ALBUM OF THE SECOND BATTALION DURYEE ZOUAVES One Hundred and Sixty-fifth Regt. ...New York Volunteer Infantry... MAY TWENTY-SIXTH NINETEEN HUNDRED AND SIX Of |INCE the completion a year ago of our Regi mental History, there have come into our possession war-time pictures of some of our Comrades, also other pictures relating to our Regiment which did not appear in our History Book. Also among the letters received from members of our old Regiment were some expressing regret that they had not arranged to furnish their pictures for the History. Finally our Veteran Association decided to issue a notice to all surviving Comrades of the Regiment that an Album would be prepared to be issued at the time of our annual dinner in 1 906, such Album to contain the pictures in the illustrated History and such others as the Album Committee could procure in the interval, and that this last opportunity would be afforded to survivors of our old Regiment to have their pictures, either taken before or since the war, included in the Album. The work herewith presented is the result, and it will, we trust, prove a valuable supplement to our Regimental History. M168882 . MAJOR-GENERAL ABRAM DURYEE. Major-General Abram Duryee was a member of the Seventh Regiment. N. Y. N. G., for 21 years, in which regiment he was promoted from private through the different grades to Colonel, which office he held for ten years. On the outbreak of the Civil War he organized the famous Duryee Zouaves, 5th N. Y. Vols., and was soon afterwards promoted to Brigadier General, and then to Major- General. He died Sept, 27, 1890, aged 76 years. Our regiment, the 2d Duryee Zouaves, 165th N. Y. Vol. Infantry, was also named after General Duryee. who took a lively interest in our Veteran Association, and presided at its first public meeting. LIEUT.-COL. AiiEL SMITH, JR. As he was in 1862 Apre 24 years, mustered in the United States service Nov. 28, 1862, as Lieutenant- Colonel of the 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols.. 2 i Duryee Zouaves, severely wounded at Port Hud son. La.. May 2T, 186:j. and died from effect of wounds June 23, 1863. LIEUT. -CoL. As he was in 1862. Severely wounded in the breast on the assault of Port Hudson, La., May 27, 1868. Died from the effect of the wound, June 23, 1863. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL GOUVKRNEUR CARR, of the l65th N. Y. Vols. As he was in 1862 while an officer in the 5th N. Y. Vols. Ag> 24 years, enrolled April 2o, ISfil, at New York City, mustered in as 1st Lieutenant Co. B, 5th Regt., N Y. Vols . Duryee Zouaves, May 9. 1861, promoted to Captain Sept. 3, 1861. honorably discharged Sept. 30, 1S62. for promotion to Major 165th Regt.. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, mustered in Nov. 2S. 1862. wounded May 27. 1868, promoted to Lieu tenant-Colonel . wounded at the battle of Sabine Cross Rords. La.. April 8. 1864, honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865, died Sept. 23, 1SS9. COL. FELIX AGNUS Age 22, enlisted April 15, 1861, at N. Y. City, in the 5th Regt.. N. Y. Vol Infantry Duryee Zouaves, and was mustered in as a Sergeant of Co. H, May i>. ISM. promoted 1st Sergeant July 20, 1861. and 2d Lieutenant Sept. 6, 1S61, and 1st Lieutenant of Co- D July 8 S62. -\\ ounded in action at Games Mills, Va.. June 27, 1862. discharged Sept . ISttt GEN. FELIX AGNUS As he was in 1904 Enlisted in the 165th Regt., N. Y. Vol. Infantry. 2d Duryee Zouaves, as Captain of Co. A, Sept. 15, 1S62, promoted Major Sept. 2. 1863, promoted Lieutenant-Colonel July l s t>4 Breveted Brigadier-One ral March 13, 1865. resigned July 26, 1H65. Member of Wilson Post No. 1. Department of Maryland. G. A. H; Member of District of Columbia Commandery Military Order of Loyal Legion of U. S.: decorated by Govern ment of France with order of Nichau-El-Auouar. a division of its famous Legion of Honor. DR. JAMES F. FERGUSON As he was in 1903 Age 24 years, served as Assistant Surgeon May 21, ISfil. S2d N. Y. Vol. Infantry, wounded in the leg at the first battle of Bull Run, taken prisoner and was exchanged Aug. 21, 1S 32, and Sept. 9, 1862, joined the 165th Regt.. N. Y. Vols.. 2d Duryee Zouaves, as Sur geon, commissioned Major, and assigned as Medical Director of the Department of the Gulf with rank as a Lieutenant-Colonel, and was honorably discharged March 15, 1^04, died Jan. <5, 1904. I DR. GEORGE C. HUBBARD As he was in 1897 Age 31 years, enlisted Sept. 12. 1S62, in the 165th Regt., N.Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, promoted from Assistant Surgeon to Surgeon May 19. 1S64, Medical Purveyor 19th Army Corps, Red River campaign under Major-General W. B. Franklin, appointed special attending Physician to Brigadier-General Rieketts, who was wounded at Winchester, Virginia, honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1S65, died Aug. 3, 189S. ASHER M. ELSWORTH As he was in the 7th Regt., N. G. N. Y., 1861 At the age of 24 years enrolled in the 165th Regt., N. Y. Vote., 2d Duryee Zoxiaves, as 1st" Lieutenant and Quartermaster Sept. 6, 1862, and died of Chronic Dysentery Aug. 14, 1863, at Port Hudson, La. til LIEUT. ASHER M. ELSWORTH As he was in 1863 At the age of 24 years enrolled as 1st Lieutenant and Quartermaster 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, Sept. 6, 1862. Died Aug. 14. 1863, at Port Hudson, La. ijeafoquarters Tilt lfogtm?nt NATIONAL GUARD, N. Y. New York, Nov. 17th, 1905. Mr. JOHN A. VANDERBILT, 926 Trinity Avenue, Borough of the Bronx. Sir: I am directed by Colonel Appleton to furnish you with the following information: Asher M. Ellsworth joined Co. "F" of this Regiment, on Oct. 3d, 1 856, age 1 8 years. He was enrolled in the U. S. service on April 1 7th, 1 86 1 , in New York City, by Colonel Lefferts, and mustered into the U. S. service on the 26th of April, 1861, in Washington, D. C, by Major McDowell, U. S. Army. He was mustered out of the U. S. service in New York City on June 3d, 1 86 1 , by Lieut. Coggswell, U. S. Army. He was enrolled in the U. S. service May 25th, \ 862, in New York City, by Colonel Lefferts, and mustered into the U. S. service June 1 9th, 1 862, in Baltimore, Md., by Colonel Beale, U. S. Army. He was promoted Cor poral July 24th, 1 862, and was mustered out of the U. S. service Sept. 5th, 1 862, in New York City, by Captain Mott, U. S. Army. On the 7th Regiment Roll of Honor, published in Clark s History of the 7th Regiment, he appears with the title of Lieutenant in the U. S. Volunteers. Respectfully, D. W. C. FALLS, Adjutant 7th Regiment. RAYMOND T. STARR As he was in 1890. Ase 35 years, enlisted as a Quartermaster-Pergreant Sept. 6, 1S62. 165th Regt, N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, promoted Quartermaster May 15, 1S64, honorably discharged Sept. 1. 1865. " HOSPITAL STEWARD JOSHUA KIMBER As he was in 1862 Age 27, enlisted Sept, 10, 1862. as Hospital Steward of the 106th Regt. N. Y. Vols. 2d Duryee Zouaves, and honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865. REV. JOSHUA KIMBER as he is in 1906. Chaplain of the Veteran Association ami Chaplain of Alfred M. Wood Post No. 368, G. A. R., Dept. N. Y. 3d Vice- President of Army of Potomac. SERGT. -MAJOR JOHN W. DTCKINS, Co. A As he v/as in 1862. at the age of 21 years Enlisted as a private October 12, 1862. in Co. A. 165th N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves. Promoted Corporal. Nov. 25, 186-2; Sergeant. April 1863; Sfrgt. -Major. Sept. 20, 1S63. Honorably discharged to accept commission as Captain Co. K. 100th U. S C. T., Aug. 8, 1864. LIEUT.-COL. JOHN W. DICKINS AND HIS DAUGHTER MARY, AGE 5^ YEARS As they were in 1905 A member of Geo. H. Thomas Post No. 6, G. A. R., Dept. of Louis v;i}ie.; f .; JOHN WHITBY DICKINS. Born at Wigan, County of Lancashire, England, June 24, 1841. Landed in New York, February, 1857. Attended school Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass. Taught school Winter of 1859. Studied law 1860-1861; firm of Hagner & Smith, Brooklyn, N. Y. April 23, 1861, enlisted in Co. E, 71st N. Y. S. M. Captured at battle of Bull Run ; four months in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va, ; four months in Parish Prison, New Orleans, La. Associate Editor "The Stars and Stripes in Rebeldom ;" three months in Confederate Prison, Salisbury, N. C. July, 1 862, paroled. Exchanged September, 1 862. October, 1862, enlisted in Co. A, 165th N. Y. Nov. 25, 1862, promoted Corporal ; April, 1 863, promoted Sergeant ; wounded at the battle of Port Hudson, La., May 27, 1863; September 20, 1863, promoted Sergeant- Major. August 8, 1864, honorably discharged to accept commission as Captain in U. S. C. T. Mustered in as Captain Co. K, 1 00th U. S. C. T., to date as of July 1 6, 1 864. March 1 3, 1 864, breveted Major and Lieutenant-Colonel for uniform gallantry and good con duct, and for especial bravery at the battle of Nashville, Tenn. December 25, 1865, mustered out of the service by order of the War Department. Discharge reads: "Character, excellent; a brave, skillful and most efficient officer. Henry L. Stone, Lt.-Col. 1 00th U. S. Col. Inf., Brevet-Col. U. S. Vols., Comd g." Served in Quartermaster and Commissary Depts, and Bureau of Freedmen and Abandoned Lands. 1867 to 1902, Expert Accountant. June, 1902, commissioned in Internal Revenue Service, at Louisville, Ky., where he is at present, October, 1905. I:: *-. . jG- 4) i I ~t 2 o . I H ^^ la o 3 Z, o tl li "o a n 2W si o 3,33 2-a ll * s so 5rr _: s c It 5 X - fa 3oc I! II is SI II Jr >> ~* "5 i ^ - all ii lwm it may , THAT I, 2fL _____ eAACUl %J&. cV . Livui^ o. PRISONER OF WAR cJ^.^d^!^ give this MY SOLEMN PAROLE, under oath: xvW &\mi Aaav\i) -aaoijb iiul Vcmw l 5 , c auaA- c .<iM\y .y u t\oAYux j 3 \ I J 0tuortt f o anfr C. 5f. A, PAROLINO OFF1CBF t Confederate Parole to Color Corporal Peter Biegel, Co. C, 165th Rogt, N. Y. . ols., 2d Du-y^e Zouaves. January 5, 1865. REGIMENTAL FLAGS OF THE 165 REGT. N. Y. VOLUNTEERS, 2D DURYEE ZOUAVES 1862-1865 OUR GUIDON FLAGS The brave men who carried them are Sergeant Alex. S. Fosdick, Co. E, severely wounded by a grape shot on the assault at Port Hudson, La.. May 27, 1863, died from the effects of wounds Aug. 7, 1863. Sergeant Andrew White, Co. E, wounded June 29, 1S63, at Port Hudson, wounded at the battle of Sabine Cross Roads, April 8. 1864. Sergeant Elbert O. Steves, Co. B, badly wounded at the battle of Sabine Cross Roads. April 8, 1864. CHAS. A. WALKER As he was in 1861 5th N.Y. Vols., Duryee Zouaves Age 19 years, enlisted July IS, 1861, at New York City, mustered in as private Co. I, July 29. 1861. 5th Regt. N.Y. Vols., Duryee Zouaves, to serve three years. Promoted Cor poral Feb. 20, 18G2. Discharged to date Nov. 17. 1862. for promotion to 2d Lieutenant Co. A, 165th N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, to date from Sept. 12, 18G2; 1st Lieutenant Aug. 2S, 1863. to date from Jan. 13, 1H68: Captain Jan. 1, 1864, to date from July 13, 1863. Breveted Major 1865. Honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1S65. CHAS. A. WALKER As he was in 1862 Age 19 years, enlisted July 18, 18<il, at New York City, mustered in as private. Co. I, July 29. 1S61. 5th Regt., N.Y.Vols., Duryee Zouaves, to serve three years. Promoted Cor poral Feb. 20, 1862. Discharged to date Nov. 17, 1862, for promotion to 2d Lieutenant Co. A, 165th N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, to date from Sept. 1*2, 1862; 1st Lieutenant Aug. 28, 1863. to date from Jan. 13, 1863; Captain Jan. 1, 1S64. to date from July 13. 1S63, Breveted Major 1865. Honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865. Major CHAS. A. WALKER As he was in 1905 Lieut. ANDREW NAPIER, Co. A As he was in 1863 Sept. 5, 1S62, at the age of 21 years, enlisted as a private in Co. D. 165th Kept. N. Y. Vols.. 2d Duryee Zouaves. Promoted to Sergeant Nov 28. 1P62. Promoted to 2d Lieu tenant Sept. i5. 1863, to Co. A. and 1st Lieutenant Aug. 20, 1864. Wounded in the leg: at the battle of Pleasant Hill April 9, 1864. Honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1S65. Died Dec. 17, 18S9. HANSON C. GIBSON, As he was in 1864. \ge> 23 years, enlisted as a private March. 1864, Co. B. Commissioned by Hon. Horatio Seymour, Governor of the State of New York, as 2d Lieutenant Co. A, Oct. 30. 1804 to date from Sept. 27. 18G4, and was Provost Judge at Savannah, Ga., May and June, 1865. Honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865. Our second Vice-President Lieutenant HANSON C. GIBSON Co. A 1905. Member of Alexander Hamilton Post No. 1S2, G. A R.. Dept. New York. First Sergt. JOHN FLEMING As he was in 1865 Age 19 years, enlisted as a private Aug. 19, 1862, Co. A, 165th Hegt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves. Promoted to Corporal Sept. 5, 1862; to Sergeant Nov. 25, 1862; 1st Sergeant Nov. 1, 1868. Honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1SG5. As he was in 1905 Our first Vice-President Commander of Alfred M. Wood Post No. S6S. G. A. R., Dept. N. Y. Executive Mem ber, Society of the 19th Army Corps. JOSEPH DONALI.Y As he was in 1865 Age 32 years, enlisted as a private Sept. 15. 1862, Co. A, 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves. Promoted to Corporal Oct. 1, 186 J, and Sergeant Jan. 14, 1863. Wounded at Port Hudson, La.. June 29, 18i3. Honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865. P. S. Sergeant Donally has served with the regiment since its organization. I have always found him a ready, active, and intelligent non commissioned officer. GOVERNOR CARR, Lieutenant Colonel. Sergeant JOSEPH DONALLY, Co. A As he was in 1905 Sergt. GEO. W. HROMHEAD, Co. A As he was in 1886 Sept. 16. 18(52. at the age of 22 years, enlisted as a private in Co A, 165th RegtN.Y. Vols 2nd Duryee Zouaves. Promoted Corporal April 1, 1864, and Sergt. June 26, 1865. Honorably discharged Sept. 1. lt-65. Died Dec. 3. 1896. JOSIAH C. DIXON and CHARLES MONELL, Co. A As they were in 1862 Age IS years, enlisted as a piivate in Co. A. 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols.. 2d Duryee Zouaves, Sept. 21, 1862. Promoted Corporal Jan. 1, 1863; Sergeant Jan. 9, 1S65. Honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1S65. Age 15 years, enlisted as a musician in Co. A, 165th Regt. N Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, Sept. 10, 1S(52. Honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1S65. Josiah C. Dixon is a Past Commander of Geo. R. Strong Post No. 534, G. A. R., Dept. New York. Corporal JOHN J. CLANCY, Co. A As he was in 1862 Age 18 years, enlisted Sept. 15, 1SG2, as private Co. A, 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves. Promoted Corporal .June 20, 1805. Honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1^5 Corporal JOHN J. CLANCY, Co. A As he was in 1905 Member of Lafayette Post No. 140. G. A. R.. Dept. N. Y. Corporal JAMES MCCAFFERTY, Co. A As he was in iSS6 Age 21 years, enlisted as a private Sept. 3. 1S62, Co A, 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves. Promoted Corporal 1H63. Honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865. Member of Uniformed Company. Corporal JAMES MCCAFFERTY, Co. A As he was in 1905 Age 21 years, enlisted as a private Sept. 3, 1862. Co. A. 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves. Promoted to Corporal. Honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1565." Color Corporal JOHN A. VANDERBILT and Private DAVID LEWIS, Co. A As they were in 1863 Age 18 and 17 years, enlisted Sept. 15 and Sept. 18, 1862. Co. A. 165th Regt. N. Y.Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves. Both honorably discharged Sept. 1. Private Lewis was the hero of the battle of Monetis Hluff, Cane River, La., April 23. 1864. He forded the river up to his waist in advance of our army. Private DAVID LEWIS, Co. A As he was in igoo Our Treasurer Corporal JOHN A. VANDF.RBILT, Co. A 1905 Left General Guide, Uniformed Company, Past Jr. Vice-Commander of Wm. D. Kennedy Post No. 42. G. A. R., Dept. N. Y. Our Treasurer, JOHN A. VANDERBILT As he is in 1906 Past Jr. Vice-Commander of William D. Kennedy Post No. 42, G A. R Dept New or , k - S. rved . as aide-de-camp to Gen. George A. Treadwell, Dept. Commander of New \ork, HW7. Aide-de-camp to Gen. John Palmer. National Commander-in Chief 1S97. Corporal RICHARD BAKER As he was in 1862 Age IS years, enlisted as a private in Co. A. 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols , 2d Duryee Zouaves, Sept. 20. 1862. promoted Corporal and honorably discharged Sept. 1. 1S65. Member of Uniformed Company. Private JOHN REILLY, Co. A As he was in 1900 Age 18 years, enlisted as a private Sept. 4, 1862, in Co. A. 165th Regt., N.Y. Vols ., 2nd Duryee Zouaves, wounded at Port Hudson. La., June 14, 1S63, honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1S65. Private JAMES A. MILLS, Co. A As he was in 1865 At the age of 18 years, unlisted as a private Sept. 23, 1862. in Co. A. 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves. Taken prisoner at the battle of Sabine Cross Roads, La , on the morning of the 9th April. 1804. Honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865. , D ied August > 26. 1898. ELIAS H. TUCKER As he was in 1905 Age 18 ypfirs. enlisted as a private in Co. A, 165th Regt. N.Y.Vols , 2d Duryee Zouaves. Sept. 12. 18G2. Wounded at Ponchatoula. La., March 24. 18C3. Honorably discharged Sept. 1, 18(i5. Military Record of the Group of Co. A, 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves : George W. Bromhead, age 22 years, enlisted Sept. 16. 1S6 2, as a private in Co. A. Promoted to Corporal April 1 . 1864, and Sergeant June 26, 1865. Died Dec. 3, 1S96. Charles M. Whitney, age 19 years, enlisted Sept. 8, 1862, as a private in Co. A. Pro moted Corporal May 20, 1S65. Charles Carl or Carroll, 19 years, enlisted Oct. 27. 1862, as a private in Co. A. Wounded May 27, 1863, at Port Hudson. La. Josiah C. Dixon, age 18 years, enlisted as a private in Co. A, Sept. 21, 1862. Promoted Corporal Jan. 1863, Sergeant Jan. 9, 1865. John Brady, age 19 years, enlisted as a private in Co. A. Nov. 14, 1862. Wounded at Ponchatoula, La., March 24. 1863. Richard Baker, age IS years, enlisted as a private in Co. A, Sept. 20, 1862. Promoted to Corporal. Albert N. White, age 23 years, enlisted as a private in Co. A, Jan. 8, 1863. Promoted to Corporal Oct. 17, 1863; Sergeant May 20, 1865. Died Dec. 9, 1891. All honorably discharged Sept. 1. 1865. JOSEPH O. LE-CLAIRE As he was in 1863 Age 35 years, enlisted as a private in O. A, 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols.. 2d Dury< Zouaves, Aug. 16, 1863. Honorably discharged Sept. 1. 1S63. Died at New Orleans, La. VICTOR M. GABRIELLE As he was in 1863 Ajfe 25 years, enlisted as a private in Co. A. 165th Regt. N. Y.Vols , 2d Duryee Zouaves. Jan. s. 1863, wounded at the battle of Pleasant Hill April 9, 1864, and honorably discharged Private VICTOR M. GABRIELLE, Co. A As he was in 1905 JAMES E. CRAFT, Co. A. As he was 1862 Age 20 years, enlisted as a private Sept. 10, 18G2. in Co. A. 165th Regt. N Y. Vols. 2d Duryee Zouaves. Honorably discharged October 10, 1SG4. Private JAMES E. CRAFT, Co. A As he was in 1890 A member of Charles J. Powers Post No. 391. G. A. R.. Dept. New York. Also a member of W. T. Sheiman No. 2 Command. Union Veterans Union. CAPT. HENRY \V. HICKS, JR., Co. B As he was in 1862 In 1861 enlisted as a private, Co. F. 71st Regt., N. (i. N. Y.. joining al Washington. D. C., and taking part with them in the first battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1S(>1, returned with Regiment August, 1861, May 25. 186 - , enlisted as private in Co. F. "th Regt.. N. G. N. Y., mustered out Sept. 5. 1S6-J, age 24 enrolled and mustered in as a Captain of Co. B, 165th Regt , N. Y. Vols.. 2d Duryee Zouaves, Sept. IS, 1862, discharged July 31. 1^63. died Aug. IS, 1863. Before Port Hudson, June 11,1 863. Dear Sam: We have made an attack on the Batteries here and we have sustained very heavy loss and were repulsed, as I have already informed you through a letter to mother. We are about to make another assault, and I have been detailed, with one hundred and fifty (1 50) men, to lead it. That is to be the forlorn hope. I send this through a friend of mine who is kind enough to volunteer to see it posted from New Orleans. The affair will be pretty desperate. I will let you know at the earliest opportunity what the result may be. I merely write this to let you know where I am and to be prepared for anything that may happen. In case I fall, I will bid you now an affec tionate farewell. Your affectionate brother, HENRY W. HICKS, Jr., Acting Major 165th N. Y. S. V., 2d Zouaves. Don t say anything to the family until you hear the result. If I fall, my friends in the regiment will inform you. CAPT. JOHN P. MORRIS As he was in 1862 r) ge 26 years enlisted as a 1st Lieutenant Oct. 2T, 1862, Co. E. 165th Regt.. N. Y Sept. 1/1S65, died June^S."!^!! B Sept 11> 1S6i llcnorab v <"- Sc Vols LIKUT. HENRY W. VANCE Co. B As he was in 1863 Signed the roll as a private, Co. F. 7th Regt., N. G. N. Y., March 9th, 185S, went to Washington. D. C., with the Regiment April 19 to June 3, 1861, mustered out of service May, 1862. went out with Regiment to Baltimore. M. D., was promoted Corporal and Sergeant May 25, 1862, to Sept. 5, 1862; whole term of service, seven years at the age of 26 years he enrolled as 1st Lieutenant, Sept. 18, 1862, <Jo. B, 165th Regt., N.Y.Vols., 2d Dur- yee Zouaves, resigned Jan. 19, 1864. LIEUT. HENRY W. VANCE Co. B As he is in 1906 MATTHIAS JOHNSTON Co. B As he was in 1862 in the iGsth N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves Aare 22 years, enlisted as a private April 25. 1S61, Co. F, 8th Regt.. N. Y. S. M., dis charged Aug. 2, 1861, enlisted as a private Sept. 16, 1861, Co. B. 53d N. Y. Vols.. D Epinual Zouaves, discharged March 20. 1862, as a Sergeant in Washington. D. C., enlisted as a private Aug. 26. 1862, Co. B, 165th Regt.. N. Y. Vols.. 2d Duryee Zouaves, promoted to 1st Sergeant Aug. 20th, wounded at Port Hudson. La.. May 27, 1863, promoted to 2d Lieu tenant July 13, 1863, honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865. LIEUT. MATTHIAS JOHNSTON Co. B Captain of the Uniformed Company As he was in 1904 Age 22 years, enlisted as a private April 25, 1861. Co. F. Sth Reprt.. N. Y. S. M.. dis charged Aug. 2, 1S61. enlisted as a private Sept. 16, 1S61, Co. B, 53d N. Y. Vols. D Epinual Zonaves, discharged March 20. 18R2. as a Sergeant in Washington, D. C., enlisted as a private Aug. 26. 136->. Co. B. 165th Regt.. N. Y. Vols.. 2d Duryee Zouaves, promoted to 1st Sergeant Aug. 26, 1862. wounded at Port Hudson. La., May 27, 1863. promote! to 2d Lieutenant July 13, 1363, honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1S65. now Captain of the T T i,ioi^?d Company, member of Harry Lee Post, No. 21, G. A. R., Dept. N Y., Past Officer of the Day. SERGJ. GEORGE E. COGSWELL Co. B As he was in 1862 Age 19 years, enlisted Sept., 1862, as a private in Co. B. 165th Reg*., J\ T . V. Vcls., 2d Duryee Zouaves, promoted Sergeant November 28, 1862, died April 1*1 1S6C, at C,-\mp Parapet, La. Ei. BERT O. STEVES As he was in 1862 Age 21 years, enlisted Aug. 2, 1S62, as a private in Co. B, 165th Regt., N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, promoted to Sergeant Nov. 28, 1862, and left and right General Guide and taken prisoner at the battle of Port Hudson, La., May 27, 1863. escaped by digging and swimming, etc.: badly wounded in the left arm at the battle of Sabine Cross Roads April 8. 1864, honorably discharged Aug. 2, 1865. LEFT GENERAL GUIDE, SERGT. ELBERT O. STEVES Co. B As he was in 1863 SERGT. ELBERT O. STEVES As he was in 1886 A member of Alexander Hamilton Post, No. 182, G. A. R., Dept. N. Y. RIGHT-LEFT GENERAL GUIDE, SERGT. ELBERT O. STEVES Co. B As he was in 1905 1st Lieutenant of the Uniformed Company, and member of Alexander Hamilton Post, No. 182. G. A. R., Dept. of N. Y. MAJOR JOHN ENGEL As he was in 1905 Age 17. enlisted as a private of Co. B, 165th Regt.. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, Sept. 1, 1862, promoted Corporal Sept. 26, 1862, and Sergeant Sept. 27, 1863, and Color Bearer of the regiment 1864, and was wounded at the battle of Cane River, La., April 23, 1864, and honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1S65. Was mustered in with Co. C, of the 2d Battalion on Oct. 8, 1372, as private, served as such, then Sergeant, next 1st Lieutenant, then Captain, and in 1897 was elected as Major of the 2d Battalion, 2d Regiment, N. G N. J. Was mustered into service of the United States for American and Spanish War on May 2. 1S98, as Major of the 2d Battalion, 2d Regiment of New Jersey, U. S.Vols., mii?ttre>l out of United States service Nov., 189S. Whole term of service in National Guard, from 1S72 to 1S99. Member of the Spanish War Veterans and Past Dept. Commander of New Jersey IflOC to 1904, Past Commander of James McPherson Post, No. 52, G. A. R., Dept. New j3-ey. HUGH GRAHAM As he was in 1862 Age 18 years, enlisted as a private in Co. B, 165th Regt., N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, Oct. 8 1SG2, was a Sergeant March, 1S64. wounded at the battle of Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, 1S64, honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865. SERGEANT HUGH GRAHAM Co. B As he was in 1905 A member of John A. Andrew Post, No. 15, G. A. R., Dept. of Massachusetts. CORPORAL JOSEPH SUTLIFF Co. B As he is in 1906 At the age of 21 years enlisted as a private Sept. 26, 1S62. Co. B, 165th Re^r.. N. Y- Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, promoted Corporal Sept. 2$, 1S02. honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1805. PRIVATE CHAS. G. HUGHES Co. B As he was in 1905 At the age of 20 years enlisted as a private Oct. as, 1862, in Co. B.. 165th Regt,, N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, taken prisoner at Sabine Cross Roads La., on the morning of April 9, 1861, honorably discharged July 25, 1805. THEODORE L. MITCHELL OR MICHEL As he was in 1862 Age 17 years enlisted as a private, Co. B, 165th Rest.. N. Y. Vols.. 2d Duryee Zouaves, Sept. 30, 1862, wounded at Port Hudson. La., May 27. 1, 1865. 18(i3, honorably discharged Sept- PRIVATE THEODORE L. MICHHL Co. B As he was in 1905 A member of Phillip R. Schuyler Post. No. 51. G. A. R., Uept. of Pennsylvania. PRIVATE JOHN A. VOOKHEES Co. B As he was in 1864 Age 18 years, enlisted as a private Oct. 15. 1S64, in Co. B, 165th Regt., N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865. PRIVATE JOHN A. VOORHEES Co. B As he was in 1905 Member of Uniformed Company CAPTAIN WILLIAM W. STEVENSON Co. C As he was in iSSS Age 30. enrolled as a private May 25, 1862. Co. F, ?th Regt. N. G. N. Y., mustered June 9, 1862. and honorably discharged Sept. 5. 1862. Age 31 years, mustered in as a Captain in Co. C, 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols.. 2d Duryee Zouaves, Sept. 22. 1862, commissioned Major Oct. 20. 1SG5. with rank from July 26. 18S5, and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865. Died March 4. 1SS9. ist LIEUTENANT E. HAMPTON MULFORD Co. C As he was in 1862 Age 37 years, enrolled and mustered as a 1st Lieutenant Co. C, 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols..2d Duryee Zouaves, Infantry, Sept.23, 1862, and resigned Nov. 3,1863. Died Nov. 23. 1387. IST LIEUT. GUSTAVUS F. LINQUIST Co. C As he was in 1864 At the age of 32 years enlisted as a private Co. A, 5th Regt. N. Y. Vols., Duryee Zouaves, April 25, 1861, promoted Corporal Aug. 3, 1861, honorably discharged Nov. 21. 1862. Mustered in as 2d Lieutenant Co.C, 105th Regt. N.Y.Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, Nov. 22, 1862, and as 1st Lieutenant Nov. 2. 1863. honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865. Was brevetted Captain. ISt LlKUTENANT GUSTAVUS F. LlNQUIST Co. C As he is in 1906 Ac the age of 32 years enlisted as a private, Co. A, 5th Regt. N. Y. Yols., Duryee Zouaves. April 25, 1S61, promoted Corporal August 3, 1S61, honorably discharged Nov. 21, 1862. Mustered in as 2d Lieutenant Co. (\ 165th Regt. N.Y.Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves Nov. 22, 1862. and as 1st Lieutenant Nov. 2, JS63, honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1&65. Was brevetted Captain. Member of Custer Post No. 6, G. A. R., Dept. of Tacoma, Wash., and a member of Loyal Legion of U. S., Commandery, Washington, D. C. SERGT. CHRISTOPHER B. MOORE AND SERGT. SAMUEL S. SWEET, Co. C As they were at Martinsburgh, Va., Oct. 1864. SERGT. CHRISTOPHER B. MOORE Age 17 years, enlisted as a private Sept. 10, 1862, in Co. C, 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, promoted to Corporal Sept. 23, 1862, wounded at the battle of Port Hudson. La., May 27, 1863, promoted Sergeant August 18. 1863, honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865. SERGT. SAMUEL S. SWEET Age 21 years, enlisted as a private September 12, 1862, in Co. C, 165th Regt, N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, promoted Sergt. Dec. 12, 1863, and IstSergt. April 15, 18(55, honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865. Died August 23, 1902. SERGT. CHRISTOPHER B. MOORE Co. C As he was in 1862 Age 17 vears. enlisted as a private Sept. 10, 1S62, in Go. C, 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, promoted to Corporal Sept. 23, 1862. wounded at the battle of Port Hudson. La., May 27, 1863, promoted Sergeant August 18. 1863, honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865. COL. CHRISTOPHER B. MOORE Co. C As he is in 1906 At the age of 1? years enlisted as a private Sept. 10, 1862, Co. C, l5th Regt. N. Y. Yols.. 2d Duryee Zouaves, promoted Corporal Sept. 23, 1862, wounded at the battle of Port Hudson. La.. May 27, 1S63. promoted Sergeant August IS, 1S63. honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1S65. A charter member and Past Commander of Edward Huntting Post. No. 353, G. A. R.. Dept. New York. SERGT. JOHN NEWERT Co. C As he was in 1862 At the age of 27 years enlisted as a private Sept. 10, 1862, Co. C. 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, promoted Corporal March 7. 1864, and Sergt. April 15, 1865. honorably discharged Sept. 1. 1865. Member of Edward Huntting Post No. 353, G. A. K. Dept. N. Y. COLOR CORPORAL PKTER BIEGEL Co. C As he was in 1862 Age IT years, enlisted as a private May 16, 1862, in Co. E, llth N. Y. S. M , Washington Rifles, discharged Sept., 1862, re-enlisted in Sept.. 1^62, for 5th Regt. N. Y. Vols. Duryee Zouaves, transferred to Co. C. 105th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves. Sept. 24, 1862, mustered in United States service Nov. 23, 1862. taken prisoner at Subine Cross Roads, La., April 9, 18(54, was captured on out picket post, was confined at Camp Gross, Texas, exchanged on 12th day of Dec.. 18(54, and paroled Jan. 5. isdo. and was in St. Louis Hos pital at New Orleans, La., until 5th day of May, 18(55. and returned to the regiment, promoted to Color Corporal June 12. 18(55*. honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1S65. PETER BIEGEL Co. C As he was in 1905 Sergeant of the Uniformed Company Our Sergeant-at-arms COLOR CORPORAL PETER BIEGEL Co. C 1905 Sergt. of Uniformed Company and a member of Vanderbilt Post 136. (Jr. A. R., Dept. N. Y. Member of Vanderbilt Camp No. 5. Sons of Veterans, U. S. A., N. Y. CORPORAL JOHN GEERING Co C. As he was 1862 At the age of 32 years enlisted as a private in Co. C, 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols.. 2d Duryee Zouaves. Sept. 18, 1862. promoted Corporal August IS, 1863. taken prisoner at the battle of Sabine Cross Roads, La., April S, 1864, exchanged January 5, 1865. Died Feb ruary 8, 1865. CORPORAL D. HALSEY WILLIAMSON Co. C As he was in igoo At the age of 22 years enlisted as a private Sept. 9, 1862, in Co. C, 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, promoted Corporal August IS, 1863. honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865. Member of Uniformed Company. JOSEPH L. MITCHELL OK MICHEL As he was in 1905. Age 14 years, enlisted as a private, Co. 0, 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, Sept. 20, 1862, taken prisoner at the battle of Sabine Cross Roads April 8, 1864, and ex changed Jan. 5, 1865. promoted Corporal June 22, 1865. honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865. CORPORAL JAMES MC\!EKIN Co. C As he was in 1899 At the age IS years enlisted as a private Sept. 20, 1862, Co. C, 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, promoted Corporal, wounded at the battle of Sabine Cross Roads April 8, 1864. honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865. Died Sept. 16, 1899. PRIVATE DANIEL E. HAMMOND Co, C As he was in 1865 At the age of IB years enlisted as a private Sept. 18. 1862, in Co. C, 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, wounded at the battle of Port Hudson, La., May 27, 1603, honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865. PRIVATE DANIEL E. HAMMOND Co. C As he was in 1905 A member of Edward Huntting Post No. 353. G. A. R., Dept. of New York. CAPTAIN WILLIAM R. FRENCH Co. D As he was in 1862 Age 25 years, enlisted as a private in Co. A, 71st Regt. N. Y. S. M., April, 1861, re turned with the regiment Aug. 1, 1861; went to the front agnin iu 18fi2 as an Orderly Sergeant on his return, ana enlisted Sept. 27, 1802, as a Captain in Co. D, KiSth Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, mustered in United States service Nov. 28, 186 J, and promoted Lieutenant-Colonel of the regiment Aug. SO, 1SC5, honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865. Was later brevetted Colonel. COLONEL WILLIAM R. FRENCH As he was in 1880 Died June 22, 1892 SERGEANT ROBERT WELCH Co. D As he was in 1905 Age 23 years, enlisted as a private April 20, 1S61 . Co. H, 71st Regt. N. Y. S. M.. wounded at the battle of Bull Run July 21, 1S61, discharged July 30, 1861. enlisted May 28. 1862, Co H 71st Regt, N. Y. S. M., discharged Sept, 2, 1862. enlisted Sept. 15. 1862. Co. D. 165th Regt., N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, promoted Sergeant Dec. 2. 1862, honorably discharged Sept. 1. 1865. Commander of Harry Lee Post No. 21, G. A. R., Dept. N. Y. PRIVATE CHARLES SCHUTT Co. D. As he was in 1887 Enlisted under the name of Schultz, age IS years, enlisted as a private Sept. 18, 1! Co. D, 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 3d Duryee Zouaves, wounded at Port Hudson, La.. May 1863, honorably discharged April 11, 1864. Died Sept. 29, 1897. 1862, 27, PRIVATE DAVID G. BOYLE Co. D As he was in 1865 At the age of 19 years enlisted as a private Oct. 6, 1864, Co. D, lG5th Regt. N. Y. Vols. 2d Duryee Zouaves, honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865. PRIVATE DAVID G. BOYLE Co. D As he was in 1900 Member of Uniformed Company. PRIVATE HENRY BLOCH Co. D As he was in 1905 Age 1 years, enlisted as a private March 21. ISGt, Co. D, lC5th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, honorably discharged Sept. 1, 18fl5. A member of Uniformed Company. Our Recording Secretary PRIVATE HENRY BLOCK Co. D As he was in 1905 Member of Uniformed Company, and a member of Noah L. Farnham I ost No. 45S, G. A. R., Dept. N. Y. HENRY C. INWOOD As he was in 1863 Age 23 years, enlisted April 25, 1861, at New York City, mustered in as a private. Co. K, 5th Regt. N. Y. Vols.. Duryee Zouaves. May 9, 1S61, to serve two years, promoted Corporal Aug. 5, 1861; Sergeant Nov. 21, 1861, discharged to date Sept. 11, 18(52, for promotion to 1st Lieutenant Co. E, 165th N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, and to Captain Oct. 12, 1802, wounded in the knee at Port Hudson, La., May 27. 1S6&, honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865, as brevet Lieutenant-Colonel of the regiment. Died SERGEANT A. G. MILLS Co. E As he was in 1862 Age 18 years, enlisted as a private in 5th N. Y. Vols., Duryee Zouaves, Aug. 13, 1862, mustered into United States service Nov. 28, 1862, in Co. E, 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols.. 2d Duryee Zouaves, mustered in United States service as 2d Lieutenant, same company and regiment, to date May 31, 1864, honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865. ABRAHAM G. MILLS As he was in 1863 Age 18 years, enlisted as a private in 5th N. Y. Vols.. Duryee Zouaves, Auer. 13, 1862, mustered into United States service Nov. 28. 1862, in Co. E, 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, mustered in United States service as 2d Lieutenant, same company and regiment, to date May 31, 1864, honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1365. Our President LIEUTENANT A. G. MILLS Co. E As he was in 1905 Past Commander of Lafayette Post No. 140, Dept. N. Y., G. A. R., 2d Vice-President Society of the 19th Army Corps. OUR PRESIDENT, Coi.. A. G. MILLS As he is in 1906 Commander of Lafayette Post No. 140, Department of N. Y., G. A. R., from January 1892 to January Ih9l. Presented with the Gold Badge of the Veteran Association of the 165th Regiment, New York Volunteers, 2d Duryee Zouaves, on Saturday evening. May 26 1900. Now 2d Vice-President Society of the 19th Army Corps, and member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the U. S. RIGHT GEN. GUIDE SERGT. ALEXANDER S. FOSDICK Co. E As lie was in 1862 Age 18 years, enlisted as a private Sept. 5. 1862, Co. E; l*5tl- Regt. N. Y. Vols.. 3d Duryee Zouaves, promoted Corporal Sept. and Sergeant Nov. -8, 1S62, Right General Guide, wounded at Port Hudson, La., May 27, 1863, , died from effect of wounds Aug. I, SERGEANT JOHN L. BURKE Co. E As he was in 1862 Age 21 years, enlisted April 21. 1861, at New York City, and mustered in as a Corporal, Co. B. 12th Regt. N. Y. S. M., under the command of Colonel Daniel Butterfield. into the United States service May 5, iSfil, honorably discharged Aug. 15. 1861. enlisted in the 5th Regt. N. Y. Vols., Duryee Zouaves, Aiig. 9, 1^ >2. and was transferred to Co E. T65th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, Sept. 5, 1862, and mustered into United States service as Sergeant Nov. 28. 1862. wounded at the battle of Sabine Cross Roads April. 8, 1864, honorably discharged July 15. 1S64. SERGEANT JOHN L. BURKE Co. E As he was in 1870 Member of Alexander Hamilton Pose No. 182, G. A. R., Dept. N Y.. Right General Guide of Uniformed Company. SERGT. JOHN B. DuBois Co. E As he was in 1862 At the age of 26 years enlisted as a private Sept. 5, 1862, in Co. E. 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, and promoted Color Sergeant, and honorably discharged Jan uary 9, 1864. SEKGT. JOHN B. DuBois Co. E As he is in 1906 A member of Minor Post No. 85. G. A. R.. Dept. of Connecticut. CORPORAL HENRY R. LOOMIS Co. E As he was in 1862 At the age of 19 years enlisted as a private Sept. 5, 1362. Co. E, 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols. 2d Durye^ Zouaves, promoted Corporal, taken prisoner at the battle of Pleasant Hill, La. April 9, 1864, honorably discharged July 26, 1865. LlEUTKNANT-CoLONEL HENRY R. LOOMIS As he was in 1887 Enlisted in Co. E, 2d Regt. Connecticut National Guard, New Haven. Conn . Feb. 7, 1S74. promoted to Corporal May 4. 1S74. Sergt. March 22, 1875. 2d Lieut. Sept. 16. 1S7S, Cap tain Nov. 4, 187$, Major Nov. 24, 1S84, Lieut. -Col. Feb. 16, 1885. Resigned and honorably discharged Jan. 12, 18s7. EXTRACT. By the resignation of Lieutenant-Colonel Loomis, the Regiment and Mate lose the services of a faithful and efficient officer. By order of the Commander-in-Chief . FREDERICK E. CAMP, Adjutant General. CORPORAL HENRY R. LOOMIS Co. E As he is in 1906 Member of Admiral Foote Post No. 17, G. A. R., Dept. of Connecticut. PRIVATE JAMES HENDERSON Co. E As he was in 1862 Age 24 years, enlisted as a private Sept. 5. 1862, Co. E, 165th Regt. N. Y. Yols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865. PRIVATE JAMES HENDERSON Co. E As he was in 1864 at Camp Martinsburgh, Va. Ac the age of 24 years enlisted as a private Sept. ft. 1862, Co. E, 165th Itegt. N. Y. Vols. 2d Duryee Zouaves, honorably discharged Sept. 1. 1365. PRIVATE JAMES HENDERSON Co. E As he is in 1906 At the age of 24 years enlisted as a private Sept. 5, 1S62. Co. E, lf>5th Regt. X. Y. Yols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, honorably discharged Sept. i, 1S65 Member of Uniformed Company. Now a member of Alexander Hamilton Post No. 182, G. A. R., Dept. New York. PRIVATE WILLIAM B. PRICE Co. E As he was in 1905 Age 21 years, enlisted as a private Sept. 1?. 1802, Co. E, 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, honorably discharged Sept. 1. 1S65. 2d Lieutenant of our Uniformed Company and Past Commander of Abel Smith Post No. 435, G. A. K., Dept, N. Y. COLONEL WILLIAM B. PRICE As he is in 1906 At the age of 21 years enlisted as a private Sept. IS, 1862, Co. E, -65th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865. Past Commander of Abel Smith Post No. 4^5, G. A. R., Dept. N. Y.. ar.ii d Li^jtenant of Uniformed Company. PRIVATE JOHN F. CAPEN Co. E As he was in 1862 At the age of 1 6 years enlisted as a private Nov. 19, 1862. Co. E. 165th Regt. N. Y, Vola., 2d Duryee Zouaves, honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865. PRIVATE SAMUEL GELSTON Co. E As he was in 1862 Age 2(3 years, enlisted as a private Sept. 7, 1862. Co. E, 165th Regt. N.Y.Vote.. 2d Duryee Zouaves, discharged aud transferred to the Navy May 7. 1%4, honorably discharged June 15, 1865. PRIVATE SAMUEL GELSTON Co. E As he was in 1905 2d LIEUTENANT DEFOREST H. THOMAE As he was in 1862 Age 22 years, enrolled and mustered in as 2d Lieutenant Co. B, Sept. 15, 1862, in 165th Regt. N. Y. Yols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, mustered as 1st Lieutenant in Co. F. May 12, 1S63, as Captain March 29, 1S64. wounded at the battle of Pleasant Hill, La.. April 9, 1S64, in the left ankle, honorably discharged account of wound Aug. 21, 1864. Died Oct. 26, 1876. CAPTAIN GOULD H. THORPE Co. F As he was in 1866 At the ape of 20 years enrolled as a private April 17, 1861, Co. F, 7th Regt. N. G. N. Y.. mustered April 26, 1861. honorably discharged June 3. 1661. Age 30 years, enlisted Sept. IS. 1862, Co. F, 165th Regt. N. Y. Vole., 2d Duryee Zouaves, resigned March 14. 1864. Died April 30, 1902. CAPTAIN EDWARD G. HOFFMAN- CO. F As he was in 1862 Age 23 years, enlisted as a private June 2, 1S61, Co. A. 5th N. Y. "VLols., Duryee Zouaves, promoted Corporal Sept. 10, 1361, Sergeant May IS, 1862. 2d Lieuteija5?t Jijiy y, 18G2, wounded at Gaines Mills, Ya., June 21, 186-2. promoted 1st Lieut3n?.nt in 3o. D. 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves. Nov. 3. 1S62. and Captain Co. F, Aug. 31. 13(54, honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1S65. Died Aug. 16, 1886. I SERGEANT JOSEPH HUGHES Co. F As he was in 1869 At the age of 21 years enlisted as a private September 10, 1862, Co. F, 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, wounded at the battle of Port Hudson, La., May 27. 1863. Promoted Corporal March 6, 1864. Wounded at the battle of Sabine Cross Roads. La., April 8. 1864, and honorably discharged May 29. 1865. Enlisted as a private April 23, 1S67, Uo. F,42d Infantry U.S.A., was appointed Corporal July 23. 1867. and Sergeant January 23, 136S, and transferred to Co. K, and honorably discharged 1869, Regiment disbanded. PRIVATE JOHN A. MURRAY Co. F As he was in 1864 Age 17 years, enlisted Sept. 7, 1862, as a private in Co. F, 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols.. 2d Duryee Zouaves, wounded at the battle of Port Hudson, La., May 27. 1863, honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1365. Our Secretary PRIVATE JOHN A. MURRAY Co. F As he was in 1905 Member of Uniformed Company. Secretary of the 19th Army Corps Society. COLONEL JOHN A. MURRAY As he is in 1906 Commander of Vanderbilt Post No. 136. Grand Army of the Republic. Dept. N. Y. from Jan. 1899 to Jan. 1905. Presented with a sword, and first gold badge of the Veteran Association of the 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, by his comrades on Tues day evening. Jan. 9, 1900. Re-elected Jan. 5, 1906, as Commander Vaiderbi t Post No. 136, G. A. R.. Dept. N. Y. PRIVATE CHARLES L, HUGHES Co. F As he was in 1862 Age 18 years, enlisted as a private Sppt. 3, 1SR2, Co. F, 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, honorably discharged Sept. 1, lS6-">. Our Trustee PRIVATE CHARLES L. HUGHES Co. F As he was in 1905 Color-bearer of Uniformed Company and member of Wm. D. Kennedy Post No. 42, G. A. R., Dept. New York. PRIVATE JOHN HOCK Co F. As he was in 1866 As a 1st Lieutenant in 4th Regt. N.G. N. Y. Veteran Zouaves. At the age of IS years enlisted as a private, Co. F, 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 3d Duryee Zouaves, Sept. 28, I862.\vounded at Port Hudson, La., May 27. 1863. transferred to Co. K. 3d Rpgr. Veteran Reserve Corps, March 21, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 14, 1865. at Hartford. Conn. PRIVATE THOMAS LOCKWOOD Co. F As he is in 1906 At the age of 17 years enlisted as a private January 15, 1864 Co. F, 165th Regt. N^ Y Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves. Honorably discharged Sept. 1st, 1865, and now Sergeant c Uniformed Company. PRIVATE THOMAS LOCKWOOD Co. F As he is in 1906 Member of Dahlgren Post No. 113, G. A. R.. Dept. N. Y. PRIVATE GEORGE F. JACKSON Co. F As he was in 1864 Age 18 years, enlisted as a private in Co. F. 165th Rest. >!. y. Vo .s . td Duryeo Zouaves, Feb. 10, 18(54 honorably discharged Sept. 1. 1S65. and now ooe <-f tan Trustees of our Veteran Association. Member of Uniformed Company. PRIVATE Louis SCHMIDT Co. F As he was in 1864 Age 19 years, enlisted as a private in Co. F, 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, Feb. 29. 1S64, honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865. PRIVATE Louis SCHMIDT Co. F As he was in 1905 165th Regrt. N. Y. Yols , 2d Duryee Zouaves. Policeman in the 36th Precinct, Bor ough of the Bronx, N. Y. City. < I I /. HONORARY MEMBERS /. i Our Tried and True Friend COLONEL CHARLES H. RAYMOND As he was in 1862 Charles H. Raymond, 1st Lieutenant Co. A (Albany Zouave Cadets), ITTth Regt. N. Y. Vols. (10th Regt. N. Y. N. Uj. Sailed from New York Dec. 2, 1862, on the transport "Merrimac" with his regiment and the 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, Colonel Abel Smith, Jr.. command ing, to New Orleans, La. Was Brigade Adjutant, 8d Brigade. 2d Division, 19th Army Corps, the brigade in which this Zouave Regiment served during the siege of Port Hudson, La. Carried the brigade flag with guard of orderlies in the charge on the 27th of May. 1863. and came off the field with the detachment of Zouaves bearing the wounded body of Colonel Abel Smith and their regimental colors. Our Loyal Friend COLONEL CHARLES H. RAYMOND As he was in 1905 Charles H. Raymond, 1st Lieutenant Co. A (Albany Zouave Cadets), 177th Regt., N. Y. VoK (10th Regt., N. Y. N. G.). Suled from New York Dec. 2, 1862, on the transport "Merrimac" with his regiment and thn itfotn Regt., N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves, Colonel Abel Smith, Jr., command ing, to New Orleans, La. W*s Brigade Adjutant, 8d Brigade. 2d Division. 19th Army Corps, the brigade in which this Zouave Regiment served during the siege of Port Hudson, La. Carried the brigade flag with guard of orderlies in the charge on the 2?th of May. lSfi.3, and came off the field with the detachment of Zouaves bearing the wounded body of Colonel Abel Smith and their regimental colors Was the first elected Honorary Member of this Veteran Association. A member of George Washington Post. No. 103, G. A. R., Dept. N. Y. 5th Vice-President. Society of the 19th Army Corps. Member of New York Commandery, Military Order Loyal Legion of TL S. Our Honorary Member COL. WILLIAM STERLING COGSWELL As he was in 1905. A brother of Sergeant George F. Cogswell. Co. B.. 165th Regt. N. Y Vols.. 2d Duryee Zouaves, who died at Camp Parapet, La . April 16, 1863. Commissioned Kirst Lieutenant 5th Connecticut Infantry. July 22, 1S61 ; Captain. November ?. 1861; Major. August 21, 1563 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, January ^5. 1865: mustered out July 25, 1S65. Brevet ted Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Vols.. March 13, 1865, "for good conduct during the war." Served in the Department of the Shenandoah; Expeditionary (T. \V. Sherman s) Corps to Port Roval, S. C.; Department of the South, and Tenth Corps; Second Corps, Army of Virginia; Twelfth I orps, Army of the Potomac; Twentieth Corps, Armies of the Cumber- laud and Georgia. Is a member of the New York Commandery, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, having been elected a member October 7, 1S85. and serving in its Council for three years fro MI May 4. 1:>!)2. Is also a member of Lafayette Post No. HO, Department of New York, G. A. R., having been elected a member in February, 1S87. Our Honorary Member MAJOR WILLIAM FERGUSON (Brother of Col. James F. Ferguson) As he was in 1878 At age of 22. enrolled April 25. 1861, at New York City. Mustered in as a Second Lieutenant Co. K, 5th Regt. N. Y. Vols., Duryee Zouaves, May 9, 1861, to serve two yars, resigning August S, 1861. Reappointed Second Lieutenant Co. K, February 22. 1862. Honorably discharged October 11, 1862. Commissioned Second Lieutenant July 4, 1861, with rank from May 9, 1861. Recommissioned Second Lieutenant February 28, 1362. with rank from February 22. 1862. Promoted First Lieutenant August 2Sth, 1862. with rank from July 23, 1862. Member of New York Commandery, Military Order of Loyal Legion of U. S. Died March 9, 1906. JOSEPH MILLS HANSON As he was in 1905. Author of the Assault on Port Hudson, La." Honorary Member of the Veteran Association lf>5th Re^t. N. Y. Vols., 2d Duryee Zouaves. HORATIO C. KING Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, late Brigadier-General and Judge-Advo cate General, State of N. Y., 1883-86. Honorary Member of the Veteran Association 165th Regt. N Y. Vole.. 2d Duryee Zou aves. Past Commander of Charles A. Doane Post No. 499. Now member of Grant Post No. 327, G. A. R., Dept. N. Y. LINCOLN AND GRANT Remarks of President Abraham Lincoln when presenting to General Grant his commission as General-in-Chief of the Armies of the United States, and General Grant s reply. President Lincoln said: "General Grant, the nation s appreciation of what you have done, and its reliance upon you for what remains to be clone in the existing great struggle, are now presented, with this commission constituting" you Lieutenant-General in the Army of the United States With this high honor devolves upon you, also, a corresponding responsibility. As the country herein trusts you so, under God, it will sustain you. I scarcely need to add that with what I here speak for the nation goes my own hearty concurrence." General Grant, in response, said: "Mr. President, I accept the commission with gratitude for the high honor conferred. With the aid of the noble armies that have fought in so many fields for our common country, it will be my earnest endeavor not to disappoint your expecta tions. I feel the full weight of the responsibilities now devolv ing on me, and I know that if they are met it will be due to those armies, and, above all, to the favor of that Providence which leads both nations and men." WASHINGTON, D. C., March, 1864. ALBUM COMMITTEE CORPORAL JOHN A. VANDERBILT PRIVATE JOHN A. MURRAY CORPORAL PETER BIEGEL May 27th, 1906. VETERAN OF THE !H5th iRrgtmntt N. f. UnL Slnfantr^ September, 1862 -~2d BATTALION DURYEE ZOUAVES September, 1865 1863 May 271906 Organized September 23, RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO ^ 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be Renewed by calling 642-3405. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW MAR 2 1987 OTO.DISC.FEB27 t 7 FORM NO. DD6, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 s TC. 5.1204 U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES B001D2MbflO M16888S THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY