E 3 UC-NRLF SB o GIFT F """d c PROVISIONAL % LIST OF BOOKS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY SELECTED FOR " IN NOTES TO BE PREPARED BY SPECIAL STUDENTS. The list is intended to include both Books for Popular Keading and works for the deeper Study of History. It is also intended to embrace the Unworthy Litera ture which needs to be marked as such for information to the uncritical public. Suggestions of addition or omission are asked for. IP e r/ > to* // fit o -r<f x CONTENTS. PART I. AMERICA AT LAHGE, .... 3 General History, 3 Geography, Physiography, Description, ... 3 Archaeology, 4 Aborigines, 6 European Discovery, 9 General Accounts, . 9 Pre-Columbian Discovery, ... 10 Spanish aud Portuguese Discovery, . 11 Other Discoveries, 12 PART II. UNITED STATES AT LAK<;E, 14 DIVISION 1. Historical Periods, 14 Period of Colonial Settlement and Development : A. D. 1607-1760, 14 Period of Discontent, Revolt and Independence : A. D. 1760-1783 1(5 Period of Federal Union find Consolidation : A. D. 1783-1828, 23 Period of the Slavery Question : A. D. 1828-1860, . 27 Period of Civil War : A. D. 1860-1865, . . 31 Period of Reconstruction and after : A. D. 1865-1898, 37 DIVISION 2. General History 38 DIVISION 3. Constitutional and Institutional History and Exposition, 43 English Origins, 43 American Development, . . 44 DIVISION 4. Economic History, . . 47 PART III. UNITED STATES BY SECTIONS, 49 New England, ... . 49 The Old " Middle Stales", . . . 54 Th " South" and " Southwest," 58 The Old "West " and "Northwest," 63 Midcoutinental and Pacific Regions, . 65 PART IV. BRITISH NORTH AMERICA, 67 PART V. SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA 69 General Works, .69 Mexico and Central America, 69 South America, 71 PART VI. WEST INDIES AND OTHER ISLANDS AND COL ONIES, 73 M170858 PART I. America, at La GENERAL HISTORY. BROWNELL, H. North and South America. Hartford: Htirlbert W Co 1863. 2 v. GORDON, THOMAS P. History of America, containing the history of the Spanish discoveries prior to 1520. Phil. 1832. 2 v. HOLMES, ABIEL. Annals of America, 1492-1826. [1st ed. 1805.1 lid ed. Cam bridge: Hilliard Brown. 1829. 2 v. MACKENZIE, ROBERT. America: a history. London and N. Y.: Nelson. 1882. $l.r0. PAYNE, EDWARD JOHN. History of the new world called America. Oxford Clnr Press. 1S92-. N Y . : Macmillan. 1892-. v. 1-. $2. ROBERTSON, WILLIAM. History of America. (Works, v (5-8, Oxford: Talfooys & Wheeler. 1825.) SNOWDEN, RICHARD. History of North and South America, from its discovery to the death of Gen. Washington. [1st ed. 1806.] Phil.: B Warner. 2 v. WINSOR, JUSTIN, KD. Narrative and critical history of America Boston Ho ugh ton 1886-9. 8 v. $44. GEOGRAPHY. - PHYSIOGRAPHY. DESCRIPTION. GANNETT, HENRY. Boundaries of the United States and of (he several states and territories, with a historical sketch of the territorial changes. (United States, Geological Survey, Bulletin v !O . 13.) Wash.: Govt. Prtg. Off. 1885. Dictionary of altitudes in the United States. (United Suites. Geological Survey, Bulletin no. 5.) Wash.- Govt. Prtr Of 1884. Lists of elevations, principally west, of the Mississippi River 4th ed. (United States Geological Survey of the Territories. miscellaneous publications, no. 1.) Wash.- Govt Prtg Off 1877. HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON. Cosmos; trans, by E. C. Otto. London- Bohn. 1847-58. 5 v. N. Y.: Harper. 1850- 5 v. MACCOUN, TOWNS END. Historical geography charts of the United States. 1S charts. N. Y. : Silver. 1889. $15. Historical geography of the United States. N. Y.: T. Mac- Coun. 1889. $1. N. Y. : Silver. 1892. 90c. AMERICA AT LAROE. 4 MORSE, JEDIDIAH. The American geography. New ert., rev., corrected and en larged. London: J. Stockdale. 1794. NATIONAL geographic monographs. N. Y.: Am. Book Co. [1895-.] v. 1-. 20c ea. no. NESBIT, D. M. Tide marshes of the United States. (United States, Dept. of Agriculture, miscellaneous, special report no. 7.) Wash.: Govt. Prtg. Off. 18S5. RECLUS, ELISEE. The earth and its inhabitants: North America; ed. by A. H. Keane. N. Y. : Appleton. 1893. 3 v. $15. RUSSELL, ISREAL C. Lakes of North America. Boston: Ginn. 1895. $1.05. SCAIPE, WALTER B. America, its geographical history, 1492-1892. (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science, extra v. 13.) Bait. 1892. ,$1.50. SHALER, NATHANIEL S. Nature and man in America. N. Y.: Scribner. 1891. $1.50. Story of our continent: a reader in the geography and geology of North America. Boston: Ginn. 1892. 85c. SPENCER, J. W. Elevations in the Dominion of Canada. (United States, Geo logical Survey, Bulletin no. fi.) Wash.: Govt. Prtg. Off. 1884. STANFORD S Compendium of geography and travel: North America; cd. and enlarged by Prof. E. V. Hayden and Prof. A. R. C. Selwyn. London: Stanford. 1883. 21s. SAME (new issue). North America, v. 1. Canada and New foundland. London: Stanford. UNITED STATES. BOARD ON GEOGRAPHIC NAMES. Reports, 1890-. Wash.: Govt. Prtg. Off. 1892-. PREHISTORIC ARCHEOLOGY. ABBOTT, CHARLES C. Primitive Industry; or illustrations of the handiwork, in stone, bone and clay, of the native races of the northern Atlantic seaboard of America. Salem: G. A. Bates. 1881. $3. Recent archaeological explorations in the valley of the Dela ware. (Publications of the University of Pennsylvania, series in philology, etc., v. 2, no. 1.) Boston: Ginn. 1892. 75c. AMERICAN antiquarian and oriental journal. 1878-. v. 1-. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Archaeologia Americana: transactions and collections. Wor cester, etc. 1820-85. 7 v. Proceedings. Worcester. 1843-. AMERICAN journal of archaeology. Bait.: 1885-7. Boston: Ginn. 1888-. ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OP AMERICA. Annual reports. Boston. 1880-. Papers, American series; by Adolf F. Bandelier. Boston. 1881-. Contents: v. 1. Historical introduction to studies among the sedentary Indians of New Mexico. Report on the ruins of the Pueblo of Pecos. Boston: Williams. 1881. v. 2. Report of an archaeological tour in Mexico, in 1881. Boston: Cupples, Upham & Co. 1884. v. 3-4. Final report of investigations among the Indians of the southwestern United States, 1880-5. Cambridge: J. Wilson. 1890-2. 2 v. v. 5. Contributions to the history of the southwestern portion of the United States. Cambridge: J. Wilson. 1890. AMERICA AT LAIKiK. - r ) ATWATER, CALEB. Description of the antiquities discovered in Ohio and other western states. (Archaeologia Americana, v. 1. Worcester: American Antiquarian Soc. 1820.) BALDWIN, JOHN D. Ancient America. N. Y.: Harper. 1X72. BANDELIER, ADOLF F. See Archaeological Institute of America. BRINE, LINDESAY. Travels amongst American Indians, their ancient earthworks and temples. London: Low. 1X94. N. Y.: Seribner. 1804. $5. CARR, LUCIEN. Mounds of the Mississippi valley, historically considered. Cincinnati: Clarke. 18X3. $1.50. CHARNAY, DESIRE. Ancient cities of the new world, being voyages and explora tions in Mexico and Central America, 1857-82; trans, from the French by J. Conino and H. S. Conant. .si. Y.: Harper & Bros. 1887". $6. CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DES AMERICANISTES. Comptes-rendus. 187f>-. DALL, WILLIAM H. On the remains of later pre-historic man obtained from caves in the Catherina Archipelago, Ala.ska. (Smithsonian con tributions to knowledge, v. 22. Wash.: 1880.) FORCE, M. F. Some early notices of the Indians of Ohio; to what race did the mound builders belong. Cincinnati: Clarke. 1879. pap. r>0c. FOSTER, J. W. Prehistoric races of the United States of America. Chicago: S. C. Griggs. 1873. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology. Reports. Cambridge. 1X6S-. HAVEN, SAMUEL F. Archaeology of the IT. S. (Smithsonian contributions \.o knowledge, v. X. Wash.: 18f)<i.) HOLMES, WILLIAM H. Archeological studies among the ancient cities of Mexico. (Field Columbian Museum, publications nos. 8, 16.) Chi cago. 1895-7. 2 v. HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON. Researches concerning the institutions and monuments of the ancient inhabitants of America; trans, by Helen M. Wil liams. London: Longman. 1814. 2 v. JONES, JOSEPH. Explorations of the aboriginal remains of Tennessee. (Smith sonian contributions to knowledge, v. 22. Wash. 18X0.) JOURNAL of American ethnology and archaeology. Boston: Houghton. 181)1-. v. 1-. LAPHAM, I. A. The antiquities of Wisconsin. (Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, v. 7. Wash. 1855.) MERCER, HENRY C. Hill-caves of Yucatan. Phil.: Lippincott. 1896. $2. MOOREHEAD, WARREN K. Fort Ancient, the great prehistoric earthwork of Warren Co.. Ohio. Cincinnati: Clarke. 1890. $2. XADATLLAC, MATIQTTIS I>TO. Pre-historic America; trans, by N. d Anvers, ed. by W. H. Dall. N. Y.: Putnam. 18X4. $5. Pre-histcric Americans. Chicago: McBride. 1896. 50c. AMERICA AT LARGE. 6 PEET, STEPHEN D. Pre-historic America. Chicago: American Antiquarian Office. 1890- . 5 v. $3.50 ea. v. 1. The mound builders, v. 2. Emblematic mounds and animal effigies, v. 3. Myths and symbols. PRIEST, JOSIAH. American antiquities and discoveries in the west. 2d ed., rev. Albany: Hoffman & White. 1833. RIVERO, M. E., AND TSCHUDI, J. J. VON. Peruvian antiquities; trans, from the Spanish by F. L. Hawks. N. Y.: Putnam. 1853. SHORT, JOHN T. The North Americans of antiquity; their origin, migrations and type of civilization considered. N. Y. : Harper. 1S80. $3. SQUIER, EPHRAIM G. Aboriginal monuments of N. Y. (Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, v. 2. Wash. 1851.) A xi) DAVIS, E. H. Ancient monuments of the Mississippi valley. (Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, v. 1. Wash. 1848.) THOMAS, CYRUS. Catalogue of prehistoric works east of the Rocky Mts. Wash. 1891. (Smithsonian Inst., Bureau of Ethnology.) The Cherokees in pre-Columbian times. N. Y. : N. I). C. Hodges. 1890. The circular, square, and octagonal earthworks of Ohio. Wash. 1889. (Smithsonian Inst., Bureau of Ethnology.) The problem of the Ohio mounds. Wash. 1889. (Smithsonian Inst., Bureau of Ethnology.) A study of the MS. Troano. (U. S. Geog. and. Geol. Survey. Contributions to N. Am. ethnology, v. 5. Wash. 1882.) WHITTLESEY, CHARLES. Description of ancient works in Ohio. (Smithsonian contribu tions to knowledge, v. 3. Wash. 1852.) AMERICAN ABORIGINES. ADAIR, JAMES. History of the American Indians, particularly those nations adjoining to the Mississippi, E. and W. Florida, Georgia, S. and N. Carolina, and Virginia. London: E. & C. Dilly. 1775. AMERICAN state papers: Indian affairs, 1789-1827. Wash. 1832-4. 2 v. ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Proceedings, 1879-. (Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, v. 25-. Wash. 1882-.) BANCROFT, HUBERT H. Native races of the Pacific states of North America. N. Y. : Appleton. 1874-6. 5 v. $27.50. BIART, LUCIEN. The Aztecs, their history, manners and customs; [trans.] from the French by J. L. Garner. Chicago: McClurg. 1887. $2. BRINTON, DANIEL G. The American race: a linguistic classification and ethno graphic description of the native tribes of North and South America. N. Y. : N. I). C. Hodges. 1891. $2. The books of Chilan Balam: the prophetic and historic records of the Mayas of Yucatan. Phil.: Edw. Stern & Co. 1882. Essays of An Americanist. Phil. : Porter & Coates. 1890. $3. The Lenape and their legends, with the complete text and symbols of the Walam Olum. Phil. 1885. $3. un. The Maya chronicles. Phil. : D. G. Brinton. 1882. $3.50. BROOKS, ELBRIDGE S. Story of the American Indian. Boston: Lothrou. 1887. $2.50. AMERICA AT LARGE. 7 CATLIN, GEORGE. Last rambles amongst the Indians of the Rocky Mountains and the Andes. Edin.: Gall & 1. N. Y. : 1868; 1877. CHARLEVOIX, FATHKK. Letters to the Dutchess of Lesdi- guieres [containing account of the North American tribes, 1720-22; trans.] London. 1763. GOLDEN, CAUWALLADER. History of the five Indian nations of Canada, which are de pendent on the province of New York in America. N. Y. 1727. ^Enlarged ed. London. 1747. DALL, WILLIAM H. Tribes of the extreme northwest. United States Geograph ical and Geological Survey. Contributions to N. Am. eth nology, v. 1. Wash. 1877.) DKFOREST, JOHN w. History of the Indians of Connecticut. Albany: Munsell. 1871. DOBRIZHOFFER, MARTIN. An account of the Abipones, an equestrian people of Para guay; from the Latin. London: Murray. 1822. 3 v. DODGE, J. R. Red men of the Ohio valley, 1650-1795. Springfield, O.: Ruralist Pub. Co. I860. DRAKE, FRANCIS S. Indian history for young folks. N. Y.: Harper. 1885. $3. DRAKE, SAMUEL G. The aboriginal races of North America. 15th ed. Phil.: De- silver. 1859. Biography and history of the Indians of North America, llth ed. Boston: Mussey. 1851. The old Indian chronicle: being a collection of exceeding rare tracts written and published in the time of King Philip s War. Boston: Antiquarian Inst. 1836. EICKEMEYER, CARL AND LILIAN W. Among the Pueblo Indians. N. Y.: Merriam Co. (c.1895.) $1.75. ELLIS, GEORGE E. The red man and the white man in North America. Boston: Little & Co. 1882. $3.50. FLETCHER, ALICE C. Indian education and civilization: a report. (Bureau of Edu cation, special report.) Wash.: Govt. Prtg. Off. 1888. GALLATIN, ALBERT. Synopsis of the Indian tribes of North America. (Archaeo- logia Americana, v. 2. Cambridge: Am. Antiquarian Soc. 1836.) GATSCHET, ALBERT S. A migration legend of the Creek Indians, with a linguistic, historic and ethnographic introd. Phil.: D. G. Brinton. 1884. GOOKIN, DANIEL. Historical account of the doings and sufferings of the Christian Indians of New England. ( Archaeologia Ameri cana, v. 2. Cambridge: Am. Antiquarian Soc. 1836.) GRINNELL. GEORGE B. Pawnee hero stories and folk-tales, with notes on the origin, customs and character of the Pawnee people. N. Y. : Forest and Stream Pub. Co, 188!). $2. Story of the Indian. (Story of the west series.) N. Y. : Appleton. 1895. $1.50. HALE, HORATIO, ED. The Iroouois book of rites. Phil.: D. O. Brinton. 1883. $3. HECKE\VELDER, JOHN. History, manners and customs of the Indian nations who once inhabited Penn., etc.; new ed., with introd. by Rev. Wm. C. Rcichel. [1st ed. 1818.] (Memoirs of the Pennsylvania Historical Soc., v. 12. Phil. 1876.) Narrative of the mission of the United Brethren among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians, 1740-1808. Phil.: M Carthy & Davis. 1820. AMERICA AT LARGE 8 INDIAN RIGHTS ASSOCIATION. Annual reports of the executive committee, 1883-. Phil. JACKSON, MRS. HELEN HUNT. A century of dishonor. N. Y. : Harper. 1881. New ed., with appendix. Boston: Roberta. 1885. $1.50. JESUIT relations, and allied documents, 1610-1791: the original French, Latin, and Italian texts, with English translations and notes; ed. by Reuben Gold Thwaites. Cleveland: Bur rows Bros. 1896-. v. 1-. [In about 60 v.] $3.50 ea. JONES, CHARLES C., JR. Antiquities of the southern Indians, particularly of the Geor gia tribes. N. Y. : Appleton. 1873. $0. KINGSLEY, JOHN S., ED. Standard natural history, v. 6. Boston: Cassino. 1885. SAME: Riverside natural history, v. 6. Boston: Hough- ton. 1888. KIP, REV. WILLIAM I. The early Jesuit missions in North America; comp. and trans, from the letters of the French Jesuits. N. Y.: A\ iley & Put- 1 am. 1846. 2 v. LAFI\AU, J. F. Moeurs des sauvages A vineriquains. Paris: Saurrain. 1724. 2 v. LATTONTAN, BARON. New voyages to North America, containing an account of the several nations of that vast continent, 1683-94; [trans, from the French.] 2d ed. London. 1735. 2 v. LOSKIEL, GEORGE H. History of the mission of the United Brethren among the Indians of North America; trans, from the German by C. I. La Trobe. London. 1794. MoKENNEY, THOMAS L., AND HALL, JAMES. History of the Indian tribes of North America, with 120 por traits from the Indian gallery at Washington. Phil.: Rice & Hart. 1854. 3 v. MACLEAN, JOHN. Canadian savage folk. To ronto: Wm. Briggs. 1896. MASON, OTIS T., ED. Miscellaneous papers relating to anthropology, from the Smithsonian report for 1881. W r ash. 1883. MASSACHUSETTS. The Indian question: report of the commit tee appointed by Gov. Long. Boston, 1880. MORGAN, LEWIS H. Houses and house-life of the American aborigines. (United States Geographical and Geological Survey, Contributions to North American ethnology, v. 4. Wash. 1881.) League of the Ho-de-no-sau-nee, or Iroquois. Rochester: Sage. 1851. MORSE, JEDIDIAH. A report to the Secretary of War of the United States, on Indian affairs, comprising a narrative of a. tour in 1820. New Haven: S. Converse. 1822. POWERS, STEPHEN. Tribes of California. (United States Geographical and Geo logical Survey, Contributions to North American ethnology, v. 3. Wash. 1877.) RADISSON, PETER ESPRIT. Voyages, being an account of his travels and experiences among the North American Indians, 1652-84; with historical illustrations and an introduction by Gideon D. Scull. Bos ton: Prince Soc. 1885. RINK, DR. HENRY. The Eskimo tribes; their distribution and characteristics, with a comparative vocabulary, [v. 11 of the "Middelelser om Gronland."] Copenhagen: C. A. Reitzel. London: Wil liams & Norgate. 1887. 4s. Grl. Tales and traditions of the Eskimo, with a sketch of their habits, religions, language, etc.; trans, from the Danish by the author, ed. by Dr. R. Brown. Edinburgh: Blackwood. 1875. AT LARGE. 9 RUTTENBER, E. M. History of the Indian tribes of Hudson s River. Albany: Mun- sell. 1872. SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R. Historical and statistical information respecting the history, condition and prospects of the Indian tribes: prepared under the direction of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Phil.: Lippin- cott. 1851-5. 5 v. Notes on the Iroquois. Albany: Pease. 1847. Personal memoirs of a residence of thirty years with the Indian tribes on the American frontiers, 1812-42. Phil.: Claxton; Lippincott. 1851. SHEA, JOHN G. History of the Catholic missions among the Indian tribes of the United States, 1529-1854. N. Y.: Kenedy. 1882. (c. 1854.) SQUIER, EPHRA1M G. Historical and mythological traditions of the Algonquins, with a trans, of the "Walum-olum." (New-York Historical Soc.) UNITED STATES. BUREAU OF ETHNOLOGY, John W. Powell, director. Annual reports. Wash. GEOGRAPHICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Contributions to North American ethnology. Wash.: Govt. Prtg. Off. 1877-. v. 1-. VETROMILE, EUGENE. The Abnakis and their history. N. Y.: Kirker. I860. WALKER, FRANCIS A. The Indian question. Boston: Osgood. 1874. WILSON, DANIEL. The Huron-Iroquois of Canada. (Transactions Royal Soc., Canada. 1884.) ZETSBERGER, DAVID. Diary [1781-98] of David Zeisberger, a Moravian missionary among the Indians of Ohio; trans, and ed. by Eugene F. Bliss. Cincinnati: [Clarke.] 1885. 2 v. EUROPEAN DISCOVERY. GENERAL ACCOUNTS. BANVARD, JOSEPH. Novelties of the new world; or the adventures and discoveries of the first explorers of North America. Boston: Gould & L. 1850. FTSKE, JOHN. The discovery of America; with some account of ancient America and the Spanish conquest. Boston: Hought.on. 1892. 2 v. $4. GRIFFIS, WILLIAM E. The romance of discovery. Boston: W. A. Wilde, (c. 1897.) HAKLUYT, RICHARD, ED. Divers voyages touching the discovery of America and the islands adjacent; with notes by John W. Jones. [1st ed. 1582.] London: Hakluyt Soc. 1850. HARRISSE, HENRY. Diplomatic history of America; its first chapter, 1452-1494. London: B. F. Stevens. 1897. 7s. Gd. Discovery of North America: a critical, documentary and his toric investigation. London: H. Stevens &. Son. 1892. HTGGINSON, THOMAS WENTWORTH. A book of American explorers. Boston: Lee & S. 1877. $1.50. KERR, ROBERT, TOD. General history and collection of voyages and travels, v. 1-G. [1st ed. 1811-24.] Edinburgh: W. Blackwood. AMERICA AT LARGE. 10 MAYOR, WILLIAM. Historical account of the most celebrated voyages, v. 1 and 17. London: 1796-7. PINKERTON, JOHN, ED. General collection of the best and most interesting voyages and travels, v. 14. London: Longman. 1808-14. STEVENS, HENRY. Historical and geographical notes on the earliest discoveries in America, 1453-1530. London: Henry Stevens. 1869. New Haven: American Journal of Science. 1869. PR E- CO L UM BIA N DISCO VKR Y. ANDERSON, RASMUS B. America not discovered by Columbus. Chicago: Griggs. 1874. $1. BOWEN, BENJAMIN F. America discovered by the Welsh in 1170, A. D. Phil.: Lip- pincott. 1876. $1.25. DE COSTA, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, ED. The pre-Columbian discovery of America by the Northmen, illustrated by translations from the Icelandic sagas. Albany: Munsell. 1868. HORSFORD, EBEN NORTON. The problem of the Northmen. Cambridge: J. Wilson & Son. 1889. $1. KONGELIGE NORDISKE OLDSKRIFT SELSKAB. Antiquitates Americanae, sive scriptores septentrionales rerum ante-Columbian-arum in America; edidit Societas Regia Antiquariorum Septentrionalium. Hafniae. 1837. LELAND, CHARLES G. Fusang; or the discovery of America by Chinese Buddhist priests in the 5th century. London: Trubner. 1875. N. Y.: J. W. Bouton. 1875. $1.75. MAJOR, RICHARD H., TRANS. AND ED. Voyages of the Venetian brothers, Nicolo and Antonio Zeno, to the northern seas, in the 14th century. London: Hakluyt Soc. 1873. NEUKOMM, EDMOND. Tamers of the sea: the Northmen in America from the 10th to the 15th century; [tr.] by Mrs. Cashel Hoey. London: Low. 1897. SAME: Rulers of the sea. Boston: Estes. (c. 1896.) $1.50. RAFN, CHARLES C. Memoire sur la decouverte de 1 Amerique au dixieme siecle: publie par la Societe Royale des Antiquaires du Nord. Copenhagen. 1843. REEVES, ARTHUR M. The finding of Wineland the good. London: Frowde. 1890. 42s. SLAFTER, EDMUND F., ED. Voyages of the Northmen to America; including extracts from the Icelandic sagas in an English translation by N. L. Beamish, opinion of Prof. Rafn, etc. Boston: Prince Soc. 1S77. SMITH, JOSHUA TOULMIN. The discovery of America by the Northmen in the 10th cen tury; comprising translations of all the most important original narratives. [1st ed. 1839.] 2d. ed. London: Wm. S. Orr & Co. 1842. STEPHENS, THOMAS. Madoc: an essay on the discovery of America by Madoc ap Owen Gwynedd in the 12th century- London: Longmans. 1893. 7s. 6d. STORM, GUSTAV. Studies on the Vineland voyages. Copenhagen: Thiele. 1889. AMERICA AT LAKGE. 11 SPAM $11 AND PORTUGUESE DISCOVERY. ANDAGOYA, PASCUAL DB. Narrative of the proceedings of Pedrarias Davila [1514-1541]; trans, and ed. by C. R. Markham. London: Hakluyt Soe. 1865. BENZONI, GIROLAMO. History of the new world, shewing his travels in America, 1541-56; trans, and ed. by W. H. Smyth. London: Hakluyt Soc. 1857. COLUMBUS, CHRISTOPHER. Authentic letters [with facsimiles] ; by William Bleroy Curtis. (Field Columbian Museum, publication 2, no. 2.) Chi cago. 1895. Journal, 1492-3; and documents relating to the voyages of John [and Sebastian] Cabot and Gaspar Corte Real; trans, by C. R. Markham. London: Hakluyt Soc. 1893. Select letters, with other original documents; trans, and ed. by R. H. Major. London: Hakluyt Soc. 1847. Writings descriptive of the discovery and occupation of the new world; ed. by Paul Leicester Ford. N. Y. : Webster. 1892. 75c. ADAMS, HERBERT B., AND WOOD, H. Columbus and his dis covery of America. (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science, 10th series, nos. 10-11.) Bait,. Oct. Nov., 1892. 50c. IRVING, WASHINGTON. Life and voyages of Christopher Columbus; to which are added those of his companions. [1st ed. 1828-31.] N. Y. : Putnam. 3 v. $4.50, 2.25; 1 v. $1.50. Lo ROTES, ROSEI,LY DE. Life of Christopher Columbus, from Spanish and Italian documents; comp. from the French by J. J. Barry. Boston: Donahoe. 1870. MARKHAM, CLEMENTS R. Life of Christopher Columbus. London: Philip. 1892. 4s. 6d. TARDUCCI, FRANCESCO. Life of Christopher Columbus; trans, from the Italian by H. F. Brownson. Detroit: H. F. Brownson. 1890. 2 v. $2. WINSOR, JUSTIN. Christopher Columbus, and how he re ceived and imparted the spirit of discovery. Boston: Houghton. 1891. * $4. CONQUEST of the River Plate (1535-55): 1. Voyage of Ulrich Schmidt to the rivers La Plata and Paraguai; 2. Commen taries of Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca. London: Hakluyt Soc. 1801. HENRY, PRINCE. MAJOR, RICHARD H. Life of Prince Henry of Portugal, sur- namcd the i^avigator, and its results, comprising the dis covery, within one century, of half the world; from authen tic contemporary documents. London: Asher. 1868. LAS CASAS, BALTHAZAR DE. La decouverte des Indes Occidentals par les Espag:.ols. Paris: Pralard. 1697. RYE, WILLIAM B., ED. Discovery and conquest of Terra Florida, by Don Fernando de Soto; written by a gentleman of Elvas [1557], and trans, out of Portuguese by Richard Hakluyt. London: Hakluyt Soc. 151. STANLEY OF ALDERLEY, LORD. The first voyage round the world, by Magellan; trans, from the accounts of Pigafetta and other contemporary writers; with documents, notes, etc. London: Hakluyt Soc. 1874. VERRAZANO, GIOVANNI DE. The relation of. (Collections of the New-York Historical Soc., v. 1. N. Y. 1811.) AMERICA AT LAllGE. 12 VESPUCCI, AMERIGO. First four voyages; reprinted in facsimile and trans, from the rare original ed. [1505-6.] London: Bernard Quaritch. 1893. Letters and other documents illustrative of his career; trans, [and ed.] by Clements R. Markham. London: Hakluyt Soc. 1894. HARRISSE, HENRY. Americus Vespuccius: a critical and documentary review of two recent English books [Letters of Vespucci; tr. and ed. by Markham, AND Voyage from Lisbon to India, 1505-6, by Albericus Vespuccius; tr. and ed. by Coote]. London: B. P. Stevens. 1895. SANTAREM, M. F. DE B. Y S. Researches respecting Amer icus Vespuccius and his voyages; trans, by E. V. Childe. Boston: Little & B. 1850. VARNHAGEN, F. A. DE. Amerigo Vespucci: son caractere, ses ecrits, sa vie et ses navigations. Lima. 1865. OTHER DISCOVERIES. BOURNE, II. R. FOX. English seamen under the Tudors. London: Bentley. 1868. 2 v. CABOT, JOHN. WEARE, G. E. Cabot s discovery of North America. London: Macqueen. 1897. Phil.: Lippincott. 1897. $3.50. AND SEBASTIAN. DAWSON, SAMUEL E. Voyages of the Cabots in 1497 and 1498. (From Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, v. 12, sect. 2.) Montreal: W. F. Brown. 1894. TARDUCCI, FRANCESCO. John and Sebastian Cabot, biog. notice, with documents; trans, from the Italian by Henry F. Brownson. Detroit: H. F. Brownson. 1893. $2.50. CABOT, SEBASTIAN. BIDDLE, RICHARD. Memoir of Sebastian Caoot. Phil.: Carey & Lea. 1831. NICHOLLS, J. F. Remarkable life, adventures and discoveries of Sebastian Cabot. London: S. Low. 1869. CHAMPLAIN, SAMUEL DE. Narrative of a voyage to the West Indies and Mexico in 1599- 1602; tr. by Alice Wilmere. London: Hakluyt Soc. 1859. Voyages; trans, by Chas. P. Otis, [ed.] with memoir by E. F. Slafter. Boston: Prince Soc. 1878-82. * v. DE VRIES, D. P. Extracts from the voyages; tr. from a Dutch MS. in the Phila delphia Library, by Dr. G. Troost. (Collections cf the New- York Historical Soc., 2d series, v. 1. N. Y. 1841.) Voyages from Holland to America, 1632-1644; tr. by H. C. Murphy. (Collections of the New-York Historical Soc., 2d series, v. 3. N. Y. 1857.) DRAKE, SIR FRANCIS. MAYNARDE, THOMAS. Sir Thomas Drake, his voyage, 1595; ed. by W. D. Cooley. London: Hakluyt Soc. 1849. HAKLUYT, RICHARD, ED. Principal navigations, voyages, traffiques and discoveries of the English nation [1st ed. 1589]; ed. by E. Goldsmid. Edinburgh: E. & G. Goldsmid. 1889-90. 16 v. v. 12-15. America. HUDSON, HENRY. Divers voyages and northern discoveries. (Purchas his pil- grimes, v. 3. Collections of the New-York Historical Soc., v. 1. N. Y. 1811.) ASHER, G. M., ED. Henry Hudson the navigator: original documents in which his career is recorded. London: Hakluyt Soc. 1860. JI-ET, ROBERT. Extract from the journal of the voyage of the Half-Moon, Henry Hudson, master, 1609. (Collections of the New-York Historical Soc., 2d series, v. 1. N. Y. 1841.) READ, JOHN MEREDITH, JR. Historical inquiry concerning Henry Hudson. Albany: Munsell. 1866. $5. AMETUCV AT LARGE. 13 KOHL, J. G. History of the discovery of Maine; with an app. on the voy ages of the Cabots. (Collections of the Maine Historical Soc., 2d series, v. 1.- Portland. 1869.) PAYNE, EDWARD JAMES. Voyages of the Elizabethan seamen to America: 13 original narratives from the collection of Hakluyt. London: Thos. de la Rue. 1880. 7s. 6d. VAN HEUVEL, J. A. El Dorado: a narrative of the circumstances which gave rise to reports, in the 16th century, of the existence of a rich and splendid city in South America. N. Y. : J. Winchester, (c. 1844.) UNITED STATKS AT LAKGK. 14 PART II. United States at Larire. DIVISION 1. HISTORICAL PERIODS. PERIOD OF COLONIAL SETTLEMENT AND DKVKL- 0PM KNT, A. D. l(>07 17G<>. AMERICAN archives: a collection of authentic state papers [etc.], forming a documentary history of the North Amer ican colonies; [comp.] by Peter Force. Wash. 1837-48. 1) v. ARBER, EDWARD, ED. The h rst three English books on America (? 1511) -1555 A. D.; being chiefly trans., compilations, &e., by Richard Eden, from the writings of Pietro Martire, Sebastian Muenster, Sebastian Cabot. Birmingham. 1S85. BA1RD, CHARLES W. History of the Huguenot emigration to America. N. Y.: Dodd. (c. 1885.) 2 v. $3.50. BROWN, ALEXANDER, ED. Genesis of the United States: a narrative of the movement in England, 1605-KJ. Boston: Houghton. 1890. 2 v. $15. BURKE, EDMUND. Account of the European settlements in America. London: Dodsley. 1757. 2 v. BURY, WILLIAM C. KEPPEL, VISCOUNT. Exodus of the western nations. London: Beiitley. 1865. 2 v. CHALMERS, GEORGE. Political annals of tlie present united colonies, from their settlement to the peace of 17(13. Book 1. London. 1780. CONTINUATION OF SAMK, in Collections of the New-York Historical Soc., Publication Fund series, v. 1. N. Y. 1S6S COBB, SANFORD H. Story of the Palatines. N. Y. : Putnam. 1897. $2. COFFIN, CHARLES C. Old times in the colonies. N. Y. : Harner. 1880. $2. DOYLE, JOHN A. The American colonies (Arnold pri/e essay). London: Riv- ingtons. 1869. EGGLESTON, EDWARD. The beginners of a nation. N. Y.: Appleton. 1S9H. $1.50. FISHER. GEORGE P. The colonial era. (American history series.) N. Y : Suribner. 1892. $1.25. FISHER, SYDNEY G. Men, women and manners in colonial times. Phil.: Lippin- cott. 1898. 2 v. $3. FORCE, PETER, ED. Tracts and other papers relating principally to the origin, settlement and progress of the colonies in North America. Wash. 1836-47. ! v. GRAHAME. JAMES History of the rise and progress of the United Slates of North America till 1(588. I ondon : Longman. 1827. ? v. SAME, enlarged [to 1776] and amended led. by Josiah Quincy. and published under the title of "T^tory of the United States"!- Phil.: Lea & Blanchard. 184(1. 2 v. I MTKl) STATIC AT LARGE. 1 ,) IlALLIUUilTON, THOMAS C. Rule and misrule of the English in America. N. Y. : Harper 1851. JOHNSON, ROSSITBR. History of the French war, ending in the conquest of Canada. N. Y.: Dodd. [1882.] $1.25. JOHNSON, SIR WILLIAM. Gidi^is, WILLIAM E. Sir William Johnson and the Six Na tions. (Makers of America series.) N. Y. : Dodd. [181)1.1 7f>c. STONE, WILLIAM L. Life and times of Sir William Johnson. Albany: Munsell. 186.". 2 v. KALM, PETER. Travels into North America |174S-41]; trans, by John R. Porster. 2d ed. London: T. Lowndes. 1772. 2 v. KNOX, CAPT. JOHN. Historical journal of the campaigns in North America, 1757- 60. London: W. Johnston. 1761). 2 v. LODGE, HENRY CABOT. Short history of the English colonies in America. N. Y. : Harper. 1881. $3. MAHON. Louo (afterwards Earl Stanhope). History of England from the peace of Utrecht [1713) to the peace of Versailles [1783J. London: Murray. 7 v. 5s. ea. MARSHALL, JOHN. History of the colonies planted by the English on the con tinent of North America. Phil.: A. Small. 1824. NE1LL, EDWARD D. English colonization of America during the 17th century. London: Strahan. 1871. 1 ARKMAN, FRANCIS. Works. See in Part IV.: British North America. POTJCHOT. Memoir upon the late war in North America. 1755-60; trans, and td. by F. B. Hough. Roxbury, Mass.: W. E. Woodward. 1866. 2 v. RANKE, LEOPOLD vox. History of England, principally in the 17th century: trans, from the German. Oxford: Clar. Press. 1875. 6 v. Mac- millan. 6 v. 63s. ROGERS, ROBERT. A concise account of North America. London. 1765. Journals: with introd., notes, etc., by F. B. Hough. Albany: Munsell. 1883. SAINSBURY, W. N., ion. Calendar of state papers: colonial series [America and the West Indies, 1574-16801. London : Longman. 1860-1)6. 5 v. SCUDHFR, HORACE E. UP. Men and manners in America one hundred years ago. N. Y.. Scribner. 1876; 1887. $1.25. SLOANE, WILLIAM MILLIGAN. The French war and the Revolution. (American histow series.) N. Y.: Scribner. 1803. $1.25. SMITH, WILLIAM. Historical account of Bouquet s expedition against the Ob o Indians in 1764; with preface by Francis Parkman and a. translation of Dumas biographical sketch of General Bouquet. Cincinnati: Clarke. 1868. THWAITES. REUBEN GOLD The colonies, 1492-1750. (Epochs of American history.) N. Y.: Longmans. 18<U. Rev. ed. 1807. $1.25 TRUMBULL, HENRY. History of the Indian wars. Phil.: Cowperthwaite. 1854. TYLER, MOSES CO IT. History of American literature during the colonial time. N. Y.: Putnam. 187S. 2 v. Rev. ed. 181)7. 2 v, $2.50 ea. 2 v. in 1, $3. t NITRD STATKS AT l.ARdK. 1 () WINSOFl, JUSTIN. Cartier to Frontenac: geographical discovery in the interior of Nortli America in its historical relations, 1534-1700; with full cartographical illustrations from contemporary sources. Boston: Houghton. 1894. PKHIOD OF DIWONTKNT, REVOLT AND INDKTEN- DKNCK, A. I) IH\0 1183. ABBOT, WILLIS J. Blue jackets of 7(1. N. Y. : Dodd. 1888. $2.. ADAMS, JOHN. Works, with life; od. by Charles Francis Adams. Boston: Little, B. & no. i8r>o-r>r>. 10 v. AND ABIGAIL. Familiar letters, during the Revolution; fed.] by Charles F. Adams. Boston: Houghton. (c. 1875.) .$2. ADAMS, JOHN QUINOY AND CHARIJOS FRANCIS. Life of John Adams; rev. and corrected. Phil.: Lippincott. 1871. 2 v. $2. MORSK, JOHN T., JR. John Adams. (American statesmen series.) Boston: Hough ton. ISSfi. $1.25. ADAMS, SAMUEL. HnsMKU, JAMES K. Samuel Adams. (American statesmen series.) Boston: Houghton. 1885. $1.25. HOSMIOR, JAMES K. Samuel Adams, the man of the town- meeting. (Johns Hopkins University studies in hist, and pol. science, 2d series, no. 4.) Bait. 18X4. pap. 35c. WEL.L.S, WILLIAM V. Life and public services of Samuel Adams. Boston: Little, B. & Co. 1805. 3 v. $12. ALLEN, ETHAN. HALT,, HENRY. Ethan Allen, the Robin Hood of Vermont. N. Y.: Appleton. 1892. $1. ALLEN, PAUL. Histoiy of the American Revolution. Bait.: John Hopkins. 181!)." 2 v. AMES, FISHER. Works, with a selection from his speeches and corre spondence; ed. by Seth Ames. Boston: Little, B. & Co. 1854. 2 v. ANDREWS, JOHN. History of the war with America, France, Spain and Holland. London: J. Fielding. 1785. 4 v. ARNOLD, BENEDICT. ARNOLD, ISAAC N. Life of Benedict, Arnold. Chicago: Jan- sen, McClurg & Co. 1880. $2.50. BALCH, THOMAS. The French in America during the War of Independence; tr. by T. W. Balch. Phil.: Porter & C. 18!)l-5. 2 v. $2.50. BARTRAM, WILLIAM. Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, etc. [1773-78]. Phil. 171*1. Dublin. 1793. BEAUMARCHAIS, PIERRE A. CARON DE. LOMENIIO, Louis DR. Beaumarchais and his times. London: Addey. 1856. 4 v. BEER, GEORGE LOUTS. Commercial policy of England toward the American colonies. (Studies in history, etc.) N. Y.: Columbia College. 1893. BOTTA, CHARLES. History of the war of the independence of the United States; trans, from the Italian by George A. Otis. Phil. 1820. 3 v. BRANT, JOSEPH. STONE, V\ M. L. Life of Joseph Brant Thayendanegea. [1st ed. 1838.] Albany: Munsell. 1865. 2 v. BROOKS, ELBRJDGE S. Century book of the American Revolution. N. Y. : Century Co. (c. 1897.) $1.50. UNITED STATES AT LAUdK. 17 BURGOYNE, GEN. JOHN. State of the expedition from Canada. London: J. Almon. 1780. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM \V. Annals of Tryon County: or the border warfare of New York during the Revolution. N. Y. : Harper. 1831. CARRINGTON, HENRY II. Battles of the American Revolution, 1775-81: historical and military criticism. N. Y.: Barnes. 1876. $6. CARVER, J. Travels through the interior parts of America, 1766-8. Dub lin: S. Price. 177!). CHALMERS, GEORGE. Introduction to the history of the revolt of the American colonies. Boston: Munroe. 1845. 2 v. CHASTELLUX, FRANCOIS JEAN, MARQUIS OR. Travels in North America in the years 1780-82; trans, by J. Kent. London. 1787. N. Y.: White, G. &. W. 1827. CLARK, GEORGE ROGERS. Col. George Rogers Clark s sketch of his campaign in the Illinois in 1778-9; with an in trod, by Henry Pirtle. Cin cinnati: Clarke. 18(51). ENGLISH, WILLIAM H. Conquest of the country northwest of the River Ohio, 1778-83, and life of Gen. George Rogers Clark. Indianapolis: Bowen- Merrill Co. 18.t(i. 2 v. $0 COFFIN. CHARLES CARLETON. The boys of 76: a history of the battles of the Revolution. N. Y. : Harper. 1877. $2. COLLECTION of papers relative to the dispute between Great Britain and America, from 1764 to 1775. London: [John Almon. 1 1777. CONDORCET, JEAN A. N. C., MARQUIS I>E. Do I influenee de la revolution de 1 Amerique sur 1 Europe. (Oonvres completes, v. 11. Paris. 1804.) COX07ER, G ROUGE S. Journals of the military expedition of Major John Sullivan against the Six Nations of Indians in 177!i, with records of centennial celebrations. Prepared pursuant, to chapter 361, laws of the State of New York, of 1885, by Frederick Cook, Secretary of State. Auburn: Knapp, P. &. T. 1887. CREVECOEUR, HECTOR ST. JOn.i DR. Letters from an American farmer [1770-81]. London: T. Davies. 17S2. CRUIKSHANK, ERNEST. Story of Butler s rangers and the settlement of Niagara. (Lundy s Lane Historical Soc.) Welland, Out. 189::. DEANE, SILAS. The Deane papers. (Collections of the New-York Historical Soc., Publication Fund series, 19-21.) N. Y. 1887-89. 3 v. DEUX-PONTS, WILLIAM, COMTR DR. 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EELKING, MAX VON. German allied troops in the North American War of Inde pendence; trans, and abridged by J. G. Rosengarten. Al bany: Munsell. 1893. $5. ELLET, MRS. ELIZABETH F. Domestic history of the American Revolution. N. Y. : Baker & S. 1850. ELLIS, GEORGE E. history of the battle of Bunker s (Breed s) Hill. Boston: Lock-wood, B. & Co. 1875. 75c. FISKE, JOHN. The American Revolution. Boston: Houghton. 1891. 2 v. $4. Tho War of Independence. (Riverside library for young people.) Boston: Houghton. 1889. 75c. FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN. Complete works; ed. by John Bigelow. N. Y. : Putnam. 1887-89. 10 v. Life, written by himself; now first edited, from original MSS. and from his printed correspondence, by John Bigelow; 2d ed. rev. and cor. Phil.: Lippincott. 1884. 3 v. $4.50. SAME: Autobiography. (Riverside school library.) Bos ton: Houghton. 5()c. HAI,K, E. E.. AND E. E., Ju. Franklin in France. Boston: Roberts. 18S7-8. 2 v. $3. MORSE, JOHN T., JR. Benjamin Franklin. (American states men series.) Boston: Houghton. 1SS9. $1.25. PARTOX, JAMES. Life and times of Benjamin Franklin. N. Y. : Mason. 1864. 2 v. Boston: Osgood. 1867. 2 v. Houghton. 2 v. FROTHING HAM, RICHARD. History of the siege of Boston, and of the battles of Lexing ton, Concord and Bunker Hill. [Iht ed. 1849.] 4th ed. Boston: Little & B. 1873. $3.50. Rise of the republic of the United States. Boston: Little, B. & Co. 1872. 6th ed. 1895. $3.50. GEORGE III. Correspondence with Lord North, 1768-83. London: Murray. 1867. 2 v. GERRY, ELBRIDGE. AUSTIN, JAMES T. Life of Elbridge Gerry. Boston: Wells & Lilly. 1828. 2 v. GIBBES. R. W., ED. Documentary history of the American Revolution, chiefly in South Carolina. Columbia, S. C. N. Y.: Appleton. 1853. 3 v. GOODLOE, DANIEL R. Birth of the republic, containing the resolutions, declarations and addresses adopted by the Continental Congress, provin cial congresses, conventions and assemblies, of the county and town meetings, 1765-76. Chicago: Belford. 1889. $2. GORDON, WILLIAM. History of the rise, progress and establishment of the inde pendence of the United States of America. 3d Am. ed. N. Y.: S. Caiunbell. 1801. 3 v. GREENE, GEORGE W. The German element in the War of American Independence. N. Y.: Hurd & Houghton. 1876. $1.50. Historical view of the American Revolution. [1st ed. 1865.] 4th ed. Boston: Hurd & Houghton. 1872. $1.50. GREENE, GEX. NATHANAEL. GREENE, FRANCIS V. General Nathanael Greene. (Great commanders series.) N. Y.: Appleton. 1893. $1.50. GREENE, GEORT.E W. Life of Nathanael Greene. N. Y.: Hurd & Houghton; N. Y.: Putnam. 1867-71. 3 v. $12. HAMILTON, ALEXANDER, See next succeeding period. UNITED STATES AT LARGE. 19 HART, ALBERT BUSHNELL. Formation of the Union, 1750-1829. (Epochs of American his tory.) X. Y.: Longmans. 181)2. Rev. ed. 1897. $1.25. HENRY, PATRICK. HENRY, WILLIAM WIRT. Patrick Henry: life, corre spondence and speeches. N. Y.: Scribner. 18!)1. 3 v. $4. TYLER, MOSES COIT. Patrick Henry. (American statesmen series.) Boston: Houghton. 1887. $1.25. WIRT, WILLIAM. Sketches of the life and character of Patrick Henry. 25th ed. Phil.: Claxton. 1818. HULL, GENERAL WILLIAM. CAMPBELL. MRS. MARIA. Revolutionary services and civil life of General William Hull. N. Y. : Appleton. 1848. JEFFERSON, THOMAS. Writings: collected and ed. by Paul L. Ford. N. Y.: Putnam. 1892-. 10 v. $50. MORSE, JOHN T. y JR. Thomas Jefferson. (American states men series.) Boston: Houghton. 1883. $1.25. PARTON, JAMES. Life of Thomas Jefferson. Boston: Osgood. 1874. Houghton. $2.50. RANDALL, HENRY S. Life of Thomas Jefferson. N. Y. : Derby & Jackson. 1858. 3 v. RANDOLPH, SARAH N. Domestic life of Thomas Jefferson. N. Y.: Harper. 1876. $2.50. SoiiorLER, JAMES. Thomas Jefferson. (Makers of America series.) N. Y. : Dodd. 1893. $1. JOHNSTON, HENRY P. Campaign of 1776 around New York and Brooklyn. Brooklyn: Long Island Historical Soc. 1878. $4. Observations on Judge Jones loyalist history of the American Revolution. N. Y.: Appleton. 1880. pap. $1. The Yorktown campaign and the surrender of Cornwallis, 1781. N. Y.: Harper. 1881. $2. JONES, CHARLES H. History of the campaign for the conquest of Canada in 1776. Phil.: Porter & C. 1882. $3. JONES, PAUL. MACKENZIE, ALEXANDER. Life of Paul Jones. N. Y.: Harper. 1841. 2 v. JONES, THOMAS. History of New York during the Revolutionary War, and of the leading events in the other colonies at that period; ed. by Fi. F. De Lanccy. N. Y. : New-York Historical Soc. 1879. 2 v. KALB, JOHN. KAPP, FRIEDRICH. Life of John Kulb. [1st ed. 1870. J N. Y.: Holt. 1884. $1.75. LA FAYETTE, M. J. P. R. Y. G. M., MARQUIS DE. TOWER. CiiARLEMAdM-:. JR. The Marquis de La Fayette in the American Revolution. Phil.: Lippincott. 1895. 2 v. $8. TrcKERMAN, BAYARD. Life of General Lafayette. N. Y. : Dodd. 188!:). 2 v. $3. LECKY. W. E. H. History of England in the 18th century. London: Longmans. 1878-87. N. Y.: Appletou. 1878-90. 8 v. $20, $8. LEE, ARTHUR. LEE, RICHARD HENRY. Life of Arthur Lee. Boston: Wells & Lilly. 1829. 2 v. LEE, CHARLES. LANUWORTMY, E. Memoirs of the life of Charles Lee. Lon don: J. S. Jordan. 1792. SPARKS, JARED. Life of Charles Lee. (Library of American biography, 2d series, v. 8. Boston: Little & B. 1846.) LEE, LlETT.-CoL. HENRY (1756-1818). Memoirs of the war in the southern department of the United States. Phil. 1812. New ed. Wash.: Peter Force. 1827. LEE, MAJOR HENRY (1787-1837). Campaign of 17S1 in the Carolinas. Phil.: B. Littell. 1S24. t NTTED STATES AT LARGE. 20 LEE, RICHARD HENRY. LEP:, RICHARD H. Memoir of the life of Richard Henry Lee. Phil.: Carey & Lea. 1825. 2 v. LOSS1NG, BENSON J. Pictorial field-book of the Revolution. [1st ed. 1S52.] N. Y.: Harper. 1860. 2 v. LOWELL, EDWARD J. The Hessians, and the other German auxiliaries of Great Britain in the Revolutionary War. N. Y. : Harper. 1884. $3.50. LUDLOW, JOHN M. War of American independence. (Epochs of modern history series.) Boston: Estes & L. 1876. $1 . MADISON, JAMES. See next succeeding period. MARION, GEX. FRANCIS. HORUY, COL. P., AND WITEEMS [WEEMS], M. L. Life of Major Gen. Francis Marion. N. Y.: P. M. Davis. 1835. SIMMS, WILLIAM GILMORE. Life of Francis Marion. [1st ed. 1844.] N. Y.: Derby. 1854. MASON, GEORGE. ROWLAND, KATE MASON. Life of George Mason, 1.725-92. N. Y. : Putnam. 1892. 2 v. $8. MASSBY, WILLIAM. History of England during the reign of George ITT. 2d ed.. rev. and cor. London: Longmans. 1,865. 4 v. MOORE, FRANK, KI>. Diary of the American Revolution, from newspapers and orig inal documents. N. Y.: Scribner. I860. 2 v. Songs and ballads of the American Revolution. N. Y.: Apple- ton. 1856. MORGAN, GEN. DANIEL. GRAHAM, JAMES. Life of General Daniel Morgan. N. Y. Derby. 1856. MORRIS, ROBERT. SUMNER, WILLIAM G. The financier and the finances of the American Revolution. N. Y. : Dodd. 1891. 2 v. $5. MORSE, JEDIDIAH, COMP. Annals of the American Revolution. Hartford. 1824. MURRAY, JAMES. Impartial history of the present, war in America. Newcastle- upon-Tyne. [177!).] 2 v. NEILSON, CHARLES. Original, compiled and corrected account of Burgoyne s cam paign and the memorable battles of Bemis s Heights. Al bany: Munsell. 1844. XTLES, HEZEKIAH. Principles and acts of the Revolution in America. Balti more. 1822. N. Y.: Barnes. 1876. $3. OTIS, JAMES. TPDOR, WILLIAM. Life of James Otis. Boston: Wells & Lilly. 1823. PAINE, THOMAS. Writings; collected and ed. by Moncure D. Conway. N. Y.: Putnam. 1894-6. 4 v. $10. CONNVAY, MoxeuRE DANIEL. Life of Thomas Paine. N. Y.: Putnam. 1892. 2 v. $5. PAUSCH, APT. GEORGE. Journal during the Burgoyne campaign; tr. and annotated by W. L. Stone; introcl. by E. J. Lowell. Albany: Munsell. 1886. $2.50. PRICE, RICHARD. Observations on the importance of the American Revolution. London: Cadell. 1785. Observations on the nature of civil liberty, etc. London. 1<>. UNITED STATES AT LAKOE. 21 PUTNAM, ISRAEL. PEAKom*, OLIVER W. B. Life of Israel Putnam. (In Library of American biography, v. 7. Boston: Hilliarcl. 1837.) TARHOX, INCREASE N. Life of Israel Putnam. Boston: Look wood. B. & Co. 1876. $2.50. RAMSAY, DAVID. History of the American Revolution. Phil. 1789. 2 v. Tren ton:".!. J. Wilson. 1811. 2 v. RAYNAL, OUILLATJME T. F. The Revolution of America. Hudson: Stoddard. 1792. REED, JOSEPH. REED, WiivUAM B. Life and correspondence of Joseph Reed. Phil.: Lindsay & B. 1847. 2 v. REMEMBRANCER, The. London: J. Almon. 1775-84. 17 v. RTEDESEL, MAJOR GEXERAT, FRIEDERICH A. Memoirs, and letters and journals; trans, from the German by W. L. Stone. Albany: Munsell. 1867-8. 2 v. RTEDESEL. MRS. GEXERAI, F. A. Letters and journals relating to the War of the American Revolution: trans, from the German by W. L. Stone. Al bany: Munsell. 1867. ROSENTHAL, LEWIS. America and France: the influence of the United States on France in the 18th century- N. Y. : Holt. 1882. $1.75. FiYERSON. EGERTON. Loyalists of America. 1620-1816. Toronto: W. Briggs. 1880. 2 v. SABINE. LORENZO. Biographical sketches of Loyalists of the American Revolu tion. Boston: Little, B. & Co. 1864. 2 v. $7. ST. CLAIR, ARTHUR. SMITH, WILLIAM H., ion. The St. Clair papers: life and pub lic services of Arthur St. Clair, with his correspondence and papers. Cincinnati: Clarke. 1882. 2 v. $6. SARGENT, WINTHROP, tii>. Loyalist poetry of the Revolution. Phil. 1857. SCHLIYLER, PHILIP. LOSSIXG, BENSON J. Life and times of Philip Schuyler. N. Y.: Sheldon. 1860-7,,. 2 v. $5. SHELBURNE, WILLIAM, EARL OF. FiTXMAiMirrE, LORD EI>MONI>. Life of William. Earl of Shel- burne, afterwards first Marquess of Lansdowne. London and N. Y.: Macmillan. 1875-7. 3 v. $12. SHERMAN, ROGER. BouTRi.il.., LEWIS H. Life of Roger Sherman. Chicago: Mc- Clurg. 1896. $2. SIMCOE, J. G. Military journal. N. Y. : Bartlett. 1844. SPARKS, JARED, ED. Correspondence of the American Revolution. Boston: Little, B. & Co. 185,. 4 v. Diplomatic correspondence of the American Revolution. Bos ton. 1829-30. 12 v. STARK. GEN. JOHN. STARK, OALEH. Memoir and official correspondence of Gen. John Stark. Concord: E. C. Eastman. 1877. $3. STEDMAN, C. History of the origin, progress and termination of the Amer- can war. London. 1794. 2 v. STEUBEN, GEX. FREDERICK W. vox. KAPP, FRIEORTCMI. Life of Frederick William von Stenben. N. Y.: Mason. 1859. STEVENS, B. F. Facsimiles of manuscripts in European archives relating to America. 1773-83; with descriptions, editorial notes, colla tions, references and translations. London. 1889-95. 25 v. 82s. 2d. ea. UNITED STATES AT LARGE. 22 STIRLING, WILLIAM ALEXANDER. DUKK, WILLIAM A. Life of William Alexander, Earl of Stirling. (Collections of the New Jersey Historical Soc., v. 2.) N. Y.: Wiley & P. 1847. STONE, WILLIAM L. Campaign of Lieut. Gen. John Burgoyne and expedition of Lieut. Col. Barry St. Leger. Albany: Munsell. 1877. $2.40. TANCOCK, OSBORNE W. England during the American and European wars, 1765-1820. (Epochs of English history.) London: Longmans. 1878. 9d. N. Y. : Harper. 1878. pap. 25c. THACHER, JAMES. Military journal during the American Revolutionary War, 1775-1783. Boston: Richardson & L. 1823. THORNTON, JOHN W., ED. Pulpit of the American Revolution; or the political sermons of the period of 1776. Boston: Lothrop. (c. 1876.) $2.50. TRUMBULL, BENJAMIN. General history of the United States of America to 1792. Bos ton: Farrand, M. & Co. 1810. TRUMBULL, JONATHAN. STUART, ISAAC W. Life of Jonathan Trumbull. Boston: Crocker & B. 1859. Literary history of the American Revolution. N. Y.: Putnam. 1897. 2 v. $3 ea. UNITED STATES. CONGRESS. Revolutionary diplomatic correspondence of the United States; ed. by Francis Wharton. Wash.: Govt. Prtg. Off. 1889. 6 v. WARREN, JOSEPH. FROTHINGHAM, RICHARD. Life and times of Joseph Warren. Boston: Little, B. & Co. 1865. $3.50. WARREN, MRS. MERCY. History of the rise, progress and termination of the American revolution. Boston: Maning & L. 1805. 3 v. WASHINGTON, GEORGE. Writings; coll. and ed. by Worthington C. Ford. N. Y. : Put nam. 1889-91. 14 v. $70. Journal of my journey over the mountains in 1747-48. Al bany: Munsell. 1892. $2. BROOKS ,E. S. True story of George Washington. Boston: Lothrop. 1895. $1.50. FORD, PAUL LEICESTER. The true George Washington. Phil.: Lippincott. 1896. $2. HALE, EDWARD EVERETT. Life of George Washington studied anew. N. Y. : Putnam. 1888. $1.75. HEADLEY, J. T. Washington and his generals. [1st ed. 1847.] N. Y.: Scribner. $2.50. IRVING, WASHINGTON. Life of George Washington. N. Y.: Putnam. 5 v. SAME: Washington and his country; abridged for schools, with a brief outline of United States history, by John Fiske. (Classics for children.) Boston: Ginn. 1887. 85c. JOHNSON, BRADLEY T. General Washington. (Great com manders series.) N. Y. : Appleton. 1894. $1.50. LODGE, HENRY CABOT. George Washington. (American statesmen series.) Boston: Houghton. 1889. 2 v. $2.50. MARSHALL, JOHN. Life of George Washington. Phil.: C. P. Wayne. 1804-7. 5 v. Claxton. 2 v. SCUDDER, HORACE E. George Washington. (Riverside library for young people.) Boston: Houghton. 1889. 75c. WEEMS, MASON L. Life of George Washington. [1st ed. 1800.] Phil.: Lippincott. 1891. $1. WILSON, WOODHOW. George Washington. N. Y. : Harper. 1897. $3. UNITED STATES AT LARGE. 23 WASHINGTON, MARTHA. WHARTON, ANNE H. Martha Washington. (Women of col onial and revolutionary times series.) N. Y. : Scribner. 1897. $1.25. AND MARY. LOSSING, BENSON J. Mary and Martha, the mother and the wife of Washington. N. Y. : Harper. 1886. $2.50. WASHINGTON, MARY. HARLAND, MARION, PSEUD. (Mrs. M. V. Terhune.) Story of Mary Washington. Boston: Houghton. 1892. $1. WATSON, ELKANAH. Men and times of the Revolution: memoirs; ed. by W. C. Watson. 2d ed. N. Y. : Dana. 1856. WAYNE, GEN. ANTHONY. STILLE, CHARLES J. Major-General Anthony Wayne and the Pennsylvania Line in the Continental Army. Phil.: Lippin- cott. 1893. $3. WEBB, SAMUEL B. Correspondence and journals, 1772-1806; ed. by W. C. Ford. N. Y.: C. H. Burnett. 1893-94. 3 v. $25. WINSOR, JUSTIN. Reader s handbook of the American Revolution, 1761-83. Bos ton: Houghton. 1880. $1.25. PERIOD OF FEDERAL UNION AND NATIONAL CON SOLIDATION, A. I). 1783 1828. [PROCEEDINGS connected with the framing and adoption of the Federal Constitution in 1787 are narrated to some extent in works placed in this division; but, generally, the works of constitutional and institutional history and exposition will be found in Division 3.] ABBOT, WILLIS J. Blue jackets of 1812. N. Y.:Dodd. 1887. $2. ADAMS, HENRY. History of the United States of America [during the adminis trations of Jefferson and Madison]. N. Y. : Scribner. 1889- 90. 9 v. $18. ED. Documents relating to New England federalism, 1800-15. Boston: Little, B. & Co. 1877. $4. ADAMS, JOHN. See preceding period. ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY. Memoirs, comprising portions of his diary from 1795 to 1848; ed. by Charles Francis Adams. Phil.: Lippincott. 1874-5. 12 v. $60. ED. The duplicate letters, the fisheries and the Mississippi: documents relating to transactions at the negotiation of Ghent. 2d ed. Louisville. 1823. MORSE, JOHN T., JR. John Quincy Adams. (American statesmen series.) Boston: Houghton. 1882. $1.25. QUINCY, JOSIAH. Memoir of the life of John Quincy Adams. Boston: Phillips, S. & Co. 1858. ARMSTRONG, JOHN. Notices of the war of 1812. N. Y. : Dearborn. 1836. 2 v. ASHE, THOMAS. Travels in America in 1806, for the purpose of exploring the rivers Alleghany, Monongahela, Ohio and Mississippi. Lon don. 1808. AUCHINLECK, G. War of 1812. Toronto: Chewett. 1862. BANCROFT, GEORGE. History of the formation of the Constitution of the United States. N. Y. : Appleton. 1882. 2 v. $5. BARNES, JAMES. Naval actions of the War of 1812. N. Y.: Harper. 1896. $4.50. UNITED STATES AT LARGE. 24 BIRKBECK, MORRIS. Notes on a journey in America. London. 1818. Phil.: C. Richardson. 1817. BRANNAN, JOHN, ED. Official letters of the military and naval officers of the United States, 1812-15. Wash. 1823. BRISSOT DE WARVILLE, JEAN PIERRE. New travels in the United States of America, performed in 1788. London: J. S. Jordan. 1792. BURGES, TRISTRAM. BOWEN, HENRY L. Memoir of Tristram Burges. Provi dence: Marshall. 1835. BURR, AARON. PARTOX, JAMES. Life and times of Aaron Burr. N. Y.. Mason. 1858. Boston: Osgood. 1874. 2 v. $6. BUTLER, NICHOLAS MURRAY. Effect of the War of 1812 upon the consolidation of the Union. (Johns Hopkins Univ. studies in hist, and pol. science.) Bait. pap. 15c. CABOT, GEORGE. LODGE, HENRY CABOT. Life and letters of George Cabot. Boston: Little, B. & Co. 1877. $3.50. CAREY, MATTHEW. The olive branch; or faults on both sides. Phil. 1815. COBBETT, WILLIAM. Porcupine s works: a faithful picture of the United States of America, their governments, laws, politics and resources, 1783-1801. London: Cobbett & Morgan. 1801. 12 v. A year s residence in the United States of America [1817-18]. 2d ed. London: Cobbett. 1819. COFFIN, CHARLES CARLETON. Building the nation; from the Revolution to the beginning of the war between the states. N. Y. : Harper. 1883. $2. COGGESHALL, GEORGE. History of American privateers and letters-of-marque, 181 2- 14. 2d ed. rev. and "enlarged. N. Y. 1856. COLES, EDWARD. History of the Ordinance of 1787. (Publications of the His torical Society of Pennsylvania.) 1856. COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE. Notions of the Americans; picked up by a travelling bachelor [1824-28]. [1st ed., London. 1828.] CRUIKSHANK, ERNEST. Battlefields of the iNiagara peninsula. (In Selected papers from Transactions of the Canadian Military Institute, 1890- 91. Toronto.) En. Documentary history of the campaign on the Niagara frontier in 1814. Welland: [Lundy s Lane Hist. Soc. 1897.] 2 pts. DECATUR, COMMODORE STEPHEN. MACKENZIE, ALEXANDER S. Life of Stephen Decatur. Bos ton: Little & B. 1846. DU BOIS, W. E. BURGHARDT. Suppression of the African slave-trade to the United States of America. (Harvard historical studies, no. 1.) N. Y. : Longmans. 1896. $1.50. DWIGHT, THEODORE. History of the Hartford Convention. N. Y. : N. & J. White. 1833. DWIGHT, TIMOTHY. Travels in New-England and New-York. New Haven, 1821. 4 v. FISKE, JOHN. Critical period of American history, 1783-89. Boston: Hough- ton. 1888. $2. tmiTED STATES AT LARGE. 25 GALLATIN, ALBERT. Writings; ed. by Henry Adams. Phil.: Lippincott. 1879. 3 v. $15. ADAMS, HENRY. Life of Albert Gallatin. Phil.: Lippincott. 1879. $5. STEVENS, JOHN A. Albert Gallatin. (American statesmen series.) Boston: Houghton. 1884. $1.25. GLEIG, GEORGE R. Campaigns of the British army at Washington and New Orleans, 1814-15. 4th ed., corrected and rev. London: Mur ray. 1836. GREEN, THOMAS MARSHALL. The Spanish conspiracy. Cincinnati: Clarke. 1891. $2. HALBERT, H. S., AND BALL, T. H. The Creek war of 1813 and 1814. Chicago: Donohue & H. 1895. $1.25. HALL, CAPT. BASIL. Travels in North America, in the years 1827-28. London: Whittaker. 1829. 3 v. HAMILTON, ALEXANDER. Complete works; ed. by Henry Cabot Lodge. N. Y. : Putnam. 1885-86. 9 v. $45. HAMILTON, JOHN C. Life of Alexander Hamilton, by his son. N. Y. : Appleton. 1840. 2 v. LODGE, HENRY CABOT. Alexander Hamilton. (American statesmen series.) Boston: Houghton. 1882. $1.25. MORSE, JOHN T., JR. Life of Alexander Hamilton. Boston: Little, B. & Co. 1876. 2 v. $4.50. SUMNER, WILLIAM G. Alexander Hamilton. (Makers of America series.) N. Y.: Dodd. 1890. 75c. HAMILTON, JOHN C. History of the Republic of the United States, as traced in the writings of Alexander Hamilton and his contemporaries. N. Y.: Appleton. 1857. 2 v. HEADLEY, J. T. The second war with England. N. Y. : Scribner. 1853. 2 v. INGERSOLL, CHARLES J. Historical sketch of the second war between the United States and Great Britain. Phil.: Lea & B.; Lippincott. 1845-52. 3 v. JAY, JOHN. Correspondence and public papers; ed. by H. P. Johnston. N. Y.: Putnam. 1890-93. 4 v. $20. JAY, WILLIAM. Life of John Jay. N. Y.: Harper. 1833. 2 v. PELLEW, GEORGE. John Jay. , American rtatesmen ser es.) Boston: Houghton. 1890. $1.25. JEFFERSON, THOMAS. See preceding period. JOHNSON, ROSSITER. History of the war of 1812-15. N. Y. : Dodd. [1882.] $1.25. KING, RUFUS. KING, CHARLES R., ED. Life and correspondence of Rufus King. N. Y.: Putnam. 1894-. 5 v. $25. LA ROCHEFOUCAULT LIANCOURT, Due DE. Travels through the U. S., the country of the Iroquois and upper Canada, 1795-7. London. 1799. LOSSING, BENSON J. Pictorial field-book of the War of 1812. N. Y.: Harper. 1868. $7. $12. MACLAY, WILLIAM. Journal, 1789-91; ed. by Edgar S. Maclay. N. Y. : Appleton. 1890. $2.25. McMASTER, JOHN BACH. History of the people of the United States from the Revolu tion to the Civil War. N. Y. : Appleton. 188J-95. G v. $2.50 ea. t NITKD STATES AT LATWE. 26 MADISON, Ml;*. DOROTHY. Memoirs and letters of Dolly Madison. Boston: Ilougiiton. 18NG. $1.25. MADISON, JAMES. ADAMS, JOHN Quixcv. Lives of James Madison and James Monroe, with historical notices of their administrations. Buffalo: G. II. Derby & Co. ISfiO. GAV, SYDNIOY HOWARD. James Madison. (American states men series.) Boston: Houghton. 1S8-1. $1.25. HIVIOS, \ViMJ.\M C.. JR. History of the life and tirnt-y of James Madison. Boston ! ittle: I & Co. 185(5. . > v. MARSHALL, JOHN. MAGRTDKR, Ai, LION B. John Marshall. (American statesmen series.) Boston: Houghton. 1885. $1.25. MAIITINKAU, HARRIET. History of England, !SOO-l. r >; being an introduction to the his tory of the peace. London: Bell. 1878. 3s. (id. MONROE, JAMES. GILMAN. DAXIISL, C. James Monroe. (Ameriean statesmen series.) Boston: Houghton. 1883. $1.25. MORRIS, GOUVERNEUR. Diary and letters; ed. by Anne C. Morris. N. Y. : Scribner. 1888. 2 v. $7.50. ROOSEVKT.T, THEODORU. Gouverneur Morris. (American statesmen series.) Boston: Houghton. 1888. $1.25. PICKERING, TIMOTHY. PICKERING, OrTAvnrs, AND UIMIAM, CHARLES. Life of Timothy Pickering. Boston: Little, B. & Co. 1867-73. 1 v. $14. PINCKNEY, GRN. THOMAS. PINOKNEY, CHARGES C. Life of General Thomas Pinckney. Boston: Houghton. 1895. $1.50. PFNKNEY, WILLIAM. WFIIOATOX, HENRY. Some account of the life, writings speeches of William Pinkney. N. Y.: J. W. Palmer. QUINCY, JOSIAH. QUINOY, EDMUND. Life of Josiah Quincy, by his son. Bos ton: Ticknor & Field. 18fi8. RANDOLPH, EDMUND. CON WAY, MONCURE D. Omitted chapters of history dis closed in the life and papers of Edmund Randolph. N. Y. : Putnam. 1888. $3.50. RANDOLPH, JOHN. ADAMS, HENRY. John Randolph. (American statesmen series.) Boston: Houghton. 1882. $1.25. RED EAGLE. EGGT.ESTON, GEORGE CAT.-Y. Rod Eagle and the wars with the Creek Indians. N. Y.: Dodd. 1878. $1.25. ROOSEVELT, THEODORE. The naval war of 1812. N. Y.: Putnam. 1882. $2.50. RUSH. RICHARD. Residence at the court of London, 1817-25. London: Phi 1833. 3d ed. Phil.: Lippincott. 1872. $6. (2d ed rev., entitled Memoranda of a residence at the court of London. Phil. 1833.) SARGENT, NATHAN. Public men and events from 1817 to 1853. Phil.: Lippincott 1875. 2 v. $6. SMALL, ALBION W. Beginnings of American nationality: the constitutional rela tions between the Continental Congress and the colonies and states, 1774-80. (JoHis Hopkins University studies in hist, and pol. science. Sth series, nos. t-2.) Bait. 1890. pap. $1. SOLEY, JAMES R. Boys of 1812 and other naval heroes Boston: tistes & L. 1887. $2.50. VNITKD STATKK AT LARGE. 2. TECUMSEH. E ;GLKSTOX T , EDWARD, AND SKEL.YE, LII,ME E. Tecumseh and the Shawnee prophet. N. Y. : Dodd. 1878. $1.25. THOMSON, JOHN L. History of the war of the United States with Great Britain in 1812; with additions and corrections. Phil.: Lippincott. 1887. WALKER, FRANCIS A. Making of the nation, 1783-1817. (American history series.) N. Y.: Scribner. 1895. $1.25. WILKINSON, GEN. JAMES. Memoirs of my own times. Phil.: A. Small. 181I!. 3 v. WIRT, WILLIAM. KENNEDY, JOHN P. Memoirs of the life of William Wirt. Phil.: Lea & B. 1849. 2 v. WRIGHT, FRANCES. Views of society and manners in America, 1818-20. London: Longman. 1821. N. Y. : Bliss & White. 1821. PKRI01) OF THE SLAVERY (QUESTION. A I). 1S2S <;<>. ANDERSON, THOMAS M. Political conspiracies preceding the Rebellion. N. Y.: Put nam. 1882. $1. BACOURT, CHEVAI/IER DE. Souvenirs of a diplomat: private letters from America during the administrations of Van Buren, Harrison and Tyler: tr. from the French. N. Y. : Holt. 1885. $1.50. BUNTON, THOMAS H. Thirty years view; or a history of the working of the Amer ican government, 1820-50, chiefly taken from the Congress debates, private papers of General Jackson and speeches of Senator Benton. N. Y. : Appleton. 1854-fi. 2 v. $fi. RoosEYEi/r, THEODORE. Life of Thomas Hart Benton. (American statesmen series.) Boston: Hough ton. 188C $1.25. BIRNEY, JAMES G. BIUXEY, WIT.LJAM. James G. Birney and his times. N. Y.: Appleton. 1890. $2. BROWN, JOHN. OF OSSAWATM 1 1-;. HINTON, RICHARD J. John Brown and his men. (American reformers series.) N. Y. : Funk &. W. 1894. $1.50. HOJ.ST, HERMANX YON. John Brown. Boston: Cupples & H. 1889. $1.50. SAXHORN, FRANKT.TN B., ED. Life and letters of John Brown. Boston: Roberts. 1885. $.->. BUCHANAN. JAMES. CruTis. GEORGE TK^KNOR. Life of James Buchanan. N. Y.: Harper. 188;?. 2 v. $6. BUCKINGHAM, JAMES SILK. America, historical, statistic, and descriptive [1837-38]. I -n- don: Fisher. 3 v. N. Y. 1841. 2 v. The eastern and western states of America [183 J-lOl. Lon don: P. Jackson. [1842.1 3 v. BURGESS, JOHN W. The middle period. 1817-58. (American history series ) N. Y.: Scribner. 1897. $1.75. CAIRNES, J. E. The slave power. 2d ed. enlarged. London: Macmillan 1S(i:> CALHOUN. JOHN C. Works: -d. by frallc. N. Y. : .Appleton. 1853-85. G v. $18. HOI.ST H. YOX. John C. Calhoun. (American statesmen series.) Boston: Houghton. 1882. $1.25. ( ASS, LEWIS. M<-T,ATTO- i i \. ANDKEW C Lewis (^as". (America.n states men series.) Boston: Houghton. 1891. $1.25. UNITED STATES AT I.AHdK. 28 CHANNING, WILLIAM E. Slavery. 2d ed. rev. Boston: J. Munroe. 1836. CHEVALIER, MICHEL. Society, manners, and politics in the United States: being a series of letters on North America [1834-35]; trans, from 3d Paris ed. Boston: \\eeks, J. & Co. 1830. CLARKE, JAMES FREEMAN. Anti-slavery days. N. Y.: Worthington. 1S84. CLAY, HENRY. Works; ed. [with life] by C. Col ton. N. Y.: Barnes. 1857. C V. SAMP:: with introduction by Thomas B. Reed, and history of tariff legislation, 1812-96, by William McKinley. N. Y.: Henry ( lay Pub. Co. 1897. 7 v. SrMiimz, CARL. Life of Henry Clay. (American statesmen series.) Boston : Houghton. 1887. 2 v. $3. DAVIS, REUBEN. Recollections of Mississippi and Mississippians. Boston: Houghton. 1889. .$3. DICKENS, CHARLES. American notes for general circulation. [1st ed. 1842.] DOUGLAS, STEPHEN A. SHEAHAN, JAMES \v. Life of Stephen A. Douglas. N. Y.: Harper. 1860. DOUGLASS, FREDERICK. Life and times; by himself. Hartford: Park Pub. Co. 1881. New rev. ed. Boston: De Wolfe. 1893. $2.50. GARRISON, WILLIAM LLOYD. GARRISON, FRANCIS J. AND WENDELL P. William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-7!): the story of his life told by his children. N. Y.: Century Co. 1885-89. 4 v. $16. SMITH, GoLi>\\ix. The moral crusader, William Lloyd Gar rison: a biographical essay. N. Y.: Funk. 1892. $1. CREELEY, HORACE. Recollections of a busy life. N. Y. : N. Y. Tribune. 1868. HAItPER, W., AND OTHERS. The pro-slavery argument. Phil.: Lippincott. 1853. HELPER, HINTON R. The impending crisis of the south: how to meet it. N. Y.: A. B. Burdick. 1860. (c. 1X57.) HOFFMAN, F. L. Race traits and tendencies of the American Negro. (Publi cations of the American Economic Association, v. 11, nos. 1-3.) N. Y.: Macmillan. 1896. $2. HONE, PHILIP. Diary, 1828-51; ed. by Bayard Tuckerman. N. Y.: Dodd. 1889. 2 v. $7.50. HOUSTON, DAVID F. Critical study of nullification in South Carolina. (Harvard historical studies, v. 3.), N. Y. Longmans. 1896. $1.25. HOWARD, BENJAMIN C. Report of the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States and the opinion of the judges thereof, in the case of Dred Scott vs. John F. A. Sandford. Wash.: C. Wendell. 1857. JACKSON, ANDREW. PARTON, JAMES. Life of Andrew Jackson. N. Y.: Mason. 1860. 3 v. SITMNER, WILLIAM G. Andrew Jackson. (American states men series.) Boston: Houghton. 1883. $1.25. KENDALL, AMOS. Autobiography; ed. by William Stickney. Boston: Lee & S. 1872. $5. LADD, HORATIO O. History of the war with Mexico. N. Y.: Dodd. 1883. $1.25. UNITKD STATKS AT I.A1U5K 29 LEGGETT, WILLIAM. (Collection of political writings; [ed.J by Theodore Sedgwick. Jr. N. Y.: Taylor & Docld. 1S40. 2 v. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM, AND DOUGLAS, STEPHEN A. Political debates in the celebrated campaign of 1858. Colum bus: Follett. 1860. SAM 10. Cleveland: Hubbell. 1895. $3. <">(). Political speeches and debates, 18f>4-(;t; ed. by Alon/o T. Jones. 75 at. tie Creek, Mich.: International Tract Soc. 1895. $1.75. LOWELL, JAMES RUSSELL. The Hi glow papers. [1st ed. 1X48.1 Boston: Houghton. MACGREGOR, JOHN. Progress of America. London: Whit taker. 1847. 2 v. M KENNEY, THOMAS L. Memoirs, official and personal. N. Y.: Paine. 1840. MANSFIELD, E. D. The Mexican war. 10th ed. N. Y.: Barnes. 1849. MARRYATT, FREDERICK. Diary in America. London: Longman. 1.839. ti v. MARTINEAU, HARRIET. Society in America. London. 1837. 3 v. N. Y.: Sannders & O. 1837. 2 v. MAY, SAMUEL J. Some recollections of our antislavery conflict. Boston: Fields, Osgood & Co. 18(19. MOTT, JAMES AND LUORETIA. HAL,:LOWKI,T,, ANNA I)., ion. James and Lucretia Mott : life and letters. Boston: Houghton. 1,884. $2. PALMER, T. II., En. Historical register of the United States [1812-14]. Wash. 1814-.C.. 4 v. PARKER, THEODORE. Trial of Theodore Parker for the "misdemeanor" of a speech in Fanenil Hall against kidnapping, Boston, April 3, 1855, with the defence. N. Y. : Appleton. 1864. (c. 1855.) PHILLIPS, WENDELL. Speeches, lectures and letters. [1st ed. 1863.1 Boston: Lee & S. 2 v. nap. $1. AUSTIN, GKORGE LOWEL.T,. Life and times of Wendell Phil lips. Boston: Lee & S. New ed. 1888. (c. 1882.) $2. PIERCE, FRANKLIN. HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL. Life of Franklin Pierce. Boston. 1852. (Now published in Hawthorne s Sketches and studies. Little classics. Boston: Houghton. $1.) PIKE, JAMES S. First blows of the Civil War. N. Y. : Am. News Co. 1879. $2. QUTTMAN, MAJOR JO7IN A. CLAIRORNE, J. F. H. Life and correspondence of John A. Quitman. N. Y.: Harper. I860. 2 v. $3.50. RA TIMER, FREDERICK VON. America and the American people; tr. from the German by Wm. W. Turner. N. Y.: Langley. 1846. RHODES, JAMES FORD. History of the United States, from the Compromise of 1850. N. Y.: Harper. 1S93-. v. 1-. $2.50 ea. RTPLEY, 7iOSWELL S. The war with Mexico. N. Y.: Harper. 1849. 2 v. SCOTT, GEN. WINFIELD. Memoirs. N. Y.: Sheldon. 1864. 2 v. WRIGHT, MAROCTS J. General Scott. (Great commanders series.) N. Y. : Appleton. 1894. $1.50. UNITED STATES AT LARGE. 30 SEWARI), WILLIAM H. Works; eel. by George E. Baker. List ed. 1853.] Boston: Houghton. 1883. f> v. $15. Autobiography, 1801-34: with a memoir, 1831-46, by Frederick VV. Seward. N. Y.: Appleton. 1877. $4.25. SUPPLIOMIOXT TO SAM io: S io WARD, FRiODKRicK W. Seward at Washington, 1846-72. N. Y.: Derby & Miller. 1891. 2 v. LOTHKOP, THORXTOX K. William Henry Seward. (Amer ican statesmen series.) Boston: Houghton. 18!)6. $1.25. SMITH, THEODORE CLARKE. The Liberty and Free Soil parties in the northwest. (Har vard historical studies, v. 6.) N. Y.: Longmans. 1SD7. SPRAGUE, JOHN T. The origin, progress, and conclusion of the Florida war. N. Y.: Appleton. 1848. STILL, WILLIAM. The Underground Rail Road. Phil.: Porter fc C. 1872. STONVE, HARRIET BEECHER. Key to Uncle Tom s cabin. Boston: J. P. Jewett & Co. 1853. STROUD, GEORGE M. Sketch of the laws relating to slavery in the several states of the United States. 2d ed., with alterations and additions. Phil.: H. Longstreth. 1856. SUMNER, CHARLES. Works. Boston: Lee &,S. 1875-83. 15 v. $45. PiERrio, EDWARD LILI.IIO. Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner. Boston: Roberts. 1877-93. 4 v. $12. TAYLOR, Giox. ZACHARY. HOWARD, OLIVIOR O. General Taylor. (Great commanders series.) N. Y.: Appleton. 18 ( J2. $1.50. TROLLOPE, FRANCES M. Domestic manners of the Americans. London: Whittaker. 1832. 2 v. 5th cd. Bcntley. 183!). UNITED STATES. COXGRIOSS. Annals. Wash.: Gales & Sea ton. 1834-56. 42 v. VAN BUREN, MARTIN. SHEPARD, EDWARD M. Martin Van Bureu. (American statesmen series.) Boston: Houghton. 1888. $1.25. \VEBSTER, DANIEL. Works. Boston: Little & B. 1851. 6 v. CTHTIS, GKORGE TICKXOR. Life of Daniel Webster. 3d ed. N. Y.: Appleton. 1870. 2 v. $4. LODCIO, HIOXRY CABOT. Daniel Webster. (American states men series.) Boston: Houghton. 1883. $1.25. WEED, THURLOW. Autobiography; ed. by Harriet A. Weed. Boston: Houghton. 1883. WILLIAMS, GEORGE W. History of the Negro race in America, 161!)-18SO. N. Y. : Put nam. 1883. 2 v. $7. WILSON, HENRY. History of the rise and fall of the slave power in America. Boston: Osgood. 1872-7. 3 v. $!*. SVILSON, WOODROW. Division and reunion, 182!i-8!>. (Epochs of American history.) N. Y.: Longmans. 18 J3. $1.25. WIRT, WILLIAM. Letters of the British spy. N. Y.: Harper. 1836. WOODBURY, LEVI. Writings, political, judicial and literary. Boston: Little, B. & Co. 1852. 3 v. YANCEY, WILLIAM L. Du Bosio, JOHN W. Life and times of William Lowndes Yancey. Birmingham: Roberts, 181)2. UNITED STATES AT LARGE. 31 PERIOD OP CIVll, WAR, A. D. 1M ABBOT, WILLIS J. Battle-fields and victory [1S63-5]. N. Y.: Dedd. 1881. $3. Battle-fields of til. N. Y.: Uodd. 1889. $2. Blue jackets of 61. N. Y. : Dodd. 1886. ABBOTT, JOHN S. C. History of the Civil War. Springfield, Mass.: G. Bill. 1863. 2 v. BARNARD, JOHN G. The Peninsular campaign and its antecedents, as developed by the report of Maj. Gen. McClellan and other published docu ments. N. Y. : Van Nostrand. 1864. BARNES, WILLIAM H. History of the 39th Congress. N. Y.: Harper. 1868. $5. BARTLETT, WILLIAM F. PALFREY, FRANCIS W r . Memoir of William Francis Bartlett. Boston: Houghton. 1878. $1.50. BATTLES and leaders of the Civil War: contributions by Union and Confederate officers; eel. by R. U. Johnson and Clarence C. Buell. N. Y.: Century Co. 1887-9. 1 v. $20. BEAUREGARD, GEN. PIERRE G. T. ROMAN, ALFRED. Military operations of General Beauregard, 1861-65; including a brief personal sketch and a narrative of his services in the war with Mexico, 1846-8. N. Y.: Harper. 1884. 2 v. $3.50. BIGELOW, JOHN. France and the Confederate navy, 1862-68. N. Y. : Harper. 1888. $1.50. BOTTS, JOHN MINOR. The great Rebellion. N. Y. : Harper. 1866. BOYNTON, CHARLES B. History of the navy during the Rebellion. N. Y.: Appleton. 1868. 2 v. BROWNLOW, WILLIAM G. Sketches of the rise, progress and decline of secession. Phil.: G. W. Childs. 1862. BURGESS, JOHN W. The Civil War and reconstruction. (American history series.) N. Y. : Scribner. BURNSIDE, GEN. AMBROSE E. WOODBTRY, Arars rrs. Major General Ambrose E. Burnside and the Ninth Army Corps. Providence: Rider. 1867. BUTLER, GEN. BENJAMIN F. Autobiography and personal reminiscences. Boston: A. M. Thayer. 1892. $3.75. PARTON, JAMES. General Butler in New Orleans. N. Y.: Mason. 1863. CAMPAIGNS of the Civil War. N. Y. : Scribner. 1881-3. 13 v. $1 ea. 1. The outbreak of rebellion; by J. G. Nicolay.- 2. From Fort Henry to Corinth; by M. F. Force. 3. The Penin sula: McClellan s campaign of 1862; by Alexander S. Webb. 1. The Army under Pope; by J. C. Ropes. 5. The Antietam and Fredericksburg; by F. W T . Palfrey. 6. Chaneellorsville and Gettysburg; by Abner Double- day. 7. The Army of the Cumberland; by Henry M. Cist. 8. The Mississippi; by F. V. Greene. 9. Atlanta; by Jacob D. Cox. 10. The March to the Sea; by Jacob I). Cox. 11. The Shenandoah valley in 1864; by George E. Pond. 12. The Virginia campaign ef 64 and 65; by A. A. Humphreys. (Supplementary vol.) Statistical record of the armies of the United States. UHAMPLIN, JOHN D., JR. Young folks history of the War for the Union. N. Y. : Holt. 1881. $2.75. UNITED STATES AT LARGE. 32 CHASE, SALMON P. ScnuoKERS, JACOB W. Life and public services of Salmon Portland Chase. N. Y.: Appleton. 1S74. $5. CHITTENDEN, L. E. Report of the debates and proceedings in the secret sessions of the Conference Convention for proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States. Washington, Pel). 18151. N 7 . Y.: Appleton. 1864. COFFIN, CHARLES CARLETON. The drum-beat of the nation. N. Y. : Harper. 1888. $P,, Marching to victory. N. Y.: Harper. 1889. $3. Redeeming the Republic. N. Y.: Harper. 1890. $3. Freedom triumphant. N. Y. : Harper. 1891. $3. (The above are named in their chronological order.) The boys of 61, or four years of fighting: personal observa tion with the army and navy. Boston: Estes & L. 18SI. $2.50. Following the flag. Boston: Estes & L. (c. 1865.) Osgood. $1.50. My days and nights on the battle-field. [Ut ed. 1864.] Bos ton: Estes. 1881. COX, JACOB 1). Second battle of Bull Run, as connected with the Fitz-John Porter case. Cincinnati: P. G. Thomson. 1882. $1. C()X, SAMUEL S. Three decades of federal legislation, 1855-85. Providence, R. I.: Reid. 1885. $4.50. CRAWFORD, SAMUEL WYLTE. Genesis of the Civil War: the story of Sumter. N. Y.: Web ster. 1887. $3.50. DAHLGREN, ADMIRAL JOHN A. DAHLGREN, MRS. MADELEINE V. Memoir of John A. Dahl- gren, Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. Boston: Osgood. 1882. $3. DAVIS, JEFFERSON. Rise and fall of the Confederate government. N. Y.: Apple- ton. 1881. 2 v. $10. DAVES, MRS. VARINA JEFFERSON. Jefferson Davis, ex-presi dent of the Confederate States: a memoir. N. Y.: Belford Co. 1890. 2 v. DICEY, EDWARD. Six months in the federal states. London: Macmillan. 1863. 2 v. DTX, JOHN A. Dix, MORGAN, OOMP. Memoirs of John Adams Dix. N. Y. : Harper. 1883. 2 v. $5. DODGE, THEODORE A. A bird s-eye view of our Civil War. Boston: Osgood. 1883. New ed. rev. Houghton. 1897. $1. Campaign of Chancellorsville. Boston: Osgood. 1881. Houghton. $3. DOUBLEDAY, ABNER. Gettysburg made plain. N. Y.: Century Co 1888. pap. 25c. DRAPER, JOHN W. History of the American Civ l War. N. Y. : Harper. 1867. 3 v. EGGLESTON, GEORGE CARY. A rebel s recollections. N. Y.: Hurd & H. 1875. $1 50. PARRAGUT, ADMIRAL DAVID G. FARRAGUT, LOYALL. Life of David Glasgow Farragut. N. Y. : Appleton. 1879. $4. MA HAN, CAPT. A. T. Admiral Farragut. N. Y. : Appleton. 1892. $1.50. FOOTE, ADMIRAL ANDREW IT. HOPPIN, JAMES M. Life of Andrew Hull Foote, rear-ad miral United States Navy. N. Y.: Harper. 1874. $3.50. FOOTE, HENRY S. War of the Rebellion; or Scylla and Charybdis. N. Y. : Harper. 1866. UNITED STATES AT LARGE. GORDON, GEORGE H. Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, lSf>l-2. Boston: Osgood. 1883. Houghton. 1885. $3. History of the campaigns of the Army of Virginia under John Pope, 1862. Boston: Houghton. 1880. $2.2;".. GRANT, GEX. ULYSSES S. Personal memoirs. N. Y. : Webster. 1885-6. 2 v. New ed. 1895. 2 v. $5. Report of the armies of the United States, 1864-65. N. Y. : Appleton. 1865. BAOKAU, ADAM. Military history of Ulysses S. Grant, 1861- 65. N. Y.: Appleton. 1868-81." 3 v. BROOKS, ET,BRTI>GE S. True story of U. S. Grant; told for boys and girls. Boston: Lothrop. (o. 1897.) $1.50. Cm-Ren, WTT.EIAM C. Ulysses S. Grant and the period of national preservation and reconstruction. (Heroes of the nations series.) N. Y.: Putnam. 1897. $1.50. DANA. CTTARLKS A., AND \\TI.SOX, J. H. Life of U. S. Grant. Springfield, Mass.: C. A. Nichols. 1S68. $2.50. PORTER, GION. HORACE. Campaigning with Grant. N. Y.: Century Co. 1897. $3.50. GREELEY, HORACE. The American conflict: a history of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, its causes, incidents nnd results. Hartford: O. I). Case. 1867. 2 v. HALE, EDWARD E., En. Stories of war, told by soldiers. Boston: Roberts. 1879. $1. HANCOCK, GKX. W. S. WALKER. FRAXCIS A. General Hancock. (Great com manders series.) N. Y.: Appleton. 1894. $1.50. HARRIS, THOMAS L. The Trent affair. Indianapolis: Bowen-Merrill Co. 1S96. $1.50. HEADLEY. JOEL T. The great Rebellion. Hartford: Am. Pub. Co. 1867. 2 v. HIGG1NSON, THOMAS W. Army life in a black regiment. Boston: Fields. Osgood &. Co. 1870. New ed. 1882. Lee & S. $1.50. HOOD, J. B. Advance and retreat: personal experiences in the United States and Confederate States armies. New Orleans: Hood Orphan Memorial Fund, G. T. Beauregard. 1880. $3. HOSMER, JAMES K. The color-guard: service in the 19th Army Corps. Boston: Walker, Wise & Co. 1861. HUMPHREYS, ANDREW A. From Gettysburg to the Rapidan: the Army of the Potomac, July, 1863, to April, 1861. N. Y.: Scribner. 1883. 75c. IRW1N, RICHARD B. History of the Nineteenth Army Corps. N. Y. : Putnam. 1892. $4.50. JACKSON, GEX. THOMAS J. OOOKK, JOHN ESTIOX. Stonewall Jackson: a military biography. N. Y.: Appleton. 1876. $3. JACKSOX, MRS. MARY AXXA. Life and letters of General Thomas J. Jackson (Stonewall Jackson). N. Y. : Harper. 1892. $2. JOHNSON, ROSSITER. Short history of the War of Secession. Boston: Ticknor. 1S88. SAMIO: Story of a great conflict. N. Y. : Bryan. 1894. JOHNSTON, GEX. ALBERT S. JOHXSTOX, WIU.TAM P. Life of Gen. Albert Sidney John ston. N. Y. : Appleton. 1878. $5. JOHNSTON, GKN. JOSEPH E. Narrative of military operations during the late war between the states. N. Y. : Appleton. 1874. $5. HUGHES, ROHKRT M. General Johnston. (Great commanders series.) N. Y. : Appleton. 1893. $1.50. UNITED STATES AT LARGE. 34 JOINVILLE, F. F. P. L. M. D ORLEANS, PRINCE DE. The Army of the Potomac; trans, by W. H. Hurlbert. N. Y.: Randolph. 1862. KIEFFER, HARRY M. Recollections of a drummer-boy, 7th ed. rev. and enl. Bos ton: Houghton. 1890. $1.50. KING, HORATIO. Turning on the light: a dispassionate survey of President Buchanan s administration from I860 to its close. Phil.: Lippincott. 1895. $2. LEE, GEN. ROBERT E. COOKE, JOHN ESTEN. Life of General Robert E. Lee. N. Y. : Appleton. 1871. $5. LEE, FITZHUGH. General Lee. (Great commanders series.) N. Y. : Appleton. 1894. $1.50. LONG, A. L., AND WRIGHT, M. J. Memoirs of Robert E. Lee. N. Y. : Stoddart. 1886. $3.75. WHITE, HENRY A. Robert E. Lee and the southern confed eracy, 1807-70. (Heroes of the nations series.) N. Y.: Put nam. 1897. $1.50. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. Complete works: comprising his speeches, letters, state papers, and miscellaneous writings; ed. by John G. Nicolay and John Hay. N. Y. : Century Co. 1894. 2 v. $10. BROOKS, ELBRIDGE S. True story of Abraham Lincoln, the American, told for boys and girls. Boston: Lothrop. (c. 1896.) $1.50. BROOKS, NOAH. Abraham Lincoln: a biography for young people. N. Y.: Putnam. 1888. SAME: Abraham Lincoln and the downfall of American slavery. (Heroes of the nations series.) N. Y.: Put nam. 1894. $1.50. CARPENTER, F. B. Six months at the White House with Abraham Lincoln. N. Y.: Kurd & H. 1866. COFFIN, CH ARISES CARLETN. Abraham ^Lincoln. N. Y. : Harper. 1893. $2. HARRIS, T. M. The assassination of Lincoln: a history of the great conspiracy, trial of the conspirators by a military commission, and a review of the trial of John H. Surratt; by a member of the commission. Boston: Am. Citizen Co. 1892. $2.50. HERNDON, WILLIAM H., AND WEIK, JESSE W. Herndon s Lincoln, the true story of a great life: the history and per sonal recollections of Abraham Lincoln. Chicago: Belford, C. & Co. [1889.] 3 v. $4.50. KELLEY, WILLIAM D. Lincoln and Stan ton. (Questions of the day series.) N. Y.: Putnam. 1885. 50c. LAMON, WARD H. Recollections of Abraham Lincoln, 1847- 65. Chicago: McClurg. 1895. $1.50. McCLURE, ALEX. K. Abraham Lincoln and men of war times. Phil.: J. W. Keeler. 1892. $2. MORSE, JOHN T., JR. Abraham Lincoln. (American states men series.) Boston: Houghton. 1893. 2 v. $2.50. NICOLA Y, JOHN G., AND HAY, JOHN. Abraham Lincoln: a history- N. Y. : Century Co. 1890. 10 v. $20. PUTNAM, M. LOUISE. Children s life of Abraham Lincoln. Chicago: McClurg. 1892. $1.25. RAYMOND, HENRY J. History of the administration of Presi dent Lincoln, including his speeches, etc. N. Y. : Derby & M. 1S64. RICE, ALLEN T., ED. Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln, by distinguished men of his time. N. Y. : North American Pub. Co. 1886. $4. SCHURZ, CARL. Abraham Lincoln: an essay. Boston: Houghton. 1891. $1. LIVERMORE, MARY A. My story of the war: a woman s narrative of experience as nurse in the Union Army. Hartford: Worthington. 1888. $3.50. UNITED STATES AT LARGE. 35 LONGSTREET, JAMES. From Manassas to Appomattox. Phil.: Lippincott. 1896. $4. LOSSING, BENSON J. Pictorial field book of the Civil War. Hartford: T. Belknap. 1876. 3 v. (c. 1866.) LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES. INDIANA COMMANDER Y. War papers. Indianapolis. 1898- . v. 1-. MINNESOTA COMMANDERY. Glimpses of the nation s strug gle: papers read. St. Paul. 1887-. Series 1-. NEW YORK COMMANDERY. Personal recollections of the War of the Rebellion; ed. by James G. Wilson and Titus M. Coan. N. Y. 1891. OHIO COMMANDERY. Sketches of war history, 1861-65: papers read. Cincinnati: Clarke. 1883-. v. 1-. LYON, GEN. NATHANIEL. PECKHAM, JAMES. Gen. Nathaniel Lyon and Missouri in 1861. N. Y.: Am. News Co. 1866. MCCARTHY, JUSTIN. History of our own times, from the accession of Queen Vic toria to the Berlin Congress. London: Chatto. 1879. 4 v. N. Y.: Harper. 1880. 2 v. $2.50. McCLELLAN, GEORGE B. Complete report on the organization and campaigns of the Army of the Potomac. McClellan s own story. N. Y.: Webster. 1887. $3.75. McPHERSON, EDWARD. Political history of the United States during the great Re bellion. Wash. : Philp & Solomons. 1865. $5. MASSACHUSETTS, MILITARY HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF. Papers read, 1876-80. Boston. 1881-86. 2 v. Publications, v. 1-. MOORE, FRANK, ED. Rebellion record. N. Y.: Putnam; Van Nostrand. 1862-8. 12 v. NAVY in the Civil War, The. N. Y. : Scribncr. 1883. 3 v. $1 ea. 1. The blockade and the cruisers; by J. R. Soley. 2. The Atlantic coast; by Daniel Ammen. 3. The Gulf and inland waters; by A. T. Mahan. NICHOLS, GEORGE WARD. Story of the great march. N. Y. : Harper. 1865. PARIS, L. P. A., COMTE DE. Battle of Gettysburg. Phil.: Porter & C. (c. 1886.) $1.50. History of the Civil War in America: trans, from the French. Phil.: J. H. Coatcs; Porter & C. 1875-83. v. 1-4. $3.50 ea. PITTENGER, WILLIAM. Capturing a locomotive: a history of secret service. Wash.: National Tribune. 18S5. Daring and suffering; new ed., rewritten. N. Y.: \Var Pub. Co. 1887. $1.50. SAME: Great locomotive chase. N. Y. : Alden. (c. 1868- 93.) $1. POLLARD, EDWARD ALFRED. The lost cause. N. Y. : E. B. Treat. 1866. PORTER, COMMODORE DAVID. PORTER, DAVID D. Memoir of Commodore David Porter. Albany. Munsell. 1875. $6. PORTER, DAVID D. Naval history of the Civil War. N. Y. : Sherman Pub. Co. 1886. $5.50. POWELL, EDWARD P. Nullification and secession in the United States. N. Y.: Put nam. 1897. $2. POWELL, WILLIAM H. The Fifth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. N. Y.: Put nam. 1896. $7.50. tTNITED STATES AT LARGE 30 ROPES, JOHN CODMAN. Story of the Civil War. N. Y.: rutnam. 1894. pt. 1. $15.50 SCHARP, J. THOMAS. History of the Confederate States navy. Albany: McDon- ough. 1894. $3.50. SCHOFIELD, GEN. JOHN M. Forty-six years in the army. N. Y. : Century Co. 1897. $3. SCOTT, EBEN G. Reconstruction during the Civil War in the United States. Boston: Houghton. 1895. $2. SEMMES, RAPHAEL. Memoirs of service afloat during the war between the states. Bait.: Kelly. 1869. $5. SHERIDAN, GEN. PHILIP H. Personal memoirs. N. Y.: Webster. 1888. 2 v. $6. DAVIES, HENRY E. General Sheridan. (Great commanders.) N. Y. : Appleton. 1895. $1.50. SHERMAN, JOHN, AND GEN. WILLIAM T. The Sherman letters. N. Y.: Scribner. 1894. $3. SHERMAN, GEN. WILLIAM T. Memoirs, by himself. N. Y.: Appleton. 1888. 2 v. SAME: with an appendix, bringing his life down to its closing scenes. 4th ed. N. Y.: Webster. 1891. 2 v. $5. BOWMAN, S. M., AND IRWIN, R. B. Sherman and his cam paigns: a military biography. N. Y. : C. B. Richardson. 1865. SIMMS, W. G., ED. War poetry of the south. N. Y. 1867. SNEAD, THOMAS L. The fight for Missouri. N. Y.: Scribner. 18S6. $1.50. SOLEY, JAMES R. Sailor boys of 61. Boston: Estes & L. 1888. $2.50. STANTON, EDWIN M. WILSON, HENRY, AND BLACK, J. S. A contribution to his tory. Easton, Pa. 1871. STEPHENS, ALEXANDER H. Constitutional view of the late war between the states. Phil.: National Pub. Co. 1868-70. 2 v. $5.50. The reviewers reviewed: a supplement to "The war between the states," etc. N. Y. : Appleton. 1872. $1.50. JOHNSTON, RICHARD MALCOLM, AND BROWNE, WILLIAM HAND. Life of Alexander H. Stephens. Phil.: Lippincott. 1878. New ed. 1883. $3. STEVENS, THADDEUS. CALLENDER, E. B. Thaddeus Stevens, commoner. Boston: Williams. 1882. $1.25. STINE, JAMES H. History of the Army of the Potomac. Phil.: Rodgers Prtg. Co. 1892. 2d ed. [Stine]. 1893. $2. SWINTON, WILLIAM. Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac: a critical history. N. Y. : University Pub. Co. 1871. $4. Twelve decisive battles of the war. [1st ed. 1867.] N. Y. : Dick & F. 1871. TAYLOR, RICHARD. Destruction and reconstruction. N. Y.: Appleton. 1879. $2. TENNEY, W. J. Military and naval history of the Rebellion in the United States. N. Y.: Appleton. 1866. THOMAS, GEN. GEORGE H. COPPEE, HENRY. General Thomas. (Great commanders series.) N. Y. : Appleton. 1893. $1.50. VAN HORNE, THOMAS B. Life of Major-General Gtorge H. Thomas. N. Y. : Scribner. 1882. $3. UNITED STATES AT LAKOK. 37 UNITED STATES. CONGRESS, Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War. Re port, 37th Congress, 3d session. 1863. 3 v. Report, 38th Congress, 1st session. [1864.] Report, 38th Congress, 2d session. 1865. 3 v. Supplemental report, 38th Congress, 2d session. 1866. 2 v. NAVY DEPARTMENT. Official records of the Union and Con federate navies in the War of the Rebellion. Wash.: Govt. Prtg. Off. 1894-. Series 1, v. 1-. WAR DEPARTMERT. War of the Rebellion: a compilation of the official records of the Union and Conefederate Armies. Wash. 1880-. Series 1, v. 1-. VAN HORNE, THOMAS B. History of the Army of the Cumberland. Cincinnati: Clarke. 1875. 2 v. and atlas of maps. $8. WALKER, FRANCIS A. History of the Second Army Corps in the Army of the Potomac. N. Y.: Scribner. 1886. $3.50. WILLIAMS, GEORGE F. Bullet and shell. N. Y.: Fords, H. & H. 1883. $2.75. WILLIAMS, GEORGE W. History of the Negro troops in the War of the Rebellion. N. Y. : Harper. 1888. $1.75. WORMELEY, KATHARINE PRESCOTT. The other side of war with the Army of the Potomac. Bos ton: Ticknor. 1889. $2.50. 1 EllTOD OF RECONSTRUCTION AM) AFTER. A. D. 1XC5 IS .tf. AMERICAN annual cyclopaedia and register of important events. N. Y.: Appleton. 1861-. v. 1-. (Since 1875, Appleton s annual cyclopaedia.) ANDREWS. E. BENJAMIN. History of the last quarter-century in the United States, 1870-1)5. N. Y. : Scribner. 1896. 2 v. $6. GUSHING, CALEB. Treaty of Washington. N. Y. : Harper. 1873. $2. BLAINE, JAMES G. Political discussions, legislative, diplomatic and popular, 1856-86. Norwich, Conn.: Henry Bill Pub. Co. 1887. Twenty years of Congress: from Lincoln to Garfield; with a review of the events which led to the political revolution of I860. Norwich, Conn.: Henry Bill Pub. Co. 1884-6. 2 v. $7.50. DODGE, MARY ABIGAIL. (Gail Hamilton, P-SEUD.) Biography of James G. Blaine. Norwich, Conn.: Henry Bill Pub. Co. 1895. $3.50. CLEVELAND, GROVER. Writings and speeches; selected and ed. by Geo. F. Parker. N. Y.: Cassell. 1892. $2.50. DORSHEIMER, WILLIAM, AND HioxsiOL, W. U. Life and pub lic services of Grover Cleveland. Phil.: Edgewood Pub. Co. (c. 1892.) CURTIS. GEORGE WILLIAM. Orations and addresses; ed. by C. E. Norton. N. Y. : Harper. 1894. 3 v. $3.50 ea. CARY, EDWARD. George William Curtis. (American men of letters series.) Boston: Houghton. 1894. $1.25. GARFIELD, JAMES ABRAM. Works: ed. by B. A. Hinsdale. Boston: Osgcod. 1882. 2 v. $6. RIDPATH, JOHN C. Life and work of James A. Garfield. Cleveland: G. M. Rewell & Co. 1881. Cincinnati: Jones Bros. 1881. $2.50. MrCULLOCH, HUGH. Men and measures of half a century. N. Y. : Scribner, 18SS. $4. UNITED STATES AT TARCitt. 38 MoPHERSON, EDWARD. Political history of the United States of America during the period of reconstruction. Wash.: Solomons. 187"). $5. SHERMAN. JOHN. Recollections of forty years in the House, Senate, and Cabinet. Chicago. Werner Co. 1895. 2 v. $7.50. STRONG, JOSIAH. Our country, its possible future and its present crisis. N. Y.: Baker & T. 1885. Rev. ed. 1891. 60c. DIVISION 2. GENERAL HISTORY. ABBOT, WILLIS J. Naval history of the United States. N. Y.: Docld. 1896. $3.75. Contents: Blue-jackets of 76. Blue-jackets of 1812. Blue-jackets of 61. ABBOTT, JACOB. American history. N. Y.: Sheldon. 1860-5. 8 v. AMERICA and Europe: a study of international relations. (Questions of the day series, no. 87.) N. Y.: Putnam. 1896. 75c. Contents: The United States and Great Britain; by David A. Wells. The Monroe doctrine; by Edward J. Phelps. - Arbitration in international disputes; by Carl Schurz. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Annual reports, 1889-. Wash.: Govt. Prtg. Off. 1890-. Papers. N. Y. 1886-. v. 1-. AMERICAN history series. N. Y. : Scribner. 1892-. 5 v. v. 1-3, $1.25 ea. v. 4. $1.75. AMERICAN state papers: Documents, legislative and executive. Wash.: Gales & Seaton. 1832-61. 38 v. ANDREWS, E. BENJAMIN. History of the United States. N. Y. : Scribner. 1894. 2 v. $4. BANCROFT, GEORGE. History of the United States of America from the discovery of the continent; author s last revision. N. Y. : Appleton. 1883-5. 6 v. $15. BARNES, MARY SHELDON AND EARL. Studies in American history. Boston: Heath. 1891. $1.25. BELKNAP, JEREMY. American biography. [1st ed. 1794-8.] N. Y. : Harper. 3 v. $2.25. BONNER, JOHN. Child s history of the United States. N. Y. : Harper. 1874. 3 v. (c. 1866.) $3. BROOKS, ELBRIDGE S. Story of the United States. Boston: Lothrop. 1891. $1.50. BROOKS, NOAH. Short studies in party politics. N. Y.: Scribner. 1895. $1.25. BRYANT, WILLIAM CULLEN, AND GAY, SYDNEY HOWARD. Popular history of the United States. N. Y. : Scribner. 1876-81. 4 v. SAME; rev: BRYANT, WILLIAM CULLEN, GAY, S. H., AND BROOKS, NOAH. Scribner s popular history of the United States. N. Y.: Scribner. 1896. 5 v. $20. BUTTERWORTH, HEZEKIAH. Young folks history of America. Rev. and enlarged. Chi cago: Werner. 1895. CHANNING, EDWARD. The United States of America, 1765-1865. (Cambridge his torical series.) N. Y. : Macmillan. 1896. $1.50. AND HART, ALBERT BUSHNELL. Guide to the study of American history. Boston: Ginn. 1896. $2.15. UNITED STATES AT LAUOE. 39 COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE. History of the Navy of the United States. London: Bentley. 1839. 2 v. Phil.: Lea & B. 1839. 2 v. SAME; continued to 1853. N. Y. : Putnam. DAVIDSON, HANNAH A. Reference history of the United States, for high schools and academies. Boston: GInn. 1802. 90c. DIPLOMACY of the United States: being an account of the foreign relations of the country, 1778-1814. Boston: Wells & L. 1826. DOYLE, JOHN A. History of the United States. , Freeman s historical course for schools series.) N. Y. : Holt. 1876. $1. EGGLESTON, EDWARD. First book in American history. N. Y. : Appleton. 70c. N. Y. : American Book Co. (c. 1889.) 60c. History of the United States and its people, for the use of schools. N. Y. : Appleton. 1888. $2.50. ELIOT, SAMUEL. History of the United States, 1492-1872. Boston: Brewer & T. 1874. EPOCHS of American history; edited by Albert Bushnell Hart. N. Y.: Longmans. 1891-3. 3 v. $3.75. FISKE, JOHN. History of the United States for schools. Boston: Houghton. 1894. $1. FOSTER, W. E. References to the history of Presidential administrations, 1789-1885. (Economic tracts, no. 17.) N. Y. : Soc. for Polit ical Education. 1885. pap. 25c. GANNETT, HENRY. The building of a nation: the growth, present condition and resources of the United States. N. Y.: H. T. Thomas Co. 3895. $2.50. OILMAN, ARTHUR. Oilman s historical readers. Chicago: Interstate Pub. Co. 1887. 3 v. 1. Discovery and exploration of America. 36c. 2. Coloni zation of America. 48c. 3. The making of the Amer ican nation. 60_c. History of the American people. Boston: Lothrop. [1883.] $1.50. GORDY, J. P. A history of political parties in the United States. Athens, O. 1895-. 3 v. GORDY, WILBUR F. History of the United States for schools. N. Y. : Scribner. 1898. $1. AND TWITCHELL, W. I. Pathfinder in American history. Boston: Lee & S. 1893. $1.20. GREG, PERCY. History of the United States from the foundation of Virginia to the reconstruction of the Union. London: W. H. Allen. 1887. 2 v. Richmond: W T est, J. & Co. 1893. $2.50. GRIFFIN, APPLETON P. C. Bibliography of American historical societies, the United States and Canada. Wash. 1896. HALE, EDWARD EVERETT. History of the United States. N. Y. : Chautauqua Press. 1887. $1. HAMILTON, SCHUYLER. History of the national flag of the United States of America. Phil.: Lippincott. 1852. UNITED STATES AT LAKGE. 40 HART, ALBERT BUSHNELL. Epoch maps illustrating American history. 1-1 maps. N. Y. : Longmans. 1891. 50c. ED. American history told by contemporaries. N. Y.: Mac- millan. 189T-. v. 1-. $2. AND CHANNING, E., EDS. American history leaflets. no. 1-. N. Y. : A. Lovell. pap. lOc. ea. HIGGINSON, THOMAS W. Larger history of the United States, to the close of Jackson s administration. N. Y.: Harper. 1886. $3.50. Young folks history of the United States. Boston: Lee & S. 1875-83. $1.50. HILDRETH, RICHARD. History of the United States [to the end of the 16th Con gress]. N. Y.: Harper. 1849-51. 6 v. $12. HINSDALE, B. A. How to study and teach history, with particular reference to the history of the United States. N. Y.: Appleton. 1894. $1.50. HISTORICAL magazine. Boston, N. Y., etc. 1857-75. 23 v. JAMESON, J. FRANKLIN. Dictionary of United States history, 1492-1894. Boston: Puri tan Pub. Co. (c. 1894.) $2.75. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Studies in historical and political science. Bait. 18S2-. no. 1-. JOHNSTON, ALEXANDER. History of American politics. N. Y. : Holt. 1879. 3d ed. rev. and enl. 1892. 80c. History of the United States for schools; with an introductory history of the discovery and English colonization of North America. N. Y. : Holt. 1885. SAME; rev. and continued by W. M. Daniels. 1897. $1. The United States; its history and constitution. N. Y. : Scrib- ner. 1889. $1. ED. Representative American orations to illustrate American political history. N. Y.: Putnam. 1884. 3 v. $3.75. JOHONNOT, JAMES, COMP. Stories of our country. N. Y.: American Book Co. (c. 1887.) 40c. JUDSON, HARRY P. Growth of the American nation. (Chautauqua Reading Circle literature.) Meadville: Flood & Vincent. 1895. $1. KELLEY, J. D. JERROLD. Our Navy, its growth and achievements. [Water color illus.] Hartford: Am. Pub. Co. (c. 1892, 1897.) $15. KNAPP, SAMUEL L., ED. Library of American history- 2d ed. N. Y.: J. C. Riker. (n. d.) LABOULAYE, EDOUARD. Histoire des Etats-Unis, 1620-1789. Paris: Charpentier. 1855-6G. 3 v, LALOR, J. J., ED. Cyclopaedia of political science, political economy, nnd of the political history of the United States. Chicago: Rand, Mc- Nally & Co.; M. B. Gary. 1881-4. 3 v. $18. LARNED, J. N. History for ready reference, from the best historians, biographers and specialists: their own words in a complete system of history. Springfield, Mass.: C. A. Nichols Co. 1894-5. 5 v. $25. LEEDS, JOSIAH W. Smaller history of the United States. Phil.: Lippincott. 1882. $1. LODGE, HENRY CABOT, AND ROOSEVELT, THEODORE. Hero tales from American history. N. Y. ; Century Co. 1895. $1.50. UNITED STATES AT LARGE. 41 LOSSING, BENSON J. Common-school history of the United States. N. Y. : Sheldon. 1874. (c. 1864.) $1.28. Family history of the United States. Hartford: Belknap. 1881. Harper s popular cyclopaedia of United States history. N. Y. : Harper. 1881. 2 v. MABIE, HAMILTON W. Mabie s popular history of the United States; with special chapters by John Sherman and others, (c. U97 by Win. E. Scull.) MACDONALD, WILLIAM, ED. Select documents illustrative of the history of the United States, 1776-1861; with notes. N. Y.: Macmillan. 1898. $2.25. MACLAY, EDGAR S. History of the United States navy, 1775-1893. N. Y.: Apple- ton. 1894. 2 v. $7. McMASTER, JOHN B. School history of the United States. N. Y.: American Book Co. (c. 1897.) $1. With the fathers: studies in the history of the United States. N. Y.: Appleton. 1896. $1.50. MAGAZINE of American history. N. Y. : 1877-93. 30 v. MAHAN, ALFRED T. Interest of America in sea Dower, present and future. Bos ton: Little, B. & Co. 1897. $2. MOIREAU, AUGUSTE. Histoire des Etats-Unis d lAmeriaiie du Nord. Paris: Hachette. 1892-. v. 1-. MONROE, MRS. LEWIS B. Story of our country. Boston: Lock wood. IS , o. Lee & S. 60c. MONTGOMERY, DAVID H. Leading facts of American history. Boston: Ginn. 1890. $1.25. Student s American history. Boston: Ginn. 1897. $1.55. MOORE, JOSEPH W. The American Congress: a history of national legislation and political events, 1774-1895. N. Y.: Harper. 1895. $3. MORRIS, CHARLES. Elementary history of the United States. Phil.: Lippincott. 1890. 60c. MOWRY, WILLIAM A. AXD ARTHUR M. History of the United States for schools. N. Y.: Silver, B. & Co. 1SU6. $1.04. PATTON, JACOB II. Concise history of the American people. N. Y.: Ford. 1876. 2 v. $3.75. Natural resources of the United States. N. Y. : Appleton. 1888. $3. PITKIN, TIMOTHY. Political and civil history of the United States. New Haven: Howe, Durrie & Peck. 1828. 2 v. POPULAR history of the United States of America. N. Y. : Barnes. $3.50. PRATT, MARA L. American history stories. Boston: Educational Pub. Co. 1888. 4 v. PREBLE, GEORGE H. History of the flag of the United States. 2d rev. ed. Boston: A. Williams. 1880. $6. PRESTON, HOWARD W., ED. Documents illustrative of American history, 1606-1863. N. Y.: Putnam. 1886. $1.50. UNITED STATES AT LARGE 42 RATZEL, FRIEDR1CH. Die Vereinigten Staalen von Nord- America. Muenchen. 1878. 2 v. RICHARDSON, ABBY SAGE. History of our country. Boston: TTonghton. (e. 1875.) $4.50. RTDPATH, JOHN CLARK. Popular history of the United States. N. Y. : Nelson. 1876. SAMIO: United States history: rev. and enlarged ed. N. Y.: Perkins. 1891. $3.75. SCHOULER, JAMES. History of the United States of America under the Constitu tion. N. Y.: Dodd. 1880-9. 5 v. Rev. ed. 189-1. r. v. $22.50. SCHUYLER, EUGENE. American diplomacy and the furtherance of commerce. N. Y. : Scribner. 1886. $2.50. SCUDDER, HORACE E. History of the United States for the use of schools and academies. Phil.: .-sutler. 1X84. N. Y.: Sheldon. U97. $1. SHALER, NATHANIEL S., MI>. The United States of America, N. Y.: Appleton. 1894. 2 v. $10. SMITH, GOLDWIN. The, United States: an outline of political history, 1402-1871. N. Y.: Macmillan. 1893. $2. SMITH, RICHMOND MAYO. Emigration and immigration. N. Y.: Scrlhner. 1890. $1.50. SPARKS, JARED, KD. Library of American biography. Boston: ITilliard. 18,.4-9. 10 v. SAME. 2d series. Boston: Little, B. Co. 1811 -8. 15 v. SPEARS, JOHN R. History of our navy, 1775-1897. N. Y.: Scribner. 1897. 4 v. $8. STAN WOOD, EDWARD. History of Presidential elections. 4t.h ed. rev. Boston: Houghton. 1896. $1.50-. STEDMAN, EDMUND C., AND HUTCHINSON, ELLEN M., rcns. Library of American literature, from the earliest settlement to the present time. N. Y.: Webster. 1887-90. 11 v. $.", ea. STEELE, JOEL DORMAN AND ESTHER B. Brief history of the United States. N. Y. : Barnes. [1885.] $1.25. THOMAS, ALLEN C. History of the United States. Boston: Heath. 1894. $1.25. TOWLE, GEORGE M. The nation in a nutshell. Boston: Lee & S. 1887. 30e. TUCKER, GEORGE. History of the United States. Phil.: Lippincott. 1856. 4 v. TUCKER, GEORGE F. The Monroe doctrine. Boston: G. i. Reed. 1885. $1.25. TUCKERMAN, HENRY THEODORE. America and her commentators; with a critical sketch of travel in the United States. N. Y. : Scribner. 1864. TYLER, LYON G. Parties and patronage in the United States. (Questions of the day series.) N. Y. : Putnam. 1891. $1. UNITED STATES. COXORIOSS. Congressional globe, containing the debates and proceedings. Wash. 1834-73. 10!) v. --Congressional record, containing the proceedings and de bates. Wash. 1873-. v. 1-. Register of debates in Congress. Wash.: Gales Seaton. 1825-37. 29 v. VAN BUREN. MARTIN. Inquiry into the origin and course of political parties in the United States. Boston: Ilunl & Honghton. 1867. $3. UNITED STATES AT LARGE. 48 WHITNEY, JOSIAII D. The United States. Boston: Little, B. & Co. 1889. $3. Supplement. 1894. $2. WILLARD, EMMA. History of the United States. 2d ed. revised. N. Y. : White. 1829. WILSON, JAMES GRANT, ED. Presidents of the United States, 1789-1894; by John Fiske, Carl Schurz, and others. N. Y.: Appleton. 1894. $3.50. AND FISKE, JOHN, EDS. Appletons cyclopaedia of American biography. N. Y.: Apple- ton, 1886-89. G v. $3.50. WISE, HENRY A. Seven decades of the Union. Phil.: Lippincott. 1876. $2. WRIGHT. HENRIETTA CHRISTIAN. Children s stories in American history. N, Y.: Scribner. 188f>. $1.25. DIVISION 3. CONSTITUTIONAL AND INSTI TUTIONAL HISTORY AND EXPOSITION. ENGLISH ORIGINS. ADAMS, HERBERT B. Germanic origin of New England towns. (Johns Hopkins University studies in hist, and pol. science, no. 2.) Bait. 1882. pa]). 40c. Norman constables in America. (Johns Hopkins University studies in hist, and pol. science, no. 8.) Bait. 1883. pap. 25e. Saxon tithing-men in America. (Johns Hopkins University studies in hist, and pol. science, no. 4.) Bait. 1883. pap. 25c. BORGEAUD, CHARLES. Rise of modern democracy in old and new England; trans, by Mrs. Birkbeck Hill. London: Sonnenschein. 1894. N. Y. : Scribner. 1894. $1. BO WEN, FRANCIS, ED. Documents of the Constitution of England and America, from Magna Charta to the Federal Constitution of 17S9. Cam bridge. 1854. COFFIN, CHARLES CARLETON. Story of liberty. N. Y.: Flarper. 1879. FISHER, SYDNEY GEORGE. Evolution of the Constitution of the United States. Phil.: Lippincott. 1897. $l.r>0. FREEMAN. EDWARD A. The English people in their three homes. (Lectures to Amer ican audiences. Phil.: Porter & C. c. 1882. $1.75.) Growth of the English Constitution. 2d ed. N. Y. : Mac- millan. 1872. $1.75. History of the Norman conquest of England. Oxford: Clar. Press. 1S70. 5 v. and index. N. Y.: Macmillan. 5 v. Oxford: (Mar. Press. v. 51. 9s. Cd. FORSYTH, WILLIAM. History of trial by jury. London: Parker. 1852. GNEIST. RUDOLF. The English Parliament in its transformations through a thousand years; trans, by R. J. Shee. London: Grevel. 188(5. Boston: Little, B. & Co. ISSU. $3.50. HALLAM, HENRY. Constitutional history of England, from the accession of Henry VII. to the death of George II. List ed. 1827.] Lon don: Murray. 3 v. 30s.; 12s.; Student s ed. 7s. 6d. UNITED STATES AT LAKGE. 44 HOSMER, JAMES K. Short history of Anglo-Saxon freedom. N. Y.: Scribner. 1890. $2. KEMBLE, JOHN M. The Saxons in England. London: Quaritch. 1876. 2 v. 24s. LANGMEAD, THOMAS P. TASWELL-. English constitutional history. 2d eel. rev. with additions. London: Stevens & H. 1880. 21s. MA1TLAND, FREDERICK \V. Domesday book and beyond. Cambridge [Eng.]: Univ. Press. 1897. $4.50. Township and borough. N. Y. : Macmillan. 1898. POLLOCK, SIR FREDERICK, AND MAITLAND. F. W. History of English law before the time of Edward I. Cam bridge [Eng.]: Univ. Press. 1895. 2 v. Boston: Little, B. & Co. 1895. 2 v. $9. ROSE, J. HOLLAND. The rise of democracy. London: Blackie. 1897. 2s. (id. ROWLEY, JAMES. Rise of the people and growth of Parliament, from the Great Charter to the accession of Henry VII., 1215-1485. (Epochs of English history series.) London: Longmans. 9d. N. Y. : Harper. 1877. pap. 25c. Settlement of the Constitution, 1689-1784. (Epochs of English history series.) London: Longmans. 9d. N. V.: Harper. 1877. pap. 25c. SMITH, GEORGE BARNETT. History of the English Parliament. London and N. Y.: Ward, Lock & Co. 1892. 2 v. $6. STEVENS. CHARLES E. Sources of the Constitution of the United States considered in relation to colonial and English history. London and N. Y.: Macmillan. 1894. $1.50. STRAUS, OSCAR S. Origin of republican form of government in the United States of America. N. Y. : Putnam. 1885. $1. STUBBS, WILLIAM. Constitutional history of England in its origin and develop ment. Oxford: Clar. Press. 1874-7. 3 v. 21. 8s.; 36s. ton. Select charters and other illustrations of English con stitutional history, to the reign of Edward 1. London: Mac millan. 1870. 3d ed. Oxford: Clar. Press. 1876. 6s. 6d. TAYLOR, HANNIS. Origin and growth of the English constitution. Boston: Houghton. a.895-98. 2 v. TODD, ALPHEUS. Parliamentary government in England; its origin, develop ment and practical operation; new ed., abridged and rev. by Spencer W alpole. London: Low. 1892. 2 v. 15s. A ME RICA N D E VKL 1 \\JEN L ADAMS. JOHN. Defence of the constitution of government of the United States against the attack of M. Turgot. New ed. London. 1794. 3 v. BOUTWELL, GEORGE S. The Constitution of the United States at the end of the fir.t century. Boston: Heath. 1895. $3.50. BROOKS, ELBR1DGE S. Century book for young Americans. N. Y.: Century Co. 1894. $1.50. BROOKS, NOAH. How the republic is governed. N. Y.: Scribner. 1895. 75c. BROWNSON, ORESTES A. The American republic, its constitution, tendencies and des tipy. N. Y,: P. O Shea, 1866, UNITED STATES AT LARGE. 45 BRYCE, JAMES. The American commonwealth. London and N. Y. : Macmillan. 1888. 2 v. 3d ed., completely revised, with additional chap ters. 1895. 2 v. $2.25. Predictions of Hamilton and De Tocqueville. (Johns Hopkins University studies in hist, and nol. science, 5th series, no. 9.) Bait. 1887. pap. 25c. BURGESS, JOHN W. Political science and comparative constitutional law. Boston: Ginn. 1891. 2 v. $2.50. COOLEY, THOMAS M. General principles of constitutional law in the United States of America. Boston: Little, B. & Co. 1880. $2.50. AND OTHERS. Constitutional history of the United States as se;n in the development of American law. N. Y. : Putnam. 1889. $2. CURTIS, GEORGE TICKNOR. Constitutional history of the United States. N. Y. : Harper. 1880-96. 2 v. $6. DA WES, ANNA L. How we are governed: an explanation of the constitution and government of the United States, for young people. Boston: Lothrop. 1885. $1.50. ELLIOT, JONATHAN. See United States. Constitutional Convention, 1787. FISKE, JOHN. American political ideas viewed from the standpoint of uni versal history- N. Y. : Harper. 18N5. $1. Civil government in the United States considered with some reference to its origins. Boston: Houghton. 181)0. $1. FOLLETT, Miss M. P. The Speaker of the House of Representatives. N. Y. : Long mans. 1896. $1.75. FORD, PAUL LEICESTER, ED. Essays on the Constitution of the United States, published during its discussion by the people, 1787-88. Brooklyn: Historical Printing Club. 1892. $5. ED. Pamphlets on the Constitution of the United States, published during its discussion by the people, 1787-88. Brooklyn. 1888. $5. FORD, WORTHINGTON C., ED. The American .citizen s manual. (Questions of the day series. ) N. Y. : Putnam. 1882-;!. 2 v. $2. FOSTER, ROG ER. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States. Bos ton: Boston Book Co. 1895-, v. 1-. $1.50 (1st v.). FOSTER, WILLIAM E. References to the Constitution of the United States. (Econ omic tracts, no. 29.) N. Y.: Soc. for Political Education. 1890. pap. 25c. FREEMAN, EDWARD A. Introduction to American institutional history. (Johns Hop kins University studies in hist, and pol. science, no. 1.) Bait. 1882. pap. 25c. GODKIN, EDWIN L. Problems of modern democracy. N. Y. : Scribner. 1896. $2. HAMILTON, ALEXANDER, MADISON, JAMES, AND JAY, JOHN. The Federalist: a commentary on the Constitution of the United States; ed. by Henry Cabot Lodge. [1st ed. 17^8. ] N. Y. : Putnam. 1892. $2. HARE, J. I. CLARK. American constitutional law. Boston: Little, B. & Co. 1889. 2 v. $12, UNITED STATES AT LARGE. 4<> .ART, ALBERT I?. Introduction to the study of federal government. (Harvard historical monographs, no. 2.) Boston: Oinn. 1801. $1.11). Practical essays on American government. N. Y.: Longmans. 18514. $1.50. H1NSDALE, BURKE A. The American government, national and state. Ann Arbor: Register Pub. Co. 185)1. 75e. HOLST, I)ii. H. VON. Constitutional and political history of the United States; trans, from the German. Chicago: Oallagha.n. 187K-85. 7 v. $10.50. Constitutional law of the United States of America; trans, by A. B. Mason. Chicago: Callagha.n. 1887. HOUGH. FRANKLIN B., RT>. American constitutions, comprising the Constitution of each state in the union, and of the United States. Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co. 1872. 2 v. $7.50. JAMESON, J. FRANKLIN. Introduction to the study of the constitutional and political history of the states. (Johns Hopkins University studies in liisL. and pol. science, 4th series, no. 5.) Ba.lt. 188f>. pap. 50c. ion. Essays in the constitutional history of the United States in the formative 1 period, 1775-8!); by graduates and former members of the Johns Hopkins University. Boston: Hough- ton. 188!). $2.25. JAMESON, JOHN A. The Constitutional Convention. N. Y. : Seribner. 1807. KENT, JAMES. Commentaries on American law. [1st ed. 182(5-110.] Boston: Little, B. & Co. 4 v. West Pub. Co, 18:4. $5.:>,<). LANDON, JUDSON S. Constitutional history and government of the United States. Boston: Hough ton. 188!t. $3. LTEBER, FRANCIS. Civil liberty and self government. London: Bentley. 185.,. Contributions to political science, including lectun.; on the constitution of the United States, and other papers: (being v. 2 of his Miscellaneous writings. Phil.: Lippincott. 1881. 2 v. $<;.) McMASTER, JOHN BACH, AND STONE, FREDERICK I)., KT>S. Pennsylvania and the federal Constitution. Phil.: Historical Soc. of Pennsylvania. 1887-88. $5. MAOY ; JESSE. Institutional beginnings in a western state [Iowa]. (Johns Hopkins University studies in hist, and pol. science, 2d series, no. 7.) Bait. 1884. pap. 25c. Our government. Boston: Ginn. 1880. 78c. MARSHALL, JOHN. Writings upon the federal Constitution. Boston: Munroe. 1839. MULFORD, ELISHA. The nation. N. Y.: Hurd & H. 1870. $2.50. POORE, BEN: PERLEY, ED. Federal and state constitutions, colonial charters, and other organic laws of the United States. Wash.: Govt. Prtg. Off. 1.877. 2 v. SCOTT, EBEN G. Development of constitutional liberty in the English colonies of America. N. Y.: Putnam. 1882. $2.50. SCOTT, JOHN. The republic as a form of government; or the evolution of democracy in America. London: Chapman. 1800. 7s. fid. SPEER, EMORY. Lectures on the Constitution of the United States. Maeon, Ga.: J. W. Burke Co. UNITED STATES AT LARGE. 47 STERNE, SIMON. Constitutional history and political development of the United States. 4th rev. ed. N. Y. : Putnam. 1888. STORY, JOSEPH. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States. Bos ton: Milliard, C. & Co. 183;!. 3 v. Familiar exposition of the Constitution of the United States; with appendix containing important public documents. N. Y.: Harper. 18%. !>0c. THAYER, JAMES BRADLEY. Cases on constitutional law, with notes. Cambridge-: C. \Y. Sever. 1894-95. 2 v. $12. TIEDEMAN, CHRISTOPHER G. The unwritten constitution of the United States. N. Y. : Put nam. 1890. $1. TOCQUEVILLE, ALEXIS HE. Democracy of America.; trans, by Henry Reeves. London: Saunders & O. ISMfi. 4 v. SAMIO: American institutions; rev. and ed. by F. Bowen. 7th ed. Boston: J. Allyn. 1874. UNITED STATES. BuuroAU (;i<- ROLLS. Documentary history of the Constitution of the United States of America, 1787-1870; derived from the records, manuscripts and rolls deposited in the Bureau of rolls and library of the Dept. of State, 1894-. v. 1-. CONSTITUTIONAL, COXVIOXTION. 1787. Secret proceedings and debates of the convention at Philadelphia, 1787, for the pur pose of forming the Constitution of the United Slates of America; from notes taken by Robert Yates; including The genuine information, by Luther Martin, etc. Albany: Web ster & S. 1821. Cincinnati: Mygatt. Debates in the several state conventions on the adoption of the federal Constitution, with journal of the federal conven tion, Luther Martin s letter, Yates s minutes, congressional opinions, Virginia and Kentucky resolutions of 98-99, etc. 2d ed., with additions. Coll. and revised by Jonathan Elliot. Wash. 183(!. 4 v. SupPLKMioxTUi) RY v. 5 : Debates on the adoption of tN> fed eral Constitution, in the convention, Philadelphia, 1787, with a diary of the debater of the Congress of the Confed eration, as reported by James Madison; rev. and newly ar ranged by Jonathan Elliot. Complete in one v. Wash. 1845. WTLLOUGHBY, WESTEL W. The Supreme Court of the United States. (Johns Hopkins University studies in hist, and pol. science, extra v. 7.) Bait. 1890. $1.25. WILSON, WOODROW. Congressional government: a study in American politics. Boston: Houghton. 1885. $1.25. The state and federal governments of tlu- United States: a, brief manual for schools and colleges. Boston: Heath. 1889. . r >0c. DIVISION IV. KUONOMHJ HISTORY. ADAMS, HENRY C. Taxation in the United States, 1789-1816. (Johns Hopkins University studies in hist, and pol. science, 2d series, nos, G-7.) Bait. 1884. pap. f>0c. BISHOP, J. LEANDER. History of American manufactures, 1608-1800. Phil.: E. Young & Co. 18(54. 2 v. BOLLES, ALBERT S. Financial history of the United States. N. Y.: Appleton. 1879-85. 3 v. v. 1, $2.50; v. 2-3, $3.50 ea. UNITED STATES AT LAUtiE. 48 BOURNE, EDWARD G. History of the surplus revenue of 1837. (Questions of the day series.) N. Y. : Putnam. 1885. $1.2",. DE BOW, JAMES I). R. Industrial resources, etc., of the southern and western states. New Orleans: Merchants Exchange. j8f>3. 3 v. DONALDSON, THOMAS. The public domain. Wash.: Covt. Prtg. Oft. 1SX4. K1NLEY. DAVID. History, organisation and inilueiice of the Treasury of the United States. X. V. Orowell. NO YES, ALEXANDER D. Thirty years of American ananee, ixbii -!(>. N. 18!)8. $1.25. TAUSS1G, FRANK W. Tariff history of the United States. 178M-1888. (Questions of the day.) N. Y. : Putnam. 1888. $1.25. ui>. State papers and speeches on the tariff. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. 18!3. UNITED STATES. Existing laws of the United States of a general and perma nent character and relating to the survey and disposition of the public domain. Wash.: Govt. Prtg. Off. 1884. Laws of the United States exhibiting the entire legislation of Congress upon which the public land titles in each state have depended. Wash.: Govt. Prtg. Off. 1884. TINITKD STATES BY SECT TONS. PART III. United States by Sect/ions. NEW ADAMS, BROOKS. Emancipation of Massachusetts. Boston: Houghum. 1887. $1.50. ADAMS, CHARLES FRANCIS. Massachusetts, its historians and its history. Boston: Hough- ton. 1893. $1. Three episodes of Massachusetts history. Boston: iioughton. 1892. 2 v. $4. IOD. Antinomianism in the colony of Massachusetts Bay, KioH-38. Boston: Prince Soc. 1894. ANDROS tracts: being a collection of pamphlets and official papers issued during the period between the overthrow of the Andros government and the establishment of the second charter of Massachusetts; with notes and a memoir of Sir Edmund Andros by W. H. Whitmore. Boston: 1 rince Soc. 1868-74. 3 v. ARBER, EDWARD, i:i>. Story of the Pilgrim fathers, H;0<>-23 A. D., as told by them selves, their friends and their enemies. Boston: Houghton. 1897. $2. ARNOLD, SAMUEL G. History of the state of Rhode 1 Island and Providence Planta tions. N. Y.: Appleton. 1859. 2 v. ATWATER. EDWARD E. History of the colony of New Haven. New Haven. 1881. $1. AUSTIN, GEORGE L. History of Massachusetts. Boston: B. B. Russell; Estes. 1876. $3.50. BAKER, CHARLOTTE ALICE. True stories of New England captives carried to Canada dur ing the old French and Indian wars. Cambridge. Mass. 1897. $3.50. BARRY, JOHN S. History of Massachusetts [1492-1820]. Boston. 1855-57. 3 v BAYLIES, FRANCIS. Historical memoir of the colony of New Plymouth. Boston Hilliard. 1830-. 2 v. Wiggin & Lunt. 18U6. 2 v. BELKNAP, JEREMY. History of New-Hampshire. Boston. 1742. 3 v. Boston Bradford & R. 1813. 3 v. BOSTON. Record Commissioners. Reports. Boston. 187U-. BOWEN, CLARENCE W. Boundary disputes of Connecticut. Boston: Osgood. 1882. $5. BRADFORD, ALDEN. History of Massachusetts. Boston: We 11s & Lilly. 1822-29. 3 v. BRADFORD, WILLIAM. History of Plymouth Plantation, ed. by Charles Deane. (Col lections of the Massachusetts Historical Soc., 4th series, v. 3. Boston. 1850.) SAMLO: History of the Plimoth Plantation; reproduced in facsimile from the original MS.; introd. by J. A. Doyle. London- Ward & D. 189f>. 84s. (See also Morton, Nathaniel.) UNITED STATES HY SKCTTONS. 50 BROWN, JOHN. The Pilgrim fathers of New England and their Puritan suc cessors. N. Y. : Revell. 1895. $2.50. BYINGTON, EZRA H. The Puritan in England and New England; with an introd. by Alex. McKenzie. Boston: Roberts. 1896. $2. CAMPBELL, DOUGLAS. The Puritan in Holland, England and America. N. Y. : Harper. 1892. 2 v. $5. CHEEVER, GEORGE B., ED. Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth in 1620. N. Y.: Wiley. 1848. CHURCH, BENJAMIN. History of King Philip s War; [ed.] by Henry M. Dexter. Boston: Wiggin. 1865. History of the eastern expeditions of 1689, 1690, 1692, 1696, and 1704, against the Indians and French; [ed.] by Henry M. Dexter. (Philip s war, pt. 2.) Boston: Wiggin. 1867. CONNECTICUT. Public records of the colony [1636-1776]; comp. by James H. Trumbull and Charles J. Hoadly. Hartford: State. 1850-90. 15 v. CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Hartford. I860-, v. 1-. CUSHING, HARRY A. History of the transition from provincial to commonwealth government in Massachusetts. (Columbia University studies in history, etc., v. 7, no. 1.) N. Y. : Macmillan. 1896. $2.50. DAVIS, WILLIAM T. Ancient landmarks of Plymouth. Boston: Williams & Co. 1883. $4. DOYLE, J. A. The English in America: The Puritan colonies. London: Longmans. 1887. 2 v. N. Y. : Holt. 1887. 2 v. $7. DRAKE, SAMUEL A. Border wars of New England, commonly called King William s and Queen Anne s wars. N. Y.: Scribner. 1897. $1.50. The making of New England, 1580-1643. N. Y.: Scribner. 1886. $1.50. On Plymouth rock. Boston: Lee & S. 1897. 60c. DRAKE, SAMUEL G. History and antiquities of Boston. 1630-1770. Boston: L. Stevens. 1856. Particular history of the five years French and Indian war, 1744-49, sometimes called Gov. Shirley s war. Albany: Munsell. 1870. DUNTON, JOHN. Letters from New England, A. D. 1866; [ed.] by W. H. Whit- more. Boston: Prince Soc. 1867. ELLIOTT, CHARLES W. The New England history, A. D. 986-1776. N. Y. : Scribner. 1857. 2 v. ELLIS, GEORGE E. The Puritan age and rule in the colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1629-85. Boston: Houghton. 1888. $3.50. ESSEX INSTITUTE. Bulletin. Salem. 1S70-. Historical collections. Salem. 1859-. v. 1-. FARMER, JOHN, AND MOORE, JACOB B. Collections, topographical, historical, and biographical, re lating principally to New-Hampshire. Concord: Hill & Moore. 1822-24. 3 v. FISKE, JOHN. Beginnings of New England; or the Puritan theocracy in its relations to civil and religious liberty. Boston: Houghton. 1889. $2. UNITED STATES BY SECTIONS. 51 OILMAN, ARTHUR. Story of Boston. N. Y.: Putnam. 1889. $1.75. GOODWIN, JOHN A. The Pilgrim republic: an historical review of the colony of New Plymouth. [1st eel. 1888.] Boston: Houghton. $4. GORGES, SIR FERDINANDO. BAXTER, JAMES P., ED. Sir Ferdinando Gorges and his province of Maine. Boston: Prince Soc. 1890. 2 v. GREGORY, J. Puritanism in the old world and in the new. N. Y.: Revell. 1896. $2. GRIFFIS, WILLIAM ELLIOT. The Pilgrims in their three homes: England, Holland, Amer ica. Boston: Houghton. 1898. $1.25. (Riverside library for young people.) 75c. HALE, EDWARD EVERETT. Story of Massachusetts. (Story of the states.) Boston: Lothrop, 1891. $1.50. HALL, BENJAMIN H. History of eastern Vermont to the close of the ISth century. Albany: Munsell. (c. 1857.) 2 v. HALLOWELL, RICHARD P. The Quaker invasion of Massachusetts. Boston: Houghton. 1883. $1.25. HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL. Whole history of grandfather s chair; or true stories from New England history, 1620-1803. Boston: Houghton. (c. 1850-96.) 50c. HOLLAND, JOSIAH GILBERT. History of western Massachusetts. Springfield: S. Bowles. 185f>. 2 v. HOLLISTER, GIDEON H. History of Connecticut. Hartford: Brown & G. 1857. 2 v. HOPKINS, STEPHEN. FOSTER, WILLIAM E. Stephen Hopkins, a Rhode Island statesman. (Rhode Island historical tracts, no. 19.) Provi dence: S. S. Rider. 1884. $5.50. HUBBARD, WILLIAM. General history of New England, to 1680. (Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Soc., 2d series, v. 5-6. Boston. 1848.) History of the Indian wars in New England, to 1677; rev. [and ed.] by Samuel G. Drake. Roxbury, Mass.: W. E. Woodward. "lS65. 2 v. HUTCHINSON, ANNE. ELLIS, GEOROE E. Life of Anne Hutchinson, with a sketch of the Antinomian Controversy. (Library of American biography, 2d series, v. 6. Boston: Little & B. 1845.) HUTCHJNSON, THOMAS. Diary and letters, with an account of his administration; ed. by P. O. Hutchinson. Boston: Houghton. 1884-86. 2 v. History of the colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1628-91. Boston. 1764. History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, 1691-1750. Boston. 1767. History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, 1749-74. Lon don : Murray. 1828. HOSMER, JAMES K. Life of Thomas Hutchinson, royal gover nor of the province of Massachusetts Bay. Boston: Hough- ton. 1896. $4. HUTCHINSON papers. (Publications of the Prince Soc.) Al bany: Munsell. 1865. 2 v. UNITED STATES BY SECTIONS. 52 JOHNSTON, ALEXANDER. Connecticut. (American commonwealths.) Boston: Hough- ton. 1887. $1.25. Genesis of a New England state (Connecticut). (Johns Hop kins University studies in hist, and pol. science, no. 11.) Bait. 1883. pap. 30c. JOSSELYN, JOHN. Account of two voyages to New-England, made during the years 1638, 1663. Boston: \V T . Veazie. 1865. LEVERMORE, CHARLES H. The republic of New Haven. (Johns Hopkins University studies in hist, and pol. science, extra v. 1.) Bait. 1886. $2.50. LONGFELLOW, HENRY W. Courtship of Miles Standish. Boston: Houghton. [1st ed. 1858.] Hiawatha. Boston: Houghton. [1st ed. 1855.] New England tragedies. Boston: Houghton. [1st ed. 1868.] LOWELL INSTITUTE, BOSTON. Lectures by members of the Massachusetts Historical Society on subjects relating to the early history of Massachusetts. Boston. 1869. MAINE. Documentary history; ed. by William Willis [and others]. Published by the Maine Historical Soc. Portland. 1869-89. v. 1-4. MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Portland. 1831-. MASON, CAPT. JOHN. DOAN, JOHN W., ED. Capt. John Mason, the founder of New Hampshire; including his tract on Newfoundland, 1620, etc.; with a memoir by Charles W. Tuttle. Boston: Prince Soc. 1887. MASSACHUSETTS BAY. Records of the governor and company of Massachusetts Bay, 1628-86; ed. by Nathaniel B. Shurtleff. Boston: State. 1853-4. 5 v. in 6. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Boston. 1792-. v. 1-. Proceedings, 1791-. Boston. 1859-. MATHER, COTTON. Magnalia Christi Americana; or ecclesiastical history of New- England, from its first planting in 1620 unto 1698; with introd. and notes by Rev. Thomas Robbins. [1st ed. Lon don, 1702.] Hartford: S. Andrus. 1853. 2 v. MATHER, INCREASE. Early history of New England; with introd. and notes by Samuel G. Drake. Boston. 1864. MINOT, GEORGE R. Continuation of the history of the province of Massachusetts Bay, from the year 1748 to 1765. Boston: Manning & Loring. 1798-1803. 2 v. MOORE, GEORGE H. Notes on the history of slavery in Massachusetts. N. Y.: Appleton. 1866. MOORE, NINA (N. M. TIFFANY). Pilgrims and Puritans: the story of the planting of Plymouth and Boston. Boston: Ginn. 1888. 70c. MORTON, NATHANIEL. New England s memorial. [1st ed. 1669.] Plymouth, Mass.: A. Danforth. 1826. SAME: with [extracts from] Bradford s history, etc. Bos ton: Cong. Pub. Co. 1855. MORTON, THOMAS. The new English Canaan; [ed.] by Charles Francis Adams, Jr. Boston: Prince Soc. 1883. $5. UNITED STATES BY SECTIONS, 53 MOURT, GEORGE. Relation, or journal of the plantation at Plymouth; with introd, and notes by H. M. Dexter. [1st ed. London. 1622.] Boston: J. K. Wiggin. 1865. NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memorial biographies (1845-64). Boston. 1880-94. 5 v. New England historical and genealogical register. Boston. 1847-. v. 1-. Proceedings. Boston. 1871-. v. 1-. NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Concord. 1824-. v. 1-. NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers. New Haven. 1875-. NEW PLYMOUTH. Records of the colony, 1620-92; ed. by Nathaniel B. Shurtleff and D. Pulsifer. Boston: State. 1855-61. 12 v. in 10. OLIVER, PETER. The Puritan commonwealth: an historical review of the Puritan government in Massachusetts. Boston: Little, B. & Co. 1856. PALFREY, JOHN G. Compendious history of New England to the first general Congress of the Anglo-American colonies. Boston: Hough- ton, (c. 1873.) 4 v. $6. History of New England during the Stuart dynasty. Boston: Little, B. & Co. 1858-64. 3 v. $3.50 ea. SAME, from the revolution of the 17th century to the revolu tion of the 18th. Boston: Little, B. & Co. 1875-90. 2 v. $4 ea. PET-ERS, SAMUEL. General history of Connecticut. By a gentleman of the provinces. London. 1781. With additions by S. J. Mc- Cormick. N. Y.: Appleton. 1877. $1.50. PIKE, ROBERT. PIKE, JAMES S. The new Puritan. N. Y.: Harper. 1879. $1. PLYMOUTH. Records of the town. Plymouth. 18S9-. v. 1-. PRINCE, THOMAS. Chronological history of New England [to 1633]. Boston: Cummings, Hilliard & Co. 1826. QUINCY, JOSIAH. Municipal history of Boston. Boston. 1852. RHODE ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS. Records of the colony; ed. by John R. Bartlett. Providence: State. 1856-65. 10 v. RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Prov. 1827-. v. 1-. Proceedings. Prov. 1871-. Publications; new series. Prov. 1893-. v. 1-. RHODE ISLAND historical tracts. Providence: S. S. Rider. 1877-. ROBINSON, ROWLAND E. Vermont. (American commonwealths.) Boston: Houghton. 1892. $1.25. SEWALL, SAMUEL. Diary, 1674-1729. (Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 5th series, v. 5-7. Boston. 1878-82.) 3 v. STANDISH, MILES. JOHNSON, HENRY. Exploits of Myles Standish. N. Y.: Ap pleton. 1897. $1.50. TRUMBULL, BENJAMIN. History of Connecticut, 1630-1764. New Haven: Maltby. 1818. TRUMBULL, J. HAMMOND, ED. Memorial history of Hartford County, Connecticut. Boston: Osgood. 1886. 2 v, UNITE!) STATES BY SECTIONS. 54 UNDERWOOD, FRANCIS H. Quabbin: the story of a small town; with outlooks upon Puritan life. Boston: Lee & S. 18!),,. $1.75. UPHAM, CHARLES W. Salem witchcraft. Boston: Wiggin & L. 1867. 2 v. VANE, SIR HENRY. HOSMER, JAMES K. Life of Young Sir Henry Vane, governor of Massachusetts Bay and leader of the Long Parliament. Boston: Houghton. 1888. $4. VERMONT. Records of the Council of Safety and Governor and Council of the state, [and] the general conventions, from July, 1775. to December, 1777: ed. and pub. by E. P. Walton. Mont- pelier: State. 1873-8. 6 v. VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Montpelier. 1S70-. v. 1-. Proceedings and addresses. 184G-. Montpelier. 1800- . WEEDEN, WILLIAM B. Economic and social history of New England. Boston: Houghton. 1890. 2 v. $4. HO. WHEELWRIGHT, JOHN. His writings, including his fast-day sermon, 1637, and his Mercurius Americanus; and a memoir by Charles H. Bell. Boston: Prince Soc. 187f>. WILLIAMS, ROGER. Letters, 1632-82: ed. by John R. Bartlett. Providence: Tib- bitts & S,- 1882. $6.50. STRAITS, OSCAR S. Roger Williams, the pioneer of religious liberty. N. Y. : Century Co. 1S!)4. $1.2f>. WILLIAMS, SAMUEL. Natural and civil history of Vermont. Walpole. N. H.: Thomas & Carlisle. 1794. WILLIAMSON, WILLIAM D. History of the state of Maine. Hallowell: Glazier. 1832. WINSOR, JUSTIN, ED. Memorial history of Boston, 1030-1 880. Boston: Osgood. 1880-81. 4 v. WINTHROP, JOHN. History of New England, 1(530-4!). [1st ed. 1700.] New ed. Boston: Little, B. & Co. 1853. 2 v. Twirinoi.L,, JOSEPH H. John Winthrop. (Makers of Amer ican series.) N. Y. : Dodd. 1891. 75c. WINTHROP, ROBERT C. Life and letters of John Winthrop, governor of the Massachusetts Bay Company. Boston : Ticknor. 1867. 2d ed. Little, B. & Co. 1S69. 2 v. YOUNG, ALEXANDER. Chronicles of the first planters of the colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1623-36. Boston: Little & B. 184(5. Chronicles of the Pilgrim fathers, 1602-25. Boston: Little & B. 1841. THE OLD "MIDDLE STATES." ACRELIUS, ISRAEL. History of New Sweden. (Memoirs of the Pennsylvania His torical Soc., v. 1.1. Phil. 1S76.) AGNEW, DANIEL. History of the region of Pennsylvania north of the Ohio and west, of the Allegheny River. Phil.: Kay. 1887. $2. BARNES, DAVID M. Draft riots in New York, July. 1863. N. Y.: Baker & G. 1863. UNITED STATES BY SECTIONS. 55 BARTRAM, JOHN. Observations on the inhabitants, climate, soil, rivers, produc tions, animals, and other matters, made by M. John Bar- tram in his travels from Pensilvania to Onondaga, Oswego and the Lake Ontario. London: Whiaton & W. 1751. (He- print) Rochester, N. Y. : Humphreys, 1895. $1.50. BRANT. EGGLESTON, EDWARD, AND SEEL.YE, LTI.TJE E. Brant and Red Jacket; including an account of the early wars of the Six Nations. N. Y.: Dodd. 1870. $1. BRODHEAD. JOHN R. History of the state of New York. N. Y.: Harper. 1S5H-71. 2 v. CLINTON, DE WITT. CAIMPBEI,!,, WILJJAM W. Life and writings of De Witt Clin ton. N. Y.: Baker & Scribner. 1849. CRAIG, NEVILLE B., ED. The olden time. Pittsburg. 1846-8. Cincinnati: Robt. Clarke. 1876. 2 v. BANKERS, JASPER, AND SLUYTER, PETER. Journal of a voyage to New York, in 1679-80; trans, and ed. by Henry C. Murphy. (Memoirs of Long Island Historical Soc., v. 1. Brooklyn. 1867.) DENTON, DANIEL. Brief description of New r York; new ed. with an introd. and notes by (Jabriel Furman. (Gowans Bibliotheca. Americana. 1.) N. Y.: W. Gowans. 1845. ECLE, WILLIAM H. Illustrated history of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg: Goodrich. 187(i. FERRIS, BENJAMIN. History of the original settlements on the Delaware. Wil mington: Wilson & Heald. 1846. FISHER, SYDNEY G. The making of Pennsylvania. Phil.: Lippincott. 1896. $1.50. Pennsylvania, colony and common wealth. Phil.: H. T. Coates. 1897. GORDON, THOMAS F. History of New Jersey, to the adoption of the federal Con stitution. Trenton: I). Fen Ion. 1S.: ,4. History of Pennsylvania, to 1776. [1st ed. 182.,. 1 Phil.: Carey. 1829. HAMMOND, JABEZ D. History of political parties in the state of New York. Albany. 1842. 2 v. HAZARD, EBENEZER, ED. Historical collections; consisting of state papers and other documents. Phil. 1792-94. 2 v. HAZARD, SAMUEL. Annals of Pennsylvania, from the discovery of the Delaware, lfiOSi-82. Phil.: Hazard & M. 1850. HOTCHKIN, JAMES H. History of the purchase and settlement of western New York, and of the Presbyterian Church in that section. N. Y.: M. W. Dodd. 1848. IVINS, WILLIAM M. Machine politics and money in elections in New York city. N. Y. : Harper. 18X7. pap. 25c. JENKINS, JOHN S. History of political parties in the state of New- York. Au burn: Alden & M. 181(5. LAMB. MRS. MARTHA .T. History of the city of New York. N. Y. and Chicago: Barnes. 1877-81. 2 v. $16. SUPPLEMENT: HARRISON, MRS. BURTON. Externals of modern New York. N. Y.: Barnes. 1896. $l>. SAMR, new ed., containing both the preceding works. .> v. $15. UKITED STATES BY SECTIONS 56 LAMBRECHTSEN, N. C. Short description of the discovery and subsequent history of the New Netherlands: [trans, from the Dutch]. (Collections of the New- York Historical Soc., 2d series, v. 1. N. Y. 1841.) LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs. Brooklyn. 1867- . v. 1-. LOSSING, BENSON J. The Empire state: a compendious history. N.Y.: Punk. 1887. $5. Hartford: American Pub. Co. 1888. MELLICK, ANDREW D., JR. Story of an old farm. Somerville, N. J.: Unionist Gazette. 1889. $5. MILLER, JOHN. Description of the province and city of New York, in 1695; new ed. with notes by J. G. Shea. (Cowans Bibliotheca Americana, no. 3.) N. Y. : W. Govvans. 1862. MINER, LEWIS H. The valley of Wyoming. N. Y. : Robt. H. Johnston. 1866. NEW AMSTERDAM. Records, 1G53-74; ed. by Berthold Fernow. N. Y. : Knicker bocker Press. 1897-. v. 1-. NEW JERSEY. Documents relating to the colonial history of New Jersey [1631-1775]; ed. by William A. Whitehead [and others]. Trenton. 1880-1)5. 18 v. NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Newark. 1846-72. 7 v. Proceedings. Newark. 1847- . v. 1-. XEW YORK. Documentary history: arranged by Edmund B. O Callaghan. Albany: State. 1849-51. 4 v. Documents relating to the colonial history of the state of New York, procured by John R. Brodhead; v. 1-11 rd. by E. B. O Callaghan, v. 12-13 by B. Fernow. Albany: Weed & P. 13 v. New York in the Revolution as colony and state: records; arranged by James A. Roberts. Albany: Weed-Parsons Co. 1897. REGENTS BOUNDARY COMMISSION. Report upon the New York and Pennsylvania boundary- Albany. 1886. REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY. Report on the boundaries of the state of New York. Albany. 1874-8. 2 v. State archives: New York in the Revolution; [ed.] by Berthold Fernow. Albany: Weed. P. & Co. 1887. v. 1. XEW- YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections, 1809-. N. Y. 1811-. v. 1-. SAME. Publication Fund series. 18G8-. v. 1-. O CALLAGHAN, E. B. History of New Netherland; or New York under the Dutch. N. Y. : Appleton. 1846-8. 2 v. PENN, WILLIAM. CL.MIKSON, THOMAS. Memoirs of the private and public life of William Penn. Phil.: Bradford & I. 1814. 2 v. PENNSYLVANIA. Archives (1664-1790); [compiled] by Samuel Hazard. Phil.: State. 1852-56. 12 v., and index, 1860. SAME. 2d series: ed. by John B. Linn and William H. Egle. Harrisburg: State. 1874-90. 19 v. Commission to locate the site of the frontier forts of Pennsyl vania. Report. [Harrisburg]: State. 1S96. 2 v. Minutes of the Provincial Council [LATER Supreme Executive Council]. Phil.: State, 1852-3. 16 v. (Colonial records.) UNITED STATES BY SECTIONS 57 PENNSYLVANIA, HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF. Bulletin. Phil. 1848. 1 v. Collections. Phil. 1853. 1 v. Memoirs. Phil. 1826- . v. 1-. Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography. Phil. 1877-. v. 1-. PROUD, ROBERT. History of Pennsylvania from 1681 till after the year 1742. Phil.: Z. Poulson, Jr. 1797-98. 2 v. RAUM, JOHN OTTO. History of New Jersey. Phil.: J. E. Potter. 1877. 2 v. $3. RED JACKET. STONK, WM. L. Life and times of Sa-go-ye-wat-ha. or Red Jacket. [1st ed. 1841. J Albany: Munsell. 1866. ROBERTS, ELLIS H. New Y ork. (American commonwealths). Boston: Houghton. 1887. 2 v. $2.50. ROOSEVELT, THEODORE. New- York. (Historic towns series. ) N. Y.: Longmans. 1891. $1.25. RUPP, ISAAC DANIEL. Early history of western Pennsylvania, and of the west, and of western expeditions and campaigns, 1751-1833. Pittsburg. 1846. SCHARF, JOHN THOMAS, AND WESTCOTT, THOMPSON. History of Philadelphia, 1609-1884. Phil.: Everts. 1884. 3 v. $25. SCHUYLER, CATHERINE (MRS. PHILIP). GRANT, MRS. AXNK. Memoirs of an American lady; with sketches of manners and scenery in America, as they ex isted previous to the Revolution. 3d ed. London. 1808. 2 v. N. Y.: Dearborn. 1836. HUAIPHRKYS, MARY G. Catherine Schuyler. (Women of colonial and revolutionary times series.) N. Y.: Scribuer. 1897. $l.-5. SCHUYLER, PHILIP. SCHUYI.KR, GIOORCK W. Colonial New-York: Philip Schuyler and his family. N. Y".: Scribner. 1885. ^ v. $10. SHEPHERD, WILLIAM R. History of proprietary government in Pennsylvania. (Colum bia University studies in history, etc., v. 6.) N. Y.: Colum bia Univ. [Macmillan.] 1896. $4.50. SMITH, WILLIAM. History of the late province of New- York, from its discovery to 1762. (Collections cf the New- York Historical Soc. v. 4 and 5.) N. Y. 1829-30. 2 v. STILES, HENRY R. History of the city of Brooklyn. Brooklyn; Albany: Mun sell. 1867-70. 3 v. STUYVESANT, PETER. TUCK KRAI AN, BAYARK. Peter Stuyvesaut. (Makers of Amer^ ica series.) N. Y.: Dodd. 1893. $1. TILDEN, SAMUEL J. The New York city "ring, discussed in a reply to the New York Times. N. Y. : John Polhemus. 1873. Writings and speeches; ed. by John Bigelow. N. \ r .: Harper. 1885. 2 v. $6. BIGKI.OYV, Joux. Life of Samuel J. Tilden. N. Y.: Harper. 1895. 2 v. $6. TURNER, O. History of the pioneer settlement of Phelps and Gorham s purchase and Morris reserve. Rochester: W. Ailing. 1851. Pioneer history of the Holland purchase. Buffalo: Jewett, Thomas & Co. 1849. WATSON,- JOHN F. Annals of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania in the olden time. Phi!.: E. Thomas, 1857. 2 v. Lippincott. $7.00, UNITED STATES HY SECTIONS. 58 WH1TEHEAD, WILLIAM A. East Jersey under the proprietary governments. (Collections of the New Jersey Historical Soc., v. 1.) 1X46. WILSON, JAMES GRANT, ED. Memorial history of the city of New York. N. Y.: New York History Co. 1802. 4 v. $7.50. WOOLEY, CHARLES. Two years journal in New York and part of its territories in America [1678-9]; new ed. with notes, etc., by E. B. O Cal- laghan. (Cowans Bibliotheca Americana, no. 2.) N. Y.: \V. Gowans. 1X60. WRIGHT, SILAS. HAMMOND, JAP.RZ I). Life and times of Silas Wright. Syra cuse: Hall & I). 1X4X. YATES, JOHN V. N., AND MOULTON, JOSEPH W. History of the state of New York. N. Y. : A. T. Goodrich. 1824-20. pts. 1 and 2 (no more published). THE "SOUTH" AND "SOUTHWEST." ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Alabama historical reporter. Tuscaloosa. Transactions. Tuscaloosa,. 1851-55. 2 v. A VERY, I. W. History of the state of Georgia, 1X50-S1. N. Y. : Brown &. D. (c. 1SS1.) BARBE MARBOIS, FRANCOIS. History of Louisiana, particularly of the cession of that col ony to the United States. Phil.: Carey &. L. 1830. BEVERLEY, ROBERT. History of Virginia [to 1706]; reprinted from the 2d rev. ed. (London, 1722). Richmond: Randolph. 1855. SAME, 1700-20; with introd. by C. Campbell. Richmond; Randolph. isr,r>. BOONE, DANIEL. ELLIS, EDWAUD S. Life and times of Daniel Bonne. Phil.: Porter & C. (c. 1XX4.) $1.25. BOZMAN, JOHN L. History of Maryland, 1633-60. Bait.: Lucas & Deaver. 1X37. Bait.: John Murphy. BREWER, W. Alabama, her history, resources, war record, and public men. Montgomery: Barrett. 1X72. $3. BRTNTON, DANIEL G. Notes on the Floridian peninsula. Phil.: Jos. Sabin. 1X59. BROWN, ALEXANDER. The first republic in America: an account of the origin of this nation, written from the records then (1624) concealed by the council, rather than from the histories then licensed by the crown. Boston: Houghton. 1X9X. $7.50. BROW T N, JOHN HENRY. History of Texas, 1685-1X92. St. Louis: L. E. Daniell. (c. 1892-3.) BROWNE, WILLIAM HAND. Maryland. (American commonwealths.) Boston: Houghton. 1884. $1.25. BRUCE, PHILIP A. Economic history of Virginia in the 17th century. N. Y.: Macmillan. 1X96. 2 v. $6. BUCKINGHAM, JAMES SILK. The slave states of America. London: P. Jackson. 1842. 2 v. UNITED STATES II Y SECTIONS f)!> BURK, JOHN (DALY). History of Virginia, from its first settlement to the present day. Petersburg: Diekson &. P. 1804-5. 3 v. SAM TO; continued by Skelton Jones and Louis H. Girardin [1775-81]. Petersburg. ISlfi. 4 v. CAMPBELL, CHARLES. History of the colony and ancient dominion of Virginia. [1st ed. ISfiO.] Phil.: Lippineott. Introduction to the history of the colony and ancient dominion of Virginia. Richmond: B. B. Minor. 1S47. CARROLL, B. R., Ki>. Historical collections of South Carolina. N. Y.: Harper. i8n<i. 2 v. CLAIBORNE, J. F. H. Mississippi, as a province, territory and state. Jackson. Miss.: Power & Barksdale. 1SSO. COLLINS, LEWIS. History of Kentucky; revised, enlarged, and brought down to 1X74, by his son, Richard H. Collins. Covington: Collins. 1878. 2 v. COOKE, JOHN ESTEN. Virginia. (American commonwealths.) Boston: Houghton. iss:{. $1.25. COOLEY, THOMAS M. Acquisition of Louisiana. (Indiana Historical Soc. pamphlets, no. : ,.) Indianapolis: Bowen-Merrill Co. 18X7. pap. 25c. DELAWARE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers. Wilmington. 1X7II-. DOYLE, JOHN A. The English in America: Virginia, Maryland and the Caro- linas. London: Longmans. 1882. N. Y.: Holt. 18X2. $3.50. DRAKE, SAMUEL ADAMS. The making of Virginia and the middle colonies. N. Y. : Scribner. 1X!3. $1.50. FAIRBANKS, GEORGE R. History of Florida, 1512-1842. Phil.: Lippincott. Jackson ville: C. Drew. 1871. $2.50. FISKE, JOHN. Old Virginia and her neighbours. N. Y.: Houghton. 1897. 2 v. $4. FRENCH, BENJAMIN F. Historical collections of Louisiana, v. 1. N. Y. : Wiley & Putnam. (Other volumes, various publishers.) lK4l!-53. 5 v. Historical collections of Louisiana and Florida. N. Y. : Mason. 1SGD-75. 2 v. $4. GAYARRE, CHARLES. History of Louisiana. [1st ed. 1851-4.1 3d ed. New Orleans: Hawkins. 1X85. 4 v. .$!. !. GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections, and other publications. Savannah. 1840-. GI.LMORE, JAMES R. (EDMUND KIRKE, PSEUi>.). Advance-guard of western civilization. N. Y.: Appleton. 1888. $1.50. Rear-guard of the Revolution. N. Y. : Appleton. 188(i. $1.50. GRADY, HENRY W. The new south. N. Y.: Robt. Bonner s Sons. 18!W. $1. HARIOT, THOMAS. Narrative of the first English plantation of Virginia. Lon don. 1588. (Reprint): B. Quaritch. 18!).,. HARRIS, JOEL CHANDLER. Georgia, from the invasion of De Soto to recent times. N. Y. : Appletou. 18%. $1.50. SAMK: Stories of Georgia. N. Y.: Am. Book Co. 18%. 80c. HAWKS, FRANCIS L. History of North Carolina [to 1729]. Fayetteville: Hale. 1857-58. 2 v. 1INITKD STATES 15 y SKt TIONS. 60 HOUSTON, GKN. SAMUEL. BRUCE, HIONKY. Life of General Houston, 17!)3-1863. (Makers of Anurica series.) N. Y. : Dodd. [18<ll.] $1. WILLIAMS, ALFKKD M. Sam Houston and the war of inde pendence in Texas. Boston: Houghtou. 181)3. $2. IRVING, THEODORE. History of Ue Solo s conquest of Florida. [1st ed. 1835.] N. Y.: Putnam. JEFFERSON, THOMAS. Notes on the state of Virginia. [Paris.] 1782. SAME IN "Writings of Thomas Jefferson; collected and ed. by Paul Leicester Ford." v. 3. N. Y. Putnam. 18!t2-. 10 v. $50. JONES, CHARLES C., JR. History of Georgia. Boston: Houghton. 1883. 2 v. $10. KEMBLE, FRANCES ANNE. Journal [1832-33]. London: Murray. 1835. 2 v. Phil. 1835. 2 v. KENNAWAY, JOHN H. On Sherman s track; or the south after the war. London: Seeley. 18(57. K1RKE, EDMUND, PSEUD. See Gilmore, J. R. LAN1ER, SIDNEY. Florida: its scenery, climate, and history. 1877. $1.50. LEWIS, VIRGIL A. History of West Virginia. McCRADY, EDWARD. History of South Carolina under th< 1670-171!). N. Y.: Macmillan. McSHERRY, JAMES. History of Maryland. Bait.: J. Murphy. 1841). MARCY, R. B., AND McCLELLAN. GEORGE B. Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana in 1852. (H. of Rep s, 33d Congress, 1st session, ex. doc.) Wash. 1854. MARGRY, PIERRE, ED. Decouvertes et etablissements des Francais dans 1 ouest et dans le sud de 1 Amerique septentrianale, lG14-!>8: memoires et documents inedit. Paris: Maisonneuve. 187D-88. tj v. MARSHALL, HUMPHREY. History of Kentucky. Frankfort: G. S. Robinson. 1824. 2 v MARTIN, FRANCOIS X. History of Louisiana. New Orleans: Gresham. 1882. $5. Phil.: Lippincott. Phil.: Hubbard. I8i)0. $3.50. proprietary government IX .IT. $3.50. History of North Carolina. 1829. 2 v. New Orleans: A. T. Penniman. MARYLAND. Archives; ed. by William Hand Browne. Ball.: Maryland Historical Soc. 1SS3-94. 13 v. MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund publications. Bait. 18(>7-. MEADE, BISHOP WILLIAM. Old churches, ministers, and families of Virginia. Phil.: Lip pincott. 1857. 2 v. MOORE, JOHN W. History of North Carolina. 2 v. $5. NEIL. EDWARD D. Tiistory of the Virginia Company of London. sell. 1SHO. Virginia Carolorum: Virginia under the rule of and II., 1625-85. Albany: Munsell. 188G. $4. Virginia vetusta during the reign of James I. Albany: Mun sell. 1885. NORDHOFP, CHARLES. The cotton states in the spring and summer of 1875. N. Y.: Appleton. 187G. pap. 50e. Raleigh: A. Williams & Co 1880. Albany: Mun- Charles I. UNITED STATES BY SECTIONS (>! NORTH CAROLINA. Colonial records [ 1662-1776] ; comp. by William L. Saunders. Raleigh. 1888-!)0. 10 v. OLMSTED, FREDERICK LAW. The cotton kingdom. N. Y. : Mason. 1861. 2 v. Journey in the back country. N. Y. 1860. Journey in the seaboard slave states [1853]. N. Y. : Dix & Edwards. 1856. Journey through Texas. N. Y. : L)ix. 1857. PAGE, THOMAS NELSON. The old south: essays, social and political. N. Y. : Scribner. 1892. $1.25. PHELAN, JAMES. History of Tennessee. Boston: Houghton. 1,888. $2. 1TCKETT, ALBERT JAMES. History of Alabama, and incidentally of Georgia and Missis sippi. Charleston. 1851. 2 v. Sheilield, Ala.: R. C. Ran dolph. 18%. Atlanta: J. F. Mtegan. $3. 1 OCAHONTAS. ECJCILIOSTOX, EDWARD, AND SEKI,YIO, LII,L,IE E. Pocahontas. N. Y.: Dodd. [187 J.] $1. RALEIGH, SIR WALTER. CRUIGHTOX, LUUISK. Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. N. Y. : IJuttou. 1877. $1. London: Riviiigtons. New ed. 18N2. 3s. STIOIJKIXG, W. Sir Walter Raleigh: a biography. Oxford Warehouse. 18!U. 10s. 6d. TARIJOX, IxrRiOASU N., UD. Sir Walter Raleigh and his col ony in America. Boston: Prince Soc. 1884. RAMSAY, DAVID. History of South-Carolina. Charleston: D. Longworth. 180!*. 2 v. RAMSEY, JAMES G. M. Annals of Tennessee, to the end of the 18th century. Charles ton: Walker & J. 185 3. Phil.: Lippiucott. ROOS E V E LT, T 1 1 EO DO It E. The \vinning of the west. N. Y.: Putnam. 188!)-%. 4 v. $10. SCHARF. JOHN T. History of Maryland. Bait. 187!). 3 v. SEV1ER, JOHN. GIL.MORK, JA.MI-JS R. John Sevier as a commonwealth-builder. [Sequel to "Rear-guard of the Revolution."] N. Y r : Apple- ton. 1887. $1.50. SHALER, NATHANIEL S. Kentucky. (American commonwealths.) Boston: Houghton. 1885. $1.25. SIMMS, WILLIAM GILMORE. History of South Carolina. [1st ed. 1840.1 New and rev. ed. N. Y.: Rediield, I860. SMITH, CAPT. JOHN. Works, 1608-1631; ed. by E. Arber. Birmingham. 1884. Hn.LiARD, G. S. Life of Cant. John Smith. 1834. (Library of Am. biography; conducted by Jarcd Sparks, v. 2. N. V.: Harper. 10 v.) SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Charleston. 1857-87. 4 v. SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers. Richmond. 1876-. v. 1-. ST1TH, WILLIAM. liistory of the first discovery and settlement of Virginia. London. 1753. N. Y. : Sabin. 1865. $7.50. STUACHEY, WILLIAM. Historie of travaile into Virginia Britannia; ed. by R. H. Major. London: Hakluyt Soc. 1849. THOMPSON, MAURICE. Story of Louisiana. (Story of the states series.) Boston: Lothrop. (c. 1888.) $1.50. UNITED STATES BY SECTIONS. 6 2 VIRGINIA. Colonial records; ed. by Thomas H. Wynne and W. S. Oilman. (Senate doc., extra.) Richmond. 1874. VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. New series. Richmond. 1882-. v. 1-. Virginia historical reporter. Richmond. 1854-60. 2 v. Virginia magazine of history and biography. Richmond. 1893-. v. 1-. WESTON, CHARLES JENNETT, ED. Documents connected with the history of South Carolina. London. 1856. WHITE, GEORGE, COMP. Historical collections of Georgia. 3d ed. N. Y. : Pudney & R. 1855. WITHERS, ALEXANDER SCOTT. Chronicles of border warfare; or a history of the settlement by the whites of north-western Virginia; ed. by R. G. Thwaites. Cincinnati: Clarke. 1895. $2.50. THE OLD "WEST" AXD "NORTHWEST/ ALBACH, JAMES R. Annals of the west. Pittsburgh: W. S. Haven. 1858. ANDREAS, A. T. History of Chicago, v. 1 (to 1857). Chicago: Andreas. 1884. $14. ANNALS of the west to 1845; comp. by James H. Perkins. Cincinnati: J. R. Albach. 1846. SAME, to 1850. 2d ed., rev. and enlarged by J. M. Peck. St. Louis: J. R. Albach. 1850. SAME, to 1856; comp. from the most authentic sources, and published by James R. Albach. Pittsburgh: W. S. Haven. 1858. BARNS, CHANCY R., ED. The commonwealth of Missouri. St. Louis: Bryan, Brand & Co. 1878. BARRETT, JAY A. Evolution of the Ordinance of 1787. (University of Nebraska, Dept. of History and Economics. Seminary papers.) N. Y.: Putnam. 1891. pap. $1. BIRKBECK, MORRIS. Letters from Illinois. 2d ed. London: Taylor & H. 1818. BLANCHARD, RUFUS. Discovery and conquests of the northwest. Chicago: Gush ing. T. & Co. 1880. $3.25. BREESE, SIDNEY. Early history of Illinois, 1673-1763, including the narrative of Marquette s discovery of the Mississippi; ed. by Thomas Hoyne. Chicago: E. B. Myers. 1884. $3. BUCK, JAMES SMITH. Pioneer history of Milwaukee, from the first American settle ment in 1833, to 1841. Milwaukee: Milwaukee News Co. 1876-86. 4 v. BURNET, JACOB. Notes on the early settlement of the North-western Territory. N. Y. : Appleton. 1847. CARR, LUCIEN. Missouri. (American commonwealths.) Boston: Houghton. 1888. $1.25. CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Chicago. 1882-90. 4 v. COOLEY, T. M. Michigan. (American commonwealths.) Boston: Houghton. 1885. $1.25. UNITED STATES BY SECTIONS. 63 CUTLER, REV. MANASSEH. CUTLER, WILLIAM P. AND JULIA P. Life, journals and cor respondence of Rev. Manasseh Cutler. Cincinnati: Clarke. 1888. 2 v. $5. CUTLER, WILLIAM P. The Ordinance of July 13th, 1787, for the government of the territory northwest of the River Ohio. Marietta, O. 1887. DILLON, JOHN B. History of Indiana to the close of the territorial government in 1816. Indianapolis: Bingham & D. 1859. DRAKE, SAMUEL ADAMS. The making of the great west, 1512-1883. N. Y. : Scribner. 1887. $1.50. The making of the Ohio valley states, 1660-1837. N. Y. : Scribner. 1894. $1.50. DUNN, J. P., JR. Indiana. (American commonwealths.) Boston: Houghton. 1888. $1.25. EDWARDS, NINIAN W. History of Illinois, 1778-1833; and life and times of Ninian Edwards. Springfield, 111.: Illinois State Journal Co. 1870. FARMER, SILAS. History of Detroit and Michigan. Detroit: Farmer. 1884. $10. FERNOW, BERTHOLD. The Ohio valley in colonial days. (Historical series, no. 17.) Albany: Munsell. 1890. $5. FORD, THOMAS. History of Illinois. Chicago: S. C. Griggs. 1854. OILMAN, S. C. Conquest of the Sioux. Rev. ed. Indianapolis: Carlon & H. 1897. SI. HALE, EDWARD EVERETT. Kanzas and Nebraska. Boston: Phillips, S. & Co. 1854. HALL, JAMES. Letters from the west. London: H. Colburn. 1828. HARSH A, W. J. Story of Iowa. Omaha: Central West Co. 1890. $1. HENRY, ALEXANDER, AND THOMPSON, DAVID. New light on the early history of the greater northwest: the manuscript journals of Alexander Henry and of David Thompson, 1799-1814; ed. by Elliott Coues. 185)7. 3 v. $10. HILDRETH, SAMUEL P. Pioneer history: being an account of the first examinations of the Ohio valley, and the early settlement of the North west Territory. Cincinnati. 1848. H1NSDALE, B. A. The old northwest, with a view of the thirteen colonies as constituted by the royal charters. N. Y. : Townsend Mac- Coun. 1888. $2.50. HOWE, HENRY. Historical collections of Ohio. Gin.: H. Howe. 1847. "Ohio Centennial Edition." Columbus. 1889-91. 3 v. (in 2.) HOWELLS, WILLIAM DEAN. Stories of Ohio. N. Y. : American Book Co. 1897. 60c. KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions [1875-]. Topeka. 1881 -. v. I-. KEATING, WILLIAM H., COMP. Narrative of an expedition to the source of St. Peter s River, Lake Winnepeek, etc., in 1823, under Maj. Stephen H. Long. Phil.: Carey & L. 1824. 2 v. KING, RUFUS. Ohio. (American commonwealths.) Boston: Houghton. 1888. $1.25. UNITED STATES BY SECTIONS 64 MARSHALL, ORSAMUS H. Historical writings relating to the early history of the west; with introd. by William L. Stone. Albany: Munsell. 1887. $6. MICHAUX, FRANCOIS A. Travels to the westward of the Allegauy Mountains, in the states of the Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, and return to Charlestown, through the upper Carolina^, 1802; trans, by B. Lambert. London: J. Mawman. 18u5. MICHIGAN, PIONEER SOCIETY OF TH.I3 riTAT -J OF. Reports. 1877-. v. 1-. MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. St. Paul. 1872-. v. 1-. MONETTE, JOHN W. History of the discovery and settlement of ihe valley of the Mississippi. N. Y.: Harper. 1846. 2 v. NEILL, EDWARD D. History of Minnesota. Phil.: Lippincott. 1858. 1883. $2.50. 5th ed., rev. and enlarged. Minneapolis. 1833. NICOLET, JOHN. BUTTERFIK:LD, C. W. History of the discovery of the north west by John Nicolet in 1634, with a sketch of his life. Cin cinnati: Clarke. 1881. $1. OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ohio archaeological and historical quarterly. Columbus. 1888-. v. 1-. OLIPHANT, LAURENCE. Minnesota and the far west. Edin.: Blackwood. 1855. PIKE, ZEBULON M. Expeditions of Zebulon Montgomery Pike to headwaters of the Mississippi River, through Louisiana Territory, and in New Spain, during the years 1805-7; a new ed., with copious critical commentary, memoir of Pike, "to., by Elliott Coues. [1st ed. 1810. 1 v.] N. Y. : F. P. Harper. 1895. 3 v. $10. PRATT, MARA L. The great west. Boston: Educational Pub. Co. (c. 1890.) SHEA, JOHN G. Discovery and exploration of the Mississippi valley. N. Y. : Redfield. 1852. SPRING, LEVERETT W. Kansas. (American commonwealths.) Boston: Houghton. 1885. $1.25. THAYER, ELI. History of the Kansas crusade. N. Y.: Harper. 1889. $1.50, THWAITES, REUBEN GOLD. Story of Wisconsin. (Story of the states series.) Boston; Lothrop. 1890. $1.50. TUTTLE, CHARLES R. Illustrated history of the state of Wisconsin. Boston: Durrie, 1875. $3.75. W T ALLACE, JOSEPH. History of Illinois and Louisiana under the French rule. Cin cinnati: Clarke. 1893. $2.50. WINSOR, JUSTIN. The Mississippi basin: the struggle in America between Eng land and France, 1697-1763; with full cartographical illus trations from contemporary sources. Boston: Houghton. 1895. $4. The westward movement: the colonies and th< republic west of the Alleghanies, 1763-98; with full cartographical illus trations from contemporary sources. Boston: Houghton. 1897. $4. WISCONSIN STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reports and collections. Madison. 1855-. v. 1-. AND IACIFIC STATES ERRITORIES. BANCROFT, HUBERT H. History of the Pacific states of North America. San Fran cisco: A. L. Bancroft & Co. 1882-90. 34 v. $4.50 ea. BARROWS, WILLIAM. Oregon. (American commonwealths.) Boston: Hough ton. 1884. $1.25. BLACKMAR, FRANK W. X Spanish colonization in the southwest. (Johns Hopkins Uni versity studies in hist, and pol. science, 8th series, no. 4.) Bait. 1890. pap. 50c. L/ Spanish institutions of the southwest. (Johns Hopkins Uni- X versity studies in hist, and pol. science, extra v. 10.) Bait. 1891. $2. BONNEVILLE, BENJAMIN L. E. IRVING, WASHINGTON. Adventures of Captain Bonneville, U. S. A., in the Rocky Mountains and the far west. Rev. ed. N. Y.: Putnam. "l851. $1.50; 75c. V BOURKE, JOHN G. On the border with Crook. N. Y.: Scribner. 1891. $2.50. BRUCE, MINER W. Alaska, its history and resources, gold fields, routes and scen ery. Seattle, Wash.: Lowman & Hanford. 1895. CALIFORNIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers, and other publications. San Francisco. 1874- . COZZENS, SAMUEL W T . *>( The marvellous country; or, three years in Arizona and New Mexico, the Apaches home. Boston: Shepard. 1873. Lee & S. $2. CUSTER, GEORGE A. My life on the plains. N. Y.: Sheldon. 1874. $2. v DOMENECH, ABBE EM. Seven years residence in the great deserts of North America. London: Longman. 1860. 2 v. DUNN, JACOB P., JR. VC Massacres of the mountains: a history of Indian wars of the far west. N. Y.: Harper. 1886. $3.75. ELLIOT, HENRY W 7 . Our Arctic province. N. Y. : Scribner. 1886. $2.50. FINERTY, JOHN F. >N W T ar-path and bivouac; or the conquest of the Sioux, 1876-9. Chicago. 1890. $2. FRANCHERE, GABRIEL. Narrative of a voyage to the northwest coast of America in 1811-14; trans, and ed. by J. V. Huntington. N. Y.: Red- field. 1854. FREMONT, JOHN CHARLES. Report of the exploring expedition to the Rocky Mountains in 1842, and to Oregon and North California in 1843-44. Wash.: Gales & Seaton. 1845. Auburn. 1854. ^J HUGHES, JOHN T. Doniphan s expedition; containing an account of the conquest of New Mexico, etc. Cincinnati: U. P. James. 1848. y IRVING WASHINGTON. Astoria. [1st ed. 1836.] N. Y.: Putnam. $1.50. 75c. * JAMES, EDWIN, COMP. Account of an expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mts., 1819-20, under command of Major Stephen H. Long. Phil.: Carey & Lea. 1823. 2 v. with atlas. y LADD, HORATIO O. Story of New Mexico. (Story of the states series.) Boston: Lothrop. 1892. $1.50. UNITED STATES BY SECTIONS. 66 LEWIS, CAPT. MERIWETHER, AND CLARK, LIEUT. WILLIAM. History of the expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clarke to the sources of the Missouri, thence across the Rocky Mountains and down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean, performed during the years 1804-6; ed. by Paul Allen. Phil.: Bradford & Inskeep. 1814. 2 v. SAME: ed. with new biographical and bibliographical in troduction, by Elliott Coues. N. Y.: F. P. Harper. 1893. 4 v. $25. XLUMMIS, CHARLES F. The land of poco tiempo [New Mexico]. N. Y. : Scribner. 1893. $2.50. ^ The Spanish pioneers. Chicago: McClurg. 189?,. $1.50. MOELLHAUSEN, BALDWIN. ^ Diary of a journey from the Mississippi to the Pacific, with a U. S. government expedition; with an introd. by Alexander von Humboldt; trans, by Mrs. P. Sinnett. London: Long man. 1858. 2 v. PARKMAN, FRANCIS. ^ The California and Oregon trail: being sketches of prairie and Rocky Mountain life [184G]. N. Y. 1S49. SAME: The Oregon trail. Boston: Little, B. & Co. $1. y ROYCE, JOSIAH. California. (American commonwealths.) Boston: Houghton. 1886. $1.25. ~ SIMPSON, JAMES H. Report of explorations across the great basin of the territory of Utah for a direct wagon route from Camp Floyd to Genoa in Carson valley, in 185!). Wash.: Govt. Prtg. Off. 1876. SMET, FATTIKR P. J. T>E. Letters and sketches, with a narrative of a year s residence among the Indian tribes of the Rocky Mts. Phil.: M. Fithian. 184 3. STANSBURY, HOWARD. Expedition to the valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah. Phil.: Lippincott. 1852. 1 v. text, 1 v. maps. $4. y VENEGAS, MIGUEL. Natural and civil history of California; trans, from the Span ish. London: Rivington. 175!). 2 v. WHEELER, GEORGE M. Annual reports upon fhe geographical explorations and sur veys west of the 100th meridian. [From annual reports of the Chief of Engineers.] Wash.: Govt. Prtg. Off. WHITMAN, MARCUS. NTXON, OLJVFR W. How Marcus Whitman saved Oregon. Chicago: Star Pub. Co. 1895. $1.75. UKTTISH NORTH AMERICA. 67 PART IV. British North America. A FJAM, G. MERCER. The Canadian north-west. Toronto: Rose Pub. Co. 1885. BEGG, ALEXANDER. History of British Columbia. London: Low. 1896. (c. 1894.) 12s. 6d. History of the north-west. Toronto: Hunter, Ros^ & Co. 1894-5. 3 v. BOUCHETTE, JOSEPH. British dominions in North America. Ixmdon : IT. Colburn. 183-1. 2 v. BOURINOT, JOHN G. Story of Canada. (Story of the nations series.) N. Y.: Put nam. 1896. $1.50. BRYCE, GEORGE. Short history of the Canadian people. London: Low. 1887. 7s. 6d. BRYMNER, DOUGLAS. Reports on Canadian archives. Ottawa. CANADA. Parliamentary debates on the subject of the confederation of the British North American provinces, 3d session, 8th Pro vincial Parliament of Canada. Printed by order of the Leg islature. Quebec. 1865. niTARLEVOIX, FATHKR PIERRE P. X. DE. History and general description of New France; trans, with notes, by John G. Shea. N. Y.: J. G. Shea. 1860-72. 6 v. DENT, JOHN C. Last forty years: Canada since the union of 1841. Toronto: G. Virtue. [1881.] 2 v. HALTBURTON, THOMAS C. Historical and statistical account of Nova-Scotia. Halifax: Jos. Howe. 182!). 2 v. HANNAY, JAMES. History of Acadia, to its surrender to England by the Treaty of Paris. London: Low. 1880. 12s. Gd. HATTON, JOSEPH, AND HARVEY, M. Newfoundland: its history, its present condition and its pros pects. Boston: Doyle & W. 1883-. v. 1-. v. 1, $2.50. HERIOT, GEORGE. Travels through the Canadas. London: R. Phillips. 1807. JESUIT RELATIONS. (See Part 1. American Aborigines, p. 6.) KINGSFORD, WILLIAM. History of Canada. Toronto: Roswell & Hutchison. London: Trubner. 1888-. v. 1-. 15s. en. LK CLERCQ, FATHKU CHRISTIAN. First establishment of the faith in New France; now first trans., with notes, by John G. Shea. N. Y. : J. G. Shea. 1881. 2 v. MACKENZIE, WILLIAM LYON. LINDSKV, CIIAKI.IOS. Life and times of William Lyon Mac kenzie; with an account of the Canadian rebellion of 18?,7 and the subsequent frontier disturbances. Toronto: P. R. Randall. 1862. 2 v. in 1. BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. 68 PARKMAN, FRANCIS. Conspiracy of Pontiac. [1st ed. 1851.] Boston: Little, B. & Co. 2 v. $3. France and England in North America. Boston: Little, B. & Co. 1865-92. 9 v. $13.50. 1. Pioneers of France in the New World. 2. The Jesuits in North America. 3. La Salic and the discovery of the great west. 4. The Old Regime in Canada. 5. Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. G. A half century of conflict (2 v.) 7. Montcalm and Wolfe (2 v.) PROWSE, U. W. History of Newfoundland. N. Y.: Macmillan. 1895. $8. QUEBEC, LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF. Manuscripts relating to the early history of Canada. Quebec. 1866-77. 5 series. Transactions. Quebec. 1829- . READ, D. B. The Canadian rebellion of 1837. Toronto: Robinson. 1896. ROBERTS, CHARLES G. D. History of Canada. Boston: Lamton, W. & Co. 1897. $2. SMITH, GOLDWIN. Canada and the Canadian question. N. Y.: Macmillan. 1891. $2. SMITH, PHILIP H. Acadia: a lost chapter in Anu rican history. Pawling, N. Y. 1884. N. Y.: Nash. $2. STRICKLAND, SAMUEL. Twenty-seven years in Canada West; ed. by Agnes Strick land. London: Bentley. 1853. 2 v. TALBOT, EDAVARD A. Five years residence in the Canadas. London: Longman. 1824. 2 v. WARBURTON, GEORGE. Conquest of Canada. N. Y.: Harper. 1849. 2 v. Hochelaga; or England in the New World. N. Y. : Wiley & P 1846. 2 v. SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE AMERICA. 69 PART V. Spanish and Portuguese America. GENERAL WORKS. ACOSTA, FATHER JOSEPH DE. Natural and moral history of the Indies; reprinted from Eng lish translated ed. of Edward Grimston, 160-1, and ed. by Clements R. Markham. London: Hakluyt Soe. 1880. 2 v. BATES, HENRY W., ED. Central America, the West Indies and South America. (Stan ford s Compendium of geography and travel.) London: Stan ford. 1878. 21s. BONNYCASTLE, RICHARD H. Spanish America. London: Longman. 1818. 2 v. CAS AS, BARTHELEMI i>E LAS. Oeuvres; precedees de sa vie et accompagnees de notes, etc., par J.-A. Llorente. Paris: A. Eymery. 1822. 2 v. HELPS, SIR ARTHUR. The Spanish conquest in America. [1st ed. 1855-01.] London: Parker & Son. N. Y. : Harper. 1807. 4 v. $0. RAYNAL, ABRK. Philosophical and political history of the settlements and trade of the Europeans in the east and west Indies; trans, from the Fr. by J. O. Justamond. London. 1788. 8 v. WATSON, ROBERT G. The Spanish and Portuguese in South America during the colonial period. London: Trubner. 1884. 2 v. 21s. MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. BULLOCK, WILLIAM. Six months residence and travels in Mexico. London : Mur ray. 1824. CALDERON DE LA BARCA, MADAM K FRANCES E. I. Life in Mexico. Boston: Little & B. 1843. 2 v. CHEVALIER, MICHEL. Mexico, ancient and modern; trans, by T. Alpass. London: Maxwell. 1804. 2 v. CLAVIGERO, ABBE D. FRANCESCO SA VERIO. History of Mexico, collected from Spanish and Mexican his torians, from mss. and ancient paintings of the Indians; trans, from the Italian by Chas. Cullen. Phil.: T. Uobson. 1804. 3 v. CORTES, HERNANDO. Despatches addressed to the emperor Charles V. during the conquest; trans, from the Spanish with introd. and notes by Geo. Folsom. N. Y. : Wiley & Putnam. 1843. Fifth letter to the Emperor Charles V., containing an account of his expedition to Honduras; tr. from the Spanish by P. de Gayangos. London: Hakluyt Soc. 1868, SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE AMETUCA. 70 DIAZ DEL CASTILLO, BERNAL. Memoirs, containing a true and full account of the discovery and conquest of Mexico and New Spain; trans, from the Spanish, byJohn I. Lockhart. London: Hatchard. 1X44. 2 v. FANCOURT, CHARLES ST. J. History of Yucatan. London: Murray. 1854. HALE, SUSAN. Story of Mexico. (Story of the nations series.) N. Y.: Put nam. 18X!>. .$1.50. HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON. Political essay on the kingdom of New Spain; containing re searches relative to the geography of Mexico, etc.; trans, from the French by J. Black. N. Y. : I. Riley. 1811. JAY, WILLIAM. Review of the causes and consequences of the Mexican war Boston: B. B. Mussey. 184!). JUAREZ, BENITO. BURKE, ULICK R. Life of Benito Juarez, constitutional pres ident of Mexico. London: Remington. 1894. 5s. KINOSBOROUGH, LORD. Antiquities of Mexico: comprising fac-similes of ancient Mex ican paintings and hieroglyphics, etc., illustrated by many valuable inedited MSS. London: R. Havell. 1830-18. ! v. LESTER, C. EDWARDS. The Mexican republic: an historic study. N. Y. : Am. News Co. 1X78. 80c. LUMMIS, CHARLES P. The awakening of a nation: Mexico of to-day. N. Y. : Harper 185)8. $2.60. MAXIMILIAN, EMPEROR. CHYNOWETH, W. HARRIS. The fall of Maximilian, late em peror of Mexico; with an historical introd. London. 1872. KERATRY, EMIL,E I>E. Rise and fall of the Emperor Maxi milian, 1861-7; with the imperia.1 correspondence; trans, by G. H. Venables. London: Low. 18fi8. MAYER, BRANTZ. Mexico, Aztec, Spanish and republican. Hartford: S. Drake & Co. 1851. 2 v. MONTEZUMA. EGGT.KSTON, EDWARD, AND SEEL.YE, LILJ.IR E. Montezuma and the conquest of Mexico. N. Y.:Dodd. [1880.1. $1. NOLL, ARTHUR HOWARD. Short history of Mexico. Chicago: McClurg. IX .in. $1. OBER, FREDERICK A. Young folks history of Mexico. Boston: Estes. 188,,. $1.50. ROBINSON, WILLIAM D. Memoirs of the Mexican revolution. Phil. 1820. ROMERO, MATIAS. Geographical and statistical notes on Mexico. N. Y. : Putnam. 1898. $2. SALM-SALM, FELIX. My diary in Mexico, 1867, including the last days of the Em peror Maximilian. London: Bentley. 1X08. 2 v. SOLIS, DON ANTONIO DR. History of the conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards; trans, from the Spanish by T. Townsend, rev. and corr. by N. Hook. London: T. Woodward. 1738. 2 v. SQUIER, EPHRAIM G. Honduras, descriptive, historical and statistical. London: Trubner. 1870. Nicaragua: its people, scenery, monuments. N. Y. : Appleton. 1852. 2 v. Notes on Central America. N. Y. : Harper. 1855. STEPHENS, JOHN L. Incidents of travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. N. Y.: Harper. 1X41. 2 v. SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE AMERICA. 71 TYLOR, EDWARD B. Anahuac; or Mexico and the Mexicans, ancient and modern. London: Longman. 1861. WILSON, ROBERT A. A new history of the conquest of Mexico, in which Las Casas denunciations of the popular historians of that war are vin dicated. Phil.: .las. Challen & Son. 1859. SOUTH AMERICA. BANDELTER, ADOLF P. The gilded man (El Dorado), and other pictures of the Span ish occupancy of America. N. Y. : Appleton. 1893. $l.f>0. CHARLEVOTX, FATHRR F. P. X. DE. History of Paraguay; [trans, from the Fr.]. London: L. Davis. 176!>. 2 v. CIEZA DE LEON, PEDRO DR. Travels, 1532-50, contained in the first and second parts of his Chronicle of Peru; trans, and ed. by C. R. Markham. Lon don: Hakluyt Soc. 1804-83. DEPONS, F. Travels in South America, 1801-1804. London: Longman. 1S07. 2 v. FLETCHER, JAMES C., ANT) KIDDER, D. P. Brazil and the Brazilians [1st ed. 1857.] Itth ed. rev. Bos ton: Little, B. & Co. 1879. $4. HALL, BASIL. Extracts from a journal written on the coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico in 1820-22. 4th ed. Edin.: Constable. 1825. 2 v. HANCOCK, ANSON URIEL. History of Chile. Chicago: C. H. Sergei. 1803. $2.50. HAWKINS, STR RICHARD. Observations in his voyage into the South Sea, 1593; reprint ed from ed. of 1022; ed. by C. R. D. Bethune. London: Hakluyt Soc. 1847. HERNDON, WfLLIAM L., AND GIBBON, L. Exploration of the valley of the Amazon, made under direc tion of the Navy Department. (33d Congress, 1st session, H. R. Ex. Doc. 53.) Wash.: R. Armstrong. 1854. 2 v. HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON. Personal narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of the new continent, 1799-1804, by Alex, de Humboldt and Aime Bonpland; trans, by H. M. Williams. London: Longman. 1826. 7 v. JUAN, GEORGE, AND ULLOA, ANTONIO DE. Voyage to South America, describing at large the Spanish cities, towns, provinces, <fcc., on that extensive continent; undertaken by command of the king of Spain; trans, from the original Snanish by John Adams. 4th ed. London: Stockdale. 1800. 2 v. MARKHAM, CLEMENTS R. Cuzco: a journey to the ancient capital of Peru; and Lima. London: Chapman & H. 1856. History of Peru. Chicago: C. H. Sergei & Co. 1892. $2.50. The war between Peru and Chili, 1879-82. London: Low. 1882. N. Y.: R. Worthington. 1882. $2.50. TR. AND RD. Expeditions to the valley of the Amazons, 1539, 1540, 1639. London: Hakluyt Soc. 1859. Reports on the discovery of Peru. London: Hakluyt Soc. 1872. SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE AMERICA. 72 MITRE, BARTOLOME. Emancipation of South America: being a condensed transla tion by William Pilling of the history of San Martin, by Mitre. London: Chapman & H. 181)3. 12s. MOLINA, DON J. IGNATIUS. Geographical, natural and civil history of Chili; trans, from the Italian. Middletown: I. Riley. 1808. 2 v. MULHALL, MICHAEL G. The English in South America. Buenos Ayres. [1878.] 1 RESCOTT, WILLIAM H. History of the conquest of Mexico; ed. by J. F. Kirk. [1st eel. 1843.] Phil.: Lippincott. 3 v. $3. History of the conquest of Peru; ed. by J. F. Kirk. [1st ed. 1S47.] Phil.: Lippincott. 2 v. $2. RALEIGH, SIR W r ALTER. Discovery of the large, rich and beautiful empire of Guiana, with a relation of the great and golden city of Manoa (which the Spaniards call El Dorado), etc., performed in 1595 by Sir Walter Ralegh. Printed from the ed. of 15 Jfi. Ed. with notes, etc., by Sir R. H. Schomburgk. London: Hak- luyt Soc. 1848. RECLUS, ELISEE. The earth and its inhabitants; South America: ed. by A. H. Keane. N. Y. : Appleton. 1894. 2 v. $10. ROBERTSON, J. P. AND W. P. Letters on South America. London: Murray. 1843. 3 v. SARMIENTO, DOMINGO F. Life in the Argentine Republic in the days of the tyrants; [tr. ] from the Spanish, with a biog. sketch of the author by Mrs. Horace Mann. N. Y. : Hurd & H. 18t>N. SIMON, PEDRO. Expedition of Pedro de Ursua & Lope de Aguirre in search of El Dorado and Omagua in 15>0-1; trans, [from the Span ish] by W. Bollaert; with an in trod, by C. R. Markham. London: Hayluyt Soc. 1S>1. SOUTHEY, ROBERT. History of Brazil. London: Longman. 1810-19. 3 v. SPENCE, JAMES M. The land of Bolivar: Venezuela. London: Low. 1878. 2 v. 31s. 6d. STEVENSON, W. B. Historical and descriptive narrative of twenty years resi dence in South America. London: Ixmgman. 1829. 3 v. TSCHUDI, J. J. VON. Travels in Peru, 1838-42; trans, from the German by T. Ross. N. Y.: Wiley & P. 1847. URUGUAY, SOUTH AMERICA. Republic of Uruguay; issued by authority of the Consulate- General of Uruguay. London: Stanford. 1883. VEGA, GARCILASSO DE LA. First part of the royal commentaries of the Incas; trans, and ed. by Clements R. Markham. London: Hakluyt Soc. 1869. 2 v. WASHBURN, CHARLES A. History of Paraguay. Boston: Lee & S. 1871. 2 v. $7.50. WILCOCKE, SAMUEL H. History of the viceroyalty of Buenos Ayres. London: H. D. Symonds. 1807. THE WEST INDIES, ETC. 73 PART VI. The West Indies and other Islands and Colonies, BALLOU, MATUR1N M. History of Cuba. Boston: Phillips. 1854. BRIDGES, GEORGE W. Annals of Jamaica. London: Murray. 1827. 2 v. DALLAS, R. C. History of the Maroons. London: A. Strahan. 1803. 2 v. DALTON, HENRY G. History of British Guiana. London: Longmans. 1855. 2 v. EDEN, CHARLES H. The West Indies. London: Low. 1880. 3s. (Id. EDWARDS, BRYAN. History, civil and commercial, of the British colonies in the West Indies. London: J. Stockdale. 171)3-1801. 3 v. FLINT, GROVER. Marching with Gomez: with an historical introd. by John Fiske. Boston: Lamson, W. & Co. 18!>8. $1.50. FROUDE, JAMES A. The English in the West Indies. N. Y. : Scribner. 1888. $1.50. GODET, THEODORE L. Bermuda, its history, geology, climate, etc. London: Smith, E. & Co. 1860. HALSTEAD, MURAT. Story of Cuba. Chicago: Cuba Libre Pub. Co. (c. 1890.) $2. HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON. The island of Cuba; trans, from the Spanish by J. S. Thrasher. N. Y. : Derby & J. 1856. LEFROY, J. HENRY, Kl>. Historye of the Bermudas, or Summer Islands. London : Hakluyt Soc. 1882. LUCAS, CHARLES P. Historical geography of the British colonies. Oxford: Clar. Press. 1888-97. v. 1-4. N. Y. : Macmillan. 1S89-. v. 1-. v. 2. West Indies. $1.90. PH1LL1PPO, JAMES M. Jamaica: its past and present state. London: J. Snow. 1843. ROCHE, JAMES J. Story of the Filibusters. London: Unwin. 1S01. N. Y.: Mac millan. 1891. $1.50. RODWAY, JAMES. The West Indies and the Spanish Main. London: Unwiu. N. Y.: Putnam. 1896. $1.75. ROWAN, ANDREW S.. AND RAMSEY, MARATHON M. The island of Cuba. N. Y.: Holt. 1896. $1.25. SOUTHEY, THOMAS. Chronological history of the West Indies. London: Longman. 1827. 3 v. M170858 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY