EXCHANGE EXCHANGE MAF 24 <* 2.* OLIVER HAZARD PERRY AND The War of 1812 in Newport Published by The Newport Historical Society 1913 COM. OLIVER HAZARD PERRY From portrait in possession of Newport Historical Society ITEMS OF INTEREST CONCERNING Oliver Hazard Perry in Newport AND Newport in the War of 1812 PUBLISHED 1913 By THE NEWPORT HISTORICAL SOCIETY MERCURY PUBLISHING COMPANY NEWPORT, R. I. FOREWORD This year being the centennial anniversary of the Vic tory on Lake Erie, by our revered townsman, Oliver Hazard Perry, the Newport Historical Society felt that it would be eminently appropriate to issue in a condensed form a reminder of the event. The committee to whom was intrusted this matter present these brief items, not only as an acknowledgment of the service rendered his country by Oliver Hazard Perry, but with a desire that the youth of today may be imbued with his spirit of patriotism and duty. ROBERT S. FRANKUN, Secretary, EDITH MAY TILLEY, Librarian, Committee. 330520 Some Items of Interest Concerning Oliver Hazard Perry in Newport Newport has a glorious and precious heritage in the memory of Oliver Hazard Perry, and although born in South Kingstown, R. I., August 23d, 1785, he seems peculiarly our own, for in Newport he was baptized, edu cated and married ; with Newport men he sailed to vic tory upon Lake Erie ; and in the Island cemetery at Newport he lies buried. During the early days of his boyhood, he resided in the house on the corner of Second and Walnut Streets. This house is still standing, and has been marked by the New port Historical Society as the birthplace of his brother, Commodore Matthew C. Perry. January 13, 1795, Oliver Hazard, Raymond Henry Jones, Sarah Wallace and Matthew James Calbraith, chil dren of Christopher Raymond Perry and Sarah his wife, were baptized at Trinity Church, Newport, by Rev. William Smith. Captain Christopher Raymond Perry had removed to Newport largely to take advantage of the educational facilities for his children, and Oliver became a pupil in the academy of Mr. John Frazer in Church Street, which for many years took high rank as a classical school. A notice which appeared in the Mercury of October 6, 1821, well describes the man and the esteem in which he was held. u Died. In this town, on Wednesday last, Mr. John Frazer, in the 56th year of his age. He was for nearly thirty years, an eminent teacher in the Latin and Greek languages, and the mathematics. His qualifications were 6 highly respectable, founded on a finished education at the High School and University of Edinburgh. Many of his scholars have been celebrated for the extent and accuracy of their classical and mathematical attainments. Mr. Frazer was an honest man, never ashamed of, and reflect ing honor upon that highly literary nation, Scotland, which gave him birth. His loss will be deeply felt, and his memory, as a man of science and integrity, will be held in high respect by his fellow citizens, n This stern Scotchman and severe disciplinarian became devotedly attached to Oliver and took pleasure in teaching him mathematics and their application to navigation and nautical astronomy, and it is said in the intervals between school hours, and on holidays, would frequently walk to the beach with him, where a horizon could be obtained, to take astronomic observations, and otherwise render his lessons more practical. Before Oliver left Mr. Frazer s school, the latter was wont to boast that he was the best navigator in Rhode Island. Influenced by his father s example and his own love for the sea, Oliver early determined to become an officer, and in April, 1799, he entered the Navy of the United States, receiving his warrant as a Midshipman. A portrait of him in this uniform, which was painted on the floor of his house on the Point, is now in the possession of the New port Historical Society. Midshipman Perry was immediately ordered to the "General Greene," which had been built at Warren under the superintendence of his father, and under his command, sailed from Newport on her first cruise, June 2, 1799. In 1802, he sailed on the frigate "John Adams," and later on the Constellation " as a Lieutenant, to OLIVER HAZARD PERRY AS A MIDSHIPMAN Painted on a board in the floor of his house on the " Point," Newport, R. I. Original in possession of Newport Historical Society which rank he had been promoted on his eighteenth birth day, August 23, 1803. During these and other voyages, which he made from Newport, Perry gained such efficiency in his chosen profession that he received the highest praise from his superior officers and won the admiration of all his friends. Between voyages, he remained in Newport, continuing his studies in astronomy and mathematics, and becoming popular in the social life of the place. Here, in 1807, he met Miss Elizabeth Champlin Mason, who afterward became his wife. She was the daughter of Dr. Benjamin Mason and his wife Margaret Champlin, the famous belle of Revolutionary days. The marriage took place during a furlough granted to him after several years of service and varied duties at sea, when he returned to New port, which he desired to make his home. The wedding ceremony was performed on the fifth of May, 1811, by Rev. Mr. Towle, pastor of the Moravian Society in Newport, in the drawing-room of the old Mason mansion on Thames street, still standing, but sadly altered. Not many months after the return of the young couple from their prolonged wedding journey, and soon after the declaration of war with Great Britain, Perry was ordered to command the gunboats then lying at Newport and New London, and, although anxious for active service, he de voted himself faithfully to training the crews of the flotilla in gunnery and seamanship. In February, 1813, Commodore Chauncey, to whom he had offered his services, wrote that he had requested the Secretary of the Navy to have him ordered to the Lakes, saying u You are the very person that I want for a partic ular service, in which you may gain reputation for your self and honors for your country," and, on the seventeenth, orders were received to proceed to Sackett s Harbour with all the best men under his command in the flotilla ; thus beginning the preparation for Naval activities on Lake 8 Erie. When these orders were known, all the men on the gunboats begged to accompany Perry, and many were taken from the State, and particularly from Newport. The Hon. Tristram Burges, in an address, has said : " When it is called to mind that Commodore Perry was a native of Rhode Island, and that he carried with him from that State up to the Lake, those men, who, under his direction, and with the aid of a few others, built and equipped that fleet, which, under his command, subdued the enemy on those waters ; it is not too much to regard this distinguished enterprise as a part of the maritime affairs of Rhode Island. Be this as it may, the achieve ment was glorious for the country, and no manner of con sidering it can diminish its merits or tarnish its splendor. 7 Accounts of the Battle on September 10, 1813, are numerous and need not be repeated here. Deposited with the Newport Historical Society is a fine engraving of the Battle, framed in wood taken from the " Lawrence. Perry reported the victory in the following letters : Com. Perry to the Secretary of the Navy: U. S. brig Niagara, Lake Erie, Sept. 10, 1813. SIR It has pleased the Almighty to give to the arms of the United States a signal victory over their enemies on this lake. The British squadron consisting of 2 ships, 2 brigs, i schooner, and i sloop, have this moment surren dered to the force under my command, after a sharp conflict. I have the honor to be &c. O. H. PERRY. ; I H 9 U. S. Niagara Off the Western Sister, head of Lake Erie, Sept. loth, 1813, 4 p. m. DEAR GENERAL We have met the enemy ; and they are ours. Two ships, two brigs, one schr. and one sloop. Yours with great respect and esteem, O. H. PERRY. MAJOR-GENERAL HARRISON. The Newport Mercury of October 2, 1813, contained the following notice of the Battle. UNPARALLELED NAVAL VICTORY. We lay before our readers with a proud satisfaction, the details of the triumph of the American squadron on Lake Erie, under the command of our gallant townsman, Com. Oliver H. Perry. As federalists we deprecate the war, but we are full of pride and pleasure at the honor which this affair, brilliant without precedent, has reflected upon the national charac ter. It has been the lot of our Perry, to have earned a garland of praise, decked with new and peculiar laurels. The nation is indebted to him for the most glorious achievement which the naval annals of the world can fur nish ; and as important in its consequences as it is brill iant. Commodore Perry met a fleet superior to his own in men and force, He vanquished them. He captured every vessel of the enemy, and took more prisoners than he led men into action. In his own modest, but expressive terms, giving the glory to the Most High, it pleased the Almighty to give to the arms of the Umted States, under his command, a signal victory. Or in the Spartan brevity of his communication to General Harrison " We have met the enemy and they are ours." 10 We have long been accustomed to anticipate success where single ships of equal force come in contact ; but this is the first instance in which an American fleet has been engaged, and although contending against a force greatly superior, we have been triumphant. We confess we were not a little anxious as to the issue ; for although experience had convinced us that whatever heroism and valor could do would be achieved by our gallant Tars, yet unaccustomed as our officers have been to manoeuvre squadrons, we were apprehensive that heroism and valor might not prevail over the skill of the enemy. Our ap prehensions have been removed, and we most sincerely rejoice in common with our fellow-citizens. Commodore Perry left this town about six months since for Erie ; when arrived there the government had neither men nor ships on that Lake. He immediately commenced building a squadron. The difficulties and impediments which met him, were indeed great ; but the ability, spirit and enterprise of Commodore Perry overcame them, and the squadron was finally equipped and put to sea, to the surprise and astonishment of all those who were unac quainted with the character and talents of the com mander. Perry s return journey was one great ovation. He was given the freedom of several cities, swords were presented to him, and medals and other trophies. The Mercury spoke as follows of his homecoming : COMMODORE PERRY : Our fellow-citizen, Com. Oliver H. Perry, arrived here on the evening of Monday last. We have not, on any occasion, in our recollection, wit nessed such general joy among the citizens as pervaded all ranks on the arrival of the hero who has crowned our 1 tf W iJ ** O g 8 fe S H H 11 country and himself with an imperishable wreath of glory. On Tuesday morning the bells were rung, and a variety of flags and the national colors were displayed from the numerous shipping in our harbor, whilst the most cordial congratulations went round, and the smile of satisfaction sat on every face and joy glistened in every eye. Salutes were fired by the Artillery Company, from Fort Wolcott, by the U. S. Flotilla, and by the Revenue Cut ter. Major-General Sheldon, accompanied by a number of Brigade and Regimental Officers, under the escort of Capt. Pearce s company of militia, waited on the Commo dore to welcome his return. In the evening the State House was brilliantly illuminated, under the direction of the Town Council. Previous to his arrival, the citizens of Newport had appointed a committee to select for him a suitable token of their love and esteem. They chose a silver vase, sur mounted by an eagle and appropriately embellished, and engraved with these words, u From his fellow-citizens of Newport, a memorial of their sense of his signal merit in achieving the victory of the loth of September, 1813, on L,ake Erie." This was presented on the 2 8th of Decem ber, with appropriate exercises. Other cities delighted to honor the hero, and Perry was the recipient of many gifts and testimonials. He was again ordered to the flotilla at Newport, and there spent a well earned rest, being detached to command the Java, just built at Baltimore, and afterward receiving an appointment to command one of the flying squadrons, destined for a Mediterranean cruise, which was prevented by the ratification of the Treaty of Peace, between this country and Great Britain. The announcement of peace occasioned great joy to the people of Newport, and the Newport Mercury issued an l< extra " at four o clock in the morning of February 14, 1815, in order to impart the " heart-cheering intelligence" at the earliest opportunity. The " extra," an original issue of which may be seen at the Rooms of the Newport Historical Society, reads as follows : PEACE, Office of the Newport Mercury, ) Tuesday, Feb. 14, 4 o clock A. M. To the politeness of Messrs. Brown and B. Tilley, just arrived from Bristol, we are indebted for the following heart-cheering intelligence : Centinel Office, ) Feb. 13, 8 o clock A. M. } We have this instant received in 32 hours from New York the following Great and Happy News : To B. Russell, Esq., Sir: I hasten to acquaint you, for the information of the public, of the arrival here this afternoon of H. B. M. sloop of war " Favorite," in which has come passenger Mr. Carroll, American messenger, having in his possession a Treaty of Peace between this country and Great Britain, signed on the 26th of Decem ber last. Mr. Carroll reached town at 8 o clock this evening. u He shewed to a friend of mine, who is acquainted with him, the pacquet containing the treaty, and a London newspaper of the last date of December, announcing the signing of the treaty. " This city is in a perfect uproar of joy, shouts, illumi nations, etc." In 1817, Perry was once more in command of the New port Station, and living with his family in the Jahleel J >H H tf 13 Brenton House, on Thames Street, which was loaned to President Monroe for occupancy during his visit here. This house, which Mr. George C. Mason thought was built previous to the eighteenth century, is still in exis tence, but shows signs of modern neglect, and is now com pletely hidden by stores on the Thames Street front. In November, 1818, Com. Perry purchased the old Seixas house on Washington Square, and we are told by a relative that he had occupied it only about a month or six weeks, when in March, 1819, he was ordered to Venezuela, upon a delicate and diplomatic mission. This was his last voyage, for he was stricken with yellow fever, which would not yield to the unremitting attention of the sur geons. During his illness, his courage and patience never forsook him, and not long before his death he said: " Few persons have greater inducements to make them wish to live than I ; but I am perfectly ready to go if it pleases the Almighty to take me; the debt of nature must be paid." Thus, at Trinidad, August 23, 1819, died Oliver Hazard Perry, and there occurred the burial services, attended by officers and seamen, and a large number of inhabitants of the island, including even the Governor, as a very un common token of respect. The announcement of Perry s death was received in the United States with sorrow and a deep sense of national loss. President Monroe, in his message of December 7, 1819, said " It is with deep regret I have to state the loss which has been sustained by the death of Commodore Perry. His gallantry in a brilliant exploit in the late war added to the renown of his country. His death is deplored as a national misfortune. " In due time the ship " Lexington " was despatched to bring the remains of Oliver Hazard Perry to Newport, and on December 4th, 1826, the re-interment took place in the Common Burial Ground. 14 The Mercury of December gth, gave the following ac count of the Funeral Ceremonies. FUNERAL SOLEMNITIES Conformably to public notice previously given, the remains of Com. Perry, brought here by order of govern ment in the U. S. Ship Lexington, Capt. Shubrick, from the Island of Trinidad, the place of their original sepul ture, were re-interred in this town on Monday last, the 4th inst., in a manner appropriate to his worth, and ex pressive of the affectionate remembrance universally felt by his fellow-citizens of the Town and State, and by his brother officers of the Navy. At ten o clock his Excellency Governor Fenner, and Major Gen. Carpenter, arrived in the steam-boat Washing ton, from Providence, accompanied by their Aids, by a great number of civil and military officers, and of respect able citizens from the north and middle counties of the State, and by six Independent Military Companies from Providence and Pawtucket. At the same hour the two Independent Companies from Bristol arrived in a packet. A number of Officers of the Navy from Boston and New York arrived on the morning of the day, and on the pre ceding evening. The procession on the water, of boats from the Ship, bearing the Remains of the Commodore, accompanied by the officers of the ship, and a detachment of seamen, reached Clarke s wharf, at the extreme south of the town, at half past n o clock. The marine procession was met at the wharf by the Committee of Arrangements, and the remains received by the U. S. Troops and Marines united in one corps for this service, under command of L,ieut. Webb of the Army, (Major Mason, the commandant of this station, being confined at Fort Wolcott by sickness.) FUNERAL CAR OF COMMODORE PERRY Drawn by Dr. J. Bernard Gilpin f < -at List of subscribers to the silver vase presented to Commodore Perry by Newport citizens Original in possession of Newport Historical Society 15 They were then taken from the boat and placed on a Car constructed for this occasion, emblematically orna mented, and drawn by four white horses. The Car, canopy, drapery and plumes were all of black. The coffin was covered with an Ensign, on which were placed the naval hat and epaulettes worn by the deceased when living, and the sword presented him by the city of Philadelphia, in honor of his victory on L,ake Erie. The Funeral Ceremonies in this town on Monday last, were the most imposing ever witnessed in this State, and are said to have exceeded in solemnity of the scene, the funeral ceremonies of the French Admiral De Ternay, who was interred in this town, in Dec. 1780. Notwith standing the thousands of citizens who occupied the whole extent of Thames street, through which the Funeral Pro cession passed, the utmost silence and good order pre vailed, and only the sound of the mournful music, and the march of the military, were heard. The solemnities on this occasion reflect the highest credit on the committee, and evince the high estimation in which the memory and the virtues of Com. Perry, are still held by his fellow-citi zens. The funeral car was designed by Benjamin J. Cahoone of Newport, and was made to represent the boat in which Perry left the u Lawrence " for the " Niagara." Dr. J. Bernard Gilpin, son of J. B. Gilpin, British Consul, then very young, drew a little sketch of the car, as it appeared during the passing of the procession along Thames Street. This sketch has recently been presented to the Newport Historical Society. It differs somewhat from the illustra tion in Miss Cahoone s book on Newport, and it is said that Dr. Gilpin and Miss Cahoone, who were friends, had many an amiable discussion in regard to the respective merits of the two pictures. 16 On the 24th of May, 1836, the town of Newport com pleted the purchase of the Perry enclosure, now included in the Island Cemetery. Here is his last resting place, which has become one of the shrines of our country, marked by a tall granite shaft caused to be erected by the State of Rhode Island, and cared for by an annual appro priation of the General Assembly For many years, the people of Newport felt that a statue of Oliver Hazard Perry should be erected in his home town, to commemorate his name and his victory on Lake Brie. With the aid of private subscriptions, as well as appropri ations from the State and from the town of Newport, the necessary amount was obtained, and the statue was erected from the model of William G. Turner, " not because he was a native of Newport, but because his model appeared to the committee to be preferable to any other presented. " The statue was placed in the park nearly opposite his last residence, and was inaugurated with appropriate cere monies September 10, 1885. In dedicating the memorial the Committee said, "Take the statue for those whom you represent, let it be kept as a cherished treasure by the people of the state at a rge, and especially by the people of the city of Newport. L,et no vandal hand deface the monumental bronze. L,et it stand defying the wastes of time and the power of the ele ments, keeping pace with history in its march through coming ages in recalling to each succeeding generation the man and the event which this statue is designed to commemorate, ever inspiring the young to patriotism, and solacing the aged with the reflection that a grateful people properly appreciate and appropriately reward their bene factors. L,et the ideal Perry shadow the passer by, and from its high pedestal apparently cast a glance at each be holder, which shall penetrate and permeate his mind and heart, and possess him completely with the noble and gen- 17 erous purpose and lofty soul which animated Perry on the occasion which the artist has undertaken to represent him. In accepting the trust, Hon. Robert S. Franklin, then Mayor of Newport, replied: " In receiving this statue, I congratulate you, Mr. Chair man, upon the successful completion of the labor of your committee ! As citizens of Newport we may well feel proud of the skill of our townsman, Mr. William G. Turner, the designer of this beautiful work of art. I shall not speak of the life or character of him whom it is intended to com memorate, neither shall I refer to the particular event that rendered his name illustrious, and placed it among the naval heroes of the country ! This you have done in elo quent and appropriate language. The place of location is an eminently proper one, in this city, the home of his adoption, and on this park, within sight of the house he once occupied. In behalf of the city I accept the trust you have now given me, assuring you that it shall be care fully guarded, hoping that all who look upon this statue may ever remember and emulate the courage and patriot ism of Oliver Hazard Perry . During this year the hundredth anniversary of the Vic tory is being celebrated. The Newport Historical Society hopes to have, in addition to its usual L,oan Exhibition of antiques and heirlooms, a special exhibit of relics pertaining to the War of 1812 and to Oliver Hazard Perry, and trusts that all who have such relics will co-operate. The Soci ety s library, containing many references to the above events, and many interesting notes concerning Perry, is daily at the service of the public. EDITH MAY TIU.EY, Librarian. NEWPORT MEN WITH PERRY The following list of men who went with Com. Perry to L,ake Erie is compiled from several lists which are believed to be authentic. John Adams Daniel Albert Daniel Albro Samuel Albro James W. Allen Levi Allen Thomas C. Almy Job Anderson John Anderson Abel Armington Joseph Austin Peter Austin Abraham Babcock John Baptist Henry Barker Thomas Barns Jeremiah Bowers Thomas Breese Thomas Brewster Edward Bridgeport Samuel Brotherton John Brownell Thomas Brownell Henry Brown John A. Brown John Brown John Brown Robert Buckley Seaman O. Seaman O. Seaman Seaman Sailing Master Seaman Seaman Master s Mate O. Seaman Seaman Seaman Gunner s Mate Seaman Midshipman Captain s Clerk Master s Mate Seaman Seaman Sailing Master Seaman Carpenter s Mate O. Seaman Boatswain s Mate Gunner s Mate 19 James Bird John Burnham John C. Bush Caleb Butts John Cane James Carty Joseph Gary Stephen Champlin Andomiran Chandler Nathan Chapman William Chapman Joseph Cheves George Clarke Israel Clarke John Coddington Hannibal Collins George Cornell Daniel Cottrell William Cozzens Bernard Crandall William Cranston Cyrus Crary William Cross George Davis Robert Davis Simeon Doty Peleg Dunham George Dun well Benjamin Dring William N. Dyne Benjamin Easton Francis Elliott John Fair Stephen Fairfield John Felton Robert Ferguson Caleb Fish Folly Seaman Seaman 0. Seaman Sail Maker Carpenter s Mate Sailing Master Steward Seaman Seaman Boatswain Seaman O. Seaman Armorer Carpenter s Mate Sail Maker s Mate Seaman O. Seaman Seaman Seaman Seaman Seaman Midshipman O. Seaman Seaman Gunner s Mate Seaman Boatswain s Mate Seaman 20 Ezekiel Fowler Francis Fowler John Fox Joseph Frost William Gardner Noah Gates William Goddard Robert Graham Andrew Griffin Thomas Guamey John Gurney James Hadwin Daniel Hall John P. Hammond Thomas Hammond Jeremiah Harry Newport Hazzard Joshua Hiscox London Horse Richard Hubbard Henlick Huddy John Jackson William James Israel Jefferson William Johnson Westerly Johnston James Jones Peter Kinsley Peter Laport Francis Lawrence William Lawson John Lawton Parker H. Lawton George Lewis Joseph Lewis George Linze Benjamin Marble Joseph Marvell Seaman Gunner Seaman Steward Seaman Boy O. Seaman Blacksmith Seaman Seaman Midshipman Seaman O. Seaman O. Seaman Boatswain s Mate Cook Seaman Seaman Seaman Gunner s Mate Carpenter s Mate Seaman Carpenter s Mate Seaman Carpenter s Mate 21 Wilson Mays John McDonald Andrew Michael John Miller Edward Moody John Moody James Morris Caleb Mumford John Murray Nicholas Narbourn John Newman Robert H. Nichols John Norton J. W. Palmer Lemuel Palmer William Parker Isaac Peckham James Alexander Perry James Peterson James Phillips Charles Pohig Samuel Pool Simeon Price William Ralph John Ratler William Read Benjamin Reynolds Thomas Rogers James Rowland Hezekiah Sanford John R. Sheffield Joseph Simpson Charles Smith Elisha Smith George Smith Henry Smith John Smith Joseph Smith Carpenter s Mate Seaman Seaman Seaman Seaman Seaman Boy 0. Seaman Midshipman Boy Master s Mate Carpenter s Mate Seaman Seaman Midshipman Seaman Seaman Seaman Cook Gunner s Mate Steward Seaman Carpenter s Mate Seaman Seaman Seaman Midshipman 0. Seaman Boatswain s Mate Master s Mate Acting Master 22 Richard Smith George South wick Joseph Southwick Elias Spear Thomas Stanfield William Stevens John Sterne James Stone Palmer Sweet Thomas Sweet Jonathan Tallman William V. Taylor John Thomas Nicholas Thompson William Thompson Silas or Cyrus Tiffany Jacob Trusty Daniel Turner Robert Tyler George Varnum John Vose Nathaniel Wade C. B. Walker Richard Walsh Samuel Warner James Weaver Charles Weeden William Weeden John Welsh John White Joseph Whiting Sylvester Wilcox George Wilkinson George Williams John Williams John Williams John Woodington William Woodman Seaman Carpenter s Mate Seaman Seaman Carpenter O. Seaman Sailing Master Seaman Seaman Seaman Musician O. Seaman Lieut. Commandant Seaman Seaman Steward O. Seaman Master s Mate Seaman 0. Seaman Master s Mate Seaman Seaman Seaman O. Seaman Carpenter s Mate Seaman 0. Seaman Cook Seaman Seaman Steward o ii 23 Reuben Wright Andrew Andrew [Matteson ?] Charles [Wilson ?] Harris Carpenter s Mate Seaman Seaman Seaman Living Descendants of Capt. Christopher Raymond Perry, U. S. N., and his wife Sarah Wallace Alexander Furnished from advanced sheets of The Perrys of Rhode Island and Tales of Silver Creek/ about to be published by Rev. Calbraith B. Perry, D. D., of Cambridge, N. Y. Direct Descendants of his eldest Son, Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry, U. S. N. (a; Through his oldest son Dr. Christopher Grant Perry, of Newport : Mr. John Moore Perry, St. James, I/. I. Mr. Oliver Hazard Perry, Blmhurst, L. I. Mr. Franklin Perry, (last address given Is. of Anti- costa, Canada). Note. These three sons survive Mr. Oliver H. Perry, Coin. Perry s oldest grandson, d. April n, 1913. Mr. Thomas Sargeant Perry and daughters, 312 Marlboro St., Boston. (Miss Margaret and Miss Edith Perry) Mrs. Joseph C. Grew (Alice Perry) , address Heugrasse 30, Vienna, Austria. Mrs. John LaFarge (Margaret Perry), Newport, R.I. Mr. Christopher G. LaFarge, 124 E. 22d St., N. Y. City (LaFarge & Morris, Arch., N. Y. City). Mrs. William R. Claxton, 831 Shawmut Ave., Chest nut Hill, Phila., Pa. Mr. John Louis Bancel LaFarge, Mont Choise, Ouchi Vaud, Switzerland. 25 Miss Margaret LaFarge, Newport, R. I. Mr. Oliver H. P. LaFarge, Bank for Savings, Seattle, Wash. Rev. John LaFarge, S. J. St. Aloysius Rectory, Leonardtown, Md. Mrs. Frances S. Pepper (widow late Dr. William Pepper, LL. D.), 1811 Spruce St., Phila., Pa. Dr. William Pepper, 1813 Spruce St., Phila., Pa. Mr. Benj. Franklin Pepper, Sunset and Crefelt Ave., Chestnut Hill, Phila. Mr. Oliver Hazard Perry Pepper, 1811 Spruce St., Phila. (b) Through his second son, late Capt. Oliver Hazard Perry, U. S. N. Mr. Oliver Hazard Perry, Lowell, Mass. Mr. Oliver Hazard Perry, Jr., Lowell, Mass. Mrs. Charles Baldwin, Austin s PL, New Brighton, S. I., N. Y. Mrs. George D. Cabot, 42 King St., Weehawken, N. J- Mr. Henry Ward Perry, Apart. Postal PI., Atlanta, Ga. Miss KHz. R. Storrow, i3KenwickSt M Boston, Mass. Mr. James J. Storrow, 44 State St., Boston, Mass. Mr. James J. Storrow, Jr., 44 State St., Boston, Mass. Mr. Samuel Storrow, Miss Elizabeth Storrow and Mr. Seth Storrow, all of 534 Palmetto Drive, Passadena, Cal. Mrs. Henry B. Scudder. Miss Mary M. Scudder. Miss Alice B. Scudder. Mr. Marshall Sears Scudder. Mrs. F. K. Hiscock. Lieut. Randall Perry Scudder, U. S. N., address all N. Yakima, Wash. 26 Miss Annie Perry Hincks, care Prof. Rev. Edward Y. Hincks, Andover Theological Seminary, Cam bridge, Mass. (c) Through his only daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Perry Vinton. Miss Gertrude Vinton. Mr. Raymond Perry Vinton. II Descendants of the brother next of age, Lieut. Com. Raymond H. J. Perry, U. S. N. Miss Frances L,. Merriman, Bristol, R. I. Rev. James DeWolf Perry, D. D., Queen Lane, Ger- mantown, Phila., Pa. Mr. Robert Swain Perry, Harrison Bros. & Co., 3500 Gray s Ferry Road, Phila., Pa. Mr. Ward T. Perry, 3500 Stokeley St. N., Phila., Pa. Mr. James DeWolf Perry, Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. Mr. Robert Swain Perry, Jr., 3500 Stokeley St. N., Phila. Rt. Rev. James DeWolf Perry, D. D., Episcopal Residence, Providence, R. I. Mrs. Julia Bourn (Perry) Thurber, Hinckley Road, Milton, Mass. Mrs. EHz. Russell (Perry; Hubbard, Chestnut Hill, Phila. Mrs. Emily Tyson (Perry) Russell, Mattapan, Milton, Mass. Rev. Calbraith Bourn Perry, D. D., St. Luke s Rectory, Cambridge, N. Y. Mr. Charles Varnum Perry, Bristol, R. I. Mr. Andrew Ramsey Perry, East Providence, R. I. Mr. James DeWolf Perry. 27 Mr. Charles Varnum Perry, Jr. Miss Mary Isabel Perry. Mr. Calbraith Bourn Perry. Miss Eleanor Ramsey Perry. Mr. Oliver Hazard Perry. Mr. Basil Harrison Perry. Address care of Mr. Chas. V. Perry, Bristol, R. I. Mr. William Sumner Perry, 133 Tyson St., New Brighton, S. I., N. Y. Mr. Alexander Perry, 32 W. 4oth St., N. Y. City. Mr. George Clinton McKesson Perry, New Brighton. Mrs. Georgiana McK. (Perry) Delafield, Bromley Ct., Prescott St., Cambridge, Mass. Mrs. Eda Lefferts (Perry) Woodward, New Brighton, S. L, N. Y. Miss Marianne DeWolf Perry, Bristol, R. I. Mrs. Josephine DeW. (Perry) Gardner, L,ong Branch, Hugo, Colo. Mrs. Wilfred Hamp, Hugo, Colo. Mrs. Harold Pay son, Short Hills, N. J. Miss Lillie Perry, L,ong Branch, Hugo, Col. Ill Descendants of the third son, Commodore Matthew Cal braith Perry, U. S. N. Rear Admiral Frederick Rodgers, U. S. N. (Ret.) St. James, L. I., N. Y. Frederick Rodgers, Jr., St. James, Iy. I., N. Y. Mrs. William Albert Pease, 101 E. 94^ St., N. Y. City (and Hempsted, Iy. I.) Mr. John Perry Rodgers, Durban, So. Africa. Rear Admiral John Augustus Rodgers, U. S. N. (Ret.) Havre de Grace, Md. Mr. John Rodgers, Havre de Grace, Md. 28 Mr. Robert Perry Rodgers. Care of above. Mrs. John Forsythe Meiggs, Wayne, Del. Co., Pa. Mrs. Morgan White Jopling, Marquette, Mich. Mr. Robert Rodgers Meiggs, 1236 i6th Ave., Altoona, Pa. Knsign John Forsythe Meiggs, U. S. N. Mrs. William C. Kmmett, Morristown, N. J. Mr. John Hone, 5 Grammercy Park, N. Y. City. Mr. John Hone, Jr. Mr. Fred de Peyster Hone and Mr. Augustus C. Hone, address care father, Grammercy Park. Mrs. Henry J. Bartol, address care father, Grammercy Park. Mrs. Charles B. Lewis, Morristown, N. J. Miss Jane Hone Lewis, Morristown, N. J. Mrs. Charles King, 102 WaverlyPL, Morristown, N. J. Mrs. Charles A. Richards, 102 Waverly PL, Morris- town, N. J. Mrs. Fred W. Merrill (Sarah Perry) , 40 Maccullock St., Morristown, N. J. Mr. Fred H. Merrill. Miss Sarah Lawrence Merrill. Miss Mary Wiston Merrill. Mr. Perry Belmont, 1618 New Hampshire Ave., Washington, D. C. Mr. August Belmont, Sr., 44 E. 34th St., New York City. Mr. August Belmont, Jr., Islip, N. Y. Mr. Raymond Belmont. Mr. Morgan Belmont, both care of August, Sr. Mr. Perry Tiffany, address Knickerbocker Club, New York City. Mr. Belmont Tiffany, Florence, Ala. Miss Jane Caroline Perry Tiffany, Cazenovia, N. Y. 29 IV Living Descendants of Mrs. Ann (Perry) Rodgers, sister of Commodore O. H. Perry. Col. Alex. Rodgers, U. S. N. (Ret.) 1221 Conn. Ave., Washington, D. C. Lieut. Com. C. R. P. Rodgers, U. S. N. Com mander of the Sylph, U. S. N., Washington Navy Yard. James Donald Cameron Rodgers, Curtiss Publishing Co., Phila. Pa. Alexander Rodgers, Jr., 1221 Conn. Ave., Washing ton, D. C. Mrs. Louis Neilson. Lieut. Raymond R. Neilson, U. S. N., (Ret.) ? Mr. Louis Neilson, Tampa, Fla. Mr. Alexander R. Neilson, Harvard University, Cam bridge, Mass. Mr. Frederick Neilson, in care of Mrs. Neilson. Capt. Thomas Sliddell Rodgers, U. S. N., Dept. Nav. Intelligence, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Henry Rice, Farmington, Conn. Mrs. S. R. H. Welles, 64 Brownell St., Hartford, Conn. Miss Annice Welles, above address . Mis. Keats Westcott, 1310 1 6th St., Washington, D.C. Mrs. Alex. Black and Mrs. Andrew Olsen, 8th St. and Second Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. Benjamin Paulson. Mrs. Alex. Cuthbert. Mrs. Alex. B. Murray. Miss Ruth Black, Mr. Donald McM. Black. (All may be addressed care Mr. Alex. Black, as above.) Mrs. David Roe Young, 320 Conn. Ave., New London, Conn. 30 Mr. Oliver Hazard Perry Young, Babcock Printing Press Co., New L,ondon, Conn. Mr. L,eslie Newman Young, 320 Conn. Ave., New London, Conn. Mr. Geo. Belden Perry, 102 W. 93d St., New York City. Mr. Edmund Freeman Perry, 438 49th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. V Living Descendants of Mrs. Jane Tweed (Perry) Butler, of South Carolina, sister of Com. O. H. Perry. Mrs. Charles F. Ktterick, 605 33d St., Norfolk, Va. Miss Ethland B. Woodward, 2110 i5th St., Philadel phia, Pa. Miss Mary Pierce Woodward, (above address.) Mrs. Chas. Benj. Stone, Earl St., Greenville, So. Carolina. Mr. William Butler, 4th National Bank, Atlanta, Ga. Mr. Christopher Raymond Butler, Savannah, Ga. Mrs. Eloise Bushy head, Tahlequah, Oklahoma. (widow of late Chief of Cherokee Nation, Oo-nah- dah-toh.) Mr. James Butler Bushyhead, Pleasant Greene, Mo. Mrs. James Knox Gibson, Tahlequah, Oklahoma. (Children of late Geo. Oliver Butler could be ad dressed through Mrs. Bushyhead.) Mrs. Richard M. Foster, Greenville, So. Carolina. Mr. Guy Butler Foster, Mr. Richard Columbus Foster, Mr. Bothwell J. Foster, Mr. Calbraith Perry Foster, Mr. William L. Foster, Mr. Robert Pierce Foster and Miss Annie Foster, (all of Greenville, So. Carolina.) Mrs. Stephen Frizzard, Breezeport, N. Y. Mrs. Harry Geiger, Hamlet, No. Carolina. 31 Mrs. Rastus Crawford, Santoc, So. Carolina. Hon. Thomas Both well Butler, Gaffney, So. Carolina. Dr. Francis W. P. Butler, Edgefield, So. Carolina. Major Matthew Calbraith Butler, U. S. A., Des Moines, la. Mrs. Maria Calhoun McNeeley, wife of L,ieut. W. McNeeley, U. S. N., on special duty in China. Mrs. Sarah Wallace (Butler) Rutherford, widow of Judge Rutherford, eldest of three surviving nieces of Com. O. H. Perry, Ft. Smith, Ark. Mr. Samuel Morton Rutherford, Muskeegee, Okla. Mr. William Butler Rutherford, Ft. Smith, Ark. Mrs. Andrew Scales Dowd, Ft. Smith, Ark. Mr. Raymond Perry Rutherford, Chicotah, Okla. Mrs. Robert Faulkner, Ft. Smith, Ark. Mrs. Emmala Frank (Butler) Stone, (widow of Andrew J.) the second niece surviving of Com. O. H. Perry. Address Waco, Texas. Dr. Jesse Bannister Stone, Lewisville, Ark. Miss Jessie Irene Stone, Waco, Texas. Hon. Thomas Pierce Stone, 529 nth St., Waco, Texas. Miss Eloise Stone, Rosebud Agency, Falls Co., Texas. Mrs. Elise (Butler) Carson, wife of Charles A. Carson, 328 Stone St., Greenville, So. Carolina, the third and youngest niece of Com. O. H. Perry. Mr. William Butler Carson, Sea Board Air Line R. R., Hamlet, No. Carolina. Mr. Thomas P. Perry Carson, Clinton Bank, Clinton, So. Carolina. Mrs. Sylvanus Haile Bowen, Jr., care Mr. C. A. Carson, Greenville, So. Carolina. Mrs. Fred H. Barron, Elkins, W. Virginia. Mrs. Barton Van Ness, 123 W. Lanvale St., Balti more, Md. 32 VI Descendants (Living) of the youngest brother of Com. O. H. Perry, Capt. Nathaniel Perry, U. S. N. (Children of the recently deceased General Alex. Perry, U. S. A.) Capt. John A. Perry, U.S.A. Asheville, No. Carolina. Capt. Alex. Wallace Perry, U.S.A., 2003 I St. , Wash ington, D. C. Mrs. Henry Fairchild Osborn, 850 Madison Ave., N. Y. City. Mrs. Ralph Sanger, New York City. Mr. Alex Perry Osborn. Mr. Henry Fairfield Osborn, Jr. Miss Josephine A. Osborn. Mrs. Junius Spencer Morgan, New York City. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. REC O LI MAR 1 8 195! n b; -8 LD 21-1007n-ll, 49(B7146sl6)476 YC .P4-/V5T UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY