctified, perchance) with blood. Like the swim mer that nears the shore, they must now buffet the wave of hostile fortune with their sternest strength. It might be that once more the firm and smiling continent of joy, of honor, and peace, could be reached. If so, heaven should be prais ed with a deep sense of gratitude, and the realm should ring through all its borders with sounds of glorious triumph ! ;) He then stated that he had discovered in his wanderings a mighty meadow where Behemoth was wont to pasture ; and that if they would choose a delegation to visit it in company with himself, he would endeavor to point them to a sure and safe method of subduing the enemy. At this suggestion the populace shouted loudly and echoed the name of Bokulla with the most eager and fervent expressions of admiration. Theyf readily appointed three eminent citizens to accompany him. The next morning they set out, and having in due course of time reached BEHEMOTH. 1 15 the locality, they selected an elevation which commanded the whole prospect at once. AU admitted, as they looked upon the high walls that girt the broad and spacious meadow, and on the single narrow opening which led from the enclosure, that nature had furnished an extraordinary aid toward the capture of the in vincible brute. Far around on both sides from the central position which they occupied, the stupendous upright battlement of mountains stretched a peak here and there shooting up an immense tower, and a crag occasionally thru sting itself forth from the general mass of perpendicu lar rocks like the quaint head of a beast, or tho rugged and ugly features of a human being, as the fancy chose to give it shape and likeness. The whole hedged in a meadow covered witli a fertile growth of tall, rich verdure dotted by a few scattered trees and intersected by a stream of considerable breadth and depth, which flowed through its centre, and formed an outlet in a nar row jmssage underneath the mountains. The natural opening leading from this broad enclo sure, was about five hundred feet wide, and walled on either side by gigantic fragments of stone, from whose huge posterns it seemed as if 116 BEHEMOTH. in an earlier age of the world an immense gate may have swung and shut in captives of mighty size and fearful guilt. Nothing could be con- ceived a more secure and dreadful prison than these vast walls of rock: and no solitude could be more dreary than one thus fortified as it were by nature, and made sublimely desolate by bar riers and enclosures like these. All felt, thus gazing, the grandeur of the thought presented to their mind by Bokulla, and they turned and looked upon the countenance of the chieftain as if they expected to discover there features more than human. Bokulla stood silent. He wished the great plan to sink deep in their minds, while they were on the very spot where it had its birth, and where it was to achieve (if fortune permitted) its eventful success. " The thought is mighty and worthy of Bo kulla!" at length, exclaimed one of his ^com panions, a man of a generous and ardent heart ; "Here we triumph or the story of our life closes in endless defeat, and our fate makes us and .ours perpetual bondmen." 11 Who is it," interposed a second of less san guine temper, "wlio is it that dare visit the pan ther in his den ? or grasp the thunder from its BEHEMOTH. 117 cloud on the mountain top ? Itwere as safe to climb into the eagle s nest as disturb this mon strous creature in his lair !" " Terrible as the North when it lightens and is full of storms inexorable as death, will be the encounter !" cried a supporter of the second speaker " I would sooner plunge headlong from a tower, than venture within this guarded en closure !" "What say you, my friends!" cried Bokulla, springin g to his feet, " what say you to an em bassy to the brute on bended knee 1 I doubt not if we came as humble worshippers and suppli ants, and consented to choose him as our national idol, he would abate something of his fierceness!" " Now heaven and all good planets forbid !" cried his companions, with one accord. " Nothing better and nothing nobler, then, may be tried, than the great suggestion of Bokulla !" said the first speaker. "Here let us wrestle with fate and die, then, if die we* must, in this broad and open arena, where the heavens themselves, and the inexorable stars, shall be witnesses of our struggle P Taking up their position on an elevated rock, shaded by trees which overlooked the whole 118 BEHEMOTH. scene, they consulted as to the most proper and speedy method of accomplishing their purpose. After a consultation of several hours, during which the sun had fallen far in the west, and after weighing anxiously every circumstance that could have bearing or influence on the event, they determined in their open council-chambe?, amid the solemn silence of the wilderness, that an attempt must be made to imprison Behemoth in the vast, natural dungeon at their feet, by building a stout wall across its present opening. And furthermore, that it would be matter of after thought to decide, if successful in the first, by what means his death was to be wrought. Their resolves had scarcely taken this shape, when a heavy shadow fell suddenly in their midst, as if a thick cloud had covered the sun, and looking forth for its source, they beheld Behemoth walking silently and ponderously along the ridge of the opposite mountains. (2) They arrested their deliberations, and rising in a body, watched the progress and actions fc of the Brute. In a short time he descended from the summit, and attaining its foot by a sloping and broad path. in a moment presented himself at the gap, which conducted into the mountainous amphitheatre. BEHEMOTH. 119 Stalking through, he advanced to its far extremi ty, and stretching himself on the bank of the stream, and in the cool shadow of the mountains, he prepared for repose. His companions had already learned from Bo- kulla, that the Mastodon was in the habit of paying long periodical visits to this place, and of feeding, for considerable periods of time, on its abundant and savory verdure. Nothing could have been more opportune to their consultation than the arrival of Behemoth. His sudden coming was an argument for activity and des patch. The fifth day from this, the Mound-builders ar rived in considerable numbers, in a wood near the amphitheatre, bringing with them in wagons the tools and implements required in the pro posed labor. They immediately set about the task, and commenced hewing large blocks of stone and dragging them to the mouth of the gap, but not so near as to obstruct it. The whole body of workmen that had come from the Mound- builders villages had labored at this task for a week, and they found that in that time sufficient stone had been hewn to build the wall from base to summit. Each block was more than twelve 120 BF.HEMOTH. feet square, and through its centre was drilled a hole of some sir inches diameter, in which to insert bars of metal, to bind them-raore firmly to gether. As soon as they were prepared to commence the erection of the wjall, which was the most critical part of their labors, four or five separate bands of musicians were stationed at the farther end of the enclosure, and near to Behemoth : for they knew, from Bokulla s report, that the Mas todon, mighty and terrible as he was, could be soothed by the influence of music, adroitly man aged. The moment the work of heaving the vast square blocks one upon the other began, the mu sicians, at a given signal, commenced playing. and during the progress of the labor, ran through all the variety of gentle tunes : so that the wall. like that of Amphion, sprang up under the spell of music. So cunningly did the different band master their instruments, that, at three differed times, when the Mastodon had turned his stej toward the gap at which the Mound-builders labored, they lured him buck and held him spell bound and motionless. The blocks were hoisted to their places by BEHEMOTH. 121 cranes, and the utmost silence was observed in every movement ; not even a voice was lifted to command, but every direction was given with the pointed finger. No one moved from his sta tion during the hours of toil, but each stood on his post and executed his portion of the task like a part of the machinery. And yet there was no lack of spirit ; every one labored as if for his own individual redemption, and one who beheld them plying amid the massive fragments of granite, silent and busy, might have thought that they were some rebellious crew of beings brought into the wilderness by a genius or necromancer, and there compelled, speechless and uncomplain ing, to do his bidding.(3) They labored in this way for more than a month, and^at the end of that time, Bokulla pro claimed fronrite summit that the wall was com pleted. At the announcement, the whole host of artizans and laborers; and innumerable women and children, who had come from the villages, sent up a shout thai rent the air. Behemoth v ** heard it, and, listening only for a moment, browsed on among the tall grass as if regardless of its ource and its object." In a few days, however, after the music had ceased its gentle influence, 11 122 BEHEMOTH. and the supply of pasturage began to be less luxu riant, the Mastodon made progress toward the old outlet) with the determination of seeking food elsewhere. He, of course, sought an outlet in vain, and found himself standing at the base of an immense rampart, which shot sheer up two hundred and fifty feet in air. He surveyed the structure, and soon discovered that it was no trifling barrier, but a mighty pile of rocks, that showed themselves almost as massive and firm as the mountains which they bound together. At first Behemoth thought although it would be idle to attempt to shake the whole mass at once, that yet the separate parts might be removed block by block, With this purpose he endeavored to force his white tusks between them, but it was in.vaiir, they wore knit too firmly together to be sundered. At length the great Brute was maddened by these fruitless efforts, and retreating several hundred rods, he rushed against the wall with tremendous strength and fury. The Mound-builders, who overlooked the structure, trembled for its safety, but it stood stiff, and the shock caused Behemoth to recoil discom fited, while the earth shook with the weight and BEHEMOTH. 123 violence of tho motion. Over and over again these assaults were repeated, always with the same result. Wearied with the attempt, the Mas todon desisted, and returned to feed upon the diminished pasturage, which he had before de_ serted, He had soon browsed on it to its very roots, and began to feed on the commoner grass * and weeds, scarcely palatable. In a day these had all vanished, and he turned to the trees which were here and there scattered over the meadow. These he devoured, foliage, limb, and trunk. [n a few days they were wholly exhausted, and the enclosed plain was reduced to a desert pas- tureless, herbless, and treeless. The impatience and wrath of Behemoth now knew no bounds. He saw no possible mode of escape from this dreary and foodless waste. Around and around the firm Colosseum which enclosed him, he rushed maddened, bellowing, and foaming. At times, in his fury, be pushed up the almost perpendicular sides of the mountains and recoiled, bringing with himshattered fragments of rock and large masses of earth, with fearful force and swiftness. Around and around he again galloped and trampled, shaking the very mountains with 124 BEHEMOTH. bis ponderous motions, and filling their whole circuit with his terrible bowlings and cries. The Mound-builders, who stood upon the wall, and on different parts of the mountains, shrunk back affrighted and awe-stricken before the deadly glare of his eye, and the fearful and agonizing sound of his voice. Day by day he became more furious, and his roar assumed a more touching and dreadful sharp ness. All sustenance was gone from the plain. The whole space within his reach furnished nothing but rocks and earth, for he had already drunk the stream dry to its channel. The mighty Brute was perishing of hunger in the centre of his prison. His strength was now too far wasted to admit of those violent and gigantic efforts which he had at first made to escape from the famine-stricken enclosure, and he now stalked up and down its barren plain, uttering awful and heart-rending cries, Some of the Mound-builders who heard them, and who saw the agonies and sufferings of Behemoth, although he had been their most cruel enemy, could not refrain from tears. So univer sal is humanity in its scope, that it can feel for every thing that has life. BEHBMOTH. 125 Howling and stalking, like a shadow momently diminishing, he walked to and fro in this way for many days. Hunger hourly extended its mastery through his immense frame. At about mid-day in the third week of his imprisonment, he cast his eye upon the cavernous and now dusty open ing through which the river that watered the. plain had been accustomed to find its way. It was broad and open and of considerable height Into this Behemoth now turned his steps, Its mouth was larger than the inner passage, for time and tempest had worn away the rocks which once guarded it. As lie advanced it diminished, and ere his whole bulk had entered the channel, it became so narrow and confined that he was forced to sink on his knees, in order to make further progress. This labor soon proved vexatious and toilsome, and the Mastodon, willing to force a way where one was not to be found, or to perish in the en deavor, raised himself slowly toward an upright position. The remnant of his strength proved to be fear* ful, for, as his broad shoulders pressed upon the rocks above him, the incumbent mountain trem bled, and when he had attained his full stature by r BEHEMOTH. a last powerful effort, the impending rocks rolled back and forth, and fell with a resounding crash and in great fragments to the earth. The whole cone of the mountain had been loosened from its base, and leaning for a moment, like a lurid cloud, in mid-air, fell into the plain with terrible ruin, bearing down a whole forest of trees and the earth in which they had taken root. Fortunately for Behemoth unfortunately for the object of the Mound-builders the rocks which immediately over-hung Behemoth, though rent in several places, did not give way, but so in terlocked and pressed against each other as lo form a solid arch over his head and leave him un harmed amid the ruins, Passage through the channel was, however, wholly arrested by the large masses of earth that had fallen into it, and Behemoth finding it vain to attempt to pass farther onward, withdrew. The fatal time drew nearer and nearer. Hun dreds and thousands of the Mound-builders ga thered from every quarter of the Empire to look upon the last hour of the mighty Creature which lay extended, in his whole vast length, in the plain. A catastrophe and show like that was not to be foregone, for it might never (and so they prayed) BEHEMOTH. 127 come again. Death and the Mastodon held a fear- * ful encounter in the arena below. Nations looked down from the wall and the mountains on the strange and terrible spectacle. To and fro the whole famished bulk moved with the convulsions, and spasms, and devouring agonies of hunger. At times the Brute raised his large countenance toward heaven, and howled forth a cry which, it seemed, might bring down the gods to his succor. On the fortieth day Behemoth died and left his huge bones extended on the plain like the wreck of some mighty ship stranded there by a Deluge, to moulder century after century, to be scattered through a continent by a later convulsion, and, finally, to become the wonder of the Present Time. NOTES. INTRODUCTORY NOTE. THE chief object of the following notes is to confirm what may seem the hazardous assertions of the text, and to show that imagination, wherever practicable, has helped itself cautiously forward by a hand placed on the shoulder of fact. Many of the extracts from antiquarian or scientific worke, may seem to the general reader of unusual length, but he may rest assured, that they all contain mat ter in which he may reasonably feel some interest. The facts connected with the subjects of this work, have furnished for many years topics for the zealous and enthusiastic research and discussion of intel ligent Americans throughout the whole country, tnd which are likely to prove more attractive to the imagination, the farther we recede from the gray and venerable age in which they existed. As our own history assumes a prouder and loftier crest in the noonday concourse and throng of nations, she will more fondly and reverently cast back her regards toward the first fountains of her origin. Is it too much a pastime of the fancy to believe that, aa Americans, in the progress of time, attain the sta ture of a generous manhood, they will more affec tionately grasp the shadowy hand extended to them 132 INTRODUCTORY NOTE. by that dead old nation that built the mounds. The swifter the present time yields its concerns and its labors to the simple agency of steam and iron, the more earnestly, it seems to me, will it look back to that great embodiment of natural and unme- chanical strength, the Mastodon of the western prairie. As men and day-laborers we dwell in the present as gods and diviner beings, we reside in the past and the future ! History nor chronicle presents to the mind a more august or imposing subject of speculation than the unrecorded race that has departed like a shadow, from the glorious and magnificent west, Here we can enjoy a spectacle of which the imagi nation is chief architect, where no vulgar circum stance intrudes, and where the actors are heroic and all the decorations in the highest style the fancy chooses to furnish. On the great rivers of the west we may launch, in that remote and doubtful age, the mightiest ships with wide spread sails, and on their banks we may rear the gorgeous palace and solemn temple without the meaner aid of builder or mason. Who shall gainsay the cheerful and glorious labors of the fancy ? Into our minds let a thousand tender and affecting thoughts enter of the lovers that have wooed, and wooed in vain, of hearts that have broken in the agony of sharp be* reavements, of ambition deposed and genius blight ed within the walls of that ancient and departed people. Who will refuse to the heart this melan choly pleasure i It is good for us to have that part of our nature which connects us with far-off limes, INTRODUCTORY NOTE. 138 awakened and kindled. A decaying bone, an old helmet, a mouldering fragment of wall or hearth stone, may call us back into centuries that are gone, and make us feel our kindred with generations buried long ago. 12 NOTE TO PREFACE. THE following passages are quoted from the in teresting paper on " THB GIGANTIC MASTODON/ in Godman s " American Natural Hittory." 11 In various parts of North America single bones of extraordinary size had been occasionally disinter- .red, without exciting more than temporary curiosi ty, or leading to any thing better than wild and un satisfactory speculation. Some persons regarded them as the relics of a gigantic race of men, of whose existence no other traces remained : others, who ap peared willing to surpass all absurdity, suggested that they might have belonged to the angels who were expelled their celestial habitations ; while a third, and more rational party, concluded that they were the bones of an animal still in existence, or be longed to a larger variety of the well known ele phant species. The inquiry generally ceased when the novelty of their discovery passed away ; those by whom they were found were in pursuit of other objects, and very frequently neglected to preserve the fragments already obtained. But when situa- NOTE TO PREFACE. 135 lions wore explored whore they were procured in greater abundance, and the curiosity of European naturalists was awakened, these relics were eagerly sought for, until nearly a whole skeleton was ob tained ; the fact satisfactorily established, that these bones belonged to a peculiar race never before known, and, what was still more surprising, that the whole race was utterly extinct. We find as early as the year 1712, a letter from Dr. Mather to Dr. Woodward, published in the Philosophical Transactions, announcing that some bones and teeth of a monstrous size had been dis covered at Albany in New-York. In the year 1739, some savages belonging to the company of a French officer, named Longueil, who was descending the Ohio to the Mississippi, found, at a short distance from the river, at the edge of a marsh, some bones, grinders and tusks, belonging to this unknown ani mal. The year after Longueil took to Paris a thigh bone, the extremity of a tusk, and three grinders, which are still preserved there. Since that time these bones have been discovered in many places ; thouga, in consequence of the notice first attracted by the specimens found on the Ohio river, the name of Animal of the Ohio had been bestowed on this creature, yet this name, and that of Mammoth, have at length been entirely superseded by that proposed by Cuvier. About the year 1740, vast numbers of these bones, which had been washed up by the cur rent of the Ohio, or were purposely digged for, were found in Kentucky. The eagerness to procure them, and the baste with which they were sent to Europe, 136 NOTE TO PREFACE. retarded the knowledge of the true character of the animal as it became impossible to procure or re- cognise the bonea belonging to different skeletons, or to determine their exact numbers and propor tions. Over France, England and Germany, they were in this manner scattered in confusion ; and we need not be surprised that naturalists were long in forming just ideas of the character of the animal, or indulged so much the disposition to maintain theories established on such slight foundations. The force of prejudice may be clearly seen in the perseverance with which Button, and some other scientific men, maintained that these bones belonged to a variety of the elephant race ; for if he admitted that they did not belong to that kind, he must have acknowledged that they were the bones of an extinct genus, which was an idea not then proposed, but has since most amply been proved true, and a vast number of extinct ape* cies discovered. It was not until the year 1601, a period of eighty-nine years from the first discovery of the bones at Albany, that any hopes were entertain ed, of finding an entire skeleton of this wonderful and interesting animal. In the year 1824, a consi derable part of a skeleton was raised in New- Jersey by some scientific gentlemen of New- York ; but they have not discovered any thing more than was previously made known by the exertions of Messrs. Peale ; the head, which is the only important part wanting, was too much decomposed to enable them to form any idea of its figure. The emotions experienced, when for the first time we behold the giant relics of this great animal, NOTE TO PREFACE, 137 are those of un mingled awe. We cannot avoid re- fleeting on the time when this huge frame was cloth ed with its peculiar integuments, and moved by ap propriate muscles ; when the mighty heart dashed forth its torrents of blood through vessels of enor mous caliberfand the Mastodon strode along in su preme dominion over every other tenant of the wil derness. However we examine what is left to us, we cannot help feeling that this animal must have been endowed with a strength exceeding that of other quadrupeds, as much as it exceeded them in size ; and, looking at its ponderous jaws, armed with teeth peculiarly formed for the most effectual crushing of the firmest substances, we are assured that its life could only be supported by the destruction of vast quantities of food. Enormous as were these creatures during life, and endowed with faculties proportioned to the bulk of their frames, the whole race has been extinct for ages. No tradition nor human record of their ex istence has been saved, and but for the accidental preservation of a comparatively fewbones, we should never have dreamed that a creature of such vast size and strength once existed, nor could we havo believed that such a race had been extinguished for ever. . Such, however, is the fact ages after ages have rolled away empires and nations have risen, flourished, and sunk into irretrievable oblivion, while the bones of the Mastodon, which perished long be* fore the period of their origin, have been discovered, scarcely changed in color, and exhibiting all the marks of perfection and durability. That a race of 12* 138 NOTE TO PREFACE. animals so large, and consisting of so many species, should become entirely and universally extinct, is a circumstance of high interest ; for it is not with the Mastodon as with the Elephant, which still contin ues to be a living genus, although many of its spe cies have become extinct : the entire race of the Mastodon has been utterly destroyed, leaving no thing but the " mighty wreck" of their skeletons, to testify that they once were among the living occu pants of this land." NOTES TO PART FIRST. Note (1) Page 6. AT WATER in his " Western Antiquities" a work full of curious information on the subjects of which it treats, gives the following description of the for tifications at Circleville, Ohio : There are two forts, one being an exact circle, the other an exact square. The former is surround ed by two walls with a deep ditch between them the latter is encompassed by one wall without any ditch the former was sixty-nine rods in diameter, measuring from outside to outside of the circular outer wall the latter is exactly fifty- five rods square, measuring the same way. The walls of the cir cular fort were at least twenty feet in height, mea suring from the bottom of the ditch before the town of Circleville was built. The inner wall was of clay taken up probably in the northern pan of the fort where was a low place, and is still con siderably lower than any other part of the work. The outside wall was taken from the ditch which is 140 NOTES TO PART FIRST. oetween these walls, and is alluvial, consisting of pebbles worn smooth in water and sand, to a very . considerable depth, more than fifty feet at least. The outside of the wall is about five or six feet in height now ; on the inside the ditch is at present, generally not more than eighteen feet. They are disappearing before us daily and will soon be gone. The walls of the square fort are at this time, where left standing, ten feet in height. There were eight gateways or openings leading into the square fort, and only one in the circular /ort. Before each of these openings was a mound of earth perhaps four feet high, forty feet perhaps in diameter at the base, and twenty or upwards at the summit. These mounds for two rods or more, are exactly in front of the gateways, and were intended for the defence of these openings. As this work was a perfect square, so the gate ways and watch towers were equi-distant from each other. Theso mounds were in a perfectly straight line, and exactly parallel with the wall. D (The reader is referred to a plate) shows the site of a once very remarkable ancient mound of earth, with a semicircular pavement on its east ern side^ nearly fronting, as h5 plate represents the only gateway leading into the fort. This mound is entirely removed ; but the outline of the semicir cular pavement may still be seen in many places, notwithstanding the dilapidations of time and those occasioned by the hand of man. This mound, the pavement, the walk from the east to its elevated NOTES TO PART FIRST. 141 summit, the contents of the mound, &c., will be described under the head of mounds. The earth in these walls was as nearly perpen dicular as it could be made to He. This fort had originally but one gateway leading from it on its eastern side, and that was defended by a meund of earth several feet in height. Near the centre of this work was a mound with a semicircular pave- ment on its eastern side, some of the remains of which may still bo seen by an intelligent observer. The mound has been entirely removed so as to make the street level where it once stood. B (Referring to a plate) is a square fort adjoining the circular one, the area of which has been stated already. The wall which surrounds this work, is generally now about ten feet in height, where it has not been manufactured into brick. There are seven gateways leading into this fort, besides the one that communicates with the square fortification ; that is, one at each angle and another in the wall just half way between the angular ones. Before each of these gateways was a mound of earth of four or five feet in height, intended for the defence of these openings. The extreme care of the au thors of these works to protect and defend every part of the circle, is ne-where visible about this square fort. The former is defended by two high walls ; the latter by one. The former haa a deep ditch encircling it ; this has none. The former could be entered at one place only ; this at eight and those about twenty feet broad. The present town of Circleville covers nil the round and the western 142 NOTES TO PART FIRST. half of the square fort. These fortifications, where the town stands, will entirely disappear in a few years, and I have used the only means within my power to perpetuate their memory by the annexed drawing and this brief description. Where the wall of the square fort has been manufactured into brick, the workmen found some ashes, calcined stones, sticks, and a little vegetable mould; all of which must have been taken up from the surface of the surrounding plain. As the square fort is a per* feet square, so the gateways or openings are at equal distances from each other, and on a right line pa rallel with the wall. The walls of this work vary a few degrees from north and south, east and west, but not more than the needle varies, and not a few surveyors have, from this circumstance, been impress ed with the belief that the authors of those works were acquainted with astronomy. What surprised me on measuring these forts, was the exact manner in which they had laid down their circle and square ; so that after every effort, by the most careful survey, to detect some error in their measurement, we found that it was impossible, and that the measure ment was much more correct than it would hare been, in all probability, had the present inhabitants undertaken to construct such work. Let those consider this circumstance, who affect to believe that these antiquities were raised by the ancestors of the present race of Indians. Having learned something of astronomy, what nation living as our Indians do, in the open air, with the heavenly bo dies in full view, could have forgotten such know- NOTES TO PART FIRST. 143 ledge. Some hasty travellers who have spent an hour or two bore, have concluded that the "forts" at Circleville were not raised for military, but for religious purposes, because there were two extra* ordinary tumuli there. A gentleman in one of our Atlantic cities, who has^never crossed the AHegha- nies, has written to me that he is fully convinced that they were raised for religious purposes. Men thus situated, and with no correct means of judg ing, will hardly be convinced by any thing I can say. Nor do I address myself to them directly or indirectly ; for it has long been my maxim, that it is worse than vain to spend one s time in en deavoring to reason men out of opinions for which they never had any reasons. The round fort was picketed in, if we are to judge from the appearance of the ground on and and about the walls, Half-way up the outside of the inner wall, is a place distinctly to be seen, where a row of pickets once stood, and where it was placed when this work of defence was originally erected. Finally, this work about its walls and ditch, eight years since, presented as much of a de fensive aspect as forts which were occupied in our wars with the French in 1755, such as Oswego Fort, Stanwin, and others. These works have been examined by the first military men in the United States, and they have uniformly declared their opinion to be, that they were military works of de fence/ Pp. 45 to 48. In Drake s "Book of the Indians/ (fifth edition) the reader will find other military remains described : 141 NOTES TO PART 11 Further up the little Miami at Deerfield, are other interesting remains; but those "which have attracted more attention than any others in the Miami country, are situated six miles from Leba non, above the mouth of Todd s Fork, an eastern branch of the Miami. On the summit of a ridge at least two hundred feet above the valley of the river, there are two irregular trapezoidal figures, connected at a point where the ridge is very much narrowed by a ravine. The wall, which is entirely of earth, is generally eight or ten feet high ; but in one place, where it is conducted over level ground for a short distance, it rises to eighteen. Its situa tion is accurately adjusted to the brow of the hill; and as there is in addition to the Miami on the west, deep ravines on the north, the south-east and south, it is a position of great strength. The angles in this wall, both retreating and salient, are numer ous and generally acute. The openings, or gate* ways, are not less than eighty. They are rarely at equal distances, and are sometimes within two or three rods of one another. They are not opposite to, or connected with, any existing artificial objects, or topographical peculiarities, and present, therefore, a paradox of some difficulty." Book I. p. 42. Note (2) Page 9, That a numerous population once dwelt in the midst of our western mounds, we are satisfied from NOTES TO PART FIRST. 145 every evidence that we are entitled to require. Their public works, fortifications, walls, and towers, testify to the labors of a populous nation : but if we look into their graves, we receive a more emphatic answer than all their living labors could furnish. Every hillock in the mighty west is bursting with the relics of this extinguished race ; every plain is crowded with the pale assemblies of their skeletons, silently awaiting the only voice that can summon them to speak of the past. The particular number mentioned in the text is derived from Mr, Bracken ridge, who conjectured that there were once five thousand villages of this people in the valley of the Mississippi. Many of the mounds contain an immense number of skele tons. Those of Big Grave Creek are believed to be completely filled with human bones. The large ones, all along the principal rivers in this state, (Ohio,) are also filled with skeletons. Millions of human beings have been buried in these tumuli. From the Rocky Mountains in the West, to the Alleghanies in the East, the country must have been more or less settled by them.* " Almost every traveller of late years has said something of the mounds or fortifications scattered over the south and west, from Florida to the Lakes, and from the Hudson to Mexico and the Pacific Ocean. By some they are reckoned at several thousand. Mr. Brackenridge supposes there may be three thousand ; but it would not outrage probm* " v ^ "-"v ^ Jl .* ! - : *! : - Vi<fe At water. 13 146 NOTES TO PART FIRST. bility, I presume, to set them down at twice that number. Indeed no one can form any just es timate in respect to the number of mounds and for* tifications which have been built, any more than of the period of time which has passed since they were originally erected, for several obvious reasons ; one or two of which nay be mentioned : the plough, excavations, and levellings for towns, roads, and various other works, have entirely destroyed hun dreds of them, which had never been described, and whose sites cannot be ascertained. Another great destruction of them has been effected by the chang ing of the course of rivers. 1 Drake, Book I. p. 41. Note (3) Page 15. 11 Like many people, those aboriginals, in their various methods of inhumation, deposited some thing of real or supposed value with the deceased. Perhaps they always did. The contrary cannot be asserted, as many of the articles might have been perishable. This practice assures us of their belief in a future existence." Conjectures respecting the Ancient Inhabitants of North America : by MOSES FISK, Esq., of Hilham, Tennessee. Vol. I. Archaeo- logia American*. Mr. Harris, a member of the Massachusetts* His torical Society, gives the following account of the ancient graves which are scattered over the whole face of the western country : NOTES TO PART FIRST. 147 "The places called graves are small mounds of earth, from some of which human bones have been taken. In one were found the bones, in their natu ral position, of a man buried nearly east, and west, with a quantity of isinglass (mica membranea) on his breast. In the others, the bones laid promiscu ously, some of them appeared partly burnt and cal cined by fire, also stones, evidently burnt, charcoal, arrow-heads, and fragments of a kind of earthen ware, An opening being made at the summit of the great conic mound, there were found the boneg of an adult, in a horizontal position, covered with a flat stone. Beneath this skeleton were thin stones, placed vertically, at imall and different distances, but no bones were discovered. That this venerable monument might not be defaced, the opening was closed without further search. It is worthy of re mark, that the walls and mounds were npt thrown up from ditches, but-raised by bringing the earth from some distance, or taking it up uniformly from the surface of the plain. The parapets were proba bly made of equal height and breadth, but the waste of time has rendered them lower and broader in Bomo parts than others. It is in vain to conjecture what tools or machinery were employed in the con struction of these works ; but there is no reason to suppose that any of the implements were of iron. Plates of copper have been found in some of the mounds, but they appear to be parts of armor. Nothing that would answer the purpose of a shovel has ever been discovered." Mr. Harris quotes Dr. Cutter upon the probable 148 NOTES TO PAHT FIRST. antiquity of these mounds* The Doctor concei res that the only clue remaining is the growth upon them. He says, " one tree, decayed at the centre, contained at least 463 circles. Its age was undoubt edly more than 463 years. Other trees, in a growing state, were, from their appearance, much older. There were likewise the strongest marks of a pre vious growth, as large as the present. Admitting the age of the present growth to be 450 years, and that it had been preceded by one of equal size and age, which as probably as otherwise was not the first, the works have been deserted more than 900 years. * Mr. Harris remarks that " about 90 miles from Marietta, on a large plain, bounded by one of the western branches of the Mu skin gum, are a train of ancient works, nearly two miles in extent, the ram parts of which are yet in some places upwards of 18 feet perpendicular height. At Licking are very extensive works, some of them different in construe* tion from those at Marietta ; particulary several cir cular forts, with but one entrance. They are formed of a parapet from 7 to 12 feet in height, without any ditch ; i the interior being of the same level with the plain on which they are raised. Forts of this kind, which are also found in other places, are from 3 chains to 15 or more in diameter. There are .also large walls and mounds on the Great Miami and the Scioto." The original height, our author thinks, was di minished by the gradual wasting away of the earth, and the filling up of the interior, and the accretion NOTES TO PART FIRST. 149 of the soil over the whole surface of the plain, by the annual deposit of leaves and the decay of tim ber. The utensils he considers to have belonged to a people far advanced in the arts. " The elevated squares might be the foundations of larger towns and arsenals. The excavations or caves were undoubtedly wells, now filled up, water being an essential article/in a besieged place. Some of these are above 40 feet in diameter, and about 5 feet in depth" have some resemblance to sacred enclosures found in Mexico. " The smaller mounds, on the great plains, are filled with bones, laid in various directions, in an equal state of decay, and appear to be piled over heaps of slain, after some great battle. Whereas the larger mounds, near the fenced cities, are com- posed of strata, if I may so say, of bones in more- regular order, of full-grown people and of infants, and in different stages of decay, and seem formed of the bodies of such as have died of sickness, or were killed in occasional skirmishes, at different times, with intervals, perhaps, of some years. In some have been found plates of copper rivetted to gether, copper beads, various implements of stone, and a very curious kind of porcelain." The Jour- nal of a Tour into the Territory north-west of the Al- leghany Mountains, made in 1805 : by TIIADDEUS MASON HARRIS, Member of Mass. His. Soc. Bo** ton, 1805. 150 MOTES TO PART FIRST. Note (4) Page 16. * The Rev. Robert G. Wilson, a receiving officer of the American Antiquarian Society, furnished Mr. Atwater with minute information concerning a mound, which once itood near the centre of the town of Chilicothe, Ohio. Its perpendicular height, at the time of its demo* lition, was about fifteen feet, and the diameter of its base about sixty. It was composed of sand, and contained human bones, belonging to skeletons which were buried in different parts of it. It was not until this pile of earth was removed, and the original surface exposed to view, that a probable conjecture of its original design could be formed. About twenty feet square of the surface had been levelled and covered with bark. On the centre of this lay a human skeleton, over which had been spread a mat, manufactured either from weeds or bark. On the breast lay what had been a piece of copper, in the form of a cross, which had now be come verdigris. On the breast also lay a stone or nament, with two perforations, one near each end, through which passed a string, by means of which it was suspended round the wearer s neck. On this string, which was made of sinews, and very much injured by time, was placed a great many beads, made of ivory or bone. " With these facts before us," concluded Dr. Wilson, " we are left to conjecture at what time this individual lived ; what were his heroic achievements in the field of "battle ; his wisdom and eloquence in the councils of his NOTES TO PART FIRST. 151 nation. But his contemporaries have testified, in a manner not to be mistaken, that among them he was held in grateful remembrance." Note (5) Page 16, " On the beach near the mouth of the Muskingum, was discovered a curious ornament. It is made of white marble, in form a circle about three inches in diameter. The outer edge is about one inch in thickness, with a narrow rim. The sides are deeply concave, and in the centre is a hole about half an inch in diameter. It is beautifully finished, and so smooth that Dr. Hildreth is of the opinion that it was once highly polished. It is now in the posses sion of David Putnam, Esq., of Marietta, Ohio. Other articles, similar to this, have been found in several mounds in many places. The use to which the one described was put, cannot certainly be known. Was it a rude wind instrument of music 1 or was it a badge of office and distinction I 1 At* water. Pp. 131, 132. With regard to the pleasure gardens, which are alluded to more than once in the text, I may as well quote here a passage from the 26th volume of the N. A. Review; at the same time taking the liberty to differ entirely from the remarks of the writer aa to the barbarous character of other ancient memori als found throughout the West : " In some cursory remarks upon the large mounds in the vicinity of St. 152 NOTES TO PART FIRST. Louis, Mr. School craft justly observes, that enough has certainly been written on the subject of bur mounds to prove how little we know either of their origin or of their interior structure/ These remains of ancient art have attracted the attention of tra vellers since the first settlement of the country ; and standing as they do, the sole monuments of human industry, amid interminable forests, it is not surpris ing that curiosity should be busy in investigating the age and objects of their founders. But little has been effected, however, to satisfy the rational in quirer; and before much progress can be made, all the facts connected with the topographical situation and construction of these works, and with the re mains of earthen and metallic instruments found in and about them, should be collected and preserved. The Rev. Isaac McCoy, the Principal of the Mis sionary establishment upon the St. Joseph of Lake Michigan, a man of sound judgment and rigid in tegrity, has observed a class of works in that coun try, differing essentially from any which have been elsewhere found, As his account of them is inte resting, we shall transcribe the letter he has address ed to us. Aware of the interest you feel in every thing re lating to the character and condition of the aborigi nes of our country, I do myself the pleasure to en* close to you a plot of a tract of land which has been cultivated in an unusual manner for this country, and which was abandoned by . its cultivators ages ago. These marks of antiquity are peculiarly inte resting because they exhibit the work of civilized NOTES TO PART FIRST. 153 and not of savage man. All, or nearly all the other works of antiquity, which have been found in these western regions, convince the observer that they were found by men who had made little or no ad vance in the arts. If we examine a number of mounds in the same neighborhood, we find them situated without any regard to order in the arrange ment, precisely as modern savages place the huts in their villages and plant the corn in their field. If we . observe a fortification made of earth, we shall find it exhibits no greater order in its formation, than necessity in a similar case would suggest to an un cultivated Indian of modern days. If it be a wall of stone, the stones are unbroken as they were taken from the quarry, or rather from the neighboring brook or river. In the works, to which I now allude, we find what we suppose to be garden spots, thrown into ridges and walks with so much judgment, good order, and taste in the arrangement, as to forbid a thought that they were formed by uncivilized man. The plans sent you by no means represent the most striking works. I procured them because the places were near my residence. I can find several acres together, laid out into walks and beds in a style which would not suffer by comparison with any gardens in the United States. These places were not cultivated by the early French emigrants to the country, because 1. They evince a population at least twenty limes greater than the French ever had in any of the regions of the lakes in those early times. In the tract of country in which I have observed them, of one hundred and fifty miles in extent, north 154 NOTES TO PART FIRST. and south, from Grand River to the Elksheart, I think the number and extent of these ancient im provements indicate a population nearly or quite equal to that of Indiana. 9. The early French es tablishments were generally made on navigable streams. But these improvements are spread over the whole country. Scarcely a fertile prairie is found on the margin of which we do not observe these evidences of civilization. 3. These works were abandoned by their proprietors long before the country became known to the Europeans. The timber standing, falling and decaying, on these cul tivated spots, has precisely the same appearance in respect to age as that immediately adjoining. On a cluster of those beds, a plan of which I send you, I cut down a white oak tree which measured throe feet two inches in diamater, two and a half feet above the ground, and which was three hundred and t wen ty-five years old, if the real age of a tree is in dicated by the number of its concentric circles. From the indications yet remaining, it is certain that most of these works have disappeared. We find none in the beech, ash or walnut land, because here the earth is loose and mellow to the surface, and not bound with grass. We find them rarely in the prai ries far from the timber, because the places of which I speak have been, as I suppose, not fields but gar dens convenient to dwelling-houses, which were probably placed in the vicinity of the timber for the same reasons which induce our present settlers to select similar sites for their residence. In what we call barrens, adjoining prairies, the surface of tho NOTES TO PART FIRST. 155 earth is bound by the grass, in the same manner as that of the prairie itself, and by that means the ridges are preserved. And notwithstanding the causes which are in daily operation to destroy these works, I am confident I have seen acres of them which will last for centuries, if assailed by no other hand than that of nature. The Indians of Grand River informed me that those appearances are found on all the waters of that river, and that they extend south upon all the waters of the Kekalimazoo. A few are found near Michillimackinac. To use their expression, "the country is full of them." The Indian tradition on this subject, is, that these places were cultivated by a race of men, whom they denominate Prairie Indians, and that they were driven from the country by the united tribes of Chippewas, Ottawas, and Pottawatomies, The few who survived the calamities of war, went westward, and some may even yet exist beyond the Mississippi. But not the smallest reliance can be placed on any Indian tra- diliou relating to a remote period. " Note (6) Page 29. A single passage illustrative of the character of * this departed people, may be worth extracting from an article in Silliman s Journal for 1834, entitled, " Ten Days in Ohio, from the Diary of a Natural- iat" Speaking of Circleville and its ancient works, he 156 ; . NOTES TO PART FIRST. eays, " a street has been opened across the little mound which covered the hill, and in removing the earth many skeletons were found in good preserva tion: A cranium of one of these was in my pos session, and is a noble specimen of the race which once occupied these ancient walls. It has a high forehead and large bold features, with all the phre nological marks of daring and bravery ." Considerable discussion has arisen as to the size of the builders of the mounds ; some contending that they were a nation of giants, while others as strenuously argue that they were a race of dwarfs. In this dilemma I have chosen to adopt a middle course and to represent them as mere men. To en lighten the reader, however, as to the state of the question, the following extracts are furnished, the first from Timothy Flint s able work, " Recollec tions of the Valley of the Mississippi." " The more the subject of the past races of men and animals in this region is investigated, the more perplexed it seems to become. The huge bones of the animals indicate them to be vastly larger than any that now exist on the earth. All that I have seen and heard of the remains of the men would seem to show that they were smaller than the men of our times. All the bodies that have been found in that state of high preservation, in which they were discovered in nitrous caves, were considera bly smaller than the present ordinary stature of men. The two bodies that were found in the vast limestone cavern in Tennessee, one of which I saw at Lexington, were neither of them more than NOTES TO PART FIRST. 157 four feet in height. It seemed to roe that this must have been nearly the height of the living person. The teeth and nails did not seem to indicate the shrinking of the flesh from them in the desicating process hy which they were preserved. "The teeth were separated by considerable intervals, and were small, long, white and short, reviving the horribla images of nursery tales of ogres teeth. The hair seemed to have been sandy or inclining to yellow. It is well known that nothing is so uniform in the present Indian as his long black hair. From tha pains taken to preserve the bodies, and the great labor of making the funeral rol>es in which they were folded, they must have been of the " blood royal,! or personages of great consideration in their day. Th e person that I saw had evidently died by a blow on the skull. The blood had coagulated there into a mass of texture and color sufficiently marked to show that it had been blood. The en velope of the body was double. Two splendid blankets completely woven with the most beautiful feathers of the wild turkey arranged in regular Stripes and compartments encircled it. The cloth on which these feathers were woven, was a kind of linen of neat texture, of the same kind with that which is now woven from the fibres of the nettle. The body was evidently that of a female of middle age, and I should suppose that her majesty weighed when I saw her six or eight pounds. At the time that the Lilliputian graves were found on the Mau- mee in the county of St. Louis, many people went from that town to satisfy their curiosity by inspect- U 158 NOTES TO PART FIRST. ing them. I made arrangements to go, but wad called away by indispensable duties. I relate them from memory only, and from the narrative oral and printed of the Rev. Mr. Peck, who examined them on the spot. It appears from him that the graves were numerous, that the coffins were of stone, that the bones in some instances were nearly entire ; that the length of the bodies was determined by that of the coffins which they filled, and that the bodies in general could not have been more than from three feet and a half to four feet in length. Thus it Mhould scorn that the generations of the past in this region were mammoths and pigmies." In " Travels in America, performed in 1806, forthe purpose of exploring the Rivers Allegheny, Monon- gahelu, Ohio, and Mississippi, and ascertaining the produce and condition of their hnriks and vicinity, by Thomas Ashu," th reader will find the opposite opinion, with rnuny other curious matters, n-i forth. The author, after describing with great particularity his labors near Fort Ilarrncr in Ohio, says, " I ctime to ft substance! which on tho most critical examination I judged to be a mat or mats in u state of entire do* composition and decay. 1 took up the impalpable powder in my hands and fanned off the remaining dust with my hat. There existed under my feet a beautiful tasselated pavement of small colored stones, the color and stones arranged in such a manner as to express harmony and shades, and to portray the full length figure of a warrior under whose feet a snake was exhibited in ample folds. No part of the pavement was exactly of tho tasselate character NOTES TO PART FIRST. 159 except the space between the outline of the figures and the sides and ends of the entire space. Little more than the actual pavement could be preserved ; it is composed of flat stones one inch deep, two inches square, and the prevailing colors are white, green, dark blue and pale spotted red ; all of which are peculiar to the lakes, and are not to be had nearer. They are evidently known and filled with a precision which proves them to have been but from ono common example. The whole was affixed with a thin layer of sand which covered a large piece of beech bark in great decay, whose removal exposed what I was fully prepared to discover from all the previous indications, the remains of a human skeleton of uncommon magnitude extended in a bark shell, which also contained, 1st An earth en urn or rather pot of earthen ware, in which were several small broken bones and some white sedi ment. The urn appears to be made of sand and flint vitrified, rings like a rummer glass, holds about two gallons, has a top or cover of the same material, resists fire as completely as iron or brass ; 2d. A stone hatchet with a groove round the pole, by which it was fastened with a withe to the handle ; 3d. Twenty-four arrow points made of flint and bone, and lying in a position which betrayed their having belonged to a quiver ; 4th. A quantity of beads, round, oval, and square; colored green, black, white, blue and yellow ; 5th. A conch shell decom posed into a substance like chalk. This shell is fourteen inches long and twenty-three in circum ference ; 6th. Under a heap of dust and turnout 160 NOTES TO PART FIRST. shreds of feathered cloth and hair, a parcel of bra* tings cut by an art unknown to me, out of a solid piece of that metal, and in such 8 manner that the rings are suspended from each other without the aid of solder or any visible agency whatever. Of the skeleton I have preserved a small part of the vertebral column, a portion of the skull, a part of the under jaw, &c. Judging from comparison and analogy, the being to whom these remains belonged, could not have been less than seven feet high. That he was a king, sachem, or chief of a very remote period, there can be no manner of doubt." Note (7) Page Sfc A letter from Dr. S. P. Hildreth, dated Jury Id, 1819, gives some account of the opening of a tumu lus at Marietta, and the various remains of antiquity which it contained. " In removing the earth which composed an an cient mound in. one of the streets of Marietta, on the margin of the plain, near the fortifications, several curious articles were discovered, the latter part of June last. They appear to have been buried with the body of the person to whose memory this mound was erected. Lying immediately over, or on the forehead of the body, were found three large cir cular bosses, or ornaments for a sword-belt or a buck ler; they are composed of copper, overlaid with a thick NOTES TO PART FIRST. 161 plate of silver. The fronts of them are slightly con vex, with a depression like a cup in the centre, and measure two inches and a quarter across the face of each. On the back side, opposite the depressed portion, is a copper rivet or nail, around which are two separate plates by which they were fastened to the leather. Two small pieces of the leather were found lying between the platen of one of the bosses; they resemble the skin of an old mummy, and seem to have been preserved by the salts of the copper. The plates of copper are nearly reduced to an oxyde or rust. The silver looks quite black, but is not much corroded, and on rubbing it becomes quite brilliant. Two of these are yet entire : the third one is so much wasted, that it dropped in pieces on removing it from the earth. Around the rivet of one of them is a small quantity of flax or hemp, in a tolerable state of preservation. Near the side of the body was found a plate of silver, which appears to have been the upper part of a sword scabbard ; it is six inches in length and two inches in breadth, and weighs one ounce ; it has no ornaments or figures, but has three longitudinal ridges, which probably correspond with edges or ridges of the sword : it seems to have been fastened to the scab* bard by three or four rivets, the holes of which yet remain in the silver. Two or three broken pieces of a copper tube were also found, filled with iron rust These pieces, from their appearance, com posed the lower end of the scabbard, near the point of the sword. No sign of the sword itself wa* 168 NOTES TO PART FIRST. discovered, except the appearance of rust above mentioned." * A second, communication from- the same gentle man, to the President of the American Antiquarian Society, will furnish evidence as to the armor and weapons mentioned in the text : 41 In addition to the articles found at Marietta, I have procured, from a mound on the Little Mus- klngum, about four miles from Marietta, some pieces of copper, which appear to have been the front pan of a helmet. It was originally about eight inches long and four broad, and has marks of having been attached to leather ; it is much decayed, and is now i thin plate. : I have been told by an eye witness, that a few years ago, near Blacksburgh, in Virginia, eighty miles from Marietta, there was found about half of a steel bow, which, when entire., would measure five or six feet ; the other part was corroded or broken. The father of the man who found it was a blacksmith, and worked up this cu rious relic, I suppose, with as little remorse as Ke would an old gun barrel. * Note (8) Page 40. The author has taken the liberty of transferring* an Indian tradition to the credit of their predeces- tore, the Mound-builders. From what source this tradition, recited below, was derived ; whether it was the creation purely of a wild and barbarous NOTES TO PART FIRST. 163 imagination, or whether it came into their possession from some contact with the Mound-building race, the links of which are now entirely lost, are ques tions that have passed beyond answer from philoso phy or conjecture. " Some of the Upper Crees, a tribe who inhabit the country in the vicinity of the Athabasca river, have a curious tradition with respect to animals which they state formerly frequented the mountains, They allege that these animals were of frightful magnitude, being from two to three hundred feet in length, and high in proportion j that they formerly lived in the plains a great distance to the eastward ; from which they were gradually driven by the In dians to the Rocky Mountains ; that they destroyed all smaller animals ; and if iheir agility was equal to their size, would have also destroyed all the na- , tives, &c. One man has asserted that his grand father told him he saw one of those animals in a mountain pass, where he was hunting, and that on hearing its roar, which he compared to loud thun der, the sight almost left his eyes, and his heart be came as small as an infant s." Advcnturet on the Columbia River c by Ross Cox. Jefferson, in his " Notes on Virginia," has also- attributed a similar legend to the Delawares : " During the Revolution, a delegation of warriors from the Delaware tribe, told the governor of Vir ginia that it was a tradition handed down from their fathers, that in ancient times a herd of these tre mendous animals came to Big-Bone Licks, and began an universal destruction of the bear, deer, 164 NOTES TO PART FIRST. elk, buffaloes, and other animals, which had been created for the use of the Indians ; that the Great Man above, looking down and seeing this, was BO enraged that he seized his lightning, descended on the earth, seated himself on a neighboring mountain, on a rock, of which his seat and the print of his feet are still to be seen, and hurled his bolts among them, till the whole were slaughtered except the big bull, who, presenting his forehead to the shafts, shook them off as they fell, but missing one, at length, it wounded him in the side ; whereon, springing round, he bounded over the Ohio, over the Wabash, the Illinois, and finally over the great lakes, where he is living at this day." NOTES TO PART SECOND. Note (1) Page 100, SHOULD any unlucky doubt disturb the reader s belief in the incident of Bokulla and the hawk, he is referred to the 8th chapter of Ross Cox s " Adven tures on the Columbia River." The following should properly have been introduced as a note to page 81. The most curious work that has appeared since Bur ton s "Anatomie of Melancholy" is, I suspect, "Ameri can Antiquities and Discoveries in the West," by Jo- siah Priest. It is an entire eagle s flight beyond any tract, pamphlet or octwo, that has ever hovered over the mounds and memorials of the Far West. The book is in truth a perfect fac simile of the West itself, where a thigh-bone nudges a piece of potte ry; a mummy stands sentinel over a rusty piece of copper; and a whole range of robust fortifications is laid deep and piled high to defend nothing ! If there is any single topic of which this book does not treat, we are ao unfortunate as not to have form ed an acquaintance with the subject or science to 166 NOTES TO PART SECOND. which it belongs. Nothing is beyond the reach of Mr. Priest * liberal and comprehensive sympa thies : He starts by establishing the location of Mount Ararat, and indulging in sundry shrewd and piercing conjectures as to the signification of Shem, Ham and Japhet ; the tumultuous times of Noah s grandson, Peleg, then come in for a share of com ment, and the ten lost tribes what book, treating of America, could be perfect without the genealogy of these vagrant Jewish gentlemen ? next put in an appearance. Then follow chapters on Welch discoveries, huge Mexican mounds, the state of antediluvian scholarship, on draining, cannibalism, and the Lord knows what else ! all rushing to gether, without order or guidance, like a drove of unhaltered mules. To do Mr. Priest justice, however, (and every man who labors in the great field of tho West is entitled to some portion of ho nor) be has accumulated in this book a large amount of very curious information. He, for instance, in troduces a story like the following :- 11 During the last year, 1832, a Mr. Ferguson communicated to tho editor of the Christian Advo cate and Journal, a discovery, which he examined and described as follows : On a mountain, called the Lookout Mountain, belonging to the vast Alle- ghanian chain, running between the Tennessee and Coos rivers, rising about one thousand feet above the level of the surrounding valley. The top of the mountain is mostly level, but presents to the eye an almost barren waste. On this range, notwithstand ing its height, a river has its source, which, after NOTES TO iART SECOND. 167 traversing for about seventy miles, plunges over a! precipice. The rock, from which the water falls, is circular, and juts over considerably. Immediately below the fall, on each side of the river, are bluffs, which rise two hundred feet. Around one of these bluffs the river makes a bend, which gives it the form of a peninsula. On the top of this are the remains of what is esteemed fortifications, which consist of a stone wall built on the very brow of this tremendous ledge. The whole length of the wall, following the varying courses of the brink of this precipice, is thirty-seven rods and eight feet, including about two acres of ground, 1 The only descent from this place is between two rocks, for about thirty feet, when a bench of the ledge presents itself, from two to five feet in width, arid ninety feet long, This bench is the only road or path up from tho water s edge to the summit. But just at the foot of the two rocks, where they reach this pnth, and within thirty feet of the top of the rock, are five rooms, which have been formed by dint of labor. The entrance to these rooms is very small, but when within, they are found to communicate with each other, by doors or aper tures, Mr. Ferguson thinks them to have been con structed during some dreadful war, and those who constructed them to huve acted on the defensive; and believes that twenty men could have withstood the whole army of Xerxes, as it was impossible for more than one to pass at a time; and might by the slightest push be hurled at least a hundred and fifty feet down the rocks. The reader/ concludes Mr. Priest, can indulge his own conjectures, whether 168 NOTES TO PART SECOND. in the construction of this inaccessible fortress, he does not perceive the remnant of a tribe or nation, acquainted with the arts of excavation and defence ; making a last struggle against the invasion of an overwhelming foe ; where it is likely they were re duced hy famine, and perished amid the yells of their enemies." Pp. 176, 177. While on the subject of these ancient fortifica tions again, I may as well quote an additional au thority : " A Journal through the Western Coun try in the summer of 1816, by David Thomas i Au burn, 1819." In describing the celebrated remains at Circleville, Mr. Thomas says, (p. 94,) 1 have no ticed the circular enclosure which has shaped the town. There is also a square enclosure that touches it on the east. But though these are stated to be equal in area, the difference of figure is riot greater than the mode of construction. The circle is form ed of two banks which are separated by a ditch or fosse, about 30 feet wide at the natural surface of the ground, but CO feel from the top of one bank to the other, Much of the fosse doubtless has been filled from the banks in the lapse of ages, but even at this day, a great excavation is visible. The square on the reverse haw no ditch. The bank is about 30 feet wide at the base, 12 feet high, and sufficiently broad on the summit for a wagon road. It is a stu pendous work, and yet the whole mass appears to have been carried hither from a distance. This is evident in respect to the north and south sides, which are formed of clay resting on a gravelly sod ; and near the west bank, which is composed of the NOTES TO PART SECOND. 169 latter material, I saw no excavation from winch it could have been taken. Near the north-west cor ner a swale or draught for water in heavy rains ap pears both on the inside and outside of the wall, and proves that it eould not have been gathered from the adjacent surface of the ground. It is a great singu larity that these materials should have been kept separate and distinct. At the corners each kind terminates ; and the inner bank of the circular fort is clay, but the outer is gravel. Doubtless the lat ter was thrown from the ditch, and a stratum of clay may have supplied the other; but it is questionable whether the excavation yielded earth sufficient for both banks." Our author remarks, that if, as is pro bable, thcso fortifications were high enough to guard the entrance from missile weapons, a great depres* sion must have taken place. He states that the area enclosed was variously estimated from 5 to 19 acres. The east and west sides of the square, being 17 to the right of the meridian. Hence, some suppose that they were acquainted with the polarity of the magnet; that by it the square was drawn, and that the time can be calculated by its variation. The small quantities of iron found in the mounds evin ces that this people were not acquainted with its manufacture. No glass or substance like it has been found. The magnetic period, if calculated at 1000 years, which is twice aa great as is probable, would not give the result within one such period. This mound when discovered was overshadowed with a forest Considerable of the north and south walls has been converted into brick. In a note to the 15 170 NOTES VO tJLKT BECOftB. passage, of which the substance has been above given, Mr. Thomas discusses the vexed question of the original peopling of this country at great length and with much ability. He states that the compara tive size of various remains is not, as Dr. Drake ii*po5cs, an index to their origin, for many of these fortifications were destroyed in their progres* sive state. He combats the opinion of Atwater, that the Mound-builders first settled, subsequently to the Indians, in the North ; that the latter settled in the Atlantic coast, and that the Mound-builders, on their emigration thither, were BO pressed by the Indian* that they followed tho water courses to the south, and thence migrated to Mexico and Peru. Ho thinks the assertion of Dr. Drake, that the mounds decrease in size, beauty and regularity, in a ratio corresponding directly to the distance from Mexico, and that the fact that the peccary, (the Mexican hog), an animal only known there, has been found in a cave in Kentucky, is evidence that a Mexican colony inhabited Ohio and the West. " The fortifi cations at Circleville and at other places, evince a population not only too numerous to be supplied with food from the forest, but too laborious to be engaged in such uncertain pursuits, and on what did they subsist becomes the question. Nothing of this part of their story is known. None of our t- digenous vegetables, seem well adapted to supply their wants ; and as the regions, which they inhabit ed, were all favorable to the production of the In dian corn, it is no improbable conjecture that this grain vas their staff* of life." NOTES TO PART SECOND. 171 Persons disposed to visit ancient fortifications may find remains at the following places : 1. About two miles southeasterly from Aurora, a triangular area of one or two acres is protected on two sides by precipitous banks, and on the other by two ditches. Bones of animals and fragments of ancient earthenware are found in beds of ashes. 2. On tho hill south of Auburn, also a circular ditch enclosing about two acres, one and a quarter miles N. N. E. of Auburn. The only opening or gateway appears in the side adjacent to a spring, and is formed by extending one end of the ditch beyond the other. This simple contrivance render ed such mounds as those of Circleville unnecessary. No vestige of iron has been discovered, although fragments of earthenware are numerous. 3. On the west of the Seneca River, N. W. from Montezuma. On the east shore near this village a email mound appears. 4. We also learn that considerable fortifications are visible near Black Hirer, between Brownsville and La Roy, Note (2) p. 118. I am not sure that I can conclude the notes on the Mastodon better than by furnishing the reader a nummary of information relating to that vast crea ture, made up of facts and discoveries, as well at tradition and conjecture, partly gathered from a valuable note to De Witt Clinton s Discourse be* 172 NOTES TO PART SECOND. fore tbe Lit. and Phil. Society of Una city, and part ly prepared from other sources. " Tbe traditions of the Indians/ says Clinton in the authority alluded to, which is a dissertation rather than a note, and the speculations of philoso phers respecting this enormous animal have been various, and, perhaps on the whole, unsatisfactory. It is certain that the Indians had some notions re specting the mammoth, which they might have de rived from tradition, or, after seeing its remains, they might have invented the fables which exist Charlevois, in his voyage to North America, (vol. I.), says, * There is also a very diverting tradition among the Indians, of a great elk of such monstroin. size that the rest are like pismires in comparison of him ; bis legs, they say, are so long that eight feet of snow are not the least encumbrance to him ; his hide is proof against all manner of weapons, and he has a sort of arm proceeding from his shoulder, which he uses as we do ours. He is always attended Jby a vast number of elks, which form his court, and which render him all the services he requires. This description, respecting the arm, appears like the proboscis of an elephant. Kalm, who travelled in this country in 1749, says, some years ago a skele ton of an amazing great animal has been found in that part of Canada where the Illinois livo on the river Ohio. The Indians were surprised at the sight of it ; and when they were asked what they thought it was, they answered that it must be the chief or father of all the beavers. It was of a prodigious bulk, and had thick white teeth about 10 inches NOTES TO PART SECOND. 173 long. It was looked upon as the skeleton of an elephant. A French lieutenant in the fort, who had seen it, assured me that the figure of the whole snout was yet to be seen, though it was half mouldered. He added, that he had not observed that any of the bones were taken away, but thought the skeleton lay quite perfect there. I have heard people talk of this monstrous skeleton in several other parts of Canada. Kalm * Travels, vol. 3. In the 20th volume of Silliman s Journal will be found a " Report of Messrs. Cooper, J. A. Smith and De Kay, to tho Lyceum of Nat. History, on a col lection of fossil bones, discovered at Big Bone Lick, Kentucky, in September, 1830, and recently brought to New- York." Tho report is followed with remarks by the editor, which corroborate certain suggestions in the First Part of thig work. " Having (since the above account was received) seen the collection of bones so accurately described above, I cannot re frain from attempting to convey to others something of the impression made upon my own mind, on en tering the room containing this astonishing assom- blage of bones, many of which are of gigantic size. They produce in the beholder the conviction that ra ces of animals formerly existed on this continent, not only of vast magnitude, but which must also have been very numerous ; and tht Mastodon, at least, ranged in herd* over probably the entire American continent. It is stated by the person who exhibits this collection, that the skull and the tusks which it contains, weigh upwards of five hundred pounds; that a pair of tusks now lying in the room and supposed to be- 15* 174 NOTES TO PART SECOND. tang to th same species, weighed six hundred pounds when taken from the ground ; and these are nearly perfect ; and when we regard them as being merely appendages, and sustained by the animal at a great mechanical disadvantage, since they do not like horns rest upon the head, but project from it laterally forward, we can easily imagine that it would require the most powerful muscles to sustain and wield tho entire cranium tusks, muscles and integu ments. We shall be happy to see additional illus trations from the able committee to whom we are in debted for the previous statement of facts. We will, however, venture to mention the extraordinary cur vature of the tusks : those of the elephant we believe are always in the form of a bent bow, but these have almost tho shape of a sickle, with the blade curved to one side ; they are sharp and pointed." In the year 1748, M.Fabri, who had mado great excursions into the northern parts of Louisiana and the southern regions of Canada, informed Bufibn that he had seen heads and skeletons of enormous quadrupeds, called by the savages the father of oxen ; and that the thigh bones of the animals were from to 6 feet in length. Buffen s Nat. Hist., trantl. by Smelliq, vol. 9. In Siberia a similar animal was supposed to exist under ground, and many fables were related respect ing it, under the Russian name of mammoth. Not withstanding these traditions and reports, the atten tion of the philosophers of Europe was not fully drawn to this subject until 1765, when Mr. George Croghan saw, in the vicinity of a large salt marsh, on NOTES TO PART SECOND. 175 the country bordering on the Ohio, immense bonea and teeth, and he sent some of them to England, where they immediately became the subject of specu lation and discussion. Before this similar bones were discovered in the Russian dominions. Dr. Hunter, the celebrated anatomist, from an examination of the teeth, pronounced them to belong to a carnivorous nondescript animal. Daubentun declared at ono time that this animal was an elephant ; and at an other time thought that the teeth were those of an hippopotamus, and conceived that the animal par took of both of these species, and was a real mule. Muller supposed that they belonged to certain un known quadrupeds, denominated maumouts, or mammoths from the Russian name, supposed to have been derived from the Hebrew, Behemoth. Buffon was of opinion, that, independently of the elephant and hippopotamus, whose relics are equally found in the two continents, another animal, common to both, has formerly existed, the size of which has greatly exceeded that of the largest elephants ; and at one period he supposed that it was seven times larger. Pallas believed that the bones found in Si beria were those of the elephant and rhinoceros, and said that those countries, which are now desolated by the rigors of intense cold, have formerly enjoyed all the advantages of the southern latitudes. Gme- lin supposes that vast inundations in the south had driven the elephants to the north, where they would all at once perish by the rigor of the climate. Others are of opinion that the tusk and skeleton belonged to the elephant, and the raolare* to the hippopota- 176 NOTES TO PART SECOND. mua ; aa the grinders were not those of the former, some thought that they were the bones of the hip* popotamus only ; others of a monster of the ocean. And the Abbe Clavigero says, " that they may from what appears have belonged to giants of the human as well as of any other race." Jefferson asserts that the skeleton of the mammoth bespeaks an animal of five or six times the cubic volume of the elephant, and that, the grinders are five times as large are square, and the grinding surfaces studded with four or five rows of blunt points ; whereas, thoso of the elephant are broad and thin, and their grinding sur face flat." To mention all the hypotheses and fables which this subject has produced, would be useless and consume too much time ; but two or three more are worth stating, on account of their whim sical absurdity. One writer says, that the bones in question are the remains of certain angelic beings, the original tenants of this our terrestrial globe, in its primitive state, till, for their transgressions, both were involved in ruin; after which this shattered planet was refitted for its present inhabitants. Another imagines that at some remote period the places in which these bones were found might have laid in the track of a conqueror unknown to the historians of Europe ; that it might have been the scene of a battle, and the animals in question part of the baggage train destroyed by slaughter or disease, and left, in the hurry of flight, to puzzle and set at defiance generations yet unborn. Within a few years abettor opportunity has been afforded of farming just conclusions respecting this NOTES TO PART SECOND. 177 animal. Within the extent of a few miles five or ten skeletons have been discovered at the bottom of marl pits in Orange and Ulster counties, and (from the calcareous nature of the substance in which they were deposited) in a high state of preservation. One of these skeletons has been mounted and placed in its natural form and with almost all the bones in Peale s Museum in Philadelphia. In 1799, upon the shores of the Frozen ocean, near the mouth of the river Lena, in Siberia, a Ton* gouse chief discovered in the midst of a rock of ice, a substance which did not resemble the floating pieces of wood usually found there ; he endeavored in Tain to ascertain what it was at that time. About the close of the second summer enabled him to know that it was a mammoth ; but he could not succeed in obtaining the tusks of the animal until the end .->f the fifth year, when the ice, which enclosed it, hav ing partly melted, the level became sloped, and this enormous mass, pushed forward by its own weight, fell over upon its side on a sand bank. In March, 1804, the Chief Schoumachoff obtained the tusks and sold them for fifty roubles. In the summer of 1806, Mi chael Adams, a member of the Academy of St. Pe- tersburgh, visited the mammoth in company with the chief, and found it in a very mutilated state. The proprietor was content with the profits he had already derived from it, and the jakouts of tho neighborhood tore off the flesh with which they fed their dogs. Ferocious animals, white bears of tho north pole, gluttons, wolves, and foxes preyed upon it also, and their burrows were seen in the neighbor* 178 NOTES TO PART SECOND. hood. The skeleton, almost completely unfleshed, was entire, with the exception of one of the fore* feet The spindyle from the head to the os coccygis, a shoulder blade, the pelvis, and the remains of the three extremities were still tightly attached by the ligaments of the joints and by strips of skin on the exterior side of the carcass. The head was covered with a dry skin ; one of the ears, well preserved, was furnished with a tuft of bristles. The eyes were also preserved, and the ball of the left eye could be distinguished. The tip of the under lip had been eaten away, and the upper part being destroyed ex hibited the teeth. The brain was still in the crani um, but it appeared dry. The parts least damaged were a forefoot and a hind one covered with skin and having the sole attached. See an account of a Journey to the Frozen seas, and the dis covery of the remains of a mammoth/ by Michael Adams, of St. Petersburg!!, in the 29th vol. of Tillock s Philosophical Magazine, and Cuvier s Essay on the Theory of Earth, transl. by Jameson. The mammoth of New- York, although bearing some general resemblance to the elephant, differs from it in the general figure ; in the tusks, forma* tion of the head, prominence and pointedness of the back oyer the shoulders, its great descent thence from the hips, together with the comparative small- ness of the body j there are proofs of greater ac tivity also in the structure of the thigh-bones and the formation of the ribs, which are peculiar and in dicative of greater strength ; it also differs in the magnitude of the spines of the back ; the proper- NOTES TO PART SECOND. 179 tionate length of the processes from the spine of the scapula ; the thickness and strength of all the bones, particularly of the limbs 5 the leth> which are of the carnivorous kind ; its under jaw, which is dis tinctly angular, instead of being semi-circular, as in the elephant, besides several other striking distinc* tions. There can be little doubt but that it is at least specifically distinct from the elephant. Ph ilo* tojphical Magazine, Peak s account, vol. 14. From the size of the head, the thickness and solidity of the teeth, and the enormous magnitude of the tusks, we can at once perceive that the neck of the animal must of necessity have been short, in order to sustain so great a weight. These circum stances, considered in connection with the length of the limbs presently to be described, clearly indicates that the Mastodon, like the Elephant, had a long and flexible trunk for the purpose of conveying its ali ment to the mouth ; the shortness of the neck and the projection and curvature of the tusks, would equally have prevented the approach of the mouth to the ground. Godman s Nat. Hist. The examination of the Asiatic Mammoth has also settled the question as to its identity with the* American. They are considered as specifically if not generically different. Blumenbach has termed the Asiatic mammoth, elephas primaevus or primo- genus, and the American mammoth the elephas Americanos. Covier calls it the mastodontus, which name has been adopted by Dr. Barton. In the memoirs of the National Institute, Cuvier de scribes the former, elephas mammonteus, maxilla 180 NOTES TO PART SECOND. obtusiore, lamellis molarium tenuibus rectia j and the latter be characterizes as follows: Elepbas Arnericanus, molaribus raulti-cuspidibus, lamellis post detritionem quadrilobatis. In his opinion* neither of them are the same as the existing ele phant, and he considers them as extinct. Sci^tf** Fhya. tt Mat. 11. Dr. Barton, of Philadelphia, is of opinion that the animal described by Adams, although different from the Ohio animal, has a great and striking affinity to it. He believes there is a much greater affinity be tween the Asiatic mammoth and the existing Asiatic elephant, than between either of them and the Ohio or American mammoth ; yet there are several other characters in which the resemblance is much closer between the Ohio animal and the Asiatic mammoth, than between the latter and the Asiatic elephant, and that one of these characters consists in the great resemblance of the incisores, tusks or horns. Dr. Barton is further of opinion that the Asiatic mam moth has been discovered in different parts of the United States, and that a branch of the Susquehan- nah receives its name of Chemung from the incisores of one of these animals. Port Folio, vol. 4, Bar ton s Ittt^r to Je/erton. Governor Pownall, in a paper published in the Philosophical Magazine, vol. 14, after having view ed the skeleton of the New- York mammoth, exhi bited by Mr. Peale in London, is of opinion that it was a marine animal from the following circum stances : 1. Its being carnivorous, and its enormous bulk NOTES TO PART SECOND. 181 would therefore require a supply of animal food from the earth which it could not get, and which could only be found in the abundance of tho waters. 2. He thinks there are parts in the debris of the skull which have some comparative resemblance to the whnle as to the purpose of breathing under wa ter ; that the width of the jaws is similar to that of fish ; and that the ribs more similar to those of fish than to those of terrestrial animals, are, by their con struction and position, ordained to resist a more forcible external compression than the atmosphere creates. 3. That the neck is so short that the animal could not reach the ground with its mouth, the line from the withers to the end of the under jaw being about one third of the line from the withers to the ground. Mr. Peale says that there are many reasons to V suppose that he was of an amphibious nature, and is ^ decidedly of opinion that he lived entirely on flesh or fish. While some may be willing to concur with Mr. Peale as to its amphibious nature, few will agree with Pownall in its being an aquatic animal. The shortness of its neck might have been supplied by a trunk. The poir.ts, wherein it resembles in its formation certain fish, are only indicative of ama zing strength ; and there is no strong objection to believe that it was also gramnivorous, and drew its supplies from the vegetable as well as the animal kingdom. Upon the whole, we may, with considerable fidence, come to the following conclusion* : 16 182 NOTES TO PART SECOND. 1. That the Asiatic and African living elephants and Siberian mammoth are specifically distinct. 2. That the New- York, Ohio or American mam moth is specifically if not generally different from them. . 3. That it was carnivorous, and lived upon the land. 4. That it may have also been gramnivorous, or omnivorous and amphibious. 6. And lastly, that it is extinct. Extract from a letter ofSttvanus Miller to De Witt Clinton: " The first disco wy of these fossils was made in the town^of Montgomery, in the county of Orange, by Rev. Mr. Annin. The place of discovery was in a sunken and miry meadow, in digging a ditch to carry off the excess of water. Several of the harder parts or bones of the mammoth skeleton were dis covered ; these were the ribs, two teeth (grinders) and parts of the thigh bone ; the teeth and ribs were in a very sound state, but the others were considera- bly decayed, and an exposure to tho air had such an effect upon them as to render their preservation useless. Subsequent to thut time several scattered remains of skeletons of the same animal have been discovered ; but from carelessness or other causes these have been lost. The speculations of persons who saw these phenomena were various, and in some instances ridiculous, affording no rational im provement to the naturalist. The advancement of agriculture, which began to show itself in the coun- NOTES TO PART SECOND. 183 lies of Orange and Ulster at this period, while it en riched the husbandman and beautified the country, was the cause of other discoveries of this nature, which drew the subject before the public, attracted the immediate attention of literary men, and led to the exertions of the enterprising Mr. Peale, of Phila delphia, who procured two skeletons of these non descript animals nearly entire. By the ingenuity and enterprise of this gentleman these hidden trea sures of natural history were brought to public view, to astonish and delight the sons of science- At the time of this discovery it was my lot to be in the vicinity, and to contribute my exertions in tak ing them from their hidden depositories. The parts of these fossils heretofore discovered had excited an interest far short of their importance. The num bers being now increased, and a spirit of inquiry being set on foot, excited a high degree of public in- V terest. The big bones (as they were called) were exposed for show, and persons from various mo tives in great numbers flocked to behold this hither to hidden wonder. * * * * The nature and formation of this mammoth coun try, as well as the particular places where those ani mals were found, may possibly be interesting, and to this object I shall devote a few general remarks. The only fossils of this skeleton which have been discovered, have been found in wet and miry lands in the towns of Montgomery and Shawangunk. The former in Orange and the latter in Ulster county, in this state, distance about SO miles from this city, and 6 to 12 miles from Newburgh on the Hudson 184 NOTES TO PART SECOND. river, In a western direction from the Hudson river for some 5 or 6 miles, the ground rises gradu ally but perceptibly until you come to the confines of Coldenbam ; the waters running easterly until you arrive here, now take the contrary direction, and turning westerly are disembogued into a con siderable stream, known by the name of the Wall- kill and sometimes the Paltz river. On the high lands at Coldenham you perceive a range of high mountains, known by the name of " Shawangunk mountains," from whence the waters run easterly, and falling into the Wallkill are carried into the Hudson river at the strand near Kingston, in Ulster county, about 112 miles distant from New- York. These mountains on the west, and a ridge of high lands on the east, form a natural valley of very con siderable extent, varying in breadth from 35 in the southern to the northern extremity of 3 miles or thereabout. The formation and nature of this country has nothing to characterize it from other parts of our state in the middle district. The woods and forest trees, the grasses and productions of every kind, are those which are indigenous to various parts of the state and to all adjacent counties. The general formation of this country is smooth, marked by some bills of secondary altitude, is susceptible of yielding every kind of produce cultivated in north ern climates. The immense quantities of what is generally termed Goshen butter, are made in this valley and on the lands between it and the Hudson river, extending from New Cornwall, situate at the northern entrance into, the Highlands, to the poinj NOTES TO PART SECOND. 185 of land called the Dause Kaumer, in the town of Maryborough. In all this district of country the pasturage is luxuriant and excellent, and affords a greedy repast for black cattle, sheep, &c. * * It will be seen from this succinct account of the country, that whether the mammoth delighted in the fertile plain, in the low and sunken meadow or swamp, or in the lofty and craggy mountains, or in all of them, the variety of the soil.and formation of the country, afford & gratification to all his natural inclinations and propensities. I do not know, how ever, that the marl discovered in abundance in Ul ster and Orange counties has .been found in their neighborhood ; and it is proper to remark, that in these sunken receptacles of vegetable and testaceous solutions, have unifo.-mly been found the bones of the mammoth, Perhaps it may bo said that V in this marl, by its alkaline qualities, have these 1 fossils alone been preserved from dissolution and decay. The formation of these has evidently been the work of ages. In many places the body of this manure is thirty feet in depth, over which grass and vegetable plants, common to such grounds, grow in abundance, interspersed with trees of diffe rent kinds. * * Within a circle, the radius of which does not ex- qced six miles, there are several hundred acres of marl. A very small proportion of this has been ex plored or dug to the bottom, where the fossil bones have uniformly been discovered. By the force of their own weight they have naturally aunk through 16* 185 NOTES TO PART SECOND. - the soft marl and found rest many feet below on solid and harder ground ; and yet within the peri phery of this circle nine skeletons of these prodi gious animals have been discovered. It may cer tainly be safely computed that not one hundredth part has been explored to the bottom. If then so many have been found in so small a proportion of this mammoth ground, and admitting that there has been great good fortune in falling upon their place of rest, does it not afford a most reasonable hypothe sis to say that there are vast numbers of these na tural curiosities deposited here for future discove ries, and that at some period our country (in this district) was fully inhabited by this stupendous ani mal ; that in numbers they equalled the other beasts of the forest, such as the bear, the wolf, the pan- ther, &c., in the proportions which larger animals bear to the smaller in the order of nature. That they were carnivorous as well as gramnivorous is pretty well authenticated by the formation of their grinders. Indeed, my worthy and learned friend, Dr. James G. Graham, who examined the fossils, went sti]! further ; for the formation of the bones near and belonging to the foot, warranted him, as a professional man, in the belief that this animal had claws, ! Dr. Mitchell appears to have struck upon a phi losophical explanation, which is at once bold, and will explain the phenomena. He places these curi osities amongst elephantine relics, occasioned by the change of the axis of the globe 90 at some very remote period. By this hypothesis may be explain- NOTES TO PART SECOND. 187 ed the existence of these bones and bodies of ani mals belonging to low and warm latitudes, being found in cold and frozen climates of the earth. That gentleman supposes the ancient equator to have ex tended in the northern hemisphere from the bay of Bengal, near where the mouths of the Ganges are, through Thibet* Tartary and Siberia to the present North Pole, and thence along in North America,* through the tracts west of Hudson s Bay and Lake Superior to the source? of the Mississippi, and thence down to the Gulf of Mexico, near its places of dis-. emboguement, and so onward across New Spain tc* the South Sea. That such was probably the old equatorial line. In corroboration of this gentleman s opinion he truly alleges, that under the ancient equa tor have been found the remains of animals peculiar to warm climates. The bones of the elephant and the rhinoceros are discovered almost all the way\ where he would designate the ancient equator ; tlial ** in colder latitudes the frozen bodies themselves, on the banks of the Genesee and the Lena, and in mass es of ice lying upon the shores of the Asiatic con tinent and thereabouts, have attracted the attention of the naturalist ; that in America the valley of the Mississippi was the place of the former equator, in which direction the fossil skeletons are most fre quent, and that the creatures to whom they belong may be supposed to have perished at the grand ca tastrophe in their proper and natural climates ; that the migration of the human race and the passage of animals from Asia to America, find a solution by this theory of easy and rational comprehension. * * 188 NOTES TO PART SECOND. It is important to add, that with the discoveries of these skeletons have been found considerable locks and tufts of hair ; having been buried a great length of time in a calcareous substance, it retained its na tural appearance, and was brought to light in a tolera ble state of perfection ; the length was from one and a half to two inches and a half, of a dunnibh brown color. In one instance the hair was much longer, measuring from four to seven inches in length, of the san:e color, and resembling in appearance the short* er, and was conjectured to have been the mane of the mammoth, Whether a discoloration had not taken place from its native appearance must remain a mat ter of conjecture, jlp every instance nn exposure to air caused it to moulder away into a kind of impalpa ble dust. This fact would seem to render it certain that the animal, the relics of whose body were here /foutid, appertained to a race totally different from any elephants now known to naturalists." To bring down ouv brief on Behemoth to the present moment, we give a paragraph which ap peared in a New-York paper (The Evening Star) of February Sth : 11 The Bones of the Mastodon at Auction. It would appear that the bones of the head of the American Mastodon, which were, until lately, a desideratum that all zoologists anxiously awaited the discovery of, have been permitted by our learned societies to leave this country. We have now the humiliating consolation to know that these most rare and valua ble relics of this antediluvian monster, have been hawked about the streets of London, until finally NOTES TO PART SECOND. 180 knocked down dog-cheap under the hammer of a cockney auctioneer. So much for the love, the ar dor of our scientific association for the. promotion of the study of natural history ! It is discreditable that such precious treasures should have been thus abandoned. We said so at the time ; but it seems there was not spirit enough to keep the bones of our own proud king of the forest among us. It is an enigma we cannot solve, how the idiot of an own er never thought to go to Paris with his osteological speculation. There they are interested in what re lates to our animals, fossils, &c. ; and Cuvier, if alive, would have been in ecstacies to have seen the head of that Mastodon which He christened with this name. The fine cranium with the upper jaw and teeth brought only 100 francs. The head perfect, 44 inches long and 23 wide brought, however, 3,822 francs, i. e. f near $750, which was not a tenth part of its value ; and that it is probably the only one that has ever been discovered or ever probably may be.. We believe it came from Kentucky. Almost al- ways the head is found wanting, though the teeth and leg bones are remarkably sound. The giant quadruped that bounded over the prairies little dreamed of the destiny that awaited him." Note (3) p. 121. Without pretending to adopt the opinions or con jectures that follow, I quote them as expressing the- 190 NOTES TO PART SECOND. views of an eminent man, and as embodying a plausi ble explanation of the settlement of this country. They are quoted from " Priest s Antiquities :" " The following is from the pen of the late William Wirt, of Virginia, on the subject of the ancient in habitants of this country : Mr. Flint and other tra vellers and sojourners in the West, state that the impress of the leaves of the bread fruit tree, and the bamboo, have frequently been found in peat-bed and fossil coal formations in the neighborhood of the Ohio. Pebbles of disruption, vast ma ses of lead ore far from the mine, stratified rocks, earth and sand, and specimens of organic animal and vege table remains, belonging to a tropical climate, clearly indicate some important and extensive changes oc- casioned by fire or water in the whole great valley of the Mississippi. Then the regular walls, the bricks, the medals, the implements of iron and cop per, buried in a soil which must have been undis turbed for ages, with the alphabetic characters writ ten on the cl ill s, plainly show that other ruceti of men have existed and passed away. And what a world must that have been, when the mammoth and the megalonyx trod the plains, and monstrous lizards, whose bones are now rescued from the soil, and which must have been at least eighty feet in length, reared their heads from the rivers and the lakes 1 The mighty remains of the past, to which we have alluded, indicate the existence of three distinct races of men, previous to the arrival of the white settlers. The monuments of the first or primitive race, are regular stone walls, well stoned up, brick hearths, NOTES TO PART SECOND. 191 found in digging the Louisville canal, medals of cop per, and silver swords, and other implements of iron. Mr. Flint assures us that ho has seen v .hese strange ancient swords. He has also examined a small iron shoe, like a horse shoe, encrusted with the rust of ages, and found far below the soil, and the copper axe weighing about two pounds, singularly tempered and of peculiar construction. These re lics, he thinks, belonged to a race of civilized men, who must have disappeared many centuries ago. To this race he attributes the hieroglyphic character* found on the limestone bluffs; the remains of cities and fortifications of Florida; the regular banks of ancient live oaks near them, and the bricks found at \f Louisville, nineteen feet below the surface, in regu lar hearths, with the coals of the last domestic fire upon them. These bricks were hard and regular, and longer in proportion to their width than those \ of the present day. \ To the second race of beings are attributed the vast mounds of earth, found throughout the whole western region, from Lake Erie and west Pennsyl vania to Florida and the Rocky Mountains. Some of them contain skeletons of human beings, and dis play immense labor. Many of them are regular mathematical figures parallelograms and sections of circles, showing the remains of gateways and sub terranean passages. Some of them are eighty feet high, and have trees grown on them apparently of the age of five hundred years. They are generally of a soil differing from that which surrounds them, and they are most common in situations where it 192 NOTES TO PART SECOND. since has been found convenient to build towns and cities* One of these mounds was levelled in the centre of Chilicothe, and cart loads of human bones removed from it. Another may be seen in Cincin nati, in which a thin circular piece of gold, alloyed with copper, was found last year. Another in St. Louis, called tho falling garden, is pointed out to strangers as a great curiosity. Many fragments of earthenware, some of curious workmanship, have been dug throughout this vast region. Some re presented drinking vessels, some human heads, and tome idols. They all appear to be moulded by the hand and hardened in the sun. These mounds and earthen implements Jmlicuto a race inferior to the first, which was acquainted with the use of iron. The third race are the Indians, now existing in the western territories, In the profound silence and / solitude of these western regions, and above the bones of a buried world, how must a philosophic tra veller meditate upon the transitory slate of human existence, when tho only traces of the beings of two races of men are these strange memorials ! On this very spot, generation after generation has stood, has lived, has warred, grown old, and passed away ; and not only their names, but their nation, their lan guage, has perished, and utter oblivion has closed over their once populous abodes! We call this country the New World. It is old ! Age after age, and one physical revolution after another, has passed over it, but who shall tell its history 1" THE END. J. & H. G. LANGLEY Have recently published, THE MOTLEY BOOK, BY THE LATE BEN. SMITH; With Ten Illustrations, by Dick and others. SECOND EDITION, CONTAINING Beelzebub and His Cart, Potter s Field, Greasy Peterson, The Adventurers of Sol Cla rion non, The Vision of Dr. Nicholas Grim, The Melancholy Vagabond TheMerry-Makcrs.ExploitNo.I. The Great Charter Contest in Gotham, The Witch and the Deacon, The Puffer Dinner, The Druggist s Wife, N. A. Society for the Encour% agement of Imposture, TheMerry-Makers,ExploitNo.It. Disasters of Old Drucjo-e, ** Parson Huckins First Appear ance, The Unburied Bones. CRITICAL NOTICES. " There are many capital strokes of humor and touches of nature in this light and amusing work. The author frequently manifests a masterly insight into character, and some of his sketches of life in Now- York are to the life." New-York Mirror. " Those who have with us enjoyed the fun of these amusing sketches, when extracted by us from time to time, will be pleased to see them in a shape fit for preservation. They make a very handsome volume of nearly two hundred pages, and will assist in handing down the memory of names, places and scenes, peculiar to this our good city of Gotham." -* / JV. Y, American. jfcf . " A pleasant and interesting book, full of fun, with Tory excellent illustrations." Co*r. and Enq. " From the first the lucubrations of the late Ben. Smith gave us much pleasure, and we hailed their appearance in a new and more attractive dress as an evidence that the originality and raciness of his hu mor and his genuine pathos had not been entirely unappreciated. * * Many of his sketches are drawn with the graphic pencil of a master, and the style of several passages is in the highest grade of excellence. We shrewdly suspect that the author is a young man, and if so, we think that wo claim not too much for him when we say that he needs only that improvement which careful practice will give to take a high and acknowledged rank in American Literature." Sun. Mor. Newt. " Right profitably has Mr. Ben. Smith used the talents committed to his keeping, for he tells sixteen stories which would do honor to the club of good fellows Mr. Pickwick was wont to assemble around his board." Boston Evening Gazette. " We knew Ben. He loved a laugh and a lash right well, and had withal a Sterne-like sensibili ty, which in his graver moments exhibited itself with marvellous pathos. This^oa/ mortem production U just such a work as we always said would be found in his escritoire by his executor." Sat. Mor. Trant t. " We had watched its progress in numbers with much interest, and felt convinced even then that a true humorest had at length appeared amongst us. The late lien. Smith is not to be confounded with the common herd of writers ; albeit, his name is by no means uncommon. The Motley Book is not one of those productions which daily issue from the press, to-day read, to-morrow forgotten but has peculiar merits of its own. It indicates a rich fund of raried excellence, which will, if we mistake not, in sure for the writer, at no distant day, an elevated rank in our literary records. In the short compass of less than two hundred pages he has shown a com plete mastery in the apparently opposite fields of pathos and humor." N. Y. Gazette. J. & H. G. LANGLEY, Have recently published, THE BEAUTIES OF THE HON. DANIEL WEBSTER, SELECTED AND ARRANGED, With a Critical Essay on his Genius and Writings, By JAMES REES ; 1 vol. ISmo. OPINIONS OF THE NEW-YORK PRESS. Beauties of Daniel Webster. It consists of short extracts from the speeches and writings of Mr. Webster, selected by the compiler, Mr. James Recs. The selections are made with good taste and discriminating judgment, and together form a work of rare excellence. We have seen the beauties" of Burke, Johnson, Robert Hall, and others, and in our judgment the " beauties" of our distin guished countryman bear a favorable comparison with the very best of them. Owing to the great length of Mr. Webster s discourses, perhaps very few have read them with suificient attention to dis cern all their merits ; but in the work before us, the prominent of these, from his numerous produc tions, are selected, and can be easily read, and when perused, we do not doubt they will -be exceed ingly admired, fraught as they are with noble sen- > tiraents and profound wisdom, clothed in the most pure, chaste, and elegant diction. We recommend every one of our readers to become possessed of the work when it shall be published. Commercial Advertiser, Jan. 24, 1839. Beauties of Daniel Webster. Messrs. J. & H. G. Langley, 57 Chatham-street, have published a handsome little volume bearing this title, containing judiciously selected extracts from the speeches, ad dresses, &c. of that distinguished gentleman. The work is edited by James Rees, who has added a critical essay on the genius and writings of Mr. Webster. Mr. Rees has discharged both duties well and ably, and we wish the book might go into the hands of every person capable of reading, from New-Brunswick to Texas. N. Y. Gazette, Ftb. 23. Beauties of Daniel Wefottr This is the title of a neat little work* prepared with much care by Mi\ ; James Reo*, and will shortly be issued from the press. The selections are judiciously made and admirably arranged. Mr. Webster is one of the great men of the country never at a loss for words, powerful in argument, fascinating and beautiful as an orator. The work will meet with an extensive sale, WA2#, Feb. 1. ,, . Beauties of Daxitl Weftler.-* -The selection of choice passages from the legal and parliamentary orations of Mr. Webster, the existence of which in manuscript, we mentioned u few weeks since, is now published by J. & H. G. Langley. It makes a hand some little volume of 92 pages, which 9ugbt to have a sale of thousands in tins city alone, and tens of thousands elsewhere. The passages are selected with judgment and good taste, presenting a rare as semblage of noble thoughts clothed in surpassing eloquence of language. We are glad to see that the Editor has been careful not to omit that magni ficent outburst of patriotism, the conclusion of the great speech in answer to Mr. Hayne, on Nullifica tion. Commercial, Feb. 22. The Beauties of Daniel Webster, ifc. Selected and arranged by James Ilees. New-York : J. & H. G. Langley. Most appropriately is this beautiful and precious little volume dedicated to " the friends of liberty throughout the world, and to the admirers of the English language in its purity." A more abla, consistent, far-seeing, and devoted friend of rational liberty ; a more disinterested, clear and constant Advocate and expounder of that constitution Which, to this Union, is the pledge alike of happiness and freedom, or a more pure and pol ished writer, of " English undefined," does not, as >ve believe, exist within our wide world. Wo rejoice, therefore, that selections so tastefully made as those in this volume, .have been put forth in a shape and form to give them wide circulation among all classes ; for the extracts are such as no American, of whatever party, can fail to admire. commend these Beauties to all our readers. Y. American, Fcb, 23, I 0. UJ 1 t D to Kh- co CN 8 s is ! "") "? /~ ~ / v(-f U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDDTDDUISI