LIFE OF ARTHUR LEE, LL.D JOINT COMMISSIONER OF THE UNITED STATES TO THE COURT OF FRANCE, AND SOLE COMMISSIONER TO THE COURTS OF SPAIN" AND PRUSSIA, DURING THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. WITH HIS POLITICAL AND LITERARY CORRESPONDENCE AND HIS PAPERS ON DIPLOMATIC AND POLITICAL SUBJECTS, AND THE AFFAIRS OF THE UNITED STATES DURING THE SAME PERIOD. BY RICHARD HENRY LEE, A. M., H. A. M. Author of the Life of RICHARD HENRY LEE. =3= iSS Uostou : PUBLISHED BY WELLS AND LILLY, COURT STREET. 1829. DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS, TO WIT: District ClerWs Office. HE IT REMEMBERED, that on the first day of September. A. D. 1829, in the fifty-fourth year of the Independence of the United States of America, Wells & Lilly, of the said District, have deixwited in this Office the Title of a Book, the Right whereof they claim as Proprietors, in the words following, to wit : " Life of Arthur Lee, LL. D. Joint Commissioner of the United States to the Court of France, and Sole Commissioner to the Courts of Spain and Prussia , during the Revolutionary War, with his Political and Literary Correspondence, and liis Papers on Diplomatic ami Political Subjects, and the Affairs of the United Statts. during the same Period. By Richard Henry Lee, A. M. H. A. M. Au thor of the Life of Richard Henry Lee." In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled " An Act for the en couragement ot Learning, by securing the Copies of Maps, Charts and Books, to the Authors and Proprietors of such Copies, during the times therein mentioned ;" and also to an Act, entitled, " An act supplementary to an Act, entitled An Act for the encouragement of Learning, by securing the Copies of Maps, Charts and Books, to the Authors and Proprietors of such Copies during the time therein mentioned ; and extending the Benefits thereof to the Arts ol Designing, Engraving, and Etching Historical, and other Prints." Clerk of the District of Massachutettt. SPflECKELS DEDICATION. TO JOHN QUIIVCY ADAMS. SIR, Permit me to dedicate to you the following Memoir of the Life of Arthur Lee. Yourself a patriot and a scholar, a statesman and a diplomatist, you will find the writings of Arthur Lee breathing a spirit of patriotism congenial with your own ; possessing a vigour and an elegance of style you will feel and admire ; while you will trace, in the his tory of his life, labours that you will know how to ap preciate, and services similar to those which, like him, you have rendered to our common country. Your fellow citizen, RICHARD HENRY LEE. Leesburg, Sept. 1828. CONTENTS or voi.. i CHAPTER I. BIRTH and parentage of Arthur Lee Is sent to England He goes through the Academic course of study at Eton He becomes a student of the Uni versity of Edinburgh His literary and professional studies at the Univer sity He obtains a Diploma, and the degree of M. D., and the Botanical Prize His Botanical Treatise in Latin is published by a Decree of the University He travels through Holland and Germany, and returns to Virginia and commences the practice of Medicine Leaves the practice of physic, and returns to England Studies law in London Becomes a practitioner of law with Dunning, Glynn, Alleyne His literary and scientific friends, Jones, Burke, Price, &c. Is made a member of the Royal Society Becomes a popular writer on " American Questions" His Letters Junius Americanus, and Monitor s Letters Is made a mem ber of the " Society of the Bill of Rights" Writes their Address to the People of England His Address to the English People, signed An old Member of Parliament" His controversy with Junius, on the right of Parliament to tax America Letter to his brother on public Affairs. . p. 11 CHAPTER II. Political contentions between the Ministerial and Opposition parties in Eng land The Lord Mayor of London, Crosby, and Alderman Oliver are committed to the Tower, by order of the Commons The Society of the Bill of Rights vote their thanks to Crosby and Oliver, and an Ad dress to tlrem^Lee is appointed to draught the Address and prepares it It is accepted and published The Address Its style, &c. It is admired He is appointed Colonial Agent of Massachusetts, in case of the death VI CONTENTS. or absence of Dr. Franklin Is retained by the Assembly of that Pro vince to support their Petition to the King, to remove the Governor and Lieut. Governor Dr. Franklin s trial before the King and Council, respecting the publication of certain letters On the return of Doctor Franklin, he becomes the Agent for the Province Remains of a history of the Revolution, by Mr. Lee. His services to the Province of Massa chusetts, and the generous conduct of its Assembly He becomes a friend and correspondent of Samuel Adams The character of their correspond ence Letter of Dr. Rush Letter on American affairs of Lee, to his brother in Virginia Anecdote of Lee and Wedderburne The Petition to the King and the Addresses of the first Congress are sent to Lee, to be presented and published Letter of Burke on this subject Anecdotes and letters of Lee respecting the reception of these Papers, by the King and People of England-better of the second Congress to Lee and Penn, with another Address The case of Mr. Lovell His letter to Mr. Lee Their subsequent friendship and correspondence. . . . p. 29 CHAPTER III. Mr. Lee is appointed in Dec. 1775, secret Agent of Congress Letter of the "Secret Corresponding Committee" of Congress, acquainting him of the appointment and the purpose of it His Interviews with the French Minister at London He goes to France as secret Agent, in the spring of the year 1776 His interviews with Vergennes arid Turgot The Re sult of his Mission In the fall of 1776, he is appointed a Joint Com missioner to the court of France, with Dr. Franklin and Silas Deane Letter to Lord Shelburne Interesting Anecdote of Voltaire Agency for the State of Virginia His learned and political friends in France, Tur got, Adanson, Vergennes, Neckar, Breteuil, &c. State of Affairs in America in the winter of 1776-7 Memorial on this subject, from the American Commissioners to the Court of France Written by Mr. Lee Note of the Commissioners to the same, touching the capture of an Ame rican vessel on the coast of France Mr. Lee is appointed sole Commis>- sioner jo the Court of Madrid Goes to Spain- Is desired by that Court 9 not to proceecT to Madrid, His letters to the Commissioners in Paris, from Victoria in Spain Their Reply written by Dr. Franklin The Bri tish Court remonstrates with that of Spain against the reception of Mr. Lee His Correspondence on tjiis subject His Memorial to the Court of Spain on the subject of his Mission Results of it He returns to Paris Is sent to Berlin as Commissioner to the court of Prussia Letter from Ber lin to General Washington Spanish Papers. . . . . 52 CHAPTER IV. Difficulties in the way of negotiations with the Prussian Court Note to the Prime Minister the celebrated Schulenburg Mernoire of Mr. Lee to the king of Prussia Robbery of his papers at Berlin Autographic note of CONTENTS. Vll Frederick the Great to Mr. Lee He permits him to hold free though secret conferences with his Minister Negotiations with the Prussian Court Correspondence of Schulenburg The results of Mr. Lee s mission to Prussia His return to Paris His correspondence with Vergennes respect ing supplies of arms, &c. for Virginia His letter by order of his col leagues to Lord North respecting the treatment of American prisoners His letter to the Earl of Shelburne on this subject His spirited Memorial to the Prime Minister of Spain on the subject of the Proclamation of the British Commissioners in the United States, threatening a war of exter mination Memorial of the American Commissioners to the French Court is sent by Mr. Lee with a diplomatic note to the Spanish Minister at Paris The object of Mr. Lee in this Letters of Mr. Lee on the sub ject of the capture of Burgoyne Letter to the Marquis of Rosiguan An ecdote of Dr. Young and Voltaire Letter to Sir William Jones. . p. 89 CHAPTER V. The effect of the capture of P>urgoyne in France and other parts of Eu rope The French Court resolves on a Treaty of Alliance with the Unit ed States Debates on the subject of the llth and 12th Articles of the Treaty Mr. Lee refuses to concur with his colleagues in these Articles The French Court consents that congress may strike them out of the Treaty without affecting its validity Congress concurs with Mr. Lee and strikes out those Articles jttr. Lee s efforts to induce Spain to join the Alliance He procures a secret and separate Article from the French Court in relation to Spain His^endeavours to procure a loan of twomil-__ lions of pounds sterling froni Spain for congress His correspondence with Mons^Dumas^bf ifolland Intrigues of British secret Agents in Paris Mr. Lee detects and exposes them Invitation of the Congress to Dr. Price, to remove to America and become a citizen of the United States Mr. Lee s letter and Price s reply Sketch of the labours and services of Mr. Lee while in France His journal of negotiations with the French and Spanish minister His correspondence with Congress Return of Mr. Lee to America ; causes of it His arrival and reception in the United States His reception by Congress He is elected a member of the Vir ginia Assembly, and is chosen by that body a delegate to Congress Is appointed by Congress a Commissioner to treat with all the northwestern tribes of Indians Is chosen by Congress one of the Board of Treasury, at which he continued from the year 1784 to 1789 His retirement His continued correspondence with eminent foreign persons of distinc tion His literary honours His death and character. . . . 123 APPENDIX. NO. I. Early letters of Arthur Lee, written principally from the year 1767 to his departure from London in 1776, on British and American politics during that period, . . f . . . . . . . 185 Vlll CONTENTS. NO. IT. The commencement of a Memoire of the American Revolution, which Mr. Lee did not live to complete, p. 243 NO. III. Spanish Papers, 277 NO. IV. (a) Instructions to Benjamin Franklin, Silas Deane, and Arthur Lee, Commis sioners appointed by the Congress of the United States of America to the Court of France, 280 (6) Extracts from the Journal of Mr. Lee. Journal continued, . 333 <c) Continuation of Extracts from the Journal of Arthur Lee, kept by him while he was a Commissioner of the United States, at the Court of France, . . . ; ,..* - ,.. . . . . 404 Supplies for the State of Virginia, . .. \ ^ . . . 413 (d) Memoire to the French Court, ". " . 430 PREFACE. THE truest wealth of nations consists in the charac ter and deeds of their great men. It is these, which impart to their histories more interest than any other subject which they present to our contemplation. The histories of the republics of ancient times, especially those of Greece and Rome, continue to this distant day to be read with intense interest. Who does not recognise the pleasure imparted to his mind, by an ac quaintance with the characters and actions of their he roes? The mind delights to dwell on the characters of the "mighty dead," and glows with pleasure at the remotest allusion to any event, which recalls to the re collection, Solon and Socrates, Leonidas and Philopoe- mon, Decius and Cincinnatus, Cicero and Thrasea ! The glory of the " nursing mother of the 4th Henry and the 12th Lewis, will henceforth burnish into bright er light, at the name of Lafayette." How proud is the Briton of his Newton and Locke, his Hampdeiv and Chatham ! How shall the consciousness of free dom and glory throb in the heart and glow on the cheek of an American, at the name of a revolutionary worthy! Distant nations exult in whatever approxi mates them to the fame, or characterizes them with a feature of the " country of Washington!" VOL. i. 2 X PREFACE. To accumulate the examples of great and good citi zens ; to revive and perpetuate a just sense of their services ; to excite and cherish national sentiments and sympathies, and thus to add to the glory (the moral wealth) of our country, is no unworthy task. These are prevalent motives with one, who, with diffidence submits to his fellow-citizens a memoir of the life of Arthur Lee, one of the useful and distinguished men of the great era of our nation. These motives will be justly appreciated by every intelligent, and cheered by every virtuous reader. Of biography it may be said, as truly as of history, that it is "philosophy teaching by example." The force of example is known to have a powerful influ ence in impressing the heart; and is thus effective in pro ducing laudable emulation and virtuous imitation. If the author of this memoir of a great and distinguished patriot shall have succeeded in presenting his char acter in a light so pleasing and impressive, as to pro duce, in any degree, the designed effect of biographical writing, he will have accomplished the end of his la bours, and enjoy their best reward. LIFE ARTHUR LEE CHAPTER I. Birth and parentage of Arthur Lee Is sent to England He goes through the Aca demic course of study at Eton He becomes a student of the University of Edin burgh His literary and professional studies at the University He obtains a Di ploma, and the degree of M.D., and the Botanical Prize His Botanical Treatise in Latin is published by a Decree of the University He travels through Holland and Germany, and returns to Virginia and commences the practice of Medicine Leaves the practice of physic, and returns to England Studies law in London Becomes a practitioner of law with Dunning, Glynn, Alleyne His literary and scientific friends, Jones, Burke, Price, &c. Is made a member of the Royal So ciety Becomes a popular writer on "American Questions" His Letters Junius Americanus, and Monitor s Letters Is made a Member of the "Society of the Bill of Rights" Writes their Address to the People of England His Address to the English People, signed " An old Member of Parliament" His controversy with Junius, on the right of Parliament to tax America Letter., to his brother on public Affairs. ARTHUR LEE was the youngest son of Thomas Lee and Hannah his wife, who were of the county of West moreland, and colony of Virginia. He was born on the 20th of December, in the year of our Lord 1740. His ancestors were English ; and the first of them, who came to Virginia, were among the earliest emi grants to that colony. Arthur was brother of Richard Henry Lee, of whose character and services his country is informed. Arthur was the youngest son of the family ; and, according to the customs of that day, in regard to 13 LIFE OF the younger sons, was left, until an advanced period of boyhood, with the children of his father s slaves ; to par take of their fare, and to participate in their hardy sports and toils. Hence his body was early inured to hardship, and his mind accustomed to unrestrained exercise and bold adventure. His father dying, when he was only ten years of age, Arthur was left to the care of his eldest brother. His early education was conducted by a private teacher, who, at the same time, taught his brothers, Richard Henry, Francis, and William, who, like himself, acted conspicu ous and useful parts in our revolutionary struggle. His eldest brother, who had been educated in England, and was acquainted with the literary institutions of that coun try, sent him while yet quite young to Eton College, then considered the best grammar school in England. In this school, some of the greatest statesmen and scholars of England received their fundamental education. Many of them were cotemporaries and friends of Mr. Lee. It was at this time, and probably strll is customary at the English seminaries, with the nobility and rich common ers, to employ the teachers to give their sons private les sons, on the subjects taught in the public course. Young Lee had not this advantage when he commenced his studies ; but such were the eagerness and success with which he pursued them, that one of the principal teachers proposed to him to superintend his studies. He grateful ly accepted the kind offer ; and of the advantages it af forded him, he diligently availed himself. His father hav ing always intended him for the medical profession, he was sent, as soon as he had completed his studies at Eton, to Edinburgh, and became a student of the Uni versity at that city. The chairs of this celebrated insti tution were then filled by the most learned men of their age. Among the most prominent stood Cullen, Munro, Black, &c. ; imperishable names ! Arthur Lee went through the course of general science and polite lite rature prescribed in that institution. He subsequent ly devoted himself to the several branches of the medical department. Among the many studious and ARTHUR LEE. 13 accomplished scholars, who were graduated with him, Mr. Lee was distinguished. He obtained a diploma, ap proving him, as a general scholar, and conferring on him the degree of M.D. The chair of botany (which had been lately endowed) was filled by Dr. Black, so well known to chemists. At every commencement several of the most eminent scholars became competitors for a golden medal, the prize bestowed upon the author of the best treatise on some botanical topic, Mr. Lee entered his name as one of the competitors for this prize, and ob tained it. The subject of his treatise was the botanical characters and medicinal uses of Peruvian bark. It was written in latin, according to the prescribed usage, and is a very respectable specimen of pure and correct latinity. It was so much approved that it was " decreed" to be published, under the direction and authority of the university. Mr. Lee was always fond of the science of botany. His reputation for acquirements in it, gained him the ac quaintance and correspondence of many learned men, among whom was the scientific French naturalist and ac ademician, Adanson. The author found among the MSS. of Mr. Lee a letter from Adanson to him, enclosing a leaf of some recently discovered plant, and containing the ex pression of a hope, that Mr. Lee would become the Botanist of America. The literary honour of a diploma conferred by the University of Edinburgh, at all times a great one, was particularly valuable and honourable at this period. On this diploma are the names above mentioned, together with those of Gregory, Young, Hope, Hunter, the two Robertsons, Ferguson, Blair, Stewart, &c.* The course of learning taught in this university was extensive, and w r as required to be thoroughly studied. The candidates for graduation and honours were strictly examined by the most eminent professors of their day. While Mr. Lee resided in Edinburgh he became inti mately acquainted with Lord Cardross, afterwards Earl * It is deposited with the rest of Mr. Lee s MSS. in Cambridge University, Mass, The names are autographic. 14 LIFE OF Buchan. The well informed American will recognize this name. He will recognize it as the name of one of the earliest, warmest, and steadiest friends of the colo nies, in their disputes with the mother country. This great man, so distinguished for his philanthropy, for his love of freedom and attachment to its assertors, it is well known, entertained the most generous wishes for the suc cess of our republican systems of government, after the re cognition of our independence by his nation. His letters, w r hich the reader will find amongst the foreign corre spondence of Mr. Lee, will certainly interest him. He will find that it had been the intention of the Earl of Buchan, to emigrate before the revolution, to Virginia, and reside permanently in that colony. Mr. Lee enjoy ed the friendship and correspondence of this estimable man, until the period of the death of the earl. Previously to Mr. Lee s return to his native country, he travelled through Holland and Germany. A short sketch of his journey through Holland remains, and contains a very pleasing account of the appearance of that country, of the manners and customs of its inhab itants ; of the principal cities, and of the many monu ments which adorn their public squares, erected by a wise people, to the memory of their great and useful men. Soon after Mr. Lee returned to Virginia, he com menced the practice of physic, in the city of Williams- burg, at that time the metropolis of the colony. In this profession, ho soon acquired reputation and practice. But, although he had found the study of medicine agree able, the practice of it did not suit the peculiar bias of his mind, which inclined towards political subjects. The contest, which was soon to convulse an empire, was, even now, descried by many who were jealous of English lib erty and rights. Mr. Lee s brothers, particularly his bro ther Richard Henry, were taking a part in the politics of the day, which had brought them into public notice, and evinced their decided purpose, to assert, through all dan gers, the rights of their country. His ardent mind caught their enthusiasm. Ho determined to return to England ; to fix himself in London, the centre of political inforru- ARTHUR LEE. 15 ation, and there to aid, by his utmost exertions, the cause of American liberty. For this end, he purposed to commence in that city the study of the law, a profes sion, which, while it might enable him to support him self, would make him acquainted with international law, and the peculiar structure of the British constitution, as well as of the municipal laws of England, and thus fit him to take an intelligent and useful part in the great political questions about to be so warmly discussed in that country and in the colonies. That this course of his life and studies, enabled him to become a powerful advocate of the rights of his native country, and a wise negotiator in the management of its concerns with for eign nations in its hour of trial and need, the subse quent part of this Memoir will afford honourable and in teresting evidence. In pursuance of the determination which Mr. Lee had formed of going to London, he left Virginia about the year 1766, and settled in that city. He immediately commenced the study of the law, as a student of one of the inns of court. Although he applied his mind to this study, with his usual application and vigour, he did not neglect his literary and political pursuits. While he was a student in the temple, he became an intimate friend and associate of Mr. William Jones, (afterwards the just ly celebrated Sir William), who was, at this time too, a student of law. They were fond of literature, and agreeably diversified their professional studies, with the varied reliefs afforded by literary lucubrations, and sci entific investigation. Mr. Lee always considered his acquaintance with Sir William Jones, one of the hap piest incidents of his life ; and his correspondence, as a source of his greatest gratification. Their intimacy con tinued throughout their lives, as the reader will see from the correspondence of Mr. Lee with his foreign friends, in the appendix of this work. From one of Sir William s letters,* the reader will learn, that he had intended, on his return from India, to travel through the United States, whose rights he early acknowledged, whose struggle he * See Appendix. 16 LIFE OF had beheld with anxious interest, and whose free insti tutions of government, he greatly admired. His prin ciples, and his good will to the people of the United States, are every where evinced in the letters of this truly great and good man.* Mr. Lee continued the study of the law from the year 1766, to the year 1770. He had, during this period, become extensively acquainted with the most eminent legal characters of London, among whom were Dunning, Glynn, and Alleyne. He was warmly and profitably patronized by Dunning and Glynn ; and obtained and enjoyed a lucrative practice, from the year 1770, until The author could not deny himself the pleasure (in which he is sure of the cheerful participation of every reader) of inserting here the following, no less true, than beautiful tribute, to the character and genius of Sir William Jones, contained in a very fine prize poem of Mr. Charles Grant. This poem gained the prize given by Dr. Buchanan, to the best poem on the subject " of the restoration of learning in the east." " Accomplished Jones \ whose hand to every art, Could unknown charms and nameless grace impart. His was the soul by fear, nor interest swayed, The purest passions, and the wisest head The heart so tender ; and the wit so true, Yet this no malice, that no weakness knew, His song to virtue, as the muses dear, Though glowing, chaste ; and lively, though severe. What gorgeous trophies crown his youthful bloom, The spoils august of Athens and of Rome. And lo ! untouched by British brows before, Yet nobler triumphs wait on Asia s shore. There, at his magic voice, what wonders rise, The astonished east unfolds her mysteries His are the triumphs of her ancient lyres, Her tragic sorrows, and her epic fires ; Her earliest arts, and learning s sacred store, And strains sublime of philosophic lore ; Bright in her view their gathered pomp appears, The treasured wisdom of a thousand years. Ah! could my verse, in characters of day, The living colours of thy mind pourtray, And on the sceptic, midst his impious dreams, Flash all the brightness of their mingled beams, ,Then should he know, how talents various, bright, With pure devotion s holy thoughts unite, And blush (if yet a blush survive) to see What genius, honour, virtue, ought to be ! Philosopher, yet to no system tied, Patriot, yet friend to all the world beside, Ardent of temper, yet of judgment bold, Firm, though not stormy, and though correct, not cold ; Profound to reason, and to charm us, gay, Learned, without pride ; yet not too wise to pray." ARTHUR LEE. he left England in 1776, to reside in Paris, as secret agent of the old Congress. He had become during the same period, a conspicuous political writer. His fame as a writer was diffused through England, by a series of letters under the signature of Junius Arnericanus ; and fame and popularity had been attracted to his name by a series signed " Monitor s Letters ;" of both series, more will be said hereafter. His letters under the first signature, were published in England, and were chiefly intended for English readers. They procured the ac quaintance and friendship of Burke, Dr. Price, Horn, Mrs. M Cauley, Col. Barre, &c. &c. While Mr. Lee was still a student of law, he was ad mitted into several literary clubs, and acquired in their associations, the respect and intimacy of many of the literati of London. He was at length elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. When he left England, to de vote himself to the interests of his native country, he wrote a letter of resignation of his membership, to Sir Joseph Banks, then the president of the society, and assigns this reason, as the one inducing him to resign, that he did not think it consistent with his duty to his country, then at war with England, to continue his con nexion with any institution of that nation, especially where the duties due to it, would require him to make pecuniary, as well as literary contributions to it. Sir Joseph s letter in reply to him, controverts the force of his reasons, by alleging the difference between literary and scientific societies, and political associations ; that the objects and interests of the former were universal ; belonging to the republic of letters, and to the commu nity of man and mind, while the latter related to a par ticular people and to conflicting subjects. Mr. Lee s scruples may have been more fastidious than substantial ; but still, they were really felt, from that intense devo tion to his country, which he habituated his mind to cherish, while that country was contending with Eng land for political freedom. The author has given above, the ideas which Sir Joseph intended to express. He has VOL. i. 3 18 LIFE OF not inserted his letter, because those ideas are conveyed in a dull and uninteresting style. The author has in his possession, some sketches of Mr. Lee s legal arguments, which evince his acuteness and extensive learning, as a lawyer. He was employed with Glynn and Dunning in the case of the watermen of Lon don, which excited great interest at the time, for the argument not only agitated the question of the existence of the privilege claimed by that class of people in Lon don, exempting them, as inhabitants of that city, from the royal prerogative of impressing seamen, but it in volved the constitutionality of the prerogative itself. The reader will, in another part of this Memoir, meet with a letter of Mr. Lee to Sir William Jones, who, afterwards, was retained in the same cause, in which Mr. Lee gives Sir William an outline of his argument. Mr. Jones thanks him for the aid it had afforded him, in the investigation of the subject. The author has the only accurate and full report ever made, of the famous case of Perrin & Blake, of the arguments, and of the opinions of the judges, in the King s Bench. This report was taken by Serjeant Glynn, and presented to Mr. Lee, by that great lawyer. Mr. Lee was also retained, to ap pear at the bar of the House of Commons, by the Di rectors of the East India Company, on an occasion of great interest to that body. The reader well remembers the questions of constitu tional controversy, which arose between the colonies and the mother country, during the period from 1764 to the year 1769, on the subject of taxation. The declaratory act and the stamp acts were the statutes asserting, and intended to enforce, the arbitrary principle so obnoxious to the people of the colonies, " that the legislature of Great Britain had a right to tax the people of the colo nies, without their consent, given by representatives, chosen by themselves." Mr. Lee became a warm dis putant in these controversies ; and wrote ably and suc cessfully against this principle. Of his writings on these subjects, then so intensely interesting to his countrymen, and so vitally important to their freedom and prosperity, ARTHUR LEE. 19 his " Monitor s Letters, addressed to the people of the colonies ; his letters signed " Jtmius Americanus," and " an Appeal to the English nation," were greatly admir ed, and extensively circulated and read, in Great Britain, and in the colonies. The cheap pamphlets, in which these pieces were collected and circulated, went through several editions. They were printed by several associa tions and public corporations in England. His Monitor s Letters have Ion"; been allowed to have had an effect O upon the public mind, equal to that produced by the " Farmer s Letters," and Paine s " Common Sense." Such was the celebrity of his " Appeal to the English nation," that it was for a long time, attributed in Eng land, to Lord Chatham. It is feigned to be written by an "Old Member of Parliament." These writings of Mr. Lee contain sound constitutional principles, applied by vigorous arguments, illustrated by learned and accu rate researches into the history and laws of England and the colonies, and conveyed in a style cogent and classical. The Monitor s Letters were written for the especial pe rusal of the people of America; and were intended to warn them of the real designs of the ministry, and the ruinous consequences of them, to the interests and rights of the colonies. The letters signed " Jiuiius America- nus" were intended for the English public. Hence the reader will remark, they contain more of what may be termed English politics, than it would seem necessary to be mingled with the questions immediately bearing on the colonial controversy. Mr. Lee thus explains this seemingly inappropriate association of topics, in a letter to his brother R. H. Lee. " It is a chance, whether you ever meet with a series of letters signed Junius Ameri can us in w T hich the enemies of America are chie/Iy at tacked ; though to make what was written in defence of the colonies acceptable, it was necessary, now and then, to aim a stroke at characters obnoxious here. It is desir able, to make a signature popular ; when that is done, I shall be able to write under it with success, which, otherwise, it is extremely difficult to accomplish." The reader may form some idea of the style and spirit of 20 LIFE OF these letters, from one towards the conclusion of the se ries, addressed to Lord Chatham. It is here inserted. LETTER TO LORD CHATHAM. " My lord, Permit an individual unknown, and un distinguished, to thank you, in the sincerity of his warm est gratitude, for your generous, though ineffectual at tempt, to stay the uplifted hand of civil desolation. Your great name will not be delivered down to posterity with more applause, for having directed, with so much spirit and wisdom, the vengeance of this nation against its real foes ; than for having endeavoured, with equal hu manity and prudence, to divert it from its truest friends. My lord, I can truly say, that in the heart of every American, the wish for the prosperity of England, is se cond only to that for the liberties of his own country. No proposition could be made to Americans, in which they would not most zealously contribute their treasure and blood to maintain the honour and advance the prospe rity of England, if it did not involve a resignation of their dearest rights. Whatever may be their sense of the distresses of this country ; whatever may be their wish to minister relief; when that cannot be done, with out submitting their hands to chains, and their necks to the yoke, they must be forgiven for the refusal. When a series of injuries have rendered the alterna tive, slavery and submission, bonds or resistance, I speak it with exultation, I speak it with assurance, there are not a thousand men, of the three millions spread abroad in America, who will hesitate one moment in the choice. Trust me, my lord, they will never be slaves. They will not dishonour their venerated English ancestry. To be enslaved, would stamp degeneracy and bastard- ism on their brows. Let the demon of distraction go forth when he may, he will find them devota morti pcctora liberce. Their struggles and their sufferings will, they hope at least, entitle them to the respect of their parent state. Their zeal and cause combined, will disarm the soldier of his fellest purpose. A sense of in- ARTHUR LEE. 21 justice will hang like a millstone about his neck, and unnerve his arm. It has been my lord, for many years, my humble but honest task to warn, through the channel of the public papers, his majesty s ministers of the fatal consequences of their arbitrary measures. It is some time since I de spaired of doing good. I have found them, not so much misled by ignorance, as inveterate in malice ; not adopt ing desultory measures, but pursuing a premeditated, deep and dangerous plan against the liberties of the peo ple. I was prompted to exert my poor endeavours, by the same equal regard for both countries, whose ruin is involved in this perilous issue ; by the same ardent zeal arid love of humanity and freedom, which moved your lordship, like a guardian angel, to intervene and endea vour to stop the most fatal conflict, that this eventful country ever felt. My lord, I have but one more word. When the acts of this country respecting America are just, they will never be questioned ; when they are unjust, they will never be obeyed. JUNIUS AMERICAN us." The author has collected many of the letters of Mr. Lee to his brothers, written from England, on the high ly important subjects which so anxiously engaged the attention of the leading men in all the colonies, during the years 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, fee. Of these letters, the author has elsewhere observed, that Mr. Lee s residence in London, and his intimate acquaint ance and intercourse with the " whig party," or opposi tion party in England, enabled him to render them very interesting to politicians (even of the present day), and will always make them so to historians of our country. It has also been observed, that from no history or col lection of contemporaneous papers, can be obtained a more minute and accurate detail of the circumstances and measures of that day ; a more thorough acquaintance with the conspicuous characters of England in the times in which they were written ; or a more sure information, with respect to the schemes and policy of the different LIFE OF parties which espoused or opposed the interests of the colonies, than from these letters of Arthur Lee. They gave his brother the earliest intelligence of every circum stance, which could conduce to the intelligent action of that spirit of resistance, that his brothers and their pat riotic coadjutors were endeavouring to rouse, against the arbitrary acts of the mother country. In this way Mr. Lee conferred on his own country essential services.* In the year 1769, a society of gentlemen of the oppo sition party in London, called " the Supporters of the Bill of Rights," of which Mr. Lee was a member, adopt ed a preamble and resolutions, in which most of the po litical subjects of controversy between the ministry and opposition were discussed. These resolutions, together with the preamble, were published by order of the so ciety. The last resolution related to American affairs, and required from any candidate whom the members of the society would support for election to parliament, a pledge to seek the restoration to America of the essen tial right of taxation, by their own representatives, and a repeal of all acts passed in violation of this right, since the year 17(53." The preamble and resolutions were written by Mr. Lee. The famous John Wilkes was also a member of the society, and was now at the zenith of his popularity. The author of the celebrated letters of Junius was friendly to the principles and design of this society. It was formed of the party he had espoused. Junius, about the time of the appearance of these reso lutions, and this preamble, had commenced a private correspondence with Wilkes, for the purpose of aiding the supporters of the Bill of Rights, in their attacks upon the ministry. The society eagerly accepted the proffered aid of Junius. Junius was not entirely pleased with the preamble and resolutions ; and soon after their appearance, addressed a long letter to Wilkes, to be laid before the society, in which he fully stated his objec tions to them and his reasons for his objections. This letter of Junius, and the preamble and resolutions, may * The letters here spoken of, will be found in the Appendix to this work, No. I. ARTHUR LEE. 23 be found in the edition of Woodfall s Collection of the Letters of Junius, printed in Philadelphia, by Bradford & Innskeep, 1813, p. 172, of vol. i. In this letter, we have the opinion of Junius on the subject of American taxation. At page 183, of the edition just spoken of, he notices the resolutions relating to Ireland and America, thus : " You are very civil to Ireland and America ; and if you mean any thing but ostentation, it may possibly answer your purpose. Your care of Ireland is much to be commended. But I think, in good policy, you may as well complete a reformation at home, before you at tempt to carry your improvements to such a distance. Clearing the fountain is the best and shortest way to purify the stream. As to taxing the Americans by their own representatives, I confess I do not perfectly under stand you. If you propose that, in the article of taxa tion, they should be left to the authority of their respec tive assemblies, I must own, I think you had no business to revive a question which should, and probably would lay dormant forever.* If you mean, that the Americans should be authorized to send their representatives to the British parliament, I shall be contented to refer you to what Burke said on that subject, and will not venture to add any thing of mine own, for fear of discovering an of fensive disregard of your opinion. Since the repeal of the stamp act, I know of no acts tending to tax the Ame ricans, except that which creates the tea duty, and even that can hardly be called internal ; yet it ought to be re pealed, as an impolitic act, not as an oppressive one.f It * It is obvious, that Junius had not paid much attention to American questions. To be left to the authority of their own assemblies to grant money to the mother, was what the Americans had, all along, claimed as a right. t Here Junius betrays his inattention to the principles asserted in the taxing acts. The reservation of the small duty on tea, was expressly made to aisert the right of the parliament of Great Britain to tax America, without her consent, in any mode and to any extent. It was to the assertion and assumption of this right, and not to the amount of the duty, that the colonies objected. What security had they, that if the principle was allowed to be true, it would not be hereafter enforced more rigorously ? The excise laws were then in operation. When Junius says, " the tea duty could hardly be called internal," he was, in fact, vindicating the "propriety of the duty and its principle. Junius suffered no actual oppression, yet how vehe mently he maintained that the violation of the principles of the constitution even by the assertion of a false one, was oppression. This was the proposition which the Americana maintained. 24 LIFE OF preserves the contention between the colonies and the mother country, when every thing worth contending for is, in reality, given up. When this act is repealed, I presume you will turn your thoughts to the postage act, a tax imposed by the authority of parliament, and levied in the very heart of the colonies. I am not sufficiently informed on the subject of that excise, which you say is substituted in North America for the laws of cus toms, as to deliver such an opinion on it as I would abide by. Yet I can easily comprehend that, admitting the necessity of raising a revenue for the support of gov ernment there, any other revenue laws but those of ex cise, would be nugatory in such a country as America. I say this with great diffidence, as to the point in ques tion, and with a positive protest against any conclusion from America to Great Britain." In one of Wilkes s letters to Junius, he tells him, " that the American Dr. Lee, the author of the letters signed "Junius Ameri- canus," is the author of the preamble and resolutions, upon which Junius was commenting. The authority of Junius, adverse as his opinions certainly were to Ameri can rights, might have been injurious to the cause of the colonies, by abating the zeal of the opposition in its fa vour. This consequence was at once discerned by Mr. Lee, who, unawed by the name and ability of Junius, and true to the cause nearest his heart, determined to controvert, by a direct reply to his letter to Wilkjgs, his opinions respecting American taxation. In a subsequent letter of Wilkes to Junius (page 189 of the edition already quoted), Wilkes tells him that he had laid his letter before the society, and " that Dr. Lee had told him he thought the letter capable of a full answer, which he meant to lay before the society on a future day, which he would first communicate to him." Mr. Lee made good his intention, and wrote an an swer and transmitted it to Junius. No one had before answered this able writer with success. The boldness of Mr. Lee was amply sustained by his talents, which drew from Junius himself the following compliment, and an invitation to aid him, "where he thought him right. ARTHUR LEE. 25 as he had opposed him, where he thought him wrong." At page 209 of Woodfall, Junius thus writes to Wilkes. " My American namesake is plainly a man of abilities, though a little unreasonable, when he demands more than an absolute surrender of the fact. I agree with him, that it is a hardship on the Americans to be taxed by the British legislature ; but it is a hardship inseparable in theory, from the condition of colonists in which they have voluntarily placed themselves. If emigration be no crime to deserve punishment, it is certainly no virtue to claim exemption ; and however it may have proved es sentially beneficial, the mother country was but little obliged to the motives of the first emigrants. Au reste, I see no use in fighting this question in the news papers ; nor have I time. You may assure Dr. Lee, that to my heart and understanding, the names of American and Englishman are synonymous ; and that as to any future taxation upon America, 1 look upon it as near to impos sible, as the highest probability can go 1 hope, that since he has opposed me, where he thinks me wrong, he will be equally ready to assist me, where he thinks me right." In the following letter of Mr. Lee to one of his bro thers, he mentions, with other incidents of the day, the formation of the society of " the Bill of Rights." The reason, why the " North Britons" (as he terms the Scotch) were so opposed to this society was, that it was formed of those who were friendly to Wilkes and his cause. The dislike, entertained by Junius and Wilkes, of the Scotch, and their abuse of them, will be recol lected by the reader. There was a strong prejudice at this time prevailing in England against the Scotch, aris ing from the fact that most of the influential members of the ministry and their party, were Scotchmen. George the III. had been educated under the care and guardian ship of the Earl of Bute, who was of Scotch descent, and was strongly attached to Scotch politicians. He had imparted this partiality to the king, who in the early part of his reign, bestowed most of the highest and more lucrative places on them. This partiality, however just VOL. i. 4 26 LIFE OF in itself, was indiscreetly indulged. The English part of the empire became jealous of this bias in the mind of the king ; and jealousy at length rose to discontent and complaint. It was not strange that the opposition should have made the most of this temper of the people of England, and that the " North Britons" should have adhered closely to the ministerial party. The society of the Bill of Rights, being an efficient organ of opposi tion, could not fail of being an object of denunciation by them. In this letter Mr. Lee mentions a curious anec dote, that a speech had been made in England, for Lord Botetourt, to be delivered by him on his arrival in the colony of Virginia, to the House of Burgesses ; that this speech had been debated in the King s Privy Council, where Lord Shelburne (always the friend of the col onies) had succeeded in expunging a part of it, requiring from the house of burgesses of that colony, an express acknowledgment of the principle of the declaratory act, which that body had resolutely declared to be unconsti tutional. "My Dear Brother, I hardly thought the distance of the ocean between us was so immense, that not a line from you, or any one else in Virginia, could have reached me. Yet so I hitherto unhappily experienced. May I give you joy, as I do our brother William, who has changed his voyage to India, in the Princess of Wales, into one to the land of matrimony, in the Miss Ludwell. As a warm climate suits not with him, I hope he will find a temperate one in the place of his destination. The esquire writes me, of your not being any longer a member of the assembly. How immoderately lazy you are ! I have sent all the political pamphlets worth reading to Richard Henry, which I suppose you will read. We are here in very great confusion, parties run so high. Mr. Wilkes is expelled a third time, and will be re-chosen. The two Irish chairmen condemned to death for a mur der at the Brentford election, have been pardoned, on a groundless and venal opinion of ten surgeons, five of ARTHUR LEE. 27 whom were placemen, that the blow did not appear to them to be the cause of the death. So not one person has suffered for that unparalleled outrage. Several addresses have been obtained, condemning the opposition and flattering the ministry. But they are the fruit of force and fraud, and serve rather to manifest a contrary sense in the people, to that which they convey to the throne. The address of the merchants of London was presented yesterday. The mob rose against it, and shut the city gates, and put the whole cavalcade to flight. The shattered remains escaped to St. James , accompa nied by a hearse, representing the murder of Allen. The bells were muffled, and were tolled as the addressers passed along Fleet-street, which leads to the city gate. Neither the form, nor the propriety of this address, were ever submitted to the merchants ; but these were deter mined by Mr. Boehem, Mr. Dingley, and Mr. Muilman ; the former a man of reputation and credit as a merchant, the two others of bad characters ; the first and last Dutch men. The merchants had it only in their option to sign it or not to sign it ; the placemen, tools, and Scotsmen, chose the former ; and their act passes for that of all the merchants. There never was a more infamous transac tion. Mr. Molleson, Mr. Guest, and Mr. Buchanan, were among; the signers. O O The affairs of America received their final discussion last week, in the rejection of the New-York petition. The ministry carry every thing, with an absolute majori ty. A set of men could hardly be chosen, more despised, here, and in America ; but they coincide with the views of court ; and while such principles remain there, tis of little moment who are in the administration. We have little hope from any change, and seem so little faithful to our own cause, that it is confidently asserted, that more goods than ever have been shipped to America this year. If it be thus, we infamously lay down the only weapons we have ; slavery is our due, and it will infallibly be our portion. The worthy Lord Barrington moved the other day for empowering the officers in America to quarter the sol- 28 LIFE OF diers in private houses. But the ministry being divided upon it, a negative was the fate of his motion. A number of gentlemen have formed an association under the title of Supporters of the Bill of Rights, which gives no small offence to administration, and to the North Britons, because they patronize subscriptions for Mr. Wilkes, and are determined to pay his debts, and make him independent. The chief of them are St. John, St. Aubin, Sir John Molesworth, Sir Joseph Mawbey, Mr. Sawbridge, Mr. Turner, Mr. Townsend, Mr. Maclean, Mr. Glyn, members of parliament ; Sir Cecil Wray, also a member ; Lord Viscount Montmerries, Sir Francis Del- aval, Sir John Barnard, all of them independent, and ex cept Maclean and Townsend, of very considerable fami ly and fortune. Mr. Sawbridge is a brother of the cele brated Mrs. Macauley. The addresses are principally levelled at this association. I have been at one of their meetings, but my purse is not equal to my inclination to support the Bill of Rights. Your governor s speech was drawn up here, and de bated in council. Before he went out, Lord Shelburne obtained the expunging of an express requisition from your assembly, of an acknowledgment of the Declaratory Bill. If therefore any such is made, it is on the sole authority of Lord Hillsborough. My love to all with you, particularly to Mrs. Lee, if yet so constituted. Adieu, &c. ARTHUR LEE. London, March 23d, 1769. ARTHUR LEE. 29 CHAPTER II. Political contentions between the Ministerial and Opposition parties in England The Lord Mayor of London, Crosby, and Alderman Oliver are committed to the Tower, by order of the Commons The Society of the Bill of Rights vote their thanks to Crosby and Oliver, and an Address to them Lee is appointed to draught the Address and prepares it It is accepted and published The Address Its style, &c. It is admired He is appointed Colonial Agent^of Massachusetts, in case of the death or absence of Dr. Franklin Is retained by the Assembly of that Province to support their Petition to the King, to remove the Governor and Lieut. Governor Dr. Franklin s trial before the King and Council, respecting the pub. lication of certain letters On the return of Doctor Franklin, he becomes the Agent for the Province Remains of a history of the Revolution, by Mr. Lee His services to the Province of Massachusetts, and the generous conduct of its Assembly He becomes a friend and correspondent of Samuel Adams The cha racter of their correspondence Letter of Dr. Rush Letter on American affairs of Lee, to his brother in Virginia Anecdote of Lfce and Wedderburne The Pe tition to the King and the Addresses of the first Congress are sent to Lee, to be presented and published Letter of Burke on this subject Anecdotes and letters of Lee respecting the reception of these Papers, by the King and People of Eng land Letter of the second Congress to Lee and Penn, with another Address -, The case of Mr. Lovell His letter to Mr. Lee Their subsequent friendship and correspondence. DURING the years 1770 and 71, the political conten tions between the ministry and the opposition were very violent. This was particularly the case in the city of London. A messenger of the house of commons arrest ed a printer, a citizen of London, by order of the com mons, commanding him to appear at their bar, for having printed some debates of the house which they declared to be a violation of the privileges of parliament. The opposition contended, that no constitutional privilege jus tified the warrant, under which the messenger had arrest ed the printer. This incident gave rise to warm discus sions in the papers at the time, and many debates in par liament. The messenger of the commons was taken into custody by a constable, who carried him before the lord mayor. The case was heard by the lord mayor, and al dermen Wilkes and Oliver, who discharged the printer, 30 LIFE OF and signed a commitment of the messenger, for an assault and false imprisonment. This proceeding so exasperated the commons, that they summoned the aldermen to appear at the bar of the house, to answer for their conduct. Wilkes refused to obey the summons ; but the lord mayor and alderman Oliver attended, and justified their proceed ing. They were committed to the tower for contumacy. Mr. Crosby, the lord mayor, upon hearing the order for his commitment, addressed the speaker in terms of firm and manly remonstrance against this arbitrary step, and concluded with this bold and patriotic declaration : " I will through life continue to obey the dictates of honour and conscience; to support, to the utmost of my power, every part of the constitution of this kingdom ; and the event I shall always leave to heaven ; at all times, ready to meet my fate." This measure of the commons excited a strong senti ment of indignation "throughout the nation. The society of the supporters of the Bill of Rights passed resolutions against the outrage committed upon the lord mayor and the alderman, and voted an address of thanks to these magistrates, warmly approving of their firmness in having resisted the illegal conduct of the commons. Mr. Lee was appointed to write the address, which being adopted, and much admired, was published by the livery of London. It is here inserted, and is taken from his origi nal MS. draught. "The Members of the Bill of Rights, impressed with the deepest respect and gratitude for the manly support you have given to the law of the land, and the liberties of the nation, in committing a messenger of the house of commons, for an assault on a citizen of London, have de puted us to convey to you their thanks and approbation of your conduct. When privilege is at variance with the law of the land and the rights of the people, no honest man can hesitate to determine against it. Our ancestors held as a maxim, that he who does not favour liberty, is impious and cruel.* * Mr. Lee has quoted in his MS. the maxim in Latin Libertati, qui non favet, impius et crudelis judicjuudus." Fortescue. JL.d. Coke. ARTHUR LEE. 31 Had there been only a doubt, therefore, of the constitu tional and legal tendency of the proceeding you opposed, that doubt would have justified your opposition* The process which deprives a freeman of his liberty, ought to be clear and unquestionable. But this proceeding was plainly arbitrary, and subversive of the general liberty of the subject, declared in Magna Charta and other vener able statutes, as well as of the chartered rights of the city of London, most solemnly confirmed by act of parliament* You therefore, gentlemen, when you upheld the law, acted with a spirit and integrity becoming the first magistrates of this great city, which has ever distinguished itself in patronizing liberty. We have been told, that usage will justify this exercise of privilege. But it is a maxim of the common law, the groundwork of our constitution, that " usage against rea son is an usurpation."* Now it is manifestly against reason, that the people should be subject to be deprived of their liberty, at the arbitrary and capricious will of an assembly of their own creation ; and that creation, too, for the very purpose of preserving liberty. " The princi ples of the law of England are always favourable to the personal liberty of the subject.^ If the powers of the house of commons are not exactly defined by law, still they must be limited by the principles of it, and by the reason of the case in which they are exercised. To shut up from the people, who have an essential and unalienabie right to inquire into the conduct of their representatives, all knowledge of their proceedings, is against reason, a flagrant violation of right, and stamps an alarming suspi cion on those whose actions are thus carefully covered with darkness. A house of commons, privileged against the people, to trample on the law, is a manifest and mon strous absurdity. They were vested with privilege to defend them in the due exercise of their functions, from the crown and its ministers. And we yet hope to see, * Consuetude contra rationem, potius usurpalio, quam consuetude appellari de- bet. Ld. Coke. t Anglic jura, in omni casu, libertati dant favorem. Fortescue. Who does not admire and cherish the common law > 32 LIFE OF through the awakened virtue of the people, a house of commons, who will direct the powers trusted with them by the community, not against liberty, but to a severe and exemplary inquiry by whose advice it has happened, that the present reign, considering its duration and circum stances, has been arbitrary and unconstitutional beyond the worst example of former times. It is then, that the alarms of the people will be composed, their indignation will subside, and their confidence in their representatives and in government will be restored. They never can be supposed to have chosen deputies to be tyrants ; that is, to have an arbitrary and unexaminable power over them selves. They acknowledge no absolute power over them but the law, and to that their representatives are equally subject. It is in support of this, gentlemen, that you now suffer ; and, next to vindicating the violated laws, we deem it your greatest happiness and honour to suffer nobly in their defence. The fabric of English liberty has been cemented by the blood of Englishmen ; and should it be necessary, we trust there is yet patriotism enough, to fur nish blood for its reparation. To the Right Honourable Lord Mayor, and Mr. Alderman Oliver." The bold and strenuous part that Mr. Lee, for several years, had taken in opposition to the ministerial measures, against those particularly which affected the colonies, had rendered him popular in all of them. The character he had established as a writer and an advocate, had become known in the colonies. Hence, in the year 1770, he was appointed, by the assembly of Massachusetts, agent for that colony, in case of the absence or death of Dr. Frank lin, who was then residing in London in that capacity. Dr. Franklin had been preceded in this honourable ap pointment by Dennis De Berdt, a highly respectable gen tleman of London. Dr. Franklin continued in London until the spring of 1775. From the time of the appoint ment of Mr. Lee just mentioned, until the return of Dr. Franklin to America, when he became sole agent for the Massachusetts Assembly, he aided Dr. Franklin with his ARTHUR LEE. 33 advice and opinions, on the affairs of that colony. A close and warm intimacy sprang up, and continued, be tween these patriots, while they resided together in Lon don. Their friendship was founded upon their private virtues, was nourished by similar patriotic motives, and was adorned and enlivened by scientific researches and acquirements. But their mutual political and scientific friends had to regret, at a subsequent period, their estrange ment from each other. The causes of the interruption of the friendship of two such men, are subjects not inappro priate to the designs and province of biography. They are stated therefore in another part of this memoir of Mr. Lee. The mention of this honour done him by the assembly of Massachusetts, is made by Mr. Lee, in the remains of a sketch which he left behind him, of a history of the American revolution, which the reader will find in the Appendix, No. 2. He will there find the letter of thanks, addressed by him to that assembly; a letter, which an American reader will peruse with no ordinary interest. The reader will pardon a digression, which appears not to be improper here. The author had understood from the family of Mr. Lee, that he had commenced, shortly before his death, a history of the American revolution ; of its political char acter, as well as of its military event s. He has found among his MSS. some sheets of" Memoirs of the Amer ican Revolution," which, he says, he wrote " to aid in placing the history of the American revolution in its true light." He had, it seems, commenced the execution of a design, that would have produced a work of value and interest to his own and to future times. What part of this memoir remains will amply repay him who shall read it. The knowledge of the rise and earliest pro gress of our revolutionary struggle contained in it, will be gratifying to every intelligent mind, and important to our future historians ; for every authentic, additional ray of light cast upon the events and genius of that great transaction^ will reflect glory upon our nation, and en- VOL. i. 5 34 LIFE OF lighten the path of every people, who shall strive for freedom.* In the year 1773, as the reader will remember, Dr. Franklin obtained possession of several letters, which he transmitted to the assembly of Massachusetts. These letters were found to have been written by the governor and lieutenant governor of that province. They con tained statements, calculated, in the opinion of the as sembly, to make false impressions of their proceedings, and of the feelings and grievances of the people ; and to excite a temper in England prejudicial to their cause. The discovery of these letters and the writers of them, so exasperated the assembly, that a petition to the king and council for the removal of the governor and lieuten ant governor from their offices, was voted and sent to Dr. Franklin to be presented to the king. The whole matter was made one of enquiry before the king and privy council ; but it was decided, as it might have been ex pected, that the grounds and charges of the petition were frivolous and vexatious. The assembly directed Dr. Franklin, in the event of an enquiry into the con duct of the governor and lieutenant governor, to employ Mr. Lee to support their petition. f VAfter Dr. Franklin left England, in the year 1774, Mr. Lee became the act ing agent for the assembly, and continued in this capaci ty, until he repaired to France, as a secret a^ent of the United States to the court of that country .V On the de parture of Dr. Franklin for America, he addressed the following letter to Mr. Lee.f CRAVEN STREET, MAR. 19, 1775. Dear Sir, I leave directions with Mrs. Stephenson to deliver to you all the Massachusetts papers, when you please to call for them. I am sorry that the hurry of preparing for my voyage, and the many hinderances I have met with, prevented rny meeting with you and Mr. Bollan, and conversing a little more on our affairs, before * The remnant of these " Memoirs" will be found in No. 2, of the Appendix, f See letters of the venerable Thomas Gushing, then speaker ofjhe assembly of Massachusetts, to Mr. Lee. Appendix, No. 9. $ This letter is taken from the autograph of Dr. Franklin. ARTHUR LEE. &5 my departure. I wish to both of you health and happi ness, and shall be glad to hear from you by every oppor tunity. I shall let you know how I find things in America. I may possibly return again in autumn, but you will if you think fit, continue henceforth the agent for Massa chusetts, an office which I canj^t again undertake. I wish you all happiness, and am ^rr, yours affectionately, B. FRANKLIN.* Arthur Lee, Esq. One of the most interesting incidents in the life of Mr. Lee, is connected with his appointment of agent for the colony of Massachusetts.V/He was recommended for that honourable but hazardous office, by that able, inflexible and intrepid patriot, Samuel Adams, whose sagacity had already discerned in him a spirit congenial with his own. At this time, he was personally unknown to Mr. Adams. A mutual friend of these gentlemen, who was then in London, made known to Mr. Lee the fact just mention ed, and at the same time, acquainted him with an invita tion from that great man to commence a correspond ence, which he immediately accepted. They gave each other constant information of every event which occur red in America and England, that had any connexion with American affairs^/The remains of the correspond ence of these patriotic^ citizens, that have been found * It is due to the honour of Ma<?sar.hnseff<* to state, that the legislature of that commonwealth presented to Mr. Lee a tract of land, of considerable value, as a compensation for his services in the capacity of agent of the colony of Massachu setts Bay, and as a mark of their gratitude for them. The following extract of a letter of Samuel Adams to James Warren, Esq. refers to the services of Mr. Lee at this period. Speaking of his attachment to him and his brothers, whom a fac tion had endeavoured to injure, Mr. Adams says, " Now you tell me their art is to prejudice the people against the Lees, and to propagate that I am a friend to them. How trifling is this ! Am I accountable to the people for my opinions of men ? If I have found from long and intimate acquaintance with those gentlemen, that they are and have been, from the beginning of this contest, among the most able and zealous defenders of the rights of America and mankind, shall 1 not be their friend ? I will avow my friendship to them in the face of the world. As an inhabitant of Massachusetts Bay, I should think myself ungrateful not to esteem Arthur Lee most highly, fur his voluntary services to that state, in times of her greatest need, to the injury of his private interest, and at the risk of his life. " How noble was the spirit of the inestimable patriot, Samuel Adams, and how honourable to any man was his friendship ! 36 LIFE OF among the manuscript papers of Mr. Lee, may be seen in the Appendix, Nos. 8, 9. These letters are highly im portant to the history of the American revolution, and while they are creditable to the talents of the writers, they are invaluable to every succeeding generation of their countrymen. Fortitude, wisdom, inflexible virtue, and ardent patriotism ajx evinced in every line. While such men informed, guioed, and animated the people of the colonies, it was impossible for physical power to sub due them. While the memory, the virtues and princi ples of such men shall continue to be revered and cher ished, the examples of the heroic days of our nation will secure to it the blessings of republican freedom ! The following letter of our justly admired and cele brated countryman, Dr. Rush, with whom Mr. Lee had become acquainted in London, or perhaps at Edinburgh, written about the time we have been contemplating, and breathing its spirit, will not be unacceptable to the reader. Dear Sir, I am far from being the last among my countrymen in admiring your zeal in the cause of Ame rican liberty. We grow more sanguine daily, from the success of our opposition to the measures of the court. There i? a general union among the colonies, which no artifices of a ministry will be able^o break. Dr. Frank lin is a very popular character in"every part of America. He will be received, and carried in triumph to his house, when he arrives amongst us. It is to be hoped he will not consent to hold any more offices under government. No step but this can prevent his being handed down to posterity among the first and greatest characters in the world. I am about to appear before the public, as the author of an oration delivered in the American Philosophical Society, on the natural history of medicine among the Indians in North America, and a comparative view of their diseases and remedies, with those of civilized na tions. I have connected with the subject some political reflections, which will tend to enlarge the ideas of the ARTHUR LEE. 37 future populousness and grandeur of America. It has been published in Philadelphia, and was read with par tiality even by my countrymen. I tremble for its fate on your side of the water. You must apologize for the author, by pleading his many disadvantages, from the want of leisure, books and literary company. My success in business has exceeded the expectations with which I left London. With this I am obliged to console myself for the want of many rational enjoyments, which I gave up in England. The chief object here is commerce, which, you know, when pursued closely, sinks the man into a machine. Our merchants are alive to sentiments of liberty and public virtue. They have twice rescued America from slavery ; but it is re flecting on their business only, to add, that they have little relish for the " feast of reason, and the flow of soul." My brother joins in compliments to you, with dear sir, your most humble servant, B. RUSH. Arthur Lee, Esq. Middle Temple, London. Philadelphia, May 4th, 1774. In the early part of the year 1774, American affairs wore a threatening and gloomy aspect. The hearts of many began to faint ; and of all to feel forebodings of danger and suffering, or of submission and slavery. The feelings and anticipations of Mr. Lee, who witnessed the dark ness in its thickest shade, will be seen from the following letter to one of his brothers: " Most sincerely do I congratulate my dear brother, on the possession of that retirement, in which only can true tranquillity and happiness be enjoyed. Would to Heaven I could participate in the blissful retreat ! Where peace, with ever blooming olive, crowns The gate; where honour s liberal hands effuse Unenvied treasures, and the snowy wings Of innocence and love protect the scene. May providence watch over you, and protect you from that alarm, which, according to the poet, " Through thickest shades, pursues the fond of peace." 38 LIFE OF How ought I to lament that my fortune and my tem per are perpetually combating my inclination and my judgment. No man can see in a more amiable light, or feel a stronger desire of enjoying retirement, than I. Yet, unhappily, my fate has thrown me into public life, and the impatience of my nature makes me embark in it, with an impetuosity and imprudence, which increase the evils to which it is necessarily subject. The pursuit is as end less as it is turbulent and deceitful. One bubble is no sooner burst than another rises, with something new to en gage and irritate its deluded pursuers. You will judge by this time, that I have nothing to say of my own situation and success, which can gratify the benevolent wishes you have the goodness to entertain for me. In my distresses you will also sympathize, for they are felt for our coun try. The parliament are now bringing the question to that decision, which makes me tremble for the virtue, the character, the liberties of my countrymen. They have passed an act to take away the port of Boston, till every compensation is made for the tea, and perfect obedience is acknowledged. And then it is to be restored in such portions as the king pleases. What makes this more alarming is, that no accusation is brought against the town, no evidence produced to criminate it ; and it is avowed, that this is the first step towards reducing all America to an acknowledgment of the right of parlia ment to impose taxes upon her, and to a submission to the exercise of that right. The Americans who are here have thought it of so much consequence, that they have petitioned the three branches of the legislature against passing such a bill ; but, as you may imagine, without success. The next proceeding against Boston and the province is already announced in the house of commons. The se lectmen and town-meetings are to be abolished. The governor is to be endued with the power of calling the citizens together, when and for what purpose he pleases. They are not to deliberate on any thing but what he dic tates. The council and judges are to be suspended at the governor s pleasure. The constitution of juries is to ARTHUR LEE. 39 be altered, so as to render them more manageable in find ing bills and verdicts against the friends of liberty. We are jusl informed that General Gage is going over immediately, with three regiments, as governor of Massa chusetts, and commander-in-chief ; that he is to collect an army about Boston, in order to impose these measures, and reduce the people to entire obedience. The storm, you see, runs high ; and it will require great prudence, wisdom, and resolution, to save our liberties from shipwreck. In my opinion, there ought to be a general congress of the colonies; and I think Annapolis would be the place, where it w r ould be less liable to military inter ruption, than at New- York or Philadelphia. If you have virtue enough to resolve to stop, and to execute the reso lution of stopping your exports and imports for one year, this country must do you justice. The shipping, manu factures, and revenue, depend so much on the tobacco and Carolina colonies, that they alone, by stopping their exports, would force redress. Such a measure should be attended with an address to the merchants, manufactur ers, and traders of this country, stating the necessity which compels you to a measure injurious to them; pro fessing every thing to flatter and conciliate them. Such a measure, operating at the general election, next April, would probably produce such a return of members, as would listen to truth and redress, not so much our griev ances, as their own. This is the only effectual measure I can conceive. If there is not virtue enough for it, I am afraid American liberty is no more; for you may depend upon it, that if they find the chains can be easily imposed, they will make them heavy, and rivet them fast. It is impossible for me to describe how much I am grieved at these proceedings, and with what anxiety I look forward to the event. You know I have doubted the vir tue of my countrymen. God grant, that I may be mis taken ; that by a wise, temperate, and firm conduct, they may escape the blow intended, and preserve their free dom. The friends of liberty here, look to your con duct with great anxiety. They consider it as decisive, 40 LIFE OF either to establish or overturn the present plan of despot ism. There is a spirit of violence, injustice, and persecution in administration, against every active friend of America, which makes that character perilous. I cannot see that any service can be done here until the event of these measures is seen, and the popular prejudices begin to abate. I am therefore determined to withdraw myself, by taking the advantage of a favourable opportunity of visiting Rome, for some months; from whence however, I shall return sooner, if any great event should hold out a probability of my being useful. Mrs. Lee well knows the power of praise ; and how ambitious I should be of meriting it from her. But, alas, I have not the powers of pleasing. Horrors only dwell on my imagination. Public corruption at present, and public calamity for the future, are the dismal objects which incessantly fill my mind. The busy haunts of men furnish more to lament than to rejoice in ; to censure, than to praise. They are filled with scenes of false hap piness and real misery, variety of vice and wretchedness. It is rural retirement only, rural innocence, rural tranquillity, which excite an uninterrupted flow of ideas, amiable and delightful. In these pleasing scenes, the perturbed spi rits settle into a calm, productive of more real happiness, than all that the splendour of fortune, all that the pomp of power can bestow. It is there the golden age revives, and all things inspire the spirit of love and delight. My best love awaits her. Remember me at Mt. Airy, Stradford, Chantilly, and wherever else you think the mention of my name will not be disagreeable. Adieu, &c. ARTHUR LEE. Francis L. Lee. April 2d, 1774. The following anecdote, which grew out of the circum stances of these times, will not be considered a digressive one, as it illustrates the character of one of those really ARTHUR LEE. 41 great men, whom the God of providence raised up to consummate through their subordinate agency, one of the grandest events in His moral government of the world. During a debate in the house of commons on American affairs, Mr. Lee, who always attended in the lobby of the house when any American question was debated, heard Mr. Wedderburne (afterwards Lord Loughborough) make a violent attack on the character of the colonial assem blies, and assert, that they had stopped all legal proceed ings for the recovery by British merchants, of debts due to them from the inhabitants of the colonies, upon the pretence of the oppression of the stamp act, and had af terwards refused to restore the legal means of the recov ery of such debts, although that act had been repealed.* Mr. Lee heard this assertion with indignation. As soon as parliament adjourned, he addressed a note to Wedder burne, in which he denounced in strong terms, his charge against the American assemblies, and called on him as a man of honour, to retract it in as public a manner as he had made it; and threatened, if he did not do so, to de clare him through the public papers, " a propagator of mischievous calumnies against America." One of the admired and celebrated addresses of the continental con gress in the year 1774, was an address to the king on the subject of colonial grievances. On the 2iith October 1774, it was resolved, " that the address to the king be enclosed in a letter to the several colony agents, in or der that the same may be by them presented to his majesty ; and the agents be requested to call in the aid of such noblemen and gentlemen, as are esteemed firm friends to American liberty, &c." Mr. Richard Henry Lee wrote the letter to the agents, f Mr. Arthur Lee was at this time, as it has been already mentioned, the agent for Massachusetts. The extensive acquaintance and in tercourse of Mr. Lee with the leaders of the opposition party, enabled him to execute the request contained in the latter part of the above resolution to great advantage. The Americans did not complain of any actual oppression from, this act, but of the dangerous and unconstitutional principle which it asserted, life act indeed had been repealed, but its spirit was expressly retained and enforced in the tea duty. t See Journals, p. 56. VOL. I. 6 42 LIFE OF He presented copies of the several addresses of the con gress, viz., to the king, to the people of British America, and to the people of Great Britain, to Lord Chatham, to Mr. Burke, and to many other distinguished friends of America. These addresses produced a great effect on the mind of the British people, and drew from Lord Chatham a well known expression of admiration.* As soon as these papers reached Mr. Lee, he took the necessary steps to present the petition to the king, and to procure the most extensive circulation of the address to the people of Great Britain. Being particularly anx ious to avail himself of the active and open agency of Mr. Burke, whose weight of character and influence with the people were at this time great. Mr. Lee addressed a letter to him, desiring that he might accompany him when he should wait with the petition to the king, on Lord Dartmouth, who had succeeded Lord Hillsborough as secretary for the colonies. The reply of Mr. Burke is taken from his autographic letter, now in possession of the author. Although he declined to comply with the request of Mr. Lee, for the reason his letter discloses, it still evinces his real friendship for the colonies, and the candour and genuine patriotism of that great man. "Sir, I am honoured with your letter of the 21st inst. informing me of the time on which you purpose to wait on Lord Dartmouth, with the petition of the American congress. o I should be happy to attend you on that occasion, as you desire, if I were in the slightest degree authorized to do so by the colony which I represent. I have been chosen agent by the general assembly of New-York. That assembly has actually refused to send deputies to the congress ; so that, if I were to present a petition in the character of their agent. I should act not only with out, but contrary to the authority of my constituents. Whilst I act for them, it is not possible for me, in my transactions with the boards or ministers, to divest my self occasionally of that character. * See Appendix, No. I. A. Lee s letter to his brother, dated Dec. 22d, 1774. ARTHUR LEE. 43 This, and this only, is my reason for not obeying your commands. I do approve exceedingly of all dutiful ap plications of the congress to his majesty. I am con vinced, that nothing is further from the desires of the gentlemen who compose it, than to separate themselves from their allegiance to their sovereign, or their subordi nate connexion with their mother country. I believe they sincerely wish for an end of these unhappy trou bles, in which, while all are distressed, they must be the first and greatest sufferers. It were greatly to be desir ed, that ministers could meet their pacific dispositions with a temper corresponding to them. On these princi ples I heartily wish you success, in your laudable en deavours for the restoration of peace, and the reconcili ation of our fellow subjects to their sovereign. I have the honour to be your most obedient and humble servant, EDMUND BURKE. Beconsfield, Aug. 22d, 1775." Mr. Richard Penn (a descendant of William Penn, and the agent for the colony of Pennsylvania) and Mr. Lee addressed a note to Lord Dartmouth, informing him of the commands they had received from congress to present their petition to the king, and respectfully re questing an interview with his lordship for the purpose of presenting it through him (according to the routine of established ceremonies of state) to his majesty. To their note Lord Dartmouth returned the following polite reply. " Lord Dartmouth presents his compliments to Mr. Richard Penn and Mr. Lee ; he has just received by the post their note of the 21st inst., which would have been sent to him by express, if it had been known at his of fice that they had any commands for him, Lord Dart mouth having left orders there that he should be sent for whenever his presence should be required in town. He will return to London in a day or two, and will not fail to inform Mr. Penn and Mr. Lee of his arrival." "Sandwell, 24th August 1775." 44 LIFE OF At their interview with Lord Dartmouth, these gen tlemen delivered the petition to him, which was signed by the president of congress, who promised them that he would immediately lay it before the king, and make known his answer to them. While the petition was yet before his majesty, a debate took place in the house of lords on American affairs. In this debate Lord Dart mouth alluded to a publication that Mr. Penn and Mr. Lee had caused to be made, in which they stated what had occurred in the course of their interviews with that minis ter respecting the delivery of the petition. Mr. Lee, who thought he discerned in the remarks of Lord Dartmouth a covert censure on them, and an implied denial of the truth of the statement made in their publication, deter mined if Mr. Penn understood Lord D. s remarks as he did, to reply to them through the press. Mr. Penn however, not perceiving the same tendency in them thai had struck the mind of Mr. Lee, Mr. Lee desisted from his purpose. Mr. Penn s note to Mr, Lee relates to in teresting transactions, and is here inserted. "Mr. Penn presents his compliments to Mr. Lee; what fell from Lord Dartmouth in the debate on Friday did not strike Mr. P. in the same light it seems to have appeared to Mr. Lee, from the contents of his note, nor did he imagine that his lordship intended to throw out any, the least insinuation against the conduct of either of them. It is not extraordinary to Mr. P. that any man in a bad cause when hard run, should endeavour to catch at any twig in his way ; at the same time, Mr. P. is tho roughly satisfied in his own conscience, that what they have already laid before the public respecting the deliv ery of the petition, was the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. New Bond Street, Nov r. 12th, 1775." After some time had elapsed, without any answer hav ing been returned to the petition to the king, Mr. Penn and Mr. Lee waited again on Lord Dartmouth, and ex pressed their earnest desire to receive some answer, ARTHUR LEE. 45 which they might return to congress. To their surprise and concern his lordship informed them that " no answer would be given." The following is Mr. Lee s account of this interview. " Upon receiving this answer from Lord Dartmouth, that no answer would be given to the petition, I expressed to him my sorrow that his ma jesty had adopted a measure which would occasion so much bloodshed. To this his lordship answered, that if he thought it would be the cause of shedding one drop of blood, he should never have concurred in it, but that he could not be of an opinion that it would be attended with any such consequences. My lord (I replied), as sure as we exist, this answer will be the cause of much blood being shed in America, and of most dreadful con sequences. We then took our leave. Persuaded as I was that the determination of the king and his ministers had been long fixed for using force, I should not have troubled myself with making any observation on the an swer we received, but that this secretary being; a man of great candour and amiableness of character, I thought that the assurance I gave him of the consequence of the king s answer, would have some effect on the cabinet. We agreed upon the following letter to the president of congress. LONDON, SEPT. 2, 1775. Sir, -On the 21st of last month, we sent to the se cretary of state for America, a copy of the petition from the general congress ; and yesterday, the first moment it was permitted us, we presented to him the original, which his lordship promised to deliver to his majesty. W r e thought it our duty to press his lordship to obtain an answer ; but we were informed, that as his majesty did not receive it on the throne, no answer would be given. We have the honour to be, &c. RICHARD PENN, ARTHUR LEE." In the spring of the year 1775, the lord mayor, al dermen and livery of London, the people of which city 46 LIFE OF had long been distinguished in the history of England for their love of freedom and boldness in asserting it, presented in the name of its citizens, to the king and par liament, a remonstrance against the colonial measures of the ministry. This incident produced a considerable sen sation in England. The style and spirit of the remon strance were greatly admired; and it was extensively circulated throughout the kingdom. Mr. Lee wrote it at the request of the Common Hall. He had acquainted his brother, R. H. Lee, of the adoption and presentment of the remonstrance ; and had, at the request of the Common Hall, transmitted a copy of it to the congress, which body had assembled a second time at Philadelphia, on the 10th May 1775. On the (3th July it was resolved, "that a let ter be prepared, to the lord mayor, aldermen and livery of London, expressing the thanks of this congress for their virtuous and spirited opposition to the oppressive and ruinous svstem of colony administration adopted by the British ministry." Richard Henry Lee was the chair man of the committee ordered to prepare it, and penned the elegant letter of thanks which may be found in the I. Vol. of the journals of the old congress, page 14M.* Neither of the brothers was aware of the agency which each had had in the production of these papers until after the revolution, when they disclosed to one another the authorship of them.f At this second session of the old congress another pe tition to the king, and another address to the people of Great Britain, were adopted. The committee who drew up the address to the people of Great Britain was corn- posed of Richard H. Lee, R. R. Livingston, and Pendle- ton. This impressive and eloquent address was written by the first named gentleman, and may be found in the journals of congress. The petition and address were trans mitted to the "Hon ble Richard Penn, William Bolan, Ar thur Lee, Edmund Burke, and - - Garth, Esqrs.," with the following letter signed by the president of congress, which will be read with interest. * See Life of Richard H. Lee, p. 153. t Id. p. 153. See Jour. III. ARTHUR JLEE. 47 " Gentlemen, The perseverance of the British minis try in their unjust and cruel system of colony administra tion has occasioned the meeting of another congress. We have again appealed to the justice of our sovereign for protection against the destruction which his ministers meditate for his American subjects. This petition to his majesty you will please gentle men to present to the king, with all convenient expedi tion, after which we desire it may be given to the pub lic. We likewise send you our second application to the equity and interest of our fello\v subjects in Great Bri tain, and also a declaration for setting forth the causes of our taking up arms ; both which we wish may be immedi ately put to the press, and communicated as universally as possible. The congress entertain the highest sense of the wise and worthy interposition of the lord mayor and livery of London, in favour of injured America. They have ex pressed this their sense in a letter to his lordship and the livery, which we desire may be presented in the manner most agreeable to that respectable body. You will oblige us, gentlemen, by giving the most early information to congress, and to the speakers of our re spective assemblies, of your proceedings in this business, and such further intelligence as you may judge to be of importance to America in this great contest. We are with great regard, gentlemen, your most obe dient and very humble servants, &c. By order of the congress. JOHN HANCOCK, Preset.* Philadelphia, July Sth, 1775." Messrs. Penn and Lee presented the original to the king, through the secretary for the colonies, who soon re plied to them that "no answer would be given." Mr. Lee has endorsed on the paper from which the letter of the president of congress was copied, the following note and memorandum. * This is taken from a copy signed with the president s autographic signature. 48 LIFE OF "Mr. Lee and Mr. Penn present their respects to Lord Dartmouth, and enclose a copy of an humble and earnest petition from the continental congress in America to the king ; they mean, with Lord Dartmouth s permission, to wait on his lordship on Wednesday next at noon, with the original, for his lordship to present to his majesty. Garden Court , Middle Temple, Aug. 21, 1775. To the Right Honourable the Earl of Dartmouth, Secretary of State for America." i An answer having been refused to this petition, Mr. Lee and Mr. Penn directed it to be printed in the public papers, with this advertisement prefixed: " The follow ing is a true copy of the petition from the general con gress in America to his majesty, which we delivered to Lord Dartmouth the 1st of this month, and to which his lordship said no answer would be given. c,. ARTHUR LEE. S S ned > RICHARD PENN. Sept. 4th, 1775." Such was the result of the second attempt of the con gress to effect a return, by the English ministry, to the principles of the constitution, and to avoid the last resort of the injured and oppressed. The times were gloomy, and the future was dark. "Men s souls" were indeed now "to be tried." The following letter from Mr. James Lovel of Boston, to Mr. Lee, will give the reader some idea of the lawless and daring outrages which were com mitted against the free citizens of the colonies by the English governors and commanders. This gentleman was afterwards, and for a long time, a deputy from Massa chusetts to the congress, and was a conspicuous and use ful member. " Sir, Suffering under a most wanton exercise of military power, I am sure it is needless to do any thing further, than establish that fact as an introduction to your notice and benevolent exertions for me ; though I am personally a stranger to you, however strictly intimate with your real character, through your most favoured cor- ARTHUR LEE. 49 respondents in New England, and your political writ ings. You know that General Gage, with troops from Great Britain, entered Boston with professions of friendship, and of a design to promote good order in the province. He erected works at the isthmus, which joins the town to the main country. He declared himself shocked, upon a remonstrance of the county of Suffolk, suggesting ap prehended danger to the inhabitants of the capital city, in the month of September 1774. in April 1775, a foolish military excursion to the town of Concord brought on the present warlike proceedings of America. In the week after that rupture, the inhabitants of my native town were called upon to deliver up their arms, on condition of being at liberty to depart with all their effects, or to tarry under the general s protection. The papers enclosed to you herewith, will discover the series of treatment which I experienced from that time. General Gage left Boston October 10th last year ; at which time I sent copies of all my letters and petitions, whereby I had aimed to regain freedom by trial, with a, copy of General Howe s evasive answer. I wrote also to the lord mayor of London ; to the printer of the Lon don Mercury, and to General Gage. 1 suspect the bearer Mr. William Powell deceived me, and did not deliver the packet to Mr. Thomas Broomfield, merchant ; or that the latter through timidity, suppressed the papers. When I was hurried from Boston jail in last March, I left my pocket book with my wife, but I recollected the most material passages in my petitions, for the informa tion of my friends here, and afterwards gave them in charge to Mr. Michael Joy, who sailed from hence the 1 2th May. This worthy young man having been the protec tor of my family after my arrest, can give you a very minute description of its miseries. General Gage threw me into prison, and left Gen. Howe with only the power of a jailor as he pretended, in October, though at the same time he offered to ex change me for two military officers. The present commander, Gen. Massie, declares that VOL. i. 7 50 LIFE OF his hands are tied. He sent his chaplain to tell the prisoners, that he would take upon himself to release us for an equal number, if our friends would discharge such a number. He directed us to write letters to that pur port, and said he would forward them immediately : but in two days after he acquainted a person who offered a vessel for a flag of truce, that if prisoners were actually to arrive here under a flag, he should be obliged to seize them till Gen. Howe s orders. Such is the duplicity with which British heroes conduct, after undertaking the task of kidnapping freeborn citizens ! I have not obtained a sight of General Massie, nor even one of his aids de camp. I have no prospect of release from jail, but through your sagacity and humane and generous spirit. Hancock and Mams are the only names excepted in the lying act of grace, of June \1th. But there is a deep rancour against me for having publicly repeated, after judge Blackstone, what the murderers have now taught me by experience, " that slaves envy the freedom of others, and take a malicious pleasure in contributing to destroy it." I must not omit to tell you that on the second of Feb. the general got possession of a billet, which I had given that morning to one going to Point Shirley. He there upon ordered me to be closely locked up, and be debarred the use of pen, ink, and paper. They will plead this as a proof of my just imprisonment; but surely, sir, it can not have such a retrospective force. I was as innocent as an unborn infant, as to the forbidden correspondence, until I had been unjustly distressed in prison. The promised protection of June 12th, being taken from me, I slighted the wretches, and all their military edicts : and I continue to do it most cordially. Should you recover the papers referred to as sent in October and May, I am satisfied you will judge that I have maintained a manly spirit, under all my past op pressions. I hope you will be induced to believe that no fresh exertions of the scientific barbarity of those who hold me in duress, shall bring me to any conduct that ARTHUR LEE. 51 can be disgraceful to the patronage which I promise myself you will afford to, sir, your sincere admirer and suffering humble servant. JAMES LOVELL. Halifax, ProvosVs, June the 25th, 1776." This letter from his manly and suffering fellow citi zen, did not reach Mr. Lee in time to enable him to exert himself to procure the release of Mr. Lovell. Be tween this gentleman and Mr. Lee there began a warm friendship and correspondence from Mr. Lee s receipt of this letter which continued until their death. They had never seen each other until the return of Mr. Lee from France in the year 1781, although the terms of their letters written during the residence of Mr. Lee abroad, would induce a reader to suppose they had long been personally ^acquainted. 52 LIFE OF CHAPTER III. Mr. Lee is appointed in Dec. 1775, secret Agent of Congress Letter of the " Se cret Corresponding Committee" of Congress, acquainting him of the appoint ment and the purpose of it His interviews with the French Minister at London He goes to France as secret Agent, in the spring of the year 1776 His interviews with Vergennes and Turgot The Result of his Mission In the fall of 1776, he is appointed a Joint Commissioner to the Court of France, with Dr. Franklin and Silas Deane Letter to Lord Shelburne Interesting Anecdote of Voltaire Agency for the State of Virginia His learned and political friends in France, Turgot, Adanson, Vergennes, Neckar, Breteuil, &c. State of Affairs in America in the winter of 1776-7 Memorial on this subject, from the American Com missioners to the Court of France Written by Mr. Lee Note of the Commis sioners to the same, touching the capture of an American vessel on the coast of France Mr. Lee is appointed sole Commissioner to the Court of Madrid Goes to Spain Is desired by that^CouVt not to proceed to Madrid -His letters to the Commissioners in Paris,*from, Victoria in Spain Their tteply written by Dr. Franklin The British Court remonstrates with that of Spain against the recep tion of Mr. Lee His Correspondence on this subject His Memorial to the Court of Spain on the subject of his Mission Results of it He returns to Paris ^ Is sent to Berlin as Commissioner to the Court of Prussia Letter from Berlin to General Washington Spanish Papers. IN the month of November 1775, the congress ap pointed a committee for the purpose of secretly corres ponding with the friends of the colonies, "in Great Bri tain, Ireland, and in other parts of the world. "* The prin cipal object of this committee was to ascertain the feel ings and views of the courts of France and Spain, in regard to the dispute between the colonies and Great Britain ; and how far they would be disposed to assist them in arms, ammunition and money, and eventually to form trea ties of commerce and alliance with them. It was known that France had not been an idle spectator of the con test between Great Britain and her colonies. The con gress was desirous of ascertaining more directly her views on this subject. To enable them to attain their object, the committee was authorized to appoint secret * See Secret Journals, vol. i. ARTHUR LEE. 53 agents abroad to aid them in obtaining the most authen tic information on every point/rfi which it was important to have certain intelligence. VThe committee, which was styled " the Secret Committee of Congress," appointed Mr. Lee their secret agent in London. Of this appoint ment he was informed by a letter from that committee, which is here inserted from the original MS. in the hand writing of Dr. Franklin, with the signatures of Dr. Franklin, John Dickinson and John Jay, in their hand writing. \This letter cannot fail to interest the reader, for it contains the views of congress, at an early and mo mentous period of the revolution, on subjects ol the last importance. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 12th, 1775. " Sir, By this conveyance we have the pleasure of transmitting to you sundry printed papers, that such of them as you think proper may be immediately published in England. We have w r ritten on the subject of American affairs to Monsieur C. G. F. Dumas, who resides at the Hague. We recommend to you to correspond with him, and to send through his hands any letters to us \vhich you can not send more directly. He w r ill transmit them via St. Eustatia. When you write to him direct your letter thus, A Mons : Mons : C. G. F. Dumas, cher Mad. le V. Loder a la Hague, and put it under cover, direct ed to Mr. A. Stucky> merchant, at Rotterdam. Mr. Story may be trusted with any despatches you think proper to send us. You will be so kind as to aid and advise him. It would be agreeable to congress to know the disposi tion of foreign powers towards ws, and we hope this ob ject will engage your attention. We need not hint that great circumspection and impenetrable sccresy are necessary. The congress rely on your zeal and abilities to serve them, and will readily compensate you for whatever trouble and expense a compliance with their desire may pccasion. We remit you for the present 200. : Whenever you think the importance of your des- 54 LIFE OF patches may require it, we desire you to send an express boat with them from England, for which service your agreement with the owner there shall be fulfilled by us here. We can now only add that w r e continue firm in our resolutions to defend ourselves, notwithstanding the big threats of the ministry. We have just taken one of their ordnance storeships, in which an abundance of carcasses and bombs intended for burning our towns, were found. With great esteem we are, sir, your most obedient humble servants. B. FRANKLIN, } n ... / ,^ f Committee of JOHN DICKINSON, > ^ j J L Correspondence. JOHN JAY, } Arthur Lee, Esq. In the capacity of agent for the secret committee of congress Mr. Lee acted with a zeal yet more active than he had heretofore done, and with more assured confidence exerted himself in behalf of his country. Feeling that his new character as agent for so respectable a body as the continental congress gave more importance and im parted more weight to his efforts as its authority empow ered him to enlarge them, he gave free course to his active and patriotic mind. From this time until he left England he devoted himself almost entirely to public concerns. As soon as he received the foregoing letter from the secret committee, he sought and obtained several inter views with the French ambassador at the court of Great Britain, and urged upon the attention of his court the di rect interest of France, in afTording to the colonies the cheerings of her friendship, and even her aid. In conse quence of these conferences with the French ambassa dor, the count de Vergennes, then the prime minister of Lewis the 1 6th, an able and enlightened statesman to whom the colonies were deeply indebted, sent a gentleman* in a confidential manner to Mr. Lee in London, to inform him " that the French court could not think of entering * This person wag Mons. Caron de Beaumarchais. ARTHUR LEE. into a war with England; but that they would assist America by sending from Holland this fall 200,000 worth of arms and ammunition to St. Eustatia, Martinique or Cape Francois ; that application was to be made to the go- J vernors or commandants of those places, by enquiring for Mons. Hortalez; and that on persons properly authorized applying, the above articles would be delivered to them." Mr. Lee immediately informed Mr. Storey, (the gentleman mentioned in the foregoing letter from the secret com mittee) who had been sent by that committee on a se cret agency to France, Holland and England. This gen tleman did not reach America with this important intelli gence until several months afterwards.* ^ V/ In the winter of 1776 Mr. Lee repaired to Paris by the direction of the secret committee of congress (to which committee that body had intrusted all its business with foreign agents and foreign courts), as their secret agent, to improve the favourable disposition of France towards the colonies. In this capacity he was received and was kindly and respectfully treated by Count Ver- gennes. The reader can well imagine with what earnest ness and ability he availed himself of the opportunity now afforded him of placing the situation, character and concerns of his country in favourable and interesting views before the mind of Vergennes. Mr. Lee did not confine his exertions to the French ministry alone, but laboured to produce the same sentiments in the minds of distinguished and influential men in France who held no , official stations ; and to awaken a feeling of good will towards America in the French nation. To enable him to do this, he obtained the acquaintance of the class of men just alluded to, and wrote short and popular pieces in the journals of the day calculated to inform the pub lic mind of the amount of the population of the colonies, the products of their country, and the commercial advan tages they held out to France. There were at this * See the first No. of the American Quarterly Review, which contains a very in teresting article, " The Secret Journals of the old Congress." The writer of it had access to the journal of the secret committee, from which he has given extracts confirming the account here given of Mr. Lee s agency in the incipient and important negotiations of the United States with France. 56 LIFE OF time in France many men who had great influence on public opinion, though they held no offices under the government, and took little part in what might be termed practical politics. They obtained this influence from the fame of their learning and from their political writings. To them Mr. Lee found an easy access; and his literary and scientific acquirements proved of essential advantage (as well as a source of enjoyment in his intercourse with them), in gaining their attention to the affairs of America. Among these persons the celebrated Turgot held a con spicuous place. Mr. Lee cultivated his acquaintance, and presented to his enthusiastic mind the character of his countrymen as a brave people, warmly and obstinately at tached to freedom ; and to his judgment, the policy of France in assisting them in wresting from England their political independence. Impressed by the forcible repre sentation of Mr. Lee, the Count de Vergennes in the spring of 76 presented to the king a memorial on Ameri can affairs, accompanied with reflections of Turgot on the subject of it. The policy advised by this memorial and enforced by the reflections of Mons. Turgot, was "to fa cilitate to the colonists the means of procuring in the way of commerce the articles and even the money which they needed ; but without departing from neutrality, and with out giving them direct strccours." This aid, even thus furnished, was as much as Mr. Lee could anticipate at this time. To carry into effect this plan of assisting the Ameri cans, Vergennes directed the same secret agent whom he had sent to London in December ?/) to w T ait on Mr. Lee ; and inform him of the views and determination of the French court respecting America. Mr. Lee transmitted this highly important intelligence to the secret committee, through the same gentleman to whom he had communicated the message of Vergennes delivered to him in London in the preceding fall. This gentleman (Mr. Storey) reached Philadelphia, and imparted the information of the official promise of aid from the court of France to Dr. Franklin and Robert Morris, two of the committee, on the first of October 1776. The minutes or journals of this transac- ARTHUR LEE. 57 tion kept by the committee, are here taken from an ex tract from their journal, to be found in the article refer red to in the ably conducted and useful periodical, the American Quarterly Review, page 132, &c. After stat ing the information received (as they say) from Mr. Ar thur Lee through Mr. Storey, the two members of the committee just named thus proceed: "PHILADELPHIA, October 1st, 1776. The above in telligence was communicated to the subscribers, being the only two members of the committee of secret corre spondence now in this city ; and on our considering the na ture and importance of it, we agree in opinion that it is our indispensable duty to keep it a secret, even from con gress, for the following reasons : 1st. Should it get to the ears of our enemies at New- York, they would undoubtedly take measures to intercept these supplies, and thereby deprive us not only of these succours but of others expected by the same route. 2d. As the court of France have taken measures to negotiate this loan and succour in the most cautious and secret manner, should we divulge it immediately we may not only lose the present benefit, but also render that court cautious of any further connexion with such unguarded people, and prevent their granting other loans and assistance we stand in need of, and have directed Mr. Deane to ask of them ; for it appears from all our intelligence they are not disposed to enter into an imme diate war with Great Britain, though disposed to support us in our contest with them ; we therefore think it our duty to cultivate their favourable disposition towards us, to draw from them all the support we can ; and in the end their private aid must assist us to establish peace, or inevitably draw them as parties to the war. 3d. We find by fatal experience, the congress consists of too many members to keep secrets, as none could be more strongly enjoined than the present embassy to France, notwithstanding which, Mr. Morris was this day asked by Mr. Rees Meredith, whether Dr. Franklin and others were really going ambassadors to France, which VOL. i. 8 58 LIFE OF plainly proves that this committee ought to keep this secret, if secresy is required. 4th. We are of opinion that it is unnecessary to inform congress of this intelligence at present, because Mr. Mor ris belongs to all the committees that can properly be employed in receiving and importing the expected sup plies from Martinique, and will influence the necessary measures for that purpose ; indeed, we have already au thorized William Bingham, Esq. to apply at Martinique and St. Eustatius for what comes there, and remit part by the armed sloop Independence, Capt. Young, promis ing to send others for the rest. Mr. Morris will apply to the marine committee to send other armed vessels after her, and also to Cape Francois, (without communicating this advice) in consequence of private intelligence lately received, that arms, ammuni tion and clothing, can now be procured at those places. But should unexampled misfortune befal the states of America, so as to depress the spirits of congress, it is our opinion that on any event of that kind, Mr. Morris (if Dr. Franklin should be absent) should communicate this important matter to congress, otherwise keep it until part or the whole supplies arrive, unless other events happen to render the communication of it more proper than it appears to be at present." The reviewer, in the article just referred to, adds to these minutes of the committee this observation : " This was signed by Dr. Franklin and Mr. Morris, and soon after approved by Richard H. Lee and Mr. Hooper, two other members of the committee." From the spring of the year 1776 until the fall of it, k Mr. Lee remained in Paris as a secret agent of congress. He then returned to England, and resided in London until the month of December, when having received an official notification of his appointment as a commissioner to France, he repaired again to Paris. ^ His conduct in the capacity of a secret agent in France, had given great satisfaction to that body. He did not confine himself within the exact line of his instructions, as agent to the French court. He sought and improved the acquaint- ARTHUR LEE. 59 ance of the ambassadors of the different powers then in Paris ; and by turning their attention to the struggle of the British colonies in North America, and by giving them correct information concerning their affairs, he in spired them with respect and interest for his country. He particularly sought to engage the consideration of the Spanish ambassador, and through him, of his court. He had so far succeeded in gaining the serious attention of the Spanish minister, before the arrival of the commis sioners from America, and before the appointment of a representative to the court of Spain, that he had actually proposed to that court to join France in secretly aiding the United States with money, arms and other warlike stores. In the month of September (the colonies having de clared themselves free and independent states in the pre ceding July) the congress proceeded to establish diplo matic intercourse with foreign nations, and to appoint commissioners to represent the United States, at those courts which they considered of the most importance and power. Mr. Lee was elected, with Silas Deane, Esq. as one of a joint commission to the court of France, with whom Dr. Franklin was afterwards joined. He was made acquainted with the honour thus conferred upon him, through a letter from the secret committee, which had been styled, since the declaration of independence, " Committee of Correspondence." PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 23, 1776. " Arthur Lee, Esq. Sir, By this conveyance we transmit to Silas Deane, .Esq. a resolve of the honourable continental congress of delegates from the thirteen United States of America, whereby you are appointed one of their commissioners for negotiating a treaty of alliance, amity and commerce, with the court of France, and also for negotiating trea ties with other nations, agreeably to certain plans and j instructions of congress, which we have transmitted by various conveyances to Mr. Deane, another of the com- 1 missioners. We have requested him to give you imme diate notice to join him, and on your meeting to deliver 60 LIFE OF this letter and lay before you all the papers and instruc tions, also to deliver you the resolve whereby you are appointed. We flatter ourselves from the assurance of our friends here, that you will cheerfully undertake this important business, and that our country will greatly be nefit of those abilities and that attachment you have al ready manifested in sundry important services, which at a proper period shall be made known to those you wish. This committee will think it proper to address all their despatches unto Mr. Deane, until they have certain ad vice that his colleagues have joined him, but the com munication of them will be the same as if addressed to the whole. We remain with much regard and esteem, sir, your most obedient, humble servants, ROBERT MORRIS, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN." In the following letter Mr. Lee alludes to the promise of aid made to him by the court of France while he re mained in London, and of which he had informed con gress, through Mr. Storey. It conveys to congress his thanks for the honour they had done him, in terms of warm love for his country. PARIS, Dec. 31, 1776. " To the honourable committee of correspondence, Gentlemen, I had the honour of receiving your favour of the 3 1st Oct., announcing to me my appointment as one of the commissioners from the congress of the United States of America. I cannot express how much I am obliged to that most respectable body, for giving me an opportunity of showing how much I prefer the service of my country and her present cause, to every other pursuit and situation in life. I had the happiness of joining Dr. Franklin and Mr. Deane the day after the arrival of the former at this place. We have employed every moment in preparing the way for fulfilling the purport of our mission. It is impossible to say yet in what degree we shall be able to accomplish our instructions and our wishes. The poli-i ARTHUR LEE. 61 tics of Europe are in a state of trembling hesitation. It is in consequence of this that I find the promises that were made me by the French agent in London, and which I stated to you by Mr. Storey and others, have not been entirely fulfilled. The changing of the mode of conveying what was promised was settled with Mr. Deane, whom Mr. Hortalez found here on his return, and with whom all the arrangements were afterwards made. I hope you will have received some of the supplies long before this reaches you. Infinitely short as they are of what was promised in quantity, quality and time, I trust they will be of very material service in the operations of the next campaign. It is that to which, to use the ex pression of our arch enemy, we must look ; and no exer tions in preparing for it can be too great, because the events of it must be very decisive. I have the honour to be, gentlemen, your very obe dient servant, ARTHUR LEE. It will not much interrupt the continuity of Mr. Lee s occupations at the court of France, to introduce here a beautiful letter of Mr. Lee, written in reply to Lord Shelburne, who had given to the Abbe Raynal a letter of introduction to him. It may be proper to mention that Mr. Lee for several years before he left England, had enjoyed the friendship of that estimable nobleman, one of the earliest and steadiest friends of the colonies among the English politicians and ministers. They con tinued to correspond long after the war between their respective nations had ceased, and the independence of the United States had been acknowledged by Great Bri tain. The reader will find in Appendix, No. 10, and will peruse with no little pleasure, the letters of Lord Shelburne, (afterwards the Marquis of Lansdown) to Mr. Lee, on the subject of the federal constitution of the United States, which had been proposed to the people for adoption, and had become at the period when some of the letters of the marquis were writen, a topic of anxious discussion by American statesmen.* * The reader will find an interesting letter in the " Memoirs" of Mr. Lee, No. 2, of the Appendix, to Dr. Priestley, in which he gives the Dr., who had asked it, 62 LIFE OF PARIS, Dec. 23d, 1776. " To the Right Honourable the earl of Shelburne. My Lord, A very few hours after my last letter to your lordship brought me the desire of my country, that I should serve her in a public character. Your lordship thinks too well of me, I hope, to suppose I could hesitate a moment. In fact almost the same minute saw me bid adieu perhaps forever to a country where I had fixed my fortunes, and to a people whom I most respected and could have loved. But the first object of my life is my country, the first wish of my heart is public liberty. I must see therefore the liberties of my country established, or perish in her last struggle. In truth I have long despaired even of a struggle for liberty in England, I will not insult Scotland with the idea. It is not the subtle Wedderburne, poisoning the fountain of public security ; nor the ruthless Thurlow deliberately butchering the liberties of his country, that makes me despair ; but and yet perhaps the people only are not virtuous, and America may yet, with a sort of filial piety, reanimate her expiring constitution. Our pater patriot with whom and Mr. Deane I am joined in power, is in good health and spirits. If fate will have it that America, as she has reared her temples and her altars to liberty, must furnish her victims too, I know not where she can find a sacrifice more respectable. Should the event of this measure be found fatal to England, it is the perfidy of her ministers, which would never offer any thing that could be trusted, that compel it, and to which the consequences are justly im- putable. I beg your lordship to remember me as one who can never cease to have the most perfect esteem for you. I have communicated to the Abbe Raynal all the facts I could collect in answer to his questions. He will write to you soon. his opinion of the character of Lord Shelburne. The Dr. had been solicited by his lordship to become the tutor of his eldest son. t Dr. Franklin, ARTHUR LEE. 63 May I beg to be remembered to our friends in the college and to those out of it, who I hope will always do me the honour of remembering me, Col. Barre, Mr. Dunning, Dr. Priestley, Dr. Price, &c. &c. I have the honour of being your friend and humble servant, ARTHUR LEE." The two other commissioners having now joined Mr. Lee at Paris, they immediately commenced their confer ences and negotiations with the court of France.* On the 5th January 1777, they presented to that court the following memorial. " To his excellency Count de Vergennes, The congress the better to defend their coasts, pro tect their trade, and drive off the enemy, have instruct ed us to apply to France for eight ships of the line, com pletely manned, the expense of which they will under take to pay ; as other princes of Europe are lending or hiring their troops to Britain against America, it is ap prehended that France may if she thinks fit, afford our independent state^ the same kind of aid without giving England any first cause of complaint. But if England should on that account declare war, we conceive that by the united force of France, Spain and America, she will lose all her possessions in the West Indies, much the greatest part of that commerce which has rendered her so opulent, and be reduced to that state of weakness and humiliation she has by her perfidy, her insolence and her cruelty, both in the east and the west so justly me rited. We are also instructed to solicit the court of France, for an immediate supply of 20 or 30,000 muskets and bayonets, and a large quantity of ammunition and brass field pieces, to be sent under convoy. The United * Mr. Lee often related an anecdote which occurred soon after the American commissioners arrived. Voltaire was then dangerously ill in Paris, where he shortly after died. He had warmly espoused the cause of the Americans. The commis sioners requested to be permitted to wait on him, which Voltaire cheerfully granted. As they entered the room he raised himself feebly up in his bed, and in a moment ary glow of enthusiasm, repeated some beautiful lines from Thompson s Ode to Liberty, commencing " Oh liberty, thou goddess ever bright," &c. 64 LIFE OF States engage for the payment of the arms, artillery and ammunition, and to defray the expense of the convoy. This application has now become the more necessary, as the private purchase made by Mr. Deane of those ar ticles is rendered ineffectual, by an order forbidding their exportation. We also beg it may be particularly considered that while the English are masters of the American seas, and can without fear of interruption, transport with such ease, their army from one part of our extensive coast to an other, and we can only meet them by land-marches, we may possibly unless some powerful aid is given us, or some strong diversion be made in our favour, be so har- rassed and be put to such immense distress, as that final ly our people will find themselves reduced to the ne cessity of ending the war by an accommodation. The courts of France and Spain may rely w r ith the fullest confidence, that whatever stipulations are made by us, in case of granting such aid, will be ratified and punctually fulfilled by the congress, who are determined to found their future character with regard to justice and fidelity on a full and perfect performance of all their present engagements. North America now offers to France and Spain her amity and commerce. She is also ready to guaranty in the firmest manner to those nations all her present possessions in the West Indies, as well as those they shall acquire from the enemy, in a war that maybe con sequential of such assistance as she requests. The in terests of the three nations are the same. The oppor-\ tunity of cementing them and of securing all the advan-y tages of that commerce which in time will be immense; now presents itself. If neglected it may never again return. And we cannot help suggesting that a consider able delay may be attended with fatal consequences.* BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, SILAS DEANE, ARTHUR LEE, Commissioners of the Congress qfJY. America." * On the paper from which this memorial is copied, Mr. Lee has endorsed, " pre sented to Count Vergennes, through Mons. Girard, Jan. 5th, 1777." ARTHUR LEE. 65 V In the month of December 1777, Congress resolved to appoint commissioners to the courts of Vienna, Spain, Prussia, and the Grand Duke of Tuscany. In the month ol^May, Mr. Lee was appointed sole commis- sioner to the court of Spain, by virtue of the following resolve. V " Resolved, That a commission be made out and sent to Arthur Lee, Esq. empowering him in behalf of the United States, to transact such business at the court of Spain as shall be intrusted to him by congress, agree ably to the instructions that may be given him, and trans mitted by the Committee of Foreign Affairs."* At the same time William Lee, Esq. a brother of Arthur Lee, who had been acting as an agent of the colonies at the Hague, was appointed commissioner to the courts of Vi enna and Berlin, and Ralph Iszard, Esq. was appointed in the same capacity to the court of the Grand Duke of Tuscany. These appointments are here mentioned be cause many of the letters of both these gentlemen are still preserved among the MSS. of Mr. Lee, and are too interesting and too important to the history of the Unit ed States, to be omitted in his correspondence. They will be found in No. 7 of the Appendix. The commis sion to Mr. Lee may be found in the second volume of the secret journals of the old congress, p. 46. The commissioners to the court of France were fur nished with the plan of a treaty to be presented to that court accompanied with detailed instructions, which will be seen in No. 4 of the Append ix.(n) In pursuance of their instructions they immediately proposed to form a treaty of alliance and commerce with France. But France had suffered so severely in the late war with Great Bri tain, that she declined for the present entering into any sort of treaty with the United States, lest it should be considered by England a violation of neutrality, and a cause of war against France. The commissioners how- o ever pressed the subject from time to time on the atten tion of the French ministry. The utmost good will was entertained by the king and his cabinet towards the Unit- * See Secret Journals, &c. vol. ii. p. 44. VOL. I, 9 66 LIFE OF ed States. They were furnished with a large supply of warlike stores, and a loan of money was granted. Every thing was done with alacrity which could be done with secrecy to aid the United States in carrying on the war. The cause of America was exceedingly popllar with the French people. It became a theme of enthusiastic ap plause with their orators and poets, and a subject of in terest and reflection to their practical and theoretic states men. In reply to the foregoing memorial the commissioners received from the king a communication explaining his views in regard to the United States. They were such as have been stated. To this communication the com missioners replied as follows. " We thank Mons. Girard for the polite and explicit manner in which he has communicated his majesty s message. We beg to return our most grateful sense of the gra cious intentions which his majesty has had the goodness to signify to our states, and to assure his majesty that we shall ever retain the warmest gratitude for the sub stantial proofs he has given us of his regard, and that we will endeavour in due time to impress our constituents with the same sentiments. We feel the strength of the reasons his majesty has been pleased to assign for the conduct he means to hold ; and the magnanimity of his motives. We beg leave to assure his majesty that we shall at all times and in all things endeavour to conform ourselves to the views he has opened for us, as nothing is farther from our intentions than to precipitate his majesty into any measures which his royal wisdom and justice may disapprove. And if in any thing we should contravene those purposes, we shall always be happy and ready to amend it according to the advice and direction of government.* BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Signed, SILAS DEANE, ARTHUR LEE. Paris, January 1 4th, 1777." * This reply is taken from the original MSS. written by Mr. Lee, ARTHUR LEE. 67 The reader will recollect how dark and forboding were the prospects of the United States in the winter of 1777. The successes of the British armies already in America, and the increasing vigour of the ministry in taking mea sures to prosecute the war by means of additional troops from England and Germany, had caused the deepest de jection in the minds of the people, and had disappointed the courts of Europe most friendly to us. The court of France was operated upon by this state of things, and act ed with more and more caution towards the United States. The commissioners however did not despond ; but re doubled their efforts to enlist France actively and openly in our behalf. They urged upon the French ministry \ that the distressed and threatened condition of their coun- try made it more and more the policy of France to take part with North America at once, in order to save the states and rescue them forever from the dominion of Great Britain ; and thus secure an opportunity which might now be lost of increasing the strength, safety and commerce of France. The following interesting memo rial presenting and enforcing these views and arguments of the commissioners, was drawn up by Mr. Lee, approv ed by his colleagues, and presented by him to Count de Vergennes. The perilous condition of the states of Maryland and Virginia is strongly represented, " PARIS, February 1st, 1777. Messrs. Franklin, Deane and Lee, ministers from the congress of the United States, beg leave to represent to his excellency the Count de Vergennes, that besides the general alarming accounts of the success of the English against their country they have just received authentic intelligence from England that eijiht thousand men, chief ly Germans, under the command of General Burgoyne, are to be sent early in the spring to America, and to be employed, with some ships of war 5 Jj^the-4niLasiaa_jj^ Virginia and Maryland. That if not by some means diverted from their design it will be in their power to destroy a great part of those states, as the houses and estates of the principal inhabi- 68 LIFE OF tants are situated on the navigable waters, and so sepa rated from each other as to be incapable of being defend ed from armed vessels conveying troops, the place of whose landing cannot be foreseen, and consequently force cannot be assembled in all places sufficient to oppose them. That great danger is also to be apprehended from the blacks of those states, who, being excited and armed by the British, may greatly strengthen the invaders, at the the same time that the fear of their insurrection will pre vent the white inhabitants from leaving their places of residence and assembling in such numbers for their own defence against the English as otherwise they might do. That the greatest part of the tobacco of those states is probably collected as usual in the warehouses of the inspectors, which are also situated on navigable waters, and will be liable to be taken and destroyed by the in vaders ; that the destruction of these two states probably may make a great impression on the people in the rest, who, seeing no prospect of assistance from any European power, may be more inclined to listen to terms of ac commodation. That the supplies of arms and ammunition of war which they Jjave been made to expect from France, hav ing been by various means delayed and retarded, are not likely to arrive before the commencement of the next campaign, and may perhaps be despaired of, especially if those supplies are to be carried first to the French islands. That notwithstanding the measures taken to convince the court of Britain that France does not countenance the Americans, that court, according to our information, believes firmly the contrary ; and it is submitted to the consideration of your excellency, whether, if the English make a conquest of the American states, they will not take the first opportunity of showing their resentment, by beginning themselves the war that would otherwise be avoided ; and perhaps beginning it as they did the last, without any previous declaration. That upon the whole, we cannot on this occasion omit expressing our apprehensions, that if Britain is now suf- ARTHUR LEE. 69 fered to recover the colonies and annex again their great growing strength and commerce to her own, she will be come in a few years the most formidable power, by sea and land, that Europe has jet seen, and assuredly, from the natural pride and insolence of that people, a power to all the other states the most pernicious and intoler able. We would therefore, with all deference submit it to the wisdom of his majesty and his ministers, whether, if the independence of the United States of America, with the consequent diminution of British power, and the freedom of commerce with them, be an object of import ance to all Europe, and to France in particular, this is not the proper time for effectual exertions in their fa vour ; and for commencing that war, which can scarcely be much longer avoided, and which will be sanctified by this best of justifications, that a much injured and inno cent people will thereby be protected and deTTver^lrom cruel oppression, and secured in the enjoyment of their just rights ; than which, nothing can contribute more to the glory of his majesty and of this nation. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Signed, SILAS DEANE, ARTHUR LEE. To his excellency the Count de Vergennes." The author has found among the MSS. of Mr. Lee, a paper with a note attached to it, both signed by the three commissioners, and^containing private resolutions for their own conduct. The ntote is in the hand-writing of Mr. Lee. It contains sentinients of devotion to their country most honourable tb the commissioners, and touch ing to the heart of an American reader. "PARIS, Feb. 2, 1777. We the commissioners plenipotentiary from the con gress of the United States of America are unanimously of opinion, that if France or Spain should conclude a treaty of amity and commerce with our states, and enter into a war with Great Britain in consequence of that, or 70 LIFE OF of open aid given to our states, it will be very right and proper for us, or in the absence of the others, for any one of us, to stipulate and agree that the United States shall not separately conclude a peace, nor aid Great Britain against France or Spain, nor intermit their best exer tions against Great Britain during the continuance of such war. Provided always, that France and Spain do on their part enter into a similar stipulation with our states. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, SILAS DEANE, ARTHUR LEE." (Note attached to the foregoing paper.) "PATHS, Feb. 5, 1777. It is further considered that in the present perils of the liberties of our country, it is our duty to hazard every thing in their support and defence , therefore re solved unanimously, that if it should be necessary to the attainment of any thing in our best judgment essential to the defence and support of the public cause, that we should pledge our persons, or hazard the censure of the congress, by exceeding our instructions, we will for such purpose most cheerfully resign our personal liberty or life. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Signed, SILAS DEANE, ARTHUR LEE." About this time a vessel belonging to the United States was captured by a British armed ship, so near to the French coast as in the opinion of the commissioners to violate the neutrality and insult the dignity of France. They received at the same time information from Eng-j land, that a fleet had been ordered to cruise near the j^ French coast, in order to intercept some merchantmen laden with tobacco for the use of congress, which had sailed from the United States. To prevail on this pur pose, as well as to urge France to interfere, and if pos- ARTHUR LEE. 71 sible to bring her into collision with Great Britain, (which was, it is manifest, the secret object and wish of the commissioners) Mr. Lee drew up a communication to the Count de Vergennes, on the subject of the cap ture of the American vessel, and the threatened danger to the tobacco ships. The author finds the MS. in the hand-writing of Mr. Lee, endorsed " drawn up by A. Lee." It is too interesting to be omitted. " The commissioners from the United States of Ame rica desire to represent to his excellency Count Ver gennes, that they have received authentic information of a vessel belonging to the states having been taken by the Culloden ship of war, belonging to his Britannic majesty, close to the coast of France ; and that the same ship of war chased another vessel belonging to the states so near to the French shore, as to be put in imminent danger of running aground. They have been farther informed, that in consequence of intelligence given by the mate who lately betrayed an American ship into the enemy s hands, that a large fleet from Maryland and Virginia, laden with tobacco, might soon be expected upon the French coast, the government of Great Britain have ordered an additional number of ships of war to cruise there in order to intercept them ; and have given encouragement to individuals to fit out small privateers, which may run in nearer shore than is safe for large ships. The commissioners therefore pray that his majesty will signify to the court of Great Britain his sense of the impropriety of such proceedings, and his resolution to maintain the neutrality of his coast ; and that ships of war be immediately ordered to cruise for that purpose. \ The loss of those tobacco ships would be not only a ; great loss to the states and detrimental to the commerce , of France, but would disable them to fulfil their contracts i with the Farmers General, so punctually as is necessary, ! and as they desire. They are therefore more earnest in wishing that no moment may be lost in rendering the coast of France secure, in the navigation of it, from the intended depredation of Great Britain. 73 LIFE OF The commissioners submit it to the consideration of his majesty, whether, agreeable to the laws of neutrality, the American vessel taken by the Culloden British ship, Capt. Balfour, upon the coast of France, ought not to be demanded of the British court, to be restored to those who claim her. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, SILAS DEANE, ARTHUR LEE. To his excellency Count Vergennes." In pursuance of the resolution of congress to appoint commissioners to the several courts before mentioned, Dr. Franklin had been commissioned to negotiate with /-N Spain previously to the appointment of Mr. Lee to that court. It has been stated that while he was acting as the secret agent of congress at Paris, he had held sev eral conferences with the Spanish_jiual)as^ador ; and had succeeded so far in exciting an interest in his mind for the people of the United States, as to prevail on him to re present to his court their situation, and the desire of con gress to establish a friendly understanding with Spain. He had succeeded in obtaining a promise from the Span ish court of secret assistance in money. Having inform ed congress of the friendly disposition of Spain, the commissioners had been instructed to cultivate it. In order more effectually to do this they considered it of importance to depute one of their body to Madrid. JV1& J^^^^^^ected^foLthjsjniission ; and had left Paris, and was on his way To Spain before the arrival of the de spatches from congress acquainting them of the appoint ment of Dr. Franklin, a commissioner to the court of Spain. Mr. Lee left Paris in February 1777, and proceeded to Victoria and thence to Burgoss. Dr. Franklin de clined the appointment to Spain, and acquainted con gress with his reasons. Mr. Lee was afterwards, on the 1st May of that year, appointed sole commissioner to Spain, ancl by a resolution of congress this appointment was declared not to interrupt or discontinue his powers and duties as a joint commissioner to the court of France.^ ARTHUR LEE. 73 As the condition and the future interests of the Unit ed States rendered the countenance and aid of the great powers of Europe of vital importance to them ; and as their relations with the court of Spain became important and difficult towards the close of the war and for some years after it, a selection from Mr. Lee s numerous papers on Spanish affairs in this place and in the Appen dix of this work, cannot fail to interest the reader and furnish valuable matter for future history.* On Mr. Lee s way to Spain he wrote the following letter to the corresponding committee of congress. " BOURDEAUX, February 18th, 1777. Gentlemen, On my arrival here on my way to Madrid, I found a letter dated Feb. 2d, from a confiden tial correspondent, which contains the following pas sages. Ten thousand Germans are already engaged, and ships sent to convey them ; the number of British cannot exceed three thousand, and those very indifferent; but much is expected from their being sent early. Boston is certainly to be attacked in the spring. Burgoyne will command. Howe will probably attack Philadelphia. The government expect great advantage from dissensions in Pennsylvania. Finding that our commerce here labours under great difficulties from the heavy duties laid on fish, oil, wax, &c., I have directed an account of it to be transmitted to your commissioners at Paris, together with an esti mate of the imports and exports during the last year from the United States, that they may be the better en abled to negotiate an alleviation or removal of the duties, which were originally intended to discourage the British commerce. I had the honour of stating to you a year ago that tobacco was the most weighty political engine we could employ with the French court. It^is absolutely * See Appendix, No. 7. Mr. Lee received during the whole war constant infor mation of what was going on in England, from two gentlemen who were native Americans, but who could not leave England. They were Messrs. Edmund Jen nings and Brigdens. They wrote under feigned names. Their letters will be found in Appendix, No. 7. VOL. I. 10 LIFE OF necessary to the Farmers General, and the Farmers as absolutely necessaiy^fo*^bTeTmnent. Mr. Delap informs me that there are several more cargoes belonging to the congress, in the hands of mer chants in Spain, the proceeds of which cannot be obtain ed. I have written to Mr. Morris, at Nantz, begging the favour of him to send me a proper account of them, that I may complain of those merchants at the court of Spain. There is a ship at Nantz totally deserted by her crew, which has been lying there many months un regarded, at an expense to the congress of 100 dolls, per month. I have advised Mr. Sweihauser, to consult with Mr. Morris about selling her, which ought to have been done as soon as her crew quitted her. The ship too, which was intrusted to Mr. Myrkle, is lying here at a considerable charge, and no appearance of her return. I enclose you Capt. Cleveland s account of Mr. Myr- kle s conduct, which he wishes may be offered in his justification. I have referred him to Dr. Franklin for ad vice. I have the honor of being your obedient servant, ARTHUR LEE. To the Honorable Committee of Correspondence , Philadelphia" A few days after, on his arrival at Victoria, in Spain, Mr. Lee wrote to the commissioners at Paris, as follows. "VICTORIA, February 26th, 1777. To the Honourable Commissioners, Franklin and Deane, at Paris. Dear Sirs, I am thus far safe on my journey, which by the spur of six pistoles more, I am to finish two days sooner than \vas at first agreed. Therefore, if no acci dent happens, I shall reach my destination the (ith of next month. \In the committee s letter of the 23d Oc tober to me, it is said, 4 we are to negotiate with other nations agreeable to certain plans and instructions trans mitted to Mr. Deane. I have none with me, nor do I remember to have seen any but those which relate ex- ARTHUR LEE. 75 pressly to France, and that plan has already been transmit ted where I am going.* Nothing is more likely than my being asked what I have to propose particularly relative to this meridian. This question was put to us on our first visit to - t- But the same answer will not serve here. VI must entreat you therefore to fa vour me with your ideas upon this particular. What alteration would you think proper in that plan, when applied to this country ?y It is best to be prepared for every favourable moment that may offeiy This must plead my pardon for urging as speedy an answer as pos sible. It would grieve me to be put to the alternative of letting a favourable opportunity pass unembraced, or of hazarding a measure of so much moment to the pub lic, upon my weak judgment, and very limited inform ation. With my best wishes for your health and success, and begging to be remembered kindly to our friends, I have the honour to be with the greatest esteem, dear sirs, your obedient servant, ARTHUR LEE." To this letter Mr. Lee received the following very in teresting reply from Dr. Franklin.if " PASST, March 21st, 1777. Dear Sir, We have received your favours from Vic toria and Burgoss. V The congress sitting at Baltimore despatched a packet to us the 9th January, containing an account of the suc cess at Trenton and subsequent events to that date, as far as they had come to knowledges The vessel was obliged to run up a little river in Virginia to avoid some men of war, and was detained there 17 days, or we should have had these advices sooner. We learn how ever through England, where they have news from New- York to the 4th February, that in Lord Cornwallis re- * Madrid. t The Count d Aranda, the Spanish ambassador. Names are avoided for fear of some one s peeping into the letter. i This letter ia in the MS. hand-writing of Dr. Franklin. 76 LIFE OF treat to New Brunswick two regiments of his rear guard were cut to pieces ; that General Washington having got round him to Newark and Elizabethtown, he had retired to Amboy in his way to New- York ; that General Howe had called in the garrisons of Fort Lee and Fort Consti tution, which were now possessed by our people ; that on the New-York side, Forts Washington and Independ ence were retaken by our troops, and that the British forces at Rhode Island were r^alled for the defence of New- York. . The committee in their letters mention the intention of congress to send ministers to the courts of Vienna, Tusca ny, Holland, and Prussia. They also send us a fresh commission, containing your name instead of Mr. Jeffer son s, with this additional clause, "and also to enter in to and agree upon a treaty with his most Christian ma jesty, or such person or persons as shall be by him au thorized for that purpose, for assistance in carrying on the present. war between Great Britain and these United States." VThe same clause is in a particular commission they hav<rsent me to treat with the court of Spain, similar to our common commission to the court of France ; and I am accordingly directed to go to Spain ; but as I know that choice was made merely on the supposition of my being a little known there to the great personage for whom you have my letter, (a circumstance of little importance) and I am really unable through age to bear the fatigue and inconveniences of such a journey, I must excuse myself to congress, arid join with Mr. Deane in requesting you to proceed in the business on the former footing till you can receive a particular commission from congress, which will no doubf be sent as soon as the circumstances are known. ^ AVe know of no plans or instructions to Mr. Deane v but those you have with you. By the packet indeed we have some fresh instructions which relate to your mission, viz : that in case France and Spain will enter into the war, the United States will assist the former in the con quest of the British sugar islands, and the latter in the conquest of Portugal, promising the assistance of six ARTHUR LEE. 77 frigates manned, of not less than 24 guns each, and pro visions equal to 2,000,000 dollars ; America desiring on ly for her share, what Britain holds on the continent ; but you shall by the first safe opportunity have the in structions at length. 1 believe we must send a courier. If we can we are ordered to borrow 2,000,000 on interest. Judge then what a piece of service you will do if you can obtain a considerable subsidy, or even a loan without interest. We are also ordered to build six ships of war. It is a pleasure to find the things ordered which we were doing without orders. We are also to acquaint the several courts with the determination of America Uvrnaintain at all events our independence. You will see by the date of the resolu tion relating to Portugal as well as by the above that the congress were stout in the midst of their difficulties. It would be well to sound the court of Spain on the sub ject of permitting our armed ships to bring prizes into her ports, and there dispose of them. If it can be done openly, in what manner we can be accommodated with the use of their ports, or under what restrictions ? This govern ment has of late been a Httle nice on that head ; and the orders to L Orient have occasioned Captain Weeks some trouble. < We have good advice of our friend at Amsterdam, that in the height of British pride on their summer success, and just before they heard of any check, the ambassador, Sir Joseph York, had been ordered to send a haughty me morial to the states, importing that notwithstanding their promises to restrain their subjects from supplying the rebels, it was notorious that those supplies were openly furnished by Hollanders at St. Eustatia; and that the governor of that island had returnedyro?7i his fort the salute of a rebel ship of war with an equal number of guns ; that his majesty justly and highly resented these proceedings,and demanded that the states should by more severe provisionsrestrain that commerce; tha^hey should declare their disapprobation of the insolent behaviour of their governor, and punish him by an immediate recall ; otherwise his majesty, who knows 78 LIFE OF what appertains to the dignity of his crown, would take proper measures to vindicate it ; and he required an imme diate answer. The states coolly returned the memorial with only this answer, that when the respect due to sove reigns was not preserved in a memorial, it ought not to be expected in an answer. But the city of Amsterdam took fire at the insolence of it, and instructed their deputies in the states to demand satisfaction by the British court s disavowal of the memorial, and the reprimand of the am bassador. The states immediately demanded a number of men-of-war ships to be in readiness. Perhaps since the bad news has come, England may be civil enough to make up this little difference/ Mr. Deane is still here. VYou desire our advice about your stopping at Burgoss. We are of opinion that you should comply with the request. While we are asking aid, it is necessary to gratify the desires and in some sort coipply with the humours of those we apply to. Our business now is to carry our point. But I have never yet changed the opinion I gave in congress, that a vir gin state should preserve/file virgin character, and not go about suitering for alliances, but wait with decent digni ty for the applications of others." I was overruled ; per haps for the best. V With the greatest: esteem I am ever dear sir your most obedient humble servant, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Arthur Lee, Esq." The court of London having heard of the appointment of a deputy to the court of Spain, lost no time in endea vouring to deter that court from receiving him, or in any manner countenancing the United States. Spain, as well as France, had suffered severely in the last war with England, while her power was wielded and her councils guided by the splendid and energetic genius/of the elder Pitt. She was therefore not only cautious Lut even timid in her course towards the United States^u The English ambassador had remonstrated against the reception of Mr. Lee at Madrid as commissioner from the United ARTHUR LEE. / 79 States while he remained at Burgoss. The Spanish court, somewhat awed by this remonstrance, desired Mr. Lee not to proceed farther, and signified that it would be preferred he should return to Paris. It did not how ever suspend communications with him ; but the Spanish minister at Paris was instructed to continue on the most friendly footing with the American commissioners. The following note was addressed to the Spanish minister at Madrid, in reply to the communications making known to Mr. Lee the remonstrance of the British court, and the desire of his catholic majesty that he should not proceed to Madrid. " BURGOSS, March 5th, 1777. Upon maturely weighing what his excellency the Duke de Grimaldi had the goodness to communicate from his majesty, Mr. Lee feels himself obliged (notwith standing his earnest wish to coincide with his majesty s views, and conciliate his amity towards the United States) to beg his attention to the following consider- ations. 1st. Were it the question now, whether Mr. Lee being at Paris should come to Madrid, he might do it or not without any material consequence ; but it being known that he was deputed upon that business and on his way, his return without going to Madrid will beget an opinion that Spain has renounced the states of Ame rica, in refusing to receive their deputy. For the fact of his return being notorious, and the reasons for it necessa rily secret, it will make the same impression as if no such reasons existed. This opinion would very materially injure the credit of the United States in France and Holland ; and it might have a very unfavourable effect in America, for it must be considered that -the fact will reach America by a thousand channels, while the reasons for it can pass through one only, and that too from the nature of things in obscure hints. Mr. Lee therefore, hopes his majesty will wei gh these reasons before he finally determines upon a measure 80 LIFE OF which may be deemed ungracious to the congress and Ve highly detrimental to their interests. "^ 2d. Mr. Lee cannot conceive upon what pretence of reason, right, or law, the English ambassador, or his court can take exception to his majesty s receiving a de puty from the United States, since the right of a neutral court to do so is clearly established by the unquestioned practice of all times, and recognized by fhe best writers on the laws of nations. Neither the English ambassador at Paris rior his court, have taken any exception to it there. V/ 3d. That it will be so far from preventing the execu tion of any gracious intentions his majesty may have of assisting the states, that the best and safest channel of conveying that aid is one from which Mr. Lee s being at Madrid will rather divert, than direct the attention of England. Next to an immediate declaration, a supply of money, to support the credit of the states and pay /i for what is necessary, is the most effectual aid. The I / support of this contest calls upon congress for very con- / siderable funds. The means of supporting them by the export of their produce are slow and uncertain. This obliges them to have recourse for assistance to the pow ers that are friendly to their cause, among whom they have the greatest reliance upon his majesty of Spain. This purpose will be answered by his majesty s ordering his ambassador at the Hague to authorize Sir George Grand of Amsterdam to pay the sum destined to this use, to the order of Benjamin Franklin, Silas Deane, and Arthur Lee. Sir G. Grand is fixed upon as one who has /been already trusted by the court of France in this busi ness, and on whose attachment we can depend. \ Mr. Lee must beg leave to await his majesty s pleasure at Burgoss or Victoria, not at Bayonne, because he is persuaded upon reflection that he sb^tild incur the high est displeasure of his constituents.* if he were to leave Spain without a definite answer 4 to the objects of his mission.^/ ARTHUR LEE, Commissioner Plenipotentiary from the Congress of the U. S. of America. To his excellency the Duke de Grimaldi," ARTHUR LEE. 81 Mr. Lee was finally permitted to proceed to Madrid. The author has the original passports from the king of France and from the Spanish minister, Count d Ararida, with the autographic signatures of Louis the 16th, and his minister Vergennes, and of the Count d Aranda. They will be found among the MSS. of Mr. Lee, which are deposited, as the reader has been informed, in the library of the university of Cambridge. While Mr. Lee remained at Burgoss corresponding with the Spanish minister on the subject of his proceed ing to Madrid, he addressed to his court a memoir, repre senting " the present state of the dispute between Ame rica and Great Britain." It was written to give force to his arguments for the propriety and policy on the part of Spain, of receiving a commissioner from the United States, and entering into a diplomatic intercourse with them. It is a striking specimen of the diplomatic skill and ability of Mr. Lee. It was composed by him in the Spanish language. The author has the original MS. in that language, with the translation by Mr. Lee which is here used. " To his Excellency the Duke de Grimaldi. The present state of the dispute between America and Great Britain does not seem to be so fully understood as to render a clear representation of it unnecessary. America has declared herself independent : and has defeated all the efforts of Great Britain to reduce her during two campaigns. .In this resistance she has stood hitherto alone and unassisted. Her infant and unprepar ed situation has been compensated by her ardour, her in dignation, and her enthusiasm. Great Britain however is determined to redouble her efforts to make this campaign decisive of the fate of America. In this situation America offers that com merce and friendship, which she has withdrawn from Great Britain, to France and Spain. This offer ought to be deemed of double value, because it will take from their hated rival and insolent foe, what it gives to them. It is therefore taken for granted that this is an object of VOL. i. 1] 82 LIFE OF the first magnitude, and worthy of the highest attention of both these courts. It is also taken for granted, that Spain and France do not wish Great Britain should prevail in this contest; or regain America by conquest or conciliation. There remains therefore but this single question, whether it be more politic for the two powers to accept the proffered al liance and declare immediately ; or await the event of the next campaign. To judge of this it will be necessary to consider what may be the probable event of the next campaign. As Great Britain has resolved to put forth her utmost strength, it is probable that the event will be either the total destruction of America, or an accommodation found ed upon a mutual conviction of each other s strength. And this accommodation must be hastened by America being left destitute of any material assistance from Europe. It is manifest that the neutrality of France and Spain leaves the field open to the operation of the British force, and to the production of one of those events, either of which must be highly prejudicial to both nations, and advantageous to their enemy. If Great Britain should be victorious, America will be come a powerful instrument in her hands to be wielded at her will against these countries ; and that it will not remain long unemployed no one will doubt who knows that the court of Great Britain is well informed of the countenance at least given to what they call a most dan gerous rebellion, and that the head of that court is of a temper that never forgives nor forgets. If an accommodation should produce a reunion the same advantages will be lost; and almost the same con sequences are to be feared. The end of the campaign cannot, therefore, promise so favourable a moment for the interposition of France and Spain as the present ; and in all human conjecture it will then be fruitless. In truth what moment can be wished more favourable than the present, when Great Britain is so equally match ed by what were her colonies, that the scales hang doubt- ARTHUR LEE. 83 ful ; nor can it be questioned that the interposition of France or Spain, and much more of both, would make that of America decidedly preponderate and separate her from Great Britain forever. And what object can be of more importance than to deprive her of this great and growing source of her commerce, herw r ealth, her marine, and her dominion. There is nothing the court of Great Britain is more persuaded of, than that the loss of America would be the inevitable consequence of the war in Europe ; nor is there a man in the nation, who is ignorant of it. Hence it is that the king finds himself obliged in all his speeches to assure his parliament of the tranquillity of Europe, that they may be emboldened to support his war against America. Hence too it is that they have labour ed so much to prevent a rupture between Spain and Portu gal, and have at length renounced the latter. It is there fore most certain that Great Britain would endure any insult short of an open and outrageous act of hostility, rather than engage in an European war during her con test with America. During the last war America contributed 12,000 sea men and 20,000 troops to the assistance of Great Britain. These are now tripled against her. The commerce of America, according to the declaration of Mr. Pitt who conducted the last war, carried Great Britain triumph antly through it. The full tide of that commerce is now turned against her. From America all the expedi tions against the islands of Spain and France were then supplied. Now those supplies are all ready to assist in seizing her islands. Deprived of all those aids which ministered to her success and her triumphs during the last war, what could prevent her now from experiencing the bitter reverse of her former fortune. What policy can withhold two sovereigns whose prosperity is incom patible with her power, to forego such an opportunity of humbling her as may never return. If Great Britain should be again united to America by conquest or conciliation, it would be in vain to menace her with war. America has been felt like Hercules in 84 LIFE OF his cradle. Great Britain knit again to such growing strength would reign the irresistible though hated arbiter of Europe. This then is the moment in which France and Spain may clip her wings, and pinion her forever. One of the most respectable bodies in England told their sovereign some two years since with a kind of prophetic spirit, " that his ministers were precipitating his dominions into a situation in which their existence would depend upon the forbearance of their enemies." This situation is now certainly ensured; the rest as certainly remains in the arbitration of France and Spain. ARTHUR LEE, Commissioner Plenipotentiary from the Congress of the U. S. of America. Burgoss, March G//J, 1777." V The only instructions given by congress to Mr. Lee were those contained in general terms in his commission. He drew up the plan of a treaty to be presented to the Spanish court. ^The original draught of this plan is in the possession of the author. They forcibly illustrate the accomplishments of Mr. Lee as a statesman and di plomatist. In No. 3 of the Appendix many of his pa pers on Spanish affairs will be found. The reader will read among them with interest a letter of Mr. Lee to ^ Count Florida Blanca, then the prime minister of the Spa nish court, giving him an account of the "late proceed ings of the British in the southern parts of the United States, with suggestions of the interest which Spain had in them." There will be found a friendly reply from the Spanish minister* Mr. Lee was at length permitted to proceed, as it has been mentioned, to Madrid. He there exerted all the ef forts which skill and ingenuity could suggest to induce the Spanish court to engage in our cause. The_yiews of its pnjjry however Ifd that "rt t n pursue a course^ofgreat caution and secrecy. The commissioner was assured of the good will of the king and nation, and partial and am biguous promises were made of joining France in giving States aids of money and arms. He was per- ARTHUR LEE. 85 mitted to make contracts for warlike stores with Spanish merchants. The reader will find in No. 4 (6) of the Ap pendix, throughout the "selections" which have been made from a journal of Mr. Lee kept by him while he remained in France, a frequent recurrence to the relations and transactions between the United States and Spain.* Many of his letters to his friends and to the correspond ing committee of congress, the last of which will be found in the Appendix, relate to our affairs with Spain from the year 1777 until Mr. Lee s return to America. / The residence of Mr. Lee at Madrid, though it result- ed in no open or definite assistance, was not however un attended with essential service to the United States. He gave the ministry and public men of Spain accurate in formation of the character, condition and prospects of the American people, which produced respect and cordiality for diem. He brought back to Paris evidences of this re sult, and procured such instructions from the court of Spain to its minister at Paris, as kept up a close and inti mate intercourse between him and Mr. Lee, and finally enabled him to succeed in obtaining a large loanJjLQirLlh.. Spanish governmentVJn the sprmo^of_J[777 Mr. Lee returned to Paris and resumed his labours as~bne of the commission to France, his powers in which had not been superseded by his commission to Spain. During the early part of the year 1777 the French court resisted all the efforts of the American commissioners to obtain from it any open. or avowed assistance; or to do any public act which could be construed by Great Britain into an act of recognition of the independence of the United States, or of a national alliance with them. Hence it was that the commissioners had thought it well to divide their labours, and make similar efforts to enlist other pow ers in our behalf. On Mr. Lee s return from Spain they turned their attention to Prussia, with whose minister they had already corresponded. In the spring of 1777 Mr. William Lee, who was then acting as agent of congress * Various curious and interesting papers will be found in No. 4 (e) App. in rela tion to French affairs, which could not be systematically embodied in this memoir. 86 LIFE OF in Holland, was appointed commissioner to the court of Berlin. As our commercial and financial concerns with Holland were of great importance and magnitude, Mr. Lee consulted the commissioners at Paris on the propri ety of his remaining in Holland, and proposed that one of them should repair to Berlin in his stead. Upon con sideration it was determined that the interests of the United States required Mr. William Lee to remain in Holland, while it was equally apparent that they required some immediate correspondence with Prussia. Without waiting to consult congress (for at this time many months elapsed before they could receive answers to their com munications from America) and relying on its acquies-* cence, it was resolved that Arthur Lee should repair to Berlin in the room of his brother, and carry with him the commission and instructions intended for him.* There were three leading objects to be gained at pre sent, by the mission of Mr. Lee to Berlin ; the estab lishment of commercial intercourse between Prussia and the American states ; the prevention of any assistance from Prussia to Great Britain, in procuring German aux iliaries, and the passage of such as she might obtain from the petty princes of Germany, thrt*ugh the dominions of Prussia ; and permission to purchase warlike stores from Prussian subjects. According to the wishes and instructions of Messrs. Franklin arid Deane, Mr. Lee left Paris about the 1st June 1777, for Berlin. Shortly after his arrival at this capital, he wrote the following interesting letter to Ge neral Washington. "BERLm, June 15, 1777. To his excellency General Washington. Dear Sir, It has been with uncommon satisfaction that I have seen you in a situation in which I long hoped you would be, if we were forced to dispute the great question, which in my own opinion I was satisfied would happen. I never forgot your declaration when I had the * See Secret Journals, p. 45. ARTHUR LEE. 87 pleasure of being at your house in 1768, " that you were ready to take your musket on your shoulder whenever your country called upon you." I heard that declaration with great satisfaction ; I remember it with the same, and have seen it verified to your immortal honour and the eminent advantage of the illustrious cause in which you are contending. I have the pleasure of assuring you that your conduct against general Howe has been highly approved by mili tary men here and in France. That approbation has been increased in those to whom I have had an opportu nity of stating the great inferiority of the troops you commanded to those of the enemy, in number and in every provision for war. The Prussian army, which amounts to 228,000, are disciplined by force of hourly exercise, and move with a rapidity and order which are certain to succeed against any troops in Europe. When the king reviews an army of 40,000 men, not a man or horse, the former in full march, the latter in full gallop, is discernibly out of line. The regiments are in the field every day, where, besides the general exercise, every man is filed off singly and passes in review before different officers, who beat his limbs into the position they think proper, so that the man appears to be purely a machine in the hands of a work man. The improvements of utility which I have been able to note, are these, viz. ; the ramrods are of double thickness all the way, and enlarged as ours are at one end. The advantage is to ram down the charge so that they do not turn the rod, but raising it to the muzzle they plunge the lower end into the barrel, and then rais ing it up return it straight, without the necessity of turn ing it as formerly. This saves a great deal of awkward motion and of time. The mouths of the loops are very large, so that there is much more readiness in hitting them than formerly ; which also expedites the important business of charging. The musket to compensate for this piece of weight is two inches shorter in the bar rel. When the men present, instead of levelling their firelocks,they are taught to slant them down, so that a 88 LIFE OF point blank shot would apparently strike the ground at about ten yards distance. This depression is found ne cessary to counteract the elevation which the act of fir ing inevitably gives the musket ; and even when a ball strikes the ground it generally rises and may do execu tion, but if directed too high it is lost entirely. These are alterations which seem to me of great utility, and I wish they may appear so to you. It is rny intention to write a history of this civil con tention. The share you have had in it will form an in teresting and important part. It will be in your power to preserve a variety of material papers and anecdotes for such a work. May I venture to hope that you will think me so far worthy of your confidence as to preserve them for me ? Dubious parts of history can be cleared only by such documents ; and we shall want every au thentic record to vouch against the forgeries which will be offered to the world. The resources of our enemy are almost annihilated in Germany, and their last resort is to the Roman Catholics of Ireland. They have already experienced their readi ness to go, every man of a regiment raised there last year having obliged them to ship him off tied ; and cer tainly they will desert more than any other troops what ever. They themselves rely on the present campaign. They have no probability of reinstating their army, ex cept with Roman Catholics of Ireland ; should this cam paign materially diminish it, I have a plan for rendering that of little effect, which I hope will succeed. Should you keep your ground, the question of acknowledging your independence will become very serious next winter with the European powers. But until the events of this summer are decided their conduct will remain the same, and no open acts of interference will take place. I am, dear sir, your s, with great respect, &c. ARTHUR LEE." ARTHUR LEE. 89 CHAPTER IV. Difficulties in the way of negotiations with the Prussian Court Note to th Prime Minister the celebrated Schulenburg Memoire of Mr. Lee to the king of Prussia Robbery of his papers at Berlin Autographic note of Frederick the Great to Mr. Lee He permits him to hold free though secret conferences with his Mi nister Negotiations with the Prussian Court Correspondence of Schulenburg The results of Mr. Lee s mission to Prussia His return to Paris His correspond ence with Vergennes respecting supplies of arms, &c. for Virginia His letter by order of his colleagues J0 Lord North respecting- the treatment of American prison ers His letter to tjje Earl of Shelburne on this subject His spirited Memorial to the Prime Minister of Spain on the subject of the Proclamation of the British Commissioners in the United States, threatening a war of extermination Me morial of the American commissioners to the French Court is sent by Mr. Lee with a diplomatic note to the Spanish Minister at Paris The object of Mr. Lee in this Letters of Mr. Lee on the subject of the capture of Burgoyne Letter to the Marquis of Rosignan Anecdote of Dr. Young and Voltaire Letter to Sir William Jones. THE part which Mr. Lee had to act at this period was delicate and difficult. To engage even the attention of the court of Berlin would require no ordinary weight of character, dignity of manners, skill and propriety of con duct. If the difficulty of access in any official or public character was great, the reader will readily apprehend the greater difficulty of removing the obstacles, which the times, the relations then existing between Great Britain and Prussia, the remoteness of the United States and the yet doubtful issue of their contest with the former, pre sented to every proposition of national association on the part of the latter power with the United States. Prussia was at this time not only a neutral between Great Britain and the United States, but was bound by the superadded obligations of treaties with England. Al though Frederick the great was an able and provident statesman, he might not readily perceive how the inte rests of his kingdom would be promoted by commercial intercourse with a country so remote from it, and whose resources and prospects were so little known and appre- VOL. i. 12 90 LIFE OF ciated in Europe. His sympathies it could not rationally be expected would be easily excited towards the repub licans of America, for he had never shown any partiality for free arid republican institutions. Mr. Lee s task here then was indeed a difficult and a delicate one. No ordi nary prudence, ability and skill were requisite, to gain the attention, enlist the feelings, and attract the interests of his Prussian majesty. As soon as he arrived at Berlin he asked the honour of a conference with the prime minister, the celebrated Baron Schulenburg. He was permitted to reside at Berlin in a private character, and to hold a secret correspondence with the Prussian court. He received the following as surance of the good will of the king, and of an early at tention to the propositions Mr. Lee had laid before the minister. " BERLIN, June 9th, 3777. I have received sir, the letter which you did me the honour to write to me yesterday, and I think I perceive from its conclusion that on account of the difference of languages you have mistaken the sense of one or other of the expressions I made use of in our last conversation. I do not hesitate therefore to assure you sir, as I did in my letter addressed to you in Paris, that your stay at Berlin will not be at all disagreeable to the king, provided you live as a private person, and do not assume a public character. As to the directions which you have given me concern ing commerce, you will be so good as to add a note, where ensurance can be made for vessels destined for America, and the premiums given. I will then examine your pro positions, and shall inform you shortly whether or not we think ourselves in a condition to make a trial of this sort. I have the honour to be, with very distinguished con sideration, your very humble and obedient servant, LE BARON SCHULENBURG.* To Arthur Lee, Esq. at Berlin." * All the notes and correspondence of Schulenburg are written in French, with the autographic signatures of the Baron. Mr. Lee has left translations of all of them. ARTHUR LEE. 91 Under the discouraging circumstances, and the many ob- staclesattendingthe mission of Mr. Lee to the court of Ber lin, which have been briefly sketched, and which were all more fully known and more deeply felt by him than they can be now known or felt by the reader, the friendless and lonely citizen and unacknowledged commissioner of his bleeding and struggling country, commenced his negotia tions with a great and renowned monarch, and a recent and favourite ally of its powerful enemy. Mr. Lee open ed his mission by presenting the following " memoire," in which he fashions with admirable ability and adroitness, its facts, arguments and conclusions, to the ends he was seeking to obtain. Baron Schulenburg had stated the obstacles to any measure on the part of Prussia in behalf of the United States. These Mr. Lee endeavours to re move. The intelligent reader cannot peruse without a deep interest this memoire, which sheds a lustre on the character of Mr. Lee. MEMOIRE OF ARTHUR LEE TO FREDERICK THE GREAT OF PRUSSIA. "BERLIN, July 29, 1777. Sire, The singular wisdom with which your majesty has made your kingdom so flourishing, the wise steps which have carried the prosperity of your dominions to a degree truly astonishing, will nevertheless not prevent me from saying to your majesty, that means may yet be found for augmenting the number and affluence of your subjects. No maxim is more true, than that the number of their subjects forms the riches of kings. Both ancient and modern history proves without exception, that commerce is the mother of population. There is no necessity for bringing proofs of this to the view of one of the wisest kings that has ever existed. Such is the fact, and the reason is evident. There is therefore every reason to con clude that the king who wishes to increase the number of his subjects to the greatest possible extent, ought to es tablish and encourage the commerce of his kingdom. 93 LIFE OF The dominions of your majesty are admirably situated for commerce. The three great rivers that intersect them ought to furnish the greatest facilities for it. What then is wanting? Only an object sufficiently distant to make seamen ; and sufficiently extensive to commence and keep up commercial intercourse. Such is America ; and the unexpected events which have rendered the com merce of that country free, invite to the use of it. The monopoly of this commerce, which according to the opinion of that great and wise man Mr. Pitt, has sustain ed the power of England, no longer exists, and without a miracle will never again exist. Those nations who will exert themselves to attach to them a young and grate ful people by aiding them to resist their oppressors, must PIS&Lhy it. But those who look tranquilly on, waiting to see the issue of this war, must not hope to change the course which commerce shall before have taken from habit and gratitude. So that this is the moment to be seized on by those who may wish to participate in the commerce of America hereafter. But obstacles present themselves ; for in the first place you have not ships of war sufficient to sustain the honour of your flag. But, sire, you have the finest regiments in the world ; and Great Britain, deprived as she at pre sent is of wise counsellors, is not yet so mad as to run the risk of obliging your majesty to join those formi dable regiments to the force of her rivals. Besides, such is the present weakness of England, so much is she exhausted and pressed by the war with America, that she is obliged to shut her eyes to transactions much stronger, and which pass immediately before them. 2dly. It is impracticable to have at the same time as numerous an army as that of your majesty, and a respectable fleet ; because too many men would be re quired for them both, and the country would be ruined. This objection would be a solid one if population was blessed by commerce. But the fact is otherwise. In stead of diminishing it augments it. Thus it is found that the most commercial countries are most populous. Population is always in proportion to the means of liv ing. Commerce, by increasing these means, of course ARTHUR LEE. 93 increases population. Instead then of lessening the means of keeping up a large army, commerce affords the surest means of doing it. 3d. But sailors are wanting for such an enterprise. It is the enterprise itself that will make sailors. A handful of experienced seamen are enough to encour age others ; and the thing once put in motion will pro gress by itself. If the ports of your majesty were opened 10 our armed vessels, so that they might freely enter them, deliver their cargoes, refit, and secretly sell their prizes, then instruction and encouragement would be giv en to your seamen; and if above all some of them were permitted to make a voyage in our vessels, in a very little time seamen would be furnished from your own subjects, and would draw to your ports many of other countries, with a view of cruising in the American seas. But it may be said this would be giving too much into the business at once, and tantamount to deciding upon the question of American Independence. Not more so than is now warranted by the fact. Not more so than the laws of nations grounded upon the fairest principles of state necessity require. The fact is, we have the sword in our hands, and that we carry on the war openly. Can there be a more convincing proof of independency ? We are in possession of the country, the articles of our commerce are the produce of our labours, and are our own. In law and in fact, we have the sole right of disposing of them. Is it right then that other nations should wait and suffer the greatest privations, whilst England is doing all in her power to cut our throats, and take possession of our property to sell it to them ? Or can they not at once go and buy those things they want, and which the English cannot supply them with, without violating their neutral char acter. It is not difficult to say which is most reasonable and of course most conformable to the law of nations. Neutral nations in carrying on this commerce decide upon the fact and not the law. This very distinction is made by the law of England ; as it is permitted to an Englishman to obey the powers that be, although they 94 LIFE OF are not of right. Besides the English recognised the Duke of Braganza as king of Portugal, and received his ambassadors in 1641, upon the ground that he had been called to the crown by the unanimous consent of the peo ple. The congress have the same foundation. The as semblies of the states choose them annually, and these assemblies are chosen by the whole people. How is it possible to have a consent more unanimous or more mu tually given. Your majesty will permit me here to offer some authorities upon this subject. Charles Duke of Sudermania, having procured himself to be crowned king of Sweden in the commencement of the sixteenth century, sent James Vandyck into France to renew the treaties and alliances formerly made between the two crowns. Vandyck made it appear that the ad vantages which France would derive from the commerce of Sweden would be so considerable, that the king listen ed favourably to the propositions of this minister, and had a desire of treating with him. There was nothing in the way except the conduct of Charles, who had usurped the crown of Sigismond his nephew, after his nephew had been elected king of Poland ; and had become odious on account of his making religion the pretended cause of the revolution. It was also considered in France that the king of Denmark, who was not a friend of Charles, might form a party against him, with the king of Eng land, his brother in law. But notwithstanding all this, M. de Villeroy in writing to Jeannin, (ttth April 1608) cut the matter short and said, u all these reasonings and considerations will not prevent the king from treating with Charles, if he finds his own interest and that of his kingdom benefited by it. (Wechfort, 126.) The ex ample of Henry the great is worthy of a prince who no less merits the title. Vattel in examining the same question says, " Foreign powers in this case follow the possession, if their own in terests correspond with it. There is no rule more cer tain, more conformable to the laws of nations, and the in dependence of nations. Because foreigners have no right to concern themselves with the domestic concerns of a ARTHUR LEE. 95 people ; they are not obliged to examine arid to go to the bottom of their conduct, about their own affairs, in order to weigh their justice or injustice; they may if they please suppose that the right is joined to the possession." The advantages which your majesty s dominions will derive from the commerce of America, must be very great. It will give a new vent, always increasing with the rapidly increasing population of America ; for your cloths, your linens, your porcelains, and all sorts of manu factures in iron ; the returns for which will be in tobacco, indigo, flax seed, cotton and furs. It is true that these advantages will be greatly dimin ished by the ravages of the British and their mercenaries. If we are compelled to carry on the war singly, against all their force, and with the greatest difficulty of obtain ing arms and munitions of war from Europe. It is for your majesty, with some other powers of Europe, to arrest those ravages by a commercial alliance with our United States. There is no name so much respected amongst us as that of your majesty. Of course there is not a king whose declared friendship would give so much courage to our people and strength to our cause. I have trusted to the goodness of your majesty to par don me this long detail, and of thoughts so little worthy your attention, and so weakly perhaps expressed, in a language which I have but lately attended to. But I would rather express myself thus than to communicate to any other person that which I have had the honour of presenting to your majesty. I have the honour to be, sire, with the greatest respect, your very humble and very obedient servant, ARTHUR LEE.* His Majesty the King of Prussia." A few days after the arrival of Mr. Lee at Berlin, the door of his room was opened by means of a false key, and all his public papers were taken from it. He had * The foregoing Memoire was written in French, from which it has been here translated. 96 LIFE OF reason to believe that they had been taken by the ser vant of the English envoy at the court of Berlin, who resided at the same hotel with Mr. Lee. He complain ed of the robbery to the minister of state, and addressed a note to the king on the subject. The king ordered an examination into the affair to be made by the officers of the police.* The enquiry had the desired effect ; and his papers were returned in the same secret manner in which they had been taken. This dishonourable act was traced with considerable certainty to the agency of the English envoy, who, at the request of Frederick, was recalled by his court. To Mr. Lee s note to the king, he wrote the subjoined note in reply. The author has the original note of Frederick, written in the French language, in his own hand-writing and with his autogra phic signature. He assures Mr. Lee that profound si lence and secrecy should be observed respecting his con ferences with the Prussian court. " Le Roi ayant reu la lettre du Sr. Lee, de Berlin, le 1 de Juillet. et sa plainte du vol, qui lui a ete fait, veut bien lui faire savoir en response, que Sa Majeste vient d ordonner a son ministre d etat, Baron Schulen- bourg, d entendre ce qu il auroit a lui dire ulterieurement la dessus ; que pour cet effet le Sr. Lee pourra s ouvrir sans reserve envers le susdit ministre, surtout ce qu il trouvera a propos de faire savoir a sa Majeste, qui Pas- sure par la presente d un secret inviolable, et du profond silence, qui sera observe sur les ouvertures, qu il jugera conve liable de lui faire par cette voye. A POTSDAM ce 2. de Juillet 1777. FREDERICK^ Au Sr. Lie, a Berlin." + The report of the whole proceeding before the court of police, in French and German, is among Mr. Lee s MSS. t Translation. " The king having received the letter of Mr. Lee from Berlin, the 1st July, and his complaint of the robbery that had been committed upon him, pleases to Jet him know in answer, that his majesty has ordered his minister of state, Baron Schulenburg, to hear what he has finally to say upon that subject ; and for that purpose Mr. Lee may, without reserve, open himself to that minister upon those points especially that he would wish to make known to his majesty, who as- ARTHUR LEE. 97 Mr. Lee did not succeed during his visit to Berlin, in obtaining from the Prussian court a recognition of his official character from the United States. The relations existing between Prussia and Great Britain induced the king to defer the acknowledgment of their independence. The difficulties which weighed with that court in regard O O to any direct aid or countenance on its part towards them, are thus stated by Baron Schulenburg in this let ter to Mr. Lee, addressed to him before he left Berlin. " BERLIN, June 26, 1777. After having testified to you sir in my letter of the 18th, our desire of establishing an immediate commerce with the colonies of North America, provided we could surmount the difficulties that opposed themselves, it re mains only that I answer your letter concerning the free access of your privateers into our ports, which you men tion in your s of the 20th. I can assure you sir, that the king is very ready to oblige your constituents, but on the other hand you must be sensible that his majesty cannot, in the present circumstances of things, affront the court of London. Besides, our ports as yet have only received merchant vessels, and no vessels of war or privateers have entered them, so that the officers established in our seaports would be embarrassed how to conduct themselves on such an occasion ; the customs observed on such occa sions being unknown to them. You must therefore in form us how France and Spain act, the formalities they observe toward your cruisers, and how they reconcile the free entry of these into their ports with their friendship with Great Britain. The result of the information you give on these sub jects will determine if, and upon what conditions, we can grant the permission desired, and I shall take pleasure sir, in communicating to you the decisions of his majes ty in due time. sures him by the present of an inviolable secrecy, and that profound silence shall be observed with regard to those things that he shall communicate in this manner. Potsdam, July 2d, 1777. FREDERICK. * VOL. I. 13 98 LIFE OF I have the honour to be, with great consideration, sir, your very humble and obedient servant, BARON DE SCHULENBURG.* To Arthur Lee, Esq. at Berlin." The impression made upon the mind of Frederick and his congenial minister by the abilities of Mr. Lee, was highly favourable and honourable to his country and its cause. He succeeded in obtaining from Frederick an assurance that he would afford no facilities to Great Britain, in procuring additional German auxiliaries, and that he would prohibit the passage through any part of his dominions of any troops which that court should hereafter engage in Germany. He obtained also per mission for the citizens of the United States to carry on a direct commerce with the subjects of Prussia ; and for himself to purchase for the use of the United States, arms at the armories from which the king supplied his armies.t Mr. Lee left Berlin with an understanding that a cor respondence should be kept up between Schulenburg and himself, on the affairs of the United States. He was de sired to keep the king constantly informed of the events \ of the war with Great Britain ; and was assured that jl Prussia " would not be the last power to acknowledge the J independency" of his country. A letter addressed by the able and friendly Schulenburg to Mr. Lee, after the re turn of the latter to Paris, will be read with interest. "BERLIN, Dec. 18, 1777. Sir, A few days after the departure of my last, of the 33th inst. in which I requested you to give me authentic intelligence concerning the progress of General Howe, of which the English ambassador had received an ac- * The author finds the following note of Schulenburg among the MSS. of I\ r r. Lee. " Baron Schulenburg, minister of state, just setting oft" for the country, wishes that Mr. I.e e would come to his house at 10 o clock in the morning, as he has something to say to Mr. Lee from the king. Berlin, July 8, 1777." All the letters between Schulenburg and Mr. Lee are in the French language, of which Mr. Lee has left translations. His translations are used. t Frederick had his arms manufactured at private armories, for the encourage ment of his subjects. ARTHUR LEE. 99 count ; I learned by the letter you did me the honour to write me of the 4th of this month, that these advantages far from being so considerable as they were thought to be, are more than balanced by the surrender of General Burgoyne, and by the liberty which the troops under Arnold will have of acting where they shall be most wanting, which may very much harass General Howe. I am much pleased sir, with these favourable events, and as from the situation in which affairs were when your despatches were sent, other events of consequence are to be expected before the end of the campaign, or even during the winter, 1 hope you will continue to com municate sir, without delay, all the authentic advices you may receive. The king, who always graciously receives the news you send me, and expresses his satisfaction when it is in your favour, has seen the passage of your brother s letter, and I can assure you sir, tiiat his majesty wilt not be the last power to acknowledge your independency ; but you must feel yourself that it is not natural that he should be the first, and that France whose commercial and political in terests are more immediately connected with yours, should set the example. I have the honour to be with distinguished consider ation sir, your very humble servant, BARON DE SCHULENBURG." In the summer of the year 1778, Mr. Lee renewed ne gotiations with tl;e court of Berlin, on the subject of a recognition on its part of the independence of the United States. He received assurances of the continued good will of the king towards the United States, and of his readiness to second France in acknowledging their sove reignty and independence. Mr. Lee made full use of the invitation of the Prussian court, to furnish it with intelligence of the events of the war. The correspond ence between Baron Schulenburg and Mr. Lee, together with the letters of the latter to the commissioners at Paris, and to the committee of correspondence of con gress, on the subject of his negotiations with the court 100 LIFE OF of Prussia, will be found in the Appendix, No 5. These papers will richly repay a perusal of them. The reader will perceive the respect in which the American states were held by the king and his great minister, and at the same time the caution with which they approach them. He will perceive too, the difficulties which attend the struggles of any people against the oppression of long es tablished governments. These delays on the part of for eign powers tended to dispirit, but they could not dismay the people of the United States, who under the guidance of the firm patriots of the " old congress", arid of the unyield ing fortitude and genius of Washington, seemed the more to rely on themselves the more they were left to do so. On Mr. Lee s return to Paris, he found the negoti ations with the court of France in the same state in which he left them. The same caution which marked the con duct of that court in the early part of the year 1777, still characterized it. In this state of things, Mr. Lee renew ed a correspondence with the French court that he had commenced as early as June in the year 1770, at the re quest of the assembly of Virginia, with a view to obtain for that commonwealth a supply of cannon and other mili tary stores. He succeeded, in obtaining the desired num ber of cannon, and a considerable quantity of other sup plies. At the time of his application, the state of Virginia had no funds in France, nor could it be stated with any cer tainty when they could be put into Mr. Lee s hands, to pay for these supplies. Tobacco was the only article, upon the pledge of which the United States or any of them could obtain loans of any sort in Europe, and the danger of the capture of their vessels by the enemy s cruisers, ren dered the voyage to Europe dangerous and uncertain. But such was the influence of Mr. Lee with the Count Vergennes, that he obtained the supplies in advance, on his personal assurance that they should be paid for. The first note of that minister to Mr. Lee on the subject of supplies for his native state, is here given. " VERSAILLES, June 9th, 1776. I received sir, the letter you did me the honour to write me the 3d of this month, and in which you state ARTHUR LEE. 101 the wants of the state of Virginia, in cannon, mortars, &c. Prince Montbarey, to whom I communicated it, has just sent me a statement of what can be furnished to you, which accompanies this. You may therefore sir, converse with this minister, both upon the manner of sending and of paying for these supplies. I have the honour to be, with perfect esteem sir, your very humble servant, DE VERGENNES."* In the year 1778, the French government enquired of Mr. Lee, when it might expect the money for the sup plies furnished to the state of Virginia, which that state had not been able to pay. Mr. Lee made ar\ earnest and eloquent apology for the delay of payment for them, and accompanied it with a forcible representation of the con dition of Virginia, in the war of devastation carried on upon her territory by the powerful and common enemy. The French court with great kindness assured him that it would wait with cheerfulness the ability of that state to discharge the debt. This service of Mr. Lee to his native state was a highly opportune and important one. He continued to transact business for it with the French court with great assiduity and to its entire satisfaction, during his residence in France. The correspondence between Mr. Lee and the French ministers, Vergennes, Montbarey and Neckar, and his letters to the governors of Virginia, Page -and Henry, on the subject of Vir ginia supplies, will be found in No.,.4 (c) of the Appendix. In the latter part of the year 1777, Mr. Lee was inform ed by a secret correspondent, that American prisoners in England were treated with cruelty and neglect. He im mediately brought the subject before his colleagues ; and earnestly corresponded with his frrendsjn England, urg ing an:) authorizing them on his responsibility and credit, to supply his suffering countrymen with the comforts they needed. Upon consultation it was resolved by the commissioners that a letter should be addressed by them to Lord, North, expostulating with the British govern ment, in the name of humanity and of their country, * All the letters and notes of Vergennes are signed with his own hand. 102 LIFE OF against its treatment of the American prisoners. Mr. Lee was appointed to draught the letter. He at the same time addressed one to Lord Shelburne, on the same subject. They are vigorous and eloquent productions. They are here presented to the reader. PASSY, Dec. 12th, 1777. To the Right Honourable Lord North, First Lord of the Treasury, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Prime Minister of the King of Great Britain, fee., fee., fee. My Lord, From motives of duty and an earnest de sire of mitigating the calamities of war, we proposed near a year since, to the King of Great Britain s ambas sador here, an exchange of prisoners in Europe. The answer we received must have been made known to your Lordship, and the world will judge of its decency. It would have been honourable for that noble lord, and happy for thousands who have since suffered unnecessari ly, if he had considered that moderation is a mark of wis dom, and humanity an ornament to the highest station. These are the sentiments at least, which have governed the congress and people of the United States. They have wished that this war, into which they entered with reluctance, might be distinguished by the humanity with which it was conducted ; and that compassion might heal the wounds that were inflicted. The records of con gress, my lord, are filled with proofs of tender care and attention, not only to the wants, but to the comforts and accommodation of their prisoners. We have wished in vain to find such instances in the acts of the British government, for unhappily all we have seen on this subject, is the public declaration of the gov ernor and general who was chosen to commence this war, that the American officer and soldier should be treated with equal indignity, and all devoted without distinction to the most ignominious fate, in terms too low for us to repeat. We have never heard of this proceed ing having been censured, by the government from which he derived his authority. Neither has the invitation to the Indian savages, at a public treaty, to drink the blood ARTHUR LEE. 103 and feast upon the bodies of those whom you called your subjects, been ever disavowed. It is an universal complaint that the practices of those in authority under you have been conformable to the principles of those public acts. Col. Parker, a gentle man of rank, was thrown into a common jail in Boston covered over with wounds, where he perished mi pi tied for want of the common comforts which his situation and humanity required. Col. Ethan Allen was dragged in chains from Canada to England, from England to Ire land, and from Ireland to Carolina, and from thence to New-York ; at a time when the officers taken from you in the same expedition were treated not only with leni ty, but with every possible indulgence. The barbarous treatment of Mr. Lovell in Boston has no parallel. Of the prisoners made in Fort Washington, two-thirds of them perished by the unexampled cruelty and rigours of their captivity. Even in England the severities which the American prisoners suffer, are, according to the testi mony of every one we have seen, of the most grievous kind. Stripes have been inflicted on some to make them commit the deepest of all crimes, that of fighting against the liberties of their country. And numbers are now groaning in bondage in Africa and India, to which they are compelled by menaces of an immediate and ignomini ous death ; as contrary to every rule of war among civil ized nations, as to every dictate of humanity. It is with the greatest regret we mention these cruel ties. For the honour of humanity we hope they will not be committed again. Your lordship must know that it is in the power of those we have the honour to repre sent, to make ample retaliation upon the numerous pris oners of all ranks in their possession ; and we warn and beseech you not to render it their indispensable duty. Upwards of five hundred British seamen have been gen erously treated, set at liberty by our cruisers in those seas, and sent at the public expense to their country. We trust you will think yourselves bound to dismiss an equal number of seamen, taken in the service of the United States. 104 LIFE OF We also desire that a person appointed by us may have permission to furnish the citizens of the United States who are in your prisons, with the necessaries they may want from time to time ; and that a general cartel may be immediately settled, by which the unfor tunate on both sides may be relieved as soon as possible from the miseries of imprisonment. We must beg a speedy answer, that we may transmit without delay the determination of your court to our con stituents. We have the honour to be, with the highest respect, my lord, your lordship s obedient servants, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, SILAS DEANE, ARTHUR LEE,* Commissioners Plenipotentiary from the Independent and United States of America." LETTER TO LORD SHELBURNE. " PARIS, December 14, 1777. To the Right Hon ble the Earl of Shelburne. My Lord, I have the honour of enclosing to you a copy of a letter, transmitted at the same time to the first lord of the treasury. The honour of the nation, and the rights of humanity, are too much interested in the object of it, not to receive your lordship s advocation. The enclosed papers contain the principal transactions between the northern armies. The burning of defence less tow T ns, and of every thing before him, as General Clinton has done, will probably draw upon him and his * The author feels it to be just to add here the answer from the British govern ment. It is as follows, and is taken from the letter book of Mr. Lee, from which his letter to Lord North is copied. " His majesty s servants do not approve of the appointment of inspectors. They understand the establishment of the prisoners to be what has been usual and proper in such cases. If there has been any neglect they have given strict orders to have it rectified ; and they will be always ready to redress any complaints that shall be made. The prisoners shall be permitted to receive, under proper regulations, any charitable donations in their favour. Besides, this government is disposed and have it in their intentions as opportunities shall offer, to exchange them in America against British prisoners there. If any complaints are made through the hands of Mr. Hart ley, or through any other proper channel, they will be taken into consideration according to the case, and redressed." ARTHUR LEE. 105 government the vengeance which such enormities de serve, in spite of all the efforts of congress to prevent any hasty retaliation. The S. Carolina Gazette mentions the arrival of an American captain who had been taken by Capt. Jarvis, and who mentions with the highest praise the generous and humane treatment he received from that officer. We have had from other prisoners accounts equal ly to his honour, which I am sure will give your lord ship pleasure. Capt. Jarvis may be assured that such conduct will command from us the praise and esteem which are always due to a generous enemy. The necessity which has made us enemies for a time, and separated us forever from the same government, has not altered the esteem I felt for the good and wise in England. Among those I hope your lordship and your friends will accept an assurance of my respect and friend ship. I condole most sincerely with the family at Comb- wood for the misfortune at New- York. I have the honour to be with the greatest respect and esteem your lordship s humble servant and friend, ARTHUR LEE." Subsequently to the dates of these letters, the British commanders in America published by order of their gov ernment, a proclamation denouncing vengeance and deso lation upon the inhabitants of the United States and their territories. They proclaimed the determination to waste, and ravage, and sack every thing before them. They actually commenced this barbarous warfare, contrary alike to humanity and civilized usage. The mild and unre- vengeful spirit of congress met with no correspondent sentiment from their enemies. That illustrious body felt its responsibility to glory and to honour, in the opinion of mankind ; but it felt its duty to its country. Congress determined, though late and reluctant, to meet and punish its desolating foe with a dreadful retaliation, and take life for life. A manifesto was published threatening retalia tory measures, and justifying to the world this solemn re sort. The commissioners, contemporaneously~ with the manifesto of congress and before they received a copy VOL. i. 14 106 LIFE OF of it, presented a memorial to the French court on the subject. It was drawn by Mr. Lee, and will be found in Appendix No. 4. (d) As soon as copies of the proclamation of the British commanders, and of the manifesto of congress, reached Paris, Mr. Lee laid them before the Spanish minister, and accompanied them with a letter to Count Florida Blanca the prime minister of the court of Madrid. " To his excellency the Count Florida Blanca. I have the honour of enclosing to your excellency a true copy of a proclamation and manifesto lately issued in America by the British commissioners. The plan of desolation and cruelty announced in it has been approved in parliament by one of his Britannic majesty s principal secretaries of state, the Earl of Suffolk; and a majority in both houses of parliament have given their sanction to the manifesto itself by refusing to disclaim it. Upon these grounds it may justly be considered the act of the nation. The intentions of Great Britain, derogatory at once of all the sacred rights of humanity, and of the honour of God, and of the established laws of civilized nations, are thus declared in the manifesto. "The policy as well as the benevolence of Great Britain have thus far checked the extremes of war, when they tended to distress a peo ple still considered as our fellow-subjects, and to desolate a country shortly to become again a source of mutual ad vantage. But when that country professes the unnatu ral design, not only of estranging herself from us, but of mortgaging herself and her resources to our enemy, {he whole contest is changed, and the question is how far Great Britain may by every means in her power destroy or render useless a connexion contrived for her ruin, and for the aggrandizement of France. Under such circum stances the laws of self-preservation must direct the con duct of Great Britain ; and if the British colonies are to become an accession to France, will direct her to ren- vs der that acquisition of as little avail as possible to her enemy." ARTHUR LEE. 107 The pretext here alleged for carrying war to all ex tremities which the laws of humanity and of nations forbid, and of desolating merely for the purpose of deso lation, is, that the country is to be monopolized by France. That this is merely a pretext is manifest from the treaty itself on which they ground it, in which it is declared that the United States are at liberty to make the same treaty with all nations. Your excellency knows too, how unjust this imputation is in our most secret transactions. By one of those strange absurdities into which men blinded by bad pas sions are often betrayed, they denounce this desolation against the people at large, who they in the same breath assert have not ratified the treaty. Thus, if we are to credit their own assertions, the ground of their rage is pretended, and the objects of it innocent. It is therefore most clear that the threatened cruelties are not out of policy, but out of revenge. And as no thing is more odious than this spirit, nothing more dan gerous to all that is deemed dear and sacred among men, than an open avowal of such a principle, and an exercise of the barbarities which it suggests, such a conduct ought to arm all nations against a people whose proceed ings thus proclaim them to be "hostis hitmani generis." It is not that they can add to the cruelties they have already exercised ; desolation and massacre have mark ed their steps wherever they could approach. The send ing of those captives whom they pretend now to be their fel low-subjects, into perpetual slavery into Africa and India; the crowding of their captives into dungeons where thou sands perish by disease and famine; the compelling of others, by chains and stripes, to fight against their coun try and their relations ; the burning of defenceless towns ; and the exciting of the savages by presents and bribes, to massacre defenceless frontier families without distinc tion of age or sex, are extremities of cruelty already practised, and which they cannot exceed. But the re covery of what they called their rights, and the reduction of those who had renounced as they alleged a just su premacy, was then avowedly the object of the war. These 108 LIFE OF cruelties were, it was pretended, incidental severities, and necessary to the attainment of a just object. But now destruction alone is the object. It is not profit to them selves but injuries to others which they are pursuing. De solation for the pleasure of destroying is their only pur pose. They will sacrifice to disappointed vengeance what their injustice lost, and their power cannot regain. There cannot be a greater violation of those laws which bind civilized nations together, which are the general property, and which distinguish their wars from those of savages and barbarians, than this manifesto. All civilized nations are called upon, as well by their own interests as those of humanity to vindicate its violated laws. Your excellency will therefore permit me to hope that so dar ing and dangerous a proceedure will call forth a declar ation from the king of Spain, whose preeminent charac ter among princes for piety, wisdom and honour, will ren der him a fit avenger of the common cause of mankind. It is not America only that is wronged by this savage proclamation, but the feelings of humanity, the dictates of religion, the laws of God, and of nations. Your excellency will also give me leave to request, that this representation may be laid before his majesty, and enforced with such arguments as your excellency s greater knowledge and the favour you have had the goodness to manifest for our just cause may suggest. I have the honour to be your excellency s very humble servant, ARTHUR LEE, Commissioner Plenipotentiary from the Congress of the U. S. of N. America to the court of Spain. Paris, Dec. 17, 1778." Mr. Lee accompanied this letter to the Spanish minis ter with a copy of the manifesto of congress in reply to the British proclamation, and thus concisely but forcibly states the justification of the United States for their re sort to retaliatory extremities. ARTHUR LEE. 109 PARIS, Dec. 27, 1778. To his excellency the Count Florida Blanca. I have the honour of enclosing to jour excellency a manifesto from congress, in answer to that of his Britan nic majesty s commissioners. You have also enclosed a copy of a former resolution of congress on this subject, from which it will appear how earnestly they have shun ned this shocking extremity. As long as it was possible to impute the barbarities committed to the unauthorized intemperance of individuals, congress exhorted the suf fering people to lenity and forbearance. But when they became acts of authority, avowed and ordered, congress must not only stand justified before God and man, but would have been culpable in the eyes of both, had they longer withheld the order for retaliation. Permit me to hope that your excellency will represent these things to his majesty, and that they will produce an immediate declaration which is most likely to arrest the sanguinary progress of our enemy, and compel them to relinquish the devastation of our country for the defence of their own. I have the honour to be, &c. ARTHUR LEE." These papers were delivered to the Spanish Ambassador at Paris, with this note. " CHAILLOT le 18 Dec. 1778. Monsieur Lee a Phonneur de presenter ses respects, a son excellence M. le Comte D Aranda, et de le prier de vouloir bien faire expedier a LI plutot le Pacquet ci-jointe a son excellence le Comte Florida Blanca. A son excellence V ambassadeur de VEspagne." In order to despatch at once, a subject disagreeable because it records the guilt of a nation which we have so many reasons to admire, but proper to be introduced into this memoire because the papers relating to it re flect honour upon Mr. Lee, the strict chronology of the 110 LIFE OF political history of his life has been in some degree vio lated. In the first letter to Count Florida Blanca, Mr. Lee refers to the treaty then existing between France and the United States. The highly important and inte resting part which he acted in negotiating the treaty of alliance with France will now be related. On the 9th December 1777, Mr. Lee as commissioner to the court of Spain, addressed the following note to the Spanish ambassador at Paris, enclosing him a copy of a memorial which the commissioners had just presented to the Count Vergennes on the present state of affairs be tween the United States and France. The court of Spain being alluded to in this memorial, it was an ap propriate paper to be presented to the minister of that court. The presenting of it to him was an ingenious mode of recalling the attention of the Spanish court to the representations heretofore made by Mr. Lee, on the policy of Spain joining France in a treaty of alliance and commerce with the United States. The memorial to the French court is an interesting paper. It was drawn by Mr. Lee. (Note of Mr. Lee to Count D Aranda.) "Dec. 9, 1777. To the Count D Aranda. I have the honour of enclosing to your excellency a copy of a memorial presented to his excellency Count Vergennes, by the commissioners of congress for this court. The knowledge I have of the great veneration entertained by the United States for the king of Spain and affection for the people, enables me to assure your excellency that nothing will give them greater joy than the happy conclusion of a firm and lasting treaty of amity and commerce between the two nations. Permit me therefore to hope that your excellency will co-operate with the favourable disposition of this court, in bringing the treaty formerly proposed to a speedy con clusion. I have the honour to be, with the highest considera tion and respect, &c. ARTHUR LEE." ARTHUR LEE. 1H (Memorial to Count Vergennes.) " To his excellency the Count de Vergennes. The commissioners from the congress of the United States of North America, beg leave to represent to your excellency that it is near a year since they had the ho nour of putting into your hands the propositions of con gress for a treaty of amity and commerce with this king dom, to which, with sundry other memorials, requesting the aid of ships of war and offering engagements to unite the forces of the said states with those of France and Spain, in acting against the dominions of Great Britain, and to make no peace but in conjunction with those courts, if Great Britain should declare war against them ; to all which they have received no determinate answer ; and apprehending that a continuance of this state of un certainty with regard to those propositions, together with the reports that must soon be spread in America, of ri gorous treatment met with in the ports of these king doms, may give advantage to our enemy in making ill impressions on the minds of our people, who, from the secrecy enjoined us, cannot be informed of the friendly and essential aids that have been so generously, but pri vately afforded us ; the commissioners conceive that the present circumstances considered, that the completing of such a treaty at this time must have the most happy effect, in raising the credit of the United States abroad, and strengthening their resolution at home, as well as discouraging and diminishing their internal enemies, and confirming their friends who might otherwise waver. And the commissioners are further of opinion that the aid of ships desired, might at this juncture be employed with great advantage to America, which when honoured with a conference they can more particularly explain. They therefore request your excellency most earnestly to resume the consideration of those affairs, and appoint them some speedy day of audience thereupon. They pray also that their grateful acknowledgments may be presented to the king for the additional aid of LIFE OF three millions, which he has been graciously pleased to promise them ; and that his majesty may be assured whatever engagements they may enter into in behalf of the United States, in pursuance of the full powers they are vested with, will be executed with the most punctual good faith by the congress, who, believing their interest to be the same, and that a sure increase of the com merce, wealth and strength of France and Spain will he one consequence of their success in this contest, wish for nothing so much, after establishing their own liberty, as a firm and everlasting union with those nations. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Signed, SILAS DEANE, ARTHUR LEE. Passy, Dec. 8th, 1777. The author would treat with contempt that philosophy which will not discern in the course of events the guid ance of an infinitely wise God. No one who is capable of estimating the present condition of the United States, and of elevating his mind to the grandeur of their pros pects ; who can comprehend the multiplied and glorious enjoyments and advantages of civil and religious free dom, and of the arts and sciences, accessible to the mil lions who now and will hereafter inhabit the vast regions of their territory, will deny that the success of the Unit ed States in their conflict with Great Britain, was an event worthy the design and regard of the Great Ruler of all the earth. Let the American reader then, grate fully adore Him, who at this period of the utmost need of his country, when nations the most friendly were yet afraid to ally themselves with her, gave to her arms a signal and decisive victory. The surrender of Burgoyne ensured the final triumph of the United States. To this event, so unexpected a short time before it happened, and so easily to have been avoided by the captured gen eral, may be attributed the commencement of a course of Providence towards the people of the United States, which if they duly regard Him who ordered it, may render them for ages the light, the example, and glory of the world. ARTHUR LEE. 113 This event has been termed decisive. It was so. It revived the spirits of the people of the states, gave them confidence in themselves and in their commanders, and as the reader will see, decided the timid and reluctant hesitancy of France and Spain. A few days after the presenting of the above memorial to the Count Vergennes, intelligence of the surrender of Burgoyne reached the commissioners. They immediate ly laid it before the French court, and Mr. Lee acquaint ed the Spanish ambassador with the grateful information of that event. He wrote to Baron Schulenburg, and to all his correspondents in Holland, and announced to them a victory gained by the unassisted troops of his country over British veterans. This intelligence had the happiest effect on the minds of the people of Europe, and on the policy of their govern ments. This was soon evident, in the felicitations of the ministers of France and Spain, presented in animated language to the commissioners. The courts of those nations began to feel the force of the previous represent ations of the American commissioners, that America had spirit and determination to carry on the war, and had rational prospects of success. While these courts felt this they began, especially the court of France, to appre hend that if America was left to carry on by herself a protracted war, which she should bring to a happy issue, they would lose the advantage of the good will and grati tude that aid immediately alforded would produce in the minds of the people of the United States, and which would lead, not only to a lasting amity, but advantageous terms of future commercial intercourse. They began too to perceive the strong probability that the entire separation of the United States from Great Britain might be effected, and their independence secured. The greater the certainty of these events became, the stronger were the inducements to France to incur the expense and hazard the contingencies of a war with England. The impression made on the minds of the ministers of France and Spain, may be seen from a perusal of some pages of Mr. Lee s journal at this period of time. VOL. i. 15 114 LIFE OF The following most interesting and eloquent letters written by Mr. Lee, on the subject of this happy intelli gence, evince the most ardent and devoted patriotism. PARIS, Dec. 17th, 1777. Sir, The news of Burgoyne s surrender, and Wash ington s having given battle to Howe, \vhich reached Europe the beginning of this month, has produced the most decided opinion of the success and stability of our cause. You will soon see the most open effects of it ; and I may, I think, assure you that our enemies will have more than America, to employ them another campaign. # * * # * # Before this time you should have received very con siderable supplies by the Flammant ; and very ample ones will come by this opportunity. Those and the multitude of private adventures will furnish you fully, and will re duce the present exorbitant price of the necessaries of life with you. With great respect and esteem, I am, dear sir, your friend, ARTHUR LEE. To James Lovell, Esq. Member from Massachusetts." "PARIS, Dec. 18th, 1777. Dear Friend, The authentic accounts which reached most parts of Europe about the same time, the beginning of this month, of Burgoyne s surrender, and Washing ton s attacking Howe s army, has given a sensation that is likely to produce the most speedy and decisive effects. I think you may be certain the United States will not make another campaign without allies, nor our enemies be unattacked in Europe. But by my advice this ought not to relax your preparations ; because, though a gen eral war will put us upon a more respectable footing and give more opening and certainty to our efforts ; yet it will call forth more earnest and united exertion from Great Britain, which will arm the hands of its govern ment more strongly, and this augmented force, both from policy and hatred will be principally pointed at us. It must be remembered how much more energy and activity ARTHUR LEE. 115 there are in the English than in these nations, which when roused and united will not fail to be formidable, and therefore calls upon us not to think the danger over because we have repelled the force which a divided and ill-directed people have brought against us. I think it probable that the lords Chatham and Shel- burne will soon he ministers; and if they cannot ally Great Britain with us, they will use every effort to regain by force what the others have lost by folly. Perhaps the vigour of your preparations will prevent them from attempting it. I am, my dear friend, yours truly, ARTHUR LEE. To Samuel Adams, Esq." " To the Committee of Correspondence. Gentlemen, Our joint despatches will inform you of the forwardness in which things are here towards the de sired conclusion. In three weeks we shall hear from Spain, and all will I hope be settled. The late intelligence from America has staggered and confounded our enemies, as much as it has elated and decided our friends. Should they at length resolve to continue in rage and despair what they com menced in wickedness and folly, and venture upon a gene ral war by which they must be overwhelmed, their prin cipal efforts will be pointed against us, unless your being in a respectable state of preparation should deter them. In that case they will probably confine themselves to a piratical coasting war, and preying upon our commerce. I have directed all the naval stores that are collected at Bilboa to be shipped forthwith the moment the court of Spain agrees to furnish the money. To accelerate this material supply, I proposed to my colleagues to remit the money from our funds here ; but they did not think it ad visable. I have the honour to be very respectfully gentlemen, your humble servant, ARTHUR LEE. Paris, Dec. \$th, 1777." 116 LIFE OF The day after Mr. Lee s letter to that able and sterling patriot Samuel Adams, he wrote another in the following animated terms to the same gentleman, announcing to him an assurance from France which he had just received, that that court would enter into a treaty with the United States. "PARIS, Dec. 19th, 1777. Dear Friend, The last ray of British splendour is passing away, and the American sun is emerging in full glory from the clouds which obscured it. His most Christian majesty has assured us, in the most explicit terms, that he will enter into a treaty with its as soon as the cou rier returns from Spain ; and will maintain our inde pendence by arms if necessary. The only stipulation he requires, is that we shall not renounce our inde pendency when we make peace ; a condition to which I believe we have no insuperable objection or reluctance. I have no reason to doubt the good faith of this assurance ; and the solid wisdom of it is manifest. They say their object is to attach us to them, as long as human ties can endure ; and certainly the principles on which they mean to act are wisely calculated for this purpose. I doubt you will not drop a single tear on the grave of Great Britain. That perverse and fallen people seem now sen sible of the shame and ruin that await them; but 1 ques tion whether they have spirit to avenge themselves upon the tyrant, who is the author of all their calamities. Farewell, &c. ARTHUR LEE. To Samuel Adams, Esq." In the same animated manner he concludes a letter to Baron Schulenburg, in which he had given him all the in telligence he had received from the United States. " Our enemies are exerting their utmost endeavours to renew their attempts against us. They are a people of energy and spirit, and worthy of the opposition of those who claim an equal birthright. Unassisted by foreign powers we cannot prevent them from desolating our country ; ARTHUR LEE. 117 but we will repel the chains they mean to impose on us, and establish our independence forever." With characteristic energy and patriotic feeling he thus congratulates General Gates, the victor of Saratoga. " PARIS, Jan. 5th, 1778. Major General Gates, Dear Sir, Give me leave to renew our old acquaint ance, and to congratulate you on the important services you have rendered to the cause of liberty. Your com plete and effectual victory came very happily to relieve us here from very painful embarrassments with the pow ers of Europe, into which the boasts and preparations of our enemies, with the doubts of our consistency and abili ty to resist them, had involved us. Your successes, with the battle given at Germantovvn have entirely removed those doubts, and will soon place us amongst the ac knowledged sovereign powers of the world. It gives me very particular pleasure that you have been so instrumental in this great event, as 1 have so long known you to have the most disinterested attachment to the cause of liberty and of America. I have the honour to be dear sir, with the greatest es teem, &c. your friend and servant, ARTHUR LEE." To diversify the grave topics on which the reader has been dwelling with the reliefs afforded by the recollec tions of private friendships, and the occasional devotions of the statesman and scholar to literature and learning, the author ventures to interrupt the progress of politics, and to close this chapter with one or two letters from Mr. Lee to his literary friends, William Jones, Esq. (af terwards Sir William Jones) and the Marquis of Rosig- nan ; the latter of whom, like Mr. Lee, united the learn ing of science to the talents and services of a politician, as the former joined the elegant accomplishments of lite rature to the more abstruse acquirements of a lawyer and advocate. Between these gentlemen a long, pleas- 118 LIFE OF ing, and instructing correspondence was carried on. The reader will find it in the JOth No. of the Appendix. "PARIS, Dec. 22d, 1777. Dear Sir, I enclose you a performance of Dr. Frank lin, which 1 think will please you. Our last intelligence from America was of the 4th of August. By that we are informed that General Burgoyne had met with a considerable check, with the loss of seve ral men and of his batteaux. The evacuation of Ticonde- roga arid the progress of the British troops gave no alarm, as it was conceived that they were only hastening to in volve themselves in a country in which they would be cut off. The ravages of the British troops, and Howe s order to the inhabitants to bring in their money and take his notes for it on the treasury, had united and confirmed all men more firmly in favour of American independence. The ministry at London begin to think that this campaign will not answer their purpose; and I trust in God that the event will prove them to be once iri their lives right in their judgment on American matters. An Abbe here has contrived a telescope for measuring the distance of objects, which seems to be ingenious and effectual. I do not remember to have seen in your study the electroferus perpetuus, which is a very simple and admirable machine for the ordinary exhibitions in electri city. As it was invented in Germany I suppose you have seen it ; otherwise I would send you a description of it, by which you might easily make one yourself. Mons. Le Sage a very able chemist here, exhibits very satisfac torily the experiment of corroding glass by the fumes produced from the addition of vitriolic acid to spar, for which that of Derbyshire is the best.* What these fumes precisely consist of, or from whence they derive this extraordinary power is not yet ascertained. The same * The discovery of the effects of these fumes on glass has become extensively useful in the fine arts. The beautiful art of etching, or picture printing by glass plates, owes its original to the discovery here spoken of. The progress of the science of chemistry, since the date of Mr. Lee s letter, has discovered the nature of these fumes and the rationale of their operation on glass, of which the principal ingredient is silex. ARTHUR LEE. 119 chemist has observed that the human breath turns violet colours red, and very exactly of that shade which is given to them by the muriatic acid.* I have read Dr. Robertson s late history of America ; not with the satisfaction I expected. Voltaire, in his His- toire General, has in my judgment touched it with a much more masterly hand. 1 beg my respects to the Marquesa, and to be remem bered to our philosophical friends. I hope not only to hear from you, but to be assured too that your journey and the baths have entirely re-established your health. f I am, dear sir, with great respect and regard, your friend and humble servant, ARTHUR LEE. To his excellency the Marquis of Rosignan, Sardinian Envoy^ at Berlin" "PARIS, Oct. 18, 1777. Dear Sir, I was comforted for the unhappy fate of our accomplished friend Alleyne, by hearing that you * All the acids turn vegetable blues red ; and the alkalis converts the red to blue again. The human breath contains a portion of carbonic acid. Hence the blue sit- imis paper is changed to a red colour by exposure to the human breath. The reader will excuse these collegiate reminiscences. t The name of Voltaire brings to the recollection of the author an anecdote which Mr. Lee has written at the bottom of a page (in a vol. of Voltaire s works) of his Essay on Epic Poetry. While Mr. Lee resided in France a learned Italian count, who had just been travelling through England, dined with him, in a learned company assembled by Mr. Lee to enjoy the society of the Italian. The count related a fact which had happened in his presence some years before when in England. He had been invited to dine with Voltaire, who was then on a visit to England, and Dr. Young, the author of the Night Thoughts, at the house of some gentleman in London. The reader will recollect that Voltaire pretended to entertain a great con tempt for Milton s Paradise Lost, and had endeavoured to ridicule that inimitable poem, in his Essay on Epic Poetry. Dr. Young ardently admired Milton. He was said to be very animated in his manner, and vehement in his temper. During their sitting after dinner the conversation turned on epic poetry, and Voltaire attacked va rious parts of the Paradise Lost with much ridicule. Dr. Young warmly vindicated the beauties and sublimity of the passages so treated by Voltaire. The Doctor grew more and more warm and vehement in his manner, and unconsciously grasped a large knife near him, and leaning forward toward Voltaire appeared to him to be getting too near. Voltaire, who had a great dread of a hot-headed Englishman, be came quite uneasy at the manner of the Doctor. He at length began to draw back his chair, and the Doctor still leaned towards him, nearer and nearer, with increasing earnestness, until Voltaire rose and stepped back, upon which the Doctor rising to wards him, vehemently uttered the following extemporary verse. " You little, profligate and thin, You are Milton s devil, death, and sin." Voltaire was remarkably small and thin. The passage of Milton s Paradise Lost which Voltaire had been ridiculing, was Milton s Personification of Death and Sin. 120 LIFE OF were coming forward in his place. It was impossible not to have an affection for a man so worthy of it, ex cept in those failings which I knew too well, and by which he himself was the greatest sufferer. I never yet met with a man whose talents were greater, or more calcu lated to please and instruct. The great fortune to which he was born nourished in him I believe that turn for ex travagance which was the source of all his misfortunes. Peace be to him ! I shall ever remember him with es teem and regret. If you see any of his family be pleased to remember me to them. Mr. Bolton flatters me that you will put forth your utmost strength upon the great question of impressment. It is of the last importance to the security of the subject, and to the honour of the police of the kingdom, that this question should be decided. For what can more abase the dignity of the constitution, or endanger the security of the subject, than that the least enlightened and most abandoned of the community, for of such press-gangs are usually composed, should be supposed to have a legal power of judging and executing in what concerns the dearest object of legal protection, personal liberty ? To say no worse of this practice and to suppose no intention of oppression, it is certainly left to every press-gang to judge who it is that comes within the description of the warrant under which they act, and in the instant to ex ecute that judgment with ruffian violence, and drag the unhappy victim covered over with wounds into the most dismal of all dungeons, where the approach or knowledge of his friends is always difficult, and may easily be ren dered impossible. It ever appeared to me the grossest of all absurdities, to suppose the law could authorize that which overturns all law, and soberly commit to a drunken beadle a sum mary judgment and execution without trial or appeal, which is not trusted to the gravest and most dignified judges of the land, nor even to the sceptre itself. With regard to Mr. Foster s law argument I am satisfied from my own experience that you will find that- by searching into the ancient records, that it is the sophistry of an ARTHUR F/EE. 121 advocate and not the opinion of a judge. Among the innumerable arguments against it, these appear to me to be conclusive, and to prove beyond controversy that to use an expression of some note, it is a lewd custom and not law. First, the ancient warrants vouched for press ing seamen do equally authorize the impressing all men, since after describing many others besides mariners they conclude " et alios quoscunque." These therefore prov ing too much, prove in fact nothing, but that the whole is* an usurpation on the part of the crown. Secondly, there is no writ in the register authorizing the recovery of a mariner so pressed into the service, which, had it ever been deemed legal, must inevitably have been the case. The general rule that there is no right without a remedy, is more especially true with regard to the pre rogative. Had there ever been a right in the crown to force seamen into its service, there would have been a writ to retake them when they deserted. But the writ is for those only who have received wages, and the con version of those wages being a proof of consent, that conversion is specified in the writ. It is manifest then that the consent, and not force, was what, in contempla tion of law entitled the crown to claim the mariner s service. Besides, the practice carries an internal evi dence of its illegality with it, since a community of rob bers could not devise an institution more inconsistent with law and order, or more strongly marked with vio lence arid wrong. You will do me a very great favour if you will pre serve and convey to me the arguments and opinions upon this question, should it come forward. Perhaps the in temperance of some one among us may be some time or other inclined to introduce it into the United States. Next to the establishment of our own liberties, the redemption of your s is my warmest wish. 1 think it is inevitable that the trial must come forward with you in a few years. The Scotch domination drives on too fast to continue long unquestioned. The weight of the yoke from which we have withdrawn will be concentrated upon you. Those who expect experience will make the VOL. i. 16 122 TJFE OF contrivers of this flagitious business more moderate in the use of the power left them, will, I think, be mis taken. The disappointment will be much more likely to inflame their passions than reform their judgment, to exasperate than to mitigate their tyranny. But in my opinion the Scots have undertaken more than their abili ties and judgment, which I think showy, not solid, can direct or maintain. In the end therefore I hope to see them defeated by you, as 1 have every reason to trust they will be by us. For the commencement of a correspondence, this letter I am afraid will appear tedious. I shall therefore close it with assuring you that there is no one in whose re membrance and friendship I shall be happier than in your s. I have the honour to be your s, with the truest esteem, dear sir, &c. ARTHUR LEE. To William Jones, Esq. Middle Temple." ARTHUR LEE. 123 CHAPTER V. The effect of the capture of Burgoyne in France and other parts of Europe The French Court resolves on a Treaty of Alliance with the United States Debates on the subject of the llth and 12th Articles of the Treaty Mr. Lee refuses to concur with his colleagues in these Articles The French Court consents that congress may strike them out of the Treaty, without affecting its validity Con gress concurs with Mr. Lee and strikes out those Articles Mr. Lee s efforts to induce Spain to join the Alliance He procures a secret and separate Article from the French Court in relation to Spain His endeavours to procure a loan of two millions of pounds sterling from Spain for Congress His correspondence with Mons. Dumas of Holland Intrigues of British secret agents in Paris Mr. Lee detects and exposes them Invitation of the Congress to Dr. Price, to remove to America and become a citizen of the United States Mr. Lee s letter and Price s reply Sketch of the labours and services of Mr. Lee while in France His jour nal of negotiations with the French and Spanish minister His correspondence with Congress Return of Mr. Lee to America ; causes of it His arrival and reception in the United States His reception by Congress He is elected a member of the Virginia Assembly, and is chosen by that body a delegate to Con gress Is appointed by Congress a Commissioner to treat with all the north western tribes of Indians Is chosen by Congress one of the Board of Treasury, at which he continued from the year 1784 to 1789 His retirement His conti nued correspondence with eminent foreign persons of distinction His literary honours His death and character. r THE reader has seen from the letters of Mr. Lee on the subject of Burgoyne s surrender, that the intelligence of that event had produced a very favourable effect upon the minds of public men in Europe. It changed the poli cy of the French court towards the United States ; and though the Spanish court did not so promptly yield to this effect, its assurances of amity and aid became more earnest and unequivocal. The French court immediately entered into negotia tions on the subject of a treaty of alliance and commer cial intercourse. The reason given by the Spanish min istry for its dilatory course towards the United States, was the hazard to which an open alliance with them would expose their fleet, then not yet returned from South America with the annual supply of silver. 124 LIFE OF The reader will find in the journal of Mr. Lee, a mi nute and a most interesting detail of the progress of the negotiation with the French court, for a treaty of alliance and commerce. It appears that the first projets of a treaty presented by the French ministry did not contain the word " sovereign" when the United States were spoken of. Mr. Lee urged upon his colleagues the pro priety of insisting on an express acknowledgment of our sovereignty and independence, to be inserted at once into the proposed treaty. In support of his opinion of the propriety and duty in the American commissioners, of insisting upon this acknowledgment in the commence ment of the negotiation, he referred to the instance of Holland, whose independence was not acknowledged, for nearly half a century after it had freed itself from the Spanish crown. At his suggestion an article was in serted specifying the possessions of Great Britain, on and near the continent of North America, which France was to be bound not to attempt to conquer during the war. The reader will peruse Mr. Lee s journal of this period with great interest. The provisions of the llth and 12th articles of the treaty of commerce with France presents the subject of most interest in the history of our early negotiations with that country. The propositions of the French court which constituted these articles, were at one time embodied in the treaty. France at this time possessed the principal islands in the West Indies, which yielded the greatest supply of molasses. It was proposed to our commission ers, that the United States should exempt from any tax or impost, all merchandize exported from the United States to the French islands yielding molasses, by French subjects, while France should exempt from all duty the molasses exported from her islands to the United States by their citizens. As the principle of these articles, no less than the policy of them, formed a subject of difference be tween the commissioners, and of difficulty in the negoti ation ; and became a subject of debate in congress, and of renewed negotiation after the consent of that body had been gladly and gratefully given to every other part ARTHUR LEE. 125 of the treaty, the reader will expect from a" faithful biog rapher of Mr. Lee more than a passing notice of the in teresting topics relating to them. The two articles which were earnestly debated in their day, are in these words in the original treaty. " Article 1 1th. It is agreed and concluded that there shall never be any duty imposed on the exportation of the molasses that may be taken by the subjects of the United States from the islands of America, which belong or may hereafter appertain to his most Christian ma jesty. 5 "Article 12th. In compensation of the exemption stipulated by the preceding article, it is agreed and con cluded that there shall never be any duties imposed upon the exportation of any kind of merchandize, which the subjects of his most Christian majesty may take from the countries and possessions, present or future, of any of the thirteen United States, for the use of the islands which shall furnish molasses." Mr. Lee, from the commencement of the conferences upon these articles, earnestly opposed the adoption of the proposition of the 12th article, on the ground that the exemption stipulated for in that article as an equivalent for the exemption of the 1 1th article, was greatly more than a fair equivalent. The single article of molasses to be taken from the French islands was to be exempted from duties by France ; but all merchandize exported to those islands by the subjects of France, was to be ex empted from duties by the United States. Mr. Lee however, anxious to secure an alliance with France, was not disposed to secure it at such a price. He con tended that reciprocity should constitute the basis of the treaty, and that there should be some just proportion be tween equivalents. He forcibly remarked that an agree ment to these articles would be a permission to France, " to tie both of our hands." for the privilege of " tiring one / 7 r ",, & / <b o/ herjtngefs. As the French ministry seemed desirous to retain these articles, and as Mr. Lee s colleagues assented to them, he waived for a time his objections, and they were 126 LIFE OF comprehended in the treaty. His reasons for this waiver of objections, which to his mind appeared to be insuper able, he states to be a desire to exhibit unanimity in the commissioners, and to procure a speedy conclusion to their negotiations for a treaty. But upon further reflec tion his mind became more strongly impressed with the impolicy of these articles, and he finally refused to sign the treaty unless there should be an explicit understand ing with the French court, that they should be considered as open to the adoption or rejection of the congress of the United States ; and that the rejection of them should form no impediment to the ratification of the treaty. The notes of Mr. Lee to his colleagues, and their replies are here given. They present the reasons of Mr. Lee for disagreeing to the 11th and 12th articles, and afford a gratifying specimen of his ability as a statesman and diplomatist. " CHAILLOT, January 30th, 1778. To the Hon ble Benjamin Franklin and Silas Deane. Gentlemen, More mature consideration and fuller lights upon the subject have satisfied me that I was wrong in receding from my opinion against the admissi- bility of the 12th article in the proposed commercial treaty. I should therefore think myself neglectful of the duty I owe to the public if I did not endeavour yet to prevent that measure before our signature has rendered it irrevocable. And certainly nothing short of totally preventing the treaty from being concluded will prevail upon me to sign it if that article is to stand. What has thus confirmed me in my former sentiments is this ; at the conclusion of Mr. Gerard s observations upon what we proposed, he said they had no design to lay duties upon their molasses, nor was it compatible with their policy. Dr. Franklin informed me yesterday that a substitute for molasses had been found in America, procurable from a substance, which is the growth of the country, and of infinite plenty. A prohibition on the export of their molasses will effect every purpose which ARTHUR LEE. 127 we are providing against by restraining the imposition of duties. From these considerations it seems clear to me that molasses is not such an important object as was stated ; that the demand is more likely to diminish than increase ; that there is no sound reason for apprehending that with out any restraint, duties will be imposed on that article ; that if there were the strongest reasons for that appre hension, the sacrifice does not secure us from the evil it is intended to prevent. If these reasons are not utterly fallacious, we are by the article proposed really tying both our hands with the expectation of binding one of her fingers. The princi ple too is, and the effect must be, the encouragement of commerce at the expense of agriculture. Whatever temporary advantages it may give will be permanently pernicious to our country. Nor is it an argument of lit tle weight with me that we are binding our constituents forever, upon a point on which they have not had an op portunity of giving their instructions. How far it is within the limits of our powers and our discretion I am exceedingly doubtful. I would therefore submit to you, gentlemen, upon the ground of the article not having been in the plan given for our guidance, and of doubts which have arisen amongst ourselves about the approbation it will meet with, if it should be unrejected by the court here, that we should propose that both articles should be left open to be rejected or admitted by congress, without affecting their ratification of the rest of the treaty. This exception will, it seems to me, refer the decision to that arbitration which ought to determine it, and free us from any possible imputation of having acted wrong, or of having exceeded our powers. I am willing that whatever charge of levity may arise from thus renewing the negotiation may be wholly visited upon me. Though indeed, as I think we are treating with gentlemen of sense and candour, I am under no ap prehension that they will view in any such light an anx iety to act with the utmost circumspection in a business 128 LIFE OF of great moment, and of doubtful effect. I must beg, gentlemen, an immediate consideration of what I pro pose, and that you will do me the favour of apprizing me of your determination as soon as you have formed it. I have the honour to be very respectfully, your obedi ent and humble servant, ARTHUR LEE." To this forcible statement of his objection to the 12th article, his colleagues returned him the following reply. "PASSY, February 1st, 1778. Sir, We have maturely considered your letter of the 30th past. And although we cannot see the mischiev ous consequences of the 12th article which you appre hended, yet conceiving that unanimity on this occasion is of importance, we have written to M. Gerard this morning that we concur in desiring that article and the preceding to be omitted, ag-reeable to his first proposal. We have the honour to be sir, your obedient hum ble servants, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, SILAS DEANE.* The Hon. Arthur Lee." This reply was accompanied with a copy of the joint letter of the two commissioners to Mons. Gerard, who was the minister appointed by the French court to nego tiate the treaties with the American commissioners. "PASSY, Feb. 1st, 1778. To Mons. Gerard. Sir, Mr. Lee having signified to us, that on further consideration he has changed his sentiments relating to the 12th article, and that he cannot join in signing the treaty if that article remains in it ; and as unanimity on this occasion is of some importance, and the articles 11 and 12 seem not perfectly consonant with the declared spirit of the treaty, which is to leave each party free in * This note is copied from an attested copy from the original. ARTHUR LEE. 129 its regulations of commerce ; we concur in requesting (if it can be done without occasioning delay) that those two articles may be omitted, agreeable to your own first proposition. We have the honour to be sir, your most obedient humble servants, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, SILAS DEANE."* The French minister replied that as the treaty had been ratified by the king, under his seal, the articles could not be erased ; but that Mr. Lee s proposition would be accepted, a It was agreed that the two articles should stand in s the treaty^ subjecf however to the adop tion or rejection of congress ; and that the rejection of them by that body should not invalidate the ratification of the treaty. Mr. Lee joined his colleagues in signing it, and this instrument (the sign of independence and hope in the western heavens !) was immediately trans mitted to America. . /: The congress and the people of the United States re ceived the treaty with the liveliest emotions of joy and gratitude. The congress instructed their commissioners to return their acknowledgments to Louis by the follow ing resolve. " In Congress, May 4th, 1778. Resolved, That this congress entertain the highest sense of the magnanimity and wisdom of his most Christian majesty so strongly ex emplified in the * Treaty of Amity, 5 and Commerce, and the Treaty of Alliance, entered into on the part of his majesty with these United States, at Paris, on the 6th February last ; and the commissioners, or any of them representing these states at the court of France, are di rected to present the grateful acknowledgments of this congress to his most Christian majesty, for his truly magnanimous conduct respecting these states, in the said generous and disinterested treaties, and to assure his majesty on the part of this congress, that it is sincerely wished that the friendship so happily commenced be- * This note is taken from the original sent to Mr. Lee. It is in the hand-writing of Dr. Franklin. VOL. I. 17 130 LIFE OF tween France and these United States may be perpet ual."* As soon however as the congress and the people were left free from the emotions so natural and just, and were recalled by the voice of duty to consider the treaty in the light of reason, a decided sentiment against the 1 1th arid 12th articles was the result. They were rejected, and congress instructed their commissioners to acquaint the French court of the rejection of them, and signify to it that congress approved the principle upon which the treaty had been negotiated, that both nations should be left without restriction by treaty stipulations, to adopt in future whatever commercial regulations they should judge most conducive to their respective interests. The court of France agreed that the articles should be ex punged, and the treaty was finally and completely ratified without them, in a spirit of entire harmony and good will. During the pendency of the negotiations with the French courtVMr. Lee as minister from the United States to the court of Spain, was mindful of his duties in this capacity. He earnestly endeavoured to procure the immediate accession of Spain to the treaty of alli ance and commerce concluded with Frances But all his efforts were without effect to move the slow and cau tious policy of that court. It declined for the present to /join France in the treaty with the United States. But Mr. Lee procured a secret and separate article to be en tered into by the King of France with him as minister to Spain, the purport of which was that his most Christian majesty in concluding the treaty of amity and commerce and of eventual and defensive alljance with the United States, had reserved for his ally the King of Spain, a right of future accession tqtfre treaties and to the ben efits of their stipulations, vhis act was in the following words, as translated from the French language by Mr. Lee. (Act Separate and Secret.) " The most Christian King declares in consequence of the intimate union which subsists between him and the * See the Journals. ARTHUR LEE. 131 King of Spain, that in concluding with the United States of America this treaty of amity and commerce, and that of eventual and offensive alliance, his majesty hath in tended and intends to reserve expressly, as he reserves by this present separate and secret act to his Catholic majesty, the power of acceding to the said treaties, and to participate in their stipulations at such times as he shall judge proper. It being well understood, neverthe less, that if any of the stipulations of the said treaties are not agreeable to the King of Spain, his Catholic majesty may propose other conditions analogous to the principal aim of the alliance, and conformable to the rules of equal ity, reciprocity and friendship. The deputies of the United States in the name of their constituents, accept the present declaration in its full extent ; and the deputy of the said states, who is fully empowered to treat with Spain, promises to sign on the first requisition of his Catholic majesty, the act or acts necessary to communi cate to him the stipulations of the treaties above written. And the said deputy shall endeavour in good faith the ad justment of the points in which the King of Spain may propose any alteration conformable to the principles of equality, reciprocity and perfect amity ; he, the said deputy not doubting but that the person or persons em powered by his Catholic majesty to treat with the Unit ed States, will do the same with regard to any altera tions of the same kind that may be thought necessary by the said plenipotentiary of the United States. In faith whereof the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the present separate and secret article and affixed to the same their seals. Done at Paris the 6th Februa ry 1778. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, C. A. GERALD. SILAS DEANE, ARTHUR LEE, Depute Plenipo: pour la France et V Espagne."* During the year 1778 the commissioners were employ ed in attending to the concerns which the reader will * See Secret Journal, vol. ii. p. 88. 132 LIFE OF readily apprehend must have arisenin the relations between two independent nations, now openly and closely allied. They were numerous ; and required all the labour and attention that could be bestowed on them. Mr. Lee gave to them his full share of labour and activity. But he bore the additional character of sole commissioner to the court of Spain, and of acting commissioner to Berlin. His duties therefore were more various in their charac ter, and more numerous than those which devolved on his colleagues. His mind was kept in constant exercise, and his labours were severe and ceaseless. He did not for a moment lose sight of the interests of his country connected with foreign powers ; and the zeal and dili gence with which he devoted himself to his official duties, equalled the ability he displayed in the performance of them. The negotiations which he conducted during the year 1778 with the court of Prussia, may be seen in the 5th No. of the Appendix. He conducted a continued correspondence during that year with the Prussian minis ter. He had the honour of obtaining, as the reader has seen, a promise from the Prussian monarch that he would second France in acknowledging the independence of the United States. Mr. Lee did not remit his efforts during this year to induce the court of Spain to accede to the treaties con cluded with France. But it continued- equivocally to de cline all Mr. Lee s propositions. ^At length Mr. Lee be came weary by the delay of that court to give a definite answer to them ; and had formed a resolution to repair to Madrid, and enjoy the advantages of personal conferen ces with the Count Florida Blanca. Having some doubt of the propriety or probable policy of such a step, he con sulted the friendly and candid Vergennes^on the subject in the following note in French, of which Mr. Lee s trans lation is here given. "PARIS, Oct. 12th, 1778. To his excellency the Count de Vergennes. Your excellency has seen in the separate and secret act signed the 6th February 1778, that I am charged with ARTHUR LEE. 133 full powers to conclude a treaty with Spain. You are also acquainted with my having been in Spain, and hav ing had conferences with the Duke de Grimaldi on this subject. All the objections which were then alleged against an immediate declaration are now removed. The consisten cy of our cause is now unquestionable. France is ready and has actually declared; their treasures are safe, and the fleet from Buenos Ayres is in their harbours. Yet we do not see the least movement on their part towards realizing the hopes they gave us ; but on the contrary, what ostensible measures they have taken, most certainly give encouragement to our enemies. That court has not thought proper to take the least notice of the ratification of the separate and secret act which I announced to them. While we are therefore bound, they are at liberty. All this sir, gives me much uneasiness. I arn appre hensive that congress will not think this mode of acting very satisfactory ; and that the encouragement it must hold out to the court of London will prolong this perni cious war, and make it cost us more blood and treasure than is necessary to tie the hands of our common ene my, and establish effectually the liberty, the sovereignty, and independence of the United States. In these very critical circumstances I must have re course to the king and to your excellency. Our cause is common ; and it is my wish to conduct it by your expe rience, your lights, and your counsel, as to the measures I am to take, whether it be to act or to wait. This would always be my desire, but I consider it now my duty ; for it seems to be the mutual sentiment of your court and of congress, that the eventual treaty signed at Paris on the 6th February is now become actual, perma nent, and indissoluble. The first article of that treaty says that if war should break out between France and Great Britain during the continuance of the present war between the United States and England, his majesty and the United States will make it a common cause, and will aid each other with their mutual good offices, counsels, and forces, according to the exigency of things, and as be comes good and faithful allies. 134 LIFE OF It is upon these principles that I think it my duty to endeavour to place upon an equal footing the interests of France and the United States ; and therefore not to com mence any thing without the concurrence of your court. Upon the same principles I flatter myself with obtaining the aid and assistance of your wisdom and information, as to the moment of commencing the measures to be taken and the means to be employed with the court of Spain. I am persuaded, and always was so, that Great Britain cannot make head for a year against the united counsels and force of the house of Bourbon and the United States of America. I have the honour to be your excellency s very obedi ent servant, ARTHUR LEE." Y/ The count advised that Mr. Lee should not at this time press the subject further on the Spanish court. Mr. Lee was guided by his counsel, and did not go to Madrid, but continued in friendlycorrespondence with the minister of Spain at Paris.V/Though Spain thus long declined the overtures of the United States to an open alliance, the good understanding and the friendly biases of the former towards the latter which had hitherto subsisted continued to exist. A pleasing proof of this is exhibited in the fol lowing communication of Mr. Lee made to the Spanish court, by the direction of congress. That body must have been well assured of the cordiality of Spain towards their cause, w T hen they would have disclosed to her cabi net, yet holding ostensibly amicable relations \vith Great Britain, the wants and distresses of their country. Their representative performed the duty assigned him by their re- solve,with no ordinary ability and with the desired success. Towards the close of the year 1777 the fiscal affairs of the United States were greatly embarrassed. The rapid depreciation of their paper money had already been at tended with serious consequences, and threatened for the future more deplorable evils. In consequence of this state of things, congress on the 23d December 1777 pass ed a resolution, instructing and authorizing their com- ARTHUR LEE. 135 missioners at the different courts to make an immediate and earnest application for a loan of two millions sterling, upon terms specified in the resolution. As soon as the resolution and the instructions reached Paris, Mr. Lee addressed this earnest and well adapted letter to the prime minister of Spain through her resident ambassador at Paris. " Mr. Lee presents his respects to his excellency Count D Aranda, and begs he will have the goodness to forward the packet which he has the honour of enclosing him, and which is on business of the last importance, by the first opportunity to his court. Chaillot, July 19, 1777." " To his excellency the Count Florida Blanca. I have the honour of transmitting to your excellency the enclosed resolution of congress, with my most earn est prayer that it may be immediately laid before the king. Nothing but the uncommon exigency of the pre sent war, attended with such peculiar circumstances with regard to the United States, would prevail upon them to press so much upon his majesty s goodness. That ne cessity must also plead my pardon for entreating your excellency to let me have as early an answer as possible. As the United States have the highest confidence in the friendship of the king, they promise themselves that his goodness will afford this loan, as a relief to their most urgent distresses. With regard to the interest, the quantum of that they refer themselves to his majesty s justice. Five per cent, is the legal interest with them, but I am authorized to give six if his majesty should de sire it. This interest .will be most punctually paid, and they will neglect no means of liquidating the principal, if de sired, sooner than the stipulated time ; which will be easily accomplished when peace or some other employ ment of the enemy s navy than that of preying upon the trade of the United States, will permit their exports to find European markets. Your excellency will perceive that this loan is appro- 136 LIFE OF priated to sink the paper money which necessity obliged congress to issue. An infant and unprepared people compelled to defend themselves against an old, opulent and powerful, and well appointed nation, were driven to this resource of issuing paper. They were to create ar mies and navies, to fortify towns, erect forts, defend rivers, and establish government; besides the immense expense of maintaining a war, that pressed them power fully on all sides. For these purposes they had neither funds established, taxes imposed, specie in their country, nor commerce to introduce it. In this exigency paper money was their only resource, and not having been able for the same reasons to redeem it, the depreciation which necessarily followed threatens the total destruction of their credit, and consequently their only means of main taining their independence. In this distress their hope is fixed upon his majesty ; and I most earnestly beseech your excellency so to repre sent our situation to the king, as may move his royal be nevolence to furnish the relief we wish, which would raise an everlasting tribute of gratitude in the people of the United States. I have the honour to be, with the greatest respect, your excellency s most obedient and humble servant, ARTHUR LEE. Pari^July 18, 1778." The resolution of congress is here added. " In congress, Dec. 3, 1777. The great quantity of paper money issued to defray the expenses of the war, having at length become so considerable as to endanger its credit, and congress ap prehending the slow operation of taxes may not be ade quate to the preventing of an evil so pernicious in its consequences, and as experience proves that the method of paying the interest by bills on France does not fill the loan office so fast as the urgent calls of the war de mands, Resolved, that the commissioner at, &c. be directed ARTHUR LEE. 137 to exert his utmost endeavours to obtain a loan of two millions sterling, on the faith of the United States, for a term not less than five years, with permission if practi cable, to pay the same sooner if it shall be agreeable to these states, giving twelve months previous notice to the lender, of such intention to return the money. That the commissioner be instructed to consider the money hereby directed to be borrowed, as a fund to be applied, unless congress direct otherwise, solely to the purpose of an swering such draughts as congress shall make for the purpose of lessening the sum of paper money in circula tion. That in order more effectually of answering the good purposes intended by this plan, the commissioner be also instructed to keep as secret as the nature of the thing will admit, whatever loan he shall be able to obtain for this purpose on account of the United States." The court as well as the people of Holland, had enter tained a strong sympathy for the people of the United States. It was a sympathy at once natural, moral and politic. It was a moral sympathy between the " old republicans of Holland and the " new republicans of America ;" while it was the natural and politic feeling of one commercial state towards another commercial state. The kindly sentiments of the people and govern ment towards the United States had induced congress to appoint an agent at the Hague. Mr. William Lee, a brother of Arthur Lee, had for some time past acted in the capacity of commercial agent of the United States at that place. Mr. Arthur Lee, with his usual activity and zeal, had done much to conciliate the good will of the ministers and public men of Holland towards his country, to gain their respect and engage their interest in its affairs, from the suggestions and motives of policy. With these views he had corresponded with some of the leading men of that country, and had given to them all such information respecting the character of the people and institutions of the United States, of their resources and commercial fa- VOL. i. 18 138 LIFE OF cilities, as was calculated to produce an interested and at the same time a moral feeling, advantageous to the cause he had so much at heart. He wrote the following me- moire for the reading and commercial men in Holland, and sent it to one of his friends to be published in some of the popular gazettes at the Hague. MARCH 31st, 1778. Monsieur Dumas, a la Hague. Dear Sir, I enclose you a memoire written last year, but not sent in consequence of my going to Spain. You will be so good as to show it to your friends, and have it printed if you think that will be of any service. It is reported from America that a fire has happened at Charleston which burnt 200 houses ; and that the Ca nadians have taken up arms and declared for the United States.* I am with great respect dear sir, your friend and ser vant, ARTHUR LEE." Memoire of Arthur Lee, referred to in the preceding letter to Mons. Dumas. " When the ancestors of the present inhabitants of the United States of America first settled that country, they did it entirely at their own expense. The public of Eng land never granted one shilling to aid in their establish ment, f Had any such grants existed they must have been on record. The state of England therefore could not claim the benefit of an acquisition it had not made. * The author has found a note to the Count de Vergennes, containing a benevo lent and becoming suggestion to that minister respecting the calamity which had befallen Charleston. "CHAILLOT, April 17th, 1778. To the Count Vergennes. Mr. Lee presents his respects to his excellency Count Vergennes, and encloses a Gazette containing the speeches in the famous debate on the 8th. He begs it may be returned when done with. Mr. Lee cannot help suggesting that the king has an opportunity of doing an act of great graciousness towards America, in ordering a sum of money for the sufferers in the dreadful calamity of the fire in Charleston, South Carolina. Such an act would be consonant to the character of benevolence and generosity which his majes ty so deservedly bears ; and in a popular government like that of the United States, it might have a more favourable effect than the efforts of the ablest negotiator. With profound respect I have the honour to be, &c. ARTHUR LEE." t Georgia is au exception, for which grants have been made. ARTHUR LEE. 139 Upon this principle the first settlers conceived they had a right to exchange and sell the produce of their labour to all nations without control. This right they actually enjoyed unquestioned, until the year 1652. Then it was that the English, in violation of every principle of justice, usurped and established a monopoly of the American com merce, which they maintained until the vigour of their domination compelled the Americans to reclaim their an cient and unalienable rights, by declaring themselves free and independent states. In consequence of this, all na tions are now restored to a participation of that com merce, from which the monopolizing spirit of the English had unjustly excluded them. No nation is more interested in this event than the Dutch ; because it was against them the establishment of the monopoly was chiefly intended. The great object of commercial policy with Holland was the carrying trade. When the commerce of America was free, the number of Dutch vessels in the American ports exceeded those of England. But in the year 1651 a quarrel arose between the states of Holland and the then republic of England. The English, jealous of their naval power, resolved to destroy that American commerce which con tributed so much to the support of the naval strength of Holland. To effect this, the council of state projected and passed on the 1st Dec. 1(351 the Navigation Ordinance; by which the carriage of American produce was prohi bited, except in English bottoms. The Dutch saw the intention and felt the effects of this measure. Their re sentment of it added fuel to the war that raged from that time until the year 1(354 with so much fury. Their success however was not sufficient to re-establish what had thus been wrested from them. In negotiating the peace which concluded that war, De Witt laboured with his usual abilities to obtain an abolition of that act, but all his efforts were ineffectual. Cromwell, who was not his inferior in acuteness, maintained the navigation act, and under Charles II. it received the form and sanction of an act of the parliament. Thus in despite of all their efforts, this valuable branch of commerce was wrest ed from the Dutch, and monopolized by the English. 140 LIFE OF But what neither the uncommon talents of DeWitt nor the struggles of an obstinate war could effect, the course of human events has produced. The wealth and power arising from this very monopoly so intoxicated Great Britain, as to make her think that there were no bounds to the exercise of the control she had usurped. Not content therefore with thus restraining the Americans for her own emolument in the mode of acquiring money, she arrogated to herself the right of taking that which was obtained under those restraints. The natural conse quence of thus urging her domination, and adding a new usurpation to the former, was the abolition of the whole. America has in form renounced her connexion with Great Britain, and is maintaining her rights by arms. The consequence of her success will be the re-estab lishment of commerce upon its ancient free and general policy. All nations are interested in this success ; but none so much as the Dutch. From them therefore, America in a most special manner looks for support. Re sentment of an ancient injury, the policy of their ancestors, and all their present interests, unite in calling upon them for a spirited avowal and support of the independence of America. They will not forget the blood that was spilt in endeavouring to vindicate their rights when first invad ed. They will not forget the insolence and injustice with which Great Britain harassed their trade during the late war, by means of that very naval strength which she de rived from their monopoly. They cannot but feel at. this moment the insult and indignity from the British court, in presuming to forbid them that free participation of com merce which America offers. The extraordinary remittances which the people of America have made to the merchants of Great Britain since the commencement of this dispute, is a proof of their honour and good faith ; so much more safe and ad vantageous is it to trust money with a young, and indus trious, and thriving people, than with an old nation, over whelmed in debt, abandoned to extravagance, and im mersed in luxury. By maintaining the independence of America a new avenue will be opened for the employ- ARTHUR LEE. 141 ment of money ; where landed property as yet untouched by mortgage or other incumbrance, will answer for the principal, and the industry of a young and uninvolved people would ensure a regular payment of interest. The money holder would in that case be delivered from those continual fears and apprehensions, which every agitation of the English stocks perpetually excite. He might count his profits without anxiety, and plan his monied transactions with certainty. These are the substantial objects of advantage which America holds up to the peo ple of Holland ; and this is the moment of embracing them." In a long and interesting letter to the committee of correspondence, written subsequently to his letter to Mons. Dumas, Mr. Lee informed them that he had pro cured the publication in Holland of a memoire he had prepared for the purpose of attracting the attention of the court and public of that country to the affairs of the United States ; and that a well informed friend at the Hague had expressed to him an opinion " that it would have a very good effect." His friend, Mons. Dumas, added to the preceding memoire some appropriate and well timed reflections, for which Mr. Lee thus thanks him. " CHAILLOT, June 4th, 1778. Mons. Dumas. Dear Sir, It gave me great pleasure to receive the key to the treasure you sent us before in Dutch, my un- acquaintance with which prevented me from knowing how much I was obliged to you for the improvements made on the little essay I had the honour of sending you. Felix, faustumque sitS May it open the eyes of your people to their own interest, before an universal bankruptcy in England and a compelled frugality in Ame rica have deprived them of the golden opportunity of ex tricating themselves from bad debtors, and connecting themselves with good ones. So fair an opportunity of sharing in the most valuable commerce on the globe will never again present itself; 142 LIFE OF and indeed they are greatly indebted to the noble and disinterested principles of France, which prevented this country from attempting to possess itself of the mo nopoly which Great Britain had forfeited. In truth they were great and wise principles, and the connexion form ed upon them will be durable. France and the rest of Europe can never pay too large a tribute of praise to the wisdom of the most Christian king and his ministers in this transaction. You are happy in having the esteem and counsel of the Grand Facteur, who seems to have equal sense and good intentions. Our enemies seem embarrassed in their operations, as is generally the case with the weak and the wicked. As far as we can learn their fleet has not yet sailed for America, to save the Howes from the fate that hangs over them. We have no intelligence on which we can rely. I have the honour to be dear sir, with the greatest re spect, your friend and servant, ARTHUR LEE." On the 8th of April 1778, John Adams, Esq. arrived in Paris. He had been appointed a joint commissioner to France, in the room of Mr. Deane. With this gentle man Mr. Lee had enjoyed previously no personal ac quaintance ; but their characters and their patriotic and essential services to their common country had been long known to each of them. A personal friendship immedi ately ensued, and continued during the life of Mr. Lee. The interesting letters of John Adams to him, written during his missions to Holland and England at a highly important period, will be read with earnestness and pleasure by every intelligent reader. They will be found in the Appendix, No. 9. In the early part of the year 1778, as the reader has learned from history, the British parliament, by the ad vice of the ministry, who had foreseen the probability and consequences of a treaty of commerce and alliance be tween France and the United States, authorized commis sioners who were named in the act, appointing them to make pacific propositions to the congress. The ministry ARTHUR LEE. 143 at the same time despatched a private agent, a gentle man of much respectability, to Paris, for the purposes of watching the proceedings of the court of France, and of sounding our commissioners on the subject of a recon ciliation with England. The following notes of Count Vergennes and Mr. Lee will give the reader some idea of the artful efforts made to obstruct the treaty with France. They will at the same time illustrate the mu tual confidence and good faith which existed between the able and amiable Vergennes and our commissioners. " CHAILLOT, April 24th, 1778. Sir, Since I had the honour of seeing your excellency I have learnt that Mr. Hartley in conversing with French people whose opinions he thinks may have weight, insinu ates to them, that engaging in a war in our favour is very impolitic, since you can expect nothing from us but the ingratitude and ill faith, with which we have repaid Great Britain. To us, he says, the French have done nothing for you, they can never be trusted ; no cordial connexion can be formed with them, therefore you had better re turn back to your former connexion, which may be upon your own terms if you will renounce France. This gen tleman and the wise men who sent him have so high an opinion of our understandings, that they flatter them selves these insinuations w T ill succeed. I have also been informed that besides their commis sioners, the ministry have despatched two persons to America to work privately as Mr. Hartley is doing. One of them is an American ; I know them, and both the size of their understanding and the degree of their influence. There is nothing to apprehend from either. These are the little projects of little spirits, and will be attended with proportional success. They show the im becility and distress of our enemies, and will only change the detestation of America into utter contempt. I have the honour to be, with great respect, your ex cellency s most obedient and most humble servant, ARTHUR LEE. His excellency Count de Vergennes." 144 LIFE OF " VERSAILLES, April 24, 1778. T am much obliged to you sir, for giving me informa tion touching the insinuations of Mr. Heartley, as well to you as to those whom he thinks have an influence in this country. I do not doubt of his receiving as little credit with you as he certainly will with us. And I can answer for it that he will not find us susceptible of the suspicions he wishes to inspire. I am obliged to go immediately to council, and must beg you to accept the assurances of the respect with which I have the honour to be sir, your very obedient and humble servant, DE VERGENNES. The Hon. Arthur Lee." Previously to this time the British ministry had made an attempt, as unsuccessful as the one just related, to in terrupt the amicable relations between France and the United States, and to prevent so hearty an union in the affections of the people of the two countries, as would alienate those of the latter altogether from Great Britain. For these purposes they had engaged an agent, and au thorized him to make overtures of reconciliation to our commissioners. The name of this agent was Berken- hout. This gentleman had been a classmate and an in timate friend of Mr. Lee while he was a student at the University of Edinburg. The former intimacy between Mr. Lee and this gentleman had become known to the ministry. Hence he was instructed to commence his efforts by seeking to renew his acquaintance with Mr. Lee, and by cautiously disclosing to him the disposition of the British Court, to propose terms of accommoda tion. The ministry were doubtless desirous of retriev ing the consequences of their violent proceedings agaiffst America, and to save Great Britain from the entire loss of so large and important a part of her empire. But they were yet unwilling to acknowledge the independ ence of the United States. Neither their agents, Messrs. Hartley and Berkenhout, nor their commissioners, whom they had sent to America, were authorized to give any promise or pledge on that subject. The contest had con- ARTHUR LEE. 145 tinued too long, and the people of the United States had been too confident of ultimate success, and had been too deeply smitten with the idea of national independence, to listen to any terms not founded on an acknowledg ment of it. Dr. Berkenhout repaired to France in the latter part of the year 1777, and continued until the year 1778. He addressed a letter to Mr. Lee, inviting him to come to Calais. He gave him to understand that his visit to France was authorized by the court of London, and that he was charged with business of high import to the United States. Their correspondence was carried on under feigned signatures, at the request of Dr. Berken hout. He soon learned that while Mr. Lee was still true to the amiable and grateful recollections of friend ship, he was a bold and inflexible patriot who would not despair of his country, and would indignantly spurn all idea of any connexion with Great Britain except that which may exist between independent nations. The following notes from Mr. Lee to Dr. Berkenhout will show the reader the spirit in which the ministerial proposals were met by the former, and the degree of en couragement which he gave to the latter gentleman to hope for success in bringing about any amicable under standing, without the previous and positive acknowledg ment of the absolute independence of the United States. Notwithstanding the little success which attended Dr. Berkenhout s attempts at Paris, he was subsequently sent to the United States to aid the British commission ers in similar efforts there.* "August 1, 1777. Dr. B. Amico has received and considered your last letter. To your last question he answers you may come if you are properly authorized. But it should be to * Dr. B. upon his arrival in America addressed himself to Richard Henry Lee, from whom his proposals met with the same stern rejection that they had experi enced from the congenial spirit of his brother. VOL. I. 19 146 LIFE OF Paris, and not to Calais, because Amico s going thither would excite curiosity and suspicion. To Dr. Berkenhout." " December 3, 1777. Amico, My last might serve as an answer to your s. We have power to receive, not to make, overtures. Voila la difference. We have as much dignity, and I hope more reason on our side. If therefore they stay for overtures from us, I promise you they will not receive them till their faith can move our mountains. I hoped something from this negotiation, and therefore more willingly lent myself to it. But I now see too well their abundant pride and folly to think the public will derive any ad vantage from it. They are determined to make us a great people by continuing a contest which forces us to fru gality, industry and economy ; and calls forth resources which without such necessity would never have been cultivated. I have long thought that if they intended us the benefits their conduct will bring us, we should owe them mountains of gold. Adieu." The Doctor continued, in spite of these stern rebukes, to continue in France and occasionally to introduce to Mr. Lee the subject of reconciliation with England, with the same result to all his efforts. To a request from the Doctor to disclose to him some intelligence upon which he might adventure in the business of stock-jobbing, Mr. Lee returned him this frank and wise advice. "January 13, 1778. Dr. Berkenhout. Dear Friend, You could not possibly have written to a more improper person for intelligence to stock-job upon. I am determined that no consideration shall ever prevail on me to contribute to such work, and more especially in my situation. You must therefore pardon me if my friendship for you cannot go so far. Nor indeed can I help dissuading you from entering at all into a walk fre- ARTHUR LEE. 147 quented by knaves and dupes, and in which, from all I have heard of it, nothing can save an honest man from being sacrificed to those who are not so. The acquaint ance I have had with political business satisfies me that there is great risk in ensuring on political events. I ad vise you to think no more of it. Farewell." All the attempts of the court of London to arrest that progress of events which resulted in the treaties of com merce and alliance between France and the United States, proved abortive alike in both countries. The missions of Messrs. Hartley and Berkenhout, and of the commis sioners sent to America, utterly failed. The author had not known the fact, and perhaps most readers are unacquainted with it, that the " old congress" had invited the celebrated Dr. Richard Price, so well known to politicians as an able writer on the recondite subjects of government and finance, and to the learned world as a profound metaphysician, to become a citizen of the United States, and to assist them in the regula tion of their financial systems. They accompanied this invitation with an assurance, that if he should think it expedient to remove with his family to America, " a ge nerous provision should be made for requiting his ser vices." This resolution, so honourable to Dr. Price, is in these words ; "October 6, 1778. Resolved, that the honourable Benjamin Franklin, Arthur Lee, and John Adams, Esquires, or any of them, be directed forthwith to apply to Dr. Price and inform him that it is the desire of congress to consider him a citizen of the United States, and to receive his assist ance in regulating their finances. That if he should think it expedient to remove with his family to America, and afford such assistance, a generous provision shall be made for requiting his services."* His colleagues devolved upon Mr. Lee the office of * See Secret Journals, Vol. U. p. 101. H8 LIFE OF making known the foregoing resolution to Dr. Price. Between them there had existed, while Mr. Lee resided in England, a warm friendship and congeniality of senti ment and opinions, on most subjects of learning and ab stract research. The office was therefore a most grate ful one, and he performed it with all his heart. It is to be regretted that no copy of Mr. Lee s letter in behalf of the commissioners has been found. The reply of Dr. Price is worthy of him. The reader will greet its inser tion here. GREEN, Jan, 1779. Dear Sir, Your most kind and excellent letter, to gether with the letter conveying the resolution of con gress, has made the deepest impression on my mind.* I entreat you to accept yourself and to deliver to Dr. Franklin and Mr. Adams my best acknowledgments. Though I cannot hesitate about the reply addressed to the honourable commissioners, and through them to congress, which accompanies this letter, yet so flattering a testi mony of the regard of an assembly which I consider the most respectable and important in the world cannot but give me the highest pleasure, and I shall always reckon it among the first honours of my life. There is an indolence growing upon me as 1 grow older, which will probably prevent me forever from undertaking any public employment. When I am in my study and among my books, and have nothing to encum ber me, I am happy ; but so weak are my spirits that the smallest hurry and even the consciousness of having any thing to do which must be done, will sometimes dis tress and overpower me. What I have written on the subject of finances has been chiefly an amusement which I have pursued at my leisure, with some hope indeed, but very little expectation, of its being useful. Nothing can be more melancholy than to see so many European states depressed and crippled by heavy debts, which have been the growth of ages, and which in the end * No copy of Mr. Lee s letter here mentioned by Dr. Price has been found. ARTHUR LEE. 149 must ruin them, but which a small appropriation faithful ly applied might have always kept within the bounds of safety. This is particularly true of this country. Here our debt must soon produce a shocking catastrophe. The new world will I hope take warning and profit by the follies and corruptions and miseries of the old. My pamphlets on the principles of government and the American war, \vere extorted from me by my judg ment and my feelings. They have brought upon me a great deal of abuse ; but abundant amends have been made me by the approbation of many of the best men here and abroad ; and particularly by that vote of con gress to which I suppose they may have contributed. When you write to any of the members of that assembly be so good as to represent me as a zealous friend to lib erty, who is anxiously attentive to the great struggle in which they are engaged, and who wishes earnestly for the sake of the world that British America may preserve its liberty, set an example of moderation and magnani mity, and establish such forms of government as may render it an asylum for the virtuous and the oppressed in other countries. Tell Dr. Franklin that he is one of the friends in whom while in this country I always delighted, and for whom I must ever retain the greatest esteem and affec tion. We are now separated from one another never probably to meet again on this side of the grave. May he long be preserved as a blessing to his country. My connexions and state of health are such that I must stay in this country and wait its fate. I do this with a pain ful concern for the infatuation which has brought it into its present danger ; but at the same time with indiffer ence as far as my own personal interest is concerned, and a perfect complacency in the consciousness of having endeavoured to act the part of a good citizen, and serve the best of all causes. Will you further mention me par ticularly to Mr. Adams, and inform him that I greatly respect his character. Some good friends of yours and mine are well, but I differ from them at present in opinion. 150 LIFE OF Under a grateful sense of your friendship and with great regard, and wishes of all possible happiness, I am my dear sir, your obliged and very obedient humble ser vant, RICHARD PRICE. P. S. The interest of mankind depends so much on the forms of government established in America, that I have long thought it the duty of every man to contribute all he can towards improving them. I am possessed of some observations which have been made by a great man with this view, and I may some time or other take the liberty to communicate them with a few additional ob servations. R. P." The great object of the mission of Messrs. Franklin, Deane, and Arthur Lee to the court of France having been accomplished by the conclusion of the treaties with that nation, the principal exertions and labours of Mr. Lee during the years 1778 and 1779 w r ere required by his office, and were devoted to his duties of sole commis sioner to the court of Spain, and of the acting commis sioner to that of Prussia. During this period he aided his brother, William Lee, in his negotiations with Hol land. Mr. Lee s attention to the duties of these com missions, and his labours to advance the interests of his country in regard to them, were assiduous, able and pat riotic. They were always onerous, always responsible, and generally perplexing. After having obtained loans and warlike supplies from the courts of Spain and Hol land, and permission to purchase arms from the Prussian armories, he encountered f many difficulties and suffered vast trouble in the selections of the articles, in the necessary arrangements with the merchants, and in the making of arrangements with the subordinate agents and ministers of the several governments, as to the mode of ensuring and shipping them. Some estimate may be formed of the continuance, perplexity and minuteness of the labours of Mr. Lee during the periods just mention ed, from his letters to the " Corresponding Committee" of Congress, and from his Letter Books and Journals, from which have been made the selections accompanying ARTHUR LEE. 151 this brief and feeble attempt to present to his country men for their gratitude and imitation, a sketch of the character and services of this able and devoted patriot. His labours during the years 1778 and 1779 were suc cessful in some of their most important objects. He obtained in times of urgent need, loans from Spain and Holland, and military supplies from Prussia, on advan tageous terms. During the period of which this brief view has been taken, Mr. Lee continued to act as agent for the state of Virginia, and to conduct negotiations with the court of France for supplies of^arms, &c. for that commonwealth. To negotiate for loans and supplies was the least of the trouble and labours ofJVlr. Lee s official duties. The de tails involved in- the many interviews "and arrangements with the different officers of the French government re specting the Virginia supplies, and the jelivery and ship ping of them, added greatly and continually to the vari ous other engagements of Mr. Lee. But no labour, however constant and wearying, no details of business however dry and minute, could abate his exertions. An unquenchable zeal for his suffering and struggling coun try, ceaselessly animated his bosom. The evidence which supports this remark exists in a much greater amount than has been here exhibited to the reader. His conduct was indeed a commentary upon the noble de claration he made in his admirable letter to Lord Shel- burne ; " I am determined to see the liberties of my country established, or to perish in her last struggle." The continued attention of Mr. Lee to the business of supplies for the state of Virginia, amid his other multi plied engagements, will be seen in his correspondence with Governors Henry and Page, which will be found in the Appendix, No. 4, (c) and No. 8. Towards the latter end of the year 1778, our affairs with France having assumed the regular form of the re lations of an established government, it seems to have been thought by congress that a single national repre sentative to that country would suffice ; and that a name of office, importing the dignity of national independence, 152 LIFE OF was now appropriate to our condition. It was resolved that it was expedient to appoint a minister plenipoten tiary to reside at the court of France. In October 1778 Dr. Franklin was elected to fill that office. Our affairs with Spain, Prussia, Holland, and Germany, being still of an indefinite character, commissioners only were continued at their respective courts. Mr. Lee was continued sole commissioner to Spain, and acting commissioner at the court of Prussia. A brief attempt has been made to give the reader a general idea of the value of his services during the period which elapsed from October 1778 un til the end of the year 1779. He who shall read his cor respondence during this time, will perceive that it has been thought better to leave the reader to form a due estimate of the zeal and disinterestedness of Mr. Lee s services from the materials of this memoir, than from an elaborate effort of his biographer to present here a full statement of his labours. Great and undeniable as had been the patriotism and services of Mr. Lee, he did not escape the malicious in sinuations and false charges of detected peculation, and conscious infidelity to public trust ; while he experienced the inevitable consequence of an honest performance of duty, the persecution of abating faction. A short period of his life afforded another instance, in addition to the many furnished by the history of all times, that active virtue never passed along its whole career without de traction and injustice. To posterity, and not to contem poraries, patriotism and virtue have ever been most in debted for a just estimate of their claims to admiration and gratitude. The biographer of Mr. Lee, actuated by the same love of country that distinguished his subject, reluctant ly records facts which cast a shade on any period of our revolutionary times. But this reluctance is lessened by the reflection, that while truth requires a glance at this shade, it is to be recorded, that its own redeeming ener gy and testimony, informing and invigorating the zeal and public virtue which so distinguished the times of the American revolution, quickly dispelled the clouds of error ARTHUR LEE. 153 and injustice from the character of one of the most hon est and able of those public servants who had given suc cess and lustre to that eventful and glorious epoch. When, in the latter end of the year 1779, it had be come expedient to appoint a minister plenipotentiary to the court of Spain, and one or more to negotiate a treaty of peace with Great Britain, (which it was now probable Great Britain would consent to make with us as an in dependent nation) Mr. Lee, though nominated, was not elected to either of these honourable and important sta tions. Any reader of ordinary sagacity and sensibility, will at once perceive that at least an apparent affront was offered to him. A person of less sensibility than he would have felt mortification, if not resentment.* After the long and important services of Mr. Lee at the court of Spain, to which may be so justly ascribed the friendly under standing that had existed, and that was now on the eve of a successful consummation in the conclusion of a treaty recognising the independence of his country, the propri ety and justice of conferring upon him the honour of the appointment of first minister plenipotentiary to that court, would seem clear and indisputable.! As soon as he re ceived intelligence of this appointment he resolved to re turn to America, and resign OT! employment under the congress. The reader may perhaps wonder that so long as he could render any service to his country abroad, the ardent and disinterested patriotism he had so long ex hibited had not induced him to remain in Europe, con senting to sacrifice his feelings to the public good. The following sketch will suffice to acquit him of all undue regard to personal considerations of pride and etiquette. The many testimonies of the public respect and gratitude he received upon his return, make it unnecessary to go into much detail of the reasons which led him to re turn, and of the circumstances which rendered his pre- * It will be seen by inspecting the vote, that the vote for Mr. Lee was numerous and respectable. t It was surely meet that to him should have been afforded the opportunity of con cluding a treaty with a nation with which he had so early, so long, and so ably negotiated, and of thus gloriously crowning his arduous labours and ardent wishes. VOL. I. 20 154 LIFE OF sence in America an imperative duty to himself and his country. It was of necessity that the congress employed many commercial agents ; and an equal necessity obliged them to authorize their commissioners to employ sub-agents to attend to details of business which it was impossible for the commissioners themselves to transact. Owing to the distance from the residence of the commissioners, of the places where the disbursement of the public moneys was made in the purchase and shipment of warlike supplies, which at this time could be purchased only in Europe, and the absence of a regular system of accountability, it was extremely difficult if not impossible, to secure a faithful application of the funds of the public, when it necessarily depended on the honesty alone of the agents employed. Such is the desire of gain, such is the " sacra anri fames" that in almost every instance the agents em ployed by congress and by the commissioners, and the merchants with whom contracts were made, proved re gardless of principle, and amassed wealth for themselves at the expense of the United States. This state of things existed to an extent which at this day would appear al most incredible. AgainsLthis abuse Mr. Lee uniformly, actively, and with an unrompromising spirit, opposed all the authority and restraint he could exercise. This course excited against him, as he was aware it would certainly do, the most intense dislike. The most desirable object to these faithless agents was tq procure his dismission from the public service, and his recal to the United States. Various and malignant arts were employed and unceasing efforts were made to attain "their purpose. He was a sub ject of their constant abuse and complaint. They secret ly charged him with a concealed attachment to England, and insinuated that he was in truth little better than a spy upon his colleagues in the interest of the enemy. They first endeavoured to excite a suspicion and distrust of him in the minds of the French ministers ; but failing to effect this design they next strove to infuse into the minds of their friends and connexions in America the strongest prejudices against him, by writing thither re- ARTHUR LEE. 155 specting him the grossest falsehoods. They represented to them that he kept up an intimacy and correspondence with Hartley and Berkenhout,of the true nature of which the reader has been informed. Their friends naturally believed their representations, and imbibed their dislike and enmity. Many of these agents were of respectable families in America, and some of them had relations and friends in congress. By the joint effect of arts and of falsehood, operating on the sympathy of their friends in and out of congress, they at length succeeded in raising up a faction in that body and out of it, bitterly opposed to and resentful against him. Hence the result of the elec tions in congress which have just been mentioned; for as several persons were nominajted, this .faction, by joining their numbers to the vote for any other candidate than Mr. Lee, defeated his election. He had long discovered the means taken by the dis honest agents of the public in Europe, to traduce and in jure him in America. He had been well aware of the extent and strength of the connexions of some of them in congress, and had contemplated the possible success of their efforts to produce an unfavourable impression concerning him on the minds of its members. But a A fearless and disinterested zefll for the interests of his country, a consciousness of his fidelity to her cause, and of an honest performance of every duty in her service, rendered him proof against their assaults. He confid ed in the virtue of his countrymen for a just and grate ful estimate of his labours and patriotism. He did not underrate their virtues, as the sequel of this memoir will show. Mr. Lee continued during the period of two years, not withstanding the malevolence of the public defaulters, and the injuries they were continually inflicting on his feelings and character by their misrepresentations, to pur sue, detect, and denounce them. He acquainted con gress with their peculations, and pledged himself to make good his charges against them.. Upon his arrival in Ame rica he redeemed the pledge he had made to congress, and proved to their conviction, and to the satisfaction of the 156 LIFE OF country, the defalcations of many of the public agents. He broke down the hostile faction, and triumphed over its ma chinations. During the whole of this contest Mr. Lee re tained the unabated confidence and friendship of the most undoubted and distinguished patriots of that day. The two Adamses, Lovel, Dana and Gerry, of Massachusetts; Liv ingston, Morris, &c. of New- York ; Dickenson, M Kean, Wilson, Rush, of Pennsylvania ; Johnson and Chase, of Maryland ; Henry, Pendleton, the Pages, Bland, Wythe, Monroe, of Virginia ; Laurens and the Rutledges, of Carolina, were all the firm friends and admirers of Arthur Lee. It has been mentioned that the enemies of Mr. Lee endeavoured to infuse into the minds of the French min istry a suspicion that Mr. Lee was not heartily attached to the cause of his country. They alleged as proof that he had many friends in England, and that Dr. Berkenhout had been known to correspond with him. The reader has seen the purport of the correspondence between that person and Mr. Lee, as well as that of his corre spondence with the French minister respecting Hartley s mission to France. While an effort was made to render Mr. Lee s fidelity questionable in the minds of Vergennes, Neckar, Montbarey andAthers, it was positively as serted in America that he had lost the confidence of the French court, and was personally obnoxious to its min istry. The scanty selections in this memoir from the confidential correspondence between the members of the ministry just named and Mr. Lee, as one of the commis sioners, and particularly as agent for his native state, reach ing through the whole term of his residence in France, sufficiently refutes these falsehoods. The assertions of his enemies in America, that Mr. Lee was not trusted by the French court and was suspected by his own, had been made in some of the public prints in the United States, and sent to France. John Adams, who had succeeded Silas Deane in the commission to France, and had acted for more than a year with Mr. Lee, had become entirely convinced of the utter want of truth in the insinuations and charges made against him, and of the ability and integrity with which he had served his country. As soon ARTHUR LEE. 157 as the printed charges against him reached France Mr. Adams, without Mr. Lee s knowledge, with that ingenu ousness, promptitude, and honesty of purpose, which so strongly characterized him, addressed the following letter to Count Vergennes. " PASSY, Feb. llth, 1779. Sir, As your excellency reads English perfectly well, my first request is that you would do me the favour to read this without a translation ; after which I submit it to your excellency to make what use of it you may think proper. I have hitherto avoided in my single capacity giving your excellency any trouble by letter or conversation ; but the present emergency demands that I should ask the favour to explain my sentiments, either by letter or in person. If you will permit a personal interview, I am persuaded I could make myself understood. If you prefer a correspondence I will lay open my heart before your excellency. It is the address to the people in America under the name of Mr. Silas Deane that has occasioned this bold ness in me. It is to me the most unexpected and un foreseen event that has happftied. I hope your excel lency will not conclude from this that I despair of the commonwealth. Far otherwise ; I know that the body of the United States stands immoveable against Great Britain ; and I hope this address of Mr. Deane, though it may occasion trouble to individuals, will produce no final detriment to the common cause ; but, on the con trary, will occasion so thorough an investigation of the several things, as will correct many abuses. It is my indispensable duty upon this occasion, to in form your excellency without consulting either of my colleagues, that the honourable Arthur Lee was as long ago as 1770 appointed by the house of representatives of the Massachusetts Bay, of which I had then the honour to be a member, their agent at the court of London, in case of the death or absence of Dr. Franklin. This ho nourable testimony was given to Mr. Lee, by an assem- 158 LIFE OF bly in which he had no natural interest, on account of his inflexible attachment to the American cause, and the abilities of which he had given many proofs in its de fence. From that time to the year 1774 he held a con stant correspondence with several of those gentlemen who stood foremost in the Massachusetts Bay, against the innovations and illegal encroachments of Great Bri tain. This correspondence I had an opportunity of see ing ; and I assure your excellency, from my own know ledge, that it breathed the most inflexible attachment to, and the most ardent zeal in, the cause of his country. From September 1774 until November 1777, I had the honour to be in congress, and the opportunity of seeing his letters to congress, to their committees and to indi vidual members. Through the whole of both those periods he communicated the most constant and certain intelligence, which was received from any individual within my know ledge. And since I have had the honour of being joined with him here, I have ever found in him the same fidelity and zeal ; and I have not a glimmering of suspicion that he ever maintained an improper correspondence in Eng land, or held any conference or negotiation with any body from thence, without communicating it to your excellen cy or to his colleagues. 9 am confident therefore that every insinuation and suspicion against him, of infidelity to the United States, or to their engagements with his majesty, are false and groundless, and that they will as suredly be proved to be so. The two honourable brothers of Mr. Lee, who are members of congress, I have long and intimately known ; and of my own knowledge I can say that no men have discovered more zeal in support of the sovereignty of the United States, and in promoting, from the beginning, a friendship and an alliance with France. There is noth ing of which I am more firmly persuaded, than that every insinuation that is thrown out to the disadvantage of the two Mr. Lees in congress, is groundless. It would be too tedious to enter at present into a more particular consideration of that address. I shall there fore conclude this letter, already too long, by assuring ARTHUR LEE. 159 your excellency that I am, with the most entire consid eration, your most obedient and most humble servant, JOHN ADAMS. To his excellency the Count de Vergennes." Some months after Mr. Adams, thus unsolicited by Mr. Lee, had written the above manly letter to the Count Vergennes, Mr. Lee requested of Mr. Adams, previously to the departure of the latter from France for the United States, to state his opinion of the character of his conduct and services, while they were joined in the commission to the court of Versailles. In comply ing with Mr. Lee s request, Mr. Adams wrote to Mr. Lee the following characteristic- and interesting letter. " L OniEN-r, June 9, 1779. Dear Sir, Your favours of the 4th and 5th are now before me ; that of March 29th I have answered, if I ever received it, for I have answered every one I have received from you, but not having my papers at hand cannot be particular. I thank you for the MS. and the pamphlet. I am happy to hear from you and from all others, so agreeable a character of the Chevalier de la Luzerne and Monsieur Marbois, the last of whom I have had the plea sure to see. I wish it were in rny power to do more for Mr. Ford, and to take him with me, but the frigate will be so crowded that I fear it will be impossible. The declarations of the northern powers against England, to stop their merchant vessels, and arming to support their rights, are important events. The displacing Mr. Paine is a disagreeable and an alarming one. It is with no small astonishment I learn by your letter of the 5th, that by advices from America since your last to me, your enemies are determined to impeach your at tachment to our country and her cause. Your request that I would give my opinion on that subject, from the knowledge I have had of your conduct while w r e acted together in the commission, can meet with no objection from me. 160 LIFE OF But I hope I need not inform you that my opinion on this point is no secret at Versailles, at Nantz, or else where. I enclose a copy of a letter, I did myself the honour to write to the Count de Vergennes some time ago, which, for any thing I know, is communicated to all the court. The answer shows it was received. 1 had my reasons then for keeping it to myself, which exist no more. I would transcribe the whole correspondence, if it were in my power, but I have not time. It is suffi cient to say, that it was conducted by his -excellency with the most obliging politeness. It is my duty now to furnish you with a copy, lest any accident should be fall me, which is by no means improbable. I thought then, and am now confirmed in that opinion more and more, that it was my duty to communicate my senti ments to the court upon that very extraordinary occa sion ; and from regard to my own reputation, I am glad you have given me an opportunity of furnishing you with evidence, that I did that part of my duty, so far forth. The letter was written, sent to Versailles, and received by his excellency, before the arrival of the Marquis de la Fay- ette, his aid de camp, or Dr. , that is before the news reached Passy, of the new arrangement. But lest the letter shoufcl not be sufficient, I shall en close another certificate, not without a heartfelt grief and indignation, that malice should be so daring and bar barous, as to make either such a letter or such a certifi cate from me necessary or even pardonable. Your hint, that I must correct some things that are amiss, extorts from me an involuntary sigh ! I shall be in a situation, critical and difficult without example ; my own character at stake from various quarters, and nothing to support me but truth and innocence ; and you need not be informed, these are not always sufficient. I have little expectation of doing good : God grant I may do no harm. I shall not designedly. But I suppose congress mean to exam ine me as a witness, and I must tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so far as I know it. If the task should end here, I shall not be much embar rassed, but if they proceed to demand of me opinions and ARTHUR LEE. 161 judgment of men and things, as there is reason to expect they will, although I hope they will not, what will be the consequence ? Upon the whole, truth must be my shield, and if the shafts of interested malice can pierce through this, they shall pierce me. I have the honour to be, with the highest respect, dear sir, your obedient servant, JOHN ADAMS. To the Hon. Arthur Lee." It has been said that Mr. Lee had resolved to incur that enmity and opposition of public defaulters and their friends, both in France and in the United States, which he knew would follow a fearless performance of his duty. Two of his letters, written at different periods, one ad dressed to the corresponding committee of congress, and the other to a friend in Virginia, will exhibit sufficiently for the present purpose of his biographer, the conduct of of those whom he had offended, in the course of his offi cial duties. The letter to the committee will be found in Mr. Lee s correspondence with congress, in the 6th No. of the Appendix, dated 1st June 1778. His letter to his friend in Virginia is here inserted. Both letters contain much more agreeable matter than that which re lates to the immediate subject here referred to. "PARIS, Dec. 13th, 1778. To Theodoric Bland, Esq. My dear friend, On the 9th of this month I received yours of the 19th July. If a Mr. Archer gets safely to America you will receive a letter by him which will prove that you live not only in my memory but in my warmest friendship. It gives me the greatest pleasure to find that, notwithstanding the long absence and in terval of our correspondence we harmonize in the same wish to renew it. I should have been very much surprised if either you or I had rested in retirement while the cause of liberty and our country was in issue. We have acted exactly VOL. i. 21 162 LIFE OF conformable to the principles we always avowed and actually felt. For myself there never was a moment since I could distinguish between good and bad, that I would not have stood forth in opposition to arbitrary power, whatever shape it assumed. I believe the same of you ; and the similarity of our sentiments have knit me to you, with an esteem that can never vary. I observe that of the misfortunes that have happened to our troops, nine out of ten have arisen from want of vigilance. I am the more surprised at this because I be lieve there never was a soldier of more circumspection than your commander in chief. It seems the fate of poor Col. Baylor and his troops was owing to his being surprized. This, I hope, is the last mishap that will befal you. Some foreign officers who have returned speak highly of the discipline of your army, and the enemy seem to have no superiority to boast of. Even at London they despair of any conquest, and are for deso lating out of revenge what they can neither conquer nor retain. I see by the public prints with you that my quondam colleague is assuming all the merit of what has been done here, and I know is forming a faction against your friend. I should never have opened my lips on this sub ject, did not their assuming merits which they do not de serve, make it an act of duty to state the facts. So far i then were my colleagues from having any peculiar merits J in the treaties, that it was with the greatest difficulty I i persuaded them to insist on the acknowledgment of our ; independence and recognition of our sovereignty. These, were proposed by your friend, evaded by his colleagues, \ and only admitted after being re-urged in a manner that made them apprehend the consequences of an opposition they could not justify. It was also in spite of the opin ion, reasonings and even remonstrances of your friend, that they would insert two articles of the treaty which were unanimously condemned by congress, and have been expunged here. After this one would imagine they might have been contented with an equal share of praise, when in truth their conduct merited censure. They will force me one day or other to bring the proofs of these ARTHUR LEE. 163 things before congress and the public, when I am sure they will shed some of their borrowed plumes. I look forward with hope to the time when a peace able establish mentof what we are contending for, will permit us to retire to the private walks we have been forced to quit. To the enemies who have risen up against me personally, it seems my place is an object of envy. I tell you, my friend, I have experienced more cares and anxieties in two years occupation of it than in all my life besides. You may therefore guess that when the public shall think my services no longer necessary I shall not repine at being dismissed. But it is not a little , unpleasant to be deprived of that praise that constant toil and assiduity in the public service have deserved, and j submit to be traduced by those who, instead of consulting! the public interest when in office, have made immense private fortunes for themselves and their dependants ; who are occupied in two things only, their own gain and the abuse of every one who will not sacrifice the public to their views. Mr. is generally under stood to have made 60,000 while he was employed here, and Dr. Bancroft his clerk, from being penniless, keeps his , his house, and his carriage. Mr. from being a clerk in a sugar-bake house in London, is become a capital merchant here, loading a number of ships on his own account, while gentlemen of the first fortunes in America cannot get remittances on credit for their subsistence. These things are notorious, and there are no visible sources of this prosperity, but the public money, and state secrets to trade upon. It may be useful to you to know these things as they concern the public. My opposition to these proceedings have made all that are concerned in them my bitter enemies. A I am afraid the objection of religion is an insur mountable bar to your scheme of putting your nephew in the French navy. I know it was so to the admission of my nephew into the Ecole militaire here. But I will make particular enquiry and let you know. Remember me to our common friends, and believe me to be with sincerest friendship, yours, &c. ARTHUR LEE." 164 LIFE OF Mr. Lee having determined to return to the United States, sailed from France in the month of August 1780, and arrived in Boston in the month of September. He was received with most flattering marks of respect and gratitude by the people of Massachusetts and with the warmest greetings of his friends in Boston. He had the gratification of finding around him on all occasions the most distinguished and approved whigs. During his stay in Boston, though that was short and his time con tinually occupied by public and private invitations, he wrote a long and earnest letter to the Baron de Breteuil one of the most influential members of the French min istry, pressing upon him the necessity to the common cause of aiding the United States with a loan of specie ; thus continuing to exhibit at all times a ceaseless anxiety for the public interest, and to make exertions for its ad vancement, the motives of which cannot be impeached with a desire of gaining applause, since they were made in private modes altogether secluded from the public eye. The letter to the Baron de Breteuil will be found in the Appendix, No. 8. After remaining a short time in Boston, Mr. Lee pro ceeded to Philadelphia. On every part of his journey thither he was honoured by the purest patriots of the day, and by popular applause. From Boston he carried with him letters of introduction from eminent men, dis tinguished for their public services and for their learn ing to men of similar distinction in the different states through which he passed. Among his MSS. of this de scription, the author has found several letters from Dr. Cooper, a distinguished scholar and divine. As these letters were written by eminent and disinterested men, at a time when Mr. Lee had been attacked in the pub lic journals of the time, by a faction containing some persons who had been regarded as patriotic, they are more valuable than ordinary letters on common occasions, because they show the estimate formed of his character and services by them. With this view of their value some of them are here inserted with a hope that they will thus be preserved. The author has selected from ARTHUR LEE. 165 the letters of the description mentioned one of the pat riot Elbridge Gerry, and the letters of Dr. Cooper, which are remarkable for their elegance of style and felicitous variation in the expression of similar ideas and sentiments. " BOSTON, Sept. 21, 1780. Sir, This will be delivered to you by the Hon. Mr. Lee, who has lately arrived here from France in the Alli ance frigate, and purposes to set off this morning to the southward. During his short stay in this city he has confirmed such of the principal inhabitants of this state as have had the pleasure of his acquaintance, in their opinion of his zeal, integrity, and abilities in the common cause; and they have endeavoured to show him every mark of their esteem and respect. But as your excellen cy s knowledge of this gentleman s character renders it needless to speak of his merit, I shall only add, that he will be able to give every useful information respecting the state of our foreign affairs, and many useful hints of measures necessary to be adopted by the states. I have the honour to be sir, with the highest esteem and respect your most obedient and humble servant, E. GERRY. His excellency George Clinton." " BOSTON, Sept. 19th, 1780. My Dear Sir, This will be delivered to you by the Hon. Arthur Lee, who lately arrived here from France, and is now going to Philadelphia. I need not mention to you the political or literary ac complishments of this gentleman, by which he has attract ed such esteem in Europe as well as in America; the early and decided part he took in favour of our liberties ; his important public employments ; or the zeal and firm ness with which he has served the United States. To these things you are no stranger. But the opportunity of knowing a gentleman of whose distinguished reputation you were before acquainted, and of paying any offices of friendship to such a friend of our country, must be highly pleasing to you. 166 LIFE OF I am sir, with much respect aud affection, your obedi ent servant, SAMUEL COOPER. The Rev. Mr. Elliot." " BOSTON, Sept. 19, 1780. My Dear Sir, You will receive this from the hand of the Hon. Arthur Lee, who lately arrived here from France, and will pass through New-Haven on his way to Phila delphia. To one so well acquainted with those great characters who have stood forth in the American cause, and whose distinguished political and literary abilities have defended and advanced it, I need only mention the name of Dr. Lee. You know all the rest ; and how much our country is indebted to the uncommon services of this gentleman. Should he find an opportunity, it will give him great pleasure to visit that seat of learning over which you so honourably preside. Wishing it prosperity, and the most brilliant success to all your exertions for the promotion of knowledge and virtue, I am sir, with much respect and affection, your most obedient humble servant, SAMUEL COOPER. The Rev. Dr. Stiles."* " BOSTON, Sept. 19, 1780. My Dear Sir, The Hon. Arthur Lee, who not long since arrived here from France, will probably pass through Middletown on his way to Philadelphia. The bare mention of this gentleman s name must im mediately recall to your mind his steady patriotism, his important public employments, and the long series of ser vices which from the commencement of our troubles his distinguished literary and political abilities have rendered to the cause of America. You will be highly pleased, I am persuaded, with an opportunity of conversing with this gentleman, and of rendering any offices of friendship to such a friend of our country. Wishing you and your family all good things, I am dear * The venerable President at this time of Yale College ; one of the profoundest scholars and writers of any country. ARTHUR LEE. sir, with great respect and friendship, your humble ser vant, SAMUEL COOPER. * The Rev. Mr. Huntington." As soon as Mr. Lee arrived in Philadelphia he request ed of congress permission to address that body, in vindi cation of his character and conduct from the charges which had been publicly made against him, and which derived, as he thought, some weight or appearance of credibility from the fact that he had been left out of the late missions to Europe. The congress resolved that no charge against him had been entertained by them, and that it was never intended to fix the least censure on any part of his public conduct.f The author has in his posses sion, in the handwriting of Mr. Lee, an able and elaborate speech which he prepared with a view to deliver it before congress. He meets all the criminations of his enemies, (of the nature of which the reader has some idea) and con futes them by irresistible arguments, and ample and au thenticated proofs of their falsehood. He had prepared the evidence in an arrangement suited to that of the O speech. This evidence consists of documentary testi mony. Wherever the least doubt could be entertained of the genuineness of the copy, he has procured the attesta tion of disinterested and well known persons. The greater number are examined and attested by John Ad ams. This speech, and the documents attached to it, are not deposited with the other papers of Mr. Lee in the library of Cambridge University, but are carefully preserv ed by the author. The many subsequent and honourable testimonials given by the congress and the public to the patriotism and integrity of Mr. Lee, render it unnecessa- * The above letters, and the characters to whom they were addressed, afford a pleasing evidence of what is generally known, that the Christian ministers of Ame rica in the revolutionary time were ardent patriots and decidedly and universally friends to civil and religious freedom. The author, who is honoured with an exten sive and intimate friendship with many of all denominations, can testify how ground less are the charge and the fears (generally the offspring of ignorance and wicked ness combined) expressed by men of the world, and particularly by a certain class of politicians so called, that the Christian clergy are aiming at temporal power, and are attached to arbitrary systems. t See Journals 6th, p. 246. 168 LIFE OF ry to insert here this speech and its accompanying papers. The author however cannot refrain from inserting the exordium of the speech, as it contains a grateful tribute of homage from an American patriot (who had enjoyed an opportunity of knowing from personal observation the truth of what he said) to the character of our ally of the revolution, the generous, the amiable, and the unfortu nate Louis, of France. The speech begins with a con ciseness and energy, worthy of the occasion and subject which the author was contemplating. Quintilian would have selected it as a model. " Mr. President, I return to you, in consequence of the resolution with which I engaged in this cause, to see the liberty of my country established, or to perish in her last struggle. When I took leave of the court of Versailles as one of your former commissioners, his excellency the Count de Vergennes presented me with a gold enamelled snuff-box, containing the picture of the king of France, set with diamonds. The minister accompanied it with an assur ance that he delivered it to me as a mark of the esteem of his sovereign. In my judgment no period ever produc ed a prince whose esteem was more valuable. His por trait is engraven on my mind by the virtue and justice which form his character ; and gold and jewels can add nothing to its lustre. This testimony of his majesty s esteem, however flat tering to me, I received with a resolution of holding it at your disposal only. I therefore now beg leave, agree ably to what I think my duty, to deposite it with congress; for I esteem it of dangerous consequence, that any re publican should receive presents from a foreign prince, or retain them without the knowledge or consent of the republic.* Still more dangerous and unbecoming is it to measure the merits of those employed in the public ser vice by them, or to make their characters depend on com- * It is highly probable that this sentiment of Mr. Lee was adopted into that arti cle of the present constitution of the United States, which prohibits an American citizen holding an office, from accepting titles or presents from foreign princes. ARTHUR LEE. 169 plimentary letters and praises from the followers of the court where they have resided. It is the most sure of all possible methods, to make them subservient where they ought to be independent, and lead them to substitute in trigue in the place of a due discharge of their duty, or sacrifice the interests of their country to the inclinations of a foreign minister. If they do their duty to their country, their constituents ought best to know it ; and the reward they are pleased to bestow upon them, is the sole and sufficient recompense becoming the dignity of a free citizen to possess." Mr. Lee, instead of being called by congress to vindi cate himself from the charges which had been so falsely and undeservedly made upon him, was requested by a vote of that body, to lay before them all the information he possessed, respecting the foreign affairs of the United States. This vote was made known to him in a respect ful letter from the president. It may be proper to state that Mr. Lee accounted, to the satisfaction of congress, and of the state of Virginia, for all sums of money which had been received or loaned by him, for the public service. Mr. Lee now returned to private life. He was not long permitted to remain in its quiet and soothing scenes and enjoyments. In the spring of the year 81 he was elected by the freeholders of Prince William County, in his native state, a delegate to the assembly of Virginia.* By this assembly he was elected, in December of that year, a deputy to the general congress. In this illus trious body, he served from February 82, until the year 85. During this period, he served throughout its long sessions, with punctuality and diligence. It is believed that he seldom took part in the debates ; but he acted with ability and efficiency on most of its important committees. Whenever he did address the house, his speeches were clear and argumentative ; vigorous in their style, and full of philosophic reflections and useful information. * This was not the county of his nativity or residence ; but he was eligible, be ing a landholder in it. A resident of Virginia, being a freeholder in any county, was eligible to represent it, though not an inhabitant of it. VOL. i. 22 170 LIFE OF Before the reader is made acquainted with the last ser vices of Mr. Lee as a public man, the author begs per mission to refer in this place to a subject, which he has in another part of this memoir promised to recur to. It has been stated, that Dr. Franklin and Mr. Lee had been, for several years of their acquaintance and service together as public men, attached to each other by the ties of a friendship, cemented by mutual admiration, con genial political sentiments and views, and by scientific taste and acquirements, but had become estranged from each other to the regret of their common friends. The cause of this requires some explanation, because many references to this circumstance are contained in the wri tings of Mr. Lee which could not be omitted, and be cause the reader will find such men as Sir Wm. Jones regretting the separation of these citizens. The separation between Mr. Lee and Dr. Franklin was caused by the insidious acts of those public agents, whose unfaithfulness Mr. Lee had been impelled by a j sense of duty to expose. Some of them had been ac- / 1 quainted with Dr. Franklin in America, and had enjoyed I his confidence, which they then deserved. Dr. Franklin f was by nature, of an easy and confiding disposition ; and age had added to this inherent indisposition to doubt and contention. At the time of his going to France, he had attained an advanced age. The reader will remember that he declined the mission to Spain, to which he had been appointed by congress shortly after his arrival in France, " on account of his infirmities." He was now therefore indisposed to action, and to those duteis the performance of which required activity and vigilance. The immunities and privileges of age were cheerfully ex tended to him by his younger colleagues. Hence the frauds and irregular proceedings of agents, who did not act immediately under his eye, were not so soon descried, nor so clearly seen by him as by Mr. Lee, whose vigour and health, yet unimpaired by years, permitted him to undertake the more minute and laborious duties of the commission, and whose active habits led him through a more enlarged sphere of action and investigation. The ARTHUR LEE. 171 charges of Mr. Lee were denied ; and his suspicions, which afterwards were proved to be well-founded, were declared to Dr. Franklin to be the suspicions of a petu lant and unamiable temper. He permitted his mind to be affected by these representations ,- and being disinclin ed to laborious examinations of accounts, and to a scru tiny into the conduct of others, which would necessarily offend them, and thus ruffle the " even tenor of his way," he at length lent a doubtful ear to Mr. Lee, while he turned a willing one to those, whose object and policy induced them to wish to avoid the control of his ener getic colleague. His kind and unsuspecting disposition was imposed upon and deceived. He became cold and distant in his manners towards Mr. Lee ; and gave a de gree of countenance to defaulting agents, which proved injurious to the public interests. Mr. Lee resented this conduct on the part of Dr. Franklin, and openly and fearlessly stated its consequences to the United States. A rupture at last took place ; and their broken friendship was never repaired. In the year 1784, while Mr. Lee still remained in congress, he was appointed by that body one of a com mission to make treaties with all the tribes of Indians on the northern and north-western frontiers of the United States. He kept a regular journal of his travels from Philadelphia to the lakes and Fort Stanwix, through the western part of Pennsylvania. He examined the coun try through which he passed with the eye of a statesman and a philosopher. He traces the course of its rivers, and their possible connexions ; and describes the various soils, productions and minerals, which his time and duties permitted him to ascertain. He turned his acute and active mind, at this time, very earnestly to the study of the origin, languages, customs and character of the aboriginal inhabitants of North Ame rica. To aid his investigation of this interesting subject, he obtained the acquaintance and correspondence of sev eral learned Moravian scholars at Betlehem and^Leditz, in Pennsylvania, who had at a very early period of the settlement of that state, been sent by the pious and be- 172 LIFE OF nevolent sect of Christians, to which they belonged, as missionaries among the Indians. From one of those ex cellent men, he obtained a learned essay on the origin, customs, religion and language of the Algonquin and Iro- quois races. This learned Moravian, who had long and profoundly studied these subjects, had been convinced, particularly by the similarity of languages, in their roots especially, that our Indians are descendants of the lost tribes of the Jews, whose ancestors at some remote pe riod he supposed, had crossed over the Straits of Behr- ing from Asia.* Some additional interest was imparted to this journey of Mr. Lee, by the presence of our national favourite and friend, Lafayette, who, with his characteristic zeal for our country, accompanied the com missioners, to assist them by the influence of his name, in conciliating their red brothers. The reader will find in the Appendix, No. 9, a letter on this subject from La fayette, and Mr. Lee s answer. Mr. Lee remained at Fort Stanwix during an entire winter, amid the intense cold of that region. Early in the ensuing spring he commenced friendly " talks" with the Indians, and concluded treaties with most of the hostile or undecided tribes. He has left many of his speeches made on these occasions, which are happily adapted to the character of their minds, in the simplicity, energy and conciseness of their style. His services were highly satisfactory to congress and to the country. f On the return of Mr, Lee to his seat in congress he was appointed to one of the most important and con fidential posts in their disposal a seat at the board of treasury. The financial affairs of the United States had become complex and confused. Congress, by an ordi nance passed in May 1784 put the department of fin ance into commission. The commission, consisting of three persons, was styled " the Board of Treasury. "f Every reader who has attended to the fiscal concerns of * Whoever reads with attention the account of Long s Expedition, will find this opinion strongly corroborated. t Only a part of Mr. Lee s Journal has been preserved. Extracts from it will be found in the Appendix, No. 11. t See Journals, vol. ix. p. 255. ARTHUR LEE. 173 the " Old Confederation," will readily comprehend the importance and the difficulties of the duties and opera tions of this board. Mr. Lee served in the capacity of a commissioner of the board of treasury, from the year 1784 to 1789, with the diligence and efficiency which had distinguished him in every previous public employ ment. In the year 1787 a committee was appointed by congress to consider what offices in the civil department had become unnecessary. Upon the report of this com mittee it was resolved unanimously " that Samuel Os- good, Walter Livingston and Arthur Lee, commissioners of the board of treasury, appointed in pursuance of an ordinance of congress, passed May 28th, 1784, for putting the department of finance into commission, with all the powers and duties appertaining to the said board of com missioners be, and the same are hereby continued to the 10th November 1789."* During the continuance of Mr. Lee at the board of treasury, he was appointed in Oc tober 1786, by a joint ballot of the senate and house of delegates of Virginia one of a commission to revise the laws of that commonwealth. He aided greatly the labours of those with whom he was associated in this important task. In November 1789, the board of treasury was dissolved by force of the resolution of September 1787. Mr. Lee then retired to private life. But the situation of the affairs of the country did not permit his mind to abstract its attention and anxieties from them. The plan of the present federal constitution about this time occupied the intense consideration of politicians, and excited the hopes and fears of the people of the United States. Mr. Lee performed the part of a wise citizen, and deeply and solemnly investigated the theory, principles and provisions of this celebrated in strument. "He viewed it with jeatousy, and in common with many of the ablest patriots of that day, considered it as the basis of a consolidated government. He op posed its .adoption. Hjs~ opposition to it however was not the^result of prejudice, nor inconsideration. He in vestigated it with calmness, and with an honest desire to * Journ. xii. p. 142. 174 LIFE OF reach a just conclusion on a subject of the highest im portance to a citizen, and of lively interest to a friend of human rights and of the liberty of mankind. Although the conclusion of his reflections was adverse to the constitution in its original form, it is known that his dislike to the federal constitution greatly abated if it were not entirely removed, by the amendments he lived to see adopted. One of the most abundant sources of enjoyment which contributed to his pleasures in private life, was his correspondence with his political, literary and scientific friends in America and Europe. Among these were many distinguished men in England, Burke, Barre, Wind- ham, the Marquis of Lansdowne, Sir William Jones, and the Earl of Buchan, in Scotland ; on the continent, the Marquis of Rosignan, Baron de Breteuil, Count de Mous- teir, Abbes D Arnou and Raynal, the Duke of Rochefou- cault, and other persons of literary and political eminence. He enjoyed the correspondence of most of the distin guished men of the United States. The correspondence of such men soothed his spirits and cheered and relieved the disquietudes, anxieties, and labours of his political career, and imparted rich enjoyments to the pleasures of private life. With many of them he continued to corres pond until his death, and received the frequent and grate ful assurance of their respect and friendship.* In the 9th and 10th Nos. of the Appendix, the reader will find the letters of many of the most eminent men of their day, which time and accident have left. An interest ing letter in which Mr. Lee renewed his correspond ence with the Marquis of Lansdowne, after peace be tween the two nations had removed the seeming impro priety of intimate intercourse, is here inserted. " PHILADELPHIA, July 23d, 1783. To the Earl of Shelburne. My Lord, Among the blessings of pe^ice I number that of being able to renew my correspondence with a * The remaining letters of Mr. Lee to his American and foreign correspondents arc found in No. 8, Appendix, ARTHUR LEE. 175 nobleman I so much respect and esteem. For that peace, honourable to America, and as much so in my judgment for England as the actual situation of things could give any colour of reason to expect, your country and Ame rica are indebted to your lordship s wisdom and firmness. Upon my word, my lord, did I not know so much of the politics of St. James and St. Stephens , I should be lost in wonder at the vote in the house of commons and the treatment your lordship has received. But I shall never forget Lord Chatham s expression, c I was duped and deceived. The outrageous wickedness of vis iting upon your conclusion of the war, the evils which the folly of its commencement, and the rapacity, cruelty and profusion of the conduct of it produced, sprung from the same source with the deception practised upon Lord Chatham, which he so emphatically detailed in the house of peers. I always judged that the author of those measures, who cannot be said to cover himself with the majesty of darkness, though he meant the subjugation of America, would in fact conduct her to independence. I judged, too, that he would in the end, bring himself to ruin. Nothing, surely, can more accelerate this event, than in troducing again into high office the ostensible minister of those pernicious measures. For as to his whig colleagues, their reign is short ; and their fall will assuredly be un- pitied. Of the people of England, on whom in fact the sal vation of their country depends, it may be said, that " al- iquando redit in prcccordia virtus." They have given some proofs of this ; and perhaps the last one will bring due punishment upon the author of their near approach to humiliation and ruin ; an humiliation and ruin which, had not your lordship interposed, would at this moment have been consummated. I have flattered myself that your lordship has felt some anxiety about my situation, under the various at tacks that have been made upon me. They all origin ated with the minister, whose politics so much overshot themselves in the late negotiation for peace, and who 176 LIFE OF was determined on my removal, as one who could not be bent to his purposes. He found, however, my succes sor as stubborn ; and this country owes immortal grati tude to that gentleman s firmness, spirit and integrity. Yet an attempt was made to sacrifice him, for this very service ; and I had the pleasure of defending him against those men, with whom he cooperated in effecting my removal. I am now elected into congress, for the third and last year I am capable of sitting there, by the confederation. I shall then retire into private life, with the satisfaction of dwelling under that constitution which I have laboured to assist in rearing to liberty, virtue and public happiness. But I am afraid politicians have been too sanguine in their expectations from systems of government. Corrup tion and intrigue seem inseparable from them all; and these are promoted or restrained more by the genius of the people, than by forms of government, or the operation of laws. Indeed it does not seem so unwise now, as it once did, in Mr. Pope, to say, " For forms of government let fools contest ; That which is best administer d, is best." Nor would I promise that a little more experience will not make me a convert to his opinions. You used to say, my lord, that you would send Lord Fitzmaurice to make the tour of America. Such a tour, I conceive, would be both interesting and instructive. Nature has displayed her powers in the sublime and beautiful far more in America than in Europe, and the progress of art, considering the time it has had to operate, is astonishing. I shall next year be at liberty to accom pany Lord Fitzmaurice in such a tour, and should take a vast deal of pleasure in doing it. I have the honour to be, with profound respect and re gard, your obedient servant, ARTHUR LEE." The homage of scientific and literary men added a charm to all other pleasures Mr. Lee had the happiness to enjoy. They regarded him as shedding as much lus- ARTHUR LEE. 177 tre on the intellectual and literary character of his coun try, as his genius and patriotism had reflected upon its po litical history. At different times after his return to America, various literary honours were bestowed upon him. The degree of LL.D. was conferred on him by the university of Cambridge ; and he was constituted a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He was also elected an honorary member of the American Philosophical Society. The following letter from James Bowdoin, once governor of Massachusetts, (in honour of whom a flourishing and respectable college in Maine is called) acquaints Mr. Lee of the two diplomas first men tioned. . " BOSTON, Jan. 31st, 1782. Dear Sir, I have the pleasure to acquaint you that at a meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, you were yesterday elected by an unanimous vote a Fellow of the Academy. You will give me leave to con gratulate that society on the accession of so valuable a member. I communicated to them, at the next meeting after 1 received it, the letter you some time ago favoured me with, relative to the progress and effects of lightning up on a house in Philadelphia. They were much pleased with it, and would be glad to be favoured with other com munications. I have the pleasure also to inform you that the corpo ration of our university at Cambridge has conferred on you the degree of LL.D. ; and a diploma will be sent you the first opportunity. The letter I wrote you last February or March, en closed in one to Mr. President Huntington, it does not appear you have received. I imagine it miscarried, and has probably found its way to New-York; several mails having been taken and carried thither about that time. The military gentry there, by encouraging the filching of mails, have been themselves taken in. Some of the in tercepted letters, written with a design to fall into their hands, corroborated by corresponding manoeuvres of the VOL. i. 23 178 LIFE OF allied army, have totally deceived them as to the object of its operations. Hence the capture of Cornwallis, and the happy consequences we may expect from that important event ; so important that you will not think it out of time even now to congratulate you upon it, which I do most fervently ; and am with sincere esteem dear sir, your most obedient humble servant, JAMES BOWDOIN. The ladies and Mr. Temple who arrived here last fall, present their most respectful compliments to you. The Hon. Arthur Lee." Shortly after Mr. Lee received the letter of Mr. Bow- doin, the Rev. Dr. Joseph Willard, the learned president of Cambridge University, and corresponding secretary of the Academy of Arts and Sciences, by the direction of these institutions informed Mr. Lee that the degrees just mentioned had been bestowed upon him by the universi ty and academy. To the letter of the president he re turned this answer. " PHILADELPHIA, April 20th, 1782. Reverend Sir, I had yesterday the honour of receiving from the hand of the Rev. Dr. Elliot, your very obliging let ter of the 28th ult., together with a diploma for an hono rary Doctorate of Laws from the university over which you preside with so much deserved reputation. I beg sir, you will be assured, and that you will as sure the visiters and fellows of the university, that I have the highest sense of the honour they have confer red upon me. Laudari a laudatis viris would be flatter ing to a person infinitely less deserving of praise than I can possibly think myself. It was with peculiar pleasure I read a diploma, conceived in language pure and elegant enough to have flowed from an ancient pen. Liberty and letters sir, are so inseparably connected, that a lover of the one cannot but see with sincere satis faction the cultivation and prosperity of the other. It is to the light which literature had diffused that we owe the assertion of our liberties, and to the continuance of ARTHUR LEE. 179 the same we must owe their establishment and perma nency. The eminent share which the university of Cam bridge had in diffusing these salutary lights, by her ex ample and instructions, has made her proportionally re spected ; and a perseverance in the same course will ren der her an honour and blessing to these United States. For an institution of such utility it is patriotism to pray, esto perpetua. The American Academy of Arts and Sciences hath done me great honour in admitting me into their society, instituted for the best of purposes by gentlemen capable of fulfilling them. I entreat you sir, to lay before them the due sense I have of the favour with which they have distinguished me, and to assure them that I shall ever be happy in contributing every thing within the compass of my poor abilities, to promote the valuable object of the institution. Do me the favour sir, of accepting my thanks for the very polite and obliging manner in which you have signi fied the proceedings of the university and of the acade my, and my best wishes for your health and prosperity. I have the honour of being, reverend sir, with the ut most respect and esteem, your obedient servant, ARTHUR LEE. To the Rev. Joseph Willard, President of the University of Cambridge, and Secretary of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences." The following letter contains the homage of an Ame rican scholar and historian.* " Sir, By Col. Lee I do myself the honour of present- ing to you my academical exercise. The liberty of prefixing your name will I trust be ex cused, when we reflect with what ardour writers of eve ry denomination search for particular personages, whose names are most calculated to give dignity to their per formances, or credit to themselves. * Dr. Ramsay. 180 LIFE OF To secure these advantages I sought a character whose public offices had equalled his private merits ; and in ob taining this object I have had recourse to the reports of the best established medical society in Edinburgh, where your name stands sir, as an illustrious monument of your professional claims ; and in the more extensive field of public merit none so justly attracted my attention as yours, independent of the emotions of gratitude for the singular services rendered my nearest connexion when so much needing the hand of friendship as the unfortunate situation of Dr. Boush required, when in France. The work in itself scarcely merits your attention. The printer has added many errors to bad language ; some of which are corrected, others not ; but if it receive your acceptance it will amply compensate every incon venience my feelings have sustained from its imperfec tion. With the sincerest wishes for your health and happi ness, I am your obedient humble servant, JAMES RAMSAY. The Hon. Arthur Lee. Norfolk, July 16th, 1788." At the expiration of the period during which the fin ancial department of the confederation had been contin ued in commission by the resolution of September 1787, Mr. Lee finally retired from public life. He had long sighed for the peaceful pleasures and the quiet, though active employments of agricultural life. He contemplated with pleasing anticipations, the oppor tunity he would enjoy of applying his mind to the im provement of the science and practice of agriculture in his native state. He had not been inattentive to their progress in England, and in many parts of Europe through which he had travelled.* With a view to gratify his feelings and his taste for rural occupations and pleasures, he purchased a farm in the county of Middlesex, and resided near a village * While Mr. Lee resided in London he was made a member of the Society of Arts and Agriculture. ARTHUR LEE. 181 called Urbana, on the banks of the River Rappahannoc, in Virginia. Here he had hoped to exhibit a useful ex ample of industry and of successful husbandry. His taste had devised many plans to ornament the grounds around his mansion, to please the eye of the guest who should enjoy its simple, but elegant and cordial hospitality. In assisting to execute a part of his intended improvements, he was beguiled into a forgetfulness of the danger of ex posure in an unhealthy season of the year. He assist ed with his own hands in planting out* an orchard of select fruits, during a cold and rainy day in the month of De cember. He was seized by a violent pleurisy, which baffling his skill, and that of his physician, proved fatal. He died on the 12th of December, in the year of Him, who is " the resurrection and the life," 1792, in the fifty-second year of his age. The death of Mr. Lee caused a considerable sensation throughout the United States. An extensive circle of re lations and friends who had loved him for his virtues no less than they had admired him for his genius and ac quirements, sincerely mourned at this event. The ablest and purest patriots of the revolution who survived him, deeply sighed ; and deplored the loss of one of themselves ! Genius, science and literature, offered to his memory tributes of their respect and veneration. They have long since performed a part of the office of his biog rapher ; and have concisely and justly thus portrayed his public character, " The scholar, the writer, the phi losopher, and negotiator."* Mr. Lee was well entitled to the character of a schol ar. Throughout his life he read with ease the most dif ficult authors in the Greek and Latin tongues. He spoke and wrote not only correctly, but with force and elegance, the French, Spanish and Italian languages. He was perfectly familiar with the finest writers, in prose and verse, of ancient Greece and Rome, and of modern Italy, of Spain and France, and quoted from them with readi ness and felicity. * See American Quarterly Review, vol. ii. Article, " American Biography." 183 LIFE OF Of his style as a writer, men of taste and literature had formed a flattering opinion ; the reader can form his own judgment from his writings. He was not only a scholar, but a man of learning. His attainments in physical science were various, exten sive and profound. He was a thoroughly read physician ; a learned coun sellor, and an eloquent and ingenious advocate. He was a profound politician, and a skilful diplomatist. To what merit he was entitled, and to what fame he had attained in these characters, the reader has learned from the attestations of his contemporaries. He can form his own judgment of their truth and justice. The history of the private life of Mr. Lee does not al low to his biographer the pleasing duty of presenting him as an example of matrimonial arid parental tenderness. Mr. Lee never married. This circumstance was al ways a source of regret to himself, and of surprise to his friends ; for he was a person of great sensibility, and of an ardent and affectionate disposition. He was an enthusiastic admirer of the female sex ; and was always a favourite with them. In one of his journals he thus states the reasons why he had never enjoyed the sympathies of married life. " With my sentiments of love and mar riage, I am not likely to find a wife. An Emma, an Eloise, or a Constantia, would alone answer the high, enthusiastic ideas I possess of wedded love. I am afraid I should regard any one, unactuated by their ardent and absolute sentiments of love, as a house-keeper ; not as the wife of my bosom, from whose glowing tenderness love would light his constant lamp, < would reign and rev el. I am convinced that love is the most cordial drop that heaven has poured into the cup of man. But as it is precious, it is rare. I have seen ladies whom I sin cerely loved ; but the tempest of my fortune bore me from them before I had time to know their real disposi tions, or woo them to approve my pleaded reason ; for they were like Eve, endued with a conscience of their worth, that would be wooed, and not unsought be won." ARTHUR LEE. 183 The person of Mr. Lee was above the middle size, and finely proportioned. The features of his face were striking and handsome. A large and radiant blue eye cast a lustre over his expressive features. His manners were elegant, and his conversation, according to the occa sion, was gay and brilliant, or " solemn and severe." Mr. Lee was a sincere friend and affectionate rela tion, a kind master, a just and benevolent citizen. The reader will add, he was indeed a patriot.* * The author has often been told by a near relation, who intimately knew Mr, Lee, a trait of his character. He was rigid and exact in requiring white hired ser vants, whom he had in his service, when abroad, to perform their duties ; but to his slaves he was kind and indulgent to a fault. He could demand from a free man the performance of his contract ; but he could command from the slave scarcely any service he did not choose to perform. LITE OF ARTHUR LEE. APPENDIX I. Early letters of Arthur Lee, written principally from the year 1767 to his departure from London in 1776, on British and American politics during that period. " LONDON, , 1767. THOUGH my dear brother s solicitude about my not fre quently and freely writing to him is exceedingly pleasing to me, as it shows me he values my love as highly as I prize his, yet I cannot acquiesce in the justice of his complaint. For considering the great attention due to the study in which I am now engaged, and the many friends to whom I am bound to write, great indulgence should be granted to me, both in point of the frequency and length of my letters.* Neither indeed does the state of things furnish matter for much writing. The little detail of politics is too despicable to slander even your leisure hours with ; and there is no probability of any change in men or measures with us. You will see by the last resolution of the bill of rights, which I desired our brother to send you, what hope we entertain, and what plan we have adopted to obtain a redress of grievances. You will know the author by the style. If the people cannot be roused to take some effectual measures at the next general election, "actum est de libertate." Mrs. McCauley has written to me, ap- * Mr. A. Lee was at this time a student of law. He became a conspicuous and successful advocate, and was in habits of intimacy with Dunning and Glynn, and was often engaged in cases with them. He had studied medicine in Edinburgh, and gradu ated with the botanical prize. VOL. i. 24 186 LIFE OF proving highly of the proceedings of the bill of rights. I am under some apprehension of having lost the patron age of Lord Shelburne and Col. Barre, by the part 1 have taken in the proceedings. Their tools conducted the attempt to dissolve the society, and destroy Mr. Wilkes, whether by their particular direction I do not know. But as I voted against them, and as their failure has totally sacrificed the popularity of Lord Shelburne, it is not improbable that he will consider me as a partisan against him, and therefore not entitled to his favour. They are both abroad at present ; when they return, your presents shall be delivered. But, whatever may happen, I shall be satisfied with having acted honestly. The public cause, and particularly that of America, which induced me to engage in the society, was the mover of my conduct. Townshend is an opinionated, over-grown school-boy ; Home is a malevolent, vain, petulent, impu dent priest. The former, in his conceit and folly, thought he could lead the city ; the other, in his vanity and knav ery, conceived that his abilities were equal toTownshend s ambition, and that he should be rewarded. The event has shown how weak their judgment was, and how im potent their endeavours were when separated from those who gave them weight and importance with the people. They never appear in public without being hissed; and at a late meeting of the livery, there were but five who voted for recommending Mr. Townshend to the common hall, as lord mayor for the ensuing year. Lord Shelburne suffers for all their follies, and has therefore lost his popu larity in the city. Expecting redress only from the peo ple, I am determined to stand with them, however my particular interest might advise a different course. You know by experience how little profit and how much ob loquy attends such a principle ; but you know too, how much satisfaction springs from a conviction of its recti tude. The present lord mayor and alderman Bridges will be returned by the livery ; and if the aldermen choose Bridges, he will constitute the other his locum tenens ; so that popular councils will still prevail in the city. Crosby is a plain, determined man, who courts no great man, and ARTHUR LEE. 187 looks to the people for approbation and support. He will be returned next year with Wilkes, so that the aldermen will have little to choose between them, and the liberties of the city will be upheld. I am much obliged to you for your present, duck and brandy. She appears very disconsolate without a mate. The partridges were by mismanagement let loose at sea, and perished in the ocean. * The chief political object in Europe at present is Rus sia, unless a cession of what she has conquered should procure the Turk an ignominious peace. The revolt of Egypt will probably oblige the Ottoman to sheathe the Russian sword at any price. Whether the encouraging of so tremendous a power, and especially the promoting of the Zarina s wish of establishing a large, disciplined, and formidable navy, be sound policy in us, to me is doubtful. We may be cherishing a serpent, which will strike us to the heart. 1 do not think it in the least pro bable that any change will take place in the administra tion, unless in consequence of a war. That is an event which the endeavours of the present men, seconded by the disturbances and inability of France, will place at a great distance. The present men do the king s business better than any others he could find ; why then should he change them? Most assuredly it must be the neces sity of the last extremity which will move him to admit a single man of virtue within the circle of his throne. An impeaching parliament might be a more effectual remedy than a war ; but there is still less expectation of this than of that. The lords Chatham and Shelburne will then only come in, when it is necessary to cultivate the people, to support a war, or to soothe the rage of an impeaching house of commons, &c. &c. Very melancholy, my dear brother, is the prospect of our affairs, and little apparent hope that any attention will be paid to the just rights of America. The present ministry, arbitrary and anti-American as they are, have for their opponents men who for the most part are des- * Mr. A. Lee was making a collection of the natural productions, &c. of Ame rica. 188 LIFE OF potie in their views, and who found their opposition upon the inefficacious and pusillanimous lenity of the present proceedings against the colonies. As the views of the court are unquestionably despotic on the American ques tion, it is sure that those who talk in the most absolute style are the most agreeable. Temple and Grenville are the men I mean, with my lord Egremont, whose princi ples are as inconsistent with liberty as fire with water. The present administration is weak, because they acted as oppressors ; but should this new set come in, being re garded as patriots, they will have the stronger support in subverting the constitution of America. So circumstanced here, the cause of American liberty would be desperate indeed, if it find not a firm support in the virtuous and determined resolution of the people of America. This is our last, our surest hope, this is our trust and refuge. To encourage and invigorate this spirit must be the constant endeavourof every patriot, si patrice volumus, si nobis vivere cari. The Rockingham party have refused to take lead in obtaining the repeal of the duty acts. The merchants are very averse to present any petition to parliament for that purpose, because it is disagreeable to the ministry. Possibly they may be stirred up before the holydays are over. They do not feel enough. My lord Shelburne and his adherents are the wisest and soundest supporters of America ; but I doubt whether they will be willing to take the lead. In a few days I go to lord Shelburne s country seat by express invitation, to spend some time ; while there, 1 hope to animate him to a more vigor ous advocation of our cause. The house of lords have passed several resolves, very violent against all the pro ceedings at Boston, and voted an address to his majesty against the treasonable practices suspected there, and to bring the authors of them over here for trial. The justice of this they found on a statute of Henry seventh, which by a resolve of the house they extend to America. I will not anticipate your reflections on this proceeding. They were sent down to the commons, and their concurrence desired ; but they have deferred the consideration of ARTHUR LEE. 189 them until after the holydays. To pave the way for these measures, a very partial presentment of papers was made to the house by the ministry ; all the incendiary letters of Governor Bernard, with the most trifling oc currences of the " sons of liberty," down to their drink ing the health of Paoli and the Corsicans ; but the par agon of impudence and malevolence was a letter from the commissioners at Boston, full of misrepresentations and invective. Nothing was read on the other side, but the Boston petition ; and this will be forever the treat ment of Americans here ; from whence therefore they are to expect neither justice nor favour. The public liberty here has gained a signal victory over court despot ism, in the election of sergeant Glynn, Wilkes s friend and advocate, for this county, against all the influence of Beauchamp Proctor, with an hired mob, bribery and min isterial influence. The party of Mr. Wilkes is strong in the house of commons. His having published the letter you will receive with this, prefaced by some strong ani madversions on the detestable intention of its authors, has increased the hatred of the ministry to absolute rage ; in consequence of which they procured a vote in the house of lords, branding it as a seditious and inflamma tory libel, with a conference to invite the concurrence of the commons; but this they could not obtain, and there fore they adjourned the question until after the holydays, when it will be abandoned. Then too, a petition he has presented, praying to be permitted to prosecute Philip Carteret Webb, guilty of bribery and perjury, with the public money, and to have the lords Sandwich and March examined touching the matter, is ordered to be heard. The commons sent a message to the lords, desiring that those peers might attend in their house, which was voted a breach of privilege. The conference was held, but the commons were firm, and the two lords were permitted to attend. I have dined with Wilkes, in the King s bench. He speaks very warmly of America, and highly applauds their proceedings. The Farmer s letters are much read here, but to little purpose, though universally admired, and no answer attempted. They continue of 190 LIFE OF the same opinion, without a single reason for it, and con tinue in obstinacy what the} 7 began in ignorance. Lord Hillsborough told me he was both greatly pleased and informed by them, but he wished Mr. Dickinson had ac commodated his reasoning to the necessity of a supreme power. I observed that Mr. Locke had executed that with great perspicuity. This lord is affable and plausi ble ; has a routine of argument which he uses to every one, and on all occasions, without giving time for an an swer. He appears to me to be extremely shallow, and he is detested in Ireland for his arbitrary principles. I send you with this a number of the North Briton, con taining Wilkes s letter, the Public Advertiser, and two pamphlets concerning America. I have written on ly two pieces published in the Gazetteer, giving an ac count of the proceedings at Boston, with some remarks on them. One of them is reprinted in the Gentleman s Magazine for November. I am meditating two pam phlets, under the titles of an Address to the Merchants, and a Summary of the Arguments on both sides of the American Question. Whether I shall finish them I can not determine. The load of prejudice seems almost im movable, and pours despair on all our attempts to bring this country to reason. My best love attend you all ; my cordial good wishes await the friends of liberty and their transactions. Once more let me remind you that no confidence is to be re posed in the justice or mercy of Great Britain ; and that American liberty must be entirely of American fabric. Adieu, my dear brother. ARTHUR LEE." " IPSWICH, Sept. 18, 1769. My Dear Brother, I have received all your favours, but none with more pleasure than that of the 16th July, which assures me of your having recovered from the ef fects of that terrible fall. God grant that it may be the last bitter drop in your bitter cup, and that your future life may be one uninterrupted stream of happiness. Your letter, &c. I myself presented to lord Shelburne, at his own house, where I lately spent a week with him. He desires me to return his thanks for them. Grenville ARTHUR LEE. 191 has had the art of turning the present opposition to an in famous administration somewhat to his advantage ; and by uniting with Chatham, Temple and Rockingham, is aiming at a resumption of that power which he so much misused. With but small abilities, he has much art, so that no man has more influence in the house of commons. He is endowed with a perseverance in the pursuit of power never to be overcome, and capable of using any artifice, and submitting to any meanness that may pro mote his ambitious purposes. Upheld by these supports, nothing prevents his promotion but the unfeigned piety of the , with whom revenge is virtue. The affront given by him to a certain lady in the regency bill, occa sioned his dismission, and will in all probability be an insurmountable bar to his ambition. So far is her vice a virtue, operating the good of the nation in the gratifi cation of her malice. Should the complaints of the peo ple prevail on the king to dismiss his present ministers, most probably lord Chatham will be applied to for the formation of a new administration. Here then will be a struggle of lord Chatham (as he has certainly united with Grenville), should he insist on his admission. That the dowager s enmity would prevail over lord Chatham s influence is beyond a question ; but policy may induce her to dissemble (a virtue not yet banished from St. James ), and Grenville be admitted. Whether Lord Shelburne will find a place, or accept one, I cannot venture to conjecture. I think his virtues and abili ties will force him into power, whether soon or among the present abandoned crew, I cannot determine. Be this as it may, I think he is the only one attached to us from principle ; from policy there are many against opposing us ; as Lord Chatham, Richmond, and Rock ingham. Temple and Grenville are our determined foes; but whether they will not think it policy to let our rights remain unquestioned, is doubtful. As I perceived it was likely they would come in, if at all, on popular grounds, I have laboured much to make the cause of America pop ular, in which if I have been assisted by the American agents, I have not the least doubt of having succeeded. LIFE or But the only duty an American agent has to do, is to make a very formal and humble visit to White Hall, with any paper his assembly sends him. He leaves it to the pleasure of the minister, and thinks his duty is done. Tis not all who will do even this paltry service ; and Mr. Abercrombie has not condescended to take the least notice of the order of council for co-operating with the agent. What reason has America to expect any thing farther, when by far the greater number of her agents are unknown here, of no abilities, no rank, or if of any, of a bad character ; some of them menials, all of them servile expectants. Mr. Jennings intended the picture he sent you as a present, and is therefore offend ed that it is mentioned publicly as a purchase with the subscription money which is still in his hands. As there is no probability of getting Lord Camden to sit, I could wish the subscribers to be prevailed on to order Lord Shelburne s to be sent, in gratitude for his having divided the lords in favour of their rights. He I think will have no objection to gratifying us, for his principles remain unaltered. You will see our agent on the most infamous list of voters for Colonels Lutterel and Brentford, than which nothing can more demonstrate his servile depend- ance on administration ; when applied to he refused to draw up for the tobacco merchants a petition against the revenue acts, on a pretence that as they had not treated him with respect he would not have any thing to do with them. But his vote will explain his refusal. Should this conduct have any influence in Virginia to his prejudice, as I think in truth it ought, I need not tell you I should be happy to serve in his place. If Mr. Nicholas would join you, one would imagine the point would be carried. It would certainly enable me to get into parliament, and by that method promote the interest not only of Virginia but of all America. Had I been in this character a year ago, I could have made the cause of America the cause of Middlesex, for they are in truth the same. As no thing is more in my wish than this cause, I should like to have my inclinations seconded by my situation, which as agent of the assembly would be certainly effected. Your s affectionately, ARTHUR LEE." ARTHUR LEE. 193 " Bow WOOD, December 3d, 1769. Dear Brother, I wrote to you lately, and probably the same conveyance will bring you this letter. It is with much pleasure I can assure you that Lords Shel- burne, Chatham, and Camden are determined to write once more in supporting the cause of America against the present weak and wicked administration. I am at present at Lord Shelburne s in the country, and you may depend on what I say concerning our friends. Every day makes our cause more popular, and I think the min istry will find the opposition too strong to attempt any forcible measure ; and you well know how little their artifices will avail them. I have endeavoured by mixing popular subjects here with that of America to bring the signature of Junius Americanus into estimation, and by that means to gain a more easy ear to the discussion of American grievances. I am in hopes of succeeding. Colonel Barre is of opinion that America stands on ex cellent ground, and need not be in the least apprehensive of what her enemies can do. I have just heard from our brother William that the election has been patriotic, and that has met with the contempt and detestation he merits. My heart is at ease, and I trust we must be free. I think myself much honoured by the name of Virginia, and feel infinite gratitude to the people at large for the noble spirit with which they have resisted all the attempts of art, and honoured the cause of liberty. I do riot know any thing which would gratify my wishes more than the agency of Virginia. I should de vote myself with so much cordiality to its duties, and obey with so much joy the commands of a spirited people asserting their rights. Farewell, and believe me as I am ever, yours affection ately, ARTHUR LEE." " BATH, November 9th, 1769. My Dear Brother, Col. Barre is just arrived here, ai\d informs me that Governor Bernard is to be before the king and council, agreeable to the Massachusetts pe- VOL. i. 25 194 LIFE OF tition, with a view to deceive the world into a belief of his innocence, not to make any enquiry into his guilt. With this view only six days notice is given to the agent to summon his witnesses three thousand miles distant. The wickedness of this administration can be equalled only by its weakness. For must it not be most egre gious to expect the world will be deceived by so infa mous an artifice. The agent has delivered a petition to the council for a delay ; whether that will succeed I know not, but it will render their injustice more glaring. He is an upright, spirited, and independent old man, and therefore most obnoxious to Lord H gh, who has made some mean attempts to injure him. The ministry have so affronted the Duke of Rutland as to make him resign. It is expected the Marquis of Granby will fol low him. Tis well they are so rash, as abler men in these times of corruption might endanger our liberties. I find my health better than when with you. I pray heaven to guard you. Yours. Adieu. ARTHUR LEE." "August 15, 1769. My dear brother s favours all reached me in due time at Bristol Wells, where I was spending the summer season, to look about me, and form acquaintances which may be useful hereafter. The ensuing winter I mean to spend in Bath, where I now am ; a place to which Dr. Fothergill advised me, and where I expect his patronage. Your packet for Lord Shelburne I shall deliver myself in a few days, at his country seat about twenty miles off, where I am to spend a week. I have not been in Lon don since Johnston s arrival, and as Dr. Fothergill is probably in the country, I reserve your letter to him also to deliver myself, as I shall be in town soon. My last letter from our brother F. of the 14th June, made me exceedingly unhappy, as it brought, an account of the dreadful accident which befel you about that time. I flatter myself that long before you receive this you v l ill have received entire relief from the effects of that mis fortune ; and I cannot now help chiding you for being so ARTHUR LEE. 195 very careless of a life on which the happiness of so many depend ; the horses were notoriously vicious, and the dastardly temper of the negroes you well know. How then could you trust yourself so absolutely in their power as to injure yourself and afflict us ? for heaven s sake remember that you are accountable to your country and to those who love you for your personal safety, which cannot be injured without very great detriment and dis quietude to them. Heaven shield you from such disas ters for the future, and grant you for the great share of misery you have already suffered, an uninterrupted series of prosperity and health. I may now I hope congratu late you on your marriage with Mrs. Pinkard ; the small acquaintance I had with her gives me great reason to believe she will make you happy ; and I most ardently pray that her goodness may prevent both you and the poor little ones who survive, from feeling the loss of the tender and amiable wife and mother that is gone. The resolutions into which you have entered, and which I perceive South Carolina has adopted, are in the highest degree laudable, and you may depend upon it, will work your salvation. The ministry thinking it vain to contend against such virtue as they are now convinced animates America, are at present certainly disposed to conciliatory measures. But they are far from being yet brought to a due sense of what in justice they owe to the constitutional rights of the colonies. You have com menced those measures which tend to their conviction, and I make no question you will persevere till that im portant purpose is fully accomplished. The intent of the monitors I sent you being entirely fulfilled, I do not ask what you did with those I sent you, though I have seen nothing of them in the papers. The state of politics at present is as appears to me exceedingly complex. As far as I can unravel them, they consist of the court par ty, the opposition, and the constitutionalists. The lords Holland and Bute, the Dukes of Bedford and Grafton, form the court party ; lords Temple, Chatham arid Mr. Grenville, with Rockingham, compose the opposition ; and my lord Shelburne heads the constitutionalists. The LIFE OF last party are the promoters of petitions, as the most proper method of informing the people of the constitu tional power they possess, and of rousing them against the arbitrary measures of the court. The opposition, desirous of changing men only, and not measures, are for determining the matter by the representative body by intrigue and influence. The constitutionalists are for appealing to the people at large, and effecting a change of measures as well as of men. Mr. Wilkes and all of his party that are honest, with Beckford, Townshend, Sawbridge, Mrs. McCauley, &c. are what I call constitu tionalists. Of the political writers Junius only deserves reading, and his talents are certainly great. I cannot but think that my lord Shelburne s abilities and virtue will force him again into pow r er ; though they render him exceedingly unwelcome at court, where such qualities are not in estimation. Happily for the liberties of this country, the court party are at variance among them selves ; could they agree, I do not see what would pre vent them, with a corrupt house of commons, vast influ ence from places and money, with a powerful army, from absolutely subverting the constitution. But Bute pos sesses the year, Bedford the parliamentary power ; Graf- ton was the representative of the former, but the latter, ever jealous and ambitious, has contrived to gain the duke over by marriage. This in all human probability was the cause of lord Bute s precipitate return, being alarmed lest in consequence of that connexion Grafton should betray him, and uniting with Bedford, enable him to do what he has long wished ; exclude his lordship from influence in administration. When Peacham and Locket quarrel, they bring each other nearly to the gal lows. -Would to heaven these political villains may be more irreconcilable in their anger. I am now at my lord Shelburne s, where I have the pleasure of seeing perfect domestic happiness. Lady Shelburne is a pattern of every thing that is amiable and good ; and her lord seems perfectly worthy of so valuable a wife. Much reading has produced in me the effect of age, in which confidence in political professions is slowly granted ; and ARTHUR LEE. 197 therefore highly as I esteem this lord, I do not implicitly confide in him. Yet if he does not support the genuine cause of liberty, and continue firm in constitutional prin ciples, I do not believe there is a single man of eminence who will vindicate the violated rights of the people. A temporary support many will give, but an opposition grounded on true principles, and steadily pursued, I ex pect from him only. God send he may answer my ex pectations ; if not actum est de libertate. I am not so des perate with regard to America ; the spirit of liberty seems now so truly and universally diffused, that I do not think it possible to suppress it ; and therefore I look forward with infinite pleasure to that spirit as the surest nurse of British constitutional liberty. I some time since sent enclosed to Mr. Parker and you the proceeding respect ing the Mississippi company. Nothing certain is to be expected from this ministry : when it is changed I shall not fail to resume the solicitations. I beg you will give my most cordial thanks to all those of my acquaintance who have distinguished themselves in the resolution of not consuming British manufactures, and of maintaining firmly their constitutional rights. As a friend to freedom, I esteem myself infinitely obliged to every one who sup ports it. My inviolable regard awaits you and yours. Adieu. ARTHUR LEE. P. S. Pray remember me to our brother Thomas ; I never hear of or from him, which I very much regret. My best wishes attend Belvieu." BATH, November 15, 1769. My Dear Brother, It appears to me a very long time since I had the pleasure of hearing from you. In the mean time I please myself with supposing that you, with the rest of America, are working your own salvation by frugality and industry. Pertinent to this are your questions to our brother William concerning the glass manufactory ; in which, I am sorry to inform you, no satisfactory infor mation can be obtained. Much care is taken at Bristol 198 LIFE OF to provide against the loss of workmen ; they are there fore articled for a certain time, and their wages artfully advanced, so as to keep them constantly in arrear, and thence in bondage. A very few only are entrusted with the secret of the materials, and their proportions. I wrote to a merchant of Bristol, immediately on my broth er s receiving yours, for more precise information ; but he has never answered me, probably through some jealousy in himself, or an apprehension of it in others. Newcas tle would be the best place I apprehend, not only to make enquiries without suspicion, but to apply for workmen. The people here do not yet complain much of the want of trade arising from the stoppage of American exports ; but, by persevering, they will feel, and then will infallibly complain. What the ministry will do in the perturbed state of the empire, both at home and abroad, it is diffi cult to say ; what they wish to do is more easily imagin ed. Great certainly is the struggle between their arbi trary inclinations, and their fears to execute them. The Mississippi affair rests entirely, and must do so till the ministry are removed ; whenever that happens the company may be assured that I will resume the busi ness without any farther expense to them. Our brother William forgot to bring over a minute of the company s resolution appointing me agent ; so that had my creden tials been required nothing could have been done. Hap pily they were not ; but to provide against it for the fu ture, I could wish you and Mr. Parker would send me such credentials as you may think proper. Please to re member me to that gentleman, and tell him I hope every patriotic scheme succeeds, and that we shall see him in the next list of the house of burgesses, in J. R ph s place. I wish things were reversed, and this tool of pow er were his deputy. Your governor is becoming very popular as we are told here, and I have the worst proof of it in the increased orders for fineries from the ladies, at this time of general distress in their families. Either our countrywomen are misrepresented by the merchants wives, or they are growing deplorably extravagant. If ARTHUR LEE. 199 his excellency introduces such a spirit, I am sure his popu larity will be ill-founded. Wilkes suit with Lord Hali fax is at length determined, with 4000 damages, which it was proved in court the treasury was to pay. Inade quate as these would in any case have been, the manner in which they are to be paid prevents them from being exemplary ; since no minister will be deterred from re peating this injury by a fine which he is not to pay. Our houses, liberties, and most interesting secrets, are thus at the mercy of any minister who will pay this sum out of the treasury, which, with the present furniture of St. Ste phen s chapel, he might do to-morrow without danger of impeachment. Yet there are many men so wicked or so weak as to deny that the constitution is in danger. There are men who will never believe their houses are near the flames until they are on fire ; so long as they walk free they care not who is illegally imprisoned. The parliament will probably meet about the middle of Janu ary ; it will be an important session, but I believe attend ed with no farther good than convincing the people their complaints are just, and their desire of a dissolution per fectly proper. I am extremely well with Lord S e, the lord mayor, the sheriffs, Mr. Wilkes, Home, McCau- ley, Bellas, &c.; the two first and the last are those only of whose principles I have a good opinion ; but I am so sensible of my own deficiency in judgment, that while I act in the integrity of my heart, I do not suffer my sus picions to influence my actions. I dine frequently in the King s Bench where I meet the declared patriots, of whom I shall be satisfied if we find one Sidney in twelve elect. The city of London is however in our possession, and will support the character it has always maintained, of standing foremost and firm in opposition to arbitrary power. It is a chance whether you ever meet with a se ries of letters signed Junius Americanus, in which the enemies of America are chiefly attacked ; though to make what was written in defence of the colonies acceptable, it was necessary to give now and then a stroke to the characters obnoxious here. It is desirable to make a sig nature popular ; when that is effected I shall be able to 200 LIFE OF write for America under it with success, which it is oth erwise extremely difficult to accomplish. Send copies of Parker s edition of the Farmer s Letters to Lord Shel- burne, Mrs. McCauley, and Col. Barre. Farewell. ARTHUR LEE." " A very ill timed fever, my dear sir, confining me to my bed and room for some days past, has for the present marred my Mississippi and political operations. Of the former therefore, I can say nothing more than what the enclosed, written a week since, contains ; of politics lit tle certain can be said, for no one yet knows what the parliament, which meets to-morrow, will determine. The ministry are entirely Bedfordian, neither much in confi dence of the landed or mercantile part of the nation ; but they are of Lord Bute s complexion, and have therefore the royal ear and protection. Grafton is the premier, profligate, arbitrary, and contemptible ; Weymouth, aban doned to gaming and drinking, totally involved, but ex tremely clever ; North, Gower, and Bristol, nothing ; Hillsborough or Pownal, arbitrary, opinionated, subtle, and severe : of these the present council are formed, without one speaker or advocate in the house of com mons. All parties will, it is probable, be opposed to them ; but virtue and real patriotism are so little the ob jects of pursuit to any party, that it is rather a scuffle who shall enjoy the power and wreath of office, than who shall administer peace and welfare to the nation. This being the case the sovereign will always turn the scale, since such ministers can never acquire the confidence of the nation, so as to be independent of court influence ; this makes me apprehend that the present ministry, as being certainly that of the favourite, though he be now abroad, will stand, and they are to all intents and purpo ses enemies to America. They delude us here with talk ing of conciliating measures, but it is only to try once more the effect of art and management in disuniting the colonies, while it is evident they are collecting a great force at Boston, to crush, as they fondly flatter themselves, the head of opposition at one blow ; from the persever- ARTHUR LEE. 201 ance of your colony much is feared, and greatly is it ex pected that the address, powers, and beguiling splendour of his excellency, will detach it from the cause of liber ty, obtain a vote subversive of your former resolves, ac knowledging your promptitude to bend the servile knee, and fawning take the splendid robber s boon. Severe will be the trial, but more exemplary therefore the virtue that triumphs over it; alas! I fear it will not be found, where meanness and servility are already so prevalent among the little great people of your colony: yet on the issue of this essay must I hereafter glory in being a Vir ginian, or hide my head when it is mentioned. Subtlety and arbitrariness being the characteristics of the present ministry, great prudence, caution, and management will be requisite to frustrate their measures, or elude their re venge. You may be assured, if they stand this session, and their present policy succeeds not in America, the first step to enforcement will be the seizing and executing the patriotic leaders ; in your conduct therefore let me recommend an attention to the conduct of the first prince of Orange, which saved him from an ignominious death, and effectually vindicated the liberties of his country, while the incaution of his associates made them victims to the bloody and revengeful purposes of the tyrant they opposed. Our first duty is to our country unquestionably, and her dearest right is liberty ; but if this be not the sense of the people, if there is no prospect of opposing tyrannous measures with success, twere better wait the favourable moment, since once engaged, success, eternal enmity, or death, must be the issue. Cato, Brutus, and Cassius did not precipitately undertake a hopeless cause, but they made a glorious and dreadful struggle, that fail ing, death was the only worthy end of such a beginning. O how my soul swells with the great idea! methinks I could smile in the very pangs of death, and pity the in sulting tyrant. Should such a trial come, and my weak flesh shrink from the nobler purposes of my soul, to what contempt would it reduce me. Inured to war and death, habit had steeled their bodies, and made them equal to the achievement of every daring resolution ; happy had I VOL. i. 26 202 LIFE OF been bred a soldier, or these trying times had not arrived in my day. These are reflections which I cannot avoid, though they leave stings behind them ; the very doubt of bearing unmoved the utmost efforts of afflicting power, and telling the tyrant or his minion to the last I scorned him, is to me grievous. I have not sent you the Museum Rusticum, because it is certainly too dear for its usefulness ; and another publication is daily expected, which perhaps may be pre ferable. I reserve Tissot till I have leisure to read him, and make some annotations for you. There is a book sometime since published, called a Handmaid to the Arts, which should be useful to you ; if I think so upon exam ining, it shall be sent. The Court Register will be pub lished the 28th of this month, therefore I hardly think it worth while to send the old one now. I know of nothing else worth your attention. "October 9th. The great debate is passed, adminis tration has carried her point, forcing by the sword over the colonies those laws which reason and justice cannot support or establish. Dreadful idea ; suggested in a free house, it ought to have excited indignation and ab horrence. To the king s speech containing an account of America being in an alienated state of allegiance and submission to law ; and one part, namely Boston, on the verge of rebellion through the agency of some seditious persons, an address was moved for by Lord Henly, Lord Northington s son, approving the steps which had been taken by the king in America, and promising him sup port. This was seconded by Mr. Stanley, who said the late acts were intended to bring this contest of right to an issue ; that the troops had been drawn together in America to enforce it with more facility, and had now commenced the operation in Boston. Mr. Dowdswall, late chancellor of the exchequer, moved for an amend ment, using milder terms towards the Americans, and not expressing any approbation of ministerial measures. Lord Clare and Lord North supported the former ; with heavy if not unwarrantable charges against the people of Boston, and high ideas of absolute power. The ARTHUR LEE. 203 amendment was then supported by Sir G. Seville, but not on American principles. Mr. Burke then entered more largely and with more masterly eloquence into the transactions of Governor Bernard and the administra tion. He showed the present disturbances arose from a concerted plan and intentional injuries offered the peo ple of Boston ; that the right of taxing and the laws founded on it were repugnant to the feelings of America, which never could be overcome; he insisted that the re quiring the assembly of Boston to rescind a vote under penalty was absolutely illegal and unconstitutional ; that sending soldiers there and demanding provision for them was directly repugnant to the act of parliament, which directs that provision be made by the assembly. Mr. Grenville then advised supporting the measures of ad ministration in subduing the colonies ; he praised his S. A., talked much about himself, and condemned the minister s mandate for rescinding as totally illegal. Col. Barre next spoke with great judgment upon the ques tion in favour of the amendment ; he questioned the right, disapproved the measures, and demonstrated that they were urging a quarrel with their colonies, from an ill-grounded jealousy, when the state of Europe made harmony absolutely requisite to our preservation. Mr. Wedderburn then pointed out with great justice that gov ernment, both at home and abroad was executed by files of musketeers ; that laws were obeyed not from a re spect and confidence in the people for the legislature and government, but from terror ; a dreadful state existed by some unhappy defect in the executive part, which threatened our ruin ; he declared against the legality of the ministerial mandate at Boston. Many others spoke on both sides, but the ministry carried it without a di vision. All this I consider as done in heat, and hope better information and more dispassionate deliberation will produce the conciliating measures of recalling Ber nard, and repealing the duty acts ; should this not be done, I apprehend that the present establishment of the military in America will prevent any armed opposition to the measures of administration ; but I conceive the Ame- 204 LIFE OF ricans will endeavour by those means of not consum ing British manufactures, which are absolutely in their power, to bring this ungrateful country to a better sense of their usefulness to her, and how vain the attempt is to rule by force a free people. Mr. Burke asserted that Chatham and Camden had both acted towards America inconsistently with those principles ; which, corning from such great authorities, had confirmed the colonists in their opinion that parliament had no right to tax them. God knows whether this will be suffered to reach you; for the administration are determined to sacrifice the most active in the American cause, and may probably stop letters. Yours, &c. ARTHUR LEE." "BRISTOL- WELLS, August 4th, 1769. My dear brother, I am sorry you have so much reason to complain of my neglect ; for which I must rely on your goodness to pardon me. My letters by Johnston brought me an account of your marriage ; on which I give you and Mrs. Lee joy with all my heart. The union which crowns a mutual affection long tried, prom ises the most permanent felicity ; and I hope every suc ceeding moon will find you equally happy with the first. I am now the only unhappy or single person of the family ; nor have I any prospect of being otherwise. I have spent this season at the Bristol Wells in pursuit of practice and to make acquaintances, and shall remain the winter at Bath with the same views. In the latter it is easy to succeed, in the first not quite so easy here as at Williamsburg. Perseverance, of which unhappily I have very little, is absolutely requisite to accomplish this busi ness. I often feel so home sick that I cannot bear the thoughts of living forever from you ; so that if I am not very short lived I feel that I must make another trip to see you. Contrasted with that of this country, how il lustriously eminent does the patriotic conduct of America appear. I had my fears, my anxieties about Virginia, but my countrymen have fulfilled my most sanguine wishes and acquired an honour which can never be tar- ARTHUR LEE. 205 nished. Here the spirit of liberty is very languid, and all attempts to rouse it meet with little success. Corrup tion has spread its baneful influence so universally, that this country seems now to be nearly in that state in which Jugurtha found Rome when he exclaimed, "O venalem urbem, et cito perituraui, si emptorem invenies." However the utmost endeavours are used to awaken a proper resentment of the atrocious injuries which have been offered to the constitution. And though I believe they will obtain petitions enough to awe the ministry, yet I do not hope to see all grievances fully redressed, and the authors of them brought to condign punishment. With respect to us the ministry speak in a conciliating tone, but they are so void of all virtue that no credit is due to them, especially as their principles are most notorious ly arbitrary. Persevere in the plan of frugality and in dustry, encourage and confirm a spirit never to submit or yield, and you will compel them to be just hce tibi artes, hcBc arma ; and may heaven render them invinci ble. The town of Bristol, which is very near the wells, is immersed in the turtle and venison feasting, and there fore seems to apprehend little from the revolutions you have made ; but they will feel presently, and then I will answer for their justice being awakened, and their feel ing how cruel it is to oppress us. We have much com pany here besides invalids, dancing and card playing every day, so that the time passes agreeably though idly. My Lord Bute having lately arrived from abroad it is expected his advice will make some change in adminis tration ; but from so impure a fountain no good can be expected. The Mississippi scheme must lie dormant till Lord Hillsborough is removed, for he will never suffer it to be executed. Remember me, my dear brother, affectionately ; be free, be happy, and adieu. A. LEE." " LONDON, May 20th, 1770. My dear brother, The parliament being now pro rogued concludes all hopes of any redress of grievances, 206 LIFE OF either for America or Great Britain. Several motions were a week ago made in the commons, and repeated in the lords, by Mr. Burke and the Duke of Richmond, tending to censure alt the measures of this administra tion relative to America, especially my Lord Hillsbo- rough s rescinding and promising letters. They were all rescinded in the lump, by a previous question, on which the ministerial majority was three to one. Lord Chatham has made two remarkable motions this session, one for dissolving the parliament, and one censuring those who advised the rejection of the London remonstrance. They were fruitless, being rejected by a large majority. No ministry ever had less argument, and greater influ ence. In the American debate Lord Hillsborough de clared that all hopes of reconciliation with America were vain, unless the whole authority of parliament was given up, for that it was the navigation act we were aiming to overthrow. Such are the fixed impressions of this dull, arbitrary lord, and the prejudices which he and his tools labour but too successfully to infuse into others. The city of London, unawed by their late rejection, has voted a second remonstrance to the throne, in very spir ited terms, which is to be presented next Wednesday. Mr. Wilkes sits and acts as alderman with great ap plause. The friends of America here are apprehensive that you will not abide by your non-importation agreements, on which all prospects of a re-establishment of our in vaded rights depend. I can hardly think that my coun trymen can be so wanting to themselves as to give their enemies their wish, and sacrifice for a temporary profit or convenience, the liberties of themselves and their pos terity. Adieu. Yours, &c. ARTHUR LEE." " My Dear Brother, Lord Hillsborough is out. The ostensible cause is that he dissented to the establishment of a government where our petition is located. But the true reason is that the Bedford party were determined to remove him to provide for one of themselves. But in this they were disappointed, for lord North threatened ARTHUR LEE. 207 to resign. They were obliged to soothe him by the ap pointment of his half brother, Lord Dartmouth. This place was originally promised him, but the king, as his custom is, deceived him ; and it is thought rather shabby in him to accept of it now. However, he is a man of good principles, of a fair character, of exemplary life, and a friend to America. I have no doubt but that as far as it depends upon him, which indeed is but little, the colonies will not have much cause to complain. There is no opposition now, nor any forming. At the meeting of the next parliament the leaders will hope that the memory of their former follies may be obliterated, and again unite in that opposition which they so shamefully abandoned. Nothing is more uncertain than the revolu tions of states, nor can any one form a tolerable conjec ture from the appearances of the political sky. This is our only comfort in the midst of a calm which seems to resign every thing to the will of a court, which is med itating and executing a systematic destruction of our liberties. I expect to be at the bar quite in time for the next general election, and to be employed in some con tested election, which is a fair introduction into a valu able branch of the profession, that of pleading before the house of commons. Yours, &c. ARTHUR LEE." "LONDON, March 18, 1774. Dear Brother, The affairs of America are now be come very serious ; the minority are determined to put your spirit to the proof. Boston is their first object. On Monday the 14th, it was ordered in the house of com mons that leave be given to bring in a bill, 4 for the im mediate removal of the officers concerned in the collection and management of his majesty s duties of customs from the town of Boston, in the province of Massachusetts Bay, in North America ; and to discontinue the landing and discharging, lading and shipping of goods, wares and merchandize at the said town of Boston, or within the harbour thereof. * * Many native Americans, who were at this time in London, presented a peti tion to parliament in behalf of their countrymen in Boston, against the operation of thia act. It was written by Arthur Lee. 208 LIFE OF If the colonies in general permit this to pass unnoticed, a precedent will be established for humbling them by degrees, until all opposition to arbitrary power is sub dued. The manner, however, in which you should meet this violent act, should be well weighed. The proceed ings of the colonies, in consequence of it, will be read and regarded as manifestos. Great care therefore should be taken to word them unexceptionably and plau sibly. They should be prefaced with the strongest pro fessions of respect and attachment to this country; of reluctance to enter into any dispute with her ; of the readiness you have always shown and still wish to show, of contributing according to your ability, and in a consti tutional way to her support ; and of your determination to undergo every extremity rather than submit to be en slaved. These things tell much in your favour with moderate men, and with Europe, to whose interposition America may yet owe her salvation, should the contest be serious and lasting. In short, as we are the weaker, it becomes us to be suaviter in modo, however we may be determined to act fortiter in re. There is a per suasion here that America will see, without interposition, the ruin of Boston. It is of the last importance to the general cause, that your conduct should prove this opin ion erroneous. If once it is perceived that you may be attacked and destroyed by piecemeal, actum est, every part will in its turn feel the vengeance which it would not unite to repel, and a general slavery or ruin must en sue. The colonies should never forget Lord North s declaration in the house of commons, that he would not listen to the complaints of America until she was at his feet. The character of Lord North, and the consideration of what surprising things he has effected towards enslav ing his own country, makes me, I own, tremble for ours. Plausible, deep and treacherous, like his master he has no passions to divert him, no pursuits of pleasure to with draw him from the accursed design of deliberately de stroying the liberties of his country. A perfect adept in the arts of corruption, and indefatigable in the application of them, he effects great ends by means almost magical, ARTHUR LEE. 209 because they are unseen. In four years he has over come the most formidable opposition in this country, from which the Duke of Grafton fled with horror. At the same time he has effectually enslaved the East India Company, and made the vast revenue and territory of India in effect a royal patronage. Flushed with these successes, he now attacks America ; and certainly if we are not firm and united, he will triumph in the same manner over us. In my opinion a general resolution of the colonies to break off all commercial intercourse with this country, until they are secured in their liberties, is the only advisable and sure mode of defence. To exe cute such a resolution would be irksome at first, but you would be amply repaid, not only in saving your money, and becoming independent of these petty tyrants, the merchants, but in securing your general liberties. You are however more capable of judging what is proper and practicable. My great wish is to see you firm and united. Adieu. Yours affectionately, ARTHUR LEE." " LONDON, Dec. 13th, 1774. My Dear Brother, The proceedings at the congress are yet unknown to us, but our last accounts from you signify that the non-export will not take place till the present crop is shipped. It is unfortunate that you did not adopt that measure immediately upon the receipt of the late acts, because the operation of it would have been felt by this time, and would in all probability have enforced the repeal of them this session. But now by that dangerous delay, the present parliament will be in volved like the old one, and the plea of wounded dignity will still impede a retraction. The merchants too, being in possession of one year s crop, will be enabled to pay the tradesmen, &c. and subsist themselves under a sus pension of trade for at least a year, so as to prevent any clamour, and give the ministry that time to try what fraud and force can do to divest you of your liberties. Thus, by an ill judged tenderness towards men who have neither the feelings of humanity or justice for us, VOL. i. 27 210 LIFE OF but on the contrary would joyfully minister to our oppres sion, we have strengthened the hands of our enemies, and subjected ourselves to additional hazards and hardships. However, instead of idly lamenting over what is irre trievable, let us consider what should be our conduct in the present situation. If the people flatter themselves that the threat will be sufficient, and that they will not be put to the trial, under that dangerous deception they will again plant tobacco, and be equally unprepared to stand the contest. The utmost attention should there fore be employed to convince them that it is serious, that nothing but a hearty struggle will save their civil and re ligious liberties. In order to be prepared, they should double their quantity of corn and grain, not that they can export it, but that they may enjoy the blessing of plenty to mitigate other hardships, and keep the country in good humour ; they should plant great quantities of cotton, and desist immediately from the use of mutton and lamb, which will furnish them against next winter with wool and cotton enough to clothe the whole colony. With provisions cheap and plenty, and warm clothing, you may surely bid defiance to this country. Every thing that will yield spirit, as persimmons, grapes, &c. should be gathered and distilled ; rye and barley should be cultivated for that purpose. My reason for this is that it will be the plan to cut off all communication be tween the colonies, from whence the usual supply of spirits being prevented, the common planters to whom they are absolutely necessary may be induced to murmur if not resist those measures of opposition, which our Scotch friends will take care to whisper them are the cause of their distress. As a great deal depends upon the hearty concurrence of the body of the people, pro vision should be made against every thing that may ob struct it. The ministerial language now is not for force ; however I would not trust them, but prepare against that too by arming and exercising the militia. The plan at present is to pass two acts, one for taking the fishery from New-England and encouraging the Canadians, the other to make all associations touching trade, treasonable. ARTHUR LEE. 211 Additional supplies will be granted, and it will be left to the king and his ministry to add military force, which I verily believe they will do. You have the whole of their plan before you, and I hope you will not remit of the ut most activity to defeat it. The not planting any tobac co will be a decisive measure to convince them here that you are in earnest. Such conviction will be of great use. You may depend upon it that the merchants here will never move in your behalf till you alarm their fears so much, or touch their interests so strongly, as to make the cause their own. My anxiety about the public absorbs every idea of private concerns. Col. Phil, remits me nothing, and the additional expenses of my being called to the bar in April next, will distress me extremely. My love to Mrs. Lee and every body else. Adieu. ARTHUR LEE." "LONDON, Dec. 22, 1774. My Dear Brother, The proceedings of the congress meet with universal approbation here, and have operated like an electric shock upon the ministry and their de pendants. They begin to reprobate their own measures, and each to exonerate himself from the charge of having advised them. The king consented to receive the peti tion of the congress, arid lord Dartmouth told us it was found to be decent and respectful. I expect we shall receive his majesty s answer time enough to send with this. The merchants have advertised for a meeting, and every thing seems to promise a speedy accommodation. The terms of that must depend on you. Your demands must be made with great moderation, and should not, nay I think cannot be receded from one iota. Depend upon it, the same firmness and unanimity which have compelled a conciliatory disposition, will enforce a full redress. Be therefore firm and fear not. The excess of my anxiety for our ultimate success, and the termina tion of these unhappy disturbances, makes me sometimes apprehensive that these specious appearances will make you remiss in your preparations for a different conduct ; 212 LIFE OF that you will forget that he who sheathes the sword be fore the peace is concluded, exposes himself to a shame ful defeat. But trusting to jour wisdom, I hope you will treat them as appearances only, which firmness, vig ilance and unanimity alone, on your part, can realize. December 24th. Lord Dartmouth this day informed us that his majesty received your petition very graciously, and for its importance \vould lay it before his houses of parliament when they met. I communicate to you the following copy of a letter from Lord Chatham, because I think it must give you in finite satisfaction. At the same time I must entreat you not to let it get into the press, as it would be a breach of honour in me. * I have not words to express the infinite satisfaction which I feel, since congress has conducted this most ar duous and delicate business with such manly wisdom and calm resolution as do the highest honour to their de liberations. Very few are the things contained in their resolves that I could wish to be otherwise. Upon the whole, I think it must be evident to every unprejudiced man in England, who feels for the rights of mankind, that America, under all her oppressions and provocations, holds out to us the most fair and just opening for restor ing harmony and affectionate intercourse as heretofore. I hope that the minds of men are more than beginning to open on this great subject, so little understood, and that it will be found impossible for free men in England to see three millions of Englishmen slaves in America. Such praise from the character of the age, ought to in spire you with confidence, if any thing can add to the conscious dignity of freemen, and make you resolve to maintain your demands with immovable firmness. December 26th. I was yesterday in the country with Lord Chatham, to show him the petition of the congress. He approves of it exceedingly. His words were, i the whole of your countrymen s conduct has manifested such wisdom, moderation and manliness of character, as Would have done honour to Greece and Rome in their best days. Laudari a laudato viro, should make us ARTHUR LEE. 213 cautious that we support the character by a manly per severance in those measures which have secured it. His opinion is that a solemn settlement of the question, by a renunciation of the right to tax on one part, and an ac knowledgment of supremacy on the other, might be made. My object is to unite the heads of opposition upon one uniform large ground, which, with the present pop ularity of our cause, will I think enforce a complete ab olition of these pernicious measures. I have this moment learnt that the resolution of the court is to repeal all the acts except the declaratory and admiralty act ; that lords North and Dartmouth are to give place to lords Gower and Hillsborough, who are to commence their adminis tration with these conciliatory measures. The incon sistency of this plan is no objection to the probability of it, for these men have long been disciplined to turn, and turn, and turn again. But you may learn from it that there is little cordiality in the relief to be given, and that we are to hold a jealous eye over the measures of men, whose minds are actuated against us by the bitterest rancour and revenge. You will consider this intelligence as of doubtful nature, and let no hasty gleam of hope go forth, which may tend to make men remiss in their ex ertions, or relax in the terms they demand. Farewell. Your affectionate brother, ARTHUR LEE. To Col. Richard Henry Lee." "LONDON, Dec. 26th, 1774. My Dear Brother, It is with great pleasure I inform you that the proceedings of the general congress, and the vigorous preparations for effectual resistance, have render ed our cause so popular, and so intimidated administration, that they seem determined to give us redress. The king received the congress petition very graciously, and is to lay it before his two houses of parliament as soon as the adjournment for the holidays is over. It is whispered from court that Lord Gower and Lord Hillsborough will be put into the places of Lord North and Lord Dart mouth, and that all the acts will be repealed except those for establishing admiralty, &c. courts, and declaring the 214 LIFE OF right. Should this be true you will see with what ill-will this partial relief is given, and that they are determined to continue our apprehensions by advancing our worst enemies, and preserving those acts as the seeds of conten tion. But you will certainly be of opinion, with all our friends here, that nothing but a full and solemnly ratified redress ought to satisfy us, and that the same resolution, unanimity, and firmness, which have extorted a part will compel the whole. 1 have waited on Lord Chatham with the petition, on which, and on all the proceedings of the congress he bestows the highest commendation. He is clearly for a full, solemn, authentic settlement of the dispute upon the conditions proposed by the congress, and will assuredly support it with all his abilities. 1 think I shall get the heads of opposition to unite with him, as I find them much disposed to it. This junction, with the voice of the people here, and the firmness of America, will I trust compel our oppressors to absolute submission. My love to Mrs. Lee, and respects at Mount Airy. Adieu. ARTHUR LEE." ARTHUR LEE. 215 LETTERS FROM ARTHUR LEE TO SAMUEL ADAMS. "TEMPLE, June 10th, 1771. Sir, The session of parliament is now at an end without one offensive measure to America. We owe this to the difference with Spain, which engaged all the attention of administration in the first part of the session ; and a quarrel with the city of London, which employed the remainder. I am very well informed that my Lord Hillsborough, aided by his most illustrious friend the Nettlehen, has planned an act to change the mode of electing your coun cil, which was to have been carried into execution this session, but was prevented by the contingencies I have mentioned. Could any action of their lives warrant a supposition that experience would teach them right wis dom, I should be inclined to believe, that perceiving how quiet the colonies are when not irritated, they will desist from agitating anew those waters which have not been easily composed. But I know that neither experience will give them true wisdom, nor time assuage their ma lice. Therefore I think it my duty to give you this in formation that you may have time before next session of parliament, to take such measures as you may judge most effectual to defeat their intentions. I am the more suspicious that the measure is suspend ed only, that I find Lord Hillsborough takes great pains to persuade and to assure your countrymen that as long as they continue quiet nothing will be done to their pre judice. As treachery and imposition is his fort, there is most danger when his professions are warmest. Besides as he certainly intended mischief, he is more strongly in duced to exercise those arts in order to quiet the alarm which such an intention going forth would necessarily produce. He possesses too a perverse spirit, that thinks he is doing nothing if he is not doing mischief. You may conceive, sir, whether such a temper perpetually acted upon by the implacable hatred of Bernard is likely to abandon a favourite system of tyranny and revenge, 216 LIFE OF without any apparent reason. I am therefore of opinion that the fire still subsists, though covered with deceitful ashes ; and such I can assure you are the sentiments of the best friend you have here, Col. Barre. It would form a very powerful objection to this bill, if America in general appeared to be alarmed at it. And certainly innovations abridging liberty in one colony are very just cause of apprehension to all. It might be therefore of great use to apprise the leading members of the different assemblies of the business, and engage them if it should be moved here to procure petitions against it. I will write to Mr. Dickinson upon it and to my brother. Should such a bill pass the first session, as it is proposed, the injustice of deciding upon a matter so interesting to the province without hearing their objections, will be fla grant. Should it be deferred after being moved, the rest of the colonies if properly prepared, will have an oppor tunity of joining you in the opposition, and though their councils are generally upon a slavish establishment already, yet this being a mode only of trenching on the freedom of your constitution they must see that if any other part of their constitution, should be equally obnox ious because equally free, the same attempt will be made to destroy it. The enmity conceived against the council proceeds from their having embarrassed and opposed them in their arbitrary proceedings. Therefore it is in truth an attempt against American liberty. Viewing it in this light the rest of the colonies cannot but be impress ed with a sense of the common danger that attends the establishing a precedent for altering by the intervention of the British legislature, whatever opposes the arbitrary measures of administration in America. I have read lately in your papers an assurance from Dr. Franklin that all designs against the charter of the colony are laid aside. This is just what I expected from him ; and if it be true, the Dr. is not the dupe but the in strument of Lord Hillsborough s treachery. That Lord Hillsborough gives out this assurance is certain, but notorious as he is for ill faith and fraud, his duplicity would not impose on one possessed of half Dr. F. s sa- ARTHUR LEE. 217 gacity. And indeed what reason is there for this change ? Is the oppressive plan against America abandoned ; or is it discovered that an independent council will be less troublesome in the prosecution of it than they hitherto have been ? Neither the one nor the other ; and though the reasons I have already mentioned compelled his lord ship to suspend the execution of his scheme, yet to trust that it is therefore laid aside, is a degree of credulity and infatuation which I hope will never be imposed on the assembly. The minister s aim in these assurances is manifest, not only to remove the odium which the dis covery must bring upon him, without his plans being ex ecuted, but to lull to sleep that vigilance and precaution which the detection would produce on your side, and which w r ould much embarrass if not frustrate his design. Could he thus smother your suspicions and silence all opposition from you, he would have nothing to obstruct him but the agent, from whom his apprehensions cannot be very great. The possession of a profitable office at will, the having a son in a high post at pleasure, the grand purpose of his residence here being to effect a change in the government of Pennsylvania, for which administra tion must be cultivated and courted, are circumstances which, joined with the temporising conduct he has always held in American affairs, preclude every rational hope that in an open contest between an oppressive administration and a free people, Dr. F. can be a faithful advocate for the latter ; or oppose and expose the former with a spirit and integrity which alone can, in times like these, be of any service. By temporising I mean consulting the in clination of ministers and acting conformable to that, not to the interests of the province. Thus W 7 hen the Rock- ingham administration espoused the American cause no man was more zealous or active than Dr. F., since that he has been totally inactive ; and his particular par- tizans here, the Quaker merchants, were opposed to the late measure of petitioning for the repeal of the revenue act ; though the exciting the merchants and manufac turers here to petition against it was the great benefit expected from the non-importation agreements with you, VOL. i. 28 218 LIFE OF which the Dr. immediately after advised the Philadel- phians not to violate. The artifice of this is manifest, that advice made him popular in America, his preventing the effect of it recommended him to administration here ; and in consequence we see, that though accounts of that letter were transmitted to Lord Hillsborough, the writer stands in the same place and favour as before, though it is a fixed rule of conduct with his lordship to displace all those who not only oppose, but who do not conform perfectly to his plan. I feel it not a little disagreeable to speak my senti ments of Dr. Franklin, as your generous confidence has placed me in the light of a rival to him. But I am so far from being influenced by selfish motives, that were the service of the colony ten times greater, I would perform it for nothing rather than you and America, at a time like this, should be betrayed by a man, who, it is hardly in the nature of things to suppose, can be faithful to his trust. Your house has done me the honour unso licited and personally unknown, to testify their approba tion of the manner in which I have treated the enemies of America and their particular foes. Such an approba tion is with me the highest incentive not only to oppose your avowed enemies, but to detect your false friends. I could have wished the address of your council to the new viceroy had been conceived in a different strain from the one which I have read. The circumstances therein mentioned, as inducing them to applaud his majesty s ap pointment do, in my opinion, render the appointment more alarming and the person more detestable than even those of Governor Bernard. The man who rises to the same bad eminence, by sacrificing every sacred tie and every duty due to his country and to the community, of which he was born a member, most surely incurs guilt of a much deeper die than a stranger who commits no such violation of duty or of feeling. Such characters as that of Governor Hutchinson unhappily occur too often in history, and have ever been the bane of public liberty and virtue. With plausibility to conceal their want of principle and ambitious views, and knowledge to conduct ARTHUR LEE. 219 them successfully to their pernicious ends, they accom plish the attainment of what they wish, and become the most dangerous instruments of oppression ; I will there fore venture to foretell that Mr. Hutchinson will prove one of the most abject tools of administration, that ever disgraced the dignity of human nature, or trampled on the rights of mankind. Wishing that I may not have trespassed too much on your time and patience, I remain sir, your sincere friend and very humble servant, ARTHUR LEE." " TEMPLE, June 23, 1772. My Dear Sir, Since my last to you, I have received your two last favours ; for which I cannot express how much I am obliged to you. I have reconsidered what I then wrote you touching the policy of a congress ; and I am happy in retracting my opinion, upon a full convic tion that you are wiser and better able to judge what is proper in this business than I can possibly be. From the very beginning of this dispute, I have taken that part in it which a general zeal for liberty, pointed by a particu lar duty to my country, prompted. I have been fixed in two fundamental opinions on it ; that the parliament had no legislative right over us, and that when firmly united, we might maintain our rights against the power of this country. No position seemed ever clearer to me than that a free people could not be bound by laws not made or assented to by themselves. In so far as they were bound, they were not free. When we consider from how much more feeble be ginnings other states have established their claims to freedom, it is plain that a fixed resolution only was want ing on our part, to vindicate our invaded rights. And yet I must confess to you that I wished the dis pute might be accommodated without urging it to its ut most. I foresaw great present misery to America, in bringing it to such a decision at this time ; and ruin to this country, which I cannot help revering as the noble nurse of generous freedom. It seemed to me that draw ing a line between internal and external legislation, would leave us room enough to thrive and prosper in, and 220 LIFE OF this country sufficient power to maintain her ground against her European enemies. Something, I thought, was to be yielded to the parent state ; and as we were rising and she sinking, I felt it more desirable that we should gradually arrive at the full enjoyment of liberty by inheritance, than by violently grasping at it, precipi tate her fall. These were my sentiments ; and these I long ago laid down in a periodical paper, written in Virginia, signed Monitor. The first wish of my heart is that Amerka may be free the second is, that we may ever be united with this country. But this union, however desirable, must not be upon dishonourable and slavish terms. And in truth, I cannot discover a disposition in this country to unite upon terms fair and honourable to us, unless upon some degree of compulsion. That degree of compulsion will, I think, spring from a congress ; and if it should not, such a measure will still have the very desirable effect of knitting firmly the colonies together. When that is effect ed, upon the great ground of public liberty, we may bid de fiance even to this country. Your remark upon Junius Americanus is just, and yet there is some difference be tween defending the cause here and with you. The en emies of America have ever strove to avoid reasoning upon the real question, by the inflammatory charge of its being a pretence only on our part for claiming absolute independence. Our advocates have endeavoured to pin them down to the very point in issue, by affirming that no such claim was meditated, nor any resistance ever given to the operation of the supreme authority of the British legislature. It was policy to force the adversary to keep upon that ground, which was notoriously unten able. Neither w r ould it have been becoming for an indi vidual to have held so high a tone, until America had set the key. And certainly you have laid down and main tained a position which, since the commencement of this dispute, has been either not touched at all, or with a trembling hand. Nor could any thing bejnaore fortunate than the event which produced your declaration. For it appearing to have been pointed out to you and forced ARTHUR LEE. 221 from you by the forward and impudent zeal of Mr. Hutch- inson, no one imputes it to any premeditated intention, similar to that of which you have been accused,. So that it happens with peculiar felicity that the very declara tion, the charge of which so exasperated the minds of men here, is now formally made and irrefragably main tained, without exciting one murmur of reproach or in dignation. The whole blame is visited upon Mr. H., who certainly at this moment totters on his throne. With how much melancholy propriety may he use these heart felt reflections of Macbeth : I have lived long enough : my way of life Is fall n into the sere, the yellow leaf ; And that which should accompany old age, As honor, love, obedience, troops of friends, I must not look to have ; but in their stead Curses not loud, but deep ; mouth honor, breath, Which the poor heart would fain deny, and dare not. I should have felt it as impiety not to have wished his fall ; yet I pity him when falling. I have marked two things in the event of this contest between us and this country, which seemed to have flow ed from a grievous overruling providence, precipitating our enemies into the very pit they had prepared for us. Their view was to enfeeble and enslave us. To effect this, they endeavoured to engage the public against us, by representing us as rioting in affluence, in a land where every thing was plentiful, and nothing taxed ; and that our opposition to their new system was grounded merely upon a claim of absolute independence. The people, taking these things for granted, are flocking to this land of milk and honey ; thereby enriching us and impover ishing them. The numbers that have shipped themselves off from Ireland and Scotland within these four years, and are daily emigrating, is incredible. So powerfully does the persuasion work, yet so opposite to their inten tions. From charging us with aiming at independency, they have brought us to consider, then to claim, and I think in God they will bring us to confirm it. With how much more propriety might the people for LIFE OF this, than for what the governor directs, go up with a general thanksgiving to God, who out of evil hath mani festly brought forth good ; hath confounded the wicked in their own imaginations, and out of the malice of our enemies hath worked prosperity and honour to his ser vants. Lord Dartmouth is too insigificant, for you to regard what he says. The letter you mention cannot do any good, and may in some measure be productive of the evil you apprehend. And yet I hope the conviction of the people is too strong to be misled by false lights. I am happy to hear of the firmness of Mr. H., and have un deceived Mr. Wilkes. The gentlemen you recommend shall be taken care of. I have read Mr. Adams s essays in the public papers, \vith astonishment at the depth of his law learning. He will do our society honour. It gives me great pleasure to know that you and my brother Richard Henry, have commenced a correspond ence. I recommended it to him ; and wished that no punctilio of ceremony might prevent a communication which must be, I am sure, beneficial to the great and sa cred cause of public liberty. You will find him ever ready to defend, at all hazards, the rights and liberties of America. I have this moment received information which I com municate to you in great confidence, for in such it was trusted with me by a peer, no one being now admitted to hear the debates of the lords. When they were a few days since debating on the East India bill, which among other things appoints judges for that country, Lord Shel- burne rose and remarked, that he had heard nothing of America during this session, that he saw things taking a very serious aspect in that country, that on this very sub ject of judges there were great and just complaints, since as it was right and necessary that they should be inde pendent here, it was much more so that they should be on that footing in America, because the farther power is from the fountain head, the more danger there is of its abuse ; that America was one of the cables which kept our political vessel from shipwreck, her rights were sa- ARTHUR LEE. cred, and we ought to redress her grievances, that he had congratulated America on the appointment of the present noble lord to that department, from the moderation and purity of his principles ; but he had hitherto expected in vain, the healing, conciliatory, and uniting measures, which he hoped would flow from that noble lord s senti ments, which he knew were once as friendly to the colo nies as his own. Lord Dartmouth replied that his sentiments were the same with Lord Shelburne s, and that he had formed his plan of redress and reconciliation, which he would carry into execution at the hazard of his office. I commit this intelligence to your discretion ; at the same time I can- iiot help wishing it may not go forth among the people. Nothing can in my opinion do more injury to our cause, than withdrawing the attention and confidence of our countrymen from themselves, to a reliance on the promi ses of this country. To be redressed they must be re spected, to be respected they must be formidable, to be formidable they must be united. You are now in a fair way of establishing that union ; for God s sake let no delusive expectations divert you from it. Were this country to grant you every thing, they who call them selves our friends think we deserve, it would not be half so much as we ought to demand. Their utmost conces sions flow from policy, not from principle. It is our busi ness, when we do demand a bill of rights, so to frame it, that no question hereafter may arise touching the liber ties we ought to enjoy. The indignity of having endured so many flagrant violations of our rights is now over, and we may coolly and circumspectly form our plan, and pre pare for its effectual execution. With regard to the particulars and extent of Lord Dartmouth s ideas of redress, I am unacquainted with them, as he speaks only in general terms. But I am sure his abilities and weight are not equal to the attempt. Lord North, who keeps him in his place, is very luke warm in the business, and infirm in his seat ; so that not only the inefficiency of what we may expect from them, but the improbability of their being able to effect any 224 LIFE OF thing, should prevent us from desisting from those great and effectual measures, which will establish our liberties upon the most permanent foundation. We have just now carried Mr. Sayre sheriff for London, &c. in great triumph, solely on public ground, and the interest of the bill of rights. No men can be more de termined in the cause of liberty than the livery of Lon don. I shall not longer detain you from your public la bours but to assure you, that I am, with the truest respect and esteem, dear sir, most sincerely yours. ARTHUR LEE. P. S. If you have kept any chronological account of the events since the commencement of our dispute in 1764, I shall be much obliged to you for it. The variety of pursuits I am obliged to attend to impair the memory of particulars, and it will be exceedingly laborious to revise all the papers containing them." " MIDDLE TEMPLE, Dec. 24, 1772. My Dear Sir, I have long waited with anxious ex pectation for a letter from you. But I will not complain. You have not neglected the public. The present seems to be a favourable moment for exertion. I mean with a view of overthrowing some of those hypocritical traitors who reign over you. As to any farther success it is not to be expected. Lord Dartmouth is at least too mode rate a character to attempt any thing grand or decisive. Connected as he is, the tenor of his conduct must be very humble. Lord North, is for the quiet enjoyment of a place which he knows to be precarious, nor will he hazard the accele rating of his own fall, by attempting any thing so unpleas- ing as the redress of American grievances would be, to his royal master. The East India business is like to engross the attention of this session of parliament. It seems probable that govern ment will assume tliQJura regalia of that mighty dominion. This will fatally extend the influence of the crown. Our constitution is indeed already infected to the very heart. The ruin however may be accelerated. Asiatic wealth ARTHUR LEE. 225 has, like a mighty torrent, overwhelmed every free con stitution upon which it has been hitherto turned. But the virtue of this unhappy country has at once to con tend with the luxury of the East, and Scotch treachery. To one however who adores liberty, and the noble vir tues of which it is the parent, there is some consolation in seeing, while we lament the fall of British liberty, the rise of that of America. Yes, my friend, like a young phcenix she will rise full plumed and glorious from her mother s ashes. The numbers who are daily emigrating from this country, and the multitudes that on any public calamity will resort to us, must in a little time lay the most permanent foundation of populousness and power. America, in her turn, will be the imperial mistress of the world. The late contest turned upon us the eyes of all Europe, and whenever the people of it want refuge, or to seek the retreats of freedom, America will be their object. We are endeavouring to prepare my lord Dartmouth for your representations, by giving him a proper idea of Mr. Hutchinson. Sir Francis is as assiduous in support ing him. I cannot but think that a determined opposi tion on your part to the dangerous innovation of pension ing the governor and judges, will defeat it. It is so di rectly contrary to his majesty s declaration, and so utter ly inconsistent with every constitutional idea concerning an impartial administration of justice, that it cannot be maintained but on the ground of arbitrary policy. The removal of Mr. H. would I think be a very great mortifi cation and check to those among you who are selling their country for plunder and preferment, I do not despair of this being effected. I will take care that the generous conduct of Mr. Otis to his assassin shall be held up to the public. I hope that gentleman is perfectly recovered from the conse quences of that infamous transaction. It will give me very great pleasure to hear from you, and to know that you are all firm and unanimous in your opposition to arbitrary power. VOL. i. 29 226 LIFE OF I am dear sir, with very great esteem, your sincere friend and very humble servant, ARTHUR LEE." " JANUARY 25th, 1773, My Dear Sir, I have just now received your favour of Nov. 3, 1 772, together with a pamphlet and some pa pers, for which I am extremely obliged to you. The pacquet however came to me open, which I am told generally happens to letters which come by Bristol ; the merchants there being solicitous to acquire information in commerce before it reaches London. I must therefore beg the favour of you to be cautious of writing through that channel. I shall take the liberty of putting the first part of your letter in the newspapers here, as I think it extremely proper my lord Dartmouth should read the excellent ad monition it contains. I very much suspect that the ap probation boasted of, is a forgery of the pious gover nor s. Be that as it will, tis fit his lordship should know it. In truth I have very little hope from Lord Dartmouth. He is an insignificant character, and with all the affecta tion of piety and good intentions towards the public, he has voluntarily connected himself with a set of men, the most abandoned in private life, and the most flagitious in public, that this or any other nation ever produced. The sole inducement to so infamous a connexion were the emoluments of office. For these he has already made shipwreck of his character, which I fear he will never have virtue enough to retrieve. I have thought it how ever the most prudent method to treat him with tender ness at first, but should he continue to approve and sup port the conduct of your pernicious governor, he will be treated with as little lenity by Raleigh, as his predeces sor was by Junius Americanus. I cannot describe how much I am pleased with the spirit with which you oppose the infringement of your rights. I cannot but hope every town in the province will harmonize with Boston. Nothing will make so deep an impression here as a proof of unanimity and firmness. ARTHUR LEE. 227 My countrymen must ever remember what I have before mentioned, that from the justice of the ruling powers in this country they are to expect nothing, from their fears and necessities every thing. I agree entirely with you, that the tribute, is the indignity that must be done away. Your sentiments correspond entirely with those I signi fied to Junius in answer to his card, (of which I sent you a copy) in these words. "The emigration of our ances tors, you are pleased to say, deserved no praise. But did it deserve the worst of all punishments, the loss of lib erty ? We are not setting up any new claim, but oppos ing it in you. We are exclaiming against your invasion of those rights which are essential to the existence of freedom, against the infringement of those privileges which we have enjoyed and exercised for more than a century. The question is not whether we shall be per fectly free, but whether we shall be perfectly enslaved. While the crown possessed over us all the executive, the judicial, and three-fourths (so at least it is in Virginia) of the legislative authority, while this country exercised a supreme legislative power respecting our trade, and while we had no power of impeachment, it is plain we were far from possessing the rights of Englishmen. Indeed we retained but that single security of the constitution which arises from giving and granting our own money : and it is of that, you would finally strip us. It is for this we are contending, and I hope shall ever contend till we receive full and ample satisfaction." The last signal act of my lord Hillsborough was his declaration of war against the Caribs of St. Vincent s. It is impossible to conceive a measure so wicked in its principle, and so weak in its plan. The troeps were sent on that service at a season when they were sure of destruction from the inclemency of the weather. The intention of the armament was to seize by force upon their property, and if they refused to become slaves, to transport them to some desert on the coast of Africa. This is the plan laid down in his letters, which are now before the house. Had his conduct towards America, and the king s approbation in advancing him to an earl- 228 LIFE OF dom, left the least doubt of his being one of the most flagitious men alive, this business would have stampt upon him indelibly that character. My lord Chatham and my lord Shelburne remain faith ful to the cause of this country and America. But I would wish my countrymen to remember that salvation cometh not from the east, nor from the west, but from themselves. The scripture tells us that to put our trust in princes and in great men is futile, and certainly we were never so respectable here as when we seemed to be on the eve of appealing to God. I am afraid many of my letters to you have miscarried, that (which I think was sent by Mr. Story) containing an answer to the gov ernor s resolution in council against J. Americanus, must have failed, as you have never mentioned the receipt of it. The full council ought in justice to have rescinded so scandalous a resolve. Mr. Wilkes tells me he has information of Mr. Han cock s having deserted the cause. But I hope he is mis informed. It is sometime since I sent you notice of your being chosen a member of the bill of rights, which I hope you have received. As the postage of letters con taining newspapers, &c. is extremely heavy, I have en closed you franks with which I beg the favour of you to cover any thing of that sort which you may be so good as to send me hereafter. As there is not so great cer tainty of finding me in my chambers in the Temple, as my brother, I have got them addressed to him. I have heard much of a sermon preached before your assembly by Mr. Tucker, I think, drawing the line be tween obedience and resistance. If it strikes you as worth reading, be so obliging as to send it me. I have wrote twice to Mr. Gushing without receiving a line in return. The seeing Mr. Otis on your commit tee, gives me hopes he is recovered. With the warmest wishes for your health and success, I am, my dear sir, your most sincere friend, ARTHUR LEE." ARTHUR LEE. 229 " TEMPLE, June llth, 1773. My dear Sir, I am so very unfortunate as to be dis appointed in not receiving the letter which your last favour, of the 22d April, informs me you had written by the same opportunity. The captain can give no account of it ; and I am very greatly disappointed. I am how ever very much obliged to you for the packet I did re ceive, as well as for the pleasure you intended me, and of which, I know not what accident has deprived me. There is but one opinion here concerning Mr. Hutch- inson s late conduct ; and that is in condemnation of it. Nothing alarms them more than that spirit they flatter ed themselves was extinguished, and which they con ceive this controversy has reanimated. I am extremely rejoiced at the manner in which the assembly of Vir ginia has taken it up ; and I think it is now in a train which cannot fail of conducting us to what I have so long and ardently wished for, the establishment of a gen eral and well weighed petition of American rights, which may be the fixed object of American opposition. The prospect of a general war in Europe strengthens daily ; and it is hardly probable that another year will pass away before that event. You cannot therefore be too speedy in preparing to reap the full advantage of that opportunity, so as to leave the fundamental principles at least of American liberty no longer questionable. You have with great propriety mentioned in your answer to the governor s first speech, that the drawing a line being an arduous undertaking and of general concern ment, you would not attempt it without a general con gress. Of the justice of this 1 am clear, but doubtful of its policy. I cannot help thinking that the leading men in each assembly communicating with one another, would form a plan more wise and well considered than can be expected from a public body. And there would be no danger of effectual opposition to it in the different as semblies, when the time came in which they could de mand a ratification of it from this country with assurance of success. My great objection to a public congress is that it will rouse this country, and perhaps incense her 230 LIFE OF to some hostile measure. The only contention In which we are unequal to her, is in that of arms. It is not wise policy therefore to provoke this issue of the dispute, if our purpose can be compassed without it. For with all her ill usage Britain is still our mother country. We are growing stronger every day, and she weaker. Therefore the more we procrastinate any des perate decision, if it must end in that, the fairer will be our prospect of success. But I conceive such a termin ation of it would be effectually prevented, if we deferred the open measure of a congress till the situation of this country, from its being involved in a war, rendered it impossible for her to attempt any military operation against us. My opinion is, that though every thing is to be hazarded rather than suffer ourselves to be enslaved, yet that if we can attain this, and without bloodshed, it is our duty to endeavour it. Your reply to the governor s second speech is certain ly unanswerable. The principle of the argument lies indeed in a very narrow compass. By the feudal law as it has been adopted into our constitution, all ter ritory taken possession of in any manner whatsoever, by the king s subjects, rests absolutely in him. This has been the law and the practice invariably ever since we have any record of our proceedings. It is therefore that the king has ceded, given, or granted such territory to whom he pleased, and in what manner he pleased, with out the intervention or consent of the state. By the state I mean here the supreme legislature, though the word sometimes stands for the king alone ; and in the debate lately in the house of commons on General Burgoyne s motions relative to acquisitions made in India, it was ad mitted that the word state, might imply the crown or the company. Taking it however to import, as it generally does, and the governor intends, the king, lords and com mons, there is not a single instance in which acquired territory did rest or was conceived to rest in them. So far from it, that the king since the last peace made a present of the conquered and ceded lands in the islands to the states, which was thankfully received. Which ARTHUR LEE. surely would not have happened had there been an idea that they were not his to give. Of the additional ac quisitions in America he continues to dispose at his pleas ure, as absolutely his. It is true that the king being the head of the American states, and at the same time under the control of the two houses of parliament here, a vir tual control arises to them from thence over his conduct in America. But this is not an original participation of power, but an incidental arid collateral check over it. And certainly the mistake, or as I am more inclined to conceive it, the sophistry of Mr. Hutchinson, consists in not distinguishing between a direct original right and one that is merely incidental. Thus when Charles the First became Emperor of Germany, though the states could not claim any immediate control over his hereditary do minions, yet previous to their gratifying him in any de mand, they might have stipulated that certain things should be done in Spain, and then they would virtually govern that country. It seems to me that this is the only method by which a British parliament can constitution ally interfere in the government of the colonies. But certainly this is a great question, and one which this country will never concede to reason. Necessity alone will prevail with her to give up this claim, however re pugnant to constitutional principles. Let it therefore be our policy to watch for that necessity ; and in the mean time avoid the risk of bringing it to the decision of force, in which alone, we have any chance of being losers. It is impossible for me to find words to express my infinite contempt of him who would be capable of so shameless a prostitution of character, as publicly and sol emnly to declare, that the " king has no wish but that of reigning in the hearts and affections of his people." There is not an action of his reign, some few treacher ous ones excepted, but what manifest it to be his sole wish to be the tyrant of his people. To assert a thing therefore so notoriously false and flattering, argues such a turpitude of mind as ought to doom its possessor to a suspension between heaven and earth, as unworthy of a place in either. You may depend upon it that the late 233 LIFE OF American Act of Revenue, moved from the throne with an insidious view of dividing the American opposition, that is by holding up Rockingham, Lord Chatham, Shel- burne and Camden, who were then in, as having adopted Mr. Grenville s policy with regard to us. I have read Mr. Tucker s sermon with great pleasure. Lord Chatham and Lord Shelburne approve of it much, as they do of your proceedings in the town and assem bly. They certainly do great credit to the province, and to the cause of America. Surely the governor will not venture into the field of controversy again. I shall take care to undeceive Mr. Wilkes respecting Mr. Hancock. I am extremely sorry for the misfortune of the other. Dr. Franklin frequently assures me that he shall sail for Philadelphia in a few weeks ; but I believe he will not quit us till he is gathered to his fathers. Lord Dart mouth I understand has promised to contrive some me thod of admitting the payment of the late agents salary, without forming a precedent for the future. He is a poor wretch ; and though not so actively bad, is yet I believe as capable of adopting any unjust and arbitrary measure as my Lord Hillsborough. He forfeited his honour and his character in accepting the place ; and his Rhode Island measure seems to show that he is a man after his majesty s own heart, arbitrary and hypocritical. I am with great truth, dear sir, your affectionate friend, ARTHUR LEE." "July 21, 1773. My Dear Sir, I am indebted to you for yours of the 13th May, with the paper enclosed. It gives me pleasure to see every thing, the minutest expression of resentment in the people, against those who infamously aid in op pressing them. I confess it would give me pain to think that such base men as Hutchinson and the commissioners should profane with their unhallowed revels, the rewards of their treachery, that sacred hall which a zealous and much injured people have so often consecrated to liberty. You are now acquainted, from the most incontestible ARTHUR LEE. 233 evidence, with the very men by whom you have been traduced, and at whose instigation, co-operating with their friend Gov. Bernard, so many atrocious injuries and in sults have been brought upon you. It will be astonishing if the governor can, after the damning proofs produced against him, even palliate his conduct, much less propose a coalition which it is possible for you to adopt. I will trust to the resentment of the house for punishing him as far as they legally may ; nor should I be surpris ed if the more ungovernable, though not less honest in dignation of the people should make an immediate sac rifice of such an insidious enemy. You can certainly judge what would be most proper, to convey a true opinion of him ; the publishing his letters, or reading them in private. It must however be consid ered, that their being published would put all others so much on their guard for the future, that there would be no possibility of ever furnishing you with more. And I should conceive that showing them to the members and other leading people would answer every good pur pose, without spreading the alarm to similar knaves, by making them public. The friends of this bad man must be very audacious, or the credulity of those to whom they speak unequalled, if after such specimens of his former correspondence, they hope to affirm with success that his late letters are c replete with tenderness to the province. The letters you have, were obtained by a very singular accident ; and you may guess it will not be easy to pro cure any more, at least in a short time. I shall try how ever to get from Lord D. some general idea of the char acter Hutchinson has given him of the province. No doubt he will for the future be extremely guarded, though perhaps no human circumspection could have prevented the present detection. May providence thus always in terfere to confound the politics of wicked men ; and teach even the worst of them that honesty is the best policy. I neither see nor hear of any thing being done in con sequence of Lord Dartmouth s promise. Were his prin- VOL. i. 30 234 LIFE OF ciples ever so pure, his ability and weight are not to be relied on. I am therefore of opinion that it will be best to pursue the plan your own wisdom points out, to effect a union of all the colonies on some general and conclu sive grounds. There are a thousand little circumstances which prudence might suggest, with respect to this country ; but the great consideration is, that you will be respected and redressed here exactly in proportion to the unanimity and firmness of you opposition. Fortiter in re, suaviter in modo ; concordia res parcce crescunt. Heaven prosper you. Adieu. ARTHUR LEE." "August28, 1773. Dear Sir, I received your last, of 28th June, contain ing an account of the proceedings against Hutchinson and Oliver, in which I most entirely concur. It is in deed a real grief to me that the very name of our coun try should be stained with having given birth to men capable of so much baseness. Mr. Hutchinson s mind seems to be agitated by this event even to passion. Despondency and despair will assuredly succeed this weak effort. Miserable wretch ! if he be not totally lost to all sense of virtue and shame, what a lot is his ! Fallen into the practice of the vilest informer, he has as it were with the touch of Ithuriel s spear, started up in his own shape a fiend, detected, despised, and in every honoura ble sense of the word, disgraced. His politics confound ed, his ambition marred, his gray hairs brought down with shame and sorrow to the grave. Feeling for him as he ought to feel, while I despise and detest, I cannot but pity him. How will the old and disappointed impos tor meet the censure of the world ; and what is infinitely worse, the condemnation of his own heart ? If patriot ism meets no reward, we may yet I think, rejoice that it shields us from calamities like these. Mr. Oliver seems to end as he began, the pert, quib bling, egregious knave. ARTHUR LEE. 235 Your petition remains unpresented, Lord Dartmouth being out of town. It is somewhat extraordinary that several councils should have been held upon the affairs of America without his being present. I suspect he has declared his determination to resign, if concili atory measures are not adopted. He is so strongly pledged to do this, that cheap as I hold him, I think he can not have failed. The resolves of Virginia, I understand, is the measure they stomach least. They have not yet however determined upon any thing. Should they at length resolve to persevere in defiance of us, I expect Lord Dartmouth will resign, and Lord Weymouth suc ceed him. The Bedford party and the king are for urg ing the tyranny. It will puzzle them, I trust, to pursue their plan without shame and disappointment to them selves. If a general communication takes place among the colonies, as I cannot doubt it will, it is not in their power to prevent our regaining in the most ample man ner, the rights they have violated. They may indeed protract the day of restitution, but it will finally be fatal to the very power they wish unduly to promote. Instead of an immediate, manly compliance, which would concili ate our respect, they will wait till they are compelled to an ignominious surrender, which will create our contempt. One cannot but lament that the seeds of lasting enmity and disunion should be thus sown between two brave people, who united are proof against the world in arms, by men who have neither worth nor wisdom. I am very sensible of your goodness to me, and of the honour the house have done me in their directions to Dr. Franklin. I hope at least in zeal and assiduity, I shall not disgrace your recommendation, or disappoint the confidence of the house. It will be more than a twelve month before I shall be called to the bar, till which time I cannot speak, as counsel, before the council. I am not such a favourite as to obtain any relaxation of their rules. Indeed I believe the petition will not be referred to a hearing, unless Hutchinson should come over and demand it. It is a business administration would not wish to have agitated, especially in public. Even bad men find 236 LIFE OF it generally convenient to renounce the traitors, howsoev er they may approve the treachery ; and, as the court must be convinced that the two criminals having lost all confidence with the people, are thereby incapacitated to serve them any longer, I do believe they will be dismiss ed. I hear very little said in their defence, and even that by insignificant persons. To corrupt the administration of justice in the persons of the judges, is the last effort of political wickedness. The judges who submit to this state of corrupt dependence, ought to be branded as enemies to their country. They should experience at least the universal and constant con tempt of their countrymen. They will soon feel their salaries dearly earned. May the great God, in whose hands are all the corners of the earth, confirm and guide you in that which alone can work our salvation, a firm union, and a resolute, un remitting opposition. I am, my dear sir, most sincerely yours, ARTHUR LEE." "TEMPLE, Oct. 13th, 1773. Dear Sir, Nothing has happened since last I had the pleasure of writing to you. Lord Dartmouth is still in the country, your petition therefore not delivered, nor does any thing transpire relative to the intentions of ad ministration. Lord North is a man totally immersed in the corrup tion and emoluments of office, and who therefore wishes by all means to avoid moving momentous questions. Yet I think the affairs of America must come into parlia ment next session. Parliament is prorogued to the 23d Nov., and unless something unforeseen happens, will not meet till January. They have therefore full time for de liberation. As to us, delay may be distressing, but it is not dangerous. Every day gives us new light and new strength. At first it was a tender point to question the authority of parliament over us in any case whatsoever ; time and you have proved that their right is equally questionable in all cases whatsoever. It was certainly a ARTHUR LEE. 237 great stroke, and has succeeded most happily. It will remain an authentic record to vouch in opposition to their declaratory act, whenever the great and ultimate question is seriously brought forward. It stands uncon- troverted. The champion for despotism, Mr. H. has in the opinion of all mankind cried Craven. And we not only grow strong in argument, but in people to maintain it ; as well from a rapid natural increase as from nume rous emigrations. Turning the prospect a thousand times in my mind, I see decided victory dwell upon our side. This proud usurping parliament must humble itself before us, and acknowledge the liberties of America and England to have the same sacred foundation. Have we not reason then my friend to be of good cheer ; to congratulate ourselves that we are engaged in the cause of virtuous liberty and truth ? The present op pression may be painful, but we shall work out our sal vation. We shall establish our rights in adamant, and rear an imperishable monument to liberty. I am with great truth, dear sir, your most sincere friend, ARTHUR LEE. P. S. I had forgot to mention the scheme which is carrying into execution of insidiously obtaining from us the duty on tea, by the company, under an act of the last session, exporting that commodity to America on their own account, and paying government the duty here. Should this succeed, the company will never be prevailed on to petition for the repeal of the American Revenue Act, besides that its success may lead to a thousand other artful ways of enslaving us, by what alone can effect it, our own acquiescence. The introduction of the tea ought I think therefore to be opposed. I enclose you a letter on that subject. The confidence with which the least appearance of safety inspires cowards, should make us cautious of permitting administration to succeed in any of their measures. The commodity may under this manoeuvre come cheaper to the consumer, the mer chants commission, &c. being avoided, but whatever touches our liberties should, under every temptation, be shunned. Besides when once they have fixed the trade 238 LIFE OF upon us, they will find ways enough to enhance the price. But I rest in your wisdom. A. L." " No. 33, TOWER HILL, Dec. 22d, 1773. My Dear Sir, No new light has been thrown upon American politics since I last wrote to you. My Lord Dartmouth continues promising every thing and doing nothing. His suffering the order for paying the judges salaries to remain unsettled, and refusing that of your agent, is a proof to me that he has no inclination or no power to relieve us in any thing. The means of redress for the rest of our complaints he may say parliament only can minister. But he can have no such excuse for protracting the revocation of the instructions to the governor, with which parliament have no concern. I protest to you it seems to me that the intentions of ad ministration are the reverse of being conciliatory or remedial. I cannot but think that the sending tea to America was a ministerial trick of Lord North s, who is treachery itself, to stir up again some violence on your part, which might justify them in continuing the present impositions by coercive means. The directors were to my knowledge fully apprized of the consequences of sending the tea, and that it would end in a certain loss to the company. But they were determined to make the trial without giving one reason for it, and it is well known they are under ministerial influence. I wish most sincerely I may be mistaken in Lord Dartmouth. Perhaps the utter contempt in which I hold him may beguile my judgment. Had he done any one of those remedial acts, which, if he is minister, were in his power, I should have some hope. But how can it be expected that having violated every tie of honour and of gratitude to get into place, he should behave well in it. I have been afraid that your letter to him would give offence to the other colonies ; and shock in its infancy the union and confidence which are so essential to our welfare. As it lays down a plan of redress for the whole, should not the sense of the whole have been taken be fore it was authorized by your house of assembly ? Let ARTHUR LEE. 239 us suppose the ministry should pretend to adopt it, and several of the other colonies should not be contented, they would then plead that as you could not agree about the mode, no relief could be given. This would be a very likely means of involving you in irreconcilable disputes, and destroying all confidence and harmony among you. I speak only of what I fear. It must be remembered that free people are always zealous and umbrageous. Great management is requisite to keep such spirits in temper. Believe me sir, the harmony and concurrence of the colonies is of a thousand times more importance in this dispute than the friendship or patronage of any great men in England. The heart of the king is hard ened like that of Pharaoh against us. His nobles are so servile that they will not attempt any thing to which he is averse, unless necessity should compel both him and them to assume a virtue which they do not possess. That necessity must come from your general, firm, per manent opposition. To cultivate and preserve that, is therefore the first object of American policy. The op eration of it though slow, will be certainly successful. Our valuable friend Mr. Temple is in some distress at present. Mr. Whately has raised a suspicion of his having taken from him clandestinely the letters sent to you. A duel has been the consequence, in which Mr. Whately was wounded. Many scandalous falsehoods have been circulated by Mr. Temple s enemies, impeach ing his fairness in the encounter, at which, by Mr. Whate ly s desire, there were no seconds. Mr. T. will give them a complete answer as soon as Mr. W. is entirely out of danger. He received no wound. There is no man more obnoxious to Hillsborough, Bernard, Knox, and all that tribe of determined enemies to truth, to virtue, liberty and America. Your petition against the base betrayers of their coun try remains, as far as I can learn, sub judicc. Lord Shel- burne will endeavour to have the complaints of America attended to, their situation examined, and their grievances redressed in the ensuing session of parliament. For the .interest and happiness of both countries it is my most 240 LIFE OF earnest wish that moderation and justice may govern for once the measures of this administration. I am jours most truly, ARTHUR LEE." " LONDON, Feb. 8th, 1774. Dear Sir, I informed you in my last of the insolent abuse which the solicitor-general, Mr. Wedderburne, pour ed forth against Dr. Franklin before the privy council, at the hearing of your petition. Dr. Franklin bore it all with a firmness and equanimity which conscious integri ty alone can inspire. The insult was offered to the peo ple through their agent ; and the indecent countenance given to the scurrilous solicitor by the members of the privy council, was at once a proof of the meanness and malignity of their resentment. I enclose you some pa pers, in which you will see Mr. Wedderburne treated as he deserves. I mentioned that they threatened to take away Dr. Franklin s place. That threat they have now executed. The same cause which renders him obnoxious to them, must endear him to you. Among other means of turning their wickedness to their own confusion and loss, this of the post-office is not the least desirable, or most difficult. Though not a tax in its principles, it is in its operation. It produces already 3000 yearly, and is hourly increas ing. This revenue therefore alone would furnish most fearful means of corruption. We see from the violent and ungrateful treatment of Dr. F., whose wisdom and industry alone has fostered it from being worse than nothing, to its present prosperous state, that it is expect- ted the post-master shall be an enemy to America. In every view therefore, it is our duty to frustrate by all means so pernicious an institution. The means are in your hands, and easily applied. Let the merchants of Boston, New-York, and Philadelphia, support carriers by subscription, who shall deliver all letters post free, and this imposition will inevitably fail. The present time is extremely critical with respect to the measures which this country will adopt relative to America. From the prevailing temper here, I think you ARTHUR LEE. 241 ought to be prepared for the worst. It seems highly proba ble that an act of parliament will pass this session, enabling his majesty to appoint his council in your province. On Tuesday last the Earl of Buckinghamshire made a motion in the house of lords for an address to the king, to lay be fore them the communications from Gov. Hutchinson to the secretary of state. He prefaced his motion with declaring, that these papers were to be required merely out of form ; for that the insolent and outrageous conduct of that pro vince was so notorious, that the house might well pro ceed to punishment without any farther information or enquiry. That it was no longer a question whether this country should make laws for America, but whether she should bear all manner of insults and receive laws from her colonies. That Dr. Franklin was here, not as an agent of a province, but as an ambassador from the states of America. That he could not compare his embassy to any thing but that sent by Louis XIV. to the republic of Genoa, commanding the doge to come and prostrate him self at Versailles, to appease the resentment of the grand monarque. One can hardly conceive a man s uttering such an absurd rhapsody even in the delirium of a dream, much less in a deliberate, premeditated speech, and upon the most important question to this country that can ever come before the legislature. He was an swered by the Earl of Stair, who said it could be consist ent neither with humanity, justice, nor policy, to adopt the noble lord s ideas against America. Lord Dartmouth then begged the motion might be withdrawn, not, as he said, from any desire to throw cold water on the noble lord s zeal, but because the despatches were not yet ar rived, and they would be laid before the house in due time. The motion was withdrawn. Lord Dartmouth declaring that he did not mean to throw cold water on such zeal, might proceed from the affected meekness of his temper, or from his approba tion of it. Indeed the insincerity and insignificancy of the man make his motive very immaterial. By very late letters from New- York we understand that VOL. i. 31 242 LIFE OF it is settled to return the tea, as at Philadelphia ; and that the governor will not interfere. This completes the history of that unfortunate adventure; but it leaves Bos ton singled out as the place where the most violence has been offered to it. Your enemies here will not fail to take advantage of it, and Mr. Hutchinson s representa tions I presume will not soften the matter. They will shut their eyes to what is obvious, that his refusal to let it repass the fort compelled you to that extremity. Be prepared therefore to meet some particular stroke of re venge during this session of parliament ; and instead of thinking to prevent it, contrive the means of frustrating its effect. I have already mentioned the alterations of your charter relative to the election of the council ; but I am in hopes true patriotism is too prevalent and deep- rooted among you, to suffer them to find twelve men even upon the new establishment abandoned enough to betray their country. I am willing to flatter myself that there are not six such men as Hutchinson and Oliver in the whole province. If our wise men here should think proper to publish a second edition of the Rhode Island commission, ground ed on the governor s lucubrations on the treason commit ted by the town-meeting and the Mohawks, what recep tion will it meet with in Boston? I am, my dear sir, your most sincere friend, ARTHUR LEE." ARTHUR LEE. 243 APPENDIX II. The following is the commencement of a memoir of the American revolution which Mr. Arthur Lee did not live to complete. Much of what he did write has been lost, and but a mutilated scrap can be presented to the reader. MEMOIRS are the handmaids of history. They fur nish her with facts, which are the foundation of her work. They enable her to trace to their true though se cret motives, actions which would otherwise appear dark and incomprehensible. By these she developes what is hid, and illuminates what is obscure. Memoir-writings therefore, though they may be of less dignity, are not of less utility than history. It is to aid in placing the history of the American revo lution in its true light, that the following memoirs are written. The author of them was concerned in its events from its commencement to its conclusion. He was em ployed generally in the highest stations, and in the most secret and confidential transactions. He always preserv ed the original papers and letters, on which he founded the journal from which the following memoirs are extract ed. He is therefore sure of their authenticity, as well as of his determination, "we quid falsl dicere; ne quid acre narrare." The writer of these memoirs w T as in London when the repeal of the stamp-act was agitated in both houses of parliament. He heard Mr. Pitt* and Lord Camden de liver those celebrated speeches on this question, which would have immortalized them as orators and statesmen. Though the obnoxious act was repealed, yet he was per suaded that the spirit which dictated it and was still resting near the throne, was not changed. With this im pression he returned to Virginia. * Never were the power and fascination of eloquence more strongly exemplified than in the speeches of Mr. Pitt. * * * * [The rest of the note is obliterated. ] 244 LIFE OF It was not long before his apprehensions were realiz ed, by the passage of an act of the British parliament for imposing duties on tea, paper, glass, &c. exported to the colonies. This was changing the mode, but preserv ing the principle of the stamp-act. This was soon and ably pointed out in some periodical letters, under the sig nature of a Pennsylvania Farmer. These letters were written in a popular style, were universally read, and as universally admired. T endeavoured to aid their operation in alarming and informing my countrymen, by a series of letters under the signature of the Monitor. In the course of a few months it was manifest that the people of this continent were not disposed to be finessed out of their liberties ; and as I knew that the British cabinet was determined to enforce rather than abandon the usurpation, I was per suaded that a very serious contest was approaching. To prepare for that was the next object of my mind. The most effectual way to accomplish this, it seemed to me, was to form a correspondence with leading patriotic men in each colony. I wrote myself to London, where the acquaintance I had would enable me to obtain speedy and accurate information of the real designs of the British ministry, which being communicated to leading men in the several colonies, might enable them to harmonize in one system of opposition, since on this harmony the success of their opposition would depend. In pursuance of this plan I went to Maryland, to Philadelphia, and New-York. The men I had in contemplation were Mr. Daniel Dula- ny, who had written some able pieces styled Considera tions on the Stamp-Act; Mr. John Dickinson, who was the author of the celebrated Farmer s Letters ; and the leader of the Livingston party in New-York, who is at present governor of New Jersey. I found Mr. Dulany so cold and distant that it seemed in vain to attempt any thing with him. Mr. Dickinson received me with friendship, and the contemplated corre spondence took place. Mr. Livingston, of New- York, was absent from the city in the country, lamenting the death of a child, so that I did not see him. The time I ARTHUR LEE. 245 was to sail for England now approached ; I could not therefore proceed farther eastward. Embarking with one of my brothers, we arrived safe in London. The proceedings against Mr. Wilkes at this time agi tated the nation. Mr. Wilkes was the idol of the people, and the abhorrence of the king. All the power of pre rogative, all the influence of the crown, and every prac ticable perversion of law, were employed to subdue him. Of courage, calm and intrepid, of a flowing wit, accommodating in his temper, of manners convivial and conversible, an elegant scholar, and well read in constitu tional law, he stood the atlas of popular opposition. Such was the man against whom the w r hole powers of the crown were mustering their rage ; and whom, to use the words of Junius, " the rays of royal indignation col lected upon him, served only to illuminate, but could not consume." Mr. Wilkes was then confined in the King s Bench, as the printer and publisher of the Essay on Woman. The city of London was the strong hold of popular op position, and the society of the bill of rights the most active in conducting it. This society consisted of real or pretended personal friends of Mr. W.; but some insinu ated themselves with very different views. Having taken this view of the political condition of England, I formed the plan of connecting myself with the opposition ; and the grievances of America, with those of England. For these purposes I became a member of the bill of rights, and purchased the freedom and livery of the city of London. By these means I acquired a voice and influence in all the measures of that society, and in the proceedings and elections of the city. An ac quaintance with Mr. Wilkes soon grew into intimacy and confidence. The arbitrary views of the crown originated in the same spirit on both sides of the Atlantic. To sensi ble men therefore, the combining of the complaints of the people of America and England, appeared just and politic. I procured the introduction of the grievances of America into the famous Middlesex Petition;* and to * This waa not effected but with great trouble and difficulty, even in the follow ing general words. The same discretion has been extended by the same evil 246 LIFE OF keep them alive in the popular mind, I commenced and continued a periodical paper, under the signature of Junius Americanus. My brother established himself in London, was elected an alderman and one of the sheriffs. Our footing was now strong, and the American cause was firm ly united with that of England. During these transac tions I studied the law in Lincoln Inn and the Middle Temple, and being called to the bar, practised in the king s bench and on the home circuit. This situation in creased my opportunities of serving my country. Lord Hillsborough was then first lord of trade. Fre quent conversations with him convinced me that the min istry were fixed in prosecuting their American plan, and were determined to make such alterations in the colonial governments, as should accommodate them to the new system of parliamentary power. A government west of the Alleghany mountains was to be constituted on this new ministerial model, under the name of Vandalia ; and were the principal proprietors in this grant, and the most active petitioners for it. Of the disposition and intentions of the administration I kept my correspondents in America constantly inform ed, with this constant opinion, that they must prepare to maintain their liberties at all hazards. My conduct in England had reached America in so favourable a light, that the house of representatives of Massachusetts elect ed me their agent in case of the absence or death of Dr. Franklin. At that time I was not personally known to any member of the house. The answer to the speaker of the house of representatives, the Hon. Thomas Gush ing, was as follows. " MIDDLE TEMPLE, January 6th, 1771. Sir, I have had the honour of receiving your favour of the 23d November 1770, intimating to me the pleasure counsellors to your majesty s dominions in America, and has produced to our suffer ing fellow subjects in that part of the world, grievances and apprehensions similar to those of which we complain at home. " The subject was novel, supported only by myself, almost a stranger, and appeared to many of the leading men to be foreign to their purpose. ARTHUR LEE. 247 of the house of representatives of Massachusetts bay re specting their agency. Do me the favour sir, of accepting my thanks for the very obliging manner in which you have signified to me the intentions of the house ; and suffer me to con vey through you my warmest acknowledgments to the house, for this distinguished and unmerited mark of their confidence. The approbation of a free people I shall ever deem the most desirable and their service the most honourable. Especially am I flattered by the generous confidence of a representative body, who have uniformly asserted the constitutional rights of their constituents and eventually of all America, against the insidious and incendiary arts of government with a dignity, discern ment and wisdom which have forced the applause of the present, and will secure to them the veneration of all future times. Feeling the same zeal for the sacred cause of American liberty which eminently animates your house, and having a lively sense of the particular oppressions of your province, I may venture to assure you sir, that if ever the trust should devolve upon me, out of the abler hands in which their wisdom has now placed it, I will to the utmost of my power watch over their rights and co-operate with them to obtain a redress of grievances, and to fix our constitutions on a clear and permanent foundation. It is incumbent on me however, and I willingly embrace this opportunity to declare, that America must depend on herself for obtaining the security and redress she wishes. From this country a secondary support only is to be expected. It appears to me that nothing can be more necessary than that this truth should be well understood, lest too much confi dence in others should lull us into a fatal security, or slacken those patriotic exertions which to be effectual should be ardent and unremitting. America must work her own salvation. His majesty s present ministers have brought the trial so fully forward as to render unremon- strating submission perfect slavery. They have substi tuted discretion for law, and set the principles of the con stitution, which should be fixed and free, afloat upon the 248 LIFE OF merciless and fluctuating sea of arbitrary will. Not to oppose this most pernicious system would be a crime, to oppose it unsuccessfully will be only our misfortune. After juries have been abolished by the present establish ment of admiralty courts, or rendered nugatory by the partial conduct of prerogative judges, our assemblies to every great purpose of the constitution almost annihilat ed, property disposed of without the consent of the peo ple, in short when the representative part of the consti tution, the legislative, executive and judicial powers are completely torn from us, and vested in our arbitrary rulers, what farther badge of slavery have ministers to impose, or we to wear. Yet if force and lawless power must at present prevail, still it behoves us to protest against that which we cannot prevent, and bear our tes timony before God and man, that we did not submit without a struggle to this humiliating state of absolute bondage ; that our posterity when they have power, and power they will have, may not want spirit and example to reclaim those liberties which their forefathers reluct antly resigned. You will pardon me sir, if I have tres passed upon your patience. Out of the fulness of the heart the mouth speaketh. My heart is filled with grief and indignation for the oppressions of my country ; and my tongue shall sooner cease to move than to remon strate against them. Convinced of the righteousness of the cause in which we are engaged, since nothing tends more to debase, vitiate, and abuse mankind, than the tyrannic system we are opposing, we may well trust that heaven will assist our earnest endeavours, and direct them to a happy issue out of all our difficulties. That the blessing of Almighty God may prosper all your councils I most sincerely pray. And am with great respect, honourable sir, your friend and servant, ARTHUR LEE." The rescinding the non-importation agreement by a formal act of the merchants of New- York about this time, gave a great shock to the friends of America in England, and seemed to threaten the dissolution of all effectual opposition in America. ARTHUR Lfcfc* 249 A friend to Mr. Samuel Adams of Boston, had recom mended to me the establishing a correspondence with Mr. Adams. As it coincided with my views, I readily adopted his advice, and wrote to him as follows* "MIDDLE TEMPLE, January 10, 1771. Sir, Our friend Mr. Sayre has done me the favour of communicating to me your very obliging invitation to a correspondence. An honour which I accept with great pleasure, because I have long respected your character, though your person was unknown to me. It will always make me happy to submit my sentiments on the present state of politics, so very alarming to public liberty, to one, with whom I flatter myself I shall entirely harmo nize in views of public good. It will be peculiarly unfortu nate when the foes of liberty and virtue are conspiring to gether manifestly to subvert the constitution, if the friends of freedom should stand single and un-united, to fall un- pitied sacrifices in an unavailing struggle. And certainly, despicable as those are who meditate our ruin, they set us an example of union, secrecy and perseverance, which highly deserves our imitation. Nothing escapes, of the conferences between Lord Hillsborough and Governor Bernard. Their doings are kept perfectly secret, and by the instructions to the wretched, because dishonest Hutchinson, they seem determined to fix an hermetic seal on all the springs of their movements with you. I have great comfort, however, in perceiving with what sagacity your house developes their designs, and the firm ness with which you oppose them. Even the plausibili ty of a Hutchinson is not equal to the task of evading that vigilance, which marks the representatives of your province as the real guardians of the people s rights. In that truly respectable and patriotic house, you, sir, stand eminently distinguished; and as a friend to liberty I have long been thankful to you for your wise and spirited exertions in its defence, without having had an opportu nity of offering you my thanks. Do me the favour to accept them now, and be assured that whatever may be the event of the contest, they who have stood honestly VOL. i. 32 250 LIFE OF forth in defence of the liberties of their country, will have their reward in the applause at least of all the worthy part of mankind* The infraction of the non-importation associations with you, has operated here like an opiate on all but the enemies of America. It has either benumbed their ex pectations, or quieted their apprehensions, so as to make them believe the American opposition entirely annihilat ed. It is plain, however, that our enemies are not so deceived, since they are strengthening the hands of op pression with you, and taking every precaution to render their despotic system as permanent as it is pernicious. We have, therefore, now little to expect from the public here, and still less from the leading men in this nation. From this number, however, I am bound in truth to ex cept the lords Chatham, Shelburne and Camden, and Col. Barre, who very sincerly wish, as I well know, to restore to us our violated rights, and the constitution as we formerly enjoyed it. Two evils have arisen from the manner in which the associations have been broken, which I am much afraid are irremediable the loss of all character here with the public, and the destruction of that confidence and harmony among the colonies, so es sentially necessary to unite their efforts and render them successful in the common cause. To regain the opinion of the public here, and reunite the affections and opera tions of the colonies, is a task, however arduous, that must be undertaken. I can hardly think that the best plan of opposition will otherwise succeed. Might it not effect this to establish a correspondence among the lead ing men of each province, that you might harmonize in any future measure for the general good in the several assemblies. Unanimity among yourselves will render you formidable and respected here. I observe that those who write in the public papers here against your town, are furnished with very speedy and accurate intelligence on all political affairs with you, which they communicate in such portions and manner as may best prejudice the public and promote their purposes. I have often lament ed the want of authentic information to refute them, ARTHUR LEE. 251 where from the general complexion of their story I con jectured it was fraudulent and false. It will not, how ever do to hazard one s conjecture on this ground, be cause being once wrong would fix mistrust on every future attempt. I shall therefore be always obliged to you for such intelligence as will enable me to detect their falsehoods, and defend the province and the town from their unjust aspersions. The character you give of Mr. H h n is exactly conformable to the idea I had form ed of him. The lust of power, not worthy of being dig nified with the name of ambition, is the animating prin ciple of his conduct ; and duplicity, the mould in which he casts it. His public acts show him to be a devoted tool of the present government, and I could not brand my bitterest foe with a more odious appellation. My Lord Sandwich, " homo omnium quos terra sustinet seder atissimus" is made secretary of state on the resig nation of Lord Wey mouth. The cause of his resignation is supposed to be the accommodation which is contriving with Spain, too infamous it seems even for him to coun tenance. Madame Barre has gained the entire ascend ancy in the French cabinet, in consequence of which Chosieul, who was for peace, is supplanted. Upon the whole, I believe it will hardly be in the power of our ab ject ministers to avoid a war ; and if so, America will, for the present, suffer no farther oppression. Indeed if she is wise, then will be the time to insist on a bill of rights, before she lends her blood and treasure to increase that power which is turned to her destruction. I have the honour to be sir, with very great respect, your most obedient humble servant, ARTHUR LEE." At this time the disposition of the court of Spain seem ed so inclined to war, that though it was as little the wish of the ministry to hazard themselves in that field, as it formerly was that of Sir Robert Walpole, yet the bold proceedings of the Spaniards seemed to render it in evitable. The ministry were constantly goaded to it by the opposition, as a rock on which they must be wreck- 252 LIFE OF ed. Every one knows by what a shameful submission they appeased the wrath of Spain. The manner in which the non-importation agreement had been violated in America dwelt heavily on my mind. The bad conse quences of it appeared alarming in proportion to the high expectations which were founded on it. I was deceived both in my expectations and apprehensions. There are indeed so many unforeseen circumstances which defeat the best concerted political projects, that an experienced politician will build upon them with extreme caution. The anxiety of my mind dictated the following part of a let ter to Mr. John Dickinson, dated January 10th, 1771. " From this pleasing prospect I must now turn to the melancholy view of our political state. When I speak of my country it is in the despair and grief of my heart. She is undone. That virtue which alone could have saved her does not exist. There is in my apprehension a fatal sympathy between the merchants and the people. The former would never have hazarded such copious import ations had they not been assured that the latter would purchase them. And if our liberties are not worth the difference between a homespun and a broadcloth coat, between a worsted and a silk stocking in the estimation of the people, on what are we to found our hopes of re trieving our rights ? We have demonstrated our slavery, and submit to be enslaved for the most contemptible of all human gratiiications, that of vanity. We have rat tled our chains through all Europe, that all Europe might see we have not spirit to shake them off. It is not a doubtful business, a plausible usurpation, but an avowed, demonstrated, and acknowledged tyranny. We are not deluded, but driven into slavery. And this, not by the valour, the wiles, or the wisdom of the tyrant ; but by our own intolerance of every honourable and vir tuous effort to redeem us from bondage. It is not that the non-importation agreements have been given up ; but that they were faithlessly kept and shamefully aban doned. A measure found by experience to be impracti cable or inadequate, might have been dropped with honour and propriety, but mutual treachery and bitter ARTHUR LEE. 253 recrimination must render every future operation con temptible and nugatory. In these circumstances sir, even your confidence and assurances can hardly revive my hopes. I am certain too that even our friends here, were they to come into power to-morrow, would not at tempt to redress our grievances. They well know that against the sense of the members and lords of parlia ment, against the plans and principles of the ostensible administration men and interior cabinet, but above all against the wish of the king and his favourite ; such an attempt, without a steadfast, determined, alarming op position on the part of America, must be without success. It is therefore but too sure that the chains which the late system imposed, are rivetted on us. There are indeed leading men in this kingdom who are against the whole system, both principle and practice, but their opinions are over-ruled, and that without hope of the reverse. There is however one event to which I yet look forward with some confidence ; an event which cannot be at any great distance, that of a war. One noble and united struggle then would yet redeem us. I therefore took the liberty of proposing to your consideration whether it would not be proper to prepare for that opportunity, especially in point of union ; for unanimity among the colonies is absolutely necessary to success, whatever may be the measure pursued. The assemblies should harmonize in three things. Refusing supplies without redress of grievances ; repeating their resolve of rights ; and sending over petitions for redress at that critical and alarming period, when the value of our affection and assistance will appear in its highest lustre ; the more symptoms we show of discontent and alienated affec tions the more sure will be the attainment of our end. Therefore the moderation so commendable at other times, would assuredly injure us then. If you could communi cate this scheme, modelled and digested by your better judgment to such leading men in each colony as may be trusted, a plan might be deliberately formed, and a mea sure of so great importance would not be left to the pre cipitate emergency of the moment of action. S54 LIFE OF It is proper sir, that I should make some apology for presuming to advise where there is so much superior wisdom and knowledge. But I am prompted to exceed the limits of modesty by the warmth of my heart for the liberties of my country, and encouraged by the candour with which you treat me, to hope that excess will be pardoned. I am very well satisfied of the propriety of what you urge against addressing the people at this time ; but it is far from seeming probable to me that the min istry will soon give any fresh cause of complaint by add ing to the oppressions with which we are already loaded by any general act. Their system is the reverse. They think that to secure the ground they have already gained is sufficient for the present, and will furnish a foundation on which, when opportunity serves, an ampler tyranny may be erected. And surely we must want gall to make oppression bitter, if that we now sustain is insufficient, and our principles of liberty must be feeble indeed if we let the favourable opportunity of a war pass away unem- braced and unsuccessful. You very justly observe that to move large bodies permanently there must be an ap pearance of deliberate moderation. But when opportu nity seconds inclination, less address is requisite for the purpose. Our political state here is not very promising ; opposition is weak, and what is worse, wicked ; meaning no good to the people, and therefore not strengthened with their confidence. Administration, abandoned and having no character to lose, lend themselves desperately to the worst measures. There seems to be no hope but in Lord Chatham and Lord Shelburne. Nothing but the emergency of a war will bring them in, on their patriotic principles. The ministry very sensible of this are ward ing off a war with their utmost art. But the politics of Europe seem so much inclined to a rupture that it ap pears inevitable. The Duke of Bedford s death will throw the whole power into Carleton house ; but whether they will attempt or be able to sustain it alone, is doubt ful. At present they seem inclined to recruit by draughts from the opposition, and the dispute will be between the ARTHUR LEE- 255 Rockingham and Grenville parties, who are both at St. James s market, but differ in their price. I have the honour to be, &c. &c. ARTHUR LEE." My political progress had made me acquainted with many of the leaders of all parts of the opposition, such as Lord Shelburne, Mr. Beckford, Lord Temple, Mr. Dun ning, sergeant Glynn, Col. Barre, Mr. Wilkes, the alder men Sawbridge, Townsend and Oliver. It was by constantly comparing the different ideas of those gentlemen with one another, and with the plans and proceedings of the ministers, that I was able to form a pretty accurate judgment both of the real intentions of the latter, and how far America was warranted in relying on the support of the former. These were the two princi pal objects of my pursuit. The dearest rights and interests of my immediate country were at hazard. It would not have been wise to have trusted these to the mere issue of political intrigues and party opposition for place and preferment. Some however of the above leaders, ap peared to me hearty in the cause of America, as well as of England. Their advocation of liberty was general. Among these, the most illustrious was the Earl of Shel burne. Him I had long known, long studied, and found his conduct uniform and unimpeachable. But the pri vate life of this nobleman was no less the subject of my esteem and admiration. The following letter will bear testimony of my sentiments at that time regarding him ; sentiments which under great and various trials since, I have had no reason to alter. " October 25, 1772. To Dr. Priestly. Sir, At the request of our very worthy friend, Dr. Percival, I very readily contribute my endeavours towards relieving you from a painful uncertainty respecting Lord Shelburne. The gratitude that I in common with all lov ers of science, owe you, makes this my duty. A long and intimate acquaintance enables me to speak with confi- 256 LIFE OF dence of Lord Shelburne s real character. With a strong understanding, and great desire for the acquisitions of useful knowledge, he has a mind turned to the enjoyment of private life, as well as to those high pursuits in the state which become his rank. His aims are noble, his means fair and honourable. Nor does he forget or neglect in the pursuits of a statesman, the duties of domestic life. His family is regulated with the most perfect order and decorum. His guests are as at home, nor does any man better know how to combine the dignity of the no bleman with the ease of a gentleman, and the familiarity of a friend. As a father and a husband, no man was ever more duteous, tender and attentive. I do assure you, sir, that I have not an idea of a more perfect state of conjugal happiness than that which subsisted between him, and the incomparable lady, who unhappily is now no more. Lord Shelburne has a great deal of good na ture, and his behaviour has always a proper mixture of ease and dignity. I do not know one vice to which he is addicted, nor one virtue which he wants. In the coun try, what time he has to spare from his domestic concerns, to which he is ever strictly attentive, is employed in reading or directing the improvements of his grounds. In town, the duties of a statesman occupy him chiefly. Up on the whole sir, I may venture to assure you, as far as my judgment can direct me, that in Lord Shelburne you will be connected with an amiable and honest man, of a noble nature, and exemplary in all the duties of social life. How far it may be eligible in the terms of it I can not presume to judge ; but both from my regard for him and for you, I cannot help wishing it may take place. I am, &c." The removal of Lord Hillsborough from the Board of Trade, and the appointment of Lord Dartmouth to be sec retary of state for the American department, had raised the expectations of the friends to America. His char acter was that of an amiable man, exemplary in his devo tions. In fact he was religious overmuch, and even ad dicted to methodism. Such a disposition argued a weak ARTHUR LEE. 257 mind, or hypocritical heart. The subsequent conduct of this minister savoured of both. Neither his abilities nor his connexions promised much. The policy of administration seemed now, to take the colonies one at a time, and to begin with Massachusetts, which they considered the strong hold of liberty in Ame rica. This mode was suggested by Sir Francis Bernard and Governor Hutchinson, and to them the execution was trusted. Some difficulties were to be smoothed by chang ing the charter mode of electing counsellors, and there was no doubt, that for this and other purposes the char ter was to be altered. Knowing this, and the conse quences of it, I was equally astonished and concerned to find that Dr. F n had attempted to lull the province to sleep by assuring them they had nothing to fear on that subject. That he could be deceived as to the designs of administration, I could hardly believe. That he was bribed to betray his trust I had not suspected. It remain ed therefore, as the most probable conjecture, that he endeavoured to lull his constituents into security, that he might prevent any commotions which would hazard the lucrative posts he possessed. From whatever motive the deception sprang, the mischief of it was such as rendered a counteraction of it necessary. For that purpose, the following letter was written ; but it was written in an ger, and yet the experience I have had since would justi fy the worst interpretation of his conduct. [Published in full, page 215 of this volume, under date of " TEMPLE, June 10th, 1771."] The state of things in 1772 I represented to Mr.. Samuel Adams in my letter of Dec. 24. [Published in full, page 224 of this volume.] The people of Boston, in town-meeting assembled, entered into a full declaration of their rights and griev ances, and established a correspondence with the other town-meetings. Of this I received information -in the following letter. VOL. i. 258 LIFE OF "BOSTON, Dec. 8th, 1772. Sir, In pui^uance of a Vote of the inhabitants of the town of Boston^ at a legal meeting on the 20th Novem ber last, I have the honour by the direction of their committee to transmit to you the votes and proceedings of that day, and am, with great esteem, sir, your most humble servant, Signed, WILLIAM COOPER, Town Clerk. Arthur Lee, To a wise administration such measures would have appeared to be the solid foundation of serious resistance to arbitrary measures. They would therefore have de termined to remove the causes of discontent or to take effectual measures for carrying their plan into execution. They do not appear to have done either. Sir Francis Bernard, Governor Hutchinson and their adherents were suffered to continue irritating the people ; and the troops stationed at Castle William gave an appearance of sup porting these obnoxious measures with military force. These things had the effect which might have been ex pected, effects which were fully and repeatedly pointed out to the ministers long before they happened. The affairs of the East India Company being now the object with administration, I determined to join the opposition in that quarter, not only from a conviction of its being right, but with the hope of embarrassing their measures against America. A friend of mine qualified me as a proprietor. I soon got into a private committee of pro prietors who met to consult upon the measures they should take. The Duke of Richmond and Lord Pigot, who was afterwards wickedly deprived of his govern ment and murdered by some of the company s servants in the East Indies, were of this committee. His grace seemed to be an oppositionist more from having little else to do, than from clearly comprehending the object and grounds of his opposition. Lord Pigot appeared to be a sensible, candid and upright gentleman. In this committee the system of opposition in the court of pro prietors was generally planned. The bills brought into parliament by Lord North for raising the qualification of ARTHUR LEE. 259 a voter in the company from 500 to 1000 of stock, and for appointing supervisors of parliament in India with supreme powers independent of the company, were measures of serious alarm, not only to the proprie tors, but to every one who considered the extension of the influence of the crown from an increase of patronage, already too great ; as dangerous to the liberties of the people. The proprietary opposed in every step. They chose a special committee to watch over the measures of the minister and sustain their rights. I was elected into this committee. For some time we pursued the purpose of our appointment with ardour and apparent honesty. It was determined that two of the committee should speak at the bar of the house of commons against the bill for altering the qualifications. It was proposed to me to be one. My confidence I confess failed me. I doubted whether, being little conversant in public speak ing, I should possess sufficient confidence in my own strength, to do justice to the subject or honour to myself. Doubting I declined. In this committee a circumstance happened of some singularity, and which served to show me of what stuff the majority of those composing it were made. Mr. Dempster, a member of the committee and of parliament, requested the advice and opinion of the com mittee relative to the answer he ought to give to Lord North, who had proposed to him an appointment as one of the supervisors in India, to be made by one of the bills we were intrusted to oppose. He stated his own doubts whether he could with honour accept the minis ter s offer, and therefore he had declined giving him an answer till he had consulted this committee ; the rest of the members, two only excepted, gave their opinion for the acceptance. Gov. Johnstone and a Mr. Rous made set speeches, even urging him to the measure with warm and plausible speeches. The governor observed with much sagacity that we had now brought the opposition to the very point we should wish that in not embracing the opportunity of getting one of our friends into so valuable and important a place would be very much wanting to ourselves ; that such was the character of 260 LIFE OF the honourable gentleman and such the confidence he possessed, that no appointment would give more pleasure to our constituents and to the nation at large. I was of the contrary opinion, supported by one member only, a Mr. Chrecton, who was afterwards chosen an alderman of London. I requested the gentleman to consider in deciding on the conduct proper for him to pursue, in what situation he stood. That he was there in triple trust ; as a trustee of the people in parliament, as a proprietor, and as a member of a committee to whom the sacred rights of the company, violated by this very minister, were specially confided ; that the acceptance of a place under a bill which he opposed and reprobated as a mem ber of parliament, as a proprietor, and as one of their select committee, was manifestly incompatible with every claim to integrity and honour ; that the true point of opposition was to defeat a bill calculated to wrest from the company their rights and vest them in the crown, already too powerful in patronage and influence ; that the obvious view of the minister who made this offer was to disunite and disgrace the opposition. It was true the honourable gentleman enjoyed the highest confidence of the company ; and so much more did it behove him not to wound that confidence ; so much the more reproachful would it be to countenance such a bill and such a min ister to betray a confidence so sacred, to take from the people all hope of integrity in those they trusted, and verify the profligate declaration of a profligate minister, that every man had his price ; that much as I wished to see the honourable gentleman in high trust, I could not wish him to sacrifice for it his faith and honour. And though the gentleman was the best guardian of his own honour, yet I could not help giving my opinion that accepting the offer in question, circumstanced as he was, would fix upon his character indelible disgrace." Mr. Dempster thanked the members for the candour with which they had given their opinions ; he said the senti ments of those who dissuaded his acceptance were so congenial with those of his own mind, that he should without delay inform Lord North that he could not ac- ARTHUR LEE. 261 cept his offer. The bills however passed in spite of us, the influence of the crown bearing down all opposition. On those proceedings of parliament I gave my senti ments to Mr. Samuel Adams of Boston, in the following letter. "December 3, 1773. Sir, You ask me what political news. What can I say, but that we are undone ? We are in the dead calm of corruption, which with more than Circean charm, fas cinates every feeling of public virtue. If any thing can fix the enchantment beyond a possibility of dissolution, it is eastern wealth and eastern manners. Unhappy East, what a fate is thine ! Doomed to be forever plun dered by the west, with only the melancholy considera tion of eventually undoing your plunderers. You minister poison in a cup of gold. Your fruit, like the apple of temptation, is precious to the sight, but poisonous in the taste ; fair, but fatal ! The East India regulating-bill has diverted the wealth of India into the direct channel for our destruction. For the future, the story of Lord Clive will be that of every military plunderer in the east ; that of Ceyx of every civil extortioner. It begins in blood and plunder, it ends in servility and dependence. The wealth would be insecure under the crimes by which it was acquired, without ministerial influence and protec tion to cover them from enquiry, or screen them from punishment. In a few years, the two houses of parlia ment will be filled with Omrahs and Subbedars, nurtur ed in the corruption and despotism of the East. What will be the consequence ? We must fall as Greece and Rome have fallen, in the same manner, and by the same means. In this prospect there is but one consolation. That liberty, when she abandons this country, will not, like Astraca, relinquish us forever ; but will fix her favour ite seat in the rising regions of America. There may she rest, and spread her happy influence, till time shall be no more. But if we too must lose her, when she ascends the skies, we shall at least have the prerogative of show ing her last, her parting steps. Adieu, &c," 262 LIFE OF In the spring of 1774, 1 sat out with Mr. and Mrs. Izard to make the tour of France and Italy. But previous to my going I drew up apiece entitled, " A True State of the Proceedings in the Province of Massachusetts Bay," which has been attributed to Dr. Franklin because it was left with him, as agent to have it printed. The purpose of it was to remove the unjust and injurious impressions made by a report of a committee of the house of lords on the same subject. While at Paris I wrote " The Ap peal to the Justice and Interests of the People of Great Britain," which I transmitted to my brother in London, who had it printed and published by Almon. This pamphlet went through five editions. One was printed by a vote of the town of New-Castle and distributed among the people. Another edition was also printed and distributed at the expense of the merchants in Lon don trading to America. While we were at Rome we were acquainted with the Earl of Huntington and his nephew, who has since distinguished himself in Ame rica under the title of Lord Rawdon, and is certainly among the most promising officers in the British army. Mr. Izard and myself were too zealous not to encounter the British peer in defence of our country. He argued like a gentleman, but I thought not with much ingenuity. Lord Rawdon never disclosed his sentiments. I observ ed wherever I went, even in Italy, that all the papers and monthly productions contained every thing that was written in America on the subject of our dispute, and that the desire of enquiry into it pervaded all mankind. The opinion that her cause was just and the wish that she might succeed, seemed almost universal. The Brit ish name was clothed in Europe with terror and admira tion. The able manner in which the Americans vindi cated their constitutional rights, and the determined tone in which they declared their resolution of resisting Great Britain if she persisted, gave the Europeans a very ex alted idea of their spirit and abilities. Intelligence from England informed us of a sudden dissolution of parlia ment. The meeting of the new one was a crisis in our affairs from which the anxiety of my mind would not ARTHUR LEE. 263 permit me to be absent. I therefore gave up my inten tion of wintering in Rome and Naples, and in November sat out post alone for London. The weather was most remarkably rigorous, and I travelled from Turin to Paris, and from Paris to London, through continued snow and ice. The new parliament soon showed its complexion. Indeed it was not long kept secret, that the dissolu tion was a ministerial manoeuvre, for the purpose of car rying on the war against America. The king s speech on opening this parliament was in fact a declaration of war. He told them that a most daring spirit of resist ance and disobedience to the law, still unhappily prevail ed in the province of Massachusetts Bay, and had in di vers parts broke forth in fresh violences of a very crimi nal nature ; that these proceedings had been countenanc ed and encouraged in other of his colonies, and unwar rantable attempts had been made to obstruct the com merce of this kingdon by unlawful combinations ; that he had taken such measures and given such orders as he judged most proper and effectual for carrying into execu tion the laws which were passed in the last session of the late parliament for the protection and security of the commerce of his subjects, and for the restoring and pre serving peace, order, and good government in the province of the Massachusetts Bay. The address of the commons corresponded with the spirit of the speech. Lord J. Cavendish moved as an amendment, to request that his majesty would be most graciously pleased to communi cate the intelligence he had received from America to the house ; this was negatived 264 to 73. The whole of the session was passed with an entire obsequiousness to the measures of the minister ; and he and his royal master were in an evil hour armed with every power they desired for reducing America to unconditional submission. The reception of the petitions from America soon show ed what use the king and his ministers meant to make of this parliamentary support. A petition arrived from the assembly of Delaware. I informed the secretary of state of having received such a petition, and my desire to pre- 264 LIFE OF sent it to him that it might be delivered to the king. He received it frem me on , and on the 13th I receiv ed from him the following answer. "Lord Dartmouth presents his compliments to Mr. Lee, and desires to see him on Monday next, at 10 o clock. April , 1775." The issue of this conference is contained in the follow ing letter to the speaker of the assembly. " GARDEN COURT, MIDDLE TEMPLE, April 17, 1775. Sir, Your letter containing the petition from the house of representatives to the king, arrived here after Dr. Franklin had sailed for Philadelphia. The petition was therefore put into my hands to deliver to Lord Dart mouth. I accordingly gave it to his lordship, informing him of these circumstances, and of the wish of the house that it might be presented to his majesty. But his lord ship returned it to me this morning, with a declaration that as I was not authorised by the house, he, as secreta ry of state, could not receive it from me for the purpose I desired. .To deliver it to the king in the common way, if I were authorised so to do, would be ineffectual, be cause there is no certainty of his reading it, and he never gives an answer but from the throne, or through one of his secretaries of state. The petition will therefore re main here, to wait the further pleasure of the house. They who know and lament that petitions for redress of grievances from the different assemblies have been repeat edly rejected, cannot but be persuaded that the promise of their being now attended to, is only a ministerial ma noeuvre to divide the colonies, and draw off their atten tion to and confidence in that which is their great shield and defence union in general congress. Your consti tution was so framed as to mortify that hope. To di vide and to destroy, or >* * ;*L \* * to fix this mer ciless tyranny upon us, is their only endeavour. But I trust in God that the wisdom and virtue of our country- ARTHUR LEE. 265 men will continue to render it ineffectual, and give us at length a happy issue out of all our troubles, by obtaining a full redress of grievances. I have the honour of being, &c. Signed, ARTHUR LEE. James Rinsey, Esq. New Jersey." The year 1774 was an eventful year, and brought the American question to a crisis. In its commencement the ministry appeared determined upon measures of the most decided irritation, and even hostility. This I inti mated in a letter to the ever to be lamented Dr. Warren, who was immortalized by his conduct and death in the action of Bunker s Hill. My letter was as follows. " FEBRUARY 20th, 1774. Sir, I am obliged to you for giving me an oppor tunity of thanking you for the efforts you have made in vindication of the just rights of America. Unless you substitute the intention for the act, you far overrate the merit of my services. The rights of my country are with me sacred. It is my first duty to maintain them. The cause of liberty is the cause of virtue. " I own the glorious subject fires my breast; And the soul s darling passion stands confest," I not only lament the attempts which have been made and are making to enslave us, as productive of great misery to America, but as fraught with danger to this country. Revering as I do the very name of England, and loving most sincerely the people, it adds infinitely to the affliction of these proceedings that they must eventu ally operate the ruin of this country.* Whatever alien ates the affections of the colonies, must impair if not de stroy that commerce, which is the great source of the riches, the strength, the glory of Great Britain. There * In the conjecture I made of the consequences that would follow measures, I was deceived, or rather mistaken. From this I must except the impracticability of reducing America, the resistance that would infallibly follow attempting it by force, the im mense loss of men and expense that would attend it, and the independence of Ame rica. In these I was not mistaken; but in the effect which the non-importation would produce, the ruin of the credit and commerce of Great Britain, the diminu tion of har power, and the downfall of her empire, I was mistaken. A. L. VOL. i. 34 66 LIFE OF is at present a total stagnation of all public opposition here. Administration is therefore left at liberty to bend all their force against us. They seem eager to embrace the opportunity. The treatment of your petition, of Dr. Franklin, and of Mr. Temple, savour of the most malig nant and persecuting disposition. In my opinion the ac tive Americans here stand in daily peril of their lives. It will not indeed be an easy matter to destroy us by an English jury. But parliament is equal to any thing, and parliament is entirely under the direction of this, as you justly style it, all powerful administration. Either I am deceived, or times of great calamity and oppression are near. How they will end He only knows in whose hands are all the corners of the earth. In the mean time we have only to remember, that at every hazard we must be free. Adieu." I shall give a summary of the proceedings on the peti tion mentioned in the above letter, which occasioned a duel and a very celebrated speech from Mr. Wedderburne, now Lord Loughborough. Some letters written to a Mr. Whately by Governor Hutchinson and lieutenant-governor Andrew Oliver, were laid before the assembly of Massachusetts. In these let ters the writers of them had calumniated the people, en deavoured to inflame those who should read them, against the province, and suggested measures calculated to pre vent all popular opposition to ministerial measures. Up on these letters, which were original, and therefore could not be denied, the house of representatives voted a peti tion to the king for the removal of the governor and lieutenant-governor. This petition they transmitted to their agent, Dr. Franklin, to be presented to the throne. I received also the following letter from their speaker. "PROVINCE MASSACHUSETTS BAT, June 25, 1773. Sir, I have received the commands of the house of representatives of this province, to inform you that they have lately had divers letters, signed Thomas Hutchinson, Andrew Oliver, &c. laid before them, and that they have ARTHUR LEE. 267 voted as their sense, that the tendency and design of said letters appear to have been to overthrow the constitution of this government, and to introduce arbitrary power into this province. They have also agreed upon and passed an address to his majesty, praying that his excellency Thomas Hutchinson, governor, and the Hon. Andrew Oliver, lieutenant-governor of this province, may be re moved from the posts they hold within the province, which they have directed Dr. Franklin to lay before his majesty, and have also directed him to employ you as council upon this occasion ; and as the persons aforementioned have by this their conduct rendered themselves very obnoxious to the people here, and have entirely lost their confidence, they doubt not you will employ your interest and influ ence to support the petition above mentioned, and do all in your power that it may have its desired effect. I am with great respect your humble servant, THOMAS GUSHING, Speaker. Arthur Lee, Esq." As I was at this time only a student of law, I could not appear as counsel in support of the petition. But I addressed the following observations to Lord Dartmouth, under the signature of Raleigh. " My Lord, The report to be made upon the petition from the house of representatives of Massachusetts Bay against their governors, will have so decisive an influence on the people of that province, that I feel myself com pelled to address your lordship on the subject. A dis covery is made by letters under their own hands that the governor and lieutenant-governor had been secretly la bouring to subvert the chartered rights of the colony ; to subject the people to arbitrary government ; and to sub due them by military force. It appeared that to accom plish these ends they had painted the proceedings of the people in the most false and odious colours, forging false hoods where misrepresentations would not suffice. All this was done under the cloak of secret and confidential correspondence, that the mischief might come upon the 268 LIFE OF people unforeseen, the causes unknown, and the authors undiscovered. The people were to be the victims of a secret information ; they were to be condemned without being heard ; and punished with the heaviest of all ca lamities, the loss of their rights and liberties, without being apprized of the accusation or enjoying a possibili ty of defence. The persons who contrived this atro cious and (upon principle it cannot be deemed less) this treasonable conspiracy against the constitution, stipulated the expected rewards. It was natural that this discov ery should exasperate the people to an extreme. They saw in the persons of those who were planning their de struction, men bound to them by all the ties of fellow citizens and the obligations of gratitude ; men who had been long cherished and trusted among them, and who had always professed the most zealous attachment which virtue and gratitude could inspire to their rights and lib erties. This was more especially the case of their chief governor, who was at that very time practising every art to fix in the minds of the people an exalted opinion of his warmest affection for them, and of his unremitting endeavours to promote their best interests at the court of Great Britain. They saw besides in one mode of their attempt against them something peculiarly malig nant. The ministry were sufficiently disposed to adopt every severity against them. Governor Bernard and the commissioners were sufficient to keep up their pre judices and passion. To poison the minds of those in opposition, and by that means to deprive the people of every benefit either from the efforts of that opposition or from a change of administration. This my lord was the diabolical plan of Mr. Hutchinson and Mr. Oliver. Had the popular indignation been followed by the most im mediate and tragical consequences no one could have been surprised. Happily however the very men whom these governors had aspersed as the sowers of sedition and promoters of outrage, prevailed upon them to trust to his majesty s justice for redress. For this purpose the house of representatives have, in an humble petition, im plored his majesty s intervention to remove these men ARTHUR LEE. 269 because they have lost all trust and confidence with the people. It is to this prayer to which you are now to advise an answer. It is well worth considering my lord what will be the consequence of an ungracious, irritating answer. For some years past the people of America and those of Boston in particular, have been abused, mis represented, and oppressed beyond the example of the worst of times. They have seen for a series of years every representation against them received ; every ap plication for them rejected. When the authors of the secret information which tended to bring upon them the displeasure of their sovereign, the resentment of parlia ment, and to subvert their liberties, were providentially discovered, and their representations proved false and wicked, the consequence has invariably been the encour agement and reward of those so detected. The discov ery of Governor Bernard s false and malignant letters, with the frauds he committed in office, served only to make him a baronet, with what is equivalent to an enor mous pension. Mr. Oliver was charged upon the oaths of several of his majesty s council and by their unani mous resolution, with a most dangerous breach of trust, in having forged minutes of their board and authen ticated them on oath, for the purpose of justifying a mas sacre committed by a licentious soldiery, and to throw the blame of it on the people. What my lord was the consequence ? Not punishment, but promotion. The peo ple saw with astonishment and horror this very man, thus stigmatized, immediately promoted to be their lieutenant governor. These are facts my lord, of public notoriety ; facts which, spoken to stones, would make them capa ble of hearing. Rewards have followed crimes, as con stantly as light the sun. Promotion and emolument in America have been exactly proportioned to men s perfidy to the people, and their avowed enmity to their imme diate country. No people can be so dull as not to feel those injuries ; no people can be so pusillanimous as not to resent them. Reiterated oppressions, detections, com plaints and disappointments, have worked up men s minds to the greatest degree of discontent. * * * * [The rest here is lost.] 270 LIFE OF Dr. Franklin gave the Earl of Dartmouth information of it in a letter dated August 21st, 1773, in which the Dr. used this extraordinary expression, " And it is said that, having lately discovered, as they think, the authors of their grievances to be some of their own people, their resentment against Great Britain is thence much abated." The resentment of a province against Great Britain, was a tone somewhat higher than is commonly assumed by even the mightiest monarch to the smallest state. There is not an instance I believe of the crown using such lan guage to the most insignificant provincial assembly. The expression was at least not very guarded. Butjn fact, Dr. Franklin thought the ministry at his feet. He soon felt his mistake ; the petition was heard before the privy council on the 29th of January 1774. In the mean time a question arose how these original letters came into the hands of those who laid them before the house of representatives. Mr. Whately, to whom they were written, was dead. When they were written he was member of parliament and very influential with Mr. George Grenville. His brother, who had the papers of the deceased, could give no other account of it, but that Mr. John Temple had leave from him to examine letters from his brother s American correspondents, from which he supposed that gentleman had taken the letters in question. This he charged him with in the public papers, confessing however that he did not know those identical letters were in the papers he intrusted to Mr. Temple s examination. This^charge was circulated with the utmost industry and ^njPjpny^by^ylr. Wedderburne andjother ministerial agents.^ Mr. Temple determined to sendTMn W&ately a challenge. Mr. Izard bore it, and offered to be his second. Mr. Whately accepted the meeting, but refused to have a second. Four o clock, in the ring at Hyde Park was the appointment. Mr. Izard and myself went to the park in his carriage to attend the issue. On our way to the ring our attention was drawn to another quarter by the report of pistols. Thither we went and met Mr. Whately coming from the field of action, having received a slight wound in the ARTHUR LEE. 271 breast and one on the shoulder a little behind ; both with a sword. He made no charge to us of unfair play on the part of his antagonist. Mr. Izard offered his carriage to carry him home, which he accepted, and Mr. Izard ac companied him. I went in quest of Mr. Temple, and we walked together to Mr. Izard s house. He informed me that some persons being at the ring Mr. Whately and he agreed to go to a different part. Mr. Whately had a sword but no pistols. He lent him one of his, they fired without effect, and then appealed to the sword ; at which he found his antagonist so little skilled that his life was at his mercy ; that he wounded him slightly in order to make him beg his pardon. A whisper however was soon circulated that Mr. Temple had attempted to stab his opponent when down. To corroborate which, a declara tion from Mr. Whately supported by the affidavits of an alehouse-keeper and some stable-boy were published, affirming that when Mr. W r hately fell on his face the other stabbed him behind. As this business was in fact political and concerned America, I wrote a justification of Mr. Temple, in which I stated that Mr. Whately had accirsed him on mere suspicion; that he refused to have seconds ; came without pistols ; made no charge against Mr. Temple when we met him, warm from the encoun ter, and most likely to have exclaimed against such treat ment ; neither did those who had parted the combatants and were with him, say a word of it. That the slight wound on the shoulder, which gave countenance to this malignant charge, might well have happened from Mr. Temple being in the act of thrusting, when his opponent fell, and by that means unintentionally touching him on the shoulder. That it was an absurdity to suppose, that when it was acknowledged Mr. Temple could from his superior skill have wounded him fairly, he would attempt to do it foully. That the charge came with additional ill grace from one who had positively refused to have seconds, and who coming to the field without pistols seemed desirous to refer the dispute to the sword. I am inclined to think that the public was satisfied that this charge with its contemptible affidavits was fabricated by 273 LIFE OF Messrs. Wedderburne and Manduit, and had no real foundation. At the close of these proceedings Dr. Franklin came forward with the following address to the printers. " Sirs, Finding that two gentlemen have been unfor tunately engaged in a duel about a transaction and its circumstances of which both of them are totally ignorant and innocent, I think it incumbent on me to declare (for the prevention of farther mischief, as far as such a decla ration may contribute to prevent it,) that I alone am the person who obtained and transmitted to Boston the let ters in question. Mr. W. could not communicate them, because they were never in his possession; and for the same reason they could not be taken from him by Mr. T. They were not of the nature of private letters between friends. They were written by public officers to persons in public stations, on public affairs, and intended to pro cure public measures. They were therefore handed to other public persons, who might be influenced by them to produce those measures. Their tendency was to in cense the mother country against her colonies, and by the steps they recommended, to widen the breach they effected. The chief caution expressed with regard to privacy, was to keep their contents from the colony agents, who the writers apprehended might return them, or copies of them, to America. That apprehension was it seems well founded, for the first agent who laid his hands on them thought it his duty to transmit them to his constituents. Craven Street, Dec. 25th, 1773." Mr. Wedderburne in his speech before the council was pointedly severe against this letter. " After the mis chiefs, said he, of this concealment had been left for five months to have their full operation, at length comes out a letter which is expressive of the coolest and most de liberate malevolence. My lords, W 7 hat poetic fiction only had penned for the breast of a cruel African, Dr. Frank lin has realized and transcribed from his own. His too ARTHUR LEE. 273 is the language of Zanga. Know then twas I. I forg ed the letter I disposed the picture I hated I despis ed and I destroy." The greater part of his speech was a violent philippic against the Doctor. He was certainly eloquent and art ful. Insomuch that notwithstanding the great decency and decorum that distinguish their lordships, he made them so far forget themselves and the character in which they officiated, as to cry out hear him, hearpiim. There were present with the lord president other lords, among whom was the Archbishop of Canterbury. The decision was " that the petition should be dismissed as groundless, vexatious and scandalous, and calculated only for the se ditious purpose of keeping up a spirit of clamour and dis content in the said province." In August Richard Penn arrived with a petition for the throne from the general congress of America, which that august body desired might be presented by him, and the agents for the several colonies. Mr. Bollan and myself were the only agents in town. Mr. Bollan, Dr. Frank lin, and myself, were the only agents that would act. We presented the petition through Lord Dartmouth to the throne, and received an answer from that nobleman that his majesty had received it very graciously, and for its importance, would lay it before his two houses of par liament as soon as they should meet. The ministerial tone was now much softened, because the petition and address to the people were conceived in terms of such moderation and good sense, that they made a very fa vourable impression upon the public mind. I knew the king and his ministers too well to trust to their profes sions. I therefore thought it necessary to w r arn my coun trymen against the delusion of these appearances. With this view I wrote to my brother R. H. Lee, who was a member of congress, the following letters,* which I knew he would communicate with effect. The alarming procedure of the British king and parlia- * The letters here spoken of, with a note containing the complimentary expres sions of Lord Chatham on the subject of the address of congress, will be found in No. I. Appendix, amongst the "Letters of A. Lee." VOL. I. 35 274 LIFE OF ment obliged the Americans to meet in general congress at Philadelphia, to consult on proper measures for the general safety. The congress agreed upon a petition to the king, stating their grievances, avowing their loyalty, and supplicating redress. This petition was transmitted with the following letter to the colonial agents in London. "To Paul Wentworth, Esq., Dr. Benjamin Franklin, Wil liam Bollan, Esq., Dr. Arthur Lee, Thomas Life, Esq., Edmund Burke, Esq. and Charles Garth, Esq. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 26th, 1774. Gentlemen, We give you the strongest proof of our reliance on your zeal and attachment to the happiness of America and the cause of liberty, when we commit the enclosed paper to your care. We desire you will deliver it into the hands of his majesty; and after it has been presented, we wish it may be made public through the press, together with the list of grievances. As we hope for great assistance from the spirit and virtue of the na tion, it is our earnest desire that the most effectual course be taken as early as possible to furnish the trading cities and manufacturing towns throughout the united kingdom O c5 O with our memorial to the people of Great Britain. We doubt not but your good sense and discernment will lead you to avail yourselves of every assistance that may be devised from the advice and friendship of all great and good men, who may incline to aid the cause of liberty and mankind. The gratitude of America, expressed in the enclosed vote of thanks, we desire may be conveyed to the deserving objects of it in the manner you think may be most acceptable to them. It is proposed that another congress be held on the 10th of May next, at this place ; but in the mean time we beg the favour of you gentlemen, to transmit to the speakers of the several as semblies the earliest information of the most authentic accounts you can collect, of all such conduct and designs of ministry or parliament as it may concern America to know. We are, &c. &c. Signed, HENRY MIDDLETON, Pres>t." ARTHUR LEE. 275 The remainder of this commencement of a history of the American revolution, by Mr. Lee, has been lost. The author adds here a letter from Thomas Gushing to him, who presided as speaker of the assembly of Massachu setts during the years 1769, 1770, 1771, and 1772. It was written after Mr. Cushing s return from the first congress at Philadelphia. He had corresponded with Mr. Lee while he acted as agent in London of the colony of Massachusetts. " BOSTON, Feb. , 1775. Dear Sir, I am obliged to you for your favour of the 6th Dec. last. I heartily rejoice to hear you are safely arrived in London ; we are much obliged to ypu for travel ling night and day from Rome, in order to do what ser vice you can at so important a crisis. The people in America are not at all dismayed at the king s speech ; they wish for peace, and for an amicable and equitable settlement of this unhappy controversy; but if their hopes should be called off by the intemperate and violent con duct of the mother country, after the conciliatory offers that have been made by the continental congress, by which they have reduced the dispute to mere matter of speculation, and administration should determine to carry into execution the late acts of parliament by a military force, the people of America I am persuaded will make the last appeal. They are determined life and liberty shall go together. You need not be concerned ; firm ness and unanimity prevail through all the colonies, the association of the continental congress is sacredly adher ed to, and 1 have just been informed that the merchants at New- York have obliged a vessel that arrived there from Scotland since the first of February, to return im mediately without breaking bulk. Our people are prompt and forward in their military exercises. There never was since we have been a people such a military spirit prevailing as at present ; but God forbid we should set tle this dispute by arms. May the great Governor of the universe direct the councils of the nation, and lead them into such measures as may restore peace, harmony, and 276 LIFE OF happiness to both countries. I had the pleasure of see ing your brother, Col. Lee, at the congress at Philadel phia, and spending many an agreeable hour with him ; he is a steady friend to his country, and an able defend er of her rights. Pray let me hear from you by every opportunity, and advise me constantly of the designs of administration relative to America. I am with great truth your sincere friend and humble servant, THOMAS GUSHING. Arthur Lee, Esq. P. S. The terms of accommodation between Great Britain and the colonies, which you and I have joined in judgment in, and have heretofore thought reasonable, happen to be approved by all the leading men in Ameri ca, as you will perceive by the resolutions of the conti nental congress. T. C." ARTHUR LEE. 277 APPENDIX III. " PARIS, June 7, 1779. To his excellency Mon. le Comte d Aranda. Mr. Lee has the honour to present his respects to the Ambassador of Spain ; and to beg him to transmit to his Court the annexed memorial. " PARIS, June 6, 1779. To his excellency Count Florida Blanca, Prime Minis ter of Spain. I have the honour of enclosing to your Excellency a memorial, which the opportunities I have had of knowing the temper and circumstances of Great Britain, make me presume to submit to your consideration. The earnest desire I have of rendering some service to Spain, and the common interest that must subsist in the success of the war, should it happen, are the motives, and I hope will be the apology, for what I offer. I have the honour, &c. ARTHUR LEE." " PARIS, June 6, 1779. Memorial to his excellency Count Florida Blanca. The English having taken possession of Savannah, in Georgia, are extending themselves in that state, so as to form a connexion with and establish an influence over the Indian nations that border on all that country. They design also to possess themselves of Port Royal, in South Carolina, and if possible, of Charleston. These acqui sitions, if they are suffered, with their contiguous pos sessions, will give them such a command upon that,eoast, and in the Gulf, as well as such means of exciting the savages, and seconding their enterprises against the neighbouring territories of Spain, as may be difficult to resist, if they are not prevented. What renders it im practicable for the Americans to repel the enemy, is, their superiority at sea, which at the same time that it sup- 278 LIFE OF ports their posts on the land, enables them to make di versions in various quarters, so as to keep up a general alarm, and prevent our force from being united in any one point. With this view, they have very lately invad ed the state of Virginia, in the bay of Chesapeake, to with hold the aid which that state would send to South Caro lina and Georgia. In this situation, it is in his majesty s power to give very effectual assistance to the invaded states, and prevent the enemy from making such danger ous establishments and such an augmentation of their power. The naval force of the English in Georgia and South Carolina, will consist of a fifty gun ship, the Ex periment lately sailed, and three frigates. In the bay of Chesapeake there are a sixty-four and forty-four gun ship, with some armed tenders. A small squadron there fore of three or four large ships and a few frigates, sent from the Havannah, would destroy the enemy s ships in Georgia, South Carolina arid Chesapeake bay ; and de liver their troops into the hands of the Americans. The state of the enemy s fleets in Europe and the West Indies, will not permit them at present to augment their force on the coast of America. The scfuadron ac tually sailed, under Admiral Arbuthnot to New- York, consists of four ships of the line and one frigate ; name ly, the Robust 74, the Russel 74, the Europe 64, the Alliance 64, and the Guadaloupe 28. As this squadron must support the operations of their main army, and pro tect Halifax, Rhode Island and New- York, it is not prob able they will detach any additional force from thence to the southward, so that their armaments there, if not withdrawn, must necessarily fall a sacrifice to a Spanish squadron." PARIS, December 16, 1779. To his excellency Count Florida Blanca. Sir, You will have the goodness to permit my recall ing to your consideration the facts I already had the honour of stating to you, relative to the plan of the com mon enemy, to establish themselves in Georgia and South Carolina, in order to carry on more effectually the ARTHUR LEE. 279 war against the possessions of Spain in America, and against the United States. I have the most undoubted intelligence that they are more and more determined on pursuing that plan. The good intentions of Count d Es- taign to drive them from Georgia having unfortunately failed, and the departure of the French fleet having left them again a decided superiority on our coast, must give them fresh encouragement to prosecute their enterprise, and will render the assistance of his Catholic Majesty s squadron at the Havannah absolutely necessary, to pre vent its succeeding. Suffer me therefore to entreat most earnestly your excellency s attention to this, if other more near and important objects of the war should have hitherto diverted it." " Sir, I received in due time the two letters of the 7th and 25th of June, with which your honour favour ed me, in both which you explain the situation of Eng land, and the plan which you think the powers at war with that crown ought to pursue, joined with various observations relative to the situation of these united American provinces. I can assure you sir, that I have read with great pleasure and consideration, the wise and prudent reflections contained in those letters. I assure you I shall make a proper use of them. I embrace this opportunity of offering you my best services, and of as suring you of my prayer for the preservation of your life many years. COUJNT FLORIDA BLANCA. Arthur Lee, Esq." 280 LIFE OF APPENDIX IV. (a) Instructions to Benjamin Franklin, Silas Deane, and Arthur Lee, Commissioners appointed by the Congress of the United States of America to the Court of France. "THERE is herewith delivered to you a plan of a trea ty with his most Christian majesty of France, approved of in congress on the part of the United States of Ame rica. It is the wish of congress that the treaty should be concluded, and you are hereby instructed to use every means in your power for concluding it conformably to the plan you have received. If you shall find that to be im practicably, you are hereby authorized to relax the de mands of the United States, and to enlarge their offers, agreeably to the following directions. If his most Chris tian majesty shall not consent that the subjects, people, and inhabitants of the United States shall have the privi leges proposed in the second article, then, the United States ought not to give the subjects of his most Chris tian majesty the privileges proposed in the first article ; but that the United States shall give to the subjects of his most Christian majesty the same privileges, liberties, and immunities, at least, and the like favour in all things, which any foreign nation the most favoured shall have, provided his most Christian majesty shall give to the sub jects, people, and inhabitants of the United States the same benefits, privileges, and immunities, which any the most favoured foreign nation now has, uses, or enjoys. And in case neither of these propositions of equal advan tages are agreed to, then the whole of the said articles are to be rejected, rather than obstruct the farther pro gress of the treaty. The third article must be insisted on. The sixth article ought to be obtained if possible, but should be waived rather than the treaty should be in- ARTHUR LEE. 281 terrupted by insisting upon it ; his most Christian majes ty agreeing nevertheless to use his interest and influence to procure passes from the states mentioned in this arti cle, for the vessels of the subjects and inhabitants of the United States upon the Mediterranean. The seventh article will probably be attended with some difficulty. If you find his most Christian majesty determined not to agree to it, you are empowered to add to it as follows. That the United States will never be subject, or acknow ledge allegiance or obedience to the king, or crown, or parliament of Great Britain, nor grant to that nation any exclusive trade, or any advantages or privileges in trade, more than his most Christian majesty ; neither shall any treaty for terminating the present war between the king of Great Britain and the United States, or any war which may be declared by the king of Great Britain against his rnost Christian majesty, in consequence of this trea ty, take effect until the expiration of six calendar months after the negotiation for that purpose shall have been du ly notified, in the former instance by the United States to his most Christian majesty, and in the other instance by his most Christian majesty to the United States, to the end that both these parties may be included in the peace, if they think proper. The eleventh and twelfth articles are to be waived, if you find that the treaty will be interrupted by insisting on them. You will press the thirteenth article, but let not the fate of the treaty depend upon obtaining it. If his most Christian majesty should be unwilling to agree to the fifteenth and twenty-fifth articles, you are directed to consent that the goods and effects of enemies on board the ships and vessels of either party shall be liable to seizure and confiscation. The twenty-fourth article is not to be insisted on. You will solicit the court of France for an immediate supply of twenty or thirty thousand muskets and bayonets, and a large supply of ammunition and brass field pieces, to be sent under convoy by France. The United States en gage for the payment of the arms, artillery, and ammu nition, and to indemnify France for the expense of the convoy. Engage a few good engineers in the service of VOL. i. 36 282 LIFE OF the United States. It is highly probable that France means not to let the United States sink in the present contest ; but as the difficulty of obtaining true accounts of our condition may cause an opinion to be entertained that we are able to support the war on our own strength and resources longer than in fact we can do, it will be proper for you to press for the immediate and explicit declaration of France in our favour, upon a suggestion that a re-union with GreatBritain may be the consequence of a delay. Should Spain be disinclined to our cause from an ap prehension of danger to her dominions in South America, you are empowered to give the strongest assurances that that crown will receive no molestation from the United States in the possession of those territories. You will transmit to us the most speedy and full intelligence of your progress in this business, and of any other Europe an transaction that it may import us to know. You are desired to get the best and earliest informa tion that you possibly can of any negotiations that the court of London may be carrying on, for obtaining foreign mercenaries to be sent against these states the next cam paign ; and if any such design is in agitation, you will endeavour to prevail with the court of France to exert its influence in the most effectual manner, to prevent the execution of such designs. You are desired to obtain as early as possible a public acknowledgment of the inde pendency of these states on the crown and parliament of Great Britain, by the court of France. In conducting this important business the congress have the greatest confidence in your address, abilities, vigilance, and attach ment to the interests of the United States, and wish you every success. By order of congress, JOHN HANCOCK, President." ARTHUR LEE. 283 " In Congress, October 16th, 1776. Additional instructions to Benjamin Franklin, Silas Deane, and Arthur Lee, Commissioners from the United States of America to the king of France. Whilst you are negotiating the affair you are charged with at the court of France, you will have opportunities of conversing frequently with the ministers and agents of other European princes and states residing there. You shall endeavour, when you find occasion fit and convenient, to obtain from them a recognition of our in dependency and sovereignty, and to conclude treaties of peace, amity, and commerce, between their princes or states and us ; provided that the same be not inconsistent with the treaty you shall make with his most Christian majesty, that they do not oblige us to become a party in any war which may happen in consequence thereof, and that the immunities, exemptions, privileges, protection, defence, and advantages, or the contrary, thereby stipu lated, be equal and reciprocal. If that cannot be effect ed, you shall to the utmost of your power prevent their taking part with Great Britain in the war which his Bri tannic majesty prosecutes against us, or entering into of fensive alliances with that king, and protest and present remonstrances against the same, desiring the interposition, mediation, and good offices, on our behalf, of his most Christian majesty the king of France, and of any other princes or states whose dispositions are not hostile to wards us. In case overtures be made to you by the ministers or agents of any European princes or states, for commercial treaties between them and us, you may conclude such treaties accordingly. By order of congress, JOHN HANCOCK, President." "In Congress, October 22d, 1776, Resolved, that the commissioners going to the court of France, be directed to procure from that court, at the expense of these Unit ed States, either by purchase or loan, eight line of battle ships, of 74 and 64 guns, well manned and fitted in every 284 LIFE OF respect for service ; that as these ships may be useful in proportion to the quickness with which they reach North America, the commissioners be directed to expedite this negotiation with all possible diligence. JOHN HANCOCK, President." Letters of Instruction, &c. from the Committee of For eign Affairs to the Commissioners in France, and from them to the Committee. "BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, December 21, 1776. Honourable Gentlemen, After expressing our hopes that this will find you all three safely fixed at Paris, we proceed with pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of Mr. Deane s letter of the first of October. When we reflect on the character and views of the court of London, it ceases to be a wonder that the British ambassador and all other British agents should employ every means that tended to prevent European powers, but France more especially, from giving America aid in this war. Pros pects of accommodation, it is well known, would effec tually prevent foreign interference, and therefore without one serious design of accommodating on any principles but the absolute submission of America, the delusive idea of conciliation hath been industriously suggested on both sides the water, that under cover of this dividing and aid-withholding prospect, the vast British force sent to America might have the fairest chance of succeeding. And this policy hath in fact done considerable injury to the United States, as we shall presently show, by a just detail of this campaign, for it is not yet ended. You know, gentlemen, that at the moment a potent land and marine force was preparing to be sent here, an act was passed for appointing commissioners, whom too many expected were to give peace to America. As therefore the war might be soon concluded, so were our military arrangements accommodated, and the troops taken into service the last spring, consisting of regular corps and bodies of militia, were all engaged for short periods. With these the compaign begun in various parts of North Ame rica. Dr. Franklin is so well acquainted with the pro- ARTHUR LEE. 285 gress of the war in Canada, previous to his departure, that we need only observe the campaign has ended as favourably for us in that quarter, as we could reasonably expect. The enemy having been able to pierce no far ther than Crown Point, after a short stay, and recon- noitering General Gates s army at Ticonderoga, thought proper to recross the lake, and leave us in quiet posses sion of these passes. General Gates having left a proper force at Ticonderoga, and on the communication, retired with the rest of his troops. New-York and its neigh bourhood not being defensible by an army singly, against a strong land and sea force acting in conjunction, was of necessity yielded to the enemy, after some contest ; General Washington retiring after the situation of the country above Kingsbridge no longer enabled the enemy to receive aid from their ships. General Howe having stopped here, and General Carleton at Crown Point, ef fectually disappointed the great object of joining the< two armies. The latter, as we have said, returning to Can ada, and the former retreating from the White Plains towards New-York, gave us a favourable prospect of see ing a happy end put to this dangerous campaign. How ever, many causes have concurred in producing an unlucky reverse of fortune ; the nature of the country, the un common fineness of the weather even to this day, and above all the short enlistments, which gave the soldiery an opportunity of going home, tired as they were with the operations of an active summer. When General Howe retreated from the White Plains, he halted his whole army on the North River, between Dobb s Ferry and Kingsbridge, where he remained for some time. Having effected so little of the great business that brought him here, and the season allowing him time for it, most men were of opinion that the next attempt would be to get possession of Philadelphia by a march through the Jerseys, whilst a fleet should be sent up the Delaware to facilitate the enterprise. To guard against such a ma noeuvre, General Washington crossed the North River with all the battalions that had been raised to the west ward of it, leaving General Lee, with the eastern troops, 286 LIFE OF to guard the pass of the high lands on Hudson River. In this situation of things, General Howe made a sudden attack on Fort Washington with the greatest part of his army, and carried it with a considerable loss : here he made near 3000 of our men prisoners. By this event it became unnecessary longer to hold Fort Lee, or Fort Constitution as it was formerly called, which is on the west side of the North River, nearly opposite to Fort Washington. It had therefore been determined to aban don Fort Lee, but before the stores could be all removed, the enemy came suddenly upon it, and the garrison re treated, leaving some of their baggage and stores behind. About this time General Howe became possessed of a letter, (by the agency of some wicked person, who con trived to get it from the express) written by General Washington to the Board of War, in which he had given an exact account when, the time of service of all our bat talions would expire, and his apprehensions that the men would not re-enlist, without first going home to see their families and friends. Possessed of this intelligence, the opportunity was carefully watched, and a vigorous impression actually made at the very crisis when our army in the Jerseys was reduced to 3000 men, by the re tiring of numbers and the sickness of others, and before our militia could in this extensive country, be brought up to supply their places. The enemy marched rapidly on through the Jerseys, whilst our feeble army was obliged to retreat from post to post until it crossed the Delaware at Trenton where about 2500 militia from Philadelphia joined the general. Since General Howe s arrival on the border of the Delaware various manoeu vres and stratagems have been practised to effect a pas sage over the river, but they have hitherto failed. Gen eral Washington s small army is placed along the west side of Delaware, from Corrill s ferry to within fourteen miles of Philadelphia ; with the gondolas and one frig ate of 32 guns, and other armed vessels on the river above the cheveaux defrisc over the passage of it. Gen. Lee, who had crossed the North River w r ith as many of ARTHUR LEE. 287 the eastern troops as could be spared from the defence of the high lands, (either to join Gen. Washington or to act on the enemies rear, as occasion might point out) was the other day unfortunately surprised and made prisoner by a party of 70 light horse, who found him in a house a few miles in the rear of his army with his domestics only. This loss though great, will in some degree be repaired for the present by Gen. Gates, who we understand has joined the army commanded by Gen. Lee, and who we have reason to think has by this time effected a junction of his force with that of Gen. Wash ington. As the militia are marching from various quar ters to reinforce the general, if the enemy do not quickly accomplish their wishes of possessing Philadelphia, we hope not only to have that city, but to see Gen. Howe retreat as fast as he advanced through the Jerseys. Gen. Clinton, with a fleet in which it is said he carried 8000 men, has gone from New-York through the Sound ; some suppose for Rhode Island, but neither his destina tion nor its consequences are yet certainly known to us. Thus gentlemen we have given you a true detail of the progress and present state of our affairs, which, although not in so good a posture as they were two months ago, are by no means in so bad a way as the emissaries of the British court will undoubtedly represent them. If the great land and sea force with which we have been at tacked, be compared with the feeble state which the commencement of this war found us with respect to mili tary stores of all kinds, soldiers, clothing, navy and reg ular force, and if the infinite art be considered with which Great Britain hath endeavoured to prevent our getting these necessaries from foreign parts, which has in part prevailed, the wonder will rather be that our enemies have made so little progress than that they have made so much. All views of accommodation with Great Britain, but on principles of peace as independ ent states, and in a manner perfectly consistent with the treaties our commissioners may make with foreign states, being totally at an end, since the declaration of inde pendence and the embassy to the court of France, con- 288 LIFE OF gress have directed the raising 94 battalions of infantry with some cavalry. Thirteen frigates from 24 to 36 guns are already launched and fitting, and two ships of the line with five more frigates are ordered to be put on the stocks. We hear the levies are going on well in the different states. Until the new army is collected the mi litia must curb the enemies progress. The very consid erable force that Great Britain has already in North Ame rica, the possibility of recruiting it here within their own quarters, by force and fraud together, added to the rein forcements that may be sent from Europe, and the diffi culty of finding funds in the present depressed state of American commerce, all conspire to prove incontestably, that if France desires to preclude the possibility of North America being ever reunited with Great Britain, now is the favourable moment for establishing the glory, strength, and commercial greatness of the former king dom, by the ruin of her ancient rival. A decided part now taken by the court of Versailles, and a vigorous engagement in the war in union with North America, would with ease sacrifice the fleet and army of Great Britain, at this time chiefly collected about New- York. The inevitable consequence would be the quick reduc tion of the British islands in the West Indies, already barred of defence by the removal of their troops to this continent. For reasons herein assigned, gentlemen, you will readily discern how all-important it is to the secu rity of American independence that France should enter the war as soon as may be, and how necessary it is if it be possible, to procure from her the line-of-battle ships you were desired in your instructions to obtain for us, the speedy arrival of which here, in the present state of things, might decide the contest at one stroke. We shall pay proper attention to what Mr. Deane writes concern ing Dr. Williamson and Mr. Hopkins, and we think the ill treatment this country and Mr. Deane have received from these men, strongly suggest the necessity of invin cible reserve with persons coming to France as Ame ricans and friends to America, whom the most irrefraga ble proofs have not removed all doubt about. The Bri- ARTHUR LEE. 289 tish recall of their Mediterranean passes, is an object of great consequence, and may require much intercession with the court of France to prevent the mischief that may be desired to American commerce therefrom. But this subject has been already touched upon in your in structions on the sixth article of the treaty proposed to be made with France. As all affairs relative to the con duct of commerce and remittance pass through another department, we beg leave to refer you to the secret com mittee and Mr. Thomas Morris their agent in France, for every information on these subjects. The neighbourhood of Philadelphia having by the enemies movements be come the seat of war, it was judged proper that congress should adjourn to this town, where the public business may be attended to with the undisturbed deliberation that its importance demands. The congress was accord ingly opened here on the 20th inst. As it is more than probable that the conference with Lord Howe on Staten Island may be misrepresented to the injury of these states, we do ourselves the pleasure to enclose you an au thenticated account of that whole business, which the possibility of Dr. Franklin s not arriving renders proper. This step was taken to unmask his lordship, and evince to the world that he did not possess powers, which for the purposes of delusive division, it had been suggested he did. Mr. Deane s proposition of a loan is accepted by congress, and they have desired two millions sterling to be obtained if possible. The necessity of keeping up the credit of our paper currency and the variety of im portant uses that may be made of this money, have in duced congress to go so far as six per cent., but the in terest is heavy, and it is hoped you may be able to do the business on much easier terms. The resolves of con gress on this subject are enclosed and your earliest atten tion to them is desired, that we may know as soon as possible the event of this application. Another resolve of congress enclosed will show you that congress approve of armed vessels being fitted out by you on continental account, provided the court of France dislike not the measure ; and blank commissions for this purpose will be VOL. i. 37 290 LIFE OF sent you by the next opportunity. Private ships of war or privateers cannot be admitted where you are, because the securities necessary in such cases to prevent irregular practices cannot be given by the owners and command ers of such privateers. Another resolve of congress which we have the honour to enclose you, directs the con duct to be pursued with regard to Portugal. We have nothing farther to add at present, but to request that you will omit no good opportunity of informing us how you succeed in your mission, what events take place in Eu rope by which these states may be affected, and that you forward us in regular succession some of the best Lon don, French, and Dutch news-papers, with any valuable political publications that may concern North America. We have the honour to be, gentlemen, with great re spect and esteem your most obedient and very humble servants, BENJ. HARRISON, RICHARD HENRY LEE, WILL. HOOPER, JNO. WlTHERSPOON, ROBT. MORRIS, of Philad. P. S. The American captures of British vessels at sea have not been less numerous or less valuable than before Dr. Franklin left us. The value of these cap tures has been estimated at two millions." " BALTIMORE, 2d Feb. 1777. Hon. Gentlemen, You will receive enclosed copies of our letters of the 21st December, and of the resolves of congress accompanying them. It concerns us not less than we are sure it will you, that you should have heard so seldom from us, but the vigilance of the British cruisers has prevented our most earnest solicitude for this purpose. The manner in which they now conduct the business proves the necessity of the request made by congress for the loan or sale of a few capital ships. The entrance into Delaware and Chesapeake being narrow, by placing one 40 or 50 gun ship for the protection of their frigates, they both stop our commerce and our cor respondence. Formerly their frigates protected their ARTHUR LEE. 291 traders, but now that we have frigates their larger ships protect their frigates ; and this winter has been so un commonly favourable that they have been able to keep the sea, undisturbed by those severe gales of wind so usual off this coast in the winter season. If we had a few line of battle ships to aid our frigates, the com merce of North America, so beneficial to ourselves and so advantageous to France, would be carried on maugre the opposition of Great Britain. As we have not re ceived any of those military stores and clothing promis ed by Mr. Deane, we have much reason to fear they have fallen into the enemies hands, which would render a fresh supply necessary. Except Mr. Deane s favour of September 17th, which is but just now r received, and that of October the 1st, we have not heard from him since the summer, so that we have been as destitute of European as we have been of true American intelligence. The enclosed papers will furnish you with authentic ac counts of our successes against our enemies since the 24th December. They have paid severely for their visit of parade through the Jerseys, and these events are an abundant proof of British folly in attempting to subdue North America. Although the short enlistments had dis persed our army directly in the face of a hostile force, and thereby induced a proud enemy to suppose their work was done, yet they suddenly found themselves at tacked on all sides by a hardy active militia, who have constantly been beating up their quarters, captivating and destroying their troops, so that in the six or seven last weeks they have not looked much fewer than 3000 ; about 2000 of whom with many officers are now our prisoners. Instead of remaining cantoned in the pleasant villages of Jersey, as the enclosed authentic copy of Gen. Howe s order to Col. de Dourp (the original of which fell into our hands by the colonel s flight from Bordenton) will show you, that they are now collected upon the Bruns wick Heights, where they suffer every kind of distress from want of forage, fuel, and other necessaries, whilst Gen. Washington s army of militia so environs them, that they never show their faces without their lines, but they 292 LIFE OF get beaten back with loss and disgrace. Being thus situ ated, we have reason to hope that this part of their army (and it is the most considerable part) will by the end of the winter be reduced very low by deaths, desertion, and captivity. Gen. Heath with a body of eastern troops, is making an impression on New- York by King s Bridge, which we understand has obliged the enemy to recall their troops from Rhode Island, for the defence of that city. The regular corps that are to compose the new army are making up in the several states as fast as pos sible ; but arms, artillery, tent cloth, and clothing, will be greatly wanted. For these our reliance is on the favour and friendship of his most Christian majesty. If you are so fortunate as to obtain them, the propriety of sending them in a strong ship of war must be very evi dent to you gentlemen, when you know our coasts are so covered with British cruisers of from 20 to 50 guns, though but few of the latter. We believe they have but two ships of 40 and two or three of 50 guns in their whole fleet on the North American station ; and these are employed, one of them to cover a frigate or two at the capes of each bay, whilst the rest remained at New- York. We beg leave to turn your attention to the enclosed propositions of congress, and we doubt not you will urge their success with that zeal and careful assiduity that objects so necessary to the liberty and safety of your country demand. We are exceedingly anxious to hear from you, and re main with particular sentiments of esteem and friendship honourable gentlemen, your most obedient and very hum ble servants, BENJ. HARRISON, RICHARD HENRY LEE, JNO. WlTHERSPOON." "BALTIMORE, 9th January 1777. Honourable Gentlemen, Captain Hammond having been detained longer than we expected, furnishes us with an opportunity of giving you the information we have since our last received from the army, through a commit- ARTHUR LEE. 293 tee of congress left at Philadelphia ; for we have yet no reg ular account from General Washington. On the second instant, General Washington having received information that the enemy were on their inarch to attack him at Trenton, ordered two brigades of militia to advance and annoy them on the road leading from Princeton to Tren ton, who falling in with the enemy about three miles from the latter place, engaged them ; but being over powered by numbers, made a retreating fight, until they joined the main body, who were drawn up on the heights, west of a bridge that divides the village of Trenton near ly in two parts. The enemy attempting to force the bridge, were repulsed with loss by a body of men with ar tillery, placed there to receive them. In the mean time, some batteries being opened on the heights, soon drove the enemy from that part of the town possessed by them. Thus the affair ended for that evening. But General Washington having received intelligence that Gen. Howe was in person coming up to join his army with a strong re-inforcement, directed fires to be made on the heights to deceive the enemy, decamped at midnight, and made a forced inarch in order to meet Gen. Howe and give him battle before he joined his main body. About three miles short of Princeton, the van of our army fell in with 600 British infantry, strongly posted behind a fence, and upon a hill, with artillery. They were attacked, and after a smart engagement routed, having lost 280, killed and taken prisoners ; among whom one colonel, one major, several captains and subalterns were slain, and about 20 officers made prisoners. The fugitives were pursued through Princeton, where our army halted a while. In this affair six pieces of artillery with abun dance of baggage fell into our hands. At Princeton it was learnt that General Howe was not with this party, but that he remained at Brunswick with three or four thousand men. There being a considerable force in the rear, and our men being greatly fatigued with their march, and their baggage chiefly left behind, (it having been sent to Burlington) the general proceeded to Som erset court-house that evening, a little westward of the 294 LIFE OF road leading to Brunswick, and about seven or nine miles from that place. Here we understand he expected to be joined by a body of 1500 or 2000 fresh troops, and that his intention was to attack Gen. Howe in Brunswick. On Friday morning, when the enemy at Trenton missed our army, they returned towards Princeton ; but it seems they left three thousand Hessians behind them, who fol lowing afterwards were so fatigued with travelling and want of food, that numbers were left on the road, and were straggling about the country in threes and fours. Many were taken by the country people and brought in prisoners ; many came to Trenton and surrendered them selves. The militia of Jersey were rising generally, and it was thought fe\v of these Hessians would get back again. This is the present state of our information, and we hourly expect a well authenticated account of the whole, and of much greater successes. We shall en deavour to give you the speediest account of what shall farther come to our knowledge from good authority. The above relation is taken from a gentleman who was in the action, and who, the committee inform us is a gen tleman of sense and honour. The general has been too much engaged to write, and we suppose waits the final issue. We most earnestly wish you success in your ne gotiations, and are with perfect esteem, honourable gen tlemen, your most obedient and very humble servants. BENJ. HARRISON, RICHARD HENRY LEE. In secret committee. P. S. In the engagement near Princeton we lost fif teen privates, one colonel, and brigadier general Mercer, a very good officer and a worthy gentleman. Passy, March 21, 1777. The above is a copy of the last letter., The preceding gives an account of the taking prisoners -three battalions of Hessians at Trenton, De cember 26, of which I suppose you have already seen the particulars. B. F." ARTHUR LEE. 295 "PHILADELPHIA, January 14, 1777. Honourable Gentlemen, I have the honour to enclose you herein a copy of two resolves of congress, passed the 19th and 29th November, by which the secret com mittee are directed to import two hundred and twenty- six brass cannon, and arms and equipage complete for three thousand horse. You will observe they are also directed to confer with the cannon committee as to how many they can provide here of the field pieces ; but we pay little regard to that point, well knowing they will not be able to procure proper metal for many of them. Therefore I must re quest in the name and on behalf of the secret com mittee, that you will contract immediately for these necessary supplies, and send them out to these states by various conveyances, as quick as possible. Indeed I hope you may procure some line of battle ships to come out with them, and then there will be little danger of their coming safe. I most sincerely hope the court of France may be disposed to favour all our views. That they will accommodate you with sufficient loans to pay for these and all other stores we want from Europe, for although we have plenty of valuable produce, that \vould soon provide you with ample funds, if we could get it exported safely, yet the difficulties and impediments we meet with will render it impossible to get it away half fast enough. Nothing in our power shall be left undone, and Mr. Morris will be ordered to supply you with money as fast as he receives it from the net proceeds of our con signments. I have the honour to be, with great esteem and re gard, honourable gentlemen, your most obedient humble servant, ROBERT MORRIS, Chairman of the secret committee of Congress. P. S. These resolves would have been sent long since, but our ports have been blocked up by the British men of war, and the confusion we were put in on the rapid march through the Jerseys and near approach to 296 LIFE OF this city by the enemy, has put it totally out of our power to forward any despatches for some time past. (Third copy.) R. M. The Honourable Benj. Franklin, Silas Deane and Arthur Lee, Esquires, Commissioners, fyc. Paris." " In Committee on Foreign Affairs. (Duplicate.) YORK-TOWN, PENN. Oct. 6th, 1777. Honourable Gentlemen, Since ours to you by return of the packet from New-Hampshire, and duplicates by Mr. McCreary from Maryland, we have not written: nor have we received any of your favours during the last two months, except a letter of old date, (April 29th) signed by Mr. Deane and Doctor Lee. Capt. Hammond being not yet arrived, although he sailed in April, it is too pro bable that he has either fallen into the hands of the ene my, or miscarried at sea. Two reasons have prevented us from writing hitherto; because from your assurances we had room to expect a monthly packet, and because the progressive state of the war gave us room to look daily for some more decisive event than had happened, and which might w r arrant the expense of a particular packet ; as the casual conveyance by merchant vessels is almost entirely stopped by the number and vigilance of British cruisers. We shall now give you an accurate detail of the war in the northern and middle departments, where alone it has raged since our last. You were before apprized of the evacuation of Ticonderoga, and the retreat of our army from thence towards Albany. Gen. Burgoyne was rapid in pursuit of his successes, and pressed quickly on as far as Fort Edward, near Hudson River, about twenty miles above Albany. Here his progress was interrupted by the American army, which halted and was reinforced a little below him. This circumstance with the follow ing events have continued that interruption, and bid fair to render abortive at least, the great advantages expected by our enemies from their first successes on the lakes. The better to effect his purpose Gen. Burgoyne had de tached Gen. St. Leger, with a body of regular troops, ARTHUR LEE. 297 Canadians and Indians, by the Oneida Lake and Wood Creek, to take Fort Schuyler, (formerly Stanwix) and to make an impression along Mohawk River. This part of the plan has been totally defeated by the bravery of Gen. Herkirner, with the Tryon County militia, and by the gallant defence of Fort Schuyler, by Col. Gansevort and Lt. Col. Willet. The former of these met the enemy in the field, defeated them, and killed a great number of their Indian allies. This defeat being obtained by mili tia, they dispersed as usual and left the enemy to collect and lay siege to Fort Schuyler, which was defended with great gallantry by the two officers above mentioned, un til the approach of Gen. Arnold with a body of troops occasioned the enemy to raise the siege of that fortress, and to retreat with great precipitation, leaving their bag gage, ammunition, provisions, and some artillery, which fell into our hands. Another body of troops was detach ed by Gen. Burgoyne, under command of Lieut. Col. Baum, to the eastward, for the purpose of collecting horses to mount the troopers, provisions and teams for the use of the army. This detachment was met, attack ed, and defeated, by the brave Gen. Stark and the New- Hampshire militia, at a place called Bennington, now rendered famous by the total overthrow of 1500 regular troops, (posted behind works and fortified with cannon) by 2000 militia. The two wings of Gen. Burgoyne being thus cut off, his body remained inactive until the 19th of last month, when he moved on to attack Gen. Gates, who commands the northern army, and was well posted at the heights above Bekmus s. The consequence of this attack you will see related by Gen. Gates himself among the enclosed, as well as the account of our successes in the rear of the enemy on the lakes George and Cham- plain, by Col. Brown, who had been detached for the purpose by Gen. Lincoln, who is also in Gen. Burgoyne s rear with a strong body of troops. Our enemy being thus surrounded on all sides, with little prospect of safe retreat, and a strong army in front, growing stronger every day by reinforcements, we hope ere long to be able to give you information of definitive success over the British VOL. i. 38 298 LIFE OF army in that quarter. An aid of Gen. Gates, who brought these last accounts, tells us that by the concurring testi mony of prisoners, deserters, and our own people who have escaped from the enemy, their loss could not be less than 1000 or 1200 men in killed, wounded, and missing; and that Gen. Burgoyne himself was wounded in the shoulder by a rifle ball. In the middle department the war has been less favour able to us, as you will see by what follows. About the middle of August the British fleet appeared in Chesa peake Bay, and landed Gen. Howe s army at the head of Elk, about 50 miles from Philadelphia. Gen. Wash ington s army, which had crossed the Delaware on the embarkation of the British troops, and the appearance of the fleet off the capes of that river, now proceeded to meet the enemy, and came up with them near Wilming ton. After various skirmishes and manoeuvres, a general engagement took place at Chad s Ford over the Brandy- wine, on the llth of Sept. last. This battle terminated in leaving the enemy in possession of the field, with nine pieces of our artillery. Our loss in killed, wounded, and missing, did not exceed 600 ; that of the enemy, as far as we have been able to receive information, was near 2000. An orderly book taken from them since the bat tle, makes it 1900. Gen. Washington retreated across the Schuylkill, and having refreshed his army, recrossed that river in two days after the former battle, with the design to attack the enemy, who had remained close by the field of action until he came up with them again. To be bet ter prepared for battle, and to be guarded against the con sequences of a defeat, our army marched without baggage, and left their tents behind. In this situation, and just in the moment of beginning an attack upon the enemy, a heavy, long continued, and cold rain, with high wind, came on, and prevented it. The ammunition in the cartridge-boxes was all rendered unfit for use, the arms were injured, and the troops a good deal hurt and dispir ited. In these circumstances it became necessary to re tire from before the enemy to a place of safety, in order to clean the arms, replace the cartridges, and refresh the ARTHUR LEE, 299 men. The enemy were also without tents ; but they have good blankets, are better clothed than our men, and have tin receptacles to keep dry their cartridges. Gen. Howe, judging of our situation, put his army in motion, and endeavoured to distress us by marches, counter-march es, and frequent shows of designing to give battle. After a variety of manoeuvres, the enemy crossed Schuylkill below our troops, and marching to Philadelphia, have possessed themselves of that city. Gen. Washington having rested and refreshed his troops, and being reinforced, is now moving towards the ene my. This unfavourable rain has injured our affairs con siderably, by having thrown a number of our men into hospitals, and by the distress and embarrassment of our army consequent thereupon ; however, they are recover ing again, and we hope ere long to give Gen. Howe reason to repent his possession of Philadelphia. The real injury to America from the loss of that city, is not so great as some are apt at first view to imagine, unless the report and misconception of this matter in Europe should too much dispirit our friends and inspirit our ene mies. But we rely on your careful and just representation of it, to prevent the ill impressions it may otherwise make. When this contest first began, we foresaw the probability of losing our great towns on the water, and so expressly told our enemies in the address of the first congress ; but we are blest with an extensive sea-coast, by which we can convey and receive benefits independent of any particular spot : and it is far from being clear to us that the enemy will be able to hold Philadelphia, as we are yet masters of the Delaware below, and have hopes of keeping it, so as to prevent the British fleet from getting up to the city. Should this be the case, Gen. Howe s visit cannot be of long duration. You say that " the vessels of the United States will be received at the Havannah as those of France, the most favoured nation." We wish to be informed whether all North American products may be carried thither, or pri zes taken to and disposed of in that port, or any other of 300 LIFE OF his Catholic majesty in America. You likewise mention a late draught of the Mississippi, taken for the govern ment of Great Britain. We are desirous of being fur nished with a copy. It is with pleasure we read your assurance of sending the soldiers clothing, and other arti cles for the army, in time to meet the approaching cold season. They will be greatly wanted. As the degree of success the enemy have met with this year will proba bly support the hopes of a vindictive court, and occasion the straining of every nerve for the accomplishment of its tyrannic views, we doubt not your most strenuous ex ertions to prevent GreatBritain from obtaining Prussian or German auxiliaries for the next campaign ; and we think with you that it is an object of great importance to cul tivate and secure the friendship of his Prussian majesty, as well for preventing that evil, as for obtaining his pub lic recognition of our independence, and leave of his ports for the purposes of commerce, and disposal of pri zes. The original papers which you mention in a tripli cate to have sent, never came to hand ; so that we are able only to conjecture the disposition of that monarch. The marine force of the enemy is so considerable in these seas, and so over-proportionate to our infant navy, that it seems necessary and wise to send our ships to distress the commerce of our enemies in other parts of the world. For this purpose the marine committee have already or dered some vessels to France, under your direction as to their future operations, and we expect more will be sent. But our frigates are not capable of carrying much bulky commodity for commercial purposes, without unfitting them for war ; besides, the consideration of our being obliged to get them away how and when w r e can, or en danger their being taken, prevents our sending them to those staple colonies, where the commodities wanted are to be obtained. The reciprocal benefits of commerce cannot flow from or to North America, until some mari time power in Europe will aid our cause with marine strength. And this circumstance gives us pain, lest it should be judged unwillingness on our part to pay our debts, when the truth is we have the greatest desire of ARTHUR LEE. 301 doing so, have materials in abundance, but not the pow er of conveying them. This leads us to reflect on the great advantages that must unavoidably accrue to all parties, if France and Spain were to afford effectual aid on the sea by loan or sale of ships of war, according to the former propositions of congress ; or if the Farmers General could be prevail ed upon to receive in America, the tobacco or other pro ducts of this northern continent which France may want. We are gentlemen, your very humble servants, JNO. WlTHERSPOON, BENJ. HARRISON, RICHARD HENRY LEE, JAMES LOVELL, THOMAS HEYWARD, Jun. Hon. Messrs. Franklin, Deane, and Lee. P. S. Oct. 9th. On the 4th an engagement be tween the two armies took place near Germantown ; the circumstances of which may be known by the en closed papers numbered 6, 7, 8." " In Committee for Foreign Affairs. YORK-TOWN, May 14th, 1778. Sir, Your several favours of Oct. 6th, Nov. 27th, and Dec. 8th, were delivered to us on the 2nd inst, the de spatches by Mr. Deane and those by Capt. Young arriv ing the same day. We had before received your short letter of the 1st of June, but are yet without that of the 29th of July, in which you had informed us at large of your proceedings in Prussia. Its contents would have proved highly agreeable to us in those months, when we were quite uninformed of the proceedings and prospects of your colleagues at Paris. Impressed with a sense of the value of the king of Prussia s " warmest wishes for our success," we give assurances of equal wishes in con gress for that monarch s prosperity. We have little doubt of open testimonies of his majesty s friendship in con sequence of the late decision of the king of France. Your information in regard to our connexion with the fictitious house of Roderique, Hortales, and Co. is more 309 LIFE OF explicit than any we had before received ; but we farther expect that all mystery should be removed ; surely there cannot now be occasion for any, if there ever was for half that which is past. Our commercial transactions will very speedily be put under the direction of a board, consisting of persons not members of congress ; it being impracticable for the same men to conduct the deliberative and executive business of the continent now, in its great increase. It has been next to impossible to make remittances for many months from the staple colonies, their coasts having been constantly infested by numerous and strong cruisers of the enemy. We hope the alliance of maritime powers with us will remove our embarrassment, and give us op portunity to carry into effect our hearty wishes to main tain the fairest commercial reputation. There will be great impropriety in our making a dif ferent settlement for the supplies received from Spain from those received from France. We are greatly obliged to the friends who have exerted themselves for our relief, and we wish you to signify our gratitude upon every proper opportunity. But having promised to make remittances to the house of Hortales &L Co. for the prime cost, charges, interest, and usual mercantile commission upon whatever is justly due to that house, we must keep the same line with Messrs. Gardoqui. On the one hand we would not willingly give disgust by slighting princely generosity, nor on the other submit to unnecessary obli gations. The unanimity with which congress has ratified the treaties with France, and the general glad acceptance of the alliance by the people of these states, must shock Great Britain, who seems to have thought that no cruel ty from her would destroy our former great partiality in her favour. What plan she will adopt in consequence of her disappointment, time only can discover. But we shall aim to be in a posture either to negotiate honour able peace, or continue this just war. We stand in need of the advice and assistance of all our friends in the matter of finance, as the quality of ARTHUR LEE. 803 our paper money, necessarily emitted, has produced a depreciation which will be ruinous, if not speedily check ed. We have encouraging accounts of the temper of the Hollanders of late, and expect we may find relief from that quarter among others. A few weeks, if not a few days, must produce fruitful subjects for another letter, when we shall, in our line of duty, renew our assurances of being with great regard, sir, your affectionate humble servants. RICHARD HENRY LEE, JAMES LOVELL, ROBERT MORRIS." u ln congress, May 7th, 1778, Resolved, that the com missioners appointed for the courts of Spain, Tuscany, Vienna and Berlin, should live in such style and man ner at their respective courts as they may find suita ble and necessary to support the dignity of their public character, keeping an account of their expenses, which shall be reimbursed by the congress of the United States of America. That besides the actual expenses of the commissioners, a handsome allowance be made to each of them as a com pensation for his services. That the commissioners at the other ceurts in Europe be empowered to draw bills of exchange, from time to time, for the amount of their expenses, upon the com missioners at the court of France. May 9th, 1778. Whereas there are more captains in the navy than there are ships provided for them, Ordered, that the committee for foreign affairs be di rected to write to the commissioners of the United States at foreign courts, and inform them that congress expect they will not recommend any foreign sea officers, nor give any of them the least expectation of being employed as captains in the navy of the United States. Extract from the minutes. CHARLES THOMPSON, Jun." 304 LIFE OF " In Committee for Foreign Affairs. YORK-TOWN, May 14, 1778. Our affairs have now a universally good appearance. Every thing at home and abroad seems verging towards a happy and permanent period. We are preparing for either war or peace ; for although we are fully persuad ed that our enemies are weaned, beaten and in des pair, yet we shall not presume too much on that belief, and the rather, as it is our fixed determination to admit no terms of peace but such as are fully in character with the dignity of independent states, and consistent with the spirit and intention of our alliances on the continent of Europe. We believe, and with great reason too, that the honour and fortitude of America have been rendered suspicious by the arts, intrigues, and specious misrepresentations of our enemies. Every proceeding and policy of ours has been tortured to give some possible colouring to their as sertions of a doubtful disposition in America, as to her final perseverance in maintaining her independence ; and perhaps the speeches of several of the ministry in both houses of the British parliament, who seem to persist in the possibility of a reconciliation, might contribute to wards that suspicion. We at this time feel ourselves ex ceedingly happy in being able to show, from the accident al arrangement of circumstances, such as we could have neither the policy to foresee, nor power to alter, that the disposition of America on that head was fixed and final. For a proof of which we desire your attention to the fol lowing. The English ministry appear to have been very indus trious in getting their two conciliatory bills (even before they had been read once) over to America, as soon as possible, the reason of which haste we did not then fore see ; but the arrival of jour despatches since, with the treaties, have unriddled the affair. General Howe was equally industrious in circulating them by his emis saries, through the country. Mr. Try on at New- York did the same, and both these gentlemen sent them, under sanction of a flag, to General Washington, who immedi- ARTHUR LEE. 305 ately sent the first he received to congress. Mr. Tryon s letter, which covered them, and General Washington s answer thereto, you will find in Hall s & Sellers Ga zette, printed at Yorktown 2d May. Those bills are truly unworthy the attention of any body ; but lest the silence of congress should be misun derstood or furnish the enemy with new ground for false insinuation, they were instantly referred to a committee of congress, whose judicious and spirited report was unanimously approved by the house April 22d, and pub lished and circulated through the several states with all possible expedition. The despatches in charge of Mr. Deane did not arrive till the second of May, ten days after the reports were published ; and his expedition in bringing the despatches to congress prevented any intelligence arriving before him. Enclosed are the reports referred to, to which we recommend your attention in making them as public as possible in Europe, prefacing them with such an explan atory detail of circumstances as shall have a tendency to place the politics of America on the firm basis of national honour, integrity and fortitude. We admire the true wisdom and dignity of the court of France in her part of the construction and ratification of those treaties ; they have a powerful and effectual tendency to dissolve that narrowness of mind, which mankind have been too unhappily bred up in. In those treaties, we see the politician founded on the philosopher, and harmony of affection made the ground-work of mutu al interest. France, by her open candour, has won us more powerfully than any reserved treaties could possi bly bind us, and at a happy juncture of times and circum stances, laid the seeds of an eternal friendship. It is from an anxiety of preserving inviolate this cordial union, so happily begun, that we desire your attention to the eleventh and twelfth articles of the treaties of amity and commerce. The unreserved confidence of congress in the good disposition of the court of France will suffi ciently appear by their having unanimously ratified those treaties, and then trusted any alteration or amendment to VOL. i. 39 306 LIFE OF mutual concession afterwards. We are apprehensive that the general and extensive tenour of the twelfth ar ticle may in future be misunderstood, or rendered incon venient or impracticable ; and in the end become detri mental to that friendship we wish ever to exist. To prevent which, you will herewith receive instructions and authority for giving up on our part the whole of the eleventh article, proposing it as a condition to the court of France, that they on their part give up the whole of the twelfth article, those two being intended as recipro cal balances to each other. It is exceedingly distressing to congress to hear of misconduct in any of the commanders of armed vessels under the American flag. Every authentic information you can give on this head will be strictly attended to, and every means taken to punish the offenders, and make reparation to the sufferers. The chief consolation we find in this disagreeable business, is that the most expe rienced states have not always been able to restrain the vices and irregularities of individuals. Congress has published a proclamation for the more effectually sup pressing and punishing such practices ; but we are rather inclined to hope, that as the line of connexion and friend ship is now clearly marked, and the minds of the seamen relieved thereby from that unexplainable mystery respect ing their real prizes, which before embarrassed them, that such irregularities will be less frequent, or totally cease, to which end the magnificent generosity of the court of France to the owners of the prizes, which for " reasons of state" had been given up, will happily con tribute. We are gentlemen, your obedient humble ser vants. RICHARD HENRY LEE, JAMES LOVELL. The Honourable Commissioners at Parish " In Committee for Foreign Affairs. YORKTOWN, May 15, 1778. Gentlemen, Your pressing request for 5000 hhds. of tobacco, is a matter as embarrassing to congress as to ARTHUR LEE. 307 yourselves. Their anxiety to get it to you is as great as yours to receive it. We have already lost considera ble quantities in the attempt ; and thereby furnished our enemies gratis with what was designed to discharge your contracts with, and promote the interests and commerce of our friends. We request your particular attention to this information. It is a matter of the highest moment to our allies as well as to ourselves. In the present state of things, it is very probable that England will not. in terrupt the trade of France in her own bottoms, and our desire is, as well for her benefit as ours, that France would open the trade from her own ports, so that the in tentional advantages of the treaties may fully operate to both countries. We need not enlarge on this head, as your own discernment and judgment will furnish you with all the reasons necessary therefor. In addition to what is mentioned in our letter No. , respecting the 1 1th and 12th articles, we observe, that the 12th is capable of an interpretation and misuse, which was probably not thought of at the time of constructing it, which is, that it opens a door for all or a great part of the trade of America to be carried through the French O islands to Europe, and puts all future regulations out of our power, either of imposts or prohibitions, which, though we might never find it our interest to use, yet it is the keeping those in our power, that may hereafter enable us to preserve equality with, and regulate the im posts of tl^e countries we trade with. The general trade of France is not under the like restriction ; every article on our part being staked against the single article of molasses on theirs. Therefore congress thinks it more liberal and consistent that both articles should be ex punged. We have no material military transaction to acquaint you with. The enemy yet remain in Philadelphia, but some late movements make it probable they will not stay long. Our army is yet at the Valley Forge. The enemy through the course of the winter have carried on a low, pitiful, and disgraceful kind of war against individu als, whom they have picked up by sending out little par- 308 LIFE OF ties for that purpose, and revengefully burning several of their houses. Yet all this militates against themselves, by keeping up an inflammable indignity in the country towards them ; and on the whole we know not which most to wonder at, their folly in making us hate them af ter their inability for conquest and desire of peace are confessed, or their scandalous barbarity in expressing their resentments. You will see gentlemen, by the contract which the commercial committee has signed with the agent of Mr. Beaumarchais, that congress was desirous of keeping a middle course, so as not to appear to slight any determin ed generosity of the French court, and at the same time to show a promptness to discharge honourably the debts which may be justly charged against these states by any persons. We depend upon you to explain the affair fully, as you seem to make a distinction between the military stores and the other invoices, while no such dis tinction appears in the letters of Mr. Deane and Mr. Beaumarchais. In short we are rather more undetermin ed by your late despatches than we were by your long si lence. Congress being at this time deeply engaged in a vari ety of pressing business, and the foreign committee thin of members, you will be pleased to excuse us from be ing more particular in our answer to your several de spatches, as well as in our information of the state of our affairs. We are gentlemen your very humble servants, RICHARD HENRY LEE, JAMES LOVELL. To the Commissioners at Paris. P. S. You will see what we have written to Mr. Du mas, and you will point out to us what will be our line of honour to him and justice to these states." " In Committee for Foreign Affairs. YORK-TOWN, PEKTN. June 21, 1778. Gentlemen, The British commissioners have arrived and transmitted their powers and propositions to congress, ARTHUR LEE. 309 which have received the answer you will see in the Penn sylvania Gazette of the 20th instant. On the 18th of this month Gen. Clinton, with the British army (now under his command) abandoned Phila delphia, and the city is in possession of our troops. The enemy crossed into Jersey, but whether with design to push for Amboy, or to embark below Bordentown on the Delaware, is yet uncertain. Gen. Washington has put his army in motion, and is following the enemy into Jersey. There has arrived here a Mr. Holker from France, who has presented a paper to congress declaring that he comes with a verbal message to congress from the min ister of France, touching our treating with Great Britain, and some other particulars, W 7 hich for want of his paper we cannot at present enumerate. The style of his pa per is, as from the representative of the court, but he has no authentic voucher of his mission for the delivery of this verbal message. We desire of you gentlemen to give us the most exact information in your power con cerning the authenticity of Mr. Holker s mission for this purpose. We are gentlemen, with esteem and regard, your most obedient and very humble servants, RICHARD HENRY LEE, Signed, THOS. HEYWARD, jr. JAMES LOVELL." " PHILADELPHIA, July 16th, 1779. Sir, Two days ago several of your letters came to hand, the latest being of April 6th. It is much to be regretted that this one in particular did not earlier ar rive. One copy of its contents was sent immediately to Gen. Washington, and another to Governor Trumbull, but alas, too late ! Fairfield had been destroyed by the fire of the enemy. We are mistaken however if that enemy does not find the unprofitableness of this kind of warfare to wards their main purpose. America must be dead in deed to all proper spirit, if such doings will not render 310 LIFE OF her both vigilant and active as in the beginning of the contest. It is matter of much conjecture why you have not been able for some months back to give us interesting accounts from Spain ; all we know is through Mr. Ge rard. We have sent so many sets of the journals of con gress that you will doubtless get one. They are chiefly directed to Dr. Franklin. You will find the parts in which you are personally interested to be under the fol lowing dates. April 6, 15, 20, 21, 22, 26, 28, 30; May 3, 22, 24, 25, 27 ; June H. We shall speedily write again. In the mean time be assured that we are with much regard sir, your humble servants, JAMES LOVELL, For the committee. Hon. Arthur Lee, Esq." "PARIS, Feb. 6th, 1777. Gentlemen, Since our last, a copy of which is en closed, Mr. Hodge arrived here from Martinique, and has brought safely the papers he was charged with. He had a long passage and was near being starved. We are about to employ him in a service pointed out by you at Dunkirk or Flushing. He has delivered us three sets of the papers we wanted. But we shall want more, and beg you will not fail to send them by several opportu nities. A private company has been just formed here for the importation of tobacco, who have made such proposals to the Farmers General as induced them to suspend the signing of their agreement with us, though the terms had been settled and the writings drawn. It seems now un certain whether it will be revived or not. The com pany have offered to export such goods as we should advise, and we have given them a list of those most wanted. But so changeable are minds here, on occa sion of news good or bad, that one cannot be sure that even this company will proceed. With an universal good will to our cause and country apparent in all com- ARTHUR LEE. 81 panics, there is mixed an universal apprehension that we shall be reduced to submission, which often chills the purpose of serving us. The want of intelligence from America and the im possibility of contradicting by that means the false news spread here and all over Europe by the enemy, has a bad effect on the minds of many who would adventure in trade to our ports, as well as on the conduct of the several governments of Europe. It is now more than three months since our B. F. left Philadelphia, and we have not received a single letter of later date, Mr. Hodge having left that place before him. We are about pur chasing some cutters, to be employed as packets. In the first we despatch we shall write more particularly concerning our proceedings here than by these merchant ships we can venture to do ; for the orders given to sink letters are not well executed. One of our vessels was lately carried into Gibraltar, being taken by an Eng lish man-of-war, and we hear there were letters for us which the captain, just as he was boarded, threw out of the cabin window, which floating on the water were taken up ; and a sloop despatched with them to London. We also just now hear from London through the minis try here, that another of our ships is carried into Bristol by the crew, who consisted of eight American seamen with eight English ; four of the Americans being sick the other four were overpowered by the eight English, and carried in as aforesaid ; the letters were despatched to court. From London they write to us that a body of 10,000 men, chiefly Germans, are to go out this spring, under the command of Gen. Burgoyne for the invasion of Vir ginia and Maryland. The opinion of this court founded on their advices from Germany, is that such a number can by no means be obtained. But you will be on your guard. The Amphitrite and the Seine from Havre, and the Mercury from Nantes are all now at sea, laden with arms, ammunition, brass field-pieces, and stores, clothing, canvass, &c., which if they safely arrive, will put you in 312 LIFE OF a much better condition for the next campaign than you were the last. Some excellent engineers and officers of artillery will also be with you pretty early. Also some few for the cavalry ; officers of infantry of all ranks have offered themselves without number. It is quite a busi ness to receive their applications and refuse them. Many have gone over at their own expense, contrary to our ad vice ; to some few of those who were well recommend ed, we have given letters of introduction. The conduct of our general in avoiding a decisive action, is much applauded by the military people here, particularly Marshals Maillebois, Broglio, and d Arcy. M. Maillebois has taken the pains to write his senti ments of some particulars useful in carrying on our war, which we send enclosed. But that which makes the greatest impression in our favour here is the prodigious success of our armed ships and privateers. The damage we have done their West India trade has been estimated in a representation to Lord Sandwich by the merchants of London at 1,800,000 sterling, which has raised in surance to 28 per cent., being higher than at any time in the last war with France and Spain. This mode of exerting our force against them should be pushed with vigour. It is that in which we can most sensibly hurt them. And to secure a continuance of it we think one or two of the engineers we send over may be usefully employed in making some of our ports impregnable. As we are well informed that a number of cutters are build ing to cruise in the West Indies against our small priva teers it may not be amiss, we think, to send your larger vessels thither, and ply in other quarters with the small ones. A fresh misunderstanding between the Turks and Russia is likely to give so much employment to the troops of the latter, as that England can hardly expect to obtain any of them. Her malice against us, is how ever so high at present that she would stick at no ex pense to gratify it. The New-England colonies are ac cording to our best information destined to destruction, ARTHUR LEE. 313 and the rest to slavery under a military government. But the Governor of the world sets bounds to the rage of men as well as to that of the ocean. Finding that our residence here together is nearly as expensive as if we were separate ; and having reason to believe that one of us might be useful in Madrid, and an other in Holland, and some courts further northward, we have agreed that Mr. Lee go to Spain, and either Mr. Deane or myself to the Hague. Mr. Lee sets out to morrow, having obtained passports and a letter from the Spanish ambassador here to the minister there. The journey to Holland will not take place so soon. The particular purposes of these journeys we cannot prudent ly now explain. It is proper we should acquaint you with the behav iour of one Nicholas Davis, who came to us here pre tending to have served as an officer in India, to be orig inally from Boston, and desirous of returning to act in defence of his country, but through the loss of some effects coming to him from Jamaica, and taken by our privateers, unable to defray the expense of his passage. We furnished him with thirty louis, which was fully suffi cient ; but at Havre just before he sailed, he took the liberty of drawing on us for near forty more, which we have been obliged to pay. As in order to obtain that credit he was guilty of several falsehoods, we now doubt his ever having been an officer at all. We send his note and draught, and hope you will take proper care of him. He says his father was a clergyman in Jamaica. He went in the Seine and took charge of two blankets for M. Morris. We hope your union continues firm, and the courage of our countrymen unabated. England begins to be very jealous of this court, and we think with some reason. We have the honour to be with sincere esteem gen tlemen, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, SILAS DEANE, ARTHUR LEE. The Hon ble the Secret Committee. True copy, examined. W. T. FRANKLIN." VOL. i. 40 314 LIFE OF " PARIS, April 28th, 1777. Gentlemen, We wrote to you pretty fully on the state of affairs here in ours of the 12th of March and 19th of this month, since which there has been little alteration. There is yet no certainty of a sudden de claration of war, but the preparations go on vigorously both here and in Spain, the armies of France drawing towards the sea coasts, and those of Spain to the frontiers of Portugal, and their fleets fitting in the ports ; but the court still gives assurances of peace to the British am bassador, the nation in general all the while calling out for war. We have received the resolution of congress of Feb. 5th for sending over a great quantity of clothing upon the credit of the states, in case we cannot borrow money of the government to pay for them. We wrote before that the loan proposed was at present impracticable ; and we have not yet received the credit we expected from Spain ; the arms we have bought, ships building, and the brass cannon ordered will demand great sums ; but as we shall receive a payment from the Farmers Gen eral next month, and hope you will be very diligent in sending remittances, we shall go as far upon our credit as it can carry us, in sending the clothing required. Flints sufficient we apprehend are already gone. We have according to orders, notified the several courts of the intention of congress to send ministers to them ; and delivered a remonstrance to the Portuguese ambas sador concerning the proceeding of that court. As the minister for Prussia may not soon arrive, and that court has shown a disposition to treat, by entering into a cor respondence with us, we have thought it might be well that one of us should visit it immediately to improve its present good dispositions, and obtain if possible, the priv ilege of their ports to trade and fit ships in and to sell our prizes. Mr. Lee has readily undertaken this journey, and will soon set out for Berlin with Mr. Carmichael, who has already been there and paved the way, and ARTHUR LEE. 315 whom we recommend to congress as a faithful, service able man that ought to be encouraged. We have the honour to be, &c. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, SILAS DEANE, ARTHUR LEE. To the Hon ble the Secret Committee." Dr. Franklin believes there was some addition mad e to this letter before it was sent, but is not certain. W. T. F. " PASST, near PARIS, Sept. 6th, 1777. Gentlemen, It is long since we had a line from you, the last received being of the date of . We sup pose the same causes have occasioned your hearing so seldom from us ; the difficulty of finding safe convey ances, and sometimes the loss of the despatches by the way. Mr. Lee informs you, we suppose, of his negotiations in Prussia, and of his safe return hither. There appears in that, as well as in every other country in Europe a disposition to share in our commerce and to oblige us, as far as may be done without oifending England. We have numbers of letters from eminent houses there, pro posing to furnish us with a variety of commodities at rea sonable rates, to be received by us in Europe and paid for here. We advise them to send their goods in their own ships, and protect their own trade to and from our coasts. We enclose you a copy of the memorial we sent to Portugal, to which we have yet received no answer. That court has been lately much employed in adjusting its differences with Spain, which it is said are now nearly all accommodated, and that they will accede to the fam ily compact. This court continues the same conduct that it has held ever since our arrival. It professes to England a resolu tion to observe all treaties, and proves it by restoring prizes too openly brought into their ports ; imprisoning such persons as are found to be concerned in fitting out 316 LIFE OF armed vessels against England from France ; warning frequently those from America to depart, and repeating orders against the exportation of warlike stores. To us it privately professes a real friendship, wishes success to our cause, winks at the supplies we obtain here as much as it can, without giving open grounds of complaint to England, privately affords us very essential aids, .and goes on preparing for war. How long these two parts will continue to be acted at the same time, and which will finally predominate, may be a question. As it is the true interest of France to prevent our being re-annexed to Britain, that the British power may be diminished, and the French commerce augmented, we are inclined to believe the sincerity is towards us ; more especially as the universal bent of the nation is manifestly in our favour. Their not having yet commenced a war, is ac counted for by various reasons : the treaties subsisting among the powers of Europe, by which they are obliged to aid those attacked more than those attacking, which it is supposed will make some difference ; the not being fully prepared ; the absence of their seamen in the fish ery and West Indies ; and the treasure expected from New Spain, with the sugars from the islands, have all, it is said, hitherto contributed to restrain the national desire of a breach with England, in which her trouble some power may be reduced, the wealth and strength of France increased, and some satisfaction obtained for the injuries received in the unfair commencement of the last war. England too is extremely exasperated at the sight of her lost commerce enjoyed by France, the favour our armed vessels have met with here, and the distress of their remaining trade by our cruisers, even on their own coasts ; and yet she seems afraid of beginning a war with this country and Spain together, while she has our war upon her hands. In such a situation, some accident may probably bring on a war sooner than desired by either party. In the mean time, perhaps the delay may have this good effect for us, that enjoying the whole harvest of plunder upon the British commerce, which otherwise France and Spain would divide with us, our infant naval ARTHUR LEE. 317 power finds such plentiful nourishment as has increased and must increase its growth and strength most marvel lously. It gave us great joy to hear of the arrival of the Mer cury, Amphitrite, and other vessels carrying supplies. Another ship with a similar cargo, which had long been detained at Marseilles, we hope will soon arrive with you. We hope also that you will receive between twen ty and thirty thousand suits of clothes before winter, and from time to time quantities of new and good arms, which we are purchasing in different parts of Europe. But we must desire you to remember that we are, thus far, disappointed in your promises of remittance, either by the difficulties you find in shipping, or by captures, and that though far short of completing your orders, we are in danger of being greatly embarrassed by debts, of failing in performance of our contracts, and losing our credit, with that of the congress. For though we have received three quarterly payments of the two millions of livres formerly mentioned to you, and expect the last next month, our contracts go beyond ; and we must re serve the continuance of that aid for the purpose it was promised, to answer your draughts for interest, if that proposal of ours has been adopted. Particularly we beg you will attend to the affair of tobacco for the Farmers General, with whom we have contracted to supply 5000 hogsheads, for which they have advanced us one million livres in ready money, and are to pay the rest on delive ry, as we formerly advised you. Your vigorous exertions in these matters are the more necessary, as during the apparent or supposed uncertainty of our affairs, the loan we were directed to obtain of two millions sterling, has hitherto been judged impracticable. But if the present campaign should end favourably for us, perhaps we may be able to accomplish it another year, as some jealousy begins to be entertained of the English funds by the Dutch and other moneyed people of Europe, to the in crease of which jealousy we hope a paper we have drawn up (a copy whereof we enclose) may in some degree contribute, when made public. 318 LIFE OP Mr. Deane has written fully to you on the effect our cruisers have had on the coast and commerce of Britain, which makes our saying much on that head unnecessary. We cannot, however, omit this opportunity of expressing our satisfaction in the conduct of the captains, and of recommending them warmly to the congress. The os tensible letter and answer from and to the minister for foreign affairs, copies of which we enclose, will show the conduct which the court has thought and thinks itself at present obliged to hold with regard to our cruisers and their prizes, of which it seems fit some notice should be given to the several states. As the English goods cannot in foreign markets face those of the French or Dutch, loaded as they are with the high ensurance from which their competitors are ex empted ; it is certain the trade of Britain must diminish while she is at war with us, and the rest of Europe at peace. To evade this mischief, she now begins to make use of French bottoms ; but as we have yet no treaty with France, or any other power that gives to free ships the privilege of making free goods, we may weaken that project by taking the goods of our enemy wherever we find them, paying the freight. Arid it is imagined that the captains of the vessels so freighted, may by a little encouragement be prevailed on to facilitate the necessary discovery. Spain not having yet resolved to receive a minister from the congress, Mr. Franklin still remains here. She has, however, afforded the aids we formerly mentioned, and supplies of various articles have continued till lately to be sent, consigned to Mr. Gerry, much of which we hear, have safely arrived. We shall use our best endeav ours to obtain a continuance and increase of those aids. You will excuse our mentioning to you that our ex penses here are necessarily very great, though we live with as much frugality as our public character will per mit. Americans who escape from English prisons destitute of every thing, and others who need assist ance are continually calling upon us for it, and our funds ARTHUR LEE. 319 are very uncertain, having yet received but about 64,571 livres of what was allotted for our support by congress. The Horfble the Secret Committee." A true copy ; attest, W. T. FRANKLIN. " PASSY, near PARIS, Oct. 7th, 1777. Gentlemen, We received duly your despatches by Mr, McCrery and Capt. Young, dated May 20th and 30th, June 13th, 18th, and 26th, and July 2d. The intelligence they contain is very particular and satisfactory. It re joices us to be informed that unanimity continues to reign among the states, and that you have so good an opinion of your affairs, in which we join with you. We under stand that you have also written to us of later dates, by Capt. Holm. He is arrived at port L Orient, but being chased and nearly taken, he sunk his despatches. We are also of your sentiments with regard to the in terests of France and Spain respecting our independence, which interests we are persuaded they see as well as we, though particular present circumstances induce them to postpone the measures that are proper to secure those interests. They continue to hold the same conduct de scribed in our last, which went by Wickes and Johnson, a copy whereof we send herewith, as Johnson is unfortu nately taken ; we have lately presented an earnest me morial to both courts, stating the difficulties of our situa tion, and requesting that if they cannot immediately make a diversion in our favour, they would give a subsidy suffi cient to enable us to continue the war without them, or afford the states their advice and influence in making a good peace. Our present demand to enable us to fulfil your orders, is for about 8,000,000 livres. Couriers we understand are despatched with this memorial to Madrid, by both the ambassador of Spain and the minister here ; and we are desired to wait with patience the answer, as the two courts must act together. In the mean time they give us fresh assurances of their good will to our cause, and we have just received a fourth sum of 500,000 livres. But we are continually charged to keep the aids that are or maybe afforded us a dead secret even from the congress, 320 LIFE OF where they suppose England has some intelligence ; and they wish she may have no certain proofs to produce against them with the other powers of Europe. The apparent necessity of your being informed of the true state of your affairs, obliges us to dispense with this in junction ; but we entreat that the greatest care may be taken that no part of it shall transpire, nor of the assur ances we have received that no repayment will ever be required from us of what has been already given us, either in money or military stores. The great desire here seems to be that England should strike first, and not be able to give her allies a good reason. The total failure of re mittances from you for a long time past, has embarrassed us exceedingly; the contract we entered into for clothing and arms in expectation of those remittances, and which are now beginning to call for payment, distress us much, and we are in imminent danger of bankruptcy ; for all your agents are in the same situation, and they all recur to us to save their and your credit. We were obliged to discharge a debt of Merckles at Bourdeaux, amounting to about 5000 livres,to get that vessel away, and he now duns us every post for between 4 and 5000 sterling to disengage him in Holland, where he has purchased arms for you. With the same view of saving your credit Mr. Ross was furnished with 20,000 sterling to disentangle him. All the captains of your armed vessels come to us for their supplies, and we have not received a farthing of the produce of their prizes, as they are ordered into other hands. Mr. Hodge has had large sums of us. But to give you some idea for the present, till more perfect ac count can be rendered, of the demands upon us that we have paid, we enclose a sketch for your perusal; and shall only observe that we have refused no applica tion in which your credit appeared to be concerned, ex cept one from the creditors of a Mr. Ceronis, said to be your agent in Hispaniola, but of whom we had no know ledge; and we had reason to hope that you would have been equally ready to support our credit as we have been of yours, and from the same motives, the good of the public for whom we are all acting, the success of our ARTHUR LEE. 321 business depending considerably upon it. We are sorry therefore to find all the world acquainted here, that the commissioners from congress have not so much of your regard as to obtain the change of a single agent who dis graces us all. We say no more of this at present, con tenting ourselves with the consciousness that we recom mended that change from the purest motives, and that the necessity of it, and our uprightness in proposing it, will soon fully appear. Messrs. Guardoqui, at Bilboa, have sent several car goes of naval stores, cordage, sail-cloth, anchors, &c. for the public use, consigned to Elbridge Gerry, Esq. They complain that they have no acknowledgment from that gentleman of the goods being received, though they know the vessels arrived. We have excused it to them, on the supposition of his being absent at congress. We wish such acknowledgment may be made, accompanied with some expressions of gratitude towards those from whom the supplies came, without mentioning who they are sup posed to be. You mention the arrival of the Amphitrite and Mercury, but say nothing of the cargoes. Mr. Hodge is discharged from his imprisonment on our solicitation, and his papers restored to him. He was well treated while in the Bastile. The charge against him was, deceiving the government in fitting out Cunningham from Dunkirk, who was represented as going on some trading voyage, but as soon as he was out began a cruise on the British coast, and took six sail. He is now safe in Ferrol. We have received and delivered the commissions to Mr. W. Lee and Mr. Izard. No letters came with them for those gentlemen with information how they are to be supported on their stations. We suppose they write to you, and will acquaint you with their intentions. Some propositions are privately communicated to us, said to be on the part of Prussia, for forming a commer cial company at Embden. We shall put them into the hands of Mr. Lee. We do not see a probability of our obtaining a loan of the 2,000,000 sterling from any of the money holders in VOL. i. 41 322 LIFE OF Europe, till our affairs are in their opinion more firmly established ; what may be obtained from the two crowns either as loan or subsidy, we shall probably know on the return of the couriers, and we hope we shall be able to write more satisfactorily on those heads by Capt. Young, who will by that time be ready to return. With the greatest respect, we have the honour to be gentlemen, your most obedient humble servants, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, SILAS DEANE, ARTHUR LEE. To the Horfble the Secret Committee." (True copy.) Attest, W. T. FRANKLIN. " PASSY, Nov. 30th, 1777, Gentlemen, In a former letter we acquainted you that we had engaged an officer, one of the most skilful in naval affairs that this country possessed, to build us a frigate in Holland, on a new construction (draughts of which we sent you), and to go over in her to America and enter your sea service. The frigate is almost finished. She is very large, is to carry 30 twenty-four-pounders on one deck, and is supposed equal to a ship of the line. But the infinite difficulties we find in equipping and manning such a ship in any neutral port, under the re- trictions of treaties, together with the want of supplies from you, have induced us to sell her to the king, who by a large pension offered to our officer, has engaged him to remain in his service, and pays us what we have ex pended on her. We have built a small frigate at Nantes, which we hope to get away soon, laden with supplies of various sorts. We meet with difficulties too in shipping arms and ammunition in her, but hope they will be surmount ed. Several other vessels, some under the direction of Mr. Ross, others belonging to French merchants, are almost ready to sail for America, and we had thoughts of sending them in a little fleet under convoy of the Ra leigh and Alfred ; but on consultation, considering the spies maintained by England in all the ports, and thence the impossibility of making up such a fleet, without its ARTHUR LEE. 323 being known so as to give time for a superior force to lie in wait for it, we concluded the chance better, to send them off singly as they should be ready. In these ves sels are clothes ready made for 3,000 men, besides arms, cloths, linens, and naval stores to great amount, bought by us and Mr. Ross. The private adventures also will be very considerable. And as we shall continue our endeavours to complete your orders, we hope if the ships have common success in passing, you will be better pro vided for the next campaign than you have been for any of the preceding. How we are enabled to make these supplies must be a matter of some surprise to you, when you reflect that little or nothing from you has been received by us since what came by Capt. Wickes, till now by the arrival of the Amphitrite ; and that the seeming uncertainty of your public affairs have prevented hitherto our obtaining the loan proposed. We have however found or made some friends who have helped, and will, we are confi dent, continue to help us. Being anxious for supporting the credit of congress paper money, we procured a fund for payment of the in terest of all the congress had proposed to borrow. And we mentioned in several of our letters, that we should be ready to pay all bills drawn for the discharge of such interest to the full value in money of France, that is five livres for every dollar of interest due. We were persuad ed that thus fixing the value of the interest would fix the value of the principal, and consequently of the whole mass. We hope this will be approved, though we have yet no answer. We cannot apply that fund to any other purpose, and therefore wish to know as soon as may be the resolution of congress upon it. Possibly none of those letters have reached you, for your answers have miscarried ; for the interceptions of our correspondence have been very considerable. Adams, by whom we wrote early in the summer, was taken on this coast, hav ing sunk his despatches. We hear that Hammond shar ed the same fate on your coast. Johnson, by whom we wrote in September, was taken going out of the channel; 324 LIFE OF and poor Capt. Wickes, who sailed at the same time and had duplicates, we just now hear has foundered near Newfoundland, every man perishing but the cook. This loss is extremely to be lamented ; as he was a gallant officer and a very worthy man. Your despatches also, which were coming by a small sloop from Morris s River, and by the Packet, were both sunk on the vessels being boarded by English men-of-war. The Amphi- trite s arrival with a cargo of rice and indigo, 1000 bar rels of the one and 20 of the other, is a seasonable sup ply to us for our support, we not having for some time past (as you will see by our former letters) any expecta tions of farther supply from Mr. Morris ; and though we live here with as much frugality as possible, the unavoid able expenses and the continual demands upon us for assistance to Americans who escape from English prisons, &c. &c. endanger our being brought to great difficul ties for subsistence. The freight of that ship too calls for an enormous sum, on account of her long demurrage. We begin to be much troubled with complaints of our armed vessels taking the ships and merchandise of neu tral nations. From Holland they complain of the tak ing of the sloop Chester, Capt. Bray, belonging to Rot terdam, by two privateers of Chaiiestown, called the Fair American and the Experiment ; from Cadiz, of the taking the French ship Fortune, Capt. Kenguon, by the Civil Usage privateer, having on board Spanish property ; and here of the taking the Emperor of Germany, from Cork, with beef belonging to the marine of France, just off the mouth of Bourdeaux River. We send herewith the report we have received, and answers given relating to these captures, and we earnestly request that if upon fair trials it shall appear that the allegations are true, speedy justice may be done, and restoration made to the reclaimers ; it being of the utmost consequence to our affairs in Europe, that we should wipe off the aspersions of our enemies, who proclaim us every where as pirates, and endeavour to excite all the world against us. The Spanish affair has already had very ill effects at that court, as we learn by the return of the courier mentioned ARTHUR LEE. 325 in our last. We have by letters to our correspondents at the several ports, done all in our power to prevent such mischiefs for the future, a copy of which we here with send you. The European maritime powers embarrass themselves as well as us, by the double part their politics oblige them to act. Being in their hearts our friends, and wish ing us success, they would allow us every use of their ports consistent \vith their treaties, or that we can make of them without giving open cause of complaint to Eng land. And it being so difficult to keep our privateers within those bounds, we submit it to consideration whether it would not be better to forbear cruising on the coasts and bringing prizes in here, till an open war takes place, which, though by no means certain, seems every now and then to be apprehended on both sides. Witness among other circumstances the recall of their fishing ships by France ; and the king of England s late speech. In consequence of this embarrassed conduct our prizes cannot be sold publicly, of which the purchas ers take advantage in beating down the price. And sometimes the admiralty courts are obliged to lay hold of them in consequence of orders from court, obtained by the English ambassador. Our people of course com plain of this as unfriendly treatment ; and as we must not counteract the court, in the appearance they seem inclin ed to put on towards England, we cannot set our folks right by acquainting them with the essential services our cause is continually receiving from this nation ; and we are apprehensive that resentment of that supposed un kind usage, may induce some of them to make reprisals, and thereby occasion a great deal of mischief. You will see some reason for this apprehension in the letter from Capt. Babson, which we send you herewith, relating to their two prizes confiscated here for false entries, and afterwards delivered up to the English : for which how ever we have hopes of obtaining full satisfaction, having already a promise of part. The king of England s speech, blusters towards those kingdoms, as well as to wards us. He pretends to great resolution both of con- 326 LIFE OF tinuing this war, and of making two others, if they give him occasion. Yet it is conceived he will with difficulty find men or money for another campaign of that already on his hands ; and all the world sees that it is not for want of will that he puts up with daily known advantages afforded us by his neighbours. They however, we have reason to believe, will not, as long as they can avoid it, begin the quarrel, nor give us any open assistance of ships or troops. Indeed we are scarce allowed to know that they give us any aid at all ; but are left to im agine, if we please, that the cannon, arms, &c. which we have received and sent, are the effects of private benevolence and generosity. We have nevertheless the strongest reasons to confide that the same generosity will continue ; and it leaves America the glory of work ing out her deliverance by her own virtue and bravery ; on which with God s blessing we advise you chiefly to depend. You will see by the papers, and a letter of in telligence from London, that the continuance of the war is warmly condemned in parliament, by their wisest and ablest men, in the debates on the speech ; but the old corrupt majority continues to vote as usual, with the min isters. In order to lessen their credit for the new loans, we have caused the paper which we formerly mentioned, to be translated and printed in French and Dutch by our agent in Holland. When it began to have a run there, the government forbid the farther publication, but the prohibition occasions it to be more sought after, read, and talked of. The monument for Gen. Montgomery is finished, and gone to Havre in nine cases to lie for a conveyance. It is plain but elegant, being done by one of the best artists here, who complains that the 300 guineas allowed him is too little ; and we are obliged to pay the additional charges of package, &c. We see in the papers that you have voted other monuments, but we have received no orders relating to them. The Raleigh and Alfred will be well fitted and fur nished with every thing they want, the congress part of their prizes being nearly equal to their demands. ARTHUR LEE. 327 Be pleased to present our dutiful respects to the con gress, and assure them of our most faithful services. We have the honour to be gentlemen, your most obe dient, humble servants. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, SILAS DEANE, ARTHUR LEE. The Horfble the Secret Committee." PARIS, Dec. 18th, 1777. Gentlemen, Since ours of Nov. 30th, a copy of which is herewith sent you, we received your despatches of Oct. 6th, from Yorktown ; they came to us by a packet from Boston, which brought the great news of Bur- goyne s defeat and surrender, news that apparently oc casioned as much general joy in France, as if it had been a victory of their own troops over their own enemies, such is the universal, warm, and sincere good will and attachment to us and our cause in this nation. We took the opportunity of pressing the ministry by a short me morial to the conclusion of our proposed treaty, which had so long lain under their consideration, and been from time to time postponed. A meeting was had according ly, on Friday, the 1 2th inst., in which some difficulties were mentioned and removed, some explanations asked and given to satisfaction. As the concurrence of Spain is necessary, we were told that a courier should be des patched the next day to obtain it, which we are since assured was done ; and in three weeks from the time the answer is expected. On signifying to the ministry the importance it might be of at this juncture, when probably Great Britain would be making some propositions of accommodation, that the congress should be informed explicitly what might be ex pected from France and Spain, M. Gerard, one of the secretaries, came yesterday to inform us by order of the king, that after long and full consideration of our affairs and propositions in council, it was decided, and his ma jesty was determined to acknowledge our independence and make a treaty with us of amity and commerce ; that in this treaty no advantage would be taken of our pre- 328 LIFE OF sent situation, to obtain terms from us which otherwise would not be convenient for us to agree to, his majesty desiring that the treaty once made should be durable, and our amity subsist forever ; which could not be expect ed if each nation did not find its interest in the continu ance as well as in the commencement of it. It was therefore his intention that the terms of the treaty should be such, as we might be willing to agree to if our state had been long since established, and in the fullness of strength and power ; and such as we shall approve of when that time shall come. That his majesty was fixed in his determination not only to acknowledge but to sup port our independence by every means in his power. That in doing this he might probably be soon engaged in war, with all the expenses, risk, and damage, usually attending it ; yet he should not expect any compensation from us on that account, nor pretend that he acted whol ly for our sakes, since besides his real good will to us and our cause, it was manifestly the interest of France that the power of England should be diminished by our separation from it. He should moreover not so much as insist, that if he engaged in a war with England on our account, we should not make a separate peace: he would have us be at full liberty to make a peace for our selves, whenever good and advantageous terms were offer ed to us. The only condition he should require and rely on would be this, that we, in no peace to be made with Eng land, should give up our independency, and return to the obedience of that government. That as soon as the couri er returned from Spain with the concurrence expected, the affair would be proceeded in and concluded ; and of this we might give the congress the strongest assurance in our despatches, only cautioning them to keep the whole for the present a dead secret, as Spain had three reasons for not immediately declaring, her money fleet not yet come home, her Brazil army and fleet the same, and her peace with Portugal not quite completed ; but these obstacles would probably soon be removed. We answered, that in what had been communicated to us we perceived and admired the king s magnanimity and his wisdom ; that ARTHUR LEE. 329 he would find us faithful and firm allies, and we wished with his majesty that the amity between the two nations might be eternal. And mentioning that republics were usually steady in their engagements, for instance the Swiss Cantons, the secretary remarked that France had been as steady with regard to them, two hundred years having passed since their first alliance for fifty years had commenced, which had been renewed from time to time ; and such had been her uniform good faith towards them, that, as it appeared in the last renewal, the protestant Cantons were free from their ancient prejudices and sus picions, and joined readily with the rest in the league, of which we herewith send you a copy. It is sometime since we obtained a promise of an ad ditional aid of three millions of livres, which we shall receive in January. Spain we are told will give an equal sum, but finding it inconvenient to remit here, she pur poses sending it from the Havannah in specie to the con gress. What we receive here will help to get us out of debt. Our vessels laden with supplies have by various means been delayed, particularly by fear of falling into the hands of the English cruising ships, who swarm in the bay and channel. At length it is resolved they shall sail togeth er, as they are all provided for defence, and we have ob tained a king s ship to convoy them out of the channel, and we hope quite to America. They will carry we think to the amount of 70,000 sterling, and sail in a few days. Also, in consideration of the late frequent losses of bur despatches and the importance of the pre sent, we. have applied for and obtained a frigate to carry them. These extraordinary favours, of a nature pro voking to Great Britain, are marks of the sincerity of this court, and seem to demand the thanks of the con gress. We have accepted five bills drawn on us by the presi dent in favour of some returned officers, and shall pay them punctually. But as we receive no remittances for our support, and the cargo in the Amphitrite is claimed from us by Mr. Beaumarchais, and we are not certain VOL. i. 42 330 LIFE OF that we can keep it, we hope congress will be sparing in their draughts, except for the interest mentioned in our former letters; of which we now repeat the assurances of payment. Otherwise we may be much embarrassed, and our situation rendered extremely uncomfortable. It is said the French ambassador at London has de sired to be recalled, being affronted there, where the late news from America has created a violent ferment. There is also talk here of Lord Stormont s recall. The stocks in England fall fast ; and on both sides there is every appearance of an approaching war. Being informed by the concurring reports of many who had escaped, that our people, prisoners in England, are treated with great inhumanity, we have written a letter of expostulation to Lord North on the subject, which we sent over by a person express, whom we have instructed to visit the prisons under the directions of Mr. Hartley, to relieve in some degree the most necessitous. We shall hereafter acquaint you with the result. The expenses we are put to by those who get to us, are very considerable. The supplies now going out from hence, and what we have sent and are sending you from Spain, though far short of your orders, (which we have executed as far as \\e were able) will we hope, with private supplies en couraged by us and others, put you in pretty good circum stances as to clothing, arms, &c. if they arrive. And we shall continue to send as ability and opportunity may permit. Please to present our best respects to the congress, and believe us to be, with sincere and great esteem, gentle men, your most obedient and very humble servants, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, SILAS DEANE, ARTHUR LEE. To the Hobble Robert Morris, Esq." True copy. Attest. W. T. FRANKLIN. PASSY, near PARIS, Feb. 28th, 1778. Gentlemen, Our despatches of Dec. 18th, which would have acquainted you with the state of our affairs ARTHUR LEE. 331 here, and our expectations of a speedy conclusion of the treaties with this court, are unfortunately returned ; the French man-of-war which went on purpose to carry them, having met with some disaster at sea, which obliged her to put back, after a long struggle of six weeks against contrary winds. We now have obtained another ship to sail with them immediately, and with our fresh despatches containing the treaties themselves, which were happily concluded and signed the 6th inst., though hitherto for some political reasons kept a secret from the public. The English parliament adjourned in December, for six weeks. During that time their ministers strained every nerve to raise men for their armies, intending to continue the war with vigour. Subscriptions were set on foot to aid government in the expense, and they flat tered themselves with being able to enlist 10,000 volun teers. But whether they found this impracticable, or were discouraged by later accounts from America, or had some intimation of our treaties here, their vaunts and threats are suddenly abated; and on the 17th Lord North made a long discourse, acknowledging the errors of their former conduct in the war with America, and proposing to obtain peace by the means of two bills, of which we enclose copies. We make no remarks on these bills ; the judgment of the congress can be at no loss in determining on the con duct necessary to be held with regard to them. And we are confident they will not answer the purpose of divid ing in order to subjugate, for which they are evidently in tended. Our states have now a solid support for their liberty and independence in their alliance with France, which will be certainly fallowed by that of Spain and the whole house of Bourbon, and probably by Holland and the other powers of Europe, who are interested in the free dom of commerce, and in keeping down the power of Britain. Our people are happy in the enjoyment of their new constitutions of government, and will be so in their extended trade and navigation, unfettered by English acts 332 LIFE OF and custom-house officers. They will now never relish the Egyptian bondage from which they have so happily escaped. A long peace will probably be the consequence of their separation from England, as they have no cause of quarrel with other nations ; an immediate war with France and Spain, if they join again with England, and a share in all her future wars, her debts, and her crimes. We are therefore persuaded that their commissioners will be soon dismissed if at all received, for the sooner the decided part taken by the congress is known in Eu rope, the more extended and stable will be their credit, and their conventions with other powers more easy to make and more advantageous. Americans are every where in France treated with re spect and every appearance of affection. We think it would be well to advise our people in all parts of Ame rica to imitate this conduct with regard to the French who may happen to be among us. Every means should be used to remove ancient prejudices, and cultivate a friend ship that must be so useful to both nations. Some transactions here during the last four or five months, in the rigorous observance of treaties with regard to the equipments of our armed vessels in the ports, and the selling of our prizes, have no doubt made ill impres sions on the minds of our seamen and traders relative to the friendship of this court. We were then obliged to observe a secrecy which prevented our removing those prejudices, by acquainting our people with the substantial aids France was privately affording us ; and we must continue in the same situation till it is thought fit to pub lish the treaties. But we can with pleasure now ac quaint you that we have obtained full satisfaction for the owners of the prizes confiscated here for a breach of the laws by a false declaration, they being entered as coming from Statia, and the payment will be made to the owners in America. We mean the prizes taken by Capt. Bab- son and Hendricks in the Boston and Hancock privateers, which prizes after confiscation were, for reasons of state, restored to the English. This is a fresh proof of the good will and generosity of this court, and their deter mination to cultivate the friendship of America. ARTHUR LEE. 338 The preparations for war continue in all the ports with the utmost industry, and troops are marching daily to the sea coasts, where three camps are to be formed. As France is determined to protect her commerce with us, a war is deemed inevitable. Mr. W. Lee we suppose acquaints you with the de cease of Mr. Morris, his colleague in the commercial agency. On our application to the ministry, an order was obtained to put Mr. Lee in possession of his papers. If that department has been found useful and likely to continue so, you will no doubt appoint one or more per sons to take care of the business, as Mr. Lee has now another destination. Perhaps the general commerce like ly to be soon opened between Europe and America, may render such an appointment unnecessary. We would just add for the consideration of congress, whether, con sidering the mention of Bermudas in one of the articles, it may not be well to take possession of that island, with the consent of the inhabitants, and fortify the same as soon as possible. And also to reduce some or all of the English fishing posts in or near Newfoundland. With the greatest respect we have the honour to be, gentlemen, your most obedient humble servants. B. FRANKLIN, S. DEANE, A. LEE. HonSble the Committee for Foreign Affairs." Authentic copy. Attest, W. T. FRANKLIN. (b) Extracts from the Journal of Mr. Lee. Journal continued. "PARIS, Sept. 26th, 1777. Mr. Grand reported his having delivered the memoire for money to Count Vergennes, who said he must com municate with the Spanish court upon the aid required. He was then informed that it had been communicated to Count d Aranda, and pressed with the immediate neces sity the commissioners were under for the money. Up- 334 LIFE OF on that he promised to have it translated immediately, and laid before the king. In the evening Mr. G. carried to the Spanish ambassador a copy of the proposals made by order of congress to the French court, which up on reading, he said had never before been mentioned to him. Mr. Lee conversing with Mons. Chaumont upon the present state of things, they agreed that there was no prospect of a war; but Mr. C. said- the conduct of the ministry was totally incomprehensible, and perhaps when they had arranged leur pctits affaires, they might go to war. Mr. Lee asked him whether he numbered their fi nances in that description, and how they could go to war without money. He answered that France was very differently circumstanced in that respect from other countries. For that the king could at any time say to the public creditors, I must apply my revenue to the cur rent expenses, and you must wait till it is convenient to pay you ; that this would occasion no disturbance. It was very desirable, he said, in the actual situation of France to continue in peace, but that there was danger thereby at present of losing the national character of a warlike people, in w r hich their glory and perhaps their safety consisted. 27th. Mr. L. introduced Mr. Izard to the Abbe Ni- coli. In conversation the abbe observed, that when the states of America had established their independency they would quarrel among themselves, as the Italian and Grecian states had done ; that this would infallibly hap pen, unless a similar mode of taxation was adopted among them all; and that none could be so proper as a general tax upon land, formed upon an universal and equal survey. Mr. Izard answered that nothing would be more unjust than such a tax, because the man who possessed ten thousand acres of uncultivated land would pay ten times as much as him who had a thousand acres in the most profitable cultivation. The abbe seemed to admit the justice of this objection ; upon which Mr. L. observ ed, that for the very reason alleged against it, such a mode of taxation appeared to him the best that could ARTHUR LEE. 335 be devised, because it would compel the great land holders to cultivate their lands, or sell it out into parcels to those who could ; and therefore this tax would answer at once the public demands, and promote agriculture and industry. At the same time it seemed to him that rea soning from ancient republics, whose employment and delight were war, to those of the present time, whose object were peace and commerce, was exceedingly erro neous. It is certain, that with the Grecian and Roman states peace was painful, and war delightful; but with modern states it is directly the reverse ; therefore it is probable their conduct will be directly opposite. 29th. Capt. Young, of the sloop Independence, arrived at Passy with despatches from congress. The letters were originals of copies received ten days before. With them came a commission for Mr. Izard to the court of Florence ; for Mr. W. Lee, to those of Vienna and Ber lin, with instructions ; for myself to Madrid, with a re servation of my powers at this court, while I remained in France.* 30th. Received an account of the Lexington, Capt. Johnson, having been taken by an English cutter, after a long and obstinate engagement, in which most of her officers were killed. I read a paragraph to the com missioners, in my brother Richard Henry Lee s letter, stating that without an alliance with France and Spain, with a considerable loan to support their funds, it would be difficult to maintain their independence. Resolved to send Mr. Grand next day to Count Vergennes, for an answer to their memoire. 1st Oct. Mr. Grand reported that Count Vergennes had not yet laid the memoire before the king, and there fore directed him to come on Friday, for an answer ; that he seemed to think the sum of fourteen millions of livrest a great demand ; that he talked of an alliance as a thing yet to be considered of; that it would involve all Europe, and assist us much less than we imagined. He said we * I desired the advice of the other commissioners, about announcing my appoint ment immediately. Dr. F. said he would consider of it, and the other said nothing, t The nett revenue of France is 400 millions. 336 LIFE OF were wrong in distrusting Maurepas and Necker, and still more in the unguarded manner in which we did business, so that Lord Stormont had apprized Mons. Maurepas, that a memoire was intended before it was presented, and on account of it, has written to him, Ver- gennes, from England. He desired us to be more cau tious, and to be assured that there was a traitor in the congress itself, who gave intelligence. Mr. Grand com municated these things to me in private, and I desired him to do it to all the commissioners together, that it might suggest to them some caution in the conduct of our affairs, which was open to all the world. He did so; and it was considered as a pretext for refusing to assist us by one, and as an unjust accusation by the other. It was said that if Lord Stormont had such information from some one about us, he would not have told it, be cause that would prevent any farther communication, and therefore it seemed improbable that Lord Stormont had told them so. Mr. Lee said that in these cases Lord Stormont s object was to excite distrust and destroy all confidence between them, which it appeared he, aided by other things, had but too well effected. The discourse of an alliance was moved by Mr. Grand at my desire, and in consequence of my brother s letter. I drew up a short view of our situation for his instruc tion. 3d Oct. Mr. Grand made his report that no answer could yet be given, only that we might be assured of the king s good disposition ; that Spain must be consulted, which would require some weeks ; that we must men tion nothing farther to congress when we wrote, but that we had sent them such and such things, for which they need give themselves no trouble about making returns ; that nothing which we had received or were to receive was lent, but to be considered as given ; that war in Europe would disable them from aiding us with money, and perhaps be less advantageous to us than we imagined, because Great Britain would have powerful allies. Mr. Grand added that, as far as he could judge from the count s manner, every thing was favourably disposed, and we might rest satisfied of something being done. ARTHUR LEE. 337 Mr. Grand proposed to the commissioners that they should make a present of their ship in Holland to the king, as the only manner of getting her from thence, and this measure he understood would be very acceptable, and that Mr. Boux approved highly of the scheme. The com missioners were of opinion that such a proposition should come from the minister, without which it would be both foolish and indecent in them. Mr. Grand was therefore desired to state her situation to the minister, and inform him that the commissioners were ready to follow his ad vice implicitly concerning the disposal of her. The his tory of this vessel is curious enough. Soon after the commissioners arrived, Sir George Grand, banker at Am sterdam, and then in Paris, Mr. Grand, and Mr. Chau- mont, all of whom were in the confidence of the minis try and strongly recommended, introduced to us a Capt. Boux, of the French navy, of whom every good thing was said in the most exaggerated strain of commendation. He was the most ingenious, the most disinterested, and the most honest man in France ; zealous for our cause, and desirous of nothing so much as to get into our ser vice, so entirely free from any selfish motive that he would go out of it naked, (such was the expression) as he came in. Well ; this extraordinary man laid before us a multitude of plans and schemes, which upon paper, and in terms which we did not understand, seemed exceed ingly plausible. We were then told of the wonderful expedition, cheapness, and certainty of building frigates at Amsterdam ; the king of Spain had some built upon an excellent construction of 28 guns, for 7000 ; how ever Sir George was soon to go thither, and he would send us an exact account. His intelligence was, that that they would cost 6000 each. In this situation of the affair, I went to Spain. While I was absent, the business was settled. Mr. Boux agreed to go, but with an an nual pension of , all his expenses paid, and those of his nephew, who was now introduced as one of the ne cessary actors mfabulo. The first thing that happened upon his arrival was the drawing for 300,000, which VOL. i. 43 338 LIFE OF was to build two frigates. When I returned from Spain, the letters from Sir G. and Mr. B. told us the agree ment was made for one, the workmen not being able to undertake for more within the time limited. But no agreement was sent us. We wrote for the agreement, flattering ourselves that the half of what we had paid would be refunded. I told Mr. Deane then, that this was a vain expectation, for as he who paid beforehand was always made the paymaster for him who did not pay at all, there would be found ways and means to dispose of the money they had got into their hands. The agree ment was at length sent, and it had absorbed every livre ; however, we were flattered with the vessel being invin cible, that she would infallibly be at sea in such a time, and would soon reimburse us this extraordinary expense. Mr. Boux returned the beginning of May, having put every thing into so good a way that his presence it seemed was no longer necessary. Mr. Grand tells me Mr. Boux desired Mr. Deane to settle the account of his expenses, which he had never done. When I returned from Germany, I found Sir George was pressing for con siderable sums more to equip and load the vessel. But our funds being exhausted, I suppose he was informed by Mr. Grand here that nothing more was to be expected, and our next tidings was the melancholy information, that it was impossible we should get sailors to man her. It was therefore agreed to sell her, and the success they had in drawing us into this foolish and expensive scheme, induced them probably to think that we might be duped still farther, in the proposition I have mentioned, which though it appeared absurd and extravagant to us, yet no doubt was some how or other to turn out to Mr. Boux s advantage. 15th. The commissioners received a letter from Capt. Thompson, commander of the Raleigh at Port Louis, in forming them of his arrival there, in company with the Black Prince ship of war and two West India prizes, and that he was under our orders, as appeared from a letter from the marine committee signed John Hancock, Richard Henry Lee, Whipple, and others. He sent us ARTHUR LEE. 339 also a journal of his cruise, by which it appeared he had fallen in with the Jamaica fleet, and almost sunk the Dru id, one of her convoy; the whole of which he would have destroyed, but that the Black Prince was so tender that she could not carry sail nor assist him. We received the same day an account of the arrival of Mr. Chaumont s French packet, but having been boarded by a man-of-war, the despatches for us were thrown overboard. Mr. Girar- dot, the banker, assured us there were more than fifty sail to go soon from France with merchandise for America. 16th. I had some conversation with Mr. Deane upon Mr. Ross s scheme, which he said had occurred to him. He was for directing a rendezvous at Martinique, and getting a great many private adventurers, some of whom he said would carry upwards of 30 guns, to join the squadron. I gave him my opinion, that the success did not depend so much upon the greatness of the force, as upon the secrecy of the expedition. That if it was com mitted to others it would be impossible to keep it se cret, especially to Frenchmen, whose manner was to talk much, do little, and protract every thing. I added that if the scheme was judged proper, the best way would be to leave the execution of it to one of our number, say Mr. Ross. 17th. Mr. Ross breakfasted with Mr. Lee, and the above conversation was communicated to him. He seemed satisfied that it would not be safe to extend it to others. Mr. Lee promised him a letter to Mr. Gardo- qui, in Spain, requesting him to take a cargo belong ing to Mr. Ross out of the hands of a merchant at Co- runna. 18th. Signed a receipt, to the king s treasurer for half a million of livres, paid to our banker, Mr. Grand, from whom we took a receipt. Mr. G. had received a note to come to Fontainbleau, to talk with M. de Sartine about the vessel at Amsterdam. Mr. Deane proposed accom panying him, but without any communication with Mr. L. I desired Mr. G. to request of Mons. Vergennes that he would give us any information he could, touching 340 LIFE OF the negotiations of England in Russia and Germany for new troops, and what were the enemy s plans for anoth er campaign. That it was of consequence to give con gress the earliest possible intelligence upon this subject, that they might prepare accordingly. 19th. Mr. Lee was employed in extracting from the journals of congress, their proceedings relative to the pri soners made from the enemy. Copies of these he meant to distribute over Europe, in answer to the calumnies of the British court, and to show how unjustifiable the cru el conduct of that court to American prisoners ought to be deemed. Mr. Lee received the following note and letter from Mr. Deane. " Mr. Deane s compliments to Mr. Lee, and encloses him a letter from Mr. S. Deane, which is on a subject that ought to be early attended to, and which Mr. Hodge and Mr. Carmichael can explain. Mr. D. proposes set ting out this afternoon, and returning on Tuesday. Sunday Morning." " DUNKIRK, Oct. 15th, 1777. Honoured Gentlemen, On my arrival here I follow ed your instructions concerning the vessel to be equipped at L Orient. A difficulty arises about sending her from hence. Mr. Morrell having some time since been inform ed from the ministry that the vessel could not be permit ted to depart the port. He informed Mr. Cailly of this circumstance, in consequence of which Mr. Cailly writes Mr. Chaumont by this post, and waits his answer as far ther orders in the affair. Tis likely his letter to Mr. Chaumont, containing a copy of my direction to him, will be shown you. This with Mr. Morrell s letter will fully explain the matter, and I make no doubt the sloop may soon be allowed to pass, as she will have neither guns nor warlike stores on board. I must beg leave to inform your honours that there are several Americans still here, and at a considerable expense, which has been represented to me by Mr. Coffin, the broker, who has advanced con- ARTHUR LEE. 341 siderably for them, and would be glad to receive orders how to conduct in future. Mr. Carmichael or Mr. Hodge can likely inform you of farther particulars on this sub ject. Their spiritual guide is still here, and very needy, and I am told ready at any thing. I must remark to your honours that it is necessary the sums already advanced by Mr. Coffin be now replaced, and some orders given for his conduct in future on that head, as those persons, unless restricted to a certain daily allowance, may expend too freely. As the bills are considerably in arrears, un less something is determined about their payment, and the management in future, it will not only be hard usage on those who have advanced the money, but must direct ly deprive those American people of any farther assist ance. In gratitude to the gentlemen with whom your business has been entrusted here, at least so far as I have been introduced to them, I must take the liberty to ac knowledge their civility and readiness in each particular, and remain your honours most devoted and obedient servant, SIMEON DEANE. The Hotfble Commissioners from the United States." To Mr. D. s note I answered that I should be ready to consider the business mentioned, with which I was as yet entirely unacquainted, whenever a time was ap pointed. 21st. Received a letter from Baron Schulenburg in forming me that his Prussian majesty could not admit our armed vessels into his ports, and must wait a more favourable opportunity of forming a connexion with us, which would give him much satisfaction, when it could be done consistently with his principles. This letter I carried to Dr. F., Mr. D. having set out for Fon- tainbleau the evening before. 23d. Answered Baron Schulenburg s letter, express ing my regret that we could not form a connexion with a monarch of such reputation for wisdom and for valour. Hoped he would use his influence to prevent our enemies from drawing reinforcements from Germany, Russia, or 343 LIFE OF Denmark, and that the baron would communicate to me what success the negotiations of our enemies were likely to have on that subject. 24th. Dined at Passy. No communication from Mr. Deane of what passed at Fontainbleau. Asked Dr. F. for Count Vergennes s letter, our last memorial and let ter to the committee, that I might copy them. Prom ised them to-morrow. Upon enquiring whether any an swer had been received from Capt. Thompson, a letter was produced which had been received some days, in which the captain observed that Mr. Morris had applied to him for the sale of the prizes, to which he answered that he had put them into hands recommended by the commis sioners. From this it appeared that he understood a let ter which Mr. Deane wrote, and Mr. L. would not sign for that reason, as a direction to put the prizes into other hands than those appointed by the committee, which we had no right to do, and which was raising disputes very indecently and unwisely. All this I told Mr. Deane, when he wanted me to sign the letter, but it went, and I have my share of the blame. I mentioned to Dr. F. the necessity of our sending congress an account of the ex penditure of the three millions of public money that had passed through our hands, and which he had informed me was to be done by the last opportunity. He said the principal articles to which it had been applied were sketched in some former letter. I asked for a copy of the articles sent from Marseilles, which had been in his hands for some time without my having seen it. It was agreed that Mr. Ross should be desired to meet us next day, to talk farther upon his scheme, and Dr. F. said he would write to Capt. Thompson to come up while his ship was refitting to settle the plan of their going to gether. Mr. Lee thought this would delay his fitting out, and create a considerable unnecessary expense ; be cause if there was any hope of secrecy it must not be communicated to any of the captains till they reached the place of rendezvous, and upon secrecy the success entirely depended. Dr. F. observed upon this that it had already been talked of, for Mr. Izard had mentioned ARTHUR LEE. 343 it to him yesterday, therefore some one must have told it to him. This is the second instance of the difficulty of keeping any thing secret. When I was going to Ber lin no one was acquainted with it but the other commis sioners, Mr. Carmichael, who then pretended an inten tion of going with me as secretary, and the grand duke s envoy, from whom I received directions concerning my route. And yet Dr. F. complained, in a manner which seemed to charge me with having discovered it, that Mr. Sayre mentioned it to him, and Mr. Carmichael declared Mr. T. had told him he had the information from me. This Mr. T. has not only denied under his hand, but acknowledged, what was the fact, that I communicated it to him two days only before I set out. In the same manner after all the injunctions of secrecy, Mr. Ross had discovered his scheme to Mr. Izard. 25th. Having some conversation with Dr. F. upon the present state of things, he seemed to agree with me in thinking that France and Spain mistook their interest and opportunity in not making an alliance with us now, when they might have better terms than they could ex pect hereafter. That it was well for us they left us to work out our own salvation ; which the efforts we had hitherto made, and the resources we had opened, gave us the fairest reason to hope we should be able to do. He told me the manner in which the whole of this busi ness had been conducted, was such a miracle in human affairs, that if he had not been in the midst of it, and seen all the movements, he could not have comprehended how it was effected. To comprehend it we must view a whole people for some months without any laws or gov ernment at all. In this state their civil governments were to be formed, an army and navy were to be pro vided by those who had neither a ship of war, a com pany of soldiers, nor magazines, arms, artillery or am munition. Alliances were to be formed, for they had none. All this was to be done, not at leisure nor in a a time of tranquillity and communication with other na tions, but in the face of a most formidable invasion, by 344 LIFE OF the most powerful nation, fully provided with armies, fleets, and all the instruments of destruction, powerfully allied and aided, the commerce with other nations in a great measure stopped up, and every power from whom they could expect to procure arms, artillery, and ammuni tion, having by the influence of their enemies forbade their subjects to supply them on any pretence whatever. Nor was this all ; they had internal opposition to encoun ter, which alone would seem sufficient to have frustrated all their efforts. The Scotch, who in many places were numerous, were secret or open foes as opportunity offer ed. The Quakers, a powerful body in Pennsylvania, gave every opposition their art, abilities and influence could suggest. To these were added all those whom contrariety of opinion, tory principles, personal animosi ties, fear of so dreadful and dubious an undertaking, joined with the artful promises and threats of the enemy rendered open or concealed opposers, or timid neutrals, or lukewarm friends to the proposed revolution. It was, however, formed and established in despite of all these obstacles, with an expedition, energy, wisdom, and suc cess of which most certainly the whole history of human affairs has not, hitherto, given an example. To account for it we must remember that the revolution was not di rected by the leaders of faction, but by the opinion and voice of the majority of the people ; that the grounds and principles upon which it was formed were known, weighed and approved by every individual of that major ity. It was not a tumultuous resolution, but a deliberate system. Consequently, the feebleness, irresolution, and inaction which generally, nay, almost invariably attends and frustrates hasty popular proceedings, did not influ ence this. On the contrary, every man gave his assist ance to execute what he had soberly determined, and the sense of the magnitude and danger of the undertak ing served only to quicken their activity, rouse their re sources, and animate their exertions. Those who acted in council bestowed their whole thoughts upon the pub lic ; those who took the field did, with what weapons, ammunition and accommodation they could procure. ARTHUR LEE. 345 In commerce, such profits were offered as tempted the individuals of almost all nations, to break through the prohibition of their governments, and furnish arms and ammunition, for which they received from a people ready to sacrifice every thing to the common cause, a thousand fold. The effects of anarchy were prevented by the influence of public shame, pursuing the man who offered to take a dishonest advantage of the want of law. So little was the effects of this situation felt, that a gen tleman, who thought their deliberations on the establish ment of a form of government too slow, gave it as his opinion that the people were likely to find out that laws were not necessary, and might therefore be disposed to reject what they proposed, if it were delayed. Dr. Franklin assured me that upon an average he gave twelve hours in the twenty-four to public business. One may conceive what progress must be made from such exer tions of such an understanding, aided by the co-operation of a multitude of others upon such business, not of in ferior abilities. The consequence was, that in a few months, the governments were established ; codes of lav were formed, which, for wisdom and justice, are the ad miration of all the wise and thinking men in Europe. Ships of war were built, a multitude of cruisers were fitted out, which have done more injury to the British commerce than it ever suffered before. Armies of of fence and defence were formed, and kept the field, through all the rigours of winter, in the most rigorous climate. Repeated losses, inevitable in a defensive war, as it soon became, served only to renew exertions that quickly repaired them. The enemy was every where resisted, repulsed, or besieged. On the ocean, in the channel, in their very ports, their ships were taken, and their commerce obstructed. The greatest revolution the world ever saw, is likely to be effected in a few years ; and the power that has for centuries made all Europe tremble, assisted by 20,000 German mercenaries, and favoured by the universal concurrence of Europe to prohibit the sale of warlike stores, the sale of prizes, or the admission of the armed vessels of America, will be VOL. i. 44 346 LIFE OF effectually humbled by those whom she insulted and in jured, because she conceived they had neither spirit nor power to resist or revenge it. Nov. 1st. Called upon Dr. Franklin and Mr. Deane. The latter showed me a letter from the king s officer at Nantes, informing him that he had express orders not to suffer any warlike stores to be shipped in the vessel we were fitting out ; without a reversal it would be impossi ble to permit it. Mr. Deane made an appointment for me to meet next day at 1 1 o clock, to consider the pro position of borrowing the two millions as we were di rected. 2d. Going to Passy, according to the appointment, I found Mr. Deane had set out for Fontainbleau with Mr. Chaumont, to endeavour to obtain from Mons. Sartine a reversal of the above orders. Dr. F. was to open the let ters, and then send them after Mr. D. All this was done without one word of consultation with me, or the least attention to me. Dr. F. mentioned the affair of borrow ing money. I told him I could not discover that con gress had directed us what to do with the money if we borrowed it ; that if it was to be expended by us, it was proper we should give an account first of what had already passed through our hands; that I was very un easy at being responsible for so great a sum of public, money, without being able to obtain any account of its expenditure, which I had repeatedly desired might be made out. He answered it was as much my business as his ; why did I not make it out? there was no reason to suspect any misapplication. I replied he had certain ly misapprehended me. I had suggested no suspicion, but desired that which was just, reasonable, and absolute ly necessary. I appealed to him whether I had ever re fused to bear my part in doing business; but to make out an account when I was not possessed of a single paper for the purpose, was not possible. A great deal of the money had been expended in my absence, and almost all without consulting me. In consequence I was utterly in capable of giving any account of the expenditure. He said I had as many papers concerning it as he had ; that ARTHUR LEE. 347 we had sent an account of the principal articles in our last despatches to congress. I said I could not recollect it. He called for the paper, and it appeared to be only the estimate of what we were to expend, with very lit tle account of what we had spent. He then proposed we should altogether collect the account from Mr. Deane s books. But when, he would not determine, and so that went off like every thing el&, unsatisfactorily. We went to Mr. Grand s, who showed us a note from Count Vergennes desiring to see him, in consequence of which he set out immediately for Fontainhleau. 3d. A letter from a merchant in Rotterdam, with veri fied papers to show that two American privateers had made prize of a vessel and her cargo, which were Dutch property. 4th. Mr. Grand returned. He delivered a letter from Mr. D. to Dr. F., in which he informed him that he should stay a day longer at Fontainbleau, without any notice of the other commissioner. Mr. Grand s message was, that the king had agreed to let us have three millions of livres, at different payments, on consideration of most profound secrecy, that we should not enter in any accommodation without informing him, and that if that took place before the money was all paid, the remainder should be with held. The minister told him that they would endeavour to obtain as much from Spain ; that orders had been re ceived there for sending supplies, but upon the capture of a French ship with Spanish property, by an American privateer, the king was so enraged that they were coun termanded. He advised us to write a very civil letter to Spain, which he conceived would adjust every thing, be cause the king was as forgiving as he was violent. He said their navy was in great forwardness, but would not be ready till next spring. He also assured Mr. G. that it was settled to purchase the ship in Holland for the king s use. Upon Mr. G. s applying to Mr. Sartine, he wrote him an equivocal answer, and upon a second appli cation the purchase was acknowledged. 5th. Mr. Lee undertook to answer the letters from Rotterdam, and Dr. F. to draw up one for Spain. 348 LIFE OF 6th. Mr. G. waited on the Spanish ambassador, to whom at Mr. Lee s desire he mentioned Mr. Lee s com mission for the court of Spain, and desired his advice whether it should be announced immediately. He said that would depend upon there being new instructions with it ; which Mr. L. afterwards informed him was not the case. He said he was very well satisfied with what he had seen in the dock-yards ; that he would go to Fon- *ainbleau next day, and on his return give us more par ticular information relative to his court. 8th. Dr. F. and Mr. D. being to dine with Mr. L. he wrote to Dr. F. in the morning, desiring him to bring the letter for Spain with him, that they might consider and sign it ready to be sent on Monday the 10th. A rough draught was brought, and left with Mr. L. to consider. Mr. L. received a letter from Madrid, to inform him that a plan had been settled for supplying the states with goods, but to what amount, or when it should begin, was yet undetermined. He communicated this letter to the other commissioners, with his intention to order ten thousand blankets to be shipped immediately, which he would pay for out of the Spanish fund. 9th. Met the commissioners at Passy, when they con sidered the letter for Spain, with the alterations pro posed by Mr. Lee, and Dr. F. was to have it copied. The answer to Rotterdam was also to be copied. Mr. L. had drawn up an admonition to the captains of arm ed vessels to be sent to the courts of France and Spain, and by them to the sea-ports, in which they were enjoin ed to be cautious of molesting neutral ships, without suf ficient proof of their having the effects of the enemy on board. Mr. Deane objected to sending this, because he said Mr. Gerard had talked with him at Fontainbleau, and contended, that according to the settled law of na tions, a neutral ship had a jurisdiction like the realm of her sovereign, which protected all property in it. Dr. F. and Mr. L. were of opinion that this was not the law of nations, but matter of convention; and which, if they conceded it, would be giving up one great inducement to ARTHUR LEE. 349 the courts of Bourbon to enter into that commercial alli ance they were ordered to negotiate, and in which that protection was to be allowed. Mr. G. re-delivered Mr. L. a letter, which Mr. L. had received from London, acquainting him that the Jesuit who was hired by the British court to forge the letters called Montcalm s, was disgusted, and might be bought over. This he sent to Count Vergennes, whose answer was, that the Jesuit was a worthless wretch. The same letter contained farther observations on the proposed ne gotiation, of which mention is made before, and stated that the British cabinet was so irresolute, that nothing could be expected. Mr. L. desired Mr. G. to write to Vienna for intelligence concerning the manoeuvres of Haldimand and Fawcett, that by comparing the intelli gence through different channels, they might arrive at more certainty. 12th. Being at Passy, Mr. L. found that the letter to Rotterdam had been sealed without his signing it. Mr. Deane s excuse was, that he was going to send it to me, but Dr. F. said, as the letter to which it was an answer was directed to them only, it was not necessary for Mr. L. to sign it. The captains Thomson and Hin- man were there, but had neither been directed to wait upon Mr. L., nor were introduced to him. Mr. D. not having informed Mr. L. what was determined at Fontain- bleau, relative to suspending the orders against their being allowed to ship ammunition, Mr. L. asked Mr. Chaumont whether he was present with Mr. D. at Mons. de Sartine s? Mr. Chaumont said Mr. D. did not see Mr. Sartine at all ; that he, Mr. Chaumont, negotiated the business, and that the answer was, when the ship was under sail, the ammunition must be smuggled on board. Mr. L. sent to Mr. Dumas extracts from the notes of congress, relative to the maintenance and humane treat ment of the prisoners, with directions to publish them, as he had done the report to congress of the cruelties committed by the royalists, which Mr. L. had sent him before. 350 LIFE OF 13th. On going to Passy, Mr. L. found an appoint ment had been made the day before with the captains Thomson and Hinman, of which he thought they were not apprised. The captains reported that they could be ready in twelve days after their return, to put to sea; that they had sold their prizes for 9500, except the arms, artillery, and ammunition, which was 3000 less than their value, but that they were free of all risk ; that the continental part would be sufficient to pay all ex penses of completing and refitting the frigates. They said congress had appointed a naval board at Boston, for New-England, to consist of a deputy from each New- England state ; that the 74-gun ship now building would be launched in the summer. The frigates could carry no goods, but would serve as convoy. The eastern ports they thought the safest. 16th. Capt. Thomson delivered Mr. Lee, according to his desire, a list of such articles as would be most useful in the marine department. Mr. L. proposed to introduce the captains Thomson and Hinman to Capt. Boux, that they might consider and give their opinions of his plans. 17th. Mr. L. went to Passy, with a draught of an an swer to a letter from Mr. Say re to Dr. Franklin, com plaining of the hardship and injustice of his not having been provided for, when he had remained at the court of Berlin, arid done honour to the American cause, which he should be obliged to abandon and return to London, if we would not support him. The answer was that Mr. Lee had advanced him 2000 livres before he left Paris, had paid his expenses to and at Berlin, and informed him when they parted, that no support was to be expected from the commissioners, which he had re peated since his return to Paris, as the sense of the whole commission, and that his assuming a public char acter was unwarrantable, which he was advised never to do again. Dr. F. was to have it copied for signing. A Capt. Wells, who had commanded an American privateer, and broke out of prison, at Portsmouth, dined with Mr. L., and told him that Mr. Deane and Mr. Chaumont ARTHUR LEE. 35 1 had proposed to employ him in a private concern. Mr. L. told him that, as he had for some time been maintain ed at the public expense, his services were due, first, to the public ; that the frigates were in want of men, and that though he could not get an adequate birth, vet his serving as a volunteer would get him a passage to his own country, and entitle him to ask for rank in the ser vice. Mr. L. wrote to Dr. F. enclosing him a letter from a person who had intimated a desire in the British ministry to treat secretly with the commissioners of an accommodation. The letter stated that the ministry were informed from Paris, that Dr. F. and Mr. L. were at variance, and therefore it would be in vain to treat ; that their honour must be saved by the overture coming from the commissioners, and they must be assured of their power to treat, and that the intended terms were such as they might accept with satisfaction. The an swer Mr. L. wrote to Dr. F., as what he meant to re turn, was, that the variance did not exist, that they had neither instructions nor inclination to make overtures ; that the honour of the ministry was their own affair, and that they who were most in need of accommodating, must make such propositions as would be satisfactory. N. B. A letter from Mr. Williams, at Nantes, was shown to Mr. L. some days after the receipt, as was the custom, to inform the commissioners that the Lion was stopped, by an order from the minister. 17th. Received a letter from Baron Schulenburg, ex pressive of the king s surprise at our having no des patches ; his desire to hear of our success, and an assur- rance that the British would not procure any troops from Russia, Denmark, or Germany, except recruits for the regiments already in America. Ittth. Wrote to Mr. Grand, desiring him to settle with the Spanish ambassador, an hour when I might see him ; to Mr. Deane, desiring that he would inform those mer chants in Spain who had received prizes, in which the public was concerned, to give an account of them to Mr. L., as the representative of the public in Spain ; to which Mr. D. answered, that the prizes sent into Co- 352 LIFE OF runna were of little value, that Cunningham s vessel was half owned by the public, and that he should write to Mons. Leogans, at Corunna, on the subject. A letter was sent at the same time to the commissioners, desiring they would appoint an hour when Mr. L. might meet them to settle the letter, and to consider whether it would not be proper to send to the different ports in France and Spain, an admonition to American captains not to stop or molest neutral ships. This letter received no answer. 19th. Saw Mr. Grand, who told me that the letter for Spain had been given him, that he had proposed some alterations, which Mr. D. had undertaken to make, and that it was promised to have been sent him that morning to show to the ambassador, but he had not re ceived it. He therefore begged I would hasten it. I communicated to him the letter from London, touching an accommodation and the answer I intended to write. 20th. In going to Passy, in order to hasten the letter for Spain, I met Dr. F-, who told me it was already sent, and that it was determined that the despatches should go off immediately on receiving the king s speech. In this determination Mr. L. had no part, but in this, as in many other things, they seemed to like Dr. F. s idea, that the majority formed the commissioners, according to the letter, and that therefore it was not ne cessary to ask my opinion. I had before proposed the detaining Capt. Young, to carry the speech, and the an swer was that it was unnecessary, as there would be other vessels going about that time. Dr. F. appointed next day at ten o clock, to meet at Passy on public business. According to appointment, Mr. L. waited on the Spanish ambassador, and informed him of his com mission to the court of Spain. His excellency advised him to take no step in consequence of it, until a more favourable opportunity, for that business could be done with much more secrecy here than in Spain. Mr. L. then desired his opinion about preventing the ill impres sion which the unwarrantable conduct of American pri vateers might occasion in future, much of which might ARTHUR LEE. 353 be apprehended in the present young and unsettled state of their governments. Whether it would be agreeable that he should write to all the ports, to warn all Ame rican captains who put in there, not to molest neutral vessels. The ambassador said he had mentioned that to Mr. Grand. That it was now the usage among Euro pean nations, to let an enemy s goods, unless contraband, pass free in neutral bottoms, and the same would be ex pected from the United States. 21st. Went to Passy, according to Dr. F. s appoint ment, who was from home, and did not return till be tween eleven and twelve o clock. Mr. D. showed him the letters relative to the cargo of the Amphitrite, as if Mr. Lee had not seen them, and when Mr. L. proposed to answer them, Mr. D. said he had already done that, in the name of the commissioners, because the express was in a hurry and could not wait ; he was unacquainted with Mr. Lee s knowing this to be a pretence, as the letters had remained a whole day at Passy, and Mr. L. had read them before Mr. D. returned from his amuse ments in Paris. Dr. F. showed Mr. L. a letter from an officer at Bourdeaux, to Mons. de Sartine, containing a complaint from the captain of an English vessel, that the Portsmouth privateer, Capt. Hart, of Portsmouth, in New-England, that had refitted at Bourdeaux, had made prize of his vessel coming into the River Garonne, and sent her away to America. Mr. L. proposed, that in order to quiet the anger this had occasioned at court, they should add to their letter to Spain, and present a similar request to this court, to have the above privateer seized if she came into any of their ports. Dr. F. objected to it, as subjecting the captain to foreign jurisdiction, when he ought to be tried for it in America. Agreed to the addition of the Spanish letter, and directed it to be copied for signing. Mr. Gerard had called upon Mr. L. in the morning, with a letter from Count Vergennes, ap proving of the Spanish letter, provided Count d Aranda thought it proper, but he said that our prizes could not be adjudged in their courts. Mr. G. mentioned, at the same time, that he had some time since given Dr. F. the VOL. i. 45 354 LIFE OF sketch of a plan for borrowing the two millions, of which he had heard nothing since. He had completed the plan and went to Passy, to communicate it ; but Dr. F. being out he did not. Mr. Lee carried this evening the draught of a letter he purposed sending to the ports in Spain, to warn the American vessels from violating the rights of neutral nations. 27th Nov. The commissioners met to consult on their despatches to congress. Mr. D. began the discourse ; he remarked upon the proceedings of this court, with a good deal of ill-humour and discontent, said he thought it was our duty to state the whole to congress, that things seem to be going very bad in America, they would be less pro vided for next campaign, and more pressed than ever ; he therefore was of opinion we should lay before this court such a statement as would produce a categorical answer to the proposition of an alliance, or satisfy them that without an immediate interposition, we must accom modate with Great Britain. Dr. F. was of a different opinion ; he could not consent to state that we must give up the contest without their interposition, because the effect of such a declaration upon them was uncertain ^ it might be taken as a menace, it might make them abandon us in despair or in anger ; besides he did not think it true ; he was clearly of opinion that we could maintain the contest, and successfully too, without any European assistance ; he was satisfied, as he had said formerly, that the less commerce or dependence we had upon Europe, the better, for that we should do better without any connexion with it. Mr. Lee was against any such declaration, lest it might deprive them of the assistance they now received instead of increasing it. He thought this court had acted uni formly and consistently with their declarations ; that the violent things done were of necessity, and compelled by the bad conduct of our people ; that we ought to instruct those who were going to America to avoid speaking with bitterness against this country, but rather to soften the re sentment of others, arising from considering the injuries and not the benefits we had received from France ; he ARTHUR LEE. 355 was of opinion that if the credit of their funds was main tained, all would go well ; he therefore proposed informing them that the commissioners had funded two millions of livres, to pay the interest of what they borrowed, or bills drawn upon emergent occasions. This with attention to sending the cannon, clothes, &c. which were ordered, would, it seemed to him, put them on much more firm and respectable ground than ever, and he saw not the least reason to despair of success. Mr. D. objected to reserv ing any of the money we received, and to the giving them any power for money here. He said the court had pro mised to enable them to pay the interest of what they borrowed, and that was enough ; for he knew if they were allowed to draw, they would never rest, till they had drawn for every farthing, and that as we were to furnish them with what was necessary there would be no occasion for it. Mr. Lee replied, that there was uncer tainty in our supplies reaching them, and it might well happen that prevalent as the spirit was of sending ad ventures to America, they might make offers of these very necessaries upon the spot, which it might not be in their power to pay for in produce, while their ports were blocked up, and which they might purchase by bills on Europe. Dr. F. appeared to agree with Mr. D. and it seemed settled, that they were to trust to the promise of the minister, for paying the interest of their debt ; though Mr. Lee observed that promise was vague and verbal, the minister who made it might be changed, and as it did not appear to be the act of the cabinet, it would ne cessarily fall with him, and they will in that case have drawn their constituents into the discreditable proceed ing of drawing bills, which must be protested. He added that it was probable this minister might consider the sum now furnished, as a disengagement from his pro mise, it being much more than the sum stated in their estimate as necessary for the supplies. The next day Mr. L. went to Passy, when Dr. F. showed him the draught of a letter to the committee, but some ladies being there, and Mr. D. not attending, he told Mr. L. that he would show it to Mr. D., and if there 356 LIFE OF were any alterations determined upon, Mr. L. should be informed of it. Mr. L. prepared his separate despatches for congress, and wrote to the Prussian minister at Ber lin, an account which came through London, of the op erations of the campaign, which seemed authentic. Sent bills upon Madrid to Mr. Gardoqui, to the amount of 70,000, to answer for the shipping ten thousand blank ets immediately, which he was pressed to do without delay. Wrote to Mr. Digges, in England, to try to fur nish necessaries to Capt. Nicholson, Johnson, and other prisoners to the amount of 50 sterling. Dec; 1st. Mr. Moylan was sent to Nantes with the de spatches to go by Capt. Young. After so much delay they were required to be signed in such a hurry, that no time was given Mr. Lee to read them. The commissioners gave Mr. Moylan a letter, promising to give him what pub lic business they had to do in the port of L Orient, provid ed he could connect himself there with some merchant able and willing to advance for the public as occasion should require. Mr. L. had transmitted to Mr. Gardo qui, at Madrid, an exhortation to the captains of Ameri can armed vessels, which Count Vergennes had approved of, against their violating, as was complained of, the laws of nations, by taking neutral ships and property, and those of the enemy within the protection of neutral coasts. The same was afterwards agreed upon by all the commission ers to be sent to the ports in France. Having received information, a Scots spy was sent down to L Orient by the English ambassador ; Mr. L. wrote to Commodore Thomson to warn him of it. The commissioners re ceived information that the captain of the Amphitrite had been committed to prison by order of government, for having carried military stores to America, and that M. Beaumarchais had made a formal demand of the cargo as his property. Capt. Thomson wrote an account of very indecent behaviour to him, by the king s commissary at L Orient. Mr. Williams transmitted to them Capt. Ad ams affidavit of his having been taken within two leagues of Bellisle by the , and carried in a prize, to Eng land. Mr. Lee had written to the Delaps, at Bourdeaux, ARTHUR LEE. 357 for similar affidavits, relative to captures made of Ame rican vessels in sight of the river. Mr. William Lee re ceived information from Mr. Svveighauser, that the agent of the Farmers General demanded the duties on a quantity of lead, shipped last year on the public account, and on which it was promised that the duties should be remitted. 4th. Mr. Austin arrived with despatches from congress at Yorktown, in Pennsylvania, whither they had remov ed on the evacuation of Philadelphia, of which General Howe took possession the 26th of Sept. The express left Boston the 30th of Oct. and brought the account of the surrender of Burgoyne and his army at Saratoga, on the 17th, prisoners of war, after he had been beaten out of his camp entrenchments. And of the battle of Germantown on the 4th by General Washington, in which he was by mistake, in a fog, obliged to retreat, af ter having routed both wings of the enemy. The com missioners sent immediately an express to Versailles, and Mr. Lee wrote to the Spanish ambassador and the Prussian secretary of state, an account of this important news. 6th. Mons. Gerard, first secretary to Count Vergennes, met the commissioners at Passy. He said he came from the counts Maurepas and Vergennes, to congratulate the commissioners upon the news, to assure them of the great pleasure it gave at Versailles, and to desire on the part of the king any farther particulars they might have. He was informed that extracts were making from all the pa pers, which should be sent the moment it was finished; and Mr. L. promised to send extracts from his brother s let ter, which contained some farther particulars. Mr. Ge rard said they might depend on three millions of livres also from Spain, but he believed it would be through the Havannah and New-Orleans. He said as there now ap peared no doubt of the ability and resolution of the states to maintain their independency, he could assure them it was wished they would reassume their former proposi tion of an alliance, or any new one they might have, and that it could not be done too soon ; that the court of 358 LIFE OF Spain must be consulted, that they might act in harmo ny, and prepare for war in a few months. Mr. D. had sent Sir G. Grand to Versailles, with Commodore Thom son s complaint, without having shown it to, or consulted with Mr. Lee, from whom he also concealed the answer, which was a reprehension of the commissary, which he transmitted to the commodore himself, without communi cating with Mr. L.; apparently to have all the graciousness of the business to himself. Dr. Franklin undertook to draw up a memorial, as Mr. Gerard desired, and Mr. L. was to attend next day to consult upon it ; but, though so very short and simple, it was not finished till the 8th. Mr. L. read to the commissioners a letter he had drawn up to Lord North, complaining of the cruel treatment of American prisoners, and desiring a person appointed by them might be permitted to furnish the prisoners with necessaries, and that a general cartel might be settled. Some additions were made, and it was agreed to send an express with it to London. 8th. Signed the memorial to Count Vergennes, desir ing an immediate consideration of the treaty that had been proposed, and sent it by young Mr. Franklin, with extracts from various American papers, relative to the operations against Burgoyne s army. Sir G. Grand re marked to us, that in a letter received from Count Ver gennes, he did not style us " vos armis" as usual, but " nos armis." 9th. Meeting young Mr. Franklin at dinner, I asked him the answer to our memorial ; none having been re ported to me. He said he was received by the count himself with uncommon politeness, who told him an an swer should be sent in two days, and he would then know how much he was disposed to serve the cause of America. 10th. Sent a copy of the memorial and extracts to Count d Aranda, with a letter expressing my hopes that he would concur in expediting the conclusion of a treaty. Desired Sir G. Grand to mention to Count Vergennes, that a commissioner for Vienna and Prussia, one for Spain, and one for the grand duke of Tuscany, were here, and ARTHUR LEE. 359 would go to their respective destinations, when this court thought it proper. He was also desired to mention that a convoy for considerable supplies, we were about to send out, would be of great advantage to us. Letters from Nantes mentioned that strict orders had been sent down thither from government, to prevent the subjects of France from sending any goods whatsoever to the Unit ed States. This order appears to have been dated a few days before the arrival of the news of our success, with which not only the court, but all Paris, and all France, seemed transported with joy. Received a note from Mons. Girard, that the court would see the commissioners at Versailles on the 12th, at 10 o clock in the morning. llth. Sir G. Grand reported that Count Vergennes thought it would not be improper for the commissioners to go to their different destinations ; and desired him to call on Count d Aranda, to consult him on the subject. Count d Aranda s reply was, " I have two ways of think ing, one as Count d Aranda ; the other as the ambassa dor of my court. As the former I wish Mr. Lee, in whom I have the highest confidence, at Madrid ; as the latter I may give no opinion till 1 receive orders." I do not add the many compliments he had the politeness to make in my favour to Sir George. But it gave me great pleasure to find that he was not offended with me as the cause of his being reprehended by his court, as the Duke de Grimaldi informed me he was, for not dis suading me from coming to Spain the last time. Mr. L. answered a letter he had received from the Prussian min ister of state, informing him that a commissioner could not yet be received in a public character at Berlin, and that he did not conceive that any additional light could be given to a plan of commerce at present. The an swer was that Mr. W. Lee would not give unnecessary trouble, by coming in a private character, but would wait till his majesty thought his coming would be of use. Mr. L. also enclosed a copy of the extracts relative to the operations against Gen. Burgoyne, which had been presented to the counts de Vergennes and d Aranda. 360 LIFE OF 12th. My colleagues did not reach Versailles till half after eleven o clock, when, upon sending notice by a servant to Mr. Girard, his servant came with a hackney coach, and carried us to a house about half a mile from Versailles, where we found Count Vergennes and his secretary. The minister made us some general compli ments upon the present prosperous state of our affairs, and conversed some time upon the situation of the two armies. He said nothing struck him so much as Gen. Washington s attacking and giving battle to Gen. Howe s army. That to bring an army raised within a year to this, promised every thing. He asked Dr. F. what he thought of the war. He answered he thought we should succeed, and the English soon be tired of it. Mr. Lee said his excellency might judge what would be the event of the war, from observing that the most signal successes of the enemy were productive of their greatest misfortunes. Howe s advantages on Long Island, New- York, and New-Jersey raised a spirit that repelled him with considerable loss. The taking of Ticonderoga, and rapid progress of Burgoyne, had brought upon him a total overthrow. What hopes therefore could there be of a war, in which the most brilliant success allured them to their ruin. The fact was that nothing but a sense of pressing danger and necessity would draw forth the mili tia, in which the real strength of America consisted, and which when drawn out appeared to be irresistible. The minister took our last memorial from his secretary, and read it. He then desired we would give him the in formation it promised, and any thing we had new to offer. Dr. F. said that the entering into the treaty pro posed was the object, and that if there were any objections to it, we were ready to consider them. The count said, that it was the resolution of his court to take no advan tage of our situation, to desire no terms of which we might afterwards repent, and endeavour to retract ; but ta found whatever they did so much upon the basis of mu tual interest, as to make it last as long as human institu tions would endure. He said that entering into a treaty with us would be declaring our independency, and ne- ARTHUR LEE. 361 cessarily draw on a war. In this, therefore, Spain must be consulted, without whose concurrence nothing could be done. In the mean time he would state some objec tionable parts in the proposed treaty. The twelfth arti cle, and an additional demand of the monopoly of the trade to the islands of France and Spain, in the West Indies, could not be admitted, being an attempt to es tablish a right inconsistent with their sovereignty, and which could never be submitted to. Dr. F. said he be lieved the articles were incautiously worded, and that congress meant only those islands which might be con quered by their united arms, and ceded by the states to their allies. To this it was answered that neither could be granted, nor would it be demanded of us should we conquer Canada. Besides they had islands enough, and no interest in conquering more. Mr. Lee observed that it would be so far at least their interest, as it took them from the English ; but it was agreed that those demands should not obstruct the treaty by being persisted in. The next objection was that Spain would not be satisfied with the indeterminate boundary between their dominions and the United States ; for that the state of Virginia being supposed to run to the South Sea, might trench upon California. It was answered that the line drawn by the last treaty of peace with England, the Mississippi, would be adopted, and would prevent all disputes. For that, though its source was not yet known, yet it might be agreed that a line drawn straight from its source when found, should continue the boundary. This was admit ted, as adjusting the matter properly. The article on to bacco was next mentioned, as what could not be altered, it being formed, and must therefore necessarily rest on its present establishment. With regard to the fishery it seemed that the concessions proposed were deemed suffi cient, especially after having been informed that the source of difference between the French and English used to be about the drying-places, which could not happen with us, because of the three fairs or fishing seasons, two of them were dried upon our own coast, and the other was inconsiderable in that particular, the VOL. i. 46 362 LIFE OF fish being very little cured. It was, too, a first principle with us, that fishing was free to all. The conference ended with the count s observing that we must consider our independence as yet in the womb, and must not en deavour to hasten its birth imrnaturely. That he would despatch a courier to Spain, and it would be three weeks before his return. That the order for presenting clear ances for the United States was recalled, and he would speak with Mons. de Sartine about giving us a convoy for our supplies. The demand of three ships of the line was mentioned, to which he answered that this was not the moment ; and that, indeed, France had more occa sion to buy than to sell ships. Mr. Lee informed him of his having sent a copy of the memorial, &;c. to Count d Aranda. He said it was well, and he should see him that day. 13th. Mr. L. informed Sir G. Grand that he was de sired to call upon M. de Sartine about the convoy, on Monday. 14th. Wrote to Dr. F. and Mr. D. to desire their opinion relative to the ordering Mr. Gardoqui, at Bilboa, to ship immediately to the amount of 500,000 livres of naval stores, which he informed Mr. Lee were ready, and draw for it on the general fund. No answer. Wrote to Mons. Gardoqui to hasten the shipping of blankets. Mr. Grand the banker told Mr. Lee, that his brother was informed by the commissioners that the government had ordered one of their frigates to carry their despatches. Mr. L. had not been informed of this. 15th. Mr. L. having received no answer from the commissioners, wrote to them to say that he would be with them to consult upon that business at 12 o clock. He had received an abusive answer from Mr. D. to a note written at the same time with that on public business. Dr. F. answered that he would be at home, and desired the letter from Spain might be brought. Upon going to Passy, he found the Dr. alone, who declined saying any thing upon the business, till they consulted Mr. D., which he said might be in the evening. They were all to dine together at the count M. s ; but Mr. D. sent an excuse, ARTHUR LEE. 363 and desired Dr. F. and Mr. C. would call on him after dinner, in town, where he had again taken up his lodg ings, reserving those of Passj too, without any notice to Mr. L. Dr. F. having asked Mr. L. to go with him, they found Mr. D., who informed them that Mr. Girard had sent for him to give him information that the frigate was ready at Bourdeaux. The convoy which Mr. Sartine had agreed to give was one frigate, and this being deem ed too weak, it was agreed to apply to him for more. The application was proposed for three frigates, but Mr. L. observed that if they should encounter a ship of the line and a frigate upon the American coast, they would be overmatched, and therefore it would be better to ask for one of the line and two frigates, which would be equal to any force there was a probability of their meet ing. With great difficulty this was adopted, and a short memorial was drawn up for Mr. Sartine, and given to Mr. Chaumont to present to him. In talking of the ships to be convoyed, Mr. D. mentioned four, and upon Mr. L. s enquiring what had augmented the number from two, which were all he had heard of, it appeared that Mr. D. had of himself chartered part of two vessels, belong ing to Mr. Montieu, and as he said at five pounds sterling per ton, out. The Spanish business being discussed, the other two commissioners were against giving any money, because woollen goods were dearer in Spain than in Ger many, or France, or England. This was not a question about woollen goods, but naval stores and tent cloth, ready there to be shipped off. This Mr. Lee showed them from the invoice next day, but to no purpose ; no thing could prevail to let the public money go any where, but in a certain channel. Mr. D. said it would be better to ship the naval stores from Sweden directly, upon which Mr. L. reminded him that Mr. Hellenais had last year offered to do that, with additional brass cannon, from the king s arsenal, he being the king s agent here, and stated the terms, which were unobjectionable, and yet nothing had been done, though these necessary arti cles might have been now in America, at the cheapest possible price, had not his proposal been rejected, with- 364 LIFE OF out any assigned or assignable reason, but that Mr. L. recommended it. Agreed to settle with Mr. Sabastier for 7000 more soldiers uniforms on the 20th following. 18th. Mr. L. being at Passy, Dr. F. informed him that Mons. Girard had been there the day before with a mes sage from the king, and the counts Maurepas and Ver- gennes informing them that it was decided in council to sign the treaty and maintain the independence of the United States, immediately upon the return of the courier from Spain, which out of respect for that court they must wait for. That if a war with England should be the consequence of this, his majesty desired no stipulation from the United States, but that if they made peace without his concurrence, they would not give up their independence. He repeated again that his majesty s fixed principle was never to desire what they might re pent of having assented to, but to form a connexion so mutually beneficial, that it might be firm and lasting. It was however his majesty s desire, that this might be kept an inviolable secret ; they were ready to begin a war, Spain was not, having an immense treasure now at sea, her fleet returning in a weak condition, and the treaty with Portugal not yet finished. His majesty was thanked for his gracious intentions, and assured that a conduct at once so generous and wise, would secure the great object he had in view. Jt would have been more decent if the other commissioners had sent for Mr. L. to be present at this transaction. Mr. Girard alleged the long amity that had subsisted between France and the Swiss as a ground for hoping the same might take place with the United States. Mr. Carmi- chael informed Mr. Lee that he had obtained permission from Count Vergennes to go in the frigate which was to carry our despatches, and having obtained the concur rence of the other commissioners, desired that of Mr. L., which was given. On the 20th Mr. L. received a note from Mr. D. s brother, mentioning his design of going immediately to America, and upon enquiry he found the system changed, and that Mr. D. had been chosen to carry the despatch- ga M ARTHUR LEE. 365 es, and Mr. C. was to go by Nantes. All this was done without the knowledge or concurrence of Mr. L. The day before it had been settled by all the commissioners, that as Mr. L. was to be at Versailles on Sunday, he should show Mons. Girard a letter from Capt. Young at Nantes, informing them of a British squadron, cruising off Bellisle, which prevented him from going out of port; together with a letter from Mons.Beaumarchais, demand ing the cargo of the Amphitrite in payment for the sup plies that went in her, and which were understood to be furnished by government as a subsidy. Saturday even ing Sir G. Grand showed Dr. F. and Mr. L. a note from Count Vergennes, informing him that the frigate promis ed could not go, but that he hoped to supply another in a short time. As it seemed uncertain whether the fri- ate for the despatches or that for the convoy was meant, r. L. proposed to ask an explanation from Mr. Girard the next day. 21st. Mr. L. called at Passy, in his way to Versailles, and Dr. F. only being there, he talked over what he was to do, and among the rest the eclaircissement about the frigate, upon which the Dr. said Mr. D. thought it was the frigate for the convoy. Mr. L. saw Mr. Girard, and upon communicating what is mentioned above, Mr. G. expressed himself much sur prised that there should be any doubt about the frigate s going with the despatches, when he had sent the minis ters despatches to Passy the day before, which he would not have done if the vessel was countermanded. He desired we would pay no attention to notes written to Sir G. Grand, but to official information. With regard to Mons. Beaumarchais, he said not knowing what agree ment Mr. Deane had made with him, they could not judge of the propriety of his demand, but that it would be bet ter for Mons. B. to state his demand, and the ground of it, to the commissioners, and upon their sending it to Count Vergennes, he would determine whether they were to pay it. Mr. L. said he never heard of any agreement made with him. As to the English squadron, he said he understood that orders were already given for a squad- 366 LIFE OF ron from Brest, to form such a line of cruising from Bell- isle to the Land s End, as would keep the English at such a distance, that the merchant vessels might pass and re- pass in safety, from the ocean into the French ports ; it being the rule, that the English ships could not cruise between the French shore and the French flag. He af firmed, that the note to Mr. Grand was not intended to be shown to us. The weather being too bad to get to Passy in a car riage, Mr. L. wrote to the other commissioners what had passed. He received in answer, from Dr. F., that the despatches would go next day at 10 o clock; and the general letter, with duplicates of the agreement for the iron cannon, signed by the other two, were sent him to sign, which he did, though there were some things in the general letter very objectionable; but as Mr. D. seemed very desirous of turning the dispute between him and Mr. L. into one between Dr. F. and Mr. L., he was determined to wink at small occasions of difference. 22d. Went to Passy. Young Mr. D. not yet gone ; gave him a letter for Richard Henry Lee. He said his directions were, not to let Mr. Delap know he was at Bourdeaux. Mr. Deane being busy, Air. L. talked over with Dr. F. what passed at Versailles, but no reason was given for concealing from him, that the government de spatches were received. He was at Passy both Satur day and Sunday. The communication would not only have been decent, but would have prevented him from asking a ridiculous question of Mr. Girard. In the evening Mr. Lee visited Mr. Commissioner Izard, who asked him if he had heard any thing of a proposal to the commissioners, within a few days, from England. Mr. L. said no. He replied " then you are ill-treated, and you ought to call Mr. D. to a severe account for his conduct; for that Paul Wenlworth had a meeting with Mr. D., to whom he made propositions, which Mr. D. gave to the French ministry." Mr. L. said he had not heard one syl lable of it; that he would enquire into it; but that being a public wrong, he could not resent it personally. Dr. F. had mentioned to Mr. L. both Sunday and this day, that ARTHUR LEE. 36? Dr. Bankcroft was expected from London, for he had written on the 9th, that he should set out in a few days ; that he, Dr. F., was therefore apprehensive that he was seized. Mr. L. said this was the first time he had ever heard of his being in London, and it was a little sur- o 7 prising such a step should have been taken without his knowledge, if Dr. Bankcroft was in any office of trust under the commissioners, and if he was not, he could not understand why he had access to their papers, and even had the key, which Mr. L. had repeatedly asked for in vain. 23d. Mr. L. went to Passy at 12 o clock. Dr. F. out, and Mr. D. just come in. Nothing ready for considering or signing. Mr. L. asked Mr. D. whether a Mr. Went- worth was in town, and whether he had seen him? Mr. D. said Mr. W. had desired to see him, that he knew little of him, and that he expressed a desire for accom modation, and to know upon what terms it could be ob tained, for that he thought the ministry in England were disposed to it. This was all he communicated upon the subject. Mr. L. mentioned that Mr. Ross had written to him for his concurrence in the sale of Cunningham s vessel, which Mr. D. had ordered Mr. Hodge to make; at which he was surprised, and on the propriety of which he could form no opinion, having never seen any account, nor been informed of any thing relative to that transac tion at Dunkirk. Mr. D. said Mr. Hodge had given in his account, which was not very methodical, but it might be seen, when we would examine it. Mr. L. took that occasion to mention that Mr. Austin was now here, had desired to be employed, and would be a proper person to make out their general account, which had been so long delayed. Mr. D. s answer was, he intended to make it out himself; and that for the future we must appoint some one to execute the orders of the committee, for he did not choose to take the trouble any more. Mr. L. said he supposed it was meant to appoint a contractor general; but that if they were to pay M. Beaumarchais, they would have very little to lay out. To which Mr. D. replied, there are three millions to come from Spain. 368 LIFE OF That, said Mr. L., is to be remitted to America. But we can draw for it, said Mr. D. Mr. Carmichael was at Mr. Dearie s. He came and dined with Mr. Lee, and mentioned his being deprived of going in the despatch frigate, which had been promis ed him. Mr. Lee said he had never been consulted in it, nor knew any reason for it ; that a commissioner s brother was certainly entitled to the preference in car rying the despatches, but he did not comprehend why that should prevent another gentleman from going. Mr. Franklin the younger, put into Mr. Lee s hands a letter from Mr. Carmichael, dated Dec. 21st, informing him that he had given in his account to Mr. D. of the money disbursed on the public account. 24th. Mr. D. having mentioned that there were letters which pressed for answers, it was agreed to meet next day for that business. When Mr. Lee went accordingly to Passy, he found Mons. de Beaumarchais and Dr. F., Mr. D. not coming, nor sending any excuse. Mons. de B. came to demand the cargo of the Amphitrite as his due, for the freight which he had paid out and home. He grounded his demand upon an agreement signed by Mr. Deane, styling himself agent for congress, before we were appointed commissioners ; and upon his repeated assurances that remittances should be made to reimburse him. The agreement he showed us. Dr. F. and Mr. L. assured him that there was nothing they wished more, than to do justice to him; that the cargo of the Amphi trite had been consigned to them, and they had according ly ordered it to be sold, before they knew of his claim, for that Mr. D. had never informed them of any agree ment he had made, and this was the first moment they knew of the paper he now showed them ; upon which, it being clear that his claim was good, they would imme diately order the cargo into his hands, which they did ac cordingly. M. Beaumarchais showed them Barrard s letters, in whose hands the cargo was put, informing him of his having drawn upon him for the remainder of the freight, and that the commissioners had ordered him to apply the proceeds of the cargo to reimburse himself for ARTHUR LEE. 369 money laid out on two continental frigates. The com missioners declared that they had given no such order, nor had any reason to expect there would be any charge for the frigates, as the captain had told them the amount of the prizes would be more than sufficient to pay for their repairs. Mr. B. desired a day might be appointed to prove his demands upon us, for the supplies sent in the Amphitrite, Seine, &c. &c. He said they were bought with his money; that he received repeated assurances from Mr. D. of returns being made, but had received none; and the only one, the cargo of the Amphitrite, had been denied him. He had sent over his account there fore to congress, and a person to solicit the payment of it, being on the edge of bankruptcy for his zeal and ser vices in our cause. The commissioners answered that Mr. D. was under no appointment from congress till they came ; that he never informed them of any agreement or assurances made, not even on the receipt of his last let ter, but suffered them to remain in total darkness about the whole, which they would be glad to have cleared up. That they had on the contrary repeatedly understood, that they were not answerable for those supplies, and had so informed congress. Tuesday was appointed for an explanation of all this. Mr. D. not coming, no business was done. 25th. Received a note from Mr. D. in the morning, saying business had prevented him from attending the day before, but that he would attend to-day. Mr. L. answered, that he would attend at 12 o clock. When he came there he found a letter from Mr. Delap, addressed to Messrs. Franklin and Deane, informing them that he would send the depositions they had wrote for; and that an American captain had been imprisoned at the sugges tion of some of Lord Stormont s agents, w r ho had se duced some of his sailors, and tampered with others. The commissioners sent the letter to M. Sartine, and Mr. Chaumont was desired to know when the convoy would be ready. Capt. Nicholson s instructions were deferred for that answer. Attending at Passy, Sir G. Grand showed us a memoire VOL. i. 47 370 LIFE OF from Capt. Boux, intended for the minister, recommend ing war. Mr. L. asked Sir G. whether Count Vergennes did not tell him, that we were not to pay for the stores sent by Mr. Beaumarchais ; he replied, yes, w r hen he was here last, but now he said he would not meddle with any thing done by that adventurer. Company there, and no more business done. 26th. The commissioners wrote to Count Vergennes for leave to appeal from the judgment of the court of ad miralty, at Nantes, by which two West India prizes were confiscated, and to be restored to the English. 27th. Mr. L. being sent for to Passy, in the evening found Mr. D. alone, who told him he had received an answer from Mr. Girard (to whom he had written a private letter with that of the public) when he was in bed in the morning, by which we were encouraged to make the appeal. That not a moment was to be lost, but we must send an express to Nantes ; and he propos ed Mr. Carmichael. I observed that if the least suspi cion of our design got out, the prizes would be carried off before we could stop them. That Mr. C. going down was very likely to excite suspicion. That therefore it was better to send Mr. Chaumont s servant, who could get there much sooner, and might without suspicion de liver a letter to Mr. Montandouine, who, with Mr. Wil liams, were all that ought or could conduct the business ; more persons meddling, especially a stranger, was more likely to mar than promote the business. Mr. D. replied that it was not a business to be delayed upon punctilios, and that Mr. C. would give weight to it. Mr. L. said that what he proposed was to expedite, not delay; and that he considered their letters would have as much weight as Mr. C. Dr. F. and Mr. Chaumont coming in, the decision was left to them. The Dr. acquiesced with Mr. D., and Mr. Chaumont thought as Mr. C. was going down at all events, that he would save us the expense of a despatch. It was agreed therefore that he should go, and immediately Mr. D. said to Dr. F., he must have money, sir; to which the other assenting, 500 livres were given Mr. Carmichael, and a short letter from us, with ARTHUR LEE. 371 another from Mr. Chaumont, to Mr. Montandouine. It came out, that Mr. D. had previously settled the matter, and the horses and carriage had been ordered to attend, so that consulting me was as usual a mere farce. It was indeed clear, that the whole was a plan of Mr. D. s, to make up with Mr. Carmichael, at the public expense, for the affront of turning him out of the despatch frigate, in favour of his brother.* Dr. F. being indisposed, all farther business was put off till next morning, when Mr. D. said he had some thing pressing to communicate from Mr. Girard. 2tfth. Received a note that Dr. F. could not attend, and put off the meeting till next morning. Wrote to Baron Schulenburg, and to London, about the prisoners, and to press for an immediate communication of the plan for next campaign. 29th. Count Lauregais called on Mr. L. and told him that Mr. Beaumarchais had said he had a demand of five millions from the commissioners, for the stores he had sent out. Mr. L. asked the count whether he did not recollect being at his chambers in the temple, when Mr. Beaumarchais told him the government were to furnish cannon, ammunition, and money, to America; he answer ed that he remembered it perfectly well. Mr. L. desired him to go with him to Passy, and inform the other com missioners of it. He agreed to tell it to Dr. F. but not to Mr. D. who, he said was too much linked with Mr. B. They went to Passy accordingly, and he communicated it to Dr. F. Read over some letters from London and Nantes. Mr. Ross complained that his letter had not been answered. The person they had sent to London wrote them that all the great men in opposition, except the Duke of Richmond, were against the acknowledg ing our independency, and that a Mr. Vansandt had be trayed his letters to the ministry for a bribe of 500; we were just going to separate when Mr. L. asked Mr. D. what he had to communicate from Mr. Girard. He said it was that Mr. G. being directed to form a plan of a * Mr. Williams wrote us in return, that the ship in question had sailed eight days before. 372 LIFE OF treaty on the French part, he wanted to see our powers and our instructions, and that the article of binding them selves to assist in taking Canada, could not take place. Mr. L. said they had already a copy of their commission and of their general instructions, that secret instructions were never shown, and ought not to be demanded, and that he did not understand settling articles with the min isters secretaries, in which what they agreed to was binding, but not what he assented to, having no authority to bind the court. Mr. D. said he was an important man, and we must not stop the negotiation by punctilios. It was replied, that it was no punctilio, but an essential form, from which there appeared no necessity for their receding, nor had they power to recede. Wrote to Spain to accelerate supplies from Bilboa. Sir G. Grand informed the commissioners that Count Vergennes had directed him to tell us that orders were given for paying us 750,000 the 1st of February, which should be re peated quarterly, till the three millions were paid. Mr. Chaumont said the convoy would be sent to Nantes, but the time not yet fixed. 30th. The commissioners consulted at Passy upon what Mr. Deane, who had taken upon himself to go sev eral times to Versailles, and hold conferences with Mr. Girard, should answer to the difficulties about the eighth article of the treaty, which Mr. G. and Mr. D. took to be a demand on France to guaranty Canada, Nova Sco tia, Florida, and the adjacent islands, to the United States. Mr. Lee observed that the article had two ob jects ; one to prevent France from taking possession of any of the places specified, the other to leave them at liberty to confederate themselves with the United States. This being neither the demand of guaranty nor of pos session, on the part of the United States, he conceived upon re-consideration it would appear a just, necessary, and indispensable article. Dr. F. being of the same opinion, it was settled that Mr. D. should so state it to Mr. Girard. Dr. F. and Mr. L. being also of opinion that their instructions ought not to be shown, Mr. D. was advised to mention so much of them as he judged ne- ARTHUR LEE. 373 cessary to remove Mr. Girard s difficulties, but not to put the paper into his hand, nor even allow him to cast his eve over it. Mr. Chaumont was to accompany Mr. D. The commissioners received a letter from Mr. Williams, at Nantes, desiring 200,000 more, the half million being expended, but no account how. Mr. L. s situation in this affair was extremely distressing. Endeavours he knew had been used by Mr. D. and C. to make Dr. F. his enemy, by insinuating that Mr. L. did not wish well to Mr. Williams, in whom Dr. F. was wrapt up. If therefore Mr. L. refused to agree to the giving him such immense sums unaccounted for, it would corroborate their suggestions, and operate to their wish upon Dr. F. s mind, already prejudiced. Neither would it prevent the money being given, the two others being competent, and in the practice of disbursing the public money. Mr. D. therefore, by his ready compliance, would make it a means of fastening himself more firmly in the mind of Dr. F., and of effecting, what was his great object, an irre concilable breach between the Dr. and Mr. L., and yet it was a most serious consideration, that a young man, without a shilling of property, was thus in a few months to be entrusted with upwards of a million of livres of the public money, of which all the account rendered was, that he had expended it. 31st. Neither went to nor heard from Passy. Wrote letters to the governor and some of the council of Vir ginia, and sent the resolution of congress for giving British vessels and cargoes betrayed by their crew to them, in return for a similar practice on the part of the government of Great Britain, with directions to have it communicated to all the British crews at Dunkirk. 1st January 1778. Being at Passy, I mentioned to Dr. Franklin that Mr. Stephenson was going to America, and wished to carry our despatches, and that I knew him well, to be a trusty and respectable man. Dr. F. said it was very well ; he might carry them, and they should be glad of it. Mr. D. coming in Mr. L. repeated what he said relative to Mr. S., and Mr. D. also con sented. Nothing more passed on the subject. There 374 LIFE OF was some conversation about Mr. Beaumarchais. Mr. D. seemed unacquainted with any agreement with him, and Dr. F. expressed his surprise at a mode of proceed ing, by which money was demanded of them for goods which they never ordered, and a person sent to congress to demand payment for the supplies, which they had been repeatedly assured were given, and for which they had returned their thanks, and apprised congress of that as surance. 5th. Closed and delivered the despatches to Mr. Ste- phenson, who informed him that in answer to a letter from him to all the commissioners, Dr. F. and Mr. D. had wrote him that they never said he should carry the despatches, for that they had engaged Mr. Carmichael to do it. To this he replied, that Mr. L. had told him so, and he had understood the same from Mr. D. 6th. Went to Passy, where he found Dr. F., but Mr. D. did not attend. The servant that accompanied Mr. Simeon Deane, with the despatches to Bourdeaux, was returned, but the Dr. said he had not seen him. The Dr. told him Sir Phil. Gibbes had been there to sound him about propositions of peace, to which he replied we had none to make, the many which congress had made were treated with contempt, and that the dependency of the colonies was gone forever, like the clouds of last year. Mr. L. said, in his opinion, propositions might be made, and those very concise ; pay us for the damage you have wantonly done us, and let us alone ; these he con ceived were the only terms on which they could hope for a cessation of hatred and hostility. In going to town Mr. L. overtook Mr. D. s servant, who had been to Bour deaux, who informed him that the frigate sailed with the despatches on new year s day. 8th. Mr. Thornton whom they had sent with the let ter about the prisoners, arrived. He had visited the pris oners, found their situation very miserable, had ordered an increase of their daily allowance, and understood that both the ministry and the committee of the subscribers had ordered them necessary clothing and covering. He said Lord North told him he was informed that Dr. Bank- ARTHUR LEE. 375 croft was in London, and had been sent by the commis sioners on a stock-jobbing scheme. Mr. L. said Dr. B. was so far from being sent by him on any such errand, that he never knew he was gone, till Dr. F. told him he had written upon a news-paper that he should return in a few days. Dining at the same place with Dr. F., he told Mr. L. that the courier to Spain was returned, and Mr. Girard had written to Mr. D., who was gone out to Versailles. In the evening Mr. L. received a summons from Mr. D. to meet Mr. Girard, at Mr. D. s lodgings ; when he got there Dr. F. was not arrived. Mr. Girard told them that three 74-gun ships, with two frigates, under the command of Mons. de la Morte Piquet, a very sensible and spirited officer, was clearing the coast of the English squadron and cruisers. Upon Dr. F. s arrival, Mr. Girard informed us that he came from the king, and the Counts Maurepas and Vergennes. But before he delivered to us what he had in charge, he desired our parole of honour, to observe the most profound secrecy. We each of us promised it ; but Dr. F. added some in sinuation that secrets were not kept on their part, of which Mr. Girard took no notice, but went into a some what tedious harangue, which closed with asking us three questions. 1st. What would be necessary on the part of this court to satisfy the commissioners of their attachment to the cause of America, and prevent them from listening to the propositions of Great Britain. 2nd. What would be necessary to satisfy the congress and people of the United States, and prevent them from ac ceding to the propositions which Great Britain might send to them. 3d. What assistance would it be neces sary for France to give them. The commissioners appearing to think it required some consultation before they could give answers, Mr. Girard proposed to leave them together^and return in an hour, which he did. Dr. F. began to write, and the other two to talk. Mr. L. said their instructions seemed to furnish them with proper answers. They were sent to negotiate a treaty with France, and the immediate conclusion of that would answer the two first questions; as the grant- 376 LIFE OF ing them eight ships of the line, for which they were instructed to solicit, would the last. Mr. D. objected to the latter as dictating to them; to which Mr. L. replied, it could not possibly be deemed dictation to answer a question, which they to whom they were sent had asked, in the manner in which they who sent them had directed. Mr. Deane then said, that some people had been foolish enough to censure their having ordered the sale of pri zes out of the commercial agents hands, for which censure there was not the least reason; and the com mercial agents had protested the bills drawn upon them for the repairs of the Raleigh and Alfred at L Orient. On this Mr. L. observed, that the sale of prizes was the only source of funds which the commercial agents could have, no remittances being made; and the depriving them of the means of paying, and then drawing upon them for payment, especially for repairs, which we, not they, had ordered, was unmercantile and unjust. Mr. D. was going to reply, when Dr. F. said our present business was to consider the answers, which he had written down, and would read to us. This he did as follows. Question 1. AVhat is necessary to be done, to give such satisfaction to the American commissioners, as to engage them not to listen to any propositions from Eng land, for a new connexion with your country? Answer. The commissioners have long since proposed a treaty of amity and commerce, which is not yet conclud ed. The immediate conclusion of that treaty will re move the uncertainty they are under with regard to it, and give them such a reliance on the friendship of France, as to reject firmly all propositions made to them of peace with England, which have not for their basis the entire freedom and independence of America, both in matters of government and commerce. Question 2d. What i^ necessary to be done, immedi ately, so to satisfy the congress and people of America with the utility and certainty of the friendship of France in securing their independence, that they will also reject all propositions from England for peace, inconsistent with their independence ? ARTHUR LEE. 377 Answer. The supplying them with money to pay the interest of the bills issued and support their credit, will give them effectual assurance of the friendship of this court ; and the sending them the aid of eight ships of the line, which they have desired, would enable them to pro tect their coast and their commerce, and thereby prevent the inclination or necessity of listening to terms of accom modation with England. To the first answer the commissioners agreed; and two to the second, with the addition of the word necessity, proposed by Mr. Lee. But Mr. D. began to object to the second, without offering any thing material, when Mr. Girard returned. The first answer was read to him, with which he professed himself satisfied. As to the second, Dr. F. told him we were talking upon it when he came in. He said it was agreeable to him, if we chose it, to defer our answer to another time. He then added, that he was now at liberty to inform us that it was resolved to conclude that treaty with us immediately, for which he was authorized to give us his majesty s parole. That farther, it was determined to enter into another treaty offensive and defensive, to guaranty our independency, upon condition of not making a separate peace, or relin quishing our independency; that he had been ordered to draw up these two treaties, which he expected to lay be fore the council the next day, and of which he would send us copies in a few days. He said the king was not actuated by ambition, or a desire of acquiring new terri tory, but solely by the desire of establishing the inde pendency of America. That therefore they could not agree to the proposition of assisting us in conquering Canada for us, and the English islands for them. Nei ther was it their idea of assisting us by land ; and they supposed it would not be very agreeable to us to have foreign troops in our country. Their aid therefore would be by sea. Mr. L. asked him if he thought it proper that Spain should be moved at all. He said that court had not come to a resolution yet, but this would go on alone, reserving to them a right of acceding to the trea ties ; and they believed they could for some time do with- VOL. i. 48 378 LIFE OF out them. That if their object could be secured without a war, it was their wish ; but their resolution was to se cure it at all events. Mr. Girard added, that he was hap py now to congratulate us upon the affair being brought to the point he always wished, and he hoped the connexion would be as durable, as the terms were mutually bene ficial. 18th. The commissioners met Mr. Girard by appoint ment, at Mr. Deane s house. He read to them the plan of an eventually offensive and defensive treaty of alli ance, which he said it was necessary to make eventual, as they would not seem to take for granted, that their entering into a previous treaty of amity and commerce, was any just ground for a war with England. But as this consequence might flow from it, they thought themselves justified in providing against it. He gave both this, and that of a treaty of commerce, in French, exacting a pro mise that we should return him the originals when we had considered them ; and that they were ready to con clude them as soon as we were prepared. Dr. F. took them to consider that evening, and was to give them to Mr. D. next day, who was to deliver them to Mr. L. and then they were to meet and discuss them together. 20th. Employed in copying the treaties, not thinking it proper to trust them with a secretary. 21st. The commissioners met at Passy, and began to examine the treaties, article by article. Mr. L. proposed that " sovereign" should be added to the United States, that the acknowledgment of their sovereignty might not be matter of future doubt and discussion, as was that of the states of Holland, till the year 1048, and of the Swiss cantons till their late treaty in 1777, with France. His colleagues did not think with him, because they said congress themselves had not inserted that in the style and title by which they had determined to be called. He then observed that there was no explicit disclaimer on the part of France, to all the continent, and to the islands appertaining to the fishery, which were part of the British possessions, and which the states claimed in the 9th article. It was also stipulated that if the states ARTHUR LEE. 379 conquered them (and not mentioning Cape Breton) they should possess them ; but it was not said that France should not attempt to conquer them. And there was the more reason to suspect some design upon them, be cause there was a formal renunciation of ever possessing any part of the continent, but nothing said of the islands. Mr. L. thought, therefore, that an article should be pre pared, mutually and explicitly renouncing those territo ries, which were pointed out as objects of conquest to the respective parties. This they thought right. His next observation was that the last article held out a temptation to the English to keep the whole force of the war upon America, and leave France unattacked, for it was only upon the condition of France being attacked that she guarantied the independence and possessions of the United States. The English, therefore, upon seeing the two treaties would naturally say, if we take them one by one, or if, by bending our whole force against the Americans, we can reduce them, the treaty is void. France too on her side would rest secure, that, without any risk she would enjoy, under the commercial treaty previously concluded, the commercial advantages which were all she professed to aim at, which America by her own efforts could obtain for herself. Mr. L. thought, therefore, that the commissioners ought to endeavour to have that article entirely omitted. Dr. F. proposed an additional article, which he thought would correct it, and that was that France should pay the United States a million sterling in subsidy, yearly, as long as the war continued against them alone. Mr. L. said that this might assist them, but it would not prevent the continu ance of the war from being fatal to America, by the de vastation of their country, the exhaustion and vitiation of their young people. That without the aid of the eight or ten ships of the line, which they were instructed to demand, it would be impossible to protect their coasts and their commerce, so as to procure the necessary sup plies, for so heavy a war. Dr. F. said he thought it would be for the benefit of America to have the whole of the British commerce t@ prey upon. But Mr. D. was 380 LIFE OF of opinion that the American navy was diminishing, ra ther than increasing, and that under the continuance of the war solely against them, the necessary supplies for constructing a navy could not be procured. To which Mr. Lee added that it seemed an attempt disproportioned to their infant strength, and more likely to overwhelm than to uphold them. In the treaty of commerce Dr. F. observed, that in the 4th article the exemption of the pay ment of extraordinary imposts was confined to his most Christian majesty s dominions in Europe, so that in the East or West Indies the subjects of the United States would be subject to discretionary impositions, and that therefore the words " in Europe" should be left out. This was agreed to. In the 5th article Mr. L. thought there was no reciprocity. Americans were subject to pay a duty of 100 sols per ton, if they went from one French port to another, which was not and never was likely to be the case, with French vessels going from one port in the states to another. It was said r indeed, the states might lay such a duty, but till they did it or had it in contemplation, the French ought not to do it. When the treaty of Utrecht was made there was a simi lar duty on the French commerce in British ports, and it was agreed they should be mutually removed. Upon the same ground of reciprocity what did not exist in the United States, should be removed in the dominions of his most Christian majesty. On the 9th article Mr. L. observed that the exercise of fishery was given ex clusively to the French within their own precincts for ever, but to the Americans not longer than they should not admit any other nation ; so that the French were permitted to communicate their rights to any other, with out thereby admitting the Americans, but the same was not permitted to the people of the United States, which was evidently unequal ; it was proposed therefore to amend it by substituting " aucune des parties contracten- tes" for " les etats uni^ 22nd. Mr. L. was at Passy at ten o clock, agreeably to appointment. Mr. D. arrived at 12 o clock. In the mean time Dr. F. was translating the defensive treaty, ARTHUR LEE. 381 and his grandson copying the other. It was determined that we should return a translation of each with the originals, and that we should give in our objections and additions in English, and that upon concluding the trea ties the French and the English should be put opposite to each other. Dr. F. read the additional article relative to a subsidy, to which Mr. L. desired that ships of war might be added. Mr. L. showed the other commission ers that the expression in the treaty with the Swiss cantons was, " que le corps Helvetique conserve son etat actuel de souverainete absolue, et de perfaite independ- ance," which he wished might be the guaranty of the present treaty, as being most clear and unequivocal. Some doubts arising about what islands were included in the Gulf of Mexico, they referred to the map, and found that a line drawn from the point of Pensacola southward included Cuba, Hispaniola, and Jamaica. It was agreed that the articles relative to the fishery, and the islands in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, must be render ed more explicit, by specifying the respective possessions, claims, and objects, on this subject, so as to prevent all cause of future doubt and disagreement. (Some philo sophical discourse arising, Dr. F. said it was his opinion that the matter of light was what entered largely into the nourishment of vegetables. This opinion I mention here for its curiosity, not for its pertinency.) No answer to Mr. W. Lee s letter was mentioned. Count Laure- gais had informed Mr. L. that young Mr. Holker went over to America with Mr. Deane s brother, and it was supposed upon some public business. This Mr. L. men tioned to Mr. Chaumont and Mr. D. together, who both denied any knowledge or belief of it. In the evening Mr. L. went to Versailles where he informed Mr. Gi- rard of his having received advice from Bilboa that Cun ningham was in a fair way to compromise the affair of the prize. Mr. G. expressed much satisfaction at this, because it had given very great offence at Madrid. Mr. L. mentioned his doubts about the propriety of stipulat ing in the treaty that France might attempt the conquest of Jamaica, lest it should offend Spain, to whom it was 382 LIFE OF more properly an object ; or of the commissioners for this court undertaking to conclude a treaty with Spain when there was a plenipotentiary appointed by congress for that purpose. Mr. G. said that whenever Spain should accede to the treaty, that article or any other would be arranged conformable to the harmony and mutual good will which subsisted between the two courts, for which purpose the express stipulation for their accession was entered into. That as to the other it must be arranged by the commissioners themselves, but that he thought the plenipotentiary for Spain might either sign the en gagement separately or conjointly, specifying his char acter after his signature. He seemed desirous of our . appointing a day for finally settling it, as soon as possible. 23d. Went to Passy in the morning, but found Dr. F. just going out, the copying not finished, the translation not begun, and no business to be done. A young French man coming in, Dr. F. sent him into the little room, where his grandson was copying the treaty; and Mr. L. going in soon after, found the treaty upon the table, and the young Frenchman close to it. This is mentioned to show how vain it was to enjoin secrecy w 7 here there was so little discretion. A letter from Mr. Williams mentioned that a convoy was ready, and leave for the exit of the Li on, but that she must wait ten days for the spring tides. He had been to Brest, and made a very good report of the forwardness of that fleet. The commissioners dined together, in company with the Duke d Ossion, ambassa dor to the States General, who had just come from the Hague, and gave a favourable account of the prepara tions of the Dutch, and their aversion to hazard any more of their money in the English funds. After dinner the commissioners had some conversation, when Dr. F. desired Mr. L. to draw up an article on the fishery; but he was unwilling on being urged, to fix a day for the final settlement of the treaty. He said it was to no purpose, because they would forward it as fast as possible. 24th. Went to Passy in the evening, as the most like ly time to find them disengaged, but Dr. F. was not at home; his grandson said they had been comparing the ARTHUR LEE. 383 French with our plan, but that the copying was not finished, nor the translation begun. He observed, that his grandfather s dining out every day prevented any bu siness from being done, and that he was to be out again next morning. A very unpromising state of things, when boys made such observations on the conduct of their grandfathers. Mr. L. had prepared an article, instead of those of the < stipulated conquest and i renunciation, in which France should unequivocally renounce all the con tinent, and those islands which the United States meant to make the parts of their confederated empire, that is, the islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, St. John s, Anticosti and the Bermudas. He left word with young Mr. F. for the Dr., that he would be at Passy next morn ing at 1 1 o clock. 25th. The consideration of the treaty renewed. The great question was upon the 1 1th and 12th articles of the commercial treaty. Mr. D. had told Mr. L. that he was willing to propose the leaving them both out, but when Dr. F. proposed the altering the 12th article to extend the prohibition of laying duties on tobacco, to all the commodities exported from the United States, and con fine the destination to the islands furnishing molasses, he agreed with him to let both articles stand. Mr. L. dif fered. He said, 1st. These articles imposed a confine ment of jurisdiction, contrary to the principles laid down as the basis of the negotiation, that each party should be unrestrained within itself. Id. They were going be yond their powers, which directed them to stipulate for, but not insist on the exemption of molasses, much less to purchase it at an enormous price. 3d. There appear ed no necessity for restraining the impost upon an article which was never likely to have any duty laid upon it, this being contrary to the system of their policy. Mr. D. answered that it would be a very popular thing in New- England, where there was a vast consumption of molas ses, both in food and distillation; that it formed the great staple of the commerce of America, and was extending very much to the southward, particularly in South Caro lina; that he was sure the import oL molasses alone 384 LIFE OF amounted to 100,000 hhds. and was equal in value to all the tobacco made in America ; that the French seeing the advantages we made by the distilling it, and with a view to get a vent among us for their brandy, might lay a heavy duty upon it, and by that means render the rum dearer when distilled with us, than that of their islands, and the brandy of old France. Dr. F. supported the same argu ments, but thought the estimate of molasses was much too great. He added, with an apparent candour, that rather than there should be a dissention, and the treaty impeded, he would be of Mr. L. s opinion- Mr. L., who was aware that this was calculated to throw all the con sequences upon himself, of obliging Dr. F. to act against his judgment, made no reply ; but on Dr. F. s desiring a resolution might be made, said it was unpleasant to him to persist in his opinion, but yet he was so convinc ed of the hazard of the measure proposed, that he could not agree to it, and therefore proposed that the other two commissioners should be consulted with ; that from the manner in which they received it, we might judge what would be the opinion of our country; that they were gentlemen from the southern states, and extremely well acquainted with commerce. This proposition was refused, not without considerable appearance of offence from it, particularly in Mr. D.,who said it would be very extraordinary to call in any body to judge of a thing that was left with us, and that he thought he might without vanity say, he knew the trade of the southern colonies as well as those, or any other gentlemen. Dr. F. then, in a certain soft, smooth, accommodating manner, which he can assume at pleasure, said, well, suppose we just propose it, and then say that we are very willing to give up both the articles. As this, from the manner in which it was proposed, appeared to be a sort of compromise that would prevent any open dissention, Mr. L. desisted from his opposition. He did not think it became him to persist in his opinion against the judgment of his colleagues, giv en under an artful endeavour to throw all the consequen ces of it upon him. 26th. The treaty resumed. It had been proposed by ARTHUR LEE. 385 Dr. F., in the 7th article of the defensive treaty, that the word Jamaica should be left out, as the assembly of that island had petitioned against the measures respecting us at the beginning, and showed a friendly disposition to wards us. Therefore, mentioning that island particular ly, would appear ungrateful. This was agreed to, and Mr. L. proposed to omit mentioning the word conquest in the 5th and 6th articles. That the 5th should run thus: "If the United States should think fit to attempt the reduction of the British powers in North America, in the islands (specifying them) near the gulf of St. Law rence, and in the Bermudas, the countries so reduced may be confederated with, or dependent upon the thir teen United States." Then in the 6th article it was to be any part of the continent, or of the islands in or near the gulf of St. Lawrence, or the Bermudas, which were, &c. &c. Agreed to in part. In the 12th article Dr. F. proposed to insert the word " possessions" after " reciprocal guaranty," in order to make it appear that in all events they undertook to guar anty our liberty and independence, and that the condi tion went only to the possessions. This was agreed to. The other commissioners were then slipping over the secret article, in which they stipulated to negotiate and sign a treaty with Spain ; but Mr. L. remarked to them that as there was a deputy plenipotentiary appointed for Spain, he must stipulate that, and not they who were only for the court of France. This observation caused some little distress, such as arises when people find a thing has happened which they feared, and yet were in hopes of avoiding. They sought however for relief in our instructions, but it appearing from them that the deputy for Spain and those of France were to consult together in modelling the treaty with Spain, so as not to interfere with that of France ; they were obliged to agree that instead of " deputies" it should be " deputy." Dr. F. then read a second secret article which he had pre pared, for stipulating to us an annual subsidy while we alone supported the war, which was agreed to, with the amendment of " allies and friends" proposed by Mr. L. VOL. i. 49 386 LIFE OF He then desired that there might be a demand for eight or ten ships of the line, stating that if the whole force of the war continued against them, it would be in vain that they had money to purchase supplies, since the coast would be so effectually blocked up, and most of their towns on the coast in the enemy s hands, that it would be almost impossible to get in those supplies. Dr. F. promised to draw up an article for that purpose. Mr. L. then asked whether it was determined to make the com mercial treaty perpetual ; because it was his opinion that it would be much safer to limit it, so that if in ex perience any thing was found wrong, it might not be without remedy. Mr. D. answered that it certainly was intended to be perpetual, for it was so ordered in the plan sent by congress, and if it was not so it would be desirable to make it perpetual, that there might be no power of changing. He added that all treaties of com merce were perpetual ; in which Dr. F. agreed with him.. To satisfy them that it was not so Mr. L. showed them the treaty of commerce between Great Britain and Rus sia, which was concluded in the year 1766 for 20 years, and he read them the twenty-fifth article which says, " And as it is customary to fix a certain term to the duration of treaties of commerce, the above-mentioned high contracting parties have agreed that this treaty shall continue for twenty years, counting from the day of sign ing ; and after the expiration of that term they may agree upon the means to renew and prolong it." Mr. L. added that as we were a young and forming people, things were undergoing with us frequent changes, which in old countries was not the case, and as the treaty was drawn up in times of great hurry and confusion, he could not help thinking that limiting its duration was wise and necessary. His colleagues did not think so, and he dropped the question. 27th. In the evening the commissioners met Mr. Gi- rard. He explained his having desired them not to leave their carriages at the door, by saying that the last time on going out he observed a man who followed him round the corner, and looked like a spy. He thought it was ARTHUR LEE. 387 likely that their chariots standing at the door attract ed his curiosity, and led him to watch the house. The treaty was then entered upon. The commercial treaty first. In the second article it was agreed to omit the words. " en general et cfiaque etat pour lui-meme," be cause by the articles of confederation no state had a right to treat separately. In article third the words, " de quelque nature quails puissent etre, et quelque nom quails puissent avoir," which were omitted in the next and reciprocal stipulation, in behalf of the states, was agreed to be inserted. It was proposed in the 4th arti cle to omit the words, " en Europe," and extend the ex emption from paying extraordinary duties to all the king of France s dominions. But this, Mr. G. said, could not be agreed to, as well on the part of Spain, as in terfering too much with the system of their islands. The words, " des Etats du Roi" were agreed to be in serted in the place of " les dits Etats," which were equi vocal. In article ninth " et les sujets du Roi" were agreed to be added to " les E. U." to make the condi tion reciprocal. The alternative was then proposed of altering the words, " des Tabacs que les sujets de sa JUa- jeste T. C. pourront tirer des pays et possessions actuelles, ou futures d aucune des 13 E. U." in the twelfth arti cle, into " the produce of the United States exported for the islands furnishing molasses." Dr. F. added that if this was not acceptable it was our wish to give up both the articles. Mr. Girard seemed not to like the altera* tion, but said it would never be their interest to lay any duty upon their molasses, yet he could not himself de termine upon the proposition, which he would mark for the consideration of the ministers. Mr. D. took up the discourse, and said the exemption of molasses was a thing very much desired in America, and would be very popular. Though Mr. L. thought this was somewhat unfair, it having been settled that Dr. F. should make the report of what was agreed to, yet to avoid any ap pearance or occasion of dispute, he made no observation on it, hoping from the manner in which Mr. Girard re ceived the proposition, that the alternative of rejecting 388 LIFE OF both would be adopted at Versailles. An explanation was next desired, relative to the stipulation at the end of the thirteenth article, that it should not affect the laws of France, "promulgees en France contre les emigra tions, ou que pourront etre promulgees" which Mr. Girard said means that the subjects of France emigrating with out leave and settling in America, should not have the benefit of the exemption from the " droit d^aubaine" In the twenty-seventh article the insertion of the words, " le worn, propriete et grandeur des vaisseaux et aussi" be tween the words " exprimeront el le worn," was proposed and admitted. The words, " suivant les reglemens gene- raux presents" &c. in the twenty-eighth article, were explained to mean, such regulations as should be settled by a particular convention, which they had found to be the best method, and accordingly practised with the most favoured nations. This ended the discussion of the commercial treaty. i In the defensive treaty it was proposed that " Souve- rainete" should be inserted after " leur liberte" in the sec ond and eleventh articles. Mr. Girard thought this might be productive of embarrassment to this court, as in any quarrel that might happen among the states France would be called upon by each side to maintain their sove reignty. It was answered that this related to the sove reignty of the union, and not of particular states, and therefore could not produce such a consequence. He promised to report it to the ministers. The alterations before stated in the fifth, sixth, and seventh articles were proposed and seemed to be accepted. In the twelfth " dispossessions" was proposed to be added after "lagar- antie reciproque" to remove all ambiguity, and prevent its being supposed that the guaranty of their liberty, sovereignty, and independence depended, as well as that of their possessions, on the event of a war. Mr. Girard objected. He said the whole of the treaty was event ual. That they were not to suppose that the entering into the former one was a legitimate cause of war, but as it might occasion it they had reason to provide against that event, upon which all the conditions of the treaty ARTHUR LEE. 389 must depend. It was intended, he said, to announce immediately the commercial treaty to the court of Eng land, and desire their concurrence. If they concurred, it was well ; if not the commerce would be protected, and any violence offered would be deemed an aggression on the part of Great Britain, and produce a war. The rat ification, in the fifteenth article, was prolonged to six months. Dr. F. proceeded to the last and secret article, in which he said it was desired those should be added to it ; not doubting but that the persons employed by his Catholic majesty to treat with //iem, will do the same with regard to any alterations of the same kind that may be thought necessary by the deputies of the said United States. Mr. G. did not at all incline to admit this, and said it was unnecessary, as " Pegalite" and " reciprocity were stipulated to be the principles on which any alter ation should be made. Here Mr. L. reminded Dr. F. that it had been agreed to mention the mistake in a pre vious part of that article, in which it was stipulated the commissioners for this court should negotiate and sign the treaty with Spain, which could not be, as there was a special commissioner from congress for that court. Dr. F. then stated it as a difficulty, and Mr. Deane said the word deputies he thought might remain, since, though there was one now, perhaps more might be appointed ; to which Mr. L. replied that it was not a question about deputy or deputies, but whether they were warranted to assume the office and duty of another, and that they must act upon what really was, and not on a supposition of what might be. Mr. L. then showed his commis sion for Spain, and Mr. Girard proposed to insert in the separate and recent article, " et le Depute des E. U. charge des pouvoirs de traite avec PEspagne, promettoit" which was agreed to. Dr. F. proceeded to observe, that we had on our part two secret articles to propose, but having not yet quite settled them, we must take an opportunity of sending them for consideration as soon as we had de termined upon them. In the mean time he would just mention that the principle they were founded upon was 390 LIFE OF this, the condition of this treaty s having effect was an aggression on the part of England, which might induce her to bend her whole force against the United States, and avoid that which would procure them the assistance of France. It was therefore thought necessary to pro vide against that course of the business, by a secret stip ulation that while the war continued against the United States alone France should grant them an aid in money and ships of war. Mr. Girard seemed to think this un necessary. He said he believed the intention was to an nounce immediately the treaty of commerce to the British court, with an invitation to accede to it, and information of his most Christian majesty s resolution to maintain to his subjects the free enjoyment of it. That at. the same time such preparations would be made and such an army collected on the coast as would render it very imprudent for England to detach much of her force to America. The conference then broke up, and Mr. Girard retirecT% after promising to have the points proposed, adjusted, and the treaties copied with a blank opposite space for the translation, which it was agreed should accompany it as soon as possible. When he was gone the commis sioners considered the two additional separate articles, drawn up by Dr. Franklin, the one for money, the other for ships, and it being their unanimous opinion that de laying the treaties for the discussion of these new pro positions in our critical situation, was likely to be attend ed with more mischief than the postponing them for a future negotiation ; it was agreed to drop them at pre sent. A letter was accordingly written to Mr. G., in forming him that we should make no farther proposals. Mr. L., upon his colleagues refusing to ask the opinions of the other commissioners on the llth and 12th articles of the commercial treaty, had in private proposed the question to them, whether they thought the stipulating on our part, that no duties should be imposed on any American produce exported to the French molasses isl ands, on condition that none be imposed on the molasses exported to the United States, was for the interest of the United States ? They were so strongly of opinion ARTHUR LEE. 391 against it, that Mr. Izard would write his sentiments upon it to Dr. F., and it was with great difficulty he could prevent his brother from doing the same. 28th. Mr. L. went to Passy, where he found Dr. F. with his grandson, busy in expediting the copy of the translation, which it had been agreed should be sent that evening to Mr. D. Mr. Izard s letter on the 12th arti cle, which he had received, was the subject of conversa tion. The Dr. said Mr. I. seemed to have heard all the arguments against but none for it. That the letter had made no alteration in his former opinion. He seemed much out of humour; said it would appear an act of levi ty to renew the discussion of a thing we had agreed to; that he had offered at our former conference to be of my opinion rather than disagree ; that some years before he left America a discovery had been made that molasses might be procured from Indian corn stalks, which struck Mr. L. as a strong reason against the articles contended ipr. Mr. L. answered that he thought there was a manner of proposing their doubts about these articles, without any risk of being accused of levity. It was true Dr. F. had offered to give up his judgment to that of Mr. L.; but when his opinion was asked, he had not done it, and Mr. L. did not think himself warranted to compel him to re sign his judgment, by threatening a dissention if he did not; he therefore acquiesced in what he could no longer oppose, after he had given his reasons to no purpose. Young Mr. Franklin was then copying the treaties to be sent with our definitive letter of the 27th, to Mr. Gi- rard. 30th. Upon considering every thing for and against the 12th article more maturely, Mr. L. viewed it in a still more disadvantageous light. He therefore wrote to the other commissioners, stating all the objections to it, and proposing that it should be stipulated, that congress should be left at liberty to ratify or not the 1 1th and 12th articles, without affecting the ratification of the rest of the treaty. In answer to this he received a card from the commissioners next day, informing him that they did not agree with him, but that they had written to Mr. 392 LIFE OF Girard to desire both articles might be omitted. This they could not but have been satisfied was not admissi ble in the then state of the business, though the propo sition made by Mr. L. most certainly was. The effect of it would have been, to show congress that the court here was not so attached to the articles, that the not ratifying them would give any uneasiness or create any dispute, of which however it seemed the other commis sioners were not desirous of informing them. Feb. 2d. The commissioners received an account from Mr. Ross, at Nantes, that Mr. T. Morris was at the point of death, and if that happened his papers would be seiz ed by the officers of the crown. Mr. Lee went with his brother to Versailles, to get an order for the delivery of the papers which concerned the public business, to the other commercial agent. Mr. Girard said this would be done with all possible expedition, if the commissioners would present a small memorial for it to the minister. They had some conversation about the llth and 12th ar ticles. Mr. G. mentioned, that the ministers were of opinion that it would be hazarding their credit with the king, and the treaty itself, to make a proposition to him for omitting them after a representation to him that they were admitted and settled ; that he had written this to the commissioners that day, and asked Mr. L. if he had not seen the letter. Mr. L. answered, that he supposed it had not been received before he came away. He then asked Mr. G. whether congress might not ratify the rest of the treaty, and reject those articles? He answered, without any doubt they might do so, and that there was no sort of desire in the court here, relative to the omis sion or continuance of those articles. 3d. Mr. L. drew up a memoire, desiring an order for the delivery of Mr. Morris s papers to Mr. W. Lee, the other commercial agent, which the other commissioners signed. On the 4th Mr. W. L. waited upon Mr. Gi rard with the memoire, and he promised to expedite it with all possible despatch. 4th. Mr. Deane, who had taken the correspondence upon the subject to himself, received a letter from Mr. ARTHUR LEE. 393 Girard, appointing the 5th for meeting to conclude the treaties. When Mr. L. met the commissioners, a letter was shown him from Mr. G., putting off the meeting till next day, on account of a sudden indisposition. Mr. L. mentioned to the other commissioners that the Morocco ambassador was soon to leave Paris, and that it would be a favourable opportunity to treat with him, by the me diation of this court, especially as there was an interpre ter with him, with whom he had conversed, and found he understood English extremely well. His colleagues seemed to approve of what he proposed, but postponed taking any measure upon it. 6th. Mr. Girard met the commissioners in the evening. They read over and compared the treaties. He could not agree to the alteration we proposed in the 6th arti cle of the treaty of alliance, as it was meant to leave the islands in the gulf of St. Lawrence open to the conquest of either or of both; in the last case on terms to be set tled when the expedition was planned. The addition to the secret and separate article was admitted. Some dif ficulty arose about rendering Mr. Lee s title of Counsel lor at Law into French ; at last it was agreed that Con- seilier des droit, came nearest to the meaning of the Eng- glish. These things being adjusted, Mr. Girard was going to sign, when Mr. Lee, having waited till the last moment for Dr. F. to propose it, observed that there was a previous ceremony necessary, which was the reading and exchanging; their powers. Upon this Mr. Girard de livered to them his powers, which were for each treaty, and the commissioners gave him their commission, which was all the powers they had. Mr. Girard then sealed and signed, and after him Dr. Franklin. They then went to the fireside and were talking, while Mr. Deane and Mr. Lee were sealing and signing. Mr. D. enquired of Mr. L. with apparent anxiety, how he would sign to distinguish his two characters. Upon which Mr. L. ask ed Mr. Girard whether he thought it would be necessa ry for him to sign twice as plenipotentiary for France and for Spain, who said he thought not, but that the charac ters might be added to the signature. Mr. D. then ask- VOL. i. 50 394 LIFE OF ed Mr. L. how he would word that? to which Mr. L. answered, Commissioner Plenipotentiary for France and Spain; upon which Mr. D. observed, that there was no occasion to make this addition to more than the secret and separate article. The treaties were committed to the care of Dr. Franklin. Mr. Girard, after some mu tual compliments on having happily concluded so im portant a business, took his leave. Before the treaties were signed Mr. L. asked Mr. Girard whether he had understood him right as having said that congress was at liberty to reject the llth and 12th articles, without af fecting the ratification of the rest? to which Mr. G. an swered, with an appearance of ill-humour which made Mr. L. believe there had been some private insinuations made to him since, that he had had the honour of telling Mr. L., that as the articles were mutual, and it was endea voured to make them all so, and the basis of the treaty was mutual interest, wherever that mutuality was thought not to take place, there could be no objection to omitting them. And he believed upon a representation of it from congress, there would be no difficulty here relative to the articles in question, which were assented to from an opi nion of its being a very desirable thing in America. This was certainly changing what he had said before ; and Mr. L. did not ask him to repeat it from any doubt in his own mind, but that his colleagues might hear it as well as himself. And this change seemed so pat to the purposes of Dr. F. and Mr. D., who wished to have the whole rati fied by congress, that Mr. L. could not help suspecting that Mr. Girard had been secretly prepared on the sub ject. 13th. Mr. L. received a note from Dr. F. and Mr. D. that they proposed to send away the despatches on the 16th. This was the first communication from them on the subject. It implied that it was to be the only one, and that neither the treaties were to be authenticated, nor the letter considered, nor the person to whom they were to be entrusted, made known to Mr. Lee. The next day Mr. L. went to Passy at the usual hour of meet ing, to see whether, being on the spot, any consultation ARTHUR LEE. 395 would be had, or communication made. He found Dr. F.; to whom he communicated a conversation between Count Maurepas, and Mr. Forth, an English spy and corrupter, sent in the character of the king s confidential friend. Dr. F. in return entertained him with some very agreea ble philosophical conversation, and they parted without one word on the despatches, &c. In the evening Mr. L. wrote a letter to his colleagues, to know whether their note really meant what it imported, that no consultation was to be had upon the despatches. To this they re plied next day, that they were and had been willing to consult with Mr. L. on any thing relative to sending away the despatches. Mr. L. then sent his secre tary to know when they chose to meet, and when the express would go. Dr. F. answered that they would meet on the 16th at 10 o clock, and that he was surpris ed at Mr. L. s asking the other question, as he had been before informed the express would go on the 16th. Mr. L. then wrote them a letter, stating their conduct, the unsatisfactoriness of their notes, and that the sending away the despatches without a consultation would be so very extraordinary, that he must believe that they would be the subject of the morrow s consideration. 16th. Went to Passy ; the commissioners being to gether, Dr. F. read them a draught of a general letter to the committee to which Mr. L. proposed four additions. 1st. To relate the answer Mr. Girard made to him at the conference relative to the eleventh and twelfth arti cles. 2nd. To desire some person might be appointed to execute the commercial orders, these being inconsist ent with their political character. 3d. To desire the farther orders of congress, relative to borrowing money. 4th. To state that Mr. Beaumarchais demand of pay ment for the stores sent, did not appear to the commis sioners to be just. To the first it was answered, that this would be to call the attention of congress to those articles ; that it was uncertain whether the court here would wish TO have them rejected ; and for these reasons it was overruled. Mr. L. repeated Mr. Girard s words at the conference, which were very clear as to the indif- 396 LIFE OF ference of this court about those articles, and Dr. F. agreed that it was the practice of ratifying powers, to omit such articles as they pleased, and ratify the rest. On the second, it was said they were of the same opin ion, and had therefore proposed to appoint Mr. Chaumont contractor general. Mr. L. said he doubted they were not authorized to make any such-appointment, which must be left to congress. In support of the third, Mr. L. ob served that the situation of affairs was totally changed since the passing the order for borrowing money, whjch was in the time of their greatest distress, Dec. 1770; the enemy overrunning their country, their bills and credit falling, no friends in Europe, no commerce to fur nish them with what was necessary, and all sorts of sup plies wanting ; but now their notes and credit were rising fast, the enemy was kept in check, funds were supplied us for answering all their demands for supplies, and the payment of interest for what they had borrowed ; great supplies had been sent and were sending, both by them and individuals. Mr. L. stated that the estimate given in to the ministry by the commissioners, of the sum ne cessary to pay for the supplies already contracted for, and those which must be purchased, amounted to four millions of livres. That in this estimate every thing was of course highly rated. But there must be deducted from it a million for the eight ships of war, which it was cer tainly impracticable to purchase and man, and 600,000 for the ships in Holland, as they were to be repaid what ever they disbursed. This would leave the sum neces sary at 2,400,000. In their last despatches they were informed that the sum on which they were to pay inter est, and which would be drawn for in a twelvemonth, was five millions of dollars, 25,000,000 livres, which at six per cent, would be 1,500,000 livres. To answer these demands they had three millions at quarterly payments from this court, with a general promise that the interest of the loan in America would be supplied also by this court. Three millions had also been promised them from Spain. From these considerations Mr. L. said it appeared to him that there was no necessity, nor even ARTHUR LEE. 397 any reason for borrowing money here. He besides thought it a very unwise measure for a young state, since money obtained so easily was generally expended lav ishly, and involved them in continual difficulties. Mr. Deane supported the necessity of borrowing. He said the war could not be carried on without it, we must have large quantities of naval stores to fit out a fleet, we might as well borrow money here as in America. He was answered that we were certainly much better pro vided for carrying on the war now than we were last year, and it was doubted whether the enemy would be able to continue it at all. That it would be much better for them to exchange their produce for the stores they wanted, than to borrow money to purchase them. Ships with adventurers were flocking fast to America, and under the patronage of the late treaty there was no doubt of America being soon supplied with whatever she wanted in the due and ordinary course of commerce. Mr. D. observed on this, that there was no produce in America to make the exchange. Tobacco and rice were the only articles of any consequence. This was an assertion to which Mr. L. did not -think it worth while to make any reply. Dr. Franklin then said that they must have all the accounts and papers to form a proper judgment, that the ministry were pressing for the de spatches, which could not be delayed a day longer, and therefore they must postpone this consideration till an other time, when they could have all the papers. He was of opinion we might rely on the promise of the court. With regard to Mr. Beaumarchais, Mr. Deane said there was some mixture of private merchandize with the pub lic supplies, and therefore proposed that we should write to have it left to us to settle his account, to which Dr. F. agreed ; and Mr. Lee, though he suspected the mo tive of it, perceived it would be in vain to oppose it. 21st. Mr. Lee had a conference with Count d Aranda, the Spanish ambassador, concerning the three millions of livres, which this court gave the commissioners to under stand, first, were to be remitted through the Havannah, which they communicated to congress, and then that it 398 LIFE OF was to be paid here, which had not been done. His ex cellency replied that in consequence of orders from his court, he had promised that sum, but how it was to be remitted he knew not, nor had he received any farther information on the subject. Mr. L. told him that they were left in a very uncertain and awkward situation, and begged he would write to his court, which he promised to do. 22d. Mr. L. having often urged an application to the court to assist them in forming a treaty with the em peror of Morocco, while his ambassador was at Paris, it was at last agreed, after much difficulty, that Mr. L. should go next day to Versailles, and ask Mr. Girard s advice upon it. Next day he went accordingly. Mr. Girard said the Morocco ambassador was to quit Paris that very evening, and therefore nothing could be done. He then entered into conversation about the designs of England and France. All her enmity was now excited against France. Endeavours were to be used to make America join England, and they boasted of having sent over half a million of guineas, to secure the point in America. That the strictest secrecy on what had pass ed relative to the treaty should be observed till congress had ratified it. He said it was a common cause now, and France had endeavoured to govern her conduct towards us on the most generous and equal rules ; without ex acting any thing from our necessities. That Le Morte Piquet had strict orders not to give way one inch to the English, nor suffer any of his convoy to be touched ; and if upon that ground the English chose to commence hos tilities, France was determined. Dr. F. had apprized Mr. L. that morning, of a correspondence he had the day before with Mr. G. about advices the court had received from London of a treaty that was entering into in Ame rica with England ; but Mr. G. mentioned nothing of what had passed. March 3d. Mr. L. wrote to the other commissioners to know when they would take what he proposed into consideration. The moment for pressing it with most ef fect was gone ; but Mr. L. still thought it their duty, and for ARTHUR LEE. 399 the public good, to endeavour to obtain an avowal of their connexion with France. The king of Prussia had ex pressly declared, that he waited for and would follow the example of France. Many other powers were probably in the same situation. An acknowledgment would open and facilitate commerce, and would be both honourable and useful to the United States. His colleagues fixed upon next day, at 11 o clock; the same hour that was appointed for Mr. W. L. to deliver to Dr. F. the trunk containing the late Mr. Morris papers, sealed and uno pened as he brought it. This was done according to the proposal of Dr. F., who refused to examine and sepa rate the public from the private papers, as he had pro mised. 4th. The commissioners entered into a consideration of what Mr. L. had proposed, relative to their desiring of the court to be acknowledged. It was observed by Dr. F., that making the treaty public would draw on the acknowledgment as a necessary consequence ; and for this purpose he proposed to desire a conference with Mr. Girard, which was agreed to, and done immediately by letter. 5th. Mr. Girard met us at Passy in the evening. He complained to Mr. L. of having cited him to the Spanish ambassador, as having told the commissioners that the Spanish court had agreed to contribute three millions li- vres, and remit them through Havannah. This he said might occasion some misunderstanding between the two courts; and that all he had said was, that they expected it would be so, and that the Havannah was a convenient place; but that the Spanish ambassador would give us information of what his court resolved on. Mr. L. an swered, that he had asserted nothing from himself. He had only stated to Count d Aranda, that the commission ers having understood from Mr. Girard that such a sum was to be supplied through the Havannah. had given in formation to congress. That since, they had been told it was to be paid in quarterly payments here. Of this he had also given information to congress. But nothing had been received here. This was an embarrassment 400 LIFE OF from which he begged the Spanish ambassador to relieve him. Mr. G. begged that Mr. L. would explain to the Spanish ambassador, that it was not an official informa tion on his part, but only what appeared to him probable and convenient. As no such distinction was made, when the intelligence was given on which the commissioners thought themselves warranted to write to congress, Mr. Lee could not undertake to make it now. During this conversation, Mr. Deane, who had reported to the other commissioners, as coming from Mr. Girard, that the money was to be paid quarterly in Paris, from which second information the embarrassment arose, and the ap plication to the ambassador, would not confess that he was the author of it to Mr. L., but endeavoured to throw an imputation on him, by saying that the commissioners had mentioned it but slightly in their letter. Yet the words of the letter, drawn up by Dr. F. and signed by Mr. Deane, were "we are told that Spain will furnish as much, but that for their convenience it will be remitted in specie through the Havannah." Dr. F. then stated to Mr. Girard, that the commissioners considering all cir cumstances, were of opinion that the immediate publica tion of the treaty would be of great advantage, both in preventing the acceptance of the propositions from Eng land, and in attaching America decidedly to France. Both Dr. F. and Mr. D. pressed the advantages it would give, in preventing Holland from contributing to the English loan, and promoting that of America; in preventing the bad consequences of want of intelligence in America, if their despatches should fail, or be delayed; and that the effect of it might possibly be, that the English would find them selves obliged to accede to the independency, from their inability to sustain a war against the united powers of the house of Bourbon and the states of America; and the war would be ended at once. But they seemed to doubt whether the immediate termination of the war was a thing to be desired, or whether it would not be better to continue it, till the enemy were driven entirely out of America. Mr. Girard said that the publication of the treaties was now under deliberation among his majesty s ARTHUR LEE. 401 servants ; that the great objection was, the uncertainty of its being ratified by congress. For if they should pub lish it in Europe, and it should be rejected in America, it would subject France to infinite disgrace, and probably occasion a mortal enmity between the two people. This was therefore a consequence which they had great re luctance in risking. He was clear the United States would never be at peace, till the English were entirely expelled from America. Mr. L. begged him to observe, that as it was the wish of the English to prevent a con nexion with France, so it was their policy for that pur pose to affect ignorance of a treaty having been conclud ed, because they knew the hard things which had been done towards American vessels in France, would have a strong effect on the minds of the people in America, un less counteracted by some proofs as public, of the amity and sincerity of France. For these reasons, as it was the best policy of England to conceal the treaty, it would seem the wisest measure of France to make it public. The concealment most clearly left the field open to all the practices of the English to excite prejudices against France, and to seduce America by that means into an accommodation or an alliance with them. Nothing was calculated to counteract this but their private despatches, which by a thousand accidents might be delayed or fail. The risk of this seemed much greater than that of its be ing rejected by congress after the publication of it here. The king of Prussia had pledged himself to follow the example of France immediately, and probably many oth er powers were of the same resolution. The commis sioners all agreed, that there was not the least reason to apprehend congress would reject the treaty, unless the want of intelligence should have laid them under other engagements. Mr. Girard professed himself much satis fied with this assurance,* and promised to report the rea sons and desire of the commissioners, which he did not * When Mr. Lee gave his opinion, that there could not be a doubt of the treaty s being ratified by congress, it seemed to surprise Mr. Girard, and he said with em phasis, "do you think so, sir?" His manner struck me with some surprise, but I now suppose it arose from the very friendly suspicions my colleagues had been en deavouring to infuse. VOL. I. 51 402 LIFE OF doubt would have great weight with the council. When he was gone, Dr. F. read a letter, which he had just re ceived from Mr. Izard, desiring a copy of the treaty, if any one had been proposed or signed, and a conference upon what alterations would be proper for his depart ment. Dr. F. said he thought it would be best to have copies made out for both the commissioners, and that he supposed Mr. Izard could wait a few days, till we knew the issue of our application. Mr. D. said he did not think it was proper to let Mr. I. into the secret which was entrusted to them. Mr. L. answered, that copying the signatures and sealing, was by no means necessary, and without them they would appear as plans only, which would answer the purpose without committing them. He proposed that they should answer the letter immediately, to satisfy Mr. I, of their attention, and that they would comply with his desire as far as was in their power. To this the other commissioners made no answer; and appre hending by that the urging it would occasion some dis pute, and perhaps prevent the essential thing from being done, Mr. L. did not press it. Next day he sent word by his brother to Mr. Izard, that he believed his letter would be complied with. 8th. Mr. Lee met with Col. Mercer, of Virginia, at Mr. Izard s, who declared he had heard Mr. Bosville, who served with the guards in America, assert it as a fact, that the Scotch soldiers took an oath under their colours, never to spare or give quarter to an American, and that they had in consequence of this hung up a great many prisoners to trees in their own belts. A Mr. Pringle, who was present, said his brother had seen a letter from Sir William Erskine, in which he acknowl edged that what he called the British soldiery had com mitted what were charged upon them as cruelties, but he considered them as the excesses of a laudable ardour, which ought not to be restrained. 17th. The commissioners received a letter from Mr. Girard informing them that they were to be presented to the king on the 20th, and were invited to dine with Count Vergennes. ARTHUR LEE. 403 20th. The commissioners met at Count Vergennes , where all the Americans assembled, and a dinner was provided for them at the expense of the commissioners at an hotel. Mr. Izard and Mr. W. Lee were introduc ed to Count Vergennes, as commissioners of congress for their respective courts, and were invited to dine with him. After the commissioners had conversed a little in private with the minister, in which Count Vergennes did not appear desirous of giving any opinion to which court it was the wish of France that Mr. commissioner W. Lee should make his application in preference ; they were led to the anti-chamber of the king, the Americans all following them, and after a few minutes they with all the crowd were admitted into the king s dressing room, where he had a sort of levee, and where they with the two other commissioners were presented by Count Ver gennes to the king, who said " Je serai, bicn aide que le con- gres soil assure de mon amitie," and then went out. He had his hair undressed, hanging down on his shoulders, no appearance of preparation to receive us, nor any cer emony in doing it. The king appeared to speak with manly sincerity. After this they were presented to Count Maurepas, Mons. de Sartine, Ministre de la Ma rine, le Prince de Montbarey, Ministre de guerre, Mons. Bertin, and Mons. Amelot, two ministers for home af fairs. The chancellor was not in town, and two of the ministers not within. I mention this to show how little there was of ceremony in the business, or of previous pre paration. The commissioners, accompanied by Mr. Gi- rard, walked through the streets to their different dwell ings. Between two and three we dined at Count Ver- gennes , where there was a grand company of nobility. 22d. The commissioners went again to Versailles to be presented to the queen. It was with great difficulty they could pass through an unordered crowd, all pressing to get into the room where the queen was, it being levee day. When they got in, they stood a moment in view of the queen, and then crowded out again. They were neither presented nor spoken to, and every thing seemed in confusion. They went next to Mons. and Madame 404 LIFE OF the king s eldest brother, and his wife ; then to Madame the king s maiden sister. The youngest brother, Count d Artois, was at this time under a temporary banishment from court, for having fought a duel with Duke Bour bon, a prince of the blood. They then visited the chan cellor, whose office is for life, and he is obliged always to wear the robe of it. After this they dined with the Americans in their suite, at Mons. Girard s. (c) Continuation of Extracts from the Journal of Ar thur Lee, kept by him while he was a commissioner of the United States, at the court of France. 27th Nov. 1778. Mr Lee got to Versailles some time before his colleagues, and conversing with Count Ver- gennes upon the proceedings in Holland, the Count made this observation, " The Hollanders must be much embar rassed, for they have no treaty with us, securing to them the privileges of commerce ; they are therefore of grace, and we may alter them at our pleasure, so that if they comply with the desire of the court of London, and alter their treaty with England, we will immediately with draw from them those privileges which they have neg lected to secure by treaty." This shows how necessary it is for commercial nations to have treaties of commerce with those kingdoms with which it is their interest to trade, and how unwise it is to leave their commerce thus at the mercy of political events. Dec. 4ih. In a conference of the commissioners on the subject of a memorial to Count Vergennes, drawn up by Dr. Franklin, to obtain funds to enable them to pay the interest of the loan, Mr. Adams observed, " that he thought we ought to state the interest France had in sup porting us, how little the expense was in proportion to that interest, and not make it a matter of mere grace." It was his opinion, he said, " that this court did not treat us with any confidence, nor give us any effectual assist ance." Dr. Franklin took it up with some warmth, and said " he did not see how they were defective ; they had ARTHUR LEE. 405 sent a fleet and given us money." Mr. Adams replied, " that the monied assistance was pitiful, and the fleet had done us 110 service." Dr. Franklin answered, "that was not their fault, as they took the wisest method of making it useful." Upon this Mr. Lee observed, " that he did not know by whose advice the wise method was taken, of sending a fleet from Toulon, to be six weeks before it could get to sea, in order to surprise Lord Howe in America. But it seemed very obvious that if the fleet had been sent from Brest, it would have been in Ame rica, in all probability, before the other w r as out of the straits." The Dr. answered, " that the sending it from Toulon concealed the design from the enemy ; otherwise Byron s fleet would have been out immediately to stop it." Mr. Lee replied, " that it was most notorious that the court of England had a daily account from Toulon of the preparation and destination of that fleet, and that what really prevented them from ordering a force against it was their not being then prepared ; that if any doubt ever existed concerning its actual destination, it was whether the islands or the continent were the object, and that this doubt must have been the same from Brest as from Toulon. The passage of the straits was known to be generally from four to six weeks ; this gave them time to fit out Byron s fleet, and to warn Lord Howe, and it was most obvious that this could not but be the consequence of advising the fleet to be sent from Tou lon, which was not only frustrating the enterprise, but leading our allies into a dangerous situation. Mr. Lee then proposed to add to the memorial these words, "We flatter ourselves that the great and manifest injuries, which will follow to Great Britain, and the advantages which must be derived to France, from the establish ment of the independence of the United States, will make it appear that the assisting of them, with these essentially necessary means of effecting it, will be a measure of the soundest wisdom and policy, on the part of his most Christian majesty." But the Dr. opposing it strongly, and desiring it might be postponed till we saw the effect of begging it as a fa- 406 LIFE OF vour, it was not insisted on. Dr. Franklin desired to know whether Spain had made any farther remittances, as Mr. Lee objected to putting in the memorial, " that she gave us no assistance." Mr. Lee answered, " that there was reason to believe some had been made through the Havannah, but no certainty ; and that a similar sum to the former had been remitted to him." Dec. 20th. Mr. Lee dined with Count Vergennes, who desired Mr. L. to procure for him the pamphlet entitled " Anticipation," which he said the king desired much to read. A lady of the court, upon the Duke de Chartres tell ing her that the Count d Artois and he had marked the ladies down as they came to pay their court, under the titles " Belles douces et off reuses^ answered, 4 J\fon. le Due, vos entendez mieux des signialements, que des signaiix" the severity of which arose from the duke having been charg ed with not obeying Count d Orvilliers signals in the action off Ushant. Jan. oth, 1779. We visited the Marquis d Ossun, who was now a minister, and lately ambassador at Madrid, and much in favour with the king of Spain. He told Mr. Lee that he believed Spain had been prevented from declaring by the hope of making peace, but that this win ter would decide that court, and that he had no doubt, as we wished; that the Count Florida Blanca and Mons. de Galvis, Ministre pour les Indes, were able men, and the former would act either with perfect candour or cunning, as he was acted with. He promised Mr. Lee every in struction in his power, for his government at the Spa nish court. 22d. Advices from Holland and England were filled with the eagerness of monied men to purchase in the stocks for the rencontre in May, upon the supposition that matters would be accommodated. Great discontent in France at their losses, charging them to the alliance with America. A person of rank told me at the Dutchess d Anville s, where we dined, that he had reason to believe that Mons. Girard would not stay long in America. He ARTHUR LEE. 407 said the Duke de Grimaldi had lost all his influence, which made things go on so slow in Spain. 24th. A gentleman of rank called upon me, and told me that Mons. Girard was no longer minister in America; that Chevalier de Luzerne, formerly minister plenipoten tiary at the court of Bavaria, was appointed to succeed him. He represented him as a man of abilities, and of good principles. He desired me to keep the information secret, as it was not yet known at Passy. 26th. Had a long conversation with the minister from Florence. He thought our connexion with France had ruined our cause, and that we should be obliged to make terms with England. I was of a different opinion. He advised the representing the condition of the Unit ed States as desperate, unless France would exert herself, especially in furnishing money. He said England kept Vienna in awe, by threatening to give the king of Prus sia a subsidy, if the court of Vienna declared in our fa vour. 31st. Dined at Count Sarsefeild s, with M. de la Lu zerne, the minister nominated for congress; M. Marbois, secretary of the embassy; Mons. de Heredia, secretary of the Spanish embassy here ; Mons. Descaranno, secretary to that at London, on his way to Rome ; Mr. Izard ; Com. Gillon, and Capt. Joiner. Told Mons. de la Luzerne that the sine qua non in America was a large subsidy in money to support our funds, without which the war could not be maintained; that he could not do a better thing for himself and the public, than be the bearer of such a subsidy. Discours ing with Mons. Marbois, who had been much in Germany, he told me that Great Britain was considered the natu ral ally of Austria, and therefore the king of Prussia, it might be depended on, whatever might be his temporary engagements, would see with pleasure her power dimi nished by the independency of America. Feb. 3d. Mr. Edward Jenings told me that Count Almedovar was exerting himself in London, to obtain an acknowledgment of our independence. April 4th. Count Sarsefeild called on me, and told me 408 LIFE OF he had desired Mons. Descaranno to suggest to his court, the necessity of supporting us immediately with twenty millions. He told me, as did Mr. Jenings soon after, that it was said the court here was going to send a fleet of twenty sail to America. I observed, that it was talk ing of what they were to do so long beforehand, that frustrated all their plans, and that they would never suc ceed until they talked less and did more; that such a fleet ought now to be in America. 12th. The minister from Florence informed me that the treaty was not signed in Germany, but was sure. It was his opinion, that I could not penetrate into the designs of Spain better at Rome or Naples than here ; that how ever, neither the French ambassador at Madrid, nor the court here, were in the secret ; that a courier had just passed to London from Madrid, and one had arrived here, but what were their despatches was not known. Soon after the Count Sarsefeild called on me to inform me that he had it from good authority that Spain would soon declare ; and advised me to draw up a short state ment in refutation of Mr. Deane s charges against me, that I might give it to Count d Ossun, which would be of much weight with him. 16th. Visited Mons. Turgot, late minister, and famous for his abilities in finance. He was determining the freezing point of ice, to make a thermometer. He pre ferred Reaumur s to Fahrenheit s scale, and wondered that the English used the latter. I told him that finances were what required most of our attention now ; that we wanted a system of finance. He did not know what a system of finance was ; that he had told me his opinion was that taxes should be laid on proprietors of land only, and that manufactures, con sumption, and commerce ought to be free ; that this was the only natural and wise way of imposing taxes. I re plied that there was an apparent inequality in this me thod, which rendered it odious, though in truth the con sumer must repay it at last to the proprietor. He said it was a mistake, that the consumer paid the tax, but why, he did not explain. ARTHUR LEE. 409 He was of opinion that all our constitutions of govern ment were bad, because they were planned on that of England, which was calculated to guard against tyranny, of which we had nothing to fear; that the different mem bers of the legislature were anti-democratic distinctions; that democracy required simplicity, and one single corps, in which government should reside. Supped in the evening with Prince Pigneatelle and the Baron, who defended the Dardanelles against the Rus sian fleet. He said he could bring but one gun at a time to bear upon the Russian ships, which were commanded by Admiral Elphingston, that upon firing some red hot balls they retired and would never make the attack again, though the walls were so thin and ill-constructed that nothing could have been more easy than to have battered them down. He said that both the Turks and Russians were contemptible beyond expression, that eighteen sail of the Turkish fleet got into a little bay to avoid eleven sail of Russian ships where they were burnt by two fire ships, sent in by the advice of some English volunteers on board the Russian fleet ; that the Russian fleet in its turn cut their cables and made off from the siege of Lemnos, upon the landing of three thousand Turks, without a single piece of cannon. He said that the vizier having ordered six thousand troops to cross over in boats to relieve an island besieged by the Russians; he stated that a Russian ship would sink them all without any difficulty, to which the vizier replied, " no matter, it would be so many rascals lost." 23d. Returned Mons. de la Luzerne s visit. Found Mons. de Marbois, secretary to the embassy only at home. He desired me to give them such advice as I thought would be useful to them in America. I told him that a loan or subsidy was the most necessary thing, and therefore the most useful and acceptable they could do for us ; that we could not carry on the war longer upon credit, as our funds were much depreciated ; that their prudent method, as well as most dignified, would be, not to meddle at all with parties in America, but assist congress with good advice ; and .not embarrass VOL. i. 52 410 LIFE or them with memoirs founded upon the factious reports of individuals, being a very unjust and offensive suspicion of the good faith of congress. He answered that from his knowledge of the finances here he did not think any money could be obtained ; that they understood we were disarming, and yet the most vigorous efforts were required on our part to prevent the English from falling on us and overwhelming us ; that Mons. Luzerne, I might depend, would not concern him self in parties, nor engage in trade and jobs, as Mons. G. had done, with Mr. D. He told me that Mons. de Luzerne was endeavouring to get Spain to furnish money, for that France could not. 28th April. Visited Count d Aussun. We conversed about Spain. He informed me that Spain had fifty ships of the line well armed, and their finances were in such a state that they could support a war for three years with out borrowing. I observed that their fleet must be very expensive ; he said not near as much so as in France and England, for such regulations had been established as prevented the king from being cheated. He observed that there was no certainty that Spain would declare, but that the campaign must soon begin, and we should see. Conversing about Count d Estaing, I observed it would have been much better had his fleet been sent from Brest, as it would have gained six weeks, and the Eng lish being unprepared, must all have fallen into our hands. Mons. de Sartine was against sending the fleet from Toulon, but he was overruled. I mentioned my surprise that the provision fleets from Cork were suffered to go without being intercepted, when it was so easy, their convoy being always weak, and which must have ruined the enemy in America if they had been captur ed ; that I had repeatedly given the minister inform ation of it, and yet nothing was done. Mons. d Aussun said, that I should make a memoire of it, and suggest a plan for intercepting them. I answered that every sea man knew the latitude for cruising between Cork and America. Count Sarsefeild was with us. May 1st. Dined with Mons. Malesherbes, formerly mi- ARTHUR LEE. 411 ister, and uncle to Mons. de la Luzerne. The latter en quired about Mr. Adams, and said he would not go in the Alliance, but with him. A letter had been despatch ed to him for that purpose. He also intimated that the Alliance was not going to America. Mons. de Malesherbes is a man of extensive reading and information. He assured us that there was such a jeal ousy in the canton of Berne, that when a man became very rich it was common to persecute him, on some pre tence, and condemn him to pay such a fine as would suf ficiently reduce his fortune ; that they had passed an act against entailing lands, or rather bequeathing them to the poorest of the name. They were jealous that such a provision against want in a family would encourage matrimony, and propagation in it, so as to render it too numerous and powerful. May 3d. Gen. Beckwith, from England, called upon me. This was the. gentleman who served during the last war in Germany with such reputation, and was so high in favour with Prince Ferdinand, and at the end of the war was recommended by him to the king of Prussia, who gave him the rank of general, and made him governor of Embden. He had been in treaty with me in 1776 to serve in America, but he would not go unless I would ac company him, and unless he were to have rank above Gen. Lee. He told me the troops of Mirbeck, consist ing of 5000, were engaged to go to America. He assur ed me he knew that Prince Ferdinand offered to take the command, but that Lord s ancient enmity prevent ed him. He said he called to see our minister, Dr. Frank lin, but he was not at home ; that he should go again to-morrow; that he had a message for him from Mr. Stra- han, the king s printer in London; and had directed Mr, Hope, at Amsterdam, to direct his letters to Dr. Frank lin.* 7th. Gen. Beckwith called on me again. He told me that Gen. Gray s manner of surprising Gen. Wayne, was by a manoeuvre practised in Germany, the making the men uncharge, so that they could not fire to give any * Dr. Franklin was at this time our minister plenipotentiary in France, 412 LIFE OF alarm, but attack with bayonets. He said Gen. Gray told him this had been much practised since by the king s troops. Gen. Gray spoke highly of Gen. Washington, but thought he was nervous by constitution. He said that the Americans were not disciplined, nor the British. I asked Gen. Beckwith whether he thought there were more than ten thousand effective men in Great Britain ; he said, hardly so many, for there were only seventeen battalions, including seven foot-guards. He said Gen. Clinton had repeatedly desired to be recalled; that a commission was gone out for Vaughan to be the second in command; that though Clinton and he were good sol diers, they were not capable of command. Lord Shel- burne, he said, would come into the ministry if things went ill, and would push the war in America, and would employ Prince Ferdinand. He spoke highly of Lord S. s abilities, as the only man in England that would make peace. He then desired to speak to me in private. He in formed me he had opened himself to the French ambas sador at the Hague, and informed him of his wish to en ter the French service, and serve in America. He said he had got a letter from him to Count Vergennes, which he had delivered; that the count told him he must con sult Prince Montbarey ; that he then informed Dr. Frank lin of his desire to serve in America, who assured him he would immediately acquaint congress. The general asked me if I thought this was a genteel put off, or wheth er the Dr. had indeed no power to appoint him. For though in settled governments such powers were only in the sovereign, yet in our situation he imagined that such a power might be in Dr. Franklin. I told him I had not seen Dr. F. s powers, but that whatever special power he might have on that head, 1 was satisfied he could not have a general one. He said he could not wait six months in doubt. He asked if our generals receiv ed their orders from Gen. Washington, or from con gress. I told him I believed from the latter, through the former. JOth. Visited Mons. de Malesherbes, and talked with ARTHUR LEE. 413 him of their lettre de cachet. He said it was liable to abuse, and was often abused, but that it was necessary to supply the defects of the law, and for the great against their inferiors; e.g. if my servant is impudent, or offers to strike me, instead of prosecuting him at law, I have him imprisoned by a lettre de cachet. He said when he was minister he wanted to regulate their application, but could not succeed. I asked whether the officer, when he went to seize a man by virtue of a lettre de cachet, was obliged, on demand, to show the lettre? He said no, and that made them subject to so much abuse, especially in the provinces." (c) Supplies for the State of Virginia. "VERSAILLES, June 5th, 1778. You will see sir, by the enclosed letter from the Prince de Montbarey, and by the statement annexed, that I have used the utmost activity in executing the commis sion you recommended to me. If the plan which this minister proposes should be agreeable to you it would be proper for you to converse with him, to settle the terms. I will procure you an opportunity of doing it whenever you please. I shall always be extremely flattered when you fur nish me particularly, opportunities of showing my readi ness to serve the United States, and to you sir, the per fect esteem, with which I have the honour, &c. &c.* (Signed) DE VERGENNES. To Mr. Lee." VERSAILLES, 13th June 1778. In consequence sir, of what you requested of the Count de Vergennes and of me, I have given the neces sary orders that the artillery you desire should be collect ed at Nantes according to your wishes, and conformable to the annexed statement, which I have the honour of * The above and following letters are copied from translations by Mr. A. Lee from the originals. 414 LIFE OF sending you. It will require a month at least to collect the whole at Nantes. I shall transmit you hereafter an account of the price of these articles ; and as to the pay ment, the king authorizes me to rely on your punctuali ty in paying when circumstances will admit. I am happy sir, that this occasion furnishes me an op portunity of assuring you of the pleasure I have in trans acting business with you, and of proving to you the re gard and high consideration, with which I have the hon our to be sir, &c. &c. (Signed) The Prince MONTBAREY." " PARIS, May 7th, 1778. To his excellency Governor Henry, of the state of Virginia. Sir, My brother being absent on a negotiation for con gress, at the court of Vienna, when Mr. Lemaire arrived here, I have endeavoured to accomplish the purpose for which he was sent. Mr. Page will show you the answer from the Farmers General, and the enclosed will inform you that I have been more successful with the minister here, in obtaining the artillery, &c. which is the most dif ficult and material article. Your excellency will see how I am pledged on the part of the state, and therefore will I hope use all possible means of sending tobacco, so as to enable me to perform my promise of replacing them punctually and speedily. The attainment of future fa vours will greatly depend on this, as well as the estab lishing such a character as must always be of use to us. I had, to make sure of your having this essential article of artillery, agreed with a merchant of Cadiz, to send you the same quantity directly from Sweden, on condi tion that it should be paid in tobacco, at the current price with you, on delivery, the prime cost, with commis sion, freight, ensurance, and other necessary expenses. I shall not countermand this order, because it will make you surer of having what the state wants ; and should both sets arrive the surplus will serve for your marine, or be saleable. I have furnished Capt. Lemaire with money out of my own pocket to pay his and the pilot s ARTHUR LEE. 415 expenses, and sent him to Strasburg Sollenge, to engage the sabres, &c. for the light horse. The pilot is boarded in the country, it being dangerous to leave him at a sea port or in Paris. I am so persuaded of the superior excel lence of the Prussian muskets that I shall do every thing in my power to furnish you with ten thousand of them. The king of Prussia was so gracious as to give orders for my being supplied with as many as I should require out of his own arsenals, at the price he paid, of which he ordered an account to be sent me. But I am afraid the present preparations for war in Germany will either pre vent my having them, or augment the price. The ex hausted state of Great Britain has rendered her unable to carry menaces into execution against France, for concluding a treaty with us. Before this reaches you a French fleet under Count d Estaing, their best admiral, will have arrived to your assistance. The enemy there fore is likely to be blocked up in their turn, for the fleet they had prepared under admiral Byron to reinforce Lord Howe is stopped, and it is generally thought will not sail. This arises from apprehensions for their safety at home. If they do not support their naval superiority with you, I think we shall soon have the pleasure of seeing them driven entirely out of America. A continua tion of that spirit and vigour with which your affairs have hitherto been conducted must soon accomplish our utmost wishes, and secure us in peace, liberty and safety. I have the honour to be with the greatest regard and respect your excellency s most obedient and most humble servant, ARTHUR LEE." " PARIS, June 15th, 1778. To his excellency Governor Henry, of Virginia. Your excellency ^ letter to my brother, W. Lee, of the 10th of April, with his commission under the great seal arrived here safe yesterday. I have forwarded their contents to him at Vienna. The enclosed letters will show the endeavours I have used to promote and accomplish the most difficult part of Capt. Lemaire s mission. Your excellency will have the goodness to enable me as soon 416 LIFE OF as possible to discharge the engagement I am under on the part of the state, to pay for the things furnished. 1 should wish the tobacco for that purpose to be consigned to my brother, because I cannot so well depend upon an other. By his direction I have put the other articles of Capt. Lemaire s list into the hands of Messrs. Penet & Co. who have agreed to transmit them as speedily as pos sible, upon the terms settled by Mr. King. I hope what I have done will be agreeable to you ; and that it will speedily supply the wants of our country. As our ene mies appear unable to reinforce their navy employed against you, and Count d Estaing s fleet is stronger, it is to be hoped your coast will soon be cleared, by their ships being entirely driven away. They are equally unable to avenge themselves on our ally here, and will probably soon be forced to call home all their forces for their own defence. The diminution of their commerce, the dis tress of their people, the imbecility and wickedness of their counsels, and the rapacity of their officers, an nounce the inevitable downfall of their domination, and the ruin of their affairs. I have the honour of being, with every sentiment of respect and esteem, your excellency s most obedient and most humble servant, ARTHUR LEE." "PARIS, July 16th, 1778. To his excellency Governor Henry, of Virginia. The same to Governor Johnson, of Maryland. Sir, His excellency the minister of marine to his most Christian majesty having signified to the commis sioners here that he was apprehensive the French settle ments atMiguelon and St. Pierre would suffer much for want of provisions, unless they were supplied by the people of the United States, your excellency will oblige our new allies by directing notice to be given to the in habitants of your state that they will find a good market at those places. I have the honour to be with the greatest esteem your excellency s most obedient and most humble servant, ARTHUR LEE." ARTHUR LEE. 417 PARIS, July 29th, 1778. His excellency Governor Henry, Dear Sir, It was with the greatest pleasure I learnt from Capt. Le Maire s mission that you had at length awakened our state to the necessity of putting herself into a respectable posture by being well provided with warlike stores. I have done all in my power to promote a purpose on which her future prosperity and even safety so much depend. Though it is not possible to do things in this country with the expedition one would wish, yet I hope w r e shall procure in a short time the chief part of the supplies demanded. I expect my brother William here soon, who will put things into a better train than my want of knowledge and other avocations will permit. Not having been able to raise any money upon credit for the state, which in this country and at this time is extremely difficult, I have engaged to advance as far as forty or fifty thousand livres, for those things which in dispensably require it. I have endeavoured to make such an agreement with Penet & Co. as will leave you at lib erty to make payment for what they furnish in the man ner most convenient for the state. I have the honour to be, &c. ARTHUR LEE." " CHAILLOT, June 3d, 1778. His excellency Count de Vergennes. I have the honour of enclosing to your excellency a list of brass cannon, mortars, &c. of which the state of Virginia is in the most pressing and immediate want for its defence. If they can be furnished out of the royal arsenals, to be replaced at the expense of that state, it will be doing it a most essential service, and a favour for which they will be forever grateful. As the safest opportunities of sending them will occur in about three weeks, your excellency will pardon me for pressing for these articles to be sent by this convey ance. Nothing but the most urgent necessity would induce me to give your excellency this extraordinary trouble, VOL. i. 53 418 LIFE OF or to trespass so much upon that goodness, of which we have already received such substantial proofs. I have the honour to be, with the greatest respect and esteem, your excellency s most obedient and most humble servant, ARTHUR LEE." "CHAILLOT, Aug. 4th, 1778. Messrs. Penet & Co. Gentlemen, The bearer of this is Capt. Le Maire,who by our agreement is to inspect the articles you ship for the state of Virginia. You will therefore be so good as to give him all necessary facilities for examining and approv ing the supplies you are to furnish. I have the honour to be gentlemen, your most obedi ent servant, ARTHUR LEE." Aug. 21, 1778. " Mr. Lawrence and Mr. Robert Brooke, the gentle men who will deliver you this, are of a respectable fami ly in the state of Virginia. I shall be obliged to you for any civilities you show them; and if they apply to you for any money for their expenses, you may with safety advance it to them. I have the honour to be gentlemen, &c. ARTHUR LEE. A Monsrs. Penet fy Decoster, Negotiants a Nantes. P. S. I expect some brass artillery will be delivered to you to be shipped for the state of Virginia, which I beg you will do on freight as cheap and as well as possible, and if practicable ensure it." " PARIS, Sept. 3d, 1778. The Hon ble John Page, Virginia. Dear Sir, I had the honour of writing to you on the 24th August, since which nothing new has happened in Europe. You will see by the enclosed account what money I have advanced for the state, which was absolutely ne cessary to complete the furnishing of what was wanting; besides this I have pledged myself to the government ARTHUR LEE. 419 here, that the brass artillery, &c. which I prevailed upon them to furnish, should be punctually paid for. I therefore beg the favour of you to take care that remit tances should be speedily made for this purpose, that I may not be left in a disagreeable situation, having exert ed and pledged myself for the service of the state. There is a society established here upon the plan of the Society of Arts in London ; a correspondence between your so ciety and them might be mutually beneficial, and if you approve of it I will endeavour to establish it ; it is called the Society of Emulation; and as I have also had the ho nour of being chosen a corresponding member of it, I could easily connect the two together. The universal disorder of the times makes it very diffi cult to transact business. It is therefore that I have not received an answer relative to the great seal, nor the bills of lading of the paper desired by the treasury, and which I have reason to believe has been shipped from Holland for St. Eustatia. With great esteem I have the honour to be, &c, ARTHUR LEE." " VERSAILLES, Dec. 31st, 1778. I received sir the letter you did me the honour to write me the 1 5th of this month, relative to the refusal of the director of the arsenal at Nantes to deliver, without an order from me, to the agent for Virginia, an essential part of the coast carriage, which I directed to be added to the rest of the artillery delivered at that place for that state. I have ordered that director, agreeably to your desire, to deliver the lock belonging to the carriage, with its other appendages. You may communicate this to your agent at Nantes. I am, &c. &c. Signed, The Prince MONTBAREY. M. Arthur Lee." " VERSAILLES, March 27, 1779 I have communicated sir, to the Prince de Montbarey, the letter which yon did me the honour to write me the 420 LIFE OF 22d of this month. This minister has just made me the answer which I subjoin. You will perceive from that, that the king wills that the warlike stores furnished to the state of Virginia, should follow their first destina tion. I have the honour, &c. Signed, DE VERGENNES. M. Lee." Translation of M. de Vergennes s letter to Mr. Lee. " VERSAILLES, Feb. 16, 1779. I have the honour of transmitting to you sir, a copy of Prince Montbarey s letter, and the note that accompa nied it. You will there see, that the state of Virginia owes to the artillery chest 256,633 7s. IQd. for the payment of the effects furnished. I doubt not that you will take the speediest measures for the immediate pay ment of this sum. I have the honour, &:c. Signed, DE VERGENNES. M. Arthur Lee." (Translation.) " I annex an account of the sum of 256,633 7s. 10d., which the state of Virginia owes to the artillery chest for the supplies furnished them. I shall be obliged to you to concert with the deputies of the United States for the payment of that sum into the hands of M. Chas- til, formerly treasurer general of the artillery, &c. to dis charge the accounts of last year. I have the honour, &c. MONTBAREY. Count Vergennes." (Translation.) " VERSAILLES, March 20th, 1779, I have communicated to the Prince Montbarey the let ter in which you informed me of the impossibility of the state of Virginia paying at present for the artillery which his majesty has furnished them. I subjoin a copy of that ARTHUR LEE. 421 minister s answer, by which you will see what he pro poses to do. I have the honour, &c. Signed, DE VERGENNES. M. Arthur Lee." (Translation of Prince Montbarey s letter.) " I have informed the king of the letter sir, which you did me the honour to write me the 21st of last month, of the impossibility, as represented by Mr. Lee, that Virginia should pay the king the sum of 256,633 7s. lOd. for the artillery that was furnished from his ma jesty s arsenal. It was not intended to urge this payment, but as the passage of these effects was very doubtful in the then circumstances, his majesty reserves to himself the furnishing them when their passage can be more sure ; you will therefore be so good as to apprise Mr. Lee that I give orders for their being restored to the king s maga zine at Nantes. I have the honour, &c. MONTBAREY. Count de Vergennes." "PARIS, March 22d, 1779. To his excellency Count Vergennes. I had yesterday the honour of receiving your excellen cy s letter of the 20th, enclosing one from the Prince Mont- barey, to inform me of his intention to give orders for the re-entry of the artillery and munitions of war, which his majesty had the goodness to furnish to the pressing wants of the state of Virginia ; and which have been shipped at a great expense to the state, as well as to his majesty. Events have happened since I had the honour of writing to your excellency upon this subject, on the 16th of Feb., which compel me to beseech you to use your utmost influence in preventing this resolution from being carried into execution ; as [ apprehend nothing can be in the actual state of things more detrimental and even fatal to the state of Virginia, and consequently to the common cause. I mentioned to your excellency 422 LIFE OF that immediately upon your assurance that these things would be furnished by his majesty, I wrote to inform the state of it ; and I have written so repeatedly since that there is a moral certainty of the information having reached them. This, we may reasonably suppose, will have prevented them from providing from other quarters these necessary articles of defence. We are now cer tain of the enemy s having transferred the war to the southern states, and my intelligence from England is such that I can assure your excellency they mean to push the war there, and to invade the state of Virginia as soon as they can send out the reinforcements of troops, which are now preparing with great diligence. In this situa tion his majesty s goodness in having so readily furnished the artillery and munitions required, will, if they should be actually stopped, prove, in all probability, the destruc tion of the stale, by leaving it defenceless to the enemy s invasion. With regard to the risk this furniture runs in going at present, which is stated as the reason for recall ing it, I have the pleasure of informing your excellency that I yesterday received a letter from Nantes, advising me that the convoy was arrived, and only waited for a fair wind to sail with all the American vessels at Pain- beuf. The vessel, too, in which these munitions are shipped, is well armed ; and the state will be obliged to pay, as I am informed upon enquiry, in freight and ex penses upwards of forty thousand livres for nothing, if the articles are stopped. These reasons will I hope convince your excellency that my apprehensions of the injurious consequences of recalling what was furnished, are well founded ; and will weigh with you to obtain the stoppage or revocation of the order for their detention. There has lately appeared in the London papers an intercepted letter from a tory gentleman in Virginia, and I have information that the British ministry are in possession of several more of the same kind, encouraging an attack upon that state. I have no doubt that this will confirm and quicken the de signs of the enemy, and therefore have additional reason for conjuring your excellency to obtain permission for the departure of the munitions in question. ARTHUR LEE. I must beg the favour of being apprised as soon as- possible of his majesty s ultimate determination. I have the honour to be, &c. Signed, A. LEE." " VERSAILLES, May 21st, 1779, To Mr. Lee. I have communicated sir, to Prince Montbarey the letter you did me the honour to write me the 22nd of this month. This minister has just made me an answer,, of which I subjoin a copy. You will there see that the king thinks proper that the supplies furnished to the state of Virginia should follow their first destination. I have the honour, &c. Signed, DE VERGENNES." Translation of the copy of a letter from the Prince Mont barey, to the Count de Vergennes. "VERSAILLES, May 26th, 1779. I received sir, your letter of yesterday. Upon the re presentation of Mr. Lee, I inform the director of artillery at Nantes that his majesty consents to let the supplies which were furnished to the state of Virginia, pursue their first destination. You will be so good as to inform that late deputy of this. I have the honour, &,c. MONTBAREY." (Translation.) "PARIS, April 15th, 1779. M. Arthur Lee. I received sir, the two letters you did me the hon our to write me the 16th and 30th of last month. You therein remind me of the order I formerly gave to ex empt from duties a quantity of sabres, shovels, spades, and axes sent from Strasburg to Nantes, to go to Vir ginia, and you claim the execution of it. You desire at the same time a discharge of the security which the di rectors of the farmers at Nantes, have insisted upon for considerable duties which they will have paid on the ex- 424 LIFE OF portation of different cannon, mortars, bombs, ball, and other like munitions of war, which the king has been pleased to furnish to the state of Virginia. I subjoin orders for the restitution of the sum paid on the arms and other utensils sent from Strasburg to Nantes. As to the other articles, I had the honour of informing you on the 24th of last August, that the exemption was a fa vour which could not be repeated. You have seen that this was founded on principle, and that the king himself submits to pay the duties destined for his service. I re gret exceedingly that these reasons prevent me from an nulling the security in question. I have the honour &c. Signed, NECKER." "PARIS, April 15th, 1779. A. M. M. Necker, Controleur General des Finances. Sir, I had the honour of receiving your letter of this day s date, containing an order for repaying the duties collected upon the sabres, fee. sent from Strasburg to Nantes, and informing me that the engagement for pay ing the duties demandable upon the export of the artil lery and munitions of war, granted by his majesty for the state of Virginia, cannot be given up. I beg sir, you will believe, that it is with infinite regret I trouble you again upon the subject. But it is an act of inevitable necessity. I have not money to pay the duties engaged for, nor in the present situation of things is it possible for me to say when any funds will arrive to answer the de mand. The difficulties of finding sailors for merchant ships in Virginia are very great; and hitherto where these have been overcome, the tobacco has unfortunately fallen into the enemy s hands. It is far from being the dispo sition of any of the United States, to distress their friends, or press for favours. But in our actual situation, we must either deliver ourselves up unarmed to be massacred by our merciless enemies, or obtain the necessary means of defence by indulgences, which the singular situation of our affairs alone induces us to ask. The engagement en tered into by my merchant was unknown to me, till the articles were shipped, and the vessel ready to sail. He ARTHUR LEE. 425 did it in full confidence that I should obtain a remission of the duties. Indeed there was no alternative but ob taining this remission, or stopping the supplies and un doing all that had been done. I did understand from the letter I had the honour of receiving from you on the 24th of August last, that the exemption then granted on the sabres was not to be drawn into a claim of such exemp tion in future. But that it should operate to preclude all the other articles of the same supply, for the same pur pose, and where exactly the same necessity for asking an exemption existed, did not then strike me. Nor did I then know that there were any duties demandable on the export of brass cannon, &c., especially coming from the royal arsenals. Under these circumstances sir, I am obliged to beg you will have the goodness to revise the resolution you have done me the honour to send me. I am extremely sorry to add this troublesome request to the thanks which are due for what you have already granted; nor can any thing be more mortifying than the necessity which com pels it. I have the honour, &c. Signed, ARTHUR LEE." (Translation.) " PARIS, April 26th, 1779. I have received sir, the letter you did me the honour of writing me the 15th of this month, relative to the artil lery, bombs and balls which the king has been so good as to furnish to the state of Virginia, and which have been shipped at Nantes. After the explanation you have made, I gave orders to the Farmers General to annul the secu rity given by Mr. Schweighauser. But I beg you will be so good as to observe, that a similar favour cannot be granted consistent with the laws. I have the honour to be, &c. Signed, NECKER. Mr. Arthur Lee." VOL. j. 54 426 LIFE OF "PARIS, May 2d, 1779. To the Hon ble B. Franklin, M. P. By letters this day from Nantes, I am informed that the Alliance frigate is manned, and ready to sail ; adverse winds still detain the American fleet at Brest, with its convoy. As that convoy is destined to the French isl ands, it will of course leave those vessels which are in tended for the United States before they reach the coast. Yet there it is, that as well from the enemy s cruisers as from the multitude of privateers lately fitted out, they will run the greatest risk. Not only the public at large is highly interested in the safe arrival of this fleet, but the state of Virginia depends upon it for supplies essen tially necessary for her defence and preservation. The difficulty with which these have been obtained, and the impossibility of replacing them if lost, make it of the last importance to use every possible means for their pro tection. For these reasons I presume to submit to your consid eration, whether the Alliance can render a more useful and acceptable service to our country, than by immediate ly joining that fleet at Brest, and convoying it quite to our ports. I have the honour to be, &c. Signed, ARTHUR LEE." " PASSY, May 3d, 1779. Hon ble A. Lee, Esq. Sir, I did write to the gentlemen at Nantes concern ed in fitting out the vessels for America, offering them the Alliance as a convoy, and ordered her to Nantes ac cordingly ; they did not choose to accept that offer, know ing as I suppose her weakness, but sailed for Brest to go with the French convoy without waiting her arrival, and would probably have been gone long before she could have been fitted for sea, if contrary winds had not pre vented. 1 wish your information were true, that she is manned, and fit for such service ; it must be from some person who is unacquainted with the facts, perhaps Mr. ARTHUR LEE. 427 Ford. I must suppose the merchants are satisfied with the convoy they have put their ships under, as I do not learn that they have applied for one more suitable. I would readily have solicited such an application, if I had understood it to be necessary, being equally desirous with you of their arriving safe, and sensible of the importance of it. But I have not received a line from any of them to any such purpose; and Capt. Landais has assured me, that my supposition of his having men enough to fight his ship on occasion, in going home, though not enough to man prizes on a cruise, was a great mistake in my inform er; he then wanted 150 men, and I have not since heard of her having recruited more than 40, with the exchang ed Americans from England. Mr. Ford may probably be accommodated in the same frigate that will take Mr. Adams. I have the honour to be, &c. Signed, B. FRANKLIN. P. S. I am glad to hear from you, that the supplies necessary for Virginia are shipped." " MAY 6th, 1779. The Hon ble B. Franklin, Sir, I had not the honour of receiving your answer till to-day, though it is dated the 3d. It came by the penny-post. It was by Mr. Adams s information when on board, that I understood the Alliance had then (April 29th) a good crew, and I cannot express my concern on hearing from you that it is otherwise. The persons and properties of so many of our countrymen, the valuable merchandize, and the essential stores for the United States and for that of Virginia, which are on board this fleet at Brest, are of such infinite importance to our country, that I cannot help trembling for their fate, since I have lately learnt that M. la Morte Piquet will positively protect them no farther than in his way to the West Indies, and that our coast swarms with privateers fitted out from New-York, Rhode Island, and Augustine. The supplies for the state of Virginia were those obtained some time ago from the crown, consisting of brass cannon, mortars, 428 LIFE OF bombs, and ball. The articles which my brother solicit ed your assistance in procuring, are a second order, and as necessary for the defence of the state as the first; which first only I have fulfilled, except in those articles which the house of Penet engaged for, but did not send. The gentlemen going to and shipping goods for America, I know lamented that their repeated requests through the commissioners to the ministry for a convoy quite to America, were unsuccessful ; they had waited several weeks, and at a great expense, in expectation of it, when the commissioners sent them a copy of M. de Sartine s final answer to their reiterated applications, containing these words " si ceux qui sont actucllement a JVants ay ant destination, pour les Etats Unies, descendant promptement la Riviere Us seront escortes jusqu au de la des caps and plus loin encore, c est a dire, pendant tout le terns quails voudront suivre la route de convoy des Batimens Frangois destines pour les Isles de PAmerique." It was a great mor tification to them that the Alliance was not manned, nor any certainty when she would be so, which obliged them to put themselves under the French West India convoy, as the best and only one that then offered. I presume then it was not their being satisfied with a convoy half the way, that prevented their applying to you, since your late appointment, to obtain for them a more sufficient one, but their knowing that application had already been made by you and the other commission ers without success. It is also probable that their being under sailing orders in Brest Road, deprived them of knowing the state the Alliance was in at Nantes; but it is most sure, that they would have been extremely hap py to have seen her return to Brest as their convoy. They had every reason to expect that this would be the case if she got men at Nantes, because you had directed them to be informed that you had given orders for her to convoy them, which it was understood the want of men only prevented. I cannot therefore doubt that the wish es of all the American gentlemen, that the Alliance should convoy them, coincide with mine, though circumstances have prevented them from being expressed. ARTHUR LEE. 429 It was from a persuasion of this, and from an anxiety for their safety, as well as for that of the important sup plies that go with them, that I ventured to submit to you my opinion of the utility of ordering the Alliance imme diately to Brest, which I still most earnestly wish may if possible be done. Most of these gentlemen have al ready experienced the miseries of being made prisoners, to which there is too much reason to apprehend they will return, if they are left upon our coast without convoy. It is a long time too since congress has heard from their servants in Europe. Mr. Izard and myself have written to our constituents, in expectation of our despatches go ing in safety by the Alliance, or under her convoy, upon matters in which the public honour, interest, and safety, are deeply concerned. I am sorry to have troubled you with so long a letter, but out of the fullness of the heart the tongue speaketh; and I am filled with the most anx ious concern for the fate of the fleet, if it is to be left unprotected in any part of the voyage. I have the honour to be, &c. Signed, ARTHUR LEE." " N. B. Mr. A. Lee having waited some time without receiving an answer to the above letter, on the 1/ith of May I waited on Dr. Franklin to know whether or not he had received it. His answer was, that he had, but that as the ships were then sailed, he did not think it neces sary to make any answer. Signed, LUDWELL LEE." " Observation. The ships sailed from Isle Dey, near Brest, the 10th of May; the post is four full days from Brest to Paris; then the date of my letter was eight days before the receipt of that intelligence, which it is pre tended made an answer unnecessary. The fact is, that the Alliance was ordered immediately to L Orient, to join the private cruisers fitted out by Mr. Chaumont. With regard to her not being manned, the Hon. Mr. Ad ams, who wrote that she was, had been on board of her for some weeks, had sailed in her from Brest to Nantes, and spoke from what he saw; nor is it easy to conceive, 430 LIFE OF that if she was manned sufficiently to go upon a cruise, she was unfit to go as a convoy, which requires fewer men ; since in the latter case she was to fight only ; in the former, to fight and man her prizes. A. L." (d) Memoire to the French Court. " When a conduct of premeditated perjury, shameless perfidy, and unexampled cruelty, on the part of Great Britain during the present war, had so much exasperated the minds of the people of the United States that it was apprehended they would proceed to retaliation, which if once commenced in anger might be carried to extremities the most horrible, the congress issued an address, exhort ing forbearance, and a farther trial, by examples of lenity and generosity, to recall their enemies to the practice of humanity amid the calamities of war. In consequence of this, neither the congress of the United States, nor any of the states apart, have ever exercised, or authorised the exercise of the right of retaliation. Their enemies how ever continued their barbarities, till the issue of war, turning against them, put one of their armies, and a mul titude of other prisoners, into the power of the states. From that time till lately, their conduct towards those citizens of the United States whom they had made pri soners, was less stained with atrocious insolence and in humanity. But since they have found that all the efforts and arts of their commissioners could neither intimidate nor seduce the congress, nor the people of the United States, they have become outrageous, and in that spirit have published a proclamation which contains the follow ing brutal menaces, and which they have already begun to execute, by desolation and murders, wherever they can approach. It is therefore manifestly the enemy s policy, to disgust the people of America with their alli ance with France, by convincing them, that instead of shielding them from future miseries, it has accumulated additional calamities upon their country. To stop the progress of these cruelties, and disappoint their purpose, ARTHUR LEE. 431 the commissioners submit to your excellency s considera tion two measures, which in their opinion are most like ly to answer these ends. 1st. That the court of France should announce to that of Great Britain that unless this declaration of its com missioners is formally renounced, and the cruel method of carrying on the war effectually stopped, this court will join with the United States, in the severest retaliation. 2nd. That a powerful fleet of thirty or forty sail should be immediately sent to the coast of America, to support this declaration, and secure a naval superiority over the enemy in those seas. The commissioners suggest this measure as appearing to them to be the most sure and effectual means of distressing the enemy, and destroying her commerce, humbling her pride, and reducing her to the necessity of suing for peace. Upon this naval superiori ty in those seas must depend the valuable commerce of their islands and the islands themselves. The difficulties of provisioning a fleet at such a distance, or of repairing it, in case of any accident, augment with the number to such a degree, that it seems impossible for the enemy to support thirty or forty sail of the line in that quarter, and therefore, though they are able to meet and even out-number Count d Estaing s fleet, yet against the pro posed augmentation it is conceived they could not con tend. The commissioners hope the speedy assistance and reparation received by Count d Estaing s fleet will show the advantages which this country must enjoy in carrying on the naval war on a coast friendly to her, and hostile to her enemy. And these advantages they trust will in future be much more sensible, because the ap pearance of the fleet this time was sudden and unexpect ed, and the last season in that particular part of the country was the most unfavourable that has been known for many years." END OF VOL. I. OF ARTHUR LEE. PRUSSIAN PAPERS. "PARIS, April 19th, 1777. To his excellency Baron Schulenburg at Berlin. Sir, We received the letter which you did us the honour to write to us of the 15th ultimo, and should earlier have replied particularly thereto, out from the daily expectation we had, of receiving orders from the congress of the United States on this important sub ject. We have their commands to inform his Prussian majesty s ambassador here that they propose to send a minister to your respected court with all convenient expedition, properly empowered to treat upon affairs of importance ; and that we are in the mean time in structed and authorised by the congress to solicit the friendship of your court, to request that it would af ford no aid to their enemies, but use its good offices to prevent the landing of troops by other powers to be transported to America, for their destruction ; and to offer the free commerce of the United States to the subjects of Prussia. We have taken the earliest op portunity of obeying these commands. But consider- VOL. II. 1 6 LIFE OF ing the great importance of establishing a free com merce between the two countries as soon as possi ble, and confident that every objection may be obvi ated, and the wished for intercourse opened and es tablished on the most certain and beneficial grounds, to promote the interest of both countries ; we pro pose that one of us shall wait on your excellency as soon as conveniently may be done, to explain person ally the situation of America, the nature, extent, and importance of its commerce, and the methods by which it may be carried on with Prussia to mutual advantage. In the proposed interview we are con fident the difficulties mentioned by your excellency may be surmounted, and a very considerable part of American commerce be turned to Prussia, by meas ures neither dangerous nor expensive. We have the honour to be, &c. BENJ. FRANKLIN, S. DEANE, A. LEE." Si r? I have been informed by the letter which you did me the honour to write me the 8th of this month, that in consequence of the 19th past, which came to me on the part of Mr. Franklin, Deane, and yourself, that you were upon the point of setting off for this place, unless prevented by some unforeseen accident. My answer of the llth will have shown you sir, that I still fear the difficulties that oppose themselves in the present circumstances of things to establishing a commerce between the king and the colonies of North America ; and that I look upon our conversations upon this subject rather as prelimina ries for the time to come, than as negotiations, which may be immediately productive of advantageous con sequences. For this reason sir, I think you need not be uneasy about the delays which retard your journey ; and ARTHUR LEE. 7 that no reproach of neglecting the interests of your constituents can fall upon you, when you are obliged to put off a business the result of which will probably be far distant, to treat of others of more importance and more pressing. I have the honour to be, &c. SCHULENBURG. To Arthur Lee, Esq." " BERLIN, June 20th, 1777. Count Schulenburg. Sir, I had the honour of receiving your excellency s letter of the 18th, this day. Upon trial I hope the difficulties will not be found so great as your excel lency seems to imagine. When I had the honour of conversing with your excellency I mentioned that the admission of our cruisers into his majesty s ports, to supply themselves with necessaries, carry in and sell their prizes in a secret manner, would be attended with great advan tages. It is the only method of establishing a com merce at present from America hither, in the commo dities and vessels of the states. For the privateers take in a light cargo from America, which they bring to the ports where they are permitted ; this they ex change for necessary supplies and then make a cruise, by the profits of which they are enabled to purchase a cargo of such manufactures as are wanted in Ame rica, with which they return. If I had his majesty s permission to signify that our cruisers would be received in his ports upon this footing as they are in the south, I can have no doubt but that this species of commerce would soon take place ; and most assuredly the advantages of it to those ports, and consequently to his majesty s king dom, would be very considerable. Without such permission our congress will be obliged to send the prizes they make in the northern seas, either to the O LIFE OF south or directly to America, and will have no means of commerce or communication with his majesty s dominions. In about ten days I propose quitting Berlin on my return, before which I hope to hear from your excel lency upon this important subject. I have the honour of being with the greatest re spect your excellency s most humble and most obedi ent servant, ARTHUR LEE." "BERLIN, June 18th, 1777. Sir, After having deliberately examined the pro positions you had the goodness to address to me, con cerning the establishment of a commerce between the states of the king and the English colonies of North America, I agree with you sir, that it is very likely that even paying the highest ensurance, the scarcity and dearness of our goods in America, together with the abundance and low r price of your productions, which might be advantageously sold in Europe, would render this commerce very profitable to both parties. It remains only to make a trial, but an almost insur mountable difficulty presents itself, which is, that hav ing never adventured as far as your country we want ships, as well as captains, pilots, and sailors, who could and would be sent into those seas, besides that the vessels that we have are necessary for carrying on the interior commerce of the king s different pro vinces, and for that which we have with France, Spain, and England ; our only resource is then to try if there are any owners of vessels in Holland or Hamburg, who for a convenient freight would undertake to carry our merchandize, and in the second place to find out an ensurance. We shall endeavour to get ourselves well informed on these two points, and if there is a possibility of succeeding in this way after having obviated some other small difficulties, we may ARTHUR LEE. 9 benefit ourselves by the instructions which you have had the goodness to point out to us. I have the honour to be with most distinguished esteem and respect, sir, &c. BARON SCHULENBURG. Mr. Arthur Lee" "BERLIN, June 28th, 1777. Dear Sirs, I have not yet received a line from you. It is not easy to divine the reason of so long a silence. There is for sale here, and deliverable in any port in France, fourteen thousand weight of brass cannon, at six guineas the quintal, and six thousand to be melted down, at five guineas and a half. They are six, twelve, and twenty-four pounders. The ex pense of freight and ensurance to Nantes or else where will be added to this price. Two days ago, while I was at dinner, my bureau was broke open and some papers stolen out, which were in my porte- feuille. The English envoy happened to be in the hotel where I lodge when I discovered the robbery. Upon being informed that I was gone to the gover nor, and that the suspicion fell upon one of his ser vants, he went away in great confusion, and in half an hour the porte-feuille with all the papers were laid down at the door, and the person ran off undiscovered. The examinations that have been taken, charge his servant with having repeatedly told the servants of the hotel that his master would give two thousand ducats for my papers. The landlord who charged his servant with it before him, deposes that he said he would send the servant to answer for himself, but that the servant never appeared. Prince Colberg, who was also present, deposes that he immediately quitted the room in the greatest confusion. The whole is before the king. The return of the papers, and those which he particularly wanted not having been left in the bureau, disappointed him of his ob- 10 LIFE OF ject, while the whole odium rests upon him. He will do better the next time, and his court will no doubt encourage him. Public ministers have been regarded as spies; Mr. Elliot will give them the ad ditional title of robbers. I shall leave this on Thursday next, and expect to be at Strasburg in twelve days from thence, so that a letter will meet me there by return of post. I am, with the greatest esteem, dear sirs, yours, &c. ARTHUR LEE. To -Benjamin Franklin and Silas Deane, Esqrs. Commissioner S) Paris. "JUNE 28th, 1777. To the Commissioners at Paris. Dear Sirs, It is now the 28th, and not a line from you. I cannot divine the reason of so long a silence. There is for sale here, deliverable at any port in France, 414,000 weight of brass cannon, at six guineas the quintal, and 60,000, to be melted down again, at five guineas and a half. They are 6, 12, and 24s. The expense of freight and ensurance to Nantes will be added to this price. The enclos ed estimate of clothing you will compare with that you have contracted for, and determine whether it be worth while to order 10,000 suits from hence, which can be furnished in a very short time. I am dear sirs, &c. A. LEE. N, B. The estimate was about 24 francs a suit." " BERLIN, July 6th, 1777. To the Commissioners at Paris. Dear Sirs, I informed you in my last, of the 28th, of my having been robbed of my papers, and having retrieved them within a few hours. Whether they were read I cannot ascertain, but I think they would never have returned them had they known their con tents. My journal book, which was among them, con- ARTHUR LEE. 11 tained all our transactions in France and Spain. You will therefore judge, whether it be proper to guard those courts against any complaints from England. As they have returned the evidence of what they will allege, it may well be treated as a forgery, supposing always they have read it, which I do not believe. I have just learnt that the English envoy has despatch ed his secretary to London; but whether to guard against the storm he expects his indiscretion will ex cite from hence, or to give the intelligence he obtain ed, or both, I know not. I have thought it prudent to wait here some days, to see whether the ill-humour he has excited will furnish a favourable opportunity of obtaining something. I shall leave this place next week, unless some advice from you should stop me. Hitherto I have not been favoured with a single line. I see in the English papers that cruisers are sent to the Baltic, which I am afraid are against Weeks. Perhaps you will think it proper to change the name of Boux s ship, to embarrass their complaint to the states, should they make any. I enclose you the pri ces of several articles we want, and which seem to be cheaper here than in France. I have the honour to be, with great respect, your obedient servant, ARTHUR LEE." " PARIS, July 29th, 1777. The Hon ble Chairman of the Secret Committee, Sir, I had the honour of informing the committee of my proceedings at Berlin, in a letter from thence dated the llth of last month. On my first interview with his excellency Baron Schulenburg, he informed me that upon receiving information of my intending to come to Berlin, he had written to signify the king s resolution not to receive me as a public minister; but that he should be glad to receive any information re lative to the proposal of carrying on trade with us. 12 LIFE OF I urged the example of the civil wars both in England and Holland, during which public ministers were re ceived from them by neutral powers, without its be ing deemed an infringement of their neutrality; with many other similar instances of great authority. He answered, that his majesty had pledged his honour to the king of Great Britain not to interfere in this dis pute, and he was determined not to commit himself. He therefore wished I would confine myself entirely to the subject of trade, as he could not hear any farther propositions. As I had not been expressly commissioned by con gress to the court of Berlin, I thought it not pru dent to insist on this point. I therefore gave him what light I could, touching the proper articles of commerce, the best ports in America, and the best means of conducting the trade. - 1 trusted that I should find an opening for going farther, upon better acquaintance and opportunity. Accordingly I ven tured in a little time to propose the opening their ports to our cruisers, and to allow the sale of their prizes. I was assured, in answer to this proposition, that they would enquire upon what footing this was done in France and Spain, and inform me whether the same could be admitted in their ports. While I was at dinner one day, some person contriv ed to get into my chamber, which was locked, and to break open my desk, from whence he took all my pa pers. 1 soon discovered the robbery, and alarming the police, the English envoy, who happened to be on a visit in the hotel when the alarm was given, imme diately went home, and in a few minutes the papers were all returned, apparently unopened. The envoy went to the king next day to excuse himself, but was not admitted. It appeared upon examination, that his servants had frequently offered a large sum to the servants of the house, if they would steal my papers. But as I never went out of my room upon the most ARTHUR LEE. 13 trifling occasion without locking them up, they were obliged to have recourse to violence. The resentment of every one at so outrageous an act, was soon lost in the contempt of the envoy s folly in returning what he had incurred so much odium in acquiring. The minister of state told me they could do nothing more than insist on his recall, which he imagined the envoy, considering the unfavourable light in which this ac tion had placed him, would ask himself. I thought this a favourable opportunity of pressing for aid from the king, in artillery, arms, and money ; of which last I was well informed he had a considerable sum in his treasury. But I could obtain nothing but assurances of his desire to serve us,if it were in his pow er. Upon my taking leave, the baron Schulenburg de livered me a message from his majesty, desiring me to assure my constituents, that nothing would give him more pleasure than to hear of their success, and that he wished whatever good news I received might be communicated to him. I did not omit to press his interposition, relative to German and Prussian auxiliaries. In answer to this, the minister assured me that we had no reason to ap prehend any thing, either from the one or the other in future. What I have collected from various sources on the subject is this. The German princes, who have hired their troops, besides having rendered themselves ex tremely odious, have suffered greatly and are still suf fering by the emigration of their subjects, for fear of being forced into this service, which is excessively un popular and odious through all Germany. Under these circumstances, those princes are neither much inclin ed nor at all able to furnish new supplies. The re cruits already sent were furnished by their utmost ex ertions, and in all probability will be their last. The situation of the empress of Russia is not more VOL. II. 2 14 LIFE OF favourable. She is under a constant alarm for the in ternal quiet of her kingdom, in which there are every where the seeds of great and dangerous discontents. A considerable force is required to preserve the acqui sitions she has made in Poland. The peace with the Porte is an armed truce, which threatens to break out into action every moment. The first and most sacred principle of the Mahometan religion is, the union of all mussulmans. The dividing Crimea from them is for this reason a mortal W 7 ound to their religious opinions, and renders the late peace universally odious. Per petual obstacles are therefore raised to the execution of it, and the Turks are openly preparing to avenge their late defeats. So circumstanced, it is certain the empress is herself in great need of assistance, instead of being in a condition to give it ; which, were she able, it is conceived she would never stoop to do, as a subsidiary of Great Britain, in such a contest, and in such company as the little German princes. What is a farther security against their future efforts, is the deficiency of funds on the part of our enemies. I found their credit in Germany had been at no time lower than it is now. We have good intelligence from Holland of its falling there apace. In England men every day ruminate more deeply on the dark and ruinous prospect before them, and most assuredly their credit there is already stretched to its utmost. All this may be well conceived, from the light in which this contest was always viewed. In England it was regarded as unwise; in every other part of Eu rope, as unwise and unjust. Nothing but the most brilliant and immediate success could have prevented the consequences of these opinions. That has not happened, and therefore they now begin to experience the bitter effects of their folly and injustice. Every day confirms me more and more in the opi nion, that our enemies cannot continue the war anoth er campaign with any effect ; and that the acknowl- ARTHUR LEE. 15 edgment of your independency will be a serious sub ject of deliberation among the powers of Europe the ensuing winter. I have the honour to be, with great respect, your obedient servant, ARTHUR LEE." " PARIS, Sept. 9th, 1777. The Hon ble Chairman of the Secret Committee, Sir, I have not heard from Berlin relative to their determination about opening their ports to our cruisers. The abbe Raynal, who is just returned from a tour in England, tells me that nothing disgusts the Eng lish nation so much with the continuance of the war, as the seeing their ports filled with French ships, to carry on their commerce with other nations. Their merchants are obliged to have recourse to this expe dient to screen their merchandise. I say screen, be cause they cannot expect that, according to the law of nations, it will be a protection when discovered. They have been driven to this necessity by the num ber and success of your cruisers in and about the chan nel, which has raised ensurance so high, that their manufactures are in danger of being augmented thereby in their price, too much for the European markets. I thought it would be useful to inform you of these facts, to show the utility of continuing and encourag ing cruisers in these seas, as they will perhaps be so discouraged by the late measures in this country, (which I trust will not be of long continuance) as to confine their course to the American seas. I have the honour, &c. ARTHUR LEE," 16 LIFE OF " BERLIN, Nov. 6th, 1777. Sir, The king was surprised to learn from the let ter which you did me the honour to write me the 23d ult. that you had received no news from America, while the public papers are filled with many different accounts, principally upon the descent of Gen. Howe on the Chesapeake, and the check which Gen. Bur- goyne is said to have received from the American general Arnold. As I am persuaded his majesty will receive with pleasure a confirmation of the last arti cle, in consequence of the interest he takes in the events favourable to your cause, you will oblige me much sir, by communicating to me authentic accounts on this subject the moment you receive them; as it is extremely difficult to distinguish the truth of relations dictated for the most part by the spirit of party. As to the re-inforcement of troops which Great Britain may expect from the other powers of Europe for the ensuing campaign, I can assure you sir, that your nation has nothing to fear from Russia, nor from Denmark, and that even Germany will furnish but a few hundreds of men, which the Duke of Brunswick, the Landgrave of Hesse, and the Margrave of An- spach, cannot avoid sending, to fill up the corps which by treaty they are obliged to keep up in America, un der British pay. It is with sincere pleasure sir, that I give you this agreeable information, having the honour to be with distinguished consideration, &c. BARON SCHULENBURG. Mr. Arthur Lee, Paris." "PARIS, Jan. 5th, 1778. Gentlemen, My despatches by Capt. Young, and since by Mr. Deane, jr., will have informed you of whatever has happened worthy of your attention in the departments of Spain and Prussia. The latter is now resigned to the care of the commissioner ap pointed to it, who will inform congress (as he is in- ARTHUR LEE. 17 structed) of the assurances from Baron Schulenburg, secretary of state to the king of Prussia, that his mas ter will riot be the last to acknowledge your indepen dency. This may show you the favourable disposi tion of that monarch, who I believe waits only for the example of this court, which I trust will not be long delayed. I have received a complaint from St. Sebastian of the sailors, who carried in a prize there made by an* American privateer, having been impri soned, and the prize seized. This passed previous to the arrival of the news of Burgoyne s surrender, and Gen. Washington s having given battle to the British army. As this news has made a strong sensation in our favour, I am in hopes the representations I have made will not only relieve them, but prevent any vio lence of this kind in future. It would seem that the court of Spain will not enter into any negotiation till we have concluded the business here. But I shall hold myself ready to execute that duty, in obedience to the commands of congress, the moment it is per mitted. I expect every day to hear that the blankets and stockings I ordered from Bilboa are shipped. The enclosed letter will show the sincerity of those pro fessions I had the honour of receiving from his Prus sian majesty; and as he is in great esteem with the empress of Russia, I think we may be satisfied that he will use all his influence to prevent our enemies from succeeding in their solicitations with her. 1 have no reason to alter my opinion of the malignant obstinacy with which our enemies are determined to pursue the war. The ill success has produced a dis inclination in the public to persevere, which gives them some alarm. I have secret but sure informa tion, that in order to conquer this reluctance by the hope of a speedy end to the war, they mean very soon to lay before parliament a plan of accommoda tion. Under the delusion of this hope, they expect to pass easily over the enquiry into the state of the 18 LIFE OF nation, and to have its force continued another year under their direction. Mr. Stephenson, who will have the honour of delivering you this, was a mer chant in Bristol, whom I have long known to be zeal ously attached to the cause of his country. I have the honour to be, &c. ARTHUR LEE. To the Corresponding Committee." The British court are greatly alarmed about Can ada, for the defence of which they are informed 8000 men at least are necessary. I hardly think if will be possible for them to procure any thing like that num ber. The refusal of a passage by the king of Prus sia will embarrass and impede their German supplies as stipulated, and I have good intelligence that it was done with the approbation of the emperor, and that he will use his influence to prevent future supplies. Sir, In answer to the letter which you did me the honour to write me of the 28th of December, of the former year, I must begin by remarking to you sir, that before that last I had received two letters from you, viz. one of the 4th and another of the of the same month ; but as you assure me that you had wrote twice since the 4th of December, that expres sion of some doubt whether or not the letter of the 4th is comprehended in the two you mention, makes me think one of your letters has miscarried ; as to myself sir, after my letter of the 4th of December, the receipt of which you have acknowledged, I have made you two answers, one of the 18th, and another of the 23d, both of which I hope have come to hand. I address this as you desire to Mr. Grand, banker, Montmartyr-street, arid that we may guard against our letters being any of them lost for the future, I would propose to you sir to number yours, as I shall do, beginning with this. ARTHUR LEE. 19 The reflections you make upon the present situa tion of affairs are most just ; and indeed Gen. Howe s situation appears very embarrassing. We must see how he will extricate himself, or if he will not at least take and keep his posts with more prudence than he did last year. As the events of this war be come every day more interesting, I again pray you sir to communicate to me regularly all the news you may receive. The king seems much interested in it. His majesty wishes that your efforts may be crowned with success, and as I have told you in mine of the 13th of Dec. he will not hesitate to acknowledge your independency as soon as France, which is more immedi ately interested in the issue of this contest, shall set the example. His majesty would make no difficulty in receiving your ships into his ports if it were not that he has no fleet to revenge the insults that may be of fered to your ships. The port of Embden, however safe and convenient it may otherwise be, not having even a fort for its defence, his majesty would not wish to put himself in so disagreeable a situation. As to the guns and other arms of our manufacture, you are at liberty sir, either to buy or order ; and the splitt gerbers, bankers and undertakers of the manu factory of arms, have instructions to deliver you as many as you want. I subjoin a note of the prices, which are the same that the king pays, and as to the infantry muskets, they may be procured at a low price, if solidity of workmanship is more desirable, rather than that exactness which the king requires. I have the honour to be with distinguished consid eration sir, &c. BARON SCHULENBURG." Mr. Arthur Lee, Paris." 20 LIFE OF " 2nd February 1778. To his excellency Baron Schulenburg. I was honoured with jours of the 16th of January, some few days since, and have delayed an answer in hopes that despatches from America would have ena bled me to give your excellency some acceptable in telligence. But in this I am disappointed, so that we have nothing but the relations of the enemy to direct our judgment of the present situation of things in and near Philadelphia. There is one thing how ever that must strike your excellency in Gen. Howe s narration, which is, that in attempting to make his forward movement he is constantly attacked instead of attacking ; and however well he might have de fended himself, was obliged to measure back his ground, and put his army into winter quarters. His tranquillity or even safety there will depend much upon the mildness of the winter and the equipment of the army of the United States for a campaign in that rigorous season. If the winter is severe and Gen. Washington s army tolerably provided, it seems to me that Gen. Howe s situation will be far from that of security. Congress have approved of the convention with Gen. Burgoyne, the terms of which I am very much mistaken if the British government do not violate. The enemy is driven entirely back into Canada, after blowing up the works of Ticonderoga, and New-York is pressed on all sides. The 4th and the 1 1 th were the letters I referred to, and I have had the honour of receiving those your ex cellency mentions. I hope the period for executing his majesty s most gracious purpose towards us is not remote ; as well as that of the reduction of the British power within the limits of due respect for other powers. ARTHUR LEE. 21 I thank your excellency a thousand times for the facilities you have procured us, in the supplying our selves with arms. But I find things must be more arranged before we can avail ourselves of your good ness. The enemy s preparations are more sounding than substantial. They mark a radical weakness ; and will certainly be impotent when we are fortified with alli ances. I have the honour to be with great respect, ARTHUR LEE." " PARIS, Dec. 25th, 1778. To his excellency Baron Schulenburg. I had the honour of receiving your excellency s favour of the 1st. I am extremely sorry for having troubled you with a representation which seems to have given offence instead of obtaining redress. The character of a merchant nor that of all the mer chants in Europe can weigh against the evidence of one s senses. I do assure your excellency upon my honour that the musket which is the specimen of those sent for the best Prussian arms, and which have cost me five livres a piece more than the best arms in France, is one of the worst that I ever beheld. I have seen most of the troops in Europe, and I never saw such a musket in a soldier s hand. Ft has this remarkable trait, that it is neither of the old nor of the new model ; but seems to have been a barrel spoilt in attempting to new model it, and this put into a stock of such wood and of such fashion as can not be imagined worse. There is no mark of its hav ing been examined, upon it. In short a mistake be tween the new and the old model is out of the ques tion. But your excellency will give me leave to observe that if my demand was not explicit, it is a little sur- VOL. n. 3 22 LIFE OF prizing that the house of in the correspond ence that passed between them and myself before the order was executed, did not ask an explanation whether the old or the new model was meant. They knew, though we did not, that there were different kinds of arms of the Prussian make, and therefore that a mistake might happen. As to my self, I had seen the troops at Berlin, and the arsenal furnished with arms of the new model. I had con versed with sundry officers upon the preference due to arms of the Prussian make, and never found any one who by that term did not understand those of the new model. Not knowing therefore that there was any possibility of mistake I did not conceive I could be more explicit. Upon the whole, instead of the best arms in Europe which I promised, I have sent the worst, if the rest are like the specimen sent me. It is not from any doubt of the justice of his majesty s courts that I shall not trouble them with this business. In my situation it is obviously impossible to pursue it in that way. I hope your excellency will pardon me for having given you the pain of reading one let ter on the subject, and I should not have added a second, but that there was a sort of censure thrown upon me, which I most assuredly did not deserve. I should have thought myself censurable if I had con cealed from your excellency a proceeding on the part of those gentlemen which appeared so flagrant to me. You thought I was alone to blame, in which I cannot in any degree whatsoever concur. I have the hon our of enclosing to your excellency a copy of a mani festo, to which the avowedly savage intentions of our enemies have compelled congress. The previous resolution will show your excellency with what re luctance congress has adopted retaliation. As long as it was possible to impute the barbarities committed to the unauthorized malignity of individuals, they ex horted forbearance. But when a solemn avowal on ARTHUR LEE. 23 the part of his Britannic majesty s commissioners, of their determination to exercise the extremes of war, and to desolate for the sole purpose of destroying, had deprived them of the apology they had too generously made for the actions of their enemies ; their duty to the people, to humanity, to nations, called from con gress this resolution of retaliation. This conduct of our enemies will, like all their other follies and perse cutions knit more firmly our confederation. The in human purpose of massacre and desolation upon a pre text of our being mortgaged to France, which the very treaty to which they allude expressly contradicts, has armed every hand and heart against them : it has con firmed the wavering, animated the timid, and exaspe rated the brave. The laws of nations are the common property of all civilized people. A deliberate deter mination on the part of Great Britain to violate them and recall the practices of barbarians, should render that nation abhorred through all Europe. Our liber ties, which were the object of the war, are secure ; we are now fighting the battles of humanity and of na tions against the avowed and bitter enemies of both. I have the honour to be with the greatest respect your excellency s obedient servant, A. LEE." 24 LIFE OF APPENDIX VI. Letters from Mr. Arthur Lee to the Committee of Correspondence of Congress on Foreign Affairs. "NANTES, Feb. 14th, 1777. Secret committee. Gentlemen, The enclosed book is esteemed a work of genius, and as such I have thought it proper to be sent to you. We were acquainted with the author in Paris, who is a man of very high character, and so strongly our friend that I have no doubt that if the want of his second volume, which is not yet published, should render any explanation necessary, he will give it with pleasure. Since I had the honour of writing yesterday, Mr. Thomas Morris has informed me of the agreement he has just concluded with the Farmers General for all the tobacco which shall arrive here on your account, at seventy livres a hundred. It was probably in con templation of this that they refused to sign the treaty with us, after they had pledged their word for it. Our object was to interest government here through them in our commerce so much as to secure their utmost protection of it ; to ensure the export of our produce, which we apprehended the scarcity of ship ping and sailors would render impracticable in our own bottoms, and to command a considerable advance of ready money for a full supply of arms, ammuni tion, rigging, &:c. which we might convey with more certainty under their protection. To compass these objects we were induced to offer them such tempting terms. The price they have now agreed to give is certainly a good one, but I fear it will not relieve us ARTHUR LEE. 25 from our difficulties, as there is no advance stipulat ed, and the difficulty of exportation seems to increase daily. Our last intelligence from England informs us that a bill is now passing for granting letters of marque against you, or rather for repealing so much of their former act as confined it to the navy. The press there, still continues very violent, but not equally pro ductive ; that, together with the great preparation of France and Spain, seems to render the continuance of peace for many months, impossible. From every thing that I can learn, their armaments against you will be very late, if the situation of Europe will suffer them at all. But it is best to prepare for their plan as if it would be executed in its fullest extent, for it is impossible to have such reliance on the politics of Europe, as would justify the hazarding much upon the issue. I believe you have not yet been apprized of what it may be material to you to know, which is that the British government offered to deliver the prisoners taken on Long Island to the East India Company, to be sent to their settlements, if the com pany would send for them to Gibraltar. This pro position is upon record in the company s books, a general court having been held expressly upon it. Compared with other things it may possibly serve to show their good faith ; and it is itself a sufficient evi dence of their merciless and tyrannical disposition towards us. I am with great respect, A. LEE." " PARIS, Oct. 6th, 1777. To the chairman of the committee of foreign affairs. Gentlemen, By the Benjamin, from Berlin on the the 1 1th of June, and from this place on the 29th of July, I had the honour of informing you at large of 26 LIFE OF my proceedings at Berlin. Not having received an answer from that court, relative to the reception of our cruisers and their prizes in Prussian ports, I have written lately to press for one which I hope will be favourable, as I left so friendly a disposition there, that I was desired to communicate his majesty s warmest wishes for our success. I mentioned too the improbability of our enemies drawing assistance from Russia, for the next campaign, and how much their resources were exhausted in Germany. By Capt. Young I received the commands of con gress in their commission to me for the court of Spain. As Dr. F. had announced his appointment, with an assurance of his readiness to repair to Madrid as soon as that court thought proper to receive him, I conceived it unnecessary to apprize them of the new appointment, till we are informed of their intention to receive a commissioner. During my absence in Ger many, a letter was received from Mr. Gardoqui, of Bilboa, intimating an expectation of returns from you, for what was transmitted to you through his house. But upon an application to his court, / am again au thorised to assure you that for the supplies already sent no return was expected ; but that in future remittances of American produce must be made for supplies through the house of Gardoqui. It is impracticable to bring them to such an explanation as to know with certainty whether they mean this in earnest, or only as a cover, should the transaction transpire. I am in clined to think it the latter. However, I wrote to Mr. Gardoqui, in consequence of it, as follows. " We are now to begin on a new footing, and I shall take care that my constituents be informed that for all the aids they receive hereafter from your quarter they are to make returns in tobacco, pitch, tar, &c. to your house. I beg to know by your next whether the same arrangement is to take place for the future, ARTHUR LEE. 27 with regard to the deposites at the Havannah and New- Orleans, or whether nothing farther is to be transmit ted through those channels, that if so, the trouble of sending thither, and the disappointment may be pre vented. As the winter s campaign is approaching fast, in which blankets are of the greatest utility, I wish you to send as many of them as possible." Upon this subject of returns I think it my duty to state to you some facts relative to the demands of this kind from Hortalaez. The gentleman who uses this name came to me, about a year and a half ago in London, as an agent from this court, and wishing to communicate something to congress. At our first interview he informed me that the court of France wished to send an aid to America of 200,000 ster ling in specie, arms, and ammunition, and that all they wanted was to know through which island it was best to make the remittance, and that congress should be apprized of it. We settled the Cape as the place, and he urged me by no means to omit giving the earliest intelligence of it, with information that it would be remitted in the name of Hortaloez. At our next meeting he desired me to request that a small quantity of tobacco or some other production might be sent to the Cape, to give it the air of a mercantile transaction, repeating over and over again, that it was for a cover only, and not for payment, as the remittance was gratuitous. Of all this I informed Dr. F.* by sundry opportunities. At the same time I stated to Mons. Hortalaez that if his court would despatch eight or ten ships of the line to our aid it would enable us to destroy all the British fleet, and decide the ques tion at one stroke. I repeated this to him in a letter after his return to Paris, to which the answer was, that there was not spirit enough in his court for such an exertion, but that he was hastening the promised * As chairman of the secret committee. 28 LIFE OF succours. Upon Mr. Dearie s arrival the business went into his hands, and the aids were at length em barked in the Amphitrite, Mercure, and Seine. I have the honour to be, &c. ARTHUR LEE." " PARIS, Nov. 30th, 1777. To the chairman of the committee for foreign corres pondence. Sir, Since the enclosed, I received a letter from the king of Prussia s minister, to inform me that his majesty cannot at present open his ports to American armed vessels, for the sale of prizes, as he finds it is not permitted in France. I have informed the minis ter of the late appointment by congress to his court, and do not think it improbable but that the king will in a little time be prevailed upon to wink at the above measure being executed, though he will not openly approve of it till an arrangement is made for acknowledging our independency. This will proba bly come under serious consideration before the win ter ends, if Gen. Howe should not be successful. The last letter I received from the Prussian min ister contains the following paragraph : " Berlin, Nov. " Quant aux renjorts de troupes que la grande Bre- tagne pourroit recevoir des autres puissances de VEu- rope, pour la campagne prochaine, je puts vous assurer, JMons. que votre nation n a rien a craindre, ni de la Russie, ni du Dannemarc ; et que meme Pjlllemagne ne jfburnera que quelques certaines d hommes que le Due de Brunswick, le Langrave de Hesse, et le Margrave d?Jlns- pach, en conformite de leur traites ne saurient se dis penser d envoyer annuellement pour la recrue des corps de troupes que ses Princes tiennent en Amerique a la solde de V Jlngleterre. C est avec satisfaction sincere, JMons. que je vous donne cet avis consolant." Our friends in Spain have been prevailed upon to ARTHUR LEE. 29 renew the order for sending you supplies. But be fore any thing was done, a suspension of it was occa sioned by an American privateer making prize of a French ship coming from England with Spanish pro perty on board. Proper measures have been taken to explain this proceeding so as to appease the com plaints it excited, and I have reason to hope that we shall soon see the former goodwill towards us restor ed with farther proofs of its sincerity. I have mentioned the little probability our enemies have of obtaining troops for another campaign. Nor will their difficulties be less in raising supplies. Their credit falls so fast in Europe, that unless the most brilliant and effectual success of this campaign should retrieve it, by rendering the conquest of Ame rica probable, they cannot sustain another. Stat magni nominis umbra may almost already be said of Great Britain, and the decisive weight, a weight de rived from her connexion with America, in the bal- lance of Europe which she has long held, will assur edly fail with the failure of this year s expectations. It is with pleasure I inform you that the conduct of your generals, and the bravery of your troops and seamen, have entirely effaced through Europe the un favourable impressions made at first by the scandalous reports of our enemies. At the same time there is a great desire to have authentic accounts from us, which unhappily we are not able to gratify, having received no despatches since the retreat of the Bri tish army from the Jerseys. I have imputed it to the chances of the sea, and of war, and to the ardu ous attention of congress to the arrangement and de fence of a young government, pressed on all sides by a powerful enemy. The king of Prussia is particu larly anxious on this subject, as you will judge by the following extract from his minister s letter. (Here follows an extract in French, in which the Prussian minister informs Mr. Lee of the desire of the king to VOL. II. 4 30 LIFE OF receive the earliest authentic information concerning the affairs of the United States, and of the events of the war.) I enclose you the king of Great Britain s speech, with remarks on it by a friend who was present. My private letters say, the ministry are exceedingly dispi rited. The following is a picture of the public, drawn by an able hand and in a high station. "This poor country has fallen into a state of lethargy, from which all efforts to rouse her seem ineffectual. The single loss of Minorca drove the people of England almost to madness ; now thirteen provinces dismembered from the British empire scarcely excite a murmur, ex cept among a very few, who dare to love their coun try even at this disgraceful period."* The parlia mentary campaign will soon open, but nothing is to be expected. Corruption has spread like a low-born mist, a Scottish mist, and pervades every thing. It is certain that France and Spain are arming with un common diligence, and to a great extent. The states of Holland have ordered ten men of war as a con voy for their West India trade, and will not permit any interruption of it by our enemies. Yet with these circumstances to oppose it, the im practicability of obtaining an adequate number of troops, the lowness of their credit, the probability of an European war, the carrying on of their commerce by ships of their rivals, to every common understand ing the impossibility of success, and (I may add with certainty) their own conviction of it, I am clear in my opinion that they will attempt another campaign ; every man and every shilling they can procure, will be devoted to the desolation of our country. The privateer which gave so much offence by tak ing a French ship, La Fortune, with Spanish property on board, is called the Civil Usage. Since that, the Portsmouth privateer, from Portsmouth, Capt. Hart, has taken an English merchantman in the mouth of * Lord Chatham. ARTHUR LEE. 31 the Garonne. Those captures have given great of fence to the two courts; to remove which we have promised to warn all American captains to desist from such conduct, till the pleasure of congress is known. The following is a copy of the letter I have sent to the different ports of Spain for that purpose. "To the captains and commanders of all ships of war, armed vessels and privateers, from the United States of North America. PARIS, Dec. 8th, 1777. Gentlemen, Complaints having been made of vio lence done by American armed ships to neutral na tions, in seizing ships belonging to their subjects and under their colours; and in making captures of ene my s vessels under the protection of their coast, con trary to the usage and custom of nations. This is therefore to request and warn you not to commit any such violation of the laws of nations, but that (accord ing to the powers given by your commission) you will confine yourselves to the capture of the enemy s ves sels, when not within the protection of neutral ports, rivers, or coasts, and of all others that are carrying soldiers, arms, gunpowder, ammunition, provisions, and other contraband goods, to any of the British ar mies, or ships employed against the United States; you will respect the rights of neutrals, from which you expect protection, and treat all neutral ships with the utmost kindness and friendship, for the honour of yourselves and of your country. ARTHUR LEE. There remains nothing for me to add at present, but to assure you that I have neglected no opportu nity of writing to you, and giving a full account of my proceedings in Spain and Pruss a. I have the honour to be, with the most perfect re spect, &LC. ARTHUR LEE." 32 LIFE OF " To the Chairman of the Committee for Foreign Correspondence. " PARIS, Dec. 8th, 1777. Since rny last to you I have seen your despatches of the 6th of Oct. The answer relative to the Ha- vannah will be obtained as soon as possible; but I think such a connexion will in a short time take place between the two countries, as will put that matter out of all doubt. I received yesterday a letter from the Messrs. Gardoqui, at Bilboa, containing the fol lowing passage. Our worthy friend, Elbridge Ger ry, Esq., thinking that the goods shipped per Capt. Hodges to his address were on his account, he wrote us, that he would place the amount thereof to our credit ; but as we have answered him, that this remittance as well as the rest that followed through the same chan nel were on account of congress, and of consequence out of our power, as he will have seen by the sundry letters wrote to him since, doubt not that he will of consequence conform thereto; and we assure you, that in future all possible means will be used to prevent mistakes of this kind. By a letter from Holland we are assured, that the king of Prussia had announced to the states his hav ing refused a passage through his territories to Ger man troops hired by Great Britain. The West India fleet from Amsterdam, &c. is to be convoyed by six men of war. I cannot be more explicit, than to as sure you, that the prospect of our enemies is as gloomy here as with you, and that I am not mistaken in what I formerly wrote you, that the confirming our inde pendency would be matter of serious consideration among the powers of Europe this winter. I have remitted Mr. Gardoqui money for ten thou sand blankets, which he promises to send with all pos sible expedition. I have the honour to be, &c. ARTHUR LEE." ARTHUR LEE. 33 "PARIS, Dec. 19th, 1777. To the Committee. Our joint despatches will inform you of the for wardness in which things are here towards the desir ed conclusion. In three weeks we shall hear from Spain, and all will I hope be settled. The late in telligence from America has staggered and confound ed our enemies, as much as it has elated and decided our friends. Should they at length resolve to con tinue in rage and despair what they commenced in wickedness and folly, and venture upon a general war by which they must be overwhelmed, their principal efforts will be pointed against us, unless your being in a respectable state of preparation should deter them. In that case they will probably confine them selves to a piratical coasting war, and preying upon our commerce. I have directed all the naval stores that are collected at Bilboa to be shipped forthwith, the moment the court of Spain agrees to furnish the money. To accelerate this material supply, I pro posed to my colleagues to remit the money from our funds here, but they did not think it advisable. Should congress want any person to serve them in a public character in Europe, I am authorised to say that Edmund Jennings, Esq., now in London, will obey their commands. His abilities, attachment, and respectable character are well known. It has also fallen very particularly within my knowledge, that Mr. Thomas Digges, of Maryland, has exerted him self with great assiduity and address in gaining in telligence and doing other services in England. ARTHUR LEE." "PARIS, Feb. 10th, 1778. To the Committee of Foreign Correspondence. Gentlemen, The enclosed memorial and letter to Count Florida Blanca will inform you particularly of 34 LIFE OF my proceedings in Spain, with the reasons of the cau tious conduct of that court, which I did not think it safe to communicate at the time. France is now pre paring. The war with Portugal is happily conclud ed, by her accession to the family compact, and there remains only the hazard of the treasure at sea, which is expected in April next. When that arrives, I have no doubt of their acceding to the treaties signed here, and joining in the war which it seems probable will be declared before that time between France and England. From the enclosed accounts you will also see what has been sent from the house of Gardoqui in pursuance of orders from the Spanish court, and what by my order, which I am to pay for out of the fund remitted me from Spain of 170,000 livres. This fund would have been applied in time to have had the blankets, &c. with you for the winter campaign, but for the following reason. On my return from Ger many, in August, I found from various expensive pur chases not only all our funds from our friends here had been exhausted, but we were also involved in a considerable debt, and not half of our orders fulfilled, nor any fund to answer your draught. It was there fore thought prudent to retain that sum, until we were sure of an additional supply from hence. The moment this was secured, I sent orders for the ship ping of blankets and stockings, which are certainly cheap, and I hope will be of use. Upon this mer cantile subject I must beg leave to observe, that I have had nothing more to do with the proceedings of that kind here, but signing my name to contracts made by my colleagues, or rather by Mr. Deane. You will, I presume, be able to judge, by the manner in which near five millions of livres have been expend ed, whether it is wise to unite the political and com mercial characters I am given to understand, that Spain will wish to have the possession of Pensacola secured to them in the treaty. I shall hope to re- ARTHUR LEE. 35 ceive the commands of congress upon that point as soon as possible. Perhaps congress may think that circumstances are materially changed, since the pass ing the resolve on this subject the 3()th December 1776 ; and that the Mississippi is likely to be the only permanent boundary between the two people. My last letter from the king of Prussia s secretary of state, dated the 16th of January, says, (Here follows a long extract from the letter in French, the substance of which is, that "His Prussian majesty wished that success might attend the generous efforts of congress (genereux efforts) in effecting their independence; that he could not consider the question of acknowledging the sovereignty of the United States until France had given the example ; and that he yet felt a diffi culty in admitting their armed vessels into his ports," &c.) It is from exceeding good intelligence I assure you, that the finances and forces of our enemies are greatly exhausted, and that their means of continuing the war are in no manner equal to their threats and their enmity. I beg the favour of having my duty recommended to congress; and have the honour to be, with the greatest respect, gentlemen, your most obedient and most humble servant, ARTHUR LEE." PASSY, Feb. 16th, 1778. Committee of Correspondence. Gentlemen, We have now the pleasure of sending you the treaties of amity and alliance with France, completed after long deliberation, and signed the 6th inst. This is an event which will give our states such an appearance of stability, as must strengthen our credit, encourage other powers in Europe to ally themselves with us, weaken the hopes of our internal as well as external enemies, fortify our friends, and 36 LIFE OF be in many other respects so advantageous to us, that we congratulate you upon it most heartily. And we flatter ourselves that the congress will approve of the terms, and despatch the ratification as soon as possible. It is understood, that Spain is shortly to accede to the same treaties. We have in ours of Dec. IKth mentioned the reasons of her delay, which still subsists, but will probably not subsist much longer. These treaties continue a secret here, and may do so till the commencement of the war, which is daily ex pected. Our little fleet formerly mentioned, which has been long watched and detained in Nantes river by the English cruising off Bellisle, is now on the point of sailing under the convoy of a French squa dron. As the English are pretty strong in the Bay, it is probable that their attack and the French defence of our ships, may be the prelude of a declaration on both sines. Having received part of the 3,000,000 livres, we formerly mentioned to you, we have furnished Mr. W. Lee and Mr. Izard with 2000 guineas each for the expenses of your missions to Germany and Italy. And as we have received intimations from Holland that the appearance of one of us there might at this juncture have good effects, we have resumed the pur pose formerly communicated to you, and as soon as our treaty with France is known and the winter over, probably either Mr. Deane or Mr. Franklin will make a journey thither. But as we apprehend it may be known here by some means or other that we furnish the expense of these embassies out of the aids receiv ed from this court, which we think not reputable to your congress, we must again press you to make us the necessary remittances to replace what we have borrowed from the funds destined for your supplies. And particularly we pray most earnestly that you would forward as soon as possible, the 5000 hhds. of tobacco for the Farmers Genera), who will soon be in ARTHUR LEE. 37 want of it, and who long since obtained us a million for your use. Our honour is concerned in the fulfil ling of this contract. The seizing and delivering up to the English (two) prizes taken by Capt. Batson, on account of their being illegally entered, under a false declaration, made a good deal of noise among our people in the ports, and gave unfavourable impressions of the friend ship of the" court, which possibly may extend to Ame rica ; we think it therefore necessary to inform you that though the confiscation of these prizes on the above account, is said to be agreeable to the laws here, and that the king after a condemnation had the power of disposing of the produce for what purpose, political or otherwise, he might think proper ; and accordingly he restored it, at that juncture, perhaps usefully, to the English claimants, yet, as it is thought a hard case with respect to the captors, a beginning is made of indemnification, and we hope on the same principles on which we are to receive soon a part, 50,000 francs, we shall be able in time to recover the whole. We have, to avoid disputes at this particular* time, delivered up the cargo brought by the Amphitrite to Mr. Beaumarchais. We hear he has sent over a person to demand a great sum of you, on account of arms, ammunition, &c. We think it will be best for you to leave that demand to be settled by us here, as there is a mixture in it of public and private concern, which you cannot so well develope. We send you herewith a great many newspapers ; you will see Lord North s only answer to our appli cation about the prisoners ; as, also, the success of a subscription set on foot in England by our friends, for their relief. They are at present pretty comfortably provided for. By our late advices from England, the ministers begin to be alarmed for their country, and perhaps for VOL, ii. 5 38 LIFE OF themselves. Some of their emissaries have been here to sound us, and endeavour to get from some of us propositions on which to found a treaty ; which we evaded, giving as a reason, our not being empowered to make any ; and apprehending withal that even reasonable ones proposed by us might be used impro perly by the ministry to exasperate, instead of con ciliating ; the pride of the nation choosing still to con sider us as subjects. Many of the speakers in par liament of both sides seem to look upon a French war at this juncture, when so much of their force is abroad, and their public credit so shaken, as immediate ruin. And we are assured by the last post, from good au thority, that even Lord Mansfield, who in the begin ning of this business was so valiant, spoke lately in private to Lord Cambden, of the absolute necessity of an immediate coalition of parties, to prevent the great impending danger to the nation, from an alli ance between the house of Bourbon and the Ame ricans, which he said he had good information was on the point of being concluded. We have the honour of being with the highest esteem gentlemen, your most obedient, humble ser vants, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, SILAS DEANE, ARTHUR LEE." "PARIS, Feb. 28th, 1778. To the Chairman of the Committee of Foreign Cor respondence. Gentlemen, Our joint despatches of Dec. 28th, 1777, informed you that Spain had promised us three millions of livres, to be remitted to you in specie through the Havannah. This information we had through the French court. We have since been in formed through the same channel that it would be ARTHUR LEE. 39 paid to our banker here in quarterly payments. Of this I apprised you in my letter of the of January, 1778. Finding however that no payment was made, I applied lately to the Spanish ambassador here for an explanation. From him I learnt that by order of his court he had informed the court of France that such a sum should be furnished for your use, but in what manner he was not instructed, nor had he received any farther communication on the subject. He pro mised to transmit my application to his court without delay. The balancing conduct which these courts have until very lately held towards us, has involved us in evitably in continual contradictions and disappoint ments. It is in this respect fortunate that so many of our despatches have miscarried, otherwise you would have been equally vexed, embarrassed, and disappointed. The chief reason that induced Spain to temporize, subsists still, except the war with Por tugal, which is happily concluded by her accession to the family compact. Our general despatches will convey to you the bills, as they are now passing in the parliament of Great Britain, for appointing com missioners to negotiate with their deluded subjects, and declaring in what manner they will be graciously pleased to exercise in future their right of taxing us. It would not be doing justice to their bills to at" tempt any comment upon them. They assert for themselves, and loudly too. But the ministers of England give out that they have despatched half a million of guineas, to pave the way to a favourable reception of their propositions, and I know from the best authority here that they have assured Count Maurepas of their being sure of a majority in congress. By such base arts do they endeavour to cover their nakedness, and sustain their desperate cause. France has done us substantial benefits, Great Britain, sub stantial injuries. France offers to guaranty our sove- 40 LIFE OF reignty and universal freedom of commerce ; Great Britain condescends to accept of our submission, and to monopolize our commerce. France demands of us to be independent, Great Britain, tributary. I do not comprehend how there can be a mind so debased or an understanding so perverted as to balance be tween them. The journeys T have made both north and south in the public service have given me an opportunity of knowing the general disposition of Europe upon our question. There never was one in which the har mony of opinion was so universal. From the prince to the peasant there is but one voice, one wish ; the liberty of America, and the humiliation of Great Britain. The apprehension of troubles, which the death of the elector of Bavaria was likely to excite in Ger many, seem to have subsided ; and of late the movements of the king of Prussia threaten to excite a general war. Great Britain, whose expiring hope sustains itself on every straw, finds comfort in the ex pectations that this will involve France, and divert her from engaging in our war. But in my judgment it is much more likely to operate against her in Prus sia, than against us in France. I beg the favour of having my duty laid before con gress, and have the honour to be with the greatest re spect, gentlemen, your most obedient and most hum ble servant, ARTHUR LEE." "March 25th, 1778. Committee of Correspondence. Gentlemen, The conclusion of the treaties here has ended the powers of our commission. Whatever character it may please congress to give to their re presentations in future must be specified by new pow ers, and letters of credence to the sovereign, with ARTHUR, LEE. 41 whom they are to act. The first example of this kind will be material, in determining the future rank of the United States of America, among other sove reign nations. Since the treaty of Munster, Venice and the United Provinces have had their rank as crowned sovereigns. I presume the United States of America will not think a lower rank competent to their dignity and to the importance they must command in the balance of European power. For I am satis fied that in a few years that balance must be in their hand. Whatever orders congress are pleased to give on this subject their ministers must support with firm ness and inflexibility, at first, to prevent any disagree able disputes for the future. By the enclosed copies of letters I hope to give you a distinct view of what passed in Spain and Prus sia. I have never been able to learn, to what was owing the sudden change in the favourable disposition of the Spanish court during my absence in Germany. Whether it arose from the proceedings at Dunkirk, &c. which produced such rigour on the part of France, they will not inform me. But it is clear from Baron Schulenburg s letter, that the conduct of France in consequence of the Dunkirk business, prevented Prus sia from adopting what I proposed. I have written to Messrs. Gardoqui about their charging five per cent, commission, which appears to me exorbitant, because I remit them the money be fore they lay it out. With great respect I have the honour to be your obedient humble servant, ARTHUR LEE." " PARIS, April 4th, 1778. The Committee of Secret Correspondence. Having pressed the matter of supplies from Spain I received an answer yesterday that endeavours would 42 LIFE OF be used to send you succours through the Havannah. The present critical situation of that court renders it averse to being more particular, or to receive appli cations, but I think they will not long remain under this embarrassment. Dr. Franklin and I are now settling the articles as well as we can, from the pa pers Mr. Dearie thought proper to leave in Dr. Frank lin s hands. How orderly and adequate they are, you will judge yourselves from the list I shall take care to transmit to you. I am obliged to say that this gentleman took to himself the entire management of the business, in which I could obtain no share with out a quarrel ; that my advice and assistance were al ways rejected, and he never would settle accounts. Whether he has conducted it well you will have the means of determining by what you have received compared with the sums expended, of which I shall make it my duty to transmit you an account. I cannot venture to detail to you the plans of this court relative to the conduct of the war in your quar ter. You will probably see the commencement of them before this reaches you. I enclose some addi tional and as I conceive necessary articles, which I shall endeavour to obtain, if congress approve of them. I also send an accurate list of the actual and intended force of Great Britain. With my utmost duty and respect to congress, 1 have the honour to be gentlemen, your most respect ful and obedient servant, ARTHUR LEE." "PARIS, April 8th, 1778. Gentlemen, Whether there were any public de spatches for you by the opportunity that carries Mr. Deane, the late commissioner, I do not know, because my colleagues concealed his departure from me. I trust you will think it proper to desire the reason of such conduct ; the tendency of which is too plain and ARTHUR LEE. 43 too pernicious not to require censure, if it cannot, as I conceive it cannot, be justified by stronger rea sons of utility. Great Britain has not yet thought proper to declare war in form against France. But the vessels and sail ors of each nation are reciprocally seized in their ports, and a French frigate has lately made prize of an English privateer. Both are preparing with all pos sible despatch, and both waiting for your decisive de claration, with an anxiety proportioned to their con viction of that declaration deciding the fate of the war. As far as I can venture to judge of courts and min isters, those of this country seem cordially disposed to co-operate with you in driving the British entirely out of America. But from what I could observe dur ing the conference on the treaty, they seem to have some wishes relative to the islands of the fishery, which are not altogether compatible with the system laid down by congress. The w ; ar between the emperor and the king of Prussia seems inevitable. It will be a war of giants, and must engage all Germany. Three hundred thou sand men, the best disciplined and the best led that ever made war, are ready to dispute the question on each side. Russia is sufficiently occupied by her own situation and the Porte. The north is therefore no longer a subject for your apprehension. The whole house of Bourbon will certainly join in the war against England. Holland therefore seems the principal ob ject of negotiation now; because if the enemy should be deprived of her amity, they must soon be reduced to a carte blanche. This is the present situation of Europe. I enclose you a memorial which I wrote last year, and have now sent to Holland, to promote the disposition we are informed they entertain at present in our favour. 44 LIFE OF In the additional articles I sent for your considera tion, there are some not very materially different, but as they are expressed in a different manner, I thought it might be of use to submit the choice to you. The enclosed report of what I received from the court of Spain, is in answer to an application in be half of the people, who have involved themselves in this unfortunate situation. It is proper to inform you, that the department of Spain, to which it has pleased congress to destine me, is the most expensive of any, because the court spend different parts of the year at four different places; at which every public minister is obliged to reside, and consequently to have a house, which augments very much his expenses. As I wish to avoid all occasion of blame, I mention this circumstance that I may not appear to be extravagant, should my expenses increase in going thither. You will greatly oblige me by presenting my duty to congress; and believe me to be, with the greatest respect, your obedient servant, ARTHUR LEE." " PARIS, April 14th, 1778. Committee of Correspondence. Gentlemen, 1 have seen your examination of Capt. Folgier, who has either not told the truth relative to the contents of what he confesses to have opened, or they were opened before he received them. He men tions a letter from Mr. Hancock and Mr. R. H. Lee being in the same packet, and in the common enve lope, which was not so, as I have not the honour of being Mr. Hancock s correspondent. The large pack et, marked "Despatches," was sealed with my seal, and contained a packet for the chairman of the secret committee, one for Samuel Adams, Esq., one for F. L. Lee, Esq., and several for R. H. Lee, Esq. They were large, and contained a great many letters, pub- ARTHUR LEE. 45 lie and private. This transaction obliges me to call to mind and state to you a great many previous cir cumstances. The first of my despatches which fell into his hands after his arrival here, he is charged by Mr. Carmichael with having opened. It is true he accuses Mr. Car michael of having done it, and all I am certain of, is, that they were opened and detained. Mr. C. appeals to Mr. Rogers, who he says was present, and who is now a major in the army of the states. I have now in my possession a letter, which I sealed myself, deliver ed to Mr. Deane, and received from him with the seal apparently untouched ; but upon examination, it was clear it had been opened, and that with a dexterity not easily described, but of which there remains very convincing proofs. These instances mark a strong desire in Mr. Deane to become acquainted with what was under my seal, and I shall proceed to show, that this curiosity was likely to be much augmented, at the period that Fol- ger s despatches were examined. Upon my return from Germany I received informa tion, that two persons, entirely in the confidence of Mr. Deane, (Dr. Bankcroft and Mr. Carmichael) and maintained by him with the public money, had been speaking with great enmity against me, and circulat ing reports, that both the other commissioners were enemies to me, and that we were at open variance. Such variance did not then exist, but they had laid the foundation of it so effectually during my absence, that it could not fail to happen, so as apparently to justify their assertions. The report of this variance had been industriously propagated, not only in France but in England. The person who was present at these conversations was clearly of opinion, from the similarity of the manner, that some most atrocious abuse of my brother and me, with no very modest praises of my colleagues and of Mr. Carmichael, VOL. n. 6 40 LIFE OF which were inserted in the English newspapers, came from the same persons. A gentleman to whom I had entrusted this information, with the design of concili ating differences, apprised them of it. This gave them great alarm ; and I found they were exerting themselves to prevent me from getting any farther information, and were under great apprehensions of the consequences of what I had already received. This was a little before the despatches in question were written. Capt. Hynson was sent to Havre by Mr. Deane; he corresponded with him, and received his orders from him. Every thing relating to it was kept a profound secret from me. The same manage ment was used relative to Capt. Folger. The orders the committee have seen, were given, and not signed by me; I never before saw or heard of them, though I w r as at that time in the same house w r ith my colleagues; nor did they communicate to me the vessel, the place, or the person who was to carry our despatches. This concealment of things from me, has been much prac tised since; as I suppose the information received from those letters, made it appear more necessary. That Mr. Deane and those connected with him should think their own safety much concerned in ex amining and detaining my despatches, written at such a juncture, is exceedingly probable. That they would not hesitate about the means, their former proceedings prove. I had also previous to this a proof of Mr. Car- michael s curiosity to examine my correspondence. My letters from London were addressed under cover to a tailor in Paris. I received one day by the pen ny post, in a cover addressed by a strange hand, a letter such as used to come through that channel, but which was open. Upon enquiring of the tailor, he told me that he had sent the packet to Mr. Carmi- chael, and that Mr. Carmichael s man had left word with his foreman to send all letters that came to him including mine to his master. This I have under the ARTHUR LEE. 47 foreman s hand. I do not believe that any one in Paris but Mr. Carmichael knew of my letters coming that way, and he knew it a little before by accident. How far these circumstances justify my suspicion I must submit to congress. It seems certain that Capt. Hynson was bribed by England, and if he had access given him to take my despatches he might have served both his employers by also taking the general despatches. I have the honour to be with great respect your obedient servant, ARTHUR LEE." " PARIS, April 26th, 1778. Committee of Correspondence. At my return from London, the 8th of January last I thought it my duty to inform Dr. Franklin as well as Mr. Deane of the injurious report propagated against the commissioners, viz. That Mr. Hartley told me that Lord North had informed him, c that he knew of Dr. Bankcroft s being in London, and was in- formed he had been sent there by the American com missioners to stock-job. The above is the declaration of Mr. Thornton, whom the commissioners sent with their letter to Lord North, touching the prisoners. He informed me as above on his return, and told me at the same time that he had given the same information to Dr. F. Dr. Bankcroft lived in the house with Dr. F. and Mr. D. at the public expense. He set out express for London, immediately upon our receiving the news of Gen. Burgoyne s surrender. His departure was kept a secret from me for some time. He has been trusted since by Dr. F. and Mr. D. with the secrets of state communicated to the three commissioners only, with such strict injunctions of secrecy that the commissioners thought they were not at liberty to communicate them to the commissioners for Vienna 48 LIFE OF and Tuscany, and Mr. Lee would not do it without their concurrence. Dr. Bankcroft still remains in the confidence of Dr. F., and conveys every thing to the Messrs. Whartons in London, who seem to be acting on both sides. The minister here has repeat edly warned the commissioners that they had a trai tor about them, and at the time that Folger s de spatches were robbed, a most important memoire from the commissioners to the courts of Versailles and Madrid, was conveyed to the English court through the hands of Governor Pownall. Upon speaking of this to Count Vergennes as soon as I was informed of it by Mr. Hartley, his excellency assured me that no one had been trusted with it but Mr. Girard, and therefore the treachery could not be from one of their people. These are facts which I think it my duty to re present to congress, that they may take such order in it as to their wisdom shall seem fit. I have the honour to be with great respect gentle men, your obedient servant, ARTHUR LEE." " PARIS, May 9th, 1778. Committee of Correspondence. Gentlemen, No declaration of war in Germany or England. All things are preparing for it ; Count d Estaing had not passed Gibraltar the 27th of last month, contrary winds having prevented his passing the straits. About thirty sail of the line are assem bled at Spithead, under Admiral Keppel, but are not yet in a state for action. They are arraying their mi litia, and the chief object of their attention now seems to be their own defence. As far as I can judge, the king and his ministers are not now sincere in their propositions, (even such as they are) of peace and ac commodation. I have not yet obtained any light on Folger s affair. ARTHUR LEE. 49 The enclosed copy of a letter from Count Vergennes will show you the train in which I have put the en quiry. But I have reason to apprehend that persons are concerned who will have address enough to frus trate it. The blank paper substituted for the letter taken, should be preserved, and compared with the paper of all the letters received by the same vessel ; some discovery may be pointed out by that. Mr. Deane and Mr. Carmichael should be examined and their accounts transmitted here to be compared with those of others. Spain and the German powers are yet undecided with regard to us. I do not think our enemies will succeed with Holland. We shall endeavour to estab lish a fund for the purposes you desire. I have the honour to be with great respect, your obedient servant, ARTHUR LEE. By the banker s accounts it appears that the follow ing sums were paid from Dec. 1776, to March 1778, to the private disposition of the commissioners. Dr. F. 65,956 3s. 13d. S. Deane, 113,004 12s. 13d. A. Lee, 68,846 2s. 16d. In my sum is included the additional expense of my journeys to Spain and Germany. A. L." " PARIS, May 20th, 1778. Committee of Correspondence. Gentlemen, Upon receiving your letters by our colleague Mr. J. Adams, I lost no moment to press for supplies, such as you mention as most wanting (blankets, shoes, and stockings) in my particular de partment. In consequence I have the pleasure to in form you, that orders are given and are now execut ing for furnishing you as before, which will be done from time to time as opportunities offer. I will di rect medicines, and such naval stores as they can 50 LIFE OF collect, to be added. I shall send you the accounts of their being shipped, from time to time, as they are remitted to me, to prevent mistakes or imposi tions. For want of this accuracy, the public seems to me a little too much at the mercy of Mr. John Ross and Mr. Jonathan Williams. The former has had up wards of 400,000 francs, and the other more than a million of the public money. They tell us in gene ral, that they have shipped goods on the public ac count; but the particulars the former has refused to give, and the latter has hitherto evaded it on various pretences. By this means, should the vessels arrive safe, they can claim what proportion they please as shipped on their own account ; if they are lost, then the whole may be charged to the public. I have seen with infinite concern, the public money expended without economy and without account. My colleagues excluded me from knowing or advising about the manner in which it was expended. They have encouraged our agents to treat me with disre spect, so that my interposition might be useless. A thousand times have I desired that the public accounts might from time to time be made up, to which I have as constantly received evasive or affrontive answers. So that now Mr, Adams and myself find, that after the expenditure of more than five millions of livres, we are involved in confusion and debt, the principal articles furnished being unpaid for, and demands made to the amount of many millions; that is, including the cargoes of the Amphitrite, Seine, and Flammand, for which a demand has been made, and which constitute the principal part of the supplies which have been fur nished. Having been thus excluded by my colleagues from the management of the public business, I hope I shall not be deemed responsible for the conduct of it. Congress will see, that in acting without me, they have pursued the letter, not the spirit of our ARTHUR LEE. commission. When the enclosed contract with Mr. Mortieu is compared with the contract I had put it in their power to make, the reason will appear why they concealed it from me, and acted without my con currence. Mr. Williams, at the same time, had the furnishing 16,000 suits, which I suppose will be upon as advantageous terms. Upon enquiry, I find that as good uniforms as can be worn may be contracted for in France for 32 francs, arid in Germany for 37. Those which were offered us from thence were of coarser cloth. With great respect, &c. ARTHUR LEE." " MAY 23d, 1778. Committee of Correspondence. Gentlemen, In consequence of your despatches by my colleague Mr. Adams, I lost no moment to press the renewal of the order for supplying you with such stores as you want, and as that country affords from the court of Spain. I have the satisfaction to inform you, that such orders are given, and I am assured will be carried in to execution as speedily as possible. We mean to apply for the loan desired, to the money ed men of Holland; and in my particular department I shall endeavour to take the favourable opportunity of the arrival of the Flota, to urge the same in Spain. War is not begun in Germany or Great Britain, but it seems to be inevitable. I have sent orders to all the ports in France and Spain, to communicate the account of the sailing of a fleet of thirteen ships from England against Ame rica, to all the captains who sail for the United States, or the French islands. This I conceived would be the most certain means of communicating the alarm, and preventing surprise. The ministry here are also LIFE OF to convey a letter from us by every opportunity, to the same purpose. With great respect, I am gentlemen, your obedient servant, ARTHUR LEE." " PARIS, June 1st, 1778. Committee of Correspondence. Gentlemen, The hurry in which the last despatch es went away, prevented me from being so particular about them as I wished. Nos. 7, 8, and 9, were omitted, being newspapers, and too voluminous for the conveyance. Mr. Mortieu s papers were sent to show you the demands that are made upon us, and the grounds of them. You will see that they are ac counts which Mr. Deane ought to have settled. It is this sort of neglect, and a studied confusion, that has prevented Mr. Adams and myself, after a tedious ex amination of the papers left with Dr. Franklin, from getting any satisfaction as to the expenditure of the public money. All we can find, is, that millions have been expended, and almost every thing remains to be paid for. Bargains have been made of the most ex travagant kind with this Mr. Mortieu, and others. For example, the uniforms that are agreed for at 37 francs, might have been had here for 32 francs each, and equally good ; which being 5 francs in every suit too much, comes to a large sum upon thousands. Of the 100,000 advanced to Mr. Hodge there appears no account. I have been told that Conyng- ham s vessel cost but three thousand pounds sterling. For what purpose the overplus was given to Mr. Hodge, how the public came to pay for the refitting, and at length the vessel, and her prize money made over to Messrs. Ross and Hodge, without a farthing being brought to public account, it rests with Mr. Deane or Mr. Hodge to explain. I have enclosed you all the receipts found among those papers, the ARTHUR LEE* 63 sending of which has been neglected. Of the tripli cates and duplicates an original is sent and copies of those which are single. You will see that my name is not to the contracts. In fact, they were concealed from me with the utmost care, as was every other means of my knowing how the affairs were conduct ed. And as both my colleagues concurred in this concealment, and in refusing my repeated requests to make up accounts and transmit them to congress, it was not in my power to know with accuracy, much less to prevent this system of profusion. I was told that Mr. Williams, to whom I knew the public money was largely entrusted, was to furnish his accounts month ly, but they were never shown me, and it now ap pears that for the expenditure of a million of livres he has given no account as yet, nor can we learn how far what he has shipped is on the public, how far on private account. We are in the same situation with regard to Mr. Ross. This indulgence to Mr. Wil liams, and favouring Mr. Chaumont, a particular friend of Dr. Franklin s is the only reason I can conceive for the latter having countenanced and concurred in all this system. You will see a specimen of the man ner of it in the enclosed copy of a letter from Dr. Franklin to his nephew, which the latter sent me as an authority for his doing what the commercial agent conceived to be encroaching on his province. I have done my utmost to discharge my duty to the public, in preventing the progress of this disorder and dissi pation in the conduct of its affairs. If it should be found that my colleagues have done the same, I shall most cordially forgive them the offence and injury so repeatedly offered me in the manner of it. I do not wish to accuse them, but excuse myself; and should have felt as much happiness in preventing, as I have regret in complaining of this abuse. The appearance of things between this country and Great Britain, and the emperor and the king of Prus- VOL. II. 7 54 LIFE OF sia, has been so long hostile without an open rupture, that it is not easy to say when either war will begin. The king of Prussia has found it so necessary to cul tivate the aid of Hanover, Hesse, Brunswick, &c. that he has declined receiving your deputy, or follow ing the example of France, as he promised. It re mains therefore to try the empress, who, independent ly of the present crisis, was much less inclined to our cause. It seems to be the settled system of northern politics, that if a war should happen, the empress of Russia will assist the king of Prussia as far as the Porte will permit her. In this country the appointment of Marshal de Broglio, commander of the army on the sea-coast, and the Duke de Chartres, son to the Duke d Orleans and Prince of the blood, going on board of the fleet at Brest, announce designs of some dignity and mag nitude. I am of opinion, with our colleague Mr. Adams, that it would be better for the public that the appoint ments of your public ministers were fixed, instead of being left at large, and their expenses indefinite. From experience I find the expense of living in that character cannot well be less than 3000 sterling a year, which I believe too is as little as is allowed to any public minister above the rank of a consul. If left at liberty I conceive most persons will exceed this sum. Neither do I perceive any adequate advan tage to be expected from having more than one per son at each court. When things take a more settled form there will be little need of that check, which is the chief utility of it at present. The mixing powers too, and vesting them in sev eral persons at the same time, give ground for dis putes, which are disgraceful, as well as detrimental to the public. This has been much experienced in the case of the commercial agents and the agent of the commissioners, who have been clashing and con- ARTHUR LEE. 55 testing, till the public business was almost entirely at a stand. For the present however, we have settled this matter by directing all commercial business to be put into the hands of those appointed by the commer cial agent till the pleasure of congress is known. Two more ships have been lately sent to the New foundland station, and two to the Mediterranean, which, with the thirteen detached under Admiral By ron, to reinforce Lord Howe, leave seventeen of the line and eight frigates for Admiral Keppel, and these very ill manned. I have exceeding good information that their plan of operations for America is as follows. Gen. Howe is to evacuate Philadelphia, sending 5000 of his troops and two ships of war to Quebec. The rest of the troops with the fleet are to retire to Halifax, where the latter being joined by Admiral Byron, will it is presumed maintain a superiority in those seas over the allied fleet. I wrote you before that the lowest estimate given to the English minis try for the defence of Canada, was 8000 men, and that their actual force there was about 4000 ; the 5000 added will in their opinion be sufficient, with their superiority at sea, for its protection. I cannot learn that any but some German recruits are to be sent out this year, and from the present situation of things they are more likely to recall a great part of their troops than to reinforce them. Our friends in Spain have promised to remit me 150,000 livres more, which 1 shall continue to vest in supplies that may be useful to you. I hope, in consequence of what I formerly wrote, to have the express orders of congress relative to the line they would choose to fix between the territories of the United States and those of the crown of Spain. The privileges to be enjoyed by the subjects of the United States, settling for the purposes of commerce, and the regulation of port duties, remain yet to be 56 LIFE OF settled in both kingdoms. But I foresee, that if they are left unregulated they will be the source of con tinual complaints and disagreements. The Flota is not yet in port, which retards the operations in Eu rope. I could have wished, that the great object of having a superior naval force in America had not been left to the uncertain issue on which it was placed, by other advice than mine. Had the Brest and Toulon fleets, which were equally ready, been ordered to sail at the same time, and that w r hich met with favour able winds to go on, and the other to return, one of them would probably have been upon your coast be fore this time; that is, before the English fleet could possibly have sailed to reinforce and save Lord Howe. And, as having a superior force in America was the great object, together with that of taking the Howes by surprise, they should have made as sure of this aim as possible. Had this plan been executed with address, the war would have been ended. Mr. Penet has proposed to me, the collecting and carrying over of a number of workmen, to establish a foundry of cannon and a manufactory of small arms. It is to be at his expense, under the protection of con gress. As this seems to me much more likely to an swer your purposes than our sending them, I have ventured to give him my opinion, that it will be ac ceptable to congress. We have found such an univer sal disposition here to deceive us in their recommend ations, that it is ten to one if workmen chosen by us in such circumstances were skilful. The disposition in Holland seems to be favourable to us; but I apprehend it is not warm enough to pro duce any decided proof of it, till they see Great Bri tain more enfeebled. Mons. Dumas has published a memoire I sent him on the subject, which he thinks will have some effect. ARTHUR LEE. With my humble duty to congress, I have the ho nour to be, &c. ARTHUR LEE." " CHAILLOT, June 9th, 1778. Intelligence from England sent to Count Vergen- nes and Count d Aranda, with my respects." "PARIS, June 9th, 1778. Committee of Correspondence. Gentlemen, My last of the 1 st inst. informed you of Admiral Byron with thirteen sail being ordered against you; of which we sent notice by every way most likely to answer, to warn the states of their danger. We have now certain advice, that this fleet having put into Plymouth is there stopped; their remaining fleet being found too weak to protect them at home. I enclose you an account of their force, and the dispo sal of it; and nothing seems more certain, than that the naval and land force now employed against you will be diminished, not augmented. However, I have now settled such means of intelligence, that you will be apprised if any alteration should happen. All our intelligence announces the utmost confusion in Great Britain and Ireland; such as will infallibly find them employment at home, independent of France and Spain. Their councils are so fluctuating, in conse quence of the variety of their distress, that advices of them cannot be given with certainty ; that is, without being frequently subject to appear premature. The British ministry have agreed to an exchange of prisoners with us, by which we shall immediately re lease upwards of 200. War is not commenced in Germany, but is talk ed of as inevitable. The deputy of congress for Vi enna is at his destination, to feel the disposition of that court. But I understand that their attention is 58 LIFE OF so engaged with the approaching war, that other pro positions proceed slowly. As the king of Prussia con tends against the empress and the house of Austria, in maintenance of the treaty of Westphalia, which is the great bulwark of German rights, it is therefore necessary that he should league himself with the German princes, among whom the king of Great Bri tain as elector of Hanover bears so much sway, that he could not hazard the turning his influence against him, by entering into an alliance with us. To culti vate and encourage the favourable disposition towards us in Holland, we have sent them the treaty conclud ed here; and we shall follow it by proposals for a loan, as soon as Dr. Franklin, to whom the digesting the plan, and having the bills proposed printed, is left, has prepared the business for execution. Mr. Williams has at length given in his accounts; from which it appears that upwards of forty thousand suits of the soldiers clothes ordered, and twenty thousand fusees, have been sent from Nantes and Bourdeaux; and the present exhausted state of our finances will not per mit us to fulfil them farther. The ships of war sent hither are an enormous expense to us; hardly any of them less than 100,000 francs; and things have hither to been so managed, that their prizes produce us lit tle or nothing. This seems to have arisen from the variety of agents employed, the confusion of their provinces, and the loose manner in which the public accounts have been kept. To remedy this, we have endeavoured to simplify the business of expenditure, by directing the whole to be discharged by the two deputy commercial agents appointed by my brother, in the interval of his negotiating in Germany. By this we expect to avoid the infinite impositions aris ing from a connexion with a multiplicity of merchants, many of whom, supposing us to know no better, will endeavour to deceive us. They, as merchants, know ARTHUR LEE. 59 how to check the others, and are themselves ultimate ly responsible to us. I have the honour, &c. with respect your obedient servant, ARTHUR LEE." "PARIS, June 1 5th, 1778. Committee of Correspondence. Gentlemen, I find I was mistaken in saying in my last of the 9th that twenty thousand fusees had been shipped from Nantes and Bourdeaux. Upwards of ten thousand remain unshipped at Nantes. Upon the strength of the promised remittance from our friends in Spain, and near 100,000 remaining in my hands, I have desired the Gardoquis to continue shipping blankets, and strong shoes from Bilboa, twenty thou sand livres worth of drugs and salt to be shipped by Mr. Cathalan, of Marseilles, a thousand suits of sol diers clothes, from Bourdeaux, by Mr. Bonfield, and six hundred fusees of the Prussian make from Berlin, that you may judge on arming a corps with them whether they are preferable to others. The enclosed will show you the state of things in Germany with regard to the war ; as it is written on one side, the Austrian cause must not be exactly measured by this standard. My brother writes me from Vienna in a late letter, that Col. Faucet is using the utmost endeavours to raise German recruits. But from the present state of things I do not imagine he can succeed ; and the north, that is Russia and Denmark, are not likely to give our enemies any assistance. As far as I can judge, their efforts against us, except a sort of pirat ical war, are exhausted. The same ministry con tinues. The house of Bourbon is certainly united against them. They have the same imbecility of council. Their enemies increase in proportion to the diminution of their means. The decay of that coun- 60 LIFE OF merce, the distress of their people, the rapacity of their public officers, and the load of their debt and taxes, promise soon to bring upon them the most de plorable distress, and prevent them from being any longer a formidable enemy. The Flota has not yet arrived. The enclosed copies of Capt. Jones letter, and one from the major ity of his crew, make me apprehend that the Ranger will share the fate of the Revenge. We have done all in our power to bring him and his affairs into order, but hitherto in vain. I have the honour to be, &c. ARTHUR LEE." "June 17th, 1778. Committee of Correspondence. Gentlemen, I find among the papers left by Mr. Deane the following accounts, a note of which may be useful. Shipped on board the Mere Bobie, June 1st, 1777, 20 bales of woollens. On board the Benjamin, the 10th October, 220 pieces sail cloth, first quality, (francs) 11,550 82 pieces sail cloth, second quality, 4,100 1 cable, 20 inches, 1 do. 18 do. 1 do. 16 do. 8,845 I shipped on board the Christine, from Am sterdam for Nantes, 26th January 1778, 4000 gun locks, 8,000 The little regularity with which the business ap pears to have been done, makes me think this mem orandum will not be useless. There are also two accounts of sales of goods sent to Nantes, on public account, by the Poison Volant, Capt. le Farque. One is anonymous, and dated April 10th, 1777, for peltry, the net proceeds, (livres,) 79,530 9. The other for tobacco, 86 hhds. also anonymous, net proceeds, (livres) 42,577 134. As I cannot find that these proceeds were paid on ARTHUR LEE. 61 the public account to our banker, it remains with Mr. Deane to explain what became of them. I have the honour to be, &c. with great respect, &c* ARTHUR LEE." " PARIS, July 1st, 1778. Committee of Correspondence. Gentlemen, I enclose you some extracts, by which you will see that war is not yet declared, though on all hands it appears to be fast approaching. The Spanish flota is not yet arrived, nor their fleet from South America. Since my last, a French fri gate of 26 guns was attacked by one of England of 28, off Brest, and after an obstinate engagement, the latter made off and soon after sunk. This has given great spirits to the French marine and nation; and is more especially fortunate, as the English were the aggressors. Admiral Keppel is before Brest, with 23 sail of the line, where I believe he will not remain long unattacked. Permission is given to French sub jects to fit out privateers, and orders are sent to all the ports to permit our prizes to be sold. From Lon don the ministry have offered us an exchange of pri soners, which we are taking the necessary measures to embrace. By some unaccountable neglect, the person to whom Dr. Franklin committed the printing of the bills re solved on for the loan, has not furnished them; so that nothing farther is yet done in that business. But I hope you will soon have news of its farther pro gress, and that some event will happen to furnish you with a very favourable moment for its execution. I have the honour to be, &c. ARTHUR LEE." VOL. II. 8 62 LIFE OF "PARIS, July 6th, 1778. To the Committee of Correspondence. Gentlemen, I enclose to you the best account I have been able to procure, of the constitution of the militia of Switzerland ; and have the honour to be, with the greatest respect, your most obedient ser vant, ARTHUR LEE." " JULY 16th, 1778. Committee of Correspondence. Gentlemen, I had the honour of receiving your favour of the 14th of May, mentioning the receipt of mine of Oct. 6th, Nov. 27th, and Dec. 8th. By Mr. Deane you should have received mine of Feb. 28th, with duplicates of many others. With yours of the 14th was the duplicate of one dated August 8th, 1777, the original of which I never received. There were also enclosed two resolutions of congress. May 27th and 9th. I shall attend most punctually to the com mands of congress, and what your letters contain. Your letter of the 14th of May tells us, that you have enclosed instructions and authorities for giving up on your part the whole of the llth article, &c., but no such papers can be found. Capt. Nyles, of the Spy, from Portsmouth, who brought the despatches, gives this account. That the despatches No. A. from con gress, were delivered to him. That on his way to Paris he met with Dr. Franklin at Versailles, who (in company with a Mons. de Chaumont) opened the public despatches, and then they were delivered to us. Dr. F. says he saw nothing of the instructions and authorities mentioned. It was probably therefore an omission in making up the packets, which you will learn by examining the secretary. So many tricks have been played with our despatches, and we are sur rounded at Passy by such sort of people, that I won- ARTHUR LEE. 63 der more at our getting any thing, than at losing something. I transmitted immediately the account of the ratifi cation to Spain, and hope soon to have something to say from that quarter. Since my despatches by Mons. Girard, I wrote you on April 4th, 14th, May 9th, 20th, 23d, June 1st, 15th, 1 7th, July 1st and 6th, which I hope you will receive. I enclose you a duplicate of the account of the Swiss militia, as you desired. We are signing the notes for a loan in Holland, which will now 1 hope soon be tried. Mons. Beaumarchais is not, nor has he been for sometime, in Paris. We do not know of any other person who represents the house of Horta- lez & Co. In a letter of June 27th from the port, where I used to ship blankets, &c., I have an account of 6000 blankets, 10,000 pair strong shoes, a large parcel of stockings, with rigging, duck, and tent cloth, which will soon be ready for shipping. This is gratis as for merly, and whatever else has been sent I have paid for; so that those merchants have no demand upon you, nor are you under any necessity of sending effects to them 9 unless you should think it a proper market for some things, as it certainly is for fish. As I have refused to agree to passing Mr. Williams accounts, or paying him the balance, which in my opi nion he demands unjustly, I think it my duty to send you my reasons for doing so. I have given my consent to transferring Capt. Jones to the minister of war here as he desired; though that request seemed to me to be obtained by a conduct in Capt. Jones, and an intrigue on the part of a Mons. Chaumont and Mr. Williams, which did not deserve encouragement, and as an example, cannot but be of great detriment to the service. But we had received such complaints against Capt. Jones from all his crew; 64 LIFE OF his putting his lieutenant, Simpson, under arrest, ap parently without any reason, and then contriving to get him thrown into a common jail ; his quitting his ship without leave, and coming to Paris to intrigue about getting into the French service, and continuing here in spite of our orders to the contrary, was such conduct as left no alternative in my mind, but that of suspending him, or getting rid of him in the manner he himself had contrived. I proposed to my colleagues an application to the minister relative to the llth and 12th articles of the commercial treaty, agreeably to your letter; but Dr. Franklin being of opinion that this could not be done with propriety, as the instructions, &c. were not come, it was postponed. The French and English fleets are both out in search of each other. The imperial and Prussian armies are in the field, the latter having invaded Bo hemia; so that every moment is big with the expecta tion of some great event. Those of this campaign will not in all probability be very .decisive. The win ter will be the great season of negotiation for arrang ing all Europe on each side ; and on the success of the cabinet the continuance of the war will depend. With great respect, your humble servant, ARTHUR LEE." "PARIS, July 20th, 1778. Committee of Correspondence. Gentlemen, On the 17th we interchanged ratifi cations at Versailles. The treaty of commerce pass ed the great seal, because it becomes part of the law and regulations of trade, and therefore must be pub lic. That of alliance, on the contrary, being secret, has the privy seal only annexed. At the same time the minister, upon reading your letter relative to the llth and 12th articles, agreed ARTHUR LEE. 65 without hesitation to the rescinding of them as soon as the resolve of congress should arrive, and in the mean time directed the register of the treaty to be suspended, that they might not appear upon record. I may congratulate you on the happy conclusion of this business. Among the objections I stated to the paying Mr. *****#**J S d eman cl s upon the public money, one was, that he had put fifty thousand livres of the money actually remitted to him to be vested in supplies, into his own pocket. This he says he has re-paid by bill on Mr. Chaumont, payable in four months, which he remitted not to the commissioners, but to Dr. Frank lin, and which neither was nor is deposited with the public banker. Thus, in this pressing time, this sum of the public money is given to Mr. *** ***** for four months; at the end of which time Mons. Chaumont may pay us by another bill upon Mr. ********. It is this kind of conduct with regard to the public money entrusted to us, which has given me much un easiness; since it is easy to see what evils will follow, if from favouritism or relationship such proceedings are permitted. Mr. ******** has received upwards of 100,000 livres as a balance due from the public to him, when he appears to owe more than that to the public; and this without giving in, though desired to do it, a single voucher for any of his accounts. The same indulgence was observed to him before. The public money was put into his hands, for which he gave in lumping accounts, without a single voucher ; and the whole was kept a profound secret from me, till the departure of Mr. Deane gave me access to the public papers, which had been withheld from me till then. In endeavouring to prevent these undue proceedings, I have discharged what I deemed my duty to the public ; a duty however which necessari ly excites personal enmities and disrespect. Of the means that have been used to encourage the latter, 66 LIFE OF and give this Mr. **=****** an opinion that he might act as he pleased, the enclosed letter No. 1 will be a proof. After that, the subsequent part of his conduct, which has prevented the remaining goods to be ship ped, is not surprising. So long ago as the 25th of May the commissioners wrote to him to deliver the goods on hand to Mr. Schweighauser, to be shipped for America. How he complied with this, after hav ing charged us with the full commission as if he had shipped them himself, the following extract of a let ter from Mr. Schweighauser will show. "I have now to inform you that Capt. Whipple, at his return to his ship, having wrote to me that he wanted the goods you had pointed out to be sent by him, in order to stow his hold properly, I made yesterday application to Mr. Williams s clerk for the continental stores in his possession; when he told me he had no objection to deliver them, provided I would give him an order upon you, gentlemen, for their amount." The flota is arrived, and the fleet is daily expect ed. When that is safe, I have no doubt of the Spa nish court taking a decided part. But they are se cret and slow. Their ambassador that is gone lately to London, will in the mean time make propositions, which, if accepted, will secure the great objects of our wishes. The distresses of England have almost brought her to her senses ; but perhaps not enough to make her submit to hard terms to avoid harder. In time they must. The king of Prussia with Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick at the head of one army, and Prince Hen ry of Prussia with another, have gained such advanta geous positions in Bohemia over the imperial army, that it is imagined the latter cannot be extricated, at least without very considerable loss. The proposition of an augmentation of their army in the United provinces, which is the favourite meas ure for the Stadt-Holder and the English party, has ARTHUR LEE. 67 been lately negatived. There is not the least reason to apprehend that Holland will take part with our enemies ; nor will they be easily persuaded, though seemingly well-disposed, to join with us. Respectfully, ARTHUR LEE. P. S. I enclose a summary of Messrs. Gardoqui s account, and that of some fusils, such as the king of Prussia s army use ; which are sent for approba tion. I should be glad if mention were made of the quality and condition of all the goods received, that I may judge whether the merchants employed here acted properly. A. L." "July 28th, 1778. Committee of Correspondence. Gentlemen, I have taken the advantage of the arrival of the Flota, to press the loan of two millions, and will transmit the answer as soon as I receive it. The order for sending supplies is renewed upon the old footing, and I trust you will receive woollens, drugs, and some naval stores, through that channel. We are signing the notes for the loan in Holland, which is a work of time, particularly to myself, as I annex a secret mark to each signature, to detect any forgeries, which will no doubt be attempted by indi viduals, and perhaps by the government with which we are at war. (I have not signed the general letter, because the message was received, and the answer made, while I was signing the notes, without sending for me, so that I cannot bear witness to a declaration which I did not hear, and which, had I been present I should have desired in writing and signed, knowing from the experience we have had, that this sort of conver sations with under secretaries are not to be relied on. These and other reasons, which I will not trou- 68 LIFE OF ble you with, would have made me dissent from the proceedings on that message, and have made me withhold my signature from the letter.) No answer has been received from the British court to the return we sent of the seamen in our possession. If the intelligence of their resolution to offer a recog nition of our independence be true, it is a proof of their being conscious of their incapacity to carry on the W 7 ar against the United States and France, allied. They have been somewhat slow in finding this out, and I am persuaded that before another year is at an end they will discover the necessity of adding to this offer the cession of all their possessions on the con tinent of America. The war in Germany will occupy all the north of Europe ; Holland will remain neuter ; Spain and Portugal will join our alliance ; and if there is any certainty in human things the result must be a carte blanche from our imperious and inhuman enemy. They have conducted themselves with such unexam pled baseness and folly, that their situation will lose the dignity that used to accompany greatness in dis tress, and they W 7 ill fall dishonoured and unlamented. The French and English fleets are yet out, but have not engaged ; which, as they are nearly equal, and every thing depends upon the event, they will probably avoid, by the former keeping out, and the latter in, the English channel. I enclose a list of the packets and letters sent by Mr. Simeon Deane, a summary of Gardoqui s ac counts, a triplicate of the Swiss militia, an account of the Hawke s prize, a duplicate of rny letter to you of the 2()th, and the latest intelligence from Germany. You will have the goodness to present my duty to congress, and believe me to be, with the greatest esteem and respect gentlemen, your most obedient and most humble servant, ARTHUR LEE." ARTHUR LEE. 69 "July 29th, 1778. Committee of Correspondence. Gentlemen, I enclose you a duplicate of the news of an engagement between the fleets of France and England. The particulars received since make the loss on board the French fleet very inconsiderable, and paint the behaviour of the English to have been in expert and dastardly. Their repulse in the first en gagement will probably lead to their defeat in the next, for which purpose the fleet of our allies will go out in a few days. The empress and emperor seem at length sensible of the impropriety of their conduct, and in conse quence a truce for six weeks is agreed on to give time for negotiation, and prevent the effusion of blood. The quadruplicate of the ratification reached us on the 3d in safety, as all the rest have done. The an swer of congress to the commissioners was immedi ately sent to the minister, and will, I am persuaded, give great satisfaction. It has been forgot, I believe, to mention both in our joint and particular letters, that we have attended to the plan proposed by the committee, of sending the frigates to cruise in the East Indies, and upon con sidering all things, it seemed to us impracticable at present. Better order must be established in our marine, and the ship s companies better sorted before it will be safe to attempt enterprises at such distance, and which require a certain extent of ideas in the captain, and entire obedience in the crew. The authority of congress for omitting the llth and 12th articles of the commercial treaty, which was omitted in the other despatches, came safe in the last, and will be presented immediately to the minister, who has already agreed to have them expunged. I enclose you our letter and Mr. Hodge s answer, concerning the money expended at Dunkirk, together VOL. II. 9 70 LIFE OF with a particular account of what he has received from the public banker. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, ARTHUR LEE." " To the Committee of Correspondence. J.Williams accounts sent. Letter A. AUGUST 7th, 1778. Gentlemen, The enclosed paper, Letter A, was communicated secretly by Dr. Bankcroft to Dr. Frank lin and Mr. Adams, the latter of whom delivered it to me. Though, according to the charge of it, I was the person immediately injured by the conduct of him they accuse, yet it was me particularly that they took care not to apprise of what he was doing. What I know of the matter is this, Mr. Thornton, the object of their accusation, or as I find him called in the papers left by Mr. Deane, Major Thornton, was chosen by my colleagues to carry our first letter to Lord North, concerning the treatment of prisoners in England. This was the first knowledge I had of him. Having observed that he executed his commission with activity and address, and he being recommend ed to me by Dr. Franklin, I took him as a secretary, with the intention of making use of his acquaint ance in the naval and military lines in England. With this view I soon after sent him to London, from whence he transmitted and brought me useful intelli gence, which I communicated from time to time to the ministry. Being about to send him again, I un derstood that Dr. Bankcroft had whispered about, that he was engaged in stock-jobbing. Upon touching this matter to Mr. Thornton, he told me that he knew Dr. Bankcroft and the Whartons were engaged in stock-jobbing, for the latter had communicated to him all their transactions and mutual correspondence ; that one of them had repeatedly solicited him, when in London, to become an adventurer with them, which ARTHUR LEE. 71 he had constantly refused; and that upon his return to Paris he was pestered with letters requesting his correspondence, which he would never answer. As a proof of this, he put into my hands the letter marked D. ; this, with the previous knowledge I had of his accusers being themselves stock-jobbers, satisfied me that the charge was malicious. I therefore continued him in his employment, and despatched him to Lon don, with directions to go to Portsmouth and Ply mouth, and collect the most accurate statement he could, of the force and condition of the enemy s fleet. This he executed with such secrecy, that this Mr. Wharton wrote to him in Paris while he was at Ply mouth, of which letter Dr. Pringle of South Caroli na was the bearer. It was directed to be delivered to Dr. Bankcroft, in Mr. Thornton s absence. When I understood this transaction, I apprehended that they had seduced him into their association; I therefore wrote him very strongly on the subject, and desired him to return immediately to Paris. His answer was, that he was then sick, but would come as soon as recovered. Since this I have not heard of him, but have had information from a very respectable merchant in London, that Mr. Wharton has communicated to him doubts of Mr. Thornton s fidelity to me, assuring him that he had given me full information of it, and all the particulars of his conduct ; not a word of which was true. It appears too by his own letter and Capt. Livingston s testimony, that there is as little truth in his declaration of Mr. Thornton s being a stranger to him. Though he says he lent him money on my ac count, yet he never informed me of his having done so. I have not, nor ever had, the least acquaintance with Mr. Wharton, but have been frequently informed of his holding conversations not very friendly to me. Upon the whole, it appears to me that their plan was to seduce my secretary to the very infidelity of which they accuse him. I cannot help thinking that state- LIFE OF ments, which it is said Mr. Thornton communicated to Mr. Wharton, were framed for the purpose of this accu sation, from hints sent from hence; because there is a confusion, blundering, and a mixture of true and false in them, which might well arise from intelligence picked up, and could not have happened if my secre tary had taken copies of any of my papers for the purpose of betraying them. It is certain, that the persons who have made this accusation were trusted with our state secrets after we were credibly inform ed of their being engaged in stock-jobbing, and at a time when that confidence was absolutely refused to the other two commissioners of congress, Mr. Izard and Mr. Wrn. Lee. You will see by our banker s account, that about the time of this stock-jobbing upon the most sacred state secret that ever was committed to us, Mr. remitted to Mr. 19,520 livres. These are the observations which I think it my duty to communi cate to you, upon those most unworthy transactions; being fully satisfied that while such men are admitted into public confidence here, neither the business of the state, nor the honour of individuals, can be secure from their attempts. I have the honour to be, &c. ARTHUR LEE." " August 21st, 1778. Committee of Correspondence. Gentlemen, I had the honour of writing to you on the 7th inst. enclosing Mr. Williams s accounts, those of Mr. Hodge, and Dr. Bankcroft s accusation against my secretary, with some observations upon it by Lieut. Livingston. I send you our banker s accounts from the be ginning, with the explanation left by Mr. Deane. Nothing of moment has happened since I wrote you last. ARTHUR LEE. 73 We are pretty well informed that the British cab inet has resolved to acknowledge your independency. It does not seem to me that they can possibly avoid doing so in a year s time, on any conditions that may be prescribed to them. Such certainly is their ex hausted state in every respect, that an attempt to carry on a war against the United States and France combined, and supported as the latter are sure of being, by Spain, is such an act of folly as can not but end speedily in their utter confusion. Be so good as to inform Mr. Robert Morris that in consequence of his letter to my brother William, he has written to Dr. Franklin and myself, requesting us to deliver to Mr. Ross all the papers among those of the late Mr. T. Morris, which do not concern the pub lic agency. This shall be complied with on my part, whenever Mr. Ross desires it ; the trunk locked and sealed having been left with Dr. Franklin and the keys with me. I wrote you on the 2ftth ult. of my having pressed for the loan directed by congress. I have received an assurance through the ambassador, that an answer will be given to my memorial as soon as possible. I enclose you a memorial for the consideration of congress, as we do not think ourselves authorized to act upon it without express orders. Could one be sure that justice would be done to the public, it might be of advantage to adopt this scheme, for con gress must not trust to the success of a loan, which, for the following reasons, I apprehend will be found impracticable. The war in Germany going on, that between us and Great Britain, and the preparations for it by France and Spain, has raised and multiplied the demand for money so as to give the holders of it their choice and their price. The empress queen has engrossed every shilling in the Netherlands. England has drawn large sums from the Hollanders, who cannot easily 74 LIFE OF quit their former market. France is negotiating a loan of one hundred million livres, which will ex haust Geneva and Switzerland. The money holders regard the lending their money at such a distance, as Jacob did the sending Benjamin into Egypt, and it is time only that will make them endure the thought of such a separation. These are the difficulties which the circumstance of things oppose to our scheme of a loan, and render the aid of some other operation necessary for sinking the superabundant paper. The minister s answer relative to Mr. Holker was, that he had no authority from this court, but on this our joint letter I expect will be more full. I have determined to write to you once a month or oftener, as opportunity offers, and as we do not write so fre quently I am tempted to mention things which should properly come from all the commissioners, as they re late to the joint commission. From the necessity of the case we have ventured to administer the oath of allegiance to those who de sire passports of us, but I hope congress will authorize their commissioners to do so where it is necessary. I have the honour, &c. ARTHUR LEE." ARTHUR LEE. APPENDIX VII. Letters of Ralph Izard, Commissioner of the United States to the Grand Duke of Tuscany, to Arthur Lee, and Letters of Edmund Jennings and Mr. Brigden, written to him from England during the war. " NAPLES, 15th January 1775. Dear Sir, The last post which favoured me with your letter brought several newspapers, containing in teresting affairs from America. I have a letter from Philadelphia, assuring me that the congress conduct ed themselves with great unanimity and good temper. Part of their proceedings I have seen, and their letter to the people of England, which I think must make a favourable impression. I hope the conduct of ad ministration respecting the American agents, is taken notice of in their address to the king, or in some other part, which I have not yet seen. The papers men tion nothing of Lord Chatham, except that his daugh ter is married to Lord Mahon. I hope you have taken that opportunity of visiting the latter, and re newing your Paris acquaintance with him. The cause may receive some benefit by your cultivating a connexion with him ; and from what we saw of him I should judge that he would not wish to decline it. Surely the applications which have been made by ad ministration to the French and Dutch, \vill not pre vent their sending goods. If the merchants of France and Holland know their interest, which it is general ly thought^ they do, they will take care during this unnatural contest, to put their trade into such a chan nel that it will be difficult to remove it even after things in other respects may be set right. I am very sorry to find that there were no delegates from Georgia. Ihe governor, who must have been the means of preventing their being sent, ought to be 70 LIFE OF taken proper notice of. I dedicate him to your atten tion. He has a most haughty and aspiring spirit, and I think is in every respect the worst governor that ever was sent to America. He is the greatest enemy in the world to America, except one. This is the more extraordinary as he went over to that country when very young and in very needy circumstances ; and is now possessed of a very considerable estate, entirely acquired there. He is endeavouring to get the agency of the province for his son, who is one of the stupidest young men I ever was acquainted with ; and thence arises his ill behaviour to Dr. Franklin. Our enemies have been continually assuring the king that as soon as America found that England was de termined, she would fall prostrate. The fatal error is discovered just before it is irrecoverable. I pray God that advantage may be taken of the discovery, and that the horrors of a civil war may be diverted. Pray give my compliments to your brother, and thank him for the trouble he has taken about our letters ; beg the favour of him to send them to me himself. He sent one to Mr. Sayre, which was enclosed to me in a letter of sixteen days later date than the post mark on the American letter, which probably was kept during that time in his desk. My compliments to Sayre, and give him a hint of this. Tell him that I disclaim all faith in proverbs if he is not a great wit. I am, dear sir, affectionately, your friend and hum ble servant, RA. IZARD. P. S. Pray remind Sayre of my note of hand, which Alleyne has. As I do not recollect the date of it, I should be obliged to you if you would learn of Alleyne when it is due, and let Sayre know, that he may be provided for it in time. I wrote above two months ago to Cruger, and have heard nothing from him ; perhaps he may have forgot to pay the postage. If you see him tell him of it." ARTHUR LEE. 77 " PARIS, 28th Feb. 1778. Dear Sir, I am clearly of opinion that the public acknowledgment of the commissioners ought to be pressed before the departure of the express, as I be lieve the ministry were never so well disposed to at tend to such a proposition. Nothing that can be sent by the frigate will be of so much importance for con gress to know, as the answer and conduct of the court upon that question. I am dear sir, your most obedient servant, RA. IZARD." " PARIS, 16th April 1778. Dear Sir, The establishment of convoys for the protection of the merchant ships going to America, and returning from thence, appears to me an object of the greatest importance. The distress which is felt in every part of America, from the scarcity of Euro pean goods, would be greatly alleviated if such a mea sure were adopted. One or two ships of the line and three frigates to attend the merchant vessels all the C5 way to America, three or four times a year, would, I believe, effectually answer the purpose. You will be so good as to consider of this matter, and if it ap pears to you and the other gentlemen joined with you, in the commission at this court, of sufficient import ance for an application to be made to the ministry on the subject, I think it would be complied with. In the mean time I must request your immediate atten tion to the enclosed letter, which I have received from Mr. Blake, a gentleman of South Carolina ; and beg the favour of you to communicate it this morning to Dr. Franklin and Mr. Adams, as the vessel on board of which he has taken his passage, will be ready to sail in a few days. The request seems to me so rea sonable, that I am persuaded it would be granted upon an application to Mons. de Sartine ; especially as it is VOL. II. 10 78 LIFE OF of as much consequence to France as to America, that a proper intercourse should be secured between the two countries. I have the honour to be, with great regard dear sir, your most obedient humble servant, RA. IZARD. Hon. Arthur Lee, Esq." " ST. AMAND, 26th July 1779. Dear Sir, Mrs. Izard has just informed me that the Proces has been decided against me. I have just time by this post to request the favour of you to go immediately to Versailles, and speak to Count Mau- repas on the subject. This unjust decision surprises me the more, as Count Maurepas seemed perfectly convinced of the propriety of restoring my things to me. You will be so good as to let him know that I am ill at this place, which is the reason of my not ap plying to him myself. I am dear sir, your friend, R. I. The Gazette of the 10th, which I have seen in the Courier de PEurope, makes me very uneasy. Pre- vost s progress is most unaccountable to me." " ST. AMAND, Aug. 8, 1779. Dear Sir, I am favoured with your two letters of 1st and 4th inst. The account you give of the pro ceedings respecting Mr. Ford is very alarming. His character has always appeared to me the very reverse of what his enemies have drawn it. His conduct in America has I hope been consistent with his profes sions here ; if so, this attack may prove advantageous not only to himself, but to his country. If he can re fute the charges that have been brought against him, the object of his accusers will plainly appear. It will give me infinite pleasure, if the news of Pre- vost s defeat should be confirmed. Should it prove ARTHUR LEE. 79 true, there must have been some mistake in the date. It could not have happened on the 14th of May, or the persons who were at Savannah must have known of it on the 21st of the same month, and on the 2d and 5th of June. If the date of the action has been mistak en, all may yet be well. I am sure that part of the gazette account which mentions the inhabitants of Charles Town offering to capitulate on condition of their being allowed to remain neuter, is false ; other parts may likewise be so too. You will be so good as to give me the earliest notice of every thing inte resting which arrives from that quarter. The report of the committee of 15th of April, is most shocking. We are yet to learn, whether it has been agreed to. The fact is, those members who are friends to their country, should enter a solemn protest against it, with their reasons, and send them to the legislatures of every state. I was surprised on Monday last, to see your brother here. He told me you had informed him of my being here, and as he was in this part of the world looking out for a proper place to leave his fami ly when he went to America, he came a little out of his way to see me. He did not stay with me above two or three hours. My breast, which was very trou blesome to me a few days ago, is now much better; should it grow worse again, I shall follow your ad vice. I am dear sir, with great regard, your friend, &c. RA. IZARD." "ST. AMAND, Sept. 1st, 1779. Dear Sir, If it be true, that the combined fleet were in chase of Hardy on the 23d, some decisive stroke has probably been struck before this time. The capture of the eleven ships you speak of, would I think certainly give us peace in the winter. This I most fervently wish for on every account; but particularly so, on account 80 LIFE or of the situation of our affairs on both sides of the At lantic. The Braxtonian s news, which Mr. Pringle sent you, may possibly be true. The letters with which Capt. Green was charged, might have given us an account of those proceedings ; you cannot forget what Bordfield wrote you that Green said about Pas- sy. The Courier de PEurope, about two or three weeks ago, gave an account of the capture of a .ves sel of 10 guns, called the Count d Estaing, by an English privateer, bringing despatches from the con gress to their commissioners in Europe. If the com missioners who were charged with the examination of Mr. ***** s affairs, attempted to transmit two co pies of his acquittal before your despatches and your brother s were received, it was as much as their mo desty ought to have allowed them to do. I am now obliged to depend entirely upon the Courier de PEu- rope for English news. My correspondent in Lon don was desired to address my papers to me directly at this place. They came once in that manner, and I received them of the JOth August before they could have got to Paris. I have received none since; and whether I am obliged to the rulers of France or Eng land for being deprived of so considerable a gratifica tion, I know not. You seem desirous of knowing whether either of the three gentlemen you mention hired post horses at V., and for what place, on 4th August. As you wish me to enquire, I will do it; but think it is a matter that had better if possible be dropt entirely. I am glad to hear, that Bonfield has been able to forward the Commodore s business. The war however I expect will be over before the frigates are launched. I thank you for your enquiries about my health. My wife has informed you that the reme dies of this place have been of service to me. We have had four or five hot days lately, which have done more good to the invalids here, than three times the number at any other time this year. It is not in my ARTHUR LEE. 81 power to say when I shall return; but I am heartily desirous of getting rid of the unpleasant discipline of this place, and to be with my family and friends again. I am, with great regard dear sir, yours sincerely, RA. IZARD." "ST. AMAND, Sept. 12th, 1779. Dear Sir, I have seen the Gazette de France, with the account of M. d Estaing s proceedings. The af fair between him and Byron seems like that of 27th July 1778, to have been a drawn battle, and both parties will claim the victory. The taking of Grenada will be a severer stroke upon the Scotch than any they have sus tained during the war. They are proprietors of the greatest part of the island. Do not write any more to me here after the receipt of this letter, as I expect the pleasure of seeing you in Paris during the course of this week; give my compliments to your next door neighbour, and let him know this. Be so good as to send your servant as soon as this gets to your hands, to the Rue de la Jussienna au Bureau des Gazettes etrangeres, and order the man not to send my Courier de 1 Europe here any longer, but to the Hotel de Tou louse as heretofore. Adieu, Yours affectionately, RA. IZARD." " AMSTERDAM, 23d Dec. 1779. Dear Sir, I lament exceedingly the unlucky busi ness which M. d Estaing has been engaged in at Sa vannah, and fear that the English may take advan tage of it, and reinforce Gen. Prevost so strongly that he may be again troublesome to the southward. If the enemy can establish themselves in a strong post or two, either in Georgia or Carolina, they will be able to carry on the war in the West Indies to great 82 LIFE OF advantage. If the French do not immediately send a strong naval force across the Atlantic they will, I fear, lose some of their islands. I thank you for the mo ney you lent me ; and as I have obtained a credit here, which enables me to repay you, I desire that you will draw for the amount of what I owe you on Messrs. Nicholas and Jacob Van Staphorst, merchants in this city, at thirty days sight, and deliver my note of hand to my wife. She writes me that you intend going to America as soon as you receive your recall officially, which I think you are much in the right of. You will probably be on the continent before me, as my passage to St. Eustatia is longer than yours, and it is likely I may meet with some delay at that island. You will, I hope, write to me as soon as you arrive, and direct to me in Charles Town, where I shall probably be in April. As soon after that as I can with convenience, I intend setting out for Phila delphia, to visit some friends in that city, and hope to have the pleasure of meeting you there. I am with great regard dear sir, your friend, &c. RA. IZARD." " AMSTERDAM, 3d January 1780. Dear Sir, I have received your letters of the 24th and 26th Dec., in the latter of which is the resolution respecting you, which I think is expressed in a very unfair and ungentlemanlike manner. The last part of the sentence ought to have stood first, and I wonder that your friends, who delivered your letter of resigna tion did not insist upon the resolution being in that form. I have sent it to the paper you desire ; but from the former conduct of the editor I do not think it will be printed. You had better send it to Digges, and to the Courier de PEurope, if you are desirous of having it appear, which I think is of very little im portance. I am glad to hear of Mr. Adams s arrival, and hope soon to know the place of his mission ; I ARTHUR LEE. 83 can hardly think your information respecting it is well founded. The conduct of congress gives me no rea son to expect that reformation is so near at hand. You will, I suppose, think of returning here as soon as possible. If the Confederacy arrives safe it will be a good opportunity for you ; surely Dr. Franklin s unwarrantable conduct respecting the alliance will have made congress put it out of his power to ap propriate the Confederacy also to the private use of his friends. Jones sailed about a week ago with a fair wind, and I hope has safely arrived at Brest before this. The Serapis and Countess of Scarborough sail ed three or four days ago. The wind has not been so favourable to them ; they will be fortunate if they can get again into the Texel, without meeting with the en emy. I am much surprised at what you write me about Beaumarchais s pamphlet, and I should be very glad to see it ; perhaps it may be found among the book sellers of this place. It appears very extraordinary that I have received no letters by Mr. Adams. If he had had any for me, he would I am sure have sent them at the same time with your letter from the committee. I am inclined to think that his commission is for Hol land ; it is I think probable that he has brought pow ers to treat in conjunction with France. If so, I pray to God that his negotiation may prove successful. M. d Estaing s unfortunate affair must have done us infinite injury. By alarming Clinton, he has made him .add the strength of Rhode Island to that of New- York ; and being now much stronger than is neces sary for the defence of that post, it is probable he will send considerable reinforcements to Gen. Provost. If Charles Town should be taken, the enemy will be able to make it impregnable, and will carry on the war against the French Islands in the West Indies to very great advantage. The French ministry should en deavour to prevent that by sending immediately a 84 LIFE OF fleet to Carolina, which can lie very well in Port Royal harbour. Commodore Gillou and Capt. Joynes are here, and would both go willingly as volunteers on board of such a fleet. I am dear sir, affectionate ly yours. RA. IZARD." LETTERS OF EDWARD BRIDGEN. My dear sir, I cannot omit by this conveyance to relate a circumstance to you as a caution. A friend of yours (whom to my knowledge I never saw) while I was at Bath, in April, called and en quired for me ; the servant told him where I was gone. He left a card with his name. Mr. J. T******* No. 6, Broad-street, Carnaby market. Underneath, with a pencil, for an intimate friend of Mr. B., at Paris. At my return it was delivered me, but not knowing the gentleman I declined visiting him, especially as I had heard some things suspicious of him. I have lately learnt that he went to a Mr. Wa n in Craven-street, and asked the loan of 50, as his friend, Mr. B. was at Bath; the gentleman spared him 20. I hear he has been out of town ever since. I imagine he has been the bearer of some of your let ters to me, by which means he knew my address. I hear a new ambassador from Spain is coming here. It is a mystery to me ; can you unravel it? I wish I could get a likeness of Washington, either on paper or metal. If you can procure me one, or of the Pater Pa trice pray do. I have a medal of the latter, but not a likeness. My friend at Versailles will forward it if you have not an opportunity. Adieu, my dear sir. Yours faithfully, EDWARD BRIDGEN." 1777. ARTHUR LEE. 85 " LISLE, 4th July 1777. Dear Sir, I have often troubled you with pamph lets, under the signature E. B. of London, address ed as this packet is, which I hope you have received, or if not yourself Dr. Franklin or Mr. Deane. I send you two more. Part of the observations are very striking and the style singular, but much good matter. I sent from Antwerp a sermon by the Archbishop of York, as a common performance of a son, or rather a father of the church, which, or any other pamphlets which I have sent, may be useful to our friends of the other side the water. I could not possibly make Paris in my tour, or I would certainly have paid my respects to my friends, to whom I send my best wishes, and for their success in the great causes of virtue and liberty. I am setting out for England to morrow. Believe me to be my dear sir, your affectionate friend, EDWARD BRIDGEN." " LONDON, 5th Aug. 1777. Many thanks my dear sir, for your last short note ; all your letters were immediately forwarded, but in future be so good .when you have a packet to send, to address them to my friend Genet, then he franks to Calais, otherwise the post-master there always charges Mr. Gamier with the postage ; however, sin gle letters, which require despatch, be pleased to con tinue sending to Cafifriri as usual ; tell your brother I took care of his letter. As to news, we have none certain ; there is a that Lord Chatham is to come in, and the present managers to continue, and he is to enforce the obedience of the colonies. Poor old man ! I am most sincerely grieved to think the destruction of mankind is to be continued. Poor old England ! VOL. n. 1 1 80 LIFE OF Poor Lord Shelburne ! he yesterday received an ex press from Dr. Priestley of the death of his youngest and favourite son, a most promising youth, of fourteen years, after only two hours illness. I feel for a father almost distracted, and I feel for the public weal, whose loss will be great at this critical moment, by his absence. SAIT CHARLES S MARTYRDON, 78. This accompanies a noble packet of Debalco from our friend J ." " LONDON, August 29th, 1777. Absence from London, in Suffolk, is the reason of my not acknowledging the receipt of your favour earlier ; it was conveyed to me in the country, after its arrival on the 14th here. I sent and ordered the paper to be regularly taken in ; three of them were sent last Tuesday, by the post, to Versailles, and I hope you have received them safe. This goes by the same conveyance. When I write to you it goes by the ambassador s courier, which will also be attended with the Monday and Wednesday s packet, but as it is published however, not delivered until late, I shall for the future put you to the charge of postage on a Friday, to save my servant the trouble of going to Whitehall in an evening. This I ^send long before the packet is published, so that you will by this plan have the Tuesday s paper by the post earlier than the two preceding ones. If you do not approve of this mode tell me freely, and your future direction shall be followed. The letters you enclosed were delivered as all oth ers you shall entrust to my care, but you may seal your letters to me, if you please ; and pray my dear sir, send me some good news, at least a true state of things, for that we do not get here. ARTHUR LEE. 87 The A r yesterday told me he thought there must have been treachery in the deserting Ticonde- roga. I had much rather it was owing to that than cowardice, and I have no doubt but by Christmas Washington will balance the account with Howe, but pray do not omit sending me the best information you are able. It is necessary I think to keep up the Am r s spirits, and he does me the honour to con verse very freely on the subject ; he is very clever, and has great credit at home. The Swedish minister, Baron Walken, I frequently meet at Whitehall. He is a spy for our government here, as well as for his own master ; he is a shrewd fellow. The pamphlets I sent you are at your service, but that of the good Dr. Price was a present from himself to you. Mrs. B. is pure gold without one grain of alloy ; she desires her best respects, and joins me in regards to the venerable doctor, who I am glad to hear is so well. God preserve him and you. If the old man is returned tell him I am much his, and that Mrs. Lee was well this morning, from whom 1 have sent a large packet of papers by this conveyance. Now my dear sir, in great haste, I bid you adieu. E. B. Dr. Price is at Norwich or in its neighbourhood still. I know not, my dear sir, whether I may yet ad dress you as your excellency ; therefore I beg your permission to use a word of more import, viz. my friend. As such give me leave to introduce to your acquaintance Monsieur Gamier, the secretary to the French embassy at this court. A gentleman, who from a long and great intimacy, I can say is a man of the strictest honour. He wishes to be known to you and the other dele gates. I have taken the same liberty with his excel lency (for I suppose he must now assume that title) 88 LIFE OF Mr. Franklin, but as I have not the honour to be known to Mr. Deane, I cannot take that liberty. Every civility and attention you pay Mr. Gamier I shall esteem as done to myself. He can give you a full account of my Patty, who says every thing that is respectful. Till now I never wished the age of man lengthen ed ; but the extension of the life of your Pater Patriae seems necessary, I was going to say, should be equal to that of Nestor. He does not know how much I revere him, nor can you guess how much I am yours. Pray where are your brother and Mr. Sayre now? EDWARD BRIDGEN." "March 18th, 1778. You will find my dear sir, by the attendant news paper, that I have received your favour of the llth, as well as the former one. Notwithstanding what you said in your two former letters, directing me not to send any more newspapers, I thought things were not in such a situation but through the hands of my friend at Versailles you would get them, until the other day I had a letter from him, desiring me to send no more, unless it was paragraphs, &c.; that cannot be done by debates, so now obey your orders under the cover to Mr. Gerard ; but I fear this will be the last, as the ambassador is going, and Mr. Gamier conveys this to the other side, by whom I have taken the liberty to write to you and your Pa ter Patriae as my intimate friends, who can answer all questions about me and mine. I expect we shall be weak enough to declare war against France ; there fore be pleased, until the ambassador or Mr. Gamier returns to this country, if you don t write in the blind style, for the present to address your letters to me un der A. Monsieur, J\lons. J. B. Hermans au Bureau de la Paste a drivers^ addressed to Bridgen & Waller a Londres, with a small B under the seal. Now my ARTHUR LEE. 89 dear friend, may I beg the favour of you to cut my name off the letter I send you by Mr. Gamier, also to beg the same favour of the good Dr., or else to commit them both to the flames? this favour I ask, as we are all mortal. Adieu, Ever yours, EDWARD BRIDGEN." April 29th, 1778. Though I have nothing to inform you worthy no tice, yet J would not let the ambassador s servants go, without a line to you, my dear sir. You said in one of your last letters, that you returned Dr. Price your thanks for the books he was so good to send you. I do not think they are due to him on that score, for they were intended for the Pater Patrice, and you will excuse me if I only call you the Amiens Patrice; so be so good to send them to that worthy. The cover was marked Dr. F. The commissioners sailed the 21st; and they say Gov. Johnstone carries with him a suspension of the Canada act, by what authority I am at a loss to know. Government or its rumourers assert that the main-stay of the mainmast of the Trident was near cut through, and the captain found it out time enough to repair it before she sailed. I suppose it was done by the ghost of John the painter. 1 send for you Mr. Israel Mau- duit s immaculate performance, and Mr. Cartwright s letter to Lord Abingdon, both of which perhaps you have seen; if not, they will amuse you, and therefore I beg your acceptance of them. I have not been so happy as to receive a line from you since Mr. Gamier went away ; pray have you seen that gentleman? No news here, but bankruptcies in plenty. The king returned yesterday morning at 2 o clock, from his tour to Chatham, where the shipwrights in 90 LIFE OP full chorus sang, God save great George our King? &c. Now my dear sir, would you imagine this was a proper article to be inserted in the London Gazette, to be sent to all the courts in Europe ? but last night it actu ally appeared in that immaculate paper. The present toast among the friends of liberty here is, Permanency to all independent states. Do write as soon as you can, and give me some hints. Yours most truly, EDWARD BRIDGEN. N. B. Mauduit s pamphlet not to be forgot" LETTERS OF EDMUND JENNINGS. " September 27th, 1777. Dear Sir, Your friend received a letter from you some time ago, wherein an offer was made to him of a most flattering nature ; his answer showing his dis position on the subject, has it is supposed been re ceived. For my part, I have not received a line from any of my acquaintance from your side of the water for a great while, although I have been promised many. By G. G., whom I did not see, I hear that there is great misunderstandings; I had heard of them be fore. Let me entreat you to do every thing in your power to restore the ancient necessary harmony. Your trade will suffer without a mutual confidence ; your disposition and capacity to promote the general interest I can answer for. Talk freely to G. G. You will find him ; manly, and a hearty well wisher. Do for God s sake return to one another. Your general interests certainly require it. I am miserable on the subject ; let me hear a pleasing account of your affairs. You shall hear from me by another opportunity, and soon. Did you receive some pamphlets some time ARTHUR LEE. 91 ago? Parliament meets the middle of November. It is supposed that some news has arrived within a day or two ; the courtiers are depressed, and stocks are heavy. We expect to hear the rebels are totally ruined. I am dear sir, yours most sincerely, GEORGE HARRISON. Pray deliver the enclosed." " Dear Sir, You were written to about a week ago, and a copy enclosed of a letter to C ; forgive my earnestness on this subject, and if possible forget what is past. As it is dangerous to meddle with politics, I send you the London Gazette ; it contains the autho rised lies of the day, and something more. I am dear sir, yours most faithfully, JOHN BOURGENVILLE." " Dear Sir, There has nothing material happened since you were last addressed. We are making every preparation in our power for self-defence, for the mis eries which have been brought on others seem to be falling on ourselves. The minister is gone to the mouth of the Thames, to see the ship Victory, for he has had nothing to please him of late, but the name of it. I do not know whether you have a collection of treaties, published by Aimer ; if you have not, the bearer hereof will present them to you. If you think they may be of use to any of your friends, I will send other sets over. Pray let me know the best method of conveying a box of books on your side. There will be much scribbling among the commissioners to con vince the Americans that it will be their interest and honour to become dependent again on the most cor rupt people on the face of the earth, and although they themselves cannot, and the neighbouring nations will not support their rights so well as the immacu- 92 LIFE OF late , Gov. Johnson has taken with him as secretary the famous Ferguson, to carry on their lit erary war, when the other has proved unsuccessful ; but if these doughty pen champions do succeed, they must succeed against Common Sense. Your friend does not, I believe, quite understand your direction, (when necessary) by the way of Os- tend. 3 Dear sir I am yours, DONALD MCGREGOR. April 26th, 1778. The bearer is desirous of being under your protec tion." " Dear Sir, Many letters have been written to you about an unhappy misunderstanding, but as it is feared that the subject is disagreeable, no more shall be said of it. It is however desired to be known whether you received in a letter to you a copy of one to the other party, the original, it is found, did not come to hand. There have been sent you, by a pri vate hand, various news-papers, which will inform you of the public transactions, which T think are of that nature as to give you a more perfect contempt and abhorrence of . You will see that there is not a single one here to be depended on ; the ven eration I once had for the great man who once pre served this people from shame and ruin is much alter ed. He seems to have altered the great principles which demanded our praise and admiration. He has my gratitude however for what he has done ; my fu ture confidence is gone. He joins in the cry of su premacy, and has given the public papers a great ad vantage over him and justice. His idea of supremacy is indeed so qualified, that it extends to little but to trade, but as the right of supremacy according to the present sophisticated policy goes to every thing, he ARTHUR LEE. 93 that allows it in one thing allows it in all, and being so allowed, what signifies his proposed amendment of the address of estMishing fundamental laws for the secu rity and content of the Americans. In this case there can be no fundamental laws ; fundamental laws can not exist but in agreements between people of ac knowledged independency of each other. As to the irrevocable laws, which is likewise proposed to give satisfaction, the absurdity of the idea is too great for delusion, but is sufficient to mark an approaching do tage in him who has suggested it. Trust not any one here ; they are all playing, you well know, their own game ; this idea of supremacy is thrown out merely to get themselves in place ; a greater offence to honour and injury to virtue cannot be done than by these means, and yet it is pretended that this is the only way to serve both. The possession of the reins of government will give them, it is said, power and opportunity to trim the unsound and foundered beasts as may be thought proper ; but in truth nothing more is meant than to turn them to their private purposes. The language of a certain discourse, which has been sent you, has every ingredient of pride and meanness, of insolence and deception ; and will be followed by actions partaking of all the qualities of them. A great increase of forces will be made, and yet, at the same time, I am sure terms will be offered in an un derhanded manner, and something will be done open ly ; but nothing will be done in a manly way, and therefore nothing can be trusted to. It is not improba ble that the great men alluded to above may be taken into place for two purposes ; to bully the French and dupe the Americans ; the scheme is however too flim sy and too late for the end. Your friend is talked of, with a view to co-operate with him, and therefore be cautious. We have no news here but what comes from Boston papers, which have passed through the place of your residence, and therefore not unknown VOL. II. 12 94 LIFE OF to you ; a ship arrived yesterday from Quebec, but as nothing has transpired, it is probable that there is not any that is called good news. We are still callous as ever, and justify the most atrocious actions by the word parliament, and the goodness of God and nature. Haldimand is sent to the Swiss Cantons to hire troops ; ten ships of the line sailed ten days ago to the coast of France ; we shall, I think hear of their actions soon. They may be important and decisive. The ship sup posed to have arrived from Quebec came from Augus tine ; communicate this to Mr. Waters. I am yours most faithfully, JOHN TOWNSEND." "Dec. 5th, 1777. Dear Sir, The last mail gave you an account of Gen. Howe s brilliant successes, which one would have thought must have animated every subject truly loyal, but there was something about them, on their very face, that cast a damp on every one ; but, be sides this, the most woful news imaginable was shown to us in the secret, sufficient to make us tremble, not for the public but ourselves. In short, Burgoyne is defeated, and his whole corps made prisoners. Some say to be sent in general to England on their parole not to bear arms against America during the war ; others that this only extends to officers, and that the men are to be prisoners of war in confinement ; 70,000 is taken and all their stores. The principal action was on the 7th of October, and the capitula tion on the 16th ; it was reported that Frazer and Arnold fell in a preceding engagement ; Frazer is killed, but it is not sure that Arnold is. The news comes from Carlton, who had it from deserters and Indians. There are letters from Howe s army and Gen. Keene 10 the same import. In an attack on one of the forts on the , the Hessians lost 6 or 700 men, of which the Gazette ARTHUR LEE. 95 gives no account ; 300 more Hessians are said to be lost in the blowing up of the Augusta 64 ship, set on fire by the rafts. Mud Island fort was not taken when Howe sent his despatches. Washington has returned to German Town, and Howe is fortifying himself as much as possible in Philadelphia. Washington gave him a feu de joie, on the news of Burgoyne^s defeat ; it is said too that Gen. Vaughan with a party of 2000 men going up the North river are taken prisoners. What dreadful news ! I know how it will affect you. I beg you will take care that enemies of gov ernment do not make it worse than it is ; you cannot be too watchful of the rebels. It is well known how busy they are ; news of this sort coming at this time where you are, may have the greatest conse quence. There were about forty rebels confined at Portsmouth, who attempted to make their escape ; four of them have been shot dead, and nineteen have escaped. We are likely to be warmly pushed in par liament ; all the parties of the ministry are united on this miscarriage have attacked us warmly. Our friend Lord G. G. in particular, seems to be aim ed at most violently, but you know his friendship ; it has been tried in a signal manner. You were written to by the last mail, and a number of news-papers sent by a private hand ; let me know whether you have received them, and several letters which have been lately written. I will trouble you no more about an unhappy misunderstanding. If I should have to write to your friend. Should he not hear from mere- member me to him and his best friend. I am dear sir, yours most faithfully, J. TOWNSEND." " Dec. 2, 1777. Dear Sir, Gen. Howe s Aid de Camp arrived yesterday with accounts from the army and navy, since going up the Chesapeak, to the 21st of Oc- 96 LIFE OF tober. The Gazette containing the account is of three sheets, stuffed as usual with various circum stances of this and that, of no importance, but which amuses us the friends of government greatly. I would have sent you one, but 1 am told they will not come out for the public until 12 o clock ; the affair of the 1 1th you have seen a better account of in the Boston paper; the action itself does not seem to have been very favourable to us of government, but there is great parade of difficulty and courage in every part of it. Wilmington was afterwards taken possession of, being abandoned ; on the 25th or 26th, Philadel phia was occupied by Cornwallis, and on the 4th of Oct. Washington attacked Howe and made an impres sion at first, but at length retreated, and is now about twenty miles from Howe, in the road to Lancaster. Gen. Vaughan landed at Elizabethtown, another place in Jersey, and seized a quantity of cattle in September. Gen. Dunop, and a corps of Hessian Chasseurs are taken prisoners ; the general is wound ed. Clinton and Wallace went up the North river to make a diversion in favour of Burgoyne ; have broke the Boom, taken Fort Montgomery and Clinton and burnt Esopus. Admiral Howe s fleet have left the Chesapeak and gone to the Delaware, where they have destroyed some of the forts which guarded the chevaux defrize, and opened a passage at a place or two. I do not recollect whether this business is effectual. The Augusta, of 62 guns, and the Merlin sloop are lost ; two continental frigates were taken there. There is a detail of English officers and men killed and wounded, but it was impossible to get at the numbers in the hurry I was in whilst reading. There is no account of the numbers of the Americans lost in the whole ; perhaps neither could be well depended on. Gen Agnes, Col. Mungo Campbell, and Major Sill are killed on the king s side ; Gen. Smallwood on the side of the rebels. Howe desires to have 5000 regi- ARTHUR LEE. 97 mentals to be sent for the Americans, but there is no account of men coming in. It was said in Lord G. G. s office that Baltimore was burnt, but no men tion is made of it in the Gazette, nor one word of Burgoyne. I know not how this affair will affect you, but our friends about St. James are much down at the mouth. The stocks rose yesterday morning, but fell again. I beg to know whether you have received a letter lately ; many have been sent not acknowledg ed. Remember me to your particular friend and his dear relation. I am dear sir, yours most faithfully, JOHN TOWNSEND. P. S. Gen. Howe has lost an extraordinary number of officers, which shows perhaps, the men were not very forward. There is something in this business very unfavourable to us here, which time must dis cover." " October 1777. Dear Sir, Your obliging letter, expressing your es teem for and good opinion of me, has been duly ac knowledged. Your kind offer of putting me in a pro per way of being serviceable to the general interests, was accepted, with that sense of friendship in which it was made. I have heard of several appointments since, all of which will, I hope, conduce to the promo tion of the common cause. It is a noble one, and worthy of the utmost exertions. You will I trust forgive the liberty I took in ear nestly recommending to your esteem my friend Mr. Carmichael. I do so again with more warmth, since I have heard of some misunderstanding between you. I know you both, and am confident that both wish equally well to their country. You were old collegi ans together. I was the means of the renewal of your former intimacy, and the services of both are necessary for the common good. Do my dear sir, 98 LIFE OF take him cordially by the hand; keep him in Europe if you can, and I am sure you will have a friendship for him. We are waiting in expectation of news from Ame rica ; we are sure here it must be good, and therefore are not contented with the old adage of, no news be ing good news ; we are here at war not only with America, but even with philosophy. The great mind ed personage at the head of the pack has found out a plot, and having always foreseen the independency of the colonies, now sees the deep laid schemes of Dr. Franklin to bring down on him and his family the light nings of Heaven, as he will certainly do the thunders of Europe. There is something in this procedure that shows the qualities of the heart more than any thing else. It is an event that will mark the character of the times to future generations. I am dear sir, yours most faithfully, JOHN HARRIS. P. S. I must beg the favour of you to deliver the enclosed with care." " Dec. 22d, 1777. Dear Sir, Your friend is much obliged to you for the note given him of the late important transaction. It had been heard of before, but the confirmation re newed the general transport; for all here were trans ported one way or other. We shall carry on the war as vigorously as ever, for we talk as high. However, terms of an apparently amicable nature are to be offer ed, whilst the country is to be more inflamed if possible than ever. No one here except those in the secret of affairs, know what they are, and probably will not ; but you at a distance will I think have them commu nicated to you, for it is thought your sense of them must be taken, before they are proposed to the sense of the nation in parliament assembled. The loyal ARTHUR LEE. 99 town of Manchester having offered to raise a regi ment in our support, the rebellious village of London intend to follow the example so nobly set. The militia is to be embodied in part for garrison duty. We are greatly embarrassed, but still depend on a great chapter in the book of ministers, the chapter of accidents. Give me leave to recommend Mr. Ste- phenson to your notice ; his conduct at Bristol has made him obnoxious to the worst men there, who have injured him. I have recommended him to your brotheHfor his mercantile knowledge, which he will apply for the public service either here or abroad. May God bless us. I am dear sir, yours most faithfully, C. TOWN SEND. P. S. A subscription is to be opened here for the relief of the rebels in prison ; it will be countenanced by respectable people. We have heard of an appli cation to the minister on their behalf by . Wilkes intends to move the declaration of American independency." Sept. 1st, 1777. Dear Sir, Your favour of the 20th of July was received with the greatest pleasure last week. I had heard of you frequently before hearing from you, and to be favoured in such a manner, affords a double satisfaction. I am rejoiced to find that your affairs are in such a prosperous way. Your antagonists are tired of their law-suit; the expense is great, and the uncertainty of being put to it, has made the whole family uneasy; it will learn them I hope the virtue of contentment with a little ; they are however very up pish, as is their nature, on their gaining their late in terlocutory, and are in great expectation of the ensu ing term. I think they are inclined to a compromise. Can it be brought about? I mentioned to your friend your opinion of him. He thanks you for it, and is rea- 100 LIFE OF dy to do any service to his family that is in his power. He has lately been to settle some affairs near Ports mouth, but could not do so much as he could wish ; there are about 120, they complain of great hardships, and are full of resentment. You will I hope soon hear of some of them. The gentleman who will deliver you this will in form you of some particulars relative to himself and twenty others of his friends, worthy of attention. We talk here of more bloody work this summer ; Lord Howe has declared he will bleed the ret&ls. He wrote some time ago, that he should go up the Ches- apeak. It is now said he was seen off Block Island. Perhaps he has divided his force for different pur poses. Our amiable monarch is the happiest man alive. He triumphs in Burgoyne s success at Ticori- deroga. However, so many were not killed as were expected. The distress in the city increases visibly every day, the want of money is evident to all, every body sees public and private ruin staring them in the face. No thing can comfort us but the destruction of the Ame ricans. I am dear sir, yours, ROBERT WILLIAMS." " Dear Sir, Your letters to Mr. George Harrison are received. He thanks you for them, and will an swer them by the first opportunity. Give me leave to thank you in the warmest man ner for the confidence you repose in me, in entering so fully into the present misunderstanding,* which has given me much uneasiness. It has troubled me so much and still continues to do so, that I cannot help repeating my most earnest exhortations that it may be fully and cordially adjusted to your mutual satisfac- * This relates to the misunderstanding between Dr, Franklin and Mr. Lee. ARTHUR LEE. 101 tion, interest, and honour. The knowledge that I have of both convinces me that if this unhappy affair was once forgotten between you, the abilities and dis position of both are such as to be of the greatest ad vantage to the general cause, and to your mutual in terests. Let me beg you to try to obliterate all past transactions. I will assure you that you will find Mr. C. inclined to receive or make advances to reconcile ment. He writes me that when he desired an expla nation, it was an advance to reunion. His present disposition may be judged of by the following extract from his last letter. 4 1 am under great obligations to you for the interest you take in all that concerns me, and you may depend upon it there is nothing con sistent with my honour that I will not do to comply with your request. Point out a method of the re storation of harmony and blame me if I do not be the first to advance towards it. Can any thing, my friend, show a more friendly disposition ; let me en treat you to close with it, and give and receive from each other those instances of firm union and cordiality that strengthens business and increases the pleasures of life. Yours faithfully and sincerely, G. HARRISON. This post conveys a letter to this purport. Your favour of the 4th instant is received, which afforded a mixture of pain and pleasure, but the plea sure was predominant, as I find a disposition in one of the parties to reconcilement, which I think is a presage to me that the other will soon have the same. I am sure he will if I have any influence with him. I shall write particularly to him on that subject by this post. If I was with you I would labour hard to bring you together, that you, who are both so well qualified to act in the present great business, might VOL. II. 13 102 LIFE OF heartily and cordially connect yourselves fast to each other. I think you might easily support and assist each other better than any two that I know. At this distance 1 cannot, 1 arn afraid, break the ice, and that alone is, I hope, wanted between you. I wish one of you would in a manly way attempt it. I think I see in you a concern that matters have gone so far ; ac knowledge that concern in that open manner, to which your heart is naturally inclined, and I trust it will have the desired effect. I thank you heartily for your confidence in me ; I have reason to thank the other party for showing an equal degree of trust. I am honoured by both, and would willingly secure the honour of both, and I think the honour of both may be secured, and I am sure this mutual happiness may by a cordial reconcilement. I will trust to your pre sent disposition, and rest in the certainty of hearing soon that all differences are amicably adjusted and forgotten." " My Dear Nephew, As you will soon set up in business for yourself, it is necessary I should give you one piece of advice. Be careful of trusting to any one too much ; there was ever much deceit in the world, but deceit was never so abundant as at the present time. There are secrets in all trades, which must be kept ever from your foreman and people about you, partic ularly those which may be entrusted to you by any of your correspondents, whose names ought not to be ever mentioned by you, as it may give occasion to the inquisitive to be very troublesome. There is I am told great probability of obtaining for you a valuable correspondent in Holland, who will give you the earliest account of the publications there, should he choose to enter into particulars with you. Examine your patrimony, and let me know whether you can advance in the course of the year 1000 or 1200; his knowledge, extensive acquaintance and adroitness ARTHUR LEE. 103 are such as may make that sum turn to good account. Let your friend Townsend hear from you on this sub ject as soon as possible. Let your friend MacGre- gor know your form and mode of drawing your bills, and the new method of keeping your shop books, that he may pay attention to them. When you enter into business let nothing take you from it. Expect not to grow rich all at once. That wish may lead you from your true interest and honour. There are many now who are suspected to have left their honest callings and plunged into all the mysteries and ingenuity of stock-jobbing. This unhappy American affair has made more stock-jobbers than patriots or good trades men. What have we to do with the Toulon squadron ; yet some here who pretend to have received advices from the other side of the water, insist that the Tou lon squadron has not passed the gut of Gibraltar, and are making their speculations in the alleys according ly ; the chief person who it is said propagates this story is one Wai pole. Be it so; why should tradesmen be taking advantage of such events. I would not trust such tradesmen ; should this be a trick of the rebels, for I am told the report comes from their quar ter, the design is obviously to check the vigorous ex ertion of our force, and this must affect the character of a friend of his country. A great Virginia house of the name of Moll n is said to have stopped last Sat urday ; it is supposed that instead of carrying on his mercantile business, he had commenced politician, and ruined thereby the fairest prospects. This ought to be a warning to all such. You will be glad nevertheless to hear the common reports of the day. This may be done innocently, provided they do not engross our thoughts. Burg is here, and is to have a board of enquiry into his con duct. He was at the house yesterday, but no notice taken of him. We have taken after a smart en gagement, a French ship or two on our coasts. This 104 LIFE OF it is supposed will bring on an immediate war. The rebel Jones alarmed our friends about Whitehaven ; the action was spirited, for it was well planned ; in the execution however it failed of all its objects; as we find from a copy of the instructions which were given by B. Franklin; \ve have had them here about a fortnight, they are much admired for their judgment. It is probable we shall get more of the rebel perform ances, as it is certain we get at their secrets daily. The quarter that brought this information can get us every thing we want. It is said that we have sunk the Alfred and beat off the Raleigh in an engagement off the West Indies ; there are reports too of other rebel privateers being taken and sunk, but they are not much credited. I have seen your friend T n. I am dear sir, yours affectionately, DONALD MAC DONALD. P. S. In your last you omitted signing your name, and did not tell me who I was to deliver the letter to, which was entrusted to my care ; take care of such." " May 12th, 1778. Dear Sir, Lord Chatham died yesterday morning at 8 o clock. Col. B. moved the commons that he should be buried at the public expense. Rigby object ed, and thought that a monument erected to his hoaour would be better. Dunning was of opinion that both ought to be done, and moved an amendment accord ingly, which was unanimously agreed to. Mr. Pult- ney moved, that the houses should be directed to at tend the funeral, but withdrew his motion on the sug gestion it would be better that every thing should ap pear voluntary. I have reason to think your friend Townsend has not been inattentive to a certain matter suggested to him. He has had it long in his thoughts, but the diffi culty of breaking such affairs is great ; it has howev- ARTHUR LEE. 105 er been broke to one in the line you wish. But he is such a knave, that Townsend says he cannot trust him, until he gets out of his power. There is an other person in a branch of business of great import ance, who may be sounded, if he will be concerned ; I know no one that can serve the partnership better. Let Townsend in the meanwhile be instructed in the mode you refer to of carrying on this transaction, and drawing the bills in such a manner, as not to be coun terfeited or discovered. It is difficult to discover the names of those who have been concerned in the policies and insurances, because nobody appears in them but the Brothers. You have your suspicions I believe as I have mine, that many have been dabbling there, in a most unwor thy and shameful manner; real good traders are al ways above such transactions that may bring a man s integrity in question. The Rider and his companion are returned ; I fan cy much out of humour. I have not seen the princi pal, but if I may judge from the language of the fore man, their self-importance is much lowered. How ever short sighted in the nature of trade, they seem to insinuate that those with whom they have had transactions are more so, and that they can do their business better than they themselves can do; and yet I am told the principal intends speaking to the fore man of the rival house to admit of an independent trade, and as the only means of carrying any trade on, or even supporting life. The king is just returned from Portsmouth, well pleased with his expedition ; the nation however in general is much dissatisfied. The squadron that ought to be pursuing the Toulon ships are still in harbour, with the wind W. and S.W. We report here, that the Canada expedition is laid aside; that Howe is returned to Staten Island; and that Gen. Clinton s wound having broke out afresh, 106 LIFE OF he is in so bad a way as to make Howe s staying ne cessary. The Ranger privateer has alarmed our coasts in Scotland, and near Whitehaven; and another ves sel having landed on the Isle of Anglesea makes us think, if we do not kill them they will kill us. As we find it necessary to use Ireland in a very dif ferent manner than formerly, three or four bills have been brought in to give it some relief; but the true born Englishman and downright Scotchman oppose the measure strenuously ; all mankind being born, as they think, for their use and emolument. It is said, only one of the bills will pass, relative to the West India islands; in consequence both people will be dis satisfied, the one that any thing has been done, and the other that more has not been done. I am dear sir, your faithful humble servant, MALCOLM DERIMPLE. If you can employ .0000 for me in the American trade, I shall be obliged to you." "Dear Sir, I beg leave to recommend to you my nephew, who proposes to make the best of his way to visit his native land; for that purpose inform him whether he is likely to have soon any good opportuni ty. He will not stay above a day or two at Paris, but go directly to Nantes, and wait thereabouts until his embarkation. The gentleman who accompanies him is an inhabitant of Nantes, who has been here some time to learn the language. He is ambitious of being known to you. I have reason to think your particular friend pro poses to see you in the course of next month; how ever, if he can be of more service here, inform him. We are under the greatest anxiety about the event of the meeting of the two fleets. By last accounts they were in sight. The French being to the wind ward, and therefore having the choice of battle. Our stocks rose on the certainty of conquest. ARTHUR LEE. 107 I have seen a letter from commissioner Eden, which, though written in the familiar style and character, showed evident marks of political despondency. He is in rapture with the little of the country which he has seen, which he thinks is too noble a one to be lost, either by mischance or misconduct. I am dear sir, yours most sincerely, JOHN PRINGLE." " BRUSSELS, Feb. 22d,1780. My Dear Sir, Immediately on the receipt of yours I wrote to my intelligent correspondent. He answered me yesterday, that the expedition from Ire land is supposed to be for the West Indies, but that Washington s ships are not yet ready. He tells me too, that Russia is to be bribed by a great part of the money gained from the East India company, to enter into a treaty defensive and offensive; that advances are made therein, and that indeed it is nearly conclud ed; but that she will first endeavour to bring about a peace. You perhaps know more of these matters than I do. As you have not given me Mr. Adams s address, I trouble you to present him the enclosed. Give me timely notice of your departure. I received yester day a court calendar from our good friend for you. I will send it by the first opportunity. How do you find things? I am dear sir, yours most sincerely, DONALD MAC DONALD." " October 3d, 1778. Dear Sir, I have received your two favours by the posts of yesterday and to-day. I have forwarded the latter to our friend. In asking whether I think the pamphlet will or can do any good, you put a very se rious and nice question. I am not so desperate of our present calamitous situation as to conceive, that it is 108 LIFE OF impossible for the efforts of honest, sensible, and well intentioned men, (and such I trust we still have among us) to do good. But I am persuaded that nothing of this kind can have any effect, unless not only the whole system of acting in the country, but the whole tenor of our feelings as men and citizens, be thorough ly and fundamentally changed. The pamphlet goes a great way towards stating the necessity of this change, and points out with great force and good sense the only line to be pursued, viz: an immediate, open, unconditional acknowledgment of the independence of America. Whether the commissioners at Paris have authority to agree in the first instance with Great Bri tain on the terms mentioned, and to guaranty the im portant articles which are proposed to be insisted, &c., is much to be doubted. I think they have not, and that there are some of them to which America will never subscribe; she will never give up to Great Bri tain the exclusive commerce to the eastward of the Cape of Good Hope, or to the westward of Cape Horn, much less will she cut off herself by express treaty from any share in the Newfoundland fishery, W 7 hich lying as it were at her own door, she will con sider as designed for her by nature. The most that Great Britain can expect on the former article, is a tacit acquiescence on the part of America; and as to the latter, she is more likely to demand a formal re nunciation of the fisheries from Great Britain, than make it herself to Great Britain. As to the African trade, it has been checked by many of the colonies voluntarily, long before the commencement of the present disputes; and the course of agriculture in ma ny of them where negroes were heretofore most in request, joined to the temper of the people in gene ral, has decided against the encouragement of that branch of commerce. The light in which the West India trade will be considered by the Americans, can not be more strongly painted than in the pamphlet. ARTHUR LEE. 109 However on the whole, whether the powers of the commissioners are equal to the momentous points sug gested in the pamphlet or not, or whether the points themselves are admissible on the part of America or not, this happy consequence must flow from the tri al proposed to be made by the acknowledgment of American independence, that the claims of Great Britain thus ceasing, the apprehensions of America from that quarter must likewise be at an end. A treaty may be opened, whether here or in America it matters not, by equal parties ; and equality with par* ties is essential to every treaty that professes to have permanency and the good of both parties for its object. I hope however, notwithstanding these trivial objec tions, I have said enough to show that I highly ap prove of the main drift of the pamphlet, and that I shall be anxious to see it published, with many thanks for the kind communication. W. B." " Whether thy days be many or few may they be happy and successful. This is the wish of thy sin cere friend instead of what the world call the compli ments of the season. Thou knowest I am a plain man, and I would fain be an honest one ; but dangers are sown so thick around me, that it will indeed be a great blessing if I escape. I refer thee to the news-papers for the particular trial of honest Keppel. I think thy friend Hood has kept bad company ; since thou left us his character is a little tarnished, and 1 will not answer for that man s. Next month we expect news from the West Indies. If thou hearest any that is good for this country I pray thee to favour us with it. Our Martha salutes thee kindly, with, my dear friend, thine affectionately, G. JOHNSTONE." VOL. II. 14 110 LIFE OF APPENDIX VIII. Letters of Arthur Lee to bis American Correspondents, written daring his resi dence in France. Dec. 25th, 1776. To Richard Henry Lee, Esq. IT was with infinite pleasure I received my dear brother s letter by the hands of Dr. Franklin, whom I joined at this place on the 22d Dec. the day after his arrival. We have had an audience, been received, and presented our propositions. As yet we have re ceived no answer, nor can we divine what it will be. They are very timid and secret, but we have hopes. In the mean time we are endeavouring to procure artillery, arms, ammunition, and clothing to fit you for another campaign, which, if it be as undecisive as this, will nearly exhaust the enemy s strength. Two things, however, I would wish to impress upon your minds ; to look forward and prepare for the worst event, and to search for every resource within your selves, so as to have as little external dependence as possible. The events of the year 1777 are of such infinite importance, that no industry and no expense can be too great to turn them to our advantage. If they are decidedly in our favour, our liberties and pro perties will be assured forever. I have sent for your sons hither. I mean to keep Ludwell with me, and if his genius suits to train him to arms, chiefly in the engineering line. Tom I will send to you with our despatches, when they are of importance. He is now of an age to be useful to you in Virginia, from whence your absence must great ly damage your affairs. Yours affectionately, ARTHUR LEE." ARTHUR LE. Ill " PARIS, Sept. 9th, 1777, Samuel Adams, Esq. Dear Sir, It is three months since we received a line from congress or from any of our friends. You will hear but too soon and too much of the violent things done in this country against us and in favour of our enemies. This is owing to the privateering schemes carried on at Dunkirk, without the advice of Dr. Franklin or myself, and contrary to repeated re quests of this court. We are labouring to pacify and restore things to their former state of confidence and amity. My absence in Spain and Germany upon public business has prevented me from getting such an in sight into the cabinet here, as to judge with certainty what line they are determined to pursue. We have undoubtedly enemies there, and the late ill conduct at Dunkirk has given them great advantage. Still however they are arming, and it is so much their in terest to be allied with us, that the sacrifices they have lately made to England, and to which they have been in a great measure compelled by our arming ves sels in their ports to cruise upon the English in vio lation of their treaties, may be imputed to necessity not to inclination. I am dear sir, yours very truly, ARTHUR LEE," PARIS, Oct. 4th, 1777. Samuel Adams, Esq., Member of Congress. Dear Sir, Your favour of the 4th of July was like all those I have been used to receive from you, ex ceedingly comforting to me. It is with great plea sure I find that what the appearance of things in January last made me apprehend, has not happened. Our present situation, (notwithstanding I think both Howe and Burgoyne will be successful for some time 112 LIFE OF after their attacks commence) seems to me more fa vourable than ever; and without some signal mis fortune befalling our friends, from the honest endea vours of our amicable friends the Quakers, the inde pendence of America will soon have its foundation established on a rock. It will be more to our honour that this be done by our own efforts without allies, which in my judgment we shall not procure till we have less occasion for them ; and perhaps the liber ties established through labour and endurance will be more prized and more durable than if acquired by for eign interposition. Certain however it is, that the appearances here are so equivocal that no one can tell how long that peace, on the continuance of which our enemies build all their hopes, will last. Let us however suppose, what is most probable, that the po litics of Europe will continue to wear that dubious aspect, which promises peace to-day and menaces war to-morrow, and then survey the present situation of this contest. The difficulties our enemies are under in forming a probable plan for the supplies of the en suing year, both in men and money, are to all human appearance insuperable. There is not, therefore, any reason to apprehend that their armies will ever again be so numerous or so well appointed as those which now assail us. Should their success be neither de cisive nor signal, their future efforts can only be those of disappointed vengeance, in acts of injury and irri tation, such as marked their parting steps in the un happy Jerseys. By these means they will endeavour to harass us into an accommodation, and extricate themselves as well as they can out of the jnauvaise position into which their folly and injustice have com mitted them. The measures of this court which look like war, are a treaty lately made with the Swiss Cantons, by which they are to be supplied with 6,000 more Swiss troops if wanted, and the sending 8,000 men with 12,000 ARTHUR LEE. 113 artillery to their West India islands. Every power in Europe has also forbade their sailors entering into any foreign service whatever, so much do they expect a general war. Great part of (he English commerce is already carried on in French and Dutch bottoms, which circumstance alone will prevent them from continuing the war, because it is a mortal blow to their marine. From these circumstances we may con clude that the present effort is the last that can carry with it any hope of conquest, and that the war can hardly continue in any shape two years longer. There are of our countrymen who think a longer continu ance would be of service in rousing us to exertion and discovering resources which in peace would never be opened. But for my part I think the spirit of adven ture and energy, which characterizes our countrymen, wants no such stimulus, and therefore we should be happy in finishing a war with honour, which inevita bly brings with it a variety of evils, among which a standing army is not least to be apprehended. I have within this year been at the several courts of Spain, Vienna, and Berlin, and I find this of France is the great wheel that moves them all. Here there fore the most activity is requisite ; and if it should ev er be a question in congress about my destination, I shall be much obliged to you for remembering, that I should prefer being at the court of France. Upon the whole then my dear friend, I trust we may congratulate ourselves upon the liberties of our country having triumphed over the greatest malice of our enemies; whom perhaps, we ought to thank for having taught us to know ourselves, and to assume that rank among the independent nations of the earth, to which we are entitled. I remember Mr. Marchant with great respect, and am happy to hear his abilities are called forth in to the most conspicuous service of his country. Be so good as to present to him my best regards. It LIFE OF gives me the greatest pleasure to find an old acquaint ance maintaining in this day of trial, the virtuous principles he professed on the first agitation of this question. In hopes that you will omit no opportunity of let ting me hear from you, and with the warmest wishes for your prosperity and happiness, I am my dear friend, most sincerely yours, ARTHUR LEE. P. S. I have written you several letters since that you mention as having received." " PARIS, Oct. 4th, 1777. R. H. Lee, Member of Congress for Virginia. Dear Brother, Your letter of the 31st of May, which I received since that of the 29th of July by Mr. King, gives me much pain. I have within this twelvemonth tried the three monarchs courts, where we have the most interest to effect what your letter wishes, without succeeding. What grieves me is, that you should think it so essential to our security. Most certain it is, that we should form such a connexion at this time upon very unequal terms; and therefore (if its being postponed does not hazard the great stake till we are apparently less in need of it) we should form it upon ground better weighed, and more advan tageous. Were it not for what you say, I should think an open declaration much less necessary for our secu rity now, than at the beginning. Most assuredly our invaders are in every respect much weaker, and we are apparently much stronger. Yet while I make this a virtue of necessity, and comfort myself with think ing, that what we so ardently desire and yet cannot obtain, may not be absolutely necessary, I do most cordially wish the war were at an end. I consider it a state of danger, dissipation, and corruption of man ners. As yet I believe the citizen is not quite lost in ARTHUR LEE. H the soldier; but this will happen if the war continue. Next to entire slavery, a standing army is the greatest evil that can exist in a young state; and the continu ance of a civil war, with its probable events, may kindle the fatal ambition of some Cromwell, that would otherwise have slept guiltless of his country s ruin. The commission for Spain was I presume sent me in a supposition that I was at that court; for of five letters which I wrote between the ikh of March and 9th of April, detailing my proceedings there, and the necessity of my return, not one appears to have been received. That service I undertook, because Dr. F. would not go through such bad roads in so rigorous a season, and Mr. D. excused himself by a proposition of going to Holland, which he never performed. It is of all places the most disagreeable to my disposi tion; and so very inferior in point of political import ance, that I should certainly be of much less utility there than here. There too I should be at a great dis tance from our brother, from intelligence with you, and from all political conversation; for a degree of in dolence reigns there, that is almost inconceivable. My idea therefore of adapting characters and places is this: Dr. F. to Vienna, as the first, most respecta ble, and quiet; Mr. Deane to Holland; and the Al derman to Berlin, as the commercial department ; Mr. Izard where he is; Mr. Jenings at Madrid, his reserve and circumspection being excellently adapted to that court. I mean Edmund Jenings, whom you know, whose real abilities to serve may be relied on. France remains the centre of political activity, and here therefore I should choose to be employed. All these arrangements might be made, reserving to the three now here their powers, till the opportunity offer ed for their going to their different destinations; that such an occasion might not be lost, by being obliged to send over for appointments. 116 LIFE OF This court has lately concluded a treaty with the Swiss Cantons, by which they are to furnish 6000 more Swiss troops to France, should there be a war ; and 8,000 French troops, with 1,200 artillery men, are upon the eve of their departure for their West In dia islands. All the powers of Europe have forbade their seamen entering into foreign service. These movements look like an expectation of a general war. When we first obtained 2,000,000 of livres from our friends here, it was determined we should appro priate them to the payment of your bills drawn upon us in support of your funds, should it be neces sary. And of this appropriation we informed the committee. But I find that during my absence in Germany, Mr. has involved us in engage ments far beyond the whole of this fund ; so that should you have drawn upon us we shall be oblig ed to apply to the same friends to enable us to an swer your draughts. In truth it is not fit that in our situation we should meddle with merchandize, which at such a court as this degrades the character of de puties from a great and rising people. Were the commercial agent such a man as he ought to be, this business would properly fall within his department. The last despatches to us, of the JOth or 12th of Au gust, were thrown overboard, as were ours to you on the capture of the Lexington soon after she sailed, and after an engagement of five hours, in which she suffered extremely. VJ3e so good as to remember me to Loudon, and warn him against recommendations of a Mr. Carmichael, through Mr. Lloyd, as I have found him to be very unworthy his or your patronage_-J We have received late and most positive assurances from our friends in France and Spain, that what we have hitherto received is given without expectation of any return. I thank you for the Crisis, which is well written. ) I enclose you a copy of a late measure of the court ARTHUR LEE. 117 here, which with others seems unfavourable to us. The reasons they give for them are the proceedings with respect to the arming Conyngham in their ports, and sending him to cruise directly in the channel, con trary to their treaty, and to their repeated requests and our promises. That fact is so, and it was done by Mr. without consulting or informing us. He has therefore thought it necessary to write an apology for it to Mr. Morris, which I understand is to be shown about privately, and he seems desirous of persuading us and others to be in ill humour with the court for taking violent measures, to which they have been compelled by his unwarrantable conduct. All I can say is that it will be doing them great injustice to form an opinion of their disposition from steps which they assure us were taken from necessity, and to which we are conscious those proceedings forced them. The paper I enclose you was made public by authority, in all the commercial cities of France. But you see it acknowledges us as a nation, arid openly avows the protection and reception of our commerce, which Great Britain claims as her own, and which Lord Howe, in his letter to Dr. Franklin, alleges to be the reason of carrying on war against us. As to 292 a xxxviii, they continue to be 3456 xxii as usual. Discretion only is required in managing the business, so as not to subject them too much to the complaints of the 1456 xxii. The promises of good will and as sistance as heretofore are as strong as ever. Upon the whole we have reason to expect much, though not all that is neither 336 a xxxiv. nor 4166 xix. Added Nov. 25th, 1777. I sent you a book by Capt. Wickes, by which we may communicate our thoughts without danger from mischievous curiosity. Lest that should miscarry you have another by this opportunity. Three of the five VOL. II. 15 118 LIFE OF commissioners who are here, are of opinion that it is of the last importance to the public credit and wel fare, that the commercial agency should be taken out of the hands and the channel they are in at present. We think this would be happily effected by the ap pointment of Mr. John Lloyd, of South Carolina, now resident at Nantes, of whose ability and integrity we have a high opinion. Mr. Izard will write. Yours affectionately, ARTHUR LEE." "PARIS, Oct. 7th, 1777. F. L. Lee, Member of Congress for the State of Vir ginia. Dear Loudon, Copies of your letters to Mr. Lloyd, of Maryland, have reached this place to others, but none from you to the alderman or to me. This is a little unkind, especially as we have written frequently to you. By those letters you seem to be in good spirits, which rejoices me. For I see nothing but the want of them, and of funds, which can materially in jure the great cause. The regulation and credit of your paper seems to me to require most of your at tention, since your funds lean upon it, and if they fail the injury may be irreparable. In truth, till the pub lic is assured you have specie in your treasury your paper will never have due credit. But if the money holders were once satisfied you had there one million of hard dollars, they would not hesitate to lend twenty upon it. This is precisely the case with the bank of England, whose paper certainly exceeds twenty times its specie ; and it is with this paper principally that the war is supported against us. But the question is, where are we to get these hard dollars ? Send ef fects to the islands, collect the dollars, and despatch your swiftest sailing frigate to bring them safe. Surely this is not impracticable. And most certain ly, without some plan wisely laid and vigorously ex- ARTHUR LEE. 119 ecuted, you will be in great danger of finding your mea sures for the public defence and security impeded, if not obstructed entirely. It seems to me that we may rely upon the continuance of countenance and support from certain powers in Europe, but that there will be a war soon is not I confess my opinion. Things how ever are in so critical a situation that it is with great diffidence I give my opinion upon the subject. The circumstances of our enemies are so embarrassed, and their resources so exhausted, that without aids from Russia, Denmark, and Sweden, of which there is at present no likelihood, they cannot support another campaign. I have mentioned to you a cabal formed here under the auspices of Mr. which has given me much disquiet, and that he has been very busy to defame me in my absence. I sent you a copy of a news-paper production of this cast. Among other things they have circulated a report both here and in England, which will probably reach America, of dis sensions subsisting among the commissioners. I have taken great care to prevent any such from arising, and none certainly have yet existed, notwithstanding all their diligence in provoking them. Among these, gentlemen, I could wish to guard you particularly against Mr. Carmichael, of whose art and enmity I have had sufficient proofs to make me distrust him for the future. I am, &c., affectionately, ARTHUR LEE." "PARIS, Nov., 1777. Samuel Adams, Esq., with a copy of my last. Dear Sir, Nothing material since the above. The two last despatches for us were thrown into the sea, so that we are left in the most anxious uncertainty concerning your situation. Our enemies are either in the same state, or their news is not such as they wish to be known ; since they suffer not only their own peo- 120 LIFE OF pie but all Europe, to insult them with enquiries, what is become of Howe and Burgoyne, without conde scending to answer a word. At present therefore, both their performances in this, and their preparations for the next campaign, if they have any, are a pro found secret. Yet the meeting of parliament, which is to be the 20th, approaches fast, when something must be said on these momentous points. I men tioned in a former letter, that your state was indebt ed to me for moneys advanced during the time the agency devolved upon me, especially to the captain who was sent express after the affair of Lexington ; and that I should prefer being paid by such a grant of land in your state, as would give me the means and right of citizenship among a people whom I have had so much reason to respect, through the whole of this illustrious business. It would be a great satisfaction to know, that when my poor endeavours were no long er necessary to the public service abroad, I might return as a fellow-citizen among those with whom I have so long been united in the common cause. Would to God we could number Warren among them, and that it had been permitted him to see the beauties of that fabric, which he laboured with so much zeal and ability to rear. "His saltern accumulem^ donis, et fun- gar inani muncre." The actual state of Europe, amid events of such magnitude and a situation so critical, is tranquil to a degree that is inexplicable. Whether it be a stillness before the storm, or a settled tranquillity, is hard to determine. I am inclined to think it the latter. For in truth it seems, that America is an object too vast for their embrace. That balance of power, which has so long been the hobby-horse of Europe, and in which the power of Great Britain, founded upon Ame rica had so great a weight, must be changed, and a new scale adopted. This makes all the cabinets so averse to enter into a consideration that must send ARTHUR LEE. 121 them again to school, and derange all the beautiful balances they have formed. Add to this, that the two old and potent princes of the north have resolved upon having peace in their day; contenting themselves with ministering such assistance to Russia, as will give them a claim to share in the partition of the Turkish dominions, as they have in those of Poland. An officer of the English guards, who is return ed from America, declares that the Highlanders are all sworn under their colours never to give quarter to an American; and that he has seen them hang up a great many prisoners in their belts. I know the of ficer; he is a man of veracity and a tory by birth, so that he is not likely to forge or exaggerate facts against his friends. Surely an enquiry ought to be made into this, and a most exemplary punishment inflicted on those detestable people, if it be true. Sincerely your friend, ARTHUR LEE." " PARIS, Nov. 5th, 1777. To the Hon ble John Page, of Rosehill, Member of the Council of State for the State of Virginia. Dear Sir, The arrival of Mr. King here gave me an opportunity of enquiring after your health, and great pleasure in hearing of your welfare. The object of Mr. King s mission is of much more difficult accomplishment than you imagined; both from the situation of things, and from its not being custom ary, nor indeed generally speaking, in the power *of French merchants to make such large advances. A very small capital indeed serves to set them up; and their object in trade is more a temporary and exorbi tant profit, than the establishment of a permanent in terest and commerce upon moderate profits, with in dustry and fair dealing. Through all Europe our cause is rising, and that of 122 LIFE OF our enemies sinking in proportion. But yet the po sition seems not so decided, as to make individuals, especially such as I have described, hazard much of their money, as the powers of Europe are at war. It seems probable that this business will end by stationing cruisers upon our coast to distress our com merce. In such a situation Virginia I am afraid will suffer much, unless her marine were augmented, and some coasters built, to sail swiftly, carry heavy metal, and draw little water. The natural advantages of our immediate country for commerce, are such as must, if properly improved, furnish the means of maintaining a very respectable marine. To this chiefly, she must owe her future prosperity and grandeur. I shall always be happy to hear of your welfare, and that of Mrs. Page and your family. Be so good as to remember me with respect to Mr. Nicholas, Mr. T. Nelson, and Mr. Jefferson. I have the honour to be, with great regard, ARTHUR LEE." "PARIS, Nov. 6th, 1777. To his Excellency Patrick Henry, Chief Magistrate of the State of Virginia. Sir, It gave me great pleasure to hear of your health from Mr. King. The great need our immedi ate country is in of essential supplies, gave me great uneasiness; and the more so, as I could find no one here disposed to make the advance required. Mr. King exerted himself with great assiduity to the same end, and seems by his attention to business, entirely worthy of the confidence you reposed in him. I hope he will be able to effect something at Nantes; where so much profit is made by our commerce, that it would be very ungrateful not to assist us, upon such sure and reasonable terms. ARTHUR LEE. 123 The supplies I sent early in the spring from Spain, were at first ordered to Virginia ; but upon receiving advice from the committee of congress that the east ern ports were the safest, I was obliged to counter mand those orders ; in consequence of which they were sent to New-England, to which all our remit tances have been directed. If our state should want a loan of money, I think Spain is the most likely to supply it ; and as I am commissioned to that court by congress, whatever commands you may have for me on that or any other subject, I shall obey with plea sure. But being at the same time continued in the commission here, it is not probable I shall quit Paris for some months. Business however can be negotiat ed here as well as at Madrid, though with somewhat more expense of time. Our enemies are much ex hausted and embarrassed by the war, insomuch that as yet they seem to have formed no plan, nor are they making any efforts to provide for the support of an other campaign. Germany will afford them but fee ble assistance; and I was assured, when I was lately at the northern courts, that there was no probability of their being assisted from Russia. But as the ha tred and vengeance which now govern the conduct of this war will animate the contrivers of it to very despe rate efforts, it will be wise to prepare for the worst, and not measure our exertions entirely by the appa rent inability of the enemy. It is probable that their last efforts will be, to intercept our commerce by blocking up our ports and rivers. This, with the lia- bleness of our country to be so distressed, suggests the necessity of attending to and encouraging our marine. A few vessels built expressly for cruisers, of such a mould as to draw as little water as possible, of such a length as to sail the swiftest, and carrying though few guns yet those of the heaviest metal, would save our coasts from such insults. Their su perior weight of metal would subdue vessels of less 124 LIFE OF force, and they would harass and outsail those of greater force. We lately built one on this plan in Holland, but the impossibility of manning her obliged us to sell her. Our cause gains ground daily in the opinion of Europe, but it is yet uncertain when any of its powers will declare openly in our favour. I have the honour to be, &c. with great respect, your obedient servant, ARTHUR LEE." " Nov. 25, 1777. S. Adams, Esq. Dear Sir, Public affairs wear every day a more unfavourable aspect for our enemies. The discomfit ure of Burgoyne is an irreparable blow. France and Spain are arming seriously and formidably. Holland has ordered a strong convoy for their West India trade. I am well informed that the number of troops they can draw from Germany will be very small, and from Russia none. The raising their supplies will be diffi cult, perhaps impracticable, for certainly the public is not contented nor confident. The king s speech is impertinent and insignificant. He is assuredly destin ed to destruction. Let me whisper to you that I have reason to sus pect there is jobbing both with you and with us. The public concerns and the public money are perhaps sa crificed to private purposes. Congress should inter fere. Let them appoint a commercial agent, distinct from the former and his connexions; let them order an account with vouchers how the money received here for the public has been expended, and signify their pleasure that the commissioners do not concern themselves with trade directly or indirectly, and they will soon find their affairs resume respectability and credit, which have been for some time lost here. Mr. J. Lloyd, of South Carolina, now residing at Nantes, ARTHUR LEE. 125 seems to me a proper person for commercial agent, and I think his appointment will most essentially serve the public. Be so good as to consult with Mr. Laurens and my brothers upon this subject, which I assure you is of the last importance to the public. ARTHUR LEE." " January 5th, 1778. Samuel Adams, Esq. Dear Sir, No material change has taken place since my last letters, which should be delivered to you by Capt. Nicholson, and Mr. Deane, jr. Every thing seems disposed towards the great event we wish, the acknowledgment of our independency. I am not fond of prophesying, but I think it will not be long be fore something signal will happen. I have before mentioned to you a Mr. Carmichael. Every day gives me fresh reason for suspecting him. The gentleman who bears this will give you an ac count of him; and the enclosed account will show you in what manner the public money has been put into his pocket by Mr. , under the pretence of errands, in which the only object was, to tell ignorant people that he and Mr. were the only persons possessed of public trust and power. It is impossible to describe to you to what a degree this kind of in trigue has disgraced, confounded and injured our af fairs here. The observation of this at head quarters, has encouraged and produced through the whole a spirit of neglect, abuse, plunder, and intrigue, in the public business, which it has been impossible for me to prevent or correct. After three months solicitation to have an account of the expenditure of the public money, the enclosed, such as you see, is the only one I can procure. Thousands I am sure have been mis applied in such manner as this, and in still worse chan- VOL. ii. 16 126 LIFE OF nels. Perhaps you may think this is not the time for severe enquiry; and I believe that confidence makes these people do many things upon which they would not otherwise venture. What I wish at least is, that it may be remembered, I have done my endeavour to prevent what I am sure will hereafter be the subject of enquiry and reprehension. The enemy make a great parade of what they will attempt next campaign. In the mean time it is cer tain they are under great apprehensions for Quebec, for the defence of which they think 8000 men ne cessary. Adieu. Affectionately, ARTHUR LEE." "JANUARY 5th, 1778. To R. H. Lee. My Dear Brother, Though nothing is yet con cluded, yet every thing seems hastening to the decla ration we wish. Portugal we are given to understand is amicably disposed. I am in doubt whether a trea ty of commerce (and perhaps this court will go no far ther at present) concluded with us will induce Great Britain to declare war; though every thing may be expected from their folly, and from that infatuation which commences in deceiving others, and ends in de ceiving themselves. They talk much of mighty pre parations, which they will soon persuade themselves are real, and which consist in regiments to be raised in the trading and manufacturing towns. Gen. Halde- mand has assured the British ministry, that 8000 men are necessary for the defence of Canada should it be attacked, of which they are much afraid. Let me re commend Mr. Stephenson as highly worthy of your protection. He will give you a particular account of things here. If in the arrangement of things I could be continued here, and Mr. D. removed to some oth- ARTHUR LEE. 127 er place, it would be pleasing to me, and disconcert effectually their wicked measures. Adieu. Your affectionate brother, ARTHUR LEE." " PARIS, Jan. 9th, 1778. R. H. Lee. Dear Brother, I hoped by this time to have in formed you that something decisive was concluded. We remain however in the same state of incertitude. There is nothing so necessary in politics and negoti ation as patience. The recent death of the Elector of Bavaria, to whom the Palatine is heir, threatens to involve this kingdom in a German war. The rea son is this. The Elector Palatine is heir to Bavaria, and the Duke de deux ponts to both. The latter is the strict ally of France, who is also the guaranty of the treaty of Westphalia ; and should she obtain him these successions, he would form a third power, and give them the decision in the German scale. But the emperor chooses to have Bavaria, and the king of Prus sia the Palatinate, which will bring these two great powers to the frontiers of France. In this situation of things it is feared that France will be engaged in a land war, which will make a diversion in favour of our enemies. Things are going on worse and worse every day among ourselves, and my situation is more painful. I see in every department, neglect, dissipation and pri vate schemes. Being in trust here I am responsible for what I cannot prevent, and these very men will proba bly be the instruments of having me one day called to an account for their misdeeds. There is but one way of redressing this and remedying the public evil; that is the plan I before sent you, of appointing the Dr. honoris causa, to Vienna, Mr. Deane to Holland, Mr. Jennings to Madrid, and leaving me here. In that 128 LIFE OF case I should have it in my power to call those to an account, through whose hands I know the public mo ney has passed, and which will either never be ac counted for or misaccounted for, by connivance be tween those who are to share in the public plunder. If this scheme can be executed it will disconcert all the plans at one stroke, without an appearance of in tention, and save both the public and me. But should this be impracticable, let me know whether it is not proper that I should write to the committee that in my judgment the public business is turned here to private emolument, that my advice and endeavours have not the least influence, and therefore I desire not to be deemed responsible for what I have not the power in directing or preventing. In this or any other better manner, I wish to be quit of a business, in which those who are abusing me are employing the public money to make friends for themselves and enemies for me. You may easily conceive who will succeed in such a contest. Adieu. ARTHUR LEE." " PARIS, May 27th, 1778. Hon. John Page, Esq. Dear Sir, I received with very great pleasure your most obliging letter by Mons. Le Maire, of the 12th of March. It was the more pleasing to me as it proved that the wish of renewing our former ac quaintance was mutual. Some of the several letters I have written to you will I trust get safe so as to satisfy you that my sentiments of your zeal and ex ertion for the public welfare are not inferior to those with which you have honoured me. The declaration of our independency by the court of France, awakened that of England to her danger and her weakness. Irritated therefore as she was, she did not dare to declare war. But she is exerting every ARTHUR LEE. 129 nerve to put herself in a posture of defence. At pre sent the stroke stands suspended, though their ambas sadors respectively retiring, the seizure of all their ships and seamen belonging to each other, which hap pened to be in their ports, and each sending a fleet to your coast, are proofs that actual hostilities are in evitable. When they commence, America will hold the balance, and make which scale she pleases pre ponderate. France therefore showed her superior wisdom in seizing the moment of Burgoyne s defeat to secure our assistance by a treaty. While Eng land was deliberating she lost the only opportunity she could have of retrieving the consequences of her former folly and injustice. But this seems to be the fated period of her decline, and her glorious sun is set. You will judge from my last letter that I should enter warmly into the purpose of Mons. Le Maire s mission, which is calculated to put our country into that respectable state of preparation in which I so ardently wish to see it. My brother being absent on his negotiations in Germany, I have endeavoured to carry the business as far as it can be done here, into execution. If I can borrow from the Farmers Gen eral a million of livres as I am endeavouring to do, on the terms Governor Henry mentions, we shall be en abled to purchase the things, where we can have them best and cheapest. If I cannot effect this loan, an agreement must be made with some capital merchant for him to furnish the whole, and receive his payment in tobacco in the country, at the current price. In the mean time I have judged proper to send Mons. Le Maire to Strasbourg, on the confines of Germany, where and at Solingen, which is near, many of the articles are to be had, far the best and cheapest. Perhaps too we may send them directly from thence by the way of Holland. There too he will be nearer to take the directions of my brother. 130 LIFE OF Be so good as to inform his excellency Gov. Henry of what I have done. The great seal I have also en quired about. But they asked here from 100 to 150 louis d ors for making it in steel. I have written to Lon don to know what would be the price, as this seems exorbitant. As soon as I am satisfied it is not so, I shall put it in hand. The paper Mr. Webb desired is or dered, and I enclose a specimen for him. I am sorry however to see that there are no naval stores ordered, which I conceive must be very necessary. Should I therefore succeed in the loan, and should there beany surplus, I will vest it in them, and ship them with the rest. I must beg the favour of you to express my high sense of the honour your society has done me, and of assuring them that my poor endeavours shall not be wanting to promote the laudable purpose of its insti tution.* I shall be extremely happy in receiving the extracts you mention, and when you publish any thing, if you will be so obliging as to send me some copies, 1 will present them to the different societies in Europe, which will produce a reciprocal communication of discoveries, and more effectually answer the purpose, and extend the reputation of the society. Since I last wrote to you, I have discovered that a company, which has at its head, and which obtained some time since from the crown of Great Britain, an immense grant on the Ohio, within the dominion of Virginia, are intriguing to interest members of con gress in it so as to get a confirmation of their grant by congress, which would be invading the right of our state. The grant was called Vandalia. Many Eng lishmen are members of the company, and the Ame ricans are Dr. Franklin, Mr. Joseph Wharton, in London, and a Dr. Bankcroft. These are the persons * A Society to Promote Useful Knowledge, of which Mr. Lee had been elected a member. ARTHUR LEE. 131 by whose intrigues it is expected the business may be effected. You are acquainted with Mr. Lewis, of Gloucester. Be so good as to inform him that I have enquired about his brother s unhappy fate at St. Omar. The magistrates assured me that it was not through any apparent distress in his circumstances, and that his remains were treated with all possible decency. It may be some consolation to that most respectable family to be assured of this, as there have been reports to the contrary. Since I began my letter I have received the en closed answer to my proposition for borrowing money of the Farmers General, for the purchase of the stores, by which you will see the little success of it. I shall however leave no endeavours unexerted to ef fect the sending of the supplies in the speediest man ner, and of the best kind. It is supposed that orders are sent to the Howes to retire to Halifax, from whence they are to infest your coast and annoy your trade, so as to compel you to seek peace upon their terms. I cannot judge of the practicability of fortifying Cape Henry so as to prevent the entrance of large ships. But surely, if it be practicable, no expense should be spared, it would so effectually protect our commerce and our country. I beg you will make my respects to the Governor, to Mr. Nicholas, Mr. Jefferson, Mr. Wythe, and other gentlemen who may do me the honour of remember ing me. With the greatest esteem I have the honour to be dear sir, your sincere friend and most obedient servant, ARTHUR LEE." "PARIS, Jan. 24th, 1778. R. H. Lee. My Dear Brother, Our ultimate object here is in great forwardness, and I hope we shall soon give you 132 LIFE OF an account of its conclusion. A war seems every day more certain, and I can assure you that this country is exceedingly well prepared for it. The affair of Bavaria is amicably settled, so that no disturbance will arise from it. Capt. Conyngham in the Re venge, who made so much disturbance at Dunkirk, is involving us with the Spanish court, by having cap tured a French ship carrying English goods to Spain. That king, who is subject to great intemperance of passion, is enraged at such disrespect shown to the commerce of his subjects, and whether he is right in his resentment or not, it is likely to do us very ma terial injury, especially in the supplies he promised us. Adieu. Affectionately, ARTHUR LEE." "PARIS, Feb. 9th, 1778. F. L. Lee, Member of Congress. Dear Loudon, I congratulate you with all my heart on the treaties, which congress will receive by the frigate that brings this. According to the present appearance of things, the event which is to bring the second treaty into operation, will take place before this reaches you. By the lists I have, the united fleets of France and Spain will amount in less than two months to 100 sail of the line. While the an cient rivals of England are thus strengthening and connecting themselves, the people who direct that government are devising ways and means to deceive the public and pick the pocket of the subject, and the opposition are agitating the very important ques tion, whether you can be prevailed upon to resign your independency to any ministers but themselves. You may guess which of the two nations is best con ducted and most likely to prosper. You will see by the enclosed letter that the com missioners did not agree about the 12th article of the ARTHUR LEE. 133 commercial treaty. Mr. Girard, in a private conversa tion with me arid afterwards in our public conference declared that the court was by no means desirous of having the llth and 12th articles in the treaty, and would upon representation from congress that they were not agreeable, very readily agree to make them void. There will, therefore, be no difficulty in the negotiation to render them both of no effect, should congress think that the llth article is purchased too high by the 12th. I proposed before we as sented to it to consult the two other commissioners, Mr. Izard and our brother upon them ; but my col leagues would not consent. Adieu. ARTHUR LEE." " Feb. 15th, 1778. R. H. Lee, Member of Congress. Dear Brother, The enclosed letter will show you that the commissioners did not agree about the 12th article. I proposed to call in the other commission ers of congress, that their opinions might assist us. But my colleagues would not agree to it. Mr. Girard had informed rne, and repeated at our general confe rence, that the king had agreed to the llth and 12th articles contrary to his principles, upon a supposition that such was the wish of congress, and that there fore upon a representation from congress he had no doubt they would be readily given up. This how ever will require another treaty to cancel those arti cles, after they are ratified in common with the rest. I send you the copies of letters relative to some de spatches of mine, which Messrs. Deane and Carmi- chael have detained from me and from the public, I am satisfied with a bad view. You will however see by Mr. Lloyd s letter, that there appears to be a quar rel between these two men, which if not feigned, as I am apt to suspect, may serve to detect the mal- VOL. II. 17 134 LIFE OF practices of which the first is suspected. My ab sence, and the care with which things have been concealed from me, have disqualified me to judge of the truth of the suspicions, which are general, of Mr. having had douceurs from the public contrac- ters and others, in order to conciliate his patronage ; and that he is in a sort of partnership with Holker, Sabatier, Montheiu and others, in which the public money and influence are made subservient to private profit. I shall hope to get at the accounts by degrees, which will show what foundation there is for this sus picion. In the mean time I am told that a Mr. L of Charleston, S. C. and a Capt. John Welch, who sails from Cadiz, in the polacre called the Union, can throw some light upon the subject. The disputes Mr. - has industriously contrived with me will render my being his accuser apparently an act of pri vate enmity, not of public justice. And probably this was his object in quarrelling with me, being under great apprehensions from me, as well from my char acter as from the opportunities my situation would give me of doing it with effect. Dr. F. has al ways countenanced his proceedings, I believe entire ly from a consideration of the business and advan tages which he artfully throws into the hands of Mr. . In this situation it is not in my power to prevent every thing from being conducted according to the views and pleasure of Mr. . When ever he is removed from the command of money the truth will come out fast enough, and the persons who, under his auspices, have been defrauding the public may be brought to account. Upon the whole these are dangerous men, and capable of any wickedness to avenge themselves on those who are suspected of counteracting their purposes. They are therefore to be acted against with great circumspection, and the proof for their detection and punishment secured be fore any open attempt is made. The calling for an ARTHUR LEE. 135 account of the money we have expended, the taking of the expenditure out of our hands for the future, or the removal of him who has misapplied it, would lead to discoveries and proofs before time has enabled him to prevent them. I cannot help thinking there is some league between and Beaumarchais in his demand on congress. War seems every day more inevitable. France and Spain are well prepared for it. But the latter is compelled to temporize till their millions now on the way from South America, are ) arrived. Tom is still with Mr. Schweighauser, and appears to be improving. Ludwell has left his school, lives with me, and I shall soon make him begin reading the law. I wish you could send us the laws of Virginia, as those should be the object of his particular studies after he has got the general principles of jurispru dence. Yours affectionately, ARTHUR LEE." "Feb. 17th, 1778. S. Adams, Esq., Member of Congress. My Dear Sir, Let me embrace you my dear friend, on the accomplishment of the end of all our labours, by the treaties which will accompany this, in which the lib erty, sovereignty, and independence of the United States are secured. I thought it absolutely necessary that we should urge the insertion of sovereignty, that there might not hereafter be any question on that head, as there long was in the case of the United Provinces and the Swiss Cantons. You may be assured, that war is resolved on here; and from the situation of things, it cannot be long avoided. In England the opposition against the American war grows stronger every day. The minority for re calling the troops the other day was 166. But the best of kings and the wisest ministers are determined 136 LIFE OF to push things to every extremity rather than recede. By most certain accounts I know that their prepara tions have more of ostentation than reality in them, and that they cannot possibly muster such a force for the ensuing campaign, as they had for the last. It is most certain, that the power of Great Britain is pass ed away, and that she has lost her pre-eminence among the nations of the earth. The ministry and the op position are however agitating a very important ques tion, which is, into which of their hands you would resign your independency? The minority contend you will never do it, until they are brought into place; and the ministry are of opinion that you will do it as readily to them as to their opponents ; in which I conceive they are not very far from the truth. You will see by the enclosed that there was much difference of opinion between my colleagues and me, upon the 12th article of the commercial treaty. This court proposed that no duty should be laid on tobacco exported to the dominions of his most Christian ma jesty; which Dr. F. changed to all the produce of America exported to the islands furnishing molasses. As they were strong in favour of this article, I yield ed up my opinion to theirs, at the conference in which they refused to take the opinions of the other com missioners of congress, Messrs. Izard and Lee, as I proposed. Upon stating the 12th article to them af terwards, I found their opinions as strong against it, which made me apprehensive it would produce some difference of opinion in congress. This, joined with the other reasons I have stated, determined me to propose the saving clause; instead of which my col leagues preferred the total rejection of the two arti cles; to which the French ministry would not con sent, as the treaty they alleged having already receiv- ARTHUR LEE. 137 ed the king s approbation, they could not propose to him the alteration. Yours, &c. ARTHUR LEE." PARIS, Feb. 28th, 1778. To Samuel Adams, Esq. Dear Friend, I enclose you Dr. Price s essays, which he wishes to have reprinted in America. Lord North s speech will show you how much they are reduced, and the bills brought in, his insolence, folly, and infatuation. That of the public, is not less; for they really regard this compound of impu dence and absurdity, as something calculated to re lieve their distresses, and prevent the evils they appre hend. The king of Prussia threatens to excite a war in Germany; which, if he does, will not I think make any material diversion in favour of our enemies. I believe the principal object of his court at present is to secure Holland, which it seems probable he will effect. When that is done, a single year in conjunc tion with the house of Bourbon, must enable us to drive the enemy entirely out of America. Looking forward to the future peace of America, it appears to me a necessary piece of policy to confederate Cana da, that it may be a check upon New-England, which may otherwise combine in time to subjugate the rest of America. There is some such language held al ready by some of that country. It was with this view that I substituted in the 5th article of the defen sive treaty, confederated with, instead of subject to, and the reduction of the English poivcr, for the conquest, fcc. Because if Canada be annexed as a conquest, it will add strength to New-England ; if as a confede rated state, it will always be a check. If Mr. Lloyd is appointed agent. Dr. F. sent to 138 LIFE OF Vienna, Mr. D. to Holland, and I am left here, we shall act in concert ; and not only have a full enquiry made into the expenditure of the public money, but establish that order, decency, and regularity, which are lately banished from the public business at pre sent, so as to involve us in continual confusion and expense. If congress condescends to treat with the English commissioners without a full acknowledgment of the sovereignty and independence of the United States, I shall be infinitely disappointed. Yours, &c. ARTHUR LEE." " March 1st, 1778. To Samuel Adams, Esq. Dear Friend, I was in hopes to-day s post would have brought us news from England, and the acts for negotiating with you. If we may judge of them from the bills, they will be an everlasting proof of the fee bleness and folly of our enemies. I trust their com missioners will return as they came, unless they have the power, and do acknowledge clearly and fully the sovereignty and independence of America as an indis pensable preliminary. You will see by the enclosed that I wished to take the advantage of the first impression made by the miscarriage of our despatches, to press for our being openly acknowledged here. I thought we should suc ceed, because in conversation a few days before with Mr. Girard, I found this court was under strong im pressions that you would decide in favour of England ; and they know that in a war between the two na tions, America must decide the victory. I do believe therefore, that if we had pressed it as of weight in this decision, we should have obtained it. I wish it were done, because 1 am sure the other powers of ARTHUR LEE. 139 Europe wait only for the example of France to admit us to those commercial rights which an acknowledg ment would secure. Mr. Girard assured me, the English gave out that they had sent half a million of guineas to soften ob durate hearts in America. This too gave them some apprehension, for they know the force of guineas in Europe. Be so good as to remember me to Mr. Mar- chant. Yours, &c. ARTHUR LEE." "PARIS, March 19th, 1778. The Hon ble Henry Laurens, President of Congress, at Congress. Dear Sir, I congratulate our country on your fill ing so distinguished and important an office in her ser vice. Her prosperity will always depend upon the wisdom of her choice. Before this can reach you, the treaties concluded here must have arrived. I am sensible they would admit of very useful additions. But we were bound by the plan given us for the one, and by the critical situation of affairs admitting of no delay, in the oth er. These things beiner considered, I hope what de fects are found will bu excused. It is altogether uncertain when it will be conveni ent for Spain to accede to the alliance; and I am ap prehensive that the war which is likely to break out in Germany will prevent the king of Prussia from de claring so soon and so decidedly as he promised. The court of Spain will I apprehend, make some difficul ties about settling the dividing line between their pos sessions and those of the United States. They wish to have the cession of Pensacola. I have written for and hope to have the instructions of congress on this 140 LIFE OF head. If any thing should strike you on this sub ject, the communication of it will infinitely oblige me. The high opinion I have of your abilities and zeal for the public good, will always render your advice a fa vour to me; and the acquaintance I have had the ho nour of having with you, makes me hope I may ask it without offence. I beg to be remembered to your son; and have the honour to be, with the greatest esteem and respect, dear sir, your most obedient ser vant, ARTHUR LEE. P. S. To-morrow we are to be presented to the king of France, and the English ambassador quits this court without taking leave. War must immediately be the consequence ; as these movements have been determined on, from the treaty of amity and com merce which we have concluded with this court hav ing been announced in form to that of London. The consequence of this, in relieving our country from the chief weight of the war, cannot but follow; and there fore I congratulate you upon it most sincerely. In my judgment, a year or two must reduce Great Bri tain to any terms the allies may think proper to de mand. A. L." PARIS, April 4th, 1778. Hon ble Henry Laurens, President of Congress. Dear Sir, I have the honour of enclosing you an accurate list of vhe present and possible force of our enemies, with the manner in which it is disposed of. You will probably see the commencement of the plan arranged here for carrying on the war in your quarter, which I may not hazard committing to this letter, as it goes by a private vessel. A Mons. Francois, a very able man, sometime since minister to England, was ARTHUR LEE. 141 intended to be sent to you ; but being taken ill, the present person was put in his place. I trust he will conduct his negotiation agreeably to what appears to me to be the disposition of the court and ministers here, fairness and generosity. I have settled the means of receiving from time to time Mrs. Laurens s letters for your son; and intelli gence from different persons, that may be useful to the public. In great haste, and with the greatest respect, I have the honour to be dear sir, your most obedient servant, ARTHUR LEE." "June 3d, 1778. To the Hon ble James Lovell. Dear Sir, I send you the enclosed as a curiosity, which will furnish you matter of reflection. The original was intercepted by our enemies, and the per son who furnishes me with intelligence procured the copy from whence this was taken. You could not have sent a colleague more agreea ble to me than the present. With much good sense and good nature, a disposition to do business, and pur sue the public good alone, he is so direct a contrast to the other, that nothing can be more pleasing to me than the change. The continuation of war is augmenting our cares and apprehensions for the public. The treaty we have concluded seems to have operated more upon our enemies than on our friends. In consequence of this, their force at sea upon our coasts will be much greater than that of the French, notwithstanding the previous time they have had for preparation. The timid, tardy politics of these countries, especially in VOL. II. 18 142 LIFE OF execution, are as little calculated for the exigency of the moment, as for the enterprise of their allies. But with a moral certainty of a happy issue out of this business, we must not repine at its being protracted, or attended with much more expense of blood, trea sure, and suffering, than is necessary. You see the facts attending my enquiry into the robbery of the despatches, which should have been carried by Folger. Comparing and connecting all things together, it is my private judgment that this Mr. Chaumont was employed by the 243 a xvii. to take the public despatches; and that he availed him self of the opportunity to take my letters for Mr. Deane and Dr. Bankcroft, with whom he was in close connexion. These were, 1 think, the first de spatches written by us after the violent affair of Dun kirk, which may well account for the desire of the to possess them; and the gentlemen mention ed had just before discovered that I had been appris ed of their abuse of, and combination against me, dur ing my absence in Germany ; which was a sufficient motive with them to fear the contents of my letters, and wish to stop them. Knowing the impossibility in this country of pursuing the enquiry to effect with out the assistance of government, I was obliged to apply for it, whatever doubt I might have of their en tering heartily into the business. June 9th. You will see by my letter to the com mittee the present state of things in Europe, and I enclose you a foreign gazette, containing what we have of the treaty with Portugal. With great esteem, &c. ARTHUR LEE. P. S. The former part of this letter was written on a supposition that Admiral Byron s fleet was on ARTHUR LEE. 143 its voyage to America, instead of being counter manded." " July 28th, 1778. James Lovell, Esq. Dear Sir, I had the pleasure of receiving your favour dated in May by Capt. Nyles. You must have more of the milk of human nature than ever yet fell to the portion of to have lost all resentment of the personal injuries you have received from our inso lent and inhuman foe. But the debt of retribution is pressing hard upon them, and I am mistaken if it do not weigh them down to ruin and humiliation. Our letter to the committee, will inform you of public affairs, and those to Mr. Adams, of whatever is worth your attention in private. I am afraid the ribband and the little seekers of such a distinction, will give some trouble ; and a gold snuff-box, with a grand monarch s picture set with diamonds, may probably excite some murmurs against the prohibi tion of such flattering testimonies of merit in the ar ticles of confederation. It will be necessary to have a letter of credence from congress to the court, to which they shall des tine me. I enclose you some foreign gazettes, and have the honour to be, &c. ARTHUR LEE." August 22d, 1778. R. H. Lee, Esq. Dear Brother, This will be delivered to you by Mr. J. Lloyd, the gentleman whom I have so strong- 144 LIFE OF ly recommended to you for commercial agent ; from whose abilities and integrity we might expect that the system which has hitherto prevailed so much at the expense and disgrace of the public, would be cor rected ; and the credit of her commerce restored. My brother and myself have conceived that as the public allowance to the commercial agent is very lib eral, and the situation necessarily must recommend considerable business, the person appointed might with the most fair and conscientious discharge of his duty to the public, make his own fortune. It was from a persuasion that Mr. Lloyd was of the same senti ments and would act accordingly, that we joined in recommending him to that office. But I now repeat the opinion I took the liberty of giving then, that to enable him to act with effect for the public service, his office should be entirely inde pendent of us the commissioners, and all commercial business whatsoever of congress be directed by him. When he is in want of our political assistance, in ap plying to the ministers &:c., upon his request we should be bound to give it, or congress would remind us of our duty. It is by keeping the two departments commercial and political, distinct and independent, as far as from the nature of things the former can be of the latter, that we can alone expect to see men of character undertake and conduct the public business as we would wish ; that is, for the public good. Hi therto the interposition of the commissioners, under the pretext of these mixed powers, has been only to serve private ends ; in which the credit and the in terest of the public, as well as the time and character of individuals, have been sacrificed without measure and without mercy. It will require that temper, abil ity, and integrity, which I am assured and believe Mr. Lloyd possesses, to restore the public credit, and settle the accounts, which I plainly perceive have ARTHUR LEE. 145 been purposely confused. I therefore recommend him to your patronage, by what I know to be the strongest of all motives with you, your regard for the public good. Mr. Lloyd has resided some time at Nantes. He has been an observer of many proceedings, which it may import the public much for you to know, and which I have no doubt he will communicate. 1 have known his zeal for and attachment to the public cause for many years ; and therefore introduce him to your acquaintance as one in whom you may have entire confidence. I am affectionately yours, &c. ARTHUR LEE." " The Hon. James Lovell. Dear Sir, The impudent attempt of will show you what sort of a man he is. I am satisfied his friend Chaumont is of the same stamp. That he has kept my colleagues in custody, and has been a spy upon us is too probable. I enclose you an at tempt of his against Mr. Schweighauser, which by his evasions, and the utter falsehood of it, seems to be a most malicious forgery. He and Dr. Bankcroft are exceedingly intimate, and seem to harmonize in this laudable mode of employing themselves. I owe the knowledge of these things entirely to Mr. Adams, for they were meant to operate as a multitude of their similar contrivances have done, unknown to me. They are practising upon him, and communicate their calumnies to him, in hopes they will have their effect. This system has been pursued ever since we have been here, and to the disgrace of all and the disquiet of every man whose situation they envy or whose op position they fear. It is no very pleasant situation to 146 LIFE OF have a number of these people perpetually endeav ouring to create disturbances and difficulties, and ca lumniating me in secret. This was Mr. s plan, and he has left Dr. Bankcroft as his deputy. But I am misinformed if you do not know both their charac ters sufficiently not to be surprised at it. I do assure you the arrangement of your money affairs requires every attention you can bestow upon it ; and you must not trust too much to assistance from European loans. Unless your agents are com pelled to do their duty and transmit produce to Eu rope, I see no probability of establishing a fund here sufficient to sink any considerable part of the paper emitted. Therefore I think this is an object highly worthy of your attention. The mention of accom modation in I he letter from Spain, deserves also your consideration. I shall endeavour to sound their meaning farther. With great esteem I have the honour to be dear sir, your most obedient servant, ARTHUR LEE." " PARIS, September 12th, 1778. Samuel Adams, Esq., Member of Congress. Dear Friend, I enclose you an extract from a memoire presented to us by the French officer who was taken with Gen. Lee, from which it appears that Mr. was early acquainted with the dishonest character of Mr. Montheiu, with whom he afterwards chose to make contracts at a very extravagant rate, and which, as to the soldier s uniforms, he appears by Mr. Williams s report, to have fulfilled with the same good faith, which he intended to have used in the fusils. These facts may justly lead to a supposition of an undue motive, in trusting the public again with ARTHUR LEE. 147 a man who had before endeavoured to impose upon us in so momentous a matter as arms. Discoveries of this sort are making every day. The Union, from , and the Two Friends from Nantes, in which he and Mr. Williams were partners, were I am satis fied fitted out with the public money, and had they not been captured, an examination of the captains would probably have given farther light upon the sub ject. Repeated attempts have been made by the old gentleman to apply the money we are borrowing to the shipping of goods, through Sir G. Grand s house in Amsterdam. If once a cover can be established much may be done in it. But most fortunately I have the positive resolve of congress to plead against it, and your namesake joining me, the scheme will be disappointed. The taste of public plunder, seems only to have quickened their appetites and extended their views. Nothing of any decision has yet happened either between the combatants in Germany or upon the ocean. The ensuing winter will exert every faculty of negotiation to strengthen and arm for the next campaign, and I am much mistaken if England do not find herself so overmatched as to relinquish the contest. I formerly desired you to support my destination to this department ; but as I believe it is an object of desire to others, I do not wish to be a competitor with any one, and shall be content \vherever I can best serve the great cause, in peace with all men. Adieu. Your friend, ARTHUR LEE." 148 LIFE OF " PARIS, Sept. 12th, 1778. R. H. Lee. Dear Brother, I wrote you by several opportuni ties. No public political event has happened since. Prince Henry by almost an incredible march deceived Gen. Laudon, entered Bohemia without opposition, and forced some Austrian posts, taking some maga zines and a number of prisoners. The king of P. finding the emperor impregnable, has decamped, and we wait the event of his movements. The two fleets have been some time in sight, of pretty equal force, but no action that we can learn. This winter will give a form and complexion to the new system of Europe, since the United States have entered the list. Most assuredly they must soon hold the 57 a, xix., if honest men will unite to control and punish the practice of 283, a, iii., g the 297, a, xxxv., before it grows inveterate, and the profits of it and the member of the 283, a, v s enables them to set all enquiry at defiance and bring our 107, 6, xxx., to imbecility and contempt. What I have 425, 6, xxxiii. about 265, a xxx., 254, a, v. 92, a iii., I know will give you pain, but it is necessary to know 240, a, xii., and nothing proves them like power. I am more and more satisfied that the 260, 6, 1, 134, a vi. is concerned in the 283, a iv., and that in time we shall collect the proofs. My love to London and the shippers. The boys are very well. The alderman will write you. Re member me to the president, Mr. Plater, Mr. Carrol, Mr. Marchant, Mr. Lewis, and Mr. Duar. I wrote to the president, and he has not answered me. Adieu. ARTHUR LEE." ARTHUR LfcE. 149 Sept. 20th, 1778. His Excellency Henry Laurens, Esq., President of Congress. Dear Sir, I received yours of the 30th ult. but not those to which it refers. I am very much oblig ed to you for the trouble you have taken. The in dustry of those persons seems equal to their malice and wickedness. Whatever facts you can get rela tive to their proceedings I beg you will note. W n has exculpated himself, but what does W say of it. I imagine he will be able to furnish some facts relative to manoeuvres. His nephew Jonathan was in a sugar-baking house in London. I wish when you have opportunity you would inform yourself in what capacity he was, and what the proprietors think of his quitting them, and this if possible from them selves, as he has put about that they wanted him to be a partner, and claims much merit with the public on that account. He is one of the D e Junto, who are fertile in their own praises to authorize their plundering the public. As to the plan you propose for yourself, your friends here think it impracticable, for reasons they cannot commit to paper. They think too that your staying away makes you lose opportunities of serving your self and the public ; and therefore wish that you would not continue it any longer than is indispensably necessary. I think the following inscription on the shield will not be amiss. The ships colours should be white, blue, and red stripes alternately, to thirteen, and in the upper angle next the staff, a blue field with thirteen white stars. I shall try to augment the subscriptions. What you desire about the books is done. VOL. II. 19 160 LIFE OF I can only add, that I shall be glad to see you whenever your affairs permit you to come ; and will with pleasure do any thing in my power to serve you. I am yours, &c. ARTHUR LEE. P. S. I wish I could have the report about the self ishness of my brother, and what happened from it where you mention ; which is not only an untruth, but directly the reverse of truth. Direction. Out side, A Mons. Craig, at the Carolina Coffee House, Birchen Lane, London. Inside, to James Craig, Esq., Bath." PARIS, Nov. llth, 1778. To Samuel Adams, Esq. Dear Friend, I believe you must prepare for an other campaign. It is more than probable that the negotiations of this winter will embattle all the pow ers of Europe. It is impossible to say, to what extent this may strengthen the hands of our enemies for the ensuing campaign. But as far as any thing appears at pre sent, they must every day grow weaker and weaker. We must not judge that because they persevere they have the means of supporting their plan. Folly and malignity have certainly more influence in their counsels than fortitude and wisdom. It seems proba ble that Russia and Prussia, perhaps Denmark and Sweden, will be leagued in the general war. Wheth er Holland will be roused from her neutrality is uncer tain. But either this will happen, or she will pre- ARTHUR LEE. 151 serve a neutrality, which will serve us as effectually as her alliance. You will see by the enclosed that her spirit runs high, and in a right direction. I observe it is asserted in a piece signed W. H. Drayton, upon the information of Mr. Deane, that Mr. Simeon Deane was charged on his first voyage with a declaration of the court of France, which Mr. Girard had sent the 16th Dec. to the commissioners here ; which declaration pledged this court for the completion of the treaties, agreeably to our letter by the same person. . There is something very mysteri ous to me in that business. It is the first time I ev er heard of such a declaration. If it was ever com mitted to the commissioners, congress have surely a right to know what became of it. I am grieved to think that the intrigues which I now find were nour ished here by an old man, whose life has been a series of them, are likely to engage so much of your time and attention, which should be employed upon sub jects of the last importance. I was unhappily the ob ject of those intrigues, and therefore compelled to en gage in a contest which I shall regret as long as I ex ist; a contest in which I foresaw sure and permanent mischiefs, without any possible good to those who did not look for advantage to themselves in confusion and dissensions. Congress would in my judgment act wise ly in letting it be early seen, that those who are pur suing places or advancement by such means, are sure of failing. Whether the example will be followed depends upon the visible success of such arts in the beginning. A little success in the first adventurers will encourage a multitude of others. We have two great objects to effect here this win ter, the procuring you funds, and a superiority of na val force. My utmost endeavours to effect them shall not be wanting, whatever is my destination. Adieu, 152 LIFE OF That this contest must end in the establishment of our liberties is sure ; we have only to wish that it may be soon. I am, with the truest esteem, your sincere friend and very humble servant, ARTHUR LEE." " PARIS, Dec. 4th, 1778. The Hon ble James Lovell, Member of Congress. Dear Sir, Whitlocke, in the journal of his embas sy, says : By this constant and perfect intelligence from Thurloe, Whitlocke had great advantage in his negotiation, being thereby enabled to give a perfect account of affairs, not only of his own country, but of most other places, to the great satisfaction of the queen and her court, and grandees, with whom Whit locke had frequent converse, and from his private and public letters, was able to satisfy their curious enqui ries after news; so that it became to pass that no news (especially from England) was authentic, until it was ratified by the English ambassador; which raised the credit both of him and his intelligence. I am sorry to assure you that our situation is ex actly the reverse. We never go to court but the first question is, Messieurs, (in French, have you any Ame rican news? Editor.) In all companies it is the same ; and trifling as it may appear, yet it is a fact, that as the reverse raised Whitlocke s credit, so this sinks ours. Vessels are continually arriving from all parts of the United States ; they bring constant intelligence from Mr. Morris, Mr. Deane, and Mr. Holker, to Mr. Ross, M. De Chau- mont, and Dr. Bankcroft, but for the commissioners seldom a line ; and what comes is invariably of such ARTHUR LEE. 153 old dates, as to be useless. I should conceive that if the commercial agent at each port were instructed to send us the latest papers and news by every op portunity, that it would answer our purpose, without giving our friends in congress the trouble of writing, but upon the most important matters. As the enemy have promised much from their new mode as they term it of carrying on the war, by burning and deso lating, they will misrepresent most egregiously every transaction. It will be therefore very material for us to have the most early and authentic accounts of their savage manoeuvres that can be sent. For such is and ever will be the folly and credulity of the public, that they will believe any absurd story imaginable, unless it be contradicted. I have the honour to be, &c. ARTHUR LEE. P. S. Dec. 7th. -I have added a letter of most earnest entreaty to congress, relative to obtaining a certain person s assistance in regulating their finances. He will be a most valuable acquisition." " PARIS, January 9th, 1779. The Hon. John Page, Esq. Dear Sir, Every thing in Europe looks so favour able for our cause, that I cannot but hope the next campaign, if conducted with vigour, will drive the enemy entirely from the continent of America, and establish the United States in sovereignty and safety. They cannot augment nor I believe even recruit their army for the next campaign, and the defence of their own possessions will require more men than they can possibly raise. 154 LIFE OF I have tried both in London and here to have the seal you wrote for executed. In London they were afraid to attempt it, and here they demanded near one hundred louis d ors and three months time. I expect greatly to reduce the first part of the demand, but when it will be finished it is impossible for me to say, and indeed as you can do without it for the present, I think it would not be prudent to send it at a time when there is so great a risk of its being lost. I enclose you an account of the paper for the treas ury notes, which you will have the kindness to show to the treasurer. The ready money I am in advance for the state exceeds 60,000. Besides being pledged to the gov ernment here for the artillery, &c. and to the owners of the ships for the freight, without which they could not have been shipped. Nothing has yet arrived from the state to answer those demands, which makes me very apprehensive of being distressed for payment. I must beg that what is intended for this purpose may be consigned to John Daniel Schweighauser at Nan tes, and not to Pennet s house, from which I shall never get a farthing. From my own experience of their bad faith, I would recommend to you to stipu late a heavy penalty on the non-performance of any agreement for supplies you may think proper to make with Rennet & Co. I have the honour to be with the greatest esteem dear sir, &c. ARTHUR LEE." " PARIS, Jan. 9th, 1779. Hon. James Lovell, Esq. Dear Sir, I am desired as an act of charity to en deavour to have the debt, which appears to be due by ARTHUR LEE. 155 the enclosed power of attorney, recovered. I know no one to whom I can recommend such an act with more prospect of success than to yourself. I there fore beg the favour of you to take such steps to re cover this money as you may judge proper. A Baron Hobzendorf is returned hither in great disgust. He has given in a memorial to the commissioners, de manding upwards of 20,000 for his expenses. In that memorial he states, as Dr. Franklin informs me, (for I have not seen it) a conversation with you, in which he represents you as speaking very much against the French nation. As it is probable that this memorial is intended to be shown to the minister, I suppose he has his design in introducing this con versation. I have had frequent experience of these sort of people, who apply to us, mistaking conversa tions in the most scandalous manner. I have no doubt but that this is of the same kind. They go over with professions of the purest zeal for our cause, and the most disinterested attachment to that of li berty. But if that cause does not furnish them im mediately with the enormous profit and preferment which were the real objects of their going over, ihey immediately become calumniators of our country and of us. I shall use my endeavours to prevent the minister from being imposed upon by this adventurer. For those who have conducted themselves as he has done, do not deserve a more respectable appellation, what ever titles they may assume to themselves. We wait in great anxiety for the final determina tion of congress upon foreign affairs. Being so en tirely in the dark of what is really done, that certain persons with you and here are continually circulating such reports as they find most proper to keep up their credit and deceive the public. 156 LIFE OF You have in my public letter all the news ; and therefore I have only to add an assurance of the re spect and esteem with which I have the honour to be dear sir, your most obedient, humble servant, ARTHUR LEE. N. B. The creditor is M. Billet, Maitre de Pen sion, the debtor M. Crosneir de la Berthodiere, sup posed to be in the service of the United States." Feb. 3d, 1779. The Hon. Samuel Adams. Dear Friend, The minister has informed us that a private company in America has authorised M. De Chaumont here to contract with him for furnishing the navy of France with masting. When it was hint ed to me from another court that such a contract would be desirable there, I immediately informed con gress of it. For it appeared to me that masting was and is the property of the public ; and that the fur nishing of them to the different powers of Europe would be one considerable means of paying off the public debt ; and establishing a future fund for the support of government. But if the contract with France should be permitted to individuals, others will conceive that they have the same right to contract with other powers, and the national object will be totally lost. I must leave it to your discretion whether the in terposition of congress will be proper. Many things may be known to you upon the spot to determine your judgment, and which cannot have reached me. The empress of Russia has declared her intention of interposing effectually in support of the king of Prussia, if her mediation does not produce peace. ARTHUR LEE. 157 The empress-queen s answer is conceived in such moderate and even submissive terms, that it is judged a pacification will soon take place in Ger many. The court of France being extremely desirous of this, most certainly judge it to be for their interest in their present war with Great Britain. This is not my opinion; but though I think that an actual state of war in Germany is the most sure prevention of troops being obtained from thence or from Russia to assist Great Britain, yet peace accompanied with the jealousies that now exist, will in all probability also prevent it. I have been long ill, and am yet confined to my bed, though somewhat better. I have the honour, &c. ARTHUR LEE." A FEW REMAINING LETTERS OF MR. ARTHUR LEE TO FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS. "July 6th, 1778. To his Excellency the Marquis de Rosignan, Envoy from the Court of Turin, at Berlin. Dear Sir, I have been disappointed in my expec tation that a particular friend of mine would have de livered you a letter from me, in answer to the one I had the honour of receiving from you. The ambas sador of your court here informed me lately of your intention of returning to your own country, and quit ting the corps diplomatique. If that will contribute to the re-establishment of your health, I shall greatly VOL. n. 20 158 LIFE OF rejoice at it. It will be some compensation to the di plomatic body, for losing one of its most valuable members. I am heartily tired too of the employment, and ex pect that the rotation which our states will observe in the disposal of employments, will soon dismiss me from the most tiresome situation I was ever in. No thing but the exhausted state of England at present gives me reason to hope that the war will not be gene ral and lasting, notwithstanding the moderation and re luctance of the house of Bourbon. Beyond the Alps, you will probably enjoy perfect tranquillity from those alarms which will disturb us. You will repose your self in the enjoyment of that which is so truly envi able Otium cum dignitate. In that situation I hope you will not forget, that the constitution of our government having for their direct and ultimate object the security of the rights arid the promotion of the happiness of all their citi zens alike, it is the duty of every lover of mankind to contribute his aid in bringing them to perfection. As the privilege of citizenship is open to all men who will make a profession of faith so general, that no sensible man can have an objection to it, the general interest is concerned in promoting our purposes. I may therefore entertain the hope, that in some of your leisure hours you will favour me with your observa tions on our forms of government, most of which you will see collected in the Affairs Etrangers. It seems to me that I have understood you were in habits of friendship with the Marquis Beccaria. If so, you will have an opportunity on your return to Italy of adding his sentiments to your observations. The general ob ject and operation of our governments are, the secu rity of life, personal liberty, and property, by laws made by legislatures annually constituted by the peo ple at large, and applied by juries chosen by lot. But ARTHUR LEE. 159 the detail of operations to carry these views into ex ecution, is what creates the difficulty, and often frus trates the best purposes. The subjects and the mode of taxation are matters of infinite difficulty and im portance. The good policy of imposing any duties whatsoever on commerce seems very questionable. The utility of any external commerce whatsoever in our situation, is problematical with some persons of very clear ideas upon the subject. Is it of more ad vantage to promote internal commerce, by cutting ca nals, and joining rivers? How far do the opulence and sway, which a considerable external commerce produces, compensate for the luxury and depravation of manners, which are as inevitably its offspring? As it is infinitely more desirable to prevent than to punish crimes, what would be the most effectual regulations for that purpose ? Are charitable founda tions, hospitals, &c. as beneficial by the relief they give to real distress, as they are injurious in creating distress, by encouraging the worst of all evils, idle ness? How can one best reconcile a speedy admin istration of justice, with a clear discovery of the facts on which it ought to be founded? Are appeals ne cessary ? For if the first jurisdiction is competent, why should it not be final? if it is not, why should it judge at all? I will not tire you with more questions. These will serve to show how highly I estimate your love of humanity. I beg my respects to the Marquesa. Wishing you every blessing in this life, I have the honour to be, with the sincerest friendship, your ex cellency s humble servant, ARTHUR LEE." 160 LIFE OF "BOSTON, Sept. 19th, 1780. His Excellency Baron de Breteiul. Sir, I promised to write to your excellency when I reached rny own country ; I now sit down to have that . honour, with a mixture of pain and pleasure. With pain, that I am obliged to tell you that our situ~ ation is one of very serious distress ; and pleasure, in the prospect that your excellency s wisdom and influ ence in the cabinet of Versailles, will be exerted to relieve us. Both the honour and interest of France are clearly and deeply concerned in the establishment of the independency of these United States. But I am greatly afraid that unless she employs more ade quate means we shall all fail of this important pur pose. The government of these states has hitherto con ducted this war through infinite obstacles, with paper money, that is, upon their credit. This money has been depreciating by rapid degrees till it is almost annihilated. In the mean time the circumstances of the war have rendered it impossible for them to draw silver or gold into their treasury by taxes. The ac tual situation of our government, therefore, now is that they have a war to carry on and their country to defend in various parts, without money and with out credit. You may easily conceive in what manner and how long such a war can be supported. The distress of the army we have can only be equalled by the difficulty of recruiting or augmenting it. The militia are indeed numerous and spirited. But they are only an occasional army, while that of the enemy is permanent ; and even when the militia is called out, for want of supplies it cannot be supported. It is therefore of absolute and indispensable necessity ARTHUR LEE. 161 that France should furnish the government of these states with a sum of hard money, sufficient to restore their credit ; or else 1 see very little probability of its being possible to resist the necessity of accommoda tion, upon the best terms that can be obtained. I am convinced that nothing but the last necessity will bring us to this accommodation ; but I am fully satis fied that without the immediate aid of thirty or forty millions of livres in specie, that irresistible necessity will exist, at the opening of the next campaign. That your excellency may form your own judgment of this, I will state the present and probable advan tages of the enemy. They are about 1500 strong in New-York ; so that the utmost which our army can do, is by the aid of strong positions to stand upon the defensive. Their fleet much superior to that of his majesty, keeps it blocked up at Rhode-Island, and the second division with the supplies absolutely necessary for the American troops, which were to act with those of France, not having been expedited, has compelled the first division to remain entrenched at Rhode-Island, filled with vexation and disappointment. Your excel lency knows how little is to be hoped from troops when the ardour and expectation of glory which animate them are extinguished, and how much injury this dis appointment must bring upon the American service in the minds of the French army and marine. To our service it has not been less injurious. Six months were stated as adequate to the operations of the cam paign, and levies were made for that time in great haste, at an immense expense in bounties, which are necessarily attended with the imposition of heavy taxes. The time is almost expired, and nothing done in consequence of the second division, and the sup plies having been withheld. We have thus incurred a very heavy actual expense, set the example for 162 LIFE OP greater in future levies, and disappointed the expec tation and dejected the spirits of our people. Those of the enemy are naturally raised in proportion. Such are the respective situations in the north. In the south, the prospect is still more gloomy. The enemy is entirely in possession of Georgia and South Carolina. Our army, under Gen. Gates, which was sent to oppose them, has been lately defeated after an obstinate and bloody battle, in which our best troops and officers fell. It is therefore probable that before the close of the campaign they will be in possession also of North Carolina. This success gives them the infinite advantage of an extent of country, from which they can draw their supplies for the next campaign. They will be able to commence their spring opera tions with the invasion of Virginia in the south, and that of Rhode-Island in the north, while the middle states are kept in check by movements and inroads from New-York. To oppose and frustrate these at tempts armies are necessary; to levy and support them money is indispensable, and there is not in our situation any human means of obtaining it but from France and Spain. If they will not furnish it, this country must be left a prey to the enemy and every species of distress, and France will sacrifice all the hopes of the struggle. It must be observed, too, that nothing but the hard money will do, the power of drawing on Europe from the small demand and depreciation of bills being found inadequate. But if the sum I have mentioned is furnished, and the second division and supplies forwarded, so as to prepare us for an early and active campaign, the enemy may yet be repelled, and this country prevented from being added to the force of Great Britain, already felt to be too formidable. Without this I repeat that no other alternative will be left to this unhappy country but accommodation or destruction. ARTHUR LEK. 163 I have the honour to be, &c. with the greatest respect, ARTHUR LEE." " PARIS, April 12th, 1777. To the Rev. Dr. Price, Dear Sir, I beg you will accept my thanks for the favour of your pamphlet, than which I never in my life read any thing with more satisfaction. But alas! the decree has gone forth, and we are one no more. Providence, by inspiring the same hardness of heart that delivered the children of Israel from their oppres sors, has delivered us. A series of the most undistinguishing and inhuman barbarities by the German and British soldiery, to gether with Gen. Howe s order to put all persons to death who should be found in arms and not under an officer, have planted in the minds of all men an utter detestation of the British government. Congress have appointed a committee to enquire into the cruelties that have been committed; that if there be any distinction in the perpetrators, the punish ment may fall where it is most deserved. The 17th regiment, which had behaved with remarkable cruel ty, fought with such desperate valour at Princeton, that it was almost entirely cut to pieces. And such was their brutal ferocity, that even during the action, which had its various turns, if an American fell into their hands they murdered him with the most savage inhumanity. Such was the fate of Gen. Mercer, a very brave and worthy officer, from the state to which I have the honour to belong. These sir, are the lamentable fruits of Scotch prin ciples and politics. But the calamity which they meant for us, has fallen heavy upon them and their to- 164 LIFE OF ry adherents. Elevated with the first appearance of success, and unmindful of the lenity which had spared and protected them, they openly and iii all parts be gan to agitate the ruin of the people. This at once produced a distinction, and the necessity of expelling them ; which is effected by proclamation, and with every degree of lenity that the nature of the thing will admit. In Virginia they are allowed to sell their effects and depart in peace. But where the war presses, and the enemy is invading, the necessity of the situation would not admit of more indulgence than time to remove their families. The governments of the particular states are well established, and that of the congress deeply rooted. Amid these wonderful events it is a source of infi nite satisfaction to me that I have the honour of being numbered with you and others, as having earnestly and sincerely laboured to avert this calamity from England, and to persuade those in whose power it was, to send forth the spirit of peace over the trou bled waters, and re-unite us upon terms of equal li berty. If any one can save a nation so pressed within, and threatened without, it is our friend Lord Shelburne. At least he is the only man of his rank whom I have the honour of knowing, whose virtues and abilities are equal to the arduous task of retrieving a people overwhelmed with so many evils as England now is. Indeed in my opinion, it would require a people of more virtue than the world ever yet produced, or than human nature will admit of, to be united with Scot land and not be ruined. I mean as to their private morals and public principles. The conduct of the Scotch in America proves the inveteracy of their na tional character. They had fled from the tyranny and exactions of their chiefs. In America they found refuge and relief. Yet at the call of those very chiefs, ARTHUR LEE. 165 they took up arms to destroy their benefactors, or re duce them, and return themselves under that domina tion, of which they had had such bitter experience. A striking proof how impossible it is to wean them from the principles of perfidy, slavery, and ingratitude, which are native to them, and mark them as a peo ple hostis humani generis.* To form a nation upon the principles of equal justice and permanent liberty, is perhaps little less difficult, than to retrieve one from its degeneracy. That task is ours. So many various spirits are put in motion dur ing a civil war, so many opportunities afforded the dar ing and the vicious, the sweets of power and pre-emi nence are necessarily tasted by so many, that it must be fortunate indeed if some of them do not attempt to extend and augment the enjoyment of them, be yond the limits prescribed by a system of equal liber ty. But it may be hoped that these attempts will be frustrated by the checks of so many republics, and the vigilance of those who are aware of such conse quences. Rome perished because she was never ani mated by the principles of liberty, but governed by the spirit of faction ; and because being collected in to one body, the corruption of that left her with out a check, and brought immediate ruin upon the public. May your lights and labours sir, reform the corrup tion of our times, and re-inspire the people of England with the spirit of liberty. May the example of her children teach her, how invincible that spirit is, where it really operates. The unworthy- conduct of the Scotch government, to which she has submitted, has not so utterly extinguished the love I bore her, as to prevent my wishing her most sincerely the full enjoy- * The cause of Mr. Lee s antipathy to the Scotch, has been explained, VOL. II. 21 166 LIFE OF ment of that liberty, which she has at least counte nanced the Scots to wrest from us. I must beg the favour of you to make my best re spects to Lord Shelburne, Col. Barre ,Dr. Priestley, and all those who yet do me the honour of holding me in remembrance, and who remain unterrified and unseduced from the cause of truth and liberty. I have the honour to be, with the greatest regard and respect, ARTHUR LEE." " VIRGINIA, March 3d, 1786. To the Marquis of Lansdown. I had the honour of receiving a few days since your lordship s favour of the 26th of January. Mr. Anstie will command every advice and assist ance I can give him, not only from the desire I shall always have of promoting your lordship s wishes, but from a persuasion of the propriety of the purpose of his mission. He has opened his office in this city, and informs me that he receives all the assistance he can wish from the governing powers of this state. I am persuaded he will meet with the same disposition in all the states. You have obliged me infinitely my lord by the particular and pleasing detail you give me of yourself and family, because I feel the warmest interest in whatever concerns your happiness. My brothers after whom your lordship has the goodness to enquire, have retired from public business to their estates, which their constant attention to affairs during the most pe rilous times of the public, has materially impaired. As to myself, when I had served three years in con gress, I undertook to negotiate with the Indian na tions, because I deemed it of much consequence to ARTHUR LEE. 167 these states. I had much curiosity to know those people and to view the western country. Since that I have been and am now one of the commissioners of the united treasury, the duty of which is of singular difficulty at present, from the pressure of demands and the infant arrangement of our finance. Patience however and perseverance will I hope overcome all the difficulties we have to encounter. I was never more clearly of opinion in any thing than in what your lordship says relative to the exe cution of the late treaty between Great Britain and the United States. It does most highly concern the honour and interest of both countries to execute it faithfully. But from circumstances now irrevocable, it cannot be fulfilled in all its parts, and this gives ground to turbulent spirits on each side for refusing to execute what is practicable. The first violation of the treaty was on the part of the commander in chief in New- York, allowing the negroes to be carried ofT, after the provisional articles were agreed to ; and re fusing in sundry instances to suffer the American owners, who came to New-York for the purpose to take those that belonged to them. The register, he informed congress of his having ordered to be kept of those who were carried away, was a proof of the vio lation of the article, and of that only ; because there is so little probability that the account given by the negroes of themselves was true, that it cannot enable the masters to ascertain their property. Your lord ship may well believe this a not undesired reason for those of our citizens who were indebted to British subjects, to exclaim against the payment of British debts. In some states they did it effectually, par ticularly in Virginia, where the great loss of negro property proportionably strengthened the objection. This was followed by a refusal to deliver up the posts; and by relieving the garrisons, which announced a set- 168 LIFE OF tied determination to keep them. This act within the territory solemnly ceded to the United States, and the encouragement it has given to the Indians to murder our frontier inhabitants, have occasioned great and general alarm and discontent, with regard to the intentions of the British administration. From a variety of information, which I received in the western country, it appeared clear to me that the interest of individuals in the fur trade was the real reason of the information from America, which occa sioned the detention of those posts, and that while Mr. Haldiman influences, such representations would be made to the king s ministers as would mislead them as to the real consequences of that detention. If it be their intention fundamentally to violate the treaty, and to keep the means in their own hands of hostile operations against the United States, the mea sure may correspond with the object ; but if not, it is, may I be permitted to say, an unadvised measure, because it implies such intentions. That it encour ages the Indian nations to expect that they will be urged on by both nations to blood and plunder, the darling objects of their life, is certain ; and in so doing it militates against the interest and honour of both governments ; for the more these wolves are fed with human blood or the hope of it, and supplied with what they want in plunder and presents, the less they will hunt, and the scarcer and dearer furs will be. Insomuch that I think it certain that a convention solemnly entered into and announced by Great Bri tain and the United States never to employ or coun tenance Indians in making war or depredating on each other would not only do honour to their humani ty but really promote their interests by the abundance and cheapness of furs, in consequence of the savages having no other employment or support but hunting. These reasons are alone cogent enough against the ARTHUR LEE. 169 abominable practice of instigating and assisting these savages to shed human blood, and the notorious inu- tility of these savages as auxiliaries in war The great expense and disorder that accompanies them ; the ungovernable depredation and cruelty of their warfare, and their certain desertion in time of danger, render the employment of them by civilized nations both ruinous and reproachful. There are very few things I do assure you. my lord, that would give me so much pleasure as spending some time in your society, wherein I have been here tofore so happy. But the state of our finances in this country, both public and private, will not permit me to travel. The prospects I once had in England are now no more, yet I will not give up all hope of one day paying my respects to your lordship, and shall al ways cherish your regard for me as a singular honour and happiness. My nephew, Thomas Lee, will have the honour of presenting this letter to your lordship, He comes to finish his law studies at the temple. Your lordship s patronage of him will be a singular happiness to him and favour to me. I hope you will find him intelligent and capable of giving your lord ship a satisfactory account of this country. With the most perfect esteem and respect, I have the honour to be your lordship s most obedient servant, ARTHUR LEE." 170 LIFE OF APPENDIX IX. Letters to Arthur Lee, from his Political, Literary, and Scientific Correspondents in America. LETTERS FROM GENERAL WASHINGTON. " HEAD QUARTERS, PASSAICT FALLS, Nov. 20th, 1780. Sir, I am much obliged to you for the suggestion you do me the favour to make in your letter of the llth, as I shall at all times be for any others which may occur to you, conducive to the public service. I am so entirely convinced of the absolute necessi ty of a large and immediate foreign aid of money to the continuance of the war, that 1 should be hap py to do any thing I could with propriety to promote it. I impart to you in confidence, that I have in the most explicit manner given my sentiments on this head to the minister of France here; and if my opi nion can have any influence with the court of Ver sailles, I imagine it will be known through this chan nel. A more direct communication might appear an intrusion, and an interference in matters out of my province. I am happy to hear congress have this important object under consideration. I persuade myself they will urge it with all the emphasis in their power, and in the form most likely to succeed. If there should be any thing by which I could contribute to the sue- ARTHUR LEE. 171 cess of the application, I should certainly think it my duty to give all the aid in my power. I have the honour to be, very sincerely, and with real respect and esteem, sir, your most humble ser vant, GEO. WASHINGTON." "HEAD QUARTERS, NEW-WINDSOR, June 7th, 1781. Dear Sir, I have had the honour to receive the letter which you did me the favour to write on the 1 9th ultimo, and thank you for the extract taken from the letter of Mr. Lee of Feb. 20th. The information contained in it is important, and went to some mat ters which were new to me. I suspect with you that Mr. Lee is rather too sanguine in his expectations of a general peace, within the year, but he accompanies it with a recommendation to vigorous exertions, the most likely means to obtain it, but which I fear will not have its due weight in the minds of the people, especially if the idea of peace once takes hold of them. I have the honour to be, &c. GEO. WASHINGTON." " NEWBURGH, April loth, 1782. Dear Sir, I have received your favour of the 2nd instant, and thank you for the several articles of Eu ropean intelligence contained in it. Permit me to so licit a continuation of such advices as you may think interesting respecting the military or political manoeu vres of foreign powers. Such communications will LIFE OF not only be a private gratification, but may produce public good ; as a perfect knowledge of these matters will enable me to decide with more certainty and pre cision on doubtful operations which may be had in contemplation, than I possibly can do without. With great esteem and regard I am dear sir, your most obedient, humble servant, GEO. WASHINGTON." "NEWBURGH, March 29th, 1783. Dear Sir, I have been honoured with your favour of the 13th, and thank you for the information. Your correspondent at Paris had good ground for his opin ion, and we have abundant reason to be pleased with the event which he predicted the near approach of. I heartily congratulate you on the conclusion of the war ; and hope the wisdom of the states will point to that line of policy which will make them a great, a happy people. To accomplish this, local politics and unreasonable jealousies should yield to such a constitution as will embrace the whole, and make our union respectable, lasting. Without it I think we have spent our time, spilt our blood, and wasted our treasure to very little purpose. The picaroons in the Chesapeak and the waters of it, have now met their quietus ; but previously to the news of peace a representation of their conduct had gone into New-York, and orders I believe were sent for the recall of them. Mrs. Washington unites with me in compliments to you, and I have the honour to be dear sir, your most obedient servant, GEO. WASHINGTON." ARTHUR LEE. 173 " PHILADELPHIA, May 20th, 1787. Dear Sir, I have been honoured with your favour of the 13th, since my arrival at this place. My rheumatic complaint having very much abated (after I had the pleasure of seeing you at Mount Ver- non) I have yielded to what appeared to be the wish es of many of my friends, and am now here as a de legate to the convention. Not more than four states were represented yesterday. If any have come in since, it is unknown to me. These delays greatly im pede public measures, and serve to sour the temper of the punctual members, who do not like to idle away their time. Mrs. Washington intended to have given you the trouble of the enclosed, had it been prepared in time. As the case is, I take the liberty of com mitting it to your care. I have the honour to be sir, your most obedient servant, GEO. WASHINGTON. The Hon. Arthur Lee." LETTERS OF SAMUEL ADAMS. BOSTON, July 31st, 1771. Sir, Since I received your favour of the 28th of March, I have observed by the London papers that the lord-mayor and alderman are liberated. From the wisdom and firmness which formerly distinguish ed that opulent and independent city, we expected that when they had so fair an occasion for exerting themselves, the power which has too long oppressed and insulted the nation and the colonies, would have been made to bend. But we have seen complimenta- VOL. ii. 22 174 LIFE OF ry letters and addresses to the imprisoned gentlemen, and their answers; while by a stretch of arbitrary power they have been kept in confinement, till by a prorogation instead of a dissolution, they have been discharged of course. Is this my friend a matter of such triumph ? Does it not show that Britons are un feeling to their condition? Or has brutal force at length become so formidable, that after having in vain petitioned those whose duty it is to redress their grievances, they are afraid to imitate the virtue of their ancestors in similar cases, and redress their griev ances themselves? Mr. Hume, if I mistake not, somewhere says, that if James the Second had had the benefit of the riot- act, and such a standing army as has been granted since his time, it would have been impracticable for the nation to have wrought its own delivery, and es tablish the constitution of 88. If the people have put it in the power of a wicked and corrupt ministry to make themselves absolute lords and tyrants over them by means of a standing army, we may at pre sent pity them under the misfortune ; but future his torians will record the story with astonishment and indignation, and posterity, who will share in the fatal effects of their folly arid treachery, will accuse them. Has there not for a long time past been reason to ap prehend the designs of a restless faction to oppress the nation; and the more easily to affect their purpo ses, to render the king s government obnoxious, and if possible put an end to a family which has hereto fore supported the rights of the nation, its happiness and grandeur? In this colony we are every day experiencing the miserable effects of arbitrary power. The people are paying the unrighteous tribute, (I wish I could say they were groaning under it, for that would seem as if they felt they are submitting to it,) in hopes that ARTHUR LEE. 175 the nation will at length revert to justice. But be fore that time comes, it is to be feared they will be so accustomed to bondage, as to forget they were ever free. Swarms of locusts and caterpillars are main tained by this tribute in luxury and splendour, and a standing army, (not in the city thank God, since the 5th March 1770, but within call upon occasion). While our independent governor is found to crouch to his superiors, and to look down upon and sneer at those below him, he is from time to time receiving instruc tions how to govern this people, to govern! rather to harass and insult his country in distress. * * * * (MS. here obliterated) * * * * where his adulating priestlings are reminding him he w r as born and educat ed, forgetting perhaps if they ever knew, that the ty rants of Rome were the natives of Rome. Among other edicts which have been lately sent to this governor, there is one which prohibits his assenting to any tax-bill, unless the commissioners and other offi cers, whose salaries are not paid out of moneys grant ed by this government, are exempted from a tax on the profits of their commissions. Nothing that I can say will heighten the resentment of a man of sense and virtue against such a mandate ; and yet our governor would have us think it is a mark of his pa ternal goodness. Another instruction forbids the governor to give his assent to grants to any agent, unless he is appointed by a law of the province, or a resolve of the assembly, to which his excellency con sents. And a third requires him to refuse his assent to a future election of such councillors as shall presume to meet together as a council, without being summon ed by him into his presence. These instructions, so humiliating to the council, the secretary by the govern or s order has entered on their journals. It has been observed that the nearer any man ap proaches to an absolute independence, the more he 176 LIFE OF will be flattered ; and flattery is always great in pro portion as the motives of flatterers are bad. These observations are so disgraceful to human nature that I wish I could say they were not founded in experi ence. Perhaps there never was a man in this pro vince more flattered, or who bore it better, I mean who was better pleased with it, than Governor Hutch- inson. You have seen Miss in her teens, surround ed with dying lovers, praising her gay ribbons, the dimples in her cheeks or the tip of her ear ! In imitation of the mother country, whom we are too apt to imitate in fopperies, addresses have been pro cured and presented to his excellency, chiefly from dependants and expectants. Indeed some of the cler gy have run into the stream of civility, which is the more astonishing, when it is considered that they al together depend upon the ability and good disposition of their parishes for their support. But it is certain that not a fifth part, some say not an eighth part of the clergy, were present. It cannot, therefore, be said to be the language of the body of the clergy, and all ages have seen that some of that order have ever been ready to sacrifice the rights as well as the hon oured religion of their country, to the smiles of the great. It is a sore mortification that the independent house of representatives, and the town of Boston have refused to make their compliments to a man, whose administration since the departure of the Net- tleham Baronet, they can by no means approve of. From hence you will judge whether these addresses speak the sentiments of the people in general, or are any more than the foul breath of sycophants and hirelings. The province of North Carolina, by accounts from thence, appears to have been involved in a civil war. It is the general opinion here that the people in the back parts of that province have been greatly oppress- ARTHUR LEE. 177 ed, and that the governor, instead of hearkening to their complaints and redressing their grievances, has raised an army and spilt their blood. This it must be confessed, is treating the people under his govern ment much in the same manner as his superiors have treated the nation and the colonies. But their exam ple may prove dangerous to be followed by a planta tion governor. At this distance from Carolina we have not yet received a perfect account from thence. I hope your friends in the adjacent colony of Virginia have wrote you particularly of this important matter. Tryon has arrived at New- York, where he is appoint ed governor. He has already been addressed with all the expressions of court sincerity, and perhaps he may hereafter receive the reward of a baronet for his fidelity and courage. ; When vice prevails and im pious men bear sway, the post of honour is the pri vate station. I am with great esteem sir, your humble servant, SAMUEL ADAMS. Arthur Lee, Esq. London." " BOSTON, Sept. 27th, 1771. Sir, I am greatly indebted to you for your several letters of the 10th and 14th of June. To let you know I am far from being inattentive to the favours you have done me, I enclose a letter which I intended for you some time past, but was prevented forwarding it by an accident. I was afterwards confined to my house by sickness ; since which, by an excursion into the country, I have fully recovered my health. I take particular notice of the reasons you assign for a whole session of parliament being spent, without one offensive measure against America. You account for our being flattered, that all the designs against 178 LIFE OF the charter of the colony are laid aside, in a manner perfectly corresponding with the sentiments I had pre conceived of it. The opinion you have formed of the ruling men on both sides the Atlantic, is exactly mine; and as I have the most unfavourable idea of the heads or the hearts of the present administration. I cannot hope for much good from the services of any man who can submit to be dependent on them. 1 was pleased with the petition and remonstrance of the city of London. But are not the ministry lost to all sensibility ? Do they not, like the Egyptian ty rant, harden their hearts against the just complaints of the people. May God grant the nation that pru dence, strength, and fortitude, by which they may be animated to maintain their own liberties at all events ! By your last letter you resolve wisely, if ever the spirit of impeaching should rise in Britain. But how is it possible such a spirit should rise. In all former struggles the house of commons has naturally taken side with the people against oppressing ministers and favourites. Whether this is the case at present or not is no secret to the world. We have indeed heard little of the business of impeaching since the revolu tion ; its corrupt ministerial influence has been grad ually and too insensibly increasing since that era, and is now become so powerful as to render it impractica ble to have one capital object of the people s just ven geance impeached. The proposals you were so kind as to send me, I cannot but heartily consent to ; I communicated them to two or three intimate and ju dicious friends, who equally approved of them. But they cannot be carried into execution until the pre sent parliament is at an end ; and if it is not to be dissolved till the end of its septennial duration is it not to be feared that before its expiration there will be an end of liberty ? If I mistake not, there is an act of parliament whereby the placemen and pension- ARTHUR LEE. 179 ers in the house of commons (who were not such at the time of their election) shall be vacated, and the electors have a right to choose others if they see proper. Perhaps there never was a time when the advantages of this law were more apparent. Would it not then be doing the most important service to the cause of liberty, if the gentlemen of the bill of rights, who I pray God may never be united in the councils, would exert their utmost influence to prevail upon the constituents of such rotten members to claim that privilege and make good use of it. If there is any virtue among the people I should think this might easily be done. If it be impracticable I fear another general election of members would only serve to con vince all of what we are all apprehensive of, that there is a total depreciation of morals and manners in the nation, or in fewer words, that it is already irre coverably ruined. If it should ever become a practicable thing to im peach a corrupt administration, I hope that minister who advised to the introduction of an arbitrary gov ernment into America, will not be overlooked. Such a victim I imagine will make a figure equal to Lord StrafTord in the reign of Charles, or many others in future times. The conduct of judges, touching juries, appears to be alarming on both sides the water, and is a subject of strict enquiry. But are they not en deavouring to establish the civil law, which Black- stone says is only permitted in England, to the preju dice of the common law.* And will not this in its consequence prove fatal to your happy constitution? I observe one of your proposals is, that a law may be made subjecting each candidate to an oath against having used bribery and corruption to obtain his elec tion. Would there not be a danger that a law by which a candidate may purge himself by his oath, * I suppose within restrictions, as in ancient times. 180 LIFE OF would exclude some other more certain evidence of the truth than his own declaration even upon oath, after having perhaps already prostituted his conscience for his seat ? I am of opinion that he who can be so sordid as to gain an election by bribery, or any other illegal means, must be lost to all such feelings as those of honour or conscience, or the obligation of an oath. With regard to the grievances of the Americans, it must be owned, that the violation of the essential right of taxing themselves, is a capital one. This right is founded in nature. It is unalienable, and therefore it belongs to us exclusively, without a shar er, much less a rival. The least infringement of it is sacrilege. But there are other methods taken by Lord Hillsborough, and punctually put into execution by Mr. Hutchinson, which in my opinion would give a mortal stab to our essential rights, if the parliament had never by their declaratory act claimed authority to tax us; and to appropriate the money for the es tablishment of standing armies, and the support of pensioners and placemen, civil and ecclesiastic, which are as terrible as an army of soldiers. And if the commons of this province cannot impeach, we have nothing under God to rely upon but the interposition of our friends in Britain, or the Ultima Ratio. In short, our civil constitution is essentially altered. We are in a state of perfect despotism. Instead of hav ing a governor, exercising authority within the rules and circumspection of the charter, which is the civil compact between the king and the people, and depend ent on them for his support, we have a man with the name of a governor only. He is indeed commissioned by the king, but under the control of the minister, to whom he yields unlimited obedience ; while he is subsisted with the money of the people, by virtue of an assumed authority of the British parliament, to oblige them to pay him such a stipend as the king ARTHUR LEE* 181 shall order. Can you tell me who is governor of this province? Surely not Mr. Hutchinson; for I cannot conceive that he exercises the power of judging, vest ed in him by the constitution, in one act of govern ment which appears to him to be important. The government is shifted into the hands of the earl of Hillsborough, whose sole counsellor is the Nettleham baronet. Upon such a governor, aided by the advice of such a counsellor, depends the time and the place of sitting of the legislative assembly, or whether it shall sit at all ! If they are allowed to meet, they are to be dictated to by this duumvirate, through the in strumentality of a third, and may be thrown out of existence for failing in one point to conform to their sovereign pleasure ! A legislature to be sure, wor thy to be boasted of by a free people. If our nomi nal governor, by all the arts of persuasion, can prevail upon us to be easy under such a mode of government, he will do a singular piece of service to his lordship; as it will save him the trouble of getting our charter vacated by a formal decision of parliament, or through a tedious process of law. The grievances of Britain as well as ours, as you observe, spring from the same root of bitterness, and are of the same pernicious growth. The union of Britain and America is therefore by all means to be cultivated. If in every colony societies should be formed out of the most respectable inhabitants simi lar to that of the bill of rights, who should once in the year meet by their deputies, and correspond with such a society in London, would it not effectually promote such an union? And if it was conducted with a pro per spirit, would it not afford sufficient reason for the enemies of our common liberty, however exalted, to tremble? This is a sudden thought, and drops undi gested from my pen. It would be an arduous task VOL. n. 23 182 LIFE OF for any man to undertake to awaken a sufficient num ber in the colonies to so grand an undertaking. No thing however is to be despaired of. Enclosed you have a copy of the protests of divers patriotic clergymen in Virginia, against an episcopate in America. It is part of the system which is to secure a ministerial influence in America, which in all reason is full strong enough, without the aid of the clergy. The junction of the canon and the feudal laws, you know has been fatal to the liberties of man kind. The design of the first settlers of New-Eng land, in particular, was to form a plan of government upon the true principles of liberty. It is no wonder then that we should be alarmed at the design of es tablishing such a power. It is a singular pleasure to us that the colony of Virginia, though episcopalian, should appear against it, as you will see by the vote of thanks of the house of Burgesses to the protesting gentlemen. The house declared the protests to be " a wise and well timed opposition." I wish they would be published in London. I had the pleasure of knowing Mr. Hewit, who was in this town about two years ago in company with Mr. Eyre, of North Hampton county, in Virginia, who is a member of the house of Burgesses. I did not then know that he was a clergyman. I fear I have tired your patience, and conclude with assuring you that I am in strict truth sir, your friend and humble servant, SAMUEL ADAMS. Arthur Lee, Esq. p. S. The bearer of this is William Story, for merly of this town, but now of Ipswich. He was a deputy register in the court of vice admiralty before and at the time of the stamp-act, and would then have given up the place as he declared, but his friends ARTHUR LEE. 183 advised him against it. He suffered the resentment of the people on the 26th of August 1765, together with Gov. Hutchinson, for which he was recompensed by the general assembly, as he declared, in part only. He tells me that his design in going home is to settle an affair of his own in the court of admiralty, in which the commissioners of the customs, as he says, declare it is not in their power to do him justice ; one would think it never was in their power or their in clination to do justice to any man. Mr. Story has professed himself to be a warm friend of liberty for many years past. I tell him I make no doubt but you will befriend him as far as shall be in your power, in obtaining justice ; in which you will oblige your humble servant, S. ADAMS." "BOSTON, Oct 2d, 1771. Sir, I have already written to you by this convey* ance, and there mentioned to you Mr. Story, a gen tleman to whose care I committed that letter. I have since heard that he has a letter to Lord Hillsborough from Gov. Hutchinson, which may possibly recom mend him for some place by way of compensation for his joint sufferings with the governor. I do not think it possible for any man to receive his lordship s favour, without purchasing it by having done or promising to do some kind of jobs. If Mr. Story should form con nexions with administration upon any principles incon sistent with those of a friend to liberty, he will then appear to be a different character from that which I recommended to your friendship. I mention this for your caution, and in confidence ; and am with great regard sir, your humble servant, SAMUEL ADAMS, Arthur Lee, Esq." 184 LIFE OF " BOSTON, Oct. 31st, 1771. My Dear Sir, I enclose a printed copy of the re solve of the council of this province, whereby Junius Americanus is censured for asserting that the late se cretary Oliver stood recorded in the council books as a perjured traitor.* You may easily suppose that the friends of America, for whom this writer has been and is an able advocate, resent this conduct of the council; whose ingratitude, to say nothing of the injustice of this proceeding, is the more extraordinary, as Junius Americanus has taken so much pains to vindicate that very body against the malignant aspersions of Ber nard and others. There were however of twenty- six councillors eight only present, when they were prevailed upon by an artful man to pass this resolve. You will see by the enclosed some remarks upon their former proceedings, or rather a recital of parts of them, by which I think it appears that the assertion could not be groundless or malicious; nor can it be false, if their own publications are true. I can con ceive that the design of the first mover of this resolve was to injure the credit of all the writings of Junius Americanus, which I believe he has very sensibly felt, and also to make it appear to the world, that the coun cil, as they had before insinuated of the house, had departed from and disavowed the sentiments of for mer assemblies ; and that this change has been effect ed by Mr. Hutchinson. With regard to the council, it is hardly possible for any one at a distance to ascertain their political sen timents as a body, from what he sees published in general as their determinations. For it has been the practice of the governor to summon a general council at times when the assembly is sitting, and of course * Mr, Lee was the author of Junius Americanus. ARTHUR LEE. 185 when the whole number of councillors is present ; but in their capacity of advisers to the governor, they are adjourned from week to week during the session of the assembly, and till it is over, when the coun try gentlemen, members of council, return home. Thus the general council being kept alive by adjourn ment, the principal and most important part of the business of their executive department is done by seven or eight who live in or near the town; and if the governor can manage the majority of so small a num ber, matters will then be conducted always according to his mind. I believe I may safely affirm, that by far the greatest number of civil officers have been ap pointed at these adjournments ; so it is much the same as if they were appointed by our ostensible governor, or rather by his master the minister for the time be ing. You will not then be surprised if I tell you, that among the five judges of our superior courts of jus tice, there are the following near connexions with the first and second in station in the province : Mr. Lynde is chief justice ; his daughter is married to a son of Mr. Oliver, lieutenant-governor. Mr. Oliver, another of the judges, is his brother ; his son married Gov. Hutch- inson s daughter. Judge Hutchinson, latelv appoint ed, who is also judge of the probate of wills for the first county, an important department, is the govern or s brother. Besides which, the young Mr. Oliver is a justice of the common pleas for the county of Essex. Mr. Collin, a brother-in-law of the governor, is deputy secretary of the province, and register in the probate office under Mr. Hutchinson. A cousin- german of the governor was sent for out of another province, to fill up the place of clerk to the common pleas in this county; and the eldest son of the governor will soon be appointed a justice of the same county, in the room of his uncle advanced to the superior bench. I should have first mentioned, that the govern- 186 LIFE OF or and the lieutenant-governor are brothers by mar riage. The house of representatives, notwithstanding the advantages which a new governor always has in his hands, I have reason to think will be so firm as at least not to give up any essential right. The body of the people are uneasy at the large strides that are made and making towards an absolute tyranny. Many are alarmed, but are of different sentiments with regard to the next step to be taken. Some in deed think that every step has already been taken but one. The ultimo ratio would require prudence, una nimity, fortitude. The conspirators against our liber ties are employing all their influence to divide the people ; partly by intimidating them, for which pur pose there is a fleet with an admiral, lying within gun-shot of the town, and the capital fort within three miles of it, is garrisoned by the king s troops ; and partly by arts and intrigue ; flattering those who are pleased with flattery ; forming connexions with them, introducing levity, luxury, and indolence, and assur ing them that if they are quiet the ministry will alter their measures. This is the general appearance of things here, while the people are anxiously waiting for some happy event from your side the water. For my own part I confess I have no great expectation from thence , I have long been of opinion that Ame rica herself, under God, must finally work out her own salvation. I have been told by a friend that a manuscript en titled a 6 Hue and Cry, upon the subject of the trials of Preston and the soldiers, has been sent from hence for your perusal. Had I seen and thought it answera ble to what I have heard of it, I should have endea voured to have had it published here. I wish if you think it worth while, it might be published in Lon don, subject entirely to your correction and amend- ARTHUR LEE. 187 ment. But after all, what will the best and most animating publications signify, if the many are willing to submit and be enlaved by the few ? I wrote you about a fortnight past by Capt. Hood, and have nothing more to add at present but that I am sincerely your friend and humble servant, S. A." " BOSTON, 13th Nov. 1771. My Dear Sir, Several vessels have lately arrived from London, but I have not had the pleasure of a line from you by either of them. Since the resolve of council, by which Junius Americanus was so se verely censured, there has been a proclamation issu ed by the governor with their advice for a general thanksgiving, which has been the practice of the country at this time of the year from its first settle ment. This pious proclamation has given the great est offence to the people in general, as it appears evi dently to be calculated to serve the purposes of the British administration, rather than that of religion. We were the last year called upon to thank the Al mighty for the blessings of the administration of gov ernment in this province, which many looked upon as an impious farce ; now we are demurely exhorted to render our humble and hearty thanks to the same omniscient Being, for the continuance of our civil and religious privileges, and the enlargement of our trade ! This, I imagine, was contrived to try the feelings of the people ; and if the governor could dupe the clergy as he had the council, and they, the people, so that the proclamation should be read as usual in our churches, he would have nothing to do but acquaint Lord Hillsborough, that the people in general acqui esced in the measures of government, since they had appeared to admit with himself, that notwith- 188 LIFE OF standing the faction and turbulence of a party, their liberties were continued and their trade enlarged. I am at a loss to say whether this measure is more in solent to the people or affrontive to the majesty of Heaven ; neither of whom however a modern politi cian regards, if at all, so much as the smiles of his noble patron. But the people saw through it in gen eral, arid openly declared that they would not hear the proclamation read ; the consequence of which was, that it was read in only two of all the churches in this town, consisting of twelve, besides three Epis copal churches ; there indeed it has not been cus tomary ever to read them ; of those two clergymen who read it, one of them being a stranger in the pro vince, and having been settled but about six weeks, performed a servile task about a week before the usual time, when the people were not aware of it ; they were however much disgusted at it. The other is a known flatterer of the governor, and is the very person who formed the fulsome address, of which I wrote you some time ago ; he was deserted by a great number of his auditory in the midst of his reading. Thus every art is practised, and every tool employ ed to make it appear as if this people were easy in their claims, and that this great revolution is brought about by the inimitable address of Mr. Hutchinson. There is one part of the proclamation which I think deserves notice on your side of the water ; and that relates to the accommodation with the Spaniards, in the affair of Falkland Island. This must have been referred to under the terms of the preservation of the peace of Europe. From what I wrote you last I fancy you cannot wonder if the governor carries any thing he pleases in his Divan here. His last conduct has exposed him more than any thing. JVe lude cum sacris, is a com mon proverb. Should he once lose the reputation, ARTHUR LEE. 189 which his friends have with the utmost industry been building up for him among the clergy for these thirty years past, as a consummate saint, he must fall like Sampson when his locks were shorn. The people are determined to keep their day of festivity, but not for all the purposes of the infamous proclamation. I beg you would omit no opportunity of writing to me, and be assured that I am in a style too much out of fashion, your friend, SAMUEL ADAMS. Arthur Lee, Esq." " BOSTON, January 14th, 1772. Sir, Your latest letter to me is of the 10th June, since which I have several times written to you and have been impatiently waiting for your farther favours. I suppose by this time the parliament is sitting for the despatch of business, and we shall soon discover whe ther administration have had it in their hearts, as we have been flattered, to recede from their oppressive measures, and repeal the obnoxious revenue acts. Is it not a strange mode of expression of late years made use of, that administration intends that this law shall be enacted, or that repealed ? It is language adapted to the infamy of the present times, by a na tion which boasts of the freedom and independency of her parliaments. I believe almost any of the Ame rican assemblies would highly resent such an imperi ous tone, even in the honourable board of commission ers of the customs, who I dare say think themselves equal in dignity, at least in proportion to the different countries, to his majesty s ministers of state. A Bos- tonian, I assure you, would blush with indignation to hear it said that his majesty s commissioners of the customs (though perhaps they are of his excellency s privy council) had held a consultation at Butcher s VOL. n. 24 190 LIFE OF Hall, upon the affairs of the province, and that they had come to a conclusion that the house of repre sentatives should rescind their late protest against any doctrines which tend to give royal instructions to the governor, the force of laws. This protest it is said, his majesty s wise ministers were so huge ly affronted at, as to alter their determination upon a question, in which the fate of the British nation was involved, namely, whether our general assembly should sit at Cambridge or in Boston. I confess this was a question of such astonishing importance to the millions of Britons and their descendants, and decid ed no doubt with such refined discrimination of judg ment, that is not so much to be wondered at, if all national wisdom is to be ascribed to such a bed of counsellors, who seem to have possessed themselves of all national power. But as the circumstances of things may alter, and his majesty may be obliged through necessity to have recourse to men of common understanding, when these are gone to receive their just rewards in another life, would it not be most proper that the parliament should be at least the os- tensive legislature, for there is danger in precedents, and in time to come the supreme power of the nation may be the dupes of a ministry, who may have no more understanding than themselves. It has been said that the king s ministers have for years past re ceived momentary hints respecting the fabrication of American revenue laws and other regulations, from some very wise heads on this side of the water, and particularly of this place ; and perhaps Great Britain may be more indebted to some Bostonians or residents in Boston than she may imagine, however reproach fully she may have spoken of them. Bernard pub licly declared that he did not obtrude his advice on his majesty s ministers unasked ; and therefore we may naturally conclude that my lord of Hillsborough, ARTHUR LEE. 191 (sublime as his understanding is) the minister in the department, stood in need of and asked his advice, when the baronet journalized the necessary measures of administration for the colonies, which he retailed in weekly and sometimes daily letters to his lordship. On his departure he recommended Mr. Hutchinson, though a Bostonian, born and educated as one upon whom his lordship might depend as much as upon himself; and in this one thing I believe Bernard wrote the truth, for if they have not equal merit for their faithful services to administration, Mr. Hutchinson, I verily believe, has the greatest share. It is whisper ed here that the honourable board of commissioners have represented to administration that the present re venue is not sufficient to answer all demands, which are daily increasing, and therefore it will be necessa ry for their lordships to establish an additional fund. This is an important hint, which may relieve their lordships, unless a new manoeuvre should succeed, of which we have an account in the Boston Gazette en closed. By a vessel just arrived from London, the friends of government, as they call themselves, pre tend that they have certain assurances from adminis tration, that in three months we shall not be troubled with commissioners or standing armies. This, if we could depend upon court promises, would afford an agreeable prospect. But the root of all our grie vances is the parliament s taxing us, which they can not do, but upon principles repugnant to and subver sive of our constitution. If their lordships, the minis try, would be pleased to repeal the revenue acts, they would strike a blow at the root. The grand design of our adversaries is to lull us into security, and make us easy while the acts remain in force, which would prove fatal to us. 192 LIFE or I have written in great haste, and am sincerely your friend and humble servant, SAMUEL ADAMS. Arthur Lee, Esq., London." " BOSTON, June 14th, 1772. Dear Sir, I now enclose letters written by Thomas Hutchinson and Oliver and others of less importance, the originals of which have been laid before the house of representatives. The house have already resolved, by a majority of 101 out of 106 members, that the design and tendency of them is to subvert the constitution and introduce arbitrary power into the province. They are now in the hands of a committee to consider them farther, and report what is still proper to be done. I think there is now a full discovery of a combina tion of persons who have been the principal movers, in all the disturbance, misery, and bloodshed, which has befallen this unhappy country. The friends of our great men are much chagrined. I am much engaged at present, and will write you more fully by the next opportunity. In the mean time believe me to be with great esteem your un feigned friend, SAMUEL ADAMS. Arthur Lee, Esq. Wednesday, June 16th, 1772. The enclosed re solves are to be considered by the house this after noon. S. A." ARTHUR LEE. 193 " BOSTON, Nov. 3, 1772. My Dear Sir, Since my last we have advice that Lord Hillsborough is removed from the American de partment ; and although he makes his exit with the smiles and honours of the court, he has the curses of the disinterested and better part of the colonists ; not that it is thought his lordship is by any means to be reckoned the most inveterate and active of all the conspirators against our rights. There are others on this side the Atlantic, who have been more assidu ous in plotting the ruin of our liberties, than ever. He and they are the more infamous, because the country they would enslave is that very country in which (to use the words of their adulators and ex pectants) they were ; born and educated. The character of Lord Dartmouth in point of moral virtue has been unexceptionable in America, for aught I have heard. I wish it could be ascertained of all his majesty s ministers and servants that they deserv ed such a character. It is the opinion I have of them that makes me tremble for his lordship, lest in the circle he should make shipwreck of his virtue. I am well informed that he has written a very polite letter to Hutchinson, in which he expresses a satisfaction in his conduct, and tells him he has always been of opinion that the king has a right to pay his governors and other officers. But surely he should have made himself thoroughly acquainted with the several poli tical institutions and charters of the colonies, as well as the nature of free governments in general, before he explicitly and officially declared such an opinion. I wish the consideration that he has to correspond with the most artful, plausible, and insinuating men, and some of them the most malicious enemies of the common rights of mankind, might induce his lordship 194 LIFE OF to be upon his guard against too suddenly giving full credit to their representations, which perhaps was the capital mistake of his successors in office. Our conspirators were alarmed at his appointment ; and I believe are determined if they can, to impose upon his credulity, if he has any such weakness about him. We are now alarmed with the advice that the judges of our superior court of law, have salaries appointed by the crown independent of the people, which has occasioned a meeting of this metropolis, the proceedings of which you have in the enclosed papers. At the first meeting on the Wednesday, and at the last adjournment on the Monday following, there was a respectable appearance of the inhabitants, though not so full as has sometimes been on occasions of much less importance, owing partly to its being the season of the year when the town is filled with our country folks, and every one is laying in provision for the approach of a long winter ; partly to the industry of the enemies, to prevent a full meeting, which they had before discovered, to prevent any meeting at all (for they dread nothing more ;) and partly from the opinion of some, that there was no method left to be taken but the last, which is also the opinion of many in the country. However as I said before there was a respectable meeting ; and I think the town has taken a necessary step, (by appointing a committee of twenty-one persons, to correspond with each town in the province), to ascertain the true sense of the country with regard to our grievances, which being known it will be the easier to determine upon, and prosecute to effect, the methods which ought to be taken for a redress of them. The tories give out this in whisper, that they expect what they call a breeze before long, which they say they gather from the slow but regular approaches that are made. They begin perhaps to be apprehensive that the body of a ARTHUR LEE. 195 long-insulted people will bear the insult and oppres sion no longer than until they feel in themselves strength to shake off the yoke. These persons will form what judgment they please. If this is the determination of the people it is justifiable as far as the declaration of Mr. H himself has weight ; for I am told by a gentleman whom 1 can credit, that in conversation he has said, there was nothing in mo rality that forbad resistance. In your last you expressed your hopes of the re moval of Hillsborough. I could not join with you; for if I am to have a master, let me have a severe one, that I may constantly have the mortifying sense of it. I shall then be constantly disposed to take the first fair opportunity of ridding myself of his tyranny. There is danger of the people being flattered with such partial relief as Lord Dartmouth may be able (if disposed) to obtain for them, and building upon vain hopes till their chains are rivetted. Are they not still heaping guidance upon guidance? And while these grievances remain, to what purpose would it be if his lordship should get a few boyish instructions to the governor relaxed? Would this be a reason for a final submission to a tribute raised in support of the despotic power? The tribute is the indignity which I hope in God will never be patiently borne by a peo ple, who of all the people on the earth, deserve most to be free. I am astonished that Dr. Franklin has written no letter to the speaker. I will write you by the next ship. In the mean time be assured (hat I am your friend and humble ser vant, SAMUEL ADAMS. Arthur Lee, Esq." 196 LIFE OF " BOSTON, Nov. 31st, 1772. My Dear Sir, My last letter to you was of the 3d inst. I now enclose the proceedings of this town at a meeting appointed to receive the report of the com mittee, which is attested by the town-clerk, and pub lished by order of the town. Our enemies are taking all imaginable pains to dis parage the proceedings, and prevent their having any effect in the country. They are particularly endea vouring to have it believed, that the vote was carried at a very thin meeting; and in the Court Gazette of last week have had the assurance to say, that there were not more than twenty persons present, and that not ten voted for it ; whereas it was much such a meeting, or rather fuller than the last. The town of Roxbury, adjacent to this, have met, and against the efforts of the whole cabal have raised a committee of nine persons to take our proceedings into considera tion, and report at an adjournment; having before vot ed the independency of the judges, a most dangerous innovation? Plymouth, another large town, forty miles distant, has also met, but we have not yet heard what has been done there ; from the spi rit of the petitions to their selectmen for a meeting, among the enclosed papers, I hope to send you an agreeable account. Other towns are in motion of their own accord, for our pamphlet is not yet sent in to the country towns, Roxbury excepted. The con spirators are very sensible that if our design succeeds, there will be an apparent union of sentiments among the people of this province, which may spread through the continent. You cannot then wonder that their utmost skill is employed to oppose it. I intended to have sent my last by Capt. Scott, but having failed in that design, I herewith enclose it. ARTHUR LEE. 197 I am disappointed if I do not receive a letter from you by every vessel that arrives here. Be assured that I am with great esteem sir, your humble ser vant, SAMUEL ADAMS. Arthur Lee, Esq." " BOSTON, April 9th, 1773. My Dear Sir, I must by no means omit to request you to present my most respectful compliments to the Society of the Bill of Rights, and return them my hearty thanks for the great honour they have done me in admitting me one of their members. The gentlemen may be assured that this unexpected mark of their respect adds to the obligation which I have ever held myself under, to employ the small share of ability which God has given me in vindicating the rights of my country and of mankind. I can now assure you that the efforts of this town at their meeting in November last, have had effects which are extremely mortifying to our falling tyrants. Every art and every instrument was made use of to prevent the meetings of the towns in the country, but to no purpose. It is no wonder that a measure calcu lated to promote a correspondence and a free commu nication among the people, should awaken their ap prehensions; for they well know it must detect their falsehood in asserting, that the people of this country were satisfied with the measures of the British parlia ment, and the administration of government. Our governor has in my opinion merited greatly of the ministry, by his constant endeavours, though in vain, to sooth and quiet the people, and persuade them to think there were no grievances "to be seen, felt, or understood;" and when the house of representatives VOL, n, 25 198 LIFE OF in the last May session by almost an unanimous vote remonstrated against his independency, he, without the least foundation in truth, and for no other reason that I can conceive but to give countenance to his patron Hillsborough, or to establish himself in his government, which he received with so great reluct- ance, did not scruple in his speech at the close of that session, to insinuate that the house were under the influence of a few factious members.* No speech of Bernard ever gave greater disgust to the people, nor with more reason. There has been another session of the general as sembly, which began unexpectedly the sixth of Janu ary last. It is my opinion that it would have been postponed as usual of late till near the close of our political year, had it not been for the Boston town- meeting. I mean to prevent the designed effects of it, by giving an occasion to the small jobbers in the country to say, "that however expedient it might have been for them to have had their meetings before, it now becomes unnecessary and improper, since their representatives are soon to meet in general assem bly." This had an influence on some of the towns ; and his excellency I suppose judged it more probable that he should be able to manage the members of the house, and prevail upon them to "join with him in bear ing testimony against the unwarrantable proceedings of Boston," if they came together without having the explicit sentiments of their constituents. At the meeting of the assembly he thought proper to open a controversy with the two houses, for which I think Hillsborough would not thank him ; for he has thereby defeated the favourite design of the ministry, which was to lull the people into security, and for the effecting of which design he had before thought himself, or endeavoured to make administra tion believe he was entitled to so great a share of ARTHUR LEE. 199 merit. The whole controversy is here enclosed. It has been published in most of the newspapers on the continent, and engages much of the attention of the other colonies. This, together with the proceedings of a contemptible town- meeting, has awakened the jealousy of all, and has particularly raised the spirit of the most ancient and patriotic colony of Virginia. Their manly resolves have been transmitted to the speaker of the house of representatives in a printed sheet of their journals, and our committee of corre spondence have circulated them into every town and district through the province. I wish I could hear something more of Lord D. to qualify him for his high office, than merely that he is a good man. Goodness I confess is an essential though too rare a qualification of a minister of state. Possibly I may not yet have been informed of the whole of his lordship s character. Without a great ness of mind adequate to the importance of his sta tion, I fear he may find himself embarrassed with his present connexions. It can easily be perceived what principle induced Lord North to recommend to that department a nobleman characterized in America for piety ; but what would prevail on his lordship to join with such connexions, unless he had a conscious ness that his own abilities were sufficient to defeat the plans of a corrupt administration, I am not able to conceive. It might be well for his lordship to be assured that there is now a fairer prospect than ever of a union among the colonies, which his predecessor felt, and had reason to feel, though he affected to des pise it. Should the correspondence from Virginia produce a congress, and then an assembly of states, it would require the head of a very able minister to speak with so respectable a body. This perhaps is a mere fiction in the mind of a political enthusiast ; mi nisters of state are not to be disturbed with dreams. 200 LIFE OF 1 must now acknowledge your agreeable letter of the 24th of Dec. I cannot wonder that you almost despair of the British nation. Can that people be saved from ruin, who carry their liberties to market and sell them to the highest bidder ? But America shall * rise full-plumed and glorious from the mother ashes. Our house of representatives have sent a letter to Lord Dartmouth. This must without ques tion be a wise measure, though I must own I was not in it; I feared it would lead the people to a false de- pendance ; I mean upon a minister of state, when it ought to placed, with God s assistance, upon them selves. You cannot better prepare him for the repre sentations of the house than as you propose, by giv ing him a proper idea of Mr. Hutchinson. I arn much obliged to you for your intention to hold up to the public the generosity of my esteemed friend Mr. Otis. I wish I could assure you that he is perfectly recovered. April 12th. This day I have the pleasure of receiv ing yours of the 25th of January. Your putting me in mind of the honour done me by the Society of the Bill of Rights is very kind. I ought sooner to have acknowledged it. My omitting it was owing to being in a great hurry when I last wrote to you. I am sen sible I am not one of the most regular correspondents ; perhaps not so much so as I should be. I duly re ceived, though I think not by Mr. Story, the letter which enclosed the answer to the resolution of the governor and council against Junius Americanus, which I immediately published in the Boston Ga zette. It was read with great satisfaction by men of sense and virtue. I am heartily glad to find that the proceedings of this town are so pleasing to you. I have heard that Lord Dartmouth received one of our pamphlets with coldness, and expressed his con cern that the town had come into such measures. ARTHUR LEE. 201 His lordship probably will be very much surprised to find a very great number of the towns in this pro vince, (and the number daily increases,) concurring fully in sentiments with this metropolis ; expressing loyalty to the king and affection to the mother coun try, but at the same time a firm resolution to maintain their constitutional rights and liberties. I send you the proceedings of one town, which if you think pro per, you may publish, as a specimen of the whole, for the inspection of an administration either misinformed and credulous to the greatest degree of human weak ness, or obstinate in wilful error. They have lately employed eight regiments of British troops to bring an handful of unfortunate Caribs to a treaty dishon ourable to the nation. How many regiments will be thought necessary to penetrate the heart of a populous country, and subdue a sensible, enlightened, and brave people to the ignominious terms of slavery ? Or will his lordship s superior wisdom direct to more salutary measures, and by establishing freedom in every part of the king s extensive dominions, restore that mutual harmony and affection which alone are wanting, to build up the greatest empire the world has ever yet seen ? Mr. Wilkes was certainly misinformed when he was told that Mr. H. had deserted the cause of liberty. Great pains had been taken to have it thought to be so ; and by a scurvy trick of lying, the adversaries effected a coolness between that gentleman and some others, who were zealous in that cause ; but it was of short continuance, for their falsehood was soon detected. Lord Hillsborough, as I suppose, was soon informed of the imaginary conquest, for I have it upon such grounds as I rely upon, that he wrote to the governor that he had it in command from the highest authority to enjoin him to promote Mr. H. upon every occasion. Accordingly, though he had 202 LIFE OF before been frowned upon, and often negatived both by Bernard and Hutchinson, the latter, who can smile sweetly even upon the man he hates, when lie is in structed or it is his duty to do so, fawned and flatter ed one of the heads of the faction, and at length ap proved of him, when he was again chosen by an unanimous vote a councillor the last May. To pal liate this inconsistent conduct, it was previously given out that Mr. H. had deserted the faction, and became as they term each other, a friend to government. But he had spirit enough to refuse a seat at the board, and continue a member of the house, where he has in every instance joined with the friends of the consti tution in opposition to the measures of a corrupt ad ministration ; and in particular no one has discoursed with more firmness against the independency of the governor and the judges than he. I have mentioned to Mr. Gushing the hint in your last, concerning his not answering your letters. I believe he will write you soon. The gratitude of the friends to liberty towards Mr. Otis for his eminent services in times past, induces them to take all occa sions to show him respect. I am much obliged to you for the friendship you have discovered for him, in holding up to the view of the public his generosity to Robinson. Your brother in Virginia has lately honoured me with a letter, and I intend to cultivate a correspond ence with him, which I am sure must be greatly to my advantage. As you have confided in me to recommend one or more gentlemen of this place as candidates for the Society of the Bill of Rights, I can with the greatest integrity nominate my two worthy and intimate friends, John Adams and Joseph Warren, Esqrs. the one eminent in the profession of law, and the other equally so in that of physic, both of them men of an ARTHUR LEE. 203 unblemished moral character, and zealous advocates for the common rights of mankind. I am with great regard dear sir, your friend, SAMUEL ADAMS. Arthur Lee, Esq." "BOSTON, April 22nd, 1773. My Esteemed Friend, I have written you a long epistle by this conveyance, and yet as the vessel is detained by a contrary wind, I cannot help indulg ing the mood I am in to chat a little more with you. When I mentioned Mr. Hancock in my last, I forgot to tell you that he is colonel of a company, called the governor s company of cadets. Perhaps in this view only he was held up to Mr. Wilkes, when he was informed that he had deserted the cause. But it should be known it is not in the power of the gov ernor to give a commission for that company to whom he pleases, as their officers are chosen by themselves. Mr. Hancock was elected by an unanimous vote ; and a reluctance at the idea of giving offence to an hun dred gentlemen, might very well account for the gov ernor giving the commission to Mr. H., without tak ing into consideration that most powerful of all other motives, an instruction, especially at a time when he vainly hoped he should gain him over. I have been the more particular, because I know our adversaries avail themselves much by propagating reports that persons who have signalized themselves as patriots have at length forsaken their country. Mr. Otis yes terday was engaged in a cause in the admiralty on the side of Davvson, commander of one of the king s cutters. At this some of the minions of power tri umph, and say they have got over to their side the greatest champion in our cause. I have not yet dis- 204 LTFE OF covered in the faces of their masters, an air of exulta tion at this event; and indeed how can they boast of the acquisition of one, whom they themselves have been the most ready to expose as distracted. I send you a complete printed copy of our contro versy with the governor, at the end of which you will observe some errors noted which escaped the press. This letter goes under care of Mr. Cushing s to Dr. Franklin. The franks you favoured me with I shall make use of as necessity shall require. I am yours affectionately, SAMUEL ADAMS. Arthur Lee, Esq." " BOSTON, May 6th, 1773. My Dear Sir, My last letter to you I sent by Capt. Symmes, who sailed a few days ago. This town met yesterday, and made choice of their repre sentatives for the year ensuing. Enclosed is a copy of the town s instructions. It is a very common prac tice for this town to instruct their representatives ; which among other good purposes serves to commu nicate their sentiments and spirit to the other towns, and may be looked upon as fresh appeals to the world. I perceive by the late London newspapers that the governor s first speech had arrived there, and had been very sensibly remarked upon by Junius Americanus. This warm and judicious advocate for the province I apprehend was mistaken in saying, that the supreme authority of the British parliament to legislate for ces has been always acknowledged here; when he reads the answer of the house to the speech, he will find the contrary clearly shown, even from Gov. Hutch- inson s history. What will be the consequence of this controversy, time must discover; it must be placed to ARTHUR LEE. 205 the credit of the governor, that he has quickened a spirit of enquiry into the nature and end of govern ment, and the connexion of the colonies with Great Britain, which has for some time past been prevailing among the people. Magna est veritas et prevalebit; I believe it will be hardly in the power even of that powerful nation, to hold so inquisitive and increasing a people long in a state of slavery. Pray write to me as often as you can find lei sure, and be assured I am sincerely your friend and servant, SAMUEL ADAMS. Arthur Lee, Esq." " BOSTOW, May 17, 1773. Dear Sir, My last was by Capt. Calif, enclosing a copy of the instructions of this town to their repre sentatives. Our general assembly will meet next week; what kind of a budget the governor will then open is uncertain. It is whispered he intends to bring about the coalition of parties; but how he will attempt it, I am at a loss to conceive. Surely he cannot think that the body of this people will be qui eted, till there is an end put to all oppressions they are under; and he dares not propose a coalition on such terms, because it would disgust those who are the instruments of and sharers in the oppression. Be sides, I am inclined to think he never w i be able to recover so much of the people s confidence, as to make his administration easy. A few of his letters we have seen, but are restrained at present from pub lishing. Could they be made generally known, his friends must desert him. It is a pity when the most important intelligence is communicated with such re strictions, as that it serves rather to gratify the curi- VOL. ir. 26 206 LIFE OF osity of a few, than to promote the public good. I wish we could see the letters he has written since his advancement to the government. His friends give out that they "are replete with tenderness to the province." If so, / speak with assurance, they are the reverse of those which he wrote before. I send you for your amusement the copy of a vote passed by this town at an adjournment of their meet ing a few days ago, and remain in sincerity your friend, SAMUEL ADAMS. Arthur Lee, Esq. P. S. You cannot write to me too often." " BOSTON, June 21st, 1773. Dear Sir, I wrote in very great haste a few days ago, and then enclosed a printed copy of letters sign ed Thomas Hutchinson, Andrew Oliver, &c., with certain resolutions formed by a committee, and brought into the house of representatives. Those resolutions have been since considered by the house, and with very little variation adopted ; as you will see by the enclosed. Upon the last resolve there was a division of 85 to 28; since which, five of the minority alter ed their minds; two other members came into the house, and desired to be counted; so that finally there were 93 in favour and 22 against it. Many if not most of the latter voted for all the other resolves. A petition and remonstrance against Hutchinson and Oliver will be brought in I suppose this week. I think enough appears by these letters to show, that the plan for the ruin of American liberty was laid by a few men, bom and educated amongst us, and governed by avarice and a lust of power. Could they be removed from his majesty s service and confidence ARTHUR LEE. 207 here, effectual measures might then be taken to re store P lac i dam sub Libertate QuietamS Perhaps how ever you may think it necessary that some on your side of the water should be impeached, and brought to condign punishment. In this I shall not differ with you. I send you our last election sermon, delivered by Mr. Turner. The bishop of St. Asaph s I have read with singular pleasure. I remain sincerely your friend, SAMUEL ADAMS." " BOSTON, June 28th, 1773. Dear Sir, My last was by Capt. Collson, by the way of Bristol, enclosed in a frank cover. I then in formed you of the passing a number of resolves in the house of representatives upon certain letters that had been under their consideration. Since which the house have by a division, 121 to 82, voted a petition and remonstrance, praying that Gov. Hutchinson, and Lieut.-Gov. Oliver, may be removed from their posts. A copy of which is sent to Dr. Franklin by this ves sel, who is directed to apply to Arthur Lee, Esq. and any other gentlemen, as council. Upon my motion, the Dr. was directed to make application to you sole ly; but the next day it was questioned in the house whether you were yet initiated into the profession of law, and the addition was made upon the doubt, which I was sorry I had it not in my power to remove. How ever, you must be applied to; every friend of liberty, or which is the same thing, nine-tenths of the house, having the greatest confidence in your integrity and abilities. You have herewith enclosed a copy of the proceed ings of the council upon the same subject. The peo- 208 LIFE OF pie are highly incensed against the two impeached gentlemen. They have entirely lost the esteem of the public ; even some of their few friends are asham ed to countenance them. The governor, as he has been one of the most obliged, has proved himself to be a most ungrateful man. He appears to me to be totally disconcerted. I wish I could say, humbled. The house are now considering the independency of the judges; a matter which every day grows still more furious, and employs much of the attention of the people without doors, as well as of the members of the house. I wish that Lord Dartmouth and the rest of the great officers of the crown, could be pre vailed upon duly to consider, that British Americans cannot long endure a state of tyranny. I expect the general assembly will be up in a few days. I will then write you more particularly. In the mean time I remain your friend, SAMUEL ADAMS. Arthur Lee, Esq." " BOSTON, Nov. 9th, 1773. My Dear Sir, I have but just time to enclose you a newspaper, by which you will see that Lord Sh ne was not mistaken when he said that things began to wear a very serious aspect in this part of the world. I wish that Lord Dartmouth would believe, that the people here begin to think that they have borne op pression long enough, and that if he has a plan of re conciliation he would produce it without delay; but his lordship must know, that it must be such as will satisfy Americans. One cannot foresee events ; but ARTHUR LEE. 209 from all the observation I am able to make, my next letter will not be upon a trifling subject. I arn with great respect, your friend, SAMUEL ADAMS. Arthur Lee, Esq." " BOSTON, Dec. 31, 1773. My Dear Sir, I am now to inform you of as re markable an event as has yet happened since the , commencement of our struggle for American liberty. The meeting of the town of Boston, an account of which I enclosed in my last, was succeeded by the arrival of the ship Falmouth, Captain Hall, with 114 chests of the East India Company s tea, on the 2ftth of November last. The next day the people met in Faneuil hall, without observing the rules prescribed by law for calling them together ; and although that hall is capable of holding 1200 or 1300 men, they were soon obliged for the want of room to adjourn to the Old South meeting-house ; where were assembled upon this important occasion 5000, some say 6000 men, consisting of the respectable inhabitants of this and the adjacent towns. The business of the meet ing was conducted with decency, unanimity, and spirit. Their resolutions you will observe in an en closed printed paper. It naturally fell upon the cor respondence for the town of Boston to see that these resolutions were carried into effect. This committee, finding that the owner of the ship after she was un loaded of all her cargo except the tea, was by no means disposed to take the necessary steps for her sailing back to London, thought it best to call in the committees of Charlestown, Cambridge, Brookline, Roxbury, and Dorchester, all which towns are in the neighbourhood of this, for their advice and assistance. 210 LIFE OF After a free conference and due consideration, they dispersed. The next day, being the 1 4th, inst. the people met again at the Old South church, and hav ing ascertained the owner, they compelled him to apply to the custom house for a clearance for his ship to London with the tea on board, and appointed ten gentlemen to see it performed ; after which they adjourned till Thursday the 16th. The people then met, and Mr. Rolch informed them that he had ac cording to their injunction applied to the collector of the customs for a clearance, and received in answer from the collector that he could not consistently with his duty grant him a clearance, until the ship should be discharged of the dutiable article on board. It must be here observed that Mr. Rolch had before made a tender of the tea to the consignees, being told by them that it was not practicable for them at that time to receive the tea, by reason of a constant guard kept upon it by armed men ; but that when it might be practicable, they would receive it. He demanded the captain s bill of lading and the freight, both which they refused him, against which he entered a regular protest. The people then required Mr. Rolch to pro test the refusal of the collector to grant him a clear ance under these circumstances, and thereupon to wait upon the governor for a permit to pass the cas tle in her voyage to London, and then adjourned till the afternoon. They then met, and after waiting till sun-setting, Mr. Rolch returned, and acquainted them that the governor had refused to grant him a passport, thinking it inconsistent with the laws and his duty to the king, to do it until the ship should be qualified, notwithstanding Mr. Rolch had acquainted him with the circumstances above mentioned. You will observe by the printed proceedings, that the people were re solved that the tea should not be landed, but sent back to London in the same bottom ; and the pro- ARTHUR LEE. 211 perty should be safe guarded while in port, which they punctually performed. It cannot therefore be fairly said that the destruction of the property was in their contemplation. It is proved that the con signees, together with the collector of the customs, and the governor of the province, prevented the safe return of the East India Company s property (the danger of the sea only excepted) to London. The people finding all their endeavours for this purpose thus totally frustrated, dissolved the meeting, which had consisted by common estimation of at least seven thousand men, many of whom had come from towns at the distance of twenty miles. In less than four hours every chest of tea on board three ships which had by this time arrived, three hundred and forty-two chests, or rather the contents of them, was thrown into the sea, without the least injury to the vessels or any other property. The only remain ing vessel which was expected with this detested article, is by the act of righteous heaven cast on shore on the back of Cape Cod, which has often been the sad fate of many a more valuable cargo. For a more particular detail of facts, I refer you to our worthy friend, Dr. Hugh Williamson, who kindly takes the charge of this letter. We have had great pleasure in his company for a few weeks past ; and he favoured the meeting with his presence. You cannot imagine the height of joy that sparkles in the eyes and animates the countenances as well as the hearts of all we meet on this occasion ; excepting the disappointed, disconcerted Hutehinson and his tools. I repeat what I wrote you in my last ; if lord Dartmouth has prepared his plan let him produce it speedily ; but his lordship must know that it must be such a plan as will not barely amuse, much less farther irritate but conciliate the affection of the inhabitants. LIFE OF I had forgot to tell you that before the arrival of either of these ships, the tea commissioners had pre ferred a petition to the governor and council, praying to resign themselves and the property in their care, to his excellency and the board as guardians and pro tectors of the people, and that measures may be di rected for the landing and securing the tea, fcc. I have enclosed you the result of the council on that petition. He (the governor) is now, I am told, con sulting his lawyers and books to make out that the resolves of the meeting are treasonable. I duly re ceived your favours of the 23d June, of the 21st July and 13th October, and shall make the best use I can of the important contents. Believe me to be affectionately your friend, SAMUEL ADAMS. P. S. Your letter of the 28th August is but this moment come to hand. I hope to have leisure to write you by the next vessel. Our friend Dr. War ren has written to you by this ; you will find him an agreeable and useful correspondent. S. A. Arthur Lee, Esq." "BOSTON, Dec. 25th, 1773. My Dear Sir, I wrote you a few days past by Capt. Scott, and then promised to write farther by the next opportunity ; but not having heard of the sailing of this vessel till this moment, I have only time to recommend a letter written and directed to you by John Scollay, Esq. a worthy gentleman and one of the selectmen of this town. He desires me to apologise for his addressing a letter to one who is a perfect stranger to him, and to assure you that he ARTHUR LEE. 213 is persuaded there is no gentleman in London who has the liberties of America more warmly at heart, or is more able to vindicate them than yourself. You see the dependence we have upon you. Excuse this short epistle, and be assured that as I am a friend to every one possessed of public virtue, with affection I must be constantly yours, SAMUEL ADAMS. Arthur Lee, Esq." " BOSTON, May 31st, 1774. Sir, Mr. Adams informs me that you kindly re ceived the letter I wrote you in Dec. last; this in formation prompts me to address you again ; letter- writing and on politics is not my province, but such are the times that that man s heart must be callous indeed that does not feel for his country, and that does not give it out in every way ; in short we have all, from the cobbler up to the senator, become poli ticians. On the morrow that act, cruel act of our parent state, (or rather hard-hearted step-mother) called the Boston Port Bill is to take place, a bill fraught with vengeance against this town. However lord North will find out himself and that very soon that he over shot his mark. That which he intended should operate against Boston only, will effect every town in this province. The sea-port towns will feel the operation of the act, in a degree as much as Bos ton, Boston being the grand engine that gives motion to all the wheels of commerce. This being stopped, it will sensibly affect the whole trade of the province. All the sea-port towns depend on this, to take off by far the greatest part of their imports ; they cannot send a vessel to sea again after her return from a voyage, till they send her cargo to Boston to be sold ; VOL. ii. 27 214 LIFE OF in short all the running cash in the province centres in this town. To this market all the trading towns repair with their goods to make money of them. Newburyport, Marblehead, and Salem, will most sen sibly feel the shock, and if the blockade continues long they must haul up their vessels, for no place but Boston can take off their cargoes. It is a most melancholy consideration, that this town, which was and is now the most flourishing in trade and commerce, must be devoted to destruction, and in a few days be brought to the forlorn condition of a deserted village. Thou sands that depend on their daily labour for support, must be reduced to the greatest degree of distress and want ; however they will suffer in a good cause, and that righteous Being, who takes care of the ravens which cry unto him, will provide for them and theirs. (The MS. is illegible from time.) For that purpose we have it in contemplation, if the blockade con tinues any length of time, to employ the poor in building a horse-bridge over Charles River, a river about as wide as the Thames. By this bridge Charlestown, a large and opulent town, will be join ed to Boston ; this bridge will greatly facilitate the intercourse between Boston, Marblehead, and Salem, and other trading towns. When the news first ar rived of lord North s proposing this bill in parliament, it was looked on as a mere hum. People could not think that a British house of commons would be so infatuated as to pass such a bill, to punish a whole town for a trespass that was committed in it by no body knows who, and to carry it into execution with out giving the town an opportunity to answer to the charge, is an unheard of proceeding. Although it was designed that this town should be ruined, yet I doubt not but that it will finally end in great good, not only to this town, but to all the colonies. I be lieve by this management his lordship s fabric, which ARTHUR LEE. 215 cost him so much labour and afforded him so much delight, will be demolished, and instead of despotism and tyranny over the colonies, a foundation will be laid for lasting peace and harmony between Great Britain and these colonies. This may be looked on as visionary, but I think the crisis is near when this must take place, which is the warmest wish of every free-hearted North American. We have too great a regard for our parent state (although cruelly treated by some of her illegitimate sons) to withdraw our connexion ; of her we have no idea of an independ ency, and the colonies are too precious a jewel for the crown to part with ; therefore I think that the wisdom of the English nation and that of the colonies united, might fall on some plan of conciliating their differences, and fix on some principles for each party to resort to, as the great charter of agreement be tween the king and his colonies. Such an event would make the colonies happy, and the British na tion great and prosperous. As you will no doubt have the particulars of these matters handed to you by some of your friends, it will be needless for me to enlarge. I hope you will excuse my troubling you with this epistle ; and believe me to be, with great regard sir, your most humble servant, JOHN SCOLLAY. Arthur Lee, Esq." " BOSTON, April 4th, 1774. My Dear Sir, My last letter to you I delivered to the care of Dr. Williamson, who sailed with Capt. in December last. The general assembly has since been sitting, and the important subject of the judges of the superior court being made dependent on 216 LIFE OF the crown for their salaries, was again taken up by the house of representatives with spirit and firmness. The house had in a former session passed divers resolu tions expressing their sense of the dangerous tenden cy of this innovation, and declaring that unless the justices should renounce the salaries from the crown, and submit to a constitutional dependence upon the assembly for their support, they would proceed to im peach them before the governor and council. One of them, Mr. Trow bridge, very early in the session, in a letter to the speaker, expressed his former compli ance with that resolve, which letter was communicat ed to the house and voted satisfactory. The other four had taken no notice of the resolve. The house therefore having waited from the 2(ith of January, which was the first day of the session, till the 1st of February, then came to a resolution, that unless they should conform to their order on or before the fourth of the same month, farther proceedings would be had on such neglect. The effect of this resolve was, that three of them, viz: Hutchinson, (a brother to him who is called governor), , ? made simi lar declarations to that of Trowbridge, which were also voted satisfactory. Mr. Justice Oliver, who is brother of the lieutenant-governor, and is connected with the governor by the marriage of their children, came to a different determination ; which occasioned a controversy between the governor and the two houses, inserted at large in the enclosed papers. Therein you will see that the governor has treated the petitions, complaints, and remonstrances of the representative body, with haughty contempt. The people view it with deep resentment as an effect of his independency; whereby he is aliened from them, and become a fitter instrument in the hands of the ministry to carry into effect their destructive plans. ARTHUR LEE. 217 They are irritated to the highest degree, and despair of any constitutional remedy against the oppressions of a corrupt officer, while the governor, be fie who he may, is thus dependent on ministers of state. They have ever since the trial of Preston and his soldiers been murmuring at the conduct of the superior court, and the partiality which many say is so clearly dis covered in causes between revenue officers and the go vernment, abettors, and other subjects. Indeed, the house of representatives two or three years ago pass ed a resolution that such conduct in several in stances had been observed, as appears in their printed journals. To give you some idea of what the tem per of that court has been, a lawyer* of great emi nence in the province, and a member of the house of representatives, was thrown over the bar a few days ago, because he explained in a public newspaper the sentiments he had advanced in the house when he had been misrepresented ; and a young lawyer of great genius in this town, who had passed the regular course of study, (which is more than can be said of the chief-justice) has been and still is refused by the governor, only because he mentioned the name of Hutchinson with freedom, and that not in court, but in a Boston town-meeting some years before. And to show you from whence this influence springs, I must inform you that not long ago the governor, the lieutenant-governor, and three of the judges, which make a majority of the bench, were nearly related ; and even now the governor has a brother there, and is brother-in-law to the chief-justice. Such combina tions are justly formidable, and the people view them with a jealous eye. They clearly see through a sys tem formed for their destruction. That the parlia ment of Britain is to make laws, binding them in all * Joseph Ilciwley, Esq., of North Hampton. 218 LIFE OF cases whatsoever; that the colonies are to be taxed by that parliament without their own consent; and the crown enabled to appropriate money for the sup port of the executive and arbitrary powers; that this leaves their own assembly a body of very little signi ficance; while the officers of government and judges, are to be totally independent of the legislature, and altogether under the control of the king s ministers and counsellors; and there an union will be effected, as dangerous as it will be powerful ; the whole pow er of government will be lifted from the hands into which the constitution has placed it, into the hands of the king s ministers and their dependents here. This is in a great measure the case already; and the consequences will be, angry debates in our senate, and perpetual tumults and confusions abroad; until these maxims are entirely altered, or else, which God for bid, the spirits of the people are depressed, and they become inured to disgrace and servitude. This has long been the prospect in the mirrds of speculative men. The body of the people are now in council. Their opposition grows into a system. They are united and resolute. And if the British administra tion and government do not return to the principles of moderation and equity, the evil which they profess to aim at preventing by their rigorous measures, will the sooner be brought to pass, viz: the entire separa- ration and independence of the, colonies. Mr. Gushing obliged me with a sight of your let ter to him of the 22d Dec. last. I think I am not so clearly of opinion as you seem to be, that the de claratory act is a mere nullity, and that therefore 4 if we can obtain a repeal of the revenue acts from 1764, without their pernicious appendages, it w r ill be enough. Should they retract the exercise of their assumed power, you ask when will they be able to re new it? I know not when, but I fear they will soon ARTHUR LEE. 219 do it, unless, as your worthy brother in Virginia in a letter I yesterday received from him expresses him self, we make one uniform, steady effort to secure an explicit bill of rights for British America. Let the executive power and right on each side be there in stipulated, that Britain may no longer have a pow er or right to make laws to bind us, in all cases what soever. While the claim is kept up, she may exercise the power as often as she pleases; and the colonies have experienced her disposition to do it too plainly, since she in anger made the claim. Even imaginary power beyond right begets insolence. The people here I am apt to think will be satisfied on no other terms but those of redress; and they will hardly think they are upon equitable terms with the mother coun try, while by a solemn act she continues to claim a right to enslave them, whenever she shall think fit to exercise it. I wish for a permanent union with the mother country, but only on the principles of liberty and truth. No advantage that can accrue to America from such an union can compensate for the loss of li berty. The time may come sooner than they are aware of it, when the being of the British nation, I mean the being of its importance, however strange it may now appear to some, will depend on her union with America. It requires but a small portion of the gift of discernment for any one to foresee, that pro vidence will erect a mighty empire in America; and our posterity will have it recorded in history, that their fathers migrated from an island in a distant part of the world, the inhabitants of which had long been revered for wisdom and valour. They grew rich and powerful; these emigrants increased in num bers and strength. But they were at last absorbed in luxury and dissipation; and to support themselves in their vanity and extravagance they coveted and seized the honest earnings of those industrious emigrants. 220 LIFE OF This laid a foundation of distrust, animosity and ha tred, till the emigrants, feeling their own vigour and in dependence, dissolved every former band of connex ion between them, and the islanders sunk into obscu rity and contempt. May I whisper in your ear that you paid a compli ment to the speaker when you told him you always spoke under the correction of his better judgment. I admire what you say to him, and I hope it will have a good impression on his mind ; that we shall be re spected in England exactly in proportion to the firmness and strength of our opposition. T ^ i r - j 1 am sincerely your friend, SAMUEL ADAMS. As Capt. Wood is now about to sail, there is not time to have copies of the papers; I will send them by the next opportunity. In the mean time I refer you to Dr. Franklin, to whom they are sent by this l. S. A. Arthur Lee, Esq." " BOSTON, April , 1774. My Dear Sir, Capt. Wood being still detained, I have the opportunity of acknowledging your favour of the 22d Dec. last, which is just now come to my hand. As Mr. Gushing received your letter of the same date near three weeks ago, I am at a loss to conjecture the reason of my not receiving it at the same time. I do not depend much Tipon Lord Dartmouth s in clination to relieve America, upon terms which we shall think honourable ; upon his ability to do it, 1 have no dependence at all. He might have said with safety, when called upon by Lord Shelburne, that he had prepared a plan to pursue at the hazard ARTHUR LEE. of his office; for I have reason to believe it was grounded upon the hopes that we could be prevailed upon, at least impliedly, to renounce our claims. This would have been an acceptable service to the minis try, and would have secured to him his office. No great advantage can be made against us from the let ter which you mention to Lord Dartmouth from the two houses of our assembly; for upon a review of it I think the most that is said in it is, that if we are brought back to the state we were in at the close of the last war, we shall be as easy as we then were. I do not like any thing that looks like accommodating our language to the humour of a minister; and am fully of your opinion that the harmony and concur rence of the colonies, is of a thousand times more importance in our dispute, than the friendship or pa tronage of any great man in England. At the request of our friend, Mr. Hancock, I beg your acceptance of an oration delivered by him on the fifth of March last. I intend to write to you again very soon; in the mean time I remain your as sured friend, SAMUEL ADAMS. Arthur Lee, Esq." BOSTON, May 18th, 1774. My Dear Sir, The edict of the British parliament, commonly called the Boston Port Act, came safely to my hand. For flagrant injustice and barbarity, one might search in vain among the archives of Constan tinople to find a match for it. But what else could have been expected from a parliament, too long under the dictates and control of an administration, which seems to be totally lost to all sense and feeling of mo rality, and governed by passion, cruelty, and revenge. For us to reason against such an act, would be idle- VOL. ii. 28 LIFE OF ness. Our business is to find means to evade its ma lignant design. The inhabitants view it, not with as tonishment, but indignation. They discover the ut most contempt of the framers of it; while they are yet disposed to consider the body of the nation (though represented by such a parliament) in the character they have sustained heretofore, humane and generous. They resent the behaviour of the merchants in Lon don, those I mean who receive their bread from them, in infamously deserting their cause at the time of ex tremity. They can easily believe that the industrious manufacturers, whose time is wholly spent in their various employments, are misled and imposed upon by such miscreants as have ungratefully devoted them selves to an abandoned ministry, not regarding the ruin of those who have been their best benefactors. But the inhabitants of this town must and will look to their own safety, which they see does not consist in a servile compliance with the ignominious terms of this barbarous edict. Though the means of preserv ing their liberties should distress and even ruin the British manufacturers, they are resolved (but with re luctance) to try the experiment. To this they are impelled by motives of self-preservation. They feel humanely to those who must suffer, but being inno cent are not the objects of their revenge. They have already called upon their sister colonies, (as you will see by the enclosed note) who not only feel for them as fellow-citizens, but look upon them as suffering the stroke of ministerial vengeance in the common cause of America; that cause which the colonies have pledged themselves to each other not to give up. In the mean time I trust in God this devoted town will sustain the shock with dignity; and supported by their brethren, will gloriously defeat the designs of their common enemies. Calmness, courage, and unanimi ty prevail. While they are resolved not tamely to ARTHUR LEE. 223 submit, they will by refraining from any acts of vio lence, avoid the snare that they discover to be laid for them, by posting regiments so near them. I heartily thank you for your spirited exertions. Use means for the preservation of your health. Our warmest gratitude is due to lords Camden and Shel- burne. Our dependence is upon the wisdom of the few of the British nobility. We suspect studied in sult, in the appointment of the person who is com- mander-in-chief of the troops in America to be our governor ; and I think there appears to be in it more than a design to insult upon any specious pretence. We will endeavour by circumspection and sound pru dence, to frustrate the diabolical designs of our ene mies. I have written in haste, and am affectionately your friend, S. A." " CAMBRIDGE, Feb. 14th, 1775. My Dear Sir, A few days ago I received your letter of the 7th December, and was greatly pleased to find that you had returned from Rome at so critical a time. The sudden dissolution of the late parlia ment was a measure which I expected would take place. I must needs allow that the ministry have acted a politic part ; for if they had suffered the elec tion to be put off till the spring, it might have cost some of them their heads. The new parliament can with a very ill grace impeach them for their past con duct, after having so explicitly avowed it. The thun der of the late speech and the servile answers, I view as designed to serve the purposes of saving some men from the block. I cannot conclude that lord North is upon the retreat, though there seems to be some 224 LIFE OF appearance of it. A deception of this kind would prove fatal to us. Our safety depends upon our being in readiness for the extreme event. Of this the peo ple here are thoroughly sensible, and from the pre parations they are making I trust in God they will defend their liberties with dignity. If the ministry have not abandoned themselves to folly and madness the firm union of the colonies must be an important objection. The claims of the colonies are consistent (the MS. is illegible here) and necessary to their own existence as free subjects, and they will never re cede from them. The tools of power here are in cessantly endeavouring to divide them, but in vain. I wish the king s ministers would duly consider what appears to me a very momentous truth, that one re gular attempt to subdue those in any other colony, whatever may be the first issue of the attempt, will open a quarrel, which will never be closed till what some of them affect to apprehend, and we sincerely deprecate, shall take effect. Is it not then high time that they should hearken not to the clamours of pas sionate and interested men, but to the cool voice of impartial reason ? No sensible minister will think that millions of free subjects, strengthened by such an union, will submit to be slaves ; no honest minister would wish to see humanity thus disgraced. My attendance on the provincial congress now sit ting here will not admit of my enlarging at present. 1 will write you again by the next opportunity, and till I have reason to suspect our adversaries have got some of my letters in their possession. I yet venture to subscribe, yours affectionately, S. ADAMS. Arthur Lee, Esq." ARTHUR LEE. 225 " BALTIMORE IN MARYLAND, Jan. 2d, 1777. My Dear Sir, It has been altogether from a re gard to your safety that I have restrained myself from continuing on my part that correspondence which you was obliging enough to indulge for several years. I know very well that your avowal of and warm attach ment to the cause of justice and truth, have rendered you exceedingly obnoxious to the malice of the Bri tish king and his ministers ; and that a letter written by a zealous asserter of that cause addressed to you while you was in their power, would have brought upon you the resentment of that most cruel and vin dictive court. But I cannot omit this opportunity of writing to you after so long a silence, to assure you that I am most heartily engaged according to my small ability, in supporting the rights of America and of man kind. In my last letter to you near two years ago, I ven tured to give you my opinion that if the British troops then in Boston, should attempt to march out in an hostile manner, it would most surely effect a total and perpetual separation of the two countries. This they did in a very short time ; and the great event has since taken place, sooner indeed than I ex pected it would, though not so soon, in my opinion, as in justice il might, and in sound policy, it ought. But there is a timidity in our nature which prevents our taking a decisive part in the critical time, and very few have fortitude enough to tell a tyrant they are determined to be free. Our delay has been dan gerous to us, yet it has been attended with great ad vantage. It has afforded to the world a proof, that oppressed and insulted as we were, we are very wil ling to give Britain an opportunity of seeing herself, and of correcting her own errors. We are now strug- 226 LIFE OF gling in the sharp conflict ; confiding that righteous heaven will not look with an indifferent eye upon a cause so manifestly just, and so interesting to mankind. You are now called to act in a still more enlarged sphere. Go on, my friend, to exert yourself in the cause of liberty and virtue. You have already the applause of virtuous men, and may be assured of the smiles of heaven. Your brother, Mr. R. H. Lee, will give you a par ticular account of our affairs in America ; nothing therefore remains for me to add, but that I am your very affectionate friend, SAMUEL ADAMS. Arthur Lee, Esq." " BOSTON, Aug. 1st, 1777. It was not till the last week that I received your favour from Nantes of the 6th of March. Our friend Mr. Lovett sent it to me from Philadelphia. I resent the treatment you have met with in America with all the feelings of friendship. Among your enemies you may depend upon it there are some of the worst kind of men. I cannot help entertaining a violent suspi cion that they are the enemies of their country. I am sure they cannot at present do a more vital injury to the great cause of America than by raising the popu lar jealousy and clamour against its earliest, most able, and persevering friends. This they are endeavouring to do not only with regard to you but others ; and they are masters of so much sophistry as to deceive some who, as I think, are not so wary and suspicious of them as they ought to be. Mr. in the opin ion of some of his own party, was injudicious in his publication of the 5th Dec. last. They are at least ARTHUR LEE. 227 constrained to say it, whether they think so or notr It is the opinion of the best men, I know, that he has- done more mischief than it will ever be in his power to atone for. I never had but one opinion of this man since the year 1774, when I first knew him, and that is, that he is commercial and interested. I be lieve he has for a twelvemonth past, thought it his interest to throw us into divisions and parties, and that he has been as influential in effecting it as any man in America. Interested men, men who are united in politics and commercial combinations are and must be his advocates. Perhaps the persons whose names you mention in the last part of your letter, may be his secret but powerful supporters ; I do not pretend to affirm it. These men most certainly, should preserve their minds free from prejudice in disputes of this kind. They should stand totally unconnected with any party, as they would avoid doing injury to the joint cause of France and America, and lessening that strong attachment and mutual confidence between the two nations, which every true friend and subject of both wishes may long subsist. Your letter to the editor of the Leyden Gazette, written upon your seeing Mr. s first publication, fell into my hands about a fortnight ago. I published it with a few loose observations in one of our news papers. I have since had the pleasure of being in formed, that you have sent to congress a reply to Deane s accusations, which has given great satisfac tion to impartial men. I foresaw soon after his arri val, that your lot would be to suffer persecution for a while. This is frequently the portion of good men, but they are never substantially injured by it. Our friend and your late colleague,* in his letter to me, has mentioned you in the most honourable as well as * John Adams. 228 LIFE OF the most friendly terms. I should have written to him by this opportunity, but I am led by yours to be lieve that my letter would not reach him. But if he should be in France when you receive this letter, pray mention my friendly regards to him, and let him know that his lady and family are in health. The young gentleman who carries this letter is Mr. William Knox, brother to the general, and has the character of an honest friend to the liberties of his country ; your kind notice of him as such, will oblige me. I have many things to say to you; but the short notice I have had of the sailing of this packet, leaves me no time to add more than to assure you that 1 am, with perfect sentiments of friendship, yours, &c. SAMUEL ADAMS. Arthur Lee, Esq." " PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 26th, 1777. My Dear Sir, Your several letters, with their en closures, came to my hand. And although I have not hitherto acknowledged to you the receipt of them, I assure you I have been and am still improving the in telligence you have given me to the best of my pow er, for the advantage of this country. From our for mer correspondence you have known my sentiments. I have not altered them in a single point, either with regard to the great cause we are engaged in, or to you, who have been an early, vigilant, and active sup porter of it. While you honour me with your confi dential letters, I feel and will freely express to you my obligation. To have answered them severally, would have led me to subjects of great delicacy; and the miscarriage of my letters might have proved de trimental to our important affairs. It was needless for me to run the risk for the sake of writing ; for I ARTHUR LEE. 229 presume you have been made fully acquainted with the state of our public affairs by the committee. And as I have constantly communicated to your brother R. H. the contents of your letters to me, it was suffi cient on that score for him only to write, for he thinks as 1 do. The Marquis de la Fayette, who does me the ho nour to take this letter, is this moment going; which leaves me time only to add, that I am and will be your friend, because I know you love our country and mankind. I beg you to write to me by every opportunity. Adieu, my dear sir, SAMUEL ADAMS. Arthur Lee, Esq." "BOSTON, Nov. 21st, 1782. My Dear Sir, In the late session of our general court, and in the hurry of important business, a peti tion was presented signed William Burgess, praying to be naturalized. This gentleman very lately arriv ed from England, by way of Holland. The senate declined sustaining his petition, and gave him leave to withdraw it. A few clays after, an authenticated resolution of congress came to hand, recommending it to the states not to admit any British subject what ever. Yet this man has had interest enough to pre vail on the assembly to permit him to go to congress, to have it decided there whether he comes within the meaning of their resolution, because his arrival here was prior to the reception of the resolution by this government. If it should be thought there was in this instance a want of attention, it must be imputed to the* circumstance I first mentioned. The general court had before directed his departure from the state ; VOL. ii. 29 230 LIFE OP requesting the governor however, to allow him conve nient time to prepare for his voyage, which appeared to me a sufficient indulgence. Some of our good citizens are disgusted at the favour shown to Mr. B. They say that being a partner with Messrs. Cham pion and Dickinson, the latter of whom is reported to have been always inimical to America by his residence here, he will probably be instrumental in the importa tion of as many English goods as he will be able to vend; or in other words, that the new house in Bos ton will be nearly if not quite as convenient in the time of war, as the old house in London was in time of peace. Whether there will be any danger, con gress will judge. Jealousy is a necessary political virtue, especially in times like these. Such a plan would gratify those among us who are still hankering after the onions of Egypt, and would sacrifice our great cause to the desire of gain. What need is there of our admitting (to use the language of congress) any British subject whatever? Congress surely had some good reason when they so earnestly cautioned us against it. Our citizens are in more danger of being seduced by art, than subjugated by arms. I give you this notice that you may have an opportunity of con versing on the subject in your patriotic circles (if you think it worth while) in season. Mr. B. will set off next week in company with one of our new delegates, who I am satisfied will favour his cause. My friend ly regards to Dr. Shippen, and my old friends in con gress, if any such are there. Adieu. Believe me to be very affectionately your friend, SAMUEL ADAMS. Hon. Doct. Lee." ARTHUR LEE. 231 " BOSTON, Nov. 21st, 1782. My Dear Sir, The bearer, General Whipple, just called on me in his way from Portsmouth to Philadel phia. He was formerly a member of congress. Give me leave to introduce him to you as ours and our country s friend. I am very affectionately yours, SAMUEL ADAMS. Arthur Lee^ Esq." " BOSTON, Dec. 2d, 1782. My Dear Sir, A friend of mine to whom I give entire credit, who lived many years in Canada, and was well acquainted with the bearer of this letter, re quests me to introduce him to you. After a long confinement in prison in Quebec, where he was used with great severity, he found means to make his es cape, and came to this town. He is a Frenchman by birth, and was a very respectable merchant in Cana da. When the attempt was made to gain that coun try in 1775, he privately aided our forces; the suspi cion of which rendered him obnoxious to the British government, and was the real cause of his suffering. He will inform you of the state and circumstances of British affairs there, and will tell you it is an easy thing to unite that province with these states. Possi bly he may be influenced in some degree by a just re sentment of the ill-treatment he has received; but other intelligent persons acquainted with the people of Canada, have zealously affirmed the same to me. If it be so, it is hoped that a favourable opportunity to effect it will be embraced, if any such should of- 232 LIFE OF fer. I need not hint to you the importance of that object. Adieu, Your friend, SAMUEL ADAMS. Arthur Lee, Esq," "BOSTON, Feb. 10th, 1783. My Dear Sir, It is a long time since I had the pleasure of a letter from you. I hope you have not struck my name from the list of your correspondents. Mr. Stephen Higginson, who will deliver you this let ter, is appointed a delegate of this state. He is a sensible and very worthy man, and I think entertains sentiments like yours. I am persuaded you will find him a valuable member, if his great modesty and diffidence of himself will allow him to step for ward as far as his good understanding would lead him. I feel myself constrained to mention to you the present situation of Capt. Landais, though not at his request, or the smallest intimation from him. He re sides in this town, and sometimes calls to see me. As he appears to be an injured man, I wish that jus tice may be done to him ; and I am the more solicitous about it, as I was, with your worthy brother Mr. R. H. instrumental in his first appointment in the American navy. Congress granted him 12,000 livres as a com pensation for services he had performed, and ordered that he should be paid by Dr. F. in France; but for some reason which is or ought to be known, he has never received that sum. Much the greater part of his wages as commander of the Alliance remains un paid. A large sum due to him for prize-money is stopped in the hands of some person or persons in France ; which indeed is too common a complaint ARTHUR LEE. 23$ among those continental officers and seamen who have carried prizes into ports in Europe. He made a journey to Philadelphia to obtain a settlement of his accounts, and was offered by Mr. M. three months pay, and a certificate for the balance, which he would not accept, because he really wanted the whole of his wages to supply him with the necessaries of life. I am sure that your own feelings of justice and huma nity will plead an excuse for my troubling you with this detail. Perhaps his court-martial, by whose de cree he was broken, were too severe. If his conduct in his last passage from France was blameable, was not his mind to the greatest degree irritated by the treatment he met w r ith there? and shoulrl not reason able allowances have been made? He thinks it was an unrighteous decree. He may judge partially; I know nothing of the matter. If it was, is not the wound given to his honour sufficiently severe? But even if it was just, should not a discarded officer be immediately paid ? Should not congress demand the reason why the prize-money has not been paid to those to whom it has been long due? Complaints of this kind have to my knowledge spread from Phila delphia to Boston. I am concerned for the honour of congress. These complaints may appear of little con sequence; but I am afraid if they continue unattend ed to, they will cast a dark shade over the public character. The state of Landais affairs will appear in his own memorial to congress, which was re jected, and perhaps may be on the files. You will oblige me if you will interest yourself (if leisure will admit of it) as far as you may think just, in his fa vour. I have been applied to by some of the inhabitants of the island of Nantucket, and have promised them to write to my friend respecting the whale fishery. These people have been usually employed in that 234 LIFE OF branch of business chiefly. They have greatly reduced the number of their vessels, since the commencement of the war, by which means they say they are reduced to great distress and wish for some indulgence from congress. Whether this can be consistently granted, and in what manner, you will judge. The delegates of this state, I believe, can inform you more particu larly of this matter. You are sensible of the absolute dependence of this state upon the fishery for its trade, and how great an advantage will accrue from it to the United States, if they intend ever to have a navy. I hope our peacemakers are instructed by all means to secure a common ri^ht in it. O My respects to the Hon. Mr. Izard, if at Phila delphia, and other friends. Adieu, and believe me very affectionately yours, SAMUEL ADAMS. Hon. Arthur Lee." " BOSTON, April 22nd, 1773. Sir, It is sometime since I had the pleasure of any of your favours; I embrace this opportunity to transmit you a number of pamphlets containing the governor s speeches, and answers of both houses to the same, upon the supreme authority of parliament. The two houses were forced into this dispute, and could not avoid it, without tacitly giving in to senti ments and opinions that they held to be erroneous and false. If this is a question that the ministry would have preferred not to agitate at this time, they must clear the house of any blame. However if any high measures should be taken with respect to this province, in consequence of it, it ought well to be considered that it is a question that nearly and equally affects all the colonies, and what is done by way of punishment to any particular colony, will be ARTHUR LEE. considered as if done to all, and consequently will, it is probable be resented by all ; and will as firmly unite us in measures to obtain redress, as any one thing I can well conceive of. The house of burgesses of the government of Virginia, as you will find by the en closed paper, have upon this occasion passed a num ber of resolves, appointing a standing committee of correspondence and enquiry, to correspond and commu nicate with their sister colonies in America, respect ing the acts and resolutions of the British parliament ; and have directed their speaker to transmit them to the speakers of the different assemblies through the continent, and request them to appoint similar committees. There is no doubt that most of the colo nies if not all. will come into the like resolutions; and some imagine if the colonies are not soon relieved, a congress will grow out of this measure. The ques tion that the governor has lately started and been so open and explicit upon, has arrested the attention of the whole continent ; we are continually receiving letters from some principal gentlemen in the other governments, highly approbating the answers of both houses, so that we have the happiness to find that we are not alone in our sentiments upon this important subject. I remain with respect your most humble servant, THOMAS GUSHING. Arthur Lee, Esq. P. S. 1 write in confidence, and should not choose to have my name mentioned with respect to what I have now written. Yours, T. GUSHING." 236 LIFE OF " BOSTON, Sept. 20th, 1773. Sir, The latter end of June last I wrote you that the house of representatives had directed Dr. Frank lin to employ you as council in support of their peti tion to the king for the removal of the governor and lieutenant governor, THOMAS GUSHING." " PROVINCE MASSACHUSETTS BAY, June 25th, 1773. Sir, I have received the commands of the house of representatives of this province to inform you that they have lately had divers letters signed Thomas Hutchinson, And. Oliver, &c. laid before them, and that they have voted as their sense, that the tendency and design of said letters appear to have been to over throw the constitution of this government and to in troduce arbitrary power into this province. They have also agreed upon and passed an address to his majesty, praying that his excellency Thomas Hutch inson, governor, and the Hon. Andrew Oliver, lieu tenant governor of this province, may be removed from the posts they hold within this government, which they have directed Dr. Franklin to lay before his majesty ; and have also directed him to employ you as counsel upon this occasion, and as the persons afore-mentioned have by this their conduct rendered themselves very obnoxious to the people and have entirely lost their confidence, they doubt not you will employ your interest and influence to support the petition above-mentioned, and do all in your power that it may have the desired effects. I am with great respect your humble servant, THOMAS GUSHING, Speaker. Arthur Lee, Esq. ARTHUR LEE. 237 P. S. Enclosed you have a news-paper, contain ing the house s resolves on your letter above referred to." "BOSTON, Sept, 20th, 1773. Sir, The latter end of June last I wrote you that the house of representatives had directed Franklin to employ you as their counsel in support of their pe tition to the king, for the removal of the governor and lieutenant governor, since which I have received your favour of the 10th June. I observe the governor by reviving the late dispute, has lost credit on your side of the water, as well as on ours. The ministry, I understand, are greatly chagrined at his officiousness, their intention having been to let all controversy sub side, and by degrees to suffer things to return to their old channels. This dispute, though it may in some 1 measure retard the redress of our grievances, has upon the whole been of advantage to America. We have gained ground by it. However, I entirely agree with you in sentiment, that it is not worth our while to press this matter too far at this time. You possi- hly observe that the government at home are daily growing weaker, while we in America are continual ly growing stronger. Our natural increase in wealth and population will in a course of years effectually settle this dispute in our favour ; whereas, if we per sist in strenuously denying the right of parliament to legislate for us in any case whatever, and insist upon their yielding up this right, they may think us very extravagant in our demands, and hence there will be great danger of bringing on a rupture fatal to both countries ; whereas, if these high points about the supreme authority of parliament, were to fall asleep, and administration would desist from the ex ercise of this right, and the present system of Ame- VOL. n. 30 238 LIFE pF rican laws and regulations adopted on the idea of rais ing a revenue in America, were abolished, I should think Great Britain would regain the affection of the people of America, retrieve her commerce, and recall that confidence in her wisdom and justice, which is so necessary for the mutual interests of both coun tries. I cannot agree with in the sentiment that Lord Dartmouth is the kind of man that will never do any good. I have lately been favoured with a letter from his lordship. His sentiments are truly noble and generous. They well comport with his high station, and fully justify that confidence which his majesty s subjects in America repose in his wis dom and justice. He seems disposed and desirous of having union and harmony between both countries restored upon a fair, candid, and equitable footing. At the same time I am fully of opinion that it is to ourselves we ought to trust, and not to the persons who may be in power on your side the water, and I hope we shall always act with prudence and firmness. Notwithstanding it may have been represented to his majesty that the doctrines contained in the house s answer to the governor s speech, were to be imputed to a few men of artifice who mislead it, administra tion ought to know the men who made and passed those answers, are not men of artifice, but as Lord Coke says of the ancient commons, they were grave and sad men, and men of property ; that they and the present house were and are willing that these points should fall asleep ; but when the governor put them in such a situation that either they must speak out or by their silence concede and give up their rights, they judged and will always judge it their duty, respect fully and modestly, yet plainly to assert them. This province will not be judged by pensioned judges, and look upon it an intolerable grievance and infraction of our charter to have an independent governor. ARTHUR LEE. 239 Please enquire how this matter stands with respect to our judges. Some time ago it seems the king in council passed an order for their being allowed certain salaries, but it was uncertain then and is now whether ever the warrants lor their payment were issued. I believe this matter was suspended upon Lord Dart mouth s appointment. Please enquire and let me know by the first oppor tunity how this matter is situated ; whether warrants are likely to issue for their payment. In great haste I conclude, with respect your most humble servant, THOMAS GUSHING." " BOSTON, Oct. 28th, 1773. Sir, Since my last I have not been favoured with any of yours. Dr. Franklin writes me he thinks of leaving England very soon; and informs me that some time before his departure he shall put the pro vince papers in your hands, where I doubt not they will be advantageously placed for the province. He speaks very handsomely of Dr. Lee, from whence I conclude there is a good understanding between you and the Dr., which gives me great pleasure. He has discovered himself to be an able, disin terested defender of the rights of the Americans ; and I believe has been sincerely attached to the in terests and prosperity of the province. I now transmit you a journal of the house of representatives of the last sessions, as also a ser mon preached before the general assembly by a Mr. Turner the last May, of which I crave your ac ceptance. The parliament it seems at their last session did nothing for the relief of America. I hope the ad- 240 LIFE OF ministration will advise to it the next session. A war it is apprehended is near at hand. Our aids will then be wanted, consequently our friendship will be wanted, and our claims attended to. It is against this event, as you very justly observe, we should be prepared ; that the opportunity of vindicating our rights may not pass away unimproved. But I am not without my fears that when this crisis arrives, the co lonies, considering how differently they are constitut ed, will widely differ about their rights. It would be well, if whenever requisitions are made for men and money, they could all agree upon one and the same an swer, and on insisting upon the same rights. Some have thought that if the several assemblies through the continent should firmly agree with each other not to grant any aids to the crown in a general war, until the whole system of American laws and regulations adopted upon the idea of raising a revenue in Ame rica, is abolished, it would fully answer the purpose of the colonies, and would be doing as much as it could rationally be expected they would unite in, and would be demanding as much as could rationally be expected Great Britain would at present grant. They further agree that if the administration could once be brought to renounce and desist from the present sys tem, which has occasioned so much trouble to both countries, they would never attempt its resumption. Others have thought that the colonies ought to go further, and not to grant any aids until the declara tory act, passed immediately after the stamp act, was repealed, and Great Britain agree that she has not a right to make laws to bind America in any case what ever. But these terms it is thought by many would not be insisted upon by all the colonies, if by any ; and if they should, it is pretty certain they W 7 ould never be complied with by Great Britain, but would rather be considered as a plain indication that the colonies ARTHUR LEE. 241 were not disposed to come to any settlement with Great Britain, but chose to be entirely independent of her, and that there would be great danger of a fa tal rupture, and of prematurely bringing on a contest, to which, if the Americans were not found equal, that authority thus disputed, would by the event be more strongly established ; and if they should prove supe rior, yet by the division, the general strength of the British nation would be greatly diminished ; whereas the daily increasing strength in wealth and numbers, and the growing importance of America to Great Britain would in a little time secure us all we want, in peace and safety to both countries. I should be glad of your free and candid sentiments on these subjects. You are on the spot, and can get acquainted with the prejudices, opinions, and senti ments of those, who it is probable will be the princi pal hands in settling the dispute between Great Bri tain and the colonies; and therefore must be best able to judge what terms it will be best and most expedient for the Americans to propose, and insist upon ; what it is most likely they will obtain; and what it is most probable Great Britain will concede. A connexion between Great Britain and the colonies is what every good man must ardently wish may be obtained and preserved; but then it ought to be upon just and equi table terms. I conclude, with great respect, your obedient ser vant, THOMAS GUSHING." 242 LIFE OF LETTERS OF JOHN ADAMS. " BREST, March 24th, 1779. Dear Sir, I have this moment the honour of yours of the loth. I am perfectly of your opinion, that we have yet a hard battle to fight. The struggle will yet be long and painful ; and the difficulty of it will arise from nothing more than the weak disposition in our countrymen, as well as our allies, to think it will be short. Long before this war began I expected a se vere trial; but I never foresaw so much embarrass ment from selfishness, vanity, and corruption, as I find. If these proceed much longer in their career, it will not be worth the while of men of virtue to make themselves miserable by continuing in the service. If they leave it, the American system of flattery and cor ruption will still prevail over the British. But there will be an end of our virtuous visions of a kingdom of the just. I wrote Mr. Israel from Nantes. My regards to him and your brother. I am no hand at a cypher, but will endeavour to unriddle if you write in it. With much esteem, your humble servant, JOHN ADAMS. Hon. A. Lee." " PARIS, May 25th, 1780. Dear Sir, Your kind favour of April 12th is yet unanswered. With nothing at all to do, I am as busy as ever I was in my life. Whether any good will re sult from it, time must discover. I have undertaken to inform congress a little more particularly than they are wont to be informed, of some things that have passed in Europe which may ultimately affect them ; but I find it is in vain to put my eyes out by writing, ARTHUR LEE. 243 for when letters are written we can t get them across the water. I have however sworn, and I will per form, if it is possible to get letters to them by the way of Spain, or Holland, or any other way ; let the ex pense be what it will, they shall go. I have a very good opinion of Count Sarsefeild, and have the honour to see him sometimes, though not so often as I wish. Too many unsuitable characters it is very certain have been permitted to meddle in our affairs ; but when or how it will be remedied, God only knows. In a country where every thing goes and is done by protection, and where the motives of government are the direct opposites of ours, I see no prospect of having it otherwise, let who will be in or out. As to jobs, I never had and never will have any thing to do in any, let the consequence to me and my family be what it will. The trusts with which you and I have been honoured by our country, are too sa cred to be tarnished by the little selfish intrigues, in which the little insects about a court are eternally buzzing. If I had neither a sense of duty, nor the pride of virtue, nor any other pride, if I had no high er principle or quality than vanity, it would mortify this, in an extreme degree, to sully and debase so pure a cause by any such practices. On the characters you mention I shall never con descend to bestow my confidence, nor my resentment, nor contempt. They have ever been treated by me, and ever will be, with justice and civility, but they will never be my friends. I have received a letter by the way of for you, which I do myself the honour to enclose. I was in hopes you would have been at congress before now. Your situation must be disagreeable, but I know by experience it can be borne. Pray how do you relish Clinton s letter? I think the policy of 244 LIFE OF France and Spain is pointed out by it in sun-beams. I hope they will profit by it. They seemed to be con vinced of it before the letter arrived. They have now the testimony of our enemy to the truth and justice of what you and I had the honour to repre sent to them, in conjunction with our colleague, last January was twelve months. I am, with much esteem, &c., yours, JOHN ADAMS. Hon. A. Lee." " THE HAGUE, Aug. 29, 1782. Dear Sir, I have a great mind to envy your situa tion, or to wish myself with you in congress, where I should have less anxiety, and more health, if not an opportunity to do more good. The mynheers have overcome most of their terrors, and are now well fixed in the good system. They will hearken to no separate proposals, and therefore will make an important diversion in our favour, al though they should not succeed in their endeavours to excite the court to more strenuous exertions. We have succeeded to obtain a small loan. There is nearly a million and a half of guilders obtained, to be paid upon the receipt of the ratification of the con tract. The deputies of the provinces have generally re ceived their instructions concerning the treaty of com merce, and I am daily in conference upon the subject. It is slow work, but in time it will be finished to mu tual satisfaction, as I believe. Fitzherbert s powers are to treat with France, the States General, and the ministers of all other princi- pum et statuum quorum inter esse poterit. Mr. Brantzon s powers are to treat in concert with ARTHUR LEE. 245 France, and all the other powers at war with Eng land, but to agree to no peace or truce but in concur rence with them. I don t like very well the idea of our conferences before a British minister had powers to treat with the ministers of the United States in so many words; and think that if we had refused to treat till that time, Shelburne would have been forced to come into Fox s plan. Possibly however they may agree upon pre liminaries, but I have not very sanguine hopes of it. I should be very glad to hear from you as often as your important engagements will permit. Meantime I have the honour to be, with great esteem, your most obedient, JOHN ADAMS. Mr. Lee" "THE HAGUE, Oct. 10th, 1782. Dear Sir, I had the honour of yours of August 7th yesterday. The letters enclosed are sent to their destinations. I have long since taken such measures as depended on me, and shall continue to do all that decency will permit, to induce the states to send ministers to con gress. I am convinced it will not be done before the next spring. To give you a complete detail of the reasons of this, would be a tedious labour, without use. It is sufficient to say, that every thing is done against the inclination cf the court, and they cannot agree upon the man to send. All the patriots fix upon Vander Capellan de Poll, or Van Berchel, who is the fittest; but both are obnoxious to the court, who are disposed to delay and retard every thing which tends to cement the two republics. It is not an easy thing to ascertain with precision VOL. n. 31 246 LIFE OF the true boundary between independence and uncom- plaisance; but in this I feel in myself, and I see in every body else, quite as much disposition to be un- complaisant, as is reconcilable with independence ; it is however of more importance to be one, than the other. It gives me infinite pleasure to learn, that Mr. Jay is of this sentiment. Mr. Dana s sentiments may be learnt from an extract of a letter from him to me of the 16th Sept. He says: In my letter of the 30th August I told you I was no longer at liberty to pursue a course like that you pointed out to me in yours of the 7th of the said month; that my late in structions were clear and decided, and that I was glad of it ; for had the matter been left to my discretion, I should have taken a course not wholly unlike that you mention to me. I had prepared every thing for the decisive step, and should have taken it against the opinion of, you know whom; because my sentiments fully coincide with yours, so far as they respect the dignity of the United States; which I have all along thought would suffer nothing from an open and firm policy, and that their views and interests would be promoted and established much earlier by means of it. I venture to assert, that had you hearkened to the ad vice that was given you when I was in Holland, not one of the United Provinces would at this time have acknowledged our independence; nay more, the mi nor party would have been the prevailing one, and in all probability affairs would have worn a different countenance in Europe, and we should have seen, through the aid of mediation, &,c., a separate peace concluded between Great Britain and Holland. I am sensible, as I told you before, of the difference of our situations; yet this difference does not in my opinion necessarily require a system absolutely the reverse- The same engines indeed icannot be set at work here. 5 ARTHUR LEE. 247 The instruction that you say subjects us to the French ministry, has never been communicated to rne. I cannot believe that any such has been given. I sus pect you put too strong a construction on it. Con gress would have a very modest unconsciousness of their own abilities, to subject themselves or their mi nisters to any body. There is not in my opinion a body of men in Europe more enlightened than con gress, nor a minister in Europe superior to three of theirs, viz: Mr. Jay, Mr. Laurens, and Mr. Dana; at least 1 have not yet had the honour of finding him out, if there is such a minister. The abilities of ministers which produce events, do not consist in dress, horses, balls, nor cards. I was never in my life clearer in any opinion than I am in this, that it would serve our cause for Mr. Dana to communicate his mission to the minister of the empress of Russia, and to the ministers of the several courts of neutral powers at Petersburg. I think he would not be refused. The matter would be taken into consideration, and might be long de layed. But if he were refused, it would be upon the principle of neutrality ; and even this refusal would be infinitely less hurtful to our reputation, than to have a minister in Europe with a commission in his pocket, and prohibited to make use of it. It is now known that he has such a commission, as much as if he communicated it, which he might do in confidence. It is not consistent in congress, as I humblyfappre- hend, to send ministers to Europe, and then tie their hands, subjecting them to the French ministry. I say it freely, chaining them hand and foot. These chains I will never wear ; they would be so galling to me, that I could never bear them. I will never however be wanting in civility or complaisance to those ministers knowingly. I shall ever esteem it an honour and a happiness, to 248 LIFE OF receive the news and the politics of the times from you. Give me leave to assure you, that I have the honour of being your friend and humble servant, JOHN ADAMS. Hon. Arthur Lee." "PARIS, April 12lh, 1783. Dear Sir, We have had a very dull pause since the peace ; no news from America, and a stagnation in England, which has left us in a painful state of uncertainty. Now indeed the ministry are arranged for a little while, and Mr. Hartley is expected over to finish the negotiation. You know him, he is talka tive and disputatious, and not always intelligible ; so that I expect we shall be longer about the business than is necessary. I am not able to conceive how a ministry composed of parts so heterogeneous, can go on with business. It cannot be expected to be solid and durable. Mr. Fox professes to mean to finish soon and liberally, but I know not what opposition and contradiction he may meet in the cabinet. I confess I don t like the change at all. Shelburne and his set would have gone through well. Mr. Laurens, who is in London, seems pleased with the change ; at least he was with the prospect a few days before it took place ; and he seems to think the tories are not so much regarded as we feared. Shelburne did the best thing of his whole life when he made peace, and the vote against him does no honour to his opponents. The peace is really much better for England than she had a right to ex pect ; and the continuance of the war would have been ruin. This the present set are sensible of; but truth is a small sacrifice to faction. The vote of dis satisfaction with the peace is a disagreeable event, ARTHUR LEE. 249 and one knows not what effect it may have. I don t believe it could ever have been carried, if a treaty of commerce had been signed on the 30th Nov. Why the commission for making such a treaty was revoked without issuing another, you must ask Mr. Marbois. I know not. I think however you cannot too soon send a minister to London, to arrange finally a system of commerce, and to watch over all your interests in that country. French politics are now incessantly at work in England, and we may depend upon it, they labour less for our good than their own. If our in terests were the same with theirs, we might better trust them ; yet not entirely, for they do not under stand their own interests so well as we do ours. Con gress will never adopt a right system of foreign affairs, until they consider their interests as distinct, and keep them separate from those of all other nations. One essential part of the business and duty of their minis ters is, to watch French politicians as well as English, to co-operate with them where they coincide with our system, and to counteract them where they inter fere with it. Albeit this has ever been my opinion; it was so when I was in congress in 1775, 1776, and 1777, and every day s experience in Europe, in every country, in every department, has afforded something in confirmation of it. I have acted in conformity to it at every risk; and considering the furious wrath it has occasioned, and the violent efforts to demolish me, with wonderful success. But the success would have been much more complete, if congress had ad hered to the system as steadily as I did. With great esteem and respect sir, your most obe dient and most humble servant, JOHN AD^MS. Arthur Lee, Esq." 250 LIFE OF " THE HAGUE, April 6th, 1784. Dear Sir, Your favour of the J4th January was brought me yesterday. I have been obliged to come here in order to raise money for the payment of bills to a large amount, which Mr. Morris drew at a ven ture, and have at length succeeded, but it is so lately that I have not yet joined my colleagues in Paris, and I am undetermined whether I shall go there before the commission you mention arrives, to treat with such nations as desire it, which are indeed all mari time nations ; at present we have no power to treat. I wish a secretary of foreign affairs appointed, and that you may be the man. There is no man in Ame rica, so well acquainted with our foreign affairs, and surely they require a man of some experience. Mr. Jay merits every thing you meditate for him, and his country merits to have him placed where his abilities and fortitude may be a barrier to her whenever she is in danger. The new order of chivalry has given me many a melancholy hour. It is a deep design to overturn the whole edifice of our republican liberty, but as I know the officers do not mean this, and were not aware of it, I hope they will lay it voluntarily aside ; if they do not, knights will make barons, earls, viscounts, marquises, and dukes ; and these, princes and kings in a very short time. I have heretofore expressed your regards to Mr. Jay, and will do it again as you desire ; they have been and will be very acceptable to him. A friend of mine in Massachusetts, in a let ter some months ago, gave me a confused hint that Franklin had written to somebody, at me, or towards me, or against me, or about me ; but I could make nothing of it, and did not know until I received your letter that he had written against me to congress. ARTHUR LEE. 251 What he can have said, after allowing me to be sen sible and honest, as you say he does, I am curious to know. Mr. Dana s arrival in Boston is to me a most joyful event. He has been cruelly treated. No man has a clearer insight into the secret springs of our foreign affairs ; no man is more honestly attached to his country ; few men more judicious arid able. But in all our foreign affairs honos pro crimine et ob virtutes certissimum vitium. The times for the future will be better ; but no man employed abroad will ever enjoy that sweet security which you have in perfection in America. Let me say one word in fav 7 our of Sir James Idy, to whom as a physician I am under obli gations for his kind, faithful, and able assistance in a violent fever, which the putrid streets of Paris, added to a long journey in very hot weather, and too close an application to writing, brought upon me last fall. I have every reason to think that he has been a faith ful American throughout, and not the smallest reason to suspect him. I say this because I am informed he has been suspected by the *** of the state *** of New-York. You will oblige me by writing as often as you can , I have suffered much for want of intelli gence from congress. It is a long time since we re ceived any of the journals. The arts, which have been practised to embroil American ministers, secre taries, &c. have been more black, more wicked, and more deep *** since you left Europe, than I ever knew them while you were here. The vilest *** have been employed to write anonymous letters con taining the wickedest lies. Spies have been set ; the most private conversations betrayed and misrepre sented, in short we have all been in an inquisition. All have not had sufficient caution and sagacity to avoid the snares. It was never a pleasant service. 252 LIFE OF But all these attempts have failed of their final object." JOHN ADAMS." " AUTEUIL, near Paris, Jan. 31, 1785. Dear Sir, I have received your favour of the 12th of August from New- York, and by the Marquis de la Fayette, who visited me last night, I have the plea sure to learn that you have finished your negotiations with the Indians, to the satisfaction and advantage of the public. I learn too with great pleasure that your brother has accepted a seat in congress and in the chair ; permit me to congratulate you upon both events. I am apprehensive that the Indian trade will suffer, the posts upon the frontiers be withheld from us, and every interest we have in dispute with the English will suffer from the unalterable resolution of congress not to send a minister to London. The British court will never treat with us here, and every American who expects it deceives himself. I am not well enough acquainted with the history of the late financier to know whether 1 agree with you in opin ion of him or not. Has he settled or produced his accounts of the commercial committee or not ? Has he produced his accounts of his administration of financier ? I cannot guess the reason why he should be so attached to the French and Franklinian interest as you think he is. He certainly has received little or no aid from either. The bills he drew upon Mr. Grand would have gone back protested, if I had not procured the money to pay them. More than six hundred thousand pounds sterling have I furnished him, in the most profitable manner possible, not in soldiers clothes, or arms, but in dollars from the Ha- vannah, and in cash received at Philadelphia for bills ARTHUR LEE. 253 of exchange sold at a handsome profit, and another hundred thousand pounds is ready for him, if he has not already drawn for it, as it is probable he has. In short his whole operations for two years past have been supported by me, and nothing at all has been done towards it by French or Franklin. I am happy to learn that Mr. Jay will probably accept the foreign affairs, which he understands well and can conduct wisely. My new partner is an old friend and coad jutor, whose character I studied nine or ten years ago, and which I do not perceive to be altered ; the same industry, integrity, and talents remain without diminution. 1 am very happy in him. But whether we. shall be able to accomplish any thing here I know not, any thing I mean which may make it worth while to keep us together. But if congress order us to separate, there will be the same good un derstanding and correspondence between us. I shall be happy to hear from you as you have leisure. Your friend and humble servant, JOHN ADAMS. Hon. Arthur Lee, Esq." " GROSVENOR SQUARE, WESTMINSTER, Sept. 6, 1785. Dear Sir, I received yesterday your favour of the 27th of July, and wish it were in my power to relieve your anxiety by giving you any comfortable hopes from this country. The national sense and public voice is decidedly against us in the whale trade and ship trade, and there are as yet but feeble parties for us in the West India trade and colony trade. I may say to you that if Ireland had not escaped from the snare we should have had a very dull prospect. I see no resource for us but in a navigation act. and this will not relieve us soon. Our merchants have en- VOL. ii. 32 254 LIFE OF slaved themselves to this country by the debts they have contracted. They are afraid to explore new channels of commerce, lest they should offend the British merchants, and be sued. But there is no choice left us. Our country must not be ruined in tenderness to those who have run imprudently too far into debt. As far as I can penetrate the hearts of the ministers, they are very far from being as they should be relative to us. Those of them who have acquired immense popularity, reputation, and influence by for mer professions of attachment to the American cause, as Cambden and Richmond, are much changed ; in short we have no party with us here. Yet indeed there is no party at present that dares declare very ex plicitly against us. All sides are as silent and myste rious as you can conceive them to be, and when I shall get any answer I cannot guess ; but I can confident ly guess that when it does come it will not be what it must finally be, in order to relieve us, and bring the two countries together in good humour. Ireland I think stands between us and evil. Her indocility may have changed the plans of the cabinet in many particulars. In short I do not believe there is any fixed plan, or will be any until the next budget shall be opened. The debt stands between Ireland and harm. This country is in a more critical situation than ours ; yet it may take two years to decide its fate. Many persons express anxious fears of distrac tions and anarchy ; others think they cannot stand under the burthen of the debt, but must lower the interest. The policy of our country is not perfect neither. The most fatal and egregious fault of all is leaving their debt in Holland and France unfunded. This error is so easily rectified that it is astonishing it is not done. This single step may protect us from a war, and confute forever the numberless calumnies which circulate now, and will never cease until that ARTHUR LEE. 255 is done. I have hitherto paid the interest in Holland out of the principal ; but this will be by and by im practicable, and then such a clamour and obloquy will succeed as will make us all ashamed of our selves. How will it be possible to vindicate the faith or the honour of our country ? You gave me great pleasure by your approbation of my son s conduct, and I am under great obligations to your brother for the notice he took of him. Count Sarsefeild, who has just now left me, is rejoiced at your appointment to the treasury, and desires me to present his regards to you. He leads the life of a peripatetic philosopher here, has done so since May, and will stay till October. He rambles with Lord Shelburne and Lord Harcourt, and is the happiest man I know. I have seen him two summers in Hol land. Observation and reflection are all his business, and his dinner and his friend, all his pleasure. If a man was born for himself alone, I should take him for a model. I am dear sir with great esteem your friend and servant, JOHN ADAMS, Hon. Arthur Lee," " THE HAGUE, Sept. 4th, 1785. Sir, A few days before leaving Paris I had the honour to receive your letter. Since that I have passed through London on my way to this place. The cause of my coming has been communicated to you some time ago, and I have nothing to say on that subject. Learning that a vessel is about to sail from Amsterdam for New-York in a few days, I profit of that occasion to send you a little of the reigning poli tics of this quarter of the globe. Three objects at 256 LIFE OP present occupy the minds of all here. I say all, be cause every one is deeply interested, and takes an active part in one or the other of the three. The first is the affair of the Scheld, which is now negoti ating, and in very fair train at Paris. 1 have here the most unquestionable information sir, that the matter will be accommodated in a very few days, and that an ultimate treaty with France will imme diately follow ; perhaps the last hand is this last mo ment putting to it. The conditions of this accom modation with the emperor cannot be known ; yet there is no douht I believe that the Scheld will not be opened in its greatest latitude, and in the manner the emperor wished it. It was to be wished for America, (I think) that he had succeeded. We should have been able then to have quoted this ex ample when we come to claim as we shall do, the free use of the Mississippi. The best claim however in these cases is that of force ; and this we shall probably have on our side. The second object consists in the internal commo tions of these provinces, occasioned by the two par ties, of patriots and ********. The design of the former is to clip what they think the unconstitutional exuberances of the princes power, of the latter to op pose them in every instance. The former are com posed of the middle rank of citizens, the latter of the higher and lower classes. The patriots are at pre sent the unquestionably predominant party, consisting however of a great variety of powers and characters opposed in principle and interest; their operations are slow, yet they form at present a powerful column that must be irresistible, if it can be kept firm and un broken. They have lately succeeded in abolishing the high council of war, and commissioners who are to enquire into the illegal growth of prerogative seem to promise a finishing stroke to overgrown power. ARTHUR LEE. 257 Yet history has furnished us with so many instances of the difficulty of wresting power from hands which have once possessed it, that we might be inclined to doubt the success of the patriotic party, as they are termed, if every day did not give some proof of their decided determination to persevere. At the head of them is Mr. Van Berkel, the brother of the minister in America ; he is aided by the pensionary of Dort, a gentleman of shining talents, and though young, of the most promising expectations. The most pene trating of the party consider themselves as indebted to the American war for opening their eyes and rous ing them from a lethargy into which they had fallen. A spirit of opposition has pervaded this middle rank of citizens ; volunteer corps are formed and disciplin ing. You observe their children even going through the exercise in playing about the streets, and every thing among them makes us recollect the year 1775 in America. This party views America with a vene rating partiality, and so much attached are they to our opposition that thejr seem fond of imitating us where- ever they can, and of drawing parallels between the similar circumstances in the two countries. Not long ago an officer of one of the patriotic corps lost the spirit of opposition, and went over to the opposite in terest ; he was immediately branded with the oppro~ brious name of the American Arnold. The Hague itself is not free from the violence of this party rage. The flame seems fanned here with additional force by foreign aid. It being the seat of all the foreign ministers, and they are forming a body which bears a considerable proportion to the town it self, their influence seems to be felt on the modes of thinking here. Thus they appear ranged in oppo site columns, and unite with this or that party as the interest of their court dictates. In this point of view the delightful seat of the prince and their high 258 LIFE OF mightinesses here, which seems formed for pleasure and agreeable society, is turned into a kind of poli tical field of battle, where the foreign troops are headed on one side by the French, and on the other by the English ambassador. Yet very much for the honour of these two gentlemen, notwithstanding they are thus necessarily opposed and forced to be active against each other, they preserve the warmest per sonal friendship. This was cultivated during their residence at Petersburgh, and seerns to have lost nothing of its sincerity by being translated to the Hague. It is really a pleasing sight, as it does hon our to these politicians to see the Marquis de Verce and Sir James Harris assembling at each other s houses, in the appearance of the greatest intimacy, on the evening of the same mornings that they have been exerting all their talents and putting every en gine of intrigue in motion to destroy the plans of each other. It will be of great importance to America that the minister she is about to have here should know how to *** a perfect neutrality between these violent par ties foreign and domestic ; and from the character alone of the gentleman lately appointed we have every reason to hope it will be done. I think it requires little foresight to see that if Ame rica is represented with prudence and circumspection for a few years in the different courts of Europe, she will necessarily have thrown into her hands such a balancing power as will enable her to secure very great advantage for herself in a variety of commercial objects ; and these alone seem to be worthy of her attention. I have said so much to you already, that I fear to add more on the third head of which I spoke above, than to say it is what is called the signed on the 23d of last month by the king of Prussia, the ARTHUR LEE. 259 elector of Saxony, and the elector of Brunswick and Lunenburg. This has been explained to their high mightinesses a few days ago by a declaration of the king of Prussia. 1 have the honour to be with great esteem your most obedient and humble servant, JOHN ADAMS. Hon. Arthur Lee, Esq." " BRAINTREE, July 18, 1788. Dear Sir, I am much obliged to you for your kind congratulations on my arrival, and Mrs. Adams re turns you her compliments and thanks. The accession of Virginia to the new constitution is a great event. You and I should not materially differ, I fancy, if we were to compare notes of a per fect commonwealth. But I consider the present pro ject, as a commencement of a national government, to be a valuable acquisition. What would Aristotle and Plato have said if any one had talked to them of a federative republic of thirteen states, inhabiting a country of five hundred leagues in extent ? The new government must act with caution and make itself felt by its beneficence, or we shall have a new convention for amendments. It is a severe mortification to me to find so many of my old friends in opposition. But this should not surprise me, as I have always differed very materially from them in opinion, on the best plan of government. I am dear sir with great esteem your most obedient servant, JOHN ADAMS. The Hon. Arthur Lee, Esq." 260 LIFE OF " PASSY, Oct. 10, 1778. Dear Sir, I have sometimes complained that hav ing no place suited for the public papers, nor any per son to keep them in order, was a great inconvenience and interruption to the public business ; I had wished to have the papers in my chamber, as they are in dis order, and several going to them at pleasure, taking out some and removing others, was as making me in a sort responsible for the order which I could not pre serve, and for papers themselves, which I could not secure. Besides that it occasioned continual appli cations to me alone, and necessitated me TO spend a great part of my time writing orders, notes, copies of letters, passports, and twenty other things, which ought at all times to be written by our clerks; at least as long as it is thought necessary to put the public to the expense of keeping so many. I have not asked Dr. Franklin s opinion concerning your pro posal of a room in your house for the papers, and an hour to meet there, because I know it would be in vain ; for I think it must appear to him more unequal still. It cannot be expected that two should go to one, when it is as easy again for one to go to two ; not to mention Dr. Franklin s age, his rank in the country or his character in the world ; nor that nine tenths of the public letters are constantly brought to this house, and will ever be carried where Dr. Frank lin is. I will venture to make a proposition in my turn, in which I am very sincere ; it is that you would join families with us. There is room enough in this house to accommodate us all. You shall take the apartments which belong to me at present, and I will content myself with the library room and the next to it. Appoint a room for business, any that you please, mine or another, a person to keep the ARTHUR LEE. 261 papers, and certain hours to do business. This ar rangement will save a large sum of money to the public, and as it would give us a thousand opportuni ties of conversing together, which now we have not, and by having but one place for our countrymen and others to go to, W 7 ho have occasion to visit us, would greatly facilitate the public business. It would re move the reproach we lie under, of which I confess myself very much ashamed, of not being able to agree together, and would make the commission more re spectable, if not in itself, yet in the estimation of the English, the French, and the American nations ; and I am sure if we judge by the letters we receive, it wants to be made more respectable, at least in the eyes of many persons of this country. If it is any objection to this, that we live here at no rent, I will agree with you in fixing the rent or leave the house. As I suppose the proposal I made of appointing Mr. W. F. Franklin to take care of the papers, occasioned your letter of the 6th instant, I cannot conclude this answer to it, without repeating that proposal. This appointment can be but temporary, as a secretary will probably arrive from congress ere long. But in the mean time Mr. Franklin, who keeps papers in good order, and writes very well, may be of more service to us than he is at present. We will then have a right to call upon him to do business, and we shall know what situation he is in, and what reward he is to have. I agree perfectly with you that an hour should be fixed for business, and 1 beg leave to pro pose nine o clock in the morning ; to which hour, and from thence to any other hour in the day you please, I will endeavour to be punctual. If you have any objection to this hour, you will be so good as to name another. I am dear sir, with an earnest desire and settled determination to cultivate an harmony, nay more a VOL. u. 33 262 LIFE OF friendship, with both my colleagues, as far as I can consistently with the public service, and with great respect and esteem, your friend and colleague, JOHN ADAMS. The Hon. Arthur Lee." LETTERS FROM GENERAL WARREN. " BOSTON, Dec. 21st, 1773. Sir, My respected friend, Mr. Adams, informs me of the honour he has done me by mentioning my name to you in his letters. I can by no means lose so fair an opportunity of opening a corrsepondence with one to whom America is under such great obligations. Be assured sir, we are not insensible to your merits. The clear manner in which you have treated the dispute between Great Britain and this country, has we doubt not enlightened many in the parent state, as well as in this country. But nothing seems able to penetrate the Egyptian darkness, which is so palpable in the court atmosphere. We have long waited for some thing wise and good in the public counsels of the na tion; at least we hoped that chance would lead to some measures, which if not so designed, might event ually have produced some agreeable effects. But hitherto the unpropitious star which rules unhappy Britain, has disappointed our wishes ; every step taken by the administration has increased the distance between her and the colonies ; and I fear that unless a speedy alteration is made in the system of Ameri can policy, a few years will render us as indifferent to the interest of the mother-country, as to that of any other state in Europe. However, as it is my firm opinion that a connexion upon constitutional principles may be kept up between the two countries, ARTHUR LEE. 263 at least for centuries to come, advantageous andlho- nourable to both, I always respect the man who en deavours to heal the wound, by pointing out proper remedies, and to prevent the repetition of the stroke, by fixing a stigma on the instrument by which it was inflicted. This country is inhabited by a people loy al to their king, and faithful to themselves; none will more cheerfully venture their lives and fortunes for the honour and defence of the prince who reigns in their hearts, and none will with more resolution op pose the tyrant who dares to invade their rights. From this short but true character of this people, it is easy to see in what manner a wise king or a saga cious minister would treat them. But ! Mr. Adams will give you a full account of the tea shipped by the East India company for this place. It is now in the power of that company to make the use of Dutch tea as unpopular in this country as they can desire. They may easily, by a proper application to an all powerful ministry, lay the colonies under such obligations, as would be greatly to the company s ad vantage. But it is certain that the whole navy of Britain will not prevent the introduction of Dutch tea, nor will her armies prevail with us to use the English tea, while the act imposing a duty on that ar ticle remains unrepealed. I congratulate you on the honour conferred on your brother by the city of London ; in distinguishing merit, they honour them selves. This will be presented to you by Dr. Williamson, who has laboured abundantly in the glorious cause in which we are engaged. I hope soon to be con vinced that the freedom I have taken in writing to you is not disagreeable, I am sir, with great esteem, your most obedient humble servant, Jos. WARREN." 264 LIFE OF " BOSTON, Feb. 20th, 1775. Dear Sir, My friend, Mr. Adams, favoured me with the sight of your last letter. I am sincerely glad of your return to England, as I think your assistance was never more wanted there than at present. It is truly astonishing that the administration should have a doubt of the resolution of the Americans to make the last appeal, rather than submit to wear the yoke pre pared for their necks. We have waited with a de gree of patience which is seldom to be met with; but 1 will venture to assert that there has not been any great allay of cowardice, though both friends and enemies seem to suspect us of want of courage. I trust the event which I confess I think is near at hand, will confound our enemies, and rejoice those who wish well to us. It is time for Britain to take some seri ous steps towards a reconciliation with her colonies. The people here are weary of watching the measures of those who are endeavouring to enslave them ; they say they have been spending their time for ten years in counteracting the plans of their adversaries, and many of them begin to think that the difference be tween them will never be amicably settled ; but that they shall always be subject to affronts from the ca price of every British minister. They even some times speak of an open rupture with Great Britain, as a state preferable to the present uncertain condi tion of affairs. And although it is true that the peo ple have yet a very warm affection for the British na tion, yet it sensibly decays. They are loyal subjects to the king ; but they conceive that they do not swerve from their allegiance by opposing any measures taken by any man or set of men to deprive them of their liberties. They conceive that they are the king s enemies who would destroy the constitution ; for ARTHUR LEE. 265 the jdng is annihilated when the constitution is de stroyed. It is not yet too late to accommodate the dispute amicably. But I am of opinion that if once Gen. Gage should lead his troops into the country with a de sign to enforce the late acts of parliament, Great Bri tain may take her leave, at least of the New-England colonies ; and if I mistake not, of all America. If there is any wisdom in the nation, God grant it may be speedily called forth. Every day, every hour, widens the breach. A Richmond, a Chatham, a Shel- burne, a Cambden, with their noble associates, may yet repair it; and it is a work which none but the greatest of men can conduct. May you be success ful and happy in your labours for the public safety. I am sir, with great respect, your very humble ser vant, Jos. WARREN." " BOSTON, April 3d, 1775. Dear Sir, Your favour of the 2 1st of December came opportunely to hand, as it enabled me to give the provincial congress, now sitting at Concord, a just view of the measures pursued by the tools of the ad ministration ; and effectually to guard them against that state of security, into which many have endea voured to lull them. If we ever obtain a redress of grievances from Great Britain, it must be by the in fluence of those illustrious personages, whose virtue now keeps them out of power. The king never will bring them into power, until the ignorance and phren- zy of the present administration make the throne on which he sits shake under him. If America is an humble instrument of the salvation of Britain, it will give us the sincerest joy; but if Britain must lose her 266, LIFE OF liberty, she must lose it alone. America must and will be free. The contest may be severe, the end will be glorious. We would not boast, but we think, united and prepared as we are, we have no reason to doubt of success, if we should be compelled to the last appeal ; but we mean not to make that appeal until we can be justified in doing it in the sight of God and man. Happy shall we be if the mother-country will allow us the free enjoyment of our rights, and in dulge us in the pleasing employment of aggrandizing her. The members for the continental congress are al most all chosen by the several colonies. Indeed, if any colony should neglect to choose members, it would be ruinous to it; as all intercourse would im mediately cease between that colony and the whole continent. The first brigade of the army marched about four miles out of town three days ago, under the command of a brigadier general, (Earl Percy) but as they marched without baggage or artillery, they did not occasion so great an alarm as they otherwise would. Nevertheless great numbers, completely armed, col lected in the neighbouring towns ; and it is the opin ion of many, that had they marched eight or ten miles, and attempted to destroy any magazines, or abuse the people, not a man of them would have re turned to Boston. The congress immediately took proper measures for restraining any unnecessary effu sion of blood ; and also passed proper resolves respect ing the army, if they should attempt to come out of town with baggage and artillery. I beg leave to recommend to your notice Mr. Dana, the bearer hereof, (a gentleman of the law) a man of sense and probity, a true friend to his country, of a, respectable family and fortune. ARTHUR LEE. 267 May heaven bless you, and reward your labours with success. I am sir, with great respect, your most obedient, humble servant, Jos. WARREN. To Arthur Lee, Esq. London." "CAMBRIDGE, April 27th, 1775. My Dear Sir, Our friend Quincy just lived to come on shore, to die in his own country ; he expir ed yesterday morning. His virtues rendered him dear, and his abilities useful, to his country. The wicked measures of the administration have at length brought matters to a crisis. I think it probable that this rage of the people, excited by the most clear view of the cursed designs of the administration, and the barbarous effusion of the blood of their country men, will lead them to attack Gen. Gage, and burn the ships in the harbour. Lord Chatham and our friends must make up the breach immediately or never. If any thing terrible takes place it will not now do to talk of calling the colonies to account for it, but it must be attributed to the true cause, the un heard of provocations given to this people. They never will talk of accommodation until the present ministry are entirely removed. You may de pend the colonies will sooner suffer depopulation than come into any measures with them. The next news from England must be conciliatory, or the connexion between us ends, however fatal the consequences may be. Prudence may yet alleviate the misfortunes, and calm the convulsions into which the empire is thrown, by the madness of the present administration. May Almighty God direct you. If any thing is proposed which may be for the honour and safety of Great Britain and these colonies, my 268 LIFE OF utmost efforts shall not be wanting to effect a recon ciliation. I am in the utmost haste, surrounded by fifteen or twenty thousand men. Your most obedient servant, Jos. WARREN. To Arthur Lee, Esq. London. P. S. The narrative sent to Dr. Franklin contains a true state of facts ; but it was difficult to make the people willing that any notice should be taken of the matter, by way of narrative, unless the army and navy were taken or driven away. J. W." " CAMBRIDGE, May 16, 1775. My Dear Sir, Every thing here continues the same, as at the period of my writing a short time ago. Our military operations go on in a very spirited manner. Gen. Gage had a reinforcement of about 600 marines the day before yesterday ; but this gives very little concern here. It is not expected that he will sally out of Boston at present, and if he does, he will but gratify thousands who impatiently wait to avenge the blood of their murdered countrymen. The attempt he has made to throw the odium of the first com mencement of hostilities on the people here, has op erated very much to his disadvantage, as so many credible people were eye witnesses of the whole af fair, whose testimonies are justly supposed of infinite ly greater weight than any thing he has brought or can bring in support of his assertion. My private opinion is that he is really deceived in this matter, and is led (by his officers and some other of the most abandoned villains on earth, who are natives of this country, and who are now shut up with him in Bos- ARTHUR LEE. 269 ton) to believe that our people actually began the fir ing ; but my opinion is only for myself; most people are satisfied not only that he knows that the regulars began the fire, but also that he gave his orders to the commanding officer to do it. Thus by attempting to clear the troops from what every one is sure they were guilty of, he has brought on strong suspicions that he himself is guilty of having preconcerted the mischief done by them. Indeed his very unmanly conduct, relative to the people of Boston, in detain ing many of them, and contriving new excuses for delaying their removal after they had given up their fire-arms, upon a promise of being suffered to leave town and carry with them their effects, has much les sened his character and confirmed formed suspicions. The continental congress is now sitting. I sup pose before I hear from you again, a new form of government will be established in this colony. Great Britain must now make the best she can of America. The folly of her minister has brought her into this situation. If she has strength sufficient even to de populate the colonies, she has not strength sufficient to subjugate them. However, we can yet without injuring ourselves offer much to her. The great na tional advantages derived from the colonies may, I hope, yet be reaped by her from us. The plan for enslaving us, if it had succeeded, would only have put it in the power of the administration to provide for a number of their unworthy dependants, whilst the nation would have been deprived of the most essen tial benefits which might have arisen from us by com merce; and the taxes raised in America would instead of easing the mother country of her burdens, only have been employed to bring her into bondage. I cannot precisely tell you what will become of Gen. Gage ; I imagine he will at least be kept closely shut up in Boston ; perhaps you will very soon hear VOL. ii. 34 270 LIFE OF something further relative to these things. One thing I can assure you has very great weight with us ; we fear if we push this matter as far as we think we are able, to the destruction of the troops and ships of war, we shall expose Great Britain to those inva sions from foreign powers, which we suppose it will be difficult for her to repel. In fact you must have a change in men and mea sures or be ruined. The truly noble Richmond, Rockingham, Chatham, Shelburne, with other lords, and the virtuous and sensible minority in the house of commons, must take the lead. The confidence we have in them will go a great way ; but I must tell you that those terms which would readily have been accepted before our countrymen were murdered, and we in consequence compelled to take arms, will not now do. Every thing in my power to serve the united in terest of Great Britain, shall be done ; and I pray that you, your brother, and Mr. Sayer, (to whom I beg you would make my most respectful compli ments) would write fully, freely, and speedily to me, and let me know what our great and good friends in the house of commons think expedient and practica ble to be done. God forbid that the nation should be so infatuated as to do any thing further to irritate the colonies ; if they should, the colonies will sooner throw them selves into the arms of any other power on earth, than ever consent to an accommodation with Great Britain. That patience which I frequently told you would be at last exhausted, is no longer to be ex pected from us. Danger and war are become plea sing ; and injured virtue is now armed to avenge her self. I am my dear sir, your most obedient servant, Jos. WARREN. To Arthur Lee, Esq., London. ARTHUR LEE. 271 P. S. Please to let Mr. Sayer and Sheriff Lee know that I shall write to them by the first opportu nity. This will be handed you by our good friend Mr. Barrell, who will give you a more particular account of our public affairs." " BOSTON, Sept. 17th, 1776. Sir, The situation of the enclosed, directed to my care by our good friend Mr. Lovell, makes it necessa ry that I should explain to you by what means it has been opened. Your letter, with several others enclosed to me by Mr. Lovell, was intrusted to the care of a young gentleman of character who was bound to this place; but neglecting to take a pass, he was stopped in the Jerseys by a justice of the peace, who opened most of the letters before he would suffer him to pass, and yours among the rest. I am extremely sorry for this accident. It would have given me great pleasure to have forwarded them to you in the state they left Philadelphia; however, I conceive no bad consequence will arise from this circumstance. I have not the plea sure of being personally known to you, but I have the satisfaction of ranking myself with those who respect your character, and the merit of your services to this country ; and who, while they detest the ingratitude of others who have injured both, wish to embrace every opportunity to do you service, and to testify their esteem. I am sir, with great respect and sincerity, your friend and most humble servant, J. WARREN.* Arthur Lee, Esq., at Paris." * James Warren, of Plymouth. 272 LIFE OF " PLYMOUTH, Dec. 18th, 1780. My Dear Sir, I should before this have acknow ledged the receipt of your favour of the 30th of Octo ber, had I not flattered myself with an expectation that I should very soon have been able to have ascer tained (in the manner you desired) the several facts you mention. I immediately applied to Mr. Blodget for that purpose ; he assured me that the business should be soon done. But it was, notwithstanding my repeated applications, delayed till I left the town ; from which I have been detained much longer than I expected, but I design to return in about ten days, and shall then make it one of the first matters of my attention. Mr. Blodget will inform you, and per haps some of the court-martial, who are not among your best friends, may inform some of their connex ions at Philadelphia, of the discovery made in the course of Blodget s evidence, of your having goods on board the Alliance to the amount of 500 guineas. This they will endeavour to magnify into a crime of some consequence, but with very little effect here, and I hope with as little at Philadelphia. I am exceedingly glad that you find congress in so good a disposition. I hope matters of every kind will be settled to your mind ; and among the rest, sooner or later, the several affairs you mention. You will have heard before this, into what hands the administration of our new government is lodged. The chief-magistrate possesses a popularity and influence never exceeded if known in any other country. The tide has flowed very suddenly, and may ebb with equal rapidity. Violent things do not often last long. At present all ranks of people in the capital are in toxicated with the glare of profession, which they do not distinguish from that generosity and hospitality, ARTHUR LEE. 273 with which the interest of a state may be connected. Balls, public and private entertainments, and feasts, more suitable to the effeminacy and ridiculous man ners of Asiatic slavery, than to the hardy and sober manners of a New-England republic, have marked this era ; and ushered in the execution of a govern ment, designed to establish and secure public liberty and happiness. But I hope this infection will not ex tend far into the country. Public virtue, and an attention to the security of pub lic liberty, are seldom found in cities ; they must be looked for in the sober and manly retreats of husband men and shepherds, where frivolous manners, com merce, and high stages of civilization, have not de bauched the principles and reason of mankind. Mrs. Warren desires her compliments to Dr. Lee, and thinks herself honoured by his esteem and friend ship. You will please to remember me to Mr. Adams and Mr. Lovell, and give my compliments to Col. Lee, if present. I have the honour to be sir, with great esteem, your friend and obedient humble servant, J. WARREN. Arthur Lee, Esq., Philadelphia." " BOSTON, Jan. 10th, 1781. Dear Sir, I did myself the pleasure to write you from Plymouth about three weeks ago ; when I in formed you that I had not then been able to ascer tain, as you desired, the several facts into which you requested me to enquire, and that I expected to do it so soon as I returned. Upon my arrival here I applied to Mr. Blodget, and am informed that he, supposing you would wish to have them soon, had transmitted the necessary pa- 274 LIFE OF pers to you before I returned. I hope you have re ceived them, and that they will fully answer your wishes. We have no news here but what comes from the southward. The general court are getting in order, arranging their finances, and doing every thing in their power to complete their battalions, and to sup ply the army. I hear they are publishing in New-York the letters they purloined from our posts, among which is said to be one from you to Dr. Cooper. I hope the publi cation of their contents will prove no injury to you. ! I am sir, with great respect, your most obedient humble servant, J. WARREN. Arthur Lee, Esq." " BOSTON, April 29th, 1781. Dear Sir, It is now a long time since I had the pleasure of a line from you. I did hope before this time I might address you as the secretary of foreign affairs. When I heard the measure for appointing one was adopted, I had no difficulty in my own mind in fixing on the proper person. I hoped that the de cision of congress would be agreeable to my own wishes. Is any thing done about that matter, or on the report of a committee for recalling Dr. Franklin? You can t conceive how little we know here of the affairs in Europe, or even of transactions at Phila delphia. Such depredations have been made on the mails, that our friends seem to be very cautious of writing; but as no instances have lately taken place, I hope they will resume their usual freedom of com munication. I think they may do it with safety. We have no news here. Our internal affairs are in the ARTHUR LEE. 275 same way as when you left us. An established popu larity has decided our elections, in the same manner as the last year. It is difficult to say how long this may last. Streams of all kinds will have their run for a time, but they often form their own bars, and stop their own sluices; perhaps this may be the case here. I have not yet been able to procure a survey and plan of your grant of lands, but am not inatten tive to it. You will please to make my compliments to Gen. Ward and Mr. Lovell. I suppose our friend Adams is on the road. The purser of the Alliance certainly deceived you; he never had any such license from the navy board here, but that is no fault of yours ; besides, who could suppose that a public minister might not bring a small quantity of goods in a public ship, without any reflections or demands on him? Certainly the navy board would have conceived it their duty to have given orders for it. Mrs. Warren desires her compliments to Dr. Lee. I hope in his next tour to Boston to have the pleasure of seeing him at my house, without the trouble of riding forty- two miles in the rain. My compliments to Col. Lee. Is he now a mem ber of congress ? I am sir, with great respect, your sincere friend and humble servant, Jos. WARREN. To Arthur Lee, Esq." "BOSTON, July 4th, 1781. Dear Sir, Two days ago I had the pleasure of receiving yours of the 15th ultimo. I began to sus pect that all my letters to you had miscarried ; had you received those of a more recent date you would have been informed that every attention had been paid by me to get the land laid out. Some acci- 276 LIFE OF dents prevented it last fall ; after which it could not be done until late in the spring, or the beginning of summer. I believe the gentlemen are now on the business. The next session I hope will finish the whole. Blodget undoubtedly did wrong. The to- ries will never miss an opportunity to injure you; but they can avail themselves of so little advantage from the discovery that all their movements will only ex pose their own malice without hurting you. I think the whole matter too trifling to give you any un easiness. Your observations on the political state of our af fairs I believe are just, and therefore painful to a man who never had any thing in view but the in terest and happiness of his country. I own that it would have cooled my ardour if I could have fore seen that the conduct of our affairs would have fallen into such hands, or that such an influence would have prevailed at so early a period. But what is to be done ? Must not the same virtuous exertions be made to counteract them that were at first made to set the wheels agoing ? If this country is finally saved, I shall be more convinced than ever that a few are en titled to the honour, which perhaps neither gratitude nor justice will ever ensure to them. I hope my friends in Virginia will escape the calamities they are threatened with. You will please make my com pliments to them and all the staunch friends to the cause of America. Continue to write to me, and be assured that 1 am your friend and most humble servant, Jos. WARREN. Dr. Lee" ARTHUR LEE. 277 " MILTON, July 1st, 1782. Dear Sir, I have postponed acknowledging the receipt of your letter of the 8th of April, in full ex pectation that I should be able to receive the interest on your money enclosed, and to have sent it to you at the same time ; but such is the situation of our treasury that I have yet no more than the assurances of the treasurer that it shall be paid as soon as possi ble. I hope it will not be a great while before I shall receive it. I think there were a few dollars more in your bundle than the list expressed. The grant made you by our assembly has not been locat ed. You have been unlucky. We once had an ex cellent committee for that purpose, having upon that committee the man of all others, I wished for ; he set out to perform the business, but was seized unhappily with a disorder that has rendered him for ever incapable of that and other public business. My friends in the assembly have obtained another com mittee. I shall do what I can to have the business completed soon. Mr. Deane s election has operated as such an event would in an old state in the highest stages of corrup tion. Those who have countenanced and profited by his wickedness, instead of incurring punishment or odium, are distinguished by an accumulation of confidence and honours. What are we next to ex pect ? Every appearance indicates that the follies and vices of America will equal her rapid progress in population and empire. If the genuine patriots of 1774 could have foreseen the events of 1781 and 1782, the prospect would have damped their ardour. They certainly would have lamented that one man more had not been created, capable of relieving Mr. VOL. ii. 35 278 LIFE OF from the burthen of holding two great offices, connected neither in nature or policy. For my own part, I fear the loss of the fishery. I fear the effects of foreign influence and domestic in trigue. I fear the effects of the total extinction of patriotism, and the introduction of selfish and sordid views. I think I see the foundation of an aristocracy laid, that will bring upon us the same curses and ca lamities it has brought on every other country where it has prevailed. I wish I may be mistaken. Mrs. Warren desires her compliments to you. It would add greatly to the pleasure of our present situ ation if- we could see you at Milton. As it is we have the satisfaction of enjoying the good wishes of a man of virtue and honour. I am with the greatest esteem dear sir, your friend and humble servant, J. WARREN. Hon. Dr. Lee." " MILTON, March 14th, 1783. My Dear Sir, I received yours of the 19th of Feb. a few days ago, and upon my first going to town procured an attested copy of the resolve you desired, which is herewith enclosed. If you ever re quested it before it must have been in a missing let ter, as I do not recollect your ever expressing a wish to have it before now. The committee for laying out the lands have not yet done the business. The de lays that have taken place are to be sure very ex traordinary ; I do not wonder if they appear suspicious to you ; they did so to me, at a certain period ; but I am inclined to think they are more owing to a spirit of indolence or procrastination than to any other cause. Yesterday the matter was called up in the assembly, and another gentleman added to the com- ARTHUR LEE. 279 mittee. Whether this will expedite the business time will discover. I shall watch and push it as fast as I can. I wish for peace, but I suspect no great progress is yet made in that business ; what the obstacles are, and indeed every thing relating to the matter seems to be strangely concealed, even from those who ought to be informed minutely. A packet for congress ar rived here a week ago, and I am informed was not sent off by the governor until yesterday. Whether his great sagacity suggested to him that it contained nothing important, or whether he was prevented by want of public money, which I hear is the reason given, I cannot say. I hope it will arrive safely, and give you some intelligence agreeable to your own wishes ; but I rather suspect that your expectations from that quarter are not very flattering. You will probably receive Mr. Adams resignation before this reaches you, and be at no loss to account for the cause of it. You know the instructions of congress to the commissioners for making peace, and from them and this resignation can judge what may be the apprehensions of New-England. If we lose our fishery, or have the territory to which we have a decisive right curtailed, we shall not set very easy under it. We shall at least execrate as wretched that policy which gave them up, even if it originated at Versailles or Philadelphia. And as we have not virtue enough to live without commerce, while we see the southern states extending theirs upon staples which they are not deprived of, we may possibly have recourse to measures I never wish to see taken. I wrote you by Gen. Lincoln, which I hope you have received before now. I am, with my regards to all friends, your most obe dient humble servant, J. WARREN. Arthur Lee, Esq." 280 LIFE OF A LETTER FROM GENERAL WHIPPLE. " PORTSMOUTH, Sept. 15th, 1783. Dear Sir, When your highly esteemed favour of the 23d of July arrived here, I was on a long journey, which deprived me of the pleasure of receiving it un til very lately. Not meeting you in Philadelphia last winter was a very great disappointment to me, as I ardently wish ed for an interview with a gentleman, for whom I have long entertained the highest esteem. No true friend to the union, who has had an oppor tunity of seeing the baneful influence of Philadelphia, can regret the removal of congress from that city; but I wish some other cause had effected it. Is there not reason to apprehend, that when that passion which seems to have been the immediate cause of the re moval subsides, the same influence which held con gress so long there, will draw it back? I must con fess I have my fears that this will be the case, and deprecate the consequences. Your observation that the people of America do not read the journals of congress, is very just. They are rarely to be met with at this distance, which I think is to be regretted, as I have no doubt much good would arise from a more general knowledge of the doings of congress. I must request the favour of you sir, to forward the enclosed letter to your excellent brother; and have the honour to be, with very great esteem and respect, sir, your most obedient humble servant, WM. WHIPPLE." Arthur Lee, Esq." ARTHUR LEE. 281 LETTERS FROM THE HON. MR. DANA. AMSTERDAM, May 17th, 1781. Dear Sir, At the same time I received my de spatches for a certain court, I had the honour of your very ohliging favour of the 28th of December last, in tended to introduce me to the acquaintance of the Baron de Breteuil, ambassador of France at Vienna, supposing that city to lay in my route ; but as I do not take my departure from Paris, but from this place, I shall not have it in my power to reap any benefit from it. I am nevertheless exceedingly obliged to you for your friendly and polite attention to me. I am happy that it was made my duty to come here, and to consult before my departure him who negoti ates the peace. Between us there is a real friend ship, and a most perfect confidence, from which I de rive much satisfaction; and I think it cannot but be attended with a happy influence upon our respective ne gotiations. They are certainly intimately connected, and ought therefore to be conducted upon a thorough good understanding of each other s systems. I mean our present negotiations. As to the former business of peace, which is still at a distance, I know not into whose hands that may fall, but I hope the principal may not be changed. I know there are attempts mak ing on this side of the Atlantic, to shift it into the hands of another. You are too well acquainted with men and things here, to be in much doubt about place or persons. I thank you for your wishes for the suc cess of my particular business. I am sensible my mission is not without its difficulties; and when I contemplate these, and the real importance of the mis sion, I feel that I have undertaken a task too great for my abilities. However, I must attempt the exe- LIFE OF cution of it, or it must be left wholly unattempted for a length of time, when perhaps much greater abilities might fail of success, through a change of circumstan ces. I have some reason to think that court favoura bly disposed towards us at present ; though upon this point I shall be better able to form a judgment, when I am upon the ground. It is my present sentiment, that the maritime powers want nothing but good in formation, to convince them that it is for their sub stantial interest to form the most intimate connexions with our country, and that speedily. If they have rid themselves of their fearful apprehensions, and will dare to communicate freely with our ministers, our business may be brought to a happy issue in good sea son; but if a shyness and timidity still have place among them, the wished for event will be prolonged, to the vexation of those whose lot it is to be immedi ately connected with them. I have given an invitation to Mr. Edmund Jenings to accompany me in my mission ; he has accepted it, and is now with me. I have acquainted congress of it ; and wish you to inform such members of congress as are ignorant of his character, what that is, and of the propriety of the measure; as you must clearly see the necessity of having some confidential person about me in case of accidents. I congratulate you upon the general success of Col. Laurens s negotiation at the court of Versailles. I should be exceedingly happy to find all our negotiations succeed as well. Yet the gentleman has been calum niated in one of the English papers in a gross man ner. His real character has been denied in the face of Europe, and he has been held up in a very inferior one. They have been told that he is deficient in ex perience and abilities ; and that therefore congress supplied this deficiency, by putting him under the pa tronage of Mr. Payne. From this scandal he has not ARTHUR LEE. 283 wanted a vindication. He will need none in our country. I am much gratified by the naval exertions of our allies in America. Mons. le M. Pignet has happily succeeded in his plan of intercepting the Dutch ships sent from St. Eustatia for England, under convoy of two ships of the line and two frigates. He has captured twenty-one sail of merchantmen. The rest, with the ships of war, have escaped. This will be a mortifying blow to that piratical nation, as well as to the chiefs of their plundering gang. I rejoice like wise in the action between Gen. Green, and Lord Cornwallis ; though we lost the field, yet we shall reap an essential benefit from the action. The ene my did not pursue Gen. Green to his halting ground, only at the distance of three miles from the field; the reason is plain, they gained the field at too dear a rate. Another such victory will ruin the British there. We have only to fight them in order to con quer them. My dear sir, may I hope in my separate and very distant station, for the honour and benefit of your cor respondence. You must know the worth, because you have experienced the want of early and good in formation from our country. Its interests I need not tell you are deeply affected in this. I wish it was in my power to lay any inducement before you to grati fy me in my request ; I mean of a valuable return in the same line. But the persuasion that you will be rendering very essential service to our country, will alone be an irresistible inducement to you. I am dear sir, with sentiments of the highest re spect and esteem, your friend and most obedient hum ble servant, F. DANA. P. S. I beg you to present my best regards to 284 LIFE OF your brothers R. H. Lee, and F. L. Lee, with whom I had, when in congress, the honour of an acquaint ance. You may address your letters to the care of Messrs. Sigourney & Co., Amsterdam. You may fre quently write to this country by way of Boston. France or Spain is too distant. Arthur Lee, Esq," " October 25th, 1782. Dear Sir, The last post brought me your favour of the 6th of July last, in which you acknowledge the receipt of my letter of the 17th of June 1781, which it seems had been more than a year on its way to you, having been about the world in the South Carolina frigate. I am much gratified by your readiness to enter into a friendly correspondence with me. I have been in much want of a particular private cor respondent in your quarter. There are many things to be learnt through such a channel only, which it is of importance for me to know. I have been long enough in your residence to feel the full force of your observ ations respecting it. Your account of the unchange able nature of a real tory is such as I have not yet found an exception to ; but those radical enemies of our cause, of public liberty and of the rights of hu manity, too often find advocates among those whom we should perhaps injure, if we should suspect them to be wanting in the soundness and purity of their own principles ; and, under the notion of manifesting a liberal and forgiving spirit of conciliation, those ar tificial penitents are sometimes introduced into office to the exclusion of others, whose integrity in the true political faith, and whose misfortunes, not unfrequent- ly occasioned by that very integrity, should recom mend them to the first notice of their country. But ARTHUR LEE. 285 in great revolutions like ours we must expect to find some wrong men and wrong things. Touching one character you have mentioned, the same general opinion will prevail ; and as to another I know nothing personally about him, but if he is the man you describe, some folks should be on their guard. It may be advisable, when you have occa sion to speak of such persons, to describe them by certain allusions which I shall understand ; because if your letters should be intercepted, a thing not im probable here, they might create some difficulties. As to Mr. A., whose political conduct has been cen sured by some, had he not pursued his own plans with that independence and boldness of spirit which strongly mark his character, and which, regulated by his good sense, never degenerates into rashness, in my opinion, the affairs of Europe would have worn a very different face at this day. I shall not perhaps be thought to attribute too much to him, by those who have attended to the progress of affairs in Hol land, when I explain myself by saying that in all pro bability had he not taken the decided measures that he did, without suffering himself to be dissuaded or deterred from them by certain apprehensions of ex posing the honour and dignity of the United States, not only not one of the united provinces would at this time have acknowledged our independence, but, by the aid of mediation and some other influences we should have seen a separate peace concluded between Britain and Holland ; and perhaps Holland in the other scale, where her weight would have been more sensibly seen and felt than it is at present. I need not explain myself further to you. Not having re ceived a list of the elections for congress, and you being perfectly silent on the subject, I am at a loss to know whether or not you are a member of it. If I was certain you were, I should write you with much VOL. ii. 36 286 LIFE OF freedom upon the subject contained in the first para graph of your letter. It would otherwise, you are sensible, be improper for me to do it. That the in dependent spirit you speak of should not please some, or that it should startle others, does not at all surprise me. But pray if you are not a member, how happens it that you should know any thing about it ? Answer me this question if you please. If you are a member you will know what treatment he who manifested such spirit, when he thought the interests of his coun try required it, has received on that account. If the 4 hackneyed path 3 must be invariably pursued in all places and under all circumstances, a certain station is very safe, as all responsibility must cease together with the liberty of action. But at the same time it is not very pleasing nor honourable. I think there is not the least danger of the change you seem to ap prehend, in the political system of a certain court. Their principal views, which the next year will open fully, are towards another quarter of the world ; and in such a case their political interests, if I do not mis take them, will dictate another system of measures, and point out the necessity of preserving appearances of friendly disposition (for there is in fact nothing more,) towards a power which might render their plans abortive, or at least the execution of them very difficult. Neither have I any fears of the accomplish ment of the aim you speak of (if it exist.) For in my opinion America alone, if she does not sacrifice the necessary foundation for it, (you will understand me) may, shortly after this war, be in a condition to pre vent any such plan. I already in prospect behold our country putting a check upon all such ambitious designs. The balance is in her hand, if she is wise for herself in time. I confide the sentiments of this letter to your prudence and friendship ; you will be cautious to whom you may disclose them. ARTHUR LEE. 287 I have the honour to be, dear sir, with much es teem and respect, your most obedient, humble servant, F. DANA. Hon. Arthur Lee, Esq." "CAMBRIDGE, Feb. 3d, 1784. Dear Sir, Yesterday I was honoured with your most obliging favour of the 3d of January, and I beg your acceptance of my most sincere thanks for the fresh instance of your friendship. You may depend upon my seconding your views, and those of my other friends, by coming on to congress as soon as possible. The interests of our country may require this of me. I think it absolutely necessary, if congress have it in contemplation, to send another minister to the court of St. Petersburg. It seems impossible for them to give him instructions adapted to the state of affairs there, without receiving more particular information than they have yet had. Perhaps the honour of our country also requires that a measure of that sort should not be precipitated. These sentiments I confide to your discretion ; and will not at this time enter more particularly upon that subject. I am much pleased to learn that it was your opinion that no one in congress is, in any manner, dissatisfied with my conduct. This is much more than I had reason to expect, considering the means that have been practised to injure me most essentially in that assembly. I hope to have the happiness of finding you in congress on my arrival there. I thank you for your congratulations upon my safe arrival. I am, sir, your most obliged friend, &c. F. DANA. Hon. Arthur Lee, Esq." 288 LIFE OF LETTERS FROM MR. WILLIAM GORDON. s "JAMAICA PLAIN, Oct. 2d, 1782. My Dear Sir, I venture to write by the post, as mail-robbing, I suppose, will be at an end for the pre sent ; besides I shall not hazard any important secrets by the conveyance. When I had the pleasure of talk ing personally with you, I was induced by what you said to entertain a favourable opinion of Mr. John Temple, in which I have been confirmed by finding that Dr. Price confided in him. It pains me there fore to observe with what eagerness some individuals are endeavouring to hunt him down as a British spy ; the foremost of whom that appear in view is Mr. J*** S****, brother to a Hampshire delegate of that name. The assault is carried on upon the ground of a letter from the president of congress to the governor, dated the first of last March. That letter is I conceive no credit to congress. I suspect there has been under hand management, what we should call in B**** foul play ; and I wish, if you believe Temple innocent, that you would assist in searching it out. There is an allusion in the president s letter, of one s having been received from Mr. John Adams concerning him ; but instead of telling W 7 hat Mr. Adams writes concern ing him, we are put off with the tale of what he doth not say (I use the term we, the letter having been made public.) Can you not send me a copy of what Adams did write ? I am also desirous of knowing how it came about that congress was roused out of their slumber, after having dozed so long, from the know ledge of Temple s arrival in October, to attend to a matter of so great magnitude, as the president respects it, towards the last of February. Who was it that first cried out in that honourable body (who, while ARTHUR LEE. 289 they employ Franklin in France and Adams in Hol land to obtain intelligence, build their suspicions upon rumours and publications in England) a spy ! a spy ! a traitor ! Could I learn by your means who first set forward the business in congress, and whe ther he did it of his own proper motion, or was push ed on by a concealed principal, I might possibly trace out the important movements. Let me have your as sistance, and information whether I am at liberty to mention your having communicated the intelligence when I shall have received it. We have been mak ing a loud noise about liberty, let us not act then in defiance of it. If what should be the first body in America raise an outcry against any person upon mere suspicions without evidence, and then set this or the other state to which he may belong to hunt him down, where are we? Who is safe from the con cealed attacks and artful contrivances of the dark assassin ? By a private hand, I think Mr. Clarkson of Phila delphia, I answered your letter that I received some time before. In being speedy, you will add to the obligations laid upon your very humble servant and sincere friend, WILLIAM GORDON. Arthur Lee, Esq." " JAMAICA PLAIN, April 2d, 1783. Dear Sir, Hearty congratulations on an honour able peace, in a most critical season of American affairs, must first be mentioned ; and then I may add, that to two letters I have received no answers ; to morrow I may not be able to say so, when I shall have been at the post-office. To the last I can ex pect no answer till the next week, it having been sent 290 LIFE OF only a fortnight ; one side of the sheet contained a curious extract from the London Courant of January the 10th, being a letter of commendation to President Laurens, in favour of Silas Deane, when the latter returned to Philadelphia, and a certificate signed the middle of last December by Dr. Franklin, in behalf of the said Deane s honesty in his mercantile transac tions for congress, to remove impressions that might be made upon the public by some charges printed against him; the other side, a plan of an impost that should not interfere with the rights and sovereignties of individual states, and form the ground work for en slaving the continent. What may have been sent you from France I know not, but you may depend upon the following informa tion. The British would not allow the boundaries of Nova Scotia to terminate at St. Croix, but demanded Kennebeck at first, and afterwards insisted upon Pe- nobscot as their ultimatum, until Mr. Adams produced the records of the Massachusetts, and the authorities of Shirley, Pownal, Bernard, and Hutchinson, as well as the original grant of Nova Scotia by James the First to William Alexander, and invited the British minis ter to state a written claim of Kennebec or Penobscot as the boundary of Nova Scotia, that it might be an swered in writing, which brought him to reason. The fishery cost more trouble; and satisfaction could not be obtained on that point, until Mr. Laurens and Mr. Adams told the British negotiators, what their col leagues assented to, by their silence at least, that they never would put their hands to any articles, with out an express acknowledgment of right to the fish ery, and tolerable satisfaction upon all other points re specting it. They were obliged to do a great deal for British creditors, and even for the refugees ; but they hoped this would be of no lasting detriment to ARTHUR LEE. 29! our country. They had indeed a great deal of dan ger and trouble from the quarter whence I suspected it, but by a judicious manoeuvre got fairly to the wind ward. Mr. Jay has done himself great honour, by his wise conduct throughout the whole business. Mr. Laurens was present only the two last days, the 29th and 30th of November, and his behaviour w r as consistent with himself. Dr. Franklin, from the time of Mr. Ad ams s arrival, went on with them in perfect unison. Virginia I trust will watch the motions of Pennsyl vania, and prevent our becoming provinces to that pow er. Methinks congress should be removed. Would not New-York be as eligible a situation for a while ? It is central; it is healthy in summer; it is an open port both summer and winter; it is easy to get at by yachts from the most distant state. There are too many of that state indeed that are for lording it over their brothers ; but when Pennsylvania finds that the seat of continental government is removed, it will probably become a staunch advocate for the universal liberty of America, and be a counterpoise to the York patrones. Having happily finished the game with Great Britain, never let us suffer ourselves to be bilk ed out of the stakes by any single state whatsoever, lest we become the laughing-stock instead of the ad miration of the world. The confederation must be adhered to, or else the union will be of no long continuance. The spirits of the bay men will rise, now they are in no danger from a foreign enemy, and they will soon be as zealous for their state rights and privileges, as any others, the Rhode Islanders not excepted. I wish disagreeable difficulties may not be produced by the military. Something handsome ought to be done for the offi cers ; but it must be left to the states to ^adjust the consideration with their own corps. The wise and 292 LIFE OF honest among you will have full employment. It may be our happiness that we have no treasury, or it might prove an engine in the hands of individuals to destroy our liberties. I was pleased to hear that Col. B. was opposed to any place s being a vortex. I have written under disadvantages, not being so well as usual, but was desirous of writing, and I trust to your candour to excuse faults. Had Mr. Adams arrived three weeks ago, (not that he is arrived) I could have told you who would be governor; but who will be chosen next Monday, is somewhat uncertain. When leisure admits, let me have an answer, with all that secret history which may be communicated with propriety, accompanied with directions whether to conceal it or to spread it in conversation ; and you will oblige your very humble servant and sincere friend, WILLIAM GORDON." A LETTER FROM MR. LOVELL. " YORK-TOWN, May 3d, 1778. Dear Sir, Your favour of Nov. 24th was yester day delivered to me ; and I feel myself greatly oblig ed by the affectionate and honorary terms in which you speak of my sufferings, my regained liberty, and my engagements in the service of my country. In the month of October 1775, I used the freedom of writing to you from Boston prison, by a Mr. Wil liam Powell, who had also in charge some papers to enable you to stigmatize the mean cruelties of Gage, who was then exulting in his command ; but the pa pers which I afterwards sent you from Halifax jail, by an amiable lady, afforded proofs of scientific bar barity in Howe, which tended to obliterate the memo ry of what I had endured under his predecessor. I ARTHUR LEE. 293 had the imagination at that time of pursuing those men personally to Europe ; but when I heard my countrymen had wisely declared independence, I felt myself instantly repaid for all my losses and bodily injuries. I will not endeavour to constrain you to believe, that I am governed at this day by feelings and mo tives of the most laudable patriotism. I am not anx ious to disavow a degree of the spirit of retaliation, which our enemies seem to have been industrious to excite in us. It would be false affectation of univer sal benevolence to say, I lament the present disgrace of Britain. Whether she mends upon it or not, I must rejoice at it, though upon different principles. As your worthy brother will be particular to you in addition to public letters, I will only add my congratu lations upon the present alliance with France, and close by assuring you of my most sincere wishes for your personal felicity ; being sir, your obliged humble servant, JAMES LOVELL* Arthur Lee, Esq." LETTERS FROM THE HON. J. DICKINSON TO A. LEEr "PHILADELPHIA, April 20, 1769. Dear Sir, I am greatly obliged to you for your favour of the 31st of December, and am extremely glad to receive such a proof of your remembering me with esteem at so great a distance. Notwithstanding all the unfavourable circumstances operating against these colonies, yet I hope that a few months will demonstrate the truth of your observa tion, that nothing will more effectually frustrate the VOL. ii. 37 294 LIFE OF pernicious purposes of the ministers against them than an inviolable union. This union seems to be now formed, as I believe every colony has now joined in the common cause. Some indeed, but let it be spoken in whispers, very slowly, very awkwardly. However, at length spirit, patriotism, shame, and fear, all speak the same lan guage. Can you believe it, my dear sir, that there are Americans, who discouraged to the utmost of their power the first struggles against the present oppres sion of their country, yet afterwards being forced from their subterfuges, pretend to act the part of Catos ? A just resentment against these men makes me al most pardon the crimes of ministers, as being of an inferior degree, and in some measure produced by the folly or wickedness of my countrymen. I think with you that the appointment of such agents, as many of the colonies choose, plainly has this tendency. Men, who are either totally unconnected with the colonies, or whose connexions are rendered trifling in their own view, by dependencies on ministerial power. I must confess that the choice of such trustees of their rights and interests, appears to me one of the most extraordinary things in the conduct of my coun trymen. Yet I am not surprised at it ; for nothing is more true than that a people fond of liberty and striving for it, will in the midst of their efforts do things inconsistent with common sense, and glaringly injurious to the cause they are asserting. So much am I persuaded of this, that I am positive I could mention a colony that would be pleased to have their agent become more dependent than he is upon administration. I have often thought, and still think, that so great was the veneration of these colonies for Great Bri- ARTHUR LEE. 295 tain, such affection was impressed on our bosoms to wards the people of that kingdom from our infancy, and so unsuspecting were we of any oppressive de signs on her part, that, if the least policy had been used in executing the schemes of those men who were anxious of innovating, they might have fixed indissoluble shackles upon us, before we were warn ed of their intentions. But, by the blessing of Pro vidence, so impudently stupid has their overweening conceit made them, that they would not be satisfied without insulting us by showing us the chains and rattling them before they attempted to put them on. I do not believe that an arbitrary spirit engaged in such great projects, ever committed so many rash, ridiculous actions. What temper, what prudence can we expect in ad ministration, when we find the house of lords desir ing his majesty that offences committed in America may be tried - within the realm, under the statute of Henry the Bth s time, which was evidently intended for the trial of offences where the king had no courts open, and where the king could not be supposed to have any subjects settled. What American could vindicate his innocence when torn from his home, from all those acquainted with his character, unable to compel the attendance of his witnesses on the other side of the Atlantic, and the weight of government thrown into the pro secution ? May you be blest with the health to assert on the spot, against the weak and the wicked, the cause of your country and of that liberty which I know you so dearly love, and are so capable of defending. That every happiness may attend you is the earnest wish of, dear sir, your most affectionate friend and humble servant, JOHN DICKINSON," 296 LIFE OF "PHILADELPHIA, June 26, 1769. Dear Sir, I am much obliged to you for your fa vour of the 26th of February, and hope the maxim you lay down will be universally adopted on this continent, that from the justice of Great Britain no thing is to be expected ; from her fears and interests every thing. I think this sentiment is generally taking place; and having informed ourselves what are the best measures for promoting our welfare, I hope we shall have virtue enough to persist in them. Much reli ance I doubt not is placed in our vanity and careless ness ; that our enemies flatter themselves that these will engage some of us to break through the general resolutions that have been taken against importing British manufactures ; that when a few have depart ed from this resolution others will follow their ex ample ; and thus individuals and colonies, impatient to be on a footing with one another, will dissolve their noble and formidable association. This kind of reasoning is specious enough; but our enemies should at the same time consider that an op pressed state may be so violently irritated by the in justice done to them, that it becomes dangerous for those members of it who have not virtue enough to espouse the true interests of their country through principle, to discover the want of this virtue. They are bound by their fears, by their distresses, to co-op erate with the society in the means used for obtain ing relief. Our enemies should also consider that by a concurrence of events it happens that the very mea sure pursued by the people of this continent to bring Great Britain to reason, is extremely suited to the present circumstances of the colonies, even if the im mediate cause of disgust was taken away. These ARTHUR LEE. 297 circumstances and this cause together operate so powerfully among us, that I, who confess that I have no idea of our happiness, unless we are dependent on Great Britain, am afflicted at the prospect that some times presents itself to my mind. For very much I fear that such a spirit of manufactory and economy will irremoveably settle among us, as may affect the vitals of that country. Never, surely, was the wel fare of a country played with by such despicable po liticians. They are teasing, they are forcing us to injure the state we love and revere. If we may con sider the connexion between Great Britain and this continent as a marriage, in which the parties are al ways happiest when they never dispute about their rights, then these flattering statesmen may justly be called political adulterers, who utterly poison the peace of families. I always hear from you with pleasure, but I shall read with inexpressible satisfac tion those lines which shall inform me that public af fairs are put into the hands of men possessed of some virtue and good sense. I congratulate you on the noble conduct of Vir ginia. The particulars you will see in the papers. I am, dear sir, with great sincerity, your very affec tionate and very humble servant, JOHN DICKINSON. I return you many thanks for procuring me the ho nour of your brother s correspondence. I cannot tejl you how much I esteem it." " PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 25th, 1769. Dear Sir, I am much obliged to you for your fa vour of the 2d of June, and the 26th of August, which 298 LIFE OF j should have answered sooner, but that they were a j Q ng time coming to my hands. I sincerely thank you for the vigilant zeal with which you attend to the interests of our injured coun try ; and I begin to hope that you will find your gene rous efforts rewarded by a successful issue of our anx ious and painful struggles for liberty. Surely nothing can more advance this cause than the well concert ed plan you mention, of joining our force to that of the public spirited men who are now asserting the rights of Englishmen, against those degenerated Englishmen who would destroy them. I am extremely pleased with your enumeration of our grievances; but am afraid so just a recapitulation of them, and so strong a remonstrance as is made in some of the addresses, may effect but a partial relief. There is a littleness and an obstinacy in late mea sures, that seem to threaten great and dangerous con sequences. I apprehend that the magnanimity and wis dom, to do perfect justice, and to conduct affairs with true policy, will be wanting. Twists and turns to answer the private ends of ministers, we may expect; but an adherence to the grand principles of govern ment, tending to the mutual happiness of sovereign and subject, we cannot expect. Therefore, as we cannot in the slightest manner confide in our rulers, we must take care of ourselves; and it is with sincere satisfaction I can assure you, that a resolution to pursue such measures as most pro bably will effectually vindicate our rights, seems to be firmly formed. The merchants of this city, who waited a long time before they took any step, are now exerting them selves to prevent the importation of British goods. The people of Rhode Island did not enter into the agreement till lately; and perhaps would not have done it yet, if our merchants, and those of Boston ARTHUR LEE. 299 and New- York, had not begun to concert measures that would have proved very disagreeable to the Rhode Islanders. Some of these agreements mention the late reve nue acts; and a doubt has arisen among some well disposed persons, whether the importation of goods should be prohibited until the repeal of the paper and glass act only, or of that act and the 4th of Geo. 3d. ch. 18th, the preamble of which shows it to be a re venue act. I wish sir, you would be so good as to have this point w r ell explained to administration and parliament. Certainly the two acts mentioned should be repealed. So should any other of the same nature ; and I am told there is such a one in the sixth year of the pre sent reign, though I have not seen it. If the paper and glass act alone is repealed, heart-burnings and economical measures will still prevail; and by esta blishing discontent and inventive industry among us, Great Britain will lose solid and lasting blessings, in pursuit of empty and fleeting advantages. M;iy di vine goodness inspire her with a right understanding, both for her sake and our own. That you, dear sir, may enjoy every happiness, is the sincere wish of your very affectionate and very obedient servant, JOHN DICKINSON." "PHILADELPHIA, March 31st, 1770. Dear Sir. Some engagements that particularly called upon me, have prevented me from writing to you so frequently as my esteem for you inclined me to do; but the intermission has afforded me one plea sure, in finding your regard for me is so sincere, as to pardon the seeming neglect. 300 LIFE or Your account of Lord Shelburne s and Col. Barre s sentiments, give great satisfaction here. Your high character of his lordship exactly agrees with the opi nion I entertain of him. It is difficult at this dis tance to judge rightly of characters; hut from a view of his conduct, I am persuaded he adds such integrity to his other great qualities, that I heartily wish him possessed of power that would enable him to exer cise his virtue and knowledge in the most extensive manner. Our countrymen continue firm. They know that not only their own inestimable interests, but etfata nepotumj depends on their resolution. Would to Heaven that ministers also would but consider, that their conduct may decide the fortunes of their coun try to the latest posterity. Accidents and expedients may serve the short space of one or two administrations. The exports to Ger many, Russia, and Turkey, may keep the people qui et for a while ; but when these demands cease, and the nation looks among her despised, insulted colonies for a market, she may find their resentment, industry, and frugality, have raised impenetrable obstructions to her former most profitable commerce. JVihilvi nihil secessione opus cst. No force, no emigration, is necessary for our protection. Divine providence has put it into our power, properly to resent the indigni ties offered us, the injustice done us, in a manner suita ble to our loyalty for our prince, our affection for our parental country. Homespun clothes are all the armour, spades and ploughshares the weapons we shall use in this holy war. So gentle and so effectual are the means we shall employ. Yet, to speak free ly, my heart bleeds at the prospect of our success. How mournful a reflection is it, that a just regard for ourselves must wound Great Britain, the mother of ARTHUR LEE. 301 brave, generous, humane spirit, the chief bulwark of liberty on this globe, and the blessed seat of unspot^ ted religion. To this fatal extremity however are we driven with all the united fury of folly and wickedness. Every wrong measure against us sets us more and more right in our defence. We are more and more ex cited, combined, encouraged, and determined. While rash ministers are guided by the false re presentations of villainous crown officers on this con tinent, and are bouncing about dignity and authority, they are undermining with the most industrious and reckless stupidity the strongest foundations of their sovereign s and their country s felicity. You will hear too soon of the Bostonian massacre. Perhaps it may be thought at home that the other colonies will little regard what immediately relates to that province. But you may depend on it, sir, that they will think and act as they ought to do. It is true we have in every colony men of some note, who would sacrifice the best rights of their countrymen to their own views ; but these are drops in the ocean. They have been adorned indeed by the crown offi cers with the title of < the better sort of people. But in matters of importance they are not worth mention ing. The body is sound and strong, and will indubi tably triumph in the end over its internal and exter nal enemies. Please to present my compliments with the utmost respect to Mrs. Macauley. I have taken the proper steps to permit the importation of her valuable his tory. I am, dear sir, with the most sincere esteem, your affectionate friend and humble servant, JOHN DICKINSON." VOL. it. 33 302 LIFE OF " PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 31, 1770. Dear Sir, I very gratefully acknowledge the re ceipt of your valuable letters, which I should have answered more regularly, had I not been particularly engaged for some months past. After what has taken place, I scarcely know how to write of my unfortunate countrymen. Your ob servations are extremely just. We must owe our po litical salvation to the body of the people. I believe a great deal might be done at present by addressing them to engage in associations for controlling the merchants. But I do not think it would be proper for me to undertake that office noiv, not for fear of i offending ministers or great men in asserting the rights of the injured. 5 No martyred saint ever beheld his butchers with more despairing pity, than I do the whole apparatus of tyranny. But to move great bo dies strongly and permanently there must be the ap pearance of deliberation in one s conduct. I am truly moderate. I wish only for placidam sub libertate quietcm ; and I am for attaining the bles sing by the most gentle means. My countrymen have been provoked, but not quite enough. Thanks to the excellent spirit of adminis tration, I doubt not but proper measures will be pur sued for provoking them still more. Some future op pression will render them more attentive to what is offered to them ; and the calm friend of freedom, who faithfully watches and calls out on a new dan ger, will be more regarded than if he endeavours to repeat the alarm on an attack that is thought to have been in some measure repelled. I do not despair. Our mercenaries have been defeated. Our native troops are firm. Afflicted I am and ever shall be that so considerable a class of men as the mercantile should ARTHUR LEE. 303 have failed. But there is a spirit and a strength in the land-holders of this continent sufficient to check the insolence of any infamously corrupt minister ; and so the most daring of them, perhaps sooner than he expects, may find. Your recommendation of Mr. Sayre has, as it ought to have, the greatest weight with me. But the affairs of Massachusetts are so much out of my way, that it is not in my power to serve him. I am, dear sir, with the utmost sincerity, your very affectionate friend, and most obedient servant, JOHN DICKINSON." " PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 21, 1771. Dear Sir, I am very much obliged to you for your favour ; and I cannot but acknowledge that your sen timents on our public affairs afford me the greatest satisfaction. I heartily wish some of our colonies would put it into your power more effectually to serve us. I sincerely congratulate you on the ap pointment of the Massachusetts assembly ; though, for more than one reason, I should have been much more pleased if it had been made in another manner. I had the same hopes you entertained, sir, that the probability of a rupture with Spain might be fa vourable to the rights of the American provinces. Having been put into our house of assembly by this city last year, contrary to my inclination, I took the opportunity of moving for an address to the king for the repeal of the duty on tea, in order that we might harmonize with Virginia, and encourage the other co lonies to take the same step. I was desirous of some thing spirited on the occasion, but ministerial influ ence has reached even to our stadt-house. After 304 LIFE OF much pruning, the address was modelled to the form it now bears, which I presume you will see in our papers. The more I observe of what passes among us, or hear of what passes in Britain, the more I am induced to think we must wait for a cure till the waters are disturbed. We may be provoked some other way, than by re newing the attempt to tax us; or if no fresh cause of discontent be afforded, a better opportunity may offer for obtaining redress. One thing I am convinced of, that we ought never to intermit our applications for relief. We should convince our oppressors that the injury manet alta mente reposition. There is a strong spirit of liberty subsisting among us yet, notwithstanding the selfish views of some con siderable men, and the quietness of the colonies in general. We must trust to that spirit for favourable circumstances, and a prudent use of them for success in our designs. As to our British friends, we ought to expect every thing from them but assistance. I con fide in providence that we shall not want it. I hope sir, though you should fix your residence in Great Britain, that your affection and politics will al ways be American; and that your attachment to your native country will induce you, as I am persuaded it will, to communicate by means of your extensive ac quaintance, such intelligence as you will judge to be generally beneficial. I am, with the greatest sincerity, dear sir, your very affectionate friend, and most obedient servant, JOHN DICKINSON," ARTHUR LEE. 305 "August 20th, 1774. Dear Sir, A general congress meets in Philadel phia the beginning of next month. These colonies have appointed deputies: Massachusetts Bay, New- Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, the government on Dela ware, Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina. North Carolina it is said is to appoint on this day. Georgia will also appoint, as we are assured. The insanity of parliament has operated like in spiration in America. They are mad to be sure, but in their phrenzy they have discovered invaluable truths. The colonists now know what is designed against them. All classes of people are surprisingly united in sentiment. The first step in all probability will be a general non-importation from Great Britain. The next, if grievances are not redressed, a general non- exportation to that kingdom. If severities increase, events will inevitably take place, which a man so con nected with this continent as you are, must view with inexpressible pain of mind. The people in general through the country look for ward to extremes with resolution. Of these the brave Germans, many of whom have seen service, are in every sense truly respectable. Is it possible that the people of our mother country, so beloved and rever ed by us, can seriously think of sheathing their swords in bosoms so affectionate to them? Of engaging in a war that must instantly produce such deficiencies in her revenues, expose her to her natural enemies, and, if she conquers, must in its consequences drag her down to destruction ; and, if she fails of success, as, if the colonists have common sense she certainly must, will involve her in immediate ruin? 306 LIFE OF Surely sir, you may render your native country emi nent services, by publishing your sentiments on the present mournful prospect of affairs. That you may undertake the employment, is the hearty wish of, dear sir, your affectionate friend, and most obedient ser vant, JOHN DICKINSON. I have just heard that Georgia has appointed depu ties to attend the congress." " PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 27th, 1774. Dear Sir, Yesterday the congress broke up. You will immediately know their proceedings from pub lications. The colonists have now taken such grounds, that Great Britain must relax, or inevitably involve herself in a civil war, likely in all human probability to over whelm her with a weight of calamities, in comparison of which, the contentions between the houses of York and Lancaster, or the distractions of the last century, were gentle misfortunes. A determined and unanimous resolution animates this continent, firmly and faithfully to support the common cause, to the utmost extremity, in this great struggle for the blessing of liberty, a blessing that can alone render life w r orth holding. I grieve for the fate of a brave and generous na tion, plunged by a few profligate men into such scenes of unmerited and inglorious distress. Let her rouse her noble spirit, be true to herself, and she cannot fail of being true to us. Let her not so far adopt the schemes of base yet visionary men and knaves, that she may think her dignity concerned to maintain the ARTHUR LEE. 307 projects of those whom her justice commands her to punish. Give up the Butes, Mansfields, Norths, Bernards, and Hutchinsons, whose falsehoods and misrepre sentations have inflamed the people ; call not their cause the cause of Great Britain, throw all errors and occasions of dissatisfaction on their guilty heads. A new ministry of such a character, that England and America both can trust, may do great things; espe cially if a considerable change be made at the next general election. Why should nations meet with hos tile eyes, because villains and ideots have acted like villains and ideots ? I wish for peace ardently ; but must say, delightful as it is, it will come more grateful by being unexpect ed. The first act of violence on the part of admin istration in America, or the attempt to reinforce General Gage this winter or next year, will put the whole continent in arms from Nova Scotia to Geor gia. May God of his infinite mercy grant a happy event to these afflicting agitations. Your friend, JOHN DICKINSON. It is suspected here that a design is regularly pro secuted by the ministry, to make his majesty de throne himself, by the calamities and convulsions his reign is likely to bring on his whole people. Please to inform me what is thought on this point in Eng land." " April 29th, 1775. Dear Sir, The immedicabile vulnus* is at length struck. The rescript to our petition is written in blood. The impious war of tyranny against inno- 308 LIFE OF cence, has commenced in the neighbourhood of Bos ton. We have not yet received any authentic accounts, but I will briefly mention the most material parts of the relations that have reached us. Gen. Gage having lately received despatches from England, gave orders on Saturday the Ifrth of this month, that the grenadiers and light-infantry should be excused from duty until further orders. Some of the inhabitants of the town being alarmed by this circumstance, observed between 10 and 1 1 o clock on Tuesday night following, those bodies to be moving with great silence towards that water which is usu ally crossed in going to Cambridge. Notice of this movement was immediately conveyed into the coun try. The troops mentioned embarked in boats, and landed at Cambridge about four or five miles from Boston. From thence they marched on Wednesday the 19th in the morning, to Lexington, about twelve miles from Boston. At this place they found some provincials exercising. The commander of the party ordered them to disperse. They did not. One of them said he was on his own ground; that they injur ed no person, and could not hurt any one, for they had no ammunition with them. The word was given, and the brave Britons, emulating no doubt the glori ous achievements of their ancestors, gallantly gave fire upon those who were exercising, killed some, and put the rest to flight. This victory was gained by the grenadiers and light-infantry, without the assistance of any other corps, though their numbers it is said did not exceed a thousand, and the provincials amount ed to at least, as it is reported, twenty-five or thirty men! From Lexington the victors pursued their march to Concord, about twenty miles from Boston, where ARTHUR LEE. 309 they destroyed a small magazine, and set fire to the court house. By this time two or three hundred of the inhabitants were collected, and an engagement began. The troops soon retreated, and lost two pieces of cannon which they had seized. General Gage receiving intelligence of this engage ment, or of the murder at Lexington, between eight and nine o clock on Wednesday morning sent out a brigade under the command of Lord Percy, consist ing of the marines, the Welsh fusiliers, the 4th, 3tfth, and 47th regiments, with two field-pieces. The gre nadiers and light infantry, still retreating, met his lord ship advancing to their relief; but the place of meet ing is uncertain, supposed to be about five or six miles from Boston. The numbers of the country people being also now increased, a very warm contest ensu ed. The provincials fought as desperate men. The regulars bore the attack awhile, still retreating, but at length broke, and retired in the utmost contusion to a hill called Bunker s hill, not far from Charles- town, which place is situated opposite Boston, on the other side of Charles River. About a mile from the hill, one vessel of war, if not more, was stationed to cover the retreat into Charlestown down to the water side, in order to pass over to Boston. In the retreat of this one mile, it is said the regulars lost twelve officers and 200 privates. The provincials, afraid of the shipping s firing on Charlestown, and of hurting the town s people, stopped the pursuit. On the whole, the accounts say, the regulars had about 500 men killed, and many are wounded and prisoners. The advices by several expresses are po sitive that Lord Percy is killed, which gives great and general grief here, and also General Haldimand, the two first in command ; that a wagon loaded with powder and ball, another with provisions, and the field pieces attending the reinforcement are taken. It is VOL. ii. 39 310 LIFE OF added that a party of 300 sent out to Marshfield, are cut off and taken to a man. Several letters from Boston mention that the officers returned there, sev eral of whom are wounded, declare they never were in hotter service. The whole of the fight lasted about seven hours. Part of it was seen from the hill in Boston. I cannot say I am convinced of the truth of all the particulars above-mentioned, though some of them are supported by many probabilities. But these facts I believe you may depend on, That this most un natural and inexpressibly cruel war began with the butchery of the unarmed Americans at Lexington ; that the provincials, incredible as it may be at St. James or St. Stephens, fought bravely ; that the re gulars have been defeated with considerable slaughter, though they behaved resolutely ; that a tory dare not open his mouth against the cause of America, even at New-York ; that the continent is preparing most assiduously for a vigorous resistance ; and that free dom or an honourable death are the only objects on which their souls are at present employed. What human policy can divine the prudence of pre cipitating us into these shocking scenes ? Why have we rashly been declared rebels ? Why have direc tions been sent to disarm us ? Why orders to com mence hostilities? Why was not Gen. Gage at least restrained from hostilities until the sense of another congress could be collected ? It was the determined resolution of some, already appointed delegates for it, to have strained every nerve at that meeting to at tempt bringing the unhappy dispute to terms of ac commodation, safe for the colonies, and honourable and advantageous for onr mother country, in whose prosperity and glory our hearts take as large a share as any minister s of state, and from as just and as generous motives, to say no more of them. ARTHUR LEE. 311 But what topics of reconciliation are now left for men who think as I do, to address our countrymen ? To recommend reverence for the monarch, or affec tion for the mother country ? Will the distinctions between the prince and his ministers, between the people and their representatives, wipe out the stain of blood ? Or have we the slightest reason to hope that those ministers and representatives will not be support ed throughout the tragedy, as they have been through the first act ? No. While we revere and love our mother country, her sword is opening our veins. The same delusions will still prevail, till France and Spain, if not other powers, long jealous of Britain s force and fame, will fall upon her, embarrassed with an exhaust ing civil war, and crush or at least depress her ; then turn their arms on these provinces, which must sub mit to wear their chains or wade through seas of blood to a dear-bought and at best a frequently con vulsed and precarious independence. All the ministerial intelligence concerning us is false. We are a united, resolved people ; are, or quickly shall be, well armed and disciplined ; our smith s and powder-mills are at work day and night ; our supplies from foreign parts continually arriving. Good officers, that is, well-experienced ones, we shall soon have, and the navy of Great Britain cannot stop our whole trade. Our towns are but brick and stone, and mortar and wood. They, perhaps, may be de stroyed. They are only the hairs of our heads. If sheared ever so close, they will grow again. We com pare them not with our rights and liberties. We wor ship as our fathers worshipped, not idols which our hands have made. I am, dear sir, your sincerely affectionate friend, JOHN DICKINSON." 312 LIFE OF " PHILADELPHIA, July 7, 1775. Dear Sir, The enclosed will convince you how affairs stand in America. I am, sir, your affectionate friend, J. D. The bearer, Dr. Hutchinson, a worthy young gen tleman of this place, can give you a detail of the sev eral engagements at Boston, &c. As several copies of the petition are gone by this ship with errors in them, it may be proper to have the enclosed put to the press. " NAIUHILL, July , 1775. Dear Sir, Before this comes to hand you will have received, I presume, the petition to the king. You will perhaps at first be surprised that we make no claim, and mention no right. But I hope, on con sidering all circumstances, you will be of opinion that this humility, in an address to the throne, is at pre sent proper. Our rights have been already stated, our claims made ; war is actually begun, and we are carrying it on vigorously. This conduct, and our other publica tions will show that our spirits are not lowered. If administration be desirous of stopping the effusion of British blood, the opportunity is now offered to them by an unexceptionable petition, praying for an accom modation. If they reject this application with con tempt, the more humble it is the more such treatment will confirm the minds of our countrymen to endure all the misfortunes that may attend the contest. I do not know what is thought in London of the several engagements near Boston ; but this you may ARTHUR LEE. 313 be assured of, that every one of them has been favour able to us, and particularly that of Bunker s hill, on the 17th of last month, when a mere carnage was made of the royalists, though they gained our re trenchments. I am, dear sir, your very affectionate humble ser vant, J. D." "KENT, March 30, 1780. Sir, On the 20th of this month I received your letter of the 19th of September last, forwarded by Mr. Lovell, in which you mention a former let ter, written soon after your arrival in Paris, and un answered by me. I do not recollect the receipt of that first letter ; but if it came to my hands I beg you will permit the public and private distresses of that time to be the excuses for my inattention. As to the subject of your last, I count it a sad mis fortune that an apprehension of duty to my country in discharging a trust reposed in me, should compel me to act in such a manner as to give pain to a man I sincerely esteem, and to draw complaints from one I affectionately wish to oblige, and, to the utmost of my power, to honour. Do not imagine, sir, that the arts of your < ene mies have erased from my mind those favourable sentiments I have ever entertained of you, since I have had the pleasure of your acquaintance. Your friends can witness that throughout the debates in congress relating to you, I always bore open and faithful testimony to the ability, zeal, courage, inte grity, and diligence manifested by you in the support of our cause ; and that, in confirmation of what I said, I mentioned your correspondence with me in very 314 LIFE OF dangerous circumstances, on points of the last im portance. They also can certify, that I more than once in congress expressed an earnest concern that the ques tion to be voted on was so worded, that, if determin ed on one side, it would seem to injure you, and actu ally proposed an alteration of the question. Your brother, Col. R. H. Lee, will do me the jus tice to acknowledge that I laid my difficulties before him prior to the decision, and desired that your friends might all unite in procuring you some other appointment than that to Spam ; that, in conse quence of former intelligence you had from Holland, which he mentioned to me, I proposed to him an employment there at present ; and that I represented to him the impossibility, in my opinion, of supporting in congress the commission to Spain. In mentioning these things I cannot forbear saying that it appeared plain to me that if some of those who truly loved you had not mingled too refined a policy with their affection, the vote would not have looked so severe as it does. When they perceived that some gentlemen, who thought that employing you in Spain was un advisable, were at the same time averse to any resolution that might, though only by- implication, reflect on your honour, they seemed to expect some advantage, even from the harshness of the question. But while I thus interested myself in what con cerned my friend, the conduct you object to was in fluenced by two reasons, that, leaving the qualities of your head and heart unimpeached, would have led me to the same conclusion if you had been my bro ther. These were, a coolness in the court of Ver sailles towards you, and the difference with Dr. Franklin. When it was considered that the connex ion between the branches of the house of Bourbon ARTHUR LEE. Si 5 is so intimate, and that harmony between ministers who are to negotiate with them, especially on the same subject, and those most momentous ones, is so necessary, all private regards gave way to the superior force of public obligations. To wound, and mourn, falls to the lot of more than Brutus. 1 am with the greatest esteem, sir, your most obe dient servant, JOHN DICKINSON." LETTER OF EDWARD RUTLEDGE, ESQ. OF S. CAROLINA* " March 27th, 1787. Dear Sir, I was occupied by a very important cause when Jenkin last sailed ; and he left us previ ous to my closing a letter, which I had been writing to you in answer to your obliging favour. I have re ceived the papers to which you allude, and will write you fully on the subject as soon as I am at leisure to take any step in the business. At present almost every moment of my time is devoted to the public. We have agreed to send deputies to the continental convention. My brother, who is truly federal, is among the number of gentlemen, none of whom I am convinced will yield to him in zeal for continental measures. We have passed a law to stop the importa tion of negroes, and have done sundry other good things. But it will take time to restore order; and this government in particular has been so much relax ed, that a constant attention to public business, and a perpetual eye to the returning virtue of our country men, are required from those who hold a place in the confidence of our citizens. And although we have been forced into some measures that are not to be 316 LIFE OF justified, and hardly excused, yet I do not despond. We are in fact better than we were. It is said that the eastern states willnot send dele gates to the convention. If this be their determina tion, they must change it. What, although they have experienced domestic convulsions from their state con ventions, can they not foresee that a restoration of their trade will afford an outlet for their restless spi rits, and remove, with the poverty of their situation, an inclination to disturb the government ? They of all others are more immediately interested in vesting powers in the united council. Animate them, my good sir, to a sense of their duty, and of their interest. Adieu. I write this surrounded by politicians, who call me off from a more pleasing business than that in which they are about to engage me. William Rutledge (who is not in the house) desired me when I wrote to present you with his best respects. I am, my dear sir, as ever, yours peculiarly, EDWARD RUTLEDGE." ANSWER TO THE PRECEDING LETTER. " NEW-YORK, June 7th, 1787. My Dear Sir, I received yours of the 27th inst. You mention receiving the papers relative to the de mand of my brother William against Mr. Brailsford. I have been informed that the debts due him in South Carolina are very considerable ; and therefore I hope you will be able to recover what he owes my brother on the judgment I transmitted you. The representation of the United States in conven tion, is much more complete than was expected. Hitherto nothing has transpired touching their delib erations. ARTHUR LEE. 317 We are not most assuredly ripe for such a consti tution (I mean a king, lords, and commons,) as would at once support the national honour, dignity, and in terest. Till people are properly impressed with this, and there is a body of sufficient property and dignity to form the second estate, such a system cannot be adopted, without a convulsion too hazardous for those who love their country to incur. We must therefore I suppose, go on with a patched confederation, till time shall have matured us for something more con sonant to the imperial greatness of this part of the globe. (It scarcely need be suggested to the reader that the above paragraph is ironical. Author.} I am very desirous of engaging Mr. West to exert his faculties in immortalizing the conduct of the la dies in Charleston on canvas, with their husbands and friends, when they were sent to St. Augustine. It appears to me that a conduct so noble, so virtuous, and so patriotic, as never to have been exceeded, sel dom equalled, should be perpetuated by a pencil the most powerful that the present age has produced. Such is the pencil of Mr. West. You will oblige me sir, if you will give me such a description of that event, together with any anecdotes touching it, as you may think will aid the painter in expressing it well. Should Mr. West enter into the plan, such of the ladies and gentlemen as were present at that scene, and have good pictures of themselves, would perhaps take the trouble of sending them to Mr. West, in order that from the resemblance of persons the piece may be more interesting, at least for some gene rations. Your nephew sailed in the French packet on Sunday last, in good health and spirits. Please to make my best respects acceptable to Mrs. Rut- ledge. Adieu, ARTHUR LEE. Edward Rutledge, Esq." VOL. n. 40 318 LIFE OF LETTER FROM D. DULANY, JR. ESQ. " ANNAPOLIS, 1774. Dear Sir, I received your favour, which I made it my business to communicate to my acquaintances, who all agreed in your proposal. It would give me the highest satisfaction to continue a correspondence with you. Our town was assembled a few days ago, to consider letters sent from Boston and Philadelphia. The subject of the Boston letter was, to request the colonies to join in a non-importation and exportation scheme, as the readiest method to compel the parlia ment to restore them to their just rights. The Phila- delphians were very cool indeed upon the application. There is a stroke of insulting pity in their answer, which I am sure will raise your indignation to the highest pitch. We came here to the following resolves. * 1st. That it is the opinion of the meeting that the town of Boston is now suffering in the common cause of American liberty. 2d. That the best method to redress the evils they now labour under would be, to put a total stop to imports and exports to and from Great Britain. 3d. That the association be upon oath for that purpose. 4th. That it is the opinion of this meeting that no lawyer should bring an action for any merchant in Great Britain against an inhabitant till this act be repealed. frth. That no trade be carried on with any colony that does not come into similar resolutions. These are not to be obligatory till they are agreed to by a majority of the colonies and the several coun- ARTHUR LEE. 319 ties of this province. Every thing passed unanimous ly except the 4th resolution, which I confess I oppos ed, with about thirty more. It seems to me to carry with it so much injustice and partiality, that I am afraid it will give a handle to our enemies to hurt the general cause. I would have agreed to it if it had extended to merchants in this country as well as for eign merchants. Every just, indeed every efficient measure should be taken against the British parliament in their designs to tax America ; for I am convinced that if once the principle of taxing were established, property here would not be worth holding. But at the same time let us never give them an opportunity by our resolves to accuse us of injustice. I hope you will agree with me in this. It gives me great pleasure to hear that our friend Alleyne succeeded so well in the four and a half per cent cause. I have expected to hear from him on business for some time past, his management of which I requested, but I have not had the pleasure. Pre sent my compliments to him and inform him that I should be glad of a line from him. Remember me to your brother. I am with great esteem, dear sir, your most hum ble servant, D. DULANY, Jr. Arthur Lee, Esq." LETTER FROM GEORGE MASON, ESQ.. OF VIRGINIA. " PHILADELPHIA, May 21st, 1787. Dear Sir, I take the opportunity by Col. Car- rington of returning the papers you left in my hands, when I had the pleasure of your company at Gunston Hall. 320 LIFE OF I arrived in this city on Thursday ovening last, but round so lew of the deputies here from the several slates that I am unable to form any certain opinion on the subject of our mission. The most prevalent idea I think at present is a total change of tlie federal system, and instituting a great national eouneil or parliament upon the principles of equal, proportionate representation) Consisting <>f two branches of the le gislature invested with full legislative powers upon tin; objects of the union; and make tin; state legis latures subordinate? to the national by giving to the latter a negative upon all such laws as they shall judge contrary to the principles and interests of the union; to establish also a national executive, and a judiciary system with rogni/anee of all such matters as depend upon the laws of nations, and such other objects as the local courts of justice may be inade quate to. I shall do myself the honour of corresponding with you from time to time, and shall be much obliged to you for \oiir sentiments upon the important subjects that will be agitated in this convention, upon which the; prosperity and safety of our country will so mate rially depend. 1 have received your favour by Major Jackson ; no thing that 1 have beard has yet been mentioned on this subject among the deputies now here ; though I understand there are several candidates, which I am surprised at, as the office will be of so short dura tion, and merely honorary, or possibly introductory to something more substantial. 1 am, with great esteem and regard, dear sir, your most obedient servant, d . MASON.* Hon. Arthur Lee, A * The Author rogratu the loss of thu n-siduw of the vnluuhln lib-i^ of < . Mason. AUTIIUK LEE. l.KTTKR FliniU .11 l;r. M \i: u \l.l,. RICHMOND, March 5th, 1787. Dear Sir, Your favour of (he KMli o! .lanuan is now before me. I havo not sent the letter yon en closed me in search of Mr. 1 inlay, because 1 am told by my brother, who is much better acquainted \\nli him than I am, that ho either now is, or will very soon be in New- York. I have in my possession the notes you enquire for I very much fear that the conduct of some unthink ing men in the western country will embroil us with Spain, unless there be some more; vigorous inierposi tion of government than we seem disposed to make. A memorial signed by some of the most respectable persons of Kentucky has lately been presented to the governor on this subject, in which the conduct of Gen. Clark, I am told is a good deal criminated. Whether the; cession for a time of the navigation of the Mississippi would conduce to the interest of the western country or not, must depend on facts of which I have but litlle information, and then-lorn have never formed a decided opinion on the suhj< < i ; l)ii i the people of this as well as of the Kentucky country, who seem to form no adequate; ideas of ihe magnitude of danger while at a distance, have pro nounced upon it Without hesitation. Mr. Jlenry, whose opinions have their usual inilucncc, ha , )>< < n heard to say that he would rather pan with the ton federation than relinquish the navigation of the Mis sissippi ; but, as we have been fnrtilcr in muting I dare say we shall be * suavitcr in re. I congratulate you on the prospects of re-establish* ing order and good government in Massachusetts. I LIFE OF think their government will now stand more firmly than before the insurrection, provided some examples are made, in order to impress on the minds of the people a conviction that punishment will surely fol low an attempt to subvert the laws and government of the commonwealth. Our attention is now turned entirely towards the next elections. The debtors as usual are endeavouring to come into the assembly, and as usual I fear they will succeed. I am, dear sir, with the highest esteem, your obe dient servant, J. MARSHALL. Hon. Arthur Lee, Esq." LETTER FROM MR. JOHN PAGE, OF VIRGINIA. " WILLIAMSBURG, March 12th, 1778. Dear Sir, My former acquaintance with you, and a knowledge of your great abilities, constantly exerted in support of your country s cause and the liberties of mankind, have long excited in me a desire of being admitted into the number of your correspondents; but the fear of interrupting your attention to the im portant affairs you are engaged in, has hitherto pre vented me from attempting to enjoy that happiness. However, I am so selfish that I can no longer refrain from asking you to permit me to engage a part of your attention. For this interruption I will endea vour to make some amends, by writing to you the best accounts I can collect of the state of affairs in America in general, and in Virginia in particular, as often at least as the multiplicity of my public busi ness will admit of. You will have heard long before this reaches you, that Howe is in quiet possession of Philadelphia; and that Burgoyne, with his army, is ARTHUR LEE. 323 detained at Cambridge, till the convention of Saratoga shall be ratified by the king his master. By the unhappy error congress and the different states fall into, of raising their troops upon short en listments, and from the wretched accommodations the clothiers and commissaries afford them when raised, we have not been able to keep our troops long enough together, to introduce among them proper discipline; nor indeed have we been able to collect one third of the men voted by congress. Whereas, had it been determined at first that they should be enlisted for the war, and had the clothiers and commissaries done their duty, and been properly assisted by the legisla ture and executive of each state, I have no doubt we should have had our quotas of men complete; and by this time they would have been as well disciplined as the British troops. Indeed, by this time we should have had no occasion for troops ; for had we been able to produce one half of our quota in the field when Gen. Howe landed at the head of Elk, it is certain his whole army must have been cut off, if we may judge from what was done at Brandy wine with one eighth part of that number; for I have been well as sured that we had not an eighth part of the troops voted by congress that day in the field. We are now reduced to the necessity of draughting the militia, to fill the vacancies occasioned by the expiration of enlist ments, &c. &:c.; but, although this seems to be an expeditious and certain method of raising troops, it is by no means so good as that by voluntary enlist ment. Numbers are dissatisfied, and others desert. However, I hope we shall have men enough in the field to bring Howe to a capitulation, or a convention at least, if he does not receive considerable reinforce ments in the spring. And from the considerable im portations made this winter on public account, and by private adventures, added to some late regulations of 324 LIFE OF congress, and the different states, we may expect to see our troops well clothed and armed, and in a more comfortable situation than they have ever been. The enemy have left Virginia almost in a state of peace, ever since Dunmore was driven away, till this winter, when they began to be troublesome on the bay. and at the mouths of some of our rivers. Their frigates seem to be very shy of our galleys and batte ries, and before the summer is out I hope they will be more so. I take this opportunity sir, of informing you that you were elected a corresponding member of our So ciety for promoting Useful Knowledge, at one of our last meetings ; which have been for some time past discontinued, the critical situation of our country en grossing the attention of all its members. However, we have made some progress in our business; having received some valuable astronomical observations, me teorological journals, and other papers, models of ma chines, fcc. and ore; collected for completing the natu ral history of Virginia. Not only the arts and sci ences, but manufactures and agriculture, are objects of our attention. By the next opportunity I will send you some extracts from some of our papers. The society will esteem themselves happy to receive any thing you may think proper to communicate. I have engrossed so much of your time, and intruded so much on you, that I must beg your pardon; and conclude, after desiring you to present my compli ments and best wishes to your brother, his lady, and family. I am, dear sir, your affectionate humble servant, JOHN PAGE. Hon. Arthur Lee" ARTHUR LEE. 325 " WILLIAMSBURO, Aug. 16th, 1778. Dear Sir, Your letter of the 14th of March, with a triplicate of another, dated November the 5th, the receipt of which I acknowledged in my last, is just come to hand. I cannot refrain from congratu lating you on the success of your negotiations, and on having had the glory of being thus capitally instru mental in securing the liberty and happiness of your country. Surely, never was an alliance better timed, or more honourable ; and never did an ally act with more decision, activity, and vigilance, than ours has. For the treaty of alliance was scarcely concluded, be fore he took the most decisive measures; and such was his vigilance, activity, and vigour, that he discov ered the moment we should stand in need of assist ance, and sent it with such expedition, that we receiv ed it before we heard of its being intended for us; and it swept the enemy s privateers off our coast, and drove into the harbour of New- York their whole fleet, block ing it up with their whole army ; and it is supposed that before this, Rhode Island is swept of its nest of pirates, and restored to its rightful owners. Gen. Washington, with a more powerful army than he has before had, was, when we heard from him last, at the White Plains, preparing to advance upon Gen. Clinton, who was strongly posted near King s Bridge; but I suppose he will not attack him, unless a Bri tish fleet should arrive, and oblige the Count d Es- taing to quit his station ; for he is playing a surer game, without any risk or trouble. Unless provisions arrive shortly, the British army must capitulate ; and there is no prospect of getting any in to them, as the admiral has taken a great number of vessels bound to New- York, and among them it is said are thirteen ships from Cork, and has blocked up the remainder VOL, II. 41 326 LIFE OF of the provision fleet in New- York, which will proba bly fall into our hands. Morgan s corps at the battle of Monmouth, were found to be much superior to the British grenadiers and light-infantry. This is the third time he has shown that superiority; twice before (against Bur- goyne) he fairly beat them. I suppose long before this can reach you, you will have received authentic accounts of the retreat of the enemy, and their defeat on their route through the Jerseys. Your observations on the situation of our country, and the necessity of strengthening our naval force, are very just. If my opinion had been adopted, Vir ginia would ere now have been very respectable on the water ; but according to the plan which has been received, she is truly despicable. However, I per ceive our countrymen s ideas are every day more and more enlarged, and I hope we shall do better here after. By an article in the confederation, no state is to have a fleet of its own, but there is to be one for the defence of the whole, under the direction of congress; which I confess I think a wise regulation, to prevent any one state from becoming too powerful by water for the others. I think it must prevent jealousies. Without some such regulation, New-England would soon be able to give us law on the sea; and Virginia might cut off the trade of Maryland and North Caro lina, whenever she pleased. However, each state may build galleys, floating batteries, &c. for the protection of its harbours and bays ; so that I think no inconve nience can happen from this restraint ; on the contra ry, a great expense will be saved. But as it is possi ble this article of the confederation may not be so faithfully observed by some states, I think it would be wise to take every step which leads towards rais ing up seamen, and laying the foundation of a power- ARTHUR LEE. 827 ful navy. The hints you gave on this head are wise, and have been thought of; so that I hope they will be adopted. As to the back lands you mention, there is no doubt that some of our sister states would wish to have a share in them ; but this matter is settled and secured to us, as you w r ill see, by the confederation. The New-Englanders made no objection to this article, and they really appear to me to be the most virtuous people on the continent. Several large French ships of great force have been trading with us, the merchants or supercargoes of which have imposed upon us most shamefully the vilest goods at the most exorbitant prices. They take great liberties, and complain even here, that they have met with hard treatment. These people seem to think that, because we are under great obli gations to their court, we should pay court to them. An unlucky affair happened here lately ; one of our soldiers, in an affray with some French sailors of the Fiere Roderique, shot a French man through the arm, and has rendered him a cripple for life. This created great uneasiness and discontent among all the Frenchmen in this state. Government thought pro per to give the poor fellow six hhds. of tobacco, as some recompense for the loss of his arm, and several gentlemen gave him money, so that the affair was hushed among the Frenchmen ; but I suspect they will make heavy complaints of it, when they have returned home. It; certainly was one of those acci dents which may happen any where. It must be confessed that it looked very bad here, where our of ficers do not speak French, and have not of course taken so much notice of the French officers as they expected. Capt. Montou of the Fiere Rodorique, has promis- 328 LIFE OF ed to carry the tobacco freight-free, for the unfortu nate sailor. I am, dear sir, your most affectionate and obedi ent, humble servant, JOHN PAGE. The Hon. Arthur Lee. P. S. The ship Fiere Rodorique has been oblig ed to land fourteen most excellent eighteen-pounders, to make room for tobacco. Her officers have been so unreasonable as to ask 620 hhds. of tobacco for them ; but we refused to buy them, being provoked at such a demand, when it was not in their power to carry them. We look upon them as the king s property, and would willingly purchase them, or replace the like sort and number in any of his ports or arsenals. J. P." LETTER FROM JAMES MADISON. " PHILADELPHIA, May 28, 1778. Dear Sir, I received your favour of the 16th inst. between nine and ten o clock last night, the post hav ing been delayed by sickness. I shall pursue your commands with respect to the bill enclosed in it. The arrival of the Alliance frigate at Rhode-Island, and the subsequent arrival of a French cutter at Sa lem, have furnished congress and the minister of France with pretty late intelligence from Europe. The latter has not yet communicated the contents of his despatches. Those from our ministers at Versailles and at the Hague inform us that British emissaries had been practising every address to each of them to feel the pulse of their constituents, and debauch them from their engagements with France. At the same ARTHUR LEE. 329 time very tempting concessions were held out to the latter for a similar purpose. Proper answers were given to each of these insidious applications. These circumstances afford a seasonable admonition to the credulous, of the wickedness of Mr. Cailton s mission. We have heard nothing from this gentleman since the refusal of a passport for his secretary to visit congress. Mr. Adams seems to be making considerable pro gress in Holland towards an acknowledgment of his public character. He says the prince had declared his inability to resist the torrent in favour of a con nexion with the United States. We have received no letters from Mr. Dana very lately. If I do not forget, some have been received since you left us, which contained little more than a proof that he had not become sensible of the error which his preceding letter displayed. Despatches from Mr. Jay, transmitted by Col. Livingston, have been lost to us by the capture of this gentleman by a privateer from New T -York. They were not however gained by the enemy. Col. Livingston is now here, but restrained by his parole from suggesting the con tents of his despatches, or giving any other intelli gence from that quarter. I have written more fully in cypher to Mr. Ran dolph, on foreign subjects and some others, than time or prudence will permit me to repeat here. For what is omitted, I must therefore beg leave to refer you to him. The reasons which recommend an interference of the assembly in the case of the Flags, do not I confess occur to me. If the goods included in the capitula tion of York, were sold, and are to be paid for, it would seem that a mode of payment, which affords to Virginia a vent for her staple, and prevents the ex portation of her specie, cannot be complained of by her. 330 LIFE OF The enclosed gazette contains the several obscure and contradictory advices, of the action in the West Indies, which have of late agitated our hopes and fears. The acknowledged inferiority of the fleet of our ally, gives some credulity to the articles which are in favour of the enemy. Should the event how ever have been ever so disastrous, it can only affect the duration of the war. The issue of it is fixed by causes which are superior to every particular event. Every triumph of the enemy on the ocean is rather a new argument to all Europe in favour of our independ ence ; and I am somewhat of Mr. Adams opinion, that if America were to betray a disposition to relapse under the dominion of Great Britain, all the maritime powers would interpose to prevent it. The tyranny which they have experienced would render any alter nation preferable to a re-establishment of the superi ority of power which gave birth to it. Notwithstanding the importance of the present crisis, the number of states in congress does not ex ceed eight, sometimes seven only, and most of these represented by only two members. The president is directed to write to the unrepresented states on the subject, and urge them to supply the deficiency. I wish much for a re-inforcement to the delegation of Virginia, and have pushed Mr. Randolph to undertake that service immediately. I calculate on your return so soon as your other undertakings will permit. In the present moment it is of consequence that every delegation should be tolerably full, as well as every state represented. With great respect and regard, I am, dear sir, yours, fee; J. MADISON, Jr. The Hon. Arthur Lee, Esq." ARTHUR tEE. 331 4> "PHILADELPHIA, May, 1778. Dear Sir, The letter enclosed herewith came to my hands from the eastern port. I forward it, not knowing how far its contents may interest you. The parliamentary intelligence published in the gazette of this morning, shows that some revolution in the councils of the legislative branch has taken place, which will probably have some effect on those of the executive. But as the delusive idea of a federal, if not a poli tical connexion with this country, founded on the ruins of its connexion with France, still pervade their policy, no conclusion whatever can be drawn from it, that will justify the smallest relaxation in our public measures. The efficacy of conciliatory overtures seems to be as foolishly and obstinately persisted in by one party, as that of military coercion has been by the other ; and if the former should be indulged in their favourite experiment, it is more probable that their disappointment and vexation will make them converts to the views of the latter, than that both parties will lay aside their prejudices, and embrace the terms we hold out to them. A letter from Mr. Jay and two from Mr. Carmi- chael were received yesterday. They all speak the same language with that received from the former, a little before you left us. The success of the Spanish arms at Minorca will, we are told, be followed by re doubled efforts against Gibraltar. We have several times repeated our wish for an or der on the western cessions, and have in every instance experienced a repetition of the same indecent ob structions and evasions of which you were a witness, and which nothing will explain but the cause to which we have from the beginning imputed them. 332 LIFE OF It will neither be consistent with the respect we owe to our own public character, nor with the dignity of those we serve, to persist longer in fruitless ap plications to congress for an answer. We shall there fore wind up the business as well as we can in a few days, and transmit a statement of it for the general assembly, who will certainly be fully justified in tak ing any course with respect to their western claims, which the interest of the state shall prescribe. I am, dear sir, your sincere friend arid humble ser vant, J. MADISON, Jr. The Hon. A. Lee, Esq." LETTER FROM COL. BLAND. "RICHMOND, Nov. 20th, 1786*. Dear Arthur, As you surmised, your agreeable favour of the 16th of October met me just at the opening of our political campaign. The perusal of it afforded me much pleasure, although it wanted the addition which you had so kindly intended, of bring ing me acquainted with the bearer, the son of the new Bath guide, whose acquaintance (if he inherits the spirit, genius, and imagination of his father) must bring no small addition to the pleasure of any one not destitute of ideas. I made strict enquiry after him, but as I could hear nothing of him, suppose he pur sued his route immediately to Charlestown, as did Gen. Duplessis, whom you formerly recommended to me. Should either of these gentlemen return this way, (and give me the opportunity) it will afford me singular pleasure to fulfil your wish of showing them every civility in my power, as your friends ; as it is, I ARTHUR LEE. 333 must be content in their having proved the vehicles of two letters from you, and in accompanying them with my best wishes. Mrs. Bland was with me in Richmond when I was favoured with your letter, and returns you her thanks for your splendid compliments. She saw a few plays, and returned to her domestic scenes. Your flattering compliment to my tawny sister I communicated to her spouse, and before this time I suppose she has got it, dressed up in the most agreeable manner by his poetical imagination. Thus you see I have not been a mere passive recipient of your great behests. Now for politics ; if I can extract from the chaos of our business any thing worthy of your notice, it is more than I expect. However, currente calamo, I will go on. First, then, on Mr. Henry s signifying his de sire to resign the reins of government, Mr. Attorney G., your brother, and your humble servant, were no minated for the first magistracy. The heat was hol low, the attorney distanced the field. Thus are you deprived of seeing your friend in Sancho s situation, ****** anc | ^ our brother translated from the head of an empire to the head of one of its members. I had forgot to tell you that I was previously to this no minated to preside over our august assembly, nolens volens, and on a ballot was found to be second best. The honour of this discomfiture was no small thing, when it was considered that the majority was but small for Mr. Prentis, and that it was my first exhi bition in our assembly ; but, as if fortune was dispos ed to make sport of me, and gilt me with all her pow ers of giltation, my friends again nominated me to serve in congress. Here I experienced how fickle was the maid who has raised up and put down so many empires, kingdoms, states, princes, ministers, and heroes. She left me in the lurch ; and behold your humble servant and old friend is at this moment VOL. n. 42 334 LIFE OF writing to you in the plain garb of a simple assembly man, without one of those titles which but a few days since, glittered around his head. # *:&**# * # I moved early in the session, as a groundwork to bring about some reformation in the system of finances, that the state of the debts and revenue should be laid before the house, which was followed by a motion of that a committee should be appointed to enquire minutely into the state of public debts, taxes, &c., and devise some system of finance by which the peo ple might be relieved, and the public faith secured, and placed on a firm basis. This committee have been sitting above a month, and have made some steps to come at the grand object, but nothing is yet ma tured. I am in hopes it will produce something use ful, if it only evince some control over the public af fairs, and show the people that we mean to be honest. I fear we shall find an Augean stable. The assembly has repealed by a very large majority the pernicious and detestable doctrine of paper money, and unani mously. By a petition, which was said to be framed by the Lord of Green Spring, for reducing the military certificates by a scale, an attempt has been made by the house, similar to what FalstafT requests his friend Hal to do, rob me the Exchequer, which has hither to failed. Thus do I begin to hope that public faith will be held somewhat more sacred ; when a motion for paying the delegates out of any money in the treasury, whether appropriated or not, will not go down. I cannot agree with you on the policy of Spain or the eastern states, to relinquish to Spain the naviga tion of the Mississippi, even for a moment. It is a right which we have confirmed to us by treaty. It is a right which nature has given us. It is a right which nature will claim. It is a right which it is impossible ARTHUR LEE. 335 in Spain to attempt to deprive us of, and in the at tempt she has shown that she considered it a right. Why else should she endeavour to barter another pri vilege for it ? Will not Spain, suppose we should ac cede to her proposal, bend her whole force to fortify herself against a recovery of it ? She has already troops, fleet, and treasure ; what have we to oppose to such powerful engines? She has a united mon archy ; we a divided republic, slow in its operations, jarring in its interests, but powerful when oppress ed. Have you not mistaken the effect of the ex clusion^ I rather think that could it be carried into execution it would stifle the germ of agriculture and improvement. To what end improve a soil whose products would remain on the hands of the husband man, a useless lumber. To what end promote popu lation, where the labours of the people would end in sorrow and poverty. But has not experience proved in all ages that manufacturers could not be supported without commerce ? And that where land abounds and a rich soil invites, manufactures cannot flourish ? Have they flourished even in the oldest states, where this has been the case ? At this day is a pin or a needle made in the United States ? And, except in the largest towns, are even the most necessary im plements of husbandry manufactured to advantage. That Kentucky will send colonies to the Muscle Shoals, I verily believe ; and that they in their turn will people the Natchez, is not less probable. Nor will it be in the power of man to prevent it, much less Spain, unless the species cease to propagate, or the emigrants should become savages, neither of which is likely to happen. But after all where is the mighty boon of being with Spain on the footing of the most favoured nation? What favour does Spain grant to any nation in commerce, that is an object to any but a manufacturing one ? Are we so ? I think 336 LIFE OF not. The sale of fish would indeed be an object witn the eastern states, and I think I can clearly see that that, together with their apprehensions of being weak ened by emigration, would lead them into the mea sure with Spain, which would be to us an evil of the first magnitude. New-York too might reap advan tages by the produce of the western country going to the lakes by some of the branches of the Ohio, and thence being transported, after a small land carriage, down the Hudson. Pennsylvania might hope for a share of this commerce by the Susquehannah, and bounded as she is, she might expect with the eastern states, to stop the emigration. Perhaps she might be tempted a little, by the casual sale of her flour, to some of the Spanish islands. On the whole, I con ceive the policy to be erroneous in us to consent to the exclusion. These are my rough sentiments, and such as they are, they are my own, having never been warped or biassed by consultation on the subject, with those immediately or remotely interested in the event. Be assured that Spain will be cautious of entering into a war with us on that account. The other branch of the house of Bourbon will be more cautious of supporting her in such a war, and England would be ready to retaliate, by favouring a dismemberment of the Spanish territories in America from her pow erful rival, exclusive of the tempting commerce such a dismemberment might offer to that commercial and ambitious nation. Holland could not withstand the temptations of so rich a traffic. I believe, my friend, you are by this time tired of my politics, and as it is past eleven, I will bid you adieu ; and believe me that, though we may differ in political opinions, there is no one entertains a more cordial and sincere regard for you than your old friend, THEOD. BLAND." ARTHUR LEE. 33T N. B. First thoughts on so extensive a subject as- the Mississippi navigation, and its consequences, must unavoidably be but conjecture. What an infinite field has the revolution opened for speculative opinions on the political systems of nations and commerce, per haps wars. I forgot to mention above, that Great Britain had also reserved in the treaty the right to the navigation of the Mississippi. So that all your supposed disadvantage, arising from commerce, will follow from that cause. And Spain and Britain will divide between them, a commerce from which we shall preclude ourselves. Adieu." " RICHMOND, June 13th, 1788. Dear Arthur, I was yesterday favoured with yours, and assure you I am in doubt whether the pleasure or the pain on the subject of your congratulation, affects me at this time most heavily. On the one hand I see my country on the point of embarking and launching into a troubled ocean, without chart or compass to direct her ; one half of her crew hoisting sail for the land of energy, and the other looking with a longing as pect on the shore of liberty. I have but one ray of hope, and that arises from an observation that they are yet in perfectly good humour with each other. I have as yet sat as a speechless spectator, nor shall I be induced to alter that character, but as a mediator, and with a view of concentrating the two parties, now (after twelve days session) almost equally divided ; each side boast ing by turns of a majority of from three to eight, on the general question, of adopting or rejecting ; al though I really at this time think there is a decided majority for anterior amendments, that is, who do not think it prudent to mount a high-blooded, fiery 338 LIFE OF steed, without a bridle. The amendments which will be proposed will contain simple propositions, guarding the rights of the states from the encroach ments of ****** and state factions in the general government, and almost literally corresponding with those suggested by Massachusetts, Carolina, and the main points of the committee of Maryland. The strongest efforts are made here to inculcate the abso lute necessity of posterior amendments, or uncondi tional submission, for fear of losing, as it is called, the government ; and strong dispositions are shown to pre cipitate the convention into that measure ; but hitherto the fear of miscarrying altogether, has restrained the gentlemen on the side of the new constitution. I have no doubt of their bringing forward the proposi tion, whenever they may think themselves strong enough. On the other hand, we have declared pretty openly our advances to them, which have had consid erable weight with the wavering, and have drawn many doubtful minds to our side of the question. We object not against any powers which shall not be hurt ful. That the government shall want no aids for its own support or execution, provided that such re straints shall be imposed upon it, as shall support and ensure the state privileges, and the liberty of the in dividual against oppression. We have yet proceeded no farther in the discussion than the article of direct taxation, on which point they have collected all their force ; and I think they have left hitherto the advantage considerably on our side. The general, and I may say, diffuse discussion, may go on probably another week, perhaps not so long, and then it is proposed to argue it paragraph by paragraph. The issue will depend greatly on ma nagement on both sides, and mere fortuitous events, as in all cases where forces are nearly equal. ARTHUR LEE. 339 There has been a duel here between * **** and ? on the eve of an election. ***** is dangerous ly wounded. Neither of them is in the convention. I mention this, to show you that the heats have not yet entered that body, although the thunders roll, and the lightnings flash every day, both in the natural and political atmosphere. Our chief-magistrate has at length taken his party, and appears to be reprobated by the honest of both sides ; but this is too precious a morsel to b*e left out. Although lukewarm, he has openly declared for anterior amendment; or in other words, unconditional submission. I am quite sick, and therefore obliged to conclude sooner than I had intended. Your friend, &c. &c. T. BLAND." FROM MR. JEFFERSON. "PARIS, March llth, 1789 Dear Sir, I had wished to acknowledge the re ceipt of your favours of Jan. 19, and Feb. 3, by a private conveyance ; but none such having occurred, nor being likely to occur, 1 must write you such a let ter as may go through the inspection of both post- offices. The affairs of this country are still going on well ; there are loud contestations indeed in one or two of the provinces, and in Brittany these have come to blows, and some three or four people have been killed. Still the opposition to the revolution {.which is work ing, has been miraculously small; and he who would predict its failure from the little obstacles which have happened, would be about as good a prophet as he 340 LIFE OF who from the loss of two or three little skirmishes on our part, would have foretold our final failure in the American revolution. All the world here is occupied in electioneering, in choosing, or being chosen ; and as far as Paris may be considered as affording a speci men of the public mind, we may say it is almost thoroughly ripe for a just decision of the great ques tion, of voting by orders or by persons. The diffi culties which now appear threatening, to my mind, are those which will result from the sfze of the as sembly. Twelve hundred persons of any rank and of any nation assembled together, would with diffi culty be restrained from tumult and confusion ; but when they are to compose an assembly for which no rules of debate or proceeding have been yet formed, in whom no habits of order have yet been established, and to consist moreover of Frenchmen, among whom there are always more speakers than listeners, I con fess to you I apprehend some danger. However, I still hope that the good sense of the body, and the coolness and collectedness of some of their leaders, will keep them in the right way, and that this great assembly will end happily. The war in the north will I think continue, and perhaps spread as far as Prussia. The present and probable situation of the executive in England, will I presume prevent their engaging, otherwise than by giving money. If so, this country will certainly not engage herself the present year ; and after this year, if her States General pass over well, she will be in a condition to do what she pleases. I have lately re ceived a letter from Admiral Paul Jones, dated at Pe tersburg the last of January; he was just arrived there, at the call of the empress, and uninformed where he was to act the ensuing campaign. We have no news from America later than the 10th of January, when things were going on well. I find that the friends of ARTHUR LEE. 341 the new constitution are generally disposed to make such changes as may be requisite to guard liberty. This will probably reconcile the bulk of the opposi tion. Nothing could be more agreeable to me, than your company on our voyage to Virginia ; and I am sorry I am unable to form such an idea of the epoch of it, as might enable you to decide whether it suited you. Governeur Morris, who is now here, informs me that there was no congress when he came away ; but none was expected until the new government. My letters, asking leave of absence, were not then arriv ed, and consequently I cannot have that leave but from the new government ; nor even expect that they will take it up among their first subjects. This ren ders the time of my receiving permission uncertain; and should it be so late that I cannot go, do my busi ness there, and return in the fall, I shall prefer post poning my departure hence until the fall, so that I may return in the spring; being quite decided against a winter passage. You see therefore, my dear sir, the impossibility of my fixing the epoch of my departure. Pray continue to me during your stay, your interest ing political information ; and accept assurances of the esteem and respect, with which I am, dear sir, your most obedient humble servant, THOMAS JEFFERSON. To Mr. Shippen."* * This interesting letter was written to a Mr. Shippen, who was a favourite nephew of Mr. Lee. Finding it among Mr. Lee s MSS. the author has in serted it. VOL. ii. 43 , 342 LIFE OF APPENDIX IX. Letters to Arthur Lee, from many of his Correspondents in Europe and Great Britain. (Many of his MSS. of this kind have been lost.) LETTERS FROM SIR WILLIAM JONES. " TEMPLE, June 29th, 1778. My Dear Sir, I would have answered your kind letter long before this, if I had not been expecting from term to term, that the case of John * would be argued in Westminster Hall; and I wished to send you a report of the arguments at the bar, and on the bench. The case is I apprehend now dropped, as I have heard nothing of it since the last consulta tion. I thank you for your hints on the subject, and am happy that our opinions so exactly coincide. How deeply I was afflicted with poor Alleyne s death, you who know my regard for him will easily imagine. Paradise is much dejected at the loss of his estate; at least at the suspension of his rents. I wish he was in Virginia ; but you know how incapable he is, with all his good qualities, of stirring for himself in active life. * The word illegible. ARTHUR LEE. 343 I go on here to my satisfaction ; I mean in my pro fession. *********** i am in a chancery cause, in which some points of French law will arise, and one or two of the witnesses re side in France. The property in dispute is conside rable. It is possible that this business will bring me to Paris in September or October. Shall you be there at that time? If you are, let me hope to have access to you. I have much to tell you about some old acquaintance. I should like to be in a little pri vate lodging, where I may spend a w r eek or fortnight, unknown to all, except a few friends. No news but what is very public, and which you must know by this time. I am, my dear sir, with great truth, your faithful friend, WILLIAM JONES. A Monsieur, Monsieur Arthur Lee, A Paris." " CIIRISNA NAGAR, BENGAL, Sept. 28th, 1788. My Dear Sir, I am just escaped from Calcutta to my cottage, about a hundred miles from it, where I can repose but a few days, after a degree of judicial labour, of which an English bar can afford no exam ple. We have been sitting seven hours a day, some times whole nights, for three months together; and that without any assistance from juries, except in cri minal cases. The length of our sittings has left us hardly any vacation ; and I have so large an arrear of letters for the ships of the season, that I must divide my mornings between all my friends, and write con cisely to each, with a promise of longer letters the next season. 344 LIFE OF The interesting picture you give of your country, has both light and shade in it; but though some rocks and thickets appear to obstruct the foreground, I see the distant prospect brighten, and have a sanguine hope that I shall live to admire your constitution, in all the blaze of true liberty and universal justice. If young Englishmen had any English spirit, they would finish their education by visiting the United States, instead of fluttering about Italy ; and strive to learn rather political wisdom from republicans, than to pick up a few superficial notions of the fine arts, from the poor thralls of bigotry and superstition. If I live, I seriously intend to make the tour of your states, before I retire to my Sabine farm ; and my wife, who is much better than when I wrote last, often speaks of the scheme with delight. I have read the original of Halheld s book, which is not properly a code, but a short compendium or di gest, compiled about ten or twelve years ago by eleven Brahmans, of whom only five are now living. The version was made by Halheld from the Persian, and that by a Musselman writer from the Bengal dialect, in which one of the Brahmans (the same who has corrected my Sanscrit copy) explained it to him. A translation in the third degree from the original, must be, as you will easily imagine, very erroneous. The texts quoted in the original are ascribed to the Gods ; that is, they are of indefinite antiquity ; but I cannot believe any of them to be more than three thousand years old. I am superintending a new work of the same kind, but more extensive, on the plan of Justi nian s Digest, which some of the most learned of the native lawyers are compiling ; they are stimulated to diligence by handsome monthly salaries. I shall not, if my health continues firm, think of leaving Asia, until I see the completion of a work, which will be the standard of justice among ten millions of men; ARTHUR LEE. 345 and will, I trust, secure their inheritable property to their descendants. The last phrase brings to my mind the effects of poor Mr. Steptoe ; concerning which my agent at Cal cutta, and the registrar of the court, will make dili gent enquiries; and the result of their enquiries I will take care to communicate in a postscript. Give my kind remembrance to your brother, and Mr. Izard, when you happen to see them. I fear you are still disunited from Franklin; a disunion W 7 hich I ever lamented, and must lament. I shall be impa tient to know the resolutions of the general conven tion ; they will be dictated I am sure by humanity and virtue, but experience only can make your constitu tion perfect. I am, dear sir, your affectionate and faithful ser vant, W. JONES. To the Hon. Arthur Lee , North America." LETTERS FROM THE EARL OF BUCHAN. " WALCOT, near BATH, Oct. 31st, 17(59. My Dear Sir, I should be very happy to be en trusted with the welfare of Virginia, and am sure I should pass my time most agreeably among you ; but I am afraid I love you too well to have that charge committed to me at present, after what has past ; not that I think any plan is to be adopted of a disagreea ble tendency, but that my avowed sentiments with regard to my countrymen on the other side of the Atlantic, might be thought too favourable to certain demands which might be made. There remains an other obstacle, which is, that my father, I am sorry 346 LIFE OF to say, is in a very precarious state of health, and it would seem odd for an earl, according to the ideas of this country, to be deputy to Sir Jeffrey Amherst. I told you I had my eye on Turin, but I had much rather be with you, I assure you ; and if any opening should happen, by the death or resignation of Fau- quier, I do not know but that I may make an essay to your satisfaction. In the mean time I feel very happy in having one there so very partial to me as you are ; and who will never mention my name without saying, that I am a friend to liberty, and to the friendless. I am ever, dear sir, with great esteem, your most obliged and obedient servant, CARDROSS.* Arthur Lee, Esq., Virginia. P. S. Governor Dinwiddie asks after you with regard. He is not w r ell at present. Pray remember the museum at Edinburg, which I espouse at present, and send me some of your coun try productions." " EDINBURG, Jan. 5th, 1775. Dear Sir, Mrs. Macauley was so obliging as to hand me accounts of your health some time ago, in answer to enquiries I had made about my old and very much respected acquaintance. Your steady adherence to the good old cause, to which you was devoted in the youthful season of life when I saw you last at London, gives me great satis faction. Its true friends are but a little flock, and a * He was afterwards Earl Buchan. ARTHUR LEE. 347 shepherd is much wanted ; corruption has pervaded the minutest ramifications of the political system, and the wisest and best of men are afraid to take the lead. I have for a long time had views of becoming a vassal of my kinsman Fairfax, on the banks of the Potomack. I should be much obliged to you for in formation relating to his unsettled tracts, and the circumstances to be attended to in such specula tions. I have made many enquiries, but I would wish to have your opinion on this head ; and in case I come to any formed resolutions, to be my entrepot of corre spondence with my friends in that country, and my kinsman in particular. I am, dear sir, your obliged humble servant, BUCHAN. Arthur Lee, Esq.) London" LETTERS OF DR. RICHARD PRICE. " NEWINGTON, June 15th, 1777. Dear Sir, Accept my best thanks for the kind and obliging letter with which you have favoured me. It gave me indeed great pleasure, and I am particularly happy in the approbation you express of my late pub lication. I have drawn upon myself a torrent of op position and abuse ; but the satisfaction I feel in the consciousness of having endeavoured to promote the cause of liberty and justice, makes me abundant amends. Having done the little in my power, I have taken my leave of politics; and am now in the situa tion of a silent spectator, waiting with inexpressible 348 LIFE OF anxiety, the issue of one of the most important strug gles that ever took place among mankind. Your letter has been communicated to the persons you mention at the conclusion of it. They are all well, but are now out of town. I know you have a great share of their particular regard. We are much in the dark here ; and I am continually longing for some method of coming at truth, amidst the number less stories which are circulated here, and the muti lated accounts given out by the ministry. I should be much more large and explicit in answering your let ter, were I not obliged to be very cautious. You will I doubt not consider this, and make allowances for me. Under a grateful sense of your remembrance of me, and with sentiments of warm and affectionate respect, I am, dear sir, your very obliging, humble servant, RICHARD PRICE. Arthur Lee, Esq. Paris." " NEWINGTON GREEN, Feb. 4th, 1787. Dear Sir, I am truly ashamed when I think that your last letter has been so long unnoticed by me. The true reason has been slowness of disposition and bad spirits, united to a multiplicity of engagements, and particularly an extensive correspondence, to which it is not in my power to be properly attentive. But I will make no further apologies. There are few to whom I desire more to show my respect than to you. I think with gratitude of the acquaintance with which you honoured me in this country ; and I wish you all possible happiness, and particularly that which must arise from the satisfaction of seeing those Unit ed States, of which you are so important a member, prosperous and happy. They are, I find, struggling ARTHUR LEE. 349 with some difficulties, and they have points of great consequence to settle. May heaven, for the sake of mankind, give them wisdom to manage properly the vast trust committed to them. Your ability and in tegrity will contribute much to this end. I am grieved when I think of the policy of this country towards the United States. Our present mi nister, when first brought forward by our friend, the Marquis of Lansdown,.- concurred with him in begin ning a plan, which, had it been carried into execution, would probably have produced a family friendship and union between this country and yours, from which we might have derived greater advantages than from your dependence. But as far as your interests are con cerned, I believe things may be best as they are. You are now forced to check your rage for foreign trade, and to see that your greatest happiness consists in avoiding luxury, in simple manners, and in that best kind of opulence and independence, which arise from the plenty produced by agriculture, from find ing your resources within yourselves, and in a well- guarded internal liberty. In Europe, establishments and abuses which have acquired sacredness from time, obstruct all attempts to bring about reformations and improvements, and render them impracticable without producing tumults and convulsions. You are upon open and free ground. The advantages of your situation are such as have scarcely ever before been known among mankind, and I rejoice to find that in several instances they have been improved. I have, in particular, been delighted with the act passed last year, by the Virginia legisla ture, for establishing religious freedom. It has been circulated here and in Ireland, with an introduction which I wrote to it, and I fancy not without some ef fect. I have enclosed one of the papers. VOL, n. 44 350 LIFE OF Mr. Adams has just published here a Defence of the American Constitution. I am not sorry that I have given occasion to this publication by inserting in my pamphlet on the American revolution the letter of Mons. Turgot to me. I wish I had added a note to express my disapprobation of the sentiment, in the passage to which Mr. Adams has with so much reason objected. His book will probably be much read in America as well as here. There is much information in it on the subject of government, and he has fully convinced me of the point it was his chief intention to prove. The Marquis of Lansdown is well ; but I see no probability of his return to power. I told him I was writing to you, and his reply was that he also would write to you by Dr. White. Col. Barre, you know, is almost blind. A ball, which never could be ex tracted, was shot into one of his eyes in the war be fore the last, and he has now almost lost the sight of the other eye, but he bears his calamity with much resignation. The dissenters are going to apply with vigour to parliament, for the repeal of the corporation and test acts, and the more liberal part of us are now esta blishing at Hackney, at a great expense, a new col lege for education, which I hope will be productive of great good. Excuse, dear sir, some haste, and accept my best wishes. I have been lately thrown into a state of inexpressible grief, by the death of my wife, and my spirits have been sadly shocked. Hoping for your candour with respect to what I have now scribbled, I am, with great regard, your obedient and humble servant, RICHARD PRICE." [NOTE.] The following anecdote is authentic. Many persons, who opposed the policy of the administration of John Adamis, charged him with being in ARTHUR LEE. 351 " HACKNEY, March 24, 1788. Dear Sir, I know not how sufficiently to thank you for the agreeable and obliging letter which I re ceived from you some time ago. I communicated it, in conformity to your desire, to the Marquis of Lans- down, and Col. Barre. The latter is now almost to tally blind, but at the same time resigned and cheer ful. The former is well and exceedingly happy in the satisfaction he receives from seeing his son, (the Earl of Wycombe) so promising and well disposed as he is. Both have lately been warmly engaged in op posing a bill for enlarging the powers of a board of control, appointed by the king for governing India, which is reckoned almost as dangerous to our con stitution as that bill, in 1783, which, because it lodg ed this power not in the king, but in an aristocracy, that created a kind of fourth estate in the kingdom, was the means of throwing Mr. Fox and the coalition out of power. But in the present instance, opposi tion has been unsuccessful, and I am afraid it will al- principle a monarchist. Some charged him with being an aristocrat. They founded their different charges upon principles, which, they said, were con tained in the book here spoken of ; a book which Dr. Price declares had con vinced him of the point Mr. Adams had written this book to demonstrate, viz. the superiority, in theory and operation, of republican governments over monarchical governments. Mr. Arthur Lee, while these charges, unfounded as they were, were circulated, was invited to dine with Patrick Henry and other distinguished contemporaries. During the conversation the subject of Mr. Adams s book was introduced by Mr. Henry s addressing Mr. Lee thus, "I hear that our old friend, John Adams, has abandoned his republican principles, and has advocated monarchical principles in his book." Mr. Lee answered, " You hear what is not true ; have you, my dear sir, read his book ?" Mr. Henry replied, " No, I am too old now to read books ; I must read men." A gentleman then observed, " that he had not read the book, but he had beea told that the young law students, at the college of William and Mary, had read it, and were indignant at the aristocratical and monarchical principles of it." Mr. Henry exclaimed, " honest boys, honest boys ;" upon which Mr. Lee turning towards him and fixing upon him his radiant eye, observed, with a manner which all felt, " Yes, Sir, they are but boys." The charges of mo narchy, &c. were not again repeated during the conversation. 352 LIFE OF ways be so, when it contradicts the views of the crown, in consequence of the miserable inadequate- ness of our representation. I hope you will do better in America. I must own to you that the new federal constitution in its principal articles meets my ideas, and that I wish it may be adopted. This letter is to be conveyed to you by Col. Smith, and it is with regret I part with him and Mr. Adams. I admire their abilities and character, and cannot help deploring that wretched policy of this country which occasions their recall. How wonderful it is, that our ministers, after spending a hundred millions of mo ney, and shedding torrents of blood in keeping Ame rica, should now think it best to throw it from them! One of the reasons for their conduct has been that congress being a mere shadow, there is no power in the United States with which an alliance can be formed, that can be of any validity or use ; and as a proof of this they have urged the inability of congress to preserve even the treaty of peace from being vio lated. This is an objection, which I hope will now be soon removed. But I must not enter into this subject. Being pressed by more engagements than a person so slow and so easily encumbered as myself, can properly attend to, I hope you will excuse haste and brevity. My chief view in writing is to beg the continuance of your favourable remembrance of me, and to show you I am under a grateful sense of your civilities, and with all the best wishes, I am your very obedient servant, RICHARD PRICE." ARTHUR LEE. 353 LETTERS OP LORD SHELBURNE. "Bow-WooD PARK, Wednesday morning, 1769. Dear Mr. Lee, I took the liberty of communicat ing your letter to Mr. Dunning, who says he proposes staying at Bath only for a moment, but that he will endeavour to see you and give you his opinion on the subject. Whenever you have a mind to leave the crowded society of Bath for the retirement of Bow-Wood, you will find our society much reduced, and very happy in the addition of your company. I am, with great regard, very sincerely yours, SHELBURNE. Arthur Lee, Esq. Bath." BOW-WOOD PARK, July 31st, 1775. Dear Sir, I am to thank you for your obliging letters, the last received this morning. I never im agined that public affairs would have affected me as much as they have done since the affair at Lexington. A man of common attention cannot avoid feeling every passion agitated and distracted. I am very clear, from Gen. Gage s letter, that the troops have suffered a signal defeat, and that the arms of England have lost a lustre, which I see no probability of their regaining during the present contest. There is be sides a cloud which hangs upon the general s account, and betrays a most alarming situation of things, while the conduct of the provincials, through all the mist, under the command, it would seem, of nobody, mani- 354 LIFE OF fested a decisive superiority in every point of military judgment. In my life I was never more pleased with a state paper than I have been this morning with the assem bly of Virginia s discussion of Lord North s proposi tion. It is masterly. By the papers as well as the run of private ac counts, I see very plainly that whoever governs us is determined to proceed ; and that as long as the stock holders keep from ruin, the nation is to run every risk to keep the rewards of Sir R. Walpole and Mr. Fox upon Mr. Jenkinson. How long this torpor will con tinue it is impossible to say, nor do I consider with any pleasure upon whom the storm will or ought to burst ; but what I fear is, that the evil is irrecovera ble. Union itself will be too late. I set out for Ireland on Thursday, arid private busi ness obliges me to return early in October. As to public business, I despond. Personal jealousy and disunion infect and destroy the weight of both indivi duals, and bodies of men. The only uncorrupt body of men remaining in the city of London, I see daily los ing its weight, for want of proper direction and joint effort. I am, with great truth and regard, dear sir, your most obedient servant, SHELBURNE. To Arthur Lee, London." "LONDON, Feb. 1st, 1777. Dear Sir, I have been under great impatience for an opportunity of acknowledging the honour of your letter of the 3d of January. I was desirous of con veying to you my own best wishes, and those of many of your friends, for jour welfare and happiness. ARTHUR LEE. 355 I was anxious to acknowledge and do justice to those years of uninterrupted friendship with which you have honoured me, and to the unabating spirit of per- severence which you have always shown in support of law and liberty, in times the most disgusting and dis piriting. I am heartily sorry that I can make you no better return than such an empty testimony. The college are particularly obliged by your letter. For half a dozen years to come, if you return to this country, you will find their course much the same ; their principles I hope, of far longer duration. I request you to make my kindest and most re spectful compliments to Dr. Franklin. I beg to be regardfully remembered to Mr. Deane. I am, with unalterable regard, dear sir, your faith ful friend and obedient servant, SHELBURNE. To the Hon. Arthur Lee." "LONDON, Jan. 26th, 1786. Dear Sir, Mr. Wirtley,* a gentleman of very re spectable family connexions and character, is sent by the board appointed to investigate the claims of the loyalists to America. I am interested in regard to this board, as it was instituted while I was at the treasury ; and I must always feel very deeply so, in whatever regards the articles of the treaty, which it so much concerns the honour and future intercourse of both countries to have duly and faithfully execut ed. I have written by him both to Mr. Jay and Dr. Franklin, who must feel equally interested with my self, regarding the treaty on account of the part they * The name in the original scarcely legible probably it is Hartley. 856 LIFE OF had in concluding it ; and who can best remember all that passed on the subject of the loyalists. I take the liberty of recommending him to you as an old friend. From your love of justice, which I shall al ways remember, as well as your personal friendship, which I remember with equal satisfaction, I hope you will be kind enough to assist and advise him, in regard to the information he may want. I am very glad of this opportunity of enquiring af ter your health. I make frequent enquiries about you and your brothers. I have been in expectation of your paying a visit to this country, where I shall al ways be exceedingly glad to see you, and show you every mark of regard in my power. I flatter myself that you will be glad to hear that my family go on well, with the exception of the loss of my second wife, a severe blow, a sense of which will accompany me to the grave. Lord Wycombe however gives me great comfort, and is likely to do his family and country credit in every respect; and I have a little son, who promises to be a quick, smart boy, and to be capable of application. As to myself I cannot complain, though I am older in health than in years. I beg to add once more, that it would give me great pleasure to see you in this country again; and that you will find my house the same in all respects as you have always known it. I am, with great esteem and regard, dear sir, your affectionate and humble servant, LANSDOWN.* Hon. Arthur Lee, United States of America." * Lord Shelburne had succeeded his father as Marquis of Lansdown. ARTHUR LEE. 357 "LONDON, Feb. 4th, 1787. Dear Sir, Your nephew will tell you that it has not been my fault, that I have not seen more of him. He may depend on my attention and services. He will of course inform you of events here as they pass. But you know the causes of them far better than he can tell you, for the data continue exactly the same as you remember them. The character of the reign has suffered not the least variation; and though Lord Rockingham is no more, his party persevere exactly in the principles you remember, fighting up, as they called it, against the king and people, unconvinced by above twenty years experience, of the impossibility of arriving at their end by such means; and still more so, of the unworthiness of that end, which you know too well, to make it necessary for me to dwell on the description. As to myself, I stand more single than ever ; and the utmost to which I aspire is, by so much dint of character as the respective parties may leave me, or rather as consistency of conduct may procure me in spite of parties, and great moderation of con duct, to avert great calamities ; or at least to blunt the edge of them, as far as I am able. I have no great virtue to boast of in adopting this line, for you are fully sensible that the reign is not disposed to dele gate a regular course of power to any one, and I never had a passion for emolument. While parties continue so much the same, the pub lic no doubt, subject as it is to perpetual insensible motion, has suffered a considerable change; the amount and nature of which cannot be easily calculated. On the one hand, commerce, luxury, the perpetual changes of administration, the want of power in any, the uni- VOL. ii. 45 358 LIFE OF versal relaxation of every part of the executive gov ernment, the general neglect of education, the bad examples of private life among public men of very high descriptions, have all done infinite mischief. On the other, the ill success of the war, the emancipation of Ireland, the necessity the court has found itself in of appealing to the people on a late occasion, the ob ligations they find themselves under of attending far ther to the people to escape the claims of a faction, the bad examples I have mentioned, and the changes which carry their good as well as bad consequences with them, have made men feel and reason more than they used to do. And I think upon the whole the public may be said to have gained considerable ; and if we have the good fortune, for it must be fortune, to avoid downright destructive measures, we shall have no rea son to repent all that has passed. To say that there is no Anti-American principle re maining amongst us, would be to deceive; and I have no doubt it will produce some acts of feverishness, and some things which had better be let alone ; but I am convinced the principles of the peace will in the end, and that in the course of a very few years, make their way, and will I trust prove the foundation of a lasting and firm union with America, which will do honour to mankind. I need not say that by this I do not mean a legislative union; in truth, not so much an alliance, as a similarity of principle which may em brace all nations, and contribute to the happiness of all. I cannot express the happiness which reflecting on the peace gives me, and upon all the ills which have been prevented by the line being drawn in America ; more especially when I consider that the papers which I then held in my possession, and which I still keep by me, prove beyond the possibility of contradiction, that there was nothing the French had more at heart than to effect an alliance which would have made ARTHUR LEE. 359 the peace more immediately popular, but would have sown the seeds of eternal variance, and made Ameri ca more open to their active, intriguing spirit, than even Holland itself. I shall look upon my opposition to it as the most honourable circumstance of my life. It gives me very great satisfaction to hear within these few days, from authority which I am inclined to cre dit, that the present administration have been very fair in the instructions which they have given, par ticularly upon the chapter of Indians ; as I could not help feeling great uneasiness on the subject, as soon as I heard of any disturbance on the back of the Unit ed States. If the French treaty is confirmed by parliament, the new principles must make a rapid progress, and the old ideas of monopoly in every quarter fall to the ground. If it is not, I still think the progress of them will be only retarded, and that in a few years the public must get possessed of them. It is a great misfortune to us that the same party, which you must so well remember, are in a habit of indiscriminate op position, without regard to any principle, old or new, except the stale maxim of their party. There is no news from the continent, where, by all I can collect, the emperor must carry all his points, sooner or later ; if his over activity does not defeat him I think nothing else can. There are several letters from Paris just arrived, which speak of Madame s disgrace as certain. I shall always be very glad to hear from you, and shall pay great regard to your sentiments on all oc casions. Lord Wycombe is returned from abroad every thing we could wish him except a deafness, the remains of a scarlet fever, which we still hope he will overcome. Public speaking is a matter of such uncertainty that it is impossible to guess about him in that respect, 360 LIFE OF but in every other he is likely to act a very high and very honest piiblic part. I am with great truth and regard, dear sir, your af fectionate humble servant, LANSDOWN. To Arthur Lee, Esq." BOW-WOOD PARK, July 6th, 1791. My Dear Friend, You will be surprised but not sorry I am sure to see your old acquaintance. I need not recommend him to your care, particularly as to his health, which is the point, indeed the only point I am anxious about, as every thing else will go well of course. When shall we see you ? If you do not come soon we shall be all gone. You will find an apartment in town and country ready to receive you as long as I live. I am your sincere and faithful humble servant, LANSDOWN. To Arthur Lee, Esq." LETTERS OF LAFAYETTE TO ARTHUR LEE. " HAVRE, August 28th, 1779. Had I not, my dear sir, waited for intelligence every day, a grateful return to your polite letter, would not have been so long delayed. But I was in hopes of making it more agreeable by the important news it should contain ; and I do not give up in this manner the right of sending you before long, an inter esting gazette. There is not a minute, in the present circumstances, but which may acquaint us of such an event as will ARTHUR LEE. 361 be ranked among the greatest ones in the history of nations. By the last accounts from Mons. Romillies he was within sight of the British fleet, and deter mined to attack it, as soon as winds would permit him to come up with them. You know of the Ardent ship of the line being taken by our frigates. You have also been told eleven sail were gone into St. George s channel, and that Sir Charles s fleet was consisting of thirty-one ships of the line. On our part we are entirely ready, provisions and stores of every kind are on board, and we wait for nothing but intelligence from the admiral, and a proper convoy, to carry us on the coast of Great Britain. I have the pleasure to inform you, my dear sir, that the noble present congress were pleased to add to so many favours and previous marks of their regard to wards me, which was sent me by Dr. Franklin, and delivered by his grandson, that sword, I am proud to carry into the heart of England ; and I will ever con sider it as a new bond, which increases the right of boasting of being considered one of the most zealous servants of the United States. The little burning expedition in Virginia is pretty well accounted for by our present misfortunes ; and I heartily give you joy for the Carolinian intelligences, which I think are no more to be questioned. Farewell, my dear sir. I hope you do not doubt but that it will always give me great pleasure to hear from you, and with the most sincere regard and truest affection I am yours, LAFAYETTE. The Hon. Arthur Lee, at Paris. P. S. They say that the lieutenant of the Ardent was so angry at seeing an English ship of the line surrendering to two frigates, that out of despair he has drowned himself. L." 362 LIFE OF " FORT SCHUYLER, Sept. 30th, 1784. Gentlemen, I have the honour to inform you that I arrived yesterday at this place, and although we had breakfasted at Mr. Shoemaker s, we arrived by land at the fort, a pretty long time before sun-set. Dr. Courtland s anxiety to see you well accommodated has made him advise you not to come here before the troops have made some arrangements ; but I assure you, and in this the Dr. now agrees with me, that you will do as well here as any where else on the road ; and as your baggage is partly arrived, and is getting in every hour, it appears that nothing can now detain you. It seems to be Dr. Courtland s opinion that my little influence can in a good degree promote your purposes. The same observation having been made to me by Gen. Wolcot, I do not think myself at liberty to leave this part of the country before I have told the Indians what you may wish me to mention. But as the Dr. does not think it sufficient for me to speak to such Indians as are within call, I beg leave to repre sent that the twentieth having been appointed for me to be here, I have consequently made sundry arrange ments. Gen. Washington s journey has been cramp ed on my account, and several other friends who are waiting for me at certain periods, will be disappointed by my delay. I would say therefore, gentlemen, if by adopting Dr. Courtland s opinion, you could now send for those Indians and for others who are waiting for you at Oneida castle, it is probable you might then tell me, or send me (if you do not come) what you wish me to tell them on Saturday. And on Tuesday next, if there be no public reason for my attendance, I will beg your permission to set out for New-England. ARTHUR LEE. 363 I strongly advise you not to ride in the night along the road from the German flats to this place, as there are some bad places, which in the dark might be dan gerous. With every sentiment of respect I am waiting your orders, and have the honour to be, gentlemen, your most obedient, humble servant, LAFAYETTE. To the Commissioners to treat with the Indians" LETTERS OF THE MARQUIS OF RO SIGN AN. "BERLIN, Oct, 7th, 1777. Sir, Your favour of the 23d of July has given me much pleasure. I am much obliged to you for Mr. Franklin s reflections, of which as yet I took only a cursory view. As I suppose you visit him, I beg you would present my compliments to him if he still remembers me. Since we parted I have been very unfortunate. I have neither taken the water nor the baths at in Bohemia. I had to throw myself on a bed, being taken with a phlegmonous erysipelas ; on account of which I had to undergo an operation which has de tained me until now. As I came to this place only in the beginning of this month, I hoped it would be all over when I arrived, but my legs are still in a bad way, and I do not yet go out. I will not pretend to give you news from America. You know that it is not from this place that you could get fresh news. I have judged at first sight that the taking of Ticon- deroga was not a decisive advantage ; far from it ; the news-papers begin to speak of a check received by a 364 LIFE OF detachment of Gen. Burgoyne s near Fort Edward, and in some articles mention the evacuation of that fort by the Americans. The king is to dine here to day, at his sister s, the Pr. Amelia ; he is entirely recovered of the indisposition that made him put off his late review, which was very painful. If the invention of the telescope is good it will take. I will wait until it has made a little more noise, before I seek any information on the subject. As to the elec- trophons, I have had dreadful bad luck with them. I had made two, which at first gave a few weak sparks; but on the third day I could do nothing at all with them, although it is of German invention, as you say (or rather the Italian invention of Sir Alexander Vol- ta d Come, in 1775, which has had more success in Germany than elsewhere.) I have already had occa sion to convince myself that the repeated experiments and prodigies of the same, have been extolled with some degree of quackery and without discretion. I will be much obliged to you to send me an exact de scription of the manner of constructing them, espe cially of the quality of the pitch which must be used, and put the Latin name, or rather of the compound which is said to be better than the pitch, if it is true they have found such. I must conclude, being in great hurry. Mr. and Mrs. Delagrange, to whom I have presented your compliments, send theirs. They are grateful for your kind remembrance, as also Mrs. Ro- signan, who requested me to thank you. I have seen last evening Mr. Sayre. I believed him far off; he will remain here about a fortnight. Receiving the assurances of the sentiments, &c,, I have the honour, &LC. Signed, SIGARD DE ROSIGNAN." ARTHUR LEE. 365 "BERLIN, Dec. 2d, 1777. Sir, I was sure you would sympathize with my sufferings. I am truly grateful to you. It is very certain that the distribution of good and evil in this lower world forms a very thorny question. I have kept my room for a month since my return. My wife has also been ill enough to cause me much uneasiness O and sorrow. We are now tolerably well, but the sea son is unfavourable to the progress of our health. They have here as elsewhere, spread the false news of which you speak. I never gave them any credit, as the source from which they proceeded, to me ap peared suspicious. ; The funds have risen, said they to me ; it is a good thermometer, I replied ; but it must last. Three days after other letters informed us that they had fallen again. I have seen in a news paper that all this romance was attributed to one For- dyce Bang. I know none of that name but the one who in my time failed so notoriously at London. I am astonished at his returning there. He has, no doubt, found his account in this little skip of the funds, since it was his own working. I have a bulletin from Paris, in which they tell me that Mr. Franklin has received news ; it is dated the same as your letter, therefore I take it to be one of those false rumours that abound. I have seen Mr. Sayre several times since my return. I have not been to his house, as I do not go out. I do not know where he took lodging ; it was no more at Cossiers. He had dined I think once or twice at my house. The last time I saw him he appeared disposed to start ; three or four days after I sent to his house, and he was gone. VOL. ii. 46 366 LIFE OF I have quite lost Mr. Elliot s favour. I believe it is to you that I am indebted for this. If, however, after the poor adventure of the papers, I can call a loss that which is quite an advantage, I will always remember what you then told me. I could not then believe that it was he, and that it was possible that he not only ordered, but lent his aid in that manoeu vre. I thank you for what you have taken the trou ble to mention concerning the electrophons. I will have one constructed, and if it does not succeed, I will avail myself of your obliging offer. Will you spend the winter in Paris ? When you have nothing better to do, give me news of yourself, because I feel an in terest there ; and I ask for those which now engross Europe, because I like to have them from the philoso pher, in whom the spirit of party is a consequence of his reasoning not of enthusiasm. If one has the jaun dice I consult him no more on colours, I know be forehand that he sees every thing yellow. Unfortu nately moral jaundice is far more universal among our species than physical jaundice. I remain, &c. &c. SlGARD DE ROSIGNAN." "CASAL, Feb. 28th, 1779. Sir, I am sorry to answer your favour of the 24th December only on the last of February. I have just received it, having written to Paris for it on the ad vice I received from the post office, that there was a letter addressed to me that was not forwarded be cause not freed. As by yours it seems that one of mine miscarried, I write this double. I send one to our ambassador, and the copy to the post office. You will oblige me by letting me know which of the two ARTHUR LEE. 367 may reach you first. I will thank you to give me the news concerning your affairs (such as can be commu nicated); those that we receive here are so absurd, that it is impossible to reckon on them, and I am so con vinced of your candour and philosophy, that I feel certain that party spirit can have no influence on what you will say to me on the subject. My health is improving. I have been so much in disposed all winter, that although the season was un commonly fine, I could not enjoy it. My family af fairs will occupy me for a few months longer. With most sincere attachment, &c. SlGARD DE ROSIGNAN." ST. MAURICE, July 15th, 1779. Sir, For a long time I have wished to hear from you, and of your country; but I have been so ill for better than nine months, that I consider myself happy to be now able to take up my pen. I will not enter into the tedious detail of my afflictions. I wish, more than hope, that the gout, which has affected my whole frame, may be the last of them. Here I am among the Grisons, where I drink the waters which formerly have been so beneficial to me. I find that they do me good. In a few days I will be at my home, where I promise myself the pleasure of hearing from you. I have seen with regret in your last, that you find at home more false brothers than you had anticipated, who take advantage of these very critical times to fish in troubled waters. It seems that all these contrari eties ought to be reserved for the last moments of a republic. True they carry within themselves these seeds at their very birth, but it is not the time when they should show themselves. If however the re- 368 LIFE OF public is yet weak in these first moments, there is more individual energy. It is the time when patriot ism unfolds and displays all its strength. One may therefore hope, and even feel confident, that that which might be contagious at the decline of a repub lic, will meet with resistance where there are still generous minds. They will have courage to surmount all difficulties, and will learn how to prevent contra rieties, which prove salutary in such circumstances. Time will decide upon my conjectures. Wishing you sir, a portion of health very different from mine, and which you may enjoy a longer time than I could, I remain, &c. &c. SlGARD DE ROSIGNAN." " CASAL, Oct. 3d, 1779. Sir, I received eight days ago yours dated 10th of August, and three days ago that of the 30th of April- The first has been kept back at Paris for want of being freed. I was advised of this by the post-master, and on my answer received it. The same thing had happened to your letter of 26th June; and if I am not mistaken I had mentioned it to you, that they might hereafter be freed at Paris, to avoid this inconvenience. I am just now at my country seat. Mr. , the charge des affaires for France, has sent me this last letter ; by which you introduce to me Mr. d Adan- son, with whom I desired much to be acquainted per sonally. I do not know whether he has delivered the letter himself, or sent it to the charge des affaires. I am going to write to Turin, to enquire if he intends to travel through Italy. My country seat is on the Way. I will send to invite him (should he be at Tu- ARTHUR LEE. 369 rin) to journey a couple of hours from the main road. His reputation, and jour recommendation, will make him a very welcome guest at my house. In answer to yours of the 10th of August, I beg you to be convinced of the feeling sense I have of all your kindness, and the interest you express in my welfare. Since my letter written at St. Maurice, I have been unfortunate. I thought I was almost re stored to health, when all at once I was seized again by that same gout in all my frame. At my return through these mountains, having to cross the lake, they went with difficulty on a bad horse, and had to carry me out of the boat at Come. I had with me some James powders, that did wonders , and on the fourth day, although I felt badly enough, I could be placed in my gig to go home. Notwithstanding all this I cannot complain of the waters, as I am almost restored, and have partly recovered my strength, which had quite failed me when I went. Your dear friend, that honest, worthy man, and above all, great politician and skilful negotiator, Elli ot, has left Berlin. It is said he will not return ; at least his colleagues so flatter themselves. The court does not care much, and is suspected to object to him. I will not pretend to give you the news, which you get first handed, and which I expect from you in sub stance. The position of Great Britain is very preca rious, although the formidable combined army has not struck the great blows which were expected. I do not know if Mr. Dorvilliers deserves blame ; but that excessive sensibility at the loss of his son, which is so much extolled in the newspapers, would do him more credit in a doleful drama, than at the head of an army, where the public interest calls for an admiral, and knows not what to do with a papa. 370 LIFE OP If Mr. Franklin still remembers me, present my compliments to him. I recollect him well, and also the regret I experienced when in London, at not being sufficiently acquainted with the English language to converse with him, and visit him oftener. With the most perfect regard, I have the honour, &c. SlGARD DE ROSIGNAN." "TURIN, Nov. 14th, 1779. Sir, Yours came to hand in due time. I would have answered it eight days sooner had my health allowed. I know nothing of the fleets but by public report; until now, they but poorly answer the expec tation which those reports would fain have raised. The season besides is far advancing ; and notwith standing all the examples alleged to prove the con trary, I doubt much if they will be in time to do any thing. I was surprised to hear that they are looking for lodgings at Paris for the Count d Estaing ; if it is true, I do not see the reason. M. M. must be now at Paris, at least it is so believed; and he is expected here shortly, according to his appointment ; no one ever knew that he was to pass through Spain. As to poor , I believe as you say that it would be difficult for him to obtain the confidence of either party. He cuts such a poor figure, that he does not deserve even to be spoken of. You tell me astonishing things ! I was struck with amazement at reading them. Whatever may be my faith in your words, I cannot entirely give up the high opinion I had conceived of the judgment, pene tration, and candour, which 1 always thought were qualities essentially inherent in the individual in ques- ARTHUR LEE. 371 tion, to whom I had desired you to present my com pliments. I suspect some misunderstanding in all this. It is often the case. The wicked do more business than those that are honest, because they do not hesitate about the means ; and does it not happen that the most honest man, on account of that unfor tunate propensity to evil of which the most upright is not exempt, and which he has to resist, suffers him self to be seduced or rather surprised by an unprinci pled knave, even inferior in talents? You cannot conceive how this afflicts me for you, and on account of the consequences that it may have. I hope I may not be mistaken in my conjectures, and that a day will come when this mystery will be unravelled. I pity you to have fallen in such bad hands, as you say, at your arrival in the country where you are ; but we must have nothing to do with men, not to run such risks, and have very little knowledge of them to be astonished. True the just man cannot get accustom ed to this ; he feels so differently from that species, unfortunately so common, that he can scarcely be lieve what he sees, and what has already happened to him one hundred times in the course of his life. I will get the fourth volume of P , and I will with pleasure look over the details you mention, and am much obliged to you. I wish my health may al low me to peruse it. I have the honour to be, &c. SlGARD DE ROSIGNAN." 372 LIFE OF LETTERS OF THE COUNT MOUSTEIR. " COBLENTZ, April 23d, 1779. Dear Sir, The confidence I have, rather in your indulgence than in my skill, encourages me to try the chance of a letter wholly in English. I have been very sorry to learn that your health has been impair ed. I hope you will by this time be entirely recov ered. I wish that after the due attention being given to your health, you should be employed for the com mon good, and as soon as possible, as minister pleni potentiary, at a neighbouring court. The appoint ment of Dr. Franklin at ours shows evidently to the world the connexion formed between your country and mine. But to give it all its value and strength, it would require somewhat more than can be effected by plenipotentiaries, whose arguments and reasonings are always submitted to the events of war. You men tion in your last letter that 61 is called ; I would fain know whether at his own desire or not. I cannot form any judgment about his designed successor, knowing nothing of him but his face. I think it could not have been the work, if 60 could have filled that place. Whoever it be, I wish him full success, being entirely concerned for the welfare of both states, and a true friend to North America. I wish some more important event than the con quest of Senegal, could happen in our favour. I am quite of your mind, as to the dispositions people should carry in contrary events. If such happen by one s own fault, they should serve as an advice to take other measures. If chance alone and ill luck bring them on, then fortitude and perseverance should be used, and I would always say, t Tu ne cede malis y ARTHUR LEE. 373 scd contra audcntior itoS The efforts made against ill fortune have something noble, which makes them worthy of admiration, and sometimes they are crown ed with success. I hope the depression of spirits which you mention will have been only of the spirits of vulgar men, whose nature it is to be too easily elevated or dejected. The present year must bring forth events which will of course have a great influence on your revolu tion. Please God to consolidate so noble a work. Count d Estaing s honour is more concerned than ever, to perform some striking action, though I do not look on the loss of St. Lucia as of great import ance. I wish Pondicherry could be as easily recov ered. I am sorry that England keeps a wing in the east, having so deservedly lost one in the west. Were the Indians men, as the North Americans are, they would use the same means to keep the Euro peans within their own limits, out of which they should go as traders, not as conquerors. I am far from having an intention ever to publish a history of the American revolution, but looking on that event as pregnant with matters of observation, and being desirous of enlarging as much as I can my knowledge concerning mankind, I think I cannot take a more proper aim in my present study than to examine all the measures which the several states of America have taken and still take for their welfare. I see that they come nearer to what can .be wished to form a good government, than any other state ever before attained ; but I am sorry to think that per fection is not to be arrived at in human institutions. Those are the happiest who come the nearest to it. The other states are justly alarmed at the con stitution of Pennsylvania, if the foundation of tyran ny is laid in it ; for I think there are two ways to destroy North-American liberty ; first, if one state VOL. ii. 47 374 LIFE OF becomes boldly ambitious, and should be successful, which may happen, as in ancient times Lacedaemonia and Athens ruled successively over the other states of confederate Greece; secondly, if some ambitious men succeed in the project of subverting and subdu ing their own state, they may afterward subdue the others. Did not Cromwell, after having subverted and subdued England, subdue Scotland, Ireland, and your Virginia.* Notwithstanding all that, I think that your people can be, with your governments, the happiest people in the world ; and this is the chief reason why I wish complete and speedy success to all your efforts to expel your enemies. For my part, I wish all men in the world could be happy. They could be so in every government, even in the most despotic ones, if the rulers did unite vir tue and knowledge, which are seldom to be found. I first study to make myself happy by all the means which I have, or rather to maintain myself so, for I think I am the happiest man in the world, and I thank God for it. Then I prepare myself to be able to contribute to others happiness, if Providence would put me in a position where I could have some influ ence on their fate. The undertaking of Madame Mousteir has the greatest success for her and her son. I will endea vour on my side to show myself to him, as good a father as she is a good mother, by making iny chief object his education, in order to make him an hon est man and useful to society. The nurse thanks you for your attention to her, and sends her compliments to you. * He is mistaken as to Virginia. She never yielded to, or acknowledged Cromwell s authority ; but declared herself independent, and remained so until the restoration of Charles the Second, when she voluntarily acknowledged him. Hence Virginia obtained the appellation of the " Old Dominion." See ARTHUR LEE. 375 Believe me, dear sir, with sincere esteem and affec tion, your most obedient humble servant, LE C TK DE MOUSTEIR. The Hon. Arthur Lee, at Paris," " COBLENTZ, July 29th, 1779. Dear Sir, Being encouraged by your last letter, I will continue to write in English as long as you will not be tired of my correspondence. The long desired event of the joining of the Spaniards with us being now realised, I hope that you will soon fill the post to which you have so long been destined. Though I must regret to be by that event placed at a greater distance from you, I rejoice at the same time to see one employed, whom I think so able of acting well in every respect. I had already heard of the trouble Mr. Deane s return to America had occasioned ; but I assure you, that had I not had previous notions of his character, and of that of his partner, the opinion I have of yours would have been sufficient to fix my judgment. I make no doubt but that at the end, the good cause will entirely prevail, notwithstanding the measures of your enemies. 28 has perhaps thought it expedient not to pronounce about the question, as long as 61 will stay in America; which will perhaps not be long, since I have heard his successor has de parted. 1 don t wonder there are some ill-intentioned persons, who under the pretence of a private cause endeavour to attack the public welfare, because there are always in republics obnoxious men, who are ready to shake and even destroy it, led on by the wish to plunder it. But I have great hopes that your repub lic is now well established, though 1 cannot be con vinced it will ever be entirely quiet. The senti- 376 LIFE OF ments you express towards your enemies, are worthy of a generous man, and a good patriot. When I first wrote to you that I wished all men to be happy, I at the same time wished they should de serve it. I know very well that this wish is one of those which are not to be fulfilled. I am certainly not in the secret about the measures our court takes towards your country, but I would ven ture to be a pledge that it never espoused the cause of Mr. D. It would be as much against its principles, as against its dignity. I hope you will soon let me hear some agreeable news, as well relating to yourself, as the common cause. Madame Mousteir presents her compliments to you. She is constantly employed in the office of a good mam ma, who takes that care of her child that nature re quires. I live happy in her society, and am very well satisfied to remain in my corner ; where if I am not very busy, I am at least very quiet. I have the honour to be sir, with the greatest es teem, your very obedient humble servant, LE C TE - DE MOUSTEIR. To the Hon. Arthur Lee, Paris." ARTHUR LEE. 377 APPENDIX XI. Extracts from the Journal of Arthur Lee, kept by him on his journey to treat with the North Western Indians, and during the progress of treating with their different tribes.* CARLISLE is in the county of Cumberland, and has been settled about thirty-two years. It has about one hundred and fifty good stone houses. There is here a very complete set of buildings for arsenals; raised at continental expense, but not used, and therefore going to ruin. Gen. Armstrong, Gen. Ir- win, and Gen. Butler, reside here, and several other gentlemen, forming a good society; but they have neither coffee-house, post, nor newspapers. I saw here a proof how much marriage is governed by desti ny. A very handsome and genteel young lady, who had a good fortune, was joined to a man twice her own age, with neither family nor fortune, personal nor mental accomplishments, to engage a lady s love. The county of Cumberland is peopled almost en tirely with Scotch and Irish, who have become rich * The commencement of this journal has been lost. Mr. Lee set out from Philadelphia, and the extract begins with his arrival in Carlisle, Pennsylvania ; now a flourishing town, in which is situated Dickinson College. 378 LIFE OF by farming ; the land producing excellent wheat, which is their staple commodity. Nov. 24th. We left Carlisle, and slept at Shippens- burg ; a handsome little town, about four miles from the Conedogwinit, on the north, and the Yellow Breeches Creek, which issues from a small but very deep lake, on the south, and runs into the Susque- hannah. From thence the road led us the next day across the North Mountain, into what is called the Horse Valley, made by that and the next mountain, which we crossed into the Path Valley, through which runs the Conagocheague, which empties into the Po- tomack. We crossed next the Tuscarora Mountain, on the top of which the line runs, which divides the counties of Cumberland and Bedford; which latter we entered on descending the mountain, and lodged at Fort Lyttleton. These mountains are so steep, that it is necessary to walk up and down them. Fort Lyttleton was built by the British in a former war, as a protection to the frontier settlements ; but the In dians murdered both soldiers and inhabitants. At that time it was not uncommon with these savages, O to murder, scalp, and cut out the hearts of the people they found defenceless. A very heavy fall of snow during the night of the 25th, detained us at Fort Lyt tleton until the 27th. 27th. We crossed the mountain called Sideling Hill, and the Juniata, to Bedford. Nine miles before coming to this place we crossed Bloody Run, so call ed from the murder of several white people there by the Indians. Bedford is the capital of the county, and is a thriving little town on the Juniata, with good meadow grounds around it. There are yet traces of the redoubts thrown up here by the British, after Braddock s defeat. Gen. Forbes, who commanded next, having made this the rendezvous of the army in 1756. ARTHUR LEE. 379 28th. Leaving Bedford, we again crossed the Juni- ata, and traversed the Alleghany mountain to Stony Creek. On the road we saw the marks of a most tremendous whirlwind which happened last year, and had in its course torn up by the roots or twisted off every tree, however large. Numbers of the largest were laid down by each other, as if strewn by the whirlwind with as much ease as so many straws scat tered by a light wind. The ascent of this mountain is very steep, but it is rendered easy by trailing it properly. On the top is a level of many miles, and through it runs the principal branch of the Juniata. It is loaded with chestnut and oak, very large. The snow was about one foot deep on the mountain; and yet the weather so mild, that I travelled without a great coat. The road, on the top of this mountain, and in descending it, and thence to Stony Creek, is miry and stony, and leads through a number of dismal swamps, that put one in mind of Milton s 4 Fogs, bogs, fens, dens, and shades of death. From this and the preceding eminence you view the vast Apalachian Mountains, covered with snow. The ocean in a storm, with its billows and their white tops rising behind and above each other, resem ble the various ridges of snow-capt hills which com pose this immense chain. On the 29th we traversed a part of the Alleghany, called Laurel Hill, from an abundance of what is call ed in Virginia ivy, growing upon it. On this moun tain St. Jocelin was attacked and killed by the In dians ; but his convoy was saved. On this mountain Capt. Bullet was attacked and put to flight by a party of Indians within two miles of Ligonier ; and at an other time the savages attacked the hospital, that was going from the fort, and massacred the sick. At night 380 LIFE OF we reached Fort Ligonier, built in 1756, by Gen. Forbes, as a station, in his progress against Fort du Quesne, now Fort Pitt. It was frequently attacked by the French and Indians, and many of its troops killed. A very good and capacious stockaded fort was raised there during the late war, as a defence against Indian incursions. But they massacred the inhabitants as far as Bedford, having passed the fort, through the woods and over the mountains. On the 30th we crossed the Loyalhannon, the Chest nut Hill, or Mountain, to Hannah s town. This place and the neighbourhood felt the weight of the late war. The Indians under the command of refu gees and white men, to the number of three hundred, beset the town, burnt all the houses not under the protection of the stockaded fort, and carried away about twenty prisoners. From this place to Fort Pitt the inhabitants were almost all driven off by the Indians. From this neighbourhood a considerable body under the command of Col. Lockyer went down the Ohio, to join Gen. Clarke, in his intended expedition against Detroit ; but mistaking an Indian encampment on the Ohio for that of Clarke, they landed inadvertently, and were cut off almost to a man. The 1st December brought us across Turtle Creek, through its rich bottoms, and the Bull-pen Swamp, to Mr. Elliot s ; when ourselves, our servants, several wagoners, his wife, and eight children, and a young daughter, all undressed and went to bed on the floor together, in a miserable log-house. Next day, we proceeded six miles to Fort Pilt, where we found Gen. Clark. About a mile from the fort you fall in with the Alleghany River, which comes from the north-east, and joining the Monongahela from the south-west, forms the Ohio. On the very spot made ARTHUR LEE, 381 by this junction was Fort du Quesne, and on the bank of the Monongahela close to it is Fort Pitt. Dec. 3d. The commissioners met, and received from Mr. Lowry answers from their messages, with strings of wampum, from the Delawares, Shawnees, Wyandotts, and Twightwees, declaring their readi ness to meet at Cayahoga. At the same time two traders had arrived from thence directly, and brought a message from several chiefs assembled there, dated Nov. 26th, informing the commissioners that they had attended at Cayahoga from the 2()th, had brought with them their wives and children, and had nothing to eat. These traders said there might be near six hundred at or near Cayahoga. One of our messen gers had been despatched thither with beef and flour, immediately on the receipt of my letter from Sunbury. (The proceedings of the commissioners at Fort Pitt, from the 3d to the 10th are omitted.) On the 10th Dec. we attempted a jaunt up the Alleghany River in a boat ; but when we had rowed about six miles against its current, which is exceed ingly strong, a violent snow-storm sent us back. Some of us landed on the north side, and hunted along the River, but found no game. The land upon the river is exceedingly rich, but narrow, the high lands being within two or three hundred yards of the banks. And indeed this strip of rich bottom, producing black walnut, locust, and sugar maple in abundance, seems to have been made by the gradual encroachment of the river on the southern bank, and consequent recess from its northern bed. About five miles up you come to what is called Kiosolos Bottom, from having been formerly the residence of an Indian chief of that name. He has removed to the Seneca country near the Niagara. This Kiosolos was a very provident Indian, not only in fixing his seat in this most fertile valley, but in having two wives, (I meaa VOL. ii. 48 382 LIFE OF as a savage) one well stricken in years, who paid great attention to his food and his clothes ; the other a handsome young squaw, who served the special pur pose for which Abraham took Hagar, and Isaac Re becca ; so orthodox divines with great gravity instruct us, and inculcate upon the minds of all whom they join together in holy wedlock. Kiosolos Bottom is a rich and beautiful spot. We saw wild hops there, growing in the utmost luxuriance, and of a fine fla vour. llth. We received an Indian express from Mr. Lowry, dated at Cayahoga, and informing us that the Indians had come as far as Cuscuskis within thir ty miles of Mackintosh, but that they were unwilling to corne further, because of their wives and children. On the 12th I was seized with a smart fever, which confined me to my bed for two days, but it was sub dued by copious bleeding and fasting. If exercise, temperance, and change could have ensured me health, I might have expected it. But I experienced the truth of Dr. Young s observation, that * Disease invades the chastest temperance, And punishment the guiltless, and alarm Through thickest shades, pursues the fond of peace. The following epistle from our chief messenger, a member of the assembly of Pennsylvania, is too sin gular in its orthography not to receive a place in my Journal. " Honaubl Comminishers of Indines affers at Mack- entoy s or Fort Pitt. Genteel, Wensday, at 2 a clot this minit met ex- prest from Mr. John Booggs, who writes me that the ARTHUR LEE. 383 Inclines hays agreed to com and meet the commin- ishers at Cuscorgas (meaning Cuscuskis) in order to treat, but will not agree to go to Mackintosoh for the resins within his letter mouchant. I have sent you Mr. Boggs is letter, and have ordered six loud of flower fored, and shall perseed till I meet the Inclines and will assist Taweys, Pawoys, Towopmieys, (mean ing the Ottawas, Chipewas, and Potawattamies) as well as can ; nothing in my power shall be wanting to fullfill wishes of the Cominishnors." All from your humbel sarvant." 17th. We embarked on the Monongahela, and soon entered the Ohio, on our way to Fort Mclntosh. The Ohio is a continuation of the Monongahela and the Alleghany. They enter it at right angles. This ap pears plainly when you have passed the mouth of the Alleghany. Upon looking back you see at some dis tance, directly up the Monongahela, but the point of the two banks only that form the mouth of the Alle ghany is visible, none of its water. Yet it has often been said that the Ohio was a continuation of the Al leghany. Four miles down the river brings you to Montour s Island; which is six miles long, and about half a mile broad on an average, and contains about two thousand acres of very good land, the greater part of it never overflowed. The assembly of Pennsylvania gave Gen. Irvvin a right of pre-emption to this island. They were moved to do it by an old and influential presbyterian member, who with great gravity assured them he knew the island, and that it contained about one hundred and fifty acres. The property of it is contested between Gen. Irvvin, Col. Neville, and Col. Sim of Alexandria. The next place is Loggstown, which was formerly a settlement on both sides of the 384 LIFE OF Ohio, and the place where the treaty of Lancaster was confirmed by the western Indians. From Loggs- town to the mouth of Beaver Creek, is miles, and from thence to Fort Mclntosh, one mile. This fort is built of well-hewn logs, with four bastions; its fig ure an irregular square, the face to the river being longer than the side to the land. It is about equal to a square of fifty yards, is well built, and strong against musketry ; but the opposite side of the river commands it entirely, and a single piece of artillery from thence would reduce it. This fort was built by us during the war, and is not therefore noted in Hutch- ins map. The place was formerly a large Indian set tlement, and French trading place. There are peach trees still remaining. It is a beautiful plain, extend ing about two miles along the river, and one to the hills; surrounded on the east by Beaver Creek, and on the west by a small run, which meanders through a most excellent piece of meadow ground, full of shellbark-hickory, black-walnut, and oak. About one mile and a half up the Beaver Creek, there en ters a small, but perennial stream, very fit for a mill- seat ; so that the possession of the land from there to the \vestern stream, would include a fine meadow, a mill-seat, a beautiful plain for small grain, and rich, well-timbered uplands. It falls just within the west ern boundary of Pennsylvania; and is reserved by the state out of the sale of the land, as a precious morsel Jor some favourite of the legislature. The Ohio here is about four hundred yards wide. The Monongahe- la at Fort Pitt is about two hundred and eighty wide. The Alleghany, about two hundred. The former fre quently overflows, and falls much sooner than the lat ter, owing to its rapidity and extent. The banks of the Monongahela on the west, or opposite side to Pittsburg, are steep close to the water, and about two hundred yards high. About a third of the way from ARTHUR LEE. 385 the top is a vein of coal, above one of the rocks. The coal is burnt in the town, and considered very good. The property of this and of the town is in the Penns. They have lotted out the face of the hill at thirty pounds a lot, to dig coal as far in as the per pendicular falling from the summit of the bank. Fort Pitt is regularly built, cost the crown 600, and is commanded by cannon from the opposite bank of the Monongahela, and from a hill above the town called Grant s Hill, from the catastrophe which befel Gen. Grant at that place. He was advancing with some Highland regiments and Virginia light-infantry before the army under Gen. Forbes, took his station upon this hill, and had the folly to order his drums to beat and his bagpipes to play, in expectation of frightening the French and Indian garrison of the then Fort Du Quesne, to surrender. But the commandant sending a part of the Indians in his rear, sallied out upon him, killed all the Highlanders, and made him prisoner. The Virginia troops, under Col. Lewis, being more upon their guard, mostly escaped. Pittsburg is inhabited almost entirely by Scots and Irish, who live in paltry log-houses, and are as dirty as in the north of Ireland, or even Scotland. There is a great deal of small trade carried on ; the goods being brought at the vast expense of forty-five shil lings per cwt., from Philadelphia and Baltimore. They take in the shops, money, wheat, flour, and skins. There are in the town four attorneys, two doctors, and not a priest of any persuasion, nor church, nor chapel ; so that they are likely to be damned, without the benefit of clergy. The rivers encroach fast on the town; and to such a degree, that, as a gentleman told me, the Alleghany had within thirty years of his memory, carried away one hundred yards. The place, / believe, will never be very considerable. Batteaux pass daily, with whole families, stock, and 386 LIFE OF furniture, for Kentucky. Those from Virginia take boat at Wheeling, which is situated on the Ohio, about ninety miles below Pittsburg, and thereby avoid all the shoal water. Mackintosh is thirty-one miles down the river. About nine miles before you reach it, is a small isl and and a rift, on which loaded batteaux often get aground, especially if they attempt the southern shore ; but the opposite side has generally water enough. On the 19th Mr. Lowry came in, with John Mon- tour and another Indian, who gave us reason to ex pect the Indians in a few days. Reflecting on what would be the best method to secure the country we obtain from the Indians from being surveyed by the swarms of irregular settlers, it seemed to me that this purpose would be answered, by inserting in the treaty an article in these words: If any person shall at tempt to survey or settle on any of the said lands, until the commissioners shall have informed the In dians that permission is given by congress to such sur veyors, or settlements, such person shall be out of the protection of the United States, and the Indians may drive them away. This prohibition being made pub lic in a proclamation by the commissioners, would de ter persons from attempting settlements, till congress shall have formed such regulations, as will at the same time secure a reasonable profit to the public, and set tle the country systematically and peacefully. For these purposes I shall propose this article to my col leagues. Snow began this evening, and continued all the next day and night, with freezing. The river was floating ice. 22d. We despatched a person to Cuscuskis with some rum, lead, and twenty-five pounds of powder, for the Indians. I had my doubts about the propriety ARTHUR LEE. 387 of sending them so much powder; for there are about twenty-five hundred charges for a rifle in that quanti ty. On this subject of gunpowder I must observe that, as there was a great quantity in the public stores at Fort Pitt, the commissioners to save the expense of carriage, ordered what they required for the treaty to be furnished out of this store. But when their store keeper came to examine it, he reported that it was all spoiled. Upon enquiry we found, that though there was a lieutenant and twenty-five men kept there as a garrison, on full pay and expenses, yet no care was taken of them. The commanding officer alleged, that it was the business of the garrison to guard the stores only, and not to keep them from spoiling ; as if there was any advantage in guarding stores that were good for nothing. The expense to the public of this gar rison is as follows; which is not only thrown away, but the commandant, though he will not take care of the stores, thinks he has a right to use them for him self and garrison as he pleases. Estimate. 25 non-commissioned and privates, at 50s. ) ^p^ in per month, ) Lieutenant-commandant, 10 Subsistence, 3 Rations for the whole, 67 JO Sergeants and corporals extra pay, U 151 Multiplied by 12 months, per annum, 1812 Clothing and arms, at 6 per man, 150 The annual expense of this garrison, 1962 That at West Point consists of fifty men, com manded by a major; and the annual expense may be 388 LIFE OF at least two thousand pounds. These have been kept up for two years with equal inutility ; and have been a loss, independent of the stores they have consumed, of 5924. Much the same report of the condition of the stores at West Point, was made to us by those that we ordered to furnish them from thence for the western treaty. The persons to whom public stores are committed, give no security for the safe keeping and return of them, and do not hold themselves re sponsible for the same ; but consume at pleasure, and let the rest perish. This would not be the case if they were obliged to give security for the safe return of what they took in charge. The same fate, for the same reason, attends the public stores in Philadelphia, under the care of Mr. S., and under the immediate eye of Mr. M. Gen. Butler, Mr. Montgomery, and Capt. Butler, our storekeepers, assured me, that bales of cloth, blanketing, fee.., were so rotted, as to be, as it were, glued down to the floor; having never been moved, and nothing been laid between them and the damp floor. While the public stores are thus rot ting, at a great loss, in the public magazines, we found the heads of departments laying out public money, to furnish the soldiers with those very articles. Soon after Gen. Butler had given rne the above informa tion, Col. Harrnar, who commanded the troops that were equipping for the treaty, came in ; and upon my asking him if the troops were provided with what was necessary, he said no, not even with blankets. The clothier-general, upon being applied to, had informed him that they must be purchased. We told him there were thousands rotting in the public store, and direct ed him to go there immediately and furnish his corps, which he did. But though there was a sloop freight ed at Philadelphia to carry the stores for the treaty to West Point,* and then to take in the New- Jersey troops, instead of sending blankets for them out of the ARTHUR LEE. 389 public store, they were purchased at New-York, and sent for the troops to West Point. The reason of all this is, that there is a profit in purchasing, and none in issuing out of the public stores. 24th. Mr. Lowry informed us that the western In dians were both discontented and angry with the Six Nations, for having made a treaty with us without consulting them. This was the object of the general confederation which they mentioned, at Fort Stanwix ; and these Indians charge the Six Nations with a breach of faith, plighted in this confederacy. It is certain this was the wish of the Six Nations, and the intent of their speech ; but the decided language we held oblig ed them to an immediate determination, which bids fair to prostrate their confederation, and its diabolical objects. I omitted to mention that while we were at Fort Pitt, being informed that a large quantity of gunpowder was gone down the Mississippi to be sold to the west ern Indians, the commissioners by my advice wrote to the magistrates at the falls, to seize and store the pow der, and all ammunition destined for the Indians, till we had concluded peace with them, and permitted the trade. Being this day indisposed, and obliged to keep my room, 1 could not avoid meditating on my future pros pects. Should I settle and remain among my friends in Virginia; should I retire to Kentucky; or return to England, and enjoy in retirement there, all that a country great in arts and sciences affords. I entered life glowing with sentiments of liberty and virtue. The seeds of the American revolution were then sowing, in the acts of parliament for im posing taxes on the colonies. I embraced the oppo sition with a double degree of enthusiasm, which the love of liberty and my country inspired. I devoted VOL,, u. 49 390 LIFE OF myself to the cause from its very infancy. From that time my life has been a continued scene of agitation and commotion. No calm has composed, no repose has refreshed me. To live in Virginia without a wife, is hardly practi cable. But in Virginia boys and girls only marry, and they marry from almost every motive but love. A man, at thirty, a woman, at twenty, is old in Virgi nia ; and with my sentiments of love and marriage, I am not likely to find a wife there. #=#:*#::*#::*:* Shall I retire to Kentucky, and try my fortune in a young country and a rising region. The soil and climate are fine. I have lands there, which would become valuable by residence ; and it would be easy, with a little money, to acquire a princely territorial property. Ambition and avarice seem therefore to join in their invitation. But after the scenes through which I have passed, such an ambition seems low ; and the avarice, without an incentive. For whom should I sacrifice present enjoyment, to secure a future for tune? He who pursues ambition in that country, must expect no repose. He must first agitate its separation and independence, then control the various turbulent spirits which are gathered there from dif ferent states ; he must court those whose lives and manners are little removed from those of savages. He must be in perpetual action ; as nothing else can promote his purposes, or even prevent him from re pining at the loss of every thing that can engage the cultivated mind, or gratify the senses. He must sub mit to the wretched accommodations, which an al most savage country can afford; and not only be con tent without the luxuries, but even without the ne cessaries of life. What is there then, that can tempt a sober man, in my situation, to Kentucky? ARTHUR LEE. 391 A single man intent upon gratifying his taste, might accomplish this purpose with great certainty, and at a moderate expense, in London. Secure of 600 a year, he might live in a style perfectly genteel, and see and hear every thing worth seeing and hearing. But then he must live for himself only. He must forget that he has relations in another land, near and dear, whom he has sacrificed forever. All the charities of blood and country must be forgotten. His hours of retirement must be sad and solitary. Should ill health overtake him, he will not only be cut off from the enjoyments he promised himself, but he must ex pect no tender hand to sooth his pillow, no sympa thising soul to mitigate with nameless gentle offices the anguish of disease, and minister to the troubled and desponding mind, And why indeed should he, who lives for himself only, expect that society will feel for him, or furnish him with aid or solace, beyond the influence of his money? Those, too, with whom I was immediately con nected in friendship and in politics, when a fellow- subject, would regard me now with cold indifference, if not with aversion. Many would consider me as having contributed to wound and dishonour that coun try, which is the dearest object to every good Eng lishman. Could I be restored to the situation that I enjoyed before the revolution, unless the tumult of political commotion may have unparadised it, I might be happy. That is as happy as man without domes tic cares, domestic anxiety, and domestic love, could be. I was placed in chambers in the temple, which looked into a delightful little garden on the Thames, of which I had the key ; I could go in and out at all hours, and have what company I pleased, without being questioned or overlooked. 392 LIFE OF I was near the Royal Society, of which I was a fellow, where, every week, whatever was new and ingenious in literature was communicated. Not far from me was the hall of the Society of Arts and Ag riculture, of which I was an honorary memher ; and where I had access to all the new discoveries in arts, agriculture, and mechanics. The play houses and the opera were equally con venient, where I could select the opportunity of see ing the best tragedies and comedies represented, and of hearing the most exquisite Italian music. I was a subscriber to Bach s and Abel s concert, where the most masterly performers in the world (Bach, Abel, Fishar, Tassot, Ponto, and Crosdal,) played to a most polite and fashionable audience, in one of the most elegant concert rooms in the world. In the field of politics, from the politician in the cider-cellar to the peer in his palace, I had access and influence. At the Bill of Rights, the city of London, the East India house, and with the opposition in both houses, I was of some consideration. Among my particular friends, to whom I always had access, were Lord Shelburne, Mr. Downing, Col. Barre, Mr. Wilkes, Serjeant Glynn, and several others. I was so well with sev eral of the nobility and gentry that I could spend all my leisure time at their country seats. At Bath I had a very extensive acquaintance ; and there is not in the world a more agreeable place to one so cir cumstanced. As one of the law, I enjoyed the pro tection and distinction of that body, with the prospect of rising to place and profit, which all of that body, who have even moderate abilities, enjoy. So circum stanced, nothing but the peculiar and extraordinary crisis of the times prevented me from being entire ly happy, and pursuing the fortune which sat with golden plumes within my reach. But every thing was absorbed in the great contest which I saw fast ARTHUR LEE. 393 approaching ; and which soon called upon me to quit London, and take an open part in the revolution, as a representative of the United States at the court of France. To resume this situation is now impracticable ; and even were it practicable it would be ineligible. What would be the comment on my conduct, if, after hav ing hazarded every thing to establish republican liber ty, I should quit it and prefer to live under a monarch. This would be bearing a most humiliating testimo ny against the cause by my own conduct ; pride alone should withhold me from such an indignity. What then remains for me but to take the world as I find it to remain in the midst of this odd chap ter of accidents to take the poet s advice rape horam Q,uam minime credula postero. In truth we refine too much in estimating human prospects, and human happiness. We expect too much, we look too far, as Dr. Young has strongly said, " Where is to-morrow ? In another world ! To numbers this is certain the reverse Is sure to none and yet on this perhaps, This peradventure, infamous for lies, We build our mountain hopes spin out eternal schemes, As if we the fatal sisters would outspin And big with life s futurities expire. 25th. Mr. Evans, agent, and the Pennsylvania commissioners arrived. The boat in which they em barked with stores having run aground, and being nearly overwhelmed with ice, they and the crew al most frozen to death, before the ice became hard enough to bear them, got on shore, landed the goods, and brought them forward on pack-horses. 394 LIFE OF 28th. Some of the officers getting merry late at night, ordered the artillery company to draw out the cannon, and fire them in the midst of the garrison. One of them was accordingly fired. The command ing officer immediately ordered the whole garrison under arms, and the artillery officer to countermand the firing ; he refused, upon which the other ordered him under arrest. The next officer in command of the artillery, walking aside, told the men to do as they thought proper; they hesitated to obey the com manding officer, and he ran his sword through one of them. This soon produced a withdrawal of the ar tillery. In the mean time the troops were all under arms, and drunken officers at the head of their com panies, W 7 ere giving contrary orders, swearing at and confounding the men. Upon this Gen. Butler and myself sent for Maj. T the commanding officer, Col. Harmar, being at Fort Pitt, and directed him to order the garrison immediately to their quarters ; which being done the tumult subsided. The snow and frost continued very severe. I here experienced how much habit adds to our necessities. I had five blankets (Indian ones I mean) of which I gave one to my servant, who complained of having nothing to cover him. With this one he slept per fectly contented, while I could hardly keep myself warm with the other four. He had laid down in his clothes, rolling himself up in the blanket, while I stript myself according to custom, and the room being accessible to the four winds of heaven, it was no easy matter to recover the warmth which was lost in un casing. 27th. Mr. Boggs, another of our Indian messen gers, arrived and reported that the Indians were on their way, and that some of them would be in the next day. ARTHUB LEE. 895 28th. Several Indians arrived. Orders were is sued by the commissioners against selling or giving them rum. Mr. Boggs was directed to make a return day by day of the number present from the different tribes to Mr. Lowry, who was directed to order them provisions, agreeably to that return. This was done not only that they might be duly supplied with pro visions, but that we might have a check upon the commissary. This day Col. Harmar returned, and with him came Cols. Atlee and Johnston. They brought a melancholy report of Mr. Ohara the contractor, who had embarked with a load of flour, and been frozen up, himself and the crew frost-bitten, so that it was apprehended one of the soldiers must lose his legs. So far back as the 3d the commissioners had di rected the following orders to be sent Mr. Ohara : That Capt. Ohara be directed to remove the troops, stores, and provisions, &;c. for the treaty at Fort Mc- Intosh as speedily as possible ; yet by some unac countable neglect, most of the stores and provisions were delayed till bad weather, and then sent with much risk and additional expense. An increased portion of their divinity was ordered for the Indians. Plad Mr. Pope seen these savages they could not have inspired him with those beautiful lines in his Essay on Man : " Lo the poor Indian ! whose untutored mind, Sees God in clouds, and hears him in the wind ; His soul proud science never taught to stray, Far as the solar walk, or milky way, Yet simpler nature to his hopes hath given, Behind the cloud-topp d hill an humbler heaven, Some safer world, in depth of woods embraced, Some happier island in the watery waste, Where slaves once more their native land behold ; No fiends torment, no Christians thirst for gold. To be content s his natural desire, He asks no angel s wing, no seraph s fire ; But thinks, admitted to that equal sky, His faithful dog shall bear him company." 396 LIFE OF Mr. Pope is speaking of the South-American ; but our Indians have got the idea that this is an island, and have certainly made a most manful resistance to every impression to the contrary ; but as to another world, they do not appear to have any idea of it; nor do I believe that one coming from the dead to tell them that there was a place of happiness without rum, would gain any credit. 29th. Some chiefs of the Chippeways and Ottowas only have arrived. They came this morning, request ing some spirits, two kettles, a tent, a blanket for an old man, some powder and lead for their young men to hunt with, and some paint. The commissioners ordered them some spirits, a blanket, the kettles, paint, arid ammunition. The tent was refused, because eve ry tribe would have expected the same ; and as they never return what they once get into their hands, it would be too expensive. We were amused with the comments on the dis turbance in the garrison, of the gentleman whose let ter I have copied, and who takes the same liberties with the English language in speaking, as in writing. He said he never in his life saw such a rumpiss ; that they were all running hurry-scurry, and when their bagnits were all fixtured, they glomed so in the moon, as to pister one to death. I am told that near the lower Shawnee town, on the Sciota, are the visible remains of a grand fortifi cation. It consists of an oblong containing about acres, enclosed by a rampart of clay fifteen feet high. It has eight gates; one at each angle, and one at the centre of each side. One of them is much larger than the rest, and opens into a trench, which leads into another that surrounds the fort, containing about eleven or twelve acres. From the top of the ram part to the bottom of the trench, is about fifteen feet ; but it is much fallen, and filled up. The large timber ARTHUR LEE. 397 growing upon it, shows it to be of great antiquity. The Indians have no tradition about it ; no more than they have of the vast animal whose bones are dug up in this western country, but whose species is ex tinct. There are several of these fortifications on both sides of the Ohio. By whom they were raised is in conceivable. The appearance of the works indicates great antiquity, and the total silence of Indian tradi tion concerning them, confirms it. They must have been formed by a people far more wise and powerful than the Indians. But how such a people became so totally extinct, as to leave not a wreck nor remem brance behind, is inexplicable. Indians have some modes of punishment and re straint, which fall wholly upon the poor women. If a woman lie often, or is caught in a theft, a person is sent to cut off a club of her hair, which is the great est shame she can suffer. But for a man-thief there is no punishment. When a women is taken in la bour, she is obliged to quit her husband s tent, and retire at a distance from the rest. There she is to build her own hut, and cook her own victuals, that are sent by a child and laid down near her hut, which no one is allowed to approach. If the pains are such as to compel her to cry, it only excites the mirth and ridicule of the men. I should not have credited this account, if I had not received it from sundry persons of veracity, who have been among them, and witness ed this more than diabolical apathy. That a situa tion which should call forth every tender feeling of the human heart, should be made one of neglect, con tempt, and reprobation, is hardly to be believed ; but that it should excite reproachful mirth, exceeds every thing yet known of savage inhumanity. Ten days after the birth of the child, the mother is permitted to VOL. n, 50 398 LIFE OF return to her husband s hut, where she lies for thirty- five days on the opposite side of the fire ; at the end of which period they unite blankets, if he chooses. Such is the absurd, the unfeeling, the cruel mode of treating females, in a situation, of all others, the most tender, the most interesting, and the most important, among these wretches, who have the form, but not the feelings of human beings. With similar absurdity, when a woman is in the situation in W 7 hich Laban s daughter pretended to be, when she concealed his stolen goods, she is obliged to leave society, and keep entirely by herself till the period is over; then she is to purify her person and her clothes, before she is permitted to return. But this is not the only people that have monstrously absurd opinions and customs relating to this operation of nature in the female sys tem, which is as simple and as innoxious as any other in either sex. Happily these cruelties and absurdities are done away with among us, and in most parts of Europe. And however it may please some to rail against the vices of the present, compared with those of former ages, I affirm that society becomes more virtuous, as it becomes more enlightened; and that it is far more enlightened now, than it has been in any past time. Let any one read the histories of former times and nations, from the bible downward, and then candidly declare whether the vices and the follies of the present time, are half so monstrous or multiplied as those of any other period. In our females especially I will venture to say, there is more intelligence, more refinement of thought, more delicacy of sentiment, and more chastity of feeling, than former times can boast. Our maids have modesty, our matrons, pride ; which are sure preservatives of female virtue. Be- ARTHUR LEE. 399 fore Calista could be sacrificed to Lothario, Rowe tells us, " Fierceness and pride The guardians of her honour Were lulled to rest." What was fierceness in her, in milder maids was modesty.* * The residue of this journal of Mr. Lee, has been lost. THE END. C- 14 DAY USE RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO + 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 1 -month loans may be renewed by calling 642-3405 6-month loans may be recharged by bringing books to Circulation Desk Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW ***> ;: . iV , ft c -"a CQ, NOV 61983 4 Tjrp PIP AliH R 83 JU.U LIK AUb 9 . WM K$yL/ DEC 1 1 1995 RECEIVED SEP ? 2 1995 . ^ ; . . . ^nVvULMl iw* UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6, 40m, 3/78 BERKELEY, CA 94720 U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIE