X / " - COMMODORE JOHN BARRY From the painting by Gilbert Stuart. By permission of Mrs. W. Horace Hepburn, of Philadelphia, Grand-niece of Commodore Barry COMMODORE JOHN BARRY THE FATHER OF THE AMERICAN NAVY A SURVEY OF EXTRAORDINARY EPISODES IN HIS NAVAL CAREER BY WILLIAM BARRY MEANY, M.D. HARPER <5r BROTHERS PUBLISHERS NEW YORK AND LONDON M C M X I ILLUSTRATIONS COMMODORE JOHN BARRY Frontispiece THE FRIGATE "ALLIANCE," UNDER JOHN BARRY S COMMAND, IN BATTLE WITH THE ENGLISH WARSHIP "SYBILLE" Facing p. 34 WASHINGTON PRESENTING THE COMMISSION AS SENIOR CAPTAIN AND COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF OF THE UNITED STATES NAVY TO JOHN BARRY 50 FACSIMILE (REDUCED) OF BARRY S COMMISSION, NUMBER ONE 54 STATUE OF COMMODORE JOHN BARRY, INDEPEN DENCE SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA, PA. ... 60 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY S STATUE IN FRONT OF HISTORIC INDEPENDENCE HALL, PHILADEL PHIA, PA 7 2 M151316 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY The Father of the American Navy Beneath his guidance, lo! a navy springs, An infant navy spreads its canvas wings. ONE of the finest types in the entire his tory of the American navy is Commo dore John Barry, the first Captain placed in command of the first war- vessel commissioned to fight under the Continental flag the Lex ington, named after the first battle on land in the Revolution: and it was Barry who cap tured in battle the first British war -vessel, and thus achieved the honor of having the first British flag struck to him in naval battle, in the struggle for independence under au thority of the Continental Congress. The indomitable courage, devotion to duty, and successful achievements which character- COMMODORE JOHN BARRY ized the entire career of Commodore Barry, his splendid naval and military record as a soldier, won for him the admiration of friends and foes and require no emphasis or embellishment by eulogistic remarks; a patriot without re proach, one who loved his country, so that in serving it he wanted no recompense a grate ful nation should mete out the act of tardy justice, so long delayed, to Commodore John Barry, in a way of befitting honor to the memory of the Father of the American navy, and a great patriot in the early destinies of our country so that his memory will live until the end of time: His glory nothing lacks, But ours lacks him. SIGNS NON-IMPORTATION ACT Without illumination I propose for the moment to direct attention to the early part taken by John Barry in the cause of liberty and independence. We find among the signers of the Non-Importation Resolves the name of John Barry, a ship-master of Philadelphia, actively engaged in the mercan tile marine mainly to and from South Amer- COMMODORE JOHN BARRY lean and West Indian ports until 1774, when he made voyages in the Black Prince, the finest, largest, and fastest of the American commercial fleet, sailing from Philadelphia to British ports. He took an active part in the early movements of the colonies for liberty and independence. Affairs of the colonies were becoming more and more strained with England. A congress of the colonies met at Philadelphia. The Non-Importation Resolves (which Barry sub scribed to and signed) were set forth in the Articles of Association entered into in 1770 by the gentlemen of the house of bur gesses and the body of merchants assembled in Williamsburg, Fairfax County, Colony of Virginia, in opposition to taxes imposed by England to raise revenue upon the people of the colony. They contain a number of clauses (resolves) : one, against the purchas ing of English goods, etc. ; another to stop the further importation of slaves and to suppress those slave-traders who were engaged in that nefarious traffic. (See reprints on file in the manuscript rooms of the Congressional Li brary at Washington, D. C.) 3 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY BARRY OFFERS SHIP AND SERVICE While Barry was in London with his ship, the Black Prince, much history was being made and observing the trend of events, he, in September, 1775, hastily returned to Philadelphia. He arrived home on October 13, the very day Congress resolved to fit out two armed cruisers, one of fourteen guns, the other of ten guns. Barry at once offered his ship and services to Congress, which were accepted. His business affairs then were at the height of their prosperity, but his sym pathies were so strongly and fervently with the cause of the colonies that he sacrificed his fortune and private interests and at once en listed in the Continental navy. BARRY S RANK THAT OF SENIOR From that day, October 13, 1775, to the end of his eventful career (by death) September 13, 1 80 j, John Barry was the senior or ranking officer of his ship and squadrons, and at no time did he serve under the orders of a senior officer, reporting direct to Washington, Con gress, or to the secret and marine committees. 4 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY LIVES IN HISTORY The history that accompanies the data hereinafter to be given is taken from the Continental and United States Congressional Records; official and private letters of Wash ington, Robert Morris, Franklin, Benjamin Rush, McHenry, Stoddert, and others ; papers of the marine and secret committees, and, therefore, is not subject to the distrust that accompanies all accounts of " history " made to order or taken from the memoirs or personal diaries of the actor himself or its direct bene ficiaries. Unofficial records are entitled to re spect, though like all authority of this nature, their facts should be received with caution. It would seem meet, then, that measures should at once be taken by the proper govern mental authorities for the accurate compila tion of the official records of service and characteristics as evidenced in such records, manuscripts, etc., as are in reach of and now in the possession of the government of each distinguished officer of the early navy (known, perhaps, to the older officers of the navy, but unknown to the public), and arranged in al- 5 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY phabetical order and in chronological sequence as to be available in print for the use of mid shipmen at Annapolis, and for distribution, either free or at a nominal fixed price, for public and semi-public libraries for the correct information of a generous public so that he who runs may read andhewho reads may know. WASHINGTON S TRUST IN BARRY It was befittingly left to our immortal Washington to repose special trust and con fidence in Barry s patriotism, valor, and abilities by rapid promotion, as evidenced by executive appointments and high commis sions on special, hazardous, and most impor tant voyages and so recorded by trust worthy and dispassionate commentators, such as James Fenimore Cooper, Dr. Benjamin Rush, Dennie, Preble, Abbot, Frost, Charles A. Dana, George Ripley, and others of high literary attainments esteemed, respected, and supported by Washington, who attached Barry as his aide-in-chief at the very com mencement of hostilities, showing clearly that Barry is justly entitled to the designation of father of the American navy. 6 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY HEAD OF WASHINGTON S FLEET On October 5, 1775, Washington directed a letter to Congress, with an urgent request to that body for the building, or purchasing and equipping, of two vessels, one of fourteen guns, the other of ten guns, to be placed at his disposal and under his orders, etc. On October 13, 1775, Congress, taking into consideration the report of the committee Deane, Langdon, and Gadsden appointed to prepare a plan for intercepting vessels com ing out with stores and ammunition, after some debate, Resolved: That two vessels carrying, one fourteen, and the other ten guns, a proportionable number of swivels and men should be fitted out." This was the commencement of our Amer ican navy, and what became known as Washington s fleet. .The heavier armed, the Lexington, 14 guns, was given to the com mand of Capt. John Barry. He was ap pointed captain (the highest rank attainable by authority of the Continental Congress) on December 7, 1775, though selected some time previous to that date by Washington. 7 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY The proposal of fitting out a fleet to com bat the greatest and most powerful sea force of the world, that of Great Britain said to be of a thousand ships did, indeed, seem to be to the most resolute defenders aside from Washington, Morris, Barry, Rutledge, and a few others, a foolhardy undertaking, and when Rutledge, of South Carolina, moved the ap pointment of a committee to prepare a plan and estimate of a fleet, many made the propo sition a subject of ridicule. BARRY SAILS ON " LEXINGTON" With the Lexington Barry put to sea, and with his light brig was enabled to pass through a narrow channel left open and free from heavy ice, the main channel of the then heavily ice-blocked Delaware River at that time being impassable ; and in Treble s Origin of the Flag it is declared that his (the Lexing ton) "was the first vessel that bore the Continental flag to victory on the ocean." The incident of raising the first "American flag" on the Alfred in the earlier months of 1776 is always related with patriotic glamor, as though the stars and stripes, our national 8 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY or American flag, was first hoisted by the then Lieut. John Paul Jones, as so often has been stated in public print. In the Journals of the Continental Congress, Vol. 8, the following resolution was adopted on June 14, 1777: Resolved, "That the flag of the United States be thirteen stripes, alter nate red and white; that the Union be a blue field, representing a new constellation." The first mention on the records of the nation presents the name of John Paul Jones to Congress on December 22, 1775, as first on the lists of lieutenants of the new navy reported by the marine committee for confirm ation. He was appointed as a lieutenant to the Alfred, commanded by Captain Salton- stall. That the gallant Paul Jones served our country well, both as a lieutenant and afterward as a captain in the navy, is un disputed. THE " LEXINGTON" FIRST REGULAR CRUISER In the History of the United States Navy, by James Fenimore Cooper (himself a mid shipman in the navy, attaining the rank of a lieutenant,, and acquiring an experience which 9 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY he found most useful in his literary career), published in 1839, the following appears in Vol. i : " For the first regular cruise that ever got to sea under the new government we must refer to the Lexington, 14 guns, a little brig, the command of which was given to Capt. John Barry, a ship-master of Philadelphia of credit and skill. The honor has long been claimed for Captain Barry, and, on as close examination of the facts as our means will allow, we believe it is his due. The Lexington must have left the Capes of the Delaware late in January or early in February, and her orders were to sail southward." CAPTURES FIRST WAR-SHIP IN BATTLE "As an offset," writes Cooper, "to the escape of the British ship Glasgow, 20 guns, after engaging Commodore Esek Hopkins s squadron, consisting of the Alfred, 24 guns; Columbus, 20 guns; Andrea Doria, 14 guns; Cabot, 14 guns and \h& Providence, 12 guns, off the east end of Long Island, on the morning of April 6, 1776, the Lexington, Captain Barry, a small brig of 14 guns, fell in with the Edward, an armed tender of the Liverpool, 10 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY on April 7, 1776, off the Capes of Virginia, and, after a close and spirited action of nearly an hour, captured her. The Lexington had four of her crew killed and wounded, while the Edward was cut nearly to pieces and met with a very heavy loss of men." Barry succeeded in entering Delaware Bay with his prize, though strongly blockaded by British war-ships, and arrived at Phila delphia on April n, 1776, bringing the news direct to Congress of the first capture of an armed vessel taken in battle, and thus the honor of having the first British flag struck to him by a British war- vessel in battle under Continental authority, and rejoicing the hearts of the patriots so much that even John Adams gleefully wrote: "We begin to make some figure in the navy way. Richard Henry Lee, in a letter describing the event, narrated that the enemy did not submit until he was near sinking. Frost, in his Commodores of the Navy, writes : " In February, 1776, he (Barry) was appointed to the command of the brig Lexington, 14 guns. She was the first Continental vessel of war that sailed from the port of Philadelphia." ii COMMODORE JOHN BARRY In the American Cyclopedia, which was pro jected in 1857 by Charles A. Dana, formerly Assistant Secretary of War (1863-1864), man aging editor of the New York Tribune (1849- 1862), late editor-in-chief and former owner of the New York Sun (George Ripley, formerly literary editor of the New York Tribune and associate editor with Dana in the American Cyclopedia), appears the following: "At the commencement of the Revolution Barry of fered his services to Congress, and in Febru ary, 1776, was appointed to command the Lexington, 14 guns, and after a sharp action took the tender Edward, the first war- vessel captured by a commissioned officer of the navy. Josiah Bartlett, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, writing to John Langdon, said: " Captain Barry in the Lexington has taken and sent in here a privateer of 6 guns, commanded by another of those famous Goodriches, of Virginia." Caesar Rodney, another signer, wrote on August 3, 1776: "Yesterday came to town an armed vessel taken by Captain Barry at sea." Henry Fisher, in his report to the committee 12 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY of safety of Pennsylvania, wrote: " Last even ing the Kingfisher, a British man-of-war, re turned into our road with a prize brigantine, Captain Walker, of Wilmington, but, luckily for us, our brave Captain Barry had been aboard of her and taken out the powder and arms/ It may be well here to state that the records of the secret and safety committees at that time show that the patriots were sadly in need of powder and arms. Three more vessels were captured by Barry with the Lexington, and then upon his return to Philadelphia he took charge as superin tendent of the construction of war-ships then building on the Delaware River. CHEERS HEARTS OF PATRIOTS These captures and achievements of our infant navy thrilled the patriots to new en deavor, for those first months of the war were, as Thomas Paine wrote of them "the times that tried men s souls." "Capt. John Barry, whose spirited action off the Capes of Virginia, in the Lexington, 1 4 guns, has been mentioned," writes Cooper, 2 13 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY "and whose capture, April 7, 1776, of the Edward on that occasion is worthy of note as having been the first of any vessel of war that was ever made by a regular American cruiser in battle." Barry s report of this victory embraced a few lines, giving the bare details, and con cluding: "I have the happiness to acquaint you that all our people behaved with much courage." Barry was innately modest in re gard to his public (naval) and private achieve ments. He kept a strict account in detail of what he thought were his mistakes but not of his successes. ACTIVE SPIRIT OF MARINE COMMITTEE Barry was the active spirit of the marine committee, and during the next few months remained in and about the Delaware capes under orders "to take, sink, and destroy the enemy s vessels." Under the direction of Washington and Robert Morris the latter a signer and the financier of the Revolution Barry was placed in command (commander-in-chief) of the port 14 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY of Philadelphia, then the largest mercantile and shipping port of the country. ATTACKS ENGLAND S NAVY Here we take leave of the Lexington, the first war-vessel commissioned and given to the command of Capt. John Barry, who, in the dead of night, brought his little brig past the guns of two large British war-ships, then guarding the mouth of the Delaware, going out single-handed "to take, sink, and destroy the enemy s ships," such as merchantmen and armed privateers, and harass and to attack the ships of England s powerful sea force (a British fleet composed of 70 armed vessels then guarding the coast, among which were the Roebuck, 44 guns, and the I sis, 32 guns, then guarding the mouth of the Delaware River; with the Pearl, 32 guns, the Liverpool, 28 guns, and the Augusta and Merlin guarding the capes of Delaware), and, once clear of the shore, he unfurled for the first time under Continental authority that flag " which has ever since floated in triumph over every wave, and never while God is Just will it disappear from the sea that it ruled." COMMODORE JOHN BARRY BARRY GIVEN COMMAND OF " EFFINGHAM " Barry s exploits were rewarded by his appointment to command the Effingham, a frigate of 28 guns, then being built under his supervision at Philadelphia. Before her completion she was taken up the Delaware River to escape the British army which then invested Philadelphia, and was afterward destroyed by order of Congress "to pre vent it falling into the hands of the British forces," though Barry, with violent empha sis, opposed her destruction, and left no doubt in the minds of the committee of his serious earnestness and again time proved the correctness of Barry s judgment. IN ROW-BOATS CAPTURES ARMED SHIPS Tiring of what he termed inactivity in awaiting to take command of the incomplet- ed Effingham, Barry manned four small row- boats, having spied a large schooner mounting 10 guns and flying the British flag, with four armed transports, loaded with provisions and forage for the enemy s forces, lying below Phil adelphia, then invested by the British army; 16 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY he rowed down the river, with muffled oar-locks, passing the guarded river-front of the city dur ing the night and, at early daylight, succeeded in rowing his boats alongside of the armed schooner, and before the English suspected the presence of any enemy, Barry, at the head of his men, was clambering over the rail of the schooner, cutlass and pistol in hand. The astonished Englishmen threw down their arms and rushed below. The victorious Americans battened down the hatches. Barry ordered the soldiers and sailors on the four transports to surrender on penalty of being fired into, and triumphantly, and in sight of a heavily armed British war-ship lying below, carried all five prizes to the piers at Fort Penn, and put the four transports in charge of Captain Middleton, who had command of the fort. Then the hatches were removed, and the American sailors being drawn up. in line, Barry ordered the prisoners to come on deck. It was found that Barry with his twenty- seven (27) American sailors had captured one major, two captains, three lieutenants, and one hundred and thirty armed soldiers, sailors, and marines. 17 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY That was the most brilliant feat of arms upon the seas, and it was the most far-reaching in its results. From that moment the British in Philadelphia became insecure. They felt their supplies in danger. Indeed, it hastened the withdrawal of the British forces from Philadelphia. Frost, in his Naval Biography, said of this achievement: "For boldness of design and dexterity of execution it was not surpassed during the war." SENDS SUPPLIES TO WASHINGTON Part of the stores were forwarded to General Washington, and the prisoners were turned over to the proper authorities. The heavily armed British war-ship which was lying below in the river having hove in sight, Barry took the captured schooner into shallow water, hoping to save the schooner from being recaptured, but in this he was unsuccessful. Barry succeeded in landing his prisoners with war supplies, and then, firing a shotted cannon down the hatchways of the captured schoon er, destroyed her before the British war-ship came up. 18 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY WASHINGTON THANKS BARRY Washington wrote Barry the following letter: "I congratulate you on the success which has crowned your gallantry and address in the late attack upon the enemy s ships. Although the circumstances have prevented you from reaping the full benefit of your con quests, yet there is ample consolation in the degree of glory which you have acquired. You will be pleased to accept my thanks for the good things which you were so polite as to send to me, with my wishes that a suitable recompense may always attend your bravery." Washington took occasion to publicly thank Barry and his sailors for this extraordinary achievement, etc. Of this, and similar character of service, Franklin wrote: " Nothing will give us greater weight and importance in the eyes of the commercial world than a conviction that we can annoy on occasion their trade and carry our prizes into safe harbors." TRANSPORTS WASHINGTON ACROSS DELAWARE Terror reigned in Philadelphia. Even the great Washington sounded the note of de- 19 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY spair. "In ten days," he wrote, "this army will cease to exist. We are at the end of our tether." From New York across New Jersey he was being pursued by Cornwallis. Barry quickly organized a company of volunteers and went to Washington s aid. On that gloomy Christmas eve he rendered valiant aid in transporting Washington and his army across the ice-blocked Delaware, and served with honors and distinction in the victor ies of Trenton, Princeton, and elsewhere, that again gave heart to the despairing pa triots and drove the English back to New York. BARRY AGAIN FIGHTS ON LAND Here we find Barry again fighting in the field under Washington. The following is a copy of Washington s letter to Barry: HEADQUARTERS, i$th April, 1778. To Captain John Barry: SIR, In a letter received from you some days past were enclosed the paroles of some officers; those I have delivered to the Commissary-General of Pris oners. Yesterday I received the articles agree- 20 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY able to the bill sent me by Major Burnet and by him or when he sends down you shall receive the amount. The men at present under your command belonging to General Varnum s Brigade I cannot think of suf fering to remain with you, so long as you perhaps may wish, and have to desire that you will send them by a careful officer to camp by the first day of next month. Their time of stay will be so short that I cannot think it necessary or right that they should receive their clothes until they join their corps. (Signed) G. WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON S CONFIDENCE IN BARRY In reply to Cornwallis s request for con veyance of relief to the wounded, Washington gave a signal mark of his confidence in his selection of Barry as his representative to secure the safe conduct of the wounded, the surgeons, medicines, and baggage; and when that work was completed Barry resumed his position as commander- in-chief of the port of Philadelphia, defending it from British in vasion by sea, and harassing the enemy and capturing their vessels of war and merchant men. 21 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF OF PORT It is pertinent here to call attention to a letter addressed to " The Commander-in-chief John Barry of the port of Philadelphia," signed by twelve navy lieutenants seeking redress for " certain grievances," which Barry transmitted to Congress. (See Continental Congressional Record, session, July, 1777.) IN COMMAND OF BRIG "DELAWARE" Next we find Barry commanding a " letter of marque," clearing and capturing the enemy s ships then investing the Delaware Bay and River, and here he again gives re markable exhibition of his fighting qualities. As you are aware, there were two elements controlling the naval forces of the Revolu tionary powers at that time. There were the State naval forces and the Continental forces. Barry was now in command of the brig Delaware under the State naval forces, and made several important captures; he on one cruise brought into Philadelphia three cap tured vessels. 22 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY COMMAND OF THE "ALLIANCE" Upon his (Barry s) return to Philadelphia he was designated to command a new ship of 74 guns, but that ship was sent to France, Congress having concluded to present her to the French King, and Barry was assigned to the Alliance, the finest and fastest ship in the Continental navy. CONVEYS COMMISSIONERS TO FRANCE To secure further aid from France the Alliance was ordered to convey our special commissioner, Col. John Laurens, to France. His father, who had also been an envoy, had been captured and was a prisoner in the Tower of London, and great precautions were needed for the safety of our representatives on most important missions. Accompanying Laurens as passengers upon the Alliance, and entrusted to Barry s care, were Thomas Paine and the Count de Noailles. Barry safely landed his passengers in France, and Laurens succeeded in securing from the French King six million livres (gold), and it was this "hard" money that enabled Wash- 23 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY ington to pay his army, and absolutely neces sary to the prosecution of the war the Con tinental forces had reached the end of their resources. It was this gold that enabled Washington to pay his army and transport it to Yorktown. Not only were the soldiers without money, but they were absolutely destitute of supplies, without medicine for the fever-stricken soldiers, and without cloth ing or shoes. In addition to paying the wages of the soldiers in specie (the paper money of the government being at that time without value as a purchasing medium), this money bought them food, clothing, and munitions of war, and enabled Washington to compel the surrender at Yorktown. TAKES LA FAYETTE TO FRANCE On October 19, 1781, part of the British forces had surrendered in Virginia, and instead of being sent to destroy vessels of the enemy, Barry was again entrusted with the safe de livery of another envoy to France, her own distinguished son, the Marquis de la Fayette. The importance of La Fayette s mission to France was deemed by Washington to be 24 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY greater than any service that could be ren dered upon the field in America. WASHINGTON AGAIN WRITES BARRY Washington, in his letter to Barry dated from Mount Vernon on November 15, 1781, wrote: " Respecting the operations of the next campaign, I do declare in one word that the advantages of it to America, and the honor and glory of it to the allied armies in these States, must depend absolutely upon the naval force which is employed in these seas at a time of its appearance next year. No land force can act decisively unless it is accompanied by a marine superi ority, nor can more than negative advantages be expected without it. It follows, then, as certainly as that night succeeds day, that with out a decisive naval force we can do nothing definite, and with it, everything honorable and glorious. A constant naval superiority would terminate the war speedily. Without it I do not know that it will ever be terminated honorably." Robert Morris, chief of Department of Finance, in a letter of instructions to Barry, 25 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY said: "I know your sense of duty and pa triotism will lead you into all proper measures and exertions for the safety of your ship, for the success of her voyage and crew, and for the promotion of your country s interests." With La Fayette safely landed back in France, Barry set sail for a homeward cruise. Robert Morris l wrote to Barry: " I do not fix your cruising ground because I expect you will know the most likely cruise and will be anxious to meet such events as will do honor to the American flag and promote the general interests." CAPTURES TWO WAR-SHIPS IN SINGLE BATTLE In a homeward cruise of the Alliance Barry fought and captured both the Atalanta, 16 guns, Captain Edwards, with 130 men, and the Trepassy, 14 guns, Captain Smith, with 80 men, engaging both vessels in a single battle. For more than an hour the Alliance, owing to unfavorable winds, fought under great disadvantage. Captain Barry was severely 1 Morris was the leading shipping merchant of Philadelphia, and thoroughly informed about all the foreign sailing routes, as he was the owner of the largest number of ships sailing from that port to all parts of the world. W. B. M. 26 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY wounded by a grape-shot through the shoulder. After a stubborn and manly resistance both the English vessels in the end were compelled to haul down their colors. The Alliance was much damaged in this combat, and in all the sea "was anything less fit to float than Barry s vessel, except the enemy s ships, which he had reduced to a worse condition." Never, never was a more brilliant action fought " and never were ships in a worse condition after a fight." Barry in the Alliance fought and captured in one engagement both the Mars, a heavy- armed vessel of 26 guns and 142 men, and the Minerva, 10 guns and 56 men. Barry in the Alliance captured the British war-ship Alert (said to be a sister ship named after an armed vessel he captured at an earlier date in the Delaware River), with supplies, which he turned over to Washington for the American army. BARRY CAPTURES NINE PRIZES ON ONE CRUISE Barry made another cruise in the Alliance to France on an important mission, bringing into L Orient four of the nine English vessels 27 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY loaded with valuable cargoes, sending the other five prizes under prize-master s orders back to America. BARRY S LETTERS TO LA FAYETTE The following are copies of some of the letters written by Barry to the Marquis de la Fayette and to our own Benjamin Franklin, commissioner and plenipotentiary to the French court, while Barry was with his ship, the Alliance, in port at L Orient, France. L ORIENT, 28 Oct., 1782. SIR, Permit me to acquaint your Lordship of my arrival in France, after a successful cruise. Wherein I took nine prizes, four of which I brought in here, the other five I sent back to America a few days before I sailed I had the pleasure of seeing his Excel lency, General Washington, who inquired very par ticular about your health. I am sorry to give you trouble, but it would lay me under particular obliga tions if you have anything new at court, or any ex pectations of peace soon, you would let me know it, as I sail in ten days on a cruise and perhaps may soon go to America. Be pleased to make my best respects to Count de Noailles. (Signed) JOHN BARRY. To Marquis de la Fayette ; Paris. 28 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY L ORIENT, ji Oct., SIR, I had the honor to write you a few days past. Wherein was a request that I fear will be too much trouble to you, however, as it is of material consequence to me to know if it is likely we shall have peace or not. I, therefore, flatter myself from a former desire to serve me, you will indulge me at this time, and, believe me, I shall ever hold it of the greatest favors conferred on, (Signed) JOHN BARRY. His Excellency, Marquis de la Fayette, Paris. L ORIENT, Nov. 17, 1782. SIR, When I had the pleasure to receive your obliging letters I was very much indisposed with a fever which has confined me to my chambers this ten days. I am now, sir, just able to write a few lines to thank you for the information you was pleased to give. As for my going to Paris this time, it is out of my power, as the ship is ready to sail, only awaiting for my recovery, which I hope in a few days to be able to go on board. You say you are going to America. I envy the captain who is to take you. I wish I was in his place, but, although I am deprived of that happiness at present, I hope to have the pleasure to command the ship that conveys you to your native country, and then, sir, I will certainly pay a visit to Paris and I hope to have the honor of seeing Lady La Fayette, whom I have not the 3 29 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY pleasure to have ever seen. It was my brother that had that honor in Bordeaux, who is since lost at sea. Be pleased to give my best respects to Lady La Fayette and Count de Noailles, and believe me to be, To Marquis de la Fayette. (Signed) * BARRY BARRY S LETTER TO BENJAMIN FRANKLIN L ORIENT, ji Oct., 1782. SIR, Having nothing to communicate to your Excellency of any consequence but my arrival here, and that Mr. Barclay 1 promised me he would announce. I, therefore, thought it would only be troubling your Excellency to write, as I was at that time in expecta tions of being at sea before an answer could come from Paris. Some necessaries being wanting to the ship has detained her longer than I expected. Lieutenant Barney, of the Continental ship General Washington, being just arrived and who informs me he is immediately under your Excellency s particular orders as she was built for the purpose of a cruiser, 2 and of course will be of little or no service on that head. I think you would render great service to the United States to order her out with the Alliance, who will sail in about ten days. I have the honor to be sir, (Signed) JOHN BARRY. His Excellency, Benj. Franklin, Esq., Paris. 1 United States Consul-General. W. B. M. 2 Not as a cargo carrier. W. B. M. 30 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY FOUR PRIZE CAPTURES BRING $2,5OO,OOO Regarding the four prize vessels which Barry brought into the port of L Orient and already mentioned in Barry s letter to La Fayette of October 28, 1782 it may be interesting to here mention that the sales of these four prize vessels with their cargoes, captured by Com modore Barry in the Alliance, and sold at public auction at a somewhat later period in the presence of the Judges of the Admiralty and King s Attorney in virtue of the condem nation of his Excellency, Benjamin Frank lin, Esq., Plenipotentiary of the United States at Paris amounted to the sum of $2,500,000 (gold). Here we have an evidence of Barry s innate modesty, a characteristic which followed him throughout his entire career so becoming a naval officer and a gentleman who, after capturing nine prizes on this voyage, bringing four of the prizes into L Orient, wrote to Franklin (see letter dated L Orient, October 31, 1782, and heretofore made mention) at Paris, " Having nothing of importance to communicate of any consequence but my 31 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY arrival here (L Orient), and that Mr. Barclay promised me he would announce. Evidently Barry was not afflicted with cacoethes scri- bendi, or, as Juvenal expresses it, insanabile scribendi cacoethes an insane desire for scrib bling. CAPTURES WAR-SHIP AND HER PRIZE Barry, with the Alliance, on a cruise in foreign waters, captured an English war- vessel which had taken a Venetian ship as a prize, though Venice was at that time at peace with England ; she was a valuable ship with a valuable cargo. Barry, with a prospect of prize money, could have claimed her as a prize to be disposed of in port and the results distributed among his crew. Barry, without hesitation, and acting entirely from the dic tates of his own humanity and justice ever zealous of the integrity and good name of his country above all considerations denounced the English captain who had seized her as a pirate, set her free, and told the captain of the Venetian ship to go in peace. There is every reason to believe that owing to this affair and actions of a similar nature 32 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY taken by Barry in other cases, that a mutiny was planned among the crew on board ship, resulting from dissatisfaction (and also, no doubt, to the very irregular payment of wages by the government, owing to lack of funds, a not unusual condition prevailing throughout the Revolution) with these acts of justice on the part of their commander, that cost the crew so much of their prize prospects. Barry assembled the crew, addressed them from the quarter-deck, took their word that they would thereafter be loyal, and dismissed them to their duty, putting only the three ring -leaders in irons. When they reached home these ringleaders, instead of being executed (owing to Barry s pleas in their be half before the court - martial for clemency) were permitted to enlist in the Continental forces. FIRES THE LAST SHOT OF THE REVOLUTION Barry fought the last battle and fired the last shot of the Revolution, when, on the Alliance, in March, 1783, he left Havana, con voying to our shores the Continental ship, Luzerne, both the ships carrying a large 33 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY amount of gold on Continental account. He encountered the Sybille (followed by two other English war -ships) which he almost sank, and would have done so had not her consorts hurried to her aid. That was the last shot fired in the Revolution. This was the last naval battle of the Revolutionary War. Peace was declared April n, 1783. BARRY CRUISES ON ENGLAND S SHORES The "Log of the Alliance" kept by John Kessler, is one of the most interesting, won derful, and admirably kept records of any ship that ever floated, and for the purpose of this review is too long to even outline the lists of important achievements duly credited to that vessel. Suffice, then, to state that it shows that the Alliance under the command of Capt. John Barry, who had selected for his regular cruising grounds the broad Atlantic (then closely pa trolled by England s powerful sea force) , sailed from as far south as the West Indies along or in close proximity to the regular chartered lanes or sailing routes to L Orient, France a harbor and friendly port in Brittany and in close reach of the English Channel. 34 mi CD c/ COMMODORE JOHN BARRY "LOG OF THE ALLIANCE " Barry, with the Alliance, made frequent cruises in foreign waters, in each of the years of 1781, 1782, and 1783. The record of the "Log" shows that in each and every cruise he made, Barry never failed to either "Take, destroy, or sink the enemy s ships." Those he captured in the waters of or near to England s shores he generally carried into friendly foreign ports, and other captures made in the waters of the broad Atlantic, that England s navy claimed as her own, he either brought direct or sent back un der prize-masters orders to America. The "Log" shows that Barry made many cap tures of British ships with valuable car goes and carried them safely back to home ports. Notwithstanding that these exploits are recorded in the "Log" in a plain, terse, and matter-of-fact way, with no attempt at em bellishment, still it reads like a story of magic. Here we must bid farewell to that grand old ship, for the Alliance was shortly afterward sold. 35 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY BARRY MAKES TRIP TO FOREIGN PORTS Barry became restless, and, observing the hesitancy on the part of the shipping mer chants to re-establish the foreign trade and commerce, he makes a trip on personal ac count to European ports and to China; that was one of the first trips that started trade with newly opened ports, and, after accom plishing his object, he returns to Philadelphia. BARRY WANTS TO FIGHT BARBARY STATE PIRATES SIR, Finding that the government have partly determined to fit out some ships of war for the pro tection of our trade against the Algerians, I beg to offer myself for commander of the squadron con ceiving myself competent, thereto assuring your Excellency that should I be honored with your approbation my utmost abilities and most unremit ting attention shall be exerted for the good of my country and also to approve myself worthy of the high honor shown by your Excellency, to your obedi ent humble servant, JOHN BARRY. March 10, 1794. His Excellency, The President of the United States. 36 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY RATHER FIGHT THAN BUILD SHIPS In the American State Papers on naval affairs, 1839, Vol. i, the following copy ap pears of a " Report of progress made in build ing the (six) frigates authorized by an act of March 27, 1794." PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 18, 1794. To the Secretary of War: SIR, As soon as the Appropriation Act of Con gress passed, 27 of March last, we observed a navy constructor was immediately employed, who has been steadily at work, drawing the draughts and making the necessary molds for building on the most eligible construction; all of which are now completed and sent on to the different yards where the ships are to be built. And we appeal to all those who have any knowledge of the science of naval architecture, of the great precaution that was absolutely necessary in laying the foundation of our infant navy, and the time it would consequently take to digest a good plan, to avoid errors, and fix dimensions, founded on the experience of all maritime Europe, as well as that of this country, so as to have ships the best adapted for the service of any that was ever built of the kind, which we are of an opinion has been happily effected, and that arrangements to commence the building of frigates has been judiciously made, and 37 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY every pains taken to procure the most durable wood in the world the live oak of Georgia; but the summer season having commenced before the appropriation was passed, at which time it is so very sickly in and about the islands of Georgia, that it was impossible to procure, and would have been both expensive and useless to have sent men thither to cut wood, if they could have been procured during the summer months. Early in October, however, a number of wood-cutters, that had previously engaged in Connecticut, arrived in Georgia, commenced their operations and have made such progress that one vessel has already arrived here with a full cargo; the master of which reports favorably as to the despatch of others that have been sent on by the Treasury Department for to take timber to different yards. The building of these frigates of live oak will certainly be a great saving to the United States, as we are well satisfied (accidents excepted) that their frames will be per fectly sound half a century hence, and it is very probable that they may continue so for a much longer period. 1 On the contrary, we are fully convinced, from experience, that if they be built of the best of white oak of America, their durability at the utmost would not exceed one-fourth of that time, and the expense of building and equipment is the same whether the ships are of the best or of the worst wood of this country; but had it been determined, in the 1 Time has proven the correctness of Barry s judgment. W. B. M. 38 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY first instance, to have built the ships of common oak, no greater progress could have been made, as there was no timber cut in any of the States; and to have cut it in the summer season when the sap was up, and build the ships of wood in that green state, they would have proved rotten and totally unfit for the public service in less than five years from the laying of their keels. The undersigned, John Barry, has made a visit to Georgia, at the request of the Secretary of the Treasury, and is so well satisfied with the exertions of Mr. Morgan, who superintends the cutting and shipping the timber, that he has no doubt but the whole quantity will be cut between this and the month of February, and, if so, we are all of opinion that the ships may be built and completely equipped in the course of next year, as every preparation is made in the different yards, and for procuring all the material in the various branches, for going on with spirit and despatch. It must be remembered that, in the first maritime countries in Europe where they have regular estab lishments for building ships of war, with dock-yards and large stocks of timber thereon, they seldom com plete a frigate, of the magnitude of any of ours, in less than twelve months after she is raised, contract ships, built in the time of war, to answer the purpose of the moment, only except ed. It would be highly gratifying to us, sir, who have thrown aside our former occupation, and the prospects 39 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY that promise fair for increasing our fortunes, with a view of serving our country, and who have no desire of being mere sinecure officers, if we could at this moment embark and obey the commands of our country, in going in pursuit of a barbarous enemy ! who now holds in chains and slavery so many of our unfortunate fellow-citizens, the relieving and restoring of which to the bosom of their families and friends are, with that of having an opportunity to chastise their cruel oppressors, objects of our greatest ambition, and which we anticipate with all the ardor of officers, of seamen, and of citizens. We, therefore, assure you, sir, that every exertion shall be made by us in our department to facilitate the building and equipment of the ships to which we have had the honor to be appointed commanders and superintendents. (Signed) JOHN BARRY. RICHARD DALE. THOMAS TRUXTON. The following are the names of the six frigates then being built and referred to by Barry in his (the foregoing) letter to the Secretary of War, dated Philadelphia, De cember 1 8, 1794: the United States, 44 guns; the Constitution, 44 guns; the President, 44 guns; the Constellation, 38 guns; the Chesa peake, 38 guns; the Congress, 38 guns. The l The pirates of the Barbary States. W. B. M. 40 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY United States was the first ship that got into the water under the present organization of the navy. She was launched at Philadelphia on July 10, 1797, the command of which was given to Commodore John Barry, who super intended its construction. Dennie, in the portfolio (1813), wrote: "His (Barry s) opinion was very influential in the adoption by the government of that excellent model for ships of war, the superiority of which over every other has been so strikingly proved, as to have extorted the acknowledg ment even of our enemies." In the Journals of the Continental Congress, page 1118, Vol. 12, 1778, the following reso lution regarding an expedition against the province of the east end of Florida was adopted : "Resolved, That Captain John Barry be and is hereby directed to take the command of all armed vessels employed on the intended expedition, and that this commission continue in force till the expiration of the invasion of East Florida (or until further orders of Con gress). That he proceed with the utmost despatch to the State of Maryland in order 41 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY to expedite the galleys furnished by that State, and proceed with them to Charleston, in South Carolina." COMMAND OF FLEET IN DELAWARE RIVER AND BAY The following are abstracts taken by the writer from some of the letters written by the Marine Committee. January 29, 1778. To Captain John Barry: Sir, We have agreed to employ the Pinnace and barges belonging to the Frigates, and the barge taken up by Captain Jonah in the river Delaware on a cruise under your command. We hereby empower you to receive such war-like stores, provisions, and other stores from the Navy Board, and to employ such Continental naval officers not in actual service, and to collect such a number of men as you shall think necessary for officering, victualing, and equipping said boats. We have directed the Navy Board to furnish you with every necessary for equipping your little fleet, and money to procure supplies for your crews as occasion may require. You will give imme diate notice to General Washington of such stores as you may capture which are necessary for the use of the army. We would have you sink or other wise destroy the hulls of all such vessels as you may 42 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY take, which cannot be removed to a place of safety. The vessels which you take and preserve must be libeled in the Court of Admiralty in the State into which they are carried. You will therefore employ some suitable attorney to libel for the same. Write to us frequently and particularly of your proceedings. Wishing you success. March n, 1778. To Captain John Barry: SIR, We have received your letter of the 8th inst. and congratulate you on the successful com mencement of your expedition and hope it will be attended with similar advantages to the public and glory to the gallant commander, brave officers and men concerned in it throughout the whole course. The good opinion you have of your prize schooner has determined us to purchase her for a cruiser; she is to be called the Wasp. We observe that you have advised General Wash ington of your success, and expect that you have furnished him with inventories of what was on board your prizes. The prisoners you have taken and shall take you will deliver to the commander of the main army which may be most convenient to you. We thank you for the early intelligence of your success your well-known bravery and good conduct gives us strong hopes of hearing from you often on similar occasions. With best wishes for your success. 43 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY March 26, 1778. To Captain John Barry: SIR, We have received your letter of the 2oth inst. covering an inventory of the goods lately cap tured. We think with you that the Bay (Dela ware) will be the best for your meeting with success and hope you will use your utmost diligence in getting your small squadron down there. With regard to the prize goods you have captured, one-half, in our opinion, belongs to the continent. If it had fully appeared that the schooner Alert was a vessel of war and belonged to the Crown of Great Britain or was duly commissioned a privateer by his Britannic majesty and you had held, she would have been solely the property of the captors. May 30, 1778. To John Barry, Esquire: SIR, We having appointed you to command the Continental frigate Raleigh, now in Port of Boston in Massachusetts Bay, you are hereby directed to repair immediately to that place and there apply to the Honorable, the Commissioners of the Continental Navy Board, who will deliver up that frigate with all her appurtenances to your care. August 24, 1778. Captain John Barry, of the frigate "Raleigh" : SIR, Immediately upon receipt of these orders you will commence on a cruise in company with the 44 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY Continental brig, Resistance, Captain Bourke, between Cape Henlopen and Occracock on the coast of North Carolina, with a view to take certain armed vessels fitted out by the Goodriches or any other of the enemy s vessels that may be investing that coast. As both the Raleigh and the Resistance may soon be wanted to answer the purpose of a convoy, you are to manage your cruise, also, that you may be ready to receive future orders of this (the Marine) Committee. For this purpose you are once a week to put into Chesapeake Bay and call at the town of Hampton, where you will find such orders lodged, and you are to continue to cruise and call at Hampton in this manner until you receive our instructions. September 28, 1778, Captain John Barry: SIR, We have received your favors of the 8th inst. from Boston and are sorry to hear that so many of the guns on board the Raleigh had burst in proving, but we hope they will be speedily replaced and that you will shortly receive this letter at Hampton, agreeable to our former instructions which you acknowledge having received. As you represent the Raleigh to be exceeding foul, and on that account unfit to cruise upon the coast, we have concluded that you had best proceed to Portsmouth in Virginia, where there is a Continental shipyard, and on applying to our agents there, Messrs. Maxwell and Loyal and Mr. David Stoddart, the 4 45 3 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY master-builders in the yard, they will furnish you with convenience to have her bottom cleaned. Should the frigate Deane and any other vessel be in company with you, you will order them to cruise while you are careening. Nov. 6, 1779. Captain John Barry: SIR, As you have been appointed to command a new Continental ship l that is now on the stocks at Portsmouth in New Hampshire you are hereby directed to repair to that place and hasten as much as may be in your power the completing of that ship which we are desirous to have done with all possible despatch. We have now communicated our desire on that head to the Honorable, the Navy Board at Boston, whom you will please to call in your way and receive such orders as they may think proper to give you. Should Mr. Langdon and you agree that any altera tion can be made in this ship that will render her more suitable than the present design, you will please to communicate your plan and a state of the ship which we will consider. Nov. 20, 1779. Captain John Barry: SIR, Agreeable to your desire, we have appointed Captain George Jerry Osborne to command the 1 This ship was the largest to be built, and carried 74 guns nearly double the number of any ship then building or that had heretofore been constructed. W. B. M. 46 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY marines on board your ship, but as it will be a con siderable time before there is occasion to raise his men, we have been so early in his appointment on the principle of his being useful in doing matters relative to the ship until that time, you will please to observe and employ him occasionally in such business as you may think proper. The following letter from the Marine Com mittee, the last one here to be recorded, may call for a little explanation ; owing to the lack of funds to complete this new ship of 74 guns and the considerable time required for its con struction, Captain Barry was appointed to take command of the Alliance. When this new ship of 74 guns, was completed at a later period, Congress decided to present it to the French King, and this ship was sent to France. Sept. 5, 1780. Captain John Barry: SIR, The Board have appointed you to command of the Continental frigate Alliance, now in the port of Boston. You are therefore directed to repair thither as soon as possible, and when you arrive apply to the Honorable, the Commissioners of the Navy Board of that department, who will give you directions for your conduct in fitting and preparing the Alliance for sea with all possible despatch. 47 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY An account of Barry s achievements in this vessel has already been mentioned. (From original records at Washington, D. C.) WAR DEPARTMENT, June 5, 1794. SIR, The President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, has ap pointed you to be a captain of one of the ships to be provided in pursuance of the act to provide a naval armament herein enclosed. It is understood that the relative rank of the captains is to be in the following order: John Barry, Samuel Nicholson, Silas Talbot, Joshua Barney, Richard Dale, Thomas Truxton. You will inform me as soon as convenient whether you accept or decline the appointment. I am, sir, etc., HENRY KNOX, Secretary of War. To Captain Barry. Barry s acceptance reads: STRAWBERRY HILL, June 6, 1794. SIR, The honor done me in appointing me a com mander in the navy of the United States is gratefully acknowledged and accepted by Your most obedient, Humble Serv t, The Hon ble Henry Knox, JOHN BARRY. Secretary of War. 48 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY It may be well here to state that Barry had two residences a town-house at 186 Chestnut Street, between Ninth and Tenth streets, Philadelphia, and a suburban home at and known as Strawberry Hill, located on the (then) outskirts of the city. COMMODORE IN CHIEF OF NAVY On the organization of the navy of the United States in 1794 Commodore Barry was appointed by President Washington the sen ior officer, and was directed to superintend the building of the frigate United States, 44 guns. On this vessel the United States Commodore Barry sailed, accompanied by the Delaware, Capt. Stephen Decatur, Sr., and cruised for the defense of American commerce in the West Indies, where he captured with his own ship the armed French privateers, Sans Pareil and Jaloux: WASHINGTON HANDS BARRY COMMISSION NUMBER ONE On February 22, 1797, the last birthday that Washington spent in the executive chambers, he issued the commission marked 49 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY Number One, which made John Barry the commander-in-chief of all the naval forces of the United States (to take rank from the 4th day of June, 1794), and which Washington took occasion to hand in person to Commodore Barry. The gallant Captain Nicholson, then second in rank to Barry, wrote him from Boston on June 14, 1794: Give me leave to congratu late you on your honorable appointment to the command of our navy. I make no doubt but it is to your satisfaction and all who wish well to his country." Fenimore Cooper, in his History of the Navy, 1839, says: "that Barry s appointment met with general approbation, nor did anything ever occur to give the government reason to regret the selection." FATHER OF THE NAVY Dennie, of the Portfolio, in 1813 ten years after Barry s death wrote: " Barry may justly be considered the Father of our Navy. His eminent service during our struggle for independence, the fidelity and ability with which he discharged the duties of the impor- 5 WASHINGTON PRESENTING THE COMMISSION AS SENIOR CAPTAIN AND COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF OF THE U. S. NAVY TO JOHN BARRY COMMODORE JOHN BARRY tant stations which he filled, give him lasting claim upon the gratitude of his country." CAPTURES MORE FRENCH SHIPS Toward the close of 1798 and 1799 Barry commanded a squadron of ten vessels, and took with his own ship, the United States, two armed vessels, the U Amour de la Patrie and the. Tartuffe. He continued to protect our merchantmen from depredations by the French. Barry advised in a letter a separation be tween the Naval Department and the War Department for by an act of April 26, 1798, the outlines of a plan and suggestions of Barry were practically carried out and adopted, and the organization which Barry suggested in that letter led to its original formation. A number of the officers and midshipmen who sailed with Commodore Barry attained considerable distinction in the service among the lieutenants, afterward commodores, Rich ard Dale, Barren, and Stewart; and among the midshipmen, Stephen Decatur, afterward commodore, and Richard Somers, who acquired much fame at Tripoli ; also among the former COMMODORE JOHN BARRY lieutenants and midshipmen were Jacob Jones and William Montgomery Crane, both of whom rose to the rank of commodores. LETTERS OF SECRETARY OF NAVY TO BARRY The following are copies of letters from the Secretary of the Navy, Benj. Stoddert, to Barry, then on his ship, the United States, at Newport, Rhode Island. NAVY DEPARTMENT, Oct. i, 1799. SIR, I am honored with your letter of the 24th ult., by which I perceive that mine of the 2oth had not then reached you. The reason there assigned for desiring you to continue at Newport, and not subject the ship to the delay which must unavoidably attend a journey to Philadelphia, will, I am sure, be satis factory to yourself. I will, however, in addition, observe that your distinguished station at the head of our navy attracts the attention of all our officers, who observe your proceedings, and will in some measure form themselves by your example. In my last letter I informed you that it might still so happen that you might come on without any detention to the ship. I then had in view the particular desire of the President that you should carry our ministers to France, if they go. He has not, however, yet de termined whether you are to be thus employed or not ; from present appearances, I think it probable you 52 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY will not. You will, however, wait and hold yourself in readiness to proceed either to Europe or the West Indies at the shortest notice. I expect you may hear your destination in course of the present week. Anchors were ordered from New York and Boston on the 27th of September. The names of the officers of the navy with their relative rank will be sent you with my next com munications. (Signed) BEN STODDERT. To Capt. John Barry, Frigate, "United States" Newport, R. I. NAVY DEPARTMENT, October 16, SIR, The President having decided that the United States shall carry our envoys to Europe, you will be pleased to hold yourself in readiness to perform that service by the ist of November at farthest. Two anchors have been ordered, one from New York and one from Boston, of which you will take the choice, and Messrs. Gibbs and Channing are directed to furnish you with cable which is to be made con formable to your instruction, which you will be pleased to attend to. Everything must be ready to sail on the arrival of the Ministers. (Signed) BEN STODDERT. To Capt. Barry, U. S. Frigate, Newport, R. I. 53 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY The following, a personal letter from the Secretary of the Navy to Commodore Barry, is here cited, not altogether to show the confi dence reposed and the evidence of the kindli ness of Barry s personality, than to present the touch of pathos in the human side of nature and the unconscious parental solicitude for the boys welfare where the dangers of naviga tion and the ogre of grim-visaged war presents. GEORGETOWN (B.C.), 24 Nov., 1800. DEAR SIR, I send at length my son and young Boyd, the widow s son, to go on board the United States. I am afraid my boy is too careless and too thoughtless ever to make a good sailor. I am afraid, too, you will be too kind to him, and he has already been spoiled by too much indulgence. I hope you will not treat him too well, not excuse him from any of the duties performed by other boys of his age and standing. I shall be much obliged if you will order him to be very attentive to learn navigation from the chaplain. Capt. Dale, whom I expect to go in the same stage with these boys, promises to tell them what to buy for bedding and stores at Philadelphia which will save you the trouble. But, perhaps, Dale may not go with them, and in that case they may stand in need of your directions. The Congress have at last begun business ; they seem to be better satisfied than was expected with 54 H PRESIDENT of 1 TO 1 GEORGE WASHINGTi $ jfr S& 7" /? ~2k~~~ r &>*~~*f f f * HfHl I i, f t+,f* f i f. f / <-r*t ^.^jfj* * i JT jr.^f s4/(/ti f rut-zt </* iiS/S ,^ UNITED S lV v ? .x- jHfffKa ;> ) , y/ awtftfttffa /MF t/< / ^ W ft / * TlflS CQMMf$$lON fctmtima <^fc^n^* FACSIMILE (REDUCED) OF BAF UNITED STATES / AMERICA f U//.-J+A pi, i*rt\sj<lrnl oi Ijie Uniied SMes /yirJUty j/uk ut/.]m $/7/{fJt(/< ff(Mtt t /Mi t MJMHtt/jtfMMJ/v/a/H/M ft/i //ti\. if lipttUli /// /^V" l$^#/$t&Lfall&SfrA7%S^ IS; /^* /^//r . -$ff?t?VM . y/fc-. Aysr//t (hi f Juste, e/ie Men HI //////^ COMMISSION. NUMBER ONE COMMODORE JOHN BARRY their accommodations but they certainly have a great deal to complain of. The navy appears very popular with them, and hope they will form a per manent system for progressing with it until we are able to rely on our own strength for protection. (Signed) BEN STODDERT. To Commodore Barry, Philadelphia. HEAD OF THE UNITED STATES NAVY When our present navy was founded Barry was selected as the commander-in-chief by President Washington, who well knew his Revolutionary services as did his successor, President Adams, when operations against the French were ordered and again Barry per formed some notable exploits in the capture of French cruisers and privateers. The very first record-book of our Navy Department has for its initial entry that a commission had been delivered to Barry to make seizures of French ravagers upon our country s commerce ANENT THE CAUSE OF THE FRENCH WAR In the treaty formed by this government with France in the course of the Revolutionary 55 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY War, it was expressly stipulated that in return for the aid about to be given (which later on was so actively and generously given) this country would return the compliment should that country (France) engage in war with Great Britain or any other country. In the fourth year after this government was estab lished we declined to comply with the terms of our treaty. As a result, France captured a number of our American ships and seized their cargoes in order that British commerce and supplies for the British might be cut off. Hence the war with France. In 1800, by mutual agreement, after considerable negotia tions, the difference between the two nations was amicably adjusted. JEFFERSON RETAINS BARRY AT HEAD OF THE NAVY After the election of 1800, when President Jefferson proceeded to reduce the naval forces, nine captains only were retained ; of these Bar ry was still the senior officer, commodore-in- chief , and head of the navy, holding that exalted position until his death, September 13, 1803, in his fifty-ninth year, in the city of Philadelphia. 56 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY Barry died childless, without issue either by his first or second wife. To give sanction to the brief outlines of some of the important episodes in the naval career of Commodore John Barry that we hereinbefore have mentioned, I will take the liberty to here quote, in as brief a way as the occasion demands, from Dennie s biographical sketch of John Barry as it appeared in the Portfolio, July 13, 1813. DENNIE S BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF BARRY Joseph Dennie was a contemporary and fellow-citizen with Barry ; he was a journalist of note, a graduate of Harvard in 1790; was admitted to the practice of law, but ulti mately devoted himself to literature. He went to Philadelphia to become private secretary to Thomas Pickering, Secretary of State. He was editor of the United States Gazette, became editor of the Portfolio in Philadelphia in 1801 under the pen-name of " Oliver Old School." The following extracts are taken from what Dennie, in 1813, wrote. "So many of the distinguished naval men of the present day commenced their career 57 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY under Commodore Barry that he may justly be considered as the father of our navy. His (Barry s) memory is cherished and his char acter duly appreciated by those who were attached to him by habits of long-tried friend ship, by those who shared with him the toils of war, and by those illustrious men who ac quired, under his auspices, those habits of discipline and that exactness of naval science which, combined with and directing their dauntless intrepidity, have recently won un failing laurels for their country. "Commodore Barry served throughout the revolution with distinguished honor to him self and signal benefit to his country. Even during the interval of suspension from public employment, occasioned by chances of war, he was actively employed in annoying the com merce of the enemy in letter of marque vessels. 11 Having espoused the cause of liberty from principle, he was attached to it with all the glow of patriotic enthusiasm; nothing could divert him from it nor damp his ardor. " After the termination of hostilities Commo dore Barry was retained in the public service, and, when it was deemed expedient to increase 5* COMMODORE JOHN BARRY the naval establishment, he was appointed to superintend the building of the frigate United States, in Philadelphia, which was designed for his command. His opinion was very influen tial in the adoption by the government of that excellent model for ships of war, the superior ity of which over every other has been so strikingly proved as to have extorted the acknowledgments even of our enemies. "He (Barry) was eminently qualified for important stations which he filled. He pos sessed courage without rashness, a constancy of spirit which could not be subdued, a sound and intuitive judgment, consummate skill, a generosity of soul which tempered the sterner qualities of the hero, and recommended him no less attentive to the comfort and happiness of those the fortune of war threw into his power than he had been ambitious to con quer them. Having spent the greater part of a long life upon the ocean, he had seen every possible variety of service; he knew how to sympathize, therefore, with those who were subjected to his command; to this it was owing that, though a rigid disciplinarian, he always conciliated the attachment of his 59 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY sailors. It is worthy of remark that no per son who sailed with him as seaman, officer, or passenger has ever been heard to speak of him but with the most respectful gratitude, and in regard to his seamen, especially, with all the extravagance of eulogy. He never found any difficulty in making up a crew, and desertion from his ship was unknown. " In the various relations of private life he was no less unexceptionable. As a citizen he was exemplary, as a friend sincere, as a hus band tender and affectionate. The affability and frankness of his deportment ingratiated him with all who enjoyed the pleasure of his acquaintance; there was a native humor in his character which gave it a peculiar interest. His mansion was ever the residence of hos pitality. Jealous of his own honor, he was never known to injure, designedly, the feel ings of any one; and though possessed of a quickness of sensibility to the appearance of offence or impropriety, he never failed to express his regrets and make atonement for injuries prompted by an excess of feeling. He was just, charitable, and without disguise. As he was educated in the habits of religion, 60 L STATUE OF COMMODORE JOHN BARRY, INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA, PA. COMMODORE JOHN BARRY so he cultivated them through life; he en forced a strict observance of divine worship on board his ship, and scrupulously attended to the moral deportment of his crew; he had himself experienced the comforts of religion, and he died in its faith. "After our differences with France were accommodated, he (Barry) retained the com mand of the United States until she laid up in ordinary, soon after the introduction of Mr. Jefferson to the executive chair. "General Washington had the highest opinion of Barry s merits and entertained for him a sincere and lasting friendship. "Commodore Barry did not survive the termination of his public services; though naturally of a strong and robust constitution, he had for many years been subject to an asthmatic affection, to which he fell a victim on the thirteenth day of September, 1803. "Thus closed the life of one of the first patriots and best of men. Commodore Barry was in size above the ordinary stature; his person was graceful and commanding. His whole deportment was marked by dignity unmixed with ostentation, and his strongly 5 61 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY marked countenance was expressive at once of the qualities of his mind and the virtues of his heart. "The incidents adverted to in this sketch have been politely furnished me (Dennie) by two gentlemen now living who were inti mately acquainted with Commodore Barry, and enjoyed his friendship from a very early period in life; one of whom sailed with him during the Revolution as a subordinate officer." Dennie, in referring to Barry s exploit with four row-boats capturing the armed British schooner and four transports loaded with provisions and forage for the enemy s forces (the details of which we have already men tioned), says: "General Washington always spoke with great satisfaction of this enter prise. Indeed, he gave a public expression of thanks to the gallant Commodore Barry." Dennie further writes: " Having made several voyages to the West Indies in letter of marque vessels, he was after ward ordered to take command of a 74-gun ship building in New Hampshire. Congress having, however, concluded to present her to 62 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY the King of France, the Commodore was ap pointed to the command of the frigate Al liance, 36 guns, then at Boston. In February, 1781, she sailed for L Orient, having on board Colonel Laurens and suite, on an important embassy to the French court. He sailed from L Orient early in 1781 on a cruise, and, having taken many prizes, on the 2gth of May an event occurred that deserves notice. On the preceding day two sails were discovered on the weather-bow, standing for the Alliance; after approaching near enough to be in sight during the night they hauled to the wind and stood on the same course with the Alliance. These vessels proved to be the Atalanta and the Trepassy. From daylight to 3 P.M. a fierce engagement ensued. When Captain Edwards, of the Atalanta, was conducted to Commodore Barry, who was confined to his cabin by a severe wound in his shoulder from a grape-shot, he presented his sword, which was immediately returned to him as a testi monial of the high opinion entertained for his bravery, the Commodore observing, at the same time, That he richly merited it, and that his King ought to give him a better ship. 63 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY The Alliance had eleven killed and twenty-one wounded among the latter several officers; her rigging and spars much shattered and severely damaged in her hull. The enemy had the same number killed and thirty wounded. We have been led into the detail of this vic tory, as it was considered at the time of its achievement a most brilliant exploit, and as an unequivocal evidence of the unconquerable firmness and intrepidity of the victor. " In the fall of 1781 orders were received to fit the Alliance for taking the Marquis de la Fayette and Count de Noailles to France on public business. On the 25th of December she sailed from Boston with them on board. "The Alliance left L Orient in February, 1782, from which time she continued cruising with great success till March of the following year, when, shortly after leaving Havana, whither she had been ordered to bring to the United States a large quantity of specie, hav ing in company the Continental ship Luzerne, of 20 guns, Captain Green, three frigates were discovered right ahead, two leagues distance. The American vessels were hove about; the enemy gave chase. The Luzerne, not sailing 64 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY as fast as the Alliance, Commodore Barry ordered her captain to throw her guns over board. A sail was then discovered on the weather-bow bearing down upon them: the Alliance hove out a signal which was answered ; she proved to be a French ship of 50 guns. Relying upon her assistance, the Commodore concluded to bring the headmost of the enemy s ships to action; after inspiring his crew by an address, and going from gun to gun cautioning his men against too much haste and not to fire till ordered, he prepared for action. The enemy s ship was of equal size with the Alliance. A severe engagement followed; it was very soon perceptible that the Alliance was gaining the advantage; most of the enemy s guns were silenced and, after an action of fifty minutes, the enemy s ship was so severely damaged that she hoisted a signal of distress, when her two consorts joined her. "The loss on board the Alliance was very trifling three killed and eleven wounded. The enemy s loss was severe thirty-seven killed and fifty wounded. The other English frigates were watching the movements of the COMMODORE JOHN BARRY French ship, the captain of which, upon com ing up with the Alliance, assigned as a reason for keeping aloof from the action that he was apprehensive the Alliance had been taken, and that the engagement was only a decoy. 4 A respectable gentleman of this city (Philadelphia) to whose politeness we (Den- nie) are indebted for important aid he had given us in the preparation of this article, was in the Luzerne at the time of the engage ment. He says, Language cannot do justice to his (Barry s) gallantry/ "A gentleman of distinguished naval repu tation, when in the Mediterranean with the American squadron, was introduced to Capt. James Vashon, Esq., now vice-admiral of the red, the commander of the British frigate en gaged with the Alliance. In the course of con versation he made particular inquiry after Captain Barry, related the circumstances of the action, and, with frankness of a generous enemy, confessed that he had never seen a ship so ably fought as the Alliance; that he had never before, to use his own words, * re ceived such a drubbing, and that he was in debted to the assistance of his consorts. 66 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY " His public services were not limited by any customary rule of professional duty, but, with out regard to personal expense, danger, or labor, his devotion to his country kept him constantly engaged in disinterested acts of public utility." Let it be remembered that Barry was en trusted with special and hazardous voyages and especially instructed "not to go out of his way for a fight, but to keep clear of all vessels whatever" when carrying our com missioners and envoys to France, and when returning from foreign ports with valuable cargoes of money, arms, ammunition, food, clothing, and supplies for Washington s desti tute soldiers, which enabled the patriots to prosecute a successful war. Indeed, Barry, in a letter addressed to Richard Henry Lee, the president of Congress, calls attention to these aforementioned instructions " which fre quently ensured severe blows and fewer cap tures of prizes." Here, then, are some of the important naval episodes duly credited to that American patriot, Commodore John Barry, and in full accord with the facts of history. Fenimore 67 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY Cooper wrote: "Commodore Barry as an officer and a man ranked very high. His af fection to his adopted country was never doubted and was put to proof, as the British government bid high to detach him from its service during the Revolution." NOTICES OF BARRY S DEATH IN PUBLIC PRINT The following notices of Commodore John Barry s death are taken from the news papers published in his city (Philadelphia). In the American (Philadelphia) Daily Ad vertiser of Wednesday, September 14, 1803, is the announcement notice of his fu neral. " The friends of the late Commodore Barry are requested to attend his funeral this morn ing at ten o clock from his late dwelling, No. 1 86 Chestnut Street, between Ninth and Tenth Streets." "The members of the Cincinnati are par ticularly requested to attend the funeral of their deceased brother, Commodore John Barry, from his late dwelling, No. 186 Chest nut Street." 68 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY TRIBUTES OF RESPECT TO MEMORY OF BARRY In the American Daily Advertiser (Phila delphia) of September 15, 1803, the following editorial appears: " When the death of this gallant officer was announced the numerous ornaments of his naval and domestic characters freshened in our recollection, and a blameless impulse was felt to pay his memory the homage of our gratitude and sincere respect ; a tribute which the generous will be proud to echo, and which the ingenuous cannot disapprove. " It may be needless to observe that Captain Barry espoused with ardor the cause of liberty early in the year 1775, or to say with what constancy of attachment and boldness of en terprise he supported her interest during the war; all who have read the details of that glorious struggle must be familiar with the name of Captain Barry, and view in him a patriot of true integrity and of undoubted bravery. 1 His naval achievements would of them selves have reflected much honor on his memory, but these could not have endeared it 69 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY to his fellow-citizens had he wanted those gentle and amiable virtues which embellish the gentleman and ennoble the soldier. Na ture, not less kind than Fortune, gave him a heart which the carnage and desolation of war could not harden into cruelty; and the tenor of his naval career exhibits a proof that the art of commanding does not consist in super cilious haughtiness, tyrannous insult, and wanton severity. " In the pleasing view which his life presents we contemplate a trait worthy of admiration, as well for its intrinsic excellence as for its rare emergence in bustle and distraction of war a punctilious observance of the duties of his religion. In the scope of his character, then, we survey with pleasure a warm and steady friend, a firm patriot, a mild and humane commander, a valiant soldier, and a good Christian, beloved by numerous friends, honored by his compatriots, and respected by all who knew him." The following ode, " Lines on the Death of Commodore Barry," by Michael Fortune, ap pears in the American Daily Advertiser (Phil adelphia) vSeptember 24, 1803, 70 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY Columbia s Friend! freed from this worldly coil, Now rests (so heav n ordains) from human toil: A patriot firm thro chequer d life unblam d, A gallant Veteran for his prowess fam d. Beneath his Guidance, Lo! a Navy springs, An infant Navy spreads its canvas wings. A rising Nation s Weal, to shield, to save, And guard her commerce on dang rous wave. Whoe er the sage, his Character shall scan! Must trace those Virtues that exalt the man. The bold achievement and heroic deed, To Honor s fame the laurel d Brave that lead! Long, for his Merits and unsully d name, (Dear to his friends and sanctify d by fame) His clay-cold Relicts shall his country mourn, And with her tears bedew his hallo w d Urn. Come cheering Hope, celestial Cherub come! Say, that his Virtues soar beyond the Tomb; Say, that with Mercy, in ethereal Guise, His white-robed spirit climbs yon op ning skies. Philadelphia, Sept. ig, 1803. EPITAPH FOR BARRY BY DR. RUSH The eminent Dr. Benjamin Rush, of Phila delphia, who was contemporary with Barry, asked the privilege of writing the epitaph of Commodore John Barry, which was inscribed COMMODORE JOHN BARRY upon the original tombstone placed over the grave in Saint Mary s Catholic churchyard at Philadelphia. Dr. Rush was active in the pre- Revolutionary movements and, as a member of the provincial conference of 1776, moved the resolution declaring the expediency of a declaration of independence of which he was a signer. He was surgeon in the Pennsylvania navy, 1775-76, and in 1777 was appointed surgeon-general. The following is a true copy of the epitaph in full, from the original manuscript written and signed by Dr. Rush. " Let the patriot, the soldier, and Christian who visits these mansions of the dead, view this monument with respect. Beneath it are interred the remains of John Barry. 11 He was born in the County of Wexford, in Ireland. But America was the object of his patriotism and the theater of his usefulness. In the Revolutionary War, which estab lished the independence of the United States, he bore an early and active part as a captain in their navy, and afterward became its commander-in-chief. "He fought often, and once bled in the COMMODORE JOHN BARRY S STATUE IN FRONT OF HISTORIC INDEPENDENCE HALL. PHILADELPHIA, PA COMMODORE JOHN BARRY cause of freedom. His habits of war did not lessen his virtues as a man, nor his piety as a Christian. "He was gentle, kind, and just in private life, and was not less beloved by his family and friends than by his grateful country. The number and objects of his charities will be known only at the time when his dust shall be reanimated and when He who sees in secret shall reward. " In full belief in the doctrines of the Gospel, he peacefully resigned his soul into the arms of his Redeemer on September 13, 1803, in the 59th year of his age. "His affectionate widow hath caused this marble to be erected to perpetuate his name, after the hearts of his fellow-citizens have ceased to be the living records of his public and private virtues." As Dr. Rush was a fellow citizen, a warm personal friend of Barry, and a fellow-patriot in the cause of liberty and freedom, may I venture the suggestion (when Congress elects to have Barry s remains removed to a worthy and appropriate resting place) that the epitaph with certain modifications be reinscribed upon 73 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY one of the marble slabs of a mausoleum, befit ting a resting-place for the remains of that true American patriot, Commodore John Barry the Father of the American Navy. The present modest tomb where lie the re mains of Commodore Barry, is located in a small graveyard which has been abandoned as a burial place and inaccessible to the pub lic for more than one-half of a century, and presents a most gruesome and dilapidated ap pearance to the sight, and a scene of desola tion that is hardly describable. On account of the disintegration and decay of the marble slabs of the old or original tomb, on which the Rush epitaph was inscribed, a new tomb was erected on the same site by friends some years ago; the epitaph, however, has been replaced by another inscription. Incidentally, it may here be pertinent to state that Abbot, in his History of the United States Blue- Jackets, tells us, " That Lord Howe, then commander-in-chief of the British forces in America, offered the American (Barry) twenty thousand guineas over one hundred thousand dollars in gold and the command of a British frigate if he would detach himself 74 COMMODORE JOHN BARRY from the American service," and Barry s an swer was: "Not for the value of the English navy and the command of it all could I be se duced from the cause of my country." My country, as it was, indeed, to Barry whose zeal for his country s welfare was as unmistakable as it was unalloyed. Sit tibi terra levisl WASHINGTON, D. C. 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